36^ — d I THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, | I Princeton,^. J. - f ♦ C<^^>9 3,^^>3 1?^»^. ^ -.-«^e ?<:*=s^3 r-<^=5>3 •♦■ I Case, ^_^ >;»£< * t ^ THE GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN, IN GREEK AND ENGLISH, INTERLINED, AND LITERALLY TRANSLATED; TRANSPOSITION OF THE WORDS INTO THEIR DUE ORDER OF CONSTRUCTION: DICTIONARY, DEFINING AND PARSING THEM: PRINCIPALLY DESIGNED FOE THE USE OF SCHOOLS. By E. FRIEDERICI. NEW-YORK : PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY G. F, BUNCE, 324 Oherry-street, 1830. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW-YORK, as. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the 23<1 day of July, A. D. 1830, in the fifty-fifth year of the Independence of the United States of America, E. FRIEDERICI, of the said district, hath deposited in this ofiice the title of a book, tlie right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit : •* The Gospel of St. John, in Greek and English, interlined, and literally translated ; with a transposition of the words into their due order of construc- tion ; and a Dictionary, defining and parsing them ; principally designed for he use of Schools. By E. Friederici." In conformity to the Act of Congress of the United States, entitled " An Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and B«oks, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the time therein mentioned." And also to an Act, entitled " An Act, supplementary to an Act, entitled an Act for the encouragement of Learning, by scouring the copies of Haps, Charts and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of deuguing, eugraving, and etching historical and other prints." FRED. J. BETTS, Clerk of the Southern District of New-York. TO THE PUBLIC. In presenting this work to the public, the author disclaims the most distant idea of furnishing a better or more correct translation of this Gospel, than the one we possess, and on which we have the commentaries of pious and learned men. Pre- sumption of such a gross nature will scarcely be attributed to him, when he states that his sole object in compiling this small work, was to facilitate the labours of youth upon their entrance on the Btudy of the Greek language, to render their task as easy and agree- able as possible, as also to afford all persons who are desirous of perusing this portion of holy writ in its original language, an oppor- tunity of discriminating the difference in the idioms, and contrast- ing the English translation, now in common use, with the Greek text — an opportunity requiring very little instruction, and attended with little inconvenience. The first of these objects, in particular, he has endeavoured to attain by transposing the words into their due order of construction, by giving to each word its literal trans- lation as far as practicable, and by affixing thereto, a Dictionary of all the words contained in it, thereby superseding for a time the use, and preventing the abuse, of a larger one. The Author does not wish to introduce this work into public use as the only proper book of reading, but merely recommends it as a means preparatory to qualify the pupil for his entrance upon his studies in the Testament. The conflicting opinions of respectable teachers, in regard to the good or bad effects resulting from such a method of instruction are per- fectly familiar to him — and without intending the least disparage- ment to their honest impressions, he feels assured, from a long ex- perience of 15 years in this method of tuition, that a youth, thus instructed, attains much earlier and easier to that degree of know- ledge, which qualifies him for studies of a higher nature, than one who is taught in a different way. Waste of time and money become often discouraging to the scholar, oppressive to the pa- rent and odious to both, and ought to be avoided. — The dictionary is not altogether alphabetically arranged — all the different parta of a verb are placed under the same head, provided they have the same initial letter. Other seeming irregularities may appear. Wherever, for completing the sense, an English word has been added for which no Greek one is found, such a word is marked; and also such words which, being translated, seemed superflu- ous. The time employed in completing this little work having been limited, and the circumstances not the most favourable ; omissions may have occurred, and errors been committed; in- formation on this head will at all times be gratefully received. With the wish that this work may answer the purposes for yrhich it was written, the Author submits it to the judgment of a discriminating Public, and subscribes himself their most humble servant. E. FRIEDERICI, GREEK ALPHABET. Thames. Figures. Sounds. Alpha A a a Beta B /3 b Gamma r y ghard Delta A 6 d Epsilon E s 6 short Zeta z ? z Eta H 7) e long Theta a th Iota I ( i Kappa A X k Lambda K X 1 Mu M (jt. ^ Nu N V n * Xi HI X Omicron O o short Pi n * P Rho p e r Sigma 2 tf ? s Tau T r t TJpsilon T u u vowel Phi 4> (p ph Chi X X ch Psi y ps Omega n w a long Abreviations — a ou. — ^ st. To aym EuayysXiov THE IIOIiY GOSPEL XOLTOL IcAjavv>]v ACCORDING TO JOHN. K£(p : oc. CHAPT. I. In (the) beginning was the word, and the word ■^v if^og Tov ©£ov, xa< o "koyog ijv Gsoc. was With (the) God, and the word was God. 2. OvTog Tiv sv <^^X'^ "^^^S '^^^ 0SOV. The same was in the beginning with (the) God. 3. Uavra §i aurS sysvsro ycai X^S'^ ^-''^'^'^ sysvsro All by him was made, and without him was made tSs sv 6 ysyovsv. Kot one thing that has been made. 4. 'Ev avru) ^ut] 7]v, xai r} ^uyj tjv ro (pw^ rwv In him life was, and the life was the light of the raen. 5. Kaj TO cpCJg (paivst sv rri rfxoTja, xa< 7) And the light shineth in the darkness, and the (fxoricc xars'KalBsv avro 2. darkness discovered it not. 6. Hyevsro avS^ws'o^ aifsgak^isvcs ita^a ©sS ovofjLct There was a man sent from God, the name au~Ci IwavvT]^. to him^(was) John. ^ 7'. OuToj 7]>f&sv SiV fJi-c/.^Tu^ia 7va (jia^'Tu^'j^tfv) The same came as a witness that he might witness itz^i ]5 s^a^rx) ^ri(ftv Xsywv : ' On TS&sajxai And John witnessed, saying : Now I have seen the Spirit descending as a dove from heaven and s^sivsv s-r' auTov. he remained upon him. 33. Kdyu) Yidsiv avTov Sx, aXX o its^i-^ag fxs And I knew him not, but the one sending me to baptize with water, he said to me, upon whom ^i8'>ig o.v TO iTMSvij.a xaTa[3aivo\i xai thou mayest have seen the Spirit decending and fASvov S'jf' auTov, ovTog spv 6 (Baifri^oiv remaining upon him, the same is the one baptizing sv ct^iw crvsufjian with the Holy Spirit. 34. Kdyw sw^Kxa, xoLi fjLS(xa^Tu^>))ca on stoj And I have seen, and I have testified that he sg'w) 6 mog tz ©sS. is the Son of (the) God. 35. T^ sVau^jov lojocvvrig zlg't^xsi ifaXiv^ ^ai Svo On the next day this John stood again, and two sx Twv fxa^TjTWv avrS. of the disciples^ of him. 36. Kai £f;i,;^ASNPccf q-w ' iTitfS •ff's^i'B'aTivn, Xsysj i And having seen (this) Jesus walking about hesaith 'I^s 6 aiMog tS ©sS <^ behold the Lamb of (the) God. 37. Kaj o» ^uo ^a'^r]Tai o^xjjtfav aurS XaXsvro^, )ca« And the two disciples heard him speaking, and '/jxoXjs&iitfav iXiir]X, xai Philip findeth the (one called) Nathanael and /•sysi uurui. *Ov Mwa^cr sy^a-^s sv rC) vofxw saith to him. Of whom Moses has written in the Law xai o» 'n'^o;pr)Tai, eG^rjxafxsv 'IrjCSv rov vm rS and the prophets, we have found, Jesus the son of (that) Iwffrjq) rov d'jro Na,^a^£&. • Joseph, the one from Nazareth. 47. Kai Na^avariX siifsv aiJro, r< dya^ov Suvarm And Nathaniel said to him, what good can 11 slvat sx ISla^ci^s^ ; i'l'kiiT'jfos Xsyst auTw, "^^X^ come from Nazareth 1 Philip saith to him, come xai Ids. and see. 48. *0 lr\(t2g slSsv rov NaSava>]X £^p^o(xSvov •n'^og atirov He, Jesus, saw (this) Nathanael coming to him xai Xeysi 'n's^i aurS. "iSs aXri^dg Itf^ariXiriig-, sv and saith of him. Behold indeed an Israelite, in to SoXog wx ep. whom fraud not is. 49. Na&avay]X Xsysi avrcS ; IIo^sv ytMU&xsig Nathanael saith to him ; From whence knowest ixs ; 6 lri(f'^g WTTSx^i^rj, xat s'titsv avrd. U^ thou me; (this) Jesus answered, and said to him, Before rS (fs ^wv^rfaj ^iXicr-Tfov, ovtcc v'tto ti^v the (time) that thou didst call Philip, being under the tfux^v, sidov (fs, fig-tree I saw thee. 50. Na^avaTjX ocwsx^j^rj xai "ksyst avrui. Pa/^^Si Nathanael answered and saith to him. Rabbi, rfu si 6 u)'Ty]^ avTov "ksysi ToTg Siaxovoig^ 6 ti The mother of him saith to the servants, that which Xsyy) av ujXJv, m'oiridars. he ma^tell to you, do ye. 6. As H'cfciv sx^r l| Xi^ivaj C6|TV twv tfrjixsjwv . He,Jesus,made this very beginning of the miracles sv Kava t/jj raXjXaiaj, xaj scpavs^wcTs in Cana of the (country of) Galilee, he manifested T7]v (Jofav aurou, xa» oi f;.aSr7]Taj aurou S'TT'ig'surfav s;g the glory of him, and the disciples of him believed in ecu TO v. him. 12. MsTot toCto xoLTsiBy] £]Ta» auTou S(xv7]j^ii(j'av, otj sXsysv rovro auTOJc, disciples of him remembered, that he said this to them, xa< S'rng'suo'ay tyj y^oicpr), xai tw Xo^'W and they believed in the scripture, and in the word w 6 Ii^tfou^ sl'itsv. which (this) Jesus did say. 23. As dg 7}V iv 'Is^otfoXujxoij ^v toj 'gUjdyu. But when he was in Jerusalem, in the Passover, 15 Sv rv) ki)^T7], ifoWoi S'Ti^Juffav slg to ovofjia aurS ^sw^ouvtsj on the feast, many believed in the name of him, seeing TU (f-riiisTa au-rou 0. S'ttoisi. the miracles of him which he did. 24. As avTog hpovs i)XuSra^ didacfxaXog to him. Rabbi, we know that thou hast come a teacher rcxo 0sS, ya^ ^6sig (^uvaraj iroisTv raura ra dti^zia from God, for no one can do these very miracles a tfu iroisig, sav o &sog r\ jxt] (xs-t^ aurou. which thou doest, if the God was not with him. 3. 'O \r\(iovg a5&7] avw^sv, Juvarai jj I say to thee, if a man not is born again he cannot i5sjv TY(\j jSarfiXsiav i(xsvo^ S«V For this John was not yet having been cast, into Tf\\t {poXoXTJV the prison. 19 Then there arose an inquiry between the disciples of John with the Jews concerning purification. 26. Ka» '^XS'ov it^og tov 'IwavvTjv xai sf'rrov auTW And they came to this John and said to him Rabbi, he who was with thee beyond the Jordan (3 tfu ij/;iia^rv^rixag, Us, ouro^ (Sw^ti^si to whom thou hast testified, behold, the same baptizes xat rravrsg ip-)(^ovrui iTPCig aurov. and all come to him. 27. "'luavvYig ccTraxPi^T] xai s/crsv, av^pwrrog dvvarai ou John answered and said, a man cannot Xaf^^/Savsiv ^'5sv, iav t; (XT) ^c5o[;.£vov aurw sx receive any thing, if it was not given to him from t2 ^•Pc/.voG'. the heaven. 28. 'Tixsig auTOJ jxa^ru^sirs |xoi, oc|»^71 xui SiVsv avrr}, si yjOBtg Jesus answered and said to her, if ibou knewest Tv^v S'^^sav Tz 0sS, xai tjj sg"5'«v 6 \sy(j)v tfoi the ffitt of (the) God, and who is the one saying to thee Aoj (xoi rn^rv, tfu ri7't](iag civ a/orov, xai Give me to drink? thou wouldst have asked him, and lie would have ^«« OtUTOff SltlB S^ ttUTS, who gave to us the well and he himself drank of it, xai oi vm kutS, y.ai ] s/g tov will give to him shall thirst (by no means) even to (the) a'lCjva aW to uiJw? o duga auTw ysvrjcfsrat eternity, but the water which I will give to him shall £y auTW rTYiyv] vdarog aXXo^asvou 5/V a/wv/ov become in him a well of water springing up to everlast- ing life. 15. 'H yjvT) Xs/si 'S'Poj a-jTov, K-j?is ooc^ (xoj tSto to The woman saith to him, Sir, give me this very water tliat I may thirst not, nor need corate here cIvtXsjv. to draw. 23 16. *0 lYjd^g Xeysi auT^, v'jrays, (pwvvjtfov rov avS^cc He, Jesus, saith to her,'go, call the husband (fa xai sX^s sv'haSs. of thyself and come hither. 17. 'H yvMif] a-Tfsx^iS^T) xa« sjVsv, £p(^w ^x av5^a The woman answered and said, I have not any 6 l7](f8S Xsysi auTT], si-ttccj xaXwg husband ? he, Jesus, saith to her, thou hast said well oV<, g^w ^x uvd^a. so far, I have not any husband. * 18. Fa^ ^'(^X^^ 'n'SMTS dvO^ag, xai ov s;)(^sj5 For thou hast had five husbands, and whom thou vC'v sg'i ^x dr/]^ tfS, s'i^yixag hast now, he is not the husband of thee, thou hast said rlro aXrj'^sg. this truly. 19. 'H yvvri Xsysi av-ru, Kv^iS, Srsw^^w ctj tfu si The woman saith to him. Sir, I see that thou art a prophet. 20. '0{ attTSPSfe '/ijAwv 'TT^ofl'sxuv'/jO'av iv rou-rw rw The fathers of us have worshipped on this very o;si y.ai \j\x>sig Xsysrs on sv 'Is^otfoXufxofj ig'iv 6 TO'n'og mountain, and you say that in Jerusalem is the place o':rs 6cT 'X^o(jx\)vsTv. where it behoves to worship. 21. 'O h^iJL oS y^u^Y\ra,i i^^wrwu auTQV, But in the mean time the disciples requested him, XsyoMrsg FajS^i (pays. saying, Rabbi, eat. 32. As 6 sintsv auToTg, syu sp^w ^^ddiM (paysiv f)v But he said to them, I have food to eat which u^SiS o'ioars Sx. you know not. 33. 0< (xal^TjTai XV sXs^ov ) The disciples then said to one another, should ^i^ T((; riMSjxzv auTW (paysiv ; •."'■ some one have brought to him to eat 1 34. 'O Iridig Xsysi aurolg, ^jxov /3^w,aa s^iv iva fCtM He, Jesus, saith to them, my food is that \ do TO ^sX^^jxa t2 "TfSfXNJ^avTof • |xs xai Ts'ksK,)(fc^ to the will of the one having sent me and finish the s^yov aurS. . work of him. 35. AsysTS v^isig ou;^ on ig'i iri rsr ^ay.y]vov f Say ye not that there are yet four months xai " ^s^lo'{J^o^ s^ysrai, 'iJx, \zyn v^nv i'lfa^ars rag and the harvest cometh, behold, I tell you lift up the o(p^aXfjo^^ ufxwv, xai Ssaa'ao'St rag p^w^a^, oti si(fi eyes of you, and behold the fields, for they are Xsuxai rjdri if^og ^s^i^fjuov. white already to harvest. 36. Kai 6 ^spj^ojv Xa(x/3avsi fxio'^ov, xrt< And the one reaping receives the reward, and dxivayBi ■'■ia^'Ttov s'ig alwviov i^wi^v, i'va xai 6 tf-Trsi^wv gathers fruit to eternal life, that both the one sowing xai &£^»(^<:«jv X"'^""! OM*^* and the one reaping may rejoice together. 37. Fa^ iv r^rcj 6 "koyog ig'iv 6 aXyj&ivoj, 6r» aXXof For in this the saying is the true one, that one tg'iv fl'-Tftj^wv xa» aXkog 6 &s^<;^wv. is the one sowing and another the one reaping. 38. 'E^w airsg'siXa ufxctf !^s^«^siv o vi^sig xsxo'rfiaxars I have sent you to reap what you have labour- XX, aXXot xsxo':rjaxa(j'i, xai v^i^sig sicfsXriXv'^ars eig ed not, 'others have laboured, and you have entered into Tov xo-Trov aurwv. the labour of them* 3 26 But many of the Samaritans from that very )^wtojv When then the Samaritans came to him they auTov (ASivaj 'jfa^ aurojf, xai Sjasjvsv requested him to remaia with them, and he remained ixsT (5uo Tj^s^ag. there two days. 41. Kaj "TToXXw ifXsm^ S'TTjg'euc'av, 5ia tov Xoyov aurS. And many more believed, for the word of him. 42. Ts sXsyov rrj yvvam, otj .!^ov slg rriv ko^rriv. came to the feast. 46. 'O IrjO'Sg kv rjX'^eV •n'aXtv slg Tif\v Kava rt\g He, Jesus, then came again into that Cana of the 27 TakiXa.iug o-ttou s-rr'ojiio's ro vSu)^ ofvov (country of ) Gallilee, where he made the water wine xaj Tjv Tig /SatfjXixog 6 C»og ou and there was a certain princely man, the son of whom was sick in Capernaum. 47. "OvTos ax>i(iag on lyjtfSf v\xsi sx The same having heard that Jesus had come from rrjs 'laSaias sls ti^v TaXiXaiav the (country of) Judea into the (country of) Galilee, aifrjX'^s 'n'^os avrov xaj vj^ura aurov, Jva xarafSr^f went to him and requested hnn, that he would xai iWigraj tov mov au]jxsia /ai TS^ara 'n'tg'£v(fY]rs k ^y\. signs and wonders, you will believe in nowise. 49. 'O (SagiX'ixog "Kzysi 'jf^og avrov, Ku^is, xctTa- The princely man saith to him, Sir ! come /Stj&s -tt^iv to iraidiov (xx a-jfo^avsiv. down before the son of me dies. 60. 'O Irj(f'iig Xsysi aurw, cro^sus, o ^loj (fa He, Jesus, saith to him, depart, the son of thee ^Yj, xai av^^o'Tfog siSivf] t^ The father then knew that (it was) in that very wpa iv 7) 6 IrjtfSf SiVsv avru) S-ri o ujo^ hour in which this Jesus said to him (that) the son of thee hvethand he beheved he himself and the whole oma aurS. house of him. 54. 'O lr} : s. CHAPT. 5. 1. Msra raZra tjv lo^ryj tojv 'Ijj^aiwv, xai o After this there was a feast of the Jews, and he ^\v\(iy£ avsfBri stg 'Is^otfoXufjia. Jesus went up to Jenisalera. 2. As sg-i iv Toig 'Is^oo*t)XufXoi^ s<7fi r'r\ if^oSartx-i] But there is in this Jerusalem near the sheepfold a pool the one being called in Hebrew Bethesda, gp^KCTa 'TrsvTS g'oag. having five porches. 3. Ev ravraig xursxEiro ifoXv 'ifXrj'^og twv atf- In this laid a great multitude of those be- SSVSVTWV, TU(|)XOJV, p^wXwv, fll^WV, SX^Sp^OfJlSVOJV T>)V ing sick, of blind, of lame, of withered, awaiting the xivYirfiv ]^, xai And immediately the man become whole, and -rj^s TOV x^a/3/3arov aurS xa» ifs^iS'jraTSi^ 6s tjv lifted up the bed of him and walked, but it was dcL^l^arov sv rr] sxsivt] -^(xs^a, the sabbath on that very day, 10. OJ liiSaToi sXsyov kv tu TS^s^ot'TSUfjt.svw ig'^v The Jews said then to the one being cured it is tfa^/3aTov efsg'j ix (fot ci^ai tov x^a/3/3aTov the sabbath, it is lawful not for thee to lift up the bed. 11. A'TTSx^iSry) auTor^, *0 itoi-ridag (xs iyiTi He answered them, the one having made me whole, ixEwog sl'jrsv [aoj, a^ov tov x^a/3/3aTov (fa xai he said to me, hft up the bed of thee and walk.. 30 12. 'HpwTYjfl'av aurov ouv Tif s^'v o auS^wirog 6 They asked him then, who is the man, the one s/Vwv tfoi, afov Tov xija/3/3aTov tfjs, xa< saying to thee, lift up the bed of thee and walk. 1 13. As la^Sig ^^f» ^x Tjf fST'v ; /af But the one being cured knew not who it was, for Irjd'^S sf£vsu(rsv, oj^Xjj ovtos sv tw to'ttw. he, Jesus, withdrew, a crowd being in the place. 14. MsTa )v. but has passed from the death into the life. 25. Afjir^v, Afxi^v, \S'y(^ v^iv, on w^a ^^srai Verily, verily, I say to you, that the hour cometh xai ig'iv vuv, oVs oi vsx^oi axxtfovrai Trjg cpuvr^g rS and is now, when the dead shall hear the voice of the yi2 tS 0sS, xai 01 axsjcfavTSj (^■/jo'ovTai. Son of (the) God, and those having heard, shall live. 32 26. Fa^ uifrTc^ 6 it(XTri» b-^si ^w/]v iv laurw arwj sScjJXS For as the Father has life in himself so he has xai TW viu) s-^siv ^W7]v iv lauTW. given also to the Son to have life in himself. 27. Kat lowxsv auTOj xai s^ijtfiav flrojs/v And he has given to him also the power to hold x^jCjv, on sg-j viog avS^wn's. judgment, because he is the Son of man. 28. ©aufxa^srs (x»] tS-to, on C)^a f^p^STaj, Iv Wonder not at this, for the hour comelh, in 7j 'XavTsg ol sv toij jxvr^^xsjoij axi.-a'ov-'raj tt;^ (pwvvjj which all these in the graves shail hear the voice auTou. of him. 29. Kaj sx1'rs And you wish not to come to me, that you may have life. 41. Aafx/8avw s (^o^av -Tfa^a av&^w<7rwv, I receive not honour from men. 34 42. AXX' sj/v'jjxa v^a^s on ^X^^s ix rr,v ayairriv But I know you that you have not the love «r2 ©sx I'v lauTor^. of (the) God in yourselves. 43. 'E^w iXsXv^a iv /ASlff there is one accusing you, Moses, in whom you 7)X<7r»xaT£. trust. 46. Ta^ b] i'ra'ig'svsTS Mwo^, i-n'ig'svsrs For if you did believe Moses, you would believe av ^(xo«, ^a^ ixsT\/og sy^a-^sv irs^t SfxS. in me, for he has written of me. 47. As SI 'Tfig'SvSTS i roTg ^pajxjxatfjv ^xsivx if(^S But if you believe not in the writings of him, how ]ff After this he, Jesus, went beyond the sea, Ty,j FaXjXajKf, T7]g Ti^s^taSog, of the (country of) Galilee, the one of Tiberias. 2. Kai •roXuj °X^°^ -^xoXx^si auTW, bV< And a great multitude followed him, for the reason 35 Iw^cov iXiirif0Vj -jroSsv a'^o^atfofji.sv acrag the one (called) Philip, whence shall we buy loaves Vva STo« (paywo'jv ; of bread that these may eat] 6. As sXsys toGto irsi^a^ctv auTov, ya^ avrog But he said this tempting him, for he himself rj8si Tl S(Jt.sXX£ IfOlStV. knew what he was about to do. 7. *iX»*7roc: a'jrsx^jS'ii aurw, a^^o^ 6 Ig'YjXug 'n'SPav On the next day the crowd, the one standing be- rrig SraXatftfTjg-, ISuv oVj ixsT tJv Sx dXXo yond the sea, seeing that there was not any other cXoja^iov si fAT) sxsTvo sv, slg o'l (xa&Tj-rai aur5 boat except that one, into which the disciples of him ivs^rjdav, xm on I7]tf2^ o'uvcta'^X&s ^ ror^ jxa^igrar^ had entered, and that he, Jesus, went not with the dis- aurTi sig ro -TrXoiapjov, aXXa oS (xa&Tjrai ciples of him into the boat, but the disciples (Aovoi aurS a'n'riX'^ov. alone of him went away. 23. A; aXXa ifXota^ia tjX^s sx Ti^s^iaSog iyyvg rS But other boats came from Tiberias, near to the ro'Xs oVs I'ipavov tov a^rov. j e^rjjxcd The fathers of us did eat the manna in the wil- 39 xa^wj ig't ys/^aixfxsvov, f'duxsv avToTg a^rov derness, as it is written, he gave them bread sx. t2 x^av2 cpaysiv. from the heaven to eat^ 32. *0 lyjo'Sj siirsv kv auTour, Afx-j^v, AfjLiiv, Xsyw He, Jesus, said then to thera. Verily, verily, I say Cixjv, Mwo'^j dsS(*)xsv tijxiv ou rov a^^v tw xoCjjiw. , ing from the heaven and giving Ufe to the world. 34. E/Vov ^v 'n'^oj auTov, Ku^/s, ^o^ tj^i^Tv ^avTorf They said then to him, Lord, give tons always TOVTOV TOV Ot^TOV. this very bread. ^ 35. As IiirfS^ siVsv auror^, 'Eyw ?»fx» 6 a^rog r'^g But he, Jesus, said to them, I am the bread of the (Jwrjj, s^-)(^o^svog ir^og (xs, ^sjvatfii ^ /x'*? life, the one coming to me, shall hunger by no means, xai 6 'Tij'suwv sig Sfxs o»4")itfr) ^ fx^ "Trwrr- and the one believing in me shall thirst by no means ors. ever. 36. AXX sjVov ufxn/ 6ti(^ (XS, zhxxxSr^ auTov, xai ly(^ ctva- the one having sent me, does draw him, and I will quicken him on the last day. 45. "E;7< j'sy^a^iJ.svov iv Tot's ■rr'^oip'/jTaij, xai iravrsg It is written in the Prophets, and all Stfovraj 6i5axToi rou ©sou. Tlcig ouv 6 shall be taught of the God. Every one therefore who has been hearing from the Father and has been learn- ing, Cometh to me. 46. Oox 0=^' '^iS fcw^axsv cov crars^a, si ft-*] 6 Not tliat any one lias seen the Father, if not the wv '^raPOL Tov 0sou, ouroj ew^axs g (xs sav (jl»j rj ^£(^ofjL£vov no one can come to me, if not it was given auTW sx Tou 'TiaT^og /xS. to him from the Father of me. 66. '2x TKTSi "ToXXoj "rwv jxa^oirwv auTou d-r^jX^ov After this, many of the disciples of Him went awaj e5J'3s a'n'SxPi^Yj avroTg^ s^cXs^aixr,v iyu oJ;^ He, Jesus, answered ^o them have I chosen not v^5,g T^g owciexa, Jiaj slg i^ ufxojv sg'iv (5ia/3oXog ; you, these twelve, and one of you is a Devil 1 71. As i'Xs^s ^l^6av IrfxaPiwri^v tov 2»(;.6JV0J But he meant Judas Iscariot, the (son) of Simon, yoi^ rj^sXK3v 'jrapaoiSovai aj-rov, oiv slg sx j tfxrjvoTrTiyja But the feast of the Jews, the erecting of tents, ^v iyyog was nigh. 3. 'Oj oiSsXcpoi avr-j sjVov 'n'^og aurov, (xsTa/?'/)^/ iv-rsiJ^iv The brethren of him said to him, go hence, xa( bifays slg ) slg Trjv so^ti^v ^ (pavs^Wf then also he, himself, went up to the feast, not openly ctXX C}g sv x^u-TrTO). but as in secret. 46 11. Oi 'lis^aioi kv s^t^thv aj]v, Moses, for this, has given to you the circumcision, i^X '^^* ^^'^ ^^ "^^ Mwo'ewj dW sx iv aXXa x^ivars rriv Sixaiav Judge not by appearance, but judge the righteous X^lrflV. judgment. 25. Tjvsg ix tSm 'Is^otfoXujxiTWv eXs^ov kv sg'tv Some of those from Jerusalem said then is O'j^ kros ov (^yjrStfiv aitoxTSivai ; not this one, whom they sought to kill ? 26. Kai '/(Js, XaXsr crap^Tjtfia, Jcaj Xs^outfi And, behold, he speaks in public, and they say kbsv auTW, 01 oLP-^ovTsg syvwtfav jxttttots nothing to him, the rulers have they found out not oKri^ojg OTi iiTog sg'iv aX-ii^w^ 6 X^ig'og ; indeed, that this one is truly the Christ ? 27. AXXa o'lSa^sv tStov 'To&sv sg'j ; Ss oVav But we know this one, whence he is ? but when 6 X^ig'oj s^ysrai kSsig yjvwtfxei •n'o&sv ig'i ; the Christ cometh, no one knoweth whence he is. 28. 'O lri(f'kg SiSadxuv iv sv ]|a?ja tjjtwv djv come will perform more miracles than these which i5ro5 sifoiritfsv ; this one has done 1 32. Oi ^aPKfaioi yixs(fav rS op^Xss ^o^^Uf^ovroj TatJra The Pharisees heard the crowd murmuring these ifs^i aurS xai oi 4>a^ia'a»oi xaj oi Ap- things concerning him, and the Pharisees and the chief p^ispsr^ a'jrsg'siXav vifri^srag iva ina(fu(fiv aurov. priest sent servants that they should seize him. 33. 'O ItjjSj £)^X£J(jl the seed of David, and of the town of Bethlehem where David wast 43. Sp^jtfjxa ovv iysvsro iv tu) o^^^w St A division then was in the crowd because aurov. |i of him. ^ 44. As T/vcg sg aurwv T^&gXov crjarfai aurov aXX' x5s<^ But some of them wish'd to seize him, but no one sa^»(j'aioj ouv wxsx^i'^rjdav avroTg, M*j The Pharisees then answered them, (perhaps) viisTg xai <;r'£7rXav'/](T^s ; you also have been deceived 1 48. Mt) Tig sx rwv a^ytivrDv sir'ig'eufl'sv (We wonder) whether any of the rulers has be- zig OLMTov^ y) zx rwv $a^;rfajwv ; .lieved in him ; or of the Pharisees ? 49. 'AXX ohrog 6 o'x^"^ ° f^^ ^ivwtfxwv rzg, o JX^wv voxrag Nicodemus saith to them, the one coming bj night <^oj aurov, wv slg Jf aurwv. to him, being one of them. 51. MlJ 6 VO(XOJ ^JfAWV X^IVSI TOV UV^PU-TfOV (I wonder) whether the law of us judgeth a man, 51 iav fjoi] dxatfri -rct^' aurS -jr^oTe^ov, xai ^w ri if not it hears concerning him jQrst, and knows what iroisT; he does? 52. A'n'sx^i'^7}(tav y.on scai 'iSs also art of the (country) of Galilee ; search and look, ori ix ry}g TakiXaiag 'K'^Q(^r}Trig syriys^rut ix. for of the (country) of Galilee a prophet ariseth not. 53. Ka< sxag'og S'Tro^su^r) slg tov oixov aurou. And every one went into the house himself. , .CHAPT. 8. 1. As ^lyicf^g sVo|3u&>j sig to o^og twv 'E\a»wv. But Jesus went to the Mount of the Olives. 2. As 0^^^^ 'n'a^sysvSTo^ tfaXiv stg ro h^ov But at daybreak he came again into the temple xcu 'rrag 6 Xaog ^^X^ro 'jr^og olvtov, xai xoL^i)v tfa^xa, syw x^jvw a You judge after the flesh, I judge not any one. 16. As scfM Kui syu x^jvw, tj x^jo'j^ -Jj ejjiii But if even I do judge the judgment, the one my own sg'iv aX7)&73j, ori slixi kx {xovo5, aXX' s^/w xcn h is true, because I am not alone, but I, and the trary]^ 'n;s[h-]^ag (xs. Father having sent me. 17. As xai ysy^aiiroLi sv rd vofjiw tw \)\kSTS^Ui But also it is written in the law, the one your own, 6Vj 7) i^a^rvpa Svu) av'^^uiruv sg'iv aXi^Srv]^. that the testimony of two men is true. 18. 'E^w sl^i (xaPTu^wv -tts^i S(xauT2, xai o I am the one witnessing of myself, and the ; olxiOL Si$ TGV But the slave remains not in the house to the a;wva, 6 ujoj fxivsj s'.g tov ajwva. eternity, tlie Son remains to the eternity. 36. 'Eav ovv 6 mog s\si)'bspu}(fri vix5.g srfao'^e When then the Son will tree you, you will be sXs'j'hs^oi ovrug. tree indeed, 37. Ofoa on cit'j tfcrs^ixa A,5^aafjt-, ctXXa 1 know that you are the seed of Abraham, but PtiTzT-tc aifoxTBT\ci.t (xs oVj 6 Xo^oj 6 Sfxoc: ye seek to kill me, because the word, the one my own, spreads not among you. 38. 'E^oj XaXw ^o^axa ira^a ?v -^xsrfa cra^a have told you the truth, which I have heard from t2 Qsou, t2to A/3^aa,a sroiricfsv ix. (the) God : this Abraham has done not. 41. "TfXcJj "TToilirs Ta s^ya t2 ifar^og u(JwWv; EiVov Ye do the works of the Faiherofyou. They o6v aurw. 'H(xs»^ ys^svvr^/xs^a i £x iro^vsiug said then to him. We have been bom not of fornica- £p^o(XSv Iva m'aTS^a^ tov — ©sov. tion, we have one Father, him — God. 42. 'O 'I>]2g ouv siVsv au^oi^, si o Gsog i^v He, Jesus, then said to them, if he, God, was 57 ^rariip u{awv, rjy avoirs civ Sfxs ; ya^ iyc^ ^I^X^ov the Father of you, you would love me; for I proceeded xaj *i>cw £x tS ©sS, ya^ sX'/jXuSa i(5s ctcr, and come from (this) God, for I have come neither of £fji-au««« & he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar, and the 'searri^ auTou. father of it. 45. As 6V» sycjj Xsyw riiv aX-Ji^siav irig'svSTS But, because I speak the truth you believe k fxo». not me. 46. Tig s| ii(j^wv sXsy^^s* (as crs^^j afxa^riaj ; 5s £/ Which of you convinceth me of sin ; but if Xsyc*) aXTj&fjxv, Sia^i 'n'lg'svSTS ujxsjg fJio» S ; I speak the truth ? why believe you me not ? 47. 'O 6JV sx tS 0sS ax2ssi )(rav ouv xai SiVov auTW, The Jews answered then and said to hinj» 58 Xj^ofASv '^fX'i^ oC xaXw^ on du si latxa^Sirris xia say we not well, that thou art a Samaritan and thou hast a devil? 49. 'I7]a'% d'TTSx^j^ii, iju) s-)^ui -^x ^aifjt-ovjov dXXa j (5o|a Jesus answered, if I praise myself the honour (XiJ sg-jv i(5cv. 6 -Tra-T'/jp (xs eg'/v o do^ai^uv of me is nothing. The Father of me is the one hon- fxs, o'v C|xs»j Xs^cTs oV< sg-j ©soff ;;|ji.wv. •ouring me, of whom you say that he is the Godjjf you. .55. Kaj s^vwxaTS aurov ix, ds iycj oiSa And ye have known him not, but I have known 59 av-rov xat iav si'ifc*) oVi oiSa, aorov ax, stfofxai him, and if I should say that I know him not, I shall be a liar like you. 56. AfB^aa^ 6 t^arriP bfJLWv yjyaXXjatfc.ro i'va ]6't] Abraham, the father of you, rejoiced that he should see the day, the one my own, and he saw and rejoiced. 57. 0\ ''lahoim zWov ouv 'if^^g aurov, ^'x^j^ i^-^rw The Jews said then to him, thou hast not yet c'svTT]xovra sVt), xai sw^axag A^^aaiXS-sv sx t2 upon him. But Jesus hid, and went out of the IspS, xa« xTw^ 'TttP'^^s. temple, and thus passed by. CHAPT. Xj. 1. Ka» cr'a^a^/wv s/^sv avSr^WTTov rvcpXov sx ^£vs-r%. And passing by he saw a man blind from birth. 2. Kai oi (AaSirjTai aurS ri^u)T'r\(ia-j auTov Xs^ovrrg* And the disciples of^him asked him, saying; Pa^^i, cj^ Tifxa^TSv, s-roj -^ oi ^ovsjg auroS Rabbi, who has sinned, this one or the parents of him, iva ysvv*]&*j TU(pXof ; that he was born blind % 3. *0 'IiitfSg a-Trsx^jSii oUre ii-rof rjfia^TSv He, Jesus, answered neither this one has sinned 60 xrs 01 yovsig aurS, dW' Vva ra i^ya, tS Qs2 nor the parents of him, but that the works of him, God, should be made evident in him. 4. AsT SfAS s^yaPs(fhaj tol eVya tS cT'cfi^-av- It behoves me to work the works of the one hav- ing sent me, while it is day, the night cometh when idsig ovvaroii s^'/^oL^sd'^ou. no one can work. 5. "OTttv cj Iv 'tw xoc'fxw, Eifj-j x'^g rS While I may be in the world, I am the light of XOtfjXJJ. the world. 6. ^Eiir'uv rav'ra i'Ttrvds Xct|xa», xaj ST'oi>](J'a Saying this he spat on the ground, and he made clay of the spittle, and smeared the spittle upon rxj 6(p&aX(j.j5ff rou rv(p\ov. the eyes of the blind. 7. Kai £;voj|sv But how he sees now, Ave know not, or who has T^g ocp^aXfjLsg aurS, ■>j(X£jj oV6a(xsv oux, auToj s^^sj opened the eyes of him we know not, he has rfkixiav, sp(,}r'r]CfaTS avrov avTog 'kak'ri(fsi "tts^i uurov. his full ao-e ? ask him, he shall speak for himself. 22. OS yovsTg auTou SiVov roLvrcc on iipo/SouvTo The parents of him said this, because they feared rag 'I^(5a<^j, yap o\ 'Is(5aroj yjO'o tfuvs-rc^sjvTo, i'va sav the Jews, for the Jews already resolved that if ](J'i1 aurov X^ig'ov, ^cVTiTaj any one should acknowledge him, Christ, he should be driven from the synagogue. 23. Aia toCto 01 yovsTg cturS s/Vov, on s-)(^si For this the parents of him said, (that) he has TjXixiav, i^wTTitfars atVov. full age, ask him. 24. 'Ecpwvigtfav ouv sx Ssvts^h tov avS:^W';r'ov They called then for the second time the man Ig 7}v -tog d'n'sx^i^r] xoci sjVsv avroTg ya^ sv The man answered and said to them, now in TST6J ig'i Sraufxag'ov, Cn v^slg o'idars ovx this is something marvelous, that you know not m'o'^sv sg'j, xai uvsu^s r^g 0(p^aX|xsj (xs. from whence He is, and he has opened the eyes of me. 31. As o'/(Ja(ji3v on 6 Qsog dxHSj ovx (Xfxa^rwXwv But we know that (he) — God, hears not sinners, aXX, sav tjj t] ^sotfsfBrig, xai ifoiy] to but if any one be a worshipper of God, and doeth the .&sX>)(jLa au-rS, rkra ax^si. will of him, such a one he hears. 32. 'Ex tS alCivog TjxsrfSrii ovx on From (the) eternity it has been heard not, that ^iS ^voi^s o(p&aX(xjij ysysvvrnj.svs rv(p\ov, any one has opened the eyes of one born blia.d. 64 33. 'El (XV) :£rog r,\ cfaPa 0s2, y/(5uvaro oux 'zoic7v If not this one was from God, he could not do any thing. 34. ''Airsx^i^ridav xai slirov aurw, (fu sycvv>]^v]g They answered and said to him, thou wast born oXof iv aixa^Tiais, xai tfu didadxsig rj^as ; xa.i z^s- whollyin sin, and then teachest us? and they ^aXov aurov s^w. cast him out. 35; 'O 'lo^tfSj T^XKO'sv oVj i^s(3akov auTov sfw, 5ca< He, Jesus, heard that they had cast him out, and su^wv a-oTov si'jtsv au'TW, m'i^s-jcig tfu s/j 'tov ujov finding him, he said to him, behevest thou in the Son 3(xsiv, He, Jesus, then again said to them, verily, verily, I say to you that I am the door of the sheep. 8. navrsj o'tfoj rfk^ov ' -tT^o Sfxou sigi xkZTtTOH y.ai All as many as came before me are thieves and X'ng'aj, aXka ra -Tr^o/HaTa r,x:ic(av a-jrwv oux. I'obbers, but the sheep did hear them not. 9. 'Eyw s/fjLj 7) Su^a, sav Tig s;(fs\^'r] Si Sfx5 rfoj&7](J'£- I am the door, if any one enters by me he shall T«j, *■ xai SKjsXsvcfSTM xaj s^sXsvdSTai xat be saved, and he shall go in and he shall go out, and shall find pasture. 10. 'O xXsiTTYig s^srai o\)x s< (jlt) I'va xXs-v^'/] The thief comes not, but for that he may steal and may kill and may destroy ; I am come that they (^wr,v, xai ep^wtfi cftPiC'CJ'ov. might have hfe, and might have it abundantly. 11. 'E^'w sJ^ii 6 <7roj^7]v 6 xaXo^, o -^rojixriv I am the shepherd, the good one, the shepherd, xuXog ti^'/jcTj ttjv -Lvyriv aurS wn'S^ )0't Ta ]u2j ifSPisifarsi sv ]^ rS ness is not to death, but for the glory of (him) ©sS, '/va 6 uio^ t2 ©£2 <5rj|ao'^?] — God — that the Son of (this) God, might be glorified Si auT%. by it. 5. As 6 'I7]rf2j ^Hya'z'a r>]v Ma^Srav, xai r*iva5sX{pr,v But he, Jesus, loved this Martha, and the sister avTyjs xai rov Aaj^a^ov. of her, and. him — Lazarus. 6. ^Qg ouv ■^xstfsv on dd'^svsi, tots (jisv When now he heard that he was sick, then still Sftsjvsv 8vo y^i^SPag sv tots'oj w o^v. he remained two days in the place in which he was. 7. "F.'K'sira ^sra tSto Xsysi roi^ (xaS-rjrarg-, ayoy^sv Then after this he saith to his disciples, let us go sJg Tr}\j HaSaiav -raXiv. into the Judea (country) again. S. Ot (xa&igTaj Xsj-Htfjv aurw, P«,/3/5j, vjv oi The disciples said to him. Rabbi ! lately the 'I^^^aroj i^riTiiv Xi&atfaj tfe, xai xjifaysig sxsi irctkiv ; Jews sought to stone thee, and goest thou there again"? 9. 'O ^ly](j'5g d'n'sxpi'^y}, si(^iv axj-^^i ouSsxa w.^a» He, Jesus, answered, are there not twelve hours Trig %£^aj, sav r<^ 'ifs^ii^ary] sv tt) '^jxs^a, •r'^otfxo'T'TSi in the day, if any one walks in the day, he stumbles ^, bVi ^Xs'TTSi TO (pwj rar^ t2 xo(f(j.ii. not, because he sees the light of this very world. 10. As sav rig rts^iifaTr) sv tyj vuxti g sg'Dj ^x sv auTW. because the light is not in him. IL TauTot sisT Vva And I rejoice for you, that I was not there that you crig'Sufl'rjre, dXX' ayc^ij.sv 'jr^og ccurov. may believe, but let us go to him. 16. Gij^^ag Xa^ofxsvoj z^i^ufxoj SiVsv oOv Yiv aWrig Xa^^a, s/VStfa 'O ed Maiy the sister of her, secietly ; saying, the dtOcK^xaXog itci.^zg'i xa\ (pwvsi tfe. * master is Jiere and call's thee. 29. 'n? sxtjvx] Tjxjso'sv zy£\^zo( ouv oj ovtsj jxst' auT^f Iv tt, ohia The Jews then, those being with her in the house xai -Tfa^aau^^asvoj auri^v, iSovrsg r-nv Ma^iav ori avsg'i'j and comforting her, seeing (her) — Maria, that she ra-)(_eus xcti i^?i\'h£v r,xoXii^Yi(fav avrr] Xs^ovtsj, arose quickly and went out followed her saying, On v'^aysi sis to fxyr/fj-sFov Vva xkavdr] that she was going to the grave that she might ixsT. weep there. 32. 'H ouv MaPia ug rjX^sv oVjj 6 ''Ir,(f'^g She then, Mary, when she came where he, Jesus, '(Tjv, l§ii]O^S They said to him, Lord ! come and see. He, Jesus, wept. 46. Oi 'Is5a!0» ouv ^'Xs'j/ov, 'I(5'£ •tt'Wc: ItpiXci The Jews then said, Behold ! how he loveth aurov. him. 37. As nvsg ef aurwv £;Vov, 7i(5uva-ro oux xj, siVov ovx tfoi, oVi He, Jesus, saith to her, have I said not to thee that sav ':tig'cv(fris o-^si Ty]v 6o^av tS if thou wouldst believe, thou shouldst see the glory of 0sS ; (him)— God? 41. 'H^av ouv Tov XiSrov They took away then the stone, (from the place) ou rs'^vYjxoig ijv xsfjxsvocr, 8s 6 'I'/jo'Kf tj^s in which the dead was hiying, but he, Jesus, lifted rag 6(p^aX|X25f avw xai sjVsj irars^, svy^c/.eig-ui rfoi, on the eyes up and said, Fiithef, I thank thee, that vjx^dag {AS. thou hast heard me. 42. As sytj) rj^ziM on dxssjj fAs itavrors^ aXkcn But I know that thou hcarest me always, but 76 SioL rov o-^Xov rov 'ffs^isg'ura slirov, Sva for the crowd, the one standing round, I said it, that they may beheve that thou hast sent me. 43. Ka< £/Vwv ravTa, sx^avyctds ixsyaXr} (pwvTJ And having said this, he exclaimed with a loud Aa^a^c ! g|w osv^o. voice, Lazarus ! come forth, to this place. 44. Ka< 6 ' TS^vr]xcj)S £|?;X2;sv dsSs^svoc: And the one having been dead came forth, bound a^i(fa7oi, Now both the chief priests and the Pharisees SsSuxsKfciv S^ToXvy iva sav tjj yvd "ttS sV' had made a law that if any one should know wKere he was, he should show it, that they might seize him. CHAPT. 12. 1. '0 oiiv 'IiiCJ'Sf s| >j(xs^wv if^o tS 'Tatfp^^a ' i^X^sv He then, Jesus, six days before the passover, came Big Bri^aviav oVs Aa^a^oj ^v 6 rsSv/jxojff to Bethany where Lazarus was, the one having been dead whom he raised from the dead. 2. 'E'TTojiia'av ^v auTW sxeT o^r-rvov, xat i) They made then for him there a supper, and she — Mcc^Sa ^i7]Xovs< ^£ Aa^a^og r)V sig twv Martha, served, but (he) — Lazarus was one of those o'uvavaxsjjxsvwv auTw. sitting down together with him. 3. 'H ouv Ma^ia Xa/32(T'a Xjr^av jxu^js ir'jg'i- She then, Maria, taking a pound of ointment of xrjg va^Ss croXu-rjixs, vjXsi-^s r^g \i.o8ag )TWv aurou 'Isoag ^Icfax^iurrig^ Then one of the disciples of him, Judas Iscariot, Xjjxcdvof, jxsXXwv "Tra^atJj^ovai aurov, Xsysty Sioiou^s sou, the one being about to betray him, saith, 79 5. Aiart tSto to jxu^ov iif^u'hy) ^x r^iaxddif^y Why this very ointment was it sold not for three hundred pence and was jriven to the poor % C. As s]0'iv auTw xcct ex^a^^ov, ^Cldavva, sv\oyv\- out to the meeting of him, and cried, Hosanna, blessed ixsvog 6 ^cflChj-^vg t2 'Itf^arjX 6 £p;)^o,asvoj £v ovojxaTj (is) the king of Israel, the one coming in the Kupjji. name of the Lord. 14. As 6 ^ir,(S'ig Sjpwv Gv«fiov zxcthidsv S-r' auafi7'aio; ouv s;Vov rrpog sa.v-rkg^ Gsu)- The Pharisees then said among themselves ; Do ^sTts orj 6j,:psXsrTS ix iosv ; 'iSs o vou sec thut you prevail not any thing 1 behold the xorffj-of: ct'^'^XSrev O'XKfu) cc-JtS. world is gone after him. 20. As vjdav j Io^t^j. ascending that they might worship on the feast. 81 21. OvToi ouv it^o(fY}\'^ov (pjXj'Tf'Tr'w TW aero The same then came to Philip, him from Bs'^(fdi6a Trig ToCkikaia.£\ xai rj^uruv Bethsaida ofthe (country of) GaUlee ; and they re- ctuTov XsyovTsgj Ku^is ! ^sXo^sv IdsTv tov quested him saying, Sir, we wish to see (him) — Jesus. 22. ^jXicr-Tro^ s^x^rai xai Xsysi tcTj Av- Phihp Cometh and told to the one (called) An- o^sa, ■ xai itaXwi Av8^sag xoci ]v t7]v w^av. this I came to this very hour. 82 29. Harsp, 6o^a(fov ro ho\ui o'js, 'HX&sv oUv Father, glorify the name of thee. There came then a voice from the heaven, both I have glorified it, and <7raXiv ^o^atfw. again will «rlorify it. 29. 'O oy\% oCv 6 ^rwg xai axstfaj, The crowd, now the one standing and hearing sXsys yzyo'jsvcu (S^ovrriv ; AXXoi sXs^ov, A^^sXoj: said, that there was thunder : others said, an angel XsXaXiixsv auT-w. has spoken to him. 30. 'O 'Ir](7'Ss aifSxPi'^ri xa\ zlitsv^ a\)rv\ t) (pwvii He, Jesus, answered and said, this very voice •ysyovBv o'j (5j Sfj-s dXXa, 5i' v^ag, happened not for me, but for you. 31. Nuv sg'i x^jtfjj rara rH xoo'fji!^, vuv 6 Now is the judgment of this very world, now the ctp^wv T2JT8 |/wS;r]vai, Tig sg'iv ^toj o viog t5 man to be lifted up 1 who is this very Son of (the) man ? 35. '0 ^l'f)(f'sg SiVsv ouv auTOK:, trj fJt-»xPov p(;^ovov ro He, Jesus, said then to them, yet a little while the light is >yith you, w^lk while you have the light, 83 Vva (X7J tfxoTja xaraXa/3y) ufxaj, xai 6 ifS^i-n'aruiv iv that not darkness overtake you, and he walking in TT) dxoTict oiSs ^x -ttS v'jfu'ysi. the darkness, knoweth not where he goes. 36. ''EWJ ^'X^'''= '''0 ^^S -TTJCrSUSTS S(J TO (pW?, VvCt While ye liave the light helieve in the light, that yBvricf^S uoi (pWTOf. '0 'Iiitf?g sXaXr/O'Sv ye may be the children of light. He, Jesus, spoke this, and going away, hid from them. 37. As aurS '7rS'7roj'>]XOToj ) 'i5u(fi roTg ened the heart of them, that not they may see with ocp^aX^oTg xai voiia'wo'j t?) xa^Sia^ xat S'rtig'pa((,CJ(ji, the eyes and understand with the heart, and may be xai ia(foiJMi auTi^^. converted, and I should heal them. 4L TaijTa sTifSv 'Htfa'iac; ors side rr^v (ic^oiv cxu=r2 This said Isaiah when he saw the glory of him, xaj sXakrjCfs i(Bf\ auTK. and spoke of him. 42. ''Ojxwj / (xsvToi xai ex twv a;?;)j'ovr6Jv Nevertheless, however, also of the chief rulers -TToXXoi STDS-sutfav ilg auTov, aXXa (J)Xu&a cpojg sig rov xo(f^ov Vva "Tra^ 6 I am come a light into the world, that every one flTig'suwv slg i^s fxsjvT) fXT) i\i j(xspa. spoken that shall judge him on the last day. 49. ''Orj s^w z'KoCky\)v Father having sent me, he has given to me a command Ti siVw xai Ti XaX-j^cTw. what T should say and what I should speak. 50. Kai alSoL on *j svroXr) auTS sg'iv aig slg his own, those in the world, he has loved them to the TSAog. end. 2. Kai dsiifva ysvofxsvs (tou 6ia(3ok^ rjSY] ^g^X»)X&- And supper being done, (the devil already having Toj slg TYiv xa^^iav 'I^^a 'Itfxa^iwrs 2i(jL6t>- givenit into the heart of Judas Iscariot (the son) of Mog) ha •n'a^adu) aurov. Simon, that he should betray him.) 3. 'O 'Iiio'Sf slSo^g on 6 i(ary\^ ^s^wxcv He, Jesus, knowing that the Father had given -flravTa auTw slg rag %^r^aj xai bVi s^riK'^sv a-ro all to him in the hands, and that he had come from GcS xaj {jT^aysi j^|ar« Then he poured water into the basin, and began vi-TTTSiv rag ijroSag rwv (xa^yjrwv xai sxj/.ao'O'sjv to wash the feet of the disciples and to wipe them Tw Xsvriw CJ tJv 5i£(^w(J'(xsvo^. with the towel with which he was girded- 6. 'E^p^s-ra» ouv if^og 2i{X6Jva irsT^'ov, xa» sx^rvof Xsyei He Cometh then to Simon Peter, and this one said auTW^ Ku^is ! vi'H'Tejf (fv r'^g itodag (xjs ; to him^ Lord ! washest thou the feet of me ? 8 7. ^Iridxg d'n'sx^i'hy] xaj S/Vfv aurw, "O iyu ifoid (fv Jesus answered and said to him, what I do thou oiSag ix %t«, Ss ^vwCrj fjiSTa TaCra. knowest not now; but thou shah know after this. 8. Uer^os "ksysi auTW ; vi-^rig ov (xoi Peter said to him, thou shalt wash by no means rkg itoSag fj.j5 tig tov a'iaiva. 'O 'IiiO'Sf wrrsxpt^y] the feet of me, to the eternity. He, Jesus, answered him, if I wash thee not, thou hast no share with me. 9. 2sijxojv Ilsr^og Xsysi avrS, Ku^js ' fXT] julovov r^g Simon Peter said to him ; Lord ! not only the iro^ag juix, dWa xa» Tag -^^zT^ag xai Trjv xs^aXvjv. feet of me, but also the hands and the head. 10. 'O 'Ii^o'/j Xzyzi auTW, *0 XzX^^xzvog He, Jesus, said to him ; the one having been wash- s-)(Zi 5 y^^ziav^ rj r^g •jrodctg, vi-^ad^ai, aXX' ed, has no need, except his feet to be washed, but cf) xoL^a^og oXog, xai v^zTg zg'z xa^a^oi, ctXX' jsp^i he is clean entirely, and you are clean, but not nravTzg. all. 11. Fa^ YjSzi TOV ira^ocSiSovra avTov ; 5ja For he knew the one about to betray him ; for ^•Sto IWsv zg'Z ov-)(^i rravrzg xa&a^oj. this he said, y^u are not all clean. 12. "0if^sTg xai ocpsiXsrs vinersiv rkg ntodag the feet of you, you also ought to wash the feet of one another. For I have given to you an example, that as I have done to you, ye also shall do. 16. A;x>iv, A(x>iv, Xs'^w ujxrv, o'^Xog ig'iv ^x fxsi- Verily, verily, 1 say to you, the servant is not ^wv tS xv^ia auToiJ, iJs d^n'og'oXos greater than the master of him, neither (is) the one sent lisi^ojv )v fi6c*)(f(A) TO -^ojfj^jov, /3a-^aj. Ka» su/3a4/ag shall give the piece, having dipped it. And having TO -v|^'jj(juiov Sid(jj(fi\/ 'ix5a 'Ifl'Xa^iwT'y) dipped the morsel, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, (the 2((Xwvof. son) of Simon. 27. Kai (XsTa TO nJ^wijojov, tots 6 SaTavaj s.'tfTJXS^v And after the morsel, then the Satan entered elg sxSM/ov ; o 'iTjO'Sf ouv Xs^si auTW, o ^ojsrc^, in him ; he, Jesus, then saith to him, what thou doest t-Qiy](fov Tapi^iov. do quickly. 28. As iiSsig Twv avaxsjfxsvwv syvu tovto 'n'^og But no one of those sitting down knew this for T» sIpsv aUTW. what (reason) he said (this) to him. 29. Ta^ Tivsg s^oxjsv, s-rsi o 'In^ac; s/;^sv tc> For some believed, since he, Judas, had the yXwtftfoxoixov, OTj 'Irio'Sj Xs^si auTW, a^o^arfov wv purse, that he, Jesus, saith to him, buy of which ^^ofjosv Xi^'^"^ ^'^ '^''^'^ io^Ti^v, -Jj Vva (5w we have need on the feast, or that he should give T» Tor^ •n'TW^^Or^ . something to the poor* 30. 'Exsjvo^ ouv Xttj^wv ro -j/Wfjiiov, sIyjX^sv sv'^sus. He then receiving the morsel, went out imme- diately but it was night. 31. ''Ors ouv if^x:>£v, 6 'I^cfSs Xsysi, When then, he had gone out, (he) — Jesus saith, Nvv 6 'viogr^ av&^w;rs ido^at^'by] xaj 6 Qsog now, the Son of (the) man is glorified, and (he) — God sSo^acf'^T] ev auTW. is glorified in him. 32. 'El Qsos SfJofaC^*) iv aurw, 6 0sog xou If he — God — is glorified in him, he — God — also 8o^a(fei auTov sv lauTw, xat So^a(fsi avrov will glorify him in himself, and he will glorify him immediately. 33. Tsxvja, in fiijx^ov sl^i fxs^^ ufxwv Little children, yet a little (time) I am with you, 2r\Tr\(iB'rs (xs, xa< xaSwj sfwov roig ''l^^amg 6V« ye shall seek me and as I said to the Jews that oVs s^w virotyu v^sis 5uvatf&£ i iX^siv xai a^ri Xsyw where I go you can not come, so now I say i3fjt-rv. to you. 34. AiSu^ii Uf/,rv xaivYiv lvToX>]v, Vva dyccr^ars dX- I give to you a new command, that ye love one XiiXsjf, xa&wj 7}'yaitr}(fa ufxaj, Vva xai v^sTg dywrtars another as I have loved you, that also you love dWrfkiig. one another. 35. 'Ev TjjTOj 'KavTsg yvucfovraif on sg's fxa^yirai By this all shall know that you are disciples SfjLoi sav s-)^rirs ayoiirriv sv aXXiiXojg-. of me, if you have love to one another. 36. 2j{jLwv Tlsr^os Xsysi ocurw, Kv^is ! itov v'n'aysig ; Simon Peter saith to him, Lord ! where goest ^Ir\(f'5g anrsxpi'br) aurw, oVx vitayu^ 6vva(fai thou ? he, Jesus, answered him, whither I go, thou s vuv dxoXii^r](f ai (Xo< ds vgs^ov axo'hi^Y}(fsts canst not now follow me, but hereafter thou shalt jXOf. follow me. 8» 90 37. 'O JlsTPog \syst aCrw, KvPts ! Start ouvafxai i He, Peter, said to him, Lord ! why can I not follow thee now 1 I will leave the life of me for (fa. thee. 38. '0 'I7](r5j wn'SXPi^y] a-jru, '^rjdsig rriv He, Jesus, answered him, wilt thou lay down the •y^u^^'/jv tfH v'n'S^ J|x2 ; AfX7)v AfAiiv, Xsyw tfo; aXsx- life of thee for me 1 Verily, verily I say to thee, the cock by no means shall crow, till the (time) thou hast denied me thrice. Ks(p : lO, CHAPT: 14. 1. 'H xa^5»a CfJLWv ra^acr'fl'srf&w fx^j, '?rjj'&us3, s'l'nov ctv Cfxrv, -jro^suofxaj ^Toijuiatfai ar«, but if not, I would have told you, I go to pre* Torfov v^Tv. pare a place for you. 3. Ka» sav -tTopsu^w xa» sroj|xa(fw ufXH/ ro'S'ov, And if 1 go and shall prepare for you a place, l^ofxai <7r'aXiv, xai •rr'af'aXyj-^ojxai u|xag -tt^oj S/xaurov, I will come agaiw, and will receive you, to myself, "va O'tS iycjj £/fx», C(xsj^ xai '/)TS. that where I am, you also may be. 4. Kaj o-ttS syo) ij-r'a^w oiSars, xai oUars And whither 1 go you know, and you know rr\v o5ov. tb« way-. 91 5. 0WfAaj Xsysi aurw, Ku^is, o'iSoi\LSv xx ) o5oj, xa< v) He, Jesus, saith to him, I am the way, and the aX7]5sja xa< vj <^wy), Msjj s^^srai •tt'^oj tov ifarspct, si truth, and the life, no one cometh to the Father if JX')l (5»' SjXOU. not by me. 7. E< SyvWXSJTS fAS SyVUXSlTS OLV If you had known me, you would have known xai Tev ifurs^a jxs, xa» ct'^'' cc^tj ^jvwo'xgrs auTov also the Father of me, and henceforth you know him, xai Iw^axars avrov. and have seen him. 8. ^iXi'TT'Trof "ksysi aurw, Ku^is ! ^si^ov vyJv tov m'aTSpcx, Philip saith to him, Lord ! show to us the Father, xai ct^xsj TJiJAv, and it sufficeth us. 9. 'O 'Iiio'Sf "ksyst aurw, sl^ii toij^tov Xf°^°^ M**^' He, Jesus, saith to him, am I so long a time with u/xwv xaj syvuxoig fjis ix (piXjiT'Tr's ; 6 koopU' you and thou hast known me not Philip 1 the one hav- xwj e(X£ Iw^axi tov tfars^a.^ xaf -ttw^ Xsysig tfu, ing seen me, has seen the Father, and how sayestthou, ^si|ov v^uv TOV 'Ttars^a. show to us the Father. 10. Ilig'susj^ ou 6V( s^w iv TW ifar^iy xoa Believest thou not that I (am) in the Father, and 6 'K'ary]^ sg-iv £v S(xo< ; ra ^ri^iara a syu XaXcj the Father is in me, 1 the words which I speak 'XaXw i' d'n'^ ^jxaurou, Ss 6 itoiTT]^ o jxs'vwv I speak not of myself, but the Father, the one abi- ^v Sjxoi, a\jTos 'TTojsr ra s^ya. ding in me ; he does the works. 11. Hig'siisrs (jLoi ori syw gv rw ifar^i xai Believe me, that I (am) in the Father, and 'rr'aTT]^ av S(xo» St si (xii, ttig'svSTS fxoi ^ja ra aura the Father in me, but if not, believe me for the very s^ya. works. 92 12. AfXT^v AfATiv, Xsyct) vfuv 5 ifig'svuv sts Sf/.5, to, Verilj, verily I say to you, he believing in me the works which I do, he shall do, and greater (works) than these he shall do, because I go ir^os )v I leave peace with you, I give to you peace, the one my own, not as the world giveth I give to you ; the heart of you let it be troubled not, nor let it fear. 28. 'HxjiO'aTS oVj Byui s/Vov ufxn/, virayu You have heard that I said to you, I go away xai s^pj^ojxai "TT^o^ ufi-ctj* s/ riyaifars fxs, £^a^'/)T£ av and come to you ; if you loved me, you would rejoice OTi s/Vov, ^av&>], xa.i o'uvayxo'jv auTa, xai the branch, and is withered, and they gather them, and (3a'k'kii(fi sig tfu^ xai xaisrai. cast (them) in the fire and they are burned. 7. 'Eav (X£ivy]TS sv £(jloi xai Ta ^rifxaTa jxs (xS/vtj If you abide in me, and the words of me abide sv ufxiv, ajrii(j'£rf5£ sav ^sXtiTS xai ^fivrjtfSTaj in you, you shall ask whatever you wish, and it shall VfUV. be done to you. 96 8. 'Ev TUTU) ifury}^ fxa s§o^oi]X2j xaSwc: rjjaicrida ufxaj. love one another, as I have loved you. 13. Ou^sij £;;)(^sj (xsj^ova a^a^r'/jv raurrij iva j T*]v %|/uy>]v auTou -ii'Tr'S^ twv (pjXwv auTou. lay down the life of himself, for the friends of him. 14. 'T[XEig sg's cpiXoi jxS iav rroiriTS oVa syo You are the friends of me if you do whatever I £vTcXXo,aaj u(xjv. command you. 15. Asyui uiMoig ouxs-ri SaXzg^ oV< 6 SoilXog I call you no longer servants, because the servant oJ6s ix T« KujPioj auToij "jrojii, 5s sl^rjxct knows not what the Lord of him doeth, but I have cai- u'jLctc; cpiXag^ o'rj -ravra a ^xntfa ifci^a, led you friends, because all what I have heard from cou 'jfar^og (X2{, £yvc>)^KfoL ufAiv. the Father of me, I have made known to you. 97 16. 'TfjLSjj IfeXflao'&s fxs w^ oCkV iyu s^sXelafA^jv You have chosen me not, hut I have chosen vii^cis, xai i'^rjxct u(xa^, I'va v^sTg v'Jfayri'rs you, and I have consecrated you, that you should go xai (ps^TS xa^'TT'ov, xai 6 xcc^irog Cjjowv fJi-evii, and bring forth fruit, and the fruit of you should remain Vva 0, rj av a.hr\(!y]TS rov 'ir'aTS^a sv tw that that, whatever you shall ask the Father in the iiame of me, he may give to you. 17. T-avra ivrsXkoit^ai Cjxn/, <'va d^a-raTS ctXX'/jXisg'. That I command you, that ye love one another. 18. 'El XO^fAO^ fJMO'SI U(Xaf, ^»VW(^X£TS, oV» fJLe|XI(J''11X£V If the world hates you, you know that it has ha- ted me before you. 19. 'El rjrs ix Tou xotffAJS h xotffjio^ av i(piXgi If you were of the world, the world would love TO ISlOV 6S oVj sVs ^5C ^X TOU XOO'fAX, CtXX' f'^^ its own, but because you are not of the world ; but I i^s\e^oi[xy]v ufxaj sx rou xotffxS, 5ia tSto 6 xotfi/iO^ have chosen you from the world, for this the world hates you. 20. MvigfjLovsii ST? Tx Xoya k iyu giVov ujxlv, (JouXo^ Remember the word which I said to you, the ser- ig'iv ^x fASi(^wv tS xu^ijj aCTou, SI i(Ji6o|av vant is not greater than the master of him, if they have IfjLS xai ^iw^jstfiv v(xa^, £i iri]' persecuted me, also, they will persecute you, if they ^ri(fa\) Tov Xoyov (xs rr}^'r\]^w^>^, oV» Sjx/tfiitfav |xs law of them might be fulfilled, that they have hated me ^wpsav. undeservedly. 26. As oVav 6 ira^ax\y]T(ig I'X^y] ov s^w 'Tr'Sf/.-vj^w But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send v{iAV ira^a rk nrar^og, to 'jfvtvy.a rr^g dXr\^ziag o to you from the Father, the Spirit of the truth, which sxTTo^susraj -Tra^a t2 Ttar^og^ sxsjvoj fj.ot^T'j^ryO'si <7rs^i Sfxou. proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me. 27. As xa\ vi^sTg ^j^a^rv^sTrs 6V< ig's (xsr' S(7vS But also you bear witness, because you ate with me from the beginning. Ks{p : <^. CHAPT; 16. 1. Taura XsXaXyjxa u/xrv I'va jxig (fxavda- This I have spoken to you that not you should be XKr^rirs. stumbled. 2. rioiTjtfjifl'iv ufJ-a? d'TT'off'uvayw^jjf, They will cause you (to be) driven out of the sjU' m 99 aW ^^ct s^STai Vva ^clg o anfoxrsi' agogues, but the hour cometh that every one having killed you will believe to do a service to him — God. 3. Ka/ Tavra croji^tJ'sstJ'iv v^Tv on syv(j)(ia''j And this they will do to you because they have known not the Father nor me. ^ 4. 'AXXa ravra X3\aky]X0L vixTv Vva oVav But these things have I spoken to you that when 7] Cjpa iX^'f}, (ji-V7]jxovsu7]r6 o'r» lyw ciVov the hour shall come, you may remember that I told ujxn/ aurwv Ss ravTct sTifov hx vUjTv s| ^i'/Jl'^ you of them, but this I told not to you at the begia- oV< y]]i.t\v (XS&' ufxwv. ng because I was with you. 5. As vuv \)tiojybi if^og tov •rsfX-^avTa (xs, xai But now I go to the one having sent me, and aSsis i^ ujxojv s^ojTa fXs, "ttS v'n'aysiS ; i?io one of you asketh me, whither goest thoul 6. 'AXX' oVj XsXaXTixa. v^Tv raura ^ But because I have said to you those things the Xv-Tfy] itS'jeXriPuxsv rrjv xa^diav u,awv. sorrow has tilled the heart of you. 7. 'AXX' sycA) Xs^w ufxn/ Trjv aX7]9rSjav, (fviKps^si However, I tell to you the truth, it is profitable v^Tv ha syu) a-rr'sXSrw, ya^ zav ai^zX^tji [t.r\^ o tfa^a- for you that I go away, for if I go away not, the Com- xX't\Tog sXsutfsraj ^x -tt^oj ufxa^, 8z sav cfo^su^cS crsjx-vj^w forter will come not to you, but if I depart I will send aurov it^tiZ v^j^oig, him to you. 8. Ka» sxsTvog sXSfWv eXsy^si rov xotffxov irs^i ajxa^- And he coming will reprove the world of sin, Tiaj xa» TTS^i (^jxaiorfuviij xaj -tts^; x^icfswj. and of righteousness and of judgment. 9. ns^i a(xa^Tiag (xsv o-r< •ng-sustfjv ou sjV ^|J?S. Of sin indeed because they believe not in me. 10. As "TTS^i Sixatodvvrig oVi v'jfayu if^og j^S(j'&5 jag, xm on u-jrayw <^of jv Ajx-iiv Xsyw u^jv oVj u^jlsjj xKavdsrs Verily, verily I say to you, that you will weep, xai ^^rivri(fsrs ; Ss 6 xotf^iog ■)(a.^y\(iZTa\ 6s ihd you will lament ; but the world will rejoice, then v^i^sig Xu-TrTj^Tjtfsrf&c, ctXX' 7} Xu-TfT) ujxwv ysvYi(fSTat you will be sorrowful, but the sorrow of you shall be sig XH^^' ' turned into joy. 21. 'H y\)\r\ orav rjxrii £p(;£i A woman, when she is about to bring forth, has Xu-TT'/jv, 6t» r] w^a auTT^j ■^X^sv, (Js oVav to sorrow, because the hour of her is come ; but when the 'Kmbiov 'yswrjC'T), {Xvr]fXovsuS< kx §V» t% SfXj-v|/Swg child is born, she remembers not longer the anguish, 6ia Trj\j ^aPav, on av^^WTfoj J^svvrjSrr] s/j "^ov xorffAov. for the joy that^ a man is born into the world. 22. Kaj v^sig h vCv s-^S'^s Xu-rfi^v, 6s o-^oiiai And you, therefore, now have sorrow, but I will viifoig -TTaXiv, xai 7} xa^6ia ujxwv ^a.^'^dZTOLi xai see you again, and the heart of you shall rejoice, and ^6sig ai^Si T71V X'^s^'^ ^^'^^ '^9' ufxwv. no one taketh the joy of you from you. 23. Kai Iv ixsivr] tt} ?],as^a z^urridBTS sjxs ^x k6zv And on that very day you shall ask me not any Afx^v, AjX'iiv, Xs^w u(Xjv oTj otfa a/rT)- thing. Verily, verily I say to you, that whatever you tfcTS av Tov TTaTS^a sv tw ovofxaTj (xjj, ^wrfci may ask the Father in the name of me, he will give UfJLIV. to you. 9* 102 24. 'Ewg a^Ti 7)rYi(fa,rs h n^sv iv }(xrv, iva and I in thee, that also they may be one in us, that 6 xoo'jxoj jv ^siJoj- And I have given to them the glory which thou xaj fxoj, iva wu'iv sv xaSwj ^JM-sik liast given to me, that they may be one as we scT/xsv Iv. are one. 23. 'Eyw sv auror^ xai tfu sv Sjxoj 5'va cj(J'» I in them and thou in me, that they may be TSTsXsjwfxsvoi slg sv xa» iva o xotffxoj yivutfxri on made perfect in one and that the world may know that tfu aTfSg'SiXaf fjis, xai riy ant y\(fag aurjsj xa^w^ rjyoLifr]' thou hast sent me, and hast loved them as thou hast cTaj Sjxs. loved me. 24. IlaTSP, SsXw iva xaxsrvoj ^^ ^sowxaj Father, I will that those whom thou hast given f;-oi d}(ji f;.sr' 5(^.2 oV^ s^w s/(xj, Vva ^sw^ua"* to me may be with me where I am, that they may see Triv So^av rriv Sfjo^iv >iv' c§wxag fjooj the glory, the one my own, which thou hast given me, on yiyaif/itfag fxs m'^o xa-ra/SoX^^ xo(f- for tho« hast loved me before the foundation of the world. 107 25. Aixats ifars^, xon o jcotffxo^ syvw Righteous Father, indeed the world has known tfs oux, Ss iyu) s^vwv (fs, xon ^roi Jyvwo'av thee not, but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. 26. Ka» S'yvu^Kfa avroTg to ovofxa tfa, And I have declared to them the name of thee, and will declare it, that the love (with) which thou "TrTjtfaj (xs, rj sv avroTg xdyu sv avToTg. hast loved me, may be in them, and I in them. Ks'f> : lY]. CHAPT. 18. 1. 'O IrjCSc; sf^wv ravTO. g|7]X&£ tfuv ror^ He, Jesus, having said this, went forth with the disciples of him beyond the brook, the one (called) K£(5^wv, oVjj tJv xtj-ttoj 2}^wT7)0't auTKj, riva ^rirzin ; 6s Again, then he asked thera, whom seek ye? but oi siirov^ 'Ir)(fSv rov Na,^w^acai ^s^fAaivo- But Simon Peter was standing and warming (xsvoc:* e/Vov ^v aurw, s/ fxig tfu xa.i zx himself; they said then to him, art not thou also of Twv y.a^r)rC)v avr'n ; sxzTvog r,^\ir,(faTo xai zl;X^£v iig ro cr^ajrw^jov He then, Pilate, again went in to the judgment 112 xai i(puvY]rfs rov 'I'>)tJ'2v xai slm'sv aurw s/ (fv hall and called this Jesus, and said to him, art thou the king of the Jews'? 34. *0 'r.-itfSj aiizx^ihy) aurw, Xsysig (fv rSro a(p' He, Je^us, answered him, sayest thou this of laurS ij £i\s(i'^s ouv (XTfoX- release one to you on the passover, wish ye now I urfw / v^Tv Tov /SacfiXsa twv ' 'Iss(Jaiwv '? should release to you the kinjr of the Jews? 40. JIavrsg kv sx^avyacfav lioCkiv^ Xsyovrsg, y.r) rSrov, All then cried agdiii, saying, not this one, aXXa Tov Ba^^a/3av, 8s 6 Bup^afSag tJv but the one (called) Barrabas, but this Barrabas was x>3r>i?- a robber. Kscp : 1^. CHAPT: 19. 1. Tors 6 IIjXaToj oCv sXa/Ssv tov 'Ir](fSv xaj Then he, Pilate, therefore took this Jesus, and scourged him. 2. Kaj ol 5'^arjwrai j xS(paX>5 a-jrS, xaj '^'S^is/SaXov aurov ';ro?- placed it on the head of him, and they put ori him a (pv^KV (fxariov. purple garment. 3. Kaj eXsyov, X«,r^^ 6 f3a(fiXsvg twv 'IjjfJajwv, And they said, hail (to thee) the king of the Jews, and they gave to him blows with their hands. 4. Ouv IliXaroj s|>jX^£ -TraXiv xai Xsysj los Then he, Pilate, went out again and saith, behold! ayo) aurov sfw ufxn/ i'va yvwrs 6V< supjtfxw I bring him out to you that you may know that I find iSsi^iav airiav sv auis tfp^^jrfw^cv They said therefore to one another, let us divide auToy jxii, clXXa, Xa^^wfxsv m'S^i aurS rivog sg'ai it not, but let us cast lots for it, whose it shall 5'va 7] y^oKp'i^ <7rX>]^w&7] >j Xsyacta, be, that the scripture might be fulfilled, which is saying, they have divided the garments of me among them- jcaj sifi rov ljxar»(7'(7vOV (xs l'/3aXov xX'y]Pov selves; and for the vesture of me, they cast lots: 01 s'^anQraj ovv |X£v s? y^acpy] TsXej6j^>5, was accomplished, that the scripture might be ful|iUed, Xsysj ^j-vj^w. he said, I thirst. 118 29. 2xsuo^ oCv sxsiro ^sg'ov o^k^, 8s o5 A vessel then was placed full of vinegar, but they 'Ti'XrjrfavTSs (firoyyov o|^^ xa» "rrs^j^sv-rej i/tftfoj- filling a sponge with vinegar, and putting it on hys- •TTW if^o(iy]\isyxoLv tw g-ofxa-n aurx. sop, applied it to the mouth of him. 30. ''Ot= ouv 6 'I'/itf^g sXa^s TO o^og When therefore, he, Jesus, had received the vine- sjVs, TSTs'ksg'ai xm xkiMccg tyiv xscpakiiv gar, he said, it is finished, and bowing the head irapsd(jjxs to irvsui^a, he gave up the ghost. 31. Oi ^liidam ouv »'va ro tfw.aara fjosivrj The Jews then, that the bodies should remain (xij s-ti t5 g'au^S £v Tw tfa/S/SaTw, s-rsj -^v <7ra^cL- not upon the cross on the sabbath, for it was the (fxsvrj (y^^ h *3{J^S^a tS sxsjvh tfa/S/SaTjj ■^v preparation, (for the day of this very sabbath was \k3ya\'f\) TjPojryjtT'av tov TTiXarov iva Ta d'xsXy) a great one) they requested (the) Pilate, that the legs aurojv xarsa^wrfiv xaj d^^wt^'jv. of them might be broken, and might be taken away. 32. Oi g-Pariwrai -^XSrov oiJv xaj (xsv xaTsa^av The soldiers came then, and indeed they broke Ta dxsXfj t5 'T'^-aJT-^ xa» t5 aXXs tS o'us'a'j^ojSsv- the legs of the first and of the other, the one being cru- j And the one having seen it has testified, and the 119 ixaprvpia, aurS ig'iv dXigSivyj, xaxsTvog oiSsv on Xs- testiniony of him is true, and he knoweth that he ysi dXri'hyi, ha v^sTs 'n'lg'SiXfriTS. saith true, that ye might beheve. 36. Fa^ TauTa iySMSro ha *j y^a^^ri For these things were done that the scripture -ttXtj^CajSt), 'Og'Sv aurS G'\j\iT^i^rj(fSTai L might be fulfiiled, A bone of him shall be broken not. 37. Kaj -TraXjv srs^a y^acpy] Xsysi, 'O^^ovrai And again another scripture saith. They shall look sis ov i^sxsvTri(fav. on (him) whom they pierced. 38. As (xsra Taij^ra o ^luxfrjcp o d-n'o A^t^a'^aias But after this he, Joseph, the one from Arima- ( UjV ii,a'^r]T'tig tS 'IwtfS, 6s xsx^ufxjxsvo^ Sia thea, (being a disciple of this Jesus, but hidden for Tov cpo(3ov Twv 'I^^ajwv) r,^CAjTri(fs tov IljXarov Vva the fear of the Jews,) requested this Pdate that he aiPT] TO tfoJixa tS 'IiIgS, xa< 6 ITjXaTog might take away the body of this Jesus, and he, Pilate, iifST^s-^sv^ ^XStsv ouv xai r]^s to c^wfjio. permitted it, he came therefore and took the body of this Jesus. 39. As xai NixoSyii^og -J^X^s, 6 sX^wv to -tt^wtov But also Nicodemus came, he coming at the first, Cr^O^ TOV 'lllrfSv VUXTOfc, (pS^COV ^liy^a tffXU^VT^J to this Jesus by night, bringing a mixture of myrrh xai akor,g wo'sj sxc.tov XjT^a^. and aloes, about hundred pounds. 40. 'EXa/3ov ouv to (TWjjia t2 'Itjo'S xa/ i§r,(fav They took then the body of this Jesus and wound auTo 6&ov(o;j fjusTa twv d^u^j.aTUv xa.'^ug sg'iv £^05 it in linen cloths with the spices, as it is the cus- Tof^ HsdaToig svrai^ia^siv. torn among the Jews to bury. 41. As T^v sv Tw To-Trw oifa ig'av^u'i^ri Now there was in the place where he was crucified XYj'n'ogj xai sv tw xri'n'ui xaivov ^vriy^sTov sv w a garden, and in the garden a new grave in which kSsig iiSs'n'u srshri. no one ever had been laid. 120 42. 'Exsi ojv (5ia TTiv -Tra^atfxsurjv rwv 'Ijs5ai There then, for the preparation day of the Jews c^Tjxav Tov 'lr]?J'5v, on j^p^ovro £iV to jxvr)fA5rov. forth and came to the grave. 4. As oj (5uo bT^s-)(ov ofxS xai 6 aXkog (xaS^iiry)^ Now they both ran together, and the other disciple gr^os^Paixs Ta;^iov t2 IIst^jj xaj -^X^s 'Ti'^wtoj sff to run faster than this Peter, and he came first to the fjivy]{jLSi {xrj yu^ ctva- He, Jesus, saith to her, touch me not, for I have ^slSrixa 'iircj) ir^og tov 'jfarspa (Xij, 6s iro^sva it^sg ascended not yet, to the Father of me, but go to T^g ddsX(p>ig ^la xui t/Vs avroTg, ava/Saivu if^og 5 (x£^£< tw ©w^S, £^s rov ^ax-ruXov Then he saith to Thomas, Reach the finger rfjs (]j5s xai Us Tttj X''"^^^^ M-^' ^^^^ 9=^^ of thee hither, and behold the hands of me, and reach the hand of thee and thrust (it) into the side of me, and yiva (X'A) a.iTig'og aXXa r^ig'og. be not faithless but beheving. 20. Kaj 6 ©ojfxot^ d'TT'sx^jSr'/] xaj s/V^v auTW And he, Thomas, answered and said to him, (thou 6 Kuf'jOb (x^i, xa» 6 0SOJ (Jlx. art) the Lord of me, and the God of me. 29. 'O Iridiig \sysi auTw, ©wijua, oVi supa- He, Jesus, saith to him, Thomas, because thou Kag (xs crs-Trj^suxac:, {juaxa^ioi oJ hast seen me thou hast believed, blessed (are) those fir\ ISovrsg xai 'jng'svcfavTSg. not seeing and having believed, 80. IloXXa xa» ctXXa (fr\yjSia ouv (xsv ztfoi'^dZM 6 'I'/jtf^g Many and other signs then truly did he, Jesus, ^v6J'n'jov TWv jxa^r^Twv auT2 a 'ig'iv ix in the presence of tlie disciples of him, which are not written in this very book. 31. As raura ysy^aitrai Vva <^T)'''« °''^' But these are written that ye might believe that h 'r/jtfS^ sg'jv Xpij-oj 6 hiog t2 ©?S, xa» Vva this Jesus is the Christ, the Son of (the) God, and that ^JjrSUOVrSj S-^'^TS ■ (^6J7]V SV TW OVOfXttTI avT^. believing ye might have life through the name of him^ Ks(p : xa. CHAPT: 21. 1. Msra ;j(T'av ofXK. other of the disciples of him were together. 3. Sjfxwv ITsT^oj Xs^Si oL-oroig ^Titciytj^ dtXssusiv, Xs'j/o- Simon Peter saith to them, I go away to fish, they outfiv auTW, yiixsTg xai s^-)(o^s^a (fuv tfoj, £^7)X&ov say to him, we also go with thee, they went forth xaj avsjSriffav sig ro TtXoiov suSru^ xai sv hsivri and they entered into a ship immediately, and in that T7] vuxr» sifiatfav ^Ssv, very night they caught nothing. But morning already being come, he, Jesus, stood slg rov uiyiaXov, oifxaS^'/^rai (jlsvtoi rjdsKfav k oVi spv on the shore, the disciples however knew not that it was Jesus. 5. 'O 'I'/](J'5j ouv Xs^si auroi^ ifuioia, '^X^'^^ ^''^ He, Jesus, then saith to them, children, have ye not Ti •n'^orfipa^iov, a'^'Sx^i'^YjCfav auTW, Ou. any meat,^ they answered him. No. 6. As 6 slifsv a-oToTg, ^oKsts to dixruov slg tol Ss^ia But he said to them, cast the net to the right (jt-s^T] r2 'TtXcih xai sv^rictsrs. "E(3ako\j ovv side of the ship, and you will find. They cast then, xai sVj 'i(f-)(y((av ix sXxuCai auro cfTTo tou "ttXtjStx^ and now they could not draw it for the multitude of the fish, 7. Ouv s;cc)voj ^J.a'hrir'rig o'v o 'iTjtfH^ 7]yaifa Then that very disciple whom he, Jesus, loved, Xsysi rw IIst^w, sctiv 6 Ku^ioj 2«(j^gjv saith to the one (called) Peter, it is the Lord. Simon H* 126 IlerPof ouv axntfa^ on ig'iv 6 Ku^jo^, Sit^udaro Peter, then, hearing that it was the Lord, girded about him the upper garment, for he was naked, and cast lauTov slg t'/jv ^aXatftfav., himself into the sea. 8. As ol aXXoj f;.ao:')~a» -^X^ov tw 'z'koiaPic*), jolo But the other disciples came in a little ship, for they ^tfav ^ ^xcy.pav a-TTo ]^a^iwv He, Jesus, saith to them, bring of the fish ojv sitiacfars vuv. which ye have caught now. 11. 2ifAoov IIsT^oc: avsfS'o ^oli s'iXxvffS ro Sixrvov iiri rl^g Simon Peter, went up and drew th§ net to the 7>1?) fJ^srov (xs^aXwv /p^^Suwv exafilthough there being so many the net was broken not. 1'2. 'O 'IrjtfS^ Xsysi duTOK:, Asvrs a^jg-r^tfars, 6s He, Jesus, saith to them, Come, dine, but oiSsTg t63v {i,aSfr]Twv £roX|xa s^crudai auTov, Tiv Xs^w tfoj OTS yjg vsurs^og Verily, verily I say to thee, when thou wast young s^wvvusj tfsauTov xai j jxa^Tu^ja au}(J'aj S^s Ta I believe the world itself would contain not the (3i(3\ia y^acpo^sva. Afj-^jv. books written. Amen, DICTIOBJARY. k A, n. and a. pi. neut. o^, >j, o, which, rel. pro. A^^aa(x, the name of a man, indechnable. AyoiysTv, inf. 2. indef. a sub. ayovcfiv, 3, pi. pr. a. aywjxsv, 1, pi. sub. pi", a. ayw, f. cc|w, p. >)Xa, to lead, to depart, bar. v. 3, c. Aya'hov, n. s. neut. ayahog^ good, adj. 2 term. A^aXXiatf&yjvaj, inf. 1, indef. p. ayaXKmu f. atfw. p. 7]'yaXXiaxa, to rejoice, cent. v. 1, conj AyanrYiv^ ace. s. ayatri, t].,-, ?j, subs. 1 d. f. g. the love. Aya'TTwv, part. pr. a., ayam'y](fai:, part. 1, indef. a., ayairars^ 2 pi. pr. a., ayaira, 3 s. pr. a., ayuTi-ag 2 s. pr. a., aya'rfYi(fst, 3 S. 1, f. a., oiya](3'7), 3, s. 1, ind. sub. a., airyjtfstfS:?, 2, pi. 1 f. p., airsw, w, f., yjCWjp. ^rr^xa, to ask, cont. v. 2. c. A/uva, ace. s., ajwv, ajjjvog, 6, eternity, sub. 3 d. m. g. Ajcjvjov, ace. s., ajwvio^, eternal, adj. of 2 term. Axav!^jvov, ace. s., axav&»vo^, i^, ov, made of thorn, adj. of 3 term. Axav^wv, g. pi. axavSra, tjj, tj, a thorn, sub. 1 d. f. g. Axyjxoafxsv, 1, pi. p. m., axrixoorag, ace. pi. part. p. m. axovsig, 2, s. pr. a., axasi, 3, s. pr. a., axasrs, 2, pi. pr. a., ax^wv, part. pr. a., axasiv, inf. pr. a., axuffas, part. 1, indef. a., axuffavrsg^ ti. pi. part. 1, ind. a., axstfavTwy, g. pi. part. I, ind. a., axd(jr}, 2, s. 1, f. m. axjjo'ovTai, 3, pi. 1, f. m., ccxau, I, f. m., axjsrfojxai, p. a., Tjx^jxa, to hear, bar. v. 3 c. Axoy), d. s., axo7], iij, >5, the report, the relation of a fact, subs. 1 d. f. g. AxoXkStwv, n. s. part. pr. a., axoXsSsi, 3, s. pr. a., ctxoX- isSryjo'avTwv, g. pi. part. 1, ind. a., axoX^^syracr, ace. pi. pari. pr. a., axoXjs&sirw, imperat. pr. a., axoXa'^r]- (fai, n. pi. part. pr. a., axoXji^^cfj, 3. pi. pr. a., axoXaj- .^^vra, n. and a. pi. part. pr. a., axoXa'^si, imperat. pr. a., axoXsj&sw, w, f. Tjtfw, p. rjxoXa^rjxaj to follow, cont. V. 2, c. AXsivlyaCa n. s. part. 1, indef. a., aXs<(pw, f. n|^w, p. ^\£i;pa,, to anoint, bar. v. 1 c. AXsxrw^, 0^0^, 0, a cock, sub. 3 d. m. g. AX'/i&sjav, aee. s., d\y)^sioL, d. s., aXrj^sja, a^, 4;, the truth, sub. 1, d. f. g. AXt^^cc:, n. s. n., aX7)&>^, ace. s. aXy)&7]i:, true, an adj. of 2 term. AXtj&jvoi, n. pi., aXTj^jvo^, t), ov, true, adj. of 3 term. AXrj^ojj, truly, adv. AXjsusjv, inf. pr. a., aXiJuCiO, f., sutfoj, p., viXisuxa, to fish, bar. V. 3 c. AXXa, aXX', but however, conj. * AXXa^o^Hv, from some other place, adv. AXXtiXwv, g. pi., aXX^iXoic:, d. pi. nom., wanted mutu- ally, among one another, adj. A 131 AXXofXeVH, g. s. part, pr., aXXofxai, to spring up, v. dep. AxXor^jw, d. s., aXXoT^jwv, g. pi., aXXor^jocr, a, ov, an other man's, adj. of 3 term. *AfAa^Tavs, imperat. pr., a^a^ravu, f., TTitfw, p., -Jjfxa^TTjxa, to sin, bar. v. 3 c. 'Ajxa^Tjav, ace. s., ajxa^rjai^, d. pi., ajxa^rja, aj, tj, the sin, sub. I d. f. g. 'Afji-a^TwXwv g. pi. afjLa^ToXo^jjj, o, the sinner, sub. 2d. m. g. A(X'>jv, verily, adv. Afjt-voj, J5, 0, the lamb, sub 2 d. m. g. AjX'TTsXw, d. s., afX'TrsXoj, a, 6, the vine, sub. 2 d. ra. g. Av, a (ireek particle, adding strength of expression to the opt. and sub. mood. Ava, each one. Ava/3aivwv, part, pr.; avaf3aivo\iruv, g. pi. part, pr.; ava- jSajvovTocf, ace. pi. part, pr.; ava/37]rs, 2 pi. 2 ind. a.; avSj-SyjCav, 3 pi. 2 ind. a. avs^ri, 3 s. 2 ind. a.; ava- /3aiv6J, f.; ^y](i], a murderer, sub. 2d. m. A-f. g. Avr<, for pr. AvrXciv, inf. pr. a. avrXi^tfaj, inf. 1 ind. a. avT\r,(fars imp. I ind. a. avrXsw, w, f. 'y)(j'w, p. rjVT\r,xa, to draw, cont. V. 2 c. AvrXyjfjua, arof, ro, a bucket, sub. 3 d. il. g. AvvacT, the name of a man. A^iog, a, ov, worthy, adj. 3. term. Avw, upward ; avw^sv, from above ; adv. A'TrayyiXK^(fa, n. s. part, pr.; air^^yyciXav, 3. pi. 1. ind. a.; airayysWc^, f.; wrrayyeXu)^ p. a-TryjyysXxa, to an- nounce, b. V. 4. c. A'jra^vYjtfy], 2. s. f.; a-TraPvsofAai, f.; Tjo'ofxai, p.; a-Tr'igf'viifxaj, to deny, v. d. A'7r'£('3'/)^av, 3. pi. 2. ind. a.; a'7i'o,5aivw, f.; airofBrigoiion, p.; a'Tfo^s^rixa, to come to, b. v. 4. c. A'B'sSccvov, 3. pi 2. ind. a.; aTTo^v/itfJcsiv, inf. pr. a.; a^ro^- avsjv, inf. 2. ind. a., a-Tfo^avT], 3. s. sub. 2. ind. a.; tt'TT'o^avsja'^c, 2. pi. 2. f. m., a-Tr'c&avs, 3. s. 2. ind. a.; a'TToSvvit/xsj, 3. s. pr. a.; a-Tro-jviitfxw, 2. f. m.; a-Tro^a- vSfxai, p. a., a-TfoTS^Viixa, to die, v. in tfxw. A-rstSrwv, part, pr.; aiifsi'^su}, w, f. ^^(j'w. p.; rj-rsi^-ixa, not to believe, cont. v. 2. c. A'n'sxaXu^^v] 3 s. 1 ind. p.; a-TToxaXu'Trrw f. -v^^w p.; a'Koxsxa- Xu(pa, to reveal, b. v. 1 c. A-rsJco^/Sv, 3 s. I ind. a.; a's'oxo'Trrw, f. -.j^w. p.; a-Troxexocpa, to cut off, b. v. 1 c. A'B'SxPi^r], 3 s. I ind. p.; acr'SxPiSiia'av, 3 pi. 1 ind. p.; a'lrsK^ivaro, 3 s. 1 ind. m.; a-jrox^ivsraj, 3 s. pr.; a-rox^j- A 133 vofxai, f. 1 p.; a'7rox|i^»30'ofjia», p. pass.; a-Troxex^ifxai, to answer, v. dep. A-TrsX^wv, part. 2 ind. a.; a-rr^X^ov, 3 pi. 2 ind. a.; a-reX- &w, 1 s. sub. 2 ind. a.; a-n-i^X^?, 3 s. 2 ind. a.; ocs'eX- ojXu&sjo'av, 3 pi. plup. a.; ocn'sXsutfof^.a&a, I pi. f.; acr5pp(^o}xai, f.; ccTrsXsurfofxai, to go away, v. dep. Airsg-aX^svog, part. pr. p.; aitsg-siXavj 3 pi. I ind. a.; airsg-siXsv, 3 s. 1 ind. a.; airsg-akxars, 2 pi. p. a.; a-TrsrsiXac:, 2 s. 1 ind. a.; wrrsg-siXa, 1 s. 1 ind. a.^ a'TTsg-aXxs, 3 s. p. a. U'ffog'sXku, f. sXw, p. aitss-akTca, to send, b. v. 4 c. A'lrriyaj'oVf 3, j)l. 2 ind. a.; a-rra^w, f. agw, p. (kro(fvva'yu)'yog, driven out of the synagogue, adj. 2 term. ^Aitra, imp. pp.; o-t to jjiaj, v. dep.; to touch. A'^'wXsjaf, g s ; a-n-wXeja, ac:, -J;, perdition, sub. 1 d. f. g. A^sg-a, n. &a. pi. n.; a^ss'oc:,'"^, ov, agreeable, adj. 3 term, A^»&,uov, ace. s.; a^j^pLoc:, jj, 6, the number, sub. 2d. m. g, A^iixai^a/«c, g. s.; A^i^a'^aia, ac:, -Jj, the name of a city, Ans-yitfars, 2 pi. imp. 1 ind. a.; a^ip^Jw, f.; jgw, p ; jxa, to take dinner, b. v. 3 c. A^xsr, 3 s. pr. a.; a^xoutfjv, 3 pi. pr. a.; a^xsw, f.; scfw, p.j ^^vexa, to suffice, cont. v. 2 c. A^via, n. & a. pi.; a^v*ov, x, to, tlie lamb, sub. 2 d. n, g. 1(« 134 B A^|a(ULSvo/, n. pi. part. 1 ind. m.; a^x^> ^* ^^i V'i '^iX^J to begin, b. v. 2 c. APTra^efv, inf. pr. a.; a^'Tratfs*, 3s. f. a. a^ira^si, 3 s. pr. a. a^rra^u, f.; ^w and fv', p.; ^i^-Traxa and yjt, to seize, to ciiiTy off, b. V. 2, & 3 c. A^'^aqjoc:, without se;iin, adj. 2 term. A^Tj, now, lately, adv. A^roj, n. pi.; a^Tov, ace. s.; a^-ro^, a, o, the bread, sub. 2 d. m. g. A^X"^, d. s.; a|p^>]v, ace. s.; af>'*j, r,s, hi the beginning, sub. 1 d. f. g. A^x'^fsr, d. g.; a^;)/js5?,f, n. pi.; ae;)(^i£^svg, sog, o, the high priest, coiit. sub. 2. d. m. g. Ap;)(^jr^ixX»vcAj, d. s.; app(^»)L'^r]xa, to in- cnase, bar. v. 3 c. ^AutP, g. s.; auTW, d. s.; aoT^sf, ace. pi.; aurwv, g. pi.; auTojc:, d. pl.; (xutt;, d. s.; auTO, ace. s.; auroc, au-rT), au- ^0, he, himself, rel. pr. Autt;, n. s.; ouroc, auT>], raro, he^ she, this, dem. pr. A>p, instead of, aT^o, from, of, pr. Af»s?, imp. pr. a.; acpViTS, 2 j)l. 2 ind. sub. a.; acpT^xs 3 s. 1. ind. a.; arr,rr;(^i^ 3 s. ]}r. a.; a;pw(;.£v, I pl. sub. pr. a. '^i a9*£vrc/<, 3 pl. pr. j).; a^irjixi, f.; '/^tfoo, to h;ave, to suffer, to pcrmir, a|)£-s, 2 pl. imp. 2 ind. a.; v. in ,a(. B Baict, n. & n. pl BaTov, ss, to, tho branch, sub. 2 d. n. g. BaV, imp. 2 ind. a.; .SaXXsi, 3 s. pr. a. ,SaXXy), 3 s. sub pr. a.; /SaXsrw, 3 s. imp. 2 ind. a.; /3aXw(r>, 3 pl. sul). 2 ind. a.; /Hc/SX'/jxorocr, g. s. part, p. a.; fSaXkoixsva, n. & a. pl. n. part. pr. p.; /SaXXw, f.; /3aXw, p.; /Ss^- Xi]xa, to throw, bar. v. 4 c. B 135 Ba-TTTj^si?, 2 s. pr. a.; iSoLim^si, 3 s. pr. a.; /^a-rTjJcjw, part. pr. a ; /Sairrjjw, f.; tfw, p.; /Ss/^aTfixa, to bap- tize, to put under water, to wash, b- v. 3 c. Ba^^a,5av, ace. s.; /3a^^a/3a^, a, o, the name of a man, sub. 1 d. m. g. [m. g. BwfiXsa, ace. s.; (BadiKsvg^ sog, o, the kin]Sra/3am, a^, ^, the name of a place, sub. 1 .d .f .g. Bii^itf(Ja, »j, the name of a fish pond, sub. 1 d. f. g. Bii9raviav, ace. s.; ^Tj^avja, as, tj, the name of a place, B>)^Xss{x, >j, the name of a city, [sub. 1 d. f. g. 'Bri^ddiSoL, Tj, the name of a city. Brijxa, to cry out aloud, cont. v. 1 c. BotTx;, imp. pr. a.; (Botfxc^, /3ow, l3o(fxs(^, f.; /3o(rw, j3oj{fu}^ ^orix'r\(iL^, p. l3sl3oxc(,, iSe^'Swxa, /3£/3oo'xy)xa, to feed, cont. V. 2 c. BijXs(rS£. 2 pi. pr.; /3sXo|xai, f. 1 m.; (3ii\Yi(fo^ui, p.; /??- iSsiXri^aai, to wish, to will,, v. d. B^a;j^»wv, ovoj, o, the arm, sub. 3 d. m. g, B^ovrigv, ace. s.; /^^ovrr), r]^, ->;, the thunder, sub. 1 d. f. g. B^ofjLa, aroj, ro, the food, sub. 3 d. n. g. B^wCiv, ace, s, /S^wCj?, ioj, >?, the food, cont, sub. 2 d. f. g. 136 r rayS/3a&a, tlie name of a broadway, or street, indecl. Fat^oipuXaxjCAj, d. s.; ra^o'^vXaxiov , oO, to, tlie treasury, sub. 2 d. 11. g. rajxov ace. s.; j'aixoc;, jj, 6, tlie marriage, sub. 2 d. m. g. rE7^a|A(j.£vo^, ri. s. part. p. pat:s.; ^s^pajxjxtvov, ace. s- part. p. p.; ysy^ctcpa^ 1 s. p. a.; y^acps imp. pr. a.; ysypuiiixsva, ace. pi. part. p. p.; ysy^kitTai, 3 s. p. p. y^a^riTaij 3 s. sub. pr. p.; y^a:f;o;x=va, u. &. a. pi. n. part. pr. p.; y^a-l.ag, s. pait. 1 ind. a. y^aipw, f. -v^w, p. ysy^acpa, to write, b. v. 1 c. re^svvii.as&a, 1 pi. p. p. ysyswrjiuvov, n. &- a. part. p. p.; ysvvrjSryivai, inf. 1 inil. p.; ysvvau), f.; TjtT'w, p.; ^sysvvv^xa, to bring fortli, coijt. v. 1 c. Tsfjua'aTr, imp. 1 ind. a.; ysinPu, f.; tfw, p.; ysys^ixa, to fill, b. V. 3 c. revstr^ai, inf. 2 ind. m.; ^sv/jo'cra;, 3 s. f. 1 m.; ^sjvojjia/, V. d. to be, to be born. revs-r%, g. s.; ysvSTT], r^s, vj, the birth, sub. 1 d. f. g. r£v'/)raj, 3 s. sub. 2 ind. m.; ^svwvrai, 3 pi. sub. 2 ind. ni.;/£v75(T's(r&s, 2 pi. f. 1 m.; ^syovsv, 3 s. p. m.; ysyo- vevai, inf. p. m.; ysvo^uai, f. 1 m.; y£V7](foixai, p. p.; ysysvTifxai, to be, to be made, to be born, v. d. r^^wv, ovTof, 6, old, an old man, sub. 3 d. m. g. reutfeTaj, 3 s. f ; ysuo;xaj, f.; ^sutfo.aai, to taste, v. dep. Tsu^yog, a, 6, the husbandman, sub. 2 d. m. g. F>]|a£r7)c:, 2 s. 1 ind. a. sub.; yri^a(fxu}, f.; atfw, p.; ysyiq- ^axu, to become old, v. in (fxw. r*]?, g. s.; yv], yris, Tj, the earth, sub. 1 d. f. g. rj, the scripture, sub. 1 d. f. g. Aa^»(5, the name of a man, iiar(xovjov, ace. s. dar^oviov, x, to, the devil, sub. 2 d. n. g. Aa<(Xov<^o,u,svjj^ q. s. part. pr. 6aj|xov»(^ofxaj, p. p. dsdanuo^ vi^jxaj, to be possessed of the devil, v. dep. AaxTuXov, ace. s. ^axruXw, d. s. ^axruXoj, x, 6, the finger, sub. 2 d. ni. g. A5(Jsfxsvov, n. & a. part. p. p.; Ssu, f.; Ss(fua5(fo}j p. rJsJs- xaa^c^Tjxa, to bind, cont. v. 2. c. AsdaXsvxa^sv^ 1 pi. p. a.; diXsvu, f., sutfw, p. (Js^^jXsuxa, b* V. 3. c. to serve. Asdo^svov, n. & a. s. part. p. p.; SiSucfi, 3 s. pr. a.; 5?- <3wxsv, 3 s. p. a.; Sog, imp. 2 ind. a.; ^orfw, 1 s. f. 1 a.; ^w^sj, 3 s. f. 1 a.; 6(j0(fy], 3 s. sub. 1 ind. a.; Ssdo^xag, 2 s. p. a.; dsduxsiffav, 3 pi. plup. a.; SCJy.sv, 1 pi. sub. 2 ind. a.; oj^w(x<, f.; ^w^w, p.; ^scJwxa, ^w, 3 s. sub. 2 ind.; v. in fj.i, to give. Asr, it is necessary, imp. v. Aeixvvsig, 2 s. pr. a.; Ssi^ov, imp. 1 ind. a.;. Ssixvv(fiv, 3 s. «fc pi. pr. a.; Ssi^si, 3 s. f. 1 a.; dsixw^^i and Ssixwu, f.; ^si^w, p.; ^s^c»;)(;a, to show, b. v. 2 c. AsiXiarw, imp. pr.; SsiXiau, w, f.; atfw, p. ^£(j£»X]f, 75, justice, sub. 1 d. f. g. A»xj&7ijr, 2 s. 1 ind. p.; sy£vvr]%',i^ 3 s. 1 ind. p.; yswaw, f.; '/^d'w, p.; ysysv- vrjxa, to bring forth, cont. v. 1 c. E/SPs-r^, 2 s. f. 1 a.; sysi^si, 3 s. pr. a., syriys^rai^ 3 s. p. p.; sysi^s-ai, 3 s. pr. p.; syfpsrr^s, imp. pr. p.; sys^^sig, part. I ind. p.; s/ej^w, f.; s^^^pw, p.; riyspxa, to raise up, b. V. 4 c. E/jvojiTxi, 3 s. imp. a.; syvCo, 3 s. 2 ind. a.; e^vwxa, 1 s. p. a.; syvojxa-s, 2 pi. p. a.; s^vwrfav, 3 pi. I ind. a.; eyv'^x=iTa, 2 pi. plup. a.; syvuxav, 3 plu. p. a.; syvwv, 1 s. 2 ind. a.; syvoxag^ 2 s. p. a.; £y\iu)xa.ixsvf 1 pi. p. a.; ^ivwrfxco, f. 1 m.; ^vwtfofjoai, p.; syvoxa, to know. ByxaivicCf m ], 3 s. 1 ind. p.; stJolarfa, part. 1 ind. a.; 5o|a^Wj^ f.; (Jo^atfw, to glorify, b. v. 3 c. E 141 E5w5)f, ^, the peace, sub. 2 d. f. g. Ei^, in prep.; sic, |xja, sv, one num. adj. EitT'sX^sjv, inf 2 ind. sirfs\yiX\j(faTS, 2 pi. p. m. sia's^p^^o^asvoc:, part. pr. sjtrsXSr'/], 3 s. sub. 2 ind.; SKTri'k'hsv, 3 s. 2. ind. SKfy]X^ov, 3 pi. 2 ind.; si(fsXsv(fsrai, 3. s. f. 1 sicfs^y^oixoti f. 1; sjfl'eXsuo'ofxai, p. m.; sj^j'sXTrjXuSra, to come, v. dep. Ejtfvjyctys, 3 s. 2 ind. a.; fjtfayw, f.; ^cj, p. s»(j'->i;)(^a, to in- troduce, b. V. 2 c. EicrTjxsj, 3 s. plup. p.; slg-TixsKroiv, 3 pi. plup. p.; ir^jAj, f.; r^l^w, p.; sg-axa^ to stand, v. in ^i. 142 E Ef^ev, 3 s.; s«xov, 3 pi. imp. a.; si^^srs, 2 pi. imp.; s^^w, f.; s^jj, p. tcr;)(;r]>c], ov, every one, adj. 3 term. *Exarov, one hundred, num. adj. Ex/3a\v), 3 s. sub. 2. ind. a.; sx/^Xoi^vjjj's^-ai, 3 s. f. 1 p.; £x/3aXXw, f.; sxjSaXC), p.; sxSs/SX/jxa, to cast out, b. v. 4 c. Ex(Je;)(;o,asvwv, g. pi. part, pr.; sx(5s;)^ojxaj, f.; sx^£^o,aaj, p.; sx(Jc(5s;)(^ixaj, to wait, to expect, v. dep. Exsr, there, adv. Exsj&sv, from thence, adv. Exsivvjv, ace. «.; sxsivk, g. s.; £xs;voj, n. pi.; sxsivrig, g. s.; SKSivog, 7], 0, he, she, it, dem. pron. Ex5jro, 3 s. imp.; xiffji^ai, f.; xsitfo^xai, to lie, v. dep. Ex\aiB, 3 s. imj). a.; xXaiw, f.; xXauffw, p. xsxXauxa, b. v. 3 c to weep. ExXtjSt], 3 s. 1 ind. p.; xaXsw, f.; Sc^w &. T/tfoj, p. xsxXTjxa, cont. V. 2 c. to invite. [3 c. Ex;xaa'(T'5iv, inf. pr. a.; sxjxa.'j'cj'w, f.; sxaa^w, to wipe, b. v. Ex'Tfo^cusraj, 3 s. pr. sxTToPSuo'oyrai, 3 pi. f.; tx-ro^suoixai, f.; £X'ro^6ufl'o!Xc/i, p.; sxTr'STTo^sujxai, to go out, to come forth, V. dep. ExPa|;v, 3 s. 1 ind. a.; sx^'afov, 3 pi. imp. a.; xpa^w, f.; xpafj, p. m.; sxcxpoc/a, to cry out, b. v. 2 c. ExJ'aj^aa'av, 3 pi. I ind. a.; xpau^a^w, f.; aifw, p ; x2- xwjyaxot, to bawl, b. v. 3 c. Expu/St] 3 s. 2 ind. p.; x^-o'Wto), f.; -vj^w, p.; xsx^u^a, to hi]-s)^o,aai, p.; X=Xy)pa, to take, to roce.ve, v. irr. EXaXsi, 3 s. imp. a.; sXaXy)^^, 3 s. I ind. a.; eXaX>)(j'«, 1 s. I ind. a.; XaX^w, f.; '/irfcj, p.; XsXaX>jxa, to sj E 143 EXarrstf&ai, inf. pr. p.; eXaTTow, f.; sXarrwo'w, to di- minish, cont. V. 3 c. EXs^sv, 3 s. imp. a.; sXs^ov, 1 s. & 3 pi. imp. a.; Xs^w, f.; Xs^oj, p.; X£Xs;)(;a, to say, to speak, b. v. 2 c. lEtXeyx^^y], 3 s. sub. 1 ind. p.; sXsyx-^^ ^ s. pr. a.; sXs^- ypi^ofji-svoi, n. pi. part. pr. p. sXsyx^t^^ f.; |w, p. y{Ksy)(aL^ and sX£^;)(;o,aai, to convince, to reprove, b. v.'2 c. EXsu^cPoi, n. pi.; sXsu^e^oc, ji, 6, a free person, sub. 2 d. m. g. EXsj&s^ojtfti, 3 s. f. 1 a.; sXsu&s^ow, f.; wo'caJ, p.; i^XsuSrj- ^wxa, to make free, cont. v. 3 c. EXsurfc-ra), 3 s. f. 1 m.; sXsutfovTaj, 3 pi. f. I m.; sXsutfo- \k2%a^ 1 pi. f. 1 m.; sX^wv, pari. 2 ind. a.; sX^ovts^, ij. pi. part. 2 ind. a.; sX&sjv, inf. 2 ind. a.; sXStt), 3 s. sub. 2 ind. a.; tXSrs, imp. 2 ind. a.; .sXrjXuSa, 1 s. p. m. eXT^XuSac:, 2 s. p. m. sX7]XLi2r£v, 3 s. p. nj.; sXtiXu&si, 3 s. plup. p.; sXTjXuSsjtfav, 3 pi. plup. p.; £t;)(^o(jLai, f. sXsua'oijoal, to come, v. dep. EXTjXaxoTSc:, n. p. part. p. a. sXaovw, f. atfoo. p. sXrjXaxa, to advance, b. v. 3 c. 'EXxutfai, inf. 1 ind. a. s\xM(lr\ 3 s. sub. I ind. a. IXxuw, f. ucTw. to draw, siXxurfsv, 3 s. 1 ind. a. b. v. 3 c. 'EXXrjvjp, in Greek, adv. EXojoo^yjcTav, 3 p. 1 ind. a.; Xo»(^o^6W, f; rjc'w, p.; XsXoi- ^of">)xa, to curse, cont. v. 2 c. EXu£, 3 s. imp. a.; Xuw, f.; XuCw, p.; XsXuxa, to break, b. V. 3 c.; EX-^'TTTjSrY], 3 s. 1 ind. p.; Xu-ttsw, f.; rjtfw, p.; XsXu-Tr'yjxa, cont. v. 2 c. to be sorry. Eixa, n. &L ace. pi.; £;.'.wv, g. pi.; Sfxoj, t], ov, my, mine, poss. pr. Exa^w, p. v£v»ipa, to wash, b. v. 1 c. Ev=rsu^?v, from hence, adv. Evrav^ia^siv, inf. pr. a.; £v)^av&7], 3 s. 1 ind. p.; Iii^aivw, f.; avw, p. s^s^ayxuj to wither, b. v. 4 c. Elstfiav, ace. s. filistfja, a^, *j, the power, sub. 1 d. f. g.; E^uvvjtfw, 1 s. f. 1 a.; s^vTtvi^oj, f.; jrfw, p.; s^virvixa, to awaken, b. v. 3 c. E|w, without, forth, adv. ^Eo^TT), ■^^, ^, the feast, sub. 1 d. f. g. E-tt' for f-Tfi in, to, upon, prep. E'7r'a/(T'£, 3 s. 1. ind. a.; -Trajw, f.; aia'w, p.; awa, to strike, b. V. 3 c. E-rravw, from above, adj. E-rra^aj, part. 1 ind. a., stfa^arSy imp. 2 ind. a.; ^-rai^w, f.; a^w, p.; '/j^xa, to lift up, b. v. 4 c. EcrauX6j, f.; (3a,Xu, p.; jSs^'k'/j' xa, to lay, or cast upon, b. v. 4 c. E9r'£&>]x£v, 3 s. 1 ind. a.; S'Tr'jrj&rifjM, f.; &»3(j'w, p.; TS^gixa, to put, or lay upon, v. in fjt-;. E]tfw, p. s'TTTi^w'nrjxa, to ask, cont. v. 1 c. E'TTjao'aTS, 2 pi. 1 ind. a.; i-Trjao'cv, 3 s. 1. ind. a.; •n'ja^w, f. atfw. p. ifS'n'iaxa, to catch, to seize, b. v. 3 c. E-TTj/sia, ra, earthly things, £';r<7£jo^, adj. 2 term. E'7:'i£, 3 s. 2 ind. a.; "ttjvw, f. tt'ojo'w, p. 'jrsifuxa, to drink, b. V. 3 c. E7ri5u(xiaj, g. s.; f-rrj^ufxia, a?, tj, the lust, sub. 1 d. f. g. E-TfixarotPaToi, n. pi. S'Ttixara^urog, cursed, adj. 2 term. 'Ei'^■ix£^xsvov, acc. s. part. pr. p.; £<7rixsifxai, f.; £'r»x£io'o(j^ai, to lay upon, v. dep. E'3riXs;KOfJosv7], n. s. part. pr. p.^ s]a'£, 3 s. 1 ind. a.; e'^roisire, E 147 2 pi. imp. a.; s-jronio'av, 3 pi. 1 ind. a.; e'rfoiri(foi,g, 2 s. 1 ind. a.; "ttojsw, f.; iitfw, p. '7r'£'7roj>)xa, to do, cont. v. 2 c. E'n'o^su&y), 3 s. 1 ind. p.; S'tt'o^susto, 3 s. imp. m.; -Tro^suo- (xai, f. m.; ■TT'o^suo'ofAtitj, to depart, v. dep. Hi'jta^avioi, roL, heavenly things ; s^au^avtoj, adj. 2 term. E'TTTud's, 3 s. 1 ind. a.; crruw, f.; utfw, to spit, b. v. 3 c. Eifu^sro 3 s. 2 ind. m. ';r'uv&avo(xa», f.; '/rsuo'ofxa/, p. p. -jrs- 'TT'uo'fjLai, to ask, v. dep. E^/a, n. 6l a. pi.; s^/oij, d. pi.; s^/ov, x, to, the work, sub. 2 d. n. g. E^^a^sraj, 3 s. pr.; s^ya^£(f^ai, inf. pr.; s^/a^ofi-ai, f.; s^yarfofxai, to work, to labour, v. dep. Ep7)(ji,w, d. s.; 5^'OfJi.oj, J5, ->), the wilderness, sub. 2 d. f. g. 'E^s\jvy]Cfov, imp. 1 ind. a.; s^suvaw, w, f.; tjCw, p.; ig^euv- i^xa, to search, to investigate, cont. v. 1 c. ^E^fxi^vsuofji-fAov, part. pr. a.; k^^y)v£vsrai, 3 s. pr. p.; ^^^yi- vsuw, f.: sutfw, p.: ^^(joTivsuxa, to interpret, b. v. 3 c. E^;)(;oa£vof, n. s., s^x'^ij.svov, n. & ace. s. n. part, pr.: s^- ;j^£0'^£, 2 pi. pr.: s^j^srai, 3 s. pr.: s^^ovrai, 3 pi. pr.: s^;j^o(xs^a, 1 pi. pr.: s^;)^srf&w, imp. pr.; s^o^Mtt f.: sXsutfofjoaj, to come, v. d. E^wTTjfl'w, 1 s. f. 1 a.: s^w-mv, inf. pr. a.: s^wrvjO'STs, 2 pi. f. 1 a.: s^wrw, 1 s. pr. a.: s^wrTjtfars, 2 pi. I. ind. a.: s^wTTjo'wo'jv, 3 pi. sub. 1 ind. a.: s^wraw, f.: '(^(J'w, p. Tl^wr-^xa, to ask, cont. v. 1 c. E^au^wrfav, 3 pi. 1 ind. a.: sg'ccv^u'^r}, 3 s. 1 ind. p.: fau^ow, cj, f.: wtfw, p.: sg'au^wxa, to crucify, cont. v. 3 c. Er»v, 3 s. pr.: s(f^sv, 1 pi. pr.: sgs, 2 pi. pr.: stfovra/, 3 pi. f.: sCstf^s, 2 pi. f.: sg-ctj for gtfsTai, 3 s. f.: sjfxi, f., stfofxaf, inf.: s/vai, to be, v. irr. ^Eg-^jcwj, part, p.: §r^x£v, 3 s. p.: sg-rixc^, I stand, v. irr. 'E^wg, n. s. part. p. for sg'a'^w^, Ig-wtfa, n. s. f. g. part. p.: sg-^, 3 s. 2 ind. a.: Ir^JM-'j f** Til'J'w, p.: Jg-axa, to stand, V. in fxj. E(r(p^ay<(7'£v, 3 s. 1 ind. a.; tfcpayjjw, f.; tfw, p. s(f(p^ccyixa, to seal, b. v. 3. c. Etf^j^arcov, g. pi.; zd-^^arog^ t], ov, the last, adj. 3 ter. Etfp^sff, 2 s. 2 ind. a.; sp^oj, f.; s|w, p.; £(3';)(r)xa, to have, b. V. 2 c. Ecp^itf^y), 3 s. 1 ind. p.; o'x*?'^? f'» "''w? P'5 Sfl'X"*'** ^^ C*^^ in pieces, b. v. 3 c. Eifw, within, adv. 148 E Era^arfd't, 3 s. imp. a. STa^ay^y], 3 s. 1 ind. p. sra^afsv, 3 s. 1 ind. a.; Ta^ao'o'w, f.; |w, p. Ts-ra^ap^a, b. v. 2 c. to disturb, to move. 'Ers^a, n. & a. pi. n.; ^rz^og, a, ov, the other, adj. 3 term. Erttfjv, d. pi.; ZTy\, n. & a, pi.; STocr, srsof, , p. su^u^xa, to make straight, b. v. 4 c. EuXo7'/)(xsvo^, part. p. p.; svXoysu, f.; ^^tfw, p. suXo^^i^xa, cont. V. 2 c, to bless. EO^ev, 3 s. 2 ind. a.; su^ojv, part. 2 ind. a. su^iitfsi, 3 s. f. 1 a.; sv^'nffoixsv, 1 pi. f. 1 a.; s-j^y}(fsTS, 2 pi. f. 1 a.; sv^idxsi, 3 s. pr. a. su^T^xajxsv, Ipl. p. a.; su^irfxw, f. Tjo'w, p.; svPYixa, to find, verb, in tfxw. Eu^a^Tw, 1 s. pr. a.; svxo'^^ig"ri(fas, part. 1 ind. a.; sup^a^i- g'r,(favros, g. s. part. 1 ind. a.; £u;)(;a^jg'sw, w, f. iicTw, p. sv^a^ig-Yixa, to thank, cont. v. 2 c. Eipa^ov, 3 pi. 2 ind. a., sipaysrs, 2 pi. 2 ind. a.; (pa^w, f. 2 m.; (pa^ofxai, to eat, v. irr. EcpavcPwrfa 1 s. 1 ind. a.; scpavspwo'sv, 3 s. 1 ind. a.; Sclavs p'^'i^Yj, 3 s. 1 ind. p.; cpavs^ow, f.; wtfw, p.; "rstpa- vspwxa, to glorify, cont. vi 3. c. E(f)->5, 3 s. 2 ind.; (p^ifxi, f.; i^tfoj, to say, v. in jxj. E^pjXsi, 3 s. imp. a.; (piXsw, w, f.; >](rw, p.; •rscpiXiiJca, to love, cont. v. 2 c. E(po/37i^y](3'av, 3 pi. 1 ind. p. scpo/S'/j^t}, 3 s. 1 ind. p.; s^o- Z 149 /Sxvro, 3 pi. imp. p.; (po/Hsw, w, f., ritfw, p. ifS(po(3y]xa^ to terrify, to frighten, cont. v. 2 c. E(p^ata, the name of a city, indecl. EipvXa^a, 1 s. 1 ind. a.; (puXatftfw, f.; |w, p.; ';r£(puXap^a, to keep, b. v. 2 c. E(pwv»](J'sv, 3 s. 1 ind. a*, (povsw, w, f. i^Cw, p. -rsq^wviiJca, to call, to crow, cont. v. 2 c, s^wvi^rfav, 3 pi. I ind. a. same v. Exa^'^rs, 2 pk; s^^^^'^^Vj ^ P^* ^ i^^^- P-' X^'^'*^* ^-j X'*^^* p.; xsp^a^xa, to rejoice, b. v. 4 c; ^XH'^^ 3 s. 2 ind. p. same verb. Ex=T£, 2. pi. pr. a.; s^si, 3 s. pr. a.; sx^ij, 2 s. pr. a.; s^ofASv, 1 pi. pr. a., s^outfi, 3 pi. pr. a., s^*''''^* '^ pl* sub. pr. a., sx'^v, ourfa, part. pr. a., sxwtfi, 3 pi. sub. pr. a., s-)((jif f., s^w, p., so'x'i'fa, to have, £^e», 3 s. f. 1 a. b. V. 2 c. Exof'''ao'St>]'rs, 2 pi. 1 ind p. ^o^'^^^w, f. arfw, p., xs^o^- Taxa, to fill, to satisfy, b. v. 3 c. *Ew^axs, 3 s. p. a., sw^axafxsv, 1 pi. p. a., Iw^wv, 3 pi. imp. a., Iw^axaj, 2 s. p. a., ^w^axars, 2 pi. p. a., §w- ^axatfj, 3 pi. p. a., sw^axw^, part. p. a., o^aw, f., arfw, p., §w^axa, to see, cont. v. 1 c. *Ewf, until, whilst, adv. Zs^GstJais, g. s.. Zsl3s8aiog, jj, o, the name of a man, sub. 2 d. m. g. Zt), 3 s. pr. a., for Za, ^TjCsrai 3 s. f .1 m., ^7]tf£tf&?, 2 pi. f. 1 ra. ^Tjtfovrai, 3 pi. f. 1 m., fw 1 s. pr. a., ^wv, n. s. part. pr. a., ^wvto^, g. s. part. pr. a., ^aw, f., {ri- tfofxaj, to live, cont. v. 1 c. ZrfkoSi a, 0, the zeal, sub. 2 d. m. g. Zrj-TTjtfjg, sw^, 7], the question, cont. s. 2 d. f. g. Z>]Toutf»v, 3 pi. pr. a., J-^jTW, 1 s. pr. a., ZrirsTrs, 2 pi. pr. a., ^7])X^ov, 1 s. & 3 pi.; 2. ind. a.; E^p^ofxai, f.; sXsurfojxai, to come, v. d. 'HXia^, jj, Elias, the name of a man. *HX»xiav, ace. s.; rfkixia, ag, ^, the full age, sub. 1 d. f. g. 'HX-jrixars, 2 pi. p. a,; eXj(xs^a»^, d. pi., ■yj^s^ag, ace. pi.; ^jf/^s^av, ace. s.; 'H(X£^a, aj, tj, the day, sub. I d. f. g. 'Hfxiv, d. pi., -fjfxwv, g. pi., V-'^5 "• pl'? ^7^5 Ij per- pr. 'Hv, ace. s.; 6^, ^, o, who, or which, r. pr. 'Hvs^xav, 3 pi. I ind. a.; rjvsyxsv, 3 s. 1 ind. a.; (ps^w, f.; 6Ww, to bring, v. irr. *Hvo»fsv, 3 s. 1 ind. a.; avo»;)^w, f.; avo<^w, p.; avsu-^a, to open, b. V. 2 e. 'nvrXTixorsf, n. pi. part. p. a.; avrXsw, f.; i^tfw, p.; rivrXrixcc to draw, cont. v. 2 c. 'H^av, 3 pi. 1 ind.; ^^s, 3 s. 2 ind. a.; ai^w, f.; a^w, p.; Tj^xa, to lift up, to leave in doubt, to take away, b. V. 4 c. 'H^i5"^(3'av, 3 pi. 1 ind. a.; a^ip^w, f.; jtfw, p. j, 3 s. sub. 2 ind. a.; Ti&7)fx», f.; ^i^tTw, p.; Ts^sixa, to lay down, V. in (XI. 06X51^, 2 s. pr. a.; '^sXsts, 2. pi. pr. a.; ^sXcjasv, 1 pi. pr. a.; ^sXw, 1 s. sub. pr. a.; ^sXy]r5, 2 pi. sub. pr. a.; &sXw, f.; SsX'/jO'w, p.; rs&£Xy)xa, to wish, to will, b. V. 3 c. ©sXTjjxa, arog, to, the will, sub. 3 d. n. g. ©soo'c/Syjj, SOS, and »j, a worshipper of God, cont. s. 1 d. ©£^i;^wv, part. pr. a.; ^s^i^siv, inf. pr. a.; ©£^«<^w, f.; kTw, p.; TS^s^ua, to reap, b. v. 3 c. ©s^jcffji-ov, ace. s.; Srs^jtffAo^, a, o, the harvest, sub. 2 d. m. g. ©£^fxaivo(X£voj, n. s. part. pr. p.; &£^(Aa], y)j, »;, the sheath, s. 1 f. g. [f, g. ©Xi-j^jv, ace. s.; SX»v)!/is, swf, >j, the affliction, cont.s. 2d. ©^SjXjxara, n. & a. pi.; S^Sfjijxa, aroj, ro, the cattle, sub. 3 d. n. g. [to lament, b. v. 3 c. G^v)\jYi(fsrs, 2 pi. f. 1 a.; &^7]vsw, f.. T^tfcj, p.; 5V7]xa, ©^jIjv, d. pi.; S^if, T^], s. 2 d. m. & f. g. an evil doer, Kaxwj badly, an adv., xaxS, g. s., xaxoj, bad, adj. 2 term. KaXn, g. s.; xaXov, acc. s., xaXo^, t], ov, good, adj. 3 term. KaXwc:, well, right, adj. 3 term. Kava, the name of a city, indecl. Ka'Tre^vaHjx, the name of a city, indecl. Kap(^»av acc. s., xa^8ia, a^, *j the heart, s. 1 d. f. g. KaPTTov acc. s., K.a^'jfos, x, o, the fruit, s. 2 d. m. g. Kara/^oXTjj, g. s. xarajSoXi], igj, >?, the foundation, s. L d. f. g. K.aTaf3agy n. s. part., 2 ind. a.; KaTa/^Sj^^jxa, 1 s. p. a. xoLTsfSaivsv 3 s. imp. a.; xara,^aivwv, n. s. part. pr. a.; xara/^^^j, imp. 2 ind. a.; xaxa^ajvovrac:, acc. pi. pr. part, a.; xar£/3>], 3 s.2 ind. a.; xara/3aivsi, 3 s. pr. a.; xaralBaivovTog, g. s. part. pr. a.; xara/3a»vw, f.; xaTa- /^TjcToijoai, p.; xaTa,Qs,8>]xa, to descend, v. irr. Kara/3ii(rav, 3 pi. 2 ind. a.; same v. KaTaxeifASvov, acc. s. part, pr., xaraxsifxcu, f.; xaxaxsitfo- iia», to lay down, v. dep. Karsxiiro, 3 s. imp. same v. Karax^ivw, Is. f. 1 a.; Karsx^ivsv, 3 s. 1 ind. a.; xara- x^jvw, f.; xarax^jvu, p.; xaraxex^»xa, to judge, to con- demn, b. v. 4 0. K 155 Ka]- yo^o^xa, to accuse, v. cont. 2 c. KaTTjyo^iav, ace. s., xarriyo^ia, a^, ^, the accusation, s. 1 d. f. g. KaTYi^o^oi, n. pi., xoLTTiyo^os, e, o, the accuser, s. 2 d. m. g. Ke^^wv, the name of a brook, indecl. Ksjfjosva, ace. pi., xsjfjisvov, ace. s. xsjfxsvo^, n. s. xsi^svat, n. pi. part, pr., xsjfxaj, f.; xsjtfofj^aj, to place, to lay, V. dep. "Ksi^iais, d. pi., xsi^ia, aj, ?;, the swathe, the bandage, s. ] d. f. g. KsxXsjtffxsvwv, g. pi. part. p. p.; xXsjw, f.; Cw, p.; xa, to shut, b. V. 3 c. K£xoifX7)Tai, 3 s. p. p.; xoifxaw, f.; o^tfw, p.; xsxojfXTjxa, to sleep, b. V. 3 c. KiJco'TTjaxaTS, 2 pi. xsxo'Tfiaxatfi, 3 pi., xsxo-rjaxw^, n. s. part. p. a., xo-TTiaw, f.; atfw, p.; xsxo'Trjaxa, to labour, to be fatigued, cont. v. 1 c. Ksx^ary)vra», 3 pi. p. p.; x^aTTjTS, 2 pi. sub. pr. a.; x^a- Tsw, w, f.; Tj^w, p.; xsx^aTYjxa, to retain, cont. v. 2 C. Kex^iTai, 3 s. p. p., x^jvsTaj, 3 s. pr. p.; x^jvtj, 3 s. sub. pr. a., x^ivtjv, inf. pr. a.; x^ivsts, imp. pr. a.;, x^imuts, imp. 1 ind. a.; x^ivovra, ace. s. part. pr. a., x^ivsf, 3 s., f. 1 a.; x^ivw, f.; x^jvw, p.; xsx|»xa, to judge, to con- demn, b. V. 4 c. Ksx^ufXfjosvo^, n. s. part. p. p. x^mtru), f.; ^j^w, p.; xsx^vcpa, to hide, to conceal, b. v. 1 c. Ks^fjLa, ace. s., xs^(xa, toj, to, the money, s. 3 d. n. g. Ks^fxarig-a?, acc. pi. xs^fxarj^iij, ou 6, the money changer, 6. 1. d. m. g. 156 K Ks(paX7), d. s. xscpakriv, acc. s., xscpaky], >),?,>;, the head, the chapter, s. 1. d. f. g. . Kr^-rrw, d. s. xri-Ttog, jj, o, the garden, s. 2 d. m. g. K^i-TTi^Po^, Ji, 0, the gardener, s. 2 d. m. g. K'/](paj, «^ 6, the name of a man. Kjvrjrfjv, acc. s. xivrjcT*?, swj, *j, the motion, cont. s.2 d. f.g. KXaisjj, 2 s. pr. a., xKm^da^ n. s. part. pr. a., xXauC-/), 3 s. sub. 1 ind. a., xXa»ovraj acc. pi. part. pr. a., xX- aisstfccv, acc. s. part. pr. a.; xXa»w. f.; xXoturfw, p., xs- xXauxa, to weep, b. v. 3 c. KXaCfxaTtt, n. & a. pi., xXatfjxaT-wv, g. pi., xXaCjxa, ro^, TO, the fragment, s. 3 d. n. g. RXs-Trr'/ig, s, 6, a thief, s. 1 d. m. g., xXs-Tr-Taj, n. pi. KXs-^^y), 3 s. sub. 1 ind. a., xXs';rj, the rest, s. cont. 2 d. f. g. Koxxoj, H, 0, the grain, s. 2 d. m. g. KoXufx/^Tj^m, d. s.; xoXu(;./37)i^^av, acc. s.; xoXu,a/37)&^a, a&, ^, the pool, s. 1 d. f. g. KoX':rov, acc. s.; xoX-^w, d. s.; xoX'ttoj, jj, o, the bosom, s. 2 d. m. g. [s. 1 d. m. g. KoXXu/Sirwv, g. pi.; xoXkvfSig-ris, j?, o, the moneychanger, Koy.-]^oTS^ovy n. s. n.; xo|x-v)yoj, the judgment, s. cont. 2 d. f. g. KPMiirn, d. s. x^u-tttoj, >j, ov, secret, adj. 3 term. A 157 Kufsov, ace. s.; Kv^is, v. s. Kv^iog, h, 6, the Lord, s. 2. d. m. g. Ku^-a^, n. s. part. 1. ind. a.; Ku'tttw, f.; -vj^w, to stoop, b. V. 1 c. KwfXTiv, ace. s.; Kw^jlti, riSt Vi the place, the town,s. 1 d. f-g- Aa,Ja^ov, ace. s.; Aa^a^o^, a, 6, the name of a man, s. 2 m. g. AaSr^a, secretly, adv. AaXsj, 3 s. pr. a.; XaXwv, n. s. part. pr. a.; XaXjiVToj, g. s. part. pr. a.; Xakstg, 2 s. pr. a.; XaXii, 3 s. sub. pr. a. XaXTjrfsj, s. f. 1 a.; XsXaXrjxsv, 3 s. p. a.; XaX'/jcfw, 1 s. f. 1 a.; XsXaXyixa, 1 s. p. a.; XaXsw, w, f.; Tjtfw, p.; XsXaX7)xa, to speak, eont. v. 2 e. AaXiavy ace. s.; XaXia, a^, >?, the talk, s. 1 d. f. g. Aa(.t/3avcTS, 2 pi. pr. a.; Xajx/3avsia, te wash, b. V. 3 c. AsvTiov, acc. s.; Xsvtiw, d. s.; Xsyriov, jj, to, the napkin, s. 2 d. n. g. Aeuira^, acc. pL; Xsujriij, s, o, a Levite, s. 1 d. m. g. 14 158 M Aeuxaj, n. pi.; Xsvxog, white, adj. 2 term. ATjg-ai, n. pi.; Xy)5"iij, s, 6, a Robber, s. 1 d. m, A»S:a(^£TS, 2 pi.; Xj^a^o(x£v, 1 pi. pr. a.; Xi&atfwCiv, 3 pi. sub. 1 ind. a.; XiSatfaj, inf. 1 ind. a.; XiSra^oj, f.; tfw, p.; XsXi^axa, to stone, b. v. 3. c. At&ivaj, n. pi. f.; Xt^ivog, r}, ov, of stone, adj. of 3 term. Aj&o^oXcicT'I^aj, inf. 2 f. m. XoS^o^oXsw, f.; tjCw, p.; Xs- \i^o(3o\7]xa, to stone, b. v. 3 c. At^ov, ace. s.; XiSrjj^, ace. pL; Xi^o^, js, 6 &, tj, a stone, s. 2 d. m. &, f. g. [term. Ai&og'^wTov, n. s. n.; XiSog'^wroj, made of stone, adj. 2 A»r^av, ace. s.; Xjr^aj, ace. pi.; Xirpa, aj, tj, a pound, s. 1 d. f. g. Aoyov, ace. s.; Xoyw, d. s.; Xoy^g, ace. pi.; Xoyo^, a, o, the word, s. 2 d. m. g. Koyxy], d. s.; "koyxri, yig, 73, the lance, the spear, s. 1 d.f. g. AuSo?, 3 s. sub. 1 ind. p.; \v(jaTS, 2 pi. imp. 1 ind. a.; XLiS/;va», inf. 1 ind. p.; Xuw, f.; Xutfoj, p.; XsXuxa, to break down, to infringe upon, b. v. 3 c. Auxov, ace. s.; Xuxof, a, 6, a wolf, s. 2 d. m. g. Avirrif r]g, tj, the grief, the sorrow, s. i d. f. g. Au'ff'aj&rjjso'&s, 2 pi. f. I p.; X-jitsu, f.; Titfoj, p.; XeXu-Tr^ixa, to make sorry, cont. v. 2 c. M May(JaXv)vviv, ace. s.; Ma7(^aX>3v'/], i^j, *], s. 1 d. f. g., the name of a woman. MaXyog, a, 6, s. 2 d. m. g.; the name of a man. Ma&iirwv, g. pi.; (xcc&T^rai, n. pi.; (j^a^rirajc:, d. pi.; (xa- ^r^r'i^, d. s.; fxaSrTjTTjv, ace. s.; (xa^'/jTaj, ace. pi.; (jt-a^T]- rii?, ^', 6, a disciple, s. 1 d. m. g. Ma^ojv, n. s. part 2 ind. a.; fxsfxa&-/ixwj, n. s. pnrt. p. a.; (xavSavoj, f ; (j.a&7)a'o|x«i, p.; (xsjxaSyjxa, to learn, v. irr. Maivsrai, 3 s. pr. a.; fxajvofxai, f.; {j.avoiJfxai, to be mad, V. dep. Maxapioi, n. pi.; (xaxotpjof, a, ov, adj. 3 term, happy. Max^av, far, adv. MaXXov, more, adv. Mavva, to, ind eel. manna. Ma^iav, ace. s.; Ma^ia, aj, »;, Maria, s. 1 d. f. g. Ma^^av, ace. s.; Ma^Sa, ^g, >j, Martha, s. 1 d. f. g. Ma^Tu^TjcTfj, 3 s. f. 1 a.; (xa|Tu^r)a'ov, imp. I ind. a.; fxs- M 15SI (j.ot^Tu^'/)'3, the testimony, s.l d. f.g. Ma;)^ai^av, acc. s.; (xap^aj^a, aj , ■??, the sword, s. 1 d. f. g. Ms, acc. s. MS, g. s.; s/w, I, pers. pr. Ms^aXK, g. s.; (AS/a^, (xsyaX?], (xs/a, great, adj. 3 term. MsSs^fAT^vsuofxsvov, n. s. part. pr. p. n.; jxe&spfAirivsuw, f.; sutfw, p.; [xs^Tj^fx-^vsuxa, to interpret, b. v. 3. c. Msj^wva, n. pi. m. g.; fxsj^w, n. & a. pi. n. g.; (xeiijwv, greater, comp. degree of, ^syas. MsjvT], 3 s. sub. 2 ind. a., (xsvwv, n. s. part. pr. a.; fASvTj, 3 s. sub. pr. a.; (xsjvaTS, 2 pi. imp. 1 ind. a.; (ASivyjrs, 2 pi. sub. 1 ind. a.; ^svsirs, 2 pi. 2 f. a.; fjosvsi^, 2 s. pr. a.; (jlsvsjv, inf. pr. a.; fxsvsi, 3 s, pr. a.; (xsivai, inf. 1 ind, a.; (xsvsjo'av, acc. s. part. pr. a. f.; /xsvw, f.; fxsvw, p.; (xsjxsvrjxa, to remain, b. v. 4 c. MsXsj, there is anxiety, v. imp. MsXXsj, 3 s. pr. a.; (asXXw, f.; ^sXk'r}(fu, to be about, to be on the point, v. irr. WsiiKfrix-v, 3 s. p. a.; (jt-spo'Tjxao'j, 3 pi. p. a.; (j^jo'wv, n. s. part. pr. a.; (xitfsj, 3 s. pr. a.; (Xitfew, w, f.; »]o'w, p.; fxsfjLitf^jxa, to hate, cont. v. 2. c. Msvroj, however, a conj. [dec "Ms^ri, n. & a. pi.; fxs^oj, soj, the part, the side, cont. s. 1 Mstftfia?, a, 0, Messias, s. 1 d. m. g. Mstfw, d. s.; (xstfov, j{, TO, the middle, s. 2 d. n. g. Mstfso'Tij, g. s. part. pr. a.; fJisCow, w, to be in the mid- dle, cont. V. 3 c. Msrov, n. & a. s. n. (xsj'of, r], ov, full, adj. 3 term. Msra, (xs^', with, through, between, after, prep. Msra(3s^r\xs\/, 3 s. p. a.; (;.sra/3y)&i, imp. 2 ind. a.; /x?Ta- (3r\, 3 s. sub. 2 ind. a;. (jiSTa/3ajvw, f.; ^ri(fo^My p.; (X£- Ta/3s/3y]xa, to go, to depart, v. irr. Msra|u, in the mean time, adv. MsT^^iraj, acc. pi. fJ^ST^v)ry], iij, tj, the measure, s.l d. f. g. MsT^x, g. s.j fxsT^ov, 25, TO, the measure, s. 2 d. n. g. Mil, not, adv. M>]ri, whether or not ? Miing, should any one ? 160 N MiifJsva, acc. s.; y^riSstg, ^-^Ssiiicl, ^riScv, no one, adj. 3 term. M'/jvutfT], 3 s. sub. 1 ind. a., (x>]vlioj, f.; d^w, p.; ixEixi^vuxa, to tell, to signify, b. v. 3 c. MvjrTj^a, acc. s., iir,r^n^', ^og, -/?, tbe mother, s. 3 d. f. g. M](xov£u£T5, 2 pi. pr. a.; i^vtjjxovutjts, 2 pi. s. pr. a.; (xvv]- jxovsusj, 3 s. pr. a.; fxv^jfxovsuw, f.; surfw, to remember, b. V. 3 c. Mo<, d. s., ff^w, per. pr. Mojp^sia, d. s., (xoip^sja, aj '/j,the adultery, s. 1 d. f. g. Moip^suofxsvoi, n. s. part. pr. p. f.; fxojp^suw, f.; sutfoj, p.; |X£fjoo(;)^£uxa, to commit adultery, b. v. 3 c. MovoysvYj, acc. s. ixovoyevag, g. s., (jtovoyov/jj, so^, the only begotten, cont. s. 1 d. m. &, f. g. Movyjv, acc. s. f.; ju-ovov, n. & a. s. n. fxova, g. s. (xovo< n. pi.; (xovo^, 7], ov, alone, adj. 3 term. Mupov, ij, TO, the ointment, s. 2 d. n. g. Mwo'v], d. s. MwCsucr, sw^, Moses, the name of a man> cont. s, 2 d. m. g. MwtfT]^, s, 6, Moses, s. 1 d. m. g. Na^a^&r, the name of a city, ind. Nai^w^aiov, acc. s.; Na^w^aro^, a/a, arcv, come from Na- zareth, adj. 3 term. Na^avaT^X, the name of a man, ind. Naov, acc. s.; vao^, ^, o, the temple, s. 2 d. m. g. Na^^ji, g. s., Naf'(5o^, ji, 6, spikenard, s. 2 d. m. g. Nsx^wv, g. pi.; vsx^oj, a, ov, dead, adj. 3 term. Nsvix7]xa, 1 s, p. a.; vixaw, f.; r]CJ'w, p.; v£vjxr]xa, to con- quer, b. V. 3. c. Nevei, 3 s. pr. a.; vcuw,f.; Cw, p.; xa, to beckon, b. v. 3c. 161 NsWTs^o^, comp. degr. of vso^, a, ov, young, adj. 3 term. N/xo(j7](jLOf, a, 0, the name of a man, s. 2 d. m. g. Ni4/a;, inf. 1 ind. a.; vt-^aixsvog, n. s. part. 1 ind. m.j vi'irrsig, 2 s. pr. a.; vi-^^rig, 2 s. sub. 1 ind. a.; vj-n^^w, 1 s. f. 1 a.; vj^l^atf^aj, inf. 1 ind. m.; vj-TTTStv, inf. pr. a.; vj-TT'-rw, f.; 4^60, p.; vsvjtpa, to wash, b. v. 1 c. Ni-Tr-TTj^a, ace. s., viirry)^, tjpoj, o, a basin, s. 3 d. m. g. Novjtfwrf;, 3 pi. sub. 1 ind. a.; vosw, f.; 'jio'CaJ, p.; vsvo7])ca, to understand, cont. v. 2 c. Nofx^v, ace. s.,vo^'/], 7]^, ■>?, pasture, s. 1 d. f. g. Nofxw, d. s. vo(xov, ace. s., vofAo^, h, 6, the law, s. 2 d. m. g. NocfryfAarj, d. s. vorf7)(xa, rog-, ro, the disease, s. 3 d. n. g. NuxTj, d. s. vu|, vvxTog, rj, the night, s. 3 d. f. g. Nu(X(piiv, ace. s., vufx^T], tj^, »], the bride, s. 1 d. f. g. Nu/A(piov, ace. s., wixcpiog, s, 6, the bridegroom, s. 2d. m. g^ NGv, now, therefore, adv. Sii^wv, g. pi.; l-yj^o^, withered, adj. 2 term. *0, n. s. m. 0, 7], TO, the, def. art. oj, n. pi. "0, n. &- a. s. n. g., og, ^, o, who, which, rel. pr., oi n. pi. 'OST^yricfsi, 3 s. f. 1 a., oovi^sw, f.; i^rfw, p.; y^jxa, to lead, cont. V. 2 c. 'OSoiiro^iag, g. s., odoj-Tr'o^ja, ac:, ■^, the journey, s. i d. f. g. *0(^ov, ace. s., o^ocT, g, 0, the road, s. 2 d. m. g. Oijsj, 3 s. pr. a.; o^w, f.; T^cfw, p.; u<^r]xa, to smell strong. b. V. 3 c. OS'oyja, n. &. ace. pi. n.; oS'ovjojc:, d. pi.; o&oviov, s, to, a linen cloth, s. 2 d. n. g. 0<(5a(xsv, 1 pi. p. m.; oidars, 2 pi. p. m.; otSa(fi, 3 pi. p. m.; o/^a?, 2 s. p. m.; o/'Ja, 1 s. p. m.; olds, 3 s. p. m.; st^sw, f.; r](foj, p.; ^jxa, to know, cont. v. 2 c. 0;, the house, s. 1 d. f. g. Oifxaj, 1 s. pr.; ojjxai, f.; oiy)tfo(j^aj, p.; cj'/](xaj, to believe^ V. dep. Oivov, ace. s.; oivo^, s, o, wine, s. 2 d. m. g. OxTw, eight, num. adj. OXo^, all, adj. 2 term* ^0|Ao«o^> ofa, ov, like, adj. 3 term. *Of/-oiwf, likewise,, adv.. 14* 162 'OjxoXoyoicj'T), 3 s. sub. 1 ind. a.; oaoXoycw, w, f.; tjo'co, p,; wfAoXoyvixa, to confess, cont. v. 2 c. [rel. pr. *Ofjt,s, tot^ether, adv. 'Ov, ace. s.; oj, v, o, who, which, Ovafsi, for o-^^y}, 2 s. f. 1 m.; o-Trrofxa/, f. o-^oixai, p.; wjXfAai, to see, v. dep.; o-^srai, 3 s. f. 1 m. 0^]^»a, n. s.; o-^»a, as, vj, the evening-, s. 1 d. f. g. 0-Xjv, ace. s. o-^is, sog, tj, the face, the shape, cont. s. 2 d. f. g. n Ilai^a^tov, K, ro, a little boy, s. 2 d. n. g. na<(J(a, V. pi.; 'jtoiidiov, 2i, to, the child, s. 2 d. n. g. UaiSKfxY}, 7)f, »;, the maid, s. 1 d. f. g. Ilaij, <;r'ai5oc:, 6, & '^, the boy, the girl, s. 3 d. m. & f. g. riaXjv, again, adv. IlavTa, n. &. a. pi. n.; ^^w(X£V7]v, acc. s. f. part. p. p.; 'n'S':r\riPo)Ta, acc. s. part. p. a., 'ttXtj^w^tj, 3 s. sub. 1 ind. p.; -ttXii^ow, w, f.; wtfw, p.; <£'7rX7)^ojxa, to fulfil, cont. v. 3 c. Usifc^^oxsv, 3 s. p. a.; ';rw^ow, f.; wrfw, p.; m'siri^^uxa, to harden, cont. v. 3 c. TLs^av, beyond, adv. n£^i, of, for, on account of, prep. TLs^isSsSsro, 3 s. imp. p.; <£^i(j£w, f.; i^tfw, p.; ]fA<, f.; ^^i^w, p.; '7r£^jT£^£»xa to place upon, v. in rii. IIs^ia'a'sufl'avTa, acc. pi. n. part. 1 ind. a., -TTS^io'fl'fuw, f..; svrfwj to remain, b. v.. 3 c. n 165 ns^tftfov, n. & a. s. n., rrs^K^dog, r}, ov, abundant, adj. 3 term. TLs^ig-s^av, ace. s.; '^^^s^ig'spag, ace. pi., Us^igs^a, ag, tj^ the dove, s. 1 d. f. g.. rie^iTSfAvSTS, 2 pi. pr. a.; -Trs^irsfxvw, f., rsfji-w, p., <7t's^<- rsTfjoigxa, to circumcise, b. v. 4 c. ns^jrojxiiv, ace. s. irsoiro^ri, yjcr, r), the circumcision, s. id.f.g. nsrfwv, n. s. part. 2 ind. a.; •^rcTrTw, f. 'ttso'w, p.; ■rS'Trrojxa, to fall, b. v,3 c. IIST^ov, ace. s., 'jfsr^ogy a, o, a rock, a stone, and also, Peter, s. 2 d. m. g. Ils(piX7]y.a)j, tj, the well, s. 1 d. f. g. IIiiXov, ace. s., 'tt^iXo^, ^j, o, the clay, s. 2 d. m. g. n>5;)(;wv, g. pi., '7r'75;)(;j^, sug, o, the Cubit, cont. s. 2 d. niarfwrfiv, 3 pi. sub. 1 ind. a., iria^o^ f.; rfw, p.; ';r£'7r']0'Ka'», 3 pi. f. 1 a.; '7rs';roiy)xoTSj, n. pi. part. p. a.; «n'or/)(ra^, n. s. part. 1 ind. a.; 'ttojsw, f.; 7)rf6j, p.; •rrs'Tojiixa, to do, cont. V. 2 c. noifXTjv, svof, 0, the shepherd, s. 3 d. m. g. IIojoj, a, ov, which one, adj. 3 term. IIoXiv ace. s,, 't'oXjj, scajc:, tj, the city, s. cont. 2 d. IIoXXoi n. pi, m.; -rroXXa, n. & a. pi. n. 'itoXKag ace. pi. f.; "ttoXXw, d. s.; '^roXu^, croXXT], "ttoXu, much, great, adj. 3 term, IIoXiiTjjxsi, g. s.; ^oXurifjiocr, very costly, adj. 2 term. JTovvj^a, n, & a, pi. n.. irovn^^g^ a, ov, bad, adj. 3 terra. n 167 IIo^suS, imp. pr.; ^o^suso'^aj, inf. pr.; •n'o^su^w, 1 s. sub. 1 ind.; itopsverai^ 3 s. pr.; •n'o^svoixoiif f. m.; <7ro^£utfo(Aa<, p.; 'itS'n'o^sviJ.arj to go, to depart, v. dep. Ilo^vsiaf, g. s.; ■n'o^vsia, aj, tj, fornication, s. 1 d. f. g. IIo^cpu^^v, n. & a. s. n.; "Trocr^u^ouj, purple coloured, adj. 2 term. Ilotfiv, ace. s.; 'rfocfig, sw^, -Jj, a drink, cont. e. 2 dec. IIoTafxoi, n. pi.; itora^og, h, 6, the river, s. 2 d. m. g. IIoTS, once, lately, adv. Ilors^ov, vrhether or not? adv. noTTjpjov, n. & a. s.; crori^^iov, h, to, the drink, s. 2 d. n. g. nS, where, adv. n^a|avTS^, n. pi. part. 1 ind. a.; "Tr'^arftfwv, n. s. part. pr. a.; "TT^atfrfw, f.; fw, p.; its^^a-x^a, to do, b. v. 2 c. n^s(r,<3ur£^wv, g. pi.; if^zajBurs^og, a, ov, older, adj. 3 term. comp. deg. of ■tf^stf^uf , old. n^o, before, prep. n^Oi^ara,, n. ;, the shoe, s. 1 d. f. g. TLrc,)x^iS, d. pi.; '7rTw;)^wv, g. pi.; 'n'ru'x^^s, acc> pL; crrajp^oc:, jj, 6, the poor, s. 2 d. in. g. riTuCaaroj, g. s.; ';r'Tuo'jxa, aroj, ca, to sell, eont. v. 2 c. nwVort, ever, adv. Hwj, how 1 in what manner ? adv. Pa/S/3. & Pa/3/3xvi, master ! [b. v. 3. c. Psuo'xo'iv, 3 pi. f. 1 a.; ^sw, f.; ^suCw, p.; s^^rjxa, to flow, Pw/joajoj, n. pi.; Pofjuaioj, a, ov, from Rome, adj. 3 term. PaTTj^fxara, n. & a. pi.; ^a-n'jo'fj.a, aros, to, a blow on the cheek, s. 3 d. n. g. P*](Aarwv, g. pi.; ^ii{xa, to^, to, the word, s. 3 d. n. g. Pwfxaig'') in Latin, 2a/3/3aTov, ace. s.; o'a/3/3aTw, d. s.; tfa/S^otTwv, g. pi.; tfa/S/Sarov, h, to, the Sabbath^ s. 2 d. n. g. SaXsi/x, the name of a place, ind. 2api-a^s a. pi. cont. from cfycsKsa, tfxsXo?, sXsoj, to, the bone, cont. s. 1 d. n. g. 21xsuog, sog, to^ the vessel, cont. s. 1 d. n. g. SxT^vo'TTTj^ia, K^, >;, the erecting of tents, s. d. f. g. 2xG^';r'Kj'Sr7]TS, 2 pi. sub. 1 ind. a.; (fxo^iri^Uj f.; jtfw, p. sdxo^mixa, to disperse, b. v. 3 c. SjcoTja, d. s.; cfxerja, a^, -/;, the darkness, s. 1 d. f. g. 2xo]v, ace. s., tfuxT], 7)ff, -fj, the figtree, s. 1 d. f. g. 2u(x^j{X£u(ra^, n. s., part. 1 ind. a.; tfu(x/32sXsuw, f.; sutfoj, p.; tfu|x,53/3i'Xsu3]^rixa^, 2 s. p. a.; ]v, ace. s. f.; 6, r,, to, the, def. art. Toij/s, although, conj. TojHTK^, acc. pi.; toiouto^, ToioivTT], Toi^To, such, adj. 3 term. To';r'ov, acc. s.; to-ttw, d. s.; TOTro^r, h, 6, the place, s. 2 d. m. g. TotfauTa, n. & a. pi. n.; rotfarog, TorfauTo], Totf^To, so great, adj. 3 term. Tots, then, adv. T^s;)^s», 3 s. pr. a.; '''^s;^w, p.; Ssd^a^Lrixa, to run, v. irr. T^iaxovra, thirty, num. adj. ind. T^)p(a, to go away, b. v. 2 c. 'X's'avT'JicT'iv, ace. s.; vit'avrY](fis, swj, ■^y the meeting, cont. s. 2 d. f. g. 'T-^rvs, g. s. uTrvoj, s, 6, the sleep, s. 2 d. m. g. 'T'jto, by, prep. 'T'B'o^s/yixa, aroj, to, the example, s. 3 d. m. g. 'T-jrotJrjfjLaTo^, g. s.; u':r'o(5>](Aa, to, the shoe, s. 3 d. n. g. 'X'B'oJcaTw, under, prep. 'Xci'o;xv7](j'sj, 3 s. f. 1 a.; C'7r'o|xi|xv'>)0'xo, f.; fAvi^tfco, p.; fji,S(xv>]- xa, to suggest, b. v. 2 e. 'Xfl'tfwn'w, d. s.; utftfW'T'oj, s, »;, hyssop, s. 2 d. f. g. 'Xg'£^7](j'avro^, g. s.; part. 1, ind. a.; vg's^sOf w, f.; o^Cw, p.; vg's^7]xa, to be wanting, to fail, v. cont. 2 c. 'Xg-sfov, afterwards, adv. *X(pavToj, 7j, ov, woven, adj. 3 term. 'X-sj^wtfiiTS, 2 pi. sub. 2 ind. a.; u-^^w^i^vai, inf. 1 ind. p.; u^'ow, w, f.; ojrfw, p.; u^^wxa, to lift up, to raise, cont. V. 3 c. ^aywCj, 3 pi. sub. 2, ind. a.; (payvi, 3 s.; (payo^Tg, 2 pi. sub. 2 ind. a.; cpaysiv, inf. pr. a.; (payw, to eat, v. defec. a»vcjv, n. s. part. pr. a.; »Xi'7r'jXi'7r'7roc:, s, 6, Philip, s. 2 d. m. g. •I^iXs/^, 2 s.; (p»Xs<, 3 s. pr. a.; (piXsw, w, f.; -xirfw, p.; crs- (piX'/jxa, cpiXwv, n. s. part. pr. a.; to love, cont. v. 2 c. #»Xwv, g. pi.; (pjXsj, ace. pi.; 91X0^, s, 0, the friend, s. 2 d. m. g. &,'3£»{r^6, 2 pi. imp. pr. p.; (po[3cUj w, f.; '/^tfw, p.; o^wv, n. s. part. pr. a.; cpo^so), w, f.; vjo'w, p.; 'jrscpo^rixa. to bear, to wear, cont. v. 2 c. ^^a/sXXwvy)v, ace. s.; (pojvv], y]g, tj, the voice, the sound, s. L d. «J>ojvy]jov, imp. 1 ind. a.; (pwvsj, 3 s. pr. a.; cpuvsirs, 2 pi. pr. a.; ^wvrjtfsj, 3 s. f. 1 a.; (pwv7]rfaj, inf. 1 ind. a. $wvsw, w, f.; iitfoj, p.; 'n'£(pwu'/]xa, to call, to crow, cont. V. 2 c. *wri, d. s.: cpw^, oro^, to, the light, s. 3 d. n. g. w X^^^^ 'P-J '^-- Xa^xa, to rejoice, b. v. 4 c. Xa^av, acc s.; xH°^y ^Sj ^t the joy, s. 1 d. f. g. X 175 Xa^iv, ace. s.: XH^'^^^'> S- ^-5 XH^^^ '''°^' *?» ^^® grace, s. 3 d. f. g. XsjfAa^^K, g. s.; •)(^siixa^^os, a, o, the brook, s. 2 d. m. g. Xsjfji/wv, wvof, 0, the winter, s. 3 d. m. g. Xsi^a, ace. s.: x^'^a^^ ace. pL; X'^^^^y ^- pl- X^'S^ °^' *i' the hand, s. 3 d. f. g. Xsi^ov, n. «&: a. s. n.; x^'^'wv, worse, adj. 2 term. XSrsp, yesterday, adv. XiXja^p^oj, s, 6, the commander of a band of men, s. 2 d. m. g. Xjrwva, ace. s.; x^ru"^, uvog, 6, the coat, s. 3 d. m. g. XoXars, 2 pi. pr. a.; p^oXaw, f.; atfw, p.; 5i:s;)(;oXaxa, to be angry, cont. v. 1 c. ILo^rog, s, 0, the corn, s. 2 d. m. g. X^sjav, ace. s.; x^^'"' ^^' 'J' ^^^® ^^®» ^^^® need, s. 1 d. f. g. X^ °^> lame, adj. 3 term. Xw^aj, ace. pi.; x^^°^» ^^' ^' ^^^^ region, the field, s. 1 d. f. g. [d. n. g. Xw^js, g. s.; x"^'°^j ^) '^05 the farm, the possession, s. 2 Xw^j?, without, prep, Xw^oitfai, inf. 1 ind. a.; x^^^^^^t ^' P^* P^^'^. pr.; x^f^'» 3 s. pr. a.; x^^^'^j f*' ^^'^i P*» '^sxw^iixa, to contain, cont. V. 2 c. 4^£u5oj, £0^, TO, the lie, s. cont. 1 d. n. g. 4/5^5-^]^, s, 0, a bar, s. 1 d. m. g. 4'UX'^u, ace. s.; ^'UX^i ^^> ''J' the life, the disposition, the soul, s. 1 d. f. g. 4'^X°^» ^°^' ''"°' ^^® cold, cont. s. 1 d. n. g. 4^w(Aj, 0, who, which, r. pron. "n, 1 s. sub. pr., wtfi, 3 pi. sub. pr., wv, part, pr., ?<[xi, f.; srfofjiaj, inf., s»vaj, to be, v. irr. 'fida, fo, in this manner. 176 n 'nxodofx^)^'/], 3 s. 1 ind p.; ojxodofXeW, w, f., >](rw, p.; wxo- 6o|X7)xa, to build, coiit. v. 2 c. 'r2(j^oXoy>](7's, 3 s. 1 ind. a.; ofXoXoyew, w, f.; yjCw, p.; Wjuio- Xo7>)-/ca, to confess, cont. v. 2 c. 'n^av, ace. s.; w^ai, n. pi.; w^a, ag, ri, the time, the hour, s. 1 d. f. g. '17?, as if, about, particle. 'n^avva, Hosanna, an exclamation of praise. 'nCci, near, nearly, adv. 'HtfTTS^, as if, adv. 'n-r?, when, adv. 'Otjov, ji, to, the ear, s. 2 d. n. g. •■#■ /' CORRIGENDA. Page, verse, read. Page, verse !. read. Page, verse. read. 5 5 auTo. 6 12 ovo/xa. 8 27 , 'j'H'oSyi^oLTog 9 35 aurS. 9 38 avTois. 9 39 ol. 10 42 fp. 10 44 axoXn'hs /. 11 52 Ajxvjv, 11 52 . UjXJV. 14 17 aurou. 17 16 tjg'suov. 18 20 m- 19 31 7>i?. 21 8 sjs. 22 10 v8oj^. 24 25 Tj^AV. 25 26 aJwvjov. 25 38 xsxoifKixan ?. 26 45 rfk'^ov. 29 7 vSca)^. 30 12 aV&^WTT'Off. 30 14 aurov. 36 13 then. 36 15 avTov, 39 34 TtavroTS, . 42 54 a/wvjov. 43 62 av^^wwou. 43 64 uawv. 43 65 M. 45 7 Ta. 47 26 01 d^x^vTss 49 39 Udag. 51 52 S^SUVTjrfOV. 51 53 of himself. 51 2 -TT^OJ. 53 19 'jrarr]^. 56 39 ^TS. 56 40 TjV. 56 41 ouv. 56 42 lYi(fsg. 57 44 sx. 57 47 , TK. 58 48 xai. 59 56 ha. 60 5 £V. 61 12 ^Eiitov. 61 18 aur'^. 63 28 sXoi5o^r](tccv . 68 24 TJfJlWV. 81 25 TT^Vsj^Up^OIV, 84 47 jva. 86 9 <7ro5oj. 88 26 Sfx/3a4.a^. 88 28 syvw. 97 18 UfAWV. 101 18 'EXs/ov, 107 1 crs^av. 108 10 SiXxuo'sv. 112 37 sig- 114 10 thou not. 114 11 ( maprjav, .116 22 TLiXaTog. 119 38 iTjrfS. 123 20 {;.cta^Tau 124 27 ©CJfACC. 126 10 ^V. 128 23 'OUTOC. 134 39 BaXCJ. 135 2 (^BJBaitrixa. 139 ti7 ysys^ixa. ,141 llTsrs^^ayxa 141 18 s<(5"w. 141 20 £l(5£W. 144 28 £v»4/a(;i,7]v. 149 39 Zwtfw. 153 16 'I'/]0'^V. 157 7 2 d. 167 42 ^ 2 d. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE VOCABULARY, n. nominative, g. genitive, d. dative, a. accusative, V. vocative, s. substantive, adj. adjective, pron. pronoun, prep, preposition, conj. conjunction, adv. adverb, art. article, v. verb, rel. relative, poss. possessive, dem. demonstrative, pers. personal, term, termination, d. declension, num. numeral, comp. comparative, indec. indeclinable, bar. baryton, def. definite, m. g. masculine gender, f. g. feminine, gender, n. g. neuter gender, pi. plural, s. singular, a. active, p. passive, m. middle, conl. contracted, pres. present tense, imp. imperfect, p. perfect, f. future, ind. indefinite, part.^ participle, plup. plusquamperfect, imper. imperative, inf. infinitive, sub. subjunctive, Cr conjugation. irr. irregular, dep. deponent. *■ n^