.' FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 3 tut i is Jfc. Pa *v^j* «4u / A.i» f Af7* / < / / 2\f A-L4- £ &.1 ?" Pi L cViktrmeWnhmsl eyj icr ooo i. 17 Ob, _— . • ■ , , — I — — - I T U p PRIMER. 1{ttiu OR, ^^-jcO/l OFFICE O F T H E B. Virgin MART, REV I S'D: With a New and Approved VERSION OF T H E C H U R C H-H Y M N S Throughout the Year,: To which Are Added the Remaining Hymns of the Roman Breviary. mmm*mf****m&mmm ■■*■■» ■» qw»u« January hath xxxi Days. a i b 2 c 3 0 4 e 5 f 6 8 7 a 8 b 9 r IO b it t 12 f 13 a 14 a 15 » 16 c »7 b 18 z 19 l 20 5 21 £ 22 b 23 c 24 b 25 e 26 f 27 $ 28 a 29 b 30 C 3* CIRCUMCISION of our Lord. Oftave of S.Stephen. Oftave of S. *fohn Apoftle. Oftave of Holy Innocents. Oft. of S* Thomas olCanurb. &G EPIPHANY ofour Lord. S. Hyginus, Pope and Mart* Oftave of Epiph. S. ffilarfc Bifhop and Cocf. &V. S. Paul, firft Ermite, Q£ S. Ma*. Ab.; S. Marcellus, Pope and Mart. S. Anthony Abbot. Chair ofs. Pet. at Rom. £fr. S* P rife a. S. Mm'w and hit Fellow Mart. S. Fabian ^.nd SebaSiantTsisirU S. Agnes\irg. and Mart. S. Vincent and AnaStafvus^ Mart. S. %aymuni> Conf.SV. S. Timothy Bifhop and Mart. Conversion ofs. Paul. S. Pelycarp Bifhop and Mart. S. ^ofe Chryfoftom, B. ad Con. Dr. S. Agnes's Apparition. S. Francis Sales^ Bifhop and Conf. S. Martina, Virg. and Mart. S.Peter Nilafto, Conf. A Febru, '■» — — i i— —— fci 1 ■ ■■■ February hath xxviii Days. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 »3 »4 15 1$ 17 iS »9 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 S. Ignatius, B. & M. Faff in Enp. PURIFICAT. of the B. V. Mtry, S.WafoBifh. and Mart. S» Andrew, Bifh. Conf. S. Agsxha, Virg. and Mart. S. Dorothy, Virg. and Mart. S. fiomuald, Ab. S. Jo£» "Mart. S. Pettr Ctkjiine, Pope and Con.fik S>Bcrnariint) Confcu S. Miry ALzg, of P<^. V irg. &r4 S. pfo'ty Menus, ConkSfr. S. Jefe, Pope aad Mart. S. ffctix, Pope and Mart* S. ParoHiHi, Virg. A 5 Jane< jfafre frath xtx Days. j * 1 I r 2 S. Marcel! in, &-. Mart, 1 4 b| 5 c 6 S.Norbert, Bifh. and Conf. U 7 t 8 f 9 S. Primu^andFelician, Mart. IT 10 S. Margaret Queen of Scctl. 31 ii S.Barnaby, JpofiU. b 12 S. Baiifides, fgt. Mart. It c «3 S. Anthony of Padua, Conf. t) 1 14 S. Bafil, Bifh. and Conf. and Doft. e '5' S. Vitus, $(. Mart. f i<5 I £ 17 ' p >8J S. Mark and Marcellian, Mart. & Ix S. Gervafe and Protafe, Marr. c 20: S.Silreriu, Pope and Mart. & 21 i 1* 22 S. Paulinas, Bifh. and Conf. f 23 j FaS. 1 lit 24, NATIVITY of S. John Baptift. n 2$, b 26 | S.John and Paul, Mart. c 27 D 28 ! S. Leo, Pope and Conf. F.18. If e 29 ' S. PETER and PAUL, Apoftlcs f fi 30 Cortmm, cf st. PuhK \ J July 2 *^ July hath xxxi Days. 8 b c t i Si b c 0 t f b c e f $ Si 'o c D £ f B 'a ft 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 i 12 [3 '4 L5 [6 f7 18 :9 20 2. 22 23 2j> -9 jo 3i Oftave of S.John Baptift. S" Vifitation of xU Bkjpn ft Mary. £S. Proceffus and Martiman. M. 0(1. S> Peter and S. TauJ. S, Elizabeth, Queen of Port. Wid. Seven Brethren Martyrs. S. Pius, Pope and Martyr. S. John Gualberf, Abbot. S. Anacletus, Pope and Mart. S. Boiiaventure, B.andCon&Dr. S. Henry, Emp. and Conf. S. Alexius, Conf. S. Symphorofa, Jfr. Martyrs. S. Margaret, Virg. Mart. S. Praxedes, Virgin. S. Miry Nl.igdihn* S. Apollinaris, Bifh. and Mart. S. Chriftina, Yirg, and Mart. Faft, S.JAMES, A pottle. S. ANNE, Mother of the B. V. M. S. Pantaleon, Mart. Nazarius,Ceifus, Mart. S. Martha, V. and Felix, &. M. S. Abdon and Sennen, Mart. S. Jgnmusy Conf* Auguft Auguft hath xxxi Days. c e f 9 la b c b t f b c o f f b c b e f s e 9 (3 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 i 30 1 S» Peter's Chains, and h. Machabeet, S. Stephen,.Pcpt and Mart. (Mart. Finding ofS.. Stephen, Firft-Mart. S. Dominick, Corf (f,r. Did, of 3. V. ad Nives. Transfiguration efour Lord. S. Caiotan, Con. S.L^.-itu "Bifh.St S. Cytiacus, £fr. Mart. ( .wart. S. Romanu3 Marti Fajh S LAURENCE, Martyr. S. Tiburtius, and Sufanna, Mart. S. Clare, Virgin. S. HippolytusandCaflianus. S» Eufcbius, ConfetTor. Tafl. ASSUMPTION of the B.V.Mary. S. Hyacinthus, Confeflbr. Oftaye of S. Laurence. S. Agapite Mart. ' S. Bernard, Abb. Oftaveof Affumpt.fcV. S. Philip Benitius^Conf. Taft. S.BARTHOLOMEW, Apoft. S. Lewis, XJng of F ranee, Cmt. S. Zepherine, Pope and Mart. S. Aufl'm, B. and D.S.Hermes, M. Beheading of S. Jo. Bap. S. Sabina, M. S.Rofe V.'S. Felix and Adaudt. M. S. Raymund, Conf. Septemb. September hath xxx. S. Giles, Abb. and 12 Breth. Mart. 5. Stephen K. Conf. Fafi in England. NATIVITY of the B. V. Mary. S. Gorgonius Mart. S. Nicolas of Tolentine, Conf. S. Protus and Hyacinthus, Mart. Exaltation of tk Holy Crofs. Oft. of B. V. M. & S. Nicom. Mar. S. Cornelius and Cyprian, Mart. The holy Stigma's of S. Francis. S. Thomas,of Villa nov. Bifh. Conf. $. Januarius GV. Mart. S. Euftachius, &c. Mart. Faji. S.MATTHEW Apoft. and Evan. S. Maurice, Bfe. M|rt. _ S. Linus.P.andM.aud S.Tecla.V.M.. The B. V. Maryde Mercede. S. Cyprian and Juftina, Mart. S. Coimasand Damian. Mart. DEDIC. of S.Mich. Arch-Angel. S. Hierom, Pr. Conf. and Doft. oao. f 1 ff 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 D 6 t 7 f 8 g 9 £ 10 1) 1 1 C 12 D 13 Z 14 f 15 s \6 a 17 b 18 c 19 & 20 t 21 f 22 rr 23 id 24 b 25 c 26 0 27 t 28 t 29 $ 30 O&oher hath xxxi Days. b c t> t f B SL b c b t I B & b c Q e i & 2L b c e f I b c i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 id 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2£ 2$ 27 28 29.' 30 31 [ S. Remigius, Birh. and Corn. , Angels Guardians. I S. Francis, Conf. I S. Placidus, E9*. Mart. ! S. Bruno, Conf. I S. Mark, Pope and Conf. j S. Brigit, Widow. I S. Dennis, tfr. Mart. S. Francis Borgia, Conf. Traxflit. cfs. Edw. Qxg t»i Cenf. S. Califtus, Pope and Mart. S. Terefia,.Virg. S. Luke EvMgelifi. S. Peter of Alcantara, Conf. 5. Hilarioa, Abb. and S. UrfuU.. S. Chryfanthus.and Daria, Mart. S. Erarift. Pope and Mart. Fxji. S. SIMON and JUDE, Apoft. A 2 Fsft. Novem. November hath xxx Days. i 2 -:> 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ti 12 1.3 i4 x5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 21 26 27 28 29 30 The FEAST of all SAINTS. Cmmemo ration of all Souls* S. Charles, Bifh. and Conf. Eft-, Oaaveofall Saints, $* Ded. of our Saviour's Church, C5V. S. Trypkcn,tkc* Mart, S. Martin* Biffc. and Goaf. S. Martin, Pop* and Man* S.&idiCKs, Conf* S. Greg. Tfiaumat. Bifh. and Conf. -Pei/V. o/i'. Peter'x C/bwrc^. S. £/i^. Q. of Hung. Widow, Qfc. I S. Felix, cte Valoi?, Conf. Prtfemati. dni Conf. ami Docl. Concept, of the B. 7. Mary. S. Mekhiades, Pope and Martyr. S. Damafus, Pope land Conf. S. Lucfr Virg. and Mart* S. Eufebius, Bifh. and Mart. S. THOMAS, Apoft. F.*ff, FaQ. NATIV. of our Lord Jef«s Chrift. S. STEPHEN, firft Martyr. S. JOHN, Apoft. and Evang; Holy INNOCENTS, Martyrs. S. THOMAS, B. of Canter. Mart. S. SILVESTER, Pope and Conf. A Table of Feafts and Fafts, Moveable Holydays. ALL Sundays: Eafter Day, and the "Monday and Tueflay following : Our Lord's Afcen- iion; Whitfunday, and the Monday and Tuefday following : Corpus Chriftu Moveable Fafiing Days. ALL Lent, except Sundays, Whitfun-Eve, and the Ember-Days. IxiEvglind aliFridays areFafts,exceptthofe with- in the Twelve Days of Chriftmas, and between. Eafter and the Afcenlion. If Chriftmas day falls on Friday, it is not kept with Abftinence from Fleftu Any Falling Day, that falls upon a Sunday, is kept on the Saturday before. Days of Abfiinence from Fiejh. ALL Saturdays, unlefs Chriftmas-Day falls on a Saturday. The Sundays in Lent, Fridays within the Twehre Days of Chriftmas, and be- tween Eafter and Afceniion. The Monday, TueC day and Wednefday before Afcenfion, called Ro- gation Days. $. -Mark's day>unlefs it falls in Eafter- Week. Ember Days. ~ ^T^ H E Wednefdays, Fridays, and Saturdays X next after the. Third Sunday of Advent; The firft Sunday of Lent, Whitfunday, and the Exaltation of the Holy Croft. % Advent. TH E Firft Sunday of Advent is that which falls on St. Andrew's day, or is the next to it either before or after it. Marriage forbid to be folem??lz?d. TH E folemnizingof Marriage U forbidden from the firft Sunday of Advent, till after Twelfth-day; and from the Beginning of Lent till Low-Sunday. At all other times it lruv be fo- lemniz'd. A Table of Moveable Feafts till 1730. Tear Domi Eafter WhitSun- Jrir a sun- pfour nical Day. day. day of Ad- Lord. Utter. vent. 17C6 i Mar. 24. May 12. I Dec. 1. ^:<»e 1. 1 Nov. 30. X707 i i*/r. 13* 1708 3>C ^pr. 4. M*y 23. Nov. 28. 3709 16 Apr. 24. June 12. Ato. 27. 1710 a -rf/r. 9. M*y 28. ' £>£r. 3. 1711 (25 Apr. 1. M^y 20. X>cT. 2. 1712 V ^pr. 20. ^w?:e8. Nov. 30. 1713 ^pr. 5. Miy 24. Afov. 29. 1714 € Mar. 28. M# 16. Nov. 28. *7*5 B y/pr. 17. Jtt»cr 5, Arcv. 27. 1716 #c*f. 3. 1722 ff. 2. J723 & ^r. 14- $u;-ie 2. z>«; 1. 1724 Apr. 5. M4; 24. Nov. 29. 1725 C Mjr. 28. M*j 16. 1726 13 Apr. 10. Myf 29. I/. 27. 1727 £1 1 y*pr. 2. ! Mi/ 21. Z?tt. 3. 1728 <£jF Apr. 21. ?«^ 9> i?v. 30. 1730 i 2D 1 Apr'llio. Miy 17. J JviPv. 29. THE S U M M O F Chriftian DocSrine. mi i - r. i _ i in - — 1 — — ■— — mm The Apojlles Creed. I Believe in God the Father Almightyv Creator of Heaven and Earth, and in Jefus Chrift his only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghoft, born of the Virgin Mary^ fiiffer'd under Pontius Pilate^ was Crucified, Dead and Buried ^ he defcended into Hell, the Third Day he Rofe again from the Dead, he afcended into Heaven, and fits at the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence he (hall come to judge the Living and the Dead. I believe in the Holy Ghoft, the Holy Catholick Chnrch, the Communion of Saints, the Forgive- nefs of Sins, the Refurreclion of the Body, aad Life Everlafting. Amen. Om a 2 The Sumrn of Chrifiian Doctrine. Our Lord's Prayer. OU R Father, who art in Heavcn> Hallow'd be thy Name, thy King- dom come, thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven : Give us this Day our Daily Bread, and Forgive us our Tref- pafles, as we alfo Forgive them , that Trefpafs againfl us, and lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evii. Amen. The Anaelical Salutation. Ail Maryy full of Grace, our Lord is with thee : BlefTcd art thou among Women, and B Idled is the Fruit of thy Womb, Jefus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us Sinners, now, and at the Hour of our Death. Amen. The Ten Commandments of God calPd the Decalogue* 'Ov 7 am the herd thy Cod, ivho brought thee out of the Land of iEgypt, out of floe Houfe of Bondage. I. np H O U (halt not have flrange JL Gods before me : Thou fhalt not make to thy felf a Graven Thing, nor any Likends The Summ of'C'hrifiUn Dotirine^ Likenefs that is in Heaven above, or in the Earth below, or of Things that are in the Water under the Earth : Thou fhalt not Adore nor Worfhip them. 2 am the Lord thy God, ftrong and jealous, viilting the Sins of the Fathers upon their Children, to the third and fourth Gene- ration of them that hate me •, and fhewing mercy to Thoufands of thofe that Love me, and keep my Commandments. II. Thou fhalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain \ for the Lord will not hold him Innocent, that fliaU take the Name of the Lord his God ia vain. III. Remember that thou keep Holy the Sabbath Day. IV. Honour thy Father and Mother* V. Thou fhalt not Kill. V!. Thou fhalt not commit Adultery.. VII. Thou fhalt not Steal. VIII. Thou (halt not bear falfe Teftf- mony againft thy Neighbour. IX. Thou fhalt not Covet thy Neigh- bor's Houfe. X. Thou fhalt not coret thy Neighbor's Wife, nor Servant, nor Handmaid, nor Ox, nor Afs, nor any thing that is his* The Seven Sacraments. Baptifm, Confirmation, EuchariH, Pe- a 3 Bancs The Summ of Chrijfian Doctrine, nance, Extreme Unction, Holy Order, and Matrimony. The The ol oo leal Vertues. o - Faith, Hope, and Charity* The Cardinal VertiteS. Prudence, Temperance, Juftice, and Fortitude. The Gifts of the Holy Ghofi. Wifdom, Underloading , ^ounfel* Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and the Fear of our Lord. The Fruits of the Holy Ghoft. . Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience, Benig- nity, Gocdnefs, Longanimity, Meeknefs, Faith, Modeity, Continence, and Cha- itity. The Precepts of Charity, Thou fhalt Love the Lord Thy God with thy whole Heart, with thy whole Soul, and with all thy Mind. Thou fhalt Love thy Neighbour as thy felf. The Precepts of the Church. To keep Holy the appointed Fefti- val The Suwm of Chrijlian Doctrine. val Days of the Church, in abftaining from Servile Works, and Hearing Mafs. 2. To Faft Lent, Ember-days, Eves7 and Fridays, alfo, bytheCuftom oi Eng- land -, and on Saturdays to abftain from Flelh. 3. To Confefs yotir Sins to your Pallor at leaft once a Year : To Receive the Holy Eucharift at Eafier, between E aim-Sunday, and Low-Sunday, 4. Not to Solemnize Marriage at times forbidden by the Church : Nor within certain Degrees of Kindred 0 nor privately without Witnefs. The Spiritual Worh of Afercyi. r. To Teach the Ignorant. 2. To Correct the Sinner. 3. To Counfel the Doubtful. 4. To Comfort the Affii&ed. 5. Patiently to fuffer Injuries,, 6. T^ Pardon Offences. 7. To Pray for the Living and the Dead, and t ;hy Perfecutors. The Corporal Works of Mercy. 1. To Feed the Hungry. 2. To give Drmk to the Thirfty* 3. To Harbou: the Stranger. 4. To CJoath the Naked. $. To Villi; the Sick. a 4 6. To The Summ of Ghriftfan Doctrine. 6. To Vifit the Jmptifbfl'd, and fo Redeem the Captive. 7. To Bury the Dead. The Eight Beatitudes. BlefTed are the Poor in Spirit :, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Bleffed are the Meek j for they ihall pofTefs the Land. BlefTed are they that Mourn \ for they fiat] be Comforted. BlefTed are they that Hunger and Thirfl after Juftice -, for they fhall be filTd. BlefTed are the Merciful ^ for they fhall obtain Mercy. Bleffed are the Clean of Heart -7 for they fhall fee God. BlefTed are the Peace-Makers } for they fhall be called the Children of God. BlefTed are they that fufFer Perfecution for Juftice : for theirs is. the Kingdom of Heaven. The Seven Capital Sins, which are com- monly called Deadly. Pride , Covetoufnefs , Lull , Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth. The Four Lafi Things to be rememhred.. Death, the laft Judgment, Hell, and thfi Kingdom of Heaven. The St. JohnV Gofpel. The beginning of the Gofpel according to St. Job?/. Glory be to Thee^ O Lord. IN the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word. This was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was made nothing,which was ma de. In him was Life, and the Life was the Light of Men : and the Light fhin'd in Darknefs , and the Darknefs did not comprehend it. There was a Man fent from God, whofe Name was John. This Man came for a Teftimony, to give Teftimony of the Light, that all might believe thro5 him. He was not the Light, but to give Teftimony of the Light. It was the true Light, which enlightens every Man that comes into this World. He was in the World, and the World was made by him, and the World knew him not. He came into his own, and his own received him not : But to as many as received him, he gave power to be made the Sons of God, to thofe that believe in his Name : Who, not of Blood,nor of the Will of the Flefh, nor the Will of Man, but of Gcd are Born : a 5 And An Act of Qontritum. And the Word was made Flefh, and dwelt among us, ( and we faw the Glory of him,G10ry as it were of the only Begotten of the Father,) full of Grace and Truth. Thanh be to Cod. An Att of Contrition. OMy Lordjefus (Thrift, true God and Man, who art my Creator and Re- deemer, thou being whom thou art, and for that I Love thee above all things, it grieves me from the bottom of my Heart, that I have offended thy Divine Majefty : Behold here I firmly purpofe never to Sia any more :, as alfo to confefs my Sins, and fulfil the Penance, which fhall be en- join'd me for the fame, and for Love of thee I freely pardon all my Enemies ^ and offer my Life, my Words and Works, in Satisfaction for my Sins : Wherefore I mod humbly befeech thee, trufling in thy Infinit Goodnefs and Mercy, that by the merits of thy molt precious Blood, Death and Pafllon, thou would'ft pardon me, and give me Grace to amend my Life.and to perfevcre therein until Death. msnA* A A Short Expedition of the Primer or Office O F TH E Blefled Virgin Mary. T 1 1 HE Office of our B. Lady # of great I Antiquity i and vooi composed by the Church, directed by the Holy Ghoft : TWf i?00£ # c*/W f ta Primer, from the Latin Word PRIMO, which fences 7 Fi'ft of All ; To teach u*7 that Prayer fjould be the fir ft Work of the Day. The Office is divided into Pfalms, Hymns, Canticles, Anthems, Verficles, Refponfories, and Prayers, for Order, Beauty, and varety-fake^ and War* ranted by Scriptures. ( Col. 3. 16. ) Sing you in your Hearts to our Lord, in Spi- ritual Pfalms, Hymns, and Canticles. The Office is Divided wto Seven fever al Hours, according to that of the Prophet ; Seven times in the Day I have prais'd thee : And likewife, to represent a Daily Me* mortal of the feven Principle Parts, and of the ftven Hours of our Saviour's Paffion. For our Saviour hurg three Hours Living en the Crofs, other three Hours he hung Dead n theCrojs, and the fever; th Hour wasffetit in JNjtilina him to, and taking him from the Crcfs. By The Expo fit ion of By the Mattins and Lauds, we commemo- rate his Agony and Binding in the Garden. By the Prime,fcfc> Scoffs andfalfe Accufations -, by the third Hour, his Cloathing with Pur- ple, and Crowning with Thorns', by the fixth Hour, his Condemning and Naitina to the Crofs ', by the ninth Hour, his yielding up the Ghcsi, and the opening of his Side ; by the Even-Song, his taking from the Crofs ; and by the Complin, his Burial. Nne, that the Mattins ( according to the precife Canonical time, ) begin at Mid- night, and the Lauds are but us it were an Appendix to the Mattins : The Prime begins at fix of the Clock in the Morning, &C. But thefe times are not punttually obferved, vnlefs in Religions Houfes. The Doxology, or Glory be to the Fa- ther, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghoft, &c. is faid at the beginning of every Hour, and at the end of every Vfalm, to flew, that the Intention of the Ojfice is, in the fir ft place, to give one equal Glory to the~mo ft BUJfed Trinity, and to invite all Creatures to do the like. Alleluja is a Hebrew Word, and fignifes Praife ye our Lord with Joy and Exul- tation of Heart, and is the Language of the Blejfed in Heaven, according to Apoc. 8. 6. Therefore the Church has forbidden it to be Trarftated ;ntO any other Language : It is ufed our B. Ladies Office. tifed for a great fart of the Year, efpecially be~ twlxt Eafter and Whitfuntide •, becaufe thai is a time of Joy for our Saviour's Refurretlion and Afcenfion. But from Septuagefima tilt Eafter, inltead of AHeluja, if f aid, Praife be to thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory, becaufe that is a time of Penance9, therefore, God mush be praifed rather with Tears, than Exultation. The Jnvitatory, Hail Mary full of Grace3 our Lord is with thee ; is to congratulate and renew the Memory of our Blejfed Ladies Joy , Conceived at the Conception of her Son jefus : and to invite all the Communion of the Faithful to do the like. The five ferfes which follow the Jnvitatory, aud begin, Come let us Rejoice, &c. fignife the five Wounds ofChrift, from which all our Prayer has its Force and. Merit ; and in Honour of which, thofe Yerficles are faid. Hymns area Poetical Expreffon of tie Prerouatives and Praljes of God and our Blejftd Lady, and were Corapojed, for the most part, oy St. Hilary, St* AmbfO&ytod St. Thomas of Aquia. The uje of them is warranted hy Scripture, ( Matth. 26. }where "tisjaid, that our Saviour and his Difciples after they had recited aHymn went forth. The three Pjalms In most of the Hours, and the three Hours allotted to every Canonical Hosr are in Honour of the Bleffed Trinity, to whom clnefiy the whole. Office is diretted. The b Abfe- The Exp oft ion of Abfolutions and Benedi&ons before t\\ Leftons, Arefiort Afptr anions to beg Divine Ajjiflance, that we may worthily read the Leffons following : and the fir fi Benedifton is in Honour of the Fat her, the fee on d in Honour tf * the Son ; the third in Honour of the Holy Ghofi. The Leffons and Chapters are taken out of Holy Writ, and contain the MyfiicaL fraife ofChrifi and our Bleffed Lady. The Refponfories or Anfwers are fo called becaufe one alone having fung a Leffon, all the Quire anfwers, and fings the Refponfbry^ which ufually is taken out of the fame part of Scripture, as the Leffon, or otherwifey is com- fofed of certain Tioiu Affections towards Cod^ and of Sentences cone ft ondent to the nature of that DaysOf.ee. The Letter R. ufually de- notes a Refponfory, or Anfwer, as the Letter V. doth a Verficle. An Anthem or Antiphona fignifies a Re- ciprocal Voice? that is* a Voice which one Wing of the Quire returns to the other, whence it coraes. ; finging it in an exchanged Order* Before and atter moil of the Pfdms is pla- ced an Anthem, which Anthem is faid both before and after the Vfdm, on a double "Feaft-day \ and only after, on a (ingle JFcafl. St. Ifidore faith,thefe Anthems were firfl nfedin the Grttk Churchy and after- wards introduced into the Latin Churchy by St. Ambrofc. ; We rife up and stand^ whilst we fay or fmg the cur B. Ladies Office, the Canticles or Songs , my Soul magnifies our Lord, &c. Blefled be the lord God oilfael, &c And, now Lord let thy Ser- vant depart,^, to fignifie our Reverence to the Gofpcl, out of which thofe are ta- ken. The Colktt is the Prayer, focall'd, becaufe it collects and gathers together the Sum of all the Petitions and Suppli- cations of the whole Office, and is always ended with thefe Wovdsy7 hro?/gh our Lard Jtftu Chrifi, &c- t0 fignifie, that he is our Mvdiator of Redemption, and principal Mediator of Inteiceflion, and that we cannot Merit any thing by our Prayers, unlefs we make them in his Name. The Noclums, or Night Office, are fa called y becaufe they were wont to be ( and in Catholick Countries ft ill are ) fa id No&urno Tempore, in the Night-time, according to that of th$ Prophet} at Midnight I arofeto Confefs to thee. The Fifteen gradual Pfalms, take their denomination from a Cuftom the Jews ob- ferv'd of finging them, as they Afcended 15 Steps or Degrees, (in Latin Gradus') towards Solomon^ Temple, finging one Pfalm on every Step : And this was a Fi- gure of the Afcenfion of the Ktcft hy the Degrees of Vertue, whereof the Prophet fpeaks, They flail go from fortue to fertile. The Penitential Pfalm, are fo calkd, be- caufe they contain many deep Expreffions of The ExPofitiox, 8?C. of inward Sorrow and Repentance of Sjbfe committed, and many Cries or Sup- plications to God for Mercy and Forgiv- aefs,and therefore are to be faid kneeling. The Ottaves of a Feaft, are the Eight Days following it inclufivcly, as if Sunday be the Feaft, the next Sunday after is the Oftave. Where note,that thefe Feafts only have Octaves, the Nativity of our Lord, St. Stephen^ St. John Evangelift, Holy In- *iocents,Twelf-day, Eafter-day^Afcenfion day, Whit-Sunday, Corpus. Chrisli-day, St. John Baptist, St. Peter, and St. Paul, St. Laurence, the Aflumption and Nativity, of our Blciled Lady,and All-Saints-day \ alfo on the Feaft of the Dedication of the Church, Octaves are obferved. E R R A T A. PAze ii. 1. 6. for and helper in, r. a helper in the. p. jq. I. 22. ctele. himfelf. g. 66* 1. 25. tor Language r. a Language, p. i55. !. 2J. for very much is, r. is very much. p. 29-. I. 17. for he is, r. thou art. p. 3S3. 1. 19. and p. 3S4. 1. 15. for Immortal Glory \5c. r. May EudleG Worlds, as p. 377. p. 416* after 1. 23". And run Diviiior^ KV, a. Id . V/e beg, O Lord, our Wounded Senfe feel thy Hcali:: g Influence: 1 hat pure and from Corruption free, We may Rcltore our Souls to thee. May each fuccccdmg Age, ere THE THE OFFICE O F Our Bleffed Lady. To be fail from the Day after the Purification, till the Even.Song of the. Saturday before the firfi Sunday of Advent ; except that on the Day of the Annunciation the Ojfce ufaid^as in Advent. AT MATT INS. "Ail Mary, full of Grace, our Lord is with thee :, blefled art thou among Women *, and blefTed is the Fruit of thy Womb, Jefus. Holy Afary, Mother of God, pray for us Sin- ners, now, and at the Hour of our Death. Amen. V>'1r.ich is always fail in the Beginning of all hours of our Dleffel Lady. LOrd, open my Lips. R. And my Mouth fhall declare thy Praife. f. Incline to my Aid, O God. & 0 Lord, make halt to help me. B Glory 2 The Office of our B. Lxdyy Glory be 10 the Father, and to the SoiT, and to the Holy Ghoft. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever (hall be, World without end. Amen. Alleluja . Alleluja itfaii at a!! Hours, from the Evening of Eafter-ri/c', to the Complin of the Saturday before Sep- tuagefima-SuncUy.fVflr/i thai till the Evcnfongof Ez~ Rci-Eve is fxid, Praife be to thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory. The Invitatory. Hal Mary full of Grace, our Lord is with thee. Again repeat, Hail Mary full of Grace, our Lord is with thee. In time 0/Eafter is added Alleluja, loth here, and in the End of the Anthems, Verficles, and Xjcffonfmeu P s a l m 94. Venite exultemus. This Pfalm without doubt was made by David, finct St. Paul cites it as his in the EpijYle to the Hebrews* Some think it was made at the time when he carrfed the Ark to Mount Sion. It contains a lively exhorta- tion to praife God with our He an , our Voi^e, and cur Works, and tofubmit to his holy Laws. C)me let us rejoice to our Lord, let us make Joy to God our Saviour; let us 1 approach his Prefence in Confeffion, and in Pfalms make Joy before him. Hail Mary, full of Grace, our Lord is with thee. For God is a great Lord, and a great j King above all Gods j becaufe our Lord J repels not his People ^ in his Hand are all | the bounds of the Earth, and he beholds j the Heights of the Mountains. Our| At Mattins. i Our Lord is with thee* TheSea,is his, he made it,and hisHands founded the dryLand \ come let us adore, and fall down before God •, let us lament before our Lord, that made us, becaufe he is the Lord our God :, we are his Peo- ple, and the Sheep of his Pafture. Hail Mary, full of Grace, our Lord is with thee. ToDay if ye (hall hear hisVoice, harden not your Hearts, as in theProvocation,ac- cording to the Day of Temptation in the Defart, where your Fathers tempted me, proved, and faw my Works. Our Lord is with thee. Forty Years was I nigh to this Genera- tion •, and faid, they always err in their Heart, and have not known my ways, to whom I fware in my Wrath, if they fliall enter into my Reft. Hail Mary, full of Grace, our Lord is with thee. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, oV, Our Lord is with thee. Hail Mary, full of Grace, our Lord is with thee. The HYMN. Quern terra, VontUA,fydera. pHe SovVaign God whofe hands fuftain * TheGlobe of Heav'n,theEarth & Main, Ador'd and prais'd by each Degree, Lies hid, O facrcd Maid, in thee. B2 He 4 The Office of 'our B.L.tdy, He whom the Sun and Moon obey ; To whom all Creatures homage pay -7 The Judge of Men and Angels doom Refides within thy Virgin Womb. O happy Parent chofe to bear Thy Maker God's eternal Heir •, Whofe Fingers fpan this earthly Round, Whofe Arms the whole Creation bound. Bleft Maid whom Gabriel's Voice avows The facred Spirits fruitful Spoufe : Thou gav'ft the World by human Birth The mod defird of Heav'n and Earth. May Age to Age for ever fing The Virgins Son and Angels King, And praife with the Celeftial Holt The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. Amen. Ihefe three Pfalms following are f aid on Sunday-, Mondays and Thurfdays, at tht Noclurn. The Anth. Bleffed art thou. Psalm 8. Domine Dominus nofter. According to the opinion of the mofl learned Interpreter 1, which the Scripture feems to confirm, this rfilm prin- cipally regards the per f on of $efus Chnj} rifen from the dead, in whom God did nunifcft hit greateft glo- ry and power. Tho'it may aJfo be apply* d to other Men. OLord our Lord, how wonderful is thy Name in the whole Earth ? For thy Magnificence is lifted up above the Heavens. Out of the Mouths of Infants and Suck- lings thou haft perfected Praife, becaufe of thy Enemies, that thou may'ft deftroy ' the Enemy and Revenger. For At M&ttins. 5 For I fhall behold the Heavens, the Works of thyFingers •, the Moon and the Stars, which thou haft founded. What is Man, that thou art mindful of him, or the Sun of Man, that thou doft viiit him? Thou hall diminifh'd him a little lefS than Angels \ with Glory and Honor thou haft crown'd him, and appointed him over the Works of thy Hands. Thou haft fubjefted all things under his Feet, Sheep, and Oxen 5 and alfo the Cattel of the Field. The Birds of the Air, and Fillies of the Sea, thatWalks thro' thePaths of the Sea» O Lord our Lord, how wonderful is thy Name in the whole Earth ! Glory be to the Father, &c* The Anth. Bleflcd art thou among Wo- men, and bleiled is the Fruit of thy Womb. The Anth. Even as choice Myrrh. Psalm 18. Cceli enarrant gloriam* This Ffrfm confifts cf two parts : In the firft we are taught that the power and glory of God may be known h contemplating the celejtial bodies, and especially the Sun. In theftcottd part U defiribed the perfection and efficacy of the Divine Law. lie Pfahn con- cludes with a prayer for the pardon of hidden fins. THE Heavens fhew forth the Glory of God, and the Firmament declares the Works of his Hands. The Day publifhes his Word to tkc B 3 Day 6 The Office of our B. Ladjy Day, and Night difcovers the Knowledge of him to the Night. There is no Language, nor Speech, whofe Voices may not be heard. Their Sound has gone forth into all the Earth, and their Words to the ends of the Earth. He has put his Tabernacle in the Sun, and himfelf as a Bridegroom coming forth of his Chamber. He has rejoie'd as a Giant, to run the way : His coming forth is from the high- eft Heaven. And his Courfe even to the top thereof, neither is there any that can hide himfelf from his Heat. TheLaw of ourLord is withoutSpot,con- verting Souls \ the Teftimony of our Lord is faithful, giving VVifdom to little Ones. Thejuftice of our Lord is right, making Hearts joyful : the Precept of our Lord is full of Light, enlightning the Eyes. The Fear of our Lord is Holy, abiding for ever and ever : The Judgments of our Lord are true, juftified in themfelves. To be defired above Gold, and precious Stone \ and more fvveet than Hony, and the Hony-Comb. For thy Servant keeps them :, in keep- ing them is great Reward. Sins who underftands ? From my fecret Sins cleanfe me,and from otherMensSins fpavethyServa: It at Mat tins. 7 If they fhall not have Dominion over me, then (hall I be without Spot, and be cleaned from the greatell Sin. And the Words of my Mouth fhall be ing to thee, and the Meditation of my Heart be always in thy Sight. O Lord my Helper and Redeemer. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Anth. Even as choice Myrrh, thou gaveft the Odour of Sweetnefs, O Holy Mother of God. The Anth. Before the Bed. Psalm 23. Domini eir terra. Mofl believe that David made thit Pfalmto be fuvg by the psopk rohen the Ark rvaf carry* d to Mount Sion ; But dil Interpreters agree that the holy Prophet had ipallj in his view the afcevfion of our Saviour $ef& Chrijl into Heaven. THE Earth is our Lord\and the Ful- nefs thereof i the whole World,and all that dwell therein. Becaufe he has founded it on the Seas, and on the Floods has prepared it. Who fhall afcend into the Mount of our Lord ? Or who fhall Hand in his Holy Place? The Innocent of Hands, and clean of Heart, that has not taken his Soul in vain, nor deceitfully fworn to his Neighbor. He fhall receive a Bleffing of our Lord, and Mercy of God his Saviour. This is the Generation of them, that B 4 fcek 8 The Office qf our B. Lady, feek him, of them, that feek the Face of the God of Jacob. Lift up your Gates, ye Princes, and be ye lifted up, O Eternal Gates \ and the King of Glory fhall enter in. Who is the King of Glory ? Our Lord, ftrong and mighty, our Lord mighty in Battel. Lift up your Gates, ye Princes, and be ye lifted up, O Eternal Gates, and the King of Glory fhall enter in. Who is the King of Glory ? The Lord of Power, he is the King of Glory. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Anth. Before the Bed of this Vir- gin repeat to us Tweet Songs of Meafure. K. Grace is pour'd forth on thy Lips. R. Therefore God has bleiled thee for ever. Our Father, &c. The Abfolmion. By the Prayers and Me- rits, &c. as fo/lorveth Page 1 7. rvith the refi. Thefe three Pfalms fotiowing^are fad on Tueillay and Friday, at the Noiiurn. The Anth. In thy Beauty. P s a l m 44. Eru&avit cor meum. S. Chrifoftom, J. Auftin, and almofi aB the Interpre- ters agree that this Pfalm u a kind of a fpiritual Epi- thahmium, reprcfenting the /.used union between Jefa ChriJ}, and his Spoufe the , Church. S. I iikevrife in his Epiftle to the Hebrews^ makes ufe of this Pfalm to jhew the everlafting reign of the onf) Son of the Father over his ElelJ. Some have thought that Salomon is the Author, and that it ivja upon the occasion of his Marriage with the Daughter at Martins. 9 d/Pharaoh, tho' others attribute it to David. But aU agree ih thi< that the truefenfe of it, intended by the holy Gtcft,r*gards the Myfteryofthe bicira:,\ionr £7id the union of the Word with human nature,, MY Heart has fpoke a good Word \ I tell my Works to the King. My Tongue is the Pen of a Writer* that writes fwiftly. MoftBeautiful amongfttheSons ofMen^ Grace is pour'd out on thy Lips, there- fore Iras God blefled thee for ever. Be girded with thy Sword upon thy Thigh, O moll Mighty. In thy Beauty and Cbmelinefs go on7 advance profperoufly, and reign. Becaufe of thy Truth, Mildnefs, and Jiiftice ; and the Conduft. of thy Right Hand fhall be wonderful". Thy (harp Arrows into the Hearts of the King's Enemies \ the. People fhall fall under thee. ThySeat:>OGod,is for ever and ever^the Rod of thy Kingdom is a Rod of Equity.. Thou haft lov'd Juftice, and hated Ini- quity : therefore God, thy God, has A- nointed thee with the Oyl of GladneiV above thy Fellows. Myrrh and Alloes, and Caffia from thy Garments, from Houfes of Ivory, where the Daughters of Kings have delighted thee in thy Honour. The Queen flood on thy Right Hand ft* B % Goldsni t o The Office of our B. Ltdjy Golden Robes, fet round with Variety. Hear, Daughter, and fee, endine thy Ear, and forget thy People, and the Houfe of thy Father. And the King will be enamord with thy Beauty, becaufe he is the Lord thy God, and they fhall adore him. AndtheDaughters of7yre,all theRich of thePeople,withOfferingsfhail pray to thee. All the Glory of the King's Daughter is from within } in Borders of Gold,cloath/d about with Varieties. Virgins (hall be brought to the King af- ter her, her Neighbors fhall be brought to thee. They fhall be brought in Joy and Re- joicing } they fhall be brought into the Temple of the King. lnftead of thy Fathers, there are born Sons to thee } thou fhalt make therpi Prin- ces over all the Earth. They fhall be mindful of thyName from Generation to Generation. Therefore fhall People praife thee for ever, World without End. Glory be to the Father, &c. The AmhAw thyBeauty and Comelinefs, go on, advance profperoufly and reign. The Anth. God will help her. P s a l m 45. Deus nofter refugium. Since air oft all the Fathers agree that thti Pfalm accord- ing to the lituralfenfe regards the Church perfected by the at Mat tins. 1 1 the hi filds, aid delivered from perfe cut ions by the afli- flance of our Lord> we ought rather to adhere tothtiopi- tiiw3 then to that offome other Interpreters*, who apply this Pfalrn only to David victorious over his enemies. OUR God is a Refuge and Strength, and Helper in Tribulations, which have falPn upon us in great Number. Therefore we will not fear, when the Earth (hall be troubled, and Mountains be tranfported into the midft of the Sea. The Waters made a Noife, and were troubled ; the Mountains were troubled: in his^ Strength. The ftrong Current of a River rejoices the City of God \ the Highelt has fandtifi- ed his Tabernacle. God is in the midft thereof, it [hall not be mov'd,God will help it in the Morn- ing early. Nations are troubled, and Kingdoms are made to ftoop : he rais'd his Voice, and the Earth was mov'd. The Lord of Hofts is with us, the God of Jacob is our Defender. Come, and fee the Works of our Lord, what Wonders he has done in the Earth, making Wars to ceafe, even to the end of the Earth. He (hall deftroy the Bow, and break Weapons, and Shields he fhall burn with Fire. Attend and fee that I am God.} I fhall be 12 The Office of our B. Lady, be exalted among the Gentiles, \ (hall be exalted in the Earth. The Lord of Holts is with us, the God of Jacob is our Defender. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Amh. God will help her with his Countenance : God is in the midft of her, fhe lhall not be mov'd. The Amh A Habitation is in thee. P s a l m 86. Fundamenta ejus. David in this Pfuhn celebrates the praifes of the City °f 'Jerufatem, which in the Fropbetick fenfe my ve- ry well be applf d to the Church of Chrift^ of whisk that City wjts the Figu re. THE Foundation thereof in the Holy Mountains ; our Lord loves theGates vision above all the Tabernacles of Jacob. Glorious things are faid of thee,0 City of God, I will be mindful of Rahab and Baby-' ton, knowing me. Behold the Strangers and Tyre, and the People oit\\£zs£thiopians:thefe were there Shall a Man fay to Sion, that a Man is born in her, who being the higheft found- ed her? "Our Lord will declare it in the Regifter of thofe People, and of Princes, that have been in her. A Habitation is in thee, as it were of til thofe who rejoice. Glory be to the Father, &c. ThC: At Matthts* i £ TheAnth. A Habitation is in thee, as it were of all us, who rejoice. O Holy Mo- ther of God. P. Grace is pour'd forth on thy Lips. R. Therefore God has blefled thee for ever. Oar Father, &c. The Ahfohition. By the Prayers and Me- rits, as fellows p age 17. with the reft. Theft three Pialms are to be fid on Wednefday and Saturday, at the Nofturn. The Anth. Rejoice, O Virgin Mary. P s a l m 95. Cantate Domino, Vnter the litter al Jhife of this Pfalm, which exprefjes the gr -utiie fs of God, rais'd infinnly above the Gods of the Nations j and Victorious over all the Enemies of hu p'opie, all Interpreters agree, that in the prophe- tick fenfe it contains the My fiery of the coming of the Nleffivs,andofthe eftablijlment of the iQngdom. of tfefui-Ckritf) which u bit Church upon the Earth. Sing to our Lord a newSong, ling to our Lord all the Earth. Sing to our Lord, and blefs his Name : declare his Salvation from day to day. Declare his Glory among the Gentiles^ his wonderful Works in all Nations. Becaiife our Lord is great,and moll wor- thy of Praife-,he is terrible above allGods. Becaufe all the Gods of the Gentiles are Devils ; but our Lord made the Heavens. Praife and Beauty in his Sight, Holinefs and Magnificence in his San&ification. ( Bring to our Lord ye Countries of Gen- tiles^ bring to our Lord Glory andHonor \ bring 2 4 The Office of our B. Ladyy bring to our Lord the Glory of his Name. TakeSacrifices,and enter into hisCourts: Adore our Lord in his Holy Courts. Let all the Earth be mov'd before his Face: fay among the Gentiles, our Lord hath reigu'd/ For he has corre&ed the whole World which fhall not be mov'd ^ he will judge People with Equity. Let the Heavens be glad, and theEarth rejoice \ let the Sea be inov'd,and the ful- nefs thereof: The Fields fhall be glad,and all things that are in them. Then fhall all theTrees of the Woods re- joice before the Face of our Lord, becaufe he comes, becaufe he comes to judge the Earth. He will judge the Earth in Equity, and People in his Truth. . Glory be to the Father, &t. The Anth. Rejoice, O Virgin Mary7 thou alone hall deftroy'd all Herefies in. the whole World. The Anth. Vouchfafe. P s a LM.96. Dominus regnavit. It it probable that David made this Vfalm after fome fignal vidory gained upon bu Enemies, for which he magnifies the power and mercy of God. At the fame time he does very plainly foretel the eftabliftment of thefpiritual Kingdom of fefu*.Cbrift. And be ex- horts all Men to prepare themf elves for it y by hatred to fin, and love to fuftict. OU R Lord has reign'd \ let theEarth rejoice, let many Iflands be glad. A dt Muittins. i ^ A Cloud and Darknefs is round about Iiim : Juftice and Judgment is the Corre- ction of his Seat. Fire fhall go before him, and fhall burn his Enemies round about. HisLightning fliin'd to the wholeEarth the Earth faw, and was mov'd. The Mountains melted as Wax before the Face of our Lord : before the Face of our Lord all the Earth. The Heavens have declared his Juftice, and all People have feen his Glory. Let them all be confounded, that adore Graven Things \ and that Glory in their Idols. Adore him all ye his Angels ; Sion heard and was glad. And the Daughters of Juda rejoicd m7 becaufe of thy Judgments, O Lord. Becaufe thou, Lord, artjnoft high o- ver all the Earth : thou art highly exal- ted above all Gods. You, who love ourLord, hate Evil : our Lord keeps the Souls of his Saints ^ out of the Hand of the Sinner he will deliver them. Light is rifen to the Juft, and Joy to the right of Heart. Be glad ye Juft ifl our Lord •, and con- fefs to the Memory of his San&ification. Glory be to theFather,andtotheSon,c£v. lbs Amb. Vouchfafe that I may praife thee, 1 6 The Office of our B. Lady, thee,0 Sacred Virgin : give me Force a- gainft thy Enemies. The Anth. Thou didft remain. Psalm 97. Cantate Domino. Tin* Vfalmfctms to have been mad* upon the fame occj- fion and upon the fame fubjed -rvith the htftt and ha the fame fpirhual, and prophet ick meaning. Sing to our Lord a. new Song,becaufe he has done wonderful things. His RightHand and hisHoly Arm have wrought Salvation to himfelf. Our Lord has made known his Salvati- on ; in the fight of the Gentiles, he has re- veal'd his Juftice. He has remembred his Mercy, and his Truth, to the Houfe of Ifrael. All the ends of the Earth have feen the. Salvation of our God. Make ye Joy toGod,all the Earth-, fing, and rejoice,, and fing Pfalms. Sing to our Lord on the Harp ^ on the Harp, and with Voice of Pfalm, on the Trumpet of Metal, and with the Voice of the Trumpet of Horn. Make Joy in the fight of the King our Lord •, let the Sea be mov'd, and the ful- liefs thereof,theEarth,and they that dwell therein. TheRivers (hall applaud,the Mountains likewife Ihall rejoice at the Sight of our Lord,becaufe he comes tojudge the Earth. He will judge the Earth in Juftice, and the People in Equity. Glory at Matt ins. 1 7 Glory be the Father, &c. The Anth. Thou didft remain an Imma- culate Virgin after thy Child-bearing : O Mother of God, pi ay for us. V. Grace is pour'd forth on thy Lips. R. Therefore God has blefled thee for ever. Our Father, &c. V. And lead us not into Temptation. R. But deliver us from Evil. The Abfohtion. BY the Prayers and Merits of the Ever blefled Virgin Mary, and of all the Saints, may our Lord conduft us to the Kingdom of Heaven. R. Amen. V. Father, vouch fafe us a Blefling. The Blejfwg. May the Virgin Mary, with her Pious Son, blefs us. R. Amen. Tht Firtt Lejfon* Ecclef. 24. IN all things I fought Reft, and I fhall a- bide in the Inheritance^ our Lord. Then the Creator of all, commanded and faid to me, and he that created me, refted in my Tabernacle : And he faid to me, In- habit in Jacob, and inherit in Jfrael, and take Root in my Elect. But thou, Lord have Mercy upon us. P. Thanks be to God. R. O Holy and Immaculate Virginity, I know not with what Praifes to extol thee : Becaufe whom the Heavens could not contain thou halt born in thy Womb. V. Blefled art thou a- m6ngWomea<5c Blefled is theFruit of thy Womb. 1 8 The Office of our B. Lddj, Womb. Becaufe whom the Heavens could not contain thou haft born in thy Womb. Fl Father vouchfafe us a Ei. The Blefjmg* May the Virgin of Vir make Interceflion for us to our Lard. R- Amen. Tk St con A Ltffw. AND fo in Sion was I cfirablifli" d, and in the iandtified Citylikewife I reli- ed, and my Power was in Jerufalem, and I took root in an honourable People, and in the Portion of my God his Inheritance ; and my abiding is in the foil Aflembly of Saints : But thou, Lord, have Mercy up- on us. R. Thanks be to God. V. Blefled art thou, OVirgin Afrxiwho baft born the Lord,Creator of the World : Thou haft brought forth him, that made thee, and ever remaineft a Virgin. F.Hail Alary , full of Grace,ourLord is with thee : Thou haft brought forth him, that made thee, and ever remaineft a Virgin. When Te Deum is [aid : In the end of this Refpovfory is [aid. fr. Glory be to the Father, and to the Sou, and to the Holy Ghoft : Thou haft brought forth him that made thee, and ever remaineft a Virgin. V. Father vouchfafe us a Blefling. The BUJfing. May our Lord thro' his Virgin-Mother's Intercefiioii cram us^ vauonand Peace. R. Amen. at M&itins. 19 The Third Leffon. I Am exalted as a Cedar in Lihmus^ and as a Cyprefs-tree in Mount Sion. As a Palm-tree in Cades am I exalted. And as a Rofe-Plant in Jerico, as a fair Olive-tree in the Fields, and as a Plane-tree by the Water, in the Streets am I exalted. I gave an Odour as Cinamon and Aroma- tical Balm, as chofen Myrrh have I given theSweetnefs of Odour -,but thou,0 Lord, have Mercy on us. R. Thanks be to God. The Hefponfory following is to be omitted when Te Deiam is fdicL R. Thou art truly happy O facred Vir- gin Mary, and molt worthy ail Praife ; becaufe out of thee is rifen the Sun of Juftice, Chrift our God. V. Pray for the People •, plead in Behalf of the Clergy } make Interceflion for the devout female Sex : Let all People perceive thy Afli- ftance who celebrate thy Holy Comme- moration : Becaufe out of thee is rifen the Sun of Juftice Chrift our God. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, &c. Becaufe out of thee is rifen, &c The Himn^ Te Deum, following, rruy de fiid, if you pksfc. from Chriftmas, to Septuagefima-Sunday, from Eafter-Day, to Advent. And whin it isjuid, tht Third Refponfory is omirted, and in the Second Refponfory, Glory b~ co theFatheiyV/z/i -is aboi-i. { Iveht, and from Septuageiima to Eaftei • fl t fiid, except on ' the Feafts 0} the B. Virgin Mary. The r. ? piy. > 2o TAe Oj#T, Mother of our Lord, may by the Afltftanceof her Prayers forfake all our Iniquities. Thro' the fame Chrift our Lord. R. Amen. May the Divine Help alwaysremaiu with us. R.> Amen. C 5, . From, $4 The Office of our B. Lady, From the Complin of Eafter Eve% to the Ninth Hour of Trinity Eve. The Anthem. 'pRiumph O Queen of Heav'n to fee AHch)u The Sacred Infant born of thee, AUduji. Return in Glory from the Tomb, AUelu]u And with thy Prayers prevent our Doom. Alltlujj. V. Rejoice and be glad O Virgin Mary, AlUluja. R. Becaufe our Lord is truly ri- fen, Alleluja. Let us Pray. OGod, who has vouchfafed to rejoice the World by the RefurreSion of thy Son, our Lord Jefus Chrift: Grant we befeech thee, that by the Interceffion of his Mother the Virgin Mary, we may ob- tain the Joys of eternal Life. Thro5 the fame Chrift our Lord. R. Amen. V. May the Divine Help, &c. From the Complin on Trinity £ve9 to Advent.. The Anthem. Salve Reatna Mater, &C. HAil happyQueen: Thou Mercy,sParenr,hail: Life,Hope,and Comfort of this earthly Vale. To thee Eve*s wretched Children raife their cry, In Sighs and Tears to thee we Suppliants fly. Rife glorious Advocate exert thyLove, And let our Vows thofe Eyes of Pity move. O Sweet, O Pious Maid ! For us obtain, -j For us who long have in our Exile lain, > To fee thy Infant Jefus,and with him to reign. 3 V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of Go . 4 ^ Psalm i 24. Qui confidunt in Domino In this Pfalm God declares bimfelf the Protetlor oftu People of Ifrael, and promifeth to fupport them a- gabift all their Enemies, which chiefly is to be under- flood of the Churchy -which comprehends the true Peo- ple of God, and which our Lord has promifed to pre- ferve to the end of the World. THey that truft in our Lord, are as Mount Sion-Jcxt fhall not be mov'd for ever that dwells in Jerufalem. Mountains round about it,and our Lord round about his People, from henceforth, now, and for ever. Becaufe our Lord will not leave the Rod of Sinners on the Lot of the Juft, that the Jnft extend not their Hands to Iniquity. Do well, OLcrd, to the good and right of Heart. But our Lord will bring thofe that de- cline to perverfe Ways, with them that work Iniquity, that Peace may be upon Ifrael. Glory be to the Father, Ore. Tie Am\u We run after the Odor of thy Ointments, young Virgins have lov'd thee exceedingly. The Chapter. Ecclef. 24. IHavetaken root in an honourable Peo- ple, and in the Portion of my God his Inheritance, and my Abode is in the full AfTembly of Saints. £. Thanks be to God. r. Blefled art thcu among Women. P And blcfled is theFruit of thy Womb. Lord 46 The Office of our B. Lady, Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mer- cy on us. Lord have mercy on us. V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let u$ Pray. STrengthen us, O God of Mercy againfl all our Weaknefs, and grant that we who celebrate the Memory of the blelled Virgin Mary Mother of our Lord, may by the Affiftance of her Prayers forfake all ourlniquities : Thro' the fame Jefus Chrift our Lord, &c. V. Lord, hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. V. Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks be to God. May the Souls of the Faithful,thro' the Mercy of God, reft in Peace. Rm Amen. At the NINTH HOVR. Hail Alary. INcline unto my Aid, O God. R. O Lord, make haft to help me. Glory be to the Father, &c. Alleluja. The HYMN. Memento rerum Conditor. REmember, You, O gracious Lord, Th' eternal God's Co-equal Word, In Virgin's Womb a Creature made Our Nature wore for Nature's Aid. O happy Mary chofe to be Mother of Grace and Clcmencv ! Pro- dt the Ninth Hour. 47 Prote& us at the Hour of Death, And bear to Heav'n our parting Breath. May Age to Age for ever fing The Virgin's Son and Angels King, And praife with the Celeftial Holt The Father, Son, and holy Ghoft. The Anth* Thou art Fair. Psalm 1 2 5. In convertendo Dominus. 7hU Pfalm feems to relate to the time when the Jews were brought back from the fir ft Captivity of Baby- lon, and therefore the Author covgratulates the Peo- ple upon the greatnefs of fo unexpected a felicity *? af- ter which he prays God to finifn the work he hat be- gun^ andforeteh that happy days are at loft tojucceed. WHen our Lord turn'd back the Captivity of Sion^ we were made as Men comforted. Then was our Mouth replenifh'd with Joy, and our Tongue with Joyfulnefs. Then fhall they fay among the Gentiles, the Lord has done great things for them. Our Lord has done great things for us, we are made joyful. Turn our Captivity, O Lord, as a Tor- rent in the South. They that fow in Tears' (hall reap in Joyfulnefs. Going out they went, and wept : call- ing their Seed. But returning they (hall come with Joyfulnefs, carrying their Sheaves. Glory be to the Father, chri Pfalm 48 The Office of our B. Latij, Psalmi 26. Niii Dominic. Jhii Pfalm declares th.u vain are the labours oj . Men, unlefs God give fuccefs to them. IF our Lord builds not the Houfe, they have laboured in vain that built it. If our Lord keeps not the City, he watches in vain that keeps it. It is in vain for you to rife beforcLight: rife after ye have fat, you who eat the Bread of Sorrow. When he fliall giveSleep to hisBeloved, behold Children are an Inheritance from our Lord : and the Fruit of the Womb is a Reward. As Arrows in the Hand of the Mighty, fo are the Children of them that are re- je&ed. BlefTcd is the Man that has filled his Defirc of them : he (hall not be confound- ed, when he fhall fpeak to his Enemies in the Gate. Glory be to the Father, &c Psalm 127. Beati omnes. In tbU rfalm the Vrcphet few* th.it by f'aring God W become happy even in tbti Life. Figuratively it meant the happinefs oj the Church of Jefa-Cbrifi. BLefled are alJ that fear ourLord, that walk in his ways. Becaufe thou (halt eat the Labors of thy Hands : blefled art thou, and it fhall be well with thee. Thy Wife, as a plentiful Vine on the Sides of thy Houfe. Thy; ■j at the Ninth Hour. 49 Thy Children,as youngPlants of Olive- trees, round about thy Table. Behold, fo (hall the Man be blefled, that fears our Lord. Let our Lord blefs thee out of Sion^and may 'ft thou fee the good things of Jerufa- lem all the Days of thy Life. May'ft thou alfo fee thy Children's Children, Peace on Ifrael. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Arith. Thou art fair and comply, O Daughter of Jerufalem ; terrible as the Front of an Army fet in order of Battel. Tkt Chapter. Ecclef. 24. I Gave an Odor as Cinamon, and as AjTO- matick Balm in the Streets : as chofen Myrrh have I given the Sweetnefs of O- dor. . R. Thanks be to God. V. Thoudid'ft remain an Inviolate Vir- gin after thy Child-bearing. R. O Mother of God make Interceflion for us. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. i\ lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let us Pray. OLord,we befeech thee,forgive theOf- fences of thy Servants, that we, who are not able topleafe thee, by our own D Acts 5 c The Office of our B. Lady, Atts, may be fav'd by the Interceflion of the Mother of thy Son our Lord ; Thro' the fame Jefus Chrift thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth one God with thee,and the Holy Ghoft, World with- out end. Amen. V. Lord hear my Prayer: R. And let my Cry come to thee. V. Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks be to God. R. May the Souls of the Faithful thro* the Mercy of God, reft in Peace. Amen. At EFE N-SONG. Hail Aiary. INcline unto my Aid, O God ; R. O Lord make haft to help me. Glory be to the Father, &c. Alleluj* The Anth. whilft the King was. Psalm 109. Dixit Dominus. Hit prophetick Pfalm both by the Title, and by rvhat our Saviour himfelf faid of it> it certainly of David's making. It contains a Prophecy concerning the Mef- fiM, m the tftvis themfelves did ovon? when our Saviour confuted them out of it. It declares that the Meffw jballfit at the right hand of God, and fall reign amongsl the Nations ; That hit Priefthood fall be eternaly That Kjngs fall fall before him? and that allJbaB be overcome by him. GUR Lord faid to my Lord, fit on my Right Hand. Until I make thy Enemies thy Footftool. Our L at Even-Song. 51 OurLord will fend forth theScepter of thy Power from Sion •, rule thou in the midft of thy Enemies The beginning with thee in the Day of thy Strength, in the Brightnefs of the Saints : from the Womb, before the Day* ftar, I begat thee. OurLord fwore,and he will not repent: thou art a Prieffc for ever according to the Order ofMelchifedec. OurLord on thy Right Hand,hath bro- ken Kings in the Day of his Wrath. He fhall judge in Nations, he fhall fill Ruins, he fhall crulh the Heads in the Land of many. Of the Torrent in the way he fhall drink, therefore fhall he lift up his Head* Glory be to the Father, &e. The Anth. While the Kin^ was on his Bed, my Sweet Ointment did give an O- dor of Sweetnefs. The Anth. His Left Hand. PsAtM 1 1 2. Laudato pueri Dominum. . Pfdlm contains an Exhortation to praife God for bit gretinsfs and glory, and above all for kti good- ntfs towards the Sons of Men in taking care even of me meancfl mobgft tpemt and raipig them fonie tines to the degree of Princes} m it happen' £ in the perfon of David kimjelf. PRaifeour Lord ye Children, praife the Name of our Lord. The Name of our Lord be blelTed from henceforth novv, and for ever. D 2 From 52 The Office of our B. Lady, From the riling of the Sun, to it's going down, the Name of our Lord is worthy of Praife. Our Lord is high above all Nations,and liis Glory above the Heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, that dwells on high, and beholds the humble things in Heaven and Earth. Raifingup the needy from the Earth, and lifting up the poor out of the Dung. To place him with Princes, with the Princes of his People. Who makes the Barren Woman to dwell in her Houfe, a joyful Mother of Children. Glory be to the Father. &c, Tfovforfc.HisLeftHand is under myHead, and his Right Hand (hall embrace me. The Anth I am Black, Psalm 121. L&tatus fum. I Rejoiced at thofe things, which were (aid to me: we (hall go into the Houfe of the Lord. Gur Feet were Handing in thy Courts, O Jerufaletn. JerufiUm^ which is built as aCity,whofe Inhabitants are-united' together. For thither did the Tribes afcend, the Tribes of ourLord,the Testimony of Jfra- */, to praife the Name of our Lord. Becaufe Seats fat there in Judgment, Seats upon the Houfe of David. Ask at Even-Song. 53 Ask the things that are for the Peace of "altm : and abundance to them that love thee. Let Peace be made in thy Strength* and abundance in thy Towers. For my Brethren and my Neighbors: I fpoke Peace of thee. For the Houfe of the Lord our God; I have fought good things for thee. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Anth* I am Black, but Beautiful, O Daughters of Jerufalem : therefore the King has lov'd me, and brought me into his Chamber. The Axth. Winter is now paft. P s a l m 1 26. Nifi Dominus. IF our Lord builds not the Houfe, they have labourd in vain that build it. If our Lord keeps not the City, he watches in vain that keeps it. It is in vain for you to rife before light: rife after ye have fat,you that eat theBread of Sorrow. When he fhall give ileep to his beloved: behold Children are an Inheritance from our Lord : and the Fruit of the womb is a Reward. As Arrows in the Hand of the Mighty, fo are the Children of them, that are re- jected. Bleffed is the Man,thathas filled his de- fire of them ; he fhall not be confound ed, D 3 when 54 The Office of our B. Lady, when he fhall fpeak to his Enemies in the Gate. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Amh, Winter is now pall, the Rain is gone and departed : Arife my Love, and come. The Anth. Thou art made fair. Psalm 147. Lauda Jerufalem. 7hU Vfalm w& ynade token the tfews had rebuilt the Walls of Jerufalem, in praife of God's Trovideme over all his Creatures, and of his particular Mercy towards the Ifradites. O Jerufalem, praife our Lord : praife thy God, O Sim. Becaufe he has ftrengthen'd the Locks of thy Gates, he has blefTed thy Children in thee. Who has fet thy Borders in Peace : and fills thee with the Fat of Corn. Who fends forth hisSpeech to theEarth: his Word runs fwiftly. Who gives Snow as Wool;, fcattersMiit as Alhes. He cafts his Cryftal as Morfels : before the Face of his Cold who fhall abide ? He fhall fend forth his Word, and fnail melt them : his Spirit fhall breath, and the Waters fhall flow. Who declares his Word to Jacob, his Juftice and Judgments to Ifraet. He has not done fo to any Nation: and his Judgments he has not made ma- nifeft to them. Glo- At Even-Song* 55 Glory be to the Father, &c\ The Ant b. Thou art made fair and fweet in thy Delicatenefs, O Holy Mother of God. The Chdpur. Ecclef. 24. FRem the Beginning, and before the World was 1 created, and unto the World to come I fhall not ceafe:and in the holy Habitation have I miniftred before him. i?. Thanks be to God. The HYMN. Ave Maris JlelU. B Right Mother of our Maker, hail Thou Virgin ever bleft, The Ocean's Star, by which we fail And gain the Port of Reft. Whift we this Ave thus to thee From GabriePs Mouth rehearfe % Prevail that Peace our Lot may be And Eva's Name reverfe. Releafe our long entangl'd JVlind From all the Snares of ill ^ With heav'nly light inftrud the Blind, And all our Vows fulfil!. Exert for us a Mother's care And us thy Children own : Prevail with him to hear our PrayV Who chofe to be thy Son. O fpotlefs Maid ! whole Virtues fhine With brighteft Purity : Each Aftion of our Lives refine, And make us pure like Thee. D 4 Pre- $6 The Office of cur B. Uah Preferve our Lives unftain'd with ill In this infectious Way ^ That Heav'n alone our Souls may fill With Joys that ne'er decay. To God the Father endlefs praife -7 To God the Son the fame ; And Holy Ghoft whofe equal Rays Oi]e equal Glory claim. Amen. r. Grace is pour'd forth on thy Lips. R. Therefore God has blefTed thee for ever. Tfje Anth. O BlefTed Mother. fit the time c/Eafter Anthem, Triumph O Queen. Tlie Song of the B. Virgin Mary- Luke i . MY Soul does magnifie our Lord. And my Spirit has rejoie'd in God my Saviour. Becaufehe has regarded theMeannefs of his Handmaid : for behold, from hence- forth all Generations fhall call me Blef- fed. Becaufe h e that is Mighty has done great things to me : and Holy is his Name. And his Mercy from Generation toGe- nerations, is on them that fear him. He has fhew'd Strength in his Arm, he has difpers'd theProud in the Imagination of their Hearts. He has depofed the Mighty from their Seat, and exalted the Humble. The at Even-Song*. 57 The Hungry he has filled with good things,, and the Rich he has fent away empty. He has received IJrael his Child, being mindful of his Mercy, (As he fpoke to our Fathers 5) to Abra» ham, and his Seed for ever. Glory be to the Father, &c. *TheAnth. O Blefled Mother, and Ever Virgin, Glorious Queen of the World, make Intercefllon for us to our Lord. In the time of Eafter, Anth. Triumph O Queen, (&. Pag. 34. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us* Lord have mercy on us*. V. Lord .hear my Prayer* • i?. And let my Cry come to thee,-- Let us Pray. IOrd God, we befeech thee, grant that- j we thy Servants may enjoy perpetu- al health of Mind and Body : and that' by the glorious Interceflion of the ever blefled Virgin Mary, we may pafs from1 this prefent Sorrow to the enjoyment o£< everlafting Gladnefs : Thro' our Lord, 0s. Amen. For the Saints. The Anth. AW ye Saints of God vouchfafe to make Interceflion for the Salvation of. as, and of us all. V. Ye Juft rejoice in our Lord,and be exceeding glad. J?. And glory allye right in heart. D s Ut 58 The Office of our B. LaiJy Let us Pray. PRoteft, O Lord, thy People, and let the Confidence we have in the :Inter- ceflion of thy Blefled Apoftles, Peter and Paul, and of thy other Apoftles, prevail with thee, to preferve and defend us for ever. May all thy Saints, O Lord, we be- feech thee every where affift us, that whilft we celebrate their Merits, we may be fenfible of their Proteftion : Grant us thy Peace in our Times j and repel all Wickednefs from thy Church,profperoufly guide the Steps, A&ions and Defires of us and of all thyServants in the way of Salva- tion : Give eternal BlefTings to thofe who have done good to us, and everlafting Reft to the Faithful departed : Thro5 our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, &c, R. Amen, V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee* V. Blefs we oar Lord. R. Thanks be to God. r. May the Souls of the Faithful, Thro' the mercy of God, reft in Peace. R< Amen. - , { - At COMPLIN. Hail Mary. lOnvert us, O God our Saviour. R. And turn away thy Anger from us, at Complin* 59 V. Incline unto my Aid, O God. R. O Lord make haft to help me. Glory be to the Father, &c. AllelujaC Psalm 128. S#pe expugnaverunt. This Pfalmforetels the Punijhments which Jball fall upon thofey who perfecute the $ufl. OFten have they affaulted me from my Youth •, let Ifrael now fay. Often have they a-flaulted me from my Youth, but they have not prevailed a- gainft me. Sin-ners have beaten on my backus on an Anvil:, they have prolonged their Iniquity. Our JuftLord will cut the Necks of Sin- ners ;■ let all be confounded, and turn'd backward that hate Sion. Let them be made as Hay on the tops of Houfes .-which is wither'd before it be pluck'd up. Whereof the Reaper fhall not fill his ijand, nor he that gathers the Sheaves,his Bofom. And they who pafs'd by, faid not, the Blefiing of the Lord be upon you : we have blefled you in the Name of ourLord. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm 129. De profundis. This Pfalm it an excellent Model for finners tha^im- plore the Mercy of the lord ; Ani it U particularly dpp\yyi by the Church to beg ht* Mercy for the DeaX at well at for the Living. FRom the deep I have cried to th?e, O Lord 5 Lord hear my Voice. Let 60 The Office cf our B. Ladj, Let thy Ears be attentive to the Voice of my Petition. If thou regarded Iniquities, OLord: Lord, who fhall bear it ? Becaufe with thee there is Mercy : and becaufe of thy Law, I have waited for thee, O Lord. My Soul has trufted in his Word, my Soul has hop'd in our Lord. From tlie Morning Watch even till Night, let Ifrael hope in our Lord. Becaufe with our Lord there is Mercy, and with him plentiful Redemption. And he fhall redeem Ifrael from all his Iniquities. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalmi ^o.Domine noneftexaltatum- It if generally believ'd that David made this TfaJm Token he rvw accused by Saul and his Courtiers cf ambit iousdefigns to make himfeJf XPii He appeals td God> that he was unjuftly accufed, and that fc* Heart -hm free from any fuch Ambition, LOrd, my Heart is not exalted, nor are my Eyes lofty. Nor have I walk'd in ^great matters, nor in marvellous things above me. If Iwas not humble-minded, but ex- alted my Soul ; As the wean'd Child is for his Mo- ther : fo let it be with my Soul. Let Ifrael hope in ourLord, from hence- forth, now, and for ever. Glory be to the Father,eh?. The at Complin. 6j The HY M N. Memento rerum Conditor. REmember, You, O gracious Lord, Th' eternal God's Co-equal Word, In Virgin's Womb a Creature made Our Nature wore for Nature's Aid, O happy Mary chofe to be Mother of Grace and Clemency ! Proteftus at the Hour of Death, And bear to Heav'n our parting Breath* May Age to Age for ever fing The Virgin's Son and Angels King, And praife with the Celeftial Hoft The Father, Son, and holy Ghoft. The Chapter. Ecclef. 24. I Am the Mother of beautiful Love, and of Feai\ and of Knowledge, and of holy Hope. R. Thanks be to God. V. Pray for us, Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy the Promifesof Chrift. The Anth. Under thy AidT In the- tim tff Eafter, Anth. Triumph O Queen* The Song of Simeon. Luke 2. NrOW, Lord, let th> Servant depart in Peace, according to thy Word. Becaufe my Eyes have f^n thySalvation; Which thou haft prepared before the Face o^ all People, A Light to enlighten the Qentiles : and for the Glory of thy People Ifrael. Glory be to the Father, &c. The 62 The Office of our B. Lady, The Anth Under thy prote&ion, we take our Refuge, O holy Mother of God : defpife not ourPetitions in ourNeceffities: but ever deliver us from all Dangers, O glorious and blefled Virgin. The Anthem in Eaftert/nie. ^PRiumph O Queen of Heav'n to fee Alleluja* The facred Infant born of thee, AUeluja* Return in glory from the Tomb, AUtluja. And with thy Prayers prevent our Doom.Alleltija* Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mer- cy on us. Lord have mercy on us. V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let us Pray. WE befeech thee, O Lord, that the glorious Interceffion of the ever- blefled and glorious Virgin Mary, may proteft us, and bring us to Life Ever- lafting .• Thro5 our Lord Jefiis Chrift, thy Son, who, &c. R. Amen. V* O Lord hear my Prayer. R. And Let my Cry come to thee.. V. Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks be to God. The Blejfmg. May the Almighty and Merciful Lord •, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, blefs and keep us. R. Amen. Tku being done, one of the refpeftive Anthems after Lauds U to be [aid kneeling, with the Verficle and Prayer, in p. 33. and the Verficle, May the Divine Help, being faidr Our Father, Hail May, and tht Creed are to be j aid injeereu The in Advent r at Mat tins. 6$ The Office of our B. Lady, 7e ^ / proved, and faw my Works. Our Lord is with thee. Forty Years was I nigh to this Genera- tion •, and faid, they always err in their Heart, and have not known my ways, to whom I fwore in my Wrath, if they fhalF enter into my Reft. Hail Mary) full of Grace, our Lord is with thee. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, &e. Our Lord is wTith thee. Hail Mary j full of Grace, our Lord* is with thee. The HYMN* Quern terra^ PontH*,fydera. T*He Sov'raign God wliofe hands fuftaiii A TheGlobeofHeav'n,theEarth& Main,. Ador'd and prais'd by each Degree, Lies hid, O facred Maid, in thee. He in Advent^ at Mattixs. 6$ He whom the Sun and Moon obey } To whom all Creatures homage pay ^ The Judge of Men and Angels doom Refides within thy Virgin Womb. O happy Parent chofe to bear Thy Maker, God's eternal Heir •, Whofe Fingers fpan this earthly Round, Whofe Arms the whole Creation bound. Bleft Maid whom GabriePs Voice avows The facred Spirits fruitful Spoufe : Thou gav'ft the World by human Birth The moll defir'd of Heav'n and Earth. May Age to Age for ever fing The Virgin's Son and Angels King, And praife with the Celeftial Hoft The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. Amen. Theft three T films following arefaid on Sundays, Mondays "and Thurfdays, at the No&urn. The Anth. Blafled art thou. P s a l m 8. Domine Dominus nofter, OLord, our Lord, how wonderful is thy Name in the whole Earth \ For thy Magnificence is lifted up above the Heavens. Out of the Mouths of Infants and Suck- lings thou haft perfe&ed Praife, becaufe of thy Enemies, that thou may'ft deftroy the Enemy and Revenger. For I fhall behold the Heavens, the Works of thyFingers } the Moon and the Stars, which thou haft founded. What is Man, that thou art mindful of him, 66 The Office of cur B. Ladj, him, or the Sun of Man, that thou dofl vifit him? Thou haft diminifh'd him a little lefs than Angels \ with Glory and Honor thou halt crown'd him, and appointed him over the Works of thy Hands. Thou haft fubje&ed all things under his Feet:, all Sheep,and Oxen^ and alfo the Cattel of the Field. The Birds of the Air, and Fifhes of the Sea, thatWalk thro' the Paths of the Sea. O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is thy Name in the whole Earth ! Glory be to the Father, &c. The Anth. Blefled art thou among Wo- men , and blefled is the Fruit of thy Womb. The Anth. Even as choice Myrrh. Psalm 18. Cceli eiiarrant gloriam. THE Heavens fet forth the Glory of God, and the Firmament declares the Works of his Hands. The Day publifhes his Word to the Day, and Night difcovers the Knowledge of him to the Night. It is not Language, nor Speech, whofe Voices may not be heard. Their Sound has gone forth into all the Earth, and their Words to the ends of the Earth. He has put his Tabernacle in the Sun, and himfelf as a Bridegroom coming forth of his Chamber. He in Advent, at Mat tins. 6j He has rejoic'd as a Giant, to run the way : His coming forth is from the high- eil Heaven. And his Courfe even to the top thereof, nor is there any that can hide himfelf from his Heat. TheLaw of ourLord is withoutSpot,con~ verting Souls } the Teftimony of our Lord is faithful, giving Wifdom to little Ones. Thejuftice of our Lord is right, making Hearts joyful : the Precept of our Lord is full of Light, enlightning the Eyes. The Fear of our Lord is Holy, abiding for ever and ever : The Judgments of our Lord are true, juftified in themfelves. To be defired above Gold, and precious Stone •, and more fweet than Hony, and the Hony-Comb. For thy Servant keeps them •, in keep- ing them there is great Reward. Sins who underftands ? From my fecret Sins clean fe me,and from otherMens Sins fpare thy Servant. If they fhall not have Dominion over me, then fhall I be without Spot, and be deans'd from the greateft Sin. And the Words of my Mouth fhall be pleafing to thee, and the Meditation of my Heart be always in thy Sight. O Lord my Helper and Redeemer. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Amh. Even as choice Myrrh, thou gaveft 68 The Office of our B. Ladj, gaveft the Odour of Sweetnefs, O Holy Mother of God. The Anth. Before the Bed. Psalm 23. Domini eft terra1. THE Earth is our Lord's,and the Ful- nefs thereof} the whole World,and all that dwell therein. Becaufe he has founded it on the Seas, and on the Floods has prepared it. Who (hall afcend into the Mount of our Lord ? Or who fhall Hand in his Holy Place ? The Innocent of Hands, and clean of Heart,that has not taken his Soul in vain, nor deceitfully fworn to his Neighbor. He fhall receive a Blefling of our Lord, and Mercy of God his Saviour. This is the Generation of them, that feek him, of them, that feek the Face of the God of Jacob. Lift up your Gates, ye Princes, and be ye lifted up, O Eternal Gates \ and the King of Glory fhall enter in. Who is the King of Glory ? Our Lord, ftrong and mighty, our Lord mighty isi Battel. Lift up your Gates, ye Princes, and be ye lifted up, O Eternal Gates, and the King of Glory fhall enter in. Who is the King of Glory ? The Lord of Power, he is the King of Glory. Glory be to the Father, gt, The in Advent, at Matt ins. 69 The Anth. Before the Bed of this Vir- gin repeat to us fweet Songs of Meafure, V. Grace is pour'd forth on thy Lips. R. Therefore God has blefTed'thee for ever. Our Father, #v. The Abfolution. By the Prayers and Me- rits, &c. asfolloweth Page 76. with the reft. Tkcfe three Pfalms follow big 3anf aid on Tuefday and Friday, attieNottuTtu The Anth. In thy Beauty. P s a l m 44. Eructavit cor meum. MY Heart has fpoke a good Word } I tell my Works to-the King. My Tongue is the Pen of a Writer, that writes fwiftly. MoftBeautiful amongft theSons ofMenj ' Grace is pour'd out on thy Lips, there- fore has God blefkd thee for ever. Be girded with thy Sword upon thy Thigh, O molt Mighty. In thy Beauty and Comelinefs go on, advance profperoufly, and reign. Becaufe of thy Truth, Mildnefs, and Juftice 5 and the Condudt of thy Right Hand (hall be wonderful. Thy Charp Arrows into the Hearts of the King's Enemies •, the People fliall fall under thee. Thy Seat^OGod,is for ever and eventhe Rod of thy Kingdom is a Rod of Equity. Thou haft lov'd Juftice, and hated Ini- quity : therefore ^God, thy God, has A- nointcd 70 The Office of our B. Lady, nointcd thee with the Oyl of Gladneiv above thy Fellows. Myrrh and Alloes, and Caflia from thy Garments, from Houfes of Ivory, where the Daughters of Kings have delighted thee in thy Honour. The Queen Hood on thy Right Hand in Golden Robes, fet round with Variety. Hear, Daughter, and fee, incline thy Ear, and forget thy People, and the Houfe of thy Father. And the King will be enamor'd with thy Beauty, becaufe he is the Lord thy God, and they fhall adore him. AndtheDaughters ofT>r*,all thcRich of thePeople^withOfferings fhall pray to thee. All the Glory of the King's Daughter is from within j in Borders of Gold,cloath'd about with Varieties. Virgins (hall be brought to the King af- ter her, her Neighbors fhall be brought to thee. They fhall be brought in Joy and Re- joicing •, they fhall be brought into the Temple of the King. Infteadofthy Fathers, there are born Sons to thee ^ thou fhalt make them Prin- ces over all the Earth. They fhall be mindful of thyName from Generation to Generation. Therefore fhall People praife thee for ever, World without End. Glory be to the Father, &c< 7he ;;/ Advent, at Mfittins. yj The Anth. In thy Beauty and Cornell- hefs, go on, advance profperoufly and reign. The Anth. God will help her. P s a l m 45. Deus nofter refugium. OUR God is a Refuge and Strength, a Helper in the Tribulations, which have fall'n upon us in great Number. Therefore we will not fear, when the Earth lhall be troubled, and Mountains be tranfported into the midft of the Sea. The Waters made a Noife, and were troubled •, the Mountains were troubled in his Strength. The ftrong Current of a River rejoices the City of God :, the Higheft has fanftifi- ed his Tabernacle. God is in the midft thereof, it fhall not be mov'd,God will help it in the Morn- ing early. Nations are troubled, and Kingdoms are made to ftoop : he rais'd hisVoice, and the Earth was mov'd. The Lord of Hofts is with us, the God of Jacob is our Defender. Come, and lee the Works of our Lord, what Wonders he has done in the Earth, making Wars to ceafe, even to the end of the Earth. He fhall deftroy the Bow, and break Weapons, and Shields he ihall burn with Fire. At- 72 The Office of our B. Lady, Attend and fee that I am God \ I (hall be exalted among the Gentile j, I fhall be exalted in the Earth. The Lord ofHofts is with us, the God of Jacob is our Defender. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Anth. God will help her with his Countenance : God is in the midft of her, (he fhall not be mov'd. The Anth A Habitation is in thee. Psalm 86. Fundamenta ejus. THE Foundation thereof in the Holy Mountains-, our Lord loves theGates oiSion above all the Tabernacles of Jacob. Glorious things are faid of thee,0 City of God. I will be mindful of Rahab and Eaby- hmy knowing me. Behold the Strangers and Tyr*, and the People of the*s£thiopians:thek were there. Shall a Man fay to Sion^ that a Man is born in her, who being the higheft found* ed her ? Our Lord will declare it in the Regiftcr of thofe People, and of Princes, that have been in her. A Habitation is in thee, as it were of all thole who rejoice. Glory be to the Father, crc. The Anth. A Habitation is in thee, as it were of all us, who rejoice, O Holy Mo- ther of God. V. Grace in Advent, at Mat tins. y j lr. Grace is pour'd forth on thy Lips. R. Therefore God has blefTed thee for ever. Our Father, &c. The Abfolution. By the Prayers and Me- rits, as follows p age 76. with the rest. Tkefe three Pfalms are to be faid on Wednefday and Saturday, at the Nofturn. The Anth. Rejoice, O Virgin Mary^ P s a l m 95. Cantate Domino. Sing to our Lord a newSong, ling to our Lord all the Earth. Sing to our Lord, and blefs his Name : declare his Salvation from day to day. Declare his Glory among the Gentiles, his wonderful Works in all Nations. Becaufe ourLord is great,and moll wor- thy of Praife -,he is terrible above allGods. Becaufe all the Gods of the Gentiles are Devils \ but our Lord made the Heavens. Praife and Beauty in his Sight, Holinefs and Magnificence in his San&Hkation. Bring to our Lord ye Countries of Gen- tiles, bring to our Lord Glory andHonor *, bring to our Lord the Glory of his Name. TakeSacrifices,ahd enter into hisCourts: Adore our Lord in his Holy Courts. Let all the Earth be mov'd before his Face; fay among the Gentiles, our Lord hath reign'd. For he has corrected the whole World which fhall not be movM \ he will judge People with Equity. E Let 74 FA* Office of our B. Lady, Let the Heavens be glad, and theEartii rejoice •, let the Sea be"mov'd,and the Ail- nefs thereof: The Fields fhall be glad,and all things that are in them. Then fhall all theTrees of theWoods re- joice before the Face of our Lord, becaufe he comes j becaufe he comes to judge the Earth. He will judge the Earth in Equity, and People in his Truth. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Anth. Rejoice, O Virgin Mary^ thou alone haft deftroy'd all Herefies in the whole World. The Anth. Vouchfafe. P s a lm. 96. Dominus regnavit. OU R Lord has reign'd-,let the Earth rejoice, let many Iflands be glad. A Cloud and Darknefs is round about him : Juftice and Judgment is the Corre- ction of his Seat. Firfc fhall go before him, and fhall burn his Enemies round about. HisLightning fhin'd to the wholeEarth: the Earth faw, and was mov'd. The Mountains melted as Wax before the Face of our Lord : before the Face of our Lord all the Earth. The Heavens have declared his Juftice, and all People have {ttn his Glory. Let them all be confounded, that adore Graven Things % and that glory in their Idols. Adore in Advent , at Mattins. 7 ^ Adore him all ye his Angels* Sion heard, and was glad. And the Daughters of Juda rejoic'd \ becaufe of thy judgments, O Lord. Becaufe thou, Lord, art moft high o- ver all the Earth : thou art highly exal- ted above all Gods. You, who love ourLord, hate Evil : our Lord keeps the Souls of his Saints •, out of the Hand of the Sinner he will deliver them. Light is rifen to the Jufl, and Joy to the right of Heart. Be glad ye Jufl: in our Lord •, and con- fefs to the Memory of his Sanguification. Glory be to theFather,and to theSon^c, The Anth. Vouchfafe that I may praife thee,0 Sacred Virgin : give me Force a- gainft thy Enemies. The Anth. The Angel of our Lord. Psalm 97. Cantate Domino, Sing to our Lord a new Song,becaufe he has done wonderful things. His RightHand and hisHoly Arm have wrought Salvation to himfelf.' Our Lord has made known his Salvati- on : in the fight of the Gentiles, he has re- vcaPd his Juftice. He has- remembred his Mercy, and his Truth, to the Houfe oilfrad. All the ends of the Earth have feen the Salvation of our God. E 2 Make 76 The Office of our B. Lady, Make ye Joy toGod,all the Birth- ling, and rejoice, and fing Pfalms. Sing to our Lord on the Harp ; on the Harp, and with the Voice of Pfalm, on Trumpets of Metal,and with the Voice of the Trumpet of Horn- Make Joy in the fight of the King our Lord •, let the Sea be mov'd, and the ful- nefs thereof,theEarth,and they that dwell therein. TheRivers [hall applaud,the Mountains likewife fhall rejoice at the Sight of our Lord,becaufe he comes tojudge the Earth. He willjudge the Earth in Juftice, and the People in Equity. Glory be the Father, &c. The Anth. The Angel of our Lord declared unto Mary^ and (he conceived by the Holy Ghoft. Allehja. V. Grace is pour'd forth on thy Lips. R. Therefore God has blefled thee for ever. Our Father, &c V. And lead us not into Temptation. R. But deliver us from Evil. 77;e Abfolution. BY the Prayers and Merits of the Ever blefled Virgin Mary, and of all the ' Saints, may our Lord conduft us to the Kingdom of Heaven. R. Amen. V. Father, vouch fafe us a Bleffing. The Bleffing. May the Virgin Mary^ with her Pious Son, blefs us. R. Amen* The idvent, at Mattir/s. 77 #ry^ a Virgin efpous'd to Jofepb. The Anth. Hail Mary. Psalm 99. Jubilate Deo. MAke ye Joy to God all the Earth, ferve our Lord in Gladnefs. Enter in before his Sight with Joy. Know, that the Lord is God, he made us, and not we our felves. His People, and the Sheep of his Pa- fture, enter into his Gates in ConfcCTion, his Courts with Hymns:confefs ye to him. Praife in Advent y at Lduds. 8r Praife his Name, becaufe our Lord is Iweet, his Mercy for ever, and his Truth,. even from Generation to Generation. Glory be to the. Father, &c, The Anth. Hail Mary full of Grace, our Lord is with thee •, Blefled art thou amoug Women. Allelvja. The Anth. Fear not Mary. P s a l m 62. Deus Deus meus> ad te de luce vigilo. OGod my God : to thee I watch fsomi the Morning Light.. My Soul has thirfted after thee:, my. Flefh alfo very many ways.. As in a Defart Land, and inacceffible^ and without Water : Co in the Holy ^lace have I appeared to thee, that I might be- hold thy Strength and thy Glory. Becaufe thy Mercy is better then Life,, my Lips fhall praife thee. So will I blefs thee in my Life, and m, thy Name I will lift up my Hands. As with Marrow and Fatnefs let my. Soul be fM'd,and my Mouth fhall praife: with Lips of Joy. If I Have been mindful of thee. on my. Bed-, in the Morning I will meditate on thee ^ becaufe thou haft "been my Helper. - And under the Cover of thy Wings I . will rejoice, my Soul has cleav'd after; thee •, thy RightHand has taken me under, its Protection. E 5 Buft %2 The Office of our B. Lafyt But they in vain have fought my Soul, they fhall enter into the lower Parts of the Earth : they fhall be delivered into the Power of the Sword j they fhall be the Portions of Foxes. But the King fhall rejoice in God, all fhall be prais'd, that (wear on him ; be- caufe theMouth of thofe,that fpeak Wick- ed things, is ftopp'd. P s a l m 66. Deus mifereatur noftri. GOD have Mercy on us, and blefs us, caufe his Countenance to fhine upon us, and have Mercy on us. That we may know thy way", on Earth, ihy Salvation, in all Nations. Let People, O God, confefs to thee, let all People praife thee. Let Nations be glad, and rejoice, be- caufe thou judgeft People with Equity, and direftejl the Nations on the Earth. Let People, O God, confefs to thee : let all People praife thee : the Earth has yielded her Fruit. May God,ouv God,blefs us j may God blefs us, and may all the Ends of the Earth fear him. Glory be to the Father, &c TheAnth. Fear not Maryfhou haft found Grace with our Lord ; behold, thou (halt conceive and bring forth a Son. Alkluja. The Am h. Our Lord. The in Advent, 4tLandr*, 8 J The Sovg of the Three Children, Dan. 3.' ALL the Works of our Lord blefs our Lord-,praife and extol him for ever, Blefs our Lord ye Angels of our Lord;, ye Heavens blefs our Lord. AHWaters,that are above theHeavens, blefs ye our Lord :, blefs our Lord all ye Powers of our Lord. Sun and Moon blefs our Lord : Stars of Heaven blefs our Lord. Showers and Dew blefs our Lord : all Spirits of God blefs our Lord. Fire and Heat blefs our Lord : Cold and Summer blefs our Lord. Dews and Hoary Froft blefs our Lord : Froft and Gold blefs our Lord. Ice and Snow blefs our Lord : Kights^ and Days blefs our Lord. Light and Darknefs blefs our Lord : Lightnings and Clouds blefs our Lord. Let the Earth blefs our Lord \ let it praife and extol him for ever. Mountains and Hills blefs our Lord : all things- that fpring ia the Earth blefs our Lord. Blefs our Lord ye Fountains : Seas and Rivers blefs our Lord. Whales, and all that move in the Wa- ters, blefs our Lord : blefs our Lord all ye Fowls of the Air. All Beafts and Cattel blefs our Lord : Sons of Men blefs our Lord. Let $4 TJk Office of our B. Laay, Let Ifrael blefs our Lord } praifc and extol him for ever. Priefts of our Lord blefs our Lord: Ser- vants of our Lord blefs our Lord : Spirits and Souls of the Juft blefs our Lord : yeHolyand Humble of Heart blefs our Lord. Ananias, Az^arias, Aiifael, blefs our Lord :, praife and extol him for ever. Let us blefs the Father and the Soil, with the Holy Ghoft : let us praife and magnific him for ever. Bieffed art thou, Lord, in the Firma- ment of Heaven-,and prais^aud glorified^ andextoll'd forever. The Anth. Our Lord will give him the Seat of David his Father, and he (hall Reign for ever. The Anth. Behold the Handmaid of our Lord. P s A l m 148. Laudate Dominum de Cxlis. PRaife our Lord from the Heavens, praife him in the high Places. Praife him all his Angels, praife him all his Powers. Praife him, Sun and Moon, praife him all ye Stars and Light. Praife him,0 Heavens of Heavens, and let theWaters,that are above thelleavens, ptraife tho. Name of our Lord. Becaufe he fpoke, and they were made \ he in Advent , at Lauds. S^ he commanded, and they were created. He eftablifh'd them for ever, World without end : He made a Precept, and it fhall not be annulPd. Praife our Lord from the Earth, ye Dragons, and all Depths. Fire, Hail, Snow, Ice, Tempeftuous Winds, which obey his Word. Mountains and allHills,Trees that bear Fruit, and all Cedars. Beafts and all Cattle: Serpents and winged Fowls. Kings of the Earth, and all People, Princes, and all Judges of the Earth. Young MeiLand Virgins, the Old with the Young; let them praife the Name of our Lord, becaufe his Name alone is ex- alted. The Confeffion. of him is above Hea- ven and Earth, and he has exalted the Horn of his People. A Hymn to all his Saints, to the Sons of Ifrael-0 a People that approaches to him. P S A L M I49. SI N G to our Lord a new Song, let his Praife be in the Church of Saints. Let Ifrael. be joyful in him that made him, and the Children of Sion rejoice ia their King. Let them praife his Name in Quire : on Timbrel and Pfalt^r let them ling to him. Becaufe our Lord is well pleas'dwh h his People, 26 The Office of our B. Lady, People, and he will exalt the Meek to Salvation. The Saints fhall rejoice in Glory, they fhall be joyful in their Beds. The Praife of God fhall be in their Mouths, and two-edg'd Swords in their Hands. To execute Revenge on the Nations, Chaftifements among the People. To bind their Kings in Fetters, and their Nobles in Chains of Iron. That they may execute on them the Judgment that is written -.this Glory is to all his Saints. Psalm 150. Laudate Dominum in Saudis. PRaife our Lord in his Saints, praife him in the Firmament of his Strengh. Praife him in his Powers, praife him according to the Multitude of his Great- nefs. Praife him in the Sound of Trumpet, praife him on Pfalter and Harp. Praife him on Timbrel, and in Quire, praife him on Strings and Organs. Praife him on well-founding Cymbals, praife him on Cymbals of Joy, let every Spirit praife our Lord. Glory be to the Father, &c The Anth. Behold the Handmaid of our Lord 5 be it to me, according to thy Word. in Advent, At hauls. 87 Tk Chapter, Ifai. n. A Rod fhall come forth of the Root of Jejfe, and a Flower fhall rife up out of his Root, and the Spirit of our Lord fhall reft upon him. R. Thanks be to God. The HYMN, 0 glorlofi Virginum. OMaryl whilft thy Maker bleft Is nourifh'd at thy Virgin Breaft, Such Glory fhines, that Stars lefs bright Behold thy Face, and lofe their Light. The lofs that Man .in Eve deplores Thy Fruitful Womb in Chrifc reftores, And makes the way to Heaven free For them that mourn, to follow theee By thee the Heavenly Gates difplay And (hew the Light of endlefs Day : Sing ranfom'd Nations, Sing and own Your Ranfom was a Virgin's Son. May Age to Age for ever Sing The Virgin's Son and Angels King % And Praife with the Celeftfal Holt The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. Amen* V. Blefled art thou among Wome 1. R. And bleffed is the Fruit of thy Womb* The Anth. The Holy Ghoft. The Song of Zach. Luke 1. BLelTed be our Lord God oilfrael, be- caufe he has vifited and wrought the Redemption of his People. And rais'd up a Kingdom of Salvation to us, in theRoufe of David, his Servant. As 88 The Office of our B. Lady, Ashcfpokeby the Mouth of his Holy Prophets, that are from the beginning- Salvation from our Enemies, and from the Hand of all that hate us. To work Mercy with our Fathers, and to remember his Holy Covenant. The Oath, which he fwore to Abra- ham our Father, that he would grant to us, That withoutFear,being delivered from the Hand of our Enemies, we may ferve him, InHolinefs and Juftice before him all our Days. And "thou, Child, fhalt be call'd the Prophet of the Higheft : for thou fhalt go before the Face of ourLord to.pr.epare his ways, To give Knowledge of Salvation to his People, for Remiffion of their Sins. Through the Bowels of the Mercy of our God •, in which the Rifing Sun from on high has viiited us. To enlighten them that fit in Dark- rjefs, and in the Shadow of Death : to direa our Feet in the Way of Peace, Glory be to the Father, &c. T.fje. Anth, The Holy Ghoft (hall defcend. upon thee, O Mary 5 fear not, thou fhalt have in thyWomb theSon ofGod.Alleluja,. Lord have mercy on us.Chrifl have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. P. Lord near in Advent^ &t Lauds. 89 hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let us Pray. OGod,whowouldft have thv Word take Flefli in the Womb of the Bleffed Vir- gia y^^according to the Declaration of theAngeljgrant us thySuppliants,that we, who truly believe her to be the Mother of God,may find Favor with thee, by her In- terceflion: Thro' the fameChrifl: ourLord. Amen. lor the Saints at Lauds and at Even-Song only. The Anth. Behold our Lord fhall come, and all his Saints with him,and there _ fhall be in that Day a great Light. Alleluia. V. Behold our Lord fhall appear on a white Cloud. JR. And with him Thoufands of Saints* Let vu Pray. PUrifie, O Lord, we befeech thee, our Confciences by thy Vifit i that at the arrival of our Lord jefusChrift with all his Saints, he may find in us a Dwelling ready for his reception. Who liveth and feigneth one God with thee, and the Holy Ghofl, World without end. -£. Amen. V. Lord hear my Prayer. JR. And let my Cry come to thee. ^ Blefs we our Lord. -K. Thanks be to God. K May the Souls of the Faithful, thro1 the B 90 The Office of our B. Lady, theMercy of God, reft in Peace. R. A Jf the Office ends herey the Anthem, Vcrfu! V rayer foUcrving are to he faid ; elfe, if an ether Hour joUcws, hi the end of the lafi flour, faj0 Our Father, wholly in fecrct. V. May our Lord give us his Peace. R. And Life Everlafting. Amen. That done, cl>j Anthem fouovoing ft to he fj.il Reeling* The Anthem. Alma Re demvt oris Mater. R ight Parent of our Lord,whofePray'rs difplay* The heav'niyGates:whofe light direftsour '/.ay; Bright Ocean's Star, with facred influence guide Our ftraggling Courfe in fpite of Nature's Tiie. Thou in whom Nature ftcod amaz'd to fee Both God and Man, thy Maker born of thee ! In whom alone the Maid and Mother meet, Remember Sinners at thy Infant's Feet. V. The Angel of the Lord declar'd to Mary. R. And (he conceived by the Holy Ghoft. Let us Pray. OLord, we befeech thee, pour forth into our Hearts thy Grace ; that we, who by the Mefiage of the Angel, have known the Incarnation of thy Son Chrift, may, by his Paffion and Crofs, be brought to the Glory of his Refurreftion : Thro' the fame Chrift our Lor J. R. Amen.. V. May the Divine Help always re- main with us. R. Amen. At in Advent) At Prime. 91 At PRIME. Hail Mary. INcline unto my Aid, O God. R. O Lord make haft to help me. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, &c. The HYMN. Memento rerum Condi-tor > REmember, You, O gracious Lord, Th' eternal God's Co-equal Word, In Virgin's Womb a Creature made Our Nature wore fpr Nature's Aid. O happy Mary chofe to be Mother of Grace and Clemency ! Protect us at the Hour of Death, And bear to Heaven our parting Breath* May Age to Age for ever fing The Virgin's Son and Angels King^ And praife with the Celeftial Hoft The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. Amen, Tm Anth. The Angel Gabriel. Psalm 53. Deus in nomine tuo. OGod, fave me by thy Name, and by thy Strength judge me. O God, hear my Prayer; with thy Ears receive the Words of my Mouth. Becaufe Strangers have rifen up againft me, and the Strong have fought my Soul : and they have not fecGod before theirEyes. For behold,God helps me,and our Lord is the Protector of my Soul. Turn away the Evils to my Enemies, and in thv Truth deltroy them. I 9 2 The Office of our B. Ladj, I will freely facrifice to thee, and \ confefs to thy Name,0 Lord, becaufe it is good. Becaufe thou haft deliverd me out of all Tribulation : and my Eyes have look'd down upon my Enemies- Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm 84. Itenedixifti Domine. OLord, thou haft blefled thy Land : thou haft turn'd away the Captivity of Jacob.. Thou haft forgiven the Iniquity of thy People, thou haft cover'd all their Sins. Thou haft moderated all thy Wrath,thou haft turn'd away from the Wrath of thy Indignation. Convert us, O God our Saviour, and turn away thy Anger from us. Wilt thou be angry with us for ever ? Or wilt thou extend thy Wrath from Ge- neration to Generation ? 0 God, thou being reconciled, fhalt quicken us, and thy People fhall rejoice in thee. Shew us, O Lord, thy Mercy, and give us thy Salvation. 1 will hear what our Lord God fhall fpeakinme, becaufe he will fpeak Peace to his People. And to his Saints, and to them that are converted to the Heart. But his Salvation is near to them thas fear m Advent^ at Prime. 93 fear him, that Glory may inhabit our Land. Mercy and Truth have met each other, Juftice and Peace have kifled. Truth is rifen out of the Earth, and Juftice has look'd down from Heaven. For our Lord will give Plenty, and our Land (hall yield its Fruit. Juftice fhall walk before him,and fet her Steps in the way. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalmii6. Laudato Domintim. - PRaife our Lord allGentiles, praifehim all People. Becaufe his Mercy is confirmed on us ^ I and his Truth remains for ever. Glory be to the Father, &c. 'The Anih. The Angel Gabriel was Cent to Mary, a Virgin efpous'd to Jofefh. The Chapter. Ifa. 7. BEhold a Virgin (hall conceive and bring forth a Son, and his Name fhall be call'd Emmanuel 5 he fhall eat But- ter and Honey, that he may know to re- fufe Evil, and chufe Good. R. Thanks be to God. V. Vouchfafe that I may praife thet, O Sacred Virgin. R. Give me Force againft thy Enemies. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. V, Lord hear my Prayer. if. 94 The Office of our B. L R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let us Pray. OGod, who would'ft have thy \Y take Flcfh in the Womb of thy Bici- fed Virgin Mary, according to the Decla- ration of the Angel : grant us, thy Suppli- ants, that we, who truly believe her to be the Mother of God, may find Favor with thee, by her Interceflion. Thro' the fame Chrift our Lord. R. Amen. V. Lord, hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. V. Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks be to God. V. May the Souls of the Faithful, thro' the Mercy of God, reft in Peace. R. Amen. At theTHIRD HOVR. Hail Mary. INcline unto my Aid,6 God. R. O Lord make haft to help me. Glory be to the Father, &c. The HYMN. Memento rerum Coy REmember, You, O Gracious Lord Th' eternal God's Co-equal Word, In Virgin's Womb a Creature made Our Nature wore for Nature's Aid. O happy Mary Chofe to be Mother of Grace and Clemency ! Protect us at the Hour of Death, And bear to Heaven our parting Breath. May in Advent y at the Third Hour. 9 5 May Age to Age for ever fing The Virgin's Sou and Angels King, And praife with the celeftial Hoft The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. Amen. The Anth. Hail Mary. PSALM119. Ad Dominum cum tribularer. WHen I was in Tribulation, I cried to our Lord, and he heard me. Lord, deliver my Soul from 'unjuft Lips, and from a deceitful Tongue. What will be given, or what recom- pence can be made for a deceitfulTongue? The fharp Arrows of the Mighty, with Coals of Defolation. Woe is me, that my Banifhment is pro- longed^ I have dwelt with the Inhabitants ofCedar^my Soul has been long a Stranger. With them that hated Peace, 1 was peaceable : when I fpoke to them, they opposed me without Caufe. Glory be to the Father, &c. P s al m 120. Levavi .oculos mcos. I Have lifted up my Eyes to the Moun- tains, from whence Help fliall come tome. My Help is from our Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Let him not fuffer thyFoot to be mov'd: norlet him {lumber that keeps thee. Lo, hefhall not dumber nor fleep, that \ keeps Ifrad. Our 96 The Office of oar ft Ladu Our Lord keeps thee, our Lord is Protection, on thy right Hand. By Day the Sun (hall not burn thee, nor the Moon by Night. Or.r Lord keeps thee from all Evil,may our Lord keep thy Soul. Let our Lord keep thy coming in, and thv going out •, from henceforth, now, and for ever. Glory be to theFather, &v. Psalm 121. L,£tatus furti. IRejoic'd at thofe things, which were (aid to me ^ we lhall go into the Houfe of the Lord. Our Feet were ftanding in thy Courts, O Jerufalem. Jerafalem, which is built as a City, whole Inhabitants are united together. For thither did the Tribes afcend, the Tribes of our Lord, the Teftimony oflf- rael ; to praife the Name of our Lord. Becaufe Seats fat there in Judgment, Seats upon the Houfe of David. Ask the things that are for the Peace of Jerufalem, and abundance to them that love thee. Let Peace be made in thy Strength,and abundance in thy Towers. For my Bretrhen, and my Neighbors, I fpoke Peace of thee, For the Houfe of the Lord our God, I have fought good things for thee. Glory be to the Father, &c. 77* in Advent, at the Third Hour. 97 The Anth. Hail Mary, fuH of Grace, our I .ord is with thee, Blefled art thou among Women. Alleiuja. The Chapter. Ifat. II. A Rod fhall come forth of the Root of Jeffe, and a Flower fhall rife up out of hisRoot,and the Spirit of our Lord (hall 1 eft upon him. R. Thanks be to God. r. Grace is pour'd out on thy Lips. R. Therefore God has blefled thee for ever. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. V. O Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let us Pray. OGod, who would'ft have thy Word take Flelh in the Womb of the Blef- fed Virgin Mary, according to the Decla- ration of the Angel: grant us, thy Suppli- ants, that we, who truly believe her to be the Mother of God, may find Favor with thee, by her Interceflion : Thro' the fame Chrift our Lord. R Amen. V. Lord, hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. V. Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks be to God. V. May the Souls of the Faithful, thro* the Mercy of God, reft in Peace. Amen. . At 9 3 The Office of our B. Udyy At the SI XT H HOV R. Hail Mary. INcline unto my Aid, 6 God. R. O Lord, make halt to help me. Glory be to the Father, &c. Alkluj.t. The HYMN. Memento rerum Co??ditor. REmember, You, O gracious Lord, Ttf eternal God's Co-equal Word, In Virgin's Womb a Creature made Our Nature wore for Nature's Aid. O happy Mary chofe to be Mother of Grace and Clemency ! Protedt us at the Hour of Death, And bear to Heav'n our parting Breath. May Age to Age for ever fing_ The Virgin's Son and Angels King, And praife with the Ccleftiai Hoft The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. The Ar.tb. Fear not Mary. P s A l m 122. Ad te Levavi. TO thee have I lifted up my Eyes •, vyho dwellelt in the Heavens. Behold, as the Eyes of Servants are on t,he Hands of their Matters; As the Eyes of the Hand-maid on the Hands of her Miftrefs : fo aV;c our Eyes to our Lord God, until he have mercy on us. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercj On us, becaufe we arc overwhelmed with Contempt. Becaufe our Soul is overwhelmed \ be J ing an Objed oC Reproach to fuch as A J bounci I in Advent, at the Sixth Hour. 99 bound, and of Contempt to the Proud. Glory be to the Father, &c Psalm 123. Nifi quia Dominus. BUT that our Lord was with us, let if* rael now fay, but that our Lard was with ns, When Men Rofe up againft us,perhaps they had fwallow'd us alive. When their Fury was rais'd againft us, perhaps the Waters had fwallovv'd us up. OurSoul has pafs'd thro' aTorrent, per- haps onrSoul had pafs'd thro' an intole- rable Water. Blefled be our Lord, who has not given us for a Prey to their Teeth. Our Soul, as a Sparrow, is delivered from the Snare of the Fowlers. The Snare is broken, and we are deli- vered. Our help is in the Name of -the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm i 24. Quiconfidunt in Domino. THcy that trull in our Lord, are as Mount Sion\\\t (hall not be mov'd for I rver that dwells in Jemfalem. Mountains round about it,and our Lord 1 ound about his People, from henceforth, Low, and for ever. : Becaufe our Lord will not leave the Rod M Sinners on the Lot of the Juftj that the F 2 Tuft ioo Tbt Office of our B. Ladjy Jult extend not their Hands to Iniquity. Do well, OLord, to the good and right of Heart. But our Lord will bring thofe that de- cline to perverfe Ways, with them that work Iniquity, that Peace may be upon Jfrael. Glory be to the Father, &c. Tfhe Anth.Jfszx not Maryjhoa haft found Grace with our Lord: Behold, thou fhalt Conceive, and bring forth a Son. AlUluja. The Ckipter. Luke I« OU R Lord God will give hiin the Seat of David his Father, and he fhall Reign in the Houfe of Jacob for ever, and of his Kingdom fhall be no end. R. Thanks be to God. V. Bleffcd art thou among Women. jR.And blefled is theFruit of thy Womb. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mer- cy on us. Lord have mercy on us. k. Lord hear my Prayer* R* And let my Cry come to thee. Let w Pray. OGod, who vvould'ft have thy Word take Flefh in the Womb of the Blef- fed Virgin Mary^ according to the Decla- ration of the Angel: grant us thy Suppli- ants, that we, who truly believe her to be the Mother of God, may find Favor with thee, by her lnterceflion. Thro* the fame Chiill our Lord. -tf.Amen. K Lord, in Advent^ at the Ninth Hour, i o* V. Lord, hear my Prayer* R. And let my Cry come to thee. V. Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks be to God. May the Souls of the Faithful,thro' the Mercy of God, reft in Peace. R. Amen. At the NINTH HOVR. Hail Mary. INcline unto my Aid, O God. R. O Lord, make haft to help me. Glory be to the 'Father, &c . Alletujai The HYMN. Afemento rerum Conditor . REmember, You, O gracious Lord, Th? eternal God's Co-equal Word, In Virgin's Womb a Creature made Our Nature wore for Nature's Aid. O happy Mary chofe to be Mother of Grace and Clemency f Protcft us at the Hour of Death, And bear to Heav'n our parting Breath* May Age to Age for ever fing The Virgin's Son and Angels King, And praife with the Celeftial Hoft The Father, Son, and holy Ghoft. Amen, Atitk Behold the Handmaid. Psalm i 2 5. In convertendo Dominus. WHen our Lord turn'd back the Captivity of Star, we were made as Men comforted* Then was our Mouth replenifh'd with Joy, and our Tongue with Joyfolnefs. F 3 Then I c 2 The Office of our B. Lady, Then (hall they fay among the Gemilrs the Lord has done great things for them/ Our Lcrd has done great things for us, we are made joyful. Turn cur Captivity, O Lord, as a Tor- rent in the South. They that few in Tears fhall reap in Joyfulnefs. Going out they went, and wept : call- ing their Seed. But returning they fhall come with Joyfulnefs, carrying their Sheaves. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm i 26. Nifi Dominus. F our Lord builds not the Houfe, they have labour'd in vain that build it. If our Lord keeps not the City, he watches in vain, that keeps it. It is in vain for you to rife beforeLight.- rife after ye have fat, you that cat the Bread of Sorrow. When he fhall giveSleep to hisBeloved, behold Children are an Inheritance from our Lord: and the Fruit of the Womb is a Reward. As Arrows in the Hand ofthe Mighty, fo are the Children of them that are re- jected. Bleffcd is the Man that has filled his Defire of them : he fhall not be confound- ed, when he fhall fpeak to his Enemies in the Gate. Glory be to the Father, &c. Pfalm 1 in Advent ', at the Ninth Hour, 10$ Psalm i 27. Beati omnes. BLcflcd are al) that fear our Lord, that walk in his ways. Becaufe thou fhalt eat the Labors of thy Hands: blefTed art thou, and it Ihall be well with thee. Thy Wife, as a plentiful Vine on the Sides of thy Koufe. Thy Children,as youngPfants of Olive- trees, round about thy Table. Behold, fo fhall the -Man be blefTtd, that fears our Lord. Let our Lord blefs thee out of SionjxA may "ft thou fee the good things OfJ*rvft$~ Um all the Days of thy Life. May'ft thou ai'fo fee thy Children's- Children, Peace on Ifrad. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Anth. Behold the Handmaid of our Lord: Be it to me according to thy Word, The CLipttr. Ifai. 7. BEhold, a Virgin fhall Conceive, and bring forth a Son, and his Name fhall be called Emmanuel : He fhall eat Butter and Honey, that he may know to refitft Evil, and chufe Good. R. Thanks be to God. Z7". The Angel of our Lord declared to Mary. R. And flie Conceived by the Holy Ghoft. Lord have mercy on us. F 4 Chrift 1 04 The Office of our B. Lady^ Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let tts Pray. OGod, who woukTft have thy Word take Flefh in the Womb of the Blef- fed Virgin Mary, according to the Decla- ration of the Angel : grant us thy Suppli- ants, that we, who truly believe her to be the Mother of God, may find Favor with thee, by her Inttrceflion. Thro' the fame Chrift our Lord. R. Amen. Z7". Lord hear my Prayer. R- And let my Cry come to thee. F\ Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks be to God. V. May the Souls of the Faithful thro' the Mercy of God, reft in Peace. R. Amen. At EVE N-SONG. Hail Mary. INcline unto my Aid, O God. R. O Lord make haft to help mc. Glory be to the Father, &c AUeluja. The Anth. The Angel Gabriel. Psalm 109. Dixit Dominus. OUR Lord faid to my Lord, fit on my Right Hand. Until I make thy Enemies thy Footftool. Our Lord will fend forth theScepter of thy Power in Advent^ at Even-Song. io£ Power from Sion\ rule thou in the midft of thy Enemies The beginning with thee in the Day of thy Strength, in the Brightnefs of the Saints : from the Womb, before the Day- ftar, I begat thee. OurLord fwore,and he will not repent: thou art a Prieft for ever according to the Order ofMelchifedec. OurLord on thy Right Hand,hath bro- ken Kings in the Day of his Wrath. He fhall judge in Nations, he fhall fill Ruins, he fhall crufh the Heads in the. Land of many. Of the Torrent in the way he fhall drink, therefore fhall he lift up his Read* Glory be to the Father, &c. The Ahtk.The Ang:l Gabriel was fent to Mary, a Virgin efpoas'd to Jofeph. The Anth. Hail M*iry. Psalm i i 2. Laudate pueri Dominium. PRaifeour Lord ye Children, praife the Name of our Lord. The Name of our Lord be blefied from henceforth, now, and for ever. From the riling of the Sun, to it's going down, the Name of our Lord is worthy of Praife. Our Lord is high above all Nations,and his- Glory above the Heavens. Who is lite the Lord our God, that F 5 d\vell% 1 06 The Office of our R Ltdy, dwells on high, and beholds the humble things in Heaven and Earth. Railing up the needy from the Earth, and lifting up the poor out of the Dung. To place him with Princes, with the Princes of his People. Who makes the Barren Woman to dwell in her Houfe, a joyful Mother of Children. Glory be to the Father. &c. The Anth. Hail Mary, full of Grace, our Lord is with thee, BlefTed art thou among Women. Alleluja The Anth, Fear not Mary. Psal m 121. Laetatus fum. IReJoic'd at thofe things, which were faid to me: we ftal] go into the Houfe of the Lord. Our Feet were Handing in thy Courts, O Jerufalem. Jerufalem, which is built asaCity,whofe inhabitants are united together. For thither did the Tribes afcend, the Tribes of ourLord,the Teftimony oi IJra- //, to praife the Kame of our Lord. Becaufe Seats fat there in Judgment, Seats upon the Houfe of David. Ask the things that are for the Peace of Jerufalem : and abundance to them that love thee. Let Peace be made in thy Strength, and abundance in thy Towers. <*• For in Advent, at Even-Song. 107 For my Brethren and my Neighbors: I fpoke Peace of thee. For the Houfe of the Lord pur God : I have fought good things for thee. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Anth. Fear not Mary, for thon baft found Grace with our Lord : Behold, thou- flialfc Conceive and bring forth a Son. Alk- Ivja. The Anth. Our Lord win give. Psal m 126. Nifi Dominus. IF our Lord builds not the Houfe, they have laboured in vain that build it. If our Lord keeps not the City, he watches in vain that keeps it. It is in vain for you to rife before light: rife after ye have fat,you that eat theBread of Sorrow. When he (hall give flecp to his beloved: behold Children are an Inheritance from our Lord : and the Fruit of the womb is a Reward. As Arrows in the Hand of the Mighty, fo are the Children of them, tbat are re- jected. BlefTed is the Man,thathas filled his de- fire of them : he fliall not be confounded, when he fhall fpeak to his Enemies in the Gate. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Anth. Our Lord will give him the Seat of his Father David, and he fhaH Reign for ever. The ic8 The Office of out B. Ladj, The Amh. Behold the Handmaid. P s A l m 147. Lauda Jcrufalcm. OJerufaUm. praife our Lord : praife thy God, O Star. Becaufe he has ftrcngthen'd the Locks of thy Gates, he has Melted thy Children in thee. Who has fet thy Borders in Peace : and .fills thee with the Fat of Corn. Who fends forth hisSpeech to theEarth: his Word runs fwiftly. Who gives Snow as Wool, fcattersMift as Afhes. He calls his Cryftal as Morfels : before the Face of his Cold who fhall abide ? He fhall fend forth his Word, and fhall melt them : his Spirit fhall breath, and the Waters (hall flow. Who declares his Word to Jacob, his Juftice and Judgments to Ifrael. He has not done fo to any Nation 1 and his Judgments he has not made ma- nifefl to them. Glory be to the Father, &c. the Amh. Behold the Handmaid of out- Lord, be it to me according to thy Word. Tbe Chapter* Ifai. n. A Rod fhall come forth of the Root of JeJJe, and a Flower fhall rife up out of his Root, and the Spirit of our Lord fhall reft upon him. " £. Thanks fcc to God. The in Advent, at Even-Song. 109 The HYMN- Ave Maris fie/la. B Right Mother of our Maker, hail Thou Virgin ever bleft, The Ocean's Star, by which we fail And gain the Port of Reft.. W hi lft we this Ave thus to thee From GabriePs Mouth rehearfe ^ Prevail that Peace our Lot may he And Ev£s Name reverfe. Releafe our long entangFd Mind From all the Snares of ill :, With heav'nly light inftrucl the Blind*,. And all our Vows fulfill. Exert for us a Mother's care And us thy Children own : Prevail with him to hear our Pray'r Who chofe to be thy Son. O fpotlefs Maid ! whole Virtues Ihine With brighteft Purity : Each A&ionof our Lives refine, And make us pure like Thee. Preferve our Lives unftain'd with ill In this infectious Way \ That Heav'n alone our Souls may fill With Joys that ne'er decay. To God the Father endlefs praife \ To God the Son the fame ; And Holy Ghoft, whofe equal Rays One equal Glory claim. Amen. V. Grace is pour'd forth on thy Lips^ *. Therefore God has blefled thee for ever. The no The Office of our B. Lady, The Aiith. The HolyGhoft. The Song of the B. Virgin Mary. Luke i. MY Soul does magnifie cur Lord. And my Spirit has rejoie'd ia God my Saviour. Becaufehe has regarded theMeannefs of his Handmaid : for behold, from hence- forth all Generations fhall call me Blef- fcd. Becaufe he that is Mighty hasdone great things to me : and Holy is his Name. And his Mercy from Generation toGe- Derations, is on them that fear him. He has fhew'd Strength in his Arm, he has difpeys'd theProud in the Imagination of their Hearts. He has depofed the Mighty from their Seat, and exalted the Humble. The Hungry he has filled with good things, and the Rich he has fent away empty. He has received Ifrael his Child, being mindful of his Mercy, (As he fpoke to our Fathers •,) to Abra- htm, and his Seed for ever. Glory be to the Father, &c Tlje Amh. The Holy G-hoft fhall come upon thee:, Miry, fear not, thou (halt have in thy Womb the Son of God-AlUluja. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercv on us. r. Lord in Advent^ At Eve#-Semg+ r 1 1 V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry co me to thee/ Let us Pray, OGbcf, who wonld?ft have thy Word FJe# in the Womb of the Blef- fed VitgIii//^ryiaccordrQg tc theDecfora- tion of the Angel j grant us, thy Suppli- ants, that we, who truly believe her to be the Mother of God, may find Favor with thee, by her Interceffion. Thro' the fame Chrift our Lord : R. Amen* Fcr the Saints, The Arab. Behold, our Lord {hall come and ail his Saints with him, and there fhall be in that Day a great Light- Alleluja P. Behold, our Lord &ail appear on a White Cloud. R- And with him Thoufands of Saints* Lei iu Tray. PUrify O Lord, webefeech thee, our Conferences, by ihy Vifit: that at the arrival of our Lord Jefus Chrift with all his Saints, he may find in us a dwelling ready for his reception, who liveth and 'reigneth one God, &c R. Amen. V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. V. Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks be to God. V. May the Souls of the Faithful, Thro' the mercy of God, reft ia Peace. R. Amen. H2 The Office of our B. Lady7 At COMPLIN. Hail Mary. COnvcrt us, O God our Saviour. R. And turn away thyAnger from us. PI Incline unto my Aid, O God. R. O Lord make haft to help me. Glory be to the Father, &c. Allcluja. Psalm-i 28. S-xpe expugnavcrunt. OFten have they aflaulted me from my Youth ; let Ifrael now fay, Often have they aflaulted me from my Youth, but they have not prevailed a- gainfl me. Sinners have beaten onmyback,as on an. Anvii^ they have prolonged their Iniquity. Our JuftLord will cut the Necks o| Sin- ners: let all be confounded, and turn'd backward, that hate Siw. Let them be made as Hay on the tops of Houfes : which is withered before it be pluck'd up. Whereof the Reaper fhall not fill his Hand, nor he that gathers the Sheaves,his Bofom. And they who pafs'd by, faid not, the BlefTing of the Lord be upon you : we have blelTed you in the Name of ourLord. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm 129. De profundis. FRom the deep I have cried to thee, O Lord ) Lord hear my Voice. Let in Advent l, at Complin. 1 1 J Let thy Ears be attentive to the Voice of my Petition. If thou regarded Iniquities, OLord: Lord, who fhall bear it ? Becaufe with thee there is Mercy : and becaufe of thyLaw.,1 have waited for thee, O Lord. My Soul has trailed in his Word, my Soul has hop'd in our Lord. From the Morning Watch even till Kight, let Ifrael hope in our Lord. Becaufe with our Lord there is Mercy, and with him plentiful Redemption. % And he fhall redeem Ifrael from all his Iniquities. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm i 3 o.Domine non eft exaltatum> LOrd, my Heart is not exalted, nor are my Eyes lofty. Nor have I walk'd in great matters^ nor in marvellous things above me. If I was not humble-minded, but ex- alted my Soul 5 As the wean'd Child is for his Mo- ther : fo let it be with my Soul. Let Ifrael hope in ourLord, from hence- forth, now, and for ever. Glory be to the Father,G^c. The HY M N. Memento rerum Conditor. REmember, You, O gracious Lord, Th' eternal God's Co-equal Word, la 114 The Office of our B. Ladyy In Virgin's Womb a Creature made Our Nature wore for Nature's Aid. O happy Mary chofe to be Mother of Grace and Clemency ! Protect us at the Hour of Death, And bear to Heav'n our -parting Breath. May Age to Age for ever fing The Virgin's Son and Angels K&ftgj And praife with the Ccleftial Hoft The Father, Son, and holy Ghoft. Amen. The CtvptcK I fa. 7. BEhold a Virgin fnall Conceive, and bring forth a Son, and his Name fhall be called Emmanuel: He fhall eat Butter % and Honey, that he may know to refufe Evil, and chufe Good. R. Thanks be to God. V. The Angel of our Lord brought word to Mary. R. And fhe Conceived of the Holy Ghoft. The Anth. The Holy Ghoft. The Song of Simeon. Luke 2. N'OW, Lord, let thyServant depart in Peace, according to thy Word. Becanfc myEyeshavefeenthySalvation^ Which thou haft prepared before the Face of all People, A Light to enlighten the Gentiles : and for the Glory of thy People f/rael. Glory be to the Father. &c. The Anth. The Holy Ghoft fhall come upon thee, O Jlfary j Fear not, thou (halt have in Advent^ at Complin. 115 hare in thy Womb the Son of God. Al- leluja. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. fr Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee, Let us Tray. OGod, who would'ft have thy Word take Flefh in tire Womb of the Blef- fed Virgin Mary^ according to the Decla- ration of the Angel : grant us, thy Suppli- ants, that we, who truly believe her to be the Mother of God, may find Favor with thee, by her Intercefiion : Thro5 the lame Chrift our Lord, R. Amen. V. O Lord hear my Prayer. R. And Let, my Cry come to thee* V. Blefs we bur Lord. . R. Thanks be to God. The Blejfmg. May the Almighty and Merciful Lord \ Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, blefs and keep us. R. Amen. Tins being done, the Anthem. Bright Parent of our Lord, &c. is [aid Knee- ling, m in pag. go. and the V. May the Divine Help, being faid, Our Father, Bail Mary^ and the Creed, are to be [aid in Secret. The n6 The Office of our B. Laaj7 The Office of our B. Lady. To be fail frem the Evev.Song of Chriftmas-Eve, to the Fuji of the Purification Inclufive. At M AT T I N S. AH it to be f aid as before Advent, pjg. u At LAWS. INcline unto my Aid, O God. R. O Lord, make haft to help me." Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in, &c. Alkluja. The Anth. O Admirable Intercourfe. Psalm 92. Dominusregnavit. OU R Lord has reign'd, he has put on Beauty: ourLord has put onStrength, and girded himfelf. For he has eftablifVd the Globe of the Earth, which (hall not be movM. Froni that time was thy Seat prepar'd, thou art from Eternity. The Rivers, O Lord, have lifted up r the Rivers have lifted up their Voice. The Rivers have lifted up their Waves from the Voice of many Waters. Marvellous are the Ritings of the Sea : marvellous is our Lord on high. Thy Teftimonies are made very credi- ble : Holinefs becomes thy Houfe,OLord, for length of days. Glory be to the Father, &c. The after Advent y at Lauds. nj The Anth. O Admirable Intercourfe,the Creator of Mankind taking a Living Body vouchfafed to be Born of a Virgin \ and coming forth Man, without Seed, has gi- ven to us his Godhead. The Anth. When thou waft unfpeakably. Psalm 99. Jubilate Deo* MAke ye Joy to God all the Earth, ferve our Lord in Gladnefs. Enter in before his Sight with Joy. Know, that the Lord is God, he made us, and not we our felves. His People, and the Sheep of his Pa- fture, enter into his Gates in ConfefTion, his Courts with Hymns,confefs ye to him. Praife his Name, becaufe our Lord is fweet, his Mercy for ever, and his Truth, even from Generation to Generation. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Anth. When thou waft unfpeakably Born of a Virgin, then were the Scrip- tures fiilfill'd :, thou didft defcend like Rain into the Fleece, that thou might'ft fave Mankind : we Praife thee our God. The Anth. The Bufh which Mofes faw. Psalm 62. Deus Deus meus, ad te de luce vigilo. OGod my God : to thee I watch from the Morning Light. My Soul has thirfted after thee : my Flcfli alfo very many ways. As 1 1 8 The Office of our B. Lady, As in a Defart Land, and inaccefilble, and without Water : fo in the Holy Place have I appcard to tbcje, that I might bc- liold thy Strength and thy Glory. - Becaufe thy Mercy is better then Life, my Lips fnal! praife thee. So will I blefs thee in my Life, and in thy Name I will lift up my Hands. As with Marrow and Fatnefs let my Soul be fillM,and my Mouth Ihall praife with Lips of Joy. If I have been mindful of thee on my Bed } in the Morning I will meditate on thee :, becaufe thou haft been my Helper. And under the Cover of thy Wings I will rejoice, my Soul has cleav'd after thee \ thy RightHand has taken me under its Protection. But they in vain have fought my Soul, they ihall enter into the lower Parts of the Earth : they (hall be delivered into the Power of the Sword ^ they fhall be the Portions of Foxes. But the King Ihall rejoice in God, all fhall be praisM, that fwear on him ^ be- caufe theMouth of thofe.that fpeak wick- ed things, is ftopp'd. Psalm 06. Deus mifereatur noftvu GOD have Mercy on us, and blefs us, caufe his Countenance to fhineupon us, and have Mercy on us. That after Advent ^ nt Laud?* 119 That we may know thy way. on Earth, thy Salvation, in all Nations. Let People^ O God, confefs to thee, let all People praife thee. Let Nations be glad, and rejoice, be- caufe thou judgeft People with Equity, and directeft the Nations o;i the Earth. Let People, O God, coi?fefs to thee : let all People praife thee : the Earth has yielded her Fruit. May God,our God,blefs us ; may God blefs us, and may ail the Ends of the Earth fear him. Glory be to the Father, &c. The jimh* The Bufh which Mofis faw burn^vithout confuming,we acknowledge thy Laudable Virginity prefciVdj O Mo- ther of God, make Interceffion for us* The Anth\ The Root ofjejfe has Bud- ded. The Scvg of the Three Children , Dan. 3. ALL the Works of our Lord blefs our Lord^praife and extol him for ever. Blefs our Lord ye Angels of our Lord} ye Heavens blefs our Lord. AilWaters,that are above theHeavens, blefs ye our Lord \ blefs our Lord ail ye Powers of our Lord. Sun and Moon blefs our Lord : Stars of Heaven blefs our Lord. Showers and Dew blefs our Lord : all Splits of God blefs our Lord. Fire I 20 The Office of our B. Lady, Fire and Heat blefs our Lord : Cold and Summer blefs our Lord. Dews and Hoary Froft blefs our Lord : Froft and Cold blefs our Lord. Ice and Snow blefs our Lord : Kights and Days blefs our Lord. Light and Darknefs blefs our Lord : Lightnings and Clouds blefs our Lord. Let the Earth blefs our Lord :, let it praife and extol him for ever. Mountains and Hills blefs our Lord : all things that fpring in the Earth blefs our Lord. Blefs our Lord ye Fountains : Seas and Rivers blefs our Lord. Whales, and all that move in the Wa- ters, blefs our Lord : blefs our Lord all ye Fowls of the Air. All Beads and Cattel blefs our Lord : Sons of Men blefs our Lord. Let Ifrael blefs our Lord \ praife and extol him for ever. Priefts of our Lord blefs our Lord: Ser- vants of our Lord blefs our Lord : Spirits and Souls of the Juft blefs our Lord : yeHoly and Humble of Heart blefs our Lord. Ananias, Asanas, Mifael, blefs our Lord i praife and extol him for ever. Let us blefs the Father and the Son, with the Holy Ghoft : let us praife and magnific him for ever. Blefled after Advent , at Lauds. \2t BlelTed art thou, Lord, in the Firma- ment of Heaven-,and prais'd,and glorified, and extoll'd for even The Anth. The Root of Jefe has Budded out, a Star is rifen from Jacob j a Virgin hath brought forth a Saviour : We praifc thee our God. The Anth. Behold Mary. P s a l m 148. Laudate Dominum de Qelis. PRaife our Lord from the Heavens, praife him in the high Places. Praife him all his Angels, praife him all his Powers. Praife him, Sun and Moon, praife him all ye Stars and Light. Praife him,0 Heavens of Heavens, and let the\Vaters,that are above theHeavens, praife the Name of our Lord. Becaufe he fpoke, and they were made ; he commanded, and they were^ created. He eftablifh'd them for ever, World without end : He made a Precept, and it Ihall not be annulPd. Praife our Lord from the Earth, ye Dragons, and all Depths. Fire, Hail, Snow, Ice, Tempeftuous Winds, which obey his Word. Mountains and allHills,Trees that bear Fruit, and all Cedars. Beafts and all Gattel : Serpents and winged Fowls. G Kings 1 2 2 The Office cfo/tr B. Udyy- Kings #of the Earth, and all People, Princes, and all Judges of the Earth. Young Men and Virgins, the Old with the Young \ let them praife the Name of our Lord, becaufe his Name alone is ex- ulted. The Confeflion of him is above Hea- ven and Earth, and he has exalted the Htortrof his People. A Hymn to all his Saints, to the Sons ofl/roel? a People that approaches to him. Psalm 149. SI N G to our Lord a new Song, let his Praife be in the Church of Saints. ' Let Jfrael be joyful in him that made him, and the Children of Sjoti rejoice in their King. Let them praife his Name in Quire : on Timbrel and Pfalter let them fing to him. Becaufe ourLord is well pleas'd with his People, and he will exalt the Meek to Salvation. The Saints lhall rejoice in Glory, they ihall be joyful in their Beds. The Praife of God frail be in their Mouths, and two-edg'd Swords in their Hands. To execute Revenge on the Nations, Chaftifements among the People. To bind their Kings in Fetters, and their Nobles in Chains of Iron. That they may execute on them the Judg- after Advent, at Lauds. 12$ Judgment that is written :this Glory is to all his Saints. Psalm 150. Laudate Dominum in Sanctis. PRaife our Lord in his Saints, praife him in the Firmament of his Strengh. Praife him in his Powers, praife him according to the Multitude of his Great- nefs. Praife him in the Sound of Trumpet, praife him on Pfaiter and Harp. Praife him on Timbrel, and in Quire, praife him on Strings and Organs. Praife him on well-founding Cymbals, praife him on Cymbals of Joy, let every Spirit praife our Lord. Glory be to the Father, &c The Anth. Behold, Mary has brought forth to us a Savior, whom John (eeing, cry'd out*,faying,Behold theLamb of God, behold him, who takes away the Sins of the World. Alkluja. Tbe Chapter. Cant. 1. THE Daughters oiSion beheld her, and Declared her moil BleflTed, and. Queens did praife her. R. Thanks be to God. The H Y M N, 0 gloriofa VWgimm. OMary ! whilft thy Maker bleft Is nourilh'd at thy Virgin Bread:, Such Glory Ihines, that Stars lefs bright Behold thy F^ce, and lofe their Light. G 2 The 124 The Office of our B. Ladjy The lofs that Man in Eve deplores Thy Fruitful Womb in Chrift rcftores, And makes the way to Heaven free For them that mourn, to follow thee. By thee the Heavenly Gates difplay And (hew the Light of endlcfs Day : Sing ranfom'd Xations, Sing id own Your Ranfom was a Virgin's Son. May Age to Age for ever Sing The Virgin's Son and Angels King -, And Praife with the Celeftial Hoft The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. Amer.\ V* Blefled art thou among Women. -R. And blefTedis the Fruit of thy Womb. The Anth. A Wonderful Myftery. The Song of Zzch. Luke i. BLeffed be our Lord God of IJta$ly be- caufe he has vilited and wrought the Redemption of his People. And raised up a Kingdom of Salvation to us, in theHoufe of David^ his Servant . Ashefpokeby the Mouth of his Holy Prophets, that are from the beginning. ' Salvation from our Enemies, and from the Hand of all that hate us. To work Mercy with our Fathers, and to remember his Holy Covenant. The Oath, which he fwore to Abra- ham our Father, that he would grant to us, That withoutFear,being delivered from the Hand of our Enemies, we may ferve him, la after Advent y At Lauds. 1 2 ^ In Holinefs and Juftice before him all our Days. And thou, Child, {halt be call'd the Prophet of the Highcft : for thou (halt go before the Face of ourLord to prepare his ways, To give Knowledge of Salvation to his People, for Remiflion of their Sins. Through the Bowels of the Mercy of our God •, in which the Riling Sun from on high has vitited us. To enlighten them that fit in Dark- nefs, and in the Shadow of Death: to^ dircft our Feet in the Way of Peace. Glory be to the Father, &c. "The Anth. A Wonderful Myftery is de- clared this Day:K atures are renew'd,God is made Man ;*lie rcmain'd what he was, and afllim'd what he was not,fuffcring nei- ther mixture nor Divillon. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee.' Let vs Pray. OGod,who by theFruitfulVirginity of the Blefled Virgin Mary, haft given* to Mankind the Rewards of Eternal Sal- vation i Grant, we befeech thee, that we nay be fenfible of the benefit of her Inter- ceffion* by whom we have reeeiv'd the G 3 Au- 1 26 The Office of our B. Lady, Author of Life, our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who liveth and reigneth one God with thee, &c. R. Amen. lor xht Sxints. The Anth. All ye Saints of God, vouch- fafe to make Interceflion for theSalvation of us, and of all. V. Ye Juft rejoice in our Lord,and be exceeding glad. i?. And glory all ye right of Heart. Let us fray. Proteft, O Lord, thy People, and let the Confidence we have in the Intercef- lion of thy Blefled Apoftles, Peter and iW, and of thy other Apoftles, prevail with thee, to preferve and defend us for ever. May all thy Saints, O Lord, we be- feech thee, every where aflift us, that whilft we celebrate their Merits, we may be fenfible of their Protection : Grant us thy Peace in our Times, and repel all Wickednefs from thyChurch,profperoufly guide the Steps, Anions and defires of us and all thy Servants in the way of Salva- tion : Give eternal Bleflings to thofe who have done good to us, and everlafting Reft to the Faithful departed : Thro' our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, ore. R. Amen, V, Lord hear nry Prayer. JR. And let my Cry come to thee. ff% Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks be to God. T. May after Advent, at Lauds. 127 V. May the Souls of the Faithful, thro' theMercy of God, reft in Peace. R. Amen, Tbit being done -, the Anthem following U to be fiid IQieeling. The Anthem. Alma Redempt oris Mater. T) Right Parent of our Lord,whofePray'rs difplay "*^ The hea v'nWGates: whofe light directs our wayj Bright Ocean's Star, with facred influence guide Our ftragglingCourfe in fpite of Nature's Tide, ' Thou in whom Nature flood amaz'cl to fee Both God and Man, thy Maker born of thee ! In whom alone the Maid and Mother meet, Remember Sinners at thy Infant's Feet. V. Thou didft remain an inviolate Vir- gin after thy Child-bearing. R. O Mother of God, make Iatercefli-"" on for us. Let ta Pray. OGod, who by the Fruitful Virginity, as before. R. Amen. r. May the Divine Help ever remain with us. -R. Amen. The afcrefaid Anth. if faid in the end of QUQr plin tit the Dijofth: Purification ixrfujfvt* The Anthem. Ave Regina C&lorum* TJ Aii (hining Queen of the Celeftial Train, •*■ ^O'erAngel-Pow'rs extend thy brighter Reign. Hail fruitful Root of Life, Hail Orient Gate : From whom Earth's betterLight derives Us date* O glorious Maid rejoice : alone poffefs The higeft feat of Creatures happinefs. G d And 128 The Office of our B. LUh And croWn'd with Beauty, thence,implore tttfSon To grant our Prayers from his indulgent Throne. V. Vouchfafe that I may praife thee, O Sacred Virgin. R. Give me Force againft: thy Enemies. Let us Tray. STrengthen us,OGod of Mercy, againfl: all our Weaknefs, and grant that we who celebrate the Memory of the BlefTed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord, may by the Afliftancc of her Prayers forfake all our Iniquities. Thro' the fame Chrift our Lord. R. Amen. V. May the Divine Help always re- main with us. R. Amen. At PRIME. Hail JMafy. INcline unto my Aid, O God. R. O Lord make haft to help me. Glory be to the Father, &c. • As it was in the beginning, &c The H Y M N. Memento rerum Conditor. REmembcr, You, O gracious Lord, Th' eternal God's Co-equal Word, In Virgin's Womb a Creature made Our Nature wore for Nature's Aid. O happy Mary chofe to be Mother ot Grace and Clemency \ Proteft us at the Hour of Death, And bear to Heaven our parting Breath. May after Advent, at Prime. Wj May Age to Age for ever fing The Virgin's Son and Angels King, And praiife with the Celeftial Hofb The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. Amen. The Anth. O Admirable Intercourfe X Psalm 53; Deus in nomine tuo- OGod, five me by thy Name, and. by thy Strength judge me,. O God, hear my Prayer:, with thy Ears receive the Words of my Mouth, Becaufe Strangers have rifen up againft.. rac, and the Strong have fought my Soul : and they Have not fetGod before theirEyes^ For behold,God helps me?and our Lord- is the Proteftor of my Soul. Turn away the Evils to my Enemies,.. and in thy Truth deftroy them. I will freely facrifice to thee, and wilh confefs to thy Name,0 Lord, becaufe it is good. Becaufe thou hall delivered me out of ail- Tribulation : and my Eyes have look'd down upon my Enemies, Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm 84. Benedixifti Domiroe. /~V Lord, thou haft bleffcd thy Land : V^/ thou haft turn'd away the Captivity of Jacob. Thou haft forgiven the Iniquity of thy People, thou haft cover d all their Sins. Thou haft moderated all thy Wrath,thou/ G s haft I Jo The Office of our B. Lady, haft turn'd away from the Wrath of thy Indignation. Convert us, O God our Saviour, and tarn away thy Anger from us. Wilt thou be angry with us for ever ? Or wilt thou extend thy Wrath from Ge- neration to Generation ? 0 God, thou being reconciled, (halt quicken us, and thy People (hall rejoice in thee. Shew us, O Lord, thy Mercy, and give us thy Salvation. 1 will hear what our Lord God fhall Ipeak in me, becaufe he will fpeak Peace to his People. And to his Saints, and to them that are converted to the Heart. But his Salvation is near to them that fear him, that Glory may inhabit our Land. Mercy and Truth have met each other, juftice and Peace have kifted. Truth is rifen out of the Earth, and Juftice has Iook'd down from Heaven. For our Lord will give Plenty, and our Land {hall yield its Fruit. Juftice (hall walk before him,and fet her Steps in the way. Glory be to the Father, &c Psalmii6. Laudate Dominum. PRaifooiir Lord allGentilcs, praifehim all People. Becaufe after Advent, At Prime. i } I Becaufe his Mercy is confirmed on us j and his Truth remains for ever. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Anth. O Admirable Intercourfe? the the Creator of Mankind, taking a living Body, vouchfafed to be Born of a Virgin, and coming forth Man without Seed, has given to us his Godhead. The Chapter. Cant. 6. WHo is fhe, that comes forth as the Morning Riling, fair as the Moon, eleft as the Sun, terrible as the Front of an Army fet in order of Battel. £. Thanks be to God. V. Vouchfafe that I may praife thee, O Sacred Virgin, i?. Give me Force againft thy Enemies. Lord have mercy on us. Chrifl have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. P\ Lord hear my Prayer. R* And let my Cry come to thee. Let us Tray. , OGod, who by the Fruitful Virginity of the BlelTed Virgin Afary, haft given to Mankind the Rewards of Eter- nal Salvation : "Grant, we befeech thee, that we may be fenfible of the Benefit of her Interceffion , by whom we have receiv'd the Author of Lire, our Lord Jcfus Chrift thy Son, who liveth, &c. -R. Amen. V. Lord, hear my Prayer. R+ And let my Cry come to thee. R. I $2 The Office of our B. Lady, r. Blcfs we our Lord. £. Thanks be to God. V. May the Souls of the Faithful, thro' the Mercy of God, reft in Peace. R* Amen. At the THIRD HOV R. Hail Marj. INcline unto my Aid,OGod. R. O Lord make haft to help me. Glory be to the Father, &c The HYMN. Memento return Conditor. REmember, You, O Gracious Lord Th> eternal God's Co-equal Word, In Virgin's Womb a Creature made Our Nature wore for Nature's Aid. O happy Mary Chofe to be Mother of Grace and Clemency ! Protcft us at the Hour of Death, And bear to Heaven our parting Breath. May Age to Age for ever fing The Virgin's Son and Angels King, And praife with the celeftial Hoft The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. Amen% TheAnth. When. thou waft unfpeakably. Psa.lmii 9. Ad Dominum cum tribularer. WHen.I was in Tribulation, I. cried to our Lord, and he heard me. Lord, deliver my Soul from unjuft .Lips, and from a deceitful Tongue. What will be gi vendor what rccom- pcfice after Advent ^ fit the Third Hour. i 3 3 pence can be made for a deceitfulTongue? The {harp Arrows of the Mighty, with Coals ofDefolation. Woe is me, that my Banifhment is pro- longed-, I have dwelt with the Inhabitants of Cedar ^my Soul has been long a Stranger. With them that hated Peace, I was peaceable : when I fpoke to them, they oppos'd me without Caufe. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalmi 20. Levavi oculos meos. I Have lifted up my Eyes to the Moun- tains, from whence Help fhall come tome. My Help is from our Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Let him not fuffer thyFoot to be movVk nor let him (lumber that keeps thee. Lo, he (hall not (lumber no*; fleep, that keeps IfraeL Our Lord keeps thee, our Lord is thy Proteftion, on thy right Hand, By Day the Sun fliall not burn thee, nor the Moon by Night.. Our Lord keeps thee from all Evil,may our Lord keep thy Soul, Let our Lord keep thy coming in, and thy going out} from henceforth, now, 3jnd for ever. Glory be to theFather, &c> Pfalm 1 24 The Office of our B. Lady, Psalm 121. Lafatus fum. IRejoic'd at thofe things, which were faid to me ; wc fhall go Into the Houfe 01 the Lord. Our Feet were {landing rn thy Courts, O Jerufalem. Jemfalem, which is built as a City, whofe Inhabitants are united together. For thither did the Tribes afcend, the Tribes of our Lord, the Tcftimony of If- rael \ to praife the Name of our Lord. Becaufe Seats fat there in Judgment, Seats upon the Houfe of David. Ask the things that are for the Peace of Jerufalemy and abundance to them that love thee. Let Peace be made in thy Strength,and abundance in thy Towers. For my Brethren^nd my Neighbors, I fpoke Peace of thee, For the Houfe of the Lord our God, I have fought good things for thee. Glory be to the Father, &c. The Anth. When thou waftunfpeakably Born of a Virgin, then were the Scrip- tures fulfilled 5 thou didft defcend like Rain into the Fleece, that thou might'ft fave Mankind : We praife thee our God. TtrCbjpter. Ecclef. 24. AND fo mSion was Ieftablifh'd,and in the fanftified City likewife I retted, and my Power was in Jerufakm. JR. Thanks After Advent ^ At the Third Hour. 135 R. Thanks be to God. F. Grace is pourM forth on thy Lips. R. Therefore God has blefTed thee for ever. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. V. O Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let m Pray. OGod, who by the Fruitful Virginity of the BlefTed Virgin Mary^haft given to Mankind the Rewards of Eternal Sal- vation: Grant, we befeech thee, that we may be fenfible of the Benefit of her Inter- ceffion, by whom we have received the Author of Life,our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, wholivethand reigneth, one God with thee, &c. R. Amen. V. Lord, hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. V. Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks be to God. V. May the Souls of the Faithful, thrcr2 the Mercy of God, reft in Peace. Amen. At the SIXTH HOVR. Hail Mary. INcline unto my Aid, O God. R. O Lord, make halt to help me. Glory be to the Father, &c Alklujal The HYMN. Memento rerum Condi tor. REmember, You, O gracious Lord, Th' eternal God's Co-equal Word, la I 7$ The Office of our B. Ladyr In Virgin's Womb a Creature made Our Mature wore for Nature's Aid. O happy Mary chofe to be Mother of Grace and Clemency ! Protect us at the Hour of Death, And bear to Heav'n our parting Breath. May Age to Age for ever fing The Virgin's Son.and Angels King, And praife with the Celeftial Hoft The Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. Amen.. The Anth. The Bufh, which Mpjes fkw. Psalm 122. Ad te Levavi. TO thee have I lifted up my Eyes r whod'welleft in the Heavens. Behold, as the Eyes of Servants are on the Hands of their Matters •„ As the Eyes of the Hand-maid on the Hands of her Miltrefs : fo are our Eyes to our Lord God, until he have mercy on us. Have mercy on us, O Lord-, have mercy anus, becaufe we arc overwhelmed with Contempt. Becaufe our Soul is overwhelmed :, be- ing an Ohjeft of Reproach to iuch as A- bound, and of Contempt to the Proud*. Glory be to the Father, &c Psalm 123. Nifi quia Dominus. BUT that oar Lord was. with us, let If- r*f/now fay, but that our Lord was with us, When After Advent^ at the Sixth Hour, iff When Men Rofe up again!!: us,perhaps they had fwallow'd us alive. When their Fury was rais'd againft us, perhaps the Waters had fwaUow'd us up. OurSoul has pafs'd thro' aTorrent, per- haps our Soul had pafs'd thro5 an intole- rable Water. Blefled be our Lord, who has not given us for a Prey to their Teeth. Our Soul, as a Sparrow, is delivered* from the Snare of the Fowlers. The Snare is broken, and we are deli* vcrM. Our help is in the Name of the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm 124. Quiconfidunt in Domino. THey that truft in our Lord, are as Mount Sionfic fhall not be mov'd for ever that dwells in Jerufalem. * Mountains round about it,and our Lord round about his People, from henceforth, now, and for ever. Becaufe our Lord will not leave the Rod of Sinners on the Lot of the Juft} that the Juft extend not their Hands to Iniquity. Do well, OLord, to the good and right of Heart. But our Lord will bring thofe that de- cline to perverfe Ways, wkh them that work 138 The Office of our B. Lady, work Iniquity, that Peace may be upon IfraeL Glory be to the Father, &c. The Anth. The Bufh which Mofes faw burn, without confuming, we acknow- ledge thy laudable Virginity preferv'd,0 Mother of God, make Intercefllon for us. The Chapter* Ecclef. 24.. IHavre taken Root in an Honorable Peo- ple, and in the Portion of my God his Inheritance, and my abiding is in the full Aflcmbly of Saints. JR. Thanks be to God. f. Bleffed art thou among Women. i?.And blefled is theFruit of thy Womb. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let its Fray. OGod, who by the Fruitful Virginity of the BleiTed Virgin Mary, haft gi- ven to Mankind the Rewards of Eternal Salvation -.Grant, we befeech thee, that we may be fenfible of the Benefit of her Intercellion, by whom we have received the Author of Life, our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who liveth, &c. R. Amen. Fi Lord, hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. r. Bicfs sjter Advent^ at the Ninth Hour. 1 3 9 V. Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks betoGod. May the Souls of the Faithful,thro5 the Mercy of God, reft in Peace. R. Amen. At the N I NT H HOVR. Hail Mary. INcline unto my Aid, O God. R. O Lord, make haft to help me. Glory be to the Father, &c. Alleluja. The HYMN. Memento rerum Conditor . REmember, You, O gracious Lord, Th' eternal God's Co-equal Word, In Virgin's Womb a Creature made Our Nature wore for Nature's Aid. O happy Mary chofe to be Mother of Grace and Clemency! Proted us at the Hour of Death, And bear to Heav'n our parting Breath* May Age to Age forever fing The Virgin's Son and Angek King, And praife with the Celeftial Hoft The Father, Son, and holy Ghoft. Amen. The Anth. Behold Mary. Psalm i2 5.Inconvertendo Dominus, WHen our Lord turn'd back the Captivity of Sion^ we were made as Men comforted. Then was our Mouth replenifh'd with Joy, and our Tongue with Joyfulnefs. Then fhall they fay among the Gentiles, the Lord has done great thines for them. Our 1 40 The Office of our B. Lady, Our Lord has done great things for us, we are made joyful. Turn our Captivity, O Lord, as a Tor- rent in the South. They that fow in Tears fhall reap in Joyfulnefs. Going out they went, and wept : lift- ing their Seed. But returning they fhall come with Joyfulnefs, carrying their Sheaves. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm 126. Nifi Dominus. IF our Lord builds ftot the Houfe, they have laboured in vain that build it. If our Lord keeps not the City, he watches in vain, that keeps it. It is in vain for you to rife beforeLight.- rife after ye have fat, you that cat "the Bread of Sorrow. When he fhall giveSleep to hisBeloved, behold Children are an Inheritance from our Lord : and the Fruit of the Womb is a Reward. As Arrows in the Hand of the Mighty, fo arc the Children of them that are re- jetted. BlefTcd is the Man that has filled his Defire of them : he (hall not be confound- ed, when he fhall fpeak to his Enemies in the Gate. Glory be to the Father, f&c. Pfalm after Advent, at the Ninth Hour. 141 Psalm 127. Beati omnes. BLefled are alJ that fear our Lord, that walk in his ways. Becaufe thou (halt eat the Labors of thy Hands : blefTed art thou, and it fhall be well with thee. Thy Wife, as a plentiful Vine on the Sides of thy Houfe. Thy Children, as youngPlants of Olive- trees, round about thy Table. Behold, fo fhall the Man be bleflfed, that fears our Lord. Let our Lord blefs thee out of 5/^,and ttiaylf thou fee the good things of 7*hf*~ lern all the Days of thy Life. ^May;ft thou alfo fee thy Children's Children, Peace on Jfrael. Glory be to the Father, &c. ■ The Anth. Behold, Mary has brought forth to us a Savior:, whom John feeing, Cry'd out:faying,Behold theLamb of God, behold him who takes away the Sins of World. 7k Chmtr. Ecclef. 24. IGave an Ordor as Cinamon,and as Aro- matic Balm in the Streets, and aschofen Myrrh have I given thee fvveetnefs ofOdor. R. Thanks be to God. V. Thou didft remain an inviolate Vir- gin after Child-bearing. R. Mother 142 The Office of our B. Lady, R. Mother of God, make Interccflion for us. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. r. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let w Pray. OGod, who by the Fruitful .Virginity of the BlefiTed Virgin Mary, &c. m before^ pag. 138. R. Amen. V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. V. Blefs we our Lord. JR. Thanks be to God. V. May the Souls of the Faithful thro} the Mercy of God, reft in Peace. R. Amen., At EVE N-SONG. Hail Mary. INcline unto my Aid, O God. R. O Lord make haft to help mc. Glory be to the Father, &c AUduja. The Anth. O Admirable lntercourfe ! Psalm i 09. Dixit Dominus. OUR Lord faid to my Lord, fit on my Right Hand. Until I make thy Enemies thy Footftool. Our Lord will feud forth theScepter of thy Power I after Advent , at Even-Song. 1 45 Power from Sion •, rule thou in the midft of thy Enemies The beginning with thee in the Day of thy Strength, in the Brightnefs of the Saints : from the Womb, before the Day- ftar, I begot thee. OurLorjL fwore,and he will not repent: thou art a Prieft for ever according to the Order oiMelchifedec. Our Lord on thy Right Hand, hath bro- ken Kings in the Day of his Wrath. He fhall judge in Nations, he fhall fill Ruins, he (hall crufh the Heads in the Land of ma ay. Of the Torrent in the way he fhall drink, therefore fhall he lift up his Head. Glory be to the Father, &c. The A/ith. O Admirable intercourfe! the Creator ofMankind,taking a living Body, vouchfafd to be Born of a Virgin, and coming forth Man, without Seed, has gi- ven to us his Godhead. The Anth. When thou waft. Psalm i i 2-Laudate pueri Dominum. PRaifeour Lord ye Children, praife the Name of our Lord, * The Name of our Lord be bleiTed from henceforth, now, and for ever. From the rifing of the Sun, to it's going down, the Name of our Lord is jyorthy ! of Praife, Our 1 44 TM* Office of our B. Ladj, Our Lord is high above all Nations,and his Glory above the Heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, that dvyells on high, and beholds the humble things in Heaven and Earth. Raifing up the needy from the Earth, and lifting up the poor out of the Dung. To place him with Princes, with the Princes of his People. Who makes the Barren Woman to dwell in her Houfc, a joyful Mother of Children. Glory be to the Father. &c. The Anth. When thou waft unfpeakably Born of a Virgin, then were the Scrip- tures fulfiU'd,thou didft defcend like Rain into the Fleece, that thou mighrft lave Mankind : We p?aife thee our God. The Anth. The Bulh which Mofes faw. Psalm 121. Lstatus luiru IRejoic'd at thofe things, which were faid to me: we fhall go into the Houfc of the Lord. Our Feet were Handing in thy Courts, O Jerufalem* Jtrujalem^ which is built as aCity,whofe Inhabitants are united together. For thither did the Tribes afcend, the Tribes of our Lord,the Teftimony of lfra- rf, to praife the Name of our Lord. Becaufe Seats fat there in Judgment, Scdts upoa the Houfc of David* Ask after Advent, at Even-Song. 145 Ask the things that are for the Peace of jerufalem : and abundance to them that love thee. Let Peace be made in thy Strength^ and abundance in thy Towers. For my Brethren and my Neighbors: I fpoke Peace of thee. For the Houfe of the Lord our God : I have fought good things for thee. Glory be to the Father, &c The Anth. The Bulh which Mofes faw burn, without confuming, we acknow- ledge thy Laudable Virginity preferv'd,0 Mother of God, make Interceffion for us* The Anth. The Root of Jejfe. P s a l m 126. Nifi Dominus. IF our Lord builds not the Houfe, they have laboured in vain that build it. If our Lord keeps not the City, he watches in vain that keeps it. It is in vain for you to rife before light: rife after ye have fat,you that eat theBread of Sorrow* When he fhall give fleep to his beloved: ehold Children are an Inheritance from [i our Lord : and the Fruit of the womb is a Reward. As Arrows in the Hand of the Mighty, are the Children of them, that are re- eded. _ BleiTed is the Man,thathas filled his de- are of them : he fhall not be confounded, H when 1 46 The Office of our B. Lady, when he fliali fpeak to his Enemies in the Gate. Glory be to the Father, &c The Amh.*t\ie Root of Jeffs has budded, a Star hath fprung out from Jacob •, a Vir- gin has brought forth a Savior: We praise thee our God. The Anth. Behold, Mary. Psalm 147. Lauda Jerufalem. OJerufalem, praife our Lord : praife thy God, O Sion. Becaufe he has ftrengthen'd the Locks of thy Gates, he has blefTed thy Children in thee. Who has fet thy Borders in Peace : and fills thee with the Fat of Corn. Who fends forth hisSpeech to theEarth: his Word runs fwiftly. Who gives Snow as Wool*, fcattersMift as Afbes. He calls his Cryftal as Morfels : before tlje Face of his Cold who (hall abide ? He fliali fend forth his Word, and fhall melt them : his Spirit fhall breath, and the Water's {hall flow. Who declares his Word to Jacob ^ Jus Juftice and Judgments to Ifrael. He has not done fo to any Nation : and his Judgments he has not made ma- nifeft to them. Glory be to the Father, &c. The after Advent, at Even-Song. 147 The Anth. Behold, Mary has brought forth to us a Savior, whom John feeing* cryxl out 'faying, Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away, the Sins of the World. Alleluja. Iht Chapter. Ecclef. 24. FRom the Beginning, and before the World, was I created, and to the World to come, I fhall not ceafe : And in the holy Habitation, have I miniftred be- fore him. R. Thanks be to God. ftHYM N. Ave Maris ftetia. B Right Mother of our Maker, hail Thou Virgin ever bleft, The Ocean's Star, by which we fail And gain the Port of Reft. Whilft we this Ave thus to thee From C/rftnWs Mouth rehearfe^ Prevail that Peace our Lot may be, And Evas Name reverfe. Releafe our long entangl'd Mind From all the Snares of ill ^ f With heav'nly light inftrucfc the Blind, And all our Vows fulfill. Exert for us a Mother's care And us thy Children own : ; Prevail with him to hear our Pray'r Who chofe to be thy Son. t O fpotlefs Maid ! whole Virtues fhine With brighteft Purity : H 2 Each j48 The Office of our B. LadJy Each Aftion of our Lives refine, And make us pure like Thee. Preferve our Lives unftain'd with ill In this infectious Way, That Heav'n alone our Souls may fill With Joys that ne'er decay. To God the Father endlefs praife -7 To God the Son the fame ; And Holy Ghoft, whofe equal Rays One equal Glory claim. Amen. V. Grace is pour'd forth on thy Lips. R. Therefore God has blelied thee for ever. The Anth. A great Myltery. The Song of the B. Virgin Mary. Luke 1. MY Soul does magnifie our Lord. And my Spirit has rejoie'd in God my Saviour. Becaufe he has regarded theMeannefs of his Handmaid : for behold, from hence- forth all Generations fhall call me Blef- fed. Becaufe he that is Mighty has done great things to me : and Holy is his Name. And his Mercy from Generation roGe- nerations, is on them that fear him. He has fhew'd Strength in his Arm, he has difpers'd theProud in the Imagination of their Hearts. He has depofed the Mighty from their Seat, and exalted the Humble. The after Advent, at Even-Song. 149 The Hungry he has filled with good, things, and the Rich he has fent away empty. He has received Ifrael his Child, being mindful of his Mercy, (As he fpoke to our Fathers :,) to Ahru* ham, and his Seed forever. Glory be to the Father, &c The Anth. A great Myftery of Inheri- tance! the Womb that never knew Man, is made the Temple of the Holy Ghoft : He is not polluted by taking Flefh of her : All Nations fhall come, faying, Glory be- to thee, O Lord. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let us Pray. OGod, who by the Fruitful Virginity of the Blefled Virgin Alary, haft given to Mankind the Rewards of Eter- nal Salvation : Grant, we befeech thee, that we may be fenfible of the Benefit of her Interceflion , by whom we have received the Author of Life, our Lord Jcfus Chrift thy Son, who liveth, &c. R. Amen. For the Saints. The Anth. All ye Saints of God vouchfafe to- make Interceflion for the Salvation of H 3 us, 150 The Office of our B. Lady, us, and of all. V. Ye Juft rejoice in our Lord,and be exceeding glad.tf. And glory all ye right of heart. Let U4 Pray. PRotect, O Lord, thy People, and let the Confidence we have in the Inter- cefllon of thy Blefled Apoftles, Peter and Paul, and of thy other Apoftles, prevail with thee, to preferve and defend us for ever. May all thy Saints, O Lord, we be- feech thee, every where aflift us, that whilft we celebrate their Merits, we may be fenlible of their Protection : Grant tis thy Peace in our Times:, and repel all Wickednefs from thy Church,profperoufly guide the Steps, Aftions and Defires of us and of all thyServants in the way of Salva- tion : Give eternal Bleflings to thofe who have done good to us, and everlafting Reft to the Faithful departed : Thro' our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, &c. R. Amen. V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. V. Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks be to God. V. May the Souls of the Faithful, Thro5 the mercy of God, reft in Peace. R* Amen. At After Advent, at Complin. i ^ i At COM? LIN. Hail Mary. ClOnvert us, 0 God our Saviour. I R. And turn away thyAnger from us. r. Incline unto my Aid, O God. /?. O Lord make haft to help me. Glory be to the Father, &c. Alleluja. Psalm 128. Soepe expugnaverunt. OFten have they affaulted me from my Youth \ let Ifrael now fay, Often have they affaulted me from my Youth, but they have not prevailed a- gainft me. Sinners have beaten onmyback,as on an Anvil:, they have prolonged their Iniquity. Our JuftLord will cut the Necks of Sifr- ners : let all be confounded, and turn'd backward, that hate Sion. Let them be made as Hay on the tops of Houfes .• which is withered before it be pluck'd up. Whereof the Reaper fhall not fill his Hand, nor he that gathers the Sheaves,his Bofom. And they who pafs'd by, faid not, the Bleffmg of the Lord be upon you ; we have bleffed you in the Name of ourLord. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm 129. De profundis. FRom the deep I have cried to thee, O Lord , Lord hear my Voice. H4 Let I $3 The Office of our B. Laay, Let thy Ears be attentive to the Voice of my Petition. If thou regarded Iniquities, O Lord: Lord, who fhall bear it ? Becaufe with thee there is Mercy : and becaufe of thyLaw,I have waited for thee, OLord. My Soul has trufted in his Word, my Soul has hop'd in our Lord. From the Morning Watch even till Night, let Ifrael hope in our Lord. Becaufe with our Lord there is Mercy, and with him plentiful Redemption. And he fhall redeem Ifrael from all his Iniquities. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm 1 3 o.Domine non eft exaltatuna. LOrd, my Heart is not exalted, nor are my Eyes lofty. Nor have 1 walk'd in great matters, nor in marvellous things above me. If I was not humble-minded, but ex- alted my Soul i As the wean'd Child is for his Mo- ther: fo let it be with my Soul. Let Ifrael hope in our Lord, from hence- forth, now, and for ever. Glory be to the Father,e^r. The HY M N. Memento rerum Com It or. REmember, You, O gracious Lord, Th' eternal God's Co-equal Word., la after Adventr at Complin. l->3 In Virgin's Womb a Creature made Our Nature wore for Nature's Aid. O happy Mary chofe to be Mother of Grace and Clemency ! Protect us at the Hour of Death, And bear to Heav'n our parting Breath. May Age to Age for ever fing The Virgin's Son and Angels King, And praife with thoCeleftial Hoft The Father, Son, and holy Ghoft. Amen, The Chapter. Ecclef. 24. ■ I Am the Mother of Beautiful Love,and of Fear,and of Knowledge,and of Ho- ly Hope. ^.Thanks be to God; V.Vray for us, Mother of God; R. That we may be made worthy the Promifes of Chrift. The Anth. A great Myftery. The Song of Simeon. Luh 2. NrOW,Lord, let thyServant depart in Peace, according to thy Word. Becaufe myEyes have fecn thySalvation^ Which thou haft prepared before the Face of all People, A Light to enlighten the Gentiles : and. for the Glory of thy People Ifrael. Glory be to the -Father, &c. The Anth. A great Myftery of Inheri- tance ! the Womb that never knew Man, is made the Temple of the Holy Ghoft : He is not polluted by taking Flefh of her, H 5 all I 54 The Office of cur B. L*dy, all Nations fhall come, faying, Glory be to thee, O Lord. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let us Tray. OGod, who by the Fruitful Virginity of the BlefTed Virgin M*ry, haft: gi- ven to Mankind the Rewards of Eternal Salvation : Grant, we befeech thee, that we may find the Benefit of her Interceffi- on, by whom we have received theAuthor €>{ Life, our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who liveth, &c R. Amen. V. O Lord hear my Prayer. R. And Let my Cry come to thee. V. Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks be to God. The BUJfing. May the Almighty and Merciful Lord*, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoftj blefs and keep us. R. Amen. This being done^ fay Kneelina^ the An- them, which is fet down after the Lauds, fag. 127. and the V. May the Divine Help, being faid, Our Father, Hail Mary, find the Creed, ire to be faid in Secret. The *5S THE OFFICE For the D E A D. To be faid Intire with the Invitatory and three No&unisand the Anthems doubled,** well atEven* Song qa 4tMattins,o» the Day of all the Faithful de~ parted, on the Day of the Departure, and on the An* ynverjary of any one Deceased, with one only Prayer , m follows -, and then at Even-Song the Pfalm% Praife our Lord, U to be omitted, and at the Lauds, the Pfalm, From the Deep. At other times the Office U faid, m it is here fet down. Even-Song is begun with the Anth. I will pleate. Psalm 114. Dilexi quoniam. The Prophet in this Pfalm gives thanks to God for having delivered him from an imminent danger*, And promifeth Sacrifices of praife to God for his mercy (hewn to him* I Have loved, becaufe our Lord will tear the Voice of my Prayer. Becaufe he has inclin'd his Ear to me^ and in my Days I will call upon him. TheSorrows ofDeath have encompafs'd me,and the Perils of Hell have found me. a 1 have found Tribulation and Sorrow, * d I call'd upon the Name of our Lord. i $6 The Office fur the Dead. 0 Lord, deliver my Soul : our Lord is Merciful andjuft^and ourGod doesMercy. Our Lord keeps littleOnes ; I was hum- bl'd, and he has delivered me. Turn, O my Soul, into thy reft,becaufe our Lord has done good things to thee. Becaufe he has deliver d my Soul from Death : my Eyes from Tears, my Feet from Slipping. 1 will pleafe ou* Lord in the Country of the Living. In the end of all the Tfahns^u to be faid, Give them, O Lord, Eternal reft: and* let thy Light fhine upon them for ever. ; The Anth. I will pleafe our Lord in the Land of the Living. The Anth. Woe is me. P s a l m 1 19. Ad Dominum cum tribularer. ARGUMENT, a* before in pag. 39. WHenTfwas in Tribulation, I cried to our Lord, and he heard me. Lord, deliver my Soul from unjult Lips, and from a deceitful Tongue. What will be given, or what recom^ pence can be made for a deceitfulTongue? The fharp Arrows of the Mighty, with Coals of Defolation. Woe is me, that my Banifhment is pro- long'd:, I have dwelt with the Inhabitants of Odar ^my Soui has been lo>ig a Stranger. With The Office for the Dead. 157 With them that hated Peace, I was peaceable : when I fpoke to them, they opposed me without Caufe. Give them O Lord, &c. as before. The Anth. Wee is me, O Lord, that my Abode is prolonged. The Anth. Our Lord Psalmi 20. Levavi oculos meos. ARGUMENT,** before in pag. 4c. I Have lifted up my Eyes to the Moun- tains, from whence Help ihall come tome. My Help is from our Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Let him not fuffer thyFoot to be mov'dr nor let him flumber that keeps thee. Lo, he fhall not .(lumber nor fleep, that keeps Ifrael. Our Lord keeps thee, cur Lord is thy Proteftion, on thy right Hand. By Day the Sun fhall not burn thee, nor the Moon by Night. Our Lord keeps thee from ail Evil,may our Lord keep thy Soul. Let our Lord keep thy coming in, and thy going out y from henceforth, now, and tor ever. Give them, &c. The Anth. Our Lord keeps thee from all Evil, may our Lord keep thy Soul. 77;e Invitarory folhwingj is fail on All- Souls D^ heard? and bit Health reftored to him. Ord, rebuke me not in thy Fury, nor chaftife me in thy Wrath. Have mercy on me, O Lord, becaufe I am infirm j heal me, O Lord, becaufe my Bones are difbrderd. And my Soul very much is troubl'd : but thou, Lord, how long. Turn O Lord, and deliver my Soul } fave me for thy mercies fake. Becaufe there is none in Death, that is mindful of thee \ and in Hell, who fhall confefs to thee ? I have been tired with my Groans : I will every Kight wafh my Bed : I will water my Couch with my Tears. My The Office for the Dead. 1 6j My Eye is troubPd with Fury, I am grown Old among all my Enemies. Depart from me, all you that work Ini- quity •, becaufe our Lord has heard the Voice of my Weeping. Our Lord has heard my Supplication -, our Lord has received my Prayer. Let all my Enemies «blufh, and be ve- ry much troubled •, let them be turned back and alhamed very quickly. G'vethem, &c, The Anth. Turn, O Lord, and deliver my SouL- becaufe that in Death, none is mindful of thee. The Anth. Left at any time. P s a l m 7. Domine Deus meus. Tbit Tfalm t*M made by David, as mofl Interpreters believe, in the time of his Verfecution under Saul : It contains excellent InftruFtions for repenting Sinners; OLord my God, I have hop'd in thee; fave me from all that perfecute me, and deliver me. Left at any time he,as a Lion,fnatch a- way my Soul \ whilft there is none to re- deem, nor to fave. O Loixl my God, if I have done this *, if there be Iniquity in my Hands. If I have repaid to them that rendred me Evils, let me defervedly fall empty be- fore my Enemies. Let the Ensxny perfecute my Soul, and feizc i6S The Office for the Dead. fcize it, and tread down my Life on the Earth ; and bring down my Glory into the Duft. Arife Lord, in thy Wrath, and be ex- alted in the Confines of my Enemies. And arife, O Lord my God, in the Pre- cept which thou haft commanded \ and an Aflembly of People fhall encompafs thee. And for this return on High ; our Lord judges the People. Judge me, O Lord, according to my Ju- ftice, and according to my Innocence up- on me. The Wicked nefs of Sinners fhall be con- fiuned, and thou fhaltdireft the Juft:who fearchell the Hearts and Reins, O God. My jufl: Help is from our Lord, who Saves the Right of Heart. God is a juit Judge, ftrong and patient : is he angry every Day ? If you will not be converted, he will fhake his Sword, he nascent his Bow, and prepared it. And in it he has prepared the Inftru- ments oNf Death, he has made his Arrows with burning Coals. Behold, he has been big withNnjuftice, he has conceived Pain, and brought forth Iniquity. He hasx>pen'd a Pit, and digg'd it up } and is fallen into the ditch, which he made. His The Office for the Dead. 1 6 9 His Sorrow (hall be turn'd upon him, and his Iniquity (hall fall upon his own Head. I will confefs to our Lord according to his Juftice \ and fing to the Name of our Lord molt High. Give them, &c. The Anth. Left at any time he fnatch a- way my Soul, as a Lion, whilft there is none to refcue, nor to fave me. Ir. From the Gates of Hell. R. Deliver, O Lord, their Souls, Our Father, all in Secret. Tkt Firfi Uffon. Job 7. Spare me,Lord,for my Days are nothing- What is Man, that thou magnified him ? Or, why fet'ft thou thy Heart to- wards him ? Thou do'ft vifit him early, and fuddenly thou proveft him. How long do'ft thou not fpare me, nor differ me to fw allow my Spittle ? I have Sinn'd ; What (hall I do to thee,0 keeper of Men? Why haft thou fet me contrary to thee, and I am become burthenfom to my felf ? Why do'ft thou not take away my Sin,and why do'ft thou not take away my Iniqui- ty ? Behold, now 1 (hall deep in the Dufl, and if thou feek me in the Morning, i fliall not be. R. I believe my Redeemer lives, and that in the laft Day, I (hall rife from the Earth, and iu my Flefh (hall fee God my Savior. I K 170 The Office for the Dead. r. Whom I my felf fhail fee, and not another, and my Eyes Hull behold : And in my Flefh I fhall fee God my Savior, The Seconi Lejjbv. Job ic. MY Soul is weary of my Life,I will let loofe my Speech againft my felf: I will fpeak in the Bitter nefs of my Soul •, 1 will fay to God \ condemn me not, tell why thou judgeft me fo ? Do's it feem good to thee, if thou Calumniate me, and Opprefs me,the Work of thy Hands, and help the Defign of the Impious? Haft thou Eyes of Flefh, or as a Man fees, {halt thou alfo fee?Are thyDays,as theDaysofMan? And are thy Years, as the Times of Men, that thou fhould'ft feek my Iniquity, and fearch my Sin ' And know, that I have done no Impious Thing : whereas there is none that can deliver out of thy Hand. R. Thou, who did'ft raife Lazarus {link- ing from the Grave : Thou,0 Lord, grant them reft, and the place of Indulgence. V. Who art to come to judge the Li- ving and the Dead,and the World by Fire, Thou, O Lord, grant them reft, and the place of Indulgence, Ibt Third Lcjfon. Job 10. THY Hands, O Lord, have made me, and framed me wholly round about and do'ft thou fo fuddenly caft me down headlong ? Remember, I befeech thee, that, as Clay, thou -madeft jne, and into Duft The Office for the Dead. 171 Dull thou wilt bring me again. Haft thou not milked me like Milk, and curded me as Cheefe ? With Skin and Flefh thou haftcloth'd me, with Bones and Sinews thou haft fet me together. Life and mercy thou haft given me, and thy Vifitation has kept my Spirit. R. Lord, when thou fhalt come to judge the Earth, where fhall I hide me from the Face of thy Wrath ? For I have finnM exceedingly in my life. V. I dread my evil a&ions, and blulh before thee : Do not condemn me when thou fhalt come to Judgment : For I have finn'd exceedingly in my Life. V. give them, O Lord, eternal reft, and let thy Light fhine upon them for ever. For I have finn'd exceedingly in my Life. Ax the Lauds, m hereafter, pag. 188. jit the SECOND N 0 C T V R N. For Tuefday and Friday. The Anth. In a place of Pafture. Psalm. 22. Dominus regit me. David under the fimiJitude of a Shepherd leading hU Flock, jkews what care God hit hdd over him, and vohat great benefits he had received from the divine Majefty. OUR Lord rules me, and nothing^ fhall be wanting to me^ in a place of Pafture, there he has put me. I 2 Upon 172 The Office for the Dead* Upon the refrefhing Waters, he brought me up^ he has converted my Soul. He has conducted me in the Paths of Juftice, for the Glory of his Name. For tho' 1 fhall walk in the mid 'ft of the Shadow of Death, I will not fear Evils, becaufe thou art with me. Thy Rod and thy Staff, they have com- forted me. Thou haft preparM in my fight a Table, againft them that trouble mc. Thou haft pour'd forthOil on my Head, and the Wine of my Chalice, how good- ly is it! And thy Mercy fhall foHow me all the Days of my Life. That I may for ever dwell in the Houfe of our Lord. Give them, &c Tfe Anth In a place of Pafture, there he has put me. The Anth. Remember not. Psalm 24. Ad te Domine levavi. It U probable tk.tt David made this Vfalm in tie time cf the J\ebellion c/Abfalon. It contains the T 'ray -r cf a Man in great fir aits, begging the ajfiffkvcc of Cod againft hU Enemies, and the pardon of bit fins. TO thee, Lord, I have lifted up my Soul : my God, in thee is my Confi- dence, let me not be afhanrd. Neither let my Enemies infult over nfc; for all that hope in thee, fhall not be con- founded. Let The Office for the Dead. ijj Let all be confounded, who vainly do unjuft things. Lord, (hew me thy Ways, and teach me thy Paths. Direct me in thy Truth, and teach me % becaufe thou art God my Savior, and thee have I expected all the Day. Remember O Lord, thy Companion-, and thy Mercies, that are from the begin- ning of the World. The- Sins of my Youth and my Igno- rance, do not remember. According to thy Mercy, remember me, for thy Goodnefs O Lord. Our Lord is Tweet and righteous*, for this caufe, he will give a Law to them, that Sin in the way. He will direct the Mild in Judgment -0 he will teach the Meek his Ways. All the Ways of our Lord, are Mercy and Truth •, to them that feek his Cove- nant, and his Teftimonies. For thy Name, O Lord, thou wilt be propitious to my Sin, becaufe it is great. Who is the Man that fears our Lord ? He appoints him a Law in the way he has chofen. His Soul (hall abide in good things, and his Seed Inherit the Land. Our Lord is a Support to them, that fear him : and his Teftament,that it may be made manifelt to them. I 3 My 174 TIje Office for the Dead. My Eyes are always to our Lord, bc- caufe he will deliver my Feet out of the Snare. Have regard to me, and fhew Mercy to jme, becauie I am alone, and poor. The Tribulations of my Heart are mul- tiplied, deliver me from my NeccfTities. Sec my Humiliations, and my Labor, and forgive all my Sins. Behold my Enemies, for they are mul- tiplied, and with unjuft Hatred they have purfued me. Keep mySoul and deliver me-, I fhall not be confounded, becaufe 1 have hoped in thee. The Innocent and Righteous have cleav'd to me, becaufe I expefted thee. Deliver Ifrael^ O God, out of all his Tribulations. Give them, &c The Anth. Remember not, O Lord, the Offences of my Youth, and my Ignorance. The Anth. I Believe. Psalm 26. Dominusilluminaiiomea. In this Tfahi David mentions the dangers which by God's affiance he has overcome, and the ajfuravce he bat of being prote fled for the future ; healfo begs of our Lard that he may without d\flurkance Jerve hhn Night and Day in the Tabernacle. OU R Lord is my Light, and my Sal- vation, whom fhall 1 fear? Our Lord is the Proteftor of my Life, of whom fhall 1 be afraid ? While The Office for the Dead. 175 While the Wicked approach to me, to cat my Flefh. My Enemies that trouble me, them- felves are wcakned, and are fallen. If Camps ftand againit me, my Heart (hall not fear. If Battels rife up againft me, this fhall raife my Hope. One thing I have ask'd of our Lord, this will I feek \ that I may dwell in the Houfe ot our Lord all the Days of my Life. That I may fee the Delights of ourLord, and vifit his Temple. Becaufe he has hid me in his Taberna- cle \ in the Day of Evils he has prote&ed me in the fecret of his Tabernacle. In a Rock he has exalted me, and now he has rais'd my Head above my Enemies. I have gone about, and offered in his Tabernacle aSacrifice of Fraifcrl will ff-ng, and repeat a Pfalm to our Lord. Hear, O Lord, my Voice, wherewith I have cried to thee -0 have mercy onme,and hear me. My Heart has fpoke to thee, my Face has fought thee out ? thy Face, O Lord, I will feek. Hide not thy Face from me •, turn not away in Wrath from thy Servant. Be thou my Helper, forfakeme not} nei- ther defpife me, O God my Savior- I 4 Becaufe ij6 The Office for the Dead. Becaufc iny Father and Mother have forfaken mc; but our Lord has received inc. Give me a Law, O Lord, in thy Way ; and direct mc in the right Path, becaufe of my Enemies. Deliver mc not to the Souls of them that perfecute me *, becaufe unjuft Witnei- fes have rifen up againft me, and Iniquity has lied aeainft it felf. " I believe I fhail fee the good things of our Lord, in the Land of the Living. Wait on our Lord, do manfully, and let thy Heart take Courage •, wait thou on our Lord. Give them, &c . The Anth. I believe I fhall fee the good things of our Lord in the Land of the Li- ving. V. May ourLord place them withPrinces. R. With the Princes of the People. Our Father, all infecret. The Fourth LcJJbn. Job 13. ANfwer me, how great are my Iniqui- ties and Sins : my Wicked Deeds and my Offences fliew me. Why hideft thou thy Face, and thinkefl me thy Ene- my ? Againft a Leaf, that is carried away with the Wind, thou fhew'ft thy Might, and perfecuteft dry Stubble. For thou writeft Bitternefs againft me, and wilt Confume me with the Sins of my Youth. Thou haft: put myFeet in aString, and haft obferv'd all my Paths, and conlidered the Steps The Office for the Dead, lll{? Steps of my Feet •, Who am to be Con- fum'd,as Rottenefs,and as a Garment that is eaten by the Moth. R. OGod, be mindful of me, becaufe my Life, is but Wind j nor may the fight of Man behold me. V. From the Deep, I cry'd to thee, O Lord, Lord hear my Voice. Nor may the fight of Man behold me. The Fifth Lejfon. Job 14. MA N born of a Woman, living a fhort time, is replenifh'd with many Miferies •, who as a Flower comes forth, and is deftroy'd, and flies awray like a Shadow, and never abides in the fame Hate. And doft thou count it a worthy thing, to open thy Eyes on fuch an one, and to bring him with thee into Judg- ment? Who can male clean one that is Conceived of unclean Seed ? Is it not thou, who only art?The Days of Man are (hort, the Number of his Months is with thee } Thou haft appointed his Limits, which cannot be patted. Depart a little from him, that may reft, till his wifh'd for Day comes, as that of the hirM Man. K. I grieve, O Lord, becaufe I have Sinn'd exceedingly in my Life \ O wretch what (hall I do, whither fhall I fly but to thee, my God ? Have mercy on me, when thou comeft at the latter Day. V. My Soul is greatly troubPd> bat I 5 thou,; t>*78 The Office for the Dead. thou, O Lord, come to it's relief. Have mercy on me when thou comeft at the lat- ter Day. fk Sixth Lejfon. Job 14. WHo will grant me this, that in Heft thou Protect me, and Hide me till thy Fury pafs away, and appoint me a time wherein thou wilt Remember me : Shall a Man that is dead^hinkTt thou,live again ? all the Days, in which I am now in Wir, 1 expett till my Change comes. Thou fhalt call me,and I fhall anfwer thee-, to the work of thy Hands thou fhalt reach forth thy Right Hand. Thou indeed haft numbred my Steps, but fpare my Sins. R. Remember not,0 Lord,my5ins,when thou fhalt come to judge the World by Fire. V. DireA, G> Lord my God, my way in thy fight, when thou fhalt come to judge the World by Fire. V. Give them,0 Lord,eternal reft,^. When thou ihalt come to judge the World by Fire. At the Lauds, at hereafter, pag. 188. jit the THIRD NO CTV R N. For Wednefday and Saturday. The Anth. May it pleafe thee. P s a l m $9. Expettans expe&avi. Interpreters fay that thU Pfilm contains two different fenfesythe one which regards the perfon of David persecuted by Abfalom, ar.d the other, -which re- tards the Perfon of the Son of God, bom according to the Fie fl> of the race of David. Thus itU apply I by su Paul, in kit Epiflh to the H andfome times he [peaks in hu own N'/tmeyckarlf denoting the Myjhry of hti Incarnation, which bat made ceafe all the Sacrifices of the old Law* EXpe&ing I expe&ed cur Lord : and he has heard me. He heard my Prayers, and brought me out of the Lake of Mifery, and from the filth of Dregs. And has fet my Feet upon a Rockland has dire&ed my Steps. And he has put a new Song into my Mouth, a Song to our God. Many (hall fee, and (hall fear*, and they lhaH hope in our Lord. BlelTed is the Man, whofe hope is the Name of ourLord^and has not had regard to Vanities, and falfe Madnefs. Thou haft done many marvellous things, O Lord my God, and in thy Congitations there is none that may be like to thee. I have declared, and have fpoken, they are multiplied above number. Sacrifice and Oblation thou wouldft not; but Ears thou haft perfected to me. Holocauft, and for Sin thou didft not require : then faid I behold I come. In the Head of the Book, it is writ of me, that 1 Ihould do thy WiU : my God, I would j 180 The Office for the Dead. would \ and thy Law is in the midft of my Heart. I have declared thy Juftice in the great AfTembly, I will not flay my Lips : Lord thou haft known it. Thy Juftice I have not hid in my Heart: thy Truth and thySalvatioal have fpoke. I have not hid thyMercy and thyTruth from the great Council. But thou, Lord, remove not thy Mercy far from me : thy Mercy, and thy Truth have always received me. Becaufe Evils have compafs'd me,which have no number : my Iniquities have over- taken me, and I was not able to fee. They are multiplied above the Hairs of my Head: and my Heart has forfaken me. May it pleafe thee, O Lord, to deliver me : Lord have regard to help me. Let them be Confounded, and Afham'd who feek my Soul j to take it away. Let them be turn'd Backward, and be Afhamed who defire Evils to me. Let them forthwith receive theirConfu- fion, who fay to me, well, well. Let ail that feek thee,rejoice,and be glad in thee: and let thofe that love thy Salva- tion, fay always, our Lord be Magnified. But I am Poor and Needy •, our Lord is careful of me. Thou art my Helper and my Prote&or : my God, delay not to help me. Give them, &c. The The Office for the Dead. 181 The Anth. May it pleafe thee, O Lord, to deliver me. Lord, have regard to help me. The Anth. Heal, O Lord, my Soul. Psalm 40. Beatus qui inteiligit. David in the time of hti affliction falls fick, and has recourfe to GoL All the Fathers have apply3 d this P faint to Jefu* Chrift, and with a great deal of Rea- fon, fince our Saviour himf elf cites one of the Verjes of it at predifti'rig the Treafon of Judas. So that Da- vid in being perfesuted by his Scny betray \i and ah an- ion3 d by his Friends, wm a plain Figure of Jefu* Chrift in the time of his Pajfwn, when the tfews, who were the People of God, and called hi* Children, rofe up againft him, and when his Jpofiles all abandon3 d him, and one bexrayd him. B Letted is theMan thatConfiders of the Needy,and Poor: in the Evil Day our Lord will deliver him. Our Lord Preferve him, and give him Life, and make him bleffed in the Land, and deliver him not to the will of his Enemies. Our Lord help him on the Bed of his Sorrow : thou hall turn'd all his Couch in his Infirmity. I faid ^ Lord have Mercy on me : heal my Soul,becaufeI haveSinn'd againft thee. My Enemies have fpoke Evils to me ^ when ihall he Die, and hrs Name Perifh? And if he came in to fee, he fpoke vain things ; his Heart is full of Iniquity. He went forth} and fpoke to others. All 1 82 The Office for the Dead. All my Enemies Whifper'd againft me, they Contrived Evils againft me. They have come to an unjuft Refoluti- on againft me^ but fhall not he,that fleeps, rife up again ? For the Man alfo of my Peace in whom I hop'd,who did eat my Bread, has gloried in treading me under Foot. But thou, Lord, have mercy on me, and raife me up again, and I will repay them. By this I have known, that thou haft confented to me \ becaufe my Enemy fhall not rejoice over me. But thou haft Received me, becaufe of my Innocence, and thou haft Confirmed me in thy fight for ever. BlefTed be our Lord, the God of Ijrael^ from the beginning of the World, and for evermore. Amen. Amen. Give them, &c. The Anth. Heal, O Lord, my Soul, be- caufe I have Sinn'd againft thee. The Anth. My Soul has thirfted. P s al m 41. Quemadmodum defiderat cervus. Some doubt whither David be the Author of thit Pfahn ; but nothing hinders why roe may not follow the opini- on of fome others who believe, that this Pfalm a- grees perfectly with the time of David'; Exile, whe- ther it be apply' d to the time when he was abfent from the Tabernacle^ and fuffering Perfecutiony or to the whole time of hi* Life, which he looked upon as a true Banijhmnt in regard to which he afpired with The Office for the Dead. 1 8 3 all hU Heart, and this hfl Senfe, is look'd upon by Bellarm. (a learned Author) to be the true litteral Sen fe of the rfalm. EVen as the Hart d'eHres the Fountains, of Waters *, fo my Soul thirfts after thee, O God. My Soul has thirfled after God,Power- ful and Living :, when fhall I come, and appear before the Face of God ? My Tears have been myBread Day and; Height, whilft it is faid to me daily,Where is thy God ? Thefe things have I remembred, and have pour'd out my Soul ia me ) becaufe I fhall pafs to the place of a wonderful- Tabernacle, even to the Houfe of God. In the Voice of Joy and Thanksgiving •, the found of one who is feafting. Why art thou Sorrowful my Soul : and why do'ft thou trouble me ? Hope in God? becaufe yet I will Praife him \ the Salvation of my Countenance, and my God. My Soul is troubrd within my felf, therefore will 1 be mindful of thee, front the Land of Jordan, and Hermoniim, from the little Mountain. Depth calls on Depths in the voice of thy Floud-gates. N All thy High Things, and thy Waves have pafs'd over me. In 1 84 The Office for the Dead. In the Day our Lord has Recommended hisMercy,and in theNight a Song to him. With me is Prayer to the God of my Life •, 1 will fay to God, Thou art my De- fender. Why haft thou forgot me, and why go I forrowful,whilft my Enemy Affii&s me ? Whilft my Bones are broken, my Ene- mies that trouble me, have infulted over me. Whilft they fay Day by Day, Where is thy God ? Why art thou heavy my Soul, and why doft thou trouble me ? Hope in God, becaufe yet will I praife him j the Salvation of my Countenance, and my God. Give them, &c. The Amh. MySoul has thirfted aftcrGod, the Powerful and the Living-, when Ihall I come,and appear before the Face of our Lord ? V. Deliver not to Beails the Souls who Confefs to thee. R. And forget not for ever the Souls of thy poor. Our Father, in fecret. The Seventh Lejpjn. Job 1 7. MY Spirit (hall be extenuated, myDays (hall be fhortn:d,and the Grave on- ly remains for me. I have not finn'd, and my Eye abides in bitternefs. Deliver me,0 Lord, and fet me befide thee, and let any one's Hand fight againft me. My Days are pafs'd, my Thoughts are diffi- pated, The Office for the Dead. 185 patcd, tormenting my Heart. They have turn'd Night into Day, and again after Darknefs I hope for Light. If I lhall ex- pert, Hell is my Houfe, and in Darknefs I have made my Bed:, I have faid to Rotten- nefs, thou art my Father \ my Mother, and my Siller, to the Worms. Where then is now my Expe&ation, and who confiders my Patience ? K. The fear of Death troubles me, Sin- ning Daily, and not Repenting, becaufe in. Hell there is no Redemption :, have Mer- cy on me, O God, and Save me. r. O God, in thy Name, Save me, and in thy Power, Deliver me. Becaufe in Hell there is no Redemption ^ have Mercy on me, O God, and Save me. The Eighth Lejfon. Job 19. MY Flelh. being Confum'd, my Bone has cleav'd to my Skin, and there are left only Lips about my Teeth. Have Mercy on me, have Mercy on me, at leaft you my Friends*, becaufe the Hand of our Lord hath touched me. Why do you perfecute me as God, and glut your felves with my Flefh ? Who will grant me, that my Words may be Written / Who will grant me, that they may be Drawn in a Book, with an Iron Pen, and a Plate of Lead j or elfe be Graven with Sjeel on a Flint? For I know, that my Redeemer fives, and that in the laft Day I fhall Rife out i86 The Office for the Dead. out of the Earth. And I (hall be cncom- pafs'd again with my Skin, and in inyFlefh I dial] lee God my Savior, whom I my felt fhail fee, and my Eyes fhall behold,and not another : This my hope is laid up in my Bofom. & Judge me not, O Lord, according to my Deeds •, for I have done no thing that is fit in thy fight \ therefore I befcech thy Msjefty, that thou, O God, wilt Blot out my Iniquity. P. Waft me,0 Lord,ftill more from my Injuftict *nd from my Sin Cleanfe me } that thou,0 God, wilt Blot out my Iniqui- ty- The Ninth Lejjon. Job 10. WHy didft thou bring me forth out of the Womb? I wifh I had been Confumed, that Eye might not fee me. I had been, as if I were not ; transfer'd from the Womb to the Grave. Shall not the fewnefs of my Days be ihortly ended*, Suffer me then to Lament my Sorrow a little while before I go, not to return, unto the Dark Land, that is coverd with the mift of death j a Land of mifery and Darknefs, where the fhadow of Death* and no Order, but Rverlafting Horror inhabits. R. Deliver me, O Lord, from the ways of Hell,who haft broken the Brazen Gates, and haft vifited Hell, and given them Light The Office for the Dead. 1 8 7 Light to behold thee:, who were in the Pains of Darknefs. R. Crying and faying, thou art come, O our Redeemer. Who were in the pains of Darknefs. V. Give them,0 Lord,cternal Reft,and let thy light fhine upon them for ever \ who were in the Pains of Darknefs. Which U always faid in the Week-day Office. The Refponfory following U only faid on All'Souh- Py/} and when the three Nofturns are faid together^ ax above > Pag. 155. R. Deliver me, O Lord, from eternal Death, at that dreadful Day, when the Heavens and Earth are to be mov'd \ when thou fhalt come to Judge the World by Fire. 'T.I tremble -0 and I dread the Day of Account, and of thy Wrath to come : when the Heav'ns and Earth are to be moved. R. That Day, is the day of Anger, of Calamity and Mifery> the great and moft bitter Day : when thou fhalt come to Judge the World by Fire. V. Give them,. O Lord, eternal reft, and let thy Light fhine upon them for ever. R. Deliver me, O Lord, from eternal Death, at that dreadful Day, when the Heav'ns and Earth are to be moved •, when thou fhalt come to Judge the World by Fire. At 1 8 8 The Office for tin Dead, At LAVD S. The Ant h. The humbrd Bones. P s a l m 50. Miferere mei Deus. Tbk rf.ilm contains an excellent Vrincty made :o God to ask pardon ofhUCrme^ to beg his grace to prefervc him from the I tions. And it com. wis not only the fen t intents of hiu own penitence 7 but alfo admirable rules, which the holy Ghoft gives by hi* Mouth to all Sinners* HAve Mercy on me, O God, according to thy great Mercy. And according to the multitude of ihy tender Mercies, blot out my Iniquities. Wafli me ft ill more from my Iniquity, and Cleanfe me from my Sin. Becaufe I know my Iniquity ; and my Sin is always againft me. To thee only have I Sinn'd, and done ^ Evil in thy Sight, that thou may'ft be jfc*^ ftified in thy Words, and overcome when thou art Judged. For behold I wasConceivM inlniquities, and my Mother Conceived me in Sins. for behold thou haft loved Truth } the uncertain and hidden things of thyWif- dom thou haft made manifeft to me. Thou (halt fprinkle me withHyfop,and I (hall be Cleans'd : thou (halt wafh me, , and I fhall be made whiter than Snow. To my Hearing thou fhalt give joy,and gladnefs ; and the Bones that arc humbled ftiall rejoice. Turn The Office for the Dead. 1 8 9 Turn away thy Face from my Sins, and blot out all my Iniquities. Create a clean Heart in mc, O God,and renew a right Spirit within my Bowels. Call me not away from thy Face, and thy Holy Spirit take not from me. Reftore to me the joy of thy Salvation, and Confirm me with thy perfeft Spirit. I will teach the Unjuft thy Ways, and the Wicked fhall be Converted to thee. Deliver me from Blood, O God, the God of my Salvation, and my Tongue lhall Extol thy Juftice. Lord, thou wilt open my Lips, and my. Mouth fhall declare thy Praife. Becaufe if thou wTould'ft have had Sa- crifice,! had verily given it •, with Burnt- offerings thou wilt not be delighted. A Sacrifice to God, is a troubled Spirit: A contrite and humble Heart, O God, thou wilt not defpife. Deal favourably, O Lord, in thy good Will with Sion ; that the Walls ofjerufit- lem may be built up. Then fhalt thou accept a Sacrifice of Ju- ftice, Oblations, and whole Burnt-offer- ings : then fhall they lav Calves upon thy Altar. Give them, &c. The ■• Amh. The humble Bones fhall re- ioicetoour Lord. i%9 190 The Office for the Dead. The Amh. Hear, O Lord. P s a l m 64. Te decet hymnus Deus. tbk TfgJm according to the ktur of itfeeys to be made about the time of the Israelites going out of Baby- lon and returning to Jerufalem. It p to be ap- ply d in the Jpirhual Senfe to tbe Church delivered from the C.iptivity of the Devil by the de ath of our Saviour fefii Chriji. A Hymn, O God, becomes thee,in S/~ on\ and a Vow fhall be rendred to thee in Jerufalem. Hear my Prayer *, all Flefh fhall come to thee. The Words of the Wicked have pre- vailed onus ; and thou wilt fhew Mercy to our Iniquities. Blefled is he whom thou hail made Choice of and Taken*, he fhall dwell in thy Courts. We fhall be replenilh'd in the Goods of thy Houfe \ Holy is thy Temple, Won- derful in Equity. Hear us, O God our Savior -, the Hope of all the Ends of the Earth, and of the Remoteft parts of the Sea. Preparing Mountains in thy Strength, Girded with Might *, who troubleft the Depth of the Sea, and the Sound of its Waves. The Gentiles fhall be Troubled, and they that inhabit the Borders fhall be A- fraid of thy Signs: The Eaft and the Weft thou fbalt delight. Thou I The Office for the Dead. 191 Thou haft Viilted the Earth, and made it Drink in Rain, thou haft Enrich'd it with Plenty. The River of God is Replenifh'd with Waters; thou haft prepared their Meat \ becaufe it is to be prepared. Make her Rivers Swell, Multiply her Fruits : In thy influence, flie fhall Rejoice and Abound. Thou wilt Blcfs the Circle of the Year with thy Goodnefs, and thy Fields fhall be Replenifh'd with Plenty. The beautiful Places of the Defart fhall be Fat, and the little Hills Encompafs'd with Joy. The Rams of the Sheep areCioath'd and the Vallies fhall abound with Corn *, they will cry out and rejoice in a Hymn* Give them, &c. The Anth. Hear, O Lord, my Prayer, all Flefh fhall come to thee. the Anth. Thy Right Hand. ' P s a l m 62. Deus Deus meus, ad tc de luce vigilo. ARGUMENT,*** before in pag. 23. OGod my God : to thee I watch from the Morning Light. My Soul has thirftcd after thee : my Flefh alfo very many ways. As in a Defart Land, and inacceffible, and without Wateu : fo in the Holy Place 'have 1 192 The Office for the Dead. have I appeared to thee, that I might be- hold thy Strength and thy Glory. Becaufe thy Mercy is better than Life, my Lips thai] praife thee. So will I blefs thee in my Life, and in thy Name I will lift up my Hands. As with Marrow and Fatnefs let my Soul be fiH'd,andmy Mouth fhall praife with Lips of Joy. If I have been mindful of thee on my Bed :, in the Morning I will meditate on thee \ becaufe thou haft been my Helper. And under the Cover of thy Wings I will rejoice, my Soul has cleav'd after thee \ thy RightHand has taken me under its Prote&ion. But they in vain have fought my Soul, they fhall enter into the lower Parts of the Earth : they fhall be delivered into the Power of the Sword; they fhall be the Portions of Foxes. But the King fhall rejoice in God, all fhall be prais'd, that fwear on him \ be- caufe theMouth of thofe,that fpeak wick- ed things, is ftopp'd. Psalm 66. Deus mifereatur noftri. ARGUMENT, at before in pag. 24. GOD have Mercy on us, and blefs us, caufe his Countenance to fhine upon us, and have Mercy on us. That we may know thy way, on Earth, thy Salvation, in all Nations. Let The Office for the Dead. 193 Let People, O God, confefs to thee, let all People praife thee. Let Nations be glad, and rejoice, be- caufe thou judged People with Equity, and directed the Nations on the Earth. Let People, O God, confefs to thee : let all People praife thee : the Earth has yielded her Fruit. May God,our God,blefs us -, may God blefs us, and may all the Ends of the Earth fear him. Give them, &c. The Anth. Thy Right Hand, O Lord, hath Received me. The Anth. From the GateofHelU The Song of Ez^chias. Ifai 38. I Have faid : In the mid'ft of my Days, I (hall go to the Gates of Hell. I have fought the Refidue of my Years •, I have faid, I fhall not fee our Lord God in the Land of the Living. I fhall behold Man no more:, nor him that dwells at reft. MyGeneration is taken away, and is at once fnatch'd from me, as the Tent of Shepherds. My Life is cut off, as by a Weaver \ i whilft I yet began he cut me off-, from Morning tillNight thou wilt make an end of me. • I hop'd until! the Morning \ as a Lion, fo has he broken all my Bones. K From 194 The Office for the Dead. From the Morning till Evening, thou wilt make an end of me } as a young Swal- low, fo will I cry} I will Meditate on thee as a Dove. My Eyes are weakned, looking up on High, Lord, I fuffer Violence, anfwer for me; what (hall I fay, or what fhall he anfwer me, whereas himfelf has done it ? I will Rehearfe to thee all my Years, in the Bitternefs of my Soul. Lord, if Man's Life be fuch, and the Life of my Spirit in fuch things, thou ihalt Chaftife me, and fhalt Quicken me, behold in Peace is my greateft Bitter- nefs. But thou halt delivered my Soul, that it Ihould not perifh \ thou hall call all my Sins behind thy Back . Becaufe Hell fhall not Confefs to thee, neither fhall Death Praife thee ; they that go down into the Lake fhall not Expedt thy Truth. The Living, the Living fhall Confefs tfl thee, as I alfo this Day ; the Father fhall make thy Truth known to his Chil- dren. Lord Save me •, and we (hall Sing our Pfalms all the Days of our Life in the Houfe of our Lord. Give them, &c. ■ The Office for the Dead. x 9 5 The Antk. From the Gate of Hell deli* ver my Soul, O Lord. g Anth. Let every Spirit. P s a l m 148. Laudate Dominum de Cadis. ARGUMENT, tff before in pag. 26. PRaife cur Lord from the Heavens, praife him m the high Places. Praife him all his Angels, praife him all his Powers. Praife him, Sun and Moon, praife him all ye Stars and Light. Praife him,0 Heavens of Heavens, and let theWaters,that are above thelieavens, praife the Kame of our Lord. Becaufe he fpoke, and they were made ; he commanded, and they were created. He eftablifh'd them for ever, World without end : He made a Precept, and it fhall not be annulled. Praife our Lord from the Earth, ye Dragons, and ail Depths. Fire, Hail, Snow, Ice, Tempeftuous Winds, which obey his Word. Mountains and allHills?Trees that bear Fruit, and all Cedars. Beafts and all Cattel : Serpents and winged Fowls. Kings of the Earth, and all People, Princes, and all Judges of the Earth. Young Men and Virgins, the Old with the Young j let them praife the Kame of K 2 our 1 96 The Office for the Dead. our Lord, becaufe his Name alone if ex- alted . The Confeflion of him is above Hea- ven and Earth, and he has exalted the Horn of his People. A Hymn to all his Saints, to the Sons oiJfraelj a People that approaches to him* Psalm 149. ARGUMENT, k before in pag. 28. SI N G to our Lord a new Song, let his Praife be in the Church of Saints. Let Ifrael be joyful in him that made him, and the Children of Sion rejoice in their King. Let them praife his Name in Quire : on Timbrel and Pfalter let them fing to him. Becaufe our Lord is well pleas'd with his People, and he will exalt the Meek to Salvation. The Saints (hall rejoice in Glory, they, ihall be -joyful in their Beds. The Praife of God (hall be in their Mouths, and two-edg'd Swords in their Hands. To execute Revenge on the Nations, Chaftifements among the People. To bind their Kings in Fetters, and their Nobles in Chains of Iron. That they may execute on them the Judgment that is written; this Glory is to all his Saints* Pfu^m The Office for the Dead. 197 P s a l m 1 50. Laudate Dominum in Sandis ARGUMENT, as before in pag. 2?. PRaife our Lord in his Saints, praile him in the Firmament of his Strength Praifc him in his Powers, praife hini according to the Multitude of his Great- nefs. Praife him in the Sound of Trumpet^ praife him on Pfalter and Harp. Praife him on Timbrel, and in Quire, praife him on Strings and Organs. Praife him on well-founding Cymbals, praife him on Cymbals of Joy : let every Spirit praife our Lord. Give them, &c. The. Anth. Let every Spirit Praife our Lord. V. I heard a Voice from Heaven, fay- ing to me. JR: BlefTed are the Dead, -that' Die in our Lord. The Anth. I am. The Song of Zach. Luke 1. BLeffed be our Lord God of Ifrael, be- caufe he has vifited and wrought the Redemption of his People. And rais'd up a Kingdom of Salvation to us, in theHoufe of David, his Servant. Ashefpokeby the Mouth of his Holy Prophets, that are from the beginning. Salvation from our Enemies, and from the Hand of all that hate us. K 3 To i 98 The Office for the Dead. To work Mercy with our Fathers, and ro remember his Holy Covenant. The Oath, which he fwore to Abra- ham our Father, that he would grant to us, That withoutFear,being delivered from the Hand of our Enemies, we may ferve him, InHolinefs and Juftice before him all our Days. And thou, Child, (halt be call'd the Prophet of the Higheft : for thou {halt go before the Face of ourLord to prepare his ways, To give Knowledge of Salvation to his People, for Remiflion of their Sins. Through the Bowels of the Mercy of our God *, in which the Riling Sun from on high has vilited us. To enlighten them that fit in Dark- nefs, and in the Shadow of Death : to dirett our Feet in the Way of Peace. Give them, &c. The Anth. I am RefurreSion and Life \ he that Believes in me, altho' he be Dead, fhall Live: and every one that Lives, and Believes in me, fhall not Die for ever. The Triers following, are faid kneeling. Our Father, in fecret. V. And lead us not into Temptation. /?, But deliver us from Evil. Amen. Pfalra The Office for the D^id. »99 Psalm 129. De profundis. A R G U M E N T, as before in pag. 59. FRom the deep I have cried to thee, O Lord :, Lord hear my Voice. Let thy Ears be attentive to the Voice of my Petition. If thou regardeft Iniquities, O Lord: Lord, who fhall bear it? Becaufe with thee there is Mercy : and becaufe of thy Law, I have waited for thee, O Lord. My Soul has trufted in his Word, my Soul has hop'd in our Lord. From the Morning Watch even till Night, let i/r^e/hope in our Lord. Becaufe with cur Lord there is Mercy, and with him plentiful Redemption. And he fhall redeem Ifrael from all his Iniquities. Give them, &c. r. From the Gate of Hell. £. Deliver their, Souls, O Lord. V. Let them Reft in Peace. R. Amen. V. Lord hear my Prayer. ^. And let my Cry come to thee. Let us Pray. QRant we befee^i thee, O God, (hrm As before, pag. 162. r^\God, the giver of Pardon, and lover of &c. As before, pag. 162. ("\God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the Faithful,. &c. As before, pas;. 162. K 4 Who SCO The Office for the Dead. Who Liveft and Reigneft, World without end. R. Amen. f. Give them O Lord eternal reft. R. And let thy light fhine upon them for ever. V. May they Reft in Peace. F. Amen. On the Day of the Commemoration of all the Dead, this Prayer is [aid. OGod the Creator and Redeemer of all the Faithful, &c. And in the end, Who Liveft and Reigneft, one God, w/th the Father, and the Holy Ghoft, World without end. R. Amen. V. Give them, &cm AVrayer on the Day of the Departure of aMan orWoman. REleafe O Lord, we befeech thee, the the Soul of thy Servant, from all the Chains of Sin, that being dead to the World (he or fire) may live to thee : and whatever Sins (he or floe) has commit- ted in this Life thro5 human frailty, do thou of thy moft merciful goodnefs for- give : Thro5 our Lord. A Prayer for a Deceased Lift op. OGod, of thy mercy, grant, that thy Servant whom thou haft plac'd amongft thy Apoftolical Priefts, indued with the Pontifical Dignity, may alfo be united with thy Apoftlcs in one Society for ever. Thro' our Lord. - For a Trieli DtcctfA, the fame Trayer is faid, but inftadof Tomifal Dignity >fiy VricjUy Dignity- A The Office for the Dead. 201 A V r ay er for ones Father Deceased* OGod, who had Commanded us to Honor our Father and Mother, have Mercy on the Soul of my Father, forgive him his Sins, and grant that we may meet in the Joys of eternal Gloryv Thro5 our Lord* For ones Mother Departed, the fame Prayer is alfo /aid, faying, for the Soul of my Father, the Soul of my Mother, andHerinftead of His. A Prayer for Father and Mother. OGod, who haft commanded us to honour our Parents, have mercy on the Souls of my Father and Mother: Forgive them their Sins, and grant that we may meet in the Joys of eternal Glo- ry: Thro'our Lord. A Prayer for a Mtn departed. ' INcline, O Lord, thy Ear to the Prayers we humbly offer up to thy mercy: That it may pleafe thee to grant the* Soul of thy Servant, which thou haft caus'd to depart this World, a place amongft thy Saints in the Region o£ Peace and Light : Thro' our Lord* A Prayer for a V/'oman departed. WE befeech tike, O Lord, of thy Goodnefs, have Mercy on the Sou), of thy Servant, and being deliver'd from the Corruption of this Life, Reftore her to the Portion of Everlafting Salvation. Thro' our Lord. K 5 A 202 The Office for the De.id. A Prayer en an Anniverforji OGod, the Lord of Mercy, give to the Souls of thy Servants Departed, ivhofe Anniverfary we celebrate, the feats of Refrefhment, the happinefs of Repofe, and brightnefs of eternal Light. Thro' our Lord. if the Anniverfary Day be for one Perfon only, il.cn the Prayer is to be fail in the Singular Number. A Prayer for our Brethren, filiations, and Bene- factorsy Dead. OGod the giver of Pardon, and lever of human Salvation, we befeech thy Clemency, thro' the Interceflion of the ever bleffed Virgin Mary and of all the. Saints, to admit the Brethren of our Congregation, Relations and Benefactors departed out of this World, to the fellow* ihip of eternal Blifs ! A Prayer for the Dead in General. OGod, the Creator and Redeemer of all the Faithful, give to the Souls of thy Servants, the Remifllon of all their Sins: That by Pious Supplications they may obtain the Pardon, they ever wifhed for, who Livcft and Reigneft World without end. R. Amen, THE 2©3 TH E GRADUAL PSALMS. The Firfl Five Tfalms are to be faid without Glory be to the Father, and in the End of the laft Pfalrn, is to be faid, Give them, O Lord, &c* Esalmii9* Ad Dominum cum tribularer. ARGUMENT, at before in pag. 39. WHen I was ia Tribulation, I cried to our Lord, and he heard me. Lord, deliver my Soul from unjuft Lips., and from a deceitful Tongue. What will be given, or what recom- pence can be made for a deceitfulTongue? The fharp Arrows of the Mighty, with Coals of Defolation. Woe is me, that my Banilhment is pro- long'dj I have dwelt with the Inhabitants of Cedar ^my Soul has been long a Stranger. With them that hated Peace, I was peaceable : when I fpoke to them, they opposed me without Gaufe. Psalmi 20. Levavi ocuios meos. ARGUMENT,** before in pag. 40. I Have lifted up my Eyes to the Moun- tains, from whence Help fhall come tome. My 204 The Gradual Pfalms. My Help is from our Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Let him not fuflfer thyFoot to be mov'd : nor let him (lumber that keeps thee. Lo, he (hall not (lumber nor deep, that keeps Ifraet. Our Lord keeps thee, our Lord is thy Prote&ion, on thy right Hand. By Day the Sun (hall not burn thee, nor the Moon by Night. Our Lord keeps thee from all Evil,may our Lord keep thy Soul. Let our Lord keep thy coming in, and thy going out 0 from henceforth^ now, and for ever- Psalm 121. Lxtatus fum. ARGUMENT,** before in pag. 41. IRejoic'd at thofe things, which were (aid to me ^ we (hall go into the Houfe of the Lord. Our Feet were ftanding in thy Courts, O JerufaUm. Jerusalem, which is built as a City, whofe Inhabitants are united together. For thither did the Tribes afcend, the Tribes of our Lord, the Teftimony of If- rati *, to praife the Name of our Lord. Becaufe Seats fat there in Judgment, Seats upon the Iloufe of David. As!: the things that are for the Peace of Jcntfalemy and abundance to them that love thee. Let The Gradual Pfalms. 205 Let Peace be made in thy Strength,and abundance in thy Towers. For my Brethren, and my Neighbors, I fpoke Peace of thee, For the Houfe of the Lord our God, I have fought goo d things for thee. Psalm 122. Ad te LevavL ARGUMENT, as before in pag. 43. TO thee have I lifted up my Eyes } whodwelleft in the Heavens. Behold, as the Eyes of Servants are on the Hands of their Matters } As the Eyes of the Hand-maid an- the Hands of her Miftrefs : fo are our Eyes to our Lord God, until he have mercy on us. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, becaufe we are overwhelmed with Contempt. Becaufe our Soul is overwhelmed ; be- ing an Objeft of Reproach to fuch as A- bound, and of Contempt to the Proud. Psalm 123. Nifi quia Dominus. ARGUMENT, a* before in pag. 44. BUT that our Lord was with us, let I[- rael now fay, but that our Lord was with us, When Men rofe up againft us, perhaps they had fwallow'd us alive. When their Fury was rais'd againft us, perhaps the Waters had fwallow'd us up. Our 2c6 The Gradual Pfa/ms.. Our Soul has pafs'd thro' a Torrent, perhaps our Soul has pafs'd thro' an in- tolerable Water. BlefTed be our Lord, who has not given us for a Prey to their Teeth. Our Soulj as a Sparrow, is deliver'd from the Snare of the Fowlers. The Snare is broken, and we are deli- ver'd. Our help is in the Name of the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Give them, O Lord, Eternal Reft, and let thy Light fhine upon them for ever, Jlienfay kneeling. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. Our Fathe$, in ferret. V. And lead us not into Temptation. R. But deliver us from Evil. V". From the Gate of Hell, R. Deliver their Souls, O Lord. V. May they reft in Peace. R. Amen. V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let w Prsty. REleafe, O Lord, we befeech thee, the Souls of thy Servants and of all the Faithful departed, from all the Chains of Sin \ that in the Glory of the Refurredtion amongft thy Saints and Elect they may rife again to everlafting Life; Thro' Chrift our Lord. R. Amen. After The Gradual Pfalms. 207 After each of the foKowivg Gradual Pfaims is faid. Glory be to the Father, <5c. Psalm 124. Qiiiconfidunt in Domino. ARGUMENT,^ before in pag. 45. THey that trull in our Lord, are as Mount Sionfic fhall not be moved for ever that dwells in Jerufalem. Mountains round about it,and ourLord round about his People, from henceforth^ now and for ever. Becaufe our Lord will not leave the rod of Sinners on the Lot of the Jufl 5 that the Jufl extend not their Hands to Iniquity. Do well,0 Lord,to the Good and right of Heart. But our Lord will bring thofe that de- cline to perverfe Ways, with them that work Iniquity, that Peace 'may be upon Ifrael. Glory be to the Gather, and to the Son, aad to the Holy Ghoft. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever fhall b?, World without end. Amen. Psalm i2 5.Inconvertendo Dominus. ARGUMENT,** before in pag. 47- WHen our Lord turn'd back the Captivity of Sion^ we were made as Men comforted. Then was our Mouth replenifh'd with Joy, and our Tongue with Joyfulnefs. Then fhall they fay among the Gentiles, the Lord has done great things for them. Our 2o8 The Gradual. Pfalms. Our Lord has done great things for us, we are made joyful. Turn our Captivity, O Lord, as a.Tor- rent in the South. They that fovv in Tears, fhall reap in joyfulnefs. Going out they went and wept : call- ing their Seed. But returning they fhall come with Joyfulnefs, carrying their Sheaves* Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm 126, Nifi Dominus, A R G U M E N.T, as before in pag, 4S. IF our Lord builds not the Houfe, they have laboured in vain that build it. If our Lord keeps not the City, he watches in vain,- that keeps it. It is in vain for you to rife before Light : rife after ye have fat, you that eat the Bread of Sorrow. When he fhall give Sleep to his belo- ved, behold Children are an Inheritance from cur Lord: and the Fruit of the Womb is a Reward. As Arrows in the Hand of the Mighty, fo are the Children of them that are re- jetted. Blefled is the Man that has filled his Defire of them : he fhall not be confound- ed, when he fhall fpeak to his Enemies in the Gate. Glory be to the Father, &c. . Pfalm The Gradual Pfalms. 209 Psalm 127. Beati omnes. ARGUMENT, a* before in pag. 48. BLefled arc a]] that fear our Lord, that walk in his ways. Becaufe thou fhalteat the Labors of thy Hands : blefTed art thou, and it fhall be vvrell with thee. Thy Wife, as a plentiful Vine on the Sides of thy Houfc. Thy Children, as youngPlants of Olive- trees, round about thy Table. Behold, fo fhall the Man be blefled, that fears our Lord. Let our Lord blefs thee out ofSlo^and may'ft thou fee the good things of Jem/a- UmaW the Days of thy Life. May'ft thou alfo fee thy Children's Children, Peace on IfraeL Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm 128. Saepe expugnaverunt. ARGUMENT,** before in pag. 59. OFten have they aflaulted me from my Youth } let Ifrael now fay, Often have they aflaulted me from my Youth, but they have not prevailed a- gainft me. Sinners have beaten on my back,as on an Anvil:, they have prolonged their Iniquity. Our JuftLord will cut the Necks of Sin- ners ; let all be confounded, and turn'd backward, that hate Sion. Let 210 The G: t them be made as Hay on the tons of Houfcs : which is withered before it dc pluck'd up. Whereof the Reaper /hall not fill his Hand, nor he that gathers the Sheaves,his Bofom. And they who pafi'd by, faid not, the Blefiin^ of the Lord be upon you ; we have blefled yon in the Name of ourLord. Glory be to the Father, &c. Then [iy kneeling. Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. Our Father, in fecrev V. And lead us not into Temptation. R. But deliver us from Evil. V. Be mindful of thy Congregation. R. Which thou haft pofTcfs'd from the Beginning. V. Lord hear my Prayer. R> And let my Cry come to thee. Let us Tray. O God ,whofe Property it is always to have Mercy, and to Spare, Receive our Petition, that we and all thy Servants, who are bound by the Chain of Sin, may, by the Companion of thy Goodnefs, Mer- cifully be Abfolved. Thro7 Chrift our Lord. Amen* Pfaim The Gradual Pfalms. ill Psalm 129. De profundi*. \ R G U M E N T, »s kefir* pa-. 59. FRorti the deep I have cried to thee, O Lord ; Lord hear my Voice. Let thy Ears be attentive to the Voice of my Petition. If thou regarded Iniquities, O Lord: Lord, who fhall bear it ? Becaufe with thee there is Mercy : and becaufe of thy Law ,1 have waited for thee, O Lord. My Soul has trailed in his Word, my Soul has hop'd in our Lord. From the Morning Watch even till Night, let Ifrael hope in our Lord. Becaufe with our Lord there is Mercy, and with him plentiful Redemption. And he fhall redeem Ifrael from all his Iniquities. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm i 3 o.Domine non eft exaltatum. ARGUMENT, # before in pag. 60. LOrd, my Heart is not exalted, net are my Eyes lofty. Nor have I walk'd in great matters, nor in marvellous things above me. If I was not humble-minded, but ex- alted my Soul ; As the wean'd Child is for his Mo- ther : fo let it be with my Soul. Let Ifrael hope in ourLord, from hence- forth, now, and for ever. Glorv be to the Father, &c. Pfahn 112 The Gradual Pfalrns. Psalm i 3 1 . Memento Domine David. Some fay this PfaJm was made by David rrfcw he Iran' flitted the Ark to Mount Sion ^. others that it was made by Solomon when it was tranflated into the Temple which he built. REmember David, O Lord, and all his Meeknefs : As he Swore to our Lord, and vow'da Vow to the God of Jacob : If I fhall Enter into the Tabernacle of my Houfe : If I fhall Afcend into my Bed7 If I fhall give Sleep to my Eyes, and Slumbring to my Eye-lids, And Reft to my Head, untill I find a place for our Lord, a Tabernacle for the God of Jacob. Behold, we have heard of it being in Ephrata^ we have found it in the Fields of the Wood. We will Enter into his Tabernacle \ we will Adore in the place, where his Feet ftood. Arife, Lord, into thy Reft*7 thou, and tbe Ark of thy San&ification. Let thy Priefls be Cloath'd withjuftice, and thy Saints Rejoice. For David thy Servant's fake, turn not away the Face of thy Chrift. Our Lord hath Sworn Truth to DavsJ^ and he will not make it Void : Of the Fruit of thy Womb, I will fct upon thy Throne. If The Gradual P films'. 21 $ If thy Children fhall keep myCovenant, and thefe my Precepts, which I will Teach them •, Their Children alfo for ever, fhall fit upon thy Throne. Becaufe our Lord has made Choice of Sio$ithe hath Chofen it for his Abode. This is my Reft for ever and ever, here will I dwell, becaufe I have Chofen it. Bleffing, I will blefs her Widow : her Poor, I will fill with Bread. Her Priefts I willCloath with Salvation, and her Saints fhall be Traniported with Joy- There will I make appear the Power of David ; there I have prepared a Lamp for my Chrift. His Enemies I will cover with Confufi- on, but upon him fhall my San&ification flourifti. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm 132. Ecce quam bonum. JbU Pfulm declares the happinefs of Unity among]} the Faithful. BEhold how Good, and Pleafant it is for Brethren to dwell in Unity. As Ointment on the Head, which ran down upon the Beard, the Beard of Aa- ron : Which ran down to the Hem of his Garment : As the Dew of Hermon, which fall's down upon Mount Skn. Becaufe 214 The Gradual ]\ Becaufe there has our Lord Com man* Blefling, and Life even forever. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm 133. Ecce nunc bencdicitc. All tboft who fervc Go), are exton -, to him a>;d bkfi him both by day and by N . BEhold now, Blefsour Lord, all the ! vants of our Lord, Who Hand in the Houfe of our Lord, in the Courts of the Houfe of our God, In the Kights lift up your Hands to the San&uary, and Blefs our Lord. Let our Lord out of Sion Blefs thee, who made Heaven and Earth. Glory be to the Father, &c. Tczk fy kneeling* Lord have mercy on us. Chrift have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. Our Father, in fecret. V. And lead us not into Temptation. R. But deliver us from Evil V. Save thy Servants. R. Trufting in thee, O my God. V. Lord hear my Prayer. R. And let my Cry come to thee. Let p.s Pray. STretch forth, O ^ord, the Right-hand of thy Heavenly Afliftance, to thy Servants •, that they may feek thee with their whole Hearts, and obtain what they earneflly require. Thro' Chrift our Lord. R. Amen. Tk 215 The Seven Penitential Psalms, with the Litanies, are to be fa id kmelim. The Anth. Remember not. Psalm 6. Domine ne in furore. ARGUMENT,** before in pag. 166. LOrd, rebuke me not in thy Fury^ nor chaftife me in thy Wrath. Have mercy on me, O Lord, becaufe I am infirm ^ heal me, O Lord, becaufe my Bones are diforder'd. And my Soul is very much troubPd : but thou, Lord, how long. Turn O Lord, and deliver my Soul ; fave me for thy mercies fake. Becaufe there is none in Death, that is mindful of thee •, and in Hell, who fhall confefs to thee ? I have been tired with my Groans : I will every Night wafli my Bed : I will water my Couch with my Tears. " My Eye is troubPd with Fury, lam grown Old among all my Enemies. Depart from me, all you that work Ini- quity ^ becaufe our Lord has heard the Voice of my Weeping. Our Lord has heard my Supplication j our Lord has received my Prayer. Let all my Enemies blufh, and be ve- 17 much troubled j let them be turned .back and afhamed very quickly. Glory be to the Father, &c. Pfaim 2 1 6 The Seven Psalmji. Beati quorum remiiTjt'. David declares thofe Men to be happy, rvhofe fins arc forgiven. He invites all by bit own Example to have recourfe to the mercy of God. B Lefled are they whofclniquities are for- given, and whofe Sins are cover'd. Bleffed is the Man, to whom our Lord has not imputed Sin -7 neither is there De- ceit in his Mouth. Becaufe I held my Peace, my Bones are waxed Old j whilft I Cried all the Day. Becaufe, Day and Night, thy Hand is made heavy upon me:, I am Converted in my Anguifh, whilft the Thorn is faftn'd in me. I have made my Sin known to thee, and my Injuftice I have not hid. I faid \ againft my felf, I will confefs my Injuftice to our Lord: and thou halt forgi- ven the Impiety of my Sin. For this fhall every holy one pray to thee in a feafonable time. Certainly in the Deluge of many Wa- ters, they fhall not approach to him. Thou art myRefuge from the Tribulati- on, which has compafs'd me: my Joy, de- liver me from thofe that AfTault me on every fide. 1 will give thee Underftanding, and In- ftruft thee in the way that thou fhalt go : I will fallen my Eyes upon thee. Do Penitential P Calms. 21 7 Do not become as the Horfe and Mule, which have no Underftanding. In Bit and Bridle bind fail their Jaws, who approach not to thee. Many are the Scourges of a Sinner, but Mercy fliall encompafs him, that hopes in our Lord. Be joyful in our Lord, and rejoice yc Juft, and Glory all ye Right of Heart- Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm 37. Domine ne in furore. All agree that this penitential PJaJm wm made by David after the two crimes of Adultery, and Mur~ der which he had committed. It contains the true and juft fentiments of a penitent Heart. LOrd Rebuke me not in thy Fury, nor Chaftife me in thy Wrath. Becaufe thy Arrows are faftn'd in me, and thy Hand has been heavy upon me. There is no health in my Flefh in re- gard of thy Anger, my Bones have no Peace in regard of my Sins. " Becaufe my Iniquities are gone over my Headland as a heavy Burthen, are become heavy upon me. My Sores are Putrified and Corrupted, becaufe of my folly. lam become Miferable, and Bowed Down, even to Extremity: I went Sor- rowful all the Day* Becaufe my Loins are filled with Illuil- ons3 and there is no Health in my Flefh. L lam 21 8 The Seven I am Affii&ed,and Humbled very much. I Roar'd out from the anguifh of my Heart. Lord, before thee is all my Defire : and my Groans are not hid from thee. My Heart is troubFd, my Strength has forfaken me ^ and the light of my Eyes is gone from me. My Friends and Neighbors have ap- proached, and flood againfl me. And they,that were near me, flood afar o'ffj and they did Violence, who fought my Soul. And, they that fought me Hurt, fpoke Falfities } and fludiedDeceits all the Day. But I, as one Deaf,did not Hear; and as one Dumb, not opening his Mouth. And I became as a Man that does not Hear, and as not having Reprehenlion in his Mouth. Becaufe in thee, Lord, have I hoped -7 thou fhalt hear me, O Lord my God. For I have faid •, left at any time my Enemies Rejoice over me ^ becaufe v/hilft my Feet are moved, they fpoke terrible things of me. Becaufe I am ready for Scourges, and my Grief is always in my fight. Becaufe I will declare my Iniquity, and j I will think of my Sin. But my Enemies live, and are ftreng- ( then'd over me, and they are multiplied j ^hat Hate me unjuttly. They j Penitent id Pfalms. 219 They that repay Evil for Good, flan- der'd me, becaufe I followed Goodnefs. Forfake me not, O Lord my God, de- part not from me. Incline to my help, O Lord, the God of my Salvation. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm