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Δι 2%. » ν»»ν ~ > ek -- os ure ἔν νυ ASS ann intent ent ett Ate me ne Pn neat ee αν «ῖ. Mia Ae te me ten Ὡς es Seaindeeaete τα ere ee κλοοσου : CSc EN ER TOURS AS Se Seine diosnes Se pe po DA A Bh AS PD <0 ADO amy me! Me on le ae ene Res ATT οἰ τὰς πλιὰ δ τήνας ee Meth a a ie Bata heath chee Tas ἐν eee LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, N.J. Bequeathed by The Reverend Professor Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield 188 - 1921 i a) Ν ie ΡΥ Ps aot Νὰ ἀν ke wie | ra ὟΝ ἊΝ a grate i th “,». Ee THE BPISTLES OF ST. ; PAUL TO THE EPHESIANS, THE COLOSSIANS, AND PHILEMON. até THE EPISTLES OF ST. PAUL [SeutlBlUcu eed « Ἧ Dov 6 £783 THE BPHESIANS, THE COLOSSIANS, AND PHILEMON : WITH INTRODUCTIONS AND NOTES, AND AN ESSAY ON THE TRACES OF FOREIGN ELEMENTS IN THE THEOLOGY OF THESE EPISTLES. BY THE REV. J. LLEWELYN DAVIES, M.A. RECTOR OF CHRIST CHURCH, ST. MARYLEBONE; LATE FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. Hondon! MACMILLAN AND CO. 1800. i ΠΕΡῚ Σ . ᾿ ν : ὧν aa a ἵν A ΠΟ ΝΝ ie) ᾿ i, yin ee rt i ΜᾺ ῳ LONDON - R. CLAY, SON, AND TAYLOR, PRINTERS, BREAD STREFT HILL. ‘ bal he =2 ᾿ . * i] » . i , Ses Gt i awa Od wip TE chief object which I have had in view in preparing this volume has been to draw attention to the subject- matter of the Epistles to the Ephesians and Colossians. The theology of St. Paul is here stated with a largeness which adapts it, I conceive, in a special manner to the inquiries of the present time. Whether Creation has any centre and ground; whether human life has any key and pattern,—are questions which belong peculiarly to the speculations of this age, and to which these Epistles offer a common answer by setting forth CuRisT in universal as the Word who is the law and life of the universal creation, and as the Son relations of a twofold. kind, who is the head of universal humanity. This edition seeks to further in some humble measure the study of that answer. I have doubted myself, and therefore I cannot be surprised if others should doubt, whether what I have been able to contribute towards this object is sufficient to justify the publication of an independent edition of these Epistles. But [ hope there may be some V1 PREFACE. students to whom an edition offering the kind of illus- tration which I have attempted to supply, and omitting what I have left to works of higher pretensions, may not be unacceptable. I have endeavoured to avoid the appearance of entering into rivalry with editions in which the true text of the Epistles is discussed, the opinions of previous interpreters recorded, and questions arising out of the text investigated. At the same time I have done my best to explain the letter of the Epistles, not treating them technically, but endeavouring to regard them simply as documents of the highest value which it is by no means easy to understand. When we are desirous of obtaining a conception of a document as a whole, there is a certain advantage in putting aside dis- cussions which, however valuable for their special purposes, may have the effect of expanding details into inconvenient magnitude. I have printed the text of Tischendorf, as having on the whole the best claim at the present moment to the character of a received text. The translations have been made with an eye to the object of this edition, and are imtended simply to aid the modern reader in arriving at the substantial sense of ‘the writer. They therefore do not challenge close verbal criticism as revised translations. CONTENTS. PAGES : REM TRODUCTION <0. ys wa we a OR ς 1 INTRODUCTION To THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS .... . 9 emcmeteenipa ΝΥ ΠΗ IVORY So 1.7 ooo? goo ee Reig tin ee ee το ΠΟ or oy rn a ak ek, Whi Merit tA at ΚΟ ESTRODUCTION TO THE EPIsTLE tO THE COLOSSIANS (He mem rexy Witt INOTES 0°. 60 ὅς ςς ᾿ Αγ τ νι [SETAC ον ΕΝ ΘΕ ἈΚ Υ rn cert Sy τν τ Oe INTRODUCTION TO THE EpistLE ΤῸ PHmeMoN ....... 112] ee Puxr wink NOTE. .. 0. sso ee a ΠΝ ΤΟΝ“...