Meditations J U P O N T H E LOVE OF CHRIST, I N T n E REDEMPTION O F ELECT SINNERS. "Written by the truly worthy, learned, and eminently Re¬ ligious Mr. Hugh Clark^ fometime before his Death; which was on the 15th Day of February 1724., and of his Age the 36th Year, PsAL. civ. 34. My Meditation of him /hall he fweet: I will be glad in the Lord. ^ PsAL. Ixiii. 5. My Soul/hall he fatisjied with Marrow and Fatnefs'y and rny Mouth fl)allpraife thee with joyful Lips. Ver. 6. IVhen I remember thee upon my Bedy and meditate cn thee in the Night Watches, , , ..... , [ I ..... 1 ^ G L A S G O JV, Printed by J. M‘Callum, for Robert Smith, at the gilt Bible Salt-mercat, M. DCC. Lll. ( 3 ) 1 G R O S T In a meaner Theam, I mind to prove What fw’eeter Charms are in a God-like Love j And to employ my Heart and Hand to fing And write the Love of my dear Lord and Kingy Who came from Heav’n to Earth to feek and iave So wretch’d, fo worthlcfs and fo vile a Slave.* O may his facred Spirit guide my Hand, Enlarge my Heart his Love to underftand ; ' Raife my dull Fancy, and my Soul inflame, And caufe that what I write, I love the fame. Before all Time, while yet Heav’n’s glorious Ball Did not enclofe this Globe Terreftrial; Ere Man was form’d, the Lord’s All-piercing Eye,f Who views all Things from ail Eternity, Perceiv’d how Man by Sin would foully fall. And unto Death fubjedl his Children all. He faw wretch’d felf-deftroying Mankind ly Plung’d in the deep Abyfs of Mifery, Like to^an Infant helplefs and forlorn. Call: out in open Field when newly born ; J Whom no Eye pity’d wallowing in Blood Juft ready to be fw'allow’d by the Flood Of dreadful Vengeance, and devouring Wrath, And overwhelmed in eternal Death. A 2 ' Thus ; ♦ Luke 19. 10. t Adis 15. 18. % Ezek. 16. 4, 5. ye A + ) Thus Mankind lay w>th Neck upon the Block ; Jtifttce about to give the fatal Stroke, i he Law demands that guilty Rebels die :jj Nought but the Sinner’s Death can fatisfie Ofi'ended Juftice, now tcJ give the Blow, And lend the Sinner to the Pit below. All Hope feems loft, till boundlefs Love and Grace Steps in, in Favours of the guilty Race: £]eid not Need of thee,§ For * Alat. 27, 46. i jehn 14. 6. iGal. 3. 13, 14. II 53- 7* %John jg. 9. * Gal. 3. 14. ■\John i. j. comp, with 5. 14. %2 Cor. 6. 18. ^Mat. 12. 40. § Heb. 2. 14. * Eph. 2. 3, i Ileb. 12. 22. J Ga/. 3. 43. HIM. 2. II. §IE/. 2. 16. * Join 15. 16. •f Ez^I. 16. 14. J Riv. 3. 18. tl Zeeb. 13. 3. § j^cb / . ( 7 ) . . ^my Salvation fliould conlent to die! ild’ft thou engage his Heart? his Love dcferve, /nom Hofts of Angels and Archangels ferve A ho hath a World of Creatures at Command, Upheld and rul’d by his Almighty Hand?f Had Sinners Beauty, Wealth or Parentage,]: This Heavenly Lover’s Heart thus to engage ? What had poor Ele6t Souls in them to prove Such an Attra£five to their Maker’s Love ? That he their King, their Hufband fnould become And to his glorious Manfions take them home ?§ Sure nothing. Why ? The State that they were in Was that of defperate Enmity and Sin.* Rebellious Hatred ’gainft his iMajelfyf Had tainted all the lapfed Progeny.]: Satan’s black Image had their Nature fiain’d :li Their Plearts andWilisin Lull’s ftrong Bonds were chain’d^ They had no Strength nor Mind to plead for Peace,* No "VVill to fue for their Creator’s Grace ; No Hope of Pardon j no Delight in God But eager bent upon Deftrudlion’s Road.]: Thus he beheld in Blood and Miferyj] An Eledf World, before they w'ere to ly: And yqt (Amazing Thought!) he lov’d them then ; And his Delights were with the Sons of Men.§ What was the Caufe, fay Saints, if you can tel!. Why he fhould love fuch guilty Lumps of Hell ? W"e cannot tell; The Wonder’s far above Cur lhallow Thoughts: But only God is Love* Here '* Heh. I. 6. and ii. 3. ■\ Col. i. 17. -^Ezek. 16. 3, 4,5. 1!//h-. 54. 5. 14. 2. 8. 7. ^Col. X. 21. XRom.^. 10. \\Eph. 2. I, 2, 3. § Rem. 5. 8. * RXm. 5. 6. -[Eph. 2. 12. ]:i jieft he turn you to the loweft Hell, cverlafting Burnings there to dwell (] a \ here’s Relief for you: Lo here’s a Shade /torn fcorching Wrath : a Vail by Jefus made /To cover your poor guilty Souls from Wrath j Come liither, fainting Souls, and take your Breath Under the Covert of his faving Wings, Who to your Soul fweet Peace and Pardon brings, AH you, who under Sinai's Flafhes ftand. You who are tofled in a weary Land ; Lo, here’s the Shadow of a mighty Rock; Lo, here’s a Covert from the dreadful Stroke Of Juftice Sword: Lo here’s a Cloud by Day,§ Arid Light by Night, to guide you in the Way. Are you afraid to meet a wrathful Judge? Lo, here’s for you a City of Refuge. Can you not work becaufe of Impotence ? Lay hold on his compleat Obedience. Have you rebelled, and muft you therefore die? r>o, he hath born for you the Penaltie. Acquaint yourfelves with him, and be at Peace ; You are not under Law; but under Grace.* The Law, your foimer Hufbmd, now is dead,f And Chrift’s become )our Hufband and your Head But yet you muft not hence to S:n give Place, Becaufe you are not under Law, but Grace .J There’s ftill a Law and Yoke your Necks above: T.'ho’ not the Law of Works ; the Law of Love.[| The Love of Chrift like to a golden Chain, Still to Obedience muft your Souls conftraln. Not flavifti Fear muft you to Duty move; Your Motives now are Gratitude and Love. If you arc weak. Strength from vour Saviour draw, Whereby ftneerely toobferve his Law. 1 4* J 12. 2^. ' H Ifa. 33. 14, and 4. 6. yoh 22. 7.1. f Rom. b. la, and y. 2 8 2 C'or. 5. 14. 5 With §//a 4. 5. I Roffii o. I With him remains the Spirit’s Reri(iue,§ Your Souls to quicken, and your Lulls fubcluc. With him is likewife Merit tofupply Your Services in their Deficiency. With him is Incenfe to perfume your Pray’rs,* And Skill to guide you in your Soul-Affairs. O mind the lovely Name which he obtain’d When circumcis’d; as th’ Angel had ordain’d. He’s called Jefus^ for he faves his own,i- Firft from their Sins, then from Deftruilion. This is the true-fpiritual 'Jojhua,^ Who when a Mofe's cznnoi by the Law, Ering Abran'^% Seed into the promis’d Land,ll Conducls them in by his Almighty Hand, Out of the howling Wildernefs of Sin, Which they for many Years have w'andred in; Divides their 'Jordan^ brings them to theblcfl Pofl'dTion of their wifil’d Canaan of Reff. ’Tis he, who cloath’d with filthy Robes do fland,§ Even the'Elects Guilt; and clofe by his right Hand, Stands Satan, ready to refill him in 'Ehe bleifcd W^oik of expiating Sin ; But maugre all his Malice and lijs Pow’r, The blefTcd yejus fiill proves Conqueror; Blots out his Folks d'ranfgrefiion in one Day,^' And hath their filthy Ga.rmcnts ta’en away ; Is drefs’d with Robes of purell Righteoufnefs, And golden Oowns the Motto Holinefs.-\ i'ishe that is a Prieft upon his Throne jH Who brings his Captives out of Babylon The Proohet whom we mull in all ThinfTS hear,"^' W^io tlie Glory of his Father’s Houfe doth beartf W^ho by the Holy Ghoft anointed isj; Unto his tiircc great facred Offices. § Mat. Q. 25. % Mat. I. 21. 3. 3, with 3. I. ^Exod. 39. 30. He’s t Luke 1. 31, and 2. 21 6. J3. J Pfal. 45. 8. * Rev. 8. 3. Deut. 31. 23. ^Deut.. 32” 52. *Zech. fZech. 3. 9. with 3. 4, 5. I'/.ecb. 6- ir. ^Zeeh. 6. 13. *Deut. 18. 15. ■\Zech. ^\xx'a ( 19 ) furper ; him the Father call’dJl /High Fun£tion, fandlify’d and feard:§ Aphet like to Mofes^ mild and meek £rttji of th’ Order of Melchizedeck ;f /King to rule on Zion’s holy Flill. J ill which he doth moft perfedfly fulfil. , ^ Lo here’s aTreafure ! come, poor needy Saints: Here isaStore-houfe to fupply your Wants; Do you want Wifdom? Wifdom’s Treafures hid[j Ly all in him ; you fhall be furnifhed. Are you afraid thro’ Ignorance to ftray ?§ He is a Light to guide you in the Way,’*^ He is a faithful PropJut to reveal Th’ Eternal Secrets of his Father’s Will. And well he can who from Eternityf Did in the blefled Father’s Bofom ly. ’Tis he alone who faw, and can declare;}; What his great Father’s Thoughts and Counfels are, Thofe Purpofes of Love, ere Time began For faving of poor felf-deftroying Man. Who by his Word and Spirit fince the Fall Reveals them to his Church in Ages all. Who preach’d at firft himfelf; and after fent The Prophets to declare his Covenant. He was the Angel who to Mamrezzm^^ And promifed a Seed to Abraham j Which fhould bring Blcffe hiefs to Nations all j ’Twas he who w'rettled with great Jfrael,^ ’Twas he who fpeke with Mofes in the Bufli;'^' And gave him lively Oracles for us. ’Tis he w’ho calls each faithful Minifter, Who Gifts and Graces doth on them confer. I Do you want Pardon ? Come to Jefus Chrift, 'l'’obtain Atonement. He’s the glorious Prieft.;}; G 2 * ASis 7.37. t F '^Heb. 4. 5. ^John 6. tPfal. 2. 6. IICo/. 2. 3. I. j8. XMat. It. 27. 7. 38, XEph. 4. He 110. 4. ^John 1.4. * F>/. 27. I. Xjohri \Gen. 18. I, ?&c. §&Vw. 32. 24. 7,8. 4/70^7.3,9,23. ( He is the precious fpoilefb Sacrifice, Wliich rl;vine Jultice fully fatisfies ;if » He IS a l ubcrnacle frorp the Heat ' He is the covering Ark, nnd Mercy-fcat ;* He is the Altar which cloth fanrSfifyf 'I he Ciifcs of all that on him do rely ; He is the fkilfiil Acivocate that plcads+ His People’s C.iufe; and for them interceeds.)! Poor Souls, who cant’ approach the Throne of Grace, l>ut Shame and Blulhing quickly fills vour Face, Thro’ Selife of Ciuilt, which like a Weight of Ijcad, Doth prefs your Soul with deep amazing Dead ; Who towards Heiv’n dare not liit up your E)es,§ Bv Reafon of your great Iniquities;* "VViio look for naught but divine Indignation; Improve his Piiefihood and Propitiation; Believe on him for jaltifying Grace: His Sacrifice procutes you lifting Peace. Want you Redemption.'* want you Liberty From Sin’s Dominion, Satan’s Fyranny ? hind you (Irorg holds of Luff prevail in you ? j- Heir aiTiig’n'y Prince, who can fubdue Ienf. (3. ( 26 ) To prove the fame, throw down thyfelf from hencC; ^ 'And truft thy Father’s Word and Providence : ^ For it is written in his Word, “ That he M “ Will give his Angels Charge concerning thee, '^^o bear the up, Hill waiting thee upon, ^ Left thou ftiould dafh thy Foot againft a Stone. But Jefus faid, ’Tis written thus again, w “ Thou (halt not tempt tlie Lord thy God in vain.J ^ Thus Satan’s foil’d at laft, and can’t prevail Againft the mighty Prince of Ifrael. Then, tempted Soul behold thy glorious Lord, Let his Temptation Help to thee afford. When thou art tempted: He o’ercame for thee. Thou (halt at Length in him vidorious be. Take his whole Armour, learn of him to wieldjl The Spirit’s Sword, and Faith’s defenftve Shield: By thefe thou ftialt be able to repel The Stratagems, and fiery Darts of Hell.§ Thus Jefus cntred on his Miniftry After a glorious F’ight and ViHory: In the Difcharge whereof he underwent A thoufand Toils; himfelfhe daily fpent In travelling abroad from Place to Place,* In publifiiing the News of Grace and Peace.f In labouring always, and in doing Good,J Teaching and Feeding of the Multitude. || Calling out Devils, railing the Dead to Lifc;§ Healing all Sickneftes, and every Grief: * He bore our Sickneftes and Miferies,j- The Coi>tradi6lions of his Enemies ;:j: The Father’s Wrath and Curfe, the Pains of Hell,|| And was rejeifted by his Ifrael.^ He never rode, fave once, but up and down** He walked ftill a-Foot from Town to Town. From Hill to Mountain, and from Sea to Sea,f Throw all Judea's Coafts, and Galilee '"I'hro’ all Saniarm's Borders lar and near, Vta, to tlie Coafts of Zidon and of T^ re.\ . Ini X -Deut. 6 . i6 \\Eph. 6 . 13. ^ Eph. 6. ii. *' Mat 4. 23, 24. ■\ laike 4. 18. X/lGs 10. 38. \\ Mat. 14. 19, 20. ^Mat. 8. 28. *Ma(. 14. 14. \Mat. 8. 19. XHeL 12.3. \\Gal. 3. 18. \Joh?i * 35. \ Luke I. XJohne{. 3. \Mark 7. 24. / ,( 27 ) Hunger, Perils manifold: ler’s fultery Heat, and Winter’s chilling Col^. he had taught and travell’d all the Day, feht he had not where his Head to lay. Hlefi; Heart hath Holes, the fmallert Bird a Nert,§ /Jefus had no Houfe wherein to rert. /was oblig’d to others ev’n for Bread,* Id for a Conch whereon to rell his Head. /o matchlefs Love! Ihould Jefus toil for me ? ^nould he of Riches thus denuded be ? ^Should he be hungry, Ihould he fuffer Need: Who doth all Men, and other Creatures feed? Should he be thirrty, who’s the living Springs That fends refreOiing Streams to every living Thing ! Should he be fcorch’d with Heat, or chil’d with Cold ! Should he be deftitute of Houfe and Hold ! Who Summer’s Heat and Winter’s Cold did make; Who Heaven and Earth doth for Porteffion take. And (hall I grude to toil for him again ? If it may honour him, (hall I difdain .To walk fjn Foot, to run from Place to Place, If I to others may commend his Grace ? What tlio’ I want a Houfe wherein to dwell ? So did the glorious King of Ifrael: MTat tho’ I’m forc’d to take a borrow’d Bed, WTereon I may repofe my worthlefs Head ? M liat tho’ 1 am oblig’d to other Men, And thankful if they will me entertain: This Thought Ihould Quiet to my Heart afford; The Servant murt not be above his Lord.f Oh henceforth never let me make Complaint. For Want of outward Things; let me not faint, Becaufe of Tryals Strength or Multitude; I have not yet refifted unto Blood.J Am I reproach’d ? fo was my Lord before; Am I defpis’d ? he was contemned more. O could I learn of him in ev’ry State, His holy fpotlefs Life to imitate: And where I cannot follow, to deplore INIy Weaknefs, and his Holinefs adore. of Grace’s Fulnefs all he was portefs’d: All fiiining Virtues center’d in his Breart: Mat. 8. 20. * Luke 8. 33. -f Mat. 10. 24. ^Heh. The i; t. ( 2S ) The fwect^ Mceknefs and Humility, The greatell; Kindnefs Love and Clemency : So that the bruifed Reed he never breaks Ij Nor doth he ever quench the fmoaking Llax. He bore Affronts with wondrous Patience, Altho’ he could maintain’d his Innocence. He adted Faith on God. and did rcly§ On him, without all Doubtings conftantly.’^ Yea, when deferted, yet, he Hill abode By Faith unfliaken, relling on his God. j- His fervent Love to God, and flaming Zeal Both for his Father’s Name, and Church's Weal Were eminent, and find no Parallel. That very Night in which he was betray’d,|. Fie would not leave his People without Aid, But did appoint the blelfed Sacrament of his lafl Supper, for to reprefent His Death to them, and in his Church remain, jj As a Love-Token till he come again. He Hraight from Supper to the Garden goes. To meet the Traitor and the bloody Foes.§ His Flour was come ; the Combat was at IFand, That he mull fight Bcchebiib'^ hcllifh Band ; The Hour that he mufl bear his Father’s W rath. And for his Eledl die, and conquer Death. Flis Soul becomes exceeding forrowful. Is fore amaz’d, and is of Anguilh full. His holy Nature fhrinks with Hnlcfs Fear, To fee the Loads of Wrath he hath to bear: Hg trembles to behold the poifon’d Cup,* Brim-lull of Terror which he mufl drink up ; And therefore pra^s with mighty Cries and Tears 'J'o him thot eould preferve liim from his Fears : Father all Things arc pollible to thee; O may this bitter Potion pal's from me; Or, if it may not with thy Glory Hand, Then, Father dear, I am at thy Command: I've learn’d Obedience, tho’I be a Son, Not as I will, but as thou wilt be done. Thus tfiricc he pray'd, and Hill more carneHly, And being in a painful Agony, jj Blat. 12. 20. § PfaL 22. 1. 8. * Mat. 27. 4^. I Mat. 27. | 46. 4 I Cir, II, 23. llVerfc 26. ^John 14. 31. * Luke 22. 43. | ( 29 ) (On of his Sorrows Multitude, is lie pray’d, he fwate great Drops of Blood p. Abundance, all his Body round, jCrimfon Clotts of Blood did dye the Ground. ^ a Garden Satan ruin’d Man, 'i a Garden Jefus lirll began, Ais his bloody Sweat and Agony, Aanfom Mankind into Liberty. .0 all ye Daughters Jeriifaltviy . e how' he’s hung ’tW'ixt I'hievcs, as If that he W ere the worft jVlaleft