tihvavy of trhe ^theological ^tminavy PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY £ ^^^.o. w nvH\ RULES OF DISCIPLINE or THE YEARLY MEETING OF FRIENDS, HELD- IN PHILADELPHIA. PRINTED BY DIRECTION OF THE MEETING. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY KIMBER, CONRAD, Zi CO. ^ .» 1806. INTRODUCTION, AS it hath pleased the Lord in these latter days, by his spirit and power, to gather a peo- ple to himself; and, releasing them from the im- positions and teachings of men, to inspire them with degrees of the same universal love and good will by which the dispensation of the gos- pel was ushered in, these have been engaged to meet together for the worship of God in Spi- rit, according to the direction of the holy Law- giver ; as also for the exercise of a tender care over each other, that all may be preserved in unity of faith and practice, answerable to the description which He the ever-blessed Shepherd gave of his flock " by this shall all men knovv^ that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.'^ John xiii. 35. For this important end, and as an exterior hedge of preservation to us, against the many, temptations and dangers, to which our situation in this w^orld exposes us, the following rules have been occasionally adopted by the society, and now form our code of discipline. In the INTRODUCTION. exercise whereof it is to be observed that, if any member be found in a conduct subversive of its order, or repugnant to the testimonies which we believe we are intrusted with for the ])romotion of truth in the earth, it becomes our indispensable duty to treat with such, in meekness and brotherly compassion, without unnecessary delay or improper exposure ; ac- cording to the direction of our Lord to his church '' if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault, between thee and him alone : if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established. And if he shall ne- glect to hear them, tell it to the church ; but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen-man and a publican.'^ Matt. chap, xviii. 15, 16, 17. This is the extent of the society's censure against irreclaimable oitenders, they are dis- owned as mem^bers of our religious community; which is recommended to be done in such a dis- position of mind, as may convince them, that we sincerely desire their recovery andg'estora- tion, *' considering ourselves, lest we also be tempted." Gal. vi. 1. For the more regular and effectual support of this order of the society, beside the usual INTRODUCTION. meetings for the purpose of Divine worship, others are instituted subordinate to each other ; such as First, Preparative meetings, which cmomonly consist of the members of a meeting for worship ; Second. Monthly meetings, each of which commonly consits of several preparative meetings ; Third, Quarterly meetings, each of which consists of several of the monthly meet- ings ; and Fourth^ the yearly meeting ^ which comprises the whole. These meetings have all distinct allotments of service ; and as experience shews that when this service is attended to in uprightness and dedication of heart, with a single eye to the honour of our Holy Head, and the help and edi- fication one of another, in the love wherewith he has loved us, our assemblies are often fa- voured with his aid and direction ; Friends are aflfectionately desired and exhorted, to be dili- gent in the attendance of them ; and when met, humbly seek to be clothed with the spirit of W'isdom and charity ; this will divest the mind of a dependance on our own strength and abili- ties, endue us with patience and condescension towards each other ; and being preserved in fel- lowship agreeably to our Lords declaration, *' One is your master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren," a qualification will be experienced in * In the society there are seven such yearly meeting's, viz, one in Great Britain, and six on the American continent. v:% H INTRODUCTION. our several stations and movements to build up one another in that faith which works by love to the purifying of the heart. So may we be living members of the Church- militant on earth ; and inhabitants of that city which hath foundations, whose maker and builder the Lord is ; knowing indeed with ex- ceeding joy that great is He the Holy One of Israel in the midst of her. APPEALS IF any person be dissatisfied widi, or think themselves aggrieved by the judgment of a monthly meeting, they may, after a copy of the testimony is delivered to them, notify the pe°aiingtobe first or second meeting (but no other) of their flontiiiy meet- intention of appeaUng to the ensuing quar- '"^* terly meeting : which noiification the months ly meeting should enter on its minutes, and appoint four or more Friends, to attend the J^e^Jj^nJ^iV^ quarterly meeting with that, and copies of the ^^^^^[^"^^^0^^^ minutes of the mens or womens meetinq;, rela- tend the quav- ^ terly meeiing tive to the case, signed by the clerk, or clerks, thereon. there to show the reasons whereon that judgm.ent was founded, and submitting it to the said meet- ing. The quarterly meeting is then to refer the committee of same to a solid committee of Friends (omitting meemg^Tp-^ those of the monthly meeting from which the ap- peal comes) and to confirm or reverse the said judgment as, on impartial deliberation, shall ap- pear to be right, taking care to inform the par- ties of the result. If such appellant is dissatisfied with the judg- ment of a quarterly meeting also ; and, on being pointed. 2 APPEALS. Notice to be informed thereof, shall notify that or the next (but given to the ... quarterly oUhe not after wards) of their intention to apply to the intention of car- . r r i i • i . i lying the ap- yearly meeting tor a further hearmg, the said quar- Fy meeting-! terly meeting, after recording such notification, is in like manner to appoint at least three Friends, to attend the yearly meeting with copies of the Copies of the rccords of both the monthly and quarterly meet- momhiy°and^ i^^gs in the case, signed by their clerks ; here meetings to be ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ finally determined, and a copy of the taken to the determination is to be sent to the meeting from yearly meetuig". ^ o which the appeal came. ARBITRATIONS ferences about property. IF occasions of differences arise between any of our members about their property, it is recommended that the parties proceed in the following manner : Let the party who thinks him or herself ag- -^^^^ p^g. grieved, calmly and kindly request the other to '(e^me^/^M^ comply with the demand ; and, if this be disput- ed, the complainant, or if he or she lives at too great a distance, some Friend whom they may authorise, should take with him one or two of the overseers, or other discreet Friends, and in their presence repeat the demand. If this step also fails of the desired effect, the v^^^^^^^^^ ^^ parties should be advised to choose a suitable Arbitrators * ^ ^ advisea. number of Friends as arbitrators, and mutually engage by bond, or other written instrument adapted to the occasion, to abide by their deter- mination. Should this proposal be acceded to, and ar- bitrators accordingly chosen ; they ought, as speedily as circumstances will admit, to appoint 4 ARBITRATIONS. time and place, and attend to the business with- Arbitrators out unnecessary delay ; giving the parties a fair panics a full and full hearing in the presence of each other, hearS^^ ^^ t)ut listening to neither of them apart, nor suf- fering their own sentiments to be known abroad till they have fully digested the subject, and come to a clear decision, which they should be careful to do within the time agreed on. But, if either of the said parties shall refuse to submit the matter in dispute to arbitrators ; or, when that is done, neglect to give his or her at- tendance when desired, without a sufficient rea- son being assigned ; or not abide by their award notcmnpiying wlicu issucd ; in either of those cases, the of- recommende!{ fcudcr should be complaiucd of to the monthly pia'me^d oTto' i^^ecting of which he or she is a member ; and the monthly -f ^^ity caunot be brousfht to a sense of their meeting. •/ «=> error, the said meeting should declare its dis- union with them, unless such person make it evident to the satisfaction of the said meetins: An erroneous c) or unjust a- ^\-^rj^^ ^j^g award is erroneous or unjust. In ward cause ot _ *' rehearing. ^^•hich casc the matter in dispute may be referred either to the same, or other arbitrators as the meeting shall judge best ; and their award shall be final. After which if either of the parties at variance, prove so regardless of peace and unity as not to acquiesce in such corrected determina- tion, the monthly meeting they belong to should proceed to issue a testimony against him or her so refusing. ARBITRATIONS. 5 Where arbitrators are at a loss for want of Arbitrators legal knowledge, it may be proper for them, at JlJ'Jonluh''''''^ the joint expense of the parties to take the opinion ^^^^^^^ ' of counsel learned in the law, in order to come at a proper judgment in the matter referred to them. And that they may the better answer the end of their appointment, and be helpful in conciliating the minds of the parties, they ought Butnotto cou- not to consider themselves as advocates for g^^^^, asTdvo- those by whom they are chosen, but as men, p^^ty.^"''' ^'^^^'' whose duty it is to judge righteously, fearing the Lord. They should, as much as may be, shun all previous information respecting the jjoe^i^jg^ce case; or, having heard any thing on it, stand J^^^^JJji^g^^^' unbiassed thereby. They should reject no evi- in the pre- J 'I -i sence of both dence or witness proposed; nor receive any but parties. in the presence of both parties ; and in their Tiie award . may be with- award, they need not assign any reason for their out assigning , . . any reason for CietermmatlOnS. the determina- tion. And whereas there may be some circum- stances even in disputed matters, wherein the foregoing wholesome method of proceeding can- not be complied with; such as, 1st. The party cases except- absconding, or leaving the country with design to defraud his or her creditors ; or, 2d. That the going through the meetings, by the time it must necessarily take up, might be a manifest damage, to the creditor or claimant, by other peoples postponing him or her, as in cases of apparent danger of bankruptcy, or the party being overloaded with debts, and other creditors ed. 6 ARBITRATIONS. generally coming on; or, 3d. That there may be danger of future damage to such as submit thereto, as in the case of executors, administra- tors, or trustees; it may therefore be necessary, and it is advised, that the monthly meeting where such cases happen, do hold excused such as shall in the two first mentioned circumstances in this paragraph, appear to them to be really necessitated to proceed at law; and in the latter case of executors, administrators or trustees, where it shall appear to the meeting that our Permission to friendly way would be unsafe, such may be per- have a disput- . . . . od case tried mittcd to havc the matter tried at law, with this at law. caution, that the parties on both sides do behave towards each other in brotherly love, decency and moderation, without anger or animosity, which will be a becoming testimony even in courts, and show that nothing but the nature of the case, and our station in common widi others, under the laws of the land, bring any of us there. As it may sometimes occur that a mem- ber, either for want of a clear understanding of the business, or through an improper influence conYider'^ca^e- ^^J p^escut a complaint against another mem- of Ifompiainr ^er, wherciu the overseers, after fully hearing both parties, being decidedly of opinion that the case does not require a reference, they are to advise a speedy settlement thereof; which being ineffectual, and the complainant remaining dis- satisfied therewith, he may have liberty to in- ARBITRATIONS. 7 form the preparative meeting where the other party is a member (without mentioning any name) that having a matter in dispute with one of their members, he is desirous of their assist- ance in order to a settlement thereof ;.... the said preparative , . . ,. . . meeting to ap- meetmg is then to appomt a judicious commit- point a com- tee to inquire into the propriety of the matter ""'"^^• being left to arbitration ; if they should judge that the complaint ought to be referred, they are to advise that it be submitted accordingly ; but if the said committee concur in judgment with the overseers, the complaint is to be dismissed. , Friends in the It is desired that persons dinering about ministry should \vorldly affairs, do as little as may be, engage from serving friends in the ministry as arbitrators in such asmuchTsmay be. cases. BIRTHS AND BURIALS, Solemnity of burials never to be pervert- ed into oppor- tunities for in- temperance or levity. AS those M'ho attend burials may sometimes come from far, and be in need of bodily refresh- ments, it is earnestly advised that, when this is really necessary, it may be taken in moderation; and that Friends be careful in this and all other respects to demean themselves with gravity and decency ; remembering that such seasons, es- pecially, ought never to be perverted into oppor- tunities for intemperance or levity. And it is desired that when any thing unseemly appears, the offender may be taken aside and tenderly admonished, that so every thing tending to lessen the solemnity of such occasions, may be avoided. It is recommended that one or more suitable Friends of each particular meeting be appointed tosee'thatg-ood by monthly meetings to attend at funerals, to ed at funerail' scc that good Order is observed ; and that the corpse be removed about an hour after the time set for meeting at the house. Advised that Friends be careful themselves, and discourage their children from attending the BIRTHS AND BURIALS. 9 worship of those who are not in communion ReUgioua cau^ with us, and particularly at burials; seeino; that, tiontobeob- ^ * '' ' o ' served respect- in SO doino;, there is a dans:er either of balkins: i"j?' he worship ^ o' ^ ^ oi those not la their testimony for the truth, to the woundinoj communioa *-' with us. of their own minds, or giving unnecessary offence to their sober neighbours. It is the sense of this meeting, that meetings no meeting to should not be appointed on account of the inter- for mtel'ment ment in our burial grounds of persons who membersh'ipr are not in membership with us ; and that invi- f"^^ no unua- ^ ' tion but for tations to the burials of such who are not inter- those in our own grounds. red in our burial grounds should not be made in our religious meetings. And also that Friends be relio'iously sruarded Caution "^ *-' against invifa- in publishing invitations to the burials of such tions to the bu- rials of" tliose not m membership with us who are admitted to notinmember- 1 • 1 • 1 ship. be interred m our grave yards. In order that meetings may not be held at the interment of our deceased members in a customary or formal way, it is advised, that the TeldaUnter-^ No formal cr customary proposal for holding any such meeting be previ- ously submitted to the consideration of the elders and overseers, or other solid Friends, either of the meeting in the compass of which the deceased resided, or of that in which the interment is to take place, that the counsel or mind of truth mav be waited for and followed. ments. 10 BIRTHS AND BURIALS. Appointment Aiid to prevent the introduction of improper burialgrounds. interments amongst us... .it is recommended that two or more Friends be appointed to the care of our several burial grounds by preparative or monthly meetings, as the case may require, and that no person who is not in membership be buried therein, without a permit in writing signed by one or two of those Friends ; who should also take care that our burial grounds be properly enclosed and kept in decent order. It is further recommended, that at all in- terments, time be allowed for a solemn pause, both before and after the corpse is put into the ground. Notnonuments I^ is the sensc of this meeting, that no of wood or monuments either of wood or stone be affixed stone to be in our grave ^q jrravcs in any of our burial s-rounds ; and if yards. ^ •' ^ "-^ any yet remain therein, that these be forth- with removed.... so that no cause of uneasiness on this account may exist, or partiality be justly chargeable upon us. Mourning: ha. Fricuds arc advised ae;ainst imitatinj^ the bits vain and «^ »=> superfluous. y^'u^ custom of Wearing or giving mourning habits, and all extravagant expenses about the interment of the dead. Regular re- As great inconvenience may arise from the cord of births want of duc attention to keeping: a resrular re- and burials to , i O O be kept. cord of births and burials, it is earnestly en- BIRTHS AND BURIALS. 11 joined on each monthly meeting, that they ap- point a careful Friend, whose duty it shall be, in a book provided for the purpose, at the monthly meeting's expense, to keep a record of all births and burials of members that shall occur within their respective limits and which shall be offered to him for that purpose ; and in order to engage the attention of monthly meetings more closely to this subject, it is further enjoined, that an explicit answer be annually given by monthly to quarterly meetings, and through them to the yearly meeting to the query, Whether due care is taken to keep a regular record of births and burials ? The form of the record to be as follows.... BIRTHS, Names of the Children. When born. Names of the parents. Their residence. Occasional Notes, BURIALS. Names of the deceased. When deceased. A^e. Where buried. Late Residence. Occasional/ Notes. 1 Form of the re- cords. 12 BOOKS. Meeting for ^^ bciiig recommeiicled to the meeting for ^uifeiinars to suflerinp's to take the oversidit of all writb2:s have tlie over- ^ ^ , Eight of reii^i- proi)osed to be printed, which relate to our re- ous books or \ *^ ^ ^ * writings to be limoiis principles or testhiionies ; our members printed & i r who may have any such publications in view, are to lay them before the said meeting, for its advice and concurrence. And it is the sense of this meeting that if any one shall print or publish any writing against the advice of said meeting Persona who for sufferings, or which tends to excite disunity publish con- ^ ^ trarytothisad- and discord amoug us, such persons should be vice to be dis- -i • i r» i owned. complamed of to the monthly meeting they be- long to, and if they cannot be convinced of the impropriety of their conduct, be testified against, as opposed to the peace and good order of the society. Advice against This meeting doth earnestly exhort all pa- eious'^^ookr" I'^nts, heads of families and guardians of minors, that they prevent, as much as in them lies, their children, and others under their care and tuition, from having or reading books and papers tend ing to prejudice the profession of the Christi- an religion, to create the least doubt concern- BOOKS. 13 ing the authenticity of the holy Scriptures, or of those saving truths declared in them ; lest their infant and feeble minds should be poisoned thereby, and a foundation laid for the greatest evils. And it is earnestly recommended to every member of our reHgions society, that they dis- courage and suppress the reading of plays, ro- mances, novels, or other pernicious books ; and printers and booksellers in profession with us, are cautioned against printing, selling, or lending such books ; as it is a practice so incon- sistent with the purity of the Christian reliejion. And against * "^ *- printing, seU And Friends are desired to be careful in the Ung, or lending choice of all books in which their children and families read, seeing there are many under the specious titles of promoting religion and mo- rality, which contain sentiments repugnant to the truth in Christ Jesus. such books. u CERTIFICATES Certificates for travelling- J'riends to be seasonably re- turned. Those of re- moval to be lodg-ed in the monthly meet- in,^ and re- corded. IT is recommended to the quarterly and monthly meetings to take care, that all certifi- cates or minutes which may be given to any travelling Friend be recorded, and upon the re- turn of such Friend, seasonably delivered back to the meeting ; and that all certificates of re- moval brought by any Friend intending to reside amongst us, shall be lodged in the monthly meeting, where the same is accepted ; and also that every meeting do keep a copy or record of all certificates which they give out. Mode of sign- ing certificates. All certificates of removal prepared for w^omen Friends, after being considered in their monthly meeting, are to be sent to the mens', and if there approved, signed by the clerks of both. If they are directed to any place beyond the limits of this yearly meeting, they are to be signed by the clerks, and at least four other Friends of each And if the certificate is for a man only, sex. it is to be signed by the clerk of the mens' meet- ing, and at least four other men Friends. Friends are advised to be very cautious in changing their places of residence: it having CERTIFICATES. 15 been observed that the dissolving of old, and the ASoT''' forming of new connections, have in many in- ^^^'Jf ^''^''" stances been attended with effects prejudicial to a growth in the truth and the service thereof, both in the heads and younger branches of fami- lies ; we therefore recommend to all, that on these occasions a strict attention be paid to the pointings of Divine Wisdom ; and that before any determine to change their places of abode, they consult with their experienced fellow mem- bers. It is the judgment of this meeting that when ^^.^^^a^^^^^ a certificate of removal from one monthly meet- ^^2^.''^''^'^" ing to another is received, the person or persons recommended shall be deemed members of the meeting they remove to. But if any such per- Exceptions un sons shall fall into circumstances requiring pe- cuniary relief within one year after the receipt of such certificate, he, she, or they shall be con- sidered as belonging to the monthly meeting from which they came. Yet the meeting removed to, ought to assist them, giving speedy notice thereof to the other. Whereupon that meeting should immediately take care of them, and repay the charge which has been or may be incurred on that account. And if the meeting from which such persons removed (on consulting with that within which they are) shall desire them to re- turn, he or she ought to comply, as soon as they are of abilitv so to do ; and the Friends where der certain cir- cumstances. 16 CERTIFICATES. they reside, should yield them such advice and assistance as the case may require. And if any such persons on being so required comply with shall rcfusc to comply, the said monthly meeting the meeting/ ^lay deal with them as opposed to the order of ©wnme^nt :^^'^ the society, and if they cannot be prevailed with to submit, issue a testimony of denial against them. But not to ex- tend to per- The above rule enjoining the return of members to the meetings they have removed sons in particu- from, IS, howcvcr, not dcsiffued to extend to the lar circum- ^^ stances. wife of a per SOU, w ho is not in membership with us, or to such of their minor children as are members ; but if such should need relief, within one year as aforesaid, they should be assisted, in the manner recommended, by the meeting they removed from ; if any Friend be reduced in his or her circumstances by fire or other sudden unavoidable losses, though it may be within one year after their removal as aforesaid, they should be kindly assisted and relieved by the meeting where such persons reside, and consi- dered members thereof. All Friends removing out of the limits of Application to . . i i r be made for their monthly meetings, whether lor continu- ance, or for any considerable length of time, are advised to apply to their respective meetings for certificates directed to those within which they propose to sojourn or settle. But if any shall re- CERTIFICATES. 17 move without so applying, the monthly meetings of which they are members, after the usual en- quiry made, and no obstruction appearing, should send certificates for them to the monthly meet- Manner of insrs within which they are removed, and that treating with without improper delay; but if their conduct removed at a requires their being dealt with, and the distance such as to be inconvenient for the meeting they have removed from, the monthly meeting within which they are, should be requested to treat with him or her thereon, and report the effect of its care. On which, if it proves satisfactory, a cer- tificate of recommendation or removal may be ordered; but if otherwise, and a testimony of dis- union is issued, the meeting within which he or she resides, should be furnished with a copy thereof, to be delivered to the party, with infor- mation of their right of appeal. It is to be understood that where apprentices, Parents, guar- . - dians or mas- or persons under age, are under a necessity or ters to apply going from one place to another, their parents for minors. or guardians, masters or mistresses, should ap- ply for certificates for them, recommending them to the care and oversight of the monthly meet- ings whereto they remove. If any person appearing as a Friend, come within the compass of a monthly meeting, not being recommended by certificate, and be of dis- orderly conduct, the overseers, or other con- cerned Friends, should enquire whether or not 18 CERTIFICATES. Jrdedrcon^'^' ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ member of our society; and, if duetto be they prove so to be, admonish them, or, if the treated with. "^ ' ^ ' ' occasion require it, report the case to the pre- parative, and from thence to the monthly meet- ing; which should thereupon inform the monthly meeting of which he or she is a member, of the circumstance, and take the direction of said meet- ing, for dealing further with them, according to our rules in cases of that nature. Visits to such It is recommended that monthly meetinars, who bring cer- ^ '' . tificates. as Way may open, appoint two or more Friends to visit such, who come recommended by cer- tificate to settle amongst them. Certificates Monthly meetings are advised to take due Sonth?ymeet°-^ carc that Certificates of removal be seasonably 6efson^i^°for^. forwarded by suitable conveyances to the month- warded, ly meetings to which they are directed.... they being the exclusive property of such meetings. 19 CHARITY AND UNITY; IT is advised, that where there is any ap- Dissension,va» pearance of dissension and variance, or of un- neTs^to^ claim kind resentment and shyness among our mem- ^^^^y ^*^^' bers, the parties be timely and tenderly apprised of the danger to which they thereby expose both themselves and others, and earnestly exhorted to mutual condescension and forgiveness, becom- ing the followers of Christ : And if any, not- withstanding such endeavours for their help, continue to manifest an implacable enmity to others, the overseers or other solid Friends of the preparative or monthly meeting they belong to, should be informed thereof, and labour fur- ther with them: when, if they still prove inflexi- impiacabieen. . mitv to btt tes- ble, they ought to be testified agamst as out of tified against. the unity of the body.... the very end of whose existence is the promotion of peace on earth, and good will amongst men. 20 CIVIL GOVERNMENT, Liberty of cor - science assert- ed. None to ac- cept an office or station re- straining the religious liber- ty oftheir brethren. Snch exercise of that author- ity cause of disovvnment. LIBERTY of conscience being the com- mon right of all men, and particularly essential to the well-being of religious societies, we hold it to be indispensably incumbent upon us to maintain it inviolably among ourselves : and therefore advise and exhort all in profession with us, to decline the acceptance of any office or sta- tion in civil government, the duties of which are inconsistent with our religious principles ; or in tlie exercise of which they may be, or think themselves to be, under the necessity of exact- ing of their brethren any compliances against which we are conscientiously scrupulous. And if any persons in membership with us, notwith- standing this advice, shall persist in a conduct so reverse to our principles and religious liberty, it is the sense of this meeting that they be treated with, as in other cases of offence ; and if they cannot be brought to see and acknowledge their error, that the monthly meetings to which they belong should proceed to testify our disunity with them. CIVIL GOVERNMENT. 21 And it is also the sense and judgment of this None to elect or promote meetmg, that Friends ought not, in any wise, to their feiiow- , . ... . members to be active or accessary in electing, or promoting stations which to be elected, their brethren to such offices or vvrsie^our\es- stations in civil government, the execution ^^"^°"^- whereof tends to lay waste our Christian testi- mony, or subject their brethren or others to suf- ferings on account of their conscientious scru- ples. Believing that we are called to show forth to the w^orld in life and practice, that the blessed reign of the Messiah, the Prince of Peace, is kingdom ot begun, and we doubt not, will proceed till it attains its completion in the earth, when ac- cording to the prophecies of Isaiah and Micah, ^' Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, *' neither shall they learn war any more".... Influenced by these principles, we cannot con- whose sub- sistently join with such as form combinations of johiln hosUie a hostile nature against any ; much less in oppo- "^^*'^'^^-- sition to those placed in sovereign or subordi- nate authority ; nor can we unite with or en- courage such as revile and asperse them, for it is written, " Thou shalt not speak evil of the " ruler of thy people." Acts xxiii. 5, 22 CONDUCT AND CONVERSATION. WHATEVER exercises we may meet with Faithfulness Oil accouiit of a faithful testimony to the truth recommended . ,, ,,. by the blessed 111 all goohncss of coiiversatioii ; and to the end example of our , p . . « i -i Saviour. that wc may not lamt m our mmds, let us con- sider the Captain of our salvation, who endured the contradiction of sinners, bearing his cross and despising the shame, and is now set down on the right hand of God, where he continually maketh intercession for us... .that following him, and under his banner fighting the good fight of faith, we may finally obtain the crown of righte- ousness which fadeth not away. Advised that such be dealt with, who are given Immoral con- duct to be tes- to lying, swearing, cursing; men and women tified ag-ainst ' , , • • i by the month, unlawfully or unseemly keeping company with ymeeing-. ^^^^^ Other, or any other scandalous practice; and where any are guilty of gross or notorious crimes, or such other disorderly or indecent practices as shall occasion public scandal, after being dealt with by the overseers or other con- cerned Friends, if they are brought to a sense thereof, such offenders ought without improper delav, to remove the scandal, and clear, as much CONDUCT AND CONVERSATION. 23 as in them lies, our holy profession therefrom, Oibytheoffen- II' ders when by acknowledging the offence, and condemnmg bn-v.ghttoa the same in writing under their hand, to the thereof'^ satisfaction of the monthly meeting whereto they belong. And where any such offender refuseth so to acknowledge and condemn the fault, the said monthly meeting ought speedily to testify against him or her, and the fact. If any in membership w^ith us shall bias- blasphemy &c. pheme, or speak profanely of Almighty God, ^^^.^^^ Christ Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, he or she ought Friends. early to be tenderly treated with for their in- struction, and the convincement of their under- standing, that they may experience repentance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and forgiveness ; but should any, notwithstand- ^^'^'jlf^^Jf^f ^^';j^^^ ing this brotherly labour, persist in their er- of disownment. ror, or deny the divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the immediate revelation of the Holy Spirit, or the authenticity of the Scriptures; as it is manifest they are not one in faith with us, the monthly meeting where the party belongs, having extended due care for the help and benefit of the individual without effect, ought to declare the same, and issue their testi- mony accordingly. It is the earnest concern of this meeting that strict justice in all our deal- in all our dealings and transactions among men, ings to be strict justice may be observed, and that no mo- tives of pecuniary interest may induce any of our members to impose on each other, or on OD- served. 24 CONDUCT AND CONVERSATION. their neighbours; and it is desired that monthly- meetings may be careful to extend suitable ad- monition against a spirit of covetousness, and against every appearance of deviation from strict justice in any of our members. Frequent waiting in stillness on the Lord for Sesf o"n^the ^hc rcucwal of Strength, keeps the mind at home Jiie minT^^ith ^^ ^^^ proper place and duty, and out of all strength. unprofitable association and converse, whether amongst those of our own, or other professions. Much hurt may accrue to the religious mind by long and frequent conversation on temporal mat- ters, especially by interesting ourselves unne- cessarily in them ; for there is a leaven in that propensity, which being suffered to prevail, in- disposes and benumbs the soul, and prevents its frequent ascendings in living aspirations towards the fountain of eternal life. 25 CONVINCED PERSONS. IT is concluded that the following order be Order pre. . scribed for re- observed respecting persons who apply for ad- ceivinp^con- - , . vinced persons mittance into membership, and request to come into member- under the care of Friends.... That they apply to ^ '^* the overseers or elders, who, when they are easy so to do, are to lay it before the preparative meeting; and after that meeting is fully satisfied, by paying a solid visit, or otherwise, they are to lay the case before the monthly meeting; which meeting shall appoint some suitable Friends to inquire into the persons' life and conversation, and also to take a solid opportunity of confer- ence with the party, in order the better to un- derstand whether his or her motives for such request be sincere, and on the ground of true convincement ; and make report of their sense of the persons' suitableness to become a mem- ber ; on which when the meeting is satisfied, a minute should be made, signifying the accept- ance of such into membership, and appointing a Friend or two to acquaint the person thereof, requesting his or her attendance at the next monthly meeting. 26 CONVINCED PERSONS. But in all such cases, Friends are exhorted to attend carefully to the advice of the apostle, *' Lay hands suddenly on no man :" the neglect of such caution having often been injurious both to the individuals and to the society. ...to them, by settling them in a false rest ; and to the so- ciety, by adding to its numbers, without in- creasing its joy. Wherefore, we desire, that on every applica- tion of persons to be received into membership Weighty de- ^^ith US, monthly meetinars may be deep and liberation ^ \ ^ -^ ^ p -^ * needful to be weighty in their deliberations and result; and clearly satisfi- ..,..,, ed of the par- whcu United m bclievHig that the applicants are membership, clearly convinced of our religious principles, and in a good degree subject to the divine wit- ness in their own hearts, manifested by a cir- cumspect life and conduct, said meetings are at liberty to receive such into membership, with- out respect to nation or colour. 27 DAYS AND TIMES. times, &c. Some reasons for not oh sermng fasts and feast days and times ^ and other human injunctions and institutions relative to the worship of God. EVER since we were a people we hav^e had a testimony against formal worship, being con- vinced by the precepts of our Lord Jesus Christ, Reasons a. , . . p , . , , g:ainst fast and the testnnonies oi his apostles, and our own ex- ^east days and perience, that the worship and prayers which God accepts, are such only as are produced by the influence and assistance of his holy Spirit ; we cannot therefore consistently unite with any in the observation of public fasts, feasts, and what they term holy days ; or such injunctions and forms as are devised in man's will for divine worship ; the dispensation to which outward observations were peculiar, having long since given place to the spiritual dispensation of the gospel, we believe the fast we are now called to is not the bowing of the head like a bulrush for a day, but an uni- versal and continual fasting and refraining from every thing which has a tendency to defile the soul and unfit it for becoming the temple of the 28 DAYS AND TIMES. Holy Ghost, according to the injunctions of Chiist to his primitive disciples, *' If any man will come after me, let him take up his daily cross and follow me. Watch ye therefore and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man." That the primitive believers saw an end to these sha- dows of good things, by coming to Him in whom all figures and shadows end, is evident by the words of the apostle Paul; *' For Christ, said he, is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that belicveth," Rom. x. iv. — *' But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises." Heb. viii. 6. ** Let no man therefore judge you in meat or drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days, which are a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ." Col. ii. 16. 17. And the same apostle thus ex- postulated with some who it appears had fallen from the true faith in these respects, ** But now after that ye have known God, how turn ye again to the beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage. Ye observe days and months, and times, and years : I am afraid of you lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain." Gal. iv. 9, 10, 11. 29 DEFAMATION AND DETRACTION. FRIENDS are every where exhorted to maintain a strict watch over themselves and each other against the subtle and mischievous spirit strict vigilance f. 1 • 11 • -r ag-ainst 'he spi- of tale-bearing and detraction.... the manifest ten- rit of detrac dency of which is to lay waste the unity of the mended. ' body, by sowing the seeds of disesteem, strife, and discord among brethren and neighbours; as well as to unfit those who either propagate or lis- ten to evil reports, for being of that service to the persons reflected upon, which they might be if the order prescribed by our blessed Lord to his Gospel order church, was strictly observed, viz. '' If thy bro- *' ther shall trespass against thee, go and tell him " his fault betvv^een thee and him alone : if he '* shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. *' But if he will not hear thee, then take with *^ thee one or two more, that, in the mouth of ''two or three witnesses, every word may be *' established. And if he shall nco'lect to hear *' them, tell it unto the church; but if he ne- *' gleet to hear the church, let him be unto thee *' as an heathen man and a publican." 30 DEFAMATION AND DETRACTION Detractors to be testifi(^d a- gainst if the labour is inef- fectual. It is therefore advised that, in whomsoever this weakness appears, it may be immediately checked ; and, if any one gives way to it, to the obvious injury of another's reputation or inte- rest, let him or her be faithfully admonished ; and, if they persist, and cannot be prevailed with to give due satisfaction, the preparative or monthly meeting should be informed of it, and deal further with them ; when, if this produce not the desired effect, they should be testified against. Reporters to be dealt with and if tliey «ill rot discover the authors disowned. And, if any member who offends in this res- pect, shelters him or herself under a pretence, that they say no more than they have heard from others, but will not discover who they are.... Such reporters or tale-bearers should in like manner be dealt with, and testified against as being themselves the authors. 31 DISCIPLINE AND MEETINGS FOR DISCIPLINE. and subordina- tion of meet- THE institution of our meetings for disci- pline having, on experience been found very be- neficial, it is earnestly recommended they may be maintained in that authority, wherein they were established : Where any have been negligent in attending them, or opposed to their usefulness, carnality and spiritual death have been the consequence. The connection and subordination of our connection meetings for discipline are thus : Preparative meetings are accountable to the monthly ; '^^s^ monthly to the quarterly; and the quarterly to the yearly meeting. So that if the yearly meet- ing be at any time dissatisfied with the proceed- ings of any inferior meeting ; or a quarterly meet- ing with the proceedings of either of its monthly meetings ; or a monthly meeting with the pro- ceedings of either of its preparative meetings.... Such meeting or meetings ought with readiness and meekness to render an account thereof when required. DISCIPLINE. Meetings es- tablished by superior meet- ings. Meeting- for wnrsiiip con- sisting- of members of two or more monthly meet- ings. A meeting thus circum- stanced ap- pointed a pre- parative meet- ing. It is agreed that no quarterly meeting be set up or laid down, without the consent of the yearly meeting; no monthly meeting without the con- sent of the quarterly meeting ; nor any prepara- tive or other meeting for business or worship till application to the monthly meeting is first made; and, when there approved, the consent of the quarterly meeting be also obtained. Also, that no meeting for worship intended to consist of Friends belonging to two or more monthly meet- ings shall be set up, until the proposal be offered to and approved by both those monthly meet- ings, and the consent of their respective quar- terly meeting or meetings be obtained : when the meeting proposed, is opened, it should be attended by a few solid Friends, deputed by each of the said monthly meetings. And, if at any time, it is thought expclient, that a preparative meeting should be held at the same place, the consent of the said monthly and quarterly meet- ings should be, in like manner, applied for and obtained ; and the said preparative meeting should be annexed to either one or the other of those monthly meetings, as may be most likely to con- duce to the benefit of the individuals who com- pose it, and the advantage of society. Books to be provided for fair record of minutes. It is directed, that a book be provided by every monthly and quarterly meeting, and fair minutes be kept therein, of all matters which shall come before and be determined by them. INlonthly meetings, particularly, are advised to DISCIPLINE. 33 attend to and finish all such business with care and dispatch, that it may, at no time, suffer by Monthly toap- improper delay. And, if any case under consi- Tym^eeUngsfor deration proves too weighty or difficult for them ^^^^^^*"^^- to determine, they should apply to their respec- tive quarterly meetings for assistance ; or, if the circumstances are such as to require it, refer it thereto by minute. It is the sense of this meeting, as a general copies of mi. rule in all cases, that where any monthly or quar- "',1^^^^'^'^^^ ^^ terly meeting has occasion for, and requests co- meetings: pies of any of the papers, minutes, or records of another monthly or quarterly meeting, the same may accordingly be granted. Where any difference happens among Friends, and the same be entered in any monthly or quar- And also to terly meeting-book, it is agreed, that if the par- quartei^^and ties, or either of them, think that copies of such Ts'IlJprr^^^^ entries may be useful and necessary for them, ^^^''^°^- and request the same, such monthly and quar- terly meetings shall have a discretional power to give or refuse such copies, according to the cir- cumstances and motives attending. It is agreed, that a suitable number of men „ Representa- and women be appointed in each monthly meet- t'^'^s to be ap. , . ^ pointed in mg, to attend the service of the quarterly meet- monthly meeN ing, with such reports in writing, signed by '"^'' their clerks, as may be given them in charge : also, that at least four of each sex be appointed vised. 34 DISCIPLINE. And also in cacli quarterly meeting, to attend the yearly in quarterly meetings. meeting. And it is earnestly advised and desired, that all Friends who submit to these, or any other Punctual at" . - . , , . . . tendance ad- services ot society, may be punctual in their at- tendance thereon ; or, if prevented by sickness, or any other unavoidable occurrence, that they be careful to send information thereof; also, that those who are under appointments to meetings, do not withdraw therefrom before the conclu- sion, without obtaining the meetings' consent. And when proposals of marriage are made, Neai- relations . • , i to parties in- II any near relations oi the parties (who are not rir^e""mry^be iu membership) are permitted' to be present, seJThb'^^roce- they should withdraw before the meeting pro- ^"^^* ceeds to any other business. Mode of treat- ing with such who reside at a distance. It is advised that if a member under dealing removes into the compass of another monthly meeting; or, if previous to or after such removal the conduct of him or her has been such as to require their being dealt v/ith....and their resi- dence be at so great a distance as to render it in- convenient for the monthly meeting to which they belong, it should request that into which they are removed, to treat with them according to our rules, and to report the effect of its care; when, if it is satisfoctory, the party should be recommended by certificate; or if otherwise, and a testimony of denial is issued, a copy thereof cipline. DISCIPLINE. 35 should be sent to the monthh^ meeting within the limits of which he or she resides, and that meeting is to appoint two or more Friends to inform them thereof, and of their right of appeal. After a charge against a member for disor- derly conduct is entered on the minutes of a offenders not , , . , 111-1 to sit in any monthly meetmg, he or she should not be per- meetmgfordis- mitted to sit in any of our meetings for discipline, till the case is issued, and the monthly meeting satisfied. It is advised, that where any transgress the rules of our discipline, they may, without partial- ity, be admonished and sought in the spirit of love and divine charity, so that it may be seen by all, that the restoring spirit of meekness and christian love abounds, before church censure takes place, and that a gospel spirit is the spring and motive to all our performances, as well in discipline as in worship. It is earnesdy recommended, that in con- ducting the aiFairs of the church. Friends endea- Recommended •^ ' that tlie disci- vour to manage them in the peaceable spirit and p^'"^ be man- , ag-edin v\isdom wisdom of Jesus, with decency, forbearance and and with love to each other. love to each other. It appearing by the minutes of the meeting for suflferings, that on inspection of some of the counts of suf- r rr ' 11 1 fering-s to be accounts or suftermgs sent up by the quarterly forwarded to meetings, considerable difficulty has been occa- for s'ufferTnls. 36 DISCIPLINE. sioned by those accounts, not expressing with sufficient clearness, what the sufferings men- tioned were for ; it is now desired that the monthly and quarterly meetings may in future leave out of their reports any instances which do not appear to be clearly consistent with the sense of this yearly meeting ; and that they con- tinue to collect and send up their accounts of sufferings annually as heretofore directed. Rig-hts of children defin- ed. As to the rights of children, whose parents have been married contrary to the rules of our discipline ; it is agreed, that where either of those parents remain out of membership, their children should not be esteemed members, till application for their admission is made, either by themselves, or by their parent, parents, or guardians on their behalf, and the monthly meet- ing applied to, on a solid consideration of the case, is easy to admit them, or any of them.... The rights of children, born of parents who have been married according to our rules and disown- ed after their birth, are not intended to be affected by this rule : neither the rights of such minor children as are not of an age to judge for them- selves, whose parents have both condemned their outgoing in marriage, while either of the said parents retains his or her right of membership. Sorcery to be jf ^y^y member of our relimous society, shall testified - fc) .^ ' against. ^pply to those Called jugglers or fortune-tellers, or those wlio by colour of any art or skill what- Clerks to be DISCIPLINE. 37 soever, pretend to a knowledge of future events, hidden transactions, or where things lost or sto- len may be found; or if any of our members shall use, or pretend to such art or skill, it is advised that they be speedily dealt with, and if they do not manifest a due sense of their evil conduct, that they be testified against. A committee should be annually appointed in each of our quarterly and monthly meetina:s, seasonably . , , changed. for the nomination of clerks ; which may afford opportunity for their being seasonably changed, and more of our qualified members exercised in those services. As the use and design of preparative meet- ings is in general to digest and prepare business parat^e meeT- as occasion may require, which may be proper ^"^^" to be laid before the monthly meeting. Friends ought to be careful therein, not to occasion un- necessary delays, or undertake to decide on any business which claims attention and care in monthly meetings.... And when cases are agreed to be carried forward, they sh nil:! be entered in writing, and some suitable Friend or Friends named to produce them to the monthly meet- ings ; and proper notes thereof should be care- fully preserved by clerks of preparative meetings, as to said meetings may appear useful and right. But no preparative meeting shall take cognizance ^llproposals of marriage, this being exclusively the business of monthlv meetins:s. 38 DONATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS. EXECUTORS and trustees concerned in wills and settlements, are advised to a faithful and punctual discharge of their respective trusts, according to the intent of the donors and testa- tors ; and both they and the meetings concerned in any charitable gifts, legacies, or bequests, to Appropriation ^^^q special carc that these be not perverted or to be strictly appropriated to any other uses than such as the observed. * i a j donors or testators have directed and enjoined. by legal settlement, will, or testament. 39 FAMILY VISITS, AS the visiting of Friends in their families in the openings of heavenly wisdom, is a service which hath often been blessed to the minds of the visitors and visited, this meeting hath from time to time recommended it to the solid atten- tion of quarterly and monthly meetings : and it is desired, that concerns of this nature may be tenderly cherished, and those who are rightly exercised therein, encouraged to move forward in due season, and in a humble dependance on the Shepherd of Israel, who not only puts his own forth, but goes before and rewards all who are faithful to his appointments, with the enriching reward of sweet comfort and solid peace. 40 GAMING AND DIVERSIONS. AS our time passeth swiftly away, and our delight ought to be in the law of the Lord ; it is advised that a watchful care be exercised over our youth, to prevent their going to stage- plays, horse-races, music, dancing, or any such fv^rdlxli'ions, vain sports and pastimes ; and being concerned ownment^^^ in lotteries, wagering, or other species of gam- ing. And if any of our members fall into either of these practices, and cannot be prevailed with, by private labour, to decline them, the monthly meetings to which the offenders belong, should be informed thereof, and, if they be not reclaim- ed by further labour, proceed to testify our disunity widi them. 41 LAW. IF any member is complained of for with- . * Refusal to pay holding a just debt, he or she should be tenderly j^^s^ ^^^ts to 1 ^ 'n 1 ' ' .1. 1 t)^ testified urged to payment ; and if tins is unavailing, be against, dealt with as in other cases of disorderly con- duct. And if any of our members appear unable to satisfy their creditors, they should be advised to call them together without loss of time ; and submit the state of their affairs to their inspec- tion: when, if the creditors apprehend a surren- Debtors ef- . feels to be der of the debtors' effects to assignees for the surrendered. benefit of the v/hole to be necessary, let him or her be earnestly entreated to consent, and, if they refuse so to do, the monthly meeting should Refusing^ so to be informed thereof ; when, if the party still per- disownment, sists in refusing, he or she should be disowned without too long delay. But if Friends in such difficult circum- stances, manifest an honest intention, and shall offer their all to their creditors ; let compassion rit>"o beexer and aid be extended to them as brethren, and ob- ^^^^^' jects of Christian charity.... having done what they can, no more for the present is justly to be G 42 LAW. Attainment of abilitv to dis- charg-e de- ficieiiciesto be honestly appli- ed thereto. But no molest- ation to be ad- mitted while deb; rs are endeavonring to retrieve their circumstances. Defaulters re- fusing- to com- ply with the re- quest of a monthly meet- ing-, to be dis- owned. expected from them. Yet it is the judgment of this meeting, that if persons so failing in their circumstances, should at any time afterwards be favoured with full ability to pay off their defi- ciencies, justice will require it of them, notwith- standing a composition with, and legal discharge from their creditors may have been obtained. This is however not meant to furnish any with a pretext for advancing such claims while per- sons so deficient are honestly labouring to re- trieve their circumstances, nor until it shall clearly appear to their respective monthly meet- ings, or to a solid committee thereof, that a suf- ficient ability is arrived at ; when, if they are requested to comply, and persist in refusing, the said meetings should proceed to disown them. And it is desired, that no debtors may shel- ter themselves under such of our rules, as are designed to guard us against an unkind treat- ment of each other, unjustly hoping to be there- by put out of the reach of tne civil authority. Suing at law disallowed. And it is the sense of this meeting, that if any member thereof, disregarding the gospel order prescribed by our discipline, shall arrest or sue at law another member (not being under such a necessity so to do, as may satisfy the overseers or other solid and judicious Friends of the meeting to which the latter belongs) he or she in so doing, doth depart from the peaceable LAW. 43 principle we make profession of; and if on being treated with by the monthly meeting to which they belong, they cannot be prevailed with to withdraw the suit and pay the costs thereof, they should be disowned. MARRIAGES. Waitin for ^'^ ^^ aclviscd, that all young or unmarried divine rounsei people in membership with us, previously to sent of parents their making any procedure in order to marri- recoramended. age, do seriously and humbly wait upon the Lord for his counsel and direction in this important concern ; and when favoured with satisfactory clearness therein, they should early acquaint their parents or guardians with their intentions, and wait for their consent ; thus preservation from the dangerous bias of forward, brittle, and uncertain affections, would be experienced to the real benefit of the parties, and the comfort of their friends.... And it is earnestly recommended to Friends, that they tenderly and carefully watch over the youth, and extend seasonable caution and admonition, as occasions may require. Agreed that all single persons, being about Sl'^n i™la,f to "^^^^y ^t a distance from home, do take care cev^fficates^of ^^ procurc Certificates from the monthly meeting their clean ess, ^w bcloug to, of their ridit of membership, and and obtaining ^ D ' f> r? parents con- clcamess from any other person in respect to seiit - here . . practicable. marriage, and also that they obtain the mind of their parents or guardians therein ; and that none MARRIAGES. 45 be permitted to join themselves in marriage un- til such certificates, and the consent of their pa- rents or guardians thereto, be also signified in person, or by writing, where it is practicable, or may be reasonably obtained. And no monthly meeting ought to permit any marriages to be proposed in the said meet- ing, sooner than a year after the death of husband or wife. It is the sense of this meetinsr, that if any , J . . . . . "^ All marriages member do jom in marriage with such as are contrary to our ... . . order to be tes- not m membership with us, or in any other way tified against. than with the consent and approbation of the monthly meeting, they should be dealt with agreeably to our discipline, and, if not brought to a sense of their error, disowned. On serious consideration concerning mar- ^o misdemea- riages, this meeting being tender in that respect, sured u^^ ^^^^' advises, that no misdemeanor be treasured up, against a person until the time of present- ing marriage, and then started, though per- haps long before done, and known to those who so object to it at that time, which is a wrong thing, and should be checked and discouraged in all meetings. It is recommended to monthly meetings, that i^^'^^'rril^'^^ according to the ancient decent practice amon2:st "^^ ^"^ ^'^'""^^ ''' , *■ '^ the same Friends, they take care that such men and wo- i^o^se. 46 MARRIAGES. men Friends who make suit or proposals of mar- riage one to the other, do not dwell in the same house, from the time that they begin to be so concerned, until the marriage is accomplished. Advised, that marriages be not accomplished Marriages not in or immediately after any of our monthly meet- to be accom- . , * . n i • n . piished at mgs, or Other meetings ot busmess, or on lirst iHgror^o'n iiist days. And it is desn^ed that, on these occasions, ^^^' Friends in affluent circumstances, particularly, may be careful to set a becoming and encourag- ing example of moderation ; and that all may be^oSved!^ avoid uoneccssarily expensive entertainments and large companies, and especially guard against inviting such as guests, who are unlikely to conform to the order of our religious society. Let such of our members be admonished, Srtomaniaee ^^^^ ^^^P couipauy, in ordcr for marriage, with with persons persoDs uot of our socicty ; or with anv bound not in nr^ember- -i -^ ship or ser- scrvauts or apprentices, v. ithout the leave of their vants, Sccwith- * ^ out leave. masters or mistresses ; or who are either present themselves, or consent to their children beingpre- scnt at marriages of those not in membership, which are accomplished by the assistance of a inar^r"a^ef of pricst. And whcrc any are present at the marri- r/mir^o^er! agc of a member, accomplished either by the l^^a^nsf^^^^^^ official interference of a priest, or in any other way out of our comely order, they are to be dealtwith, and where they cannot be brought to a sense of their error, let them be testified against. MARRIAGES. 47 It is the iiidfirment of this meeting, that where Consent not to *' '^ . . be retracted parents or eruardians have approved the visits or without satis- IP 1- • factory rea- addresses of a man (a member of our religious sons. d^ciety) to any of their children or those under their care, that they do not retract the same, without giving such reasons as -hall be satisfacto- ry to the monthly meeting whereto they belong. For the accomplishment of marriage, it is directed that the followins; order be observed.... Order pre- '-' scr.be n tor the If both the parties belono; to the same monthly accomplish- ^ *- ment of mar- meeting, the men's and women's monthly meet- riage. ings should be informed of their intentions; and the man at a proper time be accompanied into the women's meeting, by a suitable Friend no- minated thereto.... there the parties are first to declare, that '' With Divine permission, and Friends' approbation, they intend marriage with each other".... whereupon, two women Friends should be appointed by minute to make the usual inquiry respecting the woman ; and then pro- ceeding to the men's meeting, they should re- peat (or make) the same declaration there, and two men Friends be in like manner appointed to inquire concerning the man. If the parties have parents or guardians present, their consent should be expressed ; or, if the man is a mem- ber of another monthly meeting, the consent of his parents, if he have any, should be produced in writing, either then or at the next meeting, with a certificate from his monthly meeting of his clearness from other like engagements. If the . 48 MARRIAGES. Garefiil inquiry and clear re- port to be made. Overseers to be appointed. woman be a widow having children, two or more friends should beappointed in the meetingof which she is a member, to see that the rights of her children are legally secured. At the next mee^in^ if the committees report that careful eiiquiry has been made, and no obstruction to the further proceeding of the parties appears, the meeting is to leave them at liberty to accomplish their marriage according to our rules, and appoint two Friends of each sex, to attend and see that good order is observed. Intemperance or imm\. derate feasting, &c to be guarded a- gainst. Overseers to make faithful report. It is further advised, that the said marriage be accomplished decently, gravely, and weigh- tily ; and that the parties themselves, their pa- rents and others concerned, do take care at the houses or places where they go after the meeting is over, that no reproach arise, or occasion of offence be given, by any intemperate or immo- derate feasting or drinking, or by any unseemly, wanton, or;^ude discourses or actions ; but that all behave with such sobriety as becomes a people fearing God; and that the company retire to their homes in seasonable time. And if any thing to the contrary is observed, the overseers, or other concerned Friends present, ought as speedily as they conveniently can, to take such aside who make any breach upon good order, and in bro- therly love admonish them to a better behaviour; and the said overseers are to make report to the next monthly meeting, whether this advice con- MARRIAGES. 49 cer n in g decency and order be observed, and take care that the marriage certificate be recorded. The form of which certificate shall be as fol- lows.... Whereas, A. B. of , in the county of , in ..., son of C.B. of and H. his wife ; and D. E. daughter of F. E. of and M. his wife, having declared their intentions of marriage with Form of the - certificate. each other, before a monthly meeting of the reli- gious society of Friends, held at , according to the good order used among them [where the parties are under the care of parents or guardians add"] and having consent of parents or guardians concerned [as the case is) their said proposal of marriage vvas al- lowed of by the said meeting. Now these are to certify whom it may concern, that for the full accomplishment of their said intentions, this day of the month, in the year of our Lord , they, the said A. B. and D. E. appeared in a public meeting of the said people, held at aforesaid; and the said A. B. taking the said D. E. by the hand, did, on this solemn occasion, openly declare,- that he took her, the said D. E. to be his v*/ife, promising, with Divine assistance to be unto her a loving and faithful husband until death should separate them ; and then, in the same assembly, so MARRIAGES. the said D. E. did in like manner declare, that she took him, the said A. B. to be her husband, promising, with Divine assistance to be unto him a loving and faithful wife, until death should separate them. And moreover, they, the said A. B. and D. E. (she according, to the custom of marriage, assuming the name of her husband) did as a further confirmation thereof, then and there to these presents set their hands. And we whose names are also hereunto sub- scribed, being present at the solemnization of the said marriage and subscription, have, as witnesses thereto, set our hands the day and year above written. A. B. D. B. That the marriage of persons too near akin Muina.^e be- T^^^Jy ^s mucli as in US lics, be prevented, this tueen first cou- • i j ^^ . • i ^ sins and with mectHig concludcs, that no marriage between J^r^^disaUow-' first-cousins, nor between a man and his deceased ^^' wife's half sister, shall be permitted among us ; and that, where any person or persons so cir- cumstanced shall intermarry, their so doing shall be considered as a relinquishment of their con- nection with the society, and they be accordingly disowned by the monthly meetings of which they meetings con- are members. And it is further concluded, that, if any such persons shall afterwards apply to the monthly meeting which disowned him or her for reinstatement, the said meeting is not to accede to the proposal, until the case shall be repre- sent necessary previous to re- instatement. MARRIAGES. 51 sented to the quarterly meeting, and its consent obtained, after being well assured that the parties are brought to a due sense of their transgression, manifested by uprightness of life and conversa- tion. It is advised that parents exercise a religious care in watching over their children, and endea- vour to guard them against improper or unequal connections in marriage ; that they be not anxi- ous to obtain for them large portions and settle- ments, but that they be joined with persons of religious inclinations, suitable dispositions and diligence in their business, which are necessary to a comfortable life in a married state. The increase of the breaches of our testi- mony, in going from amongst us in the weighty engagement of marriage, being often for want of cue care in parents, and those who have the im- portant charge of educating the youth under their trust, early to admonish and instruct them in the principles of truth, and impress their minds with the duty of religiously observing them; as much as possible restraining them from such company as is likely to entangle their affections in an im- proper manner ; we therefore tenderly advise Jarrtowds Friends in all quarters to an increasing care over ^^g^^^®^^^ ^"^' the youth, that the consistency of our principles in all respects with the nature of true religion, may be impressed on their tender minds, by upright examples, as well as by precepts ; and 52 MARRIAGES. that where there is apparent danger of the aftec- tions of any being improperly entangled, and the care of parents or guardians, or those who have their oversight, appears not sufficient to prevent their taking imprudent steps in the accomplish- ment of marriage, care be taken, timely to apply for the help of their friends. Parents con- senting to or conniving' at childrens transgressing the discipline to be testified against. Monthly meetings are authorised to give forth testimonies of denial against such parents or guardians who consent to, connive at, or encou- rage the marriages of their children and those under their care (members of our religious so- ciety) contrary to the good order established amongst us; if after Christian and brotherly la- bour with them, they cannot be brought to a due sense of their error, and a satisfactory acknow- ledgement of the same. MEETING HOUSES, It is recommended to quarterly and month- ly meetings to make timely and careful inspec- tion into the situation of the titles of meetins: Timely care ^ advised tor re- houses, burial grounds, and other estates which newaiof have been vested in trustees, and by them held for the use and benefit of the society at large, or of any of those meetings ; so that if it should appear needful by the death of any such trustees or otherwise, due and seasonable care may be taken to appoint some others to the trust ; that future difficulties and the risk of being deprived of such estates may be avoid- ed. And it is further recommended that quar- terly and monthly meetings respectively as the case may require, keep exact records of all such trusts and conveyances, and also that a clear and regular account be kept by each res- ^.^^^ arc-ui^?^^ pective meeting;, of the place where, and the account to be * . ^ * kept 111 e acii persons with whom the papers, minutes and re- meeting^. cords belonging to our religious society are from time to time deposited ; wherein due care should be taken to lodge them with suitable Friends. 54. ■■i^ti5jj^« MEETING FOR SUFFERINGS, Institution of the meeting. IN order that this yearly meeting with its several branches, might be properly represent- ed in the intervals thereof, on emergent occa- sions,, a meeting was institued anno 1756, by the name of the ''Meeting for Sufferings;" which it was agreed should consist of twelve Friends appointed by the yearly meeting (living in or near Philadelphia, for the convenience of getting soon together) and also of four Friends chosen out of each of the quarterly meeetings ; who were directed to meet together in Philadelphia forth- with, for the regulation of its future meetings, which are subject to the following rules : Its services and duties. First, The said meeting shall keep fair mi- nutes of all its proceedings, and annually lay them before the yearly meeting. Second. No less number than twelve of the 'W members attending shall constitute a meeting capable of transacting any business. Third. On all occasions of uncommon importance, previous notice thereof shall be given or sent to all the members. MEETING FOR SUFFERINGS. 55 Fourth, In case of the decease of any Friend or Friends, nominated either by the yearly meeting or quarterly meetings, or of their declining or neglecting their attendance for the space of twelve months, the meeting for suf- ferings (if it be thought expedient) may choose others in his or their stead, to serve to the time of the next yearly meeting, or till the places of those who have represented the quarterly meetings shall be supplied by new appointments. Fifth, The said meeting may sit on its own adjournments, and order these, as well as the times of its stated meetings (if these do not ex- ceed three months) according to the business before them. Sixth, The said meeting is not to meddle with any matter of faith or discipline, which has not been determined by the yearly meeting. The further services confided to the said meeting for sufferings, are : First, In general to represent this yearly meeting, and to appear on its behalf in any cases ficel'!^^^'"^'' where the interest or reputation of our reli- gious society may render it needful. Second, To take the oversight and inspec- tion of all writings proposed to be printed rela- tive to our religious principles or testimonies ; 56 MEETING FOR SUFFERINGS. and to promote or suppress the same at their discretion ; also to print and distribute any wri- tings already published by the society, or which may be offered for inspection as aforesaid, and approved. Third. To inspect and explain titles to land, or other estate, belonging to any of our meetings ; also charitable legacies and dona- tions ; and to give such advice respecting the same as may appear to be necessary. Fourth, To receive from the several quar- terly meetings their annual accounts of suffer- ings, and also such memorials concerning de- ceased Friends as those meetings may have con- curred with : that when examined and approved they may be laid before the yearly meeting. Fifth, To extend such advice and assis- tance to any individuals under sufferings for our testimonies, as their cases may require ; and, if necessary, to apply to the government, or per- sons in authority, on their behalf. Sixth, To correspond with the meeting for suRerings in London or elsewhere, on the common concerns of the society. On soild consideration it is agreed that though none are properly members of the mee- ting for sufferings, but such who are ap- MEETING FOR SUFFERINGS. 5? pointed by this yearly meeting, or by the seve- ral quarterly meetings ; yet, that approved mi- nisters, and members of any other meeting for sufferings corresponding with this, be permitted to attend when they be inclined so to do. 58 MEETINGS FOR WORSHIP Unbecoming' behaviour in meeting's re- quires admoni- tion. DEAR Friends, keep all your meetings in the authority, wisdom, and power of truth, and unity of the blessed Spirit; and the God of peace be with you. And it is advised, that such as come late to meetings, or, when there fall asleep, or are restless, or do not stay in the meeting, but go forth unnecessarily, or otherwise demean themselves unbecoming our holy profession on those solemn occasions, be tenderly and season- ably admonished. Zeal in the performance of divine worship recommended. We exhort all to a Christian exercise and zeal in the performance of worship to Almighty- God ; and as we are not capable in our own strength to perform this great duty, we recom- mend to a diligent waiting in true silence and retirement of mind, for the renewed sense of the inward power and virtue of his Spirit, whereby we shall be qualified to worship him in an ac- ceptable manner. Let our faithfulness and sin- cerity herein appear, by the humility, meekness and circum:-pecticn of our lives and conversa- tion, adorning the doctrines and principles of truth, as they were declared by Christ and his MEETINGS FOR WORSHIP. 59 apostles: those who have been preserved in faithfulness therein, having to testify from that experience which cannot deceive, that it hath been very profitable ; and therefore cannot be easy without encouraging and putting for- ward their children, apprentices and servants to this religious duty, as well as other be- haviour suitable thereunto. And if this use- ful practice was more generally attended to, it would do more for us and them than any outward acquisition of wealth ; and without doubt, some of those who have been placed un- der our direction, may with thankfulness have to view our pious care in taking them from worldly business to seek a city eternal in the heavens. This meeting recommends, that Friends who are exercised in the discipline, would early ex- « tend their brotherly love and care, in visiting such amongst us who neglect their duty in at- tending our meetings for public worship. And ofthlsincfm-^^ as a wilful neglect of this important duty is a Stfeda-''^^ manifest evidence of ingratitude to the Divine ^^"^^^• Being, contrary to the example and practice of the primitive believers in Christ, and our reli- gious testimony : it is the sense of this meeting, that as such who are thus insensible of their re- ligious duty, disunite themselves from Chris- tian fellowship with Friends, monthly meetings after having fully discharged their duty towards them, and finding their endeavours to reclaim Drowsiness in meeting's, one cause of stum- 60 MEETINGS FOR WORSHIP. them ineffectual, should testify our disunion with them. As the minds of many are turned towards Friends, and the apppearance of a drowsy spirit in our rehgious meetings, is offensive, and may biing- to sober be a cause of stumbling to sober inquirers, it mquurers. ^ ^ ^ ^ is earnestly desired that this weakness may not exist among us, and as indulgence therein must necessarily have a disqualifying effect, it is the sense and judgment of this meeting, that quar- terly, monthly, and other meetings should be cautious of employing such members in the weighty services of the discipline. 6i MEMORIALS. QUARTERLY and monthly meetings are ... . . Account of the directed to furnish this meeting annually with dece .pe ofmin- an account of thedecease of such of their members ders to be for- inthestation of ministers or elders, as may haveta- ^^^^ ^ ' ken place within the year. And if any monthly meeting should under solid consideration, be- lieve it necessary to prepare a memorial con- cerning any deceased Friend who had been a member thereof, it is to go to the respective Memorials pre» quarterly meeting, where, being duly weighed leinwlh^^^^ and agreed to, it is then to be forwarded to the sufttrm|s°^ meeting for sufferings, for inspection and appro- bation, previous to its being laid before this meet* ing. 62 MINISTERS AND ELDERS, AND MEET INGS OF MINISTERS AND ELDERS. Nursing- fa- thers in the truth to ex- tend due care in love and tenderness. IT is our earnest desire, that both ministers and elders may be as nursing fl^^itheis and mo- thers to those that are yoUx.g in the ministry, and with all care and diligence advise and ad- monish them, and if they see occasion, reprove them in a lender and Christian spirit, according to the rules of our discipline and counsel of Friends in that respect ; also exhort them fre- quently to read the holy scriptures, and earnestly seek the mind of the Spirit of truth, to open the mysteries thereof, that, abiding in a simple and patient submission to the will of God, and keep- ing dovv^n to the openings of divine love and life in themselves, they may vvitness a gradual growth in their gifts, and be preserved from extending their declarations further than they find the life and pow er of truth to bear them up. And our advice to all our ministers is, that Ministers mis- t|^ey bc frequent in readino; the scriptures of the applynig- or *' ^ . . diaving^^un- old and ncw testaments; and if any in the sound in- ferences from course of their ministry, shall misapply, or draw the scriptures ; i • p i • r unsound inierences or wrong conclusions irom MINISTERS AND ELDERS. 63 the text, or shall misbehave themselves in point of conduct or conversation, let them be admon^ Orformisbe- ished in love and tenderness by the elders or admonished^ overseers where they live, and if they prove re- fractory and refuse to acknowledge their faults, let them be further dealt with, in the wisdom of truth, as the case may require. As the occasion of our religious meetings . . Decency and is solemn, a care should ever be maintained to order to be , . 1 • 1 IT nnaintained in guard agamst any tlimg that would tend to dis- all our meet- order or confusion therein. When any think ^"^^' they have aught against what is publicly deliver- ed, they should speak to the party privately and orderly ; and if any shall oppose a ministring po^sition to mi- Friend in his or her preaching or exhortation, "yfr^qu^res''" or keep on the hat or show any remarkable dis- nSn^^^"^°° like to such when engaged in prayer, let them be speedily admonished in such manner as may be requisite, unless the person against whom the uneasiness is expressed has been disowned by a monthly meeting, or his or her public appear- ances disapproved by the elders. This meeting agrees that each monthly meet- ing choose two or more Friends of each sex to sit with the ministers, and they together to com- Eiders to be pose a meeting to be denominated a preparative meeting of ministers and elders; taking care that the Friends chosen for that service, be prudent, solid Friends, and that they do carefully dis- charge the trust confided to them. 64 MINISTERS AND ELDERS. When there is occasion for the appointment Mode of ap. of One or more elders in any meeting, the pro- poinunge ers. p^^^j ^j- separating a committee to consider the subject, should be first made in a monthly meet- ing, and when there united with, a proper num- ber of Friends should be appointed ; and in this committee, the names of the persons who may be thought suitable, should be first mentioned, and, when concurred with, reported to the monthly meeting, without consulting the per- son or persons, or otherwise divulging it. If, upon due consideration, the nomination is ap- proved, a minute should be made, and a copy thereof forwarded to the quarterly meeting of ministers and elders. , When any Friend has frequently appeared in our religious meetings as a minister, and the preparative meeting of ministers and elders apprehends that it is seasonable the subject Manner in ^ * which minis- should claim the attention of the monthly meet- ters are to be . ..... r ^ • i ^ imended. iHg for disciplmc, ol which the person is a member, they are at liberty to mention the mat- ter, therein, and if the monthly meeting after de- liberate consideration, should unite in believing that a gift in the ministry has been committed to him or her, a minute expressive thereof should be forwarded to the quarterly meeting of minis- ters and elders, where, the case being so- lidly weighed, and the sense of the monthly meeting concurred with, information thereof should be sent to the preparative meeting of rcconrii MINISTERS AND ELDERS. 65 ministers and elders, of which the party is to be a member. And until the approbation of the quarterly meeting of ministers and elders is obtained, no such Friend is to be received as a minister, nor permitted to sit in the meetings of ministers and elders, nor travel abroad as a min- ister. And no such approved minister is to ap- Not to appoint . p i_ meetings witli- point any meeting out or the limits oi the quar- out monthly terly meeting to which he or she belongs, with- ^omeuf. ^ out a certificate from the monthly meeting for discipUne or the concurrence thereof. It is the judgment of this meeting that when any Friend appointed to the station of an elder be- lieves him or herself called to the ministry, and i^gtnVhe^mu' shall have appeared frequently in that capacity in ^iSvom 'st: our public religious meetings, they should with- ^^^^ meetings, draw from the meetings of ministers and elders. When any approved minister apprehends it ^j^-^^^^^ ^^„^ to be his or her duty to travel in truth's service cemedtotra- •^ vel are to ob- out of the limits of their quarterly meeting, he taincertifi- cates, or mi- or she is to open their concern in the monthly nutes, meeting to which they belong, and obtain a cer- tificate or minute (as the occasion may be) of its unity and concurrence, directed to Friends And return within the parts proposed to be visited : And it ^ly. is advised, that when the service is accomplish- ed, the said meeting be informed thereof, and the certificate returned without unnecessary delay. 66 MINISTERS AND ELDERS. General reiigi- AjTreed that when any Friend is religiously ous visits be- o •' ^ ^ yond our Units concemcd to make a general visit to the meet- to have the r • r concurrence of ings of Friends or parts beyond the limits oi a quarterly , i i • i •r meeting. tliis yearly meeting, and has obtained a certin- cate for that purpose from the monthly meeting of which he or she is a member, that the con- cern be also laid before the respective quarterly meeting for its concurrence and indorsement, to The certifi- be simed, if for a man, by the clerk of the catesto be en- ^ , dorsed. mcu's meeting only ; but, if for a woman, by the clerks of the men's and women's meetings. The ministers and elders of each monthly meeting are to meet once in three months at such time and place as the monthly meeting may direct, in the capacity of a preparative meet- ing of ministers and elders ; when, after a time of solid retirement, the queries addressed to such meetings are to be read and considered, and distinct answers made to them in writing:, which, Preparative o ' » meetings of when si2:ned bv the clerk, are to be conveyed ministers and o ^ ' j elders.. ..how to the cusuing quarterly meeting of ministers to be conduct- ed, and elders by two or more Friends to be men- tioned in the report as representatives ; but if, in the course of inquiry, any deficiency has ap- peared, care should be taken that it be re- medied. And in the said quarterly meetings, the que- meetlng of ^i^s are also to be read with the answers which ienS' '^^ ^^^ brought from their preparative meetings, and the state of the members weightily consi- MINISTERS AND ELDERS. 67 dered, that where occasion requires it, advice and counsel may be seasonably extended ; and once a year those answers comprised in a writ- ten report and signed by the clerk, are to be for- , , , , . ^ . . - Yearly meeU warded to the yearly meetmg of mmisters and ing of minis- elders, by four or more Friends appointed as re- presentatives : in this meeting the queries are also to be read with the answers from the seve- ral quarters, and the state of this part of the so- ciety being collected and considered, advices adapted thereto, may, if requisite, be issued to the subordinate meetings of the like kind. This meeting is to appoint a suitable number of el- ders to take the oversight of the meetings for worship held in Philadelphia during the time of the yearly meeting. And such ministers as pro- pose to go in truth's service beyond sea, after j^^^ieu^imir' obtaining; a certificate of the concurrence of the engagements o to cross the monthly meetins:, indorsed by the respective seas, are to ^ D' ./ r submit their quarter, are to spread their concerns before the concerns to ^ , , the considera- yearly meeting of ministers and elders, and tionofthis 1 ' • 1 ' n 1 • f meeting-. produce the said certificates ; and, if upon solid consideration, the same are united with, a certificate thereof signed by the clerk should be granted. None of the said meetings of ministers and . P -111- No meeting of elders are in any wise to interfere with the busi- ministers and _ . p ,. . ,. . I elders to intcr- ness 01 any meeting tor discipline, nor is the fere with the yearly meeting of ministers and elders to suffer nlee^ngsV its adjournments to interfere with the sittings ^^^^^^^p'^'^^ of the yearly meeting for discipline. 68 MINISTERS AND ELDERS. We tenderly recommend faithful Friends, and especially ministers and elders, to watch over the flock of Christ in their respective places and stations, always approving themselves by their pious examples in conversation and conduct, to be such as faithfully and diligently walk up to the testimony of the blessed truth whereunto the Lord hath gathered us in this his gospel day. Members of meetings of ministers and elders losing- their service may be dis- placed. And if any acknowledged member of our meet- ings of ministers and elders shall at any time be thought, by negligence, unfaithfulness, or other- wise, to have lost his or her service in that sta- tion, so as to become the subject of uneasiness and burthen some (yet not so as to be under the care of a meeting of discipline on that account or for misconduct) it is advised that a timely and tender care be extended to such person ac- cording to gospel order ; first by the individuals concerned, and then by the preparative meeting of ministers and elders to which he or she may belong ; should these labours prove unavaihng, report of the case should be made by that meet- ing to the quarterly meeting of ministers and elders, and there a few Friends be deputed to assist the said preparative meeting in a further extension of labour with the party : If this also prove unavailing, and on report thereof to the said quarterly meeting, it appears that the said preparative meeting has fully discharged its duty to the individual, the case should then be transmitted to the monthly meeting for disci- MINISTERS AND ELDERS. 69 pline of which the party is a member, and left under its care ; and he or she ought from that time to refrain from attending any such select meetings until they shall be again recommend- ed or appointed as at first. 70 MODERATION AND TEMPERANCE. Idle company and evil prac- tices to be avoided. ADVISED that none accustom themselves to vain and idle company, sipping and tippling of drams and strong drink ; for though such who use that evil practice may not suddenly be- come drunken to the greatest degree, yet they often thereby become like ground fitted for the seeds of the greatest transgressions, and some who have had the good example of virtuous pa- rents, have from small beginnings arrived to a shameful excess, to their ruin, the great injury of their wives and families, and the scandal of the religious profession they have made. It having been observed that a pernicious custom has prevailed upon people, of giving rum and other strong liquors to excite some to Giving or re- . i • i i reiving strong bid at vcuducs to advaucc the price, which, be- dues Tobele's- sidcs tlic injusticc of the artifice, is scandalous, ^^'^^ against. ^^^^ leads to intcmpcrance and disorder ; it is therefore the unanimous sense of this meeting to caution Friends against the same. And if any under our profession do fall into this evil practice, by giving or taking strong liquors at ^renduesjor countenance or promote any noisy ga- liquors. MODERATION AND TEMPERANCE. 71 therings, they should be speedily dealt with as dis^ orderly persons, and if they cannot be brought to a sense of their error, disowned. Many just and pertinent remarks being made in this meeting, clearly setting forth the corrupt- ing, debasing, and ruinous effects consequent Ruinous ef. . . . , . . fects of distill. on the importation and retailing large quantities e^i spirituous of distilled spirits, whereby the intemperate use of them is greatly aided and encouraged, to the impoverishment of many, distempering the con- stitutions and understandings of many more, and increasing vice and dissolution in the land, wherewith many religiously attentive minds have been long painfully burthen ed ; it is the united sense of the meeting, that well concerned Friends in all quarters, be earnestly excited to suffer the affecting importance of this mighty evil, religiously to impress their minds, and ani- mate them with a lively concern to excite honest endeavours, both by example and loving entrea- ty to caution and dissuade all our members from being concerned in the importation or retailing distilled spirits, or giving countenance thereto. recommended. It is affectionately recommended, that Friends Moderation at be careful to use moderation on account of mar- I^^^i!"! ^^',^?- riages, births and burials, and on all other occa- sions ; a departure from which being a cause of stumbling to many, and a great obstruction to a more full reformation, as well as attended with other evil consequences, tending to obscure that 72 MODERATION AND TEMPERANCE. light which we have to hold up to others, and should have more abundantly, if we were faith- ful ; lessening that savour which we ought ever carefully to preserve, agreeably to the monition of the holy apostle, ^' Let your moderation be known unto all men, the Lord is at hand." Phil. iv. 5. And as the all- seeing eye beholds our thoughts, and views us in all our ways and actions, what manner of men ought we to be in all godliness of life, and sobriety of deportment. f iSsfrom^^ And if any should distil spirits out of grain grain, cause of or retail such liouors, monthly meeting's should disownment. ■■■ . deal with them as with other offenders, and if they cannot be prevailed with to desist from such a practice, be at liberty to declare their disunity with them. 73 NEGROES OR SLAVES It appears to have been the concern of this meeting revived from time to time, with increas- ingweight, to testify their entire disunity with the practice of enslaving mankind (and particularly Entire disuni- to guard all in membership with us against be- ry. ing concerned in the purchase of slaves from the coasts of Africa) yet as we have with sorrow to observe that in some parts of our country, this shameful practice is still continued and con- nived at, we think it proper to revive the advi- ces heretofore issued ; and again exhort our members, to be no way accessary to this enor- mous national evil, but to discourage it by all the justifiable means in their power; it being ob- vious that wherever it prevails it tends to cor- rupt the morals of the people, so as not only to render them obnoxious to the displeasure of the Almighty, but deaf to his warnings, and insen- sible and regardless of his impending judgments. And we earnestlv desire it may become the ^, . •' ■ . '' Tins oppress- concern of our members eienerally, to use the ed class of • men to be in- inftuence they have with those who hold slaves structed, ad- . - vised and as^ by inheritance or otherwise, that they may be sisted. L r4 NEGROES OR SLAVES. treated with moderation and kindness, and in- structed as objects of the common salvation in the principles of the Christian religion ; as well as in such branches of school-learning as may fit them for freedom, and to become useful members of civil society. Also that Friends in their several neighbourhoods advise and as- sist such of the black people as are at liberty, in the education of their children, and common worldly concerns. Hiring slaves opposes our relig-ious testi- mony. Understanding that some in membership with us, either through inadvertence, or from self- ish motives, have hired slaves to assist them in their business ; we desire such to consider that in so doing they promote the unrighteous traf- fic, and oppose our testimony against it. „ . Friends are also cautioned asfainst acting: as Caution to ex- ^ ^ ^ *=> ecutors and exccutors or administrators to estates where administrators. slaves are bequeathed ; and doing any thing whereby their bondage may be prolonged. state of the black people requires close attention to I the opening of truth, that our duty may be fully discharg- ed. We are united in judgment, that the state of the black people, who have been held as slaves by any of us or our predecessors, calls for a deep inquiry and close examination, how far we are clear of wuth holding from them, whatunder such an exercise may be opened to our view as their just right ; and we earnestly and affection- ately entreat those in particular who have releas- ed any of them, to attend to the further open- NEGROES OR SLAVES. 75 ings of duty. Even if no such obligations to this people existed among us, it is worthy of our serious consideration, whether any object of beneficence is more deserving of our regard, than that of training up their youth in such vir- tuous principles and habits as may render them useful and respectable members of the com- munity. It is the sense and judgment of this meet- ing, that if any of our members are concerned in importing, selling, or purchasing ; or shall give Friends who away or transfer any negro or other slave, with purchase or . . give away or without any other consideration than to clear slaves, to be their estate of any future incumbrance, or in such manner that their bondage is continued beyond the time limited by law or custom for white persons ; and also those who accept of such gift or assignment ; they ought to be spee- dily treated with in the spirit of true love and wisdom, and the iniquity of their conduct laid before them. And if, after Christian labour, they cannot be brought to such a sense of their injustice, as to do every thing which the month- ly meeting shall judge to be reasonable and ne- cessary for the restoring such slave to his or her natural and just right to liberty, and condemn their deviation from the law of righteousness and equity, to the satisfaction of the said meet- ing, that such member or members be testified against as other transgressors are by the rules of re NEGROES OR SLAVES. our discipline for other immoral, unjust, or re- proachful conduct. It appearing that, notwithstanding the many Traffic in afflictive dispensations with which divine wis- slaves displea- • • i • i i sing to the Al- dom has seen meet to visit this land, many ^•gi y- q£ j^g inhabitants are so deaf to the language of the rod, as to continue in the nefarious traffic for slaves to the coasts of Africa : and that the importation of them is still connived at : this meeting, considering such a conduct as a bold and impious defiance of the Ruler of nations, and pregnant with the most alarming conse- quences to our country, earnestly recommends to the meeting for sufferings to embrace every suitable opportunity for advancing our testimo- ny in this respect, and for caUing the attention of the public mind to this av/fiilly interesting subject. ii <:rfrr»M 1 OATHS ADVISED that our Christian testimony be faithfully maintained against the burthen and "j^^^^'Lw^.^ imDosition of oaths, according to the express command of , , . . . P ^1 Christ. command of Christ, and the mjunction ol the apostle James, viz. " Ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths ; but I say unto you, swear not at all : nehher by heaven, for it is God's throne : nor by the earth, for it is his footstool ; neither by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great king. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black : but let your communication be, yea, yea, nay, nay ; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." Mat. v. 33 to 37. "But above all things my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath : but let your yea, be yea ; and your nay, nay ; lest ye fall into condemna- tion." James v. 12. From the year 1718 to 1771, divers minutes of this meeting appear, declaring that oaths ad- OATHS. Oat?i3 admiti- istered by- clerks, &c a violation of the testimonv. Parties to their administration to be disowned. ministered by clerks or others, under the no- tice and connivance of Friends, either in court or elsewhere, violate our ancient testimony. And it is earnestly recommended to quarterly and monthly meetings, that where any under our name are parties to the administration of oaths, to be careful to proceed in dealing with them ; and if they will not decline the practice and give suitable satisfaction to the meeting they belong to, to testify against them agreeably to the rules of our discipline. Disunion with offenders di- rected. As it is our duty to support our Christian testimony against oaths, faithful Friends are de- desired to extend brotherly labour towards those who deviate therefrom, and if such labour proves unsuccessful, monthly meetings should testify their disunity with them. And Friends in all places are exhorted care- to be elected fully to avoid electing or promoting their breth- whS'sHlbject ^^" to such stations in civil government as may oftbistcstimo- subject them to the temptation of violating this ^'y- testimony ; and where any members shew an inclination or desire of soliciting or accepting of such offices, timely care should be taken to caution them against it. xVnd in the execution of instruments of writing requiring witnesses, it is recommended that Friends endeavour to pro- cure such persons for this purpose, as will attest the same by anirmation. OVERSEERS, IT is recommended that in every monthly A suitable Tiicir dutv. meetino; a proper number of faithful and iudi- number ofcach ^ ^ ^ '^ sex to be ap- cious men and women belonging to each of the pointed. particular or preparative meetings, be appoint- ed to the station of overseers within the same : whose duty it is to exercise a vigilant and ten- der care over their fellow members ; that if any thing repugnant to the harmony and good order of the society appears among them, it may be timely attended to and not neglected. And to prevent the introduction of all unnecessary and premature complaints to meetings of business, it is advised if any member shall have cause of complaint against another, that it be mentioned to the overseers, who are to see that the party complained of has been treated with according to gospel order, previously to the case being re- ported to the preparative or monthly meeting. And it is desired that in dealing with anv, it be J^ ^^ P^" *-^ •' formed in done in the spirit of meekness and love, pa- christian sp tiently endeavouring to instruct and advise them ; which, if ineffectual, the preparative meet- ing should be informed thereof; that, if needful the case may be laid before the monthly meeting, in a 80 OVERSEERS. Appointment of a committee once in three vears. Serious exiior- tation to a clue discharj^e of the u elg-bty trust. of which, notice should be given to the party, when it can be conveniently done. It is further recommended to our monthly meetings that a committee be appointed at least once in three years, or as much oftener as the occasion may require, to consider the propriety of changing the overseers and bringing forward in the im- provement of their gifts, other Friends on whom a concern for the welfare of the society rests. And we tenderly exhort all our members who may be rightly called into this or any other ser- vice of the church, not hastily to excuse them- selves therefrom, but solidly to ponder the weighty advice of the apostle, *'Feed the flock of '' God, which is among you, taking the oversight " thereof, not by constraint, but willingly , not " for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind ; neither '' as lords over God's heritage ; but being en- "- samples to the flock: and when the chief Shep- '' herd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of '' glory, that fadeth not away." 81 PARENTS AND CHILDREN. ruptions. In much love to the rising generation, we exhort them to avoid the many vanities and en- snaring corruptions to which they are expos- rp^^j.-gj,^ ed. Bear in mind, dear youth, that " the fear generation ex- •^^ ^ horted to avoid of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom," and ensnaring cor that *' a good understanding have all they who do his commandments." Psalm, xci. 10. Take the advice of godly parents, guardians and friends ; ever remembering that, next to our Creator, children ought to obey their parents, and that disobedience to them is a breach of the moral law, and was always offensive in the Di- vine sight. Submit to their reasonable requir- ings with cheerfulness, though these may some- times thwart your own inclinations, and answer them not frowardly or crossly. They watched over you and took care of you, when you were utterly unable to help or care for yourselves. Why then should any of you grieve and wound their still anxious minds by a conduct which (because of its tendency to obstruct your wel- fare and happiness) you know they cannot ap- prove ? Such as, running into vain and expen- sive fashions, associating with corrupt and li- bertine persons; frequenting taverns and places of diversion ; wasting your precious time in idle M 82 PARENTS AND CHILDREN. discourse, and drawing the affections and in- flaming the passions one of another ; all which we have nodoubt the divine Monitor in your own breasts ofien pleads with you e^gaiast, and shews to be destructive of your peace. We beseech you, as fathers, to attend to this heavenly Instructor, and dutifully yield to the correspondent tender advice of your friends. Shrink not from the cross of Christ in your garb, language or man- ners ; but, through a subjection of your wills to the divine will, in these and all other respects, walk answerably to the purity of our profession, and the simplicity and spirituality of our wor- ship : so may you be instructive examples to se- rious enquirers after truth; and not of those who, under a profession thereof, are prefer- ring their own crooked ways, and turning others aside from the footteps of its followers. It is advised that where the pious exercise of parental care and authority is disregarded, and any of the youth in membership with us appear obstinately determined to run into and copy af- ter the vain and extravag-ant fashions of the Youth disre- ^ . ° gardingthe world in their dress and address, exposing care of parents . . „ p -i andfriends are thcmsclves to the Corrupting influence of evil exposed to ma- . t i i • • ny evils. Company and excesses, whereby designing per- sons may entangle their affections, and draw them into unsuitable and unhappy connections in marriage or otherwise, that such be timely and tenderly treated with, and shown the dan- PARENTS AND CHILDREN. 83 gerous tendency of their conduct ; and, if they cannot be prevailed with to desist therefrom, such to be and amend their ways, they ought to be dealt t(^,^2l with by their respective preparative or month- to be disowned. ly meetings, as in other cases of offence ; and if, after due expostulation and forbearance, they prove irreclaimable, they may be testified against. And if any parents in membership with us, willingly indulge their children, or youth under Parents in- their care in such extravagance, liberties and ex- wSn^the cesses, as are here pointed out, and persist in vin- oftheTr^chuf dicating their conduct, they ought in like man- owned^ ^^ '^''" ner to be treated with and disowned. Friends are advised to bring up their chil- dren to habits of industry, placing them with so- ber and exemplary members of the society, for . * -^ . -^ Children to be instruction in such occupations as are consistent inured to in- ,. . . . , . . dustrv, and with our religious prmciples and testimonies, piacedwithex- that as far as in us lies they may be preserved in Priendl a becoming conduct and demeanour. And it is desired that those whose circum- stances may furnish with ability for instructing, in useful and suitable employments, the children p , , • . • t m Childrenofthe 01 members who are m situations less affluent, poor to be re- may receive them into their families upon terms moderate °" so moderate and equitable as to remove every plausible reason for placing them with those not in membership with us. terms. 84 PLAINNESS Advised, that all Friends, both old and Corrupt man- ners and fash- young, kecpout of the world's corrupt language, avoided manners, vain and needless things and fashions, in apparel, buildings, and furniture of houses, some of which are immodest, indecent, and un- becoming. And that they avoid immoderation in the use of lawful things, which though inno- cent in themselves, may thereby become hurtful; also such kinds of stuffs, colours and dress, as are calculated more to please a vain and wanton mind, than for real usefulness ; and let tradesmen and others, members of our rehs-ious society, be Caution to ^ o j •> tradesmen and admonishcd, that they be not accessary to these others. evils ; for we ought to take up our daily cross, minding the grace of God which brings salva- tion, and teaches to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously and godly, in this present world, that we may adorn the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in all things ; so may we feel his blessing, and be in- strumental in his hand for the good of others. We tenderly exhort all, seriously to consider the plainness and simplicity which the gospel en- PLAINNESS. 85 joins, and to manifest it in their speech, appa- rel, furniture, salutations and conversation, in- to which our forefathers were led by the Spi- rit of Christ, in conformity with his precepts and example ; and for which they patiently suffered cityrecom- , . . ^ , . mended. long imprisonments, and great persecutions ; being convinced that it was their duty thus to bear a testimony against the vain spirit of the world. The spirit of truth, which led our ancients Truth leads to to lay aside every thing unbecoming the followers ^ *^""^^^* of Christ, still leads in the same path, all who submit to its guidance ; we therefore earnestly entreat all Friends to watch over themselves in this respect. The example of our blessed Sa- viour, his immediate followers, and of virtuous and holy men in all ages, ought to make a due impression on every considerate mind ; and es- pecially on such as have had the advantage of a guarded education. We also tenderly advise, that Friends take heed, especially those who should be exempla- . Testimony ry to others under their care, that they exercise balked by va- plainness or speech without respect oi persons, speech to suit ,, , . 1,11 that of others in all their converse among men ; and not balk their testimony by a cowardly compliance, vary- ing their language according to their compa- ny ; a practice of very ill example, rendering those who use it contemptible, and looked 86 PLAINNESS. upon as a kind of hypocrites, even by those with whom they so comply ; this seems to be cautioned against by the apostle, when he ad- vises, 1 Tim. *' That the deacons be grave, not double tongued;" plainly importing that it is inconsistent with the gravity of the gospel. 87 POOR. IT is advised that the cases of all our mem- bers who are in indigent circumstances be duly inspected, that advice and relief may be seasona- bly extended, and assistance afforded to them in ^^viccandas- such business as they are capable of : and in or- ^^^^*^^^ ^^ der to defray the expenses which their support and the education of their children will necessa- rily occasion, it is recommended to each month- ly meeting of men and women Friends to be open hearted and liberal in subscriptions for raising and continuing funds for these purposes ; ^f"^ ^° ^^ that the meetings of each sex should appoint a treasurer to receive the same, and a committee of suitable Friends to have the particular care of ^ ^ '^ Treasurer to the poor, whose business it will be to visit, in- be appointed. spect into their wants, and relieve them. And in the exercise of this benevolent care, it is de- sired we may always guard against exposing situation of the names or situations of our fellow members, members not \ ^ • 11-11 1, , « to be exposed. And an appomtment should be annually made of two or more Friends for settling the treasurer's account, and reporting its state to the meeting. 88 PRIESTS' WAGES ; OR HIRELING MINISTRY. LET us keep in remembrance, that it is under the immediate teaching and influence of f Thi im'mei ^^^ ^^^^^ Spirit that all acceptable worship is per- diate produc- formed, and all true gospel ministry supplied; Spirit, and the that this purc and powerful influence, in vessels srfvire is to be ^ freei) dis- sanctified and prepared by the divine hand, is charged. , . the essential qualification to that work ; and that as the gift is divine, the service is freely and faithfully to be discharged, without any view to reward from man. And it is advised that where any of our members are so regardless of this testimony as to contribute to the support of an hirelins: Violation of . this testimony ministry, and vindicate such conduct, that they to be testified , i , - i • i r against. bc tenderly laboured with to convince them of their error, but if this prove ineffectual, and they persist in their unfaithfulness, the month- ly meetings to which they belong should pro- ceed to declare our disunity with them, such conduct being opposed to our testimony for the free ministry of the gospel, which is *' without money and without price." S9 QUERIES, It is agreed that the nine queries belonging to meetings for discipline, be read, deliberately ah the queries relating- to considered and answered in each preparative meetings for , , , . . _ discipline, to and monthly meetmg once a year ; m order to bereadandan- |. • ^ . . • , sweredonce convey an exphcit account m writing to the a year. quarterly meetings next preceding the yearly meeting that so this meeting may be clearly informed of the state of all our meetings. Also, that the first, second and eighth of those queries be read, considered, and explicit answers ^^Y^^ queries ^ * to be read and to them made in writing in the two quarterly answered , 1 J twice a year. meetings preceding the one before mentioned, and also in the preparative and monthly meetings which report thereto. But none of the queries are to be read or answered in those quarterly meetings for discipline which immediately suc- ceed the yearly meeting nor in the preparative or monthly meetings which report to those quarters. It is not considered as obligatory on any Q|,eries to oe .• ^ 1 ^1 1 ' c^ A.I readonly when meeting to read the above queries ottener than answered, is here mentioned, or to read any others than such as are to be answered. Nor is the read- DO QUERIES. ing and ans\vering of them enjoined on any pre- parative meeting, where the members of that and the monthly meeting are the same. It is further agreed that at the time when the nine queries are read in the preparative and monthly meetings, the advices and caution sub- Advice and joined, shall be also distinctly read and solidly read once a pondered ; as a means of putting the members year. present upon considering, whether there be any occasion for an extension of care in those res- pects : and, if there is, of stirring them up to a faithful discharge of their duty as individuals, one towards another. Fi7'st ^lery. Are all our religious meet- ings for worship and discipline duly attended; is the hour observed ; and are friends preserved from sleeping, and all other unbecoming be- haviour therein ? Second ^lery. Is love and unity maintain- ed amongst you. Are tale-bearing and detrac- tion discouraged. And wliere any differences arise, are endeavours used speedily to end them ? Third ^lery. Are Friends careful to bring up those under their direction, in plainness of speech, behaviour, and apparel; in frequent reading the holy scriptures; and to restrain them from reading pernicious books, and from the corrupt conversation of the world ? QUERIES. 91 Fourth ^lery. Are Friends careful to dis- courage the unnecessary distillation or use of spirituous liquors, frequenting taverns and places of diversion ; and to keep in true modera- tion and temperance on the account of births, marriages, burials and other occasions ? Fifth ^ery. Are poor Friends necessities duly inspected, and they relieved or assisted in such business as they are capable of. Do their children freely partake of learning to fit them for business : And are they and other Friends children placed among Friends ? Sixth ^lery. Do you maintain a faithful testimony against oaths ; an hireling ministry ; bearing arms, training, and other military servi- ces; being concerned in any fraudulent or clan- destine trade; buying or vending goods so im- ported,or prize goods ; and against encouraging lotteries of any kind ? Sei^enth ^lery. Are Friends careful to live within the bounds of their circumstances, and to keep to moderation in their trade or busi- ness : Are they punctual to their promises, and just in the payment of their debts ; and are such as give reasonable grounds for fear on these ac- counts timely laboured with for their preserva- tion or recovery ? 92 QUERIES. Eighth ^ery. Do you take due care regu- larly to deal with all offenders in the spirit of meekness, without partiality or unnecessary de- lay, in order for their help ; and where such la- bour is ineffectual, to place judgment upon them in the authority of truth ? Ninth S^iery. Is due care taken to keep a regular record of births and burials ? And in the preparative and monthly meet- ings, when all the foregoing queries are read and answered, the follov, ing advices are to be read with a suitable pause between them : That no young or single persons make or en- courage proposals of marriage with each other without consent of parents or guardians, or keep company with those who are not of our religious society, upon that account ; and if parents give their consent to, or connive at their children's thus keeping company, or marrying, that they be dealt with according to our discipline : And if any of our members have been present at marriages accomplished contrary to the rules of our discipline, that they also be dealt with. That all public gifts and legacies be stri ctly applied to the uses intended by the donors ; or, if any unforeseen occurrence should render such compliance difficult or impracticable, that an early application be made to the meeting for QUERIES. 93 sufferings for its advice or assistance ; and that timely care be taken for the renewal of trusts. That Friends intending removal be careful to apply for certificates ; and that the cases of such who remove without certificates, or of sojourners coming from other places and ap- pearing as Friends, without producing certifi- cates, be properly attended to. That Friends carefully inspect the state of their affairs once in the year ; and make their wills and settle their outward estates whilst in health. And it is further recommended that in con- ducting the affairs of our meetings, Friends en- deavour to manage them in the peaceable spirit and wisdom of Jesus, with decency, forbearance and love of each other. The following queries are also to be read, considered and answ^ered once a year, in each monthly and quarterly meeting, and a report thereof made in writing to this meeting : and it is recommended that in answering the query respecting schools, monthly meetings furnish their respective quarters with particular ac- counts of the situation and circumstance of the several schools within their limits, and that the quarterly meetings convey to this meeting a summary statement thereof. 94 QUERIES. First Siiery, What ministers and elders deceased, and when ? Second ^lery. What new meeting houses built, or new meetings settled ? Third ^lery. Are there schools established for the education of our youth, under the care of teachers in membership with us, and superintend- ed by committees appointed either in the month- ly or preparative meetings ? Fourth ^lery. Are the queries addressed to the quarterly, monthly and preparative meet- ings read and answered therein as directed? 95 QUERIES FOR MEETINGS OF MINIS TERS AND ELDERS. IT is also concluded, that of the following four queries, formed for the use of the meetings of ministers and elders, the first three be read and distinctly answered in writing three times in a year, by each preparative meeting of that kind, to its respective quarterly meeting : and that all the said four queries shall be in like man- ner read and answered, by the preparative to their quarterly meetings next preceding the yearly meeting of ministers and elders ; that the quarterly meetings may be enabled to transmit a clear and distinct statement of those answers to that meeting. First S^iery, Are ministers and elders careful to attend meetings for divine worship, bringing their families with them. Do they dili- gently attend meetings for discipline^ encourag- ing such of their families to this duty as are of proper age, and suitable deportment ? Second S^iery, Are ministers sound in word and doctrine ; careful to minister in the ability 96 QUERIES. which God gives, and thereby kept from bur- thening the living ? Third ^lery. Are the hves and conversa- tion of ministers and elders clean and blame- less amongst men : are they in unity one with another, and with the meeting they belong to, harmoniously labouring together for truth's honour ? Fourth ^lery. Are they good examples in uprightness, temperance and moderation ; and careful to train up their fl\milies in plainness of dress and simplicity of manners, becoming our religious profession ? And it is earnestly and affectionately recom- mended, that ministers and elders watch over one another for good, to help those who are exercised in the ministry in the right line, dis- couraging forward spirits that run into words withotit life and power, advising against affecta- tion of tones and gestures, and every thing that would hurt their service ; yet encouraging the humble careful traveller ; " speaking a word in season to them that are weary." And let all dwell in that which gives ability to labour suc- cessfully in the church of Christ, adorning the doctrine which they deliver to others, being ex- amples of the Believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, and in purity. 97 SCHOOLS. THE education of our youth in piety and virtue, and giving them useful learning under the tuition of religious prudent persons, having for many years engaged the solid attention of this meeting, and advices thereon having been from time to time issued to the several subordinate meetings; it is renewedly desired, that quarterly, monthly and preparative meetings may be exci- ted toproper exertions for the institution and sup- port of schools ; there being but little doubt, that as Friends are united, and cherish a disposi- tion of liberahty for the assistance of each other in this important work, they will be enabled to make such provision for the accommodation and residence of a teacher, with a family, as would be an encouragement to well qualified persons to engage in this arduous employment : for want of which it has been observed, that children have been committed to the care of transient persons, of doubtful character, and sometimes of very corrupt minds, by whose bad example and influence, they have been betrayed into principles and habits which have had an in- jurious effect on them in more advanced life. It 98 SCHOOLS. is therefore indispensably incumbent on us to guard them against this danger, and procure such tutors of our own rf^Hgious persuasion, as are not only capable of instructing them in use- ful learning, to fit them for the business of this life, but to train them in the knowledge of their duty to God and one towards another. It is there- fore proposed ; First, That a lot of ground be provided in each monthly or preparative meeting, sufficient for a garden, orchard, grass for a cow, Stc. and a suitable house erected thereon. Second, That funds be raised by contribu- tion, bequests, &c. in each meeting ; the inter- est of which to be applied either in aid of the tutors salary or lessening the expense of Friends in straitened circumstances, in the education of their children. Third. That a committee be appointed in each monthly or preparative meeting, to have the care of schools and the funds for their sup- port, and that no tutor be employed but with their consent. Although the raising a sufficiency to answer those purposes may in some places appear diffi- cult, yet as improvements of this kind are gene- rally gradual and have often arisen from small beginnings into very valuable establishments, it is desired that Friends may be encouraged SCHOOLS. 99 thereto, and keeping an eye to the divine bles- sing on their benevolent endeavours, make such essay for carrying into effect these recommen- dations as they may be enabled. ^mf^/m^^ ^^^(^l$ka^^ 100 SCRIPTURES OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS. WE tenderly and earnestly advise and exhort all parents and heads of families, that they en- deavour to instruct their children and families in the doctrines and precepts of the Christian reli- gion, as contained in the scriptures; and that they excite them to the diligent reading of those ex- cellent writings, which plainly set forth the mi- raculous conception, birth, holy life, wonder- ful works, blessed example, meritorious death, and glorious resurrection, ascension and medi- ation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; and to educate their children in the belief of those important truths, as well as in the belief or the inward manifestation and operation of the holy Spirit on their own minds, that they may reap the benefit and advantage thereof, for their own peace and everlasting happiness ; which is infinitely preferable to all other considerations. 101 STOCK. AGREED, that there be collections brought in from each quarterly, unto the next yearly meeting, for a yearly meeting stock, to defray • the charges of the said meeting, according to the several agreements made or hereafter to be made. 1695. A stock having been generally kept, and by experience found useful, for the necessary occa- ^^°^^ ^^^"S *■ ^ ' •' necessary, sions of the society, it is agreed, that the same be occasionally renewed by a collection from each quarter and that it be continued in the hands of ^ , ^ , ^ Is to be placet the treasurer appointed by this meeting:, and sub- ""^er care of *^^ -^ . a treasurer. ject to be drawn out by its direction or by the meeting for sufferings, as the exigencies of so- ciety may require. The sums which may be thought necessary, shall be raised by each quarter, in the propor- tions which may be ascertained by this meeting from time to time. An arrangement of the quotas of the seve- ral quarterly meetings, produced by a commit- '■^ Qciotas 102 STOCK. tee appointed for that purpose was agreed to in 1804, as follows: £' ^- £' Philadelphia quarter to pay 16 in every lOQ Abington . . do 10 Bucks ... do 10 Concord . .do 11 10 Cain do 7 Western ... do 10 10 Southern . . . do. « .... 4 Burlington . . do 10 10 Haddonfield .do 8 10 Salem .... do 70 ^^T?"'^ ? do 5 and Kahway > ^ f. 100 lOS TAVERNS. WE think it necessary to caution, not only the youth, but those of riper aare, to avoid the , •' . Improper al- unnecessary frequenting of taverns, and other tendance at „ , .. taverns iiiju- places of pubhc resort ; that they be not expos- rious. ed to noisy company, and unprofitable conver- sation ; or betrayed into the use of strong li- quors, by which so many have been corrupted both in principle and practice, to the ruin of themselves and their families. And if any are in danger on these accounts, it is desired that they may be timely and tenderly treated with in order to convince them of their danger. Considering the temptations and snares which they are exposed to, who keep houses of traTnlrkeep- public entertainment or beer-houses, the corrup- ^'^^ taverns ling influence of many who resort to them, and its effect on the children and families so ex- posed ; it is the judgment of this meeting, that our members avoid engaging in such employ- ments for a livelihood ; and attend to the point- ings of pure wisdom for that end. 104 TAVERNS. And it is desired, that Friends may endea- Theunneces- vour, as far as their influence extends in the sary increase . , of them to be Community, to prevent the unnecessary mcrease iscourage . ^^ taverns, and be cautious of signing petitions in behalf of those who m^y apply for licences on that account. :f^' ^, .^ -^ 105 TESTIMONIES OF DENIAL AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. IT is the sense of this meeting that offen- ders inclining to make acknowledgment of their offences do prepare the same in writino;, and if, Acknowied^. ^^ ^ O' » mentstobe on consulting the overseers or other judicious made in writ- Friends, the purport appears suitable to the oc- casion, and the situation of the party will ad- mit of it, he or she may present it to the meet- ing in person, and stay till it is read ; when, after time given for a solid pause, they should withdraw before that or any other business is proceeded upon. The meeting is then to con- sider the case, and appoint two or more Friends to inform the party of the result. When a disowned person removes out of t^. ,. 1^ Direction resra the verg-e of the meetina: which disowned him pectingadis- '■^ ^ ^ ^ owned mem- or her, and applies thereto for reinstatement, ac- •^^r living at a distance. knowledgmg their error, and if by reason of the distance the applicant cannot be conveniently treated with in person, the said meeting may cor- respond with the monthly meeting within the com- pass of which he or she resides, and inquire in^ to their fitness for membership ; and if satisfac- 106 TESTIMONIES OF DENIAL, &c. tion on that head is received, a certificate for such person, directed to the said monthly meeting, may be forthwith sent, acknowledging him or her as a member of our society. Discretionary authority vest- ed in monthly meetings. Members un- der dealing to have notice previous to the issuing- of a testimony. And when is- sued, to be in- formed of the right of appeal. As it may not always be necessary that pa- pers of acknowledgment should contain a re- cital of the occasion of disownment as specifi- ed in the testimonies of denial, it is agreed that monthly meetings be left to their discretion in this respect ; and that neither testimonies of de- nial nor acknowledgments be read at the close of our public meetings for worship. In all cases where a meeting apprehends itself under a ne- cessity to disown a member, let such member, if the occasion and his or her situation will admit of it, be previously informed thereof: And when the judgment of the meeting is issued, let a copy thereof be delivered to the party tes- tified against, with notification of liis or her right of appeal. ^. i©r TRADE IT beine evident that where the manifesta- , . , ^ ^ ^ ^ Truth 13 safe tions and restraints of the Spirit of truth are in its guidance* duly prized and regarded, it leads out of a bon- dage to the spirit of this world, and preserves the minds of its followers from many fettering and disqualifying entanglements ; and contrary- wise, that an inordinate love and pursuit of worldly riches, often betrays those who are cap- tivated by them, into many difficulties and dan- glers, to the great obstruction of the work of truth inordinate *-' *-* pursuit of rich» in the heart : we aflPectionately desire that the ^s involves ia •^ difficulty. counsel and gracious promise of our blessed Re- deemer to his followers, may be borne in remem- brance by us, " Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.'* This meeting being earnestly concerned that the service of our religious society may not be obstructed, or its reputation dishonoured, by any imprudence of its members in their world- ly engagements, recommends to all, that they f^XlThia^ be careful not to venture upon such business as our means * and strictly they do not well understand ; nor to launch out fuifiUed. Hazardous 108 TRADE. in trade beyond their abilities, and at the risk of others ; especially on the credit which may be derived from a profession of the truth ; but that they bound their engagements by their means ; and when they enter into contracts, or give their words, that they endeavour on all oc- casions strictly to fulfil them. We particularly exhort that none engage in enterprizes to such conccrns as depend on the often deceptive be avoided, ^ * ^ andaraoderate probabilities of hazardous enterprizes ; but ra- way of living" kept to. ther content themselves with such a plain and moderate way of living as is consistent with the self-denying principle we make profession of; whereby many disappointments and grievous perplexities may be avoided, and that tranquilli- ty of mind obtained which is inseparable from the right enjoyment even of temporal things. And it is advised that, where any among us err, or are in danger of erring in these respects, they be faithfully and timely admonished. It is recommended that Friends frequently State of our inspect the state of their affairs, and keep their affairs to be accuraieiy accouuts SO clcar and accurate, that they may, ^^ ■ at any time, easily know whether they live with- in the bounds of their circumstances, or not ; and, in case of death, that these may not be perplexing to survivors. And whenever any find that they have no more property left than is sufficient to discharge their just debts, it is ad- vised, that they immediately consult with some TRADE. 10$ judicious Friends, and, without loss of time, if a failure is apprehended, make their circumstances known to their ere- creditors are . i. 1 f, to be consult- ditors, careiully avoidmg the payment of one m ed. preference to another, that so none may be in- jured, nor any reproach be incurred by mis- management. And where overseers, or other concerned . Overseers to Friends, have reason to fear that any person or be vip^iiant and J. ., , ,. . - , . _ seasonable in lamily, by living above their means, or from a their advice want of punctuality in fulfiUing their contracts, or any other cause, are declining in their circum- stances, and likely to fail, it is recommended that such be seasonably treated with, and (if it appear requisite) advised to call their creditors together without delay. And if, notwithstanding this ad- Furthered- vice, such persons still persist and run into em- barrassment, to the loss of others and to their own disreputation, the preparative or monthly meeting to which they belong, ought to be time- ly informed thereof, and proceed to deal with lakruplhc them acccording to our rules ; when, if this la- bour also prove ineffectual, a testimony of deni- al may be issued against them. barrassnnent. Preparative and moMthiv' case. trc.stees to 1S& It is advised that where such failures occur, and the cases are under the care of monthly Assi.g-nees or meetings, that the Friends appointed to visit the parties, inquire of their assignees or trustees, how their deficiencies have happened, and report accordingly. And it is the judgment of this meeting that neither monthly nor other meet- Persons re- lie TRADE. ings should receive subscriptions, donations or bequests from persons so circumstanced until they have paid off their deficiencies, or are voluntarily acquitted thereof by their creditors : for it should be remembered that though, in such cases, the defaulter may have been legall)^ discharged, the property he may afterwards ac- quire is not properly his own, till he has fairly paid off his former debts, to the satisfaction of trieving their the Creditors. Wherefore we further advise that, losses to pay ^ theirjustdebts, if any such persou or persons, on being suitably reminded of their duty in this respect, shall re- fuse to comply therewith, inquiry be made in- Or be disown- to the reason, and if it be not such as shall sa- ed. . tisfy the monthly meetings of which they are members, and, they cannot be prevailed with, the said meetings, after a proper time of labour and forbearance, may issue a testimony of de- nial against them. Advised that when Friends accept the officq of trustee or assignee, they be active in collecting the effects of the estate, and punctual and speedy in making distribution. Advised that Friends every where carefully , ,. ^ avoid beins: any way concerned in defraudinsj the Defrauding of o J J ^ ?d the government g-Qvernment of its duties ; that so our ancient cautioned a- *^ . . gainst. testimony in this respect may be mviolably main- tained. TRADE. Ill We warn our members against a pernicious practice amongst the trading part of the commu- Mere paper nity, which has often issued in the ruin of those sL^tent'wST concerned therein, viz. That of raising and cir- ^^^^^' culating a kind of paper credit, with indorse- ments, to give it an appearance of vakie, with- out an intrinsic reality ; a practice which, as it appears to be inconsistent with the truth we pro- fess, we declare our disapprobation of, and en- treat every member of our society to avoid and discourage. We also caution all in membership with us to avoid entering into joint securities with others, joint securities under the specious plea of rendering acts of kind- gahistl^^ ness ; many, by so doing, having been suddenly ruined, and their innocent wives and children reduced to deplorable circumstances. ^' Be not thou, said the wise man, one of them that strike hands ; or of them that are sureties for debts. If thou hast nothing to pay, Avhy should he take away thy bed from under thee ?" We affectionately desire that Friends may wait for divine counsel in all their engagements, and Divine coan- not suffer their minds to be huried away by an in- ed sorrmf'^ancL ordinate desire of worldly riches; remembering the observation of the apostle in his day, and so of- ten sorrowfully verified in ours, that *'They who will be rich, fall into temptation and a snare ;'^ and, erring from the faith, ** pierce themselves trouble are the consequence. 112 TRADE. through with many sorrows." Even when riches to any extraordinary degree have been amassed by the successful industry of parents, how often have they proved like wings to their chil- dren, carrying them beyond the limitations of truth, into liberties repugnant to our religious testimonies, and sometimes into enterprizes, which have terminated in irreparable damage to their temporal affairs, if not an entire forget- fulness of the great work of the souPs salvation. 113 WAR FRIENDS are exhorted faithfully to adhere to our ancient testimony against wars, and fight- Exhortation ings, and in no way to unite with any in warlike feffance'^oT our V that measures, either offensive or defensive, that by ^^^'^""^'Y' ' ^ ' •/ we may be in- the inoffensiveness of our conduct we may con- stmrnentai in •' the promotion vincingly demonstrate ourselves to be real sub- of viessi ai»s ' , ^_ . peacoiu. reig-n. jects or the Messiah's peaceful reign, and be in- strumental in the promotion thereof, towards its desired completion ; when, according to an- cient prophecy, "■ the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea; and its inhabitants shall learn war no more." When goods have been distrained from any Friends on account of their refusal to pay fines c^stTIillts not for non-performance of mihtary services, and the uniess^^iuhe^^ officers, after deducting the fines and costs, pro- ^*"^^ ^''°'^"' pose to return the remainder, it is the sense of this meeting, that Friends should maintain their testimony by suifering, rather than accept such overplus, unless the same or a part of it is re- turned without a change of the species. It is declared to be the sense of this meeting, that furnishing waggons, or other means for 114 WAR. Furnishing convcj^in^ of military stores, is a military ser- wag-gons a , iTiiiitaiy ser- vicc, and that the care of elders, overseers, and vice» faithful Friends, should be extended, in true love and Christian tenderness, to such as deviate herein, in order to convince them of their error. It is the sense of this meeting, that a tax, Taxfordrums, levied for the purchasing of drums, colours, or &c. contrary p , ,., , ., . toourtcstimo- lor Other warlike uses, cannot be paid consis- tently with our Christian testimony. This meeting fervently recommends to the deep attention of all our members that they be religiously guarded against approving or showing the least connivance at w^ar, either by attending at or viewing of military operations, or in any wise encouraging the unstable deceitful spirit of Viewing raili- .... tary operations party, by joining with political devices or associ- oreucourag-- . , • i i* • i i ■• ingiheunsia- atious, liowcvcr spcciously disguiscd under the i)anyladvised cusnaring subtleties commonly attendant there- on ; but that they sincerely labour to experience a settlement on the alone sure foundation of pure unchangeable truth; whereby, through the pre- valence of unfeigned Christian love and good will to men, we may convincingly demonstrate that the kingdom we seek is not of this world. A kingdom and government whose subjects are free indeed ! redeemed from those captivating lusts from whence come w ars and fightings. A living concern for the advancement of our testimony to the peaceable kingdom of Christ, against. WAR. 11, continuing to spread in many minds, a fervent desire hath prevailed among us, thai the mem- bers of our religious society would carefully avoid engaging in any trade or business promo- tive of war, sharing or partaking of the spoils of war by purchasing or selling prize goods, importing or shipping goods in armed vessels, paying taxes for the express purpose of war, grinding of grain, feeding of cattle, or selling their property for the use of the army : that through a close attention to the monitions of di- vine grace, and guarding against the suppression of it either in themselves or others, they may be preserved in a conduct consistent with our holy profession, from wounding the minds or increas- ing the sufferings of each other ; not at all doubting, that he to whom appertains the king- dom and the power ; who is wonderful in work- ing, will continue to carry on and perfect his blessed cause of peace in the earth. A solid attention to this concern is recommended to quarterly, monthly and preparative meetings, and to our brethren in general, it being the judg- ment of this meeting, that if any of our mem- bers do either openly or by connivance pay any fine, penalty or tax in lieu of personal service for carrying on war, or allow their children, appren- tices or servants to act therein, or are concern- ed in arming or equipping vessels with guns, or deal in public certificates issued as a compensa- tion for expenses accrued or services performed in war, that they be tenderly dealt with, and if Business con- nected with war to be a- voided. Paj^ment of fines or taxes in lieu of per- sonal service, arming ves- sels or trading" in certificates issued for the purpose of war, cause of deal- ing and if un- ' successful, disowniTient. 116 WAR. they cannot be brought to an acknowledgment of their error, monthly meetings are at liberty to testify against them. It is the sense and judgment of this meet- ing that it is inconsistent with our religious tes- Miiitarytaxor timouv and principle for any Friend to pay a line not t-. be ^ ^ "^ ^ paid however fine or tax, levied on them on account of their refusal to serve in the militia, although such fine or imposition may be applied towards defraying the expenses of civil government ; and where de- viations in this respect occur, tender dealing and advice should be extended to the party in order to their convincement and restoration ; and if this proves ineffectual, monthly meetings shoulcl proceed to testify against them. 117 WILLS KNOWING how quickly many are remov- ed by death, it is weightily recommended, that care be taken by each monthly meeting, that Friends who have estates to dispose of, be ad- wills to be ■■■ macie in time vised to make their wills in time of health, and of health, strength of judgment, and therein to direct their substance as in justice and wisdom may be to their satisfaction and peace ; laying aside all resentment, though occasion may have been giv- Resentment to en, lest it should go with them to the grave ; re- J^^^'"^^^^^' membering we all stand in need of mercy and forgiveness. Making such wills in due time can shorten no one's days, but the omission, or delay thereof to a time of sickness, when the mind should not be diverted from a solemn con- sideration of the approaching awful period of life, has often proved very injurious to many, and been the occasion of creating animosities in families, which the seasonable performance of this necessary duty might have effectually pre- vented. Friends are earnestly recommended to em- ploy persons skilful in the law, and of good re- 118 WILLS. pute, to make their wills, as great inconvenience wins to be and loss, and sometimes the ruin of families sonrquaiified havc happened through the unskilfulness of some t ere or. ^^j^^ j^^^^ taken upon them to write wills, be- ing unqualified to act in a matter of such impor- tance. And all Friends who may become exe- cutors or administrators are advised to make a full, clear and perfect inventory of the estate and effects of the deceased, early after the interment, as many difficulties and disputes have arisen, and sometimes injustice been done for want of it, or by deferring it too long. 119 WOMEN'S MEETINGS. FORASMUCH as our women^s meetings for discipline were set up and established in di- Established in vine wisdom, and by long experience have been ^^''^^^^'^ °^ found of advantage, not only to the society in general, but to the youth of their own sex, in particular ; it is earnestly desired, they may be encouraged to come up to the help of their brethren in that part of the discipline of the church properly claiming their attention and care. On considering the nature and extent whereof, it is apprehended a benefit mieht ac- ^, . . _ ' rr o Their servic^s*^" crue, by explicitly setting forth their distinct as follow. allotment and separate services in their monthly and quarterly meetings, and also in their yearly meeting. Women's monthly meetings ; are. First, To inspect and relieve the wants of the poor of careofthe their own sex ; and where their own funds are in- ^°°^ sufficient, they are to apply to the men's meet- ^^JH, ing for their aid, and for their concurrence, as cases shall require.^ Second, To take cognizance of proposals of marriage, and appoint two of their members 120 WOMEN'S MEETINGS. mar?hfffe^^^ to inquire into the conversation and clearness of the Vvoman ; also two to the oversight of the marriage. Third, They are to appoint a suitable num- ber of overseers, who are to treat with offenders i)ig o^^enders!" °^ ^^^^"* °^^'^^ ^^^ ' ^^^"^ ^^^^'^^ ^^^es be laid before the women's preparative, and if needful their monthh' meeting, which should proceed to deal further with such delinquents and report the re- sult of their labours to the men's meeting ; and if further dealing is expedient, the men should appoint a committee to unite with the women therein ; the report of which joint committee is to be made to each meeting, and the women hav- ing considered the same, are to inform the men's meeting of their sense thereon, and the subject to be finally resulted by the men : but when a case is brought by the women into the men's meeting, if on solid consideration further deal- ing does not appear to be needful, and the men are most easy to issue it, a committee should be appointed to prepare a testimony ofdisownment, which, when approved, is to be sent to the wo- men's meeting for their concurrence, and care in delivering it to the party. Fourth, On application of a woman for ad- mission or reinstatement into membership ; af- Admissionor tcr a rcligious carc therein hath been exercised reinstatement ... into member- by womcn ovcrscers, and in the preparative ^^^^" meeting as the case may require, the women's Certificates. WOMEN'S MEETINGS. isi monthly meeting is to make an appointment to join the men, the report of which united com- mittee is to be made to each meeting, and the women's meeting having considered the same, are to convey their sense thereon to the men's meeting, where the subject shall be considered and finally resulted. Fifth, They are to join in certificates of removal for wom^n Friends ; in order whereto, the women's monthly meeting is to appoint two or more of their members to make the necessary inquiry, that the same may be prepared ; and, after being considered in the women's, is to be laid before the men's meeting ; and when there approved and signed, returned to the women's meeting for their signature ; but if the certifi- cate- is intended to include one or more males, then they are to report the result of their inqui- ry to the Friends named on the like inquiry by the men's meeting ; in which the certificate be- ing approved and signed, is to be sent to the wo- men's meeting for their concurrenceand signing. And all certificates received for women Friends, are to be laid before the men's meeting, before they can be fully accepted by the women's mectins:. Sixth, When a woman minister appre- hends herself under a reli2;ious eno-asrement to Concerns pf o o D ministers. travel in truth's service, she is first to spread her concern before the women's meeting, and if R 122 WOMEN'S MEETINGS. united with, the same is to be laid before the men's meeting, whose result is to be communi- cated to the women's meeting ; to which, when a certificate for that purpose is prepared and signed by the men's meeting, it is to be sent fof their concurrence and signing. Scoenth, When the nomination of a wo- man elder is judgedexpedient, the women's meet- Appointment . . . ,. . . . . of elders. ing should appomt a judicious committee, to jom a like committee of the men's meeting in the consideration thereof; whose united report is to be communicated to each meeting ; and the wo- men's meeting, after due deliberation and pre- vious to their making any conclusive minute thereon, are to impart their sense to the men's meeting for their judgment and determination. Eighth, The women's preparative meet- ing's w here more than one constitute a month- Sevv.ces of ^ ^ preparative ly meeting, are to consider and answer the mectiiig-s. . . . . , , queries : which is likewise to be done m their monthly meetings ; from which they are to re- port the state of each monthly meeting to their respective quarterly meeting ; to attend which as their representatives, they should nominate two or more of their members. WOMEN'S QUARTERLY MEETINGS. First. When a woman minister under a religious concern to travel in truth's service, WOMEN'S MEETINGS. 123 produces to the quarterly meeting a certificate of the approbation of the monthly meeting of which certificates for t . 1 -n^t - 1 • 1 ministers and she IS a member, if the concern is concurred with consideration in the women's meeting, it should be submitted cIi^nTto'tra- to the men's meeting, and when approved, an en- senTcr '^' '* dorsement to that effect should be made on the certificate, signed by the clerk, and returned to the women's meeting for signing by their clerk. Second, They are to receive the written Reports con- accounts sent from the respective women's veyedtoihe , , . , • 1 1 . I yearly meet- monthly meetings, and transmit the collected mg. answers to the queries, with such other matters as appear needful, to the women's yearly meet- ing ; to attend the service whereof, each quarterly Representa. meeting is to appoint a suitable number of re- presentatives. Third, They are to communicate to their respective monthly meetings, such advices as they apprehend necessary, with any epistles or writings issued for that purpose by their yearly ces" meeting ; nominate committees at the request of the men's meeting to visit their monthly meetings, or for any other service which the men's meeting shall judge expedient ; and in all respects, they are to attend to those matters which may properly come under the notice and care of women's quarterly meetings. 124 WOMEN'S MEETINGS. Correspon- dence with other yearly meetings. THE YEARLY MEETING OF WOMEN FRIENDS, Held annually in Philadelphia, at the time of holding this meeting, is at liberty to correspond with any other yearly meetings of their own sex, either in America or elsewhere, and to issue such counsel and admonition to their own quar- terly and monthly meetings, as in the wisdom of truth shall appear conducive to real benefit and mutual edification ; but the said yearly No Interfe- . . . rence with ap- meeting IS uot to hear or determme on any ap- peals or mak- IP ing discipline, peal, uor at liberty to make or alter any rules of discipline or queries. stock. They are to have a stock of their own, for such services as may fall more properly under their notice. Fair records to be preserv- ed. And finally it is desired that a fair record be kept of the minutes and proceedings of the year- ly, quarterly and monthly meetings of women Friends ; and tl^t annually their representatives to the yearly meeting exercise a proper religious care in the choice of a clerk. 125 YEARLY MEETING. IT appears by the records, that our first yearly meethig was held at Burlington in New Jersey the thirty- first day of the Sixth Month, 1681, O. S. for the provinces of Pennsylvania, tr^Zlhli^ and New Jersey ; that in 1685, it was agreed to [^^f/^'^VoW- beheld alternately at Burlins-ton and Philadel- inj-ittothe •^ ^ present year, phia; that in 1755 the time of holding it was isoe. changed to the Ninth Month ; that in 1760 it was concluded to be held at the same time at Philadelphia only ; and that in 1798, the time of holding it was altered to the third Secoild-day in the Fourth Month, as it now is ; the yearly meeting of ministers and elders to be on the seventh day of the week preceding ; and both to begin at the tenth hour. It is agreed that such Friends as may be ap- - •Tin Committee on ponited to prepare epistles snail meet together epistles. before they proceed on the service, and also ex- amine the several essays previous to their being; laid before this meeting. Agreed that all letters or papers directed to the yearly meeting, except from such meetings i 126 YEARLY MEETING. Letters or pa- ^s rcsTularlv Correspond therewith, be first ne- pers to be ex- o . r . •> r amined. ruscd bv a few Friends to be appointed, who are to consider and report whether the same be proper to be read in this meeting or not. Agreed, that when extracts from the mi- nutes of this meeting are ordered to be sent to the minutes the quarterly meetings, a full copy shall be sent meetings for by cach of thosc meetings to their respective disc!i. Caution against attending the worship of those not in communion with us, 9 No meeting to be appointed at interments of such as are not members — nor invitations made in our meetings but for those interred in our grounds, - ib. Caution respecting invitations to funerals in our grounds, if the persons were not in membership, ih. Formal or customary meetings at interments advised against, z^. Appointment to the care of burial grounds, - - 10 Monuments of wood or stone to be removed from our grave yards, i6. Mourning habits advised against, - - - - ib. Record of births and burials to be kept, the forms ex- emplified, 11 BLASPHEMY— See conduct and conversation, - - - - 23 BOOKS, 12 Oversight of writings, vested in the meeting for suf- ferings, ib. Persons publishing contrary to advice, to be disowned, ib. Printers not to sell or lend pernicious books, - - 13 See meeting for sufferings, 55 CERTIFICATES, .... -14 For travelling Friends to be seasonably returned, and all certificates to be recorded, - . - - ib. Mode of signing, - - - - - ~ ~ ib. See also women's meetings, - - 121, 122, &. 123. Residence gained on receipt of the certificate, - 15 Persons falling into necessitous circumstanres, - H,. Persons who are reduced through unavoidable los- ses, to be assisted, jg Certificates to be sent after such as liave removed without applying for them, i^ If their conduct has been exceptionable, they are to be treated with, agreeably to the manner pointed out, ib. See also a case nearly similar under discipline, . 34 Parents, guardians, &c. to apply for certificates for minors, ^y INDEX. Persons coming amongst Friends, without certificates and being- of disorderly condact, to be treated with, 18 Recommendation to visit such who bring certificates, ib. Certificates for services in war, not to deal in them. See war, . . . . . 115 Ministers and elders, 65, 66, 67 Concerning marriage, - . . - 44, 47, 49 See Acknowledgments, - - - . . 106 Women's meetings, - - - . 121, 122, 123. Yearly meeting, 125 CHARITY AND UNITY, 19 Implacable enmity to be testified against, - - ib. Caution against resentment. See wills, - - - 117 CIVIL GOVERNMENT, 20 No office or station to be accepted, the duties, or ex- ercise whereof may violate our testimonies, - ib. Election to offices or stations, .... 21 Caution against defrauding. See trade, - - 110 CLERKS— See discipline, --._-_- 37 Women's meetings, . . - - _ 124 CONDUCT AND CONVERSATION, - - - 22 Immorality testified against, - _ - . ib. Blasphemy, and denial of the divinity of Christ — testi- fied against, ib. Strict justice to be ob3er\'ed in all our dealings, - ib. CORRESPONDENCE— See meeting for sufferings, 56 Women's meetings 124 CONVINCED PERSONS, .... 25 Order prescribedforreceivingpersonsmto membership, ib. Nation or colour, no obstruction if the applicant is united to us in principle and practice, - - - 25 DANCING— See diversions, 40 DAYS AND TIMES, .... 27 Reasons for not observing fasts, &.c. - - - ib. DEFAMATION AND DETRACTION, ... 29 Gospel order held up to view, .... ib. Persons guilty of detraction to be dealt with, - 30 Reporters and tale bearers also to be dealt with, - ib. DEISM— See conduct and conversation, . , - - 23 INDEX. DISCIPLINE AND MEETINGS FOR DISCIPLINE, 31 Connection and subordination of meeting^s, - - ib. Meeting's are set up by superior meetings, - - 32 A meeting for worship consisting of members of one or more montltly meetings, .. „ . - ib. Minutes of the business of meetings to be kept in books provided for the purpose, . _ - ib. Cases that are too weighty or difficult for monthly meetings, should claim the care of quarterly meetings, 33 Copies of minutes or records may be granted to meet- ings, or individuals, . - - - 33 Representatives to be appointed, to attend quarterly and yearly meetings, - - - 33 & 34 Mode of treating with such as reside at a distance, 34 See also certificates, . _ . - 17 Offenders not to sit in meetings for discipline, - 35 Explicit accounts ofsufTeringstobe forwarded by quar- terly meetings to meetings for sufferings, - - ib. Rights of children whose parents have been married contrary to our order, - - - - 36 Sorcery, to be testified against, - - - ib. Clerks to be seasonably changed, - - - 37 Use and design of preparative meetings, - - ib. DONATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS, - - 38 ELDERS— To be chosen, ----- 63 Mode of their appointment, - - - - 64 Their appearances in the ministry, - . - ib., EXTRACTS— See vearly meeting, . . - - 126 FAMILY VISITS, 39 FASTS AND FESTIVALS— See davs and times, - - - - 27 GAMING AND DIVERSIONS, - - - 40 Different kinds enumerated as cause of disownment, ib. GOSPEL ORDER— See it quoted under defamation and detraction, - 29 Alluded to, in overseers, - - - - 79 GRAVE STONES— See burials, - - - . - 10 LAW, - - 41 Refusal to pay debts cause of disownment, - ib. INDEX. Debtors effects to be surrendered or they disowned, 41 Christian charity to be exercised, ... f^. Ability to pay deficiences if not complied with, cause of disownment, - - - - - 42 See also, trade, - - - - 110 Suing at law except with certain restrictions disallow- ed of and to be testified against, - - 43. LEGACIES AND BEQUESTS— See donations, - - - - - 38 Meeting for sufferings, - - - - 56 Qiieries, - - - - - - 92 LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE— SeecwW government, - - - - 20 LOTTERIES— See gaming, - - - _ - 40 MARRIAGES, 44 The consent of parents and certificates of clearness to be produced previous to the accomplishment of marriage, ....... n,^ No marriage to be permitted sooner than one year after the death of husband or wife, - - . 4 5 All marriages of members, contrary to our order, testified against, - - _ - - /^. Parties intending marriage not to reside in the same house, - - - - - - lb. No marriage to be accomplished at a meeting for busi- ness or on first days, 46 Admonition to such as keep company with servants or apprentices, in order to marriage, - - - ib. And also to such as attend, or consent to their children attending marriages of those not in membership, where a priest officiates, - . . . . ib. Order prescribed for the accomplishment of marriage, 47 Children of widows should have their rights secur- ed, previous to their mother's forming a new connection, 48 Intemperance, and all indecent conduct to be guarded against, but if observed the offenders to be speedily admonished, ib. Form of marriage certificate, .... 49 Marriages of first cousins, or with wife's half sister, cannot be permitted, . . - . - 50 ^.<^ji INDEX. Religious care for the preservation cff the youth recom- mended, 51 Parents to be treated with if they consent to their chil- dren marrying- with those not in membership, - 52 See queries, 92 MEETING HOUSES, - - - - 53 Timely care advised for inspection of titles of real estate held by meetings, that the trusts may be sea- sonably renewed, id. Regular account to be preserved, when, and with whom the papers, minutes, 5cc. of meetings are de- posited, ib. MEETING FOR SUFFERINGS, ... 54 Its services and duties - - - 54 to 57 MEETINGS FOR WORSHIP, 58 Neglect ofattendiiig them requires early care and labour, 59 Such who wilfully neglect them and are not reclaimed by the labour of friends to be disow-ned, - - 60 Drowsiness in meeting, — is offensive, - ^ . /^. MEETINGS FOR DISCIPLINE— See discipline, &c. - - - - - ib. MEMORIALS, 61 See meeting for sufferings, - - - - 56 MINISTERS AND ELDERS, 62 Advice to ministers, ib. Misbehaviour of ministers requires admonition, - 63 Public opposition to approved ministers disallowed, ib. Elders, to be chosen, ib. Mode of their appointment, - . . . 64 Recommendation of ministers, _ _ . . jb, Xo minister to appoint meetings out of the limits of their quarterly meeting, but with the consent of the monthly meeting, - 65 Elders, appearing in the ministry, - - - ib. Ministers concerned to travel are to spread their concerns before the nnonthly meetings, - - ib. General religious visits are to have the concurrence of the quarterly meeting, .... 66 Preparative meetings of ministers and elders, - - ib. Quavt( rly meetings, of ditto, - - - ib. Yearly n.eeting, of ditto, - . - - 67 Concerns of ministers for crossing the seas, to be con- sidered in the yearly meeting, . . . . ik INDEX. Meetings of ministers and elders are not to interfere with meetings for discipline, . - - - 67 Mode of treating with a minister or elder who may lose his or her service, ^^ See women's meetings, - - - 121, 122, 123 MODERATION AND TEMPERANCE— Idle company and evil practices to be avoided, - - 70 Giving or receiving strong liquors at vendues, - ?^. Ruinous effects of distilled spirituous liquors, - 71 Moderation, at marriages, &.c recommended, - ilf- Distillation of spirits from grain, or retailing such li- quors, causes of disownment, - - -7^ See queries, 4th and 7th, . - - 91 MOURNING HABITS, ^ef Burials, - - - 10 MUSIC, See Diversions, r - - - - 40 NEGROES OR SLAVES, ... . . 73 Advice, assistance and school learning to be given to this people, ... - - 74 Hiring slaves, opposes our testimony, - - H. Caution to executors and administrators, - - if?. Advice to such as have held slaves, - - il^- The importation, selling, purchasing or giving away slaves, testified against, - - - - 75 The traffic for slaves displeasing to the Almighty, 76 OATHS, 77 Members holding stations in government and admini- stering or conniving at their clerks administering Oaths, to be treated with, - - - 78 Violation or breach of this testimony testified against, ib. Friends advised against electing or promoting their brethren to offices in government whereby this tes- timony may be violated, ... id. Recommendation respecting witnesses to instruments of writing, ----- z6 OFFICES IN GOVERNMENT— ^ee civil government, - - - - 20,21 Oaths, - - - - - - 78 OVERSEERS, 79 Their service and duty, - - - - ib. Appointment of a committee once ia three years to consider of changing them, - . - 80 PARENTS AND CHILDREN, - - - 81 INDEX. Youth exhorted to avoid ensnaring coftuptions, - 81 Such who go into extravagant fashions or fall into evil company and excesses to be treated with, - 83 Parents indulging their children in extravagance, - ib. Children to be brought up to industry, - - ib. Children of the poor to be instructed in useful imploy- ments, on moderate terms, - - - ib. Parents consenting to their children transgressing our order respecting marriage, - -. - 52 PLAINNESS, . . - - - . 84 Caution to tradesmen and others, - - ib. Maintenance of this testimony in our speech, without respect to persons, - - - - 85 See the 3d query, - - - • - 90 POOR, - - - - - 87 Advice and assistance to be afforded them, - - ib. Funds to be raised for tliis purpose, - - ib. Situation of our fellow members not to be exposed, ib. See 4th query, - - - - - 91 See women's meetings, - - . - 119 PRIEST'S WAGES OR HIRELING MINISTRY, 88 Gospel ministry, free, . . , « H;, Violation of this testimony to be testified against, - ib. See query 6th, - - - - - 91 QUERIES, - - - - . 89 For meetings for discipline, - - - 89 to 94 For meetings of ministers and elders, , - 95 to 96 QUOTAS— See stock, - , - • » 102 RACES— See gaming and diversions, - - - 40 RECORDS— ^fe births and burials, - - - r- 11 Certificates, ----- I4 Discipline, - - - - - - 32 Copies to be given, . ... 33 Marriage certificates, - - - - - 49 Meetinghouses, ----- 53 Qiiery, 9th, - - - - - - 92 Women's meetings, - - - - 124 Yearly meeting, ----- 125 INDEX. RELIGIOUS VISITS— See families, , - ... 39 Ministers and elders, - - - 65 Sc 67 Women's meetings, - - - 121 & 123 REMOVALS— See certificates, - - - - 14 to 13 Discipline treating with such as are at a distance, 34 Acknowledgments, ... - 105 Women's meetings, - - - - 121 RE PRE SE NT ATI VE S— See discipline, - - - - 33 & 34 Ministers & elders, - - - - 65 & 67 Women's meetings, - - 122, 123 8c 124 RIGHTS OF CHILDREN— ^ee discipline, - - - - ~ oS Marriages, children of widows, - . . 48 SCHOOLS— - S^ 5'ee queries, . - - - - 94 Negroes, - - - - --/'4 SCRIPTURES, 100 SORCERY— See discipline, - - - - - 35 SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS— Dram drinking. See moderation and temperance, - 70 Distilling or retailing those from grain, - - 72 Taverns, .----- 103 STOCK, 101 Arrangement of the quotas, . . - 103 See women's meetings, - - - - 124 TAVERNS, . ... 103 Unnecessary frequenting them to be avoided, - - ib. Caution against keeping them, - - - ib- Friends to exert their influence against the unnecces- sary increase of them, ... - 104 TAXES— See,,-^v, ... - 114,115,116 TESTIMONIES OF DENIAL AND ACKNOWLEDG- MENTS, ... - - 105 Acknowledgments to be in writing, - - ^b- Mode prescribed for acknowledgments of persons re- INDEX. Discretional authority vested in monthly meetings, re- specting the recital of the occasion of disownment, 106 Members under dealing- to be notified that a testimony is to be issued, - - - - - ib. Information of the right of appeal, - - ib. TRADE, 107 Engagements to be within our means and strictly ful- filled, 108 Hazardous enterprises to be avoided, - - ib- Accounts to be accurately kept, and if a failure be ap- prehended, creditors are to be informed, - - 109 Such as run into embarrassment to be treated with by preparative and monthly meetings, - - Of. Assignees or trustees to be enquired of, - - ib. Debtors acquiring sufficiency, to discharge their debts, and refusing so to do, are to be disowned, - - 110 See the same case under Law, - - - 42 Defrauding the government, cautioned against, - 110 Mere paper credit inconsistent with truth, - - 111 Joint securities cautioned against, - . - ib. See queries, 6th and 7th, - - - - 91 See war, _ , . - - 115 WAGERING— See gaming, - - - « - 40 WAR, 113 Exhortation to maintain this testimony, - . - ib. Overplus of distraints not to be received unless in the same goods, - - - - - ib. Furnishing waggons, a military service, - 114 Taxes for drums &c. not to be paid, - - ib. Viewing military operations or joining with party spirit advised against, - - - - - ib. Business connected with war to be avoided, - - 115 Payment of fines, arming vessels, and dealing in certi- ficates issued for the purpose of war, testified against ib. Fine or tax levied on account of militia laws, not to be paid, however applied, - - - 116 See query 6th, . - . . 91 WILLS, 117 See queries, - - - - - 93 WOMEN'S MEETINGS, ^ ... 119 INDEX. Care of the poor, - - - - - ib. Proposals of marriage, . - - . 120 Treatment with offenders, - - - - ib. Admission or reinstatement into membership, - ib. Certificates, - 121 Mode of signing. See certificates, - - - 14 Concerns of ministers, 121 Appointment of elders, 122 Service of preparative meetings, - > - ib. Their quarterly meetings, - - - - ib. Certificates for ministers and their concerns, - - 123 Representatives, - - - - - - ib. Their yearly meeting, 124 Stock, ib. WORSHIP of those not in communion with us, - . 9 See burials, . - . . . ib. YEARLY MEETING, 125 Account of its first establishment to the present time, ib. ' Committeee on epistles, - . . , ib. Letters or papers to be examined, - - 126 Extracts, to go to the subordinate meetings, - ib. Certificates of Friends attending the meeting, - ib. YOUTH— See Parents and children, - n . 81 to 83 ^f'v?'' jps* 'Jl^ J -' "tiT'lfTr'' -"•• • • . . . o :\:hJL^^,:;.tSti>ii^. - YriffilTilitriii