;. '-;... -.-c • . FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY /say 3. ANCIENT HYMNS, Etc. RIVINGTO N S HontJCn Waterloo Place (DlfcrtJ High Street CatnfcrttJgC Trinity Street ANCIENT JFrom tfje Botnan Brcbtato TO WHICH ARE ADDED ORIGINAL HYMNS By RICHARD MANT, D.D. SOMETIME LORD BISHOP OF DOWN AND CONNOR RIVING TONS 3L-onion, ©xforti, ani (Eambrttigc 1S71 Edition Contents. I. MORNING AND EVENING HYMNS FOR EACH DAY IN THE WEEK FIRST SERIES PAGE i. Morning Hymn for Sunday, 3 Primo die qno Trinitas. 11. Evening Hymn for Sunday, ..... 6 Lncis Creator Optime. in. Morning Hymn for Monday, ..... 8 Jcun htcis orto sidere. IV. Evening Hymn for Monday, 10 Immense cceli Conditor. v. Morning Hymn for Tuesday, 12 Ales diet nuntius. vi. Evening Hymn for Tuesday, 14 Telhtris alme Conditor. vii. Morning Hymn for Wednesday, . ... 16 Consors paterjri lumi?iis. in. Evening Hymn for Wednesday, 18 Cceli Dens sanctissi7iie. IX. Morning Hymn for Thursday, 20 SEterna cceli gloria. x. Evening Hymn for Thursday, 22 Magiicp. Dens potent ice . VI xi. Morning Hymn for Friday, 24 Splendor Paternet Glorue. XII. Evening Hymn for Friday, 27 Hominis supcme Condi tor. xiii. Morning Hymn for Saturday, ..... 29 Nox et tenebrw et uubila. xiv. Evening Hymn for Saturday, 31 Jain Sol rccedit igneus. [I. MORNING AND EVENING HYMNS FOR EACH DAY IN THE WEEK xv. Morning xvi. Evening xvil. Morning xviii. Evening xix. Morning xx. Evening XXI. Morning xxii. Evening XXIII. Morning SECOXD SERIES Hymn for Sunday, Sol salutis intimis. Hymn for Sunday. — [Original , Hymn for Monday, Node snrgentes vigilemus omnes. Ecce jam noctis touiatur umbra. Hymn for Monday, Rector poteus, verax Deus. Hymn for Tuesday, So m no refect is ar tubus. Hymn for Tuesday, A" ox atra rerum contigit. Hymn for Wednesday, Lux ecce surgit aurea. Hymn for Wednesday, Rerum Deus teuax vigor. Hymn for Thursday, . JEteme rerum Condi tor. 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 5i Vll PAGE xxiv. Evening Hymn for Thursday, . . 53 Te lucis ante terminum. xxv. Morning Hymn for Friday, ..... 55 Aurora jam spar git polum. xxvi. Evening Hymn for Friday, ..... 57 ALterne Rector siderum. xxvii. Morning Hymn for Saturday, .... 59 Tu Triuitatis U?iitas. XXVIII. Evening Hymn for Saturday. — 'Original, . . 61 III. HYMNS FOR OUR LORD'S HOLY DAYS :ix. Hymn for Advent (1.), 65 Verbnm super)ium prodietis. xx. Hymn for Advent (2.), . . . . . . 67 En clara vox redarguit. xi. Hymn for our Lord's Nativity (1.), ... 69 Jesu Redemptor omnium. KII. Hymn for our Lord's Nativity (2.), . . . 71 A so lis or his cardine. in. Hymn for the Circumcision, ..... 73 Creator ahne siderum. :iv. Hymn for the Epiphany (1.), . . . . 75 sola jnagnarum urbium. xv. Hymn for the Epiphany (2.), . . . . 77 Crudelis I/erodes, Deum. [VI. Hymn for Christ's Presentation in the Temple, . 79 gloriosa Virgiuum. vii. Hymn for Lent ( 1.), 81 Ex more docti mystico. in. Hymn for Lent (2.), ..... .84 Audi, benigne Couditor. [IX. Hymn for the Annunciation (1.), . . . . 86 Quern terra, pontus, sidera. Vlll PAGE xl. Hymn for the Annunciation (2.) — [Original, 88 xi.i. Hymn for Palm Sunday (1.), 90 Jesu dulcis memoria. xlii. Hymn for Palm Sunday 2.', ..... 92 ycsu Rex admirabilis. xliii. Hymn for Good Friday 1., ..... 94 Lustra sex qui jam peregit. Pange lingua gloriosi. XLIV. Hymn for Good Friday (a.), 96 Stabat water dolorosa. xlv. Hymn for Easter 1.', 98 Aurora coslum purpurat. XLVI. Hymn for Easter {2.], ...... 100 Ad regias A gut dapes. xi. vii. Hymn for Easter 3.', ...... 103 Rex sejnpiterne ccclituvi. xlviii. Hymn for the Ascension (1/, 105 JEtcrne Rex altissime. xlix. Hymn for the Ascension (2. , 108 Salutis humance Sator. 1.. Hymn for Whit Sunday (1.;, ..... no Vent, Creator Spiritus. 1.1. Hymn for Whit Sunday [2.) 112 Nunc saucie nobis Spiritus. lii. Hymn for Trinity Sunday i.\ .... 113 Sumnuz Parens dementia*. Lin. Hymn for Trinity Sunday [2.] — [Original. . 115 IV. HYMNS FOR SAINTS' DAYS liv. Hymn on the Holy Angels (i.), Christe, sanctorum decus Augelorum. i.v. Hymn on the Holy Angels [2.), Te splendor et virtus Patris. IX PAGE LVI. Hymn on the Holy Prophets, 123 Quicumque Christian quceritis. LVII. Hymn on the Holy Apostles (1.), .... 125 ALterna Christi munera. lviii. Hymn on the Holy Apostles (2.), .... 127 Exult et or bis gaudiis. lix. Hymn on the Holy Evangelists (1.), .... 129 Ch ris ti fierennes nuntti* lx. Hymn on the Holy Evangelists (2.), . . . . 131 Since sub alto vertice* lxi. Hymn on the Holy Martyrs (1.), .... 133 Sanctorum merit is inclyta gaudia. LXII. Hymn on the Holy Martyrs (2.), .... 135 Invicte Martyr unicitm. lxiii. Hymn on All Saints (1.), 137 Saint is ceteriuc Da tor. lxiv. Hymn on All Saints (2.) — [Original], . . 139 * From the Parisian Breviary. ORIGINAL HYMNS PRINCIPALLY OF COMMEMORATION AND THANKSGIVING FOR CHRIST'S HOLY ORDINANCES PAGE i.xv. Hymn of Thanksgiving for the one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, 143 lxvi. Hymn commendatory of Prayer for the Church, 145 lxvii. Hymn of Thanksgiving for an Apostolical Ministry, 147 Lxviii. Hymn commemorative of the Ministerial Com- mission, 149 LXIX. Hymn of Thanksgiving for God's Presence in His Church, 151 Alto ex Olymfii vert ice. lxx. Hymn commemorative of the Pleasure of Social Worship, 153 lxxi. Hymn commemorative of Christ's Presence in Social Worship, . . . . . .155 lxxii. Hymn commemorative of God's House of Prayer, 157 LXXI 1 1. Hymn commendatory of the Reverence due to Holy Places, . . . . . . .159 lxviv. Hymn commendatory of the Reverence due to Holy Things, 161 lxxv. Hymn of Thanksgiving for Holy Baptism, . 163 lxxvi. Hymn commemorative of the Church Militant, . 165 lxxvii. Hymn commemorative of the Church's Instruc- tion of her Children, ..... 167 XI PAGE i. xxyiii. Hymn commendatory of Family Worship, . . i6g LXXIX. Hymn of Thanksgiving for the Church's Scrip- tural Worship, 171 lxxx. Hymn of Thanksgiving for the Church's Liturgy, 173 lxxxi. Hymn of Thanksgiving for the Church's Primitive Character, . . . . . . 175 Lxxxir. Hymn commendatory of taking part in Worship, 177 lxxxiii. Hymn commemorative of the object of Christian Worship, 179 LXXXIV. Hymn commendatory of Christian Fellowship, . 181 LXXXV. Hymn commemorative of Prayer in, and to, Christ, 183 LXXXVI. Hymn commendatory of the Church's Signs of Reverence, . . . . . . .185 lxxxvii. Hymn commemorative of the Confession of Sins, 187 lxxxviii. Hymn of Thanksgiving for the Remission of Sins, 189 lxxxix. Hymn commendatory of our Daily Prayers, . 191 xc. Hymn commemorative of Singing Praises to God, 193 xci. Hymn commemorative of Thanksgiving to God, . 195 xcu. Hymn of Thanksgiving for the Holy Scriptures, . 197 xciii. Hymn of Thanksgiving for the Church's Creeds, 200 xciv. Hymn of Thanksgiving for the Pure Faith, . 202 xcv. Hymn commendatory of Faith and Good Works, 204 xcvi. Hymn of Thanksgiving for Spiritual Instructors, 206 XCVII. Hymn commemorative of hearing God's Ministers, 208 XCVIII. Hymn of Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion, 211 xcix. Hymn commendatory of the Holy Communion, . 213 c. Hymn commemorative of the 'Thrice Holy,' . 216 ci. Hymn commemorative of the Day of Holy Rest, 219 ci 1. Hymn of Thanksgiving for the Day of Holy Rest, .221 CHI. Hymn commemorative of the Church's Greater Festivals, Xll CIV. Hymn commemorative of 'The Way. the Truth, and the Life,'* CV. Hymn to the Comforter for 'Faith, Hope, and Charity,' *........ cvi. Hymn commendatory of the Church's Minor Festi- vals, CVII. Hymn of Thanksgiving for the First Preachers of the Gospel, cvin. Hymn of Thanksgiving for the Church's Reformers, cix. Hymn of Thanksgiving for the Church's Mode- ration, . ...... ex. Hymn commendatory of Church Union, CXI. Hymn condemnatory of Schism, cxi i. Hymn commemorative of the Punishment of Schis cxi 1 1. Hymn commendatory of Religious Zeal, cxiv. Hymn condemnatory of False Zeal, cxv. Hymn of General Thanksgiving, cxvi. Hymn commemorative of God's Blessing, cxvn. Hymn commemorative of Sickness, cxvin. Hymn commemorative of Death, cxix. Hymn commemorative of a Departed Friend, cxx. Hymn commemorative of the Day of Judgment, PACE 227 229 231 233 236 239 241 244 246 248 250 252 254 257 2 59 262 1 From the Author's ' Holy Days of tiie Church.' itt anting attb (Etonting 3§Ktnnjs FOR EACH DAY IN THE WEEK FIRST SERIES iHftnrtuttg f^gmn for Suntiarj Primo die qiio Trinitas On this first clay, when heaven and earth Rose at the Triune' s word to birth ; The day when He, who gave us breath, Revived our souls and vanquish'd death ; Why close in sleep your languid eyes 1 Shake off dull slumber, wake, arise ; And, mindful of the Prophet's voice, Right early in our God rejoice. That He may hear the ascending cry ; That He may stretch His hand from high; That He may cleanse, and make us meet To join Him in yon heavenly seat : That, while each consecrated hour We praise and sing His glorious power, The offerings of this day of rest May with His choicest gifts be blest. Paternal Glory, Sire of all, Thee with o'erflowing hearts we call, That we this day may serve Thee, freed From guilty thought and sinful deed : That no foul passion's lawless flame May injure this corporeal frame ; Nor the unhallow'd heart's desire Plunge us in flames of fiercer fire. Saviour of men, whose blood alone Can for a ruin'd world atone, Cleanse Thou our hearts, and upward lift To share in Thy perennial gift. 5 To Thee, most Holy Sire ; to Thee, Co-equal only Son, we flee : With Him, the union to complete, The Spirit blest, the Paraclete. ffbwfng fL?gmn for Sunfoarj Lucis Creator Optime O Thou, of light Creator best, Who didst the days with light invest ; And bid its new-born radiance shine To glad creation's origin : Thou, who the morn to evening join'd For day's formation hast assign'd \ Lo, round us spreads a gloomy shade, Thy suppliants hear, their sorrows aid ! The soul, in sin's hard bondage held, Oh, be she not from life expell'd; While yet to things eternal blind, In bands of wilful guilt confined. Grant to heaven's portal she may rise, And claim the everlasting prize ; But first, from sin's oppression free, Grant her on earth to walk with Thee ! Such favour, Lord, of Thee we pray, Thy blessing on this closing day ; Sole Sovereign of the heavenly host, Thee Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Ill fHomhtg ^gntn far fHantoag Jam lucis or to side re Brightly shines the morning-star : Pray we God His grace to give, That from sin and danger far We the coming day may live. That the tongue, by Him withheld, May from sounds of strife refrain ; That the eye, from roving quell'd, Seek not sights corrupt or vain : That the heart, with pureness fraught, May from folly turn aside ; And the flesh, by temperance taught, Calm its lusts, and veil its pride : 9 That, when He the day shall close, And the night successive bring, We, triumphant o'er our foes, May our hymn of glory sing ; Glory, Sire of all, to Thee ; And to Thee, Co-equal Son, With the Spirit, glory be \ One in Three, and Three in One. lO IV (Eliciting 5?gmn for fHontiag Immense cccli Conditor All-present Framer of the sky, Who spread'st the firmament on high, And badest the parted waters flow, The broad expanse above, below ; Each to the space, for each assign' d, By Thee in heaven and earth confined, The heats by moisture to allay, Lest earth's parch'd soil they waste away Pour out Thy Spirit, and embue Our hearts with Thy perpetual dew ; Lest the deep taint of early time Wear out the soul with recent crime. II Let Faith her growing light supply, A sunbeam to the clouded eye ; O'er falsehood's mists exalt her head, And on the world's vain follies tread. So be Thy will, O Father, done ; And Thine, Co-equal only Son ; With Him combined in union meet, The Holy Ghost, the Paraclete. 12 V JKotmng Jt?gmn for (Eutstiajj Ales diei mint ins The bird, the harbinger of light, Has sung his morning strain : Hear ye not Christ our minds excite, And call to life again ? * Arise,' He cries, ' your beds forsake, Nor slothful, slumbering, lie ! Chaste, upright, temperate, wake, awake ; For I, behold, am nigh.' With prayer, and praise, and minds sedate We, too, the Saviour rouse : For holy hearts delight to wait On God with holy vows. 13 Do Thou, O Christ, our souls awake, Burst Thou the chains of night ; Of ancient sin the bondage break, And shine with new-form' d light ! To God the Father be addrest, And to the only Son, All glory, with the Spirit blest, Eternal Three in One ! 14 VI (Surnintj Jtjnmn far (Cucstiag Tdluris alme Conditor All-bounteous Framer of the earth, Thou who the seas, her kindred birth, Didst drive apart ; and give to stand High o'er the flood the solid land : That thence might spring the tender shoot, The colour' d flower, the pleasant fruit ; The grass, her future tribes to feed ; And, wrapt in each, its genial seed : The wounds of the diseased soul Make thou with gracious freshness whole : That she her sins in tears may steep, Her lusts in due subjection keep ; 15 To Thy commands allegiance pay ; From all that 's evil turn away ; At all that 's good with pleasure glow ; Nor the keen sting of dying know. So be Thy will, O Father, done ; And Thine, Co-equal only Son ; And Thine, who sharest the imperial seat, Spirit of life, blest Paraclete. i6 VII fHorninrj p?gmn for CEIctnusfcag Consors paterni luminis Consort of paternal light, Light of Light, essential day, Bidding farewell to the night, Lo ! to Thee we sing and pray. Chase the darkness from the mind, Chase the powers of night afar ; Let not sleep our senses bind, Nor the sluggish spirit mar. Christ, behold with kind regard, What to Thee in faith we bear ; Let the morning hymn be heard, Herald to the morning prayer. i7 Prayer and hymn receive, addrest To Thy Father, and to Thee, And Thy Holy Spirit blest, Reigning to eternity. i8 VIII Cfonung Pjgmn fox JHctnustoag Cali Deus scuictissime Thrice Holy Sovereign of the sky, Who o'er the lucid tracts on high Thy fleecy brightness dost diffuse, And paint them with thy beauteous hues : Thou who along the expanse of air Didst wheel the sun's refulgent car, Ordain the moon's perpetual course, And curb the planets' wandering force : Apt in their motions to divide The morning from the evening tide ; And by each season's noted sign The days, and months, and years define : 19 Our darken'd hearts illume with day, Our souls' defilements purge away, The band of conscious guilt unbind, And lighten the sin -burden' d mind. Such favour, Lord, of Thee we pray, Thy blessing on this closing day, Sole Sovereign of the heavenly host, Thee Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 20 IX fEornhtfl ffcjumn for (CJjurstiarj JEterna cocli gloria O eternal praise of heaven, Blessed Hope to mortals given, Partner of the Father's throne, Thou the Virgin-born alone ; Grant us, as from sleep we rise, Healthful thoughts to scale the skies, And to God with ardour raise Due return of thankful praise. By the star of morning led, Lifts the sun his orient head : Rescued from the gloom of night. Lighten us with holy light 21 Grant it in our hearts to dwell, Thence the world's dark shades expel ; And through each succeeding time Cleanse our breasts from taint of crime. There may Faith first strike her root, Hope, with joy's delightful fruit, And, the greatest of the three, Thine own handmaid, Charity. Hymning thus our matin lay, Son of God, to Thee we pray : And join with Thine through endless days The Father's and the Spirit's praise. 22 (Erjcntnrj Pfgtnn for (JTIjutstian Magna Dens potentuv God of all nature, great and good, Who gavest the flood-engender' d brood, Some in their liquid bed to lie, And some to soar the lofty sky ; Form'd or beneath the wave to swim, Or the thin air uplifted skim, Sprung from one stock, each varied race Fills his appointed dwelling-place. Meet grace to all Thy servants show ; Be theirs no lapse of guilt to know, Cleansed by the blood, salvation's spring, Nor bear of death the lingering sting. 23 Be none deprest by wilful fault, Let none vain-glorious thoughts exalt, Lest the weak mind, destruction's thrall, O'erburden'd sink, o'ervaulting fall. So be Thy will, Great Father, done, And Thine, the well-beloved Son ; And Thine, who reign'st in union meet, Spirit of life, blest Paraclete. XI fHorntrttj Pfgmn far JrttJag Splendor Pater na Gloria Image of the Father's might, Of His light essential ray, Source of splendour, Light of light, Day that dost illume the day \ Shining with unsullied beam, Sun of truth, descending stream ; And upon our clouded sense Pour thy Spirit's influence. Father, Thee too we implore ; Father, of almighty grace ; Father, of eternal power ; Taint of sin from us efface. Each innocuous act advance, Turn to good each evil chance, Blunt the sting of envy's tooth, Keep us in the ways of truth. Rule our minds, our actions form, Cleanse our hearts with chastity, Give us love sincere and warm, Uprightness from falsehood free. Christ, our living spring and meat, Freely let us drink and eat ; And our gladden'd souls embue With the Spirit's healthful dew. Joy be ours the passing day, Pureness like the morning's glow, Faith as clear as noontide ray, May the mind no twilight know. 26 Welcoming the dawning bright, Thus we pray a holier light, From the eternal Fountain drawn, On our waken'd souls may dawn. 27 XII ©betting pjgmn far jFrtiag Hominis super ue Conditor Father of men, whose sovereign will Thy works, ordain' d by Thee, fulfil ; Who badest the earth to being bring Cattle, and beast, and creeping thing ; And, as to life call'd forth by Thee, Those mighty forms began to be, Badest them, as time should onward roll, Obey Thy favour 1 d man's control : Do Thou the impulse strong defeat. If lawless lust our steps beset, Or thought of inward evil breed, Or mingle with the outward deed. 28 Do Thou Thy promised blessings give, Grant us beneath Thy grace to live ; Dissension's hateful bands unbind, And stablish peace with all mankind. Such favour, Lord, of Thee we pray, Thy blessing on this closing day, Sole Sovereign of the heavenly host, Thee Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 2 9 XIII fRonting p?2tnn Ux Saturtiag A r ox et tenebra ct nubila Lo, night and clouds and darkness wrapp'd The world in dense array, The morning dawns, the light breaks forth, Hence, hence, ye shades, away. Pierced by the sun's resistless shafts Disparts the embattled gloom. And all things, lighten' d by his face, Their wonted hues resume. Thee, Christ, our only hope, we seek, With meek and simple heart, With prayers and hymns that Thou wilt deign Thy daily grace impart : 30 Dark is the soul, and needs Thy light, To make her pure and clean ; That light, which shines in heaven, show forth, And smile with face serene. So may our minds the radiant beams Of Thy enlightening know ; So may our hearts by Thee inflamed With holy transport glow ; So may our tongues, inspired by Thee, Still sing the Eternal One ; The Father, and the Holy Ghost, With Thee, begotten Son. 3i XIV (Erjerting Pjgmn for Saturtiag yam Sol reccdit igjicus Now sinks in night the flaming sun : O Thou, our everlasting day, Thrice holy Godhead, Three in One, Thy brightness to our hearts display : To Thee we hymn the morning lay, To Thee our evening vows are given ; Grant us, as here to Thee we pray, To praise Thee in the courts of heaven. No shadows there nor clouds impede The view with visions of affright : Nor sun nor moon those mansions need, The Lamb is their perpetual light. Oh, yet unseen by mortal sight, May in our souls that scene endure, That we, through hope of that delight, May purer grow as Thou art pure. And when the day shall come, that we Shall know no more, as now, in part, May we unveiled Thy presence see, Be like, and know Thee as Thou art : And evermore with voice and heart Join concert with Thy heavenly host, And bear, in praising Thee, our part, Thee Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. II iftormttg anb (B bating ^gmtus FOR EACH BAY IN THE WEEK SECOXD SERIES. JD XV fronting p?gmu for Suntiag O Sol salutis iiitimis Salvation's Sun, the inward gloom That veils our hearts, do Thou illume : Now that the night is driven away, And lovelier shines this holy day. Behold, the accepted time is here ! Grant us to wash with contrite tear The heart's vow'd offering, and above Present it on the fire of love. The fount, which wont with sin to teem, Shall weep with grief a living stream, If the hard rock's reluctant side Repentance' potent rod divide. 36 The day, Thine own blest day, appears, When a fresh bloom all nature wears ; And we, whom Thy right hand and voice Now guide aright, may we rejoice ! May the world's transitory frame, All-bounteous Triad, bless Thy Name ; And, by Thy grace renew'd, may we New songs of glory sing to Thee. To Thee, whose name, as heretofore, Now and for ever shall adore Thy Church on earth, Thy heavenly host, Thee Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 37 XVI (Erjtnfnrj p?gmn Ear Suntiag [original] The day declines : but, ere it part, The day that glads the Christian's heart, For all the good, its course conveys, Sing we to God our evening praise. Praise Him, that we this day have trod With reverent feet the house of God ; Our sins with lowly hearts confest, And by His pardoning word been blest. Praise Him, that we have sought Him there By His commission'd minister \ And, kneeling at His mercy's throne, Have made our wants and wishes known. 38 Praise Him, that we have raised our voice In our Salvation to rejoice, And blest His name, His Church among, In psalm, and hymn, and holy song. Praise Him, that we this day have heard The truths of His most holy word : Which leads us, prone, alas ! to stray, Thro' earth's dark snares the heavenward way. Praise Him, that we our thanks have paid For blessings to mankind display'd ; For all the good this life can prove, But most for His redeeming love. Praise Him, that thus we've sought His face, His day by His own means of grace : Praise Him for night's approaching rest, Praise Father, Son, and Spirit blest. 39 XVII iHorning f^gmn for fHcmtiarj Node sutgentes vigilemus omnes, etc. Eccejam noctis tenuatur umbra, etc. Awaking with the waken'd day, The morning anthem raise ; And to our God the tribute pay, The hymn of tuneful praise. O may the theme our souls prepare To join the angels' throng ; And sing with them our Maker there In never-ending song. Away the night and darkness fly, Light brightens in the east ; Hear, Lord of all, our suppliant cry. To Thee in faith addrest. 40 Our souls o'erspent with guilt release, Our load of sin forgive ; And grant us evermore in peace And health with Thee to live. Paternal Godhead, hear the hymn, And grant the meek request, With Him, Thy Glory's Filial Beam, And Him, the Spirit blest. 41 XVIII ©betting P?s mn ^ or fHontiau Rector polens, verax Detts Mighty Sovereign, God supreme, Ruler of the varied day, Who send'st forth the morning beam, Whom the noontide heats obey ; Who the hours, as on they glide, Givest, to Thee as seemeth best, And the peaceful eventide Hast ordain'd for welcome rest : Quench dissension's baneful fire, Bid each noxious heat depart, To our bodies health inspire, Peace and comfort to the heart. 42 To Thy care Thy servants take, From all nightly ills preserve ; That to-morrow we may wake, Thee with strength renew' d to serve. Holy Father, grant our prayer, Grant it, sole co-equal Son, Grant it, blessed Comforter, One in Three, and Three in One. 43 XIX fRomfng f£?gmrt for JEuestiag Somno refcctis artubus Our limbs refresh'd with wholesome sleep, We scorn the bed of sloth to keep, But rise, and Thee, our Father, pray, To hear and bless our morning lay. To Thee the voice be first addrest, By Thee the waking thought possest, That each succeeding act may be Commenced, pursued, fulfiU'd in Thee ! Now darkness fades before the light. Yields to the dawn the gloom of night ; If aught of ill the night conceal'd, So may it to Thy brightness yield. 44 O grant that thus our hearts within May still be clean from taint of sin ; And still our outward lips may raise To Thee the voice of deathless praise. So be Thy will, Great Father, done ; And Thine, the Father's only Son ; And Thine, who sharest the imperial seat, Spirit of life, blest Paraclete ! 45 xx (Srjentng f^gmn for STttestiag A T ox atra rerum contigit Dark night arrays in hueless vest This undistinguished scene ; To Thee we fly, our sins confest, Judge of the hearts of men. Do Thou our former faults atone, Wash Thou our minds impure ; And by Thy mercy's sovereign boon From guilt's assaults secure. The soul, to conscious sin a prey, In unblest torpor weak : Fain would she cast her slough away, And Thee, her Saviour, seek. 4 6 The gloom, but chief that gloom expel, Which clouds the mental sight, That the glad soul her bliss may feel, And bless Thy saving light. Such grace, Eternal One in Three, We seek this hour of rest, Of Thee, O Father ; Son, of Thee ; And Thee, O Spirit blest ! 47 XXI fBartthtjj f^gmtt for JJEetotustiag Lux ecce surgit a urea Behold, it shines, the golden light ! Haste, waning shadows, haste your flight ; That we, through danger's devious way, No more may blindly, darkly, stray. Shine, blessed light, serenely shine, And show our brightness pure as thine ; Obscured in lips or heart by naught Of crafty word, or fraudful thought. So pass the day entire along ; Nor treacherous hand, nor lying tongue, Nor roving eyes, betray to sin The outward form or soul within. 43 See from above the watchman's ej To Him our days all open lie : By Him are all our deeds survey'd. From opening dawn to evening shade. And so to Him be praise addrest, To Father, Son, and Spirit blest, Now. as it was through ages past, And shall through endless ai^es last. 49 XXII ©benitrrj P?gmtt for ®S!E£tmcstJarj Rertim Deiis tenax vigor Nature's God, all-ruling Power, Who, Thyself exempt from change, Dost for each successive hour Its diurnal course arrange : Cheer our darkness with Thy light, Succour us the approaching night, From our homes all perils keep, Nourish us with wholesome sleep. Lord, my spirit to Thy care, Sleeping, waking, I commend : Thou canst its decays repair. Thou from injury defend. D 5o Grant me life, if life Thou will. Thy commandments to fulfil ; Or, if death be Thy decree, Grant me such as leads to Thee. Living, dead, Thy succour give, Grant me, Lord, Thy saving grace ; Living, still with Thee to live, Dead, that I may see Thy face ; Evermore with Thee to dwell, Evermore Thy praise to tell, Singing with Thy heavenly host Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 5i XXIII iHctninjj f^gmn for Cfjtirstiag ALtenie rerum Cojtditor Maker of all, enthroned above, Whose laws the day and night arrange, And cause the seasons round to move, Ordain'd in grateful interchange ; Soon as the morn's enlightening ray Calls on the slumbering world to wake, The lurking tribes, that roam'd for prey, Their haunts of wickedness forsake : Smooth o'er the waves to glide is seen, With new-strung force the seaman's bark ; And, holding on her course serene, Hails the fresh light the Church's ark. 52 O Jesus, Sun of righteousness, Do Thou thy cloudless face reveal ; 'T is Thine the darken'd soul to bless, 'T is Thine the ills of night to heal. The lapse of sin do Thou repair, With renovating lustre shine : Thine be the early morning prayer, The morning hymn of glory Thine ! Glory, incarnate Son, to Thee, The life and light of men confest ; And, join'd in trinal unity, Thy Sire supreme, Thy Spirit blest ! DJ XXIV (Evening f^gntn far (EfjurstJag Te lucis ante termini tin Ere the waning light decay, God of all, to Thee we pray, Thee Thy healthful grace to send, Thee to guard us and defend. Guard from dreams that may affright ; Guard from terrors of the night ; Guard from foes, without, within ■ Outward danger, inward sin. Mindful of our only stay, Duly thus to Thee we pray ; Duly thus to Thee we raise Trophies of our grateful praise. 54 Hear the prayer, Almighty King ! Hear Thy praises while we sing, Hymning with Thy heavenly host, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 55 XXV fHotnfng Sfgntn for jFrttiag A urora jam spargit polum With dawn's faint streaks the heaven is sown, O'er earth glides on the day, Abroad the shafts of light are thrown, Hence, vain deceits, away ! Away, each phantom of the night, Dread of the conscious sense : Whate'er of fault hath lent affright To gloomy darkness, hence ! That the last morn each gloomy shade, Which here we pray to shun, Quench'd in that glorious light may fade, Before that cloudless sun : 56 While purged from sin, that o'er the sight Now throws its shadows dim, We walk abroad in heaven's pure light, And chant our thankful hymn. All Glory to the Eternal One Be evermore add rest, To God, the Father, and the Son, Joined with the Spirit blest. 57 XXVI (Evening p?gmn for Jtttiag JEterne Rector sideuun Almighty God, whose sceptre sways The earth and starry sky, Whose will the world beneath obeys, Nor less the world on high : In order meet about Thy throne Unnumber'd angels stand, Prepared where'er Thou wilt to run, And act by Thy command. O from that host of heavenly powers Some friendly spirit send, To watch us in our lonely hours, And in our sleep defend ; 53 To guard us from our ghostly foe, The serpent's subtle wile, Lest secret fraud our steps o'erthrow, And specious arts beguile. Night comes : and, wrapt in nightly shade Lurks many a fearful snare : But none Thy wisdom can evade, And Thy protecting care. Still be Thy care, O God, our shield ; Still may thy wisdom guide Us, whom Thy Holy Ghost has seal'd For whom Thy Son has died. 59 XXVII fHorrtfnrj ^gtrrn fox Saturtiau Tu Trinitatis Unitas Holy Being, One and Three, Ruler of the world, to Thee, In this hour of morning calm, Hark ! we chant the wakeful psalm. Calm is yet the hour of prime ; Hear us, mindful of the time, Holy Being, Thee implore, Balm on all our wounds to pour. If this night the foe has wrought Evil deed, or noxious thought, Far from us the snare of hell May Thy heavenly power repel ! 6o May no sin our bodies stain, May our hearts no dulness chain ; Nor the lukewarm spirit faint, Sickening by corruption's taint. Rather Thou, Most Holy, shine On our hearts with light divine ; That each day, as round it goes, Guiltless pass, and peaceful close : And again at evening dim We may wake the grateful hymn, Ruler of the world, to Thee, Holy Being, One and Three. 6i XXVIII (Efrerttnrj Pfgtnn fcr Saturtiag [original] Another day is well-nigh done, Another week its course hath run : But who the next, or week or day, Shall see conclude, what tongue can say i Praise God for all the time He lent ; His pardon pray for time misspent ; And beg that we may better spend Whate'er His bounty yet shall lend. So, if we see the morrow's beam, May we our former loss redeem : Commencing while to God we pay The duties of that holy day. 62 Or, if the day, the week, that \s past, Be of our time ordain'd the last, May our rapt souls His grace convey To wake in His eternal day ! To Thee, in whom we live and move, Father of comfort, God of love ; From whom at first our being flow'd. Thy gift, and still to Thee is owed : To Thee, Thrice Holy, thus we raise Our even song of prayer and praise ; And aye our matin offering be, Thrice Holy Being, paid to Thee ! III. 30pms for our |Corb's 3§oIg. Says. 65 XXIX pfgmn fur ati&ent (i.) Verbum supermini prodiens Word uncreate, Beloved One, The eternal Sire's Co-equal Son, Who in the course mature of time Camest forth to bless this world of crime ; Illume our minds Thy truth to see, Our souls inflame with love of Thee, That, spurning earth's deceitful toys, Our hearts may soar to heavenly joys. So when Thy dreadful doom proclaims, ' Hence, sinners, to eternal flames ;' And milder tones the just invite To mansions of serene delight : E 66 Not ours may be the whirling storm. The quenchless fire, the deathless worm ; But heavenly bliss to dwell with Thee, And God with open face to see. All blessing, honour, glory, power, To Him whom all His saints adore, His Church below, His heavenly host, To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 67 XXX p?gmn for gUbcnt (2.) En clara vex redarguit Hark ! a voice of warning, hark ! Sounds it through the nations dark. Hence, ye baseless visions, fly ! Jesus lightens from on high. From the ground, where sunk it lies, Let the torpid mind arise. Banishing all evil far, O'er us shines a new-born star. Lo, the Lamb, before us set, Freely cancels all our debt : Lowly all with tears His face Seek we, and implore His grace. 68 So when He shines forth again, Striking dread in guilty men, He may from our sins forbear Vengeance, and in mercy spare. Hymns of glory, notes of praise, Through eternal ages raise, To the Father, and the Son, And the Spirit, Three in One. 69 XXXI Pignut for ©ur ILcrVs Nattintrj (i.) Jesn Redcmptor omnium Redeemer, Jesus, Life of man, Begotten ere the light began, Of the Paternal Light supreme, Co-equal, co-eternal Beam : Bright Image of the Father's mind, Perennial Hope of all mankind, Hear Thou the vows, by land, by sea, Which all Thy servants pour to Thee. Maker of all, Thy flock regard ; And think, with us to dwell prepared, How Thou didst once our form assume, Born of the Virgin's holy womb. Bear witness this auspicious morn, Which ages past beheld Thee born, That Thou to save us earnest alone Forth issuing from Thy Fathers throne. Him stars, and earth, the wat'ry main, Him all that heaven's broad belts contain, That new salvation's Author praise, With welcoming of new-made lays. And we, for whom thy holy blood Has pourd a sanctifying flood, To Thee, on this Thy natal day, Our tributary anthem pay. Jesus, to Thee be glory paid, Blest Offspring of the spotless Maid ; Thee with thy Sire, His glory's Heir, And Him, the gracious Comforter. /I XXXII pjgmn for ©ttr ILorVs flatibttu (2.) A so lis ortus car dine From the faint dayspring's eastern goal Far as the utmost west, Come, sing we Christ, the Saviour born Of Virgin Mother blest : The Father of the age to come, In servant's form array* d, That man He might for man atone, And ransom whom He made. Within that Mother's spotless frame Celestial favour reigns, A secret load, she ween'd not of, The maiden pure sustains : Her bosom chaste at once becomes The temple of her God, And she, who knew not man, is made A heavenly Babe's abode. He comes, He comes, the Virgin-born To Gabriel's promise true ; He whom, as yet unborn, o'erjoy'd The unborn Baptist knew ; Nor recks He of His bed of hay, Nor He the manger heeds ; Enough the milky breast for Him, Who the young ravens feeds. A shepherd to the shepherds' fold The Lord of all is show'd, Celestial choristers rejoice, And angels sing to God. Xow glory, Jesus, be to Thee, Whom a pure Virgin bore, With Father, and with Holy Ghost, Henceforth for evermore. 73 XXXIII J^gmtt for tfje ©trcumctsfon Creator aline siderum Creator of yon circles bright, Redeemer, Saviour, Lord of all, Thy faithful servants' life and light, Hear, hear us, Jesus, when we call. Mankind when Satan captive held To save us from his fraudful lure, Thou earnest, by mighty love impell'd, A fainting world's support and cure. When sunk in sin, our common loss, Alas ! we knew not to repair, Thou earnest, of woman made, the cross, A sinless sacrifice, to bear. 74 Soon as Thy name is heard to sound. Heir of paternal sovereignty, Celestial potentates uncrown'd And fiends infernal bow the knee. Thee Lord of all our tongues confess. Judge of the world when time shall end ; O with Thy grace Thy servants bless. And with Thy sheltering arm defend. To Him in whom His saints delight, His Church on earth, His heavenly host, Be blessing, honour, glory, might, To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 75 XXXIV ?i?gmrt fox tfje (Eptpfjartg (i.) O sola magnarum urbiiim First of cities, Bethlehem, Hail, most favour'd ! When He came, Saviour of the human race, Thee the Godhead deign'd to grace. Brighter than the sun's bright car, And more glorious was the star, Which in Thee new-born from high Told the incarnate Deity. Him what time the Magians saw, Forth their orient gifts they draw ; Prostrate they with vows unfold Myrrh, and frankincense, and gold. 76 Frankincense and gold they bring, To announce their God and King : Spice of aromatic myrrh, To announce His sepulchre. Jesus, let Thy name be blest, To the Gentiles manifest ; To the Father glory be, With the Spirit, and with Thee ! 77 XXXV pjgmrt tv* ^ e ©ptpfjang (2.) Cmdelis Her odes, Deum Why, Herod, why the Godhead fear, When told Judea's King was near? Not earthly crowns away to bear He came, but heavenly to confer. Led by the star, which ruled their sights To seek and find the Lord of Light, The Magi spread their gifts abroad, And prostrate own the present God. The present God the heavens proclaim, When to the laver pure He came, The spotless Lamb ; and on Him bore Our sins, who knew not sin before. 73 The God the blushing waters own By mighty sign, unheard, unknown ; When the pure spring, pour'd forth in wine, Confest the present power divine. Now unto Him, the incarnate Son, Whose glory to the world was shown, With God the Father glory be, And, holy Comforter, with Thee ! 79 XXXVI ^gmrt for Christ's ^resmtatfon m tije 2umple gloriosa I r irg in it m Eternal Glory of the skies, Who didst not our low earth despise, From breasts, by Thee with life endued, Content to draw Thy milky food : The Eden, lost by woman's sin, Thou, made of woman, didst re-win ; And Mary's holy Son retrieve The sad incontinence of Eve. As to Thy Father, throned in heaven, Thou in His earthly house wast given, Offering most meet, a holy Child, By nature sinless, undented \ 8o So to God's house may we repair, And strive our best to offer there, With Thee our welcome to secure. Hearts pure and clean as Thou art pure. The way, the gate, art Thou alone, That leads us to the Fathers throne ; Thee virgin-born, their life's sole spring, By Thee redeem'd the nations sing. Jesus, to Thee be glory paid, The Son of God, incarnate made : Thee with Thy Sire, His glory's heir, And join'd with both the Comforter ! 8i XXXVII ^2 mn f° x 5L^ttt (i.) Ex more docti mystico Of sacred usage old The lenten fast appears ; The Church attends, and calls her fold To penitence and tears. Such rite in days of yore The law, the prophets show'd : Christ to the rite His witness bore, And sanctified the mode. In food, in sport, in sleep, 'Gainst o'er-indulgence guard ; And e'en in sinless pleasures keep A stricter watch and ward. F 82 But chief each act of sin. Each wish, each thought control, Xor give the tempter place to win Dominion o'er the soul. Avenging wrath appease, Draw nigh the mercy-seat, And with meek voice on bended knees ! The Judge for grace entreat. i O God, Thy tender love We by our sins offend ; O pour Thy mercy from above, On us Thy pardon send. ' Think Thou, though weak our frame. Thy workmanship are we : O give not to another name The honour due to Thee. «3 ' Correct the ill we've done. The good we seek improve, That here and ever we may run The way to gain Thy love. ' Thrice Holy One, Thy face To us propitious show, That we Thy servants may the grace Of true repentance know.' 84 XXXVIII f^gmn for ILcnt (2.) Audi benigtu condiiot Hear, our all-gracious Father, hear The prayers which mix'd with many a tear, Deprest by sense of conscious crime, We offer in this lenten time. Kind Searcher of the hearts, alone To Thee our feeble strength is known : To Thee we turn : Thy favour show. And pardon on our sins bestow. Great are our sins, and numberless : O spare us, who our sins confess ! Give medicine to the languid soul, And make us for Thy glory whole. 85 Grant us to curb the wandering sense, Subdued by wholesome abstinence ; That temperate food without, within May conquer lust and banish sin. So be Thy will, Thrice Holy, done, In person Three, in nature One • So spring there from our wills subdued A fruitage holy, just, and good. 86 XXXIX Pfgtntt for tfjc 9nnunctatton (i.) Quern terra, pontus, sidera Him whom the skies, the earth, the sea Confess, adore, declare Lord of that threefold regency, Behold a Virgin bear ! Him whom the light, and time, and space Obey, and own His reign, Behold, endued with heavenly grace, An earthly Maid contain ! O blest was she, that Virgin bland, Whom He, the Lord of all, That grasps yon concave in His hand, His mother deism d to call : 87 Blest, whom the Angel hail'd, on whom The Holy Ghost came clown ; Whose Son. desired their health to come, Their health the nations own ! But blest, more blest than she, are they By whom His will is done, Who hear His precepts, and obey The Father in the Son. To Thee, Eternal Son of God, Here born of lowly maid, Is glory in the Godhead owed, To Thee be glory paid ! 88 XI. pjumn far tljc Annunciation (2.) [original] Hark ! heard ye not the ancient seer, While thus the wondrous promise ran 1 ' A Virgin shall conceive, and bear A Son, Immanuel — God with man !' Hark ! hear ye not the Angel bring His answering message from the sky ? t Hail, Virgin blest, from whom shall spring A Son, the Son of God most High ! ' O Thou, who didst not scorn below, The Son of man, with us to dwell, And us Thy Fathers glory show, The Son of God, Immanuel ; 8 9 Thou, for our sake incarnate made, Thy Godhead, lo ! with faith we own, Or in a servant's form array 'd, Or partner of Thy Father's throne. O Jesus, glory be to Thee, Return'd to Thy celestial rest, Throned with Thy Father's majesty, In union with the Spirit blest. QO XLI JDgmn for |3alm Stinting (i.) JtSH dulcis memoria Sweet, and with enjoyment fraught, Is Jesus to the grateful thought : Far more sweet His presence deem Than the liquid honey's stream. By the ear or tuneful tongue Naught so sweet is heard or sung ; Naught the heart can muse upon, Sweet as God's incarnate Son. Thou, the contrite sinner's stay, Who Thy goodness can display ? How to those, who seek Thee, kind \ What, ah what ! to those who find ! 9' Tongue can speak not their delight, Nor can pen of man indite, None can know, but they who prove. What it is their Lord to love ! O be Thou our joy, O Lord ! Thou our future great reward : And through endless ages be All our glory but in Thee ! Hymns of glory, notes of praise. Through eternal ages raise, To the Father, and the Son, And the Spirit, Three in One ! 92 XI. II lllomn for ^alm Suntiag (2.) Jfef* AV.r admirabilis O Jesus, King of Saints adored, O'er all Thy foes triumphant Lord, Delightful more than tongue can tell, Beyond all thought desirable : If Thou within the heart repair, Truth shines with noontide lustre there ; All worldly pomp to vileness turns, And love with lively ardour burns. Hail, Saviour ! Thou the heart's delight, To the dim mind irradiance bright ; The living fount, whence pleasure flows, Which the vain world nor seeks nor knows. 93 Own ye His name ; and seek to prove. Seek, one and all, the Saviour's love : With fervour seek ; and, as ye go, Deep and more deep your fervour grow ! Lord, may my tongue Thy name confess My life Thy holiness express ; My heart in love of Thee excel, And ever, ever, with Thee dwell. O Jesus, whose exalted name O'er all pre-eminence may claim, All glory be ascribed to Thee In the undivided Trinity. 94 XI. Ill Sfgmu for @ootJ jFrftag Lustra sex qui jam pcregit, etc. Pange lingua gloriosi x etc. See the destined day arise ! See, a willing sacrifice, To redeem our fatal loss, Jesus hangs upon the cross. From a tree our loss began Fatal to primeval man ; Health attends us from a tree, God and man, vouchsafed by Thee. Jesus, who but Thou had borne, Lifted on that tree of scorn, Every pang and bitter throe, Finishing thy life of woe ? 95 Who but Thou had dared to drain, Steep'd in gall, the cup of pain ; And with tender body bear Thorns, and nails, and piercing spear? Thence pour'd forth the water flow'd, Mingled from Thy side with blood, Sign to all attesting eyes Of the finished sacrifice. Holy Jesus, grant us grace In that sacrifice to place All our trust for life renew'd, Pardon'd sin, and promised good. Grant us grace to sing to Thee. In the trinal Unity, Ever with the sons of light. Blessing, honour, glory, might. 9 6 XLIV ftjgmn for ©ootJ Jritian (2.) Stabat mater dolorosa By the cross, sad vigil keeping, Stood the Mother, doleful, weeping, Where her Son extended hung ; For her soul, of joy bereaved, Smit with anguish, deeply grieved, Lo ! the piercing sword had wrung. Oh how sad and sore distressed Now was she, that Mother blessed Of the sole begotten One ! YVoe-begone, with heart's prostration. Mother meek, the bitter passion Saw she of her glorious Son. 97 Who on Christ's fond Mother looking, Such extreme affliction brooking, Born of woman, would not weep ? Who on Christ's fond Mother thinking, With her Son in sorrow sinking, Would not share her sorrow deep For His people's sins rejected, She her Jesus, unprotected, Saw with thorns, with scourges rent : Saw her Son from judgment taken, Her beloved in death forsaken, Till His spirit forth He sent. With Thy Mother's deep devotion, Make me feel her strong emotion, Fount of love, Redeemer kind ! That my heart, fresh ardour proving, Thee my God and Saviour loving, May with Thee acceptance find ! G 9 8 XLV ftjomn for Caster (i.) Aurora ccelum purpurat Morning spreads her crimson rays, Heaven resounds with hymns of praise, Through the earth loud anthems swell, Heard with rage in vanquish'*] hell. From the dark sepulchral gloom See the King of Glory come : See Him now from bondage freed All His saints to daylight lead. Vain the tomb securely barr'd, Sealed stone, and armed guard : Death is crush'd, and finds his bier In the Conqueror's sepulchre. 99 Hence with mourning, hence with tears, Hence with anxious griefs and fears ; 1 Death's subduer is not here,' Cries His angel minister. That these thoughts of paschal joy Ever may our minds employ, Dead to sin, Thy servants give, Lord, in holiness to live. Now be God the Father praised, With the Son in triumph raised From the Grave, His Glory's Heir, And the blessed Comforter. IOO XLVI Jjninn for Caster (2.) Ad regias Agni dopes Now at the Lamb's imperial feast, In robes of snowy whiteness drest, The Red Sea pass'd, high songs we sing Of triumph to the Anointed King. For us His charity divine The blood-cup drank of bitter wine : For us His limbs extended lay, A sacrifice for love to slay. With blood the sprinkled door-posts red The avenging Angel sees with dread : Apart the startled waves divide, Pours o'er the foe the refluent tide. 101 Now Christ our Passover we claim : The same the sacrifice ; the same, Pure to the pure of heart and dear, The unleaven'd bread of truth sincere. O Thou, true sacrifice from heaven, To whom the key of hell is given, By whom the thralls of death unchain'd, By whom the prize of life regain'd ! Victor of hell's infernal holds, His trophies Christ revived unfolds ; And to the heavens' admiring gaze The captive king of night displays. That with delight our hearts may burn, Lord, at Thy paschal feast's return, Oh, dead to sin, Thy servants give New born in righteousness to live. io: Be the Almighty Father praised ; The Son, who from the dead was raised And, the full Godhead to complete, The Holy Ghost, the Paraclete ! 103 XLVII l^gmn for (Easter (3.) Rex sempiterne call turn Thou, whom their Maker heaven and earth, Their King the angels own, Son, who through boundless ages sharest The Almighty Father's throne \ Who Adam, in Thy image made, Call'dst forth at nature's birth, And man became a living soul With body form'd of earth : When Satan's envy and deceit Efad human-kind defaced, By Thee was man's primeval form, Incarnate Lord, replaced ; Thee, of the Virgin born of old, Now new-born from the tomb, 104 Wlio bidd'st us buried from the grave With Thee reviving come. Thou, living Shepherd, dost Thy flock In bath baptismal lave, The cleansing laver of our souls, And of our sins the grave : By Thee was borne the cross, the debt For our transgressions owed ; From Thee, the price of our release, The blood spontaneous flow'd. That Thou each year our paschal joy Mayst be, Thy servants give, Regenerate from the death of sin, In holiness to live : So in perpetual hymns shalt Thou, Who from the dead wast raised, The Father, and the Holy Ghost, Eternally be praised. 105 XLVIII ?ljgmn for tfje Ascension (i.) ALterne Rex altissime Eternal King of heaven on high, Hope of Thy Saints beneath, Crown'd with triumphant majesty, The Vanquisher of death : Thou dost ascend the starry spheres, Prompt at the heavenly call, Which, all unheard by mortal ears, Salutes Thee Lord of all : That of the world, where'er they dwell, The tribes may worship Thee ; And things in heaven, in earth, in hell, May bow the subject knee. io6 Angels behold the change with awe : How sin with flesh began, And sin by flesh subdued they saw, The Conqueror God in man ! Do Thou from Thy celestial heights Our prize, our pleasure, prove ! The world Thy subject; Thy delights All worldly joys above. Thence for our sins the prayer attend, Thy pardoning grace supply, And down Thy healthful Spirit send To lift our hearts on high. That when around Thy judgment-seat The skies their radiance pour, Thou may st remit our penal debt, Our forfeit crowns restore. 107 Jesus, Glory be to Thee, In Thy celestial rest, Throned with Paternal Majesty, And with the Spirit blest ! ioS XLIX fijgmn for tljc Ascension (2.) Salittis humana Sator Saviour of men, our joy supreme, The heart's desire and pure delight ; Who by Thy love didst those redeem, Whom Thou createdst by Thy might : What unknown love could Thee constrain, Our sins, all sinless, to sustain ? And the sharp sting of death to try, That we might live and never die ? Thou break'st through Chaos' old domain, Unbind'st the prison'd captive's band, And with triumphant state dost reign In glory on Thy Sire's right hand. 109 Oh, for our woes benignly feel ; Our wounds with gentle mercy heal ; Our eyes, which long Thy face to see, Glad with the blissful sight of Thee ! Be Thou our heavenward guide and way, Thou of our hearts the aim and goal ; Wipe Thou our tears with joy away, Revive and gladden Thou the soul ! To Thee, ascended up to heaven, Triumphant Son, be glory given \ And, girt with heaven's adoring host, Thee, Sire of all ; Thee, Holy Ghost ! I IO jijgmn for Offfjtt Stinting, (i.) Venij Creator Spiritus Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, Come, visit Thou each willing breast ; And with Thy grace celestial aid Those whom Thy genial influence made. O Comforter, Thy grace supply, Stupendous gift of God most High : The Fount of life, the Fire of love, The inward Unction from above. The gifts of sevenfold grace are thine, Finger of God, the Father's sign ; The Father's promise, who didst speech Unknown to lips untutor'd teach. I II Lighten our minds with wisdom's beam,- Pour on our hearts affection's stream ; Our bodies' feeble strength prepare, With courage, what Thou will'st, to bear. Far from our home the foe repel : Make peace within and near us dwell : Cause that, with Thee to lead and guide, We turn from evil ways aside. Confirm our faith, and grant us so The Father and the Son to know, That Thee of both we may receive, And in the triune Name believe. Be the Eternal Father praised, From death the Filial Godhead raised ; And Holy Ghost, Creator, Thou, Through endless ages even as now. I 12 LI Iljgmn for SBHjit Suntiag Nunc san etc nobis Spiritus Thou with the Father and the Son United, Spirit blest, To us Thy healthful grace be shown, And foster' d in our breast. By lips, by mind, by heart exprest, May meek confession sound ; May love's bright flame within us rest, And spread its warmth around. Our souls with peace and comfort bless, Dissension's heats allay, And lead us on to righteousness By truth's unerring way. So night by night, and day by day, Thy holy will be done, While Thee we seek, and with Thee pray The Father and the Son. H3 LII Pjgmn for ^Crtnftg Suntiag (i.) Summce Parens dementia Parent of all, whose love display'd Still rules the world Thy bounty made, Fain would we raise the hymn to Thee, In substance One, in person Three. Fain would we chant to Thee the song, Which through the ages all along Is chanted by Thy heavenly train, And earth resounds to heaven again. Taught by Thy word this festal day Our homage of true faith we pay : Oh, in that faith preserve us still, And shield us evermore from ill : H n 4 That still our lips Thy praise may show, And with Thy holy Church below, Above with Thy angelic host, Sing Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. n5 LIII f^gmtt for JErtnttg Sutttiag (2.) [original] Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts, essential Good ! God in highest heaven adored, Hear our hymn of gratitude. When in heathen night we lay, Thou didst o'er us pour Thy ray, Thee to know, and worship Thee, In Thy Trinal Unity. Thou Thy Gospel badest proclaim, Thou Thy new-born Church didst lave, Baptized into Thy threefold name, In Thy sanctifying wave : n6 Thou, from whom the worlds began ; Thou, redeeming Hope of man ; Thou, whose hallowing grace is shed On each chosen faithful head. O be Thou our strength and stay ! Save us, we in Thee believe : By Thee we bless, to Thee we pray, And to Thee all glory give. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, Be Thy name in earth adored, As by Thy celestial host, Father, Son. and Holv Ghost ! IV 3§Btnns for Saints' Bnvs 1 1 9 LIV P?gmn on tfje p?alg Angels (i.) Christe, sanctorum deats Angelorum Christ, of Thy Angel host the grace, The Saviour of mankind, Grant us on high a blessed place With that blest host to find. But first on us below to wait Be those blest spirits given, The court of Thy imperial state, The ministry of heaven. Angel of peace, let Michael come From heaven, and hell-ward send Disastrous war, and here at home In one all spirits blend ! 120 Angel of strength, let Gabriel join To quell our ancient foes ; And visit, pleased, each heaven-loved shrine. Which erst his trophies rose ! Angel of health, let Raphael speed Thy herald from on high, To guide aright each dubious deed, And light each languid eye. Grant us such aid, Eternal King, That we with Thy blest host, May Thee, Paternal Godhead, sing, Thy Son, and Holy Ghost. 121 LV Jijgmn on tfje p?oIg atiflela (2.) 7> splendor et virtus Patris Thee, the Father's power and light, Jesus, Thee, our heart's delight, Thee, whose lips our life sustain, Praise we 'mid Thy angel train. Thousand thousand chiefs at hand Round Thy throne embattled stand : Sign of weal to their array, Michael's hands the cross display. He, the ancient dragon fell Smote and drove to nether hell : He both chief, and rebel crew, Victor from heaven's rampart threw. I 22 Oh, against that chief of pride By us be Michael's banner tried ; And a crown of glory won From the Lamb's imperial throne. Glory to the Father be, Glory, only Son, to Thee, Glory to the Spirit blest, Now and evermore addrest. 123 LVI pjgmn on tTje P?alg Ptopljets Quicumque Christum quceritis Ye who Messiah seek, Aloft your eyes incline, And see yon ' holy mount ' bespeak, His deathless glory's sign. There faith may One behold, Majestic, vast, sublime ; Who ne'er began, ne'er ends ; controll'd By neither space nor time. 'Tis Judah's King, decreed The Gentiles' crown to wear, The faithful Abraham's promised seed, The royal David's heir. 124 The Prophets Him record, Of Him the signals give ; The Father witnesses the word, And bids us ' hear, believe.' Jesus, be glory Thine, To babes and sucklings known ; While in the midst Thy symbols shine Of heaven's triunal throne. 125 LVII P?gmn on tfje Pjalg Apostles (i.) ALlema Christi iminera Lord, who didst bless Thy chosen band, And forth commission'd send To spread Thy name from land to land, To Thee our hymns ascend. The princes of Thy Church were they, Chiefs unsubdued in fight, Soldiers on earth of heaven's array, The world's unerring light. Theirs the firm faith of holy birth, The hope that looks above, And, trampling on the powers of earth, Their Saviour's perfect love. 126 In them the Heavens exulting own The Father's might reveal'd, Thy triumph gain'd, begotten Son, Thy Spirit's influence seal'd. Then to Thy Father, and to Thee, And to Thy Spirit blest, All praise for these Thy servants be By all Thy Church addrest. I2 7 LVIII . P?gmn an tlje p?oIg Apostles (2.) Exultet orbis gaudiis Let the round world with songs rejoice ; Let heaven return the joyful voice \ All mindful of the Apostles' fame, Earth, sky, their Sovereign's praise proclaim ! Thou, at whose word they bore the light Of gospel truth o'er heathen night, Oh, still to us that light impart, To glad our eyes and cheer our heart. Thou, at whose will to them was given The key that shuts and opens heaven, Our chains unbind, our loss repair, O grant us grace to enter there. 128 Thou, at whose will they preach'd the word. Which cured disease, which health conferral, To us its healing power prolong, The weak support, confirm the strong ! That when Thy Son again shall come, And speak the world's unerring doom. He may with them pronounce us blest, And place us in Thy endless rest. To Thee, O Father ; Son, to Thee ; To Thee, blest Spirit, glory be ! So was it aye for ages past, So shall through endless ages last. 129 LIX l^gmn on tfjre P?ols ffi&anrj'eltsts (i.) Ch risti percii nes n until Praise for Thy Saints to Thee, O Lord, Whose heavenly Scriptures, wide unfurl'd Thy sacred mysteries record, And spread them o'er the wondering world. The darkness far away expell'd, The things, which, wrapt in shades of night, Of old Thy holy seers beheld, These now have seen in open light. Hence, taught by Thee, their records show'd, From age to age those records run, What human things were borne by God, By man what things divine were done. I 130 Distinct in place, in time remote, The selfsame Spirit ruled them all, Nor fails He, from the rolls they wrote, On us with warning voice to call. And so to God, the One and Three, Who calls us from the gloom of night, His glory's beams reveal'd to see, Be praise supreme and sovereign might. i3i LX flfgnttt on tfje P?oIg (E&angelists (2.) Since sub alio vertice From thundering skies at Sinai's rock Of old the law was given : And trumpet loud and lightnings spoke The present God of heaven. But now He loves with temper'd might A veil of flesh to wear, And, suited to our feeble sight, In milder form appear. Engraved on stone, the Law defined Rules, but no strength convey'd ; Writ on the heart, the Gospel join'd Its rules with power to aid. *32 This was by voice and faithful pen, This by the lives reveal'd, Answering the voice of sainted men, And by their life-blood seal'd. O Thou, by whose good Spirit taught, The words of life they bear, Plant Thou their records in our thought, And ever root them there. So be, Thrice Holy God, to Thee, Whose voice from shades of night Caird us Thy glory's beams to see, High praise and sovereign might ! 133 LXI Pfgmn on tfje f^olg fHartgrs (i.) Saiidortim meritis inclyta gaudia The triumphs of the martyr'd saints The joyous lay demand, The heart delights in song to dwell On that victorious band : Those whom the senseless world abhorr'd, Who cast the world aside, Deem'd fruitless, worthless, for the sake Of Christ, their Lord and Guide. For Thee they braved the tyrant's rage, The scourge's cruel smart; The wild-beast's claw their bodies tore, But vanquish'd not the heart : 134 Like lambs before the sword they fell, Nor cry nor plaint exprest ; For patience kept the conscious mind, And arm'd the fearless breast. What tongue can tell Thy crown prepared To wreathe the martyr's head 1 What voice Thy robe of white to clothe His limbs with torture red ? Vouchsafe us, Lord, if such Thy will, Clear skies and seasons calm : If not, the martyr's cross to bear, And win the martyr's palm. 135 LXII ??gmn on tlje f^olg fHartgts (2.) Invicte Martyr unicum Great God, whose strength Thy martyrs steel'd To follow Thy unrivall'd Son, By whom they braved the battle-field, By whom the palm of conquest won : Thy strength, by sin assail'd, we pray, To shield us in our mortal strife, To drive the taint of guilt away, To guard us from the ills of life. The chains by Thee were loosed, that held Thy martyr'd Saints in thrall below : O be it ours, by Thee upheld, Away the world's vile bonds to throw ! 136 O be it ours like them to win The vesture white, the branching palm ; And, free from sorrow as from sin, To chant to Thee the holy psalm. To Thee, above Thy heavenly host, O Father, on Thy glory's throne; And join d with Thee, Thy Holy Ghost, And, virgin-born, the incarnate Son. 137 LXIII Pfgttttt on 3111 Saints (i.) Sahitis (zterncB Dator O Jesus, source of sanctity, In whom Thy servants live, All glory for Thy Saints to Thee, Saviour of men, we give. All glory for Thy angel train, Who heaven's high temple throng ; All glory for those ancient men, Bards of prophetic song : All glory for the messenger, Who came Thy face before ; For the blest Maid all glory, her Who Thee incarnate bore : 133 All glory for Thy chosen band, To whom the charge was given, To publish peace from land to land, And keep the keys of heaven. For Thy meek priests, a goodly choir : For them, whose annals boast Youth, maiden mild, and hoary sire, Thy martyrs' noble host. For these, for all Thy Saints, Thy name We laud, and pray that we, Strong in Thy strength, may follow them, As They have follow'd Thee : But not to them or hymn or prayer Present we, due alone To Thee, and those with Thee who share The everlasting throne. 139 LXIV p?2tntt on ail Saints (2.) [original] For all Thy Saints, O Lord, Who strove in Thee to live, Who follow'd Thee, obey'd, adored, Our grateful hymn receive. For all Thy Saints, O Lord, Accept our thankful cry, Who counted Thee their great reward, And strove in Thee to die. They all in life and death, With Thee, their Lord, in view, Learn'd from Thy Holy Spirit's breath To suffer and to do. 140 Thy mystic members, fit To join Thy Saints above, In one unmix'd communion knit, And fellowship of love. For this Thy name we bless, And humbly beg that we May follow them in holiness, And live and die in Thee : With them the Father, Son, And Holy Ghost to praise, As in the ancient days was done, And shall through endless days. (Dvigimil Ihjmns PRINCIPALLY OF COMMEMORATION AND THANKSGIVING FOR CHRIST S HOLY ORDINANCES 143 LXV P?rjmrt of Efjanfcsgibfntj far' tfje ©ne, p?olg, Catholic, anto Spastolic Cfjurrfj* We bless Thee for Thy Church, O Lord, Call'd from the world, and seal'd Thine own, One by the faith of Thy pure word, By Thy baptismal laver one. We bless Thee for Thy Church, ordain' d To sanctify the soul from sin, And cleanse Thine image, erst profaned, By holy rite from guilt within. We bless Thee for Thy Church, which sends Thy truth remotest tribes among, And scatter'd members comprehends From every people, kindred, tongue. 144 We bless Thee for Thy Church, which placed Aloft, by signs conspicuous known, Is on Thine own Apostles based, And Jesus Christ the corner-stone. Lord, for this Church by men design'd Thy builders, hallow'd by Thy grace, One, but to no lone spot confined, We bless Thee, and Thy gift embrace. And pray, that on that sacred site, In symbols pure, with guardians true, Our souls may evermore unite, And peace, where Thou ordain'st, ensue. To Thee, in whom Thy Saints delight, Thy Church on earth, Thy heavenly host, Be blessing, honour, glory, might, Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 145 LXVI p?gmrt contmrntfatotg of Stager for tije (Cfjutcrj O pray we for the Church's weal, Though earth and hell oppose, Of good the token and the seal, Which God on man bestows. Pray we, her guides may never cease To rule with holy sway ; Her people still in love and peace And loyalty obey ! Pray we, that he, who round her lurks With craft and subtle wile, May not, to aid his hostile works, The heart of man beguile ! K 146 Pray we, dissension may in vain With unbelief combine, By open force her towers to gain, Or sap with secret mine ! Pray we, that no injurious foe, Or rash mistaken friend, Without may plot her overthrow, Within her union rend ! Pray we, that no opprobrious spot, Home-bred or brought from far, The pureness of her faith may blot, Her holy worship mar ! O Thou, whose love in man's distress Thy Church for refuge gave ; Do Thou the Church, Thy household, bless, And for Thy glory save ! 147 LXVII Pfgtmt cif JZTTjankscjt&mrj fox an Apostolical fHmtstrg All praise to Thee, who didst command The twelve Thy word to preach, And willing flocks from every land Collect, baptize, and teach. By them Thy Church's fabric fair We hail securely framed, Thy holy rites establish'd there, And there Thy truth proclaim'd. And still as they to other lands By Thee commission'd went, On other heads they laid their hands. And on Thy mission sent. 148 Transmitted thus from age to age In one unbroken line, Ours is each sacramental pledge Of grace and strength divine. Lord, give us faithful hearts to keep Thy own appointed fold, And with the shepherds of Thy sheep Secure communion hold. To Thee, O Father ; Son, to Thee ; To Thee, O Spirit blest ; All glory in one Godhead be By all Thy Saints addrest. 149 LXVIII Plgnm cmnmnnotatiue of tfje £BtmstErial Commission Who gives the needful power to man, Abroad the means of grace to deal, Release the sinner from his ban, His guilt remit, his pardon seal ? He who with consecrated pall His chosen Aaron's limbs array'd, And e'en on Christ with outward call The honour of the Priesthood laid. O dare not then with touch profane, That honour on thyself to take j Nor, oh ! pretend with pretext vain, A priest unduly call'd to make ! ISO For self-commission^ who may choose To seize on God's prerogative, Heaven's keys without heaven's warrant use, ( )r, what he has received not. give ? Lord, by whose care Thy Church arose A goodly frame, Thy Church defend : And bless her Pastors, sent by those Whom Thou hast given the power to send. To Thee, whom all Thy Saints adore, Thy Church on earth, Thy heavenly host, Be blessing, honour, glory, power, Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. i5i LXIX Pjumn of Kfjanftsgibmg for ©otTs presence in ffiis Cfjurcfjf .-///^ tu" Olympi vertice Lo, the Almighty Father's Son Quits for earth His heavenly rest. As a stone descending down Sever'd from the mountain's breast. Of both dwellings He alone Is the uniting corner-stone. Ever sounds with holy hymn That abode of Saints on high, Echoing to the Seraphim God in Trinal Unity : Join'd with that, in hymns of praise We our rival voices raise. O'er our Temples, Lord of all, Thy benignant light extend, There be present to our call, There Thy people's vows attend And our fainting souls imbue Ever with Thy heavenly dew. There may still the meek request Of the faithful heart obtain Foretaste of those mansions blest, And enjoy the precious gain, Till from bonds corporeal free We those blessed mansions see. Now be to the Father done Homage, as at all times meet, To the Father's only Son, To the Holy Paraclete \ Homage such as all things owe, Saints above, and men below. 153 LXX p?rjmu comnumoratirje of ti}t pleasure oi Social HEcrsfjtp Glad is Thy sound, O Sabbath bell, Which calls the church-ward road All who within Thy summons dwell, " Come, seek the House of God." O there 'tis joy in one to meet Whom one communion blends, Hold council there in converse sweet, And walk therein as friends. 'T is joy to think the angel-train, Who 'mid heaven's temple shine, To seek our earthly temples deign, And in our anthems join. 154 But chief 'tis joy to think that He, To whom His Church is dear, Delights her gather'd flock to see, Her joint devotions hear. Then who would choose to walk abroad While here such joys are given? ' This is indeed the House of God, And this the gate of heaven !' Who may refuse the proffer'd grace, Nor rue with conscious thought, ' Full sure it was the Saviour's place, But. ah ! I knew it not !' 1 3D LXXI J^gum cotntnnnoratibe of (Christ's Presnuc in Social SKEor^ip How good and pleasant is the sight, How great the bliss they share, When Christ's assembled flock unite In his own House of Prayer ! God thither with paternal care His face benignant bends ; And Jesus by His Spirit there On faithful hearts descends. To such, by hallow'd lips exprest, His grace confirms His word, As once Cornelius' house it blest, From holy Peter heard : On prayer and praise in faith preferr'd His heavenly dew is shed ; 1 5 6 And He, for all who come prepared, Dwells in die mystic bread. In pure devotion's sacred hours, Bound by baptismal sign, With our companions loved be ours In fellowship to join. And Thou, who bidd'st in rites divine Thy Church united meet, Lord, by Thy presence be it Thine Their union to complete ! To God adored in ages past, Eternal One in Three, To God, whose worship aye shall last In Trinal Unity ; To Thee, O Father ; Son, to Thee ; To Thee, O Holy Ghost ; Here in Thy Church all glory be, And with Thy heavenly host. 157 LXXII Jlgmn commemorative of ©oti's Jljousc of Praucr The House of God ! What fittest name May best its noblest use proclaim ? Attend, and hear Himself declare The House of God, the House of Prayer ! To kneel before Thy mercy's throne ; To make our wants and wishes known ; For what our souls, our bodies, need, Thy love, not our deserts, to plead : Thy pardon for the past to pray, Thy bounty for the coming day, Yet not unmix'd with grateful songs To Thee, to whom the House belongs ! I 5 S Such use, O God, befits it best ; By us be such its use profest : Nor fail we in our minds to bear, Thou call'st Thy House the House of Prayer. () there be present Thou ! Do Thou Receive the prayer, attend the vow, Which in Thy house we pay to Thee, One God in Trinal Unity ! 159 LXXIII pjgtrut cnmmcntiatcitg ot tlje JoUrmencc tme to f^olg Place* ' Put off thy shoes, 't is holy ground ! ' A voice to Moses said : 1 Nor with unhallow'd things confound What God has holy made.' Whene'er we tread Thy courts, O Lord, May no irreverent stain, In dress or gesture, deed or word, Thy sanctuary profane ! Be banish'd thence all mixture base Of worldly wish or aim ; Nor earthly dross defile the place Where Thou hast fixt Thy name ! I Go But still may holy hearts be there, And holy offerings found ; And still Thy voice be heard, ' Beware, Ye tread on holy ground ! ' To Thee, O Father ; Son, to Thee ; To Thee, O Spirit blest ; All glory in one Godhead be By all Thy Church addrest I i6i LXXIV 5t]gmn commcntiatorrj of tfje &eberetuc tjue to pjolg Cfjtncjs O Lord, whate'er belongs to Thee, May we with reverence greet ; Nor dare Thy holy property As things unhallow'd treat ! Thy name no lip with jesting light, Or idle speech, profane ! Thy word no ear neglectful slight, Or haughtily disdain ! Thy house— may there no reckless foot The heedless mind betray ! Nor worldly toils or gauds pollute Thy peaceful sacred day ! 1 62 May no vain heart the servants spurn, Who Thy commission bear ; Nor proudly from Thy table turn, Nor venture rashly there ! Lord, grant us grace each holy thing Occasion meet to make Of praise for Thee, our heavenly King, And prize it for Thy sake ! Thy name, Thy word, Thy house, Thy day, Thy priests, and rites divine, The honour for Thy sake we pay, That honour, Lord, is Thine. Thou seest the duteous heart, when we Touch but Thy garment's hem ; And Thou hast said, ' Who honour me, Lo ! I will honour them !' i<53 LXXV ^gmtt of &fjanhsjjtrjtruj for pjolg Baptism God of our health, our Life and Light, That Thou hast purified our sight, The truth, Thy sacred words express, To hear, receive, believe, confess ; Accept the thanks we hymn to Thee, Lord God Almighty, One and Three ! That, wash'd in Thy thrice Holy Xame, A new relation thence we claim. And, born by nature sons of earth, Thence share by grace a heavenly birth ; Accept the thanks we hymn to Thee, Lord God Almighty, One and Three ! 1 64 That thence we worship Thee alone, And, whom our vows baptismal own, To Thee the prayer of faith we bring, To Thee the song of glory sing : Accept the thanks we hymn to Thee, Lord God Almighty, One and Three ! That thence the course we're train'd to run Of goodness at Thy font begun, Our Saviour's cross to keep in view, His faith confess, his steps pursue ; Accept the thanks we hymn to Thee, Lord God Almighty, One and Three ! O Holy, Holy, Holy, Thou, God of our health, preserve us now Firm in Thy worship, fear, and love ; That we may see Thy face above, And there our thanks still hymn to Thee, Lord God Almighty, One and Three ! i6 5 LXXVI p?gmrt commemorati&e of fyz (Biuret) fEtlitant The earth it is a battle-field, Where combatants of might On either side their weapons wield Opposed in mortal fight. Here lust of flesh, and lust of eye, And pomp and pride of life, By Satan led, for mastery Maintain unceasing strife. There soldiers of the incarnate Word In God's proof-armour stand, Girt with the Spirit's shield and sword, A firm and faithful band. 1 66 With her commission'd chiefs to lead, The Church that band arrays, And sign of conquest overhead The banner'd Cross displays. Thus arm'd and marshall'd, in thy sight Keep fast that banner'd sign ; And, Christian, in thy foes' despite The triumph shall be thine. 1 67 LXXVII i^gmn commnnoratiue of t\)z (Efjurcfj'a Instruction of p?ct Cfjflform Who that hath grace to walk abroad In light and liberty divine, Would leave his children far from God In thraldom and in gloom to pine ! To Thee no such reproofs belong, City of God, our Mother dear ! Thy care betimes to train the young, Thy Master's will to read and hear : With heavenly lore enrich the mind ; In precepts pure the footsteps lead, In means, for inward grace design'd. In holy prayer and sacred creed. 1 68 Then on ! unmoved by hate or scorn, By bitter foe, or lukewarm friend ; Intent the children, thou hast borne, Thy babes and sucklings still to tend. And He who made thee, He who bought, And He who hallows thee and thine, Bless all thy works in duty wrought, And make His face on thee to shine ! To Him be praise, in earth and heaven, With His redeem'd, His angel host, By thee and all thy children given, To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ! 169 LXXVIII 5£?gnm rammmtiatorg of Jamtlg OEorgJjtp O 't is a scene the heart to move, When households day by day, Whom God unites in social love, Unite His grace to pray ! What though the number be but small, Whenever two or three Join On the Saviour's name to call, There in the midst is He. When faithful and repentant hearts His heavenly grace ensue, His grace entreated He imparts To many or to few. i ;o O come then, and with joint accord In household worship meet ; And mindful of the Saviour's word, The Saviour's boon entreat ! To Him, and those with Him who dwell In fellowship entire, O let our tongues our wishes tell, O let our hearts aspire ! To Him, with God the Father join'd, And God the Spirit blest, By all in social bands combined Be glory joint addrest. I/I LXXIX pjgmtt of (Efjanftsgibmg for tfje (Efjurrfj'ss Scriptural JKEorsfjfp Lord, not to us, we claim it not, To Thee be all the praise, That no profane inveterate spot Our mother Church o'erlays ; That, as in her primeval days, From intermediate stain Cleansed by Thy word, to Thee she pays Unsullied rites again. To no material form confined, A spirit pure alone, We serve Thee not in likeness shrined Of bread, or wood, or stone : Nor saint nor angel at Thy throne We crave to intercede, 17? With Thee for our misdeeds atone, With Thee for mercy plead. But far remote we seek Thy face, Hid in Thy heavenly seat ; And, sole transmitter of Thy grace, The Saviour's name entreat : And thus to Thee with honour meet We hymn the grateful lay, Whose word recall'd our erring feet, And warn'd us how to pray. To Thee, adored in ages past, Eternal One and Three, To Thee, whose worship aye shall last, In trinal Unity : To Thee, O Father; Son, to Thee ; And Thee, O Spirit blest ; By Saints on earth all glory be With Saints in heaven addrest ! i/3 LXXX f^gtnn of ^Jjanftsgibttuj for fyz (Ejjurrfj's Satargg O Lord, with ever-varying phrase We kneel not at Thy throne ; More fain the Church her homage pays In language tried and known. Such worship to Thy name of old Thy chosen people brought ; Such worship to His infant fold The incarnate Saviour taught. Such worship, as her cords she spread, The growing Church instill' d ; By Thy own heaven-taught Pastors f^d, And with Thy Spirit fill'd. 1/4 Still by the self-same Spirit train'd In her reviving day, We bless Thee that Thy Church retain'd Thy worship's ancient way : That still she loves Thy grace to seek In language still the same, Most meet her own desires to speak, Most worthy of Thy name. To Thee, O Father ; Son, to Thee ; To Thee, O Spirit blest ; All glory in one Godhead be By all Thy Church addrest ! 175 LXXXI p?2trm of JEjjanftggi&huj for tfje (Cfuvtrij's Prtrmtirje (Character When first divine Religion blest The islands of our distant West, From lips apostolic she bore The truth to our benighted shore : The temples of our heathen waste With rites apostolic she graced : And from Apostles' hands convey'd The Mitre to the hallow'd head. Blest be our gracious God, that we, From dreams of man's invention free, Still in His own Apostles' fold, Their creed, their rites, their orders hold 176 The truth, proclaim' d by them, believe ; The rites, by them consign'd, receive ; And welcome what God's word commands, From duly consecrated hands. By self-form'd ways, who will, may go : Enough for us, O God, to know, Thy Church how Thy first stewards led ; And in those ancient pathways tread. Praise God, adored in ages past ; Praise God, whose praise shall ever last ; His Church on earth, His heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 177 LXXXII fjfgnm cammenftatotg oi tafu'ruj part ttt O come, and let the assembly all To serve our God unite ; And, mindful of the social call, Partake the social rite ! In token of the common vow, Be ours with one consent The worship of the lowly brow, And knees devoutly bent ! Be ours the worship of the tongue, In self-same sounds agreed, The meek confession, holy song, Pure prayer, and faithful creed ! M i 7 8 But chief inflamed with heavenly fire, Devotion's better part, Be ours, instinct with one desire, The worship of the heart ! Let each, let all, their prayers above In one oblation blend : And God, the God of peace and love, On all, on each, descend ! To Thee, O Father \ Son, to Thee ; To Thee, O Spirit blest : All glory in one Godhead be By all Thy Saints addrest ! 179 LXXXI1I f^gmtt commEtnoratiije ot tfje ©bject of Christian SSEorsfjtp Arise, your voices all unite, And lift your hearts above, To God, the Lord of power and might, To God, whose name is Love. To Him, who us, and earth, and skies, With all their armies made, From us, from all, let anthems rise, To God the Father paid. To Him, for us and all mankind Whose death redemption won, By us, by all, be hymnings join'd Of praise to God the Son. i So To Him, who us and all His fold With sanctity arrays, To God, from all, His saints enroll'd, The Holy Ghost be praise. To God, whose name His word reveals, Whom all His saints confess, Whose grace His faithful promise seals To save, to cleanse, and bless ; To God, from whom all blessings flow Eternal One in Three, From all His saints above, below, Eternal glory be ! i8i LXXXIV $jgmn cmnmnvbatorg of Christian JWIatosfjip Father of all, from whom we trace Our universal kind, Teach us to all of human race To show a brother's mind. Saviour of men, 7 t was Thine the pain Of death for all to bear, In concord all Thy followers train, Meet for the name they share. Spirit of grace, God's chosen fold Who lavest with heavenly dew, O grant that all, the truth that hold, May peace with all ensue. I CAMBRIDGE. ./:/r PUBLICATION EMENTS OF RELIGION. idilly, in Lent, I By Henry Parry Liddon, D.C.L., Canon of and Ireland Professor of Exegesis in the Univen >rdL / %vo. [In the /' A MANUAL OF LOGIC ; Statement and Explanation of the Laws of Formal Thought. By Henry J. Turrell, M.A.,Oxon. Square crown &ro. 2s, 6d. 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