/ Jy^i!'^?^'!; *ti REGULATIONS OF THE LIBRARY IN THE BERRY STREET VESTRY I. The Library is open to the use of all the members of the Federal Street Concire£rational Society, though par- ticularly designed for the Teachers of the Sunday School. II. Books are delivered from the Vestry during the half- hour immediately after the morning service on every Sun- day, except tlie first in the month, when the library will be open for lialf an hour after the afternoon service. Books must be returned at the same time and place. III. Each person may take two volumes at a time. IV. No book may be kept longer than four weeks. V. No volume can be taken from the library until its title, together with the name and residence of the person on whose account it is taken, has been recorded by the libra- rian in a book kept for the purpose. While it is hoped that the members of the Society, as well as the teachers of the Sunday School, will make fre- quent use of the library, they are requested to observe these rules so far as to return books at the proper time and in good condition. BosTo.v, Jan. 1839. . A MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH PRIESTLF.Y, l. l. d. r. r. s. 8^c. MEMOIRS OF TO THE YEAR 1795, wRifrEH Br himself: With a continuation, to the time of his decease, BY HIS SON, JOSEPH PRIESTLEY : JJVB OBSERVATIO^rS OJV JUS WRITIJVGS^ BY Thomas CooPiiK, PKJisiDKNT JtDuji; ok thk 4th. district of Pennsylvania : and the Rev. William Christie, ■aaBBOBESSBn NORTHUMBERLAND : PRJJSTTMD BY JOHJ^i' BJJ^J\'S. 1806. District of Painsyhania, to ivit: BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the twenty -eighth of December in the thirtieth year of the Independence of the United Slates of America, A. D. 1805, Joseph Priestley, of the said district, hath deposited in this Office the Title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit : " Memoirs of Dr. Joseph Priestley, to the year 1795, " written by himself, with a continuation, to tlie time of " his decease, by his Son Joseph Priestley, and observati- " ons on his writings, by Thomas Cooper, President Judge " of the 4th district of Pennsylvania, and the Rev. William " Christie." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of tlic United States, intiiled " An Act for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books to the au- thors and proprietors of such copies during the times there- in mentioned." And also to the Act entitled " An Act sup- plemcnt.uy to an Act entitled " An Act for the encourage- ment of Icivniingby securing tlie copies of Maps, Charts, and Books to the authors and propi'ictors of such copies during the timei therein mentioned." And extending the benefits tiicreof to the Arts of designing, engraving, and etching, historical and other prijit.s. D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the Li:tnct of Pcnniiylvar.i.i. TABLE OF CONTENTS, OF VOLUME I, PREFACE, . . . PAGE i Memoirs with Notes, - - . 1 Continuation of the Memoirs, - - 129 Appendix No. L An Account of Dr. Priest- ley's Discoveries in Chemistry, and of his writings on that, and other Scientific subjects, - 223 No. 2. An Account of his Metaphy- sical writings, - - 294 PREFACE. jVXy father, Dr. Priestley, having taken the trou- ble of writing down the principal occurrences of his life, to the period of his arrival in this country, that account is now presented to the public in the state in which he left it, one or two trifling alterations ex- cepted. The simple unaffected manner in which it is written, will be deemed, I have no doubt, far more Interesting, than if the narrative itself had been made the text of a more laboured composition. Independent of the desire, so universal among mankind, to know somewhat of the private as well as the public history of those who have made them- selves eminent among their fellow citizens, the life of my fether is likely to be more useful as well as more interesting than th ose of the generality of lite- rary men ; not only as it is an account of great in- dustry combined with great abilities, successfully exerted for the extension of human improvement, but because it aflbrds a striking: proof of the value of ii PREFACE. of rational Christianity, adopted upon mature reflec- tion and practiced with habitual perseverance. Few men have had to struggle for so many years with circumstances more straitened and precarious than my father ; few men have ventured to attack so many or such inveterate prejudices respecting the prevalent religion of his country, or have advanced bolder or more important opinions in opposition to the courtly politics of the powers that be ; few have had to encounter more able opponents in his literary career, or have been exposed to such incessant and vindictive obloquy, from men of every description, in return for his unremitting exertions in the cause of truth ; yet none have more uniformly proceeded with a single eye, regardless of consequences, to act as his conviction impelled him, and his conscience dictated. His conduct brought with it its own re- ward, reputation and respect from the most eminent of his contemporaries, the affectionate attachment of most valuable friends, and a cheerfulness of disposi- tion arising in part from conscious rectitude which no misfortunes could long repress. But to me it seems, that conscious rectitude alone would hardly, of itself, have been able to support him under some of PREFACE. iii of the afflictions he was doomed to bear. He had a farther resource, to him never failing and invaluable, a firm persuasion of the benevolence of the Almigh- ty towards all his creatures, and the conviction that every part of his own life, like every part of the whole system, was preordained for the best upon the whole of existence. Had he entertained the gloomy noti- ons of Calvinism in which he was brought up, this cheering source of contentment and resignation would probably have failed him, and irritation and despondency \»ould have gained an unhappy ascend- ancy. But by him the deity w^s not regarded as an avenging tyrant, punishing, for the sake of punishing his weak and imperfect creatures, but as a wise and kind parent, inflicting those corrections only that are necessary to bring our dispositions to the proper temper, and to fit us for the highest state of happiness of which our natures are ultimately capable. With these views of the present and the future, it is no wonder that he submitted with perfect resigna- tion to the inevitable vicissitudes of human life, and looked forward to futurity, as a period of existence when his capacity for receiving happiness would be greater because his capacity for communicuting it would be enlarged. My iv PREFACE. My father's narrative closing with his arrival in this country, wheic he has done so much for the pro- motion of useful knowledge of all kinds, I havecom- pleated the account of his life from that period to the termination of it. The Notes have been added to the narrative as dcsireable illustrations of the passa- ges to 'which they refer. I have likewise thought it proper to add a review of my father's literary labours, in order to give the reader a knowledge of his opinions on many impor- tant subjects, likewise, of the share in the increase of human knowledge, v/hich may be justly ascribed to his exertions. The Appendices giving an account of his Chemical, Philosophical, Metaphysical, Political and Miscellaneous writings, as well as the Summary o{ his religious opinions, are written by my friend .Tudgc Cooper, formerly of Manchester in England. For the Appendix containing an analysis of my fa- lliLr's Thcoloj'ical \\ ritinn-s, I am indebted to the Rev. W. Christie, formerly of Montrose in Scot- land . The \vork mifi[ht have been made more interestinq; as v.ell as entertaining, had I deemed myself at lil)er- ty to lun-c published letters addressed to my father by PREFACE. V by persons of eminence in this country, as well as in Europe. But those communications that were in- tended to be private, shall remain so; as I do not think I have a right to amuse the public either against, or without, the inclinations of those who confided their correspondence to his care. I regret, that more of the present work is not the production of my father's pen ; and I hope the reader will make allowance for the imperfection of that por- tion of it, for which I have made myself responsible* JOSEPH PRIESTLEY. Northumberland, Pennsylvania, May 1st, 1805. MEMOIRS OF Dr. JOSEPH PRIESTLEY. [WRITTEN BY HIMSELF.] JlLAVING thought it right to leave behind me some account of my friends and benefactors^ it is in a manner necessary that I also give some account of •myself y and as the like has been done by many per- sons, and for reasons which posterity has approved, I make no farther apology for following their exam- ple. If my writings in general have been useful to my cotemporaries, I hope that this account of m}^- selFwill not be without its use to those who may come after me, and especially in promoting virtue and piety, which I hope I may say it has been my care to practice myself, as it has been my business to Inculcate them upon others. 2 [Memoirs of My father, Jonas Priestley, was the youngest son of Joseph Priestley, a maker and dresser of woollen cloth. His first w ifc, my mother, was the only child of Joseph Swift, a farmer at Shafton, a village about six miles south east of Wakefield. By this wife he had six children, four sons and two daughters. I, the oldest, was born on the thirteenth of March, old style 1733, at Fieldhead about six miles south* west of Leeds in Yorkshire. My mother dying in in 1740, my father married again in 1745, and by his second wife had tliiee daughters. My mother having children so fast, I was very soon committed to the care of her father, and with him I continued with little interruption till my mo- ther's death, It is but little that I can recollect of my mother. I remember, however, tliat she was careful to teach me the Assembly's Catechism, and to give me the best instructions the little time that I was at home. Once in particular, when I was playing with a pin, slie asked me where I got it ; and on telling her that I found it at my uncle's, who lived very near to my father, and where I had been playing with my cousins, she made me carry it back again ; no doubt Dr. pRlEStLEY.' S ^Oubt to impress my mind, as it could not fail to do, with a clear idea of the distinction of property, and of the importance of attending to it. She died in the hard winter of 1739, not long after being deli- vered of my youngest brother ; and having dreamed a little before her death that she was in a deliehtful place, which she particularly described, and imagin- ed to be heaven, the last words she spake, as my aunt informed me, were " Let me go to that fine "place." On the death of my mother I was taken home, tny brothers taking my place, and was sent to school in the neighbourhood. But being without a mo- ther, and my father incumbered with a large family, a sister of my fathers, in the year 1742, relieved him of all care of me, by taking me entirely to herself, and considering me as her child, having none of her own. From this time she was truly a parent to me till her death in 1764. My aunt was married to a Mr. Keighly, a man who had distinguished himself for his 2:eal for religi- on and for his public spirit. He was also a man of con- siderable property, and dying soon after I went to them, left the greatest part of his fortune to my aunt for A 2 life, 4, Mewo?rs of life, and much of it at her disposal after her death. By this truly pious and excellent woman, who knew no other use of wealth, or of talents of any kind, than to do good, and who never spared herself for this purpose, I was sent to several schools in th« neighbourhood, especially to a large free school, un- der the care of a clergyman, Mr. Hague, under whom, at the age of twelve or fifteen, I first began to make any progress in the Latin Tongue, and ac- quired the elements of Greek. But about the same time that I began to learn Greek at this public school, I learned Hebrew on holidays of the dissent- ing minister of the place, Mr, Kirkby, and upon tlic removal of Mr. Hague from the free school, Mr. Kirkby opening a school of his own, I was wholly under his care. With this instruction 1 had acquir- ed a pretty good knowledge of the learned languag- es at the age of sixteen. But from this time Mr. Kirkby's increasing infirmities obliged him to relin- quish his school, and beginning to be of a weakly consumptive habit, so that it was not thought ad- viseable to send me to any other place of education, I was left to conduct my studies as well as I could till Dr. Priestley. $ till I went to the academy at Daventry in the year 1752. From the time I discovered any fondness for books my aunt entertained hopes of my being a minister, and I readily entered into her views. But my ill health obliged me to turn my thoughts another way, and with a view to trade, I learned the modern lan- guages, French, Italian, and High Dutch without a master ; and in the first and last of them I translat- ed, and wrote letters, for an uncle of mine who was a merchant, and who intended to put me into a count.^ ing house in Lisbon. A house was actually engaged to receive me there, and every thing was nearly ready for my undertaking the vo3^age. But getting better* health my former destination for the ministry was resumed, and I was sent to Daventry, to study un- der Mr. Ashworth, afterwards Dr. Ashworth. Looking back, as I often do, upon this period of my life, I see the greatest reason to be thankful to God for the pious care of my parents and friends, in giving me religious instruction. My mother was a woman of exemplary piety, and my father also had a strong sense of religion, praying with his family morning and evening, and carefully teaching his chil- A 3 ^^^^ 6 Memoirs of di^n and servants the Assembly's Catechism, which was all the system of which he had any knowledge. In the latter part of his life he became very fond of Mr. Whitfield's writings, and other works of a simi- lar kind, having been brought up in the principles of Calvinism, and adopting them, but without ever giv- ing much attention to matters of speculation^ and en- tcrtiiining no bigotted aversion to those who differed from him on the subject. The same was the case with my excellent aunt, she was truly Calvinistic in principle, but was far from confining salvation to those who thought as she did on religious subjects. Being left in good circumstances, her home was the resort of all the dissenting ministers in the neighbourhood without distinction, and those who were the most obnoxious on account of their heresy were almost as welcome to her, if she thought them honest and good men, (which she was not unwilling to do) as any others. The most heretical ministers in the neighbourhood were Mr. Graham of Halifax, and Mr. Walker of Leeds, but they were frequently my Aunt's guests. With the former of these my inhiimacy grew with my years, but chicfiy after I became a preacher. We kept Dr. Priestley. 7 kept up a correspondence to the last, thinking alike on most subjects. To him I dedicated my Disqui- sitions on Matter and Spirit^ and when he died, he left me his manuscripts, his Polyglot bible, and two hundred pounds. Besides being a rational christian, he was an excellent classical scholar, and wrote Latin with great facility and elegance. He frequently wrote to me in that language. Thus I was brought up with sentiments of piety, but without bigotry, and having from my earliest years given much attention to the subject of religi- on, I was as much confirmed as I well could be in the principles of Calvinism, all the books that came in my wa}' having that tendency. The weakness of my constitution, which often led me to hink that I should not be long livi;d, con- tributed to give my mind a still more serious turn , and having read many books of experiences^ and in conseqaence believing that a new birth produced by the immediate agciicy of the Spirit of God, Mas ne- cessary to salvation, and not being able to satisfy myself that I had experienced any thing of the kind, I felt occasionally such distress of mand as it is not in my power to describe, and which I still look back A 4 upon 9 Memoirs of. upon with horror. Notwithstanding I had nothing very material to reproach m3'self with, I often con- cluded that God had forsaken me, and that mine was like the case of Francis Spira, to whom, as he ima- gined, repentance and salvation were denied. In that state of mind I remember reading the account of the man in the iron cage in the Pilgrim's Progress ■\\ith the greatest perturbation. I imagine diat even these conflicts of mind were not without their use, as they led me to think habi- tually of God and a future state. And though my feelings were then, no doubt, too full of terror, what remained of them was a deep reverence for di- vine things, and in time a pleasing satisfaction which can never be effaced, and I hope, was strength- ened as I have advanced in life, and acquired more rational notions of religion. The remembrance, however, of what I sometimes felt in that state of ignorance and darkness gives me a peculiar sense of the value of rational principles of religion, and of \\hich I can give but an imperfect description to others. • As trut/iy we cannot doubt, must have an advan- tage over erroj-j wc may conclude that the want of tliese Dr. Priestley, 9 these peculiar feelings is compensated by something of greater value, which arises to others from always having seen things in a just and pleasing light ; from having always considered the Supreme Being as the kind parent of all his offspring. This, however, not having been my case, I cannot be so good a judge of the effects of it. At all events, we ought always to inculcate just views of things, assuring ourselves ih2it proper feelings and right conduct will be the con- sequence of them. In the latter part of the interval between ray leav- ing the grammar school and going to the academy, which was something more than two years, I attend- ed two days in the week upon Mr. Haggerstone, a dissenting minister in the neighbourhood, who had been educated under Mr. Maclaurin. Of him I learned Geometry, Algebra and various branches of Mathematics, theoretical and practical. And at the same time I read, but with little assistance from him, Gravesend's Elements of Natural Philosophy, Watt's Logic, Locke's Essay on the Human Understand- ing, &c, and made such a proficiency in other branch- es of learning, that when I was admitted at the aca- demy (which was on Coward's foundation) I was ex- cused 10 Mlmoirs or puscd all the studies of the first year, and a great part of those of the second. In the same interval I spent the latter part of eve- ry Aveek with Mr. Thomas, a baptist minister now of Bristol but then of Gildersome, a village about four miles from Leeds, who had had no learned edu- cation. Him I instructed in Hebrew, and by that means made myself a considerable proficient in that language. At the same time I learned Chaldee and Syriac, and just began to read Arabic. Upon the whole, going to the academy later than is usual, and being thereby better furnished, I was qualified to ap- pear there with greater advantage. Before I went from home I was very desirous of "being admitted a communicant in the congregati- on which I had always attended, and the old minis- ter, as well as my Aunt, were as desirous of it as myself, but the elders of the Church, who had the government of it, refused me, because, whsn they interrogated me on the subject of the sin of Adam, I appeared not to be quite ortliodox, not thinking that all the human race (supposing them not to have any sin of their own) were liable to the wrath of God, and the pains of hcU for ever, on account of tliat Dr.. Priestley. 11 that sin only ; for such was the question that was put to me. Some time before, having then no doubt of tlie truth of the doctrine, I well remember being much distressed that I could not feel a proper repen- tance for the sin of Adam ; taking it for granted tliat without this it could not be forgiven me. Mr. Hag- gerstone above mentioned, was a little moi'e liberal than the members of the congregation in which I was brought up, being what is cabled a Baxierian-,* and • BAXTERIANS, The famous Non-conformist Richard Baxter who flourished about the middle of the last Century, attempted a Coa- lition between the doctrines of Calvin and Arminius. The former of these held that God from the beginning had elected a few of the human race to be saved, without reference to their good actions in this life, and had left the rest of mankind in a state of final and inevi- table reprobation. The latter was of opinion that the Christian dis- pensation fuanished the means of final Salvation to all men, though the merits of the death of Christ would be ultimately advantageous to believers only. Baxter, thought with Calvin that some among mankind were from the beginning elected unto eternal life, and gifted from above with the saving grace necessary in the first instance to the se\ e- ral steps of a believer's cliristian character ; but he thought also with Arminius that all men had common grace imparted to them, sufficient to enable tl\em if they chose, to attain unto final Salvation by using tlie Hieans ordained by Christ and his Apostles. Calvin also held tlie fi- nal ti Memoirs op and his general conversation had a liberal turn, and such as tended to undermine my prejudices. But what contributed to open my eyes still more was the conversation of a Mr. Walker, from Ashton under line, who preached as a candidate when our old mi- nister was superannuated. He was an avowed Bax- terian, and being rejected on that account his opini- ons were much canvassed, and he being a guest at the house of my Aunt, we soon became very inti- mate, and I thought I saw much of reason in his sentiments. Thinking farther on these subjects, I was, before I went to the academy, an Arminian , but had by no means rejected the docti'inc of the tri- nity, or that of atonement. Though after I saw reason to change my opinions I found nal perseverance of the Saints, or as it has since been expressed that a believer might fall ff)ully but not finally, whereas Baxter seems to have thought tliat not every one who had saving grace imparted to him would persevere to the end, or as the Arminian Methodists quaintly express it, he held tliat a behever may fall both foully and finally. Tlie compromising doctrine of Baxter may be seen in his very learned and Unintelligible work entitled Cathollck Theology. He used to be an annual communicant in the Church cf England by way of exemplyinjj his accommodating opinions. T. C- Dr. PRiESTLEr. 13 I found myself incommoded by the rigour of the congi'egation with which I was connected, I shall al- ways acknowledge with great gratitude that I owe much to it. The business of religion was effectual- ly attended to in it. We were all catechized in pub- lic 'till we were grown up, servants as well as o- thers : the minister always expounded the scriptures with as much regularity as he preached, and there was hardly a day in the week, in which there was not some meeting of one or other part of the congre- gation, On one evening there was a meeting of the young men for conversation and prayer. This I con- stantly attended, praying extempore with others when called upon. At my Aunt's there was a monthly meeting of wo* men, who acquitted themselves in prayer as well as any of the men belonging to the congregation. Be- ing at first a child in the family, I was permitted to attend their meetings, and growing up insensibly, heard them after I was capable of judging. My Aunt after the death of her husband, prayed every morning and evening in her family, until I was about seventeen, when that duty devolved upon me. The Lord's day was kept v/jth peculiar strictness. No 14 Memoirs or No victuals were dressed on that day in any family.' No member of it was permitted to walk out for re- creation, but the whole of the day was spent at the public meeting, or at home in readings meditati- on, and prayer, in the family or the closet. It was my custom at that time to recollect as much as I could of the sermons I heard, and to commit it to writing. This practice I began very early, and continued it until I was able from the heads of a dis- course to supply the rest myself. For not trou- bling myself to commit to memory much of the am- plification, and writing at home almost as much a» I had heard, I insensibly acquired a habit of compo- sing with great readiness ; and from this practice I believe I have derived great advantage through life ; composition seldom employing so much time as would be necessary to write in long hand any thing 1 have published. By these means, not being disgusted with these strict forms of religion as many persons of better health and spirits probably might have been (and on which account I am far from recommending the same strictness to others) I acquired in early life a serious turn of mind. Among other things I had at this Br. Priestley.^ 15 this time a great aversion to Plays and Romances, so that I never read any works of this kind except Robinson Crusoe, until I went to the academy. I well remember seeing my brother Timothy reading a book of Knight Errantly, and with great indigna- tion I snatched it out of his hands, and threw it a- way. This brother afterwards, when he had for some time followed my fathers business (which was that of a Cloth-dresser) became, if possible, more serious than I had been ; and after an imperfect edu- cation, took up the profession of a minister among the Independents, in which he now continues. While I was at the Grammar School I learned Mr. Annet's Short hand^ and thinking I could sug- gest some improvements in it, I wrote to the Au- thor, and this was the beginning of a coiTcspondencc which lasted several years. He was, as I t\tr per- ceived, an unbeliever in Christianity and a necessari- an. On this subject several letters, written with care on both sides, passed between us, and these Mr. Annet often pressed me to give him leave to publish, but I constantly refused. I had undertaken the de- fence of Philosophical Liberty, and the correspon- dence Mas closed without my being convinced of the 16 MzMOlRg OF ihc fallacy of my arguments, though upon studyin,^ the subject regularly, in the course of my academi- cal education afterwards, I became a confirmed Ne- cessarian, and I have through life derived, as I ima- gine, the greatest advantage from my full persuasion of the truth of that doctrine. My Aunt, and all my relations, being strict Cal- vinists, it was their intention to send me to the a- cademy at Mik-endythen under the care of Dr. Caw- der. But, being at that time an Arminian, I reso- lutely opposed it, especially upon finding that if I went thither, besides giving an experience, I must subscribe my assent to ten printed articles of the strictest calvinistic faith, and repeat it every six months. My opposition, however, would proba- ble have been to no purpose, and I must have adop- ted some other mode of life, if Mr. Kirkby above mentioned had not interposed, and strongly recom- mended the academy of Dr. Doddridge, on the idea that I should have a better chance of being made a scholar. He had received a good education him- self, was a good classical scholar, and had no o- pinion of the mode of education among the very or- thodox Dissenters, and being fond of me^ he was desirous Dr. Priestley. 17 desirous of my having every advantage that could be procured for me. My good Aunt, not belrg a bi- gotted Calvinist, enteied into his views, and Dr. Doddridge being dead, I was sent to Daventry, and was the firit pupil that entered there. My Step-mo- ther also, who was a woman of good sense, as well as of religion, had a high opinion of Dr. Doddridge, having been sometime housekeeper in his family. She had always recommended his Academy, but died before I went thither. Three years, viz. from September 1752 to 1755, I spent at Daventiy with that peculiar satisfaction with v/hich young persons of generous minds usual- ly go through a course of liberal study, in the socie- ty of others engaged in the same pursuits, and free from the cares and anxieties which seldom fail to lay hold on them when they come out into the \^-orld. In my time, the academy •was in a state peculiarly flivorable to the serious pursuit of truth, as the stu- dents were about equally divided upon every questi- on of much importance, such as Liberty and Necessi- ty, the Sleep of the soul, and all the articles of theologi- cal orthodoxy and heresy ; in consequence of which B all 18 Memoirs of all these topics were the sul^ject of continual disciiS' sion. Our tutors also were of different opinions; Dr. Ash worth taking the orthodox side of every question, and Mr. Clark, the sub-tutor, that of here- sy, though always with the greatest mode'jty. Both of our tutors being young, at least as tutors, and some of the senior students excelling more than they could pretend to do in several branches of stu- dy, they indulged us in the greatest freedoms, so that our lectures had often the air of friendly conver- sations on the subjects to which they related. We were permitted to ask A\hatevcr questions, and to make whatever remarks, we pleased ; and wc did it with the greatest, but without any offensive, free- dom. The general plan of our studies, which may be seen in Dr. Doddridge's published lectures, was exceedingly favourable to free enquirj-^, as we \^ere referred to authors on both sides of every question, and were even required to give an account of them. It was also expected that we should abridge the most important of them for our future use. The public library contained all the books to which we were referred. It ^^as a reference to Dr. Hartley's Observations on Dr. Priestley. 19 on Man in the course of our Lectures, that first brought me acquainted with that performance, which immediately engaged my closest attention, and pro- duced the greatest, and in my opinion the most fa- vourable effect on my general turn of thinking thro* life. It estabhshed me in the belief of the doctrine of Necessity, which I first learned from Collins; it greatly improved that disposition to piety which I brought to the academy, and freed it from that ri- gour with which it had been tinctured. Indeed, I do not know whether the consideration of Dr. Hart- ley's theory contributes more to enlighten the mind, or improve the heart ; it effects both in so super-emi- nent a degree. In this situation, I saw reason to embrace what is generally called the heterodox side of almost every question.* But notwithstanding this, and though Dr. * It will be seen in the course of these memoirs that from time to time *s deeper reflection and more extensive reading incited him, he «aw reason to give up almost all the peculiar theological and meta- physical opinions whicli he liad imbibed in early youth ; some of them with considerable difficulty, and all of them at the evident risk of con. siderable obloquy from tliose whom he highly respected, as well as from those on v.hom his Interest appeared to depend, T. C- B2 20 Memoirs of Dr. Ashworth was earnestly desirous to make me as orthodox as possible, yet, as my behaviour was unex- ceptionable, and as I generally took his part in some lit- tle things by which he often dre^v upon himself the ill-will of many of the students, I was upon the whole a favourite with him. I kept up more or less of a correspondence with Dr. Ashworth till the time of his death, though much more so with Mr. Clark. This continued till the very week of his melancholy- death by a fall from his horse at Birmingham, where he was minister. Notwithstanding the great freedom of our specula- tions and debates, the extreme of heresy among us was Arianism ; and all of us, I believe, left the aca- demy with a belief, more or less qualified, of the doc- trine of atonement. Warm friendships never fail to be contracted at places of liberal education ; and when they are well chosen arc of singular use; Such was mine with Mr. Alexander of Birmingham. We were in the same class, and during the first year occupied the same room. By engagements between ourselves mc ro.-e early, and dispatched many articles of business every da}'. One of them, a^ hich continued all the time Dr. Priestley. 21 time we were at the academy, was to read every day ten foiio pages in some Greek author, and generally a Greek play in the course of the week besides. By this means we became very well acquainted with that language, and with the most valuable authors in it. This exercise we continued long after we left the academy, communicating to each other by letter an account of what we read. My life becoming more occupied than his, he continued his application to Greek longer than I dkl, so that before his death he was, I imagine, one of the best Greek scholars in this or any other country. My attention was always more drawn to mathematical and philosophical stu- dies than his was. These voluntary engagements were the more ne- cessary, in the course of our academical studies, as there was then no provision made for teaching the learned languages. We had even no compositions, or orations, in Latin. Oar course of lectures was also defective in containing no lectures on the scrip- tures, or on ecclesiastical history, aud by the stu- dents in general (and Mr. Alexander and myself were no exceptions) commentators in general and ecclesiastical history also, were held in contempt. B 3 On 22 Memoirs of On lea^•ing the academy he ^vent to study under his uncle Dr. Benson, and with him learned to value tlie critical study of the scriptures so much, that at length he almost confined his attention to them. My other particular friends among my fellow stu- dents were Mr. Henry Holland, of my own class, Messrs. Whitehead, Smiihson, Kotherham, and Scholcficld m that abo'se me, and Mr. Taylor in that below me. \Yi\h all these I kept up more or less of a correspondence, and our friendship was terminated only by the death of those who are now dead, viz. the three first named of these six, and I hope it will subsist to the same period with those who now survive. All the while I was at the academy I never lost sight of the great object of my studies, which was the duties of a christian minister, and there it was that I laid the general plan which I have executed since. Particularly I there composed the first co- py of my Institutes of Natural and Rei:ealed Religi- oHj Mr. Clark, to ^hom I communicated my scheme, carefully perusing every section of it, and talking over the subject of it with me. But I was mucli discouraged even then with the impedi- Dr. Priestley. 23 impediment in my speech, which I inherited from my family, and which still attends me. Sometimes I absolutely stammered, and my anxiety about it was the cause of much distress to me. However, like St. Paul's thorn in the flesh, I hope it has not been without its use. Without some such check as this, I might have been disputatious in company, or might have been seduced by the love of popuhu- ap- plause as a preacher : whereas my conversation and my deliverery in the pulpit having nothing in them that was generally striking, I hope I have been more attentive to qualifications of a superior kind. It is not, I believe, usual for young persons in dissenting academies to think much of their future situations in life. Indeed, we are happily preclud- ed from that by the impossibility of succeeding in any applicition for particular places. We often, in- deed, amused ourselves with the idea of our disper- sion in all parts of the kingdom after living so happi- ly together; and used to propose plans of meeting at certain times, and smile at the different appear- ance we should probably make after being ten or twenty years settled in the world. But nothing of this kind was ever seriously resolved upon by us. B 4 For 24 Memoirs of For my OAvn part, I can truly say I had very little ambition, except to distinguish myself by my appli- cation to the studies proper to my profession ; and I cheerfully listened to the first proposal that my tu- tor made to me, in consequence of an applicatiorr made to him, to provide a minister for the people of Needharn Market in Suffolk, though it was very remote from my friends in Yorkshire, and a very in- considerable place. When I went to preach at Needham as a candi- date, I found a small congregation, about an hun- dred people, under a Mr. Meadows, who was su- perannuated They had been without a minister the pieceding year, on account of the smallness of the salary ; but there being some respectable and agieeable families among them, I flattered myself that I should be useful and happy in the place, and therefore ac- cepted the unanimous invitation to be assistant to Mr. Meadows, with a view to succeed liim when he died. He was a man of some fortune. This congregation had been used to receive as- sistance from both the Presbyterian and Independent funds; but upon my telling them that I did not cliubc to have any thing to do v\ ith the Independents, and Dr. Priestley. 25 and asking them whether they were able to make up the salary they promised me (which was forty pounds per annum) without any aid from the latter fund, they assured me they could. I soon, however, found tliat they deceived themselves ; for the most that I ever received from them was in the proportion of about thirty pounds per annum, when the ex- pence of my board exceeded twenty pounds. Notwithstanding this, every thing else for the first half year appeared very promising, and I was happy in the success of my schemes for promoting the in- terest of religion in the place. I catechised the chil- dren, though there were not many, using Dr. Watt's Catechism ; and I opened my lectures on the theory of religion from the institutes ^ which I had composed at the academy, admitting all persons to attend them without distinction of sex or age ; but in this I soon found that I had acted imprudently. A minister in that neighbourghood had been obliged to leave his place on account of Arianism, and though nothing had been said to me on the subject, and from the people so readily consenting to give up the indepen- dent fund, I thought they could not have much bi- gotry among them, I found that when I came to treat 26 Memoirs of treat of the Unity of God ^ merely as an article of reli- gion, several of my audience were attentive to no- thing but the soundness of my faith in the doctrine of the Trinity. • Also, though I had made it amle to myself to in- troduce nothing that could lead to controversy into the pulpit ; yet making no secret of my real opinions in conversation, it was soon found that I was an Arian. From the time of this discovery my hearers fell off apace, especially as the old minister took a decided part against me. The principal families, however, still continued with me ; but notwithstand- ing this, my salary fell far short of thirty pounds per annum, and if it had not been for Dr. Benson and Dr. Kippis, especially the former, procuring me now and then an extraordinary five pounds from different charities, I do not believe that I could have subsisted. I shall always remember their kindness to mc, at a time when I stood in so much need of it. When I was in this situation, a neighbouring mi- nister whose intimate friend had conformed to the church of England, talked to me on that subject. He himself, I perceived, had no great objection to it, but rejecting the proposal, as a thing that I could not think of, he never menticPAd it to me any more. To Dr. Priestley. 27 To these difficulties, arising from the sentiments of my congregation, was added that of the faikire of all remittances from my aunt, owing in part to the ill offices of my orthodox relations ; but chiefly to her being exhausted by her liberality to others, and think- ing that when I was settled in the world, I ought to be no longer burdensome to her. Together with me she had brought up a niece, who was almost her on- ly companion, and being deformed, could not have subsisted without the greatest part, at least, of all she had to bequeath. In consequence of these circum- stances, tho' my aunt had always assured me that, if I chose to be a minister, she would leave me indepen dent of the profession, I was satisfied she was not able to perform her promise, and freely consented to her leaving all she had to my cousin ; I had only a silver tankard as a token of her remembrance. She had spared no expence in my education, and that was do- ing more for me than giving me an estate. But what contributed greatly to my distress was the impediment in my speech^ which had increased so much as to make preaching very painful, and took from me all chance of recommending myself to any better place. In this state, hearing of the proposal of one 28 M EMOIRS OF one Mr. Angier to cure all defects of speech, I pre- vailed upon my aunt to enable me to pay his price, which v.as twenty guineas ; and this was the first oc- "fcasion of my visiting London. Accordingly, I at- tended him about a month, taking an oath not to re- veal his method, and I received some temporary be- nefit ; but soon relapsed again, and spoke worse than ever. When I went to London it was in company with Mr. Smithson, who was settled at Harlestow n in Norfolk. By him I was introduced to Dr. Kippis and Dr. Benson, and by the latter to Dr. Price, but not at that time. At Needham I felt the effect of a low despised situ- ation, togetlier with diat arising from the want of po- pular talents. There were several vacaiicies.in con- gregations in that neighbourhood, wh'ere my senti- tnents would have been no objection to me, but I was never thought of. Even my next neighbours, whose sentiments were as free as my own, and kno\^ n to be so, declined making exchanges with me, \\hich, when I left that part of the country, he ackno^^ kdgcd was not owing to any dislike his people had to me as heretical, but for other reasons, the more genteel part, of his hearers always absenting themselves when they heard Dr. Priestley. 20 heard I was to preach for him. But visiting that country some years afterwards, when 1 had raised myself to some degree of notice in the world, and being invited to preach ir| that very pulpit, the same people crowded to hear me, tho' my elocution was not much improved, and they professed to admire one of the same discourses they had formerly despised. Notwithstandinp- tliese unfavorable circumstances, I was far from being unhappy at Needham. I was boarded in a family from which I receiv'd much sa- tisfaction, I firmly believed that a wise providence was disposing every thiiig for the best, and I applied with great assiduity to my studies, which were classi- cal, mathematical and theological. These required but few books. As to Experimental Philosophy, I had always cultivated an acquaintance with it, but I had not the means of prosecuting it. With respect to miscellaneous reading, I Vvas pretty well supplied by means of a library belonging to Mr. S. Alexander, a quaker,* to which I had the freest access. * QUAKERS. That instances of liberality of se;\timent wilh re- «pect to religious opinion are fi-equeuily to be found among the Q ti'ines. Tliomas Letchworlh has been dead many years. In the short con- test on the question of liberty and necessity which was occasioned by Toplady's life of Jerome Zanchius, he wro?e a good defence of tlift doctrine of nrcessity signed Phllarctes in answer to one from a disciple of Fletcher's of Madely, »mder the signature of Phllaleutheros. There is a trifling account of him containing no information, by one Will...ni Matthew^. T C. Dr. Priestley, 51 the Mediator^ I was desirous of getting some more definite ideas on the subject, and with that view set myself to peruse the whole of the old and new testa- ment, and to collect from them all the texts that ap- peared to me to have any relation to the subject. This I therefore did with the greatest care, arranging them under a great variety of heads. At the same time I did not fail to note ^woh general considera- tions as occurred to me while I was thus employed. The consequence of this was, what I had no apprehen- sion of when I began the work, viz. a full persuasion that the doctrine of Atonement, even in its most qua- lified sense, had no countenance either from scrip- ture or reason. Satisfied of this, I proceeded to di- gest my observations into a regular treatise, which a friend of mine, without mentioning my name, sub- mitted to the perusal of Dr. Fleming and Dr. Lard- ner. In consequence of this, I was urged by them to publish the greater part of what I had written. But being then about to leave Needham, I desired them to do whatever they thought proper widi re- spect to it, and they published about half of my piece, under the title of the Doctrine of Remission^ ^c. This circumstance introduced me to the acquaint- ance 32 Memoirs of ance of Dr. Lardner, whom I always culled upon when I visited London. The last time I saw him, which was iittie more than a year before liis death, having by letter requested him to give me some as- sistance with respect to the history I then prepared to write of the Corruptions of Christianity, and espe- cially that article of it, he took down a large bundle of pamphlets, and turning them over at length shew- ing mc my own ; said, " This contains my senti- ments on the subject." He had then forgot that I wrote it, and on my remarking it, he shook his head, and said that his memory began to fail him ; and that he had taken me for another person. He was then at the ad\'anced age of ninety one. This anecdote is trifling in itself, but it relates to a great and good man, I have observed that Dr. Lardner only wished to publish a part of the treatise which my friend put into his hand. The other part of it contained re- marks on the reasoning of the apostle of Paul, wliich he could not by any means approve. They were, therefore, omitted in tliis publication. But the at- tenticn which I gave to tlie writings of this apostle at the time that I examined them, in order to collect passa- Dr. Priestley. 33 passages relating to the dortrine of atonement, satis- fied me that his reasoning was in many places far from being conclusive ; and in a separate work I ex- amined every passage in which his reasoning appear- ed to me to be defective, or his conclusions ill sup- ported; and I thought them to be pretty numer^ ous. At that time I had not read any commentary on the scriptures, except that of Mr. Henry when I was young. However, seeing so much reason to be dis- satisfied with the apostle Paul as a reasoner, I read Dr. Tay'lor''s paraphrase on the epistle to the Ro- mans ; but it gave me no sort of satisfaction ; and his general Key to the epistles still less. I therefore at that time wrote some remarks on it, which were a long time after published in the Theological Reposito- ry Vol. 4. As I found that Dr. Lardner did not at all relish any of my observations on the imperfections of the sacred writers, I did not put this treatise into his hands ; but I shewed it to some of my younger fiiends, and also to Dr. Kippis ; and he advised me to publish it under the character of an unbeliever, in order to draw the more attention to it. This I C did 34 Memoirs of did not chuse, having always had a great aversion to assume any character that was not my own, even so much as disputing for the sake of discovering ti'uth. I cannot ever say that I was quite reconciled to the idea of writing to a fictitious person, as in my Utters to a philosophical unbeliever, though nothing can be more innocent, or somctin^ies more proper ; our Saviour's parables implying a much greater depar- ture from strict truth than those letters do. I there- fore wrote the book with great freedom, indeed, but as a christian, and an admirer of the apostle Paul, as I aluays was in other respects. When I was at Nantwich I sent this treatise to tlie press ; but when nine sheets were printed off, Dr. Kippis dissuaded me from proceeding, or from publishing any thing of the kind, until I should be more known, and my character better established. I therefore desisted ; but va hen I opened the theolo- gical Repository, I inserted in that work every thing that was of much consequence in tiic Oliver, in order to its being submitted to the examination of learned christians. Accordingly these communications were particularly animadverted upon by Mr. Willet of Newcastle, under the signature of W. W. But I can- Dr. Priestley. S'S I cannot say that his remarks gave me much satis- faction. When I was at Needham I likewise drew up a treatise on the doctrine of divine influence^ having collected a number of texts for that purpose, and ar- ranged them under proper heads, as I had done those relating to the doctrine of atonement. But I pub- lished nothing; relating to it until I made use of some of the observations in my sermon on that subject, delivered at an ordination, and publislied many years afterwards. While I was in this retired situation, I had, in con- sequence of much pains and thought, become per- suaded of the falsity of the doctrine of atonement, of the inspiration of the authors of the books of scripture as writers, and of all idea of supernatural influence, except for the purpose of miracles. But I was still an Arian, having never turned my attention to the Socinian doctrine, aud contenting myself with seeing the absurdity of the trinitarian system. Another task that I imnosed on myself, and in part executed at Needham, was an accurate compa- rison of the Hebrew text of the hagiographa and the prophets with the version of the Septuagint, noting C2 all 36 Memoirs oi all the variations, &c. This I had about half finish- ed before I left that place ; and I never resumed it, (Except to do that occasionally for particular passages, which I then began, though with many disadvanta- ges, with a design to go through the whole. I had no Polyglot Bible, and could have little help from tl)e Ia|30ur§ of others. The most Jeamed of my acquaintance in this situ- ation was Mr. Scott of Ipswich, who was well vers- ed in the Oriental languages, especially the Arabic . But though he was flir from being Calvinistical, he gave me no encouragement in the very free enqiii- rics which I then entered upon. Being excluded froin all communication with the more orthodox mijiisters in that part of the country, all my acquaint- ance among the dissenting ministers, besides IMr. Scott, were Mr. Taylor of Stow-market, Mr. Dick- insp}i of Diss, and Mr. Smithson ofHarlestone ; and it is rather remarkable, that we all left that country in the course of the same year ; Mr. Taylor remov- ing to Carter's lane in London, Mr. Dickinson to Sheffield, and Mr. Smithson to Nottingham. But I was very happy in a great degree of inti- macy with Mr. Chauvet, the rector of Stow- market. He Dr. Priestley. 57 He was descended of French parents ; and I think was not born in England, Whilst he lived we \vere never long without seeing each other. But he was subject to great unevenness of spirits, sometimes the most chearful man living, and at other time^ most deplorably low. In one of these fits he at length put an end to his life. I heard afterwards that he had at one time been confined for insanity, and had even made the same attempt some time before. Like most other young men of a liberal education, I had conceived a great aversion to the business of a schoolmaster, and had often said, that I would have recourse to any thing else for a maintenance in prefer- ence to it. But having no other resource, I was at length compelled by necessity to make some attbthpt in that way ; and for this purpose I printed and dis- tributed Proposals^ but without any effect. Not that I was thought to be unqualified for this employ- ment, but because I was not orthodox. I had pro- posed to teach the classics, mathematics, Sec. for half a guinea per quarter, and to board the pupils in the house with myself for tweh'e guineas per annum. Finding this scheme not to answer, I proposed to C 3 . give 38 Memoirs of give Icctarcs to grovAn persons in such branches of fecienc* as I could conveniently procure the means of doii g ; and I began v ith reading about tw elve lec- tures on the use of the C/c^c^, at half a guinea. I had one course often hearers, which did something more than pay for my globes ; and I should have proceeded in this A\ay, adding to my apparatus as I should have been able to afford it, if I had not left that place, which was in the follow ing manner. My situation being well knoA\ n to my friends, Mr. Gill, a distant relation by my mother, who had taken much notice of me before I went to the academy, and had often lent me books, procured me an invitation to preach as a candidate at ShelHcld, on the resigna- tion of Mr. Wadsworth. Accordingly I did preach as a candidate , but though my opinions were no ob- jection to me there, I w as not approved. But Mr. Haynes, the other minister, perceiving that I had no chance at Sheffield, told me that he could recommend me to a congregation at Nantwich in Cheshire, where he himself had been settled ; and as it was at a great distance from Needham, he would endeavour to pro- cure me an invitation to preach there for a year cer- tain, This he did, an: I gladly accepting of it, remo- ved Dr. Priestley. , 39 ved from Needham , going thence to London by sea, to save cxpence.'; This was in 1758, after having been at Needham just three years.* At • It Is about sixty miles fi-om Needham to London, so that the roads nrnit have been in a. bad state to render a water passage more eligible than by land. The first turnpike in England was authorized by an act of Ch. II. 1663 but the system was not adopted with spirit until near the middle of the last oenturj'. The manufacturing inland towns of Great Britain, «uch as Manchester, Leeds, Halifax, &c. chiefly carried on their business through th medium of travelling pedlars, and afterwards on pack horses. The journey in this manner from Manchester to London occupied a fortnight ; and it was not unusual for a trader going. the first time himself on this expedition to take the prudent precaution of making his will. At present the mail stage per- forms the journey in about a day and a half. In the beginning of this century (as Dr. Alkin in his history of Manchester observes) it was thought a most arduous undertaking to make a public road over the hills that separate Yorkshire and Lancashire ; now, they arc pureed by three navigable canals. Indeed the prosperous state of British manufactures .ind commerce, seems to have originated and progressed T/lth the adoption of turnpikes and canals. They facilitate not merely the carnage and Interchange of heavy materials necessary to machine- ry, buttliey make personal intercourse cheap, speedy and universal ; they thus furnish the means of seeing and communicating improve- ments, and of observing in what way one manufacture may be brought to bear upon another widely diflcrcnt in its kind, We are not yet sufficiently av.'sje of their importance in America, even to the interests «fagriculture, T. C C4 40 Memoirs of At Nantwich I found a good natured friendly peo- ple, with whom I lived three years verj' happily ; and in this situation I heard nothing of those controversies w hich had been the topics of almost every conversa- tion in Suffolk ; and the consequence was that I gave little attention to them myself. Indeed it was hardly in my power to do it, on account of my engagement with a school, which I was soon able to establish, and to which I gave almost all my attention ; and in this employment, contrary to my expectations, I found the greatest satisfaction, notwithstanding the confinement and labour attending it. My school generally consisted of about thirty boys, and I had a separate room for abouthalf a dozen youns^ ladies. Thus I ^^as employed from seven in the morning untill four in the afternoon, without any in- terval except one hour for dinner, and I never gave a holiday on any consideration, the red letter days, as they are called, excepted. Immediately after this em- ployment in my own school rooms, I went to teach in the family of Mr. Tomkinson, an eminent attorney, and a man of large fortune, whose recommendation was of the greatest service to me ; and here I conti- nued until ?cvcn in the evening. I had tkcrefore but little Dr. Priestley. 41 little leisure for reading or for improving myself in any way, except what necessarily arose from my em- , ployment. Being engaged in the business of a schoolmaster, I made it my study to regulate it in the best manner, and I think I may say with truth, that in no school was more business done, or with more satisfaction, either to the master, or the scholars, than in this of mine. Many of my scholars are probably living and I am confident that they will say that this is no vain boast. At Needham I was barely able with the greatest e- conomy to keep out of debt (though this I always made a point of doing at all events) but at Nantwich my school soon enabled me to purchase a k\v books, and some philosophical instruments, as a small air pump, an electrical machine, &:c. These I taught my scho- lars in the highest class to keep in order, and make use of, and by entertaining their parents and friends with experiments, in which the scholars were gene- rally the operators, and sometimes the lecturers too, I considerably extended the reputation of my school ; though I had no other object originally than gratifying my own taste. I had no leisure, ho\\'ever, to make any 42 Memoirs oj any original experiments until many years afler this. time. As there were few children in the congregation (which did not consist of more than sixty persons, and a great proportion of them travelling Scotchmen) there was no scope for exertion ^^ith recpect to my duty- as a minister. I therefore contented myself with giving the people what assistance I could at their own houses, where there were }^oung persons ; and I added very few sermons to those w hich I had composed at Netdhuni, where I never failed to make at least one ever}- week. Being boarded with Mr. Eddowes, a verj' socia- ble and sensible man, and at the same time the per- son of the greatest property in the congregation, and who v/as fond of music, I was induced to learn to play a little on the English flute, as the easiest in- strument ; and though I was never a proficient, in it, my playing contributed more or less to my amuse- ment many years of my life. I w ould recommend the knowledge and practice of music 10 all studious persons ; and it will be better for them, if, like my- self, they should have no veiy fine ear, or exquisite taste ; as by tLis means they w ill be more ea-. ily pleased!. Dr. Phie&tley. 43 pleased, and be less apt to be offended when the per- formances they hear are but indifferent. At Nantvvich I had hardly any literary acquaint- ance besides Mr. Brercton, a clergyman in the neigh- bourhood, who had a taste for astronomy, philoso- phy, and literature in genenl. I often slept at his house, in a room to which he gave my name. But his conduct afterwards was unworthy of his profes- sion. Of dissenting ministers I saw most of Mr. Keay of Whitchurch, and Dr. Harwood, who lived and had a school at Congleton, preaching alternately at Leek and Wheelock, the latter place about ten miles from Nantvvich. Being both of us schoolmasters, and having in some respect the same pursuits, we made exchanges for the sake of spending a Sunday evening together every six weeks in the summer time. He was a good classical scholar, and a very entertaining companion. In my congregation there was (out of the house in Vv'hich I \vas boarded) hardly more than one fa- mily in which I could spend a leisure hour with much satisfaction, and that was Mr. James Cald- wall's, a Scotchman. Indeed, several of the travel- lins: 44 Memoirs o¥ ling Scotchmen who frequented the place, but made no long stay at any time, were men of very good sense ; and what I thought extraordinary, not one of them was at all Calvinistical. My engagements in teaching allowed me but lit- tle time for composing any thing while I was at Nan- twich. There, however, I recomposed my Observa- tions on the character and reasoning of the apostle Pauly as mentioned before. For the use of my school I then wrote an English grammer* on a new plan, leaving out all such technical terms as were borrowed from other languages, and had no corres- ponding modifications in ours, as the future tense, &c. and to this I afterwards subjoined Obseriiations for the use of proficients in the language ^\ from the notes which I collected at Warrington ; where, be- ing tutor in the languages and Belles Letters, I gave particular attention to the English language, and in- tended • Printed in 1761. Ij Printed in 1772 at London. His lectures on the TJieory of I,:iii- guagc and Universal Grammar were printed the same year ai War- rington. David Hume was made sensible of the Gallicisms and Pe- culiarities of liis Ktile by readirg' tliis Grammar; He acknowledged it to Mr. Griffith tJie Bookseller, wlio mentioned it to my father. Dr. Priestljey. 45 tended to have composed a large treatise on the structure and present state of it. But dropping the scheme in another situation, I lately gave such parts of my collection as I had made no use of to Mr. Herbert Croft of Oxford, on his communicating to me his design of compiling a Dictionary and Gram- mar of our language. ', The academy at Warrington was instituted when I was at Needham, and Mr. Clark knowing the attenti- on that I had given to the learned languages when I was at Daventry, had then joined with Dr. Benson and Dr. Taylor in recommending me as tutor in the languages. But Mr. (afterward Dr.) Aikin, whose qualifications were superior to mine, was justly pre- fered to me. However, on the death of Dr. Taylor, and the advancement of Mr. Aikin to be tutor in di- vinity, I was invited to succeed him. This I accep- ted, though my school promised to be more gainful to me. But my employment at Warrington would be more liberal, and less painful. It was also a means of extending my connections. But, as I told the persons wno brought me the invitation, viz. Mr. Seddon and ?.lr. Holland of Bolton, I should have preferred the office of teaching the mathematics and natural i6 Memoirs op natural philosophy, for which I had at that time a great predilection. . My removal to Warrington was in September, 1761, after a residence of just three years at Nant\\ ich. In this new situation I continued six years, and in the second year I married a daughter of Mr. Isaac Wilkinson, an Ironmaster near Wrexham in Waleg, with whose flimily I had became acquainted in'coft- sequence of having the youngest son, William, at my school at Nantwich. This proved a very suita- ble and happy connection, my wife being a woman of an excellent understanding, much improved by rea- ding, of great fortitude and strength of mind, and of a temper in the highest degree affectionate and gene- rous ; feeling strongly for others, and little for herself. Also, greatly excelling in every thing relating to household affairs, she entirely relieved me of all con- cern of that kind, which "allowed me to give all my time to the prosecution of my studies, and the other duties of my station. And though, inconsequence of her father becoming impoverished, and wholly de- pendent on his children, in the latter part of his life, I had little fortune with her, I unexpectedly found a great^rcsource in her two brothers, who had become wealthy. Dr. PRiESTtEY. 47 wealthy, especially the elder of them. At Warring- ton I had a daughter, Sarah, '-ho was afterwards mar- ried to Mr. William Finch of Heath forge near Dudley. Though at the time of my removal to Warrington I had no particular fondness for the studies relating to my profession then, I applied to them with great assi- duity ; and besides composing courses oi Lectures en the theory of Language, and on Oratory and Criti- cism, on w hich my predecessor had lectured, I mtro. d\ictd lectures on history and general policy, on the laws and constitutions of England, and on the history of England. This I did \a consequence of observing that, though most of our pupils were young men designed for situations in civil and active life, every article in the plan of their education was adapted to tl\e learned professions. In order to recommend such studies as I introdu- ced, I composed an essay on a course of liberal educa- tion for civil and active life, with syllabuses of my three nev/ courses of lectures ; and Dr. Brown hav- ing just then published a plan of education, in which he recommended it to be undertaken by the state, I added some remarks on his treatise.^ shewing how ini- mical 48 Memoirs of mical it was to liberty, and the natural rights of pa- rents. This leading mc to consider the subject of civil and political liberty, I published my thoughts on it, in an essay on government^ which in a second edition I much enlarged, including in it what I wTote in answer to Dr. Balguy, on church authority, as well as my animadversions on Dr. Brown. My Lectures on the theory of language and unhersal grammar were printed for the use of the students, but ihey were not published. Those on Oratory and Criticism I published when I was with Lord Shel ■ burne, and those on History and general policy are now printed, and about to be published.* Finding no public exercises at Warrington, I intro- duced them there , so that afterwards every Satur- day the tutors, all the students, and often strangers, were assembled to hear English and Latin composi- tions, and sometimes to hear the delivei y of speeches, and the exhibition of scenes in plays. It m as my province to teach elocution, and also Logic, and Hebrew. The first of these I retained ; but after a year • This work has been reprinted in Pliilad. Iphla witli additions, par- ticularl;- (.fa cl;r.pirr onUie govcnm)cnt ol'tlic United States- Dr. Priestley. 40 ye,ar or two I exchanged the two last articles with Dr. Aikin for the civil law, and one year I gave a course of lectures in anatomy. With a view to lead tlie students to a facility in writing English, I encouraged them to write in verse. This I did not with any design to n^iake them poets, l^ut t» give them a greater facility in writing prose , ^nd this method I would recommend to all tutors. I was myself far from having any pretension to the character of a poet ; but in the early part of my life I was a great versifier, and this, I beheve, as well as my custom of uTiting after preachers, mentioned be- fore, contiibuted to the ease with which I always wrote prose. Mrs. Barbauld has told me that it was the perusal of some verses of mine that first induced her to write any thing in verse, so that this country is in some measure indebted to me for one of the best poets it can boast of. Several of her first poems were written when she was in my house, on occasi- ons tliat occurred while she was there. It was wlnle I was at Warrington that I published my Chan of Biography^ though I had begun to con- struct itat Nantvvich. Lord Willoughby of Parham, who lived in Lancashire, being pleased with the idea D of 50 Memoirs of of it, I, with his consent, inscribed it to him ; but he died before the publication of it : The Chart of History^ corresponding to it, I drew up some time af- ter at Leeds. I was in this situation when, going to London,* and being introduced to Dr. Price, Mr. Canton, Dr. Watson, (the Physician,) and Dr. Frank!in,I wat led to attend to the subject of experimental philoso- phy more than I had done before ; and having com- posed all the Lectures I had occasion to deliver and finding myself at liberty for any undertaking, I men- tioned to Dr. Franklin an idea that had occurred to zne of WTiting the history of discoveries in Electrici- ty, M hich had been his favourite study. This I told him might be an useful work, and tliat I would wil. lingly undertake it, provided I could be furnished with the books necessary for die purpose. This he readily undertook, and my other friends assisting him in it, I set about the work, without having the least • He always spent one month in every year in London which waj of great use to him. He saw and heard a g^eat deal. He generally Unade additions to his library and his chemical apparatus. A new turn was frequently given to his ideas. New and useful acquaintao* c^ were forxnedi and old ones confirmed. DR.pRIESTLKYr S^, least idea of doing any thing more than writing a distinct and methodical account of all that had been done by others. Having, however, a pretty good . machine, I was led, in the course of my writing the history, to endeavour to ascertain several facts which were disputed ; and this led me by degrees into a large field of original experiments, in which I spar- ed no expence that I could possibly furnish* These experiments employed a great proportion of my leisure time ; and yet before the complete expi- ration of the year in which I gave the plan of my w,ork to Dr. Franklin, I sent him a copy of it in print. In the same year five hours of every day were employed in lectures, public «r private, and one two months vacation I spent chiefly at Bristol, on a visit to my father-in-law. This I do not mention as a subject of boasting. For many persons have done more in the same time ; but as an answer to those who have objected to some of my later writings, as hasty performances. For none of my publications were better received than this History of Electricity^ which was the most hasty of them all. However, whether my publications have taken up more or less time, I am confident that D ^ more f^ Memoirs of "* more would not have contributed to their perfection, m any essential particular; and about anything far- ther I have never been very solicitous. My object was not to acquire tlic character of a fine viriter, but of an useful one. I can also truly say that gain was jicver the chief object of any of my publications. Se- veral of them were written with the prospect of cer- tain loss. During the course of my electrical experiments in this year I kept up a constant correspondence with Dr. Franklin, and the rest of my philosophical friends in London ; and my letters circulated among them all, as also every part of my History as it was trans- cribed. This correspondence would have made a considerable volume, and it took up much time ; but it was of great use with respect to the accuracy of my experiments, and the perfection of my work. After the publication of my Chart of Biography, Dr. Percival of Manchester, then a student at Edin- burgh, procured me the title of Doctor of laws from that university ; and not long after my new experiments in electricity were the means of intro- ducing me into the Royal Society, with the recom- mendation of Dr. Franklin, Dr. Watson, Mr. Can- ton, and Dr. Price. In Dr. Priestley. 53 In the whole time of my being at Warrington I was singularly happy in the society of my fellow tu- tors,* and of Mr. Scddon, the minister of the place. We drank tea together every Saturday, and our con- versation was equally instructive and pleasing. I often thought it not a little extraordinary, that four persons, who had no previous knowledge of each other, should have been brought to unite in conducting such a scheme as this, and all be zealous necessarians, as we were. We were likewise all Arians, and the on- ly subject of much consequence on which we dif- fered respected the doctrine of atonement, concern- ing which Dr. Aikin held some obscure notions. Accordingly, this was frequently the topic of our friendly conversations. The only Socinian in the neighbourhood was Mr. Seddon of Manchester; and we all wondered at him. But then we never entered into any particular examination of the subject. Receiving some of the pupils into my own house, I wasr • At Warrington he had for colleagues and succeBsor.-j, Dr. John Taylor, author of tlie Hebrew Corxordance and cf several otlier works, on Original Sin, Atonement, 8;c. Dr. Aikiii the Elder, Dr. Rein, told Forsterthe Naturalis: and traveller, Dr. Enfield and Mr. Vv^alkcr- D3 i3[4 ' Mewoirs of I was by this means led to form some valuable friendships, butespecially with Mr. Samuel Vaughan, a friendship which has continued hitherto, has in a manner connected our families, and will, I doubt not, continue through life. The t^vo eldest of his sons were boarded with me. The tutors having sufficient society among them- selves, we had not much acquaintance out of the academy. Sometimes, however, I made an excur- sion to the towns in the neighbourhood. At Liver- - pool I was always received by Mr. Bentley, after- wards partner \\ ith Mr. Wedgwood, a man of ex- cellent taste improved understanding, and a good disposition, but an unbeliever in Christianity, which was therefore often the subject of our conversation. He was then a widower, and we generally, and con- trary to my usual custom, sat up late. At Man. Chester I was always the guest of Mr. Potter, whose son Thomas was boaidcd with me. He was one of tlie worthiest men that ever lived. At X^howbent I was much acquainted with Mr. Mort, a man equal ly distinguished by his chearfulness and liberality of sentiment. Of the ministers in the neighbourhood, I recoikct wiih Dr. Priestley.' i^ with much satisfaction the interviews I had with Mr. Godwin of Gataker, Mr. Holland of Bolton, and Dr. Enfield of Liverpool, afterwards tutor at Warrington. Though all the tutors in my time lived in the most perfect harmony, though we all exerted our- selves to the utmost, and there was no complaint of want of discipline, the academy did not flourish. There had been an unhappy difference between Dr. Taylor and the trustees, in consequence of which all his friends, who were numerous, were our ene- mies ; and too many of the subscribers, being probably weary of the subscription, were willing to lay hold of any pretence for dropping it, and of jus» tifying their conduct afterwards. It is possible that in time we might have overcome the prejudices we laboured under, but there being no prospect of things being any better, and my wife having very bad health, on her account chiefly I wished for a removal, though nothing could be more agreeable to me at the time than the whole of my employment, and all the laborious part of it was over. The terms also on which we took boarders, viz. 15 £. per annum, and my salary being only D4 IQO;^* Ift Memoirs of JOO jf . per annam with a house, it was not possible, even living- with the greatest frugality, to make any provision for a family. I was there six years, most laboriously employed, for nothing more than a bare aubsibtence. I therefore listened to an invitation to take the charge of the congregation of Mill-hill cha- pel at Leeds, where I was pretty well known, and thither I removed in September 1767. Though v\ hile I was at Warrington it was no part ' of my duty to preach, I had from choice continued tlie practice ; and wishing to keep up the charac- ter of a dissenting minister, I chose to be ordained w^uie 1 was diere -, and th.ough I v/as far from having eonquercd my tendency to stammer, and probably^, never bhall bt able to do itcfieclually, I had, by tak-. ing much pains, improved my pronunciation some time before I left Nantwich , where for the two first years this im[:>ediment had increased so much, that. I once infoniitd tb>e people, that I must give up the business of preaching, and confine myself to my school. However, by making a practice of reading, very loud and very slow every day, I at length suc- ceeded in getting m some measure the better of this dtxlxt , but I am still obliged occuLicnally to have recourse to the same expedient. At Dr. Priestley. 57 At Leeds I continued six j^ears very happy with a liberal, friendly, and harmonious congregation, to whom my services (of which I was not sparing) were very acceptable. Here I had no unreasonable prej-fidices to contend with, so that I had full scope fcr every Ivind of exertion ; and I can truly say that I always considered the office of a christian minister as the most honourable of any upon earth, and in the studies proper to it I always took the greatest pleasure. Li this situation I naturally resumed my applica- tion to speculative theology, which had occupied me at NeedhaiU; and vihich had been interrupted by the business oi teachi.ig at Nantwich and Warring- ton. By reading with care Dr. Lardner''s letter on the logoSy I became what is called a Socinian soon after my settlement at Leed^ ; and alter giving the closest attention to the subject, I have seen more and more reason to be satisfied with that opinion to this day, and likewise to be more impressed with the idea of its importance. On reading Mr. Mann's Dissertation on the times of the birth and death of Christ, I was convinced that hs. was right in his opinion of our Saviour's ministry 58 Memoirs of xn\ni^»ry having continued little more than one year, and on this plan I drew out a Harmony of the gos* pels, the outline of m hich I first published in the Thtologivsal Repository, and afterwards separately and at lai g^e, both in Greek and English, with Notes, and an occasional Paraphrase. In the same work I publir;hed my Essay on the doctrine of Atonement^ improved from the tract published by Dr. Lardner, and also my animadversions on the reasoning of the apostle Paul. The plan of this Repository occured to me on seeing some notes that Mr. Turner of Wakefield had drawn up on several passages of scripture, which I was concerned to think should be lost. He very much approved of my proposal of an occasional publication, for the purpose of preserving such ori- ginal observations as could otherwise probably ne- ver see the light. Of this work I published three volumes while I was at Leeds, and he never failed to give me an article for every number of which they were composed. Giving particular attention to the duties of my office, I wrote several tracts for the use of my conr gregationi as two Catechisms, an Address to mas- ters Dr. Priestley. 59 iers of families on the subject of family prayer, 2i discourse on the Lord^s Supper, and on Church disci- pline, and Institutes of Natural and Rei}ealed religion. Here I formed three classes of Catechumens, and took great pleasure in instructing them in the prin- ciples of religion. In this respect I hope my exam- ple has been of use in other congregations. The first of my controversial treatises was written here in reply to some angry remarks on my dis- course on the Lord's Supper by Mr. Venn, a cler- gyman in the neighbourhood. I also wrote remarks on Dr. Balguy'^s sermon on Church authority, and on some paragraphs in Judge Blackstone'*s Commenta- ries relating to the dissenters. To the two former no reply was made ; but to the last the judge replied in a small pamphlet ; on which I addressed a letter to him in the St. Jameses Chronicle. This contro- versy led me to print another pamphlet, entitled The Fri?iciples and Conduct of the Dissenters laith respect to the civil and ecclesiastical constitution of this coun* try. With the encouragement of Dr. Price and Dr. Kippis, I also wrote an Address to Frotestani Dissenters as such ; but without my name. Seve- ral of these pamphlets having been animadverted upon 6Q Memoirs of upon by an anonymous acquaintance, who thought I had laid too much stress on the principles of the Dissenters, I wrote a defence of my conduct in Leu ters addressed to him. The methodists being very numerous in Leeds, and many of the lower sort of my own hearers listen- ing to them, I wrote an Appeal to the serious profes- sors of Christianity y an Illustration of particular texts , and republished the Trial of Eliuall, all in the cheap- est manner possible. Those small tracts had a great effect in establishing my hearers in liberal principles of religion, and in a short time had a far more exten- sive influence than I could have imagined. By this time more than thirty thousand copies of the Appeal have been dispersed. Besides these theoretical and controversial pieces, I wrote while I was at Leeds my Essay on Govern- ment mentioned bclbre, my E^iglish Grammar enlar- ged, ?i familiar introduction to the study of electricity^ a treatise on perspective, and my Chart of History, and also some anonymous pieces in favour of civil liber- ty during the persecution of Mr. Wilkes, the princi- pal of which was An Address to Dissenters on the sub-, ject of the difference zvith AiJK-rica^ which I wrote at the Dr. Priestley. 61 the request of Dr. Franklin, and Dr. Fothergil. But nothing of a nature foreign to the duties of my profession engaged my attention while I was at Leeds so much as the prosecution of my experiments rela- ting to electricity^ and especially the doctrine of air. The last I was led into in consequence of inhabiting a house adjoining to a public brewery, where I at first amused myself with making experiments on the fixed air which I found ready made in the process of fermentation. When I removed from that house, I was under the necessity of making the fixed air for myself; and one experiment leading to another, as I have distinctly and faithfully noted in my various publications on the subject, I by degrees contrived a convenient apparatus for the purpose, but of the cheapest kind. When I began these experiments I knew very lit- tle Oi chemistry i and had in a manner no idea on the subject before I attended a course of chemical lec- tures delivered in the academy at Warrington by Dr. Turner*- of Liverpool. But I have often thought that * Dr. turner was a Physician at Liverpool : among his friend? a professed Atheist. It wag* Dr. Turner who WTOtc the reply to Dr. Priestlcj'9 S2 Memoirs of that upon the whole, this circumstance was no dis. advantage to me , as in this situation I was led to devise an apparatus, and processes of my own, adap- . ted to my peculiar views. Whereas, if I had been' previously accustomed to the usual chemical pro- cesses, I should not have so easily thought of any other ; and without new modes xjf operation I should hardly have discovered any thing materially new.* My Priestley's letters to a philosophical unbeliever under the feig'ned name of Hammon. He was in his day a good practical chemist. I believe it was Dr. Turner vho first invented, or at least brought to tolerable perfection, the art of copying prints upon glass, by striking off impressi- ons with a coloured solution of silver and fixing them on the glass bj baking on ah iron plate in a heat sufficient to incorporate the solution vlth the glass. Some of them are very neatly performed, producing transparent copies in a. bright yellow upon the clear glass. Dr. Turner was not merely a whig but a republican. In a friendly debating society at Liverpool about the close of the American war, he observed in reply to a speaker who had been descanting on the honour Great' Britain had gained during the reign of his present Majesty, thatitwastrae, we hai'" lost the Terra frma of the thirteen colonies in America, but we ought to be satisfied with having gained in return, by the generalship of Dr. Hcrschcl, a terra incognita of much greater fsicnt in nulubus . -^ • • This necessary attention to economy also aided the simplicity of his apparatus, and was tlic means in some degree of improving it in this Dr. Priestley^ 63 My first publication on the subject of air was in 1772. It was a small pamphlet, on the method of impregnating water with fixed air ; which being im- mediately translated into French, excited a great de- gree of attention to the subject, and this was much increased by the publication of my first paper of ex- periments in a large article of the Philosophical Transactions the year following, for which I received the gold medal of the society. My method of im- pregnating water with fixed air was considered at a meeting of the College of Physicians, before vihom I made the experiments, and by them it was recom- mended to the Lords of the Admiril (by ^\hom they had been summoned for the purpose) as likely to be ©fuse in the sea scurvy. The only person in Leeds who gave much attenti- on to my experiments was Mr. Hay, a surgeon. He was a zealous methodist, and wrote answers to some of this important respect. This plainness of his apparatus rendered his experiments easy to be repeated, and gave them accuracy. In this re- spect he was like his great Cotemporary Scheele, v/hcse discoveries were made by means easy to be procured r.nd at small expence. The FreDch Chemists have adopted a practice ^uitc the reverse. T. C. 64 Memoirs of of my theological tracts ; but \\t always conversed with the greatest freedom on philosoj.hical subjects, without mentioning any thing relating to theology. When I left Leeds, he begged of me the earthen trough in which I had made all my experiments on air while I was there. It was such an one as is there commonly used for washing linna^ Having succeeded so well in the History of Elec- tricity, I was induced lo undertake the history of ail the branches of experimental philosophy ; axid a{ Leeds I gave out proposals for that purpose, and published the History of discoveries rdatitig to tision light and colours. This ^vork, also, I believe I exe- cuted to general satisfaction , and being an underta- king of great expence, I was under the necessity of publishing it by subscription. The sale, however, was not such as to encourage me to proceed with a work of so much labour and expence ; so that after purchasing a great number of books, to enable me to finish my undertaking, I was obliged to abandon it, and to apply wholly to original experiments.* In writing the History of discoveries relating to vision. Many of tlir subsciiptlons vcir.;iijned unpaid. Dr. Priestley. 65 vision, I was much assisted by Mr. Michell, the discoverer of the method of making artificial magnets. Living at Thornhill, not very far from Leeds, I fre- quently visited him, and was very happy in his soci- ety, as I also was in that of Mr. Smeaton, who lived still nearer to me. He made me a present of his ex- cellent air pump, which I constantly use to this day. Having strongly recommended his construction of this instrument, it is now generally used ; whereas before that hardly any had been made during the twenty years which had elapsed after the account that he had given of it in the Philosophical Transactions. I was also instrumental in reviving tiie u^ of large electrical machines, and batteries, in electricity , the generality of electric?! machines being little more than play things at the time that I began my experiments. The first very large electrical machine was made by Mr. Naime in consequence of a request made to me, by the Grand Duke of Tuscany, to get him tlie best machine that we could make in England. This,. and another that he made for Mr. Vaughan, were constituted on a plan of my own. But afterwards Mr. Nairne made large machines on a more simple and improved construction ; and in censidcratlon of E the 66 Memoirs of the service w hich I had rendered him, he made me a present of a pretty large machine of the same kind. The review of my history of electricity by Mr. !Btwley, who was acquainted \viih Mr. Michell, was the means of opening a correspondence between us, which was the source of much satisfaction to me as long as he lived. I instantly communicated to him an account of every new experiment that I made, and, in return, was favoured with his remarks upon them. All that he published of his own were articles in the Appendixes to my volumes on air, all of which are ingenious and v?luable. Always publishing in this manner, he used to call himself my satellite. There was a vein of pleasant wit and humour in all his cor- respondence, which added greally to the value of it. His letters to me would have made several volumes, and mine to him still more. When he found himself dangerously ill, he made a point of paying me a visit before he died ; and he made a journey from Norfolk to Birmingham, accompanied by Mrs. Bevvley, for that purpose ; and after spending about a week with me, he went to his friend Dr. Buniey, and at his house he died. AVhilc I WaS at Leeds a proposal was made to me to Dr. Priestley. 67 to accompany Captain Cook in his second voyage to the south seas. As the terms were very advantage- ous, I consented to it, and the heads of my congrega- tion had agreed to keep an assistant to supply my place during my absence. But Mr. Banks informed me that I was objected to by some clergymen in the board of longitude, who had the direction of this bu- siness, on account of my religious principles ; and presently after I heard that Dr. Forster, a person far better qualified for the purpose, had got the appoint- ment. As I had barely acquiesced in the proposal, this was no disappointment to me, and I was much better employed at home, even with respect to my philosophical pursuits. My knowledge of natural history was not sufficient for the undertaking ; but at that time I should by application have been able to supply my deficiency, though now I am sensible I could not do it. At Leeds I was particularly happy in my inter- course with Mr. Turner of Wakefield, and occasi- onally, with Mr. Cappe of York, and Mr. Graham of Halifax. And here it was that, in consequence of a visit vvhich In company with Mr. Turner I made to tlie Archdeacon Blackburne at Richmond (with E 2 whom 68 Memoirs of whom I had kept up a correspondence fiom the time that his son was under my care at Warrington) I first met with Mr. Lindsey, then of Catterick, and a correspondence and intimacy commenced, which has been the source of more real satisfaction to me than any other circumstance in my whole life. He soon discovered to me that he was uneasy in his situ- ation, and had thoughts of quitting it. At first I was not forward to encourage him in it, but rather advised him to make what aheration he thought pro- per in the offices of the church, and leave it to bis su- periors to dismiss him if they chose. But his bet- ter judgment, and greater fortitude, led him to give up all connexion with the established church of his own accord. This took place about the time of my leaving Leeds, and Ct was not until long after this that I was apprized of all the difficulties he had to struggle with before h'* could accomplish his purpose. But the oppoiiition made to it by his nearest friends, and those A\ ho might have been expected to approve of the step that he took, and to have cndea^'oured to make it easy to him, was one of the greatest. Notwith- standing this he left Cutterick, where he had lived in Dr. Priestley. 69 in afHuence idolized by his parish, and went to Lon- don without any certain prospect ; where he lived in two rooms of a ground floor, until by the assist, ance of his friends, he was able to pay for the use of the upper apartments, which the state of his health rendered necessary. In this humble situation have I passed some of the most pleasing hours of my life, when, in consequence of living with Lord Shel- burne, 1 spent my winters in London. On this occasion it was that my intimacy with Mr. Llndsey was nuch improved, and an entire concurrence in every thing that we thought to be for the interest of Christianity gave fresh warmth to our friendship. To his society I owe much of my zeal for the doctrine of the divine unity, for which he made so great sacrifices, and in the defence of which he so much distinguished himself, so as to occasion a new aera in the history of religion in this country. As we became more intimate, confiding in his better taste and judgment, and also in that of Mrs. Lindsey, a woman of the same spirit and views, and in all respects a help meet for him, I never chose to publish any thing of moment relating to Theology without consulting him ; and hardly ever ventured E3 to 70 Memoirs of • to insert any thing that they disapproved, being sen- sible that my disposition led to precipitancy, to which their coolness was a seasonable check. At Leeds began my intercourse with Mr. Lee of Lincoln's Inn. He \a as a native of the place, and exactly one week older than myself. At that time he was particularly connected with the congregation, and before be was manied spent his vacations with us. His friendship \\as a source of much greater satisfiiction and advantage to me after I came to re* side in London, and especially at the time of my leaving Lord Shelburne, when my prospects wore rather a cloudy aspect. When I visited London, during my residence at Leeds, commenced my particular friendship for Dr. Price, to whom I had been introduced several years before bv Dr. Benson ; our first interview having been at Mr. Brownsword's at Newington, where they were members of a small literary society, in which they read various compositions. At that time Dr. Benson read a paper which afterwards made a section in his Life of Christ. For the most amiable simplicity of character, equalled only by that of Mf. Lindsey, a truly chiistian spirit, disinterested pa- triotism, Dr. Priestley. 71 triotism, and true candour, no man in my opinion €ver exceeded Dr. Price. His candour will appear the more extraordinary, considering his warm at- tachments to the theological sentiments which he embraced in very early life. I shall ever refleq.t up- on our friendship as a circumstance highly honoura- ble, as it was a source of peculiar satisfaction, to me« I had two sons bom to me at Leeds, Joseph and William, and though I was very happy there, | was tempted to leave it after continiuing there six years, to go into the family of the Earl of Shelburne, now the Marquis of Lansdowne ; he stipulating to give me 250 j/^. per annum, a house to live in, and a cer- tainty for life in case of his death, or of my separati- on from him ; v\ hereas at Leeds my salary was only one hundred guineas per annum, and a house, which was not quite sufficient for the subsistence of my family, without a possibility of making a provi- sion for them after my death. I had been recommended to Lord Shelburne by Dr. Price, as a person qualified to be a literary com- panion to him. In this situation, my family being at Calne in Wiltshire, near to his Lordship's seat at Bowood, I continued seven years, spending the E ,4 summer 72 Memoirs of summer with my family, and a great part of the winter in his Lordship's, house in London. My office was nominally that oi librarian, but I had lit- tle employment as such, besides arranging his books, taking a catalogue of them, and of his manuscripts, which were numerous, and making an index to his collection of private papers. In fact I was with him as a friend, and the second year made with him the tour of Fianders, Holland, and Germany, as far as Stras- burgh ,* and after spending a month at Paris, return- ed to England. This was in the year 1774. 'Hiis little excursion made me more sensible than I should otherwise have been of the benefit of foreign travel, even without the advantage of much conversation with foreigners. The very sight of new countries, new buildings, new customs, Stc. and the very hearing of an unintelligible new lan- guage, gives new ideas, and tends to enlai-ge the mind. To me this little time was extremely pleas- ing, especially as I saw every thing to the greatest advantage, and without any anxiety or trouble, and had an opportunity of seeing and conversing with every person of eminence wherever we came ; the political characters by his Lordship's connections, and Dr. PlilESTLEY. ;73 and the literary ones by my ovni, I was soon, however, th'ed of Paris, and chose to spend ray even- ings at the hotel, in company with a few literary friends. Fortunately for me, Mr. Mugellan* be- ing at Paris, at the same time, spent most of the evenings with me ; and as I chose to return before his Lordship, he accompanied me to London, and made the journey very pleasing to me ; he being used to the country, the language, and the manners of it, which I was not. He had seen much of the world, * JOHN HYACINTH De MAGELLAN a descendant of the Famous Navigatoi- Magellan, v.as a Portuguese Jesuit, but f. r more attached to Philosophy tlian Christianity. He was much employed by his rich and noble correspondents abroad to prociu*e philosophi- cal Insti'uments from tlie Artists of Great Britain. He was a good judge of these, and being of a mechanical turn as well as a man of Science, he improved their construction in many instances . He was member of and attendant on almost all the philosophical Clubs and Meetings in London, and was generally furnished with early intelli- gence of philosophical discoveries from the continent. On the 17tli of September 1785 he made a donation of 200 guineas to the Ame- -rican philosophical Society, the interest whereof was to be appropri- ated annually as a premium for the most useful discoveries or improve- ments in navigation or natural philosophy, but to the exclusion of mere natural history. He died a few years a*o, leaving Mr. Nichol- son and the late Dr. Ci-awford his Executors. T. C 74 Memoirs of world, and his conversation durini^ our joumey was j>articularly interesting to me. Indeed, in London, both before and after this time, I ahvays found him very friendly, especially in every thing that related to my philosophical pursuits. As I was sufficiently apprized of the fact, I did not wonder, as I o herwise should have done, to find all the philosophical persons to a\ hom I was intro- duced at Paris uiiuelievers in Christianity, and even professed Atheists. As I chose on all occasions to appear as a christian, I was told by some of them, tliai I was the only person they had ever met with, of whose understanding they had any opinion, m ho professed to believe Christianity. But on interrogating them on the subject, I soon found that they had gi- ven no proper attention to it, and did not really know what Christianity \vas. This was also the case m ith a great part of the company that I saw at Lord Shel- burne's. But I hope that my ahvays avowing myself to be a christian, and holding myself ready on all oc- casions to defend the genuine principles of it, was not without its use. Having conversed so much with unbelievers at home and abroad, I thought I sliould be able to combat their prejudices with some ad^•an- Dr. Priestley. 75' advantage, and with this view I wrote, ^vhile I was with Lord Shelburne, the first part of my Leiteis to a philosophical unbelie'ver, in proof of the doctrines of a God and a providence, and to this I have added du- ring my residence at Birmingham, a second part, in defence of the evidences of Christianity. The first part being repUed to by a person who called himself Mr. Hammon, I wrote a reply to his piece, which has hitherto remained unanswered. I am happy to find that this work of mine has done some good, and I hope that in due time it w ill do more. I can truly say that the greatest satisfaction I receive from the success of my philosophical pursuits, arises from the weight it may give to my attempts to defend Christi- anity, and to free it from those corruptions which prevent its reception -^vith philosophical and thinking persons, Avhuse influence with the v\il9ar. and tlie unthinking, is very great. With Lord Shelburne I sa^v a great variety of characters, but, of our neighbours in Wiltshire, the person I had the most frequent opportunity of seeing was Dr. Frampton, a clergyman, whose history may serve as a lesson to many. No man perhaps Mas ever better qualified to please in a convivial hour, or had 76 Memoirs of had greater talents for conversation and repartee ; in consequence of which, though there were several things very disgusting about him, his society was much courted, and mony promises of preferment were made to him. To these, notwithstanding his knowledge of the world, and of high life, he gave too much credit ; so that he spared no expence to grati- fy his taste and appetite, until he was universally in- volved in debt ; and though his friends made some efforts to relieve him, he was confined a year in the county prison at a time when his bodily infirmities required the greatest indulgences ; and he obtained his release but a short time before his dcadi on condi- tion of his living on a scanty allowance ; the income of his livings (amounting to more than 400 ^. per annum) being in the hands of his creditors. Such was the end of a man who kept the table in a roar. Dr. Frampton being a high churchman, he cotild not atfirst conceal his aversion to me, and endeavoured to do me some ill offices. But being a man of letters, and despising the clergy in his neighbourhood, he became at last much attached to me \ and in his dis- tresses Avas satisfied, I believe, that I was one of his most sincere fricndi. With some great defects he had Dr. Priestley. 77 had some considerable virtues, and uncommon abi- lities, which appeared more particularly in extempore speaking. He always preached without notes, and when, on some occasions, he composed his sermons, he could, if he chose to do it, repeat the whole njerba- tim. He frequently extemporized in verse, in a great variety of measures. In Lord Shelburne's family was Lady Arabella Denny, who is well knowh by her extensive chari- ties. She is (f T she is still living) a woman of good understardirg, and great piety. She had the care of his Lordship's two sons until they came under the care of Mr. Jervis, who was their tutor during: my continuance in the family. His Lordship's young- er son, who died suddenly, had made astonishing- attainments both in knowledge and piety, w hile very young, far beyond any thing that I had an opportuni- ty of observing in my life. When I went to his Lordship, I had materials for one volume oi experiments on air, which I soon after published, and inscribed to him ; and before I left him I published three volumes more, and had ma- terials for a fourth, which I publio-hed immediately on my settling in Birmingham. He encouraged me in 78 Memoirs or in the prosecution of my philosophical enquiries, and allowed mc 40 £. per annum for expenccs of that kind, and was pleased to see me make experiments to entertain his guests, and especially foreigners. NotwiUistanding the attention that I gave to phi- losophy in this situation, I did not discontinue my other studies, especially in theology and metaphy- sics. Here I wrote my Miscellaneous Observations 7-eltinng to education, and published my Lectures on Oratory and Criticism^ which I dedicated to Lord Fitzmaurice, Lord Shelburne's eldest son. Here also I published the third and last part of my Insti- tutes of Natural and Reijealed religion ; and having in the Preface attacked the principles of Dr. Reid, Dr. Beattie, and Dr. Oswald, Avith respect to their doctrine of Common Sense, which they made to su- percede all rational inquiry into the subject oi" religi- on, I was led to consitler their system in a separate work, which, though written in a manner that I do not intircly approve, has, I hope upon the whole been of s(r\ice to the cause of free inquiry and truth.* In * Tliis rrply of Dr. Pricstloy to ihc Scotch Doctors, t>vouf;h not written Dr. Priestley. 79 In the preface I had expressed my belief of the doc- trine oi Philosophical Necessity, but without any de- sign to pursue die subject, and also my great admira- tion of Dr. Hartley's theory of the human nird, as indeed I had taken many opportunities of doing be- fore. This led me to publish that part of his obser- vations on man which related to the doctrine of asso- ciation of ideas, detached from the doctrine of vibra- tions, prefixing three dissertations^ explanatory of his general system. In one of these I expressed seme doubt of the immateriality of the sentient principle in man ; and the outcry that was miide on what I casually expressed on thiit subject can hardly be ima- gined. In all the newspapers, and most of the perio- dical publications, I \vas represented as an unbeliever in revelation, and no better than an Atheist. This written in a manner that his matvucr reflction approved, compleatly set at rest the que^ticn of Ccirinon Scr.se as denoting' the intuitive evidence of a chiss of moral and relig'iou3 proposliions capable of sa- tisfactory proof, or of high probability from considerations ab extra. But Dr. Reid ought hardly to be classed with coadjutors so inferior as the Drs. Oswald and Beatiie. The latter wrote something' wh.ich he meant as a defence of the christian relijicn ; but such defenders of Christianity as Dr. Beatiie and Soame Jenyns, are well calciJated to Irlne it ittp contempt witli nienof ifarci^ s.nd r^flcclicn. T. C 80 Memoirs 6f This led me to give the closest attention to the subject, and the consequence \\as the firmest per- suasion that man is wholly material, and that our only prospect of immortality is from the christian doctrine of a resurrection. I therefore digested my thoughts on the subject, and published my Disqui^ sitions relating to matter and spirit, also the subjects of Socinianism and necessity being nearly connected "with the doctrine of the materiality of man, I advanc ed several (Considerations from the state of opinions in antient times in fa^•our of the former ; and in a separate volume discussed more at large what related to the latter, dedicating the first volume of this work to Mr. Graham, and the second to Dr. Jebb. * It being probable that this publication would be unpopular, and might be a means of bringing odium on my patron, several attempts were made by his friends, though none by himself, to dissuade me from persisting in it. But being, as I thought, en- gaged in the cause of important truth, I proceeded w ithout regard to any consequences, assuring them that this publication should not be injurious to his Lordship. Tn order, however, to proceed with the greatest caution, Dr. Priestley. SI caution, in a business of such moment, I desired some of my learned friends, and especially Dr. Price, to peruse the work before it was published ; and the remarks that he made upon it led to a free and friendly discussion of the several subjects of it, which we afterwards published jointly ; and it re- mains a proof of the possibility of discussing subjects mutually considered as of the greatest importance, with the most perfect good temper, and without the least diminution of friendship. This work I dedi- cated to our common friend Mr. Lee. In this situation I published my Harmony of the gospels, on the idea of the public ministry of Jesus having continued little more than one year, a scheme which I first proposed in the Theological Reposito- ry ; and the Bishop of Waterford having in his Har- ;7?(9//y published a defence of the common hypothesis, viz. that of its having been three years, I addi-essed a letter to him on the subject, and to this he made a reply in a separate work. The controversy proceed- ed to several publications on both sides, in the most amicable manner, and the last /^o^/^rrz^Mvas pub- lished jointly by us both. Though my side of the question was without any advocates that I know of, F and &ii . MEifoins OF and had only been adopted by Mr. Maun, uho seemed to have had no followers, there are few per- sons, I. believe, who have attended to our discussion of the subject, who are not satisfied that I have suf- ficiendy proved what I had advanced. This contro- versy was not finished until after my removal to Bir- minp^ham. Reflecting on the time that I spent with Lord Shel- burne, being as a guest in the family, I can truly say that I was not at all foscinated with that mode of life. ' Instead of looking back upon it with regret, one of the greatest subjects of my present thankful- ness is the change of that situation for the one in which I am now placed ; and yet I was far from be- ing unhappy there, much less so than tliose a\ ho arc born to such a state, and pass all their lives in it. These are generally unhappy from the want of neces- sary employment , on \\ hich account chiefly there appears to be much more happiness in the middle classes of life, who aic above the fear of ^vant, and yet have a sufficient moti\c for a constant exertion of tlicir faculties ; and vaIio have alu avs some other ob- ject besides amusement. I used to miikc no scruple of maintaining, tliat there Dr. Priestley. ^$ there is not only most virtue, and most happiness, but even most true poUteness in the middle classes of life. For in proportion as men pass more of their time in the society of their equals, they get a better established habit of governing their tempers ; they attend more to the feelings of others, and are mora disposed to accommodate themselves to them. On the other hand, the passions of persons in higher life, having been less controlled, are more apt to be in- flamed ; the idea of their rank and superiority to others seldom quiis them ; and though they are in the habit of concealing their feelings, and disguising their passions, it is not always so well done, but that persons of ordinary discernment may perceive what they in^vardly suffer. On this account, they arc really intitled to compassion, it being the almost un- avoidable consequence of their education and mode of life. But when the mind is not hurt in such a situation, when a person born to affluence can lose sight of himself, and truly feel and act fcr others, the character is so godlike, as shews that this ine» quality of condition is not without its use. Like the general discipline of life, it is for the present lost 00 F2 84 Memoirs or on the great mass, but on a few it produces what no other state of things could do.* The * The account here gi\en of Dr. Priestley's connection with Lord Shelburne must be gratifying to every friend of sci- ence and litei-atare, notvvitlistanding tlie subsequent separation. To such persons the character of a nobleman vho like Lord Shelburne, devotes so much of his time, and so much of his in- come to the pin-suits of knowledge, and the encouragement of those ■who eminently contribute to enlighten mankind, cannot but be inter- esting. Had he behaved dishonourably or disrespectfully to a roan of Dr. Pijestley's high station in the literary world. It would have been an argument that science and litcratiu-e were ineffectual to sof- ten the pride of titled opuleiKC and hereditary rank. But Ovid lias observed justly, Cingenuas didicisse Jidditer Actes , emollit mois pecs-' nit esse fir OS. J It is right to mention an anecdote higlily honourable to Lord Shel- burne, on the authority of Dr. Priestley. At the conclusion of the treaty of peace in 1783, negcjtiated by Lord Shelburne while he was in the ministry, a strong opposition was expected, particularly fi'om his former coadjutors wlio soon after the deatli of Lord Rockingliam had seceded from Lord Shelburne's administi-ation. It was suggested to this nobleman, that it was cu.stomary for the mini.stcr for the time being to let it be understood among the inutes of the ministerial members, that they miglit expect the usual douceur for their votes on sucli an occasion. Some light might be thro\^•n on the n.-.turo and quantum of tliis douceur, 1)y the list of ministerial rewards distributed Attlic close of ejich session, as stated publicly to the house of Com- mons Dr. Priestley. 85 The greatest part of the time that I spent with Lord Shelburne I passed with much satisfaction, his Lordship always behaving to me with uniform politeness, and his guests with respect. But about two 3'ears before I left him, I perceived evident marks of dissatisfaction, though I never understood the cause of it; and until that time he had been even lavish on all occasions in expressing his satis- faction in my society to our common friends. When I left him, I asked him whether he had any fault to find with uiy conduct, and he said 7ione. At length, however, he intimated to Dr. Price, that he 'vished to give me an establishment in Ireland, where he had large property. This gave mc an op- p rtunity of acquainting him, that if he chose to dis^ solve the connexion, it should be on the terms ex- pressed in the writings which we mutually signed when mons by tlie late Sir Georg-e Saviile. Lord Shelburne without hesita- tion refused compliance ; and declared that if his peace could not obtain the unbought approbation of the house, it migiit take its chance. The consequence was that althoug-h the address was carried iu the Lords by 73 to 59 it was lost in the Commons by 224 to 203, T. C. F3 S6 Mejioirs of when it was formed, in consequence of u hich I should be entitled to an annuity of an hundred and fifty pounds, and tben I would provide for myself, and to this he readily acceded. He told Dr. Price that he wished our separation to be amicable, and I assured him that nothing should be wanting on my part to make it truly so. Accordingly, I expected that he Would receive my visits A^hen I should be occasion* ally in London, but he declined them. However, A^'hen I liad been some years settled at Birmingham, he sent an especial messenger, and common friend, to engage me ?gain in his service , Ijaving, as that friend assured me, a deep sense of the loss of Lord Ashburton (Mr. Dunning) by d^iath, and of Colonel Barre by his becoming al- most blind, and his want of some able and faithful friend, such as he had experienced in me ; v. ith other expressions more flattering than those. I did not chuse, however, on any consideration, to leave tlie very eligible situation in v.hich I now am, but expres- sed my readiness to do him any service in my power. * His Lordship's enemies have insinuated that he was riot punctual in the payment of my annuity ; but the contrary is true : HididLO nothing could have been more Dr. Priestley. 87 more punctual, and I have no reason to suppose tliat it will fever be otherwise. At Calne I had another son born to me, whom, at Lord Shelburne^s request, I called Henry. It was at the time of my leaving Lord Shelburne th;it I found the great value of Mr. and Mrs. Lind- sey's friendship, in such a manner as I certainly had no expectation of when our acquaintance commen- ced ; especially by their introducing me to the notice of Mrs. Rayner, one of his hearers, and most zealous friends. Notwithstanding my allowance from Lord Shel- burne was larger than that which I had at Leeds, yet my family growing up, and my expences, on this and other accounts, increasing more than in proportion, I was barely able to support my removal. But my situation being intimated to Mrs. Raj ncr, besides smaller sums, with which she occasionally assisted me, she gave me an hundred guineas to defray the expence of my removal, and deposited widi Mrs. Lindsey, which she soon after gave up to me, four hundred guineas, and to this day has never failed gi- ving me every year marks of her friendship. Her*s is, indeed, I seriously think, one of the first christian F 4 characters 88 Memoirs or characters that I \;a5 ever acquainted \\ith, having a cultivated comprehensive mind, equal to any subject of theolog}- or metaphysics, intrepid in the cause of truth, and most rationally pious. Spending so much of my time in London v^as tho means of increasing my intimacy with both Mr. Lind- sey and Mr. Lee, our common friend ; uho amidst the bustle of politics, always preserved his attachment to theology, and the cause of truth. The Sunday I always spent \\ith Mr. Lindsey, attending the service of his chapel, and sometimes officiating for him ; and with him and Mrs. Lindscy I generally spent the evening of that day at Mr. Lee's who then admitted no other company, and seldom have I enjoyed socie- ty ^\•ith mo'-e relish. My winter's residence in London was the means of improving my acquaintance with Dr. Franklin. I was scldovn many days without seeing him, and be- . ing members of the same club, wc cojistantly return- ned together. Tl le difference with America breaking out at this time, our conversation was chiefly of a po- litical nature ; and I can beai" w Itncss, t'iiat he was so far from promoting, a5j\\as generally supposed, that he took c\cry method in hh [)OV.cr to prevent a rup- ture Dr. Priestley. 89 ture between the two countries. He urged so much the doctrine of forbearance, that for some time he was unpopular with the Americans on that account, as too much a friend to Great Britain. His advice to them was to bear every thing for the present, as they were sure in time to out grow all their grievances ; as it could not be in the power of the mother country to oppress them long. He dreaded the war, and often said that, if the dif- ' ference should come to an open rupture, it would be a war of len years , and he should not live to see the end of it. In reality the war lasted near eight years but he did live to see the happy termination of it. That the issue would be favorable to America, he never doubted. The English, he used to say, may take all our great towns, but that will not give them possession of the country. The last day that he spent in England, having given out that he should leave London the day before, we passed together,^ without any other company ; and much of the time was employed in reading American newspapers, es- pecially accounts of the reception which the Boston port bill met with in America ; and as he read the addresses to the inhabitants of Boston fi^om the places ill 90 Memoius of ill the neighbourhood, the tcaii trickled down his cheeks.* It is much to be lamented, that a man of Dr. Franklin's gcn.ral good character, and great influ- ence, should have been an unbeliever in Christianity, and also have done so much as he did to make others unbelievers. I'o me, ho\Tevcr, he acknowleelged that he had not given so much attention as he ought to have done to the evidences of Christianity, and de- sired me to recommend to him a few ti*eatiseson the subject, such as I thought most deserving of his notice, but not of great length, promising to read them, and gi\ c me his sentiments on them. Ac- cordingly, I recommended to him Hartley's evi- dences of Christianity in his Observations on Man, and 'what I had then written on the subject in my Institutes of natural and revealed religion. But the American war breaking out soon after, I do not believe that he ever found himself sufficiently at lei- sure for the discussion. 1 have kept up a corres- pondence with him occasionally ever since, and three of his * Ff;r two letters wrlUcn by my father ixlali'ig' to Dr. rnmklin ami Mr Burke sec :vi)i.cnd'.x Nj. 6. Dr. Priestley. 91 of his letters lo me were, \\ ith his consent, puWishcd in his Miscellaneous Works, in quarto. The first of them, written immediately on his landing in A- merica, is very striking. About three years before the dissolution of my connection with Lord Shelburne, Dr. Fothergill, with whom I had always lived on terms of much in- timacy, having observed, as he said, that many of my experiments had not been carried to their proper extent on account of the expence that would have attended them, proposed to me a subscription from himself and some of his ftiends, to supply me with whatever sums I should want for that purpose, and named a hundred pounds per annum. This large subscription I declined, lest the discovery of it (by the use that I should, of course, make of it) should give umbrage to Lord Shelburne, but I con,sented to accept of 40 ;^. per annum, \^ hich from that time he regularly paid me, from the contribution of him- self, Sir Theodore Jansen, Mr. Constable, and Sir George Saville. On my leaving Lord Shelburne, which was at- tended \A'ith the loss of one hal[" of my income, Dr. Fothergill proposed an enlargement of my allow- ance 92 Memoirs of ance for my experiments, and lik.e\\ ise for mv main- Icnrncc, v, ithout being under the necessity of giv- ing my time to pupils, which I must otherwise have done. And, considering the generosity with which this voluntary offer was made by persons who could well afford it, and who thought me qualified to serve the interests of science, 1 thought it right t(j accept of it ; and I preferred it to any pension from the court, offers of which were more than once made by persons who thought they could have procured one for me. As it was my wish to do what might be in my power to shew my gratitude to my friends and bene- factors that suggested the idea of writing these Me- moirs, I shall subjoin a list of their names. Some of the subscriptions were made with a view to defray the expence of my experiments only ; but the grea- ter part of the subscribers were persons who were equally friends to my theological studies. The persons who made me this regular annual al- lowance were Dr. Watson and his son, Mr. Wedg- wood, Mr. Moseley, Mr. S. Salte, Mr. JefiVies, Mr. Radcliffe, Mr. Remington, Mr. Strutt of Der- by, Mr. Shore, Mr. Reynolds of Paxton, Messrs. Gallon Dr. Priestley. 92 Galton, father and son, and the Rev. Mr, Simpson. Besides the persons whose names appear in this Jist, as regular subscribers, there uere other persons who, without chusing to be known as such, con- tributed no less to my support, and some considera- bly more. My chief benefactress was Mrs. Rayner, and next to her Dr. Heberden, equally distinguished for his love of religious truth, and his zeal to promote sci- ence. Such also is the character of Mr. Tayleur of Shrewsbury, who has at difierent times remitted me considerable sums, chiefly to defray the expences incuiTed by my theological inquiries and publica- tions. Mr. Parker of Fleet street very generously suppli- ed me with every instrument that I wanted in glass, particularly a capital burning lens,^ sixteen inches in diameter. All his benefactions in th.is way v. ould have amounted to a considerable sum. Mr. Wcdsr- wood also, besides his annual benefaction, supplied me * Thoug'h liis sjg'ht was not much ^orse tlian before during- the last ten years of hid life it had been much injured by his experiments with the burning' Lens of wliich he made mucJiuse in suii.mei-time. 9i Memoirs of mc with every tiling that I wanted made of pottcr}% such as retorts, tubes, Sec. which the account of my experiments will shew to have been ofgreatuseto mc. On my removal to Birmingham commenced my intimacy with Mr. William Russell, whose public spirit, and zeal in every good cause, can hardly be exceeded. My obligations to him were various and constant, so as not to be estimated by sums of money. At his proposal I doubt not, some of the heads of the congregation made me a present of two hundred pounds, to assist me in my theological pub- lications. Mr. Lee shewed himself particularly my friend at the time that I left Lord Shelburne, assisting me in the difficutics w ith which I was then pressed, and continuing to befriend me afterwards by seasonable benefactions. Bv him it was hinted to me during the administration of Lord Rockingham, with whom he had great influence, that I might have a pension from the government, to assist in defraying the ex- pence of my experiments. Another hint of the same kind was given mc in the beginning of Mr. Pitt's administration by a Bishop in w hose power it was to * ha^•c Dr. Priestley. 95 have procured it from him. But in both cases I declined the overture, wishing to preserve myself independent of every thing connected with the court, and preferring the assistance of generous and opulent individuals, lovers of science, and also lovers of li- berty. Without assistance I could not have carried on my experiments at all, except on a very small scale, and under gr^at disadvantages^ Mr. Galton, before I had any opportunity of being personally acquainted with him, had, on the death of Dr. Fothergill, taken up his subscription. His son did the same, and the friendship of the latter has ad- ded much to the happiness of my situation here.* Seldom, if ever, have I known two persons of such cultivated minds, pleasing manners, and liberal dis^ positions, as he and Mrs. Galton. The latter had the greatest attachment imaginable to my wife. Mr, Sake was zealous in promoting tlie subscrip- tions to my experiments, and moreover proposed to take one of my sons as an apprentice without any fee. But my brother-in-law making the same offer, I gave it the preference : INIr. W^'edgwood, who has distin- * Birmingham. 96 Memoirs of distinguished himself by his application to philoso- phical pursuits, as well as by his great success in the improvement of his manufactory, was >^ery zealous to serA'c me, and urged me to accept of a much lar- t^er allowance than I chose. The favours that 1 received from my two brothers- in-law deserve my most grateful acknowledgments. They acted the part of kind and generous relations, especially at the time when I most wanted assistance. It was in consequence of Mr. John Wilkinson's pro- posal, who Avished to have us nearer lo him, that, be- ing undetermined where to settle, I fixed upon Bir- mingham, where he soon provided a house for me. My apology for accepting of these large benefacti- ons is, that besides the great expence of my philoso- phical and even my theological studies, and the edu- cation of three sons and a daughter, the reputation I had, justly or unjustly, acquired brought on n^e a train of expences not easy to describe, to a^•oid or to estimate ; so that without so much as keeping a horse (which the kindness of Mr. Russel made unnecessa- ry) the expence of housekeeping, &c. was more than double the amount of any rrgular income tliat I had. I Dr. Priestley. 97 I consider my settlement at Birmingham as the happiest event in my Ufe, being hig»ily favorable to every object I had in view, philosophical or theologi- cal. In the former respect I had the convenience of good workmen of every kind, and the society of per- sons eminent for their knowledge of chemistry, par- ticularly Mr. Watt, Mr. Keir, and Dr. Withering. These with Mr. Boulton, and Dr. Darwin, who soon left us by removing from Litchfield to Derby, Mr. Galton, and afterwards Mr. Johnson of Kenel- worth and myself dined together every month, calling ourselves the lunar society ^ because the time of our meeting was near the full moon. With respect to theology, I had the society of Mr. Hawkes, Mr. Blyth, and Mr. Scholefield, and his assistant Mr. Coates, and, while he lived Mr. Palmer, before of Macclesfield. We met and drank tea together, every fortnight. At this meeting we read all the papers that were sent for the Theological Repository, which I revived some time 'after my coming hither, and in general our conversation was of the same cast as that with my fellow tutors at War- rington. Within a quarter of a year ofmy coming to reside G at 93 ■ Memoirs of at Birmingham, Mr. Hawkes resigned, and I had an unanimous invitation to succeed him, as colleague with Mr. Blyth, a man of a truly christian temper. The congregation we serve is the most liberal, 1 be- lieve, of any in England ; and to this freedom the unwearied labours of Mr. Bourne had eminently con- tributed. V»"ith this congregation I greatly improved my plan of catechizing and lecturing, and my classes have been well attended. I have also introduced the cus- tom of expounding the scriptures as I read them, which I had never done before, but ^\hich I would earnestly recommend to all ministers. My time be- ing much taken up with my philosophical and other studies, I agreed with the congregation to leave the business of baptizing, arid visiting the sick, to Islr. Blytli, and to confine my services to the Sundays. I have been minister here between seven and eight years, without any interruption of my happiness; and for this I am sensible I am in a great measure m- debted to the friendship of Mr. Russell. Here I have never long intermitted my philosophi- cal pursuits, and I have published two volumes of experiments, besides ccmmunications to the Royiil Society. Id Dr. Priestley. , 99 In theology I have completed my friendly contro- versy with the Bishop of Waterford on the duration of Christ's ministry, I have published a variety of ingle sermons, which, with the addition of a few others, I have lately collected, and published in one volume, and I am now engaged in a controversy of great ex- tent, and which promises to be of considerable conse- quence, relating to the person of Christ. This was occasioned by my History of the Corrup- tions of Christianity^ which I composed and published presently after my settlement at Birmingham, the first section of which being rudely attacked in the Monthly Review,* then by Dr. Horsely, and afterwards by Mr. Howes, and other particular opponents, I un- dertook to collect from the original writers the state of opinions on the subject in the age succeeding that of the apostles, and I have published the result of my investigation in my History of early opinions concer- ning * Written by Mr. Badcock. Mr. Badcock was originally a dissenting minister. He came to pay his respects to my father at Calne, at which time he agreed with him upon most subjects. He alter wards found reason to change his opinions, or at least his con- duct, connectin;^- himself with the Clerg-y of the Church of Ewgland, and became iny father 'j Litter enemy. G2 100 Memoirs oi' 7i'wg Jesus C/irkt, in four volumes octavo. This \\ ork has brought me more antagonists, and I now write a pamphlet annually in defence of the unitarian doctrine against all my opponents. My only Arian antagonist is Dr. Price, with •whom the discussion of the question has proceeded with perfect amit}'. But no Arian has as yet appear- ed upon the ground to which I wish to confine the controversy, viz. the state of oj^inions in the primi- tive times, as one means of collecting what was the doctrine of the apostles, and the true sense of scrip- ture on the subject. Some years ago I resumed the T/icological Repo- sitory in which I first advanced my objections to the doctrine of the miraculous conception of Jesus, and his natural fallibility and peccability. These opinions gave at first great alarm, even to my best friends ; but that is now in a great measure subsid- ed. For want of sufficient sale, I shall be obliged to discontinue this Repository for some time. At present I thank God I cjyi say that my pros- pects are better than they have ever been before, and my o\^n health, aiid that of my wife, better establish- ed, arid my hopes as to the dispo^/itions and future settlement of my children satisfactory. I shall Dr. Priestley. lOl" I shall now close this account of myself with some observations of a general nature, bui c.;Lily an ac- count of those circumstances for winch I iiuve mo.e particular reason to be thankful to that good being who has brought me hitherto, and to A\hom I truit I habitually ascribe whatever my partial frienels think the world indebted to me for, I. Not to enlarge again on what has been menti- oned already, on tJie fundamental blessings of a reli- gious and liberal education, I have particular reason to be thankful for a happy temperament of body and mind, both derived from my parents. My father, grand father, and several branches of the fcmily, were remarkably ht?aUhy, and long lived; and though my constitution has been far from robust, and was much injured by a consumptive tendency, or rather an ulcer in my lungs, the consequence of im- proper conduct of myself when I. was at school (be- ing often violently heated v/ith exercise, and as of- ten imprudently chilled by bathing, 8cc.) from which with great difficulty I recovered, it has been excel- lently adapted to that studious life which has fallen to my lot. I have never been subject to head-achs, or any G 3 other 102 Memoirs of other complaints that are peculiarly unfavourable to study- I have never found myself less disposed, or less qualified, for mental exertions of any kind at one time of the day more than another; but all sea- sons have been equal to me, early or late, before din- ner or after, &c. And so far have I been from suf- fering by itiy application to study, (which however has never been so close or intense as some have ima- gined) that I have found my health improving from the age of eighteen to the present time ; and never have I found myself more free from any disorder than at present- I must, however, except a short time preceding and following my leaving Lord Shel- burne, when I laboured under a bilious complaint, in which I was troubled with gall stones, which sometimes gave me exquisite pain. But by confi- ning myself to a vegetable diet, I perfectly recovered ; and I have now been so long free from the disorder that I am under no apprehension of its return. It has been a. singular happiness to me, and a proof, I believe, of a radically good constitution, that I have always slept well, and have awaked \vith my faculties perfectly vigorous, without any disposition to drow- siness. Also, w hcnever I have been fatigued with any Dr. Priestley. 10$ any kind of exertion, I could at any time sit down and sleep ; and whatever cause of anxiety I may have had, 1 have almost always lost sight of it when I .have got to bed ; and I have generally fallen asleep as soon as I have been warm.* I even think it an advantage to me, and am truly thankful for it, that my health received the check that it did when I was young ; since a muscular ha- bit from high health, and strong spirits, are not, I think, in general accompanied with that sensibilit}' of mind, which is both favourable to piety, and to spe- culative pursuits. f To a fundamentally good constitution of body, and the being who gave it me, I ov/e an even chear- fulness of temper, which has had but few interrupti- ons. * My father was an early riser. lie never slept more than six hours. He said he did not remember having lost a whole nighfis sleep but once, though -when awake he often had to suffer much fi-om pain and sickness as well as from otlier circumstances of a very afflic- tive nature. ' f Though not a muscular man he went through great exertion at various times of his life with activity. He walked very firmly, and expeditiously. G4 104 Memoirs of ons. This I inherit from my father, who had uni- formly better spirits than any man that I ever knew, and by this means was as happy towards tlie close of life, when reduced to poverty, and dependent upon others, as in his best days ; and who, I am confident, would not have been unhappy, as I have frequently heard him say, in a workhouse. Though my readers v. ill easily suppose that, in the course of a life so full of vicissitude as mine has been, many things nmst have occurred to mortify and discompose me, nothing has ever depressed my mind beyond a very short period. My spirits have never fiuled to recover their natural level, and I have frequently observed, and at first with some surprize, that the most perfect satisfaction I have ever felt has been a day or two after an event that afHicted me the most, and without any change having taken place in the state of things. Having found this to be the case after many of my troubles, the persuasion that it would he sOy tdtera new cause of uneasiness, has never fiiiled to lessen the effect of its first impression, and together with my firm belief of the doctrine of necessity, (and consequently that of every thing being ordered for the best) has contributed to that degree ' Dr. Priestley. 105 degree of composure which I have enjoyed through life, so that I have always considered myself as one of the happiest of men. When I was a young author, (though I did not publish any thing until I was about thirty) strictures on my writings gave me some disturbance, though I believe even then less than they do most others ; but after some time, things of that kind hardly affected me at all, and on this account I may be said to have been well formed for public controversy.* But wtiat has always made me easy in any controversy in which I have been engaged, has becH my fixed reso- lution frankly to acknowledge any mistake that I might perceive I had fallen into, That I have never been in the least backward to do this in matters of philosophy, can never be denied. As I have not failed to attend to the phenomena of my own mind, as \\'ell as to those of other parts of nature, * Though Dr. Priestley has been considered as fond of controversy and that his chief delight consisted in it, yet it is far from being true. He was more frequentl}' the defendant than the assailant. His con- troversies as far as it depended upon himself were carried on with temper and decency. He was never malicious nor even sarcastic or indignant unless provoked. T. C 106 Memoirs ot nature, I have not been insensible of some great de- fects, as well as some advantages, attending its con- stitution ; having from an early period been sub- ject to a most humbling failure of recollection, so that I have sometimes lost all ideas of both persons and things, that 1 have been conversant with. I ha', e so completely forgotten w hat I have myself published, that in reading my own writings, what I find in them often appears perfectly new to me, and I have more than once made experiments the results of which had been published by me. I shall particularly mention one fact of this kind, as it alarmed me much at the time, as a symptom of all my mental powers totally failing me, until I was relieved by the recollection of things of a similar na- ture having happened to me before. When I was composing the Dissertations which are prefixed to my Harmony of the gospels, I had to ascertain something which had been the subject of much discussion re- lating to the Jewish passover (I have now forgotten what it was) and for that purpose had to consult, and compare several writers. This I accordingly did, and digested the result in the compass of a few paragi-aphs, which I wrote in short hand. But ha- ving Dr. Priestley. 107 ving mislaid the paper, and my attention having been drawn off to other things, in the space of a fortnight, I did the same thing over jgain ; and should never have discovered that I had done it tv\ ice, if, after the second paper was transcribed for the press, I had not accidentally found the former, which I viewed with a degree of terror. Apprized of this defect, I never fail to note down as soon as possible every thing that I wish not to for- get. The same failing has led me to devise, and have recourse to, a variety of mechanical expedients to secure and arrange my thoughts, V\'hich have been of the greatest use to me in the composition of large and complex works ; and what has excited the won- der of some of my readers, would only have made them smile if they had seen me at work. But by simple and mechanical methods one man shall do that in a month, w hich shall cost another, of equal ability, whole years to execute. This methodical tirrangement of a large work is greatly facilitated by mechanical methods, and nothing contributes more to the perspicuity of a large work, than a good ar- rangement of its parts. What I have known with respect to myself has tended 103 Memoirs or tended much to lessen both my admiration, and my Contempt, of others. Could we have entered into the mind of Sir Isaac Ne\\ton, and have traced all the steps bv which he produced his great works, wc iiii^ht bce nothing very extraordinary in the process. Aad great pov> ers v^ith respect to some things are gc- nerally attended with great defects in others ; and these may not appear in a man's writings. For this reason it seldom happens but that our admiration of philosophers and writers is lessened by a personal knowledge of them. As great excellencies are often balanced by great, though not apparent, defects, so great and apparent defects are often accompanied by great, though not apparent, excellencies. Thus my defect in point of recollection, which may be owing to a want of suffi- cient coherence in the association of ideas formerly impressed, may arise from a mental constitution more favourable to new associations ; so that what I have lost with respect to memory, may have been com- pensated by what is called invention, or new and ori- ginal combinations of ideas. This is a subject that deserves attention, as \vell as every thing else that relates to the affections of the mind. Though Dr. Priestley. 109 Though I have often composed much in a I'ttle time, it by no means follows that I could have done much in a given time. For whenever 1 have drne much business in a short time, it has always been with the idea of having time more than sufficient: to do it in ; so that I have always felt myself at ease, and I could have done nothing, as many can, if I had ibeen hurried. Knowing the necessity of this state of my mind to the dispatch of business, I have never put off any Ihing to the last moment ; and instead of doi.ig that on the morrow which ought to be done to d^iy, I have often blamed myself for doing to d^ry \vh it had better have been put off until to morrow ; precipitan- cy being more my fault than procrastination. It has been a great advantage to me that I have never been under the necessity of retiring from com- pany in order to compo;se any thing. Being fo'.id of domestic life, I got a habit of writing on any subject- by the parlour fire, with my wife and children about me, and occasionally talking to them, without expe- riencing any inconvenience from such interruptions. Nothing but reading, or speaking without interrupti- on, has been any obstru ction to rae. For I could uot he:p 110 Memoirs or help attending (as some can) when others spoke in my hearing. These are useful habits, M-hich studious persons in general might acquire, if they would ; and many persons greatly distress themselves, and others, by the idea that they can do nothing except in perfect solitude or silence. Another great subject ofmy thankfulness to a good providence is my perfect freedom from any embar- rassment in my circumstances, so that, without any anxiety on the subject, my supplies have always been equal to my wants ; and now that my expences arc increased to a degree that I had no conception of some years ago, I am a richer man than I w^as, and without laying myself out for the purpose. What is more, this indifference about an increase of for- tune has been the means of attaining it. When I be- gain my experiments, I expended on them all the money I could possibly raise, earned on by my ar- dour in philosophical investigations, and entirely re- gardless of consequences, except so far as never to contract any debt ; and if this had been without suc- cess, my imprudence ^^ould have been manifest. But having succeeded, I was in time more than in- demnified for all that I had expended. My. Dr. Priestley. Ill My theological studies, especially those which made it necessary for me to consult the Christian Fathers, &c. have also been expensive to me. But I have found my theological friends even more libe- ral than my philosophical ones, and ail beyond my expectations. In reflecting on my past life I have often thought oftwo sayings of Jacob. When he had lost one of his sons, and thought of other things that were afflictions to him, he said, " all these things are against me," at the same time that they were in reality making for him. So the impediment in my speech, and the difficulties of my situation at Needham, I now sec as much cause to be thankful for, as for the most brilliant scenes in my life. I have also applied to myself what Jacob said on his return from Padan Aram. " With my staff I went over this Jordan, and now I am become two bands ;'* when I consider how little I carried with me to Needham and Nantwich, how much more I had to carry to Warrington, how much more still to Leeds, how much more than that to Calne, and then to Bir- mingham. Yet, frequently as I have changed my situation, and 112 MEMOIRS OF and alwa5's for the better, I can truly say that 1 never wished for any change on my own account. I should have been contented even at Ncedham, if I could have been unmolested, and had bare necessaries. This freedom from anxiety \ya^ remarkable in my father, and therefore is in a manner hereditary to me ; but it has been much increased by reflection ; having frequently observed, especially with respect to christian ministers, how often it has contributed to embitter their lives, without being of any use to them. Some attention to the improvement of a man's circumstances is, no doubt, right, because no man can tell what occasion he may have for mo- ney, especially if he have children, and therefore I do not recommend my example to others. But I am thankful to that good providence v\ hich always took more care of me than I ever took of myself. Hitherto I have had great reason to be thankful with respect to my children, as they have a prospect of enjoying a good share of health, and a sufficient capacity for performing the duties of their stations. They have also good dispositions, and as much as could be expected at their age, a sense of religion. But as I hope they \\ill live to see tliis work, I say the Dr. Priestley. 113 the less on this subject, and I hope they will consul, tfer what I say in their favour as an incitement to exert themselves to act a christian and useful pai't in life ; that the care that I and their mother have taken of their instruction may not be lost upon them, and that they may secure a happy meeting with us in a better world. I esteem it a singular happiness to have lived in an age and couiitry, in wiiich I haV'C been at Hill li- berty both to investigate, and by preaching and writ- ing to propagate, religious truth ; that though the freedom I have used for this pu -pose was for some time disadvantageous to me, it was not long so, and that my present situation h such that I can with the greatest openness urge whatever appears to me to be the truth of the gospel, not only without giving the least offence, but with the iiitire approbation of those with whom I am particularly connected. As to the dislike which I have dia'vn upon my- self by my writings, whether th.it of the Cilvi )i:tic party, in or out of the church of England, those who rank with rational dissenters (but who h.ive been exceedingly offended at my C4iTy!.,|cr ^ay in- quiries farther than thsy wished any periioa to do) H or 114 Memoirs of or whether they be unbelievers, I am thankful that It gives less disturbance to mc than it does to them- selves; and that their dislike is much more than compensated by the cordial esteem and approbation of my conduct by a few, whose minds are congenial to my own, and especially that the number of such person increases. [^Birmiugham^ 1787. A Contmuation of the Memoirs, written at Northum- berland in America in the beginning of the year 1795, VV HEN I wrote the preceding part of these Memoirs I was happy as must have appeared in the course of them, in the prospect of spending the remainder of my life at Birmingham, where I had every advantage for pursuing my studies, both phi- losophical and theological j but it pleased the sove- reign disposer of all things to appoint for me other, removals, and the manner in which they were brought about were more painful to me than the removals- themselves. I am far, however, from questioning' • the wisdom or the goodness of the appointments re-r ' spe cting* myself or odiers.. . Dr. Priestley. 115 To resume the account of my pursuits where the former part of the Memoirs left it, I must observe that, in the prosecution of my experiments^ I was led to maintain the doctrine of phlogiston against Mr, Lavoisier and other chemists in France, whose opi- nions were adopted not only by almost all the philo- sophers of that country, but by those in England and Scodand also. My friends, however, of the huiar society were never satisfied with the Anti-phlo- gistic doctrine. My experiments and observations on this subject were published in various papers in tlie Philosophical Transactions. At Birmingham I also published a new edition of my publications on the subject of air^ and others connected with it, re- ducing the six volumes to three, which, with his consent, I dedicated to the prince of Wales. In theology I continued my defences of Unitarian' hm, until it appeared to myself and my friends that my antagonists produced nothing to which it was of any consequence to reply. But I did not, as I had proposed, publish any address to the bishops, or to tlie legislature, on the subject. The former I wrote, but did not publish. I left it, however, in the hands of Mr. Bdsham when I came to America, that he H 2 might 116 Memoirs o« 'f might dispose of it as he should tliiiik proper. Tlie rftiiib that I took to ascertain the stiite of earljr opinions coiiccniing Jebus Chiiat, and tiir great mis*- apprehensions I perceived in all the ecck;iastical hi^ torians, kd me to undertake a General History of tlic christian chunk to the fall of the V/cstern empire-^ Vvhich accordingly I wrote in tuo volumes octavo, and dedicated to Mr. Shore. This work I mean lo continue. At Birmingham I wrote the second part of my Letters to a philosophical Unbeliever, and dedicated the w hole to Mr. Tayleur of Shrewsbury, who had afforded me most material assistance in the publica- tion of many of my theological works, without which, the sale being inconsiderable, I should not have been able to publish them at all. Before I left Birmingham I preached a funeral sermon for my friend Dr. Price, and another for Mr, Robinson of Cambridge, w ho died with us on a visit to preach our annual charity school sermon. I also preached the la-sit annual sermon to the friends of tlie college at Hackney. All diese three sermons vvere published. Alx)ut two )cars before I left Birmingham the- question Dr. Priestley. 1J7 question about the test act was much agitated both in and out of parli;{ment. This, however, was alto^ gether without any concurrence of mine. I only delivered, and published, a sermon on the 5th of November 1789, recommending the, most peaceable method of pursuing our object. Mr. Madan,how, ever, the most respectable clergyman in the town, preaching and publishing a most inflammatory ser- mon on the Lubjcct, inveighing in the bitterest man- ner against the Dissenters in general, and myself in particular, I addressed a number oi familiar letter$ 40 the inhabitants of Birmingham in our defence. This produced a reply from him, and other letters from me. All mine vvcre written in an ironical and rather a pleasant manner, and in some of the last of them I introduced a farther reply to Mr. Bum, ano- ther clergym.\n in Birmingham, who had addressed to mc letters on the infallibility of the testimony of the Apostles coticernir.g the per sm of Christ, after replying to his first set of Letters, in a separate publication. From tlvese small pieces I was far from expecting any serious consequences. But the Dissenters in general being very obnoxious to the court, and it Veiiig imagined, though without any reason, that I r* H 3 had 118 Memoirs of had been the chief promoter of the measures which gave them offence, the clergy, not only in Birming- ham, but through all England, seemed to make it their business, by writing in the public papers, by preaching, and other methods, to inflame the minds of the people against me. And on occasion of the celebration of the anniversary of the French revoluti- on on July 14th, 1791, by several of my friends, but with which I had little to do, a mob encouraged by some persons in power, first burned the meeting house in which I preached, then another meeting house in the town, and then my dwelling house, de- molishing my library, apparatus, and, as far as they could, every thing belonging to me. They also burned, or much damaged, the houses of many Dissenters, chiefly my friends; the particulars of which I need not recite, as they will be found in two Appeals wiMxch I published on the subject written pre- sently after the riots. Being in some personal danger on this occasion, I went to London ; and so violent was the spirit of party which then prevailed, that I believe I could hardly have been safe in any other place. There, however, I v/as perfectly so, diough I continued to be Dr. Priestley. 119 be an object of troublesome attention until I left the country altogether. It shewed no small degree of courage and friendship in Mr. William Vaughan to receive me into his house, and also in Mr. Sake, with whom I spent a month at Tottenham. But it shewed more in Dr. Price's congregation at Hack- ney, to invite me to succeed him, which they did, though not unanimously, some time after my arrival in London, III this situation I found myself as happy as I had been at Birmingham, and contrary to genefal ex- pectation, I opened my lectures to young persons with great success, being attended by many from London ; and though I lost some of the hearers, I . left the congregation in a better situation tlian that in which I found it. On the whole, I spent my time even more happily at Hackney than ever I had done before ; having every advantage for my philosophical and theological studies, in some respect superior to what I had en- joyed at Birmingham, especially from my easy access to Mr. Lindsey, and my frequent intercourse with Mr. Belsham, professor of divinity in the New Col- ,,■ lege, near which I lived. Never, on this side the H 4 grave. 120' Memoirs of grave, do I expect to enjoy myself so much as I did b}^ tlie file siee of Mr. Lindsey, conversing with bun ai.d Mrs. Liudsey oil theological and other sub- jects, or in my frequent ^v alks \\ ith Mr. Belsham, whoiC vicv\ s of most important subjects were, liko I>ir. Liadsey*s, the same with my own. I found, however, my society much restiicted with respect to my philosophical acquaintance ; most of the members of the Royal Society shunning me on account of my reiigious or political opinions, so tlia. I at length withdiew myself from them, and gave my reasons for so doing in the Preface ta my Gbser'uaticns and Experiments on the gcneratio?i of air J'ram ivaicr^ which I published at Hackney. Fur, Vv iili the a^^istance of my friends, I had in a gi eat measure replaced my Apparatus, and had re- sumed my expeiiinents, though after the loss of near t\\ o years. Living in the neighbourhood of the New College^ I voluntaiily undertook to deliver the lectures to the, ■pupiiiion the subject of History and General policy^ w hich I had composed at Warrington, and also on Experimental Ihilosophy and Chemistry^ the Heads oivvhicii 1 drew up for ihii, puiposc, and afterwards published. Dr. Priestley. 121 published. In being useful to this Institution I found a source of considerable satisfaction to myself. Indeed, I have always had a high degree af enjoy- ment in lecturing to young persons, though more Qn theological subjects than on any other. After the riots in Birmingham I wrote an Appeal to the Public on the subject, and that being replied to by the clergy of the place, I wrote a second part^ to which, though they had pledged themselves to do it, they made no reply ; so that, in fact the cri. minalit}' of the magisti'ates, and other principal High- church men at Birmiugham, in promoting the riot, remains acknowledged. Indeed, many circumstan- ces, which have appeared since that time, shew that tlie friends of the court, if not the prime ministers themselves, were the favourers of that riot ; having, no doubt, thought to intimidate the friends of liber- ty by the measure. To my Appeal I subjoined various Addresses^ that • Many of these addresses have been published already. In the appendix to the present life ( No. 7 . ) will be given an arranged list »f the addresses to Dr. Priestley from various bodies of men at varl- «u« times of bis life ; tUey illustr&te the following positions so lio- r.ourabls 122 Memoirs of that were sent to me from several descriptions of persons in England, and abroad ; and from them I will not deny that I received much satisfaction, as it appeared that the friends of liberty, civil and religi- ous, were of opinion that I was a sufferer in that cause. From France I received a considerable number of Addresses ; and when the present Nati- onal Cotivefition was called, I was invited by many of tlie departments to be a member of it. But I thought nourablc to his character, and so necessary to a ju8t view of it. 1st That wherever he officiated ae a dissenting minister, he never quitted his situation but with the sincere regrets of those among whom he had resided, and with parting testimonies of their affectionate appro- bation of his conduct. 2dly. That the riots at Birmingham called forth such abundant testimonies in favour of his moral conduct and eminent usefulness, that the promoters of those riots whether in church or state can liave no palliation in the eje of a discerning public for their proceedings, so fiu*as he was the object of them. Those only Use violence in opposition to argument wlio have no argument to use. 3dly. That his quitting England for America, was regarded as a nati- onal loss to Great Britain, and the circumstances which induced it,-a national disgi'ace. 4tlily. That his reception in this country was as honourable as his friends l\ad reason to expect : And his demeanour since liis residence here, has been such as to gain him encreased re- putation aiid respect, among those who knew nothing of him person^ ally before his Drrival. T. C. Dr. Priestley. 123 thought myself more usefully employed at home, and that I was but ill qualified for a business which required knowledge which none but a native of the country could possess ; and therefore declined the honour that was proposed to mc. But no addresses gave me so much satisfaction as those from my late congregation, and especially of the young persons belonging to it, who had attended my lectures. They are a standing testimony of the zeal and fidelity with which I did my duty with re- spect to them, and which I value highly. Besides congratulatory addresses, I received much pecuniary assistance from various persons, and bo- dies of men, which more than compensated for my pecuniary losses, though what was awarded me at the Assizes fell two thousand pounds short of them. But my brother-in-law, Mr. John Wilkinson, from whom I had not at that time any expectation, in consequence of my son's leaving his employment, was the most generous on the occasion. Without any solicitation, he immediately sent me five hun- dred pounds, and afterwards transferred to me ten thousand pounds which he had deposited in the French funds, and until that be productive, he allows me two hundred pounds per annum. After 124 Memoirs of After the riots, I published my Letters to the Swedenborgian Society, vvhieh I had composed, and prepared for the press just before. Mr. Wakefield hving in the neighbourhood of the College, and publishing at this time his objections to public ijjorship, they made a great impression on many of our young men, and in his Preface he re- flected much on the character of Dr. Price. On both these accounts I thought myself c:illed upon to reply to him, which I did in a series of Letters to a young man. But though he made several angry re- plies, I never noticed any of them. In this situation I also answered Mr. Evanson^'s Obser'oations on the dissonance of the Evangelists in a second set of Letters to a young man. He also replied to me, but I was satisfied with what I had done, and did not continue the controversy. Besides the sermon which I delivered on my accept- ance of the invitation to the meeting at Hackney, in the preface to which I gave a detailed account of my system of catechizing, I published tv\'o Fast sermons for the years 1793 and 1794, in the latter of which I gave my ideas of antient prophecies compared with tlie then state of Europe, and in the preface to it I gave Dr. Priestley. 12S ,gave an account of my reasons for leaving the coun- try. I also published a Farenuell sermon,^ But the most important of my publications in this situation \vere a series of Zhich I have completed the sixty second year of my age. 129 A CONTINUATION OF THE MEMOIRS OF Dr. JOSEPH PRIESTLEY. [^ffritlen by Ms Son Joseph Priestley.'] X HUS far the narrative is from my father's manu- script, and I regret extremely, with the reader, that it falls to my lot to give an account of the latter peri- od of his valuable life. I entertained hopes at one time, that he would have continued it himself; and he was frequently re- quested to do so, by me and many of his friends in the course of the year preceding his death. He had then nearly compleated all the literary works he had in view, he had arrived at that period of life I when, 130 CoNTINUATTON OF \\ hen, in imitation of his friend Mr. Lindsey, he had determined not to preach again in public, and be- yond which he probably would not have ventured to publish any work without first subjecting it to the inspection of some judicious friend. He was requested also, in imitation of Courayer, to add at the close of his Memoirs a summary of his religious opinions. This would have counteracted the suspicions entertained by some, that they had undergone a considerable change since his coming to America ; and it was thought by his friends, that sucHabrief and simple statement of all that appeared to him essential to the christian belief, and the chris- tian character, \vould attract the attention of many readers previously indisposed to religion altogether, from not understanding its real nature, and judging of it only fiom the corrupt, adulterated, and compli- cated state, in which it is professed in all countries called christian. Unbelievers in general have no conception of the perfect coin: dence of Christianity witli rational philosophy, of the sublime views it af- fords of the divine benevolence, and how powerfully it acts to promote the pleasures and lessen the evils of the present life, at the same time tliat it holds out to THE Memoirs. 131 to us a certain prospect of a future and endless state of enjoyment. It was suggested to him also, that as his society through life had been singularly varied and extensive, and his opportunities of attaining a ge- neral knowledge of the world, and a particular know- kdge of eminent political and literary characters, veiy great, it would contribute much to the instruc- tion and amusement of those into whose hands his Memoirs should fall, if they were accompanied with anecdotes of the principal characters with whom he had been acquainted. For he had a fund of a- necdote which he was never backward to produce for the amusement of his friends, as occasions serv- ed for introducing it. But his relations were never sarcastic or ironical, or tended to disparage the characters of the persons spoken of, unless on sub- jects of manifest importance to the interests of soci- ety. He meant to have complied with the above sugges- tions, but being at that time very busily employed a- bout his Comparison, and thinking his Memoirs of lit- tle value compared with the works about which he wasthen engaged, he put off the completion cfhisnar. rative, until his other works should be ready for the 1 2 press. 132 Continuation of press. Unfortunately this was too late. The work he had in hand was not compltated until the 22d Ja- nuary, W'hen he was very weak and suffered greatly from his disorder, and he died on the 6th of Febru- ary follow ing : The reader will therefore make allowance for the difference between what these Memoirs might have been, and what they now are; and particularly for the part which I venture to lay before the public as a continuation of his own account. The re-sons that induced him to quit England, and the progress of his opinions and inclinations re- specting that last important ^ra in his life, have been but briefly stated in the preceding pages by himself. But as many may peruse these Memoirs, i)ito whose hands his appeal to the public, occasioned by the riots at Birmingham, and his Fast sermon, in which he assigns at length his reasons for leaving his native country, are not likely to fall ; I think it right to present to tiie readers, in his own words the history of the motives that impelled him to exchange his re- sidence in England for one in this country. The disgraceful riots at Birmingham were certain- ly the chief cause diat first induced my father to think THE Memoirs. 133 think of leaving England, though at the time of his writing the second part of the Appeal, in August 1792, he had not come to any determination on the subject. Tiiis appears from the following passage which as it she\A's the progress of his discontent, and likewise the true state of his political opinions, pai-- ticularly in relation to the English form of govern- ment I shall quote. — ** In this almost universal prevalence of a spirit so extremely hostile to me and my friends, and which would be gratified by my destruction, it cannot be any matter of surprise, that a son of mine should wish to abandon a country in which his father has been used as I have been, especially \vhen it is con- sidered that this son was present at the riot in Bir- mingham, exerting himself all the dreadful night of the 14th of July, to save what he could of my most valuable property ; that in consequence of this his life was in imminent danger, and another 3''0ung man was nearly killed because he was mistaken for him. This would probably have been his fate, if a friend had not almost perforce kept him concealed some days, so that neither myself nor his mother knew what was become of him. Iliad not, how- 1 3 ever. 134 Continuation- of ever, the ambition to court the honour that has been shewn him by the national assembly of France, and even declined the proposal of his naturaliza- tion. At the most, I supposed it would have been done without any eclat; and I knew nothing of its being done in so very honourable a way until I saw the account in the public newspapers. To what- ever country this son of mine shall choose to attach himself, I trust that, from the good principles, and the spirit, that he has hitherto shewn, he will dis- charge the duties of a good citizen." *' As to myself, I cannot be supposed to feel much, attachment to a country in which I have neither found protection, nor redress. But I am too old,- and my habits too fixed, to remove, as I own I should otherwise have been disposed to do, to France, or America. The little that I am capable of doing must be in England, where I shall therefore continue, as long as it shall please the supreme Disposer of ull tilings to permit me*. * " Since this was written, I have myself, without any solicitation, on my pavt, been made a citizen of France, and moreover elected a uicinbcr of the present Conventional Assembly. Tlicse, I scrnplenot to avow, I consider as the greatest of honours ; th:)i'.;jh, for the rea- sons whicli are now made public, I have declined accepting the latter." THE Memoirs. 135" It might have been thought that, having written so much in defence of revelation, and of Chris- tianity in general, more perhaps than all the clergy of the church of England now livmg ; this defence of a common came would have been received as some atonement lor my demerits in writing against civil establishments of Christianity, and particular doc- trines. But had I been an open enemy of all religi- on, the animosity against me couid not have been gi'eater tlian it is. Neither Mr. Hume nor Mr. Gib- bon was a thousandth part so obnoxious to the cler- gy as I am ; so little respect have my enemies for Christianity itself, compared with what they have for their emoluments from it." •' As to my supposed hostihty to the principles of the civil constitution of this country, there has been no pretence whatever for chargnig me with any thing of the kind. Besides that the very catalogue ■ of my publications will prove that my life has been devoted to literature, and chiefly to natural philo- sophy and theology, which have not left mc any leisure for factious politics ; in the few things that I have written of a political nature, I have been an avowed advocate for our mixed government by 1 4 Kingf 136 Continuation of King^ Lords y and Conmions ; but because I have ob- jected io the ecclesiastical part of it, and to par- ticul . rclit^ious tc:*t-ts, I have been industriously represented as openly seditious, and endeavouring the overdirow of every thing that isjixedy the enemy of ail order, and of all government." " Every publication which bears my name is in favour of our present form of government. But if I had not thought so highly of it, and had seen rea- son for preferring a more republican form, and had openly advanced that opinion ; I do norknow that the proposing to free discussion a system of go- vernment different from that of England, even to Englishmen, is any crime, according to the existing laws of this country. It has always been thought, at least, that our constitution authorises the free pro- posal, and discussion, of all theoretical principles whatever, political ones not excepted. And though I might now recommend a very different form of go- vernment to a people who had no previous preju- dices or habits, the case is very different with re- spect to one that has ; and it is the duty oi every good citizen to maintain that government of any country which the majority of lis inhabitants ap- prove. THE Memoirs. 137 prove, whether he himself should otherwise prefer it, or not." «* This, however, is all that can in reason be re- quired of any man. To demand more would be as absurd as to oblige every man, by the law of mar- riage, to maintain that his particular wife was ab- solutely the handsomest, and best tempered woman in the world ; whereas it is surely sufficient if a man behave well to his wife, and discharge the duties of a good husband.'* *' A very great majority of Englishmen, I am well persuaded, are friends to what are called high max- ims of goi^ernment. They would choose to have the power of the crown rather enlarged than re- duced, and would rather see all the Dissenters ba- nished than any reformation made in the church. A dread of every thing tending to republicanism is manifestly increased of late years, and is likely to increase still more. The very term is become one of the most opprobrious in the English language. The clergy (whose near alliance with the court, and the present royal family, after having been almost a century hostile to them, is a remarkable event in the present reign) have contributed not a little to that 138 Continuation of that leaning to arbitrary power in the crown \A'hich lias lately been growing upon us. They preach up the doctrme of passive obedience and non-resistance with as little disguise as their ancestors did in the reign of the Stuarts, and tlieir adulation of the king and of the minister is abject in the extreme. Both Mr. Madan's sermon and Mr. Burn's reply to my Appeal discover the same spirit ; and any sentiment in favour of liberty that is at all bold and manly, such as, till of late, v/as deemed becoming Eng- lishmen and the disciples of Mr. Locke, is now re- probated as seditious." " In diese circumstances, it would be nothing less than madness seriously to attempt a change in the constitution, and I hope I am not absolutely insane. I sincerely wish my countrymen, as part of the hu- man race (tliough, I own, I now feel no particular attachment to them on any other ground) the un- disturbed enjoyment of that form of government which they so evidently approve ; and as I have no favour to ask of them, or of their governors, besides mere protection, as to a stranger, while I violate no known lav.-, and have not this to ask for any long term, I hope it will be granted me. If not, 1 must, ^ like rHE Memoirs. 139 like many others, in all ages and all nations, submit to whatever the supreme Being, whose eye is upon us all, and who I believe intends, and will in his own time bring about, the good of all, shall ap- point, and by their means execute." \_Appeal part II page 109 » ^c. 2 The rising disinclination which the preceding pas- sage shews had taken place in my father's mind towards a longer residence in England, became con- firmed by various circumstances, particularly the determination of his sons to emigrate to America. These, together with other reasons, that finally in- fluenced his conduct on the subject of removing to this country, are stated at large as I have before ob- served in the preface to his Fast sermon for the year 1794 and I cannot so properly give them as in his own words. *' THIS discourse, and those on the Evidences of Divine Revelation^ which will be published about the same time, being the last of my labours in this country, I hope my friends, and the public, will in- dulge me while I give the reasons of their being the last, in consequence of my having at length, after much 140 CoNTimTATION OP much hesitation, and now with reluctance, come to a resolution to leave this kingdom. After tKe riots in Birmingham, it was the expec- tation, and evidently the wish, of many persons, that I should immediately fiy to France, or America; But I had no consciousness of guilt to induce mc to fly my countrj *. On the contrar}-, I came di- rectly to London, and instantly, by means of my friend Mr. Russell, signified to the king's ministers^ that I was there, and read}', if they thought proper, / to • If, Instead of flying^ from lawless violence, I had been flying from public justice, I could not have been pursued with more ran- cour, nor could my friends have been more anxious for my safety. One man, wiio happened to see me on horseback on one of the nighta in which I escaped from Birming^ham, expressed hi» regret that he had not taken me, expecting probably some considerable reward, as be s?jd, it was so easy for him to have done it. My friends earnestly advised me to disguise myself sis I was going to London. But all tliat was done in that way was taking a place for me in the m.iil eo;ich, which I entered at Worcester, in another name than my own. However, the friend who had the courage to receive me in London had tlioiight it necessary to provide a dress that should disguise me, ar.d aho a method of making my escape, in case tlie Iiouse sliould iave been attacked on my account ; and for some time my friends, vould not sufTfr me to appear in t-lie streets. THE MeMOIHS. 141 to be interrogated on the subject of the riot. But no notice was taken of the message. Ill treated as I thought I had been, not merely by the populace of Birmingham, for they were the mere tools of their superiors, but by the country in gene- ral, which evidently exulted in our sufferings, and afterwards by the representatives of the nation, who refused to inquire into the cause of them, I own I was not without deliberating upon the subject of emigration ; and several flattering proposals were made me, especially from France, which was then at peace within itself, and with all the world ; and I was at one time much inclined to go thither, on ac? count of its nearness to England, the agreeableness of its climatj*, and my having many friends there. But I likewise considered that, if I went thither I should have no employment of the kind to which I had been accustomed ; and tlie season of active life not being, according to the course •of nature, quite over, I vv'ished to make as much use of it as I could. I therefore determined to continue in England, exposed as I was not only to unbounded obloquy and insult, but to cveiy kind of outrage ; and after my invitation to succeed my friend 142 CoNTINUATIO>f OF Iriend Dr* Price, I had no hesitation about it. Ac- cordingly I took up my residence where I now am, though so prevalent was the idea of my inse- curity, that I was not able to take the house in my own name ; and when a friend of mine took it in his, it was with much difficulty that, after some time, the landlord was prevailed upon to transfer the lease to me- He expressed his apprehensions, not only of the house that I occupied, being de- molished, but also a capital house in which he himself resides, at the distance of no less than twenty miles from London, whither he supposed the rioters would go next, merely for suffering me to live in a house o^ his. But even this does not give such an idea of the danger that not only myself, but every person, and every thing, that had the slightest connection with me, were supposed to be in, as the following. The managers of one of the principal charities among the Dissenters applied to me to preach their annual ser- mon, and I had consented. But the treasurer a man of fortune, who knew nothing more of me tlian my name, was so much alarmed at it, riiat he de- clared he could not sleep. I therefore, to his gi'cat relief, declined preaching at all. When THE Memoirs. 14S When it was known that I was settled where I now am, several of my friends, who lived near me, were seriously advised to remove their papers, and other most valuable effects, to some place of greater safety in London. On the 14th of July, 1792, it was taken for granted by many of the neighbours, that my house was to come down, just as at Birmingham the year before. When the Hackney association was formed, several servants in the neighbourhood actwally removed their goods ; and when there was some political meeting at the house of Mr. Breillat, though about two miles from my house, a woman whose daughter was servant in the house contiguous to mine, came to her mis- tress, to entreat that she might be out of the way ; and it ^vas not without much difficulty that she was pacified, and prevailed upon to let her continue in the house, her mistress saying that she was as safe as herself. On several other occasions the neighbourhood has been greatly alarmed on account of my being so near them. Nor was this without apparent reason. I could name a person, and to appear- ance a reputable tradesman, who, in the company of 144 CoNTINUATIO» OF of his friends, and in the hearing of one of my late congregation at Birmingham, but without know- ing him to be such, declared that, in case of any disturbance, they would immediately come to Hackney, evidently, for the purpose of mischief. In this state of things, it is not to be wondered at, that of many servants A\'ho were recommended to me, and some that \verc actually hired, very few could, for a long time, be prevailed upon to live with me. These facts not only shew how general was the idea of my particular insecurity in this country ; but what is of much more consequence, and highly interesting to the country at large, an idea of the general disposition to rioting and violence that pre- vails in it, and that the Dissenters are the objects of it. Mr. Pitt very justly observed, in his speech on the subject of the riots at Birmingham, that it was " the effervescence of the public mind." Indeed the effer . jscible matter has existed in this country ever since the civil wars in the time of Charles I. and it was particularly apparent in the rciga of Queen Anne. But the povier of government under the former princes of the House of HanoA'cr prevented its THE Memoirs. 145 its doing any mischief. The late events shew that this power is no longer exerted as it used to be, but that, on the contrary there prevails an idea, well or ill founded, that tumultuary proceedings against Dissenters will not receive any effectual discourage- ment. After what has taken place with respect to Birmingham, all idea of much hazard for insulting and abusing the Dissenters is entirely vanished ; whereas the disposition to injure the Catholics was effectually checked by the proceedings of the year 1780. From that time Mi'y have been safe, and I rejoice in it. But from the 3 ear 1791, the Dissen- ters have been more exposed to insult and outrage than ever. Having fixed myself at Clapton ; unhinged as I had been, and having lost the labour of several }-ears ; yet flattering myself that I should end my days here, I took a long lease of my house, and ex- pended a considerable sum in improving it. I also determined, with the assistance of my friends, to resume my philosophical and other pursuits; and after an interruption amounting to about two 3-ears, it was with a pleasure that i cannot describe, that I entered my new laboratory, and began the most com- K man 146 Continuation of mon preparatory processes, with a view to some original inquiries. With v\hat success I have la- boured, \hc public has already in some measure seen, and may see more hereafter. But though I did not choose (notwithstanding I found myself exposed to continual insult) to leave my native country, I found it necessary to provide for m}' sons elsew here. My eldest son was settled in a business, which promised to be very advantage- ous, at Manchester; but his partner though a man of liberality himself, informed him, on perceiving the general prevalence of the spirit which produced the riots in Birmingham, that, owing to his relationship to 7726', he was under the neeessity of proposing a se- paration, which accordingly took place. On this he had an invitation to join another con- nexion, in a business in which the spirit of party could not have much affected him ; but he declined it. And after he had been present at the assizes at Warwick, he conceived such an idea of this country, that I do not believe any proposal, however ad- vantageous, would have induced him to continue in it ; so much was he affected on perceiving his flithcr treated as I had been. Determine THE Memoirs. 147 ' Determining to go to America, where he had no prospect but that of being a farmer, he nishecl to spend a short time with a person who had greatly dis- tinguished himself in that way, and one who from his own general principles, and his friendship for myself, would have given him the best advice and assistance in his power. He, however, declined it, and acknowledged some time after, that had it been known, as it mast have been, to his landlord, that he had a son of mbie with him, he feared he should have been tunicd out of his farm. My second son who was present both at the riot, and the assizes, felt more indignation still, and wil- lingly listened to a proposal to settle i-n France ; and there his reception was but too flattering. However, on the breaking out of the war with this country, all mercantile prospects being suspended, he wished to go to America. There his eldest and youngest brother have joined him, and they are now looking out for a settlement, having as yet no fixed views. The necessity I was under of sending my sons out of this country, was my principal inducement to send the little property that I had out of it too ; so that I had nothing in England besides my library, K 2 appai'atus 148 Continuation of apparatus; and household goods. By this, I felt my- self greatly relieved, it being of little consequence where a man already turned sixty ends his days. Whatever good or evil I have been capable of, is now chiefly done ; and I trust that the same conscious- ness of integrity, which has supported me hitherto, will carry me throu gh any thing that may yet be re- served for me* Seeing, however, no great prospect of doing much good, or having much enjoyment, here, I am now preparing to follow my sons ; hoping to be of some use to them in their present unsettled state, and that Providence may yet, advancing in years as I am, find me some sphere of usefulness a- long with them. As to the great odium that I have incurred, the charge of sedition^ or my being an enemy to the con- stitution or peace of my country, is a mere pretence for it ; thougk it has been so much urged, that it is now generally believed, and all attempts to undc- ceive the public with respect to it avail nothing at all. Tiie whok course of my studies, from early life, shews how little politics of any kind haA'C been my object. Indeed to have written so much as I have in tlicohgy\ and to have done so much in expe- rimental THE Memoirs. 149 nmental philosophy^ and at the same time to have had my mind occupied, as it is supposed to have been, with factious politics, I must have had faculties more than human. Let any person only cast his eye over the long list of my publications, and he will see that they relate almost wholly to theology, philosophy, or reneral literature. I did, however, when I was a younger man, and before it was in my power to give much attention to philosophical pursuits, write a small anonymous political pamphlet, on the State of Liberty in this Country^ about the time of Mr. Wilkes's election for Middlesex, which gained me the acquaintance, and I may say the fiiendship, of Sir George Savile, and which I had the happiness to enjoy as Io;ig as he lived. At the request also of Dr. Franklin and Dr. Fothergill, I wrote an address to the Dissenters on the subject of the approaching rupture with Ame- rica, a pamphlet which Sir George Savile, and my other friends, circulated in great numbers, and it was thought with some eifeet. After this I entirely ceased to write any thing on the subject of politics, except as far as the business K3 of 150 Continuation or of the Test Aa, m.d of Chil Establishments of Reli- gion^ had a connection with jwlitics. And though, at the recommendation of Dr. Price, I was presently after this taken into the family of the Marquis of Landsdowne, and I entered into almost all his views, as thinking them just and liberal, 1 never wrote a single political pamphlet, or even a paragraph in a nev spaper, ail the time that I v\ as \^ ith him, which was seven years. I never preached a political sermon in my life ; unless such as, I believe all Dissenters usually preach on the Rfth of November, in favour of croil and rel'i^ ious liberty, may be said to be political. And on these occasions, I am confident, that I never ad- vanced any sentiment but such as, until of late years, would have tended to recommend, rather than ren- der me obnoxious, to those \\ ho direct the admini- stration of this country. And the doctrines which I adopted when young, and \^•hich were even popu- lar then (except with the clergy, who were at that time generally disaffected to the family on the throne) I cannot abandon, merely because the times are so changed, that tlicy are now become unpopular, and ihe expression ai.d communication of them ha- zardous. Farther, THE Memoirs. 151 Farther, though I by no means disapprove of so- cieties for political information, such as are now every where discountenanced, and generally sup^ pressi^d, I never was a member of any of them ; no-, indeed, did I ever attend any public meeting, if I could decently avoid it, owing to habits acquired in studious and letired life. From a mistake of my talents and disposition, I was invited by many of the departments in France, to represent them in the present National Conven- tion, after I had been made a citizen of France, on account of my being considered as one who had been persecuted for my attachment to the cause of liberty here. But though the invitation was repeated with the most flattering importunity, I never hesitated about declining it. I can fartlier say with respect to politics, concern- ing which I believe every Englishman has some opi- nion or other (and at present, owing to the peculiar nature of the present war,- it is almost the only topic of general conversation) that, except in company, I hardly ever think of the subject, my reading, medita- tion, and writing; being almost wholly engrossed by theology, and philosophy ; and of late, as for m^ ny K 4 years'- 152 Continuation of years bfcfore the riots in Birmingham, I have spent a very great proportion of my time, as my friends well know, in m}- laboratory. If, then, my real crime has not been sedition, or treason, what has it been ? For every effect must have some adequate cause, and therefore the odium that I have incurred must have been owing to some- thing in my declared sentiments, or conduct, that has exposed me to it. In my opinion, it cannot have been any thing but my open hostility to the doctrines of the established church, and more espe- cially to all civil establishments of religion whatever. This has brought upon me the implacable resent- ment of the great body of the clergy ; and they hare found other methods of opposing me besides argu- ment, and that use Qliki^ press which is equally open to us all. They have also found an able ally and champion in Mr. Burke, who (without any provo- cation except tliat of answering his book on the French Revokition) has taken several opportunities of inveighing against me, in a place v.here he knows I cannot reply to him, and from v.hich he also knows that his accusation w ill reach every corner of the couritry, and consequently thousands oT prisons who will THE Memoirs. 153 will never read any writings of mine*. They have had another, and still more effectual vehicle of their abuse in what are called the treasury ne^s^spapers, and other popular publications. By these and others means, the same paity spirit which was the cause of the riots in Birmingham, has been increasing ever since, especially in that neighbourhood. A remarkable instance of this may be seen in a Letter addressed, but not sent, to me from Mr, Foley, rector of Stourbridge, who slc- knowledges the satisfaction that he and his brethren have received from one of the grossest and coarsest pieces of abuse of me that has yet appeared, which, as a curious specimen of the kind, I inserted in the Appendix of wy Appeal, and in which I am repre- sented as no better than Guy Fawkes, or the devil himself. This very Christian divine recommends to Ml-. Burke having said in the House of Commons, that ** I was " made a citizen of Fi-ance on account of my declared hostility to the •' constitution of this country," I, in the public papers, denied the charge, and called upon him for the proofs of it. As he made no reply, I said, in the preface to my Fast Sermon of the last }'ear, p. 9, that " it sufficiently appeared that he had neither ability to maintain '* his charge, nor virtue to retract it." A year more of silence on his part having now elapsed, this is become more evident than before. 154 Continuation' or to the members of the established church to decline all commercial dealings with the Dissenters, ab an effectual method of exterminating them. This me- thod has been actually adopted in many parts of England. Also great numbers of the best farmers and artizans in England have been dismissed be- cause they would not go to the established church. Dcfoe^s Shortest Way ^ith the Dissenters* would have taught the fiiends of the church a more effec* tual method still. And yet this Mr. Foley, whom I never saw, and who could not have had any parti- cular cause of enmity to me, had, like Mr. Madan of Birmingham, a character for liberality. What, then, have we to expect from others, when we find so much bigotry and rancour in such men as these ? Many times, by the encouragement of persons from whom better things might have been expected, I have been burned in t^^y ^^^"g '^^ i^^^ Mr. Paine ; and numberless insulting and threatening letters have been sent to mc from all parts of the kingdom. f It • A tract Y.rlttcii in a grave ironical stile, advising to hang them all. f In one of these I was Uirealcncd uith being biu-ncd ailivc before a slow firf. THE Memoirs^ 155 It is not possible for any man to have conducted himself more peaceably than I have done all the time that I have lived at Clapton, yet it has not exempted me not only from the worst suspicions, but very gross insults. A very friendly and innocent club, which I found in the place, has been considered as Jacobin chiefly on my account ; and at one time there was cause of apprehension that I should have been brought into danger for lending one of Mr. Painc's books. But with some difficulty the neigh- bourhood was satisfied tliat I was innocent. As nothing had been paid to me on account of damages in the riot, when I published the second part of my Appeal to the public on the subject, it may be proper to say, that it was paid some time in the beginning of the year 1793, with interest only from the first of January of the same year, though the injury was received in July, 1791 ; when equity evidently required, that it ought to have been allow- ed from the time of the riot, especially as, in all the cases, the allowance was far short of the loss. In my case it fell short, as I have shewn, not less than two thousand pounds. And the losses sustained by the otlier sufferers far exceeded mine. Public jus- tice 156 Continuation of ticealso required that, if the forms of law, local en- mity or any other cause, had prevented our receiving full indemnification, it should have been made up to us from the public treasury ; the great end of all civil government being protection from violence, or an in- demnification for it. Whatever we might in equity claim, the country owes us, and, if it be just, will some time or otiier pay, and with interest. I would farther observe, that since, in a variety of cases, money is allowed where the injury is not of a pecuniary nature, merely because no other compen- sation can be given , the same should have been done with respect to me, on account of the destruction of my manuscripts, the interruption of my pursuits, the loss of a pleasing and advantageous situation, &c. &c. and had the injury been sustained by a clefgymarif he would, I doubt not, have claimed, and been allowed, very large damages on this account. So far, however, was tlierc from being any idea of the kind in my favour, that my counsel advised me to make no mention of my manuscript Lectures oft the Constitution of England, a work about as large as that of Blackstone (as may be seen by the syllabus of the particular lectures, sixty-three in all, publish- ed THE Memoirs. 157 cd in the first edition of my Essay on a Course of li- beral Education for chil a?id acthe Life J because it would be taken for granted that they were of a sedi- tious nature, and would therefore have been'of disscr- vice to me with the jury. Accordingly they were, in the account of my losses, included in the article of so much paper » After these losses, had I had nothing but the justice of my country to look to, I must have sunk under the burden, incapable of any farther exertions. It was the seasonable generosity of my friends that prevented this, and put it in my power, though with the unavoidable loss of near two years, to resume my former pursuits. A farther proof of the excessive bigotry of this country is, that, though the clergy of Birmingham resenting what I advanced in the first part of my Appeal^ replied to it, and pledged themselves to go through with the enquiry along with me, till the whole truth should be investigated, they have made no reply to the Second Part of my Appeal, in which I brought specific charges against themselves, and other persons by name, proving them to have been the promoters and abctt&.s of the riot ; and yet they have as much resDect shown to them as ever, and the country 158 Continuation ok country at large pays no atteniion to it. Had tlie clergy been the injured persons, and Dissenters the rioters, unable to answer the charges brought against ihcm, so great would have been the general indigna- tion at their conduct, that I am persuaded it would not have been possible for them to continue in the countrv. I could, if I were so disposed, give my readers many more instances of the bigotry of the clergy of the church of England with respect ro me, which could not fail to excite, in generous minds, equal indignation and contempt; but I forbear.* Had I, however, foreseen what I am now witness to, I certainly should not have made any attempt to re- place my library or apparatus, and I soon repented of having done it. But this being done, I \vas ^vll^mg to make some use of both before another interruption of my pursuits. I began to philoso- phize, and make experiments, rather late in life, being " At a dinner of all the Prcljcndaries of a cathedral church, tlic conversation turning on the riots in Birmingham, and on a clcrt^ymaa having said that if I were mounted on a pile of my publications, he would set fire to them, and burn mc alive, they all declared that tlicy would bo ready to do the same. THE Memoirs. 159 beins- near fortv, for want of the necessary means of doing any thing in this way; and my pursuits have been much interrupted by removals (never indeed chosen by myself, but rendered necessray by circumstances) and my time being now short, I hoped to have had no occaion for more than one, and that a final, remove. But the circumstances above mentioned have induced me, though \vith great and sincere regret, to undertake another, and to a greater distance than any that I have hi- therto made. I profess not to be unmoved by the aspect of things exhibited in this discourse. But notwith- standing this, I should wilhngly have awaited my fate in my native country, whatCA'er it had been, if I had not had sons in America, and if I did not think that a field of public usefulness, which is evidently closing upon me here, might open to more advan- tage there. I own also that I am not unaffected by such unex- ampled punishments as those of Mr. Muir and my friend Mr. Palmer, for offences, which, if, in the eye of reason, they be any at all, are slight, and ve?y in- sufficiently proved ; si measure so subversive of that freedom 160 Continuation of freedom of speaking and acting, w liich has hitherto been the great pride of Britons. Bur the sentence of Mr. Winterbotham, for delivering from the pulpit what I am persuaded he never did deliver, and which, similar evidence might have drawn upon my- self, or any other dissenting minister, who was an object of general dislike, has something in it still more alarming*. But I trust that conscious in- nocence * I trust that the friends of liberty, especially among the Dissenters, will not fail to do every thing in their power to make Mr- W^inteibo- tham's confinement, and also the sufferings of Mr. Palmer and his com- panions, as easy to them as possible. Having been assisted in a sea- son of persecution m}sclf, I sho'jld be very ill deserving of the favours I have received, if I was not particularly desirous of recommending such cases as theirs to genci-al consideration. Here difference In re- ligious sentiment is least of all to be attended to. On the contrary, let those who in this respect differ the most from Mr. Winterbotham, which is my own case, cx.erUlicmsclves tiie most in liis favour. When men of unquestionable integrity and piety suffer in consequence of acting (as such persons always will do) from a principle of conscienre, they must command the respect even of tlieir enemies, if they also act from principle, thoug-h they be therebj' led to proceed in an opposite direction. The case of men if education and reflection (and who act from the best intentions witli respect to tho community) committing w hat only state policy reqtiires to be considered as ciimcs, but which arc allowed THE Memoirs. 161 nocence would support me as it docs him, under whatever prejudiced and violent men might do to me, as well as say of me.- But I see no occasion to expose myself to danger without any prospect of doing good, or to continue any longer in a country in which I am so unjustly become the olject of ge- neral dislike, and not retire to another, where I lia'v'e reason to think I shall be better received. And I trust that the same good Providence which has at- tended me hitherto, and made me happy in mv present situation, and all my former ones, will at- tend and bless me in what may still be before me. In all events, The iviil of Cod be done. I cannot refrain from repeating again, that I lea^'C on all liands to imply no moral turpitude, so as to render them imf4 for heaven and happiness hereafter, is not to be confounded with that of common felons. There was nothing" in the conduct of Lou u XIV. and his ministers, that appcarc d so sliocking, so contrary to all id-^as of ji'.sLice, humanity and decency, and that hiis contributed more to render their memory execrated, than sending- such men as Mr. Ma- roUes, and other eminent Protestants, who are now revered as saints sivl martyrs, to the g-aileys, aiong- with tlie vilest miscreants. Com- pared Viilh tir.:-, the p:nnsh.ment of death would be mercy. I trutt that, the Scotf. in r^.-^neral will tiiinl:ti>eso measures a disgraci to lJi«if f-mjntry. L \62 Continuation or leave my native country with real regret, never, expecting to find any \\here else society so suited to my disposition and habits, such fiiends as I have here (whose attachment has been more than a ba- lance to all the abuse I have met with fi-om others) and especially to replace one particular Christian friend, in whose absence I shall, for some time at least, find all tiie world a blank. Still less can I ex- pect to resume my favourite pursuits, with anything like the advantages I enjoy here. In leaving this country I also abandon a source of maintenance, which I can but ill bear to lose, I can, howe\er truly say, that I leave it m ithout any resentment, or ill-will. On the contrary, I sincerely wish my countrymen all happiness ; and when the time for reflection (which my absence may accelerate) shall come, they will, I am confident, do me more justice. They will be convinced that every sus- picion they have been led to entertain to my dis- advantage has been ill founded, and that I have even Lome claim to their gratitude and esteem. In this case, I bliall look with satisfaction to the time when, if my life be prolonged, I may visit my friends in thi J country ; and perhaps I. may, notv\ iihstanding THE Memoirs." 163 my removal for the present, find a grave (as I believe is naturally the wish of every man) in the land that gave me birth." On the 8th day of April 1794, my father set sail from London, and arrived at New- York on the 4th of June, where he staid about a fortnight. Many persons went to meet him upon his landing , and while he staid at New^-York he received addresses from various Societies, and great attention from ma- ny of the most respectable persons in the place. From thence he proceeded to Philadelphia, where he received an address from the American Philoso- phical Society. Independent of the above marks of respect, he was chosen by an unanimous vote of the Trustees of die University of Philadelphia, pro- fessor of Chemistry. He was likewise invited to re- turn and stay at New- York, and open an Unitarian place of worship, W'hich was to have been provided for him, and also to give Lectures on Experimental Philosophy to one hundred subscribers at ten dollars each. These invitations indeed he did not re- ceive until he had been settled some little time at Northumberland. These are suiScient proofs that the citizens of this country were not insensible to L2 his 164 Continuation op his merit as a Philosopher, and that they esteemed him for the part he took in tlie politics of Europe* That he was not invited immediately on his arrival to preach cither at New-York or Philadelphia, \\as not from any want of respect for his character, but because Unitarianism was in a manner unknown, and by many ignorantly supposed to have some con- nection wi'h iiifidclity. 'Ihe proper evidences of Christianity, the corrupUons it lias suffered, the mon- strous adciiticRs that have been engrafted on its pri- mitive sir;}plicity, arc! the real state of the opi- nions of christians in the first ages of the church, v.ere subjects that had hardly ever been discussed in t'his country. The controversies that had been car- ried on in England had not awakened attention here, and therefore though my father was known as having suffered in consequence of his opposition to the esta- blished religion of his country, yet his particular opinions were little understood. As liis religious tenets became more kno\^•n, these prejudices Avore away, and independent of the proposal to open a place of Unitarian worship at New-York, mention- ed above, I shall have occasion to state the great reason he liad to be satisfied witl the testimonies of respect THE Memoirs. 165 respect paid to him, by the most eminent persons in the country, not merely in his character as a Phi- losopher, but as a preacher of the Gospel. About the middle of July 1 794 my father left Phi- ladelphia for Northumberland, a town situated at the coiiRuence of the North-East and West branch- es of the Susquehanna, and about 130 miles North- West of Philadelphia. I, and some other English gentlemen, had projected a Ectilemcnt of 300,000 acres of land, about uity miles distant from North- umberland. The sub::;cri prion v.as filled chiefly by persons in England. Nv>rthumberland being at that time the nearest towii to the proposed settlement, my father wished to see the place, and ascertain what conveniencies it would aftbrd should he incllixe either to fix there permanently, or only until the settle- ment should be sufficiently advanced for his accom- modation ; he was induced likewise to retreat, at least for the summer months, into the country, fear- ing the effects of the hot weather in such a city as Philadelphia. He had not, as has been errone- ously reported, ihe least concern in the projected settlement. He was not consulted in the formation of the pkin of it, uor had he come to any determina- L 3 tion 166 Continuation of tion to join it had it been carried into effect. The scheme of settlement was not confined to any particular class or character of men, religious, or political. It was set on foot to be as it were a rall}'ing point for the English, w ho were at that time emigrating to America in great numbei-s, and who it ^vas thought, would be more happy in society of the kind they had been accustomed to, than they would be, dispersed, as tliey now are, through the ^'vhole of tlie United States. It ^\•as farther thought, that by the union of industry and capi- ta!, t'ue wilderness would soon become cuiti\at- cd and equal to any other part of the country in eve- ry thing necessary to the enjoyment of life. To pro- mote this as much as possible, the original projec- tors of that scheme rescr^^ed only a few shares for themselves, for which they paid the same as those M h.o had no trouble or expence either in forming the plan, or carrying it into execution. This they did, with a \icw to take away all source of jealousy, and to increase the facility of settlement, by increasing the proportion of setders to the (juantity of land to be settled. Fortunately for the original proposers, the scheme was abandoned. It might and Avould have THE MEMOIRSr 16T have answered in a pecuniar^' point of view, as the land now sells at double and treble the price then asked for it, without the advantages which that set- tlement would have given rise to ; but the generali- ty of Englishmen come to this country with such erroneous ideas, and, unless previously accustomed to a life of labour, arc so ill qualified to commence cultivation in a wilderness, that the projectors would most probably have been subject to still more un- founded abuse than they have been, for their well meant endeavours to promote the interests of their countrymen. The scheme of settlement thus failing, for reasons which it is not necessary now to state, my father, struck with the beauty of the situation of Northum- berland, which is universally allowed to be equal if not superior to any in the state ; believing that, from the nature of its situation, it was likely to become a great thoroughfare, and having reason to consider it as healthy as it was pleasant, the intermittents to which it has latterly been subject being then un- known, determined to setde there. Before he came to this resolution however, he had the offer of the Professorship of Chcmic)try in the University of L 4 Pennsyl- 1C3 Continuation ov Pcnnsjlvania, before mentioned, which would pro- b:\b]y have jicldcd him 30(X) dollars per annum, there btiiig ^-cncrally about 200 students in i\Ie- cUeine of \\hoin about 150 attend the Chemical Lec- tures ; as likewise the offer of a situation as Unitari- an Picoeher and Lecturer in Natural Philosophy as 1 have likewise mentioned before. At that time he luid no inducement to settle at Northumberland contrary to his inclinntion, as his books and apparatus V. ere still at Pliiladelphia, his sons had not fixed up- on any place of settlement for themselves, and nei- ther he, nor they, had purchased a single foot of land in the town or the neighbourhood of it. The following reasons among others induced him to prelera cc>untry to a city life. He thought that if he imdertook tlie duties of a professor, he should TiOt be so much at liberty to follow his favourite pur- suits as he could wish, and that the expence of living at Philadelphia or New-York AK)uId counterbalance the advantages resulting from his salary ; and indeed, ht that time he had no occasion to attend to any pe- cuniary considerations, as lie believed his income, ^':ileulating upon liis property in the French funds (\\liicli hov,"Cvcr from circu distances not necessary to THE MeHOIIIS. 160 to be stated in this place, never produced him any thing,) to be more than equal to his wants; but what Iiad greater weight with him than any thing else was that my mother, who had been harrassed in her mind ever since the riots at Birminoham, thousrht that by living in the country, at a distance from the cities, she should be more likely to obtain that quiet of which she stood so much in need. Soon after his settlement at Northumberland, ma- ny persons, with a view that his qualifications as an instructor of youth should not be wholly lost to the country, concurred in a plan for the esta- blishment of a college at Northumberland. To this scheme several subscribed from this motive alone. ^any of the prmcipal landholders, partly from the above and partly fi'om motives of interest, contributed largely both in money and land, and there was a fair prospect, from the liberal principles upon which it was founded, that it v.ould have been of very great advantage to the country. My father was requested to draw up a plan of the course of study he \\'ould recommend, as welf as the rules for the internal ma- nagement of the institution, and he was ?lppointcd President. He however declined receiving any emo- lument, 170 Continuation of lumcnt, and proposed giving such lectures as he was best qualified for, gratis ; in tlie same manner as he had done at Hackney, and he meant to have given to tlie institution the uscof his library andapparatus, until the students could have been furnished with them by means of the funds of the college. In consequence of the unexpected failure of some of he prin- cipal contributors, the scheme fell through at that time, and little more was done during my father's lifetime than to raise theshell of a convenient buildings I shall in this place state, though I shall anticipate, in so doing, th.it in the year 1803 a vacancy occurred in the University of Pennsylvania, by the death of Dr. Euen, Principal of that institution. It was inti- mated to my father by many of the Trustees, that in case he Ayould accept of the appointment, there ^\as little doubt of his obtaining it; Mr. M'Kean, th« present governor of the State of Pennsylvania, being, among others particularly anxious that he should ac- cept of it. In addition to the reasons that had induced him to decline the offer of the Professorship of Chemis- try were to be added the weak state of his health, ^\•hich would have made the idea of his having any sedous engagement to fulfil, ^ cry irksome to him ; he accor- dingly declined it. He -THE Memoirs. 171 He had frequent intimations of other proposals of a similar nature that would have been made to him, had it not become generally known, that he could not accede to them from their being inconsistent with the plan of life he had laid down for himself. I have been thus particular in the account of his reasons for settling at Northumberland, and of the different inducements offered to him to fix elsewhere, to do away the erroneous reports respecting the for- mer, and likewise to counteract the idea that has been so industriously circulated in England, that his abilities were undervalued, that the bigotry and pre- judice he had to encounter in this countr}-, were greater than were opposed to him in England ; that his life was in consequence rendered uncomfortable, and that if he could, he would have been glad to have returned to his native country, but was restrained by a sense of shame. Some colour was given to these reports by many of his countrymen who, from mo- tives best known to themselves, perhaps thinking thereby to excuse the inconsistency of their own conduct, corroborated the accounts, though many of them had never seen my father in this country, and had no authority whatever for assertions which were entirely i72 Continuation of ciiiirely calumnies. Some currency was also given to the statement, by the Ailse and injurious accounts published by the Duke de Liancount, whose book if I may judge of it by that part which treats of Penn- sylvania, and of this neighbourhood in particular, is not entitled to the least credit, being false in almost every particular. This my father himself has stated in a letter addressed to him. The writer, understanding the language of the country but very imperfecdy, must necessarily have been liable to many mistakes ; nor is it to be wonder- ed at that a man who details all the tittle tattle of eve- ry table to which he is invited, and who can basely convert the hospitable reception he meets with in a strange country, into the means of turning into ridi- cule thoic who shewed him attention and meant to serve him, should be even capable of fabricating and circulating gross and injurious falsehoods respecting individuals. I should disgrace myself, in my opinion, and still more should I diss:race the his-h situation o o "Vhich my father held in the esteem of the public, Were I in this work to enter into any further conside- ration of his attack on my father's, character, satisfied that it is beyond the reach of his falsehoods and un- provoked malevolence. My THE Memoirs. 173 My father would, tio doubt, have been glad to have returned to England, and ha\ e enjoyed the so- ciety of his old and much valued friends ; he would have rejoiced to have been nearer the centre of the Arts and Sciences ; to have been joined jigain to bis congregation and resumed his duties as a Chris- tian Preacher; he would have been glad at the close of life, as he expresses himself, " to h:-ve found a grave in the land that gave him birth J " but this was impossible : and no person can read the preface to his Fast Ser- mon, quoted above, but must be convinced of it. Though he raised the credit of his native country by the brilliancy, the extent and the usefulness of his discoveries in different branches of science; though during his whole life he inculcated principles of virtue and religion, which the government pretended at least to believe were necessary to the well being of the state; though in no one single act of his life had he violated any law of his country or encouraged others to do so, what was the treat- ment he met with in that land of boasted clvilizati- on, and at the close of the 18th Century ? It is suffi- ciently known, and wil],asitoughttodo,afrect thecha- racter 174 Continuation of racter of the nation at large. Therefore, though he could have forgotten and forgiven all that was past, though the above mentioned motives would have had great weight in inducing him to return, yet there was no reason to expect that he should meet hereafter with better treatment than he had already experienced ; and in consequence of this fixed persuasion he never entertained the idea of returning to live in England. He frequently talked indeed of returning to visit his friends ; but when peace took place and he could have gone ^vith safety, so comfortably was he settled m this country, and such was his opinion of the state of things in England, that he abandoned even the idea of a temporary journey thither, altogether. But supposing the above obstacles had not existed to his return to his native country, he had no reason to be, nor was he, dissatisfied with his reception here. Independent of the attentions paid to him upon his first arrival in this countrv, he continued to receive marks of respect from bodies of men, and from indi- viduals of various opinions in religion and politics, to whom he had been all his life before an utter stranger. Little reason therefore have his country- men to represent his reception in America as une- qual THE Memoirs. 175 qiial to his merits, or to calumniate the general cha- racter of the people here. His discoveries did not add to the credit of America as they had done to that of England, yet he was not obliged to wididraw his name from its Philosophical Society, disgusted with its illiberal treatment of himself and his friends. The Americans, comparatively speaking, had little opportunity of judging of his zeal for the real in- terests of religion, yet he was suffered to live in peace ; and this country has not been disgraced by the destruction of a library and apparatus uniformly dedicated to the promotion of Science, and the good of mankind. It will be said that there were not such interests to oppose in America as in England. It isf true, and it proves that the Americans have done well not to create such interests, and that the placing all the religious sects upon the same footing with respect to the government of the country, has ef- fectually secured the peace of the community, at the same time that it has essentially promoted the inter- ests of truth and virtue. Being now settled at Northumberland with his mind at peace, and at ease in his circumstances, he seriously applied himself to those studies which he 176 Continuation op he had long heen compelled to desist from, and which he had but imperfectly attended to while he resided at Hackney. It is true that he spent his time there very agreeably, in a society of highly va- lued friends ; but he did litde compared to v.hat he effected while he was at Birmingham, or what he has done during his residence here, owing to his time being very much broken in upon at Hacknry by company. To prove how much he did in this country it is only necessary to refer to the list of the publications which he presented to the world in \a* rious branches of science, in theology and general literature. Here as in England, though more at lei- sure than formerly, he continued to apportion hiu time to the various occupations in which he was en- gaged, and strictly adhered to a regular plan of alter- nate study and relaxation, from which he never ma- terially deviated. It was while my flither was at the academy that he commenced a practice which he continued until within three or four days of his death, of keeping a diary, in which he put down the occuncnces of the day; what he was employed about, where he had been, and particularly an exact account of what he had THE Memoirs^ 177 had been reading, mentioning the names of the au- thors, and the number of pages he read, which was generally a fixed number, previously determined upon in his own mind. He likewise noted down any hints suggested by what he read in the course of the day. It ^vas his custom at the beginning of each year to arrange the plan of study that he meant io pursue that year, and to review the general situation of his affliirs, and at the end of the year he took an account of the progress he had made, how far he had executed the plan he had laid down, and whether his situation exceeded or fell short of the expectations he had formed. This practice was a source of great satisfaction to him through life. It was at first adopted as a mode of regulating his studies, and afterwards continued from the pleasure it gave him. The greater part of his diaries were destroyed at the riots at Birming- ham, but there are still extant those for the year 1754, 1755 and several of the subsequent years. As it will serve to shew the regularity w ith v/hich he pursued his studies, and may possibly be instruc- tive as well as angiusing to the reader, I shall give a specimen of the manner in which he spent a year M while 17ff Continuation or wliile he was at the academy, at Daventry, and for that purpose shall select his diary for the year 1755 when he was in his 22d year. The diary contains a particular account of v\ hat he read and wrote each day, and at different periods of the year he sums up in the following manner, the progress he had made in improvement, which I give as entered at the end of the diary. Business done in January, February' and March. Practical* Howe's blessedness of the righteous ; Bennet's pastoral care ; Norris's letters and some sermons. ControDersial. Taylor on Atonement; Hampton's Answer; Sherlock's discourses Vol, 1 ; Christianity not founded in Argument ; Doddridge's Answer ; Warburton's divine legation ; Benson on the first planting of Christianity ; King's Constitution of the Primitive Church. Classics. Josephus, Vol. 1, from page 390 to 770; Ovid's Metamorphoses to page 139; Tacitus's History, Life of Agricola, and Manners of the Germans. Scriptures. THE Memoirs.^ I79 Scriptures. John the Evangelist, the Acts of the Apostles the Epistles to the Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, 1st and 2d Corinthians, in Greek ; Isaiah to the 8th chapter, in Hebrew. Mathematics. Maclaurin's Algebra to part 2d. Entertaining* Irene ; Prince Arthur ; Ecclesiastical characters ; Dryden's fables; Peruvian tales; Voyage round the world ; Oriental tales ; Massey's travels ; Life of Hai Ebn Yokdam ; History of Abdallah. Composition. A Sermon on the Wisdom of God; An Ora- tion on the means of Virtue ; 1st Vol. of the Insti- tutes of Natural and Revealed Religion. Business done from April 1st to June 23d. Practical. Watts's Catechism, and discourses on Catechiz- ing ; Fenelon's spiritual works Vol. 1st and half of Vol. 2d; Saurin's Sermons a few; Tliomas a Kempis Book 1st to ch. 21 ; Cotton Mather's life ; Jenning's on preaching Christianity. M 2 Contro. 180 Continuation op Controversial Towgood, Gill and Breckell on Baptism ; Lc Clerc on Inspiration ; Whiston's Historical preface ; Emlyn's narrative and humble enquiry , Apostolical Constitutions ; Newton on the prophecies ; Win- der's History of knowledge ; Hoadly on the Sacra- ment ; Lowman on the Revelation ; Moral Philoso- pher ; Hume's Political discourses ; Middleton's fathers of the four first centuries ; Middleton and Waterland's controversy. on the Demo- niacs ; Goodrich's display of Human Nature. Classics. Cicero's 1st. Phillippic. Historical. Universal History Vol. 15 and 16 and to page 488 of the 17th. Composition. Second Vol. of the Institutes of Natural and Re- vealed Religion ; wrote an article on Edwards's trans- lation of the Psalms for the review. Prom Jane 2Sd to September 1. Practical PFriters. Thomas a Kempis from Ch. 21 of Book 1st; HaitleyonManvol.2d. May's Prayers. Holland's ^'^^■^^°^'- Scriptures, THE MeMOIHS. 18i Scriptures. From the 1st Epistle of Timothy to the Revelati- ons,and the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, in the Greek Testament j The books of Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus, in the Hebrew Bible. Classics. Ovid from Book 9th ; Demosthenes 1st Phillippic and 3 OlynthiaCs ; Herodotus Book 1st ; Homer's Iliad, Book 1, :2, 3 ; Sallust. H.'Story. Universal History from Vol. 17 p. 488 to the end of Vol. 18. Neal's History of the Puritans 4 Volumes. Philosophy. The Anatomical Articles in the Universal Dicti- onary, several principal Agebraic ones, and ail the ktter A. Composition,. 12 Sermons. Business done in September, Practical. Holland's Sermons, Vol. 2d ; Doddridge's family Expositor Vol. 1. M 3 Scriptures^ 182 Continuation o» Scriptures. John the Evangelist, in Greek. Numbers, and to the 16th Chapter in Deuteronomy in Hebrew. Classics. Homer's Iliad, 12 books. Mathematical. Euclid, Lib. 1, S, 3. History. Universal History, Vol. 19th. Miscellaneous. Mason's Student ; One of Shakespeare's plays. Composition. 4 Sermons. Business done in October. Practical. Doddridge's Expositor Vol. 2d ; Common Prayer Book ; Fordycc's Sermons on public Institutions. Scriptures. Deuteronomy from Ch. 16 to the end ; Ecclesias- tes and Solomon's Song in Hebrew and Greek. Classics. Homer's Iliad, Book P to the end. Mathematical. Euclid, Lib, 4, 5, 6. HistorU THE Memoirs* 183 Historical. Universal History, Vol. 20th. Miscellaneous* 5 Shakespeares Plays. Composition, 3 Sermons. Business done in November. Practical, Aberneihy's Practical Sermons. Scriptures. Job, in Hebrew and the Septuagint. Philosophy y Mathematics and Chemistry^ Euclid Lib. 11 and 12 slightly ; Boerhave's Theo- ry of Chemistry a good part of Vol. 1st ; Rowning's Philosophy half of Vol. 1st. Classics. Francis's Horace, Odes 4 books. History. Universal History part of Vol. 3d ; Jewish Antiqui, ties. History of the Council of Trent to page 133. Anson's voyage by Walter. Plays. 4t of Shakespeare's plays. Composition* 2 Sermons. M 4 Busi. 184 Continuation of Business done in December. Practical. Abernethy's Posthumous sermons Vol. 2d ; Clarke's sermons Vol. 1st. Patiic on Ecclesiastes, Scriptures* Psalms, in the Hebrew and Septuagint. Philosophy. Rowning's Philosophy part 2d and 3d. Classics. Francis's Horace Vol. 2 and 3. Miscellaneous and Entertaining. Malcolm on Music, half; 4 Shakespeare's plays. Half of the 1st Vol. of the Rambler. Popes Ed'iic Epistles, a few. History. Paul's Council of Trent, to page 476 ; Life of the Duke of Marlborough. Composition. 4 Sermons. It will be seen by this extract from his diaiy, that his studies were veiy varied, which, as he \\z.% al- ways persuaded, enabled him to do so much. This he constantly attended to through life ; his chemical and philosophical pursuits serving as a kind of re- laxation THE Memoirs." 185 kxatlon from his theological studies. His miscella- neous reading, which was at all times very extensive, comprizing even novels and plays, still served to in- crease the variety. For many years of his life, he never spent less than two or three hours a day in games of amusement, as cards and backgammon; but particularly chess — at which lie and my mother played regularly three games after dinner, and as many after supper. As his children grew up, chess was laid aside for whist or some round game at cards, which he enjoyed as much as any of the company. It is hardly necessary to state that he never played for money, even for the most trifling sum. To all these modes of relieving the mind, he ad- ded bodily exercise. Independent of his laborato- Tj furnishing him with a good deal, as he never em- ployed an operator, and never allowed any one even to light a fire, he generally lived in situations which required his walking a good deal, as at Calne, Bir- mingham and Hackney. Of that exercise he was very fond. He walked well, and his regular pace was four miles an hour. In situations where the necessity of walking was not imposed upon him, he worked in his garden as at Calne, when 186 Continuation of when he had not occasion to go to Bowood; at Northumberland in America, he was particularly attached to this exercise. But what principally enabled liim to do so much was regularity, for it does not appear that at any period of his life he spent more than six or eight hours per day in business that required much men- tal exertion. I find in the same diary, which I have quoted from above, that he laid down the following daily arrangement of time for a minister's studies : Studying the Scriptures 1 hour. Practical writers 1-2 an hour. Philosophy and History 2 hours. Classics 1-2 an hour. Composition 1 hour — in all 5 hours. He adds below " All which may be *' conveniently'dispatched before dinner, which leaves *' the afternoon for visiting and company, and the " evening for exceeding in any article if there be " occasion. Six hours not too much, nor seven." It appears by his diary that he followed this plan at that period of his life. He generally walked out in the afternoon or spent it in company. At that time there was a society or club that assembled twice a week, at which the members debated questions, or took it in turn to deliver orations, or read es- says THE Memoirs. 187 says of their own composition. When not attend- ing these meetings, he most generally appears to have spent the evening in company with some of the students in their chambers. It was by the regularity and variety of his studies, more than by intenseness of application, that he per- formed so much more than even studious men gene- rally do. At the time he was engaged about the most important works, and when he was not busily employed in making experiments, he always had lei- sure for company, of which he was fond. He never appeared hurried or behind hand. He however ne- ver caiTied his complaisance so far as to neglect the daily task he had imposed upon himself; but as he was uniformly an early riser, and dispatched his more serious pursuits in the morning, it rarely hap- pened but that he could accompHsh the labours as- signed for the day, without having occasion to with- draw from visitors at home, or society abroad, or giving reason to suppose that the company of others was a restrahit upon his pursuits. This habit of regularity, extended itself to every tiling that he read, and every thing he did that was susceptible of it. He never read a book ^vith- 183 Continuation of without determing in his own mind when he would finish it. Had he a work to transcribe, he would fix a time for its completion. This habit increased upon him as he grew in years, and his dia- ry Avas kept upon the plan I have before described, till within a few days of his death. To the regularity and variety of his studies, must he added a considerable degree of Mechanical con- trivance, wliich greatly fiicilitated the execution of many of his compositions. It was ho\\cver most apparent in his laboratory, and displayed in the sim- plicity and neatness of his apparatus, which was the great cause of the accuracy of his experiments, and of the fair character which he acquired as an experi- mental chemist. This was the result in the first in- stance of a necessary attention to oeconomy in all his pursuits, and was afterwards continued from choice, when the necessity no longer existed. I re- turn from this digression which 1 thought necessary to give the reader a general view of my father's occu- pations, and his manner of spending his time, to the circumstances attending the remaining years of his life. At his first setthngat Northumberland, there was no THE Memoirs. 189 no house to be procured that would furnish him with the conveuiencies of a library and Irboratorj^ in addi- tion to the room necessary for a family. Hence in the beginning of the year 1795, being then fixed in his determination to move no more, he resolved upon building a house convenient for his pursuits. During the time the house was building, he had no convenience for making experiments more than a common room afforded, and he was thereby prevented from doing much in this way. Still, he ascertained several foots of importance in the year 1795 on the Analysis of Atmospheric Air, and also some in continuation of those on the generation of air from water. He had however leisure and opportunity for his other studies and in 1795 he published observations on the increase of infidelity and he continued his Church History fi'om the fall of the Western Empire to the reformation. In the spring of 1796 he spent three months at Philadelphia and delivered there a set of discourses on the Evidences of Revelation, which he composed with a view to counteract the effect produced by the writings of unbelievers, which, as might be expected, was 190 Continuation of was very great in a country where rational opinions in religion were but little known, and where the eviden- ces of revelation had been but little attended to. It was a source of great satisfaction to him, and what he had Utile previous reason to expect, that his lectures were attended by verj^ crowded audiences, including most of the members of the congi-ess of the United States at that timeassembledatPhiludelphia,andof the executive officers of the o-overnment. These discour- ses which, in a regular and connected series, placed Christianity, and the evidences of its truth, in a more clear and satisfactory point of view than it had been usually considered in this countiy, attracted much attention, and created an interest in the subject which there is reason to believe has produced lasting effects. My father received assurances from many of the most respectable persons in the country, that they viewed thr subject in a totally different light from what they had before done, and that could they attend places of worship, where such rational doctrines were incul- cated, they should do it with satisfaction. As my father had through life considered the ofKce of a Christian minister as the most useful and ho- nourable of any, and had always derived the greatest satisfac- THE Memoirs. 191 satisfaction from fulfilling its duties, particularly from catechizing young persons, the greatest source of un- easiness therefore to him at Northumberland was, that there was no sufficient opportunity of being useful in that way . Thou gh lie was uniformly treated with kindness and respect by the people of the place, yet their sentiments in religion were so different from his own, and the nature and tendency of his opinions were so little understood, tliat the establishment of a place of unitarian worship perfectly free from any calvinistio or Arian tenet, was next to impossible. All there- fore that he could do in that way was, for the two or three firstyears, to read a service either at his own or at my house, at which a few (perhaps a dozen) English persons were usually present, andin time, as their num- bers increased he made use of a school room near his house, where from twenty to thirty regularly attend- ed, and among them some of the inhabitants of the place, WHO by degrees began to divest themselves of their prejudices with respect to his opinions. How- ever small die number of persons attending, he admi- nistered the Lord's supper, a rite upon which he al- ways laid particular stress. In the Autumn of 1795 he had the misfortune to lose 192 Continuation of lose his youngest son, of whom being much young- er than any of his other children, and having enter- tained the hopes of his succeeding him in his Theo- logical and Philosophical pursuits he was remarka- bly fond. He felt this misfortune the more severely as it was the first of the kind he had experienced, and particularly as it had a visible effect upon my mother's health and spirits. He was however so con- stantly in the habit of viewing the hand of God in all things, and of considering every occurrence as leading to good, that his mind soon recovered its ac- customed serenity, and his journey to Philadelphia mentioned above and the success which attended his first exertions in the cause of, what he deemed, pure and genuine Christianity, led him to look forvv^ard with cheerfulness to the future, and gave him an e- nergy in his pursuits, which was never exceeded in any part of his life. It was the same habit of view- ing God as the author of all events, and produc- ing good out of seeming evil, that enabled him to support himself so well under the greatest affliction that could possibly have befallen him, viz. the loss of his wife, my mother ; who through life had been truly a help meet for him; supporting him under THE Memoirs. 193 all his trials and sufferings with a constancy and peiv severance truly praise worthy, and who as he him- self, in noting the event in his diary, justly observes, *' was of a noble and generous mind and cared much for others and little for herself throujjh life." In the period between the above very aiilJ'^ting events, tliough his conveniences for experimenting were not increased, owing to his house, and parti- cularly his laboratory not being finished, he wrote a small treatise in defence of the doctrine of Phlog-is- ton, addressed to the Philosophers in France. He likewise composed a second set of discourses of a similar kind to those delivered in Philadelphia the preceding winter. He preached and printed a ser- mon in defence of Unitarianism, and printed the first set of discourses , he compleated his Church Histo- ry ; he made additional observations on the increase of infidelity chiefly in answer to Mr. Volney ; and drew up an Oudine of all the Evidences in fiivour of Revelation. In tlie spring of 1797 he again spent t\vo or three months in Pliiladelphia, and delivered a second set of discourses, but partly from the novelty of the thing being done away, partly from the prejudices that be- N s:an 194i Continuation op gan to be excited against him on account cf his sup* posed pohtical opinions, (for high-toned politics began then to prevail in the fashionable circles) and partly owing to the discourses not being so well adapted for a public audience, though necessary to set the com- parative excellence of Christianity in its tme light, they were but thinly attended in comparison to his former set. This induced him to give up the idea of preaching any more regular sets of discourses. He however printed them, as likewise a sermon he preached in favour of the Emigrants. He also com- posed at this time a third and enlarged edition of his Observations on the increase of infidelity, a controver- sy with Mr. Volney, a tract on the Knowledge of a Future state among the Hebrews, which, with the works he composed the year before, he printed as he found means and opportunity. He revised his Church History, began his Notes on the Scriptures, and his Comparison of the Institutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos. Towards tlie end of 1797 and not before, his libra- ry and laboratory were finished. None but men de- voted to literature can imagine the pleasure he deri- ved from being able to renew bis experiments with everv THE Memoirs. 195 c^'cry poosible convenience, and from having his books once more arranged. His house was situated in a garden, commanding a prospect equal, if not superior, to any on the river Susquehanna, so justly celebrated for the picturesque views its banks afford. It was a singularly fortunate circumstance that he found at Northumberland several excellent work- men in metals, who could repair his instruments, make all the rew articles he wanted in the course of his experimenting, as well as, he used to say, if not in some respects better than, he could have got them done in Birmingham ; and in the society of Mr. Frederick Antis, the brother of Mr. Antis in Eng- land, and uncle of Mr. Latrobe the engineer, he de- rived great satisfaction. Mr. Antis was a man of mild and amiable manners, he possessed a very good knowledge of Mechanics the result of his own ob- servation and reflection, and a fund of kno\v ledge of many things whicli my father frequently found useful to resort to. The situation of Nordmmberland be- came abundantly more convenient than it was when he first came to the place. From there being no re- gular public post, there was now established a post iwice a week to Philadelphia, and answers could be N 2 recciv- 196 Continuation of received to letters a\ ithin a week, and the communi- cation so much increased between the two places, that the price of the carnage of goods was reduced from lls.-Sd. to 6^. per Cwt. the distance being 132 miles. Thus conveniently situated, he resumed the same kind of life he led at Birmingham, experimenting the greater part of the day, the result of which he published in the Medical repository of New-York. Having compleated his Church History, he fini:.hect his Com.parison of the Institutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos. He likewise proceeded as far as Leviticus in the design he had formed of w riting Notes on all the books of Scripture, and made some remarks oa the origin of all religions by Dupuis, but the greater part of the time that he spent in theo- logy this year, \\ as em.ployed in recomposing the Notes on the New-Testament, which v\ ere destroyed at the riots. In the course of the year 1799, he finished his Notes on all the books of Scripture, he published his Comparison of the Ins'itutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos, he likewise printed his Delence of tlie doctrine of Phlogiston above mentioned, and the greater THE Memoirs. 197 greater part of each day in the summer was employ- ed in making the additional experiments he had pro- jected. It was in the year 1799, during Mr. Adams's administration, that my father had occasion to write any thing on the subject of politics in this country. It is well known to all his friends, that politics were always a sui)ject of secondary importance ^ilh him. He however took part occasionally in die conversa- tions on that subject ; w hich every person has a right to do, and which, about the time my f.uhcr left England, no person could avoid doing, as the subject engrossed so large a part of the conversation in al- most ever/ company. He always argued on the side of liberty. He was however in favour only of those changes that could be brought about by fair argument, and his speculations on the subject of British politics did not go further than a reform in Parliament, and no way tended, in his opinion, to af- fect the form of government, or the constiitition of the kingdom, as vested in Kings, Lords and Com- mons. He used frequently to say, and it was said to him, that though he was an Unitarian in Religion he was in that country a Trinitarian in politics. N 3 When ■198 Continuation of When he came to America, he found reason to change his opinions, and he became a decided friend to the general principles and practice of a complcat- ly representative government, founded upon uni- versal suffrage, and excluding hereditary privileges, as it exists in this country. This change was natu- rally produced by observing the case and happiness with which the people lived, and the unexampled prosperity cf the country, of which no European, unless he has resided in it some time, and has ob- served the interior part of it, can be a com.pelent judge. But v,ith respect to England, he still re- mained anxious for its peace and prosperity, and though he had been so hardly used, and though he considered the administration of the country, if not instigating at least conniving at the liots, no resent- ment existed in his breast against the nation. In his feelings he \\as still an Englishman. Though he might speculatively consider that the mass of evil and misery had arisen to such a height in England, and in other European countries, that there was no longer any hope of a peaceable and gradual reform, }et, connidci ing at the same timiC that the great body of the people, IJke the Negroes in the \\^est- Indies, were THE Memoirs. 199 were unprepared for the enjoyment of liberty in its full extent, and contemplating the evils necessarily attendant upon a violent change, he dreaded a revo- lution. With respect to America he had never interfered publicly in politics, and ncAcr wrote an article that could be considered in that light in any respect, ex. cept one published m a newspaper called the Aiu rora, signed a ^aker in Politics^ published on the 26th and 27th of Februaiy, 1798, and entitled Maxims of Political Arithmetic,* and so little did he interest himself in the politics of this country, that he seldom if ever perused the debates in Con- gi'ess, nor was he much acquainted with any of the leading political characters except three or four, and with these he never coiTcspondcd but \\ith Mr, Adams prior to his being chosen president, and Mr, Jefferson. He never was naturalized, nor did he take part directly or indirectly in any election. He persevered in the same sentiments even when he was under reasonable apprehension that he should be ba- nished Sec Appcodix, No. IV. N4 200 Continuation of ni'-hed as an Alien : aid though he advised his sons to be naturalized, saying it was what way daily done by persons Mho could not be suspected of wishing any ill to their native country, yet he would not i but said, that as he had been born and had lived an Englishman, he would die one let what might be the consequence. About the year 1799, the friends of liberty in A- merica were greatly alarmed by the ad^ ancement of principles disgraceful to America, and by a practice less liberal in many respects than under the monar- chical form of the British govern:r.ent. Nothmg else was the subject of conversation and my father who though never active in politics, at the same time never concealed his sentinicnts, uttered them freely in conversation, and they were of course opposed to the proceedings of the administration at the time. Added to this Mr. Thomas Cooper formerly of Manchester, and who at that time had undertaken for a short period, at the request of the printer, to edit a newspaper then printed at Northumberland, had published some very severe strictures on the conduct of the administration, which were soon af- ter published in a pan}phlet, under the title of Poli- tical Essays. By THE Memoirs. 201 By many my father might be ignorantly supposed as the prompter on the occasion, as Mr. Cooper liv- ed at tliat time with my flither, and by those who knew better, it was made the ostensible ground of objection to mv father, to conceal the real one. In truth he saw none of the essays until they were print- ed, nor was he consulted by Mr. Cooper upon any part of them. The consequence was, that all the bigotry and party zeal of that violent period was cm- ployed to injure him, and misrepresent his words and actions. He was represented as intriguing for offices for himself and his friend, and as an enemy to the government which they said protected him> while men who were themselves but newly natural- ized, or the immediate descendants of foreigners, bestowed upon him the epithet of Alien, an epithet then used by the governm.ent party as a term of re- proach, though the country was principally indebted to the capital, industry and enterprize of foreigners for the many improvements then carr\'ing on. Such was the effect of all these slanderous reports, and such was the character of the administration, that it was intimated to my father, from Mr. Adams him- self, that he wished he \\ould abstain from sa} ing any 202 Continuation or any thing on politics, lest he should get into difficulty. The Alien law which was passed under that admini. stration, was at that time in operation, and a man U'ithout being convicted of, or even positively charg- ed with, any offence, might have been sent out of tlie country at a moment's warning, not only without a trial, but without the right of remonstrance. It was likewise hinted to my father as he has himself stated, that he wsls one of the persons contemplated when the law was passed, so little did they know of his real character and disposition. This occasioned my father to write a set of letters to the inhabitants of Northumberland ; in which he expressed his senti- ments fully on all the political questions at that time under discussion. They had the effect of removing tlie unfavourable impressions that had been made on the minds of die liberal and candid, and procured him m any friends. Fortu nately however the violent mea- sures then adopted produced a com pleat change in the minds of the people, and in consequence of it in the representation,, proving by thepeaceablenessofit, the excellence of this form of government, and prov- ing also that my father's sentiments, as well as Mr. Cooper's, Avere approved of by nine tenths of the people of the United States. It iHE Memoirs. 203 It is but justice however to mention that in the nbove remarks which have been made to represent my father's poUtical character in its true hght, and to accouiit for his writing on the subject of poUtics, I do not mean to reflect on all the federalists, and that though my father considered them all as in error, yet he acknowledged himself indebted to many of that party for tlic most sincere marks of friendship which he had received in this country, and that not only from his opponents in politics, but likewise from many of the principal clergymen of various denomi- nations in Philadelphia, and particularly during his severe illness in that city, when party spirit was at the highest, it being at the time of Mr. Jefferson's first election to the presidency. As my father has given an account of those friends to whose kindness and generosity he was principally indebted from the commencement of his literaiy ca- reer, to the time of his coming to America, I think it my duty to follow his example, and to make on his l^art those ackno\vledgements which had he lived, he would have tiiken pleasure in making himself- To the Revd. ThcophilusLindsey,independentof the ma- ny marks of the most sincere friendship, which he Mas constant- 204 Continuation oT constantly receiving, he was occasionally indebted for pecuniary assistance at times when it was most want- ing. Independent of 50 £. per annum, which Mrs. Elizabeth R lyner allowed him from the time he left England, she left hi.n by her will £. 2000 in the 4 per cents. Mr. Michael Dodson who is \\d\ known as the translator of Isaiah left him j(^ 500, and Mr. Samuel Salte left him 100 £. The Duke of Graf- ton remitted him aunually 4>0jr. Therefore though his expences were far greater than he expected, and though his house cost him double the sum he had contemplated, the generosity of his friends made him perfectly easy in his miiid with respect to pecuniary aifairs; and by freciig him from all care and anxie- ty on this head conrributed greatly to his happiness, and to his successful endeavours in the cause of truth. Besides these instances of friendly attention, the dif- ferent branches of his family have been, in various ways, benefited, in consequence of the respect paid to my father's character, and the affectionate regard shewn by his friends to all who were connected with him. But what gave my father most real pleasure was the subscription, set on foot by his friends in England, to THE Memoirs.' 205 lo enable him to print his Church IIlstor\% and his Notes on all the Books of Scripture. The whole was done without his knowledge, and the first infor- mation he received on the subject was, that ihcic was a sum raised sufficient to cover the whole cx- pence. About the time he died, some of his friends in England understood that he was likely to suffer a loss in point of income of j^. 200 per annum. Wi.hout any solicitation, about forty of them raised the sum of j^. 450, which was meant to have been conthiued annually while he lived. He did not live to know of this kind exertion in his favour. It is my duty however to record this- instance of generosity, and I do it with pleasure and with gratitude. It likewise proves that though my fluher by the fearless avowal of his opinions created many enemies, yet that the ho- nesty and independence of his conduct procured him many friends. The first years subscription has been transmitted to America, to defray the expcnce of publishing his posthumous works. In the year 1800 he was chiefiy employed in expe- riments, and writing an account of them for various publica-. 206 Continuation o5 publications.' In this year also he published his treatise in defence of Phlogiston, he revised his Church History, the two first volumes of '.vhich are now reprinted with considerable additions, and he added to and improved his Notes on the Scriptures, He spent some time in the spring of 1801 in Phi- ladelphia, during his stay there he had a violent attack of fever which weakened him exceedingly, and from the effects of which he never perfectly recovered. Added to this the fever and ague prevailed at Nor- thumberland and the neighbourhood, for the first time since his settlement at the place. He had two or three attacks of this disorder ; which though they were not very severe, as he had never more than diree fits at a time, retarded his recovery very much. He perceived the effect of his illness in the diminution of his strength, and his noc being able to take as much exercise as he used to do. His spirits however were good, and he was very assiduous in making experi- ments, chiefly on the pile of Volta, the result of which he sent an account of to Nicholson's Journal ^nd the Medical Repository. In 1802 he began to print his Church History, in consequence of the subscription raised by his friends in »HE Memoirs. 207 in England as before stated. Besides printing three volumes of that work, he wrote and printed a treatise on Baptism, chiefly in answer to the observations of Mr. Robinson on the subject. He likewise made some experiments, and replied to some remarks of Mr. Ciuikshank in defence of the Antiphlogistic theory. I am now to describe the last scene of his life, which deserves the reader's most serious considera- tion, as it shews the powerful effect of his religious principles. They made him, not resigned to quit a world in which he no longer had any delight, and in which no hope of future enjoyment presented it« self, but chearful in the certainty of approaching dis- solution, and under circumstances that would by the world in general have been considered as highly' enviable. They led him to consider death as the la- bourer does sleep at night as being necessary to renevT his mental and corporcixl powers, and fit him for a future state of activity and happiness. For though since his illness in Philadelphia in 1801 he had never recovered his former good state of health, yet he had never been confined to his bed a whole day by sickness in America until ^\ithin two days of his death- 208 Continuation" of death, and was never incapacitated for any pursuit that he had been accustomed to. He took great delight in his garden, and in viewing the litdc improvements going forward in and about tlie town. The rapidly increasing prosperity of the country, whether as it regarded its agriculture, ma- nufactures, and commerce, or the increasing taste for science and literature, -were all of them to him a source of the purest pleasure. For the last four years of his life he lived under an administration, the principles and practice of which he perfectly ap- proved, and with Mr. Jefferson, the head of diat administration, he frequently corresponded, and they had for each other a mutual regard and esteem. He enjoyed the esteem of the wisest and best men in the country, particularly at Philadelphia, where his religion and his politics did not prevent his being kindly and cheerfully received by great numbers of opposite opinions in both, who thus paid homage to his knowledge and virtue. At home he was be- loved ; ?nd besides the advantages of an excellent library, to which he was continually making additi- ons, and of a laboratory that was amply provided with every thing necessary for an experimental che- mist, THE Memoirs. Si.09 mist, he was perfectly freed, as he had happily been through life, in consequence of my mother's ability and attention, from any attention to worldly con- cerns; considering himself, as he used to express himself, merely as a lodger, having all his time to devote to his theological and philosophical pursuits. He had the satisfaction of u itncssing the gradual spread of his religious opinions, and the fullest con- viction that he should prevail over his opponents in chemistry. He looked forward with the gi-eatest pleasure to future exertions in both these fields, and had within the last month or six weeks been project- ing many improvements in his apparatus, which he meant to make use of upon the return of warm wea- ther in the spring. Notwithstanding, therefore, the many trials he underwent in this country, he had still great sources of happiness left, unalloj-ed by any apprehension of any material defect in any of his senses, or any abatement of the vigour of his mind. Consistent with the above was his declaration that, excepting t!\e want of the society of Mr. L. Mr. B. and two or three other particular friends, which hovvever was made up to him, in some, though in a small degree by their rcgulai' correspondence, he O had 110 Continuation of liad never upon the whole spent any part of his life more happily, nor, he believed, more usefully. The first part of his illness, independent of his general weakness, the result of his illness in Phila- delphia in 1801, was a constant indigestion, and a difficulty of swallowing meat or any kind of solid food unless previously reduced by mastication to a perfect pulp. This gradually increased upon him till he could swallow liquids but very slowly, and led him to suspect, which he did to the last, that there must be some stoppage in the oesophagus. Latterly he lived almost entirely upon tea, choco- late, soups, sago, custard puddings, and the like. During all this time of general and increasing debi- lity, he was busily employed in printing his Church History, and the first volume of the Notes on Scrip- ture ; and in making new and original experiments, an account of ^^hich he sent to the American Philo- sophical Society in two numbers, one in answer to Dr. Darwin's observations on Spontaneous genera- tion, and the other on the unexpected conversion of a quantity of the marine acid into the nitrous. During this period, likewise, he \rrote his pamphlet of Jesus and Socrates compared, aiid re-printed his Essay THE Memoirs. 211 Essay on Phlogiston. He would not suffer any one to do for him what he had been accustomed to do himself; nor did he alter his former mode of life in any respect, excepting that he no longer worked in his garden, and that he read more books of a mis- cellaneous nature than he had been used to do when he could work more in his laboratory, which hud always served him as a relaxation from his other studies. From about the beginning of November 1803, to the middle of January 1804, his complaint grew more serious. He was once incapable of swallowing any thing for near thirty hours ; and there being some sx'mtoms of inflammation at his stomach, blisters were applied, which afforded him relief; and by very great attention to his diet, riding out in a chair when the ^\eather would permit, and living chiefly on the soft parts of oysters, he seemed if not gaining ground, at least not getting worse ; and \\c had reason to hope that if he held out until spring as he was, the same attention to his diet \v ith more ex- ercise, which it was impossible for him to take on ac- count of the cold weather, would restore him to health. He, however, considered his life as very O 2 pvecari- 212 Continuation of precarious, and used to tell the physician who at- tended him, that if he could but patch him up for six months longer he should be perfecth'^ satisfied, as he should in that time be able to complete print- ing h's vvork^. The swelling of his feet, an alarm- ing symptom of general debility, began about this time. To give some idea of the exertions he made even at this time, it is only necessary for me to say, that besides his miscellaneous reading, which was at all times very great, he read through all the \\orks quoted in his comparison of the difterent systems of the Grecian Philosophers with Christianity, com- posed that work, and transcribed the whole of it in less than three mondis. He took the precaution of transcribinsr one dav in lonar hand v. hat he had com- posed the day before in short hand, that he might by that means leave the work complete as far as it M-ent, should he not live to complete the whole. During this period he composed in a day his second reply to Dr. Linn. About this time he ceased performing divine ser- A ice, A^hich he said he had never before known him- self incapable of performing, notwithstanding he had been THE Memoirs. 21S been a preacher so many years. He likewise now suffered me to rake his fire, rub his feet ^^ith a flesh-brush, and occasionally help him to bed. In tlie mornings likewise he had his fire made for him, which he always used to do himself, and generally before any of the family was stirring. In the last fortnight in January he was troubled with alarming fits of indigestion ; his legs swelled nearly to his knees, and his weakness increased very much. I wrote for him, while he dictated, the con- cluding section of his New Comparison, and the Pre- face and Dedication. The finishing this work was a source of great satisfaction to him, as he consider- ed it as a work of as much consequence as any he had ever undertaken. The first alarming sym- ptom of apprr-aching dissolution was his being unable to speak to me upon my entering his room on Tues- day morning the 31st of Januar}*. In his Diaiy I find he stated his situation as follows : " III all day — Not able to speak for near three hours." Wlicn he was able to speak he told me he had slept ^\ ell, as he uniformly had done throuy-h the whole of liis ill- ness ; so that he never would suffer mc, though I frequently requested he would do.it, to sleep in the O 3 same ^14 COA'TINUATION Of' same room with him ; tl)at he felt as wall as possible ; that he got up and shaved himself, which he never omitted doing every morning till v\ ithin two days of his death ; that he went to his laboratory, and then found his weakness very great ; that he got back %vith difficulty ; that just aftorward his grand-daugh- ter, a child of about six or seven years old, came to him to claim the fulfilment of a promise he had made her the evening before, to give her a livepenny bit. He gave her the money, and was going to speak to her, but found himself unable. He inform- ed me of this, speaking very slowly a word at a time ; and added, that he h::d never felt more pleasantly in his whole life than he did during tlie time he was unable to speak. After he had taken his medicine, which was bark and laudanum, and drank a bason of strong mutton broth, he recovered surprizingly, and talked with cheerfulness to all who called upon him, but as though he was fully sensible that he had not lone to live. He coi»scnted for the fust time that I should sleep in the room w itii him. On Wednesday, February 1, he >vritcs, "I was at times much better in the moniir.g: capable of some buisiness : continued better all day." He spake THE Memoirs. 215 spake this morning as strong as usual, and took in the course of the clay a good deal of nourishment with pleasure. He said, that he felt a return of strength, and with it there was a dut}^ to perform. He read a good deal in Newcome's Translation of the New Testament, and Stevens's History of the War. In the afternoon he gave me some directions how to proceed with the printing his work in case he should die. He gave me directions to stop the printing of the second volume, and to begin upon the third, that he might see ho^v it was begun, and that it might ser\e as a pattern to me to pro- ceed l)y. On Thursday, the 2d, he wrote thus for the last time in his Diary : " Much ^^•orse : incapable oF business: MrJ Kennedy came to receive instruc- tions about printing in case of my death." He sat up, however, a great part of the day, \\\as cheer- ful, and gave Mr. Cooper and myself some direc- tions, with the same composure as though he had only been about to leave home for a short time. Tliough it was fatiguing to him to talk, he read a good deal in die v^orks above mentioned. On Friday he m as much belter. He sat up a O 1 good 216 CoNTlNUATIOW OF good part of the day reading Ne\^•come ; Dr. Dis- ney's Translation of the Psalms ; and some chapters ill the Greek Testament, u hich was his daily practice. He corrected a proof-sheet of the Notes on Isaiah, When he ^ent to bed he was not so well : he had an idea he should not live another day. At prayer- time he wished to have the children kneel by his bedside, saying, it gave him great pleasure to see the little things kneel ; and, thinking he possibly might not see them again, he gave them his blessing. On Saturday, the 4th, my father got up for about an hour while his bed was made. He said he felt more comfortable in bed than up. He read a good deal, and looked over the first sheet of the third volume of the Notes, that he might see how we \\ere likely to go on with it ; and having examined the Greek and Hebrew quotations, and finding them right, he said he was satisfied we should finish the ■work very well. In the course of the day, he ex- pressed his gratitude in being permitted to die quiet- ly in his family, without pain, with every convenience and comfort he could wish for. He dwelt upon the peculiarly happy situation in which it had pleased the Divine Being to place him in life ; and the great ad- vantage THE Memoirs. 217 vantage he had enjoyed in the acquaintance and friendship of some of the best and wisest men in the age in which he lived, and the satisfaction he derived from having led an useful as well as a happy life. On Sunday he w as much weaker, and only sat up in an armed chair while his bed w as made. He de- sired me to read to him the eleventh chapter of John. I was going on to read to the end of the chapter, but he stopped me at the 45th verse- He dwelt for some time on the advantage he had derived from reading the scriptures daily, and advised me to do the same ; saying, that it would prove to me, as it had done to hhn, a source of the purest pleasure. He desired me to reach him a pamphlet which was at his bed's head, Simpson on the Duration of fu- lure Punishment. " It will be a source of satisfaction to you to read that pampnlet," said he, giving it to me, " It contains my sentiments, and a belief in them will be a support to you in the most tr}'ing cir- cu mstanccs, as it has been to me. We shall all meet finally : wc only require different degrees of disci- pline, suited to our different tempers, to prepare us for final happiness." Upon Mr. coming into his room, he said, " You see. Sir, I am still living." Mr. 218 Continuation of Mr. observed, he would always live. " Yen," said he, " I believe I shall ; and we shall all meet again in another and a better world." He said this with great animation, laying hold on Mr. 's hand in both his. Before prayers he desired me to reach him three publications, about which he would give me some directions next morning. His weakness would not permit him to do it at that time. At prayers he had all the children brought to his bed-side as before. After prayers they wished him a good night, and M'ere leaving the room. He de- sired them to stay, spoke to them each separately. He exhorted them all to continue to love each other. "And you, httle thing," speaking to Eliza, ''re- member the hymn }ou learned ; ' Birds in their lit- tle nests agree,' &c. I am going to sleep as well as you : for death is only a good long sound sleep in the grave, and we shall meet again." He congratu- lated us on the dispositions of our children; said it was a satisfaction to see them likely to turn out well ; and continued for some time to express his confi- dence in a havjpy immorality, and in a future state, which would afford us an ample field for the exerti- on of our fiicultics. Oa THE Memoirs. 219 On Monday morning, the 6th of February, after having lain perfectly still till four o'clock in the morning, he called to me, but in a fainter tone than usual, to give him some wine and tincture of bark. I asked him how he felt. He answered, he had no pain, but appeared fainting away gradually. About an hour after, he asked mc for some chicken broth, of which he took a tea- cup full. His pulse was quick, weak, and fluttering, his breathing, though easy, short. About eight o'clock, he asked me to give him some cg^ and wine. After this he lay quite still till ten o'clock, when he desired me and Mr. Cooper to bring him the pamphlets we had looked out the exening before. He then dictated as cleai'ly and distinctly as he had ever done in his life the ad- ditions and alterations he wished to have made iu each. Mr. Cooper took down the substance of what he said, which, when he had done, I read to him. He said Mr. Cooper had put it in his own language ; he wished it to be put in his. I then took a pen and ink to his bed-side. He then re- peated over again, nearly a\ ord for word, what he Iiad before said , and w hen I had done, I read it .over to him. " That is right ; I have now done." About 220 Continuation of About half an hour after he desired, in a faint voice, that we would move him from the bed on whieh he lay to a cot, that he might lie with his lower limbs horizontal, and his head upright. He died in about ten minutes after we had moved him, but breathed his last so easy, that neither myself or my wife, who were both sitting close to him, 'per- ceived it at the time. He had put his hand to his face, which prevented our observing it.'* The aboA'C account, which conveys but a very in- adequate idea of the composure and chearfulnees of his last moments deserves the attention of unbelievers in general, particularly of Philosophical Unbelievers. They have known him to be zealous and active in the pursuit of Philosophical truths and to be ever ready to ackno\A ledge any mistakes he may have fal- len into. By the perusal of these Memoirs they liave found that he gradually, and after much thought and reflection abandoned all those opinions which disgrace v,hat is usually called Christianity in the eyes of rati- onal men and \\ hose inconsistency with reason and common sense lias most probably been the cause of their infidelity and of their total inattention to the e- videnccs of chrislianity. These opinions he aban- doned THE Memoirs. 221 doned, because he could not find them supported either in the Scriptures or in the genuine writings of the early christians. Thc}' must be sensible that the same desire for truth and the same fearless spirit of enquiry and the same courage in the open avowal of the most obnoxious tenets would have led him to have discarded religion altogether had he seen reason so to do, and there is little doubt but that he would have been subject to less obloquy by so doing than by exposing tlic various corruptions of Chris- tianity in the manner he did. They have seen however that in proportion as he attended to the sub- ject his faith in Christianity increased and produced that happy disposition of mind described in these Memoirs. The subject is therefore well deserving of their attention and they should he induced from so fair an example, and the weight due to my father's opinions, to make themselves fully acquainted ^\ ith the arguments in favour of Christianity before they reject it as an idle fable. Many unbelievers have, no doubt, borne ^\ith great patience severe calam.ities ; they have suffered death with great fortitude m hen engaged in a good cause, and many have courted death to serve their friends 222 Continuation or friends or their country. It must however be allow- ed that there is no great merit in meeting death with fortitude when it cannot be avoided, and likewise that the above cases cannot be absolutely calculated upon, as there is no sufficient motive to account for their conduct. But upon a truly practical christian there is the greatest depcndance to be placed for acting well in all the situations in w hich he may be found, his highest interest being connected ^\ ith the perfor- mance of the greatest duties ; and even supposing that many persons, who are not christians, from favourable circumstances attendant upon their birth and education, and from a naturally happy tempera- ment of body and mind, may, and, it must be allowed do acquire a habit of disinterested benevolence and may in general be depended upon to act uniformly well in life, still the christian has a decided advantage over them in the hour of death, as to consider death as necessary to his entering upon a new and enlarged sphere of activity and enjoyment, is a privilege that belongs to him alone. AP^EN- APPENDIX, NO. 1. Of the disconserics in factitious Airs before tlie time of Dr. Priestley J and of those made by himself . l^W. PRIESTLEY has given a general thougli brief account^ of w hat had been done by his prede- cessors in this department of experimental Philoso- phy, and Sir John Pringle in his discourse before the Royal Society on occasion of presenting Dr. Priestley Avith the Copley I^.Icdal in 17721 has en- tered expressly, and more full}' into the history of pneumatic discoveries. The same subject was taken up about three years after by Mr. Lavoisier still more at large, in the introduction to his first Vol. of Physical and Chemical Essays, of which a transla- tion \A as published by INIr. Henry of Manchester in 1776. It is unnecsssary to detail here \vhat thev have \\ ritten on the histor}- of these discoveries. It may • In the beginning of liis first vol. of experiments ; it is an abridg- ment of Sir J. Piinglc's discourse. t Discourses p. A, 224 Appendix Ko. 1. may be observed that no mention is made by any of these gentlemen of an experiment of Mr. John Maud, in July 1736*, who procured (and eonfined) inflammable air from a solution of Iron in the vitrio- lic acid. Inflammable air had been procured from the White Haven coal mines, and exhibited to the Royal Society by Mr. James Lowther, but I do not recollect any notice of its having been collected from a solution of metals in acids, and its character ascertained before Mr. Maud's experiment ; for Hales, though he procured both inflammable and nitrous air, did not examine their properties. But it is much more extraordinary that neither Sir John Pringle who was a Physician, or Mr. Lavoisier V'ho was so much occupied under government, re- specting the Theory of the formation, and the prac- tice of manufacturing Saltpetre from Nitre beds, should not have known, or have noticed the five trea- tises ofMayowon chemical, phisiological and patholo- gical subjects, published a century preceding. Ma- vow * lilartyn's abrlu lament of the Pbilosopliical transactions v. 9. p. 396. I tliink MaudV expcrimtnt in 1736 likclv to bave suggested those of Mr. Cavendish in 1766. Chemistry, &c. 225 yow is quoted by Hales,* by Lcmcry,t and by Brovvn- • Vegetable Statics v. 2- p. 234. f Mem. de P Acad. Royale 1717 p. 48. On ne ditpourtant point trop sous quelle forme cc nitre se contient dans I'air, et Mayou, Auteur Anglois et grand defcnseur du Nitre-Aerien voulant eclalrclr ccttc difficult^, suppose I'air impregR^ par tout d'une espece ^ nitre me- taphysique, qui ne merite pas trop d'etre refute, quoi-qu'il I'iit ce- pcndant ete suffisammcnt par Barchusen et par Schclhamcr. Le fondcment de I'opinion du Nitre aerien, c'est comme Ic rapporte l^layou lui meme, qu'apres avoir cnlevc a une terre tout le Nitre qu'cUe contcnoit, si on I'expose en suite a Vaiv pendant im certain tcms elle en reprend de nouveau : il est ATai que si I'observatioa etoit pai-faitement telle qu'elle vicnt d'etre rapportce, on auroitune plus grande raison qu'onn'cn a, dc stipposer dans I'air une trcs-grande quantitc de nitre, ct de mettre sur le compte dc ce nitre aerien un grand nombre d'effcts auquels il n'a certainement aucunc p:irt. The experiment of Lemery mentioned in Dr. Watson's Essay oa Nitre, is in p. 54 of the Mcin. de I'acad. royale for 1717 not for 1731. It sometimes happeris to men wliose genius far transcends the level of tlieir da\', to be frona that very circumstance neither under* stood nor believed by their conteinporaiies. Until the discoveries of Kicdem diemlstry, who would have given Sir I^iaac Newton credit for his conjecture th-^thc Diamond was an inflammable substance ? The fcct v.hich Lemery sneers at, the reproduction of nitre in the earth, is ©StaUiahed beyond contradiction by the aulLyrs quoted by Dr. Wat- 226 Appendix No. 1. Brownrigg,*- but though they appear to have read his work, it is evident tliat they knew not how to appreciate, or to profit by it. Halkrf also refers to son (Chem. Ess. v. 1 p. 318— 321) and In Bowl€*s account of the nitre Ciirlhs in Spain, and In Andreossi's memoir on the Saltpetre of Egypt* Though it is far from improbable tliat after lixiviation these earths may again become gradually impregnated with putrefying animal or vegetable matter to serve for the future crops of nitre. * Philosophical transactions v. 55 p, 232. + Dr. Priestley in his preliminary account of the discoveries and thcories'on respiration (Exp. on air v. 3 p. 356. abridjcd edit.") quotes Haller's threat 'vork on Physiology. Haller quotes Mayow in three or four places ; but it is no wonder the quotations did not strike Dr. Priest- ley with any curiosity to examine Mayow's book, for Haller cci-tainly did not understand his theory. For instance Lib. 8. § 13. Nitrum aereum. Si ad vervim sensum nitrl aerci hypothesis revocata fuisset pai'um utique ab ea dlffert quam novissime proposuimus. Nitrum q\iidem insum incaiitiosuis olim Physlologi in acre obvolitare scrip- senmt, et ex pluvii et nive colli^i ; idemque passim ex rv.pibus efflorescere (Sprat ex Hensliaw p. 264 major cal. lium.) exqu«plantis et stercorlbus educi (Fludd Nicwentydt, 563-4. Mayow de nltro aereo. Lower de Ctnde c. 3. Thurston 52. 53. Besse Analyse tout 1 et en lettre en reponse a M. Hclvct. 114) id nitrum auint in pul- monibus ad sanguincm vciiire, et ab eo ruborcm ilium elcgantem, et fermcntat)onen\ (Mayow, Tliurston penult, ess. T. 3 p. 265 ct calorcm sanguinis acccderc aut vicissim sanguincm condensaii. Certainly Chemistry, &c. 227 to him, and he is respectfully quoted by Blu men- bach* : but his book nevertheless long remained in comparative obscurity. From their time Mayow has been neglected until his UTitings were noticed by Dr. Forster, in 1780,t and again announced as Certainly the id nitrum, is not Mayow's. M. Rosel seems fii'st to have ascertained the existence of nitre in plants. A late experiment of Dr. Priestley's, of which he gave an account in a letter to Dr. WIstar, seems to make it probable that there may be uitre in snow. * Blumenbach's Physiologj', Caldwell's translation, Philadelphia, 1795. >5 1^2. Speaking of the theories of animal heat, " But all these hy- potheses are embarrassed with innumerable difficulties ; whereas on the other hand the utmost simplicity, and an entire correspondence with the plicnomena of nature combine in recommenduig and com- firming that doctrine in which the lungs are considered as the focun ur frre place where animal heat is generated, and tlie deplogisticated part of the air which we breatlie as tlie fuel that supports the vital tlamc. Tliat justly celebrated cliaracter Jo. Mayow sketched out formerly the leading traces and the first great outlines of this doctrine \\hlch in our times has been greatly improved, extended and farther elucidated bythelabourB of tlie illustrious Crawford." Dr. Darwin however is certainly right in supposing that heat is evolved in many otlier processes of the unlmal economy, bcsido in- spiration. t Sec the transljJtior. of Scheele by Dr. Jf'Un Rclnbold Forster irsop. ZIII. In p. P2 1228 Appendix, No. 1. as almost a discovery in the chemical world, by Dr. Bcddoes in the year 1790. His dot-.trines touch so nearly on the subsequent discoveries of Priestley, Scheele, Lavoisier, Crawford, Goodwin, 8cc. that it seems absolutely necessary to discuss his pretensi- ons, before those of his successors can be accurate- ly admitted. As I am acquainted with Dr. Bed- does's pamphlet on Mayow, from the analytical re- view of it only, (V. vi.) and have no opportunity here of consulting it, I shall take up Mayow 's book, and give an account of his tenets, from the work itself. Two of Mayovv^'s Essays, viz. de Respiratiftne and dc Rachilide, appear to have been published at Lcyden, in 1671, the author who died at the age of 34, being then 26 years old. The propositions which I have thought it necessary to extract from Mayow's- work,(ed. of 1674, Oxford,) and which I shall insert, will give a concise, but faithful view of his dis- coveries In p. 4*^7 of V. 5 of the .".nalyllcal review of Hopson's CLeuilstry, before Ur. Beddoes's account of Mayow in 1790 t!ie latter Is btated .IS the fiuthor of discoveries that iii!j?ht have j^i yen vise to tlie pre- sent pvfcicm of piicunititic Gheiiil.try.. Chemistry, &c. 529 Goveries and conjectures in pneumatic Chemis- tiy.* A he abridgements of Beddoes and Fourc- roy, I have no opportunity to consult, and as May- o\v's book is fur from being common, I have deem- ed ic by no means an unnecessary labour to give the reader an opportunity of judging for himself, what is the precise extent of the claim, which the patrons of Mayow's reputation may fairly set up. It is also, of the more importance in a history of this subject, to notice the pretensions of this writer, as it appears that Boyle's experiments on artificial air, in his physico-mechanical experiments ^vcrc not made until the year 1676 et seq. Though the first edition of that treatise repeatedly quoted by Mayow was in 16G1. IMa}'0\v's experiments therefore ought to have been, and probably were known to Boyle at the publication of his last edition, f The • I believe Dr. Bedcloes gives no more tlian the hciids of each chr.ptcr and, a brief analysis of the contents. Dr. Beddoes in liis re- marks on Fourcroy'3 account of Mayow, Ann. dc Chimie. No. 85, Nicli. Jour. V. 3 quarto p. 108 states Mavow at the time of his death to !>avc been only 27 and a3 . but hs was bom in 1645 and died io lrf>9. Bio;,''. Diet, (ivo. ed. of 1798. t I do not find tliat Bojlc quotes Mayow, though tljcir labours ia the 230 Appendix, No. 1. The following is an analysis of Mayow's essays, so far as relates to his chemical Philosophy, Chap. 1^/. Of Nitre. The air is impregnated with a vital, igneous, and highly fermentative spirit of a nitro-saline nature, p. 1. Nitre is a salt consisting of an acid and an alka- line part, as appears by the Analysis, and by the ge- neration of nitre ; for if this salt be deflagrated with sulphur, the acid spirit vi^iil fly oflT, and may be col- lected by means of anibuUted retort and a receiver : and so if it be deflagrated with tartar, the residuum will be equal in weight to the tartar employed, though much of that, is of a foetid oily nature. This appears also from the composition of nitre, by the addition of spirit of nitre to an alcali, p. 2-4. I'he fixed part of nitre is obtained from the earth ; pure the same field were contemporary. But Boyle in his hidden qualities of the air published in 1674 has an obscn-ation that looks as if derived from Mayow. " And this undestroyed springiness of the air, with the necessity of fresh air to the life of hot animals, suggests a great suspicion of some vital substance if I may so call it, diffused througli the air, whether it be a volatile niti-e or i-athcr some anonymous sub- stance, sidereal or subteiTaneal, thoui;li not improperly of kin to that v.liich seems so necessary to the niainlenance of other flames." Chemistry, &c7 231 pure earth being probably a compound of salt and sulphur, p. 8. Chap. 2d. On the aereal and fiery spirit of nitre. The air seems to contain an acid, as appears from the regeneration of vitriolic acid after the calcination of Vitriol, and from the rusting of steel filings in a moist air ; p. 10. A component part of the acid of nitre, is derived from the air, which evidently con- tains something necessary to the support of flame. But this aereal pabulum of flame, is not air itself, for air remains vviien tiic confined taper is extin- guished: nor is it as vulgarly supposed, the salt called nitre, p. 12. But that these fire-air particles exist also in nitre is evident, since this salt will sup- port the combustion of sulphur in vacuo. Fill a tube with gunpowder slightly moistened, and it will burn out in vacuo, or .vith its mouth inverted over water. Hence the aereal part of nitre, is the same with the fire-air particles of the atmosphere, and is one component part of the acid spirit of nitre : the other being (like the fixed part) obtained from the earth, p. 17. 18. The fiery particles thus com- mon to nitre and to the air, he denominates nitro- ■aercal. It is these tliat give causticity to spirit of P 4 nitre, 232 Appendix, No. 1. nitre, and occasion the red fumes observed m dis- tilling it, p. 18. They do not take fire of them- selves in nitre, because they arc inveloped with moisture ; but when combined with salt of tartai', and thrown on the fire in a dry state they inflame, p. 20. Chap. 3d. 0/ the nature of the mtro-acreal and fiery spirit. Fire he conceives to consist of these nitro- aereal particles set in violent motion by means of sul- phureous bodies, in the cases of culinary fire : but by some other means, in the cases of the solar rays col- lected by a burning glass, and of the celestial fires. The corrosive and caustic nature both of fire and nitrous acid, seems to argue that it proceeds in both from the nitre- lereal particles they contain, 22- 24. That fire is not of a sulphureous nature is evi- dent, for nitre will not take fire in an ignited cruci- ble ; but oil thrown in, takes fire immediately. So if a piece of metal be held over a candle, the fire par- ticles pass through the metal, but the sulphureous sjnoke adheres to the under side. p. 27. That the heat occasioned by a burning glass, con- sists of these nitro-aereal particles is evident, for diaphoretic antimony may be made, either first by calcina- Chemistry, fkt. <233 calcination with a lens, or secondly, by the repeated affusion of nitrous acid, or thirdly, by the dcflugration of nitre on the antimony. Diaphoretic antimony made by calcination, increases on weight,* by means of the nitro-aereal particles fixed in it by the process, p. 28. 29. Chap. 4M. On the origin of acid I/guors, and the earthy part of Spirits of nitre. From p. 34, it appears that he knew nothing of the absorption and combination of his nitro-aereal particles in the vitriolic acid, during the combustion of sulphur, but explains the whole mechanically by thx sa- line portion of the sulphur being broken down into minute pointed particles, by the violent attrition of the nitro-aereal particles, and so becoming fluid and sharpened. He seems too, not to k^o^v that the cokothar of martial vitriol is no component part of sulphur, p. 37. The same mechanical ex- plana-; * It n-as first observed by John Rcy in 1630 that metals calcmrd, jain weiglit by the absorption of air. Sec an account of his book by M. Bayen Journ. de Rozicr ^1775 v. 1 p. 48. There are also some experiments by Boyle that shew the accession of weight on the cal- cination of metals, but he does not seem aware of the tlxeorj-. Shaw'« Boyle, Fire and Flame weighed v. 2 p. 39 1-, £cc. 234 Appendix, No. 1. planation he applies to the formation of the ligneous acids, and to the impregnation of the caput mortuum or colcothar of vitriol, w ith fresh acid by exposure of au-. In the succeeding paragraph, p. 39, he sup- poses that marchasite (martial pyrites) imbibes the nitro-aereal pai-ticles from the atmosphere, and thus acid is formed. In like manner he explains the for- mation of acids produced by fermentation, by the collision between the nitro-aereal, and the sulphureo- saline particles of the mass. p. 41. So also he supposes nitrous acid to be produced by the deten. tion of his nitro-aereal particles by the terrene saline .particles found in the earth, p. 43. Hence he con- cludes generally, p. 43, that acid salts are formed from a saline basis brought into fusion or fluidity by the nitio-aereal part of the air : and sums up his theory of nitre, by stating it to be a triple salt, com- posed of nitro-aereal particles, united to a terrene basis forming the acid, which then unites to the fixed basis, supplied also by the earth. Chap. 5th. On Fermentation. He gives in this chapter his theory of fermentation, as arising from the conflict of his nitro-aereal principle A\'hich Rethinks may be termed mercury, and tl^e sulphure- ous Chemistry, &c. ' 235 ous principle : evidentl}^ meaning by the latter, the Phlogiston of Stahl : and he states broadly, p. 60. that pure sulphur can never admit of accension, but by means of the nitro-aereal particles obtained from the atmosphere. The rest of his reasoning in this chapter, does not seem deserving of further notice. Chap. 6//z. On the n'ltro- acred spirit as the cause of rigidity and elasticity. These he ex- plains by the fixation and state of his nitro-aereal particles in bodies endowed with these proper- ties. In p. 69 he endeavours to account why boiled water freezes sooner than that ^\'hich has not been boiled ; a fact which Dr. Black has made the subject of a paper in the 45th vol. of the Philosophi- cal transactions. But his reasonings throughout tliis chapter are not calculated to add to his reputa- tion, or to the mass of knowledge of the present day. Chap. 1th. The ehistic force of the Air de- pends on its nitro-aereal particles. In what way exhausted air is reimpregnated with them. Of the elements of Heat and Cold. This chapter contains experiments to shew that the elasticity of ti36 AfPENDix, No. 1. of the air is owing to the nitro-aereal particles contained in it : which may l^e destroyed by the burning of a candle or other combustible sub* stances, and also by the breathing of animals. When the atmospheric air contained in a glass jar i^^'erted o\er water, will no longer support flame or animal life, the water rises in the jar, owing to the diminished elasticity of the air, not being able to counteract the pressure of the suri'ounding atmos- phere on the water p. 100. He finds p. 101 that the diminution by burning a taper in a given quan- tity of the air, is about one thirtieth of the whole, and Ly the breathing of mice and other animals, about one fourteenth. Thence he concludes p. iOG that by means of respiration the elastic part of the iiir enters into the blood, and that the sole use of the lungs is not as some suppose, to break down the blood in its passage into very minute particles. That combustion and respiraiiou have similar effects on atmospherical air, he concludes, p. 108, from the fact, that a candle and a small animal inclosed toge- ther in a glass jar over water, the one will not bum, nor the oliicr remain alive above half the time that they would if alone. Mayow however, did not con- sider Chemistpy, &c. 237 eider his nitro- igneous and elastic particles to be ci- ther pure air, or even a component part of the com- mon air, as air, notwithstanding the ambiguity of the passages in p. 114 and 118 ; but as particles of a different nature, attached to and fixed in the atmos- pheric particles ; a'.^.d detached fexcussasj by the means above mentioned, p. 118 and 121. His ex- planation of elasticity generally in this chap, and of the difiiculty ajii;ing from the obvious resistance to the Atmosphere, and the expansibilitv of the air in which a taper has been extinguislied, or an anima! died, seem too obscure and unintelligible to merit transcribing. It is evident however upon the who!c from p. 123 compared with p. 100 and 135 that he •conceived tlic diminution of such air to arise from diminislied elasticity, but he supposes it to be den- ser than common air 123. In a subsequent part of this chapter p. 128 et seq. he states his tliecry of the manner in whicii deteriorated air recovers its loss, viz. that the nitro-aereal particles being lighter than tliC atmospherical, float abundantly in the higher regians -, and that the part of the atmosphere depriv- ed of them below, being forced upward by die pressure of tlic atmosphere above, obtains a renewal of 258 Appendix, No. 1.' of tliese particles by mixture with the strata where they abound. The element of fire, he supposes to reside in the body of the Sun, which is no other than a mass of nitro-aereal particles driven in perpetual gyration with immense velocity. Cold, which he considers as some thing positive (p. 130) he thinks consists in these particles assuming a pointed form, and moving not in gyration but strait forward. Much of his rea- soning indeed throughout the book, savours greatly of the mechanical and corpuscular philosophy ^pre- valent in his day. Chap. 8M. On the nltro-aereal spirit as inspir^ ed by animals. Formerly he thought that in respi- ration the nitro-aereal particles were rubbed or sha- ken off {atterere, excutere 146) from the common air by the action of the lungs, at present he thinks the air itself enters the mass of the blood, is there deprived of these particles, and of part of its elasticity. To prove this he produces an experiment of the di- minution of air by the vapours from iron dissolved in nitrous acid: but the beautiful deductions of Dr. Priestley from a similar experiment, never occurred to him; on the contrary he expre&sly. states that jt is Chemistry, Sec. 239 Is an Aura, but not Air p. 145 and though after- ward in chap. 9 p. 163, 164 he incUnes to doubt, yet again in p. 168 he denies it that character. In p. 146 he proceeds to state the uses of these nitro-aereal particles, vvliich (147) he considers as the principle of life and motion both m animals and vegetal ^les. By the mutual dction of the nitro-aereal, with the sulphnreo-saline particles contained in the blood, a fermentation is excited necessary to animal life, and to the warm fluid circulation of the biood {ad sanguinis astum.) To dicse particles imbibed from the air, he attributes the difference in colour be- tween the venous and arterial blood; and he shews this, from the numerous air bubbles arising in an exhausted receiver from warm arterial blood : but his experiment to illustrate the difference, from die colour produced by the niti'ous acid with vol, alk. seems very litUc to the purpose p. 150. To the fermentation arising from this mixture (rf nitro-aereal particles with the blood, he ascribes am- mal heat, and accounts satisfac Lorily for the increased heat of the body during strong exercise, from the more freciucnt inspirations occasioned by the exerti- on (p. 1S2, SOfi :) but his replies to the objections of 240 Appendix, No. 1. of Dr. Willis, drawn from the phenomena offer- menting mixtures, aie very inconclusive. Chap. 9///. JVhetlier air can he generated ancuj. He repeats the experiment of dissolving iron in dilute nitrous acid, and finds that though some of the va- pour be absorbed, a portion still remains unconden- sible even by severe cold. On substituting dilute vitr. for nitr. acid he finds an aura which is hardly absorbed or condensed at all. Hence he doubts \\'hether these aurae be not entitled to the appellation of air, especially as by subsequent experiment he shews that they are equally expansible ^^'ith common air. In making this last experiment he exhibits the method of transferring air from one vessel to another (Tab. 5. Fig. 5.) much in the manner afterwards described by Mr. Cavendish in 1766.* From the inability of these aurse to support animal life (Tab. 5. fig. G.) he concludes finally that they are not air, though not very dissimilar p. 171. The succeed- ing five chapters do not seem to contain any facts or conjectures that can add to Mayow's reputation. His * Boyle had invented an spparatus for ti-ansferring air from one rer.civer of an alr-puinp to another, but not under watar. Chemistry, Sec. 241 His Hypotheses are completely superceded by tlic more accurate knowledge of the present day. In his tract on quick lime p. 225 he seems to have forestalled the acidum pingue of Dr. Meyer publish- ed exactly a century afterward. It may be noted that in his treatise on the Bath waters p. 259, he de- scribes fishes as collecting vital air from the water, and respiring like land animals. (Aereum aliquod vitale ab aqua, velati alias ab aura secretum et in cruoris massam trajiciatur.) The air bladder he considers rather as a reservoir of air to be inspired, than a re- ceptacle for excreted air ; though the latter opinion is made probable by Dr. Priestley.* The first part of his Treatises on Respiration is is chiefly anatomical. In p. 300 et seq. he states more fully his opinion, that vital air, is of a nitro- saline nature : that it is the principle of life, both \\\ Animals and Vegetables : that combined with the sulphureo-saline particles in the blood, it is the sti- mulus to the muscular fibre, and of course to the heart • See Nlch. Journ. y. 3 p. 119 on the probabUlty of fishes »op;ir;Uing oxygen from the water Uiey inhabit. 242 ArrENDi-x, No. 1. heart as a muscle, p. C05 ; but that the fcnnrntatidn ccca^/ioncd by the introduction of these particles into the bleed, is not confined to the left ventricle of the heart, but commences, in the passage of the blood through the lungs, and continues in the Ar. teries. I'his evidently approaches the theory, ad- vanced by Dr. Goodwyn in his tract on the Connec- tion of life v.ith respiration about sixteen years ago, '«'iz. that the pure air combined with the blood is tiie stimulus to the left ventricle of the heart, and produces the alternate contraction, and dilation on w hich the circulation depends. Dr. Lower, in his treatise dc motu sanguinis, and Fracassati, and Dr. Frederick SLire attributed the change of the co- lour of venous blood into a florid red, to the combina- tion of the air with it. Lower I believe preceded Mayow, who quotes him, p. 148; the date of Fra- cassati's and Dr. Slarc's observations^ I have not been able to ascertain, but thev must have been near the time of JMayow. Lowth. Ai). v. iii. p. 237. In his third treatise on respiration, he explains the Animal ceconcmy of the fcetus in utero, by suggest- ing that the foetus is supplied by the placenta, not M ith Chemistry, 8cc. £43 with venous, but with arterial blood brou.^jLt by the umbiUcal Arteries; so that the required stimu- lus of the nitro-aereal particles being thus conveyed, supercedes the necessity of the lungs for the purpose. This he ingeniously illustrates by the known expe- riment, that a dog into whom arterial blood is infus- ed, though respiring with great difficulty before, hardiy respires at all. A similar theory he applies to the life of the chick in ovo. This treatise seems to have suggested Dr. Beddoes's illustration of his theory of consumption from the state of pregnancy. In a subsequent Essay on animal spirits, he con- ceives them to be, if not the same with the nitro-aere- al part of the atmosphere, yet to consist of this, so far as they are necessary to the production of muscu- lar motion, which he attributes entirely as before to nitro-aereal particles, p. 24 and 40, of chap. 4, on the animal spirits, I do not observe any thing else in iNIayow's book worth noting on the present occasion ; or sufiicicnt- ly connected with pneumatic Chemistr}-. From tl.c anal} sis thus given of"^' uhat Mayow has * At tlic time tills wa^v. nttcii nealier Dv, Uoslock's t; «-.use on respirt- Q2 244 Appendix, No. 1. has advanced, it appears, that he clearly comprehend- ed the atmosphere to consist of a mixture of two parts, the one the eflicient cause of hfe and of com- bustion, the other not of itself necessary to either. That the vital part of the air, was also a constituent part of nitre, the effects of both being in essential particulars the same.* That the vital part of the atmosphere entering the blood through the vessels in the lungs, is conveyed to the left ventricle of the heart, and becomes the stimulus to the contractions of that muscle, and is equally essential to the whole system of muscular contraction. That respiration or the books therein quoted p. 200 had arrived here. Nor have I had an opportunity of consulting the references there made to Prof. Robinson, Dr. Thompson, Dr. Yeates, or Foui-croy'« account of Mayow. * Mr. Ray wote " A dissertation (in 1696) about respiration," in wiiich he supposes the air to pass from the bronchia and kings into the substance of the blood, and there (pabuli instar) it foments and maintains the vital flame which he supposes to be in the sulphureouf parts of the blood, as the air foments the common flame of a candle, »nd th; t the nitre has notUing to do vivh it. Se© Dwhara'a coUecU«n of Ray's kttcrs. Chemistry, Sec. 245 That the vital part of the atmosphere thus com- bined with the blood becomes also the source of animal heat. That this vital part is equally necessary to the foe- tus in utero as to the adult, and that the use of the lungs in the former case is superceded by the func- tions of the umbilical artery and placenta ; by means of which, blood already impregnated with the vital air, is conveyed to the foetus. That the respiration of fishes, is dependant on the particles of air mixed with watery elemeot they in- habited. That heat, flame, and combustion, depend on two universal principles, and the gentleness or violence of their mutual conflict : the one being a principle of inflammability universally diffused in combusti- ble bodies, and the other the vital or igneous part of the atmosphere. These propositions evidently touch upon the most brilliant of tlie pneumatic discoveries of the authors already quoted ; and not a little extraordinary it is, that they should have remained so long unknown, unnoticed, and not understood. The sulphur of Mayow is decidedly the Phlogis- Q 3 ton 546 Appendix No. 1. ton of Stahl ; the fire air of the former is the fire air of Scheele, the dephlogisticatcd air of Priestley, and the Oxygen of Lavoisier. The combination of oxygen Avith the blood by means of respiration, first discovered as was thought b}' Lavoisier, is clearly stated by Mayow ; who has- also forestalled the elaborate theories of Crawford on animal heat, of Goodwyn, on muscular stimulus, and of Bcddoes on the succedaneum for respiration in the fojtus. - Bo vie, thourrh lie must certainly ha^'C known of Mayow, neither quotes him, nor uses, or improves on his experiments ; though as I have aheadyremai'k- ed, he seems to have had notions of the atmosphere much like thooC adopted by Mayow. Whether this neglect arose from the pride of birtl::, or the pride of knowledge, or the pride of age, (for Boyle was al- most twice the age of Mayow) or from jealousy of Mayow's abilities, cannot now be ascertained. From that time until Hales published his statics in 1726, pneumatic experiments were neglected, and the ma- thematical philosophy'whlch Newton's discoveries rendered fashionable, absorbed for many years the attention of men of Science. ;[ :;rticularly in England. The Chemistry, 5cc. 247 Tlic way in which Lcmcry, Hales and Brovvnrigg speak of JMayow, evidcntl}- shews that his theories were not understood, nor his merits appreciated.. That Mayow was unknown to Black and Ca\en- dish until of late years, is highly probable at least, if not absolutely certain. Neither these philoso- phers, nor Dr. Priestley, could have passed over Meyow's book, without being struck with his ideas, and publicly referring to diem in their chemical works. That Dr. Priestley was unacquainted wuth Ma}-- o\v is certain, from the limited extent of his reading at the early period of his experiments (from 1770 to 177G or 1777,) in books of chemistry and theore- tic physiology : from Mayow, not being quoted by any of the w riters w hose works Dr. Priestlvy w ould be likely to consult except Ilulcb and Brownrigg, and not by them in a manner to induce any farther curiosity r from their bcir.g ifnnoticcd by Eiack, Cavendish, Sir. John Piingle, and Lavoisier, in par- ticular : from the custom that Dr. Priestley had of acknowledging the sources of his ideas in all cases w here they originated iiom the discoveries of others, us in hisj^cfcrenccs to Hales, Brownrigg, Cuwndislv Q 4 See ; 248 Appendix, No. 1. &c ; and from his making no mention of Mayow in his express account of the labours of his predeces- sors on the subject of animal respiration. That both he and Sir John Pringle before the Royal So- ciety in 1772 and 1776 should expressly treat the history of discoveries in which Ma3^ow bore so dis- tinguished a part, and omit noticing liim altogether, had they known of his works, is incredible. It is evident that he was then an obscure writer, and not jn repute, or he would have occurred to them ; or some of their philosophical friends would have sug- gested the propriety of referring to his publications. Neither is it likely that Scheelc would have been acquainted with Mayow's writings, though it is singular that he escaped the notice of Lavoisier who I believe was employed under government in the collection of essays on the theory and manufacture of saltpetre and in ths superintendance of the saltpetre works, especially as Mayow was mentioned though disrespectfully by Lemery, in his paper on nitre be- fore referred to. But there certainly is no evidence that Lavoisier obtained his ideas of oxygen and its combination with the blood from Mayow, or his theoiy of metallic calcinrition from Jean Rey, though hia^ Chemistry, 5cc. 249 his obligations to Dr. Priestley have not been always acknowledged with the candour and liberality that men of science would expect from Lavoisier. Mayovv had more than ordinary discemment in comparing known facts, and drawing conclusions from them, but he docs not appear to have had the talent of imagining decisive experiments, of varying them, of observing and noting all the natural pheno- mena attendant upon them, or biifficient industry in pursuing them. It is one thing to make a plausible conjecture, and another to verify it. Those alone arc entitled to the honour of discoveries who not mere- ly start the theory, but take die pains of pursuing it by experiments and resting it on the basis of well con- ceived and accurately ascertained facts, sufficiently numerous and varied to obviate the most prominent objections. Mayow has reasoned with great acute- ncss and conjectured with singular felicity, but he added little to the mass of philosophical knowledge in his day. He composed and decomposed nitre and ascertained the existence of vital air in this sub- stance as well as in the atmosphere, but he did not collect, exhibit, and examine it. He knew how to make artificial air from nitrous acid and iron, but all the 250 Appendix, No. 1. the extraordinary properties of this gas, remained unobserved b}' him as well as by others until eollect- ed and imprisoned by Dr. Priestley, and exposed to the question under his scrutinizing eye. Indeed as an experimentalist Dr. Priestley stands unrivalled. The multiplicity of his experiments, their ingenuity, their bearings upon the point in question, their ge- reral importance, and their fidelity, ^vere nevei' equalled upon tlic whole, before or since. Nor is it any detraction from their raerit with those who are accustomed to experiment, that they hold out no pretensions to thiit suspicious accuracy, which hasi too often depended more upon arithmetical calcula- tions than upon actual wciglit and measure. The many kinds cf aeriform fluids discovered by Dr. Priestlev, the many methods of procuring them, the skilful! investigation of their properties, the founda- tion he laid ior tne labours of others, the simplicity, the novelty, the neatness, and the cheapness of his apparatus, and his unequalled industry, have de- servedly placed him at the head of pneumatic Che- mistry. Nor should it be forgotten that while he taus outstripped his predecessors and contemporai-ics in the field of expciimcnt, it forjiicd not as with them Chemistry, Sec. 251 them tlie business of his life, but (among other bran- ches of literature and philosophy successfully eulti- A-atcd) tlie occupation of his leisure l^iours, the rclaxa tion from what he deemed more important, more la- borious, and more obligatory pursuits. Before his time (excluding Mayow) Boyle had discovered diat air might be generated, fatal to ani- mal life. It was kno^n that common air would on» \y ser^e a certain time for the purposes of combusti- on and respiration. The mephitic exhalations from natural Grottoes had been remarked. Inflammable air both natural and artificial had been exhibited be* fore the royal society. Hales had ascertained the presence of air in a great number of substances where it was not commonly suspected though he had not tlie skill to examine the properties of the air produced. Black had ascertained the presence of fixed air in limestone, and Bro\\ nrigg, Lane, and Vend had il- lustrated the theory of mineral waters. But it was the paper of Cavendish in 1766 on fixed and inflam- mable air produced from various substances by means of acids, fermentation and putrefaction, that first introduced a stile of experimenting in pneumatic chemistry, more neat, more precise, and scientific than had hidierto been known. The 252 Appendix, No. 1. The attention of Dr. Priestley however to these subjects was not originally excited by the works of his predecessors, but by the accidens of his proxlmi- t}' to a brew-house at Leeds, where of course fixed air (a subject that had attracted much attention about that time) would be produced in a large A\ay. It was thus that one experiment led to another, until the fruits of his amusements were the discoveries on which his philosophical reputation is principally founded. It is no more than justice to his character to mention in this place, that of all men living he was the fi-eest from literary deception and the vanity of authorship. He never claims the merit of profound investigation or great foresight, for discoveries that might easily have been so stated as if they had been the pure result of those qualifications, but which were in reality the offspring of accident and circum- stance. He excites others to patient labour in the field of experiment, from observing that success does not depend so nuich on great abihties or extensive knowledge, as on patient attention, and perseverance; and that much of his own reputation was owing to the discovery of facts that arose in the course of his pursuits, the result of no previous theory, unlocked for Chemistry, 8cc. 253 for and unexpected. In v. 3 p. 282 of his experi- ments on air he says " Few persons I believe have " met with so much unexpected good success as *' myself in the course of my philosopliical pursuits. " My narrative will shew that the first hints at least " of almost every thing that I have discovered of ** much importance have occurred to me in this " manner. In looking for one thing I have gencral- " found another, and sometimes a thing of much " more value than that which I was in quest of. *' But none of these unexpected discoveries appear *' to mc to have been so extraordinary as that I ara *' about to relate (viz. the spontaneous emission of ** dephlogisticated air from water containing a greea '* vegetating matter) and it may serve to admonish *' all persons who are engaged in similar pursuits, *' not to overlook any circumstance relating to an " experiment, but to keep their eyes open lo every " new appearance and to give due attention to it *' however inconsiderable it may seem."* To this candour o( disposition, and the readiness with which * Sec idto Uie Ist, vol. of Itis eail\ ediUon of experiment* on air 254 Appendix, No. 1. whiclihcacknowledgedhismistakesandhisovcrsights, even those who opposed his opinions bear honoura- ble testimony. " The celebrated Priestley himself " (says M. Berthollet in his reply to Kir wan on *' Phlogiston p. 124 of the Eng. translation) often " sets us the example, by rectif} irg the results of *' some of his numerous experiments." Numerous indeed those experiments were as well as important: far too numerous to be parti- cularised here ; though it may not be improper to call to the recollection of the reader some of the more interesting facts which we owe to Dr. Priest, ley, and the times of their discovery and commu- nication. The first of his publications on pneumatic che- mistry was in 1772, announcing the method of im- pregnating water with fixed air, and on the j)repara- tion and medicinal uses of artificial mineral waters ; a discovery that domesticated much of the know- ledge that had heretofore been disclosed only in the works of learned societies; and that beautifully exemplified how much of the health and the pleasure of common life, might depend on the ingenious re- searches of men of science. Though this v.as the first CifEMisTny, &c. 255 first publication of Dr. Priestley on the chemistry df the airs, he Inid certainly commenced his experi- ments in this branch of Science, soon after his arrival at Leeds, and as early at least, ay 1768. In the year 1771 he had already procured good air from saltpetre ; he had ascertained the use of ap-itation, and of vegltation as the means employed by nature in purifying the atmosphere destined to the support of animal life, and that air \ itiated by animal respi- ration was a pabulum to vegetable life; he had procured faclitious air in a much greater variety of •ways than had been kno^^•n before, and he had been in the habit of substituting quickrsilver in lieu of water, "for the puqwse of many of his experiments. In his paper before the Royal Society, in the spring of 1772, which deservedly obtained him the honour of tlie Copley Medal, he gives an account of these disco- veries. In the same paper lie announces the disco- very of that singular fluid nitrous air,* and its beau- tiful • Honestly rcfeniiig to Dr. Hales and Mr. Cavendish for any idea that niij^'it have remotely led to this discovery (See Obs. on air 1st •d. V. 1 p. 108) tlip d'scovcvy however was completely his own. Dr. PricsUcy seems always to liare thought nitrous air as conveni- ent 256 Appendix, No. 1. liful application as a test of the purity or fitness for respiration of airs generally. In the same paper he shews the use of a burning lens in pneumatic ex- periments , he relates tlie discovery and properties of marine acid air ; he adds much to the little of what had been heretofore known of the airs gene- rated by putrefactive processes, and by vegetable fermentations, and he determines many facts relat- - ing to the diminution and deterioration of air, by the combustion of Charcoal, and the calcinatioH of of metals. Soon after this, in confirmation of Sir John Prin- gle's theoiy of intermittents and low fevers being generally owing to moist miasma when people arc exposed to its influence, he ascertained by means of his cnt a substance for eudiometrlcal experiments as any of the later substitutes, viz. the liquid sulphurets and the combustion of pliosphoru*. The foundation of Mr. Davy's substitute, muriat or sulphat of iron sa- turated with nitrous air, was as Mr. Davy acknowledges first disco- vered by Dr. Priesley himself See Nich. Joura. for Jan. 1SG2 p. 41. The different states of tlie solutions of iron in vitriolic acid have been ingeniously applied to the analysis of mixed gasscs by Humboldt and Vauc|uelin. Chemistry, Sec. 257 his nitrous test that the air of marshes was inferior in purity to the common air of the atmosphere.^ He had obtained very good air from saltpetre in 1771, but his full discovery of dephlogisticated, air, seems not to have been made until June or July, 1774,t when he procured it from precipitate per sc, and from red lead. This was publicly mentioned by him at the table of Mr. and Madame La^'oisier, at Paris, in October 1774, to whom the phenomena were until then unknown. The experiments on the production of dephlogisticated air, he made before the scientific chemists at Paris about the same time, at Mr. Trudaine's. This hitherto secret source of animal life and animal heat, of which jNIayow had but a faint and conjectural glimpse, \\"as certainly first exhibited by Dr. Priestley, and about the same time, (unknown to each other) by Mr. Scheele of Sweden. For the honour of science, it were much to be wished that the pretensions of Mr. Lavoisier were equally well founded. He has done sufficient and • Phil, trans, v. 54 p. 02. t See- Doctrine of Phlogf. established p. 119. R 253 ApfENt)ix, No. 1. and been praised sufficiently for what he has done, to satisfy a mind the most aA'aricious of fame ; he is de- servedly placed in the first rank among the philoso- phers of his day, and he ought not to have thrown a shade over his well earned reputation, by claiming for himself the honour of those discoveries which he had learned from anotlier. From this brief account of the first stage of Dr» Priestley's chemical labours, it appears that during the short period of two years, he announced to the world more facts of real importance, and extensive application, and more enlarged and extensive viev^s of the oeconomy of nature, than all his predecessors in pneumatic Chemistry had made knowai before. In 1776 his observations on respiration were read before the Royal Society ; in which he clearly dis- covered that the common air inspired, was diminish- ed in quantity, and deteriorated in quality, by the action of the blood on it through tlic blood licssds of the lungs ; and that the tlorid red colour of arterial blood, was communicated by the contact of air through the containing vessels. His experiments on the change of colour in blood confined in a blad- der, took away all doubt of the probabilit}' of this mode Chemistry, &cr 259 mode of action. I cannot help thinking that the cir- cumstance of Dr. Priestley's mind being so much occupied with the prevailing theory of Phlogiston, was the reason why he did not observe that the di- tninution of the air, and the florid colour of the arte- rial blood was owing to the absorption of the pure part of the atmosphere, rather than to any thing emitted from the blood itself. This part of the the- ory of respiration Mr. Lavoisier has certainly esta- blished ; though it is by no means ascertained as yet whether the vital part of the atmosphere inspired, is wholly and alone absorbed, or whether in reality something is not contributed in the lungs to the for- mation of the fixed air found after expiration.* In 1778 Dr. Priestley pursued his experiments on the property of vegetables growing in the light to correct impure air, and the use of vegetation in this part • Tliat azote is :ibsorbed during respiration as Dr. Priestley sup- posed contrary to Mr. Lavoisier's opinion, Is made extremely proba* blc by tlic experiments of Mr. Dayy-, whose accuracy is well known. Researclies, p. 43i. Tlic formation of water in this process, is cer- tainly no more than conjecture as yet. Dr. Bostock has lately pub- lished a very r.sefid and laborious history of discoveries relating to respiration, boUi anatonucal and pneumatical. R2 260 ApPENiiix, No. 1. pait d( tlie -oeconomy of nature. A discovery wfiicft was aniaounced to several men of science in England previous to the publication of the same ideas by pr. Ingenhouz,* Indeed from its having been communicated to M. ^Magellan whose pleasure and 4vhose occupation it was, to give information of new facts to his philosophical correspondents, and of this in particular to Dr. Ingenhouz then engaged in si- milar researches, there is hardly a doubt but the )atter knew of the ejj:periments then pending on the subject by Dr. Priestley. It is painful to notice these aberrations from propri- ety in the conducft of men highly respectable in the philosoj>hicaI world, arising from an over anxious avarice of literary fame, and an improper jealousy of die reputation of another. Not that it derogates from the chamcter of a philosopher to wish for the applause * Doctrine of Phlogiston cstLiblished, p. 10", et. seq. The theory of the amelioration of inlpure air by the itbsorption and excretion of vegetables g'rowing' in the light, has been doi.btcJ by Dr. Darv.in in lis Pliytologia, and cppc-ied by Count Riimford in a paper jjtiblislicif yi t!ie tran.5:;ctions oi^the Roy:d Society, fur 1787 : also by Dr. 'Wood. Louse of Philadclii.'iia, Nic'.olsoi,':, J(;ani:d, for July 1802, and by Mr Robert Ilarnip, ^ichol•;:>J/d Jyu;u;j, for July 1?0?- Chemistrv, Sec. $61 .applause of those who know how to appreciate his merit, or who are benefited by his exertions ; such an anxiety is laudable when it does not lead to en- croachments on the literary rights of others ; nor is it at all dcsireable under the present circumstances of human nature, to expect from men of science an at- tention to their pursuits arising from motives of pure benevolence alone, and excluding all views, hopes, and expectations of the gratifying tribute of public ap- probation. I believe no man ever laboured with a more single eye to public utility tlian Dr. Priestley. But consideration in societ\% and the respectability attendant upon great talents, and great industry, suc- cessfully employed for the benefit of mankind, is a motive to useful exertion so universal, so honest, so laudable, and withal so powerful, that it is the common interest, as well as the duty of society, to bestow it liberally where it has been earned faith- fully, and to concede it to those only, who have really deserved this honourable reward. From this period Dr. Priestley seems to h ive at- tended to his pneumatic experiments as an occupa- tion J devoting to them a regular portion of his time. To this attention, among a prodigious variety of R 3 Hictb 2G2 Appendix, No. 1. facts tending to shew the xarious substances from w hich the gasses may be procured ; the methods of producing them; their influence on each other, and their probable composition, we owe the dis- cover}-^ of vitriolic acid air, of fiuor acid air, of vege- table acid air, of alkaline air, and of dephlogisticated nitrous air, or gazeous oxide of azote as it has been called, the subject of so many curious experiments by Mr. Davy. To these we may add the produc- tion of the various kinds of inflammable air by nu- merous processes that had escaped the observation of Mr. Cavendish ; in particular the formation of it by the electric spark taken in oils, in spirits of \\'ine and in alkaline air; the method of procuring it by passing steam through hot iron filings, and the phe- nomena of that hitherto undetermined substance the finery cinder, and its alliance to steel. To Dr. Priestley we owe the very fine experiment of reviving metallic calces in inflammable air and its absorption in toto, apparently at least, undecompos- ed. He first ascertained the necessity of water to the formation of the gasses, and the endless produc- tion of air from water itself. Dr. Priestley's experiments on this subject, to \\ it : Chemistry, &c. - 263 nit : the generation of air from water, opened a new field for reflection, and deserves more minute notice. No theory has yet been proposed adequate to the ex- planation 01 the facts. He had before remarked that water w as necessary to the generation of every spe- cies of air, but the unceasing product of air from water had never been before observed. In his first set of experiments he procured air, by con\erting the whole of a quantity of water into steam : tlien, to obviate the objection to the water ha\iiig imbibed air from the atmosphere he put the water on mercury in long glass tubes immersed in mercury : in a third process he used no heat, but merely took off the pressure of the atmosphere. In all these cases a bubble of air was extricated ia-om the water, which being separated by inclin- ing the tube, another bubble was again produced on each repetition of the experiment. That this could not be air imbibed from the atmosphere appeared from this, that though tlie first portions were general- ly purer than atmospheric air, the next became less pure, and at length Avholly phlogisticated. It did not appear that the addition of acids, en ablcd the water to yield more air, nor did he suc- cccd> 264f ' Appendix, No. 1, ceed in attempling to convert the whole of a given quantity of water into air, although exposing the wa- ter confined over mercury to heat, and separating the air produced, it still continued to produce more air for twenty or thirty repetitions of the experiments. When a certain proportion of air vvas thus produced at any one time, no continuance of the experiment would encrease the quantity until it \\a3 separated. Hence he concludes that the longest continuance of of water in the state of vapour would not convert it into air. The water used was pure distilled water previously boiled to separate any adventitious air that miglit have been imbibed from the atmosphere. The precautions he used, and the replies to such ob- jections as he foresaw the experiment would be liable to, are detailed in the papers he published on the sub- ject, to wit, a separate pamphlet published in Eng- land in 1793. and a communication in the Am. Ph. trans, v. IV. p. 11 — 20. In the last mentioned paper, he proceeds also to give an account of some experiments on the proper- ly of water to imbibe different kinds of air, and the conversion of sp. of wine, into inflammable air. This paper inserted in the American transactions, was Chemistry, fkc, 26^ was read before that societ} in Feb. 1796. In Ap. J800 another paper was read before the same society on the production of air by the freezing of water Am. Ph. trans, v. V. p. 36. In this paper he recapitulates the general result of his former experiments on the generation of air from water, namely *' that after all "air had been extracted from any quantity of water " by heat or by taking off the pressure of the atmos- *' phere, whenever any portion of it was converted *' into vapour, a bubble of permanent air was formed, *' and this was always phlogistieated. The process " with the Torricellian vacuum (he says) I continued " for some years and found the production of air ' • equable to the last. The necessarj- inference from " this experiment is, that water is convertible into '' phlogistieated air, or that it contains more of this •* air intimately combined with it than can be cx- " iricated from these processes in any reasonable " time." He proceeds to state his imperfect attempts to pro- cure air from water by freezing, until he procured cylindrical iron vessels seven or eight inches high and near three inches wide at the bottom, the upper ori- fice closed witli a cork and cement, in the centre of ^^hich 266 Appendix, No. I. which v/as a glass tube about one fifteenth of an inch in diameter. In this apparatus the water in the iron vessel was frozen by means of snow and salt, the vessel being immersed m mercurj^ and the water con- tained over the mercury. The quantity of water was about three ounces. The experiment was re- peated nine times without changing the water, and' iht last portion of air procured in this manner wasi as great as any of the preceding ; so that there re- mained no reasonable doubt but that air might be produced f cm the same water in this manner ad libitum. Having obtained near two inches of aii^ in the glass tube, Dr. Priestley put an end to the experiment, and examining the air found it wholly phlogisticated, not being affected by nitrous air, and having nothing inflammable in it. The inference di-a\vn by the Doctor from those ex- periments is, that ^vater when reduced by any means into tlic state of vapour, is in part converted into phlogisticated air ; and this is one of the methods provided by nature for keeping up the equilibrium of the atmosphere, as tlie iiiflucnce of light on grow- ing vegetables is the means of recruiting the other part; both of them being. su!)ject to absorption and diminu- Chemistry, 8>cc, 267 diminution in several natural processes. And he- thinks that they strengthen also the opinion, that \\a-. ter is the basis of every kind of air, instead of Ijcinjv itself a compound of hydrogen and oxygen accord- ing to the new thcorw At all events the experiments tliemsclves must be considered as extremely curious, as well as new. The water and the salt thus made use of ga^ve rise to another experiment of the most important nature, to the present theory of chemistry, if it should on fu- ture repetition be ultimately verified. This experi- ment related by Dr. Priesdey in a letter to Dr. Wis- ton is in substance as follows. Having repeatedly used as above mentioned a freezing mixture of com- mon salt and snow, the experiment being finished, lie e\'aporated the snow water in an iron vessel and recovered the salt. The salt thus recovered contain- ed some calx of iron. He put it bj^ in a bottle and labelled it, according to his usual practice. In Oc- tober 1803, he wanted to procure some marine aqid, and took the salt thus procured by evaporating the snow w atcr, for the purpose. On commencing die distillation, lie was surprized to find the receiver full of the characteristic red fumes of the nitrous acid. 268 ArrENDi:: No. 1. acid. The vitriolic acid used for the purpose was' diluted with about an equal quantity of ^vater. On finishing the process, he took some of the acid in the receiver, and dissolved copper in it, and thus procured good nitrous air. He was himself perfect- ly persuaded that no nitre had been used in the freezing mixture, nor had any by accident or de^ sign been mixed with the salt. He was not unac- quainted v/ith the common mode of clearing black oil of vitriol by the addition of nitre. So that no. means of accounting for this curious fact remained, but the snow or the iron : he seemed to think that should tills experiment be fully verified hereafter, it would confirm the vulgar Iwpothesis of snow^ con- taining nitre, and account for the fertilizing quality usually- attributed to snow. Ke had no opportunity in that winter of repeating the experiment as he died in about threes months after, and his previous illness had compelled him to forsake his laboratory. Of the almost discarded theory of Phlogiston Dr. Priestley to his death remained the strenuous advo- cate, and almost the sole supporter; ipse Agmen^ Beautiful and elegant as the simplicity of the new doctrine appears, many facts yet remain to be ex- plained, Chemistry, S^e. 269 f plained, to which the old system will apply, and the French theory is inadt^quate. These are collected with an ingenuity of airangcment, and a force of reasoning in the last pamphlet published by the Doc- tor on the subject,* which no man as yet unpreju- diced can peruse, without hesitating on the trutli of the fashionable theory of the day. Certainly, it has not yet been sufficiently ex- plained on the new theory, what becomes of the Ox- ygen from the decomposed \\ ater in the solution of metals in acids ; nor why inflammable air is produc- ed when one; metal in solution is precipitated by ano- ther ; nor why dephlogisticated air is hardly to be pro- cured from finery cinder, if atall; norwhythissubstancc so abounding in oxygen according to the new theory, will not oxygenate the muriatic acid ; nor why it bhould answer all the purposes of ^\ater in the pro- duction of inflammable air from charcoal ; nor why \\ atcr in abundance should be pi;oduced when fmery cinder is heated in inflammable air, and none wlien red precipitate is exposed to the same process ; nor ^^•hat becomes of the oxygen of the decomposed wa- ter * The doctrjae of phlogiston csULlisLed 1805. 270 Appendix, No. 1. tcr ^\ hen steam is sent over red hot Zinc, and inflam- mable air is produced without any addition in weight to the Zinc emploj'cd ; nor why there should be a copious production of inflammable air when hot lilinQ-s of Zinc are added to hot mercury in a hot retort and exposed to a common furnace heat, which I believe is an unreported experiment of JNlr. Kir- wan's ; nor why sulphur and phosphorus are formed by heating their acids in inflammable air without our being able to detect the oxygen which on the new theory ought to be separated , nor why water should be produced by the combustion of inflammable air ^\idi ,47 of oxygen, and nitrous acid when ,51 of oxygen is employed, for this experiment can now no more be doubted than explained ; nor why on the ntw doctrine the addition of phlogisticated air, should make no alteration in the quantity of acid thus ob- tained ; nor \vhy red hot charcoal slowly supplied with steam, should furnish inflammable air only and not fixed or carbonic acid air ; nor why nothing but pure fixed air should be produced by heating the car- bonated Barytcs in the same way ; nor why fixed air should be formed under circumstances when it cannot be pretended that Carbon is present, as when gold, Chemistry, l^c. 271 P^ld, silver, platina, copper, lead, tin and bibinuth are heated by a lens in common air over lime water ; or why the grey and yellow calces of lead should fur- nish carbonic acid and azote, and no oxygen ; nor why the residuum of red lead when all its oxygen is <:lriven off by heat should be either massieot or glass of lead according to the degree of heat, and not lead in its metalline state ; nor why plumbago with steam should yield inflammable and not fixed air ; nor whj minium and precipitate per se heated in inflammable air should produce fixed air ; nor why on the evapo- ration of a diamond in oxygen, the fixed air produced should far exceed the weight of the diamond employ- ed, if some of the ox}geu had not entered into the composition of the carbonic acid so formed; nor why there should be a constant residuum of plUogis- ticated air (or azote) after the firing of dcphlogisti- catcd and inflammable airs, if it be not formed in the process ; nor why phlogisticated air if a simple sub- stance, should be so c\idently formed in the various processes enumerated by Dr. Priestley in the 13th section of the pamphlet of which I have made the foregoing abstract? whether the doctrine of phlogis- ton is still to be used as the key to the gate of ehc- nucal 2^2 Al'PENDix, No. 1. mical theory, or whether it be properly thrown iiside for the elegant substitute ofthe French chemists, can hardly be ascertoincd, until the preceding difficul- ties are cleared up on the new doctrine, for on the old theory they are sufficiently explicable. The summary of arguments in favour of Phlogiston, published by Dr. Priestley, in 1803, are evidently too important, and too difficult of reply, to be slight- ed by those who adopt tlie opposite opinions. Non jwstri est taiitas componere Utes. Should the old theory ultimately fall, it maybe fairly said of its respectable supporter, si Pergama dextra dcfendi potiilt, etiafii hac defcnsa fiiisset. This was almost the last of Dr. Priesdey's clier mical publications,- through all which, his chai-ac- teristic talent as an author has been eminently pi"eser\- ed, that of not only adding greatly to the existing stock of knowledge, but exciting others to exertion and reflection in the same line of pursuit. Nor caii I help *■ To the end of this Appendix v/ill be subjoined a list of the seal- tcred papers on Vhilosophioal subjects which Dr. Priestley publishctl in pcrlodiculcollectlGr.s, besides those wh'ch r.rc inserted \\\ thC" Phi- Ios'.>phicnl lr.ins.ictioiis, Chemistry, Sec. 273 I help thinking that much of the labours of the French philosophers in this department of science would never have been undertaken, if they had not been called forth by the previous discoveries, not of Lemery, Margraaf, Bayen, Macquer, and Beaume, but of Hales, Black, and Macbride ; of Cavendish and Priestley and Scheele.* Would to God there were no other object of contest between the rival nations of Great Britain and France, but which should add most to the sum of human knowledge, and contribute most to the means of human happi- ness. It is impossible to conclude the preceding account better than by the following extract of a letter to Mr. Lindscy from a manf well able to appreciate the labours of Dr. Priestley ; and the late testimony in favour of his discernment by Dr. Bostock. ** To " enumerate Dr. Priestley's discoveries, would in «' fact • I do not mean to deny the tribute of praise to Marriotte and Ve- Bel, any more than to Brownrigg and Lane, and it is certain that Lavoisier was engaged in pneumatic experiments, previous to 1774. t Richard Kirwan, Esqr. 2^4f Appendix, No. L flict be to enter into a detail of most of those that have been made within the last 15 years. How many invisible fluids whose existence evaded the sagacity of foregoing ages has he made known to us? The very air we breathe, he has taught us to analyze, to examine, to improve : a substance so little known, that even the precise effect of respira- tion was an enigma until he explained it. He first made known to us the proper food of vegetables, and in what the difference between these and ani- mal substances consisted. To him Pharmacy is indebted for the method of making artificial mi- neral waters, as vtcII as for a shorter method of preparing other medicines; metallurgy for more powerful and cheap solvents ; and chemistry for such a variety of discoveries as it would be tedious to recite : discoveries which have new modelled that science, and drawn to it and to this country, the attention of all Europe. It is certain that since the year 1773, the eye and regards of all the learned bodies in Europe have been directed to this country by his means. In ^ every philosophi- cal treatise, his name is to be found, and in almost every page. The}- all own that most of their dis- *' coveries Chemistry, 8>cc. 275 '* co'Ceries are due either to the repetition of his dis- ** coveries, or to the hints scattered through his " works.* " This is not the only instance" (says Dr. Bos- tock,t speaking of Mr. Jurin's opinion that azote was generated, instead of being absorbed, in the pro- cess of respiration as Dr. Priestley, and after him Mr. Davy had supposed,) " in which, after the con- " chisions of Dr. Priestley have been controverted *' by his contemporaries, a more accurate investiga- *' tion of the question, has ultimately decided in his " favour. The complicated apparatus, and impo- *' sing air of minuteness which characterize the ope- * rations of the French chemists, irresistibly engage '* the assent of the reader, and scai'cely permit him " to examine the stability of the foundation upon " which the structure is erected. The simphcity " of the processes employed by Dr. Priestley, the " apparent ease with which his experiments were *' performed, and the unaffected conversational stile "in * Vindicite Pricsllianae, p. 68. ^ Essay on ixspiratioii, p. 208. i^2 276 AprcNDix, No. 1. " in which they are related have, on the contrary been " mistaken for the effects of haste and inaccuracy. *' Something must also be ascribed to the iheoreti- *' cal language which pervades, and obscures the " chemical writings of this Philosopher, in conse- " quence of his unfortunate attachment to the doc- *' trine of Phlogiston." When the operose experiment of the French che- mists on the formation of water, shall have been suf- ficiently repeated, and verified by other experiments to the same point, less complex, less tedious, less ex- pensive, and easy to be repeated ; when the water thus supposed to be formed is sufficiently distin- guished from the water absolutely necessary to the generation of all airs, and attendant upon them* both in a state of mixture and combination ; and when the difficulties enumerated a page or two back, as at. tendant on the modern theory shall be explained on the II Mr. Kirvvan found that common inflammable aii- from iron, and vitriolic-acid, contained about 2-3 of its W'-Ig'ht of water mixed with it ; which 7-nig'it be separated from tlie air by means of concentrated vitriolic-acid in a v.atcli ghiss over mercury, without diminishing- the quantity or altering' the characteristic properties of the air tlui« treated. Chemistry, &c. 277 the new system, as well as on that of Stahl, then, and not until then, will it be time to lament Dr. Priestley's unfortunate attachment to the doctrine of Phlogiston. Of Dr, Prkstley^s other Scientific Works, THE other philosophical labours of Dr. Priestley consist of his history of electricity, his histoiy of the discoveries relating to light and colour, and his popu- lar introductions to perspective, electricity and natu- ral philosophy. It appears that after the publication of his history of electricity, he intended to have pursued the plan, by composing similar histories of every branch of science : a magnificent idea, and which none but a man conscious of uncommon powers could have contemplated. Few men indeed were so capable of such an undertaking as Dr. Priesdey ; for indepen- dant of his habits of patient and regular industry in his literary pursuits, and the wide field of his atten- tion to scientific objects, he had a facility of perusing, abstracting, and arranging the works of others, not commonly attendant even upon equal abilities ia S 3 odier 578 Appendix No. 1. other respects. This great undertaking of Dr. Priestley to embrace th<; various departments of phi- losophy, appears a labour sufficient for one life ; and had due encouragement been afforded, this pro- jected series of histories would in all probability ha^'e been compleated, usefully to the world, and re- putably to himself. But he proposed this undertak- ing laborious as it was, without designing that it should occupy the whole or the principal portion of his time, but his leisure hours only ; for at no peri- od did he postpone his professional duties, or his theological studies, to any other object whatever. The life of Dr. Priestley is almost a perpetual il- lustration of a seeming paradox, respecting mental energy, that men of talents, uncommonly laborious, and who appear to get through more business than one person could be supposed equal to, have usual- ly more leisure time at their disposal, than those who have little to do : so much does tlie habit cn- crease the power of exertion. Nor was any man less a\'erse to the innocent pleasures of social enjoy- ment than Dr. Priestley, or better calculated as well as more inclined to contribute to the common stock of amusing, and instructive conversation. It can- not Chemistry, Sec. 27^ not indeed be truly said of him, as Dr. Johnson* once related of himself, that he had never refused an invitation to dinner on account of business but once in his life, yet no man more readily found leisure for social intercourse. This arose from his habit of di- viding his time into certain portions appropriated to his respective pursuits, and determining to perform a certain quantity of literary duty, within the assign- ed period. The first edition of his history of Electricity, was in 1767: it went through another edition in 1769, and • On that day, (Dr. Johnson said) as it was an unusual deprivation, he found himself disinclined, and unaLle to attend steadily to tlie work that led him to refuse the invitation. He walked about his li- brary occasionally looking over first one book and then anollier until about four o'clock when weary of staying within he went to a tavern.to dine. Dr. Johnson had for a long time a dislike to Dr. Priestley who bore two of the characters most in disrepute with Dr. Johnson, tliat of a whig and a dissenter. Dr. Priestley's pursuits also consisting so largely of heterodox theology, whlclv Dr. Jolinson a!)omin;ited, and experimental philosophy which he heartily despised, they had hardly a common point of union. Toward tlie latter part of Johnson's life, they met ; and upon the friendly terms that ought to obtain between two men, who, caoh in their way, deserved so well of the republic of Icttcn. S4 280 Appendix, No. 1. and a third in 1775. It was published at a very happy time, when electricity was a favourite object of attention to many respectable men of science then living, and it contributed in a great degree to turn the public attention toward the study of these phe- nomena. Very much of what has been done since may be fairly attributed to the popularity given to this branch of experimental philosophy by Dr. Priestley. Nor did he confine himself to a mere narration of the labours of others ; the second vo- lume contains many new experiments of his own, and some of them form very curious and important additions to the stock of electrical knowledge.* The * Dr. Priestley among his other experiments on electricity first ascertained tlie conducting power of charcoal and the calcination and vitrification even of the most perfect metals by the electric spark. He seems first to hare used l.^.rge batteries, which M. Van Marum and his associates have carried to such extent. The solutions of the metals, the gasses produced and the circum- stances which accelerate and prevent these effects in Galvanic pro- cesses with the pile of Volta, as detailed by Dr. Priestley in his paper on this subject in Nich. Jonrn. for March 1802 p. 198 form very im- portant additions to the mass of knowledge respecting the Galv.inic fluid. Nor arc his discoveries in pneumatic electricity, of the conver- sion of oils, spirit of wine and the alkaline gass into inflammable air or h} drogcn of less moment. Chemistry, 8cc. 281 The discoveries of the last thirty years, particularly including those of Galvanic Electricity, are so nu- merous, and so dispersed in volumes difficult to be procured, that a continuation of this history is a de- sideratum in the scientific world ; at one time there was an expectation of seeing it from the pen of Mr. Nicholson, whose general knowledge, and in- dustr}% as well as his attention to this branch of philosophy in particular, render him peculiarly qua- lified for the task. But the proposals he communi- cated to Dr. Priestley, on the subject, were not pur- sued to effect.* These histories of detached branches of Science, would not only be highly useful, but they may be considered as in some measure necessary to the ac- curate pursuit, and advancement of science itself* They are not only useful for the purpose of shewing the discoveries that have been made, and the time of their publication, the ideas that appear to have sug- gested them, the persons to whom we arc indebted for them, and their effect on tlie spirit of enquiry at the • Dr. Bostock, wlio seems to have many requisites to qiiallfv liini ag the historian of particular branches of science, has published a good attempt toward the history of Galvanism in Nicholson's Journal. 282 Appendix, No. 1. the time, but they prevent a man of science from being led into mistakes, from doing what has been already done, from suggesting what has been alrea- dy published, and from ignorantly claiming to him- self the merit due to the labours of a predecessor. Books are now so multiplied, in languages so vari- ous, obtained with so much difficulty, and at an ex- pence so far exceeding the usual means of scientific men, that tliose who like Dr. Priestley fully and faithfully execute a work of this description are real benefactors to mankind.* The history of Electricity was composed by Dr. Priestley in one year. The three editions of the work in less than eight or nine years sufficiently shew that, in the opinion of men of science, it was well composed : otherwise the celerity of its composition, would no doubt derogate from, instead of adding to, the well earned reputation of the author ; and rather tend to shew that he was too careless or too conceited to take the necessar)-^ pains and employ the necessary time * The transactions of the various academies and philosophical so- cieties in Europe amount at least to 1000 volumes in quarto. The Toyal society of EnghMid in 1665 led the way to similar institutions. Chemistry, &c. 283 time to make it lit Tor public inspection. Every man owes to the public, that if he professes to instruct them, he should dedicate as much labour as the sub- ject demands, or at least as much time as it is in his power to devote to it. I fully accede to the ingeni- ous correction of the nonum prematur in Annuniy suggested by the witty Dr. Byrom of Manchester ; but something of the LiriKc Labot\ respect for the tribunal of the public demands of every man who ap- pears before them in the character of an author. Dr. Priestley has in more instances than one, been accus- ed of unnecessary if not of culpable rapidity in his literary compositions : but he ncvcF professed to be a fine writer; he never sought after tlie beauties of stile ; and his common language was sufficiently neat and expressive, to communicate die facts and the ar. guments upon which it was employed. It is also to be remarked, that the facility of composition which he acquired from long practice, made that labour light to him, which would have been too much for a less skilful and a less experienced composer. In many instances indeed of his rapid publications, he had not to seek for arguments, but to express in his unornaniented and unaffected manner, the ideas that forced 284 Appendix, No. 1. forced themselves upon him relating to a subject pre- viously considered and upon which he had long made up his mind. The History of Discoveries respecting light and COLOURS published in 1772 was a more difficult task, nor did it meet with equal encouragement. Sir Isaac Newton's important labours in this branch of science, could not be fully comprehended without a portion of mathematical knowledge not even then so common as formerly, among the philosophers of the day. Mathematical studies seem to have in them- selves very little to interest, compared w ith other lite- rary pursuits ; although by long attention and habit, that interest may be excited and kept up. It was about this time that the popular phenomena of che- mistry and electricity more decidedly took their stand in the field of science, and in-esistably seized hold on the attention of the world : phenomena, highly amus- ing in themselves, strongly attractive from their no- velty, of evident and immediate application, and that promised an incalculable harvest of honourable and useful discovery, to such as would become their votaries. Little had been done in this department of philosophy, little previous knowledge was required to Chemistry, ?>cc. 285 to comprehend all that was kno^^ n, and those who were unable to read a page of Sir Isaac Newton \\ith profit, could easily mix an acid and an alkali, or turn the wheel of an electrical apparatus. By this time too, it had been discovered, that there were other powers in nature that must be called in to explain appearances, v/hich the mechanical and cor- puscular philosophy had endeavoured to elucidate in vain. Such were magnetism, electricity and chemis- tr}'. It began to be found out, that the science of calculation, was but an aukward handmaid to their sister branches of natural philosophy, while physiolo- gy, laughed outright at the clumsy addresses of her mathematical admirers, from Borelli to Keill. The discoveries therefore relating to light and colours, at the time when Dr. Priestley proposed his history, being intimately associated with the stu- dy of the mathematics, and the profound investi- gations of Sir Isaac Newton, were out of the beat of the less laborious, but more fashionable philosophy of the day ; and were not so generally interesting to the Sciolists and Amateurs. Hence the work in question, though treated in a very entertaining and popular manner, and by no means crouded with re- ference 286 Appendix, No. 1. ference to Diagrams or abstruse discussions, was not popular even among that class of readers, who might reasonably be calculated on, as the purchasers of such a performance. The subscribers indeed were sufficiently numerous, and respectable, but by far the majority were defaulters in respect of payment. It did not pay the bookseller : and of course still less did it recompence Dr. Priestley in a pecuniary point of view, especially as he had gone to consider- able expence with a view to the completion of his extended plan. To him indeed, though pecuniary loss was a serious evil, pecuniary profit was a consi- deration of small importance : his motives to litera- ry labour seem uniformly to have arranged them selves as follows, utihty, reputation, profit. The work in question is certainly too brief, con- sidering the importance of the f ibject : many parts of it, the theory of Huygens, uler, and Franklin for instance, seem to have merited more discussion. That all the phenomena of light depend on the Sun, as the reservoir, whence all the emanations of that fluid to the various parts of the system are supplied, the lighting of a candle is alone sufficient to refute. The facts disco\ ered to us by modem Chemistry will Chemistry, &c. 287 will suggest a great many otlier doubts of the doc- trines respecting light, which were regarded as well established when Dr. Priestley's book was Avritten. But it was a faithful account of the knowledge of the day, and an unprejudiced tribute to the reputation of those philosophers who had from time to time ex- tended the boundaries of science on the subjects treated of. Not a little has been added to the mass of facts then published, by the subsequent experiments of Dr. Priestley himself, and his fellow labourers in the Chemistry of the Gasses : and notwithstanding the experiments of Sir Isaac Newton and his predeces- sors, the theory of light and colours is not yet rest- ed upon facts sufficiently numerous, and decisive to satisfy the enquiries dictated by the present state of knowledge. But with all these disadvantages, the work has ne- vertheless maintained its ground, for we have no where else so systematic, and compleat, though brief an account of wliat hud been made known to the v/orld on tliis important branch of scientific inquiry. It will always remain a valuable performance ; and to the author an h.onourable one, from the know- ledge 288 Appendix, No. 1* ledge and ability required in its compilation, from the fairness of the account it gives, and the enter- taining statement of facts and suggestions interspers- ed through the book. It is greatly indeed to be wished, that these histo- ries should be continued on the plan which Dr. Priestley has adopted. So that all the prominent facts should be collected in the order of their disco- very, and a full view be given of the ground already gone over. Abridgments, do not answer this pur- pose ; the theories that dictated the experiments are not detailed, their truth or their fallacy cannot be judged of, and sufficient merit is not attributed to the labours of the discoverer, or the bearings of his facts on his theory, sufficiently explained. To at- tain gradually to the summit of the temple of sci- ence, we must not only build on the foundations of our predecessors, but know somewhat of their in- tentions at the time of laying them. The minor treatises of Dr. Priestley on electricity, perspective and natural philosophy, have this discri- mination of character, that they are more calculated to allure young people to the study of those subjects than almost any of the introductions which have cither Chemistry, &c.' 289 cidier preceded or succeeded. Philosoph}^ is made, not an abstruse science, but a delightful amusement. Indeed it was the fort of Dr. Priestley to make knowledge intelligible and popular, and treat it in such a way, as to invite rather than deter, those who were inclined to enter upon these delightful pursuits. The plainness and simplicity of his syllabus, the amusing complexion of the Phenomena, by which he illustrates his doctrines, and the facility with which the one can be made, and the other compre- hended, affords a very useful example to those who may have the same object hereafter in view. This was doubtless, owing to his long experience as a teach- er : and his success in that capacity among his pu- pils, with the electrical machine, and the air pump, is full evidence of the practical utility of his plans of instruction. Catalogue 290 Appendix No. 1. Catalogue of Dr. Pricsthy's smaller pamphlets and uncollected papers on philosophical subjects. I Nicholson^ s LMc/ioisons ■\ Journal. >- new series. J V. 1 p. 181. Ibid 198. V. 2 p. 233. V. 3 p. 52. V. 4 p. 65. Amer. Tra?is. V. 4 p. 1. Reply to Mr. Cruikshank's. Experiments on the Pile of Volta. On the conversion of ii-on into steel. On air from finery cinder and char- coal. Farther reply to IVIr. Cruikshank's* Experiments and observations re- hiting to the analybib of atmospheri- cal air. V. 4 p. 11. Farther experiments relating to the generation of air from water. Ibid p. 382. Appendix to the above articles. Jb. FoL V. fp. 1. Experiments on the transmission of acids and other liquors in the form of vapours o^'er several sub- stances in a hot earthen tube, p. 14. Experiments on the change of place in dificrent kinds of air through several interposing sub- c < 'to' stances. p. 21 o crq n tr o Chemistry, Sec, 291 21. Experiments relating to the ab- sorption of air by water. 28. Miscellaneous experiments relat- ing to the doctrine of phlogiston. 36. Experiments on the production of air by the freezing of water. 42. Experiments on air exposed to heat in metallic tubes. Nciv-Tork Bled. Rcpos. Title and Date. Vol. 1 p. 221. Considerations on the doctrine of Phlog. and the Decomp. of water. (Pamphlet) 1796. Part 2d of do. ( Pamphlet 1797.) (Pamphlet) to Dr. Mitchell. (Pamphlet) on Red Precipitate of Mercury as favourable to thcdoctrine of Phlogiston, July 20, 1798. Experiments relating to the calces of metals communicated in a fifth let- ter to Dr. Mitchell. October 11, 1798. (Pamphlet.) Of some experiments made ^vith ivory black and also with diamonds. (Pamphlet) 11 October, 1798. T 2 Ibid. p. 383, Ibid p. 541. Vol. 2 p. 48. Ibid p. 163. Ibid p. 263. Ibid p. 269, 0^2 Appendix, No. 1, Ibid p. 383. On the phlogistic theory, January 17, 1799. (Pamphlet.) Ibid p. 588. On the same subject. February 1, 1799. \'oI. 3 p. 116. A reply to his antiphlogistian oppo- nents, No. 1. Vol. 4 p. 17. Experiments on the production of air by the freezing of \\ater. Ibid p. 135. Experiments on heating Manganese in inflammable air. Ibid p. 247. Some observations relating to the sense of hearing. Vol. 5 p. 32. Remarks on the work entided '* A brief history of epidemic and pesti- lential diseases," May 4, 1801. Ibid p. 125. Some thoughts concerning dreams. Ibid p. 264. Miscellaneous observations relating to the doctrine of air, July 30, ISOl. Ibid p. 390. A reply to Mr. Cruikshank's obser- vations in defence of the new system of chemistrv, 5 \'oL Nicholson's Journal p. 1, ?xc. Vol. 6 p. 24. Remarks on Mr. Cruikshank's ex- periments Chemistry, Sec. 295 periments upon finery cinder and chai'coal. Ibid p. 158. Observations on the conversion of iron into steel. Ibid p. 271. Additional remarks on Mr. Cruik- shank's experiments on finery cin- der and charcoal, November 15 1802. APPEN- T3 APPENDIX, NO. 2. Of Dr. Priestlcy''s Metaphysical JVrhings. THE principal source of objection to Dr. Priest- ley in England, certainly arose from his being a dissenter ; from his opposition to the hierarchy, and to the preposterous alliance, between Church and State : an alliance, by which the contracting par- ties seem tacitly agreed to support the pretensions of each other, the one to keep the people in religious, and the other in civil bondage. His socinian doc- trines in theology, and the heterodoxy of his meta- physical opinions, though they added much to the popular outcry raised against him, were not less ob- noxious to the generality of Dissenters, than to the Clergy of the Church of England. Nor is it a slight proof of the integrity of his character, and his bold- ness in the pursuit of truth, that he did not hesitate to step forward the avowed advocate of opinions, ^vhich his intimate and most valuable friends, and the many \\ ho locked up to him as the ornament of the disseiiling interest, regarded uith sentiments of hor- ror, Metaphysics. 295 ror, as equally destructive of civil society and true religion. The extreme difference observable between the apparent properties of animal and inanimate mat- ter, easily led to the opinion of something more as necessary to though^, and the phenomena of mind, than mere juxta position of the elements, whereof our bodies are composed. The very antient opi- ricn also of a state of existence after death, preva- lent in the most uncivilized as well as enlightened states of society, confirmed this opinion of a sepa- rate and immortal part of the human system : for it was sufficiently evident, that no satisfactorj' hopes of a futurity after death, could be founded on the pe- rishable baois of the human bod}'. It is only of late d ys, and from the extention of anatomical andph}'- siological knowledge, diat the theory, and the facts of animal organization' have been at all understood ; and without [the conjunction of physiology with metaphysics, the latter would have remained to eter- nity, as it has continued for ages, a mere collection of sophisms, and a science of grammatical quibbling. The doctrine of a future state, and that of an imma- terial and immortal soul, became therefore mutual T 4 supports 5296 Appendix, No. 2. supports to each other ; and herein the civil power willingly joined in aid of the dogmas of metaphysi- cal theology, from observing the convenience that might arise in the government of civil societies, from inculcating a more complete sanction of re- wards and punishments for actions in this life, by means of the dispensations in a life to come. Other causes also gave an universal preponderance to the theory of the human soul. It became, for the rea- sons above mentioned, not only a favourite doctrine with churchmen and statesmen, but the self delusi- ons among the vulgar, respecting supposed appear- ances after death, rendered it also a popular doctrine. Indeed, in every age, and in every country, the priesthood have found it so powerful an engine of influence over the minds of the people, and in too many cases, so fruitful a source of lucrative impos- ture, that its prevalence is not to be wondered at, whercA^er artificial theology has been engrafted on the simplicity of true religion, and supported by an established clergy. Of Popery, which yet remains the prevailing system of the christian world, it is doubtless the corner stone ; and even under every form of ignorant and idolatrous worship through- out Metaphysics. 297 out the globe, it is the main source of poA^cr and profit to that class of society, which regulates the re- ligious opinions, rites and ceremonies of the coun- try. Not that I would insinuate, that the belief of a -sepiu-ate soul, like some other opinions that might be mentioned, has been generally taught by profes- sors who disbelieve it ; for plausible arguments are not wanting, to give it that currency ^\hich it has so long received among the wisest and the best of men : nor that an established priesthood of any age or countr}-, or of any religion, is a mere compound of fraud and imposture, for I well know that the wise and the good are al^undant in this class of so- ciety, as well as in others. But even such men arc liable to the common infirmities of human nature; they cannot be indifferent to their rank in society, or the means of their subsistence : it is not eveiy college youth, that is able or willing to weigh '' the difficulties and discouragements attending the stu- dy of the Scriptures," so forcibly pointed out in the melancholy pamphlet of Bishop Hare : nor is it c^ cry professor of Christianity, who doubts of the doctrines he has undertaken to teach, that has forti- tude enough to follow the noble example ofThco- philus 298 Appendix, No. 2. philus Lindsey, and John Disney. Hence we may- take for granted, that those opinions will be admit- ted the most readily, and enforced the most willirig- ly, which contribute to the influence of that order, which the professors have been induced by choice, or compelled by necessity, to wed for life. Choice indeed, at least that kind of choice, which depends on a well-grounded conviction of the object chosen being the means of superior usefulness, has little to do in this business. For though the clergy of the church of England severally declare that they are moved by the Holy Ghost to take upon them the clerical character, is there one among them in the present day (Bishop Horsely perhaps excepted) who would venture to defend this declaration in the sense originall}^ intended ? It is a fact notorious, that the candidates for holy orders, regard the profession of Divinity as they v/ould that of Physic or Law, a fair and reputable means of gaining a livelihood, by per- forming those duties which are considered as neces- sary to the well being of society. It is a fact too, equally notorious, that wherever theological opini- ons (like that of the human soul) have been fit and liable to be made subservient to the temporal pro- fit Metaphysics. 299 fit or influence of the cltrgy, that use has been so made of them by the ambitious and designing part of the profession, and the rights oi'the people have been encroached upon, to serve the interest of the Hier- archy. Nor is it the estabHshed clergy alone that some of the preceding remarks will apply to : much bigotry among the clergy of the dissenting interest, may fairly be ascribed to similar causes, though by no means operating in the same degree. But important as this doctrine is to the clerical or- der in political societies, some latitude of doubt and even of denial, has been conceded in England to the kno\\n friends and adherents of the established sys- tem in that country. This is the more to be won- dered at, as they have generally considered a disso- nance of opinion among their own order, more fatal to the common interest, than the attacks of their a- vovved enemies. Thus, more notice was taken of the Arian heterodoxy of Dr. Clarke, than of the a- vowed infidelity of Collins, Tindal, Toland, Cow- ard, and other writers of that class, who published about the same period. Th6 learned Mr. Henry Dodwell as lie is usually called, and who is a pregnant instance that learning docs 300 Appendix, No. 2. does not always persuade good sense to inhabit the same abode, took great pains to shew that the soul , was naturally mortal, but might be immortalized by those who had the gift of conferring on it this preci- ous attiibute. This power he ascribed to the Bishops. Dodwell, though he would not at first join the establishment, clianged his opinion and his con- duct in thisrespect afterward. Bishop Sherlock denied that the existence of the soul could be made evident from the llghtof nature, (Disc. 2 p. 86. disc. 3 p. 114) Of the same opinion was Dr. Law who quotes him. Archbishop Tillotson declares (v. 12 serm. 2.) that he cannot find the doctrine of the immortality of the soul expressly delivered in scripture. Dr. Warbur- ton wrote his " Divine legation" to prove that Moses and the Jews neither believed in, nor knew of a future state. Dr. Law, afterward Bishop of Carlisle, in the appendix to the third edition of his '* Considerations on the theory of religion," compleatly overthrows the whole doctrine of a separate soul as founded on the scripture, by a critical examination of ever})- text usually adduced in its support. Dr. Watson the present Bishop of Landaff in the preface to his collec- tion of theological tracts dedicated to young divines for Metaphysics. 501 for whose use it was compiled, expressly declares that the question respecting the materiality or imma- teriality of the human soul, ranks among those sub- jects on which the academicoriim iitoyj^ may be ad- mitted, without injuring the foundations of religion. It should seem therefore, that it is not heterodoxy ia mere speculative points of theology, that constitutes the sin against the holy Ghost with an established clergy, but heterodoxy on the subject of church au- tliority and tlie grand alliance^ It is in this spirit that the tlien Archdeacon of St. Albans, Dr. Horsely com- plains of Dr. Priestley's history of the corruptions of Christianity. " You will easily conjecture (says *' the Archdeacon in his animadversions on that work "p. 5) what has led me to these reflections, is the *' extraordinary attempt \\hich has lately been made " to unsettle the faith and break up tlie constitution of *' e^ery ecclesiastical establishment in Christendom* " Such is the avowed object of a recent publication " which bears the title of a history of the corruptions " of Christianity, among which the catholic doctrine *' of the trinity holds a principal place.'* This is an unfortunate exposure of the cloven foot of Hierarchy. It was not the wish to detect error or to 302 Appendix, No. 2. to establish truth — it was not from anxiety to fix up- on a firm footing, some great and leading principle of christianit}' — it was not the benevolent design of com- municating useful information on a litigated topic of speculative theology — it was, not the meek and gen- tle spirit of sincere and patient enquiry that dictated those animadversions — all these motives ^\ould not only have borne with patience, but Vv-ould have wel- comed and exulted in a temperate discussion of un- settled opinions, before the tribunal of the public ; fcr by such discussions alone, can the cause of truth be permanently and essentially promoted. No : these were not the motives that influenced the Arch- deacon of St. Albans. It v.as the nefarious and un.. pardonable attempt to unsettle the fiiith of established creeds ; however founded that faith might be, on ig- norance or prejudice, on pardonable misapprehen- sion, or culpable misrepresentation, on fallacy, on falsehood, or en .fraud. These " Animadversions," proceeded from the morbid irritability of an expectant ecclesiastic ; from a prudent and a prescient indul- g-ence of the ciprh de corps ; from a dread too per- haps, lest the tottering structure of church establish- ment, with all its en^'ied accompanimerts of sees and benefices, Metaphysics. 503 benefices, of dcaconries and archdeaconries, and ca- nonries, and prebendaries, and all the pomp and pride of artificial rank, and all the pleasures of temporal authority, and lucrative sinecuic connected with it, might be too rudely shaken by sectarian attacks. But enough for the present, respecting these learned labours of the Archdeacon of St. Albans ; which like those of Archdeacon Travis may well be v,ansi- dered as having sufficiently answered the main pur- pose of their respective authors, in spite of the wick- ed replies of Priestley and Porson. Let us say with the public, rcquiescant in pace. To return ho'wever to the more immediate subject of the present section. Hobbes seems to have been the first writer of repute (in England at least) who denied the doctrine of an immaterial and naturally im- mortal soul. This was a necessary consequence of his faith being apparently confined to eorporealexistence, an opinion deducible in fact from the old maxim of the antients and of the schools, ;;// iinquam fuit in Intellectu^ quod non prius erai in Scnsu. Hob- bes's Leviathan was published about 1650 or 1651. Spinosa who published after Hobbes \\'as rather an Atheist than a Materialist, a character to ^\hich though 504 Appendix, No. 2. though Hobbes's opinions might lead, he does not assume. In 1678 Blount sent forward to the public his '' minima Miindi^ or an historical narration of the •' opinions of the antients concerning man's soul after this life according to unenlightened nature," which met with much opposition and some persecution; as was likely, for it is by no means destitute of merit. In 1702 appeared a book entitled " second " thoughts concerning the human soul, demonstrat- " ing the notion of a human soul as believed to be a " spiritual and immortal substance united to a hu- *' man, to be an invention of the heathens and not " consonant to the principles of philosophy, reason, " or religion by E. P. or Estibius Philalethes." " The year following a supplement was published ''entitled " Farther Thoughts, &c." The author preoccupies a path subsequently taken by Dr. Law and Dr. Priestley, and endeavours to shew at length that the notion of an immaterial, im- mortal soul, is not countenanced by the texts of scrip- ture usually adduced in favour of that opinion. These texts he criticises indiA'idually with a reference to the original w ords used. The author appears in the Metaphysics." 305 tlic character of a sincere christian. A second editi- on of this book was published 1704. In 1706 Mr. Dodwell before mentioned, a learned and laborious but weak man, and bigotted to the hierarchy, pub- lished his " Epistolary discourse proving from the " scriptures and the first fathers that the soul is a " principle naturally mortal, but immortalized actu- ** ally by the pleasure of God, to punishment or re- " ward ; by its union with the divine baptismal spi- " rit. Wherein is proved that none have the pow- " or of giving this divine immortalizing spirit since " the apostles, but only the bishops." This gave rise to the controversy between Clarke and Collins on the immortality of the soul. Dodwell's book was attacked by Chishull^ Norrisand Clarke. He repli- ed in three several publications, 1st. " A prelimi- *' nary defence of the epistolary discourse concem- *' ing the distinction between soul and spirit, 1707. " 2nd. Tlie scripture account of the eternal rewards *' or punishments of all that hear of the gospel, with- "out an immortality necessarily resulting from the *' nature of souls themselves that are concerned in " those rewards and punishments, 1703. 3d. The 'f natural mortality of human souls clearly demon- U "strated 506 Appendix, No. 2. " strated from the holy scriptures and the concurrent •' testimonies of the primitive writers. 1703. About this time Tohind in his letters to Serena, (1704) gives an " Essay on the history of the soul's *' immortality among the Heathens," deducing that doctrine from popular traditions supported by poeti- cal fictions, and at length adopted and defended among the philosophers. Concluding from hence, (preface) that divine authority was the surest anchor of our hope and the best if not the only demonstrati- on of the soul's immortality ; an indirect denial of the vvliole doctrine as coming from Toland, who was certainly no friend to Christianity and no believer in the divine authority of the scriptures. In the same year (1704) but somewhat previous to Toland, Dr. Coward had published his ''Grand *' Esaav, or a vindication of reason and religion *• against inr[:o{tures of philosophy ; proving accord- '' ing to thooc ideas and conceptions of things human " understanding is capable of forming itself. 1st. *' That the existence of an immaterial substance is a '' philosophic impostureand impossible to be con- *' ceived. 2ndly That all matter has originall)' ere- " atcd in it, a principle of internal or self motion. *' 3rdly Metaphysics. 307 ''* Srdly That matter and motion must be the foun- " dation of thought in men and brutes." Dodwell and Toland had learning enough and so had Blount to throw some light on the history of this question, and the author of second thoughts has many obser- vations well adapted to the question he discusses, but very little is to be gained from a perusal of Coward's book. Dr. Hartley's great ^vork, (great, not from the bulk, but the importance of it) was first published in 1749. The direct and manifest tendency of the wliole of his first volume is to destroy the common hypothesis of an immaterial soul : and this he docs with a mass of fact and a foice of reasoning irresisti- ble. He shews clearly hou- all the faculties ascribed to the soul, thought, reflection, judgement, memo- ry, and all the passions selfish and benevolent, may be resolved into one simple undeniable law of ani- mal organization, widiout the necessity of any hy- pothesis such as that of a separate soul. Yet he does not appear distinctly to have seen the full weight and tendency of his own reasoning, and he adopts a tlie- ory on the subject, loaded with more difficulties and absurdities, tlnn even the common hypothesis, U 2 .In ^08 App-sndi-x, No. 2. In 1757 was published a philosophical and scrip- tural inquiiy into the nature and constitution " of " mankind considered only as rational beings, wherein *' the anticnt opinion asserting the human soul to be " an immaterial, immortal and thinking substance *' is found to be quite false and erroneous, and the ** true nature state and manner of existence of the *' power of thinking in mankind is evidently dcmon- '* strutcd by reason and the sacred scriptures.'* AuthoreJ. R. M. I. Who this author really was I know not. But from the perusal of his book it is probable that ha. was a physician, and had been tra- velling. The above ^^<^rk he terms the philosophic or first part, and refers to a longer work of his own in manuscript which it seems he could not procure to be published. There is very little new in the book so for as- 1 could judge. I do not recollect any other treatise relating to the Ru bject that excited public attention in England. In France and Holland La Mettrie began the contro- vjiirsy by his Histoire naturellede L'xlme, published at the Hague in 17'1'5 as a transLition from the English of P'.Ir. Charp;* it is a book containing *' This is probably oiic of the kunicraUc iuslauces of the caicless- pejwr METAPHYSICS. 509 many forcible remarks, and did credit to the side of the question which La Mettric had adopted. Soon after this La Mettrie pubUshed L'Homme machine which was burnt in Holland in 1748. This was an honour not due to the formidable character of the work itself, which though it contains some of the common arguments drawn from the physiology and pathology of the human system, is by no means of first rate merit. He whimsically attributes the fierceness of the EngUsh, to their eating dieir meat more raw than otlier nations. This book was trans- lated and published in London in 1750. From nesB of. French authors in quoting English names. I.a Mettric most likely meant to ascribe this to Mr. Sharp the Surgeon, w Ith whose re- putation he must have been acquainted. I remember Arthur Young Esq. in one of his annals of agriculture complains that a paper of his translated into French was given to Artor Jiongeccuicr. Some years ago Mr. Charles Taylor of Manchester (hitely secretary to the society of Arts in London) was requested by Lord Hawkcsbury to m:dca some experiments to ascertain the value of East India Indigo when compared with the Spanish. Mr. Taylor did ascertain tiiat the for- mer yielded more colour for the same money at tiie current prices than the latter by above one fourtli. In a paper I believe by M. D'ljonval tfiese experiments are quoted in a note as made by Le Chevalier Cliarles Tadkos celcbre manul'.icturicr do Manchester. U3 510 Appendix, No. 2. From Mr. Hallet's discoveries the last volume of ^vhich was published in 1736 Dr. Priestley has ex- tracted for himself and quoted what he deemed neces- sarv on this question. I do not notice as part of the history of the question Materialism in England, the foreign atheistical publications, such as Le Systeme de la nature attributed to Mirabcau the father, Le "orai sens du Systcmc de Pimhcrs a posthumous work aacribed to llelvetins, Le Bon Sens by Meslier, and others whose titles do not now occur to mc, because nnlil within these few years, they were hardly known in England, and excited no discussion of the subject there, previous to the work of Dr. Priestley now un- der consideration.. The Doctor himself says in his preface to the disquisitions on matter and spirit, first published in 1777, that though he had entertained occasional doubts on the intimate union of two substances, so entirely heterogeneous as the Soul and the Body, the objections to the common hypothesis, did not impressively occur to him, until the publication of his treatise against the Scotch Doctors, which was in 1774. Those doubts indeed could hardly avoid oc- curring to any person ^^ho had carern'.Iy perused Hartley's Metapiivsics. 311 Hartley's Essay on Man, first publislicd in 1749, and Dr. Law's appendix before mentioned in 1755. Dr. Hartley has shewn with a ^^•eigllt of Hict and argument amounting to demonstration, that all the phenomena of mind, may be accounted for from the known properties and laws of animal organization; and notwithstanding, that for some reason or odier he has so far accommodated his work to \ ulgar pre- judice, as to adopt the theory of a separate Soul, though in a very objectionable form, it is evidently a clog upon his system, and unnecessary to any part of his > reasoning. Substitute Perception, and his theory is com pleat. Nor indeed is it possible to re- ject this. Constant concomitance is the sole foun- dation on which we build cur inference of necessary connection : we have 7io evidence of the latter, but the former. Perception manifestly arises froir , and accompanies animal organization ; the facts are of per- petual occurrence, and the proof from induction is compleat. Hartley having- laid a sufficient foundation to conclude (as Dr. Priestle}'- has^ done) that tlic natural appearances of the human systcpn miglit be hilly explained by means oi Perception and As- U 4 sociation 312 Appendix, No. 2. sociation, Avithout the redundant introduction of the common hypothesis, Dr. Law a few years afterward compleatly proved to the christian world that though Life and ImmortaHty were brought to light by the christian dispensation, the common theory of a se- parate immaterial and immortal soul, was not neces- sary to, or countenanced by the christian doctrine. Dr. Law seems by hi« preface, to have been fearful of the consequences of expressing the whole of his opinion on this abstruse subject, and confines him- self in his appendix to the examination of the passa- ges of Scripture usually referred to in favour of the Soul's immortality. This appendix I believe was first added to the third edition of his Considerations on the Theory of Religion, published in 1755. Against Dr. Priestley, any ground of popular obloquy would be eagerly laid hold of by the Bigots of the day. The doubts expressed in the examina- tion of Drs. Reid, Oswald, and Beattie, excited so much obloquy, as to render it necessaiy for Dr. Priestley to review his opinions, and renounce or defend them. The result was, the disquisition on matter and spirit, the first volume containing a dis- cussion of the question of materialism, the second tliat of liberty and necessity. In METAriiYsics. 313 In discussing the former hypothesis, Dr. Priest- ley denies not only the existence of spirit as having no relation to extension or space, but also the com- mon definition of matter, as a substance possessing only the inert properties of extension, and solidity or impenetrability. The latter he defines in con- formity with the more accurate obser\ations of later physics, a substance possessing the property of ex- tension and the active powers of attraction and re- pulsion, With Boscovich and Mr. Michell, he admits of the penetrability of matter, and replied to the objections that may be drawn from this view of the subject. It must be acknowledged that highly curious as this preliminary disquisition is, it is not only unne- cessary to the main argument, but leaves the defini- tion of matter open to the question whether there be any substratum or subject in ^hich the essential properties or powers of attracting and repelling in- here. That these powers really belong to matter, whatever else matter may be, is evident from the reflection of light, previous to contact v/ith the re- fiicting substance and its inflection afterward from the electric spark, visible along a suspended chain, fiom 314 Appendix, No. 2. from the phenomena of the metallic pyrometers, from the rain drop on a cabbage leaf, &c. And that matter is permeable, at least to light, is suffici- ently evident from every case of tranparency. Still however it cannot consist of properties alone ; a pro- perty must be the property of something. But the proper and direct train of argument in favour of materialism is, that e-sery phenomenon from which the notion of a soul is deduced, is resolveable into some affection of the brain, perceived. That all thought, reflection, choice, judgment, memory, the passions and affections, &.c. consist only of ideas or sensations, (i. e. motions within that organ) per- ceived at the time. Though, judgment, memory, being words, denoting different kinds of internal perceptions, relating only to, and consisting of, ideas and sensations.* That sensations and ideas them- selves. * A Sersathn is an impression made by some external object on the Senses ; the motion thus excited is propagated alons^ the appro- priate nerve, until it reaches the Sensory in the Brain, snd it is there !ind there only, ftlt or perceived. An Idea, is a motion in \he Brain, excited there either by the laws 6f association to which that organ is subject, or by some accidental state Metaphysics. 315 selves, arise only in consequtncc of the impressi- ons of external objects on our senses, which impres- sions arc liable to be recalled afterward by the re- currence of others \\i\h. which they were originally^ associated, agreeably to the nccessar)^ and inevitable law of the animal system. That this is evident in as much as there can be no ideas peculiar to any of •the senses where there is a want of the necessary bodily organ, as of hearing, sight, &c. inasmuch as all these ideas commence ^^■ith the body, grow with its growth, and decrease with its decline. That they can be suspended, altered, destroyed, by artifi- cial means, by accident, by disease. That all these properties of mind, viz. thought, judgment, memory, passions, and affections, are as evident in brutes as in men ; and though the degree be different, it is al- ways accompanied with a proportionate difference of organization. That perception is clearly the re- sult of organization, being always found with it, and never without it : as clearly so in other animals as siateof llie system in general, or tliat organ in particular, without tiie intervention of an impression on the Senses ab extra as the rause or it. Such a motion being similar to a sensation formerly excited, and be- injf also felt or perceived is the correspondent IJea. 316 Appendix No. 2. as ill the human species; and probably in vegeta^ bles though in a still lower degree.* That as all the common phenomena of mind, can be accounted for from the known facts of organized matter with- out the souls, and as none of them can possibly be attributed to the soul without the body, there is no necessity to recur to any gratuitous theory in additi- on to the visible corporeal fi-ame. That the doc- trine of the soul originated in ignorance, and has been supported by imposture ; that it involves gross, contradictions and insuperable difficulties, and is no more countenanced by true religion than by true philosophy. All this has been shewn with great force of argu- ment and ingenuity by Dr. Priestley in these disqui- sitions, to which it may safely be affirmed nothing like a satisfactory answer has jet been given, or is ever likely to be given. True metaphysics, like every other branch of philosophy can only be founds ed * Dr. Percival, Dr. Bell In the Manchester Transaction.?, and Dr« Watson in the last volume of his essays, have made tliis opinion highly probable. Many additional obsenations are to be found in Dr. Dan- win's works. I consider it as a theory established. Metaphysics. 317 «d on an accurate observation of facts, and as these become gradually substituted for mere names, our real knowledge will improve. It is to physiology perhaps that the question of the materiality of the human soul, and even that of liberty and necessity will owe the compleatest elucidation. Until medi- cal writers brought into view the facts relating to animal life, the -metaphysical disquisitions on these subjects were involved in an endless confusion of words without precise meaning, and almost always including in their d(Anihon 2iJ)entw principii. In- deed we are not yet fully apprized either in Law, Physic or Divinity any more tlian in Metaphysics, that the species hitelligibiles of the old schoolmen, and the whole class of abstract ideas of the new school- men with Locke at their head, are not things, but names. They are not even cither sensations or ideas ; they are words, convenient indeed for classi- fication, and used artificially like the signs of Alge- bra, but they have no archetype. This is a subject which will probably be better understood ere long by the labours of Mr. HomeTooke. Dr. Priestley therefore considered the question of a future state, as now rested on the basis \Thicli to a chris- S18 Appendix, No. ^. a christian is or ought to be perfectly satisfactory ; on the promises and declarations of our Saviour, exem- plified by his own resurrection from the dead. In- deed the circumstances of the v.hole question of fu- turity depending on the truth of the christian scrip- tures and on them alone, is calculated to give them a peculiar and inestimable value in the eyes of those who look forward with anxious hope* to a continued and ♦ There are some persons who do not sseem to entertain this anxious hope. Mr. Gray the poet seems an instance, fi-om the following pas- sage in his ode Barbaras ^Edcs aditui-e mecum (Letters V. 2 p. 44") tiiough I do not recollect that the sentiment has been noticed before. Oh ego felix, vice si (nee unquam Surgerem rursus) simili cadcntera Parca me lenis sineret quieto Fallere Letho. Multa flagranti radiisque cincto IntegTis, ah quam nihil inviderem. Cum Dei ardentes medius quadrigas Sentit Olympus ! I wonder whether Gray ever perused the following" lines written 'by liis friend and Biographer the Revd: Mr. Mason. Is this the Bigot's rant ! Away ye vain 1 ' Your hopes your fears, in doubt, in dulnes»!stcep t Go sooth your souls in sickness, grief, or pain^ With the sad -solace of, eternal tlerju Metaphysics. 319 and more perfect state of existence after death. Nor is it of any consequence to the christian, that the manner how this will be effected is not plainly reveal- ed ; for it is sufficient that the Being who first gave animation to the human frame, will at his own time and in his own manner for the v isest and best of purposes, again exert the same actof almighty pow- er in favour of the human race, and in fulfillment of his promise through Jesus Christ. Such at least was, Yet know ye Sceptics, know, the Almighty mind Who brcath'd on man a. portion of his fire, BmcI his free soul by enrth nor time confln'd T© heav'n, to immortality aspire. Nor shall the pile of hope his met'cy rcar'dj By vain philosophy be e'er destroy'd ; Eternity ! by all or wish'ii or fear'd, Sliall be by all, or sufibr'd or enjoy'd. JUason. It is still more sintj^ar that Dr. Beattie with all his professions of Christianity, shoidd not have been aware of the atheistical completion of tlic foUowinjj passage in his " Hermit." Nor yet for the ravage of winter I mourn. Kind nature the embryo blossom shall save ; But when shall spring visit the raouldering urn ! Oh, vrhen shall it diiwn on the ni^fht of t.he grare ! 320 Appendix, No. 2. ■v^-as the view of the subject h::bitually entertained by our author. Indeed, the natural evidences of a future state were never conceived by any reasonable defender of tlie doctrine, to be of themselves satisfactory and conclu- sive.* They were never deemed of more value than to produce a probable expectation of a state of future re- wards and punishments, and they are certainly con- tradicted by the known facts relating to the origin, tlie growth, and decline of the human facukies. Bishop Porteus has collected these arguments, and stated them ^vlth as much force as his moderate abi- lities would permit ; but by far the best summary of Avhat has been urged on this as well as on almost every important question of morals and metaphysics, will be found in Mr. Belsham's Elements of the Philosophy of Mind. An excellent compendium, by a gentleman, to whom next to Mr. Lindsey, Dr. Priestley • Dr. Priestley in his observations on the increase of infidelity pub- lished at Novtluimberlard, has a passage which would seem to inti- mate that a future state might be. clearly made out by the light of na- ture (p. 59, 60) but this is certainly inadvertency, and by no means conformable to his constant, deliberate, sentiments on that subject as expressed particularly in liis Institutes.- Metaphysics. 321 Priestley appears to have been more attached than to any other. The SECOND part of the Disquisitions on Matter and Spirit, contains a discussion of tlie long contest- ed and confused question of Liberty and Necessity. • Dr. Priestley is right in his opinion that this ques- tion was not understood by the ancients, nor per- haps before the time of Hobbes. Long ago it ap- peared to me, that the only writer among the school- men who had touched upon it, was Bradwardine in his Book De causa Dei, which I regret that I have no opportunity of consulting here. Many of his ob- servations arc extracted by Toplady in his treatise on Liberty and Necessity, and in his life of Zanchius; but Toplady like Edwards, did not completely un- derstand the question ; they connected the doctrine of necessity with all the bigotry of Calvinism. Hobbes in his Leviathan, and in his reply to Bramhall on liberty and necessity in his Tripos, first truly stated the subject, and shewed that the question was, not whether we can do what we will, but whe- ther the will itself, (i. e. choice, preference, inclina- tion, desire, aversion,) is not inevitably determined by motives not in the power or controul of the agent. V Hartley's 522 Appendix, No. 2. Hartley's book, however, shews, or rather leads to the conclusion, that these motives are twofold, ^^(?x'/r^ and ab intra. The action depending on the com- pound force of the motives ab extra, and the physical state of the animal organs at the moment. For the latter is frequently of itself an immediate cause of vo- luntary action. But previous to Dr. Hartley's great work, the question of liberty and necessity had been discussed between Collins and Clark, and Clark and Leibnitz.*- Collins's Philosophical inquiry into human liberty, first published in 1715 was the only book on the subject worth reading between the times of Hobbes and Hartley, and a masterly and decisive work it is* This appears to have been translated and repeatedly printed on the continent; Dr. Priestley, who re- published it in London, mentioning a second edition in 1756 at Paris, and a third edition when he was there • I do not find that the controversy about the Soul occasioned by the publications of Blount, Coward, Dodwell, &c. involved the ques- tion of Liberty and Necessity, tlio'.igh tliey touch so nearly. It escap- ed me a few pages back, tliat Dr. Cowaid, was also the author of " Second Thoughts concerning the human Soul" (.Estibiws Psycalc- thes.) as well as of the Grand Essay. Metaphysics. 323 tircre in 1774. The controversy was kept alive in Collins's life time by Leibnitz ; but he Hkc Dr. Ed- Avards who afterwards wrote in defence of the same side of the question in his treatise on Free will, was too much given to expand his ideas, and obscure the sense by the multiplicity of words which he used to express it. The letters of Theodicee contain many passages well conceived, but the book is insupporta- bly tedious. Hobbes could condense more argument and information in a page, than would serve Leibnitz for a volu me. To this treatise of Collins, plainly and popularly written, no sufficient answer was or could be given. It must have satisfied the mind of every reader capa- ble of understanding the question, though it omitted to notice many objections which were afterwards ta- ken up and fully answered by Dr. Priestley. Col- lins in his preface takes pains to have it understood that he writes in defence of moral necessity only, and not of physical necessity. A distinction without a difference, though taken by all who have succeeded him. I do not dwell on the controversy between Jack- son on the one side in defence of human liberty, and V 2 Gordon 324 Appendix, No. 2. « Gordon and Trenchafci in Cato's letters, because lit- tle was added to the sum of knowledge, on either side. Jackson had learning and industry, but he did not understand the question, and had no pretensions to that species of distinguishing acuteness, so neces- sary to a good metaphysician. Dr. Priestley, following the enlarged and cheering views of the future happiness of all mankind, first connected by Hartley with this question, shews com» pletely that the doctrine under consideration has no- thing to do with the strict calvinistic hypothesis. That it is sufficiently conformable to popular opini- on. That it is the only practical doctrine which in fact is, or indeed can be acted upon with respect to the application of reasoning and argument, reward arid punishment. That the formation of character and disposition, the actual inferences we make from, and the dependence we place upon them, rest entirely on the truth of this opinion. That from the nature of cause and effect, every volition must be the necessary- result of previous circumstances. That the schntia contmgeiit'mm, the great and insuperable difficulty of God's pretended foreknowledge of uncertain events, can on no other hypothesis be avoided, and that the doctrine Metaphysics, 325 doctrine of necessity is perfectly consistent with the great plan of divine benevolence, in the present state, and future destination, of the human race. These subjects called forth remarks by Dr. Price, Mr, Palmer, Mr. Bryant, Dr. Kcnrick, Mr. Whiter head, Dr. Horscley and others ; to all of whom, an- wers were given by Dr. Priestley. The controversy with Dr. Price is a pleasing spe- cimen of the manner in \vhich an important subject can be amicably discussed between two friends, and made interesting too, by the manner as well as the matter, without any thing of that *' seasoning of controversy" which Dr.Horsely afterward thought so necessary to keep alive the public attention, and which he strews over his polemics with so unsparing a hand. The Bishop had not yet however adopted that stile of arrogance by which he has since been so disgraceful- ly distinguished; and it is to be regretted for the sake of his own character as a gentleman and as a ^^ ri- ter, that he adopted it at all. Dr. Horsely should recollect, that those who emulate the insolence of Warburton ought at least to give proofs of equal learning and acuteness ; and that bigotry and intole- rance in defence of opinions which, though a man may V « profess 326 AprENMx No. 2. profess to believe, he can hardly profess to under- stand, will do no credit to his religious, his moral, or his literary character in the present state of know- ledge. But character as a writer, may be a seconda- ry consideration, to one who is determined to verify the saying, that godliness is great gain.* It has been a misfortune to this question, that it has seldom been treated by persons who knew any thing of the organization or physiology of the human frame ; and that it has been complicated with all the prejudice arising from the theological tenets of those who opposed the doctrine of necessity. Every phy- sician knows, though metaphysicians know little about it, that the laws which govern the animal ma- chine, arc as certain and invariable as those which guide the planetary system, and arc as little within the controu! * Dr. Horselej's polemic strictures on Dr. Priestley's writings, ex- hibit a singular compound of insolence and absurdity. But he is con- tented, I presume, if he rises in the church, as he sinks in reputation. Some of his opinions are truly diverting. His theory of divine genera- tion by the Father contemplating his own perfections, and his gi'avc sug- gestion of the three persons of the Godhead meeting together in con- sultation, stand a fulr chance of being noticed by some wicked wit, wht> may wish to expose the infirmities of orthodoxy real or pretended. Metaphysics. 527 tontroul of the human being who is subject to them. Everj'- sensation therefore, and every idea dependent on, or resulting from the state of the sensory, is the necessary effect of the laws of organization by which that state was produced. But we neither have nor can have any sensation or any idea, but what is so de- pendent, or but what thus results ; for we can neither feel nor think without the brain. The words wc use for the Phenomena termed mental, are mere terms of classification and arrangement of the sensations and ideas thus produced, and their combinations. Hence it follows, that all these phenomena depend on the laws which regulate the animal system, and are the necessa- ly, inevitable result of those law$. The obscurity which has enveloped this question, has arisen from want of due attention to that state of mind (or rather of body) which wc call, the will ; and from the pow- er that animals seem to have over the voluntary mus- cles. But every Physiologist knows that the state of the system which calls into action the voluntary muscles, that is, a state of want, desire or inclinati- on, whether to act or to abstain ,^ is the result of previ- ous circumstances to which the animal is exposed ; and the action of the voluntary muscles, is equally Y4 tlio o2S Appendix, No. 2. the result of necessary laws, as those of the involun- tary. The great object of terror to the Divines in this question about Necessity, was t^e coAsequence re- sulting, that God is the author of Sin. Many and subtile were the distinctions made upon this subject by the necessarian theologists among the schoolmen, and down to the middle of the seventeenth century. Richard Baxter the peace-maker, in his Christian Directory, his Catholic Theologie and some other works, has briefly revie\ved them all, and as usual distinguished upon them so acutely, that what was not quite clear before, he has most effectually obscur- ed. The prevailing opinion, however, seems to have been, not that God permitted the sinful act (for the reply was unanswerable, that God must be consider- ed, as willing that which he does not prevent when he can,) but that God, in the common course of na- ture as pre-ordained by him, permitted the action it- self to come to pass, but not the intention or quo ani- mo of the actor, in which the sin consists ; or as Gale expresses it in the quaint language of the time, it is " God's pre-determinate concurse to the entitativc act.'* Indeed, Metaphysics. 329 Indeed, I do not see with the orthodox notions then prevalenl, how it was possible on the hypo- thesis of God's foreknowing and pre-ordaining ail- that comes to pass, to avoid considering God Al- mighty as the author of Sin ; and to feel repugnance to\\ard a system, which makes the deity inflict eter- nal punishment on a creature, whose actions he might have controuled, and whose existence h6 could have prevented. Such manifest injustice might be view- ed without horror, by the bruU\l bigotry of Calvin, but the tenets that drew after them such a conse- quence, could not be adopted without hesitation and regret, by any, but the most thorough going, unfecl, ing zealot. Origen's doctrine of Universal Restitution, was first advanced m England (so far as I know) by Rust, Bishop of Dromorc, and Jeremy White, who I be- lieve had been Chaplain to Cromwell. Since that, the labours of Stonchouse,Petitpierre, Newton, Winches- ter, Chauncey and Simpson, have furnished ground enough for us to adopt it as the doctrine of scripture as well as of common sense. By connecting this doctrine with that of necessity, Dr. Hartley and Dr. Priestley have been enabled to give a full and satis- factory 530 Appendix, No. 2. factory reply to all the objections that can be drawn from the theory of necessity, making God the author of Sin. Indeed, unless God's foreknowledge be de- nied, the same difficulty must occur oncidier scheme : for he has knowingly and voluntarily adopted a sys- tem, in which the existence of evil if not necessary, is ai least undeniable. Granting the goodness of God, it follows accord- ing to Dr. Priestley, that he has adopted that system which is most conducive to general, and individual happiness upon the whole ; and that the moral evil of which for the best purposes he has permitted hu man creatures to be guilty, and the physical evil, which here or hereafter will be the inevitable consequence of that conduct, are necessary to produce the greatest sum ol'good to the system at large, and to each hu- man being individually, considering the situation in \\ hich he has been necessarily placed in respect to the whole system. Indeed, moral evil is of no farther consequence than as it produces physical evil to the aj>;cnt, or to others. And as we see in the system of inanimate nature, that general good is the result of partial and temporary caII, and that though the one follows necessarily fioni general laws as the result of METAPiiYsrcs. 351 ofthcotlier, the good manifestly predomninates, so in the moral system, we have a right from analogy to predict, that good mil be the ultimate result of the apparent evil we observe in it : that we shall be the wiser for knowing what is to be avoided ; the better for corrected dispositions ; and that the power, and the wish to receive and communicate happiness, will be enlarged through each successive stage of our ex- istence, by the experience of those that have preced- ed. So at least thought Dr. Priestley. Leibnitz states some of these ideas with great force in the following passage, which I am tempted to transcribe entire from his Essais de Theodiche ; sur la Bofith de Dieu, la liberth de /' hommey et Vorigine da mal^ first published in 1710. (Prem» partie Sec. 7, 8, 9.)* Accord- • D'teii est la premiere RaUon des choscs : car cellcs qui sont bor- nees, commc tout c« que nous voyons et cxperimentons, sont contin- gentes, & n'ont rien en elles qui rendc leur existence necessaire ; etant manifcste que le terns, I'espace & la matierc unies & uniformcs en elles-mcmcs, &. indiflcrcnlcs a tout, pouvoient rcccvoir do tout au- tres mouvcmens & figures, &dans unaulre ordre. II faut done chcr- cher la ralson de /' exintence du moude, (jui est Tassemblagc enticr des choses cor.tin^entei : h. il f^iut la clicrchcr dans la stibstatice qui parte fa raison ^532 Appendix, No. 2. According to this opinion of Leibnitz, the operative motive in the choice of tlie present system being the attribute of Benevolence in the Almighty, the exist- ence raison de son existence avec elle, &:.l&qyic\le i)a.r consequent est tiecet' saire & etci-nelle. II faut aussi que cette cause soil inteUi^ente : car ce Monde qui existe etant contingent, 8c une infinite d'autres Mondes £tant ^galemeut possibles & dgalement pretcndans a i'existence, pour ainsi dire, aussi bien que lui, il faut que la cause du monde ait «u cgard ou relation ^ tous ces Mondes possibles poui* en determiner tin. Et cct 6gard ou rapport d'une substance existante ^ de simples possibillt^s, ne pent etre autre chose que I'entendcment qui en a les jd^es ; Si en determiner unc, ne peut etre autre chose que I'acte de la voiontc qui choisit. Et c'cst la puissance de cette substance qui en rend la volenti efficace. La puissance va k Vetre, la sugessc ou I'en- tciulemcnt au trai, & la volontd au bien. Et cette cause intelligente dolt etre infinic de toutes les manieres, & absolumcnt parfaile en pnis' sancc, en sagesse & en boni6, puisqu'elle vaa tout ce qui est possible. Et comme tout est lii;, il n'y a pas lieu d'en admettre plus d'une. Son entendemcnt est la source des essences, & sa volonte est I'origine dc» existances. Voila en peu de mots la preuve d'un Dieu unique avee ses perfections, &. par lui I'origine des choses. 8. Or cette supreme sagesse jointe a une bonte qui n'est pas moins inHnie qu'cllc, n'apu manqucr de choisir Ic mellleur. Car comme un molndre mal est une especc de bien ; de me me un moindre bien est line especc de mal, s'il fait obstacle a un bien plus grand : 8c 11 y au- rcit quclquc chose a corriger duns les actions dc Dieu, s'il y avoit raoyca dc micux faire. Et comme dans les Mathematiques, quand il Metaphysics. 33S cnce ofiill thnt wq term evil, is with respect to him, and his preordination of it, good ; for the whole intention and motive of its permission is founded in perfect goodness n'y a point de maximum m de minimum, rien enfin dc distingue, tout se fait dgalcment : ou quand cela nc sc pent, il ne se fuit rien du tout ; on peut dire de tnemc en matiere de parfuite sapesse, qui n'est pas moins reglcJe qne les Mathf matiques, que s'il n'y avoit pas le meil- leur {optimum) parmi tous les Mondcs possibles, Dieu n*enauroit pvo- duit aucun. J'aj>pclle Monde toute la suite & toute la collection de toutv's los d'.oses existantcs. afln qu'on ne dUe point que plusieurs Mondes pouvoient exister en difTercns temps & differens lieux. Car il faudroit les compter tous ensemble pour un Monde, ou si vous vou- lez pour un Univers. Et quand on rcmpliroit tous les terns & tous les lieuz ; il dcmeure toujoui's vrai qu'on les auroit pu remplir d'une in- finite de maniercs, & qu'il y a une infinite de Mondes possibles, dont il faut que Dieu ait choisi Ic mellleur ; puisqu'il ne fait rien sans agir •uivant la supreme Raison. 9. Quelque adversaire nepouvant rcpondre i cct argument, re pon- dra peut-etre a la conclusion par un argument contraire, en disant quo le Monde auroit pu etre sans le peche Sc sans les souiTrances : niais je nie qu'alors il auroit et<; meilleur. Car il faut savoir que tout est li6 dansciiacun des mondes possibles : rUnlvers, quel qu'il pulsse -j, „ 1767- 28; 3 — — - ,, *orr, ,, forte. 3C4 8 from the bottom after, the Author, ,, ^'^r C'lward. ,, I from the top , pre.lomininatcs, ,, jg^domiua'.cs. ."^.K^ 7 from 'hi top of the note for disc, ,, ^^V 357 12 from the top J: or is, j, it^ ^H '■^z - -. . .. \iA i "-^1 "^ 1^ 7r? .Wf ^H< .- V *^' •■4^*','7 '^'L*^'- .jfTvr- ^9M '«?:fC".'.''i*-^ .f'i: