,*&* w & ^A1)^ I i 7 ft -^r-v^-t^i^ Rr^^j^y vrt %*> fjH A JOURNAL O F A VOYAGE FROM LONDON T O Savannah in Georgia, In Two Parts. Part I. From London, to Gibraltar. Part II. From Gibraltar to Savannah. By GEORGE WHITEFIELD, A. B. of Pembroke-College , Oxford. The Sixth Ehition. Z, O iV D O N : Printed by W. Strahan for the AUTHOR, MDCCXLIIT. Mr. WHITE F I E L Us JOURNAL PART I. From London to Gibraltar. My dear Friends, According to your Requeft, I have herewith fent you an Account of what God has done for my Soul fince I left England. — The fole Motive (if my Heart doth not deceive me) which induced me to leave my native Country, was a full Convidion that it was the Di- vine Will 1 mould. What Reafons I can urge for this Per- fuafion, is needlefs to mention, becaufe few in this Cafe would judge impartially ; and what feems a Reafon to me, may not be deemed fo by another. Let it fuffice to inform you, that after earneft Prayer for a Year and a half, that if the Deiigri was not of God, it might come to nought, though ftrongly follicited to act in a contrary Manner, I found myfelf as ea- gerly bent on going abroad as ever. Accordingly, Wedmjday, December 28, 1737, after hav- ing continued imtant in Prayer with my Friends at Mr. 'J. //'s, and afterwards receiving the Holy Sacrament at St. Dun~ Jfan's, beino; recommended to the Grace of God by a great Numbtr of weeping Chriftian Brethren at the Reverend Mr. i/'s, I fet out at Night for Deptford in a Coach, accompa- nied by four Friends, and got there at Ten. Here a Wi- dow- woman gladly received us in her Houfe ; and many of my Friends gave me the meeting, who came on Foot from London, with intent to accompany me to the Ship ; and with th^m I took a little bodily Refrefhment ; fpent two or three Hours in particular Interceffion for our Friends and Enemies, anJ all Mankind ; fung Pfalms and Hvmns and fpiritual Songs, and then betook ourfelves to Reft, and the LORD _ B made 2 Mr. WhitefieldV 'Journal ?nade us to dwell in Safety. [Oh who can exprefs the unfpeal- able yoy of religious Friends ? Thurfday, Dec. 29. Rofe early in the Morn ng, and con- tinued inftant in Interceffion, chanting and Tinging of Pfalms with my Friends till nine, at which our Hearts were much rejoiced. After this we went in queft of our Ship, but find- ing fhe was fallen down to Purfieei, and was not to remove to Grave/end for fome Time, we returned to Deptford praif- ing God, and praying for a Bleffing on our intended Voyage. The LORD perform^ 1 1 our Petitions ! Being returned to Deptford with my Friends, we dined comfortably together, joined in a Pfalm, read the Leflbns for the Day, and concluded with Prayer. Some were then ob- liged to depart for London. After they were gone, I continued with the reft in particular Interceffion for near two Hours, and then God was pleafed to comfort my Heart. If part- ing from a few earthly Friends for a Seafon be fo grievous. How will the Wicked hear to be parted from GOD and good Men for all Eternity ? It happened providentially that a Lecture was to be preach- ed that Evening at Deptford, and feveral importuned me to preach it. At ftrft I was fearful (O me of little Faith) hav- ing no Notes: But afterwards (having got the Content of the Minifrer) I went up, depending on the Promife, Lo I am zvith you always even unto the End of the World ; and was en- abled to preach to a large Congregation without the leaft He- sitation. Did any one ever trujl in the LORD and was for- faken ? What gave me a great Comfort, and made me more thankful, was, that the Opportunity, I believe, was granted in anfwer to Prayer. Friday, Dec. 30. Went with our Baggage and nine or ten Friends in a Gravefend Boat to Purfcet, where the Whit- oker was fallen down. Spent the Time we were on the Wa- ter in fmging Pfalms, and particular Interceffion ; and came en board about Ten in the Morning. 1 fpoke fome few Things to my new Charge, fpent the Remainder of the Day on Shore with my Friends, in Ting- ing Pfalms, Prayer, and exhorting one another to Love and good Works : Returned at Night to our Ship, and lay with my Friend H. upon the Ground in a Matrefs, in the great Cabbin : And God was pleafed to give me a Proof that he was with me in the Ship. Saturday, Dec. 31. Began this Morning to have public Prayers on open Deck, at which the Officer and Soldiers at- tended with Decency and Reverence. After Prayer I en- larged from London to Gibraltar^ 3 larged a little on thofe Words of St. Paul, I am determined to know nothing among you fave JESUS CHRIST and him crucified; told them how my future Conduit would be; made fome Profeffions of my hearty Love and fincere Affeclion for their Souls ; and then difmifTed them, I believe fomewhat moved. Oh, that I may have Grace to acl fuitably to th/is*- Profejfu To-day alfo I began to vifit the Sick, and took that Op- portunity of difcourfing on the Uncertainty of Life, and the Certainty of a future Judgment, to thofe around me ; and God was pleafed not to let my Words fall to the Ground. About Twelve, I went and paid my Friends a Vifit, who were on Shore, and fpent two or three delightful Hours in praifing and bleffing God. Soon after came another Friend with two honeft Men from Grave/end, defiring me in the Name of the Minifter to come and preach to them the following Lord's Day : At firft I was unwilling to leave my own Flock in the Ship, but my Friends Reafonings over-balanced mine, and I went on Board, read public Prayers, vifited the Sick, gave the Soldiers an Exhor- tation (at which the Soldiers were furprifingly affecled) ; and then took Boat with them for Grave/end. My Heart was much enlarged in Interceffion. The Evening was exceeding calm, the Sky clear, and all Things confpired to praife that glorious and lofty One that inhabits Eternity, who Jlretcheth forth the Heavens like a Curtain, and holdeth the Waters in the Hollow of his Hand. About Seven at Night, God brought us fafe to Gravefend y where Mr. H. received both me and my Friends moft cour- teoufly, and loaded us with many Benefits : The good Lord have Mercy on him in that Day. We fpent the Evening very agreeably in Prayer, and Sing- ing, and then betook ourfelves to Sleep, having before ex- horted one another to prepare our Spices and Ointments of Praife and Thankfgiving, and to reft on the approaching Sabbath according to the Commandment. Sunday, January I. Blefled be God for the happy Be- ginning of a new Year ! for it has been a Day of fat Things: We rofe in the Morning, and retired to an adjacent Hill with my Friends to Prayer ; and afterwards were moft agree- ably furprifed with the Coming of feveral more London Friends (whom I love as my own Soul), who came all Night on the Water to fee me. About Ten we went to Church, where I preached ; and the Curate was fo kind, at our Requeft, as to give us the Sacrament. B 2 In 4 Mr, Whitefield'j Journal In the Afternoon I preached again to a more numerous Congregation than in the Morning : And being to flay there but one Lord's Day, I was prefled to preach and read Prayers a third Time, at Six in the Evening. I. was a Thing I found entirely new ; but, upon the Curate's readily com- plying to lend the Pulpit, and my Friends and the People's Importunity, I looked upon it as a Call of Providence, and accordingly read Prayers and preached to a very thronged Auditory ; and this I did without Notes, having brought but two written Sermons with' me. Oh ! ivho can exprefs the lov- ing Kindnefs of the LORD, or Jhew forth all his Praife ? Monday, Jan. 2, 1737-8. Sat up 'till Twelve at Night, to take leave of fome of my Friends, whofe Bufinefs obliged them to be at London the next Morning ; and then, after three or four Hours Reft, rofe and walked to Greenhith with the Remainder of my Friends, intending to take a Boat there, and fo return to my Charge at Purfleet. But juft as we were entring the Boat, providentially came a Boy, telling us, the Whitaker was falling down to Gravefend, and ready to fail, if not actually under fail ; we immediately hafted back from whence we came, and went on our Way rejoicing. About Eleven we reached Gravefend, and happily found the Ship was not to fail 'till the morrow. This put Giadnefs into my Heart, as it gave me an Opportunity of fading fome AfFai;s of Confequence, and converting a little longer with my dear Friends. About Twelve o' Clock I went on board, leaving my Friends to dine on Shore: And as I went along, God was pleafed to fhew me he had given a Blefring to mv Difcourfes ; the People feemed greatly aldimed, and wifhed me heartily a good Vovage, and the ver. Sailors were fuiprizingly affec- tionate. Blf ffe d be GOD for Jetting his Stal to my unworthy Minijlry ! Spent the Remainder of the Da v in fettling Things qii board, vifiting the Sick, teaching the Children, and reading Prayers, and Preaching. All Love, all Glory be to G O D through CHRIST! In the Evening I went on Shore again to my Friends, pray'd, fung Pfalms, and expounded (I think) a Chapter out of the holy Scriptures to them, and was not a little com- forted. Praife the LORD, O my Soul! Tuefday, Jan. 3. Went on board, read Prayers and Preached, vifited the Sick, and then took a final Leave, as I thought, of my Friends. Spent the Afternoon in writing Letters, and putting Things in Order. And (what I efteemed a great Bleffing) though I had been ufed to fo large a Sphere of from London to Gibraltar; $ *f Aflion, yet my Change of Life gave me not the Ieaft Un- eafinefs, but my Heart was refrefhed with Joy unfpeakable, and full of Glory. This Evening began to read Prayers between Decks, judg- ing it would be too cold above. At Night I went, according to Cuftom, on Shore to Gravefend, where I was agreeably furprifed by feeing my Friends. I took leave of them in the Morning once more, the Weather preventing their going to London. Here alfo Mr. C. W. and Mr. W. H. gave me the meeting, with whom we prayed, fung Pfalms, commended one another to God, and parted the next Morning like Chriftian Brethren. IVednefday, Jan. 4. Came on board at Ten in the Morn- ing ; but could not have publick Prayers, becaufe the Sol- diers were engaged with their Officer : But I vifited the Sick, and perceived the Soldiers were attentive to hear me, when I applied m) felf to thofe around the nek Perfons. I alfo diftributed amongft the Sick of my London Friends kind Prefents, to convince them 1 had a Love for, and to gain an Accefs to their Souls. I vifited the Sick, read Prayers, and preached extempore as I conftantly do Morning and Even- ing) and went with Mr. H. in the Evening on Shore to Grave/end, where we interceded for Friends, expounded a a Chapter, and went to Bed, with that Peace of Mind which ■pajfe'h all Under/landing. Oh that the fenfual, carelefs, half Chrijiian could but know the Comforts of Religion ! Thurfday, Jan. 5. This Day God was with me of a Truth: I was refrefhed in Spirit, by hearing from fome London Friends, and receiving fome kind Prefents from Per- fons I could never have thought of; was affifted much in writing Letters ; came on board, read Prayers, and preach'd ; vilited the Sick, and had God with me all Day long: Be- gun to catechife fix or feven of the young Soldiers on open Deck. I was furprifed they would fubmit to it ; but God has the Hearts of all Men in his Hands. Great Civility was fhewn me on board by the Officers ; and Captain TV. fent his Boat to fetch me to Grave/end, whi- ther I went ; having firft vifited the Sick, read Prayers, and preached on Deck. When on Shore, I wrote feveral Letters, expounded a Chapter to a Room full of People. Catechifed the Children of the Houfe, and three of my own Companions, and then went to Bed, full of Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghofl. My Health of Body, I could perceive, increafed, and my Soul was much refrelhed. I now began once more to feel 1 the 6 Mr. Whitefield'; Journal the Comforts of a retired Life, and ble/itd God from my Heart, that he had called me whither I was going. Friday^ 'January 6. About Nine I came on board, read Prayers, and preached between Decks ; and Mr. H. fung a Pfalm, as he generally does. In the mean while, the Ship loofed from Grave/end, and failed by Twelve o' Clock to the Nore. We had a very brisk Gale of Wind. God gave me great Comfort, and I went between Decks, and fate down on the Ground, and read Jrndt's True Chrl- JlianVy: And part of the Time I flood upon Deck, and admired the Wonders of God in the Deep. Three or four were added to-day to my Catechumens, fome of whom I had great Hopes of. Read Prayers, preached upon Deck near the Stern, ^having no Place for Retirement ;) talked to the Sailors on the Fore-Caftle ; wrote my Journal ; and ciimb'd up into my Cabbin to Bed, where my Friend H. and I lay as comfortably as on a Bed of State. Some of the PafTengers, amongft whom was Mr. H. began now to be fick: But I felt very little of it ; on the contrary God enabled me to rejoice with exceeding great Joy ; my Heart was warmed by talking to the Sailors, and I was fo lifted even above myfelf, that I could have watched unto Prayer and Praife all Night. I found that above an Hundred, exclufive of the Ship's Company, were on board : GOD grant that not one of them may pcrijh through my Neglecl. [ Saturday, January 7. Breakfafted with fome of the Gen- tlemen in the Great Cabbin, who were very civil, and let me put in a Word for God. Read publick Prayers, and began to expound the Lord's Prayer to the Soldiers, by way of Sermon, and God enabled me to do it with Power. After that I inftrucled my Cate- chumens, who now amounted to twelve or thirteen. GOD made them Soldiers of Christ as well as of the King. I [ad an Hour's Converfation with a Gentleman on board, on our Fall in Adam, and the Neceflity of our New Birth in Christ Jesus, and hope it was not unpleafant to him. To d :y obtained what I prayed for, viz. a Place to retire into: For Captain IV. on my bare mentioning mv'Want of fuch a thing, offered me the free Ufe of his own Cabbin, a Place very commodious for that Purpofe. Catechifed thofe who went with me on open Deck, for Example to others, and found they improved. Captain IV. the two Cadets, and Serjeants, fat very fcrious and attentive. But when the Captain oi the Soldiers came, my Heart funk a little from London to Gibraltar. y a little (though without any Reafon ; ) however I did not leave off. O Corruption thou art my Sifter ! Read publick Prayers, and finished my Expofition of the Lord's Prayer to the Soldiers, at which they attended very orderly. At Night I and my five Companions went upon Deck, and interceded and fung Pfalms, by which my Heart was much enlarged. The Weather was very cold, and the Wind magnified that God, at whofe Word the ft or my Wind arifeth. Now I fulfilled my Promife to the Lord's People, and while the Winds and Storms were blowing over me, I made earneft Supplications to God for them. The Ship continued at the Nore all this Day ; but I hope we made fome Advances towards Eternity. In the Evening the Wind blew very frefti indeed j and had our Ship been in the Downs, we mould have been in great Danger. How wifely doth GOD provide for us ! Moft Peo- ple began now to be Sea-fick, particularly J. D. one of my Companions, was grievoufly afflicted. Sunday, Jan. 8. My Friend H. and I have great Reafon to be thankful to God ; for we flept as well as we could de- fire, though the Wind blew very hard, and the Sailors were very bufy in taking care of the Ship, which by the Morning had dragged her Anchor two Miles. Went early and vifited the Sea-fick Soldiers and their Fa- milies between Decks, gave them fome Sage- Tea and Sugar, &c. and excited them all to Thankfulnefs and Repentance, out of Gratitude for their Prefervation from the la ft Night's Storm ; and returned publick Thanks at Morning Prayers. Thought much of my dear London Friends ; though ab- fent in Body, was pre fen t in Spirit in facred Ordinance?; and interceded for them and all Mankind moft fervently. Read publick Prayers, and preached twice to the Soldiers ; and read Prayers once in the Great Cabbin to the Officers, at their Requelt, which I liked very well : Catechifed my own Companions, but had not Time to catechife the Soldiers, on account of attending the Sick. To-day being the firft Lord's Day I have fpent this long time in fo private a manner, I could not avoid reflecting on the following Lines : I figh when- e'er my mitfing Thoughts Tbofe happy Days prefent, When 1 with Troops of pious Friends Thy Temple did frequent ; When 8 Mr. Whitefield'j Journal When I advanced with Songs of Praife, My folemn Vows to pay, And ltd the joyful [acred Throng That kept the Fejlal Day. But I confidered it was the Divine Will that placed me here r and therefore I rejoiced. He is unworthy the Name of a Chri- fiian, who is not as willing to hide him/elf when GOD com- mands, as to ail in a publick Capacity. Began now to live a little by Rule, and to examine into the Interiors of thofe that came with me ; which I found a moft ufeful Exercife both for them and me. Continued all this Day at the Nnre, being quite becalmed ; and at Night had a moft comfortable Interceflion for all Friends, &c. Monday, Jan. 9. Mr H. began to learn Latin. Had near twenty Catechumens with my own Companions, who I be- lieve made fome Advances. Weighed from the Nore, and failed before the Wind in company with feveral others, which carried us on fo briskly, that we anchored before Margate about One. Here I en- joyed a wifhed-for Opportunity of writing to fome of my ^London Friends, and found my Heart greatly enlarged to- wards them. After Dinner having fome NecefTaries to buy, Mr. H. and I went on Shore to Margate. .The Wind blew very frefh, and the Sea raged horribly, but He that dwelleth on high was mightier, and kept us from the leaft Fright, and filled me with great Joy, and brought us fafe on Shore. We had the moft abandoned Man with us I ever faw, who came out of an Eajl-India Ship : He had fo much of the Devil in him, that the very Boat- Men, profane as they were, abhorr'd him. From whence I infer, that was the Devil himfelf to appear as he is, the wickedeft Sinners could not but deleft him. This Afternoon I began to feel, the Power of Faith more than ev'er 1 did before, and to find that as the Day, fo will our Strength be. When I went into the Boat the Sea run danguouiiy high ; but I could boldly fay : • God is our Refuge in Dijlrefs, A prcfent Help when Dangers prefs ; In Him undaunted we'll confide, Tho Earth were from her Center tofs'd, And Mountains in the Ocean loft, Torn piecc'intQl by the roaring Tide, About from London to Gibraltar^ 9 About Five we got fafe to Margate, where having received a little bodily Refrefhment, and recommended ourfelves to God in Prayer, we went about the Town to buy the Things we came for. The Generality of the People we met with were civilized and teachable. After we had done our fecular Bufinefs, we paid the Cu- rate a Vifit, the Minifter being at Canterbury : He received us moft courteoufly ; Our Converfation was fuch as tended to the Ufe of Edifying ; it ran chiefly upon the great Impor- tance of the Minifterial Function ; the Neceffity of Preaching up the Doctrine of the New Birth ; and the NecefTity and Benefit of Vifiting from Houfe to Houfe. About Ten we left him, greatly refrefhed in Spirit, and thankful to God for exciting Perfons every where to enter- tain us. On the Morrow I fent him Mr. Law's Serious Call and Chrijlian Perfection, with fome other Books ; and alio a few Catechifms and Sermons to fome other ferious People, whom Providence put in our Way. Now Thanks be to GOD, faith the Apoftle, which always caufeth us to triumph in Chrift, and maketh manifeft the Savour of his Knowledge to us in every Place ! Tuefday, Jan. 10. About Four this Morning, Mr. H. and I arofe, intending to go on board immediately ; but the Wind blewfo very violent, that by the Advice of the Boat-men we deferred going on Board tiil Day-light ; and therefore after we had kneeled on the Shore, and prayed for ourlelves and others, we went back to the Inn ; and took that Opportu- nity of writing to a Friend or two. About Seven we took Boat and praifed and bleffed God to fee the Floods clap their Hands. About Eight we came on board, and found we had great Reafon to be thankful that we were on Shore la ft Night : The Sailors told us that the Lightning (hone on the Sea all Night ; that the Storm was very great, and the Ship's Long-boat was loft. I read publick Prayers, returned publick Thanks for our Deliverance, and expounded by Way of Sermon the Second Article of the Creed, which I began Yefterday. Did the fame after Evening Prayers. Spent the Remainder of the Day in writing Letters ; and have not enjoyed a more calm delightful Frame of Mind a long Time. The Sick encreafed on my Hands, but were very thank- ful for furnifhing them with Sage-tea, Sugar, Broth, &c. At the Sight of fo many Objects of Pity, 1 was fenfibly touched with a fellow-feeling of their Mifehes. I could not hut tranX- C verfe i o Mr. Whitefield'; Journal verfe the Prodigal's Complaint, How many of my Father' Children are ready to perijh with Hunger, whiljl I have e nough and to /pare. Had a molt confiderable Senfe of the Divine Prefence with me in many Particulars: And in the Evening, joined in In- terceffion with my other Companions on Deck, in Behalf of abfent Friends and all Mankind. ,' Wednefday, Jan. 1 1. Weighed from Margate Road, and caft Anchur in the Downs, the Ship failing mo ft, pleafantly before the Wind. Wrote feveral Letters whilft the Ship was under Sail. Had my Spirits mightily refrefhed upon our Ar- rival in the Downs, by hearing from two or three Chriftian Brethren at London; and was delirous to blefs God for a providential Opportunity that was offered of fending a whole packet to them and fome other Fiiends, to acquaint them how lovingly the Lord had dealt with me. O that the Mercies bejlowed on me, may through the Thankfgiving of ma- ny redound to the Glory of GOD. Had no publick Prayers this Morning, being much hurried in writing Letters to go by Poft ; and when I went to read, the Soldiers were engaged in their military Affairs upon Deck, fothat 1 did nothing but viftt the Sick. I fear I did ioolifhly : Father, forgive me for thy dear Son's Sake. Went on in explaining the Creed after Evening Prayers, and was enabled to talk or the Crucifixion of our Lord : I believe it pricked them to the Heart, O that I could hear them cry out, What Jhall we do to be faved f Had the Comfort to hear good was done among the Sol- diers ; and the Captain was pleafed to exprefs his Appioba- tion of my Conduct:. GOD grant I may with a ftngle Eye fcek to pleafe the Captain of my Salvation ! After Evening Prayers and viiiting the Sick, went afhore with Mr H. to Deal; and was fo highly delighted with a ProfpecT: of the Downs, that we expreffed our rhankfulnefa in ringing of Pfalms all the Way. The Boat- men I believe wondered at it at firft ; but they were not afhamed to blaf- pheme, and I thought had no Rcaf >n to be afhamed to praife God. I had the Satisfaction, before we got to Deal, to hear one of them join feriouflv with us ; and perceived a furpriling Alteration in their Behaviour always after, Blefjed be GOD ! About Five we got to Deal, and not knowing a finglePer- fon, went (as at Margate) to pay my Refpecls to the two Minifters of the Place: But finding neither of them at Home, fpent the Remainder of the Evening with my Friend H. very comfortably in religious Talk, Family Prayer, interceding I for from London to Gibraltar. i r for abfent Friends and all Mankind, and writing to Cbriftian Brethren. And etten here. God did not leave my Miniftry without a Witnefs j for he was pleafed to imprefs fomething I faid on a poor Woman's Heart, that providentially came in, and joined with us in Family Prayer ; for which we en- deavoured to thank him. Behold how great a Fire this little Spark kindled before we left Deal ! Thurfday, Jan. 12. Spent moft of the Morning in writ- ing Letters: Went about Eleven on board, and was highly delighted with the Profpecf, on the Downs, which was ex- ceeding calm ; and a great many beautiful Ships which were riding here added to the Profpect. O that Men who occupy their Bujinefs in the great Waters, would (ftnee they cannot but fee) admire GOD's Wonders in the Deep ! Read Prayers and went on explaining the Creed to the Sol- diers ; vifited and prayed with the Sick ; and began this Af- ternoon to explain the Catechifm to the Women by them- felves : I find they are in Number about fixteen ; and blefled be God were much affe&ed. Profper thou, O LORD, this Work of my Hands upon me ! Had fome religious Talk with the Surgeon of the Soldiers, who feems very well difpofed. I feldom (if ever) fee him idle, and find he has many good Qualities. GOD grant Chrijlianity may be grafted in him ! After Evening Prayers and expounding the Creed, went again to Deal with Mr. H. to buy fome NecefTaries for our Companions. Spent the Remainder of the Evening in writ- ing Letters, and reading and praying with eight or nine poor People, who came I fuppofe at the Report of the other poor Woman to hear me. Friday, Jan. 13. Remained all Day on Shore, the Weather being too rough to go on board : Was in Care about leaving my Flock fo long ; but hope this (hort Abfence will make our Meeting more agreeable to-morrow. Had the Pleafure of joining in publick Worfhip at Deal, in a pretty Chapel j which was more agreeable on account of our being confined for fome Time within the narrow Limits of a Ship. Set apart this Day as a Day of Humiliation, Abitinence, and Interceflicn for Friends and all Mankind, and found my Heart greatlv enlarged in that divine Exercife. Inter ccffion is a glorious Means to fwecten the Heart. Spent the Remainder of the Day, and fat up till One in the Morning in writing to Friends. Had two or three added to my Company at Night, who feemed very attentive,, and prayed for me moft heartily. C 2 The 1 2 Mr. Whitefi e l d'j 'journal The Poor receive the Gofpel. I difperfed fome Books among them, as I faw proper : / hope GOD ivill give them his Blefing. Expe&ed Letters to-night from London, but was difap- pointed : GOD enable me in every Thing to give Thanks. Fancied myfelf all this Day in my little Cell at Oxford : For I have not fpent fo many Hours in fweet Retirement fince I left the Univerfity. The Pleafure I felt was inex- preflible. Saturday, Jan. 14. Spent the Morning in writing Let- ters, and was much pleafed with the pious Converfation of a poor Woman, who was one of my Auditors laft Night, and who I believe, has paffed through the Pangs of the New Birth. Hafted on board about Eleven, (the Wind promifing fair) to take us out of the Channel, and was affectionately received by the People. I was greatly delighted to fee all the Ships fail together from the Dozvns. Nature, indeed, would have been glad to have ftaid till the Morrow, that I might have received Letters from my London Friends, but God, I confidered, ordereth all Things for the Good of thofe that love him, and there- fore gave Thanks from my Heart. Examined into the State of my little Ones, (my Friend H's Charge) and had Reafon to hope well of them. Was enlarged in preaching after Prayers to the Soldiers, and fpent two molt pleafant Hours in reading God's holy Word. At Night, though it was piercingly cold, we con- tinued inftant in Interceffion on Deck j and the ProfpecT: of a clear Sky, the Stars glittering, and the Moon mining bright, warmed my Heart, and made me greatly rejoice in Spirit. 1 now began to be more reconciled to a Ship Life ; for God gave me Health of Body, and, without which all is nothing, Content of Mind. Had near an Hour's Converfation with one who, I hope, will become an altogether Chriftian. Ob that that blejfid Time ivould come. Sunday, January 15. God gave me and Mr. H. fweet Sleep. Had near two Hours Retirement in the Captain's Round- Houfe, and was much delighted with hnging Pfalms on Deck with my Companions. Read publick Prayers in the Cabbin this Morning, and was much enlarged in preach- t ing to the Soldiers on this Article, I believe in the Holy Ghoji : In treating of which, I took Occafion to (hew the Nature and NeceHity of the New Birth ; a Subjeft on which I de- light to dwell. Cate- from London to Gibraltar. 13 Catechifed the Soldiers, and, bleffed be God, find fome of them improved. Was enlarged again in my Evening Ser- mon to the Soldiers, and had Prayers a fecond Time in the great Cabbin, which gave me no fmall Satisfaction ; the Of- ficers, bV . willingly complied as foon as I impofed it ; GOD be praifed ! Had great Delight in reading the Holy Scriptures, enjoyed an unfpeakable Peace of Mind, and was much comforted in interceding for Friends, &-c. on Deck. The Weather was cold, and the Wind blew very hard ; but when the Heart is full of God, outward Things affect it little. Surely my Friends in England pray for me ; methinks I feel they do. All the Day the Sea was entirely becalmed ; every thing about us feemed hufhed and quiet, as though it would remind us of that facred Reft the Day was fet apart to commemo- rate. In the Evening the Wind blew very frefh, but being full againft us, we were obliged to fail back to the Downs, (though we had got near fifty Miles) where we arrived about Twelve o' Clock. Monday, January 16. After private Prayer, was moft a- greeably entertained with fome Letters from my London Friends, which filled my Soul with unfpeakable Pleafure, and caufed me to fhed Tears of Joy. If the Correfpondence of good People is fo tranfporting here, O ! how unfpeakably ra- vijhing mujt the perfonal Communion of Saints he hereafter. Haflen, O Lord, that blejfed Time, and let thy Kingdom- come. Was a little affected by feeing a poor Soldier tied Neck and Heels, for feveral mutinous Words he had fpoken. The Cap- tain related the Cafe to me, and faid, if I could make him fenlible of his Crime, I might beg him off. I endeavoured to do it, but alas, in vain ; he continued obftinate, and thereby hindred my Defign taking Effect. After this, the Captain ordered him to be tied down between Decks ; from whence I took Occaiion, in my Morning Sermon, to exhort the Soldiers to obey them that had the Rule over them, and to avoid thofe Sins, that would provoke God to command them to be tied Hand and Foot, and to be caft into outer Darknefs, where would be weeping and gnajking of Teeth. About Twelve, a Deal Boat coming along Side, I was minded to go on -Shore to anfwer my Letters. The Sea was very boifterous, but God brought us to Shore rejoicing. O wherefore did I in the leafi fear ? What am I, when left to myfelf! It 14 Mr. Whitefield'; Journal It being the 16th Day of the Month, Mr. H. and I joined in an Hour's Interceflion and Abftincncc, with all thofe that meet together to bewail their own and the Sins of the Na- tion. About Four, took fome bodily Refrefliments ; and from thence till One in the Morning, continued anfwering jny Correfpondents, having fir it fpread their Letters before the Lord in Prayer, and begged that I might fend them An- fwers of Peace. Tuefday, 'January 17. Was awakened with an Alarm, that the Ship was ready to- fail, but found it foon contra- dicted. Spent an Hour in particular Intercefliorf, and the reft, of the Morning in writing Letters, and teaching Mr. H. Latin. Oh that I may be made an Injlrummi of breeding him up for GOD ! Came on board about Two in the Afternoon, and found all Things quiet in the Ship, was molt kindly received ; and I obferved the Women were very attentive when I proceeded to explain the Catechifm to them. May GOD open their Hearts as he did that of Lydia, that thefe may give diligent Heed to the Things that are fpoken. Was much enlarged in my Evening Difcourfe, and hope the Word entered into their Hearts. Was kindly invited by the Port- Mailer of Deal, to lye at his Houfe. Gained an Opportunity, by walking at Night on Deck, after Inter- ceflion, to talk clofely to the chief Mate, and one of the Ser- jeants of the Regiment, and hope my Words were not alto- gether fpoken in vain. O that all Men would come to the Kno c cvlcdge of the Truth, and be faved ! Wednejday, January 18. Spent ail the Morning in Retire- ment, reading the Scriptures, publick Prayer, and preach- ing ; the Weather being extremely pleafant. Began to live by Rule more than ever ; for nothing I find is to be done without it. Ail that had been fick being reco- vered, came to Prayers, for whom I gave Thanks ; parti- cularly to them : At the End of my Sermon exhorting them with the utmoft Earneitnefs, toy/« no more leaf} a worfe Evil Jhould befal them, and to {hew forth their Thankfuinefs, not only with their Lips, but in their Lives. Q that there may ' be always in thetn fuch a Mind ! Finiii.ul my Expofttion on the Creed. Read publick Prayers, and preached as ufual in the Afternoon. Catechifed both my own Companions and the Soldiers ; and was pleafed to fee many others very attentive to hear. Had great Comfort in reading the Scriptures. Was after- wards from London to Gibraltar. i$ wards a little inclined to Heavinefs, but drove it off by a long Interceflion. Prayer is an Antidote againji every Evil. Upon Examination, had Reafon to hope my Companions grew in Grace ; blejfed be God for it / About Eleven a»t Night went and fat down among the Sail- ors in the Steerage, and reafoned with them about Righteouf- nefs, Temperance, and a "Judgment to come ; at which fome of them aim oft trembled. Thurfday, fan, 19. Was much comforted by hearing from my Friends. Began, after Prayers this Morning, to explain the Catechifm to the Soldiers, and draw proper Infe- rences by way of Sermon : I find it is much approved of, and, for them, by far the fitted Way of Inftruc~uon. Spert the Afternoon in anfwering Correfpondents ; was mu^h aflifted in my Evening Expofition on the Catechifm ; and had great Hopes of two Soldiers becoming Chriftians in- deed. Would to God all the King's Soldiers were fuch ! Was enabled to cornpofe a great Part of a new Sermon this Evening, enlarged in Interceflion, and afterwards mi.ch re- joiced by three more Letters, and fat up till One in the Morning to anfwer them. Whatfoever thou findefl in thy Hand to do, faith the wife Man, do it with all thy Might. We had now fuch a calm and fmooth Sea, that all the People every where exprefFed their Admiration of it. GOD grant that we may in a Calm provide for a Storm, and, like the pri?nitive Chrijlians, when the Churches had Rejl, walk in the Comforts of the Holy Ghojl, and be edified ! Friday, Jan. 20. Rofe with great Peace of Mind, and fpent all the Morning in compofing a Sermon. Happily compofed a Difference between a Soldier and his Wife, who were one of the four Couple I married when firft I came on board : The Man had refolved to leave her, but upon my reminding him of his Marriage Vow, and entreat- ing him with Love, he immediately took to her again. What may not a Minifler do through Chrijl, when his Flock love him ? Almoft finifhed the Sermon I began Yefterday, bUffed be GOD ! Went on in expounding the Catechifm after Evening Prayer ; and now began to read the firft Leffon, which I purpofely omitted before, not knowing they would bear it, and willing to imitate Jacob, who was careful of his little Ones not to overdrive them. Propofed to the Captain to read a few Prayers in the great Cabbin every Night, which he readily confented to, and withal 16 Mr. White fieldV Journal witbal faid, he mould be glad to hear me preach, whenever! fhould think proper. Was furprifed in the midfl of my Evening's Difcourfe by the chief Mate, who came and told me, that the Minifter of Upper Deal had fent a Boat for me, deficing me immedi- ately to come on Shore. Accordingly, after I had concluded, Mr. H. and I went and found the Minifter, which was left to officiate, who defired me, at the Requeft of the Inhabi- tants, to preach the Sunday following. After this, we retired to our Lodging in Deal ; and after a Sermon and long In- terceflion, was unfpeakably comforted by the Reception of feveral Letters from Perfons, who, I believe fincerely fear God. At which my Heart was fo full, that I could not but kneel down, pray, and return Thanks to God for them. Found the Number of my Hearers greatly increafed to- night, and very joyful to fee me once more on Shore. I fate up till One in the Morning, anfwering my Correfpondents, and then lay down, filled with fuch Joy as no Man could take from me, nor a Stranger intermeddle with, Oh that all Aden knew the Comforts of Religion. Saturday, Jan. 21. Spent all the Day in writing Letters, and delightful Converfation with Mr. H. At Night, the Number of my Hearers was fo increafed, that the Stairs were full, as well as my Room. I expounded to them the 25th of St. Matthew, at which they were much affected, and feemed to love and pray for me moft earneft- ly : And I defire to have no greater Portion than the Prayers of the Poor. Sate up till One, writing Letters ; gave Thanks for the Blefling of the Week, and then lay down in Peace, hoping to rife early the next Morning, more fit for my Mailer's Service. Sunday, Jan. 22. About Nine went on board with Capt. W. who is always extremely civil. Vifited the Sick, and read Prayers in the Great Cabbjn. Read Prayers, and preached my Sermon on Early Piety, on open Deck to the Soldiers ; the Officers, and other Gentlemen, attending very ferioufly. The Weather was very cold, but Preaching warmed my Heart. About Noon went on Shore with Capt. TV. and Mr. H. Dined at the Poft-Mafter's, who received us hofpitably. Af- ternoon preached at Upper Deal, on Aels xxviii. 26. Many feemed pricked to the Heart, and fome fo quickened, that they expreffed a Defire to follow me wherever I fhould go. free Grace in JESUS ClfRIST! I have fcarce known a Time from London to Gibraltar." \j $ Time I have preached any where, but I have feen fome EffecT: of my Do&rine. From the Hearts of the Mighty the Word of the LORD hath not turned back, the Sword of the Spirit returned not empty. A Proof this, I hope, that the Words are not my own, but that God is with me of a Truth : May I never , by Pride and Vain Glory, provoke him to depart from me !■ Stayed all Night on Shore, to expound the Lord's Prayer ', and had a large Company to hear me, and mould have had feven Hundred, as my Hoftefs told me, would the Houfe have held them : So fwiftly ran the Word of GOD and pre- vailed. s Was again refrefhed by receiving five Letters : Sat up till pad Ten, to anfwer fome of them ; and then went to Red, with comfortable Reflections of God's unmerited loving Kindnefs to me. Ten thoufand thou/and precious Gifts My pious Thanks employ : Nor is the leaft a thankful Heart That tajles thofe Gifts with Joy. Through all Eternity, to GOD My grateful Song I'll raife But, oh ! Eternity's too Jhort To fet forth all his Praije ! Monday, Jan. 23. Was much comforted by receiving five more Letters ; anfwered fome of them ; and about E- leven in the Morning went on board the Amy, to pay my Refpecls to Colonel C. and to vifit the Soldiers, whom I looked upon as Part of my Charge. I was received very civilly by the Officers ; went among the Soldiers, enquired intu the State of their Souls, gave them a Word or two of Exhor- tation; promifed to bring them fome Books [I faw their Wants] and (at the Officer's Requeft) to come and preach to them, if Opportunity fhould offer, before we left the Downs. After this, I vifited the Lightfoot, our other Tranfport Ship, in which were about twelve Soldiers and a Serjeant : they received me kindly. I fat down and converted with them ; promifed to fend them fome Books, and to come and preach to them alfo, if Providence fhould permit. The Downs being exceeding calm, and the Weather clear, going from Ship to Ship was very pleafant. Mine are but little D Flocks 1 8 Mr. V/hitefieldV 'Journal Flocks, O that it may be my heavenly Father's good Pleafure 1+ give them the Kingdom. About Two went again on board the Amy, to dine with the Officers, being kindly invited by them when I was be- fore on board : They all treated me with great Kindnefs, and in the midft of our Meal was mod agreeably furprifed by the coming of two London Friends, who made a Journey from thence (O unmerited Love) on purpofe to fee me. Dinner being ended, I went and difperfed fome Books a- mong the Soldiers ; took my Leave and haftened on board my own Ship ; read Prayers and preached, and then went on Shore with my Friends, not being a little rejoiced to fee them. January 23. This Night God let me fee greater Things than before, for fo many came to hear me that the poor Landlady that owned the Houfe where I lodged fent to her Tenants, befeeching them to let no more come in for fear the Floor fhould break under them ; and indeed there were fuch Numbers that 1 firft expounded the Creed to about eighty, and then the fecond Leffon to as many more; among whom I obferved there were many of the chief Inhabi- tants. About Eleven they went, and I then rejoiced with my Friends for what God had done for my Soul, eat a little Food, interceded for abfent Friends, and all Mankind, and went to Bed about Two in the Morning. O what Jhall I render unto the LORD for all the Mercies he pours down up- on me ! . Tuefday, "Jan. 24. Spent all the Morning in writing Let- ters, walking, finging of Pfalms, and Interceffion all along the Sea Shore, from whence we had a mod delighful Prof- peel: of the Downs, which afforded me and my Friends moft noble Matter for Praife and Thankfgiving. Met with a little Oppofition to-day; but I fhould have wondered indeed, if fuch an effectual Door had been opened for preaching ChriJ} y and there had been no Adverfaries. Nothing has done more Harm in the ChrifUan Church than thinking the Examples recorded in the Holy Scriptures, were written only to be read and not imitated by us. More People came to hear me to Night than ever, fo that I divided them into two Companies again, and providentially from the fecond Leffon for the Morning, had a glorious Op- portunity for fhewing the ab'folute Unlawfulnefs of running or buying Run Goods, a Sin that doth moft cafily befet the Deal If cople. After f?om London to Gibraltar. ig After Expofiton paid Mr. E. a Vifit, who mofc kindly en- tertained us, ard offered me his Boat to go or corne on Shore when I pleafed, which would fave me much Expence. After we returned frdm his Houfe, we kneeled down on the Sea Shore, and prayed for them that oppofed themfelves j and then went to Bed, bleffing and praifing God. Wednefday, Jan. 25. Went on board in the Morning with my Friends, intending to read Prayers and preach to the Soldiers, but they were engaged about their own Affairs, and I could not ftay long. Had great Civilities (hewed us by the Officers, tsV. who treated my Friends refpe 61 fully, and the Captain, upon my Requefr, pardoned a Woman who otherwife was to have been fent on Shore. After Breakfaft, returned on Shore with my Friends, and read Prayers, and preached at Upper-Deal to a large Congre- gation ; I was furprifed to fee fuch a Number of People ; but all Deal feems to be in a holy Flame, and, was I prepared for it, I mould fee ftill greater Things than thefe. Dined at Mr. ic's, a Grocer in Deal, with my Friends ; we were molt hofpitably entertained, and what was far bet- ter, had an excellent Opportunity given me of difcourfing for a confiderable Time on our Fall in Adam, and the Necef- fity of our New Birth in Jesus Christ. Expounded to two Companies again at Night the Epiftle for the Morning, and the two Leffons for the Evening, as moft fuitable for the Day, and was enabled to do it with Power : More People came to Night than before, fo that they now did actually put a Prop under the Floor of the Room. Was agreeably entertained with more Letters, and tho' the Duty of the Day had a little fatigued me, yet God ftrengthened me to fit up till Three in the Morning, anfwer- ing my Chriftian Correfpondents. They that wait upon the LORD jhall renew their Strength. Thurfday, Jan. 26. I had a Vifit paid me by an Anabap- tift Teacher, who came to difcourfe with me about the Things that belonged to the Kingdom of God. By what I could find he was a Spiritual Man. I asked him feveral Que- ftions about taking the minilterial Function, without being called as was Aaron ; but he did not anfwer me to my Satis- faction : However, we both agreed in this, That urilefs a Man be bom again, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD. I was much comforted by the coming of two more Friends from London, with whom I took fwe'ec Comfort, and could D 2 not io Mr. W h i T e f i e l d'j journal not but fancy myfelf once more at London, Wing furrounded with religious Intimates. How fweet mujl their Advantage be, How great their Pleafure prove. Who live like Brethren, and confent In Offices of Love. 'Tis like refrejhing Dew, which does On Hermon'* Top dijlil, Or like the early Drops that fall On Zion'j fruitful Hill. In the Afternoon I took my Friends on board, read Prayers and preached to the Soldiers ; after this, went on Shore, fung Pfalms with my Friends, and then expounded to the People, who now encreafed fo much, that I was obliged to divide them into three Companies, and God enabled me to continue expounding three Hours without any Intermiffion, or the leaft Wearinefs. Thanks be to GOD for his ftrengthen- ing Grace ! As our Day is, fo /hall our Strength be. Received three more Letters, and fat up till One in the Morning to anfwer fome fent before, and then went to Bed rejoicing and bleffing God for the great Things he had done for me. But withal defirous to fay with the Divine Herbert, Lefs than the leaft of God's Mercies Jhallbe my Motto flill. Friday, Jan. 27. Spent the Beginning of the Morning in writing Letters, then breakfafted with all my Friends at one Mrs. Hs, a Widow Gentlewoman, who kindly invited, and as kindly entertained us. The LORD reward her a thouf and- fold. About Twelve I came on board, being unwilling to be ab- fent from my proper Charge long together. I was received kindly, vifited the Sick, and catechifed the Soldiers, fome of whom anfwered moft aptly, for which I diftributed amongft them all fomething I knew would be agreeable. Oh ! that that I may catch them by a holy Guile ! but that Power be- longeth only unto God. About Two came a Clergyman on board, from a neigh- bouring Village to pay me a Vifit, with whom I fpent an Hour or two agreeably, had Prayers on open Deck, and in- forced the Duty of keeping holy the Sabbath- Day, which then came in Couife to be explained, but was afraid to ftng a Plalm, frwi London to Gibraltar. 1 2 1 Pfalm, Mr. H. being at Deal with Friends. Where was my Courage then ? LORD, what am I when left to my f elf ! At Five refurned afhore with the Clergyman to whom I promifed Tome Books for his Parifhioners. Expounded three Hours to three Companies, as before. Glad Tidings of great Joy fent me by four or five Correfpondents ; fate up till One in the Morning anfwering them, and then went to Bed, and had a feeling Poffeffion of my God. And will GOD in very deed, dwell in this Heart of mine ? O free Grace in CHRIST! Praife the LORD, O my Soul, and all that is within me praife his poly Name ! Spent the Morning mod agreeably in Converfation, Inter- ceffion for all Friends, and all Mankind, walking on the Sea- fhore. Dined with Mrs. St. L. who hofpitably entertained us. Went about Three in the Afternoon intending to go on board, but could not, which gave me a little Uneafinefs, thinking it by no Means right to leave my Flock {o long. At Night I expounded to three Companies more numerous than before. Received Letters, and fat up till One in the Morning anfwering them, and went to fleep in order to fit myfelf for the Duties of the following Sabbath. Sunday, Jan. 2<). Went on board early in the Morning', read Prayers, and preached to the Soldiers, and vifited the Sick ; then returned on Shore, and, accompanied with a Troop of pious Friends, halted to Skroulden Church, about a Mile and half diftant from Deal. Where I preached to a weeping thronged Congregation, at the Requeft of the Mi- nifter, who, at my Defire, gave me and my Friends the Biefled Sacrament. Others ftaid alfo, to the Number of fix- teen : And (which I never obferved before) the Clerk pro- nounced a loud Amen to every Perfon that received either Bread or Wine : An excellent Cuftom, and worthy in my Opinion to be imitated in. all Churches. After this, I and my Friends went on our Way rejoicing, dined comfortably at Mr. R's, and in the Afternoon preached at Upper Deal. The Church was quite crowded, and many went away for Want of Room ; fome flood on the Leads of the Church on the outfide, and looked in at the 7'op-Win- dows, and all feerned eager to hear the Word of God. I preached againft Worldly- Mindednefs, and had great R.eafon to think God gave it his Bleffing. The Weather was exceeding pleafant, and feeing the Peo- ple go in fuch Flocks over the Fields, put me in mind of our Biefled Lord's Words, when he faw the People coming in 52 Mr. W H I T E F I E L D's in Companies from Samaria : The Fields are\white already fa Harveji. I then prayed, that he would be ^leafed to enable me to gather Wheat into his heavenly Garner. ' In the Evening, fuch Numbers came to hear me, that I was obliged to divide them into four Companies ; and God enabled me to expound to them from Six till Ten. Some would have perfwaded me to have difmifled the' laft Com- pany without Expounding, but I could not bear to let fo ma- ny go empty away. And I find the more we do for God, the more we may. My Strength held out furprifingly ; I was but little if at all fatigued ; or if I had, I fhould have been fufficiently recompenfed by fome Letters, which I re- ceived from my dear Friends, which gave me unfpeakable Satisfaction : And after I had perufed them, I took a little Refrefbment, rejoiced and gave Thanks with my Friends for . the Bleffings of the Day, and went to our refpe&ive Beds a- bout Twelve at Night. Oh ! JVho can exprcfs the Loving- kindnefs of the LORD, or jh civ forth all his Praife ? Monday, Jan. 30. At the Requeft of the Inhabitants, and the Leave of Mr. R. (who fent from Canterbury a molt obliging Meflage,) I preached again at Upper-Deal to as crouded and attentive an Audience, as I had Yefterday ; and afterwards I with Mr. H. waited upon the Rev. Mr. JV. who read Prayers, and moil courteoufly invited me to come and fee him. Our Converfation run chiefly on the Expediency of baptifing Infants at Church. I continued with him about an Hour ; and then at his Requeft vifited a poor Woman of the Parifh, who was grievoufly troubled in Mind : And God was pleafed to blefs my Miniftry to her Comfort. To h'un be all the Glory ! So poor, fo frail an Injlrument, If Thou, ?ny GOD, vouchfafe to ufe 9 'Tis Praife enough to be employ d^ Reward enough if thou cxcufe. If thou excufe, then work thy Will, By fo unfit an Injlrument ; It will at once thy Goodnefs fhcw, And prove thy Pow'r Omnipotent. Soon after this we went to Mr. ic's, where our Friends expected us: But we had not been long there, before the Wind ftiifted about on a fudden, and a Cry came, 7 he JFind is fair, prepare yourfelvss for failing. I received the News 1 with from London to Gibraltar. 23 with an humble Joy. But Sorrow, I perceived, filled the Hearts of my dear Friends, who came from London to fee me. We immediately retired, intending to intercede for all Mankind before we parted : But the People were in fuch a Hurry, for fear the Sea mould grow too tempeftuous to go off, that we were obliged to be very brief. Having therefore recommended ourfelves to God, I took my Leave. But Oh, what Affection did the Deal People exprefs to my unworthy Perfon ! for no fooner were they apprized of the Wind being fair, but they came running in Droves afier me to the Sea- Shore, wifhing me good Luck in the Name of the Lord ; and with Tears, and other Expreffions of Kindnefs, praying for my Succefs and fafe Return. I was confounded with a Senfe of God's Mercies to me. The Sea was very boifterous indeed, ?nd the Waves rofe Mountains high : But God was pleafed to give Mr. H. and me an unufual Degree of Faith, and we went on Tinging Pfalms and praifing God, the Water dafhing in our Faces all the Way. Doubtlefs we were in Jeopardy, But wherefore Jhould we fear^ having fo ?nany on Shore praying for us ? About Five we came on board, and were received with Joy : For the Ship was under fail, and the People were afraid I Ihould be left behind. As I was going into the great Cab- bin, I fell down the Steerage Stairs ; but received little or no Hurt. After we had failed for a fhort Time, the Man of War not moving, we caft Anchor again. Mr. H. was fo fick by the Ship's Motion after we came on board, that he was obliged to go to Bed. Tuefday, Jan. 31. Spent the Morning in writing Letters, vifiting the Sick, reading Prayers, and preaching to the Sol- diers. About Twelve was pleafingly furprifed with another Sight of my London Friends, who {laid at Deal all Night, and finding the Ship did not fail, came with fome more Deal Friends to take me on Shore, that I might bid them once more farewel. I was a little unwilling at firft, but by their Importunity and affectionate Intreaties they even compelled me. I accordingly went with them, finging Pfalms, and praifing God all the Way. But I had fcarce been on Shore an Hour before the Man of "War gave a Signal for failing ; and fo we were obliged to ha- ften back on board. The People expreffed much Joy at fee- ing me come to Deal again, and accompanied me to the Sea- Shore as before. The ^4 Mr. Whitefield'; Journal The Weather being fair, we went on board with Plea- sure : The Ship was under fail, but we met with it, and were received affectionately. / h)pe that thefe frequent and jiidden Removes will put me in mind that I have here no con- tinuing City ; and Jiir me up to live fo holily, that was GOD at any time to fay, This Night Jhall thy Soul be required of thee , I might with Pleafure fay, Lo I come I Another Thing I could not but reflect on Yefterday, when I faw Deal all in a Confufion when the Wind fhifted about fo .uddenly, fome crying for one thing, fome another, but all anxious leaft their Ship mould fail without them. Alas ! what Confufion (thought I) will the Inhabitants of the World be in, when in a Moment, in the Tv/inkling of an Eye, they /hall hear the Voice of the Archangel and Trump of GOD, crying aloud, Arifc, ye lead, and come to "judgment ! After 1 was on board, I preached, read Prayers to the Sol- diers, vifited the Sick, wrote fome Letters, and interceded for all Mankind on Deck ; and retired to Bed about Twelve. Our Ship failed briskly for a few Hours j but the Wind fhifting again, was obliged to return back once more, and we cart Anchor in the Downs about Nine at Night. After this, I went chearfully about my minifterial Bufinefs, vifited the Sick, read Prayers, and preached to the Soldiers, anfwered fume Letters I had received in the Morning. Sent fome Books for the Soldiers on board the Lightfoot ; and at Night went on Shore at Deal with Mr. H. where we were moft kindly received, and courteoufly entertained and lodged at Mr. R's: The LORD reward him a thoufand- fold! Did nothing that Night, it being late, fave that I vifited a fick Perfon at her earned Defire and the Minifter's Con- fent, and talked about Half an Hour on the Benefit of Af- flictions. Anfwered two or three Letters I received after I came on Shore ; prayed with fome well-difpofed People that were at Mr. £'s, and about Twelve went to Bed. Thurjday, Feb. 2. Rofe early in the Morning ; went on board in Mr. E\ Boat, intending to read Prayers, and preach to the Soldiers, and then return to Upper-Deal to preach there, being asked to do fo by the Inhabitants and the Mi- ni iter. About Ten o' Clock there fprung up a pleafant fair Gale, which carried us from the Doivns near forty Miles that Day ; during which Time I read Prayers, preached to, and cate- chifed my Soldiers, wrote fome Letters, and had an Oppor- tunity from London to Gibraltar. 2£ tunity of fending them as we failed by Dover ; for which I was defirous to blefs God. Any one muft needs think I fhould have been glad to have heard from Mr. Wefley *, as he went by Deal ; but I confi- dered God ordered all Things for the beft ; and therefore I now joyfully went, but not knowing whither I went ; and doubted not but he that ftrengthened David when he went out againft Goliab, would alfo ftrengthen me againft all my fpiritual Adverfaries, and fend his Holy Ghost to guide, aflift, and comfort me in all Emergencies. The good LORD keep me always thus minded ! Friday, Feb. 3. Let this Day be noted in my Book ; for God wrought for us a wonderful Deliverance ! About Seven in the Morning, the Men upon Deck not keeping a' good look-out, one of the Eajl-India Ships in fhifting to the Wind ran near us fo very briskly, that had not Captain W. provi- dentially been on Deck, and befeeching them for God's fake to tack about, both the Ships muft inevitably have fplit one againft another. They were within four Yards of each other. The Captain faid he never was in fo great Danger in his Life. God fo ordered it, that Mr. H. and I knew nothing of it till it was over: But when I was apprifed of it, I en- deavoured to excite all to Thankfulnefs, and returned pub- lick Thanks at Prayers. Too many feemed to be mfeniibla of the Mercy received. But, Since GOD does thus his wond'rous Love Thro' all our Lives extend, Thofe Lives to him let us devote. And in his Service fpend. Read publick Prayers, and preached to the Soldiers as ufu- al ; explained the Catechifm to the Women, exhorted them, particularly to be obedient to their own Husbands, which they had lately been wanting in: And was pleafed to hear the Cap-r tain, as I came on Deck, remind me of the Motion I made to him fome time ago, about having Prayers daily in the Great Cabbin ; and withal defired that from henceforward I would read Prayers Morning and Evening to them. This I moft readily confented to, it being what I had long delired and prayed for, and what I was juft the.\ about to propafe to him again. Accordingly I went immediately and acquainted the Lieutenant, &c. of the Captain's Denre, and we began this Night to have full publick Prayers, : And at the Requeft of • Ec cam from Georgia to England, juji as Mr, Whitefield left it> £ Captain 26 Mr. Wh itefield'j Journal Captain W. I expounded the fecond Leflbn ; and a glorious Leffon it was. Blejfed be GOD ! for that I hope we jhall now begin to live like Chriflians, and call upon the Name of the LORD daily. The very Thoughts of God's granting me this Petition filled me with Joy. Saturday, Feb. 4. Began to have Prayers in the Great Cabbin in the Morning ; read Prayers and preached twice to the Soldiers as ufual ; and expounded the fecond Leffon in the Evening to the Gentlemen, after Prayers in the Great Cabbin, which from henceforth I intended, God willing, to continue : Unfpeakable I find is, and will be the Benefit of it ; for it gives me an Opportunity of faying many falutary Truths, and affords us Matter for ferious Table-talk after- wards. Was much pleafed to fee our Ship fail directly before the Wind ; was enlarged in Interceffion ; furnifhed three Soldiers wi'h Books, who began to-day to learn to read : GOD enable them not only to read, but to do their Duty ! Mr. H's Scholars increafe : The LORD increafe his Strength I Sunday, Feb. 5. Joined in Spirit with abfent Friends in holy Ordinances ; fpent fome Time moft delightfully in reading the Word of God : Read Prayers, and made fome Obfervations on both the Lefibns in the Great Cabbin ; and then read Prayers and expounded both the Lefibns to the Sol- diers. O that the LORD would open our Vndcrjl an dings ! for they are but a dead Letter without the Illumination of his Holy Spirit f Read Prayers and preached my Sermon on fuflif cation in the Afternoon to the Officers, &c. in the Great Cabbin. Begun to-night to turn the Obfervations made on the Lef- fons in the Morning into catechiftical Queftions, and was pleafed to hear fome of the Soldiers and my Companions make fuch apt Anfwers. I find this an excellent Way of Inftruclion : It makes them bring their Bible, and give dili- gent Heed to the Things that are fpoken : It teaches them the Scriptures practically, and confequently will, by the Di- vine Bleffing, make them wife unto Salvation. Thanh be to GOD for putting this into my Heart ! By his Jjjiflance I intend to continue it. nday, Feb. 6. Had no Prayers in the Morning between Decks ; but read Prayers in the Cabbin, likewife did the lame in the Evening, and expounded the 14th Chapter of St. Matthew, the fecond Leffon, which, containing an Account of St. John's reproving Herod, gave me an Opportunity of 2 telling from London to Gibraltar. 27 telling them, that great Men fhould not be angry if Mini- flers fhould reprove them out of Love j and they feemed to afTent to it. Read Prayers and preached to the Soldiers as ufual ; inter- ceded warmly for abfent Friends and all Mankind ; and went to Bed full of Peace and Joy. Thanks be to GOD for this unfpeakable Gift ! Was pleafed to fee Mr. H. fo active in teaching the Chil- dren. He has now many Scholars : May GOD profper the Works of his Hands upon him ! Had fuch pleafant Sailing, that Captain TV. faid he never knew the like before. What Reafon have I to be thankful ! that my Friends would help me to give Thanks. Tuefday, Feb. 7. Read Prayers and expounded the Leflbns as ufual to the Soldiers, and in the Great Cabbin ; and after Dinner fung Pfalms with Mr. H. and a Gentleman on board, on open Deck. Being now in the Bay of Bifcay, the Ship rocked very much, though there was a great Calm ; But if there is a fixed Principle of Grace, a firm Love of GOD rooted in the Heart ; what avails all outward Motions ? Wednefday, Feb. 8. Had publick Worfhip, and expounded as ufual to both my Congregations. Was pleafed to hear a Gentleman difcourfe for fome Time of the utter Inability of any Thing to make us happy but God. In the Afternoon I preached and read Prayers on open Deck, at the Captain's Defire, who ordered Chairs to be brought, and Boards put acrofs them for the Soldiers to fit upon. My Subject was, the Eternity of Hell Torments ; and 1 was earnefl in delivering of it, being defirous that none of my dear Hearers mould experience them. Praying and Ting- ing Pfalms on open Deck enlarged my Heart. Was enabled to make good part of a Sermon this Even- ing, and lay down to Sleep. GOD grant I may die daily ! Thurfday, Feb. 9. Read Prayers, expounded and catechifed as ufual ; had delightful Sailing, and great Joy in the Holy Ghost, and was very thankful that God called me abroad to fee and admire his Wonders in the Deep. O who can ferve e better Majler than JESUS CHRIST? Friday, Feb. 10. Read Prayers, and according to Cuftom went on in explaining the Catechifm to the Women ; and after Evening Prayer expounded the 49th Pfalm inftead of the Leffon. Had itill greater Reafon to blefs God for bring- ing me to Sea, what fijall I render unto the LORD ? E 2 Saturday^ 28 Mr, W H i T E E I E L d'j Journal Saturday, Feb. II. Catechifed, vifited the Sick, expounded and read Prayers as ufual ; and met with fome Soldiers who could ftng by Note, with whom I propofe to join in Divine Pfalmody every Day. A Pfalm may win him who a Sermon flies t And turn Delight into a Sacrifice. In the Evening gave Thanks for the Bleflings, and exa- mined into the Actions of the pair. Week. // is well I have a Saviour to fatisfy for my Performances as well as my Per- fon, for otherwife how Jhould I Jland before thee, Holy LORD GOD ? GOD be merciful to me a Sinner. Sunday , Feb. 12. Did as ufual, and preached my Sermon on Glorification to the Gentlemen in the Great Cabbin. Oh that GOD tnay make us Partakers of it. Honeft Jofeph my Servant returned Thanks after Morn- ing Prayer for his Recovery from a late fevere Fit of Sick- ntfs. I hope now Christ has touched him by the Right- hand of his healing Power, he will arife and minifter unto him. He tells me he can fay with David, It is good for rae that I have been ajflicled. GOD be praifed ! for fanclified Ajfliclions are Signs of fpecial Love. Monday, Feb. 13. Did as ufual, only infiead of the fecond Leflbn, expounded the 22d Chapter of St. Mattbav, at the Captain's Requeft, who takes all Opportunities to exprefs his Kindnefs to me : May the GOD whom I ferve, fanclify and fave him. Tnefday, Feb. 14. May I never forget this Day's Mercies, Jince the Lord was pleafed to deal fo lovingly with me ! About Twelve at Night a frefh Gale arofe, which increafed fo very much by Four in the Morning, that the Waves raged horribly indeed, and broke in like a River on many of the poor Soldiers, who lay near the Main-hatch Way. Friend //. and I knew nothing of it, but perceived ourfelves reft- lefs, and could not fleep at all ; he complained of a grievous Head-ach. I arofe and called upon God for myfelf and thofe that failed with me, abfent Friends, and all Mankind. Af- ter this I went on Deck ; but furely a more noble awful Sight my Eyes never yet beheld ! for the Waves rofe more than Mountain high ; and fometimes came on the Quarter-Deck. I endeavoured all the while to magnify God, for thus making his Power to be known : And then creeping on my Knees, (for I knew not how to go otherwife) I followed my Friend H. be- from London to Gibraltar. 29 H. between Decks, and fung Pfalms and comforted the poor wet People. After this, I read Prayers in the Great Cabbin ; but we were obliged to fit all the while. Then thinking I fhould be capable of doing nothing, I laid myfelf acrofs the Chair reading ; but God was fo good, fo to amft me by his Spirit, that tho' Things were tumbling, the Ship rocking, and Perfons falling down unable to ftand, and nek about mej yet I never was more chearful in my Life, and was enabled, though in the midft of Company, to finiih a Sermon before I went to Bed, which I had begun a few Days before : So greatly was God's Strength magnified in my Weaknefs \ Praife the LORD, O my Soul, and all that is within me praife his holy Nams ! Tburfday, Feb. lb. Did as ufual in the Ship ; only inftead of catechifing, examined into the Proficiency of my Friend H's Scholars ; gave them proper Encouragement, as I faw they wanted ; and had Hopes fome of them would become living Members of Jesus Christ. Joined with thofe at Night, who fet apart this Day as a Day of Farting and Humiliation, to deprecate the Judgments our national Sins deferve. LORD, hear our Prayers, and let cur Cry come unto thee. Friday, Feb. 17. Read Prayers, expounded the Lefibns, and proceeded on my Explanation of the Catechifm to the Wo- men : Expounded part of the Lord's Prayer, after Evening Prayer, in the Great Cabbin ; nd intend, after this is done, to go on with the Creed and Te;. Commandments. GOD give us all praying, believing, obedient Hearts. Found honeft Mr. D. particularly ufeful to me, I being a little fick by the late making of the Ship, and the Heat and Smell of the People between Decks, who, as yet, have fcarce had Time to recover themfelves fince the Storm. O how foon are thefe frail Tabernacles of ours put out of Order f Happy the Man who ferves GOD in his Health, and has no- thing to do when Sicknefs feizes him, but quietly to lie down and die. Saturday, Feb. 18. Performed the ufual Duty, and fi- nifhed the Lords Prayer. Perceived my bodily Disorders to go off, and was enabled to preach to the Soldiers with more Enlargement than I have been for thefe four Days paft. The Captain obferved me a little difordered, and gave Mr. H. a Cordial for rae: The good Lord note this Favour in his Book. After 30 Mr. W h i t e f i e l d'j Journal After Dinner I grew better and better ; was exceedingly delighted by fitting "on Deck, praifing God for the Pleafant- nefs of the Weather, and reading Archbifhop Cranmer'% Life : Surely he was a righteous Man. The Account of his Fall made my Heart tremble within me. But why Jhouldjl thou be cajl down, O my Soul ? Still trujl in GOD : He that has begun will carry on and finijl) the good Work. Evcnfo, Lord Jesus come quickly. Though the V, eather was exceeding pleafant all the Day, yet it grew more and more pleafant in the Evening, and our Ship failed at the Rate of nine Miles an Hour, and as fteady as though we were fitting on Shore. The Night was exceeding clear, and the Moon and Stars appeared in their greateft Luftre ; fo that not having Patience to flay below, I went upon Deck with Friend H. and praifed God for his wonderful Loving- kindnefs, in fingmg Pfalms, and gave Thanks for the Bleffings, and asked Pardon for the Offences of the Week, and then had a long Interceifion. God grant 1 may learn a Lrjfon from this good Providence of GOD ; and the nearer I cone to my 'Journey's End, the quicker may my Peace be. Jt is worth coming from England, to fee what we have beheld this Day. GOD be praifed for all his Mercies. Sunday, Feb. 19. Slept better to-night than I have a long while : bleffed be the Keeper of Ifrael. Read Prayers in the Great Cabbin ; was enlarged in expounding both the LefTons to the Soldiers ; and had Prayers, and preached one of the Sermons God enabled me to make fince I came on board, on opm Deck in che Afternoon. All the Gentlemen attend- ed, Benches were laid for the People, and the Ship failed fmoothly, and the Weather was finer than I can exprefs ; fo that I know not where I have performed the Service more comfortably. And, indeed, I have been fo delighted thefe two Days with our pleafant failing, and the Promontaries all around us, that I could not avoid thanking God for calling me abroad, and ilirring up all to praife him : Who by his Strength fetteth fajl the Mountains, and is girded about with Power. For thefe two Days our Ship has failed at the Rate of a hundred and fixty Miles in twenty-four Hours, and rode in Triumph direclly before the Wind, and call Anchor about Two in the Morning; till which Time, I fat up on pur- pofe to give Thanks in Gibraltar Haven. Oh that my Friends would therefore praife the LORD for his Goodnefs, and from London to Gibraltar. 3 x and extol him for the wonderful Works he hath done for me, the leafl of the Sons of Men. How Providence will be pleafed to difpofe of me here, I cannot yet know ; but I thought proper to fend you this Ac- count of my fhort Voyage already, to fhew you how God has heard your Prayers, to provoke you to Thankfulnefs, and to encourage you to perfevere in praying on my Behalf. If you obferve (as doubtlefs you may) any thing amifs or impru- dent in my Conduct, I befeech you, by the Mercies of God in Christ Jesus, tell me plainly : For, for that Caufe have I been fo particular : And if you mould happen to fee any Thing commendable or praife-worthy in my Behaviour, Oh, do not think more highly of me than you ought to think ; for I am a Worm, and no Man, and deferve to be the Outcafr. of the People : But give all Glory to my hefl Ma- fler, by whofe free Grace I am what I am. I cannot help tranfcribing the Verfes that follow, as a Con- clufion to what I have now fent you. How are thy Servants blefd, O Lord ! How fure is their Defence ! Eternal Wifdom is their Guard \ Their Help Omnipotence. Think, O my Soul, devoutly think. How with ajfrighted Eyes Thou faw'jl the ivide extended Deep In all its Horrors rife ! Confufion dwelt in ev'ry Face, And Fear in ev'ry Heart ; When Waves on Waves, and Gulph on Gulph, Overcame the Pilot's Art. Yet then from all my Griefs, O Lord ! Thy Mercy fet me free ; WhilJ} in the Confidence of Prayer, My Soul took hold on Thee. For though in dreadful Whirls we hung High on the broken Wave ; / knew thou wert not flow to hear % Nor impotent to fave. The 3 J Mr. Whitefield'j Journal, &c. The Storms were laid, the Wind retir'd, Obedient to thy Will : The Sea, that roar'd at thy Command, At thy Command was Jl ill. In midjl of Dangers, Fears, and Death, Thy Goodnefs I'll adore ; And praife Tine for thy Mercies paji, And humbly hope for more. My Life, if Thou preferv'Jl my Life, Thy Sacrifice /hall he : And Death, if Death /hall be my Doom, Shall join my Soul to Thee. PART [ 33 ] PART II. From Gibraltar to Savan?mh. My dear Friends, THOUGH I know no Reafon why you fhouJd be follicitous about any thing that happens to fuch a dead Dog as I am, yet as your Love (Oh unmerited Kindnefs) abounds exceedingly towards me, I am pofitive you will give Thanks unto our good God for all the Mercies he has conferred upon me ; therefore have fent you as full and particular Account of the Remainder of my Voy- age, as the little Leifure I have had from my minifterial Of- fices would permit me to give. Monday, Feb. 20, 1737. Spent the Morning on board, in. writing Letters to my dear Friends in England, to acquaint them of my fafe Arrival. Went in the Afternoon on Shore to Gibraltar, and was unfpeakablv delighted with the Pro- fpecr. of the Place. My Friend H. and I dined at an Inn, and afterwards went with Capt. TV. and fome other Compa- ny, to view one Side of the Fort, which to us feemed im- pregnable ; and at the Sight of it I could fcarce avoid crying out, Who is fo great a God as our God ? The feeing Perfons of all Nations and Languages gave me great Pleafure : And the Difference of the Value of their Mo- ney and ours, gave me Occafion to reflect on the Stupidity of thofe who place their Happinefs in that which has no in- trinfick Worth in itfelf, but only fo much as we arbitrarily put upon it. Went into a Rom'fo Chapel, wherein were the Reliques of a vail: deal of Pageantry, and feveral Images of the Virgin Mary, drefled up, not like a poor Galilean, but in her Silks and Damasks. Oh (thought I) who hath bewitched this Peo- ple, that they Jhould thus depart from the Simplicity of CHRIST, and go a whoring after their own Inventions ? F Surely, « 4. Mr . W h i T e f i e l d'5 Journal Surely, was the great St. Paul to rife from the Dead, and come and view theRomi/h Church, his Spirits would be ftirred up within him, as it was at Athens, to fee them thus wholly given to Idolatry, Tuefday, Feb. 21. After having read Prayers, and wrote feme more Letters to my Freinds in England, went again to Gibraltar, to pay my Refpecls to Governor S. being told by Capt. M. that he expefted to fee me. The worthy old Gen- tleman, like Sergius Paulus, received me with the utmoft Candor, and gave me a general Invitation to come and dine with him every Day, during my Stay at Gibraltar. I thank'd him for his Kindnefs ; had about a Quarter of an Hour's Converfation with him, and took Leave for that Time. At One o' Clock, I returned to dine with hirn, according to his Appointment ; and was wdl pleafed with the regular Behaviour of the Officers at Table. We had what an Epi- curean would call Cctna Dubia. At three I took my Leave, and walked about with Captain TV. and other Friends, to take a fecond View of the Fort; went on board about Five; read Prayers, and began expounding the Creed in the Cab- bin ; wrote fome more Letters, and went to Bed, very- thankful to God for fending me abroad. Wedncjday, Feb. 22. This Day I intended to flay on board, to write Letters, but God being pleafed to {hew me it was not his Will, 1 went again on Shore, and paid both the Miniiters of Gibraltar a Vilit, who received me very af- fecYionatelv, and offered me the Ufe ot the Pulpit. Oh •what a b'lefed Thing it is for the Clergy to diuell tegcther in Viiity ! At Eleven went to publick Prayers, and was much pleated to fee many Officers and Soldiers attend the (general to Church. Methir.ks Religion looks doubly amiable in a Soldier. After Prayers, dined again with the General, who give me another particular Invitation, as I went out of the Church. He treated me with uncommon Civility, and iLJiicd me to preach the following Sunday. Had an Opportunity of fending a Packet of Letters with my Journal to my clear Friends in England. May the geod LORD give them his Bjeflfag ! Wuu in the Afternoon to vifit a Defetter, who had fent me a Letter, defiling me to intercede for him with the Go- vcrnr ,r, he being apprehenfive lie fhould die for Deleitien ; I intended to anfwer his Requefc but the Governor merciful th.tt he orducd him. to be whip'd only, whi.h I 2 thought from Gibraltar to Savannau. 3 5 thought Punifhment little enough. O Si?:, what Mijchief doji thou make in the World ! In the Evening returned as ufual on board, read Prayers and expounded in the Great Cabbin, buried a Child, made an Exhortation to the Soldiers proper for the Occafion, wrote to fome Friends at Deal; and went to Bed with unufual Thoughts and Convictions that God would do fome great Things at Gibraltar. Oh that I was a pure VejJ'el fit for my Ma/ler's Ufe ! Thurfday, Feb. 23. Continued all this Day on board, did my ufual Duty in the Ship, and put my dear Friend Br's Sermon into the Hands of two Officers at Gibraltar, who came to dine on board with Lieutenant D. They behaved very much like Gentlemen, and feemed pleafed with ferious Conveifation. May the God ivhom I ferve, add the Chrijlian to the Gentleman ! Friday, Feb. 24. Bleffed be God, who this Day hath fiewn me that he hath heard my Prayer, and not taken his Loving- kindnefs from me ! Long before I reached Gibraltar, I prayed that God would open an effectual Door, at the Place whi- ther we were going, 2nd direct me where I fhouid lodge ; and lo this Day he has anfwered me. — About Ten in the Morning comes Capt. M. on board, telling me that one Ma- jor S. (a Perfon I never faw) had provided me a convenient Lodging at one Merchant B's, and defired that I would come on Shore. I looking upon this as a Call from Providence, received it with all Thankfulnefs, and went with Friend H. on Shore, but not without firft praying that God would ai- red us how to behave. About the Middle of the Town Major S. gave us the Meeting, conducted us to our new Lodgings (which were very commodious) and engaged us to dine with him and Cap- tain M. When I fent you zvithout Scrip or Shoe, lacked ye any thing ? and they faid, Nothing, Lord ! About Eleven was introduced by Doctor C. to General C. who was defirous of feeing me. He received me exceeding kindly, and after a little ferious Converfation, we went to the Governor S's, from thence to publick Prayers ; and I was highly pleafed to fee fo many Officers attending on the Generals to Church. Doctor C. told me he had not known Governor S. abfent himfelf from Prayers once thefe feveral Years, except when he was hindered by real Sicknefs. that all others would let their Light fo (bine before Men ! Retired in the Evening to our Lodgings, had -Family- Prayer, wrote fome few religious Letters, and fperit near F 2 Half 36 Mr. W H I T E F I ELD'i JoilMal Half an Hour in ferious Converfation with the People of the Houfe, gave Thanks for the Blemngs of the Day, -and ■was foon convinced that God had fent me that particular Lodging of a Truth. Be careful for nothing, but in every x (even the minutejl) Things make your JVants known unto God. For he cateth for you. Saturday, Feb. 25. About Six this Morning went with Friend H. to the Church to pray with fome devout Soldiers, who I heard ufed to meet there at that Time, and wirh whom my Soul was knit immediately. For all my Delight is in the Saints that are in the Earthy and thofe that excel in Virtue. Af.er we had finished our Devotion, I made an Enquiry into their State, and found that their Society had been fub- fifting about twelve Years, and that one Serjeant B. (a de- vout Soldier indeed) now amongit them, was the firft Be- ginner of it. At firft they told me they ufed to meet in Dens and Mountains, and Caves in the Rocks ; but afterwards upon their applying for Leave to build a little Place to retire in, Doclor C. and Governor 5. gave them the free Ufe of the Church, where they conftantly meet three times in a Day, to pray, read, and fing Pfalms, and at any other Sea- Ion when they pleafe. They have met with Contempt, and are now in Derihon called the New Lights. A glorious Light they are indeed. For I converfed clofely with feveral of them, and they made me quite afhamed of my little Pro- ficiency in the School of Christ. Many have joined with them for a Time, but a fervile Fear of Man, that Bane of Cbrtftianity, made them draw back. However, fome con- tinue fledhift and immoveable, and though defpifed by the World, are no doubt highly favoured of God. Governor S. countenances them much, and has fpoke of them often .to me with Refpecf. Biffed be God y even the Father of our Lord Jefui Chrtft, who hath not left himfelf without IVitnefs in any Place, but hath fome every where; who ferve him, and ivork Rightccufnefs. The Sunday before we came hither, I was telling my Friend H. that I had reafon to think, by what had hap- pened to me, that God had fome Work for me to do at Gi- braltar ; he anfwered, that there could not much Good be expected from among Soldiers. I replied — No doubt God has fome fecret ones in all Places, who tremble at his Word. And lo he hath this Day brought me to them. By this L know thru favour eft me t O Lor dp thou King of Saints. There from Gibraltar to Savannah: 37 There is alfo another Society of the Scotch Church, who in Contempt are called Dark Lanthorns, It has fubfifted about a Year, and is made up of many ferious Chriftians, as I was informed. I did not think it agreeable to vifit them, but I fent them, as well as the other Society, fome proper Books ; had religious Talk with feveral of them, and endea- voured to unite both Societies together. Ob when will that Time come, when all Differences about Externals Jhall be taken away, and we all ivith one Heart, and one Mouth glorify our LORD JESUS CHRIST! About Eight returned to my Lodgings, and after having wrote fome Letters, went on board the Amy to marry a Cou- ple who fent to me Yefterday to come and celebrate their Nuptials. I took that Opportunity of exhorting them all to take heed to the Things that belong to their Peace. Some, I' believe, were affected, but the Generality of them behaved fo carelefs, that I could not but fee a Difference between thofe that have a Minifter and thofe that have not. About Twelve went on board my own Ship, dined, did fome neceffary Bufinefs, read Prayers, gave my Flock a warm Exhortation, and returned about Five on Shore, where I fpent near two Hours with the devout Soldiers in the Church. Many of them converfed moft fpiritually, and feemed well acquainted with the Pangs of the New-birth. May GOD per feci the good Work begun in their Hearts ! O how amiable are thy Servants, O LORD of Hofts ! How would the World admire them did they fee their Beauties! But Satan does now as formerly drefs them in Bears Skins in order to have them baited. Sunday, Feb. 26. Between Five and Six in the Morning went with Mr. H. (which I did all the while I was at Gi- braltar) and fung Pfalms, prayed and expounded the Leffons to the devout Soldiers in the Church, and was much enlarged. Thanks be given unto Thee, O LORD. Intended to go and preach to my People ; was prevented by the Violence of the Wind ; but was pkafed to hear from fome Gibraltar Officers, who dined that Day on board the Whitaker, that fome of my Flock had the Courage to read Prayers and fing Pfalms themfelves, and (as I found after- wards) continued fo to do, during my Abfence from them. Bleffed be GOD ! I hope I Jhall have fome that dare be fm- gularly Good, and will net be kept out by the Prefs. Preached in the Morning at Gibraltar, before fuch a Con- gregation of Officers and Soldiers as I never before faw : The Church, though very large, was quite thronged : And God was 3 8 Mr. WhitefieldV Journal was pleafed to fhevv me, that he had given extraordinary Succefs to my Sermon. O how is the divine Strength magni- fied in my Weakfiefs ! O grant I may like a pure Cryjlal tranf- mit all the Light thou pour eft upon me j and never claim as my oiun zuhat is thy fife Propriety f Dined with Friend H. at Governor S's who fent mofr. kindly to invite us. The Law at his Table was the fame with that of Ahafuerus, " No one was compelled : " And all the Officers behaved in fuch a decent innocent Manner every Time I dined there, that they pleafed me very much. Surely fome Fear of GOD is in that Place f After Evening Prayers (for there is no Sermon in the Af- ternoon) I went and expounded, prayed and fung Pfalms with the Society, and had near thirty Hearers. May the good LORD give it his Blcffing. At Night had fome devout Converfation with my Hoft and Hoftefs, who feemed to love me as their own Son ; prayed for abfent Friends, and went to Bed afhamed I had done fo little for God on a Sabbath-day. But when we cannot do as we ivould, we muft do as we can. Monday, Feb. 27. Went to the Church, and did as ye- fterday ; and was vifited afterwards by two of the Noncon- forming Society, who feemed to be Ifraelites indeed: I ex- horted them to Love and Unity, and not to let a little Dif- ference about a few Externals occafion any Narrow-fpirited- nefs to arife in their Hearts. I advifed them to come and hear me expound in the Church, which they did ; and pro- videntially the LefTon was the fourth of the Ephcfians, from whence I took Occafion to urge on them the Neceffity of loving one another with a Catholick difinterefted Love ; to be of one Heart and one Mind, and to join without Refpedl of Perfons in haftening the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope God gave a Bleffing to what was faid : For I obferved they came conftantly afterwards, and was told there was a perfect Harmony between them. What infinite Mif chief have needlefs Divisions cccafioned in the Chr\ftian World? Divide & tmpera, is the Devil's Motto. Dined and flipped at General C's with Mr. H. and was received mod courteoufly : The LORD reward him in that Day ! The Officer feemed ftudious to oblige me, and to be follicitous for my Stay at Gibraltar : But my Face was fet to go towards Georgia. The LORD direel my going in his IV ay. Tuefday, Feb. 28. Expounded in, the Church as ufua! ; went on board, read Prayers and expounded to my own Flock i from Gibraltar to Savannah. 39 Flock ; dined with Friend H. at Governor S's, who fent to invite us ; and expounded to a large Number of Soldiers, in the Evening at Church. Was asked by Dr. C. in the Name of the Governor, Co- lonel C. to preach every Prayer-day whilft I ftay'd at Gibral- tar, which I promifed to do, and perceived the Word of God to run very fwiftly. Many or the Inhabitants prefled me to flay with them, and were exceeding kind to thoie who were with me, for my fake. Blejfed be GOD, for thus giving me Favour in his People's Sight I LORD, what am I y or what is in me, that Thou Jhouldji thus jo highly honour me ? Grant, O LORD, the more thou exaltejl me, the more I may abafe my/elf, and always be looking to the Rock from ivhence I was hewn ! Converfed with one of the devout Soldiers, who was under ftrong fpiritual Trials ; and God was pleafed to give him Comfort. I find it neceflary more and more every Day, that Minifters fhould be tempted in all Things like unto their Brethren, that they may be able experimentally to fuccour thofe that are tempted. Wednefday, March J. Expounded in the Morning, and was highly pleafed at my Entrance into the Church, to fee feveral Soldiers kneeling in feveral Parts of the Houfe of God at their private Devotions. O happy Gibraltar, that thou hajl fuch a Set of praying Men ! Some 1 hear often come in by Two o' Clock in the Morning, to pour out their Hearts be- fore God. The LORD perform all their Petitions ! Preached, according to my Promife, to a numerous and arTecled Audience of Officers, Soldiers, &c. Dined (at his Invitation) at Governor -S's, and expounded at Night to near 200 People, amongft whom were many of the Officers, and of the honourable Women not a few. O that they may with Meeknefs receive the engrafted Word, and that it may be a Means of faving their Souls ! Thurfday, March 2. Spent Part of the Day in writing Letters. Dined and fupped at Mr. A's, chief Civil Magi- giftrate in Gibraltar, and was entertained with uncommon Love and Affeclion. Expounded twice in the Church, as ufual, and at Night had above three hundred Hearers ; amongft whom were ma- ny Officers, Ladies, and Dr. C. the Minifter of the Church himfelf, who would have had me go up into the Reading Desk, that I might have the greater Command of the Peo- ple j but I declined it that Night. GOD be praifed for fending 40 Mr. Whitefield'; Journal fending me abroad j and profpering the Work of his Hands TFJjen all thy Mercies, my GOD, My rifng Soul furvcys ; Iran/ported with thy Love, Pm loff, In Wonder, Joy and Praife ! Friday, March 3. Still God lets me fee greater Things than before. Oh that my Thanks may increafe proportionally ! This Morning, befides a great Number of the Soldiers, near, if not more than a Dozen of the Town's People came to Church to hear me expound. Afterwards we breakfafted with a Gentlewoman, who fent by Major 5. to invite us, and moft gladly received us into her Houfe. About Ten I preached my Sermon againft Swearing, and made a farewel Application to the Soldiers that were going over to Georgia out of that Garrifon. The Governor had that Morning re- viewed them ; and as I could not be in the fame Ship with them, I defired they might be ordered to come to Church, that I might have an Opportunity of telling them how to behave in that Land which they were going over the Sea to protect. The Colonel and Governor moil readily confented ; there was a moft thronged Audience, and God was pleafed to fet his Seal to my Sermon : Many Officers and Soldiers wept forely, and a vifible Alteration was obferved in the Gar- rifon for fome Days after. O that their Conviclions ?nay end in their Converfion, and that they may bring forth the Fruits of the Spirit ! Bought fome Wine out of the Money which I had col- lected for the Ufe of the fick Poor in Georgia. The Parfo- nage- Houfe ought to be the Poofs Store- Houfe. Had above five hundred to hear me expound this Evening, and went up into the Desk, by the Advice of Dr. C. who now conftantly makes one of my Hearers. After this, we fupped at Mr. Z?'s of the Victualling-Office, and returned home with Joy and great Gladnefs of Heart. Who can ex- prefs the Loving- kindnefs of the LORD, or Jhew forth all his Praife ? Saturday, March 4. Expounded in the Morning ; more Hearers than ever, fome of which wept. Dined and fupped with General C. who fent lair Night to inv'te me and my Friend, and treated us with particular Refpect. Went in the Afternoon to the Jezvijh Synagogue, and was furnriful to fee one of the Head of them come from the far- 1 theft from Gibraltar to Savannah. 4r theft End, and put me in one of their chiefeft Seats : But af- terwards he told me 1 .'had heard my Sermon yefterday againft Sivearing, and thanK J me for it. Not unto me, not unto me 9 LORD, but unto thy Name be all the Thanks and Glory ! 1 continued with them their whole Service, and fpent molt of my Time thc r e m fecret Prayer to God, That the Veil might be taken f ran their Hearts, and that bleffed Time might come when his chofen People foould again be engrafted into their own Olive-tree, and all Ifrael be faved. Vifited an unhappy Man in Prifon, who la ft Night, in a drunken Fit, murdered a Fellow- Soldier. I providentially met him juft as he was apprehended, and laid before him the Terrors of the Lord. At fir ft he feemed unconcerned ; but in a fhort Time he was pricked to the Heart, defired me to come and fee him, and to-day trembled and wept bitterly. Oh Drunkennefs, what Mifthief hajl thou done ? Thy Name is Legion ; for behold a Troop of Sins come along with thee. In the Evening I had near, if not more, than a thoufand Hearers j and 1 took Occahon, from the poor Man's Exam- ple before mentioned, to warn the Soldiery not to be drunk with Wine, wherein is Excefs ; a Sin that moft eafily befets the Men of Gibraltar. May they hear and fear, and fin no more prefumptuoufly. I had a great Hoarfenefs upon me ; but notwithstanding, God enabled me to fpeak with Power. When we are weak, then are we flrong. What Mercies has God Jhewn me this laji Week! Oh that my Friends, when they hear of it, may praife him ! for fureiy GOD has hearkened to their Prayer. Sunday, March 5. After Morning Expofition in the Church, went and faw the Roman Catholicks at their high Mafs ; and {hall only make this Remark : That there needs no other Argument againft Popery, than to fee the Pagean- try, Superftition, and Idolatry of their Worfhip. About Ten went to the Church belonging to the Garri- fon ; preached to a moft thronged Audience, and received, (what my Soul longed after) the Sacrament of Christ's moft blefled Body and Blood : Both the Generals were there, and near fifty more Communicants. The weekly Collection for the Poor was larger than ever was known : And ****** was fo affected, that he wiflied himfelf a defpifed Methodifi. JVe are not fit for GOD to work by, till we are dejpifed by Men, that the Excellency and Power of preaching may be feen to be of GOD only. Dined at Governor 5's, and, at the Requeft of the Inha- bitants and Gentlemen of the Garrifon, preached in the Af- G ternoon. 42 Mr. Whitefield'; Journal tcrnoon. Expounded in the Evening to above a thoufand Hearers, of all Denominations ; Tupped with General C. went home betimes, full of unfpeakable Comfort: I am ne- ver better than when 1 am on the full Stretch for God. GOD grant I may not, like Jehu, drive furiov.fly at firjf, and afterwards fall back ; but, forgetting thofe Things which are behind, may I reach out to thofe Things that are before, and prefs fonvards towards the Mark, for the Prize of my high Calling in CHRIST JESUS ! Methinks I hear my dear Friends fay Gleritly, Amen. And may the great GOD fay fo too. Monday, March 6. Had near, if not more than a hun- dred at Morning Expofuion ; and it being the laft Day of my fojourning at Gibraltar, many came to me weeping, telling me what God had done for their Souls, defiring my Prayers, and promifing me theirs in Return. Others both gave and fent me Tokens of their Love, as Cakes, Figs, Wine, Eggs, and other Neceffaries for my Voyage, and feemed to want Words to exprefs their Affection. The good LORD note their Kindnefs in his Book, and reward them a thoufand fold ! About Twelve, went to the Church, according to Ap- pointment, and made a farewel Exhortation, as God gave me Utterance, to a great Number of weeping Soldiers, W o- men, &c. after which we kneeled down, and having re- commended each other to the Care of God, I left them, went and took my leave of the two Generals ; vifited the confined Prifoncr ; dined at a Gentlewoman's Houfe of the Town ; left near fifty Letters to be fent to England ; and about Four went on board, accompanied to the Sea-fide with near two hundred Soldiers, Women, Officers, &c. who all forrowed at my Departure, and wifhed me good Luck in the Name of the Lord. Surely I may now expect greater Succefs abroad, having fuch an Addition of Interceffors in my Behalf. O LORD, put their Tears into thy Bottle, and let their Cry -come unto Thee. Sampfon's Riddle has been fulfilled at Gibraltar: Out of the Eater came forth Meat ; out of the Strong came forth Swcet7iefs. Who more unlikely to be wrought upon than Soldiers ? And yet, I have not been amongft any Set of Peo- ple, where God has made his Power more to be known. Many that were quite ftark blind, have received their Sight ; many that have fallen back, have repented, and turned unto the Lord again ; many that were afhamed to own Christ openly, have waxen bold ; and roanv that were Saints have M from Gibraltar to Savannah. 43 had their Hearts filled with Joy unfpeakable, and full of Glory. This is the LORD*s Doing, and it is marvellous in cur Eyes : May he give a Bleffing to the Bocks difperfed amongji tbem, and perfeel the good Work begun in their Hearts, till the Day of our Lord yESUS ! May they be my foy and Crown of Rejoicing at the lajl Day ; and may GOD'i Mercies to me in every Place make me more humble, more zealous, more thank- ful, and more jleady to do or fuffer whatever my dear Re- deemer hath allotted for me. Into his Hands I coimncnd my Spirit, as into the Hands of an all powerful Preferver. About Five came on board, and was gladly received by my Flock, whom I hope to love better for being a little ab- fent from them. Interceeded and gave Thanks as ufual at Night on Deck ; and was pleafed that I was again retired from the World. It rained much, but that made us the more fervent. Water us, ,0 LORD, we befeech thee, "with the Dew of thy heavenly Benediclion ! Tuefday, March 7. Went and converfed with, and dif- perfed fome Books among the Soldiers that we took from Gibraltar. Three of them belonged to one of the Societies, and defired, with fome others, to come with me in our Ship. GOD fantlify my Minijlry unto them ! Moft of the reft are of the Scots Church, but feem very willing to conform. What a pity is it, CHRIST s feamlefs Coat Jhould be rent in Pieces on account of Things in themfelves purely indifferent ! At Dinner we were likely to be ftruck againft by the Man of War ; but God had Mercy on us, commanded the Wind to fhift about, and delivered us out of fo great a Danger. Oh that we may Jhew forth our Thankfulnefs, not only with our Lips, but in our Lives ! How ought Creatures to live, who are every Moment liable to be hurried i.way by Death to "Judgment ! This Day we kt fail for Gibraltar. At flrft the Wind was fair, but afterwards blew contrary, which made both me and many others fick. I mould have wondered if God had not fent me a Thorn in the Flefh, after fuch abundant Suc- cefs. May I learn to fuffer, as well as to do, thy Will, O GOD ! Wednefday, March 8. Had a ufeful Conference with one who was an Inftrument, under God, of introducing me at Gibraltar, and who, I truft, will make a devout Centurion. Grant this, Holy Father, for thy dear Son's fake ! Finifhed my Expofition on the Creed in the Great C.bbin, and did. my other Duty in the Ship, as ufual. The Wind blew hard, and God fent abroad his Lightning great Part of G 2 the 44 Mr. W h i T e f i e l d's Journal the Day. J. D. Friend H. and myfelf alfo, were fick ; but not lo as to prevent our Interceflion for abfent Friends. jybatcvlT' hefals me, O GOD, may I never forget their JVcvks and Labour cf Love. As yet, bleffed be God, they are always on my Mind, and I bear them on my Heart whensoever. I go in and out from before the Lord. And nothing does and will fupport me more under all Crolfes, than the Hopes of feeing them grown in Grace when I re- turn to England. O GOD prepare me for Jo great a Blcf- fog ! Gav<: myfelf, as much as my Indifpofition of Body would give me leave, to the Word of God and Prayer ; and was much affected with what is faid of Hezekiah, 1 Chron. xxxii. 25. that becaufe he rendered not again, was not thankful enough for the great Things God had done for him, he was permitted to fall through the Pride of his Heart. Mas ! what Danger am I in of flaring the fame Fate ! O my Friends, cry mightily unto GOD, that no fuch Evil come upon me. Thurfday, March 9. Married a Couple on Deck. I en- deavoured to give them a fuitable Exhortation after the So- lemnity was over, and hope this Couple will call Christ to their Marriage. TV is through a Neglecl of this, that wt have fo few happy Matches. The contrary Wind il ill continuing, my Sca-ficknefs en- creafed ; h that I was obliged to omit reading Prayers to the Soldiers, and go to Bed fooner than ufual. 1 find this Sick- nefs will purge my Body, and hope, through Grace, it will purify my Soul. Every Branch that bearcth Fruit, fays Christ, my Father purgeth. it, that it ?nay bring forth more Fruit. May thai Scripture this Day be fulfilled in my Heart ! Friday, March JO. My bodily Indifpofition ltill increafed ; there was a great Storm without, but, bleffed be God, a Calm within. Sometimes, indeed, my Will would inwardly i i el, which plainly fhevved me what a Diftance I was from God : But I hope, through inward and outward Sufferings, I mall at length be able to (Ay in all Things, Father, not my Will, but thine be done. Did my ufual Duty in the Great Cabbin, and began ex- pounding the Ten Commandments ; interceeded foi Friends on Deck, and went to Bed full of a Senfe of my own Un- worthinefs. Oh that I could always fee myfelf in my proper (Colours ! I believe I mould have little Reafon to fall down and worfhip myfelf. God he merciful to me a Sinner. Saturday, March if. BlelTcd be God, this Morning the Storm began to blow over, and Light broke in upon my Soul, 7, Was from Gibraltar to Savannah. 45 Was enabled to read Prayers and expound both in the Cab- bin and to the Soldiers, with more Vigour than I have fince we left Gibraltar. Had Reafon to think my late Indifpoli- tion had been fancYified to me. Suffering Tunes are a Chr'i- Jlian's bejl improving Times : For they break the Will, wean us from the Creature, prove the Heart ; and by them God teaches his Children, as Gideon by Thorns and Briars taught the Men of Succoth. All the Time of my Indifpofition, my dear Friend H. mourned over mc like a. Dove. Bleffed be God, Familiarity- does not breed Contempt between us, but our Love to each other increafes daily. JESUS CHRIST is the only Rock tubereon alone true Friendfnip can be built. Sunday, March 12. Expounded with more Enlargement than ufual, and gave my People Notice that I intended fpeak- ing to them one by one, to fee what Account they could give of their Faith. / have not ceafed warning every one of you, fays the Apoftle. May I follow his Steps ! Preached the Sermon God enabled me to make in the Storm before we came to Gibraltar, in the Great Cabbin ; and God was pleafed to fet his Seal to it. Had fome clofe Converfation with my Companions about their Interior ; in- terceeded for abfent Friends, and had Reafon to hope my weak Efforts to promote his Glory had not been in vain in the Lor d. May GOD give me a thankful Heart ! Monday, March 13. Blefl'ed be God! this is the mofl comfortable Day I have had fince I came laft on board, flept better than ufual ; was" enabled to compofe freely ; [perceived my Appetite to return,] was enlarged much in Interceffion, and found I had Reafon to give Thanks for my late Indifpo- fition. how gently does ?ny gracious Majler deal with me f Though Sorrow ?nay endure for a Night, yet Jcy cometh in the Morning. LORD, grant I may fpcnd that Health thou haft now rejhrcd to me to thy Honour and Service ! It is good for me that I have been a little chajlifcd ; for who knows but I might otherwife have perifocd by being lifted up above Mea- fure with my lajl Succefs ? LORD, give me Humility, though it be through Sufferings ! So jhall thy Bleffings never prove my Ruin. Thurfday, March 14, Began to put in Execution what I promifed on Sunday, — enquired into the Faith of thofe com- mitted to my Charge ; and though all of them were not fo great Proficients as I could wiih, yet I find they know enough to fave them, if they p.it what they know in Practice ; i'o that r 46 Mr. Whitefield'j Journal that they cannot charge God, if they mifcarry. Oh! that the LORD may give them his Biff; in* Had much of the Prefence of God with me, and felt fuch a fervent Love for my Chriftian Friends, that I feared how I mould behave, was God to call any of them from me. But I trult fufficient for fuch an Hour will be the Strength thereof. Wednefday, March 15. Was much pleafed with my pre- fent Situation, and had Reafon to blefs God for fome further vifible good Effects of my Miniftry. Was highly delighted in feeing Friend H. active in teaching the Lambs of my Flock : He has now gotten a regular School, and the Chil- dren began to-day to come at regular fet Hours : Several alfo of the Soldiers learn to write and read 5 fo that my Friend is like to make an ufeful Man. GOD make him more and more fo every Day ! Thurfday, March 16. Preached this Afternoon my Ser- mon againft Swearing, at which feveral of the Soldiers wept. Bleffed be God ! that Sin is much abated amongft us ; and I think a vifible Alteration may be perceived through the whole Ship. Not unto me, not unto me, O LORD, hut unto thy Name be the Glory ! Was much ftrengthened in my prefent Undertaking, by reading the Story of Ezra, and joined an Interceffion with thofe who fet apart this Day as a Day of Fafting and Prayer for the Sins of the Nation to which we belong. May they prove as effectual as thofe which Mofes put up for the Children of Ifrael ! The Sick incrtafed to-day ; vifited near a Dozen. May I ly this frequent vifiting fick Beds, learn to improve my Time of Health : For, alas, what can be done in Time of Sicknefs ? I find but few that are aolc with any tolerable Patience to fu- ftain their bodily Infirmities : But to have a wounded Spirit at the fame Time, Good GOD, who can bear it ? Friday, March 17. Laft Night God fent us a fair Wind ; and we began to fail moll: pleafantly : I was comforted on every Side, and enabled to interceed fervently for all Man- kind. Oh that the Love of GOD and Man ivas Jhcd abroad in my Heart ! Saturday, March 18. The Weather being exceeding fair, and the Sea calm, I went with Capt. IF. on board the Light- foot, dined with the Gentlemen belonging to the Ship and Colonel C. who came on board to pay them a Vifit : Mar- ried a Couple ; difperfed Bibles, Teflaments, Soldiers Moni- urs, amongft the Men ; exchanged fome Books for fome Cardsj from Gibraltar to Savannah. 47 Cards, which I threw over board; preached a Sermon againft: Drunkennefs, which God enabled me to finifli yefterday ; and returned in the Evening, highly delighted with feeing the Porpoifes roll about the great Deep. O LORD, the Sea is full of thy Riches ! marvellous are thy Works, and that my Soul knoweth right well. O that I may live to praife thee for them ! What Mercies have I received this Week ! they are more in Number than the Hairs of my Head. Oh that my Friends would give Thanks for me ! Sunday, March 19. Went with Capt. W. on board the Amy ; read Prayers and preached to above two hundred and twenty Hearers ; and married a Couple, who did not behave fo well as I could wifh : The Bridegroom laughed feveral Times in the midft of the Solemnity, upon which I fhut up my Prayer-book: But he fhewing his Concern by weeping, I then proceeded, gave him and the Bride a Bible, as the beft Prefent I could make them ; and exhorted all to Holinefs of Life. GOD give them a hearing Ear, and an obedient Heart ! Dined with Colonel C. who treated me with the utmoft Civility, and took care to difpofe of fome Books I brought with me to proper Perfons. About three we returned to the Whitaker, read Prayers and preached my Sermon againft Drunkennefs ; after which Capt M. made a ufeful Speech to the Men, and exhorted them to give heed to the Things that had been fpoken. Re- ligion is likely to go on well, when both the Civil and Ec- clefiaftical Powers are engaged in keeping up the Purity of it. But, LORD, unlefs thou ajfift us, all our Endeavours are but in vain. Vouchsafe then, we befeech thee, to give us thy Blejfing ! Had above an Hour's clofe Converfation with my Compa- nions concerning their Interior ; and walked with Friend H. on Deck till Twelve at Night, admiring God's Wonders in the Deep. Bleffed be GOD for fending us abroad. Monday, March 20. To-day Colonel C. came to dine with us, and in the midft of our Meal we were entertained with a moft agreeable Sight ; it was a Shark about the Length of a Man, which followed our Ship, attended with five little Fifties called the Pilot-fifh, much like a Mackarel, but larger. Thefe I am told always keep the Shark company ; and what is moft furprifing, though the Shark is fo ravenous a Creature, yet let it be never fo hungry, it never touches one of them. Nor are they lei's faithful to him: For if at any Time the Shark is hooked, thefe little Creatures will not for- fak e - 48 Mr. Whitefield'j Journal fake him, but cleave clofe to his Fins, and are often taken up with him. Go to the Pilot-fi(h, thou that forfakejl a Friend in Adverfity, conftder his Ways, and be abafoed. This fimple Sight one would think fufficient to confute any Atheift (if there be fuch a Fool as a fpeculative Atheift) in the World. After Dinner I read Prayers and expounded to my own People ; and then went on board the Amy with Colonel C. who ufed me with uncommon Civility ; married a Couple j and came back to the Whitaker, rejoicing to fee the Works of the Lord, and the Beauty of the great Deep. IVho would but come abroad? Had near two Hours clofe Converfation with a Gentleman, in whom appear many Marks of the New- birth. Surely he will prove a devout Centurion ! How Jhall I be conjlraincd till it be accotnplijhcd ! Tuefday, March 21, Had frem Reafon to be thankful : Captain M. made me a kind Prefent ; the Weather exceed- ingly pleafant ; and what was the greateft Bleffing of all, God's Holy Spirit feemed to be moving on the Faces of fome of the Souls in the Ship. The Weather growing warmer, Friend H. had fome Cloaths hung over to cover his School : His Children come very regularly both to learn and fay their Prayers at Night : Captain IV. takes great Delight in them : Captain M. much encourages the Soldiers to learn to read and write ; fo that we begin to live as regular now as we could wifh to do on Shore. Bleffcd be GOD for thus making his Power to be known 1 Though God gives me fo much Comfort, yet my dear England Friends are feldom out of my Mind ; though abfent in Body, I am prefent with them in Spirit. The Lord direcl my JVay unto ibrm, and grant if ever I return it may be in the Fullnefs'of the Blefling of the" Gofpel of Peace ! Wednefday, March 22. Saw a large Grampus roiling and fpuuting out Water for a long while, at a {hort Diftance from our Ship : It put me in mind of the Behemoth fpoken of by holy Job, and of the Leviathan mentioned by the royal Pfal- milr. O God, ivbo is like unto thee? Thurfday, March 23. This Morning we began to lnvc Prayers at Six o' Clock, and the Drum beat to call the Peo- ple. Mferhinks we grow more and more regular every Day. God be pi\t: Was very fervent in Interceffion for abfent Friends and all Mankind. Ob, hiicrcejjicn is a mojl delightful Exerdfc ! liow does it Jweeicn and purify the Hcarl ! Vifited from Gibraltar to Savannah. 49 Vifited near twelve or fourteen Tick Perfons ; and yet fuch is God's Mercy tome, that though the Place where they lye is much confined, and they catch the Fevtr of one another, yet God keeps me from Infection. The JFay of Duty is the Way of Safety. Now Gap has tent his Visitations abroad a- mongir. us, I hope we fhali learn Rignteoufnefs. Friday, March 24. To-day the Sick ft ill increafed, anjj Freud H. was ready to affift and carry Things to t thing more ufeful than vifl ing Sick beds. Hew are thpfe to be pitied, zvho pkr'pofely Jhun fuch improving Sights ! Had ftill frefh Rcafon to blefs God for the Snccefs of mv Miniltry : Not unto me, not unto me, but unto thy Name, O Lord, be all the Glory ! We begin now to live fo happy on Shipboard, that I believe we fnall part with each o;her with Regret. By ibis may all Men ki:oiu we are Chrijfs Difciples, that ive love one ano- ther ! Sailed an hundred and fifty four Miles the lad twenty four Hours : And was much delighted in feeing many Porpoifes playing about the Ship, one of which Captain W. catcheu, and Part of its Liver we had dreffed for Dinner : It haa a Head much like a Pig, and was about fix Foot long. The Works of the Lord are exceeding great, and to be admired of all them thai have a Delight therein. Churched a Woman who lately was delivered of a dead Child, and afterwards gave her an Exhortation applicable to her Circumftancts. God grant Jhe may apply it to her Heart ! Sunday, March 26. This Day God I trufl magnified his Power in the Converfion of a voung Gentleman on hoard, whom he has been pleafed to vilit with a Fever. H's Con- victions were ftrorig, "and, as far as I cculd find, a the Renovation began in his Heart: The good Lord per fetl it titl the Day of his 1. Now God begins to fhew me wherefore he hath knt me : O that I zvas humble ! that I might be ft for the High and lofty One, who inhabiteih Eter- nity, to work by. Preached a Sermon in the Afternoon, on Luke iii. 14.— And the Soldiers like wife came unto him, and demanded, fay- ing, And what Jiiujl -we do ? And he ft rid unto them, Do i is- Unce to no Man, neither cccufe any falfely, arid be content with your Wages. I made it at the Requeft of Captain M. who fcems in earneft about the great Work of his Salvation : He has read Arndi'i True Chiflianiiy, 2nd is now reading , Law's Cbriftian Perfection ; Books worth the ; r Weight in Qold, and which God has blefled to the Converfion of ma- H ny. 50 Mr. WhitefieldV Journal ny. But tuhat are Books without thy Spirit, O Lord P Do thou blefs them unto him, and they Jh all be bhffed. Exchanged fome bad Books that were on board (which I threw immediately into the Sea) for feme good ones ; blefled be God, all that I have found them with, as yet, have been ready to furrender them up. And I find it by daily Experi- ence more and more, that People who are truly awakened to a Senfe of the Divine Life, cannot bear to read any thing trifling ; but throw away their ufelefs Books, as thofe did the Books of Divination and curious Arts, whofe Converfion we read in the Atls, Chap. v. Monday, March 27. Laft Night God was pleafed to take away a black Boy of Captain PVs after he had been ill of a violent Fever for fome Days. — He was never baptifed, but I had a Commiflion from his Matter, who feemed much af- fected at his Death, to inftruct, and baptife him, if it had pleafed the Moft High that he fhould recover ; but God faw fit to order it otherwife. His holy Will be done. About Ten in the Morning he was wrapt up in a Hammock and thrown into the Sea. 1 could not read the Office over him being un- baptifed, but Captain TV. ordered the Drum to beat, and I exhorted all the Soldiers, Sailor-, &c. as God gave me Ut- terance, to Remember their Creator in the Days of their Youth, and to prepare for that Time, when the Sea JJjould give up its Dead, and all Nations be called together to appear before the Son of Cod. Oh that they may be made wife by it> that they may lay to Heart what has been faid, and pr a die My confder their latter End ! Had our blefled Lord been here, I believe he would have wept to fee what Havock Sin hath made amongft us. Do thou, LORD, teach us fo to number our Days, that we may apply our Hearts unto IVifdom. Tuefday, March 28. This Day Capt. M. began to come at Six in the Morning and join in Prayers on Deck, inftead of having Prayers in the Great Cabbin. Surely our Soldiers will be without Excufe, fince their Captain leads fo good an Example ; bleiied be God, I have no reafon to complain of them, for they come very regularly twice a Day to Prayer, and an Oath feems to be a ft range Thing amongft moll of them. Many Marks of a found Converfion appear in feve- ral on board, and we live in perfect Harmony, and Peace, loving and beloved of one another. Surely, my Friends, your Prayers are heard. Continue xnjlant in them, and yen Jhall fee greater Things than thefe : For Cod delights in the Prcfpe- rlty of his Servants. I Wsdncfday, from Gibraltar to Savannah. 51 Wednefday, March 29. Sailed near an hundred and fixty Miles every twenty-four Hours, for feveral Days, mod de- lightful pleafant Weather ; and had much of God's Prefence amonglt us. Heaven is, dear LORD, where- e'er Thou art. Oh never then from us depart ; For to my Soul 'tis Hell to be But for one Moment void of Thee ! Thurfday, March 30. Had ftill more Proofs of a thorough Converfion being wrought in fome of the Ship. I hope many of us fhall have Reafon to blefs God for coming on board the Whitaker. GOD grant, while I preach to others, I my- felf may not be a Cafl-away. But God is Love, and he will not, if my Eye be fingle, let his Bleflings deftroy me. O let thy Power be exerted in preferving ?ne, even me always, O my Saviour ! Renew thy Likenefs, LORD, in me, Lowly and gentle may I be ; No Charms but thefe to Thee are dear : No Anger may'Jl Thou ever find, No Pride in my unruffled Mind, But Faith and Heaven-bom Peace be there. A patient, a viclorious Mind, A Life that all Things cajl bshind, Springs forth obedient to thy Call ; A Heart that no Defire can move, But Jlill t'adore, and praife, and love, Give me, my LORD, my Life, my All ! Friday, March 31. This being the Crucifixion of our blefTed Lord, I preached a Sermon on the Penitent Thief, and I hope God gave it his Bleffing. We begun Prayers later than ufual, fo that before I had done, Darknefs came upon us, which put me in mind of that Darknefs which o- verwhelmed tne World, when the God of Nature fuffered. Oh that our Hearts may rend like the Rocks, and our Souls arife from the Death of Sin, as the Bodies of thofe did from their Graves who appeared to jnany in the Holy City, ajter our Lord's Refurreclion ! Had a good Inftance of the Benefit of breaking Children's Wills betimes. Lair, Night going between Decks (as I do H 2 every 52 Mr. Wiiitefield's Journal every Night) to vif.t the Sick, and to examine my People, I asked one of the Women to bid her little Boy that iiuod by her, fay his Prayers, fhe anfwered, His elder Sifter would, but fhe could not make him. Up n this, I bid the Child kneel down before me, but he would not. till I took hold of its two feet, and forced it down. I then bid it fay the Lord's Prayer, (being informed by his Mother he could fay it if he would) but he obftinately refufed, till at laft after I had given it feveral Blows, it faid its Prayers as well as could be expecled, and I gave it fome Figs for a Reward. And this flme Child, tho' not above four Years of Age, came to-night on Deck, when the other Children came to fay their Pravers to my Friend H. and burft out into a Flood of Tears, and would not go away till he had faid his too. I mention this as a Proof of the Neceflity of early C Children are ftnfible of it fooner than Parents imagine. And if they would but have Refolution to break their Wills tho- loughly when young, the Work of Converfion would be much eaher, and they would not be fo troubled with perverfe Children when they are old. Saturday, April 1. Wonderful pleafant failing ftill, and what wa; infinitely better, had Reafon to think ftveral went forward in the great Work of their Salvation. Oh tl, t we may be buried with CHRIST in Baptijm, and rife with him to A'ewnefs of Life ! Sunday, April 2. Rofe early this Morning, and joined in Spirit with my dear abfent Friends, who were receiving the Holy Eucharift, 2nd celebrating our BlefTcd Lord'* Refur- re&ion. I find my not being in Prieft's Orders is a great Hindrance to my Miriifiry, which will oblige me to return to 'England as foon aYpofuble. The good LORD prepare me f.r that jecond Impofition of Hands ! Preached a Sermon in the Afternoon, on Phil. ii. 10. That I may know Htm, and the Power of his Refurrefii v. — Oh may al • it in cur Hearts ! for without it, as to us is dead in vain. Jpril 3. ' Had fome farther Convention with the young Gentleman whofe Converfion I mentioned before, and v. ho e is really quickened from Above. He told me he ufed to wonder to hear me talk that all our Thoughts, Words, is, ought to be dedicated unto God, but r. perceived what I faid to be true, "Nature five i