OR. IAIN TORRANCE DEPT OF THEOLOGY UNIVERSITY Of ABERDEEN ABERDEEN AB9 2UB SCOTLAND. U.K. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/lexrexorlawprincOOruth LEX, REX, THE LAW AND THE PRINCE A DISPUTE FOR THE JUST PREROGATIVE OF KING AND PEOPLE: CONTAINING THE REASONS AND CAUSES OF THE MOST NECESSARY DEFENSIVE WARS OF THE KINGDOM OF SCOTLAND, AND OF THEIR EXPEDITION FOR THE AID AND HELP OF THEIR DEAR BRETHREN OF ENGLAND; IN WHICH THEIR INNOCENCT IS ASSERTED, AND A FULL ANSWER IS GIVEN TO A SEDITIOUS PAMPHLET, ENTITULED, " SACRO-SANCTA REGUM MAJESTAS," THE SACRED AND ROYAL PREROGATIVE OF CHRISTIAN KINGS J UNDER THE NAME OF J. A., BUT PENNED BY JOHN MAXWELL, THE EXCOMMUNICATE POPISH PRELATE ; WITH A SCRIPTURAL CONFUTATION OF THE RUINOUS GROUNDS OF W. BARCLAY, H. GROTIUS, H. ARNISjEUS, ANT. DE DOMI. POPISH BISHOP OF SPALATO, AND OF OTHER LATE ANTI-MAGISTRATICAL ROYALISTS, AS THE AUTHOR OF OSSORIANUM, DR FERNE, E. SYMMONS, THE DOCTORS OF ABERDEEN, ETC. IN FORTY-FOUR QUESTIONS. BY THE REV. SAMUEL,. RUTHERFORD. SOMETIME PROFESSOR OF DIV>^»Y fx T%S^ff\ERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS. But if you shall still do wickedly, ye shall bertfonsSiWd, botll ye and your king." — I Sam. xii. 25. EDINBURGH: ROBERT OGLE AND OLIVER & BOYD. M. OGLE & SON AND WILLIAM COLLINS, GLASGOW. D. DEWAR, PERTH. A. BROWN & CO., ABERDEEN. W. M'COMB, BELFAST. HAMILTON, ADAMS & CO., AND JAMES NISBET & CO., LONDON. MDCCCXLIII. [London : Printed for John Field, and are to be sold at his house upon Addle-hill, near Baynards-Casth. Octob. 7, 1644.] EDINBURGH: REPRINTED BY A. MURRAY, MILNE SQUAI PREFACE. In issuing a new edition of Lex, Rex, it has been considered advisable to print along with it Buchanan's De Jure Regni apud Scotos. This work, on its first appearance, gave great offence to the government of the time, as containing principles which were opposed to the established monarchy; and was consequently condemned by the parliament of 1584. In 1664 there was a proclamation issued against any translation of it being in the possession of any person. " This proclamation," says Wodrow, " is every way singular; for any thing that appears, this translation of that known piece of the celebrated Bu- chanan was not printed, but only, it seems, handed about in manuscript ; while, in the meantime, thousands of copies of it in the Latin original were in everybody's hands. It had been more just to have ordered an answer to have been formed to the solid argu- ments in that dialogue against tyranny and arbitrary government." Again, in 1688, an- other proclamation was published by the Council, prohibiting every person from selling, dispersing, or lending such books as Buchanan's " De Jure Regni apud Scotos,' n " Lex, Rex," " Jus Popidi Nciphtali," along with some others which were considered as having a treasonable tendency. The same principles are advocated in Lex, Rex, that are held by Buchanan : both works are equally opposed to that absolute and passive obedience required from the subject to a royal prerogative. A modern writer* well remarks, " That resistance to lawful authority — even when that authority so called has, in point of fact, set at nought all law — is in no instance to be vindicated, will be held by those only who are the devotees of arbitrary power and passive obedience. The principles of Mr Ruther- ford's Lex, Rex, however obnoxious they may be to such men, arc substantially the prin- ciples on which all government is founded, and without which the civil magistrate would become a curse rather than a blessing to a country. They are the very principles which lie at the basis of the British constitution, and by whose tenure the house of Bruns- wick does at this very moment hold possession of the throne of these realms." * ReT. Robert Burns, D.D., in his Preliminary Dissertation to Wodrow's Church History. CONTENTS Page Sketch of the Life of Rutherford, ..... xv. Author's Preface, . ...... xxi. QUESTION I. Whether government be by a divine law, ..... 1 How government is from God.- — Civil power, in the root, immediately from God. QUESTION II. "Whether or no government be warranted by the law of nature, ... 1 Civil society natural in radice, in the root, voluntary in modo, in the manner. — Power of govern- ment, and power of government by sncli and such magistrates, different. — Civil subjection not formally from nature's laws. — Our consent to laws penal, not antecedently natural. — Government by such rulers, a secondary law of nature. — Family government and politic different. — Govern- ment by rulers a secondary law of nature ; family government and civil different. — Civil govern- ment, by consequent, natural. QUESTION III. Whether royal power and definite forms of government be from God, . . 3 That kings are from God, understood in a fourfold sense. — The royal power hath warrant from divine institution. — The three forms of government not different in specie and nature. — How every form is from God. — How government is an ordinance of man, 1 Pet. ii. 13. QUESTION IV. Whether or no the king be only and immediately from God. and not from the people, 6 How the king is from God, how from the people. — Roya.1 power three ways in the people. — How royal power is radically in the people. — The people maketh the king. — How any form of govern- ment is from God. — How government is a human ordinance, 1 Pet. ii. 3. — The people create the king. — Making a king, and choosing a king, not to be distinguished. — David not a king formally, because anointed by God. QUESTION V. Whether or no the P. Prelate proveth that sovereignty is immediately from God, not from the people, ........ 9 Kings made by the people, though the office, in abstracto, were immediately from God. — The people have a real action, more than approbation, in making a king. — Kinging of a person ascribed to the people. — Kings in a special manner are from God, but it followeth not ; therefore, not from the people. — The place, Prov. viii. 15, proveth not bnt kings are made by the people. — Nebuchad- nezzar, and other heathen kings, had no just title before God to the kingdom of Judah, and divers other subdued kingdoms. CONTEXTS. QUESTION VI. Page Whether or no the king be so allenarly from both, in regard of sovereignty and desig- nation of his person, as he is noway from the people, but only by mere approba- tion, ......... 16 The forms of government not from God by an act of naked providence, but by his approving will. — Sovereignty not from the people by sole approbation.- — Though God have peculiar acts of pro- vidence in creating kings, it followeth not hence that the people maketh not kings. — The P. Pre- late exponeth prophecies true only of David, Solomon, and Jesus Christ, as true of profane hea- then kings. — The P. Prelate maketh all the heathen kings to be princes, anointed with the holy oil of saving grace. QUESTION VII. Whether the P. Prelate conclude that neither constitution nor designation of kings is from the people, ........ 22 The excellency of kings maketh them not of God's only constitution and designation. — How sove- reignty is in the people, how not. — A community doth not surrender their right and liberty to their rulers, so much as their power active to do, and passive to suffer, violence. — God's loosing of the bonds of kings, by the mediation of the people's despising him, proveth against the P. Prelate that the Lord taketh away, and giveth royal majesty mediately, not immediately. — The subordina- tion of people to kings and rulers, both natural and voluntary ; the subordination of beasts and creatures to man merely natural. — The place, Gen. ix. 5, " He that sheddeth man's blood," &c. discussed. QUESTION VIII. Whether or no the P. Prelate proveth, by force of reason, that the people cannot be capable of any power of government, ..... 28 In any community there is an active and passive power to government. — Popular government is not that wherein the whole people are governors. — People by nature are equally indifferent to all the three governments, and are not under any one by nature. — The P. Prelate denieth the Pope his father to be the antichrist. — The bad success of kings chosen by people proveth nothing against us, because kings chosen by God had bad success through their own wickedness. — The P° Prelate condemneth king Charl.es' ratifying (Pari. 2, an. 1611) the whole proceedings of Scot- land in this present reformation>-That there be any supreme judges is an eminent act of divine providence, which hindereth not but that the king is made by the people.— The people not pa- tients in making a king, as is water in the sacrament of baptism, in the act of production of grace. QUESTION IX. Whether or no sovereignty is so in and from the people, that they may resume their power in time of extreme necessity, . ... 33 How the people is the subject of sovereignty— Xo tyrannical power is from God.— People cannct alienate the natural power of self-defence.— The power of parliaments.— The Parliament hath more power than the king. — Judges and kings differ.— People may resume their power, not be- cause they are infallible, but because they cannot so readily destroy themselves as one man may do. — That' the sanhedrim punished not David, Bathsheba, Joab, is but a fact, not a law. — There is a subordination of creatures natural, government must be natural ; and yet this or that form is voluntary. QUESTION X. Whether or not royal birth be equivalent to divine unction, Impunged by eight arguments.— Royalty not transmitted from father to son.— A family may be chosen to a crown as a single person is chosen, but the tie is conditional in both. — The throne, by special promise, made to David and bis seed, by God, (Psal. lxxxix.,) no ground to make birth, in foro Dei, a just title to the crown.— A title by conquest to a throne must be unlawful, if birth be "God's lawful title.— Royalists who hold conquest to be a just title to the crown, teach manifest treason against king Charles and his royal heirs.— Only, bona fortune, not honour or royalty, pro- 39 Page perly transmitable from father to son. — Violent conquest cannot regulate the consciences of people to submit to a conqueror as their lawful king. — Naked birth is inferior to that very divine unction, that made no man a king without the people's election.— If a kingdom were by birth the king might sell it. — The crown is the patrimony of the kingdom, not of him who is king, or of his father. — . Birth a typical designment to the crown in Israel. — The choice of a family to the crown, resolveth upon the'free election of the people as on the fountain cause. — Election of a family to the crown lawful. QUESTION XI. Whether or no he be more principally a king who is a king by birth, or he who is a king by the free election of the people, . . . . . 45 The elective king cometh nearer to the first king. (Deut. xvii.)— If the people may limit the king, they give him the power. — A community have not power formally to punish themselves. — The hereditary and the elective prince in divers considerations, better or worse, each one than another. QUESTION XII. Whether or no a kingdom may lawfully be purchased by the sole title of conquest, 48 A Twofold right of conquest. — Conquest turned in an after-consent of the people, becometh a just title. — Conquest not a signification to us of God's approving will. — Mere violent domineering con- trary to the acts of governing. — Violence hath nothing in it of a king. — A bloody conqueror not a blessing, per se, as a king is. — Strength as prevailing is not law or reason. — Fathers cannot dis- pose of the liberty of posterity not born. — A father, as a father, hath not power of life and death. Israel and David's conquests of the Canaanites, Edomites, Ammonites not lawful, because con- quest, but upon a divine title of God's promise. QUESTION XIII. Whether or no royal dignity have its spring from nature, and how it is true " Every man is born free," and how servitude is contrary to nature, . . 50 Seven sorts of superiority and inferiority. — Power of life and death from a positive law. — A dominion antecedent and consequent. — Kings and subjects no natural order. — A man is born, conseqwnUr , in politic relation. — Slavery not natural from four reasons. — Every man born free in regard of civil subjection ("not in regard of natural, such as of children and wife, to parents and husband) proved by seven arguments. — Politic government how necessary, how natural. — That parents 6hould enslave their children not natural. QUESTION XIV. Whether or no the people make a person their king conditionally or absolutely ; and whether the king be tyed by any such covenant, .... 54 The king under a natural, but no civil obligation to the people, as royalists teach.— The covenant civilly tyeth the king proved by Scriptures and reasons, by eight arguments.— If the condition, without which one of the parties would never have entered into covenant, be not performed, that party is loosed from the covenant. — The people and princes are obliged in their places for justice and religion, no less than the king. — In so far as the king presseth a false religion on the people. eatenus, in so far they are understood not to have a king. — The covenant giveth a mutual co-ac- ' tive power to king and people to compel each other, though there be not one on earth higher than both to compel each of them. — The covenant bindeth the king as king, not as he is a man onlv. — One or two tyrannous acts deprive not the king of his royal right.— Though there were no posi- tive written covenant (which yet we grant not) yet there is a natural, tacit, implicit covenant tying the king, by the nature of his office.— If the king be made king absolutely, it is contrary to Scrip- ture and the nature of his office. — The people given to the king as a pledge, not as if they became his own to dispose of at his absolute will. — The king could not buy, sell, borrow, if no covenant should tie him to men. — The covenant sworn by Judah (2 Chron. xv.) tyed the king. QUESTION XV. Whether the king be univocally, or only analogically and by proportion, a father, 62 Adam not king of'the whole earth because a father.— The king a father metaphorically and impro- perly, proved by eight arguments. QUESTION XVI. Page Whether or no a despotical or masterly dominion agree to the king, because he is king, 64 The king hath no masterly dominion over the subjects as if they were his servants, proved by four arguments. — The king not over men as reasonable creatures to domineer. — The king cannot give away his kingdom or his people as if they were his proper goods. — A violent surrender of liberty tyeth not. — A surrender of ignorance is in so far involuntarily as it oblige not. — The goods of the subjects not the king's, proved by eight arguments. — All the goods of the subjects are the king's in a fourfold sense. QUESTION XVII. Whether or no the prince have properly the fiduciary or ministerial power of a tutor, husband, patron, minister, head, master of a family, not of a lord or dominator, 69 The king a tutor rather than a father as these are distinguished. — A free community not properly and in all respects a minor and pupil. — The king's power not properly marital and husbandly. — The king a patron and servant. — The royal power only from God, immediatione simplicis consti- tution^, et solum solitudine causae prima;, but not immediatione applications dignitatis ad perso- nam. — The king the servant of the people both objectively and subjectively. — The Lord and the people by one and the same act according to the physical relation maketh the king. — The king head of the people metaphorically only, not essentially, not univocally, by six arguments. — His power fiduciary only. QUESTION XVIII. What is the law or manner of the king (1 Sam. viii. 9, 11) discussed fully, . 72 The power and the office badly differenced by Barclay. — What is ^l^^pl IlDJi^Q the manner of the king, by the harmony of interpreters, ancient and modern, 'piotestants and papists. — Crying out (1 Sam. viii.) not necessarily a remedy of tyranny, nor a praying with faith and patience.— Re- sisting of kings that are tyrannous, and patience, not inconsistent. — The law of the king not a per- missive law, as was the law of divorcement. — The law of the king (1 Sam. xii. 23, 24) not a law of tyranny. QUESTION XIX. Whether or no the king be in dignity and power above the people, . . 77 In what consideration the king is above the people, and the people above the king. — A mean, as a mean, iuferior to the end, how it is true — The king inferior to the people. — The church, because J the church, is of more excellency than the king, because king. — The people being those to whom the king is given, worthier than the gift. — And the people immortal, the king mortal. — The king a mean only.not both the efficient, or author of the kingdom, and a mean ; two necessary distinc- tions of a mean. — If sin had never been, there should have been no king. — The king is to give his life for his people. — The consistent cause more excellent than the effect — The people than the king. — Impossible people can limit royal power, but they must give royal power also. — The peo- ple have an action in making a king, proved by four arguments. — Though it were granted that God immediately made kings, yet it is no consequent, God only, and not the people, can unmake him. — The people appointing a king over themselves, retain the fountain-power of making a king. — The mean inferior to the end, and the king, as a king, is a mean. — The king, as a mean, and also as a man, inferior to the people. — To swear non-self-preservation, and to swear self-murder, all one. — The people cannot make away their power, 1. Their whole power, nor 2. Irrevocably to the king. — The people may resume the power they give to the commissioners of parliament, when it is abused. — The tables in Scotland lawful, when the ordinary judicatures are corrupt. — Quod efficit tale id ipsum magis talc discussed, the fountain-power in the people derived only in the king. — The king is a fiduciary, a life-renter, not a lord or heritor. — How sovereignty is in the people. — Power of life and death, how in a community. — A community void of rulers, is yet, and may be a politic body. — Judges gods analogically. QUESTION XX. Whether inferior judges be essentially the immediate vicegerents of God, as kings, not differing in essence and nature from kings, .... 88 Inferior judges the immediate vicars of God, no less than the king.— -The consciences of inferior judges, immediately subordinate to God, not to the king, either mediately or immediately. — How Page the inferior judge is the deputy of the king. — He may put to death murderers, as having God's sword committed to him, no less than the king, even though the king command the contrary; for he is not to execute judgment, and to relieve the oppressed conditionally, if a mortal king give him leave ; but whether the king will or no, he is to obey the King of kings. — Inferior judges are ministri regni, non ministri regis. — The king doth not make judges as he is a man, by an act of private good-will ; but as he is a king by an act of royal justice, and by a power that he hath from the people, who made himself a supreme judge.— The king's making inferior judges hindereth not, but they are as essentially judges as the king who maketh them, not by fountain-power, but power borrowed from the people. — The judges in Israel and the kings differ not essentially. Aris- tocracy as natural as monarchy, and as warrantable. — Inferior judges depend some way on the king in fieri, but not in facto esse. — The parliament not judges by derivation from the king. — The king cannot make or unmake judges. — No heritable judges. — Inferior judges more necessary than a king. QUESTION XXI. What power the people and states of parliament hath over the king and in the state, 95 The elders appointed by God to be judges. — Parliaments may convene and judge without the king. — Parliaments are essentially judges, and so their consciences neither dependeth on the king, quoad specificationem, that is, that they should give out this sentence, not that, nee quoad exerci- tium, that they should not in the morning execute judgment.— Unjust judging, and no judging at all, are sins in the states. — The parliament co-ordinate judges with the king, not advisers only ; by eleven arguments. — Inferior judges not the king's messengers or legates, but public governors. — The Jews' monarchy mixed.— A power executive of laws more in the king, a power legislative more in the parliament. QUESTION XXII. Whether the power of the king, as king, be absolute, or dependent and limited by God's first mould and pattern of a king, ..... 99 The royalists make the king as absolute as the great Turk. — The king not absolute in his power, proved by nine arguments. — Why the king is a living law. — Power to do ill not from God. — Roy- alists say power to do ill is not from God, but power to do ill, as punishable by man, is from God. — A king, actu primo, is a plague, and the people slaves, if the king, by God's institution, be abso- lute. — Absoluteness of royalty against justice, peace, reason, and law.— Against the king's relation of a brother. — A damsel forced may resist the king. — The goodness of an absolute prince hinder- eth not but he is actu primo a tyrant. QUESTION XXIII. Whether the king hath a prerogative royal above law, . . . 106 Prerogative taken two ways.— Prerogative above laws a garland proper to infinite majesty. — A three- fold dispensation, 1. Of power ; 2. Of justice; 3. Of grace. — Acts of mere grace may be acts of blood. — An oath to the king of Babylon tyed not the people of Judah to all that absolute power could command.— The absolute prince is as absolute in acts of cruelty, as in acts of grace. — Ser- vants are not (1 Pet. ii. 18, 19) interdicted of self-defence. — The parliament materially only, not formally, hath the king for their lord. — Reason not a sufficient restraint to keep a prince from acts of tyranny. — Princes have sufficient power to do good, though they have not absolute to do evil. — A power to shed innocent blood can be no part of any royal power given of God. — The king, because he is a public person, wanteth many privileges that subjects have. QUESTION XXIV. What relation the king hath to the law, . . . . . 113 Human laws considered as reasonable, or as penal. — The king alone hath not a nemothetic power. — Whether the king be above parliaments as their judge. — Subordination of the kiug to the parlia- ment and co-ordination both consistent. — Each one of the three governments hath somewhat from each other, and they cannot any one of them be in its prevalency conveniently without the mix- ture of the other two. — The king as a king cannot err, as he erreth in so far, he is not the remedy of oppression intended by God and nature. — In the court of necessity the people may judge the king. — Human laws not so obscure as tyranny is visible and discernible. — It is more reqnisite that the whole people, church, and religion be secured than one man. — If there be any restraint by law on the king it must be physical, for a moral restraint is upon all men. — To swear to an ab- solute prince as absolute, is an oath eatenus, in so far unlawful, and not obligatory. • b QUESTION XXV. Page Whether the supreme law, the safety of the people, be above the king, . 119 The safety of the people to be preferred to the king, for the king is not to seek himself, but the good of the people.— Royalists make no kings but tyrants.— How the safety of the king is the safety of the people.— A king, for the safety 'of the people, may break through the letter and paper of the law. — The king's prerogative above law and reason, not comparable to the blood that has been shed in Ireland and England. — The power of dictators prove not a prerogative above law. QUESTION XXVI. Whether the king be above the law, . . . . . .125 The law above the king in fonr things, 1. in constitution ; 2. direction ; 3. limitation ; 4. co-action.— In what sense the king may do all things. — The king under the morality of laws ; under funda- mental laws, not under punishment to be inflicted by himself, nor because of the eminency of his place, but for the physical incongruity thereof. — If, and how, the king may punish himself. — That the king transgressing in a heinous manner, is under the co-action of law, proved by seven argu- ments. — The coronation of a king, who is supposed to be a just prince, yet proveth after a tyrant, is conditional and from ignorance, and so involuntary, and in so far not obligatory in law. — Roy- alists confess a tyrant in exercise may be dethroned. — How the people is the scat of the power of sovereignty.— The place, Psal. li., " Against thee only have I sinned," &c. discussed. — Israel's not rising in arms against Pharaoh examined. — And Judah's not working their own deliver- ance under Cyrus.— A covenant without the king's concurrence lawful. QUESTION XXVII. Whether or no the king be the sole, supreme, and final interpreter of the law, . 136 He is not the supreme and peremptory interpreter.— Nor is his will the sense of the law.— Nor is he the sole and only judicial interpreter of the law. QUESTION XXVIII. Whether or no wars raised by the estates and subjects for their own just defence against the king's bloody emissaries be lawful, . . . .139 The state of the question. — If kings be absolute, a superior judge may punish an inferior judge, not as a judge but an erring man. — By divine institution all covenants to restrain their power must be unlawful. — Resistance in some cases lawful. — Six arguments for the lawfulness of defensive wars. —Many others follow. QUESTION XXIX. Whether, in the case of defensive wars, the distinction of the person of the king as a man, who may and can commit hostile acts of tyranny against his subjects, and of the office and royal power that he hath from God and the people, can have place, 143 The king's person in concrete, and his office in abstract*), or, which is all one, the king using his power lawfully to be distinguished (Rom. xiii). — To command unjustly maketh not a higher power. ■ — The person may be resisted and yet the office cannot be resisted, proved by fourteen argu- ments. — Contrary objections of royalists and of the P. Prelate answered. — What we mean by the person and office in abstracto in this dispute ; we do not exclude the person in concrete altogether, but only the person as abusing his power ; we may kill a person as a man, and love him as a son, father, wife, according to Scripture. — We obey the king for the law, and not the law for the king. — The losing of habitual and actual royalty different.— John xix. 10, Pilate's power of crucifying Christ no law-power given to him of God, is proved against royalists, by six arguments. QUESTION XXX. Whether or no passive obedience be a mean to which we are subjected in conscience by virtue of a divine commandment ; and what a mean resistance is. That flying is resistance, ......... 152 The place, 1 Pet. ii. 18, discussed. — Patient bearing of injuries and resistance of injuries compatible in one and the same subject. — Christ's non-resistance hath many things rare and extraordinary, Page and is no leading rule to us. — Suffering is either commanded to us comparatively only, that we rather choose to suffer than deny the truth ; or the manner only is commanded, that we suffer with patience. — The physical act of taking away the life, or of offending -when commanded by the law of self-defence, is no murder. — We have a greater dominion over goods and nrembers, (except in case of mutilation, which is a little death,) than over our life. — To kill is no* of the nature of self-defence, but accidental thereunto.— Defensive war cannot be without offending.— The na- ture of defensive and offensive wars. — Flying is resistance. QUESTION XXXI. Whether self-defence, by opposing violence to unjust violence, be lawful, by the law of God and nature, ........ 159 Self-defence in man natural, but modus, the way, must be rational and just. — The method of self- defence. — Violent re-offending in self-defence the last remedy. — It is physically impossible for a nation to fly in the case of persecution for religion, and so they may resist in their own self-de- fence. — Tutela vitce proximo, and remota. — In a remote posture of self-defence, we are not to take us to re-offending, as David was not to kill Saul when he was sleeping, or in the cave, for the same cause. — David would not kill Saul because he was the Lord's anointed. — The king not lord of chastity, name, conscience, and so may be resisted. — By universal and particular nature, self- defence lawful, proved by divers arguments. — And made good by the testimony of jurists. — The love of ourselves, the measure of the love of our neighbours, and enforceth self-defence. — Nature maketh a private man his own judge and magistrate, when the magistyate is absent, and violence is offered to his life, as the law saith. — Self-defence, how lawful it is.v-What presumption is from the king's carriage to the two kingdoms, are in law sufficient grounds of defensive wars. — Offen- sive and defensive wars differ in the event and intentions of men, but not in nature and specie, nor physically. — David's case in not killing Saul nor his men, no rule to us, not in our lawful de- fence, to kill the king's emissaries, the cases far different. QUESTION XXXII. Whether or no the lawfulness of defensive wars can be proved from the Scripture, from the examples of David, the people's rescuing Jonathan, Elisha, and the eighty valiant priests who resisted Uzziah, . . . . .166 David warrantably raised an army of men to defend himself against the unjust violence of his prince Saul. — David's not invading Saul and his men, who did not aim at arbitrary government, at sub- version of laws, religion, and extirpation of those that worshipped the God of Israel and opposed idolatry, but on!y pursuing one single person, far unlike to our case in Scotland and England now. — David's example not extraordinary. — Elisha's resistance proveth defensive wars to be war- rantable. — Resistance made to king Uzziah by eighty valiant priests proveth the same. — The peo- ple's rescuing Jonathan proveth the same. — Libnah's revolt proveth this. — The city of Abel de- fended themselves against Joab, king David's general, when he came to destroy a city for one wicked conspirator, Sheba's sake. QUESTION XXXIII. Whether or no Rom. xiii. 1 make any thing against the lawfulness of defensive wars, 172 The king not only understood, Rom. xiii. — And the place, Rom. xiii., discussed. QUESTION XXXIV, Whether royalists prove, by cogent reasons, the unlawfulness of defensive wars, 175 Objections of royalists answered.— The place, Exod. xxii. 28, " Thou shalt not revile the gods," &c. answered. — And Eccles. x. 20. — The place, Eccles. viii. 3, 4, " Where the word of a king is," &c. answered.— The place, Job. xxxiv. 18, answered.— And Acts xxiii. 3, " God shall smite thee, fhou whited wall," &c. — The emperors in Paul's time not absolute by their law. — That objection, that we have no practice for defensive resistance, and that the prophets never complain of the omis- sion of the resistance of princes, answered. — The prophets cry against the sin of non-resistance, when they cry against the judges, because they execute not judgment for the oppressed. — Judah's subjection to Nebuchadnezzar, a conquering tyrant, no warrant to us to subject ourselves to ty- rannous acts. — Christ's subjection to Caesar nothing against defensive wars. QUESTION XXXV. Page "Whether the sufferings of the martyrs in the primitive church militant be against the lawfulness of defensive wars, . . . . . .182 Tertullian neither ours nor theirs in the question of defensive wars. QUESTION XXXVI. "Whether the king have the power of war only, . . . . .184 Inferior judges have the power of the sword no less than the king. — The people tyed to acts of cha- rity, and to defend themselves, the church, and their posterity against a foreign enemy, though the king forbid. — Flying unlawful to the states of Scotland and England now, God's "law tying them to defend their country. — Parliamentary power a fountain-power above the king. QUESTION XXXVII. "Whether the estates of Scotland are to help their brethren, the protestants of England, against cavaliers, proved by argument 13, . . . . .187 Helping of neighbour nations lawful, divers opinions concerning the point. — The law of Egypt against those that helped not the oppressed. QUESTION XXXVIII. "Whether monarchy be the best of governments, . . . .190 Whether monarchy be the best of governments hath divers considerations, in which each one may be less or more convenient. — Absolute monarchy is the worst of governments. Better want power to, do ill as have it. — A mixture sweetest of all governments — Neither king nor parliament have a voice against law and reason. QUESTION XXXIX. "Whether or no any prerogative at all above the law be due to the king. Or if jura majestatis be any such prerogative, . . . . . .193 A threefold supreme power. — "What be jura regalia. — Kings confer not honours from their pleni- tude of absolute power, but according to the strait line and rule of law, justice, and good observ- ing. — The law of the king, 1 Sam. viii. 9, 11.— Difference of kings and judges. — The law of the king, (1 Sam. viii. 9, 11,) no permissive law, such as the law of divorce. — What dominion the king hath over the goods of the subjects. QUESTION XL. Whether or no the people have any power over the king, either by his oath, covenant, or any other way, ........ 198 The people have power over the king by reason of his covenant and promise. — Covenants and pro- mises violated, infer co-action, dejure, by law, though not de facto.— Mutual punishments may be where there is no relation of superiority and inferiority. — Three covenants made by Arnisaeus. — The king not king while he swear the oath and be accepted as king by the people. — The oath of the kings of France. — Hugo Grotius setteth down seven cases in which the people may accuse, punish, or dethrone the king. — The prince a noble vassal of the kingdom upon four grounds. — The cove- nant had an oath annexed to it. — The prince is but a private man in a contract. — How the royal power is immediately from God, and yet conferred upon the king by the people. QUESTION XLI. Whether doth the P. Prelate with reason ascribe to us doctrine of Jesuits in the question of lawful defence, ....... 204 The sovereignty is originally and radically in the people, as in the fountain, was taught by fathers, ancient doctors, sound divines, lawyers, before there was a Jesuit or a prelate whelped, in rcrum Page natura. — The P. Prelate holdeth the Pope to be the vicar of Christ. — Jesuits' tenets concerning kings.— The king not the people's deputy by our doctrine, it is only the calumny of the P. Pre- ■ late. — The P. Prelate will have power to act the bloodiest tyrannies on earth upon the church of Christ, the essential power of a king. QUESTION XLII. Whether all Christian kings are dependent from Christ, and may be called his vice- gerents, ......... 210 Why God, as God, hath a man a vicegerent under him, but not as mediator. — The king not headof the church. — The king a sub-mediator, and an nnder-redeemer, and a sub-priest to offer sacrifices to God for us if he be a vicegerent. — The king no mixed person. — Prelates deny kings to be subject to the gospel. — By no prerogative royal may the king prescribe religious observances and human ceremonies in God's worship. — The P. Prelate giveth to the king a power arbitrary, supreme, and independent, to govern the church. — Reciprocation of subjections of the king to the church, and of the church to the king, in divers kinds, to wit, of ecclesiastical and civil subjection, are no more absurd than for Aaron's priest to teach, instruct and rebuke Moses, if he turn a tyrannous Achab, and Moses to punish Aaron if he turn an obstinate idolator. QUESTION XLIII. Whether the king of Scotland be an absolute prince, having a prerogative above laws and parliaments, . . . . . . . .216 The king of Scotland subject to parliaments by the fundamental laws, acts, and constant practices of parliaments, ancient and late in Scotland. — The king of Scotland's oath at his coronation. — A pretended absolute power given to James VI. upon respect of personal endowments, no ground of absoluteness to the king of Scotland. — By laws and constant practices the kings of Scotland sub- ject to laws and parliaments, proved by the fundamental law of elective princes, and out of the most partial historians, and our acts of parliament of Scotland. — Coronation oath. — And again at the coronation of James VI. that oath sworn ; and again, 1 Pari. James VI. ibid and seq. — How the king is supreme judge in all causes. — The power of the parliaments of Scotland. — The Confes- sion of the faith of the church of Scotland, authorised by divers acts of parliament, doth evi- dently hold forth to all the reformed churches the lawfulness of defensive wars, when the supreme magistrate is misled by wicked counsel. — The same proved from the confessions of faith in other reformed churches.— The place, Rom. xiii., exponed in our Confession of faith. — The confession, not only Saxonic, exhibited to the Council of Trent, but also of Helvetia, France, England, Bohe- mia, prove the same. — William Laud and other prelates, enemies to parliaments, to states, and to the fundamental laws of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. — The parliament of Scotland doth regulate, limit, and set bounds to the king's power. — Fergus the first king not a conqueror. — The king of Scotland below parliaments, considerable by them, hath no negative voice. QUESTION XLIV. General results of the former doctrine in some few corollaries, in twenty-two ques- tions, ......... 227 Concerning monarchy, compared with other forms— How royalty is an issue of nature.— And how magistrates, as magistrates, be natural. — How absoluteness is not a ray of God's majesty. — And resistance not unlawful, because Christ and his apostles used it not in some cases. — Coronation is no ceremony. — Men may limit the power that they gave not. — The commonwealth not a pupil or minor properly. — Subjects not more obnoxious to a king than clients, vassals, children, to their superiors.— If subjection passive be natural. — Whether king Uzziah was dethroned.— Idiots and children not complete kings, children are kings in destination only. — Denial of passive subjection in things unlawful, not dishonourable to the king, more than denial of active obedience in the same things. — The king may not make away or sell any part of his dominions. — People may in some cases convene without the king. — How, and in what meaning subjects are to pay the king's debts. — Subsidies the kingdom's due, rather than the king's. — How the seas, ports, forts, castles, militia, magazine, are the king's, and how they are the kingdom's. SKETCH OF THE LIFE SAMUEL RUTHERFORD. The more prominent features of a man's public life are generally characterised by the spirit of the times in which he lived. If the period has been peaceful and undisturbed by party controversy and the disputes of opposing factions, then all flows smoothly and quietly on ; the minds of the people repose unharassed and unexcited by public conten- tions and quarrels ; there is opportunity for the cultivation of the useful arts ; a taste is displayed in the pursuit of learning and literature, and improvements and discoveries, in every branch of science and art, advance with rapid strides. Such a state of things men of civilized nations in general desire. Yet a period like this, when there has been " peace in the land," looked back upon from a succeeding age, or read as a chapter of history, ap- pears tame and monotonous. There is nothing to arouse the attention or awaken the feelings, when the only record we have of a man is, that he lived, died, and was buried. But it is otherwise when the times have been the scene of anarchy, civil war, or persecu- tion. Then the calmness and repose of the community is broken up ; men are excited and roused by the spirit-stirring events that are passing around them ; each must take their side ; — it is then that their characters are drawn out and shown in a true light : the weak, the timid and undecided, keep the back ground, while men of courage and daring stand forward in bold relief. There has been in the history of mankind, in all ages, two great contending principles at issue — the contest of error against truth, and the struggle of truth with error. On the one side — error, with the violence of oppression, doing all that persecution can accomplish, in endeavouring to exterminate virtue from the moral universe ; and on the other — truth, with noble courage and exalted firmness, maintaining the purity of her principles in oppo- sition to ignorance and persecution. For upwards of four thousand years she has grap- pled with superstition, idolatry, and bigotry, and, with moral weapons, she has vindicated the justice of her principles, which her enemies have found easier to answer with the sword than by argument. In every age error has had the majority, for truth has had few fol- lowers ; but, in the end, she has been triumphant even at the stake, or on the scaffold. Yet the faggot will burn with a fiercer flame, and the guillotine will be deeper dyed with the martyr's blood than it has ever yet been, ere the world assent to the truth of her doc- trines. On looking back, and reviewing the civil and religious history of our own land, we obsei-ve the mighty contest between Popery and the Reformed Doctrine — we see the fearful conflict of right and wrong — and we see truth, with a gigantic effort, burst the fet- ters which had so long held the people in mental bondage and ignorance. Again, we ob- serve the struggles between Presbytery and Episcopacy, during most of the latter half of the seventeenth century ; one party urged on by a spirit of opposition and bigotry, to trample on the religious rights and privileges of the people, and doing all in their power to bring them again under the iron sway of the Church of Rome ; the other, with moral XVI SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF courage and firmness, standing boldly forward, in the front of persecution, tyranny, and oppression, for the cause and promotion of true religion ; and. from the martyrdom of Hamilton, Scotland's first martyr, many a noble spirit has been immolated and set free, for the cause, and at the shrine of Truth ; — " Yet few remember them. They lived unknown Till persecution dragg'd them into fame, And chased them up to heaven." Samuel Rutherford was born in the parish of Nisbet, in Roxburghshire, in the year 1600. Of the sphere in life occupied by his parents, we have no means of correctly ascer- taining. He is mentioned by Reid " to have been born of respectable parents,"* and Wod- row states that he came of " mean, but honest parents." It is probable, however, that his father was engaged in agricultural pursuits ; at all events, he must have held a respectable rank in society, as he otherwise could not have given his son so superior an education. At an early period of his life he discovered a precocious talent, and his parents consequently destined him for the ministry. In 1617 he was sent to Edinburgh, and entered the University as a student, where he appears to have excelled in the studies in which he was engaged, for, in four years, he took his degree of Master of Arts; and in 1623, after a severe contest with three compe- titors, he was elected one of the Regents of the College. The acquirements he displayed at this early period were justly appreciated by his contemporaries. We are told that " the whole Regents, out of their particular knowledge of Mr Samuel Rutherford, demon- strated to them [the Judges] his eminent abilities of mind and virtuous dispositions, wherewith the Judges, being satisfied, declared him successor in the Professor of Humani- ty."! He, however, only acted in the capacity of Regent about two years, and, on leaving his charge, he devoted himself to the study of Theology, under Mr Andrew Ramsay. The Church of Scotland was at this period almost entirely under the jurisdiction of Episcopal bishops. The establishment of Episcopacy had been gradually going on since the accession of James to the throne of England, who lent all his aid and authority to the furtherance of that end. The Presbyterians who would not conform to the discipline of church government which had been obtruded upon them, were cruelly oppressed. Many were imprisoned, and their goods confiscated ; others were banished from their native land ; and not a few were dragged to the scaffold or the stake. At the death of King James, in 1625, his son Charles succeeded to the throne, and the people hoped that their grievances would now be listened to, and their wrongs redressed ; but they were disap- pointed. " The father's madness," says Stevenson, " laid the foundation for his succes- sor's woes, and the son exactly followed the father's steps." J James held the principles of a royal prerogative, and required absolute and implicit obedience in too strict a manner. These he instilled into the mind of his son, and was, unhappily, too successful ; for, on Charles' succession, he carried out the same principles to a most intolerant degree, which was the cause of so much anarchy and confusion in the nation, and entailed upon himself those misfortunes which rendered his reign so unhappy, and his end so miserable. In 1627, Rutherford was licensed as a preacher of the Gospel, and through the influ- ence of John Gordon of Kenmure, (afterwards Viscount Kenmure,) appointed to a church in the parish of Anwoth, in Kirkcudbright. There is sufficient authority to show that he was not inducted by Episcopal ordination. Being firmly attached to the Presbyterian form of Government from his youth, he manifested great dislike to Prelacy, and could never be induced to stoop to the authority of the bishops, which, at that time, was a very difficult matter to evade. We are told by Stevenson, that " until the beginning of the year 1628, some few preachers, by influence, were suffered to enter the ministry without conformity, and in this number we suppose Mr Rutherford may be reckoned, because he was ordained before the doors came to be more closely shut upon honest preachei'S." Other authorities might be quoted to the same effect. Here he discharged the duties of * Lives of the Westminster Divines. t Crawford's History of the University, i Stevenson's Church Historv, Vol. I. SAMUEL KUTHERFORD. XVI his sacred calling with great diligence ; and, no doubt, with success. He was accustomed to rise so early as three o'clock in the morning, and devoted his whole time to the spiri- tual wants of his flock and his own private religious duties. His labours were not confined to his own parishioners, many persons resorted to him from surrounding parishes. " He was," says Livingston, " a great strengthener of all the Christians in that country, who had been the fruits of the ministry of Mr John Welsh, the time he had been at Kirkcud- bright." In 1630, Rutherford experienced a severe affliction by the death of his wife, after a painful and protracted illness of thirteen months, scarcely five years after their marriage. Her death seems to have been the source of much sorrow to him, as he frequently takes notice of it in his letters with much feeling, long after his painful bereavement. To add to his distress, he was himself afflicted with a fever, which lasted upwards of three months, by which he was so much reduced, that it was long ere he was able to perform his sacred duties. John Gordon, Viscount Kenmure, who had long been the friend and patron of Ruther- ford, for whom he entertained the greatest respect and esteem, was in August 1634, seized with a disease which caused his death on September following, to the deep sorrow of Rutherford, who was with him at his last moments. Kenmure was a nobleman of an amiable and pious disposition ; and, as may be supposed, experienced much pleasure in his intercourse with Rutherford. To Lady Kenmure, Rutherford wrote many of his famous " Letters." About this time, the doctrines of Arminius began to spread to an alarming extent amongst the Episcopalians. His tenets were espoused by Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, and also by many of the Scottish prelates, headed by Maxwell, Rishop of Ross, as those only who held the same principles had any chance of preferment in the Church. Ruther- ford viewed the promulgation of these dangerous tenets with great anxiety, and did all in his power to controvert and oppose them. In 1636, appeared his learned treatise, en- titled, " Excrcitationes Apologetics fro Divina Gratia" which was dedicated to Vis- count Kenmure, but was not published till eighteen months after his death. This work gave great offence to the government : he was in consequence summoned to appear before a High Commission Court, which had been constituted by Thomas Sydserff, Rishop of Galloway, a man of Arminian principles, which met at Wigton in June (1636), and there deprived of his office. Sydserff, who had imbibed an inveterate hatred against him, was not satisfied with this, but had him again summoned before the High Commission Court at Edinburgh, which met in July following, and he was there accused " of non-conformity, for preaching against the Perth Articles, and for writing a book, entitled, Exercitationes Apologiticce pro Divina Gratia, which they alleged did reflect upon the Church of Scot- land ; but the truth was, the arguments in that book did cut the sinews of Arminianism, and galled the Episcopal clergy to the quick, and therefore Rishop Lydserff could no longer abide him." Here many other false, frivolous, and extravagant charges were brought against him, but being firm in his innocence, he repelled them all. Lord Lorn (brother to Lady Kenmure), and many others, endeavoured to befriend him ; but such was the malevolence of Sydserff, that he swore an oath, if they did not agree to his wishes, he would write to the king. After three days' trial, sentence was passed upon him, that he be deprived of his pastoral office, and discharged from preaching in any part of Scotland , under pain of rebellion, and to be confined before the 20th of August 1636, within the town of Aberdeen during the king's pleasure. This sentence he obeyed, but severe and unjust as it was, it did not discourage him, for in one of his letters, he says, " I go to my king's palace at Aberdeen ; tongue, pen, nor wit, cannot express my joy." During his confinement in Aberdeen, he wrote many of his well-known " Letters," which have been so popular. Indeed, there are few cottage libraries in Scotland in which they do not find a place among the scanty but select collection. Episcopacy and Arminian- ism at this time held the sole sway in Aberdeen, and it was with no gracious feeling that the learned doctors beheld the arrival of Rutherford. They had all imbibed the principles of their great patron, Laud, and manifested great hostility to Presbyterianism, which was the principal cause of his being sent to that town. He met at first with a cold reception, and his opponents did all in their power to operate on the minds of the people against him. KV111 SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF He says himself, that " the people thought him a strange man, and his cause not good." His innocency, however, and the truth of his cause, began at last to be known, and his popularity was spreading daily ; — which so much alarmed the doctors, that they wished he might be banished from the kingdom. They entered into several disputations with him, but he appears to have proved himself a match for them. " I am here troubled," says he, " with the disputes of the great doctors, (especially with Dr Barron, on ceremonial and Arminian controversies — for all are corrupt here,) but, I thank God, with no detriment to the truth, or discredit to my profession." About this period, great confusion and commotion reigned in Scotland. It had long been the wish of King Charles to introduce the Church of England Service-book and Canons into the worship of the Presbyterians of Scotland. He accordingly, in April 1636, with ill-judged policy, commenced arrangements for its accomplishment, and gave com- mands to Archbishop Laud, Bishops Juxon and Wren, to compile a liturgy for the special use of the Church of Scotland. Consequently, one was soon framed, which was nearly similar to that used in the Church of England, excepting a few alterations ; and, wherever these occurred, the language was almost synonimous with the Roman Missal. In 1637, a pro- clamation was issued, commanding the people's strict observance of this new form of worship, and a day was accordingly fixed for its introduction into Edinburgh, — on which it was presumed that compliance would follow throughout all the land. The feelings of the people, as may be supposed, were roused to a high pitch ; — they stood boldly forward in opposition to such a tyrannical encroachment on their religious liberty, and manifested such a firm and determined spirit of resistance, that Charles soon began to see, when too late, that he had drawn the reing too tight. They would accept of no measure short of an entirely free and unfettered Presbyterian form of worship, and a chain of events followed which led to a renewal of the National Covenant and the abolition of Episcopacy. During these tumults, Rutherford ventured to leave the place of his confinement in Aberdeen, and returned to his parishioners in Anwoth about February 1638, after an absence of more than eighteen months. They did not, however, long enjoy his ministra- tions, as we find him, in the same year, actively engaged in Glasgow in forwarding the great covenanted work of reformation. Rutherford was deputed one of the commissioners from the Presbytery of Kirkcudbright to the famous General Assembly of 1638, which was convened at Glasgow on the 21st of November. He was called upon to give an account of the accusations which had been preferred against him by the high commission court. After deliberation, a sentence was passed in his favour, and he, along with some others who were in the same circumstances, were recognised as members of the Assembly. Soon after this, an application was made to the Assembly's commission to have him trans- ferred to Glasgow, and another by the University of St. Andrews, that he might be elected professor of divinity in the New College there. The commission appointed him to the professorship in St. Andrews, as his learning and talents fully qualified him for that important situation. He manifested, however, great reluctance to leave Anwoth, and pleaded, in a petition, his " bodily weakness and mental incapacity." There were several other petitions presented from the county of Galloway against his leaving Anwoth, but to no effect; the Court sustained his appointment. In October 1639, he removed to the scene of his future labours, and was appointed colleague to Mr Robert Blair, one of the ministers of St. Andrews. Rutherford was nominated one of the commissioners to the General Assembly of divines held at Westminster in 1643. His colleagues were — Alexander Henderson, Robert Baillie, George Gillespie, and Robert Douglas, ministers ; — the Earl of Cassilis, Lord Maitland, (afterwards Duke of Lauderdale,) and Sir Archibald Johnston, of Warriston, ciders. He took a prominent part in all the discussions in that famous council, and pub- lished several works of a controversial and practical nature. About this time, he wrote Lis celebrated work entitled Lex Rex, in answer to a treatise by John Maxwell, the excommunicated Bishop of Ross, entitled " Sacro-Sancta Begum 31ajestas ) or the sacred and royal prerogative of Christian kings, wherein soveraigntie is, by Holy Scripture, reve- rend antiquitie, and sound reason asserted," 4to., Oxford, 1644. This work endeavours to prove, that the royal prerogative of kingly authority is derived alone from God ; and it SAMUEL RUTHERFORD. XX demands an absolute and passive obedience of the subject to the will of the sovereign. The arguments in Lex Rex completely refute all the wild and absurd notions which Maxwell's work contains, although some of the sentiments would be thought rather democratical in modern times. The author displays an intimate knowledge of the classics and the writings of the ancient fathers and schoolmen. The work caused great sensation on its appearance. Bishop Guthrie mentions, that every member of the assembly " had in his hand that book lately published by Mr Samuel Rutherford, which was so idolized, that whereas Buchanan's treatise (de jure Regni apud Scotos) was looked upon as an oracle, this coming forth, it was slighted as not anti-monarchical enough, and Rutherford's Lex Rex only thought authentic." Rutherford, who was anxious to return to Scotland, on account of bad health, had made an application to the Assembly for permission to leave ; but it was not granted till their business was finished, as his services were very valuable to them ; and it was not till 1647 that he was permitted to revisit his native land. On his return to Scotland, he resumed his labours in St. Andrews, and was in December of the same year appointed Principal of the New College, in room of Dr Howie, who had resigned on account of old age. In 1651 he was elected Rector of the University, and was now placed in situations of the highest eminence to which a clergyman of the Church of Scotland can be raised. The fame of Rutherford as a scholar and divine, had now spread both at home and abroad. In the Assembly of 1649, a motion was made, that he would be removed to Edinburgh as Pro- fessor of Divinity in the University ; and about the same time he received a special invita- tion to occupy the chair of Divinity and Hebrew in the University of Harderwyck ; and also another from the University of Utrecht, both of which he respectfully declined. He had too much regard for the interests of the Church of Scotland to leave the kingdom, considering the critical position in which it was at that time placed. During the period which followed the death of Charles I. to the restoration, Rutherford took an active part in the struggles of the church in asserting her rights. Cromwell had in the meantime usurped the throne, and independency held the sway in England. On the death of Cromwell in 1658, measures were taken for the restoration of Charles II. to the throne. The Scottish Parliament met in 1651, when the national covenant was recalled — Presbyterianism abolished — and all the decrees of Parliament, since 1638, which sanctioned the Presbyterian system, were rescinded. The rights of the people were thus torn from them — their liberties trampled upon — and the whole period which follow- ed, till the martyrdom of Renwick in 1688, was a scene of intolerant persecution and bloodshed. Rutherford, as may be supposed, did not escape persecution in such a state of things. His work, Lex, Rex, was considered by the government as " inveighing against monarchie and laying ground for rebellion;" and ordered to be burned by the hand of the common hangman at Edinburgh. It met with similar treatment at St Andrews, and also at London ; and a proclamation was issued, that every person in possession of a copy, who did not deliver it up to the king's solicitor, should be treated as an enemy to the govern- ment. Rutherford himself was deprived of his offices both in the University and the Church, and his stipend confiscated ; he was ordered to confine himself within his own house, and was summoned to appear before the Parliament at Edinburgh, to answer a charge of high treason. It may be easily imagined what his fate would have been had he lived to obey the mandate ; but ere the time arrived he was summoned to a far higher than an earthly tribunal. Not having a strong constitution, and being possessed of an ac- tive mind, he had evidently overworked himself in the share he took in the struggles and controversies of the time. Although not an old man, his health had been gradually de- clining for several years. His approaching dissolution he viewed with Christian calmness and fortitude. A few weeks before his death, he gave ample evidence of his faith and hope in the Gospel, by the Testimony which he left behind him.* On his death-bed he was cheered by the consolations of several Christian friends, and on the 20th of March 1661, in the sixty-first year of his age, he breathed his last, in the full assurance and hope of eternal life. His last words were, " Glory, glory, dwelleth in Emmanuel's land." * A Testimony left by Mr Samuel Rutherford to the Work of Reformation in Great Britain and Ireland, before his death, 8to. Ai SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF SAMUEL RUTHERFORD. On April 28th, 1842, the foundation-stone of a colossal monument, called the " Ruther- furd Monument," was laid to his memory ; it is erected on the farm of Boreland, in the parish of Anwoth, about half-a-mile from where he used to preach. The monument is of granite ; height, from the surface to the apex, sixty feet ; square of the pedestal, seven feet, with three rows of steps. Of the character of Rutherford — as to his talents and piety, nothing need be here said. All who know his writings, will be at a loss whether most to admire his learning and depth of reasoning, or his Christian graces. We give the following list of his works, which is appended to a memoir* by a talented gentleman of this city ; a work compiled with great research and discrimination, and which will amply repay a perusal by all who feel an inte- rest in the remembrance of an individual so distinguished for learning, uprightness, and piety, as was Samuel Rutherford. — Exercitationes Apologeticoz pro Divina Gratia : Amst., 12mo., 1636. A Peaceable and Temperate Plea for PauVs Presbyterie in Scot- land: Lond., 4to., 1642. A Sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons, January 31, 1643. Daniel vi. 26: Lond., 4to., 1644. A Sermon preached before the Honourable House of Lords, the 2bth day of June 1645. Luke vii. 22 — 25. Mark iv. 38 — 40. Matt. viii. 26: Lond., 4to., 1645. Lex, Rex; or the Law and the Prince; a discourse for the just prerogative of king and people : Lond., 4to., 1644. The Due Right of Presbyteries, or a Peaceable Plea for the government of the Church of Scot- land : Lond., 4to., 1644. The Tryal and Triumph of Faith : Lond., 4to., 1645. The Divine Right of Church Government and Excommunication: Lond., 4to., 1646. Christ Dying and Drawing to Himself: Lond., 4to., 1647. A Survey of the Spiritual Anti- christ, opening the secrets of Familisme and Antinomianisme : Lond., 1648. A Free Disputation against Pretended Liberty of Conscience : Lond., 4to, 1649. The Last and Heavenly Speeches, and Glorious Departure of John Gordoun, Viscount Kenmuir : Edin., 4to., 1649. Disputatio Scholastica de Divina Providentia: Edin., 4to, 1651. The Covenant of Life opened: Edin., 4to., 1655. A Survey of the Survey of that Summe of Church Discipline penned by Mr Thomas Hooker : Lond., 4to., 1658. Influ- ences of the Life of Grace : Lond., 4to., 1659. Joshua Redivivus, or Mr Rutherford's Letters, in three parts : 12mo., 1664. Examen Arminianismi, conscriptum et discipulis dictatum a doctissimo clarissimoque viro, D. Samuele Rhetorforte, SS. Theol. in Aca- demia Scotiae Sanctandreana Doctore et Professore: Ultraj., 12mo., 1668. * Life of Samuel Rutherford, by Thomas Murray, L.L.D. Edin., 1827. THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE. Who doubteth (Christian Reader.) but innocency must be under the courtesy and mercy of malice, and that it is a real martyrdom to be brought under the lawless inquisition of the bloody tongue. Christ, the prophets, and apostles of our Lord, went to heaven with the note of traitors, seditious men, and such as turned the world npside down : calumnies of treason to Caesar were an ingredient in Christ's cup, and therefore the author is the more willing to drink of that cup that touched his lip, who is our glorious Forerunner : what, if conscience toward God, and credit with men, cannot both go to heaven with the saints, the author is satisfied with the for- mer companion, and is willing to dismiss the other. Truth to Christ cannot be treason to Ceesar, and for his choice he judgeth truth to have a nearer relation to Christ Jesus, than the transcendent and bound- less power of a mortal prince. He considered that popery and defection had made a large step in Britain, and that arbitrary govern- ment had over-swelled all banks of law, that it was now at the highest float, and that this sea approach- ing the farthest border of fancied absoluteness, was at the score of ebbing : and the naked truth is, pre- lates, a wild and pushing cattle to the lambs and flock of Christ, had made a hideous noise, the wheels of their chariot did run an equal pace with the blood-thirsty mind of the daughter of Babel. Pre- lacy, the daughter planted in her mother's blood, must verify that word, As is the mother, so is the daughter : why, but do not the prelates now suffer ? True, but their sufferings are not of blood, or kin- dred, to the calamities of these of whom Lactantius saith, (1. 5, c. 19,) quam honesta voluntate miseri erant. The causes of their suffering are, 1. Hope of gain and glory, steering their helm to a shore they much affect ; even to a church of gold, of pur- ple, yet really of clay and earth. 2. The lie is more active upon the spirits of men, not because of its own weakness, but because men are more passive in receiving the impressions of error than truth ; and opinions lying in the world's fat womb, or of a con- quering nature, whatever notions side with the world, to prelates and men of their make are very efficacious. There is another cause of the sickness of our time, God plagued heresy to beget Atheism and se- curity, as atheism and security had begotten heresy, even as clouds through reciprocation of causes en- gender rain, rain begat vapours, vapours clouds, and clouds rain, so do sins overspread our sad times in a circular generation. And now judgment presseth the kingdoms, and of all the heaviest judgments the sword, and of swords the civil sword, threateneth vastation, yet not, I hope, like the Roman civil sword, of which it was said, Bella geri placuit nullos habitura triumphos. I hope this war shall be Christ's triumph, Baby- lon's ruin. That which moved the author, was not (as my ex- communicate adversary, like a Thraso, saith) the escapes of some pens, which necessitated him to write, for many before me hath learnedly trodden in this path, but that I might add a new testimony to the times. I have not time to examine the P. Prelate's pre- face, only, I give a taste of his gall in this preface, and of a virulent piece, of his agnosco stylum et gc- nium Thrasonis, in which he laboureth to prove how inconsistent presbyterial government is with mon- archy, or any other government. 1. He denieth that the crown and sceptre is under any co-active power of pope or presbytery, or cen- surable, or dethroneable ; to which we say, presby- teries profess that kings are under the co-active power of Christ's keys of discipline, and that pro- phets and pastors, as ambassadors of Christ, have the keys of the kingdom of God, to open and let in believing princes, and also to shut them out, if they rebel against Christ ; the law of Christ excepteth none, (Mat. xvi. 19 ; xviii. 15, 16 ; 2 Cor. x. 6 ; Jer. i. 9,) if the king's sins may be remitted in a ministe- rial way, (as Job xx. 23, 24,) as prelates and their priests absolve kings ; we think they may be bound by the hand that loosed ; presbyteries never de- throned kings, never usurped that power. Your father, P. Prelate, hath dethroned many kings ; I mean the Pope, whose power, by your own confes- sion, (c. 6, p. 58,) differeth from yours by divine right only in extent. 2. When sacred hierarchy, the order instituted by Christ, is overthrown, what is the condition of sovereignty ? — Ans. — Surer than before, when pre- lates deposed kings. 2. I fear Christ shall never own this order. 3. The mitre cannot suffer, and the diadem be secured.- — Ans. — Have kings no pillars to their thrones but antichristian prelates. Prelates have trampled diadem and sceptre under their feet, as histories teach us. 4. Do they not (puritans) magisterially determine that kings are not of God's creation by authorita- tive commission ; but only by permission, extorted by importunity, and way given, that they may be a scourge to a sinful people? — Ans. — Any unclean spirit from hell, could not speak a blacker lie ; we hold that the king, by office, is the church's nurse father, a sacred ordinance, the deputed power of God ; but by the Prelate's way, all inferior judges, and God's deputies on earth, who are also our fathers in the fifth commandment style, are to be obeyed by no divine law ; the king, misled by p. prelates, shall forbid to obey them, who is in downright truth, a mortal civil pope, may loose and liberate subjects from the tie of a divine law. 5. His inveighing against ruling elders, and the rooting out of antichristian prelacy, without any word of Scripture on the contrary, I pass as the extravagancy of a malcontent, because he is de- servedly excommunicated for perjury, popery, So- cinianism, tyranny over men's conscience, and invad- ing places of civil dignity, and deserting his calling, and the camp of Christ, &c. 6. None were of old anointed but kings, priests, and prophets ; who, then, more obliged, to maintain the Lord's anointed, than priests and prophets ? The church hath never more beauty and plenty un- der any government than monarchy, which is most countenanced by God, and magnified by Scripture. — Ans. Pastors are to maintain the rights of peo- ple, and a true church, no less than the right of kings ; but prelates, the court parasites, and crea- tures of the king, that are born for the glory of their king, can do no less than profess this in words, yet it is true that Tacitus writeth of such, (Hist. 1. 1,) Libentius cum fortuna principis, quam cumprin- cipe loquuntur .- and it is true, that the church hath had plenty under kings, not so much, because they were kings, as because they were godly and zealous : except the P. P. say, that the oppressing kings of Israel and Judah, and the bloody horns that made war with the lamb, are not kings. In the rest of the epistle he extols the Marquis of Ormond with base flattery, from his loyalty to the king, and his more than admirable prudence in the treaty of cessation with the rebels ; a woe is due to this false prophet, who calleth darkness light, for the former was abominable and perfidious apostacy from the Lord's cause and people of God, whom he once defended, and the cessation was a selling of the blood of many hundred thousand protestants, men, women, and sucking children. This cursed P. hath written of late a treatise against the presbyterial government of Scotland, in which there is a bundle of lies, hellish calumnies, and gross errors. 1. The first lie is, that we have lay elders, where- as, they are such as rule, but labour not in the word and doctrine (1 Tim. v. 7, p. 3). 2. The second lie, that deacons, who only attend tables, are joint rulers with pastors (p. 3). 3. That we never, or little use the lesser excom- munication, that is, debarring from the Lord's Sup- per (p. 4J. 4. That any church judicature in Scotland exact- eth pecuniary mulcts, and threaten excommunica- tion to the non-payers, and refuseth to accept the repentance of any who are not able to pay : the civil magistrate only fineth for drunkenness, and adultery, blaspheming of God, which are frequent sins in prelates. 5. A calumny it is to say that ruling elders are of equal authority to preach the word as pastors (p. 7). 6. That laymen are members of presbyteries or general assemblies. Buchanan and Mr Melvin were doctors of divinity ; and could have taught such an ass as John Maxwell. 7. That expectants are intruders upon the sacred function, because, as sons of the prophets, they exer- cise their gifts for trial in preaching. 8. That the presbytery of Edinburgh hath a super- intending power, because they communicate the af- fairs of the church, and write to the churches, what they hear prelates and hell devise against Christ and his church. 9. That the king must submit his sceptre to the presbytery; the king's sceptre is his royal office, which is not subject to any judicature.no more than any lawful ordinance of Christ ; but if the king, as a man, blaspheme God, murder the innocent, advance belly-gods, (such as our prelates, for the most part, were,) above the Lord's inheritance, the ministers of Christ are to say, " The king troubleth Israel, and they have the keys to open and shut heaven to, and upon the king, if he can offend." 10. That king James said, a Scottish presbytery and a monarchy agreeth as well as God and the devil, is true, but king James meant of a wicked king ; else he spake as a man. 11. That the presbytery, out of pride, refused to answer king James's honourable messengers, is a lie; they could not, in business of high concern- ment, return a present answer to a prince, seeking still to abolish presbyteries. 12. Its a lie, that all sins, even all civil business, come under the cognizance of the church, for only sins, as publicly scandalous, fall under their power. (Matt, xviii. 15—17, &c. ; 2 Thess. iii. 11 ; 1 Tim. v. 20.) It is a calumny that they search out secret crimes, or that they ever disgraced the innocent, or divided families ; where there be flagrant scandals, and pregnant suspicions, of scandalous crimes, they search out these, as the incest of Spotswood, P. Prelate of St Andrews, with his own daughter ; the adulteries of Whiteford, P. Prelate of Brichen, whose bastard came weeping to the assembly of Glasgow in the arms of the prostitute : these they searched out, but not with the damnable oath, ex officio, that the high commission put upon inno- cents, to cause them accuse themselves against the law of nature. 13. The presbytery hinder not lawful merchandise; scandalous exhortation, unjust suits of law, they may forbid ; and so doth the Scripture, as scandalous to Christians, 2 Cor. vi. 14. They repeal no civil laws ; they preach against unjust and grievous laws, as, Isaiah (x. 1) doth, and censure the violation of God's holy day, which pre- lates profaned. 15. ^\ e know no parochial popes, we turn out no holy ministers, but only dumb dogs, non-residents, scandalous, wretched, and apostate prelates. 16. Our moderator hath no dominion, the P. Pre- late absolveth him, while he saith, "All is done in our church by common consent" (p. 7). 17. It is true, we have no popish consecration, such as P. Prelate contendeth for in the mass, but we have such as Christ and his apostles used, in con- secrating the elements. 18. If any sell the patrimony of the church, the presbytery censures him ; if any take buds of malt, J meal, beef, it is no law with us, no more than the bishop's five hundred marks, or a year's stipend that the entrant gave to the Lord Bishop for a church. And whoever took buds in these days, (as king James by the earl of Duubar, did buy episco- pacy at a pretended assembly, by foul budding,) they were either men for the episcopal way, or per- fidiously against their oath became bishops, all per- sonal faults of this kind imputed to presbyteries, agree to them under the reduplication of episcopal 19. The leading men that covered the sins of the dying man, and so lost his soul, were episcopal men ; and though some men were presbyterians, the faults of men cannot prejudice the truth of God ; but the prelates always cry out against the rigour of presbyteries in censuring scandals ; because they themselves do ill, they hate the light; now here the Prelate condemneth them of remissness in dis- cipline. 20. Satan, a liar from the beginning, saith, The presbytery was a seminary and nursery of fiends, contentions, and bloods, because they excommuni- cated murderers against king James' will ; which is all one to say, prophecying is a nurse of bloods, because the prophets cryed out against king Achab, and the murderers of innocent Naboth : the men of God must be either on the one side or the other, or then preach against reciprocation of injuries. 21. It is false that presbyteries usurp both swords ; because they censure sins, which the civil magistrate should censure and punish. Elias might be said then to mix himself with the civil business of the kingdom, because be propheeied against ido- laters' killing of the Lord's prophets ; which crime the civil magistrate was to punish. But the truth is, the assembly of Glasgow, 1637, condemned the prelates, because they, being pastors, would be also lords of parliament, of session, of secret council, of exchequer, judges, barons, and in their lawless high commission, would fine, imprison, and use the 6word. 22. It is his ignorance that he saith, a provincial synod is an associate body chosen out of all judi- cial presbyteries ; for all pastors and doctors, with- out delegation, by virtue of their place and office, repair to the provincial synods, and without any choice at all, consult and voice there. 23. It is a lie that some leading men rule all here ; indeed, episcopal men made factions to rent the synods; and though men abuse their power to factions, this cannot prove that presbyteries are in- consistent with monarchy; for then the Prelate, the monarch of his diocesan rout, should be anti-mo- narchical in ahigher manner, for he ruleth all at his will. 24. The prime men, as Mr R. Bruce, the faithful servant of Christ, was honoured and attended by all, because of his suffering, zeal, holiness, his fruitful ministry in gaining many thousand souls to Christ. So, though king James cast him off, and did swear, by God's name, he intended to be king, (the Prelate niaketh blasphemy a virtue in the king,) yet king James swore he could not find an honest minister in Scotland to be a bishop, and therefore he was neces- sitated to promote false knaves ; but he said some- times, and wrote it under his hand, that Mr R. Bruce was worthy of the half of his kingdom : but will this prove presbyteries inconsistent with monarchies ? I should rather think that knave bishops, by king James' judgment, were inconsistent with monarchies. 25. His lies of Mr R. Bruce, excerpted out of the lying manuscripts of apostate Spotswood, in that he would not but preach against the king's recalling from exile some bloody popish lords to undo all, are nothing comparable to the incests, adulteries, blas- phemies, perjuries, Sabbath-breaches, drunkenness, profanity, &c, committed by prelates before the sun. 26. Our General Assemby is no other than Christ's court, (Acts xv.) made up of pastors, doctors, and brethren, or elders. 27. They ought to have no negative vote to impede the conclusions of Christ in his servants. 28. It is a lie that the king hath no power to ap- point time and place for the General Assembly ; but his power is not privative to destroy the free courts of Christ, but accumulative to aid and assist them. 29. It is a lie that our General Assembly may re- peal laws ; command and expect performance of the king, ort.: u excommunicate, subject to them, force and compii king, judges, and all, to submit to them. They may not force the conscience of the poorest beggar, nor is any Assembly infallible, nor can it lay bounds upon the souls of judges, which they are to obey with blind obedience — their power is ministe- rial, subordinate to Christ's law; and what civil laws parliaments make against God's word, they may authoritatively declare them to be unlawful, as though the emperor (Acts xv.) had commanded for- nication and eating of blood. Might not the Assem- bly forbid these in the synod ? 1 conceive the pre- lates, if they had power, would repeal the act of par- liament made, anno 1641, in Scotland, by his majesty personally present, and the three estates concerning the annulling of these acts of parliament and laws which established bishops in Scotland ; therefore bishops set themselves as independent monarchs above kings and laws ; and what they damn in pres- byteries and assemblies, that they practise them- selves. 30. Commissioners from burghs, and two from Edinburgh, because of the largeness of that church, not for cathedral supercminence, sit in assemblies, not as sent from burghs, but as sent and authorised by the church session of the burgh, and so they sit there in a church capacity. 31. Doctors both in academies and in parishes, we desire, and our book of discipline holdeth forth such. 32. They hold, (I believe with warrant of God's word,) if the king refuse to reform religion, the in- ferior judges, aud assembly of godly pastors, and other church-officers may reform ; if the king will not kiss the Son, and do his duty in purging the House of the Lord, may not Eliah and the people do their duty, and cast out Baal's priests. Refor- mation of religion is a personal act that belongeth to all, even to any one private person according to his place. 33. They may swear a covenant without the king, if he refuse ; and build the Lord's house (2 Chron. xv. 9) themselves ; and relieve and defend one an- other, when they are oppressed. For my acts and duties of defending myself and the oppressed, do not tye my conscience conditionally, so the king con- sent, but absolutely, as all duties of the law of na- ture do. (Jer. xxii. 3; Prov. xxiv. 11 ; Isa. lviii. 6 ; i. 17.) 34. The P. Prelate condemneth our reformation, because it was done against the will of our popish queen. This showeth what estimation he hath of popery, and how he abhorreth protestant religion. 35. They deposed the queen for her tyranny, but crowned her son; all this is vindicated in the fol- lowing treatise. 36. The killing of the monstrous and prodigious wicked cardinal in the Castle of St Andrews, and the violence done to the prelates, who against all law of God and man, obtruded a mass service upon their own private motion, in Edinburgh anno 1637, can conclude nothing against presbyterial govern- ment except our doctrine commend these acts as lawful. 37. What was preached by the servant of Christ, whom (p. 46) he calleth the Scottish Pope, is printed, and the P. Prelate durst not, could not, cite any thing thereof as popish or unsound, he knoweth that the man whom he so slandereth, knocked down the Pope and the prelates. 38. The making away the fat abbacies and bishop- rics is a bloody heresy to the earthly-minded Prelate ; the Confession of Faith commended by all the pro- testant churches, as a strong bar against popery, and the book of discipline, in which the servants of God laboured twenty years with fasting and pray- ing, andfrcquent advice and counsel from the whole reformed churches, are to the P. Prelate a nega- tive faith and devout imaginations ; it isa lie that episcopacy, by both sides, was ever agreed on by law in Scotland. 39. And it was a heresy that Mr Melvin taught, that presbyter and bishop are one function in Scrip- ture, and that abbots and priors were not in God's books, die ubilegis; and is this a proof of incon- sistency of presbyteries with a monarchy ? 40. It is a heresy to the P. Prelate that the church appoint a fast, when king James appointed an unseasonable feast, when God's wrath was upon the land, contrary to God's word (Isa. xxii. 12 — 14) ; and what ! will this prove presbyteries to be incon- sistent with monarchies ? 41. This Assembly is to judge what doctrine is treasonable. What then ? Surely the secret coun- cil and king, in a constitute church, is not synodi- cally to determine what is true or false doctrine, more than the Roman emperor could make the church canon, Acts xv. 42 Mr Gibson, Mr Black, preached against king James' maintaining the tyranny of bishops, his sympathizing with papists, and other crying sins, and were absolved in a general Assembly ; shall this make presbyteries inconsistent with monarchy ? Nay, but it proveth only that they are inconsistent with the wickedness of some monarchies ; and that pre- lates have been like the four hundred false prophet3 that flattered king Achab, and those men that preached against the sins of the king and court, by prelates in both kingdoms, have been imprisoned, banished, their noses ript, their cheeks burnt, their ears cut. 43. The godly men that kept the Assembly of Aberdeen, anno'l603, did stand for Christ's Prero- gative, when king James took away all General As- semblies, as the event proved ; and the king may, with as good warrant, inhibit all Assemblies for word and sacrament, as for church discipline. 44. They excommunicate not for light faults and trifles, as the liar saith : our discipline saith the contrary. 45. This assembly never took on them to choose the king's counsellors ; but those who were in au- thority took king James, when he was a child, out of the company of a corrupt and seducing papist, Esme Duke of Lennox, whom the P. Prelate nam- eth noble, worthy, of eminent endowments. 46. It is true Glasgow Assembly, 1637, voted down the high commission, because it was not con- sented unto by the church, and yet was a church judicature, which took upon them to judge of the doctrine of ministers, and deprive them, and did encroach upon the liberties of the established law- ful church judicatures. 47. This Assembly might well forbid Mr John Graham, minister, to make use of an unjust decree, it being scandalous in a minister to oppress. 48. Though nobles, barons, and burgesses, that profess the truth, be elders, and so members of the general Assembly, this is not to make the church the house, and the commonwealth the hanging ; for the constituent members, we are content to be examined by the pattern of synods, Acts xv. 22, 23. Is this inconsistent with monarchy ? 49. The commissioners of the General Assembly, are, 1. A mere occasional judicature. 2. Appointed by, and subordinate to the General Assembly. 3. They have the same warrant of God's word, that messengers of the synod (Acts. xv. 22—27) hath. 50. The historical calumny of the 17th day of De- cember, is known to all : 1. That the ministers had any purpose to dethrone king James, and that they wrote to John L. Marquis of Hamilton, to be king, because king James had made defection from the true religion: Satan devised, Spotswood and this P. Prelate vented this ; I hope the true history of this is known to all. The holiest pastors, and professors in the kingdom, asserted this government, suffered for it, contended with authority only for sin, never for the power and office. These on the contrary side were men of another stamp, who minded earth- ly things, whose God was the world. 2. All the forged inconsistency betwixt presbyteries and mo- narchies, is an opposition with absolute monarchy and concluded with a like strength against parlia- ments, and all synods of either side, against the law and gospel preached, to which kings and kingdoms are subordinate. Lord establish peace and truth. LEX, REX. QUESTION I. WHETHER GOVERNMENT BE WARRANTED BY A DIVINE LAW. I reduce all that I am to speak of the power of kings, to the author or efficient, — the matter or subject, — the form or power, — the end and fruit of their government, — and to some cases of resistance. Hence, The question is either of government in general, or of particular species of govern- ment, such as government by one only, called monarchy, the government by some chief leading men, named aristocracy, the government by the people, going under the name of democracy. We cannot but put difference betwixt the institution of the of- fice, viz. government, and the designation of person or persons to the office. What is warranted by the direction of nature's light is warranted by the law of nature, and con- sequently by a divine law; for who can deny the law of nature to be a divine law ? That power of government in general must be from God, I make good, 1st, Be- cause (Rom. xiii, 1) " there is no power but of God ; the powers that be are or- dained of God." 2d, God commandeth obedience, and so subjection of conscience to powers ; Rom. xiii. 5, " Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, (or civil punishment) but also for conscience sake ;" 1 Pet. ii. 13, " Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man, for the Lord's sake, whether it be to the king as supreme," &c. Now God only by a divine law can lay a band of subjection on the conscience, tying men to guilt and punishment jf they transgress. Conckis. All civil power is immediately from God in its root ; in that, 1st, God hath made man a social creature, ami one who inclineth to be governed by man. then certainly he must have put this power in man's nature : so are we, by good reason, taught by Aristotle. 1 2d, God and nature intendeth the policy and peace of mankind, then must God and nature have given to mankind a power to compass this end ; and this must be a power of government. I see not, then, why John Prelate, Mr Maxwell, the excommunicated prelate of Ross, who speaketh in the name of J. Armagh, 2 had reason to say, That he feared that we fan- cied that the government of superiors was only for the more perfect, but had no au- thority over or above the perfect, nee rex, nee lex, justo posita. He might have im- puted this to the Brazillians, who teach, that every single man hath the power of the sword to revenge his own injuries, as Molina saith. 3 QUESTION II. WHETHER OR NOT GOVERNMENT BE WAR- RANTED BY THE LAW OF NATURE. As domestic society is by nature's instinct, so is civil society natural in radiec, in the root, and voluntary in modo, in the man- ner of coalescing, Politic power of govern- ment agreeth not to man, singly as one man, except in that root of reasonable na- i Aristot. Polit- Iib.l,c.2. 3 Sacro Sane. Reg. Majestas, c. 1, p. 1, 3 Molina, torn. 1, de justit. ^ in me and by me, and also Doctor An- drews. Kings indefinitely, all kings : none may distinguish where the law distinguish- eth not, — they reign in concreto. That same power that maketh kings must unmake them. Ans. — 1. The prelate cannot restrict this to kings only ; it extendeth to parliaments also. Solomon addeth, Q , 3T"n and con- suls, QH8P all the sirs, and princes, QO'IJT and magnificents, and nobles, and more JHtf '£2^ SD and all the judges of the earth, they reign, rule, and decree justice by Christ. Here, then, ma- yors, sheriffs, provosts, constables, are by the Prelate extolled as persons sacred, irresis- tible. Then, (1.) the judges of England rule not by the king of Britain, as their author, efficient, constituent, but by Jesus Christ immediately ; nor doth the commissary rule by the prelate. (2.) All these, and their power, and persons, ride independently, and immediately by Jesus Christ. (3.) All in- ferior judges are itamya.} rov StoZ, the ordi- nances of God not revocable. Therefore the king cannot deprive any judge under him ; he cannot declare the parliament no parliament : once a judge, and always and irrevocably a judge. This Prelate's poor pleading for kings deserves no wages. La- vater intelligit superiorcs et inferiores ma- gistratuS) non est potcstas nisi a deo, Vata- blus consiliarios. 2. If the people had absolute right to choose kings by the law of Israel, they might have chosen another than either Adonijah or Solomon ; but the Lord expressly put an express law on them, that they should make no king but him whom the Lord should choose, Deut. xvii. 4. Now the Lord did either by his immediately in- spired prophet anoint the man, as he anoin- ted David, Saul, Jehu, &c, or then he re- stricted, by a revealed promise, the royal power to a family, and to the eldest by birth ; and, therefore, the Lord first chose the man and then the people made him king. Birth was not their rule, as is clear, in that they made Solomon their king, not 11 LEX, REX ; OR, Adonijah, the elder ; and this proveth that God did both ordain kingly government to the kingdom of Israel, and chose the man, either in his person, or tied it to the first- born of the line. Now we have no Scrip- ture nor law of God to tie royal dignity to one man or to one family ; produce a war- rant for it in the Word, for that must be a privilege of the Jews for which we have no word of God. We have no immediately in- spired Samuels to say, "Make David, or this man king ;" and no word of God to say, " Let the first-born of this family rather than another family sit upon the throne;" therefore the people must make such a man king, following the rule of God's word, (Deut. xvii. 14,) and other rules showing what sort of men judges must be, as Deut. i. 16—18; 2 Chron. xix. 6, 7. 3. It is true, kings in a special manner reign by Christ ; therefore not by the people's free election ? The P. Prelate argueth like himself : by this text a mayor of a city by the Lord decreeth justice ; therefore he is not made a mayor of a city by the people of the city. It follovveth not. None of us teach that kings reign by God's anger. We judge a king a great mercy of God to church or state ; but the text saith not, By the Lord kings and judges do not only reign and decree justice, but also murder protestants, by raising against them an army of papists. And the word 1t*Tuyui, powers, doth in no Greek author signily irrevocable powers; for Uzziah was a lawful king, and yet (2 Chron. xxvi.) lawfully put from the throne, and " cut off from the house of the Lord." And interpreters of this passage deny that it is to be understood of tyrants. So the Chaldee paraphrase turns it well, Potentes virga justhiai .- 1 so Lavater and Diodatus saith, this place doth prove, " That all kings, judges and laws, derivari a lege cetcrna, are derived from the Eternal Law." The prelate, eating his tongue for anger, striveth to prove that all power, and so royal power, is of God ; but what can he make of it ? We believe it, though he say (p. 30,) secta- ries prove, by *«» m< " That a man is justi- fied by faith only ;" so there is no power but of God only : but feel the smell of a Jesuit. It is the sectaries' doctrine, that we are jus- tified by faith only, but the prelates and the Jesuits go another way, — not by faith only, but by works also. And all power is from i Aquinas, 12, q. 93, art. 3. God only, as the first Author, and from no man. What then ? Therefore men and people interpose no human act in making this man a king and not that man. It fol- loweth not. Let us with the Prelate join Paul and Solomon together, and say, " That sovereignty is from God, of God, by God, as God's appointment irrevocable." Then shall it never follow : it is inseparable from the person unless you make the king a man im- mortal. As God only can remove the crown, it is true God only can put an unworthy and an excommunicated prelate from office and benefice ; but how ? Doth that prove that men and the church may not also in their place remove an unworthy churchman, when the church, following God's word, delivereth to Satan? Christ only, as head of the church, excommunicateth scandalous men ; therefore the church cannot do it. And yet the argument is as good the one way as the other ; for all the churches on earth cannot make a minister properly,— they but design him to the ministry whom God hath gifted and called. But shall we conclude that no church on earth, but God only, by an im- mediate action from heaven, can deprive a minister? How, then, dare prelates excom- municate, unmake, and imprison so many ministers in the three kingdoms? But the truth is, take this one argument from the Prelate, and all that is in his book falleth to the ground, — to wit, Sovereignty is from God only. A king is a creature of God's making only ; and what then ? Therefore sovereignty cannot be taken from him : so God only made Aaron's house priests. So- lomon had no law to depose Abiathar from the priesthood. Possibly the Prelate will grant all. The passage, Rom. xiii., which he saith hath tortured us, I refer to a fitter place — it will be found to torture court parasites. I go on with the Prelate, (c. 3,) " Sacred sovereignty is to be preserved, and kings are to be prayed for, that we may lead a godly life," 1 Tim. iii. What then ? All in authority are to be prayed for, — even parliaments ; by that text pastors are to be prayed for, and without them sound religion cannot well subsist. Is this questioned, that kings should be prayed for ; or are we want- ing in this duty ? but it followeth not that all dignities to be prayed for are imme- diately from God, not from men. P. Prelate. — Prov. viii., Solomon spcak- cth first of the establishment of government before he speaks of the works of creation ; THE LAW AND THE V1UXCE. 15 therefore better not bo at all as be without government. And God fixed government in the person of Adam before Eve, or any one else, came into the world ; and how shall government be, and we enjoy the fruits of it, except we preserve the king's sacred authority inviolable ? Ans. — 1. Moses (Gen. i.) speaketh of creation before he speaketh of kings, and he speaketh (Gen. iii.) of Adam's sins be- fore he speaks of redemption through the blessed Seed ; therefore better never be re- deemed at all as to be without sin. 2. If God made Adam a governor before he made Eve, and any of mankind, he was made a father and a husband before he had either son or wife. Is this the Prelate's logic ? He may prove that two eggs on his father's table are three this way. 3. There is no government where sovereignty is not kept inviolable. It is true, where there is a king, sovereignty must be inviolable. What then ? Arbitrary government is not sove- reignty. 4. He intimateth aristocracy, and democracy, and the power of parliaments, which maketh kings, to be nothing but anar- chy, for he speaketh here of no government but monarchy. P. Prelate. — There is need of grace to obey the king, Psal. xviii. 43 ; cxliv. 2. It is God who subdueth the people under Da- vid. Rebellion against the king is rebellion against God. 1 Pet. ii. 17 ; Prov. xxiv. 12. Therefore kings have a near alliance with God. Ans. — 1. There is much grace in papists and prelates then, who use to write and preach against grace. 2. Lorinus your bro- ther Jesuit will, with good warrant of the texts infer, that the king may make a con- quest of his own kingdoms of Scotland and England by the sword, as David subdued the heathen. 3. Arbitrary governing hath no alliance with God ; a rebel to God and his country, and an apostate, hath no reason to term lawful defence against cut -throat Irish rebellion. 4. There is need of much grace to obey pastors, inferior judges, masters, (Col. iii. 22, 23,) therefore their power is from God immediately, and no more from men than the king is created king by the people, according to the way of royalists. P. Prelate— God saith of Pharaoh, (Ex. ix. 17,) I have raised thee up. Elisha, di- rected by God, constituted the king of Sy- ria, 2 Kings viii. 13. Pharaoh, Abime- lech, Hiram, Hazael, Hadad, are no less honoured with the appellation of kings, than David, Saul, &c., Jer. xxix. 9. Nebuchad- nezzar is honoured to be called, by way of excellency, God's servant, which God giveth to David, a king according to his own heart. And Isa. xlv. I, " Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, Cyrus ;" and God nameth him near a hundred years before lie was born; Isa. xliv. 28, "He is my shepherd;" Dan. v. 21, God giveth kingdoms to whom he will; Dan. v. 21, empires, kingdoms, roy- alties, are not disposed of by the composed contracts of men, but by the immediate hand and work of God ; Hos. xiii. 11, " I gave thee a king in my anger, I took him away in my wrath ;" Job, He places kings in the throne, &c. Ans. — Here is a whole chapter of seven pages for one raw argument ten times before repeated. 1. Exod. ix. 7, I have raised up Pharaoh ; Paul expoundeth it, (Rom. ix.) to prove that king Pharaoh was a vessel of wrath fitted for destruction by God's abso- lute will ; and the Prelate following Ar- minius, with treasonable charity, applieth this to our king. Can this man pray for the king ? 2. Elisha anointed, but did not constitute, Hazael king ; he foretold he should be king ; and if he be a king of God's making, who slew his sick prince and invaded the throne by innocent blocd, judge you. I would not take kings of the Pre- late's making. 3. If God give to Nebu- chadnezzar the same title of the servant of God, which is given to Daniel, (Psal. xviii. 1, and cxvi. 16 ;) and to Moses, (Jos. i. 2,) all kings, because kings, are men according to God's heart. Why is not royalty then founded on grace ? Nebuchadnezzar was not otherwise his servant, than he was the hammer of the earth, and a tyrannous con- queror of the Lord's people. All the hea- then kings are called kings. But how came they to their thrones for the most part ? As David and Hezekiah ? But God anoint- ed them not by his prophets ; they came to their kingdoms by the people's election, or by blood and rapine ; the latter way is no ground to you to deny Athaliah to be a law- ful princess — she and Abimelech were law- ful princes, and their sovereignty, as imme- diately and independently from God, as the sovereignty of many heathen kinos. See then how justly Athaliah was killed as a bloody usurper of the throne ; and this would licence your brethren, the Jesuits, to stab heathen kings, whom you will have as 16 LEX, REX well kings, as the Lord's anointed, though Nebuchadnezzar and many of them made their way to the throne, against all law of God and man, through a bloody patent, 4. Cyrus is God's anointed and his shepherd too, therefore his arbitrary government is a sovereignty immediately depending on God, and above all law ; it is a wicked consequence. 5. God named Cyrus near a hundred years ere he was born ; God named and designed Judas veiy individu- ally, and named the ass that Christ should ride on to Jerusalem, (Zach. ix. 9,) some more hundred years than one. What, will the Prelate make them independent kings for that ? 6. God giveth kingdoms to whom he will. What then ? This will prove king- doms to be as independent and immediately from God as kings are ; for as God giveth kings to kingdoms, so he giveth kingdoms to kings, and no doubt he giveth kingdoms to whom he will. So he giveth prophets, apostles, pastors, to whom he will ; and he giveth tyrannous conquests to whom he will : and it is Nebuchadnezzar to whom Daniel speaketh that from the Lord, and he had no just title to many kingdoms, especially to the kingdom of Judah, which yet God, the King of kings, gave to him because it was his good pleasure ; and if God had not commanded them by the mouth of his pro- phet Jeremiah, might they not have risen, and, with the sword, have vindicated them- selves and their own liberty, no less than they lawfully, by the sword, vindicated themselves from under Moab, (Judges hi.,) and from under Jabin, king of Canaan, who, twenty years, mightily oppressed the children of Israel, Judges iv. Now this P. Prelate, by all these instances, making hea- then kings to be kings by as good a title as David and Hezekiah, condemneth the peo- ple of God as rebels, if, being subdued and conquered by the Turk and Spanish king, they should, by the sword, recover their own liberty; and that Israel, and the sa- viours which God raised to them, had not warrant from the law of nature to vindicate themselves to liberty, which was taken from them violently and unjustly by the sword. From all this it shall well follow that the tyranny of bloody conquerors is immediately and only dependent from God, no less than lawful sovereignty ; for Nebuchadnezzar's sovereignty over the people of God, and many other kingdoms also, was revenged of God as tyranny, Jer, 1. 6, 7 ; and therefore the vengeance of the Lord, and the ven- geance of his temple, came upon him and his land, Jer. 1. 16, &c. It is true the peo- ple of God were commanded of God to sub- mit to the king of Babylon, to serve him, and to pray for him, and to do the contrary was rebellion ; but this was not because the king of Babylon was their king, and because the king of Babylon had a command of God so to bring under his yoke the people of God. So Christ had a commandment to suffer the death of the cross, (John x. 18,) but had Herod and Pilate any warrant to crucify him ? None at all. 7. He saith, Royal- ties, even of heathen kings, are not disposed of by the composed contracts of men, but by the immediate hand and work of God. But the contracts of men to give a kingdom to a person, which a heathen community may lawfully do, and so by contract dispose of a kingdom, is not opposite to the immediate hand of God, appointing royalty and mo- narchy at his own blessed liberty. Lastly he saith, God took away Saul in his wrath ; but I pray you, did God only do it ? Then had Saul, because a king, a patent royal from God to kill himself, for so God took him away ; and we are rebels by this, if we suffer not the king to kill himself. Well pleaded. QUESTION VI. WHETHER THE KING BE SO FROM GOD ONLY, BOTH IN REGARD OF HIS SOVEREIGNTY AND OF THE DESIGNATION OF HIS PERSON TO THE CROWN, AS THAT HE IS NO WAY FROM THE PEOPLE, BUT BY MERE APPROBATION. Dr Feme, a man much for monarchy, saith, Though monarchy hath its excel- lency, being first set up of God, in Moses, yet neither monarchy, aristocracy, nor any other form, is jure divino, but " we say (saith he) 1 the power itself, or that suffi- ciency of authority to govern that is in a monarchy or aristocracy, abstractly consi- dered from the qualification of other forms, is a flux and constitution subordinate to that providence ; an ordinance of that dixi or si- lent word by which the world was made, and shall be governed under God." This is a great debasing of the Lord's anointed, i Dr Feme, 3, a. 13. THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 17 for so sovereignty hath no warrant in God's word, formally as it is such a government, hut is in the world by providence, as sin is, and as the falling of a sparrow to the ground ; whereas God's word hath not only command- ed that government should be, but that fa- thers and mothers should be ; and not only that politic rulers should be, but also kings by name, and other judges aristocratical should be, Rom. xiii, 3 ; Deut. xvii. 14 ; 1 Pet. ii, xvii. ; Prov. xxiv. 21 ; Prov. xv. 16. If the power of monarchy and aristo- cracy, abstracted from the forms, be from God, then it is no more lawful to resist aris- tocratical government and our lords of par- liament or judges, than it is lawful to resist kings. But hear the Prelate's reasons to prove that the king is from the people by appro- bation only. " The people (Deut. xvii.) are said to set a king over them only as (1 Cor. vi.) the saints are said to judge the world, that is, by consenting to Christ's judgment : so the people do not make a king by trans- ferring on him sovereignty, but by accept- ing, acknowledging, and reverencing him as king, whom God hath both constituted and designed king." Ans. — 1. This is said, but not a word proved, for the Queen of Sheba and Hiram acknowledged, reverenced and obeyed Solo- mon as king, and yet they made him not king, as the princes of Israel did. 2. Reve- rence and obedience of the people is relative to the king's laws, but the people's making of a king is not relative to the laws of a king ; for then he should be a king giving laws and commanding the people as king, before the people make him king, 3. If the people's approving and consenting that an elected king be their king, presupposeth that he is a king, designed and constituted by God, before the people approve him as king, let the P. Prelate give us an act of God now designing a man king, for there is no immediate voice from heaven saying to a people, This is your king, before the people elect one of six to be their king. And this infallibly proveth that God de- signeth one of six to be a king, to a people who had no king before, by no other act but by determining the hearts of the states to elect and design this man king, and pass any of the other five. 4. When God (Deut. xvii.) forbiddeth them to choose a stranger, he presupposeth they may choose a stran- ger ; for God's law now given to man in the state of sin, presupposeth he hath corruption of nature to do contrary to God's law. Now if God did hold forth that their setting a king over them was but the people's approv- ing the man whom God shall both consti- tute and design to be king, then he should presuppose that God was to design a stran- ger to be the lawful king of Israel, and the people should be interdicted to approve and consent that the man should be king whom God should choose; for it was impossible that the people should make a stranger king (God is the only immediate king-creator), the peo- ple should only approve and consent that a stranger should be king ; yet, upon supposi- tion that God first constituted and designed the stranger king, it was not in the people's power that the king should be a brother ra- ther than a stranger, for if the people have no power to make a king, but do only ap- prove him or consent to him, when he is both made and designed of God to bo king, it is not in their power that he be either brother or stranger, and so God command- eth what is simply impossible. Consider the sense of the command by the Prelate's vain logic: I Jehovah, as I only create the world of nothing, so I only constitute and design a man, whether a Jew or Nebuchadnezzar, a stranger, to be your king ; yet I inhibit you, under the pain of my curse, that you set any king over yourselves, but only a brother. What is this, but I inhibit you to be crea- tors by omnipotent power ? 5. To these add the reasons I produced before, that the people, by no shadow of reason, can be com- manded to make this man king, not that man, if they only consent to the man made king, but have no action in the making of the king, P. Prelate. — All the acts, real and ima- ginable, which are necessary for the making of kings, are ascribed to God. Take the first king as a ruling case, 1 Sam. xii. 13, " Behold the king whom ye have chosen, and whom ye have desired ; and, behold, the L,ord hath set a king over you !" This election of the people can be no other but their admittance or acceptance of the king whom God hath chosen and constituted, as the words, " whom ye have chosen," imply. 1 Sam. ix. 17 ; 1 Sam. x. 1, You have Saul's election and constitution, where Sa- muel, as priest and prophet, anointeth him, doing reverence and obeisance to him, and ascribing to God, that he did appoint him supreme and sovereign over his inheritance. 18 LEX, REX J OR, And the same expression is, (1 Sam. xii. 13,) " The Lord hath set a king over you ;" which is, Psal. ii. 6, " I have set my king upon my holy hill of Zion." Neither man nor angel hath any share in any act of con- stituting Christ king. Deut. xvii. the Lord vindicateth, as proper and peculiar to him- self, the designation of the person. It was not arbitrary to the people to admit or reject Saul so designed. It pleased God to con- summate the work by the acceptation, con- sent and approbation of the people, ut sua- viore modo, that by a smoother way he might encourage Saul to undergo the hard charge, and make his people the more heartily, with- out grumbling and scrapie, reverence and obey him. The people's admittance possi- bly added something to the solemnity and to the pomp, but nothing to the essential and real constitution or necessity ; it only puts the subjects in mala fide, if they should contravene, as the intimation of a law, the coronation of an hereditary king, the enthronement of a bishop. And 1 Kings, iii. 7, " Thou hast made thy servant king;" 1 Sam. xvi. 1, " I have provided me a king;" Psal. xviii. 50, He is God's king ; Ps. lxxxix. 19, " I have exalted one chosen out of the people ;" (ver. 20,) He anointeth them ; (ver. 27,) adopteth them : " I will make him my first-born." The first-born is above every brother severally, and above all, though a thousand jointly. Ana. — 1. By this reason, inferior judges are no less immediate deputies of God, and so irresistible, than the king, because God took off the spirit that was on Moses, and immediately poured it on the seventy elders, who were judges inferior to Moses, Num. ii. 14 — 16. 2. This P. Prelate cannot make a syllogism. If all the acts necessary to make a kin 6 ; their throne is God's, 1 Chron. xix. 21. The fathers called them, sacra vestigia, sacra majestas, — their com- mandment, divalis jussio. The law saith, all their goods are res sacrce. Therefore our new statists disgrace kings, if they blas- pheme not God, in making them the deri- vatives of the people, — the basest extract of the basest of irrational creatures, the multi- tude, the commonalty. Ans. — This is all one argument from the Prelate's beginning of his book to the end : In a most special and eminent act of God's providence kings are from God ; but, there- fore, they are not from men and men's con- sent. It followeth not. From a most spe- cial and eminent act of God's providence Christ came into the world, and took on him our nature, therefore he came not of David's loins. It is a vain consequence. There could not be a more eminent act than this, (Psal. xl.) " A body thou hast given me ;" therefore he came not of Da- vid's house, and from Adam by natural generation, and was not a man like us in all things except sin. It is tyrannical and do- mineering logic. Many things are ascribed to God only, by reason of a special and ad- mirable act of providence, — as the saving of the world by Christ, the giving of Canaan to Israel, the bringing his people out from Egypt and from Chaldee, the sending of the gospel to both Jew and Gentile, &c. ; but, shall we say that God did none of these things by the ministry of men, and weak and frail men ? 1 . How proveth the Pre- late that all royal ensigns are ascribed to God, because (Isa. lxii.) the church univer- sal shall be as a crown of glory and a royal diadem in the hand of the Lord ; therefore, bceculus in angulo, the church shall be as a seal on the heart of Christ. What then ? Jerome, Procopius, Cyrillus, with good rea- son, render the meaning thus : Thou, Zion and church, shalt be to me a royal priesthood, and a holy people. For that he speaketh of his own kingdom and church is most evident, (ver. 1, 2,) " For Zion's sake I will not hold my peace," &c. 2. God put a crown of pure gold on David's head, (Psal. xxi. 3,) therefore Julian, Nero, and no elective kings, are made and designed to be kings by the people. He shall never prove this conssquence. The Chaldee pa- raphrase applieth it to the reign of King Messiah ; Diodatus speaketh of the kingdom of Christ ; Ainsworth maketh this crown a sign of Christ's victory ; Athanasius, Eu- sebius, Origen, Augustine, Dydimus, ex- pound it of Christ and his kingdom. The Prelate extendeth it to all kings, as the blasphemous rabbins^ especially Kabbin Salo- mon, deny that he speaketh of Christ here. But what more reason is there to expound this of the crowns of all kings given by God, (which I deny not,) to Nero, Julian, &c, than to expound the foregoing and following verses as applied to all kings ? Did Julian rejoice in God's salvation? did God grant Nero his heart's desire ? did God grant (as it is, ver. 4,) life eternal to heathen kings as kings ? which words all interpreters expound of the eternity of David's throne, till Christ come, and of victory and life eternal pur- chased by Christ, as Ainsworth, with good reason, expounds it. And what though God gave David a crown, was it not by second causes, and by bowing all Israel's heart to come in sincerity to Hebron to make Da- vid king ? 1 Kings xii. 38. God gave corn and wine to Israel, (Hos. ii.) and shall the prelate and the anabaptist infer, therefore, he giveth it not by ploughing, sowing, and the art of the husbandman ? 3. The hea- then acknowledgeth a divinity in kings, but he is blind who readeth them and seeth not in their writings that they teach that the people maketh kings. 4. God girt David with strength, while he was a private man, and persecuted by Saul> and fought with Goliah, as the title of the same beareth ; and he made him a valiant man of war, to break bows of steel ; therefore he giveth the sword to kings as kings, and they receive no sword from the people. This is poor logic. 5. The P. Prelate sendeth us (Judg. vii. 17,) to the singular and extraordinary power of God with Gideon ; and, I say, that same power behooved to be in Oreb and Zeeb, (ver. 27,) for they were *"[& princes, and such as the Prelate, from Prov. vii. 15, 22 LEX, REX ; OR, saith have no power from the people. 6. Moses' and Aaron's rods were miraculous. This will prove that priests are also God's, and their persons sacred. I see not (except the Prelate would be at worshipping of re- lics) what more royal divinity is in Moses' rod, because he wrought miracles by his rod, than there is in Elijah's staff, in Peter's napkin, in Paul's shadow. This is like the strong symbolical theology of his fathers the Jesuits, which is not argumentative, except he say that Moses, as king of Jeshurun, wrought miracles ; and why should not Ne- ro's, Caligula's, Pharaoh's, and all kings' rods then dry up the Red Sea, and work miracles? 7. We give all the styles to kings that the fathers gave, and yet we think not when David commandeth to kill Uriah, and a king commandeth to murder his innocent subjects in England and Scot- land, that that is divalis jussio, the com- mand of a god ; and that this is a good con- sequence — -Whatever the king commandeth, though it were to kill his most loyal sub- jects, is the commandment of God ; there- fore the king is not made king by the peo- ple. 8. Therefore, saith he, these new sta- tists disgrace the king. If a new statist, sprung out of a poor pursuivant of Crail — from the dunghill to the court — could have made himself an old statist, and more ex- pert in state affah's than all the nobles and soundest lawyers in Scotland and England, this might have more weight. 9. There- fore the king (saith P. P.) is not " the ex- tract of the basest of rational creatures." He meaneth, fex popidi, his own house and lineage ; but God calleth them his own peo- ple, " a royal priesthood, a chosen genera- tion ;" and Psal. lxxviii. 71, will warrant us to say, the people is much worthier be- fore God than one man, seeing God chose David for " Jacob his people, and Israel his inheritance," that he might feed them. John P. P.'s father's suffrage in making a kincr will never be sought. We make not the multitude, but the three estates, includ- ing the nobles and gentry, to be as rational creatures as any apostate prelate in the three kingdoms. QUESTION VII. WHETHER OR NO THE POPISH PRELATE, THE AFORESAID AUTHOR, DOTH BY FORCE OF REASON EVINCE THAT NEITHER CONSTITU- TION NOR DESIGNATION OF THE KING IS FROM THE PEOPLE. The P. Prelate aimeth (but it is an empty aim) to prove that the people are wholly excluded. I answer only arguments not pitched on before, as the Prelate saith. P. Prelate. — 1. To whom can it be more proper to give the rule over men than to Him who is the only king truly and properly of the whole world ? 2. God is the imme- diate author of all rule and power that is amongst all his creatures, above or below. 3. Man before the fall received dominion and empire over all the creatures below im- mediately, as Gen. i. 28 ; Gen. ix. 2 ; there- fore we cannot deny that the most noble government (to wit monarchy) must be im- mediately from God, without any contract or compact of men. Ans. — 1. The first reason concludeth not what is in question ; for God only giveth rule and power to one man over another ; therefore he giveth it immediately. It fol- loweth not. 2. It shall as well prove that God doth immediately constitute all judges, and therefore it shall be unlawful for a city to appoint a mayor, or a shire a justice of peace. 3. The second argument is in- consequent also, because God in creation is the immediate author of all tilings, and, therefore, without consent of the creatures, or any act of the creature, created an angel a nobler creature than man, and a man than a woman, and men above beasts; because those that are not can exercise no act at all. But it followeth not that all the works of providence, such as is the government of kingdoms, are done immediately by God; for in the works of providence, for the most part in ordinary, God worketh by means. It is then as good a consequence as this: God immediately created man, therefore he keepeth Ids life immediately also without food and sleep ; God immediately created the sun, therefore God immediately, without the mediation of the sun, giveth light to the world. The making of a lung is an act of reason, and God hath given a man reason to rule himself ; and therefore hath given to a society an instinct of reason to appoint a THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 23 governor over themselves ; but no act of rea- son goeth before man be created, therefore it is not in his power whether he be created a creature of greater power than a beast or no. 4. God by creation gave power to a man over the creatures, and so immediately ; but I hope men cannot say, God by creation hath made a man king over men. 5. The excellency of monarchy (if it be more excel- lent than any other government, of which hereafter) is no ground why it should be im- mediately from God as well as man's domi- nion over the creature ; for then the work of man's redemption, being more excellent than the raising of Lazarus, should have been done immediately without the incar- nation, death and satisfaction of Christ, (for no act of God without himself is comparable to the work of redemption, 1 Pet. i. 11, 12 ; Col. i. 18—22,) and God's less excellent works, as his creating of beasts and worms, should have been done mediately, and his creating of man immediately. P. Prelate. — They who execute the judg- ment of God must needs have the power to judge from God ; but kings are deputies in the exercise of the judgments of God, there- fore the proposition is proved. How is it imaginable that God reconcileth the world by ministers, and saveth man by them, (1 Cor. v. ; 1 Tim. iv. 16,) except they receive a power so to do from God ? The assump- tion is, (Deut. i. 17 ; 1 Chron. xix. 6,) Let none say Moses and Jehosaphat spake of in- ferior judges ; for that which the king doth to others he doth by himself. Also, the execution of the kingly power is from God ; for the king is the servant, angel, legate, minister of God, Rom. xiii. 6, 7. God pro- perly and primarily is King, and King of kings, and Lord of lords (1 Tim. vi. 15 ; Rev. i. 5) ; all kings, related to him, are kings equivocally, and in resemblance, and he the only King. Aiis. — 1. That which is in question is never concluded, to wit, that " the king is both immediately constituted and designed king by God only, and not by the mediation of the people ;" for when God reconcileth and saveth men by pastors, he saveth them by the Intervening action of men ; so he scourgeth his people by men as by his sword, (Psal. xvii. 14,) hand, staff, rod, (Isa. x. 5,) and his hammer. Doth it follow that God only doth immediately scourge his people, and that wicked men have no more hand and action in scourging his people than the Prelate saith the people hath a hand in making a king ? and that is no hand at all by the Prelate's way. 2. We may borrow the Prelate's argument : — Inferior judges execute the judgment of the Lord, and not the judgment of the king ; therefore, by the Prelate's argument, God doth only by immediate power execute judgment in them, and the inferior judges are not God's ministers, executing the judgment of the Lord. But the conclusion is against all truth, and so must the Prelate's argument be ; and that inferior judges are the imme- diate substitutes and deputies of God, is hence proved, and shall be hereafter made good, it' God will. 3. God is properly King of kings, so is God properly causa causa- rum, the Cause of causes, the Life of lifes, the Joy of joys. What ! shall it then fol- low that he worketh nothing in the crea- tures by their mediation as causes? Be- cause God is Light of lights, doth he not enlighten the earth and air by the media- tion of the sun ? Then God communicateth not life mediately by generation, he causeth not his saints to rejoice, with joy unspeak- able and glorious, by the intervening medi- ation of the Word. These are vain conse- quences. Sovereignty, and all power and virtue is in God infinitely ; and what vir- tue and power of action is in the creatures, as they are compared with God, are in the creatures equivocally and in resem- blance, and *«™ loin* in opinion rather than really. Hence it must follow that second causes work none at all, — no more than the people hath a hand or action in making the king, and that is no hand at all, as the Pre- late saith. And God only and immediately worketh all works in the creatures, because both the power of working and actual work- ing cometh from God, and the creatures, in all their working, are God's instruments. And if the Prelate argue so frequently from power given of God, to prove that actual reigning is from God immediately, — Deut. viii. 18, The Lord " giveth the power to get wealth," — will it follow that Israel get- teth no riches at all, or that Gad doth not mediately by them and their industry get them ? I think not. P. Prelate. — To whom can it be due to give the kingly office but to Him only who is able to give the endowment and ability for the office ? Now God only and imme- diately giveth ability to be a king, as the sacramental anointing proveth, Josh. iii. 10. 24 LEX, REX ; OR, Othniel is the first judge after Joshua ; and it is said, " And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he judged Israel :" the like is said of Saul and David. Ans. — 1. God gave royal endowments immediately, therefore he immediately now maketh the king. It followeth not, for the species of government is not that which for- mally constituteth a king, for then Nero, Ca- ligula, Julian, should not have been kings ; and those who come to the crown by con- quest and blood, are essentially kings, as the Prelate saith. But be all these Othniels upon whom the Spirit of the Lord cometh ? Then they are not essentially kings who are babes and children, and foolish and destitute of the royal endowments ; but it is one thing to have a royal gift, and another thing to be formally called to the kingdom. David had royal gifts after Samuel anointed him, but if you make him king, before Saul's death, Saul was both a traitor all the time that he per- secuted David, and so no king, and also king and God's anointed, as David acknowledgeth him ; and, therefore, that spirit that came on David and Saul, maketh nothing against the people's election of a king, as the Spirit of God is given to pastors under the New Testament, as Christ promised ; but it will not follow that the designation of the man who is to be pastor should not be from the church and from men, as the Prelate denieth that either the constitution or designation of the king is from the people, but from God only. 2. I believe the infusion of the Spi- rit of God upon the judges will not prove that kings are now both constituted and de- signed of God solely, only, and immediately; for the judges were indeed immediately, and for the most part extraordinarily, raised up of God ; and God indeed, in the time of the Jews, was the king of Israel in another man- ner than he was the king of all the nations, and is the king of Christian realms now, and, therefore, the people's despising of Sa- muel was a refusing that God should reign over them, because God, in the judges, re- vealed himself even in matters of policy, as what should be done to the man that ga- thered sticks on the Sabbath-day, and the like, as he doth not now to kings. P. Prelate. — Sovereignty is a ray of di- vine glory and majesty, but this cannot be found in people, whether you consider them jointly or singly ; if you consider them sin- gly, it cannot be in every individual man, for sectaries say, That all are born equal, with a like freedom ; and if it be not in the peo- ple singly, it cannot be in them jointly, for all the contribution in this compact and con- tract, which they fancy to be human compo- sition and voluntary constitution, is only by a surrender of the native right that every one had in himself. From whence, then, can this majesty and authority be derived ? Again, where the obligation amongst equals is by contract and compact, violation of the faith plighted in the contract, cannot in proper terms be called disobedience or con- tempt of authority. It is no more but a re- ceding from, and a violation of, that which was promised, as it may be in states or countries confederate. Nature, reason, con- science, Scripture, teach, that disobedience to sovereign power is not only a violation of truth and breach of covenant, but also high disobedience and contempt, as is clear, 1 Sam. x. 26. So when Saul (chap, xi.) sent a yoke of oxen, hewed in pieces, to all the tribes, the fear of the Lord fell on the people, and they came out with one consent, 1 Sam. xi. 7 ; also, (Job xi. 18,) He looseth the bonds of kings, that is, he looseth their authority, and bringeth them into contempt ; and he girdeth their loins with a girdle, that is, he strengtheneth their authority, and maketh the people to reverence them. Heathens observe that there is Sum rf, some divine thing in kings. Profane histories say, that this was so eminent in Alexander the Great, that it was a terror to his enemies, and a powerful loadstone to draw men to compose the most seditious councils, and cause his most experienced commanders embrace and obey his counsel and command. Some sto- ries write that, upon some great exigency, there was some resplendent majesty in the eyes of Scipio. This kept Pharaoh from lifting his hand against Moses, who charged him so boldly with his sins. When Moses did speak with God, face to face, in the mount, this resplendent glory of majesty so awed the people, that they durst not behold his glory, Exod. xxxiv. ; this repressed the fury of the people, enraged against Gideon from destroying their idol, Judg. vi. ; and the fear of man is naturally upon all living creatures below, Gen. ix. So what can this reverence, which is innate in the hearts of all subjects toward their sovereigns, be, but the ordinance unrepealable of God, and the natural effect of that majesty of princes with which they are endowed from above ? Ans. — 1. 1 never heard any shadow of rea- THE LAW A.\n THK I'Ul.M '/'.. son till now, and yet (because the lie hath a latitude) here is but a shadow, which the Prelate stole from M. Anton, de Dom. Ar- chiepisc. Spalatensis ; x and I may say, confi- dently, this Plagiarius hath not one line in his book which is not stolen ; and, for the present, Spalato's argument is but spilt, and the nerves cut from it, while it is both bleed- ing and lamed. Let the reader compare them, and I pawn my credit he hath igno- rantly clipped Spalato. But I answer, " So- vereignty is a beam and ray (as Spalato saith) of divine majesty, and is not either formally or virtually in the people." It is false that it is not virtually in the people ; for there be two things in the judge, either inferior or supreme, for the argument hold- eth in the majesty of a parliament, as we shall hear. (1.) The gift or grace of go- verning (the Arminian Prelate will be of- fended at this). (2.) The authority of go- verning. The gift is supernatural, and is not in man naturally, and so not in the king ; for he is physically but a mortal man, and this is a gift received, for Solo- mon asked it by prayer from God. There is a capacity passive in all individual men for it. As for the official authority itself, it is virtually in all in whom any of God's image is remaining since the fall, as is clear, as may be gathered from Gen. i. 28 ; yea, the father, the master, the judge, have it by God's institution, in some measure, over son, servant, and subject, though it be more in the supreme ruler ; and, for our purpose, it is not x'equisite that authoritative majesty should be in all, (what is in the father and husband I hope to clear,) I mean, it needeth not to be formally in all, and so all are born alike and equal. But he who is a Papist, a Socinian, an Arminian, and therefore de- livered to Satan by his mother church, must be the sectary, for we are where this Pre- late left us, maintainers of the Protestant re- ligion, contained in the Confession of Faith and National Covenant of Scotland, when this Demas forsook us and embraced the world, 2. Though not one single man in Israel be a judge or king by nature, nor have in them formally any ray of royalty or magistratical authority, yet it followeth not that Israel, parliamentary convened, hath no such authority as to name Saul king in Mizpeh, and David king in Hebron, 1 Antonin. de Domiuis Archiepis. de dom. lib. 6, c. 2, n. 5, 6, seq. 1 Sam. x. 24, 25 ; 1 Chron. xi. 12 ; xii. 38, 39. One man alone hath not the keys of the kingdom of heaven ; (as the Prelate dreameth) but it followeth not that many, convened in a chiu'ch way, hath not this power, Matt, xviii. 17 ; 1 Cor. v. 1 — 4. One man hath not strength to fight against an army of ten thousand ; doth it follow, therefore, that an army of twenty thou- sand hath not strength to fight against these ten thousand ? Though one Paul cannot synodically determine the question, (Acts xv,) it followeth not that the apos- tles, and elders, and brethren, convened from divers churches, hath not power to determine it in a lawful synod ; and, there- fore, from a disjoined and scattered power, no man can argue to a united power. So not any one man is an inferior ruler, or hath the rays and beams of a number of aristo- cratical rulers ; but it followeth not that all these men, combined in a city or society, have not power, in a joint political body, to choose inferior or aristocratical rulers. 3. The P. Prelate's reason is nothing. All the contribution (saith he) in the compact body to make a king, is only by a surrender of the native right of every single man (the whole being only a voluntary contribution). How, then, can there be any majesty de- rived from them ? I answer, Very well ; for the surrender is so voluntary, that it is also natural, and founded on the law of na- ture, that men must have governors, either many, or one supreme ruler. And it is vo- luntary, and dependeth on a positive institu- tion of God, whether the government be by one supreme ruler, as in a monarchy, or in many, as in an aristocracy, according as the necessity and temper of the common- wealth do most require. This constitution is so voluntary, as it hath below it the law of nature for its general foundation, and above it, the supervenient institution of God, or- daining that there should be such magis- trates, both kings and other judges, because without such, all human societies should be dissolved. 4. Individual persons, in creat- ing a magistrate, doth not properly surren- der their right, which can be called a rioht ; for they do but surrender their power of do- ing violence to those of their fellows in that same community, so as they shall not now have moral power to do injuries without punishment ; and this is not right or liberty properly, but servitude, for a power to do violence and injuries is not liberty, but ser- 26 LEX, REX J OR, vitude and bondage. But the Prelate talk- eth of royalty as of mere tyranny, as if it were a proper dominion and servile empire that the prince hath over his people, and not more paternal and fatherly, than lordly or - masterly. 5. He saith, " Violation of faith, J plighted in a contract amongst equals, can- i not be called disobedience ; but disobedience j to the authority of the sovereign is not only breach of covenant, but high disobedience and contempt." But violation of faith amongst equals, as equals, is not properly disobe- dience ; for disobedience is betwixt a supe- rior and an inferior : but violation of faith amongst equals, when they make one of their equals their judge and ruler, is not only vio- lation of truth, but also disobedience. All Israel, and Saul, while he is a private man seeking his father's asses, are equals by cove- nant, obliged one to another ; and so any in- jury done by Israel to Saul, in that case, is not disobedience, but only violation of faith. But when all Israel maketh Saul their king, and sweareth to him obedience, he is not now their equal ; and an injury done to him now, is both a violation of their faith, and high disobedience also. Suppose a city of aldermen, all equal amongst themselves in dignity and place, take one of their number and make him their mayor and provost — a wrong done to him now, is not only against the rules of fraternity, but disobedience to one placed by God over them. 6. 1 Sam. xi. 7, " The fear of the Lord fell on the people, and they came out with one consent to obey Saul;" therefore God hath placed authority in kings, which is not in people. It is true; because God hath transferred the scattered authorities that are in all the peo- ple, in one mass ; and, by virtue of his own ordinance, hath placed them in one man, who is king. What followeth ? That God eonferreth this authority immediately upon the king, without the mediation of any ac- tion of the people ? Yea, the contrary ra- ther followeth. 7- God looseth the bond of kings ; that is, when God is to cast off kings, he causeth them to loose all authority, and maketh them come into contempt with the people. But what doth this prove ? That God taketh away the majesty and authority of kings immediately ; and therefore God gave to kings this authority immediately, without the people's conveyance ? Yea, I take the Prelate's weapon from him. God doth not take the authority of the king from him immediately, but mediately, by the people's hating and .despising him, when they see his wickedness, as the people see Nero a monster — a prodigious blood-sucker. Upon this, all the people contemn him and despise him, and so the majesty is taken from Nero and all his mandates and laws, when they see him trample upon all laws, divine and human, and that mediately by the people's heart despising of his majesty ; and so they repeat, and take again, that awe- some authority that they once gave him. And this proveth that God gave him the authority mediately, by the consent of man. 8. Nor speaketh he of kings only, but (ver. 21) he poureth contempt Q'^'O^y su- per munificos. Pineda. Aria. Mont, super Principcs, upon nobles and great men ; and this place may prove that no judges of the earth are made by men. 9. The heathen say, That there is some divinity in princes, as in Alexander the Great and Scipio, to- ward their enemies ; but this will prove that princes and kings have a superiority over those who are not their native subjects, for something of God is in them, in relation to all men that are not their subjects. If this be a ground strong and good, because God only, and independently from men, taketh away this majesty, as God only and inde- pendently giveth it, then a king is sacred to all men, subjects or not subjects. Then it is unlawful to make war against any foreign king and prince, for in invading him or re- sisting him, you resist that divine majesty of God that is in him ; then you may not law- fully flee from a tyrant, no more than you may lawfully flee from God. 10. Scipio was not a king, therefore this divine majesty is in all judges of the earth, in a more or less measure ; — therefore God, only and im- mediately, may take this spark of divine ma- jesty from inferior judges. It followeth not. And kings, certainly, cannot infuse any spark of a divine majesty on any inferior judges, for God only immediately infuseth it in men ; therefore it is unlawful for kings to take this divinity from judges, for they resist God who resist parliaments, no less than those who re- sist kings. Scipio hath divinity in him as well as Csesar, and that immediately from God, and not from any king. 11. Moses was not a king when he went to Pharaoh, for he had not, as yet, a people. Pharaoh was the king, and because Pharaoh was a king, the divines of Oxford must say, His majesty must not, in words of rebuke, be re- sisted more than by deeds. 12. Moses' face THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 27 did shine as a prophet receiving the law from God — not as a king. And is this sun- shine from heaven upon the face of Nero and Julian ? It must be, if it be a beam of royal majesty, if this pratler say right, but (2 Cor. iii. 7) this was a majesty typical, which did adumbrate the glory of the law of God, and is far from being a royalty due to all heathen kings. 13. I would our king- would evidence such a majesty in breaking the images and idols of his queen, and of papists about him. 14. The fear of Noah, and the regenerated who are in covenant with the beasts of the field, (Job v. 23,) is upon the beasts of the earth, not by appro- bation only, as the people maketh kings by the Prelate's way ; nor yet by free consent, as the people freely transfer their power to him who is king. The creatures inferior to man, have, by no act of free will, chosen man to be their ruler, and transferred their power to him, because they are, by nature, inferior to man ; and God, by nature, hath subjected the creatures to man, (Gen. i. 28,) and so this proveth not that the king, by na- ture, is above the people — I mean the man who is king ; and, therefore, though God had planted in the hearts of all subjects a fear and reverence toward the king, upon supposition that they have made him king, it followeth not that this authority and ma- jesty is immediately given by God to the man who is king, without the intervening consent of the people, for there is a native fear in the scholar to stand in awe of his teacher, and yet the scholar may willingly give himself to be a disciple to his teacher, and so give his teacher power over him. Citizens naturally fear their supreme gover- nor of the city, yet they give to the man who is their supreme governor, that power and authority which is the ground of awe and reverence. A servant naturally feareth his master, yet often he giveth his liberty, and resigneth it up voluntarily to his mas- ter; and this was not extraordinary amongst the Jews, where the servant did entirely love the master, and is now most ordinary when servants do, for hire, tie themselves to such a master. Soldiers naturally fear their commanders, yet they may, and often do, by voluntary consent, make such men their commanders ; and, therefore, from this, it followeth in no way that the governor of a city, the teacher, the master, the comman- der in war, have not their power and autho- rity only and immediately from God, but from their inferiors, who, by their freo con- sent, appointed them for such places. P. Prelate (Arg. 7, p. 51, 52).— This seemeth, or rather is, an unanswerable argu- ment, — No man hath power of life and death but the Sovereign Power of life and death, to wit, God, Gen. ix. 5. God saith thrice he will require the blood of man at the hands of man, and this power God hath committed to God's deputy : whoso sheddeth man's blood DIJO hy man shall die, — by the king, for the world knew not any kind of government at this time but monarchical, and this monarch was Noah ; and if this power be from God, why not all sovereign power ? seeing it is homogeneous, and, as jurists say, in indivisibili posita, a thing in its nature indivisible, and that cannot be distracted or impaired, and if every man had the power of life and death, God should not be the God of order. The P. Prelate taketh the pains to prove out of the text that a magistracy is estab- lished in the text. Ans. 1. Let us consi- der this unanswerable argument. (1.) It is grounded upon a lie, and a conjecture never taught by any but himself, to wit, that CliO by, or in, or through man, must signify a magistrate, and a king only. This king was Noah. Never interpreter, nay, not common sense can say, that no magis- trate is here understood but a king. The consequence is vain : His blood shall be shed by man ; therefore by a magistrate ? it followeth not ; therefore by a king ? it fol- loweth not. There was not a king in the world as yet. Some make Belus, the father of Ninus, the first king, and the builder of Babylon. This Ninus is thought the first builder of the city after called Nineveh, and the first king of the Assyrians. So saith Quintus Curtius 1 and others ; but grave au- thors believe that Nimrod was no other than Belus the father of Ninus. So saith Augus- tine, 2 Eusebius, Hieronym. ; 3 and Eusebius 4 maketh him the first founder of Babylon : so saith Clemens, 5 Pirerius, 6 and Josephus saith the same. Their times, their cruel natures are the same. Calvin saith, 7 Noah 1 Quintius Curtius, lib. 5. 2 Aug. de civ. Dei, lib. 16, c. 17. 3 Hieron. in Hos. ii. 4 Euseb. lib. 9, de prepar. Evan. c. 3. 6 Clemens recog. lib. 4. 6 Pirerius in Gen. x. 8, 9, disp. 3, n. 67. Illud quo- que niihi fit percredible, Nimrod fuisse eundem, at- que enim quem alii appellant Belum patrem Nini. 7 Calvin Com. in Gen. ix. 2;; LEX, REX ; OR, yet lived while Nimrod lived ; and the Scripture saith, " Nimrod began to reign, and be powerful on the earth." And Babel was IH^ftE IT^NT tne beginning of his kingdom. No writer, Moses nor any other, can show us a king before Nimrod. So Eusebius, 1 Paul Orosius, 2 Hieronym., 3 Josephus, 4 say that he was the first king ; and Tostatus Abulens., 5 and our own Cal- vin, Luther, 6 Musculus on the place, and Ainsworth, make him the first king and the founder of Babylon. How Noah was a king, or there was any monarchical government in the world then, the Prelate hath alone dreamed it. There was but family-govern- ment before this. 2. And if there be ma- gistracy here established by God, there is no warrant to say it is only a monarchy ; for if the Holy Ghost intendeth a policy, it is a policy to be established to the world's end, and not to be limited (as the Prelate doth) to Noah's days. All interpreters, upon good ground, establish the same po- licy that our Saviour speaketh of, when he saith, " He shall perish by the sword who taketh the sword," Matt. xxvi. 52. So the Netherlands have no lawful magistrate who hath power of life and death, because their government is aristocratical, and they have no king. So all acts of taking away the lives of ill-doers shall be acts of homicide in Hol- land. How absurd ! 3. Nor do I see how the place, in the native scope, doth establish a magistracy. Calvin saith not so ; 7 and in- terpreters deduce, by consequence, the power of the magistrate from this place. But the text is general, — He who killeth man shall be killed by man : either he shall fall into the magistrate's hand, or into the hand of some murderer; so Calvin, 8 Marlorat, &c He speaketh, saith Pirerius, not of the fact and event itself, but of the deserving of murderers ; and it is certain all murderers 1 Euseb. prolog. 1 Chron. a Paul Orosius, lib. 1. de Ormesta mundi. 3 Hieron. in traditio Hebrei in Gen. * 'I 'ostat Abuhns. in Gen. x. 9. 5 Josephus in Gen* x. 6 Lutb. Cora. ib. 7 Calvin Com. Quanquam hoc loco non simpliciter fertur lex politica, ut plcctautur boinicide. s Calvin in lect. 9 Pirerius in Gen. ix. 3, 4, n.37. Vatablus hath diver- interpretations : In homine, i.e. in conspectu omnium et publice, aut in homine, i. e. hominibus testiticantibus ; alii, in homine, i. e. propter homin- era, quia occidit hominem, jussu in agist ratus. Caje- tan expotittdetb. D~1N^ contra hominem, in de- spite of man. fall not into the magistrate's hands ; but he saith, by God and man's laws they ought to die, though sometime one murderer killeth another. 4. The sovereign power is given to the king, therefore, it is given to him im- mediately without the consent of the people. It followeth not. 5. Power of life and death is not given to the king only, but also to other magistrates, yea, and to a single pri- vate man in the just defence of his own life. Other arguments are but what the Prelate hath said already. QUESTION VIII. WHETHER THE PRELATE PROVETH BY FORCE OF REASON THAT THE PEOPLE CANNOT BE CAPABLE OF AN* POWER OF GOVERNMENT. P. Prelate. — God and nature giveth no power in vain, and which may not be re- duced into action ; but an active power, or a power of actual governing, was never acted by the community ; therefore this power can- not be seated in the community as in the prime and proper subject, and it cannot be in every individual person of a community, because government intrinsically and essen- tially includeth a special distinction of go- vernors, and some to be governed ; and, to speak properly, there can no other power be conceived in the community, naturally and properly, but only potestas passiva regimi- nis, a capacity or susceptibility to be go- verned, by one or by more, just as the first matter desireth a form. This obligeth all, by the dictate of nature's law, to submit to ac- tual government ; and as it is in every indi- vidual person, it is not merely and properly voluntary, because, howsoever nature dictates that government is necessary for the safety of the society, yet every singular person, by cor- ruption and self-love, hath a natural aver- sion and repugnance to submit to any : every man would be a king himself. This univer- sal desire, appctitus universalis aut natu- ralis, or universal propension to government, is like the act of the understanding assenting to the first principles of truth, and to the will's general propension to happiness in ge- neral, which propension is not a free act, ex- cept our new statists, as they have changed their faith, so they overturn true reason. It will puzzle them infinitely to make anything, in its kind passive, really active and collative THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 29 of positive acts and effects. All know no man can give what he hath not. An old philosopher would laugh at him who would say, that a matter perfected and actuated by union with a form, could at pleasure shake off its form, and marry itself to an- other. They may as well say, every wife hath power to resume her freedom and marry another, as that any such power ac- tive is in the community, or any power to cast off monarchy. Ans. — 1. The P. Prelate might have thanked Spalato for this argument, but he doth not so much as cite him, for fear his theft be apprehended ; but Spalato hath it set down with stronger nerves than the Pre- late's head was able to copy out of him. But Jac. de Almain, 1 and Navarrus, 2 with the Parisian doctors, said in the Council of Pa- ris, " that politic power is immediately from God, but first from the community ;" but so that the community apply their power to this or that government — not of liberty, but by natural necessity — but Spalato and the plagiary Prelate do both look beside the book. The question is not now concerning the vis rectiva, the power of governing in the people, but concerning the power of go- vernment ; for these two differ much. The former is a power of ruling and monarchical commanding of themselves. This power is not formally in the people, but only virtu- ally ; and no reason can say that a virtual power is idle because it cannot be actuated by that same subject that it is in ; for then it should not be a virtual, but a formal power. Do not philosophers say such an herb virtually maketh hot? and can the sotti-h Prelate say this virtual power is idle, and in vain given of God, because it doth not formally heat your hand when you touch it. 2. The P. Prelate, who is excommuni- cated for Popery, Socinianism, Arminianism, and is now turned apostate to Christ and his church, must have changed his faith, not we, and be unreasonably ignorant, to press that axiom, " That the power is idle that cannot be reduced to acts ;" for a generative power is given to living and sensitive creatures, 1 M. Anto. de domini. Arch. Spalatens. lib. 6, c. 2, n. 5, 6. Plebs potius habet a natura, non tain vim active rectivam aut gubernativam, quam inclinatio- nem passive regibilem (ut ita loquav) et gubernabi- lem, qua volens et libens sese submittit rectoribus, &c. 2 Almain de potest et La. 1, q. 1, c. 1, 6, et q. 2, 3, 5. 3 Nem. don jud. not. 3, n 85. —this power is not idle though it be not reduced in act by all and every individual sensitive creature. A power of seeing is given to all who naturally do, or ought to see, yet it is not an idle power because di- vers are blind, seeing it is put forth in action in divers of the kind ; so this power in the community is not idle because it is not put forth in acts in the people in which it is vir- tually, but is put forth in action in some of them whom they choose to be their gover- nors ; nor is it reasonable to say that it should be put forth in action by all the peo- ple, as if all should be kings and governors. But the question is not of the power of go- verning in the people, but of the power of government, that is, of the power of making governors and kings ; and the community doth put forth in act this power, as a free, voluntary, and active power ; for (1.) a com- munity transplanted to India, or any place of the world not before inhabited, have a perfect liberty to choose either a monar- chy, or a democracy, or an aristocracy ; for though nature incline them to government in general, yet are they not naturally de- terminated to any one of those three more than another. (2.) Israel did of their own free will choose the change of government, and would have a king as the nations had ; therefore they had free will, and so an ac- tive power so to do, and not a passive in- clination only to be governed, such as Spa- lato saith agreeth to the first matter. (3.) Royalists teach that a people under demo- cracy or aristocracy have liberty to choose a king ; and the Romans did this, there- fore they had an active power to do it, — therefore the Prelate's simile crooks : the matter at its pleasure cannot shake off its form, nor the wife cast off her husband be- ing once married; but Barclaius, Grotius, Arnisfens, Blackwood, and all the royalists, teach that the people under any of these two forms of democracy or aristocracy may resume their power, and cast off these forms and choose a monarch ; and if monarchy be the best government, as royalists say, they may choose the best. And is this but a pas- sive capacity to be governed ? (4.) Of ten men fit for a kingdom they may design one, and put the crown on his head, and refuse the other nine, as Israel crowned Solomon and refused Adonijah. Is this not a volun- tary action, proceeding from a free, active, elective power ? It will puzzle the preten- ded Prelate to deny this, — that which the 30 LEX, REX ; OR, community doth freely, they do not from such a passive capacity as is in the first matter in regard of the form. 3. It is true that people, through corruption of nature, are averse to submit to governors " for con- science sake, as unto the Lord," because the natural man, remaining in the state of na- ture, can do nothing that is truly good, but it is false that men have no active moral power to submit to superiors, but only a passive ca- pacity to be governed. He quite contradict- eth himself; for he said before, (c. 4, p. 49,) that there is an " innate fear and reverence in the hearts of all men naturally, even in heathens, toward their sovereign ;" yea, as we have a natural moral active power to love our parents and superiors, (though it be not evangelically, or legally in God's court, good) and so to obey their command- ments, only we are averse to penal laws of superiors. But this proveth no way that we have only by nature a passive capacity to government ; for heathens have, by instinct of nature, both made laws morally good, submitted to them, and set kings and judges over them, which clearly proveth that men have an active power of government by na- ture. Yea, what difference maketh the Prelate betwixt men and beasts ? for beasts have a capacity to be governed, even lions and tio-ers ; but here is the matter, if men have any natural power of government, the P. Prelate would have it, with his breth- ren the Jesuits and Arminians, to be not natural, but done by the help of universal grace ; for so do they confound nature and grace. But it is certain our power to sub- mit to rulers and kings, as to rectors, and guides, and fathers, is natural ; to submit to tyrants in doing ills of sin is natural, but in sufferinT ills of punishment is not natural. " No man can give that which he hath not," is true, but that people have no power to make their governors is that which is in question, and denied by us. This argu- ment doth prove that people hath no power to appoint aristocrat ical rulers more than kings, and so the aristocratical and demo- cratical rulers are all inviolable and sacred as the king. By this the people may not resume their freedem if they turn tyrants and oppressors. This the Prelate shall deny, for he averreth, (p. 96,) out of Augustine, that the people may, without sin, change a corrupt democracy into a monarchy. P. Prelate (pp. 95, 96). — If sovereignty be originally inherent in the people, then democracy, or government by the people, were the best government, because it com- eth nearest to the fountain and stream of the first and radical power in the people, yea, and all other forms of government were unlawful ; and if sovereignty be natively in- herent in the multitude it must be proper to every individual of the community, which is against that false maxim of theirs, Quisque nascitur liber. Every one by nature is born a free man, and the posterity of those who first contracted with their elected king are not bound to that covenant, but, upon their native right and liberty, may appoint an- other king without breach of covenant. The posterity of Joshua, and the elders in their time, who contracted with the Gibeonites to incorporate them, though in a serving con- dition, might have made their fathers' go- vernment nothing. Ans. — 1. The P. Prelate might thank Spalato for this argument also, 1 for it is stolen ; but he never once named him, lest his theft should be apprehended. So are his other arguments stolen from Spalato; but the Prelate weakeneth them, and it is seen stolen goods are not blessed. Spalato saith, then, by the law of nature every com- monwealth should be governed by the peo- ple, and by the law of nature the people should be under the worst government ; but this consequence is nothing ; for a commu- nity of many families is formally and of themselves under no government, but may choose any of the three ; for popular govern- ment is not that wherein all the people are rulers, for this is confusion and not govern- ment, because all are rulers, and none are governed and ruled. But in popular go- vernment many are chosen out of the peo- ple to rule ; and that this is the worst go- vernment is said gratis, without warrant ; and if monarchy be the best of itself, yet, when men are in the state of sin, in some other respects it hath many inconveniences. 2. I see not how democracy is best because nearest to the multitude's power of making a king ; for if all the three depend upon the free will of the people, all are alike afar off, and alike near hand, to the people's free choice, according as they see most conducive to the safety and protection of the common- wealth, seeing the forms of government are not more natural than politic incorporations of cities, yea, than of shires ; but from a po- i Spalatensis, p. 648. THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 31 sitive institution of God, who erecteth this rather than that, not immediately now, but mediately, by the free will of men ; no one cometh formally, and ex natur a rei, nearer to the fountain than another, except that materially democracy may come nearer to the people's power than monarchy, but the excellency of it above monarchy is not hence concluded ; for by this reason the number of four should be more excellent than the num- ber of five, of ten, of a hundred, of a thou- sand, or of millions, because four cometh near to the number of three, which Aristotle calleth the first perfect number, cut addi- tur ht against the Phi- listines and the king of Ammon ; but if birth be the just and lawful title, in foro Dei, in God's court, and the only thing that evi- denceth God's will, without any election of the people, that the first-born of such a king is their lawful king, then conquests can- not now speak a contradictory will of God ; for the question is not, whether or not God giveth power to tyrants to conquer kingdoms from the just heirs of kings, which did reign lawfully before their sword made an empty throne, but whether conquest now, when Jeremiahs are not sent immediately from God to command, for example, Britain to submit to a violent intruder, who hath ex- pelled the lawful heirs of the royal line of the king of Britain, whether, I say, doth conquest, in a such a violent way, speak that it is God's revealed will, called Voluntas signi, the will that is to rule us in all our moral duties, to cast off the just heirs of the blood royal, and to swear homage to a conqueror, and so as that conqueror now hath as just right as the king of Britain had by birth. This cannot be taken off by the wit of any who maintain that conquest is a lawful title to a crown, and that royal birth, without the people's election, speaketh God's regulating will in his word, that the first-born of a king is a lawful king by birth, for God now-a-days doth not say the con- trary of what he revealed in his word. If birth be God's regulating will, that the heir of the king is in God's court a king, no act of the conqueror can annul that word of God to us, and the people may not lawfully, though they were ten times subdued, swear homage and allegiance to a conqueror against the due right of birth, which by royalists' doctrine revealeth to us the plain contradic- tory will of God. It is, I grant, often God's decree revealed by the event, that a conque- ror be on the throne, but this will is not our rule, and the people are to swear no oath of allegiance contrary to God's Voluntas signi, which is his revealed will in his word regu- lating us. 4. Things transferable and communicable by birth from father to son, are only, in law, those which heathens call bona fortunes riches, as lands, houses, monies and heri- tages ; and so saith the law also. These things which essentially include gifts of the mind, and honour properly so called — I mean honour founded on virtue — as Aris- totle, with good reason, maketh honour -prce- minum virtutis, cannot be communicated by THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. birth from the father to the son ; for royal dignity includeth these three constituent parts essentially, of which none can be com- municable by birth. (1.) The royal faculty of governing, which is a special gift of God above nature, is from God. Solomon asked it from God, and had it not by generation from his father David. (2.) The royal hon- our to be set above the people because of this royal virtue is not from the womb, for then God's Spirit would not have said, " Blessed art thou, O land, when thy king- is the son of nobles," Eccl. x. 17 ; this hon- our, springing from virtue, is not born with any man, nor is any man born with either the gift or honour to be a judge. God maketh high and low, not birth. Nobles are born to great estates. If judging be heri- tage to any, it is a municipal positive law. I now speak in point of conscience. (3.) The external lawful title, before men come to a crown, must be God's will, revealed by such an external sign as, by God's appointment and warrant, is to regulate our will ; but ac- cording to Scripture, nothing regulateth our will, and leadeth the people now that they cannot err following God's rule in making a king, but the free suffrages of the states choosing a man whom they conceive God hath endued with these royal gifts required in the king whom God holdeth forth to them in his word, (Deut. xvii.) Now thei'e be but these to regulate the people, or to be a rule to any man to ascend lawfully, in foro Dei, in God's court to the throne. (1.) God's immediate designation of a man by prophe- tical and divinely-inspired unction, as Sa- muel anointed Saul and David ; this we are not to expect now, nor can royalists say it. (2.) Conquest, seeing it is an act of violence, and God's revenging justice for the sins of a people, cannot give in God's court such a just title to the throne as the people are to submit their consciences unto, except God reveal his regulating will by some immediate voice from heaven, as he commanded Judah to submit to Nebuchadnezzar as to their king by the mouth of Jeremiah. Now this is not a rule to us ; for then, if the Spanish king should invade this land, and, as Nebu- chadnezzar did, deface the temple, and in- struments and means of God's worship, and abolish the true worship of God, it should be unlawful to resist him, after he had once conquered the land : neither God's word, nor the law of nature could permit this. I sup- pose, even by grant of adversaries, now no act of violence done to a people, though in God's court they have deserved it, can be a testimony to us of God's regulating will ; ex- cept it have some warrant from the law and testimony, it is no rule to our conscience to acknowledge him a lawful magistrate, whose sole law to the throne is an act of the bloody instrument of divine wrath, I mean the sword. That, therefore, Judah was to sub- mit, according to God's word, to Nebuchad- nezzar, whose conscience and best warranted calling to the kingdom of Judah was his bloody sword, even if we suppose Jeremiah had not commanded them to submit to the king of Babylon, I think cannot be said. (3) Naked birth cannot be this external signification of God's regulating will to war- rant the conscience of any to ascend to the throne, for the authors of this opinion make royal birth equivalent to divine unction ; for David anointed by Samuel, and so anointed by God, is not king, — Saul remained the Lord's anointed many years, not David, al- though anointed by God ; the people's mak- ing him king at Hebron, founded upon di- vine unction, was not the only external law- ful calling that we read of that David had to the throne ; then royal birth, because it is but equivalent only to divine unction, not superior to divine unction, it cannot have more force to make a king than divine unc^- tion. And if birth was equivalent to divine unction, what needed Joash, who had royal birth, be made king by the people? and what needed Saul and David, who had more than royal birth, even divine unc- tion, be made kings by the people? and Saul, having the vocal and infallible testi- mony of a prophet, needed not the people's election — the one at Mizpeh and Gilgal, and the other at Hebron. 5. If royal birth be as just a title to the crown as divine unction, and so as the peo- ple's election is no title at all, then is it un- lawful that there should be a king by elec- tion in the world now ; but the latter is absurd, — so is the former. I prove the proposition, because where conquerors are wanting, and there is no king for the pre- sent, but the people governing, and so much confusion aboundeth, they cannot lawfully appoint a king, for his lawful title before God must either be conquest — which to me is no title — (and here, and in this case, there is no conquest) or the title must be a pro- phetical word immediately inspired of God, but this is now ceased ; or the title must be TT 42 LEX, REX ; OR, royal birth, but here there is no royal birth, because the government is popular ; except you imagine that the society is obliged in conscience to go and seek the son of a fo- reign king to be their king. But I hope that such a royal birth should not be a just title before God to make him king of that society to which he had no relation at all, but is a mere stranger. Hence in this case no title could be given to any man to make him king, but only the people's election, which is that which we say. And it is most unreasonable that a people under popular government cannot lawfully choose a king to themselves, seeing a king is a lawful magis- trate, and warranted by God's word, be- cause they have not a king of royal birth to sit upon the throne. Mr Symmons saith 1 that birth is the best title to the crown, because after the first of the family had been anointed unction was no more used in that family, (unless there arose a strife about the kingdom, as betwixt Solomon and Adonijah, Joash and Athaliah) the eldest son of the predecessor was after- ward the chosen of the Lord, his birthright spake the Lord's appointment as plainly as his father's unction. — Ans. 1. It is a con- jecture that unction was not used in the fa- mily, after the first unction, except the con- test was betwixt two brethren : that is said, not proved ; for 2 Kings xxiii. 30, when good Josiah was killed, and there was no contest concerning the throne of that be- loved prince, the people of the land took Je- hoahaz his son, and anointed him, and made him king in his father's stead ; and the priests were anointed, (Lev. vi. 22,) yea, all the priests were anointed, (Numb. iii. 3,) yet read we not in the history, where this or that man was anointed. 2. In that Adonijah, Solomon's elder brother, was not king, it is clear that God's anointing and the people's electing made the right to the crown, and not birth. 3. Birth de facto did design the man, because of God's special promises to David's house ; but how doth a typical descent made to David, and some others by God's promise, prove, that birth is the birthright and lawful call of God to a crown in all after ages ? For as gifts to reign goeth not by birth, so neither doth God's title to a crown go. M. Symmons. — A prince once possessed of a kingdom coming to him by inheritance, i Symmons' Loyal Subjects Beleefe, sect. 3, p. 16. can never, by any, upon any occasion be dis- possessed thereof, without horrible impiety and injustice. Royal unction was an inde- lible character of old : Saul remained the Lord's anointed till the last gasp. David durst not take the right of government ac- tually unto him, although he had it in re- version, being already anointed thereunto, and had received the spirit thereof. Ans. — 1. This is the question, If a prince, once a prince by inheritance, cannot be dis- possessed thereof without injustice : for if a kingdom be his by birth, as an inheritance transmitted from the father to the son, I see not but any man upon necessary occa- sions may sell his inheritance ; but if a prince sell his kingdom, a very Barclay and a Grotius with reason will say, he may be dispossessed and dethroned, and take up his indelible character then. (2.) A kingdom is not the prince's own, so as it is injustice to take it from him, as to take a man's purse from him ; the Lord's church, in a Christian kingdom, is God's heritage, and the king only a shepherd, and the sheep, in the court of conscience, are not his. (3.) Royal unc- tion is not an indelible character ; for nei- ther Saul nor David were all their days kings thereby, but lived many days private men after divine unction, while the people anointed them kings, except you say that there were two kings at once in Israel ; and that Saul, killing David, should have killed his own lord, and his anointed. (4.) If Da- vid durst not take the right of government actually on him, then divine unction made him not king, but only designed him to be king : the people's election must make the king. M. Symmons addeth, " He that is born a king and a prince can never be unborn, Semel Augustus semper Augustus; yea, I believe the eldest son of such a king is, in respect of birth, the Lord's anointed in his father's life-time, — even as David was be- fore Saul's death, and to deprive him of his right of reversion is as true injustice as to dispossess him of it." Ans. — It is proper only to Jesus Christ to be born a king. Sure I am no man bringeth out of the womb with him a scep- tre, and a crown on his head. Divine unc- tion giveth a right infallibly to a crown, but birth doth not so ; for one may be born heir to a crown, as was hopeful prince Henry, 1 Symmons, sect. 3, p. 7. THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 43 and yet never live to be king. The eldest son of a king, if he attempt to kill his father, as Absalom did, and raise forces against the lawful prince, I conceive he may be killed in battle without any injustice. If in his fa- ther's time he be the Lord's anointed, there be two kings ; and the heir may have a son, and so there shall be three kings, possibly four, — all kings by divine right. The Prelate of Rochester saith, 1 " The people and nobles give no right to him who is born a king, they only declare his right." Ans. — This is said, not proved. A man born for an inheritance is by birth an heir, because he is not born for these lands as a mean for the end, but by the contrary, these lands are for the heir as the mean for the end ; but the king is for his kingdom as a mean for the end, as the watchman for the city, the living law for peace and safety to God's people ; and, therefore, is not heres hominum, an heir of men, but men are ra- ther heredes regis, heirs of the king. Arnisseus saith, 2 " Many kingdoms are purchased by just war, and transmitted by the law of heritage from the father to the son, beside the consent of the people, because the son receiveth right to the crown not from the people, but from his parents ; nor doth he possess the kingdom as the patri- mony of the people, keeping only to himself the burden of protecting and governing the people, but as a propriety given to him lege regni, by his parents, which he is obliged to defend and rule, as a father looketh to the good and welfare of the family, yet so also as he may look to his own good. Ans. — We read in the word of God that the people made Solomon king, not that David, or any king, can leave in his testa- ment a kingdom to his son. He saith, the son hath not the right of reigning as the patrimony of the people, but as a propriety, given by the law of the kingdom by his pa- rents. Now this is all one as if he said the son hath not the right of the kingdom as the patrimony of the people, but as the pa- trimony of the people — which is good non- sense ; for the propriety of reigning given from father to son by the law of the king- dom, is nothing but a right to reign given by the law of the people, and the very gift and patrimony of the people ; for lex regni, this law of the kingdom is the law of the 1 Joan. Episco. Roffens. de potest. Fapa?. lib. 2, c. 5. 2 Arnisaeus de authoiit. princip. c. 1, n. 13. people, tying the crown to such a royal fa- mily ; and this law of the people is prior and more ancient than the king, or the right of reigning in the king, or which the king is supposed to have from his royal fa- ther, because it made the first father the first king of the royal line. For I demand, how doth the son succeed to his father's crown and throne ? Not by any promise of a divine covenant that the Lord . maketh to the father, as he promised that David's seed should sit on his throne till the Messiah should come. This, as I conceive, is van- ished with the commonwealth of the Jews ; nor can we now find any immediate divine constitution, tying the crown now to such a race, — nor can we say this cometh from the will of the father-king making his son king. For, 1. There is no Scripture can warrant us to say the king maketh a king, but the Scripture holdeth forth that the people made Saul and David kings. 2. This may prove that the father is some way a cause why this son succeedeth king ; but he is not the cause of the royalty conferred upon the whole line, because the question is, Who made the first father a king ? Not himself ; nor doth God now immediately by prophets anoint men to be kings, — then must the people choose the first man, then must the people's election of a king be prior and more ancient than the birth-law to a crown ; and election must be a better right than birth. The question is, Whence cometh it that not only the first father should be chosen king ; but also whence is it, that whereas it is in the people's free will to make the succession of kings go by free election, as it is in Den- mark and Poland, yet the people doth freely choose, not only the first man to be king, but also the whole race of the first-born of this man's family to be Icings. All here must be resolved in the free will of the com- munity. Now, since we have no immediate and prophetical enthroning of men, it is evi- dent that the lineal deduction of the crown from father to son, through the whole line, is from the people, not from the parent. 6. Hence, I add this as my sixth argu- ment, That which taketh away that natural aptitude and nature's birthright in a com- munity, given to them by God and nature, to provide the most efficacious and prevalent mean for their own preservation and peace in the fittest government, that is not to be holden ; but to make birth the best title to the crown, and better than free election, LL'X, REX ; OK, taketh away and imped eth that natural ap- titude and nature's birthright of choosing, not simply a governor, but the best, the justest, the more righteous, and tyeth and i'ettereth their choice to one of a house, whether he be a wise man, and just, or a fool and an unjust man ; therefore to make birth the best title to the crown, is not to be holden. It is objected, That parents may bind their after generations to choose one of such a line, but by this argument, their natural birth- right of a free choice to elect the best and fittest, is abridged and clipped, and so the posterity shall not be tyed to a king of the royal line to which the ancestors did swear. See for this the learned author of " Scrip- ture and Reasons pleaded for Defensive Arms." Ans. — Frequent elections of a king, at the death of every prince, may have, by ac- cident, and through the corruption of our nature, bloody and tragical sequels ; and to eschew these, people may tie and oblige their children to choose one of the first-born, male or female, as in Scotland and England, of such a line ; but I have spoken of the ex- cellency of the title by election above that of birth, as comparing things according to their own nature together, but give me leave to say, that the posterity are tied to that line,— 1. Conditionally : so the first- born, ceteris paribus, be qualified, and have an head to sit at the helm. 2. Elections of governors would be performed as in the sight of God, and, in my weak apprehension, the person coming nearest to God's judge, fear- ing God, hating covetousness ; and to Mo- ses' king, (Deut. xvii.) one who shall read in the book of the law ; and it would seem now that gracious morals are to us instead. of God's immediate designation. 3. The gen- uine and intrinsical end of making kings is not simply governing, but governing the best way, in peace, honesty, and godliness, (1 Tim.ii.) therefore, these are to be made kings who may most expeditely procure this end. Neither is it my purpose to make him no king who is not a gracious man, only here I compare title with title. Arg. 7. Where God hath not bound the conscience, men may not bind themselves, or the consciences of the posterity. But God hath not bound any nation irrevocably and unalterably to a royal line, or to one kind of 1 Sect. 4, p. 39. government ; therefore, no nation can bind their conscience, and the conscience of the posterity, either to one royal line, or irrevo- cably and unalterably to monarchy. The proposition is clear. 1. No nation is tyed, jure divino, by the tie of a divine law, to a monarchy, rather than to another govern- ment. The Parisian doctors prove, that the precept of having a pope is affirmative, and so tyeth not the church, ad semper, for ever; and so the church is the body of Christ, without the Pope : and all oaths to things of their nature indifferent, and to things the contrary whereof is lawful and may be ex- pedient and necessary, lay on a tie only con- ditionally, in so far as they conduce to the end. If the Gibeonites had risen in Jo- shua's days to cut off the people of God, I think no wise man can think that Joshua and the people were tyed, by the oath of God, not to cut off the Gibeonites in that case ; for to preserve them alive, as ene- mies, was against the intent of the oath, which was to preserve them alive, as friends demanding and supplicating peace, and sub- mitting. The assumption is clear. If a na- tion seeth that aristocratical government is better than monarchy, hie et nunc, that the sequels of such a monarchy is bloody, destruc- tive, tyrannous ; that the monarchy compel- leth the free subjects to Mahomedanism, to gross idolatry, they cannot, by the divine bond of any oath, captive their natural free- dom, which is to choose a government and governors for their safety, and for a peace- able and godly life ; or fetter and chain the wisdom of the posterity unalterably to a government or a royal line, which, hie et nunc, contrary to the intention of their oath, proveth destructive and bloody. And in this case, even the king, though tyed by an oath to govern, is obliged to the practices of the Emperor Otho ; and as Speed saith of Rich- ard the second, 1 to resign the crown for the eschewing of the effusion of blood. And who doubteth but the second wits of the expe- rienced posterity may correct the first wits of their fathers ; nor shall I ever believe that the fathers can leave in legacy by oath, any chains of the best gold to fetter the af- ter wits of posterity, to a choice destructive to peace and true godliness. Arg. 8. An heritor may defraud his first- born of his heritage, because of his dominion ho hath over his heritage: a king cannot de- 1 Speed, Hist. p. 757. THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 45 fraud his first-born of the crown. An heritor may divide his heritage equally amongst his twelve sons : a king cannot divide his royal dominions in twelve parts, and give a part to every son ; for so he might turn a monarchy into an aristocracy, and put twelve men in the place of one king. Any heritor taken captive may lawfully oppignerate, yea, and give all his inheritance as a ransom for his liberty ; for a man is better than his inheri- tance : but no king may give his subjects as a price or ransom. Yet I shall not be against the succession of kings by birth with good limitations ; and shall agree, that through the corruption of man's nature, it may be in so far profitable, as it is peaceable, and preventeth bloody tu- mults, which are the bane of human socie- ties. Consider further for this, iEgid. Ro- manus, lib. 3. de reg. princi. cap. 5, Turrec* re mat. and Joan, de terrse Reubese, 1 tract, contr. Rebelles, ar. 1, con. 4. Yet Aristo- tle, the flower of nature's wit, (lib. 3. polit. c. 10,) preferreth election to succession. He preferreth Carthage to Sparta, though their kings came of Hercules. Plutarch in Scylla, saith, he would have kings as dogs, that is, best hunters, not those who are born of best dogs. Tacitus, lib. 1, Naci et generari a Principibus, fortuitum, nee ultra ccstiman- tur. QUESTION XL WHETHER OR NO HE BE MORE PRINCIPALLY A KING WHO IS A KING BY BIRTH, OR HE WHO IS A KING BY THE FREE ELECTION AND SUFFRAGES OF THE PEOPLE. Assert. 1. — Without detaining the reader, I desire liberty to assert that, where God es- tablished a kingdom by birth, that govern- ment, hie et nunc, is best ; and because God principally distributeth crowns, when God es- tablisheth the royal line of David to reign, he is not principally a king who cometh near- est and most immediately to the fountain of royalty, which is God's immediate will ; but God established, hie et nunc, for typical rea- sons (with reverence of the learned) a king by birth. Assert. 2. — But to speak of them, ex ncc- tur a rei, and according to the first mould and pattern of a king by law, a king by elec- • i tion is more principally king ( magis univoce et per se) than an hereditary prince. (1.) Because in hereditary crowns, the first fami- ly being chosen by the free suffrages of the people, for that cause ultimate, the heredi- tary prince cometh to the throne, because his first father, and in him the whole line of the family, was chosen to the crown, and propter quod unumquodque tale, id ipsum magis tale. (2.) The first king ordained by God's positive law, must be the measure of all kings, and more principally the king than he who is such by derivation. But the first king is a king by election, not by birth, Deut. xvii. 15, Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the Lord thy God shall choose ; one from amongst thy brethren shalt thou set over thee. (3.) The law saith, Surrogatum fruitur privilegiis ejus, in cujus locum surrogatur, he who is substituted in the place of another, enjoy- eth the privileges of him in whose place he succeedeth. But the hereditary king hath royal privileges from him who is chosen king. Solomon hath the royal privileges of David his father, and is therefore king by birth, because his father David was king by elec- tion ; and this I say, not because I think sole birth is a just title to the crown, but because it designeth him who indeed virtually was chosen, when the first king of the race was chosen. (4.) Because there is no dominion of either royalty, or any other way by nature, no more than an eagle is born king of eagles, a lion king of lions ; neither is a man by na- ture born king of men ; and, therefore, he who is made king by suffrages of the peo- ple, must be more principally king than he who hath no title but the womb of his mother. Dr Feme is so far with us, to father roy- alty upon the people's free election as on the formal cause, that he saith, If to design the person and to procure limitation of the power, in the exercise of it, be to give the power, we grant the power is from the peo- ple ; but (saith he) you will have the power originally from themselves, in another sense, for you say, they reserve power to depose and displace the magistrate ; sometimes they make the monarchy supreme, and then they divest themselves of all power, and keep none to themselves; but, before establish- ed government, they have no politic power whereby they may lay a command on others, but only a natural power of private resist- i Dr Fern, part 3, sect. 3, p. 14. 46 LEX, REX ; OR, ance, which they cannot use against the ma- gistrate. Ans. — But to take off those by the way. 1. If the king may choose A. B. an ambas- sador, and limit him in his power, and say, Do this, and say this to the foreign state you go to, but no more, half a wit will say the king createth the ambassador, and the am- bassador's power is originally from the king ; and we prove the power of the lion is origi- nally from God, and of the sea and the fire is originally from God, because God limiteth the lion in the exercises of its power, that it shall not devour Daniel, and limiteth the sea, as Jeremiah saith, when as he will have its proud waves to come thither and no far- ther, and will have the fire to burn those who threw the three children into the fiery furnace, and yet not to burn the three chil- dren ; for this is as if Dr Feme said, The power of the king of six degrees, rather than his power of five, is from the people, there- fore the power of the king is not from the people ; yea, the contrary is true. 2. That the people can make a king supreme, that is, absolute, and so resign nature's birthright, that is, a power to defend themselves, is not lawful, for if the people have not absolute power to destroy themselves, they cannot resign such a power to their prince. 3. It is false that a community, before they be es- tablished with formal rulers, have no politic power ; for consider them as men only, and not as associated, they have indeed no politic power: but before magistrates be established, they may convene and associate themselves in a body, and appoint magistrates; and this they cannot do if they had no politic power at all. 4. They have virtually a power to lay on commandments, in that they have power to appoint to themselves rulers, who may lay commandments on others. 5. A community hath not formally power to pun- ish themselves, for to punish, is to inflict ma- lum disconveniens naturae, an evil contrary to nature ; but, in appointing rulers and in agreeing to laws, they consent they shall be punished by another, upon supposition of transgression, as the child willingly going to school submitteth himself in that to school discipline, if he shall fail against any school law ; and by all this it is clear, a king by election is principally a king. Barclay then faileth, who saith, 1 No man denieth but suc- cession to a crown by birth is agreeable to i Barcla. cont. Monarcham. c. 2, p. 56. nature. It is not against nature, but it is no more natural than for a lion to be born a king of lions. Obj. — Most of the best divines approve an hereditary monarch, rather than a monarch by election. Ans. — So do I in some cases. In re- spect of empire simply, it is not better ; in respect of empire now, under man's fall in sin, I grant it to be better in some re- spects. So Salust in Jugurth. Natura mortalium imperij avida. Tacitus, Hist. 2. Minore discrimine princeps sumitur, quam queritu, there is less danger to ac- cept of a prince at hand, than to seek one afar off. In a kingdom to be constituted, election is better; in a constituted kingdom, birth seemeth less evil. In respect of liberty, election is more convenient ; in respect of safety and peace, birth is safer and the near- est way to the well. See Bodin. de Rep. lib. 6, c. iv. ; Thol. de Rep. lib. 7, c iv. QUESTION XII. WHETHER OR NOT A KINGDOM MAY LAWFUL- LY BE PURCHASED BY THE SOLE TITLE 01? CONQUEST. The Prelate averreth confidently (c. 17, p. 58) that a title to a kingdom by conquest, without the consent of a people, is so just and evident by Scripture, that it cannot be denied ; but the man bringeth no Scripture to prove it. Mr Marshall saith, (Let. p. 7,) a con- quered kingdom is but continuata injuria, a continued robbery. A right of conquest is twofold. 1. When there is no just cause. 2. When there is just reason and ground of the war. In this latter case, if a prince subdue a whole land which justly deserveth to die, yet, by his grace, who is so mild a conqueror, they may be all preserved alive ; now, amongst those who have thus injured the conqueror, as they deserve death, we are to difference the persons offending, and the wives, children — especially those not bora — and such as have not offended. The former sort may resign their personal liberty to the conqueror, that the sweet life may be saved. He cannot be their king properly ; but I con- ceive that they are obliged to consent that he be their king, upon this condition, that the conqueror put not upon them violent and tyrannical conditions that are harder than THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 47 death. Now, in reason, we cannot think that a tyrannous and unjust domineering can be God's lawful mean of translating king- doms ; and, for the other part, the conqueror cannot domineer as king over the innocent, and especially the children not yet born. Assert. 1. — A people may be, by God's special commandment, subject to a conquer- ing Nebuchadnezzar and a Caesar, as to their king, as was Judah commanded by the pro- phet Jeremiah to submit unto the yoke of the king of Babylon, and to pray for him, and the people of the Jews were to give to Caesar the things of Caesar ; and yet both those were unjust conquerors : for those ty- rants had no command of God to oppress and reign over the Lord's people, yet were they to obey those kings, so the passive sub- jection was just and commanded of God, and the active, unjust and tyrannous, and forbidden of God. Assert. 2. — This title by conquest, through the people's after consent, may be turned into a just title, as in the case of the Jews in Caesar's time, for which cause our Saviour commanded to obey Csesar, and to pay tri- bute unto him, as Dr Feme confesseth, (sec. vii. p. 30). But two things are to be con- demned in the Doctor. 1. That God mani- fested his will to us in this work of provi- dence, whereby he translateth kingdoms. 2. That this is an over-awed consent. Now to the former I reply, — 1 . If the act of con- quering be violent and unjust, it is no mani- festation of God's regulating and approving will, and can no more prove a just title to a crown, because it is an act of divine provi- dence, than Pilate and Herod's crucifying of the Lord of glory, which was an act of divine providence, flowing from the will and decree of divine providence, (Acts ii. 23 ; iv. 28,) is a manifestation that it was God's approving will, that they should kill Jesus Christ. 2. Though the consent be some way over-awed, yet is it a sort of contract and covenant of loyal subjection made to the conqueror, and therefore sufficient to make the title just ; otherwise, if the people never give their consent, the conqueror, domineer- ing over them by violence, hath no just title to the crown. Assert. 3. — Mere conquest by the sword, without the consent of the people, is no just title to the crown. Arg. 1. — Because the lawful title that God's word holdeth forth to us, beside the Lord's choosing and calling of a man to the crown, isthepeope's election, Deut. xvii. 15, all that had any lawful calling to the crown in God's word, as Saul, David, Solomon, &c, were called by the people ; and the first law- ful calling is to us a rule and pattern to all lawful callings. Arg. 2. — A king, as a king, and by virtue of his royal office, is the father of the king- dom, a tutor, a defender, protector, a shield, a leader, a shepherd, a husband, a patron, a watchman, a keeper of the people over which he is king, and so the office essentially in- cludeth acts of fatherly affection, care, love and kindness, to those over whom he is set, so as he who is clothed with all these rela- tions of love to the people, cannot exercise those official acts on a people against their will, and by mere violence. Can he be a father, a guide and a patron to us against our will, and by the sole power of the bloody sword ? A benefit conferred on any against their will is no benefit. Will he by the awesome dominion of the sword be our fa- ther, and we unwilling to be his sons — an head over such as will not be members? Will he guide me as a father, a husband, against my will ? He cannot come by mere violence to be a patron, a shield, and a de- fender of me through violence. * Arg. 3. — It is not to be thought that that is God's just title to a crown which hath nothing in it of the essence of a king, but a violent and bloody purchase, which is in its prevalency in an oppressing Nimrod, and the crudest tyrant that is hath nothing- essential to that which constituteth a king ; for it hath nothing of heroic and royal wis- dom and gifts to govern, and nothing of God's approving and regulating will, which must be manifested to any who would be a king, but by the contrary, cruelty hath ra- ther baseness and witless fury, and a plain reluctancy with God's revealed will, which forbiddeth murder. God's law should say, " Murder thou, and prosper and reign ;" and by the act of violating the sixth com- mandment, God should declare his approv- ing will, to wit, his lawful call to a throne. Arg. 4. — There be none under a law of God who may resist a lawful call to a lawful office, but men may resist any impulsion of God stirring them up to murder the most numerous and strongest, and chief men of a kingdom, that they may reign over the few- est, the weakest, and the young, and lowest of the people, against their will ; therefore this call by the sword is not lawful. If it 48 LEX, REX ; OR, be said that the divine impulsion, stirring up a man to make a bloody conquest, that the ire and just indignation of God in justice may be declared on a wicked nation, is an extraoi'dinary impulsion of God, who is above a law, and therefore no man may resist it ; then all bloody conquerors must have some extraordinary revelation from heaven to war- rant their yielding of obedience to such an extraordinary impulsion. And if it be so, they must show a lawful and immediate ex- traordinary impulsion now, but, it is certain, the sins of the people conquered, and their most equal and just demerit before God, cannot be a just plea to legitimate the con- quest; for though the people of God de- served devastation and captivity by the heathen, in regard of their sins, before the throne of divine justice, yet the heathen grievously sinned in conquering them, Zech. i. 15, " And I am very sore displeased with the heathen that are at ease ; for I was but a little displeased, and they helped forward the affliction." So though Judah deserved to be made captives, and a con- quered people, because of their idolatry and other sins, as Jeremiah had prophecied, yet God was highly displeased at Babylon for their unjust and bloody conquest, Jer. 1. 17, 18, 33, 34 ; li. 35, " The violence done io me and to my flesh be upon Babylon, shall the inhabitants of Zion say ; and my blood upon the inhabitants of Chaldea, shall Jeru- salem say." And that any other extraor- dinary impulsion to be as lawful a call to the throne as the people's free election, we know not from God's word ; and we have but the naked word of our adversaries, that William the Conqueror, without the people's consent, made himself, by blood, the lawful king of England, and aLso of all their poste- rity ; and that king Fergus conquered Scot- land. Arg. 5. — A king is a special gift from God, given to feed and defend the people of God, that they may lead a godly and peaceable life under him, (Psal. lxxviii. 71, 72 ; 1 Tim. ii. 2 ;) as it is a judgment of God that Israel is without a king many days, (Hos. hi. 4,) and that there is no judge, no king, to put evil-doers to shame. (Judg. xix. 1.) But if a king be given of God as a king, by the acts of a bloody con- quest, to be avenged on the sinful land over which he is made a king, he cannot be given, actu primo, as a special gift and blessing of God to feed, but to murder and to destroy ; for the genuine end of a conqueror, as a conqueror, is not peace, but fire and sword. If God change his heart, to be of a bloody devastator, a father, prince, and feeder of the people, ex officio, now he is not a violent conqueror, and he came to that meekness by contraries, which is the proper work of the omnipotent God, and not proper to man, who, as he cannot work miracles, so neither can he lawfully work by contraries. And so if conquest be a lawful title to a crown, and an ordinary calling, as the opponents presume, every bloody conqueror must be changed into a loving father, prince and feeder ; and if God call him, none should oppose him, but the whole land should dethrone their own native sovereign (whom they are obliged be- fore the Lord to defend) and submit to the bloody invasion of a strange lord, presumed to be a just conqueror, as if he were lawfully called to the throne both by birth and the voices of the people. And truly they de- serve no wages who thus defend the king's prerogative royal ; for if the sword be a law- ful title to the crown, suppose the two gene- rals of both kingdoms should conquer the most and the chiefest of the kingdom now, when they have so many forces in the field, by this wicked reason the one should have a lawful call of God to be king of England and the other to be king of Scotland ; which is absurd. Arg. 6. — Either conquest, as conquest, is a just title to the crown, or as a just con- quest. If as a conquest, then all conquests are just titles to a crown ; then the Ammo- nites, Zidonians, Canaanites, Edomites, &c, subduing God's people for a time, have just title to reign over them ; and if Absalom had been stronger than David, he had then had the just title to be the Lord's anoint ted and king of Israel, not David ; and so strength actually prevailing should be God's lawful call to a crown. But strength, as strength victorious, is not law nor reason : it were then reason that Herod behead John Baptist, and the Roman Emperors kill the witnesses of Christ Jesus. If conquest, as just, be the title and lawful claim before God's court to a crown, then, certainly, a stronger king, for pregnant national injuries, may lawfully subdue and reign over an in- nocent posterity not yet born. But what word of God can warrant a posterity not born, and so accessory to no offence against the conqueror, (but only sin original,) to be under a conqueror against their will, and THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 49 who hath no right to reign over them hut the hloody sword ? For so conquest, as con- quest, not as just, maketh him king over the posterity. If it be said, The fathers may engage the posterity hy an oath to sur- render themselves as loyal subjects to the man who justly and deservedly made the fathers vassals by the title of the sword of justice ; I answer, The fathers may indeed dispose of the inheritance of their children, because that inheritance belongeth to the father as well as to the son ; but because the liberty of the son being born with the son, (all men being born free from all civil subjection,) the father hath no more power to resign the liberty of his children than their lives ; and the father, as a father, hath not power of the life of his child ; as a magis- trate he may have power, and, as something more than a father, he may have power of life and death. I hear not what Grotius saith, 1 " Those who are not born have no accidents, and so no rights, Non entis nulla sunt accidentia ; then children not bqrn have neither right nor liberty." And so no injury (may some say) can be done to chil- dren not born, though the fathers should give away their liberty to the conquerors, — those who are not capable of law are not capable of injury contrary to law. — Ans. There is a virtual alienation of rights and lives of children not born unlawful, because the children are not born. To say that children not born are not capable of law and injuries virtual, which become real in time, might say, Adam did not any injury to his posterity by his first sin, which is contrary to God's word ; so those who vowed yearly to give seven innocent children to the Mino- taur to be devoured, and to kill their chil- dren not born to bloody Molech, did no acts of bloody injury to their children ; nor can any say, then, that fathers cannot tie them- selves and their posterity to a king by suc- cession. But I say, to be tyed to a lawful king is no making away of liberty, but a re- signing of a power to be justly governed, protected and awed from active and passive violence. Arg. 7. — No lawful king may be de- throned, nor lawful kingdom dissolved ; but law and reason both saith, Quod vi partum est imperium, vi dissolvi potest. Every conquest made by violence may be dissolved 1 Hugo Grotius de jure belli et pacis, c. 4, n. 10. by violence: C&nsetur enim ipsa natura jus dare ad id omnc, sine quo ob.tineri non potest quod ipsa imperat. Obj. — It is objected, that the people of God, by their sword, conquered seven na- tions of the Canaanites ; David conquered the Ammonites for the disgrace done to his ambassadors ; so God gave Egypt to Nebu- chadnezzar for his hire in his service done against Judah. Had David no right over the A/mnonites an d Moabites but by expect- ing their consent ? Ye wil] say, A right to their lands, goods and lives, but not to chal- lenge their moral subjection. Well, we doubt nQt but such conquerors wjll chal- lenge and obtain their moral consent. But if the people refuse their consent, is there no way, for providence giveth no right ? So Dr Feme, 1 so Arnisseus.? Ans. — A facto ad jus non vales conse* quentia, God, to whom belongeth the world and the fulness thereof, disponed to Abra- ham and his seed the land of Canaan for their inheritance, and ordained that they should use their bow and their sword, for the actual possession thereof; and the like divine right had David to the Edomites and Ammonites, though the occasion of David's taking possession of these kingdoms by his sword, did arise from particular and occa- sional exigencies and injuries ; but it follow- eth in no sort that, therefore, kings now wanting apy word of promise, and so of di- vine right to any lands, may ascend to the thrones of other kingdoms than their own, by no other title than the bloody sword. That God's will was the chief patent here is clear, in that God forbade his people to con- quer Edom, or Esau's possession, when as he gave them command to conquer the Amo- rites. I doubt not to say, if Joshua and David had no better title than their bloody sword, though provoked by injuries, they could have had no right to any kingly power over these kingdoms ; and if only success by the sword be a right of providence, it is no right of precept. God's providence, as pro- vidence without prepept or promise, can con- clude a thing is done, or may be done, but cannot conclude a thing is lawfully and war- rantably done, else you might say the sel- ling of Joseph, the crucifying of Christ, the spoiling of Job, were lawfully done. Though conquerors extort consent and oath of loyal- 1 Dr Feme part 3, sect. 3, p. 20. 2 Arnisasus de authoritat princip. c. 1, n. VI I ! 50 LEX, REX ; OR, ty, yet that maketh not over a royal right to the conqueror to be king over their pos- terity without their consent. Though the children of Ammon did a high injury to David, yet no injury can be recompensed in justice with the pressure of the constrained subjection of loyalty to a violent lord. If David had not had an higher warrant from God than an injury done to his messengers, he could not have conquered them. But the Ammonites were the declared enemies of the church of God, and raised forces against David when they themselves were the injurers and offenders. And if David's conquest will prove a lawful title by the sword to all conquerors, then may all con- querors lawfully do to the conquered people as David did ; that is, they may " put them under saws, and under harrows of iron, and under axes of iron, and cause them pass through the brick-kilne." But, I beseech you, will royalists say, that conquerors, who make themselves kings by their sword, and so make themselves fathers, heads, defen- ders, and feeders of the people, may use the most extreme tyranny in the world, such as David used against the children of Ammon, which he could not have done by the naked title of sword-conquest, if God had not laid a commandment of an higher nature on him to serve God's enemies so ? I shall then say, if a conquering king be a lawful king, because a conqueror, then hath God made such a lawful king both a father, because a king, and a tyrant, and cruel and lion- hearted oppressor of those whom he hath conquered ; for God hath given him royal power by this example, (2 Sam. xii. 30, 31,) to put these, to whom he is a father and de- fender by office, to torment, and also to be a torturer of them by office, by bringing their backs under such instruments of cruel- ty as " saws, and harrows of iron, and axes of iron." QUESTION XIII. WHETHER OR XO ROYAL DIGNITY HAVE ITS SPRING FROM NATURE, AND HOW THAT IS TRUE, " EVERY MAN IS BORN FREE," AND HOW SERVITUDE IS CONTRARY TO NATURE. I conceive it to be evident that royal dig- nity is not immediately, and without the in- tervention of the people's consent, given by God to any one person, and that conquest and violence is no just title to a crown. Now the question is, If royalty flow from nature, if royalty be not a thing merely na- tural, neither can subjection to royal power be merely natural ; but the former is rather civil than natural : and the question of the same nature is, Whether subjection or servi- tude be natural. I conceive that there be divers subjections to these that are above us some way natural, and therefore I rank them in order, thus : — 1. There is a subjection in respect of na- tural being, as the effect to the cause ; so, though Adam had never sinned, this mora- lity of the fifth command should have stood in vigour, that the son by nature, without any positive law, should have been subject to the father, because from him he hath his being, as from a second cause. But I doubt if the relation of a father, as a father, doth necessarily infer a royal or kingly authority of the father over the son ; or by nature's law, that the father hath a power of life and death over, or above, his children, and the reasons I give are, (1.) Because power of fife and death is by a positive law, presup- posing sin and the fall of man ; and if Adam, standing in innocency, could lawfully kill his son, though the son should be a malefactor, without any positive law of God, I much doubt. (2.) I judge that the power royal, and the fatherly power of a father over his children, shall be found to be different ; and the one is founded on the law of nature, the other, to wit, royal power, on a mere posi- tive law. 2. The degree or order of sub- jection natural is a subjection in respect of gifts or age. So Aristotle (1 polit. cap. 3) saith, " that some are by nature servants." His meaning is good, — that some gifts of nature, as wisdom natural, or aptitude to govern, hath made some men of gold, fitter to command, and some of iron and clay, fit- ter to be servants and slaves. But I judge this title to make a king by birth, seeing Saul, whom God by supervenient gifts made a king, seemeth to owe small thanks to the womb, or nature, that he was a king, for his cruelty to the Lord's priests speaketh no- thing but natural baseness. It is possible Plato had a good meaning, (dialog. 3, de le- gib.) who made six orders here. " 1. That fathers command their sons; 2. The noble the ignoble ; 3. The elder the younger ; 4. The masters the servants ; 5. The stronger the weaker ; 6. The wise the ignorant." THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 01 Aquinas (22, q. 57, art. 3), Driedo (de li- bert. Christ, lib. 1, p. 8), following Aristo- tle, (polit. lib. 7, c. 14,) hold, though man had never sinned there should have been a sort of dominion of the more gifted and wiser above the less wise and weaker ; not antecedent from nature properly, but conse- quent, for the utility and good of the weaker, in so far as it is good for the weaker to be guided by the stronger, which cannot be de- nied to have some ground in nature. But there is no ground for kings by nature here. 1. Because even those who plead that the mother's womb must be the best title for a crown, and make it equivalent to royal unc- tion, are to be corrected in memory thus, — That it is merely accidental, and not natu- ral, for such a son to be born a king, because the free consent of the people making choice of the first father of that line to be their king, and in him making choice of the first- born of the family, is merely accidental to father and son, and so cannot be natural. 2. Because royal gifts to reign are not held by either us or our adversaries to be the specific essence of a king ; for if the people crown a person their king, say we,— if the womb bring him forth to be a king, say the opponents, — he is essentially a king, and to be obeyed as the Lord's anointed, though na- ture be very farce, sparing, and a niggard in bestowing royal gifts ; yea, though he be an idiot, say some, if he be the first-born of a king, he is by just title a king, but must have curators and tutors to guide him in the exercise of that royal right that he hath from the womb. But Buchanan saith well, 1 " He who cannot govern himself shall never govern others." Assert. 1. — As a man cometh into the world a member of a politic society, he is, by consequence, born subject to the laws of that society ; but this maketh him not, from the womb and by nature, subject to a king, as by nature he is subject to his father who begat him, no more than by nature a Hon is born subject to another king-lion ; for it is by accident that he is born of parents under subjection to a monarch, or to either democra- tical or aristocratical governors, for Cain and Abel were born under none of these forms of government properly ; and if he had been born in a new planted colony in a wilderness, where no government were yet established, he should be under no such government. Buclian. de jure Regni apud Scotos. Assert. 2. — Slavery of servants to lords or masters, such as were of old amongst the Jews, is not natural, but against nature. 1. Because slavery is malum naturce, a penal evil and contrary to nature, and a punishment of sin. 2. Slavery should not have been in the world, if man had never sinned, no more than there could have been buying and selling of men, which is a miser- able consequent of sin and a sort of death, when men are put to the toiling pains of the hireling, who longeth for the shadow, and under iron harrows and saws, and to hew wood, and draw water continually. 3. The original of servitude was, when men were taken in war, to eschew a greater evil, even death, the captives were willing to undergo a less evil, slavery, (S. Servitus, 1 de jure. Pers.) 4. A man being created according to God's image, he is res sacra, a sacred thing, and can no more, by nature's law, be sold and bought, than a religious and sacred thing dedicated to God. S. 1. Instit. de inutil. scrupl. I. inter Stipulantem. S. Sacram. F. de verber. Obligat. Assert. 3. — Every man by nature is a free- man born, that is, by nature no man cometh out of the womb under any civil subjection to king, prince, or judge, to master, captain, conqueror, teacher, &c. Arg. 1. — Because freedom is natural to all, except freedom from subjection to pa- rents ; and subjection politic is merely acci- dental, coming from some positive laws of men, as they are in a politic society; whereas they might have been born with all concomi- tants of nature, though born in a single family, the only natural and first society in the world. Arg. 2. — Man is born by nature free from all subjection, except of that which is most kindly and natural, and that is fatherly or filial subjection, or matrimonial subjection of the wife to the husband ; and especially he is free of subjection to a prince by nature ; because to be under jurisdiction to a judge or king, hath a sort of jurisdiction, (argu- ment, L. Si quis sit fugitivus. F. de edit, edict, in S. penult, vel Jin.) especially to be under penal laws now in the state of sin. The learned senator Ferdinandus Vasquez saith, (lib. 2. c. 82. n. 15,) Every subject is to lay down his life for the prince. Now no man is born under subjection to penal laws or dying for his prince. Arg. 3. — Man by nature is born free, and as free as beasts ; but by nature no beast, no LEX, REX ; OR, lion is born king of lions ; no horse, no bul- lock, no eagle, king of horses, bullocks, or eagles. Nor is there any subjection here, except that the young lion is subject to the old, every foal to its dam ; and by that same law of nature, no man is born king of men, nor any man subject to man in a civil sub- jection by nature, (I speak not of natural subjection of children to parents,) and there- fore Ferdi. Vasquez (illustr; quest, lib. 2, c. 82, n. 6,) said, that kingdoms and empires were brought in, not by nature's law, but by the law of nations. He expoundeth himself elsewhere to speak of the law of nature secon- dary, otherwise the primary law of nations is indeed the law of nature, as appropriated to man. If any reply, That the freedom natu- ral of beasts and birds, who never sinned, can- not be one with the natural freedom of man who is now under sin, and so under bondage for sin, my answer is, That the subjection of the misery of man by nature, because of sin, is more than the subjection of beasts, com- paring species and kinds of beasts and birds with mankind, but comparing individuals of the same kind amongst themselves ; as lion with lion, eagle with eagle, and so man with man ; in which respect, because he who is supposed to be the man born free from sub- jection politic, even the king born a king, is under the sam state of sin, and so by rea- son of sin, of which he hath a share equally with all other men by nature, he must be, by nature, born under as great subjection penal for sin (except the king be born void of sin) as other men ; therefore he is not born freer by nature than other men, ex- cept he come out of the womb with a king's crown on his head. Arf . 3 The Chaldee Paraphrase saith,* Statutum regis. Hieronimus translateth it jus regis, and also Calvin ; but I am sure the He- brew, both in words and sense, beareth a consuetude ; yea, and the word JODJ^D sig- nifieth not always a law, as, (Josh. vi. 14,) " They compassed the city IDSt^^DD seven times : the IjXX. Ktf.ro. r.iv y^'iixa. rovri ', 2 Kings xvii. 26, They " know not the man- ner of the God of the land ; (ver. 33) they served their own gods, after the manner of the heathen." DVTil tDSt^DD can- not be according to the law or right of the heathen, except £3D^D> be taken in an evil part : the LXX. Kara re, Kfifta rZ/ \hm, ver. 34, " Until this day they do after these manners ;" 1 Kings xviii. 28, Baal's priests " cut themselves with knives OtDS^DD after their manner :" the LXX. Kara. ™\ itutit.it ; Gen. xl. 13, Thou shalt give the cup to Pharaoh, according as thou wast i Barclaius, lib. 3, c. 2. 2 Arr. Mon. Haec erit ratio Regis. 3 Chald. Para. KPT XDQ1 NOSDI- wont to do; tDDJJ^D, Exod. xxi. 9, "He shall deal with her after the manner of daughters;" 1 Sam. xxvii. 1\, "And Da- vid saved neither man nor woman alive, to bring tidings to Gatli, saying, So did David, and so will his manner be," V&QWD- It cannot be they meant that it was David's law, right, or privilege, to spare none a- live ; 1 Sam. ii. 13, " And the priests' cus- tom with the people was," &c. D^POtl 1535^01- This was a wicked custom, not a law ; and the LXX. turneth it, *«,' rh $/*«/- afia rcu U£uf ; and therefore hxampa is not al- ways taken in a good meaning : so P. Mar- tyr, 1 " He meaneth here of an usurped law;" Calvin,? Non jus a deo preseriptum, seal tyranidcm, — " He speaketh not of God's law here, but of tyranny ;" and Rivetus, 3 DDJtO signifieth not ever jus, law. Sed aliquando morem sive modum et rationcm agendi, — " The custom and manner of do- ing:" so Junius* and Tremellius. Dioda- tus^ exponeth jus,— This law, " namely, (saith he,) that which is now grown to a common custom, by the consent of nations and God's toleration." Glossa, 6 (to speak of papists,) Exactioneni ct dominationem, — " The extortion and domination of king Saul is here meant ;" Lyra 7 exponeth it tyranny ; Tostatus Abulens., 8 " He mean- eth here of kings indefinitely who oppressed tlje people with taxes and tributes, as So- lomon and others;" Cornelius a Lapide, 9 " This was an unjust law;" Cajetanus 10 call- eth it tyranny; Hugo Cardinal, nameth them, exactiones et servitudes,— fi exactions and slaveries ;" and Serrarius speaketh not here, Quid Reges jure possint, — " What they may do by right and law :" Sed quid audeant, — " What they will be bold to do, and what they tyranically decern against all laws of nature and humanity ;" and so speaketh Thorn. Aquinas ; u so also Men- 1 P, Martyr, comment. 1 Sam. viii,, verum jus re- gium desprib'it in Deut. apnd Samuelum autem usur- patum. 2 Calvin, cone. 1 Sam. viii. 3 Andr. Rivetus in decal., Exod. xx. in 5, mun- dat., p. 165. 4 Junius annot., in 1 Sam. ii. 13. 5 Diodatus annot., 1 Sam. viii. 3. 6 Glossa interlinearis. 7 Lyra in locum, hie accipitur jus large sumptum qnod reputatur jus propter malum abusum. Nam ilia quas dicuntur hie de jure Regis, magis coutin- gunt per tyranidem. 8 Tostatus Abulens. in 1 Reg. 8, q. 17, de q. 21. 9 Cornelius a Lapide, in locum. 10 Cajetanus, in locum. » Thorn. Aquinas, L 3, de Regni Princip. c. I}. M LEX, REX ; OR, doza 1 speaketh of the "law of tyrants;" and, amongst the fathers, Clemens Alexan- drinus saith on this place, Non humanum pollicetur dominium, sed insolentem datn- rum minatur tyrannum, — " He promiseth not a humane prince, but threateneth to give them an insolent tyrant ;" and the like also saith Bede ; 3 and an excellent lawyer, Pet. Rebuffus saith, 4 Etiam loquitur de tyran- no qui non crat a Deo electus, and that he speaketh of Saul's tyrannical usurpation, and not of the law prescribed by God, Deut. xvii., I prove, — 1. He speaketh of such a power as is answerable to the acts here spoken of ; but the acts here spoken of are acts of mere tyranny; ver. 11, "And this will be the manner of your king that shall reign over you : he will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen ; and some shall run before his chariots." Now, to make slaves of their sons was an act of tyranny. 2. To take their fields, and vineyards, and oliveyards from them, and give them to his servants, was no better than Ahab's taking Naboth's vineyard from him, which by God's law he might not lawfully sell, except in the case of extreme poverty, and then, in the year of jubilee, he might "redeem his own inheritance. 3.' (Ver. 15, 16,) To put the people of God to bondage, and make them servants, was to deal with them as the ty- rant Pharaoh did. 4. He speaketh of such a law, the execution whereof should " make them cry out to the Lord because of their king ;" but the execution of the just law of the king (Deut. xvii.) is a blessing, and not a bondage which should make the people cry out of the bitterness of their spirit. 5. It is clear here that God is, by his prophet, not instructing the king in his duty, but, as Rabbi Levi Ben. Gersom. saith, 4 " Terrify- ing them from their purpose of seeking a king, and foretelling the evil of punishment that they should suffer under a tyrannous king;" but he speaketh not one word of these necessary and comfortable acts of fa- vour that a good king, by his good govern- 1 Mendoza, jus Tyrannorum. 2 Clemens Alexand. p. 26. 3 Beda, 1. 2, expo, in Samuel. 4 Pet. Rebuffus tract, de incongrua. prert. p. 110. 5 Ben. Gersom. in 1 Sam. viii., Pezelius in rxp. leg. Mosai. 1.4, c. 8. Tossan. in not. Bibl. Bosseus de Rep. Christ, potest, supra regem, c. 2, n, 103. Bodin. de Rep. 1. 1, c. 19. Brentius, homil. 27, in 1 Sam. viii., Mos regis non de jure, sed de vulgatam consuetudine. ment, was to do for his people. Deut. xvii. 15, 16. But he speaketh of contrary facts here ; and that he is dissuading them from suiting a king is clear from the text. (1.) Because he saith, Give them their will ; but yet protest against their unlawful course. (2.) He biddeth the prophet lay before them the tyranny and oppression of their king; which tyranny Saul exercised in his time, as the story showeth. (3.) Because how ineffectual Samuel's exhortation was is set down, ver. 19, " Nevertheless they would not obey the voice of Samuel, but said, Nay, but we will have a king over us." If Samuel had not been dehorting them from a king, how could they be said in this to refuse to hear the voice of Samuel ? 6. The ground of Barclay and royalists here is weak ; for they say, That the people sought a king like the nations, and the kings of the nations were all absolute, and so tyrants; and God granted their unlawful desire, and gave them a tyrant to reign over them such as the nations had. 1 The plain contrary is true. They sought not a tyrant ; but one of the special reasons why they sought a king was to be freed of tyranny ; for 1 Sam. viii. 3, " Because Samuel's sons turned aside alter lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment ; therefore all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel, to Ramah, and there they sought a king." 7. One could not more clearly speak with the mouth of a false prophet than the author of " Active and Passive Obedience" doth, while he will have Samuel here to describe a king, and to say, " Ye have formerly committed one error in shak- ing off the yoke of God, and seeking a king; so now beware you fall not in the next error, in casting off the yoke of a king, which God, at your own desire, hath laid on you ; for God only hath power to make and 'unmake kings ; therefore prepare yourselves patient- ly to suffer and bear. Ans. 1. — For if he were exhorting to patient suffering of the yoke of a king, he should presume it were God's revealed and regulating will that they should have a king. But the scope of Samuel's sermon is to dis- suade them from a king, and they by the contrary, (ver. 19,) say, " Nay, but we will have a king;" and there is not one word in the text that may intimate patience un- der the yoke of a king. 2. There is here 1 Dr Forne, sect. 2, p. 55. THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 75 the description of a tyrant, not of a king. 3. Here is a threatening and a prediction, not anything that smelleth of an exhortation. Obj. — But it is evident that God, teach- ing the people how to behave themselves under the unjust oppressions of their king, set down no remedy but tears, crying to God, and patience; therefore resistance is not lawful. 1 Ans. — Though this be not the place due to the doctrine of resistance, yet, to vindi- cate the place, — 1. I say, there is not one word of any lawful remedy in the text ; only it is said, Kin!"! DV2 DnpVH D^SO 'JS/D, Et clamatis in ilia die afacicbus regis vestri. It is not necessari- ly to be exponed of praying to God ; Job xxxv. 9, " By reason of the multitude of oppressions, they make the oppressed to cry," 1p'J7n elamare faeiunt; Isa. xv. 4, "And Heshbon shall cry: pyTDI the armed soldiers of Moab shall cry out." There is no other word here than doth ex- press the idolatrous prayers of Moab ; Isa. xvii. 12 ; Hab. ii. 11, " The stone shall cry out of the wall p^TH ;" Deut.. xxii. 24, " You shall stone the maid "^7 "lJ^ft "!DT"?y, because she cried not HpW ;" but she is not to be stoned because she prayed not to God ; Psal. xviii. 4, " Da- vid's enemies cried, and there was none to save, even to the Lord, and he heard not." 2. Though it were the prophet's meaning, " they cried to the Lord," yet it is not the crying of a people humbled, and, in faith, speaking to God in their troubles ; Zech. vii. 13, " They cried, and I would not hear;" therefore royalists must make crying to God out of the bitterness of affliction, without humiliation and faith, and such prayers of sinners as God heareth not, (Psal. xviii. 41 ; John ix. 31 ; Isa. xvii. 12,) to be the only remedy of a people oppressed by a tyran- nous king. Now, it is certain God pre- scribeth no unlawful means to an oppressed people under their affliction ; therefore it is clear here that God speaketh only of evils of punishment, such as is to cry in trouble i Dr Ferne, part 3, sect. 2, p. 10. 1 Learned authors teach that God's law, (Deut. xvii.,) and the JJ^SJ^Q a wanner of the king, (1 Sam. viii. 9,) are opposite one to another, so Ger- som. in trinprinc. sac. adu. lat. par. 4, Alp. 66, lit. 1. cons. 8, Buchan. de jure regni apud .Scot. Chas- son. cat. glo. raundi cons. 24, n. 162, cons. 35. Tho- loss. 1. 9, c. 1. Rosseu. dc polus, Rep. c. 2, n. 10. Magdeburg, in trac. de off. ma. and not be heard of God, and that he pre- scribeth here no duty at all, nor any re- medy. 3. All protestant divines say, Ex particulari -non valet argumentum nega- tive, — " From one particular place, a nega- tive argument is not good." This remedy is not written in this particular place, there- fore it is not written at all in other places of Scripture; so 1 Tim. i. 19, the end of excommunication is, that the party excom- municated may learn not to blaspheme ; therefore the end is not also that the church be not infected. It followeth not. The contrary is clear (1 Cor. v. 6). Dr Feme, and other royalists, teach us that we may supplicate and make prayers to a tyrannous king. We may fly from a tyrannous king ; but neither supplicating the king, nor flying from his fury, shall be lawful means left by this argument ; because these means are no more in this text (where royalists say the Spirit of God speaketh of purpose of the means to be used against tyranny) than vio- lent resistance is in this text. Barclay, Ferne, Grotius, Arnisa?us, the P. Prelate following them, saith, " An ill king- is a punishment of God for the sins of the de, people, and there is no remedy but patient suffering." Ans. — Truly it is a silly argument. The Assyrians coming against the people of God for their sins, is a punishment of God. (Isa. x. 5 ; xii. 13.) But doth it follow that it is unlawful for Israel to fight and resist the Assyrians, and that they had warrant to do no other thing but lay down arms and pray to God, and fight none at all ? Is there no lawful resisting of ills of punishment, but mere prayers and patience ? The Amale- kites came out against Israel for their sins, Sennacherib against Hezekiah for the sins of the people ; Asa's enemies fought against him for his sins, and the people's sins. Shall Mo- ses and the people, Hezekiah and Asa, do then nothing but pray and suffer? Is it unlaw- ful with the sword to resist them ? I believe not. Famine is often a punishment of God in a land, (Amos iv. 7, 8,) is it therefore in fa- mine unlawful to till the earth, and seek bread by our industry, and are we to do no- thing but to pray for dady bread ? It is a vain argument. Observe, therefore, the wickedness of Bar- clay, (contra monarch. 1. 2, p. 56,) for he would prove, that " a power of doing ill, and that without any punishment to be Inflicted by man, is from God ; because our laws pu- 76 lex, ki;x ; OR, nish not perjury, but leaveth it to be punish- ed of God (I. 2, i. de Reb. cred. Cujacius, I. 2, obs. c. 19) ; and the husband in the law of Moses had power td give a bill of divorce to his wife and send her away, and the husband was not to be punished. And also stews and work-houses for harlots, and to take usury, are tolerated in many Christian common- wealths, and yet these are all sorts of mur- ders by the confession of heathen ; therefore, (saith Barclay,) God may give a power of tyrannous acts to kings, so as they shall be under no punishment to be inflicted by men. Anfr. — All this is an argument from fact. 1 . A wicked magistracy may permit perjury and lying in the commonwealth, and that without punishment ; and some Christian commonwealths, he meaneth his own syna- gogue of Rome, spiritual Sodom-, a cage of unclean birds, suft'ereth harlots by law; and the whores pay so many thousands yearly to the Pope, and are free of all punishment by law, to eschew homicides, adulteries of Ro- mish priests, and other greater sins ; there- fore God hath given power to a king to play the tyrant without any fear of punishment to be inflicted by man. But if this be a good argument, the magistrate to whom God hath committed the sword to take vengeance on evil doers, (Rom. xiii. 3—6,) such as are per- jured persons, professed whores and harlots, hath a lawful power from God to connive at pins and gross scandals in the commonwealth, as they dream that the king hath power giv- en from God to exercise all acts of tyranny without any resistance. But, 1. This was a grievous sin in Eli, that he being a father and a judge, punished not his sons for their un- cleanness, and his house, in God's heavy dis- pleasure, was cut off from the priesthood therefor. Then God hath given no such power to the judge. 2. The contrary duty is lying on the judge, to execute judgment for the oppressed, (Job xxix. 12 — 17 ; Jer. xxii. 15, 16,) and perverting of judgment, and conniving at the heinous sins of the wick- ed, is condemned, (Num-. v. 31, 32 ; 1 Sam. xv. 23 ; 1 Kings xx. 42, 43 ; Isa. i. 17 ; x. 1 ; v. 23,) and therefore God hath given no power to a judge to permit wicked men to commit grievous crimes, without any punish- ment. As for the law of divorce, it was in- deed a permissive law, whereby the husband might give the wife a bill of divorce, and be free of punishment before men, but not free of sin and guiltiness before God, for it was contrary to God's institution of marriage at the beginning, as Christ saith ; and the pro- phet saith, (Mai. 2,) that the Lord hateth putting away ; but that God hath given any such permissive power to the king, that he may do what he pleaseth, and cannot be re- sisted, this is in question. 3. The law spoken of in the text is by royalists called, not a con- suetude of tyranny, but the divine law of God, whereby the king is formally and essentially distinguished from the judge in Israel ; now if so, a power to sin and a power to commit acts of tyranny, yea, and a power in the king's sergeants and bloody emissaries to waste and destroy the people of God, must be a lawful power given ot God ; for a law- ful power it must be if it cometh from God, whether it be from the king in his own per- son, or from his servants at his command- ment, and by either put forth in acts, as the power of a bill of divorce was a power from God, exempting either the husband from punishment before men, or freeing the ser- vant, who at the husband's command should write it and put it in the hands of the wo- man. I cannot believe that God hath given a power, and that by law, to one man to com- mand twenty thousand cut -throats to kill and destroy all the children of God, and that he hath commanded Ins children to give their necks and heads to Babel's 6ons without re- sistance. This I am sure is another matter than a law for a bill of divorce to one woman married by free election of a changeable and unconstant man. But sure I am, God gave no permissive law from heaven like the law of divorce, for the hardness of the heart, not of the Jews only, but also of the whole Chris- tian and heathen kingdoms under a monarch, that one emperor may, by such a law of God as the law of divorce, kill, by bloody cut- throats, such as the Irish rebels are, all the nations that call on God's name, men, wo- men, and sucking infants. And if Provi- dence impede the catholic issue, and dry up the seas of blood, it is good ; but God hath given a law, such as the law of divorce, to the king, whei-eby he, and all his, may, with- out resistance, by a legal power given of God, who giveth kings to be fathers, nurses, protectors, guides, yea the breath of nostrils of his church, as special mercies and blessings to his people, he may, I say, by a law of God, as it is 1 Sam. viii. 9, 11, cut off na- tions, as that lion of the world, Nebuchad- nezzar, did. So royalists teach us. Barclay saith (1. 2. contra Monarch, p. 69) — The Lord spake to Samuel the law uf THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 77 the king, and wrote it in a book, and laid it up before the Lord, But what laW ? That same law which he proposed to the people when they first sought a king. But that was the law contemning precepts, rather for the people's obeying than for the king's com- manding ; for the people was to be instruc- ted witfi those precepts, not the king. Those things that concerned the king's duty (Deut. xvii.) Moses commanded to be put into the ark ; but so if Samuel had commanded the king that which Moses (Deut; xvii.) com- manded, he had done no new thing, but had done again what was once done actum egis- set; but there was nothing before command- ed the people concerning their obedience and patience under evil princes. Joseph. Antiq. (1. 6, c. 5,) wrote, va fuxxinrx *cLtx the evils that were to befall them. Ans. 1.— It was not that same law, for though this law was written to the people, yet it was the law of the king ; and, I pray you, did Samuel write in a book all the rules of tyranny, and teach Saul, and all the kings after him, (for this book was put in the ark of the covenant, where also was the book of the law) how to play the tyrant ? And what instruction was it to king or people to write to them a book of the wicked ways of a king, which nature teacheth without a doctor? Sanctius saith on the place, These things which, by men's fraud and to the hurt of the public, may be corrupted-, were kept in the tabernacle, and the book of the law was kept in the ark. Cornelius a Lapide saith, It was the law common to king and people, which was commonly kept with the book of the law in the ark of the covenant. Lyra contradicteth Barclay. He exponeth Le- gem, legem regni non secundum usurpa- tionem supra positam, sed secundum ordi- nationem Dei positam. (Deut. xvii.) Theo- datius excellently exponeth it, The funda- mental laws of the kingdom, inspired by God to temper monarchy with a liberty befitting God's people, and with equity toward a na- tion — to withstand the abuse of an absolute power. 2. Can any believe Samuel would have written a law of tyranny, and put that book in the ark of the covenant before the Lord, to be kept to the posterity, seeing he was to teach both king and people the good and the right way, 1 Sami xii. 23 — 25. 3. Where is the law of the kingdom called a law of punishing innocent people ? 4; To write the duty of the king in a book, and apply it to the king, is no more superfluous than to teach the people the good and the right way out of the law, and apply general laws to particular persons. 5. There is no- thing in the law (1 Sam. viii. 9 — 12) of the people's patience, but rather of their impa- tient crying out, God not hearing nor help- ing ; and nothing of that in this book, for any thing that we know, and Josephus speaketh of the law in 1 Sam. viii., not of this law, 1 Sam. xii. QUESTION XIX. WHETHER OR NO THE KING BE IN DIGNITY AND POWER ABOVE THE PEOPLE. In this grave question divers considera- tions are to be pondered. 1. There is a dignity material in the people scattered — they being many representations of God and his image, which is in the king also, and for- mally more as king, he being endued with formal magistratical and public royal autho- rity. In the former regard, this or that man is inferior to the king, because the king hath that same remainder of the image of God- that any private man hath, and something more — he hath a politic resem- blance of the King of heavens, being a little god, and so is above any one man. 2. All these of the people taken collec- tively having more of God, as being repre- sentationsj are, according to this material dignity j more excellent than the king, be- cause many are more excellent than one ; and the king, according to the magistratical and royal authority he hath, is more excel- lent than they are, because he partaketh formally of royalty, which they have not for- mally. 8. A mean or medium, as it is such, is less than the end, though the thing materi- ally that is a mean may be more excellent. Every mean, as a mean, under that redup- lication, hath all its goodness and excellency in relation to the end ; yet an angel that is a mean (or medium) and a ministering spi- rit, ordained of God for an heir of life eter- nal, (Heb. i. 13,) considered materially, is more excellent than a man. (Psal. viii. 5 ; Heb. ii. 6—8.) 4-. A king and leader j in a military consi- deration, and as a governor and conserver of the whole army, is more worth than ten thousand of the people, 2 Sam. xviii. 13. 78 LEX, REX ; OR, 5. But simply and absolutely the people is above, and more excellent, than the king, and the king in dignity inferior to the peo- ple; and that upon these reasons : — Arg. 1. — Because he is the mean ordain- ed for the people, as for the end, that he may save them, (2 Sam. xix. 9 ;) a public shepherd to feed them, (Psal. lxxviii. 70 — 73 ;) the captain and leader of the Lord's inheritance to defend them, (1 Sam. x. 1 ;) the minister of God for their good. (Rom. xiii. 4.) Arg. 2. — The pilot is less than the whole passengers ; the general less than the whole army ; the tutor less than all the children ; the physician less than all the living men whose health he careth for; the master or teacher less than all the scholars, because the part is less than the whole ; the king is but a part and member (though I grant a very eminent and noble member) of the kingdom. Arg. 3. — A Christian people, especially, is the portion of the Lord's inheritance, (Deut. xxxii. 9) the sheep of his pasture — his redeemed ones — for whom God gave his blood, Acts xx. 28. And the killing of a man is to violate the image of God, (Gen. ix. 6,) and therefore the death and destruc- tion of a church, and of thousand thousands of men, is a sadder and a more heavy mat- ter than the death of a king, who is but one man. Arg. 4. — A king as a king, or because a king, is not the inheritance of God, nor the chosen and called of God, nor the sheep or flock of the Lord's pasture, nor the redeem- ed of Christ, for those excellencies agree not to kings because they are kings; for then all kings should be endued with those excellen- cies, and God should be an acceptor of per- sons, if he put those excellencies of grace upon men for external respects of highness and kingly power, and worldly glory and splendour ; for many living images and re- presentations of God, as he is holy, or more excellent than a politic representation of God's greatness and majesty, such as the king is ; because that which is the fruit of a love of God, which cometh nearer to God's most special love, is more excellent than that which is farther remote from his special love. Now, though royalty be a beam of the ma- jesty of the greatness of the King of kings and Lord of lords, yet is it such a fruit and beam of God's greatness, as may consist with the eternal reprobation of the party loved ; so now God's love, from whence he com- municateth his image representing his own holiness, cometh nearer to his most special love of election of men to glory. Arg. 5. — If God give kings to be a ran- som for his church, and if he slay great kings for their sake, as Pharaoh king of Egypt, (Isa. xliii. 3,) and Sihon king of the Amo- rites, and Og king of Bashan ; (Psal. cxxxvi. 18 — 20 ;) if he plead with princes and kings for destroying his people ; (Isa. hi. 12—14;) if he make Babylon and her king a thresh- ing-floor, for the " violence done to the in- habitants of Zion," (Jer. li. 33 — 35,) then his people, as his people, must be so much dearer and more precious in the Lord's eyes than kings, because they are kings ; by how much more his justice is active to destroy the one, and his mercy to save the other. Neither is the argument taken off by say- ing the king must, in this question, be com- pared with his own people ; not a foreign king, with other foreign people, over whom he doth not reign, for the argument proveth that the people of God are of more worth than kings as kings ; and Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh, for the time, were kings to the people of God, and foreign kings are no less essentially kings, than kings native are. Arg. 6.— Those who are given of God as gifts for the preservation of the people, to be nurse-fathers to them, those must be of less worth before God, than those to whom they are given, since the gift, as the gift, is less than the party on whom the gift is be- stowed. But the king is a gift for the good and preservation of the people, as is clear, Isa. i. 26 ; and from this, that God gave his people a king in his wrath, we may con- clude, that a king of himself, except God be angry with his people, must be a gift. Arg. 7- — That which is eternal, and can- not politically die, yea, which must continue as the days of heaven, because of God's promise, is more excellent than that which is both accidental, temporary, and mortal. But the people are both eternal as people, because (Lccles. i. 4) " one generation pass- eth away, and another generation cometh," and as a people in covenant with God, (Jer. xxxii. 40, 41,) in respect that a people and church, though mortal in the individuals, yet the church, remaining the church, can- not die ; but the king, as king, may and doth die. It is true, where a kingdom go- eth by succession, the politicians say, the man who is king dicth, but the king never THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. dieth, because some other, either by birth or free election, succeedetb. in his room. But I answer, — 1. People, by a sort of necessity of nature, succeedetb. to people, generation to generation, except God's judgment, con- trary to nature, intervene to make Babylon no people, and a land that shall never be in- habited (which I both believe and hope for, according to God's word of prophesy). But a king, by a sort of contingency, succeedcth to kings; for nature doth not ascertain us there must be kings to the world's end, be- cause the essence of governors is kept safe in aristocracy and democracy, though there were no kings ; and that kings should neces- sarily have been in the world, if man had never fallen in sin, I am not, by any cogent argument, induced to believe. I conceive there should have been no government but those of fathers and children, husband and wife, and (which is improperly government) some more gifted with supervenient addi- tions to nature, as gifts and excellencies of engines. Now on this point Althusius (polit. c. 38. n. 114) saith, the king, in re- spect of office, is worthier than the people, (out this is but an accidental respect,) but as the king is a man, he is inferior to the people. Arg. 8. — He who, by office, is obliged to expend himself, and to give Ins life for the safety of the people, must be inferior to the people. So Christ saith, the life is more than raiment or food, because both these give themselves to corruption for man's life ; so the beasts are inferior to man, because they die for our life, that they may sustain our life. And Caiaphas prophesied right, that it was better that one man die than the whole nation perish (John xi. 50) ; and in nature, elements, against their particular in- clination, defraud themselves of their private and particular ends, that the commonwealth of nature may stand ; as heavy elements ascend, light descend, lest nature should pe- rish by a vacuity. And the good Shepherd (John x.) giveth his life for his sheep ; so both Saul and David were made kings to fight the Lord's battles, and to expose their lives to hazard for the safety of the church and people of God. But the king, by office, is obliged to expend his life for the safety of the people of God ; he is obliged to fight the Lord's battles for them ; to go betwixt the flock and death, as Paul was willing to be spent for the church. It may be objected, Jesus Christ gave himself a ransom for his church, and his life for the life of the world, and was a gift given to the world, (John iii. 16 ; iv. 10,) and he was a mean to save us ; and so, what arguments we have before pro- duced to prove that the king must be infe- rior to the people, because he is a ransom, a mean, a gift, are not conclusive, I answer, — 1. Consider a mean reduplicatively, and formaliter, as a mean ; and secondly, as a mean materially, that is, the thing which is a mean. 2. Consider that which is only a mean, and ransom, and gift, and no more ; and that which, beside that it is a mean, is I of a higher nature also. So Christ formally as a mean, giving his temporal life for a i time, according to the flesh, for the eter- nal life of all the catholic church, to be glorified eternally — (not his blessed god- head and glory, which, as God, he had with the Father from eternity) — in that respect Christ hath the relation of a servant, ran- som, gift, and some inferiority in compari- son of the church of God ; and his Father's glory, as a mean, is inferior to the end, but Christ materially, in eonoreto. Christ is is not only a mean to save his church, but, as God (in which consideration he was the immortal Lord of life) he was more than a mean, — even the Author, Efficient and Creator of heaven and earth ; and so there is no ground to say that he is inferior to the church, but the absolute head, king, — the chief of ten thousand; — more in ex- cellency and worth than ten thousand mil- lions of possible worlds of men and angels. But such a consideration cannot befall any mortal king; because, consider the king ma- terially as a mortal man, he must be infe- rior to the whole church, for he is but one, and so of less worth than the whole church ; as the thumb, though the strongest of the finger's, yet it is inferior to the hand, and far more to the whole body, as any part is inferior to the whole. Consider the king reduplicative and formally as king, and by the official relation he hath, he is no more then but a royal servant, an official mean tending, ex officio, to this end, to preserve the people, to ride and govern them ; and a gift of God, given by virtue of his office, to rule the people of God, and so any way in- ferior to the people. Arg. 9. — Those who are before the peo- ple, and may be a people without a king, must be of more worth than that which is poste- rior and cannot be a king without them. For thus, God's self-sufficiency is proved, in 80 LEX, REX ; OR, that he might be, and eternally was, blessed for ever, without his creature ; but his crea- ture cannot subsist in being without him. Now, the people were a people many years before there was a government, (save do- mestic,) and are a people where there is no king, but only an aristocracy or a democra- cy ; but the king can be no king without a people. It is vain that some say, the king and kingdoms are relatives, and not one is before another, for it is true in the naked relation ; so are father and son, master and servant, Rclata simul natura ; but sure there is a priority of worth and indepen- dency, for all that, in the father above the son, and in the master above the servant, and so in the people above the king ; take away the people, and Dionysius is but a poor schoolmaster. Arg. 10. — The people in power are su- perior to the king, because every efficient and constituent cause is more excellent than the effect. Every mean is inferior in power to the end ; (So Jun. Brutus, q. 31. JBucher I. 1, c, 16. Author Lib. de ofic. Magistr. q. 6. Hencenius disp. 2, n. 6. Joan Rof- fensis Epist. de potest, pap. 1. 2, c. 5. Spa- lato de Repu. Ecclesiast. I. 6, c. 2, n. 3;) but the people is the efficient and constitu- ent cause, the king is the effect ; the people is the end ; both intended of God to save the people, to be a healer and a physician to them (Isa. iii. 7) ; and the people appoint and create the king out of their indigence, to preserve themselves from mutual vio- lence. Many things are objected against this.. That the efficient and constituent cause is God, and the people are only the instrumental cause; and Spalato saith, that the people doth indirectly only give kingly power, because God, at their act of election, ordinarily giveth it. Ans. — 1, The Scripture saith plainly, as we heard before, the people made kings ; and if they do, as other second causes pro- duce their effects, it is all one that God, as the principal cause, maketh kings, else we should not argue from the cause to the ef- fect amongst the creatures. 2. God, by that same action that the people createth a king, doth also, by them, as by his instru- ments, create a king ; and that God doth not immediately, at the naked presence of the act of popular election, confer royal dig- nity on the man, without any action of the people, as they say, by the church's act of conferring orders, God doth immediately, without any act of the church, infuse from heaven supernatural liabilities on the man, without any active influence of the church, is evident by this. 1. The royal power to make laws with the king, and so a power eminent in their states representative to go- vern themselves, is in the people ; for if the most high acts of royality be in them, why not the power also ? And so, what need to fetch a royal power from heaven to be immediately infused in him, seeing the peo- ple hath such a power in themselves at hand ? 2. The people can, and doth, limit and bind royal power in elected kings, therefore they have in them royal power to give to the king. Those who limit power, can take away so many degrees of royal power; and those who can take away power, can give power ; and it is inconceiveable to say that people can put restraint upon a power immediately coming from God. If Christ immediately infused an apostolic spi- rit into Paul, mortal men cannot take from him any degrees of that infused spirit; if Christ infuse a spirit of nine degrees, the church cannot limit it to six degrees only. But royalists consent that the people may choose a Iqng upon such conditions to reign, as he hath royal power of ten degrees, whereas his ancestor had by birth a power of fourteen degrees. 3. It is not intelligi- ble that the Holy Ghost should give com- mandment unto the people to make this man king, (Deut. xvii. 15, 16,) and forbid them to make that man king, if the peo- ple had no active influence in making a king at all ; but God, solely and immedi- ately from heaven, did infuse royalty in the king without any action of the people, save a naked consent only ; and that after God had made the king, they should approve only with an after-act of naked approbation. 4. If the people by other governors, as by heads of families and other choice men, go. vern themselves and produce these same for- mal effects of peace, justice, religion, on themselves, which the king doth produce, then is there a power of the same kind, and as excellent as the royal power, in the peo- ple ; and there is no reason but this power should be held to come immediately from God, as the royal power ; for it is every way of the same nature and kind, as I shall prove. Kings and judges differ not in na- ture and specie, but it is experienced that people do, by aristocratical guides, govern themselves, &c. ; so then, if God imine- THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 81 diately infuse royalty when the people choos- eth a king, without any action of the people, then must God immediately infuse a beam of governing on a provost and bailie, when the people choose such, and that without any action of the people, because all powers are, in abstraeto, from God. (Rom. xiii. 2.) And God as immediately maketh inferior judges as superior, (Prov. viii. 16 ;) and all promo- tion (even to be a provost or mayor) com- eth from God only, as to be a king ; except royalists say, all promotion cometh from the east and from the west, and not from God, except promotion to the royal throne ; the contrary whereof is said, Psal. lxxv. 6, 7 ; 1 Sam. ii. 7, 8. Not only kings, but all judges are gods, (Psal. lxxxii. 1, 2,) and therefore all must be the same way created and moulded of God, except by Scripture royalists can show us a difference. An English prelate 1 giveth reasons why peo- ple, who are said to make kings as effi- cients and authors, cannot unmake them : the one is, because God, as chief and sole supreme moderator, maketh kings ; but I say, Christ, as the chief moderator and head of the church, doth immediately confer abi- lities upon a man to be a preacher; and though, by industry, the man acquire abi- lities, yet in regard the church doth not so much as instrumentally confer those abi- lities, they may be said to come from God immediately, in relation to the church who calleth the man to the ministry. Yea, royalists, as our excommunicated Prelate learned from Spalato, say, that God, at the naked presence of the church's call, doth immediately infuse that from heaven by which the man is now in holy orders and a pastor, whereas he was not so before ; and yet prelates cannot deny but they can un- make ministers, and have practised this in their unhallowed courts ; and, therefore, though God immediately, without any ac- tion of the people, make kings, this is a weak reason to prove they cannot unmake them. As for their indellible character, that prelates cannot take from a minister ; it is nothing, if the church may unmake a mi.iister, though his character go to prison with him. We seek no more but to annul the reason. God immediately maketh kings and pastors, therefore no power on earth can unmake them. This consequence is as weak as water. 2. The other cause is, 1 Joan. Roffens. de potest, pap. 1. 2, c. 5. because God hath erected no tribunal on earth higher than the king's tribunal, therefore no power on earth can unmake a king. The antecedent and consequence is both denied, and is a begging of the question ; for the tribunal that made the king is above the king. Though there be no tribunal formally regal and kingly above the king, yet is there a tribunal virtual eminently above him in the case of tyran- ny ; for the states and princes have a tribu- nal above him. Assert, — To this the constituent cause is of more power and dignity than the effect, and so the people are above the king. The P. Prelate borrowed an answer from Arnisseus, and Barclay, and other royalists, and saith, If we knew anything in law, or were ruled by reason, " every constituent, (saith Ar- nisseus 1 and Barclay, more accurately than the P. Prelate had a head to transcribe their words,) where the constituent hath resigned all his power in the hand of the prince whom he constitutes, is of more worth and power than he in whose hand he resigns the power : so the proposition is false. The servant who hath constituted his master lord of his liberty, is not more worthy than his master whom he hath made his lord, and to whom he hath given himself as a slave, (for after he hath resigned his liberty he cannot repent, he must keep covenant though to his hurt,) yea, such a servant is not only not above his master, but he cannot move his foot with- out his master." " The governor of Britain (saith Arnisasus) being despised by king Philip, resigned himself as vassal to king Edward of England ; but did not for that make himself superior to king Edward. In- deed, he who constituteth another under him as a legate is superior; but the people do con- stitute a king above themselves, not a king under themselves ; and, therefore, the people are not by this made the king's superior, but his inferior." Ans. 1. — It is false that the people doth, or can by the law of nature, resign their whole liberty in the hand of a king. 1. They cannot resign to others that which they have not in themselves, Nemo potest dare quod non habet; but the people hath not an absolute power in themselves to de- stroy themselves, or to exercise those tyran- nous acts spoken of, 1 Sam. viii. 11 — 15, &c. ; for neither God nor nature's law hath de authorit. princip. c, 1. n. 1. 82 LEX, REX ; OR, given any such power. 2. He who consti- tuted himself a slave is supposed to be com- pelled to that unnatural act of alienation of that liberty which he hath from his Maker from the womb, by violence, constraint, or extreme necessity, and so is inferior to all free men ; but the people doth not make themselves slaves when they constitute a king over themselves ; because God, giving to a people a king, the best and most excel- lent governor on earth, giveth a blessing and special favour, (Isa. i. 26 ; Hos. i. 1 1 ; Isa. iii. 6, 7 ; Psal. lxxix. 70—72 ;) but to lay upon his people the state of slavery, in which they renounce their whole liberty, is a curse of God. (Gen. ix. 25 ; xxvii. 29 ; Deut. xxviii. 32, 36.) But the peo- ple, having their liberty to make any often, or twenty, their king, and to advance one from a private state to an honourable throne, whereas it was in their liberty to advance another, and to give him royal power of ten degrees, whereas they might give him power of twelve degrees, of eight, or six, must be in excellency and worth above the man whom they consitute king, and invest with such honour ; as honour in the fountain, and honos participans et originans, must be more excellent and pure than the derived honour in the king, which is honos partial* patus et originatus. If the servant give his liberty to his master, therefore he had that liberty in him, and in that act, liberty must be in a more excellent way in the ser- vant, as in the fountain, than it is in the master ; and so this liberty must be purer in the people than in the king ; and there- fore, in that both the servant is above the master, and the people worthier than the king. And when the people give themselves conditionally and covenant-wise to the king, as to a public servant, and patron, and tu- tor, — as the governor of Britain, out of his humour, gavenimself to king Edward — there is even here a note of superiority. Every giver of a benefit, as a giver, is superior to him to whom the gift is given ; though after the servant hath given away his gift of li- berty, by which he was superior, he cannot be a superior, because by his gift he hath made himself inferior. The people consti^- tuteth a king above themselves, I distin.- guish supra se, above themselves ; according to the fountain-power of royalty, — that is false ; for the fountain-power remaineth most eminently in the people, 1. Because they give it to the king, ad modum recipi- entis, and with limitations; therefore it is unlimited in the people, and bounded and limited in the king, and so less in the king than in the people. 2. If the king turn distracted, and an ill spirit from the Lord come upon Saul, so as reason be taken from a Nebuchadnezzar, it is certain the people may put curators and tutors over him who hath the royal power. 3. If the king be absent and taken captive, the people may give the royal power to one, or to some few, to exercise it as custodes regni. And, 4. If he die, and the crown go by eleotion, they may create another, with more or less power. All which evinceth, that they never constituted over themselves a king, in re- gard of fountain-power ; for if they give away the fountain, as a slave selleth his li- berty, they could not make use of it. In- deed they set a king above them, quoad potostatem legum executivam, in regard of a power of executing laws and actual go- vernment for their good and safety ; but this proveth only that the king is above the peo- ple, »ara «•}, in some respect. But the most eminent and fountain-power of royalty re- maineth in the people as in an immortal spring, which they communicate by succes- sion to this or that mortal man, in the man- ner and measure that they think good. Ul- pian 1 and Bartolus, 2 cited by our Prelate out of Barclaius, are only to be understood of the derived, secondary, and borrowed power of executing laws, and not of the fountain- power, which the people cannot give away, no more than they can give away their ra- tional nature ; for it is a power natural to conserve themselves, essentially adhering to every created being. For if the people give all their power away, what shall they re- serve to make a new king, if this man die? What if the royal line should cease ? there be no prophets immediately sent of God to make kings. What if he turn tyrant, and destroy his subjects with the sword ? The royalists say, they may fly ; but, when they made him king, they resigned all their power to him, even their power of flying ; for they bound themselves by an oath (say royalists) to all passive and lawful active obedience ; and, I suppose, to stand at his tribunal, if he summoned the three estates, upon treason, to come before him, is con- 1 Ulpian 1. 1, ad Sc. Tubil. Populus omne suum imperium et potestatem confert in Regem. a Bartolns ad 1. hostes 24, f. de capt. et host. THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. tained in the oath, that royalists say, bind- eth all, and is contradictory to flying. Arnisaeus, a more learned jurist and di- vine than the P. Prelate, answereth the other maxim, " The end is worthier than the mean leading to the end, because it is ordained for the end. These means, (saith he,) which refer their whole nature to the end, and have all their excellency from the end, and have excellency from no other thing but from the end, are less excellent than the end. That is time, such an end as medicine is for health." And Hugo Gro- tius, (1. 1, c. 3, n. 8,) " Those means which are only for the end, and for the good of the end, and are not for their own good, also are of less excellency, and inferior to the end; but so the assumption is false. But these means which, beside their relation to the end, have an excellency of nature in themselves, are not always inferior to the end. The disciple, as he is instituted, is inferior to the master ; but as he is the son of a prince, he is above the master. But by this reason the shepherd should be infe- rior to brute beasts, to sheep ; and the mas- ter of the family is for the family, and re- ferreth all that he hath for the entertaining of the family ; but it followeth not therefore the family is above him. The form is for the action, is therefore the action more ex- cellent than the form, and an accident than the subject or substance ?" And Grotius saith, " Every government is not for the good of another, but some for its own good, as the government of a master over the ser- vant, and the husband over the wife. Arts. — I take the answer thus : Those who are mere means, and only means re- ferred to the end, they are inferior to the end ; but the king, as king, hath all his of- ficial and relative goodness in the world, as relative to the end. All that you can ima- gine to be in a king, as a king, is all relative to the safety and good of the people, (Rom. xiii. 4,) " He is a minister for thy good." He should not, as king, make himself, or his own gain and honour, his end. I grant, the king, as a man, shall die as another man, and so he may secondarily intend his own good ; and what excellency he hath as a man, is the excellency of one mortal man, and cannot make him amount in dignity, and in the absolute consideration of the ex- cellency of a man, to be above many men and a whole kingdom ; for the more good things there be, the better they are, so the good things be multiplicable, as a hundred men are better than one ; otherwise, if the good be such as cannot be multiplied, as one God, the multiplication maketh them worse, as many gods are inferior to one God. Now if royalists can show us any more in the king than these two, we shall be obliged to them ; and in both he is inferior to the whole. The Prelate and his followers would have the maxim to lose credit ; for then (say they) the shepherd should be inferior to the sheep ; but in this the maxim faileth in- deed, because the shepherd is a reasonable man, and the sheep brute beasts, and so must be more excellent than all the flocks of the world. Now, as he is a reasonable man, he is not a shepherd, nor in that rela- tion referred to the sheep and their preser- vation as a mean to the end ; but he is a shepherd by accident, for the unruliness of the creatures, for man's sin, withdrawing themselves from that natural dominion that man had over the creatures before the fall ; in that relation of a mean to the end, and so by accident, is this official relation put on him ; and according to that official relation, and by accident, man is put to be a servant to the brutish creature, and a mean to so base an end. But all this proveth him, through man's sin and by accident, to be under the official relation of a mean to baser creatures than himself, as to the end, but not a reasonable man. But the king, as king, is an official and royal mean to this end, that the people may lead a godly and peaceable life under him; and this official relation being an accident, is of less worth than the whole people, as they are to be governed. And I grant the king's son, in relation to blood and birth, is more excel- lent than his teachers ; but as he is tauo-ht, he is inferior to his teacher. But in both considerations the king is inferior to the people ; or though he command the people, and so have an executive power of law above them, yet have they a fountain -power above him, because they made him king, and in God's intention he is given as king for their good, according to this, " Thou shalt feed my people Israel," and that, " I gave him for a leader of my people." The P. Prelate saith : " The constituent cause is more excellent than the effect con- stituted, where the constitution is voluntary, and dependeth upon the free act of the will, as when the king maketh a viceroy or a judge, durante beneplacito, during his free 84 LEX, REX : will, but not when a man niaketh over his right to another ; for then there should be neither faith nor truth in covenants, if peo- ple might make over their power to their king, and retract and take back what they have once given. Ans. — This is a begging of the question ; for it is denied that the people can abso- lutely make away their whole power to the king. It dependeth on the people that they be not destroyed. They give to the king a Eolitic power for their own safety, and they eep a natural power to themselves which they must conserve, but cannot give away ; and they do not break their covenant when they put in action that natural power to conserve themselves ; for though the people should give away that power, and swear though the king should kill them all, they should not resist, nor defend their own lives, yet that being against the sixth command- ment, which enjoineth natural self-preserva- tion, it should not oblige the conscience, for it should be intrinsically sinful ; for it is all one to swear to non-self-preservation as to swear to self-murder. " If the people, (saith the Prelate, beg- ging the answer from Barclay, 1 ) the consti- tuent, be more excellent than the effect, and so the people above the king, because they constitute him king, then the comities and corporations may make void all the commis- sions given to the knights and burgesses of the House of Commons, and send others in their place, and repeal their orders; there- fore Buchanan saith, that orders and laws in parliament were but ■x^io-jxiyMTa. prepa- ratory consultations, and had not the force of a law, till the people give their consent and have their influence authoritative, upon the statutes and acts of parliament ; but the observator holdeth that the legislative power is whole and entire in the parliament. But when the Scots were preferring petitions and declarations they put all power in the collective body, and kept their distinct ta- bles. Ans. — 1. There is no consequence here: the counties and incorporations that send commissioners to parliament, may make void their commissions and annul then- acts, because they constitute them commissioners. If they be unjust acts, they may disobey them, and so disannul them; but, it is pre- i Sac Sane }Inj. c. 9, p, 129, stolen from Barcla., lib. 5, c. 12. sumed, God hath given no moral power to do ill, nor can the counties and corporations give any such power to evil, for they have not any such from God. If they be just acts, they are to obey them, and cannot retract commissions to make just orders. Illud tantum possumus quod jure possumus, and therefore, as power to govern justly is irre- vocably committed by the three estates who made the king to the king, so is that same power committed by the shires and corpo- rations to their commissioners, to decree in parliament what is just and good irrevo- cably ; and to take any just power from the king which is his due, is a great sin. But when he abuseth his power to the destruc- tion of his subjects, it is lawful to throw a sword out of a madman's hand, though it be his own proper sword, and though he have due right to it, and a just power to use it for good ; for all fiduciary power abused may be repealed. And if the knights and bur- gesses of the House of Commons abuse their fiduciary power to the destruction of these shires and corporations who put the trust on them, the observator did never say that parliamentary power w T as so entire and ir- revocably in them, as that the people may not resist them, annul their commissions and rescind their acts, and denude them of fiduciary power, even as the king may be denuded of that same power by the three estates ; for particular corporations are no more to be denuded of that fountain-power of making commissioners, and of the self- preservation, than the three estates are. 2. The P. Prelate cometh not home to the mind of Buchanan, who knew the funda- mental laws of Scotland, and the power of parliaments ; for his meaning was not to deny a legislative power in the parliament ; but when he calleth their parliamentary de- clarations vgeGouxivfiicra, his meaning is only that which lawyers and schoolmen both say, Leges non promulgates non habent vim le- gis actu complete obligatoriw, — " Laws not promulgated do not oblige the subject while they be promulgated ;" but he fulfils Bucha- nan, when he saith, " Parliamentary laws must have the authoritative influence of the people, before they can be formal laws, or any more than vgdcvXiufutTa or preparatory notions. And it was no wonder when the king denied a parliament, and the supreme senate of the secret council was corrupted, that the people did then set up tables, and extraordinary judicatures of the three es- Tilt: LAW AMD THE PRINCE. 85 tates, seeing there could not be any other government for the time. Barclay 1 answereth to this : " The mean is inferior to the end, it holdeth not ; the tutor and curator is for the minor, as for the end, and given for his good ; but it fol- loweth not that, therefore, the tutor, in the administration of the minor or pupil's inhe- ritance, is not superior to the minor." Aiis. — It followeth well that the minor virtually, and in the intention of the law, is more excellent than the tutor, though the tutor can exercise more excellent acts than the pupil, by accident, for defect of age in the minor, yet he doth exercise those acts with subordination to the minor, and with correction, because he is to render an ac- count of his doings to the pupil coming to age; so the tutor is only more excellent and superior in some respect, x*rk *-< but not simply, and so is the king in some respect above the people. The P. Prelate beggeth from the roya- lists another of our arguments, Quod efficit tale, est magis tale? — "That which maketh another such, is far more such itself." If the people give royal power to the king, then tar more is the royal power in the people. By this (saith the Prelate) it shall follow, if the observator give all his goods to me, to make me rich, the observator is more rich : if the people give most part of their goods to foment the rebellion, then the people are more rich, having given all they have upon the public faith. Ans. — 1. This greedy Prelate was made richer than ten poor pursuivants, by a bi- shopric; it will follow well, — therefore, the bishopric is richer than the bishop, whose goods the curse of God blasteth. 2. It hold- eth in efficient causes, so working in other things as the virtue of the effect remaineth in the cause, even after the production of the effect. As the sun maketh all things light, the fire all things hot, therefore the sun is more light, the fire more hot ; but where the cause doth alienate and make over, in a corporal manner, that which it hath to another, as the hungry Prelate would have the observator's goods, it holdeth not ; for the effect may exhaust the virtue of the cause, but the people doth, as the fountain, derive a stream of royalty to Saul, and 1 Barcla., lib. 4, cone. Monarrho., c. 11, p. 27. " Sacr. Naur. Mai., c. 13, p. 130, stolen out of Ar- aisxus de jure Majest. c. 3, u. 1, p. 34. make him king, and yet so as they keep fountain-power of making kings in them- selves; yea, when Saul is dead to make Da- vid king at Hebron, and when he is dead to make Solomon king, and alter him to make Rehoboam king ; and, therefore, in the peo- ple there is more fountain-power of making kings than in David, in Saul, in any king of the world. As for the Prelate's scoff about the people's giving of their goods to the good cause, I hope it shall, by the blessing of God, enrich them more ; whereas prelates, by the rebellion in Ireland, (to which they assent, when they council his Majesty to sell the blood of some hundred thousands of inno- cents killed in Ireland,) are brought, from thousands a year, to beg a morsel of bread. The P. Prelate (p. 131) answereth that maxim, Quod efficit tale, id ipsum est ma- gis tale, — " That which maketh another such, it is itself more such." It is true, de principio formali effectivo, (as I learned in the university,) of such an agent as is for- mally such in itself as is the effect produced. Next, it is such as is effective and produc- tive of itself, as when fire heateth cold water, so the quality must be formally inherent in the agent ; as wine maketh drank, it follow- eth not, wine is more drunk, because drunk- enness is not inherent in the wine, nor is it capable of drunkenness; and, therefore, Aris- totle qualifieth the maxim with this, Quod efficit tale est magis tale, modo utrique in- sit, — " and it holdeth not in agents, who ope- rate by donation, if the right of the kino- be transferred from the people to the king." The donation divesteth the people totally of it, except the king have it by way of loan, which, to my thinking, never yet any spoke. Sovereignty never was, never can be, in the community. Sovereignty hath power of life and death, which none hath over him- self, and the community conceived without government, all as equal, endowed with nature's and native liberty, of that commu- nity no one can have power over the life of another. And so the argument may be turned home, if the people be not tales, such by nature, (as hath formally royal power, he should say,) they cannot give the king royal power ; also, none hath power of life and death, either more eminently or formally, the people, either singly or collec- tively, have not power over their own life- much less over their neighbours'. Ans. — 1. The Prelate would make the maxim true of a formal cause, and this he LEX, REX ; OR, learned in the University of St. Andrews. He wrongeth the university, he rather learn- ed it while he kept the calves of Crail. The wall is white from whiteness ; therefore, whiteness is more white by the Prelate's learning. Never such thing was taught in that learned university. 2. Principium for- mate effectivum is as good logic as princi- pium effectivum materiale, formale, finale. The Prelate is in his accuracy of logic now. He yet maketh the causality of the formal cause all one with the causality of the effi- cient ; but he is weak in his logic. 3. He confoundeth a cause equivocal and a cause univocal, and in that case the maxim hold- eth not. Nor is it necessary to make true the maxim, that the quality be inherent in the cause the same way ; for a city maketh a mayor, but to be a mayor is one way in the city, and another way in him who is created mayor. The Prelate's maxim would help him, if we reasoned thus : The people mak- eth the king, therefore the people is more a king, and more formally a sovereign than the king. But that is no more our argu- ment than the simile that Maxwell used, as near heart and mouth both. Wine maketh drunk the Prelate, therefore wine is more drunk. But we reason thus : The fountain- power of making six kings is in the people, therefore there is more fountain-power of royalty in the people than in any one king. For we read that Israel made Said king, and made David king, and made Abimelech king ; but never that king Said made an- other king, or that an earthly king made another absolute king. 4. The Prelate will have the maxim false, where the agent work- eth by donation, which yet holdeth true by his own grant (c. 9, p. 98). The king giv- eth power to a deputy, therefore there is more power in the king. 5. He supposeth that which is the basis and foundation of all the question, that people divesteth them- selves totally of their fountain-power, which is most false. 6. Either they must divest themselves totally (saith he) of their power, or the king hath power from the people, by way of loan, which, to my thinking, never any yet Spake. But the P. Prelate's think- ing is short, and no rule to divines and lawyers ; for, to the thinking of the learned jurists, this power of the king is but fiduci- ary, and that is (whether the Prelate think it or think it not) a sort of power by trust, pawn or loan. Hex director Regni, non proprietarius, (Molina;, in consnet. Parisi. Tit. 1,9; I Gloss, 7, n. 9,)—" The king is a life-renter, not a lord, or proprietor of his kingdom." So Novel. 85, in princip, et c. 18, Quod magistratus sit nudus dispen- sator et defensor jurium regni, non pro- prietarius, constat, ex eo quod non posset alienare imperium, oppida, urbes, regiones ve, vel res subditorum, bonave regni. So Gregory, /. 3, c. 8, de Repub. per c. 1, Sect, prceterea, de propo. feud. Hotto- man, quest, illust. 1 ; Ferdinan. Vasquez, I. 1, c. 4; Bossius, de princip. et privileg. illius, n. 290, — " The king is only a steward, and a defender of the laws of the kingdom, not a proprietor, because he hath not power to make away the empire, cities, towns, countries, and goods of the subjects ;" and, bona commissa magistratui, sunt subjecta restitutioni, et in prejudicium successorum alienari non possunt, [per I. ult. Sect, sed nost. C. Comment, de leg. I. peto 69, fra- trem de leg. 2, I. 32, ult. d. t.) — " All the goods committed to any magistrate are un- der restitution ; for he hath not power to make them away, to the prejudice of his successors." The Prelate's thoughts reach not the secrets of jurists, and therefore he speaketh with a warrant; he will say no more than his short-travelled thoughts can reach, and that is but at the door. 7. Sovereignty is not in the community, (saith the P. Prelate). Truly it neither is, nor can be, more than ten, or a thou- sand, or a thousand thousands, or a whole kingdom, can be one man ; for sovereignty is the abstract, the sovereign is the concrete. Many cannot be one king or one soverign : a sovereign must be essentially one ; and a multitude cannot be one. But what then ? May not the sovereign power be eminently, fontaliter, originally and radically in the people ? I think it may, and must be. A king is not an under judge: he is not a lord of council and session formally, be- cause he is more. The people are not king formally, because the people are emi- nently more than the king ; for they make David king, and Saul king ; and the power to make a lord of council and session, is in the king (say royalists). 8. A commu- nity hath not power of life and death ; a king hath power of life and death (saith the Prelate). What then ? Therefore a community is not king. I grant all. The power of making a king, who hath power of life and death, is not in the people. Poor man ! It is like prelates' logic. Samuel THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 87 is not a king, therefore he cannot make David a king. It followeth not by the Pre- I late's ground. So the king is not an infe- rior judge. What ! Therefore he cannot make an inferior judge? 9. The power of life and death is eminently and virtually in the people, collectively taken, though not formally. And though no man can take away his own life, or hath power over his own life formally, yet a man, and a body of men, hath power over their own lives, radi- cally and virtually, in respect they may ren- der themselves to a magistrate, and to laws which, if they violate, they must be in ha- zard of then* lives ; and so they virtually have power of their own lives, by putting them under the power of good laws, for the peace and safety of the whole, 10. This is a weak consequence. None hath power of his own life, therefore, far less of his neigh- bour's (saith the Prelate). I shall deny the consequence. The king hath not power of his own life, that is, according to the Pre- late's mind, he can neither, by the law of nature, nor by any civil law, kill himself; therefore, the king hath far less power to kill another ; it followeth not ; for the judge hath more power over his neigh- bour's life than over his own, 11, But, saith the P. Prelate, the community con- ceived without government, all as equal, endowed with nature's and native liberty, hath no power of life and death, because all are bom free ; and so none is born with dominion and power over his neighbour's life. Yea, but so, Mr P. Prelate, a king considered without government, and as born a free man, hath not power of any man's life more than a community hath ; for king and beggar are born both alike free. But a community, in this consideration, as they come from the womb, have no politic consi- deration at all. If you consider them as without all policy, you cannot consider them as invested with policy ; yea, if you consi- der them so as they are by nature, void of all policy, they cannot so much as add their after-consent and approbation to such a man to be their king, whom God immediately from heaven maketh a king ; for to add such an after-consent, is an act of govern- ment. Now, as they are conceived to want all government, they cannot perform any act of government. And this is as much against himself as against us, 2. The power of a part and the power of the whole is not alike. Royalty never ad- vanceth the king above the place of a mem- ber ; and lawyers say, the king is above the subjects, in sensu diviso, in a divisive sense, he is above this or that subject ; but he is inferior to all the subjects collectively taken, because he is for the whole kingdom, as a mean for the end, Obj. — If this be a good reason, that he is a mean for the whole kingdom as for the end ; that he is therefore inferior to the whole kingdom, then is he also inferior to any one subject ; for he is a mean for the safety of every subject, as for the whole kingdom. Ans. — Every mean is inferior to its com- plete, adequate, and whole end ; and such an end is the whole kingdom in relation to the king ; but every mean is not always inferior to its incomplete, inadequate, and partial end. This or that subject is not ade- quate, but the inadequate and incomplete end in relation to the king. The Prelate saith, Kings are Dii Elohirn, gods; and the manner of their propaga- tion is by filiation, by adoption, sons of the Most High, and God's tirst-bom. Now, the first-born is not above every brother severally ; but if there were thousands, millions, numberless numbers, he is above all in precedency and power. Ans. — Not only kings but all inferior judges are gods. Psal. lxxxii., God stand- eth in the congregation of the gods, that is not a congregation of kings. So (Exod. xxii. 8) the master of the house shall be brought P'tlbtfrvSK to the gods, or to the judges. And that there were more judges than one, is clear by ver. 9 ; and it* they shall condemn ]^\^^ jarshignur, con- demnarint, (John x. 35,) im Sfoi"; He called them gods ; Exod. iv. 16, " Thou shalt be to Aaron □'PlS'Xb as a god." They are gods analogically only. God is infi- nite, not so the king. God's will is a law, not so the king's. God is an end to himself, not so the king. The judge is but God by office, and representation, and conservation of the people. It is denied that the first- born is in power before all his brethren, though there were millions. That is but said, one, as one, is inferior to a multitude. As the first-born was a politic ruler to his brethren, he was inferior to them politically. Obj, — The collective university of a king- dom are subjects, sons, and the king their father, no less than this or that subject is the king's subject. For the university of LEX, REX ; OR, subjects are either the king, or the king's subjects ; for all the kingdom must be one of these two ; but they are not the king, therefore they are his subjects. Ans. — All the kingdom, in any considera- tion, is not either king or subjects. I give a third : The kingdom collective is neither properly king nor subject ; but the king- dom embodied in a state, having collateral, is a co-ordinate power with the king. Obj. — The university is ruled by laws, therefore they are inferior to the king who ruleth all by law. Ans. — The university, properly, is no otherwise ruled by laws than the king is ruled by laws. The university, formally, is the complete politic body, endued with a nomothetic faculty, which cannot use vio- lence against itself, and so is not properly under a law. QUESTION XX. WHETHER OR NO INFERIOR JUDGES BE UNI- VOCALLY AND ESSENTIALLY JUDGES, AND THE IMMEDIATE VICARS OF GOD, NO LESS THAN THE KING, OR IF THEY BE ONLY THE DEPUTIES AND VICARS OF THE KING. It is certain that, in one and the same kingdom, the power of the king is more in extension than the power of any inferior judge ; but if these powers of the king and the inferior judges differ intensive and in spece, and nature is the question, though it be not all the question. Assert. — Inferior judges are no less es- sentially judges, and the immediate vicars of God, than the king. Those who judge in the room of God, and exercise the judg- ment of God, are essentially judges and de- puties of God, as well as the king ; but in- ferior judges are such, therefore the propo- sition is clear. The formal reason, why the king is univocally and essentially a judge, is, because the king's throne is the Lord's throne ; 1 Chron. xxix. 23, " Then Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord, as king, in- . stead of David his father." 1 Kings i. 13, It is called David's throne, because the king is the deputy of Jehovah ; and the judgment is the Lord's. I prove the assumption. In- ferior judges appointed by king Jehoshaphat have this place, 2 Chron. xix. 6, " The king said to the judges, Take heed what .ye do, mrrS »d ibstpn c-ikS kS »3. tor ye judge not tor man, but for the Lord." Then, they were deputies in the place of the Lord, and not the king's deputies in the for- mal and official acts of judging. Ver. 7, " Wherefore, now, let the fear of the Lord be upon you, take heed and do it; for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of persons, or taking of gifts. Hence I argue, 1. If the Holy Ghost, in this good king, forbid inferior judges, wrest- ing of judgment, respecting of persons, and taking of gifts, because the judgment is the Lord's, and if the Lord himself were on the bench, he would not respect persons, nor take gifts, then he presumeth, that inferior judges are in the stead and place of Jehovah, and that when these inferior judges should take gifts, they make, as it were, the Lord, whose place they repre- sent, to take gifts, and to do iniquity, and to respect persons ; but that the Holy Lord cannot do. 2. If the inferior judges, in the act of judging, were the vicars and deputies of king Jehoshaphat, he would have said, judge righteous judgment. Why? For the judgment is mine, and if I, the king, were on the bench, I would not respect persons, nor take gifts ; and you judge for me, the Supreme Judge, as my deputies. But the king saith, They judge not for man, but for the Lord. 3. If, by this, they were not God's immediate vicars, but the vicars and deputies of the king, then, being mere ser- vants, the king might command them to pronounce such a sentence, and not such a sentence as I may command my servant and deputy, in so far as he is a servant and deputy, to say this, and say not that ; but the king cannot limit the conscience of the inferior judge, because the judgment is not the king's, but the Lord's. 4. The king cannot command any other to do that as king, for the doing whereof he hath no power from God himself; but the king hath no power from God to pronounce what sentence he pleaseth, because the judgment is not his own but God's. And though in- ferior judges be sent of the king, and ap- pointed by him to be judges, and so have their external call from God's deputy the king, yet, because judging is an act of con- science, as one man's conscience cannot properly be a deputy for another man's con- science, so neither can an inferior judge, as a judge, be a deputy for a king. There- CHE LAW AXD THE PRINCE. fore, the inferior judges have designation to their office from the king ; but if they have from the king that they are judges, and be not God's deputies, but the king's, they could not be commanded to execute judg- ment for God, but for the king : (Deut, i. 17,) Moses appointed judges, but not as his deputies to judge and give sentence, as sub- ordinate to him ; for the judgment (saith he) is the Lord's, not mine. 5. If all the inferior judges in Israel were but the depu- ties of the king, and not immediately subor- dinate to God as his deputies, then could neither inferior judges be admonished nor condemned in God's word for unjust judg- ment, because their sentence should be nei- ther righteous nor unrighteous judgment, but in so far as the king should approve it or disapprove it ; and, indeed, that royalist, Hugo Grotius* saith so, — that an inferior judge can do nothing against the will of the supreme magistrate if it be so. Whenever God commandeth inferior judges to execute righteous judgment, it must have this sense, " .Respect not persons in judgment, except the king command you ; crush not the poor, oppress not the fatherless, except the king command you." I understand not such po- licy. Sure I am the Lard's commandments, rebukes and threats, oblige, in conscience, the inferior judge as the superior, as is manifest in these scriptures, Jer. v. 1 ; Isa. i. 17, 21 ; v. 7 ; x, 2 ; lix. 14 ; Jer. xxii. 3 ; Ezek. xviii. 8 ; Amos v. 7 ; Mic. iii. 9 ; Hab. i. 4; Lev. xix. 15; Deut. xvii. 11; i. 17; Exod. xxiii, 2. Grotius saith, 2 " It is here as in a cate- gory : the middle specie is, in respect of the superior, a specie, — in respect of the inferior, a genus ; so inferior magistrates in relation to those who are inferior to them and un- der them, are magistrates or public per- sons; but in relation to superior magis- trates, especially the king, they are private persons, and not magistrates. Ans. — Jehoshaphat esteemed not judges, appointed by himself, private men, 2 Chron. 1 Grotius de jure belli et pac. lib. 1, c. 4, Nam oranis facultas gubernandi in magistratibus, sum- mae potestati ita subjicitur ut quiequid contra vo- luntatem summi imperantis faciaut, id defectum sit ea facultate, ac proinde de pro actu privato haben- dum. 2 Grotius ib. species intermedia, si genus respi- cias, est species, si speciem infra positam, est genus : ita magistratus illi, inferiorum quidem ratione ha- bita sunt publicae, personam, at snperiores si consi- derentur, sunt privati. xix. 6, 7, '* Ye judge not for men, but for the Lord." We shall prove that under- judges are powers ordained of God : in Scotland the king can take no man's in- heritance from him because he is the king ; but if any man possess lands belonging to the crown, the king, by his advocate, must stand before the lordrjudges of the session, and submit the matter to the laws of the land ; and if the king, for property of goods, were not under a law, and were not to acknowledge judges as judges, I see not how the subjects in either kingdoms have any property I judge it blasphemy to say, that a sentence of an inferior judge must be no sentence, though never so legal nor just, if it be contrary to the king's will, as Gro- tius saith. He citeth that of Augustine : " If the consul command one thing, and the emperor another thing, you contemn not the power, but you choose to obey the highest." Peter saith, He will have us one way to be sub- ject to the king, as to the supreme, pine ul- la exccptionc, without any exception ; but to those who are sent by the king, as having their power from the king. Arg. 1. — When the consul commandeth a thing lawful, and the king that same thing lawful, or a thing not unlawful, we are to obey the king rather than the consul. So I expone Augustine. We are not to obey the king and the consul the same way, that is, with the same degree of reverence and sub- mission ; for we owe more submission of spi- rit to the king than to the consul ; but ma- gis et minus non variant speciem, more or less varieth not the nature of things. But if the meaning be that we are not to obey the inferior judge, commanding things lawful, if the king command the contrary, this is utterly denied. But saith Grotius, " The inferior judge is but the deputy of the king, and hath all his power from him ; therefore we are to obey him for the king." — Ans. The inferior judge may be called the deputy of the king, (where it is the king's place to make judges,) because he hath his external call from the king, and is judge infora soli, in the name and authority of the king ; but being once made a judge, in foro poli, be- fore God, he is as essentially a judge, and in his official acts, no less immediately sub- jected to God than the king himself. Arg, 2. — These powers to whom we are to yield obedience, because they are ordain- ed of God, these are as essentially judges as o LEX, REX ; OR, the supreme magistrate the king ; but in- ferior judges are such, therefore inferior judges are as essentially judges as the su- preme magistrate. The proposition is, Rom. xiii. 1, for that is the apostle's arguments; whence we prove kings are to be obeyed, be- cause they are powers from God. I prove the assumption : inferior magistrates are powers from God, Deut. i. 17; xix. 6, 7; Exod. xxii. 7 ; Jer. v. i. ; and the apostle saith, " The powers that be are ordained of God." Arg. 3. — Christ testified that Pilate had power from God as a judge (say royalists) no less than Csesar the emperor. (John xix. 11 ; 1 Pet. ii. 12.) We are commanded to obey the king and those that are sent by him, and that for the Lord's sake, and for conscience to God ; and (Rom. xiii. 5) we must be subject to all powers that are of God, not only for wrath, but for conscience. Arg. 4. Those who are rebuked because they execute not just judgment, as well as the king, are supposed to be essentially judges, as well as the king ; but inferior judges are rebuked because of this, Jer. xxii. 15—17; Ezek. xlv. 9—12; Zeph. iii. 3 ; Amos v. 6, 7 ; Eccles. iii. 16 ; Mic. iii. 2—4; Jer. v. 1,31. Arg. 5. — He is the minister of God for good, and hath the sword not in vain, but to execute vengeance on the evil-doers, no less than the king. (Rom. xiii. 2 — 4.) He to whom agreeth, by an ordinance of God, the specific acts of a magistrate, is essentially a magistrate. Arg 6. — The resisting of the inferior ma- gistrate in his lawful commandments is the resisting of God's ordinance, and a breach of the fifth commandment, as is disobedience to parents ; and not to give him tribute, and fear, and honour, is the same transgression, Rom. xiii. 1 — 7. Arg. 7. — These styles, of gods, of heads of the people, of fathers, of physicians and healers of the sons of the Most High, of such as reign and decree by the wisdom of God, &c, that are given to kings, for the which royalists make kings only judges, and all inferior judges but deputed, and judges by participation, and at the second hand, or given to inferior judges. (Exod. xxii. 8, 9 ; John x. 35.) Those who are appointed judges under Moses (Deut. i. 16) are called, in Hebrew or Chaldee, (1 Kings viii. 1, 2 ; v. 2 ; Mic. iii. 1 ; Josh, xxiii. 2 ; Num. i. 16,) »tPK"l rasce, »{^H fathers, (Acts vii. 2 ; Josh. xiv. 1; xix. 15; 1 Chron. viii. 28,) healers, (Isa. iii. 7,) gods, and sons of the Most High. (Psal. lxxxii. 1, 2, 6, 7 ; Prov. viii. 16, 17.) I much doubt if kings can in- fuse godheads in their subjects. I conceive they have, from the God of gods, these gifts whereby they are enabled to be judges ; and that kings may appoint them judges, but can do no more : they are no less essentially judges than themselves. Arg. 8. — If inferior judges be deputies of the king, not of God, and have all their au- thority from the king, then may the king limit the practice of these inferior judges. Say that an inferior judge hath condemned to death a paricide, and he be conveying him to the place of execution, the king com- eth with a force to rescue him out of his hand ; if this inferior magistrate bear God's sword for the terror of ill-doers, and to exe- cute God's vengeance on murderers, he can- not but resist the king in this, which. I judge to be his office ; for the inferior judge is to take vengeance on ill-doers, and to use the co-active force of the sword, by virtue of his office, to take away this paricide. Now, if he be the deputy of the king, he is not to break the jaws of the wicked (Job xxix. 17) ; not to take vengeance on evil-doers (Rom. xiii. 4) ; nor to execute judgment on the wicked, Psal. cxlix. 9) ; nor to execute judgment for the fatherless (Deut. x. 18) ; except a mortal man's creator, the king, say Amen. Now, truly then, God, in all Israel, was to rebuke no inferior judge for pervert- ing judgment, — as he doth, Exod. xxiii. 26; Mic. iii. 2—4; Zech. iii. 3; Num. xxv. 5 ; Deut. i. 16 ; for the king only is lord of the conscience of the inferior judge who is to give sentence, and execute sen- tence righteously, upon condition that the king, the only univocal and proper judge, first decree the same, as royalists teach. Hear our Prelate (c. 4, p. 46). — How is it imaginable that kings can be said to judge in God's place, and not receive the power from God ? But kings judge in God's place. (Deut. i. 17; 2 Chron. xix. 6.) Let no man stumble (this is his prolepsis) at this, that Moses in the one place, and Jeho- shaphat in the other, spake to subordinate judges under them. This weakeneth no- wise our argument ; for it is a ruled case in law, Quod quis facit per alium, facit per se, all judgments of inferior judges are in the name, authority, and by the power of the supreme, and are but communicatively and derivatively from the sovereign power. THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. ;!! Ans. — How is it possible that inferior judges (Deut. i. 17 ; 2 Chron. xix. 6) can be said to judge in God's place, and not receive the power from God immediately, without any consent or covenant of men ? So saith the P. Prelate. But inferior judges judge in the place of God, as both the P. Prelate and Scripture teach. (Deut. i. 17 ; 2 Chron. xix. 6.) Let the Prelate see to the stumbling conclusion, for so he feareth it proves to his bad cause. He saith the places, Deut. i. 17 ; 2 Chron. xix. 6, prove that the king judgeth in the room of God, because his deputies judge in the place of God. The Prelate may know we would deny this stumbling and lame consequence; for 1. Moses and Jehoshaphat are not speaking to themselves, but to other inferior judges, and doth publicly exhort them. Moses and Jehoshaphat are persuading the regulation of the personal actions of other men who might pervert judgment. 2. The Prelate is much upon his law, after he had foresworn the gospel and religion of the church where he was baptized. " What the king doth by another, that he doth by himself." But were Moses and Jehoshaphat afraid that they should pervert judgment in the un- just sentence pronounced by under judges, of which sentence they could not know any thing ? And do inferior judges so judge in the name, authority, and power of the long, as not in the name, authority, and power of the Lord of lords and King of kings ? or is the judgment the king's? No; the Spirit of God saith no such matter. The judgment executed by those inferior judges is the Lord's, not a mortal king's; therefore, a mortal king may not hinder them to exe- cute judgment. Obj. — He cannot suggest an unjust sen- tence, and command an inferior judge to give out a sentence absolvatory on cut-throats, but he may hinder the execution of any sentence against Irish cut-throats. Ans. — It is all one to hinder the execu- tion of a just sentence, and to suggest or command the inferior judge to pronounce an unjust one ; for inferior judges, by con- science of their office, are both to judge rio-hteously, and by force and power of the sword given to them of God (Rom. xiii. 1 — 4) to execute the sentence ; and so God hath commanded inferior judges to execute judgment, and hath forbidden them to wrest judgment, to take gifts, except the king com- mand them so to do. The king is by the grace of God, the in- ferior judge is judge by the grace of the king ; even as the man is the image of God, and the woman the man's image. 1 Ans. 1. — This distinction is neither true in law nor conscience. Not in law, for it dis- tmguisheth not betwixt ministros regis, et ministros regni. The servants of the king- are his domestics, the judges are ministri regni, non regis ; the ministers and judges of the kingdom, not of the king. The king- doth not show grace, as he is a man, in making such a man a judge ; but justice as a king, by a royal power received from the people, and by an act of justice, he makes judges of deserving men ; he should neither for favour nor bribes make any one judge in the land. 2. It is by the grace of God that men are to be advanced from a private condition to be inferior judges, as royal dignity is a free gift of God ; 1 Sam. ii. 7, " The Lord bringeth low and lifteth up ;" Psal. lxxv. 7, " God putteth down one and setteth up another." Court flatterers take from God and give to kings ; but to be a judge inferior is no less an immediate favour of God than to be king, though the one be a greater favour than the other. Magis honos and Majoc honos are to be considered. Arg 9. — Those powers which differ gra- dually, and per magis et minus, by more and less only, differ not in nature and spe- cies, and constitute not kings and inferior judges different univocally. But the power of kings and inferior judges are such; there- fore kings and inferior judges differ not uni- vocally. That the powers are the same in nature, I prove, 1. by the specific acts and formal object of the power of both ; for both are powers ordained of God. (Rom. xiii. 1.) To resist either, Ls to resist the ordinance of God. 2. Both are by office a terror to evil workers, ver. 3. 3. Both are the ministers of God for good. Though the king send and give a call to the inferior judge, that doth no more make the inferior judge's powers in nature and specie different than ministers of the Word, called by ministers of the Word, have offices different in nature. Ti- mothy's office to be preacher of the Word differeth not in specie from the office of the presbytery which laid hands on him, though their office by extension he more than 1 i- mothy's office. The people's power is put Symmon'a Loyal Subjects' Belief, sect. 1, p. 3. 92 LEX, REX ; OR, forth in those same acts, when they choose one to be their king and supreme governor^ and when they set up an aristocratical go- vernment, and choose many, or more than one, to be their governors ; for the formal object of one or many governors is justice and religion, as they are to be advanced. The form and manner of their operation is, brachio seculari, by a co-active power, and by the sword. The formal acts of king and many judges in aristocracy are these same, the defending of the poor and needy from violence, the conservation of a community in a peaceable and a godly life. (1 Tim. ii. 2 ; Job xxix. 12, 13 ; Isa. i, 17.) These same laws of God that regulateth the king in all his acts of royal government^ and tyeth and obligeth his conscience, as the Lord's de- puty, to execute judgment for God, and not in the stead of men, in God's court of hea- ven, doth in like manner tie, and oblige the conscience of aristocratical judges, and all inferior judges, as is clear and evident by these places, 1 Tim. ii. 2, not only kings, but all in authority *«',«; Si l» im^tf oW«5 are obliged to procure that their subjects lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty. All in conscience are obliged (Deut. i. 16) to judge righteously between every man and his brother, and the stran^- ger that is with them. Neither are they to respect persons in judgment, but are to hear the small as well as the great, nor to be afraid of the lace of men, — the judgment administered by all, is God's. (2 Chron. xix. 6.) All are obliged to fear God, (Deut. xvii. 19, 20,) to keep the words of the law ; not to be lifted up in heart above their brethren. (Isa. i. 17 ; Jer. xxii. 2, 3.) Let any man show me a difference, according to God's word, but in the extension, that what the king is to do as a king, in all the king- dom and whole dominions, (if God give to him many, as he gave to David, and Solo- mon, and Joshua^) that the inferior judges are to do in such and such circuits, and li- mited places, and I quit the cause ; so as the inferior judges are little kings, and the king a great and delated judge>— as a com- pressed hand or fist, and the hand stretched out in fingers and thumb, are one hand; so here. 4. God owneth inferior judges as a congregation of gods; (Psal. lxxxii. 1, 2 ;) for that God sittcth in a congregation or senate of kings or monarchs, I shall not be- lieve till I see royalists show to me a com- monwealth of monarchs convening in one judicature. All are equally called gods, (John x. 35; Exod. xxii. 8,) if for any cause, but because all judges, even inferior, are the immediate deputies of the King of kings, and their sentence in judgment as the sentence of the Judge of all the earth, I shall be informed by the P. Prelate, when he shall answer my reasons, if his in- terdicted lordship may cast an eye to a poor presbyter below ; and as wisdom is that by which kings reign, (ProVi viih 15, so also ven 16,) by which princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth ; all that is said against this is, that the king hath a prerogative royal, by which he is differ- enced from all judges in Israel, called jus regis nJDtJ^D, for, (saith Barclay, 1 ) the king, as king, essentially hath a domination and power above all, so as none can censure him, or punish him, but Godj because there be no thrones above his but the throne of God. The judges of Israel, as Samuel, Gideon, &c. had no domination, — the do- minion was in God's hand: " We may re- sist an inferior judge, (saith Arnisseus, 2 ) otherwise there were no appeal from him, and the wrong we suffer were irreparable" as saith Marantius. 3 " And all the judges of the earth (saith Edward Symmons 4 ) are from God more remotely ; namely, me- diante rege-, by the mediation of the Su- preme, even as the lesser stars have their light from God by the mediation of the sum To the first I answer : — There was a difference betwixt the kings of Israel and their judges, no question; but if it be an es- sential difference, it is a question. For, 1. The judges were raised up in an extraordi- nary manner, out of any tribe, to defend the people, and vindicate their liberty, God remaining their king: the king, by the Lord's appointment, was tyed, after Saul, to the royal tribe of Judah, till the Mes- siah's coming. God took his own blessed liberty to set up a succession in the ten tribes-. 2. The judges were not by succes- sion from father to son : the kings were, as I conceive, for the typical eternity of the Messiah's throne, presignified to stand from i Inferiores Judloes stint improprie Vicarii Regis, quod missioriem externam ad officium, sed imme- diati Dei vicarii, quoad officium in quod missi sunt. Barclaius contr. Monarch. 1. 2, p. 56, 57. 2 Arnisaeus de autlioritate princip. c. 3, n. 9. 3 Marant. disp. 1, Zoan. tract. 3, de defens. Myn- sing. obs, 18, cent. 5, ■* Symmous, sect. 1, p. 2. THE LAW AXD THE PRINCE. generation to generation; 3. Whether the judges were appointed by the election of the people, or no, some doubt ; because Jeph- thah was so made judge : but I think it was not a law in Israel that it should be so. But the first mould of a king (Deut. xvii.) is by election. But that God gave power of domineering, that is, of tyrannising, to a king, so as he cannot be resisted, which he gave not to a judge, I think no scripture can make good. For by what scripture can royalists warrant to us that the people might rise in anus to defend themselves against Moses, Gideon, Eli, Samuel, and other judges, if they should have tyrannised over the people ; and that it is unlawful to resist the most tyrannous king in Israel and Judah ? Yet Barclay and others must say this, if they be true to that principle of ty- ranny, that the jus regis, the law or man- ner of the king (1 Sam. viii. 9, 11 ; and 1 Sam. x. 25) doth essentially differ betwixt the kings of Israel and the judges of Is- rael. But we think God gave never any power of tyranny to either judge or king of Israel ; and domination in that sense was by God given to none of them. Arnisseus hath as little for him, to say the inferior magistrate may be resisted, because we may appeal from him ; but the king cannot be resisted, quia sanctitas majestatis id non permittit, the sanctity of royal majesty will not permit us to resist the king. Atis. — That is not Paul's argument to prove it unlawful to resist Icings, as kings, and doing their office, because of the sanc- tity of their majesty; that is, as the man in- tendethj because of the supreme, absolute, and unlimited power that God hath given him. But this is a begging of the question, and all one as, to say, the king may not be resisted, because he may not be' resisted; for sanctity of majesty, if we believe roya- lists, includeth essentially an absolute supre- macy of power, whereby they are above the reach of all thrones, laws, powers, or resis- tance on earth. But the argument is, re- sist not, because the power is of God; But the inferior magistrate's power is of God. Resist not, because you resist God's ordi- nance in resisting the judge ; but the infe- rior judge is God's ordinance. (Rom. xiii. 1 ; Deut. i. 17 ; 2 Chron. xix. 6.) Mr Sym- mons saith, " All judges on earth are from the king, as stars have their fight from the sun." I answer, 1. Then aristocracy were unlawful, lor it hath not its power from mo- narchy. Had the lords of the Philistines, have the states of Holland, no power but from a monarchy ? Name the monarch. Have the Venetians any power from a king ? Indeed, our Prelate saith from Augustine, (Confess, lib. 3, cap. 8,) Generale pactum est societatis humance, obedire Regibus suis, it is an universal covenant of human so- ciety, and a dictate of nature, that men obey their kings. " I beg the favour of sectaries (saith he) to show as much for aristocracy and democracy." Now all other governments, to those born at court, are the inventions of men. But I can show that same warrant for the one as for the other ; because it is as well the dictate of nature that people obey their judges and rulers as it is that they obey their kings. And Au- gustine speaketh of all judges in that place, though he name kings ; for kingly govern- ment is no more of the law of nature than aristocracy or democracy ; nor are any born judges or subjects at all. There is a natural aptitude in all to either of these, for the conservation of nature ■, and that is all. Let us see that men, naturally inclining to government, incline rather to royal go- vernment than to any other. That the P. Prelate shall not be able to show ; for father- ly government, being in two, is not kingly, but nearer to aristocracy ; and when many families were on earth, every one indepen- dent within themselves, if a common ene- my should invade a tract of land governed by families, I conceive, by nature's light, they should incline to defend themselves, and to join in one politic body for their own safety, as is most natural. But, in that case they, having no king, and there were no rea- son of many lathers all alike loving their own families and self-preservation, why one should be king over all, rather than an- other, except by voluntary compact. So it is clear that nature is nearer to aristocracy be- fore this contract than a monarchy. And let him show us in multitudes of families dwell- ing together, before there was a king, as clear a w T arrant for monarchy as here is for aristocracy ; though to me both be laudable and lawful ordinances of God, and the dif- ference merely accidental, being one and the same power from the Lord, (Rom. xiii. 1,) which is in divers subjects ; in one as a mo- narchy, in many as in aristocracy ; and the one is as natural as the other, and the sub- jects are accidental to the nature of the power. 2. The stars have no light at all 94 LEX, REX ; OR, but in actual aspect toward the sun ; and they are not lightsome bodies by the free will of the sun, and have no immediate light from God formally, but from the sun ; so as if there were no sun, there should be no stars. 3. For actual shining and sending out of beams of light actu secundo, they de- pend upon the presence of the sun ; but for inferior judges, though they have their call from the king, yet have they gifts to govern from no king on earth, but only from the King of kings. 4. When the king is dead, the judges are judges, and they depend not on the king for their second acts of judging ; and for the actual emission and putting forth their beams and rays of justice upon the poor and needy, they depend on no volun- tary aspect, information or commandment of the king, but on that immediate subjec- tion of their conscience to the King of kings. And their judgment which they execute is the Lord's immediately, and not the king's ; and so the comparison halteth. Arg. 10. — If the king dying, the judges inferior remain powers from God, the de- puties of the Lord of Hosts, having their power from God, then are they essentially judges ; yea, and if the estates, in their prime representators and leaders, have power in the death of the king to choose and make an- other king, then are they not judges and rulers by derivation and participation, or im- properly; but the king is rather the ruler by derivation and participation than those who are called inferior judges. Now, if these judges depend in their sentences upon the immediate will of him who is supposed to be the only judge, when this only judge dieth, they should cease to be judges : for Expir- ante mandatore cxpirat mandatum ; be- cause the fountain-judge drying up, the streams must dry up. Now, when Saul died, the princes of the tribes remain by God's institution princes, and they by God's law and warrant (Deut. xvii.) choose David their king. Arg. 11. — If the king, through absolute power, do not send inferior judges, and con- stitute them, but only by a power from the people ; and if the Lord have no less imme- diate influence in making inferior judges than in making kings, then there is no ground that the king should be sole judge, and the inferior judge only judge by deri- vation from him, and essentially his deputy, and not the immediate deputy of God. If the former is true, therefore, so is the lat- ter. And, 1. That the king's absolute will maketh not inferior judges, is clear, from Deut. i. 15. Moses might not follow his own will in making inferior judges whom he pleased : God tyed him to a law, (ver. 13,) that he should take wise men, known amongst the people, and fearing God, and hating covetousness. And these qualifica- tions were not from Moses, but from God ; and no less immediately from God than the inward qualification of a king (Deut. xvii.) ; and therefore, it is not God's law that the king may make inferior judges only, Du- rante beneplacito, during his absolute will ; for if these divine qualifications remain in the seventy elders, Moses, at his will, could not remove them from their places. 2. That the king can make heritable judges more than he can communicate faculties and parts of judging, I doubt. Riches are of fathers, but not promotion, which is from God, and neither from the east nor the west : that our nobles are born lords of parliament, and judges by blood, is a posi- tive law. 3. It seemeth to me, from Isa. iii. 1 — 4, that the inferior judge is made by consent of the people ; nor can it be called a wronging of the king, that all cities and burghs of Scotland and England have power to choose their own provosts, rulers, and mayors. 4. If it be wan-anted by God, that the lawful call of God to the throne be the election of the people, the call of in- ferior judges must also be from the people, mediately or immediately. So I see no ground to say, that the inferior judge is the king's vicegerent, or that he is in re- spect of the king, or in relation to supreme authority, only a private man. Arg. 12. These judges cannot but be univocally and essentially judges no less than the king, without which in a king- dom justice is physically impossible ; and anarchy, and violence, and confusion, must follow, if they be wanting in the kingdom. But without inferior judges, though there be a king, justice is physically impossible ; and anarchy and confusion, &c. must follow. Now this argument is more considerable, that without inferior judges, though there be a king in a kingdom, justice and safety are impossible ; and if there be inferior judges, though there be no king, as in aris- tocracy, and when the king is dead, and another not crowned, or the king is minor, or absent, or a captive in the enemy's land, yet justice is possible, and the kingdom THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 0.3 preserved ; the medium of the argument is grounded upon God's word, Num. xi. 14, 15, when Moses is unable alone to judge the people, seventy elders are joined with him (ver. 16, 17) ; so were the elders ad- ! joined to help him (Exod. xxiv. 1 ; Deut. ! v. 23 ; xxii. 16 ; Josh, xxiii. 2 ; Judg. viii. } 14; xi. 5, 11 ; 1 Sam. xi. 3 ; 1 Kings xx. 7; 2 Kings vi. 32; 2 Chron. xxxiv. 29; Ruth iv. 4 ; Deut. xix. 12 ; Ezek. viii. 1 ; Lam. i. 19); then were the elders of Moab thought to have a king. The natural end of judges hath been indigence and weak- ness, because men could not in a society defend themselves from violence ; therefore, by the light of nature they gave their power to one or more, and made a judge or judges to obtain the end of self-preservation. But nature useth the most efficacious means to obtain its end; but in a great society and kingdom, the end is more easily attained by many governors than by one only ; for where there is but one, he cannot minister justice to all; and the farther that the children are removed from their father and tutor, they are the nearer to violence and injustice. Justice should be at as easy a rate to the poor as a draught of water. Samuel went yearly through the land to Bethel, Gilgal, Mizpeh, (1 Sam. vii. 16,) and brought jus- tice to the doors of the poor. So were our kings of Scotland obliged to do of old ; but now justice is as dear as gold. It is not a good argument to prove inferior judges to be only vicars and deputies of the king, be- cause the king may censure and punish them when they pervert judgment. 1. Because the king, in that punisheth them not as judges, but as men. 2. That might prove all the subjects to be vicars and deputies of the king, because he can punish them all, in the case of their breach of laws. QUESTION XXI. WHAT POWER THE PEOPLE AND STATES OF PARLIAMENT HAVE OVER THE KING, AND IN THE STATE. It is true the king is the head of the kingdom ; but the states of the kinodom are as the temples of the head, and so, as essentially parts of the head as the king is the crown of the head. 1 1 Principcs sunt capitis tempora rex vertex. Assert. 1. — These orrfincs regni, the states, have been in famous nations : so there were fathers of families, and princes of tribes amongst the Jews: the Ephori amongst the Lacedemonians, (Polyb. hist. 1. 6 ;) the senate amongst the Romans ; the forum suprrbiense amongst the Arrago- nians; the parliaments in Scotland, Eng- land, France, Spain. Abner communed with the elders ot Israel to bring the king home; (2 Sam. iii. 17 ;) and there were elders in Israel, both in the time of the judges, and in the time of the kings, who did not only give advice and counsel to the judges and kings, but also were judges no less than the kings and judges, which I shall make good by these places: Deut. xxi. 19, the rebellious son is brought to the elders of the city, who had power of life and death, and caused to stone him ; Deut. xxii. 18, " The elders of the city shall take that man and chastise him ;" Josh. xx. 4, but beside the elders of every city, there were the el- ders of Israel and the princes, who had also judicial power of life and death, as the judges and king had ; Josh. xxii. 30, even when Joshua was judge in Israel, the princes of the congregation and heads of the thousands of Israel did judicially cognosce whether the children of Reuben, of Gad, and of half the tribe of Manasseh, were apostates from God, and the religion of Israel ; 2 Sam. v. 3, all the elders of Israel made David king at Hebron ; and Num. xii., they are appointed by God not to be the advisers only and help- ers of Moses ; but (ver. 14 — 17) to bear a part of the burden of ruling and governing the people, that Moses might be eased. Je- remiah is accused, (xxvi. 10,) upon his life, before the princes ; Josh. vii. 4, the princes sit in judgment with Joshua ; Josh. ix. 15, Joshua and the princes of the congregation sware to the Gibeonites that they would not kill them. The princes of the house of Israel could not be rebuked for oppression in judgment (Mic. iii. 1 — 3) if they had not had power of judgment. So (Zeph. iii. 3 ; Deut. i. 17 ; 2 Chron. xix. 6, 7) they are expressly made judges in the place of God; and (1 Sam. viii. 2) without advice or knowledge of Samuel, the supreme judge, they convene and ask a king ; and without any head or superior, when there is no king, they convene a parliament, and made David king at Hebron; and when David is banished, they convene to bring him home again ; when tyrannous Athalia reigneth, they con- 96 LEX, REX ; OR, vene and make Joash king, and that with- out any king; and (Josh, xxii.) there is a parliament convened, and, for any thing we can read, without Joshua, to take cognisance of a new altar. It had been good that the parliaments both of Scotland and of Eng- land had convened, though the king had not indicted and summoned a parliament, without the king, to take order with the wicked clergy, who had made many idola- trousjaltars; and the P. Prelate should have brought an argument to prove it unlawful, in foro Dei, to set up the tables and con- ventions in our kingdom, when the prelates were bringing in the grossest idolatory into the church — a service for adoring of altars, of bread, the work of the hand of the baker — a god more corruptible than any god of silver and gold. And against Achab's will and mind, (1 Kings xviii. 19,) Elias causeth to kill the priests of Baal, according to God's express law. It is true it was extraordinary ; but no otherwise extraordinary than it is at this day. When the supreme magistrate will not execute the judgment of the Lord, those who made him supreme magistrate, under God, who have, under God, sovereign li- berty to dispose of crowns and kingdoms, are to execute the judgment of the Lord, when wicked men make the law of God of none effect. 1 Sam. xv. 32, so Samuel killed Agag, whom the Lord expressly com- manded to be killed, because Saul disobeyed the voice of the Lord. I deny not but there is necessity of a clear warrant that the ma- gistrate neglect his duty, either in not con- vening the states, or not executing the judg- ment of the Lord. I see not how the con- vening of a parliament is extraordinary to the states ; for none hath power ordinary when the king is dead, or when he is dis- tracted, or captive in another land, to con- vene the estates and parliament, but they only ; and in their defect, by the law of na- ture, the people may convene. But, if they be essentially judges no less than the king, as I have demonstrated to the impartial reader, in the former chapter, I conceive, though the state make a positive law, for or- der's cause, that the king ordinarily convene parliaments ; yet, if we dispute the matter in the court of conscience, the estates have intrinsically (because they are the estates, and essentially judges of the land) ordinary power to convene themselves. Because, when Moses, by God's rule, hath appointed seventy men to be catholic judges in the land, Moses, upon his sole pleasure and will, hath not power to restrain them in the ex- ercise of judgment given them of God ; for, as God hath given to any one judge power to judge righteous judgment, though the king command the contrary, so hath he given to him power to sit down in the gate, or the bench, when and where the necessity of the oppressed people calleth for it. For the ex- press commandment of God, which saith to all judges, execute judgment in the morn- ing, involveth essentially a precept to all the physical actions, without wluch it is im- possible to execute judgment ; — as, namely, if, by a divine precept, the judge must exe- cute judgment ; therefore he must come to some public place, and he must cause party and witnesses come before him, and he must consider, cognosce, examine, in the place of judgment, things, persons, circumstances : and so God, who commandeth positive acts of judging, commandeth the judge's loco- motive power, and his natural aotions of compelling, by the sword, the parties to come before him, even as Christ, who com- mandeth his servants to preach, command- eth that the preacher and the people go to church, and that he stand or sit in a place where all may hear, and that he give him- self to reading and meditating before he come to preach. And if God command one judge to come to the place of judgment, so doth he command seventy, and so all estates to convene in the place of judgment. It is objected, " That the estates are not judges, ordinary and habitually, but only judges at some certain occasions, when the king, for cogent and weighty causes, calleth them, and calleth them not to judge, but to give him advice and counsel how to judge." Arg. 1. — -They are no less judges habitu- ally than the king, when the common affairs of the whole kingdom necessitated these public watchmen to come together ; for even the king judgeth not actually, but upon oc- casion. This is to beg the question, to say that the estates are not judges but when the king calleth them at such and such oc- casions ; for the elders, princes, and heads of families and tribes, were judges ordinary, because they made the king. Arg. 2. — The kingdom, by God, yea, and church, justice and religion, so far as they concern the whole kingdom, are committed not to the keeping of the king only, but to all the judges, elders, and princes of the THE LAW AXD THE PHIXCE, land : and they are rebuked as evening wolves, lions, oppressors, (Ezek. xxii. 27 ; Zee. iii. 3 ; Isa, iii. 14, 15 ; Mic. iii. 1—3,) when they oppress the people in judgment, so are they (Deut. i. 15 — 17 ; 2 Chron. xix, 6, 7) made judges, and therefore they are no more to be restrained not to convene by the king's power, (which is in this accumur lative and auxiliary, not privative,) than they can be restrained in judgment, and in pronouncing such a sentence, as the king pleased, and not such a sentence ; because, as they are to answer to God for unjust sentences, so also for no just sentences, and for not convening to judge, when religion and justice, which are fallen in the streets, calleth for them. Arg. 3.— As God in a law of nature hath given to every man the keeping and self- preservation of himself and of his brother, Cain ought in his place to be the keeper of Abel his brother; so hath God committed the keeping of the commonwealth, by a posi- tive law, not to the king alone, because that is impossible.^ (Num. xi. 14, 17 ; 2 Chron. xix. 1 — 6 ; 1 Chron. xxvii.) Arg. 4. — If the king had such a power as king, and so from God, he should have power to break up the meeting of all courts of parliament, secret councils, and all in- ferior judicatures ; and when the congrega- tion of gods, as Psal. lxxxii., in the midst of which the Lord standeth, were about to pronounce just judgment for the oppressed and poor, they might be hindered by the king ; and so they should be as just as the king maketh them, and might pervert judg- ment, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him, (Isa. v. 23,) be- cause the king commandeth ; and the cause of the poor should not come before the judge, when the king so commandeth. And shall it excuse the estates, to say, we could not judge the cause of the poor, nor crush the priests of Baal, and the idolatrous mass-prelates, because the king forbade us ? So might the king break up the meeting of the lords of session, when they were to de- cern that Naboth's vineyard should be re- stored to him, and hinder the states to re- press tyranny ; and this were as much as if the states should say, We made this man our king, and with our good-will we agree he shall be a tyrant, For if God gave it to Junius Brut. q. 2, p. 51, vind. contr. Tyran. are to consent that he him as a king, enjoy it. Arg. 5. — If Barclay and other flatterers have leave to make the parliament but counsellors and advisers of the king, and the king to be the only and sole judge, the king is, by that same reason, the sole judge, in relation to all judges ; the contrary whereof is clear. (Num. xi. 16 ; Deut. i. 15 — 17; Chron. xix. 6; Rom. xiii. 1, 2; 1 Pet, ii. 13, 14.) Yea, but (say they) the king, when he sendeth an ambassador, he may tie him to a written commission ; and in so far as he exceedeth that, he is not an ambassador; and clear it is, that all in- ferior judges (1 Pet. ii. 13, 14) ar« but sent by the king ; therefore, they are so judges as they are but messengers, and are to adhere to the royal pleasure of the prince that sent them. Ans. (1.) — The ambassa- dor is not to accept an unjust ambassage, that fighteth with the law of nature. (2.) The ambassador and the judge differ, the ambassador is the king and states' deputy, both in his call to the ambassy, and also in the matter of the ambassy • for which cause he is not to transgress what is given to him in writ as a rule ; but the inferior judges, and the high court of parliament, though they were the king's deputies, (as the parliament is in no sort his deputy, but he their deputy royal) yet it is only in re- spect of their call, not in respect of the matter of their commission, for the king may send the judge to judge in general according to the law, justice, and religion, but he cannot depute the sentence, and com- mand the conscience of the judge to pro- nounce such a sentence, not such. The in- ferior judge in the act of judging is as independent, and his conscience as imme- diately subject to God as the king ; therefore, the king owes to every sentence his appro- bative suffrage as king, but not either his directive suffrage, or his imperative suffrage of absolute pleasure. Arg. 6. — If the king should sell his country, and bring in a foreign army, the estates are to convene, to take course for the safety of the kingdom. Arg. 7. — If David exhort the princes of Israel to help king Solomon in governing the kingdom, and in building the temple (2 Chron. xxxii.3): — if Hezekiahtookcounsel with his princes, and his mighty men in the matter of holding off the Assyrians, who were to invade the land: if David (1 Chron. 98 xiii. 1 — 1) consult with the captains of thousands and hundreds, to bring the ark of God to Kirjath-jearim : if Solomon (1 Kino-s viii. 1) " assemble the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, and the chief of the fathers, to bring the ark of the taber- nacle to the congregation of the Lord :" if Achab gathered together the states of Israel, in a matter that nearly concerned religion : if the elders and people (1 Kings xx. 8) counsel and decree that king Achab should hearken to Ben-hadad king of Syria, and if Ahasuerus make no decrees, but with consent of his princes, (Esth. i. 21,) nor Darius any act without his nobles and princes: if Hamor and Shechem (Gen. xxxiv. 20) would not make a covenant with Jacob's sons, without the consent of the men of the city, and Ephron the Hittite would not sell Abraham a burial place in his land without the consent of the children of Heth (Gen. xxiii. 10) : — then must the estates have a power of judging with the king or prince in matters of religion, justice, °and government, which concern the whole king- dom. But the former is time by the records of Scripture ; therefore, so is the latter. Arg. 8. — The men of Ephraim complain that Jephthah had gone to war against the children of Amnion without them, and hence rose war betwixt the men of Ephraim and the men of Gilead, (Judges xii. 1 — 3,) and the men of Israel fiercely contended with the men of Judah, because they brought king David home again without them, plead- ing that they were therein despised, (2. Sam. xix. 41 — 43,) which evinceth that the whole states have hand in matters of public government, that concern all the kingdom ; and when there is no king, (Judg. xx.) the chief of the people, and of all the tribes, go out in battle against the children of Ben- jamin. Arg. 9. — Those who make the king, and so have power to unmake him in the case of tyranny, must be above the king in power of government ; but the elders and princes made both David and Saul kings. Arg. 10. — There is not any who say that the princes and people, (1 Sam. xiv.) did not right in rescuing innocent Jonathan from death, against the king's will and his law. Arg. 11. — The special ground of royalists is, to make the king the absolute supreme, giving all life and power to the parliament and states, and of mere grace convening them. So saith Feme, the author of Ossorianum, (p. 69,) but this ground is false, because the king's power is fiduciary, and put in his hand upon trust, and must be ministerial, and borrowed from those who put him in trust, and so his power must be less, and derived from the parliament. But the parliament hath no power in trust from the king, because the time was when the man who is the king had no power, and the parliament had the same power that they now have ; and now, when the king hath re- ceived power from them, they have the whole power that they had before — that is, to make laws ; and resigned no power to the king, but to execute laws; and his convening of them is an act of royal duty, which he oweth to the parliament by virtue of his office, and is not an act of grace ; for an act of grace is an act of free will ; and what the king doth of free will, he may not do, and so he may never convene a parliament. But, when David, Solomon, Asa, Hezekiah, Je- hoshaphat, Ahaz, convened parliaments, they convened parliaments as kings, and so ex debito et virtute officii, out of debt and royal obligation, and if the king as the king, be lex animate/,, a breathing and living law, the king, as king, must do by obligation of law what he doth as king, and not from spontaneous and arbitrary grace. If the Scripture holds forth to us a king in Israel, and two princes and elders who made the king, and had power of life and death, as we have seen ; then is there in Israel monarchy tempered with aristocracy; and if there were elders and rulers in every city, as the Scripture saith, here was also aristo- cracy and democracy ; and for the warrant of the power of the estates, I appeal to jurists, and to approved authors : Arg. I. aliud. 160, sect. 1 ; De Jur. Reg. I. 22 ; Mortuo de fidei. I. 11, 14, ad Mum. I. 3, 1,4/ Sigenius De Hep. Judceor. 1. 6, c. 7 ; Cornelius Bertramo, c. 12,- Junius Brutus, Vindic. contra. Tyran. sect. 2 ,• Author Libelli de jur Magistrat. in subd. q. 6 ; Althus. Politic, c. 18; Calvin Institut. I. 4, c. 20 ,• Pareus Content, in Rom. xiii. ; Pet. Martyr in Lib. Judic. c. 3 ; Joan Marianus de rege lib. 1, c. 7 ; Hottoman de jure Antiq. Regni Gallici I. 1, c. 12/ Buchanan de jure Regni apud Scotos. Obj. — The king after a more noble way representeth the people than the estates doth ; for the princes and commissioners of parliament have all their power from the THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 99 people, and the people's power is concen- trated in the king. Ans. — The estates taken collectively do represent the people both in respect of office, and of persons, because they stand judges for them ; for many represent many, ratione numeri et officii, better than one doth. The king doth improperly represent the people, though the power for actual execu- tion of laws be more in the king, yet a legis- lative power is more in the estates. Neither will it follow, that if the estates of a king- dom do any thing but counsel a king, they must then command him, for a legal and judicial advice hath influence in the effect to make it a law, not on the king's will, to cause him give the being of a law to that, which without his will is no law, for this supposeth that he is only judge. Obj. — What power the people reserveth, they reserve it to themselves in unitate, as united in a parliament ; and therefore what they do out of a parliament is tumul- tuous. Ans. — I deny the consequence ; they re- serve the power of self-preservation out of a parliament, and a power of convening in parliament for that effect, that they may by common counsel defend themselves. QUESTION XXII. WHETHER THE POWER OF THE KING AS KING BE ABSOLUTE, OR DEPENDENT AND LIMITED BY GOD'S FIRST MOULD AND PATTERN OF A KING. Dr Feme (sect. 3, p. 12) showeth us it was never his purpose to plead for absoluteness of an arbitrary commandment, free from all moral restraint laid on the power by God's law ; but only he striveth for a power in the king that cannot be resisted by the subject. But truly we never disputed with royalists of any absolute power in the king, free from moral subjection to God's law. 1. Because any bond that God's law imposeth on the king, cometh wholly from God, and the nature of a divine law, and not from any voluntary contract or covenant, either ex- press or tacito, betwixt the king and the people who made him king ; for, if he fail against such a covenant, though he should exceed the cruelty of a king or a man, and become a lion, a Nero, and a mother-killer, he should in all his inhumanity and breach of covenant be accountable to God, not to any man on earth. 2. To dispute with royalists if God's law lay any moral restraint upon the king, were to dispute whether the king be a rational man or no, and whether he can sin against God, and shall cry in the day of God's wrath, (if he be a wicked prince) Hills fall on us and cover us, as it is Rev. vi. 15, 16 ; and whether Tophet be prepared for all workers of iniquity; and certainly I justify the schoolmen in that question : Whether or no God could have created a rational creature, such a one as by nature is impeccable, and not naturally capable of sin before God ? . If royalists dis- pute this question of their absolute monarch, they are wicked divines. We plead not at this time, (saith the Prelate, c. 14, p. 163, stealing from Gro- tius, Barclay, Arnisaeus, who spake it with more sinews of reason ;) for a masterly or despotical, or rather for a slavish sovereign- ty, which is dominium herile, an absolute power, such as the great Turk this day ex- erciseth over his subjects, and the king of Spain hath over and in his territories with- out Europe : we maintain only regiam po- testatem, quce fundatur in paterna, such royal, fatherly sovereignty, as we live un- der, blessed be God, and our predecessors. This, (saith he,) as it hath its royal prero- gative inherent to the crown naturally, and inseparable from it, so it trencheth not upon the liberty of the person, or the property of the goods of the subject, but in and by the lawful and just acts of jurisdiction. Ans. — 1. Here is another absolute power disclaimed to be in the king ; he hath not such a masterly and absolute liberty as the Turk hath. Why ? John P. P., in such a tender and high point as concerneth soul and body of subjects in three Christian king- doms, you should have taught us. What bonds and fetters any covenant or paction betwixt the king and people layeth upon the king, — why he hath not, as kin or by the in- nate goodness and grace of the prince, or by the providence of God. A restraint from God's law is vain ; for it is no question be- tween us and royalists but God hath laid a moral restraint on kings, and all men, that they have not moral power to sin against God. Is the restraint laid on by man's law ? What law of man ? The royalist saith, the king, as king, is above all law of man. Then (say I) no law of man can hinder the king's power of ten, to arise to the Tur- kish power of fourteen. All law of man, as it is man's law, is seconded either with ec- clesiastical and spiritual co-action, such as excommunication, or with civil and tempo- ral co-action, such as is the sword, if it be violated. But royalists deny that either the sword of the church in excommunica- tion, or the civil sword, should be drawn against the king. This law of man should be produced by this profound jurist, the P. Prelate, who mocketh at all the statists and lawyers of Scotland. It is not a covenant betwixt the king and people at his corona- tion ; for though there were any such cove- nant, yet the breach of it doth bind before God, but not before man. Nor can I see, or any man else, how a law of man can lay a restraint on the king's power of two de- grees* to cancel it within a law, more than on a power of ten or fourteen degrees* If the king of Spain, the lawful sovereign of those over-European people, (as royalists say,) have a power of fourteen degrees over those conquered subjects, as a king, I see not how he hath not the like power over his own subjects of Spain, to wit, eren of four- teen ; for what agreeth to a king, as a king, (and kingly power from God he hath as king,) he hath it in relation to all subjects, except it be taken from him in relation to some subjects, and given by some law of God, or in relation to some other subjects. Now no man can produce any such law. The nature of the goodness and grace of the prince cannot lay bonds oh the king to cancel his power, that be should not usurp the power of the king of Spain toward his over-Europeans. 1. Royalists plead for a power due to the king, as king, and that from God, such as Saul had ; (1 Satm viii. 9, 11 : x. 25;) but this power should be a power of grace and goodness in the king as a good man ; not in the king as a king, and due to him by law : and so the king should have his legal power from God to be a tyrant. But if he were not a tyrant, but should lay limits on his own power, through the goodness of his own nature, no thanks to royalists that he is not a ty- rant ; for, actu primo, and as he is a king, (as they say) he is a tyrant, having from God a tyrannous power of ten degrees, as Saul had ; (1 Sam. viii. •) and why not of fourteen degrees as well as the great Turk, or the king of Spain ? If he use it not, it is his own personal goodness, not his official and royal power. The restraint of provi- dence laid by God upon any power to do ill, hindereth only the exercise of the power THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 101 not to break forth in as tyrannous acts as ever the king of Spain or the great Turk can exercise toward any. Yea, providence layeth physical restraint, and possibly mo- ral, sometimes, upon the exercise of that power that devils and the most wicked men of the world hath. But royalists must show us that providence hath laid bounds on the king's power, and made it fatherly and not masterly ; so that if it, the power, exceed bounds of fatherly power, and pass over to the despotical and masterly power, it may be resisted by the subjects ; but that they will not say. •i. This paternal and fatherly power that God hath given to kings, as royalists teach, trencheth not upon the liberty of the sub- jects and the property of their goods, but in and by lawful and just acts of jurisdiction (saith the P. Prelate). Well ; then it may trench upon the liberty of soul and body of the subjects but in and by lawful and just acts of jurisdiction. But none are to judge of these acts of jurisdiction, whether they be just or not just, but the king, the only judge of supreme and absolute authority and power. And if the king command the idolatrous service in the obtruded service- book, it is a lawful and a just act of jurisdic- tion. For to royalists, who make the king's power absolute, all acts are so just to the subject, though he command idolatry and Mahommedanism, that we are to suffer only, and not to resist. 5. The Prelate presumeth that fatherly power is absolute ; but so, if a father murder his child, he is not accountable to the ma- gistrate therefor, but, being absolute over his children, only the Judge of the world, not any power on earth, can punish him. 6. We have proved that the king's power is paternal or fatherly only by analogy, and improperly,. 7. What is this prerogative royal, we shall hear by and by. 8. There is no restraint on earth laid upon this fatherly power of the king but God's law, winch is a moral restraint. If then, the king challenge as great a power as the Turk hath, he only sinneth against God, but no mortal man on earth may control him, as royalists teach. And who can know what power it is that royalists plead for, whether a despotical power of lordly power, or a fatherly power ? If it be a power above law, such as none on earth may resist it, it is no matter whether it be above law of two degrees, or of twenty, even to the great Turk's power. These go for oracles at court : Tacitus, — Principi summun rerum arbitrium Dii de- derunt, subditis obsequii gloria relicta est ; Seneca, — Indigna digna habenda sunt, Bex quafacit; Salust, — lrnpune quidvis facer e, id est, Begem esse. As if to be a king and to be a god who cannot err were all one. But certainly these authors are taxing the license of kings, and not commanding their powei\ But that God hath given no absolute and unlimited power to a king above the law, is evident by this : — Arg. 1. — He who, in his first institution, is appointed of God by office, even when he sitteth on the throne, to take heed to read on a written copy of God's law, that he may " learn to fear the Lord his God, and keep all the words of this law," &c, he is not of absolute power above law, But (Deut. xvii. 18, 19) the king as king, while he sitteth on the throne, is to do this ; therefore the assumption is clear, for this is the law of the king as king, and not of a man as a man. But as he sitteth on the throne, he is to read on the book of the law ; and (ver. 20) because he is king, " his heart is not to be lifted up above his brethren ;" and as king, (ver. 16,) "he is not to multiply horses," &c. So politicians make this argument good : — they say, Rex est lex viva, ani- mata, et loquens lex, the king as king, is a living, breathing, and speaking law. And there be three reasons of this, — 1. If all were innocent persons, and could do no vio- lence one to another, the law would rule all, and all men would put the law in exe- cution, agendo sponte, by doing right of their own accord ; and there should be no need of a king to compel men to do right. But now, because men are by nature averse to good laws, therefore there was need of a ruler, who, by office, should reduce the law into practice ; and so is the king the law re- duced in practice. 2. The law is ratio sive mens, the reason or mind, free from all per- turbations of anger, lust, hatred, and can- not be tempted to ill ; and the king, as a man, may be tempted by his own passions, and therefore, as king, he cometh by office out of himself to reason and law ; and so much as he hath of law, so much of a kino- ; and in his remotest distance from law and reason he is a tyrant. 3. Abstracta eon- cretis sunt puriora et perfectiora. Justice 102 LEX, REX ; OR, is more perfect than a just man, whiteness more perfect than the white wall ; so the nearer the king comes to a law, for the which he is a king, the nearer to a king, Propter quod unumquodque tale, id ipsum magis tale. Therefore, kings throwing laws to themselves as men, whereas they should have conformed themselves to the law, have erred. Cambyses, the son of Cyrus, because he loved his own sister, would have " the mar- riage of the brother with the sister lawful." Anaxarchus said to Alexander, (grieved in mind that he had killed Clytus,) Regi ac Jovi themin atque institiam assidere :-— Judgment and righteousness did alway ac- company God and the king in all they do ; but some, to this purpose, say better : — The law, rather than the king, hath power of life and death. Arg. 2. — The power that the king hath (I speak not of his gifts) he hath it from the people who maketh him king, as I proved before ; but the people have neither for- mally nor virtually any power absolute to give the king. All the power they have is a legal and natural power to guide them- selves in peace and godliness, and save them- ! selves from unjust violence by the benefit of i rulers. Now, an absolute power above a 1 law is a power to do ill and to destroy the people, and this the people have not them- selves, it being repugnant to nature that any should have a natural power in themselves to destroy themselves, or to inflict upon themselves an evil of punishment to destruc- tion. Though therefore it were given, which yet is not granted, that the people had re- sio-ned all power that they have into their king, yet if he use a tyrannical power against the people for their hurt and destruction, he useth a power that the people never gave him, and against the intention of nature ; for they invested a man with power to be their father and defender for their good ; and he faileth against the people's inten- tion in usurping an over-power to himself, which they never gave, never had, never could give ; for they cannot give what they never had, and power to destroy themselves they never had. Arg. 3. — All royal power, whereby a king is a king and differenced from a pri- vate man, armed with no power of the sword, is from God. But absolute power to tyrannise over the people and to destroy them is not a power from God ; therefore there is not any such royal power absolute. The proposition is evident, because that God who maketh kings and disposeth of crowns, (Prov. viii. 15, 16 ; 2 Sam. xii. 7 ; Dan. iv. 32,) must also create and give that royal and official power by which a king is a king. 1. Because God created man, he must be the author of his reasonable soul. If God be the author of things, he must be the author of their forms by which they are that which they are. 2. All power is God's, (1 Chron. xxix. 11 ; Matt. vi. 13 ; Psal. lxii. 1 1 ; lxviii. 35 ; Dan. ii. 37,) and that ab- solute power to tyrannise, is not from God. 1. Because, if this moral power to sin be from God, it being formally wickedness, God must be the author of sin. 2. What- ever moral power is from God, the exercises of that power, and the acts thereof, must be from God, and so these acts must be morally good and just ; for if the moral power be of God, as the author, so must the acts be. Now, the acts of a tyrannical power are acts of sinful injustice and oppression, and can- not be from God. 3. Politicians say, there is no power in rulers to do ill, but to help and defend the people, — as the power of a physician to destroy, of a pilot to cast away the ship on the rock, the power of a tutor to waste the inheritance of the orphan, and the power of father and mother to kill their children, and of the mighty to defraud and oppress, are not powers from God. So Ferdinand. Vasquez illustr. quest. I. 1, c. 26, c. 45; Prickman d. c. 3, sect. Soluta potestas ; Althus. pol. cap. 9, n. 25. Barclaius, 1 Grotius, Dr Feme, (The P. Prelate's wit could come up to it,) say, " That absolute power to do ill, so as no mortal man can lawfully resist it, is from God; and the king hath this way power from God as no subject can resist it, but he must resist the ordinance of God, and yet the power of tyranny is not simply from God." Ans. — The law saith, Illud possumus quod jure possumus, Papinus F. filius, D. de cond. Just. It is no power which is not lawful power. The royalists say, power of tyranny, in so far as it may be resisted, and is punishable by men, is not from God. But what is the other part of the distinction ? It must be, that tyrannical power is simpliciter from God, or in itself it is from God ; but as it is punishable or restrainable by subjects, it is not from God. Now, to be punishable i Barclaius, contra Monarcho. lib. 2. p. 62. THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 103 by subjects is but an accident, and tyrannical power is the subject ; yea, and it is a separ- able accident ; tor many tyrants are never punished, and their power is never re- strained : such a tyrant was Saul, and many persecuting emperors. Now, it* the tyran- nical power itself was from God, the ar- gument is yet valid, and remaineth unan- swered. And shall not this fall to the ground as false, which Arnisaeus saith, (de autho. princ. c. 2, n. 10,) Dum contra ojficium facit, magistratus non est magistratus, quippe a quo non injuria, sed jus nasei debeat, I. meminerint. 6. C. unde vi. din. in C. quod quis, 24, n. 4, 5. — Et de hoc neminem dubitare aut dissentire scribit, Mar ant. disp. 1, num. 14. When the magistrate doth anything by violence, and without law, in so far doing against his office, he is not a magistrate. Then, say I, that power by which he doth, is not of God. None doth, then, resist the ordinance of God who resist the king in tyrannous acts. If the power, as it cannot be punished by the subject nor restrained, be from God, there- fore the tyrannical power itself, and without this accident — that it can be punished by men — it must be from God also. But the conclusion is absurd, and denied by royalists. I prove the connection : If the king have such a power above all restraint, the power itself, to wit, king David's power to kill innocent Uriah, and deflower Bathsheba, without the accident of being restrained or punished by men, it is either from God or not from God. If it be from God, it must be a power against the sixth and seventh commandments, which God gave to David, and not to any subject ; and so David lied when he confessed this sin, and this sin can- not be pardoned because it was no sin : and kings, because kings, are under no tie of duties of mercy, and truth, and justice to their subjects, contrary to that which God's law requireth of all judges (Deut. i. 15 — 17; xvii. 15—20; 2 Chron. xix. 6, 7; Rom. xiii. 3, 4) : if this power be from God, as it is unrestrainable and unpunishable by the subject, it is not from God at all ; for how can God give a power to do ill, that is un- punishable by men, and not give that power to do ill ? It is inconceivable ; for in this very thing that God giveth to David — a power to murder the innocent — with this re- spect, that it shall be punishable by God only, and not by men, God must give it as a sinful power to do ill, which must be a power of dispensation to sin, and so not to be punished by either God or man, which is contrary to his revealed will in his word. If such a power as not restrainable by man be from God by way of permission, as a power to sin in devils and men is, then it is no royal power, nor any ordinance of God ; and to resist this power, is not to resist the ordinance of God. Arg. 4. — That power which maketh the benefit of a king to be no benefit, but a judgment of God, as a making all the peo- ple slaves, such as were slaves amongst the Romans and Jews, is not to be asserted by any Christian ; but an absolute power to do ill, and to tyrannise, which is supposed to be an essential and constitutive of kings, to difference them from all judges, maketh the benefit of a king no benefit, but a judgment of God, as making all the people slaves. That the major may be clear, it is evident, 1. To have a king is a blessing of God, be- cause to have no king is a judgment ; Judg. xvii. 6, " Every man doth what seemeth good in his own eyes." (Judg. xviii. 1 ; xix. 1 ; xxi. 25.) 2. So it is a part of God's good providence to provide a king for his people. (1 Sam. xvi. 1 ; so 2 Sam. v. 12.) And David perceived that the Lord had established him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom for his people Israel's sake, 2 Sam. xv. 2, 3, 6 ; xviii. 3 ; Rom. xiii. 2 — 4. If the king be a thing good in itself, then can he not, actu primo, be a curse and a judgment, and es- sentially a bondage and slavery to the peo- ple ; also the genuine and intrinsical end of a king is the good, (Rom. xiii. 4,) and the good of a quiet and peaceable life in all god- liness and honesty (1. Tim. ii. 2); and he is by office, custos utriusque tabular, whose genuine end is to preserve the law from violence, and to defend the subject ; — he is the people's debtor for all happiness possi- ble to be procured by God's sword, either in peace or war, at home or abroad. For the assumption is evident. An absolute and arbitrary power is a king-law, such as roy- alists say God gave to Saul (1 Sam. viii. 9, 11 ; x. 25) to play the tyrant ; and this power, arbitrary and unlimited, above all laws, is that which, (1.) Is given to God; (2.) Distinguisheth essentially the kings of Israel from the judge, saith Barclary, Gro- tius, Arnisasus; (3.) A constitutive form of a king, therefore it must be actu primo, a benefit, and a blessing of God ; but if God 104 LEX, REX I OR, hath given any such power absolute to a king : as, 1. His will must be a law, either to do or suffer all the tyranny and cruelty of a tiger, a leopard, a Nero, or a Julian ; then hath God given, actu primo, a power to a king, as king, to enslave the people and flock of God, redeemed by the blood of God, as the slaves among the Romans and Jews, who were so under their masters, as their bondage was a plague of God, and the lives of the people of God under Pharaoh, who compelled them to work in brick and clay. 2. Though he cut the throats of the people of God, as the lioness Queen Mary did, and command an army of soldiers to come and burn the cities of the land, and kill man, wife, and children ; yet in so do- ing, he doth the part of a king, so as you cannot resist him as a man, and obey him as a king, but must give your necks to him, upon this ground, because this absolute power of his is ordained of God ; and there is no power even to kill and destroy the in- nocent , but it is of God. So saith Paul, Rom. xiii., if we believe court-prophets, or rather lying-spirits, who persuade the king of Britain to make war against his three dominions. Now, it is clear that the dis- tinction of bound and free continued in Is- rael even under the most tyrannous kings; (2 Kings iv. 1 ;) yea, even when the Jews were captives under Ahasuerus. (Esth. vii. 4.) And what difference should there be between the people of God under their own kings, and when they were captives under tyrants, serving wood and stone, and false gods, as was threatened as a curse in the law? (Deut. xxviii. 25, 36, 64, 68.) If their own lungs, by God's appointment, have the same absolute power over them, and if he be a tyrant, actu primo, that is, if he be indued with absolute power, and so have power to play the tyrant, then must the people of God be actu primo, slaves, and under absolute subjection ; for they are relatives, as lord and servant, conqueror and captive. It is true, they say, kings by office are fathers, they cannot put forth in action their power to destroy. I answer, it is their goodness of nature that they put not forth in action all their absolute power to destroy, which God hath given them as kings, and therefore, thanks are due to their goodness, for that they do not, actu secundo, play the tyrant ; for royalists teach, that by virtue of their office God hath given to them a royal power to destroy ; therefore, the Lord's people are slaves under them, though they deal not with them as slaves, but that hin- dereth not but the people by condition are slaves. So many conquerors of old did deal kindly with their slaves whom they took in war, and dealt with them as sons ; but as conquerors they had power to sell them, to kill them, to put them to work in brick and clay. So say I here, royal power and a king cannot be a blessing, and actu primo a favour of God to the people, for the which they are to pray when they want a king that they may have one, or to praise God when they have one. But a king must be a curse and a judgment, if he be such a creature as essentially, and in the intention and nature of the thing itself, hath by office a royal power to destroy, and that from God ; for then the people praying — " Lord give us a king," should pray, " Make us slaves, Lord ; take our liberty and power from us, and give a power unlimited and absolute to one man, by which he may, if he please, waste and destroy us, as all the bloody em- perors did the people of God." Surely, I see not but they should pray for a tempta- tion, and to be led into temptation when they pray God to give them a king; and, therefore, such a power is a vain thing. Arg. 5. — A power contrary to justice, to peace and the good of the people, that looketh to no law as a rule, and so is un- reasonable, and forbidden by the law of God and the civil law, (L. 15. filius de condit. Instit.,) cannot be lawful power, and cannot constitute a lawful judge ; but an absolute and unlimited power is such. How can the judge be the minister of God for good to the people (Rom, xiii, 4) if he have such a power as a king, given him of God, to destroy and waste the people ? Arg, 6. An absolute power is contrary to nature, and so unlawful ; for it maketh the people give away the natural power of de^ tending their life against illegal and cruel violence, and maketh a man who hath need to be ruled and lawed by nature above all rule and law, and one who, by nature, can sin against his brethren such a one as can- not sin against any but God only, and mak- eth him a lion and an unsocial man. What a man is Nero, whose life is poetry and painting ! Domitian, only an archer ; Va<- lentinian, only a painter ; Charles IX. of France, only a hunter ; Alphonsus Dux Ferrariensis, only an astronomer ; Philip of Macedonia, a musican ; and all because THE LAW AND THE P1UXCE. 105 they are kings. This our king denieth, when he saith, (art. 13,) " There is power legally placed in the parliament more than sufficient to prevent and restrain the power of tyranny." But if they had not power to play the lions, it is not much that kings are musicians, hunters, &c. Arg. 7. — God, in making a king to pre- serve his people, should give liberty without all politic restrain, for one man to destroy many, which is contrary to God's end in the fifth commandment, if one have absolute power to destroy souls and bodies of many thousands. Arg. 8. — If the kings of Israel and Ju- dah were under censures and rebukes of the prophets, and sinned against God and the people in rejecting these rebukes, and in persecuting the prophets, and were under this law not to take their neighbour's wife, or his vineyard from him against his will ; and the inferior judges were to accept the persons of none in judgment, small or great ; and if the king yet remain a brother, not- withstanding he be a king, then is his power not above any law, nor absolute. For what reason ? — 1. He should be under one law of God to be executed by men, and not under another law ? Royalists are to show a differ- rence from God's word. 2. His neighbours, brother, or subjects, may by violence keep back their vineyards, and chastity from the king. Naboth may by force keep his own vineyard from Achab. By the laws of Scot- land, if a subject obtain a decree of the king, of violent possession of the heritages of a subject, he hath by law power to cast out, force, apprehend, and deliver to prison those who are tenants, brooking these lands by the king's personal commandment. If a king should force a damsel, she may vio- lently resist, and by violence, and bodily op- posing of violence to violence, defend her own chastity. Now, that the prophets have rebuked kings is evident : Samuel rebuked Saul, Nathan David, Elias king Achab ; Jeremiah is commanded to prophecy against the kings of Judah, (Jer. i. 18,) and the pro- phets practised it. (Jer. xix. 3 ; xxi. 2 ; xxii. 13 — 15; Hos. v. 1.) Kings are guilty be- fore God because they submitted not their royal power and greatness to the rebukes of the prophets, but persecuted them. Deut. xvii. 20, The king on the throne remaineth a brother; Psal. xxii. 22, and so the judges or three estates are not to ac- cept of the pei'son of the king for his great- ness in judgment; Deut. i. 16, 17, and the judge is to give out such a sentence in judg- ment as the Lord, with whom there is no iniquity, would give out if the Lord himself were sitting in judgment; because the judge is in the very stead of God, as his lieutenant; (2 Chron. xix. 6, 7; Psal. Lxxxii. 1, 2; Deut. i. 17 ;) and with God there is no re- spect of persons. (2 Chron. xix. 7 ; 1 Pet. i. 17 ; Acts x. 34.) I do not intend that any inferior judge sent by the king is to judge the king ; but those who gave him the throne, and made him king, are truly above him, and to judge him without respect of persons, as God himself would judge if he were sitting on the bench. God is the author of civil laws and go- vernment, and his intention is therein the external peace, and quiet life, and godliness of his church and people, and that all judges, according to their places, be nurse-fathers to the church. (Isa. xlix. 23.) Now God must have appointed sufficient means lor tins end; but there is no sufficient means at all, but a mere anarchy and confusion, if to one man an absolute and unlimited power be given of God, whereby, at his pleasure, he may obstruct the fountains of justice, and command lawyers and laws to speak not God's mind, that is justice, right- eousness, safety, true religion, but the sole lust and pleasure of one man. And this one having absolute and irresistible influ- ence on all the inferior instruments of jus- tice, may, by this power, turn all into an- archy, and put the people in a worse condi- tion than if there were no judge at all in the land. For that of politicians, that ty- ranny is better than anarchy, is to be taken cum grano salts ; but I shall never believe that absolute power of one man, which is actu primo tyranny, is God's sufficient way of peaceable government. Therefore, Bar- claius 1 saith nothing for the contrary, when he saith, " The Athenians made Draco and Solon absolute law-givers, for, a facto ad jus non valet consequentia." What if a roving people, trusting Draco and Solon to be kings above mortal men, and to be gods, gave them power to make laws, written not with ink, but with blood, shall other kings have from God the like tyrannical and bloody power from that to make bloody laws ? Chytreus (lib. 2) and Sleidan citeth it, (1. 2 Barclaius contra Monarch, lib. 2, p. 76, 77 Q 106 LEX, REX ; OR, 1 ;) Sueron, Sub ptena periwrii non tenen- tur fidtm sevare regi degeniri. Arg. 9.— He who is regulated by law, and sweareth to the three estates to be re- gulated by law, and accepteth the crown covenant-wise, and so as the estates would refuse to make him their king, if either he should refuse to swear, or if tliey did be- lieve certainly that he would break his oath, hath no unlimited and absolute power from God or the people ; for, fcedus conditiona- tizm, aut promissio conditionalis mutua, facit jus alteri in alterum, a mutual condi- tional covenant giveth law and power over one to another. But, from that which hath been said, the king sweareth to the three estates to be regulated by law — he accepteth the crown upon the tenor of a mutual cove- nant, &c. ; for if he should, as king, swear to be king, that is, one who hath absolute power above a law, and also to be regulated by a law, he should swear things contra- dictory, that is, that he should be their king, having absolute power over them, and according to that power to rule them ; and he should swear not to be their king, and to rule them, not according to absolute power, but according to law. If, therefore, this absolute power be essential to a king, as a king, no king can lawfully take the oath to govern according to law, tor then he should swear not to reign as king, and not be their king; for how could he be then- king, wanting that which God hath made essential to a king as a king ? QUESTION XXIII; WHETHER THE KING HATH ANY ROYAL PRERO- GATIVE, OR A POWER TO DISPENSE WITH LAWS ; AND SOME OTHER GROUNDS AGAINST ABSOLUTE MONARCHY. A prerogative royal I take two ways : cither to be an act of mere will and plea- sure above or beside reason or law, or an act of dispensation beside or against the letter of the law. Assert. 1. — That which royalists call the prerogative royal of princes is the salt of absolute power ; and it is a supreme and highest power of a king, as a king, to do nbovo, without or contrary to a law or rea- son, which is unreasonable. 1. When God's word speaketh of the power of kings and judges, Deut. xvii. 15 — 17 ; i. 15 — 17, and elsewhere there is not any footstep or any ground for such a power ; and, therefore, (if we speak according to conscience,) there is no such thing in the world ; and because royalists cannot give us any warrant, it is to be rejected. 2. A prerogative royal must be a power of doing good to the peo- ple, and grounded upon some reason or law ; but this is but a branch of an ordinary li- mited power, and no prerogative above or beside law ; yea, any power not grounded on a reason different from mere will or ab- solute pleasure is an irrational and brutish power ; and, therefore, it may well be jus personve, the power of the man who is king; it cannot be jus coronce, any power annexed to the crown ; for this holdeth true of all the actions of the king, as a king, Mud potest rex, et Mud tantum quod jure potest. The king, as king, can do no more than that which upon right and law he may do. 3. To dispute this question, whether such a prerogative agree to any king, as king, is to dispute whether God hath made all under a monarch slaves by their own consent ; which is a vain question. Those who hold such a prerogative, must say the king is so absolute and unlimited a god on earth, that either by law, or his sole pleasure beside law, he may regularly and rationally move all wheels in policy ; and his uncontrolled will shall be the axletree on which all the wheels are turned; 4. That which is the garland and pi'oper flower of the King of kings, as he is absolute above his creatures, and not tied to any law, without himself, that regulateth his will, that must be given to no mortal man or king, except we would communicate that which is God's proper due to a sinful man, which must be idola- tory. But to do royal acts out of an abso- lute power above law and reason, is such a power as agreeth to God, as is evident in positive laws and in acts of God's mere pleasure, where we see no reason without the Almighty for the one side rather than for the other, as God's forbidding the eat- ing of the tree of knowledge maketh the eating sin and contrary to reason; but there is no reason in the object ; for if God should command eating of that tree, not to eat should also be sin. So God's choosing Peter to glory and his refusing Judas, is a good and a wise act, but not good or wise THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 107 from the object of the act, but from the sole wise pleasure of God ; because, if God had chosen Judas to glory and rejected Peter, that act had been no less a good and a wise act than the former. For when there is no law in the object but only God's will, the act is good and wise, seeing infinite wisdom cannot be separated from the per- fect will of God ; but no act of a mortal king, i having sole and only will, and neither law nor reason in it, can be a lawful, a wise, or a good act. Assert. 2. — There is something which may be called a prerogative by way of dis- pensation. There is a threefold dispensa- tion, — one of power, another of justice, and a third of grace. 1. A dispensation of power is when the will of the law-giver maketh that act to be no sin, which without that will would have been sin, — as if God's com- manding will had not intervened, the Israel- ites borrowing the ear-rings and jewels of the Egyptians, and not restoring them, had been a breach of the eighth commandment ; and in this sense no king hath a prerogative to dispense with a law. 2. There is a dis- pensation of law and justice not flowing from any prerogative, but from the true intent of the law ; and thus the king, yea, the inferior judge, is not to take the life of a man whom the letter of the law would condemn, be- cause the justice of the law is the intent and life of the law ; and where nothing is done against the intent of the law, there is no breach of any law, 3, The third is not un- like unto the second, when the king expon- eth the law by grace, and this is twofold : (1.) Either when he exponeth it of his wis- dom and merciful nature, inclined to mercy and justice, yet, according to the just in- tent, native sense, and scope of the law, considering the occasion, circumstances of the fact, and comparing both with the law, — and this dispensation of grace I grant to the king, as when the tribute is great and the man poor, the king may dispense with the custom.* (2.) The law saith, in a doubtful case the prince may dispense, be- cause it is presumed the law can have no sense against the principal sense and intent of the law. But there is another dispensation that royalists do plead for, and that is, a power l In re dubia possunt dispensare principes, quia nullns sensus presumitur, qui vincat principalem, lib. 1, sect, initium ib. in the king, c.c mera gratia absolute po- testatis rcgalis, out of mere grace of abso- lute royal power to pardon crimes which God's law saith should be punished by death. Now, this they call a power of grace ; — but it is not a power of mere grace. 1, Though princes may do some things of grace, yet not of mere grace ; because what kings do as kings, and by virtue of their royal office, that they do ex debito officii, by debt and right of their office; and that they cannot but do, it not being arbi- trary to them to do the debtful acts of their office : but what they do of mere grace, that they do as good men, and not as kings, and that they may not do. As, for example, some kings, out of their pretended preroga- tive, have given four pardons to one man Tor four murders. Now this the king might have left undone without sin, but of mere grace he pardoned the murderer who killed four men, But the truth is, the king killed the three last, because he hath no power in point of conscience to dispense with blood, Num. xxxv, 3J ; Gen. ix. 6. These par- dons are acts of mere grace to one man, but acts of blood to the community. 2. Because the prince is the minister of God for the good of the subject; and there- fore the law saith, " He cannot pardon and free the guilty of the punishment due to him ; (Contra I. quod favor e, F. de leg. I. non ideo minus, F. deproc, I. legata inuti- liter, F. de lega. 1 ; ) and the reason is clear : He is but the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil. And if the judgment be the Lord's, not man's, not the king's, as it is indeed, (Deut. i. 17 ; 2 Chron. xix. 6,) he cannot draw the sword against the innocent, nor absolve the guilty, except he would take on himself to carve and dispose of that which is proper to his master. Now certain it is, God only, uni vocally and essentially as God, is the judge, (Psal. lxxv. 7,) and God only and essentially king, (Psal. xcvii. 1 ; xcix. 1,) and all men in relation to him are mere ministers, servants, legates, deputies ; and in relation to him, equivocally and impro- perly, judges or kings, and mere created and breathing shadows of the power of the King of kings. And look, as the scribe following his own device, and writing what sentence he pleaseth, is not an officer of the court in that point, nor the pen and servant of the judge, so are kings and all judges but forged intruders and bastard kings and 108 LEX, REX ; OR, judges, in so far as they give out the sen- tences of men, and are not the very mouths of the King of kings to pronounce such a sentence as the Almighty himself would do, if he were sitting on the throne or bench. 3. If the king, from any supposed prero- gative royal, may do acts of mere grace without any warrant of law, because he is above law by office, then also may he do acts of mere rigorous justice, and kill and de- stroy the innocent, out of the same supposed prerogative ; for God's word equally tyeth him to the place of a mere minister in doing good, as in executing wrath on evil-doers, Rom. xiii. 3, 4. And reason would say, he must be as absolute in the one as in the other, seeing God tyeth him to the one as to the other, by his office and place ; yea, by this, acts of justice to ill-doers, and acts of reward to well-doers, shall be arbitrary morally, and by virtue of office to the king, and the word prerogative royal saith this ; for the word prerogative is a supreme power absolute that is loosed from all law, and so from all reason of law, and depending on the king's mere and naked pleasure and will ; and the word royal or kingly is an epithet of office and of a judge, — a created and limited judge, and so it must tie this supposed prerogative to law, reason, and to that which is debitum ler/ale officii and a legal duty of an office ; and by this our mas- ters, the royalists, make God to frame a rational creature, which they call a king, to frame acts of royalty, good and lawful, upon his own mere pleasure and the super-domi- nion of his will above a law and reason. And from this it is that deluded counsellors made king James (a man not of shallow un- derstanding) and king Charles to give par- dons to such bloody murderers as James a Grant ; and to go so far on, by this supposed prerogative royal, that king Charles in par- liament at Edinburgh, 1633, did command an high point of religion : — that ministers should use, in officiating in God's service, such habits and garments as he pleaseth, that is, all the attire and habits of the ido- latrous mass-priests that the Romish priests of Raal useth in the oddest point of idola- try (the adoring of bread) that the earth has ; and by this prerogative the king com- manded the Service Book in Scotland, anno 1637, without or above law and reason. And I desh-e any man to satisfy me in this, if the king's prerogative royal may over- leap law and reason in two degrees, and if he may as king, by a prerogative royal, command the body of popery in a popish book ; — if he may not, by the same reason, over-leap law and reason by the elevation of twenty degrees ; — and if you make the king a Julian, (God avert, and give the spirit of revelation to our king,) may he not com- mand all the Alkoran and the religion of the heathen and Indians? Royalists say the prerogative of royalty excludeth not reason, and maketh not the king to do as a brute beast, without all reason, but it giv- eth a power to a king to do by his royal pleasure, not fettered to the dictates of a law ; for in things which the king doth by his prerogative royal he is to follow the ad- vice and counsel of his wise council, though their counsel and advice doth not bind the royal will of the king. Ans. 1. — I answer, it is to me, and I am sure to many more learned, a great ques- tion, — if the will of any reasonable creature, even of the damned angels, can will or choose anything which their reason, cor- rupted as it is, doth not dictate hie et nunc to be good ? For the object of the will of all men is good, either truly, or apparently good to the doer ; for the devil could not suit in marriage souls except he war in the clothes of an angel of light ; sin, as sin, can- not sell, or obtrude itself upon any, but under the notion of good. I think it seem- eth good to the great Turk to command innocent men to cast themselves over a precipice two hundred fathoms high into the sea, and drown themselves to pleasure him ; so the Turk's reason (for he is ra- tional, if he be a man) dictateth, to his vast pleasure, that that is good which he com- mandeth. 2. Counsellors to the king, who will speak what will please the queen, are but naked empty titles, for they speak que placent, non que prosunt, what may please the king whom they make glad with their lies, not what law and reason dictateth. 3. Absoluteness of an unreasonable pre- rogative doth not deny counsel and law also, for none more absolute, de facto, I cannot say de jure, than the kings of Baby- lon and Persia ; for Daniel saith of one of them, (Dan. v. 19,) " Whom he would he slew, and whom he would he kept alive, and whom he would he set up, and whom he would he put down ;" and yet these same kings did nothing but by advice of their princes and counsellors ; yea, so as they could THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 109 not alter a decree and* law, as is clear; (Esth. i. 14 — 17, 21) yea, Darius, de facto, an absolute prince, was not able to deliver Daniel, because the law was passed; that he should be cast into the lions' den. (Dan. vi. 14—16.) 4. That which the Spirit of God condem- neth as a point of tyranny in Nebuchad- nezzar, is no lawful prerogative royal ; but the Spirit of God condemneth this as tyranny in Nebuchadnezzar, — that he slew whom he would, he kept alive whom he would, he set up whom he would, he put down whom he would. This is too God-like. (Deut, xxxii. 39.) So Polanus 1 and Rollocus 2 on the place say, he did these things, (ver 19,) Ex abusu legitimes potestatis ; for Nebuchad- nezzar's will, in matters of death and life, was his law, and he did what pleased him- self, above all law, beside and contrary to it. And our flatterers of kings draw the king's prerogative out of Ulpian's words, who saith, " That is a law which seemeth good to the prince;" but Ulpian was far from making the prince's will a rule of good and ill; for he saith the contrary, " That the law ruleth the just prince." 5. It is considerable here, that Sanches 3 defmeth the absolute power of kings to be a plenitude and fulness of power, subject to no necessity, and bounded with rules of no public law; and so did Baldus 4 before him. But all politicians condemn that of Caligula, (as Suetonius saith, 5 ) which he spake to Alexander the Great, " Remember that thou must do all things, and that thou hast a power to do to all men what thou pleasest." And lawyers say, that this is tyranny. Chilon, one of the seven wise of Greece, (as Rodigi, 6 ) saith better, " Princes are like gods, because they only can do that which is just ; and this power, being merely tyrannical, can be no ground of a royal prerogative. There is another power (saith Sanches) absolute, by which a prince dispenseth without a cause in a human law ; and this power, saith he, may be defended. But he saith, what the king doth by this absolute power he doth it i Polanus in Daniel, c. 5, 19. 2 Rollocus, com. 16, ib. 3 Th. Sanches de matr. torn. 1, lib. 2, dis. 15, n. 3, est arbitrii plenitudo, nulli necessitati subjecta, nulliusq. ; publici juris regulis limitata. 4 Baldus, lib. 2, n. 40, C. de servit. et aqua. B Suetoni. in Calign. cap. 29, memento tibi omnia, et in omnes licere. 6 Cselius Rodigi, lib. 8, Lect. Antiq. c. 1. valide, validly, but not jure, by law ; but by j valid acts the Jesuit must mean royal acts. But no acts void of law and reason (say we) can be royal acts ; for royal acts are acts performed by a king, as a king, and by a law, and so cannot be acts above or beside a law. It is true a king may dispense with the breach of a human law, as a human law, that is, if the law be death to any who goeth upon the walls of the city, the king- may pardon any, who, going up, discovereth j the enemies approach, and saveth the city. But, 1. The inferior judge according to the \xuxilx that benign interpretation that the soul and intent of the law requireth, may do this as well as the king. 2. All acts of independent prerogative are above a law, and acts of free will having no cause or ground in the law, otherwise it is not founded upon absolute power, but on power ruled by law and reason. But to pardon a breach of the letter of the law of man by exponing it according to the true intent of the law, and benignly, is an act of legal ob- ligation, and so of the ordinary power of all judges ; and if either king or judge kill a man for the violation of the letter of the law, when the intent of the law contradict- eth the rigid sentence, he is guilty of in- nocent blood. If that learned Ferdinandus Vasquez be consulted, he is against this distinction of a power ordinary and extra- ordinary in men ; and certainly, if you give to a king a prerogative above a law, it is a power to do evil as well as good ; but there is no lawful power to do evil ; and Dr Feme is plunged in a contradiction by this, for he saith, (sect. 9, p. 58,) " I ask when these emperors took away lives and goods at plea- sure ? Was that power ordained by God ? No ; but an illegal will and tyranny ; but (p. 61) the power, though abused to execute such a wicked commandment, is an ordi- nance of God." 06;. 1. — For the lawfulness of an absolute monarchy, — the Eastern, Persian, and Turk- ish monarchy maketh absolute monarchy law- ful, for it is an oath to a lawful obligatory thing ; and judgment (Ezek. xvii. 16, 18) is denounced against Judah for breaking the oath of the king of Babylon, and it is called the oath of God, and doubtless was an oath of absolute subjection ; and the power (Rom. xiii.) was absolute, and yet the apostle calleth it an ordinance of God. The so- 1 Vasquez, illust. quest, lib. 1, c. 26, n. 2. 110 LEX, REX vereignty of masters over servants was ab- solute, and the apostle exhorteth not to re- nounce that title as too rigid, but exhorteth to moderation in the use of it. Ans. 1. — That the Persian monarchy was absolute is but a facto ad jus, and no rule of a lawful monarchy ; but that it was absolute, I believe not. Darius, who was an absolute prince, as many think, but I think not, would gladly have delivered Daniel from the power of a law, (Dan. vi. 14,) " And he set his heart on Daniel to deliver him, and he laboured till the going down of the sun to deliver him," and was so sorrowful that he could not break through a law, that he interdicted himself of all pleasures of musicians ; and if ever he had used the ab- soluteness of a prerogative royal, I con- ceive he would have done it in this, yet he could not prevail. But in things not estab- lished by law I conceive Darius was abso- lute, as to me is clear, (Dan vi, 24,) but ab- solute not by a divine law, but de facto, quod tmnsierat in jus humanum, by fact, which was now become a law. 2. It was God's oath, and God tied Judah to absolute subjection, therefore, people may tie themselves. It followeth not, except you could make good this inference : 1. God is absolute, therefore the king of Babylon may lawfully be absolute. This is a blasphemous consequence. 2. That Judah was to swear the oath of absolute subjection in the latitude of the absoluteness of the kings of Chaldea, I would see proved. Their absoluteness by the Chaldean laws was to command murder, idolatry, (Dan. iii. 4, 5,) and to make wicked laws. (Dan. vi. 7, 8.) I believe Jeremiah commanded not absolute subjection in this sense, but the contrary. (Jer. x. 11.) They were to swear the oath in the point of suffering ; but what if the king of Chaldea had commanded them all, the whole holy seed, men, women and chil- dren, out of his royal power, to give their necks all in one day to his sword, were they obliged by this oath to prayers and tears, and only to suffer ? and was it against the oath of God to defend them- selves by arms? I believe the oath did not oblige to such absolute subjection, and though they had taken arms in their own lawful defence, according to the law of na- ture, they had not broken the oath of God. The oath was not a tie to an absolute subjec- tion of all and every one, either to worship idols, or then to fly or suffer death. Now, the Service Book commanded, in the king's absolute authority, all Scotland to commit grosser idolatry, in the intention of the work, if not in the intention of the com- mander, than was in Babylon. We read not that the king of Babylon pressed the con- sciences of God's people to idolatry, or that all should either fly the kingdom, and leave their inheritances to papists and prelates, or then come under the mercy of the sword of papists and atheists by sea or land. 3. God may command against the law of nature, and God's commandment maketh subjection lawful, so as men may not now, being under that law of God, defend themselves. What then ? Therefore we owe subjection to ab- solute princes, and their power must be a lawful power, it nowise is consequent. God's commandment by Jeremiah made the sub- jection of Judah lawful, and without that commandment they might have taken arms against the king of Babylon, as they did against the Philistines ; and God's com- mandment maketh the oath lawful. As suppose Ireland would all rise in arms, and come and destroy Scotland, the king of Spain leading, then we were by this argu- ment not to resist. 4. It is denied, that the power, (Rom. xiii.,) as absolute, is God's ordinance. And I deny utterly that Christ and his apostles did swear non-resistance absolute to the Roman emperor. Obj. 2.— It seemeth, (1 Pet. ii. 18, 19,) if well-doing be mistaken by the reason and judgment of an absolute monarch for ill- doing, and we punished, yet the magistrate's will is the command of a reasonable will, and so to be submitted unto ; because such a one suffereth by law, where the monarch's will is a law, and in this case some power must judge. Now in an absolute monarchy all judgment resolveth in the will of the monarch, as the supreme law ; and if an- cestors have submitted themselves by oath, there is no repeal or redressment. Ans. — Whoever was the author of this treatise he is a bad defender of the defen- sive wars in England, for all the lawfulness of wars then must depend on this : 1. Whether England be a conquei'ed nation at the beginning? 2. If the law -will of an absolute monarch, or a Nero, be a reason- able will, to which we must submit in suf- fering ill, I see not but we must submit to a reasonable will, if it be reasonable will in doing ill, no less than in suffering ill. 3. Absolute will in absolute monarchies is no THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. Ill judge de jure, but an unlawful and a usurp- ing judge. (1 Pet. ii. 18, 19.) Servants are not commanded simply to suffer. (I can prove suffering formally not to fall under any law of God, but only patient suffering. I except Christ, who was under a peculiar commandment to suffer.) But servants, upon supposition that they are servants, and buffeted unjustly by their masters, are, by the apostle Peter, commanded (vei\ 20) to suffer patiently. But it doth not bind up a servant's hand to defend his own life with weapons if his master invade him, without cause, to kill him ; otherwise, if God call him to suffer, he is to suffer in the manner and way as Christ did, not reviling, not threa- tening. 4. To be a king and an absolute master to me are contradictory. A king es- sentially is a living law ; an absolute man is a creature that they call a tyrant, and no lawful king. Yet do I not mean that any that is a king, and usurpeth absoluteness, leaveth off to be a king ; but in so far as he is absolute he is no more a king than in so far as he is a tyrant. But further, the king of England saith in a declaration ■, 1. The law is the measure of the king's power; 2. Parliaments are essentially lord-judges, to make laws essentially, as the king is, there- fore, the king is not above the law. 3. Magna Charta, saith the king, can do no- thing but by laws, and no obedience is due to him but by law. 4. Prescriptions taketh away the title of conquests. Obj. 3. — The king, not the parliament, is the anointed of God. Ans.— The parliament is as good, even a congregation of gods. (Ps. lxxxii. 6.) Obj. 4. — The parliament in the court, in their acts, they say, with consent of our so- vereign lord. Ans. — They say not at the command- ment and absolute pleasure of our sovereign lord. He is their lord materially, not as they are formally a parliament, for the king made them not a parliament; but sure I am the parliament had power before he was king, and made him king. (1 Sam. x. 17, 18.5 Obj. 5. — In an absolute monarchy there is not a resignation of men to any will as will, but to the reasonable will of the mo- narch, which, having the law of reason to direct it, is kept from injurious acts. Ans. — If reason be a sufficient restraint, and if God hath laid no other restraint upon some lawful king, then is magistracy a lame, a needless ordinance of God ; for all man- kind hath reason to keep themselves from injuries, and so there is no need of judges or kings to defend them from either doing or suffering injuries. But certainly this must be admirable, — if God, as author of nature, should make the lion king of all beasts, the lion remaining a devouring beast, and should ordain by nature all the sheep and lambs to come and submit their bodies to him, by instinct of nature, and to be eaten at his will, and then say, the nature of a beast in a lion is a sufficient restraint to keep the lion from devouring lambs. Certainly, a king being a sinful man, and having no restraint on his power but rea- son, he may think it reason to allow rebels to kill, drown, hang, torture to death, an hundred thousand protestants, men, wo- men, infants in the womb, and sucking babes, as is clear in Pharaoh, Manasseh^ and other princes. Obj. 6. — There is no court or judge above the king, therefore he is absolutely supreme. Ans. — The antecedent is false. 1. The court that made the king of a private man is above him ; and here are limitations laid on him at his coronation. 2. The states of parliament are above him, to censure him. 3. In case of open tyranny, though the states had not time to convene in parlia- ment, if he bring on his people an host of Spaniards or foreign rebels, his own con- science is above him, and the conscience of the people far more, called conscientia ter- ra, may judge him in so far as they may rise up and defend themselves. Obj. 7.— Here the Prelate, (c. 14, p. 144,) borrowing from Grotius, Barclay, Arniseeus, (or it is possible he be not so far travelled, for Dr Feme hath the same,) " Sovereignty weakened in aristocracy can- not do its work, and is in the next place to anarchy and confusion. When Zedekiah was overlorded by his nobles, he could nei- ther save himself nor the people, nor the prophet, the servant of God, Jeremiah ; nor could David punish Joab when he was overawed by that power he himself had put in his head. To weaken the hand is to distemper the whole body ; if any o-ood prince, or his royal ancestors, be cheated of their sacred right by fraud or force, he may, at his fittest opportunity, resume it. What a sin it is to rob God or the kino- of their due!" Ans. — Aristocracy is no less an ordinance 112 LEX, REX ; OR, of God than royalty, for (Rom. xiii. 1, and 1 Tim. ii.) — 1. All in authority are to be acknowledged as God's vice-regents, the se- nate, the consuls, as well as the emperor ; and so one ordinance of God cannot weaken another, nor can any but a lawless animal say, aristocracy bordereth with confusion ; but he must say, order and light are sis- ter-germans to confusion and darkness. 2. Though Zedekiah, a man void of God, was over-awed by his nobles, and so could not help Jeremiah, it followeth not that because kings may not do this and this good, there- fore they are to be invested with power to do all ill : if they do all the good that they have power to do, they will find way to help the oppressed Jeremiahs, And, because power to do both good and evil is given by the devil to our Scottish witches, it is a poor consequent that the states should give to the king power absolute to be a tyrant. 3. A state must give a king more power than or- dinary, especially to execute laws, which re- quireth singular wisdom, when a prince cannot always have his great council about with him to advise him. 1. That is power borrowed, and by loan, and not properly his own ; and therefore it is no sacrilege in the states to resume what the king hath by a fiduciary title, and borrowed from them. 2. This power was given to do good, not evil, i David had power over Joab to punish him | for his murder, but he executed it not upon I carnal fears, and abused his power to kill innocent Uriah, which power neither God nor the states gave him. But how proveth he the states took power from David, or that Joab took power from David to put to death a murderer ? That I see not. 3. If princes' power to do good be taken from them, they may resume it when God giveth opportunity ; but this is to the Prelate per- jury, that the people by oath give away their power to their king and resume it when he abuseth it to tyranny. But it is no perjury in the king to resume a taken-away power, which, if it be his own, is yet lis sub judice, a great controversy, Quod in Cajo ; licet, in Nevio non licet. So he teacheth the king that perjury and sacrilege is lawful to him. If princes' power to do ill and cut the whole land off as one neck, (which was the wicked desire of Caligula,) be taken from them by the states, I am sure this power was never theirs, and never the people's ; i and you cannot take the prince's power from him which was never his power. I am also sure the prince should never re- sume an unjust power, though he were cheated of it. P. Prelate. — It is a poor shift to acknow- ledge no more for the royal prerogative than the municipal law hath determined, as some smatterers in the law say. They can- uot distinguish betwixt a statute declara- tive and a statute constitutive ; but the sta- tutes of a kingdom do declare only what is the prerogative royal, but do not constitute or make it. God Almighty hath by himself constituted it. It is laughter to say the de- calogue was not a law till God wrote it. Ans. — Here a profound lawyer calleth all smatterers in the law, who cannot say that non ens, a prerogative royal, that is, a power contrary to God and man's law to kill and destroy the innocent, came not im- mediately down from heaven. But I pro- fess myself no lawyer; but do maintain against the Prelate that no municipal law can constitute a power to do ill, nor can any law either justly constitute or declare such a fancy as a prerogative royal. So far is it from being like the decalogue, that is, a law before it be written, that this prero- gative is neither law before it be written, nor after court-hunters have written for it ; for it must be eternal as the decalogue if it have any blood from so noble a house. In what scripture hath God Almighty spoken of a fancied prerogative royal ? P. Prelate (p. 145). — Prerogative rest- eth not in its natural seat, but in the king. God saith, Reddite, not Date, render tic- kings that which is kings, not give to kings ; it shall never be well with us if his anointed and his church be wronged. Ans. — The Prelate may remember a country proverb : he and his prelates (called the church, — the scum of men, not the church,) are like the tinker's dogs, — they like good company — they must be ranked with the king. And hear a false prophet : It shall never be well with the land while arbitrary power and popery be erected, saith he, in good sense. P. Prelate (c. 16, p. 170, 171).— The king hath his right from God, and cannot make it away to the people. Render to Cae- sar the things that, are Caesar's. Kings' persons, their charge, their right, their au- thority, their prerogative, are by Scrip- tures, fathers, jurists, sacred, inseparable ordinances inherent in their crowns, — they cannot be made away ; and when they are THE LAW AND THE PRINCE, 113 given to inferior judges, it is not ad minu- endam majestatem, sed solicitudinem, to lessen sovereign majesty, but to ease them. Ans. — The king hath his right from God. What, then not from the people ? I read in Scripture, the people made the king, never that the king made the people. All these are inseparably in the crown, but he stealeth in prerogative royal, in the clause which is now in question, " Render to Cae- sar all Caesar's;" and therefore, saith he, render to him a prerogative, that is, an ab- solute power to pardon and sell the blood of thousands. Is power of blood either the the king's, or inherent inseparably in his crown ? Alas ! I fear prelates have made blood an inseparable accident of his throne. When kings, by that public power given to them at their coronation, maketh inferior judges, they give them power to judge for the Lord, not for men. (Deut. i, 17; 2 Chron. xix. 6.) Now, they cannot both make away a power and keep it also ; for the inferior judge's conscience hangeth not at the king's girdle. He hath no less power to judge in his sphere than the king hath in his sphere, though the orb and circle of motion be larger in compass in the one than in the other; and if the king cannot give himself royal power, but God and the people must do it, how can he communicate any part of that power to inferior judges except by trust ? Yea, he hath not that power that other men have in many respects : — 1. He may not marry whom he pleaseth ; for he might give his body to a leper woman, and so hurt the kingdom. — 2. He may not do as Solomon and Ahab, marry the daugh- ter of a strange god, to make her the mother of the heir of the crown. He must in this follow his great senate. He may not expose his person to hazard of wars. — 3. He may not go over sea and leave his watch-tower, without consent. — 4. Many acts of parlia- ment of both kingdoms discharge papists to come within ten miles of the king. — 5. Some pernicious counsellors have been discharged his company by laws. — 6. He may not eat what meats he pleaseth. — 7. He may not make wasters his treasurers. — 8. Nor dila- pidate the rents of the crown. — 9. He may not disinherit his eldest son of the crown at his own pleasure. — 10. He is sworn to follow no false gods and false religions, nor is it in his power to go to mass. — 11. If a priest say mass to the king, by the law he is hang- ed, drawn and quartered. — 12. He may not write letters to the Pope, by law. — 13. He may not, by law, pardon seducing priosts and Jesuits. — 14. He may not take physic for his health but from physicians, sworn to be true to him. — 15. He may not educate his heir as he pleaseth. — 16. He hath not power of his children, nor hath he that power that other fathers have, to marry his eldest son as he pleaseth. — 17. He may not befriend a traitor. — 18. It is high treason for any woman to give her body to the king, except she be his married wife. — 19. He ought not to build sumptuous houses without advice of his council. — 20. He may not dwell con- stantly where he pleaseth. — 21. Nor may he go to the countxy to hunt, far less to kill his subjects and desert the pai-liament. — 22. He may not confer honours and high places without his council. — 23. He may not deprive judges at his will. — 24. Nor is it in his power to be buried where he pleaseth, but amongst the kings. Now, in most of these twenty-four points, private persons have their own liberty far less restricted than the king. QUESTION XXIV. WHAT POWER THE KING HATH IN RELATION TO THE LAW AND THE PEOPLE, AND HOW A KING AND A TYRANT DIFFER. Mr Symmons saith, (sect. 6, p. 19,) that authority is rooted rather in the prince than in the law ; for as the king giveth being to the inferior judge, so he doth to the law it- self, making it authorisable ; for propter quod unum-quodque tale, id ipsum macjis tale, and therefore the king is greater than the law : others say, that the king is the foun- tain of the law, and the sole and only law- giver. Assertion First. — 1. The law hath a two- fold consideration, — (1.) Secundum esse pee- nale, in relation to the punishment to be in- flicted by man. 1 (2.) Secundum esse legis, as it is a thing legally good in itself. In the former notion it is this way true, — human laws take life and being, so as to be pun- ished or rewarded by men, from the will of princes and law-givers ; and so Symmons saith true, because men cannot punish or re- ward laws but where they are made ; and Barclaius, lib. 4, c. 23, p. 325. R 114 lex, r: the will of rulers putteth a sort of stamp on a law, that it bringeth the commonwealth under guiltiness if they break this law. But this maketh not the king greater than the law, for therefore do rulers put the stamp of relation to punishment on the law, because there is intrinsical worth in the law prior to the act of the will of lawgivers for which it meriteth to be enacted ; and, there- fore, because it is authorisable as good and just, the king putteth on it this stamp of a politic law. God formeth being and moral aptitude to the end in all laws, to wit, the safety of the people, and the king's will is neither the measure nor the cause of the goodness of kings. 2. If the king be he who maketh the law good and just, because he is more such himself, then as the law cannot crook, and err, nor sin, neither can the king sin, nor break a law. This is blasphemy; every man is a liar : a law which deserveth the name of a law cannot lie. 3. His ground is, that there is such ma- jesty in kings, that their will must be done either in us or on us. A great untruth. Ahab's will must neither be done of Elias, for he commandeth things unjust, nor yet on Elias, for Elias fled, and lawfully we may fly tyrants ; and so Ahab's will in killing Elias was not done on him. Assertion Second. — 1. Nor can it be made good, that the king only hath power of making laws, because his power were then absolute to inflict penalties on subjects, with- out any consent of theirs ; and that were a dominion of masters, w T ho command what they please, and under what pain they please. And the people consenting to be ruled by such a man, they tacitly consent to penalty of laws, because natural reason saith, an ill- doer should be punished ,• (Florianus in I. inde. Vasquez, I. 2, c. 55, n. 3, ) therefore they must have some power in making these laws. 2. Jer. xxvi., It is clear the princes judge with the people. A nomothetic power dif- fereth gradually only from a judicial power, both being collateral means to the end of government, the people's safety. But par- liaments judge, therefore they have a no- mothetic power with the king. 3. The parliament giveth all supremacy to the king, therefore to prevent tyranny, it must keep a co-ordinate power with the king in the highest acts. 4. If the kingly line be interruptsd, if the king be a child or a captive, they make laws who make kings ; therefore, this nomo- thetic power recurreth into the states, as to the first subject. Obj. — The king is the fountain of the law, and subjects cannot make laws to themselves more than they can punish themselves. He is only the supreme. 1 Ans. — The people being the fountain of the king must rather be the fountain of laws. It is false that no man maketh laws to himself. Those who teach others teach themselves also, (1 Tim. ii. 12 ; 1 Cor. xiv. 34,) though teaching be an act of authority. But they agree to the penalty of the law secondarily only ; and so doth the king who, as a father, doth not will evil of punishment to his children, but by a consequent will. The king is the only supreme in the power ministerial of executing laws ; but this is a derived power, so as no one man is above him ; but in the fountain-power of royalty the states are above him. 5. The civil law is clear, that the laws of the emperor have force only from this foun- tain, because the people have transferred their power to the king. Lib. 1, digest, tit. 4, de constit. Princip. leg. 1, sic Ulpian. Quod principi placuit, (loquitur de prin- cipe formaliter, qua princeps est, non qua est homo,) legis habet vigorem, utpote cum legi regia, quce de imperio ejus lata est. populus ei, et in cum, omne suum imperium et potestatem conferat. Yea, the emperor himself may be convened before the prince elector. (Aurea Bulla Carol. 4, Imper. c. 5.) The king of France may be con- vened before the senate of Paris. The states may resist a tyrant, as Bossius saith, (de principe, et privileg. ejus, n. 55. Pa- ris de puteo, in tract, syno. tit. de excess, reg. c. 3.) Divines acknowledge that Elias rebuked the halting of Israel betwixt God and Baal, that their princes permitted Baal's priests to converse with the king. And is not this the sin of the land, that they suffer their king to worship idols? And, there- fore, the land is punished for the sins of Manasseh, as Knox observeth in his dispute with Lethington, where he proveth that the states of Scotland should not permit the queen of Scotland to have her abominable mass. (Hist, of Scotland.) Surely the power, or sea prerogative, of a sleepy or mad pilot, to split the ship on a rock, as I conceive, is i Symmons' Loyal Subject, sect. 5, p. 8. THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 115 limited by the passengers. Suppose a father in a distemper would set his own house on fire, and burn himself and his ten sons, I conceive his fatherly prerogative, which nei- ther God nor nature gave, should not be looked to in this, but they may bind him. Yea, Althusius (polit. c. 39), answering this, " That in democracy the people cannot both command and obey," saith, It is true, secun- dum idem, ad idem, et eodem tempore. But the people may (saith he) choose magistrates by succession. Yea, I say, 1. They may change rulers yearly to remove envy : a yearly king were more dangerous, the king being almost above envy. Men incline more to flatter than to envy kings. 2. Aristotle saith, (polit. 1. 4, c. 4, 1. 6, c. 2,) The peo- ple may give their judgment of the wisest. Obj. 1. — Williams, bishop of Ossory, in Vindic. Reg. (a looking-glass for rebels,) saith, " To say the king is better than any one, doth not prove him to be better than two ; and if his supremacy be no more, then any other may challenge as much, for the prince is singulis major. A lord is above all knights ; a knight above all esquires ; and so the people have placed a king under them, not above them. Ans. — The reason is not alike : 1. For all the knights united cannot make one lord; and all the esquires united cannot make one knight ; but all the people united made David king at Hebron. 2. The king is above the people, by eminence of derived authority as a watchman, and in actual su- premacy ; and he is inferior to them in fountain-power, as the effect to the cause. Obj. 2. — The parliament (saith Williams) " may not command the king ; why, then, make they supplication to him, if their vote be a law ? Ans. — They supplicate, ex decentia, of decency and conveniency for his place, as a city supplicate a lord mayor ; but they supplicate not ex debito, of obligation, as beggars seek alms, then should they be cyphers. When a subject oppressed sup- plicateth his sovereign tor justice, the king is obliged, by office, to give justice ; and to hear the oppressed is not an act of grace and mercy, as to give alms, though it should proceed from mercy in the prince, (Psal. lxxii. 13,) but an act of royal debt. Obj. 3.— The P. Prelate (c. 9, pp. 103, 104) objecteth : The most you claim to parliament is a co-ordinate power, which, in law and reason, run in equal terms. In law, par in parem non habet imperium ; an equal cannot judge an equal, much less may an inferior usurp to judge a supe- rior. Our Lord knew, gratia visionis, the woman taken in adultery to be guilty, but he would not sentence her ; to teach us, not improbably, not to be both judge and wit- ness. The parliament are judges, accusers, and witnesses against the king in their own cause, against the imperial laws. Ans. 1. — The parliament is co-ordinate ordinarily with the king in the power of making laws ; but the co-ordination on the king's part is by derivation, on the parlia- ment's part, originaliter ct fontaliter, as in the fountain. 2. In ordinary there is co- ordination ; but if the king turn tyrant, the estates are to use their fountain-power. And that of the law, par in parem, &c. is no better from his pen, that stealeth all he hath, than from Barclaius, Grotius, Arni- sseus, Blackwood, &c. : it is cold and sour. We hold the parliament that made the king at Hebron to be above their own creature, the king. Barclaius saith more accurately, (1. 5, cont. Monarch, p. 129,) " It is absurd that the people should both be subject to the king, and command the king also. — Ans. 1. It is not absurd that a father natural, as a private man, should be subject to his son ; even that Jesse, and his elder brother, the lord of all the rest, be subject to David their king. Royalists say, Our late queen, being supreme magistrate, might by law have put to death her own husband, for adultery or murder. 2. The parliament should not be both accuser, judge, and witness in their own cause. 1. It is the cause of religion, of God, of protestants, and of the whole people. 2. The oppressed accuse ; there is no need of witnesses in raising arms against the subjects. 3. The P. Prelate could not object this, if against the imperial laws the king were both party and judge in his own cause ; and in these acts of arbitrary power, which he hath done through bad counsel, in wronging fundamental laws, raising arms against his subjects, bringing in foreign enemies into both his kingdoms, &c. Now this is properly the cause of the king, as he is a man, and his own cause, not the cause of God ; and by no law of nature, reason, or imperial statutes, can he be both judge and party. 4. If the king be sole supreme judge without any fellow sharers in power, (1.) He is not obliged by law to follow coun- sel or hold parliaments ; for counsel is not 116 LEX, REX ; OR, command. (2.) It is impossible to limit him even in the exercises of his power, which yet Dr Feme saith cannot be said ; for if any of his power be retrenched, God is rob- bed, saith Maxwell. (3.) He may by law play the tyrant gratis. Feme objecteth, (sect. 7, p. 26,)— The king is a fundamental with the estates ; now foundations are not to be stirred or re- moved. Ans. — The king, as king, inspired with law, is a fundamental, and his power is not to be stirred ; but as a man wasting his people, he is a destruction to the house and community, and not a fundamental in that notion. Some object: The three estates, as men, and looking to their own ends, not to law and the public good, are not fundamentals, and are to be judged by the king. Ans. — By the people, and the conscience of the people, they are to be judged. Obj. — But the people also do judge as corrupt men, and not as the people, and a politic body providing for their own safety. Ans. — I grant all; when God will bring a vengeance on Jerusalem, prince and peo- ple both are hardened to their own de- struction. Now, God hath made all the three. In every government where there is democracy, there is some chosen ones re- sembling an aristocracy, and some one for order, presiding in democratical courts, re- sembling a king. In aristocracy, as in Hol- land, there is somewhat of democracy, — the people have their commissioners, and one duke or general, as the prince of Orange is some umbrage of royalty ; and in monarchy there are the three estates of parliament, and these contain the three estates, and so somewhat of the three fomis of government ; and there is no one government just that hath not some of all three. Power and ab- solute monarchy is tyranny ; unmixed de- mocracy is confusion ; untempered aristo- cracy is factious dominion ; and a limited monarchy hath from democracy respect to public good, without confusion. From aristo- cracy safety in multitude of counsels with- out factious emulation, and so a bar laid on tyranny by the joint powers of many; and from sovereignty union of many children in one father ; and all the three thus contem- pered have their own sweet fruits through God's blessing, and their own diseases by accident, and through men's corruption ; and neither reason nor Scripture shall war- rant any one in its rigid purity without mixture. And God having chosen the best government to bring men fallen in sin to happiness, must warrant in any one a mix- ture of all three, as in mixed bodies the four elements are reduced to a fit temper resulting of all the four, where the acrimony of all the four first qualities is broken, and the good of all combined in one. 1. The king, as the king, is an unerring and living law, and by grant of Barclay/ of old, was one of excellent parts, and noble through virtue and goodness ; and the good- ness of a father as a father, of a tutor as a tutor, of a head as a head, of a husband as a husband, do agree to the king as a king ; so, as king, he is the law itself, commanding, governing, saving. 2. His will as king, or his royal will, is reason, conscience, law. 3. This will is politicly present (when his person is absent) in all parliaments, courts, and in- ferior judicatures. 4. The king, as king, can- not do wrong or violence to any. 5. Amongst the Romans the name king and tyrant were common to one thing. (1.) Because, de facto, some of their kings were tyrants, in respect of their dominion, rather than kings. (2.) Because he who was a tyrant, de facto, should have been, and was a king too, de jure. 6. It is not lawful either to disobey or resist a king as a king, no more than it is lawful to disobey a good law. 7- What violence, what injustice and excess of pas- sion the king mixeth in with his acts of government, are merely accidental to a king as king ; for, because men by their own in- nate goodness will not, yea, morally cannot do that which is lawful and just one to an- other, and do naturally, since the fall of man, violence one to another ; therefore, if there had not been sin, there should not have been need of a king, more than there should have been need of a tutor to defend the child whose father is not dead, or of a physician to cure sickness where there is health ; for, remove sin, and there is neither death nor sickness ; but because sin is en- tered into the world, God devised, as a re- medy of violence and injustice, a living, rational, breathing law, called a king, a judge, a father. Now the aberrations, violence, and oppression of this thing which is the living, rational, breathing law, is no medium, no mean intended by God and nature to remove violence. How shall violence re- Barcl. ad versus Monarcho. lib. 1, p. 24. THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 117 move violence ? Therefore an unjust king, ;is unjust, is not that genuine ordinance of God, appointed to remove injustice, but ac- cidental to a king. So we may resist the injustice of the king, and not resist the king. 8. If, then, any cast off the nature of a king, and become habitually a tyrant, in so far he is not from God, nor any ordinance which God doth own. If the office of a tyrant (to speak so) be contrary to a king's offices, it is not from God, and so neither is the power from God. 9. Yea, laws, (which are no less from God than the king's are,) when they begin to be hurtful, cessant ma- terialiter, they leave off to be laws ; because they oblige non secundum vim verborum, sed in vim sensus, not according to the force of words, but according to sense, — I. non figura literarum F. de actione et ob- ligatione, 1. ita stipulatus. But who (saith the royalists) shall be judge betwixt the king and the people, when the people allege that the king is a tyrant. Ans. — There is a court of necessity no less than a court of justice ; and the funda- mental laws must then speak, and it is with the people, in this extremity, as if they had no ruler. Obj. 1. — But if the law be doubtful, as all human, all civil, all municipal laws may endure great dispute, — the peremptory per- son exponing the law must be the supreme judge. This cannot be the people, there- fore it must be the king. Ans. 1. — As the Scriptures in all funda- mentals are clear, and expone themselves, and actu jyrimo condemn heresies, so all laws of men in their fundamentals, which are the law of nature and of nations, are clear ; and, 2. Tyranny is more visible and intelligible than heresy, and is soon decerned. If a king bring in upon his native subjects twenty thousand Turks armed, and the king lead them, it is evident they come not to make a friendly visit to salute the kingdom, and depart in peace. The people have a natural throne of policy in their conscience to give warning, and materially sentence against the king as a tyrant, and so by nature are to defend themselves. Where tyranny is more ■ obscure, and the thread small, that it escape the eye of men, the king keepeth possession ; but I deny that tyrannv can be obscure long. Obj. 2.— Dr Feme (p. 3, sect. 5, p. 39).— A king may not, or cannot easily alter the frame of fundamental laws, he may make some actual invasion in some transient and unfixed acts ; and it is safer to bear these, than to raise a civil war of the body against the head. Ans. 1. — If the king, as king, may alter any one wholesome law, by that same reason he may alter all. 2. You give short wings to an arbitrary prince, if he cannot overfly all laws to the subversion of the fundamen- tals of a state, if you make him, as you do, (1.) One who hath the sole legislative power, who allenarly by himself maketh laws, and his parliament and council are only to give him advice, which by law he may as easily re- ject as they can speak words to him, he may in one transient act (and it is but one) cancel all laws made against idolatry and popery, and command, through bad counsel, in all his dominions, the Pope to be acknowledged as Christ's vicar, and all his doctrine to be established as the catholic true religion. It is but one transient act to seal a pardon to the shedding of the blood of two hundred thousand killed by papists. (2.) If you make him a king, who may not be resisted in any case, and though he subvert all funda- mental laws, he is accountable to God only : his people have no remedy, but prayers or flight. Obj. 3.— Feme (p. 3. sect. 5, p. 39).— Limitations and mixtures in monarchies do not imply a forcible restraining power in subjects, for the preventing of the dissolution of the state, but only a legal restraining power ; and if such a restraining power be in the subjects by reservation, then it must be expressed in the constitution of the government, and in the covenant betwixt the monarch and his people. But such a condition is unlawful, which will not have the sovereign power secured, — is unprofitable for king and people, — a seminary for sedi- tions and jealousies. Ans. 1. — I understand not a difference betwixt forcible restraining and legal re- straining : for he must mean by " legal," man's law, because he saith it is a law in the covenant betwixt the monarch and his people. Now, if this be not forcible and physical, it is only moral in the conscience of the king, and a cypher and a mere vanity; for God, not the people, putteth a restraint of conscience on the king, that he may not oppress his poor subjects; but he shall sin against God — that is a poor restraint : the goodness of the king, a sinful man, inclined from the womb to all sin, and so to tyranny, is no restraint. 118 LEX, REX ; OR, 2. There is no necessity that the reserve be expressed in the covenant between king and people, more than in contract of mar- riage between a husband and a wife; beside her jointure, you should set down this clause in the contract, that if the husband attempt to kill the wife, or the wife the husband, in that case it shall be lawful to either of them to part company. For Dr Feme saith, " That personal defence is law- ful in the people, if the king's assault be sudden, without colour of law, or inevitable." Yet the reserve of this power of defence is not necessarily to be expressed in the con- tract betwixt king and people. Exigencies of the law of nature cannot be set down in positive covenants, they are presupposed. 3. He saith, " A reservation of power whereby sovereignty is not secured, is unlawful." Lend me this argument : the giving away of a power of defence, and a making the king absolute, is unlawful, because by it the people is not secured ; but one man hath thereby the sword of God put in his hand, whereby ex officio he may, as king, cut the throats of thousands, and be accountable to none therefor, but to God only. Now, if the non-securing of the king make a condition unlawful, the non-securing of a kingdom and church, yea, of the true religion, (which are infinitely in worth above one single man,) may far more make the condition unlaw- ful. 4. A legal restraint on a king is no more unprofitable, and a seminary of jea- lousies between king and people, than a legal restraint upon people ; for the king, out of a non-restraint, as out of seed, may more easily educe tyranny and subversion of religion. If outlandish women tempt even a Solomon to idolatry, as people may educe sedition out of a legal restraint laid upon a king, to say nothing that tyranny is a more dangerous sin than sedition, by how much more the lives of many, and true religion, are to be preferred to the safety of one, and a false peace. Obj. 4. — An absolute monarch is free from all forcible restraint, and so far as he is ab- solute from all legal restraints of positive laws. Now, in a limited monarch, there is only sought a legal restraint ; and limitation can- not infer a forcible restraint, for an absolute monarch is limited also, not by civil compact, but by the law of nature and nations, which he cannot justly transgress. If therefore an abso- i Dr Feme, p. 3, sort. 5, p. 40. lute monarch, being exorbitant, may not be resisted because he transgresseth the law of nature, how shall we think a limited mo- narch may be resisted for transgressing the bounds set by civil agreement. Ans. 1. — A legal restraint on the people is a forcible restraint ; for if law be not backed with force, it is only a law of reward- ing well-doing, which is no restraint, but an encouragement to do evil. If, then, there be a legal restraint upon the king, without any force, it is no restraint, but only such a request as this : be a just prince, and we will give your majesty two subsidies in one year. 2. I utterly deny that God ever or- dained such an irrational creature as an ab- solute monarch. If a people unjustly, and against nature's dictates, make away irre- vocably their own liberty, and the liberty of their posterity, which is not their's to dis- pose off, and set over themselves as base slaves, a sinning creature, with absolute power, he is their king, but not as he is ab- solute, and that he may not be forcibly resisted, notwithstanding the subjects did swear to his absolute power, (which oath in the point of absoluteness is unlawful, and so not obligatory,) I utterly deny. 3. An ab- solute monarch (saith he) is limited, but by law of nature. That is, Master Doctor, he is not limited as a monarch, not as an absolute monarch, but as a son of Adam ; he is under the limits of the law of nature, which he should have been under though he had never been a king all his days, but a slave. But what then ? Therefore, he cannot be re- sisted. Yes, Doctor, by your own grant he can be resisted : if he invade an innocent subject (say you) suddenly, without colour of law, or inevitably ; and that because he transgresseth the law of nature. You say a limited monarch can less be resisted for transgressing the bounds set by civil agree- ment. But what if the thus limited mo- narch transgress the law of nature, and sub- vert fundamental laws? He is then, you seem to say, to be resisted. It is not for simple transgression of a civil agreement that he is to be resisted. The limited mo- narch is as essentially the Lord's anointed, and the power ordained of God, as the ab- solute monarch. Now resistance by all your grounds is unlawful, because of God's power and place conferred upon him, not because of men's positive covenant made with him. To find out the essential difference be- THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 119 twixt a king and a tyrant, we are to observe, that it is one thing to sin against a man, an- other thing against a state. David, killing- Uriah , committed an act of murder. But upon this supposition, that David is not punished for that murder, he did not so sin against the state, and catholic good of the state, that he turneth tyrant and ceaseth to be a lawful king. A tyrant is he who habitually sinneth against the catholic good of the subjects and state, and subverteth law. Such a one should not be, as Jason, of whom it is said byiEneas Silvius, Graviterferebat, si non regnaret, quasi nesciret esse pri- vatum. When such as are monstrous tyrants are not taken away by the estates, God pur- sueth them in wrath. Domitian was killed by his own family, his wife knowing of it ; Aurelianus was killed with a thunderbolt; Darius was drowned in a river ; Dioclesian, fearing death, poisoned himself; Salerius died eaten with worms, — the end also of Herod and Antiochus ; Maxentius was swal- lowed up in a standing river; Julian died, being stricken through with a dart thrown at him by a man or an angel, it is not known ; Valens, the Arian, was burnt with fire in a litttle village by the Gothes ; Anas- tasius, the Eutychian emperor, was stricken by God with thunder ; Gundericus Vandalus, when he rose against the church of God, being apprehended by the devil, died. Some- time the state have taken order with tyrants : the empire was taken from Vitellius, Helio- gabalus, Maximinus, Didius, Julianus ; so was the two Childerici of France served ; so were also Sigebertus, Dagabertus, and Luodovic II. of France : Christiernus of Denmark, Mary of Scotland, who killed her husband and raised forces against the king- dom ; so was Henricus Valesius of Poland, for flying the kingdom ; Sigismundus of Poland, for violating his faith to the states. QUESTION XXV. WHAT FORCE THE SUPREME LAW HATH OVER THE KING, EVEN THAT LAW OF THE PEO- PLE'S SAFETY, CALLED " SALUS POPULI." The law of the twelve tables is, salus populi, suprema lex. The safety of the people is the supreme and cardinal law to which all laws are to stoop. And that from these reasons : — 1. Originally; Because if the people be the first author, fountain and efficient under God, of law and king, then their own safety must be principally sought, and their safety must be tar above the king, as the safety of a cause, especially of an universal cause, such as is the people, must be more than the safety of one, as Aristotle saith, (1. 3. polit., alias 1. 5,) oil priri iriifuKt to /ii^os i-rt^i^liv rou tfavro; — " The part cannot be more excellent than the whole ;" nor the effect above the cause. 2. Finaliter. This supreme law must stand ; for if all law, policy, magistrates and power be referred to the people's good as the end, (Rom. xiii. 4,) and to their quiet and peaceable life in godliness and honesty, then must this law stand, as of more worth than the king, as the end is of more worth than the means leading to the end, for the end is the measure and rule of the goodness of the mean ; and, finis ultimus in infiuxu est potentissimus, the king is good, because he conduceth much for the safety of the people ; therefore, the safety of the people must be better. 3. By way of limitation : because no law in its letter hath force where the safety of the subject is in hazard ; and if law or king- be destructive to the people they are to be abolished. This is clear in a tyrant or a wicked man. 4. In the desires of the most holy : Moses, a prince, desired for the safety of God's people, and rather than God should destroy his people, that his name should be rased out of the book of life ; and David saith, (1 Chron. xxi. 17,) " Let thine hand, I pray thee, O Lord my God, be on me, and on my father's house ; but not on thy people, that they should be plagued." This being a holy desire of these two public spirits, the object must be in itself true, and the safety of God's people and their happiness must be of more worth than the salvation of Moses and the life of David and his father's house. The Prelate (c. 16, p. 159) borroweth an answer to this — for he hath none of his own — from Dr Feme (sect. 7, p. 28) : The safety of the subjects is the prime end of the constitution of government ; but it is not the sole and adequate end of govern- ment in monarchy ; for that is the safety of both king and people. And it beseem- eth the king to proportion his laws for their good ; and it becometh the people to pro- portion all their obedience, actions, and en- 120 LEX, REX ; OR, deavours for the safety, honour, and happi- ness of the king. It is impossible the peo- ple can have safety when sovereignty is weakened. Ans. — The Prelate would have the other half of the end, why a king is set over a peo- ple, to be the safety and happiness of the king, as well as the safety of the people. This is new logic indeed, that one and the same thing should be the mean and the end. The question is, For what end is a king made so happy as to be exalted king ? The Prelate answereth, He is made happy that he may be happy, and made a king that he may he made a king. Now, is the king, as king, to intend this half end ? that is, whether or no accepteth he the burden of setting his head and shoulders under the crown, for this end, that he may not only make the people happy, but also that he may make himself rich and honourable above his brethren, and enrich himself? I believe not ; but that he feed the people of God ; for if he intend himself, and his own honour, it is the intention of the man who is king, and intentio operantis, but it is not the intention of the king, as the king, or intentio operis. The king, as a king, is formally and essen- tially the " minister of God for our good," (Rom. xiii. 4 ; 1 Tim. ii. 2,) and cannot come under any notion as a king, but as a mean, not as an end, nor as that which he is, to seek himself. I conceive God did forbid this in the moulding of the first king. (Deut. xvii. 18, 19, 26.) He is a minister by office, and one who receiveth honour and wages for this work, that, ex officio, he may feed his people. But the Prelate saith, the people are to intend his riches and honour. I can- not say but the people may intend to honour the king ; but the question is not, whether the people be to refer the king and his government as a mean to honour the king ? I conceive not. But that end which the people, in obeying the king, in being ruled by him, may intend, is, (1 Tim. ii. 2,) " That under him they may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty." And God's end in giving a king is the good and safety of his people. P. Prelate (c. 16, p. 160).— To reason from the one part and end of monarchical government — the safety of the subjects, to the destruction and weakening of the other part of the end — the power of sovereignty and the royal prerogative, is a caption a divisis. If the king be not happy, and in- I vested with the full power of a head, the body cannot be well. By anti-monarchists, the people at the beginning were necessi- tated to commit themselves, lives and for- tunes, to the government of a king, because of themselves they had not wisdom and power enough to do it ; and therefore, they enabled him with honour and power, with- out which he could not do this, being as- sured that he could not choose, but most earnestly and carefully endeavour this end, to wit, his own and the people's happiness ; therefore, the safety of the people issueth from the safety of the king, as the life of the natural body from the soul. Weak go- vernment is near to anarchy. Puritans will not say, Quovis modo esse, etiam poenale, is better than non esse : the Scripture saith the contrary ; it were better for some never to have been born than to be. Tyranny is better than no government. Ans. 1. — He knows not sophisms of logic who calleth this argument a divisis ; for the king's honour is not the end of the king's government. He should seek the safety of state and church, not himself; himself is a private end, and a step to tyranny. 2. The Prelate lieth when he maketh us to reason from the safety of the subject to the destruction of the king. Feme, Bar- clay, Grotius, taught the hungry scholar to reason so. Where read he this ? The people must be saved, that is the supreme law, therefore, destroy the king. The devil and the Prelate both shall not fasten this on us. But thus we reason : when the man who is the king endeavoureth not the end of his royal place, but, through bad counsel, the subversion of laws, religion, and bondage of the kingdom, the free estates are to join with him for that end of safety, according as God hath made them heads of tribes and princes of the people ; and if the king refuse to join with them, and will not do his duty, I see not how they are in conscience liberated before God from doing their part. 3. If the P. Prelate call resisting the king by lawful defensive wars, the destruc- tion of the head, he speaketh with the mouth of one excommunicated and delivered up to Satan. 4. We endeavour nothing more than the safety and happiness of the king, as king ; but his happiness is not to suffer him to destroy his subjects, subvert religion, arm papists who have slaughtered above two THE I..UV AM) THE 1'Kl 121 hundred thousand innocent protestants, only for the profession of that true religion which the king hath sworn to maintain. Not to rise in arms to help the king against these were to gratify him as a man, but to be accessory to his soul's destruction as a king. 5. That the royal prerogative is the end of a monarchy ordained by God, neither Scripture, law, nor reason can admit. 6. The people are to intend the safety of other judges as well as the king's. If par- liaments be destroyed, whose it is to make laws and kings, the people can neither be safe, free to serve Christ, nor happy. 7. It is a lie that people were necessitated at the beginning to commit themselves to a king ; for we read of no king while Nimrod arose : fathers of families (who were not kings), and others, did govern till then. 8. It was not want of wisdom, (for in many, and in the people, there must be more wisdom than in one man,) but rather corruption of nature and reciprocation of injuries that created kings and other judges. 9. The king shall better compass his end, to wit, the safety of the people, with limited power, {pAaccnt mediocria,) and with other judges added to help him, (Num. xi. 14, 16; Deut. i. 12 — 15,) than to put in one man's hand absolute power ; for a sinful man's head cannot bear so much new wine, such as exorbitant power is. 10. He is a base flatterer who saith, The king cannot choose, but earnestly and carefully endeavour his own and the people's happiness ; that is, the king is an angel, and cannot sin and decline from the duties of a king. Of the many kings of Judah and Israel, how many chose this? All the good kings that have been may be written I in a gold ring. 11. The people's safety dependeth indeed on the king, as a king and a happy gover- nor ; but the people shall never be fattened to eat the wind of an imaginary prerogative royal. 12. Weak government, that is, a king with a limited power, who hath more power about his head than within his head, is a strong king, and far from anarchy. 13. I know not what he meaneth, but his master Arminius's way and words are here, for Arminians say, 1 " That being in the damned, eternally tormented, is no bene- i Jac. Armini. Declar. Remonstrant, in suod. dordrac. fit ; it were better they never had being than to be eternally tormented ;" and this they say to the defiance of the doctrine of eternal reprobation, in which we teach, that though by accident, and because of the danmed's abuse of being and life, it were to them better not to be, as is said of Judas, yet shnpliciter comparing being with non- being, and considering the eternity of mise- rable being in relation to the absolute liber- ty of the Former of all things, who maketh use of the sinful being of clay-vessels for the illustration of the glory of his justice and power, (Rom. ix. 17, 22 ; 1 Pet. ii. 8 ; Jude v. 4,) it is a censuring of God and his unsearchable wisdom, and a condemning of the Almighty of cruelty, (God avert blas- phemy of the unspotted and holy Majesty,) who, by Arminian grounds, keepeth the damned in life and being, to be fuel eter- nally for Tophet, to declare the glory of his justice. But the Prelate behoved to go out of his way to salute and gratify a proclaimed enemy of free grace, Arminius, and hence he would infer that the king, wanting his prerogative royal and fulness of absolute power to do wickedly, is in a penal and mi- serable condition, and that it were better for the king to be a tyrant, with absolute liberty to destroy and save alive at his plea- sure, as is said of a tyrant, (Dan. v. 19,) than to be no king at all. And here con- sider a principle of royalists' court faith : — 1. The king is no king, but a lame and mi- serable judge, if he have not irresistible power to waste and destroy. 2. The king cannot be happy, nor the people safe, nor can the king do good in saving the needy, except he have the uncontrollable and unli- mited power of a tyrant to crush the poor and needy, and lay waste the mountain of the Lord's inheritance. Such court-ravens who feed upon the souls of living kings, are more cruel than ravens and vultures, who are but dead carcases. Williams, bishop of Ossory, answereth to the maxim, Salus popidi, &c. " No wise king but will carefully provide for the peo- ple's safety, because his safety and honour is included in theirs, his destruction in theirs." And it is, saith Lipsius, egri animi propri- um nihil diu pati. Absalom was persuaded there was no justice in the land when he intendeth rebellion ; and the poor Prelate, following him, spendeth pages to prove that goods, life, chastity, and fame, dependeth on the safety of the king, as the breath of s 122 LEX, REX : OR, our nostrils, our nurse-father, our head, cor- ner-stone, and judge (c. 17, 6, 18, 1). The reason why all disorder was in church and state was not because there was no judge, no government ; none can be so stupid as to imagine that. But because, 1. They wanted the most excellent of governments. 2. Be- cause aristocracy was weakened so as there was no right. No doubt priests there were, but (Hos. iv.) either they would not serve, or were over-awed. No doubt in those days they had judges, but priests and judges were stoned by a rascally multitude, and they were not able to rule ; therefore it is most consonant to Scripture to say, Salus regis suprema populi salus, the safety of the king and his prerogative royal is the safest sanctuary for the people. So Hos. iii. 4 ; Lament, ii. 9. Ans. 1. — The question is not of the wis- dom, but of the power of the king, if it should be bounded by no law. 2. The flatterer may know, there be more foolish kings in the world than wise, and that kings misled with idolatrous queens, and by name Ahab ruined himself, and his posterity and kingdom. 3. The salvation and happiness of men standing in the exalting of Christ's throne and the gospel, therefore every king and every man will exalt the throne ; and so let them have an uncontrollable power, without constraint of law, to do what they list, and let no bounds be set to kings over subjects. By this argument their own wisdom is a law to lead them to heaven. 4. It is not Absalom's mad malcontents in Britain, but there were really no justice to protestants, — all indulgence to papists, popery, Arminianism, — idolatry printed, preached, professed, rewarded by authority, parliaments and church assemblies ; the bulwarks of justice and religion were de- nied, dissolved, crushed, &c. 5. That by a king he understandeth a monarch, (Judg. xvii.) and that such a one as Saul, of absolute power, and not a judge, cannot be proved, for there were no kings in Israel in the judges' days, — the govern- ment not being changed till near the end of Samuel's government. 6. And that they had no judges, he saith, it is not imaginable. But I rather be- lieve God than the Prelate. Every one did what was right in his own eyes, because there was none to put ill-doers to shame. Possibly the estates of Israel governed some way for mere necessity, but wanting a su- preme judge, which they should have, they were loose ; but this was not because where there is no king, as P. P. would insinuate, there was no government, as is clear. 7. Of tempered and limited monarchy I think as honourably as the Prelate, but that absolute and unlimited monarchy is more ex- cellent than aristocracy, I shall then believe when royalists shall prove such a govern- ment, in so far as it is absolute, to be of God. 8. That aristocracy was now weakened I believe not, seeing God so highly commend- eth it, and calleth it his own reigning over his people. (1 Sam. viii. 7.) The weaken- ing of it through abuse is not to a purpose, more than the abuse of monarchy. 9. No doubt, saith he, (Hos. iv.) they were priests and judges, but they were over-awed, as they are now. I think he would say, (Hos. iii. 4,) otherwise he cit- eth Scripture sleeping, that the priests of Antichrist be not only over-awed, but out of the earth. I yield that the king be limited, not over-awed, I think God's law and man's law alloweth. 10. The safety of the king, as king, is not only safety, but a blessing to church and state, and therefore this P. Prelate and his fellows deserve to be hanged before the sun, who have led him on a war to destroy him and his protestant subjects. But the safety and flourishing of a king, in the ex- ercises of an arbitrary unlimited power against law and religion, and to the de- struction of his subjects, is not the safety of the people, nor the safety of the king's soul, which these men, if they be the priests of the Lord, should care for. The Prelate cometh to refute the learned and worthy Observator. The safety of the people is the supreme law, therefore the king is bound in duty to promote all and every one of his subjects to all happiness. The Observator hath no such inference, the king is bound to promote some of his sub- jects, even as king, to a gallows, especially Irish rebels, and many bloody mahgnants. But the Prelate will needs have God rigo- rous (hallowed be his name) if it be so; for it is impossible to the tenderest-hearted father to do so. Actual promotion of all is impossi- ble. That the king intend it of all his sub- jects, as good subjects, by a throne estab- lished on righteousness and judgment is that which the worthy Observator meaneth. Other things here are answered. THE LAW AXD THE PRINCE. 123 The sum of his second answer is a repe- tition of what he hath said. I give my word, in a pamphlet of one hundred and ninety- four pages, I never saw more idle repeti- tions of one thing twenty times hefore said ; but (p. 168) he saith, " The safety of the king and his subjects, in the moral notion, may be esteemed morally the same, no less than the soul and the body make one per- sonal subsistence." Ans. — This is strange logic. The king and his subjects are ens per aggregationcm, and the king, as king, hath one moral subsis- tence, and the people another. Hath the lather and the son, the master and the ser- vant, one moral subsistence ? But the man speaketh of their well-being, and then he must mean that our king's government — that was not long ago, and is yet, to wit, the popery, Arminianism, idolatry, cutting off men's ears and noses, banishing, imprison- ment for speaking against popery, arming of papists to slay protestants, pardoning the blood of Ireland, that I fear, shall not be soon taken away, &c, — is identically the same with the life, safety, and happiness of protestants. Then life and death, justice and injustice, idolatry and sincere worship, are identically one, as the soul of the Pre late'and his body are one. The third is but a repetition. The acts of royalty (saith the Observator) are acts of duty and obligation, therefore, not acts of grace properly so called ; therefore we may not thank the king for a courtesy. This is no consequence. What fathers do to chil- dren are acts of natural duty and of na- tural grace, and yet children owe gratitude to parents, and subjects to good kings, in a legal sense. No, but in way of courtesy only. The observator said, the king is not a father to the whole collective body, and it is well said he is son to them, and they his maker. Who made the king ? Policy an- swereth, The state made him, and divinity, God made him. The Observator said well, the people's weakness is not the king's strength. The Prelate saith, Amen. He said, That that perisheth not to the king, which is granted to the people. The Prelate (p. 170) de- nieth, because, what the king hath in trust from God, the king cannot make away to an- other, nor can any take it from him with- out sacrdege. Ans. — True indeed, if the king had roy- alty by immediate trust and infusion by God, as Elias had the spirit of prophecy, that he cannot make away. Royalists dream that God, immediately from heaven, now in- fuseth faculty and right to crowns with- out any word of God. It is enough to make an enthusiast leap up to the throne and kill kings. Judge if these fanatics be favourers of kings. But if the king have royalty me- diately, by the people's free consent, from God, there is no reason but people give as much power, even by ounce weights, (for power is strong wine and a great mocker,) as they know a weak man's head will bear, and no more. Power is not an immediate inheritance from heaven, but a birthright of the people borrowed from them ; they may let it out for their good, and resume it when a man is drunk with it. The man will have it conscience on the king to fight and destroy his three kingdoms for a dream, his prerogative above law. But the truth is, prelates do engage the king, his house, hon- our, subjects, church, for their cursed mitres. The Prelate (p. 172) vexeth the reader with repetitions, and saith, The king must proportion his government to the safety of the people on the one hand, and to his own safety and power on the other hand. Ans. — What the kujg doth as king, he doeth it for the happiness of his people. The king is a relative ; yea, even his own happiness that he seeketh, he is to refer to the good of God's people. He saith far- ther, The safety of the people includeth the safety of the king, because the word popu- lus is so taken ; which he proveth by a raw, sickly rabble of words, stolen out of Pas- serat's dictionary. His father, the school- master, may whip him for frivolous etymo- logies. This supreme law, saith the Prelate, (p. 175,) is not above the law of prerogative royal, the highest law, nor is rex above lex. The democracy of Rome had a supremacy above laws, to make and unmake laws ; and will they force this power on a monarch, to the destruction of sovereignty ? Ans. — This, which is stolen from Spalato, Barclay, Grotius, and others, is easily an- swered. The supremacy of people is a law of nature's self-preservation, above all posi- tive laws, and above the king, and is to re- gulate sovereignty, not to destroy it. If this supremacy of majesty was in people be- fore they have a king, then, 1. They lose it not by a voluntary choice of a kino- ; for a kin a is chosen for good, and not for the 124 people's loss, therefore, they must retain this power, in habit and potency, even when they have a king. 2. Then supremacy of majesty is not a beam of divinity proper to a king only. 3. Then the people, having royal sovereignty virtually in them, make, and so unmake a king, — all which the Pre- late denieth. This supreme law (saith the Prelate, p. 176, begging it from Spalato, Amisseus, Grotius) advances the king, not the people ; and the sense is, the kingdom is really some time in such a case that the sovereign must exercise an arbitrary power, and not stand upon private men's interests, or transgres- sing of laws made for the private good of individuals, but for the preservation of itself, and the public, may break through all laws. This he may, in the case when sudden foreign invasion threateneth ruin inevitably to king and kingdom : a physician may rather cut a gangrened member than suffer the whole body to perish. The dictator, in case of extreme dangers, (as Livy and Dion. Halicarnast show us,) had power according to his own arbitrament, had a sovereign commission in peace and war, of life, death, persons, &c, not co-ordinate, not subordi- nate to any. Ans. 1. — It is not an arbitrary power, but naturally tied and fettered to this same supreme law, salus populi, the safety of the people, that a king break through not the law, but the letter of the law, for the safety of the people ; as the chirurgeon, not by any prerogative that he hath above the art of chirurgery, but by necessity, cut- teth off a gangrened member. Thus it is not arbitrary to the king to save his people from ruin, but by the strong and imperious law of the people's safety he doth it ; for if, he did it not, he were a murderer of his peo- ple. 2. He is to stand upon transgression of laws according to their genuine sense of the people's safety ; for good laws are not contrary one to another, though, when he breaketh through the letter of the law, yet he breaketh not the law ; for if twenty thousand rebels invade Scotland, he is to command all to rise, though the formality of a parliament cannot be had to indict the war, as our law provideth ; but the king doth not command all to rise and defend themselves by prerogative royal, proper to him as king, and incommunicable to any but to himself. 1. There is no such din and noise to be made for a king and his incommunicable prerogative ; for though the king were not at all, yea, though he command the con- trary, (as he did when he came against Scotland with an English army,) the law of nature teacheth all to rise, without the king. 2. That the king command this, as king, is not a particular positive law ; but he doth it as a man and a member of the kingdom. The law of nature (which knoweth no dream of such a prerogative) forceth him to it, as every member is, by nature's indictment, to care for the whole. 3. It is poor hungry skill in this new statist, (for so he nameth all Scotland,) to say that any laws are made for private interests, and the good of some individuals. Laws are not laws if they be not made for the safety of the people. 4. It is false that the king, in a public danger, is to care for himself as a man, with the ruin and loss of any ; yea, hi a public calamity, a good king, as David, is to desire he may die that the public may be saved, 2 Sam. xxiv. 17 ; Exod. xxxii. 32. It is commended of all, that the emperor Otho, yea, and Richard II. of England, as M. Speed saith, (Hist, of England, p. 757,) resigned their kingdoms to eschew the effu- sion of blood. The Prelate adviseth the king to pass over all laws of nature, and slay thousands of innocents, and destroy church and state of three kingdoms, for a straw, and supposed prerogative royal. 1. Now, certainly, prerogative and abso- luteness to do good and ill, must be inferior to a law, the end whereof is the safety of the people. For David willeth the pestilence may take him away, and so his preroga- tive, that the people may be saved (2. Sam. xxiv. 17) ; for prerogative is cumulative to do good, not privative to do ill ; and so is but a mean to defend both the law and the people. 2. Prerogative is either a power to do good or ill, or both. If the first be said, it must be limited by the end and law for which it is ordained. A mean is no farther a mean, but in so far as it conduceth to the end, the safety of all. If the second be ad- mitted, it is licence and tyranny, not power from God. If the third be said, both rea- sons plead against this, that prerogative should be the king's end in the present wars. 3. Prerogative being a power given by THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 125 the mediation of the people; yea, suppose (which is false) that it were given imme- diately of God, yet it is not a thing for which the king should raise war against his sub- jects ; for God will ask no more of the king than he giveth to him. The Loi'd reapeth not where he soweth not. If the militia, and other things, be ordered hitherto for the holding off Irish and Spanish invasion by sea, and so for the good of the land, seeing the king in his own person cannot make use of the militia, he is to rejoice that his sub- jects are defended. The king cannot an- swer to God for the justice of war on his part. It is not a case of conscience that the king should shed blood for, to wit, because the under-officers are such men, and not others of his choosing, seeing the kingdom is defended sufficiently except where cava- liers destroy it. And to me this is an un- answerable argument, that the cavaliers de- stroy not the kingdoms for this prerogative royal, as the principal ground, but for a deeper design, even for that which was working by prelates and malignants before the late troubles in both kinodoms. 4. The king is to intend the safety of his people, and the safety of the king as a go- vernor ; but not as this king, and this man Charles, — that is a selfish end. A king Da- vid is not to look to that ; for when the peo- ple was seeking his life and crown, he saith, (Psal. iii. 8,) " Thy blessing upon thy peo- ple." He may care for, and intend that the king and government be safe ; for if the kingdom be destroyed, there cannot be a new kingdom and church on earth again to serve God in that generation, (Psal. lxxxix. 47,) but they may easily have a new king again ; and so the safety of the one cannot in reason be intended as a collateral end with the safety of the other ; for there is no imaginable comparison betwixt one man, with all his accidents of prerogative and ab- soluteness, and three national churches and kindgoms. Better the king weep for a childish trifle of a prerogative than that popery be erected, and three kingdoms be destroyed by cavaliers for their own ends. 5. The dictator's power is, 1. A fact, and proveth not a point of conscience. 2. His power was in an exigence of extreme danger of the commonwealth. The P. Pre- late pleadeth for a constant absoluteness above laws to the king at all times, and that jure clivino. 3. The dictator was the people's creature ; therefore the creator, the people, had that sovereignty over him. 4. The dictator was not above a king ; but the Romans ejected kings. 5. The dicta- tor's power was not to destroy a state : he might be, and was resisted ; he might be deposed. P. Prelate (p. 177).— The safety of the people is pretended as a law, that the Jews must put Christ to death, and that Saul spared Agag. Ans. 1. — No shadow for either in the word of God. Caiaphas prophecied, and knew not what he said ; but that the Jews intended the salvation of the elect, in killing Christ, or that Saul intended a public good in sparing Agag, shall be the Prelate's di- vinity, not mine. 2. What, howbeit many should abuse this law of the people's safety, to wrong good kings, it ceaseth not there- fore to be a law, and licenceth not ill kings to place a tyrannical prerogative above a just dictate of nature. In the last chapter (c. 16) the Prelate hath no reasons, only he would have kings holy, and this he proveth from Apocrypha books, because he is ebb in Holy Scripture ; but it is Romish holiness, as is clear, — 1. He must preach something to himself, that the king adore a tree-altar. Thus kings must be most reverend in their gestures (p. 182). 2. The king must hazard his sacred life and three kingdoms, his crown, royal posterity, to preserve sacred things, that is, anti- christian Romish idols, images, altars, cere- monies, idolatry, popery. 4. He must, upon the same pain, maintain sacred per- sons, that is, greasy apostate prelates. The rest, I am weary to trouble the reader with- all, but know ex ungue leonem. QUESTION XXVI. WHETHER THE KING BE ABOVE THE LAW OR NO. We may consider the question of the law's supremacy over the king, either in the supremacy of constitution of the kino-, or of direction, or of limitation, or of co-action and punishing. Those who maintain this, " The king is not subject to the law," if their meaning be, " The king as king is not subject to the law's direction," they say nothino- ; for the king, as the king, is a living law ; then they say, " The law is not subject to the 126 LEX, REX ; OR, law's direction :" a very improper speech ; or, the king, as king, is not subject to the co- action of the law : that is true ; for he who is a living law, as such, cannot punish him- self, as the law saith. Assert. 1. — The law hath a supremacy of constitution above the king : — 1. Because the king by nature is not king, as is proved ; therefore, he must be king by a politic constitution and law; and so the law, in that consideration, is above the king, because it is from a civil law that there is a king rather than any other kind of gover- nor. 2. It is by law, that amongst many hundred men, this man is king, not that man ; and because, by the which a thing is constituted, by the same thing it is, or may be dissolved ; therefore, 3. As a commu- nity, finding such and such qualifications as the law requireth to be in a king, in this man, not in that man, — therefore upon law- ground they make him a king, and, upon law-grounds and just demerit, they may unmake him again ; for what men volun- tary do upon condition, the condition being removed, they may undo again. Assert. 2. — It is denied by none but the king is under the directive power of the law, though many liberate the king from the co- active power of a civil law. But I see not what direction a civil law can give to the king if he be above all obedience, or disobe- dience, to a law, seeing all law-direction is in ordine ad obedientiam, in order to obey, ex- cept thus far, that the light that is in the civil law is a moral or natural guide to con- duct a king in his walking ; but this is the morality of the law which enlighteneth and informeth, not any obligation that aweth the king ; and so the king is under God's and nature's law. This is nothing to the purpose. Assert. 3. — The king is under the law, in regard of some coercive limitation ; because, 1. There is no absolute power given to him to do what he listeth, as a man. And be- cause, 2. God, in making Saul a king, doth not by any royal stamp give him a power to sin, or to play the tyrant ; for which cause I expone these of the law, omnia sunt possi- bilia regi, impcrator omnia potest. Baldus in sect. F. de no. for. fidel. in F. et in prima constitut. C. col. 2. Chassanatus in catalog, glorias mundi. par. 5. considerat. 24. et tanta est ejus celsitudo, ut non posset ei imponi lex in regno suo. Curt, in consol. 65. col. 6. ad. F. Petrus Rebuff. Notab. 3. repeL I. unices* C. de scntcnt. quce pro eo quod n. 17, p. 363. All these go no otherwise but thus, The king can do all things which by a law he can do, and that holdeth him, id possumus quod jure possumus ; and, there- fore, the king cannot be above the covenant and law made betwixt him and his people at his coronation-oath ; for then the covenant and oath should bind him only by a natural obligation, as he is a man, not by a civil or politic obligation, as he is a king. So then, 1. It were sufficient that the king should swear that oath in his cabinet-chamber, and it is but a mocking of an oath that he swear it to the people. 2. That oath given by the representative-kingdom should also oblige the subjects naturally, inforo Dei, not politically, inforo humano, upon the same reason. 3. He may be resisted as a man. Assert. 4. — The fourth case is, if the king be under the obliging politic co-action of civil laws, for that he, in foro Dei, be under the morality of civil laws, so as he cannot contra- vene any law in that notion but he must sin against God, is granted on all hands. (Deut. xvii. 20 ; Josh. i. 8 ; 1 Sam. xii. 15.) That the king bind himself to the same law that he doth bind others, is decent, and obligeth the king as he is a man ; because, 1 . (Matt, vii. 12,) It is said to be the law and the prophets, " All things whatsoever ye would men should do unto you, do ye even so to them." 2. It is the law, impcrator I. 4. digna vox. C. de lege et tit. Quod quisque juris in alium statuit, eodem et ipse utatur. Julius Caesar commanded the youth who had deflowered the emperor's daughter to be scourged above that which the law allowed. The youth said to the emperor, Dixisti legem Cwsar, — " You appointed the law, Caesar." The emperor was so offended with himself that he had failed against the law, that for the whole day he refused to taste meat. 1 Assert. 5. — The king cannot but be sub- ject to the co-active power of fundamental laws. Because, 1. This is a fundamental law that the free estates lay upon the king, that all the power that they give to the king, as king, is for the good and safety of the people; and so what he doth to the hurt of his sub- jects, he doth it not as king. 2. The law saith, Qui habet potestatem constituendi etiam et jus adimendi, I. nemo. 37. I. 21. de reg. jure. Those who have power to make have power to unmake kings. 3. Whatever the king doth as king, that he i Plutarch in Apothpg. lib. 4. THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 127 doth by a power borrowed from (or by a fiduciary power which is his by trust) the estates, who made him king. He must then be nothing but an eminent servant of the state, in the punishing of others. If, therefore, he be unpunishable, it is not so much because his royal power is above all law co-action, as because one and the same man cannot be both the punisher and the punished; and this is a physical incongruity rather than a moral absurdity. So the law of God layeth a duty on the inferior magistrate to use the sword against the murderer, and that by virtue of his office ; but I much doubt, if for that he is to use the sword against himself in the case of murder, for this is a truth I purpose to make good, That suffering, as suffering, according to the substance and essence of passion, is not commanded by any law of God or nature to the sufferer, but only the manner of suffering. I doubt if it be not, by the law of nature, lawful even to the ill-doer, who hath deserved death by God's law, to fly from the sword of the law- ful magistrate ; only the manner of suffering with patience is commanded of God. I know the law saith here, That the magistrate is both judge and the executor of the sentence aoainst himself, in his own cause, for the ex- cellency of his office. 1 Therefore these are to be distinguished, whether the king, rati- one demeriti et jure, by law be punishable, or if the king can actually be punished cor- porally by a law of man, he remaining king ; and since he must be a punisher himself, and that by virtue of his office. In matters of goods, the king may be both judge and punisher of himself, as our law provideth that any subject may plead his own heritage from the king before the inferior judges, and if the king be a violent possessor, and in mala fide for many years, by law he is obliged, upon a decree of the lords, to exe- cute the sentence against himself, ex, officio, and to restore the lands, and repay the damage to the just owner ; and this the king- is to do against himself, ex officio. I grant here the king, as king, punisheth himself as an unjust man, but because bodily suffering- is mere violence to nature, I doubt if the king, ex officio, is to do or inflict any bodily punishment on himself. Nemo potest a scipso cogi. I. ille a quo, sect. 13. 1 Magistrates ipse est judex et executor contra scipsum, in propria causa, propter excellentiam sui officii, 1. si pater familias, et 1. et hoc. Tiberius Caesar, F. de Hered. hoc. jnst. Assert. G.— There be some laws made in favour of the king, as king, as to pay tribute. The king must be above this law as king. True, but if a nobleman of a great rent be elected king, I know not if he can be free from paying to himself, as king, tribute, see- ing this is not allowed to the king by a divine law, (Rom. xiii. 6,) as a reward of his work; and Christ expressly maketh tribute a thing- due to Caesar as a king. (Matt. xxii. 21.) There be some solemnities of the law from which the king may be free ; Prickman (D. c. 3, n. 78) relateth what they are ; they are not laws, but some circumstances belonging to laws, and he answereth to many places alleged out of the lawyers, to prove the king to be above the law. Maiderus (in 12. Art. 4, 5, 9, 96,) will have the prince under that law, which concerneth all the commonwealth equally in regard of the mat- ter, and that by the law of nature ; but he will not have him subject to these laws which concerneth the subjects as subjects, as to pay tribute. He citeth Francisc. a Vict. Covar- ruvias, and Turrecremata. He also will have the prince under positive laws, such as not to transport victuals ; not because the law bind- eth him as a law, but because the making of the law bindeth him, tanquam conditio sine qua non, even " as he who teacheth another that he should not steal, he should not steal himself." (Rom. ii.) But the truth is, this is but a branch of the law of nature, that I should not commit adultery, and theft, and sacrilege, and such sins as nature condem- neth, if I shall condemn them in others, and doth not prove that the king is under the co-active power of civil laws. Ulpianus (1. 31. F. de regibus) saith, " The prince is loosed from laws." Bodine (de Repub. 1. 7, c. 8). — " Nemo imperat sibi," no man com- mandeth himself. Tholosanus saith, (de Rep. 1. 7, c. 20,) " Ipsius est dare, non ac- cipere leges," the prince giveth laws, but re- ceiveth none. Donellus (Lib. 1, Comment. c. 17) distinguisheth betwixt a law and a royal law proper to the king. Trentlerus (vol. i. 79, 80) saith, " The prince is freed from laws ;" and that he obeyeth laws, de honestate, non de necessitate, upon honesty, not of necessity. Thomas P. (1. q. 96, art. 6,) and with him Soto Gregonus de Valen- tia, and other schoolmen, subject the king to the directive power of the law, and liberate him of the co-active power of the law. Assert. 7- — If a king turn a parricide, a Hon, and a waster and destroyer of the 128 LEX, REX ; OR, people, as a man he is subject to the co-active power of the laws of the land. If any law should hinder that a tyrant should not be punished by law, it must be because he hath not a superior but God, for royalists build all upon this ; but this ground is false : — Arg. 1. — Because the estates of the king- dom, who gave him the crown, are above him, and they may take away what they gave him ; as the law of nature and God saith, If they had known he would turn tyrant, they would never have given him the sword ; and so, how much ignorance is in the contract they made with the king, as little of will is in it ; and so it is not every way willing, but, being conditional, is sup- posed to be against their will. They gave the power to him only for their good, and that they may make the king, is clear. (2 Chron. xxiii. 11 ; 1 Sam. x. 17, 24; Deut. xvii. 14 — 17 ; 2 Kings xi. 12 ; 1 Kings xvi. 21 ; 2 Kings x. 5 ; Judg. ix. 6.) Four- score valiant men of the priests withstood Uzziah with corporal violence, and thrust him out, and cut him off from the house of the Lord. (2 Chron. xxvi. 18.) Arg. 2. — If the prince's place do not put him above the laws of church discipline, (Matt, xviii., for Christ excepteth none, and how can men except?) and if the rod of Christ's " lips smite the earth, and slay the wicked," (Isa. xi. 4,) and the prophets Elias, Nathan, Jeremiah, Isaiah, &c, and John Baptist, Jesus Christ, and his Apostles, have used this rod of censure and rebuke, as ser- vants under God, against kings, this is a sort of spiritual co-action of laws put in execution by men; and by due proportion corporal co- action being the same ordinance of God, though of another nature, must have the like power over all, whom the law of God hath not excepted ; but God's law excepteth none at all. Arg. 3. — It is presumed that God hath not provided better for the safety of the part than of the whole, especially when he maketh the part a mean for the safety of the whole. But if God have provided that the king, who is a part of the commonwealth, shall be free of all punishment, though he be a habitual destroyer of the whole kingdom, seeing God hath given him to be a father, tutor, saviour, defender thereof, and destined him as a mean for their safety, then must God have worse, not better, provided for the safety of the whole than of the part. The proposition is clear, in that God (Rom. xiii. 4; 1 Tim. ii. 2) hath ordained the ruler, and given to him the sword to defend the whole kingdom and city ; but we read nowhere that the Lord hath given the sword to the whole kingdom, to defend one man, a king, though a ruler, going on in a tyrannical way of destroying all his subjects. The assumption is evident : for then the king, turning tyrant, might set an army of Turks, Jews, or cruel Papists to destroy the church of God, without all fear of law or punishment. Yea, this is con- trary to the doctrine of royalists : for Win- zetus (adversus Buchananum, p. 275) saith of Nero, that he, seeking to destroy the senate and people of Rome, and seeking to make new laws for himself, excidit jure regni, lost right to the kingdom. And Bar- claius (Monarch. 1. 3, c. ult. p. 213, ) saith, a tyrant, such as Caligula, spoliare se jure regni, spoileth himself of the right to the crown. And in that same place, rcgem, si regnum suum alienee ditioni manciparit, regno cadere, if the king sell his kingdom, he loseth the title to the crown. Grotius, (de jure belli et pads, I. i. c. 4, n. 7,) Si rex hostili anirno in totius populi exitium feratur, amittit regnum, if he turn enemy to the kingdom, for their destruction, he loseth his kingdom, because (saith he) volun- tas imperandi, et voluntas perdendi, simul consistere non p>ossunt, a will or mind to go- vern and to destroy cannot consist together in one. Now, if this be true, that a king, turning tyrant, loseth title to the crown, this is either a falling from his royal title only in God's court, or it is a losing of it before men, and in the court of his subjects. If the former be said, 1. He is no king, having before God lost his royal title ; and yet the people is to obey him as "the minis- ter of God," and a power from God, when as he is no such thing. 2. In vain do these authors provide remedies to save the people from a tyrannous waster of the people, if they speak of a tyrant who is no king in God's court only, and yet remaineth a ling to the people in regard of the law : for the places speak of remedies that God hath pro- vided against tyrants cum titulo, such as are lawful kings, but turn tyrants. Now by this they provide no remedy at all, if only in God's court, and not in man's court also, a tyrant lose his title. As for tyrants sine titulo, such as usurp the throne, and have no just claim to it, Barclaius (adver. Monarch, I. iv. c. 10. p. 268) saith, " Any private man may kill him as a public enemy THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 129 of the state :" but if he lose his title to the crown in the court of men, then is there a court on earth to judge the king, and so he is under the co-active power of a law ; — then a king may be resisted, and yet those who resist him do not incur damnation ; the contrary whereof royalists endeavour to prove from Rom. xiii. ; — then the people may un- king one who was a king. But I would know who taketh that »i7« t) from him, whereby he is a king, that beam of divine majesty? Not the people ; because royalists say, they neither can give nor take away royal dignity, and so they cannot unking him. Arg. 4. — The more will be in the con- sent, (saith Ferd. Vasquez, 1. i. c. 41,) the obligation is the stricter. So doubled words (saith the law, 1. 1, sect. 13, n. 13) oblige more strictly. And all laws of kings, who are rational fathers, and so lead us by laws, as by rational means to peace and external hap- piness, are contracts of king and people. Omnis lex sponsio et contractus licip. sect. 1, Inst, de ver. relig. Now the king, at his coronation-covenant with the people, giveth a most intense consent, an oath, to be a keeper and preserver of all good laws : and so hardly he can be freed from the strictest obligation that law can impose. And if he keep laws by office, he is a mean to preserve laws; and no mean can be superior and above the end, but inferior thereunto. Arg. 5. — Bodine proveth, (de Rep. I. 2, c. 5, p. 221, ) that emperors at first were but princes of the commonwealth, and that sovereignty remained still in the senate and people. Marius Salomonius, a learned Ro- man civilian, wrote six books de principatu, to refute the supremacy of emperors above the state. Ferd. Vasq. (Must, quest, part. 1. I. 1, n. 21) proveth, that the prince, by royal dignity, leaveth not off to be a citizen, a member of the politic body, and not a king, but a keeper of laws. Arg. 6. — Hence, the prince remaineth, even being a prince, a social creature, a man as well as a king ; one who must buy, sell, promise, contract, dispose : therefore, he is not regula regulans, but under rule of law ; for it is impossible, if the king can, in a poli- tical way, live as a member of a society, and do and perform acts of policy, and so per- form them, as he may, by his office, buy and not pay ; promise, and vow, and swear to men, and. not perforin, nor be obliged to men to render a reckoning of his oath, and kill and destroy, — and yet in curia politico? societatis, in the court of human policy, be free : and that he may give inheritances, as just rewards of virtue and well-doing, and take them away again. Yea, seeing these sins that are not punishable before men, are not sins before men, if all the sins and op- pressions of a prince be so above the punish- ment that men can inflict, they are not sins before men ; by which means the king is loosed from all guiltiness of the sins against the second table : for the ratio formalis, the formal reason, why the judge, by war- rant from God, condemneth, in the court of men, the guilty man, is, that he hath sinned against human society through the scan- dal of blasphemy, or that through some other heinous sin he hath defiled the land. Now this is incident to the king as well as to some other sinful man. To these, and the like, hear what the ex- communicated Prelate hath to say, (c. 15, p. 146, 147,) " They say (he meaneth the Jesuits) every society of men is a perfect re- public, and so must have within itself a power to preserve itself from ruin, and by that to punish a tyrant." He answereth, " A society without a head, is a disorderly rout, not a politic body ; and so cannot have this power. Ans. 1. — The Pope giveth to every so- ciety politic power to make away a tyrant, or heretical king, and to unking him, by his brethren, the Jesuits', way. And observe how papists (of which number I could easily prove the P. Prelate to be, by the popish doctrine that he delivered, while the iniquity of time, and dominion of prelates in Scot- land, advanced him, against all worth of true learning and holiness, to be a preacher in Edinburgh) and Jesuits agree, as the builders of Babylon. It is the purpose of God to destroy Babylon. 2. This answer shall infer, that the aris- tocratical governors of any free state, and that the Duke of Venice, and the senate there, is above all law, and cannot be resisted, because without their heads they are a dis- orderly rout. 3. A political society, as by nature's in- stinct they may appoint a head, or heads, to themselves, so also if their head, or heads, become ravenous wolves, the God of nature hath not left a perfect society remediless ; but they may both resist, and punish the head, or heads, to whom they gave all the power that they have, for their good, not for their destruction. 130 LEX, REX. ; OR, 4. They are as orderly a body politic, to unmake a tyrannous commander, as they were to make a just governor. The Prelate saitk, " It is alike to conceive a politic body without a governor, as to conceive the natu- ral body without a head." He meaneth, none of them can be conceivable. I am not of his mind. When Saul was dead, Israel was a perfect politic body ; and the Prelate, if he be not very obtuse in his head, (as this hungry piece, stolen from others, showeth him to be,) may conceive a visible political so- ciety performing a political action, (2 Sam. v. 1 — 3,) making David king at a visible and conceivable place, at Hebron, and mak- ing a covenant with him. And that they wanted not all governors, is nothing to make them chimeras inconceivable. For when so many families, before Nimrod, were go- verned only by fathers of families, and they agreed to make either a king, or other go- vernors, a head, or heads, over themselves, though the several families had government, yet these associated families had no govern- ment ; and yet so conceivable a politic body, as if Maxwell would have appeared amongst them, and called them a disorderly rout, or an unconceivable chimera, they should have made the Prelate know that chimeras can knock down prelates. Neither is a king the life of a politic body, as the soul is of the natural body. The body createth not the soul; but Israel created Saul king, and when he was dead, they made David king, and so, under God, many kings, as they succeeded, till the Messiah came. No na- tural body can make souls to itself by suc- cession ; nor can sees create new prelates always. P. Prelate. — Jesuits and puritans differ infinitely : we are hopeful God shall cast down this Babel. The Jesuits, for ought I know, seat the superintendent power in the community. Some sectaries follow them, and warrant any individual person to make away a king in case of defects, and the work is to be rewarded as when one killeth a ravenous wolf. Some will have it in a col- lective body ; but how ? Not met together by warrant, or writ of sovereign authority, but when fancy of reforming church and state calleth them. Some will have the power in the nobles and peers ; some in the three estates assembled by the king's writ ; some in the inferior judges. I know not where this power to curb sovereignty is, but in Almighty God. Ans. 1. Jesuits and puritans differ in- finitely ; true. Jesuits deny the Pope to be antichrist, hold all Arminian doctrine, Christ's local descension to hell, — all which the Prelate did preach. We deny all this. 2. We hope also the Lord shall destroy the Jesuits' Babel ; the suburbs whereof, and more, are the popish prelates in Scotland and England. 3. The Jesuits, for ought he knoweth, place all superintendent power in the com- munity. The Prelate knoweth not all his brethren, the Jesuits', ways ; but it is igno- rance, not want of good-will. For Bellarmine, Beucanus, Suarez, Gregor. de Valentia, and others, his dear fellows, say, that all super- intendent power of policy, in ordine ad spiritualia is in the man, whose foot Max- well would kiss for a cardinal's hat. 4. If these be all the differences, it is not much. The community is the remote and last subject, the representative body the nearest subject, the nobles a partial subject ; the judges, as judges sent by the king, are so in the game, that when an arbitrary prince at his pleasure setteth them up, and at command that they judge for men, and not for the Lord, and accordingly obey, they are by this power to be punished, and others put in their place. 5. A true cause of convening parliaments the Prelate maketh a fancy at this time : it is as if the thieves and robbers should say a justice-court were a fancy ; but if the Prelate might compear before the parliament of Scotland, (to which he is an outlaw like his father, 2 Thess. ii. 4,) such a fancy, I con- ceive, should hang him, and that deservedly. P. Prelate (p. 147, 148).— The subject of this superintending power must be se- cured from error in judgment and practice, and the community and states then should be infallible. Ans. — The consequence is nought. No more than the king, the absolute indepen- dent, is infallible. It is sure the people are in less hazard of tyranny and self-destruc- tion than the king is to subvert laws and make himself absolute ; and for that cause there must be a superintendent power above the king, and God Almighty also must be above all. P. Prelate. — The parliament may err, then God hath left the state remediless, except the king remedy it. Ans. — There is no consequence here, ex- cept the king be impeccable. Posterior THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 131 parliaments may correct the former. A state is not remediless, because God's reme- dies, in sinful men's hands, may miscarry. But the question is now, Whether God hath given power to one man to destroy men, sub- vert laws and religion, without any power above him to coerce, restrain, or punish ? P. Prelate (c. 15, p. 148).— If, when the parliament erreth, the remedy is left to the wisdom of God, why not when the king erreth ? Ans. — Neither is antecedent true, nor the consequence valid, for the sounder part may resist ; and it is easier to one to destroy many, having a power absolute, which God never gave him, than for many to destroy themselves. Then, if the king Uzziah in- trude himself and sacrifice, the priests do sin in remedying thereof. P. Prelate. — Why might not the peo- ple of Israel, peers or sanhedrim, have con- vened before them, judged and punished David for his adultery and murder ? Ro- manists and new statists acknowledge no case lawful, but heresy, apostacy, or ty- ranny ; and tyranny, they say, must be universal, manifest as the sun, and with obstinacy, and invincible by prayers, as is recorded of Nero, whose wish was rather a transported passion, than a fixed reso- lution. This cannot fall in the attempts of any but a madman. Now this cannot be proved our king; but though we grant in the foresaid case, that the community may resume their power, and rectify what is amiss, which we cannot grant ; but this will follow by then- doctrine, in every case of male administration. 1 Ans. — The Prelate draweth me to speak of the case of the king's unjust murder, confessed (Psal. h.) ; to which I answer : He taketh it for confessed, that it had been treason in the sanhedrim or states of Israel to have taken on them to judge and punish David for his adultery and his murder ; but he giveth no reason for tins, nor any word of God ; and truly, though I will not pre- sume to go before others in this, God's law (Gen. ix. 6, compared with Num. xxxv. 30, 31) seemeth to say against them. 6. Nor can I think that God's law, or his deputy the judges, are to accept the persons of the great, because they are great ; (Deut. i. 17 ; 2 Chron. xix. 6, 7 ;) and we say, we 1 Stolen from Arnisaeus, de authorit. prin. c. 4, n. 5, p. 73. cannot distinguish where the law distinguish- eth not. The Lord speaketh to under judges, (Lev. xix. 15,) " Ihou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty," or of the prince, for we know what these names Sl"0 an( ^ JO") mean- eth. I grant it is not God's meaning that the king should draw the sword against him- self, but yet it followeth not, that if we speak of the demerit of blood, that the law of God accepteth any judge, great or small ; and if the estates be above the king, as I conceive they are, though it be a human politic con- stitution, that the king be free of all co-action of law, because it conduceth for the peace of the commonwealth ; yet if we make a matter of conscience, for my part I see no exception that God maketh it ; if men make, I crave leave to say, a facto ad jus non sequitur ; and I easily yield that in every case the estates may coerce the king, if we make it a case of conscience. And for the place, (Ps. li. 4,) " Against thee, thee only, have I sinned," »nNtDm"QS *]S flatterers allege it to be a place proving that the king- is above all earthly tribunals, and all laws, and that there was not on earth any who might punish king David ; and so they cite Clemens Alexandrin. (Strom. 1. 4,) Arnobi., Psal. 1., Dydimus, Hieronim. ; but Calvin on the place, giveth the meaning that most of the fathers give, — Domine, etiam si me totus mundus absolvat, mihi tamen plusquam satis est, quod te solum judicem sentio. It is true, Beda, Euthymius, Ambrosius, (Apol. David, c. 4 and c. 10,) do all acknowledge from the place, de facto, there was none above David to judge him, and so doth Au- gustine, Basilius Theodoret, say, and Chry- sostomus, and Cyrillus, and Hieronimus, (Epist. 22.) Ambrose (Sermon 16, in Psal. cxviii.) Gregorius, and Augustine (Joan 8,) saith, he meaneth no man durst judge or punish him, but God only. Lorinus, the Je- suit, observeth eleven interpretations of the fathers all to this sense : " Since (Lyra saith) he sinned only against God, because God only could pardon him ;" Hugo Cardinalis, " Be- cause God only could wash him," which he asketh in the text. And Lorinus, " Solo Deo conscio peccavir But the simple meaning is, 1. Against thee only have I sinned, as my eye-witness and immediate beholder; and, therefore, he addeth — and have done this evil in thy sight. 2. Against thee only, as my judge, that thou mayest be justified when thou judgest, as clear from all unrighteousness, 132 LEX, REX ; OK, when thou shalt send the sword on my house. 3. Against thee, O Lord only, who canst wash me, and pardon me (ver. 1, 2). And if this " thee only" exclude altogether Uriah, Bathsheba, and the law of the judges, as it' he had sinned against none of these in their kind, then is the king, because a king, free, not only from a punishing law of man, but from the duties of the second table simply, and so a king cannot be under the best and largest half of the law, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. He shall not need to say, Forgive us our sins, as we forgive them that sin against us; for there is no reason, from the nature of sin, and the nature of the law of God, why we can say more the subjects and sons sin against the king and father, than to say the father and king sin against the sons and subjects. By this, the king killing his father Jesse, should sin against God, but not break the fifth com- mand, nor sin against his father. God should in vain forbid fathers to provoke their children to wrath. 1. And kings to do injustice to their sub- jects, because by this the superior cannot sin against the inferior, forasmuch as kings can sin against none but those who have power to judge and punish them ; but God only, and no inferiors, and no subjects, have power to punish the kings ; therefore kings can sin against none of their subjects ; and where there is no sin, how can there be a law ? Neither major or minor can be denied by royalists. 2. We acknowledge tyranny must only unking a prince. The Prelate denieth it, but he is a green statist. Barclay, Grotius, Winzetus, as I have proved, granteth it. 3. He will excuse Nero, as of infirmity, wishing all Borne to have one neck, that he may cut it off. And is that charitable of kinors, that they will not be so mad as to destroy their own kingdom ? But when his- tories teach us there have been more tyrants than kings, the kings are more obliged to him for flattery than for state-wit, except we say that all kings who eat the people of Cod, as they do bi-ead, owe him little for making them all mad and frantic. 4. But let them be Neroes, and mad, and worse, there is no coercing of them, but all must give their necks to the sword, if the poor Prelate be heard ; and yet kings cannot be so mad as to destroy their subjects. Mai-y of England was that mad. The Romish princes who have given (Bev. xvii. 13) their power and strength to the beast, and do make war with the Lamb ; and kings in- spired with the spirit of the beast, and drunk with the wine of the cup of Babel's fornica- tions, are so mad ; and the ten emperors are so mad, who wasted their faithfulest subjects. P. Prelate. — If there be such a power in the peers, resumable in the exigent of neces- sity, as the last necessary remedy for safety of church and state, God and nature not being deficient in things necessary, it must be proved out of the Scripture, and not taken on trust, for affirmanti incumbit probatio. Arts. — Mr Bishop, what better is your affirmanti incumbit, &c, than mine? for you are the affirmer. 1. I can prove a power in the king, limited only to feed, go- vern, and save the people ; and you affirm that God hath given to the king, not only a power official and royal to save, but also to destroy and cut off, so as no man may say, Why doest thou this? Shall we take this upon the word of an excommunicated pre- late ? Profer tabulas, John P. P., I believe you not, royal power is, Deut. xvii. 18; Rom. iii. 14. I am sure there is there a power given to the king to do good, and that from God. Let John P. P. prove a power to do ill, given of God to the king. 2. We shall quickly prove that the states may repress this power, and punish the tyrant — not the king, when he shall prove that a tyrannous power is an ordinance of God, and so may not be resisted ; for the law of nature teach- eth, — if I give my sword to my fellow to de- fend me from the murderer, if he shall fall to and murder me with my own sword, I may (if I have strength) take my sword from him. P. Prelate. — 1. It is infidelity to think that God cannot help us, and impatience that we will not wait on God. When a king oppresseth us, it is against God's wisdom that he hath not provided another mean for our safety than intrusion on God's right. 2. It is against God's power, — 3. His holiness, — 4. Christian religion, that we necessitate God to so weak a mean as to make use of sin, and we cast the aspersion of treason on religion, and deter kings to profess reformed catholic religion ; — 5. We are not to jostle God out of his right. Ans. 1. — I see nothing but what Dr Feme, Grotius, Barclay, Blackwood, have said before, with some colour of proving the consequence. The P. Prelate giveth us other men's arguments, but without bones. All THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 133 were good, if the state's coercing and curbing a power which God never gave to the king were a sin and an act of impatience and un- belief; and if it were proper to God only, by his immediate hand, to coerce tyranny. 2. He calleth it not protestant religion, either here or elsewhere, but cunningly giveth a name that will agree to the Roman catholic religion. For the Dominicans, Franciscans, and the Parisian doctors and schoolmen, following Occham, Gerson, Al- main, and other papists, call themselves re- formed catholics. He layeth this for a ground, in three or four pages, — where these same arguments are again and again repeated in terminus, as his second reason, (p. 149,) was handled ad nauseam (p. 148) ; his third reason is repeated in his sixth reason, (p. 151 .) He layeth down, I say, this ground, which is the begged conclusion, and maketh the conclusion the assumption, in eight raw and often-repeated arguments, — to wit, That the parliament's coercing and restraining of ar- bitrary power is rebellion, and resisting the ordinance of God. But he dare not look the place, Rom. xiii., on the face. Other royalists have done it with bad success. This I desire to be weighed, and I retort the Prelate's argument. But it is indeed the trivial ar- gument of all royalists, especially of Barclay, — obvious in his third book. If arbitrary and tyrannical power, above any law that the lawful magistrate commandeth under the pain of death, — Thou shalt not murder one man, Thou shalt not take away the vineyard of one Naboth violently — be lawful and war- rantable by God's word, then an arbitrary power, above all divine laws, is given to the keeping of the civil magistrate. And it is no less lawful arbitrary, or rather tyrannical power, for David to kill all his subjects, and to plunder all Jerusalem, (as I believe pre- lates and malignants and papists would serve the three kingdoms, if the king should com- mand them,) than to kill one Uriah, or for Ahab to spoil one Naboth. The essence of sin must agree alike to all, though the degrees vary. Of God's remedy against arbitrary power hereafter, in the question of resistance ; but the confused engine of the Prelate bringeth it in here, where there is no place for it. 7. His seventh argument is :— Before God would authorise rebellion, and give a bad precedent thereof for ever, he would rather work extraordinary and wonderful miracles ; and therefore would not authorise the people to deliver themselves from under Pharaoh, but made Moses a prince, to bring them out of Egypt with a stretched-out arm. Nor did the Lord deliver his people by the wisdom of Moses, or strength of the people, or any act that way of theirs, but by his own immediate hand and power. Ans. — I reduce the Prelate's confused words to a few ; for I speak not of his popish term of St. Steven, and others the like ; because all that he hath said in a book of 149 pages might have been said in three sheets of paper. But, I pray you, what is this argument to the question in hand, which is, whether the king be so above all laws, as people and peers, in the case of arbitrary power, may resume their power and punish a tyrant? The P. Prelate draw- eth in the question of resistance by the hair. Israel's not rising in arms against king Pharaoh proveth nothing against the power of a free kingdom against a tyrant. 1. Moses, who wrought miracles destruc- tive to Pharaoh, might pray for vengeance against Pharaoh, God having revealed to Moses that Pharaoh was a reprobate ; but may ministers and nobles pray so against king Charles? God forbid. 2. Pharaoh had not his crown from Israel. 3. Pharaoh had not sworn to defend Israel, nor became he their king upon con- dition he should maintain and profess the religion of the God of Israel ; therefore Israel could not, as free estates, challenge him in their supreme court of parliament of breach of oath ; and upon no terms could they unking Pharaoh : he held not his crown of them. 4. Pharaoh was never circumcised, nor within the covenant of the God of Israel 5. Israel had their lands by the mere gift of the king. I hope the king of Bri- tain standeth to Scotland and England in a fourfold contrary relation. All divines know that Pharaoh, his princes, and the Egyptians, were his peers and peo- ple, and that Israel were not his native subjects, but a number of strangers, who, by the laws of the king and princes, by the means of Joseph, had gotten the land of Goshen for their dwelling, and liberty to serve the God of Abraham, to whom they prayed in their bondage, (Exod. ii. 23, 24,) and they were not to serve the gods of Egypt, nor were they of the king's reli- 134 LEX, REX ; OR, gion. And therefore, his argument is thus : A number of poor exiled strangers under king Pharaoh, who were not Pharaoh's princes and peers, could not restrain the tyranny of king Pharaoh ; therefore, the three estates in a free kingdom may not re- strain the arbitrary power of a king. 1. The Prelate must prove that God gave a royal and kingly power to king Pharaoh, due to him by virtue of his kingly calling, (according as royalists explain 1 Sam. viii. 9, 11,) to kill all the male chil- dren of Israel, to make slaves of themselves, and compel them to work in brick and clay, while their lives were a burden to them ; and that if a Roman catholic, Mary of Eng- land, should kill all the male children of prqtestants, by the hands of papists, at the queen's commandment, and make bond- slaves of all the peers, judges, and three estates, who made her a free princess ; yet, notwithstanding that Mary had sworn to maintain the protestant religion, they were to suffer and not to defend themselves. But if God give Pharaoh a power to kill all Israel, so as they could not control it, then God giveth to a king a royal power by office to sin, only the royalist saveth God from being the author of sin in this, that God gave the power to sin ; but yet with this limitation, that the subjects should not resist this power. 2. He must prove that Israel was to give their male children to Pharaoh's butchers, — for to hide them was to resist a royal power ; and to disobey a royal power given of God, is to disobey God. 3. The subjects may not resist the king's butchers coming to kill them and their male children ; for to resist the servant of the king in that wherein he is a servant, is to resist the king. (1 Sam. viii. 7 ; 1 Pet. ii. 14 ; Rom. xiii. 1.) 4. He must prove, that upon the supposition that Israel had been as strong as Pharaoh and his people ; that without God's special com- mandment, (they then wanting the written word,) they should have fought with Pha- raoh ; and that we now, for all wars, must have a word from heaven, as if we had not God's perfect will in his word, as at that time Israel behoved to have in all wars, Judg. xviii. 5 ; 1 Sam. xiv. 37 ; Isa. xxx. 2; Jer. xxxviii. 37; 1 Kings xxii. 5; 1 Sam. xxx. 5 ; Judg. xx. 27 ; 1 Sam. xxiii. 2 ; 2 Sam. xvi. 23 ; 1 Chron. x. 14. But because God gave not them an answer to fight against Pharaoh, therefore we have no warrant now to fight against a foreign nation | invading us; the consequence is null, and therefore this is a vain argument. The pro- phets never reprove the people for not per- forming the duty of defensive wars against tyrannous kings ; therefore, there is no such duty enjoined by any law of God to us. For the prophets never rebuke the people for non-performing the duty of offensive wars against their enemies, but where God gave a special command and response from his own oracle, that they should fight. And if God was pleased never to command the people to rise against a tyrannous king, they did not sin where they had no command- ment of God ; but I hope we have now a more sure word of prophecy to inform us. 5. The Prelate conjectureth Moses' mira- cles, and the deliverance of the people by dividing the Red Sea, was to forbid and condemn defensive wars of people against their king ; but he hath neither Scripture nor reasons to do it. The end of these miracles was to seal to Pharaoh the truth of God's calling of Moses and Aaron to deliver the people, as is cleai', Exod. iv. 1 — 4, compared with vii. 8—10. And that the Lord might get to himself a name on all the earth, Rom. ix. 17 ; Exod. ix. 16 ; xiii. 13, 14. But of the Prelate's conjec- tural end, the Scripture is silent, and we cannot take an excommunicated man's word. What I said of Pharaoh, who had not his crown from Israel, that I say of Nebuchad- nezzar and the kings of Persia, keeping the people of God captive. P. Prelate (p. 153).— So in the book of Judges, when the people were delivered over to the hand of their enemies, because of their sins, he never warranted the ordi- nary judges or community to be their own deliverers ; but when they repented, God raised up a judge. The people had no hand in their own deliverance out of Babylon ; God effected it by Cyrus, immediately and totally. Is not this a real proof God will not have inferior judges to rectify what is amiss; but we must wait in patience till God provide lawful means, some sovereign power immediately sent by himself, in which course of his ordinary providence, he will not be deficient. Ans. 1. — All this is beside the question, and proveth nothing less than that peers and community may not resume their power to curb an arbitrary power. For, hi the first case, their is neither arbitrary nor law- ful supreme judge. 2. If the first prove any THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 135 thing, it proveth that it was rebellion in the inferior judges and community of Israel to fight against foreign kings, not set over them by God ; and that offensive wars against any kings whatsoever, because they are kings, though strangers, are unlawful. Let Socinians and anabaptists consider if the P. Prelate help not them in this, and may prove all wars to be unlawful. 3. He is so malignant to all inferior judges, as if they were not powers sant of God, and to all governors that are not kings, and so up- holders of prelates, and of himself as he conceiveth, that by his arguing he will have all deliverance of kings only, the only lawful means in ordinary providence ; and so aris- tocracy and democracy, except in God's ex- traordinary providence, and by some divine dispensation, must be extraordinary and or- dinarily unlawful. 1. The acts of a state, when a king is dead and they choose an- other, shall be an anticipating of God's pro- vidence. 2. If the king be a child, a cap- tive, or distracted, and the kingdom op- pressed with malignants, they are to wait, while God immediately from heaven create a king to them, as he did Saul long ago. But have we now kings immediately sent as Saul was? How is the spirit of prophecy and government infused in them, as in king Saul? or are they by prophetical inspira- tion, anointed as David was ? I conceive their calling to the throne on God's part differs as much from the calling of Saul and David, in some respect, as the calling of ordinary pastors, who must be gifted by in- dustry and learning and called by the church, and the calling of apostles. 3. God would deliver his people from Babylon by moving the heart of Cyras immediately, the people having no hand in it, not so much as sup- plicating Cyras ; therefore, the people and peers who made the king cannot curb his tyrannical power, if he make captives and slaves of them, as the kings of Chaldea made slaves of the people of Israel. What ! Be- cause God useth another mean, therefore, this mean is not lawful. It followeth in no sort. If we must use no means but what the captive people did under Cyrus, we may not lawfully fly, nor supplicate, for the peo- ple did neither. P. Prelate. — You read of no covenant in Scripture made without the king. (Exod. xxxiv.) Moses king of Jeshurun : neither tables nor parliament framed it. Joshua another, (Josh, xxiv.) and Asa, (2 Chron. xv. ; 2 Chron. xxxiv. ; Ezra x.) The covenant of Jehoiada in the nonage of Joash, was the high priest's act, as the king's governor. There is a covenant w r ith hell, made without the king, and a false covenant. (Hos. x. 3, 4.) Ans. — We argue this negatively. 1. This is neither commanded, nor practised, nor warranted by promise ; therefore, it is not lawful. But this is not practised in Scrip- ture ; therefore, it is not lawful. It follow- eth it. Show me in Scripture the killing of a goring ox who killed a man ; the not making battlements on a house ; the putting to death of a man lying with a beast ; the killing of seducing prophets, who tempted the people to go a whoring, and serve an- other God than Jehovah : I mean, a god made by the hand of the baker, such a one as the excommunicated Prelate is known to be, who hath preached this idolatry in three kingdoms. (Deut. xiii.) This is written, and all the former laws are divine precepts. Shall the precept make them all unlawful, because they are not practised by some in Scripture ? By this ? I ask, Where read ye that the people entered in a covenant with God, not to worship the golden image, and the king ; and those who pretended they are the priests of Jehovah, the churchmen and prelates, refused to enter in covenant with God ? By this argument, the king and prelates, in non-practising with us, want- ing the precedent of a like practised in Scripture, are in the fault. 2. This is no- thing to prove the conclusion in question. 3. All these places prove it is the king's duty, when the people under him, and their fathers, have corrupted the worship of God, to renew a covenant with God, and to cause the people to do the like, as Moses, Asa, and Jehoshaphat did. 4. If the king refuse to do his duty, where is it written that the people ought also to omit their duty, and to love to have it so, because the rulers cor- rupt their ways? (Jer. v. 31.) To renew a covenant w r ith God is a point of service due to God that the people are obliged unto, whether the king command it or no. What if the king command not his people to serve God ; or, what if he forbid Daniel to pray to God ? Shall the people in that case serve the King of kings, only at the nod and royal command of an earthly king? Clear this from Scripture. 5. Ezra (ch. v.) had no commandment in particular from Artax- erxes, king of Persia, or from Darius, but a 136 LEX, REX ; OR, general. (Ezravii. 23.) " Whatsoever is com- manded by the God of heaven, let it be dili- gently done for the house of the God of heaven." But the tables in Scotland, and the two parliaments of England and Scot- land, who renewed the covenant, and entered in covenant not against the king, (as the P. P. saith,) but to restore religion to its ancient purity, have this express law both from king James and king Charles, in many acts of parliament, that religion be kept pure. Now, as Artaxerxes knew nothing of the covenant, and was unwilling to subscribe it, and yet gave to Ezra and the princes a warrant, in general, to do all that the God of heaven required to be done, for the religion and house of the God of heaven, and so a gene- ral warrant for a covenant, without the king ; and yet Ezra and the people, in swearing that covenant, faded in no duty against their king, to whom, by the fifth commandment, they were no less subject than we are to our king : just so we are, and so have not faded. But they say, the king hath committed to no lieutenant and deputy under him, to do what they please in reli- gion, without his royal consent in particular, and the direction of his clergy, seeing he is of that same religion with his people ; where- as Artaxerxes was of another religion than were the Jews and their governor. — Ans. Nor can our king take on himself to do what he please th, and what the prelates (amongst whom those who ruled all are known, before the world and the sun, to be of another reli- gion than we are) pleaseth, in particular. But see what religion and worship the Lord our God, and the law of the land (which is the king's revealed will) alloweth to us, that we may swear, though the king should not swear it ; otherwise, we are to be of no re- ligion but of the king's, and to swear no covenant but the king's, which is to join with papists against protestants. 6. The strano-ers of Ephraim and Manasseh, and out of Simeon fell out of Israel in abundance to Asa, when they saw that the Lord his God was with him, (2 Chron. xv. 9, 10,) and sware that covenant without their own king's consent, their own king being against it. If a people swear a religious covenant, without their king, who is averse thereunto, far more may the nobles, peers, and estates of parlia- ment do it without their king ; and here is an example of a practice, which the P. Pre- late requireth. 7- That Jehoiada was go- vernor and viceroy during the nonage of Joash, and that by this royal authority the covenant was sworn, is a dream, to the end he may make the Pope, and the archprelate, now viceroys and kings, when the tin-one varieth. The nobles were authors of the making of that covenant, no less than Jeho- iada was ; yea, and the people of the land, when the king was but a child, went unto the house of Baal, and brake down his images, &c. Here is a reformation, made without the king, by the people. 8. Grave expositors say, that the covenant with death and hell (Isa. xxviii.) was the king's cove- nant with Egypt. 9. And the covenant (Hos. x.) is by none exponed of a covenant made without the king. I have heard said, this Prelate, preaching on this text before the king, exponed it so ; but he spake words (as the text is) falsely. The P. Prelate, to the end of the chapter, giveth instance of the ill success of popular reformation, because the people caused Aaron to make a golden calf, and they revolted from Rehoboam to Jero- boam, and made two golden calves, and they conspired with Absalom against David. — Ans. If the first example make good any thing, neither the high priest, as was Aaron, nor the P. Prelate, who claimeth to be de- scended of Aaron's house, should have any hand in reformation at all ; for Aaron erred in that. And to argue from the people's sins to deny their power, is no better than to prove Ahab, Jeroboam, and many kings in Israel and Judah, committed idolatry, therefore they had no royal power at all. In the rest of the chapter, for a whole page, he singeth over again Iris matins in a circle, and giveth us the same arguments we heard before ; of which you have these three notes : — 1. They are stolen, and not his own. 2. Repeated again and again to fill the field. 3. All hang on a false supposi- tion, and a begging of the question. That the people, without the king, have no power at all. QUESTION XXVII. WHETHER OR NO THE KING BE THE SOLE, SUPREME AND FINAL INTERPRETER OF THE LAW. This question conduceth not a little to the clearing of the doubts concerning the king's absolute power, and the supposed sole no- THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. r.r, mothetic power in the king. And I think it not unlike to the question, Whether the Pope and llomish church have a sole and peremptory power of exponing laws, and the word of God ? We are to consider that there is a twofold exposition of laws; 1. One speculative in a school way, so exquisite jurists have a power to expone laws. 2. Practical, in so far as the sense of the law falleth under our practice ; and this is two- fold, — either private and common to all, or judicial and proper to judges ; and of this last is the question. For this public, the law hath one funda- mental rule, salus populi, like the king of planets, the sun, which lendeth star-light to all laws, and by which they are exponed : whatever interpretation swerveth either from fundamental laws of policy, or from the law of nature, and the law of nations, and espe- cially from the safety of the public, is to be rejected as a perverting of the law ; and therefore, conscientia humani generis, the natural conscience of all men, to which the oppressed people may appeal unto when the king exponeth a law unjustly, at his own pleasure, is the last rule on earth for expon- ing of laws. Nor ought laws to be made so obscure, as an ordinary wit cannot see their connexion with fundamental truths of policy, and the safety of the people ; and therefore I see no inconvenience, to say, that the law itself is norma et regula juduicandi, the rule and directory to square the judge, and that the judge is the public practical inter- preter of the law. Assert. 1. — The king is not the sole and final interpreter of the law. 1. Because then inferior judges should not be interpreters of the law ; but inferior judges are no less essentially judges than the king, (Deut. i. 17; 2 Chron. xix. 6; 1 Pet. ii. 14; Rom. xiii. 1, 2,) and so by office must interpret the law, else they can- not give sentence according to their con- science and equity. Now, exponing of the law judicially is an act of judging, and so a personal and incommunicable act ; so as I can no more judge and expone the law ac- cording to another man's conscience, than I can believe with another man's soul, under- stand with another man's understanding, or see with another man's eye. The king's pleasure, therefore, cannot be the rule of the inferior judge's conscience, for he giveth an immediate account to God, the Judge of all, of a just or an unjust sentence. Suppose Caesar shall expone the law to Pilate, that Christ deserveth to die the death, yet Pilate is not in conscience to expone the law so. If therefore inferior judges judge for the king, they judge only by power borrowed from the king, not by the pleasure, will, or command of the king thus and thus expon- ing the law, therefore the king cannot be the sole interpreter of the law. 2. If the Lord say not to the king only, but also to other inferior judges, " Be wise, understand, and the cause that you know not, search out," then the king is not the only interpreter of the law. But the Lord saith not to the king only, but to other judges also, Be wise, understand, and the cause that you know not, search out ; therefore the king is not the sole law-giver. The major is clear from Psal. ii. 10, " Be wise now there- fore, O ye kings, be instructed, ye judges of the earth." So are commands and rebukes for unjust judgment given to others than to kings. (Ps. lxxxii. 1 — 5; lviii. 1, 2; Isa. i. 17, 23, 25, 26 ; iii. 14 ; Job xxix. 12—15; xxxi. 21, 22.) 3. The king is either the sole interpreter of law, in respect he is to follow the law as his rule, and so he is a ministerial interpre- ter of the law, or he is an interpreter of the law according to that super-dominion of ab- solute pow r er that he hath above the law. If the former be holden, then it is clear that the king is not the only interpreter, for all judges, as they are judges, have a ministerial power to expone the law by the law : but the second is the sense of royalists. Assert. 2. — Hence our second assertion is, That the king's power of exponing the law is a mere ministerial power, and he hath no dominion of any absolute royal power to ex- pone the law as he will, and to put such a sense and meaning of the law as he pleaseth. 1. Because Saul maketh a law, (1 Sam. xiv. 24,) " Cursed be the man that tasteth any food till night, that the king may be avenged on his enemies," the law, according to the letter, was bloody ; but, according to the intent of the lawgiver and substance of the law, profitable, for the end was that the enemies should be pursued with all speed. But king Saul's exponing the law after a tyrannical way, against the intent of the law, which is the diamond and pearl of all laws — the safety of the innocent people, was justly resisted by the innocent people, who violently hindered innocent Jonathan to be killed. Whence it is clear, that the people and u 138 LEX, REX ; OR, princes put on the law its true sense and meaning ; for Jonathan's tasting of a little honey, though as it was against that sinful and precipitate circumstance, a rash oath, yet it was not against the substance and true intent of the law, which was the people's speedy pursuit of the enemy. Whence it is clear, that the people, including the princes, hath a ministerial power to expone the law aright, and according to its genuine intent, and that the king, as king, hath no absolute power to expone the law as he pleaseth. 2. The king's absolute pleasure can no more be the genuine sense of a just law than his absolute pleasure can be a law ; because the genuine sense of the law is the law itself, as the formal essence of a tiling differeth not really, but in respect of reason, from the thing itself. The Pope and Romish church cannot put on the Scripture, ex plenitudine potestatis, whatever meaning they will, no more than they can, out of absolute power, make canonic scripture. Now so it is, that the king, by his absolute power, cannot make law no law. 1. Because he is king by, or according to, law, but he is not king of law. Rex est rex secundum legem, sed non est dominus et rex legis. 2. Because, although it have a good meaning, which Ulpian saith, " Quod principi placet legis vigorem habet," — the will of the prince is the law ; yet the meaning is not that any- thing is a just law, because it is the prince's will, for its rule formally; for it must be good and just before the prince can will it, — and then, he finding it so, he putteth the stamp of a human law on it. 3. This is the difference between God's will and the will of the king, or any mortal creature. Things are just and good, because God willeth them, — especially things posi- tively good, (though I conceive it hold in all things,) and God doth not will things, be- cause they are good and just ; but the crea- ture, be he king or any never so eminent, do will things, because they are good and just, and the king's willing of a thing maketh it not good and just ; for only God's will — not the creature's — can be the cause why things are good and just. If, therefore, it be so, it must undeniably hence follow, that the king's will maketh not a just law to have an unjust and bloody sense ; and he cannot, as king, by any absolute super-domi- nion over the law, put a just sense on a bloody and unjust law. 4. The advancing of any man to the throne and royal dignity putteth not the man above the number of rational men. No rational man can create, by any act of power never so transcendent or boundless, a sense to a law contrary to the law. Nay, give me leave to doubt if Omnipotence can make a just law to have an unjust and bloody sense, aut contra, because it involveth a contradiction ;— the true meaning of a law being the essential form of the law. Hence judge what brutish, swinish flatterers they are who say, " That it is the true meaning of the law which the king, the only supreme and independent expositor of the law, saith is the true sense of the law." There was once an animal — a fool of the first magnitude — who said he could demonstrate, by invin- cible reasons, that the king's dung was more nourishing food than bread of the flour of the finest wheat. For my part I could wish it were the demonstrator's only food for seven days, and that should be the best demonstration he could make for his pi - oof. 5. It must follow that there can be no necessity of written laws to the subjects, against Scripture and natural reason, and the law of nations, in which all accord : that laws not promulgated and published cannot oblige as law ; yea, Adam, in his innocency, was not obliged to obey a law not written in his heart by nature, except God had made known the law; as is clear, Gen. iii. 11, " Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?" But if the king's absolute will may put on the law what sense he pleaseth, out of his independent and irresistible supremacy, the laws promulgated and written to the subjects can declare nothing what is to be done by the subjects as just, and what is to be avoided as unjust ; because the laws must signify to the subjects what is just and what is unjust, according to their genuine sense. Now, their genuine sense, according to roy- alists, is not only uncertain and impossible to be known, but also contradictory ; for the king obligeth us, without gainsaying, to be- lieve that the just law hath this unjust sense. Hence this of flattering royalists is more cruel to kings than ravens, (for these eat but dead men, while they devour living men,) "When there is a controversy between the king and the estates of parliament, who shall expone the law and render its native mean- ing ? Royalists say, Not the estates of parlia- ment, for they are subjects, not judges, to | the king, and only counsellors and advisers THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 139 of the king. The king, therefore, must be the only judicial and final expositor. " As for lawyers, (said Strafford,) the law is not enclosed in a lawyer's cap." But I remem- ber this was one of the articles laid to the charge of Richard II., that he said, " The law was in his head and breast." * And, indeed, it must follow, if the king, by the plenitude of absolute power, be the only supreme uncontrollable expositor of the law, that is not law which is written in the acts of parliament, but that is the law which is in the king's breast and head, which Josephus (lib. 19, Antiq. c. 2.) objected to Caius. And all justice and injustice should be finally and peremptorily resolved on the king's will and absolute pleasure. 6. The king either is to expone the law by the law itself; or by his absolute power, loosed from all law, he exponeth it ; or according to the advise of his great senate. If the first be said, he is nothing more than other judges. If the second be said, he must be omnipo- tent, and more. If the third be said, he is not absolute, if the senate be only advisers, and he yet the only judicial expositor. The king often professeth his ignorance of the laws ; and he must then both be abso- lute above the law, and ignorant of the law, and the sole and final judicial exponer of the law. And by this, all parliaments, and their power of making laws, and of judging, are cried down. 05;. 1. — Prov. xvi. 10, " A divine sen- tence is in the lips of the king ; his mouth trangresseth not in judgment;" therefore he only can expone the law. Ans. — Lavater saith, (and I see no rea- son on the contrary,) " By a king he mean- eth all magistrates." Aben Ezra and Isi- dorus read the words imperatively. The Tigurine version, — " They are oracles which proceed from his lips ; let not therefore his mouth transgress in judgment." Vatabu- lus, — " When he is in his prophecies, he lieth not." Jansenius, — " Non facile er- rabit in judicando." Mich. Jermine, — " If he pray." Calvin, — " If he read in the book of the law, as God commandeth him," Deut. xvii. But why stand we on the place ? " He speaketh of good kings, (saith Cor- nel, a Lapide,) otherwise Jeroboam, Ahab, and Manasseh, erred in judgment." " And except (as Mercerus exponeth it) we under - i Imperator se leges in scrinio condere dicit. 1. omnium. C. de testam. stand him to speak of kings according to their office, not their facts and practice, we make them popes, and men who cannot give out grievous and unjust sentences on the throne," — against both the "Word and ex- perience. 06/. 2. — Sometimes all is cast upon one man's voice ; why may not the king be this one man ? Ans. — The antecedent is false ; the last voter in a senate is not the sole judge, else why should others give suffrages with him ? This were to take away inferior judges, con- trary to God's word, Deut. i. 17 ; 2 Chron. xix. 6, 7 ; Rom. xiii. 1 — 3. QUESTION XXVIII. WHETHER OR NO WARS RAISED BY THE SUB- JECTS AND ESTATES, FOR THEIR OWN JUST DEFENCE AGAINST THE KING'S BLOODY EMISSARIES, BE LAWFUL. Arnisreus pervertcth the question ; he saith, " The question is, Whether or no the subjects may, according to their power, judge the king and dethrone him ; that is, Whether or no it is lawful for the subjects in any case to take arms against their lawful prince, if he degenerate, and shall wickedly use his lawful power." 1. The state of the question is much per- verted, for these be different questions, Whether the kingdom may dethrone a wicked and tyrannous prince, and whether the kingdom may take up arms against the man who is the king, in their own innocent defence. For the former is an act offensive, and of punishing ; the latter is an act of de- fence. 2. The present question is not of subjects only, but of the estates, and parliamentary lords of a kingdom. I utterly deny these, as they are judges, to be subjects to the king ; for the question is, Whether is the king or the representative kingdom greatest, and which of them be subject one to an- other? I affirm, amongst judges, as judges, not one is the commander or superior, and the other the commanded or subject. In- deed, one higher judge may correct and punish a judge, not as a judge, but as an erring man. 3. The question is not so much concern- ing the authoritative act of war, as concern- 140 LEX, REX ; OR, ing the power of natural defence, upon sup- position, that the king be not now turned an habitual tyrant ; but that upon some acts of misinformation, he come in arms against his subjects. Arniseeus maketh two sort of kings, — " Some kings integrce majestatis, of entire power and sovereignty ; some kings by pac- tions, or voluntary agreement between king and people." But I judge this a vain dis- tinction; for the limited prince, so he be limited to a power only of doing just and right, by this is not a prince integrce ma- jestatis, of entire royal majesty, whereby he may both do good and also play the tyrant ; but a power to do ill being no ways essen- tial, yea, repugnant to the absolute majesty of the King of kings, cannot be an essential part of the majesty of a lawful king ; and therefore the prince, limited by voluntary and positive paction only to rule according to law and equity, is the good, lawful, and entire prince, only if he have not power to do every thing just and good in that regard, he is not an entire and complete prince. So the man will have it lawful to resist the limited prince, not the absolute prince ; by the contrary, it is more lawful to me to re- sist the absolute prince than the limited, inasmuch as we may with safer consciences resist the tyrant and the lion, than the just pi'ince and lamb. Nor can I assent to (Jun- nerius (de officio vrincip. Christia. c. 5 and 17,) who holdeth, " that these voluntary pactions betwixt king and people, in which the power of the prince is diminished, can- not stand, because their power is given to them by God's word, which cannot be taken from them by any voluntary paction, law- fully;" and from the same ground, Winzetus (in velit. contr. Buchan. p. 3) " will have it unlawful to resist kings, because God hath made them irresistible." I answer, — If God, by a divine institution, make kings ab- solute, and above all laws, (which is a blas- phemous supposition — the holy Lord can give to no man a power to sin, for God hath not himself any such power.) then the covenant betwixt the king and people cannot lawfully remove and take away what God by insti- tution has given ; but because God (Deut. xvii.) hath limited the first lawful king, the mould of all the rest, the people ought also to limit him by a voluntary covenant ; and | , because the lawful power of a king to do good is not by divine institution placed in an indivisible point. It is not a sin tor the people to take some power, even of doing good, from the king, that he solely, and by himself, shall not have power to pardon an involuntary ho- micide, without advice and the judicial suf- frages of the council of the kingdom, least he, instead of this, give pardons to robbers, to abominable murderers ; and in so doing, the people robbeth not the king of the power that God gave him as king, nor ought the king to contend for a sole power in himself of ministering justice to all ; for God layeth not upon kings burdens impossible ; and God by institution hath denied to the king all power of doing all good; because it is his will that other judges be sharers with the king in that power, (Num. xiv. 16 ; Duet, i. 14—17; 1 Pet. ii. 14; Rom. xiii. 1—4;) and therefore the duke of Venice, to me, cometh nearest to the king moulded by God, (Deut. xvii.) in respect of power, de jure, of any king I know in Europe. And in point of conscience, the inferior judge dis- cerning a murderer and bloody man to die, may in foro conscientice despise the king's unjust pardon, and resist the king's force by his co-active power that God hath given him, and put to death the bloody murderer ; and he sinneth if he do not this ; for to me it is clear, that the king cannot judge so justly and understandingly of a murderer in Scotland, as a judge to whom God hath committed the sword in Scotland. Nor hath the Lord laid that impossible burden on a king to judge so of a murder four hun- dred miles removed from the king, as the judge nearer to him, as is clear by Num. xiv. 16; 1 Sam. vii. 15—17. The king should go from place to place and judge ; and whereas it is impossible to him to go through three kingdoms, he should appoint faithful judges, who may not be resisted, — no, not by the king. 1. The question is, If the king command A. B. to kill his father or his pastor, — the man neither being cited nor convicted of any fault, he may lawfully be resisted. 2. Queritur. — If, in that case in which the king is captived, imprisoned, and not sui juris, and awed or overawed by bloody papists, and so is forced to command a barbarous and unjust war; and if, being distracted physically or morally through wicked counsel, he command that which no father in his sober wits would command, even against law and conscience, — that the sons should yield obedience and subjection to him in maintaining, with lives and goods, THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 141 a bloody religion and bloody papists : if in that case the king may not be resisted in his person, because the power lawful and the sinful person cannot be separated. We hold, that the king using, contrary to the oath of God and his royal office, violence in killing, against law and conscience, his subjects, by bloody emissaries, may be re- sisted by defensive wars, at the command- ment of the estates of the kingdom. But before I produce arguments to prove the lawfulness of resistance, a little of the case of resistance. 1. Br Feme (part 3, sect. 5, p. 39) granteth resistance by force to the king to be lawful, when the assault is sudden, without colour of a law or reason, and inevitable. But if Nero burn Borne, he hath a colour of law and reason ; yea, though all Borne, and his mother, in whose womb he lay, were one neck. A man who will with reason go mad, hath colour of reason, and so of law, to invade and kill the inno- cent. 2. Arnisseus saith, (c. 2, n. 10,) " If the magistrate proceed extra-judicialiter, without order of law by violence, the laws giveth every private man power to resist, if the danger be irrecoverable ; yea, though it be recoverable." (L. prohibitum, C. de jur. Jisc. I. que madmodum, sect. 39, ma- gistratus ad I. aquil. I. nee. magistratibus, 32, de injur.) Because, while the magis- trate doth against his office, he is not a magistrate ; for law and right, not injury, should come from the magistrate. (L. me- minerint. 6, C. unde vi.) Yea, if the ma- gistrate proceed judicially, and the loss be irrecoverable, jurists say that a private man hath the same law to resist. (Maran- tius. dis. 1, n. 35). And in a recoverable loss they say, every man is holden to resist, si evidenter constet de iniquitate, if the ini- quity be known to all. (D. D. Jason, n. 19, des. n. 26, ad I. ut vim dejust. et jur.) 3. I would think it not fit easily to resist the king's unjust exactors of custom or tri- bute. (1.) Because Christ paid tribute to Tiberius Caesar, an unjust usurper, though he was free from that, by God's law, lest he should offend. (2.) Because we have a greater dominion over goods than over our lives and bodies ; and it is better to yield in a matter of goods than to come to arms, for of sinless evils we may choose the least. 4. A tyrant, without a title, may be resisted by any private man. Quia licet vim vi re- pellere, because we may repel violence by violence; yea, he may be killed. Ut I. et vim. F. de instit. et jure, ubi plene per om- nes. Vasquez, 1. 1, c. 3, n. 33 ; Barclaius, contra Monarch. 1. 4, c. 10, p. 268. For the lawfulness of resistance in the matter of the king's unjust invasion of life and religion, we offer these arguments. Arg. 1. — That power which is obliged to command and rule justly and religiously for the good of the subjects, and is only set over the people on these conditions, and not abso- lutely, cannot tie the people to subjection without resistance, when the power is abused to the destruction of laws, religion, and the subjects. But all power of the law is thus obliged, (Rom. xiii. 4 ; Deut. xvii. 18 — 20 ; 2 Chron. xix. 6 ; Ps. exxxii. 11, 12 ; Ixxxix. 30, 31; 2 Sam. vii. 12; Jer. xvii. 24, 25,) and hath, and may be, abused by kings, to the destruction of laws, religion, and sub- jects. The proposition is clear. 1. For the powers that tie us to subjection only are of God. 2. Because to resist them, is to re- sist the ordinance of God. 3. Because they are not a terror to good works, but to evil. 4. Because they are God's ministers for our good, but abused powers are not of God, but of men, or not ordinances of God ; they are a terror to good works, not to evil ; they are not God's ministers for our good. Arg. 2. — That power which is contrary to law, and is evil and tyrannical, can tie none to subjection, but is a mere tyrannical power and unlawful; and if it tie not to sub- jection, it may lawfully be resisted. But the power of the king, abused to the destruction of laws, religion, and subjects, is a power con- trary to law, evil, and tyrannical, and tyeth no man to subjection : wickedness by no ima- ginable reason can oblige any man. Obliga- tion to suffer of wicked men falleth under no commandment of God, except in our Sa- viour. A passion, as such, is not formally commanded, I mean a physical passion, such as to be killed. God hath not said to me in any moral law, Be thou killed, tortured, be- headed ; but only, Be thou patient, if God deliver thee to wicked men's hands, to suffer these things. Arg. 3. — There is not a stricter obligation moral betwixt king and people than betwixt parents and children, master and servant, patron and clients, husband and wife, the lord and the vassal, between the pilot of a ship and the passengers, the physician and the sick, the doctor and the scholars, but the law granteth, (I. Minime 35, de Relig. et sumpt. funer,) if these betray their trust 142 LEX, REX ; OR, committed to them, they may be resisted : if the father turn distracted,' and arise to kill his sons, his sons may violently apprehend him, and bind his hands, and spoil him of his weapons ; for in that he is not a father. Vasquez, (Lib. 1, Tllustr. quest, c. 8, n. 18,,) — Si dominus subditum enormiter et atrociter oneraret, princeps superior vas- sallum posset ex toto eximere a sua juris- diction, et etiam tacente subdito et nihil petente. Quid papa in suis decis. parliam. grat. decis. 62. Si quis Baro. abutentes dominio privari possunt. The servant may resist the master if he attempts unjustly to kill him, so may the wife do to the husband; if the pilot should wilfully run the ship on a rock to destroy himself and his passengers, they might violently thrust him from the helm. Every tyrant is a furious man, and is morally distracted, as Althusius saith, Polit. c. 28, n. 30, and seq. Arg. 4. — That which is given as a bless- ing, and a favour, and a screen, between the people's liberty and their bondage, can- not be given of God as a bondage and sla- very to the people. But the power of a king is given as a blessing and favour of God to defend the poor and needy, to pre- serve both tables of the law, and to keep the people in their liberties from oppress- ing and treading one upon another. But so it is, that if such a power be given of God to a king, by which, actu primo, he is invested of God to do acts of tyranny, and so to do them, that to resist him in the most innocent way, which is self-defence, must be a resisting of God, and rebellion against the king, his deputy ; then hath God given a royal power as uncontrollable by mortal men, by any violence, as if God himself were immediately and personally resisted, when the king is resisted, and so this power shall be a power to waste and destroy irresistibly, and so in itself a plague and a curse ; for it cannot be ordained both according to the intention and genuine for- mal effect and intrinsical operation of the f>ower, to preserve the tables of the law, re- igion and liberty, subjects and laws, and also to destroy the same. But it is taught by royalists that this power is for tyranny, as well as for peaceable government ; because to resist this royal power put forth in acts either ways, either in acts of tyranny or just government, is to resist the ordinance of God, as royalists say, from Rom. xhi. 1 — 3. And we know, to resist God's or- dinances and God's deputy, formaliter, as his deputy, is to resist God himself, (1 Sam. viii. 7 ; Matt. x. 40,) as if God were doing personally these acts that the king is doing ; and it importeth as much as the King of kings doth these acts in and through the tyrant. Now, it is blasphemy to think or say, that when a king is drinking the blood of innocents, and wasting the church of God, that God, if he were personally present, would commit these same acts of tyranny, (God avert such blasphemy !) and that God in and through the king, as his lawful de- puty and vicegerent in these acts of tyran- ny, is wasting the poor church of God. If it be said, in these sinful acts of tyranny, he is not God's formal vicegerent, but only in good and lawful acts of government, yet he is not to be resisted in these acts, not be- cause the acts are just and good, but be- cause of the dignity of his royal person. Yet this must prove that those who resist the king in these acts of tyranny, must re- sist no ordinance of God, but only resist him who is the Lord's deputy, though not as the Lord's deputy. What absurdity is there in that more than to disobey him, re- fusing active obedience to him who is the Lord's deputy, not as the Lord's deputy, but as a man commanding besides his mas- ter's warrant ? Arg. 5. — That which is inconsistent with the care and providence of God in giving a king to his church is not to be taught. Now God's end in giving a king to his church, is the feeding, safety, preservation, and the peaceable and quiet life of his church. (1 Tim. ii. 2 ; Isa. xlix. 23 ; Psal. lxxix. 71). But God should cross his own end in the same act of giving a king, if he should provide a king, who, by office, were to suppress robbers, murderers, and all op- pressors and wasters in his holy mount, and yet should give an irresistible power to one crowned lion, a king, who may kill ten hundred thousand protestants for their re- ligion, in an ordinary providence ; and they are by an ordinary law of God to give their throats to his emissaries and bloody execu- tioners. If any say the king will not be so cruel, — I believe it ; because, actu secundo, it is not possibly in his power to be so cruel. We owe thanks to his good will that he killeth not so many, but no thanks to the nature and genuine intrinsical end of a king, who hath power from God to kill all these, and that without resistance made by any THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 143 mortal man. Yea, no thanks (God avert blasphemy !) to God's ordinary providence, which (if royalists may be believed) putteth no bar upon the unlimited power of a man inclined to sin, and abuse his power to so much cruelty. Some may say, the same absurdity doth follow if the king should turn papist, and the parliament all were papists. In that case there might be so many martyrs for the truth put to death, and God should put no bar of providence upon this power, then more than now ; and yet, in that case, the king and parlia- ment should be judges given of God, actu primo, and by virtue of their office obliged to preserve the people in peace and godli- ness. But I answer, If God gave a lawful official power to king and parliament to work the same cruelty upon millions of martyrs, and it should be unlawful for them by arms to defend themselves, I should then think that king and parliament were both ex officio, by virtue of their office, and actu primo, judges and fathers, and also by that same office, murderers and butchers, — which were a grievous aspersion to the un- spotted providence of God. Arg. 6. — If the estates of a kingdom give the power to a king, it is their own power in the fountain ; and if they give it for their own good, they have power to judge when it is used against themselves, and for their evil, and so power to limit and resist the power that they gave. Now, that they may take away this power, is clear in Athaliah's case. It is true she was a tyrant without a title, and had not the right of heaven to the crown, yet she had, in men's court, a title. For supposing all the royal seed to be lulled, and the people consent, we cannot say that, for these six years or thereabout, she was no magistrate : that there were none on the throne of David at this time : that she was not to be obeyed as God's deputy. But grant that she was no magistrate ; yet when Jehoash is brought forth to be crowned, it was a controversy to the states to whom the crown should belong. 1. Athaliah was in possession. 2. Jehoash himself being but seven years old, could not be judge. 3. It might be doubted if Joash was the true son of Ahaziah, and if he was not killed with the rest of the blood royal. Two great adversaries say with us ; Hugo Grotius (dejur. belli et pads, I. 1, c. 4, n. 7,) saith he dare not condemn this, if the lesser part of the people, and every one of them indifferently, should defend them- selves against a tyrant, ultimo necessitatis prcesidio. The case of Scotland, when we were blocked up by sea and land with armies : the case of England, when the king, induced by prelates, first attempted to bring an army to cut off the parliament, and then gathered an army, and fortified York, and invaded Hull, to make the militia his own, sure is considerable. Barclay saith, the people hath jus se tuendi adversus im- manent scevitiem, (advers. Monarch. I. 3, c. 8,) a power to defend themselves against prodigious cruelty. The case of England and Ireland, now invaded by the bloody rebels of Ireland, is also worthy of consi- deration. I could cite hosts more. QUESTION XXIX. WHETHER, IN THE CASE OF DEFENSIVE WAR, THE DISTINCTION OF THE PERSON OF THE KING, AS A MAN, WHO CAN COMMIT ACTS OF HOSTILE TYRANNY AGAINST HIS SUB- JECTS, AND OF THE OFFICE AND ROYAL POWER THAT HE HATH FROM GOD AND THE PEOPLE, AS A KING, CAN HAVE PLACE. Before I can proceed to other Scripture proofs for the lawfulness of resistance, this distinction, rejected by royalists, must be cleared. This is an evident and sensible distinction : — The king in concreto, the man who is king, and the king in abstracto, the royal office of the king. The ground of this distinction we desire to be considered from Rom. xiii. We affirm with Buchanan, that Paul here speaketh of the office and duty of good magistrates, and that the text speak- eth nothing of an absolute king, nothing of a tyrant ; and the royalists distinguish where the law distinguished not, against the law, (1. pret. 10, gl. Bart, de pub. in Rem.) ; and therefore we move the question here, Whether or no to resist the illegal and tyrannical will of the man who is king, be to resist the king and the ordinance of God ; we say no. Nor do we deny the king, abusing his power in unjust acts, to remain king, and the minister of God, whose person for his royal office, and his royal office, are both to be honoured, reverenced, and obeyed. God forbid that we should do so as the sons of Belial, imputing to us the 144 LEX, REX ; OR, doctrine of anabaptists, and the doctrine falsely imputed to Wicliffe, — that dominion is founded upon supernatural grace, and that a magistrate being in the state of mor- tal sin, cannot be a lawful magistrate, — we teach no such thing. The P. Prelate show- eth us his sympathy with papists, and that he buildeth the monuments and sepulchres of the slain and murdered prophets, when he, refusing to open his mouth in the gates for the righteous, professeth he will not purge the witnesses of Christ, the Wal- denses, and Wicliffe, and Huss, of these notes of disloyalty, but that these acts pro- ceeding from this root of bitterness, the abused power of a king, should be acknow- ledged with obedience active or passive, in these unjust acts, we deny. Assert. 1. — It is evident from Rom. xiii. that all subjection and obedience to higher powers commanded there, is subjection to the power and office of the magistrate in abstracto, or, which is all one, to the person using the power lawfully, and that no sub- jection is due by that text, or any word of God, to the abused and tyrannical power of the king, which I evince from the text, and from other Scriptures. 1. Because the text saith, " Let every soul be subject to the higher powers." But no powers commanding things unlawful, and killing the innocent people of God, can be ixwrlai vvipx<"><>-' higher powers, but in that lower powers. lie that commandeth not what God commandeth, and punisheth and killeth where God, if personally and imme- diately present, would neither command nor punish, is not in these acts to be subjected unto, and obeyed as a superior power, though in habit he may remain a superior power ; for all habitual, all actual superiority is a formal participation of the power of the Most High. Arnisseus well saith, (c. 4, p. 96,) " That of Aristotle must be true, It is against nature, better and worthier men should be in subjection to un worthier and more wicked men ;" but when magistrates command wickedness, and kill the innocent, the non-obeyers, in so far, are worthier than the commanders (whatever they be in habit and in office) actually, or in these wicked acts are unworthier and inferior, and the non-obeyers are in that worthier, as being zealous adherents to God's command and not to man's will. I desire not to be mis- taken ; if we speak of habitual excellency, godly and holy men, as the witnesses of Christ in things lawful, are to obey wicked and infidel kings and emperors, but in that these wicked kings have an excellency in respect of office above them ; but when they command things unlawful, and kill the in- nocent, they do it not by virtue of any office, and so in that they are not higher powers, but lower and weak ones. Laertius doth explain Aristotle well, who defineth a tyrant by this, " That he commandeth his subjects by violence ;" and Arnisaeus con- demneth Laertius for this, " Because one tyrannical action doth no more constitute a tyrant, than one unjust action doth consti- tute an unjust man." But he may con- demn, as he doth indeed, (Covarruvias pract. quest, c. 1, and Vasquez Illustr. quest. 1. 1, c. 47, n. 1, 12,) for this is essential to a tyrant, to command and rule by violence. If a lawful prince do one or more acts of a tyrant, he is not a tyrant for that, yet his action in that is tyrannical, and he doth not that as a king, but in that act as a sinful man, having something of tyranny in him. 2. The powers (Rom. xiii. 1) that be, are ordained of God, as their author and effi- cient ; but kings commanding unjust things, and killing the innocent, in these acts, are but men, and sinful men ; and the power by which they do these acts, a sinful and an usurped power, and so far they are not powers ordained of God, according to his revealed will, which must rule us. Now the authority and official power, in ab- stracto, is ordained of God, as the text saith, and other Scriptures do evidence. And this politicians do clear, while they dis- tinguish betwixt jus personal, and jus co- rona;, the power of the person, and the power of the crown and royal office. They must then be two different things. 3. He that resisteth the power, that is, the official power, and the king, as king, and commanding in the Lord, resisteth the ordinance of God, and God's lawful consti- tution. But he who resisteth the man, who is the king, commanding that which is against God, and killing the innocent, re- sisteth no ordinance of God, but an ordi- nance of sin and Satan ; for a man command- ing unjustly, and ruling tyrannically, hath, in that, no power from God. 4. They that resist the power and royal office of the king in things just and right, shall receive to themselves damnation, but they that resist, that is, refuse, for con- science, to obey the man who is the king, TIIC LAW AND THE PRINCE. 145 and choose to obey God rather than man, as all the martyrs did, shall receive to them- selves salvation. And the eighty valiant men, the priests, who used bodily violence against king Uzziah's person, " and thrust him out of the house of the Lord," from offering incense to the Lord, which be- longed to the priest only, received not damnation to themselves, but salvation in doing God's will, and in resisting the king's wicked will. 5. The lawful ruler, as a ruler, and in respect of his office, is not to be resisted, because he is not a terror to good works, but to evil ; and no man who doth good is to be afraid of the office or the power, but to expect praise and a reward of the same. But the man who is a king may command an idolatrous and superstitious worship- send an army of cut-throats against them, because they refuse that worship, and may reward papists, prelates, and other corrupt men, and may advance them to places of state and honour because they kneel to a tree altar, — pray to the east, — adore the letters and sound of the word Jesus — teach and write Arminianism, and may imprison, deprive, confine, cut the ears, and slit the noses, and burn the faces of those who speak and preach and write the truth of God ; and may send armies of cut-throats, Irish rebels, and other papists and malignant atheists, to destroy and murder the judges of the land, and innocent defenders of the reformed re- ligion, &c, — the man, I say, in these acts is a terror to good works, — an encourage- ment to evil ; and those that do good are to be afraid of the king, and to expect no praise, but punishment and vexation from him ; therefore, this reason in the text will prove that the man who is the king, in so far as he doth those things that are against his office, may be resisted ; and that in these we are not to be subject, but only we are to be subject to his power and royal authority, in abstracto, in so far as, accord- ing to his office, he is not a terror to good works, but to evil. 6. The lawful ruler is the minister of God, or the servant of God, for good to the commonwealth ; and to resist the servant in that* wherein he is a servant, and using the power that he hath from his master, is to resist the Lord his master. But the man who is the king, commanding unjust things, and killing the innocent, in these acts is not the minister of God for the good of the commonwealth; — he serveth himself, and papists, and prelates, for the destruction of religion, laws, and commonwealth ; there- fore the man may be resisted, by this text, when the office and power cannot be resisted. 7. The ruler, as the ruler, and the nature and intrinsical end of the office is, that he bear God's sword as an avenger to execute wrath on him that doth evil, — and so cannot be resisted without sin. But the man who is the ruler, and commandeth things unlaw- ful, and killeth the innocent, carrieth the papist's and prelate's sword to execute, not the righteous judgment of the Lord upon the ill-doer, but nis own private revenge upon him that doth well ; therefore, the man may be resisted, the office may not be resisted ; and they must be two different things. 8. We must needs be subject to the royal office for conscience, by reason of the fifth commandment ; but we must not needs be subject to the man who is king, if he com- mand things unlawful ; for Dr Feme war- ranteth us to resist, if the ruler invade us suddenly, without colour of law or reason, and unavoidably; and Winzetus, Barclay, and Grotius, as before I cited, give us leave to resist a king turning a cruel tyrant ; but I Paul (Rom. xiii.) forbiddeth us to resist the power, in abstracto ; therefore, it must be the man, in concreto, that we must resist. 9. Those we may not resist to whom we owe tribute, as a reward of the onerous work on which they, as ministers of God, do attend continually. But we owe not tribute to the king as a man, — for then should we be indebted tribute to all men, — but as a king, to whom the wages of tribute is due, as to a princely workman, — a king as a king ; — therefore, the man and the king- are different. 10. We owe fear and honour as due to be rendered to the man who is king, because he is a king, not because he is a man ; for it is the highest fear and honour due to any , mortal man, which is due to the king, as king. 11. The man and the inferior judge are different ; and we cannot, by this text, resist the inferior judge, as a judge, but we resist the ordinance of God, as the text proveth. But cavaliers resist the inferior judges as men, and have killed divers members of both houses of parliament ; but they will not say that they killed them as x 146 LKX, REX ; OR, judges, but as rebels. If, therefore, to be a rebel, as a wicked man, and to be a judge, are differenced thus, then, to be a man, and commit some acts of tyranny, and to be the supreme judge and king, are two diffe- rent things. 12. The congregation, in a letter to the nobility, (Knox, Hist, of Scotland, 1. 2.) say, " There is great difference betwixt the au- thority, which is God's ordinance, and the persons of those who are placed in authority. The authority and God's ordinance can never do wrong, for it commandeth that vice and wicked men be punished, and virtue, with virtuous men and just, be maintained ; but the corrupt person placed in this authority may offend, and most commonly do contrary to this authority. And is then the corrup- tion of man to be followed, by reason that it is clothed with the name of authority ?" And they give instance in Pharaoh and Saul, who were lawful kings and yet corrupt men. And certainly the man and the divine authority differ, as the subject and the acci- dent, — as that which is under a law and can offend God, and that which is neither capa- ble of law nor sin. 13. The king, as king, is a just creature, and by office a living and breathing law. His will, as he is king, is nothing but a just law; but the king, as a sinful man, is not a just creature, but one who can sin and play the tyrant ; and his will, as a private sinful man, is a private will, and may be resisted. So the law saith, " The king, as king, can do no wrong," but the king, as a man, may do a wrong. While as, then, the parliaments of both kingdoms resist the king's private will, as a man, and fight against his illegal cut- throats, sent out by him to destroy his native subjects, they fight for him as a king, and obey his public legal will, which is his royal will, de jure ; and while he is absent from his parliaments as a man, he is legally and in his law-power present, and so the parlia- ments are as legal as if he were personally present with them. Let me answer royalists. — The P. Prelate saith it is Solomon's word, " By me kings reign ;" — kings, in concreto, with their sove- reignty. He saith not, by me royalty or sovereignty reigneth. And elsewhere he saith that Barclay saith, " Paul, writing to the Romans, keepeth the usual Roman dic- tion in this, — who express by powers, in ab- stractor the persons authorised by power, — and it is the Scripture's dialect: by him were created " thrones, dominions, princi- palities," that is, angels; to say angels, in abstracto, were created, (2 Pet. ii. 10,) They " speak evil of dignities," Jude viii., " despise dominion," that is, they speak ill of Cajus, Caligula, Nero. Our Levites rail against the Lord's anointed, — the best of kings in the world. Nero, (Rom. xii. 4,) in concreto, beareth not the sword in vain. Arnisaeus saith it better than the Prelate, 1 (he is a witless thief,) Rom. xiii. 4, " The royal power, in abstracto, doth not bear the sword, but the person; not the power, but the prince himself beareth the sword." And the Prelate, poor man, following Dr Feme, saith, " It is absurd to pursue the king's person with a cannon bullet at Edgehill, and preserve his authority at London, or else- where." So saith Feme, (sect. 10, p. 64,) " The concrete powers here are purposed as objects of our obedience, which cannot be directed but upon power in some person ; for it is said, «; dca, «!«!«■;«< The powers that be are of God." Now power cannot be ,irx existent but in some person ; and, saith Feme, " Can power in the abstract have praise ? Or is tribute paid to the power in the abstract ? Yea, the power is the reason why we yield obedience to the person," &c. The Prelate hath as much learning as to copy out of Feme, Barclay, Arnisaeus, and others, these words and the like, but hath not wit to add the sinews of these authors' reason ; and with all this he can in his pre- face call it his own, and " provoke any to answer him if they dare ;" whereas, while I answer this excommunicated pamphleteer, I answer these learned authors, from which he stealeth all he hath ; and yet he must persuade the king he is the only man who can defend his Majesty's cause, and " the importunity (forsooth) of friends extorted this piece," as if it were a fault that this delphic oracle (giving out railings and lies for responses) should be silent. 1. Not we only, but the Holy Ghost, in terminis, hath this distinction, Acts iv. 19 ; v. 29, " We ought to obey God rather than men." Then rulers (for of rulers sitting in judgment is that speech uttered) commanding and ty- rannising over the apostles, are men con- tradistinguished from God ; and as they command and punish unjustly, they are but men, otherwise commanding for God, they are gods, and more than men. 2. From 1 ArniBaeus de potest, princip. c. 2, 11, 17. THE LAW AND THE PRINCE. 147 Theophylact also, or from Chrysostom on Rom. xiii. we have this, — The apostle speaketh not (say they)