Section ■S7g:i J-^i. (i cJ(?a^mtaJ(. CS<^ h'vinns, 629, 906 Birih-day Iiymns, ------ C43 Wedding hymns, ------ (345 Meetin" and parting of Clirisiian friends, --------- 617 For the young and the old, - - - G')'J Parents and children, ----- G.07 Collections, -------- CiSl Sunday-school anniversaries, - - - r,G»> Sickness and recovery, - - - - 672, 918 Public and national blessings and af- flictions, ------- -685,941 For the President, Congress, Magis- trates, &c. -------- 69't Temperance, -------- 925 Bible Societies, ------- 937 XIX. DEATH. 696,939 Death in general, ------- 696 Death of friends or relatives, - - - 710 Death of the young, - ----- 713 Death of the pious, ------ 716 Death of the wicked, ----- 724 XX. RESURRECTION. - - - -727,945'' XXI. JUDGMENT. 731,946 XXII. ETERNITY. 738,950 Happiness of the righteous, - - - 733 Punishment of the wicked, - - - 750 XXIII. DISMISSIONS AND DOXO- LOGIES. 752,960 Dismissions, -------- 752 Doxologies, -------- 762 APPENx^IX. 767 HYMNS. THE SCRIPTURES. L. M. J-e^