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SfL, ift ^ ^Jt /{V k ■ft ' J^tvyuLi £ ^&*++%*i r JM $c$ 4 fell £->: ^ k »* m* A Short ' ! XPLANATION,! Of the Epis t le of Pav 2. To The Heb&evves. Preacher of Gods Werd> At iRiriN. i Pi 4 Imprinted by Edvv. Raban. gj^ <^f$ERDENE, ^##4 1635, 53 •3* ca TO THE READER, CHRISTIAN READER, Efore the tyme due fomethingof niync did paffc the P r e s s e 3 without ti;y knowledge, or allo- wance, I did not rnynde to come abroad m this Learned Age , where* tn manic, mo:e able Men than I arn ? doe keepe filence ; my Furniture beeing fitter for my prefent Charge, than for more pub* licke Edification, in my judgement j and my E.inploymentes fo ireqoent, as my fparctyme is liule, for farther extent of what the LO^JD Inch bellowed vpon mee. But, fince that ty nae, my juft Feares,from apparent grounds, c- 3 -: that TO THE READER. that numbers of my vS E ^MO H S, which Were rudelic, and popuiariie, delivered, (as fhryfe, or fourc cymes Preaching a-wceke, might yecide) and taken from my Mouth, asicwas poffibleto ovc-cake the current of running (peach ; the judicious Wryter ma- Icing what hee had over-taken, to cohcare, the beft het could $ and Copies going froTT him,to manie, with numbers of Paulres, and stiilltakinges of the Transcribers ; I beeing vnablc to revife, (for ftraytnclfe of cyme) anie thing which was written by them, firft, or lad. My juft Feares, J faye, that theft fhouldcomc to thy Handes, rude and fan!, tie, as they are, mads mee willing rather, when G 4 © fhm!d gnunt nice leafur^ heere-aftcr, to draw vp,in (lior^thepoyn&s of Ooftrine delivered bymeeinthefe S E j£ MOl^S'j thacrhoti mighreft haue a rwen« tie,or thircic of them, or moe, p^ilible, in theboundesand pr^ceof 0neac large. With this pafTage of G ©' S providence, another hath concurred , to draive foorth tills piece vnto thy view in the meane tyme, which is this: When I confidered, howe largelie GOD hath provyded Help s,for vnderftanding of holie Scriptvre, by large Commentaries, ar.d fvveerc Sermons, cfpccialtif TO THE READER: Jlfpemllie from His Church in Engeanbj vvhcre-by incrcafcof Knowledge is given to the Learned, and fuch whofe meaoes co buy, and leafure from their calling to rcade , and vittorie over their ownc layfinefle, for ta« king paynes* doeth concurre with their ca- pacities making vfeof this the 1 ^D*S Liberalitie 5 1 haue often requeued the Fa- thcr of Lightes,To helpe fuch as eyther could nor, or elfe would not, profice themfelucs by that, which is alreadie graunted in His Bountie, by fome fliort, and plaync manner of wryting; vvherc-by the weaker judge- mentes might beefupported,and allExcufe taken away from the wittie Sluggard , and fuch whofe worldlie Employmentes , and great EfFayres, haue fecmed fufficient Reg- ions, to excufe their negligence, and the fmall and naughcie matters of their owne Salva- tion, and the Kingdome of HE AVEH % and Evidences thereof in S C %t f TV^B. And, to this purpofe, I haue beene verie inflant, with the Godlie-Learned of mync acquayntance, to tike this matter in handj and,todivyde,among(l them,thehard parts of SC^If ZV^F, at leaftj that this vvorke might bee done by the handes of manie , which could not bet done by one. I found ^ 4 thoir TO THE READER] iheir approbation of my dcfirei and inch* pablc willingneflfe, to put hand to worke al- ' fo# But , fome of them , for the weyght of their ordinarie Charge, fome of them for age, and infirmitie of bodic,fome of them for their handes full of the L0%p*S worke in another forte, could not adventure to bee ftraytlie ingaged in the worke, Where-tho- row 1 was forced, eyther to forfakemy De- fires, which daylie were kindeled within tree more and more; or eIfe,come foorth with fomc-thing, of this kynde, as might bee ; and fetke amongft my Readers, fome to take this Matter ro heart; and,to doe thcre-in,as the L 2^D (hould enable them, by chcmfelue*? or by others * 1 hauc made cfcoyfcoftfns £$JSTL&, which is a piece of hard Meate, in theeflee- mation both of the AfOsTLE, the Wryter thereof, (Chap. 5, and 6.) and of PETE % 9 giving his judgement of k,(z.PET 4 jM5,i6;) That if I flbouldattayne anie parte of myne intenr, inanie meafure, in fo hard a place, t might encowrage others, to take in hand a morceafie parte of S C lESVS downe-f ending arnongftvs, that ever f he Worlde faw. Jf I rnny by this piece, 1 fay.,bcaan Inilrument^oftirrcvpanietothe to TO THE READER. foueof fcarchingthc SC\lfT^S 9 I hme not loft my Paynes, what-fo-cver (hall be- come of this little Booke: Where- vnto J hauc (olliHed for no Patronage vr.der Heaven, buc thy Chrillf an Good- will to my Ayme,to haue our L 5^3) the mote honoured, in the founds Knowledge, and right vie of His I am confident,th3t thou wilt eafilie judge. With mec, That the prowde, and prophane Defpyfers of GO©, are worthie toperifh, araongft His Enemies : But, confider, and judge againe, If prophane Defpyfers of holie SC%lfTV%E % who difdayne to reade, orobty, what GO© commaundcth therein, bee not to bee ranked in the fame. Roll. For f GO© drawerh fonigh vnto vs in His Word, fpeaking vnto vs,asa king vnto his Subje&s, or a Mailer vnto his Servaontesj that die obt- dience, or difobedience, which wee giueto His Spcaches,refo! veth, dire&h'e, and lmmc- Hjatelie, vpon GO© H / M SELFE. For, whit is it e!fe, to heare, and belicuc, and cb:y GO©; but, To hearc, and belieue, and obey His Speaches ? And , vvhst is it, Not to take notice of GO©, to de r pyfe, anddifobey GOD; but, Not to take notice of His Spcaches,not to reade His Wry tings, and Y®?.THE~ READER'. Slid not to care for anie thing thst Hee com- raaundeth, promifeth^ or rhreatneth t There- fore hath the L X^Z) writrcn the Great thinges of His Lawe vnto vs , even to bee a Touch-Stone, not onelie to trye all mens Do* ftrme thereby, but alfo to trye all mens dif- pofiuan rowardes Htmfelfe; and, howe they ftand affe&zd to His Honour, whether as Foes, or as Friendes. For, What readier Way is there, to get evidence of a man defti- eutcof the Knowledge, Fayth, Ldue, Feare$ and the reft of the partes of the Image of G , for perfe&ing of his happinelie ? VVccniallfin^alfojanfwcrfiblcto GOV'S Purpofc cf crying men by His Scripture, His ' Wifdome, giving a due meeting vnco men,as they doe nuke vie of His Scripture, Doe they not rcadeir.' or, doe they reade,and norcon(i- der it ? Doe they nor weygh, what is impor- ted by it,in fenfc,and meaning? It fareth with rherr,a$ with thofe to whom CtlT\lST faydj Matth. ti. 19. Xo*ieir?,not kps'towgtbe Scrip- tures, voy the powrof God, Doc they notlous it? ikhoicifheir Plague, i.THES^i.io.fi.i U $ecatije they teamed not the hue of the Truetb t that tbey might beja^ed-for this veue f4«/e/ayeth the Tcxr } Godfb all fend than ftrong deltijion; that they P?xi'>d belieue a Lie, that tbey might be damned. Doc they not tfeadtafti'e belieue, what chcy tearnc inScripture? laGv>d's judgemcnt 3 with the Foohni,anne counfels. Buc to iuch as will bee ChrilVs Difciples indeede, Stacknts.feekingtogrow in Knowledge, Bc- Jicfe, and obedience of His Word ; feeking co loue Hirrj,and keepe His Sayings, Hee prom/- f'ech^IoHN 14. 26, ) rofende vnto them/H?? Spirit of Truetb % the Comforter, the bolie Ghoft, to tfacbtbem all things: That is, To perfect their knowledge mote and more, by His Spirit, to fill their hearrs with joye and comfor^accor- ding to His Trueth, and co make them hoIie P more and more. And why are all rhefc ftyles given? Even ro ihow,that fuch as will hane ChriiVs Spirit to worke anic of theie, ir.uft feeke Him ro worke all of thefe > jcynrlie , or not to haue Him for working anie of themat all. Ncyther Com- fort without Truerh , nor Comfort without HolinelTe. The fame is it which Wifdorhc cryerh, Pkov. 3. ^4. jj € 36. { hle(ftdistheman that hearetb Mt\ hatching daylie at My Gates',tyay« ting at the fojis of My ®Q0*es : For, Tebofi findetb }A ee> fwdetb Lyfe ; and (hall obttiyne favour oftb^ lord. But bee lb At fmnetb agaynjl Me> wongetb bis Whc Soule : all that bate Mce> hue Death. * Therefore , howe thota doeft hare Death, and loue thyne owne Souk, howe thou ftan- w TO THE READER, deft affe&ed towardes GOD, and thefel- lowfhip of the C M F %_T E <2(, the ho- lic Sfl i. Pet. 3* 15, 16. 2berefort f tmonglt other reafons, this may lee one, to &ake >; thinly this tpiftle rsujl be it. tor it is without mfon to thinly , that the Churches fhouli bee negligent in hgepingf neb d levell, commended vnto them by the authritie of tw ebiefe Jpofilei j or lofe Pauls Epiflle } and keepe Peters^ vblcb mahjtb mention of it* The fumme of the Epiftlct B Ecaufe the Hebrews were hardlie drawne from the *** obfervation of Levicicall Ordinances, vnto thefim- plicitie of the Gofpell, and in danger of making Apo- flacie from the Chriftian Fayth, by Perfecution, the Apoftle Paul fctteth before their eyes the Glorie of le- fus Chrift, in Kis pcrfon, farre aboue men and Angels; by whofe Minifterie the Law was given , not onelie as God, Chap. 1. butalfoas man, Chap. 2. andinHis Office abouc Mofes , Chap, s # Threading them. A therefore, i H£8^. CHJ-f. U therefore, if they ihould misbelieue Chrifts Do&rine, Chap* 3. 4- and aboue the Leviticall high Pricit, Chap, f. Threatning them agayne.if they ihould make Apoftacie, from Him, Chap. 6. yea, aboue all the glo- rie of the Leviticall Ordinances ; as Hee in whom all thole thinges had their accompli&meht, and period of cxpyring, Chap, 7. 8. 9* 10. Threatning them agayne, if they ihould not perfevere in the Fay th of Ch rift: vnto which perfeverance,through whatsoever difficul- ties , hee encowrageth them, by the example of the Faythfull before them , Chap. 10, 11. and by other grounds of Chriftian comfort, Chap. it. That fo in the fruitfull obedience of the Gofpell, they might fol- low vpon Chrift.Jfeekiog for that Citie that is to come, and not for their earthlie Hierufalem anie more. Chapter 15. The fummt of Chap. I. IF you fliall make comparifon, O Hebrewes, the Mi- nifterie of the Gofpell fhall bee found more glo- rious thantheMinifterieoftheLaw: For, the manner of Gods difpenfing His Will before Chriftcame, was by part and part, andfubje&to His owne addition: not after one fetled manner, but fubjeft to alteration, and by the Minifterieof men, the Prophets , Verf. r„ But now Hee hath declared His laft Will gloriouflie, by His owne Sonne , God and Man in one perfon, Verf 1.3. who is as farrc aboue „ not onliethe Pro- phets, but the Angels alfo, as the natiue Glorie of His Perfon and Office, is aboue theirs, Verf. 4. For He is of the fame Subftance with the Father , Verf. r. and partaker of the fame Worfhip with Him, Verf. 6. -The Angels but ftrvantes to Him, Verf. 7. Hee is eternall GO D, and King over all , Verf. 8. and, in regard of His Manhead and Office, filled with the Spirit, Verf.?. tffffilt. CBdt. h 5 VerC 9. Yea, Hee is Creator. vnchangeable,and ever- lafting . Vcrf. 10. n # 1*. Ioyned with the Father, in the government of the Worlde , Verf 13. The An- gels but fervantes, both to Him, and to His Chil- dren, Verf. 14* The doctrine contained in Chap. I. Verf. 1 . God, who at fundrie ty mes, & in diverfe manners, fpake in tymc pail vn- to the Fathers, by the Prophets* Albeit the Apoftle *** billing, that theft Hebrew fhould under ftand that this Epiflle came »nt$ tbem from kirn, di appeareth Chap, x. ** if 34. yet doetb bee net pre fixe bis name in tbebodie of it % as in all bis other Epiflleii that by the ffudent dealing ofthefefaytbfull Hebrews, Wee may thinks # others vbo kept pre /a- dice agaynjl bis perfon, wight bee dra^neon B to takg n#« the of his Doctrine more impartiallie, and faon bis name 9 after they bad tajledofebe truetb from him t in a fitter tymc. Whence we leatne, 1. That it is lawfull forgodfxe men, todifpofeofthe exprefllon of their names in their Writinges , as they fee it expedient* ». That it is not much to bee inquired, who is the Wri- ter of anie purpofe, till wee haue impartiallie ponde- red the matter written. 3. That it is not alwayes ne- ceflarie, that wee (hould know the name of the Writer of everie part of Scripture : for the authoritie thereof is not from men , but from GOD, the Infpyrer thereof. 1 . Hee fayetb not (implie, The Tropbcts (pahs, faf God fpake to the Fathers J>y the Prophets.] Then, 1 • GOD was the chicfe Do&or of His ownc Church, A > from 4 HEhefote CHRIST tame, G 0© ftakf i» diverfe manners.] Not reVealingbisfVill afferent *nanner$ butfometime by if tut *oyce 9 fometime by yifion.or dreamyOr infpiratiot^or Vrim VTbummimJty [ignesfrom Hea»en,by types y and excrcyfe of (kadoWng Ceremonies. Then, No reafonthe Iewesfliould fticke fofaftto the ordinances of Levi . ( they beeing inflituted in the tyme of the alterable courfes of the Churches pedago- gic) as not to giuc way to the abolifliing of them by the M E S S I A S : Which to fliow, is a part of the /\poiUes mayne fcope. Vnf. 2 . Hath m thcfc laft daycs 5 fpokcn vntovs, by His Sonne- whom He hath appoynted Hcyre of all thinges : by whom alio He made the worlds. HEBR, CHAP.L $ 1 4 Heefayctb, GO J) vboftakf to the Fathers, batb fiojyn to vs.] Then, The fame GOD, who is Au-~ thor of the Olde Teftament, is alfo Author of the Do- #r:ne of the New Teftatnent : and the Church of olde, and now, is taught of the fame GOD ; that the fayth of the Eleft might depende vpon the authorise of GOD onlie, both then and now; and not on men, S. Tbefesre called tbe Ufkdayes*] Then, The fulnefleoftyme is now come: The Law-giver of the Church hath fpoken His laft Will : His Mynde is fullic revealed; fetled courfe for the Fayth . andfcrviceof His Church, is taken -> after which no new alteration of His Constitutions is to bee expefted . j. Heejayeth, GOD ffa^e to tbm by tbe Pro- phets y but batb frozen to Vs by His Sonne. ] Then, i. As the Sonne is aboue the fervants ; fo is CHRIST aboue the Prophets. And no reafon, that the Iewes fhould thinke fo much of Mofes, and the Prophets, as for them,to mifregard C H K I S T S Do&iine , and ih'cke to the Levitical! Service,vnder pretence of eftee- mation of the Prophets. 2. The Glorie of the Gofpel, is greater than the glorie of the Law. 3 . The glorie of the Miniileriall Calling of Preachers of the Gofpell, is by fo much the greater, as it hath the Sonne of GOD Pirft-man in the Roll thereof 5 as firft Preacher, and Prince of Preachers. 4. CHRISTS Sermons are all of them directed vnto vs : and fo much more highlie lhould the Dotfrine of the Gofpell bee efteemed of, by vs. 4. In deferring CH%lST> bte fayetb,tbe Sonno isHeyreofall tbingesi that is, Hee bstb received* ^Domination over all creatures, from tbe Father ; that <4 Het is LOT\p over all,fo is CHRIST.] Then, x. CHRIST is Heyre of all thinges in the Church alfo, LORD of the Sabbath, and of all the Service annexed A j t9 it, 6 HtB%. CHAf.l. to it, to whom it is lawfull to chop and change the Le- viticall Ordinances , at His pleafure . %• And Heyre of all the Prerogatiues and Promifcs , made to the I ewes, or others; through whom onelie, as the righ- teous Owner of all thinges , both lew and Gentile mult feeke and keepe Bight to what they haue, or can clayme : And therefore , it behoved the Hebrewes, to enter themfelues Heyres to their Priviledges by CHRIST, orelfetobeedifinherited. 5. Beefayetb $ GOD, by His Sonne, made the Worlds.] So bee caltctb the World, for tboailttie tftyxMs^fr ages, dnd fleeces of tbt matures >onefucceei ding another* Then > 1 • CHRIST is GOD, Crea- tor of all thinges. 1. Hee is a diftinft perfon from the Father; by whom the Father made all . $ . That which the Father doeth, the Sonne doeth the fame; yet fo, as in order of working, the Father is firft, and the Sonne is next ; working with, and from the Father. yerf.$. Who beeing the Brightnefle of His Glorie, and the exprcfle Image of His Perfon, and vpholding all thinges > by the Word of His Power, when Hec had, by Himfelfe, purged our finnes, fate downe, on the Right Hand of the Majeftie on high ♦ In deferring CH%JST $ beetfttb borrowed fimilU tud$sl for^bat f toper ^or dean bee found^toex- prefftfo great m MjiUric t And, tybat c*» wecon- teiue of Hit Godhead y but by refemblamei Tea, bet yjctb met fimilit *du m one j for it u but little we **» §omeik$ HEtSK. (JHAP. I* 7 mttiue of Him by one: and ^b At we might mifcon- ceiue by too bard frying of one fimilitude , by amtbet u cone tied > and [o out conception helped . i. CH%IST the Sonne, is c ailed the BrightndTc of His Fathers Glorie*] The fimilitude is bomwi from the Sunne beams. Then, i. As the Father is glorious, fo is CHRIST His Sonne glorious, with the fame Glorie. Therefore , i. Cor. i. 8, Hee is called the LORD of Glorie. i. As the beames of light haue their originall from the Sunne, ft> hath CHRIST His originall of the Father , and is vnfeparable from Him : for, as the Sunne was never without its light; fo neyther was the Father ever without the Sonne* buc coeternallie with Him. 3 . As the Sunne is not mani- feiled, but by its owne brightnefle; So the inacceflible light of the Fathers Glorie, is not revealed to the crea- ture , but by the Sonne . z. CHfJST is calledtbeexprcrklm>oftht Fathers Terfon.] The fimilitude is borrowed from 4 Signets imprefion^hicb reprefentetb all the lineaments of the Scale. Then, i.The Father is one perfon* and the Sonne is another perfon of the Godhead, ha- ying His owne proper fubfillence diftindl from the Fa- ther, z . The Sonne refembleth the Father, t ullie, and pcrfe&Iie ; fo that there is no perfection in the Father, but the fame is fubftantiallie in the Sonne : As the Fa- ther is Eternall, Omnipotent, Omniprefent, infinite in Wifedome, Goodnefie, Mercie, Holinefle, and all other Perfedions; So is the Sonne Omnipotent, Eter- nall , and all that the Father is. 3 . Whatfoever Per- fection wee can percciue in CHRIST, fliyning in His Manhead, or Word, or Workes; the fame wee may conclude to bee in the Father alfo; whofe refemblance, and exprefTe Image Hee is. Finde wee CHRIST good and merciful! , loving and pitufull, meekeand A 4 lowlic- 3 &£$%. CHAT. I. lowlie j not abhorring the mod vyle and miferablc. tvhether in foule or bodie, that commeth Ynto Him for reliefe; wee may bee afTured, that fuch a one is the Fa- ther - y and no otherwayes myndcd to fuch as feeke vri- to Him through CHRIST. 3# CHRIST vpholdctbAlltbingStby thcword o» bis So die en the Tut 9 i. Pet, 14. Then, i. Our finnesare a fil- thinefle, that mud bee purged, a. The fatisfaftorie "cleanfing of uur finnes , is not a thing to bee done by jfcens meritorious doinges, or fufferinges; butalreadie and pojftjftd bimftlfe as Man, in tbe felloe [hip of the Jam Glorie , Ttbitb as G V bet bad before tbe tyorldt 1t& 9 Ubn 1 7. 4* /• Then , 1* The Sonne is ;oyned HE BR. CHAP. I 9 is joyned in the fcllowfhip of che feme Gloric with the Father,, as well in his Manhead after his Refurre- flion, as in his Godhead before his Incarnation. For, though the Glorie of C H R I S T S Godhead was hid , for a whyle , by the fufferinges of his Manhead, yet was it not aboliflied, nor in it felfe abated thereby : bur the Manhead firft was aiTumed vnto the vnitie of Perfon with the Godhead, that our Ranfome might bee rich ; and then , to the vnion of the fame Glorie, that the Redeemer , after the Ranfomes paying, might bee altogether glorious . z. Seeing Hee that hath cleanfed our finues , isfo glorious a Perfon, all the meanes of his cleaning vs how bafe foever , fuch as were his Hunger and Thirft, his Povcrtie and Weak- ne/Te , his ihamefull and paynfull Death, fhould bee glorious in ouv eyes alfo. 3. MajeiHe, and Magnifi- cence, and Grandeur, properlie fo called, is the LORDS. The higheil excellencies of the crea- ture , are but fparkes of his Majeflie , and weake re- s femblances onclie, albeit their earthlie glorie often holde mens eyes to , as they forget the LORDS Greatnelle • yerf.%% Becing made fo much better than the Angels, as Hee hath by Inheritance obtayned a more excellent Name than they . I.lLJfr fioftclh Chritf tcbee greater than the An- "* ** &*h> btcaafehu Name u more excellent than theirs. ] For they are filled Angels, and Ue G © S Sonne: Dthich hee u fayde to haueby Inheritance as dne to him;lo:h at Cod by et email generation , and as Manbyajfmftionofour nature in vnitie of one ftr- A 5 fon % fit* io HEBR. CHAP. I. fin 5 according to which hee is not the adopted, but n4- turall Sonne of GOD: Film tut at , non filitu fa- tlua. Then ,GOD giveth not ydle Titles : as GOD calleth thinges, fo they are, or are made to bee. C H R I S T, as G O D , is called GODS Sonne, becaufe by eternall generation hee is fo .- as Man hee is called GODS Sonne , becaufe by af- fumption of the humane nature vnto the perfonall ynion of his Godhead, hee is made fo to bee. i. As farre as Sonnelhip is aboue fervile employment , as farre is CHRIST more excellent than the An- gela Verf.^ For j vnto which of the Angels fayde Hee at anie tyme 5 Thou art My Sonne, this day haue 1 begotten Thee i And agayne 5 I will bee to Him a Fa- ther, and Hee fhall bee to Mee a Sonne. I. T lEepoe\etbbis pynt by Scripture 9 Psal« t. 1 -I 7. i« Sa m . 7. 1 9 # and fatteth them to im- jfrobation of his Dothine by Scripture , if they could* Then , i. In the true Primitiue Church , in matters of Religion, all Authoritie was filent,& Divine Scrip- ture fpake,& determined queftioned points of Trueth. a. The Apoftle counted it Sufficient, to bring Scripture for his Do&rine ; and permitteth do impugning of it, but by Scripture . 2. Onelie of CHRIST fayeth GOD, I haue begotten Thee. ] Then , 1. Howfoevcr, GOD hath manie Sonnes by Creation, by Office, by Grace, and Adoption ; yet, a Sonne by Generation , a natiuc Sonne, hath Hee none , but CHRIST, z. CHRIST is oi HEBR. CHAP. I. XI is of the fame Nature , and Eflence , with the Father, confubftantiall with him j becaufc begotten of him, in himfelfe , without beginning ; the Sonne beeing eter- nalliein the Father, and the Father eternallie in the Sonne , of the felfe-famc Nature, and Godhead. 3. This day haue I begotten Thee. ] Acting tnderftoode of CH R I ST, according to bis Godhead, fignifietb the Fatbits tjmelejfe 9 eternall , fcrpmallie conjlant, and prefent generation of bis Sonne , in bim<* felfe. Seeing Vnderjtoode according to bis State, in bis Manbead, it fignifietbtbe Fathers bringing foortbof tbe Sonne, to tbekpo*!edgeoftbe Worlde , and decla* ring bim to bee tbe Sonne of GOD, vitb paw , by bis %ffurre&ien from the dead, Rom. I. 4* Tbej* flaees, it is true, yvere ftokfn of Da\id and Salomon, as Types of CbriH, typicallie , in a (lender rtfemblance, Psal. 1.7. and i, Sam. 7. 19. fiuttkefiodieof tbe Truth aimed at,(?fignified,vat Cbrifi refembled by them, 4* here Vee fee. W hence wee lcarnc, That typical! ipeaches in Scripture, haue not their perfeft meaning, neyther can bee fullie expounded , nor truclie vnder- itoode, till they bee drawne to Chrift, in whome they haue their accomplishment, and of whom they meane to fpeake, vndcr the name of the Types. And there- fore neyther could the olde Church of the Iewes, nor can wee, get comfort in anie of rhem , till Chrift, in Whome all the Promifcs are Yea and Amen , bee found included in them • Vcrf.6. And agaync, when Hec bringeth in the firft begotten into the worlde, Hee fayet-h , And let all the Angels of COD worfhip Hira . " ^k 1. U*A 12 HEBR. CHAP. I. iTJJEtfyctb*, tbatis,Tbe Father/*;*^, Psal. "** 97-7- Then, The Scripture which elfe- where is called the Speach of the holie Ghoi't , is alfo the Speach of the Father. t. Hec bringeth in bu firft begotten, into the fVorlde.] Then, i. The Father is the Author of Chrift's Incarnation , and of his Kingdoige amongfl Men, and of Divine Glorie given to him, in lus King- dome . 2. Chriftis the Father's firil begotten, botn for the ccernitie of his Perfon , begotten without be- ginning, before the Worlde was; and for the excellen- ce of his Perfon, beeing more glorious than all An- gels, or Men, which get the name of Children, eyther by Creation, or Adoption. 3. The Father coramandethj Let all the /ngeis of G © adore Him. Then, n The Father communicatcth to Chrilt , as his owne Nature and Godhead , by Generation ; fo alfo his owne Glorie, by commanding the creatures to adore him. 2. What the creatures adore, they acknowledge, by adoration, to bee GOD; fo GOD eftecmeth. 3. AndChriit is the Angels GOD, becaufe they mull adore Him. Verfij. And of the Angels Hcc fayeth, Who maketh His Angels Spirits, and HisMinifters, aflame of fire. flitmakgtb bis Angels Spirits t &c» Psal. 104* f) Thsn , x.GOD made not the Angels, to get anie parte of Chrift's rowmein the Churches worfhip* but to ferue Chrif), as lowlie as anie of the meaneil crea- tures. 2, And the Angels, indeedc, are as readieto doe fo, and as fwift and a&iue in their feryice, as the Wind:*, and fire-flaughts. HEBR. CHAP. T* XJ rerf.8. But vnto the Sonne Hee fayeth. Thy Throne, O GOD, is forever and ever: a Scepter of Righteoufneffe, is the Scepter of Thy Kingdome. Verf.g. Thou haft loved RighteoufnefTe, and hated Iniquitie: therefore, GOD, even Thy GOD, hath anoynted Thee 5 with the Oyle of Gladncfle, aboue Thy Fellowes. i.TOJ this fUct, cited out of PsAt* 4^.7. it is ■D trident, thdt the Psalm t 4/, is a Song of the wyttic*ll Marriage of CHRIST and bisCbunb: sndintbisTajfage a number of notable 9>Qttrines y €on* cerning Chritt, arepoyntedat. 1 ♦ Hee is called G OD* and fo is fie to reconcile vs to GOD; able, and all-fuf- ficienr, to accomplifh onr Salvation: aFocke, to leanc vnto. 1. A King enthroned , not onelic over the Worlde; but, in a gracious manner, over the Church, Which hee marricth to himfelfc in this Psaime : and therefore fhall his Church haue Lawcs, and Dire&ion, and Protection, from him. j . Hee hath a Thione for ever and ever : and therefore fiiall his Church, which is his Kingdome . endure for ever and ever. 4. Hee hath a Scepter, to rule with: and therefore, power and authentic , to take order with his Subjc&cs, and with his enemies alfo . s. His Scepter, is a Scepter of Kigh- teoufneiFcj becaufe hee can not abufe his powcr,to doe wrong to anie, but will doe right to all; yea, and lcadc on his Subjefts, to Rightcoufnefle of Fajth, to juflifie them before GOD ; and KightcoufnefTc of Conven- tion, co adorne them before Men. 1. Heelovcifc i 4 HEBR. CHAP. I. t. Uti lover h %igbtcoufnejf0 9 and hxtcth I nijm. tit. ] And therefore , I . His Scepter can not bee fweyed but righteouflie « 2. And 10 muft his fub- je&es fet themfelues to doe, if th«y willpleale him. $. Therefore, Cbritts God bttb dndynteibim^itb the Oyk of GUdnejft, aboue bis fcllowes. Then, 1. As Chrift is God himfclfe, foalfois heeManvn- der God, in regarde of his Manhead and Office there- in. %. And God is his God by Covenant : Chrift, as Man , is confederate with God . 3, And hee hath Feii.owe» in the Covenant : that is. others of man- Jcynde , with whome hee is part-taker of flcili and blood, Fellow- brethren, and Coheyres , Shares-men in all th? Fathers Goods with him/ 4. Hee is anoyn, ted , with the Oyle of Gladnefle j furniflied with the Spirit that bringeth joye vnto him, and all his fubje&s, who get conveyed vnto them , by Chrift , Rightcouf- nefle, and Peace, and joy e in the holic Ghoft. % . Hee is anoynted aboue his fcllowes . The reft of the confe- derate Sayn&esare anoynted alfo; yet, by meafure, recciue they the Spirit. But Chrift is anoynted aboue them ♦ the Spirit is not given to him by meafure \ but to dwell bodilie, or fubftantiallie , that wee of his ful- nefle may all receiue, Grace for Grace. 4« Bec&ufebeeh*ctb1{igkttoi4fne(fe,er£. There- fore bee is anoynted. Then , The rightcoufneflc of Chrift , is the procuring , and meritorious caufe, of this joye to him, and his Subjcftcs , Fellowes in the Covenant . Verf. 10. And Thou, LORD , in the be- ginning t haft layde the Foundation of the Earth : and the Heavens are the Workes of Thyne Handes. Verf. 11. HEBR. CHAP. /. i j Verf. ii. They (hall pcrifli, but Thou re- may neft : and they all fhall waxe olde, as doeth a Garment. Verf. ii. And as a Vefture fhalt Thou Folde them vp, and they fhall bee chan- ged: but Thou art the fame, and Thy Yeares fhall not faylc. f* A titbit Ttjlimonii of CbriB, frm PsAt. A lot. 25* 16. vberein bee is exprejfelit called, i f I E H O V A H f G O D in eflence , the fame GOD with the Father, and the holie Ghoft * yho giveth Beeing to the creatures , and Performance to the Promifes. i. Who layde the Foundation of the Earth , &c. and fo Creator of Heaven and Earth. 3. And, by confequence , who can create in vs a right Spirit, and make vs, of naughtie (inners, Sonnes. 2. They [ball feiifh $ waxe olde , and bee chan- ged . Then , The Heavens and the Earth , nowe fub/e& to corruption, (hall both not continue; and yet they (hall not vtterlie bee abolifhcd * but changed, in- to an incorruptible eftate, for mans caufe, Rom. 8. iz. 3 ♦ Cbtttt remaynetb, and is tbe Jame^ and bis Team fajlenot. Then , i.Chmst iseternaH: and our Mediator can not bee amifllng.can not die. i. Con- stant, and immutable ; and can not change his purpofe of loue . to his called Ones, whatfoever changes be- fall them. And this is the Rocke of the Churches Comfort, vhen dice looketh to her ownc frayltic, and changeablenefle , \ Vtrf. ijc /; 16 HEBR-. CHAP. T. Verf. i j. But to which of the Angels fayd Hec at anie tyme> Sit on My Right Hand , vntill I make Thyne Enemies Thy Foote-ftoole i Pfal.cx. t 4 ~~V0 -»bicb of the Angels faydc bee i ] hri A 4&£lh for Scripture, to fa-ft vhat is due to Jvgels* Then, i. The Scripture muft determine what is due to Angels, and other creatures ; what is to bee thought of them, and done to them alfb. x. And no word in Scripture docrh countenance the giving of the glorie of the Mediator, to anie A ngcll. t. The Father hath [cyde to Cbritt % Sit Thou on *n my tight hand > \ntHll wake thyne enemies thy toM-fioole. ] Then, r. Chrift's Kingdome will not want enemies, i. Yea, his enemies fliall bee Fuch, as there fliall bee necde of divine wifedomc, and po- wer, to overcome them. 3. G O D profeffeth him- felfe Partie, agaynfl all the enemies of ChriiVs Church and Kingdome. 4. G O D will put them at vnder* piece and piece; and altogether at length. T» Their eppofition, and overthrow, fliall fertie to glorifie Chrilfs Kingdome, and Govcrnament : they ihall be£ his Foote-ftoole. 6. In the raeane time of this Battel!, Chrift , in his owne Perfon , (hall continue equall in Glorie, and Majeftie, with the Father j beholding the Vi&orie brought about ; and bringing it about, with the Father, vnto his Souldiours comfort. Vcrf 14. Are they not all miniftringSpL ritSjicrit foorth, to minifter for them who fliall bee Heyres of Salvation i i $ The Angels Hei r. €ha?. 1. ij U pm T^B E Jtngeh art all miniString Spirit* s. ] -*- Then, i. Angels are not bodies ; but their fubftanceisinvifible. 2, They are, allofthem,eve» shefe that are called Arch-Angels, the greateftof them , but fervantes toChrift 5 and none of them mud hauc their Matter's honour: that is, anie reli. gious worfhip of prayer , or invocation , made to them . t. They art fent foortb, for Service , or Mini* firing. ] THEN, Their employment is about God^s Children, toattende vs , and feruevs, at ChrifTs direction ; not tt> bee ferved by vs, by anie devotioa . 3. Christ's Sttbjetts are called Hey res' of Salva- tion.] Thin, i. They are Sonnes. 2. And v/hat they get, is by Heyrfhip , by vertue of their Adoption , and Sonnclhip ; not by merit of their Syorkes. 3 . And they ihall furelie get Salvation , a$ an Herkage * never to bse taken from them . The Summe of Chap. U\ FRom the former Doftrine hee inferreth ,- seeing Chrift is fo glorious , let his Gofpell bee Head- faftlie believed, Verf, i. For if the difobedience of the Law, given by ths Miniftene of Angels, was. punifhed , Verf. 2. Fane more the difobedience o£ the Gofpell, fo gloriouflie confirmed, Verf. 3. 4. For Chrift is greater than the Angels, even as Man* and hath all thinges infubjeftion to him, Verf. jr. As David wkflefTeth, ipcaking of elefted Men, with tt the\* 1 8 He b r. Chap. IL their Head, the Man Chrift , Verf. 6. 7. 8. And, al- beit wee fee not that fubje&ionyet fullie accompli- shed, Verf. 8. Yet it is begun in Chrift's perfonall exaltation. And, for his fliort humiliation, vnder the eftate of Angels, by fuffering, wee mufi not (tumble : For, it is both glorious to himfelfe, and profitable forvs , Verf. 9. For, God's glorie requyred, that our falvation fliould bee wrought by fufFeringes of the Mediator , Verf. 10. And, to this ende hee be- hoved to bee part-taker of our nature , as was fore- tolde, Verf. 11. it. 15. That hee might take on our due punifliment ,• that is, Death, Verf. 14. . And de- liver his owne from the feare thereof, Verf. \f. And herein wee hauc aPriviledge aboue the Angels, in that hee tooke on our nature , and not theirs, Verf. j6. And, by his fufFeringes , a ground of fc much greater Comfort in Him, Verf 17. 18. The Doctrine of Chap. 1 I. Verf. 1. Therefore, wee ought to giue the more earned: heede to'the thinges which wee haue heard 5 left at anie tyme wee fhould let them flip. i* np Herefore,w ought to giue beetle? &c. ] -i- From the Excellence of Cbrift's ferfon } bee Vrgetb the Belie fe of bis Dottrine. Then.i, CHRIST mull bee efleemed of, as becommeth the Excellence of His Perfon. 2. The way howe CHRIST will bee refpe&ed of vs , is by refpe- &'ng His Do&rine. And the Excellence of His Per- fon, ftould H E B R. Ch A P. IL 1& fen, fhould procure our reverend receiving of His Word , and fteadfaft holding of it * 2* Bee will have vs to take beede, left weefhouli let it flip. The word is borrowed from rent and lehing VeffeU % or fandie ground. Then, i. The Go£ pell is a precious Liquor , wotthie to bee well kee- ped. And wce,of our felues,are as rent Vefiels, rea- die to let it flip , when wee haue heard it ; or lyke fandie ground, which keepeth not the rayne. ?. For this wee ought to giue the more earneft beede. ] Then, The Confcience of the worth of CHRIST, and His Gofpell.andof ourowne vnfitnefle to retayne it, fhould fharpen our Vigilan- cie, and Attendance 9 tokeepeit: elfe, wee will doubtleffe let it flip. 4. Bee fayetb not,left ftorttie ; but, left at ante tyme. ] T H e n , It is not fufficient to belieue the Word for a whyle, and for a whyle to remember it : but wee mull gripe it fo , as never to quyfe it by roifrcgarde, or roisbeliefe. For, Faytb, and hue of the Tauethy u the good wcmmetbat fteciallie bee requyretb heere ♦ Verf. 2 , For, if the word fpoken by An J gels, was fteadfaft , and everie tranf- greffion, and difobedrence, received a juft recompence of reward. I. 113 £ e reafoneth from the law fyo\en hy Angeh % Then, The Angels were employecfin gi- vingofthe Law; they did blow the Trumpet 5 they, from GOD, vttered the Woid to Mofes. B x z. Tbt 20 Hebr. Chap. It t. The Tcerdftoksn by them, v>as ftcddfajl.] Then, What GOD delivereth by the Minifies rie of Meflengers , is authorized , and ratified , by GOD, 3. Everie tranfgrefthn teas pnnijhei. Then,. The punifliment of tranfgreflburs of His Law, is a proofe of GOD'S authorizing the Do&rinc. 4. Hcecalletb the funijhment, 4 juft%ecompenfe* ] Then, There is no evill befalleth finners , more than they doe deferue ^ None hath caufe to cera- playne of in;uftice . Vcrfi. How fhall wee efcape, if wee negled fo great Salvation 5 which, at the firft , began to bee fpoken by the LORD, and was confirmed vnto vs, by them that heard Him. I, J-JOw Jhall we efope i ] The Affile /#- nelb bimfelfe wtb them in the Tbte&tmng. Then, So fhould Preachers threaten their peo- ple, as willing to vndcrlye the fame punifliment, ex- cept they flee she finnc , for which they threaten others , t. Bee reafoncth ftom thepumjhnientdfthe Lav breaking, t$j>roue the punifbmentof wijltlieMg the CofpelL Then, }, The not-embracing of the «3ofpell, is a greater finne, than the breach of the taw. The defpyfing of Forgiuenefle, is much worfc $\ov the making of the fault, z. Examples of judge- ment vpon Tranfgreflburs of the Law, are Eviden- ces of greater judgementes to conic on the mifre-' prdca of the Gofpelh H-2 1 fU C H A P 9 I I, il 3, Uee ealletb the Gotyell, (o great a Salva eton 5 bectufe of the free Offir of B^mifion if finnes y *nd et email Lyfe, in it. Then, The greatnefle of the Benefit to bee gotten by the Gof- pell, aggreageth the finne of the mifregardcrs of it. 4. Heejayetb not, If me rejetf,denj/e,orperfem tuts the Gofyell > but, if me negle&# ] Then, The negleft of the Doftrine of the Gofpell, the care- leffe receiving of it, the not-ftudying to know it, is Sufficient to draw downe heavier judgementes, than ever fell on the breakers of the Law; albeit a man bee not an Vnder-rnyner, or open Enemie , to the Go- fpell. S Bee itfajbetb the Gofyell>to lee that VoHrin* tvbicb Ckrifi bimftlfc pre ached, and bis rfpojtles, from bim* Then, Wee are not bound to belieu© anie more for Gofpell , than that which is made clearc vnto vs by H is ApofHes word. And the mi£ regarding of other dc&rine, which is not conveyed fofrom Hin^falleth not vnder the Threatning. 6, HcemarketbtheJpejilcsctrt(iyntie 9 of -$hA tfoybiut delivered \wto Vj, in that tbeywre eare* Vitneffes of bisftotlrw. Then, The morecer- tayntie the Apofiles had from Chrift of their Do- ctrine, the furer is the ground- worke of our Beliefe, ind the greater is the contempt done to Chrift in their Meiiage , by ynbdiefe. Ferf 4. GOD alfo bearing them wit- netfe 3 bo:h with Signcs and Wonders, and with diverfe Miracles, and Giftes of the holieGhoft, according to His 21 Heb r. Chap. II. I. T-lEefajetb, GO© bare wtnejfc to the Apo- files ftoHrine , by Signes and Wonders. Then, i # What the Apoitles hauc fpoken from CHRIST, they (pake not alone , but G O D with them, witneifed with them. 2. The proper vfe of Miracles , and extraordinarie Giftes powred out in the Apoftolicte tymes, was to teftifie, that the Apoftles dodirine was divine Truth.Thofc,then,muft bee lying wonders , which are alleadged for confir- ming anie dodhine befide theirs, X. The distribution of the Giftes of the hdkChJi $ Was according to bis its bead, and Way ting for the day of liberation from Vanitie, and the manifestation of the Sonnes of GOD, Rom. 8. 19. Then, The Kingdome of theMeflias maketh another Worlde, in effect, of thac which was of olde; changing the holding, and na- ture, and vfe, of all thinges, to His Subje&es. For, a man, ere hee come in to Chrilt, is GOD'S cnemie; and to him all thinges in the worlde are enemies, the HofteandSouldiours of his drcadfull Iudge. But, after a man is made Chriit's Subject, they turne all to bee his Friendes, and his Father's Cervantes, wor- king altogether for his good. That is another, and a New Worlde indeede . 1. Hcxt t it ie called the Worlde to come ; be- cauje albeit this cbangebegan with the woify of Grace, before Cbiifi came, yet was it nothing in comparij on of tbe fVotlde to come, \nder the Mefiias. And, that Wbicbis new vnder the Gofyell, islitiieernotbing % w itmparifen ofthafiGloriout Change of the nature and Vfe of all tbmges^nto CbrijVs tiubjettes } wbicbisto bee repealed at bislafi comming. Thun, What- foever thing wee haue hitherto found to our good, fmce wee knew Chrift, it is but little townatihall bee : our Worlde is but to come, I. Cor. is . iy, 3. J he Worlde is put in fubjetfionto Cbrift,tbat bee maydityofeofit at bis f leaf are. The n, Chrift is twyfe Soveraygne LORD of the Worlde: once, as Creator j agayne, as Mediator, in his Manhead, to make all the creatures in Heaven and Earth ferue, niil they, will they, to farther the worke of full Re- ft 4 demotion, ckmption , which Kfce hath vndcrtaken . 4. H#* excludetb the Angels from this bmm. Then, In Chrift's Kingdome the Angels areia fubje&ion to Chrift, for the good of his Subjedies, no lefle nor Sheepe and Oxen, as the Pfalme fayeth; and not t* bee adored with him , as Soveraygncs, ©ver vs . yerf 6. But one 5 in a certayne place, te- stified, faying, What is Man, that Thou art myndfull of him I or, the fonne of Man, that Thou vHiteft him? V€rf. 7. Thou madeft him a little lower than the Angels: Thou crownedft him with Glorie and Honour • and didft fet him over the works of Thyne Handes. t • T) Selng to prme t by Ssriptur*> bis purpofe>fat JD tiuih neytber <£o9kg,nor Chapter t but tbewrds •tobicb Art of the eygbt ffalme y and' fourth fcrfe. Then, The Apoftle will haue the Church fo well acquaynted with Text of Scripture , that at the hearing of the wordes , they might know where it is written , though neyther Boofce nor Verfe were cited « 2» The Prophet looking en Mau 9 e\en enCbriffs Jtfanfaadp'Vberem bee was buwbled y bee •toondtretb t$ fee man 1 natme [ob'tghlie dignifnd^about all creatures. Then, i. The bafenefle of man's naturall being, Gompared with other more glorious creatures , ma- fccrh H 1 » R* C« A P. II. 1% ieth GOD'S lope toys aboaeall other creatures, fo much the more wOnderfuH. i. Chrift's Humilia- tion, and Exaltation , were both fore-ieene, and re- vealed, by the Prophets. Verf 8. Thou haft put all things in fub- je&ion vndcr his feetc. For, in thar Hce put all in fubje&ion vndcr him, Hee left nothing that is not put vndcr him. But no we wee fee not yet all things put vnder him. '!• W%* [>io*etb , that Angels art in fubjtSUu rt Cbiifti becanfeth Text tftbt Vjalme fayetb, All is put in fubjeftion: and ft rseytbet Avgels^mr other creatures , art excepted ♦ Then, j, For ^vnderftanding of the meaning of Scripture, it is ne- cefTarie to confider, not onlie what it iiyeth exprcfl- lie, but alio what it fayeth by conference of lbund reafon. i. And,whatfoever is rightlie deduced by evidence of found reafon of the wordes of Scripture, is the meaning of the Scripture, as if it were fpokea cxprefielie . 2. Beeftyetb, There is nothing left that is net putyndtrCbrijl* Then, Not good Angels on- lie , but all Spirites , and all that they can doe alfo, arefubjeft to Chrift; and hee can make them, n$ they, will they, contribute to the furtherance of his owne Purpoie, for the good of his Subjc&s, and hurt of his foes . j %. §eca»fc CbrifTs enemies are pill troubling bis Kingdome, bee mo*etb 4 doubt,fayfog, Wee tec not yet all thingei put vndcr him, Thix, i ♦ The £ 5 croublc* %6 Hebr, Chap. IL troubles of Chrift's Subjecles , hinder the natural! royndeto perceaue the Glorie of Chrift's Advance- ment. z. Carnall reafon, the pro&or of miff- be- liefe, will admit no more of Divine Trueth, nor it is capable of, by fenfe. yerf.p. But wee fee I E s v s , who was made a little lower than the Angels ; for the fuflfering of Death > crowned with Glorieand Honour^ that Hee^by the Grace of GOD, fhould tafte Death for everie man. I, H£* anfaeretb the doubt; , faying , Wee fee I ES V S crowned wich Glorie and Honour: andfo a courfe taken for putting all that op" pofe him, farther and farther Vnderbim, Then, j. The fubje&ion of all thinges to Chrifl's Throne,, can not bee feene, but in the Exaltation of his Per- fon. 2, When wee fee his Peifon exalted, to fuch high Dignitie in Heaven, it is eafie to fee him put all at vndcr that ryfeth vf> agaynft him . 3 , Th^t which may bee taken vp of Chrift, partlie by his Word and Do&rine, partlie by his miraculous Workes, and ex- ttaordinarie Giftes of the Spirit, powred out vpou the Primitiue Church, partlie by his ordinarie and powerfull working vpon the Soules of his owne, fince that tyme, vnto this day, humbling and comfor- ting, changing and reforming, mens heartes and lyues: I fay, thefe Evidences of his power, doe make a fpirituali Eye, in a manner, to fee / ESFS , the Worker of thefe Workes, crowned with Glorie and honour . z. Hetmtt a H b b r. Chap. II. 27 t. Betmeetetb another doubt > aryflngfoxn the, jbajement of Cbriji, in bis Stiff eri*ges % and Death; to Tebicb bee anftoeretb in the hordes of the ffaime:firji M that it Tvasfore-tolde in that fame fj'almc, that be V>as tQbecmade 9 f9Ydlittle 9 loTpeY than the Angels ^ to ^it f hyfuffeting of <£eatb. Then,i. The CrofTe of Chriii , is a readie Humbling Blocke , for a carnall iiiynde: elfe, what needed the removing of the fcan- dall i> 2. It is true, indeede, Chriii, in his Himilia- lion, was abafed vnder the Angels , and emptied. 5. This abafe men t was but a little, and for a ihorc tyme. 4. It was fore-tolde in the Pfdme that fpea- kcth of his Exaltation. 5 . If wee looke to the Scrip* ture fore- telling , wee ihallnot irumbleat Chnu's Humiliation. 3. Bee gftetb a fart bet avfoerc 9 b} Jholvivg the tndeof Chnjt's Sufferings to bee pi wia*fe>iu tbc fatour of GOO to Vi> I bat bee fhould, by i be Crate vf GO D , taftc ®e*tb , for evevie one of xs . T h £ n , 2. Chnfl's differing was not for his owne deferving, but for ours; and, therefore, ihoulj bee glorious in our eyes, 2. Everie Believer , and deit foule, hath mtereft in that Death of his : and & .everie man bound to loue h'm, and magnirie him. for it, and to appiye the fiuite of it to himieiie- 3 . This death was but a tailing of death, becaufe fiec continued but a iliort tyme vnder it : for, his flio;t furrering was fo precious, that hce could not bee hoi- den by the Sorrowcs of Death 5 buc Death, for a lit- tle, was fufficient : and, therefore, fliould dimin; a no man's eiteemation of him. 4. It was by the Grace ofGOD that his death, for a iliort, fhould ilandfor our Eternall: and, therefore, gracious. and glorious , fhould thefe his furfennges bee cTt^emc^ / £L1*> lUMT Vctf.xo' 1 2$ fi«BK. C« Af. II, yerf 10, For, it became Him, for whor. are all thinges, and by whome are aJ thinges, irybringiiig manie Sonnes vn to Glorie, to make the Captayne o their Salvation perfed through Suffej ringes ♦ I* A Nether reafon of Cbrift's Suffering • TU\ •** 1^^ of out faVtng by Cbrijt's Suffetinge^ made fortheGkrieof GOD , and oar Good* Then, When the rcafons of Chrift's death ar/. jTcene, the fcandall of his Croffe ceafeth. i. Ibete isawrfetodoe heere-, A great manie oj Sonnes to bee brought to Giorie* Then, i. All the Eled, and faved fbules, are fa the ranke of Children, z. Albeit they bee few in companion of the worlde , yet are they, manie of them, all together. 3 . There is not one of them all, who can goe to Heaven,or balvation,but by Chrifta leading , and conduft. 3. J be Captayne of tbeir Salvation muji bee made perfeft, though fujferhg* Then, i. How per^ fed foever Chrift bee in himfelfe, yet before his fuf- fering hee lacked one thing , which his Office , to- ivardes vs, requyred: to wit,experimentall fufFering cf iiich forrowes as his fouldiours and followers arc iiibjeft vnto. 2. When his fuffcringes were ended, lee was perfe&lie fitted to comfort vs, feeing hec fcund our forrowes in himfelfe fometyme. 4 . Bee fajetb , it became GOD, for ^botn f and t>j vhon: t are all thinges , that the matter fkould bet f$ brought about. Then, z. All thinges .are for God's -^M HEE R. LHAP. 11. 29 ;6d*fc Glorie at the endc: and fo fhould the manner four falvation bee alfo. x. All things arc by God's fand and Power brought about : and rcafon too, hat hee difpofe of the meanes of our falvation , a* ee plcafeth* 3. This way became God moft of nie: It brought him greatefi Glorie, by the fliame, >rrow, and death , of one, to bring Glorie , and >yc, and Lyfe, to manie, erf. 11. For, both Hee that fan&ifieth, and they who arefan him that fanftificth; avcL be SJe/ZeVerj, they who are fan&ified* }- THEN I 1. The Band of nature betwixt Chriflr ad men, is reckoned vnto thofe onlie who are fan- tified : with none other will Chrifl reckon Kinred, > Therefore, they mull ftudie to Holineffe, that 'ould clayrrie Kinrcd to Chnil. 3. The fan&ifica- * on which it behovethvs tohauc, mud proceeds ■9m Chritt: noholinefle, vntill a man be in him. 3. Hee fayetb , Cbrifi is uot a framed to call the anftfiei, Brethren.] then, r.AsChrift hath dim ■»- u x\9 v^, uaii X A# hath dimitted himfelfe to our nature , Co alfo to tfee ftyles of confanguinitic with vs. 2.Chrift is as kyndlie affechoned to his Followers, as ever Brother was to another : hee will not misken his owne , albeit vnJ worthie. 3 . That which may ferue to our glorie and comfort, Chrift will thinke it no difgrace to himfelfe, Verfc. 12. Saying, I will declare Thy Name vnto my Brethren: In the midft of the Church will I fing Prayfe vnto Thee, UrV pmetb that bee calletb v* (Brethren from A1 PsM.lt. Verfu, Tbe Mefiids, there 9 ta~ \$tb vpon him, te preach to Meu % and toprayfetbe Fa ther . then , 1 . With our nature,Chriii tooke on alfo the Yoke of the Exercyfes of Religion, z. Hee joyneth with vs, in the Difcharge of them. 3. Hee is firft in the Exercyfe : not onelie becaufe hee dif- charged them in his owne proper perfon - y but alfo becaufe dill by his Spirit, where two or three arc- gathered together in his Name, hee is in the midft ol them 5 moving, and moderating, the Spintesof hii owne delegable Organes. Verf. 1 j • And agayne, I will put my trufl * in Him . And agayne, Beholdej^nd the Children which G OD hath . gi veo mee. i^ ^ HE next pmfeisfrm Psal, i8* Verf.f< 1 when Cbrijh ndertbe type ef David, pro Wiftii 'J^' '* ^ — - fab ft belieae in the Father % 'HEN, i . Chrift is one of the number of Believers, le of the Covenant of Grace, confederate by Faith t d, therefore, hee behoved to bee a man to this de. z. Then haue wee, in the fenfe of our vnbe- fe, the comfort of the foundneffe and ftrehgth of drift's believing , as well as of his other Pcrfe- ons . 2. The third pteofe is from Is ay 8* Verf. iS. herein Chrijl^ndertbe type oftbe¥ropbetIfaiab 3 ftntetb bimfelfe.Vitbbis chofenCbildre 9 befiretbe \tber . T H E N , i. Chrift is our Father alfo, d wee his Children, z. Wee are given to him of e Father. 3. Wee are notprcfented before the ther, without our Mediator Chrift 4. Chrift,and ic his little ones, joyned together, and feparated >m the worlde, are a pleafant fight, for the Father beholde . rf. 14. Forafmuch, then, as the Chil- dren are part-takers of flefh & blood; Hcc alfo Himfelfe lykewyfe tookc I part of the fame ; that through deaths I Hee might deftroy him that had the power of death ^ that is, the Devill. TJEe gftetb farther reafons of his Incarnation And firftibee behoved by death todeflroytbt A//, that bad the peeper of Death: andfo bebmd to 4 Man , that hee might die . 'HEN , 1. Sinners, without Chrift, are vnder fentence of death, temporall, and eternall. ». Sa- tan hath 5* ncsjt. ^haf. ii, tan hath power of Death, as the Burrio hath pow«r over thePitteandGallowes, at death to take them away to torment, who are not delivered from his po- wer. £ Chrifthath deflroyed Satan's power, and 1 tyrannle, in this poynt,in behalfe of all his Ele. i. CHRIST, in his humane nature, is as kyndlie a Man, as anie of the Eledl ; ha ving feih, and blood, and bones, as well as wee. His flefli and blood is not onelic lyke to ours 5 but is a.! parre of our fubftence; who is come of the fame: ucrJce of Adam and Eue, as furelie as ours : and nor made eyther by creation of nothing, or by transfub- ftantion of fome other thing, than our fubftancc., Verf.i 5 i And deliver them D who through . feare of death,were all their lyfe tyme fubjeft to bondage. AKotbsr Fruit of Cbritfs detib, is tbe delherieof Believers , from tbe bondage of tbe few of death , wherein they doe lye before $el'tefe ♦ T HE & , 1 . There is a naturall feare of Death, and the DcvilUnd^elUooted in all men 4 all wayes: albeft noe aye felt, yet eafilie wakened. 2,. This ]!^rc puttcth Men in bandage , that they dare no* tteditate on Death, or GOD'S Iudgement, #r Hell* as deferved by themfelues, 3. CHRIST'S death delivereth his Subjects from the danger of this evilly ind from the bondage of this fcate alfo. 4, Nona butaChylde of ChrifVs , can hauefolide and true Covvrage agaynft Death : neyther is there a Fres Man in the worlde, except true Chriftians. tftrf i 6. For, verilie, Hee tooke not on Him the nature of Angels : But Hee tooke on Him the feed of Abraham* HEeinfitfelbin tbefiottrine of C brill's Inurnd* tlon,becaufeit u the ground of all our Cemfort* and fecludetb tbe AngtU from fucb 4 honour, ani $ in fyeciall,To maly Reconciliation for the (innesoftbs people. then, i. If G OD hauc anie thing to doe with vs , anie Direction , or Comfort, or Blcffing, to beftow vpon vs, it muft come by our highPrieft, 1ESVS, vnto vs. *. If hee command vs in anie thing, or bee to make covenant with vs, or haue cont rover fie to debate with vs , our high Prieft will anfwere for vs. 3. If weehauc anie thing to C * doc wtfh ?5 MEBR* CHAP. II, doc with SOD, to feekc anie good thing of hiity ordepreeate anieeviIl,orto offer anie Offering, o; Prayie, or Service, Chrift's Office ftretchcth it felfe to all this , to doe for vs. 4. Inlpeciail, as out finnes daylie deferue, and provoke , GOD'S anger, fo doeth Chrift's Priefthood pacific GOD'S wrath, and worke Reconciliation to vs. ftrf. 18. For, in that H E E Himfclfe hath fuffered, beeing tempted 1 Hee is able to fuccour them that arc temp ted. x« fJEc fh$wtb Cbrifis experience, to hee both of Skfjeringes and Temptations; tbaftobetber of the f*o annoy Vj , Wi way get Comfort for eytber, or fotb, from him . T hen , 1. There are twa Evills, which attende the Children of GOD, to an- aioytfiems to wit, Troubles, and Sinne ; or, Sinne, ' and Miferre. 2 . Chrift hath experience , albeit not of Sinne , in his owne perfon 3 yet of temptation to J finn^ and of fuffering of trouble . *■*• 1. "Bee appljetb tbe Comfort , exprejfelse to tbe\ Tempted. then % i. Men in trouble haue ; neede of Comforr,and Reliefe : but men vnder tr mp- ration to flnne, much more, 2.Yea,Sinne,and temp.: ration to finne, is more grievous to a true Chylde ofi God, vvhe he feeth matters rightlie,than any trouble.! j . No bearing out vnder tryalls, or ftanding in temp- rations, but by fuccour & hcipe fr6 Chrift. 4.Chrift's experience of temptation, may aflure vs, both of his abilitie, and willingnefle, to fuccour fucli as fceke Re- iffe from hxm. to this caftv i Thefumme of Chap. 1 1 1; THerefore, weygh well what a one CHRIST U and preferre none before him, Verf. i. For, hee is as fay thfull in his Meflagc , for changing •f the typicall Priefthood , as Molts was in his mcf- fage , when hee delivered it, Verf. i. And fo much more honourable than Mofes , as the Builder is over the Stones builded, Verf. 3. 4. And Mofes wat faythfuii, as a fervant, in the Church, VerC s. But Chrift, as Sonne, and Lord, over the Church * to difpofe of the fervice thereof, at his pleafure, Verf.f, Therefore , beware of Olde Ifraels hard heart, left you be debarred of GOD'S Rcft,Vcrf,7.8.?, 10.11. Beware of lyke vnbelicfe : for it is the ground of" Apoftacie, Verf. 11. And doe your beft, to preferue others from it alfo, Verf. 13. For , Perfevcrance ia FayrJrris ncceflarie to Salvation, Verf. 14. For, Da- vid's wordes doe proue , That there were forae, al- beit not all hearers of GOD'S Word of olde^hat did provoke him , Verf, if. 1*. And, whSwerc thefe, bucfuch as heepunilhed? Verf. 17. And, whome punifhed hee, but Vnbelicvers ? Verf. 18* So Misbeliefe debarred them out of GOD'S Refl of olde, and will alfo doe tke lyke yet, if men con** tinuc in it, Ver/i ij. The VoBrine of Chap. 1 1 U Verf, i, Whercforc,holie Brethrcn,part- G 4 takci* takcrs of the Heavenlie Calling, con- fidcr the Apoftle and HighPrieft ol our Profeffion, CHRIST IESUS. I. \ Ftcrbee bath taught them fotaewb&tmorcd) Jt\ C H ^1 S r, bcccxbortetb them, of weV. to Ctofider of bim* ] T H E N , i. As wee get farther light of Chrift , wee arc bound to farther vfe-making of our light, z. As farther is revealecj vmo vs of Chrift ; fo rnuft wee let our mynde or Worke , to ponder , and weygh, v/hat is revealed : that the matter may finke deeper in our mynde, and in our heart. 3. Except wee fhall confider, feriouf-| lie, what is fpoken of Chrift , wee can make no pro- fitable vfe of theDo&rine : For, fuch highMyfte- ries are not foone taken vp ; and , the heart is not foone wrought vpon, fo as to receauc imprefllon di his Excellencie, except after due consideration. 2. Ua calhtb Cbritt Ufa, Tbc high Pricrt, 4*d the Apoftle, of our VrofejUon*) The bigb ffricjlboode , !»** tbc bigbefl Calling in the lcwjh Clwcbi The Apofllcfhipytbc btgbejl Calliugin tbc CJmjuan Cburcb. CHRIST u bttn ftyltdbyUth. TyHEN, CHRIST hath inclofed in his Of- fice, the Perfediicn and Dignities of the higheft Cal- lages, both in the lewifh , and Chriftian Church. Thofe Dignities which were divyded in men , or Con.oyned In Him ; in men, by way of minifteriall employment, vnder Him; in Chrift, by originall Au- ehoritie , aboue all . 3. Hec calletb tbc CbriJIUn \eligion, Our Ttofcf* /ton $ or Confeflion ♦ then, It is the na- ture of Chriftian Religion, net ta bee fraoothered; but, t* but, to bee opcnlie brought foorth , confeflcd, and avowed, in word and deede; to the Glorie of Chri, who is the Author thereof . 4. Bee [iyletb tbefe Hebrewes to tybom bee wjr- Wfc,Ho1ie Brethren, Parr-takers of thcHca- venlie Calling. then, i f Chriftians doe not poflcfFe their Prerogatiues without a warrand- able Title. They haue a Calling thereto, i. The Calling is Heavenlie, becaufe GOD, by his Word and Spirite , calleth men to the communion of his Grace and Glorie, by forfaking of themfelucs , and thinges earthlie ; and following Chrift, in an holic converfation : allisHeayenlieheere. 3* Chriftians are part-takers alyke of this Vocation : that is, haue alyke Warrand, and Obligation, to follow him that calleth them : albeit all doe not alyke followethc Calling. 4. They are Brethren amongft themfelues, for their Adoption: albeit fome weaker, fome flron- ger. ?. And holie is this Brotherhood : that is, Spi* rituallj and fo, Superiour to Civill, or Naturall/or earthlie Bandes, whatfoever. Verf. 2 . W ho was fay thfull to Him that appoynted Him : as alio Mole? was faythfull in all His Houfe. i.~V>Ecaufe tbt levees did too bigblie estetwe of A3 Mofes, in appointing of the Legall Service ; and not fo bigblie of Cbrifh as became, it* abrogating thereof; the dpojlle comparetb Mofes and Cbrijl; gi* Vtng to Mofes, bis due place of a Servant •> and t$ Cbrift, tbe place due to the Matter. then, 1. It is no rfew thing, that people en- clyncfo ;/£■ £L\J XX *-■"*** V-* n ** A • XXX* clyne fo to efteeme of good mens authoritie, as ea forget to giue Chrift his owne rowme. 1 , The way eo hclpe this, is, fo to eftedme of GOD'S Servantes, fathers, or Councils, moe,or fewer, as the eiteecna- lion that men haue of them, derogate nothing frotn the eflcemation due to Chriih 2. In Jpeciall p bee mak*th all the poyn&s of Mo- fts commendations, dueli* defer scd poynttsof Chrift' s commtndatiw. 1. ®id Mofes office reach itfelfeto aUtbcbonfe of God t *ndertbc Lato } and all tbe feu ticeofiti So did CbrifTs Office reach to all the Church $f God, and all tbtferwee of it $ iwder tbe GoTpelU ZtWas Mofes appoyn&ed>to giue out-tobat beedtlue* led* So •&& Chris! apbojmtted to inflitate -ftbat bee did injlitute , and abrogate Tsbat bee did abrogate. 3« Wcu> Mofes faylhfull to Him Tvbo appoynUed him % in all tbe matter s of G^d's houfe; keeping bacfenothing that hee Teas direBed to resale i So is Chrift faytb full to the Fatber t tt>hodidai>pojmtf him mlyhj manner. THEN, lyke as if anic man ihould haue added or paired, ^hopped o% changed, the Ordinances of GOD'S Houfe, vnder the Law, it had beene an. im- putation . cyther vnto GOD, of notfufficient dire- ding his Church; or vnto Mofes, and the Prophets, of vnfaythful difcharge of their duetie in the Church of the Olde Teilament. So is it alyke imputation to GOD and CHRIST, if anic ftall adde orpaire, choppe or change, the. Ordinance of GODS Church vnder the New Tcftament. Verf. 5. For, this Man was counted vvor- thic of more Gloric than Mofes- in as much ■I HCDti. ^nnr, ill. 41 much as Hee who hath builded the Houfe, hath more Honour than the Houfe . I. YjAving equalled Cbrisi Vvto Mofes, bee nov \f\prefttretb Cbrift to Mofes. THExf . C H R I S T is not rightlie cfieemed of, except hec bee preferred as farr e aboue all his fervantes.as the Father hath counted hiai war- thieof more Glorie than his femnts, 2. Hit piefenetb CbriU about Mofes 9 as the guilder U about the boufe . T H e n , As no flone in thehoufc, nor all the houfe togther, is com- parable in honour with the Bnilder of the houfe: S« the honour and authcritieof no particular member of the Church, nor of the whole Cathohcke Church together , is comparable to the honour and authori- se of Chriit. Yea , as farre as the Builder is abou« the houfe in honour , as farre is Chrift's authorise aboue the Churches auchoritie, which is his houfe. Ftrf.4. For, everie houfe is builded by fomc man \ but Hee that built all things, is GOD. HEe pmwb Cbriit to bee the Builder of the Cbuub, becaufe feme builder it tnhsl bA*e,ai eUrie boufe bath. $ut onlie GOD, tbat buiU ittb ail tbivges, is able for this Voth: Therefore, Cbtitt, vbo buildetb all tbwges, is the Builder of it. Them, i, Whatfoevar employment a man get fcf^JOD, in edifying of the Church, yee, in prof or C f fpeach, kttt qz ri r. is a. c n ji r m m. fpeacft , hee is a parte of the Building , builded by another/ z. The honour of building the Church, belongcthto GOD alone properlie. 5. The buil- ding of the Church, is a worke requyring Omnipo- tencie in the Builder : For , to make a Saynfi of a Sinner, is as hard, as to make a Man of theduftof the earth, or of nothing. Verf. 5. And Mofes, verilie, was faytft- full in all His Houfe , as a Servant, for a teftimonie of thole thinges which were to bee fpoken after, MOfes •too* ftytbfully as a Servant. ] Krto, 4 Servant's farte^is (0 doc and fay bydireltiet)} and not a/ bis otvne authorities Then* Hee is the faythfulleft Set vanr.that doeth leafl in his owns 1 authoritie, and moft attendeth vnto the dire&ion of GOD, beareth teftimonie to what GOD hath commanded, and teacheth not for Do&rine, the pre- ceptes of men. Fcrf.6. But CHRIST, as a Sonne over His owne Houfe, whofe Houfe are wee, if wecholde faft the Confi- dence, and therejoycingof the Hope, firme, vnto the ende. MOfes Tom faytbfull. as a Servant 5 but Chrttt f at a Sonne , over bis ovene houfe. ] Then. i. As much difference- betwixt ChriiFs ■jBthoritie in the Church , and mens, how exc-Hqit ti & IS A. u n a r* 1 1 /. 4.3 Bever; as betwixt the authorttie of the Maflcrand the Servantes. i. CHRIST'S authorise is naciuc over His Church , by vertue of His Sonnefhip ; by His Eternall Generation of the Father Hee hath this Prcrogatiue. 3. The Church is CHRIST'S owns Houfe; and Hee may difpofe of it, and of the Service thereof, as pleafeth Him. Men , who are but fer- vantcs, mufl change none of the Ordinances of GOD'S Worlhip ink. But CHRIST may change the Ordinances of His owne Worfliip : and, there- fore , alter the ordinances of Levi , and appoynft a more fimple forme of externall worlhip , in place thereof » z. Hee expoundetb this Houfe, to hee tie Cmpa- nie of true $elie\cn r . Then, t. The Church of G O D, vnder the Law , and vnder the Gofpell, are one Church, one Houfe of G O D in fubftance,- and all the Faythfull, then and now, lyuelic Stones of this Houfe. 1. The Church haue GOD dwelling, and converging, and famiharlic manifciting Himfclfc amongft them . 3 ♦ Bee dddetb to a Condition, If wee holde faft the Confidence,and the rejoycing of the hope, firme, vnto the endc. That is , If vee continue jleadfaft intbc Fdjtbyimeardlie grypingtbe promifed Glorie, by bope- 9 and onftoardlie a*ov>ing)by confef- fion 9 Chritt'sTruetb: thereby bee ntytberimportcth the pofttbilitic of finallApoHacie of the SajnBes 5 not yet myndetb bee to Tteakjn the Confidence of {Belie vers, more not bee doubtetb of bis owe petfeverance , fir myndetb to vctkenbis Wnefaytb: for bee joynctb bimjelfe -Kith them, faying, If wee hoJdc faft. $»t Wytw& to the number of the VifMc Church , of ffhm 44 HEBR. CHAP. III. •tobom fome not beesng found, might ftlldTMy, indby their ex ample, mahs fome wakf (me$ % lbwgb found, fiumble,for a tyme, to the difhonour of the &efyell\ bee puttetb a difference betwixt true Believers , who doe in* deede perfe»cr 9 andtjme-ftry>eYS,Vib9doe nit perfever^ to whom bee doetb mt grant, for tbe ptefent, the {Pri- Viledge of beehg C P'S tioufe. This conditional jfeach , then, Importeth, i. That fome Profeffoures in the Vifible Church, may make Defe&ion , and not perfevcr to the ende. a. That fuch asfcallroake finall Defection heereaf* ter, are not a parte of GOD'S Houfe, for the pre- fent , howfoever they bee efteemed. 3. That true Believers muii take warning, from the poflibilitie of fome Profeffoures Apoflacie; tolooke the better to themfelucs, and to take a better grip of CHRIST, who is able to keepethem. 4. That true Believers both may, and fhould, hoide faft their Confidence, vnto the ende: yea, and mult ayme to doe fo, if they Hyould pcrfever. s • That true Believers haue ground and Warrand, in the Promifes of the Gofpell, both to hope for Salvation, and to rejoyce, and glorie, in that Hope, as if it were prefent Pofleflion. 6. That the more a man aymeth at this folide Confidence^ and gloriation of Hope, the more evidence hec gi- vcth, that hee is of the trucHoufe of GOD. Vcrfij. Wherefore, as the holie Ghoft iayeih > *To day, if yee will heare His Voyce, *♦ yN the hordes of the Ph].]xcv.\et(.9*bt€X» 1 fort tt hibernate hectare $f bar denhgtbtir be*** inVnbel HEBR. CHAP.. II L 4 j in +nhelicfc The hordes of the Psai m * *re called heerc, The Saying of the holie Ghoft| and, of the GOD of i'fraell, 2. Sam. 15. i.j. T m 1 x , 1. The authoritie of the Scripture, is not ef man, but of the holie Ghoft. t. The Scriptures are no dumbe letter , but the vo) ce of the holie Ghoft, who by them fpeaketh. 3 . The holie Ghoft, is God, the Infpirer of the Prophets, that wrote the Scripture. 4, The holie Ghoft , is a diftinft perfon of the Godhead, from the Father, and the Sonne; cxercing the proper aflions of a perfon; infpiring the Prophets, dyting the Scriptures, and fpeaking to the Church* 2. In the hordes of the Exhortdtion, To day, if yee will heare His Voyce, harden not your heartcs \ Observe, i. That whyle men haue the offer of Salvation, and the Word preached ynto them, it is their day* s. That by the outward hearing , GOD requyi eth the heart to be brought downe, and mollified. $. That Hec requyreth prefent ycelding , To day 9 whyle Hcccalleth, Wi- thout delay; becaufe wee can not bee fure howe Jong GOD willfpare,or continue His offer , be- yond this prefent, 4. Hee that ftudicth not, to yccld his heart, to bclkue, and obey, GOD'S Word, founding in hiseares, hardeneth his heart. For, what is itelfe,not to harden their heart, but heartilie to belieue, and giue obedience / Ttrf. 8. Harden not your heartcs, as i« the Provocation, in the day of temp- tation, in the WilderneflK Wr/^p. When your fathers tempted mc, prooved %6 HEBft. CHAP. TIL prooved mee 3 and faw my Workes; fourtie yeares. HEe pm+etbtbe danger of tbisftnne t in the ex- ample of their fathers: As in the day of provocation, when your fathers tempted mee, 'ExoD.xvij # 7, whence We Learne, i. That the ill of Sinne is not feene, till the confe- rences thereof bee feene,what provocation it gi- veth to GOD, and what wrath it drawcth downe on the /inner, i. It is fafeit, to take a view 01 our, danger, by anie finne, in the perfon of others, who haue fallen in the lyke , and haue beene punifhed. 3. The finnes that our PredeceiToures haue beene gi- ven vnto, we fhould, moft carefullie, watch agaynft, 4. That GOD'S Bountie, Patience, and Mcanes of Grace , the longer they bee abufed , aggrcagetfr finne the more . Virfiio. Wherefore,! was grieved with' that generation, and fayde. They doe alway erre in their heartes 5 and they haue not knowne My Wayes. GO D pronouncelb the Offenders, gHthie i and then, ghetb Sentence offDoome ypon them, fit their guiltinejfe : They errc in heart, fayetb the LO^D ♦ Then, i. Misbelieving and difobeying of the Word preached, is not reckoned with GOD, for fimple ignorance of the mynde^ tut for a willfull ignorance, and erring of the hearty which isworic. For, the ignorance «f the mynde fimplie* ttEBR. CHAP. UI. 47 6mplie,is, I fa™ »o*i but the errour of tfcc heart, is, / wll wo*fyi fit^^mtb tbemTorment , in ftead of ftftt . Then, 1. Obflinate Difobcdientes of . of the Voyce of the Gofpell, lye neare hand finali off-cutting, i .- If G O D giue over a man, to fuch hardneffe of heart, as flill to worke contrarie to the light of GOD'S Word, Heehath, appearantlic. denounced , and fworne, to condemne, and feclude from Heaven, fuch a Soule. 3 . It is onelie fuch ob- ftinate ones, as goe on, hardening their heart agaynft Admonitions of the Word, that GOD hath fworne to debarre. If a man bee* found mourning , for his former obitinacie , the Decree is not gone footth agaynit him . Verf. 12. Take heede, Brethren, led there be, in anie of you, an evill heart of vnbeliefe, in departing from the li- ving GOD. 1 . Frm 43 HEBR. CHAP. III. I. Tftymtbe former Ex ample, bee loaxnetb tbem* A to beware of an evillbeart of belief r> and fo to efebet» Apoftacie . Then,i. Misbeliefe is themayne Rootcof Apoftacie. As Beliefe draweth vs to an Vnioitfwith GOD; fo Misbeliefe maker h a Separation, i. Misbclicfc is a fpeciall parte of the heartcs wickedneffe , bewraying the enimitie which naturallieweehaueagaynft GOD, asmuchasanic ill: For, Misbeliefe denyethto GOD the Honour of Trueth, Mercie , and Goodnefie; and importeth Blafphemies in the contrarie. 3. Misbeliefe is art ill in the heart , making the heart yet worfe and worfe, where it is, and barring foorth all the Reme- dies which might come by Fayth, to cure the heart. 2. Hce •toarmtby to take bsede, left there bee fab sn heart in ante of tbem, at ante tyme. Then, 1. Misbeliefe is a fubtill and deceitfull finne , having colours, and pretences, a number, tor hyde it ; and muft bee watched over, left it deceaue; and getting ttrength, overcome. 2. The watch muft beecenftant, at all occasions, left this ill get advan- tage, when wee are careleflc, and vnattentiue,at anie tyme. y. Watch muft bee keeped , as over oitr felues , fo alfo over others : left anic others misbe- liefe not bceing marked , dravve vs in the fnare with them . 1. Bee iefcryltih JpoJtafte $ bjMhbclitfc> and departing from the living G 3) . Then, i. Believing is a drawing neare to the Living G O D, and ftaying with Him. *. The lofife that Misbeliefe bringeth, fhould fcarre vs from fo feat full a finne. 3 . Departing from the true Chri- ftian Religion, is a departing from the Living G OD, whatfoever the Apoftate, or his Followers, doc cob* <€auc : for G OD is net, where Trfteth is not. y^f mm. chap, in, 45 ferf. 1 3 . But exhort one another^aylie,' why lc it is called, To day ; left anie of you bee hardencd,through the deceit* fulnefTe of finne. j . TT %t prtfcYjbnb a <%tmcdh> to prevent this UU I"l to fpit % Tbtt they exhort one another, ^laylie, whyle it is called, To day. That is, it- fide the publU^e exhortation from their Trustors ^that tyerie oneofthm, mutudllitr cenfem>*vdftirrc*[> out another by Reaches tbdt malyforiecj!i>brmgtbcdcteit± fulnejje ofSinne,or preuntingbardnejfe of kcdrttOTCim* fiwivgQM tnotber htbetrntthof%eligion 9 and con* fiant profefiion tbemf. Then, i . private Chriflians not onelie may , but fhould keepc Chri- ftian communion amongft therafelues, and mutuallic exhort and ftirrc vp one another. 2. This is a ncceflary meane of prefervirg people from Defection. 3 .And a dtfetic daylic to bee difcharged, whyle it is to day : that is. as oft, and as long, as G O D giveth ptc- fent occafion , and opportuniiie for it 5 left a fcatte- ringcome. 1. The inconvenience xhatrmy follow iftbisUie tiegletledf is, Left anie of you bee hardened, through the deceatfulnttfc of Sinne. Then, i. There is none , even the flrongeft of the Flocke, but they haue necde of this mutuall helpe of other private Chriflians. 2. Neyther is there anie fo bafe, or contemptible, but the care of their flan- ding in the Fayth, and of their fafetie, belongeth to all 3 . Sinne hath manie wayes,and colours, where* fey it may beguyle.a man : and,. therefore, wee hau$ D needs of 5© He BR, Chap* III. necdcof moe Eyes than our owne, and moc Obfcr- vers, 4. If it bee not tymouflie difcovercd, it will draw on hardnefle of heart , fo as a man will growe fenfelefie of it , confirmed in the habite of it, and loath to quyte it. 3 . 1 n the former Yerfc, lee warnetb them, to be* vare of Apottafte in Religion : and, in this *erfe, That they tahs courfe, that they bee not hardened in erne fmne in their converfation « Then, The readie way to draw on Defe&ion in Religion, is De- fection from a Godlie Converfation , And the way to prevent Defection in Religion, is to ftudie to Ho- lineffe of Converfation. Vcrf 14. For, wee are made part- takers of C HR I S T , if wee holde the beginning of our Confidence ftead faft, vntotheende. TO Jiirre them v/> to Terfe\erance , bee Uyeih a neceflitieof holding faft grippe of the Principles of Chriftian %eligion> thereby they were perjwaded to become Cbrijlians : becaufe onelie fo } fellowfliip with CHRIST U gotten, The Trueth thereby they Were begotten to Chijli an Religion, bee calletb 9 Thv beginning of our Confidence! yea % and of our Spirit stall Subftftance\ erfevereth not, was never part-taker of CHRIST. 5. Chrirtian Religion is not a thing that a man may fay, and vnfay ; keepc, or quyce ; as Profperitie, or Adverfitie; Threatninges, or Allurementes, doe of- fer : But fuch as mull in all Eftates , vpon all Ha- zard, bee avowed. Verf. 1 5 . Why left it is faydc, Today, if y ec will hearc His Voyce, harden not your heartes, as in the Provocation. Verf. 16. For, fome, when they had heard > did provoke: how-be-it not all that came out of <£gypt by Mofes . NOfe, the Apoflle dravetb Colletthns from the hordes of the fropbet in the P s a l m e, r*. f eating the hordes of the Text, •tobiebfteakeeftbe $io)H)cation of the Fathers, verf. Jj. Whereupon bee inferretb t That there were fome , at leajt,beams if the jVord^bicb provoked GO©; albeit not all. lor *tobofe taufe , David badreafon to giue Adwtife- went to their Pojltriticytobewe oj the lying; and the icryter of the hpifile^eajonto applje the fame \-nto tbem % verf. 1 6. Th!N,i, From the Apo- llle's handeling of the Text which hee hath in hand, all muft Leakne, Not lightlie to pafTe Scripture^ but to confider both what is iayd expreffelie in it,and what is imported by confequence. 2* Preachers Sradlife is juftified, when they confider the circum- ances of a Text, and doe vrge dueties vpon their people, or teach them do&iinc frum the Text. D 1 frr/ii-. Birt £» He s R # Cir**. Ill, Verf.ij. But, with whom was Hec grie- ved fourtic yeares? Was it not with them that had finned 5 whofe carca- fes fell in the Wilderneffe ? ZJEB'cbfertetb another thing inbis Text,)>pOHtbt perfons with •tobom G0 from His %ejt. THEN, i. The EvWell was preal chedintheWilderneffe, for fubftancebf Trueth, alt -beit not in fuch fulneffe of Do&rine, and clearnelTc of Trueth, as'now i. The preaching of it in clear- sieffe now, muft make the Misbelievers of it, in no iefle danger of beeing debarred from that R ell, than | jthc olde tfraelkes, yea, rather, in more. t. The caafe of tbeir debarring, is, The Word \ ] was not mixed with Fayth in them: anifo fro- ftedthemnot.] then, i. As a Medicinall Drinke muft haue the due Ingredientcs mixed with it; fo muft the Word haue Fayth mixed with it; joy- niflg itfelfewithall the partes of the Tructh, dole- lie- %. Fayth can wall with nothing , nor bee mixed With anie Tructh > but the Worde : and the Worde Will not joyne, nor wall , nor m&e, with Conceats, Opinions, Preemption, but with Fayth : that is, it Will 'bee receavednot as a 'Conjecture, or poffible Truetb s - but for Divine, and infallible Trueth : elfe» it profited! not. 5. Hearers of the Worde , may blame theifc Misbc liefe, if they get not profite. 4, Al- beit a man get light by the Worde, and fome tailing of temporarie Ioye, and Honour, and Riches alfo, by profeffingor preaching of it, yet hee receaverh ©ot profit, except hee get entrie into GOD'S Rcf? shereby : for, all thefe turne to Convi&ion. firf.i* For 5 wee which haue believed, ] 4pe emerinto Reft, as Hee faydcy As: I haue- HEBjl. CHAP, iy} 57 I haue fworne in My Wrath, if they fhall enter into My Reft, although the workes were finifhed from the foun- dation of the Worldc. R<*de thefummeofthis Chapter, Vcrf.%. 3. f. ' fir ilt*rl»g of kit rcafomng* JJ££ pnomb, tb*t §elie*ers enter into GOhy His Thread nmg t Kfi(btlie*trsonilit 9 then, 1. Fearful! Threacninges of the Wicked, earrie in their Bofomc fweeteit Promifes to the Godiie, and^ the Faythfull. 2, Believers get a beginning of this Reft in this WorIde,tmd a Pofleffionof it, in fomc degrees, by Fayth. Their Dcliveric from Sinne and toiferie, isbegunne, Their Lyfe, and Peace, and Ioye,is begunne. Verf.$. For, Hee fpake 5 in a certayne place, of the fcaventh day, on this wyfc; And GOD did reft the fea- venth day, from all His Works. Verf 5. And in this place agayne s If they fhall enter into my Reft. OE£ comptrelb plates of Scripture, and fl?mth *fa fignifictiions of x 9 That oftentymes there is matter of .great moment imported in the leaft circumftances of ifar Scriptures wry ting ; and, therefore, that the cir- cumfoncf? Hebr. Chap. IV- 59 cumflances of tyme, place, and perfon, who fpea- keth, and to whome, agd at what tyme, &c. fhould not beepa(Tedover,inourconfiderationof a Text; but diligcntlie bee marked. Verf.S. For, if I E S U S had given them reft, then would Hee not aftcrwardes haue fpoken of another day. rerfg. There remayneth, therefore, a reft to the people of G O D. Pcrf 10. For Hee that is entered into His Reft , Hee alfo hath ceafed from His owne workes , as GOD did from His. I. T^ HIS retfening from the tyme of flavufs -I jf>ea}{ing , Showeth, How infalli- blie they were ledde that wrote the Scrip :ure; that they could not fayle in fetting downc a wordc ; nor fpeake one worde , that could crofle anie other worde , fpoken by anie other Prophet, before, or after . 2 ♦ ©d> id taught of the Spirituall 5^tf In his tyme* and fo did Mojes . Then, i, The olde Church was not ftraytned with earthlie promifes Co, but that they had Heavenlie and Spirituall Promi- fes given them alfo , as fignified by the earthlie and typicall promifes. 2. Their types had fomeftarrc- light of interpretation : and„ they were taught to looke through the vayle of Ceremonies and Types. 3. Hee }Ayetb)Hee tbtt u entered fatoHis 1{eH* ceaftth ^k 0© HSBR. Ohap. IV# s eafetb from Bis ott»e 1eor\es 9 Thbm, i. Before a man bee reconciled to G O D, by Fayt in CHRIST, hee is working his owne workes,doiri hisowne will, and not GO EX'S. a. Heeiswoi king, without ccafing, his owne vnreft, and his own torment, which hee procureth, by working his ow» Will. 3. The Man that thinketh hee is entered int GOD'S Reft, mull bee GOD'S Worke-man, am no more worke what pleafeth himfelfe , but wha pleafcth GOD: ceafinc from finfull workes , aa< doing what is lawfull, and good, in way of obedieno vnto Him • Verf. xi. Let vs labour, therefore, to en- ter into that Reft . left anie man fall, after the fame example of vnbeliefe. !« TN tbe tbirAterfebee faydejbe Selie+ersenfa «* red into G0 2/S %ett: Been Utexbortetb tbt$eliewt> to labour, to enter into it • then, 1. The Rtil of G O D is entered into by degrees, a- They who haue entered , muftftu- tjie to enter yet more; going on , from Fayth to Fayth, and from Obedience, to farther Obedience, and from Grace to Grace, till they haue gone all the W2y that leadeth vnto Glorie. 2. Hee reqttyrttb Labour dnd Diligence, to enter in. Tke h , i, G O H'S Reft, is no reft to the fleihj kuc Reft to the Soule , as ( M a tt h. xj. 29. ) CHRIST promifeth. z. Without Care and Dili- gence , a man can not promife to hftiifelfe to enter in : Forthe Way is called Strayt which leadeth ynto Heaven, t. Heerei j« Heerequyretb tbisViligenee > left 4 man fall,, is the Ifraelites did. Then, As fomc of the Ifraelitcs fell in a temporall misbeliefe, and drew on temporall judgementes vpon themfclucs, as Mo. fes and Aaron : So may Profeflbures now alfo doe; even Eledh Agayne, as fome fell in vnbeliefe with hardened heartes , yea, inobltinate misbeliefe, and perifhed in their finne : So yet amongft Profeffours, feme may fall into obitinate misbeliefe, and perifli, fcxeept they giue diligence , to make progreffe to- wardes their Reft, Vtrf. 12. For the Worde of G O D is quicke 5 and powerful! , and fharper than anie two-edged Sworde , pear- ring even to the divyding a-funderof Soule and Spirice, and of the Ioyntes and Marrow, and is a difcerner of the Thoughts, and Intents of the Heart, I ♦ T Eft ante pmtd p?ift tff this Tbmtningi u -*— ' expyred Kith tbofe to vbome it VM fir ft {]?$• 7 en\ er cUahjt and' dtjfmbU their fanes, and purpofc fdefeUion^henthty ftjould fee their tyme; bee let* etb tbexn knote tbeTovtr of the m*de % and of GOV, beir Vaitie. Then, The vfe, extent, and mure of GOD'S Worde, muft bee well fludied; eft through mistaking, ot ignorance heereof, aroaa hould misapply, or mi/Tregarde it. x. The fir ft propertieof tUmtit % itu Quicfcc: Fbat is 9 ditth mt vim tbofe die 1 9 Ttbmt fir ft it w directed 61 HEBJl. tHAMV. HreUed ; but enduretb,fpeakjng on *toitb that fame sti* thritie, to all tbat bean it, in all tyrnes after. Then, The Word is not a dead Letter, nor et< pyred with former Ages : but the fame to vs that it was before to others; fit for operation, and working the worke for which it is fent , for convincing , or converting the hearer alway. 3. Jgayne,it is Powerfull; That is 9 not fitteto •tooi^e onelie 9 but attiue> and operatiue % in effect: atiuaU lie bynding tbe Confcience to obedience , or judgement, maks tbe Sinner *tobat oppofition bee xrilL Tea, it fal kth a-Tvorking on tbe bearer , if bee belieue it, prefent lie to clean bis wynde , re&ife bis w//, andu forme bis Iyfe $ and to bring about bis good and fafetie. If a wan belieue it not, it falletb a-wrkjng alfo, prefent lie tobinde bim guiltie 9 )mto judgement , and toaug went bis narurall blyndnejfe, and bis beartes batdnejfe, and to bring on fome degree of tbe deferred punijhment Vpon bimjelfei albeit not of it* ovme nature, but by tbi difyo/ition of tbe Objeft v>bere)>pon it tcor^etb. Then, i. The Worde wantcth not the owne, erfeft, whenfoeveritis preached; but alwayes hel- peth,or hurteth, the hearer, as hee yeeldeth to it, el rejeð, or negleð it. 2 . Wee fhall doe well to obferue what forte of operation it hath vpon \s s feeing it muit hauefomej that wee may bee framed to' the better, by it. . 4. Jnatber propertie of tbe Worde : It is (harper than anie two-edged Swordei becauft it pearcetl fyeedilietboro'to a brafen 2>W, anddiffewbling counte mmc, and a lying mouth, and tbmfietb it felfe^l tfout fujf& ; \ boutfuffering refiftdnce, into tbe confeienceoftbe mjl ,bjiinate, witbafecretbloW, andmaketbbimguil. h within bis owne $reajl ♦ Then, i. Let not Preachers thinke their la- K>ur loft, when they haue to doe with obflinatc fin. lers • The ftroke is given , at the hearing of the tVorde, which will bee found vncured after. 2.Ney - her let diflemblers pleafe themfelues, with a fayre :ountenance put vpon the matter ; as if the Worde lid not touch them : but, rather, giue Glorie tc SOD, in tyme, when they are pricked at the heart. : or if they ftill diflemble the wound receaved of this Sworde , the wound fliall prooue deadlie . 4# Pearcing even to the dividing a-funder >f the Soulc, and the Spirit : That is, Tbofc mojl ecret detyfes and plottes ofthemyndeor (pirite,ani bofe clejfeft affettiovs of the heart or foulc, towardes nie forbidden eVill % this Worde trill fnde out : yea; it An diyyde d-f under tbe Soule and the Spirit, the heart \nd tbe tnynde, and tell tbe man bow bis Soule or heart lea^etbtotbe finne^andhowbis mynde plottelb pre* tnfeSy to hyde tbe rtillofit from biwjelfe, and others, Vfo in tbofe fmnes which haue not broken foorth,but n as derne in the mynde, as the marrow in the bones* \nd it can put difference betwixt tbe pur pofes of tbe eart, and the tbnugbtes, bow to compajjetbe deftgnc 9 nd bowe to byde tbe convoy. Or tbofe wayes howe tbe inner doeth begnyle bimfelfe, and fee\ttb to fyle tbe . yes of others , tbe Worde doeth decypber, and dijtin- tifb all tbe[e tbinges wbitbfelfe*dttcawngfopbi[trk fifouudelb. THUS, x. Then, i # Secret purpofes fall vndcr the juc^etf torie of the Word, as well as pra&ifes accomgliflicd a. Pretenies and excufes will not put offthechal- lenge of it. 3, Nothing remayneth , but that we< giue vp our felues to the Wordcs Governament Seeing what it difchargeth, and following what i commaundeth . Verf. 13. Ncyrheris there anie creature that is not nianffeft in His Sight : but all thinges are naked, and opened vntc the eyes of Him with whom we hluc to doe. HP Oclure the p^et tf thi.yVoidyhe bringttb h 1 the prbpiriie &f GO®, wbofe fVotde it is^am fettelhvp the Sinner's fecret thought,™ the fight oj the AlUfeehg GOV.wib dehorn bee hath to doe* Then, j, GOD is the Partie with whome th hearer of the Worde hath to doe, and hath his Rec koningtb make, and not the Preacher. 1. GOl ioyneth with His Worde, andgivethit that fear ching , and difcovering , and pearting Vertuc j. GO DS Omoifcience, and All-feeing Sight fihould make vs looketoour inward difpofitionj I {hall this , and other lyke Exhortations, and Threai ningeS, haue better effect and fruit in vs. Verf, 14. Seeing , then , that wee haue great HighPueft, thatispaffed ind the Heavens , I E S U S 5 the Sonnj ofGOD, let v$ holde faft our Proij HEBR. CHAP. IV. 6$ i. V "TEE givctb tbtm aftirctfionyfor enterfoginm Jl JL to then %etf ; To hoide fail their 1'ro- fefiion 5 Z /?*£ # , Infytb and hue to a\ov tie Voilrine of CHRIST. THEN, i. Hee th.it would enter into Reft, rfcuft bee fteadfaft, in mayntayning, and avowing the true K eligion of C H R i S T . 2 . Hee who quy teth the .Profeflion of the Trueth of CHKST, taketri courfes tocutteoffhimfdfe from GOD'S Refti tor , if wee denye CHRIST, Hee will denyc \s. i.Bee cmmauridclhtTo holde faft ourProfcf* fion. Then, i . G O D will not bee ipJeafedwith backe-flydir:g , or coldryfneiTe , or in- difference in matters of Religion; becaufe this is not to hide it fali\ but to take a Ioofe grippe $ which is the teadie way toDefe&ion. 2. Ihere isdaunger, Left our Adverfaries pull the Trueth from vs. 3. Thd more daunger wee fore-fee, the more ftronghe muft Wee grippe the Trueth. 3« The EKcwrflgmenftobnb Ice gftetb to loldt f*tt> it, Wee haue CHRIST 5 a great high Prieft, eff. Thfn, i. As wee haue reede of Threatning, to dryue vs to enter into GODS Reft j So haue wee neede of Encowrage- mentes, to drawe vs therevr.to. H All our Fncow- rasement, is from the Helpe which wee (hall haue in CHRIST: and that isfufficient. 3. CHRIST is alwayes for vs in His Office, albeit wee doc not dwayes feele Him fenfiblic in vs. 4. Vetctlktb CHRIST, A great high ^rieft • uput different Unixt the tjpcall b%b E frittt. 66 HJC.BK. <^Hm^. IV, friett>ar,dHimin vbomtbetrueth oftbeVrieflbooi is found* Thcn, What the typicall high Prieii did in fliow for the people, that the great high Prieft doeth in fubftance for vs: That is, reconcileth vs to GOD perfe&lie , blefH th vs with all Blei- finges folidlic, and intercedeth for vs perpetuallie. S. tie* afimetb of CH%IST, That Heeis faffed into the Heavens 5 to Tcit , in regarde of his Manhtdd to take fojfeflion thereof, in our name. Then, i. CHRIST'S corporall prefence, is fa Heaven onelie, 2nd not on earth, from whence He is parted, x. CHRIST'S corporall prefence in Hea ven, and abfence from vs, in that refpeft, hindereth not our Right vnto Him , and fpirituall having , 01 poflefling of Him. 3. Yea, it is our Encowrageroent, to fceke cntric into Heaven , that Hee is there be- fore vs . G. H?e calletb Him I E S U S 5 the Sonne Or GOD;(e leade *;> through His Humamiie, Vwfo His Godhead. Then, No R efl on th Mediator, till wee goe to the Rockeof His Goc head, where is firength, and fatisfa&ion to Fayth. Verf. 15. For, vvee haue not an high Prieft which can not be touched with the feeling of our infirmitiesrbut was, in all poyn&cs t tempted Jyke as wee are; yet without finne. *• A N«firr Encortowgmtnt is from the Merci- *\full and Companionate toitfofition of out HEBR. CHAP. IV. € 7 high Triett^bofe Kdtare.and Ofce.and Experience, mtyh H'\m> that Hee can not bee, but touched vitb $ur infirmities, both. Jwnefkll , and ftunclcjfc infirmi- ties, of$odic, Eftate, or bdynie. THEN, r/Hce praeluppofcth, that the Fayth- full are fubjedt to infirmities, both of fmne, and mi- ferie; and, by rcafon thereof, to difcowragementes, and dafhing of their fpirite. i. CHRIST doeth pittie the infirmities ot the Faythfullj their Povertie, Baniihment, Sicknefle, Gnefe, yea, their finnefull Paflions, and Perturbations, and fliort-coroming in holie Dueties ; Hee is companionate in all thefe. Therefore may our Fayth gather ftrength from His Pittie, to beare thefe the better 5 and ftryue agaynft our finntfullneffe, with the greater Cowrage. And, in the fenfe of our infirmities, wee fhould nor Hand abacke from CHRIST; but goe to Him the ra- ther, as to a companionate Phyfician, who can and will helpe vs. 2, To giue W ajfurance of His Companion, bee fbowtb»s,tbdt Hee tnu,in all poynites, tempted lykf Wtoee a*e, yet Without fwe. Then* i. CHRIST hath experience of all tryalls where- in anie of His fervantescan fall; of Povertie, con- • tempt of the worlde ; of bceing forfaken by friendes* of Exyle; lmpnfonment, Hunger, NakednefTe, Wat- ching, Wearinc/Te, payne of Bodie,da(hing of Mynde, heavine/Te of Heart, Dolour, Anguilh,and Perplexi- tie of fpirite ; yea, of difertion to fenfe $ yea, of the Wrath and Ciirfe of G O D j the feeling whereof may juftlie be called A dejeending to HW/jC H K 1ST, iir His owne experience knowcth what all fuch exer- yki are, t . Thefe His experiences, and fufferinges, E z are Pawns. 6S HE BR. CHAP. IF. are Pawnesto vs of His Companion onvs in fuck cafes; fo that we may asccrtaynlie belieuc the Com- panion, as the Paflion. 5. HeetnA^tb exception efSinne, whereof hee Wasfree^butmtof bU beeing tempted toSimc. THEN, u Albeit our L O R D bee free from i committing finne , yet Hee was not free from beeing tempted to finne : and fo can pittie our weaknefle, j when wee are overcome of it. z . His beeing free of j finne, is our Comfort agaynft finne. For, if our Me* diator had beene defyled with finne, Hee could not haue wafhcd vs : But nowe Hee is able to juftifie vs, and fet vs free of finne aifo . Verf. 16. Let vs 5 therefore, come bold- lie vnto the Throne of Grace, that wee may obtayne Mercie, and finde Grace, to helpe in tyme of neede. 1 * T^'fyw tbefe EncQWdgementes, hee draweth an- ■F other Diretfidn, To come boldlieto G O D in f tdycr t fot ewie thing whereof wte jlandin neede. THEN, The Apollle alloweth vnto the Belie- ver , r. Certayne perfwafion of the acceptation of hisperfon: hee biddeth him Come boldlie- i.Hee alloweth certayne perftvafion of the granting of his Prayers, in the matter namelie of Grace andMercie; Which includeth the Remiflion of finnes, t. Tbe Throne of Grace, or the MerdeSe4te,Wd$ thaetbe drke, within the Santtuarie, and reprefentei SOP in CHRIST woncihd to Hti Ttylt,gami* HEBR. CHAP. IV. 69 svi tnercifull Vntt tbcm. To this bte alludetb , and hj this tneanes Te achkth Vj , i # That the fubftance of that typicall Mercie feate, is to bee found in CHRIST vnder the Gofpell. In Him G O D is ever to bee found,on His Throne of Grace, 2. That the Vayle of the ceremoniall San- ftuarie, is rent in CHRIS T'S fuflfering , and an open doore made vnto the Holiell , vnto everie Be- liever , and not for the Higheft alone, to enter in. 3. That GOD layeth afyde His Terrour and Ri- gour of Iuftice, when His owne come vnto Him in CHRIST, and offereth acceiTe vnto the Throne of Grace, vnto them. 3. Hcemllhaue vscmmhg with boldneflc, to obtajnc Menie, including hmjelfe 'toitb the Faytlu full, and joynivg the meanttt of the ftythfuU, to "bhmebee wyteib 9 in the fame tthiledgt yritb bixn- fclfe Then, i . Free libertie to expound ail our mynde toGOD, as the word imported*, without employing the mediation of Sayndt or An- gell, or anie beiyde CHRIST, is one of the Pri- Viledges of Chriflian Religion. 2. 1 his Privilcdge is common to the meanell of the Fay thfull, with the chieffeft Apoftles. 3. There is Mercie to bee had for fuch as come for remooving of everie finne, and remedic of everie miferie . 4* Uee fettetb before them the bofe of Grdce,to belteintj/tneofneede. Importing Herfby, 1. That albeeit, for the prefent, poffiblie, wee bee not touched with the fenfc of Wantes, Strayts, and Difficulties, yet wee are to cxpeft, that tyme of ncede will come. 2 .That it is good to fore-fee this, and E 3 make 7© HEB R. CHAP. IV. make provifion, in thetymc of Grace, in this accep- table Daye , whyle G O D is on His Throne of Grace. 3 . That our Prayers, if they get not an an- fwere prefentlie, yet {hall they get ananfwerein the tyme of neede. When our Neede commeth, then fhall our Helps come alfo • mm The fumme of Chap. V % IHaue called I E S V S, the Sonne of G O D, a Great High Prieft , becaufe the Leviticall Pneftes are but a refemblance of Him, and that in their impetfeft meafure. For , looke what Office they had, Verf« 1. What properties were requyred in them , Verf. 2. $. Howe they were called to their Office, Verf. 4* A fayrer Calling hath CHRIST, and to an higher Pnefthoode, Verf. $. 6, I called Him a Companionate high Prieft, becaufe Hee tookc on our frayle nature, and had experience of fuch troubles as ours, both outward, and inward, Verf,7« For, the meafure of the Mediator's obedience, albeit Hee was the Sonne , requyred adhiall and experi- mentall fufFering: elfe, the pryce had not afluallie beene payed for vs , Verf. 8. And, nowe, beeing throughlie fitted for His Office by fuffering , Hee M become the Caufe of the falvation of all thatfollow Him, Verf 9. Authorized for that ende,of GOD, after the Order of Melchifcdek ; which Order u more perreft than Aarons , Verf. 10. Of which myfterie I rrmft fpeake with greater difficulties fot your incapacity, Verfe, 1 1 . For yee haue neede yet more tfl HEBR. CHAP. V. {71 tnorc to bee catechized in the Rudimentcs of Reli- gion , as Babes, Verf. n. For, fuch are they to whome eafie do&rine mull bee propounded, Vtrf.i 3, But harder do&rines , arc for rypcr Christians f Verf.i*. Tbe VoBrines of Chap. K Verf. 1 . T?Or , evcrie High Prieft taken x. from araongft men, is orday- ned for men, in thinges pcrrayning to G O D ; that hec may offer both gift* and facrifices for finnes. I. T 1EB felteib dctone tbe properties of tbe fcgb *-A fueA l ib*t bee migbt fho^e ibe tmetb of them in C H \l S f. firtt,tbt peoples comfort did req yre.tbat the ht^b Viicsl jhouldbee a wan : So is C H K I S T a Man, way led out from amongft men. The Flovvre of all the hlock?. Therefore we- may Come the morehomclie to Him. t. Tbe bigb friett^Mordayned for men\ that is, •ft 06 appoyntcd to employ all hu Office for mens good. So doetb CHRIST: therefore may wee atpeSt that hee will doe for vs, as Mediator, what hec can ; and that is , all that wee neede. 3. Tbe bigbfrUWs Office reached to all thinges fettayning to G Dj to communicate G ; D % S wll *ntotbe people, and to lay before GO© tbe peoples I^cefiities. So doeth CHRIST'S Office to all 7* Hebr. Chap. V. the bufineiTe betwixt G O D and vs, for working in vs Repentance, and Amendcment; and making pur perfons, and fcrvice, acceptable to GOD: and therefore, in nothing may wee paffc by Him . ' 4, Infiecialljtbe friett behooved to ojfer Giftes 4nd Sacrifices for Sinne^ for wnowingof Wi&ib % and obtaymng of Favour. So hath CHRIST done, and f lillfilled the type in thispoyn&alfo : therefore, by Him muft wee obtayne the good which we craue, and haue the evill remooved which wee fcare. Ferf. 2. Who can haue compaffion on the ignorant, and on them that are out oftheway 5 for that flee Himfelfc al- io iscompafled vvithinfirmiue. I , T T F5 goelh on in the Comparifon : The typicall + ■ -* high frieil behooved to bee companionate on the Sinner : So in tructh is Chrifr, even as the mife- rie requyreth, proportionallie , as the words im- porteth . 1. Beema\eih Wo fortes of Sinners , Ignorantes, d$d Tranjgrejfowes* Then, Though there bee difference of finners, yet no (inner, that fceketh So Chrift, is fecluded from His Companion. 3. Follo^eth a dijfeience , ferving to advauna thiH % abouethe typicall fries!. The high Priest typicall, V>m compajfed Wth infirmities; net onelie fcnneleffe infirmities 7 but fmnefullalfo ; and fobchoo- \titt pittis others, CH\IST\ though not com* fajfed HEBR. CHAP. V. 7 $ faffed Wtb ftnnefull infirmities, hut finneleffe onelie 9 jet doelb pittie Sinners of aII fortes . THEN, Looke what companion one /inner flight exped of another , as much may wee expe& of our finnelerTc Saviour . Verf.%. And, by reafon heereof , hee ought, as for the people , Co alfo for himfelfe^to offer forfinnes. A?lpt ber difference. Tfo tyftcall Ttiett bad need* of %emiflion of bis oivne jinxes, and the bene* fite of the true Sacrifice : Sat C H I{ I S T % be.aufe without fwne % offered Sacrifice onelie for our finnes 9 and not for His owe. then, All the Benefite of ChrilVs Sacrifice, commeth vnto vs . 4 Verf. 4. And no man taketh this honour vnto himfelfe 3 but Hee that is called of G O D , as was Aaron. HEE proceedetb in the Comparifon. The typical friett entered by autboriiit to bis Callings and •toot bonouiedbybis Calling: So entered Lbn(i. No man, fayetb bte^ taketh this honour vn- phimfelfe, but Hee that is called as was Aaron. Then, I. Ins an honour ta >ec called to ao Office in the Houfe of G O D. . The Calling is null, if it haue not GOD for the \uthor, and Caller. 3 . If a man take an Office, not E f appoyr.&ed 74 Hebr. Chap. V. appoyn&ed of GOD, or intrude himfelfe into an Office, without a lawfull Calling, it isnokyndc of honour vntohim. Verf. 5. Soalfo , C H R I S T glorified not Himfelfe , to bee made an High Prieft: But Hee that fay de vnto Him, Thou art My Sonne, to day haue I begotten Thee. 1 ♦ S~\ V% LO%p is commended, for not gk. V^/ lifting bitnfelfe, by iutrufton in hU Office. THEN , l.Such aspretendeto bee Chrift's fer- vauntes, jnuft beware to intrude themfelues into anie Office, and mult attende, asChnltdid, Godw Cal- ling, to God's Employment. 2. Hee that vfurpcth a Calling , doeth gloriric himfelfe, and taketh the honour that is not given him : for which hee muft giue a Reckoning,. 2. Thou art My Sonne, this day haue I begotten Thee, doeib iwporte, by the Affiles tttcddgtngf wt onehe C H %l ST'S Godhead, and fDetU'timtobte GOD'S Senne \ butalfotbeVr clarmtn ef bm f To bee bigb fiiejl in bu M anbe*d\ t*ksn outfit** 4W0ngft men. So deepe are the Confluences of Scripture, when the spirit brin geth fooith his owne Mynde from it . Verf 6. As Hee fayeth alfo in another place, Thou art a Prieft for ever, after the Order of Melchifedek. mk HeeaBcdd HEBR. CHAP. V- 75 TIE E alleadgetb another place , mote cleare. •* THEN, Howbecit Trueth may bee proven from one place, yet it is needfull alfo, for the hearers caufe , to allcadge moe places , till the hearer bee convinced • Vtrf.^j. Who in the dayes of His flcfli, when Hee had offered vp Prayers, and Supplications, with ftrong Crying, and Teares , vnto Him that was able to faue Him from Death j and was heard, in that Hee feared. Hfoingpwen CH\l S7'S Office ,bee f?o- Teeth bis Exercyfe of it > in offering for our fumes a more precioiaOblaiion than the typi* tali: Even bimfelfe, ieitb Teares, to Death* In tbefe hordes , then, CHHIST u poyvBedtut *ntoy>s 9 I. An High Prieft, taken from amongft men : a verie true Man, of ourfublhnce; Flefh, of our flefh. i. A Man, fubjeft to the finneleflc infirmities of our nature , as Gricfe , Feare , Mour- ning, Death. 3. Having a fee -ty me, during which hee was to beare thefeour infirmities, in the dayes of his flefh. 4. Exercyfing his Priefthe Office in thefe his dayes , and offering his precious Teares andCryes, yea, hislyfe, for vs. 5. One, who how-fo-ever Fcarc was vpon hi* holie Nature , yet knew hee fliould bee delivered from Death. 6. Who, as a Man, in confidence of dely verie, made P.aycrs to the Father. 7. Whofe Prayers are not refufed, but accepted, and heard, in our behaife. 8. And. Thacchcfr j6 HEBR. CHAP. V. That thcfe his Sufferinges were ended , with the dayes of his Humiliation . t . Tbefe J ties of Feare, and Team, (Stc. .are the proper Aiiet of his humane nature • Then, i. As the Divine Nature had its owne A&es, proper to it felfe , fo had the humane Nature Aties, proper to it felfe alfo ; and fome A&es were commonto both the Natures: So of ChrilVs Ades, fome are divine, fome humane ; fome are both di- vine and humane. 2. As Man, hee was vnable to beare our Burthen, or to hclpc himfcife, and, there- fore , behooved to haue the helpe of the Godhead. 5. Albeeit hee was God, in his owne perfon, yet as Man hee behooved to take our rowme , and place, and pray for AfTiilance, both as Cautioner for vs, and Teacher of vs : to giue vs -Example , how to be- haue our felues in Straytes . 2. BEE feared J)eaib, and offered Prayers, *«i Teares , and ftrong Ciyes : $ecaufe y not ontiie death temporall prefented it jelfe before bun 5 but y •tobicb *toa* more , the Curfeofthe Law, the Father's Wrath* for bitwe, dm he deferred by Vs, ^oa Jette in a Cnppeto bto bead, fetich jbould banc ftoailo'toed him V/> for ever, if he bad not, by the Wnbitieffe of his ferjou. overcome it, and t#r*ed the eternall Wrath, and Curje due unto v/, into a temporali Equivalent to bim- felfe. T H f N , J . The fenfe of GO D'S Wrath, whom will it not terrifye ? /ince it wrought fo^on Chnft. And Nature can not choofe but feare. when S.enie feeleth Wrath, 2. Felt Wrath,feeir.eth to threaten yet more, and vvorfe : and, therefore, ke/ide Feeling , doeth breede yet farther Feare. J.Thf Hebi. Chap. V. 77. j.TheCurfe of God due to our finnes , virtuallie implying the deferved paynes of Hell, is more ter- rible than can bee tolde, and fuch as the creature can not choofe but feare, and abhorre. 4. Chrift's fuf- feringes were no phantafie, butverie earneit, vehe- ment, and terrible, f . No Weapon, nor Buckler agaynft Wrath, but fleeing to God, by Supplication, and Crying , and Tearcs . j« Hee prayed to Him that Teas dble to fauehim 3 dnd Was heard • Then, i, Albeit fenfe of Wrath feeth no out-gate ; but blacke Feares are alwayes before it ; yet Fayth, looking to God's Om- nipotence , feeth an out-gate. 2. Chrift's Prayers in our behalfe, receaue no Repulfe , but are heard. S.Chrift both died, and was laved ftom Death al'b, becaufeit could not keepe dominion over him. So fhall wee bee faved from Death, though wee die. Vcrf.%. Though Hee were a Sonne, yet learned Hee obedience, by the thinges which Hee fuffered. TJFF remoo\>etbtbeftdnda!lcfhis Cn^t^ ly fit* Tclilg ike neccfiitie, snd \Je thereof- * Albert (Hee was the Sonne , yet He learned obedience jby thofe [hinges which Hee furTcrcd, THEN, 1. In the tyrr.eof ChriiTs deepefl hu- Imiliation, the vnion betwixt his Gcdhead ard Man- Jiead was not loofed : hee remayncd the Sonne of ,God dill. 1. The Excellence of hi' perfen exemp- ted him not from fuffering , having orce taken on our debt. 5. Chrifl knewe what fufteiir.g was, be- fore hee 78 He b iu Ch a p. V. fore hec differed : but hee knew not by experience, till hee a&uallie fullered. 4. Chriit's holie Lyfe, was a parte of his Obedience to the Father: but his Obedience in fuflcring for our finncs, was Obe- dience in an higher degree. 5. To obey God by way of A&ion, is a common Leflbn, to everie holic creature* but, that a finnclefle, and holie perfon, fhould fuffer for finne, was a New Leflbn, proper to Chriftja Praffique which never patted, but in Chrift's perfen onelic. Verfg. And becing made pcrfed,He be- came the Author of eternall Salva- tion, vnto all them that obey Him. l,HpH5 Suffering of CHRIST is calld 1 his ferfeShu. Then, j , CHRIST though perfe& in his perfon , yet hee wanted fome- thing, to make him perfect in his Office, till hee dif- fered : for hee could not fatisfie the Father'^Iuftice, till hee differed ; nor yet could hee haue fellow-fee- ling from experience, of the miferies of his mem- bers. 1. After differing. Chrift Iacketh nothing that way pacific God, or comfort and faue finners. 1. The fmite folloieeth. $eefag perfetttd , ha u letorne the Jluthor of Saltation , to *li that obey him . T h E n , 1 , The proper caufe of our falvarion , is to bee fought in Chrift , perfected by fuffering : not in anie one parte of his holinefle, 01 obedience in doing, or anie part of his fufFering5 but in him perfc £tai, by his obedience, even t© the death ©f the CrofTe. Wee may take Comfort from, and make vfe of, his holie Conception, Lyfe, and feveral Vermes: He » R- Chap. V. 79 Vertues : but wee mud remember, that his accoin- pliflied Obedience . in doing, and fuflfering, hour Ranfome , joyndlie confidered ; and not anie parti- cular Aft looked on alone. 1 . None ftould itumble at Chrift's fufFeringes , which perfected him in his Office, and lykcwyfe perfected our Ranfome to the Father. 3. Chriftfelt the Bitternefle of hisowne fufFeringes himfelfe : butw«cgot the fwecte Fruitc thereof; even Eternall Lyfe. 4* Onelie they who obey Chrift , can clayme Title to the Purchafe of Eternall Lyfe, by h!m. No'we, thefc are they who obey him, who in vprightneffe of heart beheue in his promifes, and aymc to drawe flreogth out of him, for newe obedience. f erf. 10. Called of G O D, an High Prieft, after the Order of Melcni- fedek. II H H pm^ttby that Chrift u Jetbor $f tterndtl Salvation, to bit Followers .from the nature $j bis riettboode i 'tobicbis EtcrnAlll not after Jspous Of' irr, but Mclcbifedetkt's. Then, The nature of Chrift's Prieflhoodc, after Melchi- fedecke's Order , and the Father's authori ring him n the Office, is the Evidence of oar Eternall lalva- ion to bee had by him , with the Fathei's Appro- nation • Trfi 11. Of Whomc wee haue manic thinges to fay, and hardetobee vt> tered, feeing yee arc dull of hea- ring . Ztclng ti) So HERR- CHAP. V. BEEIKG to freaks wore of this Mytf*rie 9 bft preparetb tbem f by cbechjng their dullnejfe } and advenifing them, of the dijficu'tte ofexprefiing him* felfe j bccdkfc of the fame. Then, i. Even the Children of GOD are not free of this Difeafe, of flowneffe to conccaue Spirituall thinges aright. 2. The incapacitie of Auditors, will breede, even vnto the bell Preachers, difEcultie of expref- fing their mynde. ;. Preachers fnould rebuke the duilnefTe of people, to ftirre them vp the more. Verfi2. For, when for the tyme yec ought to bee Teachers , yee haue needc that one teach you agayne which bee the firft Principles ofl the Oracles of G O D 5 and are become fuch as haue need of Milk, and not of ftrong Meat. I , O E E mahetb their Fault the worejecaufe hy tea< fou of tyme , they ought to bauebeenc Teachers:' that isyboih •totii grounded themfelucs, and Ub wing to ittforme others. THEN, i . As wee haue had longer tyme to learne, fu fheuld wee make mon progreffe in knowledge. 2. As wee are rooted it knowledge our felues, fo ought wee to communicau ©ur knowledge f and inforrnc others. 1. Flee caliethihe Catethiztng of the Tgnorant,tbj Teaching the firft Principles of the Ora j clesof G O D j and compared it to the gi*m HE br. Chap, V. 8l \f Milks* Then, t. Catechizing of the ludeand ignorant, is the firll thing mull bee done, ior making found Chriftians. z. There is an order lo bee kept, in bringing men vnto knowledge : The iril Principles.and fundamentall Do&rines,muft firft >ee taught. 3 . Nothing is to bee taught, for groun- ding men in Religion, but GOD'S Oracles ; that vhich is in GOD'S Worde onlie, 4. The man- ner of teaching the Principles of Religion, fliould teeeafie, and playne, as Milke for Children* 7erf 1 1 . For,everie one that vfeth milke, is vnskillfull in the Word of Righ- teoufneflfe: For hee is a Babe . CJ EE proowtb tbem to lee rude in knowledge, ly the defection of one wake in hpwledge, wbome bet 'alletb a $abe , vfing Milkgi **d Vnskillfull in the Word of Righteoufneffe : fo calleAJecaufe, hv> to bee rigbteonStis the Summe of the DoHrine ofiu 1 then 9 1. There are degrees of knowledge in Chriftianitie : Some are weake , lyke Babes ; fome* tiore inHrufited, & of full age. 1. All knowledge m Chriflianitle, is to bee reckoned by acquayntancc vith the Scripture , and Skill therein : Not by hu- Dane learning . wf. 14. But ftrong Meat belongeth to them that are of full age 5 eventhofe who by reafon of vfe,haue their fen- fes exercyfed to difcerne both good and evill • j 1. ffecs S* HEBR. CHAP. V. I . fJ H E defcrybetb tbeTvelLbflmtfed Christian by his Me ate , and exercyfed Senjes* lb Me ate that bee is fitte for , it jlrong Me ate : tba is j more profeund Doctrine* then, r. All the Scripture, and DoGrine fra< it, iseyther Milkc, or ftronger Mcate: butwhethe; this, or that, yet, alwayes,it is Foode, fitte for now- rifhment of mens foules. 2. Difcretion mufl bee vfed by Teachers , to fitte their Teaching, as thcij people are advaunced for Milke^or ftronger Meate; ft as they may befl bee fedde # 2 • For tbe exeYCyfe of bu Senfes^ or Wines, to difi terne good oretiH^, bee bath it by vfe , baYxte % and frc* quent acpaynting him/elf e Veitb Scripture. Then, i. The vfe of the Scripture,and know- ledge gotten thereby , is to difcerne by it, what is good, what is evill; what is Trueth, what is Errour; what Is right, what is wrong. 2. Though Scripture bee the Rule , yet not everie one can take it vp, or make right application of the Rule, to the poynd in hand. 3 . To get a man's Wits exercyfed, requyreth frequent vfe of, and acquayntance with, the Scrip- ture. And, without this haunting our myndein the Scriptures, and obferving the LORD'S Counfell therein , a man can not bee able , albceit hee were verfed iu humane writs , to difcerne'falfe do&nne, from true . Tk HEER.'CHAP. VL 8 3 The fumme of Qhap. VI* THEREFORE, alibeeit you bee rude, yet pra?fuppofing you are fo fetled in the groundes of Fayth, Repentance, Baptifme , &c. rhat you ihall not renounce them agayne , I will leade you on a little farther , if GOD pleafc , Verf 1. 2. 3. For, if after cleare convidtion of the Trueth, a man, voluntarilie, revolt , and fall awayc, Tom the groundes of true Religion, there is ney ther Repentance , nor Mercie , for fuch a man ; becaufe lee, maliciouflie, doeth what hee can, to put Chrift to as great afliame, asthofewho fii It crucified him* Verf 4. s. 6. And , as G O D blefleth thofe who bring foorth Fruits by his manuring of them/Verf 7. So is it jullice , that hee curfe fuch as growe worft after manuring , Verf 8. But I hope better of you, Verf. 9. As the Fruits of your Fayth giuc mee war- rand, Verf. 10. Onelie that you may bee more and more aiTurcd, continue diligent, Verf 11. And fol- iowc the Example of the Faythfull before you •> in lope of the Inheritance, Verf. 12. For, the Promiie made to Abraham, and the Faythfull his Children, is veric furc , confirmed by an Oath, Verf. 13. 14. And Abraham, at lad , obtayncd it, Verf. 15". For* as an Oath endeth flryfe amongft men, Verf. 16. So, toende our flryfe with GOD, in mifsbelieving of him, hee fware thePromifeto Abraham, and to his jfeede, Verf. 17. That vpon fo folide Groundes , as |are G O D'S Piomife, and G O DS Oath , wee F z might S4 Hebr. Chap. Vis might haue Comfort,who haue fled to CHRIST, and hope for his helpe, Ver£ 18. Which Hope, is as an /Vncre, which will notfuffervs to bee driven from Heaven, where CHRIST is eftabliilied, Eternall PRIEST, after the Order of Melchifc, dek , Verf. 19.20. The Doctrine of Chap. V h Verf. 1. HpHcreforc, leaving the Prin- f A ciples of the Do&rine of CHRIST, let vs goe on, vntoPer. fj(Sion- ? not laying agaync the foun- dation of repentance from deadc works, and of fayth towards GOD; M.Y^KO M thefypnofe of their dttlnejfe, bee dra -t wtban Exhortation, To amende their pace and goe format des. Which Teacheth Vs That the confeience of our by-gone flippes , ant floathfullneffe, fliould bee a iliarpe fpurre, to dryu< vs to a fwifter pace, for overtaking of our Taske, 2* BeecalUtb the Principles of Religion, t& Principles of the Doarinc ofCHRIS T, Then, 1. The Doflrineof CHRIST, is th( fumme of Religion. Hee that hath learned CHRIST well, hath learned all * 2. Nothing to bee taught it CHRIST'S Houfe, but His Doctrine, whkl eommeth from him , and tendeth to him. 3 . flee havttb tU fthciples $ and gpetb tn to fer ftffw Hebr. Lhap, VI. 5J 'eftiou* THEN, i ♦ There are two partes of Chriftian Do&rine: one, of the Principles of Re- ligion; another, of the perfedlion thereof. 2. The Principles mull firil bee learned, and the foundation byde. 3. When people haue learned the Princi- ples , their Teachers muft advaunce them farther, iowardes Perfection, 4. liee fayetbi bee Veill mt laye agayne the founda- tion : pftjuppo/mg it u fo layde, oyntt$ ef'Doiiiinez and prtf , of repentance iron? dead wot kes : fo bee calletb out ^cor\es 9 before confer fton. THEN, 1. It is a mayne poyndt of the Cate- chifme , to belieue, that all our workes , before re- pentance, and conver/ion, are but dead workes: that is , finnes making vs Iyable to death. 2. If repen- tance bee not learned from thefe workes, the reft of the Building wanteth fo much of the Foundation. 6. In joyningtbe Dotfrine of FaytbtM tbenext poynEt , Hee Giveth Vs To V n- derstakd. That it is as neceffarie a ground of Religion , to teach a penitent to belieue in GOD, as to teach the Believer to repent. F S Verf %6 Heeju Ch a p. VI. Verf 2. Of the Do&rine of Baptifmes* and , of laying on cF Handes 5 and, of refurre&ion of the dead • and, of eternall judgement. "i. TT HE Vottrineof o- Brine of the Catecbifme, bee mal^etbthe doctrine of the laying on of handes. Novp, handes Were in aj}e< ciall manner imp fed \ Fir ft, In the be [toeing ofSpi- tituall and tnhaculouAGiftes, for the confirmation of wrfc Convenes in the Ttimitiue Church, AcT.viij. 1 7. 1 8. Which endured vntill Chnftian Religion was fufficienilie confirmed Vnto theV/orUe^to bee divine. 2>{ext, Impofition of handes *toM \>fed in the Ordination ef Office-bearers in the Cbuicb> both Bxtraordinarie, and ordinarie , I. Tim. iiij, 14. and Chap. v. it* Act. vj. 6. THEN, In the Apoftle's dteemation, it is neceffarie, for grounding of people in Kcligiori| Hb br. Chap. VL 87 Jn "Religion, that they bee inftruSed, not onelie how the LORD founded the Chriitian Religion, and confirmed it, by extraordinarie Giftcs of the holie Spirke, in the Primitiue Church : But, alfo. what Offices, and Office-bearers, hee hath ordayned, for ordinarie edification, and ruling, and mayntayning of his Church, vino the ende of the worlde : that they may acknowledge fuch as are fent of GOD, jand fubimt themfelues vnto them . 3. The Votttine of Hefurrettion of the dead 9 bee Ma 1 Ketb the fft poynclof the Catecbifme: and of the lajl ludgement , the jixt . Vnder which fixe* the fumme of Cbriftian Religion tvay bee compryzed $ and in this order wherein tbey Are jet downe,maybee bejl learned, believed, and made yfe of. ferf 3. And this will wee doe, if GOD permit • BT this wanner of fl?eacb, if GOD permit, bee Teachhth vx , 1 . That a Preacher's endevour to inflruS a people, can haue^ no fuccefifc, except GOD make way vnto him , and concurre with him. 2 . That hee who is bufied in the moft neceflarie parte of GOD'S Ser- vice, fuppofe it were in wryting Scripture let bee in ordinarie preaching, and wryting ; mufrdoe it with fub'iuffion to GOD , to bee (topped in the midll of his worke , and cutted fliort ; yea , and that in the midit of a meditated fpeach, if it fo pleafe GOD. Vcrf.^.. For, it is impoffiblc forthofe F 4 who S8 HEBR, CHAP. VI. who were once enlightened, and haw tafted of the Heavenlie Gift , anc were made Part-takers of theHoli< Ghoft, Verf. 5 • And haue tafted the good Won of GOD, and the Powers of th< World to come ; rerf.6. If they fhall fall away, to renev* them agaynevnto repentance: feeing they crucifie 5 to themfelues,the Sonn< of G O D a-frefh, aud put Him to ai open fhame . *' A/1 JJiJ) ^ G t0 fi me ^ m *P* t0 m *^ .IV A piogveffe in l{no'ftledge , bee jettttb befit %bem tbe danger of Apojlafie. Then, i. Hec praefuppofeth , Except they ftudie to mak< progrcrfle , they fliall goe backwardes : and tha going backwardes , tendeth to Apofta/ie : and tha voluntarie, and complete Apoftafie from known Trueth , doeth harden the heart from Repentance and cutteth off a man from Mercie. i. Hee accoun teth our naturall fecuricie fo great, that there is need< of moite fearfull threatninges, to awake vs out of it 3. That the onelie way to bee fred from Apoitafie is to bee ayming at a Progrefle . Next, Observe, i ♦ That bee doetb 00. ftealiebeere efeverie finne agdynjljtywledge, Med indeed tboje beef ear full^nd dangtim\but o/Jpoftsf Jrom Hi br. Chap. VI. V? ftom fyligion, and the DotlrineofCbrift. t. Not of ibeApoJiafie of I gnor antes, who never Were informed In the matter of Religion ; but Itghtlie came, and light- est vent awsy : ( alibeeit the jhame done to C hriji by them, is great } and grievoiu : ) but offucb, who af- ter illuminationy and feeling fomewhat of the power of the Truetb, doe revolt . 3 . Heefpeafytb not heere of Apojtafie of injimitie 9 for feare 9 in fitteofa paflion, or bajlie paffage of ones lyfe : ( Bnt,ofa voluntaries and deliberate falling away, after clear e convittionofthe Tructb* This is thus Sinne agaynji the Wie G hoft % which heere bee fyeaketbof. 4. Bze doethnot pr that a frvfef* four, and fome in the vifible Cbmcb, may fall away, and die in this Sinne. ( Now, J r Profef)outtyaybet endewedwith manie G\fies,*nd yet bee a Temporizer , and remayne Unrenewed in^ar dlie, and fo may pofiibiie fall into this III . ) Jnd, therefore, evene frefef- four fhould bee the more circumfj?ctt> becaufe of the popbilitte of fome mens Apoflafie; and the moredtli- gent to attayne to that Fayth which purifyetb the hearty and wotkgtb by Loue, which fayletb not. J. Itt telling what is thedaunger of afrofeffoufs Apoftafie t the Apojlle myndetbnot to weaken ante mans Faytb, or to difcowrage him from progreffe making : $ut, by the contrarie , his intention is , that men (Itengtben tbemfelues fo much the more in the Fayth. And, there* fore,fucb of this Chapter, to tbeende. Firji t in theft Verfes t tbe x* 5* and 6. bee is jpeahjng of Profef- foures ingen&tiiliConditionalliG. fiutverft). lo&c* bee is freaking to the true Believers among ft the] Hebrews , parilcularlie . A. TT Ere inthefe Verfes, are glorious Giftes 9 lllm &~\ minathnt and tajling ofSftfituall tbingoA There in tbofe ^erjeSjis Fay lb, Writing by Lone* to the Gloria of J E S V S , and male of H 1 3 Saynttes. 5. Here are Men enrolled aimngft Chri* Jiians, fo bolder and eflee>ied % b»th of tbemjetues, and others I There are fenfible Soules , in the fueling of Sinne , and fedre of iViaih y and hope of Mercie t fleeing to I E S V S , as to a Refuge, and cafling the /lucre of their tojjed Soules wbintbe Vayle , Cohere I E S V S is in Heaven. j. Here Men, receaVmg ftorn the holie Gbojl, good thingss : There Men 9 rcceanng from hiniybefyde tbefe good t binge s 9 better thinges aljo, 5 • He e re tbingesglorioM indeede t yet not aliwyts accompanying Sahation j but in [omt going HEb r. LHap, VI. 91 going before Sating Grace; in ethers , pefiblie alone, without Saving Gidce : $ut there are Saving Graces^ tfooayes joyned "Kith Salvation. 6. Heere in thefe Yerfes , the dpoftle is not confident* but fucb as bauc 'eceaved thefe tbinges heere mentioned, may fall a^ay % except theygoefor^ardes, andfludie to makf progrcjfe. But there, in thofe Verfes, the dpoftle is perfaaded, \hattbey (ball not fall a^ay i but bee faved, andibere* tponcuco'toragetb lbem l to goe fomardes. From This Comparison It Is Cleake, Then, i. That there is a pofllbilicie of the Apoita/Ie of ProfefToures , and titular Sayn&es 5 but not of the Apoilafie of renewed foules, and true Chriftians,true Sayn&es. 2. That there is ground of Feare , from thefe wordes, to fuch as are fecurc , and puffed vp with the conceat of their Spirituall Gifcesj but net of thofe who in feare are fled to CHRIST. 3. That in this p!ace,carna!l confidence onelie is ihaJcen in fuch, who as if they had done well anough, itudie not to make progreife : but Fayth nowayes weakened in fuch , who flill lludie to advaunce , and make more and more progreffe. 4. That heere fruitleffe Light, and fruitlelTe Feeling , is called in queftion ^ but not Fayth, and labourious Loue, bringing out Fruites to CHRIST'S Glorie, and good of his Saynftes. Jgayne, from this Comparifen, it is evident t That the holie Gholl is Author , both of thefe common Spirituall Ciftes, and of thefe Ipeciall Saving Graces alio. Of thefe common Giftes , hee is Author, as dwelling amongjl frofejfours, and diflributing good thinges vntoall ProfefToures, that are in thevifiblc houfe of his Church. But hce is Author of thofe Sa- ving Graces, as dwelling in true frofeffoujes , vrh© $z Heb r. Chap. VI. are his ownc houfe ; bringing with himfelfe bettepj thingcs than thefe Giftes, and Salvation alfo > ynt them , infalliblie . ■. f Tbirdlie , from this Comparifon , it is chare, i. That there are fome Converts, externall, from th< worlde, to the Church, whp yet ilicke in their natu rails ; and are not, in the fenfe of Sinne, fledde vnt< CHRIST, for Refuge , nor. converted, from nature to Saving Grace; to whome the Apoflle will not dc nye rowme in the Church , if they will ftudie t< make progreffe- And, z. That illumination, an; tailing of Spirituall thwges, may bee given as well c< fuch, who are not renewed in their heart, as vntc found Convertes . For, i. The natural! man may bee convinced That the Church u a blejfed Sccietie , and joynebim* felfeVnteit. I. Xea 9 chaungebu outward converja tidth and cajl of bis pollutions ^buh are in the Tvorldt through luft y and tal^e himjelfe to be ruled 9 outT»ardlie by C H\l S T'S Vifcipline, and call Him LV^f). LOiip. },Jud bee Jo blamelejJe y before men % tbai bee may look£>*toitb huLampe , lykea ivyfe Virgine^ "tosyling for the Wedding ; and yet bee a gracelej}( look iwfttrdlie. 4. tea, bee may bee illumtnated 9 nol^ tntlie by learning the liter all knowledge of the Gofyell di men doe tbiir fhilofophie I but $ alfo 9 may bee illu< m'mated fttpewaturallie, •with in* fight inmanie pro* found tbinges in the Scripture* lor. fupetnaturail gifts may bee in 4 natnrall and vmenetyed man, jo 46 he may fry to Cbrift, I haue propheficd in Thy Name, *nd yet bee wrenched in Cbrifis ejleemation. f.Ha may HEBR. l^HAL\ VI # 91 Uay tajle of the heaVenlieGift , partite by hi forte til hlieving tbetruelb of the GofyelU partite by contes- tation of the truelb credited. Kowe y bijloricallfoytb, \a tajle of that beaftenlie gift of jujlifying faytbj ecaufe it is a good degree towardes it : and contem- lation of this truethybringetb a tajle of the thing cre- itedt and fo of the beavenlie Gift revealed in th? Gof- ell. Fer 9 tbe contemplation of eyerie tructhybnngetb tiitb it % naturallie> a delegation Jucb as fhilofophers \oe finde in their Jhdies, And the more eminent the rueth bee^no wonder the delegation bee the greater* ^ or y manie beard CbtijYs gracious Sermons,and won* lercd> and belief bit wordes to bee true : but Cbrifl lid not commit bimfelfe wto them', for bee tyew what too* in them ♦ 6 . Bee may bee made part-taker of the WieGbojt, and baue his fbare of JCbureb giftes, di- stributed by the bolieGbojiy fo as bee can, from (be light which the bolieGboft givetb bim^anfwere other mensdoubtes , comfort the feeble my tided , and edifie vtbers in their faytb, by bis [peaches > yea f baue the \gift of exprefing bit brayne light r botb in conference fo men y and in formali prayer to GOD ^if bee bee a pri- vate man onelie: and if bee bee in publicly office* way \baue the gift of for mall preaching , and praying in public^e: yea } m tbofe d*yes of the Apojlle , might baue bad the e xtraordinarte gifts of Tongues, fiopbe- fying y and Miracles woikjng. Therefore ,f*ytb Cbrijl 9 Manic will fay to mee u\ thar day, Lord, Lord, baue wee not prophelied in thy Name t and in thy Name hauecaften out Devils/ and in thy Name *4 Hebr 4 Chap. II. Name done manie wonderfull vvorkcs i TV n •tobome CbriflwilUunfarre f I never knew you J I Deparrc frommee, ycerhat worke iniquitieJ I Matt. vij,2Z# 13. Rove, this fcioftWge, c^.{* tinting light^and gtftes of utterance j(^c. are fromw the folic Gfoft'i or elfe, bow could [tub yfpojlates, a$:f beere are dcfcrybed, fmne agaynfi the bolie GbofiiW 7. Bee may tajte of the good Word of GQ®\ that; uAf fittde faeetnejfe in tbe fiotfrineofthcGofyell, and M bee convinced of tbe Goodneffe andMercieof G 2Hf Wfrardes jinners 9 fbyning therein ; yea 9 andbybeh ■ ding tbe poflibilttieof bis o'frne fahation , v^nitoib condition, If bee "frill fell all, and bay tbe (Pearle,heeW may tajleof GOV'S Merchandize* in tbe blockjngW for them *, befyde all tbefalfe joyes, & delufionsifrbicbV^ bee may get by pre fuming of tbecertayntieofbis Cfrne iff fahation : and yet, in tbe meane tyme, as afoole, will Jfc not lay do*frne tbe pry ce-, "frill not renounct bU eartb\ie % ||G andbeafllie affettions,*frill not deny ehimjelfe, and bis if Wne corruptions : Tbe care of this *frorlde, *ndtbede~\fl ceatfullneffe of pitches , cboalyng the f mites of tbe If Worde heard, astbeylvbo receaue tbe fade amongjliSwi tbornes. Wberefoie , in tyme tf persecution for tbe h Worde, bee may by and by bee offended, and quyte tbe P Truth, allbeeit "frith the jhnie hearted bearers, Ujl|j tyme of profyeritie, bee beard the Worde, andanone, •frith joye, rcceaved tt % Matt. xtij# 20. u, tz. S* Lajtlie, hee may tajle of the poorer of the "frorlde to come : that u, in contemplation of the $leffedneffepro- mifed to tbe SajntfeswJ3ea*en } bee tak*n -frith admu ration htBK, V^ HA I'. VI. 95 ilion of it, yea, and bane a naturall defJre of it y as Jalaam did, when Vponfuch a peculation, he did Wifh o die the death of the %igbt€Qus y and to banc hU la ft tide 06 hu\ and yet lone the Wages of Iniquitiefo telly & bee quyte not hu gnede , for all hu wiflo of leaven* In a word'* It is pofible, that a wanimpe* itent, and Unrenewed in his heart t tnay bee a glorious ^ofejfoutffoY bis outward behaVmr>andhaue fajre iftes ; and yet wake Apoflafie from the truetb, when eegetteth a fit Temptation : or elfe, bowftould it bee ofiible, that the Vc\illfr Quid mal^e glorious ¥rofef* mes f avd Church-men, in all Jges,Apeftates,Ter» vuters, Betrayers of the Trueth to the Adverfarie, Jnder-myuers of the Church of Chrijl ; Except they, rider all their jbow, did lodge in their heart, theloue f Money, and worldlie%itche$ t more than the hue of YeaYen ! the hue of the prayfeof men, rather than rOSD'S Approbation? the lujt of tbiir fieflolic eafe 9 nd pleafure,more than the pleajaie of V U aiue>Luftes>&nd eartblit Affetlions, they tcome teadie to jell CHRIST, and His Trueth % vd His Churchy and their Countrey, and All y wben ley find their Meuband } and tbebelo\ed tfryceoffe- *d Vnio them . 4. Observe Heeke; How glorious fo- ferthefe Illuminations, and Gifces, and Taftinges eme, yet there is no farther hcerc graunted , but Taftingeij Z6 HE BR. CHAP. VI. Taftinges, to fuch rotten ProfefToures. That which they get, is eyther onelie in the Brayne, by Know- ledge ; or, if there bee anie Feelinges , they are but fleeting Motions, flowing from temporarie grounds, which proceede not from anie Spirituall lyfcinthe wian, nor from a roote in himfelfe : that is, not from the Spirit dwelling in him. Such feelinges doe ncy< ther fofter, nor ftrengthen him , for anie Spirituall Obedience $ but evanifh, without chaunging the heart. It is true, all that the Godlie get, in compa- rifon of what hee lhall get, is but Taftinges : Yet, in comparifon of thefefruitlefle taftinges of the vnfound ProfefToures, that which hee gctteth, is true Eating, and Drinking , a reall Feeding ; holding his foulc in lyfe, and enabling him toworke theworkesof GOD; to mortifie his Luftes, and ferue G O D in his fpirite . 5. Observe, That beete bee doetb not chaU Ungethfe Tvbo bauefdt tbefe Taftinges y for Vnfound, nor threaten tbem> if they hide on , and make pro greffe • Then, i, The having of Illumi- nation, and fpirituall Giftes, and taftinges of heaven* lie thinges, is not to bee Iightlie eflcemed of 3 but ac accounted as fteppes, and degrees , vnto a fartheu progreffe : vvherefrae, as it is poffible fome fall away fo it is a piece of Advauncement, to encowrage mer to goeon, that they fall not away. z. There is nc daunget in having this Illumination , or thefe ligh Talhnges : But all the hazard is, to reft vpon them, and not to tende towardes Perfection ; or 5 to fal away , after receaving fo much Encowragement 3 . And, therefore , wee muft not reft on Illumina- tion, or common giftes, howe glorious foever ^ no taftinges,, and feelinges , howe fweete foevcr : bu fecke fteke ftill fn to a more neare Communion with CHRIST, and ftill more to mortifie our luftes , and ftill to abound in the Fruits of Loue to CHRIST, and His Church. Verf. 6. If they fhall fall away , to re- newe them agayne vnto Repentance • feeing they crucifie 5 to themfelues, the Sonne of GOD a-frefh, and put Him to an open fhame. I. T T EE fayetb not 3 Ft is impoflible they fhall JL X bee laved $ fcw*,that they fhall bee rene- wed by Repentance. Then, Apoftates falvation, is not impoflible , but becaufc their repentance is impoflible : and where Repen- tance is, thereisnoimpofllbilitieoffalvation5 buti. certayncie of falvacion rather. For, Hee that giveth the Repentance, Hee declareth His purpofe, togtue Remiffion alfo. 2. Bee ghetb a *edfon> "toby they ctnntt get %e* fentance ; $ecaufe they, maliciouflie, renounce C brist 9 *nd crucifie Him a-frefh \nto tbetnfelueu That u , draw ontbe guiltinejfe lobicb His Enemies ^bo cru- \cified Him. did lye vnder , by dpoftafie , allowing tbiir crucifying of Him. Then, i.AnApoftatefrom CHRIST'S Dodrine, doeth CHRIST as open fhame as hee can ; and fayeth, in «&<», of CHRIST , that His Dofirine is falfe, and wot to bee mayntayned. z. An Apoftate allowerh Inland the irftw, for crucifying of CHRIST; md ac^ounteth CHRIST no other worthie , than G foto a f% Hebr. Chap. VI. To to bee dealt withall* $. Renouncing of CHRIST, maketh Repentance impoflible : For , Hee is a Prince, to giue Repentance :vnto Israeli. And, therefore, hee who will not quyte* CHRIST, nor fiis true Do&rine, is not debarred from Repentance having , nor from Salvation • Ferf.j. For 3 the earth, which drinketh in the rayne that commeth oft vpon it, and bringeth foorth Herbes, mcetc for them by whom it is drefTed, recea- vethBIeffingfrom GOD. Ferf. 8. But that which beareth thorns, and briers, is reje&ed* and is nigh vn. to curfingj whofeendeis to bee bur- ned . HEE gfaetbd rea[en of the punifhwentof Apt ftates, from the lejfe ? to the more, \nder a fi militttde from Land4abouring 9 thm : As G O £ ikjfetb fucb men , *tobo, after paynes taken on then bring foonb the Fruites of good tVorkes; So doetb Hei turfe tbofe y who, after paynes taken on tbem y doe brty foorth but will works* • And tf ** b*t but equitie, tba GOD curfe Profejfoures, who bring foorth hut eVtl fruites in tbeir lyfe ; Much more equitie Hee fhoult turfe Jpottates, who pro feffe open boftiiith dgayofi Him . 7be fimilitude Showeth, t. That men an fyke vnmanured land,, before they bee brought wi thin tb< Heb r^Chap. VI. 99 Jthin the Church : but after they are made part-takers |of the Gofpell, then are they lyke manured Land, within Hedges, GOD'S Husbandrie. 2. That fuch las .begin to bring foorth Fruites worthie of Repen- tance* 5 , GOD bleffeth,and maketh mure fruitful!. 5 . That the Meanes of Grace, vnder the Gofpell, are to our Soules. as Rayne , and Labouring, and other Husbandrie is to the Ground, Verf. 8. But that which bcareth Thorns and Brieres, is rcjc&ed, and is nigh vnto curling 5 whofe endcis to bee burned; TB E Similitude ShowkthJ i. Tl&t* man may perifh, for not bringing foorth the Fruites of the Gofpell , allbeeit hee fail not into the finnc agaynft the holie Ghoit. 2. That there is as great reafon, why GOD fliould orftawayaman, who amendeth not his lyfe by the Gofpell, as thaf an Pusband-man fhould giue over labouring of a piece of evill ground. 3. And, by this meanes alfo fPio- wcth, That God's moft fevere Judgements, haue, all of them , moiie equitable reafons. 4. That there is a neccflicie of bringing foorth rhe Fruites of Well- doing, if a man would be free of the Curfe, eythcr pf . Apoitates, or of the barren Land. Vcrf.9. But, Beloved 3 wee are perftva- ded better thinges of you, and things that accompanie Salvation , though wee thus fpeake . G 2 Htcmitt i tod HEBR. CHAP. VI, I. Xjttilf mittigatetb bis threatnwg of them, fit JL jLft aY * tf bating their Fay tb : Beloved, fayshbee, wee are perfwaded bet- ter thinges of you, though wee thus fpeakc* Then, i # A Preacher may threaten, fearfullie , thofe of whome hee hath good hopes * yet with prudencie . left hee harme them. 2. And people threatened, muft beware of weakening their owneFayth: knowing, that threa- teninges arc not vfed to weaken Faych $ but to put away Securitie, and Sloathiullneffe. *♦ Hte tafytb bis Jjfurauce of tbem, from futb tbingts d$ accompam Salvation* Then, In the Fruites of Fayth , there are Markes, and Ividences, of a man's falvation to bee found, which may giue a charitable perfwafion of their blefTed E/Utc > to fuch as knowe them . Verf. wo. For, GOD is not vnrighteous, to forget your worke and labour of louc, which you haue fhowed towards His Name, in that yee haue miniftreM to the Sayn&s, and doe minifter. i# , T*ff£ redfonof bis gQQ&htyesoftbtm 9 utbeit A by-goue, and prefect Fiuitcs of Loue towards - CHRIS TS l^ame.and HisSaytitts. THEN, 1. The Workes of Louie, done for the Glorie of CHRIST,or to His Sayn&s,for CHRIST'S fake* from tyme to tymc, as GOD giveth occafion, aice»id HEBR. CHAP. V. 101 re evident Markes of a man's falvation ; and, more lire Tokens of faving Grace given, than Illumina- ion, and Taltinges , fpoken of before, i. No loue \s to be reckoned for Loue, but working Loue. 3 . No kes are right Workes , which flowe not from fLoue, to CHRIST. U Offucb mrktSf beefayctb> that G O D is )t Unrighteous , to forget tbem : And fo prooveth ibeir Salution* becaujejutb f mites ac com panic Sal« ition . Then, i, With the Grace of la- borious Loue towardes CHRIST'S Name , the Grace of Salvation doeth goe in companie. z. Iu- Iflice doeth agree with Grace, in the Rewarde of Well-doing; becaufe the Rewarde is graciouflie promifedj and R ighteoufnefle maketh Promife* to bee performed. • $. The man that loveth CHRIST in deede , and in trueth , hath that which is mofte terrible in GOD, for the Pawnc of his Salva- tion 3 even His Iuftice . 5. Tbefe are tbeytobomtbee YepMtedifor leea^ nejfe of l{nntcledge , Chap. v. Vcrf, 12. •kbom no-toe bee commcndetb y for their good AffeBien , and Fruites. Then, i. Meane knowledge, if it bee farcified, and found , will bee fruitfijll in the works of Loue. 2. This Vertue of Loue, is no ex« cufe for floathfull following of the Meanes of Know- ledge : wee muft growc in Loue,and grow In Know- ledge alfo . 7 erf 1 1 . And wee defire 5 that everie one of you doe fhowe the fame diligence, to the full aflurance of hope, vnto the ende. €7 *v Hctexk loz HEBR. CHAP. VI. 1. TJEB exbortetb, to continue diligent, Mntotbt ende . Then, i, The diligent hauc neede of exhortation, to goeon. 2. Exhortation to perfeverancc , importeth not fufpicion of falling. a>yay ; but ferveth to farther Perfeverance rather. 3. No other Tearme-day is fet to our diligence, but the ende. No licence to flacke, or giue over. 1. Tbe ende of tbeir going on in diligence, is their full affurance of hope. Then, 1. Whatsoever meafure of affurance men haue, they may yet obtayne a fuller meafure of it. Still wee muft ftudie to growe. a. Conitant diligence in the works of Loue, is the readie meane to fofter and aug- ment our AlTurancc.3.ChriftianIiope is not a Conje- &ure, or Probabilitic, but an Afliirance. Vcrf.ii. That yce bee not {loathful!: but followers of them , who through Fayth and Patience inherite the Pro- mifes. ^ H BE ft tUt ^ ti}C Exawpk °f tie Fatbits before them , to bee minted . Then, t . So manie examples as wee hauein Scrip- ture, of the Godlie gone before , as manie Leaders, and Encowragers muft wee reckon our felues to haue. 2. The Paynfiill, and not the Sloathfull, are the true Imitators of allowed Examples. 3. In the Way to Heaven, there are manie things befalling vs, which make it vnlyklic wee ihall come there : for which caufe, there is needeof Fayth. 4. A tyme muft interveane, and troubles alfo, ere Heaven bee pofleiTed : There is , therefore, neede of Patience aiib f " *. Ibej USSR. CHAP. VI. 10 j 1. They inheritc tbe fromife, fayethbet* ^TUEN , i. The mode patient and paynfull Ser- vauntcs of GOD, get not Heaven by Merite; but by Inheritance. * . They get not Heaven by MeritejbuC by Promife. Now, the Promife is of Grace. yerf. 15. For, when GOD made pro- mife to Abraham, becaufeHee could fwearc by no greater, Hee fware by Himfelfe 3 fcrf 14.- Saying, Surelie, blefling, I will bleffe thee 5 and, multiplying, I will multiplie thee. Verf. 15. And To after hee had patientlie endured, hee obtayned the Promife. 1 . in \ tnanie Examples, be bringetb one ofFa~ j7 tber Jbrabam , /VoroCienef. xxij. verf#i£. 1 7* and ma\etb v/Sf of it by application. Then, Becaufe wee can not haue all Examples at ence before our Eyes, wee flialldoe well, for. feve- rall dueties , to haue fome felcft Examples fingled out , for our owne more readie vfe. 2 . Hee doetb not bring foortb all Jlbrabms Ver- mes , but fucb as made for bis parpofe. Then, When fit Examples are found out, thole poyn&es which mofle ferue for our edification, muft Lee mofte in our Eyes . 5. Hit markctb , /irtf , tbe frmife made : next, G 4 thts jo 4 HEBR. CHAP. VI. the confirmation of it, by an Oath : then, the fait and \( eonjiant hoide layde on \% % by Abraham: last, the fruits I of the holding fail ^ Hec obtayned the Pro- I?; mife. Th£N, i, in the Example of Be lievers, the nature of the Promife, and howe they , came by it, mutt efpeciallie bee marked , for helping * of our Fayth. 2. Preachers haue Paul's Example heere , howe to handle a Text. 4 • Bee fetteth Abrahams Obt4yning,for a fatyne of their Obtaynhg ; allbeeit he kpew their Fayth fhould bee Walter, in degree, than Jbrabam's. then, In making vfe of Examples, it muft bee helde for a ground, that the honed and vprieht Imi- tators, allbeeit weake, fhall finde the fame fuccefle, that the itronger, gone before them, haue found. Verf. 16. For, men , verilie, fweare by the greater : and an Oath for confir- mation , is to them an ende of all ftryfe . i, r I i B E JpoHle beeing about to comment V/w*i I i this Oath, fir ft, bee jho^eththeendeof an Oatbamovgtt men, verf. 16. and then, the yfe of the Oath made to Abraham thereafter* r. Men jwareby a Greater, fayeth bee, that the author itie ef him by -ftbowe they jveare, may tatifie the Oath, one V>ay, or other. £«* GOD hath not a greater: and, Therefore, Bimfclfe, and all Bit, is layde in $WM) t&mkf Hk Q*tb gogd* 2, U " ^ho is the HEBR. CHAP. VI. ioj Ireatett, and gi+etb autboriiie , and Vceygbt, to all mbes dmongtt wen, m[l bee eUeemed •toortbietogiue ieygbt, and autboriiie , to His aw*t Oath* 2 bis is U font of bu Ycajenbg . 2. Tbeende of an Oatb , is to ende CoMrovetfie. rben 9 tbii fitnilitude Importeth, That as • |long as wee are in mifsbeliefe, there is a Cortrover- fie betwixt GOD andvs: wee teftifying, that wee ire in fufpicion of His good affeftion towardes vs, and of His Promifc keeping vnto vs : and GOD is loffended with vs, for our wicked choughtes, enter- fuyned of Him . 3. G O D batb pwtne His frornife to V;, to [ tahf 4j the Covtmerfie • Then, 1. A man could condefcende no farther, to giue his partie fatisfa&ion, nor GOD hath condefcended to iatisfievs. 2. Except wee will denye GOD the ho- nour, which wee can not denye vnto an honeit Man, wee muft belieue the fworne Covenant of GOD, and particular Articles thereof* 3 , Except wee be - lieue , the Controverfie remayneth i yea , and is doubled , after the Oath . Vtrf. 17. Wherein GOD, willing more aboundantlie to (how vnto the Heyrs of Promife,the immutabilitieof His Counfell, confirmed it by an Oath . l«r\NE of tbe evdes of GOD'S fretting to V^/ Jbrabam 9 is tie Confirmation of tbe Vajik- fuller tU H<}Tts of frotnijC) meaning tbe \»- <5 J €hfirt£cab;t jt io5 HEBR. CHAP. VL ibangeableneffe of GOD'S Counfsll, in making th\ Promife. Then, Everie Believer hath the I lame ground of Certayntie with Abrahams feeing j the Oath fworneto Abraham, is fworne for their Confirmation , 2. Wee calleib believer sly Ifaak*; /ty/e 5 Heyres of the Promife. TH E N f Believers are all reckoned by G O D $ as fo manie Ifaaks, and intituled with Ifaak, to bee Hey res of Abraham with, him, and Heyres of the Good promifed to him, and Heyres begotten by the force of GOD'S Promife, and Word, and not by the force of nature. And, certaynlie, allbeeit the Lav feme for a fief a* ration, yet it is the Gvfycll, and the Word of 9 in loue y as a reconciled Father , and converted Urn ♦ Where- fore, even becaufe of the Believers begetting to GOD, by the immortall Seede of the Word offtomije, be may lee called the bejre offtmifc aifo. ?♦ $y the Oath GO® declared biwfelfe Willing to/bo^e tbeimmutdbilitieof bit Counfell f concerning the Salvation of Believers. THEN 9 i. As manie as belieue in IESFS, and are be- gotten by the Promife, are fore-prdayned,in GODS Counfell, for Salvation. 2. The Purpofe and Coun- fell of G O D , concerning fuch mens Salvation, is immutable. 3. G O D wii'l haue Believers knowing this His Counfell, concerning themfelues, and their Salvation, and affurcd of the immutabilitie thereof* 4. H E E will haue the fwcrne Promife made to Abraham, and his Seede, ferving ii^particular^o the Heyres of Promife , or Believers, to make evident (his HEBR. CHAP. VI. 10^ [this His Counfell to them in particular, as well as to I Abraham, becaufe Hee fware to Abraham, to iliowe [them this His Purpofe . 4. $j the Oatb bee fayetb^ GOT) is willing more aboundantlie, to fhowe the immu- tabilitie of His Counfell. THE^, i. Till the immutabilitie of the L O R D'S Coun- fell, concerning our Salvation, beelayde holde vpon, Fayth can not bee fleadfaft , as the LQKD would haue it. i. G O D is willing > that wee fhouldc looke in vpon His Counfell , by the Eye of Fayth, and readc our Names written in Heaven, in His De- cree : and fo bee made fure. 3 . The Promife of Sal- vation, or of the Blefling to Believers , is of it felfc fpfneient anough for Aflurance, allbeeitit were not fworne : and the Oath is added, not of neceflitie, for anie weaknefle of the trueth of the Promife; but out Ot fuper-aboundant good will, to haue vs made fure. 4. It behooveth to*be moft pleafant to GOD, that Believers haue full aflurance of Fayth, and over- come all doubting , feeing Hee fweareth the Pro- mife, onelie for this ende. Ferf. 18. That by two immutable things, in the which it was impoflible for G O D to lie, we might haue a ftrong Confolation , who haue fled for re- fuge, to lay holde vpon the Hope fet before vs . i©8 HEBR. CHAP. VI. AKolber ende of the Oath, is , That leitbaffu* ransetbe jj 3. jVhyle bee defcryhelb the ®e//ev*r , after this wanner y ds the man to vbemeall tbefe tbinges after- tayne , bet Teachkth *s , That, Whofoever findeth himfelfe in anie trueth, to bee fuch a one as heere is defcrybed,fo driven, and •lb drawne to CHRIST; fleeing from Sinneand Wrath , and running on to C H R I S T, in Him alone to bee faved ; may bee well af lured, hee is a man cndcwe which entereth mta\ that within the Vayle, ferf. 20, Whither the Forer-unner is for: vs entered; even IESUS: made an High Prieil for ever, after the Or* der of Melchifedek. I. T 1EE hatb telde the [oliditie of the ground* A J -fthetrtpon the Believer dottb rc3\ and m^e hee fbowetbtbe flabilttiecftbe grippe vbUhtbefBc^ lievertakjtbof tbefe groundes y intbe [tmtlitnde of tbi grippe tybhba Sbippes And re t a\elb ,beeing catten on good ground* In tbt former Vcrfe, by tiopc>*&# 20 • as much as ferted to refemble ante thing in CHRIST: but never accord toucbetb bee of MeU cbifedelC* kinging foorthof$reaiand Wyneto Abra- ham* Therefore > He did not account this afric typicall aition, having anierefemblance of that which was to bee done by CHRIST his Anti-type: for then (hould hee not haue fayled to marke it p feeing hee obferveth the myllerie of his name , and place of dwelling, which isleffe. z* Melchifede^ and the Church in Salem, where Melcbifede^Tcas friett^cre not of Abraham s Fa* milie. Therefore , Albeit G O D did ^choofe Abraham's Familie f as the Race wherein hee 'was to continue the ordinarie Race of his Churchy yet had hee Churches, and Saynftes, befide. j. This meeting of Abraham, and entertayning bim, and his companies Tvilb $read and Drinkf, being the exercyfe of an ordinarie Vertue , Showeth, That it is the duetie of all men , and namelie of Kinges, Great men , and Church-men , to counte- nance, and encowrage, according to their place, and power , thofe who hazard themfeluesin G O D'S Service, and goodCaufes. 4. To come to a particular Compdrifon of the Type, dnd the Truetb* 1 . Jit Melchifedeck^ Was bath Ring and Triett) hhis %iuftome h So is CHRIST King and Pridt in his Kingdome ; Co Care for the Rc- H % Jigiosy Ii6 HE br. Chap. VII. ligion, and outward converfation of his Subje&es; tfr fee to the Weall of their Soules, and Bodies -, both amongft men, and towardes GOD; in this lyfe, and heere-after. 2. As MeUbifedet\u tbe blejfer of Abraham the Father of the Faytbfall 9 in tbe Typt\ So is CHRIST, in Trueth, the BlefTer of Abraham, and all the Faythfullj the Fountayne of all Blefllngjin whom alone eyerie one is blefled, who getteth Blef- fing, Verf. 2 . To whome alfo Abraham gauc a ] tenth parte of all : firft beeing> by in- terpretation, King of RighteoufnefTej ; and, after that, alfo , King of Salem •;> which is. King of Peace. X.np got on, in tbe Comparifon: As MeUbife* A de^ tbe Type % was honoured \ by Abrahams i paying of Tythes v»fo him \ So is CHRIST' to bee honoured by all Abraham's Children, by gi- ving of their Subltance, and worldlr e Goods, what is i fufficient to mayntayne the honour of his Kingdome, ' amongft them . t. Truafuppofe tbe Type were lajde afyde, yet this tbankffitll Meeting that Abraham gaueto tbe wan, •fthoje Offce was tobUjfe bim,in the Kame of the L0 2\©, doeth Teach All the FaythfulJ, Abraham's true feede J a duetie of Thankfulneffe, to G O D'S Servantes fet over them, to blefle them, in the Name of the LORD: even to honour them, by giving of their Goods, for their fufficient mayn- taynancc, 3« 4s tfthh HEBR. CHAP. VII, ci 7 3# Js Melcbifedcl^, tbe Type* U by ivterpretion, tjng of e 7 is l{ing of Salem, t\>*t u , l\ing of feace ; bo is C H K I vS T, in Trueth, King of Peace, to his Subje&es, by recon- ciling them to the Father, by giving Peace of Con- science within themfelues , by making all the crea- tures at peace with them, and all thinges turnc toge- ther for their Good , and by working ilill on their eternall Welfare , and Bleffednefle , vncill hee per- fect ic. f . Js Melcbiftde^yvas fitftlQng of IXfgbteouf* nejfe, and then l(ing of feace, in the Type 5 So is CHRIST, in Trueth , in this Order 5 Firit, King of Righteoufnefle, to his Subjedtes, to take away their finnes, and to giuc them Righteoufnefle: And then, King of Peace, becaufe hee giveth them his peace, as the Fruite of Righteoufnefle, This is the Order of his Kingdome , Righteoufnefle, and Peace , and Ioye in the holie Ghoite . Verf. 3. Without Father 5 without Mo- ther, without Defcent j having ney- ther beginning of dayes, nor ende of lyfe : but made lyke vnto the Sonne H s of GOD, Jl8 HEBR. CHAP. VIL of GOD, abydcth a Prieft conti- nuallie . MELCHISEas, or of^bome he came % or of bis death , butthefe three Verfes of Genef xiv« A s 9 then y bee is in ty pic all beeing in Scripture $ So is CHRIST, in Trueth, in his perfonall beeing , as GOD, without Mother; as Man, without Father; as i GOD, without beginning ; as GOD and Man, wi- thout ending of lyfe . z. As Melcbifede^ loohjnghowbee Jlandetbini its Scriptmali beeing, abydcth a friett tontimatlie\ fo i that •tobere.fo.ever bee is named in Scritture, there bee is ever found a friejl alfo j and nenr a wrde of his laying down of the friejiboode : Even fo is CHRIST'S' Prieithoode vnfeparable from his per- fon : hee abydcth a Prieft continuallie , in reall ac- complii]imerit • 3* $y faying, beets made lyhs vnto the Sonne of GOO, Hee civeth rs to vn- derstand % That GOD'S Purpofe was, in thofe particulars, fo to defcrybe hirn^as hee might re- femble the Perfbn , and Offices , of the Sonne of GOD: And fo is a Type , rfGO D'S owne appeyrmrtf nt . HEBR. CHAP. VII. 119 A. AndifbeWdsmadedlykJieTypeofCH\IST 9 n bis Office of Vriejtbode, then itfollowttb, u MeU kifedel^ bad neytber ante joyned with bim 9 in bis riejlboodeyvor fleputie, nor Vicar % \nder bim in it, nor Succejfour to bu Office I So neythcr hath CHRIST anie joyned with him, or Subftitute,oi: Succcflbur to him, in his Prielthoodc. ferf^. Nowc, confidcr hovve great this man was, vnto whome even the Pa- triarch Abraham gaue theTenthes of theSpoylcs. TO fhow CH%JSTS Excellence, bee did* Wethtbem to coufider MelchidelCs excellence abeue Abrahams : that jo they wight fee CHRJST'S Excellencies bee fane more, iherca- fon,h force, goetbthws : i. If Melcbifede^ the Type, bee more excellent than Abraham ; much more tfl CH%l$T,of whome bee u aTy[e. 2. Andif IM elchtfedcl^s greatnejfebee not eaftlie fercerted^ex- (eft there bee a due confideraticn of it 5 much more I CH^lSTS Greatnejfe reauyrelh confdsration , and is woithie (f contemplation. ?♦ If Abraham, by ! ft/mgrfTnbes, acknowledge Melcbifcdehj fuperfa ntie\ Much more fhould all Abrahams -Off- faring dckjiowledge CHRIST'S Superior itie,wbome Mel- (bijedcl^, typicallieyreprefented; by ^ayingof what n due, for the wayntaynatceoj his Service, andbejlo* tying Ott bis Miwjlers , who are appoynted to ble\je in H 4 hisNatnc^^ iae Heb ju Chap. VII. his Kme , ( whether it bee lejfe< or more, *tobicb thej bejitrtoe ) in fab a manner, m it vilific not, nor dif grace their high Employment % tcbicb C&%IST hath put \>pw tbem- } and jo dijhonout bm % vbofe Senantey %bej are . Kerf ?♦ And, verilie,they that are of thcj formes of Levi, who receaue the Of-' fice of the Priefthoode 5 haueacom- maundement, to take Tithes of the people, according to theLawe^ that is, of their Brethren, though they] come out of the loynes of Abraham. HEE pYQoMb, tbatinTttbes taking, Melcbifc* dck* *toa* p>eacer than Abraham* who did payt Tithes 5 ftecaiije, foi the faweiejpett, the Le\\tes% by talking lubes of their $itsbten 9 as friejjes^bad a iSnpewruie over tbem^ for their Ojfice cauje , ^bo t *tb:r-'toayes, Tot\e their equalls. THEN, i. The Prieftlie Office lifted vp the Levites, aboue their Brethren , who were fprung of Abraham, as well as they. 2. The commaund or ta- i king Tithes, was annexed to the Office of the Priefti faoode, in token of their Superioritie by Office, over, them who by nature were at leafl their equalls. ferf 6. But hee whofe Defcenc is not from thera, reccaved Tithes of Abraham^ HEBR. CHAP. Fir. izx Abraham j and blefled him that had the Promifcs. Jftr/7 7. And, without all contradi&ion, the lefle is blefled of the better. HEE pmvetb, agayne, MelchifedeJ^ to bee grea- ter than Abraham y and Jo greater than UYi$ becaufebee blejjed him; ami, there fire, behoo- ved to bee greater. Then, i« Abraham,not- "Withftanding hee hee had rhe Promifcs , yet got hee thcBlefling by Melchifcdek , in Type; and, from CHRIST, represented by him, in Trueth, 1. If Melchifedck was greater, becaufe hee blefled him, as Type : Then CHRIST farre more , who falclTech in cffcdl . T\9V>, there are fmdrie forts ofSUfiings, i.Tbere is a Slefiing of %e\erence - and tVtofhip ; So Men hlejfe GOD. This forte importetb no Greatnejfeio the Blejftr, hut Subject ion. 2 ♦ There is a ftkjiing of Charitic : So Ivien blefft one another , by mutual Prayer, This forte imported no Superior itie neyibtr. 3 . There is a $!efi ng of Authoritie or dinar ie : So doc G0D 9 S Minifiers blejfetbe ?coplt,intbt L01{p'S Kawe* 4. A fylefing tf Author itie extraor dinar ki So Mekbifede\ bleffed Jbrabam 3 and the lropbets % 4nd Tatnartbes, fucb m by initiation they were dire- Bed to blejfe . And this Ojfciall Blefiog, vilb Ah* tboritie,proo>etb Superiorities whether it bee or dinar ic $ c/ extraordinarie. 5 . There is a filejling of foyer, of itfelfe, effiBuall : So blejetb CHRIST; and /# GOV bieffetb Men* 122 Hebr. Chap. VIL From This, i#The Excellencie of the OfrV fice of G O D'S Minifters is evident, who are ap. poyntedto blefle the people, in GOD'S Name. z. And howe they fliould bee refpe&ed, in loue, for their Worke fake . 3 . And howe they (hould walkej wurthie of that high and holie Employment -> left 1 their finnes make them vyle, and contemptible, be- -|J fore the people, as in Malachie's tyme , Mai. 2.9. ferf. 8. And, heere men that die,receaue 1 Tithes : but there hee receaveth them, J of w home it is witneffed, that hee :| liveth . AKother poynt of Comparifon , tending to this 1 e ttde : The Lewes, in their Tithing, wre wor- I tall men \ one fucceeding another* $ut Mekbife- j de^intypeoj hisfriejlboode,andScripMralibeeing> ,j and CH'lsJST, in the frueib of his fnejlboode, art i immoYtall: Aud y tbertfae, M elchifede^ as tbety- \ ficall ptieft , and CHT\l$T, as the true ?riefl $ art I greater than Levitiiall priejles,ty as much as Immor* I talitie is aboue mortalitie f Then, Everie Age hath CHRIST for a Prieft, living in their owne tyme, to deale for them, with GOO: And what Benefice they get by him , in their owne tyme, hee can make foorth-comming vntothem, even for ever, terfp. And, as I may fo fay, Levi, alfo, who receaveth Tithes, payed Tithes in Abraham. r j ror HEBR. GAAP. VII. 123 hrf. 10. Forhee was yet in the loynes of his father, when Melchifedek met him. Tiptber<]{eafon,to this fdme pur pofe : le\i payed Tubes to MeUhifede^ in Abraham's loynes : bete/ore, Mekb\fede\, is greater in bis priejlboode 9 by •ftbome t J erfe~ {lion Teas to bee gotten , Psalmb ex. 1 . Therefore , Perfection could not bee by darons frieftboode. From This Wee Learnf, That vndej: the Lawe, Remiffion of finnes, and eter- nal! Lyfr, IHebk. Chap. VII. I2J II Lyfe, was not obtayned by vertue of anie facri- ethen offered : but by the vertue of CHRIST'S crifice , and CHRIST'S Priefthoode, repre- sented thcre-by. 2. But -toby could not Terfetfionbiebytbatfriejl* boodei Bcegrtctb a%eafon, faying -, For vndcr it the people receaved the Lawe. The vordeimportetb as much, *s the people -tocrc thenlegd* Uzed, disciplined, after d legdll manner : that is, Tbe Lave -toas (till Yrged Vf on tbcm$ flilltbey -toereprejfei logtue p erf eft obedience, \nder fdyne of tbe Cur ft % (till GOD dealt in tbe externall forme ofbandeling them] as one not fatisfied for anie tbing that *tod$ ojfe* ted, ds yet i in their name. Therefore, Tcfettio* could not bee bad by tbat Service : For it -toas evident, Itbatneytber GO© -toas pacified, nor their Confciences myeted, by anie tbing in tbat Trieftboodc I but dll-tocrc U'ent to the thing (tgnified, and to the tyme -tobicb *to*$ if come , in tbe Mefiias manifejtation . THEN, Comparing their tyme, and ours , for outward manner of handeling , as they were legali- zed - y that is, itraytlie vrged , bytheYoakeof the Lawe: wee are Evangelized; thatis,fmoothIie en- treated, vnder the Gofpell j GOD laying afide Tcr~ tour, entreating vs to bee reconciled, and to comc # and reccaue Grace for Grace. Verf.n. For, the Priefthoode beeing chaunged, there is made, of neceffi- tie, a chaunge alfo of the Law. Frtm n6 Hebr. Chap. VII. F5^0 U the cbaunge of the Leviticall friejlhoi, \ hceinfemtb, of necefiitiejbt abolifhing of the ] Leviticall Law , and of our Obligation tbewnto. j THEN, i . The Leviticall Priefthoode, and the Leviticall Lawe, doe ftand and fall together. 2. The] Leviticall Lawe cannot ftand with anie other prieft-j hoode than Aaron's : it can not ftand with Chrift's, vnder the Gofpetl. 3. ChrifVs Priefthoode , feeing it is another than Aaron's , muft haue another Law, other Ordinances, and (latutes, than. Aaron's : a Lawe and Ordinances futeable vnto it felfe. 4. To] vfe Leviticall Ceremonies vnder the Gofpell, istol confound the priefthood of Aaron and Chrift.' Verf 1 3 . For, hee of whom thefe things are fpoken , pertayaeth to another! Trybc; of which no man gaue atten* dance at ihe Altar. terfi^. For, it is evident a that our: LORD fprangoutof Iuda- of which T Trybc Mofcs fpake nothing concer- ning Priefthood. ferf. 15. And, it is yet farfe more evi- dent : For, that afcer the fimilitude of Melchifedek , there aryfeth another Prieft. i.T T E E prooyetb, that Aaron s Triejlkoode is * -* tbaunged, and tbe Ordinance thereof', be- uufc Ps al. ex. fiufyb of Cbrijl'sfriejlbood; that Hebr. Chap. VII. 127 tat is, fid front the ferVite of the Alt ay. By the Itaty beemeanetb the materiall Altar, commaunded in >e Law. Another Altar bee knowtb not. And brijl's friejiboode bee declareth to bee f red from >e [erVice of this Altar 5 befidelcbicb, noLaye could \e it to anie ether Altar , Then, Chrift's Priefthoode is fred from the ltar which GOD commaunded , and all the fer- iee thereof. And, who-fo-ever will erect another lateriall Altar in CHRIST'S Prieilhoode, and pe his Church vnto it , muft looke by what Lawc ley doe it. 1. From Verfc 14. Wee L e a r N e , That thrift's Genealogie was well knowne in theApoflle's ymes ; and no controvcrfie about it. And , it ihfii- eth vs,that\vee knowcthisby the Apoftle'sTefti- nonie 5 albeit wee could not lineallie deduce the amc . 3. Obferue bow bee reafomtb\ That none cf the Irybe of I uda attended the Altar,becaufe Mofes jpal^e \otb\ng of that Trybe y concerning the friejiboode* THEN, NegatiUe Conclufions , in Matters of F^fth, and Dueties, followe well from the Scriptures (ifence. It is not warranded from Scripture j there- bre 1 am not bound to belieue it. The Scripture doeth not requyre anie fuch thing of mee; therefore GOD accounteth it not fervice to Him to doc it ; $ good reafoning. 4. From Vcrfe if. The Afofile comparing the tytoofes of bis Argument, calletb this lajl in plajnt Uames , Farre more evident . \T H E N , Of Reafoas drawne from Scripture, by Confluence, 12$ FtiBR. Chap. VII. Confequence,fome will bee Jefle evident, fome mor< evident ; and yet all bee good Reafons, and prooui the Purpofe ftronglie* Verf. i(5. Who is made 5 not after the lawofacarnall commandementi bu after the power of an endleffe lyfe. JJEE entcretb into a more particular cemparifon,Oj the Leviticall frieflboode, and CB%IS TS tBfhoTvtheyeatyeffe of the one y in eomparifonofth other. JbeLeViticall frie/les^in their Cenfecration got a commaundement^for the Exercyfe of bodilieam tar nail %i*ts, fomefene yeares of their mortall lyfe without po^ei to convey the Grace fignified by tbojebo iilie'kites* l But CH%IST % inhu Confecration t isen dewdwb ToWr> tocenferre Grace, and Lyfecter nail, fom Generation, to Generation, to all that fee\ the a$ weakf , and unprofitable, Qucftion. Bo-to can that bee, feeing it vat Ofdaj- nedjto jlrengtbentbe Belicvers>tben,4ni VMS ft$fi* table for that endei } , infw j^e HEBR. CHAP. VIL I aunfwcrc. It is called wake, and Vnprofitalle} in regarde of ante power, to mak$ fatisfaBion to GOD'S juficefor ourfinnes, or topurcbafe ante Salvation \>nt9 Vj: For 9 other way es 9 as a Meanc, toleademen,for that tytne,nto the MESSlJS, who fhould fastis fit for Vj, it was not wea\e> nor unprofitable l and pur chafe Satiation, as the tniflbelie* ving lews did \fe it, it was 'tifiafy, and unprofitable, altogether* jtgayne^ being confidered as a Meane, t9 prefigure CHRIST, it was profitable fill , till CHRIST cawe\ namelie y for tbatende, and\>fe. But when Hce is come, no ende, nor v/f, more for it$ but that it jhould bee abolifhed ; hating ferved the Turne wheretnto it Was oidayned . then, i. Lcviticall Ceremonies , what-fo- cver vfe they might haue had before CHRIST, are weake, and vnprofitable, after His comming. 2. It is evill reafoning , to lay, fuch Rites and Ceremonies were vfed before CHRIST came; therefore, they may bee vfed now alfo. Vtrf. 1 p # For , theLawe made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a bet- ter Hope did : by the which we draw nigh vnto G O D. HE E proowh y That tiofe %tes were weah; $ecaufethe Lawe, whether Morall, or Cere- monially could not perfeBanic thing : that is* juttifie, fanBifie , and faue anie man, I, Thyfened 45 a fedagogueMleade a want* CHRIST* HEBR. CHAP. VII. i 3 i CHRIST, fir expiation of Sintie, and purcbafe of Salvation : but could not efteftuate this,by tbemfekes* And tbii makftb good the Aunfwcre totbe Qjic- ftion in tbe former Vcrfe, Then, To feeke to bee perfected , juflified, and faved, by workes, is to feeke that by the Lawe , which could never bee brought to pafTe, by it. i. What, then, doeth perfeft all i Hee nun* faeretb : The bringing in of a better Hope, perfeUeth all. Ibat a, CHRIST tbenbon ped for, and looked vnto t *tobo is tbat Better Thing} t\en,the Ende,*u<< tbe Signification, of tbofe Le- gall Ordinances , being brought in Vtrto t0 MMpMt lb* Lftiticall ! JLjL Ptiepoode, with CHRIST'S* Tm Cmpatifons are been conjoyned : firft, Le- Viticdl fnejlcsj^ere made without an Oath* oueliebj tcay of fimple Ordinance , and jDjrttffon; GO® lea* Vine /dWflf to himfelfe y bow long hee pleafed to bolde m the hath an vnchaungeable Priefthoode. AKotber Excellencie of Cbrift's Prieftboode , aboue the LeVtticalh which may bee brauncbei out in theft particulars following: I. The Lewie all Priefles Were manic* both at one tyme, and one after another : by reafou whereof \ that PrieftboodeWM Weakened.whyie one parte of the Of- fice, for fuch a tymc, Was in the handes of this man \ and another parte , for another tyme, Was m the handes of that man, And » became one man could not bee yea- die to take the Sacrifices from ail thepeople 7 therefore, J feVerall men behooved to take feVerall partes if the bur- den. $ut y in ChrijVs ^nefihoode, there U but one Man 3 eVen Htofelfei &ti ^riejlhoode uxmdivided: no man bearetb a parte ef the burden with him : ti ce, alone, attendetb all mens Sacrifices, by bimfelfe : Bee U at leafme,for everie maris employment, at all tymes, in the greatejl tbrongof Sacrifices. Then., As long as CHK1ST is at leafure , no reafon to errploy another, to can -fc our Prayers, Z. The LeViticall Pvitfikoode.did pafje fom ow perfon , to another: nor ante other infirmitie, can interrupt his Office. . Then, i. To make anie Prreft , by fpeciall Of- fice, in the New Tcftament, bdide CHRIST , is to rent the PricfUiuod of CHRIST , and make it im- p erf eft/ He b a. Ch ap. VII. 135: perfect , Iyke Aaron's ; which , for the fame rea- fon, That it had manie Prieftes, was weake, and im- perfed, and inferiour to CHRIST'S, i. To make Prieftes, by Office, in the New Teftament , to offer vp anie corporall facrifice , is to make CHRIST'S Prifthood feparable from his owne perfon: which if agaynft the nature of CHRIST'S Priefthood, which can not pafle from one, to another : for fo importeth the worde. 3. To make pluralitie of Prieftes in Chrift's Priefthood, Vicars , or Subftitutes , or, in anie refpeft, part-taker of the Office with him, is to praefuppofe, that Chrift is not able to doe that Of- fice alone 5 but, is eyther dead, or weake , thathee can not fulfill that Office : contrarie to the Text heere, which (zyethj^ecaufe beecontimeth cm, bee bath anVncbaungeable priefthood: or, a Priefthood which can not pafle from one, to another. Verf.25. Wherefore, Hee is able alfo to faue them , to the vttermofl, which come vnto GOD by Him; feeing He ever liveth D to make intercefllon for them. i.Uif Jhwetb the Fruite of Chrift's \eebhg JIM tbe Prieftboode, altogether in his rtonepcr- fotiytobce, Tbe petfettS ahation of all 'Believers for «*<*: Hee is able to faue, to the vttermoft, them that come vnto GOD, through Him. T h e n 5 1. Who-fo-ever communicateth Chrift's Priefthoode, with anie other kefidc his owne perfon , maketh Ckriii not able, I 4 alone, t 3 6 HEBR. CHAP. VII. alone, to faue, to the vttermoft, thofc that come vo- to G O D, through Him. %. From this ground al- io, it doeth followe, that Chrift not onelie beginneth the Believers falvation j but perfeð it alfo. Hee doeth not worke a parte of a man's falvation , and leaue the reft to his owne merites, (or the merites of others; ) but perfeð it Himfelfe, even to the vt- termofte . 3. And if a man joyne anic thing meri- torious vnto Chrift's Priefthoode, or anie Mediator, for interceffion, befide him, or feeketh, by his owne workes, to putchafe falvation, hee denyeth Chrift to ! bee able to faue him to the vttermofte; t. Hee dejerybeth Believers, to hej tbeft tbat some to GOD , tbrongb CH%1 S TV T^en J x. Chrift is the Doore, and the Way, through which onelie Acceffe i$ gotten to GOD . By Sayn&es, or Angels, there is not a way to come to GOD; but by Chrift onelie. 2,. They that come not through Him alone to G O D, feclude themfelucs from thefuffi- ciencie of falvation to bee had in Him , 3 , The na- ture of Believing , is to make a man come towardes GOD> to get communion with Him,through Chrift.' 4. And none but fuchas come in Fayth to ,G O'D, through Chrift, can take comfort from His Prieft- hoode, or looke for falvation. ?♦ Heegi*ctba%eafon f 'V>bypeffetf Salvation is U hee had for /mb as come to G OD, though Cti%l$ T; Secaufe Hee livcth for ever , to make in- terceffion for them. Bet fayetb not, To offer, or caufecjfer *p 9 tbc Sacrifice of bis bodie for tfam:'But 7 Hee livcth 5 and U not to bee effered anicmrc: and, • livcth, to make interceffion'. Then, HEBR. CHAP. VII. 157 THEN , 1. The facrificing parte is done, and ended: His interceflion hath now the place: and, by His interceflion , wee get the Mcrite of His Death and Paflion, applycd vnto vs : and not by anie newc Oblation, i # If Hee brooke His lyfe, Hee will not fayle to intercede for vs , who come vnto GOD, through Him ; and not through Saynihor Angel!, or anie pcrfon befide : For , Hee livcth for ever, t# make interceflion for vs . Vtrf. 26. For, fuch an High Prieft be- came vs 5 who is holie, harmle(Tc 3 vn- defiled, feparate from finners, and made higher than the Heavens, TO the ende bee may force the Hebrewes, tofou faiytbe Vrieftbtod ofLeviy beedramtb sftrong %eaf$n, from the nature of our Eft ate irnder tbeGoJ- pell'y Kberety bee proo*ctb 9 notouelie, that the prieft $ of Alton's Order are abolifhed ; but, alfo 9 e*erie fonnt vf Adam is excluded from the Ojfice of the Vrieflbood f except IESVS CHK1ST in bitovnt pcrfon one* lie. Bccaufe , eyerie Trie ft tbaftoantetb the (roper* ties of i E 5 V S C H R I vS T, is MnbcfeemingfoT vs V&- ier the Gofycll. A ftnfull wan might baue beene * fPrieft vndertbeLa^e t to prefigure CHRIST, be* fore Hee came : Ent, novc> no ftnfull man may bee a Vricttby Dffice.but CHRIST onelie,in vbomtbere is mftnnc. when tbefacrifice tv*i a beafl, then afm~ fullmanmigbt be a frictti Bat 9 nw 9 'Kben the Sonne of G D U tbc Sacrifice, and b*\}> ojfercd\p bim* i s ftp, i 5 8 HEBR. CHAP. VIL Jelfe alreadie 9 andis gone in, into tbe SanBuarje, "frith bis owne bloode, to makf intercefiion ; there mutt bee no more anie facrifichg , till bee come out of the San- Saark agayne y at the Day of ludgement : nor ante priefty bat be y till bee baue ended bis Inter 'ceflion* For $ fucb an High frieii became to , who is bolie, bam. hjfe f (?c. Qucltion. But Toby is it Vnbefeeming W \nder tbe Gofyeil f to baue aprieft without theft pro- perties* 1 auniwere. Tbe Sacrifice of tbcNefte Teftanent 9 is tbe Vnfbotted Lambe o/GOD,IE^ SVS CHRIS V 9 bolie ybatmlejfe^c. Therefore it becommetb vs to baue fu.b a prieB , who is bolie $ b*rmleffe 9 and »vde filed . F or, it were vnjeemlie, that tbeprieft fbould bee wr/e than tbefacrifice. Hfxt, our frieii bath our finnes, originall, and altuall^ to re~ moouc 3 and Heaven to openl*nto)?s : And % tberefore % itTiete Wvefeemhg , that anie Jhould bee our prieft, Tfifo bath not bis owne firines altogether remooMed, nor jet bath gotten entrie, as yet, into Heaven bimfelfe. i. In that bee draWelb them, ofneceftitie,to quytg dll mens priettboode, and betake them Vnto Cbrift, as fricH onelie , W e h Learnb, That our ncceffiiies being well wcyghed, with the infuiiicien- cieofaniebeiide CHRIST. todoeourTurne, wee ftiall bee forced to ijuyte all prieftes, but CHRIST onclle : For, what pndt can knowe all our needes, all our Amies, all our thoughces , allourdefires, all our prayers, ail our purpofb, and wayt on vpon our bafiocife, with GOD, night and day, to fee that no matfi breake out vpon vs > Who can doe this, buc CHRIST onelie i Yflui Man ? What Saynft* Whsi AngcE» • 2, \n\b# HEBR. CHAP. VII. 139 2. In that bee rcckonelb a number of Petfetfions, \eteffaric to bee in a prieft 9 in the iyme of the Gcfyell, illoftbeo) in C H^l S T% and, all fucb as weft and neede ef 7 Wee Lbarne, That ail rhc per- [tftions whereof wee haue neede in a prieft, are all [n CHRIST : And, the perflations which air in l. H RIST, wee haue neede of them all, and fhould Iniake vfe of them all . J ♦ The firft proper tie of a ptieft )>nder tbe Gofydl, lis this, Hee rouft bet holie : thai u, of buo^ne mature bolie, in his origimll bolie. T H f n , (No fiuful man can be a fufficicnt prieft in the NewTe- Iflament.to doe for vs, who want* holinefle by nature. 1 4 . Tbe next propertit : Our priejl muft bee barm* leffe> ULleffe, free from anie originall guiHivejfe* THEN, No man, come of Adame, by naturall propagation , can bee a prieft for vs nowe, to fatisfk our neccfiuies, who haue finne originall in vs. $. Tbe third propertie: fVeebaueveedeofapriejt \ndefiled \ that u , free from atluail finne. THEN, No prieft can fuffice vs , who are defi- led with acluall finne, but CHRIST, who nt- Ycr finned. 6* The four lb propertied A piieft weete for */, inujl bee free f 10m tbe pollution cftbeje amongfi ^bom bee converfetb. Then, Wee who are of polluted lippes, and lyues, and dwell amongft fuch a people, communicating, manie wayes, of their guil- tinelTe, can not haue fufficienc comfoit, through anis prieft , who can bee infe&ed with finne. And, hec who is a man of polluted lippes, is not meete to bee a prieft for vs • " 7k* i 4 o HEBR. CHAP. VII, 7. Tbefiftpropertie: Jt prieft mete for V/, Ity booted to baue bis ^ftdence in Herteti, and bane com. maundement oyer Beaten, to open it Vnto vs,and glut Vs entrie. Then, None other, but CHRIST, could fufficevs.on whome, by nature , the Doorcs of Heaven are clofed. No prieft , out of Heaven, is meetc for vs , Verf.27. Whoneedeth'not daylie, as thofe High Prieftes, to offer vp Sacri- fice , firft 5 for his owne finnes , and then, for the peoples : For, this Hee did once, when Hee offered vp Him- felfe. fc:- $;:::'. pC % i m m vpon lit ■so i.Tp H E fixt propertie of a fit prieft for Ms : Hee 1 wuft baue m tieede to offer Sacrifice for bis e^ne finnes^ Then, Neyther Levi, nor I anie finfull Man after him , can bee a prieft vnder the lice NewTeftament; but CHRIST onelie , who never § finned, and fo had never neede to offer for Himfelfe, 2. Jbe fea\e»th pYopertie: Bee tnufi mt baue neede to offer day lie for the peoples finnes , *>W;0 muft bee *»r priejt : For , if bee jhould offer the feconddaye, then tbe fir ft dayes Sacrifice [hould bee declared Mvfujji* eient: Or, elfe, -toby vfferetb bee agayne % after tbat vbicb is fufficient t TH E n , 1. The Prieil of the Newe Tenement , needeth not to offer oftener 'nor once. 2. And if CHRIST'S Sacrifice were of- fered oftener nor once, or daylie, Hee could not bee 2 fit prieft for vs, nor offer a perfect facrifice forvs; for, HSBZ. CHAP. VII. 141 -cr, the oft offering, fliould declare the former offe- •inges, vnfufficierit, and imperfeft. 3. tiee ghetb a %eafon , fvhy Chrift needed not to offer v/> of tenet ; Qecaufi bee batb offered vp him- felfaonce, for the ftnnes of the people. THEN, 1. CHRIST was both the Prieft.and :he Sacrifice, in His owne Offering, z. CHRIST'S Sacrifice can not bee offered vp by anie , but Him- felfe : another nor CHRIST'S felfe, can not offer y p CHRIST. 3 . Betwixt the comraing of CHRIST, and the wry ting of this Epiftlc , which was fundrie yeares after CHRIST'S Afcention, the Apoffle knew no Offering of CHRIST, but that onlie once, vpon the Crofle : and yet , tymes out of number, was the S a c r a m e n t of the L O R D' S Slip- per celebrated before this tyme. 4, In that bee m&tyb that once offering," the fydfon of bis not offering d*yhe 9 it teacheth VS , That the perfe&ion of that once offered facri- fice, maketh the repetition needleflc : and, whofo- ever maketh it needfull, that CHRIST bee offered daylie, maketh both CHRIST an imperfect Pried, and His facrifice imperfeft alfo, Ferf.iS. For, the Lawe maketh Men High Prieftes 5 which haue infirmi- tie 5 but, the worde of the Oath, which was fince the Lawe , maketh the Sonne , who is confecrated for evermore* 142 Hebr, Chap. VII. HE S gweth a ft>eciall%eafon> Ttbyit befeemetti> not Vf Under the Go?f>ell,to haueafinfullman foronr pritftt becaufe this u the verie difference be* Wixt the Lay>e , and the Golpell . 1 . The Lave makftb Men^bich hme infirmities, high prieftes J e,*ndth* Go?f>ell,to jland t amongft other tbinges, in the diffe- rence of priefles ; foastbeGo?f>ellcannot admit jucb prijles , as the Law admitted. Then, To haue priefles nowe, after the fimili- tude of the prieftes vnder the Lawe , were to re- mooue the difference which GOD hath made be- twixt the Lawe, and the Gofpell . 3. The Differences, as the Apoftle fetteib them do-tone here, are, 1 . The Courfe taken about priefts, vnder the LdV>e, yas alterable: theytoenmade ifci- thout an Oath ; the Laugher declaring it to bee his tyill, to chaunge that Cowfe, ^chen hee f*W it fitte. fButtbe Courje taken about the prieftes of the Nm Teftamenty is with an Oath: apd 7 jo>can not bee chan- ged. THEH, To make a prieftinthe e©fpell , who is not confecrated by an Oath , to abyde Hebr. Chap. VII. 145 abyde for evermore in the 'Office; but may bee chan- ged, and another come in , in his place, is contrarie to the inftitution of the Evangelical! Prieftood. t. The next Difference, hceroaketh this: The Lftoe admittelb Men, in tbe plurall number-, a plaralitie of prieftes X but tbe Gofycll admitteth no />/«- ralitie of prieftes 5 but tbe Sonne, onelic, to bee prieft. MelcbifedelCs Order in tbe Type, bath noprieftbut one in it % without a Sujfragane, or fubftituted priett. Therefore, CH%IST, tbe true Melcbifede^ is alone in bis frieftboode, without fanner, or Deputie, or Snf- fragane* THfiN, To make pluralftie of prieftes in the Gofpell , is to alter the Order of Melchisedek, fworne with an Oath; and, to re- nounce the March fet betwixt the Lawe , and the Gofpell . 3. The third Difference: Tbe Lave m\etb men prieftes, but tbe Enngelicall Oatb maketb tbe ! Sonne of GOD frieft for tbe GosfcelL then, To make a man pnell nowe , is to v marre the Sonne of God's priviledge, to whome the pr iviledge onelie belongeth • 4. The fourth Difference: Tbe Lmma\etb fucb prieftes , as bane infirmitie : that is , Sinfull I Me n, -tobo can not make tbe fAcrifice Tobich tbey o/*- fer 7 ejfettaall, to pacifie 5 nortbe'BUfting ^cbichthey pronounce > to come j nor tbe injtrutfion -tobicb tbefi give, forcible to open tbe Eyes. Hut tbe Eungelicall Oatb, ma\ttb tbe Sonne, Tvbo is able to/aue, to tbe Vf- termojt, all that come to 6 2), through Him. THEN, 144 Hb-brI C&ap^ VII; T hen , To make a finfull and weake man, a Prieftnowe, is to weaken the Priefthoode of the Gospell, and make it lyketheLaw. 5% The fife Difference. TbeLa*toemdketbmen friettes, ^bicb bade infirmities , ovet •tobome Death had power, thai tbey could not lee con fe( rated \hut for tbeir [hort lyfe tyme, ®ut , the Evangelicall Oath, Mdketb tbe Sonne % *tobome the Sorrows of Veatb could not bo\de\ -and batb confecrated H i m for evermore* THEN , As long asCHRlST'S Confecra- tion lafteth, none mult meddle with His Office. £♦ The laft Difference, tbe Lave inftifuting frietfes 9 -too* not GOD'S Latt Will* lut migbt fujfer Addition. But, tbe Evangelicall Oatb, is fine? tbe Law , and GOD'S laft and vncbaungeabk Will* THEREFORE , To adde ynto jt , and bring in as manie Prieftes nowe, as did ferue in the Tem- ple of olde , is to prbvoke GOD to adde as ma- Hie Plagues as are written in GOD'S Booke, vp« en themfelues, and their Priefts alfo. Tk HEBR. CHAP.VIIL 145 The Summe of Chap. VII h p m \ HIS is the fummc ©f all that I haue fpo- I ken : Wee haue no prieft nowc , but f CHRIST, who is equall in Glorie -** to His Father in Heaven, Verf. i. The Offerer of His owneBodie,, fignifiedby the Tabernacle, Vcrf. *. For, everie prieft muft o& fcr fome-thing ;: therefore, fo muft Chrift, Verf. $♦ But, the Typicall Sacrifice Hee could not offer, by the Lawe ; albeit Hee were on earth, Verf 4. Be- caufe Hee is not of the Tribe of Levi, whofe pro- per Office was to meddle with the ihadowes.There- fore, Hee muit bee the Offerer of the Subftance; that is , of His owne Bbdie , fignified by the fha- dowes, Verf. f . And, fo, now, Hee hath taken the Office over the Levites head; and hath an Office '.more excellent than they; and is Mediator of a bet- ter Covenant, than the Covenant which was in their ty me, Verf. 6 . For, if that Covenant had bene per- fect, another had beene needlclTe, Verf. 7. But, an- other Covenant was needfull: and GOD promiled to make a Newe one, Verf. 8. A better Covenant, than that olde, which the people brake, Verf. 9. For, in this Covenant, GOD vndertaketh, to make vs kcepe our parte of it, Verf. 10. u. And, to par- don, where wee fayle, Verf. n. Now, when GOD promifed a Newe Covenant , Hee declared the other tu bee olde 5 and, to bee abolifhed, when the Newe came. Vcrf 13. K 7hu i 4 ^ HEBR. CHAP. VIII. 7 he doUrine of Chap. VI I U VERS. i. NOw,of the thinges which wee haue fpoken, this is the fumme: We haue - fuch an High Prieft, who is fet on the Right Hand of the Throne of the Ma- jeftie, in the Heavens* i.*Tp H E Apoftle, accommodating biwfelfejt X helpe tbccapacitie and memorie of the He* brewes 5 and urging the fteciall .fojnH of bis Difcouife, is vortbic of imitation. 2. In faying, Wee haue fuch an High i Prieft, who is kt dcwne on the Right: Hand ; therein bee preferrelb Cbrijl,abouetbe Lcviticall frieftes: for, tbeir Triefiboode it onclie txercyfedcnEartb ; butChijl's, in Heaven* and , therefore , When wee will employ our high Prieft , wee haue no earthlie Citie to feeke Him in 5 but in the Heaven, theonelie Place and Palace of His residence, Verf.%. A Minifter of the San&uarie, and of the true Tabernacle , which the LORD pitched, and notman. i.^rjO%all this GUy'ic, yet Cbrifi is JIM called J/ beerea Minifter; To Show Vs, That His High Honour , hindereth Him iot to doe His Office, for our Good. 2. Hee is called a Minifter of the San- ftuarie, or, of the holie thinges; fortbe irtrdewill agree ^itb both 3 and both tende to otte pur* pofet for , the bolie tbinges, yerc all tjed to the Sanftuarie : and, hee tbat *toas Minijler of the San* tiuaiie^as Minifter of the bolie thinges alfo^ and that, in nawe of the SaynHes. t^ove , the SanBua» tie, it the bolic thing**, ifhicb beercis fjfokfn of, is K 2 the i 4 S ^EBR. CHAP. VIII. the thing fignifiedby the SanBuarie, andby the holie thinges. Jnd, fo, taking all the ftgnifieations of the •bordc together , Wee Are TavghT, That CHRIST, in his Glorie, is not ydle; but,as a faythfull Agent , in the hcavenlie San&uarie , ta- king the care of all the holie thinges , which his fayndtes, and people, are commaunded to prefent, procuring, and giving foorth, all holie, and fpiri- tuall thinges , from heaven, to his fayn&es , which their eftate requyreth , 3* Hee is edited, a Minifier of the true Tabernacle, which GOD pitched, and not man : That is , The Minifier of his ctone {Bo as his owne incommunicable Prerogative, «*nd , therefore , Who-fo-cver prefumeth to offer his Bodie, prefumeth alfo to take his place. ytrf. 3 . For j everie High Prieft is orday- ned to offer Giftes, and Sacrifices: wherefore, it is of neceflitie, that this Man hauefome-what alfo to offer. K 3 Hene Bodie, reprefented by tbem. $ut tbetypicall Oblations he could not offer, according totbeLa^e , mtbeemg a Levice: Therefore, bee lebmed to offer Vp b'mfe\fe % reprefented by the typi* tall Oblations . Then, The Apoftle acknowledgeth no Prieft t but cyther the Leviticall prieft, or the I'rieft that offercth vp his owne Bodie. And, who-fo-ever pretendeth to haue the Office of a prieft nowe, vfurpeth eyther the Of- fice of the Lcvite, or Chrift 's Office. Verf.^. For, if Hee were on earth, Hec fhould not bee a Prieft ; feeing that ihere are Prieftes, which offer Giftes according to the Lawe. i.TJT E B prooyetb,Tbat Chrift cannot offer vp A -1 tbe typicall Oblations ; §ecaufe bee can nop bee a friefl on eartb , albeit bee Wre on earth : £e- caufe frieJlboodeoneartb 9 is proper to the LeVites on- lie: For, they are tbeonelie friejles, bylaw, on earthy and haue prajcrybedto tbem, by Layre^bat %btj fhould offer . Queftion. You vill at}$ mee beere, Wm not Chrift a Triejt, y>ben bee vat on eartb i I aun- f wcr cj Xes. Ho^tbcnjajtb tbe 4pofile here, If be; mrc Hebr. Chap, VIII. 151 tyre on earth, bee fhould not bee a Priejti I aun- fwerej itb thebloode,to intercede for tbe people, 4»d there remayned, during tbe tyme of Interceftion tppojnBed to htm : So Chrift, carrying bis Sacrifice out of the Citie, offered v/> bis fiodie, on the Altar of bis Godhead, to bis Father ? and, by bis owe bloode, en* tered into tbe beatenlie Santtuarie, and J ate dovne, on tbe (Right hand of the Majefiie on high ; and there bceltictbfcr ever, to intercede for \s $ having then sn- ded bis Sacrifice, etb, Chap, vij* tj. and Chap, ix. 2;. 16. And, bating no Sa* irifice nWe to ojfer on earth, it is -Kith reafon,tbat the Affile fayeth ; if Hce were on earth, Hec fhould not bee a Prieft. Whence Wee Learne, i.ThatChrift ifi not nowe on the earth , nor in anie place thereof : and, therefore , if anie man (ay to vs f Loe , heere bee is; Loe, there bee is, wee mull not belieue him : it is a falfe chrift hce Ihoweth vs , and not the True, as CHRIST himfelfeforc-warnethjMATTH. xxiv.23. x. That it is impoffiblc, that Chriit fhould nowe bc« on the earth ; for then fhould hce lofe his Prieft- hoode , which is impoflible. For , if hee were on earth, hce ihould not bee a Prieft, fayeth the Apoftle K 4 hcere* IJ2 HEb r. Chap. VIII. heere. 3. That drift's Priefthoode is oneiie dif* charged nowe in heaven , feeing hce can noc bee a Pricft on earth . *• His^eafonis^ They arePrieftcs 5 which offer Giftes, according to the Lavve. THEN, Emit Prieft, vbo hooketbkis Triell- hoode on earth, mujl offer Giftes, according to the Law, But nowehath Hee obtayncda more excellent Minifterie- by howe much alfo Hee is the Mediatour of a better Covenant , which was eftabli- fhed vpon better Promifes. I. HP H E offering of tbe Typhall Oblations 9 bee A bath made proper to tbe Le+ites. Now, tbe offering of tbe true Sacrifices, and fer vice belonging ibcre+nto>hce appropriated to Chriit; andcalletbit, A more excellent Minifterie. Then, 1. The offering of the thing fignificd by the Leviticall Types , is more excellent than all their Qflfefinges* i. This Minifterie is proper vnto \ 1 Chriil 154 HfiBH. Chap. VIII. Chrift onclie , in his owne perfon . s. from this bee prefenetbtbe MediatomjhipQf Chriftfto the Typicall : The ftomifes^and the CoVf- nane now, to the Covenant then. His reafoning , isi As the Minifterie is, fo is the Mediatour. The Mini- ftene is more excellent, in offering vp himfelfe, than thefhadowes. Therefore, the Mediatour is more excellent nowe, than the typicall of olde. Then, The offering of Chrift's Bodie , which is the more excellent Minifterie , is ftill annexed to the Perfon of the Mediatour onelie. And , who-fo- ever intrudeth himfelfe into that excellent Minifte- rie, of offering vp ChriiVs Bodie, intrudeth himfelfe alfo into the Office of the Mediatour. 5 . In comparing the Covenant then % and no*toe,bee makgtb this the better } $ecaufe the fromifei are bet* Ur. WHENCE WEE LEARNE , i. That there was a Covenant betwixt GOD, and his Church, of ©Ide , vnder the Lawe : And, fo, Reconciliation to bee had with G QJ> then. i. That how- fo-ever in fubftance of Grace, both the Covenantes agreed^ yet the forme of this Covenant vnder the Gofpell, is better : Becaufe the expreiTe conditions are bet- ter, the Promifes are more Ipirituall, and more free •f ftrayte conditions. ferfj. For, if that firft Covenant had beene faultleffe, then fhould no place haue beene fought for the fecond. TO than the abolishing of the olde Covenantees proowbit, MttobeefaHltlejfti *6 Wong in that Covenant \ buf betaufe it •*a$ imptifefl, and all thinges needfM not exprejfed iu itclearlie. Whence wee learne, 1. That the LORD'S proceeding with his Church , hath ever beene from the leffe perfeft, to the more perfe&, till Chrift came. z. That where ever GOO addeth, or altereth, what hee once did inftituce; by fo doing , hee fhoweth,That before his Addition, hee had nut exprcfTed all his Mynde, as in the tyme of the Olde Teftament. 3. Wheil once hee hath perfected his courfe taken with his Church, as nowe hee hath done vnder the Newe Teilameut, hee altereth the matter no more. Verf. 8. For, finding fault with them, hee fayeth- Beholde, the dayes come, ( fayeth the LORD) when 1 will make a Newe Covenant with the Houfe of Ifraell , and the Houfe of Iudah. I . J-I E E prooVeth, That there Teas an impcrfe* tliou in the Olde Covenant $ fiecaufc G 09 found fault 7»itb the people Vnder it • Then. The imperfection of the Covenant of olde, was efpeciallie in default of the parties with. whome it was made - y who, by their inabilitie to ful- fill it, or beholde the drift of it, made it vnable t* (auc themfelues . z. Intbevordesof Uttm*\}L*). ii.tbclO%* x$6 Hebr. Chpa. VIII. prowtfttht tomafya Covenant, a ftcr^Atdes^itb the houfe of lfraell , and ludab. T hen, r. The partie in {he Newe Covenant, is not all Man-kynde, but the Church of the Newe Te- irament; the fpirituail lfraell, and Iudah. 2. This Covenant was no: brought to light of olde ; but had itsownetyme of man iteration. 3, Even then, the Church was made wyfe of the imperfection of the Olde Covenant; that they might learne to Ioofce through the outward forme of it, to a better, 4. The Hope, and Too-looke, which they had towardes the Newe Covenant , helde vp their heart ; that they, without vs , and our Privilcdgcs , fliould not bee perfe&ed ♦ Verf.9. Not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers, in the day when I tooke them by the hand, to leadc them out of the land of R- gypt; becaufe they continued not in My Covenant • and I regarded them not, layeth the LORD. 1. T 1 H E Trofbet djftipguijkelb tbeOlde Con* JL ndnl , from tbt Kcve, by defcrjbhg the QldeA^baiti •&>/*, bowbrofyn, and bow punijhed. Fortbafirjl^tbe ten Cewmaundements, and iberejl of the 1UW delivered nto them , ybenlbsj tAtne out of JEgytt, *^ the Covenant of olde $ therein GOD promifed) To bee their GO®, vpon Condition, Tbat tbey did dl lb at bee commaanded them I and t ibey Hebr. Chap. VIII. " 157 they accepted the Condition. So, Albeit there was Grace hcere, in fundrie Articles, covenan- ted, yet the forme of the Covenant, was lykcthc Covenant of Workes. Compare Iercm. xvij* *j, with krem.xxxj. 3 !• 3 2. 33. &c. 2. For the next: They continuednotinit, through leaning to their o^ne flrcngth, and feeing to ejlablip? their ovne %ighteoufnefje ', beeing ignorant of the <%igbtco*fnejfe of GOV. Thy dealt dcceatfullie in the Covenant, and fell to open Idolatiie, fiom t)me,to tyrne. SO, By the Covenant of Workcs, no man will bee feund fteadfaft. 3. Fortbepunifhmentofitil regarded them riot. In the Hebrew it is from the leaft,tothegreateft. u ySffyle Hee fayeth, They fhall' not teach every man his ney hgbour, bee doeth not meane , that his Word, and Ordinances, and Mhiftetie appoyntedVybim, or btotherlic comma* vion, formutuall edification, fhall bee fmffrtgarded % or not made vJV of: $ut» by ibe contraries That bet Will himfclfe bee their Teacher, in theft bis event Means x Firft, ghing his Children a greater toe a fur e vftbe Spiriie, and a mor e near e communion With him- felfi, tbanofolde. z ♦ Making bis Children fo wyft ^ntoSahation^as they fhallnotbangthtirVayih vp* on mans author jtie : hut fearcb, by ail meanes* till iky vnderftandtbe Myndeof GOD, the infallible Teacher ; as hee bath regaled hiwfelfein his Word'e. 3 . So, clearing the Trueth s which is outwardlie taught $ntotbem,by his owne lnjtrumentes , after Jo fur e, and pevfwdftue a manner , by bis Spirit , inwardlit j that the outward Teaching, fhall bee no Ttacbing f in com* farifon of the inward Concurrence ', according as Vet bearetbofcS&rn&titineswete taught, info btliettd indeedetbt Womans report e, that they might got to Cbrift : but v hen they were come to blm f gOt fo great fathfdttion fim himfclfe, that they faydetnto bet) Now HEBR* CHAP. VIIL 161 Nowwco belieue, not becaufe of thy faying for wee luue heard him our fclues, and know* that this is indeed that Chrift, Iohn jy. Nowe wee be* lieue, not becaufe of your faying , but becaufe wee haue heard hira onr fclues * Then, i. It is not GOD'S will, that other mens Bclicfe, fliould bee the Rule of our Beliefe: but that wee ail fearch to vnderftand the Scriptures, and GOD'S Will revealed therein. 2,Itiseafie, from this Ground, to augfwere that famous Queftion: Hm k?°1* joufucb and jucb Grounds of Salvation* Wee aunfwere : It is an Article $f tbel{e^ Cove* vant, They (hall bee ali taught of GOD- 2. Hee fayethi They fhall all knowc Mee , from the leaft , to the greateft* Then, i. The Newe Covenant admitcethall Hankes , and Degrees of Perfons ; and excludeth none, high, nor lowe, that loue to embrace it. 2- It may bee , in fundrie poynftes of Trueth , fome of them bee ignorant , and mifltakeq , more nor other fome : But of the faving Knowledge of G O D, in CHRIST , they (hall all haue light, in a fating mea- sure, v The greateifc , as well as the meaneil, in H-hat-fo-ever refpeft of Place , or Giftes , mult bee GOD'S Difciples , in the ftudic of Saving Know- ledge , and hcartie obedience, Yerfi 1 2 • For, I will be mcf cifull to theiv h ynrigh' 1 6z HE8R. CHAP. Vllt. vnrightcoufnefTe ; and their finned, and their iniquities, will I remember no more. i.THOw^ vj helieue the fomet frmifes, bee A addetb to a New Article , of ^fmifiion of Sinties: becaufefrem ibe Confcience oftbofejrdinaYilie, doe aYj[e our Donbts, and dijficukie of drawing mate to GOD. Then, |, The Confcience of Sinne, muft not dry ue vs away from GOD: but/ rather, force vs to run vnto GOD, more humblic: Becaufe , onelie to fuch as come vnto Him , in His CHRIST, is Remiffion of Sinne promifed. %. What-fo-evcr forte of finnes they bee, Vnrigh- feoufnefife, or Sinne, or Iniquitie, they fhall not hin- der GOD to bee gracious to the Penitent, fleeing to" this Covenant, for Refuge. 2. In faying j Vox: I will bee mercifully x, Hee maketh His Mercie, pardoning Sinne, the Reason of Hisbeftowingthe former good things: His giving of one Grace , the Reafon of giving an- other : even Grace, for Grace, z. Hec makcth His Mercie, the Ground of all this Favour, and nothing in the man's perfon, or workes , or worthineffe of his fayth. }. The word Mercifvll, is in the Ori- ginall, Pacified; and doeth importc botjx GOD'S refped to the Propitiatorie Sacrifice of CHRIST, which pacifieth Him towardes vs; and, alfo, our dueric, in looking towardes it, as the Pryce of our Reconciliation. 3* In that iIh LORD jcjnetbtbc Proshife,of pning HZ BR. CBAP. VIII. 16 $X putting Hit Lave in the tnynde, and Tvryting it in out beart 7 Teitb the fromife of%emifihn of Sinnes , Hee Teacheth Vs , That Hee will haue everie Confederate Soule , that feeketh the Benefite of this Covenant , to joyne all thefe Benefites together, in their Claime ; with Remirtion of Sinne, Peeking to joyne the illumination of their mynde, renovation of their heart, and lyfe, at leaft in their defires, and en- devours : and not to (ever one of them from ano- ther t but ftudfe, in vprlghtnefle, to haue them all. A. Wbyle Bee fayetb f Bee toill remembei their \ fmnes no more 9 Hjsb Tiacheth , i. That Hee will never forgiue finne, nor forget it, but fct it ever in His fight , till a man enter into this Covenant with Him, through CHRIST, x. That when Hee hath forgiven finne, Hee forgetteth finne alfo : what-fo<» ever Hee remitteth 7 Hee remooveth from His re- memberance. Verf. 13. In that Hee fayeth, A Ncvve Covenant , Hee hath made the firfl: olde . Nowe , that which decay, eth , and waxeth olde 5 is readic to vaniih away* F%0 M the name that the L0%p gheth this Co- +enant,:n calling it New, iff dnwetbrtoo Con* fequences : The frit , That the former Covenant^ by this -toord,y»M declared oUe. Next, That as it vm declared olde 3 fo v Verf. 14. And, therefore, that Remif- fion of Sinnes, and seternall Lyfe, might bee givea to the Faythfull, both then of olde, and nowe, Hee be- hooved, by His Office, to riiakc His Teftament, and die, Verf. 1 s . For, fo requy reth the nature of a Te- ftament , Verf 16. 17. "Wherefore, the typicall Te- ftament, of olde, alfo behooved tohauca typicall death , as Levit. xvj. maketh playne , Verf. 18. iy. ic. 21. Yea, everie Cleanfing of the Types , and everie Remiffion , behooved to bee with Bloode, Verf. 2i. Therefore, the thinges reprefented by the Types, behooved to bee cleanfed by better Bloode, even the Blood of the Messias, Verf, 23. For, CHRIST entered not into the typicall Santhjarie* but into Heaven it felfe , Verf. 24, And, offered not Hircvfelfe often, as the imperfect Leviticall Sacri- fice was offered, Verf, 15". For , then fhould Hee haue often died. But His once Offering , wasfuffi- cient for ever, Verf, 2$. And, as GOD appoyn- ted men but once to die, Verf. 27. So C H R I S T was but once offered , till the Tyme Hee come to Judgement , for the Salvation of the Faythfull, VerC 2*. The i$$ HEBR. CHAP. IX. The doBrines of Chap. /X VERS i. THEN,verilie, the firft Covenant had alfo Ordinances of Divine Service, and a worldlie San&uarie. THE word [Ordinances] in the Otigfoall, u alfo Iuftifications, in the plurall number: f® called, becaufe they tefrefented our lutfification. Wmirbof Wes Learni , i. That as other shinges were cyped vnder the Lawe - y fo alfo was our Judication, and the manner cf obtayning the fame, fhadowed foorth. i. That thofe things which then toere called Ivstifications, were fo called onclie Becaufe they were the Rcprefentations of the way of obtayning Ivstification : for they did not ju- ftifie. 3. That albeit Ivstification bee onelie one; yet the types thereof wera manics: no one of them bceing able to expreffe theTrueth, but in parte „ 2. By calling them Ordinances of Di- vine Service, he teacbetb w, That, fomc- eyrae, thofe Ceremonies which are nowc aboliflied, were, duringtheir owne tyme, partes of GOD'S externall Worfliip, in regarde of the Commaundc- aaent of GOD injoyning them. 3. tBycAlling the Sanltuarie Worldlie, hee ted* thetb Vj, To thinke of all the extemall Glurie of Le- yiticall Service, onlie as the earthlie reprefentation of Heavenlie things: and, vnder all thefe earthlie (ha* iifowes , to fecke in, to an Heavenlie fignification. Y:r}\i* For, HEBR. CHAP. IX. i6j ycrf. 2. For, there was a Tabernacle made, the firft, wherein was the Carir dle-fticke, and the Tabic, and the Shew-bread, which is called the San- duarie. Verf i . And after the fecond Vay le, the Tabernacle,' which is called the Ho- lieftofall: ffrf. 4. Which had the Golden Cenfer, and the Arke of the Covenant, over- lay d round about with Golde^where- ih was the Golden Pot that had Man- na, and Aaron's Rod that budded, and the Tables of the Covenant. ferf 5 . And, over it, the Cherubims of Glorie, fhadowing the Mercie-Scate; of which wee can not nowe fpeake particularlic. Verf. 6. Nowe, when thefe thinges were thus ordayned, the Prieftes went al- ' wayes into the firft Tabernacle , ac- complifhing the Service of GOD* Verf. 7. But into the fecond , went the high Prieft alone, once everie yeare; not without Blood, which hee offered for himfelfe* and for the errours of the people. UH[m 10 HEBR. CRJkP. IX. HEE fetteib before our Eyes, the pltafant Vact of GOD'S outward Worfhip\ that f intbeWyfe appointing of everie things for place, for dftifionof rotymes , for Furniture, for Ornamentes, for Mate- liaUs,for fer fins, for Attiom, for or del of doing, we may beholdt the Glorie , not onelie of the Appeynter of tbemi but) alfi t the Glorie of the Church, and of Bed* Ven 9 andof CHRIST, and of His SaynUes, repre- sented there -by ; asfarre above the Glorie ofthofe out" •totfdthinge$,(U Heavtnlic, and Spirituall t hinge s > are dhmeartbliCi & the particular Expofttion of the ma* nkgof the Types , in their owne proper place , will mak$ playne j which wee can not meddle with hecre 9 feeing the Apffle judgtth it> not pertinent. Verf.S. The holieGhoft this fignifying, that the way into the Holieft of all, was not yet made manifeft, whyle as the firft Tabernacle was yet /tending. BE €xpwnietb 9 what the high friers going . fc though the Vayle^bat once a-ywe,dUmeane 9 faying 3 The holie GhoH fignified feme-thing tbere-by* Then, i. The boiieGhoft, is the Author of thc'fe Ordinances of Levt , and of Matters appoynfted about that Olde Tabernacle, as of the Expreflions of His owne Mynd to theChurch : and, fo, Hee is verie GOD. 2. The holic Ghotf, is a difiinil perfon of the Godhead, e.\ercifing the pro- pet actions of a perfci* , fubfifting by Hi'rcfelfe > di- h: Hebr. Chap. IX. 169 _ *e$ing the Ordinances of the Church, teaching the Church, and interpreting the meaning of the Types vnto the Church. 3 . The Church vuder the La we, was not altogether ignorant of the Spirituall Signifi- cation of the Leviticall Ordinances ; bcuuk the ho- lie Ghoft was then teaching them the meaning. 4. Thofe Rites, and Ceremonies, were not fo darke in themfelues , as they could not bee , in anie forte, vnderftoode : but were Expreffions of the Myndc of GOD, to the Church of that tyme. *♦ Tbtf yhicb the bolie Gbott did fignifie, ty*5 *]?(*, That the way vnto the Holicil or all, was not yet made rcanifeft , whyle as the firil Ta- bernacle was yet llanding. Then, That the Holieft of all, reprefented Heaven , the Old.e Church did knowe. 3 ♦ Hi* fojeth not tbat t be •**} to Hc&en v>m ch« fed; but not cleariie manifested, Then, They knewe the way to Heaven, darklie, throuofe the Vayle of Types. 2. They knewe there was & a tyme of clearer Light comming. 4. The tyme of the endurance of this not clean &14- tiiftflAtion oftbelvdy t* Heaven, i$ ftt downe to bee 9 Whyle the fuft Tabernacle was Handing* Then, The Olde Church was taught, 1. That the cleare light of the way to Heaven , was not to bee revealed whyle thofe ihadowes, and that Taber- nacle endured, z. That when the cleare Manifesta- tion of that way fhould come by the Messias , that Tabernacle was not to Hand. 3. That when GOD Should cauie that firft Tabernacle to bee remooved, ftc true Light was at hand. 4,ThatnonefhouI4 L 5 icceaue 170 Hebh. Chap. IX. zeceaue the cleare light of the way to Heaven , buz fuchas fhould renounce the Ordinances of the firft ^Tabernacle. J[ni fo the/pottle, by the authorise of the bolie Ghost, enfoueth tbefe Hcbxewes, eyther to renounce theLeviticall Ordinances , or to bee depry^edof tbetrm fight oftbe Way to Heaven now levealed* 5* Wbyle be calletb tbU Typicall Tabernacle, Tht firft Tabernacle, foe imponetb , 1. That Cbttifs §odie was the next Tabernacle ; i. Tbat the Temple is comprehended Vndertbe name of the Tabernacle, in tku (Difyute. ferf. g, Which was aFigurc 5 forthetimc thenprefent, in which were offered both giftes and facrifices, that could nofjspa-kehim thafdid the fervice,per- fccSi^s pertayning to theconfcicnce\ HEE ffiowetb the \fe of the Tabernacle^ and the imperfection of the fer\ice thereof , j tying * The Tabernacle was a Figure for the vymc then prffenr. Whereby hee ghetb vj to Ipnderjlandf 1, That the Tabernacle was a Type,and figure of CHRIS T. 2. That it was not appoynted for all ty me to come, but for thatprefent tyme of she Churches Non-age. 3. That how-fo-ever it was an obfeure Figure; yet, having fome refem- Wance of the thing figuiiicd, ic was fitte for thofe of i&at tymc. 7. TitXty Hebr. Chap. IX. 171 u l{ext $ bee fhowtb the Vealyeffv of tbe Ofe- ringes, offered tntbe Tabernacle \ that they could not mks the man tb at did tbe ferVice, ferfett,A6con<*K mng tbe Confcience I That w, Tbey could not pcrfeH- liefatufe tbe Confcience , that Siune Toot forgiven, and Lyfe granted, for anie vortbiuefje of thoje Offeringesi tbey could not furnijhtbt Confcience with a good dun- faere towardes G 2), for faring of them ^ bo did that Service j n Per. rij. u. $cca*Jt tbe Confcience €»uld not baue found ground of fatUfdltien % bo^ G OD'S IuHiceWuldbeemadequyei bytfoje Uffcringes. And $ that T*bicbdocth not fatufie GOj'S i usiice $ can net fatkfiethe Confcience\ becauje tbe Confcitnce u GOD'S IDeputie, and vitt.nQt be quyet> if it bee toll informed, till it fee GO© pacified. THEN, lifollowb; fromtbii Ground \ftting tbofe Offerings could «p; perftil- a man in bu Con- fcience , i . That CH R XSTS Sacrifice/^gnified by them , mud pcrfedlie fatisfie GOD'S Iutfice, and the Confcience alfo > and purge the fih&inefle of it, andhealeits \voundes. i. That as manie as were : juftified before GOD, and in their Confcience true- lie quyeted vnder the Lawe, behooved , of neceffi- tie, to fee through thefe Offerings, and flee in to the Offering of the Sacrifice represented by them , a$ Psal. Lj.7- For, otherwayes, the ApoiUe tcfti- fieth heere, the outward Offeringes could not per- fect them in the Confcience. 3. That when Remiit fion of Sinne, and Attonement, is promifed in the Lawc, vpon the Offering of thefe Gifees, as Levi r. ?iY.y. and xvri. n. the forme of (peach is Sacra- raemall , joyning the Veuue of the Sacrifice «f Chrift, Ijl HfiER. Chap, IX. Chrift, fignified with the Offering of the figuratiue Sacrifices vnto the Believer. 4 That true Believers, notwithftandingof manie inpcrfe&ions of their lyfe, may bee perfected , as concerning their Confcience, by fleeing to the Mediation, and Sacrifjfce of Chriil, which wafheth the Conference throughiic. Ftrf 10. Which floode onelie in meates and drinkes , and diveife wafhinges, and carnall ordinances , impofed on them, vntili the tyme of Reforma- tion. J-JBE giveth a %etfon s tyby tfofe Ceremonies could not perfctt the Confcience \ ftecaufe tbeyjleode in Meates^ and 'Diinkes , and dherft fVnfhinges , and carnall Ordinances ; To lytf , If they bee considered by tbemfekes, fepmte from tbeir ftgni{icatifae oftojahHu Excellencie , totbelmpeYfettkurf the LtVvi. call high f vest's Smice,tbM : g.The Letiticall Ptiett* wa$ Trhtf of the Shadows s of god things: tut i 7 4 HEBR. CHAP, IX. but CHRIST, fricHof the good tbinges Them- felucs ; k$tping the Diffenfation of tbem proper to Bis owne perfon ; fucb m are r l\econciliatt9n y %edemp- iion, %tgbteoufneffe, and Lyfe, arc. m i. 1'be Le+ittcall high frietf, bad* Tabernacle builded with hands >Wbcrein bee ferved: but CH%IST Jerked in a Greater % and more f erf eB Tabernacle, not made With bandes : That is, In the precious Taber- nacle of bU owne Eddie , wherein bet dwelt amongfl w, Iohn 1. 14. reprefented by ihemateriall Ta- bernacle . 3 ♦ He e expounded, bowe the Tabernacle of Cbrifi's (Bodie is not made With bandes, by this , That it is not of this building: Firtf, purge your con feience from dead workes,to feme the Living GOD? TO prooue,that atemall Redemption is the Fruit of CHRIST'S Sacrifice, bee refonetb tbiui If the Typicall Satri(ices % and Rites of olde> were able t9iwk$ that for tybhb they woe ordyned- that is, externall HEBR. CHAP. IX. 177 ixtmullSantttficationiNfuch more frail CHRIST'S true Sacrifice bee able to mrketbatforTpbicbit'todS appoynttcd: That is, Eternall r l\emifiion ofSinnes> and inward SantlificatioUyVnto atemall Lyfc. then, There are two fortes of San&ification : One, external^ of the fldh , which maketh a man holie to the Church , what-fo-ever hee bee within. Another, internal!, of the Confcience , and inner man ; which maketh a man holie before GOD. x. The purifying of the flefti , bee mslqtb t$ bee by tbeexercyje of fuch andfucb Ordinances of ©j- vine Service for the tjme* ThE;N, External , or Church-holinejTe , of the outward man, is procured by fuch and fuch Exercyfes of Di- vine Ordinances in the Church , as ferue to make a rnari to bee reputed , and holdcn for cleane, before xnen - y and, fo, to bee receaved, for a member of the Church : as is to bee feene Nvmb. xix. 3. From bu forme of rea/oning. Wee Learn e, That what-fo-ever libertie, and acceffe of comming po the Church , was made to the lew of olde, by thofe Ceremonies of the taw 5 as much, and more libertie is made to the Chriftran 3 ta£omc in to GOD, by the Blood of CHRIST. 4. Indefciybing CHRIST'S Sacrifice, bee fytb^Clirifiy through the eternall Spirit, offered Himfclfe, without fpot, to God. THEN, i. CHRIST is both the Sacrifice, and the Prieft , in one perfon. Hee offered Himfelfe as Man , through theaeternall Spirit : that is, By the vercue and power of His owne Godhead, bv wiiich M Hee i 7 i HEBR. CHAP. IX. Hee preached , before His Incarnation, to Sinners, I. Pet. III. 19' i. His Sacrifice was without fpottc. Hee was that fpotlefle Lambe , inwhome was no finne, nor imperfection , nor defeft of anie thing that the Sacrifice retjuyred. j . 7 he vertue of the Sacrifice, which made it to purchafe seternall Re- demption vntu vs , floweth from the infinite worth of His sternail Godhead. 4. Albeit CHRIS l'S two natures , haue their diftinft refpe&es in the anions of His Office, yet CHRIST is one, andvn- divided, in the execution of His Office. 5. The fruhe and force of the Sacrifice, is [et doVne in this , that this Bloode (hall purge our Conscience from dead workes, to feme the li- ving G () D : That is , Shall both abfolue a man ftom by-gone Sinve, and alfo inable hm to feme GOD for tymc to come. Then, 1, Sinnes are but dead workes , flowing from na- ture dead in finne 5 and, not onelie defer Ying , but aifo drawing on Death, vpon the Sinner, i. The Confcience lycth polluted , with the filthinefle of dead workes, till the vcrtuc of the Blood of IESV8 applyed, bring intimation of Abfolution. 3. Chrifi's Bloode doeth not. purge the Confcience from dead workes a that a man fliould goe wallowe in them agayne ; bur, that hee may feme the living GOD more acceptable. 4. The Purging vertuc of ChriiVs Bloode, i^ joyned with the Sanctifying , and Rene-* wing of theabfolved Sinner : and , what GOD hath conjoyned, let no man put a-funder. ferf. 15. And, for this caufc^Hee is the Mediator of theNcw Teftament-that, by HEBR. CHAP. IX. 172 by meanes of death > for the redemp- tion of the tranfgreflions which were vnder the firft Teftamenr, they which are called > might receaue the promife of #ternall inheritance. NOtp^UH ante man fhould (tumble 4»'Chfift'* (Death, bee fho-ftetb a neccfiitie thereof, in u- ftettofHit Office of Mediation, and the fur- shafetobee made by His Redemption* The force of the T\eafou, is this: fytrtiflion o/Sinnes could not bane beene given vnder the Lave, except the Mediator bad beeneto pay the pryce of the fame Vnder the Gofye 11 : tior could the Faytbfull, and called Ones,eytbertben> orno^obtayne atemallLyfeforan Inheritance, other- •to ayes than by the Mediator's Death. Therefore, it behooved the true Mediatour. by meanes of ( Deatb f tQ pay the promijed Vryce of the fmebafeof %emijlion of Sinnes , and dt email Lyfe . THEN, i. The Remiflion of Tranfgreflions* and the Inheritance of aeternall Lyfe, are both Fruits of Guilt's Paffion. i. The Fruites of His Paffion, extended themfdues vnto them who were vnder the Olde Teftament, as well as vnto vs vnder the New. 3. The Way of Purchafeof chefe Benefites, was by Redemption : that is to fay , by lawfull Purchafe, fuch as might fatisfie luftice. 4. The Way in fpe- ciali, was by Meanes of the Mediatour's Death; His lyfe was layde downe , to redeeme ours : His one lyfe , as good as all ours. ?. For this caufe , Ghrifl tcoke the Oflice of a, Mediatour vnto Hitafelfe , thac M z Hc« xSo Heb n. Chap. IX. Hce might haue Right, and Enterefleby Death, to ipake thisPurchafc. ; 6. And, therefore, except Hee had reallie died , the Purchafe could not haue been* lawfullie made . Vtrf 16. For, where a Teftamcnt is, there muft alfo, of neceffitie, bee the death of the Teftatour, A Thibet %eafon $ to prooue tbeneceJUtie ofCbrifis deaxb % from the force of the ivord Cove nant, fybiih fignifietb alfo a Teihment. J be force of the %eafon,istbu : C H R I S T (Ier, xxxj. $ i) frowijedyto maks a New Covenant ; and therefore alfo, a New T^ftament : and, if tomakf* New Teftamcnt, then alfo Bee fromifedtodie. %he Ar- tides of the Covenant alfo evincctk it to bee a Tcfta- irent $ and the fromifcr bound * to make Hit Word good, and fo to die* For, I er.xxxj. the Lord Cbritt promijetb, to reconcile his feople to G . lusltce rrquyred fatiifattion of them , before they couldbee re- conctied \ Satufatlion they could not makg tbemfeiues} therefore, bee ^bofrowijedto m«ke the ^conciliation With G 0-2) , \V/t* bound to make the Satis} aBion for them to G D I and if -Satufattm for them, then toVndiYb'ClbeCurfe of the Lafte for them, and fo to die . then, 1. The Newe Covenant , is of the na- ture of a Teihment ; and the Benefites promifed therein, to wit, Reraiffionof binncs, Reconciliation, Sanft HEBR. CHAP, IX. x8i Sanflification, and Lyfesternall, are Legacie, free- Jic left vnto vs, by our Defunft LORD, who was dead, and is alyue , to execute His owne Will for evermore. The Scripture is the Inftrumenr, ark] Evidence; the Apoftles, Notares; the Sacraments, arc Seales j Witnefles from Heaven , the Father , the Word, and the Spirit; Witnefles on earth, the Wa- ter, the Bloode, and the Spirit, i. Chrift lefus, is both the Maker of the Covenant which is in Iex e- m i b xxx). and theMediatour thereof alfo: theTe- ilatour, and Executour, of that bleflcd Teftamcnt* 3. ChrilVs Death was concluded, and refolvedvpon* and intimated, before Hee came into the World* Verf. 1 7. For, a Teftament is of force af- ter m#a are dead : otherwyfe, it is of noftrengthatall,whyleft the Tefta- tour liveth. H£c clear etbbu reafoning $ from the nature of Teftaments amorigtt men j ^bitb,not befo%t % but after a mans death y baue force. But be ere itwaybeeobjettedy How can this bee, feeing by vertueof the Teftament of Chrift, Benefices not a fewe, wcrcbeftowed vpon the Church, before his death, from the beginning of the Worlde; notondie Remiflfonof Sinnei, and actcrnall Lyfe 5 but alfo manic Graces and Blcf- fings in this lyfc, bothr bodilie,and Spirituall } I auvfoere: Albeit CB\lS T'S death was notac- comflifhcdin ait [tillof late 5 jet % for the cert auntie of M 3 his l$i HEBR. CHAP. IX. bis death to follow, and the Trncbaungeablenejje of bis jAyndetowardesbu Church ,before his death) bee was teckoned,both With GO©, and the Cbutck, for dead$ and the fromife, of laying downe his lyfe for his fee- fie, accepted, for the tyme, as if it had beene perform wed* tor Which caufe hee is called, ( %e\eL xiij . 8.) The Larobeilayne from the beginning of the worlde • And Chriji Was ftillreprefenttd as aflayne man, in all thefe Sacrifices, which the dpoflie poyn* teth aU as meeting this in the next Word* which follow beere- after, ferf.iH. Verf.iS, Wherevpon, ncyther the firft Teftament was dedicated without blood. HEE proo^eth the necefitie of Cbrift's death yet farther. Vnder the law his Qkodfbei Wasrt* prefentedby types ofbloodie Sacrifices: therefore, it be- hooved thofe Types to beeaunjweredby bis real] bloods /bed and death. Then, i. What the types of the Lawe did fignifie, Chrift behooved to accomplifh in veritie. 2. The Cflde Church was taught, that by vertue of the blood fig- nified by thefe types , the Covenant floode betwixt* GOD, and them • Verfiig. For, when Mofes had fpoken everie Precept, to all the people, ac- cording to the Lawe 5 hee tookc the blood HEBR. CHAP. IX. 183 blood of Calucsjand of Goates, with J Water, and Scarlet WoolL, and Hyf- * fope r and fprinkled both the Booke, and all the people ; Verf. 20. Saying, This is the Bloode of the Teftament, which GOD hath en- joyned vnto you. Verf 2 1 . More-over, hee fprinkled with bloode, both the Tabernacle, and all the VefTels of theMinifterie. F%om Afofes Example, Wee Learne, i.That the LORD'S Word ihould bee manifefted to all the people ; and none of them debarred from taking knowledge thereof. 2 . That the Word mull bee fpoken playnlie, with a diftinS Voyce, in the common Lariguague $ and not muttered , in an vn- knowne Tongue, 3. That with the vfe of holie Kites , appoynted of G O D , the Preaching of GOD'S Word Ihould bee joyned, to fhowe the Inflitution , and Force of GOD'S Ordinances, to His People • 2. lntbatibe$oo\e,aniibe People, and Inftru* mentes of Ser+ice, We all to bee frrwkjcd , Wee Leakne, That eyerie thing which wee touch, or meddle with, or make vfe of, is vncleane vnto vs, were it never fo holie in it felfe, except the Blood of I E S V S make it clcanc vnto vs, and cleanfe vs in the vfing of it 4 M 4 Verfiz 1 84 HEBR. CHAP. IX. Verf. 22 . And, almoft all thinges arc by the Lawe purged with bloode ; and, without fliedding of bloode > is no Remiflion. TJ5E /*>*£, Almost, becaufe of feme Purging •tobicb VfOA done by Wafhing \ and yet even that Wafhing, alfo, drev> the Venue of Ceremoniall fur. ging from the Sacrifice •ftbere-lrnto the Wafhing twe annexed . 2. In faying^ Without fhedding of blood, there is no rcmiflion of finnes, HEE TEdCHBTB VS , That where foever a Sacrifice is offred,for obtaining. Remiflion of Sinne,there fhedding of bloode muft reallie be: and, where an vnbloodie Sacrifice is pretended to bee of- fered , for obtaining Remiflion , it ferveth not the purpofes becauie, Without fhedding of bloode, (here is m%emifiion^ Eytber, therefore, muft fuch as pre- tende to offer Chrift, for obtayning the Remiflion of finne , grauftt , that Chrift is daylie murdered by them, and His Bloode fried of newe, in their preten- ded Offering; or elfe , that by their Offering, no newe Remiflion is purchafed. But, the trueth is 9 Chrift's Bloode is once flied, and never to bee flied agayne : and, that once Offering, and Blood-fried- ding, is fufficient for ever-lafting Remiflion, without anie newe Offering of Him agayne. Wrf.23. It was, therefore, ncceffarie, that the Patternes of thinges in the Heaven*, HB3t. CHAP. IX. i$J Heavens , fhould bee purified with thefe: but the Heavenlie things thcm- felues, with better Sacrifices than thefe. £ Kotber $(ea{on } of tbe neeefiitie of Chrifts J\ r» the Mood of tbe MESS IAS. HENCE WEE LEARN E , |. That for the figfli- fications caufe , GOD would not haue the Taber- nacle, nor anie Inftrument of Service about it, to bee efteemed holie , till bloode was fhed, to fprinkleit: That it might bee knowne there-by, That without theOicdding of CHRIST'S Blood, Hee would not accept of anie thing from vs, as holic. 2. That the bloode of Beaftcs was fufficient, to make reprefenta- tion : but better Bloode 5 even the Bloode of the Messiah, behooved to bee flied , to giue the trueth of the fignification. For , asfarreas Heaven is aboue the earthlie fan&uaric , and mens Soules aboue the veffels thereof; As farre better behooved to bee that Blood, which made Soules acceptable to GOD, and to get entrefTe into Heaven, than the blood of Leviticall facrifices was. fcrf. 24. For, CHRIST is not entered into the Holie Places made with handes, which are the figures of the M j True- i86 HEBR. CHAP. IT. True; but into Heaven it felfe, now te appeare, in the prefence of G O D ? for vs. HEE cleareib the matter f bwe CHRIST hath offered a better Sacrifice, than the Levitt* tall : yea y and behooved te offer a better, be- can f e liee is entered into a better SanHuarie^ another jVf aw, in another manner, and to another endejban tbe bigb Tiieft \>nder the Lave entered. The Compari- son goeththoA* i . The Lewie all high Trie ft, entered into tbe ma- terially and artificial! banttuarie 5 and a Typicall Sa- crifice became him 1 'But CHRIST entered not into that Typicall 3 antluarie: Jberefore, a Typicall Sa- crifice became not Him* 1. Tbe Leviticallbigb TrieM, entered bodilieinto tbe figurative Saniiuane: $ut CHRIST did en- ter bodilie into t he true Santfuarie in Heaven it felfe. 3. 7be high frieft entered in behalf e of tbe peo- ple 3 tyilb the names of tbe rtoduc Tribes Vpon bit breatt and (holders: fBut CHRIST u entered »*, in behalf e of+s all Bis fcnplc, to appeare for Vj; bea- ring the particular memor.iall of Merit SaynitinHa Memoue. 4. The high frieft entered in, to appeare for a fhort tyme; and flayed not within the Santluarie : . For, tbe frit ft r»pft Ue eyibtr letter than tbt Sacrifice, or as good, at leajt, as tbe iaoifit lutnovz can bee fo good as C h R J S T, let bee mre excellent, Or better : Therefore, none can offer C H R 1 S T, bs& Bimfelfe. 3 . J be bigb frieft offered bis Sacrifice of tenet i £*t CHRIST offered net Bimfelfe ejtener than once • THEN, To imagine an Offering of CHRIST often, is both to giue'the Lie to this Text, and to make CHRIST'S Offering, by repeating of it, imperfeft, and lyke to the Levitall. tor, if hh% effcringof Chtiftjtee ffjfiiitnt, ojunofferirg isfu- 1 88 UEBR. CftA?. IX. ptrflmu. A*A> if often offering he meifull, then that once offering Wat not fnfficient ; jwJ, fa ** nop petfeH; •KbicbwerebUfybemietofay. 2, Jf mic roan prctende to offer CHRIST often , it is not CHRIST that giveth him warrandfotodoe: for, hcerc it is declared, That Hee hath no hand in offe- ring Himfelfe often . Verf. 26. For, then, muft Hcc often haue fuffered, fince the foundation of the worlde : But, now, once, in the ende of the worlde, hath Hee appeared, to put away finne , by the Sacrifice of Himfelfe. 0£F pmvetbiTbatCbriJl can not lee often offc* yd\ Becaufe,then, (fyetbbee) muft He often haue fuffered • Then, rj . No Offering of Chrift, without the Suffering of Thrift : His Paffion and Death, is infeparable from His Sacrifice. If Chrift were -often offered, Hee be- hooved to bee often flayne , and put to death. But that can not bee , that Hee fhould fuffer , and bee flayne oftener ; therefore, Hee can not bee offered Yp in a Sacrifice oftener. And, they who will take vpon them, to offer Chrift agayne, and agayne, take vpon them, to flay Him, and put Him to new fuffe- ring agayne, and agayne. z . The offering of Chrift in an vnbloodie facrifice , is a vayne imagination, which the Apoftfe acknowledged not : For, if that were poftiblc, then were the Apoftle's wordes hecre falfe, and his reafoning ridiculous 5 which were blaf- phemic to fay. T , 1 2. Hee Hs b r. Chaf, IX. 189 t. HeefdyetbMec behooved to haue faffered often, (Ince the beginning of the worlde; S3*- saufc, m often as nevfmnes were committed, and new %emijiton was to bee bejtowed ; as often behooved bee to bant fuffered) te expute tbeje jlmes, *nd to pur- cbaje the new fymifiion , ftnee the beginning of the Wrldc 1 $ut this is impofi&lc ; Therefore, bis Offe- ring often, is imyoftble . Thin, 1. They who make itneedfull,to offer Chrift of- ten, make it needfull, alfo, that Hee fhould haue ta- ken on flefli fooner nor Hee did , and beene flay ne fooner nor Hee was , and flayne as often as newe Cnneswere to bee expiated, and forgiven, from the beginning of the worlde. And, fo, by this vayne Conceat', they doe ranverfe all the wifdome of God about Chrift, and fet to Him an Order, and Courfe of their owne ; making themfclues wyfer than God. *. It is, by the Apoftle's efteemation,as vaync a Con- ceat,and a* impuflible , to offer Chrift ofcener nor once, no we, in the ende of the worlde , as to haue offered Him before Hee came in the flelh, fince the beginning of the worlde. 3. Bur, now, (fajretbhee) once,in the ende of the worlde, hee hath appeared, to put away Sinne,by theSrcrificeofhimfelfe. Then, 1. No Sacrificeof Chrift, doeth the Apoftle ac- knowledge ■• butfuchas is joyned with His bodilie appearance inthexyorlde for that ende. Once hath Hee appeared- and once onelie hath Hee facrificed Himfelfe, fayeth the Apoftle. z. The Apoftle vnder- ftoode no Offering of Chrift, but onelieone; and once to bee -offered , for cyme by-gone , or tyme t« come , from the beginning of the world*, vnto the ende i?o HEBR. CHAP. IX. ende thereof, j. This one Offering, once offered, was fufficienr, to expiate the finnes of the fayed, be- fore it was offered : and, therefore, muft haue force alfo , to expiate the finnes of the faved, without re- petition nowe, after it is once offered. 4. Whofc finnes Chnft doeth take aw.iy , for thofe Hee appea- red y for thofe Hee made a Sacrifice of Himfelfc: And, whofe finnes Hee doeth not pucawaye, for thofe Hee appeared not, Heefacrificed not, 4. In calling the tyme of Cbrijl's Suffering>Thc cade of the woridc, bee giwb^s to \>nderjland 9 That there can not bee fo much tyme betwixt Chrifts Firil and Second Comming , as was betwixt the \srorldes beginning, and his find comming : But a great deale of lefie tyme, neede force : elfe, were not that tyme the ende of the worlde . I'erf 2 7. And, as it is appoy n&ed vnto to f>YOMe,Tbat Chriflncyiher could, nor jhotsid % offer oftener nor once, from the Common La'toe layde \>pon Man, of Once «fytng. Which Law, Chiijl having once fatuficd 9 by dying* leben hee offered v/> bimjelfe , tb:ie u no tea* fon y bee jhould offer bimjelfe agayne> and , /o, die agajne . t. h jsappoyncled (fajtb hee) for men once to die. Then, 1 . It is come hy G O D' S jaft appoynfttueat * that men ft*ould die* fince Hi* 1 LiVte HEBR. CHAP. IX. ipi Lawe is broken by men. i. The Common Lawe of Nature appoynð but one Death, once to be diffe- red. And, though GOD, by fingularitie of Mira- cles, make fome Exceptions, yet the Common Lawe ftandeth for a Rule ; beyonde which, no reafon Chrift fhould bee tyed, fince His once dying is fuffi- icient. 3. Everie man rauft take Death to him, and prepare himfelfe to obey the Appoynctment. 2. Hcc fayeth, After Death, commeth Illdgement. Then, I. Everie man's particular ludgement Day , followeth his departure out of this lyfe * and Generall ludgement , abydeth all, at length 2. The tyme of Grace and Mercie get- ting, is onelie in this lyfe: nothing but Iufhce rc- mayneth ; cyther to abfolue the Keconciled , or to condemnethe vnreconciled finner. Mens Devyfes, for the Reliefe of the Dead , are but Delufions of the Living . Verf. 280 So CHRIST was once offe- red, to beare the finnes of manie: and vnto them that looke for Him, fhall Hceappeare the fecond tyme, without finne, vnto Salvation. HE E applyetb the Common Laice, of dying once, to C H%1 ST , faying , Chrift was once offered , to beare the finnes of manie. Then, 1. It is as rnreafonable. that Chrift fliould offer Himfelfe of- tener nor once, as it Is to exad of Him, the laying downe I$* Hebk. Chap. IX. dowoe of His lyfe oftener nor once : for, that is to cxadi more nor the feveritie of GOD'S Iuftice re- quy reth of Him , 2. Chriit's Death was not for anie finae in Him ; but for our finnes. 3. Hee tooke not away the finncs of everie man in particular , (for, manie die in their finnes,and bearc their owne judge- ment ) but the finnes of manie : the finnes of His owne cle& People. Matth, U li. Hee (hall faue his People from then* finnes. 2. Hee fayetb % tbat vnto them that looke for him f hee (hall appeare the fecondtyme. THEN, u After that once Offering of Chrift, and afcending to Heaven , Hee is not to bee corpo- rate prefent on earth agayne, till the Day of Iudge- ipent. The ApoiUe acknowledged! corporall pre- sence no oftener. t . To looke for Chrifl's corporall prefence vpon earth then, and not till then, is the propertie of true Believers. 3. Corporall prefence, is joyned with Appearance : the one is put heerc for the other . X. Hee^'dl apptare the fecondtytnc i 'toitbdut fmne t THEN, In his firil commingle was not without our finne yet lying vpon him, by imputation ; as his bafenefTe and mifcrie declared .Hut the glorious man- ner of his fecond comming, fhall make evident,That hee is without finnej that is, Fullie exonored, by that one Offering, of the debt thereof, which hee tooke vpon Him . 4. In (lead $f faying, that thofe who looke for him, llnll bee without flnnc , beefaystb, that Chrift fhall appeare without finnc ; To TiACH V s j i . That the defraying the Debt of th$ KEBR. CHAP. IX. r*j the finnes, of fuch for whome CHRIST hath vnder- taken , lycth vpon CH RIST, and not vpon the Be- lievers, for whome Hee vndertooke. 2. And, that if His once facrificingHimfelfe for them, did not ex- piate their finnes iufficientlie , then Sinne fliouldc cleaue vnto CHRIST , vntill His lecond comming. 3 . That CHRIST'S freedome from Sinne, /hall evidence our freedome from Sinne, for whome i|ee became Suretie. j* Hee -frill appcare vnlo them nbo lookg for Him Vwfo Salvation, The n p 1 . The full accomplishment of the falvation of the Believers, fliall not beevntill CHRIST'S fecond comming : Though their foules bee blefled before, yet the full bleflfednefle of fouleand bodie, is defer- red till then. 2. As CHRIST'S Glorie {hall tefti- fie then, that His once offering fredHim of the Suretiefhip for our finnes : So our Salvation (hall te- llifie, that His offering was fufficientto exonervs. 3. They that loue not His comming , can not looke for Salvation . S3 Theftmime of Chap. X. THIS Once Offering of C H RIST, putteth the mayne difference betwixt this Sacrifice , and thofe Offeringes of the Lawej which, becaufe they were repea- ted, could never perfe<2 the worfhipper, Verf, 1. For, if they could haue perfe&ed^ the wor- H * fiiipper, 194 Hbbr. Chap* X. fliippcr , they fhould haue ceafed to bee repeated Verf# i. Nowe # ceafe they did not , but were re- peated, Verf. 3. Becaufe they could not take awaye finne, Verf, 4« Wherefore , as the Scripture doeth svitneflfe, (Psal.xI.) Sacrifices of the Lawewere to bee abolifhed, and Chrilt His Sacrifice to come m their rowme, Verf. 5 . *. 7. 8. 9. By which Sacrifice, once offered , wee are for ever faoctifled, Verf. io # And , as their facrifice was imperfed , fo was their pnefthoode alfo , ever repeating the fame facrificcs, which could noc ( becaufe they were repeated) abo- liflifinne, Verf, 11. But Chrilt hath ended His facri- ficing, in His once offering; and entered to His Glo- rie, to fubdue His Enemies, Verf. n. i$. Having by that once offering ., done all to His Followers that was needfuli to perfe& them , Verf. 14. As the word of the Newc Covenant , Ierem. xxxi, prdfc- vcth, verf.i j. 1^.17.18. Having fpoke,then,ofChrifts Divine Exceilencie , and of the Priyiledges which the Fay th full haue in Him, I exhort you, to make \fe of it : in fpeciall , feeing \y ec haue, by Chi if} s Bloode,accefle vnto Heaven, Verf. ly. By fo per- fect a Way, as is Guilt's Fellowfliip, of our nature/ Veif* 20. And fo great Moyen, by Chriil, before vs there, Verf. n . Let vs ilrengthen our Fayth, for the better gryping of our 1 unification , and Sandiifica- tion, through Him, Vcrfi 22. And, let vs avowe our Religion conftentlie, Verf. 23 . And helpt forwards one another, Verf. 24. Neglc&ing no Meanes, pub- licke,fior private, for that ende, as fome Apoitates haue done, Verf. ij. For, it wee make wiltull Apo- fiafic from His knowne Trueth, noMercie to bee looked for 9 Verf. 16. But certayne Damnation of vs, as of His Enemies, Verf. 17. For, it the Dcfpy- fcrs of the Lawe were damned to death , without roercie, HEBR. CHAP. X: 19% mercie, Verf. 18. What Iudgement abydeth thofe, who fo abufe I E S V S , His Grace, and Spirit, as wilfull Apoftatcs doe > Verf. i?. For , GOD'S Threatening in the Lawe, is not in vayne, Verf 30. And, it is a fearfull thing to fall, asa Foe, in GOD'S Hand, Verf. 31. But, rather, prepare you for fuch Sufferinges , as you began to feele at your Conver- sion, Verf. i*. Partlie in your owne perfons , and partlie by your fellowfBip with Sufferers/ver£3$., Which you did joyfullie beare , in hope of a Re- warde, Verf. 34. Therefore , retayne your Confi- dence, Verf. 3S- And bee patient, Verf. 3$, GOD will come , and helpe, fliortiie, Verf 37. And, till Hcc come, you muft liue by Fayth, and not by Senfe: But, if you willnot, you (hall bee rejedied, Verf.38. But 1 and you are not of that forte that {hall make Apoftafiejbutof the number of true Believers; who ihall perfevere, and beefavcd, Verf. 3^ The doBrine of Chap. X. THAT hee may yet farther fliow the impoffi- bilitie of offering Chrift oftener , hec giveth the often repetition of Lcviticall facrifices, yeare by yeare, for a reafon of their imperfection, and inhabilitie to perfect the worfliipper : and there- fore, of neceffitie, Chrilt's facrifice could not bee re- peated , except wee fhould make it imperfeft, lyke the Leviticall, and vnable to perfect the worihippcr, as the Legall facrifice was , The force of his reafoning, is this : The mofte fo* lemne facrifice offered by the high Pried himfclfc, Levit.xvj. and leaftfubjeft :o repetition of all the facrificcs, being offered not fo often as each raoneth, N & or each t$6 Hebr. Ghap. X, or each weeke, or each day , as fome facrifices were; but once a-yeare onelie ; yer , becaufe they were re- peated, yeare by yeare, they were declared, by this hieanes, vnable ever to make rhe commers therevn- to, perfeft. Therefore, Chrift's facrifice could not bee often offered; left, for that fame reafon, it fhould bee found imperfedt alfo. And, this is his drift in Verf. i. Hee proovethhis reafonto bee good, thus : If they could haue perfected the commer, then they fhould not haue beene repeated , but ceafed from beeing offered , becaufe they fhould haue delivered the worfhipper,perfedtlie, frornfinne : and, having done that, the repitition was to no purpofe, Verf. z. But they did not free the worfhipper from finne : for, ftill after offering, hee profeffed himfelfe guiltie, (for anie thing thefe facrifices could doe) by offering of a flewe Offering, Verf. 3. And no wonder ; becaufe fuch facrifices were not worthie to expiate finnc-and, fo, vnable to take away finnc ; and, fo, alfo , vnable to quyet the Copfcience. VERS. I. FOr 5 the Lawe having a fhadowe of good thinges to come, and not the vcrie image of the thinges , can ne- ver , with thofe facrifices which they offered yeare by yeare continuallie, make the commers there vnto 5 per- fect. TH S Olde Covenant , is called the Law, he- ftufc it Was dnvne YJ> in 4 Lentil form, vpon midit Hebr. Chap. X. 1^7 conditions of obedience to the Lave: and Grace and Ljfe in IESVS CHRIST to come, Tvere fet be- fore them in Shadowes ; not in a clem manner % as in the Gofyell* then , i. IntheOlde Covenant , the Lawe was exprefstie vrgcd, and Grace in the Mess i as co- vered . and hid, vnderVayles. a.Chrift, andhi* Grace, and the good thinges which come by him, Were not fo hid , but they might haue beene feene, albeit but darklie, beeing, as by their fliadowes, re- prefented. 3 . The revealing of Chrift, and his Be nefites, vhder the Gofpell, and vnder the Lawe, dif- fer as farre in meafure of light , as the fhadowe of a thing, and the lyuelie image thereof, drawne with all the lineamentcs. For, they fawe Chrift, and Righ- teoufneffe, and actcrnall Lyfe through him, as thofe which are in the houfe fee the lhadowe of a man comming, before hee enter within the doores : but, wee, with open face, behold e in the Gofpell, as in a Mirrour , (Thrift's Glorie fhyning; Chrift, in the prea* ching of his word , ciucified before our Eyes, as it were, and bringing w:th him Lyfe , and lmrnortali- tie, to light. 2. flee, mafytb the repeating of the Sacrifices, 4 reafon cf their inbabilitieto ferfett the commers there* vntoi That «, feifeltlie to [at it fie for tbofe,vb* came to the Sacrifice, and to janliife % ani faneth?m $ in \sbofe name it Teas offered* Then, i. A faenfice that perfe&lie fatisfieth God's jujftice for finne, can not bee repeated: and, 2 facrifice which hath neede to bee repeated, hath noC perfecllie fatisfied God's jultiee for thefinner , nor pcrfe&ed the firmer , for tfhome it is offered , by N 1 doing 198 Hebr. Chap. X # doing all that Iuftice requyred, to purchafc juftific^ eion, fan£ification, and falvation.tohim. i. Who- fo-ever will haue Chrift offered vp in a facrifice ofte- ner nor once , whether by Himfelfe, or by another, denyeth the perfection of that facrifice on the Crofles ttenyethjthat by that one facrifice purchafe is made of all that is required to perfect finners^which is fearfull blafphemie ♦ Virf.i. For then would they not haue ceafed to bee offered^ becaufe that the worfhippers once purged, fhould haue had no more conscience of finne. BT *toay of quejtion, bet 4u\^tb\ Would not thofe Sacrifices haue ceaied to bee offered* if they could haue made the comraers therevn- ro, perfeft i Then, The Apoftle efteemeth this Reafon fo cleare, that anie man , of found judgement , becing asked the queftion, muft, of neceffitie, graunc it. For, Natures light doeth teach thus much , That if a facrifice doe all that is to bee done for the finner,it ftandeth there, becaufe there is no more to doe. If it pay the full pryce of the finners expiation, at once offering, what necde can there bee to offer it over agayne t And, therefore, if Chrift's one facrifice , once offered, perfeft the commers therevnto , rauft it not ceafe to bee offered anie more, by this reafoning of the Apo- ftle ? For, if Hcehaue made a perfeft purchafe of what-fo-ever is requyrcd to perfeft vs, by once of- fering, Wifdome and Iuftice will not fufter the pryce *f the purchafe to bee offered agayne. And if Hee oiuft Hua. Cha». X. 199 muft bee offered agayne, Hee hath not perfected the purchafe for vs, by anie Offering going before. 2. The Apefilc bis eib , That the UVtiicalt Sacrifices tooksMta-ftaytbe Confcieme of Sinne ; becaufe tbere tim a yearlie commemoration made of tbe fame fanes', not onelie of that yearc, but aljo of former : yea, beftde tbe commemoration exprefilie done by tbe SPrieff, e ven iutbefe repeated Sacrifices^ fayetb bee } tbere ^cm % ** tfft&t a re all (filing v^ tgajm of tfofcfwnes , for which Hebr. Chap* X; 201 which Sacrifice bad beene offend before : becaufe the tferivg of Sacrifice ofntwe, did playnlie mporte, That by no proceeding Sacrifice, WM the %anjome of the Sinner payed. And, fo, in effttt* the Sacrificers dii profejfe y That for ante thing which the former Sacri- fice could mcrite, their fmnes remaynedtnexpiated. Qvest. 'But you -will eutall t the propertie of the thing figni- ficd beeing afcrybed to tbefigne> as Was marfydbefore. Qvest. Bur doc not weChriftiansmakea commemoration of our finnes, yeare by yearef yea, dayliejtemembering even the finnes of our youth, and deprecating the wrath which they deferue.* I Answere. It is true, Wee due; but not byway ofojfering a Sacrifice, as they: for, «/ tbemittifaydebeere, In thofc facrifices, there is a remembcrance of finne, Qvest, What is the difference betwixt coram cm otitioft of finnc , without renewed Sacrifice, and commemoration of finne, with Renewed Sacrifice/ betwixt the lewes comme- 202 HEBR. CHAP. X. moration of finncs, ycareby yearc, fpoken of in this place, and the commemoration which true Chriftians doe make? I Answers. The lew in bis foUmnc Comme- moration offinne^ by renewed Sacrifice, did reallie pro. fijfe two thinges : One, That no Sacrifice, for merits offered, Was Efficient to expiate bisfinne, or cleanfe his Confcience. jtnotber, That bee badnot fafficientlie gryped,by Faytb,tbat ftgnified Sacrifice, which was to come ; but had neede, through the Spetlacles , and Transparent of thefe Ty pic all Sacrifices enjoynedfot hit help?, to take a neWeVtew of that true Sacrifice which Was to come; ofbotbwbicb, the repeated Sacri- fice did beare Witnejfe. §tst $ wee, by Commemoration of ew [tunes, and not facrif icing, profejfe , That by Cbriffs Sacrifice, abeadiepajl, GOD'S lufticeufi Well faX'ufied, as there is no neede of newe Sacrifice, nor efter offering of that one : and, therefore, that wee defire no other %anfome, but Cbriji's, which is payed alreadie on the Croffe $ but onelie crauc^to banc, by Faytby a better grip of thrift, who bath payed the %anfome for >j; that Wee may finde the Vertueof bis %anfome yet more and more in our fehes* Qvest, But, what if with the Commemo- ration of finncs, yeare by ycarc > and dayeby daye , wee fliould pretende to joyne a Sacri- fice, that newe expiation might bee made, by offering of Chrift over agayne > as is preten- ded to bee done now-a-dayes i 1 Answ*kb* $yfo doing, wee fhotddta\$ away the HEBR. GAAP. X. 20$ the Difference f vbicb the Apofile bene puttetbbe* tvixt the Lewticall Sacrifices , and Cbrips 3 and, ma\e Cbrift's no bcttn than theirs : Wee fhould 4V ee fhould *vm , That the True % and Satif- faHorie Sacrifice, iwenot as yet come ; nothing here- tofore beting done, vbicb wre able to pacific G D f or purge the mrjhippers from the Confcitnte of Sinne. For, if a man tbinkgitbat the prytcof expU- tion of finnebee alreadie payed, beedoetbbut mocks G © ' S lujlice, and difgrace the 9ryce payed, if bee prefume to pay the fryce oyer agayne. Verf 4. For.it is not poflible, that the blood of Bulls, and of Goates > fhould take away finnes* TT52? gipetha fyafon,-toby thtfe Sacrifices ton* *• not pacific the Conjcience ; even becaufe it it not pofliblc , that they fhould ta\e anoay fmne. Then, 1 . The Confcience can never be purged, except it fee finne taken away, by a perfect Sacrifice, and a Ranfomc fo worthie, as Iuftice may bee fatif- fied. ». It is impoffible. that Attonement was pru- perlie made by the Leviticall facrifice , but onelie fi- guratiuelie; becaufe heere it isfayde f It T$a$ in»- pjiibit tbtj could tafywayfinnes* 3. Siane is not wyped 304 HE BR. CHAP. X. wyped away by anic vnworthic meane : for, tmtit becing the breach of the Lawe of Nature, and of the written Lawe, GOD'S Majeitiefo glorious, His Iuftice fo exaft , His Trueth, in threatning death to the offender, fo conftant , noleffe worthie Sacrifice can expiate finne , than that which is of valour to aunfwere all thefe, Ferf.5. Wherefore, when heecommcth into the worlde, hee faye'th , Sacrifice and offering thou wouldeft not • but abodie haft thou prepared mec. Verf.6. In burnt Offcringes, and Sacri- fices for finne , thou haft had no plea- fure. OHH prowetb, by teftimonic of the xl. Psale, verf.6. j.&c*thattbe[e Sacrifices did nrter % by themfelues, pacific GOD : an&>tbertfore,1cere notto endure longer than Cbnft fbould come % to fulfill Tvbat they didftgnifie ; and, fo abolijh them. Then, Neede-force , the Olde Church was not altogether ignorant of the imperfeftionof their Legall fervice , for remooving of their finnes ; and, that the true expiation of their finnes fignified by fhefe facrifices, was to bee fought in the Mess i as. 2. CHRIST is brought in by the Prophet, comming into thevvorlde: That is , Taking en aur nature, and manife fling bimfelfe in the fiefb : be iaufe $ by the Wort, bit is ftt before the Cburcb oftba% tjme, HEBR. CHAP, X, 205 tyme,4$ incarnate; wnooVtngtht LrtiticallSacrifi* ccs, and offering himfefe in their place. ' Then, The Word of G O D bnngeth all Di- vine Truethto a prefent beeing vnto Fayth : and, 10, by prophefie, made Chrift, incarnate, prefene yn- to the Fayth of the Fathers, vnder the Law* 3. CH RI ST' S hordes Vnto the Father t 4Ye y Sacrifice and oblation thou wouldcft not- but a bodie haft thou prepared mee. Which U, in fubjlance t the fame-frith, Mync eare haft thou opened, or bored vnto mec , in tit Hebrew, Psalme xl. 6. ?or> if the Father open the Eare of his Sonnc> by making him a Toyfe Servant, for tbctoorke of Ademption : if bee bore his Eare , by mailing him a Trilling and obedient Servant', then mult heealjo prepare a fccdie Vnto him, and bring bins into the wrWf, by incarnation , that bee may accomplish that Service a became* Then, i # CHRIST'S Bodie is of G OD'S preparation, and fitting; raadeof GOD, fo holie, and harmleife, fo free of finne, as it fhould bee fitte tobe,e joyned with the Godhead of the Sonne, and fitte to bee an expiatorie Sacrifice for finne. 2. The Sacrifice of Chutl's Bodie, and the obedience done to G O D in it by him, is the Accomplifhment and Subfrance of thefe Sacrifices. 3. G O D was never pleafed , nor pacified by thefe Sacrifices, in them- felues ; but by ChrilVs Sacrifice, fignified by them. 4. G O D prepared a Satisfaction to Himfdfc . for vs, when wee could not. ap$ HEBR. CHAP- X. rcrf.7. Then fayde I, Loe f I come, (if? the Volume of Thy Booke it is writ- ten of Mee) to doe Thy will, O God- THen, fayde CHRIST, Loe, I comedo doe Thy will , O GOD: That is, When the Legall Sacrifices are found and dularcdvn- able to pacific GOD ? CHRIST Then findeth tithe fitte tyxne to come into the ^orlde \ and, to doe that; •tohicb the Sacrifices didfore*fignifie> but could not ef- feQuate. Then, 1. CHRIST did notchinke it the due tyme for hiarfelfe to come into the wodde , till it ftould bee found , that without him , neyther GOD could bee fatisfied, nor Man faved, by anie other meane , but by His obedience, a # CHRIST aflumed our nature, and offered Hira- felfc in our rowme, to the Father, willinglie 5 readie to performe what the Father's Will could exa<3 of vs : yea, earneftlie defired hee to difcharge that fer- vice for vs. Blessed Bse His Name , for that WiUingnefle, even for evermore, 3. Speaking as in our nature, nowe incarnate , hec calleth the Father, his GOD. So Chritt, as Man, hath our GOD, for his G O D. z. One of the %eafons of His Offer-making , is 9 la the Volume of Thy Booke it is writ- ten of Mee : That is> So is it decreed , and fort. pophtfadt in the Scripture of Mee, That I fhould fa* tiifit t hee, Father, and doe Thy Will, for Man. THEN , t. CHRIST hath a great refpedi to &e Scripture,* to haue all thinges fulfilled which are there He BR* Chap* X, 207 there fpoken: though it (hould coil him his lyfe, hee >vill haue ic done, x, Hee dcfireth, that before wee looke vpon his manner of redeeming vs, wee fliould looke to the prophefies which went before of him in the Scripture. 3. The fumme of GOD'S Decree, and of his Scripture, which revcaleth his Decree, is, That GOD will faue Man, by Chrift: or. That the Sonne (hall bee incarnate, and doe the Father's will, for redemption of Man : That the Scede of the Woman , (hall treade downe the head of the Ser- pent , is amonglt the firit Oracles of GOD'S Good-Will to Man . VerfS. Aboue, when hee fayde, Sacri- fice , and Offering , and Barnt-offc- ringes, and Offering for Sinne, Thou wouldeft not- neyther hadft Thou pleafure there-in,which are offered by the Law : ferf?. Then fayde Hee, Loe t I come, to doe Thy Will ( O GOD. ) Hee taketh away the firft, that Hee may eftablifhthefecond. N0v % the Apofile gatberetb from tbevords of the Psalme fit do-tone verf. j. 6 % tbatthcLevi« ticall Sacrifices are abolifred, and taken aVdj, becaufi they could not f Ata\ e GO©: and,from the -Hordes of the Psalme fit dome vetf. 7. declaretb , That C HEIST'S Sacrifice is tb&i onelievbicb flea- M J^ot HBbr. Ch^p. X. ^fetb G © , now come in the rowme of the LevitictlL THEN , i. Cleare Confequences drawne from the Scripture , are found Dodtrine. z. Collation of places, doeth yeelde both ground of good Confe- rences, and ground of clearne/ie. 5. The aboli- fhing of Leviticall facrifices , is neceflarie, that CHRIST'S Sacrifice may haue the full place, and row me , for pleafing of G O D , and laving ■of vs . fcrf. 10. By the which Will, wee are fan&ified, through the Offering of the Bodie of IESUS CHRIST, once for all . TB E /pottle Jhowetb what this V/t\l W fits e me %odie, in sSdcrifice . once, for ail . If bat once, Then, k It isnotthe Father's Will that CHRIST'S Bodie flioufdbee offered oftencr than once. 2. If but once for- All; Then, Theft All, for whome hce offered, were condefcend-ed vpon, betwixt the Father, and the Mediatour. GOO knewe thofe whome hee gaue to the Sonne, to bee ranfomed : and CHRIST feiewe thofe whome hee bought. 3. If but Once for thofe All; Then, That Once made 2 perfect purchafe for all thofe: The Father craved no more for their Ranfome . Another offering for them, is sacedleffe : For , if it had Beenc needfull to offer agavne,once ofi-eririg had not fatisfied GOD'S Will, for their Ranfome. 2. F&r HEBR. CHAP. X. ie# . i. For the Pathet's Acceputhn, and ftuite of it 3 teefayetb % By this Will; to *i*, beeingobejei wee are fandified : That is, I and you, and the rest of our f octette * E left, are [eparated from the peril ]hing *oilde, and cenfecrdted, *s devoted foules f >»«# GOD'S v/ir, as bolie Vejf els of Honour, reconciled m duetyme 9 regeuerate,and by degree s y at lengtbjhrougb* lie made free of finne , C? endowed *itb G O 1/ 8 Image, in bolineffe* r#£N, i. Thofe oneliewhoare of theApo* file's focietie, fee aparfe for G O D'S vfe f by E lew Aion, before tymej and Regeneration, in tyme ; thofe fan&ified Ones, are thofe Ait, for whom CHRIST offered Himfelfe. i. All thofe, for whom CHRIST did offer Himfelfe, are falsified in GOD'S De- cree; and, in due tyme, by vertue of C H R I S T'S Offering. 3. Thofe who are never fan&ified, ifo Bodieof CHRIST was never offered for them. Verf. 11. And everie Prieft ftandeth day- lie, miniftering, and offering, oftenJ tyrncs, the fame Sacrifices, which can never take away finnes. yerf 12. But this Man 5 after Mee had offered one Sacrifice , for finnes, for ever, fate downc, on the Right Hand of G O D. THAT let mty tnde the Comfxtrifon of A arons fUttibtodt, 4t>d CHRIST'S, btt httfttb O io*eth lie HEBR. CHAP. X. together 4 number of the im^erfeHions of the LeVtticdi 9tiettboode f to fbov the B^eafons, *tohy it mutt bee abo- lifted, vcrf. n. And,in th$ vcrfes folloVmg,Vnt§ the 15. beelayethopentheferfeHionof CHRISTS frietthoode , vhicb is to endure for evrr. Let the wordes of the Text hee obfmed. 1. In the Le+iticnllfrietthoode, there it aplurali- tie of friettes, [ cvcrie Pricft ] importing mam. But in CHRIST'S friettboode,not a as M after, and Lord. 3# In the Lewicall fricflboode, cvcrie Prieft fhndeth,daylie offering, often tymes Sut Cbrijt $ vcrf. 1 z. offeredbut one Sacrifice, for cvcr# THEN, Chrift's Sacrifice never was offered, nor fhall bee for ever offered, but once j fay the con- trarie who will . 4. In the LeWicall Prieflhoode, they offered the fame Sacrifices oftentytnes : That is. Multitudes offacrifices, of the fame kinde* yet the Warre-ftre of the Subje&gs of His Kingdcme, endurcth (HI! agaynfl Enemies, fifth areas Satan, and the Wicked of the Wbrlde, and Sinne, and Death. 1. ThatBattell is € H K I S T'S : Hee is Partie to all the Foes of His ICitigdome? They are His Enemies. 3. Hee is not alone in the Battell: the Father is joyned with Him; and is fct on worke, to fubdue His Enemies ; as it is •fayde, Psal. ex. i. i. Wherevnto this place hath re- ference; His Enemies fbali he made his foote-ftdoli* 4. Albeit this Viclorie bee not compleated for a tyme, yet it is in working, arid fliall furelie bee brought to paiTe. ?. As our LORD expedeth, and wayteth on patientlie, till it bee done ; So mult wee His Subje&es doe alfo. 6. At length, the higheft of His Enemies , fliall bee made lower, than the bafell of CHRIST'S Members. They fliall bee made His Foote-Stoole, fubdued vnder Him , and tramped vpbrc. Vcrf. 14. For, by one Offering Hee hath perfe&ed, for ever, them that are fan* ; tfified. JItt giMh Hebr. Chap* X, txj HE 5 ghetb a %eafon 9 vby CbrittnWt batbn more Offering to ma\$,mr no more Sufferings endure 5 but onelie to bebolde tbe fwte of bis Sufferings, brought about by tbe Father, avl, tyion* carte vitb tbe Father, on bit Tbrone 9 for that ende : Bccaufe, by one Otfcriag* heefaachperfe&ed, forever, them chat are fanftificd. That is, (By that ones Offeringon the Croffe, done and ended bef on h$c fate do-tone on the %igbt Hand of G 2), bee bath fayed tbe full fryce, for ever, ?f tbe funbafe of 5^. wiflion of finnes, and fahatiov,to thofe that are wi- feerated to QOO, in bolimffe • THEN, i. Who-fo-ever \vill haue anie more offering vpof CHRIST, than that One, once offe- red before His Afccntionj deny eth, that CHRIST, by Once Offering, hath perfe&ed, for ever, them that are fanflified, 2. How-Co-cver you taice the word S ancti fiep , whether for thofe that are fepa- rated from the Worlde, and dedicated vnto GOD, in C H R I S T, in GOEKeu&nt>, Beuvfe, finne is ex pitted, QVEST. Howe, then, could there bee Re- fniffionoffinncvnder the Lawe, where there was daylie oiFering for finne / Or, if there was Rcmiffion, howe could there bee offering for finne* I ANSWERS. Tbetc is a T\ewi fan gran- ted, vpon Surette given, for SathfaHion to bee made for the p attic remitted: and, there is a ^emijiion granted, for Saliifaitwn aheadie wade for the pank remitted* 2 be %emiflion that the fathers Vnder the Lave bad, •#& of the fir fi forte ; Vpon Tromije of the Mediatour 10 tcme , and testis fie. And with fyemifion of this forte $ a typicali jacrff ice wight jffaudL for ftgnifying, that the true expiaiorle Sacrifice T»m not jet fayed, hut yeffeting y lecaufe Chrijl is come, and hath fulfilled what the ty pic all fact ij ice didfignifte\ ntytber the repeating oftbettueExpiatorie Sacrifice of thrifts $odks bee auje, then, Chrifl'beboo\>ed U (uffer day lie, and dte day lie, after that bee hath made Jatiifattiom jind; bepdethefe two fortes of offering, the lewtfli Hoodie J acrifxees typicali, and the true Iixpiatoriebko* die Sttrifimf Cbrifi's Sodie on the Croffe, the Scrip- ture HEBR. CHAP. X. *i? Ure 4c1&ov>ledgetb none . S$ , the mewing of the Jpojlle, in tbeje ^cordes^ mufi bee this ;, When !%w^"- fioncf finnes is alicadic [nnbajed, by offering of the Uue Lxpiatorie Sacrifice, as now it isjtndet the ?^e* Co venant, tber? uo more offering tan bee for fmne ante more. Then t i. ThcApoftle acknowled- ged no vfe for ame facrifice vnder the Nevve Tefta- raent , after Chrifl's Afcencion : elfe, his Reafon ihoiildnotholde. i. The facrifice which is oflered, to wit, the Bodie of IESKS, hath alreadiefuffo redforfinne: fo that nowe the Remiffion of thofe, that Is j of finne and miquitie , Ail So?.t of the Elects finnes, is obtayned there- by aheadic. 3. Not onelie No Sacrifice is aniemoreto bee offered for fame vnder the Newe Covenant ; but, alfo. No Offemkc, faycth hee, bloodic,or vnbloodie, is to bee offered. 4. that Church which prctendeth to ©ffer anie Offering for finnes, of quicke, ordtad, riowe vnder ihcGofptll, profeffeth,Thatno Remif. fion of finne is to bee had in fuch a Church: Becaufe, where there is Remiflion of finne, there is no more offering for finne, fayeth the Apofiie, expiefslie. f'erf. 19. Havings therefore D Brethren, boldnefle, to enter into theHoIie/t, by the Blood of I ES US. F%0 Af the by-pafl Dottrine, of Cbnfis Excel* cellcnw, and Riches ofGrace 9 -tobhb tonmelb v*. to yj through him, bee draWctb Exhortations 9 fn yjc-makivg of this ottrine,in foundnejjeof Ea$tk, end the Ernies tbtre-of, \>nto the er>de ef the EpiftU. Q $ AvL 3i8 HEBR. CHAP. X. 1 And, fir ft, bee exhortetb, To feefyvnto Communion yilb Q © in Heaven , through Ckifi ; »fwg the names of the Ceremoniall Lave , but mixed with hordes touching the Excellence of the thing fignified^ about thofe Ceremonies : to fkoye the Hebrewes, That tboje Ceremonies bad nothing intbemfelues,but iidferue to reprejent Cbrijl> and bis $enefites I And* fo % to draw them from tbp[e ft>adoy>es 9 v«fo the truetb of that, f»bicb once beeing pgnifiei by them, is aoW manifested in Chriit. To make the Exhortation to bee the better receaved, beefettetb dome fundrie Prmledges of the Faytb* full, vcrf. 1 9, Zo . 2. 1 . From i»bnb bee infenetb bit Exhortation > verf. 21. For the fir ft frMledge, bee fayeth , Wcehaue liberty to enter into the Holidl : That is, Into Heaven. 1 , In that bee maketh this frfriledge proper to the focietie of Chilians, him f elf e % and others \ bee tea- cbetb V$ 9 1. That fo long as men are withoutChrift, they are debarred out of Heaven; no Doore nor Way open, but the flaming Sword of G O D'S Iuftice, to, keepe out everie one that (hall preaiTe to enter,be- fore Chrilt bring them . But, fuch as come to Chrift by Fayth , Heaven is opened vnto them , and the Doore call vp, for them to enter in, who were exy- led before. i* Hexti bee cemmendeth this friviledge^by caU ting the flace> The HoYietl^thef lace cohere GODS BULIHESSE d-toelletb, repre feinted by the Santlua- tie inhere nothing can enter , but that yvbicb isbolie^ Touching Vj thm-by , That the Faythfull are fo wa- f ihcttfiom HEBR. CHAP. X. 21* ilien from their finnes, through Fayth in Chrift, that GOD will admit them into the Place of His Dwel- ling, into His Hcavenlie San&uarie, by Fayth nowe, and Fruition heerc-after. j. Hee cotmnetidetb tbis fwiledge, by callingil 4 Libcrtic. Tbe md 9 properlie,ftgnifictb M Libcrtic ro fpeakeall our mynde; m batbbecne toarkfd be- fore, tvbere-by bee teacbetb v; , i • Howe wee doc enter into the Holiefc to wit, by Prayer, fending vp our Supplications to Heaven. And, agayne, z> That in our Prayers toGOD, wee may vfe frecdome of ipeach, telling Him all our Mynd, all our Griefes, all pur Feares, all our Defires, and even powreout our heartes before Him, at all tymes. 4. Hee commendetb tbis fPrtoiledge, by tbe fryce of the Pmbajetbcre-of, e+en tbe mood of 1ES VS. Wbere-by bee teacbetb W , i . To hauc this Privi- ledgein high elteemation, a. To make good vfc of it. 3 . To bee confident of the (tending of it: and all,, becaufe it is fo dearlie bought . J. Laftlie : bee commendetb tbis Piinledge, by tbe Common %igbt ybicb all §elirters bane +nto it, tbe ApoJlle,andtbefe Hebrewcs,^ bis Brethren, and *U otber of that Societies Wbere»by bee teacbetb % That albeit there bee great difference in the meafurc of Fayth, and other Graces, betwixt Chrillians; fome beeing lironger, fome weaker, fome as ApoiUes, fome as thefe weake Hebrewes, &c. yet all are the Children of one Father, all are Brethren, and all are admitted, by Prayer, to come, and enter into Hea- ven, freehe to poWiC out their ftwks, at all tymes # vmo GOD. Vtrf.io. By a Newc and Living Way, which Hee hath confecrated for vs, through the Vay le ; that is to fay. His Flcfh. THIS is one, frhitedge, That wee haue liber* tie to enter into Heave ,followetb another. Then u a Way made, to leade V; on thereinto, which is Chiffs FUjh, compared to the Vayle oftheSantfua- rie t which both hid thofe thinges which Were within the Santtuarie, and yet yeelded an enterie through it felfe,Vnto the Santluarie. S* u Cbrifrs Flefh t tht Vayle of his Godhead, which did hide the Glorie of bU Deitie, from the carnall beholders, wbofttttnbled at hu bafmjfe ; and yet opened a $)oore,for the (pirituall wan to looks in, \>pon him that w& inVtfihle, whyle a beeobjerved the brigbtncjfe of the Qlorie of GO J)., breathing through the Vottrine, and fVerhss , of tfo M*n CHRIST. it Bee tnakctbtbe Wsy, ft frit Quid's Fled, or Chrift<& incarnate, or Chrift conftdered accor? ding to hu bumanitie I Becaufe , ChrifVs utyngon our nature yUtbtonelie Me me of reconciling vsvato dOD. Na man e)>er came to tie Father, but by him. £2* other Kamewhere-by men arc fitted) but the NAME of IESVS CHRIST. And, tberfoti, ha in the way, a man mufi enter, and hide onjiill, till hie cme to the ende, to the place when hee would bet ; Evenfo mufi eyerie man, who would hee at Heaven, ^ mat Chnrt, tvd hide on f mfyng pwgrejfein • HhBr. Chap. X* ill him Jfitl, from Vaytbto Faytb>from Grace toGrace^ till bee come to bis ^(l. 2. This Way is of ChrifVs olmc Staking: hee Utb devyfed it, and eonfecrated it. Hee vbo is tbt Ftibtr's Wifedome,batb thought it tbebeji Waye^to bring Man to GOV), (bat GOD pould become Man, that tie Word fbould bee made flejh. Tbt befiWaytohingmento BeaYen } tbat GO© fhouli comedot9ne,totbe earth, to tafyon Mansnatmevp- Onh\m % thai bee might makg Manfart-takfr of tbt fDMne Hater*. 5. Vice bath eonfecrated and dedicated his ?U(h> bis humane nature, fetaparte, and fanUified bimfelfe t to this fame end*, that Men might makf their Moyett tyitb GOD, by him, as Man-, and, by tbeBandes of Kature^ith him,be belpedvp totbeliandsefGrace, *9tith GOD ; bycommhg to the Man CHRIST, might finde GOD in CHRIST* 4. Bee cdllethita New Way, t.Secaufeof the clearemanifeftbg of the Way to Beaten, vnder the GBfyelliincowparifonoftbe tymeofthcLa'to. t.$e- caufe a retdie, playne,and fafe Way without ftutn- bling tBhckjs, fines } or Snares, flatingers, or Iniotiit* wences, to fitch as kf! c pe tbemfelnes theie-w, fneb as ve^made vay*s v/i to bee. 3. ^ecaufeitwaxetk never olde \ is « ijiablifhed,and never to hee alt* icdyor ahlifbed* 5. It is a Living Way, \.ow I E- SVS CHRIST, GOO manifejied in the fltfbl and bee will mount v/> with tbee % and came thee th- row the Wildeme§e,to Canaan : From the naturdll Miferie; and finnes which thou lyeft i», vnto Heaven. 6* This Way leddeth through the Vayle, To teaches , That wee comming to CHRIST'S Man- head, muft not fubfift there: but by this meane feeke in to GOD, who dwelleth in Him ; that our Fayth and Hope may bee in GOD. Wee enter by the Man CHRIST, and doe reft on GOD, in CHRIST, fcn the fulnefle of the Godhead which dwelleth bo : dilie in CHRIST This is to diftinguifli the natures tf CHRIST, and to keepe the vmtie of His Perfon rightlie ♦ firf. 21. And, having an high Prieft ever the Houfc of GOD# Jtr HEBR. CHAP. X. 223 jjO^our farther fdtufdBion, beegheth Vj Cbrifk Jf 1 %Wdgdynt % to ma\e yet more v/i? of bim, todU fe $ t guyde, and convoy Vi, in the Way, to knit v; to the father in Heaven, through fbe Courtes of bis Dwelling, dnd to bring vj into him, and makf Vs welcome There* 1. Wee haueChriftfor a Priest to vs, whofe Lippes doealwayes preferue Knowledge, in whome arc hid all the Treafurcs of Wifedome and Know- ledge, who will informe our Myndes, and perfwadc our Heartes to belieue, and obey : who will recon- cile, by His once offered Sacrifice, the Believer; will intercede for the Reconciled , to keepe him ilill iri Grace : will bleflc vs, with all Spirituall Bleflinges: will take our Prayers, Thankes^giving, and the Spi- rituall Sacrifice of all the good Works of our Hands, and wait the pollutions from them; will offer them, in our name, with the Incenfe and Perfume of His owne Merites ; andleade ourfeluesin, where our Lampes (hall beefurnifhed, and our Table filled, till wee goe in to Heaven •> and There Hee will welcome vs, in a Manfu)o prepared for vs. 2 Hee is a high Priest, adorned with all Autho- ritie,and all Perfe&ionsjhaving all in fubftance,which the Types did fignifie; wta bearcth our names, yea, our felues, on the Sholdereof His Power, and in the Breaftof His HeartieLoue : who beareth the ini- cjuitie of the Holic Thinges, and Holineffc in His Fore-head , for vs. In whome the Father is well pleafed with vs, and hath made vs acceptable, as ia His Well-beloved. $. Hee is Over The Hovse Of GOD: Hee hath Authoritie, and Power, to bring in whom Hee jplea&th, aad to giuc foorth of the Treafure as much 15 224 USER. CHAP. X\ as hee will : All the Manfions in his Father's efwel- ^irrghoufe,arehis; and all athiscfcfpofing, to open fo as none frtall fhut : To him belongeth to gtne foorththefentenceof Admiflion to Heaven; and to fay,. Come, yon hUffed of the Fattier. Yea, to make this his Authoritie mariifeft , hee will come agayne, and takevsvnto himfelfe: that where hee is , wee may bee there alfo. 4. Wee Have this high Prieft : that is, heeii ours, becaufe, 1 Taken out from Amongst vs^onc of our number, albeit not of our conditions; of our nature, but feparate from our finfull manners ; holie, andharmlefle. 1. Becaufehee is Fon Vs, in thinges appertayning to GOD, to employ his Moyen and Power, for our behoou?, towardes GOD. 3. Be* caufe, bound in all Bandes, With Vs, of Nature, of Grace, and Good-Will, of the Father's Gift, and Xppoyn£ir.enc , and His owne Covenant , and fpe- ciall Contra.fi , with vs. So that albert an vncoutft nun may poffiblie leauea itranger in his journeye alone, yet Chrift cannot choofeto doe fotovs : but, for the Bandes betwixt him and vs, hee will ne- ver leaue vs 9 nor forfake vs. Ferfi 2 2 . Let vs draw nearc, with a true heart, in full afTurance of Fayrh ; ha. ving our Hcartes fprinkled from an cvill conference, and our bodies wa- fted with pure water. F^OM theft Trhiledges, he$ preflithan Exhou tation, To draw nearcto GOD; *vd pre* fcrybeth HEBR. CHAP. X- fl2 j Jiryletbtbc Di^ofitmtequyred of*s>%* our drawing mare. i. This Exfortdtion fhovetb, I. That true Chriftians arc often tymes fo fcnfible of their own« vnworthincfle, that vndcr that fenfe, they are encly- ped, of themfchies, tofland a^farreoffi and hauc uecde of encowragement, and invitation, to drawe neare. x. That fuch as are mode fcnfible of theif owne vnworthinefTe, arc mode called, to come for- wardes, vnto GOD: for Hec giveth grace to the humble. 14 tieelayetbdo^ne tbcfrMledgesmtkc forme? Veifes\ dnd t intbti y draitetb on the Exhortation ; To Teach Vs , i« That fach Priviledges as art fraunted vnto vs, in Chriii muft bee received, and eheved, as Trueth.* i. That wee mufi ftudieto make vfe of our Priviledges, and challenge them for eur owne. j . That the weakeft of true Believers in Chrift , may thrufl in themftlurs at theDoores of Grace, amorrgft the holie Apoftles: fortheApoOIe putteth the Hib*ewes with hunfclfe, in the Exhor- lation, far this ende. j. Forourdtfyofnion, And fitting U draw neae 9 bet requjretb $ firft* That "ftee bape* true heart, tin fajctbnotid finleiTe heart y hut y d truehearti tbdt u, fuch a heart , us in Ibe matter of believing wyndetb no confidence J?ut in GO b'S Grace, through Cbriil on* Ue\dud y in tbewdtltrof GO b'S Service > nyndetb ouelii HuTvill mitsajme, *nd allwttbonelie that l»bicb is His Tvill in its cenjure # Then, An honeft heart , >? hieh honertlie a<%. itnowlcdgeth its owne finnes , and fieeth to Chrift's Blood, f©r fpriakling ; whofe aymc is vpright, ende- P ygur %%6 Heer. Chap. X. v©ur vpright , and cenfure of it felfc vpright y allo- wing in it felfe nothing but what GOD alloweth, and difpleafed with that which difpeafeth G O D,* albeit, manie wayes, weake and impcrfeft, yet hath libtrtic to draw neare vnto GOD. 4. The next thing bee requyretb, is full affurancc of Fayth X That is, a fetled, and full perfaafm % to bee accepted , even through I E S V S CHRIST. THEN, Albeit the LORD will not defpyfe the weakeft meafure of Fayth, and will not quench the fmaaking flaxe; yet it pleafeth Him better, yea, it is His Commandettient , that men ftudie vnto the full aflfurancc of Fayth : for, the more thou refteft on GOD'S Covenant with thee in IESVS CHRIST, the more thou fealeft His Trueth , glorificft Him, becommeft the more lyke vnto faythfull Abraham, and getteft the deeper rooting in CHRIST. 5. The third is, That the heart bee jprinkled from an will conference. The heart is jprinkjed, whend finner, fenfible of ftnne > maketh heartie application to bim felfe, of the { Blood of 1 E S V V S, for remifion of ftnnesi after this heartie application of CHRKSTS $lood, the Confcience is fuYnifhedVoilb a good dun* ftoere vnto all Challenges ; and 9 fo 9 is made good 9 a com* fortable Confcience, abfohing the man, through fayth in I E S V S, upborne it tormented nith Challenges, before it ran to the ftlood of I ES V S for fyrinkling, THEN, When-fo-ever the Confcience is evill, accufeth , and vexeth , let the vexed heart riinne to C H RISTS Blood; and then fhall it bee free from an evill confcience: For, the Blood of 'IESVS clean- feth vs from all finne. Let the Heart bee Jprinkled, arid the Confcience will bee good, 6. Tit H'BBR. CHAP. X. 227 6 % The fourth tbingrequyred in him that drattetb ware as bee fhould, U % Tbdt bU bodie bee wafted with pure water : Tbdt is , That according to the figifica- Hon of tbdt Legalise, tbeit onward cfaverfdtion bee bUmeleffe, and bolie ; ftnne beeing fo curbed within, that it reygne not in their mottall bodice fo fougbten tgajnfl wklin, m it hre&$ not foortb in ftaudakui Worhj of darhyejft, in the aftions of the bodie 9 then, 1 .With a fprinklcd Confcience within* men muft joyne an holie , and blamelefle conven- tion without. .2. The wafhing of the converfacion without , muft proceede from an heart fenfiblie ae-> quaynted with the power of the Blood of I E S V S. 3. And this outward holineffeof the bodie, muft bee wrought with pure water ; that is, by the Spiritc of San&ification 5 to diftinguifh the reformation of a Believer , from a Counterfeyt , who without may lookelyke 2 righteous man, but within bee as a why- ted Tombe, full of roctennefle. Verf.2%. LecvsholdcfafttheProfcflloa of our Fayth, without wavering: ( for Hee is faythfull that promifed. ) AKotber Exhortation , to awwe the Faytb of CHRIST; that is.tbeVoHtine •/CHRIST, the Truttb receaved from CHRIST, and believed * and not to quyte it in the tyrne oftryall^on ante con- dition . 1. The re^uyrmgtoholde faH tbeConfefiiouofouv Sdytb^or Ho%e t as the ytrdimportttb, Tuachfth, P z j,Th4?( i*8 HEBR. CHAP. X. t. That a true Chrifttan muft notonelie holdc £hs Trueth of CHRIST fecretlie; but muft confeffeiti profeffe, and avowe it openlie, where GOD'S Glo- ric,and ethers good, requyteth the fame. 2. That hec muft looke for adverfarie powers, and Tempta- tions, to take that Trueth, or at leaft the confeffion of it, from him. 3. That in thefc Tryals and Eflayes, fcee muft holde the faffer grippe,and avow it fo much the more fteadfaftlie , as hee is tempted to,quyte it. 4, That when hee is put to the Tryall of this Confef- fion, of anie poyndt of his Fayth , hee is alfo put to the Tryall of the Confeffion of his Hope; Whether his hopes of the promifed Salvation ia 1ESVS, bee Wronger to keepe him fleadfaft, or the Terrour, and allurement from men, ftronger to make him quyte the poynS of Trueth -contrpver ted. j. That no- shing, but this Hope , is able to make-a man ftand out in Tryall, if hee bee hafdlie vrged. *. Bee Will h*ut the dvowingof theTtuttb of C H K I S T to bee without Watering. Then, I. Men muft fo learne the 1 rueth , that they neede. Bot to change agayne : That is, Muft ftudie to know the Trueth fotindlie , and folidlie. 1. And having learned it, muft not fay, and vnfa£; one day avowe it, and another day quyte it: For fo bOD getteth not His due Gloric, beholders are not edified, the man's Teftimonie wanteth weyght with the Adverfarie. Uut hee muft bee invincible in the Trueth, who will neythcr alter, nor change, or diminifhanie thing of it, forfcad, or favour, • 3. flee gi)>eth tby for a gtomi of Conjtancie\ For Hee is faythfuli who hath promifed: Tbit u 9 The ffwifts wbhb 1 £ S V S bath made Hm. ChapJ X# up to fuch as mjtdtyliebelim intJitn, fhtllbet furelit performed, tbatwcovftant frofeffour of His Trunk jhtll bee afhdmed.' Then, i. Where wee haue a Promife of anic thing made vnto vs in Scripture, wee may bee confi- dent to obtayne it , and bolde to avowe cur hope thereof, agaynft fuch as would teach vsthe do&rine or Doubring/wherevnto wc are, of our felues,prone and enclyned; and agaynft fuch as fli kc the allurance . of the Sayndts perfe verance. i . The ground of our •Confidence, is not in ourfehus, but in the fay th- fulncffeof IESVS CHRIST, who hath promifed fuch Graces to His Children. 3. Our bolde avo*- wing of our Hope , is not a bragging of our ownc ftrength - y but a magnifying of CHRIST'S f aythfulneffe , Terf. 24. And kt vs confidcr one ano» ther to provoke vntolouc, and to good works. HEE Jlrengthenetb bis form* 'Exhortation t by l&ingof ViteUionSyto fanber tbehObedieuci thereinto. And, ji>Jt % for mutuail l>p-Jhning one of anQtber. Whsreof Web LeAKNt, 1. Thatmutuall Edification of Chriitians amongft themfelues, and ihaipcningoneof another, is a fpe- ciall helpe to Conftaucie in true Keligion, and a Pre- fervatiue agaynft Apoftafu. ». Prudence is requy- red hee*evnto , that mutually weeobferue one ano- ther's Difpofition, Giftes, hxperience, Vermes, and Faultes j that wee may the better fitte our fclues, to doe good, each one of vs, to another* and to receau* It i good 23# HebrT Chap. X. good each one of another , in our Chriftian conver- fifjg together. 3. A Godlie ftryving one with ano- ther , who lhall bee firft in loue, and well-doing, is better than the ordinarie ftryfe, who fhall exceede others in Vanicie, and fuperfiuitie of Apparrell and Fare. Verfii*)* Not forfaking the afTcmbling of our fclues together, as the manner of feme is : but exhorting one ano- ther: and fo much the more, as yee fee the Day approaching. r A Toother Meane to this fame ende, u the freqven* JilLting of Chriftian Jffemblics, and Meetinges^ •frbicb way farther this purpofe oftnutuall edification, And Thekefoke, i. Church Affemblies muft bee well keeped , by fuch as doe rr.yndc to prooue con- stant in the true Religion. %. Chriftian Meetinges al- io of private Chriftians, fortnutuall conference, and exhorting one of another, is not to bee negle&ed, nor forfaken ; but to bee vfed, for keeping vnitie in the Church; and not to foilcr Schifmc , or hinder the publicke Affemblies . 1. Bee taxeth the fault cf feme amovgjt thc& 9 lebo in bcbijme, or purpofe ef rfpejlafie, Mb-drcWe' tbemjelues from all Church J flemb lies, and Chrijlian Mretinges, and fell backs a g a y ne i cr W e m the Vay ef falling baikfito thje deny all of CHK1ST openlie. THEN, 1. Separation rrom the true Church, and Chriftian Sociecie of the FaythfuU , is a re- markeable evill . a. The Schifmc, or Apoftafieof • others* BEBR. GAAP. X. 231 •thcrs, fhould not weaken vs in following ame good Meanc of Edification : but, rather,' flirre vs vp, vnto more diligence ; left, by negligence, wee fall, pftc? and piece, backe, after their example. : 3 . Hee ma\etb tbe approaching of the Day, to taken f om tbe f ear full cafe of -toilfull Apotfates , Vtbo finning the Sinne agajnjt tbe bolic G bo ft , arefecluded t for ever ^ from Metric I fay, the Sinne agaynft the bolie Ghost ; becaufe we foall fmdt tbe Sinne beere defcrybed, net to bee anie particular fmne agfiynfl ibe Lave , htagaynjltbe Gospeil: Hot afxnm agaynft fomepoynftofTruetb, but agaynft P 4 CHRIST'S I31 HEBR. CHAP, X. CHRIST'S vbole faHriui : tfy of infitmitlu but vilfulnejfe : T^ot of rafhneffe, bid of deliberation} Drftriigi't, and villinglie : t^ot of ignorance, but af t€f Illumination, dud froffiion : Such as Iewes tur- ned Cbnfiansi revolting f hm Chriflianitie , backs *g*y*h to that former bojliliik, agajmjl CHRIST, did Lomrwtt It a true 9 tnanie vbo -commit leffet ftnnes, gtt never grace to repent : and warns ith ma]$ dejellion, in [ome foyntl of their profeflhn, may bee fe* eluded from Mercie there- after : butthk ftnneheere fytrjbii 9 u a irilfM rejetlwg of CH K 1ST 9 anj the kenefiteof Hu Sacrifice, after Illumination 9 and frofefiion, of the Faytb of CHRIST. T H.£ N : , i. As Apoftafte from the true Religion lyeth neareft vnto this.Sinne ; fo they who defire to bee fred of thrs Sinne, mult bee the more carefull to bee conftarrt in the profefllon of everie poynd of the Trueth of the Gofpcll. 2. If a man reject the Bene- fee of that Once Offered'Sacrifici of CHRIST, there is no other Sacrifice for Siiine af- ter that, nor anie other meanc to helpe him . But, if a man fecke vnto I E S V S CHRIST, and will not. quyte Him, .what-fo-cver hee may thinke of the hay- Roufnefle of his owne finnes, the Sacrifice which I ESV S offered for finnes, remayneth, where-by hec Kpay bee faved. Vcrfl 27. But a certay ne fearfull looking for of judgement, and ficrie indigna- tion, which fhall devourcthe Adver- farics. Having HAVwg ficludei the Apofttte from Meui*,bet goetb o», in theft wr^r;, to fbove bis mferablt ejlate. Whhrb-of Wee Gather, i. That the wilfull Apoftate from the Fayth of CHRIST, isalfoa wilfiill Adverfarie to CHRIST. of the highefl forte : Part-taker of Satan's finne^nd Satan's profeflion. x. That everie Apoftate of this forte, is defiitute of GOD'S Peace, felfVcondcm- ned , defperate of Salvation , hopelefle of Reliefe, without all purpofe of Repentance, or vfing meanes of helpe, ftricken with the fore-fight of the Wrath comming vpon him, and made to expedt it, although hee fhould diffemble it never fo much. $• The Apoflate's feare (hall come vpon him , judgement aunfwerable to his finne , the indignation and wratk of GOD , yea, fierie indignation, the moft terrible that can bee thought vpon , which hee (hall not ef- cape ; but it (hall devourehim, fwallowe himvp, and fecdc vpon his bodie and foule, even for ever. 2* In tbdt bee m*\etb this tbe judgement of CHRIST'S Aixerfaries, WeeLeakne, That the fonle which loveth CHRIST, and can not quyte Him, can not endure to thinke of a fe- paration, will not *-** the proportion of their fun'tfhtnent Vbodefyyfed tbe La^to of Mofes. then, As finnes are grea- ter , fomurtthe punifhmenc bee greater : and the Confcicnce bceing pofed 2s heere , atn not but fub- fcrybe to the proportion, ^ i, Tq mkg HEBR. CHAP. X. t4\ 2. To ma\e the Stone appear e the letter, hee poyn* y Sictb out foma particular [times, invoked whin this great Sime . for clearing whereof, it may bee asked; Howe can the Apoftares tieade the Bloode of the Sonne of GOD vnderfoore/ &c* I Answere : Theycannot t inieede 9 by pbyfi- call aliion \ but by doing the equivalent fwne, they Are accounted of GOD to doc it > by judiciall inter pre* tat ion. Their dpoftafie import ett^ their agreeing, to dee CHRIST 4s much indignitie, as if they did cf- ftr Him this perjonalhiolcnce* Their deedes fhow$ that they haue thu bafe ejleemation of CHRIST, *nd fits Hood: and no better, tor, what faycth the Apojlate of CHRIST , by his deede 9 but. That Bee is not worthie to bee pvofejfed, or avowed, or /•/- lowed? jind what is this in effeB 9 but to treade Him Under all the fe bafetbhges , which the Afofiate preferretk before Him i And jo is to bee vnderjloode of the Bloode of CHRIST, and His Spirit. Qvest, But howe can the Reprobate bee fsyde to bee Ian {lifted , by the Blood* of the Covenant I Answers. ThereuafanUificalion to (he purifying ef the ficfb, and a fan&if cation to the purifying of the con] cienci, from dead worh£s t to feme the Living GOD, HEBa.ix.13.j4* The janUijication externall to the purifying of the flejl , covfifleth in the man s feparation from the world, and dedication Vnto G OfD'Sfervice, by Calling and Covenant , common to all th members of the vifbk Chmbl 1 3 6 HEBR. CHAP. X. i Church ; end it is forcible thus farre % as to bring a mn into credit* and ejieematiofi t aia Saynlt, before men* and Vwf* the common frmledges of the Church] whereof tw, 06 Men, fo GOD j//o, fieafytb v»*o bim, and of him , as one of UuVtopky and chalet b with bim > in his externall difjenfation, ojs with one of Bis owne teople. In this fenfe all the Congregation of Jfraell, and eyerie one of them ^ u called hoiie, yea. Core alfo> and bis followers, Numb* \6. *. The SanUifica* tion internally by renovation, confijleth in a man's jcpa* Utionfromtbejlaieof \ature,totbe ftate of Grace; from his olde conditions, to bee a new creature indeed* * ®y this Utter forte, a i\eprcbate can not bee called (an. ftificd$£«f by the former, he may bee called falsi- fied, and that by wtue of the 'Bloode of the Covenant, albeit heefhould not get ante farther good thereby*. For, as the bloode of CHRIST bath nrtue to clean je the Confcience, And renew the Soule which commeth Vuto it &ruelie J and$i*itualiie, Sg itwujl haue force to doe that Which islejfe ; .b^t *x, punfietbe flefh> and externall condition of the man who commetb \nPoit outwaidlie cuelie, at the Types did vnde* the Lawe^ wherev^on an hypocrite in the Cbriftian thumb , tuufi bee accounted one of the Congregation of the Saynites, as well as an hypocrite VrJer the Lawe Was fo called, becaufe thrift's §hode cannot bee infer tout to the lyfes,wbicb aw e of this force, to fanBtpe men to the pwifyhgOj the flefb. Or Wee may fay morefbortlie : There is a fanttifi cation hy confecration, when anie thing is de)fOted } or dedicated Vftfo GOD-, and a jollification by ink abitaliw of the , folic Hib it* Chap. X. 237 hlk Spirit > 2. Cor. vj. 1^.17* 18. Of the f$f- - wet forte, the Cenfers o/Core, Dathan,*wJ Abi« ram, dre called holie. And the reafon is given , Bf- **«/* tfc*jf offered thexn before the LO%p , therefore they are Mo W, Numb. xvj. *8. iiw^iw thisfenfe f all the members of the vifbk C bunb~, even fucb ^ that he pmvetbtbecertdyntieof their punifh. went, out of Deuceiyxxxij* 3;. j$. Leaknti* t. That the juftice and conftancie of GOD'S Trueth , in generall threatninges , is fufficienc to prooue the ce.rtayne punifhment of particular finnes. a. The punifliment of Apoftates, of one kynde, may evidence the puniflinent of Apoftates of another kynde. For, it is the Iewbs Apoftafie, to Idola- erie, and worflhipping of Images, which in that place the LORD doeth threaten. z. Bee makgth the knowing of GOD ^bo ft>ea- %etb t a proof > fujficient for the cemyne performance of His Word . Then, As men vnderftande GOD'S Nature, fo will His Word weygh with therm : And , fuch as knowe Him beft, willftande moil awe of, and belieue, His Word moft. Verf. 31. It is a fearfull thing, to fall in- to the Handcs of the Living GOD. F%OM this knowledge of G 2>'S Kature 9 bet pronouncetb hove f ear full a thing it is^ to fall in- to bis bandes, 4S an aherfarie^ to lee panifbed. Then, 1. It is praefuppofed , that fuch as reje& she Merck of CHRIST , Ihall not bee able to rqefl lattice; HEBR. CHAP. X. 239 Iuftice ; but rauft fall into His Hand. t. The *ter+ nitie of GOD, maketh His Wrath terrible: For He livcth for ever , to avenge Himfelfe on His Foes. 3. The Terrour of the LORD, what Torment Hee Is able to infli&, and that for ever, is a fitte Meane to make men beware to make Apoftaiie from CHRIST. Verf.^i. But call to rcmemberance the former dayes, in which after yee were illuminated, yee endured a great fight of afflictions . F 0% a Meane to belpetbem conjlantlietogpeenl bee diretfetb them, to ma\e v/eft them of ineonjiancie. Thk ijj 1. Such Threatninges and Exhortations as haue bene given heere , doe not importe the vncertayntie of their perfevcrance who are threatened - 3 but ilandetfa with the ailurancc of the contrarip. 2. Hee who threatened^ iliould bee as waric to weaken his hea* rers fayth,as his owne, 3 , Hearers muft vndcrflandL that the right vfe of threatening, is, to rowfc men out of fecurrtie j and not to difcowrage them. z. Wee are not of them (fkyeth becj) s4 £ HEBR. CHAP, X. who drawe backe vato perdition. Then, i. They who drawe backe p from coa- ftanr avowing of the Fayth, drawe neare vnco per- dition, Heethat forfaketh the CtofTe, runneth him- feife on the Rock? of his owne definition; which is worfe. i. Tae Eieft are not of that kynde, or forte of men , who fall into Apoftafie , vnto perdition. They may fall for a tyme,- but are not of them that drawe backe , vnco perdition. 3 # Wee arc of them ( fytih he ) who belicue to the falvation of the foule. THEN, i. True Believers are of that kynde, of whom all doe perfevere. z. Pcrfeyering in the Fayth, is a going on to Salvation. Thefumme ofChafa XL NOw, that you may know the better howe toliucby Fzyth , confider, that Fayth apprehendeth thinges to come , as pre- fent, and fubfiltlng, by gripping them, in then priginall Fountayne , which is the Word o^ Promiie, and beholding in theMirrour of the Woui, theclarc certayntieof thinges, as yec not feene to fenfe , Verf. i . For, fo were the Eledjb Beholders and Pan-takers of CHRIST before Hce came, and were juftified. Verf 2.. And Co haue wee leertayntie of the Creation of the World of nothing, $yer£ j. ^yit was Asu's perfon and facrifice ac~ ceptcd* Hesr. Chap. X. 2^f lepted , and preferred before his elder Brother, Verf. 4. By it was Enoch made readie for Heaven, Verf. ?. 6. And Noah, by it, faved, both in hodie and foule, Verf. 7* Fayth made Abraham Ieaue his €ountrey,in hope of Heaven, Verf. 8. y. io.By it, Sa- *A,beeing olde,got tfrength, abouethe courfc of nature, to become a fruittull Mother, Verf. 11. i*« All thefe, vnto their dying day, were contented with the fore-fight of the Performance of GOD'S Pr#- mifes; and, in hope thereof, renounced the Worlds therefore GOD honoureth them, as His Confede- rates, Verf. 13. 14. *?. i<*. Fayth made Airaha*| CO offer his onelie fonne, Verf. 17. 18. 19. Isaac , and Iaakob, and Ioseph, by Fayth, at their death, comforted thcmfelues, and others alfo , in hope o£ the Performance ofGOD'S Trueth, Verf, i«. ir. ti. The Parentesof Mock* overcame the fcareo£ man by Fayth , Verf. 23." Moses, by Fayth, got ftrength tochoofe the Croffc of CHRIST § before the Riches, and Honoures,and Pleafures of JEgypt, Verf. 24, is* *<*• Fayth made him conftant in his dioyfe , and patient , Verf. 27. By Fayth hee got the People otlsRAEn. to bee faved, when the firft- borne of jEgvpt were flayne, Verf. 1%. By Fayth the deepe Sea gaue open way, Verf. 1$, High wal- led Townes were throwne downe, Verf. 30. Rachab Was faved, when others periflied, VerC 31. By Fayth cumbers of GOD'S Children did wonderfull ihinges; and rcccaved wonderful! Comfortes j and overcamcall Perfections , Verf 31. 33.34.3f.3f* 37.38. All thefe died in the Fayth of CHRIST, and were jufhficd , albeit CHRIST was not yet come, Verf. 3*. GOD having referved the accom- plifhment of the Prophe/ies and Types in the con? ?iingofIESVS C H R I S T, vncill oar tyr 248 Hfi*iu Chap. XL ibatrhe Fathers might not get Salvation, except by | looking to our tyracs, and joyning withvs in the Fayth of I E S V S ; in whome they, and wee alfe; «rtperfcAe4, Verf.4 fo GOD honoured! Fayth, in giving it the lyke commenda- tion, for force with the Worde, What is the origi- nal! Of the beeing, and cxiftence of anic thing, but this /GOD willeth it to bee. or promifeth it ihaU tome to pafle, or commaundeth that ic may bee. Therefore , let Fayth get a grip of thePrcmife , ox Wof «fe, aad it tafeeth hoM^ of the tiyng promifed kjy *•- • the Him CM4F< XU 24? t^c l^ote thereof And in the hand of layth doetk Tructh fauddc out, and flowrift, vnto tkc rypc Frw'c •f Call farisfe&ion in pcrformiaflcc. 3* Tbt WrJ E V I *> I N c B, in tbt Origintll, u*uam9fUgitks % v*t*twg. tbtt itutbtntturt of Faytb, by ®ty*Miou, to tmmi. THEN , It were wifedoriae , for helping of our weake Fayth, to mak« Syllogifmes from the Worcfe, and to rcafon fo convindnglie agaynft ail oppofition #f incredulitie invs, as there might bee a confent, and ycclding , to the Tructh , extorted from vs. As for example : When wee can not take to heart the daungcr wee are into , by emertayning anie known finne, from RoM.Yiij. verf.13. we may rcafon thus j The Scripture fayeth, If yet Im After the flip?* yet jhsll die, Bur, if 1 forlake not, and morti- ce not this knownc finne in'mee, I liue after the flcfti. Therefore , if I forfake not, and mortific not this knowne finne, I fhall die. Agayne , the Scrip- ture fayc th* // JW 9 though the Spirit, dot mortijit tbt dtedes of the bodi t, yet (bill Hut, Therefore, if I, by the Spirite , momfie fuch and fuch Lufte* , I haue GOD'S Promifc, that I ftaliliae. And fo ia other particular!. Vcrfi z. For, by it the Elders obtayned a good rcporte. H55 ftmttb tbt nam of t*ytb % to bet m bet btibftjit i kttnft tbt Elder* vercdtfto** of GOD, m bU{[td>in tbtb belit+ingi vbo wwi mt otbtrtosyts btt part-taws of tbt ptomifei $"$}*£ h tfa Messiah to m#. fxMt ftyb IT %% M 350 Hsb lis Chap, XL bad furnifhedvnto them the Subflance and Evidence $f that hoped-for &efiing, T &*&>%. The Fathers vnder the Law, were ok dewed with justifying Fayth, and accepted of GOD 9 even as wee. *. Men, how bale foever, are brought into credite with GOD, and into good efteetna&iQn with His Church, by Fayth. prf+ £• Through Fayth wee vnderftand that the Worldes were framed by the Word of G O D : So that thinges which are fecne, were not made of I thinges which doe appeare, AKothe7proofe t tefhow 9 that EajthistheEvi* deuce of thinges n$t feene^ ftecaufe we can htut mother Evidence ef the Worldes Creation, but by ho* bjng therein in the Word) as it wrr in doing before em Eyts* Then, i . Fayth mufl not ftand whether there bee Appearances, or Probabilities> or. ^jaot, of fiieh thinges as are promifed in theWorde: or elfe it could not belieue the Creation , which is the making of all thinges, of nothing. 2. The whole workes of Creation, are Pawnes and Evidences of the pofEbilitxe, yea, Certayntie of everie thing pro- mifed : For , the workes of Creation ftend vpon nc better ground, than GOD'S Word. Thisfentence, & ® ft all make our vyle bodies , lying *»** the gle* mmSodie of CB\IST I E S?S , is as po- werful! to make vs fo, as tkis fcntenee, Let there bet light , was powerful! to create Light , when there feat none before. Verf^ MEBR.CHAP. XI 251 Verf. 4. By Fayth Abcll offered vnto G O D a more excellent Sacrifice than Kayn } by which hee obrayned vvitnefTe, that he was righteous,GOD teftifying of his Giftes: and, by i£ hee beeing dead, yet fpeaketh. I ft the Catalogue •/ !8e//f Wi f hee Ugiuvetb a A bel \,tbefirfi petfecuted Man for ^gbtttufntftt* and that by Kayn, profefhng the fame Twrfhif Tritbbm' ; WHEREIN WEE LEARNJL % i. That the Wicked may joyne in the outward wor- ship, and pure formes of Religion, with the Godlie; as Kain did with Abell. 2. That Fayth putceth the difference betwixt their perfons, and fcrvice. j.Thac a rran's perfon muft firft pleafe GOD, brfbre his anions can pleafe Him - y For, therefore was Abbi's Sacrifice accepted, becaufe by Fayth his perfon was juftified. 4. Fayth maketh Abel itill a fpeaking Do- ctor to the Church : dire&ing aU, who loue to haue fuch rewarde , to cleaue vnto GOD, as hee did: and , albeit they ffiould die for it , by the hand ef their perfecting, and bloodie Brethren, not co won- der at it . ferf 5. By Fayth Enoch \tfas tfanflated, that hee fhould not fee death; and was not found, becaufe GOD had trans- lated him. For,be£ore his tranflatiofi, hee had this Teftimoaie e That h« pleafedGOD. *5> Hub it. Chap, XI % TJ noc h's fullfclwttejt expired ^GOP'S •^ tranjlathg of him* T H a « , If wee ^sk€ •where £noch went to, wee muft fearch for him by Scriptures warrand, onlic in the cempanic of GOD, the Tranflator of him. For, before hee was tranfla- ted,hc Jived a bleifed Man,in fellowship with GOD : and it is injurious tQ G O D, and Enoch both, to put him out of GOD'S fciIowfl%, as not blefled, when hee is traailatcd. a# Enoch's TravftatUn hmlb Vitotfc i. That the bleffedncflfc of everlafling Lyfe, with* GOD, after death , was knowne in the Olde Te* fiament. z • That the Fathers got pofleffion of ir. 3 . That this Felicitic could not bee attayned vnto, but by flitting , and reraooving out of this lyfe. 4. That the Bodic is a Partner with the Soule , of Lyfe aeternaU. s- That how-fo-ever it bee appoyn- fled, for aJl men, once to die ; yet G OD can make, when Hee plcafeth, Tranflation, or a Cbaunge, to jfondin rowme of Death, 3. fitfote Enoch tom tr4nfldted,btt bad this Tcftimenk ; That hee pleafcd OOD, TH£N , Who-fo-ever defircth to be blefled with, GOD, after they are remooved from this lyfe* »uft firft learne to pieafe GOD, before they de-, parte hence . f'trf 6. But, without Fay th* it is impofc fible to pieafe Him. For, he that com- meth to GOD, muft belieue that Hee is, and that Hee is a rewards qF them that diligentlie fecke Him. g &EBR. CHAP. XL 353 Htt pwyttb. tbdt Enoch's Tidnfldtm,dnA pkdfmg 9fGOD,vas bj>fajtb',btcdtifc plea- ting of G O D cdn not bee wtbont ftytb. Htt na* mttb no otbet of GOD'S Grdces in bim, bat Vdytb \t\U\ betduft \t onelie of ill other Gtdcts t {Irippttb 4 mdnnaitdoftbtwrtbof dnittbing inbint^dnd ftn« detbbimto GOD'S Mtriit, in the Mfdidtour. THEN, 1. What-fo-evcr glorious Vertiies bee found in Gods Ch ildren; yet it is not by anie of thefc that they are juftificd or acceptable toGod,but onelie by their Fayth : For, it is by Fayth, that it may bee by Grace : And if it bee by Grace, it is not by wor- thineffc of workes. 2. In the matter of Iuftification, and acceptation with G O D , to bee juftified by Fayth, or accepted not without Fayth; is all one with to bee juftified, and accepted, by vcrtue of nothing in a man befide Fayth: Elfe, the Apofile's reafoning were not ftrong. 3. Except a manhaue this com- 1 mended Fayth inGOD'S Mercfe , hee can not ipleafe GOD: Let him doe elfe what you can mamc , without this Fayth , it is impofliblc to pleafe GOD, i. Hee txpoundetb^bit the Fdytbis, of^cbUb bee titedmtb : To w*, A tommvig to GO f D $ All-fuf- \tient % dnd mtfcifall . Then, i# GOD is Selfe-fufficient , and All-fufficicnt. 2. G O D is !b gracious, as none can feeke vnto Him,by that Way which Hee hath revealed , but Hee will giue them th;.t which they feeke. 3. Except a man belieue GOD'S All-fufficiencic, and mercifull BountifuJ- nefle, hee can not come vnto Him, to feeke fupplie *f wantes, or rclitfe ft om cvilU p Tromthift i(ritssl[QW$ntyotftrnt tUn* : tMff §54 &«»»• €m a?. XL f*re •/ fdytb. *♦ It makethamanfenf!ble©r his indigence, andmiferie; elfe,it could not fende hiip a-begging, a. It maketh him to acknowledge Jiis natural! alienation, and farrencfle from GOD: clfe, it could not kt him on work, to feck GOD,and to come vnto Him. *.It emptieth him of the confi- dence in his owib&afthe creatures hclp:elfe,it could not fend the man away,from all thefe,to GOD. 4. It poynfleth outGOD, both able, and willing, to helpe ; elfe, it could not eacowrage, to take courfe* for reliefc, in him. 5. It fettcrh a man on worke, to vfe the appoyn&ed meanes, to finde GOD. 6. It certifieth a man , of GOD'S impartialitie towardes everie one that feeketh to Him ; and maketh him to kolde on the w«y,feeking diligentlie, and never tc giue over : And , fo , it bringeth a man to denye himfelfc, and to haue communion with GOD. V*rf 7. By Fayth, Noah, beeing war. ned of GOI> of thinges not fecne as yet, mooved with feare, prepared a*2 Arke, to the faving of his Houfe: by the which hce condemned the world, and became Hey re of the Righteouf tiefTe which is by Fayth. 11^ Noah's ixtwple, obferue, i.Hee k/ittoJl the Dcludgt is cowming, And fearttb, andpripmtl the Arke* ' Then, J. Fayth apprehended lud^ementcs threatened in the Worde, as well a Mercies in the Promifes. 2. Fayth apprefaendin; the Threatening, mooyeth to feare. 3 . That is rJgh Feare hebr; chap, xl »j 5 ¥eare, which fcttcth a man on workc, to prevent the Daunger . t. By bis diligence bee tondtmned the iw/ifc, T H E N 9 The paynes which the Godlie take to eC. chew wrath, condemneth careleffe beholders of their diligence. ; . f&y tbis bee became Jieyie of the %igbtcoufue]ft 9 vbicb is by Fayth : that is > came eVtdentlie to be feme to bee frcb . TH E n , i. There is a Righteouf- nefle, which is onelie by Fay th . z . That Righteouf. neffe, is Heyrfhip to all true Believers . 3 . Some fpc- eiallpoyndtof Fayth, may bring thisHeyrfhipvm© light, and giu'e evidence of a mans Right therevnto. Verf. 8. By Fayth, Abraham, when hce was called , to goe out , into a place which hce fhould after receauc for an Inheritance , obeyed : and hee went out, not knowing whither hee went. Braham's following of GO&S CaU ling % and leading of bis Coutitrey, is counted* vnrly of Fayth. From Abraham's Exawple, tbcnM+slcarnc , 1. That Fayth in GOD, will (caufcaman quytekis Countrey, and Parentcs, and -everiedearcit thing, at GOD'S Calling* 2. Fayth [counteth GOD'S Promifes better than preterit iPofTeffions ; and is content to quyte the one for the other. 3. Yea. it is content with a Proraifc of bet- ter m generally and for the fpeciall manner of per- formance, flandethnotto beeblinde. 4. Fayth is waiin % to ofcey, as foonc at it feqfh a Wariand. a: rtrf.9* By Fay th, hee fojourned in thd Land of Promife, as in a ftrange coun. . trey ; dwelling in Tabernacles, with Ifaac and Iaakob,the Hey res with him of the fame Promife, AB r. aham's fcjoarning in Canaan, is counted another wrfe of bis fayth . Wherein *toeb home , I . That Fayth can, for a" whyle, fuf- fertobec a Stranger, even from that wherevnto it hath bed Right. 2 . When Fay th hath certayntie of an heavcnlie Inheritance, It tan bee content with a fmali Portion of thinges earthlie, 3. A man who fojourneth amongft Idolaters, fhould bee fare of & Galling there vnto: and beeing amongft them, ought to behaue himfelfe as a Stranger , and Sojourner, 4. Yea, where hee hath befl Right on earch,he ought to haue a Pilgrimcs mynde. jrerf. io. For , hee looked for a Gitie which hath Foundations; whofc buil- der, and maker, is GOD. THAT tehkb wooded Abraham to hehaue him- felfe as a Sojourner on earth , was the hope of 4 fctled during place Kith GO©, in the foeietie of ih\ Sajntteiiu&ea)Kn. then, i« Heaven is a fet- led, commodious, and fafe Dwelling Place ; All pla- ces hcere, are but rnooucable Tabernacles, 2 . Thi Fathers vnderthe Lawe, looked for entrie into thei ktcrnall reft , in the Kindomc of Heaven , after th endinj FfiBRt Chan XI, ijf fading of their Pilgrimage heere. 3. The hope of Hearen, h able to make a man content with Pilgrims fire, and Lodging, heerc-away, ferf. 1 1 . Through Fay th $ alfo, Sara her felfe receaved ftrength * to conceauc Scectej and was delivered of a Chylde when fhee was paftage- becaufefhee judged Hun fciythfuli, who had pro* miied. SA r A is itclgntiin the Cdtahgftttf fyUc^erst andjer laughing, throtgb fc**r/jt/e, it *m re- wtwbcied 5 but bit vttUric , over her mipbdiefe , is emwended. Then, i.Even Women are made Pattcrnes of believing , and wyfelie walking with GOD: worthietabeeirnitarcdof Men. i^GOD marketh not the defedb ot Fayth, but the found ncfle thereof, hewe fmall fo ever it bee j vvhar good is ii> His Chiidrcu , and not what finned they are clogged With. 2* When fbtc is /-*# 4gf • by Tay\b fhee gftutb ftignjjibtocoMedki. Thbm, i. Fayth refteth on GOD'S Promife, albeit carnall reafonfecmc not to Kxond it. 1. Fayth maketh vs cap: able of Bene- fites , which otherwayes wee could not receaue. 3.Themoe hinderanccs that Fayth hath , ICitthg more commendable. 5. Tbttwbich >/<&tUc bcr, Hw the ftythfulnejfe •f GOD. Then, i, The confideration of the properties of G O D, who promiftth, is a fpe- eiafthdpe, %q wake yi reft on the Projmfc which He* ifS Hebr; Chap. XL maketh. 2. Heethat giveth vnto GOD theGIo* rie of Faythfutoeffe, fhalTreceaue,for a Rewarde, ch« frill Performance. Vtrf. ii. Therefore fprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, fo ma- nie as the Starres of the Skye in mui- titudcj and as the fand which is by the ; Sea ffeore, innumerable Tff F Promfews, of innumerable Children, 4f the Starres of Heaven : And fo 'toastbe Ver* fomance. Thbn^ luftifying Fayth not onelie fcelieveeh the Great Promife of Redemption; but al- ii) other inferiour promifes, which depende therevp- on: the believing whereof, giveth evidence of belie- ving the Mayne Promife of Salvation , through the Messiah . And therefore it is, that by the Fayth of fuch Promifes # the Faythfull are heere declared to bee juflified. Qves t i on. How can this b«c,that A b! A- SiAM'sSecdefhouldbeefomanie/ J A nsw ere, l« §ecaufe the one is ds innumz* table M the $tbct X for they are com fared together % in iburefytft. t. Superlatiue Reaches are to bee expoan* ded according to the [cope , and not captmflie to bee Wefted.b'fiizlbe psrpofe ofthejpeaker $ and beyonde the common acceptation of the hearer. t{olce , the {cope eftbejpeacbi U to rayfe the dulnejfe of the myvde, in "toeygkiematters,to the due sonfideration of a trueth 9 frtkedfit mttfmi vkicb, rtbervyes, Jbonldbtae bem ; hebr; chap. xi. » 5J > hene widtr-+*lued. Thu is tbe proper htm of the figure hyperbolic^ in the ordinarie ljfeofV&etomfa Vtrf. 13. Thefe all died in Fayth, not having rcceaved the Promifesjbut ha- ving feene them a-farre off, and were perfwaded of them , and embraced them 5 and confeffed , that they were Strangers 5 and Pingrimes, on the earth. HES conmendctbtbtfAjtboftbe Patriarchcf,' and Saha , that they died in tbeFaytb, not fating obuyntd tbe Tvomifes. - then, 1. Fayth lofeth the commendation, except weeper- fevere therein , even vntill death. 1. Where we« feaue a word of Promife made to the Church, or to our felues , albeit wee fee it not performed in our *yme, wee may goe to death, in affiirance,that it (hall bee performed. 3* They who would die in Fayth, jaauiuiue in Fayth. * / z . Tbougb tbeyrecerted not tbe Vromifcsrfet they firar* them s-farre off, and totre fullie peifaaded of \bm % and embraced them* THEN t Albeit Fayth come not vnto a PofTeflion , yet it rommeth vnto a beholding of the Pofleifion com- ming, vnto a Perfwalton of the Pofleflion, and a fori of friendlie Salutation thereof, as the worde impor- ted*; fuch as Fricndes giuc one to another, whyles ihey are drawing neare to embrace one another, af- i«r a loag ty ra e feparacion. R 2 3.Tty Hbbr. Chap, XL $ • They confejfed in their lyfe tyme } that they *«$ Stringers, and filfffinus % $u the edtifr Tbii^eereafe cneie vf Iaakob 9 i>f/*ff Pharaoh: gtef themyude §f one of the Faythfali m the tnayne maiHn, makfik evident Sib at ti the wyude 0/ tbi »*#„ THEN, 1 It is the parte of true Believers, to profefle their Fayth before all , even before Idola- ters, amongft rthom they lme. i. They who know Heaven, to 'bee their owne Ho»c # dor reckon t&s Worlde a ftrange Gouiure/. Verf. 14. For»they that fay fuch things* declare piaynlie* that they fecke aj Countrey. r^/ 1 5 . And, truelie, if they had bcenc myndfull of that countrey , from whence they came out, they mighc liaue had opportuniue to haue retur- .J. ferf 16. But nowe they defirc abetter Countrcye ; that is , an Heavenlic, Wherefore 5 G O D is not afhamec to bee called their GOD: For,Hec liarh prepared for them a Citie. FP v 0,V/ thei< f'roMm, Tbslthy WreStmu* get$)bee imVeeib Confluences, tbta: 1 htf tbeA ifftsd dr> bomelte Country ; And if a Countrey, theft e$iiw the* nw* emtbitt iemuy > w a better. £\« tfuiA 'SESR. CtlAV. JPX i6t tttlritoniUttblie Cotmtrey: for they might butt re* tamed, vhen they plcafed , Therefore, they defired 4 tetter Countrey. And if a better LoKntrej^tben an fftavenlie Countrey : That is, They defu cd ewu Hta* V*» it fetfe for their Countrey. i. Tbu deducing 9 fConjeauences $ from tbi ¥r§m fifionoftbe Parriarches, I hat they tor Strangers, Tiacheth Vs i i. So to reade the Scriptures , as Wee may marke, not onelie what is fpeken ; but, al- fo , what i$ thereby imported ," by confluence. 2. That, what is imported by a fpeaeh , is a playna Declaration of the mynde of the fpeaken and not aa obictire Deduction , as Mockers call it. They who fay they are Strangers, declare playnlie , that they feekea Countrey, fayeth the Aportle, 3. Yea, that it is lawfull to proceeds, drawing one Conference after another, till wee finde our the full mynde ; pro- vydingtheColle&ion bee evident ,' in thecourftof found Rea&n , as heere ic is. t . The ApaHkbalb frozen heere, Tbit the Par- triarchy /o*g&t Heaven for their Country j $ec4*ft they fought a better than anie ov eaytb .„ Then, i« The Apoftle knew no place for "Refi- Jence of departed Soules better nor the earth, except Heaven onelie. If there had beenc anie ether placed fuch as is feygned to bee, his rcafoning had not bene folide, 2. The Pathiarches. after the ending of iheir Pilgrimage heere on earth, went Home, t© Heaven. 3 * Secattfe ibey counted tbemfelues Str augers , till they came H*n>e % to He awn , G D u not ajbamed to bee called their GOtk Tmk, I, ^O!*) will honour them, that honour Him. ;,GOO *6% HEBR. CHAP. XL will avowe Himfelfe to bee their Portion , who for His Caufe doe renounce the Worldc. 3 . Yea, that the LORD may honour fuch as honour Him, Hee will even abafe Himfelfe , to exalt them. 4. When the L O R D hath fo done, Hee thinketh it no dif- konour to Himfelfe , to doc anie thing that may ho- nour His Servants. 4. GOD did prepdre them d Citk 9 libicb the ApotfU he fere hath called Heaven, *r the Berteniie ttmtrey. Then, Heaven was preapared for ihe Patriarches , and the reft of GOD'S Sayn&es. before they had ended their Pilgrimage on earth. And,to put them into Hell, or anie other place, there ipuft be£ a do&rine not from Heaven. Verf 1 7. By Fayth, Abraham, when hec was tryedj offered vp Ifaac ; And hec that had receaved the Promifes f offred vp his onlie begotten fonne- ferfiS. Ofwhomitwas fayde, That, in Ifaac fhall thy Seede bee called, A toother Commendation of Abraham's Ptjtt from the proof e given thereof in bis tryall abox Isaac. WHENCE WEE LEARNE, 1. That where the LORD giveth Fayth , then Tryall muft bee expe&ed : And, the greater Fayth the greater Tryall. 2. That Fayth is moft commen dable; when it ftandeth ftrong in tryall. z. Bee is fajds to km offered ty Ifaac, tr S4?*K T * * * , to 7hera J* noshing fo doarc feu HEBR. CHAP, XL tei fcue Fayth in GOD will maiea man quyte it , at GOD'S Commaiind . z. The LORD coun- teth that to bee done , which a man is about to doe* Isaac is couuted offered, becaufc fo was hee^us Abraham's Purpofe. 3 . His receding of tit Tremifes, is beere fa ant* tber fenfe $ tban vcrfe 13. fit, there ti uUAst tb$ fnmifes, is to reccauetbc thing ptomiftd^ortbe frt« mifes in performance. £** beere it is to baue the $10* mifes firtt and immediatelie made v»*o him* Then, The meaning of formes of fpeach ii» Scripture, is to bee found by confideration of all eir- cumftances of the place, where they are fpoken 1 and not of fome circumftances onelie. 4. Itfetwbto tb$ tttnwendatm of bis Fayth* that lee ohejek G0Jt*S Command, vbe* It feemti to make the Promjfk null . Then, i. To s Adhere to the Promife, when by appearance of reafon , it islyklienot tobeeperfor- . med/is tryed Fayth indeede. %. When Reafon figh* teth agaynft Fay th f it is wifedome to quyte that Rea- fon , whkn would make vs quyte the Promife, 3. When GOD'S Commaundementes > and Pro- jwifes , vnco vs , feeme to cro/Tc one another , it is wifedome for vs , to juftific them both < All Hif Wordes , are trueth. rcrf. 19 . Accounting, that GOD was able to rayfe him vp, even from the dead : from whence alfo bee recea* ted him in a Figure. * 4 feiyi 3*4 hebr; chap, xi. Abrahams looking to GO&S Iidelitie>*u% Omnipotence, made him Vittonom ovw t*eri$ difficulties and fo to giue obedience to this bard* tomtnandcmsnt • Thh^ i, When wee get hard Commaundenientes , wee mull lay bur recko- ning, howe wee may obey them; and noc howe wee may flilft them. 2. Difficulties, and impoffibilities, as would appeare , mud bee rolled over » vpoa GOD* ^.GOD^S Omnipotence maketh that His Prditiife can not mifle, but take effedh 2* Abrak kU)t his bodie, in fo great weakneffe thereof, muft bears wknefle , agaynft the prophane cafe which manic men, now-a-dayes . take vnto .themfelue* , both in private and publicke Worlhip. ferf.2%. By Fayth, Iofeph, when hce died, made mention of the departing of the Children of Ifraell; and gauc eommaundement , concerning his bones. > IOsefh dlf$ t eft if id bis fayth 9 in bis death, con* cewwgtbeDeliwic of Ifraell o*tof£.gypt,bj direction gMng 9 for transporting bis $ones } in figne *f bis ajfurance of their going *e Canaan $ hcaufi GO© bad promifed \o • THEN , The LORD'S Promifes, are furc Comfortes in death, whereby Fayth both fuftayneth it felfe , and is able to encowrage and ftrcngthcr others : And Fayth maketh a man to keepe them i« »}eraorie,and to make vfe of them in due tyme. Ytrf.2$. By Fayth, Mofes» when hec was borne, was hid three monethes oJ his Parentes 5 becaufe they fawe hec was a proper Chylde ; and they noi afrayd of the king's commandement £10* great veakfiejfe Mofes Vatentes did beway t the tfijloritmfabaidcntl yet is their Iap\ ffttftfltt HEBR. CHAP. XT. %6j c*mntended,*s Vttlorious aver the ftm^hmm tkek Wakpeffe did me(le appeare. whence JVEE learne \ i. That nothing is commendable, but becaufe done in Fayth :. Their naturall louc is, not mentioned , but theft Fayth. 2. That G O Djfolbyetft Fayth in His Children, that Hce commendeth it in the meafurc it hath , al- beit it goe not fo farre as it ought; and marketh what Fayth hath, and not what it wanteth of the perfec- tion . t. The Evidence of thir Fayth, he tvafytb this% That they were not afraydc of the king s com- mandement* ; Then, i. G O D alloweth not that kinges commaundementes fhould bee regar- ded , When they commaund impietie , and wicked- neflfe : for then fhould they bee honoured aboua GOD, if for their commaundement , wee fliould doe that which Hee forbiddeth. %. Nothing but Fayth in COD t is able to make a man overcome the feare of that , which Potentates may do« vnto him : And, it is a commendable worke of Fayth, to get this vi&orie. ;. The beautie of the Cbjldc, flirted Vpbit fd* rentes to this Teorkf of Fayth ; tbhifyg with them* felues,tbat it behooved to hee for fowe feecisll eude 9 that GOD had fo fafmoned the Chjlde. THEN , i. The LORD hath wayes anicv to excitate the Fayth of His owne , and brin* fc feorth to z&. 2. Where fpeciall Endewmentes "are given , there is good Evidence of fpeciall Employ- ment to follow. rcrf. 24, By Fayth 3 Mofc$ a when he wai COII¥l MB HEBR. CWAP. Xf: tonne to yearcs 3 refufed to bee called the foiine of Pharaoh's daughter* MIshs refufing the Honour wbicb Ue wight bt*e bad in Pharaoh's Court t becaufe it fnigbt bane binder ed biwfrom the Honour of one of & D'S People, u c&mtnded,for a ty?r% of Eaytb. THEN , Itis better to bee a Member of GODS Church, amongft GOD'S People, than to bee a Prince, in a great Kingdoms, without the Church. l. nto tbis np%r\$ 5 <9>as 9 3cc faw Him thatisinvifiblc: Th*t is, Heed^rebendidybj Stytb, GO© more fowrfull^ bin Pharaoh, And more terrible. t&EN 9 i . Fayth openeth the Eyes , to fee 3 O D in "2 Spiritual! manner , who by fenfe, or pagination carnall can not bee coneeaved. z. The beholding of the invifible GOD, i% able to fup- >orte a Man's Cowrage, agaynft the Terrour of bfen, and all thinges vifible : and nothing elfe cat doe it. lerf.iZ* Through Fayth hee kept the PafTeovcr > & the fprinkling of blood* left hee that deft royed thefitd-boroc* (houid couch them. 2 f % HEBR. CHAP- XL AHpT8E\ mrKeof Us Ftytb, i* Ws \tC fingoftbe fdffcwet 5 Tbdtis 9 TfcS*crat»eni if the dngtli ftfling Q»tr,dnd nrt WHiNci HEBR, CHAP. XL %jj Whence Wee LeArne , i. That Fayth pill findc vnexpe<2ed Deliveries , and Out- gates, .vhere it might feemc altogether impoflible. i, Yea, VJeanes of Deirru&ion, by Fayth, may bee turpcd in- ■o Meanes of Prefervation, 2. The Fruit of Fay tb is evident ed^y the droit* ring oftU /Egypti*ns $ ejfaying tbemjelues to follow fyat Tv ay , Tvhith Faytb bad opened to Jfraell. Then, i. Preemption in Vnbelievers, willict :hcm on worke, to goe thorow the fame Daunger$ # yhich Believers palie thorow } but without all fuo ceffe: For, Believers fliall efeape, where Vnbelievers [hall drowne. z- The Benefite of Fayth, is belt Scene, when the evill of vnbeliefe is feene. ftf. so. By Fayth the Walles of Hieri- cho fell downc, afcer they were com* paffed about feaven dayes. Un afcybtlb the doTetJe-tbroving of the Walles o/Hiencho, to Faytb] makingtbe Believers only 9 cdtnpajfe tbemfeaven dayes • Th'i-n, i. V Vnat GOD doeth for Believers, is eckoned the worke of Fayth s becaufc fayth fetteth JOD on worke.fo to fay, and His Power, employed y Faych, workech the workc. 2 . Fayth will throw [owne ftrong Holdes,and overcome feeming-Impo£. pilities. 3. Fayth mull vfe fuch Meanes as GOD ipoynð, albeit they feeme but weake. 4. It mat- x$ not how weake the meanes bee, if Fayth haue a romife to prcvayle thereby, j. The Meanes muft ee conrtantlie vfed, during the tymc that G O D ap- oynð rjiem to bee followed. 274 JSEBR. GAAP. XL fsrf. 3 1 - By Fay th the Harlot Rahab pe~ rifhed not with thcra that believed not j when fhee had receaved the Spies with peace; RA h A b the fl Allots Fajtb U commended, by tfo 1 1 u\t *f herjdfetie&ben Misbeliever: peiifbecf. " Question. HvW heard fhee GO u'S word, &o beget Fayth f or, how heard rhey of Hieri- cho GOD'S Word , chat they fhould bee caU Bed Vnbelievcfs? I Answers. The common reports of GO©., and &u iVnkssi joyned "frith G O-if'S &efiing^a3 fufi ficient to be^et Fayib in her : And the j&me reportc, albeit cmied, & other 'Nriw, by common Mejjengtrs r ieing dejpyfed, and counted wtottbie to bee farther enquired for, and fought after, -®M fujfitient to m*kS them g$ihic of Nfifibeiicfe* Then, i. In this Example it is evident , thai Fayth is as acceptable in an Heathen;, arid ari Harlot, as in a Prof flour , and perfon of better condition, *. That Fayth can change an Heathen,or vyle perfon. into a Sayn£t'.$.That the Fayth of Women is worthie to bee obferved, and imitated, even as well as Mens Fayth. 4. That the vnworthine/fe of the partie be lieving, giveth commendation fo much tht more va So the excellence of Fayth. z* No wordebeeit of her Lie , in recea\ing th Spies} butoneli* of her Fayth % and peaceable behaVm IWardes them. Thbn, i. Where GODfcethFayth„Heehy deel &EBR. CHAP. XL 47; ictk His Eyes,as ic were, from anie thing that might deface the Glorie thereof, x. Hec gathereth vp the iballeft good Frtiites which Fayth bringeth foorth; and maketh not fn>all reckoning thereof, howe fmaH fo ever they bee. Verf.-$2. And, what /hall Imorefayetf For the tymc would fay Ic mee, to cell of Gideen,and of Barak v & of Samp.. fon 3 and of Icphchah • of David alio and Samuel, and of the Prophets. |L^w>g retkntied a numhf, and bating moe to pro. duct t beejlajrahbistourjc, To Teach, j. That Prudencie rruft moderate, and make h^ fonable vfe of the aboundance of a mans knowledge; and memorie. 2. That the Scripture giveth vs to make vfe of the Fayth of all that are recorded there- in, albeit they bee not in this Catalogue. 2. The dmrfitie oftbo/ethat ar°e beete recorded VEACHETH vs, That albei: there bee difference )f Bchevers ; fome ftronper, ss David ; fottt wea- cer , as the reft ; fome bafe Baftardes, as 1 e p h 1 h ahj bmeof better forte 5 fome of them notable in holil leiTe, and convention 5 fome of them taymed with loconous falles in their lyfe ; Yet arc they all enrol- edby GOD, in a Catalogue of Honour, anioneft hs Sayn&es. fa '"f-33- Who, through Fayth, fubdued Kingdomes, wrought Rightc"oufncfIe, ebtayned Promifes \ topped the S 2 mouthes ( ?7& He BR. Chap. XL 1 mouthes of Lyons, ftrf 34. Qnenchcd the violence of fyrc\> pfcaped the edge of the Sworde- out of weaknelfe, were made ftrong s wa- xed valiant in fight, & turned to flight the Armies of the Aliens, J XJ5F mfynetbtle Writes of their F.aytb, Tcbo f$ names hee fuppreffetb 5 of vbome fome fuhAued JQngdowes } bytbeirFaylb,M Iofliua, and the Iud- ges: Some brought ^tgbteoftfnejje-, thatU 9 aitayned vntod righteous fiebayiouriin their difficile Employ* Wentes, as David and Szrnuclljin f eace and Wairex Some obttyved fromifes, m Gideon, Barak, &c* Some quenched the violence of Vyn % & the thee Chil- dren: Stepped the mouthes of Lyons, as Samplon. Daniel!; Efcaped %b% ST»orde,e f frow the Stoitfj of Maccabees, and ethers, or not , it matters not much) feeing thU jtandeth fun, that the cettayntie ofthetrueth thereof \wftom Vhine Invitation, the ground ef ail Scriptures out-giving. And hence me learns, I . Th*tas Faych ciwblcth Men to doe, Co alfo to fuffcr. 2. That there S 3 78 Hebiu Chap. XL is no trouble in the flefh, but GOD'S Children majj fall thereinto; no Torment fo cruell, no Terrour, noi Allurement , but they may bee efTayed in them, bj Perf caters. 3 . That there is no Payne, nor Griefe, nor lofie, fo great, but Fayth knoweth howe to make Gayne of it, and to defpyfe all-in hope of the Re- war de. 4. That the Olde Church believed the Re- furreftion , and comforted riiemfelues in Mattyr. dome, by the hope thereof, Vtrf.%%. Of whom the World was not worthie. They wandered in Defartes, and In Moimtaynes, and in Dennes J and in Caues of the earth. 1 Totalling the Wwlit vn worthie 0/ thecompanu of tbefe Children o/GOD, LEARNE, 1. That owe Believer is more worth in GOD'S efteemation, than all the VVorlde befide. 2. None defpyfe GOD'S Children, but worthlefTe and de< fpyfeable foules. %. In that bcereckonctb the filitarie and Heremi- tieall lyfe $f G &$ Children , and their Apparel futeabU to their Duelling , amongtt their Troubles Sufferhges, and Verfecuttons Tchkhthey did n-otchofe Hut *toeredrt*en\niQ % Qf necejlme t by the crucltie oftk tywe, HEE TEACHETH VS , t. That the Heremiricall , and folitarie lyfe , anc fcparation from amongft the focietie of Men, is onlic then commendable, when Men beeing driven there vnto, of necefiitie , doe beare it in a ChrilHan man< 3er. Otherwayes, to fequeilute our felues from the fellow HEBR. CHAP. XL 279 fellowship of Men, to whome wee owe the Duetiei of Loae, to long as wee may doe them anie good, or fo long as they will fuf&rvs toliue amongflthem, is, in (hort; to loofe from our Neckes, the Yoakc of the Second Table of GOD'S Law, vnder pretence to kcepe the Firft Table the better, z. The Sayn&es fhall finde peace amongft the wilde Bcafks , rather than amongft wicked men. ferf. 19* And thefe all having obtayned a good Reportc , through Fay th , re- ccaved not the Promife. BY the Promife, U rneavedthe Mayne and chief e fromife of Cti%lSTS Incarnation, therein they were inferior vuf o V5 ; and yet both wre conten- ted,toreftby Fajtb, vpon the 'homije,leitb the light •tohitb they had ; andebtayned agwd %eforte therebyi J hat u,iVere approver*, and juttified of G 2). The n , The Fayth of thoie who lived before CHRIS r, having Ufle clearnciTe of the ground, than wee ; and yet fufficient to fupporte them in all trou- bles, and to obtayne Iuflification before G O D, is a great Encowragemcnt vntovs, vnder the Gofpell^ to belieuej and a great convi&ioiuf we belieue not, Fcrf. 40. GOD having provyded fome better thing for vs 5 that they without vs, fhould not bee made perfect. T-lEE gi\*etha reafon beer to f; in the New Teftament > doe meete to- gether, in that One better thing, CHRIST 1ESVS; by whom, they and wee both, are faved : And, fo, they are no: perfe$ed, without vs. 1. In that heekddethysYnto GOV'S fore- feeing and fore-pro^ydhg of this* bet kofetb all curious que* flions, about this Courfe which GOD bath tabgu t tt make the Cafe of His Church better nowe f thane} olde. Thek, That GOD hath thought good fo to doe, is fufficlent, for flopping oar myndesfrom all curious etKjuyring of the t O R D ' S Difpenfttion. IESVS sen tbu T\acc,bcc /frmf£,/ir qui Example 9 f, Hee had joye fet before Hin>j which He was toreceaue by our Salvation wrought. 5>o haue wee joye fet before vs alfo. 1. For the hop;? of that joye, Hcc ran with cowrage : fo muft wee, 3. He ran with the Croffe vpon His Back all the way, being a Man acquaynrcd with Son owes: fo mull we rdolue silo. 4, In His Griefes and Sorrowes.Sbame fetvporUiim from the Worlde, and powred out Conrejnpt m$ HEBR. CHAP. XIL Contempt vpon Him : fo muft wee refolue ro finde k, U F° r the hope of the joye, hee endured pa- tientlie, and went en, vnder the CrofTe , and wea- ried not : fo rnutl wee. 6. Albeit Shame was the fharpeit of His Griefes from the Worlde , yet Hee regarded it not, but defpyfed all Defpyfing, and fha- med Shame, as vnworthie to bee taken notife of, in- comparifon of His Defigne : fomuft'wee.. 7. Hee overcame all at length : 16 fhall wee through Him al- jfo. 8 Hee hath gotten the Ioye, and the Glorie, for which Hee ran : (b (hall wee with Him, If wee fuf- fer with Him, wee ihall alfo reygne with Him. #. He is fee downe on the Right Hand of the Throne of GOD; that is, is ;ovned with the FATHER, in> the Glorious Governament of Heaven , and Earth, and all thinges therein, for the good of all His Fol- lowers : fo that wee needeto fcare nothing in our way, feeing Hee hath the Governament of all.- Ferf.3. For* confiderHimthat endured fuch contradiction of finners agaynft tjimfelfe ; left you bee wearied anci faynt in yourmyndes. HEE po-ptleih fontb ajfeciall park of His S*f» feting* vamdie, The contradiction of fin- jiers : billing tbevi f to fonder this wl 9 foi tbeit Vf* bolde* Then, 1 • Nothing more forcible to. difcowrage a perfecured Chrillian , than Contradi- <&ion. A man will fuffer mu h, if hee knowe it tee for True th : bnt if the Trueth lor which heefuflfe- reth, bee called in queiiion, and Scrybes, and Pha- .rifees,and chicfe Church-men, fhall contradift him p and HEBR. CHAP. XII. i%f and brangle his Fayth, in theTrueth, ft is more paynfullthanaRack-ilockevntohim. i. The con- sideration of our LORD 1ESVS, His beeing exer- cy fed this way , is a fpeciall Mcanc to guardc vs in fuch a Temptation . 3 . if wee be not armed agaynft Contradi&ioij , by ccrtayne knowledge of the Trueth, and Fayth in L E S V S , wee can not bearc out; but, neede-force, wearie vnder the Crofli^ and bee loofed , or didolyed, lyfcc water, and fall by, as the word importeth. ferf.q. Tee haue not yet rcfiftcd vnt© bloody ftryvingagviy nit Sinne. TBtfi Hebrewes Were fomevhat dafbei, and dt J cow aged, by the perjetutionvbicb tbty had tlreadie burnt, and were lykfi tofaynt. Tberefnte> bet fetteth them on ts prepare fir juffcring to the bloed; that eyerie fuffemg Ujfe nor tbat $ might bee the mor$ toller able in their tyes . I . Bee matyb then Tartie* ^inne. Then, I. Chriilians mull remember in their Troubles, that they aretryed, whether th~y willchoofe to finne, or to i lifter. ;^e.. When they difobey their Perfecuters, th^y muflftot bee interpreted, to be firyvers agaynit riiem, lefmuch as agaynit finne. 5 . With what co- lour, -or pretenfe fo-ever, finne bee vrged v pon Chriftiahs » they rauft not yeddej but refill, in a Chrifhan manner; and fi^Jit ChrilHanly, agaynft that finne wherevnto they are tempted 4. The more ftcad- faillie they refill , they mult prepare themfelues fo r the more fuflfering , and refolue, at length, to laye downe their blood in fuftering . No yeclding to firjnc mult bee, whyle lyte i$ in ys, j # c$ Z/ $B HEBR, CHAP. XI!. t. H>e mafyib tbegrtater Suffer fages *tobichr£ wynt, a fyafM , to make them beau the prtfcnt ibt betttt. Then , i. Suffering in a man's perfon, is the higheft degree of fuffering. 2. Refofution for the worft that can ccrne , maketh letter troubles, more eomportable. 3. fexcept a man prepare himfelfe, for the woril chat can be done vnto him, by man, for the Trueth, hee will faynt in letter fuffenngs. r^5* And yee haue forgotten the Ex- hortation, which fpeaketh vnto you, as vnto Children; My fonne, defpyfe not thou the chaftening of the Lord* nor faynt # when thou art rebuked of* Him* FT\om tbegenerall Botfrine, of bearing dffliftions § Prov. 3. 1 iiiV« hgjlirretb them VfrtoCbriJliafr patitnee, in ferfecul'ton* and eyerie ether Trouble* THEN, Perfection for RighteoufnefTe.commethin the Account of Chaftifement ; and, isappoyn&ed, amongft other endes, to amende our Faults. f « Hee maketb tbtfe Hebrews tbe partie to *tobom the Prcverbesfwe dintftdiand GOD tbe jpeafer thereof. Th en, i . Whofocver be the Pen-men of. the Scripture, it is GOD who fpeaketh in iu 2 . The Scriptures doe dircft their fpeach to eyerie Age, and, Chinch, and Perfon,nolefIe than to thofe who lived 5 in the Church of olde, when it was full written, 2. Hee tbdrgeib them, f 01 their jOYgettingof [nth a fyidliejj>eacb, a* U tbefiyling of tbe AjfUtted^j tbt &4Wts ef Serines* Jh£n ; i, The fpcciall poyn& ofFayth/ Hi*** Chap. XII. $££ ^fFayth, which the LORD will hauc foftered vndcr the CrofTe, is the Fayth of our Adoption 3 That wee never miflcake our Father's Aflfcftion, nor our Gra- cious efate by Calling, for anie hard dealing where- with pofliblie wee may bee exercifed. 1. Hee will ■haue vsaflured ofour Adoption, by GOD'S manner whom the father* chafteneth not i jP^em this be \rgttb the patient bearing of Gods cba- JlifementSj that they may fciow adoption the better, THEht, Though God be th'affiidted perfons Father, yet is he not perceaved to deale as a father, but when ch'affli&ion is paxientlie borne, and endured. Verf.S. But/if yee bee without chaftife... merit,wherof all arc partakers,then arc yee baftards^ and not fonn'es. f A Lbeit men defir^naturalliejogo free f row trouble? JT\ yet befbo'toetbj that tb'u is not to be ehojen\ dud to this ende teachetb , i • That it is the common lot of all God's Children, without exception, to bee ac- and liuc I from 'VEB.R.CRAP. A77. % 91 F^mfuVtalttlng to our Parents correHiov, be \rgeth to beare the Lords correttion. wbtnce ye learne? j. That as it is a part of the Parents duetie,to correft their Children; fo it is a part of that reverence due to Parents,that Children rcceaue their corre&ion with - out change of afrcftion towards their Parents. 2 Thai God is the Father of Spirits, in a fpeciall manner* be- caufe they are immediatlie created by Him,& do not run in the materiall channell of fit flilie defcent; and„ beeaufe they haue a more neare refcmblance vnto Jits Divine Nature, 3 '. That receaving correflion, i$ counted fubjedion to God; and, refufing correction, js re fufing of fubje&ion. 4. That fubmiffion to cha* flifement, is the way to Lyfe* yerf 10. Forthey,veriIie,forafewdays 5 chaftcned vs after their own plcafurcj biy: Hec, for our profit; that vvc might be partakers of His HolincfTe, TJ E compayetb tht cbaftifement of our eartblie fa* ■ icntSyVitb God* cbajlifement. Whence wlearue, 1. Thit Parentes, fomctymes, chaftife their Children out of meere paffion ; and, at the befl.haue fome mix^ ture of their own humours in ehaftiiirg: but God ne- ver mixeth paffion with His Rod; but intended our profit therin onlie, 2. The fpeciall profit intended by tjod in our corrections, is the making of ys partakers of His HolincfTc-; partlie, whyl: He dryveth vs there- by to feeke our R ighteoufheffc in |limielfe; and part*- Iie, whyle He mortifieth our n?.ture,& renewed* our affcftions, and fanctifietiws for Himfdfe. I firf % 1 1 . Kow,no chaftening for the pre- T '» fent \ 9 x HEBR. CHAP. 3!L feat fccnjethto bee joyous, butgrie- vous:nevcrtheie(rc f after wards it yeel- deth the peaceable fruit of Righteouf- neflfe, vnto them which are exercyfed thereby. TIE mtetetb tbt fat&t of tbt felt grit fee f pre ftnt af- * jfiSimtjkj fjhrMvg $befwit Ttbkb foUvmib tba- >fes at after: and ttasbetb v*> t . That it is the pain? of prefent afflidion,which roateh vs y nwilling to vn- 4ure, 2*Thac we raafi not,!yke Children ,ijudge of af- BiQio fay our prefect (enfcjjuc by lookinp to the fruit ^rhich doth follow, rauft feafon to our fejtjes the tele bittecpefie. |.Tfaat the fruit of affliction, is Righteouf- ncffe.or Sanftification, which bringcth peace with ir. 4, That this'fruit poffibhe will not bee found inconti- nent after one affii&id^or two^but after we be exerci- fed J aajuaiated,& made paueriun spring fhe yoake. Ferf.zz. Wherefore, lift vp the hande? which han^ dovvn.& the feeble knees. F { %em ibcftconftdrntions, bt Vdl btuetbem to gtb y to dtfitiku* then, i. No trouble muft fo daih \s, as to make vs fbefce by-paths, for efchewing thereof- 2. In a good dourfe,we rriuft not haaIt,not walke fee blie.nor fear* full/e i but flout lie, and flrayght vpj avowing what is right. 5. Asa man in a dangerous path, by hanking* may be ftrayed to the one mte^and throWne over the Brcy : So a nun that faintly mairitaiineth a good cauie a may be overcome, at length, and driven from it. 1. Tbt A f fifth* s dihgtvtt dnd fnudtnei? ,io rwovcf ibeft f*j*tfogHtbttvtti> Tiathtll* 1. Thatwee muft noecail downe our Countenance 6n weakc Bre- thren, who doe not fo boidlie avo^e the Trueth, ai they thould doc : But rather ought to ftrcngthen and Keale them,aad holde their daggering fayth on footer 2. That tech feeble foals rnuft be timoufly dealt with; that they may be healed,as losg as they are yet in the way,and haue not ihaken hands with an evdl cGurfc,, Vcrfi 14. Foltowe Peace with all men, and HolinefTe, without the which* no' man fball fee the L O R D. HAvhg tbt* de&h ^hbthtr^ for fticngtbeumg tbcm in the Fsytb h dtid hide piiftjihn tbimf % b% giVilb tbcm d number ofvbolfotnc frtctptts 9 fir mdt+ ring of their lj>ft y and cornrerfdtion. from the Tieccpt,f or following of ftdtt sndHcli* %ejjc 9 Learne. x. That wee muft beware of aU provocation of ante amongil whom we liue; For wee liaucuoubks anicw, albeit wee make aene to our T 3 r J (cl|^. i^4 He**. Chap. XIV felues. 2 . That how wicked foevcr the world be,^s may follow a courfe of living in peace with chem.-and if Peace flee from vs,wee may,and ihould,perfue af- ter it, as farre as is lawfull.j.The farthefl we may fol- low Peace with men,is,as it may ftand with HoEnefle and Duetie towards God. 4. it is more dangerous to ,wrierbv many be dcfilcdrtihtt tsjejl anyfcandahMfinne faeak*foonk amongft them* Then, i. As men doe fall from anie meafure of the Work of Grace; fo doth the bitter root of vnmortificd fiane.fpririg out, & grow. Thrones decrcafing,is the others increafing. i . When anie Seandall breaketh fourth in the Church, it troubleth the whole Bodie* and polluteth them, by the conra-gion thereof, till ic be remooved. $. Watch mult be kept,diligcntlie,by cverie.man,tocurbethis bitter roote, preventing thq out-lhootmg thereof. Verfi 1 6. Left there be anie for nica torpor prophane pcrfon,as Efau,who for one morfel of meat, folde his birth-right. TT E expoundetb this bitter roor, in the example of A * fornicatioii } and ptopbanitieJyfyEhus* Then, i. Forni,cation and prophanitie,are the bitter roots of Other evills,and able to defile a Congregation^. Such as count more of the (a tisfafl ion of their fenfual lufts, than of their Spiritual Prerogatiues, doe proue them-. fclues prophane perfons , and are julllie ranked i» with H s a v. Verf. 17. For, yee know, how that after* wards, when he would haue inherited thcBlciTing, hec was rejected: for hec found no place of repentance, though hec fought it carcfullie, with teares. UE [hetoetb God's judgement on Ehu $ totem fie dM men jo bayard vpon the finful fatufaHiouoftbiil $Hnlujts f atanietymt* Them, i*Efairs judgement x 4 &$4i 29* HEBK. CHAP. XII. fhould be a terrour to al men,to keep them from pre- fuming dc libera telie to commit that finne,which they know may cut them off fro the BleiTing: becaufe fun- drie tymes (ajbeit not always) God doth punilh pre- fumptuous finners , with giving over the man to his ; €>wa ways, and finall impenitencie, 2.Efau's example fhoweth, howe juftlic they may bee depry ved of the Bleffing, annexed to anie Sacred Symbole,or gracious 1 Meane, who do defpy fe the meane whereby the Blef- fogi* conveyed. For, the Birth-right amongft the Pa- triarchs, Was a' Pawn of the bleJllngof being an hey re of Promife : and therfore was Efau counted to reject ihe Bleifmg.when he counted light of the Birthright. 3^His example fhoweth, howc little finners confidcr for the prefent, what Merchandize they are making with Satan, when they meddle with knowne fihnes^ and how they will be made to know it afterwards. t. Bee faytb, that afterwards be Tvould bane inbe* tited tbe$lefing- y but Vcll, $0 beware oflicentioufneffe, and propbanitie; becaufe it$ 4r e delivered from the t err our of the Lnder the Law, lyabk to the Curfe : His manner of dealing wtb them at M o vnt S J O ^^reprefented thejlateofmen reconciled through Cbntt,and vnder Grace* Let vj takf a )fk^ofboth 9 as th'Apoftlefetteth thembefore our eys; dndfirfttho-to thejlate of a man »nrecoKciled,in na\we % and vnder the Laxo^ curfe therof^as Represented . i. Before we come toChrift, we haue to do withGod, as a terrible" Iudge, fitting on the Throne of His Iu- flice,fhadowedfoorth by Mount Sin a r.i. Our Iudge is offended with vs, His Wrath is kindled, readie to confume vs, as His Adverfaries, in our tranfgrefnons; reprefented by the burning of the Mount. 3/ When GOD beginneth to fhowe Himfclfe as our Iudge, offended with vs, wee are filled with confufion, and p^rplcxitie, and fire ; reprefented by BlackneiTe, anf thofe, who are alrcadie dawned, and brethren to i-hofe.whofe fpirits are in prifon: But through Chrift, wee are Brethren to thofe , who are alrta.he faved; whofe Souks', and Spintes, are fed from Mnne,and Miferie; and made peifefi, in Holineftc, and Gloria; having the fame' Groundes of Right to Heaven, tho- row CHRIST, which they haue whoare entered al» tcadieiiito Poi&ffion. r , r m HEBR. CHAP. XII. 3 c 5 jferf.i^. And to IESUS, the Media- tour of the N h vv Cov E NANT,and to the Blood of Sprinkling , which J'peaketh better thinges , than that of Abell. HEE Goeth On. 14. In our naturall.eftate/jvee arc vnder the Law, and the Covenant of worksj which bindeth vs to Perfeft Obedience, or to the Curfe. When wee come to Chrifl , wee are vnder the Covenant of Grace, which proclaymeth Remif- /ionof Sinnes/vntoall who are in Him. 15. Yea, now, vnder the Gofpell, comming vnto Chrift, wee are in better cafe, than they who lived before Chrift; becaufe they were bound to all the Cerenioniall and Typicall Ordinances of the Lawe , vnder the Oldc Covenant : but wee are exempted from that Oldc Covenant, and arc entered into the Newc ; which frceth vs from that Yoake, which the Israelites could never beare. 16. Without Chrift, we Ihnd alone, and none to plcadc for vs, before our ludge: But when wee come to Chrift , wee findc Him a JVte- dhtour, both to deliver vs from the Olde Covenant^ and to take Burthen for vs, for keeping of the New-e Covenant. 17. Without Chrift. vnrighteous, and vnholie: When wee come to Chrill, weeome to. bee fprinkled with His Blood, for Iuftification, and San- fiification alfo, and for receaving of all other Bene- fits, bought by that £lood. Bee compare:!; this hlood^iib AbcYs , m ff>ea- fjng better tUpztu For, albeit wee, by our finnes. ha ie made our LORD to ferue, yea, and to die alfo, docch His £lood oet fpcake agaynft vs, as Abel's did 304 H E B tu Cha p. XIL did fpeake agaynft Kain, arid *he Earth , for drai- ning downe of a curfe on both : but fpcaketh to GOD, ftill , to pacific His Wrath , and to par- don vs 5 andxo our Confcience , to cleanie it , and reiake it quyet within vs. From tbis comparifon,of M more fhall not wee efcape,if wee turnc away from Him that fpeaketh from Heaven. Frw Hesr. Chap. XII. 365 Ffyow theft Confederations, hee thargetb them % to be* •»are y left they ma^e light account of CH%1 STS pcn the deftyfers of Mofes,\*fco ufayde to$eakeontm\)\becdufe bet •tots but the earthen Vejfell vhicb carried G O D'S Will to HU TeopUi and, by eartblie Types, and Tu guies, made offer of Grace \>n$o them* $ut CB%IST 3 as G 3), by His event > authorise, caHing Heaven open , in the play nnejje 9 and fiiritualitie of the DoHtintg U fayde to fl>ealtf from Heaven* Then, As much as CHRIST'S Peribfi is more excellent than Moses, and His Aiuhoritie aboue his; ai;d, theHcavenlieClearnefle of CHRIST'S Gra- cious Offer, aboue his darke Types : As much more hcavie and certayne Wrath Hull overtake the defpy- fersof HisDoftrine , nor the defpyfers of Mosbs Law 7 e. 3 . Hee joynetb bimfelfe in the fame iaungll Ivitb the peQple ,if bee jhouldturne ay ay, or refufe. Then, Preachers (hall doe well, to lay the edge of their Threateninges to their owneHeartes,and to enroll themfelues amonglt the threatened ; That bit- Itoneirc towardes the people nuy bee feene to bee V remooYed* 305 HEBR. CHAP. Xtt. remooved, and their owne fluggiflinefle maybea rowfed vp ; feeing they haue none to preach vnto them, but thcmfelues . Verf 26. Whofe voyce then fhooke the Earth : but nowe Hee hath promifed, faying, Yet once more I fhake not the Earth onlie, but alfo Heaven. TO put an edge vpontbe Threatening, bee fho* Teeth y bo*toe terrible CHltJST w, in /having tftbe Earthjby His Voyce, at Mount Sinai- and, by the fhatyngof Heaven and Earth, at the Day of Judgement* Thes , 1. The terrible quaking of thd Earth, and burning of the Mount Sin a*, was pronounced by the Voyce of CHRIST; who, therefore, is declared to bee the LORD GOD: for fo, Exod. xix. is Hee called, a. His Terrour, at the Daye of Iudgement, may bee feene in that little Refemblance of Mount Sinai. $. The terriblcnefle of CHKIST , ihould make r^Hand in awe of His Word. firf. 27. And this wordpYetonce more, doeth fignifie the remooving of thofe thinges which are fhaken 5 as of things which are made ; that thofe thinges which can not bee (haken, may re- mayne. O E commeutetb vpon the Teftimonie ofHkGGkt i -.' phap t jL# Cf and from tbit wd OwcE,rcw- HEBR. CHAP. XIL 307 sixtieth, That Heaven and Earth (hallpajfe away, and beecbaunged } attbepeverof CHRIST'S Wiring of His f'oyce: That tUfe cbaungeable Heavens and Earth beting remooved , Hee may ma\ea Hewe Hea- ven, and aN^eW Earth } wherein HisSubjeHes 9 ani His T^ingdome over them, way remayne for everfetlei. Then, i. It isagood Meanc, to get thevnder- ftanding of GOD'S Mynde in the Scripture, to con- fider, and weygh, the force of the wordes thereof^ and what they doe importc , by due confequence. Z. No more chaunge fliall bee of anie thing after the Day of Iudgement : becaufc, but Once More, and no oftener , is CHRIST to (hake the fame. 3. It is for the (landing of CHRIST'S Kingdome, that the creature is mooved, flhaken, and chaunged. All thinges made, (hall bee (haken: but CHRIST'S Kingdome, and the Salvation of His Su'bje&es, lhall never bee fliaken. yerfzS. Wherefore, wee receiving a Kingdome, which can not bee moo- ved, let vs haue grace 5 > whereby wee may ferae GOD acceprablic , with reverence, and godlie fcare. p5\ew the nature of this I(ingdome gtaunled Vnto V; in CHRIST, and from His terriblenejfe^e fx- bortetbvs to Jleadfajlneffe of Faytb, and bumble obe* Hence. Heefayetb, Wee haue received it^becaufe Wee haue receaved the %igbt and Tit\e % by the Gofyell, and fowe beginning of it. Tut* s As wee receaHe CHRIST in the Gof- 308 HEBR. CHAP. XI! . pell , wee receaue the Kingdome of Heaven witft Him, in Right and Title ; yea, in begun Pofleffioni which grcweth by degrees. 1. Heerequyretbrf a ^ect&eroftbblQngdewe, reverent ferting o/GOD, Then , Right is given to this Kingdome , before our fervice bee done : Not becaufe wee haue fcrved heere-to-fore 5 but to obliedge vs to ferue GOD heere-after. 3 . Bee fri// haue Ys to ferue GOD accept ablie-, that is, pleafantlie, and tbearfullie* Kext> Vttb reverence, er frame fa fine jfe 5 and Godliefeare. Then, i. It is not anough , that wee doe fuch Workes which belong to GOD'S Service : but we muft take heede to the manner of doing of them$ that they may bee done with a readie affection, and good will. 2. Next, That they bee done in the fenfe of our own weaknefTe, vylenefle, and vnworthineffe. 3. And thirdlie, That they bee done with reverende regarde to GOD, in fuch a Godlie feare, as may make vs circumfpe&lie handie j and meddle with, His Service, as the word importeth. 4* TbAttbu may bee tbe better done, let vs haue grace, drholde fa&tbe giipof grace } -frbetehyve$ may ferue GO their lay fit jLflli h%e clofob 'Prill a Watchword j/Moses, DevTE. 1.4« terriffwgtbc people from Idola* trie, or Image/it-, ybich bee applyetb forwakjvg men tircumfyett in tbeix manner of yorjhi}. l m Teaching Vs Thereby, i.That to ferueldoles, and follow a falfe Religion; and not to ferue GOD, in reverence, and Godlie feare, in the true Religion, will bee both alyke plagued, i. The nerds doe teacb VJj That GOD'S entering into Covenanted laying downe of the fead and enimiric agaynft vs, maketh Him not to lay downe His awfull Majeitie over vs. 3. And therefore, wee mull bee fo confident of His Ioue towardes vSj as wee remember in themeanc tyme, that ffee u aeonfumwg fyre % to the vngodlie, and prophane Pi ofeiTours of His Nam£. TheftmimeofChap. XIII. NOwe , that you may bee fraltfull in the Fayth, I recommended to you, infliorc, Bkotherlie Love, Verf. i. Hospita- litie, Verf.z. Compassion with fuf- ferers for the Trueth , Verf 3 # Ch asti- tie, Verf. 4. Contentation, Verf. j. 6. Stead- £Asr*£tf£ kchc Tkywh, which GOD >s V-f- V $ [engcrs 3*0 He br. Chap. XIII. fengers haue taught you, Verf. 7. For, chaunge ^ho Will, C H R I S T, in Himfelfc, and in His Doctrine, chaungcth not , Vcrf, 8. Beware of the Leven of Jewish Do&rine, fuch as is Distinction Of Meats , and others lyke , Verf. ?. For, they who mayntayne the Leviticail Service , can not bee part- takers of CHRIST, with vs, Verf. 10. This was prefigured in the Law, Verf. 11. So was CHRIST'S contemptible vfage , Verf n. And wee mull fol- lowe Him, and bee contented of reproach for Him, Verf. 13. For wee haue no place of Reft heere, but looke for it heere-aftcr, Verf. 14. Therefore, let ysfollowethe Spiritual! Signification of ^hofe Cere- monies, and facrifice vnto Him our Prayers, and prayfe, and good workes, Verf. if. \6. Obey your Ecclefiatticall Governoures, in their Office: for their Charge is greaa ; and you haue neede not to grieue them, Verf. 17. Pray for mee ; for I ftiall bee found an honeftMan, what ever bee mens fpeaches of mee, VerG 18. But, pray you for mee, for your ownc good, Verf. v. And, I pray G Q D, to finifli His begun worke in you graciouflie, Verf. ro. ai. And, becaufe I haue but touched thinges briefelic, in this ihort Epiftle, take Exhortation i? good leafon, when your Teachers doc preaffe fuch Dodhine vpon you, > more at length, Verf. 2i ; It may bee, that Tj'mo- thie and I fee you fliortlie, Verf * v Deliver our Commendations , Verf. 7 4. AncJ , (Jrace bee with you a{]L : A M E. &, Yer£ 2* HEBR. CHAF. XIII. 511 The doBrine of Chap- XIII. VERS. I. t Brothcrlie louc continue. p%$m this firft Precept , L z A R n f, i . That L the firft Fruit of Faych which GODpp|fi- is Louc, and conftant loue , amongli HH^fittf&eehr 2. That our mutuall loue, muft be fincere,& kyndlie,- as if it were grounded on fc^nds of Nature. Verf. 2 . Bee not forgetfull to entertay ne Strangers : for, there-by, ibme hauc entertay ned Angels vna wares. I7$ow this Wresept 9 Learne, i« That wee are readie to forget Gharitie to Straungers, efpe* ciallie to bee Hofpitall vnto them, 2. That the pof- fibilitie of finding Straungers better men nor^wee take them to bee, fliould over-ballance the fufpition of their fleightneffc, and ftiould fet vs on to doc the duetie. 3. That if a man, intending to doe good,doe more nor hee intended to doe , it fhall bee imputed vnto him, no lefie,than if hee had intended the fame, Verf. 3. Remember them that are in Bonds,as bound with them; and them which fuffer ad verfitie, as being your felucs alfo in the bodie. \^%omthis 9 Learn e, j. That it is no new thing • for the World, to put Bonds on them who feekc Y 4 to F "jri Hebr.Ghap, XIII, to bring them out of Bondage. 2. That Prifoner; for CHRIST, are re^ciilie forgotten cf fuch as area freed ome. 3. Such Mens Bondage fhould bee eitee- med, as our owne, even vntili GOD fee them free. 4. That other diilrefled People alfo rhall bee helped byvs, if weeconfidcr, what may befall ourfelues, before wee die . V*rp^. Marriage is honourable in all, and the Bed vndefiled : But Whore- mongers, and Adulterers, GOD will judge. Rom This Wee Learne, i. That Breakers of Wedlocke , and vncleane perfbns inaffngle lyfe, are both referved vnto GOD'S Judgement, howe lightlie foever men let thempafle. t 4 Thac Marriage beeing provyded of GOD, for a Remedie of Incontinencie , maketb Vnckarmefle the heavier finne. 3. Thar feeing it Is GOD'S DOCTRINE, t6 commende Marriage , for Honourable,; and hath pronounced it, not onlic Lawful!, but Commendable' in all perfons, of what-fo-ever Place, or Calling, and hath juiiified it, far Vndefiled; to traduce this eftate of lyfe, as not holie, or not hefeeming an holie man, or an holie Calling, and to forbid Marriage, to per- fons of anie calling, mull bee, as it is called , I. Tim. CpiAPjiij. veri* 1*2. 2 be dethiiuoftbeJjj^iL Yerf.5. Let your conversation bee wi- thout covetoufnefTe • and bee content with fuch thinges as you hauc: For Hee hath faydg^ I will never leane thee^ nor for fake thee. IIcyc HE BR. CHAP. XI IV 3 IJ YJErtVtc ar( Tavght, f. That the enlarge *** ment of our Defires , to haue more and more worldhe goods , whether wee bee rich or poore, is difallowed of G O D. x. That GOD rcquyreth Contentation with our prefent eftate , howe mcanc ibever it bee 5 and counteth it , Covetoufncffe, not ro bee contented. f t. Tow4k!*scontenttd 9 bugiMby GODS JPrewi/e, made fo Ioshva* Chap. 1. $* /« out Qtnifisninvccejfavcs. Thhn, i . The Pro- mifesmadeto Ioshva , or anic other holie Man, in Scripture, for Furniture in his Calling, may bee verie well applycd vnto vs, for Helpe, and Furniture, in our Calling. z.Faythin GOD'S Prcmife. for our Maynraynance , mult both ilay our feare of want in tyme ro come, andgiue vs contentment withthac which wee haue for the prefent. 3 . A generall Pro- mife, of GOD'S beeing with x$, and affiilingof vs, is as fiifficiem for all particulars whereof wee Itend in ncede, as if they were cxpreffed. yerf. 6. So that we may faoldliefay, The LORD is my Helper; and^Iwill not feaie what man (bail doe vnto mee. Br applying oft be Trowife made to\o$HVA $ bee (Qncbdtib yyarraod, to apply D a v id'j gloria* turn, ugayn'st ali ferilsy PsAL. ti'S. 6. Then , i. Hec that can apply one Promife to him- felfc, may confidently apply another alfo. 1. The w'eakell true Believer, hath as good ground of con- fidence in G OD, for evcrie good, needfull foe Soale orbodie,asthe LORD'S chicfe Prophets, and as good Warrand co apply the Scn?tottf, to their own . 514 Hebh." Chap. XIIIJ yfe, which fpeake of then). 3. Hee who believeth in GOD, needeth not to fearc what flcfli can doe vnco him,. 4. Faych, then, doeth its parte duelje, when it glorieth in the LORD, agaynft all oppofition. JTerf.j. Remember them which hauc the rule over you, who haue fpoken vnto you the Word of GOD- whofe Fayth follow, confidering the ende of their converfation. THat they may beejteadfatt $1$ the Fayth, heefet* teth before them the Example of G O D * S ftfejfengers, vbo bad injhuBed them in the Twtb 9 and led a lyfe con for me thereinto. Wherein Hee Tbacheth Vs, i. Who is worthie to bee a Guyde to a People; to wit, the man Y?ho fpeakcth the Word of GOD, and not his owne Dreames $ believeth the Trueth which hee teacheth, and hath his converfation anfwerable. 2% The beft srefpe<3 that a Preacher can craue , or that a People can giue to a Preacher, cyther in his lyfe-tyme, or af- cer,is to remember the Trueth of G O D, taught by him, and to make vfe thereof. 3. In as farre as Prea- chers haue fpoken the Word of GOD , and made ic theendc of their converfation, People are comman- ded heere, to. remember Them, and imitate Their Fayth * but no farther. Ferf.S* Iesvs Christ, the fame ye- fterday, and to day 5 and for ever, 'T'Hw Sentence Serveth, First, To fliow * the ffternitie,and inunutabditie , of I E S V S CHRIST HEBR. CHAP. XIII- 3*5 C H R I S T, in Himfelfc, and all His Properties, of Trueth, and Loue, and Pittie, &c. Aoayne , It ferreth for aReafon, of keeping faft theDoftnne taught from Him, by our faythiull Leaders : becaufe IESVS CHRIST willftill allowe, and mayntayne that Trueth once given out by Himfelfc , and can not choofc to change His Trueth, being firtf and hit lykc Himfelfe, And Thirdiie, It feivcth toen- cowrage vs , to bee conflant in the Fayth : becaufe IESVS CHRIST is vnchangeablie the fame,in loue and care tcwardes thofe who belieue in Him, in all Ages, for their prefer vation, and deliverance, in all Qifes,wherein they can fall,for His Trueth ; as Hee hath given proofc in former tymes, towards others, Vwf.9. Bee not carried about, with du vcrfeand ftrange Dodrincs; For, it is a goodthing,that the heart be eftabli- fhed with Grace 5 not with meates, which haue not profited them that haue beene occupied therein. THtft they may beejleadfaft in the Fayth, hee var~ neth them, tt bevare, that they bee not carried chut Ttuh diverfe and ftrange Then, 1. Do&rine which agreeth not with thcW'ordeof GOD, vncouth and ftrange Dofirine , which the Apoftles did not acknowledge, and recommende vn- to vs,muft bee rejected. 1 9 There was fuch vncouth Do&rine, beginning to crecpe into the Church, even in the Apoftles tyme. 3. Apoftolicke Doftrine, fuch as they acquaynted the Chuich with, mufi bee ftead- foftlie beiicved,and flood vntojand not loofelie layde hoidc ,A 3 i6 HEBR. CHAP. XIIL fioldcvpon; left wee lye open to thewindeoffaJfe Do&rine. J *♦ Heebringetb in, for example* the VoBrintof Diitin&ion or ' Mates 9 wbertw the leWjhlieajfe- (ted did place fome balinejfe , and belpe to Salvation : and yet they -who mpte leanedto thtfame^ere leafy profited tbere-by * TiifiH, i . To place fome holineffe in Djftin&ion ©f Meates,and co count the obfervacion thereof,help- foil to Salvation/is an olde Errour,which even in the beginning, did rouble the Church. 2* Never man got profit, by leaning anie thing to the obfervacion of DilHndions of Meates. For, voder the Lawe, Di- fitn&ion was cqmmaunded/or the leading of men to, fome Dueiies , fignified there-by : but never did GOD giue way, that men ihould efieeme of this ob- fervacion, as a thing confernng,anie whit, to the pur- chafe of Salvation. 3. Tokeepeout this Smut, of leaping to. Ceremo* yiall ObfertatiotiSjbte oppofetb the Dottrine of Grace ■; tehcre^itb bee w/i bam the bean eflablijbed, and net faith Meates* Then, i. The ground of devyfing, and vrging ofSuperiticious Ceremonies, is the viicjuyetneffe,and vnitableneiTe,of mens heartes, wanting fatisfa&ion in GOD, and His Ordinances j and therefore, fceking r to fuppofte themfelues, by meanes of their owne dc- vyfing. 2. It is the Doftnne of luftification by. Graceonelie, and nothing of our doinges, which givcth true refUoour heartes , and quyet feeling to the Ccnfciences.' ycrf. x 0. Wee hauc an Altar, whereof j they frEBR. CHAR XIIL 31} they haue no right to cate 3 vvhichferue the Tabernacle. SVch ai ptrtinatioujlie didpltdde.fortbe ft Anting* f the Lrtiticall Service, dnd Ceremonies thereof \btt fecludab from the enjoying of IESVS CH^LST, who is, our Altar. Then, Such as mayntayne the leViticall Ceremonies , and doe vrge them on the Chrirtian Chiirch^doe cut themftliies from Right to CHRIST* 1. Becaufe they denye, in effeft, that Hee iscomei feeing they will haue thofb Figures to rerhaine,which did feruetoprsfgureHis conariiing; and willhaue His Church flill vnder Ceiemoniall Pedagogic, as it wasvndertheLawe. i. Becaufe they joyne xnto CHRIST, their owne Devyfes ; as if eyther IESVS were not ftifficient for Salvation, br&is Ordinances were not fufficient, for mcanes to attaync Jierevnto* 3. The Obiervarion of theDifhnandbj tbtTcJtoftbcLeVtfi* call Ceremonies. THEN, i. Thofc Ordinances of Leviticall Ser- rice, were Figures of CHRIST, fomc in one parte, t*ni fomc in another j audHee i* the Accomplifhl ffHutt ■ jig HEBR. CHAP. Xltl fluent of them, even the Tructh of them all : The true Tabernacle, the true Prieft, the true Sacrifice, the true Altar, &c. i. CHRIST'S Selfe is all the Altar that the Chriftian Church hath. Ouv Altar is Hee onelic ; and nothing but Hee. The ApoiHe kno- weth no other. 3. In that bee fajetb, they haue no right to catc , Lbaiine, i. That IESVS is our Foode, who belieue in Him , by whom our Soules arc kept alyue, and mayntayncd everie day Spirituallie, as the Prieftes were rriayntayned by the olde Altar, bodi- lie. 2 . That before a rrian attayne to eate, or drawe Benefite from CHRIST, hee mult haue a Right vn- to Him, There is a Pbffefliori following the Rights and the Right tendeth to the Pofleffion. 3. Hee who loveth to haiie the Right, mull take the Courfc which CHRIST praelcrybeth, without mixing anie thing there- with. ferf. 1 1 . For, the bodies of thofe beafts, whofe blood is brought into the San- <5fcuarie,by the high Prieft, for fiane^rc burnt without the Campe. XJEE fbwetb > that this %V^ prefigured in the ** Lave: FQr,Lzvir. \6. zy. the Sime-Offe- mg •$> etb,firfl f To be , The praefiguration of the ignominious vfage of C H R I S T * S Bodie, caflen out of the Citie of Hierufalem. 2. Agayne; Lyke as the Sinne-Of- fering, how-be-it the bodie thereof was burnt wi- thout the Campe, yet the bloode of it was brought within the San&uarie, to make a Figuratiue Attone- ment: Even fo, howe bafeliefo-ever men did vfe CHRIST'S Bodie, in calling of it without the Citie ; yet was his Bloode in high efteemation with GOD; made Attonement for the People, ami unfitted them, Vcrf, 320 tiEBR. CHAP. Xllt. Verf.. ij. Letvs goefoorth, therefore^ vnto Him, without thcCampe* bea- ring His Reptoachi HtKCt hee drawtb dn Exhortation , To hi readie to venounce the WorUe , and to take v/> our Crojfe, and follow e CHRIST. Wherein bee TEACHETH r$ , i. fhat CHRIST'S SufFcringcs withpiittHe Cir>, reprefented the ftace of His Myiticall Bodle, and Kingdom.e, thruit foorth, and contemptiblie rejected of the Worlde. t. That fuch as will bee part-tafcers of C H R I S T , mull refolue td beefohandeledalfo, and muft fequefiratc their affeftions from the Worlde, and muft bee con- tented to bee crucified vnto the Worlde, with our LORD and Matter , CHRIST I E S V S. 3. That what reproach is fufrered for CHRIST'S fake, is not the man's , bnt CHRIST'S reproach, for whome it is fuffered : And, fo, the Reproach is as honourable before GOD, as it is ignominious before the Worlde. Verf. 14. For, hcere wechaue no conti- nuing Citic- but wee feeke one to come. y^f ££ gheihd fyafouofthis Exhortation. Tea- JLJl chikg , t. That the inftabilitie of this prc- fent .Worlde, and our fhort and vncertayne tyme of Pilgrimage therein, fliould bee a Motiue,to makevsloofe our affedions off it in tyme. t. That $e hope of a quyct, and fure, and bleffed Place of JReli HEBR. CHAP. XIII. 321 Reft heere-after, fliould bee another Motiue, to make vs renounce this Worlde , with the better will. 3- That the true Pilgrimes Employment in this Worlde , is , To bee fceking, howe to ccme Home, to his owne Countrcy, and Citie, prepa- red for him. Verf. 15. By Him, therefore, let vs of- fer the Sacrifice of Pray fe to G O D continuallie: that is 5 The Fruit of our Lips j giving Thanks to His Name. ATS10THE\ Exhortation, to offer Spiritual! Sacrifices. wherein we learse , i. That as CHRIST hath abolifhed all pro- perlie called Prieites by Office ; So hath Hee made all Chriflians Spirituall Prieftes , by common Due- tie. 2. As CHKiST hath offered the Propitiato- rie Sacrifice of His owne Bodie, once for all that are to bee faved, and hath left no properlie called Sacrifice, no Offering for Siane, no Propiciatorie Offering, nov/e to Oiffer ; So hath Hee appoyn&ed the Spirituall Sacrifice, ot Thankes, to bee offered by everie faythfull Man , and Woman - fuch as is Prayer, Prayfes, and Thankes-giving to G O D. I . That thefe our Sacrifices of Prayer,and Prayfe, is the Spirituall Service of Sayn&es, aunfwerable to the Thanke- Offering of the Firlt Fruites , and CaIucs,andBullockes- which was theextcrnall Sa- crifice of the Olde Church. 4, That the offering of thefe Spirituall Sacrifices, is not tyed vnto fettc houres, as the Lcgall ; tut, to bee done continual- ly y. That tkfc our Sacrifices of Prayer , and fa* HEBR. CHAP. XIII. Prayfcs, arc not to bee offered by the mediation of j Saynft^rAngell, but, by IESVS CHRIST 1 onelie. 6. That albeit they bee vnworthie,as from \ vs, yet beeing offered by CHRIS T'S Media- } tion , they (hall bee accepted for Service , at our handes. Verf. 1 6. But, to doe good,and to com- municate, forget not : for, with fuch Sacrifices, GOD is well pleafcd. AKOTHB'% Exhortation, togooAmtkfs* /l and Almis deedes ; Teaching Vs, i. That good works,and Almes deeds, are appoyn&ed to bee of the number of Spirituall Sacrifices, and a parte of the Thank-Offerings of the Sa.yn&es. z. That becaufe they are Sacrifices * theymuft not bee offered to the Idole of our ownc credite, and eftcemation , or our owne private endes; but vnto GOD, even in obedience vnto Him r and for the Gloiie of Him. And , becaufe they are a parte of the Tkank-Offerikgs of the Sayn&s* they ttmtl not incroach vpon the Sinne-Offs- KtNGofthe SAVIOVR, the onelie Expia- toric, the onelie Propitiatorie, and the onelie Meri- torious Sacrifice. 3. That bceing fo offered, they are well pleafog Vnto GOD: The fmcll of CHRISTY Sinne-Ot^ering , once offered, making our Thank>0*se&ikq j;o fc ee fweste Tmclling t$tg G O D* Verf. 1% Hs*r. Chap. XIIL 323 Verf 1 7. Obey t-hem that haue the rule over you, and fubm ic you fdues: for they watch for your Souks, as they that muft givic account.-that they may coc it with joyc,and not with gricfe; for, that is vnprofiiable for you. A7\p7^r/£\ Exhortation, To cbey fuel di bad the rule over thtm* ibeh Grydcs, and If4- der$, at the wrde import t- b : 2 hat u % fublukg 0/- fice-foareain ibc Church, afpojmUed of GOD^ to teach, and govern item, bytbt Wvtdty and EC* clefiafticall Cevfurcs. K then, 1 The Churches of CHRIST arc nor Denncs of Confufion, but Houfes of Or- iter; having forr.e to bee Guydesand Rulers, and fbmcco becinflru&ed andguyded , by the dire- ction of G O D ' S Worde, and Ordinances. 1. Even the meancft and poorefl Churches, albe- it no more powerrull than were the Churches of thefe (battered Heekewes, mult bee (b provyded. 3. The right duetic of the Office-bearers in the Church, is, Firft, To becGuydes,poynitingoutthe waye in GOD'S V/orde , which the people (htftild keepe, towardes Heaven. Next, To bee Leaders, going before them in the example of Fay:h, and the Fruites thereof, in their con ver la- 1. And thirJlie, Rulers by the Rodde of Difci- pline, to take order with thefcandalous, and to re- call Wanderers to encowrage the obedient j for> thus much docch the worde imports, X 2 4-Th£ 524 HEBR. CHAP.XIIL 4. The duetie of the people, is , To obey the dire&ion of fuch Guydes, and Rulers, and to fub- mic themfelues vnto their cenfurcs , and to mayn- tayne them in their Office , everie waye ; that this Order may bee continued, and not fall byanie want, which the people may fupplie. t. Tbe^afon vbhb beetfetbto induce then*, is, They watch for your Soules,as they who muft giue accounr. THEN, 1. The Charge of Church Rulers, it the heavieft of all Charges,"becaufe of Soules. 2 # The mofte affiduous, and paynfull, fetting, not of the bodie onelie, but the fpirite onworke$ be- caufe it is a Charge, of Watc h ing. 3. The mofte dangerous of all Charges, becaufe the account of loft foulcs within the Church fliall bee craved at their handes, whether they hauedone all that which became them to doe, to faue them, or not. 4, The weyghtineffe of their Charge, fhould af- fed their people, and mooue them, to concurre, for their partes, as they are able, for tjieirencow- rsgement. 3. Jnotber AfQliae, is> That they may dos their worke with joye, and not with griefe: for that i% vnprofitable vnto yau,fayetb bee* THEN, 1. Church Mens chiefe joye , fhould bee their peoples obedience vnto GOD'S ®\ re ~ tfions in their Mouth : and their chiefe griefe, if k bee other-wayes. 2. Whether they will get joye or griefe from their people, they muft doe their worke, and foi- tewe their Charge, HEBR. CHAP. XIII. 325 3. The leiTe comfortable people beevnto their leaders, their Teachers, and Rulers ; the lefle pro- fitefhall they haue by their Minifterie. Ferf.iS. Pray for vs: For wee truft wee haue a good confeience^n all things, willing to Hue honeftlie. HI S craving the benefit* of their Prayers far bim > Tf achhh Vs f 1. That albeit the Scripture giveth no warrand, to feeke the benefite of the Prayer of Sayn&es departed, er of Angels ; yet it giveth warrand, for feeking of the mutuall concurrence in Prayer, of thefe that are li- ving together, and militant heere on Earth toge- ther. 2. That the greateit Apollle hathneedeof the Prayers of the meaneft Chriftian ; and may bee helped there-by. 2. Htc ghetb a %eafon 9 aunfrcerivg all the Ca» lutnnies'tibubwrc fired of bim by bis /d^erfarieSy that they migbt, *ty\tb greater freedeme , pray f%r bim , and »rge s and inculcate thefetbit9ges f even at length, Vofo them. The reafon fvbete-of, hee gi- Mb l Becaufe hee had written this Letter but infevvewordes vnto chernj and might not in-* ftfl in tbofe peyniies at target M they had neede oft kftt behooved to haw this Vnto their Teachers. THEN, i. There is neede of Preachers , by the Worde of Exhortation , to dilate , and indi- cate , that w'lich the Scrip tvre hath in fhortt i. It is verieirkfome for men, to haue their fftiggilflmeffe ftirred vp by Exhortation, and the farrie tfringes inculcate agayne and agayne: But their owne Profit? ftiould make them to fuf- fcr it patienUie. 3. The wryting of S C R I P- T V H £, prfcjudgeth not the vie of Preaching; but "both keepc their qwiie rov/me; The SCRIPT VRE ferving for a Pnort laying downe of rhe Grounds to bee taught , and Exhortation fcrving to di- late and vrge theTriieth delivered id SCRIP- T V R t , *$ their Cafe rccjuyreth. ferf%$. Knowc £ee, that our Bro~ dicr Timoihle is fct at liber- ttEBX: CHAP. XIIL 3$i tics with whom* if he come fliort- lie, I will fee you. I^%0M this learnt, fifjt, That the Ddivc- 4 ' ne of one Timothie, out of the handes i>f. his Pcrfecuters , fiiould bee a matter of Comfort, and Ioye, vnto as manic Cuvkches as doe heare of it . Secondiib : Good Newes Ihouldbee fpred abioade j and,arcafiuc Matter for ChriiUan Epiftles. Verf. 24. Salute all them that haue the rule over you- andall the Sayne wfe Timothie, if bee hadbeene to tome fionlie* after the wytiyg of ibis Epillle* Ani tbirdlie 5 Tiixioth/e *to& not as yet come to that plate ^beretbe Apojlle Paul