BS1505 .SS74 c/f Z^n LIBRARY Theological Seminary, PRINCETON, N.J. Case, Diyisjc n . . . 3 S j.SOS f^lielf, Section. ..^^b.V., Booh, No, r « A SUMMARY EXPOSITION OF THE Knt^tnal Senfise OF THE PROPHETICAL BOOKS OF THE WORD OF THE OLD TESTAMENT AND ALSO OF THE PSALMS OF DAVID. WITH A TWOFOLD INDEX. FROM THE POSTHUMOUS WORKS OF EMANUEL S WEDENBOEG, SERVANT OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. TRANSLATED FROM THE LATIN. FlRfiT AMERICAN EDITION REVISED AND CORRECTED. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY JOHN ALLEN. 1833. SUMMARY EXPOSITION OF THE INTERNAL SENSE OF THE PROPHETS, AND OF THE PSALMS OF DAVID. ISAIAH. CHAPTER I. That the church is vastated by evil of life, 1 — 8 ; so that there is but little of a residue, 9*; that therefore their external worship is of no avail, 10 — 15 ; an exhortation that they should repent of the evil of life, and that they would have good, 16 — 19 ; that they falsify the Word, 20 — 23 ; that the Lord will come and destroy them, and will establish a church with others, 24 — 27 ; this, when nothing of the church remains with them, 28 — 31. Chap. II. Openly concerning the coming of the Lord, and concerning a new heaven and a new church then, 1 — 5 ; because in the former church there is merely the false and the evil of the false, 6 — 9 ; openly concerning the com- ing of the Lord, that He will destroy all who are in the love of self and in the pride of their own intelligence, 10 — 18 ; openly concerning the last judgment, and concerning the casting down of the evil into hell, 10. 19, 20, 21 ; separation of the good from them described briefly, 22. Chap. III. That there will be a want of the knowledges of good and truth, 1 — 7 ; because they are in evils and in what is falsified, 8 — 12 ; that the Lord will come to judg- ment, 13, 14 ; and that He will cast those who have pervert- ed the truths of the Word into hell, 15 — 26. Chap. IV. That there will then be from the Lord some- thing new for the church, 1 — 3 ; and Providence, lest the Word should be further perverted, 4 — 6. 4 ISAIAH. Chap. V. That a church was instituted by the L6rd full of truths and goods from the Word, 1,2; that it became perverted, 3 — 7 ; that it is destroyed still more by falsifica- tions of the truth and good of the Word, 7 — 15; that the Lord will come and give the church to others, 16, 17 ; that those who have perverted the truths and goods of the church will perish by falses and evils of every kind, 18 — 30. Chap. VI. That the Lord appeared in the midst of his divine truth, which is the Word, 1 — 4 ; that the doctrine of the church from the Word not being understood, was impure, 5 — 8 ; it is predicted that all understanding of the Word would perish, so that it would no longer be known what is truth and good in the church, 9 — 13. Chap. VII. That ignorance of the truth and no under- standing of the Word, would enter and begin to destroy the church, 1 — 6 ; it is predicted that this Avould not take place as yet, 7 — 9 ; but that it will at the time when the Lord shall come into the world, 10 — 16 ; that then, all un- derstanding of the Word will be perverted by scientifics and reasonings thence, even until nothing remains, 17 — 20 ; that then the truth will be taught in all abundance, 21, 22 ; that the church will then be wholly devastated, 23, 24; otherwise with those who receive, 25. Chap. VIII. It is predicted, that before that time the knowledge and perception of truth will perish, 1 — 4; be- cause they would not understand the Word in simplicity, 5, 6 ; that by reasonings from falses, the whole church will perish, even until there be no longer conjunction with God, 7 — 12 ; and that they would not know the Lord, who is the Word and the church, 13 — 16 ; that nevertheless, others will know the Lord, who reject falses and remove what is falsified, 17 — 21 ; and Avho, by combats against evils and falses, receive reformation, 23 ; although, in the church, there is merely the false, 22. [N. B. Verse 1, of Chap. IX. according to the English Bible^ is considered by the author as verse 23, of Chap. VIII. In this work, therefore, verses 1, 2, 3, o/ Chap. IX. answer to verses 2, 3, 4, in the English Bible, and verse 20 ansivers to verse 21.] Chap. IX. Concerning the coming of the Lord, and con- cerning the new church which will receive Him, 1, 2, 3; but not the old church which is destroyed, 4 ; that the Lord will do all things, who is described, who will protect from ISAIAH. 6 falses and evils, 5, 6 ; that the old church, from its own in- telligence, will falsify and pervert every truth and good of the Word, and also of the church, even until nothing re- mains, 7 — 20. Chap. X. Concerning the farther vastation of the church, by their stealing from others the truths and goods of the church, 1, 2 ; that they will perish at the time of the last judgment, 3, 4 ; that they pervert truths by reasonings from their own intelligence, 5 — 11 ; that at the time of the last judgment, these are to be utterly destroyed by the Lord, so that scarcely any thing of natural truth will remain with them, 12 — 19 ; that those are to be saved who believe in the Lord, and to be protected, lest they should be led away by confirmations of the false by reasonings, 20, 21, 22. 24 ; because the whole church is devastated by scientifics, which pervert the truths of the church, and confirm falses, 23. 25 —34. Chap. XI. Concerning the coming of the Lord ; that He will judge from divine wisdom ; and that He will save the faithful, and will destroy the unfaithful, 1 — 5; the state of innocence with those in the heavens who trust in Him, 6 — 9 ; that those who are in falses from ignorance, and who have not suffered themselves to be seduced by falses and evils, will come to the Lord, 10, 11, 12 ; that the church will then understand the Word, and shake off* falses of every kind, 13, 14, 15 ; that those falses will not hurt them any more, 16. Chap. XII. Confession and celebration of the Lord on account of salvation, 1 — 6. Chap. XIII. In this chapter, concerning the adulteration of good and the profanation of truth, which is Babel. That the Lord will come in divine power, 1, 2, 3 ; to a grievous judgment on those who have wholly receded, to destroy them, 4 — 9 ; because there is no longer any good and truth remaining with them, 10, 11, 12; that therefore they will all perish with their evils and falses, 13 — 18; and abide in hell, where are direful and horrid evils and falses, 19 — 22. Chap. XIV. Concerning the new church which is to be established, 1, 2, 3 ; concerning the judgment upon those who have adulterated the goods of the church and profaned its truths, which is Babel, 4, 5, 6 ; the casting of them into hell, where they are the worst of all, 7 — 12. 15 — 21 ; their pride in that they wish to rule together with God over heaven, - 1 # 6 ISAIAH. 13, 14 ; of their dreadful end, 22, 23 ; that they are to be destroyed, who, by reasonings from their own intelligence, destroy the truths of the Word, and profane them, 24—27. [N. B. The five concluding verses of this chapter, according to the English division, make Chap. XV. according to the division used by the author.^ Chap. XV. Concerning the judgment upon those who place religion in mere knowledges, who are the Philistines, 1 — 5 ; that on their removal, the church will be safe, 3, 4. Chap. XVI. Concerning the last judginent, upon those who have rejected the goods of charity, and perverted the goods of the Word, who are Moab, their destruction, 1 — -9 ; that the Lord is not acknowledged by them, 10, 11; that they are to remain until the coming of the Lord, and then to be judged, 12, 13, 14 ; what they are, and what they will be, after their destruction, 15 — 23. [N. B. This explanation of Chap. XVI. includes chapters XV. and XVI. of the English divisio?i.] Chap. XVII. Concerning those who place religion only in the science of knowledges, which is Damascus, that they are to be destroyed, 1, 2 ; that it will be serviceable to the new church, 3; that that science of knowledges will then be rare, 4, 5, 6 ; but that they are to be instructed from the Lord, 7, 8 ; that those who do not suffer themselves to be instructed from the Lord, will be in want of all things, and instead of truths, will eagerly embrace falses, 9 — 14. Chap. XVIII. Concerning those who wish to be in blind ignorance, respecting the things of salvation, who are Cush, [or Ethiopia,] what they are, 1,2; that when the church shall be established, they will be rejected like things of no value, 3 — 6 ; that still those who are in ignorance, by reason of their not being of the church, will come to the Lord, 7. Chap. XIX. Concerning those who make to themselves a religion of the mere science of such things, as are of the Word and the church, and who enter into that science, which is Egypt : that thence arise controversies and here- sies, and that they enter into falses of every kind, 1 — 4 ; that with them all truth will perish, 5 — 10 ; that insanity is in the place of intelligence, 11 — 15 ; that they will perish, 16, 17 ; that such scientifics will be of use, when they are instructed from the Lord in truths, 18 — 22; that then the ISAIAH. 7 spiritual, the rational, and the scientific will act in unity, 23—25. Chap. XX. Concerning the same, that, because they are deprived of truths, reasonings will carry them away, and will devastate them of every good of religion, 1 — 6. Chap. XXI. That natural good will no longer remain, 1 — 4 ; expectation of the Lord, when the natural is first to be imbued with truth and good, 5 — 7 ; then the rational, 8, 9, 10 ; the adulteration of good and truth ceases, 9 ; that the coming of the Lord is expected, 11, 12; that then the knowledges of good and truth will be given to those who are in ignorance, 13, 14 ; that He is to come when all the knowledges of good and truth perish, so that none at all re- mains, 15 — 17. Chap. XXII. Concerning man's own intelligence, that the truths of the church perish by it, 1 — 7 ; that the internals of the church are utterly destroyed by it, so that they come into ignorance concerning the Lord, 8 — 12 ; that then from the delights of the false they will destroy the senses of the Word, 13 — 15 ; that they will perish, 16 — 19 ; that the power of the Word will remain, being guarded by the Lord, 20 — 24 ; that that also will perish in the church, 25. Chap. XXIIL Concerning the church which is to be de- vastated, and is devastated as to all knowledge of truth and good, which is Tyre ; that by knowledges there is no longer any truth of the church as before, 1 — 9 ; that it will be further vastated by reasonings from falses, 10 — 14 ; that the devastation of the knowledges of truth will extend itself, and that it will continue until the coming of the Lord, 15 — 17 ; that then the knowledges are for others, 18. Chap. XXIV. That the church is entirely devastated, so that there is no longer any thing of the church remaining, but instead of it the false and evil, 1 — 13; that those who are out of the church are to receive illustration from the Lord, 14, 15, 16 ; that the church is to perish entirely, and to be destroyed, 16—20 ; that they are to be cast into hell, 21, 22 ; that there will be a neAV church from the Lord instead of the old one, 22, 23. Chap. XXV. Confession of the Lord, 1 ; after that all things of the church had utterly perished, 2 ; that then, lest those who are out of the church should perish, they shall come and be protected from those who would infest them, 3, 4, 5 ; that the Lord will open truths to them, and take away 8 ISAIAH. the overspreading blindness, 6 — 8 ; confession of the Lord by them, 9, 10 ; that the aduheration of the good of the church and of the Word will be utterly destroyed, 10 — 12. Chap. XXVI. Glorification of the Lord on account of the doctrine of truth from Him, which they will receive and confess, 1 — 4 ; that the old church being utterly destroyed is rejected, 5, 6 ; w^herefore there is then expectation of the coming of the Lord, 7, 8, 9 ; that the impious will not re- ceive Him, 10, 11 ; that the Lord alone will teach all things, 12, 13; that those who persuade falses of doctrine, are to be utterly rejected by the judgment, 14, 15 ; that before, from the ignorance in which they are, they could not grow better, 16, 17, 18 ; that still they are to be instructed, and to receive life, 19 ; that they are to be preserved, while, in the mean time, those w^ho are in the persuasion of the false, will be destroyed by the last judgment, 19, 20, 21. Chap. XXVII. That there is no longer truth and good in the natural man, 1 ; that still the truth of the church is to be guarded, 2, 3 ; that at the day of judgment all the evil and false w411 be destroyed, 4, 5 ; that afterwards there will be a new church, 6; with those with whom truths are not so lost, 7, 8 ; that in time all true worship will perish with all truth and good, that they will perish at the day of judgment, 8 — 12; that afterwards there will be a new church, which will confess the Lord, 12, 13. Chap. XXVIII. Concerning those who from their own intelligence have falsified truths, who are the drunkards of Ephraim, that falses will break forth, 1, 2; that truths will perish, 3, 4 ; that the Lord will teach truths when He comes, 5, 6 ; that then all doctrine will be full of falses and evils, 7, 8 ; so that truths cannot be communicated and taught, 9, 10 ; that they will reject, 11, 12, 13 ; that they will laugh to scorn those things which are of heaven and the church, and reject the things which are of the Lord, 14, 15, 16 ; that although they will reprobate and not understand, still they must be taught, 17 — 21 ; that they will continually be taught, but that still they will not receive, 22 — 29. Chap. XXIX. Concerning the lost doctrine of the truth of the church, which is Ariel, that it will perish so as not to be any thing, 1 — 4 ; that falses will prevail, and will further pervert, even until the church perishes, 5, 6 ; that the false will appear as truth, 7, 8 ; that on account of falses they cannot see truths, 9 — 12 ; that there will be external ISAIAH. 9 worship without internal, 13 ; that there will be no more understanding of truth, 14; that they will think wrongly- respecting God, 15, 16 ; that when the old church perishes, a new one is to be established by the Lord, 17, 18, 19 ; that all who are against truth and good will perish, 20, 21 ; it will be otherwise with those Avho shall receive the Lord, that they will understand truths, 22, 23, 24. Chap. XXX. That those who trust in the science of the natural man, thus in their own intelligence, seduce them- selves, 1 — 5 ; concerning the learned or the self-taught, 6 ; that science seduces them, and that they recede from the Word, 7 — 10; and from the Lord, 11 ; that thus they have not any truth, and thus neither any good, 12 — 14; that trust should be placed in the Lord, 15 ; that those who trust in themselves and their own learning have no intelligence at all, 16, 17 ; that the Lord turns Himself to those who trust in Him, 18, 19 ; that they will be instructed, 20, 21 ; that then tliey will reject those things which are of their own intelli- gence, 22 ; that then they will have truth in all abundance, and wisdom, 23 — 26 ; when those who are in the falses of evil will perish, 27, 28 ; then they will come from the Lord into the delights of truth and good, 29, 30 ; that there will be a judgment upon those who trust in themselves, 30, 31 ; that those who have thereby adulterated the Word, will be cast into hell, 32, 33. Chap. XXXI. That those who trust in their learning from their own intelligence, do not trust in the Lord, 1 ; that they are against Him, wherefore they have evil, 2; that they have no understanding of truth, but fal] into falses, 3 ; that at the time of the judgment they are to be destroyed, 4 ; that the Lord will then protect those, with whom the church is from Him, 5, 6 ; that they will then reject falses and evils, 7 ; that those will perish who trust in themselves, 8, 9 ; that good from the Lord will be in the new church, 9. Chap. XXXII. When the Lord shall reign by divine truth, 1 ; then there will be truth received, and the under- standing of truth, 2, 3, 4 ; and simulation will cease, 5 ; then the false-speaker will speak falses, and the malevo- lent Avill do evils, 6, 7 ; and conversely, 8 ; that then all things of the church will cease, 9 — 12 ; and the false will be every where, 13, 14 ; even till there be divine truth from the Lord, when there will be truth and good, and protection from 10 ISAIAH. falses, 15 — 18 ; the false will still remain even to the end, 19 ; but not with those who love truth and good, 20. Chap. XXXIII. Concerning those who by falses vastate the truths of the church, 1 ; that the Lord will come and protect his own, 2 ; that the vastators will be dispersed by Him, 3, 4 ; that they will have protection from the Lord by divine truth, 5, 6 ; that the devastation of the truth of the church will continue then, 7, 8, 9 ; that they have no regard for the Lord, 10 ; that falses and evils will consume all things of the church, 11, 12; that they will dread the last judgment, 13, 14 ; that those who do good from the Lord are to be saved, 15, 16, 17 ; that they will not hear falses and believe them, 18, 19 ; that they will be of the Lord's church, and that they will have from the Lord an abundance of all things of truth, 20, 21, 22; and of all things of good; and thus not any more evil, 23, 24. Chap. XXXIV. The last judgment upon all who are in evil and thence in falses is described, 1 — 8 ; that being cast down into hell, they will remain in horrid falses and evils to eternity, 9 — 15 ; that this was foretold, 16 ; it will be other- wise with those who are not such, 17. Chap. XXXV. That those who are out of the church, who have not the Word, are to be accepted, that they may become the church, and that all things of heaven are to be given to them, 1, 2, 3 ; that the Lord will protect and deliver them from the infernals, 4, 5 ; that in the midst of them they are to be protected and saved, 6 — 9 ; that the church is from them, and that they will have the good of the church, 10. Chap. XXXVI. That reasonings from falses have per- verted the doctrinals of the church, 1 ; by scientifics falsely applied, 2 — 6 ; and by the abrogation of representative worship, 7 ; and that therefore the church became perverted, 8 — 10; whence merely evils and falses, 11, 12; so that they blasphemed the Lord, but that they had no power, 13 — 20; that this is made manifest, 21, 22. Chap. XXXVII. Concerning those who have performed repentance, and consulted the truths of doctrine, 1 — 5 ; and have perceived that those will perish who have blasphemed the Lord, 6, 7 ; who have so highly blasphemed, as that He could not prevail against them, 8 — 13 ; that those who have consulted doctrine from the AVord, performed repentance, and prayed to the Lord for help against the blasphemers, 14 — 20 ; ISAIAH. 11 and they received for answer in their heart, that those who have blasphemed the Lord shall perish, which blasphemy is also treated of, 21 — 27 ; that therefore it shall not proceed any farther, 28, 29 ; because a new church will exist in its own time, 30 — 32 ; wherefore the old church will not be destroyed yet, 33 — 35 ; but that still it is to be utterly de- stroyed, 36 — 38. Chap. XXXVIII. That they have performed repentance, and are therefore kept from destruction, 1 — 6 ; that there- fore the time of the Lord's coming is protracted, 7, 8 ; that still the church will depart, 9 — 15 ; an exhortation to repent, 16 — 20 ; that there is yet natural good with some, 21, 22. Chap. XXXIX. It is foretold that they will adulterate all the goods of the Word, and profane its truths, so that no- thing of good and truth would be left, which is Babel, 1 — 7 ; but not as yet, 8. Chap. XL. The coming of the Lord is foretold, when the good are to be saved, and the evil are to perish, 1 — 5 ; that all truth will be banished, 6 — 8 ; a prediction concerning the coming of the Lord, and concerning the salvation of those who receive Him, 9 — 11 ; because He is omnipotent and omniscient, 12 — 14; that all persons and all things against Him are of no avail, 15 — 18 ; that man's own intelligence is of no avail, 19, 20 ; that the Lord has dominion over all things, and that without Him all things fall, 21 — 25 ; that He rules the heavens, 26 ; why the church is ignorant of it, 27 ; that the Lord sustains the church with those who look to Him, 28, 29. 31 ; that those who do not look to Him have no power, but fall, 30. Chap. XLI. Concerning the last judgment accomplished by the Lord from his Human, in which He was in the world, 1, 2, 3 ; that by his Divine, 4 ; that those opposed them- selves to Him, who were in their own intelligence, 5, 6, 7 ; that the Human was corroborated by his Divine, 8^ — 10. 13, 14; that they cannot in the smallest degree prevail against Him, 11, 12; that they will be utterly dispersed, 15, 16; that those who trust in the Lord shall not fail, 16, 17 ; that they will have truths and goods in all abundance, 18, 19, 20; that others will not know or be able to do any thing, 21 — 24 ; that those who are in ignorance of the truth, will come to the Lord, 25, 26 ; of whom the church will be, 27 ; that of themselves they are nothing but the false and evil, 28, 29. Chap. XLII. Concerning the Lord in whom is the Divine, 12 ISAIAH. that He will gently lead and teach, 1 — 4 ; that from his Di- vine He will save, 5 — 8 ; the coming of the Lord foretold, and the joy of those who shall come to Him, who before lived in ignorance, 9 — 12 ; that he will fight for them against the hells, which He will conquer, and destroy their power, 13, 14, 15 ; that those who are in ignorance are then to be illustrated, 16 ; that those who trust in their own intelli- gence and thence in falses, are to be driven away, 17 ; the Lord's patience and forbearance is described, 18, 19, 20 ; and also his justice, 21 ; that those who were of the church then deprived them of all truths, and that they hated them, 22, 23, 24 ; that He suffered direful things from them, and that He sustained them, 25. Chap. XLIII. Concerning the redemption and salvation of those who are in the new church from the Lord, 1 ; that falses and evils will not hurt them, 2 ; that they will come to Him from all parts out of every nation, 3 — 8 ; that this was foretold, 9 ; that He himself who is to come foretold it, 10 — 13 ; that He will destroy all who adulterate and profane the goods and truths of the church, 14 ; that it will be He himself, 15; who saves his own, and destroys all the power of hell, 16, 17 ; that from Him will be a new heaven and a new church of those who had not been at all in truths be- fore, 18 — 21; that the church itself did not worship Him, but wearied Him by sins, which He bore with from the beginning and afterwards, 22 — 27 ; for which reason He will utterly reject it, 28. Chap. XLIV. Concerning those who will acknowledge the Lord, that they shall receive the Holy Spirit, 1 — 4 ; that it is Jehovah, who foretold that He himself would do it, 5 — 7 ; that there is no other God, 8 ; that those who do not worship Him alone are falsifiers, 9 — 11; concerning those who devise for themselves another species of religion from their own intelligence, how they cause the false to appear as truth, and evil as good, whence they have a worship re- sembling divine worship, 12 — 20; to the Jewish church that it should desist from such things, 21, 22 ; to the new church, that the Lord alone is the God of heaven and earth, 23, 24 ; that the Lord rejects such, because from their OAvn intelligence they are insane, 25 ; when He reestablishes his church, 26 ; and destroys the old, 27 ; that this is from the Lord by the Divine Human, who is there Cyrus, 28. Chap. XLV. Concerning the Lord as to the Divine Hu- ISAIAH. 13 man, who is Cyrus. That from his Divine, He has omnipo- tence against all things of hell, 1, 2 ; that He has divine wis- dom, 3; hy his Divine even to ultimates, 4; that He is no othei: than Jehovah, that all may know this, 5, 6 ; that from Him are all things, 7 ; they should receive Him that they may be saved, 8 ; that it is not to be doubted, but that it is so, and why it is so, 9, 10, 11; because He is the God of heaven, 12 ; and thus v/ill save men, because they are bound by the hells, 13; that those who are in ignorance and natural men will come, 14; that it is not known whence salvation comes, 15 ; that those who are in falses will recede, 16 ; that those who are of his church are saved, 17 ; that they are thus saved, is, because man is born for heaven, 18 ; that this is foretold in the Word, 19 ; that those who are in good accede, and that those who are in evil recede, 20 ; that they should receive Him because He is the only God, and from Him alone is salvation, 21, 22 ; that in Him alone is all the life of heaven, 23 — 25; and that there is none with those who are against Him, 24. Chap. XLVI. Concerning the profanation of truth, which is Bel ; that they have the affections of the false and evil, 1; that they are no longer able to understand truth, 2; con- cerning those who are not such, that they have been taught and are led by the Lord, 3, 4, 5 ; that the rest take goods and truths from the Word, and profane them, and make to themselves a religion, in which there is nothing of life, 6, 7 ; that they should consider that there is no other religion than what is prescribed in the Word, where all truths are, 8 — 12 ; that the coming of the Lord is near, from whom is salva- tion, 13. Chap. XL VII. Concerning those who adulterate good and profane truth, who are Babel ; that they no longer have do- minion, 1 ; they devise falses of faith and evils of love, that they are to be destroyed even until there are none left, 2, 3 ; by the Lord, 4 ; those who profane will be thrust down, 5 ; that these things have invaded the church and perverted it, 6 ; that they believe they have dominion over all, 7 ; and that their dominion will not cease on account of their wicked inventions of worship, in which they confide, 8, 9 ; that be- cause they have elevated themselves above all in the world, they will be utterly destroyed, 10, 11 ; that all their fictions and inventions of worship will avail nothing, but they will be cast down into hell, 12 — 15. 2 14 ISAIAH. Chap. XL VIII. An exhortation to the church aduhe- rating the goods and profaning the truths of the Word, that they should desist ; that it was given them to be a church and to acknowledge the Lord, but in vain, 1,2; that they w^ere averted, which was shewn them, 3, 4; lest perhaps they might believe that they were superior to others, 5 ; and that they did not know it, 6, 7 ; when yet they were such from the beginning, 8 ; that they are not yet to be destroyed, for his own reasons, and that the time will yet be prolonged, 9, 10, 11 ; let them know that He is the God of heaven and earth, 12, 13 ; that it is the Lord, who wall come among those who adulterate and profane the Word, and say it to them, 14 — 17 ; if they had obeyed Him, that they would have had the goods and truths of the church in all abundance, 18, 19 ; if they would relinquish the adulterations and falsifica- tions of the Word, and the pride of ruling, they would be in every thing of the church, 20, 21 ; but that the church is not with them, because they are averted, 22. Chap. XLIX. Concerning the redemption and salvation of the faithful by the Lord, there the Lord is Israel ; that He will give doctrine concerning God, 1, 2, 3 ; that it will be given in vain in the church, 4 ; that a church is to be estab- lished by Him with every thing of it, 5, 6 ; in order that they may submit themselves to Him, 7 ; that He will teach them all the truths of salvation, 7 — 11 ; that those who were re- moved from truths will accede, 12 ; wherefore they have joy, 13 ; they should not believe that the Lord does not remem- ber them, He always remembers them, 14, 15, 16 ; that falses and evils wall be removed, 1. 19; accession from all parts to the church, 18 ; that heaven will be enlarged for them, 19, 20 ; that from those with whom the Word was not, and thence neither the truth of the church, a multitude will come, who will worship the Lord, and be instructed in divine truths, 21, 22, 23 ; that evils from hell will not break in up- on them, 24, 25 ; that those who endeavor to introduce evil and the false, will be removed from them, and will be in the hells, 26. Chap. L. That the former church is rejected, 1 ; that there is none there who obeys, or believes that there is a divine power to save, wherefore all things of the church are hidden from them, 2, 3 ; that the Lord has taught continu- ally, 4, 5 ; that they have treated the Lord ill, but that He has endured it, 6, 7 ; that by the Divine in Him He became ISAIAH. 15 justice, 8, 9 ; that those who are against Him will perish hy falses of evil, 9 ; that those who are removed from truths will trust in Him and acknowledge Him, 10; and that the rest with their evils and the falses thence will be cast into hell, 11. Chap. LI. That the worshippers of God look to the Lord from whom, and to the church by which, 1,2; because the Lord will fill them with intelligence, and make them blessed, 3 ; because from Him is all good and truth, and in Him every nation will trust, 4, 5 ; nothing remains to eternity, except what is from Him, 6 ; those who love good should look to Him, and not regard the oppositions of men, because they will perish from falses and evils, 7,8; to the Lord, because He has divine power to act, because He is able to remove the hells, so that they may joyfully pass through them without hurt, 9, 10, 11 ; that they have nothing to fear from evils thence, nor from their infestation, 12, 13; that the Lord will lead them out safe, however much hell resists, 14, 15 ; from his Divine He will set in order heaven and the church, 16 ; of those who had been in falses of ignorance, 17, 18 ; that before there was a want of truth and good, whence enormous falsities, 19, 20 ; that the Lord will take them away, 21, 22 ; and they will be given upon those who reject them with con- tempt, 23. Chap. LII. To the new church, that the doctrine of truth will be enlarged, lest falses break in, 1 ; and that it may reject the falses, 2 ; by which they have been captivated, and from which they will be delivered, 3 ; because they were imbued with knowledges of the false, confirmed by reason- ings, 4 ; therefore evil and ignorance of God, 5 ; but they shall know their God, when He comes into the world, 6, 7 ; when He will restore the church, 8, 9 ; and will manifest Himself, 10 ; and then they will relinquish the religious no- tions in which are such falses, 11 ; the Lord will lead them out by degrees, 12, 13 ; that He will appear in humility, 14 ; that then those who are in goods and truths will see and come, 14, 15. Chap. LIII. Concerning the appearance of the Lord in a state of humiliation ; that it is scarcely believed that the om- nipotence of God is in the Lord, 1 ; because He will appear as vile, and therefore to be despised, 2, 3 ; and that He ap- peared as if the Divine were not in Him, 4 ; when neverthe- less thereby is salvation, 5 ; that He endured all things, even 16 ISAIAH. to the passion of the cross, 6, 7, 8; and that He would sub- due the hells, 9 ; that by the passion of the cross a new church would exist, 10, 11 ; and because He endured such things, that He will come forth a conqueror, 12. Chap. LIV. That those with whom the church was not before, will have many truths of the church, and will be mul- tiplied, 1, 2, 3 ; that former falsities will not be remembered, because the Lord will be the God of the church, 4, 5 ; that for some time they were as without God, 5, 6 ; that this was the case when there was no church, but that it is to be restor- ed by the Lord, 7, 8 ; when there is no truth ; although afterward it will not fail, 9, 10 ; that doctrinals will be full of spiritual and heavenly truths from the Lord, 11, 12, 13; they will no longer be afraid of falses from hell, 14, 15 ; that those who from them are against the church will be cast into hell, 16, 17. Chap. LV. That they will receive truths from the Lord freely, 1 ; that they will reject such things as have in them no spiritual life, 2 ; that truth in which is life, and by which there is conjunction, will be given by the Lord, 3, 4; that those will come to the Lord, who knew Him not before, 5,6; concerning repentance, 7 ; that they know not the way by which salvation is wrought, 8, 9 ; that it is by the coming of the Lord, 10, 11 ; that by that only is heavenly happiness, 12 ; and instead of evil and the false, good and truth to eter- nity, 13. Chap. LVI. That the Lord the Savior is about to come, 1 ; happy is he who accounts holy the union of the Divine and the Human, also of the Lord with the church, 2 ; nor should any one believe that he is separated from the Lord, 3 ; that strangers, who esteem that union holy, are to be received into the church in preference to others, 4, 5; and that those also, who are in falses from ignorance, are to be introduced, and that their worship will be accepted, 6, 7 ; that the rest also are to be brought, 8, 9 ; because they have been seduced by those who are in evil lasts, 10, 11 ; and who desire nothing else but to be insane in falses, 12. Chap. LVII. That there is no longer truth and good, and life in them, 1,2; because they have falsified and adulterated them, 3 ; speaking against the Divine, 4 ; those who love all falses whatsoever, and destroy all truths whatsoever, 5 ; and worship those things which are of their own intelligence, 6 ; and extol the doctrine thence even to adoration, 7 ; and have ISAIAH. 17 published it to all, and extended it to falses of every kind, 8 ; and call them heavenly goods and truths, and adore them with all submission, 9 ; that they have not retracted, because it was from their own intelligence, 10; and this because they have not consulted the Lord, who would teach them, 11, 12; that falses will destroy them ; it is otherwise with those who love the Lord, so that He may teach truths and remove falses, 13, 14 ; that the Lord will do this with the humble in heart, 15 ; that He cannot do it for those who are wise from what is their own, 16, 17; but for those who mourn for it, 18, 19 ; nor with those, who from the natural produce evils and falses, from whom they are never removed, 20, 21. Chap. LVIII. Concerning the iniquity of the old church, which is to be disclosed, 1 ; they are as those who love truth, 2 ; and as those who convert themselves, 3 ; but they con- vert themselves from an evil motive, 4 ; that conversion is not to speak devoutly, but to shun evils, 5, 6 ; and to exer- cise charity, 7 ; then they will have truths in abundance, and the Lord will be with them, 8 — 11 ; thus the church will be with them, and they will restore all things of the church, 12 ; if they esteem the union of the Lord with the church holy, that they will come into heaven, 13, 14. Chap. LIX. That the Lord hears and can do all things, but that falses and evils hinder, 1, 2 ; that truths have been falsified by them, whence evils of life and falses of doctrine, 3, 4; that they devise such things as captivate and deceive, and afterwards kill, 5 ; that those things which are of doc- trine and life are of no avail with them whatever, 6 ; they are sedulous to pervert, whence is vastation, 7 ; whosoever follows them loses the truths of the church with himself, 8 ; thence it is that they are in falses and see nothing in clear light, 9, 10 ; thence there is no salvation, 11 ; because there is nothing but evils, and an aversion from truths, thus from the Lord, 12 — 15 ; since there is not any one in the truth, nor any one in the Lord, therefore He alone fought by his own power from divine truth, 16, 17 ; as from ven- geance, 18 ; wherefore divine worship belongs to Him, be- cause from Him is redemption, 19, 20 ; and that from the Divine itself all the truth of the church is derived to eternity, 21. Chap. LX. The coming of the Lord with divine truth, when there is nothing;- but the false and the evil of the false, 1, 2; that the Divine is only in the Lord, 2; that they will 2# 18 ISAIAH. come to Him from all parts in ^eat numbers, even those who are external, 3, 4, 5 ; who will worship the Lord from good and truth, 6, 7 ; that those will come who are in the shade of truth, 8 ; that the truths of the church and the church itself will be with them, 9, 10 ; that there will be a continual accession for the sake of salvation, 11, 12; that the spiritual moral will come, 13 ; also those who have not known the Lord before, 14 ; who will learn spiritual truths from the Lord, 15, 16 ; that the natural in them will become spiritual, 17 ; there will no longer be perversion of truth and good, 18; nor the love of the false, but the love of the Lord, 19; and this to eternity, 20 ; in heaven with increasing intelli- gence, 21, 22; these things when the Lord comes, 22. Chap. LXI. Concerning the coming of the Lord, to save those who are in ignorance of truth and in the desire of it, and when a judgment is to take place, 1, 2, 3 ; that then the things of the church, which have perished, are to be re- stored, 4 ; the externals of the church, 5 ; the internals of the church, 6 ; more than ever before, 7 ; that by their truths and goods there will be conjunction, 8 ; and they are to be acknowledged, 9; that such things of the church will exist when the Lord comes, 10, 11. Chap. LXII. Concerning the coming of the Lord, and concerning the church then, what if is ; that a church will exist, which will acknowledge the Lord, in which will be the very truths of heaven, and more than before, 1, 2, 3 ; that they will not be separated from the Lord as before, but con- joined with Him, 4, 5 ; that this will be preached even till it takes place, 6, 7 ; that then the truths of the Word will not be for those Avho falsify them, but for those who receive them, 8, 9 ; that a preparation will be made, 10 ; and it will be announced that the Lord is about to come, 10, 11; and that that church will be from Him, 12. Chap. LXIII. Concerning the Lord, and concerning his combats. The Lord as to divine truth or the Word from which is his divine power, 1 ; that the AVord is utterly adul- terated and destroyed, 2 ; that there Avas none in truths, and that therefore the Lord alone fought and conquered, that the faithful might have salvation, 3 — 6 ; that this was done from mercy, in order that those who are willing to receive truth may be saved by Him, 7, 8 ; and that from divine love He might lead them, 9 ; that those who Avere of his church be- fore, turned themseh'es aAA^ay, 10 ; that nevertheless before ISAIAH. 19 that church existed He led men, and protected them in the midst of hell, 11 — 14; a prayer to the Lord that He would have pity, because He alone has redeemed, 15, 16 ; that oth- erwise they would have perished, and hell would have ruled, 17, 18 ; that then there will be power when the Lord comes, 19. Chap. LXIV. That the Lord causes the infernals to perish, when He comes with divine power, 1,2; that before it was not heard and done, 3 ; that thus He saves the faithful, 4'; that all are in sins, and none can be saved unless He comes, 5, 6 ; when yet all were created by Him, 7 ; that there- fore He would regard them, 8 ; when all things of the church are vastated, 9, 10 ; the Lord cannot suffer this, 11, 12. [N. B. In the above explication of Chap. LXIV. verses 1, 2, ansiver to verses 1, 2, 3, i7i the English Bible ; verse 3 an- sivers to verse 4 ; and vei'ses 11, 12, answer to verse 12.] Chap. LXV. That the Lord had been present with those who are against Him, who are in direful loves of the false and evil, and who reject Him, 1 — 5 ; that they will perish on account of contrary worship, 6, 7 ; but that still all things of the church will not perish, because a church will be formed, 8, 9, 10 ; but that those who have perverted the Word will perish from falses, 11, 12 ; that they will become miserable, others happy, 13, 14 ; that they will be conjoined to the Lord, 15, 16 ; that the Lord will establish a new church, 17, 18 ; in which will be all goods and truths, thus all things of heaven, 19, 20, 21 ; and that it will not perish, 22, 23; that the Lord will teach, 24; that falses and evils will no longer destroy, 25. Chap. LXVI. That heaven and the church are with those who live in humility, and live according to the command- ments, 1,2; it is otherwise with those who have perverted all worship into evil, 3 ; that they will receive retribution, because they have not obeyed, 4 ; that those who are out of the church obey, and Avill be received in their stead, 5 ; the destruction of the evil, 6 ; that before they perish the church is established with others, 7, 8 ; and it will be estab- lished, 9 ; that they will receive divine truth with joy, 10, 11; that they will have all goods and truths, 12, 13, 14; that destruction will be upon those who are against them, 14, 15 ; and they will perish, 16 ; who have perverted the holy things of the church, 17 ; that they will come to the Lord 20 JEREMIAH. from all parts, 18 ; of every religion, 19 ; they will be in every truth of the doctrine of the church, 20 ; and in its good 21 ; that whatever is of heaven and the church will abide with them, 22 ; that they will continually worship the Lord, 23 ; that those who have rejected Him will remain in falses and in their e\n.U forever, 24. JEREMIAH. CHAPTER I. The state of the church perverted, 1, 2, 3 ; concerning the Lord, who is there Jeremiah, that He is to be born, in order that He may teach all men divine truth, 4 — 8 ; that from his Divine He would teach the truths and goods of the church, and that He would destroy the falses and evils, 9, 10 ; that the truths of every good were given to them through the Word, 11, 12; but that they perverted them, 13 ; whence arose falses of every kind against the truths of the church, 14, 15 ; and thence a contrary worship, 16 ; that the Lord will admit them to fight against Him, and that they will submit, because the Divine is in the Lord, 17, 18, 19. Chap. II. Concerning the church established with the ancients ; concerning its primitive state, that it was de- fended from falses and evils, 1, 2, 3 ; that for no reason they departed from Him, who had led and protected them, 4, 5, 6 ; and had taught them all things of the church, which however they perverted, as well the truths as the goods, by departing from the Lord, 7, 8 ; that still He will teach with difficulty, 9 ; that no nation has changed its religion as they have done, 10, 11 ; it is horrible that they have rejected the Lord and devised for themselves falses of doctrine, 12, 13 ; where- fore the church and its doctrine are devastated, 14, 15 ; by falses from the natural man, 16 ; that this is because they have rejected the Lord, 17; by scientifics and reasonings, 18 ; that they bring punishments upon themselves, because they have separated themselves from the Lord, and worship- ped infernal things, 19, 20 ; when notwithstanding genuine truths were given to them, and yet they became such, 21 ; howsoever in externals they performed similar worship, that still inwardly they are infernal, 22, 23 ; that they desire to be in falses and evils, and shun truths and goods, 24, 25 ; that evils and falses are their worship, 26, 27 ; that this is JEREMIAH. 21 the case with all, 28 ; that they are not willing to return, al- though chastised, 29, 30 ; that nevertheless they are not for- saken by the Lord, but that they have forsaken Him, 31,32 ; that they fight to confirm those things by falsifications of the Word, 33, 34 ; that they have confirmed them by reasonings from the natural man, 36 ; that nevertheless their confirma- tions are of no avail, 37. Chap. III. Concerning the spiritual church, or concerning the truths of the church, that they have gone and falsified the truths, 1,2; that they were not willing to understand truths, 3 ; that they only acknowledged the Word outwardly in the letter, yet did not abide with it, but with falses, 4, 5 ; that the church, as to truths, has falsified them, and would not be reformed, 6, 7 ; that the heavenly church, or church as to goods, has done the same ; that as they have truths, so likewise have they adulterated goods, 7 — 9 ; that they w'oi'- ship the falses of evil, and have perverted the goods more than the truths, 10, 11 ; an exhortation to reject the false and to receive the truth, that there may be conjunction and a church, 12 — 14 ; and then knowledge, 15 ; that Avhen the Lord shall come, there will no more be the representative of a church, but a church where the Lord himself will be instead of that, 16, 17 ; that then truth and good will make one, 18 ; concerning those who shall come, that they are to be adopted as sons by the Lord, 19 ; but that the church has be- come perverted, 20, 21 ; the acknov/ledgment and confession of those who will be of the new church, that they have falses and evils, 22—25. Chap. IV. An exhortation to desist from evils and ac- knowledge the Lord, from whom those who are in goods and truths will have salvation, 1,2; unless they desist and convert themselves, that they will utterly perish, 3, 4 ; so that those may be removed who shall acknowledge, while the destruc- tion continues, 5, 6 ; because the devastation of all things of the church is at hand, 7 ; which does not cease by external wailing, 8 ; nor by complaints, that they perish, when yet it is said in the Word, that they are to be saved, 9, 10; an an- swer, that they are not willing to acknowledge and receive, 11, 12; that falses break in, 13; concerning the corruption of the church, 14, 15 ; as to doctrine, 16 ; as to the Word, 17 ; a lamentation over those things, 18—21 ; that there is no longer understanding of truth, 22 ; that all things of the church are destroyed, so that nothing remains, 22 — 27 ; and 22 JEREMIAH. there is no church, 28, 29 ; that they could not by any means be restored with them, 30 ; the despair of those of whom the new church will be formed, 31. Chap. V. That there is no truth in doctrine nor in the church, and if they believe, it is the false, 1-, 2 ; they were urged by punishments, but still they have not received, 3 ; that it is not from simplicity but by study and from design, 4, 5 ; therefore all falses and the evils of the false have brok- en in, 6 ; they have rejected all mercy because they have perverted all the truths and goods which they had in great abundance, 7, 8 ; wherefore they cannot but perish, 9, 10 ; for they have acknowledged evils and falses as goods and truths, because they have departed from the Lord, 11, 12 ; and they have annihilated the Word, 13 ; wherefore infernal evil will invade them, which will further destroy all the goods and truths of the church, 14 — 17 ; but as yet not ut- terly, 18 ; that this has happened to them because they have forsaken the Lord, 19, 20 ; when yet they might know that the Lord alone can do all things, and they are not willing to know that He is God, from whom are all truths and goods, 21 — 24 ; that this is so because it is their delight to pervert and deceive, 25 — 27 ; and for this reason they are held in esteem, 27, 28 ; they cannot but perish, 29 ; because all goods and truths from primaries to ultimates are thus per- verted, also because all of them from the highest to the low- est do so, 30, 31. Chap. VI. Concerning those who in the lowest heaven have conjunction with the Lord, who are the sons of Benja- min, that the church perishes with them by the falses of evil, 1, 2 ; that they have no longer truth and good, but the false and evil, which destroy them, 3 — 5 ; that the church is thereby destroyed with them, 6, 7 ; that still there are some truths, let them not lose them, 8, 9 ; but they do not hearken, 10 ; wherefore all are destroyed, 1 1 ; thus others are received in their room, 12 ; because every thing there is perverted, so that there is no protection against the false, 13, 14; which they do not acknowledge to be false, 15 ; and they reject truths, 16, 17; wherefore ruin awaits them, 18, 19; thence they make the works of their worship of no avail, 20 ; that destruction awaits them, 21 ; by the falses, from which they reason against the truths of the church, 22, 23 ; concerning those who are separated and mourn over them, 24 — 26; JEREMIAH. 23 that the perverse have been proved, and found incapable of any restoration, 27 — 30. Chap. VII. Concerning- those who are in the lowest hea- ven, with whom the church is as to good, to them, 1, 2; that they should look to truths and goods, 3 ; that they should not believe the church is with them, 4 ; unless they live according to the commandments, and do not violate the Word, 5, 6; that those things do not make the church, 7 ; if the life is contrary to the commandments, that the church has no wor- ship, 8 — 10 ; that the Lord's church is not with those who profane holy things, 11 ; thereby the destruction of the church is effected, as elsewhere, also here, 12 — 15 ; intercession would not avail, 16 ; because it is certain that they profane the truths and goods of heaven, 17 — 19 ; thence the destruc- tion of all, 20 ; that they rely on the externals of worship, which are of no avail, because they have no internals of wor- ship, 21 — 24; that they have obstinately rejected internals, even from the beginning, 25, 26 ; since reformation is in vain, all things of their worship will be rejected, because they profane all things of the church, 27 — 31; that they will be cast into hell, where there is nothing but the false and evil, 32, 33 ; thus that church will perish, 34. Chap. VIII. That the profaners of truth will be cast into hell, and abide in their profanations, 1,2; that all their re- mains will also perish, 3 ; that they are such that they cannot be converted and brought back, 4 — 6 ; that they are not willing to know any truth from the Word, rejecting it, 7 — 9 ; wherefore the things which are with them will be given to others, 10 ; that they defend their falses, and say that they are the truths of the church, that they are not willing it should be otherwise, 11, 12; wherefore, as there is nothing of truth and good any longer remaining, they will perish, 13 ; they have recourse to the Word, but in vain, 14, 15 ; then the fallacies of the sensual man, and reasonings from them, will destroy them and infect them with poison, 16, 17 ; a recipro- cal grief and lamentation, that the time is so long protracted before a new church from others can be established IS — 23. [N. B. Verse 23 of Chap. VIII. according to the author^s division^ is verse 1 of Chap. IX., according to the English division. Therefore all the verses of the following Chap, IX. must be read as one in advance ; i. e. verses 1, 2, must be read verses 2, 3 ; and so on to the end of the chapter. \ 24 JEREMIAH. Chap. IX. That in the church there is nothing but what is falsified and thence evil, because they depart from the Lord, 1, 2 ; that one false is derived from another even until there is nothing- but the false, 3, — 5 ; they pretend that they are willing, when they are taught, but still they are not, 6, 7 ; w411 they not perish ? 8 ; grief on account of the destruction of all things of the church, so that it does not remain, 9 — 11 ; because they have rejected the Word, and obeyed their own lusts, therefore they are in the falses of evil, 12 — 14; w^herefore they will perish from evils and from falses thence, 15 ; a lamentation over the devastation, 16 — 18 ; a lamenta- tion that thence is destruction, 19, 20 ; because they have infernal evil and the false, 21 ; that it may be known that all of truth and good, and thence all of power and wisdom, is from the acknowledgment of the Lord, 22, 23 ; the coming of the Lord to judgment upon all who are in externals with- out internals, 24, 25. [N. B. All the verses of Chap. IX. must be read as one in ad- vance^ in order to malce them ansicerable to the English division, i. e. verses ] , 2, must be read verses 2, 3 ; and so on to the end of the chapter.^ Chap. X. That those should not be feared, who from their own intelligence and by arts wish to prevail, 1, 2; it is de- scribed how they make evil appear as good, and themselves as powerful, 3 — 5 ; when yet the Lord alone has power, 6, 7 ; that they abuse the AVord to effect this, 8, 9 ; when yet the Lord alone reigns, 10 ; and that those who do not ac- knowledge Him disappear, 11 ; that all truth is from the Lord, 12, 13 ; that man's ov/n intelligence is absolutely of no avail, and that it will perish, 14, 15 ; it is otherwise with the church, which trusts in the Lord, 16 ; the preparation of the latter, during the destruction of the former, 17, 18 ; grief on account of the departure of the church from the Lord, and its vastation, 19 — 21; their destruction, 22; a prayer to the Lord, that they may not perish together with the evil, 23—25. Chap. XI. That they should do the commandments and acknowledge the Lord, which is the covenant, 1 — 3 ; that He was with them when they were reformed, 4; that there- by they might have had every good and truth of the church, 5, 6 ; that this was often said to them, but there Avas no obe- dience, 7, 8 ; but they all had done the contrary, and ac- JEREMIAH. 25 knowledged another God, 9, 10 ; that therefore there is no help for them, because they all love falses, and worship other gods, 11 — 13 ; intercession will not avail, 14 ; that they have profaned the church and its good and truth, 15 — 17 ; that it is manifest by this, that they Avould deliver up the Lord to death, 18, 19 ; that therefore retribution shall be made them, 20 ; that they are not willing to hear of the Lord, 21 ; that they will perish by falses. at the day of judgment, 22, 23. Chap. XII. It is asked by the church, which expects the Lord, why the wicked flourish, 1,2; O that He may come, and that the evil may be removed, 3 ; because there are no long- er truths and goods with them, 4 ; that they have their own intelligence, 5 ; nor do they wish to know more, 6 ; that the church, where the Word is, turns itself against the Lord, and has embraced falses, whence it is desolated and vastated, 7 — 12 ; that goods are turned into evils, 13 ; that therefore they are to be expelled, and others received in their place, of whom a church will be formed, 14, 15; that they will remain so long as they acknowledge the Lord, 16, 17. Chap. XIII. It is represented by the linen girdle that the truth of the church would successively perish by reasonings from the natural man, 1 — 7 ; that the case was similar with the church where the Word is, where they have departed from the Lord, and thence from truths, 8 — 11 ; and were af- terwards falses instead of truths, 12, 13 ; and thence destruc- tion, 14; that they ought to take heed to themselves, lest instead of truth there be merely the false, 15, 16 ; grief on account of that, 17 ; it may be seen that all the truth of the Word perishes, 18, 19 ; that there are falses in the room of truths, 20 ; that thence destruction is at hand, 21 ; the rea- son is, because they are inwardly evil, and thence they also become outwardly evil, 22 ; that it cannot be otherwise, 23 ; wherefore destruction comes because they have forsaken the Lord, and that thence they have falses, 24, 25 ; wherefore the interiors, which are evil, will be laid open, 26, 27. Chap. XIV. That truth entirely fails in the church, 1 — 3 ; that he who seeks does not find it, 4 — 6 ; a prayer to the Lord that He would have pity, 7 — 9 ; answer is made, that they have departed, 10 ; that therefore no attention is paid to their prayer, nor to their worship, 11, 12; that they are flat- tered that there is no want and desolation of truth, 13 ; that this is from their doctrine of the false, which will perish, and to- gether with it those who live according to it, 14 — 16 ; grief 3 26 JEREMIAH. for this, that neither in the church nor in doctrine is there any truth, 17, IS ; a complaint thereon, 19 ; a prayer for them, 20—22. Chap. XV. Answer, that not any intercession for them can avail, 1 ; that they will be cast into hell, where are falses and evils of every kind, 2, 3 ; that they are to be expelled from the church, 4, 5 ; because they have departed, 6 ; that they have not any truth, 7 ; because no truth, therefore the false, 8 ; that the church has ceased with them, 9, 10 ; that at the time of the judgment destruction will come upon them, 11 ; that they Avill be destroyed by falses from the natural man, thence they will have no truths from the Word, but they will be taken away from them, 12 — 14. Concerning the Lord, and concerning his combats from divine truth, 15, 16 ; that He is grieved by their falses, 17, 18 ; that He has victory over them, 19 — 21. Chap. XVI. That with that church there is no conjunction with the Lord, because there are no truths and goods there, 1 — 3 ; that they cannot but be cast away into hell, 4 ; that no pity can be shewn them, 5, — 7 ; because no good and truth can be received by them, 8 ; that all conjunction with the Lord has perished v/ith them, 9 ; that this is because they have departed from Avorshipping the Lord, thence their Avorship is not the worship of God, 10, 11 ; thence every one wishes to be Avise from himself, 12 ; AA'herefore they will be in hell, 13 ; that others are to be brought by the Lord to the church, 14, 15 ; as Avell the natural as the rational, 16 ; that retribution Avill be made to those, A\^ho first profaned the church, 17, 18 ; that those of Avhom the church Avill be form- ed, Avill acknoAA'ledge the Lord, 19 — 21. Chap. XVII. That it is in their internals to Avorship only externals, 1,2; that all scientific truths Avill be taken aAvay, 3 ; not as yet ; but that they are to come into hell, 4 ; that be- cause they trust in themseh^es, they do not perceive any thing of truth and good, 5, 6 ; on the other hand, those who trust in the Lord ahvays have good and truth, 7, 8 ; that the Lord knoAvs AA^hat iuAvardly lies hid, hoAA^soever the external may appear, 9, 10 ; that the truths, Avhich they learn, are of no use to them, 11 ; that the Lord is heaA'en and the church, AA^herefora those AA^ho depart from Him, are damned, 12, 13 ; prayer to the Lord, and acknoAA-ledgment, that the Avicked may be remoA^ed, 14 — -18 ; the Lord to those Avho are in ex- ternals, 19, 20 ; that they should acknowledge his Divine, JEREMIAH. 27 which is the sabbath, and not violate it, 21 — 24; that then they will have understanding of the Word, 25 ; and that then worship will be from truths, 26 ; if they should not ac- knowledge, that the externals will perish from internals, 27. Chap. XVIII. It is represented that those who are in falses and evils can be reformed by the Lord, 1 — 4 ; where- fore those who, after repentance, convert themselves, although they are in falses and evils, are accepted by the Lord, 5 — 8; on the other hand, that those who are in truths and in good, and do evil, perish, 9, 10 ; it is said to those who are in the church, that they should repent and convert themselves, but that they would not, 11^ — 13; because they love falses of every kind, and thereby annihilate the church with them, 14 — 16 ; wherefore they will be destroyed, 17 ; that they extol themselves against the Lord, and thence against his Word, by despising Him, and falsifying it, 18 ; a lamenta- tion upon it, 19, 20 ; that they have not any truth of the church, and that they act craftily, 21, 22 ; that they cannot be forgiven, 23. Chap. XIX. Concerning the church which was instituted, 1 ; but that they have destroyed their truths by dire falses, that therefore the church has perished, 2, 3 ; that they have forsaken the Lord, and loved the evils flowing from the love of self, 4, 5 ; wherefore the church is no longer there, but hell, 6 ; that they will be there among the profaners, 7, 8 ; where there is deadly hatred among them, 9 ; it is repre- sented that the church there is destroyed, so that it cannot be restored, 9 — 11 ; that hell is actually there, because there is nothing but the concupiscence of self-love, 12, 13 ; that this was foretold to them by the Word, 14, 15. Chap. XX. That they blaspheme the Word, 1 — 3 ; that they are about to come among those who blaspheme and adulterate the Word, 4 ; that all the truths and goods of the Word will be dispersed by them, 5 ; that thus they will per- ish with them, 6; a lamentation over the blasphemies against the Lord and against the Word, 7 — 10 ; but confidence in the Lord during combats that the Word is protected, 11 — 13 ; despair because the Word is so treated, 14 — 18. Chap. XXI. That the hell of the blasphemers of the Lord and of the profaners of the Word would be present, 1,2; that it cannot be averted by the Lord, because they ally it to themselves, 3 — 5 ; that all things of them are such, 6 ; ?Lnd that they will all perish, 7 ; that it is worse for those 28 JEREMIAH. who study the Word, because they do it from a profane prin- ciple within, 8 — 10 ; that they have not good and truth, 11, 12; that there is a hardening of the heart, 13; that thence is destruction, 14. Chap. XXII. To those in the church who are in the science of things, 1, 2; that if they Avould do according to the truths of the Word and their science, and not pervert them, they would have intelligence, 3, 4 ; that otherwise all of their intelligence will perish, 5,- 6; and all of their sci- ence, because they have separated themselves from the Lord, 7 — 9 ; that there is no restitution, 10 ; that the church is no longer from them, 11, 12; because they have made to themselves a religion by reasonings from falses, 13, 14 ; that those who were before them in the church, were not such, 15, 16 ; but that they have perverted the church by falses of every kind, 17 ; that no pity can be sho^vn be- cause they are ejected as profane, 18, 19 ; that they would not attend to the Word, 20, 21 ; because they have imbued the falses of religion, 22 ; that they cannot have protection by the Word, however they acknowledge it with the mouth, 23, 24 ; that they will come among those who profane the Word, and thereby make to themselves a religion contrary to ihe truths of the church, from which religion they cannot recede, 25 — 27 ; that they have not any truth but what is perverted and profaned, 28 — 30. Chap. XXIII. Against those who have perverted the good of the Word, and thereby have destroyed the church, who are the pastors, 1, 2; that they will perish, and that the Lord will institute a church from others, who will teach and learn its good, 3, 4 ; that the Lord is about to do this, and that then those who are of his church are to be saved, 5, 6 ; that then they will acknowledge that the Lord is Jehovah, and that the church is his, 7, 8 ; against those who pervert the truths of the Word, who are the prophets, 9 ; thence the church is full of falses and perverted, 10 ; and there is no longer truth and good, except external, 11 ; because they do not see truths, they perish at the day of judgment, 12 ; that truths are perverted by false principles, which are of religion, 13; but that the Word is perverted, this is the worst, 14; these will have nothing but the false, 15 ; which they also confirm from the Word, 16, 17; saying that it is divine, 18; that they will perish at the day of judgment, 19, 20 ; that they learn from themselves and not from the Lord, for if JEREMIAH. 29 from the Lord, they would depart from evils, 21, 22; thus the Lord would be with them, 23, 24 ; that they pervert by false interpretation, 25, 26 ; thence there is no understanding of truth, 27 ; because they have it not from the Lord, who is also the Word, in which the truth from Him manifests itself, 28, 29 ; perversions of truth still by those who say that they are enlightened, 30, 31 ; when yet they are not enlightened, 32 ; that divine truth shews that they have de- parted, 33 ; whoever says otherwise, will suffer punishment, 34; moreover, that they will not know what divine truth is, 35, 36 ; and because they call that divine truth which is false, the truth of the church will be removed from them, thence their destruction, 37 — 40. Chap. XXIV. After that the whole church had adulterat- ed and profaned the Word, it is represented, that a part of them was such that they could be reformed, but a part could not, which are the two baskets of figs ; in the one, good ones, and in the other, bad ones, 1 — 3 ; those who could be re- formed, were those who had been entirely vastated, so that they knew not what was truth and good ; that these are at length capable of being taught, of acknowledging the Lord, of being received and becoming the church, 4 — 7 ; but those who could not be reformed, were those who would still be in worship from the Word, which worship they would then continually profane, 8, 9 ; that with these every thing holy would be profaned, and they would perish, 9, 10. Chap. XXV. The Lord to those, with whom the church was instituted, 1 — 3 ; that He had taught them continu- ally by the Word, that they should desist from evils, and not go to other worship than that of the Lord, but they did not obey, 4 — 7 ; that therefore every thing of the church with them will perish, and they will be in temptations from those who profane holy things, 8 — 11; that afterwards retribution will be made to the tempters, 12 ; that it will be so done, 13, 14 ; that the knowledges of truth and good, and also truths of every kind and sort, will perish, 15 — 27 ; that it cannot but be the case, even among those who are in knowledges from the Word, 28 — 30 ; that there is no longer any truth but what is profaned, 31 — 33 ; a lamentation by those who are in good and thence in truths, 34 — 38. Chap. XXVI. An exhortation from the Lord, that they should repent, and live according to his commandments in the Word, 1 — 5 ; that otherwise the church with them would 3# 30 JEREMIAH. be destroyed, 6 ; that the evil and the false of religion liave condemned Him to death, 7 — 9 ; but the truths of the church, because He spoke from the Divine, have absolved Him, 10 — 16 ; a document that they did not condemn Him to death when He spoke being inspired, 17 — 19 ; except one who spoke falsely, 20 — 23 ; that the Lord is not condemned, on account of the people, 24. Chap. XXVII. Since it is over with the church and with all things of it, that they should no longer be there, lest they should profane it ; that therefore they were carried away to Babylon, where they could not profane the holy things of it, and that those who would not go were profaners, and would perish, 1 — 8 ; that those who teach any thing else, teach falses, 9 — 11 ; that all those with whom the church was instituted would go, and that otherwise they would profane and perish, 12, 13; that they should not believe any thing else, 14, 15 ; that nothing of the holy things will remain, not even of the externals of the church, because profaned, 16 — 21 ; that a church will be formed of others, after that it is delivered from profane things, 22. — The reason of this was, because the land of Canaan and all things there repre- sented the church, and as these were named in the Word, those who had profaned holy things could not be tolerated there. Chap. XXVIII. That they understood the Word in a con- trary sense, and that thence they persuaded themselves, that the profane things of their religions were the holy things of the church, and that therefore they should not be taken away from the land ; but it is shewn that they persuaded themselves into falses, 1 — 17. Chap. XXIX. It is said to those who are in spiritual captivity, that they should study truths and do good, and remain in them, 1 — 7; and not imbibe falses, 8, 9 ; since, when their spiritual captivity ceases, a new church is to be instituted by the Lord of those who are such, and who ac- knowledge the Lord, 10 — 15; that those who were before of the church will profane the holy things of the church, and that therefore they will perish, 16 — 19 ; that those who have falsely interpreted the Word, are damned, 20 — 23 ; that those who have persuaded falses, will remain in falses, and will not perceive truth, 24 — 32. Chap. XXX. Concerning the establishment of the church with those who were in spiritual captivity, or in ignorance JEREMIAH. 31 of truth, 1 — 3 ; that then the last judgment will take place with those who are of the church, 4 — 7 ; that then they are to be called to the church, and they will worship the Lord, 8, 9; that their spiritual captivity will then cease, 10, 11 ; that they are infested by evils and falses, and there is no remedy, 12 — 15 ; but that those who have destroyed will be destroyed, 16 ; that there will be a remedy from the Lord, who will restore the church, 17, 18 ; that they will be per- fected in truths, and it will endure, 19, 20 ; that this will be done by the Lord, when He shall come, who will be their God, 21, 22; that He will execute judgment on the wicked, 23, 24. Chap. XXXL Concerning the new church to be estab- lished by the Lord, which is Israel and Zion. That the Lord will be their God, 1 ; that being loved, it will receive the goods of the church, 2 — 5 ; that they are to be called, 6 — 8 ; that they will come and will understand truths, 9 ; that being redeemed from falses they will be preserved, 10, 11 ; and that they will receive spiritual and heavenly things, 12 — 14 ; that they are as it were dead, 15 ; but that at length they will return, 16, 17 ; that from ignorance of truth they will come into the truths of heaven, 18 — 21; that they will understand them, 22 ; that they will imbibe wisdom, 23 — 28 ; that they will not have the false of evil, 29, 30 ; that they will have conjunction with the Lord, and that from that conjunction truths will be inscribed on their life, 31 — 34 ; that this will be constant to eternity, 35 — 37; that they will have an ample and extensive doctrine of life, 38 — 40. Chap. XXXII. Indignation that the Jewish church would be destroyed, 1 — 5 ; that still the Lord's church will be pre- served, 6 — 15 ; a prayer that it may be preserved, 16 — 22. 25 ; but that the former church will be destroyed, 23 — 25 ; and will be reprobated on account of its evils, which have been with them even from the beginning, although they had the Word, and thence doctrine, 26 — 33 ; that they have profan- ed holy things, 34, 35 ; when this is done, that a new church is to be instituted, which will be conjoined with the Lord, and will not be separated, 36 — 40 ; that they will have all good, 41, 42 ; then they will have every thing of the church, 43, 44. Chap. XXXIII. Concerning the new church, which is to be established when the former one is destroyed, 1 — 5 ; that after its destruction those are to be called, who are to be led out of falses, 6 — 9 ; who from the affection of truth ancl 33 JEREMIAH. good will worship the Lord, 10, 11; who after the former church will be in truths of every kind, 12, 13 ; that this will take place when the Lord comes, who will institute, 14 — 16 ; that then truth and good will not be Avanting, 17, 18 ; that the spiritual and the natural wall agree, 19 — 21 ; that then there will be truth in all abundance, 22; that if spiritual and natural truth and good did not agree, there would be no