:i;-^- \. FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY W57 Mr. HARRIS'S E R M O N O N Catechizing^ AND Singing of Pfalms: Scripture - Knowledi hy Catechizing, SE RM O N PreachM at the Reverend Mr, F LEMMING'S Meeting - Place, in Lothhry; May the nth. 171 2. T O A S O C I E T Y , for Carrying on That Work. In which is alfo fet forth. The Excellency and Usefulness of Shohg of PSALMS. By Samuel Harris. L O N D O^N, Printed by B. Mills, and Sold hy T.Hanifif^^ at the IVeft Corner of the Ro)d Exchange] in Corn hi II, 1712. n £5] ' " " » i II I ^ Scripture - Knowledge promoted hy Catechizing^ &c. A SERMON CoLossiANs iii. \6. Let the Word ofChriB dwell in you richly J in all Wijdoniy Teachings and Admonijhing one another in TJalms , Hymns , and Spiritual Songs, Singing with Grace in your Hearts to the Lord. TH E Apoftle, according to his accuftom'd Pradice with other Churches, labours to fettle the Cdojfimi in the Effentials of Chriftianity, in Oppofition to Pagamfm on the One Hand, and "Judaifm on the Other ; or the Blending of either with the pure Profeflion of the Holy GofpeJ. And 6 Scripture-Knowledge And having thus laid his Foundation, he proceeds to- raife the Superftrufture of Holinefs upon it ; herein evidencing himfelf to be a Wife Mafter-Builder : An Honour, which, without Vanity, he thought, he might affume to him- felt. According to the Grace of GODy which ^ giv^n to me^ as a Wife Majfer- Builder I have iaid the Foundation, i Cor. j. lo. And whereas the Sum of Practical Religion is reducible to Two Heads ; either that which is of Univerfai Concernment to al! in every State or Condition ; or that which is of Peculiar Concernment to fome only, in their refpeftive Stations and Relations one to another ; he mul- tiplies Precepts of Counfel of both Kinds. The Words of this Text fall in with his more General Exhortations of Univerfal Concernment, in which he fixes his Eye on Two Things of Weight and Moment in our Chrirtian Profeflion. I. That we he richly furni(h'*d with Spiritual i\jiO}vledge. II. That rve he much in the Exercife of that Branch of Religion, The Singing forth GOD'S Praife. I. That we be furnifh^d with a Stock of Spiritual JKjjowledge : And in as much as Knowledge of this kind, muft derive its Original from the Head- Spring of Scripture ; therefore, he recommends an Abounding in Scripture-Knowledge. Let the Word of CHRIST dmll in you richly ^ in all Wif dom. He aptly decypliers it the Word of CHRIST^ partly as Himfelf was at firft the Publifher and ^ ' Dif^ promoted hy Catechizing. j Difpenfer of it ; and after Him His Chofen Apo ftles, a£led by the fame infallible Spirit : And partly, as the feveral Parts of Sacred Writ do pe- culiarly treat of Him, His Perfon, Birth, Life, Doftrine, Miracles, Office, Sufferings and Death ; as our Glorious Head and Mediator, every Line of Scripture-Revelation does center in Him. And being His Word^ 'tis imply 'd, that all imaginable Obligation is laid on us to be atten- tive to it, and to labour to improve in the Under- ftanding of it ; in that His Grace as well as Au^ thorny is a Motive in the Cafe : We fliall evi- dence our Ingratitude as well as Difobedience, if the Word of the Redeemer, who dy'd to fave lis, take not Place in our Hearts. I pray GOD, the Senfe of His abounding Love exprefs'd this Way may imprefs our Spirits, and excite us to Application to the Word as pecuharly His. Par- ticularly, Firft, That it dwell in ui. Secondly, That it dwell in m richly. Thirdly, That it dwell in m richly in allWifdom. Firft, That it dwell in us : evoi^eilo h vfuv^ ah oiKQSf Domus ; /. e. That it may take up its Abode in us ; not be an Occafional Vifiter, but a fettPd Refident, as a Man is in his Houfe, which he choofes for his Dwelling : This implies Two Things. I. That we be familiar and Converfant with If, as a Man is with his Home : His Occafions poflibly, fometimes call him Abroad to difpatch Bufinefs, neverthelefs he is a Stranger Abroad ; his own Home is the Place of Being he is moftly converfant with. Even fo the Word of GOD Ihou'd 8 Scripture-Knowledge fhouM be our chief Study to know, and our Care and Endeavour to conform unto : It Chou'd employ our Minds at all Times and Seafons, in every Place, and in every Condition ; fo we arc admonifh'd it fhould. Deut. 6. 6, to 9. Thefe Words which I command thee this Daj/y fha/l be in thy He Art ^ and thou jhalt teach them diligently unto thy Children^ and fbalt talk of them when thou JitteH in thine Houfe^ and when thou walkeji by the Way^ and when thou lye(l down, and when thou rifejl up ; Thou jhalt bind them for a Sign ufon thine Hands, and they fball be as Frontlets between thine Eyes j Thou fhalt write them ufon the Po[ls of thine Huufe, and upon thy Gxtes^ Oh ! 'tis fad to confider, how generally Precepts of this Nature are neglected m this degenerate i^ge? Many People are fo far from being familiar with the Scriptures, that they are Strangers to them, and fancy they do a great Matter, if once or twice in a Week, they take their Bible in Hand, ajid read a Chapter therein. How, pray, can GOD's Word be faid to dwell m their Hearts. And that which adds to the Trefpafs of Ne- gleft is, That tho"* the Canon of Scripture has been long fince compleated, and the Grace of GOD, and our Lord JESUS CHRIST in It liioft amply reveaPd ; yet 'tis no Attradion to them to the Study of It : Whereas a fmall Por- tion of it pen'd in Mofes'^s Day, he judg'd had fufficient Worth to invite hereunto. The Lord grant a Revival of this decayed Work, the Study of the Scriptures. 2. The Inhabitation of the Word in m^ imports our High Fleajure and Delight therein : Like a Man promoted hy Catechizing. § Man in his Home, which, tho' perhaps, it be not fo well accommodated as fome other Dwelling, yet beft pleafes him becaufe his own : Home is HomCj thd* never fo homelj. Now, a Delight like this, there ought to be in the Word oi GOD ; and indeed, will be, if we are converfant in it : For by Converfe in it, we fliall difcern fuch Beau^ ties, as will attract our Efteem. Accordingly, the Devout Pfalmift, whofe At- tainments this Way were Extraordinary and Un- common, profeffes his abundant Satislaction m It, Pfdm 119. 14. / have rejoyced in the Way of thy Teflimonies as much as in all Riches. Again, Ver, 16. I yvill delight my f elf in thy Statutes. And Ver^"2.\. Thy Teflimonies are my Delight, In Truth he feems to want- Words, to exprefs the over- flowing Joy and Pleafure of his Soul taken herein. And as Delight will flow from Familiarity with the Word, fo our Delight, on the other Hand, Will promote Familiarity : They are mutually in- fluential on each other. ' Delight will make ev'ry Thing pleafanr, and induce us to dig and delv^ in Wifdom^'s Mines, without counting it a Task. In lliort, nothing is a Difficulty to a Man lifted up on the Wings of Delight. 'Thus for the firft Branch of Exhortation. Secondly, That the Word of CHRIST dwell in u^s Richly, Hereby is intended, that we labour after the Vntverfal knowledge ot it : For, tho' ev'ry Pare of it is not alike ufeful, yet there is no Part of it but has its Ufefulnefs. All Scripture is given by In- fpiration of GOD^ and is profitable. 2 Tim* J. 16. Had not every Part of it its Ufe, to what Purpofe is it tranfmitted to us ? What a Re- B fleaio£. 1 o Scripture-Knowledge fleftioh would this be upon the Wifdom of GOD, to hand down a Writing to us, that is of no Service, but might as well have been buryM in Eternal Obfcurity 1 Wherefore, feeing that all the Parts of Scrip- ture are defignM for Benefit, Duty obliges us to be converfant with them, and to ftore our Minds therewith ;. efpecially, fuch Parts as im- mediately affect our Salvation and Happinefs ; particularly, that we ftudy to know every thing relating to our Bleffed Redeemer, and His glo- rious Atchievments by Death and Sufferings. That ne know Him^ and the Power of Hi4 Rejur^ reclion^ hehg made CGnformMe to His Death^ Phil. J. lo. That we have fuch a Knowledge of Him, as fliall make us wife unto Salvation^ thro^ the Fatib rvhich ii in Him. 2 Tim. j. 15. Many People are well read in Scripture, but in what Parts of it ? Perhaps, chiefly in Hiftori- cal Parts. They can roundly relate the Story of the Patriarchs ; the Journeying of the Chil- dren of Ifraet in the Wildernefs ; and after that their Poireffing the Land of Canaan : They can tel) the Manner how they came thither •, and what Difficulties they met with in that Expedi- tion; the Enemies that opposM them, whom they valiantly conquer'd : They can tell how they * were fettPd iji that Country, who were their Kings, who good, and who otherwife ; what Leagues and Treaties they made with Neigh- bouring Princes : All thele Things, with other of the like Nature, are as frefh on their Mind and Memory, as the Letters of the Alphabet. Bur, alas ! what do's this amount to ? what's the Ad- vantage promoted hy Catechizing. 1 1 vantage they reap from it ? They pleafe their Fancies with the Hiflory of thefe Thiiigs ( as all Hiftory is pieafant ) howbeir a Man may perifh with his Head full of Hiflory : 'Tis only the Knowledge of CHRIST that is Kjioivledge JAving^ and will redound to our HApfinejs. The LORD help us to abound in the Knowledge of Him ; this is Excellent Kjiorvledge indeed : Kjion^ledge^ that will evidence we are ftock'd with IVtfdom^ as fecuring hereby our Everlafting Bleffedaefs : Which leads to the third Branch of Exhortation, viz. Thirdly, That the Word of^ CHRIST dweU in us richly in all Wifdom. i, e. So as thereby to manage and govern ourfelves ; and from thence, as from a Magazine of Stores, fetch all our Strength to combat with our Enemies. This was admirably exemplify'd in the Conduft, and Bravery of the Bleffed Son of GOD ; Who, when cruelly at- tackM by His Affailanr, the Devil^ had Recourfe to the Scriptures for Armour of Defence. Whea tempted by him to turn Stones into Bread for the Relief of His Hunger in the Wildernefs ; He replies to it, It t, as they would evidence themfelves His faithful Servants. Pfal. 100. i, 2* Make a joyful Noifs mto the LORDj all ye Lands ^ ferve the LORD m:h Gladnefs^ come before His Prefence with 5//;^- ino. 'Tis not the Work of a few in our Chrif- ^ tian Singing of Tjalms. 21 tian Affemblies , but all ; inafmuch as herein we are ferving the LOR D. Yea, Further, we are ferving One Another in it, .. — .— Teachings and Admoniffjwg Om Another in Pfalms^ &c. Mutual Edification is a Duty incum- bent on every Chriftian : Our own Benefit is to be regarded principally, but that of Ano- ther's fecondarily : And, as there are various Ways to promote this Work, fo This I am up- on, is notifyM as One : And an apt One it is, in that, a chearful Engaging in // ourfelvcs, will prompt Others hereunto : Moreover, the Subje^i'Matter of Fraife has ever fomething in It of an Edifjing Nature^ either to humble us for our Sins^ or to implore GO D'^s Pardoning Grace, or to adore His Excellencies, or to be thankful for His Benefits, or to deprecate His Judgments, or to recognize His Favours to His Church and People ; which are SubjeQis, the Book of Pfalms is abundantly ftor'd with. The LORD grant to us al), an Heart and Spirit framM for this Work^ an Emblem of the fam^ Service carry'd on in Heaven^ in the moft per- feft Manner. Some few Things 'tis necefTary, be fubjoln'd at the Clofe of this Difcourfe, which could iiot fo fairly be inferted in it. As for You of This Form'^d Society^ for the Work engag'd in, I know you will bear with ray Piainneis of Speech, being zealous for your ^Velfare, and the Profperity of the A^grk. And . ' that 2 2 Scripture^ Knowkdge #hat which I fay to ybu is, Be Watchful, left Satan fupplant you in it ; he is a fubtil Adver- fary, and. has fuch Depths of Intriegue as are not prefehtly founded j ho, not by the moft Ex- perienced and Obferving Chriftian. Conclude upcin it, he will fap your Ground, and lay his Mines to blow up your Defign : It being a De- iign defti^uftive of his Kingdom, which flourifhes by Darrknefs ; you'll have an Enemy of him, hePH declare Wdf againft you: Wherefore Be Vigikm ahd Sober, {Particularly, t: Sfet out in this JDefign u^ith a fmcere Aim to the G/^rj of GOD ; that You ahd Others tiiay abound in the Knowledge of His Will. Unlefs your Defign is laid here, He will fend a Blaft on // ; it Ihall languifli and dye: Whereas if you have an Eye to Himin It^ (the Pleafing and Honouring of Him) then He will be with y6u, and fupport you in It, 2. Have a Care of ffiritUAl Prid^, to which Unfanftify'd Knowledge is a p6werful Tempta- tion. Kjiowledge fujfeth up. i Cor- 8. 2. 'Tis a bleffed Thing, when People come to Ordinances with an humble, teachable Mind ; fu;:h only lye fair for Reaping the Benefit of them. Wherefore, fuppofing Queftions put to you, or any of you, which you cannot prefently anfwer y or fuppofing One can anfwer that wliich another cannot, yet there's not the leaft Ground of Dif- couragement in the Cafe, inafmuch as the beft of tis aU, are but Scholars in Religion on this Side the Grave* We fee but in Part^ and know but in Part, ^Tis'-only in Heaven that we are perfed ia Knowled?;e. J. Striaiy promoted hy Catechizing 25 5. Striaiy charge your felves to Attend all Times and SeafonSy in v/hich This Service is to be carryM on, and fufFer no Plea but what is Un- anfwer^ble to excufe your Abfence- The Nature of the Service requires your Prefence : I can Preach without you, but I can't Catechize other- wife than with you. And befides, your Culpa- ble Abfence will be a Temptation to others of your Company to follow your Example : Yea, and alfo will refleft upon you, as fickle and un- conftant ; as hot for a Spurt, but foon cold. I pray, GOD direfl: you to fome Expedient to prevent this Evil, which will be a Damage to me and^OThers, as well as your felves. And then, Refpefllng J'OU of this Jjfemblj, who fhall attend this Ordinance for your Edification, my Requeft is, that you be Afliftants in it, by your Fervent Prayers and Supplications • That The God of all Grace, and Kjiowledge, the Father of Mercies, would frofper this Work, and make it of Service to Multitudes of Souls ; That at the Coming of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, and the Gathering of the Saints to Htm, we may abundantly rejoyce in Reviews taken of being Inflrumental to add to His KJngdom, To Whom be Glory for Ever. Amen. FINIS. ''^'. :::■■■'(. *^\^- m^ i!f^ ■ "..?,^V^^.e:S^;.,•