Oiv.sion.B5l235 iVo. MAN'S GREAT CHARTEJi. AN EXPOSITIOy OF THE FIRST V II AFT F II OF GEXFSIS. FREDERICK ERNEST COaGIN, MA. LATE KXHIBITIONER OI' ST. JOHNS COLLKCtK, CAMMRIDGK. London : JAMES NISBET k CO., 21 BERNERS STREET, W 1892. [All rights reserved.] PEEFACE. The following pages are written in the belief that the latest results of physical research may be profitably studied in the light of the first (chapter of Grenesis, and that the literary and devotional study of the first chapter of Grenesis may be assisted by the illumination afforded tlu'ough physical discoveries. I trust that the increase of knowledge may be the means of so setting forth the revelation recorded on the first page of the Bible, as to admit of its being read, even by toil-worn and wayfaring men, with all, or more than all, the benefit that was derived in days gone by. Five years ago I preached a course of eight sermons on this subject to a country congrega- tion, and, while preparing to give this instruction, some apparently fresh thoughts suggested them- selves, which seemed to throw considerable liglit 4 PREIAC E. ■upon tlie intellectual and practical significance of tlie Biblical prologue. This is my justifica- tion for venturing through this little book to addiTSS a larger audience. No attempt will be made to discover the author or date of this document. Critical inquiries of such a nature may be intensely interesting and of great intellectual value, but the worth of the first chapter of Grenesis is not determined by the result of these difficult studies. The intrinsic value of the works of Shakespeare, Milton, Newton, and Darwin w^ould not be lessened if their title-pages were all missing, so that they were thus left anonymous. And it is to a similar intrinsic value of the first chapter of Genesis that I wish to draw attention. This story for many years gave the most satisfactory answer to the common human questions as to the origin of the world and tlie reality of man's moral nature. It solved the problem as nothing else did. The poor ignorant man who sits upon a heaj) of stones by the wayside, eating his dinner of PKKI'ACK. bread and bacon, is receiving a direct satisfaction for the needs of his body ; there are deep fathom- less mysteries connected with what he is doing, and about these he knows nothing, even the terms chemical analysis and laws of assimilation are a meaningless jargon to him, he is altogether indifferent to a most fascinating branch of knowledge directly connected with what he is doing, yet he is acting reasonably ; similarly, this man needs some direct satisfaction for his heart and mind ; something which, how- ever presented, he shall be able to receive, and see for himself. Doubtless, there will be much learning associated with these things which will be a dead letter to him, but as it is with the body, so it is with the heart and mind, there is need of some direct satisfaction or nourishment. Moreover, we must not forget that all our intel- lectual edifices rest in the last resort upon a foundation of what we call self-evident truths, the affirmations of sense, reason, and conscience. Having made every allowance for the pos- sibility of illusion, we must depend upon liearing and seeing for om-selves ; having been led step b I'REFALE. by stei* through a long train of reasoning, we must depend for the start for each step, and for the finish, upon axiomatic truths, or truths which every one has to see for himself ; and, notwitii- standing the many diverse and contrary opinions as to what is right and what is wrong, the ground of the distinction, the evidence that there is a rio'ht and a A^Tons: is within each man to perceive for himself. I have attempted the humble task of raping off some of the mist that has settled upon the mirror, so that a man may look for himself and see what he is and what he is like, as in the perfect law of liberty. We have a document which without question is more than two thousand years old. If we know that its teaching was intelligible, acceptable, and needful so many centuries ago, and find that it re- mains intelligible, acceptable, and needful to-day ; if we find that, notwithstanding the growth, revolution, and even re^ailsion there has been in the thoughts of mankind, it still answers reason- ably and clearly certain questions which men seem made to ask and to which they can get no other PKEFAfE. 7 answer so satisfying ; if it is so written that it continues to reflect the latest-won truths, and shines like natiu'e itself, Avith further mi- approaehed but attractive light, and invites men to realize in a fuller life an ever- widening liberty ; then surely it lias an intrinsic value and even authority of its own, and need not wait upon critical opinions as to when and how it was derived. I am greatly indebted to the works of the late Prof. F. D. Mam^ice, the Eev. P. H. Alason, M.A.. President of St. John's College, Cam- bridge, and of Dr. Westcott, Bishop of Durham. These eminenth' distinguished scholars have been occupied in separate departments of Biblical stud}', but all alike enforce the cardinal lesson of reverence for the words of Holy Scriptiu-e. They would also insist upon the necessity of having an open mind for the reception of truth from wliat- ever quarter it may come. I hope that these great lessons have not been wholly lost on me, and that what is here written may help to show how a jealous regard Ijoth for the sacred text and for the modern inteq^retation 8 PKKFAfE. of nature, issues in a simple reoognition of their relationship. On the presentment of two different aspects of truth one must not be compromised for the other, but a point of sight should be sought for and awaited which, in a clearer and wider survey, embraces both. The search may demand a sacrifice of whatever enhancement tlie prospect received from near and ancient boundaries, but this will be recompensed with a view incomparabh' grander wlien the higher standpoint is gained. It is tluis with the truths whicli attract us in works upon physical science on the one liand, and in the Bible on the other, which we see in flthuj^ and physical laws, as well as in persons and moral laws, in the establishment and elucidation of the material order, as well as in the establishment and elucidation of the moral order ; we must not close our eyes to either truth, but try to climb liigher and see them in their natural harmony. Truth may have been embodied and embraced by such a representation as once freely clothed but now constricts it, which was a swaddling band, but is becoming a sliroud. PREFAC^E. J) Take, for example, Milton's descnption as follows : — " When God said, Let tlie earth bring forth soul hving in her kind, Cattle and creeping things, and beast of the earth, ]^ach in their kind. The earth obey'd, and straight 0X3"ning her fertile womb teem'd at a birth, Innumerous living creatures, perfect forms, Limb'd and full grown. Out of the ground np rose, As from his lair the wild beast, where he wonns In forest wild. * -jt -vf -Tf * -;f The grassy clods now calved ; now half appear'd The tawny lion pawing to get free His hinder parts, then springs as broke from bonds. And rampant shakes his brinded mane.'' Siicli a picture may have helped the unscientific mind to grasj) the stupendous but necessary truths of a beginning or new departure and of an efficient cause, truths which need still to be realized, although Milton's particular expression of them may now be a hindrance rather than a help. Conceptions relating to the whole visible universe have been subjected to a vast process of modification, yet the relationship between man 10 PREFACE. and the world remains unaltered, and its practical importance undiminished. So, likewise, a trans- formation ma}' be ^^•rought in our thoughts about the Bible, by eliminating the ignorance we have read into it, and by enforcing the lessons we have ignored, without in the least lessening its signi- ficance as a written medium of G^od's revelation. The terms rii Need of a special adaptation of language in dealing with the subject ... ... ... 20 CTreatness of the work and littleness of the words... '21) Need of imagination ... ... ... ... ... 21 Unfamiliar thoughts to be expressed by language fashioned upon what is most familiar ... .. 21 Words transcend their etymology, they can also transcend their colloquial usage ... ... ... 22 Underlying crude notions in words are unimportant 2.> Difficulties of translation ... ... ... ... ... 2;> .Significance of a living language unfixed ... .. 2."> Impoverishment of popular vocabulary by with- drawal of words for technical purposes ... ... 24 Simple language an occasion of stumbling 24 The treatment of this subject would still require an adapted phraseology ... 2.") The iKhip'dt/on in (renesis comformable to custom 2.") The reward of intelligent reading ... ... ... ... 2(> ally latioiiiilclipr- f the ject. INTRODUCTION. The subject-matter of tlie first chapter of SJi^jJiJ";;;;,, Genesis is one that must needs be unparalleled. »itp It is a pre-requisite in everjtlnng wliicli might be suggested for comparison with it. Wliat birtli is to the individual, that our theme is to the whole of history. AVhat the spring is to the watercourse, that the first origin is to the after- course of the world. AVhat the earth is to the things built upon it, w^hat the air is to lungs breathing it, Avhat the sense of sight is to the appearances we perceive, such is the disparit}^ between the subject-matter of the first chapter of Genesis and any topic in tlie world's wide range. Here we are furnished with materials and tools. Materials may mean logs of wood, or a number of atoms, or localized centres of force, and tools may mean liatchets, or hands, or properties, or hues. 16 INTRODrCTION. Here we are not only supplied with everytbing, but wc ourselves are supplied. In ourselves, in our labours, and in our theories, we presuppose the mystery tliis record reveals. We are interwoven of the material, in the pattern, and b}' the agency, which are here introduced to us. Man manipidates what is alread}' made. Human works and human workings, from the seemingly solid material achievement to the finest sensation and the most subtle mental effort, are altogether dependent upon that of which we read in tlie first chapter of Grenesis. Man and his construc- tions impl}^ God and His creation. AVe too often fail to realize the importance and significance of that whicli has alwaj^s to be taken for granted. " Explanations " of that which exists and lives, and feels and reasons, mostl}^ leave untouched such fundamental obscurities, as existence, energy, sensation, and wisdom. The ground of all is ignored. The form is admired, the substance is disregarded ; the picture is reckoned priceless, the artist is not reckoned at all ; the landscape is lovely, the eye is forgotten ; tlie organ of sight is arduously scrutinized, the sense of sight is passed INI'KODrci ION. 17 by as lacking- significance. Sensation appears to hI;,,^',!,. ;^- '^' . . '■ Defence of be reo-arded. as beanue- strono-er evidence to the i'i''i;';"M'iiic existence of matter than to the existence of sense. I gras}) the arm of my chair and say, " Of this thing I am certain, it is a tangible existence, nothing is more ])0sitively true "; nevertheless, my feeling and judgment are more certain, more positively true, and are the ground of my percep- tion of that tangible existence. We lay hold of thii((jti, and the very power by which we do so is sunk in oblivion, simply because it is not a fJi'uuj. Thus the sceptre is wrung from the senses and given to their subjects ; yes, given to their creations. The king is made to place his creature on the tlu'one. Thought is a suborned Avitness for the omnipotence oi tilings : the invisible is ignored and denied, although it is the only guarantee of the visible, which is worshipped ; the work is had in all honour, while the workman is effaced or regarded as the offspring of his own handiwork. So it is that man with all his labour scarcely gets below the surface, which he rakes indefatigably but scarcely ventures to dig beneath. Whilst freely using the words matter, gravity, w 18 INTKODUCTIOX. ooliesioii, laws, and others, wliicli, witli similar familiarity, refer to the most profound mysteries, and whilst practically dealing with the world by living and working, we generally neglect to ask, who or what it is that honours the drafts we ceaselessly draw on behalf of our theories as well as for our existence and for every process existence entails. Every road, every path, however narrow, leads to the Grreat Resource of all, and there is something lacking in the man who never finishes his journey. This narrative invites us to look for once from within instead of from without, to consider that which is real rather than that which is apparent, the essential instead of the phenomenal, to think upon a beginning of that Avhieh we take for granted, or with regard to which we merely inquire as to its growth. This narrative invites us to meditate upon the present strength and stay of ourselves and of the whole order in which w^e live, instead of being contented with the recognition of sequences. The book of Genesis commences with the story not only of a great w^ork, but of the great iNrR()i)r( TioN. 19 foundational and prolimiuary work in and tlu'ougli ^vllicll all other works, great and small, are AM'Ouglit. Tliis work differs from other works not in degree, but in kind ; it is superior to all others, not because it compares favourably with them, but because it will not compare with them at all, being essential to each in its beginning, continuance, and completion. Every thought and every feeling, every vital product and every vital process, every hour and every lesson, each law and each pvopevty^ things and persons, body, mind, and conscience, life and light, are initiated, conditioned, and sus- tained by that which is the subject of the first chapter of Genesis. Consider carefully that a beginning of the universe means not some new stupendous scheme of illumination, but rather the original impuke and principles upon which the vibration of every light- wave depends; not the parcelling out of nuxterial, but the laws which the separation and shape of worlds outwardly express ; not the pro- gressive development of forest trees from mould V. 2 20 TXTKODTCTIOy. or lichen, but tlie laying down of the very foundation of such development in the principles of heredity and variation ; not a Avork prolonged through hours and ages, but a work of which the whole machinery of time was only one middle item ; not the measiu-eless improvement in the organs of the senses, such as eyes and ears and fingers, but that which spans what is to us the bridgeless gulf between organization and sen- sation ; not man's advance in cultivation and civilization, but the embodiment of that spirit of reflection, aspiration, and endeavour by which his progressive advancement is achieved. And what words have we to represent these transcendent processes? How shall we name facts so unfamiliar to thought, yet so funda- mental, seeing that our vocabularj^ is moulded by all that is common-place and superficial ? Sfedrii^Lfap- Thls pccuHar singularity of the subject renders tation of Ian- p / 1 i . i • i fiV wUh'Si's ii6cessary a special use ot the language m which it is set forth. ?he w!lrk'an.i ^^ ^^ ^^ iudispensablc preliminary to anything littleness ot ^ . i i i • the words, approachiug an adequate estimate ot the contents of the first page of the Bible, that both the great- iXTUoDrc iiox. 21 uess of the work and t]i(3 littleness of tlie words be clearly recognized. Vjy its nature, the thing spoken of must be without parallel and without precedent, whilst, by the natural exigences of language, the words must be common words. The facts related were prior to all human ex- perience and expression. Yet, if the tale had to be told, it was necessary to use familiar words, such as were constantly associated with a state of things since established. Success in understanding this story must be ^fj^^Jj^',^ ""•'" proportionate to our power of imagining a universe of things where none of the distinctions to which we are accustomed were yet wrought out. Words of themselves cannot produce new con- ceptions in minds unprepared for them. The vocabulary at disijosal for tellino^ the story was of unfamiliar J i- O J thuujrhts to very limited capacity, being used for conveying ily languafe'e only the light burdens imposed by the needs of 11" man in an early stage of civilization. Therefore it is more than ever necessary to be kept in mind that words are only tokens, and that their value t IS >st faiuiliar Words trans ceiid tlu'ir etyniolofry, tliey can alsi tiaiisc.n.l tlu'ii- o.llu- .luial nsa'-'.-. 22 IXTRODKTION. must be determined by tlie subject with which they deaL Just as any literary composition upon a common topic, in common words, would at once fall to pieces if its various parts were subjected to an etymological restoration, because its various symbols both in form and meaning have changed almost beyond recognition ; so must the story of such an unfamiliar fact as the first o:enesis of things utterly fail of its piu-pose if words are confined to their common-place signification. To say that a crafty knave means nothing worse than a clever boy, or tliat an asylum foi- idiots is merely a place where ordinary private personages can be free from molestation, is to speak etymological truth, but moral and practical falsehood. So, to limit words in an exceptional narrative to their common import may not lack an excuse, but must fail to find any justification, and would be ecpiivalent to maintaining tlie value of a bank- note to be that of the paper and printer's ink of which it is composed. In the case of an ordinary narrative there is an ascent from the origin of words up to their ever}- TXTKOnrCTTOX. 23 day meaning ; in tlie case of an extraordinary narrative we must rise from the common usage to that wliicli the special nature of the subject demands. The cliildish or even coarse notions that may rndniyin^ be concealed witliin tlie root meanings of some of uIiimi.orlViiV.' the Hebrew words employed in the first chapter of Genesis have just as much and just as little to do with the interpretation of the narrative, as the quite as childish and quite as coarse notions concealed within the root meanings of English words have to do with the newest treatise in our own language upon science or philosoph}'. Moreover, this old story has to be translated t\-iS!i'iatioil''^ int(j a language that did not exist for many centuries after the story was first told. There are elements of ambiguit\' which ,^f Ji'Sg' . . , , . . languii^'c un- necessarily exist 111 any verbal description f^^*^'^' composed in a living language. The processes of growth, assimilation, extrusion, and transmutation, render it impossible to make an adequate and permanent transposition of an ancient composition into modern language. The attempt to do so may be compared with trying to buihl a house of lur vi>c;il lary 24 iNiitoDUc riox. wliieli the beams and rafters should remain limbs and l)ranches of growing trees. Words are subject to many vicissitudes of fortune. They may have a different significance for men of the same tongue who happen to be separated by a short space of time or country, and even for the same man under changing circumstances. Jne\\Tofi'.!iu- The increase of knowledge which generally enriches language has in one respect actually impoverished it. For words originallj^ used to symbolize popular impressions are adopted into a ^professional nomenclature, and thus accjuire an artificial clefimteness by adaptation to a real definiteness lately discovered in the things to which these words are made to apply. This process of fluctuation and specializing is in constant operation, and renders a permanently satisfactory translation impossible. Moreover, the praiseworthy efforts to popularize the results of modern scholarship by the use of simple language meet with two obstacles in minds unaccustomed to reckon with the Aveakness and peculiarities of the natural genius of phraseology : the one is a dulness of comprehen- Siiniilo laii- iL'uage.-iiiiicr; >ii>ii (if St nil I.liiiL'. Till- tirat- iiiiJiit of tliis INTRODIC TIOX. 25 sion which fails to receive anything but the meanest thoughts from common words, enveloping, for example, the Antipodes in a shroud of mystery as people walking upside down, the other is a tendency to identify a fact with its expression, and which would make a new kind of blasphemy out of the assertion that the skies were peopled by means of the telescope. Tempered and whetted by the manifold subject would experience and accumulated wisdom oi many !;5yj,,'."'','',''.;i'^ centuries, the human mind can still penetrate but a very little way into the profound, innermost recesses of things ; much less can it make a means of access to the centre, that so, turning round, man might look from cause to effect. Therefore, also, we lack such a special diction as should exclusively and adequately express the parts and relations of this mighty theme. Thus, in our late age, just as in the earlier one, when this document first appeared, it would be necessary to adapt for this special purpose words which are generally otherwise employed. In the following few pages the reader's i' attention will be invited to the interesting fact liii ilildii- ialioii ill (m'U- is (■(Hit'onii- il.' to .•US- Ill. 26 INTltonUCTTON. that tlie particular adaptation of language adopted in the first chapter of Genesis is plenti- fully illustrated and exemplified in modern literature. If the force of sucli considerations as have been advanced in this brief Introduction be fairly calculated in the estimate we make of the outline sketch with which the Bible begins, then its simplicity, accuracy, and fertility of thought and feeling will command for it the highest appreciation. (CONTENTS OF CHArTER I. Days in the foundation of the universe ... Use of the word day . . . The historic standpoint The Biblical v ocabulary The Fourth Commandment ... ' ' God called the light day " Days which are made, not spent Conclusion Use of the words night, evening, and morning Superiority of the word day over the word light for purpose ... The first part of the work supplies a terminology for remainder The llexaemeron and its development Special designations of two days The epithet one not Jirst The definite article used with the si.xth day The Seventh day The Sabbath The Week The harmony between (Jenesis and the Book of R lation .\(;e 0(» •20— this the 54- 44 :n 42 44 4!» 50 51 -5(> 54 55 5() 5S 5S 6i> CHAPTER I. The great work to wliicli the Biblical prologue K'Ji^jfaaH.m' of introduces us, as to the very ground, atmosphere, and medium of all other achievements, is divided into six portions, the accounts of which respec- tively conclude : one day, a second day, a third day, a fourth day, a fifth day, the sixth day. Let us consider very carefully what is the sense J.oni'da'^'''" here of this word day. It is the common word day, Htandii.ii'nt. and we have to ask ourselves wliat its meanino- can be in the wonderfid connection in Avliich we find it. The following are some of the facts by means of which an answer to the question may be found : In the first place, it is to be noticed that the historic standpoint is before the existence of the solar system. Sun, moon, and stars have a place in the narrative, but subsequent to the use 1 of this word da3^ Here is a fact to be as firmly ;]0 as possible fixed in the mind of any one who wishes to understand the story. The ordinance that causes the regular spells of light and dark- ness, by which the word day becomes the term for a measure of time, was a thing of the future. Therefore the introduction of the notion of time into this phraseology is an obvious anti- ehronism, and only became current through the lack of such conceptions as those which physical science has contributed to the further endowment of the human mind. We must banish every thought of a temporal unit as something at present unheard of, and which we find later to have been positively kept out of court by the very construction of the story. This fact strips our common word day of some of its customary clothing ; but we shall soon find that it is not forced to dress itself in foreign or unbecoming habiliments. We shall not be driven to an arbitrary use of a familiar word. Although it is necessarily set free from limita- tions which were then inexistent, the word still retains the nobler significance which belongs to it