Qhtizt in tbe SfqupallieJi bg Ijtm tn tl|0 iCtbrarg of Prinrrton Stj^nlngtral S^^mtnarQ BV 828 .F6 Fox, Norman, 1836-1907. Christ in the daily meal Cbdst in tbe OR THE ORDINANCE OF THE BREAKING OF BREAD NORMAN FOX, D. D., LATE PROFESSOR OF CHURCH HISTORY IN SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, WILLIAM JEWELL COLLEGE ; MISSOURI *' They did eat their meat with gladness " NEW YORK FORDS, HOWARD & HULBERT LONDON : JAMES CLARKE & CO. 1898. Copyright in 1898, By NORMAN FOX. To my friends, the Editors <7/*The Indepen- dent and the me7?ibers of The Baptist Minis- TERS'CONFERENCE OF NeW YoRK AND ViCINITY, is dedicated this expansion of a brief paper which, read before the latter and published by the former [Afarch, i8g^), created some discussion. MoRRisTowN, New Jersey, February, 1898. CONTENTS. FACe I. The Questio7i .... 7 //. Took — Blest — Bj-ake — Gave . 10 III. The Old and the New . . 13 IV. ''Hoc Est'' . . , , 23 V. Symbolism .... 30 VI. '' Our Daily Bread'' as the Body of Christ . , . 40 VII. May One Disciple " Do This " ? S4 VIII. What Did Christ Mean by " As Oft As" ? . . 61 IX. Apostolic Precedent , , , ^4 X. Union with Christ . . S2 XI. lore to the Brethren . . . CK, D.D., President Union Theo- logical Seminary, New York City. '• Our supreme duty is to ascertain, if possible, and then to express, if pos- sible, exactly its meaning, in every chapter and paragraph, in every sen- tence, in every idiom, and in every word. . . . The most faitnful render- ings will finally be pronounced the best." — Front Dr. Hitchcock's Pref- ace. '• As to the points of difference be- tween the two Companies of Revisers, the renderings preferred by the Amer- ican Revisers will, in most cases, oe considered the more exact and self- consistent " — Chancellor Howard Crosby, D.D. '• It represents the best, the oldest, and the purest, Greek text of the New lestanaent at present attainable, by coisent of the most competent Chris- tian scholars. . . Furthermore, this American Version is the most accurate English rendering in existence of that Greek text. "—A''. Y. C/t. Intelligencer. "Dr H. has performed the necessary labor with ihe conscientiousness, abil- ity, skill and taste wiiich would be exp-cted f om a man of his gifts and attainments."— ^Vf:£/ Voy-k Observer. " Probably as nearly perfect as any- thing we shall get in many long years to come. '— VdTy York Ei'^ing-elist. " Great pains have evidently been taken to make it accurate. . . . The typogranhical execution is admir- able."— Dr. Ezra Abbot, of the Am Committee of Revision. Crown, 8eo., Long Primer, Clo. red edges. Edited by Rev. J. G. Lansing, D.D., Prof.Old Testament Languages and Exegesis, Iheological seminary, New Brunswick. N. J. "The American Revisers have shown themselves to be in advance of the scholarship of the times, rather than behind it, as will be seen when the other Shemitic languages come to be more thoroughly studied and un- derstood, an J more faithfully applied. It remains lor us to express our pro- found satisfaction that we now have in our possession the precious Book of Psalms with these many important changes demanded by faithfulness to the H .ly Scriptures." — From Dr. Lansing's Preface. " Prof. Lansing has rendered a val- uable service in thus placing before the Americ4n public in an intelligible form the work of tneir scholarly coun- trym':;n in f^e Revision of that part of the Old Testament which lies nearest to the popular heart in worship and devotion."— iV. Y. Christian Intelli- This translation, arranged in poetic lines, exhibits the characteristic parallelism of the Hebrew Sacred Songs, and is finding great favor as a Psalter for Responsive Readings in churches. Cr<»wn, 8vo.. Liong Primer, flexible cloth, 35 cents. NEW TESTAMEXT nnd PSALl'S, 1 Vol., cloth, red Pd?es, $1. "The old-fashioned combination of Testament nd Psalms, so dear to many a household for devotional purposes, will be obtainable in large, agreeable type and at a low ^nz^.'"— Christian Standard (rinci;ina'i O ^ FORDS, HOWARD, & HULBERT, 4:7 Hast 10th St., New York. Pastor's Gospel Manual. — There has been a special call for this book in durable leither binding, for use as a Pastor s Pocket Handbook. It cart now be had in Full Seal, rounded corners, gilt edges. See below. The Interwoven Gospels AND Gospel Harmony. By Rev. WILLIAM PITTENGER. The four Histories of Jesus Christ blended into a complete and continuous narrative in the words of the Gospels ; inter- leaved with pages showing the Method of the Harmony. According to the American Revised Version. Full Indexes, References, etc. New edition. Tenth Thousand. 12 mo. Five 3Iaps, Cloth, red edges, $1,00 ; Seal, gilt edges, $2.00. " A book certainly Full well fitted to answer its purpose ' — N. V. Observer (Prcbb^ terian). ■ ^ omparalively few students of the B ble understand the value of the monotessaron— a weaving of the Gospel story into a single narrative. VVe have seen none that we prefer to that compiled by the Rev. VVm. Pittenger. .... The Maos, indi- caiing'in colors the' separate journeys of Christ, form a valuable teature." — The Golden Rule, Boston (Chris- tian Endeavor Organ). " A peculiarly valuable work, readilv appreciated by Bible stu- dents '" — Ep-Morth Herald, Chicago (Methodist). " Bjtter adapted than the earlier issues to aid Biblical students to tJrasp connectedly the facts in the Gospel story.' — The Co7igregationalist, Bos- ton. " Not a verbal harmony, usinsr every word of each Gospel, but as if we were talkinar with the Evangelists. One relates an incidf-nt and calls on the others to ar^d details which they recall, and then another takes up the storv and is supplemented in a simi'ar manner. It makes a delightful book for devotional use."— A''. W. Congre- .T^-.f-nnih'si. Minneanolis " The widest and most practical use of it appears to be for general reading, where it is desired to present to the mind any event in the life of Christ in its completeness.''— T.^^ Standard, Chicago (Baptist;. •' A book which no student of the Gospels and literature should lail to get lor his library. . . . T he stu- dent gets three important things: the full story comoined from all the Gospels, the peculiarities of each Gospel, and the precise points of agreement or divergence between them." — New Engia^id Magazine. " That this has found favor is evident from the fact that this edition is the seventh thousand. ... It is also a hopeful sign that the demand for this cIjss of books is incieasing, and that the labors of the Revisers of i88i are gradually receiving a heartier appreciation among intelligent stu- dents."— .V. ]'. Christian Intelli- gencer (Reformed Church). "Admirably adapted to use in familv and private devotions, and in prayer meetings, and would be very valuable for its suggestiveness to all who study the life of Christ by the Inductive Method." — Springfiela (Mass.) Union. The book is valuable not only for study, but also especially for devotional reading — by one's self, at family prayers, before schools., and in the hands of a Pastor at the Church prayer and conference meeting. FORDS, HOWARD, & HULBERT, 47 East 10th St., New York. Primitive Faith — Expanding Philosophy. Zhc 1Rew Puritanism^ A SERIES OF PAPERS Presented during the Semi- Centennial Celebration of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, N, IT., 1847-1897. The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of Plymouth Church was a fit occasion for reviewing the Progress of Religious Thought during the past half century, and taking a forelock at its near future. The eminent thinkers gathered for that purpose have set forth this Retrospect and Prospect in most suggestive fashion ; their addresses form a book of vital interest and sterling worth. Tlie New Puritanism: Lyman Abbott. Puritan Principles in ITIoclern Life: Amory H. Bradford, D.D. Beeclier's Influence on Religious Tliouglit in England: Charles A. Berrv, D.D. The 'I'lieologlcal Problem for To-day : George A. Gordon, D.D. Social Problems of the Future: Washington Gladden, D.D. The Church of the Future: President Willl\j»i J. Tucker. Review and Outlook : Charles A. Berry, D.D. The Descent from the ITIount: Lyman Abbott, D.D. Introduction, by Rossiter W. Raymond, Ph.D. Extra clothf gilt top, $1.25. " A handsome volume, which will be read by thoughtful people of all denominations who are concerned to form a clear conception of the changes that fifty years have brought in the working creeds of the churches, and the gradual, but inarvelous and deep-reaching, tran- sition from the old Puritanism to the new. . . A noble body of thought on some of the most pressing ques- tions of the day. . . Eloquent and significant utterance to the new thinking that is irresistibly sweep- ing modern theology and modern society into regions as yet unex- plored, but into which God in His providence is indubitably leading his children."— iV^zy York'^ Christian Advocate. " It was much more than a local celebration. Henry Ward Beecher did not belong to one church or one city. His influence did not stop at the sea, but spread far and wide over the whole civilized world. . . The currents of thought which he started are flowing on with ever in- creasing volume and power." — The Church Econojnisty N. Y. 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Cloth, Popular Edition, $1.25; paper, 50 cts. Faith. Last Morning' Sermon preached by Mr. Beecher, Sunday, Feb. 27, 1887. Portrait. Embossed paper, 20c ; leather, 45c. FORDS, HOWARD, & HULBERT, 4:7 East Tenth St., New York. Books of Literary Interest. The Human Mystery in Hamlet : An Attempt to Say an Unsaid Word: with Suggestive Parallelisms from the Elder Poets. By Martin W, Cooke, A. M. President of the New York State Bar Association. i6mo. Vellum cloth, gilt top, uncut edges, $i.oo. "Whether or not the author of 'Hamlet' had a conscious purpose to give a concrete embodiment of the uni- versal human truth which you have so ably expounded this is unquestionably to be found in the play. Genius often builds better than it knows, and I be- lieve Shakespeare often did. It is this frasp that apprehends the universally uman which distinguishes a classic from an ephemeral composition. It is the ability to discern a rich meaning where common men see only a common- place one that marks ihe true' critic."— From D.AViD J. Hill, President Uni- versity of Kachester, '• I have read [it] with interest and admiration, interest in a theme whose infini;e variety custom cannot stale, and admiration for the earnestness and skill wherewith Mr. Cooke pleads for his theory.''— Horace Howard Furness^ Henry Ward Beecher. Record of a Memorial Service held in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, on Sunda)', March 8, iSgi, by bv Thomas the Plymouth Sunday School. G. SHEARM.A.N, Superintendent. The peculiar interest of this little brochure is that Mr. Shearman was not only for thirty years a member of Ply- mouth Church, but he was an intimate friend and valued counseller of Mr. Beecher, and in this brief address has Including an address Paper, 25 cents. told many things characteristic of the great preacher which others had not noted. It is terse, suggestive, admir- ably put, and should be read by all who seek knowledge of that wonderful man. Bryant and His Friends : Reminiscences of the Knickerbocker Writers. By Gen. James Grant Wilson, Author of ''Poets and Poetry of Scot/and," "Life and Letters of Fitz- Greefie Halleck" Editor Appleton's " Cvciopedia of Biography,'' etc. Illustrated with Steel Portraits, MSS. Fac- Similes, etc. Cloth beveled gilt top, $2.00. Remainder of LARGE PAPER EDITION, limited to 195 copies. Cased in Cloth gilt top, uncut edges, $15 00. Furnished in Sheets, for those who wish to add illustrative plates, at the same price as cloth-cased. Bound in Full Turkey Morocco, gilt, I25.00. [All styles in Boxes.] Biographical and Anecdotal Sketches of Bryant, Paulding, Irving, Dana, Cooper. Halleck and Drake ; together with Poe, Willis. and Bayard Taylor. Also concluding chapter on "The Knicker- bocker Literature," shorter notices of others, who. making their fame in the first half of the century, were the pioneers of American literature. " I have read it with interest and pleasure, following your words often with my memory, and, under your guidance, recalling delightful hours and famous men." — George William " A standard volume of literary his- tory. . . . Especially valuable in the vigor and graphic pictorial power with which those days and scenes, gone from all save memory, are brought to life and light SigdXvi.''''— Boston Ev'g Traveller. Curtis. FORDS, HOWARD, & HULBERT, 47 JEast lOth St., New York, Date Due .^^ir« \ ^5^sr?!ffP^^^* ^l^^m:.^^"^ * =;l;lli!^;lf' 1 1012 01030 7694 aiiiiiiii illiiiilfi