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They were made of the same firm stufl' with the Wickliffs, and the Lutfiers, and the Kiioxes, and the Cranniers, and the Latimers, of a former age. They formed a dis- tinguished division of the same slorious army of re- forinaiion ; they encountered similar obstacles, and they were directed, and supported, and animated, by the same spirit. They were the true and enlight- ened crusaders, w ho, with all the zeal and courage which conducted their chivalrous ancestors to the earthly Jerusalem, fought their way to the heavenly city ; and rescuing, by their sufferings and by their labours, the key of knowledge from the unworthy hands ia which it had long lain rusted and misused, 4 INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. generously left it as a rich inheritance to all coming generations. '1 hey speak with the solemn dignity of martyrs. They seem to feel the importance of their tiieme, and the perpetual presence of Him who is the great subject of it. There are only two things which they seem to consider as realities — the favour of God and the enmity of God ; and only two parties in the universe to choose between — the party of God and the party of his adversaries. Hence that lieroic and noble tone, which marks their lives and their writings. They had chosen their side, and they knew that it was worthy of all they could door suffer for it. The agitated state of surrounding circumstances gave them continual proof of the instability of all things temporal ; and inculcated on them the neces- sity of seeking a happiness which might be indepen- dent of external things. 1 hey thus practically learned the vanity and nothingness of life, except in its relation to eternity \ and tliey declared to their fellow-creatures the mysteries of tiie kingdom of God, with the tone of men who knew that the light- est word which they spoke outweighed, in the bal- ance of reason as well as of the sanctuary, the val- ue of all earth's plans, and politics, and interests. They were upon high and firm ground. They stood in the midst of that tempestuous ocean, secure on the Rock of Ages ; and as they uttered to those around them their invitations, or remonstrances, or consolations, they thought not of the tastes, but of the necessities of men— they thought only of the dif- ference between being lost and being saved, and they cried aloud, and spared not. There is no doubt a great variety of thought, and feeling, and expression, to be met with in the theo- logical writers of that class ; but deep and solemn seriousness is the common character of them all. They seem to have felt much. Religion was not al- lowed to remain as an unused theory in their heads j they were forced to live on it as their food, and to have recourse to it as their only strength and •com- fort. Hence their thoughts are never given as ab- etract views ; they are always deeply impregnated with sentiment. Their style reminds us of the light which streams through the stained and storied win- dows of an ancient cathedral. It is notlight merely, but light modified by the rich hues, and the quaint lorms, and the various incidents, of the pictured medium through which it passes. So these venera- ble worthies do not give us merely ideas, but ideas coloured by tiie deep affections of their own hearts ; they do not merely give us truth, but truth in its his- INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. 5 torical application to the various struggles, and diffi- culties, and dejections, of their strangely chequered lives. This gives a great interest to their writings. They are reaF men, and not books, that we are con- versing with. And the peace, and the strength, and the hope, which they describe, are not the fictions of fancy, but the positive and substantial effects of the knowledge of God on their own minds. They are thus not merely wayniarks to direct our journey- ings ; they seem themselves pilgrims travelling on the same road, and encouraging us to keep pace with them. In their books, tliey seem thus still to jour- ney, still to combat} but, OI let us think of the bright reality I— their contests are past, their labours are over; they have foujiht the good fight and they are now at rest, made perfect in Christ Jesus. '1 bey are joined to that cloud of witnesses, of whom the world was not worthy ; and their names are inscrib- ed in the rolls of heaven ; yet not for their own glory, but for the glory of him w ho washed ihem from their sins in his own blood, and \\hose strength was made perfect in their weakness. These were the great men of England, and to them, under God, is England indebted for much of that which is valuable in her public institutions, and in the character of her people. They were, indeed, a noble army; they were born from above to be the combatants for truth, they were placed in the gap, and they held their ground, or fell at their posts." In this army Richard Baxter was a standard bear- ffr. He laboured much, as well in preaching as in- writing; and with an abundant blessing on both. He had all the high mental qualities of his class in perfection. His mind is inexhaustible, and vigorous, and vivacious, to an extraordinary degree. He seizes irresistibly on the attention, and carries it along with him ; and we assuredly do not know any author who can be compared with him, for the pow- er with which he brings his reader directly face to face with death, and judgment, and eternity ; and compels him to look upon them, and converse with them. He is himself most deeply serious, and the holy solemnity of his own soul seems to envel- ope the reader, as with the air of a temple. The saints' Everlasting Rest was written on a bed of sickness. It contains those thoughts and feelings, which occupied, and fortified, and animat- ed the author, as he stood on the brink of eternity. The examples of heavenly meditation which he gives really breathe of heaven ; and the importance of such meditation, as a duty, and as a mean of spir- itual growth, is admirably set fortb, and most pow- 6 INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. eifiilly enforced. And is it not a most pernicious madness and stupidity to neglect this duty ? Is it not strange that such prospects shoul4 excite so little interest? Is it not strange that the uncertainty of tiie duration of life, and the certainty of its sorrows, do not compel men to seek refuge in that inlieritance which is incorruptible, undefiled, and which fadelh not away ? Is it not strange that the offers of friend- ship and intimate relationship, which God is continu- ally holding out to us, should be slighted, even in competition with the society of those, whom we cannot but despise and reprobate? Is it not strange that we should, day after day, allow ourselves to be duped by the same false promises of happiness, which have disappointed us, just as often as they have been trusted? O! let us be persuaded, tiiat there is no rest in created things. No : there is no rest, except in Him who made us. Who is the man that can say he has found rest elsewhere? No man says it. May God open our hearts, as well as our understandings, to see the truth ; that we may prac- tically know tlie insufliciency, and hollowness, and insecurity of all earthly hopes ; and tiiat we may be led, in simplicity and earnestne?s, to seek, and so to find, our rest in Himself. T. K. Edbihurgli, February, 1824. CONTENTS. Page. (ntrodnctory Es«ay, ?, Compiler's Preface, 9 CHAPTER I. The introduction to the Work, with some ac- count of the Xature of the.Saints' Rest, . . n CHAPTER II. The great Preparatives to the Saints' Rest, . . 3J CHAPTER III. The Excellencies of the Saints' Rest, . . 39 CHAPTER IV. The Character of the Persons for whom this Rest is designed, 53 CHAPTER V. The great Misery of those who lose the Saints' Rest, fi7 CHAPTER VI. The Misery of those, who, besides losing the Saints' Rest, lose the Enjoyments of Time, and suffer the Torments of Hell, .... 79 CHAPTER VII. The Necessity of diligently seeking tlie Saints' Rest, ........ 91 CHAPTER VIII. How to discern our Title to the Saint' Rest, . 106 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. Tlie Duty of the People of God to excite others' to seek this Rest, 125 CHAPTER X. The Saints' Rest is not to be expected on Earth, 176 CHAPTER X[. The Importance of leading a heavenly Life up- on Earth, 159 CHAPTER Xir. Directions how to lead a heavenly Life upon Earth, 177 CHAPTER XIII. The Nature of heavenly Contemplation ; with the Time, Place, and Temper, fittest for it, 194 CHAPTER XIV. What use heavenly Contemplation makes of Consideration, Affections, Soliloquy, and Prayer, 205 CHAPTER XV. Heavenly Contemplation assisted by sensible Objects, and guarded auainst a treacherous Heart, ....... 220 CHAPTER XVr. Heavenly Contemplation exemplitied, and the whole Work concluded-, .... 235 THE COMPILER S PREFACE. Mr. Richard Baxter, the auUior of the Saints' Rest, so well known to the world by this, and many other excellent and useful writings, was a learned, laborious, and eminently holy divine of the last age. He was born near Shrewsbury in 1G15, and died at London in 1691. His ministry, in an unsettled state, was for many years employed with great and extensive success, both in London and in several parts of the country ; but he was no where fixed so long, or with such en- tire satisfaction to himself and apparent advantage to others, as at Kidderminster. His abode there was indeed interrupted, partly by his bad health, but chiefly by the calamities of a civil war, yet in the whole it amounted to sixteen years ; nor was it by any means the resiflt of his own choice, or that of the inhabitants of Kidderminster, that he never set- tled there again, after his going from thence in 16G0. Before his coming thither, the place was overrun with ignorance and profaneness ; but, by the divine blessing on his wise and faithful cultivation, the fruits of righteousness sprung up in rich abundance. He at first found but a single instance or two of daily family prayer in a whole street ; and, at his going away, but one family or two could be found in some streets that continued to neglect it. And on Lord V days, instead of the open profanation to which they had been so long accustomed, a person, in passing through the town, in the intervals of public wor- ship might overhear hundreds of families engaged in singing psalms, reading the Scriptures and other good books, or such sermons as they had wrote down, while they heard them from the pulpit. His care of the souls committed to his charge, and the success of his labours among them, were truly re- markable ; for the number of his stated communi- cants rose to six hundred, of whom he himself de- clared, there were not twelve concerning whose sincere piety he had not reason to entertain good 10 COMPILER'S PREFACE. hopes. Blessed be Ood, the religious spirit, which was thus happily introduced, is yet to be traced in the town and nei;[;libourhood in some degree: (O that it were in a greater !) and in proportion" as*that spi- rit remains, the name of Mr. Baxter continues in Die most honourai)le and aftectionate remembrance. As a writer, lie has the approbation.of some of his greatest contemporaries, who best knew him, and were under no temptations to be partial in his favour. Dr. Barrow said, " Ilis practical writings were never mended, and his controversial ones sel- dom confuted." With a view to his casuistical writings, the honourable Robeit Boyle declared, " He was the fittest man of the age for a casuist, be- cause he feared no man's displeasure, nor hoped for any man's preferment." Bishop Wilkin's observ- ed of him, " tliat he had cultivated every subject he had handled ; that if he had lived in the primitive times, he would have been one of the fathers of the church ; and that it was enough for one age to pro- duce such a person as Mr. Baxter." Archbishop Usher had such high thoughts of him, that by his earnest importunity he put him writing several of his practical discourses, particulary that celebrated piece, his Call to the Unconverted. Dr. Manton, as lie freely expressed it " thought Mr. Baxter came nearer to the apostolical writings than any man in the age." And it is both as a preacher and a writer, that Dr. Bates considers him, when, in his funeral sermon for him, he says, " In his sermons there was a rare union of arguments and motives, to convince the mind, and gain the heart. All the fountains of rea- son and persuasion were open to his discerning eye. 'ihere was no resisting the force of his discourses, without denying reason and divine revelation. He had a marvellous facility and copiousness in speak- ing. There was a noble negligence in his style, for his great mind could not stoop to the affected elo- quence of words; he despised flasly/ oratory ; but liis expressions were clear and powerful ; so con- vincing tlie understanding, so entering into the soul, so engaging the affections, that those were as deaf as adders who were not charmed by so wise a charmer. He was animated with the Holy Spirit, and breathed celestial fire, to inspire heat and life into dead sinners, and to melt the obdurate in their frozen tombs. His books, for their number (which it seems was more than one hundred and twenty,) and variety of matter in them, make a library. 'Jhey contain a treasure of controversial, casuistical, and practical divinity. His books of practical divinity have been effectual for more numerous conversions COxMPlLER'S PREFACE. 11 of sinners to God, than any printed in our time; and, while the churcii remains on earth, will be%f continual efficacy to recover lost souls. J here is a vigorous pulse in them, that keeps the reader awake and attentive.'* To these testimonies may not im- properly be*d(led that of the editors of his practical works in four folio volumes ;in the preface to which thev sav, " Perhaps there are no writings among U3 thai have more of a true Christian spirit, a greater mixture of judgment and atiection, or a greater ten- dency to revive jtnre and undefiled religion ; that have been more esteemed abroad, or more blessed at home, for the awakenini; the secure, instructing the ignorant, confirmint: the wavering, comforting the dejected, recovering the profane, or improving such as are truly serious, than the practical works of this author." !:;uch were the apprehensions of em- inent persons, who were well acquainted with Mr. Baxter and his writings. It is therefore the less re- markable that Mr. Addison, from an accidental and a very imperfect acquaintance, but with his usual pleasantness and candour, should mention the fol- lowing incident ; " I once met with a page of Mr. Baxter. Upon the perusal of it, 1 conceived so good an idea of the author's piety, that I bought the whole book." Whatever other causes might concur, it must chiefly be ascribed to Mr. Baxter's distinguishing reputation as a preacher and a writer, that, present- ly after the restoration, he \Vas appointed one of the chaplains in ordinary to King Charles II. and preach- ed once before him in that capacity ; as also that he had an offer made him by the .Lord Chancellor Clarendon, of the bishopric of Hereford, which, in a respectful letter to his lordship, he saw proper to decline. . . The Saints' Rest is deservedly esteemed one of the most valuable parts of his practical works. He wrote it when he was far from htime,w ithout any book to coqsult but his Bible, and in such an ill slate of health, as to be in continual expectation of death for many months ; and, therefore, merely for his own use, he tixed his thoughts on this heavenly subject, " which, says he, hath more benefited me than all the studies of mv life." At this time he could be little more than "thirty years old. fie afterwards preached over the subject in his weekly lecture at Kidderminster, and in ]6f.G he published it ; and in- deed it appears to have been the first that ever he published of all his practical writings. Of this book Dr. Bates says, it was written by him when languish- ing ia the suspense of life and death, but has the 12 COMPILER'S PREFACE. signatures of his holy and vigorous mind. To allure our desires, he unveils the sanctuary above, and discovers the glories and joys of the blessed in the Divine Presence, by a light so strong and lively, that all the glittering vanities of this world vanish in that comparison, and a sincere believer will despise them, as one of mature age does the toys and bau- bles of children, lo excite our fear, he removes the screen, and makes the everlasting fire of hell so vi- sible, and represents the tormenting passions of the damned in those dreadful colours, that, if duly con- sidered, would check and control the unbridled, li- centious appetites of the most sensual wretches." Heavenly rest is a subject in its own nature so universally important and interesting, and at the same time so truly engaging and delightful, as suffi- ciently accounts for the great acceptance which thia book has met with : and partly, also, for the un- common blessing which has attended Mr. Baxter's manner of treating the subject, both from the pulpit and the press. For where are the operations of di- vine grace more reasonably to be expected, or where have they, in fact, been more frequently discerned, than in concurrence with the best adapted means.' And should it appear, that persons of distinguishing judgment and piety have expressly ascribed their first religious impressions to the hearing or reading the important sentiments contained in this book ; or, after a long series of years, have found it both the counterpart and the improvement of their own di- vine life ; will not this be thought a considerable re- commendation of the book itself. Among the instances of persons that dated their true conversion from hearing the sermons on the Saints' Rest, when Mr. Baxter first preached them, was the Rev. Mr. Thomas Dooliltle, M. A. who was a native of Kidderminster, and at that time a scho- lar, about seventeen years old; whom Mr. Baxter himself afterwards sent to Pembroke Hall, in Cam- bridge, where he took his degree. Before his going to the university, he was upon trial as an attorney's clerk, and under that character, being ordered by his master to write something on a Lord's day, he obeyed with great reluctance, and the next day, re- turned home, with an earnest desire that he might not apply himself to any thing, as the employment of life, but serving Christ in the ministry of the gospel. His praise is yet in the churches, for his pious and useful labours, as a minister, a tutorj and a writer. In the life of the Rev. Mr. John Janeway, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, who died in IC57, we are told, that his conversion was, in a great mea- COMPILER'S PREFACE. 13 sure occasioned by his reading several parts of the Saints' Rest. And, in a letter which he afterwards wrote to a near relative, speaking with a more im- mediate reference to that part of the book which treats of heavenly contemplation, he says, " There is a duty, which, if it were exercised, would dispel all cause of melancholy ; I mean, heavenly medita- tion, and contemplation of the things which true Christian reliiiion tends to. If we did but walk closely with God one hour in a day in this duty, O what influence would it have upon the whole day besides, and, duly performed, upon the whole life! This duty, with its usefulness, manner, and direc- tions, 1 knew in some measure before, but had it more pressed upon me by Mr. Baxter's Saints' Ev- erlasting Rest, a book that can scarce be overvalued, for which I have cause for ever to bless God." This excellent young minister's life is worth reading, were it only to see how delightfully he was engaged in heavenly contemplation, according to the direc- tions in the Saints' Rest. Jt was the example of heavenly contemplation, at the close of this book, which the Rev. Mr. Joseph Aileine, of Taunton, so frequently quoted in con- versation, with this solemn introductioi>, " Most di- vinely says that man of God, holy Mr. Baxter." Dr. Bates, in his dedication of his funeral sermon for Mr. Baxter to Sir Henry Ashiirst, Bart, tells that religious gentleman, and most distinguished friend and executor of Mr. Baxter, " He was most worthy of your highest esteem and love; for the first im- pressions of heaven upon your soul were in read- ing his invaluable book of the Saints' Everlasting Rest. In the life of the Rev. Mr. Matthew Henry, we h.ave the following character given us of Robert VVarburton, Esq. of Grange, the son of the eminent- ly religious Judge Warbutton, and the father of Mr. Matthew Henry's second wife. " He was a gentle- man that greatly atfected retirement and privacy, especially in the latter part of his life ; the Bible, and ^Ir. Baxter's Saints' Everlasting Rest, used to lie daily before him on the table in his parlour ; he spent the greatest part of his time in reading and prayer." In the life of that honourable and most religious knight, Sii" Nathaniel Barnardiston, we are told, that " he was constant in secret prayer and reading the Scriptures ; afterwards he read other choice au- thors : but not long before his death he took a sin- gular delight to read Mr. Baxter's Saints' Everlast- ing Best, and preparation therunto ; which was cs- 14 COMPILER'S PREFACE. teemed a gracious event of Divine Providence, send- ing it as a guide to bring him more speedily and di- lectly to that rest." Besides persons of eminence, to whom this book has been precious and profiiable, we have an in- stance, in the Rev. ftlr. James Janeway's Token for Children, of a little boy, whose piety- was so dis- covered and promoted by reading it, as the most delightful book to him, next the Bible, that the thoughts of everlasting rest seemed, even while. ]ie continued in health, to swallow up all other thoughts ; and he lived in a constant preparation for it, and looked more like one that was ripe for glory, than an inhabitant of this lower world. And when he was in the sickness of which he died, be- fore he was twelve years old, he said, " I pray let me have Mr. Baxter's book, that I may read a little more of eternity, before I go into it. Nor is it less observable, that Mr. Baxter himself, taking notice, in a paper found in his study after his death, what numbers of persons were converted by reading his Call to the Unconverted, accounts of which he had received by letter every week,express- lyadds, " lliis little hook, the Call to the Uncon- verted, God hath blessed with unexpected success, beyond all that I have written, except the Saints' Rest." With an evident reference to this book, and even during the life of the author, the pious Mr. Flavell affectionately says, " Mr. Baxter is almost in heaven : living in the daily views and cheerful expectation of the saints' everlasting rest with God ; and is left for a little while among us, as a great ex- ample of the life of faith." And Mr. Baxter ))imself says, in his preface to his Treatise of Self-Denial, " i must say, that, of all the books which I have written, t peruse none so often for the use of my own 80ul in its daily work, as my liife of Faith, this of Self-Denial, and the last part of the Saints' Rest." On the whole, it is not without good rea^on that Dr. Calamy remarks concerning it, " This is a book, for which multitudes will have cause to bless God for ever." This excellent and useful book now appears in the form of an abridament ; and, theiefoTe, it is presum- ed, will be the more likely, under the divine bless- ing, to ditTuse its salutary influence among those that would otherwise have wanted opportunity or in- clination to read over the larger volume. In reducing it to this smaller size, I have been very desirous to do justice to the author, and at the same lime pro- mote the pleasure and profit of the serious reader. And, I hope, these ends are, in some measure, an- COMPILER'S PREFACE. 15 swered ; chiefly by dropping tilings of a digressive, controversial, or metaphysical nature ; together with prefaces, dedications, and various allusions to some peculior circumstances of the last age; and particularly, by throwing several chapters into one, that the number of tiiem may better correspond with the size of the volume ; and sometimes by altering the form, but not the sense, of a period, for the sake of brevity; and when an obsolete phrase occurred, changing it for one more common and intelligible. I should never have thought of attempting this work, if it had not been suggested and urged by oth- ers; find by some very respectable names, of whose learnina, judgment, and piety, I forbear to avail my- self. However defective this perfoilnance may ap- pear, the labour of it (if it may be called a labour) has been, I bless God, one of the most delightful la- bours of my life. Certainly the thoughts of everlasting rest maybe as delightful to souls in the present day, as they have ever been to those of past generations. 1 am sure such thoughts are as absolutely necessary now ; nor are temptations to neglect them either fewer, or weaker, now than formerly. The worth of ever- lasting rest is not felt, because it is not considered ; it is forgotten, because a thousand trifles are prefer- red before it. But were the divine reasonings of this book duly attended to, (and O that the Spirit and grace of a Redeemer may make them so !) then an age of vanity would become serious ; minds en- ervated by sensuality would soon resume tlie strength of reason, and display the excellence of Christianity ; the delusive names of pleasure would be blotted out by the glorious reality of heavenly joy upon earth ; every station and relation in life would be filled up with the propriety and dignity of serious religion, every member of society would then efiect- ually contribute to the beauty and happiness of the whole; and every soul would be ready for life or death, for one world or another, in a well-groundeii and cheerful persuasion of having secured a title to that rest which remaineth to the peojile of God. B. F. Kidderminster, Dec. 25, 1758. SAINTS' EVERLASTIXG REST. Hebrews ir. 9. THERE RE.MAINETH THEREFORE A REST TO THE FEOPLE OF GOD. CHAPTER I. The Introduction to the Work, toith Some Account of the JVature of the Saints' Rest. The Important desitpi of the apostle in the text, to which . the author earnestly bespeaks the attention of the rea- der. The saints' rat dejined, with a general plan of the loork. What this rest presupposes. The author''s humble sense of his inability fully to skoio vhat this rest contains. It contains, 1. A ceasing from means of grace; 2. A perfect freedom from all evils ; 3. The highest degree of the saints' personal perfection, both in body and soul ; 4. The nearest enjoyment of God the chief good ; 5. A sweet and constant action of all thepoicers of soul and body in this enjoyment of iSod ; as, for instance, bodily senses, knowledge, memory, love, joy, together toith a mutual love and joy. It was not only our interest in God, and ar- tual enjoyment of him, whirli was lost in Adam's fall, but all spiritual knowledge of him, and true disposition towards such a felicity. When the Son of God comes with recovering grace, and discoveries of a spiritual and eternal happiness and glory, he finds not faith in man to believe it. As the poor man, that would not believe any one had such a sum as a hundred pounds, it was so far above what him- self possessed, somen will hardly now believe there is such a happiness as once they had, much less as Christ hath now procured. When God would give the Israelites liis Sabbaths of rest, in a land of rest, he liad more ado to make them believe it, than to overcome tlieir enemies, and procure it for them. 2 IS NATURE OF And wiien they had it, only as a small intimation and earnest of an incomparably more glorious rest throiigli Ciirist, lliey yet believe no more than they possess, but say, with the glutton at the feast, Sure there is no other heaven but this ! or, if they ex- pect more by the Messiah, it is only the increase of their earthly felicity. 1 he apostle bestows most of this Epistle against this distemper, and clearly and larfiely proves, that the end of all ceremonies and shadows is to direct them to Jesus Christ the substance ; and that the rest of Sabbaths, and Ca- naan, should teach them to look for a further rest, which indeed is their happiness. My text is his con- clusion after divers arguments ; a conclusion, which contains the ground of all the believer's comfort, the end of all his' duty and suflerings, the life and sum of all gospel promises and Christian privileges. •What more welcome to men, under personal atflic- tions, tiring duties, successions of sufferings, than rest? It is not our comfoit only, but our stability. Our liveliness in all duties, our enduring tribula- tion, our honouring of Cod, the vigour of our love, thankfulness, and all our graces ; yea, the very be- ing of our religion and Christianity depend on the believing, serious thoughts of our rest. And now, reader, whatever thou art, young or old, rich or poor, 1 entreat thee, and charge thee, in the name of thy Tiord, who will shortly call lliee to a reckoning, and judge thee to thy everlasting, unchangeable state, that thou give not these things the reading only, and so dismiss them with a bare approbation; but that thou set upon this work, and lake God in Christ for tiiy only rest, and fix thy heait upon him above all. Alay the living God, who is the portion and rest of his saints, make these our carnal niFlids so spiritual, and our earthly hearts so heavenly, that loving him, and delighting in him, may be the work of our lives; and that neither I that write, nor you that road, this book, may ever be turned from this path of life ; lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, we should come short of it, ilirough our own unbe- lief or negligence. The saints' rest is the most happy state of a Christian ; or, it is t he perfect, endless enjoyment of God by the perfected saints, according to liie meas- ure of their capacity, to which their souls arrive at death, and both soul and body most fully after the resurrection and final judgment. According to this definition of the saints' rest, a larger account (\( its nature will be given in this chapter; of its prcj)ara- ■ tives. Chap. IT.; its excellencies, Chap. HI.; and, Chap. IV., the persons for whom it is designed. THE SAINTS' REST 19 Further to illustrate the subject, some description will be given in Chap. V., of their misery who lose this rest ; and, Chap. VI., who also lose the enjoy- ments of time, and sufler the torments of hell. \ext will be showed. Chap. V!I., the necessity of diiii^ently seeking this rest ; Chap. ViH., how our title to it may be discerned; Chap. IX., that they who discern their title to it should help those that cannot ; and, Chap. X., that this rest is not to be expected on earth. It will then be proper to con- sider, Chap. XI., the importance of a heavenly life upon earth ; Chap, XII., how to live a heavenly life upon earth: Chap. Xllf., the nature of heavenly contem|)IatioB, with the time, place and temper fit- test for it ; Chap. XLV., what use heavenly contem- plation makes of consideration, affections, soliloquy, and prayer ; and likewise, Chap. XV., how heaven- ly contemplation may be assisted by sensible objects, and guarded againtsa treacherous heart. Heavenly contemplation will be exemplified, Chap. XVI., and the whole work concluded. There are gome things necessarily presupposed in the nature of this rest; as, for instance, that mortal men are the persons seeking it. For angels and glorified spirits have it already, and the devils and damned are past hope. — 1 hat they choose God only for their end and happiness. lie that takes any thing else for his happiness, is out of the way the first step. — That they are distant from this end. This is the wofiil case of all mankind since the fall. When Christ comes with regenerating grace, he finds no man sitting still, but all posting to eternal ruin, and making haste towards hell ; till, by con- viction, he first brings them to a stand, and then, by conversion, turns their hearts and lives sincerely to himself. This end, and its excellency, is supposed to be known, and seriously intended. An unknown good moves not to desire or endeavour. And not only a distance from this rest, but the true knowl- edge of this distance, is also supposed. They tliat never yet knew they were without God, and in tlie way to hell, did never yet know the way to heaven. Can a man find he hath lost his God, and his soul, and not cry, I am undone.' The reason why so few oLtain this rest, is, they will not be convinced, that they are, in point of title, distant from it ; and, in point of practice, contrary to it. Who ever sought for that, which he knew not he had lost ? " They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.' — The influence of a superior moving cause is also supposed; else we shall all stand Etill, aiid not move toward our rest. If God move so NATURE OF us not, we cannot move. It is a most necessary part of our Christian wisdom, to Iceep our suhordi- iiatioii to God, and dependence on him. " We are not sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God." "With- out me," says Christ, "ye can do nothing."— It is next supposed, that they who seek tliis rest have an inward principle of spiritual life. God does not move men like stones, but he endows them with life, not to enable them to move without him, but in subordination to himself, the first mover. And furtiier, this rest supposes such an actual tendency of soul towards it, as isregularand constant, earnest and laborious. He that hides his talent shall re- ceive the wages of a slothful servant. Christ is the door, the only way to this rest. " But strait is the gate, and narrow is the way ; and we must strive, if we will enter ; " for many will seek to enter in, and shall not be able ;" which implies, " that the kingdom of heaven sufTereth violence." Nor will it bring us to the end of the saints, if we begin in the spiiitand end in the flesh. He only "that endureth to the end shall be saved." And never did a soul obtain rest with God, whose desire was not set upon him above all things else in the world. " Where your treasure is, there will your heart bo also." The remainder of our old nature will much weaken and interrupt these desires, but never over- come them. And, considering the opposition to our desires, from the contrary principles in our nature, and from the weakness of our graces, together with our continued distance from the end, our tendency to that end must be laborious, and with all our might.— All these things are presupposed, in order to a Christian's obtaining an interest in heavenly rest. Now we have ascended these steps into the outward court, may we look within the vail .' May we show what this rest 'contains, as well as what it presupposes? Alas! how little know I of that glory ! The glimpse which Paul had contained what could not, or must not, be uttered. Had he spoken the things of heaven in the language of heaven, and none understood that language, what the bettor ? The Lord reveal to me what I may reveal to you! The Lord open some light, and show both you and me our inheritance ! Not as to Balaam only, whose eyes were opened to see the goodliness of Jacob's tents, and Israel's tabernacles, where he had no portion, and from whence must come his own destruction ! not as to Moses, who had only a discovery instead of possession, and saw THE SAINTS' REST. 21 * the land wliich he never entered .' hut as the pearl was revealed to the merchant in the Gospel, who rested not till he had sold all he had, and bought it l and as heaven was opened to blessed Stephen, which he was shortly to enter, and the glory showed iiini which should "be his own possession I— The things contained in heavenly rest are such as these : — a ceasing from means of grace ; — a perfect freedom from all evils ; — the highest degree of the saints' per- sonal perfection, both of body and soul ; — the nearest enjoyment of God the chief "good ;— and a sweet and constant action of ail the powers of body and soul in this enjoyment of God. 1. One thing contained in heavenly rest is, the ceasing from means of srrace. When we have ob- tained the haven, we^have done sailing. When the workman receives his wages, it is implied he lias done his work. When we are at our journey's end, we have done with tlie way. Whether prophe- cies, they siiall fail; whether tongues, they siiall cease ; w helher knowledge, it also, so far as it had the nature of means, shall vanisli away. There shall be no more prayer, because no more necessity, but the full enjoyment of w hat we prayed for : nei- ther shall we need to fast and weep, and watch any more, being out of the reach of sin and temptations. Preaching is done; the ministry of man ceaseth ; sacraments become useless ; the labourers are called in, because the harvest is gathered, the tares burned, and the work finished ; the unregenerate past hope, and the saints past fear, for ever. 2. There is in heavenly rest a perfect freedom from all evils — all the evils that accompanied us through our course, and wliich necessarily follow our ab- sence from the chief good : besides our freedom from those eternal tlames, and restless miseries, which the neglecters of Christ and grace must rem- edilessly endure ; a woful inheritance, which, both by birth and actual merit, was due to us as well as to them ! In heaven theie is nothing that defileth or is unclean. All that remains without. And doubtless there is not such a thing as grief and sor- row known there : nor is there such a thing as a pale face, a languid body, feeble joints, unable infancy, deciepit age, peccant humours, painful or pining sickness, griping fears, consuming cares, nor what- soever deserves the name of evil. We did weep and lament when the world did rejoice ; but our sorrow is turned to joy, and our joy shall no mao take from us. 3. Another ingredient of this rest is, the hightst dtgru (f the saints'' personal perfection, both cf body 02 NATURE OF and .?oji?. Were the glory ever so great, and them- selves not made capahle ofitbya personal peifec- lion suitable thereto, it would be little to them. "Eye hath* not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the tilings which God hath prepared for them that love him." For the eye of flesh is not capable of seeing them, nor this ear of hearing them, nor this heart of under- standing them : but there the eye, and ear, and heart are made capable ; else how do they enjoy them ? The more perfect the sight is, the more delightful the beautiful object. The more perfect the appetite, the sweeter the food. The more musical the ear, the inore pleasant the melody. 'J'he more pei feet the soul, the juore joyous those joys, and the more glo- rious to us is that glory. 4. The principal part of this rest is our vearest enjoyment of God, the chief good. And here, reader, wonder not if I beat a loss ! and if my apprehen- sions receive but little of that which is in my ex- pressions. If it did not appear to the beloved dis- ciple what we shall be, but only, in general, " that when Christ shall appear we shall be like him," no wonder if I know little. When I know so little of God, I cannot much know what it is to enjoy him. If I know so little of spirits, how little of the Fatlier of spirits, or the stale of uiy own soul, when ad- vanced to the enjoyment of Jiim.^ I stand and look upon a heap of ants and see them all witlj •one view; they know not me, my being, nature, or thouiihts, though I am their fellow creature ; how little, then, nntstwe know of the great Creator, thoush^ie with one view clearly beholds us all.' A glimpse the saints behold as in a glass, which makes us capable of some poor, dark apprehen- sions of what we shall behold in glory. If I should tell a worldling what the holiness and spiritual joys of the saints on earth are, he cannot know ; for grace cannot be clearly known without grace ; how much less could he conceive it, should I tell hiin of this glory .^ But to the saints I may be somewhat more encouraged to s[)eak ; for grace gives them a dark knowledge and slight taste of glory. If men and angels should study to speak the blessedness of that state in one word, what could they say beyond this, that it is the nearest enjoyment of God .' 6 the full joys offered to a believer in that one sentence of Christ, " Father, I will tliat those whom thou Last given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me I"* Every word is full of life and joy. If the queen of Bheba hud cause to say of Solomon's glory, " Happy THE SAINTS' REST. 23 are Uiy men, happy are these tliy servants, who stand continually before thee, and liear thy wisdom ;" liien, surely, they that stand conlinually before God, and see liis giory, and the glory of the Lamb, are more than happy. To them will (hrist give to eat of the tree of life, and to eat of the hiilden manna: yea, he will make them pillars in the temple of God, and they shall go no more out; and he will write upon them the name of his God, and the name of the city of his God, which is New Jerusalem, which Cometh down out of heaven from liis God, and he will write upon them liis new name ; yea more, if more may be, he will grant them to sit with Jiim in his throne. " These are they who came out of great tribulation, and liave washed their robes, and made them vvliite in tJie blood of the I.anib : there- fore are they before tlie throne of God, and serve him day and ni^ht in liis temple and he that sittelh on the throne shall dwell among them. The Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of water; and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes,'" O blind, deceived world I Can you show us such a glory.' This is the city of our God, where thf tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be w ith them, and be their God. The glory of God shall lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And there shall be no more curse : but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve hiin, and they shall see his face, and his name shall be in their foreheads. These sayings are faithful and true, and the things which must shortly be done. And now we say, as Mephibosheth, Let the world take all, forasmuch as our Lord will come in peace. Rejoice therefore iu the Lord, () ye righteous, and say with his ser- vant David, "The Lord is the portion of mine inher- itance : the lines are .fallen unto me in pleasant places ; yea, I have a goodly heritage. 1 have set the Lord always before me ; because he is at my right hand, 1 shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth ; my flesh also shall rest in hope. For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. Thou wilt show me lh6 path of life; in thy presence jis fulness of joy ; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." What presumption would it have been, once, to have thought or spoken of such a thing, if God had not spoken it before us I I duftt not have thought c-.'" tli'j sr.ints' pr^feriusnl iu th\s life, as Scripture 21 NATURE OF sets it fortli, liad it not been the express truth of God. How indecent to talk of being sons of God — spealiing to liini — having ftllouship with him — dwelling in him and lie in us, if this li;>d not been God's own language ! How much less durst we have once thought-of shining forth as the sun— of being joint lieirs with Clirist — of judging the world— of sitting on Christ's throne— of lliing one in him and the Father, if we had not all this from the mouth, and under the hand of God ! But hath he saul, and shall lie not doit? Hath he spoken, and shall lie not make it good? Yes, as the Lord God is true, thus siiall it be done to the man whom Christ delichteth to honour. He of good cliccr, Christian, the time is near, w lien God and tliou shalt be near, and as near as thou canst well desire. Thou shalt dwell in his family. Is that enough? It is better to be a door-keeper in tlie house of God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. '1 hou shalt ever stand before him, about his throne, in the room with him, in his presence-chamber. Wouldst thou yet be nearer? Thou shalt be his child, and he thy Father ; thou shalt be an heir of liis kingdom ; yea, fiiore, the spouse of his iron. And vvjiat more canst thou desire? thou slialt be a member of the body of iiis Son ; lie shall be thy head ; thou shalt be one with him, who is one with the Father, as he himself hath desired for thee of his Father, "that they all may be one, as tliou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us ; and the glory w hich thou gavest me"l have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one ■. 1 in them, and thou in me, that they niay be made per- fect in one, and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them as Ihou h:ist loved me." .5. We must add, that this rest cwlaius a sveet and constant action of all the poicers of the soul and bodti in this enjoyment of God, It is not the rest of a stone, which ceaselh from all motion when it attains the centre. 'I'his" body shall be so changed, that it shall no more be flesh and blood, which cannot in- lierit the kingdom- of God ; but a spiritual body. We sow not that body that shall be, liut Gttd giveth it a body as it hath pieased him, and to every seed liis own body. If grace makes a Christian differ so much from what hew-as, as to say, lam not the man I was; how nfuch more will glory make us dirter ! As much as a body spiritual, above the suu in glory, exceeds these frail, noisome, diseased Jumjis of flesh, so far shall our senses exceed those we uuw possess. Uoubtletis, as God advancctli our THE SAINTS' REST. 25 senses, and enlargeth our capacity, so will he ad- vance the happiness of those senses, and till up with himself all tlial capacity. Certainly the hody should not he raised up and continued, if it should not share in the glory. As it hath shared in the obedience and sufterings, so shall it also in the hlessedness. As Christ' bouL'ht the whole man, so shall the whole partake of the everlasting benefits of the purchase. O blessed employment of a glori- fied body '. to stand before the throne of God and the X.amb, and to sound forth for ever, " '1 hou art worthy, O Lord to receive glory, and honour, and power. Worthy is the Lamb, that was slain, to re- ceive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing j for thou hast redeemed us to God, by thy blood, out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation j and liast made us unto our God kings and priests. Alle- luia ; salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God. Alleluia, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth." U Christians ! this is the blessed rest ; a rest, as it were, without rest ; for " they rest not day and night, saying. Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come." And if the body shall be thus employed, O how shall the soul be taken up? As its powers and capacities are greatest, so its actions are strong- est, and its enjoyments sweetest. As the bodily senses have their proper actions, \\ hereby they re- ceive and enjoy their objects, so does the soul in its own actions enjoy its own objects, by knowing, re- membeiing, loving, and delightful joying. 'Jhisis the soul's enjoyment. By these eyes it sees, and by these arms it embraces. ^/iojr/e(/o-c, of itself, is very d"esirable. As far as the rational soul exceeds the sensitive, so far the delights of a philosopher, in discovering the secrets of nature, and knowing the mystery of sciences, ex- ceed the delights of the glutton, the drunkard, the unclean, and of all voluptuous sensualists whatso- ever. So excellent is all truth. What then, is their delight who know the God of trutii ! How noble a faculty of the soul is the understanding! It can compass the earth j it can measure the sun, moon stars, and heaven ; it can foreknow each ecUpse to a minute, many years before. But this is the top of all its excellency, that it can know God, who is intinite, who made "all these, a little here, and more, much more, hereafter. O the wisdom and goodness of our blessed Lord ! He hath created the under- standing with a natural bias and inclination to truth, as iu object 3 and to the prime truth, as its prime 26 NATURE OF object. Christian, when, after long gazing heaven- ward, thou hast got a clinipse of Christ, dost thou not sometimes seem to liave been with Paul in the third heaven, vviietiier in the body or out, and to have seen wJiat is unutterable ? Art tl)ou not, with Peter, ready to say, " JMai^ter, it is good to be here ?" " O that I might dwell in this mount! O that I might ever sec what I now see !" Didst liiou never look so long upon the Sun of Righteousness, till thine eyes were dazzled with his astonishing glory ? And did not the splendour of it make all tl.itigs helovv seem black and dark to thee? Especially in the day of suffering for Christ, when he usually appears most manifestly to his people, didst thou never see one walking in the midst of tlie fiery furnace with thee, like the Son of God ? Believe me, Christians, yea, believe God; you that have known most of God in Christ liere, it is as nothing to what you shall know ; it scarce, in com- parison of that, deserves to be called knowledge. For as these bodies, so that knowledge must cease, that a more perfect may succeed. Knowledge shall vanish away. For we know in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which if> in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, 1 thought as a child ; but when 1 b'ecame a man 1 put away childish things. For now we see tlirough a glass, darkly, but then face to face ; now I know in part, but then I shall know e\"en as also I am known. Marvel not therefore, Christian, how it can be life eternal to know God and Jesus Christ. To enjoy God and Christ is eternal life; and the soul's enjoying is in knowing. They that savour only of earth, and consult with flesh, think it a poor happiness to know God. But we know that we are ofGod, and the whole world lieth in wickedness; and we know that tlie Son of God is come, and hathjgiven us an understanding that we may know him that is true ; and we are. in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. '1 his is the true God, and eternal life. The memory will not be idle, or useless, in this blessed work. From that height the saint can look belrind liim, and before him. And to compare past with present things must needs raise in the blessed 8oul an inconceivable esteem and sense of its con- dition. To stand on that mount, whence we can Bee the Wilderness and Canaan both at once ; to stand in heaven, and look back on earth, and weigh them together in the balance of a comparing senso au(i judjjuKnt, how must it needs transporUhs suttl. THE SAINTS' REST. 07 and make it cry out, "Is this the purchase that cost so dear as the blood of Christ? No wonder. O blessed price ! and thrice blessed love, tliat in- vented, and condescended ! Is this the end of be- lieving? Is this the end of the Spirit's workings? Have the gales of grace blown me into such a har- bour ? Is it liither that Christ hath allured my soul? O blessed way, and thrice blessed end 1 Is this the glory which the Scriiiturcs spoke of, and ministers preached of so much ? 1 see the gospel ia indeed good tidings, even tidings of peace and good things, tidings of great joy to all nations! Is my mourning, my fastin", n)y sad humblings, my heavy walking, come to tlira ? Js my praying, watching, fcaring^to offend, come to this? Are all my afllic- tions, Satan's temptations, the world's scoinsand jeers, come to this? O vile nature, that resisted so much, and so long, such a blessing 1 Unworthy soul, is this the place thou earnest sounv.illingly to? Was duly wearisome ? Was the world too good to Io?e? Didst thou stick at leaving all, denying all, and suffering any thing for this? Wast thou loth to die, to come to this? O false heart, thou hadst almost betrayed me to eternal flames, and lost me this glory ! Art thou not now ashamed, my soul, that ever thou didst question that love which brouglil thee thither? that ihou wast jealous of the faith- fulness of thy Lord ? that thou suspectedst his love, when thou shouldst only have suspected thyself? that ever thou didst quench a motion of his Spirit? and that' thou shouldst misinterpret those provi- dences, and repine at those ways, which have such an end ? Now thou art sufficiently convinced, that thy Iflessed Redeemer was saving thee, as well when he" crossed thy desires, as when he granted them ; when he broke thy heart, as when he bound it up. No thanks to thee, unworthy self, for this received crown ; but to Jehovah, and the Lamb, be glory for ever." But, O '. the fall, the near, the sweet enjoyment, is that of love. God is love, and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Now the poor soul complains, " O that I could love J^hrist more '." then, thou canst not choose but love him. Now thou knowest little of his amiable- ness, and therefore lovest little: then, thine eyes will affect thy heart, and the continual viewing of that perfect beauty will keep thee in continual transports of love. Christians, doth it not now stir up your love, to remember all the experiences of his love ? Doth not kindness melt you, and the sunshint: of divine goodneee warm your frozen hcartd ? WhP* 88 NATURE OF will it do then, when you shall live in love, and have all in liiin, who is all? Surely love is both work and wages. What a high favour, that God will give us leave to love hiui? that lie will be em- braced by those, who have embraced lust and sin hefore him I But, more than this, Jie returned love for love ; nay, a thousand times more. Christian, tliou wilt be then brim-full of love ; yet, love as much as thou canst, thou shall be ten thousand times more beloved. Were tlie anus of the Son of God open upon the cross, and an open passage made to his heart by the spear, and will not his arms and heart be open to thee in glory .' Did he begin to love before thou lovedst, and #ill not he continue now ? Did he love thee, an enemy ? thee, a sin- ner.' thee, wiio even loathedst thyself ; and own thee, when thou didst disclaim thyself.' And will he not now immeasurably love thee, a son .-' thee, a perfect saint.' thee, who returnedst some love for love .' He that in love wept over the old Jeru- salem when near its ruin, with wiiat love will he le- joice over the new Jerusalem in her glory? Chris- tian, believe this, and think on it: thou shalt be eternally embraced in the arms of that love, which was from everlasting, and will extend to everlasting ; of that love which brought the Son of God's love from heaven to earth, from earth to the cross, from the cross to the grave, from thejrave to glory: that love, which was weary, hungry"^ tempted, scorned, scourgeil, buffeted, spit upon, crucified, pierced ; which (lid fast, pray, teach, heal, weep, sweat, bleed, die ; that Ipve will eternally embrace thee. When perfect created love, and most perfect uncreated love, meet together, it will not be like Joseph ami hia brethren, who lay upon one another's necks weep- ing ; it will be loving and rejoicing, not loving and sorrowing. Yet it wfll make Satan's court ring with tJie news, that Joseph's brethren are come, that the saints are arrived safe at the bosom of Christ, out of the reach of hell forever. Nor is there any such love as David's and Jonathan's, breathing out its last into sad lamentations for a forced separation. Know this, believer, to thy everlasting comfort, if tljose arms liave once embraced thee, neither sin, nor hell, can get thee thence for ever. Thou hadsi not to deal with an inconstant creature, but with him with whom is no variableness, nor shadoVv of turning. His love to thee will not be as thine wai on earth to him, seldom, and cold, up and down. He that would not cease nor abate his love, for all thine enmity, unkind neglects, and churlish resisl/- ances, can Jie cease to love thee, when Le hath THE SAINTS' REST. 29 made thee truly lovely ? He that keepeth thee so constant in thy love to him, that thou canst chal- lenge tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, na- kedness, peril, or sword, to separate thy love from Christ, how much more will himself be constant ? Indeed, thou mayest be persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. And now, are we not left in the apostle's admiration ? What shall we say to these things ? Infinite love must needs be a mystery to a finite capacity. No wonder angels desire to look into this mystery. And if it be the study of saints here, to know the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, of the love of Christ, which passeth know- ledge ; the saints' everlasting rest must consist in the enjoyment of God by love. Nor liath joy tiie least share in this fruition. It is that whicii all the former lead to, and conclnde in ; even the inconceivable complacency which the blessed feel in their seeing, knowing, loving, and being beloved of God. 'Ihis is the white stone which no man knoweth, saving he that receiveth it. Surely this is^the joy which a stranger doth not inter- meddle with. All Christ "s ways of mercy tend to and end in the saints' joys. He wept, sorrowed, suffered, that they might rejoice; he sendeth the Spirit to be their comforter ; he multiplies promises ; he discovers their future happiness, that their joy may be full. He opens to them the fountain of liv- ing waters, that they may thiist no more, and that it may spring up in them to everlasting life. He chastens them thAt he may give them rest. He makes it their duty to rejoice in him always, and again commands them to rejoice. He never brings them into so low a condition, where he does not leave them more cause of joy than sorrow. And hath the Lord such a care of our comfort here .' O, what will thAt joy be, where the soul, being perfectly prepared for joy, and joy prepared by Christ for the soul, it shall be our work, our business, eternally to rejoice ! It seems the saints' joy shall be greater than the damned's torment ; for their torment is the torment of creatures, prepared for the devil and his angels ; but our joy is the joy of our Lord. The same glory which the Father gave the Son , the Son hath given them, to sit with him in his throne, even as he is set down with his Father in his throne. Thou, poor soul, who prayest for joy, waitest for joy, complainest for want of joy, longest for joy 5 30 NATURE OF thou then shall liave full joy, as much as Uiou canst hold, and more than ever thou thonghtett on, or thy heart desired. In the meantime, walk carefully ; watch constantly, and then let God measure out to thee thy limes and degrees of joy. It may he he keeps them until thou hast more need, 'i'hou hadst hetter lose thy comfort than thy safety. If thou shouldst die full of fears and sorrows, it will be but a moment, and they are all gone, and concluded ia joy inconceivable. As the joy of the hypociite, so the fears of the upright are but for a momenl. " God's anger endurelh bul a moment ; in his favour is life ; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comelh in the morning." O blessed uioruing ! Poor, humble, drooping soul, how would it fill thee with joy now, if a voice from heaven should tell thee of the love of God, the pardon of thy sins, and assure thee of thy part in these joys! VVhat, then, will thy joy be, when thy actual possession shall convince thee of thy title, and thou shalt be in heaven before thou art well aware.'' And it is not thy joy only ; it is a mutual joy, aa well as a mutual love. Is there joy in heaven at thy conversion, -and will there be none at thy glori- fication ? Will not the angels welcome thee thiUicr, and congratulate thy safe arrival.' — Yea, ilMs the joy of Jesus Christ; for now he hath the end of his undertaking, labour, suffering, dying, when we have our joys ; when he is glorified in his saints, and admired iii all them that believe ; when he sees of the travail of his soul, and is satisfied. This is Christ's harvest, when he shall reap the fruit of his labours ; and it will not repent him concerning his suflferings, but he will rejoice over his purchased in- heritance, and his people will rejoice in him, — Yea, the Father himself puts on joy, too, in our joy. As we grieve his Spirit, and weary him with our iniqui- ties, so he is rejoiced in our good, O how quickly does he now spy a returning prodigal, even afar oft"! How does he run to meet him ! And with what compassion does he fall on his neck, and kiss him, and put on him the best robe, and a ring on liis hand, and shc>es on his f(.'et, and kills the fatted calf to eat and be merry. This is indeed a happy meeting; but nothing to the embracing and joy of that last and great meeting. Yea, more ; as God doth mutually love and joy, so Jie makes this his rest, as it is our rest. VVhat an eternal Sabbatism, when the work of redemption, sanclification, pre- servation, glorification, is all finished, awd perfected fur ever ! " The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty J he will save, he will rejoice over thee THE SAINTS' REST. 31 Willi joy, lie will rest in liis love, he will joy over thee with singing." Well may we then rejoice in our God with joy, and rest in our love, and joy in liiu) with sinking. Alas', my fearful heart scarce dares proceed. — Melhinks 1 hear the Almighty's voice saying to me, " Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words with- out knowledge ?" But pardon thy servant, O Lord. I have not pried into Jinrevealed things. I bewail that my apprehensions aie so dull, my thoughts so mcauj my alfecUons so stupid, and my expressions so low,* and unbeseeming sucJi a glory. I have only heard by the hearing of the ear : O, let thy servant see thee, and possess these joys ; and then shall I have more suitable conceptions, and shall give thee fuller glory ; I shall abhor my present self, and dis- claim and renounce all these imperfections. " Ihave uttered that I understood not, things too wonderful for me, which I knew not." Yet " I believed, and therefore have I spoken." What, Lord, canst thou expect fiom dust but levity .' or Irom corruption but defilement? Though the weakness and irreve- rence be the fruit of my own corruption, yet the lire is from thine altar, and the work of thy com- manding. I looked not into thy ark, nor put forth my hand unto it without thee. "Wash away these stains also in the blood of the Lamb. Imperfect, or none, must be thy service here. O take thy Son's excuse, '•' the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." CHAPTER IL The great Preparatives to the Saints'' Rest. There are four things which principally prepare the tca^ to enter it; particularly, 1. The glorious tppeariitv of Christ ; 2. The general resurrection ; 3. The last judgment i and, 4. The saints^ coronation. The passage of paradise is not now so blocked up, as when the law and curse reigned. Wherefore finding, beloved Christians, a new and living way consecrated for us, throuah the vail, that is to say, the flesh of Ciirist, by which we may with boldness enter into the holiest, I shall draw near with fuller assurance J and. finding the flaming sword removed, shall look again into the paradise of our God. And because I know tiiat this is no forbidden fruit, and withal that it is good for food, and pleasant to the spiritual eyes, and a tree to be desired to make cite 38 PREPARATIVES TO truly wise and happy ; I shall, through the assistance of the Spirit, talte and eat thereof myself, and give to you according to my power, that you may eat. The porcii of this temple is exceeding glorious, and the gate of it is called Beautiful. Here are four things as tiie four corners of tiiis porch. Here is the most glorious coming and appearance of the Son of God ; — that great work of Jesus Christ in raising our bodies from thetlust, and uniting tiiem again to the soul ; — the pul)lic and solemn process at their judgment, where they shall first thejnselves he acquitted and justilied, and then with Christ judge the world ; — together witli their solemn coro- nation, and receiving the kingdom. 1. The most glorious co)nbi low a price, neither are they endued with so low a nature. As God will have from them a spiritual worship, suited to his own spiritual being, he will provide them a spiritual rest, suitable to their spir- itual nature. The knowledge of God and his Christ, a delightful complacency in that mutual love, an everlasting rejoicing in the enjoyment of our God, with a perpetual singing of his high praisesj this is a heaven for a saint. Then we shall live in our own element. We are now as the fish in a vessel of water, only so much as will keep them alive •, hut what is that to the ocean ? We have a little air let into us, to afford us breathing ; but what is that to the sweet and fresh gales upon Mount Sion ? We have a beam of the sun to lighten our darkness, and a warm ray to k^ep us from freezing ; but then we shall live in its light, and be revived by its heat for ever. — As the natures of saints are, such arij their desires; and it is the desires of our renewed Mature which this rest is suited to. Whilst our d«- 46 THE EXCELLENCIES OF sires remain corrupted and misguided, it is a far greater mercy to deny- tliem, yea, to destroy them, than to satisfy them ; but those wliich are S|)iritual are of his own planting, and he will surely water them, and give the increase. He quickened our hunger and thirst for righteousness that he might make us happy in a full satisfaction. Christian, this is a rest after thy own heart ; it contains all that thy heart can wish ; that which thou longest, prayest, labouiest for, there thou shalt find it alL Thou hadst rather have God in Christ, than all the world; there thou shalt have him. What wouldst Uiou not give for assurance of his love ! There thou slialt have assurance without suspicion. Desire what thou canst, and ask what thou wilt, as a Chris- tian, and it shall be given tliee, not only to half of tlie kingdom, but to the enjoyment both of kingdom and King. This is a life of desire and prayer, but that is a life of satisfaction and enjoyment.— This rest is very suitable to the saints' necessities, also, as well as to their natures and desires. It contains whatsoever they truly wanted ; not supplying them with gross-created comforts, whicli, like Saul's ar- mour on David, are more burden than benefit, ft was Christ and perfect holiness which they most needed, and with these shall they be supplied. 8. Still more this rest will be absolutely perfect. We shall then have joy w ithout sorrow, and rest without weariness. There is ho mixture of corrup- tion with our graces, nor of suffering with our com- fort. There are none of those waves in that harbour, which now so toss us up and down. To day we are wejl, to-morrow sick ; to-day in esteem, to-morrow in disgrace J today we have friends, to-morrow none ; nay, we have wine and vinegar in the same cup. If revelations raise us to the third lieaven, tile messenger ot Satan must presently buffet us, and the thorn in the fie^li fetch us down. But there is none of this inconstancy in heaven. If perfect love casteth out fear, then perfect joy must needs cast out sorrow, and perfect happiness exclude all Uie relicks of misery. We shall there rest from all the evil of sin and of suffering. Heaven excludes nothing more directly than ein, whether of nature or of conversation. " There shall in no wise enter any thing that defileth, nei- ther whatsoever worketh "abomination or maketh a lie." What need Christ at all to have died, if heav- en could have contained imperfect souls? "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." His blood and Spirit have not done all this, to leave us after THE SAINTS' REST. 47 ftU defiled. "What communion hath light with darkness? and \vhat concord hath Christ with Be- lial :" Christian if thou be once in heaven, thou Shalt sin no more. Is not this glad news to thee, who hast prayed, and watched against it so long? I lyiow, if it w'ere offered to thy choice thou wouldst rather choose to be freed from sin, than have all the world. Thou shalt have thy desire.— That hard heart, those vile thousihts, which accompanied thee to every duty, shall then be left behind for ever. — Thy understanding shall never more be troubled with darkness. Ail dark Scriptures shall be made plain ; all seeming contradictions reconciled. The poorest Christian is presently there a more perfect divine than any here. O that happy day when error shall vanish for ever I when our understand- ing shall be filled with God himself, whose light will leave no darkness in us ! His face shall be the Scripture, where we shall read the truth. Many a godly man hath here, in his mistaken zeal, been a means to deceive and pervert his brethren, and, when he sees his own error, cannot a|:ain tell how to undeceive them. But there we shall conspire in one truth, as being one in him who is the trutli. — We shall also rest from all the sin of our will, affec- tion and conversation. We shajl no more retain this rebelling principle, w hich is still drawing us from God ; no more be oppressed with the -power of our corruptions, nor vexed with their presence : no pride, passion, slothfulness, insensibilHy, shall en- ter w iih us ; no strangeness .to God, and the things of God; no coldness of affections, nor imperfection in our love ; no uneven walking, nor grieving of the Spirit; no scandalous action, nor unholy conver- sation ; we sliall rest from all tiiese for ever. Then shall our w ill correspond to the divine will,as face an- swers face in a glass, and from which, as our law and rule we shall never swerve. " For he that is en- tered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from liis." Our sufferings w ere but the consequences of our sinning, and in heaven they both shall cease togeth- er. We shall rest from all our doubts of God's love. It shall no more be said, that " Doubts are like tlie thistle, a bad weed, but growing in good ground." They shall now be weeded out, and trouble the gra- Bious soul no more. We shall hear that kind of language no more, " What shall I do to know my state? How shall [ know that God is my Father? that my heart is upright? that my conversion is true ? that faitli is sincere ? 1 am afraid my sins are unpardoned 3 that all 1 do is hypocrisy ; that Cod 48 THE EXCELLENCIES OP will reject me ; that he does not hear my prayers." All this is there turned into praise. We shall rest from all sense of God's displeasure. Ilell shall not be mixed with heaven. At times the gracious soul remembered God and was troubled; complained, and was overwhelmed, and refused to he comforted ; divine wrath lay haid upon him, and God afflicted him with all his waves. But that ble'ssed day shall convince us, that, though God hid his face from us for a moment, yet with everlasting kindness will he have mercy on us. We shall rest frora all the temp- tations of Satan. What a grief is it to a Cljristian, though he yield not to the temptation, yet to be so- licited to deny his Lord ! What a torment to have such horrid motions made to his soul ! such blas- pliemous ideas presented to his imagination ! some- times cruel thoughts of God, undervaluing tlioughts of Christ, unbelieving thoughts of Scripture, or injurious thoughts of Providence! to be tempt- ed sometimes to turn to present things, to play with the baits of sin, and venture on the delights of flesh, and sometimes to atheism itself I especially, when we know the treachery of our own hearts, ready, as tinder, to take fire, as soon as one of those sparks shall fall upon them ! Satan hath power here to tempt us j^ the wilderness, but he entereth not the holy city ; he may set us on a pinnacle of the temple in the earthlyJerusalem, but the New Jerusalem he may not approach ; he may take us up into an exceeding high mountain, but the Mount Sion he cannot ascend; and if he could, all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of tliem, would be a despised bait to a soul possessed of the kingdom of our Lord. No, it is in vain for Satan to offer a temptation more. All our temptations from the world and the flesh shall also cease. O the hourly dangers that we here walk in ! Every sense,'and member, is a snare ; every creature, every mercy, and every duty, is a snare to us. We can scarce open our eyes, but we are in danger of envying those above us, or despising those below us ; of coveting the honours and riches of some, or behold- ing the rags and beggary of others with pride and un- mercifulness. If we see beauty, it is a bait to lust ; if deformity, to loathing and disdain. How soon do slanderous reports, vain jests, wanton speeches, creep into the heart! How constant and strong a watch does our appetite require! Have we come- liness and beauty.' What fuel for pride I Are we deformed.' What an occasion of repining! Have we strength of reason, and gifts of learning .' O how prone to be puffed up, hunt after applause, and despise our brethren ! Are vie unlearntd ? IIi v/ apt then to despise what we have not! Are we in places of authority ? How strong is the temptation to abuse our trust, maite our will our law, and cut out all the enjoj incnls of others by the rules an-i model of our own interest and policy I Are we ifi- feriors ? How prone to griidjje at others' pre-emi- nence, snd bring their actions to tlie bar of our judgment • Are we rich, and not too much exalted ? Are we poor, and not discontented? Are we not lazy in our duties, or mnke a Christ of tiiem ? Not that God hath made all tlies-e things our snares; but through our own corruption they become so to us. Ourselves are the greatest ?nare to ourselves. This is our comfort, oui" rest will free us from all these. As Satan hath no entrance there, so neither any thing to serve his maJice I but all tilings there fiJiall join with us in Ihe high praises of their great Deliverer. As we rest from the temptations, we shall likewise ffom the abuses and persecutions of the world. The prayers of the souls under the altar will then be answered, and God will avenge their blood on them that dwell on the earth. This is the time for crowning \f ith thorns ; that, for crowning with glory. Now, "all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall sutfer persecution ;" then, they that suf- fered with him shall be glorified with him. Now, y\e must I)e hated of all men for Christ's name's sake; then, Christ will bo admired in his saint'? that were thus hr.fed. We are here made a specta- cle unto the world, and to angels, and to men : as the filth of the world, and the oiTscourin^ of all things, men sepanite us from their company, and reproach us, and cast out our names as evil ; but wt- shall then be as much trazcd at for our glory, and they will be shutout of the church of the saints, and separated from us, whether they will or not. We can scarce pray in our families, or sing praises to God, but our voice is a vexation to them : how must it torment them, then, to see us praising and rejoicing, while they are howling and lameniing 1 You, bretJiren, who can now attempt no work of God without losing the love of the world, consider, you shall have none in heaven but will further your work, and join heart and voice with you in jour everlasting joy and praise. Till then possess ye your souls in patience. Hind all rei)roaches as a crown to your heads. Esteem them greater riches than the world's treasures. " It is a righteous thing with iiod to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you ; and to you, who are troubled, rest with Christ.'" We ehal! Mien rest from all our sad divisions, and 4 . ..^ ^....i.i.LEM;ii:i3 OF uiicliristian quarrels with one another. How lov- ingly «lo thousands live together in heaven, who liveil at variance upon eartii ! There is no conten- tion, because none of this pride, ignorance, or other corruption. There is no plotting to strengtlien our party, nor deep designing against our brethren. If there be sorrow or shame in heaven, we shall then be both sorry and ashamed to remember all this carriage on earth; as Joseph's brethren were to be- Jiold him, when they remembered tlw'n former un- kind usage. Is it not enough that all the world is against ns, but we must also be against one anoth- er.' O happy days of persecution, which drove us together in love, whom the sunshine of liberty and prosperity crumbles into dust by our contentions ! O happy day of the saints' rest in glory, when, as there is one God, one Christ, one Spirit, so we shall have one heart, one church, one employment for ever! We shall then rest from our participation of our brethren's sutTerings. The church on eaith is a jnere hospital ! Some groaning under a dai'k under- standing, some under an insensible heart, some languishing under unfruitful* weakness, and some bleeding for miscarriages and willfulness, some cry- ing out of their poverty, some groaning under pains and infirmities, and some bewailing a whole cata- logue of calamities. But a far greater grief it is, to see our dearest and most intimate friends turned aside from the truth of Christ, continuing their negiec'l of Christ and their souls, and nothing will awaken them out of their security : to look on an Ungodly father or mother, brother or sister, wife or husband, child or friend, and think how certainly they shall be in hell for ever, if they die in their present unregenerate state; to think of the gospei departing, the glory taken from our Israel, poor souls letl willingly dark and destitute, and blowing out the light that should guide Ihenj to salvation ! Our day of rest will free us from all this, and the days of mourning shall be ended ; then thy people, O Jjord, shall be all righteous; they shall -inherit the land for ever, the branch of thy planting, the work ofthj' hands, that thou ma^-est begloiified. Then we shall rest from all our own personal sufferings. This may seem a small thing to those that live in ease and prosperity ; but to the dally afllicted soul it makes the thoughts of heaven delightful. O the dying life we now live ! as full of sutlVrings as of days and hours ! Our Redeemer leaves this measure of misery upon us, to make us know for what w» are beholden, to mind us of what we should elsu THE SAINTS' REST. 51 forget, to be serviceable to his wise and gracious designs, and advantageous to our full and final recovery. Grief enters at every sense, seizes every part and power of flesh and spirit. What noble part is there, that sufTereth its pain or ruin alone .' But sin and flesh, dust and pain, will all be left be- hind together. O thee blessed tranquillity of that region, where there is nothing but sweet, continued peace I O healthful place, where none are sick I O fortunate land, where all are kings ! O holy assem- bly, where all are priests ! How free a state, where none are servants, but to their supreme Monarch! The poor man shall no more be tired with his la- bours : no more hunger or thirst, cold or nakedness : no pinching frosts or schorching heats. Our faces shaJl no more be pale or sad : no more breaches in fiiendship, nor parting of frienc^^ asunder: no more trouble accompanying our relations, nor voice of lamentation heard in our dwellings: God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes. O my soul, bearwith the infirmitiesoflj&ine earthly tabernacle ; it will be thus but a little while ; the "sound of thy Redeemer's feet is even at the door. — We shall also rest from all the toils of duties. The conscientious magistrate, jiarent, and minister, cries out, " O the •burden that lielh upon nte 1" Every relation, state, nee, hath variety of duties ; so that every conscien- tious Christian cries out, " O tiie burden ! O my weakness, that makes it burdensome!" But our remaining rest will ease us of the burdens. Once more we shall rest from all these troublesome afflic- tions, which necessarily accompany our absence from God. The trouble that is mixed in our desires and hopes, our longings and waitings, shall then cease. We shall no more look into our cabinet, and miss our treasure ; into our hearts, and miss our Christ : no more seek him from ordinance to ordinance ; but all be concluded in a most blessed and full en- joyment. 9. The last jewel of our crown is, that it will be an everlastbi^ rest. Without this all were compara- tively nothmg. The very thought of leaving it would imbitter all our joys. It would be a hell in heaven, to think of once losing heaven ; as it would he a kind of heaven to the damned, had they but liopes of once escaping. Mortality is the disgrace of all sublunary delighfs. How it spoils our pleas- ure to see it dying in our hands! But, O blessed eternity ! where our liveS are perplexed w ith no such thoushts, nor our joys interrupted with any such fears! where " we shall be pillars in the temple of d liaUi opened liis eyes to see the in- expressiljle vileness in sin. They are convinced of their own misery by rea- son of gin. They who before read the threats of God's law, as men do the story of foreign wars, now find it their own story, and perceive they read their own doom, as if they found their own names writ- ten in the curse, or heard the law say, as JVathan, " Thou art the -iian." The wrath of God seemed to him before but as a storm to a man in a dry house, or as the pains of the sick to the healthful stander by ; but now he finds the disease is his own, and feels himself a condemned man, that he is dead and damned in point of law, and that nothing was wanting but mere execution to make him absolutely and irrecoverably miserable. This is a work of the Spirit, wrought in some measure in all the regener- ate- flow should he come to Christ for pardon, that did not first find himself guilty, and condem- ned : or for life, that never found himself spiritu- ally dead ? " The whole need not a physician, but they that are sick." The discovery of the r£medy, as soon as the misery, nnist needs prevent a great part of the trouble. And perhaps the joyful appre- hensions of mercy may liiake the sense of misery sooner forgotten. They are also convinced of the creature's vanity and insiijfii;ie7icy. Every man is naturally an idola- ter. Our hearts turned from God in our first fall ; and, ever since, the creature hath been our god. This is the grand sin of nature. Every unregener- ate man ascribes to the creature divine prerogatives, and allows it the highest room in his soul ; or, if he is convinced of misery, he flies to it as his saviour, indeed, God and his Christ shall be called Lord and Savioifr ; but the real expectation is from the crea- ture, ana the work of God is laid upon it. Pleasure, piofit,.and honour, are the natural man's trinity ; and his carnal self is these in unity. It was our first sin to aspire to be as gods ; and it is the greatest sin that is propagated in our nature from generation to gen- eration. When God should guide us, we guide our- selves ; wlren he should be our Sovereign, we rule ourselves: the laws which he gave us we find fault with, and would correct; and, if we had the making of them, we would have made them otherwise : when he should take care of us, (and must, or we perish,) we will take care for ourselves : when we should depend on him in daily receivings, we had rather have our portion in our own hands : when we sliould submit to his providence, we usually quai - 5(j THr,, yi.AJlACTER OF THOSE rel at it, and u.i.ik we could inrike a better disposal than God iialh made. When we should study and love, trust and honour God, we study and love, trust and honour our carnal selvi-s. Instead of God, we would have all men's eyes and dependence on us, and all men's thanks returned to us, and would filad- ly be the only men on earth extolled and admired by all. Thus we aie naturally our own idols. But down falls this Dagon, when God does once renew the soul. It is the chief design of t,hat great work to bring the heart back to God liimself. He convin- reth the siiinerythat the creature can neither be his (iod, to make him happy, nor his Christ, to recover him from his misery, and restore him to God, who is his happiness. God does thisj not only by his word, but by providence also. 'Ihis is the reason why affliction so frequently concurs in the work of conversion. Arguments, which speaks to the quick, will force a hearing, when the most powerful words are slighted. If a sinner made his credit his god, and God shall cast him into the lowest disgrace ; or bring him, who idolized his riches, into a condition whereip they cannot help him, or cause them to lake wing, and tiy away ; what a help is here to this work of conviction 1 If a man made pleasure Jiis frod, whatsoever a roving eye, a curious ear, a gree- dy appetite, or a lustful heart, could desire, and God should take these from him, or turn them into gall or wormwood, what a help is here to conviction 1 When God shall cast a man into languishing sick- ness, and inflict wounds on liis heart, and stir up against him his own conscience, and then, as it were, say to him, " Try if your credit, riches, or pleasures, can help you. Can they heal your wounded con- science .' Can they now support your tottering tab- ornacle ? Can they keep your departing soul in your body ? or save you from mine everlasting #ralh .•* cr redeem your soul from eteriial flames? Cry aloud to them, and see now whether these will be .to you instead of God and Christ." O how this works now with the sinner'. Sense acknowledges the truth, and even the Hesh js convinced of the creature's vanity, and our very deceiver is undeceived. The people of God are likewise convinced of the absolute necessity, the full sujficicncy , and perfect excel- lency of Jesus Christ: as a man in famine is convin- ced of the necessity of food ; or a man that had heard or read his sentence of condemnation, of the abso- lute necessity of pardon ; or a man that lies in prison for debt is convinced of his need of a surety to dis- cli^rge it. Now the sinner feels an unsupportable harden upon him, and sees there is none but Chrisi WHO SFIALL ENJOY REST. 57 can talce it off: he perceives the law proclaims him a rebel, and none but Christ can make his peace : he is as a man pursued by a lion, that must perish if he finds not a present sanctuary : he is now brought to this dilemma; either he must have Christ, to justify liiin, or be eternally condemned ; liave Christ to save him, or burn in hell forever; have Christ to bring him to God, or be shut out of his presence everlast- ingly ! And no wonder if he cry as the martyr, "None hut Christ! none but Christ!" Not gold, but bread, will satisfy the hungry; nor any thing but pr.rdon will comfort the condemned. All things are counted but dungnoW, that he may A\ in Christ ; and wliat was gain, he counts loss for Christ. As the sinner sees his misery, and the ina- bility of himself and all things to relieve him, so he perceives there is no saving mercy out of Christ. He sees, though the creature cannot, and himself cannot, yet Christ can. Though the fig leaves of our own unrighteous righteousness are too short to cover our nakedness, yet the righteousness of Christ is large enough to ours": is disproportionate to the jus- lice of the law, but Christ's extends to every tittle. If he intercede, there is no denial ; such is the dig- nity of his person, and the value of his merits, that the Father grants all he desires. Before, the sinner knew Christ's excellency as a blind man knows the light of the sun; but now, as one that beholds its gl(H-y. 5. After this deep conviction, the will discovers also iLi change. As for instance — The sin, which the un- derstandingpronounces evil, the will turns from with abhorrence. Not that the sensitive appetite is chang- ed, or any way made to abhor its object : but when it would prevail against reason, and carry us to sin against God, instead of Scripture being the rule, and reason the master, and sense the servant, this disor- der and evil the will abhors.— The misery also which sin hath procured, is not only discerned, but bewail- ed. It is impossible that the soul should now look, either on its trespass against Gqd^r yet on its own sclf^^ procured calamity, without some contrition. He that truely discerns "that he hath killed Christ, and killed himself, will surely in some measure be prick- ed to the heart. If he cannot weep, he can heartily groan ; and his heart feeis what his understanding sees. The creature is renounced as vanity, and turned out of the heart with disdain. Not that it is undervalued, or the use of it disclaimed ; but its idol- atrous abuse, and its unjust usurpation. Can Christ be the way, where the creature is the end ? Can we seek to Christ to reconcile us to God, while in 53 THE CHARACTER OF THOSE our hearts we prefer the creature before him? In the soul of every unregenerate man, the creature ia both-Gotl and Christ. As turning from tiie creature to God, and not by Christ, is no true turning ; so be- lieving in Christ, while the creature liath our hearts, is no true believing. Our aversion from sin, renoun- cing our idols, and our right receiving Christ, is all but one work, which God ever perfects where he begins. At the same time, the will cleaves to God the Father, and to Christ. Having been convinced that nothing else can be his happiness, the sinner now finds it is in God. Convinced also, that Christ alone is able arid willing to make peace for him, he most afiectionately accepts of Christ for Saviour and Lord. Paul's preaching was " repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Chrisi." And life eternal consists, first in " knowing the only true God ; and then Jesus Christ, whom he hath sent." To take the Lord for our God is the natural part of the covenant ; the supernatural part is, to take Christ for our Redeemer. The former is first necessary, and implied in the latter. To accept Christ without affection and love, is not justifying faith : nor does love follow as a ftuit, but immediately concurs ; for faith is the receiving of Christ with the whole soul. " He that loveth father or mother more than Christ, is not worthy of him," nor is justified by him. Faith accepts him for Saviour and Lord: for in both rela- tions will he be received, or not at all. Faith not only acknowledges his sufferings, and accepts of pardon and glory, but acknowledges his sovereign- ty, and submits to his government and way of salva- tion. 6. As an essential part of the character of God's people, they now enter into a cordial covenant with Christ. '1 he sinner was never strictly, nor comfort- ably, in covenant with Christ till now. He is sure, by the free offers, that Christ consents ; and now he cordially consents himself; and so the agreement is fully made. — With this covenant Christ delivers up himself in all confortable relations to the sinner; and the sinner delivers up himself to be saved, and ruled by Christ. Now the soul resolutely concludes, "1 have been blindly led by tiesh and lust, by the world and the devil, too long, almost to my utter destruction ; I will now be wholly at the disposal of my Lord, who halh bought me with his blood, and will bring me to his glory." 7. I add, that the people of God persevere in tkig covenant to the end. Though the believer may be tempted, yet he never disclaims his Lord, renounces his allegiance, nor repents of his covenant ; nor can WHO SHALL ENJOY REST. 59 he properly be said to break that covenant while that faith continues which is the condition of it. In- deed, those that have verbally covenanted, and not cordially, may " tread under foot the blood of the cov- enant, as an unholy thing wherewith they were sanc- tified," by separation from those without the church ; but the elect cannot be so deceived. Though this perseverance be certain to true believers, yet it is made a condition of their salvation ; yea, of their con- tinued life and fruiifulness, and of the continuance of their justification, though not of their first justifi- cation itself. But eternally blessed be that hand of love, which hath drawn the free promise, and sub- scribed and sealed to that which ascertains us, both of the grace which is the condition, and the kingdom which on that condition is offered ! Such are the essentials of this people of God. Not a full portraiture of them in all their excellen- cies, nor all the notes whereby they may be discern- ed. I beseech thee, reader, as thou hast the hope of a Christian, or the reason of a man, judge thyself, as one that must shortly be judged by a righteous God, and faithfully answer these questions. I will not inquire whetiier you remember the time or the order of tliese workings of the Spirit ; there may be much uncertainty and mistake in that. If you are sure they are wrought in you, the matter is not so great, though you know not when or how you came by them. But carefully examine and inquire, Hast thou been thoroughly convinced of a prevailing depravation through thy whole soul .' end a prevail- ing wickedness through thy whole life ? and how vile sin is .'' and that, by the covenant thou hast transgressed, the least sin deserves eternal death ? Dost thou consent to the law, that it is true and righteous, and perceive thyself sentenced to this death by it.' Hast thou seen the utter insufficiency of every creature, either to be itself thy happiness, or the means of removing this thy misery ? Hast thou been convinced, that thy happiness is only in God, as the end ;.and in Christ, as the way to him ; and that thou must be brought to God through Christ, or perish eternally .' Hast thou seen an ab- solute necessity of thy enjoying Christ, and the full sufficiency in him^ do for thee whatsoever thy case requires? Hast thou discovered the excellency of this pearl to be worth thy "selling all to buy itr" Have thy convictions been like those of a man that thirsts ; and not merely a change in opinion, pro- duced by reading or education .' Have both thy sin and misery been the abhorrence and burden of thy soul f If tliou couldst not weep, yet couldst thou GO THE CHARACTER OF THOSE heartily groan under the insupportable weight of both ? Hast thou renounced all thy own righteous- ness ? Hast thou turned liiy idols out of thy heart, so that the creature hath no more the sovereignty, hut is now.a servant to God and Christ? Dost thou accept of Christ as thy only Saviour, and expect thy justification, recovery, and glory, from him alone? Are his laws the most powerful commanders of thy life and soul? Do they ordinarily prevail against the commands of the flesh, and against the greatest interest of thy credit, profit, pleasure, or lif#? Has Christ the highest room in thy heart and aft'eclions, so that, though thou canst not love him as thou wouldst, yet nothing else is loved so much? Hast thou to this end made a hearty covenant with him, and delivered up thyself to him? Is il thy utmost care and watchful endeavour, that thou mayst be found faithful in this covenant ; and though thou fall into sin, yet wonldst not renounce thy bargain, nor change thy Lord, nor give up thyself to any other government, for all the world ? If this be tru- ly the case, thou art one of the people of God in my text; and as sure as the promise of God is true, this blessed rest remains for thee. Only see thou "abide in Christ," and "endure to the end ;" for "if any man draw back, his soul shall liave no pleasure in him." But if no such work be found within thee; whatever thy deceived heart may think, or how strong soever thy false hopes may be ; thou wilt find to thy cost, except thorough conversion pre- vent it, that tl'e rest of the saints belongs not to thee. "Othat thou wert wise, that thou wouldst under- stand this, that thou wouldst consider thy latter end '." that yet, while thy soul is in thy body, and "a price in thy hand," and opportunity and hope before thee, thine ears may be open, and thy heart yield to the persuasions of God, that so thou might- est rest among his people, and enjoy " the inherit- ance of the saints in light !" That this rest shall be enjoyed hij the people of God, is a truth which the Scripture, if its testimony be further needed, clearly asserts in a variety or ways ; as, for instance, that they are " foreordained to it, and it for them. God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he hath prepared for them a city." They are styled " vessels of mercy, afore prepared unto glory." " In Christ they have obtained an in- heritance, being predestinated according to the pur- pose of him who worketh all things after the coun- sel of his own will." And " whom he did predesti- nate, them he also glorified." Who can bereave his people of that rest which is designed for them WHO SHALL ENJOY REST. CI by God'g eternal purpose ? Scripture tells us, they are " redeemed to this rest. By the blood of Jesus we have boldness to enter into the holiest ;" whether that entrance means hy faith and prayer here, or by full possession hereafter. Therefore the saints in heaven sing a new song unto him who has " re- deemed them to God by his blood, out of every kin- dred, and tongue, and people, and nation, and made them kings and priests unto God." Either Christ, then, must lose his blood and sufferings, and never "see of the travail of his soul," or else " there re- maineth a rest to the people of God." In Scripture this rest is promised to them. As the firmament with stars, .so are the sacred pages bespangled with these divine engagements. Christ says, " Fear not, little flock, for it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kioL'dom." "I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; that ye may eat and drink at my table in my king- dom." All the means of grace, the operations of the Spirit upon the soul, and gracious actings of the saints, every command to repent and believe, to fast and pray, to knock and seek, to strive and labour, to run and tight, prove that there remains a rest for the people of God. The spirit would never kindle in us such strong desires after heaven, such love to Jesus Christ, if we should not receive what we de- sire and love. He that "guides our feet into th^ way of peace" will undoubtedly bring us to the end of peace. How nearly are the means and end con- joined ! " The kingdom of heaven sutl'ereth vio- lence, and the violent take it by force." They that " follow Christ in the regeneration shall sit upon thrones of glory." Scripture assures us, that the saints have the beginnings, foretastes, earnests, and seals" of this rest here. "The kingdom of God is within them." Ihough they have not seen Christ, yet, loving him, and believing in him, they rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory; re- ceiving the end of their faith, even the salvation 'of their souls." They " rejoice in hope of the glory of God." And does God "seal them with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of their in- heritance," and will he deny the full possession? The scripture also mentions, by ilame, those whd have entered into this rest ; as Knoch, Abraham, Lazarus, the thief that was crucified with Christ, &c.. And if there be a rest for these, surely there is a rest for all believers. But it is vain to heap up Scriptuie-proofs, seeing it is the very end of Scrip- ture, to be a guide to lead us to this blessed state, and to be the charier and grant by which we hold all our title to it. 62 THE CHARACTER OP THOSE Scripture not only proves that this rest remains for the people of God, but also that it remains for none hut them, so that the rest of the world shall have no pait in it. " Without holiness no man shall see the Lord. Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. He that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. No whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolator, hath any inher- itance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. They all shall be damned, who believe not the truth, but have pleasure in unrightu- ousness. '1 he Lord Jesus shall come, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall be punished with everlasting de- struction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." Had the ungodly returned before their life was expired, and been heartily will- ing to accept of Christ for their Saviour and their King, and to be saved by him in his way, and upon liis most reasonable terms, they might have been saved. God freely oftered them life, and they would not accept it. The pleasures of the flesh seemed more desirable to them than the glory of the saints. Satan oftered them the one, and God offered them the other ; and they had free liberty to choose which they would, and they chose, " the pleasures of sin for a season," before the everlasting rest with Christ. And is it not a righteous thing that they should be denied that which they would not accept? When God pressed them so earnestly, and persuaded them so importunately, to come in, and yet they would not, where should they be but among the dogs with- out ? Though man be so wicked, that he will not yield till the mighty power of grace prevail with him, ytt still we may truly say, that he may be saved, if he will, on God's terms. His inability be- ing moral, and lying in wilful wickedness, is no more excuse to him, than it is to an adulterer that he can- not love his own u iffe, or to a malicious person that he cannot but hate his own brother: is he not so much tht; worse, and deserving of so much the sorer punishment.' Sinners shall lay all the blame on their own wills in hell for ever. Hell is a rational torment by conscience, according to the nature of the rational subject. If sinners could but then say, It was long of God, and not of us, it would quiet their consciences, and ease theirtormenls, and make hell to them to be no hell. But to remen)ber their wilfulness, will feed the fire, and cause the worm of conscience "never to die." WfiO S«ALL tJNJOY REST. 63 It is tlie will of God that this rest should yet re- main for his people, and not be enjoyed till they come to another world. Who should dispose of the crea- tures, but he that made them ? You may as well ask, why have we not sprin^r and harvest, without winter? or, why is the earth l)elow,and the heavens above r as, why we have not rest on earth ? All tliinas must come to their perfection by degrees. Tlie^slrongest man must first be a child. The greal- e^x. scholar must first begin with the alphabet. The tallest oak was once an acorn. This life is our in- fancy ; and would we be perfect in the womb, or horn at full stature .'' — If our rest was here, most of God's providences must be useless. Should God lose tiie elory of his church's miraculous deliver- ances, and the fall of his enemies, that men may have their happiness here r If we were all happy, innocent and perfect, what use was there for the glorious works of our sanctification,justification,and future salvation .''—If we wanted nothing, we should not depend on God so closely, nor call upon him so earnestly. How little should he hear from us, if we had what we would have ! God would never have had such songs of praise from Moses at the Red Sea, and in the wilderness from Deborah and Han- nah, from David and Hezekiah, if they had been the choosers of their condition. Have not thy own highest praises to God, reader, been occasioned by thy dangers or miseries? The greatest glory and praise God has througli the world, is for redemption, reconciliation, and salvation by Christ ; and was not man's misery the occasion of tliat ? — And where God loses the opportunity of exercising his mercies, man must needs lose the happiness of enjoying them. Where God loses his praise, man will cer- tainly lose his comforts. O the sweet comforts the saints have had in return to their prayers ! How should we know what a tender-hearted Father we have, if we had not, as the prodigal, been denied the husks of earthly pleasure and profit? We should never have felt Christ's tender heart, if we had not felt ourselves " weary and heavy laden, hungry and thirsty, poor and contrite." It is a delight to a sol- dier, or traveller, to look back on his escapes when they are over ; and for a saint in heaven to look back on his sins and sorrows upon earth, his fears and tears, his enemies, and dangers, his wants and calamities, must make his joy more joyful. There- fore the blessed, in praising the Lamb, mentioned his "redeeming them out of every nation, and kin- dred, and tongue ;" and so, out of iheir misery, and wants, and sins, " and making them kings and G4 THE CHARACTER OP THOSE priests to God." But if they had had nothing but content and rest on eartli, what room would there have been for these rejoicings hereafter? Besides, we arc not capable of rest tipon earth.'— Can a soul that is so weak in grace, so prone to sin, so nearly joined to such a neighbour as this flesh, have full content and rest in such a case ? What is soul-rest, but our freedom from sin, and imper- fections, and enemies? And can the soul have rest that is molested with all these, and that continually ? Why do Christians sooften cry out, in the language of Paul, "O wretched man that 1 am! who shall deliver me?" What makes them "press towards the mark, and run that they n>ay obtain, and strive to enter in," if they are capable of rest in their pre- sent condition? — And our bodies are incapable as well as our souls. They are not now those sunlike bodies which they shall be when this " corruptible hath put on incorrupti()n,and this mortal hath put on immortality." They are our prisons and our burdens ; so full of infirmities and defects, that we are fain to .-pend most of our time in repairing them, and supplying their continual wants, ts it possible that an immortal soul should have rest in such a dis- tempered habitation? Surely these sickly, weary, loathsome bodies, must be refined, before they can be capable of enjoying rest. The objects we here enjoy are insnfiicient to aflx)rd us rest. Alas ! what is tliere in all the world to give us rest? They that have most of it have the greatest burden. They that set most by it, and rejoice most in it, do all cry out at last of its vanity and vexation. Men promise themselves a heaven upon earth ; but when they come to enjoy it, it flies from them. He that has any regard to the works of the Lord, may easily see, that the very end of them is to take down our idols, to make us weary of the world, and seek our rest in him. Where does he cross us most, but where we promis(! ourselves most content? If you have a child you dote upon, it becomes your sorrow. If you have a friend you trust in, and.jiidge un- changeable, he becomes your scourge. Is this a place or state of rest? And as the objects we here enjoy are insufliciont for our rest, so God, who is suflicient, is here little enjoyed. It is not here that he hath prepared the presence chamber of his glory. He hath drawn the curtain between us and him. We are far from him as creatures, and farther as frail mortals, and farthest as sinners. We hear now and then a word of comfort from him, and receive his love tokens to keep up our hearts and hopes; but this is not our full enjoyment. And can any WHO SHALL EXJOY REST. CG soul, that Iiatli made Goil his porlion, as every one hatli that sliall lie saved hy him, find rest in so vast a distance frmn him, and so seldom and small en- joyment of him ? Nor are ue now capable of rest, as Uiere is a vorthiness must po hefore it. Christ will give the crown to;ione I)iii the worthy. And are we tit for the crown, before we have overcome ? or for the prize, before we have run the race? or to receive our penny, before we have wrought in the vine- yard ? or to be rulers of ten cities before we have improved our ten talents: or to enter into the joy of our Lord before we have well done, as good and faithful servants? CJod will not alter the course ot justice, to give you rest before you have laboured, nor the crown of jilory till you have overcome. There is reason enouj^li why our rest should remain till the life to come. Take heed, then, Christian reader, how thou darest to contrive and care for a rest on earth ; or to miirmur at God fur thy trouble, and toil, and wants in the flesh. Doth thy poverty weary Ihee ? thy sickness, thy bitter enemies, and unkind friends ? It should be so here. Do the abominations of the tinres, the sins of professors, the hardening of the ^^icked, all weary thee ? It must be so while thou art absent from thy rest. Do thy sins, and thy nauehty, distempered heart weary thee ? Be thus wearied more and more. But, under all this weariness, art thou willinjj to go to God thy rest ? and to have thy warfare accomplished ? and thy race and labour ended ? If not, con)plain more of thy own heart, and get it more weary, till rest seem more desirable. I have but one thing more to atld, for the close of this chapter,— that the souls of believers do en- joy inconceivable blesssedness and jilory, even rchile they remain separated from their- bodies. What cait be more plain than those words of Paul, — " We an- always confident, knowing that whilst we are at home," or rather sojourning, " in the body, we are absent from the Lord ; fur we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body,,and to be present with the Lord."— Or those, " I an* in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better."— If Paul had not expected fe honoured or favoured more than theirs. What a number of the great, noble, and learned, will be shut out from the presence of Christ ! They shall not find their magnilicent buildings, soft beds, and easy couches. They shall not view their»*urious gardens, their pleasant meadows, and plenteous harvests. Their tables will not be so furnis-hed, nor attended. The rich man is there no more " clothed in purple and fine linen, nor faretli sumptuously every day." There is no expecting the admiration of beholders. They shall spend their time in sadness, and not in sports and pastimes. What an alteration will they then find ! '1 he heat of their lust will be then abated. How will it even cut them to the heart, to look each other in the face ! What an interview will there then be, cursing the day that ever th«>y saw one another! O that sinners would now re- member and say, " Will these delights accompany us into the other world ? Will not the retnembrance of them be then our torment? Shall we theti take this partnership in vice for true friendship? Why should we sell such lasting, incomprehensible joys for a taste of sSeming pleasure ? Come, as we have •inned together, let us pray together, that God 84 THE MISERY OF LOSING would pardon us ; and let us help one another to-' wards heaven, instead of helping to deceive and destro}' each other. O that men knew but what they desire, wlien they would so tain have all thincs suited to the desires of the flesh! it is hut' to desire their temptations to be increased and their snares strengthened. Secondlij. As the loss of the saints' rest will be aggravated by losing the enjoyments of time, it will be much more so by suffering the torments of hell. The exceeding greatness of such torments may appear by considering, — the principal Author of them, who is God himself— the place or state of torment — that these torments are the fruit of divine vengeance— that the Almighty takes pleas- ure in them — tiiat Satan and sinners themselves shall be God's executioners — that these torments shall be universal,— without mitigation,— and with- out end. 1. The principal .Author of hell-torments is God himself. As it was no less than God whom the sinners had offended, so it is no less than God who will punish them for their oflences. He hath pre- pared those torments for his enemies. His contin- ued anger will still be devouring them. His breath of indignation will kindle the flames. His wrath will be an intolerable burden to their souls. If it were but a creature they had to do with, they miglit better bear it. Woe to him that falls under the strokes of the Almighty! "H is a fearful thing to fall into the handsof the living God." it were nothing in comparison to this, if all the world were against them, or if the strength of all creatures were united in one to inflict their penalty. They had now rather venture to displease God than displease a landlord, a customer, a master, a friend, a neigh- bour, or our own flesh ; but then they will wish a thousand times, in vain, that they had been hated of all the world, rather than have lost the favour of God. What a consuming fire is his wrath! If it be kindled here but a little, how do we "wither like the grass!" How soon doth our strength decay, and turn to weakness, and our beauty to deformity I The flames do not so easily run through the dry stubble, as the wrath of God will consume thesa wretches. They that could not bear a prison, or a gibbet, or a fire, for Christ, nor scarce a few scoffs, how will they now bear the devouring flames of divine wrath.' a. The place or state of torment is purposely or- dained to glorify the justice of God.- When God would glorify hie power, be uiude the worlds, 'i )i« THE SAINTS' REST 85 comely order of all his creatures declareth his wis- tloin. His providence is shown in sustaining all things. When a spark of his wrath kindles upon the earth, the whole world, except only eight per- sons, are drowned ; Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim, are burnt with fire from heaven ; the sea shuts her mouth upon some, the earth opens, and Bwallows up others ; the pestilence destroys by tijousands. What a standing witness of the wrath of God is the present deplorable state of the Jews ! Yet the glorifying the mercy and justice of God is intended most eminently for the life to come. As God will then glorify his mercy in a way that is now beyond the comprehension of the saints that must enjoy it ; so also will he manifest his justice to be indeed the justice of God. The everlasting flames of hell will not be thought too hot for the re- bellious ; and, when they have there burned through millions of ages, he will not repent him of the evil which has befallen them. ^Vo to the soul that is thus set up as a butt for the wrath of the Al- mighty to shoot at I and as a bush that must burn in the flames of his jealousy, and never be con- sumed ! 3. The torments of the damned must be extreme, because they are the effect of dic'uie vengeance. — Wrath is terrible, but revenue is implacable. When the great God shall say, "My rebellious creatures shall now pay for ail the abuse of my patience ; remember how I waited your leisure in vain, how I stooped to persuade and entreat you ; did you think I would always be so slighted .'"—then will he be revenged for every abused mercy, and for all their neglects of Christ and grace. O that men would foresee this, and please God better in pre- venting their wo ! 4. Consider also, that, though God had rather men would accept of Christ and mercy, yet, when they persist in rebellion, he will take plea^nre in their ex- ecution. He tells us, " fury is not in nie ;" yet he adds, " who would set the briers and thorns against; me in battle ; I would go through them, I would burn them together." \Vretched creatures I when " he that made them will not have mercy upon them, and he that formed them will show ihem no favour. As the Lord rejoiced over them to do them pood ; so the Lord will rejoice over them to destroy them, and to bring them to nought." Wo to the souls whom God rejoiceth to punish I " He will langh at their calamity, he will mock when their fear cometh ; when their fear cometh as delsolation, and their destruction cometh as a whirlwind ; when 86 THE MISERY OF LOSING distress anrl anguish cometh upon them." Terrible thing, wlien none in heaven or earth can help thein but God, and he shall rejoice in their calamity ! Tho'i|;h Scripture speaks of God's laughing and mocking, not literally, but after the manner of men ; yet it is such an act of God in tormenting the sin- ner, which cannot otherwise be be more fitly ex- pressed. 5. Consider that Satan and themselves shall be God''ii executioners. He that was here so su(icessfui in drawing them from Christ, will then be the in- strument of their punishment, for yielding to his temptations. That is the reward he will give them for all their service; for their rejecting the com- mands of God, forsaking Christ, and neglecting their souls at his persuasion. If they had served Christ as faithfully as they did Satan, he would have given them a belter reward. It is also most just, that they should be their own tormentors ; that they may see their whole destruction is of themselves ; and then whom can they complain of but themselves.' 6. Consider also that their torment will be uni- versal. As all parts have joined in sin, so must they all partake in the torment. 'J he soul, -as it was the chief in sinning, shall be the chief in suffering ; and as it is of a more excellent nature than the body, so will its torments far exceed bodily torments ; and as its joys far surpass all sensual pleasures, so the pains of the soul exceed corporeal pains. — It is not only a soul, but a sinful soul, that must suffer. Fire wiil not burn, except the fuel be combustible ; but if the wood be dry, how fiercely will it burn I The guilt of their sins will be to the damned souls like tinder to gunpowder, tojnake the flames of hell take hold upon them with 'fury. — The body must also bear its part. That body, which was so carefully looked to, so tenderly cherished, so curiously dressed, what must it now endure I How are its haughty looks now taken down ! How little will those flames re- gard its comeliness and beauty ! Those eyes, which were wcmt to be delighted with curious sights, must then sec nothing but what shall terrify them! an angry God above them, with those saints whom they scorned, enjoying the glory which they have lost ; and about them will be only devils and damned souls. How will they look back and say, " Are all our feasts and games, and revels, come to this I" Those ears, which were accustomed to musi6 and songs, shall hear the shrieks and cries of their damned companions ; children crying out against their parents, that gave them encouragement and example in evil 3 husbands and wives, musters and THE SAINTS' REST. 67 servants, ministers and people, magistrates and siil)- jecls, cliari,'inj; their misery upon one another, for discouraging in duty, conniving at sin, and being silent, when they should have plainly foretold the danger. J hus will soul and body be companions in wo. 7. Far greater will these torments be, because tcithout mlt'ojution. In this life, w hen told of hell, or ifconscience troubled their peace, they had com- forts at hand ; their carnal friends, their business, their comp.iny, their mirth. They could drink, play, or sleep away their sorrows. But now all these remedies are vanished. Their hard, presumptuous, unbelieving heart w as a wall to defend them against trouble of mind. Satan was hini«elf their comforter, as he was to our first mother: " Hath God said. Ye shall not eat.' ye shall not surely die. Doth Cod tell you that you shall lie in hell .' it is no such mat- ter; God is more merciful. Or, if there be a hell, what need you fear it.' Are not you Christians? Was not the"bIood of Christ shed for you .?" Thus, as the Spirit of Christ is the comforter of the saints, so Satan is the comforter of the wicked. Never was a thief more careful lest he should awake tlie peo- ple, when he is robbing the house, tiian Satan is not to awaken a sinner. When the sinner is dead, then Satan hath dune flattering and comforting. Which way, then, will the forlorn sinner look fur comfort.' They that drew him into the snare, and promised hiui safety, now forsake him, and are for- saken themselves. His comforts arc. gone, and the righteous God, whose forewarnings he made light of, fiill now make good his word against hiiu to the least tittle. 8. But the greatest agcravation of these torments will be their cternltij. When a thousand millions of ages are past, they are as fresh to begin as the first day. If there were any hope of an end, it would ease the dan^.ned to foresee it ; but for eccr is an intolerable thought. They were never weary of sin- ning, nor will God be weary of punishing. 'Ihey never heartily repented of sin, nor will God repent of their suffering. They broke the laws of the eter- nal God, and therefore shall suffer eternal punish- ment. They knew it was an everlasting kingdom which they refused, and what wonder if they are everlastingly shut out of it .' Their immortal souls were guilty ot the trespass, and therefore must im- mortally suffer the pains. What happy men would they think themselves, if they might have lain still in their graves, or misht but there lie down again ! How will they call and cry, " O death, wliilher art 83 .THE MISERY OF LOSING tlioii now £;one! Now come and cut-off this dole- ful life. O that these pains would hreak my heart, and end my being! O that I might once at last die! () lliat 1 had never had a hoing!" These groans will the thoughts of eternity wring from their hearts. They "were wont to think sermons ai>d prayers long; how long then will they think these endless torments ? What difference is there betwixt the length of their pleasures and their pains ! The one continued but a moment, the other endureth through all eternity. Sinner, remember how time is almost gone. Tiiou art standing at tlie door of eternity ; and death is waiting to open the door, and put thee in. Go, sleep out a few more nights, and stir about a few more days on earth, and then thy nights and days shall end : thy thoutrhts, and ca.es, and pleasures, shall all be devoured by eter- nity; thou must enter upon the state which shall never be changed. As the joys of heaven are be- yond our conception, so are the pains of hell. Ev- erlasting tornieiit is inconceivable torment. But methinks I see the, obstinate sinner desperate- ly resolving, " If I must be damned, there is no rem- edy. Rather tlian I will live as the Scripture re- quires, I will put a to the venture ; I shall escape as well as the rest of my neighbours, and we will even hear it as well as we can." Alas ! poor creature, let me beg this of thee, before thou dost .so flatly re- .«()lve, that thou wouldst lend me thy attention to a few questions, and weigh them with the reason of a man. — Who art thou, that thou shouldst bear the wrath of God ? What is thy strength .' Is it not as the strength of wax, or stubble, to resist the fire ; or chaff to the wind ; or as dust before the fierce whirl- wind ? If thy strength were as iron, and thy bones us brass ; if thy foundation were as the earth, and Jhy power as the heavens, yet shouldst thou perish at the breath of his indignation. How much more, when thf>u art but a piece of breathing clay, kept a few days from being eaten witli worms, by the mere support and favour of him whom th(»u art thus re- sisting! — Why dost thou tremble at tiie signs of almighty power and wrath? at claps of thunder, or flashes of lightning: or that unseen power which rends in pieces the mighty oaks, and tears down the strongest buildings; or at the plague, when it rageth around thee ? If thou hadst seen the plagues of Egypt, or the earth swallow up Dathan and Abi- ram, or Elijah bring fire from heaven to destroy the captains and their companies, would not any of these sights have daunted thy spirit .•" How then taust thou bear the plagues of hell ?— Why art thou THE SAINTS' REST. 69 (llamayed with such small sufferings as befall lliee licre ?"a toolhnclie, a fit of the pout, or stone, the loss of a linih, or frtllins; into l)e<.'L'ary and disgrace? And yet all these laid together will be one day ac- counted a happy state, in comparison of that which is suffered in hell. — Why does the approach of death so much afTrif-'ht thee? 6 how cold it strikes to thy Jiearl ! And would not the firave he accounted a paradise, compared with thai plac5 of torment which thou slightest .'—Is it an intolerable thing to burn part of thy body, by holding it in the fire? What, then, will it be to suffer ten thousand times more for ever in hell ? — Tlia thought or mention of hell oc- casions disquiet in* thy sjjirit ; and canst thou en- dure the torments themselves? — Why doth the rich man complain to Abraham of his torments in hell? or thy dying companions lose their courage, and change their haughty language? — Why cannot these make as light of hell as thyself?— Didst thou never see or speak with a man under despair? How un- comfortable was his talk ! how burdensome his life I Nothing he possessed did him good: he had no sweetness in meat or drink ; the sight of friends troubled him i lie was weary of life, and fearful of death. If the misery of the damned can be en- dured, why cannot a man more easily endure these foretastes of hell ? What if thou sliouldst see the devil appear to thee in some terrible shape ? Would not thy heart fail thee, and thy hair stand on an end? And how wilt thou endure to live forever, where thou slialt have no other company but devils, H!(d the damned, and shalt not only see them, but be tormented with them and by them? Let me once more ask, if the wrath of God be so light, why did the Son of God himself make so great a matter of it ? It made him " sw eat, as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground." The Lord of life cried, " JMy soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death." And on the cross, " My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ?" Surely if any one could have borne these sutTerings easily, it would have been Jesus Christ. He had another measure of strength to bear it than thou hast. Wo to thee, sinner, for thy mad security! Dost thou think to find that tolerable to thee, which was so heavy to Christ? Nay, the Son of God is cast into a bitter agony, and bloody sweat, only under the curse of the law ; and yet thou, feeble, foolish creature, inakest nothing to bear also the curse of the Gospel, which requires a much sorer punishment. The good Lord bring thee to thy right mind by repentance, lest thou buy thy wit at too dear a rate : 90 THE MISERY OF LOSING And now, reader, I demand tli.v resolution,— What use wilt tlion make of all tliis? Shall it be lost to thee? or wilt thou consider it in good earnest? Thou hast castaway many a warning of God ; wilt thou do so by this also? Take heed ; God will not always stand warning and threatening. The hand of revenge is lifted up, the blow is coming, and wo to him on whom it lighteth ! Dost thou throw away the book, and say, it gpeaks of nothing but hell and damnation ? Thus thou usest also to complain of the preacher. But wouldst thou net have us tell thee of these things? Should we be guilty of the blood of thy soul, by keeping silent that which God hath charged us to make known? VVouldst thou jierish in ease and silence, and h.tve us to perish with thee, rather tl)an displease thee, by speaking the truth ? If thou wilt be guilty of such inhuman cruelty, God forbid we should be guilty of such sot- tish folly ! This kind of preaching or writing is the ready way to be hated ; and the desire of applause is so natural, that few delight in such a displeasing way. But consider, are these things true, or are they not? If tiiey were not true, 1 would heartily join with thee against any that fright people with- out a cause. But if these threatenings be the word of God, what a wretch art thou, that wilt not hear it, and consider it! If thou art one of the people of God, tills doctrine will be a comfort to thee, and not a terror. If thou art yet unregenerale, methinks tliou shouldst be as fearful to hear of heaven as of hell, except the bare name of heaven or salvation be sufficient. Treaching heaven and mercy to thee is entreating thee to seek them, and not reject them ; and preaching hell is but to persuade thee to avoid it. If thou were quite past hope of escaping it, then it were in vain to tell thee of hell ; but as long as tJiou art alive, there is hope of thy recovery, and therefore all means must be used to awake thee from thy lethargy. Alas! what heart can now possibly conceive, or what tongue express, tiie pains of those souls, thai are under the wrath of God ! Then, sin- ners, you will be crying to Jesus Christ, " O mer- cy ! O pity, pity on a poor soul !" Why, I do now, in the name of the Lord Jesus, cry to thee, " O have mercy, have pity, nian, upon thy own soul !" Shall God pity thee, who will not be entreated to pity thyself? If thy horse see but a pit before him, thou canst scarely force him in ; and wilt thou so obsti- nately cast thyself into hell, when the danger is foretold thee? " Who can stand before the indig- nation of the Lord? and who can abide the fierce*, ness of his anger?" Methinks thou shouldst need THE SAINTS' REST. 9i no more words, but presently cast away tliy soul- damning sins, and wholly deliver up thyself to Christ. Resolve on it immedi.itely, and let it be done, that I may see thy fiice in the rest among the saints. May the Lord persuade thy heart to strike this covenant without any longer delay I But if thou be hardened unfo death, and there be no reme dy, yet say not another day but that thou wast faith- fully warned, and hadst a friend, that would fain have prevented tlfy damnation. CHAPTER VII. The J^eccssitij of diligently seeking the Saints' Rest. ] . The saints'' rest surprisingly neglected. The author mourns the neglect, and excites the reader to diligence, by considering, 1 . llie ends ice aim at, the work we have to do, the shortness and uncertainty of our time, and tlie diligence of our enemies ; 2. Our talents, mercies, relations to God, and our afflictions ; 3. H^/iat assist- ances tee have, icliat principles toe profess, and our certainty never to do enough ; 4. That every grace tends to diligence, and to trifle is lost labour : that much time is misspent, and that our recompence and la- bour icill be proportionable ; 5. That striving is the di- vine appointment, all men do or will approve it, the best Christians at death lament their want of it, heaven is often lust for want of it, but never obtained without it : 6. Ood, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, are in earnest ; Oud is so in hearing arid ansicering prayer ; ministers in their instructions and exhortations ; all the crea- tures in serving us ; sinners in serving the devil, as we were once, and now are, in worldly things, and in hea- ven and hell all are in earnest. 1. If there be so certain and glorious a rest for the saints, why is there no more industrious seeking after it? One would think, if a man did but once hear of sach unspeakable glory to be obtained, and believed what he heard to be true, he should be transported with the vehemency of his desire after it, and should almost forget to eat and drink, and should care for nothing else, and to speak of and in- quire after nothing else, but how to get this treasure. And yet people who hear of it daily, and profess to believe it as fundamental article of their faith, do ts little mind it, or labour for it, as if they had never heard of any such thing, or did not believe one word 96 THE NECESSITY OF SEEKING they liear. This reproof is more particularly sippli cable to the worldly minded ; tlie profane mull: tude ; the forinal professors j and even to the godly themselves. The icorldly- minded are so taken up in seeking the things helow, that they liave neither heart nor time to seek this rest. O foolish sinners, who hatii bewitched you .-' The world bewitches men into brute heasts, and draws them some decrees beyond madness. See what riding and rurmino;, what scrambling and catching for a thing of nought, while eternal rest lies neglected. What contriving and earing to get a step higlier in the world than their brethren, while they neglect the kingly dignity of the saints! What insatiable pursuit of fleshly plea- sures, while they look on the praises of God, the joy of angels, as a tiresome burden ! What un- wearied diligence in raising their posterity, enlarging their possessions, (perhaps for a poor living from hand to mouth,) while judgment is drawing near I but how it shall go with them then, never puts them to one hour's consideration ! What rising early, and sitting up late, and labouring from year to year, to maintain themselves and children in credit till they die ! but what shall follow after, they never think on ! Yet these men cry, " May we not be saved without so much ado.'" How early do they rouse up their servants to their labour! but how seldom do they call them to prayer, or reading the Scriptures ! What hath this world done for its lovers and friends, that it is so eagerly followed, and painfully soughtafter, while Christ and heaven stand by, and few regard them? or what will the world do for them for the time to come.' The common entrance into it is through anguish and sorrow. The passage through it is with continual care and labour. The passage out of it is the sharpest of all. O unreasonable, bewitched men ! Will mirth and pleasure stick close to you ! Will gold and worldly glory prove fast friends to you in the time of your greatest need .' Will they hear your cries in the day of your calamity.' At the hour of your death, will they either answer or relieve you ? Will they go along with you to the other world, and bribe the Judge, and bring you off clear, or purchase you a place among the blessed .' Wliy then did the rich man want "a drop of water to cool his tongue.'" Or are the sweet morsels of present delight and honour of more wjorth than eternal rest .' And will they recompense the loss of that enduring treasure ? Can there be the least hope of any of these .' Ah, vile, deceitful world I how oft have we heard thy THE SAINTS' REST. 95 most faitliful servants at last complaining, "O thee world hath deceived me, and undone me I It flat- tered me in my prosperity, but now it turns me off in my necessity. If I had as faithfully served Christ, as 1 have served it, he would not have left me thua comfortless and hopeless." Thus they complain ; and yet succeedini; sinners will take no warning. As for the prufane multitude, they will not be per- su:. led to be at so much pains for salvation, as to perform the common ouivvard duties of religion. If tiiey iiave the gospel preached in the town where they dwell, it may be they will give the liearing to it one part of the day, and stay at home the other: or if the master come to the congregation, yet part of his family must stay at home. If they want the plain and powerful preaching of the gospel, how few are there in a whole town, who will travel a mile or two to hear abroad ; though they will ^ many miles to the market for provisions for their bodies I They know the Scripture is the law of God, by whicli they must be acquitted or condemned in judgment ; and that " the man is blessed who de- lights in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth meditate day and night;" yet will they not beat pains to read a chapter once a day. If they carry a Bible to church, and neglect it all the week, this is the most use they make of it. Though they are commanded to pray without ceasing, and to pray ahvays, yet they will neitiier pray constantly in their families, nor in secret. Though Daniel would rather be cast to the lions, than forbear praying three times a day in his house, where his enemies miuht hear him, yei these men will rather venture to be an eternal prey to Satan, the roaring lion, than thus seek their own safoty. Or their cold and hearties prayers invito God to a denial : for among men it is taken for granted, that he who asks but slightly and seldom, cares not much for what he asks. They judge themselves unworthy of heaven, who think it is not worth tJieir more constant and earnest re- quests. If every door was marked, where families do not, morning and evening, earnestly seek the Lord in prayer, that his wrath might be poured out upon such prayerless families, our towns would b« as places overthrown by the plague, the people be. ing dead within, and the mark of judgment without. I fear where one house would escape, ten would b« marked out for death ; and then they might teach their doors to pray, " Lord, have mercy upon us," because the people would not pray themselves. But fcitpeciaJly if we could see what meu do in their se- iW THE NECESSITY OF SEEKING cret chambers, how few would you find in n. whole town that spend one quarter of an hour, morning and niglit, in earnest supplication to God for tlieir souls lO how little do these men set by eternal rest ! Thus do they slothfully neglect all endeavours for their own welfare, except some public duty in the congregation, which custom or credit engages them to. Perfiuade them to read good books, learn the grounds of religion in their catechism, and sanctify the Lord's day in prayer, and meditation, and hearing the word, and forbearing all worldly thoughts and speeches; and what a tedious life do they take this to lie ? As if tJiey thought heaven were not worth doing so much for. Another sort are formal professors, who will be brought to an outward duty, "but to the inward work of religion they will never be persuaded. They will preach, or hear, or read, or talk of heaven, or pray in their families, and take part witii the persons or causes that are good, and desire to be esteemed among the godly ; but you can never bring them to the more spiritual duties ; as, to be constant and fervent in secret prayer and meditation; conscien- tious in self-examination ; heavenly minded ; to watch over their hearls, words, and ways ; to mor- tify the flesh, and not make provi.sion to fulfil its lusts ; to love and heartily forgive an enemy, and prefer their brptinen before themselves; to lay all they have, or do, at the feet of Christ, and prize his service and favour before all ; to prepare to die, anoiit you witness, that you reprove the ungodly, and take pains to save the souls of your brethren ? Let all these witnesses judge this day between God and you, whether yo>i are in earnest about eternal rest. You can tell by his work, wiiether your servant h.as loitered, though you did not see him ; so you may by looking at your own work. Is y&ur love to Christ, your faith, your zeal, and other graces, strong i>r weak? WJiai are your joys? What is your assu.'-ance ? Is all in /trder with you? Are you ready to die, if this should be the day ? Do the souls, among whom you have conversed, bless you ? Judge by this, and it will quickly appear whether you have been labour- ers or loiterers. O blessed rest, how unworthily art thou neglected 1 O glorious kingdom, how art thou undervalued ! Little know the careless sons of men what a state they set so light by. If they once knew it, they would surely be of another mind- I Jiope thou, reader, art sensible, what a des[)erate thing it is to trifle about eternal rest, and how deeply thou h.ist been guilty of this thyself. And I hope, also, thou wilt not now sutler this conviction to die. Should the physician tell thee, " If you will observe but one thins, r doubt not to cure" your disease," wouldst thou not observe it?" So I tell thee, if thou vviltob serve but this one thing for thy soul, I make no doubt of thy salvation : shake oft" thy sloth, and put to all thy "strength, and be a Christian indeed , I know not, then, what can liinder thy hai)piiiess. As far as thou art gone from God, seek him with all thy heart, and no doubt thou shalt find him. As Ufl'tind as thou hast been to Jesus Christ, seek l)im ^ 7 THE NECESSITY OF SEEKING lieaitily, obey lilm unreservedly, find tliy salvation is ;is sure as if llion liiidst it already. But, full as Christ's satisfaction is, ^fi-ee as the promise is, large as the mercy of God is, if thou only talk of these, when tliou shouldst eagerly entertain tlieni, thou wilt be never the better for them ; and if thou loiter, when thou sliouldst labour, thou wilt lose the crown. Fall to work, then, speedily and seriously, and bless God that thou hast yet time to do it. To show that I urge thee not without cause, I will here add a variety of animating considerations. Rouse up thy spirit, and, as INloses said to Israel, "set thy heart unto all the words which I testify unto thee this day ; for it is not a vain thing, be- cause it IS your life." May the Lord open thy heart, and fasten his counsel effectually upon thee I 1. Consider kow reasonable it is, that our diligence sho7dd be answerable to the ends we aim at, to the work ice have to do, to the shortness and vncertaiiitij of our time, and to the contrary diligence of our cn^nies. The ends of a Christian's desires and endeavours are so great, that no human understanding on earth can comprehend them. What is so excellent, so important, or so necessary, as the glorifying of God, tlie salvation of our own and other men's souls, by escapins the tornients of hell, and possessing the illory of' heaven ? And can a man be too much af- fected with things of such moment? Can he desire them loo earnestly, or love them too strongly, or la- bour for them too diligently? Do not we know, that if our prayers prevail not, and our labour suc- ceeds not, we are undone for ever ? — The work of a Christian here is very great and various. The soul must be renewed ; corruptions must be mortified ; custom, temptations, and worldly interests, must be conquered ; tlesh must be subdued ; life, friends, and credit, must be slighted; conscience on good grounds be quieted ; and assurance of pardon and salvation attained. Though God must give us these wilhoul, our merit, yet he will not give them without our earnest seeking and labour. Besides, there is much knowlege to be got, many ordinances to be used, and duties to be i>erformed : every age, year, and day ; every place we come to ; every person we deal with ; every change of our condition ; still require the renewing of our labour: wives, children, ser- vants, neighbours, friends, enemies, all of them call for duty from us. Judge, then, whether men that have so much business lying upon their hands should not exert themselves ; and whether it be their wis- dom either to delay or loiter.— Time passelh on. Yet a few days, and we shall be here no more. THE SAINTS' REST. 99 Many diseases are rearly to assault us. We, that are now preaching, and hearing, and talking, and walk- ing, must very shortly be carried, and laid in the du'at, and there left to the worms in darkness and corruption : we are almost there already ; we know not whether we shall have another sermon, or Sab- bath, or hour. How active should they be who know they have so short a space for so great a work! And we have ra em ie.9 that are always plot- ting and labouring for our destruction. How dili- gent is Satan in all kinds of temptations ! Therefore " be sober, be vigilant ; because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour— whom resist, steadfast in the faith." How diligent are all the " ministers of Sa- tan ! False teachers, scoffers, persecutors," and our inbred corruptions, the most busy and diligent of all ! Will a feeble resistance serve our turn ? Should not we be more active for our own preservation, than our enemies are for our ruin .' 2. /( should excite us to diligence, when we consider our talents, and our mercies, our relation to God, and Vie afflictions he lays upon us. The talents which we have received are many and great. What people breathing on earth have had plainer instructions, or more forcible persua- sions, or more constant admonitions, in season and out of season? sermons, till we have been weary of them; and Sabbaths, till we profaned Ihem ; excellent books in such plenty that we knew not which to read. What people have had God so near them ? or have seen so much of Christ crucified be- fore their eyes ? or have had heaven and hell so open unto them ? What speed should such a people make for heaven ! how should they fly that are thus winged! and how swiftly should they sail that have wind and tide to help them ! A small measure of grace becomes not such a people, nor will an ordinary diligence in the work of God excuse them. — All our lives have been filled with mercies. God hath mercifully poured out upon us the riches of sea and land, of heaven and earth. We are fed and clothed with mercy. We have mercies within and without. To number them is to count the stars, or the sands of the sea-shore. If there beany difference betwixt hell and earth, yea, or heaven and earth, then certainly we have received mercy. If the blood of the Son of God be mercy, then we are engaged to God by mercy. Shall God think nothing too much, nor too good for us ; and shall we think all too much that we do for him ? When I compare my slow and unprofitable life with the 100 THE NECESSITY OF SEEKING frequent and wonderful mercies received, it shames me, it silences me, and leaves me inexcusable. Be- sides our talents and mercies, our relations to God are most endearing. Are we his children, and do we not owe him our most tender aflections, and dutiful obedience .' Are we " the spouse of Christ," and should we not obey and love him ? " If he be a Father, where is his honour? and if he he a Mas- ter, where is his fear? We call him Master, and Lord, and we say well.'' But if our industry be not answerable to our relations, we condemn ourselves in saying we are his children or his servants. How will the hard labour, and daily toil, which servants undergo to please their masters, jud^re and condemn those who will not labour so hard for their great Master? Surely there is no master like him; nor can any servants expect such fruit of their labours as his servants.— And if we wander out of God's way, or loiter in it, how is every creature ready to be his rod, to reduce us, or put us on ! Our sweetest mercies will become our sorrows. Rather than ■<\'ant a rod, the Lord will make us a scourge to ourselves ; our diseased bodies shall make us groan ; our perplexed minds shall make us restless ; our conscience shall be as a scorpion in our bosom. And is it not easier to endure the labour than the spur ? Had we rather be still afflicted, than be up and doing ? And though they that do most meet also with afflictions, yet surely, according to their peace of conscience and faithfulness to Christ, the bitter- ness of their cup is abated. 3 To quicken our diligence in our work, ice should also consider, what assistances we have, what principles we profess, and our certainty that we can never do too much. For our assistance in the service of God, all tlie world are our servants. The sun, moon, and stars, attend us with their light and influence. 'J'he earth, with all its furniture of plants and flowers, fruits, birds, and beasts; the sea, with its inhabitants ; the air, the wind, the frost and snow, the heat and fire, the clouds and rain, all wait upon us while we do our work. Yea, " the angels are all our ministering spirits," Nay, more, the patience of God doth wait upon us ; the Lord Jesus Christ waiteth, in the offers of his blood ; the Holy Spirit waiteth, by striving with our backward hearts; besides the ministers of the gospel, who study and wait, preach and wait, pray and wait, upon careless sinners. And is it not an intolerable crime fur us to trifle, while angels and men, yea, the Lord himself, stanu by, and look on, and, as it were, hold us the candle THE SAINTS' REST. 101 while we do nothing? I beseech you, Christians, whenever you are prayine, or reproving transgres- sors, or upon any duty, remember what assistances you have for your work, and tlien judge ho\^ you ought to perform it.— The principles we profess are, that God is the chief good ; that all our happi- ness consists in his love, and therefore it should be valued and sought above all things ; that he is our only Lord, and therefore cliiefly to be served ; that we must love him with all our heart, and soul, and strength ; that our great business in the world is to glorify God, and obtain salvation. Are these doc- trines seen in our practice? or, rather, do not our works deny what our words confess? — But, howev- er our assistances and principles excite us to our work, we are sure we can never do too much. Could we "do all, we are unprofitable servants;" much more when we are sure to fail in all. No man can obey or serve God too much. Though all super- stition, or service of our own devising, may be called a " being righteous over much 3" yet, as long as we keep to the rule of the word, we can never be right- eous too much. The world is mad with malice, when they think, that faithful diligence in the service of Christ is foolish singularity. The time is near when they will easily confess that God could not be loved or served too much, and that no man can be too busy to save his soul. We may easily do too much for the world, but we cannot for God. 4. Let us further consider, that it is the nature of etery grace to promote diligence, that trifling in the icay to heaven is lost labour, that much precious time is al- readij misspent, and that in proportion to our labour will hi our recompense. See the nature and tendency of every grace. If you loved God, you would think nothing too much thai you could possibly do to serve him, and- please him still more. Love is quick and impatient, active and observant. If you love Christ, you would keep his commandments, nor accuse tiiem of too much strictness. If you had faith, it would quicken, and encourage you. If you had the hope of glory, it would, as the spring in the watch, set all the wheels of your souls a going. If you had the fear of God, it would rouse you out of your slothfulness. If you had zeal, it would inflame, and eat you up. In what degree soever thou art sanctified, in the same degree thou wilt be serious and laborious in the work of God. — They that trifle lose their labour. — Many, who, like Agrippa, are but almost Christians, will find, in the end, they shall be but almost saved. im THE NECESSITY OF SEEKING , If two be running in a race, he that runs slowest loses both prize and labour. A man that is lifting a weight, if he put not sufficient strength to it, had as good put none at all. How many duties have Christians lost, for want of doing them thoroughly ? " Many will seek to enter in, and shall not be able," who, if they had striven, might have been able. Therefore, put to a little more diligence and strength, that all you have done already be not in vain.^ Besides, is not much precious time already lost? With some of us childhood and youth are gone 5 with some, their middle age also ; and the lime before ua is very uncertain. What time have we slept, talked and played away; or spent in worldly thoughts and cares ! How little of our work is done ! The time we have lost cannot be recalled ; should we not, then, redeem and improve the little which remains ? If a traveller sle«p, or trifle most of the day, he must travel so much faster in the evening, or fall short of his journey's end. — Doubt not but the re- compense will be according to your labour. The seed which is buried and dead will bring forth a plenti- ful harvest. Whatever you do, or suffer, everlasting rest will pay for all. There is no repenting of la- bours or sufferings in heaven. There is not one says, " Would I had spared my pains, and prayed less, or been less strict, and done as the rest of my neigh- bours !" On the contrary, it will be their joy to look back upon their labours and tribulations, and to consider how the mighty power of God brought them through all. We may all say, as Paul, " I reckon that the sufferings" and labours " of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." We la- bour but for a moment, but we shall rest for ever. Who would not put forth all his strength for one hour, when, for that hour's work, he may be a prince while he lives.' "God is not unrighteous, to forget our work and labour of love." Will not "all our tears be wiped away," and all the sorrow of our du- ties be then forgotten ? 5. Nor does it less deserve to be considered, that striving is the dicinely appointed way of salvation, that all men either do or will, approve it, tluit thebcst Christ- ians at death lament their negligence, and that heaven itself is often lust for want of striving, but is never liad on easier terms. The sovereign wisdom of God has made striving necessary to salvation. Who knows the way to heaven better than the God of heaven .' When men tell us we are too strict, whom do they accuse, God or us .' If it were 3 fault, it would lie in him THE SAINTS' REST. 103 that commands, and not in us who obey. Tliose are the men that ask us, whether we are wiser than all the world besides ; and yet they will pre- tend to be wiser than God. How can they recon- cile their langtiajie with the laws of God. "The kingdom of heaven siiffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Strive to enter in at the strait gate ; for many will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it witli thy might ; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave, whither thou goest. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Give diligence to make your calling and election sure. If the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear." Let them bring all the seeming reasons they can against the holy violence of the saints ; this sutflceth me to confute them all, that God is of another mind, and he hath commanded me to do much more than I do ; and though I could see no other reason for it, his will is reason enough. Who should make laws for us, but he that made us.' and who should point-out the way to heaven, but he that must bring us thither .' and" who should fix the terms of saLvatien, but he that bestows the gift of salvation ? So that, let the world, the flesh, or the devil, speak against a holy, laborious life, this is my answer, God hath comma'nded it. — Nay, there never was, nor ever will be, a man, but will approve such a life, and will one day justify the diligence of the saints. And who would not go that way, which every man shall finally applaud? True, it is now " away every where spoken against." But, let me tell you, most that speak against it in their judg- ments approve of it ; and those that are now against it will shortly be of another mind. If they come to heaven, their mind must be changed before they come there. If they go to hell, their judgment will then be altered, whether they will or not. Remem- ber this, you that love the opinion and way of the multitude ; why, then, will you- not be of the opinion thatall will be of.' Why will you be of a judgment, which you are sure all of you shortly to change.' O that you were but as wise in this as those in hell ! — Even the bestvf Christians, when they cumc to die, ezceedinirly Limcnt their negligence. They then wish,"0 that I had been a thousand times more holy, more heavenly, more laborious for my soul ! The world accuses me for doing too much, but my own conscience accuses me for doing too little. It is far easier bearing the scotis of the world than the lashes of conscience. I had rather be reproached JOl THE NECESSITY OF SEEKING by the devil for seeking salvation, than reproved of God for neiilectiiii: it." How do their failings thns wound and disquiet them, who have been the won- ders of the world for their heavenly conversation 1 — It is for want of dilio-ence that Itruven itself is lost. — When they thai have " heard the word, and anon with joy received it, and have done many things, and heard" the ministers of Christ gladly, shall yet perish, should not this rouse us out of our security ? How far hath many a man followed Christ, and yet forsook him, wlien all worldly interests and hopes wore to be renounced ! — God hath resolved, that heaven shall not be had on easier teinis. Kest must always follow labour. " Without holiness, no man sliall see the Lord." Seriousness is the very tiling wherein consists our sincel-ity. If thou art not seri- ous, thou art not a Christian." It is not only a high degree in Christianity, but the very life and essence of it. As fencers upon a stage ditfer from soldiers liglitingfor their lives, so hypocrites difler from se- rious Christians. If men could be saved without this serious diligence, they would never regard it ; all the excellencies of God's ways would never en- lice Ihem. But when God hath resolved, that, with- out serious diligence here, you ^all not rest here- after, is it not wisdom to exert ourselves to the ut- most ? f). But. to persuade thee, if possible, reader, to he serious in thy endeavours for heaven, let me add more considerations. As, for instance, consider, — God is ill earnest with you; and why should you not be so icitk hiinl In his commands, his threatenings, his promises, he means as be speaks. In his judg- ments he is serious. Was lie not so, when be drowned the world ? when he consumed Fodom and Gomorrah? and when he scattered the Jews ? Is it time, then, to trifle with God ? .Jesus Christ was serious in purchasing our redemption. In teaching, lie neglectediiis meat and drink :— in prayer, he con- tinued all night : in doing good, his friends thougiil liirn beside himself: in sulfering, he fasted forty (Irtys, was tempted, betrayed, spit upon, bulTeted, crowned with thorns, sweat drops of blood, wascru- niied, pierced, died. There was no jesting in all this. And should we not be serious in seekingour i>wn salvation? — The Holy Spirit is serious in sv- Uritiiiir us to be happij. His motions are frequent, pressing, and in)portunate. " He striveth with us." He is grieved, when we resist Jiim ; and should we not be serious, then, in obeying, and yielding to his motions ? — God is serious in hearing our prayers, and bestowing his mercies. He is afflicted with us. THE SAINTS' REST. 105 He " regardcth every groan and sigh, and puts every tear into his bottle."' The next time thou art in trouble, thou wilt beg for a serious regard of thy prayers.' And shall we expect real mercies, when we are slight and superficial in the work of God ? — The ministers of Christ are seriovs in exhorting and instructivg you. They beg of God, and of you ; and long more for the salvation of your souls, than for any worldly good. If they kill themselves with their labour, or suffer martyrdom for preaching the gospel, they think their lives are well bestowed, so that they prevail for the saving of your souls. And shall other men be so painful and careful for your salvation, and you be so carelesss and negligent of your own ? — IIuw diligent and serious are all the crea- tures in serving you ! What haste makes the sun to compass the world I The foui-tains are always flowing for thy use ; the rivers si ill running ; spring and harvest keep their times. How hard does thy ox labour for thee from day to day ! how speedily does thy horse travel with thee I And shalt thou only he negligent.' Shall all these be so serious in serving thee, and thou so careless in thy service to God.' — The servants.of the world and the devil are se- rious and diligent. — They work as they could never do enough : they make haste, as if afraid of coming to hell too late : they bear down ministers, sermons, and all tieforethem. And shall they be n)ore dili- gent for damnation, than thou for salvation? Hast thou not a bettei master, sweeter employment, greater encouragements, and a belter reward r — Time was when thou wast serious thyself in serving Satan and the tlesh, if it be not so yet. How eager- ly didst thou follow thy sports, thy evil company, and sinful delights.' And wilt thou not now be as earnest and violent for God.' You are to this day inearnest about the things of this life. If you are sick, or in pain, what serious complaints do you ut- ter I If you are poor, how hard do you labour for a livelihood '. And is not the business of your salva- tion of far greater moment ?— There is no jesting in heaven or hell. The saints have a real happiness, and the damned a real misery. There are no remiss or sleepy praises in heaven, nor such lamentations in hell. All these are in earnest. When thou, reader, shall come to death and judgment, O what deep, heart-piercing thoughts wilt thou have of eter- nity I Methinks I "foresee thee already astonished to think how thou couldst possibly make so light of these things. Methinks I even hear tl^ee crying out of thy stupidity and madness. And now, reader, having laid down these undeni- 106 THfi NECESSITY OP SEEKING able arguments, 1 do, in the name of God, demand thy resolution ; wilt thou yield obedience, or not ? I am confident tliy conscience is convinced of thy du- ty. Barest thou now go on in thy common, careless course, against the plain evidence of reason, and commands of God, and against the light of thy own conscience ? Barest thou live as loosely, sin as boldly, and pray as seldom, as before? Barest thou profane the Sabbath, slight the service of God, and think of thine everlasting state, as carelessly as be- fore? Or dost thou not rather resolve to " gird up the loins of thy mind,"' and set thyself wholly to the work of thy salvation, and break through the oppo- sitions, and slight the scoffs and persecutions of the world, and " lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset thee, and run with pa- tience the race that is set before thee ?" I hope these are thy full resolutions. Yet, because I know the obstinacy of the heart of man, and because I am solicitous thy soul might live, I once more entreat thy attention to the following questions; and I com- mand thee from God, that thou stifle not thy con- science, nor resist conviction ; bing their title to heaven. Others are so clogged wUli slothfulness of spirit, that they will not be at the pains of an houi's examination of their own hearts. — Bnt the most common and dangerous im- pediment is, that false faith and hope commonlj' called presumption, which bears up the hearts of the greatest part of the world, and so keeps them from suspecting their danger. And if a man should break through all these hin- derances, and set upon the duty of self-examination, yet assurance is not presently attained. Too many deceive themselves in their inquiriesafter it, through one or other of the following causes : there is such confusion and darkness in the soul of man, especial- ly of an unregenerate man, that he can scarcely tell what he doth, or what is in him. As in a house, where nothing is in its proper place, it will be diffi- cult to find what is wanted, so it is in the heart where all things are in disorder. Most men accus- tom themselves to be strangers at Imme, and too little observe the temper and motions of their own hearts. — Many are resolved what to judge before they try ; like a bribed judge, who examines as if he would judge uprightly, when he is previously re- solved which way the cause shall go. ]Men are partial in their own c.iuse ; ready to think their great sins small, and their small sins none; their gifts of nature to be the work of grace, and to say, " All these have T kept from my youth ;" I am rich, and increased in goods, and have need of nothing. Most men search but by the halves. If it will not easily and quickly be done, they are discouraged, and leave off. They try themselves by false marks and rules ; not knowing wherein the truth of Christianity doth consist; some looking beyond, and some short of the Scripture standard. And frequently they mis- carry in this work by attempting it in their own strength. As some expect the Spirit should do it without them, so others attempt it themselves, with- out seeking or expecting the help of the Spirit. Both these will certainly miscarry in their assurance. Some other hinderances keep even true Christians from comfortable certainty. As, for instance :-r-The weakness of grace. Small things are hardly dis- cerned. Most Christians content themsehcs with a THE SAINTS' REST. 115 small measure of grace, and do not follow on to spiritual strength and manhood. Ihe chief remedy for such would be to follow on their duty, till their grace he increased. Wait upon God in the use of his prescribed means, and he will undoubtedly bless you with increase. O that Christians would bestow most of that time to getting more grace, which they bestow in anxious doubtings whether they have any or none ; and lay out those serious affections in pray- ing for more grace, which they bestow in fruitless cahiplaints ! I beseech thee. Christian, take this ad- vice as from God ; and then, when thou believest strongly, and lovesc fervently, thou canst no more doubt (if thy faith and love than a man that is very hot can doubt of his warmth, or a man that is strong and lusty can doubt of his being alive. — Christians hinder their own comfort by looking more at signs, which tell them what they are, than at precepts, which tell them what they should do; as if their present case must needs be their everlasting case ; and if they he now unpardoned, there were no rem- edy. Were he not mad, that would lie weeping because he is not pardoned, when his prince stands by all the while, offering him a pardon, and persuad- ing him to accept of it? Justifying faith. Christian, Is not thy persuasion of Gods's'special love to thee, but thy accepting Christ to make thee lovely. It is far better to accept Christ as offered, than spend so much time in doubting whetlier we have Christ or not. — Another cause of distress to Christians is, their mistaking assurance for the joy that sometimes ac- companies it; as if a child should take himself for a son no longer than while be sees the smiles of his father's face, or hears the comfortable expressions of his mouth ; and as if the father ceased to be a father whenever he ceased those smiles and speeches. — The trouble of souls is also increased by their not knowing the ordinary way of God's conveying com- fort. They think they have nothing to do but to wait when God will bestow it. But they must know, that the matter of their comfort is in the promises, and thence they must fetch it as often as they expect it, by daily and diligently meditating upon the promises; and in this way they may ex- pect the Spirit will communicate comfort to their souls. The joy of the promises, and the joy of the Holy Ghost, are one : add to this, their expecting a greater measure of assurance than God usually be- stows. As long as they have any doubting, they think they have no assurance. They consider not that there are many degrees of certainty. While they are here, they shall " know but in part."— And 116 OUR TITLE TO also, Iheir deriving their comfort at first from insuf- ficient grounds. This may he the case of a gracious soul, who hath better grounds, hut doth not see Uiem. As an infant hath life before he knovveth it, and many misapprehensions of himself and other things, yet it will not follow that he hath no life. So when Christians find a flaw in their first comforts, Uiey are not to judge it a flaw in their safety. Many continue under doubting, through the exceeding weakness of their natural parts. Many honest hearts have weak heads, and know not how to per- form the work of self trial. They will acknowledge the premises, and yet deny the apparent conclusion. If God do not some other way supply the defect of their reason, I see not how they should have clear and settled peace. One great and too common cause of distress is, the secret maintaining of some known sin. This abates the degree of our graces, and so makes them more undiscernible. It obscur- eth that which itdestroyeth not ; for it beareth sucli sway that grace is not in action ; nor seems to stir, nor is scarce heard speak for the noise of this cor- ruption. It puts out or dimmeth the eye of the soul, and stupifies it, that it can neither see nor feel its ownxondition. But especially it piovokes God to withdraw himself, his comforts, and the assistance of his Spirit, without which we may search long enough before we have assurance. God hath made a separation between sin and peace. As long as thou dost cherish thy pride, thy love of the world, the desires of the flesh, or any unchristian practice, thou expectest comfort in vain. If a man " setteth up his idols in his heart, and pnttetli the stumbling- block of his iniquity before his face, and comelh"to a minister, or to God, " to inquire" for comfort, in- stead of comforting him, God " will answer him that Cometh according to the multitude of his idols." — Another very great and common cause of the want of comfort is, when grace is not kept in constant and lively exercise. The way of painful duty is the way of fullest comfort. Peace and comfort are Ciirist's great encouragements to faithfulness and obedience ; and therefore, though our obedience does not merit them, yet they usually rise and fall with our diligence in duty. As prayer must liave faith and fervency to procure it success, besides the blood and intercession of Christ, so must all other parts of our obedience. If thou grow seldom, and customary, and cold in duty, especially in thy secret prayers to God, and yet findest no abatement in thy joys, I cannot but fear thy joys are either carnal or diabolical. Besides, grace is never apparent and THE SAINTS' REST. 117 sensible to the soul, but while it is in action ; there- fore want of action must cause waniof assurance. And tiie action of the soul upon such excellent objects I'.aturally bringeth consolation with it. '1 he very act of loving God in Christ is inexpressibly sweet. The soul that is best furnished with grace, when it is not in action, is like a lute well stringed and tuned, which, while it lieth still, makelh no more music than a common piece of wood ; but when it is handled by a skilful musician, the melody is delightful. Some degree of comfort follows every good action, as heat accompanies fire, and as beams and influence issue from the sun. A man that ia cold should labour till heat be excited ; so he that wants assurance must not stand still, but exercise his graces, till his doubts vanish. — The want of con- solation in the soul is also very commonly owing to bodily melancholy. It is no more wonder for acon- pcientious man, under melancholy, to doubt, and fear, and despair, than for a sick man to groan, or a child to cry when it is chastised. Without the physician in this case, the labours of the divine are usually in vain. Vou may silence, but you cannot comfort them. You may make them confess they have some grace, and yet cannot bring them to the comfortable conclusion. All the good thoughts of their state, which you can possibly help them'to, are seldom above a day or two old. They cry out of sin, and the wrath of God, when the chief cause ia in their bodily distemper. 3. As motives to the duty of self-examination, I entreat you to consider the following:— To be de- ceived about your title to heaven is very easy.— Many are now in hell, that never suspected any falsehood in their hearts, tliat excelled in worldly wisdom, that lived in the clear light of the gospel, and even preached against the negligence of others. To be mistaken in this great point is also very com- mon. It is the case of most in the world. In the old world, and in Sodom, we find none that were in any fear of judgment. Almost all men among us verily look to be saved ; yet Christ tells us, " there be few that find the strait gate, and narrow vvav, which leadeth unto life." And if such multitudes are deceived, should we not search the more dili- gently, lest we should be deceived as well as they ? — Nothing is more dangerous than to be tlius mis- taken. If the godly judL'e their state worse than it is, the consequences of this mistake will be sor- rowful ; but the mischief flowing from the mistake of the ungodly is unspeakable. It will exceedingly confirm them in the service of Satan. It will render 118 OUR TITLE TO ineffectual the means that should do them good. It will keep a man from compassionating his own soul. It is a case of the greatest moment, where everlast- ing salvation or damnation is to be determined. — And if you mistake till death, you are undone for ever. Seeing, then, the danger is so great, what wise man would not follow the search of his heart both-day and night, till he were assured of his safe- ty .'—Consider how small the labour of this duty is in comparison of that sorrow which followeth its ne- glect. You can endure to toil and sweat from year to year, to prevent poverty, and why not spend a little time in self-examination, to prevent eternal misery .' By neglecting this duty, you can scarce do Satan a greater pleasure, nor yourselves a greater injury. It is the grand design of the devil, in all his temptations, to deceive you, and keep you ignorant of your dan- ger, till you feel the everlasting flames ; and will you join with him to deceive yourself.' If you do thia for him, you do the greatest part of his work. And hath he deserved so well of you, that you should assist him in such a design as your damnation? — The time is nigh when God will search you. If it be but in this life by affliction, it will make you wish that you had tried and judged yourselves, that you might have escaped the judgment of God. It was a terrible voice to Adam, "Where art thou .' Hast thou eaten of the tree ? — And to Cain, " Where is thy brother:" Men " consider not in their hearts, that I," saith the liord, "remember all their wick- edness; now their own doings have beset them about ; they are before my face." Consider also what would be the sweet effects of this self examin- ation. If thou be upright and godly, it will lead thee straight towards assurance of God's love ; if thou be not, though it will trouble thee at the present, yet it will lend to thy happiness, and at length lead thee to the assurance of that happiness. Is it not a desira- ble thing to know what shall befall us hereafter .' especially what shall befall our souls ? and what place and slate we must be in forever ! And as the very knowledge itself is desirable, how much greater will the comfort be of that certainty of salvation .' What sweet thoughts wilt ihou have of God ? All that greatness and justice, which is the terror of others, will be thy joy. How sweet may be thy thoughts of Christ, and the blood he hath shed, and the benefits he hath procured ! How welcome will the word of God be to thee, and " how beautiful the very feet of those that bring it !" How sweet will be the promises when thou art sure they are thine own ! The very threatenings will occasion THE SAINTS' REST. 119 thy comfort, to remember that thou hast escaped tlieiii. What boldness and comfort mayst thou then have in prayer, when thou canst say, " Our Father," in full assurance I It will make the Lord's supper a refreshing feast to thy soul. It will multi- ply the sweetness of every common mercy. How comfortably mayst thou then undergo all afflictions I ilow will it sweeten thy forethoughts of death and judgment, of heaven and liell ! How lively will it make tiiee in tlie work of the Lord, and how profit- ai)le to all around thee ! What vigour will it infuse into all thy graces and affections, kindle thy repent- ance, intlame thy love, quicken thy desires, and con- firm thy faith, be a fountain of continual rejoicing, overflow thy heart with thankfulness, raise thee high in the delightful work of praise, help thee to be heavenly-minded, and render thee persevering in all 1 All these sweet effects of assurance would make thy life a heaven upon earth. Though I am certain tliese motives have weight of reason in them, yet I am jealous, reader, lest you lay aside the book, as if you had done, and never set yourself to the practice of the duty. The case in hand is of the greatest moment, whether thou shall everlastingly live in heaven or hell. I here request thee, in belialfof thy soul ; nay, I charge thee, in the name of the Lord, that thou defer no longer, but take thy heart to task in good* earnest, and think with thyself, " Is it so easy, so common, and so dan- gerous to be mistaken? Are there so many wrong ways? Is the heart so deceitful ? Why, then, do I not search into every corner, till I know my state ? Must I so shortly undergo the trial at the" bar of Christ? And do I not presently try myself? What a case were 1 in, if I should then miscarry ? May I know by a little diligent inquiry now ; and do I stick at the labour?" But perhaps thou wilt say, "I know not how to do it." In that I am now to give thee directions ; but, alas ! it will be in vain, if thou art not resolved to practise them. Wilt thou, there- fore, before thou goest any further, irere promise, be- fore the Lord, to set thyself upon the speedy perform- ance of the duty, according to the directions I shall lay down from the word of God ? I demand nothing unreasonable or impossible. It is but to bestow a few hours, to know what shall become of thee for ever. If a neighbour, or a friend, desire but an hour's time of thee in conversation, or business, or any tiring in which thou mayst be of service, surely thou vvouldst not deny it ; how much less shouldst thou deny this to thyself in so great an affair! I pray thee to take from me tbis request, as if, in tlie 120 OUR TITLE TO name of Clirist, I presented it to tliee on my knees ; and I will betake ine on my knees to Christ again, to beg tiiat lie will persuade lliy heart to the duty. 4. The directions how to examine thyself are such as these: — Empty thy mind of all other cares and thoughts, that they may nut distract or divide thy mind. This work will be enouo him that overcometh, will Christ give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth, saving he that rereiveth it ; he shall eal of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the para- dise of God, and shall not be iiurt of the second death. Christ -.vill confess his name before his Fa- ther, and liefore his irtigels, and make him a pillar in the temple of God, and he shall go no more out ; and will write upon him the name of his God, and the name of the city of his God, which is New Jerusalem, which coineth down out of heaven from his God, and will wiite upon him his new name." Yea, " He will grant to him to sit with him on his tJirone, even as he also overcame, and is set down with his Father on his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saiih unto tlie churches." THE SAINTS' REST. 125 CHAPTER IX. The Duty vf the People of God to excUe othcra to seek this Rest. Thii author laments that Christians do so liltle to help oth- ers to ofjtain the saints^ rest: I. Sltonvs the nature of this duty ; patiicularly, 1. In having our hearts ejected with the misery of our brethreri's souls ; 2. In taking all o/jport unities to instruct them in the ivay of sah-ation ; 3. In promoting their proft by public ordinances : II. Assigns various reasons ivhy this duty is so much nt- fleeted, and answers some objections against U : Tltcn^ \l.. urges tii the discharge of it,by seveial consid- erations; I. Addressed to such as have knoiiledge, learning, nnd utterance ; 2. Those that are acquainted with sinners ; 3. Physicians that attend dying men ; 4. Persons of tvealth and poxver ; 5. Minltters ; 6. And those that are intrusted with tlie care of children or ser- vants. The chapter concludes witli an earnest request to Christian parents to befavhful to their trust. Hath God set before us such a glorious prize as the saints' rest, and made us capable of such incon- ceivable happiness ? Why, then, do not all the chil- dren of this kinijdom exert themselves more to help others to the enjoyment of it ? Alas ! how little are poor souls about us beholden to most of us I We see the glory of the kingdom, and they do not; we see the misery of those that are out of it, and they do not ; we see some wandering quite out of the way, and know, if they hold on, they can never come there ; and they themselves discern it not. And yet we will not seriously show them their dan- ger and error, and help to bring them into the way, that they may live. Alas ! how few Christians are there to be found, that set themselves with all their might to save souls ! Xo thanks to us, if heaven be not empty, and if the souls of our brethren per- ish not for ever. Considering how important this duty is, to the glory of God, and the happiness of men, I will show— how it is to be performed ;— why it is so much neglected ; — and then offer some con- siderations to persuade to it. 1st. The duty of exciting and helping othefs to dis- cern their title to the saints^ rest. This does not mean that every man should turn a public preacher, orjhat any should go beyond the bounds of their 126 EXCITEMENT TO SEEK particular callings ; much less does it consist in pro- moting a party spirit ; and, least of all, in speaking against men's faults behind their backs, and be si- lent before their faces. This duty is of another na- ture, and consists of the following things ;— in hav- ing our hearts affected with the misery of our breth- ren's souls,— in taking all opportunities to instruct them in the way of salvation, — and in promoting their profit by public ordinances. 1. Our hearts muat be o/Tcctec? with the misery of our brethren's souls. We must be compassionate towards them, and yearn after their recovery and salvation. If we earnestly longed after their con- version, and our hearts were solicitous to do them good, it would set us on work, and God would usual- ly bless it. 2. We must take evenj opportunity that we possi- bly can, to instruct them how to attain salvation. If Ihe person be ignorant, labour to make him tin- derstand the chief happiness of man ; how far he was once possessed of it; the covenant God then made with him ; how he broke it ; what penalty he Incurred ; and what misery he brought himself into: teach him his need of a Redeemer; how Christ did mercifully interpose, and bear the penalty ; what the new covenant is ; how men are drawn to Christ j and what are the riches and privileges which be- lievers liave in him. If he is not moved by these things, then show him the excellency of the glory he neglects ; the extremity and eternity of the tor- ments or the damned ; thcjustice of enduring them for wilfully refusing grace ; the certainty, nearness, and terrors of death and judgment; the vanity of all things below ; the sinfulness of sin ; the pre- ciousness of Christ ; tiie necessity of regeneration, faith, and holiness, and the true nature of them. If, after all, you find him entertaining false hopes, then urge him to examine his state ; show him the ne- cessity of doing so; help him in it: nor leave him till you have convinced him of his misery and reme- dy. Show him how vain and destructive it is to join Christ and his duties, to compose his justifying righteousness. Yet be sure to draw him to the use of all means ; such as hearing and reading the word, calling upon God, and associating with the godly ; persuade him to forsake sin, avoid all temptations to sin, especially evil companions, and to wait patiently on GgxJ in the use of means, as the way in which God will be found. But, because the manner of performing this work is of great moment, observe therefore these rules: — Enter upon it with right intentions. Aim at the THE SAINTS' REST. 127, glory of God in the person's salvation. Do it not to pet a name, or esteem to thyself, or to bring men to depend upon thee, or to get thee followers ; but in obedience to Christ, in imitation of him, and tender love to men's souls. Do not as those, who labour to reform their children or servants from such things as are against their own profit or humour, but never seek to save their souls in the way which God hath appointed. Do it speedily. As you would not have them delay their return, do not you delay to seek their return. While you are purposing to teach and help him, the man goes deeper in debt ; wrath is heaping up; sin taking root ; custom fastens him ; temptations to sin multiply ; conscience grows sear- ed ; the heart hardened ; the devil rules ; Christ is shut out : the Spirit is resisted ; God is daily dis- honoured ; his law violated ; he is without a ser- vant, and that service from him which He should have ; time runs on ; death and judgment are at the door ; and what if the man die, and drop into hell, while you are purposing to prevent it.' If in the case of his bodily distress, you " must not say to him. Go, and come again, and "to-morrow I will give, when thou hast it by thee ;" how much less may you delay the succour of his soul ; that physician is no belter than a murderer, who negligently delay- eth till his patient be dead or past cure. Layby excuses, then, and all lesser business, and " exhort one another daily, while it is called to-day ; lest any be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin." Let your exhortation proceed from compassion and love. To jeer and scoff, to rail and vilify, is not a likely way to reform men, or convert them to God. Go to poor sinners with tears in your eyes, that they may see you believe them to be miserable, and that you unfeignedly pity their case. Deal with them with earnest, humble enteaties. Let them perceive, It is the desire of your hearts to do them good ; that you have no other end but their everlasting happi- ness ; and that it is your sense of their danger, and your love to their souls, that forceth you to speak ; even because you " know the terrors of the Lord," and for fear you should see tham in eternal torments. Say to them, '• Friend, you know I seek no advan- tage of my ovvn : the method to please you, and keep your friendship, were to soothe you in your way, or let you alone ; but love will not sufter me to see you perish, and be silent. I seek nothing at your hands, but that which is necessary to your own happiness. It is yourself that will have the gain and comfort, if you come to Christ.'' If we were thus to go to every ignorant and wick- 128 EXCITEMENT TO SEEK ed neighbour, what blessed fruit should we quickly see! — Do it with all possible plainness and faihful- ness. Do not make their sins less than they are, nor encourage them in a false hope. If you see the case dangerous, speak plainly : " Neighbour, I am afraid God hath not yet renewed your soul ; I doubt you are not yet recovered " Irom the power of Satan to God ;" I doubt you have not chosen Christ above all, nor unfeignedly taken him for your sovereign Lord. If you hud, surely you durst not so easily disobey him, nor neglect his worship in your family, and in public ; you could not so eagerly follow the world, and talk of nothing but the thinj;s of the world. If you were " in Christ," you would be "a new creature ; old things" would be " passed away, and all things" would " become new." You would have new thoughts, new talk, new company, new endeavours, and a new conversation. Certainly, without these you can never be saved : you may think otherwise, and hope otherwise as long as you will, but your hopes will all deceive you, and perish with you." Thus must you deal faithfully with men, if ever you intend to do them good. It is not in curing men's souls, as in curing their bodies, where they must not know their danger, lest it hinder the cure. They are here agents in their own cure ;and if they know not their misery, they will neverbewail it, nor know their need of a Saviour. Do it also seriously, zealously, and effectually. Labour to make men know that heaven and hell are not mat- ters to be played with, or passed over with a few careless thoughts. "It is mo^t certain, that one of these days thou shalt be in everlasting joy or tor- ment ; and doth it not awaken thee .' Are there so few that find the way of life ? so many that go the way of death .■' Is it so hard to escape .'' so easy to misca/ry ? and yet do you sit still and trifle .' What do you mean.' 1 he world is passing away: its pleasures, honours, and profits, are fading and leaving you : eternity is a little before you : God is just and jealous : his threatenings are true: the great day will be terrible: time runs on: your life is uncertain : you are far behindhand :;yourcase is dangerous: if you di>i to-morrow, how unready are you! With what terror will your souls go out of your bodies ! And do you yet loiter? Consider, God is all this while waiting your leisure : his pa- tience beareth ; his long-suffering forbeareth : his mercy entreateth you : Christ ofl'ereth you his blood and merits ; the Spirit is persuading: conscience is accusing: Satan waits to have you. ThisisAOur lime ; now or never. Had you rather burn in hell, THE SAINTS' REST. 129 Uian tepent on earth .' liave devils your tormentors, than Clirist your frovernor ? Will you renounce your part iuGod and glory, rather tiian renounce your s-ins ? O friends, what do j'ou tliink of these things? God halii made you men ; do not renounce your reason wheie you should chiefly use it." Alas ! it is not a few dull words between jest and earnest, Lelween sleep and awake, that will rouse a dead- hearted sinner. If a house he on fire, you will not make a cold oration on the nature and danger of fire, but will run and cry, Fire 1 fire I To tell a man of his sins as softly as Eli did liis sons ; or to reprove liim as gently as Jehoshaphat did Ahah, " Let not the king say so ;" usually doth as much harm as {:ood. Loatlijiess to displease men makes us undo Uien). Yet, lest you run into extremes, I advise you to do it with prudence and discretion. — Choose the fittest season. Deal not with men when they are in a pas- *:ion, or where they will take it for a disgrace. When The earth is soft, the plough will enter. Take a man when he is under affliction, or newly im- pressed under a sermon. Christian faithfulness re- quires us, not only to do good when it falls in our way, but to watch for opportunities. Suit your- selves also to the quality and tem[)er of the person. You must deal with the ingenious more by arifu- nient than persuasion. There is need of both to the ignorant. The affections of the convinced should be chiefly excited. The obstinate must be sharply reproved. The timorous must be dealt with ten- d.'rly. Love, and plainness, and seriousness, take with all ; but words of terror some can scarce bear. Use also the aptest expressions. Unseemina lan- guage makes the hearers loathe the food they should live by ; especially if they be men of curious ears, and carnal hearts. — Let all \our reproofs and ex- hortations be backed with the authority of God. Let sinners be convi'iced that you speak not of your own head. Turn them to the very chapter and verse where their sin is condemned, and tlieir duty com- manded. The voice of man is contemptible, but the voice of God is awful and terrible. They may rf ject your words, that dare not reject the words of the Almishty.— Be frequent with men in this duty of exhortation, if we are '' always to pray, and not to faint," because God will have us importunate with himself.; the same course, no doubt, will be most prevailing with men. Therefore we are command- ed " to exhort one another daily ;" and, " with all long-suffering." TJie fire is not always brought out of the flint at one stroke j nor men's affections kiu- 13D EXCITEMENT TO SEEK tiled at the first exhortation. And if they were, yet if they he not followed, they will soon grow cold again. Follow sinners with yonr lovint; and earnest entreaties, and give them no rest in their sin. This i« true charity, the way to save men's souls, and wilt aftord you comfort upon review. — Strive to bring aU yi.iir exhortations to an issue. If we speak the most convincing words, and all our care is over with our speech, we shall seldom prosper in our labours : but Ciod usually blesses their labours, whose very heart is set upon the conversion of their liearers, and who are therefore infjuiring after the sucfcss of their worii. If you reprove a sin, cease not till the sinner promises you to leave it, and avoid the occasion of it. If you are exhorting to a duty, urge for a prom- ise to set upon it presently. If you would draw men to Christ, leave not till you have made them confess the misery of their present unregenerate state, and the necessity of Christ, and of a change, and liav© promised you to fall close to the use of means. O that all Christians would take this course with al) their neighbours that are enslaved to sin, and stran- gers to Christ ! — Once more, be sure your example exhort as well as your words. Let them see you constant in all t!)e duties you persuade them to. Let them see in your lives "that superiority to the world which your lips recommend. Let them see, by your constant labours for heaven, that you indeed believe what you would have them believe. A holy and heavenly life is a continual pain to the con- sciences of sinners around you, and continually so- licits them to change their course. ?.. Besides the duty of private admonition, you must endeavour to help men to profit by the public ordinances. In order to that— endeavour to pro- cure for them faithful ministers, where they are wanting. " How shall they hear without a preach- er?" Improve your interest and diligence to this end, till you prevail. Extend your purses to the utmost. How many souls may be saved by the ministry you have procured ! It is a higher and nobler charity, than relieving their bodies. What abundance of good might great men do, if they would support in academical education such youtlj as they have first carefully chosen for their integrity and piety, till they should be fit for the ministry ! — And when a faithful ministry is obtained, help poor souls to receive the fruit of it. Draw them con- .«lantly to attend it. Remind them often what they have heard ; and, if it be possible, let them hear it repeated in their families, or elsewhere. Promote their fiequent meeting together, besides publicly in THE SAINTS' REST. 131 the conirregalion ; not as a separate church, but as a part of the churcli, more diligent than the rest in redeeming time, and lielping the souls of each otlier heaven-ward. Labour also to keep the ordinances and niinisiry in esteem. No man will be much wrouglit on iiy that which l)e despiseth. An apostle says, " We beseech you, brethren, to know them who labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you ; and to esteem them very bigltly in love for their work's sake." idly. Let ns inquire, what viaij be the causes of the g'rosa neglect of this duty ; that tlie hindcrances, beivg discovered, may the more easily be ocercume. One hinderance is, men's own sin and guilt. — They have not themselves been ravished with hea- venly delights ; iiow tlien should they draw others so earnestly to seek them ; 1 hey have not felt their own lost condition, nor their need of Christ, nor the renewing work of the Spirit ; how then can they discover these to others .' They are guilty of the sins they should reprove, and this makes them ashamed to reprove. — Another is a secret infidelity prevailing in men's hearts. Did we verily believe, that all the unregenerate and unholy shall be eter- nally tormented, how could we hold our tongues, or avoid bursting into tears, when we look them in the face, especially when they are our near and dear friends.' Thus doth secret unbelief consume the vigour of each grace and duty. O Christians, if you did verily believe that your ungodly neighbours, wife, husband, or child, should certainly lie for ever in hell, except they be thoroughly changed before death shall snatch them away, would not this make you address them day and night till they were per- suaded ? Were it not for this cursed unbelief, our ow'n and our neighbours' souls would gain more by us than they do. — These attempts are also much hindered by our want of charity and compassion for men's souls. We look on miserable souls, and pass by, as the priest and Levite by the wounded man. What though the sinner, wounded by sin, and cap- tivated by Satan, do not desire thy help himself; yet his misery cries aloud. If God had not heard the cry of our miseries, before he heard the cry of our prayers, and been moved by his own pity before he was moved by our importunity, we might long have continued the slaves of Satan. You will pray to God for them, to open their eyes, and turn their hearts j and why not endeavour their conversion, if you desire it ? And if you do not desire it, why do you ask it? Why do you not pray them to consider and return, as well as pray to God to convert and 132 EXCITEMENT TO SEEK turn them? If you should see your neighbour fall- en into a pit, and siioiild pray to God to help him out, but neither put forth your hand to help him, nor once direct him to help liitnself, would not any man censure you for your cruelty and hypocrisy ? It is as true of the soul as of the body. Jf any man "seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God inliimr" or what love hath he to his Lrotiier's soul? — We are also hindered by a base, man pleasing disposition. We are so desirous to keep in credit and favour with men, that it makes us most unconscionably neglect our own duty. He is a foolish and unfailliful physician tliat will let a sick man die for fear of troubling him. If our friends are distracted, v.e please them in nothing that tends to their hurt. And yet when they are beside themselves in point of salvation, and in their madness posting on to damnation, we will not stop them for fear of displeasing them. How can we be Christians that " love the praise of men more than the praise of God?" For, if we "seek to please men, we siiall not be the servants of Clirist." — It is common to be hindered by sinful basiifulness. When we should shame men out of their sins, we are our- selves ashamed of our duties. May not these sinners condemn us, when they blush not to swear, be drunk, or neglect the worship of God ; and we blush to tell them of it, and persuade them from it ? Bashfulness is unseemly in cases of necessity. It is not a work to be ashamed of, to obey God in persuading men from their sins to Christ. Reader, hath not tliy cc^nscience told thee of thy duty many a lime, and put thee on to speak to poor sinners j and yet thou hast been ashamed to open thy mouth, and so let them alone to sink or swim? Oread and tremble, " Whosoever shall be ashamed of me, and of my words, in this adulterous and sinful gen- eration, of him also shall the Son of man be asham- ed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father, with the holy angels." — An idle and impatient spirit hin- dereth us. It is an ungrateful work, and sometimes makes men our enemies. Besides, it seldom succeeds at the first, except it be followed on. You nuist be long teaching the ignorant, and persuading the ob- stinate. We consider not what patience God used towards us when we were in our sins. Wo to us if God had been as impatient with us as we are with others. — Another hinderance is, self-seeking. " All seek their o\vn, not the things which are Jesus Christ's," and llieir brethren's. — With many, pride is a great impediment. If it were to speak to a THE SAINTS' REST. 133 great man, and it would not displease him, they would do it ; but to go among the poor, and take pains Willi them in their cottages, where is the per- son that will do it? Many will rejoice in being in- strumental to convert a gentleman, and they have good reason ; but overlook the multitude, as if the souls of all were not alike to God. Alas', these men little consider how low Christ stooped to us I Few rich, and noble, and wise, are called. It is the poor that receive the glad tidings of the gospel. — And with some, their ignorance of the duty hindereth them from performing it. Either they know it not to be a duty, or at least not to be their duty. If this be thy case, reader, I am in hope thou art now acquainted with thy duty, and will set upon it. Uo not object to this duly, that you are unable to manage an exhortation ; but either set those on the work who are more able, or faithfully and humbly use the small ability you have, and tell them, as a weak man may do, what God says in his word. — Decline not the duty, because it is your superior who needs advice and exhortation. Order must be dispensed with in cases of necessity. Though it be a husband, a parent, a minister, you must teach him in such a case. If parents are in want, children must relieve them. If a husband be sick, the wife must fill up his place in family affairs. If the rich are reduced to beggary, they must receive charity. If the physician be sick, somebody must look to him. So the meanest servant must admonish his master, and the child his parent, and the wife her Iiusband, and the people their minister ; so that it be done when there is real need, and with all possi- ble humility, modesty, and meekness.— Do not say, this will make us all preachers ; for every good Christian is a teacher, and has a charge of his neighbour's soul. Every man is a physician, when a regular physician cannot be had, and when the hurt is so small that any man may relieve it ; and in the same cases every man must be a teacher, — Do not despair of success. Cannot God give it.' And must it not he my means? — Do not plead ; it will only be casting pearls before swine. When you are in danger to be torn in pieces, Christ would have you forbear; but what is that to you that are in no'such danger .' As long as they will hear, you have encouragement to speak, and may not cast them off as contemptible swine. — Say not, " It is a friend on whom I much depend, and, by telling him his sin and misery, I may lose his love, and be un- done." Is his love more to be valued than his'safe- ty ? or thy own benefit by him, than the salvation 134 EXCITEMENT TO SEEK or liis soul ? or wilt tlioii connive at his damnation because he is tiiy friend ? fs that thy best requital of liis friendship ? Iladst thou rather he should burn in hell forever, than thou shouldst lose his fa- vour, or the maintenance thou hast from him ? 3dly. But that all who fear God may be excited to do their utmost to help others to this blessed restrict VIC entreat yott to consider the following mo- tives : — As, for instance, not only nature, but espe- cially grace, disposes the soul to be communicative of good ; therefore to neglect this work is a sin both against nature and grace. Would you not think him unnatural that would suffer his children or neighbours to starve in the streets, while he has provision at hand? And is not he more 'unnatural, that will let them eternally perish, and not open his mouth to save them .'' An unmerciful, cruel man is a monster to be abhorred of all. If God had bid you give them all your estates, or lay down your lives to save them, you would surely have refused, when you will not bestow a little breath to save them. Is not the soul of a husband, or wife, or child, or neighbour, worth a few words ? Cruelty to men's bodies is a most damnable sin ; but to their souls much more, as the soul is of greater worth than the body, and eternity than tinie. Little know you what many a soul may now be feeling in hell, who died in their sins, for want of your faithful ad- monition,— Consider what Christ did towards the saving of souls. He thought them worth his blood ; and shall we not think them worth our breath ? Will you not do a little where Christ hath done so much.'— Consider what fit objects of pity ungodly people are. They are dead in trespasses and sins, have not hearts to feel their miseries, nor to pity themselves. If others do not pity them, they will have no pity ; for it is the nature of their disease to make them pitiless to themselves, yea, their own most cruel destroyers. — Consider it was once thy own case. It was God's argument to the Iraelites, to be kind to strangers, because themselves had been " strangers in the land of Egypt." So should you pity them that are strangers to Christ, and to the hopes and comforts of the saints, because you were once strangers to them yourselves. — Con- sider your relation to them. It is thy neighbour, thy brother, whom thou art bound to love as thy- self. " He that loveth not his brother, whom he seeth daily, doth not love God, whom he never saw." Anil doth he love his brother that will see him go to hell, and never hinder him .' Consider what a load of guilt this neglect lays THE SAINTS' REST, 135 apon thy own soul. Thou art guilty of the murder ami damnation of all those souls whom thou dost thus neglect ; and of every sin they now commit, and) of all the dishonour done to God thereby ; and of all tho^e judgments which their sins bring upon the town or country where they live. — Consider what it will be, to look upon your poor friends in eternal flames, and to think that your neglect was a great cause of it. If you should "there perish with them, it would be no small aggravation of your tor- ment. If yon be in heaven, it would surely be a sad thought, were it possible that any sorrow could dwell there, to hear a multitude of poor souls cry out fur ever, " O, if you would but have told me plainly of my sin and danger, and set it home, I might have escaped all this torment, and been now in rest V" What a sad voice will this be I — Consider what a joy it will be in heaven, to meet those there, whom you have been the means to bring thither; to see their faces, and join with them for ever ia the praises of God, whom you were the happy in- struments of brincing to the knowledge and obedi- ence of Jesus Christ ! — Consider how" many souls you may have drawn into the way of damnation, or hardened in it. We have had, in the days of our ignorance, our companions in sin, whom we incited or encouraged. And doth it not become us to do as much to save men, as we have done to destroy them? — Consider how diligent are all the enemies of these poor souls, to draw them to hell. The devil is tempting them day and night: their inward lusts are still working for their ruin : the flesh is still pleading for its delights : their old companions are increasing their dislike of holiness. And if nobody be diligent in helping them to heaven, what is like to. become of them .' Consider how deep the neglect of this duty will wound, when conscience is awakened. When a man comes to die, conscience will ask him," WJiat good hast thou done in thy lifetime." The saving of souls is the areatest good work; what hast thou done towards it ? How many hast thou dealt faithfully with?" I have often observed that the consciences of dying men very much woimded them fortius omission. For my own part, when I have been near death, my conscience hath accused me more for this than for any sin. It would bring eve- ry ignorant, profane neighbour to my remembrance, to whom I never made known their danger. It would tell me, " Thou shouldst have cone to ihem in private, and told them plainly of their desperate dan- ger, though it had been when thou shouldst have 136 EXCITEMENT TO SEEK enten or slept, if tliou liadst no other time." Con- science would reniinti me Iiow, :it such or such it time, I was in company with the ignorant, or wn^ riding by the way with a wilfnl sinner, and had a fit opportunity to have dealt with him, hut "did not; or at least did it to little purpose. The Lord grant I may better obey conscience while 1 have time, that it may have less to accuse me of at death! — Con- aider what a seasonable time you now have for this work. There are times in which it is not safe to ?peak ; it hiay cost you your liberties or your lives. Besides, your neighbours will shortly die, and so will you. Speak to them, therefore, while you may. — Consider, though this is a work of the greatest charity, yet every one of you may perform it ; the poorest as well as the rich. Every one hath a tongue to speak to a sinner. — Once more, consider the happy consequences of this work where it is iaithfully done. You may be instrumental in saving souls, for which Christ came down and died, and irr which the angels of God rejoice. Such souls will bless you here and hereafter. God will have m.ucl> glory by it ; the church will be multiplied and edi- fied by' it. Your own souls will enjoy more im- provement and vigour in a divine life, more peace of conscience, more rejoicing in spirit. Of all the personal mercies that I ever received, next to the love of God in Clirist to n)y own soul, I mu?t most joyfully bless him for the plentiful success of my en- deavours upon others. O what fruits, then, might I have seen, if! bad been more faithful ! I know we need be very jealou,s of our deceitful hearts in this point, lest our rejoicing should c(^mc from our pride. ^Naturally we would have the praise of every gooft work ascribed to ourselves: yet to imitate our Fa- ther in goodness and mercy, and to rejoice in the degVoe of them we attain to, is the duty of every child of God. f therefore tell you my own experi- ence, to persuade you, that, if you did but know what a joyful thing it is, you would follow it night and day through the greatest discouragements. i;p, then, every man that liath a tongue, and is a servant of Christ, and do something of your Master's work. Why hath he given you a tongue, hut to speak in his service.' Aniat it is seeking re^t where it is]not ; 6. that the creatures,' witliout God, would aggravate our misery ; 7. and all this is confirmed by experience. III. Moid unreasonable our ^unwillingness to die. and possess the saints* rest is largely considered. * We are not yet come to our resting place. Doth it remain? How great then is our sin and folly to seek and expect it here! Where shall we find th.,- Cliristian that deserves not this reproof? We n' ski^ IS NOT ON EARTH. 143 all have contintial prosperity, because it is easj' and pleasiiiix to the flesh ; but we consider not the un- reasonableness of such desires. And when we en- joy convenient houses, goods, lands, and revenues, or the necessary means God hall) appointed for our spiritual good, we seek rest in these enjoyments. Whether we are in an afflicted or prosperous state, it is apparent, we exceedingly make the creature our rest. Do we not desire creature enjoyments more violently, when we want them, than we desire God himself? Do we not delight more in the pos- session of them, than in the enjoyn)ent of God .' And if we lose them, doth it not trouble us more than our loss of God? Is it not enough, that they are refreshing helps in our way to heaven, but they must also be made our heaven itself? Christian reader, I would as willingly make thee sensible of this sin, as of any sin in the world, if I could tell liow to do it ; for the Lord's greatest quarrel with us is in this point. In order to this, I most earnest- ly beseech t\\€e to consider — the reasonableness of present afflictions — and the unreasonableness of resting in present enjoyments — as also of our un- willingness to die, that we may possess eternal rest. First. To show the reasonableness of present a f~ flictio\^, consider — they are the way to rest — they keep us from mistaking our rest, and from losing our way to it — they quicken our pace towards it — they chiefly incommode our flesh — and under them God's people liave often the sweetest foretastes of their rest. 1. Consider that labour and trouble are the com- mon way to rest, both in the course of nature and grace. Can there possibly be rest without weari- ness? Do you not travail and toil first, and rest af- ter? The "day for labour is first, and then follows the night for rest. Why should we desire the course of grace to be perverted, any more than the course of nature? It is an established decree, "that we must through much tribulation enter into the king- dom of God ;" and that, " if we suffer, we shall also reign with Christ." And what are we, that God's statutes should be reversed for our pleasure ? 2. Afflictions are jexceeding useful to us, to keep us from mistaking our rest. A Christian's motion towards jheaven is voluntary, and "not constrained. Those means therefore are most profitable, vvhicli help his understanding and will. The most dan- perous mistake of our souls is, to take the creature for God, and earth for heaven. What warm, affec- tionate, eager thoughts have we of the world, till afflictions cool and moderate them ! Afflictions 144 THE SAINTS' REST. speak convincingly, and will be lieard when preach- ers cannot. Many a poor Christian is souieliines bendins; his thoughts to wealtli, or flesh-pleasinp, or applause, and so loses his relish of Christ, and the joy above ; till God break in upon his riches, or children, or coftscience, or health, and break down, his mountain which he thought so strong. And then, when he lieth in Manasseh's felterrs, or is fas- tened to his bed with pining sickness, the w^orld is nothing, and lieaven is something. If our dear Lord did not put these thorns under our head, we should sleep out our lives, and lose our glory. 3. Afflictions are also God's most elFectual means to keep us from losing our way to our rest. With- out this licdge of thorns on the right hand and left, we should hardly keep the way to heaven. If there be but one gap open, how ready are we to find it, and turn out at it ; Wlien we grow wanton, or worldly, or proud, .how duth sickness, or other afflic- tion, reduce us ! Every Christian, as well as Lu- ther, may call affliction one of the best schoolmas- ters; and with David may say, " Before I was af- flicted I went astray ; but now liave I kept thy word." Many thousand recovered sinners may cry, "O liealthful sickness! O comfortable sor- rows! O gainful losses! O enriching poverty I O blessed day that ever I was afflicted !" Not only the " green pastures, and still waters, but the rod and staff, they comfort us." Though the word and Spirit do the main work, yet suffering so unbolts the door of the heart, that the word hath easier en- trance. 4. Afflictions likewise serve to quicken our paco in the way to our rest. It were well, if mere love would prevail with us, and that we were rather drawn to lieaven, than driven. But, seeing our hearts are so bad that mercy will not do it, it is better to be put on with the sharpest scourge, than loiter, like the foolish virgins, till the door is shut. O what a difference is there betwixt our prayers in health and in sickness! betwixt our repentings in prosperity and adversity ! Alas ! if we did not some- times feel the spur, what a slow pace would most of us hold toward heaven I Since our vile natures require it, why should we be unwilling that God should do us good by sharp means.' Judge, Chris- tian, whether thou dost not go more watchfully and speedily in the way to heaven, in thy sufferings, than in thy more pleasing and prosperous state. .'). Consider, further, it is but the flesh that is chiefly troubled and greived by afflictions. In most of our suflerings the soul is free, unless we ourselves IS NOT OX EARTH. 1\Z wilfully affliclit. " Wliy then, O my soul, dost thou side with this flesh, and complain, as it coin- plainethr It should he thy work to keep it under, and hring it into suhjeciion ; and if God do it for thee, shouldst thou be discontented? Ilath not the pleasing of it been the cause of almost all thy spirit- ual sorrows? Why, then, may not the dis[>Ieasing ofit further thy joy? Must not Paul and Silas sing, because their feet are in the stocks? Their spirits were not imprisoned. Ah, unworthy soul I is this thv thanks to God for preferrifi? tliee so far before thy body? When it is rottin;; in the gra%'e, thou shalt be a conijianiim of J he perfected spirits of tlie just. In the mean time, hast thou not consolation which the flesh knows not of? Murmur net, then, at God's dealings with thy body : if it were for want of love to thee, he would not liave dealt so by all his saints. Never expect thy flesh should truly ex- pound the meaning of the rod. li will cull love haired ; and say, Goil is destroyina, when he is sav- ing. It is the sufferius party, and therefore not fit to be the judge." Could we once believe God, and judge of his dealings by his word, and by tiieir use- fulness to our souls, and reference to our rest, and eould we stop our ears against all the clamours of the flesh, then we should have a truer judgment of our afflictions. 6. Once more, consider, God seldom gives hig people so sweet a foretaste of tiieir future rest, as ia their deep afflictions. He keeps his most precious cordials for the time of our greatest faintings and dangers. He gives them when he knows they are needed, and will be valued, and when he is sure to be thanked for them, and his people rejoiced by them. Especially when our sufferings are more directly for ills cause, then he seldom fails to sweeten the bitter cup. The martyrs have possessed the highest joys. When did Chris't preach such comforts to his disci- ples, as when " their hearts were sorrowful" at his departure? When did he appear among them, and 6ay, " Peace be unto you," hut when they were shut up for fear of the Jews? When did Stephen see heaven opened, but when he was giving up his life for the testimony of Jesus? Is not thit our best state, wherein we have most of God ? Why else do" we desire to come to heaven ? If we look for a heaven of fleshly delights, we shall find ourselves mistaken. Conclude,\hen, that affliction is not so had a state for a saint in his way to rest. Are we wiser than God ? Doth he not know what is good for us as well as we ? or is he not ns careful of our good, as we are of our own? Wo lo us, if he werf* 10 11(i THE SAINTS' REST not mncli innie so ; and if he did not love us better than vvc love eiil)er him or ourselves I 5?fiy not, " 1 could bear any other attliclion but this." If God had afflicted thee where thou canst bear it, thy idol would neither have been discovered nor re- moved. Neither say, " If God would deliver me out of it, I could be content to bear it." Is it nothing thai he hath promised it " shall work for thy good .'" Is it not enbujih that thou art sure to be delivered at death.'' A'or let it be said, "If my affliction did not disable me from my duty, I could bear it." It doth not disable thee for that duty which tendeth to thy own personal benefit, but is the greatest quickening help thou canst expect. As for thy duty to others, it is not thy duty when God disables thee. Perhaps thou wilt say, " The godly are my afflicters ; if it were ungodly men, I could easily bear it." Whoever is the instru- ment, the affliction is from God, and the deserving cause thyself ; and is it not better to look more to God than thyself.' Didst thou not know that the best men are still sinful in part .' Do not plead, " If I had but that consolation, whicli you say God re- aerveth for sufferinfr times, I should suITer more contentedly ; but I do not perceive any such thing." The more you su/Fer for rijihleousness' sake, the more of this blessing you may expect ; and the more you suffer for your own evil doing, the longer it will be before that sweetness comes. Are not the com- forts you desire neglected or resisted ? Have your afflictions wrought kindly with you, and fitted you for comfort.' It is not suffering that prepares you for comfort, but the success and fruit of suflering upon your hearts. Secondly. To show the unrcasonaUeness of restiitg in present enjoyments, consider — it is idolizing them — it contradicts "God's end in giving them — it is the way to have them refused, withdrawn, or imbitter- ed ; — to be suffered to take up our rest here is the greatest curse — it is seeking rest where it is not to be found — the creatures, without God, would aggra- vate our misery — and, to confirm all this, we may consult our own and others' experience. I. It is gross idolatry to m.ake any creature, or means, our rest. To be the rest of the soul, is God's own prerogative. As it is apparent idolatry to place our rest in riches or honours, so it is but a more refined idolatry to take dp our rest in excellent means of grace. How ill must our dear Lord take it, when we give hini cause to complain, as he did of our fellow idolaters, " My people have been lost sheep J they have forgottea their resting place. My IS NOT ON EARTH. 14T people can find rest in any thing rather than in me. They can deligiit in one anotlier, but not in me. They can rejoice in my creatuies and ordinances, but not in me. Yea, in their very labours and duties they seek for rest, but not in me. They had rather be any where, than be with me. Ate these tlieir gods? Have these redeemed them? Will these be better to them than I have been, or than I would be ?■' If yourselves have a wife, a'husband, a son, that had rather he any where than in your com- pany, and be never so merry as when farthest from you, would you not take it ill? So must our God needs do. 2. You contradict the end of God in giving these enjoyuients. He gave them to help thee to him, and dost thou take up with them in his stead r He gave them to be refreshments in thy journey, and wouldst thou dwell in thy inn, and go no faither? It mav be said of all our comforts and ordinances, as is s'aid of the [sraelites, " The ark of the covenant of the Lord went before them, to search out a rest- ing place for them." ?o do all God's mercies here. They are not that rest; as John professed he ^^ as not the Christ ; but they are " voices crying in this wilderness," to bid us prepare, " for the kingdom of God," our true rest, " is at hand." Therefore to rest here, were to turn all mercies contrary to their own ends, and to our own advantages, and to de- stroy ourselves with that which should help us. 3. It is the way to cause (;od either to deny the mercies we ask, or to take from us those we enjoy, or at least imbiller them to us. God is no where so jealous as here. If you had a servant whom your wife loved better than yourself, would you not lake it ill of such a wife, and rid your house of such a servant? So, if the Lord see you begin to settle in the world, and say, " Here I "will rest," no won- der if he soon, in his jealousy, unsettle you. If he love you, no wonder if he take that from you with which he sees you are destroying yourselves. It hath long been my observation of many, that when they have attempted great works, and have just finished them ; or have aimed at great things in the world, and have just obtained them ; or have lived in much trouble, and have just overcome it ; and be- gin to look on their condition with content, and rest Tn it ; they are then usually near to death or ruin. When a man is once at tliis language, " Soul, take thy ease," the next news usually is, "Thou fool, this night," or this month, or this year, "thy soul shall be required, and then whose shall these things be ?" What house is there, where this fool 148 THE SAINTS' REST dwelleth not? Let you and I consider, whether it be not our own case. Many a servant of God hath been destroyed from the earth, hy being overvalued nnd overloved. I am persuaded, our discontents and murmurings are not so provoking to God, nor so destructive to tlie sinner, as our too sweet enjoy- ing, and resting in, a pleasing state. If God hath crossed you in wife, children, goods, friends, either by taking them away, or the comfort of them ; try whether this be not the cause : for whi-resoever your desires stop, and you say, " Now I am well," that condition you make your god, and engage the jealousy of God against it. Whether you be friends to God, or enemies, you can never expect that God should suffer you quietly to enjoy your idols. 4. Should God suffer you to take up your rest here, it is one of the greatest curses that could befall you. It were better never to have a day of ease in the world ; for then weariness might make you seek after true rest. But it you are suffered to sit down and rest here, a restless wretch you will be through all eternity. To "have their portion in this life," is the lot of the most miserable, perishing sinners. Doth it become Christians, then, to expect so much here.' Our rest is our heaven; and where we take our rest, there we make our heaven. And wouldst thou have but such a heaven as this ? 5. It is seeking rest where it is not to be found. Your labour will be lost ; and, if you proceed, your soul's eternal lest too. Our rest is only in the full obtaining of our ultimate end. But that is not to be expected in this life ; neither is rest, therefore, to be expected here. Is God to be enjoyed in the best church here, as he is in heaven ? How little of God the saints enjoy under the best means, let their own complainings testify. Poor comforters are the best ordinances, without God. Should n traveller take up his rest in the way ? No ; because his home is his journey's end. When you have all that crea- tures and means can afford, have you that you be- lieved, prayed, suffered for? I tiiink you dare not say so. We are like little children strayed from home, and God is now fetching us home, and we are ready to turn into any house, stay and play with every thing in our way, and sit down on every green bank, and much ado there is to get us home. We are also in the midst of our labours and dangers ; and is there any resting here? What painful work doth lie upon our hands? Look to our brethren, to our souls, and to Gotl ; and what a deal of work, in respect to each of these, doth lie before us ? And can we rest in the midst of all our labours ? Indeed, we IS NOT ON EARTH. 149 may rest on eartli, as the ark is said to have " rested iri the miilstof Jordan" — a short and small rest ; or as Abraliam desireil the " anijels to turn in, and rest themselves," in his tent, where they would have been loath to have taken up their dwelling. Should Israel have fixed tlieir rest in the wilderness, among serpents, and enemies, and weariness, and famine .' Should Noah have made the ark his home, and have been loath to come forth when the waters were as- suaged? Should the mariner choose his dwelling on the sea, and settle his rest in the midst of rocks, and sands, and racing tempests ? Should a soldier rest ia the thickeat of hi^s enemies ? And are not Christiana such travellers, sucli mariners, such soldiers ? Have you not fears within and trouliles without? Are we not in continual dangers ? We cannot eat, drink, sleep, labour, pray, hear, converse, but in the midst of snares ; and sliall we sit down and rest here? O Christian, follow thy work, look to thy dangers, hold on to the end, win the field, and come off the ground, before thou think of a settled rest. Whenever thou talkestof a rest on earth, it is like Peter on the mount, " thou knowest not what thou sayest." If, instead of telling tlie converted thief, " This day Shalt thou be with me in paradise," Christ had said lie should rest there upon the cross, would he not have taken it for a derision ? Methinks it would be ill resting in the midst of sickness and pains, perse- cutions and distresses. But if nothing else will con- vince us, yet sure the remainders of sin, which do so easily beset us, should quickly satisfy a believer, that here is not his rest. I say, therefore, to every one that ihinketh of rest on earth, " Arise ye, and depart, for this is not your re.-t, because it is pol- luted." These things cannot, in their nature, be a true Christian's rest." They are too poor to make us rich ; too low to raise us to happiness ; too emp- ty to fill our souls ; and of too short a continuance to be our.eternal content. If prosperity, and what- soever we here desire, be too base to make gods of, they are too base to be our rest. — The soul's rest must be sufficient to afford it perpetual satisfaction. But the content which creatures afford, waxes old, and abates after a short enjoyment. If God should rain down angels' food, we should soon loathe the manna. If novelty support not, our delights on earth grow dull. All creatures are to us as the flowers to the bee ; there is but little honey on any one, and therefore there must be a superficisU taste, and so to the next.-- -The more the creature i« known, the less it satisfieth. Those only are takeo with it, who see no farther than its outward beauty, 150 THE SAINTS' REST without discerning its inuaiil vanity. When we thoroughly know tlic condition of other men, and have discovered tlie evil as well as the -good, and tlie defects as well as tlie perfections, we then cease our admiration. 6. To have creatures and means without God, ia an aggravation of our misery. If God should say, " 'lake my creatures, my word, my servants, my ordinances, but not myself," would you take this for happiness? If you had the word of God, and not " the Word," which is God ; or the bread of the Lord, and not the Lord, which " is the true bread ;" or could cry with the Jews, " Tlie temple of the Lord," and had not the Lord of the temple ; this were a poor happiness. Was Capernaum the more happy, or the more miserable, for seeing the niighty works which they had seen, and hearing the woida of Christ which they did hear? Surely that which aggravates our sin and misery cannot be our rest. 7. To confirm all this, let us consult our own and others' experience. — Millions iiave made trial, but did any ever find a sufficient rest for his soul on earth? Delights I deny not but they have found, but rest and satisfaction they never found. And shall we think to find that which never man could find before us? Ahab's kingdom is nothing to him, without Naboth's vineyard ; and did that satisfy him when lie obtained it? Were you, like Noah's dove, to look through the earth for a resting-place, you would return confessing, that you could find none. Go ask honour. Is there rest here? You may as well rest on the top of tempestuous moun- tains, or in yEtna's flames. Ask riches, Is there rest here? Even such as is in abed of thorns. If you inquire for rest of worldly pleasure, it is such as the fish hath in swallowing the bait ; when the pleasure is sweetest, death is nearest. Go to learning, and even to divine ordinances, and inquire whether there your souls may rest. You might indeed receive from these an olive branch of hope, as they are means to your rest, and have relation to eternity ; hut, in regard of any satisfaction in themselves, you would remain as restlessas ever. How well might all these answer us, as Jacob did Rachel, " Am I in God's stead," that you come to me for soul-rest ? Not all the states of men in the world ; neither court nor country, towns nor cities, shops nor fields, treasures, libraries, solitude, society, studies nor pul- pits, can afford any such thing as this rest. If you could inquire of the dead of all generations, or of the living through all dominions, they would all tell you, " Here is no rest." Or, if other men's experience IS NOT ON EARTH. Kl move yoti not, take a view of your own. Can ynii remember the state that did fully satisfy you ? or, if you could, will it prove lasting ? I believe we way all say of our eartlily rest, as Paul of our hope, " If it were in this life only, we are of all men the most miserable. " If, then, either Scripture or reason, or the experi- ence of ourselves, and all the world, will convince lis, we n)ay see there is no resting here. And yet how guilty are the generality of us of this sin 1 How many halts and stops do we make, before we will make ttie Lord our rest ! How must God even drive us, and fire us out of every condition, lest we should sit down and rest there I If he give us pros- perity, riches, or honour, we do in our hearts dance before them, as the Israelites before their calf, and say, " These are thy gods ;" and conclude, " it is pood to be here." If he imbitter all these to us, how restless are we till our condition be sweetened, that we may sit down again, and rest where we were ! If he proceed in the cure, and take the creature quite away, then we labour, and cry, and pray, that God would restore it, that we may make it our rest again I And while we are deprived of our former idol, yet, rather than conic to God, we delight ourselves in the hope of recovering it, and make that very hope our rest, or search about from creature to creature, to find out something to supply the room ; 3 ea, if we c^n find no supply, yet we will rather settle in this misery, and make a rest of a wretched being, than leave all and come to God. the cursed averseness of our souls frcm God! If any place in liell were tolerable, the soul would rather take up its rest there, than come to God. Yea, when he is bringing us over to him, and hath convinced us of the worth of liis ways and service, the last deceit of all is here, — we will rather settle upon those ways that lead to him, and those ordi- nances that speak of liim, ruid those gifts which flow from him, than we will cosne entirely over to himself. Christians, marvel not that I speak so much of resting in these ; beware lest it prove thy own case. I sflppose thou art so far convinced of the vanity of riches, honour, and pleasure, that thou canst more easily disclaim these, and it is well if it be so ; but the means of grace thou lockest on with less suspicion, and tliinkesf thou canst not de- light in them too much, especially seeing most of the world despise them,or delight in them too little. 1 know they must be loved and valued ; and he that delighteth in any worldly thing more than in them, is not a Christian. But when we are conleut 152 THE SAINTS' REST with ordinances wiihoiil God, and had rather be at a sermon than in lieaven, and a member of the church liere tlian of the perfect church above, this is a sad mistake. So far let Ihy soul take comfort in ordinances, as God doth accompany them ; re- membering, this is not heaven, but the first-fruits. " While we are present in the body, we are absent from the Lord ;" and while weare absent from him, we are absent from our rest. If God were as will- ing to be absent from us as we from him, and as loath to be our rest as we to rest in him, we s))ould be left to an eternal restless separation. In a word, as you are sensible of the sinfulness of your earthly discontents, so be you also of your irregular satis- faction, and pray God to pardon them much more. And, above all the placues on this side hell, see that you watch and pray against settling any where short of heaven, or reposing your souls on anything be- Jow God. IViirdhj. The next thing to be considered is, our unreasonable unwillingness ta die, that vc may possess the saints^ rest. We linger, like Lot in Sodom, till " the Lord, being merciful unto us," doth pluck us away against our will. I confess tliat death of it- self is not desirable ; but the soul's rest with God is, to which death is the common passage. Because we are apt to make light of this sin, let me set be- fore you its nature and remc^ly, in a variety of con- siderations: As, for instance,— it has in it much infidelity. If we did but verily believe, that the promise of this glory is the word of God, and that God doth truly mean as he speaks, and is fully re- solved to make it good ; if we did verily believe, that there is indeed such blessedness prepared for believers, surely we should be as impatient of living as we are now fearful of dying, and should think every day a year till our last day should come. Is it possible that we can truly believe, that death will remove us from misery to such glory, and yet be loath to die .' If the doubts of CHir own interest in that glory make us fear, yet a true belief of the cer- tainty and excellency of this test would make us restless till our title to it be cleared. Though there is nmch faith and Christianity in our mouths, yet there is much infidelity and paganism in our hearts, which is the chief cause that we are so loath to die. — It is also much owing lo the coldness of our love. If we love our friend, we love his company; his presence is comfortable, his absence is painful ; when he comes to us, we entertain him with glad- ness ; when he dies, we mourn, and usually ovei- mourn. 'lo be separated from a faithful friend, i» IS NOT ON EARTH. 15J like the rending a member from our body. And would not our desires after God be sucli, il we really loved him .' Nay, should it not be muclj more than such, as he is above all friends most lovely? May the Lord teach us to look closely to our hearts, and take heed of self deceit in this point? Whatever we pretend, if we love either father, mother, hus- band, wife, child, friend, wealth, or life itself, more than Christ, we are yet, " none of his" sincere "disciples." When it comes to the trial, the question will not be. Who hath preached most, or heard most, or talked most? but, Wlio hath loved most? Christ will not take sermons, prayers, fastingis ; no, nor the ♦' giviim our goods," nor the " burning our bodies," instead of love. And do we love him, and yet care not how long we are from him ? Was it such a joy to Jacob to seethe face of Joseph in Egypt? and shall we be contented without the sight of Christ In glory, and yet say we love him ? I dare not con- clude, "that we have' no love at all, when we are so loath to die ; but [ dare say, were ourlove more, we should die more willingly. If this holy flame were tiioroughly kindled in our breasts, we should cry out, with David, " As the hart paiiteth after the wa- ter-brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul Ihirsteth for God, for the living God ; when shall I come and appear before God ?" — By our un- willingness to die, it appears we are little weary of Bin. Did we take sin for the greatest evil, we should not be willing to have its company so long. "O foolish, sinful heart I hast thou been so long a cage of all unclean lusts, a fountain incessantly stream- jngforlh the bitter waters of transgression, and art Ihou not yet weary ? Wretched soul ! hast thou been 9o long wounded in all thy faculties, so grieveusly languishing in all thy performances, so fruitful a soil of all iniquities, and art thou not yet more weary ? Wouldst thou still lie under thy imperfections ? Hath thy sin proved so profitable a commodity, so necessary a companion, such a delightful employ- ment, that thou dost so much dread the parting day ? .May not God justly grant thee thy wishes, and seal thee a lease of thy desireJ distance from him, and nail thy ears to these doors of misery, and exclude thee eternally from his plory?" — It shows that we are insensible of the vanity of the creature, when we are so loath to hear or think of a removal. " Ah, foolish, wretched soul ! doth every prisoner groan for freedom ? and every slave desire his jubi- lee? and every sick man long for health? and every hungry man for food ? and dost thou alone abhor deliverance ? Doth the sailor wish to see 164 THE SAINTS' REST land ? Doth the husbanman desire the harvest, and the labourer to receive his pay ? Doih the traveller long to be at home, and the racer to win the prize, and the soldier to win the field ? and art thi.u loath to see thy labours finished, and to receive the end of tliy faith and suflerings ? Have thy griefs been only dreams? If they were, yet me- tliinks thou shouldst not be afraid of waking. (.)r is it not rather the world's delij^hts that are all mere dreams and shadows? Or is the world become of late more kind? We may at our peril reconcile ourselves to the world, but it will never reconcile itself to us. O unworthy soul ! v ho hadst rather dwell in this land of darkness, and wander in thi3 barren wilderness, than be at rest with Jesus Christ: who hadst rather stay among the wolves, and daily suffer the scorpion's stings, than praise the Lord with the host of heaven !" This unwillingness to die doth actually impeach us of high treason against the Lord. Is it not choos- ing of earth before him, and taking of present things for our happines, and consequently making ihem our very god ? If we did indeed make God our end, our rest, our portion, our treasure, how is it possible hut we should desire to enjoy him? — It moreover discovers some dissimulation. \Vould you have any believe you, when you call the Lord your only hope, and speak of Christ as all in all, and of the joy that is in his presence, and yet would en- dlire the hardest life, rather than die, and enter into his presence? What self-contradiction is this, to talk so hardly of the world, and the flesh, to groan and complain of sin and suffering, and yet fear no day more than that, w hich we expect should bring our final freedom I What hypocrasy is this, to pro- fess to strive and fight for heaven, which we are loath to come to! and spend one hour after another in prayer for that which we would not have. Here- by we wrong the T.ord and his promises, and dis- grace his ways in the eyes of the world. As if we would persuade them to question whether God be true to his word or not; whether there be any such glory as the Scripture mentions. When l/iey see those so loath to leave their hold of present things, who have professed to live by faith, and have boasted of their hopes in another world, and spoken disgracefully of all things below in comparison of things above, how doth this confirm the world in their unbelief and sensuality? "Sure," say they, " if these professors did expect so much glory, and make so light of the woild as they seem, they would not themselves be so loath to change." O how are 13 NOT OX EARTH. • 156 we ever able to repair the wrong which we do to God and souls by this scandal ? And what an honoiir to God, wlial a strengthening to believers, what a conviction to unbelievers would it be, if Christians in this did answer their profession, and cheerfully welcome the news of rest! — it also evi- dently shows, that we have spent much time to little purpose. Have we not had all our lifetime to pre- pare to die? so many years to make ready for one hour, and are we so unready and unwilling yet! What have we done ? Why have we lived ? Had we any greater matters to mind f Would we have wished for more frequent warnings? How oft liath death entered the habitations of our neighbours ! How oft hath it knocked at our own doors I How many distempers have vexed our bodies, that we liave been forced to receive the sentence of death ! And are we unready and unwilling after all this? O careless, dead-hearted sinners '. unworthy neg- lecters of God's warnings! faithless betrayers of our own souls ! ^ _ Consider, not to die is never to be happy. To escape death is to miss of blessedness, except God should translate us, as Enoch and Elijah, which be never did before or since. " If in this life only we have hope in Chsist, we are of al! men most misera- ble." H' you would not die, and go to heaven, what would you have more than an epicure or a beast ? Why do we pray, and fast, and mourn ? Why do we suffer the contempt of the world ; Why are w« Christians, and not pagans and infidels, if we do no| desire a life to come? Wouldst thou lose thy faith and labour. Christian ? all thy duties and sufferings, all the end of thy life, and all the blood of Christ, and be contented with the portion of a worldling ora brute ? Rather say, as one did on his deathbed, when he was asked whether he was willing to die or not, " Let him be loath to die, who is loath to be with Cl)rist." Is God willing by death to glorify us, and are we uiiw illing to die, that we may be glorified ? Methinks, if .a prince were willing to make you his heir, you would scarce be unw illing to accept it ; the refusing such a kindness would dis- cover ingratitude and unworthiness. As God hath resolved against them, who make excuses w hen they should come to Christ, " None of those men, who were bidden, shall taste of my supper;" so it is just with hinr to resolve against us, who frame excuses when we should come to glory. — The Lord Jesua Christ was willing to come from heaven to earth for us, and shall we be unwilling to remove from earth to heaven for ourselves and him ? He might have 156 THE SAINTS' REST said, f'What 13 it tome, if these sinners suffer r If Ihey value their flesh above their spirits, and their lusts above my Father's Jove ; if they will sell tlieir souls for nouclit, who is it fit should he the loser? Should 1, wiioiri they have wronged? Must they wilfully trans^'ress tny law, and I undergo their de- served pain? Must I come down from heaven to earth, and clothe myself with human flesh, be spit upon and scorned by man, and fast, and weep, and Bvveat, and suffer, and bleed, and die a cursed death ; and all this for wretched worms, who would rather hazard their souls, than forbear one forbidden mor- sel ? Do they cast away themselves so slightly, and must I redeem them so dearly?" Thus we see Christ had reason enough to have made him unwill ing; and yet did he voluntarily condescend. Bui we hare no reason against our coming to him ; ex- cept we will reason against our hopes, and plead for a perpetuity of our own calamities. Christ came down to fetch us up ; and would we have him lose his blood and labour, and go again without us? Hath he bought our rest at so dear a rate? Is our Inheritance "purchased with his blood?" and are we, after all this, loath to enter? Ah, sirs! it was Christ, and not we, that had cause to be loath. May tlie Lord forgive, and heal this foolish ingratitude I Do we not combine with our most cruel foes in their most malicious designs, while we are loath to die, and go to heaven ? What is the devil's daily business? Is it not to keep our souls from God? And shall we be content with this ? Is it not the one half of hell which we wisli to ourselves, while we desire to be absent from heaven ? What sport is this to Satan, that his desires and thine, Christian, should so concur ! that, when he sees he cannot get thee to hell, he can so long keep thee out of heaven, and make thee the earnest petitioner for it thyself! O gratify not the devil so much to thy own injury ! Do not our daily fears of death make our lives a continual torment? Those lives which might be full of joy in the daily contemplations of the life to come, and the sweet, delightful thoughts of bliss ; liow do we fill them up with causeless terrors! Thus we consume our own comforts, and prey upon our truest pleasures. When we might lie down, and rise up, and walk abroad, with our hearts full of the Joys of God, we continually fill them with perplex- ing fears. For he that fears dying must be alvvaya fearing ; because he hath always reason to expect it. And how can that man's life be comfortable, who lives in continual fear of losing his comforts? — Are not these fears of death self-created eufierixigs? as IS NOT ON EARTH. IST if God had not inflicted enough upon ua, but w» must inflict enougi) upon ourselves. Is not death bit- ter enough to the flesh of it-self, hut we must double and trebfe its bitterness? The siift'erings laid upon lis by God do all lead to happy issues ; the progress is irom tribulation to patience, from thence to ex- perience, and so to hope, and at last to glory. But the suflerings we make fur ourselves are circular and endless, from sin to suffering, from suffering to sin, and so to suff'ering again ; and not only so, but they multiply in their course ; every sin is greater than the former, and so every suff'ering also : so that, except we tiiink God made us to be our own tor- mentors, we li.ivo small reason to nourish our fears of death. — And are they not useless, unprofitable fears? As all our care "cannot Kiake one hair white or black, nor add one cubii to our stature," so neither can our fear prevent our sufferings, nor delay our death one hour : willing, or unwilling, we must away. Many a man's fears have hastened his end, but no man's ever did avert it. It is a true, a cautious fear concerning the danger after death, hath profited many, and" is very useful to the pre- venting of that danger J but for a member of Christ, and an heir of heaven, to be afraid of entering hia own inheritance, is a sinful, useless fear. — And do notour fears of dying insnare our souls, and add strength to many teiuptations? What made Peter deny his Lord ? What makes apostates in suffering times forsake the truth ? Why does the green blade of unrooted faith wither before the heat of persecu- tion ? fear of imprisonment and poverty may do much, but fear of death, will do much more. So much fear as we have of death, so much Cowardice we usually have in the cause of God ; beside the multitude of unbelieving contrivances, and discon- tents at the wise disposal of God, and hard thoughts of most of his providences, of which this sin makes us guilty. Let us further consider, what a competent time most of us have had. Why should not a man, that would die at all, be as witling at thirty or forty, if God see fit, as at seventy .or eighty? Length of time does not conquer corruption ; It never withers nor decays through age. Except we receive an ad- dition of grace, as well as time, we naturally grow worse. " O my soul, depart in peace ! As thou wouldst not desire an unlimited state in wealth and honour, so desire it not in point of time. If thou wast sensible how little thou deservest an hour of that patience which thou hast enjoyed, thou wouldst think thou hadst had a large part. Is it not divine 1S8 THE SAINTS' REST wisdom that sets the bounds? .God will honour himself by various persons, and several ages, and not by one person or age. P<^eing thou hast acted thy own part, and finished thy appointed course, come down contentedly, that others may succeed, who must have their turns as well as thyself. Much time hath much duty. Beg therefore for grace to improve it better ; but be content with thy share of time. Thou hast also had a competency of the comforts of life. God might have made thy life a burden, till thou hadstbeen as weary of possessing it aa thou art now afiaid of losing it. He might have suffered thee to have consumed thy days in ignorance, without the true knowledge of Christ: but he hath opened thine eyes in the morning of thy days, and acquainted thee betimes witli the business orf thy life. Ilath thy heavenly Father caused thy lot to fall in Europe, not in Asia, Africa, or America ; in England, not in Spain or Italy? Hath he filled up all thy life with mercies, and doet thou now think thy share too small? What a multitude of hours of consolation, of delightful Sabbaths, of pleasant studies, of precious companions, of wonderful de- liverances, of excellent opportunities, of fruitful la- bours, of joyful tidings, of sweet experiences, of as- tonishing providences, hath thy life partaken of! Hath thy life been so sweet, that thou art loath to leave it? Is this thy thanks to him, who is thus drawing thee to liis own sweetness? O foolish Boul I would thou wast as covetous after eternity, as til ou art for a fading, perishing lifel and after the presence of God in glory as thou art for continu- ance on earth ! Then thou wouldst cry, Why is his chariot so long in coming? Why tarry the wheels of his chariot?" How long, Lord, how long? — What if God; sliould let thee live many years, but deny thee the mercies which thou hast hitherto enjoyed? Might he not give thee life, as he gave the murmuring Israelites quails? He might give thee life till thou art weary of living, and as glad to be rid of it as Judas, or Ahithophel ; and make thee like many miserable creatures in the world, who can hardly forbear laying violent hands on themselves. Be not therefore so importunate for life, which may prove a judgment, instead of a bless- ing. How many of the precious servants of God, of all ages and places, have gone before thee I Thou art not to enter an untrodden path, nor appointed first to break the ice. Except Enoch and Elijah, which of the saints have escaped death? And art thou better than they ? There are many millions of saints dead, more than now remain on earth. IS NOT ON EARTH. 150 What a number of thine own liosom-friends, and fon)panions in duty, are now gone, and why shouldst thou be so loath to follow? Nay, hath not Jesus Christ himself gone this way? Hath lie not sanc- tified the grave to us, and perfumed the dust w ith his own body, and nrt thou loath to follow liim loo ? Rather say, as Thomas, " Let us also go, that we may die witii him." If what has been said will not persuade, Scrip- ture aud reason have little force. And I have said the more on this subject, finding it so needful to my- self and others ; finding among so many Christians, who could do and suffer much for Christ, so few that can willingly die ; and of many who have some- what sudued other corruptions, so few that have gotten the conquest of this. I persuade not the un- godly from fearing death. It is a wonder that they tear it no more, and spend not their days in contin- ual horror. — 0000 — CHAPTER XI. 1'he Importance of Imdinga heavenly Life vpoji Earth. The rea.^onablcness of delighting in the thoughts of the saints'' rest. Christians exhorted fO'it, by considering, 1 . it will evidence their sincere piety; 2. it is the high- est excellence of the Christian temper ; 3. it leads to the most comfortable life : 4. it will be the best preser- vative fro7n temptations to sin ; 5. it will invigorate their graces and duties ; 6. it will be their best cordial i}i all (iffiictiuns ; 7. it will render them jnost profitable to others .- 8. it will honour God, 9. Without it, wc disobey the commands, and lose the most gracious and delightful discoveries of the word of God. ]0. It is Vie more reasonable to have our hearts with God, as his is so much on vs ; 11. and, in heaven, where w-c have so inuch interest and relation : 12. besides, there is nothing but heaven worth setting our hearts upon. ]. Is there such a rest remaining for ns ? \Vhy, then, are our thoughts no more upon it? Why are not our hearts continually there? Why dwell we not there in constant contemplation ? What is the cause of this neglect ? Are we reasonable in this, or are we not ? Hath the eternal God provided us such a glory, and promised to take us up to dwell with himself ? and is not this worth thinking on? Should not the strongest desires of our hearts be 160 A HEAVENLY LIFE after it? Do we believe this, and yet forget and neglect it I If God will not give us leave to approach this liKht, what mean all his earnest invitations? Why doth he so comlemn our earthly-mindedness, and comniaud us to set our affections on things above? Ah, vile hearts! It' God were against it, we were likelier to be for it; but when lie com- mands our hearts to heaven, then they will not stir one inch : like our predecessors, the sinful Israelites, when God would have them march for Canaan, then they mutiny, and will not stir ; but when God bids them not go, then they wifl be presently march- ing. If God say, " Love not the world, nor the things of the world," we dote upon it. How freely, 'how frequently can we think of our pleasures, our friends, our labours, our flesh and its lusts I yea, our wrongs and miseries, our fears and sufferings ! Dut where is the Chiistian, whose heart is on his rest? What is the matter ? are we so full of joy, that we need no more? or is their nothing in heaven for GUI joyous thougiits ? Or, rather, are not our hearts carnal and stupid ! Let us humble these sensual hearts, that have in them no more of Christ and, glo- ry. If this world was the only subject of our dis- course, all would count us ungodly ; why, then, may we not call our hearts ungodly, that have so little delight in Christ and iieaven. But I am speaking only to those, whose portion is in heaven, wlio^e hopes are there, and who^ have forsaken all to enjoy this glory ; and shall I be dis- couraged from persuading such to be heavenly- minded? Fel'.ow-Christians, if you will not hear and obey, who will? Well may we be discouraged to exhort the blind, ungodly world, and may say, as Moses did, " Rehold, the children of Israel haVe not hearkened unto me ; how then shall Pharaoh hear me?" I require thee, reader, as ever thou hopest for a part in this glory, that thou presently take thy heart to task, chide it for its willful strangeness to God, turn thy thoughts from the pursuit of vanity, bend thy soul to study eternity, busy it about the life to come, habituate thyself to such contempla- tions, and let not those thoughts be seldom and cur- sory, but bathe thy soul in heaven's delights ; and if thy backward soul begin to flag, and thy thought* to scatter, call them back, hold them to their work, bear not with their laziness, nor connive at one neg- lect. And when thou hast, in obedience to God, tried this work, got acquainted with it, and kept a guard on thy thoughts till they are accustomed to obey, thou wilt then find thyself in the suburbs of Jieavon, and that there is, indeed, a sweetness in the LED UPON EARTH. 161 work and way of God, and thai the life of Cliris- tianity is a life of joy. Thou wilt meet with those abundant consolations which thou hast prayed, panted, and groaned after, and which so few Chris' tians do ever here obtain, because they know rot this way to them, or else make not conscience of walking in it. Say not, " We are unable to set our own hearts on heaven ; this must be the work of God only." Though God be the chief disposer of your hearts, yet, next under him, you have the great- est command of them yourselves. Though without Christ you can do nothing, yet under him you may do much, and must, or else it will be undone, and yourselves undone through your neglect. Chris- tians, if your souls were healthful and vigorous, they would perceive incomparably more delight and sweetness in the believing joyful thoughts of your future blessedness, than the soundest stomach finds in its food, or the strongest senses in the enjoyment of their objects ; so little painful would this work be to you. But because I know, while we have flesh at)out us, and any remains of thai " carnal mind, which is enmity to God," and to this noble work, that all motives are little enough, I will here lay down some considerations, which, if you will delib- erately weigh, with an impartial judgment, I doubt not but they will prove effectual with your hearts, and make you resolve on this excellant duty. More particularly consider — it will evidence your sincere piety; it is the highest excellence of the Chrisliarr temper ; it is the way to live most comfortably ; it will be the best preservative from te.mptations to sin ; it will enliven your graces and duties ; it will bo vour best cordial in all afflictions I it will render'you most profitable to others ; it will honour God : witli- out it you will disobey the commands, and lose the most gracious and delightful discoveries of the word of God: ills also the more reasonable to have your hearts with God, as his is so much on you ; and in heaven, where you have so much interest and rela- tion : besides, there is nothing but heaven worth setting your hearts upon. 1. Consider, a heart set upon heaven will be one of Vie most unquestionable evidences of your sincerity, and a clear discovery of a true work of saving grace upon your souls. You are often asking, " How sJiall we kno%v that we are;,truly sanctified .'" Here you have a sign infallible from the mouth of Jesus Christ himself; " where your treasure is, there will your hearts be also." God is the saints' treasure and happiness ; heaven is the place wjiere they must fully enjoy him. A heart, therefore, set upon heaven, 10B A HEAVENLY LIFE is no more but a Iieartset upon God ; and, surely, a heart set uiron God through Christ, is the truest evi- dence of saving {^race. When learning will be no proof of grace; when knowledge, duties, gifts, will fail ; when arguments from thy tongue or hand may be confuted ; yet then will this, from the bent of thy heart, prove thee sincere. Take a poor Christian, of a weak understanding, a feeble memory, a stam- mering tongue ; yet his heart is set on Goii, he hath chosen him for his portion, his thoughts are on eter- nity, liis desires are there ; he cries out, " O that I were there?" He takes that day for a time of im- prisonment, in wliich he hath not had one refresh- ing view of eternity. I had rather die in this rnan'f? condition, than in the case of him who hath the most eminent gifts, and is most admired for liis per- formances, while his heart is not thus taken up with God. The man that Christ will find out at the last day, and condemn for want of a ' wedding garment,' will be one that wants this frame of heart. Tlie question will not then be, how much have you known, or professed, or talked ? but, How much have you loved, and where was your heart ? Chris- tians, as you would have a proof of your title to glo- ry, labour to get your hearts ahove. H'sin and Sa- tan keep not your afiections from tlience, they will never be able to keep away your persons. • 2. A heart in heaven is the highest excellence of Christiaji temper. As there is a common excellence, by which Christians differ from the world, so there is this peculiar dignity of spirit, by which the more excellent differ from the rest. As the noblest of cre.v turcs, so the noblest of Christians, are they whose faces are set most direct for heaven. Such a hea- venly saint, who hath been wrapped up to God in his contemplations, and is newly come down from the views of Christ, what discoveries will he make of those stiperior regions ! how high and sacied is his discourse! enough to convince an understanding hearer, that he hath seen the Lord, and that no man could speak such words, except he had been with God. This, this is the noble Christian. The most famous mountains and trees are those that reach nearest to heaven ; and he is the choicest Christian, whose heart is most frequently and most delightfully there. If a man have lived near the king, or hath seen the sultan of Persia, or the great Turk, he will be thought a step higher than his neighbours. \Vhat, then, shall we judge of him that daily travels as far as heaven, and there hath seen the King of kings, iiath frequent irdinittance into the divine presence, and feasteth his soul upon the tree of life .' For my LED UPON EARTH. 163 part. T value this man before the noblest, the rlchesl, the most learned, in the world. 3, A heavenly mind is the nearest and truest nay to a life of comfort. The countries far north are cold and frozen, because they are distant from the sun. Wliat makes such frozen, uncomfortable Christians, but their living so far from heaven? And whal makes others so warm in comforts, but their living higher, and having nearer access to God ? When the sun in the spring draws nearer to our part of the earth, how do all things congratulate its ap- proach I The earth looks green, the trees shoot forth, the plants revive, the birds sing, and all things smile upon us. If we would but try this life with God, and keep these hearts above, wliat a spring of joy would be within us ! How should we forget our winter sorrows ! How early should we rise to sing the praise of our great Creator ! O Christians, get above. Those that iiave been there have found it warmer ; and I doubt not but thou hast sometinie tried it thyself. When have you largest comforts? Is it not when thou hast conversed with God, and talked with the inhabitants of the higher world, and viewed their mansions, and filled thy soul with the forethoughts of glory ? If thou knowest by experi- ence what this practice is, I dare say thou knowest whatspiritual joy is. If, as David professes, " tlHJ light of God's countenance more gladdens the heart than corn and wine," then, surely, they that draw nearest, and most behold it, must be fullest of thes« joys. Whom should we blame, then, that we are a> void of consolation, but our own negligent hearts ? God hath -provided us a crown of glory, and prom- ised to set it shortly on our heads, and we will not BO much as think of it. He bids us behold and rejoice, and we will not so much as look at it ; and yet we complain for want of comfort. It is by b«- lieving that we are " filled with joy and peace," and no longer than we continue believing. It is in hop* the saints rejoice, and no longer than they continiie hoping. God's Spirit worketh our comforts, by setting onrown spirits on work upon the promises, and raising our thoughts to the place of our comforts. As you would delight a covetous man by showing Lim gold, so God delights his people by leading tliem, as it were, into heaven, and showing them himself, and their rest with him. He does not cast in our joys while we are idle, or taken up with other things. He gives the fruits of the earth while w» plough, and sow, and weed, and water, and dung, and dress, and with patience expect his blessing ; 80 doth be give the joys of the soul. I entreat thee, 164 A HEAVENLY LIFE reader, in the name of the Lord, and as thou valocsl the life of constant joy, and that good conscience which is a continual feast, to set upon this work se- riously, and learn the art of heavenly-mindednesH, and thou slialt find the increase a hundred fold, and the benefit abundantly exceed thy labour. But this is the misery of man's nature ; though every man naturally hates sorrow, and loves the most merry and joyful life, yet few love the way to joy, or will endure the pains by which it is obtained ; they will take the next that comes to hand, and content them- selves with earthly pleasures, rather than they will ascend to heaven to seek it ; and yet, when all is done, they niust have it there, or be without it. 4. A heart in heaven will be a most excellent preservative against temptations to sin. It will keep the heart well employed. When we are idle, we tempt the devil to tempt us ; as careless persons make thieves. A heart in heaven can reply to the tempter, as Nehemiah did, "1 am doing a great work, so that I cannot come." It hath no leisure to be lustful or wanton, ambitious or vvordly. If you were but busy in your lawful callings, yoa would not be so ready to hearken to tempations ; much less if you were also busy above with God. Would a judge be persuaded to rise from the bench, when jhe is sitting; upon life and death, to go and play with children in the streets i No more will a Christian, when he is taking a survey of his eter- nal rest, give ear to the alluring charms of Satan. The children of that kingdom should never hav« time for trifles, especially when they are employed in the affairs of the kingilom ; and this employment is one of the saints' chief preservatives from temp- tations. A heavenly mind is the freest from sin, because it hath truer and livelier apprehensions of spiritual things. He hath so deep an insight into the evil of gin, the vanity of the creature, the brutishness of fleshly, sensual delights, that tempations have littki power over him. " In vain the net is spread," says Solomon, " in the sight of any bird." And usually in vain doth Satan lay his snares to entrap the soul that plainly sees them. Earth is the place for his temptations, and the ordinary bait; and how shall these insnare the Christian who hath left the earth, and walks with God .' Is converse with wise and learned men the way to make one wise .' Much more is converse with Goi\. If travellers return home with wisdom and experience, how much more he that travels to heaven '. If our bodies are suited to the air and climate we most live in, his under- LED UPON EARTH. 165 standing must be fuller of light, who lives with the Father of lights. The men of the world that dwell helow, and know no other conversation but earthly, no wonder if their " understanding be darkened," and Satan " takes them captive at his will." How c;in worms and moles see, whose dwelling is alwaya in the earth? While this dust is in their eyes, no wonder they mistake gain for godliness, sin for grace, the world for God, their own wills for the law of Christ, and, in the issue, hell for heaven. But when a Christian withdraws liimself from his world- ly thoughts, and begins to converse with God in heaven, methinks he is, as Nebuchadnezzar, taken from the beasts of the field to the throne, and " hia reason returneth unto him." When he hath had a glimpse of eternity, and looks down on the world again, how doth he charge with folly liis neglects of Christ, his fleshly pleasures, his earthly cares ! How doth he say to his laughter. It is mad ; and to hi3 vain mirth, What doth it? How doth he verily think there is no man in Bedlam so truly mad. as wilful sinners, and unworthy slighters of Christ and glory ! This makes a dying man usually wiser than others, because he looks on eternity as near, and hath more heart-piercing thoughts of it, than he ever liad in health and prosperity. Then many of the most bitter enemies of the saints have their eyes opened, and, like Balaam, cry out, " O that I might die the death of the righteous, and that my last end might be like his I" Yet let the same men recover, Rnd lose their apprehensions of the life to come, and how quickly do they lose their understandings with it ! Tell a dying sinner of the riches, honours, or pleasures of the world, and would he not answer, " What is all this to me, who must presently appear before God, and give an account of all my life?" Christian, if the apprehended nearness of eternity will work such strange ertects upon the ungodly, and make them so much wiser than before, O what rare effects would it produce in thee, if thou couldst al- ways dwell in the views of God, and in lively Uioughts of thy everlasting state ! Surely a believer, If he improve his faith, may ordinarily have more quickening apprehensions of the life to come, in the time of liis health, than an unbeliever hath at the hour of his death. A heavenly mind is also, fortified against tempta- tions, because the affections are thoroughly prepos- sessed with the high delights of another world. He Uiat loves most, and not he that only knows most, will most easily resist the emotions of sin. The will Uotli as sweetly relish goodness, as tbe understand- 106 A HEAVExNLY LIFE ing doth truth ; and here lies much of a Christian's strength. When thou hast had a fresh, delightful taste of heaven, thou wilt not be so easily persuaded from it. You cannot persuade a child to part with his sweetmeats, while the taste is in his mouth. O that you would be much on feeding on the hidden manna, and frequently tasting the delights of hea- ven ! How would this confirm thy resolutions, and make thee despise the fooleries of the world, and scorn to be cheated with such childish toys. Iftlie devil liad set upon Peter in the mount of transfigu- ration, when he saw Moses and Elias talking with Christ, would he so easily have been drawn to deny his Lord .' What ! with all that glory in his eye? No. So, if he should set upon a believing soul, when he is taken up in the mount with Christ, what would such a soul say ? " Get thee behind me, Sa- tan ; wouldst thou persuade me hence, with trifling pleasures, and steal my heart from this my rest? Wouldst thou have me sell these joys for nothing ? la any honour or delight like this? or can that be profit, for which I must lose this ?" But Satan stays tJU we are come down, and the taste of heaven is oiitof our mouths, and the glory we saw is even forgotten, and then he easily deceives our hearts. Though the Israelites below eat, and drink, and rise up to play before their idol, Moses in the mount will not do so. O, if we could keep the taste of our souls continually delighted with the sweetness above, with what disdain should we spit out the baits of sin ! Besides, whilst the heart is set on heaven, a man la under God's protection. If Satan then assault us, God is more engaged for our defence, and will doubtless stand by us, and say, " My grace is suffi- cient for thee." When a man is in the way of God'a blessing, he is in the less danger of sin's enticing. Amidst thy temptations. Christian reader, use much tills powerful remedy — keep close with God by a heavenly mind ; follow your business above with Christ, and you will find this a surer help than any other. " 1 he way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath." Remember that «'Noah was a just man, and perfect in his genera- tion j" for he " walked with God :" and that God said to Abraham, " Walk before me, and be thou perfect." .5. The diligent keeping your hearts in heaven will maintain the vigour of all your ffr aces, and put life into all your duties. The heavenly Christian is tire lively Christian. It is our strangeness to heaven that makes us so dull. How will the soldier hazard his lite, and the mariner pass through stormti and LED UPON EARTH. 167 waves, and no difficulty keep them back, when they think of an uncertain, perishing treasure! What life, then, would it put into a Christian's endeavours, if he would frequently think of his everlasting trea- sure I Wc run so slowly, and strive so lazily, he- cause we so little mind the prize. Observe but the man who is much in heaven, and you shall see he is not like other Christians; there is something of what he hath seen above appeareth in all his duty and conversation. If a' preacher, how heavenly are his sermons ! If a private Christian, what heavenly converse, prayers, and deportment 1 Set upon this employment, and others will see the face of your conversation shine, and say, Surely he hath been " with God on the mount." But if you lie com- plaining of deadness and diilness; that you cannot love Christ, nor rejoice in his love ; that you have no life in prayer, nor any other duty, and yet neglect this quickening employment ; you are the cause of your own complaints. Is not thy life hid with Christ in God? Where must thou go, but to Christ for it? And where is that, but to heaven, " where Christ is? Thou wilt not come to Christ, that thou mayst have life." If thou wouldst have light and heat, why art thou no more in the sunshine? For want of this recourse to heaven, thy soul is as a lamp not lighted, and thy duties as a sacrifice without fire. Fetch one coal daily from this altar, and see if thy offering will not burn. Light thy lamp at this flame, and feed it daily with oil from hence, and see if it will not gloriously shine. Keep close to this re- viving fire, and see if thy affections will not be warm. In thy want of love to God, lift up thy eye of faith to heaven, behold his beauty, contemplate his excellencies, and see whether his amiableness and perfect goodness will not ravish thy heart. As exercise gives appetite, strength, and vigour to tha body, so these heavenly exercises will quickly cause the increase. of grace and spiritual life. Besides, it is not false or strange fire, which you fetch from heaven for your sacrifices. The zeal which is kin- dled by your meditations on heaven, is most likely to be a heavenly zeal. Some men's fervency is only drawn from their books, some from the sharpness of affliction, some from the mouth of a moving minister, and some from the attention of an auditory ; but he that knows this way to heaven, and derives it daily from the true fountain, shall have his soul revived with the water of life, and enjoy that quckening which is peculiar to the saints. " By this faith thou mayst otter Abel's sacrifice more excellent than" that of common men, and " by it obtain witness that 165 A HEAVENLY LIFE thou are righteous, Goci testifying of thy gifta" that they are sincere. When others are ready, like Baal's priests, to " cut themselves," because their sacrifice will not burn, thou niayst breathe the spirit of Elijah, and in the chariot of contemplation soar aloft, till thy soul and sacrifice gloriously Hame, though the flesh and the world should cast upon them all the water of their opposing enmity. Say not, How can mortals asc^d to heaven ? Faith hath wings, and meditation is its chariot. Faith is a burning-glass to thy sacrifice, and meditation sets it to the face of the sun ; only lake it not away too soon, but hold it there awhile, and thy soul will fee! tiie happy eftect. Reader, art thou not thinking, when thou seest a lively Ciiristian, and hearest his Jively, fervent praj'ers, and edifyii/g discourse, " Q how happy a man is this ! O that my soul were in this blessed condition!"' Why, I here advise tl)ee from God, set thy soul conscientiously to this work, wash thee frequently in this Jordan, and thy leprous, dead soul will revive, " and thou shalt know that there is a God in Israel," and that thou mayst live a vigorous and joyful life, if thou dost not wilfully neglect thy own mercies. 6. The frequent believing views of gloi-y are the most precious cordials in all afflictions. These cor- dials, by cheering our spirits, render our sufferings far more easy, enable us to bear them with patience and joy, and so strengthen our resolutions, that we forsake not Christ for fear of trouble. Jf the way be ever so rough, can it bo tedious if it lead to heaven .' O sweet sickness, reproaches, imprison- ments, or deati), accompanied with these tastes of our future rest I This keeps the suffering from the 3ouI, so that it can only touch the fiesh. Had it not been for that little (alas I too little) taste which I had of rest, my sufferings would have been grievous, and death more terrible. I may say, " 1 had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the J.ord in the land of the living." Unless this prom- ised rest " had been my delight, I should then have perished in mine affliction. One thing have 1 de- sired of the Lord ; that will I seek after ; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple. For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in hia pavilion ; in the secret of his taber- nacle shall he hide me ; he shall set me upon a rock. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me. There- fore will I ofler in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy J I will sing, yea, I will sing praises uoto LED UPON EAUTH. 1C9 the Lord." AH sufferings 'are nothing to os, so far «9 we have these supporting joys. When persecu- tion and fear hath shut the doors, Christ carv come in, and stand in the midst, and say to his disciples, •'Peace be unlo you." Paul and Silas can be in heaven, even when they are thrust into the inner piison, their bodies scourged with " many stripes, and their feet fast in the stocks." The martyrs find more rest in tlieir flames, than tiieir persecutors in their pomp and tyranny ; because they foresee the flames they escape, and tlie rest which their fiery chariot is conveying lliem to. If the Son of God will walk with us, we are safe in the midst of those flames, which shall devour them that cast us in. " Abraham went out of his country, not knowing whither he went ; because he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Moses esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egj'pt ; because he Iiad respect unto the recompense of reward. He for- Book Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king ; be- cause he endured as seeing him who is invisible. Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. Even Jesus, the autlior and finisher of our faith, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, de- spising the shame, and is set down at the right band of the throne of God. This is the noble advantage of faitl] ; it can look on the means and end together. This is the great reason of our impatience, and cen- suring of God, because we gaze on the evil itself, hut fix not our thoughts on what is beyond it. They that saw Christ only on the cross, or in the grave, do shake their heads, and think him lost ; but God saw him dying, buried, rising, glorified, and all this at one vievv. Faith will in this imitate God, so far as it hath the glass of a promise to help it. We see God burying us under ground, but we foresee not the spring, when we shall all revive. Could we but cJearly see heaven, as the end of all God's dealings with us, surely none of his dealings could be griev- ous. If God would once raise us to this life, we should find, that though heaven and sin are at a great distance, yet heaven and a prison, or banish- ment, heax'en and the belly of a whale, or a den of lions, heaven and consuming sickness, or invading death, are at no such distance. But as " Abraham saw Christ's day and rejoiced," soVe, in our most forlorn state, might see that day when Christ shall give us rest, and therein rejoice. I beseech thee, Christian, for the honour of the gospel; and for thy soul's comfort, be not to learn this heavenly art whea 170 A HEAVENLY LIFE in thy greatest extremity, thoir hast most need to use it. He tliut, with Stephen, " sees the plory of God, and Jesns standing on the right iiand of God," will comfortably bear the shower of stones. "The joy ct{ the Lord is our strength," and that joy must be fetched from the place of our joy ; and if we walk without our strength, how long are we like to endure? 7. He whose conversatiuji is i)i heaven is theprojit- ctble Christian to all about him. When a man is in a strange country, how glad is he of the company of one of his own nation! How delightful is it to talk of their own country, their acquaintance, and aflairs at home ! With what pleasure did Joseph talk with his brethren, and inquire after his father, and his brother Benjamin ! Is it not so to a Christian, to talk with his brethren that have been above, and in- quire after his Father, and Christ his Lord ? When a worldly man will talk of nothing but the world, and a politician of state affairs, and a mere scholar of human learning, and a common professor of his duties; the heavenly man will be speaking of heaven, and the strange glory his faith hath seen, and our speedy and blessed meeting there. O how refresh- ing and useful are his expressions ! How his words pierce and melt the heart, and transform the hearers into other men ! " How doth liis " doctrine drop aa Uie rain, and his speech distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass, while his lips publish the name of tiie Lord, and ascribe greatness unto his God 1" His sweet discourse of heaven is like the " box of pre- cious ointment, '"which, being "poured upon the head of Christ, filled the house with the odour." All that are near may be refreshed by it. Happy the people that have a heavenly minister ! Happy the children and servants that have a heavenly father or master 1 Happy the man that hath a heavenly conipanion, who will watch over thy ways, strengthen thee when thou art weak, cheer thee when thou art drooi)ing, and " comfort thee with the comfort wherewith he himselP' hath been so often comforted of God I — This is he that will always be blowing at the spark of thy spiritual life, and drawing thy soul to God, and will say tothee,as the Samaritan woman, "Come and see one that hatii told me all that ever I did ;" one that hath loved our souls to the death. " Is not this the Christ ?" Is not " the knowledge of God and him eternal life ?" Is it not the glory of the saints to see his glory.' Come to this man's house, and sit at his table, and he will feast thy soul with the dainties of heaven ; travel with him by the way, and he will direct and quicken thee In thy journey LED UPON EARTH. 171 to heaven ; trade with him in the world, and he will counsel thee to buy "the pearl of great price." If thou wrong him, he can pardon thee, remembering that Christ hath pardoned his great offences. If ll)oti he angry, he is meek, considering the meekness of his heavenly Pattern; or, if he fall out with you, he is so(m reconciled, when he recollects that iu heaven you must be everlasting friends. This is the Christian of the right stamp, and all about him are better for him. How unprofitable is the society of all other sorts of Christians, in comparison with this ! If a man should come from heaven, how would men long to hear what reports he would make of tlie other world, and what he had seen, and what the blessed there enjoy ! Would they not think this n\an the best companion, and his discourses the most profitable? VViiy, then, do you value the company of saints no more, and inquire no more of them, and reilsh their discourse no better ? For every saint shall go^jto heaven in person, and is frequently there in spirit, and hath often viewed it in the glass of the gospel. For my part, I had rather have the compa- ny of a heavenly-minded Christian, than that of the most learned disputants or princely commanders. 8. No man so highly honoureth God as he whose conversation is in heaven. Is not a parent dis- graced, when his children feed on husks, are clothed in rags, and keep company with none but rogues and beggars.' Is it not so to oui heavenly Father, when we, who call ourselves his children, feed on earth, and the garb of our souls is like that of the world ; and our hearts familiarly converse with, and " cleave to the dust," rather than stand continually in our Father's presence .' Surely we live below the cliildren of the King, not according to the height of our hopes, nor the provision of our Father's house, and the great preparations made for his saints. It is well we have a Father of tender bowels, who will own his children in rags. If he did not first chal- lenge his interest in us, neither ourselves nor others could know us to be his people. But when a Chris- tian can live above, and rejoice his soul with the things that are unseen, how is God honoured by such a one ! The Lord will testify for him. This man be- lieves me, and takes me at my word ; he rejoices in my promise, before he hag possession ; he can be thankful for what his bodily eyes never saw ; his rejoicing is not in the flesh ; his heart is with me ; he loves my presence ; and he shall surely enjoy it in my kingdom forever. " Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. Them that honour rae I will bonour." How did God esteem himself 172 A HEAVENLY LIFE honoured by Caleb and Joshua, when they went into die promised land, and brought back to their breth- ren a taste of the fruits, and spaite well of the good land, and encouraped the people ! What a promise and recompense did they receive ! 9. A soul that does not set its affections on things above, disobeys the commands, and loses the most gra- eious and dcAightful discoveries of the word of God. The same God that hath commanded thee to believe, and to be a Christian, hath commanded thee to " seek those things which are above, where Christ Bitteth on the right hand of God, and to set your af- fections on things above, not on things on the earth." The same God that has forbidden thee to inurderj steal, or commit adultery, has forbidden thee the neglect of tljis great duty ; and darest thou wilfully disobey him f Why not make conscience of one, as well 33 the other? He hath made it thy duty, as well as the means of thy comfort, that a double bond» may engage thee not to forsake thy own mer- cies. Besides, what are all the most glorious de- scriptions of heaven, all those discoveries of our fu- ture blessedness, and precious promises of our rest, but lost to thee ? Are not these the stars in the fir- mament of Scripture, and the golden lines in that book of God ? Methinks thou shouldst not part with one of these promises, no, not for a world. As heav- en is the perfection of all our mercies, so the prom- ises of it in the gospel are tiie very soul of the gospel. Is a comfortable word from ths mouth of God of such worth, that all the comforts in the world are nothing to it? And dost thou neglect and overlook so many of them ? Why should God re- veal so much of his counsel, and tell us beforehand of the joys we shall possess, but to make us know it for our joy? If it had not been to fill us with the delights of our foreknown blessedness, he might have kept his purpose to himself, and never have let us known it till we came to enjoy it. Yea, when we had got possession of our rest, he might still have concealed its eternity from us, and then the fears of losing it would have diminished the sweet- ness of our joys. But it hath pleased ourFatherto open his counsel, and let us know the very intent of his heart, that our joy might be full, and that we might live as the heirs of such a kingdom. And ghall we now overlook all ? Shall we live in earthly cares and sorrows, and rejoice no more in these dis- coveries, than if the Lord had never wrote them ? If thy prince had but sealed thee a patent of some lordship, how oft wouldst thou cast thy eyes upon it, and make it thy delightful study, till thou ebouldst LED UPON EARTH. ITS come to possesg the dignity itself! And hath God sealed thee a patent of heaven, and dost thou let it lie by thee, as if thou hadst forgot it? O that our heart? were as high as our hopes, and our hopes as high as these infallible promises I 10. It is but equal tiiat our hearts should be on God, lohen the heart of Ood is so much on us. If the Lord of glory can stoop so low as to set his heart on sinful dust, inethinks we should easily be persuaded to set our hearts on Christ and glory, and ascend to him, in our daily affections who so much conde- scends to us. Christian, dost thou not perceive thai the heart of God is set upon thee, and that he is still minding thee with tender love, even when thou forgettest both thyself and him ? Is he not following thee with daily mercies, moving upon thy soul, pro- viding for thy body, preserving both r Doth he not bear thee continually in the arms of love, and prom- ise that " all shall vvork together for thy good," and suit all his dealings to thy greatest advantage, and "give his angels charge over thee ?" And canst thou be taken up" with the joys below, and forget thy Lord, who forgets not thee? L^nkind ingratitude! When he speaks of his own kindness for us, hear what he says : " Zion said, •' The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb } Yea, sh« may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands ; Ihj walls are continually before me." But when Iw speaks of our regards to him, the. case is otherwise. "Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire.' Yet my people have forgotten me days with- out number." As if he should say, " You will not rise one morning, but you will remember to cover your nakedness, nor forget your vanity of dress ; and are these of more worth than your God ? of more importance than your eternal life .' .And yet you can forget these day after day." Give not God cause thus to e.xpostulate with us. Rather let our souls get up to God, and visit him every morning, and our hearts be towards him every moment. 11. Oar interest in heaven, and our relation to if, should continually keep our hearts upon it. There our Father keeps his court. We call him " Our Father, who art in heaven " Unworthy children ! that can be so taken up in their play, as to be mind- less of such a Father. There also is Christ, our head, our husband, our life ; and shall we not look towards him, and send to him as oft as we can, till we come to see him face to face .' Since " the heav- 174 A HEAVENLY LIFE ens moat receive hkn until the times of the restitution of all things," let them also receive our hearts with him. There also is " New Jerusalem, which is the mother of us ail." And there are multitudes of our elder brethren. 1 here are our friends and old ac- quaintance, whose society in the flesh we so much delighted in, and whose de[)arture lience we po much lamented ; and is this no attractive to thy thoughts.'' If they were within thy reach on earth, Uiou wouldstgoand visit them, and why notoftener visit them in spirit, and rejoice beforehand to think of meeting them there .'' " Socrates rejoiced that he should die, because he believed he should see 1 Homer, Hesiod, and other eminent persons. How much more do I rejoice, said a pious old minister, who am sure to see Christ my Saviour, the eternal Son of God, in his assumed flesh ; besides so many wise, holy, and renowned patriarchs, prophets, apostles," &c. A believer should look to heaven, and contemplate the blessed state of the saints, and think with himself, " Though I am not yet so happy as to be with you, yet this is my daily comfort, — you are my bethren and fellow-members in Christ, and therefore your joys are my joys, and your glory, by this near relation, is my glory; esi)ecially while I believe in the same Christ, and hold fast the sanui faith and obedience, by which you were thus dig- nified, and rejoice in spirit with you, and congratu- late your happiness in my daily meditations." Moreover, our house and home is above. "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens," Why' do we then look no oftener towards it, and " groan earnestly, desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven.'" If our home were far meaner, sure we should remember it, because it is our homo. If you were but banished into a strange land, how frequently would your thoughts be at home. And why is it not thus with us in respect of heaven .' Is not that more truly and properly apr home, where we must take up our everlasting abode, than this, which we are every hour expecting to be separated from, and to see no more .' We are strangers, and that is our country. We are heirs, and that is our inheritance; even "an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for us." We are here in corv- tjnual distress and want, and there lies our sub- stance ; even "a better and an enduring substance." Yea, the very hope of our souls is there ; all our hopo of relief from our distresses ; all our hope of LED UPON EARTH. 175 happiness, wlien here we are miserable ; all this "hope is laid up for us in heaven. Why, beloved Christiana, have we so much interest, and so few thoughts there? so near relation, and so little af- fection ? Uoth it become us to be delighted in the company of strangers, so as to forget our Father, and our Lord ? or to be so well pleased with tho9*« that hate and grieve us, as to forget our best and dearest friends ; or to be so fond of borrowed triHes, as to forget our own possession and treasure .' or to be so much impressed with tears and wants, as to forget our eternal joy and rest.' God usually pleads his property in us ; and thence concludes he will do us good, even because we aie his own j)eople, whom he hath chosen out of all the world. Wliy then do we not plead our interest in him, and so raise our hearts above ; even because he is our own God, and because the place is our own possession .' Men commonly overlove and overvalue their own things, and mind them too much. O that we could mind our own inheritance, and value it half as much as it deserves. 12. Once more consider, tAcre w nothing hut heac- enicorth setting our heartj upon. If God have them not, who shall .' If thou mind not thy rest, what wilt thou mind? Hast thou found out some other god? or something that will serve thee instead of rest? Hast thou ifound on earth an eternal happi- ness? Where is it? What is it made of? Who was the man that found it out ? Who was he that last enjoyed it? Where dwelt he? What was his name ? Or art thou the first that ever discovered heaven on earth ? Ah, wretch ! trust not to thy discoveries, boast not of thy gain till experience hid thee boast. Disquiet not thyself in looking for thai whicii is not on earth ; lest thou learn thy e.\peri- ence with the loss of thy soul, which thou mightest have learned on easier terms ; even by the warnings of God in his word, and the loss of thousands of Bouls before thee. If Satan shorild " take thee up to the mountain of temptation, and show thee all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of tiiem," he could show thee nothing that is worthy thy thoughts, much less to be preferred before thy rest. Indeed, so far as duty and necessity require it, we must be content to mind the things below ; but who id he that contains himself within the compass of tJiose limits? And yet, if we ever so diligently con- tract our cares and thoughts, we shall find the' least to be bitter and burdensome. Christian, see the emptiness of all these things, and the preciousnew of Uie things above. If thy thoughts should, like we A HEAVENLY LIFE, &c. the laborious bee, go over the world from flower in flower, from creature to creature, they would bring no honey or sweetness home, save what they gath- ered from their relations to eternity. Though every truth of God is precious, and ought to be defended ; yet even all our study of truth should be still in ref- erence to our rest ; for the observation is too true, " that the lovers of controversies in religion have never been warmed with one spark of the love of God." And as for minding the affairs of church and state ;" so far as they illustrate the providence of God, and tend to the settling of the gospel and the government of Christ, and consequently to the saving of our own souls, and those of our posterity, they are well worth our diligent observation ; but these are only their relations to eternity. Even all our dealings in the world, our buying and selling, or eating and drinking, our building and marrying, our peace and war, so far as they relate not to the life to come, but tend only to the pleasing of the flesh, are not worthy the frequent thoughts of a Christian. And now doth not thy conscience say, that there is nothing but heaven and the way to it, that is worth thy minding.'' Now, reader, are these considerations weighty, or not.' Have I proved it thy duty to keep thy heart on things above, or have 1 not? If thou say. Not, I am confident thou conlradictest thy own con- science. If thou acknosvledge thyself convinced of the duty, that very tongue of thine shall condemn thee, and that confession be pleaded against thee, if thou wilfully neglect such a confessed duty. Be incapacity of thy own spirit. Then thou wilt think, •' O that this understanding, and these alactions, could contain more ! It is more my unfitness than any thing else, that even this place is not my heaven. 'God. is in this place, and-.I know it not.' This 'mount is full of chariots of fire ;' but mine eyes are gl'.ut, and I cannot see theui. O the words of 204 THE NATURE OF love€hrist hath to speak, and wonders of love he hath toshnw, but I cannot bear tliem yet I Heaven is ready for me, hut my heart is unready for heaven." Therefore, reader, seein;; thy enjoyment of God in this contemplation much depends on the capacity and disposition of thy heart, seek him here, if ever, with all thy soul. Thrust not Christ into the stable niid tiie manger, as if thou hadst better guests for the chief r^oms. Say to all thy worldly business and thoughts, as Christ to his disciples, "Sit ye here, while 1 go and pray yonder ;" or, as Abra- ham to his servants, vviien he went to offer Isaac, " Abide ye here, and I will go yonder and worship, and come again to you." Even as "the priests ihrust king Uzziah out of the temple," where he presumed to burn incense, when tliey saw the lep- rosy upon him ; so do thou thrust those thoughts from the temple of thy heart, whicii h-we the badge of God's prohibition upon them. •2. Be sure to set upon this work with the greatest solemnity of heart and mind. There is no trifling in holy things. "God will be sanctified in them that come nigh him." These spiritual, excellent, soul-raising duties, are, if well used, nmst profitable ; but when used unfaithfully, most dangerous. La- bour, therefore, to have Ihe deepest apprehensions of the presence of God, and his incomprehensible greatness. If queen Esther must not draw near, '• till the king hold out the sceptre ;" think, then, with what reverence thou shouldst approach him, who made the worlds with the word of his mouth, who upholds the earth as in the palm of his hand, who keeps the sun, moon, and stars in their courses, and who sets bounds to the raging sea. Thou art going to converse with him, before whom the earth will quake, and devils do tremble, and at whose bar thou and all the world must shortly stand, and he finally judged. O think I " I shall then liave lively apprehensions of his majesty. My drowsy spirits will then be awakened, and my irreverence be laid aside; and why should I not now be roused with the sense of his greatness, and the dread of his name possess my soul .'" Labour also to apprehend the greatness of the work which thou attemptes-t, and to be deeply sensible both of its importance and excellency. If thou wast pleading for thy life at the bar of an earthly judge, thou wouldst be serious, and yet that would be a trifle to this. If thou wast engaged in such a work as David against Goliath, on which Uie welfare of a kingdom depended ; in itself considered, it were nothing to this. Suppose ihou wast goiug to such a wrestling as Jacob's, or HEAVENLY CONTEMPLATION. 205 to see the sight which the three disciples saw in the mount, how seriously, how reverently, wouldst thou both approach and behold ! If but an angel from heaven should appoint to meet thee, at the same time and place of thy contemplations; with what dread wouldst thou be filled ? Consider, then, with what a spirit thou shouhlst meet the Lord, and with what seriousness and awe thou shouldst daily con- verse with'him. Consider, also, the blessed issue of the work, if it succeed ; it will be thy admission Into the presence of God, and the begining of thy eter- nal glory on eartjj ; a means to make thee live above the rate of other men, and fix Ihee in the next room to the angels themselves, that thou mayst both live and die joyfully. The prize being so great, thy pre- parations should be answerable. • 1 here is none on eaith live such a life of joy and blessedness, as those that are acquainted with this heavenly conversation. The joys of all other men are but ffke a child's play- thing, a fool's laughter, or a sick man's dream of health. He that trades for heaven is the only gainer, and he that neglects it is the only loser. How se- riously, therefore, should this work be done I CHAPTER XIV. What %isc heavenly Contemplation makes of ConsiderOr- tion, Affections, Soliloquy, and Prayer. I. The use of consideration, and its great influence over the heart. II. Contemplation is promoted by the af fections ; particularly, 1. by lore, 2. desire, 3. hope, 4. courage, or boldness, 5. joy. III. Tlie usefulne^ (f soliloquy and prayer, in heavenly contemplation. Having set thy heart in tune, we now come to the music itself. Having got a% appetite, now ap- proach to the feast, and delight thy soul as with marrow and fatness. Come, for all things are now ready. Heaven -and Christ, and the exceeding weight of glory, are before you. Do not make light of this invitation, nor begin to nrake excuses ; what- ever thou art, rich or poor, though in alms-house3 or hospitals, though in high-ways and hedges, my commission is, if possible, to compel you to come in ; and blessed is lie that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God ! The manna lieth about your tents : w alk out, gather it up, take it home, and feed upon it. In order to this, 1 am only to direct you — how to use your consideration — and afTections — your soliloquy' and prayer. S06 AUXILIARIES OF First. Consideration is the great instrument by which this lieavenly Wdrk is carried on. This must be voluntary, ami not forced. Some men consider iinvvillinj;ly ; so God will make the wicked consider their sins, when he shall " set iheni in order before their eyes ;" so shall the damned con-^ider of the e?ccelleiicy of Christ, whom they once despised, and of the eternal joys which they have foolisFily lost. Great is the power which consideration hath for moving the affections, and impressing things on the lieart ; as will appear by the following particulars : 1. Consideration, as it were, opens the door be- tween the head and the heart. The understanding, having received Irutlis, lays them up in the memory, and consideration conveys tiiem from thence to the affections. What excellency would there be in much learning and knowledge, if the obstructions between the he^fl and the heart were but opened, and the affections did but correspond to tho under- standing I fie is usually the best scholar, whose apprehension is quick, clear, and tenacious ; but he is usually the best Christian, whose apprehension is the deepest and most affectionate, and who has the readiest passages, not so much from the ear to the brain, as from that to the heart. And though the Spirit be the principal cause ; yet, on our part, this passage must be opened by consideration. 2. Consideration presents to the affections those things which are most important. The most de- lightful object does not entertain where it is not seen, nor Wie most joyful news affect him that does not hear it; but consideration presents to our view those things which were as absent, and brings them to the eye and ear of the soul. Are not Christ and glory affecting objects? Would tliey not work wonders upon the soul, if they were but deary dis- covered, and our apprehensions of them were in some measure answerable to their worth. It is consideration tha* presents them to us: this is the Christian's perspective, by which he can see from earth to heaven. 3. Consideration, also, presents the most impor- tant things in the most affecting way. Consideration reasons the case with a man's own heart. When a believer would reason his heart to heavenly contem- plation, how many arguments offer themselves from God and Christ, from each of the divine perlections, from our former and present state, from promises, from present sufferings and enjoyments from hell and heaven! Every thing offers'itself to promote our joy, and consideration is the hand to draw them a;il out ] it adds one reason to another, till the scales HEAVENLY CONTEMPLATION. 207 turn : this it does when persuading to joy, till it hath silenced all our distrust and sorrows, and your cause for rejoicing lies plain before you. If another's rea- soning is powerful with n-:, though we are not certain whether he intends to inform or deceive us, how much more should our own reasoning prevail with us, when we are so well acquainted with onr own intentions ! Nay, how much more should God's reasoning work upon us, which we are sure cannot deceive, or be deceived ! Now, consideration is but the reading over, and repeating God's reasons to our hearts. As the prodiL'al had many and strong reasons to plead with himself, why he should return to his father's house, so have we to plead with our atfections, to persuade them to our Father's ever- lasting mansion. 4. Consideration exalts reason to its just authority. It helps to deliver it from its captivity to the senses, nnd sets it again on the throne of the soul. When reason is silent, it is usually subject ; for when it is asleep, the senses domineer. But consideration awakens our reason, till, like Samson, it rouses up itself, and breaks the bonds of sensuality, and bears down the delusions of the flesh. What strength can the lion exert while asleep.' What is a king, when dethroned, more than another man? Spirit- ual reason, excited by meditation, and not fancy or fleshly sense, must judge of lieavenly joys. Con- sideration exalts the objects of faith, and compara- tively disgraces the objects of sense. The most inconsiderate men are most sensual. It is too easy nnd common to sin against knowledge, but against sober, strong, persevering consideration, men sel- dom offend. 5. Consideration makes reason strong and active. Before, it was a standina water, but now as a stream, which violently bears down all before it. Before, it was as the stones in the brook, but now like that out of David's sling, which smitesthe Goliath of our unbelief in the forehead. As wicked men continue wicked, because they bring not reason into act and exercise; so godly men are unromfoitable, because they let their reason and faith lie asleep, and do not stir them up to action by this work of meditation. What fears, sorrows and joys will our very dreams excite! How much more, then, would serious me- ditation afl^ect us ! 6. Consideration can continue and persevere in this rational employment. Meditation ht>lds reason und faith to their work, and blows the fire till it thoroughly burns. To run a few steps will not get a man heat, but walking an hour may ; and though 208 AUXILIARIES OF a sudden nrcasional thought of heaven will not raise our affections to any spiritual heat, yet medi- tation can continue our thoughts till our hearts grow warm. Thus you see the powerful tendency of consideration to produce this great elevation of the eoul in heavenly contemplation. Secondly. Let us next "see how this heavenly V\orlv is promoted by the particular exercise of the affections. — It is by consideration that we first have recourse to the memoiy, and from thence take those heavenly doctrines which we intend to njake the subject of our meditation ; such as promises of eter- nal life, descriptions of the saints' glory, the resur- rection, &c. &c. We then present them to our judgment, that it may deliberately view them over, and take an exact survey, and determine uprightly concerning the perfection of our celestial happiness, against all the dictates of flesh and sense, and so as magnify the Lord in our hearts, till we are filled with a holy admiration. But the principal thing is to exercise, not merely our judgment, but our faith in the truth of our everlasting rest ; by which I mean, both the truth of the promises, and of our own per- sonal interest in them, and title to them. If we did really and firmly believe that there is such a glory, and that within a few days our eyes shall behold it, O what passions would it raise within us! What astonishing apprehensions of that life would it pro- duce I What love, what longing would it excite within us I O how would it actuate every affec- tion I How it would transport us with joy, upon the least assurance of our title I IVever expect to have love and joy move, when faith stands still, which must lead the way. Therefore daily exercise faith, and set before it the freeness of the promise, God's urging all to accept it, Christ's gracious dis- position, all the evidences of the love of Christ, liis faithfulness to his engagements, and the evidences of his love in ourselves j lay all these together, and think whether they do not testify the good-will of the Lord concerning our salvation, and may not properly be pleaded against our. unbelief. Thus, when the jiidgmeut hath determined, and faith hiith apprehended the truth of pur happiness, then may our meditation proceed to raise our affections, and particularly — love — desire — hope — courage or bold- ness— and joy. I. Love is the first affection to be excited in hea- venly contemplation ; the object of it is goodness. Here, Christian, is the soul-reviving part of thy work. Go to thy momory, thy judgment, and thy faith, and from them pioduce the excellencies of thy HEAVEXLY CONTEMPLATIOX. 209 rest ; present these to thy affection of love, and thou wilt find ihj'self, as it were, in another world. Speak out and love can liear. Do hut reveal these tilings, and love can see. It is the brutish love of the world that is blind : divine love is exceeding quick-sight- ed. Let thy faith take hold of thy heart, and sliow it the sufnptuo'is buildings of thy etf rnal habitation, and the glorious ornaments of thy Tather's house, even the mansions Christ is preparing, and the ho- nours of Ills kingdom ; let thy faith lead thy heart into the presence of God, and as near as thou pos- sibly canst, and say to it, '* Behold the Ancient of Days, the Lord Jehovah, whose name is, 1 AM : this is he who made all the worlds with his word, who upholils the earth, who rules the fiations, who disposes of all events, who subdues his foes, who controls the swelling vvave« of the sea, who governs the winds, and causes the sun to run its race, and the stars to know their courses. This is he who loved thee frooj everlasting, formed thee in the womb, gave thee this soul, brought the/? forth, show- ed thee the light, a« AUXILIARIES OF above thee ? All this is ihy own inheritance. This crown is thine, tlies»e pleasures are thine ; this com- pany, this lifaiitiful place, are all thine ; because thou art Christ's, and Christ is thine ; when thou wast united to him, thou hadst all these with him.' Thus take thy heart into the land of promise ; show it tlie pleasant hills and fruitful valleys ; show it the clusters of grapes which thou hast gathered, lo con- vince it that it is a blessed land, flowing with better than milk and honey. Enter the gates of the lioly city, walk through the streets of the " New Jerusa- lem, walk about Sion, and go round about her ; telJ the towers thereof ; mark well her bulwarks ; con- sider her palaces ; that thou mayst tell it to" thy soul. Ilath it not " the glory of (lod, and is not her light like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal.'" See the "twelve foundations of her walls, and in them the names of *he twelve apostles of the Lamb. And the building of the walls of it are of jasper : and the city is pure gold, like unto clear glass ; and the foundations are garnished with all manner of precious stones. And the twelve gates are twelve pearls, every several gate is of one pearl, and the street of the city is pure gold, as it were transparent glass. There is no temple in it ; for the Lord God Almighty, and the Lamb, are the temple of it. It hath no need of the 8un,/ieiiher of the moon in it, for the glcryofGod doth lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof ; and the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it. These sayings are faithful and true ; and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his anaels," and his own Son, "to show unto his servants the things which must shortly be done." Say now to all this, " i his is thy rest/O my soul I .•\nd this must be the place of thy everlasting habi- tation." Let all the sons of " Sion rejoice : let the daughters of Jerusalem be glad ; for great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Sion. God is known in her palaces for a refuge." Yet proceed on ; the soul that loves, ascends fre- quently, and runs familiarly through the streets of the heavenly Jerusalem, visiting the patiiarchs and prophets, saluting the apostles, and admiring the armies of martyrs ; so do thou lead on tliy heart as from street to street ; bring it into the p.ilace of the (ireat King; lead it, as it were, from chamber to chamber. Say to it, " Here must I lodge ; here must I live : here must I praise ; here must I love, and be beloved. I must shortly be one of this heavenly HEAVENLY CONTEMPLATION. 217 clioir, and be better skilled in the music. Among this blessed company must I take up my place ; my voice must join to make up the melody. My teara will then be wiped away ; my groans be turned to another tune ; my cottage of clay be changed to this palace ; my prison rags to these splendid robes ; and my sordid flesh shall be put off, and such a sunlike, spiritual body be put on ; ' for the former things are here passed away.' ' Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God I' When I look upon this glo- rious place, what a dunghill and dungeon methinks is earth ! O what a difference betwixt a man feeble, pained, groaning, dying, rotting in the grave, and one of these triumpiiant, shining saints I 'Here shall I ' drink of the river of pleasures, the streams whereof make glad the city of God.' Must Israel, undor the bondage of the law, ' serve the Lord with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abun- dance of all things.'' Surely I simll serve him with joyfulness and gladness of lieart, for the abundance of ulory. Did persecuted saints ' take joyfully the spoiling of their goods.' And shall not 1 take joy- fully such a full reparation of all my losses.' Was it a celebrated 'day wherein the Jews rested from their enemies,' because it 'was turned unto them from sorrow to joy, and from mourning into a good day." What a day, then, will that be to my soul, whose rest and change will be inconceivably great- er ! ' When the wise men saw the star' that led to Christ, 'they rejoiced with exceeding great joy ;'but 1 shall shortly see him, who is himself the bright and morning Star.' If the disciples ' departed from the sepulchre with great joy, when they had but heard that their Lord ' was risen from the dead ;' what will be my joy, when 1 shall see him reigning in glory, and myself raised to a blessed communion with him '. Then shall I indeed have ' beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness ; and Sion shall be made an eternal excellency, a joy of n)any gene- rations. Why, then, do 1 not arise from th^dust, and cease my complaints? Wliy do I not tram- ple on vain delights, and feed on the foreseen de- lights of glory .' Why is not my life a continual joy, and the savour of heaven perpetually upon my spirit .'" Let me here observe, that there is no necessity to exercise these affections, either exactly in this order, or all at one lime. Sometimes one of thy affections may need more exciting, or may be more lively than the rest ; or, if thy lime be short, one may be exer- cised one day, and another upon the nest 3 all whicll 218 AUXILIARIES OP must be left to thy prudence to determine. Tl)oii liast also an opportunity, if inclined to niaive use of it, to exercise opposite and more mixed affections ; such as— hatred of sin, which would deprive thy soul of these immortal joys; godly fear, lest thou shouldst abuse thy mercy ; srodly shame and grief, for having abused it ; unfeigned repentance, self-indig- nation, jealousy over thy heart, and pity for ihose who are in danger of losing these immortal joys. Thirdly. We are also to take notice how heavenly contemplation is promoted by soliloquy and prayer. Though consideration be the chief instrument in this work, yet by itself, it is not so likely to affect the heart. In this respect, contemplation is like preaching, where' the mere explainingof truths and duties is seldom attended with such success, as the lively application of them to the conscience _: and especially when a divine blessing is earnestly sought for toaccompany^uch application. 1. By soliloquy, or a pleading the case with thy- self, thou must in thy meditation quicken thy own heart. Enter into a serious debate with it. Plead with it in the most moving and affecting language, and urge it with the most powerful and weighty ar- guments. It is what holy men of God have prac- tised in all ages. Thus David : " Why art thou cast down, O my soul ? and why art thou disqui- eted within me .''Hope thou in God; for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my counte- nance, and my God.*' And again : " Bless the Lord, Omy soul I and all that is within me, bless his holy name ! Bless the Lord, O my soul 1 and forget not all his benefits !'' This soliloquy is to be made use of according to the several affections of the soul, and according to its several necessities. It is a preaching to one's self; for as every good master or father of a family is a good preacher to his own family, so every good Christian is a good preacher to his own soul. Therefore the very same metliod which a minister should use in his preaching to oth- ers, eijeiy Christian should endeavour after in speak- ing to himself. Observe the matter and manner of the most heart affecting minister; let him be as a pattern for your imitation ; and the same way that he takes with the hearts of his people, do thou also take with thy own heart. Do this in thy heavenly contemplation ; explain to thyself the things on which thou dost meditate ; confirm thy faith in them by scripture; and then apply them to thyself, ac- cording to their nature, and thy own necessity. There is no need to object against this, from a sense of thy own inability. Doth not God command thee HEAVENLY CONTEMPLATION. 210 to " teach the Scriptures diligently unto thy chil- dren, and to talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risestup?" And if thou must have some ability to teach thy chil- dren, much more to teach thyself j and if thou canst talk of divine things to others, why not also to thy own heart? 2. Heavenly contemplation is also promoted by speaking to God in prayer, as well as hy speaking to ourselves in soliloquy. Ejaculatory prayer may very properly be intermixed with meditation, as a partof the duty. How often do we find David, in the same psalm, sometimes pleading with his soul, and sometimes with God ! The apostle bids us " speak to ourselves in psalms, and hymns, and spir- itual songs ;" and no doubt we may also speak to God in them. This keeps the soul sensible of the divine presence, and tends greatly .to quicken and raise it. As God is the highest object of our thoughts, so our viewing of him, speaking to him, and plead- ing with him, more elevates the soul, and excites the affections, than any other part of the meditation. Though we remain unaffected, while we plead the case with ourselves ; yet, when we turn our speech to God, it may strike us with awe ; and the holiness and majesty of him whom we speak to may cause both the matter and words to pierce the deeper. When we read, that " Isaac went out to meditate in the field," the margin says, " to pray ;" for the Hebrew word signifies both. Thus, in our medita- tions, to intermix soliloquy and prayer, sometimes speaking to our own hearts, and sometimes to God, is, I apprehend, the highest step we can advance to in this heavenly work. Nor should we imagine it will be as well to take up with prayer alone, and lay aside meditation ; for they are distinct duties, and must both of them be performed. We need one as well as the other, and therefore shall wrong ourselves by neglecting either. Besides, the mixture of them, like music, will be more engaging; as the one serves to put life into the other. And our speak- ing to ourselves in meditation, should go before our speaking to God in prayer. For want of attending to this due order, men speak to God with far less reverence and affection Ihan they would speak to an angel, if he should appear to them ; or to a judge, if they were speaking for their lives. Speatiingto the God of heaven in prayer, is a weightier duty than most are aware of. aaO CONTEMPLATION ASSISTED CHAPTER XV. Heavenly contemplation assisted by sensible Objects, and guarded against a treacherous Heart. It w difficult to maintain a lively impression of heavenly tilings; therefore^ I. Heavenly contemplation may bi assisted by sensible objects ;1. If we draw strong sup- positions from sense ; and, 2. ff we compare ike ob- jects of sense wit/i the objects of faith. 11. Heavenly contemplation may also be guarded against a treacher- ous heart, by considering, 1 . The great backwardness of the heart to this duty ; 2. its trifling in it ; 3. its wandering from it, and 4. its too abruptly putting aa end tv it. The most difficult part of heavenly contempla- tion is to maintain a lively sense of heavenly things upon our hearts. It is easier merely to think of heaven a whole day, than to be lively and affection- ate in those thoughts a quarter of an hour. Faith is imperfect, for we are renewed put in part, and goes against a world of resistance ; and, being su- pernatural, is prone to decline and languish, unless it be continually excited. Sense is strong, accord- ing to the strength of the flesh ; and, being natural, continues while nature continues. The objects of faith are far oft"; but those of sense are nigh. We must go as far as heaven for our joys. To rejoice in what we never saw, nor ever knew the man that did see, and this upon a mere promise in the Bible, is not so easy as to rejoice in wliat we see and pos- sess. It must, therefore, be a point of spiritual pru- dence, to call in sense to the assistance of faith. It will be a good work, if we can make friends of these usual enemies, and make them instruments for rais- ing us to God, which are soofren the means of draw- ing us from him. Why hath God given us either our senses, or their common objects, if they might not be serviceable to his praise ? Why doth the Holy Spirit describe the glory of the New Jerusa- lem in expressions that are even grateful to the flesh ? Is it that we might think heaven to be made of gold and pearl .' or that saints and angels eat and drink .'No, but to help us to conceive of them as we are able, and to use these borrowed phrases as a glass, in which we must see the things themselves imperfectly represented, till we come to an imnje- diate and perfect sight. And, besides showing how beavenly contemplation may be assisted by sensible BY SENSIBLE OBJECTS. 221 objects,— this chapter will also show how it may be preserved from a wandering heart. First, In order that heavenly contemplation may be assisted by sensible objects, let me only advise to draw strong suppositions from sense, — and to com- pare the objects of sense with the objects of faith. 1. For the helping of thy affections in heavenly contemplation, draw as strong suppositions as possi- ble from thy senses. Think on the joys above, as boldly as Scripture hath expressed tliem. Brinj? down thy conceptions to the reach of sense. Both love and joy are promoted by fsxmiliar acquaintance. When we attempt to think of God and glory, with- out the Scripture manner of representing them, we are lost, and have nothing to fix our thoughts upon ; we set them so far from us, that our thoughts are strange, and we are ready to say, what is above us is nothing to us. To conceive of God and glory, only as above our conception will beget but little love ; or, as above our love, will produce little joy. Iherefore put Christ no further from yoB than he hath put himself, lest the divine nature be again inaccessible. Think of Christ as in our own glori- fied nature. Think of glorified saints as men made perfect. Suppose thyself a companion with John, in his survey of the New-Jerusalem, and viewing the thrones, the majesty, the heavenly hosts, the shining splendour, which he saw. Suppose thyself his fellow-traveller into the celestial kingdom, and that thou hadst seen all the saints in their white robes, with " palms in their hands ;" and that thou hadst heard those " songs of Moses and of the Lamb." If thou hadst really seen and heard these things, in what a rapture wouldst thou have been ! And the more seriously thou puttestthis supposition to thyself, the more will thy meditations elevate thy heart. Do not, like the Papists, draw them in pic- tures ! but get the liveliest picture of them in thy mind that thou possibly canst, by contemplating the Scripture account of them, till thou canst say, " Me- thinks I see a glimpse of glory '. Methinks I hear the shouts of joy and praise, and even stand by Abraham and David, Peter and Paul, and other tri- umphant souls! Methinks I even see the Son of God appearing in the clouds, and the world stand- ing at his bar to receive their doom ; and hear him say, ' Come, ye blessed of my Father :' and see them §o rejoicing into the joy of their Lord ! My very reams of these things have sometimes greatly af- fected me ; and should not these just suppositions much more affect me? What if I had seen, with Paul, those ' unutterable things ." Or, with Stephen, 222 CONTEMPLATION ASSISTED had seen ' heaven opened, and Christ sitting at the right hand of God ?' Surely tiiat one sight was worth his storm of stones. What if I had seen, as Micaiah did, ' the Lord sitting upon liis throne, and all the host of heaven standing on his right hand and on his left ?' Such things did these men of God see ; and I shall shortly see far more than ever they saw, till they were loosed from the flesh, as I must be." Thus you see how it excites our affections in this heavenly work, if we make strong and familiar suppositions, from our bodily senses, concerning the state of blessedness, as the Spirit hath in conde- scending language expressed it. 2. The other way in which our senses may pro- mote this heavenly work, is, by comparing the ob- jects of sense with the objects of faith. As for in- stance: You may strongly argue with your hearts from the corrupt delights of sensual men to the joys above. Think with yourselves, " Is it such a de- light to a sinnet to do wickedly .' And will it not he delightful indeed to live with God? Hath the drunkard such delights in his cups, that the fears of damnation will not make him forsake them.' Will the whoremonger rather part with his credit, estate, and salvation, than with his brutish delights! If the way to hell can afford such pleasure, what then are the pleasures of the saints in heaven 1 If the covetous man hath so much pleasure in his wealth, and the ambitious man in places of power and titles of honour, what then have the saints in everlasting treasures, and in heavenly honours, Avhere we shall be set above principalities and powers, and be irKide the glorious spouse of Christ I How delightfully will the voluptuous follow their recreations from morning to night, or sit at their cards and dice nights and days together ! O, the delights we shall have when we come to our rest, in beholding the face of the living God, and in singing forth the praises unto him and the Lamb 1" Compare also the delights above with the lawful and moderate delights of sense. Think with thyself, " How sweet is food to my taste when I am hungry ; especially if it be, as Isaac said, • such as 1 love,' which my temperance and appetite incline to! What delight, then, must my soul have in feeding upon ' Christ, the living bread,' and in ' eating with liim at his table in his kingdom !' VV.is a mess of pottage so sweet to Esau in his hunger, that he would buy it at so dear a rate as his birthright? How highly, then, should I value this never-perishing food ! How pleasant is drink in the extremity of thirst, scarcely to be ex- pressed !' enough to make the ' strength of Samson BY SENSIBLE OBJECTS. D23 revive !' O how delightful will it be to my soul to drink of that ' foil ntafn of living water, which whoso (Imiketh it shall thirst no morel' How delightful uiu grateful odours to the smell ; or music to the ear ; or beautiful sights to the eye ! What fragrance, then, hath ' the precious ointment which is poured on the head' of our jjloritied Saviour, and which must be poured on the head of all his saints, and will fill all heaven with its odour ! How delightful is the music « of the heavenly host I' How pleasing will be those real beauties above I How glorious the ' building not made with hands,' the house that God himself dwells in, the walks and prospects in * the city of God,' and the celestial paradise 1" Compare also the delights above with those we find in natural knowledge. These are far beyond the delights of sense ; but how much farther are the delights of heaven ! Think, then, " Can an Ar- chimedes be so taken up with his mathematical invention, that the threats of death cannot disen- gage him, but he will die in the midst of his con- templations r Should not I l)e much more taken up with the delights of glory, and die with these contemplations fresh upon my soul ; especially when my death will perfect my delisihts, while those of Archimedes die with him ! What exquisite pleas- ure is it to dive into the secrets of nature, and find out the mysteries of arts and sciences ; especially if we make a new discovery in any one of them ! ■What high delights are there, then, in the knowledge of God and Christl If the face of human learning be so beautiful as to make sensual pleasures appear base and brutish, how beautiful, then, is the face of God I When we meet with some choice book, how could we read it day and nisht, almost forgetful of meat, drink, or sleep? What delights are there, then, at God's right hand, where we shall know in a moment all that is to be known !" — Compare, also, the delights above with the delights of morality, and of the natural affections. What delight had many sober heathens in the rules and practice of moral duties, so that they took him alone for an honest man, who did well through the love of virtue, and not merely for fear of punishment ; yea, so much valued was this moral virtue, that they thought man's chief happiness consisted in it. Think then," What e-tcellency will there be in our heavenly perfection, and in that uncreated perfection of God which we shall behold ! What sweetness is there in the ex- ercise of natural love, whether to children, parents, yoke-fellows, or intimate friends '. Does David say of Jonathan, ' Thy love to me was wonderful, pass- 2S24 CONTEMPLATlON_ASSISTED ing the love of women ." Did ' the soul of Jona- than cleave to David?' Had Christ himself one * disciple whom he especially loved, and who was wont to lean on his breast?' If, then, the delights of close and cordial friendship be so great, wliat delight shall we have in the friendship of the Most High, and in our nuitual intimacy with Jesus Christ, and in the dearest love of the saints ! Surely tiiis will be a stricter friendship, and these more lovely and desirable friends, than ever the sun beheld ; and both our affections to our Father and Saviour, and especially theirs to us, will be such as we never knew here. If one angel could destroy a host, the affections of spirits must also be prcportionably stronger, so Ihnt we shall then love a thousand timea more ardently than we can now. As all the attri- butes and works of God are incomprehensible, so is this of love : he will love us infinitely beyond our most perfect love to Him. What, then, will there be in this mutual love !" Compare also the excellencies of heaven with those glorious works of creation which our eyes now behold. What wisdom, power, and goodness, are manifested therein ! How does the majesty of the Creator shine in this fabric of the world ! " His works are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein." What divine skill in forming the bodies of men or beasts ! What excellency in every plant I What beauty in flowers ! What variety and usefulness in herbs, plants, fruits, and minerals ! What wonders are contained in the earth and its inhabitants J the ocean of waters, with its motions and dimensions; and the constant succession of spring and autumn, of summer and winter ! Think, then, " if these things, wliich are but servants to sinful man, are so full of mysterious woith, what is that place where God himself dwells, and which is prepared for just men made perfect with Christ! What glory is there in the least of yonder stars ! What a vast resplendent body is yonder moon, and every planet! What an inconceivable glory hath the sun ! But all this is nothing to the glory of heaven. Yonder sun must there be laid aside as useless. Yonder is but darkness to the lustre of my Father's house. 1 shall myself be as clorious as that sun. 1 his whole earth "is but my Father's foot- stool. This thunder is nothing to his dreadful voice. These winds are nothing to the breath of his mouth. If the ' sending rain, and making the sun to rise on the just and on the unjust' be so wonderful, how much more wonderful and glorious will that sun bo, which must shine on none but saints and angeU '." BY SENSIBLE OBJECTS. 203 Compare also th« enjoyments above with the won- ders of providence in the church and world. Woiiid K not be an astonishing sight to see •' the sea stand as a waU on the right hand, and on the left, and the dry laud appear in the midst, and the people of Isra- el pass safely through, and Pharaoh and his host drowned?" or to have seen the ten plagues of Egypt r or the rock gushing forth streams ? or manna and quails rained from heaven .' or the earth opening and swallowing up the wicked? But we Khali see far greater things than these ; not only sights more wonderful, but more delightful ! there sliall be no blood, nor wrath, intermingled ; nor shall we cry out, as " the men of Beth sliemesh, U'ho is able 'o stand before this holy Lord God ?" How astonishing to seethe snn stand still in the firmament ; or " the dial of Ahaz go back ten de- grees!" But we shall see when there shall be no sun ; or 'rather shall behold for ever a sun of infi- nitely greater brightness. What a life should we have if we could have drought or rain at our prayers : or have fire from heaven to destroy our enemies, as Elijah had ; or raise the dead, as Elisha ; or mi- raculously cure diseases, and speak all languages, as the apostles! Alas, these are nothing to the wonders we shall see and possess with God ; and all of I hem wonders „f goodness and love ! We shall ourselves be the subjects of more wonderful mercies than any of mese. Jonah was raised but from a three day's' burial in the belly of a fish ; but we shall be raised from many year's rottenness and dust ; and that dust exalted to the glory of the sun ; and that glory perpetuated through eternity. Surely, if we observe but common providencies, as the mo- tions of the sun ; the tides of the sea ; the (standing of the earth; the watering it with rain, as a gar- den ; the keeping in order a wicked confused world ; Willi niany others, they are all admirable. But what are these to the Sion of God, the vision of the divine Majesty, and the order of the heavenly host? — Add to these, those particular providences which thou hast thyself enioyed and recorded through thy life, and compare them with the mercies thou shall have above. Look over the mercies of thy youth and riper age, of thy prosperity and adversity, of thv several places and relations; are they not excellent and innumerable, rich and engaging ? How sweet was it to thee, when God resolved thy doubts ; scat- tered thy fears ; prevented the inconveniences into w hich thy own counsel would have cast thee ; ensed thy pains ; healed thy sickness ; and raised thee up 04 from death and the grave ! Thiuk, thtn-j " Are 15 226 CONTEMPLATION ASSISTED all these so sweet and precious, that without them my life would have been a perpetual misery r Hath his providence on earth lifted me so high, ' and his gentleness made me so great r' How sweet, then, will his glorious presence he ! How high will his eternal love exalt me! And how great shall J he made in communion with his greatness' If my pil- grimage and warfare have such mercies, what shall 1 find in my home, and in my triumph! If God communicates so much to me, while i remain a sin- ner, what will he bestow me when 1 am a perfected saint! If I have had so much at such a distance from him, what shall I have in his immediate pre- sence, where I shall ever stand before liis throne !" Compare the joys above with the comforts thou hast here received in ordinances. Hath not the Bible been to thee as an open fountain, flowing with roniforts day and night? What suitable promises have come into thy mind ; so that, with David, ihou mayslsay, " Unless thy law had been my delight, I should then have perished in mine affliction!" Tliink then, " If his word be so full of consolations, what overflowing springs shall we find in God him- self! If his letters are so comfortable, what will the glories of his ^presence be ! If the promise is so sweet, what will the performance be ! If the tes- tament of our Lord, and our charter for the king- dom, be so comfortal)le, what will be our possession of the kingdom itself :"—;iliink farther, " What de- lights have I also found in the word preached! — When I have sai undera heavenly, heart searching teacher, how hath my heart been warmed ! — Me- thifiks I have felt myself almost in heaven. How often have I gone to the congregation troubled in spirit, and returned joyful ! How often have I gone doubting, and God hath sent me home persuaded of his love in Christ ! What cordials have 1 met with to animate nie in every conflict! If but the face of Moses sliine so gloriously, what glory is there in the face of God ! ' If ' the feet of them ihat publish peace, that bring good tidings of salvation, be beautiful,' how beautiful is the face of the Prince of peace! If this treasure be so precious in eartiien vessels ; what is that treasure laid up in heaven ! Blessed are the eyes that see what is seen there, and the ears that hear the things that ate heard there. There shall I hear Elijah, Isaiah, .leremiah, Jcihn, Peter, Paul .-' not preaching to gainsayers, in impris- onment, persecution, and reproach : buttriumpliing in the praises of him that halli raised them to honour and glory."— Tl)ink, also, " What joy is it to have access and acceptance in prayer j that I may always BY SENSIBLE OBJECTS. 227 go to God, and open my case, and unbosom my soul to him, as to my most faithful friend ! But it will be a more unspeakable joy, wlien I shall receive all blessings without asking, and all my necessities and. miseries will be removed, and when God himself will be the portion and inheritance of my soul." — As for the Lord's supper, " What a privilege is it to be admitted to sit at his table, to have his covenant sealed to me there I But all the life and comfort there, is, to assure me of the comforts hereafter. the ditierence between the last supper of Christ on earth, and the marriage supper of the Lamb at the great day ! Tlien his room will be the glorious heavens ; his attendants, all the hosts of angels and saints ; no Judas, no unfuinished'fiuest, comes there ; but the humble believers must sit down by him, and their feast will be their mutual loving and rejoicing." — Concerning the communion of saints, think w ith thyself, " What a pleasure is it to live with intelli- gent and heavenly Christians ! David says of such, ' they were all his delight.' O what a delightful society, then, shall I have above! Had I but seen Job on the dunghill, what a mirror of patience ! and what will it be to see him in glory 1 How delight- ful to have heard Paul and Silas singing in the stocks ! IIow much more to hear them sing praises in heaven ! What melody did David make on his harp '. But how much nuire melodious to hear that sweet singer in the heavenly choir ! What would 1 have given for an hour's free converse with Paul, when he was just come down from the third heav- en ! But I must shortly see those things myself, and possess what I see."— Once more, think of praising God in concert with his saints : " What if I had been in the place of those shepherds, who saw, and heard, the heavenly host singing, ' Glory to God in the higest, and on earth peace, good will towards men I' But I shall see and hear more glorious things. How blessed should I have thoiightmyself, had I heard Christ in his thanksgivings to his Fa- ther ! How much more, w hen I shall hear him pronounce me blessed 1 If there was such joy at bringing back the ark, or at rebuilding the temple; what will there be in the IS'ew Jerusalem I If the earth rent, when the people rejoiced at Solomon's coronation ; \Vhat a joyful shout will there be at the ^ appearing of the King of the church I If, ' when the foundations of the earth were laid, the morning stars sang together, and all tlie sons of God shouted for joy ;' what a joyful song will there be, when tlie world of glory is both founded and finished, when the top-stone is laid, and when ' the holy city is adorned as the bride, the Lamb's wife I' " 228 CONTEMPLATION ASSISTED Compare the joys thou slialt have in heaven with what the saints have found in the way to it, and in the foretastes of it. When did God ever reveal the least of himself to any of liis saints, but the joy of their hearts was answerable to the revelation i In what an ecstacy was Peter on the mount of trans- figuration ! " Master, "says he, " it is good for us to be here ; let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias." As if he had said, " O let us not go dovvn'^again to yonder persecuting rabble ; let us not return to our mean and suffering state. Is it not better to stay here now we are here ? Is not here better company, and sweeter pleasure .'" How was Paul lifted up with what he saw 1 How did the face of Moses shine, when he had been talking with God ! These were all extraordinary foretastes ; but little to the full beatifical vision. How often have we read and heard of dying saints who have been full of joy ; and when their bodies have felt the extremity of sickness and pain, have had so much of heaven in their spirits, that their joy hath far exceeded their sorrows ! If a spark of this fire be so glorious, even amidst the sea of adversity ; what tlien is glory it- self ! O the joy that the martyrs have felt in tl»* flames! They were flesh and blood, as well as we ; it must therefore be some excellent thing that filled their spirits with joy, while their bodies were burn- ing. Think, reader, in thy meditation, " Sure it must be some wonderful foretaste of glory that made the flames of fire easy, and the king of terrors welcome. What then is glory itself? What a bless- ed rest, when the thouglits of it made Paul desire to depart, and be with Christ; and makes the saints never think themselves well, till they are dead I Shall Saunders embrace the stake, and cry. Wel- come, cross ! And shall not I more delightfully em- brace my blessedness, and cry. Welcome, crown ? Shall Bradford kiss the fagot, and shall not I kiss the Saviour ? Shall another poor martyr rejoice lo have her foot in the same hole of the stocks, in which Mr. Philpot's had been before her ? And shall not I rejoice that my soul shall live in the san>e place of glory, where Christ and his apostles are gone before me ? Shall fire and fagot, prisons and banishment, cruel mockings and scourgings, be more welcome to others than Christ and glory to me .' God forbid!" Compare the glory of the heavenly kingdom with the glory of the church on earth, and of Christ in bis state «f huiniliation. If Christ's sufferingin llie room of sinners iiad such excellency, wlxat is Christ BY SENSIBLE OBJECTS. 229 nt liis Father's right hand ! If the church under htr sins and enemies have so much beauty, what \\ill she have at the marriage of the Lamb! How wonderful was the Son of God in the form of a ser- vant ! When he is born, a new star must appear, and conduct the strangers to worship him in a man- per; heavenly hosts with their songs must celebrate his nativity ; while a child, he must dispute with doctors; when he enters upon his otiice, he turns water into wine ; feeds thousands with a few loaves and fishes ; cleanses the lepers, heals the sick, re- stores the lame, gives sight to the blind, and raises the dead. How wonderful then is his celestial glo- ry ! If there be such cutting down of boughs, and spreading of garments, and crying Hosanna, for one that comes into Jerusalem riding on an ass ; what will there be when he comes with his angels in his ^lory ! If they that heard him " preach the gospel of the kingdom," confess, " Never man spake like this man;" they, then, that behold his majesty in his kingdom, will say, " There was nev- er glory like this glory." If, when his enemies came to apprehend him, they fell to the ground ; if, when he is dying, the earth quakes, the vail of the temple is rent, the sun is eclipsed, the dead bodies of the saints arise, and the slanders by acknowledge, " Ve- rily this was the Son of God ;" O, what a day will it be, when the dead must all arise, and stand before him I when he " will once more shake, not the earth only, but the heavens also !" when this sun shall be taken out of the firmament, and be everlastingly darkened with his glory ! and when every tongue shall confess him to be Lord and King! If, when he rose again, death and the grave lost their power ; if angels must "roll away the stone," terrify the keepers till they are " as dead men," and send the tidings to his disciples ; if he ascend to heaven in their sight ; what power, dominion., and glory, is he now possessed of, and which we must for ever pos- sess with him I when he is gone, can a few poor fishermen and tent-makers cure the lame, blind, and sick, open prisons, destroy the disobedient, raise the dead, and astonish their adversaries ; what a world will that be, where every one can do greater works tJian these ! If the preaching of the gospel be ac- companied with such [power as to discover the se- crets of the heart, humble the proud sinner, and make the most obdurate tremble; if it can make men burn their books, sell their lands, bring in the price, and lay it down at the preacher's feet ; if it can convert thousands, and turn the world upside down i if its doctrine, from the prisoner at the bar, 530 CONTEMPLATION ASSISTED can make the judge on the bench tremble ; if Christ and his saints have this power and honour in the day of their abasement, and in the time appointed for their sufierinK and disgrace ; wliat then will they have in their absolute dominion, and full ad- vancement in their kingdom of glory. Compare the glorious change thou shalt have at last, with the gracious change which the Spirit hath here wrought on thy heart. There is not the smallest sincere grace in thee, but is of great- er worth than the riclies of the Indies; not a hearty desire after Christ, but is more to be valued than the kingdoms of the world. A renewed na- ture is the very image of God •, Christ dwelling in us ; and the Spirit of God abiding in us ; it is a beam from the face of God ; the seed of God remaining in us ; the only inherent beauty of the rational sou) : it ennobles man above all nobility ; fits hiixk to un- derstand his Maker's pleasure, to do his will, and re- ceive his glory. If this grain of mustard-seed be so precious, what is " the tree of life in the midst of the paradise of God !" If a spark of life, which will but strive against corruptions, and flame out a few desires and groans, be of so much worth, how glorious then is the fountain ofihis life !" If we are said to be like God, when we are pressed down with a body of sin ; sure we shall be much more like God, when we have no such thing as sin within us. Is the desire after, and love of heaven, so excellent ; what then is the thing itself. Is our joy in foresee- ing and believing so sweet; what will be the joy of full possession.? How glad is a Christian when he feels his heart begin to melt, and be dissolved with the thoughts of sinful unkindnessi Even this sor- row yields him joy. O, what, then, will it be, when we shall know, and love, and rejoice, and praise in the highest perfection ! Think with thyself, " What a change was it, to be taken from that state wherein 1 was born, and in which 1 was riveted by custom, when thousands of sins lay upon my score, and if I had so died, I had been damned for everl What an astonishing change, to be justified from all these enormous crimes, and freed from all these fearful plagues, and made an heir of heaven ! How often, when I have thought of my regeneration, have I cried out, O blessed day I and blessed be the Lord that ever I saw it! How, then, .shall I cry out in heaven, O blessed eternity • and blessed be the Lord that brought me to it '. Did the angels of God rejoice to see my conversion ? Surely they will congratulate my felicity in my salvation. — Grace is but a spark raked up in the ashes, covered witii BY SENSIBLE OBJECTS. 231 tU'sh from the sight of the worlil, and sometimes covered wit)i corruption from my own sight; but my everlasting glory will not be so clouded, nor my lii?ht be' under a bushel, but upon a hill,' oven upon mount Sion, the mount of God." Once more, compare the joys which thou shalt have above, with those foretastes of it which the Spirjt hallr given thee here. Hath not God some- times revealed himself extraordinarily to thy soul, and let a drop of glory fall upon it? Hast thou not been ready to say, " O, that it might be thus with my soul continually '." Didst thou never cry out with the martyr, after thy long and mournful expec- tations, " He is come, lie is come !" Didst thou never, under a lively sermon of heaven, or in thy retired contemplations on that blessed state, per- ceive thy drooping spirits revive, and thy dejected heart lift up thy head, and the light of heaven dawn ontliysoul? Think with thyself, "What is this earnest to the full inheritance ! Alas, all this light, that soamaiceth and rejoiceth me, is but a candle lighted from heaven, to lead mo thither through this world of darkness! If some godly men have been overwhelmed with joy till they have cried out, * Hold, Lord, stay thy hand ; I can bear no more!" what tiien will be my joys in heaven, when my soul shall be so capable of seeing and enjoying God, that though the light be ten thousand times greater than the sun, yet my eyes shall be able for ever to behold it!" Or if thou hast not yet felt these sweet fore- tastes, (for every believer hath not felt thenij) then make use of such delights as thou hast felt, in order the better to discern what thou shalt hereafter feel. Secondly. I am now to show how heavenly con- templation may be preserved from a wandering heart. Our chief work is here to discover the dan- ger, and that will direct to the fittest remedy. The heart will prove the greatest hinderance in this heav- enly employment; — either, — by backwardness to it ; — or, by triHing in it ; — or, by frequent excursions to other objects ; — or, by abruptly ending the work be- fore it is well begun. As you value the comfort of this work, these dangerous evils must be faithfully resisted. L Thou will find thy heart as backward to this, I think, as to any work in the world. O, what ex- cuses will it make! What evasions will it find out! What delays and denjurs, when it is ever so much convinced ! Either it will question, whether it be a duty or not ; or, if it be so to others, whether to thyself. It will tell thee, " This is a work for min- isters that have nothing else to study .' or for persons •232 CONTEMPLATION ASSISTED that have more It'fsure than thou hast." If thon L« a minister, it wilJ fell thee, " This w the duty of the people ; it is enoiijih for thee to meditate for their instruction, and let them meditate on what they have heard." As if it was thy duty only to cook their meat, and serve it up, and they alone must eat it, digest ir, and live upon it. If all this will not do, thy heart will tell thee of other business, or set thee upon some other duty ! for it had rather go to anj duty than this. Perhaps it will tell ihee. " Other duties are greater, and therefore this must give place Jo them, because thou hast no time for both. Pul>- lic business is more important ; to study and preach for the saving of souls, must be preferred before thess private contempldtions," As if thou hadst nottims to care for thy own salvation, f&r lot>king after that of others. Or thy charity to others were so great, that it obliges thee to neglect 6hy own eternal wel- fare. Or as if there were any better way to fit U3 to be useful to otlvers, than making this proof of our doctrine ourselves. Certainly heaven is the best fire to light our candle at, and the best book for a preacher to s«tudy ; and if we would be persuaded to study that more, the church would be provided with more heavenly lights ; and when our studies are divine, and our spirits divine, our preaching will also be divine, and we may be called divines indeed. (Ir if thy heart have nothing to say against the work, it will trifle away the time in delays, and pron>ise this day, and the next, but still keep off from the business. Or it will give thee a flat denial, and oppose its own unwillingness to thy reason. All this I speak of the heart, so far as it is still car- nal ; f)r I know, so far as it is spiritual, it will judge this the sweetest workin the world. What is now to be done .'' Wilt thou do it, if I tell thee? Wouldst thou not say in a like case. What should I do with a servant that will not work.' or with a horse that will not travel ?ShaM I keep them to look at? Then faithfully deal thus with thy heart; persuade it to the work, take no denial, chide it for its backwardness, use violence with it. Hast ihori no roii>n>and of thy own thoughts? Is not the subject of thy meditations a matter of choice, especially under this conduct of thy judgment? Surely God gave thee, with thy new nature, some power to govern thy thoughts. Art thou again become a slave to thy depraved na- ture? Resume thy authority. Call in the Spirit of (Christ to thine assistance, who is never backward to eogood a work, nor will deny his help in so jusi a cause. Say to kim, "Lord, tbou gavest my rea- BY SENSIBLE OBJECTS. 233 8on the command of my thoughts and affections: the authority I liave received over them is from thee ; and now, behohl they refuse to obey thine authority. Thon commandest me to set them to the work of heavenly meditation, but they rebel and stubbornly refuse the duty. Wilt thou not assist nie to exercise that authority which thou hast piven me? O send down thy Spirit, that I may en- force tliy commands, and effectually compel them to obey" thy will ! Thus thou shalt see thy heart will submit, its resistance be overcome, and its back- wardness be turned into cheerful compliance. •2. 'J'hy heart will also be likely to betray thee by trifling, when it should be effectually meditating. Perhaps, when thou hast an hour for meditation, the time will he spent before thy heart will be seri- ous. This doing of duty, as if we did it not, ruins as many as the omission of it. Here let thine eye be always upon thy heart. Look not so much to the liineit spends in the duty, as to the quantity and quality of the work that is done. You can tell by his work, whether a servant hath been diligent. Ask yourself, " What affections have yet been exer- cised .' How much am I yet got nearer to heav- en ?" Think not since thy heart is so trifling, it is better to let it alone : for by this means, thou wilt certainly banish all spiritual obedience; because the best hearts, being but sanctified in part will resist, so far as they are carnal. But rather consider well the corruption of thy nature ; and that its sinful in- dispositions will not supersede the commands of God; nor one sin excuse for another; and that God has appointed means to excite our affections. This self-reasoning, self-considering duty of heav- enly meditation, is the most singular means, both to excite and increase love. Therefore slay not from the duty, till thou fcelest thy love constrain thee any more than thou wouldst stay from the fire, till thou feelest thyself warm ; but engage in the •work till love is excited, and then love will constrain tliee to further duty. 3. Thy heart will also be making excursions from thy heavenly meditation toother objects. It will be turning aside, like a careless servant, to talk with every one that passeth by. When there should be nothing in thy mind but heaven, it will be thinking of thy calling, or thy afflictions, or of e^ery bird, or tree, or place thou seest. The cure is here the same as before ; use watchfulness and violence. Say to thy heart, " What ! did I come hither to think of my worldly business, of persons, places, news, or vanity, or of any thing but heaven, be it ever so 234 CONTEMPLATION good? 'Canst thou not watch one hour." Wouldst thou leave this world, and dwell for ever with Ciirist in heaven, and not leave it one hour to dwell with Christ in meditation? 'Is tiiis thy love to thy friend ?' Dost thou love Clirist, and the place of thy eternal, blessed abode no more than this?" If the ravenin? fowls of wandering thoughts devour the meditations intended for heaven, they devour the life and joy of thy thoughts; therefore drive them away from thy sacrifice, and strictly keep thy heart to the work. 4. Abruptly ending thy meditation before it is well begun, is another way in which thy heart will deceive thee, l hou mayst easily perceive this in other duties. In secret juayer, is not thy heart urging thee to cut it short, and frequently making a motion to have it done ? So in heavenly contem- plation thy heart will be weary of the work, and will stop thy heavenly walk before thou art well warm. But charge it in the name of God to stay, and not do so great a work by halves. Say to it, " Foolish heart ; if thou beg awhile, and goest away before thou hast thy alms, is not thy begging a lost labour ? If thou sloppest before the end of thy journey, is not thy travel lost ? Thou earnest hither in hope to have a sight of the glory which thou must iuherit ; and wilt thou stop when thou art almost at the top of the hill, and turn back before thou hast taken thy survey ? Thou camest hither in hope to speak with God ; and wilt thou go before thou hast seen him? Thou camest 'to batlie thyself in the streams of consolation, and to that end didst un- clothe thyself of thy earthly thouglits ; and wilt thou only touch the bank and return? Thou camest to ' spy out the land of promise ;' go not back without 'one cluster of grapes to show thy brethren,' for their encouragement. Let them see that thou hast tasted of the wine by the gladness of thy heart ; and that thou hast been r.nointed with the oil, by the cheerfulness of tliy countenance ; and hast fed of the milk and honey, by the mildness of thy dispo- sition, and the sweetness of thy conversation. This heavenly fire would melt thy frozen heart, and re- fine and spiritualize it ; but it must have time to operate." Thus pursue the work till something bo done, till thy graces be in exercise, thy affections raised, and thy soul refreshed with the delights above; or, if thou canst not attain these ends at once, be the more earnest at another time. " Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometli, shall find so doing." EXEMPLIFIED. CHAPTER XVI. Heavenly Contemplation exemplified, and the whole Work concluded. TTie reader^s attention excited to thefolloicing example of vieditation 1 . The excellencies of heavenly rest ; 2. its nearness 3. dreadful to sinners ; 4. aiid joyful to saints; 5. its dear purchase: 6. its , difference from earth. 7. The heart pleaded tcith ; 8. unbelief banish- ed; 9. a careless world pitied. 10. Heavenly rest the object of love; II. and joy. 12. The hearts backward- ness to heavenly joy lamented. 13. Heavenly rest the object of desire. And now, reader, according to the above direc- tions make conscience of daily exercising thy gra- ces in meditation, as well as prayer. Retire into Eome secret place, at a time the most convenient to thyself, and, Liying aside all worldly thoughts, with all possible seriousness and reverence, look up toward heaven, remember there is thine everlast- ing rest, study its excellency and reality, and rise from sense to faith, by comparing heavenly with earthly joys. Then mix ejaciilalions with thy solil- oquies ; till, having pleaded the case reverently with God, and seriously with thy own heart, thou hast pleaded thyself from a clod to a flame ; from a for- getful sinner, and a lover of the world, to an ardent lover of God; from a fearful coward to a resolved Christian; from an unfruitful sadness to a joyful life ; in a word, till thou hast pleaded thy heart from earth to heaven ; from conversing below to walking with God, and till thou canst lay thy heart to rest, as in the bosom of Christ, by some such meditation of thy everlasting rest, as is here added for thy as- sistance. 1. "Rest! How sweet the sound I It is melody to my ears ! It lies as a reviving cordial at my heart, and from thence sends forth lively spirits, which beat through all the pulses of my soul; Rest! — not as the stone that rests on the earth, nor as this flesh shall rest in the grave, nor such a rest as tiie carnal world desires. O, blessed rest! when we ' rest not day and night, saying. Holy, holy, holy. Lord God Almighty !' when we shall rest from "sin, but not from worship ; from suffering and sorrow, but not from joy ! O, blessed day ! when I shall rest with God ! when I shall rest in the bosom of my Lord ! when I shall rest in knowing, loving, rejoicing, and praising I when my perfect soul and body shall together perfectly "enjoy the most perfect God I 236 CONTEMPLATION when God, who is love itself, shall perfectly love me, and rest in his love to me, as I shall rest in my love to him ; and rejoice over me with joy, and joy over me with singing, as I shall rejoice in him '. 2. " How near is that most blessed, joyful day ! It comes apace. ' He that shall come will come, and will not tarry.' Though my Lord seems to delay his coming, yet a little while and he will be here. What is a few hundred years, when they are over? How surely will his sign appear! How sud- denly will he seize upon the careless world, even * as the lightning Cometh out of the east, and shineth unto the west!' He who is gone hence shall so come. Rlethinks 1 hear his trumpet sound ! Me- ■ thinks I see him coming in clouds, with his attend- ing angels, in majesty and glory ! 3. " O, secure sinners ! What now will you do? Where will you hide yourselves? What shall cover you ? Mountains are gone ; the heavens and the earth, which were, are passed away ; the devouring fire hath consumed all, except yourselves, who must be the fuel for ever. O that you could consume as Boon as the earth ; and melt away as did the heav- ens ! Ah, these wishes are now but vain ! The Lamb himself would have been your friend ; he would have loved you, and ruled you, and now have saved you ; but you would not then, and now it is too late. Never cry, Lord, Lord : too late, too late, man. Why dost thcu look about? Can any save thee ? Whither dost thou run ? Can any hide thee ? O, wretch, Ihat hast brought thyself to this ! 4. "Now, blessed saints, that have believed and obeyed ! this is the end of faith and patience. This it is for which you prayed and waited. Do you now repent your sufferings and sorrows, your self-denying and holy walking? Are your tears of repentance now bitter or sweet ? See how the Judge smiles upon you ; there is love in his looks ; the titles of Redeemer, Husband, Head, are written in his amiable, shining face. Hark, he calls you ! he bids you stand here on his right hand : fear not, for there he sets his sheep. O joyful sentence ! ' Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.' He takes you by the hand, the door is open, the kingdom is his, and therefore yours ; there is youi place before his throne ! the Father receives you as the spouse of his Son, and bids you welcome to the crown of glory. Ever so unworthy, you must be crowned. This was the project of free redeeming grace, the purpose of eternal love. O, blessed grace ! O, bless- ed love ! O, how love and joy will rise 1 But I can- not express it, I cannot conceive it. EXEMPLIFIED. 23T 5. " This is that joy which was procured by sor- row, that crown which was procured by ihe cross. My Lord wept, that now my tears might be wiped away ; he bled, that I might now rejoice ; he waa forsaken, that I might not now be forsook ; he then died, that I might now live. O free mercy, that can exalt so vile a wretch ! Free to me, though dear lo Christ ! Free grace, thatlinth chosen me, when thou- sands were forsaken ! When my companions in sin must burn in hell, I must here rejoice in rest ! Here must I live with all these saints! O comfortable meeting of my old acquaintance, with whom 1 prayed, and wept, and suffered, and spoke often of this day and place ! I see the grave could not detain you ; the same love hath redeemed and saved you also. t). " Ihis is not like our cottages of clay, our pri». ons, our earthly dwellings. This voice of joy is not like our old complaints, our impatient groans and sighs; nor this melodious praise like the scofl's and revilings, or the oaths and curses, which we heard on earth. This body is not like that we had, nor this soul like the soul we had, nor this life like Ibe life we lived. We have changed our place and state, our clothes and thoughts, our looks, language, and company. Before, a saint was weak and despised ; so proud and peevish, we could often scarce discern his graces ; but now, how glorious a thing is a saint ! Where is now their body of sin, which wearied themselves and those about them ? Where are now our different judgments, reproachful names, divided spirits, exasperated passions, strange looks, unchari- table censures? Now we are all of one judgment, of one name, of one heart, house and glory. O sweet reconciliation ! Happy union t Now the gospel shall no more be dishonoured through our folly. Ko more, my soul, shalt thou lament the sufferings of the saints, or the church's ruins, nor mourn thy suffering friends, nor weep over their dying beds, or their graves. Thou shalt never suffer thy old temp- tations from Satan, the world, or thy own flesh. Thy pains and sickness are all cured ; thy body shall no more burden thee with weakness and weaiiness; thy aching head and heart, thy hunger and thirst, thy sleep and labour, are all gone. O, what a mighty change is this! from the dunghill to the throne I from persecihing sinners to praising saints! from a vile body, to this which ' shines as the brightness of the firmament I' from a sense of God's dis- j)leasure lo the perfect enjoyment of him in love ! from all my doubts and fears lo this possession, which puts me out of loubt ! from all my fearful thoughts of death, lo this joyful life ! Blessed 238 CONTEMPLATION changeM Farewell sin and sorrow for ever ; fare- well my rocky, proud, unbelieving heart ; my world- ly, sensual, carnal heart; and welcome now my most holy, heavenly nature. Farewell repentance, faith, and hope; and welcome love, and joy, and praise. I shall now have my harvest, without ploughing or sowing ; my joy without a preacher, or a promise: even all from the face of God himself. Whatever mixture is in the streams, there is nothing but pure joy in the fountain. Here shall I be encir- cled with eternity, and ever live, nnd ever, ever, praise the liOrd. My face will not wrinkle, nor my hair be gray ; 'for this corruptible shall have put on incorruplion, and this mortal, immortality, and death shall be swallowed up in victory. O death, where is now. thy sting .' O grave, where is thy victory .' Ihe date of my lease will no more expire, nor shall I trouble itrysclf with thoughts of death, nor lose my joys through fear of losing them. When millions of ages are passed, my glory is but beginning; and when millions more are passed, it is no nearer end- ing. Every day is all noon, every month is harvest, every year is a jubilee, every age is full manhood, and all this is one eternity. O, blessed eternity ! the glory of my glory I the perfection of my jierfection I 7. " Ah, drowsy, earthly heart! how coldly dost tlrou think of this reviving day ! Iladst thou rather sit down in dirt, tharr walk in the palace of God ? Art thou now remembering thy worldly business, or thinking of tliy lusts, earthly delights, and merry company? Is it better to be here, than above with God.? Is the company better.' Are the pleasures greater? Come away; nrake no excuse nor delay ; God commands, and I command thee ; gird up thy loins ; ascend the mount ; look about thee with faith and seriousness. Look not back upon the way of the wilderness, except it be to compare the kingdom with that howling desert, more sensibly to perceive the wide difference. Yonder is thy Father's glory ; yonder, O my soul, must thou remove, when thou de- partest from this body; and when the power of thy Lord hath raised it again, and joined thee to it, yon- der must thou live with God for ever. There is the glorious New Jerusalem, the gates of pearl, the foun- dation of pearl, the streets and paverrrents of transpa- rent gold. That sun, which lighteth all this world, will be useless there ; even thyself shall be as bright as yonder shining sun ; God will be the sun, and Christ the light, and in his light shalt thou have light. 8. "O, my soul! dost thou 'stagger at the prom- ise of God through unbelief?' I much suspect thee. Didet thou believe indeed, thou wouldst be more EXEMPLIFIED. S89 aflected with it. Is it not under tlie hand, and seal, and oath of God ? Can God lie ? Can lie that is truth itself he false ? VVJiat need hath God to flat- ter or deceive thee? Why should he promise thee more than he will perform? Dare not to charge the wise, almighty, faithful God, with this. How many of the promises have been performed to thee in thy conversion ! Would God so powerfully con' cur with a feigned word ! O, wretched heart of unbelief 1 Tlath God mad<3 thee a promise of rest, and wilt thou come short of it? Thine eyes, thine ears, and all thy senset., may prove delusions, sooner than a prouiise of God can delude thee. Thou mayst be surer of that which is written in the word, than if thou see it with thine eyes, or feel it with thine hands. Art thou sure thou an alive, or that this is earth thou standesi on, or that thine eyes see the sun ? As sure is all this glory to the saints; as sure shall I be higher than yonder stars, and live for ever in the holy city, and joyfully sound forth the praises of my Redeemer; if I be not shut out by this ' evil heart of unbelief,' causing me to 'depart from the living God.' 9. " And is this rest so sweet and so sure ? Then what means the careless world ? Know they what they neglect? Did they ever hear of it, or are they yet asleep, or are they dead ? Do tliey certainly know that the crown is before Ihem, while they thua sit still, or follow trifles ? Undoubtedly they are beside themselves, to mind so nmch their provision by the way, when they are hasting so fast to another world, and their eternal hai){)ineS3 lies at stake. Were there left one spark of reason, they would never sell their rest for toil, nor their glory for worldly vanities, nor venture heaven for sinful pleas- ure. Poor men ! O, that you would once consider what you hazard, and then you would scorn these tempting baits ! Blessed for ever be that love which hath rescued me from this bewitching darkness I 10. "Draw yet nearer, O my soul ! with thy most fervent love. Here is matter for it to work upon, some- thing worth thy loving. O, see what beauty presents itself! Is not all the beauty in the world united here? Is not all other beauty but deformity ? Dost thou noiv need to be persuaded to love? Here is a feast for thine eyes, and all the powersof thy soul : dost thou need entreaties to feed upon it? Canst thou love a little shining earth, a walking piece of clay? and canst thou not love that God, that Christ, that glory, which is so truly and unmeasurably lovely ? Thou canst love thy friend, because he loves thee ; and is the love of a friend like the love ol Christ? Their Ma CONTEMPLATION weeping or bleeding for thee does not ease thee, nor stay the course of thy tears or blood; but the tears and blood that fell from thy Lord have a sove- reign healing virtue.— O, my soul ! if love deserves, and should beget love, what incomprehensible love is here before thee ! Pour out all the store of thy affections here, and all is too little. O that it were more ! O that it were many thousand times more ! Let him he first served, that served tiiee first. Let him have the first-born, and strength of thy soul, who parted with strength, and life, and love for thee. — O, my soul ! dost thou love for excellency ? Yon- der is the region of light ; this is a land of darkness. Yonder twinkling stars, that shining moon, and ra- diant sun, are all our lanterns, hung out of thy fea- ther's house, to light thee while thou walkest in this dark world. But how little dost thou know the glory and blessedness that are within!— Dost thou love for suitableness ? What person more suitable than Christ.'' His Godhead and humanity, his ful- ness and freeness, his willingness and constancy, all proclaim him thy most suitable friend. What "state more suitable to thy misery, than mercy ? or to thy sin and pollution, than honour and perfection? What place more suitable to thee than heaven .' Does this world agree with thy desires ? Jlast thou not had a sutficient trial of it, or dost thou love for interest and near relation .' Where hast thou better interest than in heaven, or nearer relation than there .' " Dost thou love for acquaintance and familiarity ? Though thine eyes have never seen thy Lord, yet thou hast heard his voice, received his benefits, and lived in his bosom. He taught thee to know thyself and him ; he opened thee that first win- dow, through which thou sawest into heaven. Hast thou forgotten since thy heart was careless, and he awakened it; hard, and lie softened it; stub- born, and he made it yield ; at peace, and he troubled it ; whole, and he broke it , and broken, till he healed it again.' Hast thou forgotten the times when he found thee in tears; when he heard thy secret sighs and groans, and lelt all to come and comfort lliee ; when he took thee, as it were, in his arms, and asked thee, Poor soul, what ails thee .' Dost thou weep, when I have wept so much.' Be of good cheer; thy wounds are saving, and not deadly ; ft is I have made them, who mean thee no hurt ; though I let out thy blood, I will not let out thy life. I remember his voice. How gently did he take me up ! How carefully did he dress my wounds! Methinks I hear him still saying to me, ' Poor sinner, though thou liast dealt unkindly witli EXEMPLIFIED. Sil me, ami ra«t me off, yet f will not tlo so by thee. Though thou hast set liuht by me, and all my mer- cies, yet they and myself are all tliine. What wouMil thou have, that [ can give thee? And what dost thou want, that I cannot give thee? If any thin? I hive will give thee pleasure, thou shalt have it. Woulilat thd'i have pardon > I freely forgive thee all tiio debt. Wonldst ihon have urace and peace f Thou shait have tlicin both. Wonldst thou have myself? Behold, I am thine, thy Friend, thy Lord, thy Brother, Husband, and Head. Wonldst Ihoii have th,; Father? 1 will bring thee to hiio, and thou shalt have him, in and by ma.' These were my Lords reviving; word.-?. After all, when I wa.^ doabtful of his love, methinks I yet remember his overcoming arguments.- 'Have I done so much, sinner, to testify my love, and yet dost thou doubt.' Have I offered ihee myself and love so long, and yet dost thou question my willingrness to be thine? At what dearer rate should I tell thee that I love thee r \Vilt tliou not believe my bitter passion proreedcil from love? Have I n»ade myself in the jiospel a lion t » thine enemies, and a lamb to thee, and dost thou overlook my lamb like nature? Had f been willinij to let thee perish, what need have I done and suf- fered so much? What need I follow thee with s'.ich patience and importunity? Why dost thou tell m- of thy wants ; iiavc I not ennuah fur ms and thee? or of thy unworlhiness ; for if thou wast thyself wortliy, what shouldstthoa do with my worthineJ!? ? Did I ever invite, or save, the worthy and the righ- teous; or is there any such upon earth? Hast thou nothiiip ; art thou lost aiid miserable, helr4€.«3 and forlorn' Dost thou believe I am an all suiTicicnt Saviour and wonldst Ihon have me; Lo, I ai!i thine ; take m.- ; if thon art willing, I am ; and nei- ther sin nor Satan shall break the match.' Thosi, O these, were the blessed words which his Spirit froin his gospel spoke unto me, till he made me cast myself at his feet, and cry out, 'My Saviour, and my Lord, thou hast broken, thou hast revived my heart ; thon hast overcome, thou hast won my heart ; lake it ; it is thine ; if such a heart can please thee, like it; if it cannot, make it such as thou wouMst have it. Thus, O my soul, mayst thou remembi-r the sweet familiarity thou hast had with Christ ; therefore, if acquaintance will cause affection, let out thy heart unto him. It is he that hath stood hv thy bed of sicknes.s, hath eased thy pains, refreshed thy wearine.''.', and removed thy feais. He hath been always ready, when thou hast earnestly sought hiui ; hath met Ihec in public and private 3 hath been 1^ 242 CONTEMPLATION found of thee in the congregation, in tliy lioiisc, in tliy closet in the field, in thy waking nights, in thy deepest dangers. " If bounty and compas:?ion be an attractive of love, how unineastirably, then, am I hound to love him! All the mercies that have filled up my life, all tliR places liiiil ever I abode in, all the socielie.s and persons 1 have been conversant with, all my employments and relations, every condition I have been in, and every change 1 have passed through, all tell me that the fountain is overflowing goodness. Lord, what a sum of love am 1 indebted to thee ! And how does my debt continually increase ! How should I love again for so much love.' But shall I dare to think of requitling thee, or of recompensing all thy love with mine.' VVill my mite requite thee for thy golden mines; my seldom wishes, for thy constant bounty ; mine, which is nothing, or not mine, for thine, which is infinite, and thine own .' Shall I dare to contend in love with thee, or set my borrowed, languid spark against the sun of love.' Can I love as liigh, as deep, as broad, as long, as Love itself.' as much as he that made me, and that made me love, and gave me all that little which I liave .' As I cannot match thee in the works of power, nor make, nor preserve, nor rule the worlds; no more can 1 matcli thee in love. No, Lord, I yield ; I aiu overcome. O, blessed conquest ! Co on victoriously, find still prevail, and triumph in thy love. The captive of love shall proclaim thy yic tory ; when tliou Icadest me in trihmph from earth to heaven, from death to life, from the tribunal to the throne ; myself, and all that see it, shall ac- knowledge thou hast prevailed, and all shall say, 'behold how he loved hiin!' yet let me love in subjection to thy love ; as thy redeemed captive, though n;>t thy peer Shall I nut love at all, because I cannot reach thy measure.' O that I could feel- ingly say, ' I love thee,' even as 1 love my friend, and myself! Though 1 cannot say, as the apostle, 'Thou knowest that I love thee ;' yi t I can say. Lord, thou knowest that I would love thee ! I am anjiry with my heart, that it doth not love thee ; I chiire it, yet it doth not mend ; I reason with it, and would fain persuade it, yet I do not perceive it stir; I rub and chafe it in the use of ordinances, and yet I feel it not warm within me. Unwoithy soul! is not thine eye now upon the only lovely object.' Art thou not now beholding the ravishing glory of the saints.' And dost tho'i not love? Art thou not a rational soul, and should not reason tell thee, that »turlh is a dun^'oon to the celestial glory? Art thou EXEMPLIFIED. 943 not thyself a spirit, and sliouldst thou not love God, • who is a spirit, and the Father of spirits?' Why dost thou love so much thy perishing clay, and love nomore the heavenly u;lury ? Shalt thou love when thou comest there; when the Lord shall take thy carcass from the <;ravc, ailW make thee shine as the sun in glory forever and ever, shalt thou then love, or Shalt thou not? Is not the place a meeting of lovers ? Is not the life a state of love ? Is it not the great marriage-day of the Lamb? Is not the employ- ment there the work of love, where the souls with Christ take their fill ? O then, my *oul, begin it here ! • Be sick with love' now, that thou maystbe well with love there. ' Keep thyself now ' in the love of God ;♦ nnd let ' neither life, nor death, nor any thing, sepa- rate thee from it ;' and thou shalt he kept in the ful- ness of love forever, and nothingshall imbitteror abate thy pleasure ; for the Lord haih prepared a city of love, a place for communicating love to his chosen, ♦and they iliat love his name shall duell therein.' " Awake, then, my drowsy soul ! Jo sleep un- der the light of grace is unreasonable, much more in the approach of the light of glory. Come forth, my dull, congealed spirit; thy Lord bids thee 'rejoice and again rejoice.' Thou hast lain long enough in thy prison of llesh, where Satan hath been thy jailer ; cares have been thy irons, fears thy scourges, and thy food the bread and water ofafflic^on; where sorrows have been thy lodging, and thy sins and foes have made thy bed, and an unbelieving heart hath been the gates and bars that have kept thee in : the angel of the covenant now calls thee, and bids thee ' arise and follow him.' Up, O my soul I and cheerfully obey, and thy boits and bars shall all fly open: follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. Bhouldst thou fear to follow such a guide? Can the sun lead thee to a state of darkness? Will he lead thee to death, who died to save thee from it? Fol- low him, and he will slio'.v tliee the paradise of God ; he will give thee a sight of the Xew Jerusalem, and a taste of the tree of life. Come forth, my drooping soul, and lay aside thy winter dress ; let it be seen, by thy ' garments of joy and praise,' that the spring is come ; and as thon now seest thy comforts green, thou shalt shortly see thenj ' w hite and ripe for har- vest,' and then thou shalt be railed torenp, and galhv.'r, and take possession. Should I suspend and delay my joys till then ? J?hould not the joys of the spring go before the joys of harvest ? Is title noth- ing before possession ? Is the heir in no better a state than a slave ? My Lord hath taught me to re- joice in hope of his glory ; and how to see it through 844 CONTEMPLATION the bars of a prison ! for when persecuted for right- eousness' sake, lie commands me to' rejoice and be exceeding glad,' because ' my reward in heaven Is great.' I know he would have my joys exceed my sorrows, and as much as he delights in ' the humble and contrite,' he^jet more delights in the Boul that ' delights in him.' Hath my Lord spread me a table in this wilderness, and furnished it with the promises of everlasting glory, and set before ma angels' food ? Doth he frequently and importunate- ly invite me to sit down, and feed, and spare not? Hath he, to that ei\d, furnished me with reason, and faith, and a joyful disposition ; and is it possible that he should be unwilling to have me rejoice! Is it not his command, to ' delight thyself in the Lord ;• and his promise, to ' give thee the desiies of thine heart.-" Art thou not cliarged to ' rejoice evermore;' yea, to sing aloud, and shout for joy ?' Wiiy should i, then, be discouraged .' My God is willinjr, if I were but willing. He is delighted with my delights. He would have it my constant frame, and daily business, to be near him in my believing medita- tions, and to live in the sweetest thouglits of hia goodness. O blessed employment, fit for the sons of God I But thy feast, my Lord, is nothing to iHe without an appetite. Thou hast set the dainties of heaven before me ; but, alas ! I am blind, and cannot see them ! I am sick, and cannot relish them! I am so benumbed, that I cannot put forth a hand to take them. 1 tlierefore humbly beg this grace, that, as thou hast opened heaven to me in thy word, so thou wouldst open mine eyes to see it, and my h«?art to delight in it ! else heaven will be no heaven to me. O thou spirit of life, breathe upon thy graeea in me ; take me by the hand, and lift me from ths earth, tliat I may see what glory ' thou hast prepar- ed for them that love thee !' " Away then, ye soul-tormenting cares and fears, ye heart vexing sorrows '. At least forbear a littla "while : stand by ; stay here below till I go up and see my rest. Tiie way is strange to me, but not to Christ. There was the eternal abode of his glori- ous Deity ; and thither hath he also brought hia glorified rtesh. It was his work to purch.ase it ; it Is his to prepare it, and to prepare me for it, and bring me to it. The eternal God of truth hath given me his promise, his seal and oath, ' that, believing in Christ, I shall not perish, but have everlat»ting life.' Thither siiall my soul be speedily removed, and my boily very shortly follow. And can my tongue say, that I shall shortly and surely live ivilh God ; and yst my keart not leap within me.^ Can 1 suy it with EXEMPLIFIED. S4S faith, Jind not with joy ? Ah, faith, how sensibly do I now perceive thy weakness ; But though unbelief darken my light, and dull my life, and suppregs my joys, it shall not be able to conquer and destroy me ; though it envy all my comforts, yet some, in spite of it, 1 shall even here receive ; and if that did not hin- der, what an abundance mi^ht I have ! The light of heaven would shine into my heart, and I might be almost as familiar there as I am on earth. Come away then, my soul ; stop thine ears to the ignorant language of infidelity ; thou art able to answer all its arguments ; or, if thou art not, yet tread them under thy feet. Come away ; stand not looking on that grave, nor turning those bones, nor reading thy lesson now in the dust; those lines will soon be wiped out. But lift up thy head, and look to heav- en, and see thy name written in golden letters 'in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain.' What if an angel should tell thee, that there is a mansion in heaven prepared for thee, that it shall certainly be thine for ever; would not such a messase make thee glad.' And dost thou make light of the in- fallible Word of E'romise, which was delivered by the Spirit, and even by the Son Inmself? Suppose thou liadst seen a fiery chariot come for thee, and fetch thee up to heaven, like Elijah ; would not this rejoice thee .' But thy Lord assures thee, that the eoul of Lazarus hath a convoy of angels to carry it into Abraham's bosom. Shall a diunkard be so merry among his cups, or the glutton in his delicious fare, and shall not I rejoice, who must shortly he in heaven ? Can meat and drink delight me when I hunger and thirst? Can I find pleasure in walks and gardens, and convenient dwellings ? Can beau- tiful objects deliglit mine eyes; or grateful odours my smell : or melody my ears .•' and shall not the forethought of celestial idiss deliglit me ? Methinka among my books I could employ myself in sweet content, and bid the world farewell, and pity the rich and great that know not this happiness ; what then will my happiness in heaven be, where my knowledge will be perfect ! If 'the Queen ofSheba came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon,' and see his glory ; how cheer- •fully should I pass from earth to heaven, to see the glory of the eternal Majesty, and attain the height of wisdom, compared with which the most learned on earth are but fools and idiots ! What if God had made me commander of the earth ; what if [ could ' remove mountains, heal diseases with a word or a touch, or cast out devils,' should I not rejoice in such privileges and honours as these, and shall I 24G COXTEMPLATION not much more rejoice that my name is written in lieaveii ? 1 cannot here enjoy my parents, or my near and Ijeloved friends, without some delight; especially when I did freely let out my affection to my friend, how sweet was that exercise of my love ! O what will it, then, be to live in the perpetual love of God I 'For brethren to dwell tofrether in unity here, how good and how pleasant it is !' To see a family live in love ; husband and wife, parents, chil- dren, and servants, doing all in love to one anolJier ; to see a town live together in love, without any envyings, brawlings, or contentions, law-suits, fac- tions, or divisions, but every man loving his neigh- bour as himself, thinking they can never do too much for one another, but striving to go beyond each other in love ; how happy, how delightful a sight is this ! O, then, what a blessed society will the family of heaven be, and those peaceful inhabitants of the New-Jerusalem, where there is no division, nor dif- fering judgments, no disaffection, nor strangeness, no deceitful friendship, no, imt ojie unkind expres- sion, not an angry look or thought ; but all are one in Christ, who is one with the Father, and all live in the love of him, who is love itself! The soul is not more where it lives, than where it loves. How near, then, will my soul be united to God, when I shall so heartily, strongly, and incessantly love him ! Ah, wretched, unbelieving heart, that can think of such a (lay, and wor4t, and life as this, with such low and feeble joys ! ]iul my future enjoyments will be more lively, " How dolighiful is it to me to behold and study these inferior works of creation ! What a beautiful fabric do we here dwell in ; the floor so dressed with herbs, and flowers, and trees, and watered with springs and rivers ; the roof so widely expanded, so aduiiiably adorned ! What wonders do sun, moon, and stars, seas, and v.'inds, contain ! And Iiath God prepared such a house for corruptible flesh, for a Boul imprisoned ? and doth he bestow so many millions of woiulers upon his enemies.' O what a dwelling must that be, which he prepares for hia dearly beloved children ; and how will the glory of the New Jerusalem e.xceed all tl)e present glory of the creatures ! Ari.se, then, O my soul, in thy con- templation, and let thy llionghts of that glory as far exceed in sweetness thy thoughts of the excel- lencise below ! Fear imt to go out of this body, and this world, when thou must make so happy a change ; but say, as one did when he was dying, ' I am glad, and even leap for joy, that the time is come In which that mighty Jehovah, whose majesty iu my EXEMPLIFIED. 247 search of nature IJiave admired, whose goodness I have adored, wlioiii by fuilh I have desired and pant- ed after, v/ill now siiow himself to me face to face.' " [low wonderful also, are the works of Provi- dence 1 How deli, my soul, what wouldst thou pive for such a life ? Had I such apprehensions of God, such knowledge of his word as 1 desire ; could I fully trust him in hII my straits; could I be as lively as I would in every duty ; could I make God my constant desire and delight: I would not envy the world their honour* or pleasures. What a blessed state, O my soul! wilt thou shortly he in, when thou shalt have far Tuore of these than thou canst now desire, and shall exercise thy peifectcd graces in the immediate vision of God, and not in the dark, and al a distance, a» IKJVV. " Is the sinninp, afflicted, persecuted church of Christ, so much more excellent than any particular firacioussoul ? What, then, will the church be, when it is fully gathered and plorified ; when it is ascend- ed from the valley of tears to Mount Sion ; w hen it shall sin and suffer no more I The glory of the Old Jerusalem will be darkness and deformity to the glory of the New. What cause shall we have, then, to shout for joy, when we shall see how plo- rious the heavenly temple is, and remember the nicant)e?s of the church on earth ! 19. " But, alas ! what a loss am I at in the midst of my contemplations I I thought my heait liad all the while attended, but I see it hath not. What life is there in empty thouchts and words, without affections.' Neither God, nor I, find pleasure in them. Where hast thou been, unworthy heart, while I was opening to thee the everlasting treasures? Art thou not asliamed toco)nplain so much of an uncomfort- able life, and to nmrmur at God for fillinc thee with sorrows ; when he in vain offers thee the de- lights of angels.' Iladst thou now but followed )iie close, it would have made thee revive, and leap for joy, and forget tiiy pains and sorrows. Did I think my heart had been so backward to rejoice ? 13. "Lord, thou hast reserved my perfect joys for heaven ; therefore, help me to desire till I may pos- («es!», and let me long when I cannot, as I would, rejoice. O, my soul, lliou knowest, to thy sorrow, EXEMPLIFIED. 94» thnt thou ntt not yet at thy rest. "When shall I iirrive at that safe and quiet harbour, where there :irr nime of tiiese storms, waves and dangers ;when 1 ^hall never more have a weary, restless nicht or ■iay ! Then my life will not be such a mixture of )iope and fear, of joy and sorrow: nor shall flesh and spirit be conibatling within me; nor,faith and unbelief, humility and pride, maintain a continual conflict. O, when shall 1 be past these soul torment- ing fears, and cares, and priefs? When shall I be out of this soiil-contradicting, insnaring, deceitful flesh ; this corruptible body, this vain, vexatious world ? Alas, that I must stand and aee the church and cause of Christ tossed about in contention, and made subservient to private interests, or deluded fancies I There is none of this disorder in the heav- enly Jerusalem ; there 1 shall find a harmonious concert of perfected spirits, obeying and praising their everlasting King. O, how much better to be a door-keeper there, than the commander of this tumultuous world ! Why am 1 no more weary of this weariness ? Why do I so forget my resting- place .'' Up, then, O my soul, in thy most raised and fervent desires ! Slay not till this flesh can desire with thee ; expect not that sense should apprehend thy blessed object, and tell thee when and \\ hat to desire. Doth not the dulness of thy desires after rest accuse thee of most detestable ingratitude and folly ? Must thy Lord procure thee a rest at bo dear a rate, and'dosi thou no more value it? Must lie go before to prepare so glorious a mansion for 3Uch a wretch, and art thou loth to go and pos- sess it? Shall the Lord of glory be desirous of thy company, and thou not desirous of his ? Must earth hecome a very hell to thee, before thou art willing to be with God ? Behold the most love'y creature, or the most desirable state, and tell me, where wouldst thou be, if not with God? Poverty is a burden ; riches a snare : sickness unpleasing ; health unsafe ; the frowning world bruises thy heel ; the fimiling world stings thee to the heart ; so much as the world is loved and delighted in, it hurts and en- dangers the lover ;and if it may not be loved, why should it be desired ? If thou art applauded, it proves the most contagious breath ; if thou art vili- fied, or unkindly used^ methinks this should not en- tice thy love. If thy successful labours, and thy godly friends, seem better to thee than a life with God, it is time for God to take them from thee. If thy studies have been sweet, have they not also been bitter? .And, at best, what are they to the everlast- ing views of the God of truth? Thy friends here 250 CONTEMPLATION have been thy delight, and have they not also been thy vexation and grief? They are gracious and are tliey not also sinful? They are kind, and are they not soon displeased? They are hnnible, bnt, alas ! iiow proud also I Tlieir graces are sweet, and their gifts helpful ; but are not their corruptions bit- ter, and their imperfections hurtful ? And art thou 60 loath to go from them to thy Uod ? "O uiy soul, look above this world of sorrows! Hast thou so long felt the smarting rod of affliction, and no better understood its meaning'. Is not every »• stroke to drive thee hence? Is not its voice like Jm that to Elijah, ' What dost thou here?' Dost thou ^•■ forget thy Lord's prediction, ' In the world ye shall have tribulation ; in me ye may have peace!' Ah, uiy dear Lord, 1 feel thy meaning ; it is written in my flesh, engraved in my bones. My heart thou ainiestat; thy rod drives, thy silken chord of love draws •, and all to bring it to thyself. Lord, can such a iieart be worth thy having? Make it worthy, and then it is thine; take it to thyself, and then take me. This clod hath life to stir, but not lo rise. As the feeble child to the tender mother, it looketh up to thee, and stretched out the hands, and faia would have thee take it up. Though I cannot say, ' my soul longeth afier thee ;' yet 1 can say, I long for such a longing heart. ' The spirit is willing, the flesh is weak.' My spirit cries, 'let thy kingdom come,' or let me come to thy kingdom ; but the flesh is afraid thou shouldst hear my prayer, and take me at my word. O blessed be thy grace, which makes use of my corruptions to kill themselves; for 1 fear my fears, and sorrow for my sorrows, and long for greater longings ; and thus the painful means of attaining my desires increase my weariness, and that makes me groan to be at rest. "Indeed, Lord, my soul itself is in a strait, and what to choose I know not ; but thou knowest what to give : ' to depart and be with thee, is far better ;' but to abide in the flesh seems needful.' Thou knowest I am not weary of thy work, but of sorrow and sin ; I am willing to stay while thou wilt em- ploy me, and dispatch the w'ork thou hast put into my hands ; bnt, 1 beseech thee, stay no longer when this is done ; and while I must be here, let me be still mending and ascending; make me still better and take me at the best. I dare not be so impatient, as to iuiportune thee to cut off my time, and snatch me hence unready ; because I know my everlasting state so much depends on the improve- ment of this life. Nor would I stay when my work is done ; and remain here sinking while luy brelh- EXEMPLIFIED. 251 ren are triumpliinf?. Thy footsteps bruise this worm, while tiiose stars shine in the firmament of glory. Yet I am thy child as well as tliey ; Christ is my Head as well as theirs; why is there, then, so great a distance? But I acknowledge the equity of thy ways; though we are all children, yet I am the prodigal, and therefore more lit in tiiis remote country to feed on husk?:, while they are always with thee, and posses thy glory. They were once themselves in my condition, and I shall shortly be in theirs. They were of the lowest form, before they came to the highest; they suffered, before they reigned; they 'came out'of great tribulation, who are now before thy throne; and shall I not be content to come to the crown as they did ; and to drink of their cup, before I sit with them in the kingdom ?' Lord, I am content to stay thy time, and go thy way, so thou wilt exalt me nlso in thy season, and take me into thy barn, when thou seest me ripe. In the mean time, I may desire, though 1 am not to repine ; I may believe and wish, though not make any sinful haste ; I am willing to wait for Ihee, but not to lose thee ; and when thou seest me too contented with thine absence, then quicken my languid desires, and blow up the dying spark of love ; and leave me not till I am able unfeignedly to cry out, ' As the heart panteth after the water- brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God; when shall I come and appear before God .' My conver- sation is in heaven from whence I look fur a Sa- viour. My affections are set on things above, where Christ silteth, and my life is hid. 1 walk by faitli, and not by sight ; willing rather to be absent from the body, and present with the Lord.' "What interest hath this empty world in me; and what is there in it that may seem so lovely as to entice my desires from my God, or make me loath to come away ? Methinks, when I look upon it with a deliberate eye, it is a howling wilderness, and too many of its inhabitants are untaiiied mon- sters. I can view all its beauty as deforrriity ; and drown all Us pleasures in a few penitent tears; or the wind of a sigh will scatter them away. O let not this flesh so seduce my soul, as to make it pre- fer this weary life before the joys that are about thy throne', and tliough death itself be unwelcome to nature, yet let thy grace make thy glory appear to me so desirable, that the king of terrors may be the messenger of my joy. Let not my soul be ejected by violence, and dispossessed of its habitation against its will ; but draw it to thyself by the secret power 85-3 CONTEMPLATION of thy love as the sunsliine in the spring draws forth the creatures from their winter cells ; meet it half- way, and entice it to tiiee, as the loadstone doth the iron, and as the greater flnme attracts tlie less! Dispel, therefore, the clouds that hide thy love from me ; or remove the scales that hinder mine eyes from beholding thee ; for the beams that stream from thy face, and the foretastes of thy great salvation, and nothing else, can make a soul unfeignedly say, 'Now let thy servant depart in peace!' But it ia not thy ordinary discoveries that will here suffice ; as the work is greater, so must thy help be. O, turn these feara into strong desires, and this loathness to die into longings after thee ! While I must he absent from thee, let my soul as heartily groan, as my body doth under its want of health ! If I have any more time to spend on earth, let me live as without the world in thee, as I have sometimes lived as without thee in the world ! While 1 have a thought to think, let me not forget thee ; or a tongue to move, let me mention thee with delight; or a breath to breathe, let it be after thee, and for thee ; or a knee to bend, let it daily bow at thy footstool : and when by sick- ness thou confinest me, do thou ' mak6 my bed, num- ber my pains, and put all my tears into thy bottle !' " As my flesh desired what my spirit abhorred, so now let my spirit desire that day which my flesh abhorreth ; that my friends may not with so much sorrow wait for the departure of my soul, as my Boul with joy shall wait for its ovvn departure ! Then ' let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his ;' even a removal to that glory which shall never end ! Then let thy convoy of angels bring my departing soul among the per- fected spirits of the just, and^let me follow my dear friends that have died in Christ before me; and, while my sorrowing friends are weeping over my grave let my spirit be reposed with thee in rest ; and, while my corpse shall lie rotting in the dark, let my isoul be in ' the inheritance of the saints in light!' O thou that numberest Ihe very hairs of my head, ntimber all the days that my body lies in tlie dust ; and thou that ' writest all my members in thy book,' keep an account of my scattered lionesl'o, my Haviour, hasten the time of thy return ; send forth thy angels, and let Uiat dreadful, joyful trumpet Bound! Delay not, lest the living give up their hopes ; delay not, lest earth should grow like hell, and thy church by division, be all crumbled to dust ; delay not, lest thy enemies get advantage of thy flock, and lest pride, hypocrisy, sensuality, and un- belief, prevail against thy little remnant, and share EXEMPLIFIED. 233 amon? them thy whole inheritance, and when Ihoa coniest thou tind not faith on the earth ; delay not, lest llie grave should boast of victory, and, having learned rebellion of its guest, should refuse to de- liver thee up thy due! O hasten that great resur- rection day, when thy command shall go forth, and none disobey ; when ' the sea and the earth shall yield up their hostages, and all that sleep in the grave shall awake, and the dead in Christ shall riso first ;' when the seeil which thou sowest corruptible, shall come forth incorruptible ; and graves that re- ceived rottenness and dust, shall return thee glorious Btars and suns ! Therefore dare I lay down my carcass in the dust, in intrusting it, not to a grave, but to thee ; and therefore my flesh shall rest in hope, till thou shall raise it to the possession of everlasting rest. ' Return, O Lord, how long? O let thy king- dom come ! Thy xlesolate bride saith, Come I' for thy Spirit within her saith, Come ; and teacheth her thus to ' pray with groanings which cannot be ut- tered ; yea, the whole creation saith Come, waiting, to be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.' Thou thyself hast 'said, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so. Come, Lord Jesus 1' " CONCLUSION. Thus, reader, I have given thee my best advic* for maintaining a heavenly conversation. If thou canst not thus meditate methodically and fully, yel do it as thou canst ; only be sure to do it seriously and frequently. Be acquainted with this heavenly work, and thou wilt,.in some degree, be acquainted with God ; thy joys will be spiritual, prevalent, and lasting, according to the nature of their blessed ob- ject ; thou wilt have comfort in life and death. When thou hast neither wealth,'"nor health, nor th« pleasures of this world, yet wilt thou have comlorl. Without the presence, or help, of any friend, with- out a minister, without a book, when all moans are denied thee, or taken from thee, yet mayst thou have vigorous, real com(jprt. Thy graces will b« mighty, active, and victorious ; and the daily joy, which is thus fetched from heaven, will be thy etreugth. Thou wilt be as one that stands on the top of an exceeding high mountain ; he looks down on the world as if it were quite below him ; fieldi and woods, cities and towns, seem to him but little spots. Thus despicably wilt thoir look on all things here below. The greatest princes will seem but as grasshoppers ;the busy, contentious, covetous world, but aa a iteap of ants. Men's tbreatenings will b« q» a34 CONTEMPLATfON terror to thee; nor the honours of this world any Btrong enticement ; temptations will be inort^ harni- less, as having lost their strength ; and afflictitm.i less grievous, as having lost their sting ; and every mercy will be better known and relished. It is now, under God in thy own choice, ujietlier thou wilt liveihis blessed life or not ; and whether all thia pains I have taken for thee shall prosper, or be lost. If it be lost through thy laziness, thou thyself wilt prove the greatest loser. O man ! what iiast thou to mind but God and heaven .■' Art thou not almost out of this world already .-' Dost thou not look every day, when one disease or other w ill let out ihy soul .'' Does not the grave wait to be thine house ; and worms to feed upon thy face and heart ? What if thy pulse must beat a few strokes more.' What if thou hast a little longer to breathe, before thou breathe out thy last ; a few jnore nights to sleep, before thou sleepest in the dust? Alas! what will this be, when it is gone? And is it not almost gone already: Very shortly thou wilt see tliy glass run out, and say to thyself, " My life is done ! My time is gone ! It is past recalling ! 1 here is nothing now but heaven or hell before me!" Where, then; should thy heart be now, but in heaven .- Didst thou know what a dreadful thing it is to have a doubt of heaven when a man is dying, it would rouse iheo up. And what else but dituiit can that man then do, that never seriously thought of heaven before ? Some there be that say, " It is not worth eo much time and trouble, to think of the greatness of the joys above ; so that we can make sure they are ours, we know they are great." But as these men obey not the command of God, which requires them to have their " conversation :n lieaven, and to set their affections on Ihini^s above;" so they wilfully make their own lives miserable, by refusing the de- lights which God hath set before them. And if this were all, it were a small matter; butse e w hat abun- dance of other miscliiefs follow the neglect of thc-ie heavenly delights. This n'^glct will damp, if not destroy, their love to God, — will make it unpleasant to them to tliink or speak of God, or engage in Ilia service, — it tends to pervert their judgments con- cerning the ways and ordinances of God, — it makes them sensual and voln))tuous, — it leaves them un- der the power of every aflliclion and ti inptation, and is a preparative to total aposl.-i^y, — it will also make them fearful'and unwilling to die. For w ho would go to a God or a place he hath no deliglit in .' Will) would leave his pleasure here, if he had not belter to go to .' Ilud I only proposed a course of EXEMPLIFIED. 255 tn