; mm l#m$k&L i V • FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY B *- 4 Division C O L L e(g *$$ O F IPS ALMS and HYMNS, CHIEFLY INTENDED FOR The Use of the POOR. * - ■By ROWLAND HILL, M.A. I Chaplain to the Countefs of Chesterfield. nLet the Word of Christ dwell in you richly ! in all Wifdom ; teaching and admonifhing one j another in Pfalms, and Hymns, and fpiritual Songs : fmging with Grace in your Hearts j unto the Lord, CoL i. 16. 3 i ■Sir" ye Praifeswith Understanding, PfaLxlvii. 7. LONDON: Printed iq the Year m dcc lxxiv. P R E F A C E. Courteous Reader, j\fO THING but aDefire of fining the Poor could have influenced me to have added to the Nunibcr of the many and excellent Colle&ions of Hymns, toe have already in Ufe amongfl us ; but as many tf them are now f toolkit far beyond their original Size, and confequently the Prices raifed much higher than the generality of the Poor can reach, I thought dm Extract ofthofe Hym-ns which are moflly in Ufe, might not be unfirviceable* A very few new ones, however, have I ventured to add, upon jome particular Subjects, where theyfeemed to be wanting. And as modejl Words before God become us beft. thofi Hymns which fa- voured of an unmeaning Moravian Stile, or ofthefilf confident Language of t/ie Free-wilier, have. I ven- tured, here and there,, a little to alter. And that there might be a few upon every Subject, and thofi eafily found cut, I have placed them in the following Order:— Morning Hymns — Evening Hymns — Hymns forth* Lord's Day — Hymns for opening Public Worfhip — Before Sermon — After Sermon-—- Before or After Sermon — Invitation Hymns — General Hymns of Prayer — General Hymns of Praife — Feftival Hymns — Funeral Hymns — Judgment Hymns — Hymns for Minifters — - I Hymns at Meeting and Parting, 0c — Hymns for Baptifm and *Ae Lord's Supper — Difmiflion Hymns, arcrf Doxologies. "Much in a little" is ] what God gives us in his Word : — This I have aimed at Yi this little Collection. That God may give us to fing his Praifes with the Underflanding and the Hearty is thejincere Prayer of, Thin* for Chr i srs Sake, R. A COLLECTION O F PSALMS and HYMNS. MORNING HYMNS, HYMN h -4emi*$ JESUS the all-reftoring Word, Our fallen Spirit's Hope, After thy lovely Likenefs, Lorp, O when fhall we wake up ! Thou j O our God* Thou only art The Life, the Truth, the Way; Quicken our Souls, infiruct our Hearts^ Our finking Footfteps flay. All that Thou doll on Earth bellow, Or Heaven, vouchfafe to give ; Give us, O Lord Thyfelf to know. In Thee to walk and live. Fill us with all the Life of Love : Irimyftic Union join Us tc Thyfelf ; and let us prove Swiet Fellowfhip divine, \ B ( * ) HYMN II. The fame, fe RISE, my Soul! adore thy Maker 3 Angels Praife, join thy Lays, 'With them be Partaker. Father, Lord of ev'ry Spirit! In thy Light lead me right, Thro 1 my Saviour's Merit. Thouthis Night waft my Proteftor, With me ftay all the Day, Ever my Director. Holy, Holy, Holy Giver Of all Good, Life and Food, Reign ador'd for ever. Glory, Honour, Thanks, and Bleflingj Give We Thee, One in Three^ Never, never ceafing. EVENING HYMNS* HYMN III. JESUS* the all-atoning Lamb, ' - Lover of loft Mankind; Salvation in whofe only Name A fmful World can find; We afk thy Grace to make us clean; We come to Thee, our God ; Open, O Lord, for this Day's Sin, The Fountain of thy Blood. Hither our fmful Souls be brought, And ev'ry idle Word, And ev'ry Work, and ev'iy Though That hath not pleas'd our Lor;« Hi i her our Aflicns. righteous deem'd By Man, and counted Good, As filthy Rags by God cfteem*d, Till fprinkled with thy Blood. t* To Thee then O voucnfafe us Power For Pardon dill to tlcc; And every Day, and every Hour, To uaih ourielvcs in Thee, HYMN IV. The fame ERE I fleep, for ev'ry Favor 'r\*//1f. This Day {hewed by my God 5 I will blefs my Saviour. O my Lord, what (hall I render To Thy Name, ftill the fame, Gracious, good, and tender? Leave me not, but ever love me : Let thy Peace be my Biifs, Till thou hence remove me. vifit me with thy Salvation ; I ; Let thy Care now be near, Round my Habitation. Thou, my Rock, my Guard, my Tower* Safely keep, while I Sleep 5 Me with all thy Power* So whene'er in Death I {lumber Let me rife with the Wife, Counted in their Number. B 2 ( 4 ) HYMN V, Morning or Evening. /~\ God, how endlefs is thy Love, lw 1*1 V^/ Thy Gifts are ev'ry Ev'ningnew£ And Morning Mercies, from above, V Gently diftil like early Dew. Thou fpread'ft the Curtain of the Night, Great Guardian of our ileeping Hours 5 Thy fov'reign Word reftores the Light, And quickens all our drowfy Pow'rs. We yield our Pow'rs to thy Command* To thee we confecrate our Days ; Perpetual Bleflings from thine Hand Demand perpetual Songs of Praife. HYMN VL Hymns for the Lord's Day.j£ ^//k SWEET is the Work, O God, our King, To praife thy Name, give Thanks, and ung i To fhew thy Love by Morning Light, And talk of all thy Truth by Night. Sweet is the Day of facred Reft, No mortal Care fhould feize our Bread; O may our Hearts in Tune be found, Like David's Harp of folemn Sound ! Our Hearts fhould triumph in thee, Lord, And blefs thy Work, and blefs thy Word ; Thy Works of Grace, how bright they fhine ! How deep thy Counfels ! how divine ! t & ( s ) O may we fee, and hear, and know, What Mortals cannot reach below : May all our Pow'rs find fwect Employ In Cnrifi's eternal World of Joy. HYMN VII. The fame. 4 "Il/ELCOMEfweetDay of Red, 'J \\ That faw the Lord arife ; Welcome to this reviving Breaft, And thefe rejoicing Eyes ! The Kinghimfelf comes near, And feafts his Saints to-day ; Here we may fit, and fee him here, And love, and praife, and pray. One Day amidfr. the Place Where my dear God hath been, Isfwecter than ten thoufand Days Of pleafurable Sin. My willing Soul would ftay In fuch a Frame as this, And fit and fmg herfelf away To everlafiing Blifs. HYMN VIII. mfdmel-jj >, Hofanna in the Higheft. ij?*$t THIS is the Day the Lord hath made> He calls the Hours his own ; Let Heav'n rejoice, let Earth be glad, And Praife fi;rround the Throne. To-day Christ rofe, and left the Dead, And Satan's Empire fell ; To-day the Saints his Triumphs fpread^ And all his Wonders tell. ( 6 ) Hofanna to th' anointed King, To David's holy Son : Hofanna's" loud to Thee we fing, Like thofe around the Throne. Hofanna, let the Earth and Skies Repeat the joyful Sound; Rocks Hills and Vales refleft the Voice, In one eternal Round. Hofanna, in the highe ft Strain The Church on Earth can raife ! The higheft Heav'ns in which he reigns Shall give him nobler Praife. H Y M N IX. Opening Public Worfhip. O W may the Spirit's Holy Fire, J: ^ Defcending from above, His waiting Family infpire With Joy, and Peace, and Love ! Thee we the Comforter confefs : Unlefs thou'rt prefent here, Our Songs of Praife are vain Addrefs, We utter heartlefs Pray'r. Wake, heav'nly Wind,, arife and come, Blow on the drooping Field ; Our Spices then fhall breathe Perfume, And fragrant Incenfe yield. Touch, with a living Coal, the Lip That (hall proclaim thy Word, And bid each awful Hearer keep Attention to the 'Lord. ( ?Wm Haften the Reftitution Day/- 1 hy Pow'r we wait to prove : Thy glorious Grace to each difplay, And fill our Souls with Love. HYMN X. Th fame. FAR from our Thoughts vain World begone. Let our religious Hours alone ; O may our Eyes our Saviour fee ! We wait a Vifit, Lord, from thee. O warm our Hearts with holy Fire, And kindle there a pure Defire, Come, our Dear Jesus, from above, And feed our Souls with heav'nly Love. The Trees of Life immortal (land In fragrant Rows at thy right Hand ; And in fweet Murmurs by their Side Rivers of Blifs perpetual glide. Hade then, and with a fouling Face, me, fpread the Tables of thy Grace: Bring down a Tafte of Truth divine. And chear our Hearts with (acred Wine, --,. what delicious Fare! How fvvect thy I ients are ! Never did Angels t; Redeeming Grace and dying Love. Hail, great Emmanuel, all Divine ! , In thee thy Father's Glories fiiine : Thou brighter!:, fweeteft, faireft one, That Eyes have feen, or Angels known ! a 4 i ( 8 ) 8/ H Y MN XL The fame. LORD, we come before thee now, At thy Feet we humbly bow ; Oh ! do not our Suit difdain : Shall we feek thee, Lord, in vain ? Loom, on thee our Souls depend ; In Companion now defcend; Pill our Hearts with thy rich Grace, Tune our Lips to fing thy Praife. Jn thine own appointed Way, Now we' feek thee ; here we flay; Lord, we know not how to go, Till a Ble fling thou beftow ; Send fome Meffage from thy Word, 'I hat may Joy and Peace afford ; Let thy Spirit now impart Full Salvation to each Heart, Comfort thofe who weep and mourn, Let the Time cf Joy return ; Thofe that are cad down lift up, Make them ftrong in Faith and Hope; Grant that thofe who feek may find Thee a God divinely kind: Heal the Sick, the Captive free : Let us all rejoice in Thee. HYMN XII. 4*" 7 Before Sermon. TOY/ begin the heav'nly Theme, Sing aloud in Jesu's Name, Ye who Jtsu's Kindnefs prove, Triumph in redeeming Love* JN ( 91^ Ye who fee the Father's Grace, Beaming in the Saviour's Face, As to Canaan on ye move, Pruife and blefs redeeming Love. Mourning Souls, dry up your Tears, Banifh all your guilty Fears ; See your Guilt and Curfe remove, Cancell'd by redeeming Love. Ye, alas ! who long have been Willing Slaves of Death and Sin, Now from Blifs no longer rove, Stop and tafte redeeming Love. Welcome all by Sin oppreft, Welcome to his facred Reft, Nothing brought Him from above., Nothing but redeeming Love. He fubdu'd tlv infernal Pow'rs, Thofe tremendous Foes of ours ; From their curfed Empire drove, Mighty in redeeming Love. HYMN XIII. • The fame. LET ev'ry mortal Ear attend, And ev'ry Heart rejoice, The Trumpet of the Gospel founds With an inviting Voice. Ho! all ye hungry ftarving Souls, That feed upon the Wind, And vainly flrive with earthly Toys. To fill an empty Mind : B 5 ) Eternal Wifdom hath prepard A Soul-reviving Fearr., And bids our longing Appetites r i he rich Proviiion tafte. Ho ! ye that pant for living Streams, And pine away and die, Here you may quench your raging Third With Iprings that never dry. Dear God, the Treafures of thy Love, Are everlafung Mines, Deep- as our helpiefs Mis'ries are, And boundlefs as our Sins. The happy Gates of Gospel-Grace, Stand opetvNight and Day ; Lord, we are come to feek Supplies And drive our Wants away. II Y M N XIV. Thtfame, ■ BLOW ye the Trumpet, blow I he gladly folemn Sound, Let all the Nations know JTq Earth's remotefl Bound. The Year of Jubilee is come ; Return, ye ranfom'd Sinners, home ! The Gofpel,. Trumpet hear, The News of heav'nly Grace ; Ye happy Souls draw near, Behold your Saviour's Face i The Year of Jubilee is come ; -Return to your eternal Home,. Extol the Lamb of God, The all-atoning Lamb ; Redemption in his Blood Throughout the World proclaim : The Year of Jubilee is come : Return, ye ranfom'd Sinners, home ! SB HYMN XV. Before or after Sermon. LEST are the Souls that hear and know The Gofpei's joyful Sound ; Peace fhall attend the Path they go, And Light their Steps furround. Their Joy fhall bear their Spirits up, Thro' their Redeemer's Name ! His Righteoufnefs exalts their Hope ; Nor Satan dares condemn. Tlie Lord, our Glory and Defence, Strength and Salvation gives ; Jfrael, thy King for ever reigns, Thy God for ever lives H Y M N XVI. Tlie fame. SALVATION, O the jovful Sound, What Pleafure to our Ears ! A fov'reign Balm for ev'ry Wound, A Cordial for our Fears. Bury'd in Sorrow, and in Sin, At HelPs Bark Door we lay ! O may we rife by Grace divine, To fee a heav'nly Day [ ■ ( ij ) Salvation ! let the Echo fly The fpacious Earth around, While all the Armies of the Sky Confpire to raife the Sound. HYMN XVII. The fame. PRAISE ye the Lord, exalt his Name, While in his holy Courts ye wait ; Ye Saints, that to his Houfe belong, Or (land attending at his Gate. Praife ye the Lord ; the Lord is good : To praife his Name is fweet Employ; ifr'cl hechofe of old, and ftill His Church is his peculiar Joy. Blefs ve the Lord, who tafte his Love : Fconlc and Priefts exalt his Name; Amongft his Saints he ever dwells, His Church is his Jerufalem. H Y M N XVIII. Thejam.^ m \T E that in his Courts are found, JL Liu'ning to the joyful Sound, Loft and helplefs as ye are, Sons of Sorrow, Sin, and Care, - Glorify the King of Kings, Take the Peace the Gofpel brings. Turn .to Christ your ponging Eyes, View his bloody Sacrifice ; See in Him your Sins forgiv n, Pardon, Holmefs, and Heav'n : Glorify the King of Kings, 'Jake the Peace the Gofpel brings. ( 13 I INVITATION H Y M X & HYMN XIX. SINNERS, obey the Gofpel-Word, Hade to the Supper of your Lord, Be wife to know your gracious Day, All Things are ready, come away ! Ready the Father is to own, And kifs his late-returning Son : Ready the loving Saviour ftands, And fpreads for you his bleeding Hands.* Ready the Spirit of his Love, Juft now the ftony Heart to move ; T' applv and witnefs with the Blood, And wafh and feal you Sons of God, Ready for you the Angel's wait, To triumph in your bleftEftate : Tuning their Harps, they long to praife The Wonders of redeeming Grace. Come then, ye Sinners, to your Lord ? To Happinefs in Christ reftor'd ; His profFer'd Benefits embrace. And freely now be fav'd by Grace. HYMN XX. Thtfame. OME, ye Sinners, poor and wretched, Weak and wounded, nek and ibie j Jesus ready ftands to rave you, Full of Pity join'd with Pow'r. He is able, &c. He is willing : doubt no more* ■'C ( H ) Ho! ye needy; come, and welcome ; God's free Bounty glorify. True Belief, and true Repentance, Every Grace that brings us nigh ; Without Money, &c Come to Jesus Christ, and buy. Let not Conscience make you linger ; Nor of Fitriefs fondly dream : All the Fitnefs he requireth Is, to feel your Need of Him. This he gives you, &c. 'Tis the Spirit's tiring Beam. Come, ye weary, heavy laden, BruisM and mangled by the Fall ; If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all. Not the Righteous, &c. . Sinners, Jesus came to call. ' Agonizing in the Garden, Lo ! your Maker proftrate lies ; On the bloody Tree behold him : Hear him cry, before he dies. It is fmifJtd ; Sic. Sinners, will not this fufnee ? Lo ! th' incarnate God, afcended, Pleads the Merit of his Blood. Venture on him. venture wholly ; Let no other Trull intrude. 'None bu t Jesus-, &c. Can do helplefs Sinners good. ( IS ) Saints and Angels'join'd in Concert, Sing the Praiies of the Lamb ; While the blifsful Seats to Heav'n Sweetlv echo with his Name. Hallelujah! &c. Sinners here may fing the fame. HYMN XXI. The fame. Hither ye Poor, ye Sick,. ye Blind, A fm-difordcr'd, trembling Throng; To you the Gofpel calls, to you Messiah's Bleflings all belong. The Sons of Reafon and of Pride, Rejea the Bleflings of.Jiis Tree: For Sinners only Jesus dy'd; Sinner behold ! He dy'd for Thee. 'Twas with our Griefs Messiah groan'd • ' Twas with our Guilt his Soul was try 'd I Our Punifnment he took, he bore ; And Sinners' liv'd when Jesus dy'd ! Awake each Heart, arife each Soul, And join the blifsful Choirs above : frlay nothing tune our future Song. But heav'nly Wifdom, heav'nly Love f HYMN XXIL After Sermon. OW to the Pow'r of God faoreme ? Be everla fling Honours giv'n ; He laves from Hell, (we blefs his Name) ills loft wand'ring Soulsto Heaven, N f 16 ; Not for our Duties or Deferts, But of his own abounding Grace,. He works Salvation in our Hearts^ And forms a PeopLe for his Praife. Twas his own Purpofe that begun To reicue Rebels doom'd to die; He gave us Grace in Christ his Son, Before he fpread the ftarry Sky. Jesus, the Lord, appears at laft, And makes his Father's Counfels known : Declares the great Tranfaclions pan;, And brings immortal Blefiings down. HYMN XXIII. The fame. FROM all that dwell below the Skies, Let the Creator's Praife arife; Let the Redeemer's Name be fung Thro' ev'ry Land, by ev'ry Tongue. Eternal are thy Mercies, Lord : Eternal Truth attends thy Word : Thy Praife fhall found from Shore to Shore, Till Suns fhall rile and fet no more. HYMN XXIV, COME, guilty Souls, and fly away To Christ, and heal your Wounds ; This is the welcome GospEL-Day, Wherein free Grace abounds. God lov'd the World, and gave his Son To drink the Cup of Wrath : And Jesus fays, he'll cafl out none That come to him by Faith, o ( 17 ) I Y M N XXV. Thtfamt. Jesu our Lord, Thy Name be ador'd, For all the rich Bleflings conveyed thro* thy Word. In Spirit we trace Thy Wonders of Grace, And chearfully join in a Concert of Praife. The Ancient of Days His Glory difpiays, And fnines on his Choi'en with cherifhing Rays. The Trumpet of God Is founding abroad, The Language of Mercy, Salvation thro' Blood. Thrice happy are they Who hear and obey, And fhare in the Bleflings of this Gofpel-Day* The People who know The Saviour below, With burning Affe&ion to worfhip him glow,. % This Blefling be mine, • Through Favour divine ;, But, O my Redeemer, the Glory be thine. « The Work is of Grace, Thine, thine, be the Praife, And mine to adore Thee and tell of thy Ways.- HYMN XXVI. LADEN with Guilt. Sinners arife, And view your bleeding Sacrifice ; Each purple Drop proclaims there's Room, [And bids the Poor and Needy come ! ( i8 ) Beneath your Crimes the Victim flood, Sign'd your Acquittances in Blood ; Hereby Item Juftice is appeas'd : Sinners, look up, and be releas'd ! Mercy, Truth, Peace, and Righteoufhefs, Beam from the Reconciler's Face ; Here look, till Love diffolves your Heart, And bids your flavifh Fears depart. Oh ! .quit the World's delufive Charms, And quickly fly to Jesu's Arms ; V/reftle until your God is known, Till you can call the Lord your own. HYMN XXVII. General Hymns of Prayer and Praife. Hymns of Prayer. Come, thou wounded Lamb of God, Come, wafh us in thy cleanfing Blood ; Give us to know thy Love, then Pain . Is fweet, and Life or Death is Gain. Take our poor Hearts, and let them be For ever clos'd to all but Thee : Seal Thou our Breafts, and let us wear That Pledge of Love for ever there. How can it be, thou heav'nly King, That thou fhould'ft Man to Glory bring ! Make Slaves the Partners of thy Throne, Deck d with a never-fading Crown ! Ah, Lord ! enlarge our fcanty Thought, To know the Wonders thou haft wrought; Unloofe our flamm'ring Tongue to tell Thy Love immenfe, unfearchable. o ( '9 ) Firilborn of many Brethren Thou, To Thee both Earth and Heav'n mud bow; Help us to Thee our All to give : Thine may we die, thine may we live ! HYMN XXVIII. OLord, how great's the Favour ! That we, fuch Sinners poor, Can thro 1 thy Blood's Tweet Savour Approach thy Mercy's Door, And find an ooen PalTag;e Unto the Throne or Grace; There wait the welcome Meflage That bids us go in Peace*? Lord, we are helplefs Creatures, Full of the deepeft Need; Throughout denTd by Nature, Stupid, and inly dead : Cur Strength is perfect Weaknefs, And all we have is Sin : Our Hearts are all Uncleannefs, A Den of Thieves withift. In this forlorn Condition, Who mall'afford us Aid ! Where fhall we find Companion, But in the Church's Head? Jf.sus, thou art all Pity, Oh take us to thine Arms, And exercife thy Mercy, 1 o ftive us from all Harms. ( *° ) We'll never ceafe repeating, Our numberlefs Complaints, But ever be intreating The glorious King of Saints : Till we attain the Image Of Him we inly love, And pay our grateful Homage With all the Saints above. Then we. with all in Glory, Shall thankfully relate Th' amazing pleafing Story, Of Jesu's Love fo great ; In this bled Contemplation We ihall for ever dwell, And prove fuch Confolation As none below can tell. HYMN XXIX. JESUS, lover of my Soul, Let me to thy Bofom fly, While the nearer Waters roll, While the Tempeft ftill is high ; Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the Storm of Life is pad : Safe into the Haven guide ; O receive my Soul at lad ! Other Refuge have I none : Hangs my helplefs Soul on Thee ? Leave, ah ! leave me not alone, Still fuppcrt ard comfort me : All my Trufl on Thee is ftay'd, , All mine Help from Thee I bring;. Cover my defencelefs Head With the Shadow of thy Wing,* ( 21 ) Thou, O Christ, art all I want ; More than All in Thee I find : Raife the Fallen, chear the Faint, Heal the Sick, and lead the Blind. Jufl: and holy is thy Name, I am all Unrighteoufnefs ! Vile and full of Sin I am : Thou art full of Truth and Grace. Plenteous Grace with Thee is found, Grace to pardon all my Sin : Let the healing Streams abound ; Make, and keep me pure within : Thou of Life the Fountain art, Freely let me take of 1 hee : Spring Thou up within mine Hearty Rife to all Eternity ! HYMN XXX. SON of God ! thy Blefling grant, Still fupply my ev'ry Want : Tree of Lifej thine Influence fhed, \yith thy Sap my Spirit feed ! Tend'reft Branch, alas ! am I, Wither without Thee, and die : Weak as helplefs Infancy ; O confirm my Soul in Thee ! Unfuftain'd by Thee, I fall : Send the Strength for which I call ! Weaker than a bruifed Reed, Help I every Moment need. All my Hopes on Thee depend : Love me ! fave me to the End ! Give me the continuingGrace : Take the everlafting Praife ! ( 22 } HYMN XXXI. IORDj we are vile, conceived in Sin$ _j And born unholy and unclean ; Sprung from the Man whofe guilty Fall Corrupts the Race, and taints us all. Soon as we draw our Infant Breath, The Seeds of Sin grow up for Death ! Thy Law demands a perfect Heart, But we're defiTd in ev'ry Part. Behold ! we fall before thy Face : Our only Refuge is thy Grace. No outward Forms can make us clean^ The Leprofy lies deep within. Jesus, our God ! thy Blood alone Hath Pow'r fufficient to atone ; Lord ! let us hear thy pard'ning Voice, And make our down-caft Hearts rejoice ! HYMN XXXII. HE dies! the Friend of Sinners dies ! Lo ! Salem's Daughters weep around ! A folemn Darknefs veils the Skies! A fudden Trembling fliakes the Ground ! Come Saints, and drop a Tear or two, For Him who groan'd beneath your Load ; He fried a thoufand Drops for you, A thoufand Drops of richer Blood ! ( 23 ) Here's Love and Grief beyond Degree $ The Lord of Glory dies for Men ! But io ! what fudden Joys we fee ! Jesus the Dead revives again ! The riling God forfakes the Tomb I ( The Toml^in vain forbids his Rife !) Cherubic Legions guard him home. And fhout Him welcome to the Skies! Break off your Tears, ye Saints ! and tell How high our great Deliv'rer reigns! Sing how He fpoil'd the Hods of Hell, And led the Monfter Death in Chains ! Say " Live for ever, wond'rous Ring ! ; * Born to redeem ! and" (hong to fave :" Then afk the Monfter— "Where's thy Sting ? " And where's thy Victory, boafting Grave J'* HYMN XXXIII. HOLY Lamb, who thee receive, Who in thee begin to live ; Day and Night they cry to thee ; As thou artj fo let us be. Fix, O fix each wav'ring Mindj To thy Crofs our Spirits bind ; Earthly Paflions far remove, Swallow up our Souls in Love* Duft and Afhes tho' we be, Full of Guilt and Mifery : Thine we are, thou b'on of God 5 Take the Purchafe of thy Blood. Eoundlefs Wifdom, Pow'r divinej Jtove unfpeakable. are thine ; Pr^ife by all to Thee be giv'n, Sons of Earth and Holts of Heav'h* ( H ) HYMN XXXIV. COME, deareft Lokfl, defcend and dwell* By Faith, and Love, in ev'ry Brcaft i Then (hall we know, and tafte, and feel, The Joys that cannot be exprefs'd. Come, fill our Hearts with inward Strength ; Make our enlarged Souls poffefs, /»nd learn the Height, and Breadth, and Length Of thine unmeafufable Grace, Now to the God whofe Pow'r can do More than our Thoughts or Wifhes know, Be everlafiing Honours done, By all the Church, through Chrift his Son ! N' HYMN XXXV* OT ail the Blood of Beads On Jewifh Altars (lain, Could give the guilty Confcience Peace, Or wafh away the Stain. But Ckr ist, the heav'nly Lamb, Takes all our Sins away ; A Sacrifice of nobler Name, And richer Blood than they; My Faith would lay her Hani} On that dear Head of thine, While like a Penitent I ftand, And there confefs my Sin. My Soul looks back to fee The Burdens thou didft bear, When hanging on the curfed Tree ; And hopes her Guilt was there. Be- ( H ) Believing, we rejoice To fee the Curfe remove ; We blefs the Lamb with chearful Voice, And fing his bleeding Love. HYMN XXXVL WITH Joy we meditate the Grace Of our High Pneft above ; His Heart is made of Tcndernefs, His Bowels melt with Love. Touch'd with a Sympathy within, He knows our feeble Frame ; He knows what fore Temptations mean. For he hath felt the fame. He in the Days of feeble Flefh, Pour d out his Cries and Tears : And in his Meafure feels afrefh, What evYy Member bears. He'll never quench the fmoaking Flax, But raife it to a Flame; The bruifed Reed He never breaks, Nor fcorns the meanefl Name. Then, let our humble Faith addrefsC His Mercy and his PowV j We (hall obtain deliv'ring Grace In the diftrefling Hour. HYMN XXXVII. O Patient, fpotlefs Lamb ! My Heart in Patience keep t To bear the Crofs, fo eafy made By wounding Thee fo deep, C ( *6 ) Bring me. my Shepherd, where Thy choiceft Flocks abide ; From wandering fave my fooiifh Heart, And keep it near thy Side. My Friend, thou haft enough My Mis'ry to relieve : Tho' Sin and Guilt opprefs me fore, The Balm is thine to give. Do Thou, my all, unite My Heart fo firm to Thee, That evVy where, and at all Times, Thy Love my all may be. HYMN XXXVIII. THOU hidden Love of Gor>, whofe Heigi Whofe Depth unfathom'd no Man knows, I fee from far thy beauteous Light ; Inly I figh for thy Repofe. My Heart is pain'd, nor can it be At reft, till it finds Reft in thee. Is there a Thing beneath the Sun That drives with thee my Heart to fhare ? Ah tear it thence, and reign alone, The Lord of ev'ry Motion there : Then fhall my Heart from Earth be free, When it has found Repofe in thee. O hide this Self from me, that I No more, but Christ in me may live: My vile Affections crucify, Nor let one darling Luft furvive. In all Things nothing may I fee, Nothing defire, or feek but thee. ( *7 ) Love, thy fov'reign Aid impart, b fave me from low-thoughted Care : hafe this Self-will through all my Heart, hrough all its latent Maxes there : lake me thy duteous Child, that I eafelefs may Abba, Father, cry, ach Moment draw from Earth away \y Heart, that lowly waits thy Call ; j^eak to my inmoffc Soul, and fay, | am thy Love, thy God, thy All ! p feel thy Pow'r, to hear thy Voice, l) tafte thy Love, be all my Choice. HYMN XXXIX. !>LUNG'D in a Gulp h of dark Defpair We wretched Sinners lay, ithout one chearful Beam of Hope, 3r Spark of glimnr ring Day, ith pitying Eyes, the Prince of Grace beheld our helplefs Grief; faw, and (O amazing Love !) ie came to our Relief. wn from the fhining Seats above, VithjoyfuiHaftehefled, er'd the Grave in mortal Flefh, knd dwelt among the Dead. ! for this Love let blocks and Hills 'heir lafting Silence break, |l all harmonious human Tongues, The Saviour's Praifes fpeak ! els aflift our mighty Joys, .rike all your Harps of Gold; when you raife your higheft Note$> is Love can ne'er be told ! c 2 ( 28 ) HYMN XL. LO RD, take my Heart juft as it is, Set up therein thy Throne ; So (hall I love Thee above all, And live to Thee alone. Complete thy Work, and crown thy Grace, That I may faithful prove, And liften to that (mail ftill Voice, Which only whifpers .Love. Which teaches me what is thy Will, And tells me what to do ; Which covers me with Shame, when I Do not thy Will purfue. •This Unction may I ever feel, This Teaching from my Lord, And learn Obedience to thy Voice, Thy foft reviving Word. HYMN XLL LONG have we fat beneath the Sound Of thy Salvation, Lord ; But ftill how weak our Faith is found, And Knowledge of thy Word ! Oft we frequent thine holy Place, Yet hear almoin in vain : How fmall a Portion of thy Gra^e Do our falfe Hearts retain ! Our gracious Saviour and our Goo ! How little art Thou known, By all the judgments of thy Rod, And Bleftings of thy Throne? ( *9 ) How cold and feeble is our Love ! How negligent our Fear ! How low our Hope of Joys above! How few Affe&ions there ! Great God ! thy fov'reign Aid impart, To give thy Word Succefs ; Write thy Salvation on each Heart, And make us learn thy Grace. Shew our forgetful Feet the Way That leads to Joys on high ; Where Knowledge grows without Decay, And Love (hall never die. HYMN XLII. HOW heavy is the Night, That hangs upon our Eyes, 'Till Christ with his reviving Light Over our Souls arife ! Our guilty Spirits dread To meet the Wrath of Heav'n : But in his Righteoufnefs array'd, We fee our Sins forgiv'n. Unholy and impure Are all our Thoughts and Ways ; His Hands infected Nature cure. With lanftifying Grace. The Pow'rs of Hell agree To hold our Souls in vain ; He fets the Sons of Bondage free, And breaks the curfed Chain, c 8 ( 3° ) Lord, we adore thy Ways That bring us near to God : Thy fbv 'reign Pow'r, thy healing Grace, And thine atoning Blood ! HYMN XLIII. -*? \A7 HY ^^ the Children ° f a KIn a %s V V Go mourning all their Days ? Great Comforter ! defcend, and bring Some Tokens of thy Grace, Doft thou not dwell in all thy Saints, And feal the Heirs of Heav'n ? When wilt thou banifh their Complaints, And fhew thekSins -forgiv'n ? Affure each Conscience of its Part In the Redeemer's Blood, And bear thy Witnefs in each Heart, That it is born of God. Thou art the Earned of his Love, The Pledge of Joys to come ; ^ May thy bleft Wings, celeftial Dove ! ' Safely convey us home. HYMN XLIV. COME, holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove, With all thy quick'ning Pow'rs, Kindle a Flame of iacred Love Jp thefe cold Hearts of oars. Look how we grovel here below, Fond of thefe earthly Toys; Our Souls how heavily they go To reach eternal Joys ! ( 3* ) In vain we tune our formal Songs, In vain we drive to rile : Hofannas languifh on our Tongues, And our Devotion dies. Dear Lord ! arid (hall we ever live At this poor dying Rate ; Our Love fo faint, fo cold to-Thee, And thine to us fo great ? Come, holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove, With all thy quickning Pow'rs; Come, fhed abroad a Saviour's Love, And that (hall kindle ours. H Y M N ' &LV. THOU Shepherd of Ifr'el diving The Joy of the Upright in Heart, For clofer Communion they pine, Still, flill to refide where thou art ; The Pafture, Oh ! when fnall we find, Where all, who their Shepherd obey, Are fed on thy Bofom reclin'd, Are fkreen'd from the Heat of the Day. Ah, fhew us that happieft Place, That Place of thy People's Abode, Where Saints in an Extafv O that it now were fhed abroad In each poor longing Heart ! For Love I'd figh, for Love Td pine^ This only Portion, Lord, be mine, Be mine this better Part. O that we cou'd for ever fit, With Mary, at the Matter's Fe^ JBe this our happy Choice 1 ( 37 ) Our only Care, Delight, and Blifs, Our Joy, our Heav'n on Earth be this, To hear the Bridegroom's Voice. Thy only Love may we require, Nothing on Earth beneath defire, Nothing in Heaven above : Let Earth and all its Trifles go, Give us, O Lord ! thy Love to know, Give us thy precious Love. HYMN LIL MY Hiding-place, my Refuge, Tow'r, And Shield art thou, O Lord ; Give me to anchor all my Hopes On thy unerring Word. Engrav'd as in eternal Brafs, The mighty Promife {nines, Nor can the Pow'rs of Darknefs raze Thofe everlafting Lines. The facred Word of Grace is ftrong, As that which built the Skies ; The Voice which rolls the Stars along, Spoke all the Promifes. My Hiding-place, my Refuge, Tow'r, And Shield art thou, O Lord : Give me to anchor all my Hopes On thy unerring Word. HYMN LIII. JESUS, thou art my Righteoufaefs, For all my Sins were thine ; 4 Thy Death hath bought of God my Peace> Thy Life hath made Him mine ; ( 38 ) My dying Saviour, and my God ! Fountain for Guilt and Sin ; Sprinkle me ever with thy Blood, And cleanfe, and keep me clean, Wafh me, and make me thus thine own; Wafh me, and mine thou art; Wafh me, but not my Feet alone, My Hands, my Head, and Heart ! Th' Atonement of thy Blood apply, 'Till Faith to Sight improve ; 'Till Hope in full Enjoyment die, And all my Soul be Love ! HYMN LIV. Hymns of Praife. CO M E, let us join our chearful Songs With Angels round the Throne, Ten thoufand thoufands are their Tongues, But all their Joys are one. Worthy the Lamb that dy'd, they cry, To be exalted thus : Worthy the Lamb, our Lips reply, For he was flain for us. Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and Pov/r divine ; And Bleflings more than we can give, Be, Lord, for ever thine. e whple Creation join in one, ~b blefs the facred Name f Bitn that fits upon the Throne, And to adore the Lamb. (C ( 39 ) HYMN LV. OM E, happy Souls approach your God With new melodious Songs ; Come, tender to Almighty Grace The Tribute of your Tongues. So ftrange, fo boundlefs was the Love That pity'd dying Men, The Father fent his equal >Son, To give them Life agp.ln. Thy Hands, dear Jesus, were not arm'd With a revenging Rod; No hard Commiffion to perform The Vengeance of a God. But all was Mercy, all was mild, And Wrath forfook the Throne, When Christ on the kind Errand came, And brought Salvation down. Here, Sinners, you may heal your Wounds, And wipe your Sorrows dry ; Truft in the mighty Saviour's Name, And you fhall never die. O deareft Lord, melt down our Souls T* accept thine ofler'd Grace ; Then will we blefs the Saviour's Love, And give the Father Praife. HYMN 1VL OH the Delights, the heav'nly Joys, The Glories of the Place, Where Jesus fheds the brighteft Beams Of his o'erflowing Grace ! ( 4° ) Sweet Majefty and awful Love, Sit fmiling on his Brow, And all the glorious Ranks above At humble Diftance bow. His Head, the dear majeftic Head That cruel Thorns did wound, See what immortal Glories fhine, And circle it around ! This is the Man, th' exalted Man, Whom we, unfeen, adore; But when our Eyes behold his Face, Our Hearts fhall love him more. Lord, fet our Spirits all on fire To fee thy blefs'd Abode; And tune our Tongues to ling the Praife Of our incarnate God ! HYMN LV1L BEGIN, my Tongue, fome heav'nly Theme, And (peak fome boundlefs Thing, The mighty Works, or mightier Name, Our eternal King* Tell of hjs wond'rous Faithfulnefs, And found his Pow'r abroad, Sing the fweet Promife of his Grace, And the performing God. Proclaim Salvation from the Lord> For wretched dying Men ; His Hand hath writ the facred Word With an immortal Peru ( 41 ) Engrav'd as in eternal Brafs The mighty Promife fhines ; Nor can the'Pow'rs of Darknefs raze Thofe everlafling Lines. O m%ht we hear thine heav'nly Tongue But whifper. Thou art mine ! Thofe gentle Words mould raife our Song To Notes almoft divine. How would our leaping Hearts rejoice, And think our Heav'n fecure ! Give us to hear thy gracious Voice, And Faith defires no more. HYMN LVIII. OThou, in whom the Gentiles trult^ Thou only Holy, only Juft, Oh tune our Souls to praife thy Name, Jesus! Uncheangeable, the Same I If Angels, whilft to thee they fing, Wrap up their Faces in their Wing, How (hall we, iinful Duft, draw nigh The Great, the av/eful Deity ? Glory to Thee, aufpicious Lamb ! Thou holy Lord, thou great 1am: With all our Pow'rs thy Grace we blefs, Our Joy, our Peace, our Righteoufneis. Live, ever-glorious Jesus Llive, Worthy all Bleflings to receive ! Worthy on high enthron'd to fit, With ev'ry Pow'r beneath thy Feet. ( 4* ) HYMN LTX. THOU dear Redeemer, dying Lamb, We love to hear of Thee ; No Mufic like thy charming Name Doth found fo fweet to me. O may we ever hear thy Voice In Mercy to us fpeak, And in our Prieft will we rejoice, Thou great Melchifedec. Our Jesus fhall be ftill our Theme, While in this World we ftay, We'll fing our Jesu's lovely Name, When all Things elfe decay : When we appear in yonder Cloud, With all his favour'd Throng, Then will we fing more fweet, more loud, And Christ fhall be our Song HYMN LX. OTell me no more Of this Worlds vain (tore, The time for fuch Trifles Thro' Mercy is o'er. A Canaan Ive found Where true Joys abound, *Tis heavenly dwelling On this happy Ground, My Soul don t delay, He calls thee away, Rife, follow thy Saviour; 'And blefs the glad Day, . < .43 ) The Souls that believe In Paradife live ; And me in that Number My Jesus receive ! No Mortal doth know What He can bellow, What Light, Strength, and Comfort ; Go after Him, go. And when I'm to die, " Receive me/' HI cry; For Jesus hath lov'd me, I cannot fay why ! And now I'm in Care, My Neighbours may fhare Thefe Bleffings : To feek them Will none of you dare ? In Bondage, O why! And Death will you lie, When One here affures you Free Grace is fp nigh! HYMN LXI. COME, let us all unite to blefs Jesus Christ, our Joy and Peace : Let our Praife to Him be giv'n, High at GpD's right Hand in Heav'n, Mafter, fee, to Thee we bow, Thou art Lord, and only Thou ; Thou, the bleffed Virgin s Seed, Glory of thy Church, and Head. ( 44 ) Thee the Angels ceafelefs fing ; Thee we praife, our Priefl and King : Worthy is thy Name of Praife, Full of Glory, full of Grace ! Thou haft the glad Tidings brought Of Salvation by Thee wrought ; Wrought — for all thy Church ; and we Worfhip in their Company. We, thy little Flock, adore, Thee, the Lord, for evermore : Ever with us fhew thy Love, Till we join with thofe. above* HYMN LXII. CO M E, let us afcend, My Companion and Friend, To tafte of a Banquet above; If thro' Mercy divine, For our Jesus we pine, Let us mount the blefs'd Chariot of Love. Who in Jesus confide, They are bold to outride The Storms of AfRiftion beneath : With the Prophet they foar To that heav'nly Shore, And outfly all the Arrows of Death. By Faith we are come To our permanent Home, By Hope we the Rapture improve ; By Love we ftill rife, And look down on the Skies — For the Heaven of Heavens is Love ! ( 45 ) Who on Earth can conceive How happy we live In the City of God the great King ! What a Concert of fraife, When our Jesus's Grace, The whole heavenly Company fing ! What a rapturous Song, When the glorify'd Throng In the Spirit of Harmony join ! Join all the glad Choirs, Hearts, Voices, and Lyres, And the Burden is Mercy divine I Hallelujah they cry To the King of the Sky ; To the great everlafting I am; To the Lamb that was flain, And liveth again : Hallelujah to God and the Lamb ! HYMN LXIII. HE A D of the Church triumphant ! We joyfully adore Thee, Till thou appear, Thy Members here Shall fing like thofe in Glory. We lift our Hearts and Voices With bleft Anticipation, And cry aloud, And give to God The Praife of our Salvation. ( 46 ) While in Affliction's Furnace, And palling thro 5 the Fire, Thy Love we praife, Which knows our Days, And ever brings us nigher. We clap our Hands exulting In thine Almighty Favour, The Love divine Which made us thine Shall keep us thine for ever. Thou doft conduct thy People Thro' Torrents of Temptation, Nor will we fear, Whilft thou art near, The Fire of Tribulation. The World, with Sin and Satan, In vain our March oppofes; By thee we fhall [ Break thro' them all, And fing the Song of Mofes» By Faith we fee the Glory To which thou fhalt reftore us, The Crofsdefpife For that high Prize Which thou haft fet before us. "And if thou count us worthy, We each, as dying Stephen, Shall fee thee ftand At' God's right Hand, To take us up to Heaven* ( 47 ) HYMN LXIV. VTOW to the Lord, a noble Song; .\l Awake, my Soul, awake my Tongue, fofanna to th' eternal Name, ,nd all his boundlefs Love proclaim ! - f :e where it (nines in Jesu's Face ! he brighteft Image of his Grace ; •od, in the Perfon of his Son, ath all his mightieft Works outdone. race, 'tis a fweet, a charming Theme ; xult, my Soul, at Jesu's Name ! e Angels, dwell upon the Sound : e Heav'ns, reflect it to the Ground ! h that we all may reach the Place, liere He unveils his lovely Face ; r here all his Beauties you behold, nd fing his Name to Harps of Gold! H Y M N LXV. TO God, the only wife, Our Saviour and our King, Let all the Saints below the Skies, Their humble Praifes bring. *Tis his Almighty Love, His Counfel and his Care, Preferves us fafe from Sin and Death ? And ev'ry hurtful Snare. He will prefent his Saints, Unblerriifh'd and compleat, Before the Glory of his Face, With Joys divinely great. ( 4 8 ) Then all the chofen Seed Shall meet around the Throne, Shall blefs the Conduct of his Grace, And make his Wonders known. To our Redeemer-Goo, Wifdom and Fow'r belongs, Immortal Crowns of Majefty, And everlafting Songs. HYMN LXVL OWhat fhall we do our Saviour to praife ; So faithful and true, fo plenteous in Grace; So ftrong to deliver, fo good to redeem, The weakeft Believer, that hangs upon Him ! How happy the Man whofe Heart is fet free, The People that can be joyful in Thee ! Their Joy is to walk in the Light of thy Face, And ftill they are talking of Jesus's Grace. Their daily Delight (hall be in thy Name, They fhall, as their Right, thy Righteoufnefs (claim : Thy Righteoufnefs wearing, and cleans'd by thy (Blood, Bold fhall they appear in the Prefence of God. HYMN LXVII. WHAT fhall we render unto Thee, Thou glorious Lord of Life andPow'rfi Teach us to bow the humble Knee, Teach us with Thankfulnefs t' adore ; To praife Thee as thy Saints above, , To praife Thee for thy wond'rous Love, When C 49 ) When like loft Sheep, we wander'd wide, And left the watchful Shepherd s Eye ; When borne along th' impetuous Tide, Of this World's vSin and Vanity ; Our Jesus from the Heav'ns came down. To fave us by his Grace alone. He bore our Sins upon the Tree, (To feek and fave the loft He came) There was He bound to fct us free From Death and everlafting Shame : The Captive Flock from Hell was freed, And ranfom'd when their Shepherd bled. Before the Father's awful Throne, Our merciful High Prieft yet (lands, And interceding for his own, The purchas'd Remnant now demands; His People's everlafting Friend, Who loving — loves them to the End. May we, his banifh'd Ones, rejoice, Him for our Lor d and God to own, To take Him as our only Choice, And cleave to Him, in Love, alone : Still growing up in Holinels, Till calFd to meet in Realms of Peace* Then fhall our grateful Songs abound, And ev'ry Tear be wip'd away ; No Sin, no Sorrow fhall be found, No Night o'er-cloud the endlefs Day. O praife Him ! all beneath, above, O praife Him ! praife the God of Love! D ( 5° ) HYMN LXVIII. JE S U, thy Blood and Righteoufcefs, My Beauty are, my glorious Drefs, Midft flaming Worlds in thefe array'd, With Joy (hall I lift up my Head. When from the Duft of Death I rife To claim my Manfion in the Skies, Ev'n then, fhall this be all my Plea : " Jesus hath liv'd and dy*d for me," Bold fhall I ftand in that great Day, For who ought to my Charge fhall lay ? Fully thro\ Thee abfolv'd I am, From Sin and b ear, from Guilt and Shame* Thus Abraham, the Friend of God, Thus all the Armies bought with Blood, Saviour of Sinners Thee proclaim, Sinners, of whom the Chief I am. This fpotlefs Robe the fame appears > W nen ru i n 'd Nature finks in Years! y&> Age can change its glorious Hue, The Grace of Christ is ever new, O ! let the Dead now hear thy Voice, Now bid thy banifh'd Ones rejoice, Their Beauty this, their glorious Drefs, Jesus, the Lord our Righteousness. HYMN LXIX. RISE, my Soul, and ftretch thy Wings, Thy better Portion trace ; Rife from tranfitory Things, Towards Heav'n, thy native Place. ( f* ) Sun, and Moon, and Stars decay, Time (hall foon this Earth remove : Rife, my Soul, and hade away To Seats prepar'd Above, Rivers to the Ocean run, Nor flay in all their Courfe : Fire afcending feeks the Sun. Both fpeed them to their Source : So a Soul that's born of God Pants to view his glorious Face 3 Upward tends to his Abode, To reft in his Embrace, Ceafe, ye Pilgrims, ceafe to mourn $ Prefs onward to the Prize ; - Soon our Saviour will return Triumphant in the Skies ; Yet a Seafon, and you know Happy Entrance will be giv'n, All our Sorrows left below, And Earth exchanged for Heav'n. H Y M N LXX. WH O can have greater Caufe to fing 9 Who greater Caufe to blefs, Than we, the Children of the King, Than we, who Christ poflefs? &c. , With Angel-Hofts, dear Lamb, we join To praife thy Love and Pow'r, To magnify thy Grace divine. Thou mighty Counfellor. Wc late were Satan's Captives led, And Hell had been our End, Hadft Thou not for our Pardon bled ; Thou Sinners only Friend, D 2 • ( 5* ) For this we ne'er wou'dhold our Tongue, Nor let our Praifes ceafe ; We evermore wou'd fing that Sonar, The Lord our Righteousness. A No other Gob we'd know but Thee, None elie did us create : Thy Glory may we ever be, O holy Advocate. 'Twas Thou, 'twas only Thou didft take The Mediator s Place, When we the Father's Statutes brake, All hail ! thou Prince of Peace. O may we prove Thee ftill the fame, Whene'er our Need we fee ; Thou beared ftill a Saviour's Name, Our Saviour thou fhait be ! No Law, nor Sin, nor Hell, nor Death, Can us from Thee divide; Give us to hold this precious Faith, For us our Saviour dy'd. HYMN LXXI. REJOICE, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore, Mortals gave Thanks and fine. And triumph evermore : Lift up your Heart, lift up your Voice, Rejoice, again I fay, rejoice. Jesus the Saviour reigns, The God of Truth and Love, When He had purg'd our Stains, He took his Seat ) ) Thou clear Almighty Lord, Our Conqu'ror and our King, Thy Scepter and thy Sword, Thy reigning Grace we ling. Thine is the Pow'r : O may we fit. In willing Bonds, beneath thy Feet ! H Y M N LXXIV. ARRAY'd in mortal Flefh, Christ like an Angel (lands, And holds the Promifes And Pardons in his Hands : Commi(Tion*'d from his Father's Throne, To make his Grace to Mortals known, Be Thou our Counfellor, Our Pattern and our Guide ! And through this defert Land 2^ Still keep us near thy Side ! O let our Feet ne'er run affray, Nor rove, nor feek the crooked Way ! Sweet is the Shepherd's Voice, Who's watchful Eye doth keep- Poor wand'ring Souls among The Thoufands of his Sheep, He feeds his Flock, He calls their Names, His Bofom bears the tender Lambs. To this dear Surety's Hands, My Soul, commend thy Caufe, He anfwers and fulfils His Father's broken Laws : Believing Souls now free are fct : Tor Christ hath paid their, dreadful Debt. » 4 ( 56 ) Their Advocate appears For their Defence on high, The Father bows his Ears, And lays his Thunder by ; Not all that Hell or Sin can fay, Shall turn his Heart, his Love away. Then let our Souls arife, And tread the Tempter down ; Our Captain leads us forth To Conquefl and a CrOwn. A feeble Saint fhall win the Day, Tho' Death and Hell obftrucl: the Way. HYMN LXXV. COME thou Source of ev'ry Blefling ! Tune our Hearts to fing thy Grace ! Streams of Mercy never-ceafing, Call for Songs of loudeft Praife : ^Teach us fome melodious Sonnet, Sung by flaming Tongues above ; Praife the Mount; — O fix us on it, Mount of God's unchanging Love ! Here we raife our Eben-Ezer, Hither by thine Help we're come; And we truft by thy good Pleafure, Safely to arrive at Home :. Jesus fought us all when Strangers, • Wand' ring from the Fold of God, He, to refcue us from Dangers, Interpos'd his precious Blood. O ! to Grace, what mighty Debtors Daily we're conftrain'd to be ! Let that Grate, like flrongeft Fetters, Bind our wand'ring Hearts to Thee ! (. 57 ) Prone to wander. Lo* d, we feel them, Prone to leave the God of Love — Take our Hearts — O take, and feal them ! Seal them from thy Courts above ! HYMN LXXVI. THE Lord fupplies his People's Need, Jehovah is his Name: In Paftures frefh he makes them feed Befide the living Stream. He brings their wand ring Spirits back, When they forfake his Ways, And leads them, for his Mercy's Sake, In Paths of Truth and Grace. When they walk thro* the Shades of Death, His Prefence is their Stay : A Word of his fupporting Breath Drives all their Fears away. His Hand in Sight of all their Foes * • Doth ftill their Table fpread, Their Cup with Bleffings overflows, His Oil ^noints their Head. The fure Provifions of our God Attend us all our Days : O mav his Houfe be our Abode, And all our Work his Praife. HYMN LXXVII. BURYD in Shadows of the Night, We lie till Christ reftores the Light ; Wifdom defcends to heal the Blind, And chace the Darknefs of the Mind, d 5 ( 5« ) Loft guilty Souls are drown'd in Tears, Till the atoning Blood appears; Then they awake from deep Diftrefs, And fing the Lord our Righteousness. Jesus beholds where Satan reigns, Binding his Slaves in heavy Chains : He fets the Pris'ner free, and breaks The iron Bondage from our Necks. Poor helplefs Worms in Thee poffefs Grace, Wifdom, Power, and Righteoufnefs ; Thou art our mighty All, may we Give our whole Selves, O Lord, to Thee ! HYMN LXXVHI. OUR Shepherd alone, The Lord, let us blefs, Who reigns on the Throne, The Prince of our Peace ; Who evermore faves us By fhedding his Blood; All hail, holy Jesus, Our Lord and our God! We daily will fing Thy Merits, thy Praife, Thou merciful Spring Of Pity and Grace : Thy Kindnefs for ever To Men we will tell ; And fay, Our dear Saviour Redeems us from Hell. ( 59 / Pisferve us in Love, While here we abide ; Nor ever remove Nor cover, nor hide Thy glorious Salvation, Till joyful we fee The beautiful Vifion Completed in Thee ! HYMN LXXIX. Psalm C> BEFORE Jehovah's awful Throne, Ye Nations bow with facred Joy, Know that the Lord is God alone 1 He can create, and He deflroy. His fov 'reign Pgw'r without our Aid-, Made us of Clay, and form'd us Men : And when like wand'ring Sheep we ftray'd, He brought us to his Fold again. We'll croud thy Gates with thankful Songs, High as the Heav'ns our Voices raife ; And Earth with her ten thoufand Tongues Shall fill thy Courts with founding Praife. Wide as the World is thy Command, Vaft as Eternity thy love, Firm as a Rock thy Truth mull ftand, When rolling Years fhall ceafe to move. HYMN LXXX. LOVE divine, all Love excelling, Joy of Heaven, to Earth come down I Fix us in thy humble Dwelling, All thy faithful Mercies crown; ( 6o ) Jesus! Thou art all Companion, Pure unbounded Love Thou art, Vint us with thy Salvation, Enter ev'ry trembling Heart! Breathe ! O breathe thy loving Spirit Into ev'ry troubled Breaft ! Let us all in Thee inherit, Let us find thy promis'd Reft : Take away the Love of finning. Alpha and Omega be, End of Faith, as its Beginning, Set our Hearts at Liberty, Come ! Almighty to deliver, Let us Life and Pow'r receive ! Come, poflefs our Hearts, and never, - Never, Lord, thy Temples leave ! * Thee we would be always bleffing, Serve Thee as thine Hefts Above, Blefs, and praife Thee without ceafttig, Glory in thy changelefs Love, Carry on thy new Creation, Happy, holy, may we be, Let us fee thy great Salvation 3 Join'd in Spirit unto Thee ! Chang'd from Glory into Glory, Till in Heaven we take our Place, Till we caft-our Crowns before Thee, Loft in Wonder, Love, and Praife. HYMN LXXXI. YE Servants of God, Your Mafter proclaim. And publifh abroad His wonderful Name, ( 6. ) The Name all vi&orious Of Jesus extol ; His Kingdom is glorious, And rules over all. God ruleth on high, Almighty to fave, And {till He is nigh, His Prefence we have. The great Congregation, His Triumph (hall ling, Afcribing Salvation To Jesus our King. Salvation to God, Who fits on the Throne ; Let all cry aloud, And honour the Son, Our Jesus's Praifes The Angels proclaim. Fall down on their Faces, , And worfhip the Lamb. Then let us adore, And give Him his Right, All Glory and Pow'r, And Wifdom, and Might ; All Honour and Blefling, With Angels Above, And Thanks never ceafing, And infinite Love. HYMN LXXXII. HOW can we adore, Or worthily praife Thy Goodntfs and Pow'r, Thou God of all Grace! ( 62 ) h Honour and Bleffing, before Thee we fall, Mod gladly conferring Thee Father of all. The Heav'ns and Earth, And Water, and Air, To Thee owe their Birth, Subfift by thy Care ; While Angels are ringing Thy Praifes above, We mortals are bringing Our Tribute of Love., Thou, Saviour, art One With God the Supreme^ His eternal Son, And equal with Him : Inverted with Glory, On high doit Thou fit, While Angels adore Thee, And bow at thy Feet. How great was thy Love ! Kow won d You s thy Grace ! Thou cam'ft from above To fave a loft Race; And, Man to deliver, Of Mary waft born, That e-v'ry Believer To God might return, How foon will thy Seat Of Judgment appear !' F re. pa re us to meet And welcome Thee there* ( 6 3 ) Thy witnc fling Spirit In us fhed abroad. And bid us inherit The Kingdom of Geo. The Father and Son And Spirit agree, To conftitute one Compleat Deity : Immanuel's Merit Makes our Peace with Geo, And by the good Spirit Our Souls are renew 'd. H,Y M N LXXXIII. BLESSED are the Sons of God, They are bought with Ch r ist's own BIocxL hey are ranfom'd from the Grave, ,ife eternal they {hall have. jod did love them in his Son, ong before the World begun ; hey the Seal of this receive Vhen on Jesus they believe. 'hey are juftify'd by Grace, 'hey enjoy a folid Peace ; 11 their Sins are wafh'd awav, hey fhall ftand in Go.u's great Day, hey produce the Fruits of Grace, i the Works of Righteoufnefs ! hey are harmlefs, meek and mild, oly, humble, undehTd. hey are Lights upon the Earth, hildren of an heav'nly Birth; Dm of God ; thev hate all Sin, od s pure Seed remains within. ( 64 ) They have Fellowfhip with God, Thro' the Mediator's Blood; One with Godj with Jesus one, Glory is in them begun. Tho' they fuffer much on Earth, Strangers quite to this World's Mirth, Yet they have an inward Joy, Pleafure which can never cloy. They alone are truly bleft, Heirs of God, joint Heirs with Christ ; With them number'd may we be, Here and in Eternity ! HYMN LXXXIV. COME, ye that love the Lord, And let your Joys be known, Join in a Song with fweet Accord, While ye furround the Throne. i The Sorrows of the Mind Be banifh'd from this Place; Religion never was defign'd To make our Comforts lefs. Let thofe refufe to fing Who never knew our God ; But Children of the heav'nly King Will fpeak their Joys abroad. The Men of Grace have found Glory begun below ; Celeftial Fruits on earthly Ground, From Faith and Hope fhall grow* ( 6 5 ) The Hill of Zion yields A thoufand facred Sweets, Before we reach the heav'nly Fields, Or walk the golden Streets. * Then let our Songs abound, And ev'ry Tear be dry, We're marching thro' Immanuel's Ground To fairer Worlds on hi an. o HYMN LXXXV. CHILDREN of the heav'nly King, As ye journey fweetly ring : Sing your Saviours worthy Praife, iGlorious in his Works and Ways ! Ye are trav'ling home to God, "n the Way the Fathers trod ; They are happy now, and ye Soon their happinefs fhall fee. O, ye banim d Seed, be glad ! Christ our Advocate is made; |Us to fave our Flefh a {Fumes, Brother to our Souls becomes. [Shout, yc little Flock, and bleft, You on Jesu's Throne fhall reft; There your Seat is now prepar'd, There your Kingdom and Reward, fear not, Brethren, joyful ftand Pn the Borders of your Land; Jesus Christ, your Father's bon, Bids you undilmay'd go on. Lord ! obediently we'll go, Gladly leaving all below ; Only Thou our Leader be. And we ftill will follow Thee ! . ■ * ( 66 ) H Y M N LXXXVI. THE Lord crucify'd, The Saviour that dy'd, Hath call'd, and betroth'd us, and made us his [Bride, He freely came down To give a rich Crown, To thofe who had nothing but Sin of their own, O what a vaft Depth, Difcover'd by Faith, Of infinite Mercy in Jesus s Death 1 ? Tis there that we fee Salvation is free, And hear, It is Jinijlid^ on Calvary's Tree.< Then here would we lay, . Submiflive as Clay, Till th' Archangel's Trumpet proclaims the laft [Day. Then joyful awake, Corruption forfake, And Jesus's Image in Glory partake. HYMN LXXXVII. A Dialogue. T^ELL us, O Women, we would know 3 JL Whither fo fad ye move ? We, call d to kave the World 'belong Are Jee/ung one above. Whence come ye, fay, and what the Place That ye are trav'ling from ? From Tribulation, we, through Grace. Arc now returning home* ( 6? ) Is not your native Country here ? Like you not this Abode ? We ftek a better Country far 9 A City built by GO D. Thither we travel, nor intend Short of that Rlifs to red ; . till in the Sinner's Friend Our weary Souls are Mefs'd. Friends of the Bridegroom we (hall reign; Saviour, we afk no more ; Hail, Lamb of GOD! for Sinners flain 9 Whom Heaven and Earth adore* HYMN LXXXVJII. YE Souls that are weak, And helplefs, and poor, Who know not to fpeak, Much lefs to do more : Lo ! here's a Foundation For Comfort and Peace ; In Christ is Salvation, The Kingdom is his. With Power he rules, And Wonders performs ; Gives Condutt to Fools, And Courage to Worms, Belet by fore Evils Without and within, By Legions of Devils, And Mountains of Sin. ( 68 ) Then be not afraid, All Power is given To Jesus our Head, In Earth and in Heav'n ; Thro' Him we (hall conquer The mightieft Foes; Our Captain is ftronger Than all that oppofe. His Pow'r from above He'll kindly impart; So free is his Love, So tender his Heart ! Redeem'd with his Merit, We're wafh'd in his Blood ; Renew'd by his Spirit, We've Power with God* Thy Grace we adore, ; Director divine ; The Kingdom, and Pow'r, And Glory, are thine : Preferve us from running On Rocks, or on Shelves, From Foes flrong and cunning, But moft from Ourfelves. Reign o'er us as King; Accomplifh thy Will ; And each of us bring To Zion's blefs'd Hill ; There falling before Thee, We'll praife thy lov'd Name, And ever adore Thee For ever the farn*. ( 6 9 ) HYMN LXXXIX. WHAT equal Honours fhall we bring, To Thee, O Lord our God, the Lamb? iince all the Notes that Angels Ting, Are far inferior to thy Name. ivVorthy is He that once was flain, jrhe Prince of Peace that gron'd and dy'd; Worthy to rife, and live, and reign |\t his Almighty Father's Side. i } ow'r and Dominion are his Due \\JVho flood condemn'd at Pilate's Bar ; jvVifdom belongs to Jesus too, Jrho* he was charg'd with Madnefs here, irlonour immortal muft be paid, i nflead of Scandal and of Scorn; jvVhile Glory fhines around his Head, And a bright Crown without a Thorn. jMefiings for ever on the Lamb, Who bore our Sins, and Curfe, and Pain ; Let Angels found his facred Name, And ev'ry Creature fay, Amen. HYMN XC. pLORY be to God on high, |\J God whofe Glory fills the Sky;' .Peace on Earth to Man forgiv'n, Man the well-belov'd of Heav'n. Sov'reign Father, heavenly King, Thee we now prefume to fing ; jlad thine Attributes confefs, Glorious all and numberlefs. ( 7° ) Hail ! by all thy Works ador d, Hail! the everlafting Lord : Thee with thankful Hearts we prove, Lord of Pow'r, and God of Love. Christ our Lord and God we own } Christ the Father's only Son ; Lamb of God for Sinners flain, Saviour of offending Man 1 Pow'rful Advocate with God, Juftify us by thy Blood ; Bow thine Ear, in Mercy bow, Hear the World's Atonement Thou ! Hear; for Thou, O Christ, alone, Co-equal with the Lord, art One 1 One the Holy Ghoft, with Thee, One Supreme eternal Three. HYMN XCI. HOW glorious the Lamb Is feen on his Throne 1 His Labours are o'er, His Conquefls put on : A Kingdom is giv'n Into the Lamb's Hand, In Earth and in Heav'n, For ever to ftand. Ye' Sinners below Then truft in the Lord, Look up to his Arm, His Honour, his Word : Athirft for his Favour, His Godhead adore ; Look up to your Saviour, And joy evermore ! ( 7i ) HYMN XCII. GIVE Thanks to God mod high, The univerfal Lord, The fov ? reign King of Kings, And be his Grace ador'd. His Pow'r and Grace Are ftill the fame, * And let his Name Have endlefs Praife. How mighty is his Hand ! What Wonders hath He done ! He form'd the Earth and Seas, And fpread the Heav'ns alone. Thy Mercy, Lord, Shall ftill endure, And ever fure Abides thy Word, He faw the Nations lie, All perifhing in Sin, And pity'd the fad State, The ruin'd World was in. Thy Mercy, Lord, Shall ftill endure, And ever fure Abides thy Word. He fent his only Son To fave us from our Woe, From Satan, Sin, and Death, And ev'ry hurtful Foe, His Pow'r and Grace Are ftill the fame, And let his Name Have endlefs Praife. ( 7* ) HYMN XCIII. AWAKE, our Souls, away our Fears ; Let ev'ry trembling Thought be gone ; Awake and run the heav'nly Race : And put a chearful Courage on. True 'tis a ftrait and thorny Road, And mortal Spirits tire and faint : But we forget the mighty God, That feeds the Strength of every Saint. O mighty God, thy matchlefs Pow'r ! Is ever new and ever young ; And firm endures, while endlefs Years Their everlafling Circles run. From Thee, the overflowing Spring, Believers drink a frefh Supply, While fuch as trufl their native Strength^ Shall melt away, and droop, and die. Swift as an Eagle cuts the Air, O may we mount to thine Abode ! On Wings of Love to Jesus fly, Nor tire amidft the heav'nly Road ! HYMN XCIV. ION's a Garden wall'd around, Chofen and made peculiar Ground; A little Spot inclos'd by Grace, Out of the World's wide Wildernefs. Like Spicy Trees, Believers ftand, Planted by an Almighty Hand ; And all the Springs in Zion flow, To make the rich Plantation grow. A w-ak c 9Z ( 73 T Awake, O heav'nly Wind, and come, PUow on this Garden of Perfume ; Spirit divine, defcend, and breathe A gracious Gale on Plants beneath. Make Thou our Spices flow abroad, A grateful Incerife to our God ; Let Faith, and Love, and Joy appear, And ev'ry Grace be aftive here. H Y M N XCV. THY Favours Lord, furprize ourSouIb ; "Will the Eternal dwell with us? What can ft: thou find beneath the Poles, To tempt thy Chariot downward thus P Still might he fill his (tarry Throne, \nd pleafe his Ears with Gabriel's Songs; 3utth* heav'nly Majefty comes down, \nd bows to hearken to our Tongues. ireat God ! what poor Returns we pay, 7 or Love fo infinite as thine ? rfVords are but Air, and Tongues' but Clav : Jut all thy Mercies are divine. H Y M N XCVI. THE Fountain of Christ A (Till: us to nng, The Blood of our Prieft, Our crucify'd King : Which perfectly cleanfes From Sin and from Filth, And richly difpenfes Salvation and Health, ( 74 ) The Fountain fo dear He'll freely impart, When pierc d by the Spear, It flow'd from his Heart; With Blood and with Water, The firft to atone. To cleanfe us the latter ; The Fountain's but one. This Fountain from Guift Not only makes pure, • And gives, foon as felt, Infallible Cure : But if Guilt removed Return, and remain, Its Pow'r may be proved /gain, and again. This Fountain unfeal'd Stands open for all, That long to be heal'd, The Great and the Small; • Here's Strength for the weakly That hither are led ; Here's Health for the fickly; Here's Life for the Dead. This Fountain, tho* rich, From Charge is quite clear; The poorer the Wretch The welcomer here, Come needy, come guilty, Come lothefome, and bare; You cant come too filthy — 'Come juft as you are. ( K ) This Fountain in vain Has never been ttyd, "It takes out all Stain Whenever apply'd : The Water flows iweetly With Virtue divine, To cleanfe Souls completely, Tho' leprous as mine. o HYMN XCVIL COME let us join, Together combine, To praife our dear Saviour our Mailer divine, Him let us adore, Who cover'd with X^ore, Late hanged on Calv'ry, both wounded and poo.* He worthy is blefs'd, By Spirits at reft, Who once in this Defert his Godhead corifefs'd. The heav'nly Spheres, Who Taw Him in Tears, Yea ev'ry bled Angel, his Perfon reveres. The Prophets who told His Sufferings of old, Sing now fweet Thanksgiving on Pfalteries of (Gold, The Fathers to whom He fhew'd He would come, Now in his Pavilion, take up their long Home £ 2 ( fi ) The Spirits of Men, Who for Him were flain, From Abel the Righteous, fhare now in his (Reign. The Apoftles who flood, Reading to Blood, For Jesus's Gofpel, rejoice in their God. The ConfefTors too, Them proftrating low, Caft down their bright Mitres, and thankfully (bow. To Him that was (lain, The fcorn'd Nazarene, Be Glory and Honour : let all fay, Amen. HYMN XCVIIL COME, and let us fweetly join, Christ to praife in Hymns divirfe; Give we all with one Accord, Glory to our common Lord : Strive we, in Affeftion ftrive, Lei the purer Flame revive, Such as in the Martyrs glow'd, Dying Champions for their God* Sing we then in Jesu's Name, Now, as Yefterday the fame ; One in ev'ry Age and Place, Full of Love, of Truth, and Grace : Christ is now gone up on high, (Thither may our Wifhes fly : j Sits at God's right Hand above, There with Him we reign in Love! ( 77 ) H Y M N XCIX. A Spur for ProfefTors. LUkewarn Souls, the Foe grows flror.cci, See what Hofts your Camp furrcund, Arm to Battle : lag no longer. Hark ! the Silver Trumpets found. Wake, ye Sleepers ; wake. What mean you ? Sin befets you round about. Up, and fearch. The World's within you, Slay, or chafe the Traitor out. • What enchants you ; Pelf, or Pleafure ? Pluck right Eyes; with right Hands parf. Afk your Confcience, Where's your Trcafure ? For, be certain, there's your Heart. Give the fawning Foe no Credit. Lo ! the bloody Flag's unfurl'd. That bafe Heart (the Word has faid it) Loves not God, that loves the World. Gon and Mammon ? Oh ! be wifer. Serve them Both ? It cannot be. Eafe in Warfare, Saint and Mifer, Thefe will ne'er at all agree. Shun the Shame of foully falling Cumber'd Captives clog^'d with Clay, Prove your Faith. Make iure your Calling. Wield the Sword; and win the Day. Forward prefs toward Perfection. Watch, and pray ; and all Things provo. Seek to know your God's Elcftion; Search his cverlaMing Love. * 3 ( 7« ) Dread Backfliding, fcorn DiHembling. jNiOw Salvation's near in View. Vv T ork it out, with Fear and Trembling : 'Tis your God that works in You. H Y M N C. 10 /^ UIDE us, O Thou great Jehovah, * VJ Pilgrims, thro' this barren Land, We are weak, but Thou art mighty ; Hold us with thy powrful Hand : Bread of Heav'n. Brcdd of Heav'n, Feed us till we want no more. Open now the cryilal Fountain Vv hence the healing Streams do flow, ' Let the fiery cloudy Pillar # Lead us all our journey thro' : Strong Deliverer, ftrong Deliverer, Be Thou fttll our Strength and Shields When we tread the Verge of Jordan, Bid our anxious Fears fubfidc ; Death of Deaths, and Hell's Deftru&iori} Land us fafe on Canaan's fide : Songs of Praifes, Songs of Praifes, We will ever give to Thee. HYMN CI. On taking a Member into Society. "El come, Thou well-belov'd of God, Thou Heirof Grace, redeemed by Blood; Welcome with us thine Hand to join. As Partner of our Lot divine : Blefiings abundant from above, jGive Um y we pray* Thou God. of .fJove. ( 79 ) Wi'h us the Pilgrims' State embrace ; We're trav'ling to a blifsful Place, The new Jerufalem above, The radiant Throne, the Seat of Love. The Holy Ghoft that knows the Way, Conduct thee on from Day to. Day ! The Staff of Promife now receive, Thy weary Foottteps to relieve, The chief Support the Travler knows,. Lcaning on which he forward goes. Thus if for Reft thy Spirits call, Leaning on this thou can' ft not fall. With Peace, with ceafelefs Peace be fhod, The Shoes of Peace receive of God : Thcfe keep from Pain the Pilgrim's Feet, r\nd make the rugged Way feem fweet. So Sion's Paths fnall ever prove The Paths of Joy, and Peace, and Love. Thus onward move with upright Pace ; Stedfaft purfue the Gofpel-Race. Fill'd with the Pow'r of Truth divine, hove all the Strength of Jesus thine, Commiffioivd Angels foon fhall come. And waft thee to thy wifh'd-for Home. . HYMN CII. Upon going forth to Preach. FORTH in thy Strength. O Lord, wc go, Thy Gofpcl to proclaim, Thine only Righleoufnefs to Ihew, ; And glorify thy Name. . E % ( 8o" ) Vouchfafe thine Aid to fpeak thy Word In this appointed Hour! Attend it with thy Spirit, Lord, And let it come with Fow'r. Open the Hearts of all that hear, To make their Saviour Room, Now let them find Redemption near, Let Faith by Hearing come. Give them to hear the Word as thine. And while they thus receive, Prov,e it the facing Pow'r divine, To Sinners that believe. H Y M N CIIL After returning from Preaching, CLORY to Thee our Christ be giv'n, For this thy Gofpel Word, Thanks for the News revcal'dfiom Heav'n, Salvation from the Lord, Glory to thy great Name alone, That Life and Pow'r imparts; Now, Lord, thy Gofpel-Meifage own, And graft it on their Hearts. Now let them feel the Tidings true, Grant to thy Word Succefs ; Water it with thy heav'nly Dew, And give the wifrVd Increafe. Savour of Life ! O let it prove, And fhew their Sins forgiv'n ! CJTve them that Faith which works by Lore, Which ftveetly leads to Heav ? n. f Si ) FESTIVAL, H Y M N S. H Y M N CIV. Christ's Nativity. HARK! the Herald-Angels fi n& Glory to the new-born King L Peace on Earth and* Mercy rnild> God and Sinners reconciled. Joyful all ye Nations rife, Join the Triumphs "of* the Skies ; With tl i * angelic Hod proclaim, fci Christ is born in Bethlehem V* Christ, by higheft Heaven ador'c, Christ, the E verlafling L o r d ; Late in Time behold Him come, Offspring of a Virgin's Womb. VeiTd in Fleih the Godhead fee, Hail th' incarnate Deity ! Pleas'd as Man with Men t' appear, Jesus our Immanuel here. Hail the Heav'n-born Prince of Peace ! Hail the Sun of Righteoufnefs ! Light and Life to all He brings, Ris'n with Healing in his Wings. Mild he lays his Glory by, Bern, that Man no more mav die ; Born to raife the Sons of Earth, Born to give them fecond Birth. Come, Defirc of Nations, come,. Fix in us thy humble Home; Rife the Woman's concj^rirur Seed, Bruife in us the Serpent's I load, ( u i Adam's Likenefs now efface, Stamp thine Image in its Place ; Second Adam from above, Re-inftate us in thy Lovg ! HYMN CV. The fame. COME, thou long-expected Jesus, Born to fet thy People free; From our Fears and Sins releafe us. Let us find our Reft in Thee ! Ifr'el's Strength and Confolation, Hope of all the Earth Thou art ; Dear Defife of evVy Nation, Joy of ev'ry longing Heart ! Born thy People to deliver ; Born a Child, and yet a King; Born to reign in us for ever, Now thy gracious Kingdom bring t By thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our Hearts alone ; By thine all-fufficient Merit, Raife us to thy glorious Throne ! HYMN CVI. The Crucifixion of C h r 1 3 r, HEARTS of Stone, relent, relent, Break, by Jesu's Crofs fubdu'd ; &ee his Body mangled, rent, Cover'd with a Gore of Blood ! Sinful Soul, what haft Thou done ? MurJcr'd God's eternal Sen ! (•«3 ) Yes, our Sins have done the Deed, Drove the Nails that fix Him there, Crown'd with Thorns his facred Head, . Pierc'd Him with a Soldier's Spear, Made his Soul a Sacrifice; For a finful World he dies. Shall we let Him die in vain ? Still to Death purfue our God ? Open tear his Wounds again, Trample on his precious Blood? Teach us with our Sins to part, Jesus give a broken- Heart. HYMN CVH. The firnk* " J'TM S finifh'd," the Redeemer faid, A Ami meekly bow : d his dying Head, Whilft we this Sentence fcan, Come, Sinners, and obferve the Word, Behold the Conquefts of our LorDj. Compleat for helplefs Men. TipiJJi'd the Righteoufnefs of Grace, Fimflid for Sinners pard'ning Peace : Their mighty Debt is paid : \ccufing Law cancelled by Blood, \nd Wrath of an offended God In fweet Oblivion laid. Vho now fhall urge a fecond Claim ? n he Law no longer can condemn, Faith a Releafe can (hew : uftice itfelf a Friend appears; 'he Prifon-Houfe a Whilper hears, < :* Loofc him. and let hirn gto/' ( H J O Unbelief! injurious Bar ! Source of tormenting fruitlefs Fear, Why doft thou yet reply ? Where'er thy loud Objections fall, •' Tis finifh'd,'' dill may anfwer all, And filence ev'ry Cry. N . B . See Hymns for the S a c r a m e n t * HYMN CVIII. The Refurreclion of Christ. TH E Sun of Rightcoufnefs appears, To fet in Blood no more; Adore the Scatterer of your Fears, Your ridng God adore. .The Saints, when he redgn'd his Breath, Unclos'd their deeping Eyes; He breaks again the Bands of Death, Again the Dead arife. Alone the dreadful Race he ran, Alone the Wine-prefs trod : He dy'd and differ cl as a Man, He rifes as a God. In vain the Stone, the Watch, the Seal, Forbid an early Rife To Him who breaks the Gates of Hell, And opens Paradife HYMN CIX. The farm. CHRIST the Lor d is rifen to-day ! Hallelujah J Sons of Men and Angels fay, Hallelujah ! Raife your Joys and Triumphs high, Hallelujah J Sing, ye Heav'ns, and Earth reply, Hallelujah! ( ?s ) Love's redeeming Work is done, Fought the Fight, the Battle won : Lo ! our Sun's Eclipfe is o'er, Lo ! He fets in Blood no more. Vain the Stone, the Watch, the Seal, Christ hath burn; the Gates of Hell: Death in vain forbids his Rife, Christ hath open'd Paradife. Lives again our glorious King, Where, O Death, is now thy Sting ! Once he dy'd our Souls to fave ; Where's thy J/ift'ty O Grave ! Soar we now where Chris r lias led, Following our exalted Head : Made like Him, like Him we rife, Ours tiie Crofs, the Grave, the Skies, What tho' once we peri AY d all, Partners of our Parent's Fall ; Second Life we now receive, In our heav nly Adam live. Hail the Lord of Earfii and Heav'n ! Praile to Thee by Both, be giv'n ! Thee we greet triumphant now, Hail !,.the Resurrection — Thou ! King of Glory ! Soul of Blifs ! Everlafting Life is this — Thee to know— Thy Pow'r to prove, I hus to ring, and thus to love. N, B. S'rc Tfymhsfvr the LordVDav, ( 36 1 HYMN CX. The Afcenfion of Christ. OUR Lord if rifen from the Dead, Our Jesus is gone up on high, The Pow'rs of Hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the Portals of the Sky. There his triumphal Chariot waits, And Angels chant the folemn Lay, Lift up your Heads, ye heav'nly Gates, .. Ye everlafting Doors give Way. . Loofe all your Bars of mafly Light, And wide unfold th' etherial Scene ; He claims thofe Man (ions as his Right, Receive the King of Glory in! Who is the King of Glory, who? The Lord that all his Foes b'ercame ; The World, Sin, Death, and Hell o erthrew* And Jesus is the Conqu'ror's Name. \ Lo ! his triumphal Chariot waits, And Angels chant the folemn Lay, Lift up your Heads, ye heav'nly Gates, Ye everlafting Doors give Way ! Who is the King of Glory, who? The Lord of glorious Pow'r poifeft, The King of Saints and Angels too, God over all, for ever bloft I ( * 7 ) H Y M N CXI. For Wlulfunday. GRANTED is the Saviour's Prayer, Now dcfcends the Comiorter ; Open wide your Hearts to prove, All the Powers of Life and Love. Come, divine and peaceful GuefL Enter now each waiting Bread ; Polv Ghoft our Hearts infpirc, Kindle there the Gcfpcl-Fire. Crown the agonizing Strife, Principle and Lord of Life, Life divine in us renew, Thou the Gift and Giver too. Now defcend and fhake the Earth, Wake us into fecond Birth ; Now thy quickning Influence give. Breathe, and thefe dry Bones fliall live. Bid our Sin and Sorrow ceafe, Fill us with thine heav'nly Peace ; Joy divine we then (hall prove, Light of Truth, and Fire of Love. HYMN CXJI. TheJS^e, JESU, we hang upon the Word Our longing Souls have heard from Thee, Be mindful of thy Promife, Lord ! Thy Promife made to all, and me, »Thy Followers who thy Steps purfie, And dare believe that Goc is true. ( 88 ) Thou faidft, I will the Father pray, And He the Paraclete fhall give, Shall give Him in your Hearts to flay, And never more his Temples leave; Myfelf will to my Orphans come, And make you mine eternal Home. Come then, dear Lord ! Thyfelf reveal, And let the Promife now take Place ! Ee it according to thy Will, According to the Word of Grace ! Thy forrowlul Difciples chear, And fend us jdown the Comforter! He vifits now the troubled Breaft r And oft relieves dur fad Complaint ; But foon we lofe the tranfient Gueft, But foon we droop again, and faint, Repeat the melancholy Moan — M Our Joy is fled, our Comfort gone !" Haften Him, Lord, into each Heart, Our fure infeparabie Guide O might we meet, and never part ! O might He in our Hearts abide ! And keep his Houfe of Praife and Pray'r, And reft, and reign for ever — There ! HYMN CXIII. To the Trinity. BL £ S S ' D be the Father, and his Love? To whofe celeilial Source we owe Rivers of endlefs Joys above, And Rills of Comfort here below. ( 3 9 ) Glory to Thee, great Son of Gor\ From whofc dear wounded Body cell* A precious Stream of vital Blood, Pardon and Life for dying Souls. We give the facrcd Sfirit Praifc, Who in our Hearts of Sin and Woe, Makes living Springs of Grace arife, And into boundkfs Glory flow. Thus God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit we adore, That Sea of Life and Love unknown, Without a Bottom or a Shore. H Y M H CXIV. the fame. COME, Thou Almighty King, Help us thy Name to fmg, Help us to praife ! Fat h k r all-glorious, O'er all victorious ! Come and reign over us, A>; tie nt of Days. Jesus, our Lord, arife, Scatter our Enemies, And make them fall ! Let thine Almighty Aid Our fure Defence be made, Our Souls on Thee be Itay'd ; Lord, hear our Call. Come, Thou Incarnate Word, G ird en thy mighty Sword — - Our Pray'r attend ! ( 9° ) Come! and thy People blefsg* And give thy Word Succcfs, Spirit of Hoiinefs, On us defcend ! Come, Holy Com for t e r , Thy iacred Witneis bear In this glad Hour ! Thou who Almighty art, Nov/ rule in ev'ry Heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of Power ! .To the Great One in Three r*t:^~ai P*«5J£s be Hence — Evermore ! His Sov'reign iVJajeRy May wc in Glory fee, And to Eternity Love and ado-re ! II Y M N OXV. Thijlim. A! L, holy-j holy, holy Lord ! Be endlefs Praife to Thee ; Supreme, effential One ador'd, In co-eternal Three ! Enfhron'd in everlafting State, Ere Time its Round began, Who joipM in Council to create The Dignity of Man. All that the Name of Creature owns, To Thee in Hymns afpire ; May we as Angels on our Thrones For ever join the Choir! i ( 9* ) H Y M N CXYI. The fame. WE give immortal Praife To God the Father's Love : For all our Comforts here, And better Hopes above : He fent his own eternal Sox, To die for Sins that Man had done. To God the Son belongs Immortal Glory too, Who bought us with his Blood, From cverlafting Woe. And now He lives, and now Ke retghfj And fees the Fruit of all Ins Pains. To God the Spirit's Warmer, i m mo rt a 1 Worfh ip gi v c ; Whole new-ci eating Pow'r Makes the dead Sinner live. His Work compicats the l^eat Dcfign, And fills the Soul with Joy divine. Almighty God to Thee Be endlefs Honours done; The undivided Three, And the myflerious Ore ! Where Reafon fails with all her Pow'rs, 1 here Faith prevails, and Love adores. FUNERAL H Y M N S. H Y M N CXYII. /jTT THY fhould we mourn departing Friend:^ ^VV Or (hake at Death's Alarms? 'Tis but the* Voice that Jesus fends To call them to his Arms, ( 9* ) Are we not tending upward too, , As fa ft as Time can move ? Why fhould we wifh the Hours more flow, That keep us from our Love ? Why fhould we tremble to convey Their Bodies to the .Tomb ? There the dear Flelh of Jesus lay, And left a tweet Perfume. The Graves of all his Saints he blefs'd, And foften'd every Bed: Where fhould the dying Members rcu\ But with their dying Hca«l ? Thence He arofe, afcending high, And fhew'd our Feet the Way ; Up to the Ford our Flefii {hall fly At the great rifitig Day. H Y M N CXVfll. Tkfame. MY Soul, come meditate the Day, And think how near it (lands, When thou mufl quit this Iloufc of 'Clay*' And fly to unknown Lands. O could we die with thofe that die, And place us in their Stead ! Then would our. Spirits learn to fly. And converfe with the Dead. Then fhould we fee the Saints above* In their own glorious Forms, And wonder why our Souls fhould loVc To dwell with mortal Worms. , ( 93 ) II Y M N CXIX. The Lad Judgment. LO ! He comes with Clouds defcending, Once for favour d Sinners flain ! Thoufand thoufand Saints attending, -Swell the Triumph of. his Trait Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Amen. Ev'ry Eye (hall now behold Him, Rob'd in dreadful Majefty; Thofe who fet at nought and fold Him, PiercM and nail'd Him to the Tree, Deeply wailing, Shall the true Messiah fee. Ev'ry Ifland, Sea, and Mountain, Heav'n and Earth fhall flee away ; All who hate Him, muft confounded Hear the Trump proclaim the Day ; Come to Judgment ! Come to Judgment ! come away ! Now Redemption long expected, See ! in -folemn Pomp appear ! All his Saints by Man reje&ed, Nowihall meet Him in the Aif ! Hallelujah! See the Day of God appear ! Anfwer thine own Bride and Spirit, Haften, Lord, the genVal Doom ! The new r?eav*n and Earth &' inherit. Take thy pining Exiles Home : All Creation Tj&vails ! groans ! and bids Thee come 5 ( , we long to be at Home. HYMN CXXIV. At Parting. T)LEST be the dear uniting Love, JD That will not let us part ; Our Bodies may far off remove, We ftill are join'd in Heart. Join'd in one Spirit to our Head, Where He appoints we go, And ftill in Jesu's Footfteps tread> And do his Work below. O let us ever walk in Him, And nothing know befide, •Nothing defire, nothing efteem^ But Jesus crucify d. Clofer and clofer let us cleave To his belov'd Embrace, Expect, his Fulnefs to receive, And Grace to anfwer Grace, F \ 9* J Thus let us haften to the Day, Which fhall our Flelh reftore, When Death fhall all be done away, And Bodies part no more. HYMN CXXV. For Minifters at Meeting, WELCOME, welcome, bleffed Servant, Meffenger of Jesu's Grace ! O how beautiful the Feet of Him that brings good News of Peace ! All hail, Herald, Sec. Prieft of God, thy People's Joy. Saviour, blefs his MefTage tons, Give us Hearts to hear the Sound Of Redemption, dearly purchas'd By thy Death and precious Wounds* O reveal it, &c. To our poor and helplefs Souls. Give Reward of Grace and Glory, To thy faithful Labourer dear, Let the Incenfe of our Hearts be Offered up in Faith and Prayer. Blefs, O blefs him, &c. . Now, henceforth, for evermore. HYMN CXXVI. For Minifters at Parting* WITH all thy Pow'r, O Lord, defend Him whom we now to Thee commend $ Our faithful Minifter fecure, And make him to the End endu*e. ( 99 ) Gird him with all-fufficient Grace ; •Give tc his Footfieps Paths of Peace-; Thy Truth and Faithfulnefs fulfil, Preferve him, Lord, from ev*ry 111. "Before his Face Protection fend; G love him, fave him to the End! Nor let him as thy Pilgrim rove, Without the Convoy of thy Love, Enlarge, enflame, and fill his Heart, In him thy mighty Power exert ; That Thousands yet unborn may pi The Wonders of redeeming Grace. HYMN CXXVII. Infant-Baptif.r TH U S did the Sons of Abram pafs Under the bloody Seal of Grace : The young Difciples bore the Yoke, Till Christ the painful Bondage brqke. By milder Ways doth Jesus prove His Father's Cov'nant and his Love : He feals to Saints his glorious Grace; And not forbids their Infant-Race. , Their Seed is fprinkled with his Blood; Their Children fet apart for God ; His Spirit on their Offspring fhed, Like Water pour'd upon the Head. Let ev'ry Saint with chearful Voice In this large Covenant rejoice ; Young Children in their early Days, ghali give the God of Abr'am Praife. ( i°o ) HYMN CXXVIII. Adiilt-Baptifin. , DEscend, celeftial Dove ! ^ In ev'ry Bofom dwell ; Upon the prefent Water move While we the Influence feel. Anoint with holy Fire, Baptize with purging Flames This Soul, and with thy Grace infpi re, In ceafelefs living Streams, Thy heav'nly Un&ion give ; Thy Promife, Lord, fulfil; Give Pow'r thy Spirit to receive, And Strength to do thy Will. Thy Ordinance we obey, O meet us in the fame ; And with this Water now convey The Virtues of thy Name. Witnefs to this thy Sign, And grant the inward Grace ; Let this thy Servant feal'd for thine, - From hence depart in Peace. SACRAMENTAL HYMNS. HYMN CXXIX. IAMB of God # whofe bleeding Love _j Wc thus recal to mind, Send the Anfwer from above, And let us Mercy find; ( 'oi ) Think on us, who think on Thee, t And evVy ftruggling Soul releafe ; O remember Calvary, And bid us go in Peace. By thine agonizing Pain, And bloody Sweat, we pray ; By thy dying Love to Man, Take all our Sins away : Burft our Bonds, and fet us free, From all Iniquity releafe ; O remember Calvary, And bid us go in Peace. Let thy Blood, by Faith apply'd, The Sinner's Pardon feal, Speak us freely juftify'd, And all our Sicknefs heal : By thy PafTion on the Tree, Let all our Griefs and Troubles ceafe : O remember Calvary, And bid us go in Peace. Never let us hence depart, Till Thou our Wants relieve : Write Forgivenefs in our Heart, And all thine Image give : May our Souls (till cry to Thee, . Till perfected in Holinefs ; O remember Calvary, And bid us go in Peace. i 3 ( 102 ) / tear- *i-$3 HYMN CXXX. TPWAS on that dark, that doleful Night, A When Pow'rs of Earth and Hell arofe Againft the Son of God's Delight, And Friends betray'd Him to his Foes : Before the mournful Scene began He took the Bread, and blefs'd, and brake; What Love thro' all his Adions ran ! What wond'rous Words of Grace He fpake ! . " This is my Body broke for Sin, H Receive and eat the living Food." Then took the Cup, and blefs'd the Wine ! Ihis the New Covenant in my Blood. u P°A his C he r cr y' d > " till Time ftall end, In Mem ry of your dying Friend; " Meet at my Table, and record " The Love of your departed Lord." Jesus, thy Feaft we celebrate, We fhew thy Death, we ling thy Name, Till Thou return, and we fhall eat- The Marriage-Supper of the Lamb. HYMN CXXXI. THankful for ourevYy Bleffing. Let us hng, Christ the Spring, Never, never ceafing. Source of all our Gifts and Graces r Christ we own, Christ alone Calls for all our Praifes. f i°3 ) He difpcls our Sin and Sadnefs^ Life imparts, Chears our Hearts, Fills with Food and Gladnefs. He Himfelf for us hath given,. Us He feeds. Us He leads To a Feaft in Heav'n. HYMN CXXXIL ALAS! and did our Saviour bleed? And did our Sov'reign die ? Would he devote that facred Head For fuch a Worm as I ? Was it for Crimes that I had done, He groan'd upon the Tree ? Amazing Pity ! Grace unknown, And Love beyond Degree I Well might the Sun in Darknefs hide, And fhwt his Glories in, When God the mighty Maker dy'd For Man the Creature's- Sin. Thus might I hide my blufhing Face, While his dear Crofs appears ; DifTolve my Heart in Thankfulnefs, And melt my Eyes to Tears. But Drops, of Grief can ne'er repay, The Debt of Love I owe; May I here give myfelf away 1. 'Tis all that I can do. ? 4 ( "H ) HYMN CXXXIIL "HEN Saints furvey the.wondrous Crof& On which the Prince of Glory dy'd, Their richeit Gain they count but Lois, And pour Contempt on all their Pride. Forbid it, Lord, that they fhould boaft, Save in the Death of Christ, their God ; All the vain Things that charm them moll, They facrifice them to his Blood. See from his Head, his Hands, his Feet, Sorrow and Love flow mingled down ! Did e'er fuch Love and Sorrow meet, Or Thorns compofe fo rich a Crown ? Were the whole Realm of Nature mine, That were a Prefent far too foall; Love fo amazing, fo divine, Demands my Soul, my Life, my All. H Y M N CXXXIV. LOVE brought down God's dear only Son Into a Virgin's Womb, Love nail'd Him to th' accurfed Tree, And laid Him in a Tomb. Through ev'ry A&ion, fun 'ring too, The Law of Kindnefs reign'd, Love op'd thofe ghaftly Wounds thro' which His precious Life was drain'd. J^ove took him to his Father's Throne, \ There to prepare us Room, And Love will bring Him down again* To fetch us to his Home, HYMN CXXXV. OF Him who did Salvation bring, Lord, may we ever think and img! Arife, ye Guilty, he'll forgive; Arife, ye Needy, he'll relieve. Eternal Lord, Almighty King, All Heav'n doth with thy Triumphs ring ! Thou conquer'il all beneath, above, Devils with Force, and Men with Love ! To purge our Sins, Christ fried his Blood, He dy'd to bring us near to God : Let all the World fall down and know, That none but God fuch Love could {how. HYMN CXXXVI. HAPPY the Man to whom 'tis given To eat the Bread of Life in Heav'n ; Hi his Happinefs in Christ they prove, Who feed on his forgiving Lova* U Y M N CXXXVII. ' CO M E, Hcly Ghoft, fet to thy Seal, Thine inward Witnefs give,. |To all our waiting Souls reveal The Death by which we live. |3pe£tatcrs of the Pangs divine, O that we now may be ; iDifcerning in the facred Sign, His f*aiiionon the Tree; f 106 ) Repeat the Saviour's dying Cry- In ev'ry Heart fo loud, That ev'ry Heart may now reply, " This was the Son of God !*' H' Y M N CXXXVIIL LAM B of God, for whom we languiih,, Make thy Grief our Relief; Eafe us by thine Anguifh ! O our agonizing Saviour 1 By thy Pain, let us gain. God's eternal Favour I In thine own Appointment btefs usj Meet us here, now appear Our Almighty Jesus! Let the Ordinance be fealing; Enter now, claim us Thou For thy conftant Dwelling. Fill the Heart of each Believer : We are Thine, Love divine, Reign in us for ever,, HYMN CXXXIX. JESUS invites his Saints To meet around his Board ! Here pardon'd Rebels fit, and. hold Communion with their Lord. For Food He gives his Flefh : He bids us drink, his Blood : » Amazing Favour ! Matchlefs Grace Qf. our redeeming God 1 ( i°7 ) Let all our Pow'rs be join'd His glorious Name to raife ! Pleafure and Love fill ev'ry Mind, And ev'ry Voice be Praife* HYMN CXL. ALL PraifetotheLoRD. all Praife is his Due, To-day is his Word of Promifc found true; We, we are the Nations prefented to God, Well-pleafmg Oblations thro' Jesus's Blood, Poor Gentiles from far to Jesus we came, And offer'd we are to God thro' his Name ; To God thro' the Spirit ourfelves may we give, While fav'd by the Merit of Jesus, we live, * HYMN CXLI. WH AT Creatures befide Are favour'd like us? Forgiven, fupplied, And banquetted thus By God our good Father ; Who gave us his Son, And fent Him to gather His Children in One? Salvation's of God, Th' Effecl: of free Grace, Upon us beftow'd Before the World was, God from Everlafting Be blefl ; and again Bled to Everlafting; Amen, and Amen. ( *o8 ) HYMN CXLII. OLove divine, what haft thou done ! Th 1 immortal God hath dy'd for* me : The Father's co eternal Son Bore all my Sins upon the Tree : Th* immortal God for me hath dy'd ; My Lord, my Love, is crucify'd! Behold Kim, all ye that pafs by The bleeding Prince of Life and Peace ! Come, fee, ye Worms, your Maker die, And fay, " Was ever Grief like His!" Come, feel with me his Blood apply'd, My Lord, my Love, is crucify'd! Is crucify'd for me and you, To bring us Rebels back to God : Believe, and feel the Record true, That we are bought with Jesu's Blood; Pardon and Life flow from his Side : My Lord, my Love, is crucify'd! Then let us fit beneath his Crofs, And gladly catch the healing Stream ! All Things for him account but Lofs, And give up all our Hearts to Him ; Of nothing fpeak or think befide : My Lord, my Love, is crucify'd ! N. B. See Hymns outfit Crvcitixiox. ( ic 9 ) DISMISSION HYMNS. HYMN CXLIII. LORD, dHmifs us with thy Blefling ; Fill our Hearts with Joy and Peacaj Let us each, thy Love poflefTing, Triumph in redeeming Grace : O refrefh us, &c. Trav'ling thro* this Wildernefs. Thanks we give and Adoration For thy Gofpel's joyful Sound: May the Fruits of thy Salvation In our Hearts and Lives abound ! I Ever faithful, Sec, ^ To the Truth may we be found] So whene'er the Signal's given Us from Earth to call away, Borne on Angel's Wing to Heaven, Glad the Summons to obey, May we ever, &c. Reign with Christ in endlefs Day! HYMN CXLIV. THIS God is the God we adore, Our faithful unchangeable Friend ; Afhofe Love is as great as his PowV, Vnd neither knows Meafure nor End, * ( HO ) 'Tis Jesus, the Firft and the Lafl; Whofe Spirit fhall guide us fafe Home t We'll pTaife Him for all that is paft, And truft Him for all that's to come. HYMN CXLV. NO farther go to Night, but flay, Dear Saviour, till the Break of Day 4 Turn in, dear Lord, with me : And in the Morning when I wake, Me in thine Arms, my Jesus, take. And I'll go on with Thee, HYMN CXLVL DIsmiss us with thy Blefling, Lord ; Help us to feed upon thy Word : All that has been amifs forgive, And let thy Truth within us live. Tho' we are guilty, Thou art good ; Wafh all our Works in Jesu's Blood; Give ev'ry fetter' d Soul Releafe, And bid us all depart in Peace. HYMN CXLVIT. IF Jesus is ours we have a true Friend, his Gcodnefs endures the fame to the End: Our Tempers may vary, our Comforts decline, We cannct mifcarry, our Aid is divine* ( m ) HYMN CXLVIIL NONE but Jesus will wc frag. None elfe will wc adore; He our Prophet, Prieft, and King, Shall be for evermore. None among the heav'nly Powers, Nor one on Earth, our Praife may claim ; None but Jesus call we ours; None but the bleeding Lamb ! DOXOLOGIES. P Raise God, from whom all Bleflings flow; Praife Him, all Creatures here below ; Praife Him above, ye heav'nly Holt,; Praife Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, One God, whom we adore, Be Glory- as it was, is now, And fhall be evermore. FAther, Son, and Holy Chore, One God whom we adore, Join Ave with the heav'nly Hoft, To praife Thee evermore, Live by Heav'n and Earth ador'd, Three in One and One in Three ; Holy, holy, holy Lord, All Glory be to Thee, SING we to our God above, Praife, eternal as his Love : Praife Him, all ye heavenly Hoft, Praife Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, ( *H 8 ) TO God, who reigns enthroned on high. To his dear Son, who deign'd to die, Our Guilt and Curfe t' remove, To that bled Spirit who Life imparts, Who rules in all believing Hearts ; Be endlefs Glory, Praife and Love. TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, Be Praife amidft the heav'nly Hoft, And in the Church below ; From whom all Creatures drew their Birth By whom Redemption blefh the Earth, From whom all Comforts flow. GIVE to the Father Praife, Give Glory to the Son, And to the Spirit of his Grace Be equal Honours done. TO God the Father's Throne, Perpetual Honours raife : Glory to God the Son, To God the Spirit Praife^ With all our Pow'rs, Eternal King, Thy Name we fing, While Faith adores. GIVE Glory to God, ye Children of Men ; And publifh abroad again and again The Son's glorious Merit, the Father's free Grace, The Gifts of the Spirit, to Adam's loft Race, *%* i