Sab Tad St altad etsy ΜΗ ΛΗΛ TL 3 λα, be | SUMO UNITH ARTA TN UTM IN LM MTS DEAT ΗΛ DDB US ΗΝ a pe ee το “ον. 1 ἢ ΗΛ ΛΑ ΛΜ ἣ δὴ δὰ | N RUSTE ΜΙΝ AY Mth ἣν δὰ ᾿ q wy αὐ \ η) \ } t ι τ We ἧς ΝΜ ι ΔΊΣ \ | Δ ΔΝ SA ur} wh δ ΔῊΝ, 1 x SAAS ἦν ν Wy Wi BAN INST Wit Wi ἣ ΜΗ Wy \ \ ‘ aaa) Ὶ ὶ RMN δ vt νὴ ΔΗ νι αν ahh) Wi ᾿ AE Win wy i Wy le a ἘΣ ᾿ 1) Ὶ μα ape a ο” > Leh AEE! a oe 7 κ Teh : ANN Sea Fie ed ot ge . “- Ὁ paren rer serene i \ ἶ Ἢ { i q Νὰ ΑΝ 4 ΔῈ \ > \ 18 \ δὰ Ἢ NAN A mth, Wie οὐδ Δ yy tale wht . seat hun wih oa Wl AY Wt : ήν ην δ ην ην Wil \ Wy Vy ΑΝ ὴ \ ' ΑΝ RAN i \ aN Vey wt { DAVENTRY DAS ὯΝ η Wa ) 1 \ Ὶ ᾿ δὰ \ A Ν ἢ η N η] Ra Ay WN Νὰ αλλος a Ὶ τὶς ΜΙΝ ΠΡῚΝ us Woy ‘ ι “HESS ο EBSA νυν εν τ τὸ νεῖν wR we τὶ ee eR eee RUE 4 \ . Σπα ” Μπ τῳ γνν αλλ]. .. eee 5 πον να) κ οἰ ih tial) ᾿ , 64 wae, Greer es fe} “τὰν Loe ξ ? Α a ‘ t ci ἢ ἐν re ty Ty a mS ἡ οἱ ΕΤ ΤΗ ἵ ) nt yi ‘Wy ΚΝ μη ἦν AES NN . ΜΗ Dee wet ο ae bee ὶ ot clit Cheologicy) ΓᾺ Me ty ty PRINCETON,N. J. - ή, . A CRITICAL LEXICON AND CONCORDANCE OF -THE ENGLISH AND GREEK TESTAMENT. FOURTH EDITION, REVISED. m CRITICAL LEXICON ann CUNCORDANCE TO THE Guglish and Greek ale Cestament, TOGETHER WITH ΠΕ ΡΝ DEX OF GREEK WORDS AND SEVERAL APPENDICES BY THE REV. ETHELBERT W. BULLINGER, D.D. “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.”’—JeER, xv. 16, LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. MDCCCXC\Y. ΤΙΟΝΡΟΝ: ῬΕβΙΝτεῦ BY GEORGE BERRIDGE ἅ Οο., 79 & 180, Upper THAMES STREET, Dhis work IS DEDICATED TO, AND DESIGNED FOR, ALL ENGLISH BIBLE STUDENTS, AND IS SO ARRANGED AS TO BE UNDERSTOOD ALSO BY THOSE WHO ARE UNACQUAINTED WITH GREEK. IT SHOWS AT A GLANCE THE GREEK WORD WITH ITS LITERAL MEANING FOR EVERY ENGLISH WORD IN THE TEXT OR MARGIN OF THE NEW TESTAMENT ; ALL THE VARIOUS READINGS OF THE GREEK WITH THE CRITICAL AUTHORITIES ; AND ALL PROPER NAMES THAT ARE AFFECTED BY VARIOUS READINGS. rr ADO CONTAINS AN INDEX OF GREEK WORDS WITH ALL THEIR RENDERINGS, AND THE NUMBER OF TIMES EACH RENDERING OCCURS ; AND THE FOLLOWING APPENDICES: A.—ALL THE VARIOUS READINGS THAT ARE INVOLVED IN LONGER CLAUSES. B.—?THE GREEK ALPHABET, WITH THE POWERS, ETC., OF THE LETTERS, ETC. ; TABLES OF THE ENDINGS OF VERBS, NOUNS, AND ADJECTIVES, AS ILLUSTRATING AND DETERMINING THEIR SIGNIFICATION. C.—a List OF THE VARIATIONS IN THE READINGS OF THE CODEX SINAITICUS. soe iki αλα yep ieee ny 1 ἫΝ os? PRT AVA TT ae . ΛΜ ο ΓΝ CONT EN ES. PAGE PREFACE : : : 5 : : ‘ ‘ 9 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS, ETC. . ; 16 Lexicon ΑΝΡ ConcorDANce.—ENGLISH AND GREEK : ‘ 17 Inprex.—GREEK AND ENGLISH . : " F ; ὃ 921 APPENDICES « | A. Various REaDINGS IN LONGER CLAUSES i 5 i B. THe Greek ALPHABET, WITH POWERS AND PRONUNCIATION OF THE LETTERS : 3 : : ᾿ : ΧΙ The endings of Words as determining their signification :— Verbs ἶ ; 5 ; xiv Substantives : Xv Adjectives : ; : Xvii Prepositions, and their use in composition ; xix Compound Words, with illustration . 3 Xx C. Varrations or Copyists In THE Reaprnas or THE “ CopEX SINAITICUS ” 9 5 J : : κκ] eee PREFACE. “Not unto us, Ὁ Lord, not unto us; but unto Thy name give glory.” Such were the words that filled the author’s heart on bringing to a close the labours of nine years, begun amidst the duties of a London parish and continued in various parts of the Master’s vineyard ; it is the fruit of time redeemed from less noble recreations, and devoted to the Master’s service. The need of such a work arose from the study of certain words of more or less importance, for his own edification and that of certain friends ; when the thought occurred that it might be useful to himself and to many others if the work were made complete, and rendered accessible to all students of God’s word. With this view a certain portion was done, and submitted to the judgment of some who are renowned for their Biblical knowledge and criticism. Their kind expressions of opinion encouraged the author in the prosecution of his design. It is obvious that such a work could not be designed in a day, and the consequence was, that as it grew, the earlier portions (A, B, & C) were written and re-written, until the design became complete. There are but few who will really appreciate the nature and character of the labour demanded by the work, and consequently, the daily need of strength, health, courage, and prayer, to persevere unto the end: “thy God hath commanded thy strength” has been indeed verified by experi- ence, and so has the prayer, “Strengthen, O God, that which Thou hast wrought for us.” THE DESIGN OF THE WORK. The design of this work is to give every English word in alphabetical order, and under each, the Greek word or words so translated, with a list 10 PREFACE. of the passages in which the English word occurs, showing by a reference figure which is the Greek word used in each particular passage. Thus, at one view, the Greek word with its literal and derivative meanings may be found for every word in the English New Testament. The great importance of this will be at once seen, when it is stated that the same English word is used in the translation of several Greek words. For example, if the word “come” may, in thirty-two passages, be represented by as many Greek words, it is surely most important for the Bible student to know which is the particular word in any given pas- sage, and what is its meaning. Τύ 18. clear that many useless arguments would be saved if it were known precisely what is the exact meaning and force of the words. The Christian would not confuse his “standing” with his “state” if he knew that in Eph. 1. 6, the word “ accepted” denoted that which God has made us by grace, lovely and acceptable, and that in 2 Cor. v. 9, “ We labour, that,...we may be accepted of Him,” denoted simply well-pleasing. He would see at once, that we do not and need not labour to become accepted, but that we do labour to please Him well because we are accepted. When it is further stated that such an important word as “ordain” is used as the representative of 10 different Greek words, “destroy” of 10, “condemn” of 5, “to minister” of 8, “‘holiness” of 5, “receive” of 18, “say” of 8, “know” of 6, “judgment” of 9, and “judge’’ of 6, it will be seen at once, how hecessary it becomes that we should know exactly the shade of meaning to be given to the word in any particular place. It is by no meahs asserted that the meaning given to any word in the lexical portion of the work could, or 18 to be substituted for that in the English translation, but ‘his is affirmed, that in each case, a shade, a tint, or a colour will be given to what was before only an outline. THE GREEK TEXT AND VARIOUS READINGS. In carrying out the design of this work a difficulty soon arose. The assertion that a certain English word was the translation of a certain Greek word was of course true, but only in part. It was the translation of the Greek word now found in the Textus Receptus, i.e. in that Greek Text, PREFACE. 11 used by our translators in their great and important work, and afterwards printed. The Received Text of the Greek Testament is the second edition published by the Elzevirs at Leyden in 1633. The first Elzevir edition (Leyden 1624) varies very slightly from the second, and the second was a collation of the first, with Robert Stephens’s third edition 1550. The Text however of our Authorized version agrees more nearly with Beza’s fifth edition (1598) than with any other. In eighty places it agrees with Beza’s fifth, when it disagrees with Stephens’s third, and while it agrees with Stephens’s third in only about forty places, where it disagrees with Beza’s fifth, it differs from both editions in about half a dozen places.* But little is known of the MSS. used in preparing these various editions, but it is certain that they were neither many, nor ancient, nor of much weight as to their critical authority.t+ There being no reason therefore why Stephens’s Text should be exalted by Protestants into a similar position as that of the Clementine Vulgate by the Council of Trent, various revisions have been made from time to time by persons who have made the subject the study of their lives. In saying that a certain English word is the translation of a certain Greek word, was only saying that that Greek word had the authority of Robert Stephens. It appeared therefore to be a matter of the first necessity to add the results of Biblical research in this department since 1624, and to give every variation from Stephens’s Text which modern editors have for various reasons thought to be necessary. But in order that the student may be able to come to some conclusion in the matter for himself, when he sees that certain editors prefer a certain word, and that others do not, it is necessary to give here a brief account of those editors and the principles on which they formed their various Texts. I.—Griespacu (1796-1806) based his Text on a theory of Three Recensions of the Greek Text, (which he thought were apparent in different groups and classes of MSS.) regarding the collective witnesses of each recension as one; so that a reading having the authority of all three * The Elzevirs edition differs from Stephens’s third edition in about 150 places. + For further particulars on this subject, see Dr. Tregelles on the Printed Text of the Greek Testament, London : Bagsters. ----- ο 12 PREFACE. recensions, or of two out of the three, is regarded by him as genuine. His theory has certainly a foundation of truth, but ἐέ is a theory and has many defects; nevertheless his judgment has and will always retain a value peculiarly its own. II.—Lacumann (1831-1850) professed to give the Text as it was received in the East in the Cent. IV., taking into account the Latin and African authorities only when the Eastern disagree. Accordingly he cites entirely the most ancient MSS., to the utter neglect of the other uncial MSS., and all the cursive MSS. He professed also to exclude all internal evidence as well as private opinion, and he has done this even where the reading is a palpable error, simply on the ground that it was the best attested in Cent. IV. III.—Tiscuenvorr (1841-1864), like Lachmann, professed to follow the most ancient MSS., but not to the neglect of the evidence furnished by the ancient versions and Fathers. In his 8th edition, however, he professes to approach more nearly to the principles of Lachmann. IV.—Treceiies (1844-1872). His principle is substantially the same with Lachmann, but it differs from his in allowing the evidence of uncial MSS. down to Cent. VII., and by a careful testing of what was a wider circle of authorities. The chief value of his Text arises from its scrupulous fidelity and accuracy ; and it is probably the most exact repre- sentation of the ancient plenary inspired Text of the Greek Testament ever published. When any of the other editors are cited as agreeing with him, his reading may be taken as being absolutely to be relied on as correct and genuine. V.—Atrorp (1849-1874) constructed his Text “by following in all ordinary cases the united or preponderating evidence of the most ancient authorities.” Where these disagree he takes into account, to a very large extent, later evidence. Where, however, evidence is divided, he endeavours to discover the causes of the variation. Mis principles differ from all the other editors, by giving a greater prominence to internal probability, and a greater weight, in some cases, to his own judgment, than to the actual MS. authority. He says that that reading has been adopted “ which on the whole seemed most likely to have stood in the original Text. Such judg- ,--Ξ-------- ee . PREFACE. ments are of course open to be questioned, etc.” Consequently, he is often found preferring a word for some reason which he thinks accounts for the various reading, and this in the face of all the ancient MSS. (e.g. Mark xii. 43, λέγει for εἶπεν) A word is retained because, he says, it is “more usual,” or because its omission appeared to have been a “‘ grammatical correction,” or it is rejected because it appears to have been inserted “carelessly from memory,” or as a “mechanical repetition,” &c. In most cases he seems to feel it necessary to discover the cause of, and to account for, the variation. This necessarily deprives his Text of much weight, and places it far below that of Lachmann, Tischendorf, or Tregelles. VI.—X&. This is the Codex Sinaiticus, found by Tischendorf in the Convent of St. Catherine, at the foot of Mount Sinai, in 1844 and 1859, and printed at St. Petersburg in 1862, and at Leipsic in 1863 and 1870. It is considered by Tischendorf and Tregelles to be the work of Cent. IV., and therefore is of very high authority, being perhaps the most ancient MS. of the Greek Testament in existence. It is given here as a separate authority, because it was not known to Griesbach and Lachmann when they prepared their texts. In giving the various readings it was not thought necessary to notice those which merely affected the form or spelling of the Greek words, and not the meaning. In other respects this department of the work may be regarded as complete. With regard to the English words, the English Bibles differ among themselves to a certain extent, and most modern editions differ from the Authorized Version as published in 1611, in italics, references, marginal readings, spelling, and also chapter headings, and punctuation. The chief alterations were made in 1683, and afterwards in 1769, by Dr. Blayney, under the sanction of the Oxford delegates of the Press.* Most of these variations have been noted, with the date (where known) | at which they were made. The English text followed has been Bagster’s Critical New Testament, | which retains the italics of the edition of 1611. This work could scarcely have been undertaken but for the material | * See Turton’s Text of the English Bible, 1833. 14 PREFACE. assistance afforded by The Englishman’s Greek Concordance, which, indeed, made it possible ; but still more useful has been found Hastings’s Criticad Greek and English Concordance, by Hudson & Abbot, Boston, 1871-5. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. The English words have been given in their alphabetical order, and when two or more are used in the translation of one Greek word, they will be found in order in each case at the foot of the first body of references, where, if not too numerous, they are referred to. The order of the Greek words has been determined generally by the frequency with which they have been so translated. Nouns have been given (with a few exceptions) in the singular number, and verbs in the present tense. Therefore the student must look under COME for Came, under DRAW for Drew, under GO for Went, under TAKE for Took, etc. Theverb “TO BE” is an exception, and for the convenience of the student, and for the sake of simplicity, this has been, at great labour, divided into its various tenses, AM, ARE, BE, IS, WAS, WERE, WERT, etc. In reading any passage.—The student desiring to know the exact force of a particular word, should first look for that word in its alphabetical place, and then to the body of references below it for the book, chapter, and verse where the word occurs. The figure prefixed to it will be the Greek word, with its literal meaning. It is obvious that the same infor- mation will be gained even though he know nothing of Greek. Should the passage not be found in the list of references, he must reflect whether it forms part of a phrase, in which case he will find that combination or phrase in its alphabetical order, below. EXAMPLES. (1).—He is reading John v. 39, and wishes to know the meaning of the word “SEARCH”’; he turns to that word, finds the reference, which shows him that No. la is the word so translatéd, and he learns that he is commanded to trace or track the Scriptures, as a dog does in hunting game; or he is reading Acts xvii. 11, and refers to this word, where he PREFACE. 15 a ee: finds that when the Bereans “searched ”’ the Scriptures they estimated carefully the Apostles’ teaching and judged of it by the Word of God. (2).—He is reading John viii. 12, “Iam the Light of the World,” and by reference, he learns that Jesus speaks of Himself as absolute and underived light ; while in John v. 35, speaking of the Baptist as “a light,” the word means a hand-lamp, fed by oil, burning for a time and then going out. (3).—He is reading John xiii. 10, “ He that is washed, needeth not, save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit,’ and by reference he finds that the word wash is represented by two different Greek words; the first, meaning fo bathe, the second, to wash a part of the body ; and he learns that as a person who has been bathed only needs the washing of his feet, so the believer being justified by the sacrifice of the brazen altar, only needs the daily cleansing of the brazen laver, 7.e. the cleansing of his walk and his ways with the washing of water by the word. For the special use of the Jndex in connection with further searching out the use of the Greek words, the reader is referred to the Preface prefixed to it. The foregoing examples (which might be indefinitely multiplied) will be sufficient to show the importance and usefulness of this work ; and it is now submitted to all Bible students with the earnest prayer that the result with them will be the same as with the author; and that together, they will be filled with a holy reverence for the words inspired by the Holy Ghost, and exclaim together, “Oh! how I love Thy law.” “Thy words were found and I did eat them, and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart.” St. ΒΤΕΡΗΕΝ᾽5, WALTHAMSTOW, June 14th, 1877. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. A Second Edition of this Work having been called for, typographical and other errors have been corrected as far as possible. Two pages have been cancelled, without affecting the continuity of the matter; the pagination will be rectified in a subsequent edition. So many testimonies having been received as to the value of the work, it has been resolved to increase its usefulness by reducing the price to 15s., thus placing it within the reach of a greater number of Bible students, St. Stepyen’s Vicarage, WALTHAMSTOW, February, 1886. EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS, στο. CASES. Nom. ... Nominative. Dat. ... Dative. Gen. ... Genitive. Acc. ... Accusative, NUMBER. Sing. ... Singular. | 5. ... Plural. GENDER. Mase. ... Masculine. | Neut. ... Neuter. Fem. ... Feminine. Pers. ... Person. VOICES. Act. ... Active. | Pass. ... Passive. Mid. ... Middle. MOODS. Opt. ... Optative. Inf. _ ... Infinitive. Ind. ... Indicative. Imperat. Imperative. Subj. ... Subjunctive. TENSES. Pres. ... Present. Imp. ... Imperfect. Perf. ... Perfect. Plup. ... Pluperfect. Aor. ... Aorist. Fut.. ... Future. PARTS OF SPEECH, etc. ; Adj. ... Adjective. Def. ... Definite. Art. ... Article. Indef. ... Indefinite. Pron, ... Pronoun, εἰ. ... Relative. Part. ... Participle. Neg. ... Negative. LANGUAGES. Sanscr.... Sanscit. Heb. ... Hebrew. Eng. ... English. lxx. ... The Greek Lat. ... Latin. translation of the Germ. ... German. Old Test. TEXTUAL. G denotes Griesbach, edition of 1805. ον a probable omission by Griesbach, which he did not, however, remove from the text. G- ,, a less probable omission. Ge ,, an addition of someslight probability. Ge ,, a reading of great value, but which Griesbach did not add to the text. Ge ,, a reading of less value, considered by Griesbach as inferior to the text. Lachmann, edition 1842-50. Tischendorf, 7th edition to the word “party,” from thence, his 8th edition. τε ay Tregelles. 4. "» alford, Four Gospels, 6th edition to the word “‘ ror,” 7th edition, from thence; Acts to 2 Cor., 6th edition ; Gal. to Philem., 5th edition; Heb. to Rev., 4th edition. ] μας a reading which Alford regarded as of equal authority with the text. κ 2 the Codex Sinaiticus, discovered 1859, printed 1862, κ, an omission in 8 with the context, in which case it fails to be an authority as to the particular word in question. m "ν᾿ a reaaing placed in the margin by the editor after whose initial it is placed, (e.g. Tr™ denotes a reading in the margin of Tregelles.) b ἣν a reading placed in brackets in the text by the editor after whose ini- tial it is placed; (e.g. A> denotes that Alford placed the reading within brackets.) mb a a reading placed in the margin, and also within brackets, by the editor; (e.g. Trmb,) AV.aenctes the Authorized Version of 1611. The St x the edition of R. Stephens, printed in 1624, as the text from which the AV. had been translated. Hence often called the “ Textus Receptus.”’ B 7 the edition of Beza, 1565. E - the edition of the Elzevirs, 1624. (ap.) ,, that the word in πα ο is affected by ἃ various reading which concerns a whole clause, verse, or paragraph, etc., which will be found in its place in Appendix 4. Om. ο that the word is omitted by such of the textual critics or editors whose initials are placed after it, (but re- tained by those whose initials are not given). Αν» that all the editors mentioned above concur in their opinion as to any word; viz.,G LT Tr A and &. (When a Greek word, etc., occurs be- fore the above initials, it denotes, that that word is preferred by them to the one designated by a figure.) MISCELLANEOUS. absol, denotes absolutely. appl. 5 applied. cf. oA the Lat. confer, i.e. compare; sometimes put comp. comp. 45 comparative. ed. ἜΣ edition. 6.0. τί for example. emph. 4, emphatic, or emphasis. esp. ” especially. gen. 3 enerally. lit. _ iterally. marg. 45 margin; i.e.a marginal reading in ; the English Bible. e ν᾿ Η ος } x metaphorically. obs, obsolete. οσο. i NON OCC. 5, obj. » opp. ” part, ΜΝ pers. ” prob. τν superl, ,, sig. 9» sub. . jst ond } ” twice . A,B,C,ete.,, date of any subsequent year denotes a later edition. occur, (i.e. that the word in ques- tion occurs only in those pas- sages). that the word does not occur else- where. objective. opposed or opposite, particularly. person. probably. superlative. signifies, or signification, subjective. that the English word occurs more than once in the verse, and the 15 ου 254, as the case may be, is the one that is so translated (though the Greek may be in a reverse order). that the word occurs twice in that verse. the capital letter after the word ‘see,’ stands for the word in question; og. under ‘coms,’ see “C to pass,”’ denotes see “come to PASS ;’’ under “‘ PRAYER,” “see P (make long)’’ denotes see ‘‘ PRAYER (make long) ”’ etc. A CRITICAL AND COMPLETE LEXICON AND CONCORDANCE TO THE ENGLISH AND GREEK NEW TESTAMENT. A Α or AN, The indefinite article generally indicates the absence of the article in the Greek, (In many passages however the Greek definite article, 6, ἡ, τό, is translated indefinitely ; and other passages, which are indefinite in the Greek, are definite in English. Lists of these will be found in the Appendix.) A or Ay is sometimes the representa- tive of other words, e.g. : 1. ὁ, ἡ, τό, the Greek definite article the. The article is the symbol of what was uppermost in the writer's mind, either already mentioned, or about to become the object of an assertion. It is strictly anticipative, though with the aid of its predicate it may be retrospective, 2. εἷς, the numeral one. 3. εἰς, prep., into, with a view to; also, denoting equivalence, as. 4. τις, indef. pron., some, a certain. B 1. Matt. i. 23, a virgin. 1. —— iv. 5, a pinnacle. 1: 21, a ship. 1. —— v. 1, a mountain. Ἱ, 15, a bushel. 1. ——- a candlestick 2, -- 41, a mile. 1. —— vii. 17, a corrupt. ile 24, a rock. ue Vili. 23, a ship (om. L Tr A.) 1, ———— 32, a steep. 1. —— ix. 1, a ship (om. L Tr.) 1. —— x. 12, a house. 1. —— xii. 35, a good man 1 -an evil man. 1. 43, a man. 1. —— xiii. 2, a ship (om. L Tr A.) . — xiv. 23,a mountain . — Xv. 20, a man. "ὦ τῷ τῷ τῷ μὶ ee ee ee et et μπὰ . Mark iii, 18,4 mountain b> — 3, a sower. — xviii. 17, ἃ heathen a publican xxi. 19, a fig tree. — xxiii. 24, a gnat. a camel. , a parable — xxv. 32,a shepherd — xxvi. 51, a servant - 69, a damsel. — xxvii. 14, a word. — 15, a prisoner, — xxviii. 16, a moun- tain. — xxiv Γρ] Ἡ 27, astrong man iv. 1, a ship (om. ———— 3, asower (om. L Tr»,) ——- 21, a candle, a bushel. "μὰ "ὦ μὰ μὰ τῶ κῦμ μὰ μὰ μὰ μὰ μ μὰ μ.ο ο μὸ μας τὸ and 1, .— xviii. 2, . Mark iv. 21, a bed. a candle- stick. 38, a pillow. — ν. 18, a steep place — vi. 46, a mountain . — vii. 15, a man. viii. 10, a ship. — xi. 4, a place. —— xiii. 28, a parable. —- xiv. 47, a sword. — 5], a certain (om. L Tr δ.) . Luke ii, 7, a manger. - 12, a sign. 16, a manger (om. G— L Tr.) — iv. 9, a pinnacle. . — v. 15, a fame. . — vi. 12, amountain - 48, a rock. viii. 5, a sower. — 6, a rock, — ix. 28, a mountain — xi. 21, a strong man. 22, a stronger a bushel. a candle- stick. xii, 40, an hour. - δά, a cloud (om, L Tr.) xv. 15, a citizen (lit. ‘one of the citizens.’) — xvi. 2, an account. a city. a judge. - 18, a sinner. xxiii. 31, a green tree (Tr>.) John iii. 10, a master. y. 5, an infirmity. ABA 1. John ν. 35, a burning. | 1. 1 Cor. x. 13, a way. if a shining. | 3. xv. 45, a living 1. —— vi. 3, a mountain. soul. 1. 4, a feast. 3. aquickening 4. 7, a little (om. | 4. xvi. 7, a while. Lb Tr.) 3. 2 Cor. vi. 18, a father. 2. 9, a lad (om. | 1. vii. 8, a letter. 6-- Lb Tr.) a viii. 11, a readi- 1, ————15, amountain. ness. {ance, 1. ———l17, a ship (om. a perform- | tr.) 12, a willing. — viii. 7, a stone (ap.) —— xi. 16, a little. — xii. 12, an apostle. 18, a brother. . Gal. iv. 22, ἃ bondmaid. | — ἃ free-woman, 27, an husband. . — vi. 1, a fault. . Eph. vy. 27, a glorious. . — vi. 21, a beloved. . Phil. i. 23, a desire. . — iv. 17,8 gift. 44, a lie. —— xi. 54, a country. — xii. 24, a corn. —- xiii. 5, a bason. ] 26, ἃ sop. | xvi. 21, a woman. | | —— xviii. 3, a band. — xx. 7, a place. — xxi. 3, a ship. 8, alittle ship. | ee ee ee BP eee ee po eee ee eres Acts i. 15, an upper. . Col. iv. 9, a faithful. . — v. 16,2 multitude. | 1. 2 Thes. ii. 3, a falling- 7 34, a little space. away. —— ix. 7, a voice. 1. — ἃ lie. — xi. 13, an angel. 1. 1 Tim. vi. 12, a good. Xvi. 9, ἃ man. 1. 2 Tim. iv. 7,a good fight. — xviii. 14, a matter. | 1. — 8, a crown. . — xx. 9, a window. 1. Titus i. 7, a bishop. | — xxi. 26, anoffering. | 4. Heb. ii. 7, ὁ little. — xxiii. 27, an army. | 4. 9, a little. — xxiv. 23, a centu- | 1. —— vii. 24, an un- rion. | changeable. —— xxvii. 8, a place. 1, —— xi. 8, a place. Rom. i. 25, a lie. 1. 23, a proper. — ν. 7, a good. | 1. James iii. 13, a good. — Vii. 1, a man. 2, —— iv. 13, a year (om. 21, a law. | L Tr 9.) . — ix. 27, a remnant. . 1 Pet. v. 4, a crown. | — xv. 12, a root. ΞΕ 2 πα | 1 1. —— xvi. 23, a brother. | 1. 2 Pet. i. 19, a more sure. 1 Cor. ii. 11, a man. 1. 1 Johan ii. 22, a liar. vi. δ, awise man. | 1. 2 John 7, ἃ deceiver. — vii. 15, a brother. ἜΣ an antichrist. 2 1 2 ——- — a sister. . Rey. ii. 10, a crown, 28, a virgin . —— viii. 13; an angel. . —— ix. 13, a voice. 34, a wife. . —— Xi 12, a cloud. a virgin. . — xviii, 21, a mighty. 2, Rev. xix. 17, an angel (om. G-+);(ZAAos, another, &.) (LY Ab.) he προς ol ABASE. (-ED, -ING.) ταπεινόω, to make or bring low, to humble. Matt. xxiii. 12. Luke xiv. 11. Luke xviii. 14. 2 Cor. xi. 7. Phil iv. 12. ἀββᾶ, father. The pronunciation in our Saviour’s time of the Hebrew 38 father, ov Chaldee sax. Mark xiv. 36. Rom. viii. 15. Gal. iv. 6. ABHOR. (-EST.) 1. ἀποστυγέω, to shudder from, (from ee , [ή dor, from, and στυγέω, to shudder with horror, hate.) ABI 2. βδελύσσομαι, to turn away through loathing or disgust. Properly from an ul smell through voiding of the stomach. 2. Rom. ji. 22. j 1. Rom. xii. 9. ABIDE. (-ETH, -ING, ABODE.) F : oS 3 : μένω, intransitive, to remain, abide, dwell ; transitive, to wait for. ἐπιμένω, to remain upon, o at; to continue on. 9 καταμένω, to remain down, to abide continually, [ή . . Tapapévo, to remain beside ο) along with, ὑπομένω, to remain under, stay behind, to endure. διατρίβω, to wear through by rubbing, to consume or wear away; e.g. time. ἀναστρέφω, to turn again, return ; overturn. (a) In Mid, to turn one’s self round, move about in a place, ἡ,6., sojourn, and hence, gei., to conduct one’sself. [ο . αὐλίζομαι, to lodge in the αὐλή (an open court or fold), to take up one’s night’s lodging. 9. ἵστημι, transitive, to stand, to stop ; intransitive, to set, to place. 10. ποιέω, to make, to do; and hence, to work, to spend o7 pass time or life. 1, Matt. x. 11. 1, John xii. 24, 84, 46. Τὰ. xvii. 39 (συστρέφω, | 1. —— xiv. 16 (εἰμί, be, L collect logelher, L Tr 5.) τν 1. Mark vi. 10, 1, —— xv. 43times, 5, 6, 1. Luke i. 56. 10 twice. | — —— ii. 8, see Ain the | 8. Acts i, 18 (with εἰμί.) field. 6 xiv, ὃ, 1. — viii. 27. 6. 28. 1. —— ix. 4. 2, —— xv. 84 (ap.) 1. —— xix. 56. 6, —— xvi, 12, 8, —— xxi. 37. 1, —— xvi. 15. 1, —— xxiv. 20. 5, —— xvii. 14. 1, John i. 82, 39. 1 —— xviii. 3. 1, —— i. 30, margin (text, | 10, —- xx. 3. dicell.) 1. - 23 (marg. wait 1. —— iil. 36. Sor.) 1, —— iv. 40. 1, —— xxi. 7, 8. 1— v. 98, 1, —— xxvii. 31. 1— vil. 9, — Rom. xi. 23, see A still. ῃ ϱ, —— viii. 44. 4, 1 Cor. xvi. 6. Ϊ 1, —— viii. 90 twice. 2, Gal. i. 18, 1— x. 40, — Phil, i, 24, see A in, 1, —— xi. 6. 1 Tim, i. 3, see A still. ABIDE IN, 2. Phil. i. 24 (with ἐν, in, om, 8.) ABI ABIDE IN THE FIELD. ἀγραυλέω, to lodge in the fold in the field. | (From ἀγρός a field, and αὐλή a fold; whence, αὐλίζομαι, sce No, 8.) | Luke ii. 8, | ABIDE STILL. προσμένω, to remain towards, wait still longer ; to continue. ἐπιμένω, see above, No, 2. 2, Rom. xi. 23. | 1. 1 Tim. i. 3. ABILITY. δύναμις, capability, power, (regarded as inherent and moral.) 2. ἰσχύς, strength (physical),force, vigour (regarded as an endowment.) 5 | εὐπορέομαι, to prosper, abound in, to possess abundance ; hence, to be able to afford. 1. Matt. xxv. 15. | 2. 1 Pet. iv. 11. 3 Acts xi, 29. ABLE [verb. | δύναμαι, to be able, to have (inherent and moral) power. 2. ἰσχύω, to be strong, to have (physical) ability. (More emphatic than No, 1.) ἐξισχύω, to have strength enough, to be thoroughly and perfectly able. (More emphatic than No, 2.) ἱκανόω, to make sufficient or fit, to make competent, to qualify. ἔχω, to have or to hold; of temporary holding and of lasting possession, 1, Luke i. 20. 2. Acts xv. 10. 2. —— xiii, 24. 1. Rom. xv. 14. 2, —— xiv. 29. — 2 Cor. iii. 6, see A | 2, ——_ 30. (make. ) 2. John xxi. 6, 3. Eph. iii. 18. 2. Acts vi. 10. ο σι 1} 5. 2 Pet. i. 15. ABLE (MAKE.) 4, 2 Cor. iii. 6. πα | ABLE [noun. ] ἊΝ , . . | 1. δυνατός, in an active sense strong, | having (inherent and moral) power. In a passive sense, possible, capable of being done. | | Ee) ABO ζ ε , . < 2. ἱκανός, coming to, reaching to, and hence, sufficient ; of things, enough ; of persons, competent. Luke xiv, 31. Acts xxv. 5. Rom. iv. 21. 11 ΠΤ χα i 12 —— xi. 23. 2. 2 Tim. ii. 2. — xiv. 4 (δυνατέω”, be | 1. Titus i. 9. [able, 1.) able, ἄν LT Tr A.) | 1. Heb, xi. 19 (δυνατέω”. be 1. Jas. iii. 2. * With emphasis on ‘able’ instead of on ‘is’ (as in the text, δυνατὸς ἐστιν.) 1, 2 Cor, ix, 8 (δυνατέω", be able, L Tr A δ.) ABLE (as ye are) [margin.] ένειµι, to be in or within; part. with art., as*here, what there is in your vessel ; the things within. Luke xi. 41 (text, such things as ye have.) ABOARD (ao.) ἐπιβαίνω, to go upon, (from ἐπί, upon, and βαίνω, to go), hence to go, walk, or tread on; to go on ship-board. Acts xxi. 2, ABODE [verb.] See, ABIDE. ABODE [noun.] povy, an abiding place, a mansion, a habitation. John xiv. 23. ABOLISH. (-ED.) καταργέω, to render ο) make useless, ο)’ unprofitable, 2 Cor. iii. 13, Eph. ii. 15. 2 Tim. i. 10. ABOMINABLE. 1. ἀθέμιτος, unlawful, criminal. 2. βδελυκτός, disgusting, extremely hate- ful. See Wo. 3. 3. βδελύσσομαι, to turn away through loathing or disgust. Properly from an Ul smell through voiding of the stomach. 2. Titus i. 16. | 1. 1 Pet, iv. 8. 3. Rev. xxi. 8. ABO ABOMINATION. βδέλυγμα, an object of disgust. “ABOMINABLE,” Vo. 3. Matt. xxiv. 15. | See Luke xvi. 15. Mark xiii. 14. Rev. xvii. 4, 5. Rey. xxi. 27. ABORTIVE (an) (margin. ] ἔκτρωμα, a child untimely born, (from root, to miscarry.) 1 Cor. xy. 8 (text, one born out of due time.) ABOUND. (-ED, -ETH, -ING.) 1. περισσεύω, intransitive, to be over and above, more than enough; transitive, to make ο) cause to abound. 2. ὑπερπερισσεύω, to superabound, to abound exceedingly. 3. πλεονάζω. to become more, to increase, ; (from πλέον, more.) 4, πληθύνομαι, to be multiplied, (from πλῆθος, a multitude.) 4, Matt. xxiv. 12. —2Cor. ix. 8, see A (make.) —-Rom. iii. 7, see A(more.) | 1. —— 2nd. 1. — ν. 15. 1. Eph. i. 8. 8. 20, 1st. 1. Phil. i. 9. [= 4d, 1; ——— ἦγ, 12 twice: στ 3rd, see A | 3 το (much more.) 1 18. 3. —— vi. 1 οσα πι 1. — xy. 13. —1 Thes. iii. 12, see A 1. 1 Cor. xv. 58. (make.) 1, 2 Cor, i. 5, twice. 1. —— iv. 1 (with μᾶλλον 1. — viii. 2. —A, more and more. 1 7 twice. 3. 2 Thea. i. 8. 8. 2 Pet. i. 8. ABOUND (ΜΑΚΕ.) 1. 2 Cor. ix. 8. | 1. 1 Thes, iii. 12. ABOUND (more.) 1. Rom, iii. 7. ABOUND (uci more.) 2. Rom. v. 20, ABOUT. 1. ἐν, in; with plural amongst. Jndi- cating a space within the limits of which something is situated. ees ' ... ἐπί, upon. Superposition. to (a) with Gen. (as springing from ) over, in the presence or time of. [ 20 ] ABO (Ὁ) with Dat. (as resting on), in ad- dition to, on account of. (ο) with Acc. (motion with a view to superposition) up to used of place, number, and aim; over of time, place, extent. 3. κατά, down, (down upon, down from.) (a) with Acc. (down towards) accord- ing to, throughout, during. 4. περί, around (encircling and inclosing. ) (a) with Gen. about, concerning, on behalf of. (b) with Ace. about, round about. 5. πρός, towards (propinquity. ) (a) with Dat. at, close by. (b) with Ace. towards, in reference to. 6. κυκλόθεν, from all sides, round about. 7. πού, nearly. somewhere ; with numerals, 8. ὡς, as, 50 as; with numerals, about. 9. ὡσεί, as if, as though, something like. — Matt. i. 11 (see A the time.) 4b.— iii. 4. 4b.— viii. 18. 9. ——_ —xiv. 21. 2c.—— xviii. 6. 4b,—— xx. 3, 5, 6, 9. 4b. xxvii. 46. 5b. Mark ii. 2. 4b.— i. 6. 4b.— iii. 8, 32. 4b.— iii. 34 CI 4b. iv. 10 (with art. 8. —— ν. 19. 9, —— vi. 44 (om. G L T Tr A.) (No. 8, Ν.) 4b.—— vi. 48. 8, —— viii. 9. 4b,—— ix. 14, 42. 2a.— xiv. δ]. 9, Luke i, 56 (Νο, 8, L Tr 8.) —— ii. 87 (έως, until, LT TrARW.) 1, —— 49. 9 —— ili, 23 8. —-- viii. 42, 9, —— ix. 14. 9, ———_ 28. 4b.—— κ. 40, 41. 4b.—— xiii. 8. 4b.——__ xvii. 2. 9. —— xxii, 41. 4b.—— xxii49 (ith art.) 9, -- 59, ϱ, —— xxiii, 44. 8, John i. 39. 4a,—— iii, 25. 9. —— iv. 6(No.8, LT Tr Α Ν.) vi. 10 (Νο, 8, Tr 8.) 8, ————- 19 (No. 9, L.) 8, John xi. 18. 9, —— xix. 14(Νο, 8, ἄν Oy Us Wa.) 9. ———— 39 (No. 8, All.) 2a.— xx. 7. 8. Acts i. 15. 3a.—— ii, 10, 9, ———- 4]. — — iii, 3, see A (be.) 9. — iv. 4 (Νο, 8, Lb Av.) (om. T &.) 8. —— v. 7. 9, ——— 86 (No. 8, L T A.) ἢ, —— x. 3. 4b,—— x. 9. 2b.— xi. 19 (21 63 L.) 3a.—— xii. 1. 8. —— xiii. 15. 8. ———— 20 (ap.) 4a,.—— xv. 2. — — xviii. 14, see A, TO (be.) 9. Acts xix, 7. 4a.— 28. 8, - 84, ——— xx, 8, see A (be.) 4b, —— xxii. 6 twice. 4a,—— xxv. 10. 41. ------ 24. 3a,—— xxvii. 27. -- 80, see A (be.) 7. Rom. iv, 19. 4b. 1 Tim, vi. 4. Heb. viii. 5, see A (be.) 4b, Jude 7, 4a. —— 9, ba. Rev. i. 13. 6. —— iv. 8, 8, —— viii. 1. — —— x. 4, see A (be.) 8. —— xvi. 21. ABO ABOUT (88.) 1. μέλλω, to delay; with an infinitive following, to be about to do anything (immediate or remote. ) 2. ζητέω, to seek. 1. Acts iii, 8, | 2. Acts xxvii. 30. | 1 Heb. viii. δ. 1. Rey. x. 4. Ἱ ——xyut, 14, 1. —— xx. 3. ABOUT THE TIME. 2a. Matt. i. 11. See also, BEAR, BOUND; CARRY, CAST, COME, COMPASS, COUNTRY; DWELL; GIRD, GO; HANG, HEDGE ; LAW, LEAD, LOOK ; MIDST, MINISTER ; PUT; REGION, ROUND; SET, SHINE, STRIVE, STAND; TURN; WALK, WANDER. ABOVE. 1. ἐπί, upon (superposition. ) (a) with Gen. (as springing from) over, in the presence or time of. (b) with Dat. (as resting on)in addition to, on account of. (c) with Acc. up to (used of place, num- ber or aim;) over, (of time, place, extent. ) 2. παρά, beside (juxtaposition. ) (a) with Ace. to or along side of; com- pared with(so as to be shown bey ond or contrary to, or instead of.) 3. περί, around (encircling and inclosing. ) (a) with Gen, about, concerning, on behalf of. 4. πρό, before (whether of time or place.) 5. ὑπέρ, over, (a) with Ace. (as here) beyond. 6. ἄνω, above; up, upwards. (a) with the article—that which is above e.g. heaven above, or heavenly things. ἀνωτερον, higher. > / . ἐπάνω, above, superior to, πλείων, more. ae δα. Matt. x. 24 twice. . 2 Cor. xii. 6. 1b. Luke iii. 20. . Gal. i. 14. 5a, —— vi. 40. ja. iv. 26. 2a, —— xiii. 2, 4. . Eph. iii. 20. — John iii. 31, see A . — iv. 6. (from.) . —— vi. 16 (ἕν, in, L jhe Υ ν Tr κ.) 8. ----ο---- 3rd (ap.) ΕΙ. ih) 9. 6a. —— viii. 23. 6a. Col. iii. 1, 2. — — xix. 11, see A Ἡ 14, (from.) », 2 Thes. ii. 4, 6. Acts ii. 19. . Philem. 16, 9, —— iv. 22. 2. Heb. i. 9. ba, —— xxvi. 10. 7. —x.8. 2a. Rom. xiv. 5. — Jas. i. 17 see A 5a. 1. Cor. iv. 6. — — iii. 15,17 J (from.) 5a. x, 19, 4. ——v. 12. 8. πεν 6, 4. 1 Pet. iv. 8. 5a. 2 Cor. i. 8. [ago. | 3a. 3 John 2. _ xii, 2, see A... ABOVE (From.) ἄνωθεν, from above, from the first. John iii. $1. —— xix. 11. das. i. 17. —— iii. 15, 17. John iii. 3, margin (text, again.) ———. 7, margin (text, again.) τς ABOVE...AGO. 4. 2Cor, xii. 2 (often misprinted about.) See also, ABUNDANTLY, MEASURE, EXALT, FAR, REMAIN. ABSENCE. ἀπουσία, absence. Phill τὲ 12, ABSENCE OF (ΙΝ THE.) ἄτερ, Without, not with, either not having or in the absence of. Luke xxii. 6 (margin without.) ABSENT, and absent (BE.) ἄπιεμι, to be away from, absent. ἐκδημέω, to be away from one’s people ; hence, absent from any one. 1. 1 ΟΟΥΎ. 8. 1. 2 Cor. x. 11. 2. 2 Cor. v. 6, 8, 9, 1. xiii, 2, 10, 1. —— κ. ]. 1, Phil. i. 27. 1. Col. ii. 5, ABSTAIN, ἀπέχομαι, to" hold back one’s self from, refrain. 1 Thes, ν. 22. 1 Tim. iv. 3. 1 Pet. ii. 11. Acts xv. 20, 29. 1 Thes. iv. 3. ABS [ ABSTINENCE. ἀσιτία, abstinence from or neglect of food. Acts xxvii. 21. ABUNDANCE. maturity or ripeness reached from full growth.) 9, δύναμις, capability, power (regarded as moral and inherent.) . περισσεία, abundance, superfiuity. περίσσευμα, that which remains over. περισσεύω, to remain over and above, more than enough. ὑπερβολή, a passing Over, e€XCess, surpassing (in number or degree.) 4. Matt. xii. 34. | 5, Luke xii. 15. — —— xii, 12, seo A | 5. —— xxi. 4. (have more.) | 3. Rom. ν. 17. — ——- παν. 29, see A | 3. 2'Cor. viii. 2. (have. ) 4. ——— 14 twice. 5. Mark xii. 44. 1. — 20: 4, Luke vi. 45. 6. —— xii. 7. 2. Rev. xviii. 8. ABUNDANCE (HAvE.) 5. Matt. xxv. 29. ABUNDANCE (HAVE MORE.) 5. Matt. xiii, 12. ABUNDANT. 1. περισσεύω, to remain over and above, more than enough. 2. πλεονάζω, to become more, to increase, (from πλέον, more.) 3. πολύς, many (this adjective denotes that the noun is numerous, ov exists in a great or high degree.) — 1Cor. xii. 23, 24, see A | — 2 Cor. xi. 25, see A (more. ) (more). 2, 2 Cor. iv, 15. — Phil. i. 26, see A (be -- vii. 15, see A | more. ) (more.) | — 1 Tim. i. 14, see A (be ix, 12, | exceeding.) ABUNDANT (BE EXCEEDING.) ὑπερπλεονάζω, to abound exceedingly. 1 Tim, 1, 14. ἁδρότης, abundance (in the sense of ] ABU ABUNDANT (Be more.) περισσεύω, see “ABUNDANT,” Vo. 1. - Phil. 1. 26. ABUNDANT (more.) 1. περισσότεροςς more than above ordinary measure. the ’ περισσοτέρως, more abundantly, 1. 1 Cor, xii, 23 twice, 24, | 2. 2 Cor. 2. 2-Cor. xi. 23, vii. 15, 2 2 ABUNDANTLY. ἐις, into, with a view to, to, unto, περισσεία, abundance, superfluity, a falling into abundance. 1. | 9. πλουσίως, richly. — Johnx.10,see A(more.) | — Eph. iii. 20, see A —1 Cor. xv. 10, see A (above.) (more. ) — 1 Thes. ii. 17, see A — 2Cor.i.12, see A(more.) | (more. ) τας ii. 4, see A (more.) | 2. Titus iii. 6. 1. — x. 15. — Heb. vi. 17, see A ——— xii. 15, see A (more. ) (more. ) ὦ ΕΘ dels ABUNDANTLY (more ο) THE MORE.) 1. περισσός, above the ordinary measure. 2. περισσότερος, more than above the ordinary measure. περισσοτέρως, more abundantly, 1, John x. 10. 3. 2 Cor. ii. 4. 2. 1 Cor. xv. 10. 8. — xii. 15. 8. 2 Cor. i, 19. 3. 1 Thes, ii. 17. 2, Heb. vi. 17. ABUNDANTLY ABOVE (rxcerpinc.) [ ὑπὲρ, over; with Gen, [as here] above, ἐκ, from, out of. περισσός, above the ordinary measure, Eph. iii, 20. See also, WEEP. ABUSE (-1NG.) καταχράομαι, to use overmuch ; hence, to abuse. 1 Cor, vii. 81. 1 Cor. ix. 18, ABUSERS OF THEMSELVES WITH MANKIND. ἀρσενοκοίτης, (from ἄρσην, a male ; and κοίτη, a bed.) 1 Cor. vi. 9. ACC ACCEPT. (-ED, -EST, -ETH, -ING.) 1. δέχομαι, to take, accept, receive that which is offered. (It implies that a decision of the will has taken place, and that the result of this is manifest. ) > , - ΒΝ : 2. ἀποδέχομαι, to receive any one kindly or heartily, to welcome. 3. προσδέχομαι, to accept, to receive to one’s presence: hence, of things future, to wait for, expect; with a negative (as here) to reject. 4. λαμβάνω, to take, take hold of, to receive as from another : with πρόσωπον (as here) to respect the person of any one. 4. Luke xx. 21. Ἱ. 2. Cor. xis 4. 2. Acts xxiv. 3. 4. Gal. ii. 6. 1 5 Cor, ‘viii. 17. 3. Heb. xi. 35. ACCEPTABLE. 1. δεκτός, elected; acceptable (of one regarding whom there is, or has been a favourable decision of the will. ) 2. εὐπρόσδεκτος, a very strong affirmation of No. 1(éex79s) favourably accepted, well received. 3. ἀπόδεκτος, acceptable, pleasing, wel- come. 4, εὐάρεστος, well-pleasing 5. χάρις, grace. Objectively it denotes personal gracefulness, a pleasing work, beauty of speech, etc. Sudbject- ively, it means an inclining towards, courteous o gracious disposition, On the part of the giver—kindness, favour ; on the part of the receiver— thanks, respect, homage. 1. Luke iv. 19. 1. Phil. iv. 18. 4. Rom. xii. 1, 2. 8. 1 Tim: ii. 8, 4. —— xiv. 18. 3, -——— Υ. 4, 2, —— χν. 10. 2.1 Pet. ii. 5. = [thank.) 4, Eph. v. 10. 5, ———— 20 (margin ACCEPTABLY. 3 , εὐαρέστως, 80 as to please, acceptably. Heb. xii. 28, ACCEPTATION. ἀποδοχή, worthy to be received with approbation, acceptation, reception. 1 Tim, i. 10. | 1 Tim. iv. 9. [ 23 ] ACC ACCEPTED. 1. δεκτός, to decide favourably, elected, acceptable (of one regarding whom there is, or has been a favourable decision of the will.) | 2. εὐπρόσδεκτος, a very strong affirmation of δεκτός, (No. 1) favourably accep- ted, well received. 3. εὐάρεστος, well-pleasing. 4. χαριτόω, to make lovely or acceptable. 1. Luke iv. 24. 8. δον &: 1. Acta x. 35 . 1. Vi, 2 1st. 2. Rom. xv. 31. 2 2 2nd 2.2 Cor. ‘vill. 19, ACCEPTED (ΜΑΚΕ.) 4. Eph. i. 6. ACCEPTED (GRACIOUSLY) [margin. | 4. Luke 1. 28 (text highly favoured.) ACCESS. προσαγωγή, a leading ο) bringing to the presence of anyone; freedom of access. Rom. y. 2. | | Eph. ii. 18, Eph. iii. 12. ACCOMPANY. (-IED.) 1. ἔχω, to have ο) hold; (of temporary holding and of lasting possession. ) 2. προπέµπω, to send forward, to conduct, escort. 3. συνέπομαι, to follow, attend. 4. συνέρχομαι, to come ov go along with, or together. σύν, with, J go with. 4. Acts x. 23. 8. Acts xx. 4. 5. ο 12. 2, _——- 58. 1, Heb. vi. 9 (mid.) Rs { ἔρχομαι, to come or go, | to come or ACCOMPLISH. (-ED, -ING.) 1. ἐξαρτίζω, to complete entirely, to fur- nish or fit completely. ACC 2. πλήθω, to be or become full, to be fulfilled, completed, ended. 3. πληρόω, to fill, make full, pervade, perform fully. 4. τελέω, to make an end ο) accomplish- ment ; not merely to end it, but to bring it to perfection; generally to carry out a thing, fo give the finishing stroke. 5. ἐπιτελέω, to finish, to perfect. 2. Luke i. 23. 4. Luke xxii. 37. 2. —— ii. 6, 21, 22. 4. John xix. 28. 3 τς, οἱ, 1. Acts xxi. 5 (with γίνομαι, 4, —— xii. 50. to become.) 4, —— xviii. 31. 5. Heb. ix. 6. 5. 1 Pet. v. 9. ACCOMPLISHMENT. ἐκπλήρωσις, entire fulfilment. Acts xxi. 26, ACCORD (oF ont.) σύμψυχος, joined together in soul or sentiment ; unity of life in love. Phil. ii. 2. ACCORD (or...own.) 1. αὐθαίρετος, choosing or willing himself. 2. αὐτόματος, spontaneous, self-moving, self-acting. 2. Acts xii. 10, | of 1. 2 Cor. viii. 17. ACCORD (wittt onr.) ὁμοθυμαδόν, with one mind, unanimously, (from ὁμός, alike, and θυμός, mind, ) Acts i. 14. Acts vii. 57. —— ii. 1 (ὁμοῦ, together, Viii. 6. LTAR. — xii. 90, —- ii. 46. — xv. 25. iv. 24. —— xviii. 12. — v. 12. — xix. 29. ACCORDING AS καθότι, (adv. Jas, according as, because that, for. καθώς, (adv. ) according as, even as; like as (comparison. ) — bo 3. κατά, (prep. ) down. (a) with Gen. (down from) against, (the reverse of ὑπέρ.) [ 24 ] 4, τῷ ἐν toe bo po ἘΦ ἘΦ gs po porto pope το 19 Ἢ ἘΦ ες rote ror wr tot το rerr rororste oe Ξ τῷ . Actsiv. 35. . Rom. xi, 8. hi Cor da ol. . Luke xii. 47. . 1 Cor. iii. 8, 10, ACC (b) with Ace. (down, towards, denoting object, and intention: and tropically, accordance, conformity, proportion ) according to, a reference to some standard of comparison stated or implied, ὡς, in compmrative sentences, as; in objective, that; in final, in order to; un causal, for, on the ground that. 3b. 2 Cor. iv. 19. 2.2 Conc ixy 7s 2, Eph.i 4 4.2 Pet. i. 3. 4. Rev. xxii. 12. — xii. 3. ACCORDING TO. καθώς, see above, (No, 2.) κατά, see above, (No. 3b.) . πρός, towards, (propinguity ). (a) with Gen. (hitherwards) in favour of, conducive to. (b) with Dat. (resting in a direction towards ) near, close or hard by. (c) with Acc. (hitherwards of actual motion, or mere direction) conform- ity to a rule or standard ; hence, comparison in consideration of, in accordance with. Matt. ii. 16. 2 Cor. xi. 15. — ix. 29. — xiii. 10. — xvi. 27. Gal. i. 4. — xxv. 15, c.—— ii. 14. Mark vii. 5. —— iii. 29. Luke i. 9, 38. Eph. i. 5, 7, 9, 11, 19. — ii. 22, 24, 29, 39. —— ii, 2 twice. —— iii. 7, 11, 16, 20, πο ερ κα — xxiii. δύ. — iv. 7, 16, 22. . John vii. 24. vi. 5. — xviii. 31. Phil. i. 20, . Acts ii. 30 (ap.) — iii, 21. vii. 44. — iv. 19. — xi. 29. Col. i. 11, 25, 29, — xiii. 23. — iii, 22. — xxii. 3, 12. 2 Thes, i. 12. —— xxiv. 6 (ap.) 1 Tim, i. 11,18 Rom. i. 3, 4. 9, ........... “Vi, 8. α ο ὃ, 1. 2, 2 Tim. i. 1, 8, 9 twice. — iv. 18 2, —— ii, 8, — ν. 6, margin (text | 2. — iv. 14, in due ) 2. Titus i. 1, 8. — viii. 27, 28 2. iii. δ, 7. — ix. 3,11 2. Heb. ii. 4. — x. 2. g. vii. 5. — xi. 5. 2. —— viii. 4, 5, 9. — xii. 6 twice, 2, —— ix. 19. — xv. 5 (margin 2, Jas. 11, 8. after the es λα ο) | 2.1 Pet. 1. 2, 3, 17. Xvi. 25 twice 2, ———- iii. 7. Φ 20. | iv. 6 twice, 19, xv. 3, 4, 2 Pet. iii, 13 (καί, and, που Le ΡᾺ iii, 15. [1.} — ν. 10. 2. 1 John v. 14. Viii. 12 twice, gee | 2. Rev. ii. 23. A. T. that. 2, —— xviii. 6. x. 2, 13, 15. | 2 —— xx, 19, 18, ACC [ 25 ] ACC EE Ὄ 0 114σ4σ4σύσψ4ψ4σἨ414147σὪσήρσ/ρΓ17σἨ/Ἠ2/Σῆ{07)/ὐ/ή/7σ0σόὄϐἼ΄“Ἴ---ἵ-ἵ------ημερ-ττ-ττ---------τ-τεσι ACCORDING TO THAT. καθό, as, according as. 2 Cor. viii. 12 1st. (with ἔαν, if.) — ]2, 2nd. See also, FASHION. ACCURSED. ἀνάθεμα, an offering; a thing devoted to destruction οὐ" given up to the curse. Romans ix. 3 (margin separated.) 1 Cor, xii. 3 (margin anathema.) Gal. i. 8, 9. ACCOUNT [verb.] (-ING.) 1. ἡγέομαι, to go before, lead the way, guide. To deem, think, regard. 2. λογίζομαι, to put together an account ; to reckon, count, value, esteem; to account, consider, (from λόγος, an account, and λέγω, to put together. ) 2. Heb. xi. 19. | 1. 2 Pet. iii. 15. ACCOUNT OF. 3. ον]. See also, PUT...ON, WORTHY. ACCOUNTED (ap.) 1. δοκέω, intransitive, to appear, to have the appearance, transitive, to be of opinion, to think. 2. λογίζομαι, see “ACCOUNT.” 1. Mark x. 42 (margin think good.) 1. Luke xxii. 24. 2. Rom. viii. 36. 2. Gal. iii 6 (margin im- pute.) ACCOUNT [noun.] λόγος, the word, (spoken, not written.) Ina formal sense, a word as forming part of what is spoken; as the ex- pression which serves for the occasion: as a means or instrument (not as a - product) the speaking. Jn a material sense, the word as that which ts spoken, an exposition o7 account which one gives. For further develop- ment of λόγος, see under “worD.” Matt. xii. 36 — xviii. 29, Rom. ix. —- xiv. Phil. iv. 17. Luke xvi 2. Acts xix. 40. 28, margin (text, work), (ap.) 12. Heb. xiii. 17. 1 Pet. iv. 5. ACCUSATION. 1. ἀιτία, affair, matter, charge (whether true or false) not necessarily fault or accusation. » ae κατηγορία, a speaking against; an accusation, 3. κρίσις, separation, sundering, judg- ment. Zhen, of a definite accusation, guilt of some sort being presupposed leading on to condemnation. Then, the judgment pronounced, the sen- tence. 1. Matt. xxvii. 37. 1. Mark xv. 26. 2. John xviii. 29. 1. Acts xxv. 18. 2. Luke vi.7 (κατηγορέω, to 2. 1 Tim. ν. 19. speak against, Tr A. 8. 2 Pet. ii. 11. — Luke xix. 8, see A (take 3. Jude 9, by false.) ACCUSATION (ΤΑΚΕ BY FALSE.) συκοφαντέω, to inform against those who exported figs, (from σῦκον, a fig, and φαίνω, to show, declare.) A primitive Athenian law, forbad tn time of dearth, the exportation of Jigs, and not being repealed when a plentiful harvest rendered it unneces- sary, occasion was given to wlnatured and malicious persons to accuse those who transgressed the letter of the law. Hence the verb means, to wrong any one by false or frivolous accusation, or to oppress him under pretence of law. Luke xix. 8. ACCUSE. (-ED, -ETH, -ING.) 1. κατηγορέω, to speak against ; before judges, to accuse. (Occ, Acts xxiv. 19.) ἐγκαλέω, to call into, to summon into a court. Pass. to be called to a judicial account, to be accused. 9 τον ACC [ 2 δ ADD in or under ἐν, in, ) 3.4 κατηγορία, a speaking > an against, an accusation | accusation, 1. Matt. xii. 10. 2. Acts xxiii. 28, 29. 1, — xxvii. 12. 1. —— xxvi. 2, 7. 1. Mark iii. 2. 1. —— xxii. 30. 1. —— xv. 3. 1. —— xxiv. 2, 8, 13. — Lu iii. 14, see A(falsely) | 1. —— xxv. 5, 11, 16 1, — xi. 54 (ap.) 1. —— xxviii. 19. 1. — xxiii. 14(withxara.) | 1. Rom. ii. 15. Ἱ σα ο 10: ) 3. Titus i. 6. 1. John viii. 6 (ap.) — 1 Pet.iii.16,seeA(falsely) 1. —— vy. 45 twice. 1. Rev. xii. 10. ACCUSE (FALsELy. ) 1. ἐπηρεάζω, to injure, harrass, insult ; as it would seem for the pleasure of insulting. 2. συκοφαντέω, see “ ACCUSATION (TAKE BY FALSE. )” 2, Luke iii. 14. | ' 1, 1 Pet. iii. 16. ACCUSED (5Η.) διαβάλλομαι, to be struck or darted through, hence, to be struck or stabbed with an accusation ; to be accused. Luke xvi. 1. ACCUSER (-s.) κατήγορος, an accuser, a speaker against. Acts xxiv. 8 (αρ.) John viii. 10 (ap.) Acts xxiii. 30, 35. | σεν 16 Rev. xii. 10 (κατήγωρ. The Rabbinical form of the word, GL T Tr A.) ACCUSERS (ratse-.) [margin makehates. ] διάβολος, a slanderer, an adversary, an accuser, the Devil (Diaholus) be- cause he was a slanderer of God JSrom the heginning. 2 Tim. iii. 3. | Titus ii ACHATA., ᾿Αχαΐα, In all places, except Romans xvi. 5 (Agia, Asia, G LT Tr A δ) ACKNOWLEDGE (-ep.) ἐπιγινώσκω, to give heed, notice atten- tively, to take a view of, to recognise. Then generally to know, to under- | stand. Rom. 1. 28, margin (text, fo retain in knowledge) (with ἔχω ἐν to 1 Cor. xiv. 37. 1 Cor. xvi. 18, 2 Cor. 1. 13 twice, 14, ACKNOWLEDGING. ἐπίγνωσις, knowledge, clear and exact knowledge.; a knowledge that lays claim to personal sympathy, and exerts an influence upon the person. 25 Titus i. 1. ἢ), 2 Tim. ii. | Philem. 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. ἐπίγνωσις, see above ‘ ACKNOWLEDGING.” Ephes. i. 17, margin (text, knowledge.) Col. ii. 2. ACQUAINTANCE. γνωστός, known, with the underlying idea —capable of being known, knowable. Luke ii. 44 (with art.) | Luke xxiii. 49 (with art ) ACQUAINTANCE (uis-.) ἴδιος, one’s own, peculiar to one, proper for one. Acts xxiv. 28, ACT (IN THE VERY-.) ἐπαυτοφώρω, in the very theft. Then applied to any flagrant wickedness, particularly adultery. Jolin viii, 4 (ap.) (-ED.) 1. προστίθημι, to set, place or lay to- wards o7 in addition to; to put one thing to another, to add. ») ἐπιτίθημι, to set, place or lay upon. 3. προσανατίθημι, to lay anything addi- tional on one; Mid. to take such burthen on oneself, but also to lay on another something additional of one’s own. Jn N.7'. only 2nd Aorist Mid., to lay before in addition, to impart or communicate further ; by way of consultation, to take counsel with one. 4, ἐπιφέρω, to bring upon, to bring against, ADD 5. ἐπιχορηγέω, lit., to supply the cost of leading the chorus or of theatrical entertainments; hence, to furnish or | supply besides or abundantly. | 0. ἐπιδιατάσσομαι, to appoint ov order anything beside, to superadd, , : 3 3 7. δίδωμι, to give, yield, deliver, supply. 1. Matt. vi. 27, 33. — Gal. iii. 15, see A thereto 1. Luke iii. 20. 1. Gal. iii, 19 (GX) (r@ que, 1. —— xii. 25, 31. {ο set, place, G.) 1. —— xix. 11. 4, Phil. i. 16 (ἐγείρω, to 1. Acts ii. 41, 47. rave up, Gs L ΤΊ Ἐν aaa 5. 2 Pet. i. 5. [A Ὁ) 1. —— xi. 24. [ference. | 7. Rey. viii 8, margin — Gal. ii. 6, see A in con- (text, offer.) — Rev, xxii. 18 tw:ce, see A unto. | ADD IN CONFERENCE. | 3. Gal. ii. 6 (mid.) 6. Gal. iii 15, ADD THERETO. | ADD UNTO. 2. Rev. xxii. 18 twice. ADDICT. (-ep.) τάσσω, to order, set in a certain order, to appoint. 1 Cor. xyi. 15. ADJURE. 1. ὁρκίζω, to cause to swear, to lay under the obligation ofan oath, to beseech, | conjure, (from ὄρκος an oath, which again may be deduced from the Heb. Jy the thigh, see Gen. rriv. 2, 9 ; alii. 29.) 2. ἐξορκίζω, the above with ἐξ, intensive. 2. Matt. xxvi. 63. | 1. Mark ν. 7. 1. Acts xix. 13 1. 1 Thes. ν. 27, margin (text, charge), (€vopxigwua, | to make one swear, LL. TV Tr A.) ADMINISTERED ees a διακονέω, to serve, to wait upon; in its narrowest sense to wait at table. Generally to do any one a service, to minister. 2 Cor. viii. 19, 20. | ADMINISTRATION. διακονία, serviceable labour, service. Hvery business, every labour, as far as its labour benefits othersisa διακονία, 1 Cor. xii. 5. "| 8Cor. ix, 12, [ 27 ] ADO ADMIRATION, θαῦμα, a wonderful thing ; wonder, as- tonishment. Rev. xvii. 6. ADMIRATION (Have τκ-,) θαυμάζω, to wonder, marvel, be astonish- ed; to regard with wonder and reverence, to honour. Jude 16, ADMIRED (BE.) see above. 2 Thes. i. 10. θαυμάζω. ADMONISH (πκα.) νουθετέω, to put in mind, (from νοῦς the mind, τίθημι, to put) to instruct, warn. Ἰ. 9 παραινέω, to recommend, advise; esp. to advise publicly. 2. Acts xxvii. 9. 1. Col. iii. 16. 1. Rom. xv. 14. 1 δεν. 12; 1, 2 Thes. iii. 15. ADMONISHED OF GOD (be.) χρηματίζω, (from χρῆμα, an affair, busi- ness, which again is from χράομαι, to use.) Το do or carry on business. Then to be called or named, since names were imposed on men from their business or office. To speak to or treat with another about some business. To utter oracles, give divine directions ov instructions, Heb. viii. 5. ADMONITION. νουθεσία, a putting into the mind, in- struction; an admonition. 1 Cor. x. 11. | Eph. vi. 4. Titus iii, 10, ADO (MAKE θορυβέομαι, to make a noise or disturb- ance, (from θόρυβος, a tumult or tumultuous assembly.) Mark v. 39. AN.) ADO ADOPTION, υἱοθεσία, the making or constituting of a son; adoption; receiving into the | relation of a son, (from-vids, a son, and θέσις, a setting ov placing.) Rom, viii. 15, Rom. ix. 4. 23. Gal iv. 5, see A of sons, Eph. i. 5, see A of children. ADOPTION OF SONS. Gal. iv. 5 ADOPTION OF CHILDREN. Eph. i. 5. [ 8 ] ADORN. (-ED.) κοσµέω, to order, set in order; to adorn, garnish; to prepare. Luke xxi. 5, 1 Tim. ii. 9. Titus ii. 10. 1 Pet. iii. 5. Rev. xxi. 2. ADORNING [noun.] κόσμος, (root, to polish) an ornament; order; ( for further development of this word see under “ woRLD.”) 1 Pet. iii. 3. ADULTERER (-s.) μοιχός, an adulterer. Luke xviii 1]. 1 Cor, vi. 9. Heb. xiii. 4. Jas. iv. 4. ADULTERESS (-ns.) μοιχαλίς, an adulteress. Rom. vii. 3 twice. | Jam.iv 4. ADULTEROUS. μοιχαλίς, an adulteress, applied as an adjective to the Jewish people who had transferred their affections from God, Matt. xii. 39. | Matt. xvi. 4, Mark viii. 38. ADULTERY (-1ks.) 1. μοιχεία, adultery. 2. µοιχαλίς, an adulteress. 1. Matt. xv. 19, 1. John viii. 8 (ap.) 1. Mark vii. 21. 1, Gal. ν. 19 (om, All.) 2. 2 Pet. 11, 14. ADV ADULTERY. (1N.) | µοιχεύω, to commit adultery with. John viii. 4 (ap.) ADULTERY and ADULTERY WITH.* (COMMIT -ΕΤΗ.) 1. μοιχεύω, to commit adultery with, 2. μοιχάομαι, to commit adultery, to be guilty of adultery by causing an- other to commit it. 1. Matt. v. 28. * . Mark x. 19. 2. —— vy. 32 1st (No.1, L | 1. Luke xvi. 18 twice. Tr ο) . —— Xviii. 20. 27 1 1 1 2. —— v. $2 2π4. 1. Rom. ii. 22 twice. 1 1 1 δι», 2. — xix. 9. . — xii. 9. 1. — xix. 18. . James ii. 1] twice. 2. Mark x. 11, 18. . Rev. ii. 22. ADVANTAGE [noun.] 1. περισσός, very much, exceedingly ; what is over and above. 2. ὠφέλεια, profit, advantage, gain. 1. Rom. iii. 1. | 2. Jude 16. ADVANTAGED. (BE.) ὠφελέω, to profit, advantage, benefit, help. ὄφελος, profit, advantage, (/rom ὀφέλλω to heap up, increase.) 1, Luke ix 25, 2.1 Cor. xv. 32 (lit. what (ο me the profit.) ADVANTAGE. (GET AN.) πλεονεκτέω, to have more ov a greater share than others, (whether of good or evil. In N.T. only in a bad sense. ) Transitively, to make a prey of, to defraud; to get the better, as an enemy by force or fraud, 2 Cor, ii, 11, ADVENTURE |[verb.] ᾿ δίδωμι, to give, give up, deliver. Acts xix. 31, ADV ADVERSARY. (-IES.) 1. ἀντίδικος, an adversary ο). opponent in a lawsuit, any enemy or accuser. (from ἀντί, against, and δίκη, a cause or suit at law.) 2. ἀντίκειμαι, to be placed against o7 in opposition ; to be opposite, to oppose, to be an adversary to, (from ἀντί against, and κεῖμαι, to be placed, to lie.) 3. ὑπεναντίος, contrary, adverse. Plural, adversaries, enemies. 1. Matt. v. 25 twice. . 1 Cor. xvi: 9. 1. Luke xii. 58. . Phil. i. 28. 2. —— xiii. 17. τπτ, 1. —— xviii 3. 3. Heb. x. 27. 2. —— xxi. 15. . 1 Pet. v. 8. ADVERSITY (surrer.) κακουχουμένος, ill treated, harassed,(from κακόν, ill, and ἔχω, to have.) Heb, xiii. 3. ADVICE. γνώμη, an opinion, sentence, (from γινώσκω, see under “ACKNOWLEDGE.”) 2 Cor, viii. 10. ADVISE. (-ED.) { βουλή, counsel, σάς to place, lay, lay down, | to give advice / or counsel. Acts xxvii. 12. ADVOCATE. παράκλητος (a verbal adj.) he who has been ‘or may be called to help; a pleader who comes forward in favour of and as the representative of another. 1 Jahn ii. 1. AFFAIR (-s.) τ. πραγματεία, ἃ handling any matter ; an affair; business. 2. τὰ κατὰ, lit. the things with, or res- pecting [me or you. ] 3. τὰ περὶ, lit. the things concerning [ws. ] 2. Eph. vi. 21. 8, Phil. i. 2 3. ---------- 22. 1, 2 Tim. ii. 4. [ 29 ] AFF AFAR OFF. μακρόθεν, (from μακρός, far, and θεν, a syllabic adjective denoting from or at), from far, at a distance. ἀπὸ, (prep. ) from. * | μακρόθεν, see No. 1. μακράν, (the Acc. of μακρός, far, ὁδὸς, a way, being understood ), a long way off. With article (as here) that which is afar off. πόῤῥωθεν, further, from afar, far off. Matt. xxvi. 58. . Luke xviii. 13. —— xxvii. 55. LTTrA Ὁ) —— xiv. 54, —— xv. 40. . Luke xvi. 23. . πι xvii. 12. ο... . Mark v. 6 (No. 1, ᾱ--.) —— xi. 13 (No. 2,G3 1. —— xxii. 54. . —— xxiii. 49 (No. 2, L . Acts ii. 39. 8. Eph. ii. 17. . Heb. xi. 13. . Rey. xviii. 10, 15. xviii. 17. AFFECT. (αν) ζηλόω, to desire zealously, to be jealous over, to envy. Acts xiv. 2, see A (make evil.) Gal. iv. 17 1st, see A (zealously.) —— iv, 17, 2nd. —— iv. 18, see A (zealously.) AFFECT (zea.ousty.) (-ED. ) Gal. iv. 17, | Gal. iv. 18. ο AFFECTED (MAKE EVIL.) κακόω, to evil intreat, abuse, hurt, to disaffect, make disaffected or ill- affected. Acts xiv. 2. AFFECTION (-s.) 1. πάθημα, (from πάσχω, to suffer.) (a) a suffering, affliction. (b) ἃ passion, an affection. πάθος, (from πάσχω.) (a) pain, suffering o7 misfortune. (b) a passion, affection, lust, con- cupiscence. 3. σπλάγχνα, the bowels; tender affec- tions, whether of love, pity, mercy, or compasston, AFF 2b. Rom. i. 26. 1. Gal. v. 24, (margin pas- -- 31, see A (with- sion ) out natural.) — Col. iii. 2, see A on — 2 Cor. vii. 15, see A (set.) (inward. ) — Col. iii. 5, see A (in- ordinate. ) 2b. 2 Tim. iii. 3, sce A (without natural.) AFFECTION (1xorDIN ATE.) 2b, Col. 11]. 5. AFFECTION (inwarb.) 3. 2 Cor. vii. 15. AFFECTION ON (ser THE.) φρονέω, intransitive, to think, be of opin- ion, (from φρήν, the membrane about the heart, hence of the mind and understanding.) Zransitive to mind ; an operation of the mind which in- | cludes both the understanding and the will. Col. 111. 2 AFFECTION (wirHovur NaruRAL.) ἄστοργος, void of natural affection, par- ticularly of that love and affection which parents ought io bear tochildren and children to parents, and which animals have by natural instinct, and some of them in a remarkable degree, particularly the stork, whose Luglish name scems to be of the same origin as the Greek στοργή, storgé.) Rom. 1, 31. | 2 Tim. iii, 3. AFFECTIONATELY DESIROUS (BEING. ) clesire. 1 Thes. ii. S(G~), (οµείρομαι, samme meaning, ο L TR.) ἱμείρομαι, to long for, yearn after, AFFECTIONED (ΒΕ krinDLy.) φιλόστοργος, loving with that στοργή or tender affection which is natural between parents and children. See “A (WITHOUT NATURAL.”) Rom. xii. 10. AFFIRM. (-ED.) φάσκω (frequentative of No. 2, φημί) to assert, affirm, to boast. i | | AFF φημί, to say; (where the speaking or explaining is a development of the primary notion of enlightening, showing.) διαβεβαιόομαι, to assert strongly or constantly, (from διά emphatic, and βεβαιόω, to confirm. ) 3, διϊσχυρίζομαι, to affirm οὐ" assert strongly ο) vehemently, (from δία, emphatic, and ἰσχυρίῷμαι, to cor- robor: ate, which again is from ἰσχυρός str ong. ) — Luke xxii. 59, see A 1. Acts xxv. 19. (confidently.) Acts xii, 15, see A (con- stantly.) — Titus iii. 8, see A (constantly.) 2. Rom. iii. 8. 8.1. Dim, ἃν ἦν AFFIRM (coNFIDENTLY.) 4, Luke xxii. 59. AFFIRM (ΟΟΝΗΤΑΝΤΙΥ.) 4. Acts xii, 15, | 8. Titus iii, 8, AFFLICTED (Br.) to press, squeeze, to oppress, afflict. ΠΣ θλίβω, crowd ; throng, θλίψις, pressure, afiliction, 3. ταλαιπωρέω, to labour severely, be worn by labour; to be touched or affected with a sense of misery. 4. κακοπαθέω, to suffer evil, to endure or sustain afflictions. 2. Matt. xxiv. 9. | 1, Heb. xi. 37. 1. 2 Cor. i. 6, 8, Jam, iv 4, Jas. v. 13. AFFLICTED (THE. ) Participle of No. 1 above. 1 Tim, v. 10, AFFLICTION (-s.) 1, θλίψις, pressure, affliction. 2. πάθημα, (a) a suffering, an afiliction, (b) a passion, an affection. 3. κάκωσις, ill-treatment, vexation, afflic- tion. 1. Matt. xxiv. 9 (with εἰς, 1, Acta vii. 10, 11, unto.) 3. —— vii. 34. 1, Mark iv. 17. ἂν xx, 23, 2B xiii. 19. ο, 2:Cor. 11, 4. AFF Pst | AFR 22. Cox. iv.,17. 1. 1 Thes, iii. 8, 7. ry) 2, vi. 4 1. Phil. i. 16. AE ORE, 2. viii. 1, ———-iv. 14. TR —2 Tim. i. 8, rn A (par- See, PREPARE, PROMISE, WRITE, 2a. Heb. x. 32. 1 κακοπάθεια, ἃ suffering of evil, a bearing | moet of affliction. AFRAID (sore.) Jas. v. 10. ἔκφοβος, exceedingly afraid, terrified, . (from ἐκ, intensive, or out from, and AFFLICTION WITH (surrer.) | φόβος fear, see below. ) συγκακουχέομαι, to be treated ill or | ye get oy afflicted together with. Heb. xi. 25. | AFRAID (Bx),* and AFRAID OF (BE. ) AFFRIGHTED. 1. φοβέομαι, intransitive, to be terrified, ἔμφοβος, in fear, afraid, terrified. affrighted ; ¢ransitive, to fear, to Luke xxiv. 37. | Rey. xi. 13. reverence. -------- ---- 2. δειλιάω, to shrink for fear, to be timid, or a coward. AFFRIGHTED (sr.) ad ἐκθαμβέομαι, to amaze, astonish exceed- τρέμω, to tremble, tremble for fear. ingly, (from ἐκ out, or intensive, and | fatale tae 30 ee “yr . ev 27, 30. eo θαμβέω, to amaze, astonish.) | 1. — xvii 6, 7. 1. John vi. 19, 20, ie es παει Ἢ - ΣΧΝΗΪ 10. ἢ ---- πιῇ a | ER δου —————E νϑ. Ὁ. Ἢ] 1. Mark v. 15, 36. 1, Acts ix. 20." 1 -- - Me δῦ. | 1, —— xviii. ὁ, AFOOT. 1. — 82. Γ1, —— xxii. 29. 1. ---- Ξ 85, | 1. Rom. xiii. 3,* 4. πεζῇ, on foot, afoot (an adv. but properly | Ἱ- rae ΧΡ 7 ο. ο ο. . . ΄ — Luke see x2 Sore e νο the Dat. case fem. of the adj. πεζός, | αι. ---- Πιο 1. 1 Pet. iii, 6, 14. . 3 9 Yow performed on foot, from πεζά, the Pet 10. sole of the foot, which is from πούς, | τῇ the foot.) AFRAID (BE sore.) ολ hina | [φοβέομαι, to be terrified. See above. φόβος, (from φέβομαι, to run away from, AFOOT (Go.) flee), a fleeing or running away | from through fear, fear, terror. | |peéyas, great. Lit., to fear a great fear. πεζεύω, to go or travel on foot or by land, (from πεζός which see under me(j, “AFOOT.”) Acts xx. 13. | Luke ii. 9. taker.) pe Pa κος CC) A ae «ταν Ὁ Ὁ Ὁ τὰν πον οἱ = 2 fae 111.11. [dure.) | — —— xi. 25, see A with " —2 Tim. iv. 5, see A (en- | 1. Jas. i. 27. η 1. Col. i. 24. | -- v. 10,808 A(suffer) AFOREHAND. 1. 1 Thes. i. 6. | 2a. 1 Peter v. 9. eee nein re | COME. AFFLICTIONS (expoure.) ἘΣ ante, eater ORETIME. κακοπαθέω, to suffer evil OF atilictions, to | ποτέ, at some time or other, once. endure ov sustain afflictions. John ix. 13. 2 Tim, iv. 5. AFORETIME (wrtre.) AFFLICTIONS (partakyR OF THE.) See, WRITE. συγκακοπαθέω, to suffer evil or affliction, = together with. | AFRAID. 2 Tim. i. 8. ἔμφοβος, i in fear, afraid, affrighted, (from στ.» ἐν, in, and φόβος, fear, see below.) Ann ayy TIER RPRING Luke xxiv. Acts x. 4. AFFLICTION (surrerine.) | Wak 1.0; oo νο) ρω... AFR AFRESH. See, CRUCIFY. AFTER. 1. μετά, with, (in association with [locally] distinguished from σύν, which implies co-operation. ) (a) with Gen. (whence) together with, among; with and from, o7 separable connexion. (Ὁ) with Ace. (whither ) after. 2. κατά, down. (a) with Gen. (whence) down from, against. (Ὁ) with Acc. (whither ) down towards, according to. 3. ἐπί, upon, (superposition. ) (a) with Gen. (whence) wpon as spring- ing from; over, in the presence or time of. (b) with Dat. (where) upon as resting on: in addition to, on account of. (ο) with Ace. (whither) upon by direc- tion towards ; up to(of place, number, aim), over (of time, place, extent.) 4. ἐν, in (denoting inclusion, distinguished trom σύν which denotes conjunction ), in, of time, place, or element. 5. δία, through, (from the notion of separ- ation, disjunction. ) (a) with Gen. (whence) through as proceeding from ; in reference to time it marks the passage through an in- terval: during, after the lapse of. (b) with Acc. (whither) through or tend- ing towards; on account of. 0, ἑξῆς, to be next or immediately fol- lowing in time, subsequence, succes- sion, order. 7. καθεξῆς, in order, following, succeeding (from κατά, according to, and ἑξῆς, order. ) 8. ὀπίσω, behind; after, of place or time. 9, ὄπισθεν, from behind. 10. ὅτε, (an adv. of time) when; used with the indicative as relating to an actual event, usually of time past, but sometimes future. [ 32 ] AFT ὡς, as. In comparative sentences it means, as; in objective, that ; in final, in order to; in causal, for, on the ground that, μέλλω, to delay; with an infinitive following, to be about to do any- thing immediate or remote. 19. διαγίνομαι, to pass, pass through of time, (from διά, through, and yivo- μαι, to be or become.) 14. πληρόω, to fill, make full, fulfil, complete. 15. ὑπάρχω, to begin, give ἃ beginning to, to be. 16. περιέχω, to surround, to contain as πὰ ἃ ν᾿ / a writing, (from περί, about, and ἔχω, to haye, hold.) All passages in which the word after occurs as & preposition, or conjunc- tion, except where it forms part of a verb, . Matt. 1. 12. — John ii. 6, is ΠΠ. manner of. x. 38. 1b. 12. KY. 929. lb. —— iii. 22. xvi. 24. lb. —— iv. 43. xvii. 1. 1b, —— v. 1. αμ, 8. 4, with art (ap.) xxiv. 29. 1, xxv. 19. vii. 1. πανὶ 2, 92, 73. τη], 10. xxvii. 31, see A κι πι (that. xii. 19. 1b. 53, 63. xiii. 5, see A that. 8. Mark i. 7. ο 12. : τς . 27. 8, 20. ᾿ xix. 28, 38. see A the 2b. 1b. 1b. lb. — —® iv. 28, sce A that. — —— viii.25, see A that. . Acts i. 3. 1b. 31. & iii. 24 (lit. with C—O art., those that follow 1b,—— ix. 2. ——— xii. 34,seeA that. 1b. xiii. 24. 1lb.—— xiv. 1, 28, 70. ξ 10.---- xvi. 12 (ap.), 19 — ix. 23, see A that. lb. Luke i. 24, {(ap.) νι x. 37, 41. 3b. 9, = xii. 4. 2b. - ii, 27, 42. ι xiii, 15. 1b. - 46. .——$——. 20 (ap.) 1b. ας Ἂ - 22. 6. ii, 11 (lit. the ως + 25, { [day] after.) νο xv, 13, 16, 36. 3, —— ix, 23. -— xvi. 10, 1b. 28. xviii, 1. lb, —— x. 1. xix. 4. — xii. 4, 5. - 21 Ist. — xiii. 9, see A that. 21 2nd. . —— xiv, 27. xx. 1, 6, 29. 30, —— Xv. 4. ἃ — 50. 13. - xxi, 1,seeA(that.) - xix. 14, 6. — xx. 40, see A that . not. ), - 8. —— xxi. 8. 19, —— xxii. 20, 58. 9. —— xxiii. 26. 8. John i, 15, 27, 00, στ 35, sce A (next day.) xxiii. 8. ----. 25 (ἔχω, to have, L Tr 8.) AFT lb. Acts xxv. 1. . —— Xxviii. 11, 13, 17. . Rom. ii. 5. —— y. 14. vii. 22. , —— Viii. 1, twice (αρ.) . ———4, 5twice, 12, [18. — 1Cor.i. δη see A that. xi. 25, see A the same manner. xii, 28, ihat. see A (that. xv. 6,.7, see A —1 Cor. xv. 32, see A the manner of. . 2 Cor. v. 16 twice. —— iii. 14, see A the manner of. - 15, see A the manner of, 1b. ay & 2b, —-— iv. 23. 2b. 29 twice. 2b. Eph. i. 11. 2b, —— iv. 24. 2b. Col. 11. 8 3 times. 2b. 22, 2b. Col. 111,10. 2b. 2 Thes. ii. 9. 2b. ————-iii. 6. 8, 1 Tim. vy. 15. 2b. 2 Tim. iv. 3. 2b. Titus i. 1, 4. -- iii. 4, see A that. 1b, ———_ 1b. vii. 2, seo A that. 11 twice, 15, a % 15, 16, 26. - 8, see A hould) 2b. —— xii. 10, 2b. Jas. iii. 9. . 2 Pet. 1. 15. ii. 6, should (that.) ----- 10. see A , απ, 9. . 2 John 6, 8. Jude 7. 2b,——16, 18. 1b. Rev. i 1b. 1b. 8. 8. 1b. 1b. 1b. 1b. AFTER THAT. 1. εἶτα, then, afterwards. 2, ἔπειτα, thereupon, then, (from ἐπί, upon or at, and εἶτα, then.) 3. ἔτι, any more, any longer, yet, still, even, 4, οὐκέτι, no longer, no more. 5. ws, see “arter,” Λο, 11. 6. ὅτε, 866 “arTER,” Vo. 10. 7. ἐπειδή, when truly, after that indeed, from ἐπεί, when, and δή, truly. 7 ] J 8, μέλλω, see above, No, 12. 9, μετὰ ταῦτα, after these things. 6. Matt. xxvii. 31. 1, Mark iv. 28. 1: viii. 25. 4, xii. 84, 8. Luke xiii. 9. —— xx. 40, see A that. .- not. 1, John xiii. 5, δ. Acts ix. 23. 9. xiii. 20 (ap.) — Acts xxi. 1, see A (that.) η 1 Cor. i. 2], xii. 28. η 1 Cor. xv. 6, 7. 6, Titus iii. 4. 2. Heb, vii. 2. AFTER THAT...NOT. 4, Luke xx. 40, [ 33 ] AFT AFTER THE MANNER OF. κατά, down. (a) with Gen. (whence) down from, against, (b) with Ace. (whither) down towards, according to. b, John ii. 6. | b. Gal. iii. 10. Ῥ. 1 Cor. xv, 82. AFTER THE MANNER OF GENTILES. ἐθνικῶς, belonging or peculiar to a nation. In N.T.—1o live in a non-Israelitish manner. Gal. ii, 14, AFTER THE SAME MANNER. ὡσαύτως, likewise, in the same or like manner, 1 Cor. xi. 25. AFTER (sHovutp.) μέλλω, see under “arrer,” Vo, 12. Heb, xi. 8, AFTER (τΗλτ.) ws, see under “arver,” Vo. 11. Acts xxi. 1, AFTER SHOULD (tHat.) μέλλω, see under “arrer,” No. 12. 2 Pet. ii. 6. AFTER (THE NEXT DAY.) ἐπαύριον, to-morrow ; next day. John i, 35 (with art.) » on the morrow o7 See also, ASK, COME, COVET, DAY, FEEL, FOLLOW, GODLY, LONG, LOOKING, LUST, MORROW, MANNER, NEXT, SEEK, SPOKEN. AFT [ 34 ] AGA AFTERW ARD. 1. Matt. xx. 5. 1. John xy. 10, 21, 26. 1. — xxi. 36. 1. —— xxi. 1, 16. (-s.) i ext π 1. Acts x. 15. i 1. —— xxvi.42, 43, 44,72. | 1. 16 (εὐθύς, imme- “ ; 1. —— xxvii. 50. diately, L ve Tr A §), 1. ὕστερον, after, afterwards, at length. | 7 yaaa 1 13. πο ος, = 20. ΞΘ ἢ μετά, after, see “AFTER,” afters |) ase ae 1, ῦ να τον 2. Λο. 1 these 1. —— v. 2] 1, —— xviii. 21 Ξ 2 : : ona 1. —— xxvii. 28 ταῦτα, these things, things. | 1. — viii. 13, 25. 1. Rom. viii. 15 1, —— x, 1twice,10,24,32, | 1 xi. 23. 3. εἶτα, then afterwards. 1. —— xi. 27, 1. xv. 10, 11, 19. = 1, —— xii. 4 1. 1 Cor. iii. 20. 4, ἔπειτα, thereupon, then. iv 5(om. ΑΙ.) 1 vii. 5. . : 2 1. — xiv. 39 1 - xi. 91 5. μετέπειτα, afterwards, (from μετά, 1 Ἢ ap.) : 2 Cor. i. + β 61,69,70 twice, ii Ἱ, after, and ἔπειτα, then.) fee ania ae. 1 ii, 1. ἐξ 5 3 5 1. Luke xiii. 20. 1 v. 12. 6. καθεξῆς, in order, following, (from | 1. xxiii. 20. 1 “ae , 5 εν τ 1. John i. 35. 1 xi. 16. κατά, according to, and ἑξής, order.) 3. iit 8.) marg. from | 1 εἰ ως ΑΕ Ἦν ὦ od ΄ 3" ἢ 2. ————-7.j_ above. long ago, LT Tr A &.) 7. δεύτερος, the second, of ἐὔπιο or place, | {τν 50 μι ᾱ-, Ὁ) 1 ee ee (from δεύω, to fail, fall short, pro- | 1.—13, 46, 54. 1. xiii, 2 (with eis 7, ah Ἢ d 1. —— vi. 15 (om. G= A.) | 1. Gal. i. 9, 17. [7d.) perly spoken of those who are secon 1. — viii. 2(ap.),8 (@p.), | 1. — ἢ. 1, 18. a 7 ᾿ “7 12, 21. 1. —— iv. 9 Ist, marg.back in atrial of skill, ete.) fe sea ΕΕ oe : 4. ΞΕ ou Ὶ 19. te ee ἜΝ ωμή 1. ——— 26 (om. LT Tr | 1. Gat. ν. 1, ὃ. (Sak — Acts xiii, 21, see A (and) 1 AR) 97 : ώς ἼΩΝ 3. Mark iv. 17. 4, Gal. i. 21. ΤΙ ΑΞ 2 Ay απο BAT ae ig 1. —— xvi. 14 (αρ.) 4. 1 Cor. xv. 23, 46. an: ἢ Soe yee R EN AAE S| cde = 1, Luke iv. 2 (om. G3 LT | 2. Heb. iv. 8. pipe ee πο Ἡ τε Tr A &.) 1 xii. 11. . — xi. 7, 8, 38. 5. 1 Thes. ii. 18 6 viii. 1. 5 17 1.—— πι. 22 (ἔρχεται, 1. Heb. i. 5, 6. 2. xvii. 8 ΘῈ ; cometh, for καί πάλιν, | 1. —— ii. 13 twice 9 xviii. 4 Ἢ ἔ and again.) 1, —— iv. 5,7 jaa ah 1. 28, 39. 1: ie 1. —— xiii. 12. 1. —— vi. 1, 6 —- 1, — xiv. 3. 1. —— x. 30, 1, —— xvi. 16,17,19,22,28. | 1. Jas. v. 18. σ 1. —— xviii. 7,27,33,38,40 | 1. 2 Pet. ii. 20. AFTERWARD (AND.) 1. - — xix. 4, 9, 37. 1. 1 John ii. 8. κἀκεῖθεν, and then, and from that time Ley ee (of time ; ) and thence or from thence (of place.) Acts xiii, 21. AGAIN. 1. πάλιν, again, back, of place or time; a particle of continuation, again, once again, further; of antithesis, on the other hand. 2. ἄνωθεν, adv. of place or time, (from ἄνω, above, and θεν, denoting from. Local—from above ; temporal—from of old, from the beginning. ) 3 πάλιν, see No. 1. Sa Saad * | ἄνωθεν, see No. 2. ον ‘ 4, δεύτερος, the second, of time or place. 5. dis, twice, two times. The following are all the passages, except where “sGAin” forms part of a verb. 1. Matt. iv. 7, 8. 1. Matt. xiii. 45, 47. 1. — v. 33. — xviii. 19 (ἀμήν, 1. —— xiii. 44 (om. LT verily, L) (addayynv,G -- Α 8.) 1, —— xix. 24. (T Tr A.) See also, ALIVE, ANSWER, ASK; BEGET, BID, BORN, BRING, BUILD; COME; DELIVER; FLOURISH, FOAM; GIVE, GO; HOP£; LIVE; MEASURE; PUT; RAISE, RAISE TO LIFE, RECEIVE, RECOMPENSE, REMEMBRANCE, RESTORE, RETURN, REVILE, SEND, SET AT ONE, SHEW ; WORD (BRING. ) RISE, RISING; THAT, TURN ; AGAINST. 1. κατά, down. (a) with Gen. (whence) down from, against. (b) with Ace. (whither) down towards, according to. 2. ἐπί, upon (superposition. ) (a) with Gen. (0 where) upon; as pro- ceeding from ; over, in the presence or time of. (b) with Dat. (where) upon, as resting on; in addition to, on account of. AGA (ο) with Acc. (whither) upon, by direction towards; to, implying an intention (for, against. ) 3. εἰς, (motion to the interior) into, to ; unto ; towards, sometimes implying mere reference in regard to, some- times hostility, against. 4, πρός, towards (propinquity. ) (a) with Gen. (whence ) hitherwards. (b) with Dat. (where) resting in a direction towards, near, hard by. (c) with Acc. (whither) to of literal di- rection; of mental direction, towards, against. rom this mental direction comes (i) that of estimation, in con- sideration of, and (ii) thatof intention, in order to. 5. µετά, with, in association with [locally] distinguished from σύν, which implies co-operation. (a) with Gen. (whence) with, together with. (b) with Acc. (whither ) after. 6. παρά, beside (juxtaposition. ) (a) with Gen. (whence) beside and pro- ceeding from ; from (used of persons, while ἀπό is used of places. ) (b) with Dat. (where) beside, out at ; with, near. (c) with Ace. (whither) to or along the side of ; beside (as not coinciding with, hence contrary to; beside with the notion of comparison, super vority ψ, above, ὑπέρ affirms superiority, παρά institutes the comparison, and leaves the reader to infer superiority. ) 7. περί, around, (a) with Glen. (whence) around and separate from, about, concerning. (b) with Ace. (whither) around and towards, around, about. 8. év, in, of time, place or element, 9. ἐναντίος, opposite, over-against; con- trary. 10. ἔμπροσθεν, before (as opposed to behind ;) before, in the presence of. 4c. Matt. iv. 6. 2c. Matt. xii. 26. . —— v. 11, 23. la. 80, 32 twice. _— x. 2]. 38.0 ——xviii., 15 (om. LN.) 8.3. ---.-.-- 51. la. —— xx. 1]. ; Luke i Lv, 11: 2 —— v. 30. . —— Vii.30, marg.with- ᾿ 8rd ἃ 4th. ὃ John xii. 7. . ——xiii. 18. . ————-_ 29, . —— Xviii. 29, . — xix. 1]. . Acts iv. 26 twice. DASH; MAD, [ 35 ] . Matt. xx. 24. επ xxiii. 13. . —— xxiv. 7 twice. . —— xxvi. 55, .- 89. Xxvii. 1. . Mark iii. 6. ντ 24, 25, 26. στ 29 . -- πι Cena τ —— xiii, 8 twice, 12, . —— xiv. 48. 55, 56, 57. in. . —— ix. 5 (αρ.) ———50. —— xi. 17 twice, 18, . —— 23. — xii, 10 twice. 52 twice, 53 Ist, 2nd, 53 Sth ἃ 6th. . —— xiv. 3] 2nd. —— xv. 18, 21, xvii. 3 (om. G3 L Tr ΑΝ) — xx. 19. —— xxi. 10 twice. —— xxii. 52, 53. 65. 27. . ——vi. 1. 3. -- 11. ----.---18. . —— viii. 1. . ——ix 1. ἡ πες 5, 20, . —— xiii. 50, 51. . —— xiv. 2. FIGHT; 8 ( em . —— XXxvi. πι . —— xxvii. 14. 9, —— xxviii. 17. 5, Rom. i. 18. 26. 2c, ———ii. 2. -- 5. . ———iv. 18. viii. 7. «το 31. κ κι. 2. . 1 Cor. iv. 6. . —— vi. 1. 18. viii. 12 twice. ο. 20ο x. 2. . ———xiii. 8. . Gal. iii. 21. . ——Vv. 17 twice, 23. ᾿ Eph. vi. 11, 19 ὅ times, Col. ii. 14. . —— li. 13, 19. 1 Tim. v. 19. ——— vi. 19. 8, 2 Tim. 1. 12. | 1 Pet. ii. 1]. [wpon. . ——— iii. 12, margin . 2 Pet. Ἡ. 11. 1, 7. Jude 15. . Rev. ii. 4, 14, 20. 16. . —— xi. 7. . —— xii. 7 (No. 5a, All.) . —— xiii. 6. . —— xix, 19 twice. See also, BEAT, BOAST, BRING; CRIME, CRY; INSURRECTION ; MURMUR; OVER; PRATE, PREVAIL; QUARREL}; REJOICE, REPLY, RISE UP; SAY, SPEAK, SPOKEN, STRIVE; WANTON, WAR, JUDGE; WILL, WITNESS. AGE. ἡλικία, time of life, adultness, matur- ity of life, mind or person. ἡμέρα, the day in distinction from the night, and as a division of time, also used of a longer space of time. 3. yeved, birth, race, descent ; ation, an age. a gener- AGE 2. Luke 11, 36. 8. Acts xiii. 36,marg.(text, 1. ————_ 52, marg. (text, generation.) stature.) 1, Eph. iv. 13, marg. (text, — John ix, 21, 23, see A (be stature.) of.) — Heb. v.14, see A (of full) 1, Heb. xi. 11. AGE (ΒΕ oF.) ἡλικία, see “acu,” Vo 1, to have ἔχω, to have, maturity. John ix. 21, 23. AGE (ος FULL.) τέλειος, complete, perfect, (from τέλος, an end.) Heb. ν. 14, margin perfect. See also, AGES, FLOWER, GREAT, PASS. OLD, AGED. 1. πρεσβύτης, old, aged, an old man, (from πρέσβυς, old, which again is from προεις βῆναι, to be far entered into o7 advanced in.) Philem. 9. AGED MAN. Titus it 9, AGED WOMAN. πρεσβύτις, an old or aged woman (same root as above. ) Titus ii. 8. AGES. 1. αἰών, (from dw, anys, blow, breathe), the life which wastes away in the breathing of our breath, life as tran- sitory; then, course of life, time of life, life in its temporal form; then the space of human life, an age, or generation (αἰών looks at a generation Srom the point of view of duration, while γενεά | Λο. 2] does from that of race), αἰών always includes a ref erence to life, filling time or a space of time. Accordingly—the unbound- ed time, in which the history or life Stee AGR of the world is accomplished; and hence, the world as jilling the un- measurable contents of immeasurable time. 2. γενεά, progeny, offspring, a generation or descent of men living at the same time; the time in which such a race lives, thencegenerallyanage or period. 1, Eph. 11. 7. 2. Eph. 111, 21. 1, —— iii. 5. 1. Col. i. 26. AGO. 1. ἀπὸ, from (the exterior) separation in space with the idea of motion; from marking the distance. 2. πρό, before, whether of time or place. 3. πάλαι, long ago, long, (referring either to long or short spaces of past time, according to the context. ) 4. πέρυσι, (with ἀπό) the past year, last year (from περάω to pass, pass through. ) — Matt. xi. 21, see A (long) | 1. 2 Cor. viii. 10, see A (a —Luke x. 13, see A (a year. ) great while.) ix. 2, see A (a 1. Acts x. 80. year.) 1, —— xv. 7. | 2. xii. 2. AGO (A GREAT WHILE.) 3, Luke x. 19. AGO (a YEAR.) 1 ἃ 4. 2 Cor. viii. 10; ix. 2. AGO (LoNG.) 8. Matt. xi. 21. AGONY. ἀγωνία, bodily strife, struggle or contest ; violent struggle oragony both of body and mind, (from ἄγω, to bring, carry, remove, drag.) Luke xxii. 44 (ap.) AGREE (-p.) 1. συμφωνέω, to speak a thing together with another, to agree, (σύν, with, implying co-operation, and φωνέω, to speak. ) AGR 2. συντίθημι, to put together, agree upon, settle. 3. εἰμί, to be, with εἰμί, to be, ᾿4,. ἴσος, equal, (in quality, | quantity or dignity, ) to be equal, 5. εὐνοέω, to be well affected or well minded towards another, to be friends with him, (from εὖ, well, and νόος, the mind.) 6. πείθω, active; to persuade, to win by words, to influence. Medial Passive: suffer one’s self to be persuaded or convinced. ποιέω, to make, to do, εἷς, (μἴω), one(the numeral, ) γνώµη, an opinion, sentence (from γινώσκω, to know,) 5. Matt. v. 25. — Acts v. 9, 1, —— xviii. 19. 1.— _ xx. 2,13. 4. Mark xiv. 56, 59. -- 70, see thereto. — Luke v. 36, see A with. to do one mind. see A to- Xxili. 20. (not. XXVili. 25, see A 3. 1 John ν. 8. | 7. Rey. xvii.-17. AGREE THERETO. ὁμοιάζω, to be like. Mark xiv. 70, AGREE TOGETHER. συµφωνέω, see “AGREE,” ο, 1. Acts v. 9. AGREE NOT. 3 , . . 5 ἀσύμφωνος, disagreeing in speech, Acts xxviii. 25, AGREE WITH. συμφωνέω, see “AGREE,” 3ο, 1. Matt. xx. 13. | Luke ν. 80. AGREEMENT. συγκατάθεσις, consent, agreement, (from συγκατατίθημι, to put down together with, borrowed from those who being of the same opinion put their ballots together into the urn; hence to vote with, assent to.) 2. Cor. vi. 16. [ 37 ] ALB AGROUND. See, RUN. AH. ovd, ah, aha, (an interjection, or natural exclamation of derision o7 insult.) Mark xv. 29. AIM AT (not) [margin.] ἀστοχέω, miss the mark, fail. Ἢ 1 Tim. i. 6 (text, swerve.) AIR. 1. ἀήρ, the air, the celestial fluid above the earth. 2. οὐρανός, heaven,(1) physically ; theover- arching and all embracing heaven, excluding the earth beneath and all that is therein. (2) the dwelling- place of God. 2. Matt. vi. 26. 2, —— viii, 20. 2. —— xiii. 32. 2. Mark iv. Ree ος τοῦ . Acts xi. 6. xxii. 23 (οὐρανός, heaven, 99.) . 1 Cor. ix. 26. ᾿ παν 9) . Eph. ii. 2. . 1 Thes. iv. 17. . Rev. ix..2. .— xvi. 17. ALABASTER BOX, ἀλάβαστρον, a vessel to hold ointment or perfume ; (so called because commonly made from the alabaster stone, and afterwards any vessel used for oint- ment. ) Matt. xxvi. 7. Mark xiv. 8. Luke vii. 37. ALAS. oval, woe, alas, (an interjection of grief or concern) ; also used as a noun, a Woe. Rey. xviii. 10 twice, 16 twice, 19 twice. ALBEIT. iva, that, to the end that. Philem. 19. ALBEIT...NOT. ἵνα, that to the end that, ) that not, μή, not, lest, lest. Philem. 19. ALI ALIEN. (5) ἀλλότριος, belonging to others, foreign or strange to oneself. Heb. xi. 34. ALIENS (BE.) ἀπαλλοτριόω, to alienate, to estrange. Eph. ii. 12. ALIENATE. (xp.) ἀπαλλοτριόω, to alienate, to estrange. Eph. iv. 18. Ι Col. i. 21 (with εἰμί, to be.) ALIVE. Part. of (dw, for which see “ SutIvE (BE.)” Acts i. 3. Acts xxv. 19. ix, 4]. Rom. vi. 11. — xx. 12. Rey. i. 18. Rey. xix. 20. ALIVE (BE.) ζάω,. to live (physically; opposite of αποθανεῖν, to die); to live in the highest sense, to possess spiritual and eternal life. Matt. xxvii. 63. Mark xvi. 11 (ap.) Luke xxiv. 23. Acts xxv. 19. Rom. vi. 13. —— Vii. 9. 1 Thes. iv. 15, 17. Rev. ii. 8. ALIVE AGAIN (ΒΒ) ἀναζάω, (the above with avd, again, pre- Jixed ), to live again. Luke xv. 24, 32 (aw, to live, T Tr A 8.) ALIVE (μλ κῃ.) ζωοποιέω, to make alive, vivify, cause to live. (a) pass., to be quickened, made alive. a. 1 Cor. xv. 22. ALL. 1. πᾶς, all; of one only, all of him; of one in a number, any ; of several, every ; in pl., all. [88 1 , Matt. i. 17. -— ii 3 .—— iii, δ twice, 10. b. —— iv. 8, 9. . —— ν. 16, 168. νι xii 15, 23. ALL (a) Singular, without the article, signi- fies every ; with the article, the whole of the object it qualifies. Thus πᾶσα πόλις, every city ; πᾶσα ἡ 7OAts—the whole of the city; πάντα πειρασµόν-- νο form of temptation. (Luke iv. 13.) (b) Plural, generally has the article when the substantive is expressed (except when it is ἄνθρωποι, men.) But generally omits it when the substantive is implied (except where the idea 9 collective.) Thus πάντες all men ; πάντα---Ὁ}] things, se- verally (see Phil.iv. 13.) τὰ πάντα--- all things, as constituting a whole. (See Col. i. 16.) * with ὅς, who, which; t with ὅστις, who- which- whatsoever; { with ὅσος, see No. 4, below. ὅλος, the whole, all. Generally used with the article, ἐ.4., ὅλος ὁ κόσμος —the whole world (Rom. i. 8.) Sometimes the noun and article pre- cede, which adds emphasis to ὅλος, ὁ κόσμος 6Aos—the world, yea the whole of 7. (Matt. xvi. 26.) (a) Without the article. ἅπας, quite all, all together, all, (Vo. 1 strengthened by ἅμα, at once, at the same time.) ὅσος, how much, how great; ο) time, how long, as long as; of quantity or number, how much, how many. 1b. Matt. xiii. 82, 84. 22. — —— 41, see A 3. things. 4, 16 twice. 1b. 441, 461, 51, 56 twice. lb. —— xiv. 20. 23 Ist. 9 cee a 23, 2nd ἃ 3rd, >, ——_ 35 2nd. see A manner of. 24, 1st. 24 2nd, things. lb. —— xviii. ————34, see A (at.) | 1b, ————— 4 vi. 29. LOT TrA —————32 Ist. 1b, —————- ! 32 2nd, la, —————— 32, 33. — —— xix. 11.866 A men. vii.12,seeAthings | 1b, ———— 20. viii. 16. — —— 26, see A ix. 26, 81. things. 35. {of. | 1b. ———— 27. x. 1,seeAmanner | 2. - vm Oleh —— 22, soe Amen | 2. —— xxi. 4(om.G3 L ay 80); Tr Α 8.) i. 19. . = 27,seeAthings _—— 1 28. - 2 0, ----- 2) see A —— xxii. 4 | things. 31, see A man- . — —_— 1 0f. 97 ner of, ,---.- 7, 28. ALL 2. Matt xxii. 37 3 times, 40, 1b, — xxiii. 31, 5, 8. — ————— 20, see A things la, ———-—— ae 96, 14 Qnd, 30, 39. τς 7. κ xxv. 5, 7, 31, 32. xxvi. 1, 27, 31. 33,seeAmen 35, 52. 56 Ast. 56 2nd. ᾿ 88, 84. 27 (Χο. 8, Τ ΤΥ 28. [A &.) 32. 33. 37, see A men. 39. 1b. —— ii. 12 twice. la, ———— 13. 1b. —— iii. 28. — — iv. 11, see A these things. 1b. ———— 13, 31, 32. 834 ‘seeAthings a v.12 (om. G@ Lb Tr A.) 20, see A men. 26. 33. —40(No.1,G LT Tr A κ.) — — vi. 30, seeAthings ορ 41. 42: vii. 3. (50. la.—— Vii. 14(radAw,again, ο LTTrA®.) 1b. ———— 19, 23. — —— 37, see A things — — ix. 12,see A things la. ————15. — ——23,see A things ib, ——______95 twice. lb. —— x. 20. — ——27, see A things 1b, ————28, 44. — — xi. 1] see A things 1b. ————l17. la. ————18. 3. —— xi, 32(No.1,L *% 1b, —— xii. 22, 28, 29 (ap. τς Ὁ 80 4 “tines: 83 Ist ἃ 2nd. 2. ————33 3rd (ap.) 2. ————33 4th. Tb, ————83 5th 49, 44 1st. Lb, —————-44 2nd, ο. 8rd, 1b, —— xiii. 4, 10. — ——15, see A men. — —— 23,see A things 1b. ————30, 37. 1b. —— xiv. 28, 27, 29, 31. - 36,see A things 1b. —50, 53. 2 ——855. 2. ——xiv. 64. 3. —— xvi. 15 (ap.) — Luke i. 3, see A things. 1b. 6, 48, 63, 65 lst & 2nd, 65 2rd. 20, see A things. 31, 38. 39, see A things, x 7 (No. la,G L TTrAWN) 13. 14. 15, 20, 22. 25. 28, 36, 401. 2. ——v. 5. 1b. 9. 3. τ 11 (Νο, 1b, L Tr 3. 26. 3. 28 (No. 1b, L Tr A.) 1b. vi. 10. == 12, see A night (continued. ) la. 17. 1b. 19, 26 (om. G.) tb — vii 1 3. 16 (No. 1b, G Tr 2. 17 Ist. [A.) la. 17 2nd. 10. 18, la. 29. 1b. 35 (om. G.) 1b.— viii. 40, 2. 43. 1b. 45, la. 47. 1b. 52, 54 (ap.) 1b.—— ix. 1, 7. -- 10, see A that. la. 13. 3. 15. 1b. 17, 99, 1b.— ix. 43 lst. — ——43 2nd seeAthings 1b. 48. la,—— x.119. — 52, see A thin 2. 27 4 times. — — xi. 22, see A his armour. -- 41, see A things. 1b. 50. ~- —— Xii.1,see A(first of. ) 1b. ι 31 (om. G= Lb τ Έτ Α Ν.) 1b. 41, 44. 1b.— xiii. 2,3, 4, δ, 17 Ist. la. 17 2nd, 10. 17 3rd, 97, 98, — — xiv. 17,800: Athings 1b. 18, 29, 38. 1b.— xy. 1. 3. 13 (No.1b, L Tr.) 1b. 14, 31. 1b.— xvi. 14, 26. 1b,.—— xvii. 10. 27 (No.1b,L Tr.) 29 (No. 1b, ὃν Tr.) i xviii. 191, 21, 22}. 28 (ra ἴδια, our “own things,G~L T Tr A. ) αν σι — Luke xviii. 91, see A la. 43. (things. 3. are 7(No. 1b, LT Έτ Α .) 1b. 87. 3. 48. 1, — xx. 6(No.3, L>T Tr A Ν.) 1b. 1b. la. 15 (No.3,T Tr A) -- 17, see A men. -- 22, see A things. 1b. 24, 29, 32, 35, 36 la. 38. 1b. —— xxii. 70. 2. —— xxiii. 5. -- 18, see A at once. 2. ———— 44. 1b —— xxiii. 48, 49, 1b.—— xxiv. 9 twice, 14, la. 19. 1b. 21, 25, 27 twice. -- 44, see A things. 1b. 47. — John i. 3, see A things. -- 7, see A men. 1b. 16. 1b.—— ii. 15. -- 24, see A men. — — iii. 26, see A men. 1b. 31 Ist, 31 2nd (ap) -- 35, see A eae — — iv. 25, 29, see A things. 1b. 39t. ος = Ἢ eee A things la. 22. -- 23, see A men. 1b. 28. la. —— vi. 37, 39. 1b. 45. 1b.—— vii. 21. la. —— viii. 2 (ap.) 1b.— x. 81, 29. - 41, see A things. — — xi. 48, see A men. - 49, seeA (nothing at.) 1b.— xiii. 10, 11, 18. 1b.— xv. 21. la. —— xvi. 13. la. Xvii. 2. 1b. 10, 21. 1b.—— xviii. 40. — — xxi. 11, seeA there were (for. ) 1b. Acts i. 1. 8. 14, 18, 19. ὶ 91. 8. —— ii. 1 (om. &), (No. ib, ΤΠ Τὰ Δ.) Νο), ΤΣ NS Ἢ (No, 1b, L Tr Ve [8.) 32. 36. 39. 44 Ist. 44 2nd, things. -- 45, see A men. la.—— iii. 9, 11. lb. 16, 18. -- 21 1st, seeAthings 1b, ——— 21 2nd (Gx), (om, GLTTrA®) see A ALL — Acts iii. 22, see A things 1b. 24, 25. 1b, — iv. 10 twice, 16, -- 18, see A (at.) -- 21, see A men. — —— 23, see A that. 1b. 29. la. 22. 3. 31. = 32, see A things. 1b. 33. 2. —v. 5. 2. aT; 12 (No.1b,L Tr.) 20. 8, —— vi.15 (No. 1b, L Tr 1b.—— vii. 10 1st. [8.) 2. 10 2nd, 11. la. 14, 22. 1b. 50. 1b.— viii. 1. 1b. 10 (om. α -- T.) 2 τῆς ) —— 37 (a 1b. = 1b.—— ix. i, 21, 26. 2. 31. -- 32, see A quar- ters (throughout. ) 1b. 35, 39, 40. 2. 42. la.— x. 2. 8. 12, see A man- see A 39, see A things. 1b.— x. 43. 44, 3. —— xi. 10. la. 14. Ib. 23. 2. 28. la, —— xii. 11. la.—— xiii. 10 3 times. 1b. 25 la. 3. neg”: (No. 1b,GLT TrA δ) la. 80 Ist. = 39 2nd, things. 49, see LA |} 1. — iv. 8. {all.) ik 18. it 15, margin (text, 1. —— vi. 10. 1. —— vi. 13, 17. 1. —— vii. 14 (πάντοτε, al- | 1. 2Tim. ii. 7, 10. ways, Lm.) 1. — iv. 5. 1. —— ix. 8. 1. Titus i. 15. 1. —— xi. 6. 1. — ii. 7, 9, 10. 1. —— xii. 19. fi Heb ieee eo: (17. 1. Gal. iii. 10. 1. ——ii. 8 twice, 10 twice, 1. Eph. i. 10, 11, 22 twice. 1. —— iii. 4. 1. — iii. 9. 1. —— iv. 13. 1. —— iv. 10, 15. 1. —— viii. 5. 1. ——v. 13, 20. 1. —— ix. 22. 1. ——vi. 21. 1. —— xiii. 18. 1. Phil. ii. 14. na Fa A 1ο. 1. —— iii. § twice, 2], 1. 1 Pet. iv. 7, 8, 11. 1. — iv. 12, 13. 12 ο Εοια ο. 1. Col i. 16 twice, 17 twice. | 1, —— iii. 4. 1. 18, margin all. 1. 1 John ii. 20, 27. ue 20. al iii. 20. 1. —— iii. 20, 22. 1. 3 John 2. 1. — iv. 9. 1. Rev. iv. 11. 1. 1 Thes. v. 21. if xviii. 14. 1. Rey. xxi. 5. 1. Rey. xxi. 7, (ταῦτα, these things, G LTTrAw®) ALL THINGS THAT. ὅσος, see “aL,” Wo. 4. Acts xv. 4. | Rev. i. 2. ALL...HOUSE (ΝΙΤΗ.) πανοικί, with all one’s house ο). family. Acts xvi. 34. ALL MEANS (sy.) πάντως, wholly, entirely ; in every way, by all means, assuredly, certainly. Acts xviii. 21. | 1 Cor. ix. 22. ALL NIGHT (continue) διανυκτερεύω, to pass the whole night through, (from διά, through, and νυκτερεύω, to pass the night, from νύξ, night.) Luke vi. 12. ALL PLACES (1ν.) πανταχοῦ, (adv. ) everywhere. Acts xxiv. 8. ALL POINTS (1ν.) κατά, with Ace. as here, according to, throughout. ange (neut. pl. of “aut,” No. 1), all (things. ) Heb. iv. 15. ALL QUARTERS (πππουαποῦτ.) διά, through (as proceeding from) with Gen. as here. πάντων, (Gen. pl. of “aut,” No. 1), all. Acts ix. 82. ALL SPEED (ΝΙΤΗ.) ὡς, as, with the ut- τάχιστα, most speedily, ὁ most speed. Acts xvii. 15. ALL THAT (For.) οὕτω, thus, even so, in this wise. 1 Cor. xiv. 21. ALL THERE WERE (ror.) ov, (pres. part. of ἐιμί, to be), being. John xxi. 11. ALL (ANYTHING AT.) Tis, any one, some one, a certain one ; anything. Acts xxv. 8. ALL (Α1.) 1. πάντως, wholly, entirely; in every way, by all means, assuredly, cer- tainly. 2. καθόλου, entirely. (a) with µή-- πο at all. ov, not, denying a thing itself. 3.4 μή, not, denying the thought or intention of it. 4, ὅλως, wholly, altogether, (adv. of 1 ALL,” No. 2.) (a) with negative preceding, not at all. da. Matt. ν. 84. 4a, 1 Cor, xv, 29. 2a, Acts iv. 18, 1. - xvi. 12. 3. Rev. xviii. 14. anemphatic negative, in no wise, by no means. ALL (rrrst oF.) πρῶτον, first, in time, place or order, (superlative of πρό, before.) 1 Cor, xi. 18, Luke xii. 1. | ALL Poe a ALL ALL (most or.) μάλιστα, most of all, especially, (super- lative of para, very.) Acts xx. 38. ALL (no...AT.) 1. μήποτε, (conjunction ), lest at any time, lest, lest perhaps. (a) adverb, no longer. 2. “ἢ + seo under “A (at),” Wo. 3. 3. οὐδέποτε, not ever, never. 8. John xviii. 38. 2. Rev. xviii. 21. la. Heb. ix. 17. 2 22 twice, 2. Rev. xviii, 23 twice. ALL (ποτ at.) 1. μηδείς, not one, either person or thing. 2. ἐν: se A (1), No. 3. ἘΠ: 1. 9 Thes, iii. 11. | 3. Rev. xxi. 25. ALL (NoTHING AT.) ov, no, not, denying the thing itself. John xi. 49, ALL (oNncE FoR.) ἐφάπαξ, once for all, once, at once, Heb. x. 10. ALL. See also, CONTINUE, FIRST, GO, HAIL, HOLY, HOUSE, LAST, MEANS, MOST, NO, NOT, ONCE, ONE, PLACES, SPEED. ALLEGE. παρατίθημι, to place near ov by the side of as food ; to set or lay before, as instruction ; to set clearly before one by argument, and especially to prove by citations from writers. Acts xvii. 3. ALLEGORY (pe av.) ἀλληγορέω, (from ἄλλος, other, and ἀγορεύω, tospeak inor toan assembly of men), to speak so ‘hat one thing is spoken, and somewhat different is meant, of which the thing spoken is the emblem o7 representative.) Compare the word ‘ PARABLE.” Gal. iv. 24 (pass. participle), (lit. suggesting another meaning. ) ALLELUIA. ἀλληλούϊα, Alleluia, Heb. 7555 Praise ye Jah or Jehovah, (retained un- translated in the Septuagint. ) Rev. xix. 1, 3, 4, 6. ALLOW. (-ETH -ED. ) 1. δοκιμάζω, to prove, assay, as refiners do metals by fire, to try, examine, try the fitness, 07 goodness of; hence, to have experience of by trial, to approve. 2. γινώσκω, to perceive, to observe, to obtain a knowledge of ο insight into, to know; γινώσκω frequently denotes a personal relation between the person knowing and the object known; equivalent to, to be influen- ced by our knowledge of the object, and hence, to allow oneself to be determined by one’s knowledge. 3. προσδέχομαι, to accept, to receive ; to expect, wait for. 4, συνευδοκέω, to think well together with, to consent to, approve of, be well pleased with, take complacency in. 4. Luke xi. 48. 8. Acts xxiv. 15. 2. Rom. vii. 15, margin 1, ——xiv. 23. [know. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 4. ALLOWANCE [margin. ] ὀψώνιον, whatever is bought to be eaten with bread, a relish. Then, because hired soldiers were at first partly paid in meat, grain, or fruit, ete., a stipend, allowance, and generally, wages. Luke iii. 14 (text, wages.) ALLURE. δελεάζω, to take or catch, properly with a bait, as birds or fishes are caught, (from δέλεαρ, a bait.) 2 Pet. ii, 18. ALM ALMIGHTY. παντοκράτωρ, (from πᾶς, all, and κράτος, strength), almighty, omnipotent. (occ. Rey. xix. 6.) 2 Cor. vi. 18; Rev.i 8; 14. πο 15. ex ος. iv. δ; xi. 17; xv. 3; xvi.7, ALMOST. 1. σχεδόν, nearly, almost, (from root, to be near.) in a little, 1.6. ina short compass, in a brief narrative of facts, or in a few words, see Eph. ἐν, in, ὀλίγος, small, or little i num- ber place or quantity or magnitude. ili. ὃ. 1. Acts xiii. 44. — Acts xxi. 27, see A (be.) 1. —— xix. 26. 2. XXVL 28, 29. 1. Heb. ix. 22. ALMOST (sz.) μέλλω, to delay ; with an infinitive fol- lowing, to be about to do anything (immediate or remote. ) Acts xxi. 27. ALMS. ἐλεημοσύνη, pity, compassion; a work of mercy, particularly almsgiving ; then by putting the effect for the cause, the alms itself or money given to the poor. (oce. Acts ix. 36.) Matt. vi 1 (δικαιοσύνη, righteousness, G LT Tr A &.) 2, 3, 4. Acts iii. 2, 3, 10. Luke xi. 41. — x. 2, 4, 31. — xii 33. — xxiv. 17. ALMSDEEDS. Acts ix. 86. ALOES. aon, the aloe, (the xylo-aloes whose resinous and aromatic qualities ren- dered it very proper for embalming dead bodies. ) John xix. 89. ALONE. 1. μόνος, alone, only, single ; company, solitary. without μόνον, (neuter of No. 1, used adverb- ially ), only, exclusively. [ 44 ] ALO 3. καταμόνας, apart, in private. μόνας, L T Tr.) 1. Matt. iv. 4. 1. —— xiv. 23. ——— xv. 14, see A (let.) 1. —— xviii. 15. — Mark i. 24, see A (let.) ὃ. aw 10: — — Xi 7, see A (let. — ——— 34, see A (when | 1. 24, they were. τὴ 1. —— xvi. 32 twice. 1, —— vi. 47. 2. —— xvii. 20. -- xiv. 6, see A (let.) | — Acts vy. 38, see A (let.) — — xy. 36, see A (let.) ἢ ache 26. 1. Lukeiv. 4. 2. Rom. iv. 23. 34, see A (let. ) 1. =a, 91, — Jas. ii. ἐς see A (being. ) 1. Gal. vi. 1. 1 Thes: ith τ 1. Heb. ix. 7. (κατά 1. Luke χ.ἕ 40. — —— xiii. 8, see A (let.) 1, John vi. 15, 22. 1. ——viii 9. (ap.), 16, 29. —-—— xi 48, see A ist) —— ALONE (Ώπκα.) κατά, according to o7 by, by ἑαυτοῦ. himself, herself, itself, 4. itself. Jas, ii, 17. ALONE (tEt.) ἀφίημι, to send away, dismiss, (hence to divorce ;) to set free, (hence to forgive.) Jn general to leave any- thing, to leave behind (as at death; ) to let alone. edo, to permit, to suffer. ἔα, an interjection denoting indigna- tion or grief (likeabh! or hah!) Jt may however be the imperfect of No.2, but the former seems preferable. . Matt. xv. 14. 3, Luke iv. 34,marg. away. . Mark i 24(0m. G> LTr | 1. xiii. 8, . — xiv. 6. [Α 5.) 11. John xi. 48. . — xy. 36, 1, —— xii. 7. 2. Acts v. 38 (No. 1, ἄν 1 5.) ALONE (wHEN THEY WERE.) κατά, according to, ἴδιος, one’s OWN, pro- per; what belongs to one, private, | being under- separate, stood. ) Mark iv. 34. κατ᾽ ἰδίαν, in a private place, (χώραν, place ALOUD (cry.) ἀναβοάω, to ery out aloud, to exclaim, (from ἀνά emphatic, and Bodw, to cry out.) Mark xv. 8 (ἀναβαίνω, having gone αρ," L T Tr A.) * i.e. to the governor’s house, - ALP ALPHA. A, (ἄλφα, L T Tr A) alpha, the first of the Greek letters corresponding in name, order, and power to the Hebrew νὰ aleph, and in form developed from it. Alpha in Phoenician means an Ox [Plutarch], as aleph does in Hebrew. The last letter of the He- brew alphabet is πι Tau (T) the earliest symbol of the cross. So that in these letters we have foreshadowed the Great Sacrifice, and the manner of its being offered up. Popularly how- ever Alpha being the first letter of the alphabet, is applied to what is first, whether in time or rank. Rey. i. Sap) Rev. xxi. 6. — xxii. 13, ALREADY. ἤδη, an adverb of time, now, at or by this time. Already, 1.6. without men- tioning or insisting upon anything Further. Matt. v. 28. — xvii. 12. Mark xy. 44. John xi. 17 (om. T.) —— xix. 33. ποσα πι 8. Phil. iii. 12 twice. 2 Thes. ii. 7. 1 Tim. v 15. 2 Tim. ii. 18. 1 John iv. 3. ALREADY ATTAINED. φθάνω, to come or do before another, to be beforehand with, overtake, out- strip. Phil. iii. 16 (the word “others” being understood. ) ALREADY (now.) / καί, and, also. ἤδη, see “ ALREADY.” Acts xxvii. 9. ALREADY (sinnep.) προαμαρτάνω, to sin before. . 2 Cor. xii. 21. ALSO. 1, καί, and, also, even. καί, α conjunc- tion of annexation differing from τε, (No. 2), by uniting things strictly ων while τε annexes some- thing which does not directly or necessarily follow. [46] ALS * with αὐτός, "6, she, it ; Τ with a comparative ; 1 δὲ καί, ραν, ον BE τε καί, (the δὲ assuming what has been said, and passing on to some- thing more), moreover. 2. τε, only annexes, often with implied re- lation or distinction, and, also. 3 ἄλλα, but. καί, see No. 1. 4, μέντοι, conjunc., yet truly, certainly, nevertheless, however. 5, ἅμα, adverb, at the same time, with or together with. 6. δή, a particle indicating certainty or reality, and so augmenting the viva- city of a sentence; truly, indeed, by all means. 7. ἔτι, adverb, any more, any longer, yet still, even ; implying accession, be- sides. 1. Matt. iii. 10 (om. ᾱ -- L TTrAS.) 1. — v. 39, 40. 1. — vi. 14, 21. . Luke vi. 34. 36 (om. Lb Trb &) vii. 8,49. [Tr κ.) — viii. 36 (om.G3 L —— ix. 61. —-x. ών (om. Trb.) ο aa) a aol col vat σ — xi. L 4*,30,34 twice, 40, 45, 46, 49, ——iL 8, 34, 40, 54. — xiii. 8. — xiv. 191 1st, 19 2nd 26. ., 28. —— xvi. 1, 10 twice, 14, —— xvii. 26, 28. —— xviii. 15. — xix. 9*, 19. 1 37. (om. το) — xx. 12, 31. 1 39 (om. L T 82t (om. δέ, Ga 1 44, 8 LTTrAw®S.) (Tr) 1. — xxv. 11. — xxi. 2(om. ἃ -- a 1,— ή —— xxii. 20, 24, 39, 56 1 1 1 1 — — xxi. 31, see A if. 1. —— xxii. 26, 27.~ 1. — xxiii. 26. 1. —— xxiv. 27 (om. τ TTA) sat ot od ae ol ΤῊΣ oo — xxiii,7. [58,59. ἮΝ 27 (om. (ἃ -- ΤΙ ΤῈ 82, 35, 96. [N.) — 5l (om. Gx L Tr A®.) [A &.) 55 (om. at Τὰ —— xxiv. 23. . John iii. 23. — iv. 45”. ae 18, 19, 27. 36, 37. — vii 8, 10*, 47, 52. — viii. 17{, 19. — ix. 15, 27, 40. — xi. 16, 52. — xii. 9,10, 18, 26, $2. 42. — xiii. 9, 14, 55, 34 — xiv. 3, 7, 19. XV. 20 twice, 23. xvii. 1 (om. Ga L TTrA ®) 19*, 20, — xviii. 2, δ — xix. 80, — xx. 8. xxi. 8, 20, . Acts i. 3, 1]. 851 (om. δέ, Ga 69, ΤΊ, 78, 1. —— xxvii. 411 (om, L> &) (om. δέ, Tr.) 1 44, 57. Mark i. 19. ᾿ 88. 1. —— ii. 26, 28. 1. — iii. 19. 1. —— iv. 36. 1. —— vii. 18. x; viii. 7, 38. 1. —— xi. 25. 1. —— xii. 6, 22 1, —— xiv. 9, 914. 1 xv.31f, 40, 41, 48}. 1. Luke i. 35, 503. 1 ii. 4. 1. —— iii. Οἱ, 121. 1. — iv. 23; 48. 1. ——v. 10, 36. 1. —— vi. 4 (om. L Tr A.) 1 1 1 1 1 a μὰ μι RR RR RRP Ree eee [ . "ο. 6 (om. L Tr .) πα 197 1 [Ν᾽ l6(om. L TTrA 29 twice, 31, 32. —— 33, see A even. "ὦ et ο ALS . Acts iii. 17. — v. 2, 16. — vii. 45. —- viii. 193. — ix. 32. — x. 45. — xi. 1, 18, 30. xii. 3. — xiii. 5, 9, 22, 33, 35. — xiv. 15. —— xv. 27. 923, 95, Xvii. 6. ΒΨ 166: - xix. 21, 27. — xx. 30. —— xxi. 13, 16, 24*,28. ——XxiL ὃ twice, 2)*, — xxiii. 11, 30, 33, 35. —— xxiv. 6, 9, 155. el .--:. 3.98; - xxv. 22%. —— xxvi. 10, 26, 29. — xxvii. 10. —— xxviii. 9, 10. “Rom. 1 0. 18: ‘1. 24 (om. GS Ltr 27. [Ab κα. — ii 12. rail) —— iii. 201 1st (om. δέ, 292nd. [2]. 24. iv, 6, 9, 01%. 12-16, — v. 2, 3, 11, 15. vi. 5. 8, 11. — vii. 4. . 2 Cor. xiii. 4, 9. "Gali. 1.0. 19; τσ. .-— ν. 21, ἢ 25. - πο ή . Eph. 1. 11, 18 twice, 21, . — ii. 3, ‘22. iv. 9, 10. . — συ. 2, 25. . — Vi. 9 (καὶ αὐτῶν, boththeir [ἑαυτῶν, their own, δὲ] καὶ ὑμῶν, and your; inste ad of Kat ὑμῶν αὐτῶν, your. .also AVm Gx L T Tr A) 21. . Phil. i 15, 20, 29. — ii. 4, 5, 9, 18, 24”, —— iii 4,12, 20. [27. —— iv. 3, 10, 15. Col. i. 6. [Tr A &.) Tom ΑΞ LT 8, 9, 29. — ii. 11, 12. —— iii. 4, 7, 8, 18, 15. iv. 1. 3 twice, 16, πο δ ΠῚ κ) 8 (om. G2 LT —— ii. 8, 13 twice, 14. —— iii. 6. —— iv. ὁ. 8 (om. L Tr Ab.) — v. 11, 24. 2 Thes. i. 5, 11. . 1 Tim. 11. 9 (om. L ΤΥ 59) v. 13, 20, 25. ο Wie α 5 15. (20. ii. 2, 5, 10*, 11, 12, —— iii. 8, 9. iv. 8, 15. . Titus iii. 3, 14. : Philem. 9, 21, 25. απ ἘΠῚ ΝΡ aitm pele πὶ την τῆτες et i 3. 1. 1. (26f, 29. 1. — viii. 11, 17, 91”, 23, -- 90 3times, 32, 34, 1. ---- ix. 10, 24, 25. 1, —— xi. 1, 16. -- 21, see Α..ποῦ, 1 22, 31 Ast, 31* 2nd. 1. —— xiii. 5, 6. [27. 1. —— xv. 7, 143 times, 22, 1. —— xvi. 4, ae 1: 1 οσα 8, 16. 1. — ii 13. ib iv. 8. [A. 1. ——v. 12(οπι. G3 LTr 1. — vii. 3, 4. [x. 1 22 (om. LT TrA 1 34 (om. St G.) 1—ix 8 (τα) 1. ——x. 9 (om. G= LT 1 10 (om. Gs L T 1 13. (Tr A &.) 1. —— xi. 6, 19, 23, 25. 1. —— xii. 12. 1. —— xiii. 12. 1, —— xiv. 15 twice 19, 34. 1 xv. 1,2,3, 14, 18,21. 1 28 (om. Lb Tr Ab-) 1 ] 1 —— τς are 6. —- xii. 1 26. — xiii. 3*, 12. Jas. i. ‘vie — ii. 2, 11, 19, 251. — iii. 4, v. 8. ΘΙ 5,58, 18. 21. , ——iit, 1,6, 18, 19, 2 iv. 6, 13. Vans 2 Pet. ii. 1. iii. 15, 16 twice. 1 John i, 3. — ii. 2, 0”, 24. — iii. 4, ΗΕ v. 1 (om. Lb Tr.) 2 John i. & 1. Jude 81. 14. Rey. ii. 15. τα, 1, —— xi, 8, Ἄ 42, 48, 49. . — xvi. 10. ἐν τ 56 6 7, 11. 14 twice, 22, — ii. 9, 10. — iii. 6. — iv. 10, 11, 13, 14. . 5 (om. ΟΞ LTr 1» [A &.) — vi. 13. [11, 14, 19. lil. 6 twice, 7, 10, — iv ον Dt et Dt et tt et te tt ee et μι et et et μὰ et μα et ee αὶ ͵ὶ ὶ αὶ μαὶ ALSO EVEN. 1. Luke vi. 33. ALSO IF. κἄν (for καὶ ἐάν), and if, even if, but at least. Matt. xxi. 21. Pee ALT ALSO...NOT. οὐδε, (from ov, not, and δέ, a copulative conj. ), a disjunctive negative, neither, nor, not, not even. (οὐ denies a matter of fact, while μή denies a matter of thought or supposition. ) Rom. xi. 2]. See, AND, AND SO, BEAR WITNESS, EVEN, HE, I, ME, THERE, THENCE, YEA, ELDER. ALTAR. 1. θυσιαστήριον, an altar, (from θυσιάζω, to sacrifice), whether of burnt offer- ings or incense. βωμός, the altar structure, (properly a raised place, Heb. ) . Matt. v. 23, 24. —— xxii. 18, 19, 20, 35. . Luke i. 11. — xi. 81. . Acts xvii. 23. . OM. ΧΙ. 9; . 1 Cor. ix. 13 twice. — x. 18. .Ἠδυ. να, 18. —— xiii. 10. . Jas, 11. 21. . Rev. vi. 9. . — Viii. 3 twice, 5, — ix. 19. —— xi. 1. . —— xiv, 18. 1. Rev. xvi. 7. a et et μα μα μα ALTERED. ἕτερος, another, (distributive pronoun, ) another in kind (while ἄλλος denotes another individual, see “ANOTHER.”) Luke ix. 29. ALTHOUGH. / καί, and, also. εὖ, in case. 2. καίτοι, nevertheless, though, indeed. ἐάν, in case. καὶ καί and, also, 1. Mark xiv. 29 (εἰ καί, Tr Α 8.) 3. Gal. vi. 1. 2. Heb. iv. 3. ALTOGETHER. ὅλος, all, the whole. , πάντως, Wholly, entirely, in every way. in much, 1,6, in long compari- son, in elabor- ate argument, ο 16ος ν, 10, ix, 10, έν, in, ; 9 πολύς, much, great τ in number, pi. many, 1. John ix. 34. 8. Acts xxvi. 29 (ἐν, in, µέ- 2. yas,great, G+ LT ΤΥ Α δ) ALT ALTOGETHER WITHOUT HELP, or MEANS [margin. ] ἐξαπορέομαι, to be utterly at a loss or a stand, to be in the utmost perplex- ity. (occ. 2 Cor. i. 8.) 2 Cor. iv. 8 (text, in despair.) ALWAY (-8-) 1, πάντοτε, always, ever, constantly, (from πᾶς, all, and τότε, there.) 2. dei, always, of continuous time, unceas- ingly ; of successive intervals, from time to time, on every occasion. 3. διαπαντός, through all (the) time, always. (Vo. 6 i one word.) 4, ἑκάστοτε, (adv. of time, from ἕκαστος, each, and ὅτε, when), each time, every time. 5, πάντη, in every way. διά, through, mas, all, the through all (time wn- 6. derstood ), continually whole, ο - (No. 3 in two words. ) every one, ἐν, in, πᾶς, all, every, in every καιρός, the right measure | season 7 and relation, esp. as re- | at every : gards place and time; { oppor- hence the right time, a | tunity. definite or fixed time, a season. πᾶς, all, | 8, - ὁ, the, plural, all the days. ε / ἡμέρα, day, { 6. Matt. xviii. 10(No. 3, G.) 1. 2 Cor. iv. 10. 1. —— xxvi. 11 twice. 2. 11, 8. —— xxviii. 20. 1. —-v. ὁ 3. Mark v. 5 (No. 6, Τ, Τ.}} 2. —— vi. 10 1. —— xiv. 7 twice. 1, ——ix. 8. 1. Luke xviii. 1. 1. Gal. iv. 18. 7. —— xxi. 36. 1. Eph. v. 20. 1. John viii. 29. 7. — vi. 18. 1, —— xi. 42. 1. Phil. i. 4, 20. 1. —— xii. 8 twice. 1. ——ii. 12. 1. —— xviii 20 ( ο), | 1. Col. i. 8. (πάντες, ΑΙ], LT Tr.) | 1. —— iv. 12 6. Acts ii. 25 (No. 8, 6.) "| 1.1 Thes. i. 2 2. —— vii. 51. 1. —— iii. 6. 8. ——x. 2(No.6, LT Tr.) | — 2 Thes, i. 8, 11. 5. —— xxiv. 3. 6. —— iii. 10 (No.3, G.) 3. 16 (No.6,LTTr.) | 2. Titus i. 12. 1. Rom. i. 9. 1, Philem. 4. 3. —— xi. at 6,LTTr.) | 2. Heb. iii 10. 1.1Cor. 1. 4 3. ix. 6 (No.6,L T Tr.) 1. —— xv. 58. 2. 1 Pet. iii. 15. 1, 2 Cor. ii. 14. 2. 2 Pet. i. 12. 4, 2 Pet. i. 15. ώς AMA AM (I) anv I ΑΜ. When this is not part of another word, it is the translation of εἰμί, Lam. When this is rendered by the personal pronoun (ἐγώ,1,} an asterisk as affixed. Matt. iii. 11; Ns 8, 9%; xi. 29; xviii. 20*; xx. 15*; xxii. 32* ; xxiv. 5*; xxvii 24,43; xxviii 20; Marki7; ἘΠῚ 6 xiv. 62" : Lukei. 183, 193: lii. 16 ; v. 8; vii. 6, 8; xv. 19, 21; ενώ ee ΒῈΣ αχ], 21", 33, 58, 70"; John i 20°, 21, a7"; 11. 28 1st, 28 2nd; jv, 26*; vi 35*, 41*, 48", 51*; vii. 28 Ist, 29, 33, 34*, 86"; viii. 12*, 16, 18”, 2dtwice, 245, 28*, 58*; ix. 5 (subj.), 9"; x. 7*, 9%, 1I* 14*, 365 πι, 25*> χα. 264. χι 1ο 193 ου, xiy, 3*; 63. xv. 1%, 6*; xvi. 32; xvii 11 14 Ἴ6 21. πνιη, 5*, 6*, 8*, 17, 26, 8b*, 87"; xix 21; Acta δε, x. 21", 26*; ΧΙ, 25* Ist. 25 2nd; xviii, 10*; xxi. 90. xxii. 3*, 8*; xxiii. 6*; xxvi.15*, 29*; xxvii.23; Rom. i. 14; Vit 14%; πὶ 1 1οἳ. ΓΟ. Σ ΤΟΣ αἱ, ato ae πσήε ο ΧΙ. 15 twice, 16 twice; xiii, 2; xv. 9* dst, 9 2nd, 10 twice; 2 Cor. xii. 10; Phil. iv. "; Col. ii 5; 1 Tim i 165: 1 Pet. i. 10 3 (om. εἰμί, L T A 59); 2 Pet. 1. 13; Rev. i. 8”, 1 (αρ), ο, 18s Ἡἳ 28 ays ατα ης eee xxi. θ᾽ (om. εἰμί, αν Ab »): Xxii. 9, 197 (om. εἰμί, AV) 16%. AM (THAT...1.) “That” being a conjunction, pronoun, not a εἶναι, to be, the infinitive of εἰμί, I am, (with the Acc. of the pronoun pe, me, and infinitive of verb, means, that... Τ am.) Matt. xvi. 13 (om. pron. Lb T Tr A), 15; Mark viii. 27, 29; Luke ix. 18 (om. pron. T Tr), 20; John xviii. 37; Acts xiii. 25. AM (wHIcu.) ὦν, οὖσα, όν (participle of εἰμί), being. John iv. 9. AMAZED (58.) 1. ἐξίστημι, transitive, to change from one condition to another, denoting the state of mind caused by inexplicable occurrences, (from e& out, and ἵστημι, to stand, place.) 2. ἐκπλήσσω, to be exceedingly struck in mind, (from ἐκ intensive, and πλήσσω, to strike.) λαμβάνω, to take, take hold οἵ) tak- ἔκστασις, transitive, removal; | en or intransitive, remoteness, | seiz- then the state of a man ed 3. carried out of Azs senses, + with lunacy. In N.T. the weaker | as- sense of bewilderment, | t on- fear, amazement; a trance, [ ish- the state of rapture. ment AMA ἔχω, to have, {οκ ἔκστασις, see No. 3, above. 5. θαμβέω,το be awed, astonished, either with wonder or fear. 1. Matt. xii. 23. — Mark xiv. 33, see A (be 1. —— xix 25. sore. ) 5. Mark i. 27. 4, Mark xvi. 8. 1. —— ii. 12. 2. Luke ii. 48. 1, — vi 51. — —— iv. 36, see amazed. — —— ix. 15, see A (be} 3. —— v. 26. 2. ix. 43. 1. Acts ii. 7, 12. 1. Acts ix. 21. AMAZED. θάμβος, awe, surprise αὐ a strange or un- usual deed or expression ; amaze- ment. Luke iv. 36. AMAZED (BE GREATLY.) ἐκθαμβέομαι, to be amazed, astonished exceedingly, (from ἐκ, out or inten- sive, and θαμβέω, No. 5, above. ) Mark ix. 15. AMAZED (BE soRE.) ἐκθαμβέομαι, see above. Mark xiv. 33. AMAZEMENT. ἔκστασις, see “AMAZED,” Λο. 3. πτόησις, terror, consternation ; being affrighted, (from πτοέω, terrify.) 1. Acts iii. 10. | 21 Pet. iii. 6. AMBASSADOR (BE Αν.) πρεσβεύω, to be the elder or eldest ; to rank before, take precedence of others. Το be an ambassador o7 go as one ; to treat or negotiate as one. 2. Cor. v. 20. | Eph. vi. 20. AMBASSAGE. πρεσβεία, age, eldership; rank, dignity, respect ; an embassy (this sense arose JSrom elders being chosen as ambassa- dors. ) Luke xiv. 32. [η AME AMEN. ἀμήν, a Hebrew word 198, a verbal adjec- tive; firm; metaph., faithful; adverb, verily, truly, certainly, (from 198, to prop, stay, support.) Zntransitive, to be durable, lasting, permanent, such as one can lean upon; hence to be faithful, trustworthy, sure, cer- tain, true. Matt. vi. 13 (ap. —— xxviii. 20 (om. All.) Luke xxiv. 53 (om. GLb T αλά. Ν. John xxi. 25 (om. All.) Rom. i. 25. — ix. 5. xi. 36. xv. 33 (om. G—> ΤΟΥΤῚ) xvi. 20 (om. Βία LT Tr AS.) = ὩΣ 27. 1Cor. xiv. 16. Xvi. ee (om. GS Lb xiii, 14 (om. All.) Gal. i. 5. vi. 18. Eph. iii. 21. vi. 24(AV.1617 & sub- sequent ee Any (om. AY, 1611 & All Phil. iv. 20. [A. 23 (om. G= Lb T Tr Col. iv. 18 (om. All.) 1 Thes. v. 28 (om. GLT Tr A.) 2 Thes. iii. 18 (om. G3 T TrA®. 1 ται α, ly: — vi. 10. 21 (om. All.) 2 Tim. iv. 18. - 22 (om. All.) Titus ΠΠ, 15 (om. G Lb T Tr A δ) Philem, 25 (om.G LT Tr A) Heb. xiii. 21. 25 (om. G> &.) 2 John 13 (om. All.) Jude 25. Rev. i. 6, 7. 18 (om. ΑΠ.) — iii. 14. — v. 14. ———= Vil Late [A ) ———_— 2nd(om. LT Tr — xix. 4. — xxii. 20. [Α ΝΣ ) ---------- 2l(om. GL T Trb AMEND (BEGAN τοι) ἔχω, to have, κομψότερον, more elegantly, bet- ter in health, had himself better, v.e. was better, (the medical term for one recovering from a Sever.) John iv. 52. AMENDMENT OF LIFE (margin.] μετάνοια, for meaning see under “REPENT- ANCE.” Matt. iii. 8 (text, repentance.) AMETHYST. ἀμέθυστος, (1) in classical Greek, without drunken, ( Plutarch.) not drunkenness, (2) a substantive. (i) aremedy against drunkenness, (a hind of herb.) (ii) the precious stone, amethyst, supposed to have this power. Pliny says,“The reason assigned for its name is because though it approaches to the colour of wine, it falls short of it and stops at a violet colour,” Jrom > φ ’ . a, negative, and μέθυ, wine. Rev. xxi. 20. AMI AMISS. 1. ἄτοπος, out of place, out of the way ; inconvenient, unsuitable, improper. 9. κακῶς, (adverb, from κακός, Wad), ill, wickedly, wrongly. 1. Luke xxiii. 41. | 2. Jas, iv. 3. AMONG, AMONGST. 1. ἐν, ἴῃ, of time, place, or element ; among. 2. πρός, towards (in the direction of.) (a) with Gen. in favour of. (b) with Dat. at, close by. (c) with Ace. (hitherwards) to; after the substantive verb, with; of πα direction, towards, against ; 3 hence in consideration of, in order to, with regard to. 3. εἰς, (motion to the interior), into, to, unto, with a view to. 4, perd, with(in association, not co-opera- tion. ) (a) with Gen. together with, among. (b) with Ace. after. 5. ἐκ, from, out of. 6. ἐπί, upon (superposition. ) (a) with Gen. upon,(as springing from; ) over. (0) with Dat. upon, (as resting on; ) in addition to, on account of. (c) with Ace. upon, (by direction towards ) up to (of place, number, aim; ) over ( φ' time, place, extent. ) 7. παρά (juxtaposition ) beside. (a) with Gen. (from beside) from. (b) with Dat. (at the side of) near, with (of persons only. ) (c) with Acc. (to or along the side of) beside, by, near. 8. κατά, down. (a) with Gen.(down from )down, against. (b) with Acc. (down towards) down (upon), throughout, over against, then, according to, (in reference to some standard of comparison, stated or implied. ) 9. ὑπό, under. (a) with Gen. (beneath and separate trom) by, (marking the agent or | efficient cause. ) ae (b) with AMO Ace. under, (figuratively or locally) in the power of, close upon (of time.) 10. μέσος, the middle, midst (of time or place.) 1 εν, In “αὶ µέσος, the middle or midst. 12. διά, through. (a) with Gen. through, by means of. (Ὁ) with Ace. on account of ο” owing to. 13. ἐντός, inside, in the midst, among. 1. Matt. ii. 6. 1. —— iv. 23. is ix. 35 (om. among the people, All). a πι, 5. —— xii. 11. 6c.—— xiii. 7. 3. 22. 10. 20, 49. 1. —— xvi. 7, 8. 1. —— xx. 26 twice, 27, 1, — xxi. 38. 1. —— xxvi. 5. 1. —— xxvii. 56. το. xxviii. 15. 2c. Mark i. 27. 3. iv. 7 (No. 6e, L™-) 3. 18. Uh ον 9. 1. — vi. 4. 20. viii. 16. 3. 19, 20. 2c.— ix.16,margin(text, with.) 2c. ———— 33 (om. G= L TrA 55.) 2ο. 34 2¢e.— x. 26. a 43 twice, 2c.—— xii. 7. 3. —— xiii. 10. . —— ii. 4415. 44 2nd (om, All.) iv. 36. 1, —— vii. 16, 28. 11,— viii. 7. 3. 14. 1. —— ix. 46, 48. 11.— x. 3. a 30, see fall A. 3. 96, 1. —— xvi. 15. 15, xvii. 2], (text, within. ) . 14 margin 7 John i. ‘li. 10. 26. 3. —— vi. 9. da. 43. 2ο δῷ; 1. —— vii. 12, 43. ος -------- JH 149. — ——— 36 2nd, the trans- lation of Gen. case of the Gentiles. | » ed ed μὰ μὰ fd mel fed fe fed μ- 1. John ix. 16. Qe. —— xii. 19. ὃ. 20, 42, 1. —— xv. 24. 2c. xvi. 17. 4a. 19. 2c. xix. 24 Ist. — 24 2nd, the trans- lation of the Dat. case Sor themselves. 8. —— xxi. 23. 6c. Acts i. 21. 3. —— ii 22. — —— iii. 23, see A (from.) 1. —— iv. 12. 2c. 15. 3. 17. 1 84. 1. — vv. 12. ὃ. —— vi. 3. a 8. 9a,—— x. 22. 1. —— xii. 18. 1. —— xiii. 26. — —— xiv. 14 see A (in.) 1. —— xv. 7, 12, 22. 10.—— xvii. επ] ΤΙ 34. 1. —— xviii. 11. 1, —— xx. 25. -- 29, see A (in.) if $2. 1, —— xxi. 19. 8b. 2]. iF S4. 10.—— xxiii. 10. 1. —— xxiv. 21. 1, —— xxv. 5, 6. 8b, —— xxvi. 3. if 4, 18. δ. —— xxvii. 22. 2c,—— xxviii. 4. 2c.———. 25. 1, 29 (ap.) . Rom. i. 5, 6. 13 Ist, marg,. in. 18 2nd. . —— ii 24 —— viii. 29. . —— xi. 17, marg. for. . —— xii. 8. ---- TY, 9. —— xvi. 7. . 1 Cor. τ ἮΝ aU | 2, he il 18. ap | ian . 10,466 A (from) 1. vi. 5. ie 7 (om. All.) Ls xi. 18, 19 twice, 30 1. xv. 12, 1, 2 Gor. i. 19. 10.—— vi. 17. AMO a PAC G5 ye ape 1. 1 Thes ν. 12, 13. τον 12, seecompare A | 3. ν. 15. 7 6c. 2 Thes. i. 10. ΠΣ 9, 9 Tim. ii. 2, margin by. . Heb. v. 1. . Jas. i. 26 (Gx), (om. among you, All.) ο SS AY 9» ο" = τη fiers GS ΤΙΣ δ. [Ὁ 5.) . Eph. ii. 3 — iii. tama! 1, Ττ ον.) —— ν. 3. Phila. 15. . ——— v. 2, margin as Col. i. 18, 27, margin much as in you is (τὸ - (text, in.) ἐν ὑμῖν.) 2 Pet. ii, 1 twice, 8, ΤΌ. Rev. ii. 13. 6e. vii. 15. ρα οσον Asim AMONG (ΕΠΟΝ:) 5. Actsiii. 29, | δ. 1 Cor. v.13. | 5. Heb. τ. 1. AMONG ἃ) - 3. Acts xiv. 14. | 3. Acts xx. 29. See also, COMPARE, DWELL, PUBLICAN, SPEAK. FALL, OUT, ANATHEMA. ᾿ ἀνάθεμα, an offering, a thing devoted to destructionor given up to the curse. 1 Cor. xii. 3, margin (text, accursed) ; xvi. 22. ANCHOR (-s.) ἄγκυρα, an anchor, (from its curve form. ) Acts xxvii. 29, 30, 40. | Heb. vi. 19. Peo] ANCLE BONE. σφυρόν, the ancle bone, (from σφῦρα, a hammer, the head of which this bone somewhat resembles. ) Acts iii. 7. AND. καί, the conjunction of annexation, uniting things strictly co-ordinate, and, also, even, (καί connects thoughts; δέ, No.3, introduces them.) τε, acon). of annexation, annexing with implied relation or distinction, and, also, (annexing something added) (re denotes an internal, co-equal rela- tion; καί an external relation.) δέ, conj. of antithesis, less emphatic than ἀλλά, No. 4. It is to be carefully distinguished from καί, No. 1, and AND No. 2, but, with an adversative force, and sometimes concealed anti- thesis; frequently rendered in N.T. Ὁ by and, then, now, so. ἀλλά, but, (emphatic as contrasted with δέ, No. 3; it is used to mark opposition, interruption, transition. ) οὖν, the particle of formal inference, therefore. “μέν, an antithetie par- ticle, truly, indeed, οὖν, the particle of in- Ference, therefore. therefore indeed, moreover. γάρ, the demonstrative causal conj. is a contraction of γὲ dpa, verily then; hence, in fact; and, when the fact is gwen as a reason or explanation, for. . ἢ, α disjunctive particle, or; (after a comparative, than.) δή, certainly, now, « particle of em- phasis. 10. dpa, adverb, at the same time, with or together with. 11. ἀνά, preposition, up in or up by, upon (also used distributively. ) 12. perd, together with, among. (b) with Ace. after. 13. ὅστις, compound relative, who- which- what- soever. No. 1 is the general word for “anv” when not at the beginning of the English sentence. No. 3 is generally the word translated “snp,” when “AND” occurs at the beginning of a sentence. Their occurrence is too frequent for quotation. The following are the exceptions. ᾽ 4 1. Matt. κ. 18 3 times. -— Mark ν, 38, see A..A. — —— xv. 18, see A they. | 8, —— vi. 11, 2nd (ap.) 1. —— xvi, 18 3times, gee | — —— κ. 1 1st, see Afrom A also. | 1, —— xii. 41st. (thence, 5. Xviii, 29 Ist. | — —————. 42nd, see Ahim. 1, —— xx. 43times, see A | — ———— 4 9rd (transla- . them, tion of part.) 2. xxiii. 6 Ist (Νο, 3, οι 44. 1, Τ Έτ Α Ν,) 1, ——— ῦ It. --- 23, seeAthe | — —— 52nd, seeAhim. other. (Trbm A 8.) | 1. — ὃ 3rd. 1, —— xxv. 17 (om. Lb | 3, ———— 5 4th. 2. —— xxvii. 48 4rd. 1. —— xiv. 67 Ist. 2. —— xxviii. 12 2nd. 67 2nd, 1. Mark iv. 24 twice (αρ.) . also, — ——_—_ 36 twice, see A | 2, —— xv. 36 2nd (om. L also. TrAR®.) see A AND see A | 2. Acts xiii. 4. — Mark xvi. 11st -- 13 Ist § they. ———_ 18, see A if. L “Luke i ii, 16 Ist & 2nd. nf Ord & 4th, see 6. —— iii. 18. Pee — — iv. 41, see A also. —- —— ν. 35, see A then. 11.— x. 1 2nd. i § Ist. — — xi.7 Ist, see A he. τον 7 4th, transla- tion of inf. to give. — ————— 42, see A the other. — — xii, 45 3rd ἃ 4th, see A..A, — — xiii. 9, see A if. — — xiv. 26, see A also. — — xvii. 8 Is, see A rather. 3. ἃ 1.— xviii. 9 (om. 1G ᾿ (them - 19, seo A 1. —— xx. 30 Ist (ap.) 2. —— xxi. 1] Ist ἃ 4th — — xxii. 12, see A he. 1. — xxiii. 54 150 (om. Gs.) 2, —— xxiv. 20 lst 4. — 21. 12. John iii. 25. — — iv. 35 Ist) see A then. 7. 37 Ast. 2. 42 Ist. 2. —— vi. 18. 5. -62. — — Vii. 29, see A he. 1, — κ. 22 2nd (om. G> ΤΑ ὃν.) — — xv. 27,see A also. — John xix. 35, see A he. 5. —— xx. 11 Ist. 1 1a 5 Acts i ii. 32nd, Q 4th, 10 Ist, 33 Ist, 37 "Ist, 40 Ist? 43 2nd, 46 Ist & 2nd. 3, —— iii. 10 Ist (No. 3, L Tr A &.) iv. 1 3 8rd, 33 2nd. ———»_¥, 10 1st. 32,seeA..A also or A so also, 35. 36, see A they. 41. 42 Ist. 3rd, 2 2. 2. 6. 2. - 2. —— vi. 7 13 Ist. — — vii. 4, see A from thence. 26 Ist (Ges) (No. 12 Ist, — viii 1 3rd (No. 3, L τον A) oe 5) ὃ iat (No. 3, L τῆν A.) ae 1.} 2nd. 20 Ist. 31 2nd, 35 3rd. 39 2nd. —— ix. 6 lst (ap.) —— 15 2nd, 18 2nd. -----ὄ 24 Ist (δέ καὶ, and also, 1, T Tr A.) ,.----- ἰδ πιά. — x. 22 3rd ore 48. — xi, 13 1st (No, 3, L Tr &.) DBDNNNAP Wr pb a 21 Ist, 90 4th. — xii. 6 2nd. 8 Ist (Νο, 3, 1, AE) 12. — xiii, 1 3rd. pp NPP Nye p* [ 1 20 twice (ap.) 2. —— xiv. 12 Ist, 2] 150. -- ------ 26, seeAfrom thence. 6. xy. 3 156. 2. 4 3rd, 5, 9 ο 46 1μᾶ. 5. ———— 39 Ist (No. 3. LT Ἐν Α Ν.) Θ᾽ τῷ τὺ δ᾽ Sal. -- xvi. 5, see A So. 2, ———_ 1]. 2, —— 12 1st, κἀκεῖθεν, and thence, for ἐκεῖθέν τε, and from thence, 1 Tr Α 8.) 2. ————_ 13 Ist, 23. 2. ———— 26 2nd (No, 3, Τὺ Dr A: 85) i ee BE 9 Xvii. 4 2nd ἃ ὃτα, § 8rd, 19 Ist, 26 Ist. 6. ———— 309. 2. —— xviii. 42nd. 2. —————_ 11 1st (No. 3, L Tr AW.) ο. τος μμ 2. xix. 31st, 62nd, 11, 12 2nd, 18 Ist. 2, ———— 27 (No. 3, St.) ἘΞ METS Os δ. Ist, 7 2nd. 2. ——— 11 2r4 (om. Τὶ TR.) — —— 15, see A from thence. 2, ———— 35. — Acts xxi. 1, see A from thence. 2. ———— 11°4(om.G3 LTTrA®) 2, ————__ 18 2nd, 20 2nd, 28 3rd, 30 es 37. 2. —— xxii. 7 Ist. 2. ——_—_——— § 2nd (No. 3, LN), (om. ΤᾺ ES ENG i — ———_ 29, see A also 2. —— xxiii. 10 3rd. — —— 14,see A they 2. ———_——— 24 Ist, 35, 2. —— xxiv. 5 2nd. ϱ. ο 95 Ist ἃ πα (om. 1, G3 LTTrA &.) 2; 27. 5. —— xxv. 23 Ist. 2. —— xxvi. 10 2nd, 11] 3rd 16 2nd. -- 20, see A..A pa 80 3rd. 2, —— xxvii. 3 1st. = 4, see A from thence. 2. δ, 8, 17, 20, 2] 3rd. -- 36, see A also 10. 40 2nd. 5. 43 Ist. 6. —— xxviii. 5 Ist. os 15,see Afrom thence. 2. Rom. i. 27 (No. 8, Gs L T.) 2. —— ii. 19. —— xi. 23, see A also. 2. —— xiv. 8. — — 2, see A..also. 2.§—. 26. 2. 1 Cor. i. 90 Ist. -- ii. 2, see A.. A, 2, ——_ iv, 21. — ——— vi. 14, see A also, 8. xi. 27 Ist (No. 1, Lm 9) xiv. 7, see A even 27 ,see A that Acts δι ἢ 2. Eph. iii. 19. 1. Col. ii. 2 (ap.) " iii. 17 2nd (om. Go τς ὃς ) — 1 Tim. iii. 10, see A also 7. 2 Tim: ii. 7. 1; iv.18 Ist (om.G— LTTrAw®&.) 2. Heb. 1. 3 2nd. — — iv. 12, see A..A. 2. νἱ 2 Ist & 2nd, 4 Ist, 5 2nd. 2. i gl AND 2. Heb.’ xi. 32 1st. 2. —— xii 2 2nd. -- 20, see A if so much. πα λον iii. 2, see A..also. 7, 8e0 A..A, γ. 15, see A if. 8. 1 Pet. i. 18. — 1 John i. 3, see A truly. 2. Jude 6. 2. Rey. i. 2 2nd. — —— xvii. 8, see A yet. 2 xxi. 12 1st (om. All.) AND AFTERWARD. κἀκεῖθεν, and thence, and from thence, of place; Acts xiii. and from that time. 21. awe .. ALSO. 1. καί, see “AND, Fa: ο ο { καί, see ο. Σω Gs: ἧς “καὶ δέ, see “ ‘AND,” ο, ὃ. ο και Καί. 2. Matt. xvi. 18. [N.) | 2. Acts xxii. 29. 2. Mark iv. 36 (om. δέ,1, Tr | 1. —— xxvii. 36. 1. —— xiv. 67. 2. Rom, xi. 23. 2. Luke iv. 41. 3. Xvi. 2. 2. —— xiv. 26. 1. 1 Cor. vi. 14. 1. John xv. 27. } 2. 1 Tim. iii. 10. 2. Acts v. 32 (om. δέ, G> 1, | 1. Jas. 111. 2. Tr AP &.) AND..:AND. 1. τε...καί, both...and ; not only...but. 2. καί...καί, and...also; both...and. 1 Ist, St 2. Acts xxvi. 20. . Mark vy. 88 (om. G-.) 2: Luke ii. 16. 2. —— xii. 45. Ss Col. ii. 2 (ap.) Heb. iv. 12. Jas, iii. 7. ro bo γι AND...AND , ’ [ή καί...καί...δε, Acts v. ALSO. 32 (om. δέ, G+ L ADR) AND EVEN. ὅμως, yet, nevertheless. 1 Cor, xiv. 7. AND.. «ΕΠΟΝ THENCE. κἀκεῖθεν, and from thence, of place (καί, and ἐκεῖθέν, from thence.) Mark x. 1 (καὶ ἐκεῖθέν, L Tr ΑΝ) vii. 4. Acts xxi. 1. — xxvii. 4. AND [ 52 ] ANG AND HE (Πιν, THEM, THEY, etc.) AND SO ALSO. Sometimes this is the conjunction, and | καί δέ, see “ anv,” Vos. 1 and 3. part of the verb. Sometimes τέ is the Acts v. 32 (om. δέ G> L Ab &) conjunction, with the pronoun, for this see “an.” In a few places rt is ay οσα ; AND THAT. 1. κἀκεῖνος, and he, she, it, (from καί and ᾿ ¥ » Vo. 1 A . . ‘Es ἐκεῖνος an emphatic demonstrative | Κα» δέ AND, VO. 1. pronoun, that.) 1 Cor. xiv. 27. 2. ὅστις, Who- which- what- soever. 1. Matt. xv. 18. 1. Luke xxii. 12. AND THE OTHER. 1. —— xx. 4. 1. John vii. 29. 1. Mark xii. 4, 5. i xix.35 (καὶ ἐκεῖνος, | κἀκεῖνος, see “AND HB,” Jo. 1. ΗΝ xvi. 11 (ap.) z 2 2 1. Mark xvi. 13 (ap.) 2. Acts v. 16. Matt. xxii. 23. | Luke xi. 42. 1. Luke xi. 7. Ἱ, xviii. 19. 1. — xviii. 19. 2, —— xxiii, 14. πα AND THEN. ή \g AND I. 1. καί, see “anv,” Λο. 1. When not the conjunction and part of | 2. τότε, demons. adv., then. the verb; and not the conjunction and the pronoun, (for which see 1”) at is 2. Luke v. 35. | 1. John iy. 96. AND THENCE. > 4 ᾿ ee Kayo, (for καὶ éyw), and I. aq ὃ κἀκεῖθεν, sce “AND FROM THENCE.’ Matt. xi. 28. John xiy. 20. —— ανα, 5. — xv. 15. Acts xiv. 26; xx. 15. Luke ii. 48. — xvii. 21, 26. — xi. 9. xx. 15. —— xvi. 9(katéys, T Tr | Acts xxii. 13, 19. Α 8.) Rom. xi. 3. AND THERE. xxii. 29. ViGor aia: > . 5 John i. 31, 33, 34. 2 Cor. vi. 17. κἀκεῖ, and there, thither, (for καί, and, 4 7 ii? . - ο σος, con)., ἐκεῖ, there, adv. ) — viii 26. Phil. ii. 28. ee . — x97, 58, 38, sb sik 6, In all passages it is the con}. and the — xii. 32. Jas. 11. 18 twice, ady., two separate words (which see), except + Matt. v. 23 (καὶ ἐκεῖ, T.) John xi. 54. AND IF. Sa, ; Acts xiv. 7. 3 5 —— xxviii. 10. xxii. 10, When not the separate conjunctions, | Mark i. 35 (καὶ ἐκεῖ, L.) _— xxy. 20. and and if (for which see “1r”) it is eae kav, and if, even if, but, at least, al- 3 “ ‘ Nf though, (for καὶ ἐάν.) AND YET. Mark vi 18 (αρ) | Luke xiii, 9. καίπερ, although. Jas. v. 15. | 2 Rey. xvii. 8 (καὶ πέιρεσται, and shall be present, for καίπερ ἐστίν, and yet is, (11, 1 Tr A), (καὶ πάλιν πάρεσ- ται, and shall again be present, &.) AND IF SO MUCH AS. εν Αα. A Ἂς Ἀμος ο μόνο κάν, sce “AND IF.” ANGEL (-s.) Heb, xii. 20, , ἄγγελος, messenger, (from ἀγγέλλω, to tell or deliver a message), one who AND RATHER. is sent i order to announce, teach, ἀλλά, see “AND,” Wo. 4. or perform anything. It is a question πως devils whether the angels of the Seven Churches probably may not be the Sheliac Zibbor, or the heads of the AND SO. Jewish Synagogue (congregations of οὖν, see “ AND,” Wo. 5. the faithful remnant in the latter Acts xvi. 5. day.) (i) because of the entire absence ANG of any proof that Ministers of the Christian Church were ever so called (ii) because the internal evidence seems to point to the Jewish character of the Seven Churches. See “Synagogue,” Rey. ii. 9; iii. 9. “Jews,” Rev. ii. 9, and all the figures, ulustrations, and promises. (111) because the whole scene of these Churches seems to be laid in the latter day, see Rev. i. 10, “7 became, in spirit, on the Lord’s day,” (see “ day”); Rey. ii. 13 and ΧΙ]. 2 and xvi. 10, ‘‘Satan’s seat” ; Rev. 11. 10; ii. 10, special persecu- tions; and the peculiar personal manifestation of Satan, ii. 10, 13, 7, ee a Matt. i. 20, 24. — ii. 13, 19. — iv. 6, ll. — xiii. 39, 41, 49. Xvi. 27. — xviii. 10. — xxii. 30. — xxiv. 31, 36. — χχν. οἱ, 41. — xxvi. 53. —— xxviii. 2, 5 Mark i. 13. — viii. 38. — xii. 25. — xiii. 27, 32. Luke i. 11, 13, 18, 19, 26. 28 (om. T Τὰν A.) ii. if 8, 12, 18. 30, 34, 35, 38. iii. 1, 5, 7, 14. ο 15; 15): 2]. v. 9, 11. — iv. 10. vii. 1, 2 twice, 1], — ix. 26. viii. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. — xii. 8, 9. 7, (om. All.) — xv. 10. 8, 10, 12. — xvi. 22. 13 1st (αἐτός, eagle — xx. 36, see A (equal | —__——_ 13 2na. {All unto the.) ix. 1, 11, 13, 14 twice, — xxii. 43 (ap.) LSD; 7,8. 8,10. ke — a 1 ep. ) 1 Tim, = 16. αι. Heb. i. . 56,6, πας 13. ΞΑ 7 7 twice, 9, xiv. 6, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, Ἐν. ], 6, 7,8. [18, 19. xvi. 1, [A κα. 3(om.G3 LT Tr = πα 30, 35, 38, 53. — viii. 26. — x. 3, 7, 22. — xi. 13. — xii. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 28. — xxiii. 8, 9. — xxvii. 23. Rom. viii, 38. 1 Cor. iv. 9. — vi. 3. — xi. 10. — xiii. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 14. Ξ (om. All.) -- 3 ον. ΛΙ.) 10 (om. All. —— 12 ons All. ——— 17 (om. All. πι 1, 7: ΣΥ͂Σ, 1, 21, xix. 17. κε 1, xxi. 9. 12 (ap.) 17. xxii. 6, 8, 10. ANGELS (gQuaL UNTO THE.) ἰσάγγελος, (the above with ἴσος, equal, prefixed.) Equal to the angels. Luke xx. 36. πο 5 ΑΝῚ ANGER [noun. | ὀργή, anger, together with the desire of revenge, (from Heb., 397, to kill, and all the tumults of passion which terminate in killing. This is traced in German kreig, war ; French, orgueil, and Eng., rage), the idea of sanguinary revenge be- longs etymologically to ὀργή, (while θυμός is from ΤΟ], and is the ani- mus, the working and fermenting of the mind, the demonstration of strong passion, which may issue in anger or revenge, though it does not necessarily include it. ) Mark iii. 5. | Eph. iv. 31. | Col. iii. 8, ANGER [verb. ] παροργίζω, to provoke to ὀργή, (see above) by or along with some other act or thing. Rom, x. 19. ANGRY (BE.) 1. ὀργίζομαι, to be provoked to ὀργή, (sce “ANGER”) to be or become angry. 2. χολάω, to be full of black bile, (from χολή, gall, bile), to rage with jeal- ous anger o7 resentment. 1. Matt. ν. 22. 1. Luke xiv. 21. 1. —— xv. 28. 2. John vii. 23. 1. Eph. iv. 26. 1. Rev. xi. 18. ANGRY Γ (00x. ) ὀργίλος, prone to ὀργή, (see “ANGER” revengeful. Titus i. 7. ANGUISH. θλῖψις, pressure, oppr ession, affliction. στενοχωρία, narrowness of space, straits, difficulty. . συνοχή, ameeting ο) joining, distress, conflicts, anguish. 21. 2. Rom. ii. 9. 8. 2 Cor. ii. 4, 1. John xvi. ANISE. ἄνηθον, dill, anise, (perhaps from ava, up, and θεῖν, to run, from the run- ning up of the stalk), used for food and pickling. 28. Matt. xxiii. 2 ANO [ 54 ] ANO ANOINT (80) 1. ἀλείφω, to anoint with oil or oint- ment. (Indicates the anointing for Festal purposes, health or embalm- ment. ) 2. χρίω, to touch the surface of a body slightly, graze; to rub over, anoint. ( This word denotes the official anoint- ing as of a king or priest, hence , . χριστός, Christ.) 3. ἐγχρίω, to rub in. 4. ἐπιχρίω, to rub on, besmear, anoint; lay on ointment. (a) followed by ἐπί, upon. 5. μυρίζω, to rub with ointment; anoint with aromatic ointment. 1. Matt. vi. 17. 4. John ix. 11. 1. Mark vi. 13. 1. —— xi. 2. 5, —— xiv. 8. 1. —— xii. 3. 1, — xvi.l. 2. Acts iv. 27. 2. Luke iv. 18. 2. x. 38, if Vii. 38, 46 twice. Ὁ Ὁ στα. AL. 4a. John ix. 6, margin | 2. Heb. 1. 9. spread upon. 1. Jas. v. 14. 3. Rey, iii. 18. ANOINTING. χρῖσμα, anything smeared on o7 rubbed in, (referring to the O.T. practice and reminding of the calling or rank) the anointing, which was emblematic of the Spirit descending and abiding upon, as was afterwards the laying on of hands. 1 John ii. 27 twice. ANON. 1. εὐθύς, straight; metaph., right, true; adverb of time, straight, @.¢., im- mediately, forthwith. 2. ἐυθέως, (adverb of above) immediately, soon, speedily. 1. Matt. xiii. 20. 2. Mark i. 90 (No. 1, LT Tr A &.) ANOTHER. 1. ἄλλος, other, not the same, 1,6, one besides what has been mentioned ; de- BR αι. noting numerical distinction, sce No.2. (a) with art., the other. 2. ἕτερος, denotes generic distinction, the other (different) one of two; a strong- er expression therefore than No. 1. This distinction is generally observed 3. Roe Κα μα κα ος Ὁ SoM ἘΦ 56 ἘΦ ἘΦ [πὶ μὶ μὶ SS δῷ lll μὶ κά μὶ μὶ ll Θ᾿ τ Ὁ ὃ τῷ τῷ τϑ τὸ τ πὶ to and is important. (Compare Gal. i. 6, 7, “to another (No. 2) Gospel, which is not another” (No. 1) τ.ε., there may be many so-called Gospels, but there is really no other than that preached by the Apostle. ) ἄλλος, see above, } some other, 4 τις, any one, a > any other, | certain, | a certain other. . Matt. 11. 12. 2. 1 Cor. iii. 4. Vili. 9. ie 10. 21. 2, —— iv. 6. —— x. 23 (No. ἢ, ἃ L | 2. ——vi. 1. Tr &.) 2. —— x. 24, — xi. 3. 1. —— xii. 8. —— xiii. 24, 31, 33. 2 Q Ist. ---- νὰ 9} η. ϱ 2nd, 10 Ist, 2nd ἃ ra, BRL 3rd times. —— xxvi. ΤΙ. 2. 10 4th time. > Markixe ΤΙ, 12. is 10 ὅτι time, —— xii. 4, 5. 1. —— xiv. 30. —— xiv. 19 (αρ.) 1, —— xv. 39 3 times. 58. 2. 40. . —— xvi. 12 (ap.) ule 41 twice. . Luke vi. 6. 1. 2 Cor, xi, 4 1st. —— vii. 8. 2, ———— _ 42nd. 19 (No. 2, τησ.) | 2. Gal. i. 6. 20. 1: ff — ix. 56, 59, 61. 2: vi. 4. xiv. 19, 20, 31. 1. Heb. iv. 8. xvi, 7, 18 2. ν. 0. - xix, 20. 2. —— vii. 11, 19, 15. — xx. ll 2. Jas, ii, 25. ἘΞ Feel Gp 2. ——iv. 12 (πλησίον, a 59. neighbour, αν LT Tr . John v. 7; 82; 43: Α 8.) —— xiv. 10. 1. Rev. vi. 4. .—— xviii. 15 (om, art. | 1. —— vii. 2. Gs L Trb-) 1. —— viii. 3. —— xix, 37. 1. —— x. l1(om. G-.) —— xxi. 18. 1. —— xii. 3. Acts i. 20. 1. —— xiii. 11. —— vii. 18. 1. —— xiv. 6 (om. GS Ab —— xii. 17. &.) —- xiii. 35. 1 8; ΤῸ die, ues xvii. 7. 1. ——xv. 1. . Rom, ii. 1, 21. 1, —— xvi. 7 (om. All.) vii, 8twice, 4, 28, | 1. —— xviii. 1, 4, xiii, § 2nd. 1.—— xx. 12. ANOTHER MAN’S. ἄλλος, another, see above. ἀλλότριος, of or belonging to another (ἄλλος), opp. to ἴδιος, 9.2. 2. Luke xvi. 12. 2. Rom, xv. 20. 2. Rom, xiv. 4 1. 1 Cor. x, 29. 22 Cor ς 16; ANOTHER NATION (one or.) ἀλλόφυλος, of another tribe, foreign, strange. Acts x. 28. See, COMPASSION, ONE, OTHER, PREFERR- ING. ANS πο] ANS 1. Mark viii. 4. 1. Luke xx. 39. ANSWER [noun. ] L 28 (No.3, TAS) | 2. —— xxi. 14. (-s.) 1: 29. 1, —— xxii. 51, 68. : 1, te, 6/18, 17: 19. μας xa δ σι a4 1 Ἱ . . De 38 (φημί, said, T | 1. —— xxiv. 18. if ἀπόκρισις, ἃ separating fr μι (from Tr AS 1. John i. 21, 26, 48, 49, 50. ἀπό, from, κρίσις, separation, judg- 1: ----α, 3,5, κακο... τό] ο πο ο κ : 20, 24. , dl, 8 δ. 8. 19. ἈΝ ment), hence a decision, an answer. 11. 29'(om. ΑΜ) | 1, ——iv. 10, 13,17. ὉΡΑ͂Ν ΜΗΝΑ ; 1. —— 51. 1: το ΜΠ ie Ie, 2. ἀπόκριμα, a judicial sentence, con- | 1, —xi. Lh ᾿ Bt 1. —vi. 7, 26, 29, 33. 68, 5 1. ——— 29 Ist (om. tA 70. (47, 52. demnation. 1." anda [s.) | 1. —— vii. 16, 20, 21; 46, > ῃ a 2 hee 1. —— viii. 14, 19, 33, 34, 3. ἀπολογία, a defence, speech in de- | { 38'2nd (Trmb I), 30, 48, 49, δά, fence. (om. T Tr &.) 1. —— ix..3, 11, 20, 25, 27, oes ἢ ; 1. xii. 17. 30, 34, 36. 4. ἐπερώτημα, question, an asking; | 1. Ar) | ee i : ξ ή 28, 29, 34, 38. .— χι. 9. enquiry after, seeking by enquiry. 1, —— xiii 2 (om. T Tr A | 1. —— xii. 23, 80, 84. Be 43 : : st.) | 1. — xiii. 7, 8, 26, 36, 38. “4 Luke ii. ας 9, 2 Cor. i. 9, margin (text, 1. 5 (om. T Tr Aes pele ΩΝ + John a ΠΣ fe 1, —— xiv. 20 (om. G> L | 1, —— xvi. 81. Ἢ % ag Η 1 Pet, i ib TTr A Ν.) η, xviii. 5, 8, 20, 22, ere ri ος oT ite 40, 48, 60, 61 23,.30, 34, 35, 36, 37. + a WOK. : Jee re ἐς 1, ——xv. 2, 4,5, 9,12. | 1, ——xix. 7, 11, 16, 22. 1. Luke i. 19, 35, 60. 1, —— xx. 28. 1. — iii. 11, 16. 1. —— xxi. 5. ANSWER OF GOD Lf — iv. 4, 8, 12. 1. Acts iii. τ . . —v. ὃ. 1. — iv. > Ν F 1. 22 (om. L Tr.) 1, ——v. 8, 29. χρηματισμός, a doing of business, com- | 1. 31. 1, — viii, 24, 8. See ο λος. 1. vi. 8. 1. 37 (ap.) mereval or public, esp., a negotiation, | 1 vii, 22, 40, 43. Ἢ ο. a giving evidence to ambassadors ; | 1. — viii. 21, 50 1, —— κ. 46. / : η τροπο: Renee | αλα Ἰθι θα, ασ μα also, of an oracle, a response; hence | 1. — x. 97, 28, ea se a divine answer. τς tp τ παῖ τη Rom. xi. 4. if xi. 7, 45 1. —— xxii. 8, 28. 2. —— xii. 11. 1. —— xxiv. 10 1st. 1, —— xiii. 2, 8,14, 15, 25. | 2. 10 2nd. ση = 1, —— xiv. 3. i; 25. ANSWER [verb. ] 1: 5 (om. G=3 L Tr.) | 1. —— xxv. 4. ( Cle ) -- 6, see A again. -- 8,566 Ἔ for...self. -ING, -ED. 1. — xv. 29. 1. 9, 12 1st. : : vie xvii. 17, 20, 37. - 162nd_ } see Afor 1. ἀποκρίνομαι, (in N.T. in Mid. only,) | 1. — xix. 40. — ae erty . Self, ee 5 ο. αλ. τ 1. —— xx. 815. — Gal. iv. 25, see A to. to give a judicial answer, and hence | 3; ἢ nd. 1. Col. iv. 6. gen., to answer, respond, to reply ΤΟ ΕἸΣ 7, 24. [.) | — Titus ii. 9, see A again. . 1 84 (om. LT TrA ! Rev. vii. 13. a question; esp., to answer charges. 2. ἀπολογέομαι, to talk one’s self out of a \NSWER AGAIN difficulty ; to speak one’s self off, 1.6., ; . 5 eet to plead for one’s self, to defend 1. ἀνταποκρίνομαι, to do No.1, (above) one’s self before a tribunal, or else- again ; to answer again, or to reply where. against, contradict. > . . 2 vs J τ . ἢ 3, εἶπον, to utter with the mouth, to say, 2. ἀντιλέγω, to speak against. eak, (relatine -ords. 7° . 1. Luke xiv. 6. ΕΒ 4 (7 ela 9 to the words, rather 1. Rom. ix. 20, margin (text, repliest against.) than the sentiment, which is λέγω.) 2, ‘Titus ii, 9, margin gainsay. 4. ὑπολαμβάνω, to take under any person or ee oe to ae up Ὡ ο κα ANSWER FOR...SELF. oneself underneath, to take up the , ἢ - ν : . ο 1. ἀπολογέομαι, see “ ANSWER,” Vo. 2. discourse, continue it, v.e., to reply. Fa a : 1. Matt. iii, 15. 1. Matt, xxii, 1, 29, 46, 2. ἀπολογία, a defence, speech in defence 1. —— iv. 4. 1. —— xxiv, 4. apoloc 1. — viii. 8. l,. ——/ xxv. 9; 12, 96, 87, (" 6 lke ait ον) 1; ---- χα, 4, 25. 40, 44, 45. 1. Acts xxv. 8. Acts xxv. 16. Ἱ. —— xii. 38, 39, 48. 1. — xxvi. 23, 25, 33, 62. 1. Acts xvi. 1,2 2. = wit τί 57, i: 63 (om. Tr 8) 1, —— xiv. 28. 1; 66. 1, —— xv. 3, 13, 15, 23, | 1. —— xxvii.12, 14, 21, 25. ΣΕ ΕΝ WA 24, 26, 28, 1, —— xxviii. δ, | ANSWER TO (-ΕΤΗ.) 1, —— xvi. 2, 16,17 1. Mark iii. 33. x ; te ια 4.7], 17 1. ——v.9(GX),(om.All.) συστοιχέω, to stand in the same row ο) | 1, —— xix. 4, 27. 1. ri. 87. νοκ. ae é 1, — =x 15,92 (80. | 1. —vi. 6 (om TTrA line with, correspond to. 1. —— xxi. 21, 24, 27, 29, | 1. 28. (8) | Gal. iv. 25, margin be in the same rank with. | ANT ANTICHRIST (-s.) ἀντίχριστος, opponent of Christ; that which sets itself in the place of Christ, which appears as Christ in opposition to Christ, (as χριστος, which distinct from ψευδό- means rather a false hypocritical representative of Christ than an opponent of Him.) The many Antichrists must be regarded not only as forerunners of the actual Antichrist, but as attempts to realize at. 1 John ii, 18 twice, 29, | 1 John iv. 3. 2 John 7. ANY. τις, ANY one, some one. mas, all; of one only, all of him; of one in a number, any; of several, every; i ρῖ., all. οὐδείς, not one, no one, nene, nothing, (with another negative which in Greck makes the negation stronger. ) μή; not. μηδείς, not one, no one. partis, interrog. pron., hasor is any one ? εἷς, card. num., one. find ών τ } seeAman — — xiii. 19, see A one. 2, —— xviii. 19. — — xxi. 3, Hs — —xxii.16,461st f man -- 46 2nd seeA more — — Xxxiv.17,see Athing - 28 τη 44, } see A man. — —v.4, see A man (neither. ) -- 35, see A further 1. —— viii. 26. — — ix. 8, see A more. 2 a xi ἢ see A man. 13, see A thing. 16, see A man. 25. — — xiii. 5, see A man. -- 15, see A thing. ~ 21, see A man. — — xiv.63, see A more. — — xvi. 8 1st seeAthing 82nd see A man. : 18 (ap.) 3. Luke viii. 43. ix. 36. — — xix. 8 thing. — § 2nd, 31, _— xx. 27, 28, see A man. 36, see A more. 40,see A question at all. Ist) see A [man. sec A — Luke xxii. 16,seeA more -- 35, see A thing. — 7l,see A further. 1. —— xxiv. 41. — John i. 3, see A thing. uM 40, 1. —— ii. 20. — — iv. 33, } see A —-— vi. 46, 51, f man. — —— vii. 4, see A thing. —- 17, 37, seeAman. 4&1.—— 48. -- viii. 38, see A man (never. ) = ix. 22, 81, 32, A man. —— x. 9, 28, ) see — —- xi. 9, 57, A — —xii.26'wice 47 ) man — — xiv. 14, see A thing -- xvi. 80, see A ~—— xviii. 31, man, ᾽, —— xxi. 5. 3. Acts iv. 12 (ap.) , 90, 566 34. — ix. 2, x. 14, see A thing. ταν 28, see A (not.) -- 47, see A man, | — —— Xvii.25,see A thing. — xix. 38,see A man. - - 39, see A thing. — — xxiv.12, see A man — —— xxv. 8, see A thing at all. τος 11, see A thing. 1. 16. [ 56 ] ANY — Acts xxv. 17, seeA(with- -— Eph. vi. 8, out.) ἢ — Col, ii. 4, 8, 24, see A longer. | 1. 23. — — XXvii. 22, see A | — —— iii. 131st,seeA man more 1Ο...) 1: 13 2nd. — 34, see A (not.) | —1 Thes. i. 8, see A thing. 1. 2, 1. ——ii. 9. 1, —— xxviii. 21 twice. 1. —— iv. 6 (Gx) (No. 8, — Rom. vi. 2, see A lon- GLT Tr A) margin ger. the. — — viii. 9, see A man. | 1, —— y, 15. 1. 90, 5. 2 Thes, 11, 8. 1. ——ix. 11. η 1. ——iii. 8. — —— xiii. 8, see A thing. | 1. Heb, 111. 12, 13. — — xiy. 19,569 Amore [1 __ jy, 1, (not.) ὴ — 11, see A man. — 14, see A thing. | 9 12. 1. — xy. 18. — — xii. 15 1st, see A 2.1 Cor, Ὁ 16. man, δε ik ΕἾ see A thing aS — — v. 11, see A man. (speak to.) LS ——— vied. — Jas. i. 7, see A thing. 1. 12. = 13, see A man —— vii. 18 1st, see A (neither.) man. 1, —— v. 12,13 ὑπῖοθ 14.19 As 18 2nd. 5. 1 Pet. iii. 6. — —— Vili. 2, see A thing. | 1. 2 Pet, iii, 9. 10, — 1 Johnii. 1, 15, 27, see — — ix. 15, A rman. — —— x. 19 twice, see Α΄] _ -- αν 14, see A thing, 16, — Rev. iii. 20, \ seo Aman 15 2nd, 16. 19, see A more } see Aman thing. er — 28, see A man. \ seeAman. — — xiv. see A man. -- 35, see A thing. 2. 2 Cor. i. 4, -- li. 10, — — iii. 5, 1. —— xi. 21. — — xii. 6, see A man. ΕΗ 7 27, 16 1st, seeAmore. 16 2nd. 2, —— ix. 4 twice. — — xii. 8, see A — — xviii. 11, } more. -- 22, see A more (no, ) — —— xxi. 4, see A more. a 27, see A thing. — —— xxii. 18, 19, see A mai. see A thing. see A thing. — Eph. ii. 9, see A man. 1. —— ν. 27. ANY (not.) 1, οὐδείς, see “any,” No. 3. 2, μηδείς, not one, no one. (a) with another negative. 2a. Acts x, 28. | 1. Acts xxvii. 34. ANY AT ALL (nor.) οὐδείς, see “ any,” No. ὃ. Luke xx. 40. ANY (wirnovt.) μηδείς, not one, no one, no person or thing, nothing. Acts xxv. 17. ANY FURTHER. ἔτι, any more, any longer, yet, still, even. Mark ν. 35, | Mark xiv. 63. Luke xxii. 71. ANY ANY LONGER. ” ἔτι, see above. μηκέτι, no more, no longer, lest fur- ther. 2, Acts xxv. 24. | 1. Rom. vi. 2. ANY MAN. τις, any one, some one. > / οὐδείς, not one, no one. μηδείς, not one, no one. paris. interrog. pron., has or is any one ? 5. ἕκαστος, each one, every one. All the places, except where the equiva- lent is two separate words,( which see. ) 1. Acts xxiv. 12. a XXvii. 22, see A M (no. .) 1. Rom. viii. 9. 1 Con ΜΠ: . — xxiv. 23. 1. —— vii. 18. . Mark i. 44. 1. —— viii. 10. 1 ix. 15 (No. 2, for iva τις, that any man, L Tr.) .— x. 28. c xiv. 27. «2 Cor; xix 6; . Eph. ii. 9. ὃ. —— vi. 8. . Col. ii. 4 (No. 3, for μή τις, lest any man, L T Tr A 8.) 1 8. 1 iii. 13. 1. 2 Thes. iii. 8. 1 1 . — xvi. 8. . Luke xiv. 8. . — xix. 8, 31. . — xx. 28. . John iv. 33. . Heb. iv. 11. χι. 16. (ther.) Jas. i. 13, see A M (nei- . 1 John ii. 1, 15, 27. 1. —— xii. 26 twice, 47, 1. —— xvi. 30. 1 2. Syn οἱ. 1 τ, 16. 1. Acts x. 47. 1. Rev. iii. 20. 1, —— xix. 38. 1 xxii. 18, 19. ANY MAN (nritTHeEr.) οὐδείς, not one, no one, (without another negative. ) Mark y. 4. | Jas. i, 13. ANY MAN (never.) as . οὐδείς, not one, no one, (without another negative. ) John viii. 33. ANY MAN (Χο) > . οὐδείς, not one, no one, (without another negative. ) Acts xxvii. 22. ΓΕ 1 ANY ANY MAN (yoruina.) μηδείς, not one, no one, (with another negative.) Mark i. 44. ANY MEANS (sy.) οὐ μή, double negative. Luke x. 19. ANY MORE. 1. ἔτι, any more, any longer, yet, still, even. . οὐκέτι, no further, no more, no longer. ow bb . ov μή, double negative. . Matt. xxii. 46. . Rev. vii. 16. Mark ix. 8. . — xii. 8. . Luke xx. 36. . —— xviii. 11. —— xxii. 16 (om.L Tr? | 1. 22. A®.) . — xxi. 4. τῷ μα bo bo ANY MORE (vo....) ov μή ἔτι, not...n0 more. Rey. xviii. 22. ANY MORE (κοι) 1. οὐκέτι, no further, no more, no longer. . μηκέτι, NO more, no longer, ‘lest fur- ther. 1. Luke xxii. 16. | 2. Rom. xiv, 13. ANY MORE (speak το.) προστίθημι, to place near or by the side of, to add to. Heb, xii. 19 (lit. should not be added to them.) ANY ONE. πᾶς, all, every one, see “any,” Vo. 1. Matt. xiii, 19. ANY QUESTION AT ALL. οὐδείς, not one, no one, nothing. (a) with another negative. a. Luke xx. 40, ANY THING. 1. τις, any one, some one person or thing. ANY “Ὁ PP 2. πᾶς, all, every, see under “atu,” Vo. 1. 3. οὐδείς, not one, no one, nothing. (a) with another negative. 4. μηδείς, not one, no one, nothing. (a) with another negative. 5. εἷς, one. 1. Matt. xxiv. 17 (τά, the | 4a. Rom. xiii. 8. things, G L T Tr A) 1]. xiy. 14. (τό, the thing, &.) π. Ἰ σος 11:9: 1. Mark xi. 13. 1 iii. 7. 1. —— xiii. 15. 1. —— viii. 2. 3a,.— xvi. 8. 1. —— x. 19 1st (ap.) 1. Luke xix. 8. 1. ————19 2nd. 1. —— xxii. 35 1 xiv. 35. 5. John i. 3. 1. ΘΕ α. 20; 1. —— vii. 4. 1 iii. 5. if xiv. 14. 4a.— vi. 3 2. Acts x. 14 1. Gal. v. 6 1. —— xvii. 25. 1. — vi. 15. 1. —— xix. 39. 1. 1 Thes. i. 8. 2. —— xxi. 27 1. Jaa. 7: 1, —— xxv. 11 1. 1 John ν. 14. ANY THING (no...) μηδείς, not one, no one, nothing. 2 Cor. vi. 3. ANY THING AT ALL. τις, any one, some thing, some one. 2 7 Θ᾽ Acts xxv. 8. ANY WISE (nor τν.) ov μή, double negative. Mark xiv. 31. See also, BY, FURTHER, IF, LEST, LONGER, MEANS, NEVER, NEITHER, NOT, TIME, WHETHER, WHILE. APART. κατά, according to, | adverbially, κατ᾽ ἴδιος, one’s own, (ἴδιαν, privately. Matt. xiv. 13, 23 ; xvii. 1, 19; xx. 17; Mark vi. 31; {κ ο APART (αγ.) ἀποτίθημι, to put away, lay aside. Jas. 1, 21, APIECE, > / ΄ ἀνά, up to or up by, with numerals or measures of quantity or value, apiece. Luke ix. 3. | Jobn ii. 6. APOSTLE (-s.) ἀπόστολος, primarily an adj., sent forth. Then a subst., one sent, messenger, ambassador, envoy, Apostle, (from ἀποστέλλω, to send off ο. send away from.) (oce. John xiii. 16; 2 Cor. viii. 23 ; Matt. x. 2. Mark vi. 30. Luke vi. 13. —— ix. 10. —— xi. 49. XVii. 5. —— xxii. 14. xxiv. 10. Acts i. 2, 26. ii. 37, 42, 43. —— iy. 33, 35, 36, 87. -- v. 2, 12, 18, 29. 34 (avOpwros,aman, Gx LTTrA®&.) 40. — vi. 6. viii. 1. 14, 18. —— ix. 27. — xi. 1. —— xiv. 4, 141. xy. 2, 4.165 ο, 88 (Gs) (ἀποστέι- λαντας αὐτούς, those who sent them,G Τ, T Tr A ἐν”) xvi. 4, Rom. i. 1. πρ. —— xvi. 7. Phil. ii. 25.) 1 Cor. i. 1. iv. 9. τ ος xii. 28, 29. Xv. lis 9 twice. ίσος 1. ὦ. ——- xi. 5. ——— 13 Ist, see A(false.) 13 2nd. πι 1} 19. (1.41. . 7, 19. Eph. i. 1. — ii. 20. —— iii. 5. — iv. 11. (ΟἹ, ἀν ὙΣ 1 Thes. ii. 6. π tava bs Π. 11, παπα. ἢν le Titus i. 1. Heb. iii. 1. 1 Εουῦ.ἳ, ες 2 Pet. i, 1. 111. 2, Jude 17. Rev. ii. 2. —— xviii. 20. —— xxi. 14. ΟΣ originally had ἑαυτούς, but the ε has been erased. APOSTLES (ΓΑΙΡΕ.) ψευδαπόστολοι, the above (in pl.) with Ψευδος, false, affixed, (non. oce. ) 2 Cor. xi. 19. APOSTLESHIP. ἀποστολή, ἃ sending off or away, a mis- sion ; then, the office of an apostle, (non. oce. ) Acts i. 95. Rom, i. 5. 1 Cor. ix, 2. Gal. ii. 8. APPAREL. 1. ἐσθής, a robe, garment, apparel, gen- erally applied to what is ornate and splendid. ally ; 2. ἱμάτιον, a garment, raiment gener- also an outer garment (a blanket, a cloak, loose garment as opposed to χιτών, the inner vest, Matt. ν. 40.) 3. ἱματισμός, clothing, apparel. καταστολή, equipment, dress, properly a long garment or robe reaching APP down to the feet, (from καταστέλλω, to send or let down.) 1. Acts i. 10. 4. 1 Tim. 11. 9. 1, —— xii. 21. 1. Jas. ii. 2. 3. —— xx. 33. 2. 1 Pet. iii. 3. APPARELLED. ἐν, in. | ἱματισμός, clothing, apparel. Luke vii. 25. APPEAL. ἐπικαλεομαι, to call to, to call on, (not towards or hither), to call on any one (by turning towards and crying to him.) Mid. to appeal to any one. Acts xxv. 21. APPEAL TO. Acts xxv. 25. APPEAL UNTO. Acts xxv. 11, 12. | Acts xxvi. 32. Acts xxviii. 19. APPEAR (-sp, -ETH.) 1. φαίνω, trans., to make light, let shine, throw light upon. Ja N.7. only intrans., to appear, expressive of how a matter phenominally shows and presents itself, with no necessary as- sumption of any beholder at all. This “phenomenon” may represent a reality, or a mere show, 2. ὄπτομαι, to see, (from oy or wy, the eye), to look, to see an object appear- ing; pass. to be seen. Jt refers to the thing seen, whether in itself (ob- Jectively Jor in regard to its impression on the mind (subjectively) different trom βλέπω which denotes the act of seeing and is referred to the organ.) davepdw, to make manifest, make apparent, show forth. | ἐπιφαίνω, to shine forth, display; ap- pear upon; to come into light. ἐμφανίζω, to show plainly or clearly ; 3. Bao passive, to be manifested, appear plainly. 6. ἀναφαίνομαι, to make to give light, blaze up; pass. (as here), to come to light or into sight, to be shown forth, APP 7. ἔρχομαι, to come o7 go, see “COME.” εἰμί, to be, | 8, « φανερός, visible, mani- fest, open to sight, [ be visible, open to sight, ete. 1. Matt. i. 20. 2 Acts xxvi. 16 twice. 1. —— ii. 7, 13, 19. 4. —— xxvii. 20 1. —— vi. 16, 18. 1. Rom. vii. 13. 1. —— xiii. 26. 9. 2 Cor. v. 10. 2. —— xvii. 3. 3. vii. 12. 1. —— xxiii. 27, 28. i xiii. 7. 1. —— xxiv. 30. 3. Col iii. 4 twice. 5, —— xxvii. 53. 8. 1 Tim. iv. 15. 2. Mark ix. 4. 4. Titus ii. 11. ib xvi. 9 (ap. 4, —— iii. 4 3, ———— 12:(ap.),14(ap.) | 5. Heb. ix. 24. 2. Luke i. 11. 3. ——— 26. 1. —— ix. 8. 2, ———— 28, 2. - 31. — —— xi. 3, see A (things — — xi. 44, see A not. which do.) 6. —— xix. 11. 1. Jas. iv. 14. 2. —— xxii. 43 (ap.) 1. 1 Pet. iv. 18. 2. —— xxiv. 34. ae v. 4. 2. Acts ii. 3. 3. 1 John ii. 28. 2. —— vii. 2, 30, 35. Be 111. 2 twice. 2. —— ix. 17. 3. Rev. iii. 18. 2. —— xvi. 9. 2. —— xii. 1, 3. 7. —— xxii. 30 (συνέρχο- μαι, come together, G L T Tr A.) APPEAR NOT. ἄδηλος, not seen or known; not appar- ent, concealed. Luke xi. 44. APPEAR (THINGS WHICH DO.) τά, the. φαινόμενα, things seen (from Vo. 1.) Heb. xi. 3. APPEARANCE. 1. εἶδος, that which is seen, form, shape, figure; appearance that may or may not have any basis in reality. 2. πρόσωπον, a face, visage, countenance, later, the front of anything; one’s look, countenance; a person, (from πρός, to, and wy, the eye, properly therefore that part of anything which is presented or turned to the eye.) 3. ὄψις, objective, a sight, 7.e., an appear- ance, figure, form; outward appear- ance; subjective, the power of sight, or seeing, eyesight ; a viewing, view, sight. 8, John vii. 24. 2.2 Cor. v. 12 margin Greek, the face. — 2 Cor. x. 7, see A (out- ward.) 1. 1 Thes, ν. 22. APPEARANCE (ourwarp.) 2. 2 Cor. x. 1, margin (text, presence), 7. PP APPEARING. 1. ἐπιφάνεια, the appearance, manifesta- tion; it., the shining upon. 2. ἀποκάλυψις, an uncovering, an unveil- ing; disclosure, revelation. When used of a person τέ always denotes the appearance of the person. See Rom. viii. 19; 1 Cor. i. 7; 2 Thes. i ah Abe i, σος και 1. 1 Tim, vi. 14. 12 Tam: ἀν. Ἱ; 8, 1. 2 Tim. i. 10. 1, Titus ii. 13. 2. 1 Pet. i. 7. APPEASE (-up.) καταστέλλω, properly to put or let down, hence to quell, appease, pacify, quiet. Acts xix. 96. APPOINT (-xp.) 1. τίθημι, to put, set, place; then general- ly to bring a thing into a place; and so, to bring into a situation, to bring about, cause, metaph. to put in a certain place or condition; hence, to appoint. (a) middle, to cause to put οὐ" put for one’s self; to assign, determine. 2. διατίθημι, to place separately, arrange, put things in their places. 4 iddle διατίθεμαι, as here and in N.T. only, to arrange as one likes, dispose of. 3, τάσσω, (a) to arrange, put in order, especially in military sense, to draw. up soldiers, array; (b) mid. to ap- point or order any thing to be done. 4. διατάσσω, to arrange throughout, to dispose in order; then, to set fully in order, arrange, (a) a mid. ap- point, ordain. 5, συντάσσω, to arrange in order with others; generally to arrange, order, as parts of a whole; institute, ap- point. 6. tornpt,(a)trans.,to place; (b) intrans., to stand. 7. καθίστημι, (a) trans., to set down, set, set in order assoldiers ; setas guards ; then to ordain, appoint, (Ὁ) intrans. to be set, set one’s self down, settle. 8. ἀναδείκνυμι, to lift up and shew, shew to consecrate, dedicate. [ 60 ] forth; make public, declare, notify; | APP 9. ἀπόκειμαι, to be laid away; to be laid up in store, be in reserve. Jmpers. it is in store for one. 10. ποιέω, to make, ae create. 1. Matt. xxiv. 51. 4. Acts xx. 13 (pass. with i ἐιμί, to be.) 5. —— xxvii. 10. 3. —— xxii. 10. 3b.—— xxviii. 16. 3b.—— xxviii. 23. [death. 4. Luke iii. 13. —1 Cor. iv. 9, see A to 8. —x.1. — Gal. iv. 2, see A ane} 1. —— xii. 46. — 1 Thes. iil, 3, see A (be 2, —— xxii. 29 twice. 1b. γ. 6a. Acts i. 23. 1 Ὁ Tims ἋΣ 1]: Tb. vi. 3. 4. Titus 1, 5. 4a,—— vii. 44. 1. Heb. i. 2. — —— xvii. 26, see A (be- | 10.—— iii. 2. fore.) 9, —— ix. 27. 6a,————_ 31. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 8. APPOINTED (88.) κεῖμαι, to be laid (used as a passive to τίθημι, No.1), to be set or appointed. 1 Thes. iii, 3. APPOINTED (ΒΕΡΟΠΑΕ.) προτάσσω, to place or post in front, to ar- range one person before another (so as to defend him), pass., to take the lead, go first; generally to appoint or determine beforehand. Acts xvii.26(G~)(rpostdcow,appointed,G LY TTr AR.) APPOINTED (τΙΜΕ.) προθεσμία, a before appointed day or time; a fixed or limited time within which money was to be paid, actions brought, ete. Gal. iv. 2. APPOINTED TO DEATH. ἐπιθανάτιος, condemned ov appointed to death. 1 Cor. iv. 9 (in A.V. 1611, error approved to death.) APPREHEND. (- ED.) 1. καταλαμβάνω, to seize upon, lay hold of; to hold down, keep under; catch, overtake, come up with. 9, πιάζω, to press by laying one’s hand upon, to lay hold or hands on; to catch, apprehend in a violent or hos- tile manner. 2, Acts xii. 4. 2, 2 Cor, xi. 82. 1. Phil. iii, 12 twice, 13 APP APPROACH. ο (- ETH, - ING.) ἐγγίζω, to bring near, bring up to; i- transitive, to be near, come near, approach; a/so to draw nigh, be at hand. Luke xii, 33. | Heb. x. 25. APPROACH UNTO (wuich No ΜΑΝ CAN.) ἀπρόσιτος, wnapproachable, unaccessible, 1 Tim. vi. 16. APPROVE. (- ED, - ETH, - ING.) 1, δοκιμάζω, to assay, examine, prove or test metals, to see uf they be pure; hence generally to scrutinize, exam- ine, then as the consequence of such trial to approve, sanction, hold good after trial. 2. συνίστημι, (a) intrans. to place or set together with, hence to bring forward for the sake of commending ; (b) trans. to commend fo esteem and confidence. 3. ἀποδείκνυμι, to lift up and show, shew forth; make public, declare wholly. 8. Acts ii. 22. 2b. 2 Cor. vi. 4, margin, 1. Rom. ii. 18 marg. try. Greek commend, ἘΦ Cor, σνή 9. 2b. —— vii. 11. 1. Phil. i. 10 margin, try. Γκ] APPROVED. δόκιμος, assayed, examined, tested ; hence generally of persons, approved, es- teemed. Rom. xiv. 18, 2 Cor. x 18. —— xvi. 10. [is.) xiii. 7. 1 Cor, xi. 19, see A (which | 2 Tim. ii. 15, APPROVED (ΝΠΙΟΗ 18.) 1 Cor. xi. 19. APRON. σιμικίνθιον, an apron o7 handkerchief. Acts xix. 12. APT TO TEACH. διδακτικός, apt at teaching, willing, able and fit to teach; capable of teaching. 1 Tim. iii. 2. 2 Tim. ii. 24. ARE ARCHANGEL. ἀρχάγγελος, first or highest angel. 1 Thes. iv. 16. | Jude 9. ARE (wr, YE, THEY, SEEING, INASMUCH, THAT, WHO.) Sometimes this word is in italics, and then there is no corresponding word in the Greek. Sometimes it is the translation of the article with a noun, adjective or numeral, and is translated “they that are,” ete.; or of the article with an adverb or preposition, “they that are,” etc. Sometimes also, after nouns with defining words following, the article τς repeated, and is then com- monly translated ‘‘ who are,” ete. Sometimes it is only part of another verb. When it is not any of these, then it is the translation of one of these fol- lowing 1. εἰμί, I am, the ordinary state of ex- astence, (for the difference between this and No, 2, see Heb. xi. 6, ete. ) (a) ἐστί or ἐστίν, (3 pers. sing. pres.) he, she, or it is. When used with plural noun marked with (*) as 1a*, (Ὁ) ἐσμέν, we...are; are we. When the personal pronoun ἡμεῖς, we is pre- Πο, marked with (*) as 198. (c) ἐστέ, ye...are, are ye. When the pers. pron. ὑμεῖς, you or ye, is pre- σοί, marked *, (4) εἰσί or εἰσίν, they are; are they. (ο) εἶναι, inf., tobe. * with the Ace. preceding—, are, etc. t with εἰς τὸ, the... being, to the end... might be. (8) ov, οὖσα, ov, participle, being; with art., he who is, they who are, ete. bo γίνομαι, implying origin, to come into being, to become; or result, to take place, happen, and in this sense to be. 3. ὑπάρχω, to begin, to start ; to begin to be, (referring to original state or existence. ) ” h: εἰ . έχω, to have. 5. ἐκ, prep., out of, of. ARE 6. μέλλω, to be on the point to do any- thing, (gen. with the inf. of another verb); to be about to do, to intend or purpose doing. la. Matt. ii. 18. le. —— ν. ll. ΠΟ 13, 14 14. vii. 10. le. —— viii. 26 la*. —— x. 2. 14. 90. ld. —— xi. 8. 14. —— xii. 5, 48. ld. — — xiii. 38 twice, 39, 1le*. —— xv. 10. [56. la*. 20. 14. —-— xvii. 26. 14. —— xviii. 20. ld. —— xix. 6, 12twice. la* 26 (om. All ) ld. — - xxii. 14 1st (2nd not in Greek.) ld. ——— 30 2nd. le*. —— xxiii. 8. le. ———— 23, 31. 14. Mark iv. 15, 16. jd. ———— 18!st(om G=) 1d. —— iv. 20 Ist. 1d. ———— 40. lb. ——-v. 9. Id. —— vi. 8, la*.—— vii. 15. πο Ξ 18, 1d. —— x. 8. 14" 27 (ap.) 14. —- - xii. 25 2nd 1c. Luke vi. 22. 14. - — vii. 252nd, 31, 32. 1d. —— viii. 12, 14 1st, 15 1b. —— ix. 12. 21 le. 55 (ap.) ld. —— xi. 7. Ja*, 21, 41 ie, 44 Ist 1d. —— xii. 38. ld. —— xiii. 14. Je. 25, 27 ld 30 twice la*.—— xiv. 17. ld, —— xvi. 8. 10", 15. lb. —— xvii. 10 2nd. la*,—— xviii. 27 2nd. le. —— xx. 36 twee. le. —— xxii. 28. le. —— xxiv. 17214 (ἐστά- θεσαν, they stoo stall or came toa stand,Tr Α &) le. 38. le*.—— 48 (om. 1 Trb 14". John iii. 21. [A.) la. —— iv. 35 Ist. ld. 35 2nd. 1d. —— v. 39. la*.—— vi. 9. 1α”. 63 twice. la*.—— vii. 7. 1d. 49. 1d. —— viii. 10 (ap.) 16". 23 Ist. le. 23 2nd, 31, 37, 44, 47. lb. —— ix. 28. 1.05; 40. ld. —— x. 8. 1d. ————12 (No. la, L Tr AW.) la*.————l 6. la*.————21 le. 26. lb. ————30. le. ———— 34. ld. —— xi. 9. le. —— xiii. 10, 11, 17. le 35. 1d. John xiv. 2. 1e*.—— xv. 3, 14. ic: 19. la*,—— xvi. 16. la*,— xvii. 7 (No. 1d, T Tr A. ), 1d. ———— 183. ης Ist (2nd not in Greek.) 14. 11 ist (2nd not in Greek.) id. ———_—- Ύ 10: 1b*.———- 22 (om. T Tr la*.—— “xx, 80. [A κα.) Ja*,—— xxi. 25. ld. Acts ii. 7, 2 8: 105. 32. 1b*——- iii. 15. 1σ.. 25. ld. —— v. 25. 1b*. 32, 4. —— vii. 1. πο”. 20. 1b* x. 39 (om. ΑΙ.) 4. —— xii. 15. 14. -—— xiii. 31. 193 χῖν.15 Ist (2nd not in Greek.) la xv. 18 (ap.) 1d. —— xvi. 17. 1b. 28. 1b, —— xvii. 28. 3. ——— 29. 1lc*,—— xix. 15 ld. 38 2nd 1d. —— xxi. 20 lst 9: --- 90 and, 143. 24. 10" xxii. 8. 1b*.—— xxiii. 15. 1d. 21. 14. —— xxiv. 11. lc. Rom. i. 6. let. 20 3rd margin 14. 32. [may be. 5. —— ii. 8 (lit. “‘of con- tention.”’) ld. ———— 14. le*, —— iii. 9 2nd. 10. vi. 14. 1b, ———— 15. 1ο, ———— 16. If. Vili. 5twice thatA. lf. ————8, that A. 19, 9. lb. ————-_ 12. ld. 14 2nd. 10, ———- 16. 17. ———— 28,who..are. 14. —— ix. τὰ 7. lb, —— xii. 1d, —— xiii, Ἶ, 8, 0. lb, —— xiv. 8. 14, 27 14. xvi. 7 11, Τὰν ιά 1 Wore i. 11, 1f. ———— 28 2nd ἃ 3rd, who are. 1c*. ———— 30. la* —— ii. 14 lt. le. —— 111, Btwice, 4, ld. ————- 8. 1p... 9) 1st. 10, =. 9 2nd & ϑγὰ 10, 10", Ἐν 14, 20, 193, 2]. 193. 22 (om.G3 L TTrAW®) ι 1 Ίο. 1 Cor. v. 2, 7. le. vi. 2. 193. 15: le. 19. la* 20 2nd (ap.) la* —— vii. 14. που ixs J, Ὁ 10 ——x. ΙΤ 15. ld. 18. 1b. 25. 14. xii. 4. 5, 6 la*, 12, 22 1¢e*, ———-__ 27. la*.—— xiv. 16 (No. ld, L T Tr A &.) le. ———— 12. 14. 29, 1d. ———— 37 Χο. la, L T Tr Α ο.) 10. ον. ή, 1b. ———— 19. πε 2) Cora. 1: le. ———— 7. 10. 14, 24. 1b. Mie 15 L8G. ΤῊΣ lie: 111, 2. es: - 3. lb. ———— 5. if. —— v. 4, who are. ers vi. 16 (ἡμεῖς. ἐσμέν, we are instead of ὑμεῖς. .ἐστέ, ye are, le. ——vii. 8. [LTr πὸ 10. —— κ. 11 1st. If. xi.19,seeing..are. 14. 22 3 times, 23, 1b*.— xiii. 6 ld. 9 ord. le. Gal. 111. 3 1st. ld. 7 2nd, 10 Ist & 10. 26. (2nd. le. 26. lets 28. 10. ———— 29. le. —— iv. 6. lf. 8, who are. ΤᾺ 24 Ast. ld. 24 2nd. ΤΌΝ 28 (ὑμεῖς... ἐστέ, ye are, instead of ἡμεῖς. .eopev,we are, Li δι, πε le. —— ν. 158. la*. 19 twice. 1f. Eph. i. 1. τοι ii. 5, 8. 1b. 10. 16, ------------- 19. lb. —— iv. 25. 14. ν. 16, 1b. ———— 30. 1f. Phil. i. 1, who are. lf. ————7, inasmuch as..are. 2. 13. 1b* 111. 3. la* iv. 8. 14, Gol. ii. 3. le, ———— 10. la*,—_———17, 22. 1f. 1 Thes. ii. 4, who A. 10", 20. le, —— iv. 9, le. —— V. 4. Τὸ" 5 Ist. lb. 5 2nd lf. ———— 8, who are. 18 1 Tim. ii. me who are, ARI 1d. 1 Tim. v. 24. la*,———25 1st (om. L T Tr A.) 25 2nd. 14. —— vi. 1. ld. 2 twice. lf. 2 Tim. ii 19, who are. La: 20. 14. ——iii. 6. ld. Titus 1. 10, la*,—— iii. δ: ld. ————-+ 14. Heb. i. 10, 14. 1b*.—— iii. 6. 2. —v.ll. lf. —— viii. 4, seeing that there are. 1b. x. 10. 1b*.———— 39. 1. —— xii, § Ist. le. g 2nd. 2. Jas. ν. 22nd. 2. 1 Pet. 111. 6 1st. 1f. 2 Pet. ii. 11, who are. 1d. 17 Ast. 8, 19. 14. iii. 7 2nd. la*,—_—_—— 16 lst. 1b. 1 John ii. 5 le. ———— 14. 9 18. lb. —— iii. 2. ams 10. 1b. 19. la*,—— iv. 1 Ist le. ———— 4. 14. 5. 1b*. —6, 17. 1d. —— v. 3. ld. 7 Ist. id — 7 2nd. 14. 8 (ap.) 10. 19, 20 1d. Jude 12, 16. — Rev. i. 4 Ist, not in Greek. la*. 42nd (om.G=3 L TTrARN. — 11 (om. ταῖς ἐν "Agta, which are m Asia, All.) 1d. ————19,, 20 twice, 1d, —— ii. 2 oni. le, ——$_—-2, eras le. 9 Ist. 1. —————9 2nd. 1d, —— iii. 4. le. © Ist. ld. Ὁ 2nd. 1d. —— iv.5(a ἐστίν, which is, instead of al εἰσιν, which are, T) (om. 9453) 1d) (ἦσαν, they 1d. —— v. 6, 8. ε{π|}.8.}} 143. Pes | δι. 1d. —— vii. 13, 14, 15. 6. —— viii. 13, are yet. 1d, —— xi. 4. ld. —— xiv, 4 1st ἃ 2nd. 1d. 43rd (om, are they,G— a T Trb A &.) 1d. ————_ 1d. —— xvi. é, 14. 1d. —— xvii. 9, 10 1st, 12, 1d, —— xix. gad. (15. 1d. —— xxi. 5. la*.———— 12, la. —— 16, 22. ARISE (ΕΤΗ, AROSE.) 1. ἀνίστημι, trans., to make to stand up, raise up, set up; intrans., to stand up, rise. ARI 2. ἐγείρω, to awaken, to wake up ; pass. awakened, to wake, wsed primarily of sleepers, to wi ake them up; pass., to wake up. Zhen of the sick and needy, to help them; pass., recover, rise from bed. Lspeciall y however of the dead, to rise to life; pass., to rise again. διεγείρω, to wake quite up, pass., as here, woke up. γίνομαι, implying origin, to come into being, to become; ov result, to take place, happen, and in this sense, to be. ἀναβαίνω, to go up, ascend, im what- ever manner ; rise up. εἰσέρχομαι, to go in, or into, enter. ἀνατέλλω, to make rise up; intrans., to rise up, come to light, rise, esp. of heavenly bodies. βάλλω, to throw at or hit, (strictly opposed to striking, τύπτειν) to throw, to cast, to put. Luke ix. 46. — xv. 14. 18, 20. — xvii. 19. — xxiii. 1. —— xxiv. 12 (ap.) is, Matt. ii. 13, 14, 20, 21. — viii. 15. ——— 24. ——- 26. [TrA®.) — ix. 5(act. Gx LT — 6 (act. L Tr.) i. John iii. 25. — vi. 18. vii. 52. —— xi. 29. xiv. 31. Acts v. 6. — vi. 1. 9, —- vii. 18. — viii. 26, 27. — ix. 6. — 8. —— xxvii. ολ ον 2 Mark ii. 9 (act.G L T ——ll (act. G L T oy πε AS) ο . 17, 37. OE τον [A &.) — ν. 41 (act.G L TTr ———— 42, — vii. 24. — ix. 27. —x.l. xiv. 57. Luke i. 39. iv. 38, 39. [Ὁ 5.) --- ν. 24. (δο α1 ΤΑ 10. — vi. 8. XXvii. -... beat. —- vii. 14. [A 55) Eph. v. 14. — viii. 24 (No.3, T Tr Heb. vii. 15. ——— 54 (act. 1.) 2 Pet. i. 19. —di. Rey. ix. 2. (39, 40. 11, 18, 84 twice, — *xii. 7, see A up. —— xix. 23, — xx. 30. — xxii. 10, 16. —— xxiii. 7, 9 1st. 9 2nd, τὰ ee ee iP ince Rion πό το παν 14, margin 2. 2. 4. 2. 2. 2. 2. i 2. 4. 2. 2. 2. 1B 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 4. 3. 2. 1B 1, Ms 1. ἃς i 1. 2. 1. 4. 2. 2. 2. 1. ο ARISE UP. 1. Acts xii. 7. [ 63 ] ARM ARK. κιβωτός, a wooden box, chest; a hollow vessel. Matt. xxiv. 38. Luke xvii. 27. Heb. ix. 4. Heb. xi. 7. 1 Pet. iii. 20. Rev. xi. 19. ARM [noun. ] βραχίων, prop., the shorter part of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow. The arm i general, and because the arm of man is his principal organ of strength, hence, the strength or power of God. Luke i. 51. | Acts xiii. 17. John xii. 38, ARMS. ἄγκαλαι, the bent arms; the arms considered as bent, or crooked to recewe anything, (from Heb. Spy, to be crooked.) ὅπλον, ἃ tool, implement, in pl., plements of war, arms. 1. Luke ii. 28. 2. Rom. vi. 13, margin (text, instruments.) im- ARMS (Take 1N)* and (TAKE UP τν.) Έ ἐναγκαλίζομαι, to take in or embrace in the arms. * Mark ix. 36. { Mark x. 16. ARM [verb. ] καθοπλίζομαι, to be equipped ; well or all over. Luke xi. 21. armed ARM...SELF. ὁπλίζομαι, to make or get ready; pass., to be made ready; hence, to arm, and in middle as here, to arm one’s self. 1 Pet. iv. 1. ARMOUR. ὅπλα, in sing., a tool, implement; hence, in pl., as here, implements of war, all that goes to jit out a soldier, arms, esp. offensive arms, but also armour; then the large shields and heavy arms. Rom. xiii. 12 (ἔργα, works, L™.) 2. Cor. vi. 7. ARM ARMOUR (att...) παγοπλία,(έμε above with ras, all, prefixed ) complete armour, a complete suit of armour; properly such as was used by the heavy-armed infantry. Luke xi. 22. ARMOUR (wHOLE.) πανοπλία, see above. Eph. vi. 11, 13. ARMY. 1. στράτευμα, an armament, army, host. 2. στρατόπεδον, strictly, the ground on which soldiers are encamped ; hence, a camp, encampment, encamped army. 3. παρεμβολή, insertion besides, between or among others ; then a putting in or distributing men through an army; also a body so drawn up; hence any fortified camp. 1. Matt. xxii. 7. | 3. Heb. xi. 94. 2. Luke xxi. 20 (non. occ.) 1. Rev. ix. 16. 1. Acts xxiii. 27. 1. —— xix. 14. 1. Rev, xix. 19. ARRAY [noun.] ἱματισμός, clothing, apparel; outer rai- ment. 1 Tim. ii. 9. ARRAY IN [verb.] περιβάλλω, to throw round about or over ; put on; to clothe. Luke xxiii. 11. ARRAYED (58.) 1. ἐνδύω, to go in or under, a/so to put on; clothe; invest, δεί of bodily raiment, Christian virtues, gifts of the Spirit, ete. 2. περιβάλλω, see ‘ARRAY IN.” 2. Matt. vi. 29. 2. Luke xii. 27. 1. Acts xii. 21. -- — Rev. vii. 13, see A in (be.) { (be.) xix. 8, see A in ARRIVE. 1. παραβάλλω, to throw beside or by, to throw to; hence to bring to the side of or to or near, especially as a naval term; to bring to, put to land. [ 64 ] ART 2. καταπλέω, to sail down; {.6., to sail from the high sea to the shore, sail to land, put in. 2. Luke viii. 26. | 1. Acts xx. 15. ART [noun. ] τέχνη, an art, handicraft, trade, especially a metal-worker’s art; art, skill. Acts xvii. 29. ART (rHov) anp ART τηου. When in italics, there is no Greck equiva- lent. When not part of another verb it is the translation of et, the second person singular of εἰμί, to be. Where the personal pronoun σύ, thou, precedes, an asterisk is affixed. Matt..i1; θῖν. 95; xi. 3*+ xiv. 59; xvi 6", ή 18 eos xxii. 16; xxv. 24; xxvi. τοῦ; xxvii. 11*; Mark i. 11*, 24; iii. 11*; viii, 205; xii. 14, 34; xiv. 61", 70 twice; xv, 93: Lnke iii. 22*; iv. 34, 41*; vii. 19*, 20*; xv. 31; xix. ο]. xxii, 58", 67*, 70"; xxiii. 3°, 40; John i. 19*, 91 twice*, 22, 493, 49 ‘twice*; 1Η, 10*; iv. 123, 19*; vi. 69*; vii. 698; viii. 25*, 48*, 53*; ix. 28"; xi. 27*; xviii. 17%, 25%, 33%, 87*; xix. 9*, 12; xxi. 12*; Acts ix. 5; xiii. 8988. xxi. 88}: xxil. 8, 27*; xxvi. 15; Rom. ii. 1 Ist; ix. 20*; xiv. 45; Gal. iv. 7; Heb. i. 5*, 198, v. 5*; Jas. iv. 11, 12*; Rev. ii. 9; 111. 1, 15, 16,17; iv. 11; v. 9; xi. 17 2nd (see “‘come”); Xvi. ὃ Ist. ART (THAT THOU.) εἶναι, to be, with Ace. of pronoun, as here, means, that...thou art. Acts viii. 23 2nd (part.)* | Rom. ii. 193, ART (wuicu.) 6 wv, the one who (essentially ) is. Rey. xi. 17 1st. | Rey. xvi. 6 2nd. ἔχω, to have. John viii. 57 (lit. ‘hast not yet fifty years.” ARTS (usrp curiovs.) περίεργον, working all round, overdoing, doing with care and pains what is not worth the pains ; then, busy about other folks’ affairs, meddling,curious, a busy-body ; in neuter plural as here, magic, curious arts 07 works; so cal- led because of being over curious by searching into things above and below. Acts xix. 19. AS AS. ὡς, as. In comparative sentences, as; in objective, that; in final, in order to; in causal, for the ground that. καθώς, like as, according as, even as. ὥσπερ, (No. 1 strengthened by περ); adv., wholly as, just as. ὅσος, rel. pron. of quantity, how much, how great; of time, how long; of quantity, how many. καθάπερ, adv., even as, truly as. κατά, prep., down. (a) with Gen. (whence) down from, against. (b) with Ace. (whither) down towards, according to, ete. 7. ἐν, in, of time, place, or element, with the infinitive following, as here oe his teaching,” “in his sowing,” 8. ὡσεί, adv., as if, as though, as, en 9. οἷος, rel. pron. of quality, of what kind or sort. és, rel. ο which hak what τρόπος, a turn, way or direc- { man- tion; hence metaph. way, ( ner, manner, fashion, ete, 10. 11. ὅστις, indef. rel. pron. whoever, what- ever, whatsoever. (b) with av, expressing conditionality, contingency. 12. wore, that, marking the result. With the infinitive it expresses the result as the natural and logical con- sequence of what has been previously done or said; while with the indica- tive, it states it simply as a fact which occurs or has occurred. καθότι, adv, as, according as, because that, for. καθό, adv. (for καθ’ 6, according to what) as, according as. καθά, adv. (for καθ’ a, according to which) according as. ὡσπερεί, adv. just as if, as it were. οὕτω or οὕτως, adv. thus, in this wise, 50. εἰς, (motion to the interior) into, to, with a view to. [ 65 ] AS 19. γάρ, (a contraction for γὲ dpa, verily therefore) hence, in fact, and when the fact is given as a reason or ex- planation, for ; but it ts more extensive in meaning than the English for, since it expresses the cause, reason, motive, principle, occasion, inducement of what has been previously affirmed or im- plied. 20. καθ’ ὅσον, according to so much, in- asmuch as. 19. Matt. i. 18. 1. ——— 24. -- — V. 48, see even A. 3. —— vi. 2. ------ 5 (No. 1, LTr —-7. [A R.) ἡ 10, 19. κ —— «16 (Νο. 1. Τ, ΤΥ . —— Vii. 29 twice. [A 9.) κ — vii 13. — — ix.]5,see A longas. 8. ———— 36 (No. 1, Tr.) — —— x.163times, 25twice. 3. —— xii. 40. 3. —— xiii. 40. 1. ——— 43. 1. — xiv. 5. 36, see A many 12. —— xv. 33. (as. 1. —— xvii. 2twice, 20, 1. — xviii. 9, ἃ: 17. 19,see A touch- ------- SEI) On) BGG eA — —— 10, j many as. 1, 30. - 31,see A touch- 1. ———— 39. {ing. — —— xxiii. 37, see even [A. — —— xxiv. 21, see such 3. —— 27, 37. 3. ———— 38 (No.1, LT Tr Α 8.) 8, —— xxv. 14, 39, — —— 40, } see Inas- — —— 45, § much as. 1, —— xxvi. 19. 2. ———— Ἐπὰν ae ---- -- - 39, Me — revit 3 Χο. 15 ΤΑ Ν) . ——4(No. 1,1, Τ —— 6. [Tr "A δ.) -------- 9 (αρ.), 15. ο Mark i. 2 (No. a, Te δ), 29 twice, 7. —— ii. 15 (om. Ταῦ Ν.) — —— 19, see A long as. 1. —— iii. δ (om, All.) — —— 10, see A many as. — iv. 4. 20, see such A. 20. ; 98, ~—— v. 36, see A soon . —— FL IB, 84. [as. 56, see A many . — vii. 6. fas. . — viii. 24. 1. Mark ix. 31st(om. ὡς χίών, as snow,G>T ΤΥ Α κα.) ——— 3 2nd, see so A. — 13. κ 26. 1. —— x. 1, 15. i. 2, see A soon as. 6, see even as, κ 34. 2. —— xiv. 16, 21. 1. ———— 45. 2. ——xyv. 8. 2. —— xvi. 7. — Luke'l. 2, see even A. — iii. 4, 23. —— iv. 16, see A.. was. —v.1. 14. . — vi 10 (@p.) 31. 34, see A much. 36. 40. — viii. 5, 42. — ix. 18. 29 (γίνομαι ἐν, it came to pass in.) 33, 84. 54 (ap.) — x. 3, 18, 27. 38. .-..-ὕ... HE 1 κε, 1 2nd. 2 (αρ.) 8, see A many as. TAT Oe he 1 ΕΘ ΡΥ ῬΑ ΟΣ | σι τν Po) Peat 30, see A soon 88. ασια, 4 11, 14. 24, 26. 28 (No.2, instead of καὶ ὡς, alsoas,TrX.) -- xviii. 9(margin)see 8, 1111. [A being. 1 11 2nd, 17. 7 35. ——— xix. 9, see foras- much A, -- 82, see even A. 1. —— xxi. 35. 2. —— xxii. 18, AS 6b. Luke xxii. 22. il 26 twice, 27, 2: 29. 18 οἱ. 6b. 39. - 44, see A it were. ils 52. 1. —— xxiii. 14, 26. 7. — xxiv. 4. 8 ke -- 24, see even A. 7 30. 2, 39. -- 50, see A far as. — Johni. 12, see A many 1 14. [as. 2. 23. 2. 111. 14. 3. ——v. 21. ται 23, see even A. 3 26, 30. -- vi. 11, see A much 2 31, 57, 68. [as. 2. —— vii. 38. 2. —— viii. 28. — —— ix. 5, see A long as 2. ——x. 15. 2. 26 (ap.) 2. —— xii 14. στο 50, see even A. 2. —— xiii. 15, 33, 34. 2. —— xiv. 31. 2. — xv. 4. 1 6. 2. 9. — 10, see even A. 2 12. — — xvi. 21, see A soon 2: Xvii. 2 Ist. [as. -- 2 2nd, see Amany 2 11. [as. ΕΣ ο. \ see even A. 2 18, 21. -- 22° see even A. 2 23. 2. —— xix. 40. — — xx. 9, seo A yet.. i 11. (not. 2. 21. — Acts i. 19, see insomuch 3. —— ii 2. [A. = 8, see like A. a 4, 1. —— 15. 2. 22. ΕΞ: 39,seeA many as. 18. 45. 1. — iii. 12 3. ch ὍΝ a 6, μη. see A many ο 34, 38. -- 35, see according A. (ing. 85, see A touch- 36, ) see A many 87, Ji as. vi. 15, see Ait had 10.— vii. 28. [been. iB 37, margin (text 42. (—like.) 44, 48. 51 (No. 2, L.) see A yet. ———- V. 2. 2. 1 — —— viii 16, $2, 36, 18, see A it had — x. 25. [been. 45, see A many as. [as. 47, see Α well a χί 16 188, pase , see foras- 1. —— 17 2nd. [much A. 19, ) see ΑΔ far -- ——— 22) } as. | fap 1. Acts xiii. 25, 33. -- 34, see A con- cerning. [as. - 48, see A many 2. —— xv. 8. [A. 10. 11, but see even 2: 15. -- 24,see forasmuch if xvi. 4. — — xvii. 2,seeA.. was. - 14, see A it were. -- 23 (the trans. of the ee ) 1. 28 — — xxi 25, see A touch- 2. —— xxii. 3. [ing. ΙΝ 5, 26. 1. —— xxiii. 11, 15, 20. 6b. 31. 1, —— παν. 10. 10.— xxvii. 25, but see 1. 30. [even A. — —— xxviii.15, see A far 2. Rom. i. 13. [as. = 15, see A much 2. 17. [as. 1. 21. — 28, see even A. —— ji, 12 twice; see A 2. 24. [many as. 2. —iii. 4. ΄ 6b. 5. 1. ——-7. 2. 8 twice, 10, iv. 1,996 A pertain- ing to. -- 6, see even as. 2 17 Ist. ile 17 2nd. 3. — v. 12. τν 15, 16, 18. 3. 19, 21. [A. — —— vi. 3, see s0 many -- 4, see like A. 1 15 (No. 8, L Tr A®.) — —— vii. 1,see A longas. — —— viii. 14,see A many 14. 20. [88. - 96 Ist. 1. 36 2nd. [ning. — — ix. 5,see A concer- 9. 6 (with ὅτι,---α 2. 13. [though.) if 217. 9 29 Ist. 1. 29 2nd. 2. 33. en ae a 38. [A. — —— xi. 8, see according τς 13, see inasmuch 2 26 A. “= 28 Ist, see A con- cerning. [touching. --- 28 2nd, see A — —— xii3, see according 5. 4, [Α. -- 18,see A much as 1, —— xiii. 9, 10. 2, —— xv 3, ια 9, 1, 16. 2. - 21, (eth. — —— xvi. 2,see A becom- — 1 Cor. i. 6, see even A. 81, see according 2, ——ii 9, [A. 1. ---- 1]. 1 3times. 6b.————3. 1. ———10, 15. 1, —— iv. 1, 7, 18, 14. 2, ———l7. 1, ——18. — — vy, 1, see such as. 1, ———..§ twice, -ἰ vii. 7, 8, 17 twice, 25, 29, 30 8 times, 8], [ 66 1 39, see A long as, —1 Cor. viii. 1, see A 2. ————2._ [touching. — ———4,seeA concern- [ing. 6b.— ix. 8. τς . 0 twice, 2]. —— 22 (om 107 Tr —_—— 26 twice. [AN. ---- - -- 6, 7 Ast. ———7 2nd (No.3,G~ LTTrA®) —— 33, ) see even —xil, ! A. — 2 5, see A if (even. ——12._ [all one.) — ——_—— 95, see A oft as, - ———26, see A often ο αν eee F 2 —_ o 2. —— xii. 11. [as. δ. ———12. 2. ————18. 1. —— xiii. 11 3 times, — ———l2, see even A. — — xiv. 12, forasmuch 1. ———33. [A. 2. 94, 16.—— xv. 8. Be -22. 2. 38. 9, 48 twice. 2. ————49. 8. —— xvi. 1. 11b. 2, 1. ———— 10. 2. 2 Cor. i. 5. 3. ————7 (No.1, LT Tr 2. 1411. [A 8.) — ———]4 2nd, see even A. [ (not. ) -- —23, see A yet 1. —— Ii. 173 times. 1. — iii. 1, 5. 5. ———l13. — 18, see behold as in a glass. - ——— 18, see even A. 2. —— iv. 1. — ————]3, see accord- 1, —— vy. 20. [ing A. Ἱ. --- νὰ ΚΑ ΕΘ. ο 3 times, 10 3times, 13, 10, — vii. 14. — viii. 5, 6. ar S ‘see A touch- ἔ [ing. lst. 5 2nd(No.1, All.) 7, see according -ϑ. [Δ. κ 2, 14. - ” οι σι Co et te -τ' 11, see such Δ. ——14, svo A far as — xi. 3. [ to. τς 12. 15,16. [ecerning. 21, see A con- xii. 20 twice see such ill, 5 7, [A. i opt il Jews. 14, see A do the — iii. 6, see even A. τ | 2 -......... 10 twice, 27,seeA many as. — — iv. 1, see A longas. 1. 12 twice, 14 twice. 6b. 28. 3. 20, 1, -τ ν. 14. πι ιδ | SSE] ΒΡ] Srp] peeprp 10,seeA many as, | AS 2. Gal. v. 21. ib ve 10. 2, {see A many = ἴδ᾽ ) as. — Eph. i. 4, see according 1B [A. 2. —— iii. 3. 1. 8. — —— iv. 4, see even A. 2, ——— 17, 21. 2. 32. 1. —-v. 1. ΟΝ 2, 8. rs. 1 8, 15 twice, 23, 23, 3 21 (No. 1, LTTr 2. 25,29. [AR) ae vi. 5, 6 twice. 1 7 (om. St.) i 20. — Phil. 1.7 1st, see even A. -- 7 2nd (trans. of 1. 20. {part.) -- 27,seeA becometh 1. ——ii. 8. 2 15 Ist. 1, 12 2nd,.15, 22. — —— iii. 5,seeAtouching —= 12, see A though. τα 15, seeAmany as. 2. ——— 17. (cerning. — —— iy. 15, see A con- 2. Col. 1. 6 twice, 7, — —— ii. 1, see Amany as. us 2. ——— 7. ib, 20. 1 li 12. 2, 19. 1. 18, 22, 23. 1. — iv. 4 2.1 Thes. i. 5 ο to ἀπε ile 4 2nd, 2. δ. ΤΕ ie 5. 11 Ist πρ επ eos 1. ———— 181st (om.St E G LTTrAw),(Beza,has οὐχ ὡς, not as, for ov, 2. 1931414. [ποι. ) 2. ——iii. 4. 5. ———— 6. - 12, see even A. 2. ——iv. 1. -- 5, see even A. 2. 6, -- 9,see A touch- 2. 11,138. [iing. 1. —— Vv. 2, 4, 6. — —— 11, see even A. 2.2 Thes. i. 3. 1. —— ii, 2 twice a 4 (om. All.) 2. —— iii. 1 Ἵν 15 twice. De ses 1, —— vy. 1 twice, 2 twice. — vi. 1, A many as. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 3, 9, 17. 10.— iii. 8, 1. ———9. 1, Titus i. 5, 7. 6b, ————9 -- ii, 8,seeA becometh 1. Philem. 9, 16, 17. 4, Heb. i. 4. y 11. 8, 12. [much A. — — ii. a see foras- 1. —— iii. 2, 5, 6, 8, 15. -- 8, ο inasmuch 5, τῇ [Α. - iv. 2, see A well as, 9, 8 lst. 1, eee § 2nd, νὰ iv. ο, 10, AS — Heb. iv. 15, see like A. 2. — Vv. 3. 5. 4 (No. 2, -L) καθώσ περ, as indeed, Tr A ®) 2. 6. 1. — vi. 19. 1. — vii. 9. 20, see inasmuch [A. — — ix. 9,see A pertain- 3. 25. [ing to- 20. 27. 2, ——x. 25 Ist. 4. 25 2nd. 1. — xi. 9. 2. 12 Ist. 8. ——— 12nd (No.1, All) kh 27, 29. 1. —— xii. 5, 7, 16, 27. 1. — xiii. 3 twice, 17, 1. Jas. i. 10. 1. — ii. 8, 9, 12. 3. 26. 1. —-v. 3. 55) i 5 (om. LT Tr A 1. 1 Pet. i. 14. 6b. ————_ 15. 1 - 19. 1. ——— 24 lst (om. Τὴ (No. 8, &.) 1. ———— ο. 2nd. 1. — ii. 2, 5, 11, 12, 14, 16 twice, 2 25. fe τὴ twice, 16 (ap.) 2 iv. 10 lst. [12. εἰ 10 2nd, 11 twice, — —— 13, see inas- much A. 1. ———— litwice, 16. 1. ——— 19 (om. LAN. ) 1. —-y. 3, 8, 12. [A. — 2 Pet. i. 3, see according a 13, see A long Β΄. 14, (A. 1. i 1 —— iii. 8twice, 9, 10. 17.——— 14 (with No. 1 denotes as they were.) —— lb. 1. ο 1θ twice. 1. 1 John ii. 7. 2. —— ii. 6, 18. ο γε, aay } see even τᾷ 4 12. 23. AV; 17. 9 John 4. 5. 6. = 3 John 2 3 [κου even A. 1. Jude 10. 1. Rev. i. 10, 14 twice, 15 twice, 16,17. [88. PENEMP Les 1. ———— 24, 27 twice. — — iii. 3. — —— 19, see Amany 21. [as. - 7 (Gx) γεν . — ν. 6. [(om. G. vi. 11, 12 twice, 13, 14. — — viii. 12, see so A. ΤῊΣ 8 twice, [9, 17. 8,860 A when. 7, 9, 10 1st. 102nd, see A soon as. Las. — —— xi. 6, see A often —- xii. 15. . — xiii. 2 twice, 11. 15, see A many . — xiv. 2twice. fas, 3,see A it were. — xvi. 3, 15. 18,see such as. —— xvii. 121st, see no A yet. okay 12 2nd. xviii. 6. 17,see A many —— xix. 6 lst. [as. 62nd (om. L.) 12 (om. ΟΞ: T — xx. 8. [A> &.) —— xxi. 2. ———- ll, see crystal (clear A.) —— 16 Ist, see As 162nd. [large. — xxii. 1. [ing A. ——— 12, see accord- Et iy 4 πως πμ ee παν AS BECOMETH. ἀξίως, worthily, suitably (from ἄξιος, /.υ. ) Rom. xvi. 2. Phil. i. 27. AS BECOMETH HOLINESS. ἱεροπρεπής, Such as becometh a holy per- son, place ov matter, venerable (non oce. ) Titus ii. 3, margin as becometh holy women. AS BEING |margin.] ὅτι, that, seeing that, because. εἰσὶ, they were. Luke xviii. 9 (text, that they were.) ae 1 John ii.27 2n4,see even | A AS AS CONCERNING. 1. κατά, see “as,” No. 6b. 2. περί, around. (a) with Gen. about, concerning. (b) with Ace. about, round about. eis, into, to, unto, with a view to, λόγον, the word (spoken or written); formally,a word or expression ; materially, the word, as that which is spoken, an exposition or account which one gives. ] 1. 1 Cor. viii. 4. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 21. 8. Phil. iv. 15. lit. for an ac- count. 1. Rom. ix. 5. 1. —— xi. 28. AS CONCERNING THAT. ὅτι, that. Jt points in general to some ex- isting fact, something which lies before us, and hence answers to that, as well as because. Acts xiii. 34, AS DO THE JEWS. ᾿Ιουδαϊκῶς, Jewishly, after the manner of the Jews, (Nationally, as distin- guished from Gentiles.) (non. occ.) Gal. ii. 14. AS FAR AS, ἄχρι, unto, even unto (of time or place.) ἕως, till, until (of time); wp to, as far as (of place. ) 2. Luke xxiv. 50. 2. Acts xi. 19. 2. Acts xi. 22. 1, —— xxviii. 15, AS FAR AS TO. 1. 2 Cor. x. 14. AS τα HAD BEEN. ωρα ἢ ὡσεί, as if 9 see δὲ τὺ No. 8. 2. Acts vi. 15. 1. Acts x. 11. 2. ix. 18 (αρ.) 5 «ε ὡς, as, see ‘ 1, —— xi. δ. AS AS IT WERE. 1. ὡς, as, see “as,” Wo. 1. 9. ὡσεί, as if, see “as,” Vo. 8. 2. Luke xxii. 44 (ap.) 1. Rev. iv. 1. 1. John vii. 10. 1. —vi. 1. 1. —— xxi. 8. 1. ——viii. 8, 10 J. Acts xvii. Ἰ4(έως, as far | 1. —— ix. 7, 9 as, L Tr &.) 1. —— xl. 1. Rom. ix. 32. 1. —— xiii. 3. 1. 1 Cor. iv. 9. J, ——xiv. 3 (om. GT Ab πο βος πα. 17. 5.) 1. Philem. 14. 1. —— xv. 2. 1. Jas. v. 3. 1, —— xxi. 21. AS LARGE. τοσοῦτος, demons. pron. 80 great, so much, so long; pl. so many. Rey. xxi. 16 (om. all.) AS LONG AS. 1. ὅσος, see “as,” No. 4. ἐπί, upon, with Ace. as here, up fn to (of place, number, or| | : ; as 2., aim), over (of time, place, "1 ong extent, ) as. ὅσος, how long, see above. 3. ὅταν, whensoever, as long as. 2. Matt. ix. 15. 1. Rom. vii. 1. 1. Mark ii. 19. 2.1 Cor. vii. 39. Ls vi. 56. 1, Gal. iv. 1. 9, John ix. 5. 1. 2 Pet. i. 18. AS MANY AS. ὅσος, see “AS,” Wo. 4. πᾶς, all ahs : 5 Ὁ ᾿ πᾶν ὃ, all which. ( ὅς, who o7 which, LS ee pL, GV, AL, . Rey. ii. 24. iii. 19, . — xviii. 17. — iii. 24, — iv. 6, 34. ery 86,87, . — x. 45 (δι, who, L.) 1. Matt. xiv. 36. 1. Acts xiii. 48. 1. —— xxii. 10. | 1. Rom. ii. 12 twice. 1. Mark iii. 10. i viii. 14. 1. Luke xi. 8. 1. Gal. iii. 10, 27. 1. John i. 12. Ms vi. 12, 16. Ds xvii. 2. 1. Phil. iii. 15. 1. Acts ii. 39. iL. Col tt 1. 1 1. 1 α, 1 1 1 AS MUCH. ἴσος, equal to, the same as (im appear- ance, size, strength, or number. ) Luke vi. 34. AS MUCH AS. ὅσος, see “As,” Wo. 4. John vi. 11. απ. AS AS MUCH AS IN ME IS. Ἂς 5 ΔΝ . τὸ κατ᾽ ἐμὲ, as far as in ε ὁ, the 3 ; Μ ἐπι ae 4. | meis. Eras. Beza. Pise.; ae Ἂς as much as in me lieth, So? ., | Alf.; the eagerness on ἐγώ, L, myself, Js J my part, Rotherham. Rom. i. 15. AS MUCH AS LIETH IN YOU. 6, the, | τὸ ἐξ ὑμῶν, as much as de- e€,out of, { pends upon you, Lilicott, | σύ, thou, / Alford, Rotherham ; accord- Cou; ing to your ability, Stwart. Rom. xii. 18. AS OFT or OFTEN AS. ὁσάκις, as Many times as. 1. σος πὶ 2b, 26. | Rey. xi. 6. AS PERTAINING TO. κατά, see “as,” Λο. 6b. Rom. iv, 1. | Heb, ix. 9. AS SOON AS. 1. ws, see “as,” Λο. 1. (a) with ἄν. : 2. εὐθέως, immediately, instantly, (adv. ν᾿ 3 ΄ . . from εὐθύς, straight, direct.) 3. ὅτε, when, of a thing actually gone before. 4, ὅταν, whenever, as long as or as soon as, implying a possible contingency, present or future. 2. Mark vy. 36 (om. G= Lb | 4. John xvi. 21. 2. xi. 2. (Tr &.) | 1. —— xviii. 6. 1. Luke i. 23, 44. 1. xxi. 9. 8, xv. 80. la. Phil. ii. 28. 1. —— xxii. 66, 8. Rev. x. 10, 1, John xi. 20, 29. (4, —— xii, 4. AS THOUGH. (Where not two words in Greek.) ὅτι, that, see “AS CONCERNING THAT.” Phil. iii, 12. AS [ AS TOUCHING. 1. ἐπί, upon. (a) with Gen. up to, (of place, number, or aim. ) (Ὁ) with Ace. over, (of time, place, or extent. ) 2. mepi, around. (a) with Gen. about, concerning, on behalf of. (b) with Acc. about, round about. 3. κατά, see “as,” No. 60. 2a. Matt. xviii, 19. 3. Rom. xi. 38. 2a. —— xxii. 31. 2a. 1 Cor. viii. 1. 2a. Mark xii. 26. 2a. xvi. 12. 1b. Acts v. 35. 2a. 2 Cor. ix. 1. 2a, —— xxi. 25. | 8. Phil. iii. 5. 2a. 1 Thes. iv. 9. ‘AS...WAS. κατά, see “ss,” No. 60. Luke iv. 16. | Acts xvii. 2. (lit. according to his custom, etc.) AS WELL AS. 1. καθάπερ, even as, truly as. ο { ὡς, as, Τ᾽ ἃ καί, ἀπά, also, καθώς, according as, ΘΥ̓ΘῺ as also, καί, and, also, ete. 8, Acts x. 47 (No. 2, L T | 2. 1 Cor, ix. 5. as also. Tr A κα.) 1. Heb. iv. 2. AS WHEN. ὥσπερ, wholly as, just as. Rey. x. 3. AS YET. ” > ή οὕπω, not yet, (opp. to οὐκέτι, no more.) Acts viii. 16 (οὐδέπω, and not γα, G~ LT Tr A 8) 2 Cor. i. 23, see yet. Rey, xvii. 12, see yet. AS YET...NOT. οὐδέπω, and not yet, not as yet. John xx. 9. 69 | ASH See also, ACCORDING, BECOMETH, BEHOLD, CONCERNING, CRYSTAL, CUSTOM, EVEN, FORASMUCH, HAVE, INASMUCH, INSOMUCH, LIKE, MAKE, MAN, MANNER, MANY, MEN, MUCH, NO, NOT, PERTAINING, SET, 80, SUCH, TOUCHING, WONT. ο ον 4 ASCEND* anp ASCEND UPT. (-ED, -ETH, -ING.) ἀναβαίνω, to go up, climb, mount. Lukexix. 28t; John i. 52"; iii. 181}; vi. 621; xx. 17 twice*; Acts ii. 34*; xxv. 1"; Rom. x. 6*; Eph. iv. 81, 9*, 10t; Rev. vii. 2*; viii. 41; xi. 7*, 121; xiv. 117; xvii, 8*. ASHAMED (88) 1. αἰσχύνομαι, to be ashamed, feel shame, (to have the feeling which attends the performance of a dishonourable deed, or the feeling which deters a man from bad conduct through fear of shame.) 2. ἐπαισχύνομαι, to be ashamed of or at. In N.T. only in Mid. to shame one’s self upon, in or at. 3. καταισχύνῳ, to disgrace, dishonour, put to shame. (a) Pass. and Mid., to feel shame be- fore another. 4, ἐντρέπομαι, to turn towards, give heed to, pay regard to; to be turned upon one’s self on account or from reyeren- tial awe of, (to have an innate moral repugnance tothe doing of a dishonour- able act.) 3a. Luke xiii. 17. | 4. 1. —— xvi. 3. 2. — Rom. v. 5, see A (make) | — 3a. —— ix. 33, margin be | not be.) confounded. 4. Titus ii. 8. . η. | 2. Heb, ii. 11. 8a. 2 Cor. vii. 14. | 2. —— xi. 16. ix. 4. δα, 1 Pet. iii. 16. iF κο ιν, iv. 10. 1. Phil. i. 20. i 1. 1 John ii. 28. 2 Thes. iii, 14. 2 Tim. i. 12. ii. 15, see A (need ASHAMED OF (μι) 2. Mark viii. 38 twice, 2. Luke ix. 26 twice. . Rom, i. 16, 2. Rom. vi. 21 (with ἐπί, upon or at.) 2, 2 Tim. i. 8, 16. ASHAMED (taKe.) 8, Rom. ν. 5. ASH ae ASHAMED (NEED NOT BE.) ἀνεπαίσχυντος, (from a, neg. and No. above) not ashamed, having no cause for shame. 2. Tim. ii. 15. 2 ASK 2. ἐκτρέπομαι, to turn out of or from the course, to turn aside. 1. Matt. 11. 22. 2. 1 Tim. i. 6. Ὁ. Timi ν. 16. ASHES. ή t σποδός, wood-ashes, embers; gen. ashes. Matt. xi. 21. Heb. ix. 13. [into.) Luke x. 13. 2 Pet. ii. 6, see A (turn ASHES (turn 1ΙΝ1ο:) τεφρόω, to make into ashes, reduce to ashes, (from τέφρα, ashes, as of the funeral pile.) 2 Pet. ii. 6. ASIA. ᾿Ασία, Asia. In all places, except Acts vi. 9 (om. L.) Rey. i. 11 (om. ταῖς ἐν ᾿Ασίᾳ, which are in Asia, om. All.) ASIDE. κατά, according to, ) κατ᾽ ἰδίαν, lit. ac- ἴδιος, one’s own, dis- > cording to one’s tinct fromall else { own,?.¢. privately. Mark vii. 33. / l ASIDE (co.) 1. ἀναχωρέω, to go back, depart, with- draw, retire. 2. ὑποχωρέω, to go back; retire, recoil. 2 Luke ix. 10, | 1 Acts xxiii. 19. 1. Acts xxvi. 31. ASIDE (nay.) 1. ἀποτίθημι, to put away, to lay off; to put by for one’s self, stow away. 2. ἀφίημι, to send away, dismiss, set free; gen. to leave anything, to free one’s self therefrom, to let lie. 2. Mark vii. 8. | 1. Heb, xii. 1. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 1. ASIDE (τυκκ.) 1. ἀναχωρέω, to go back, depart, with- draw, retire. | Cl ll ol oo moon ec . Mark iv. 10. ASK. (-ED, -EST, -ETH, -ING.) αἰτέω, to entreat, beg, supplicate ; implies a distinction in position and circumstances between the parties, and expresses a petition from an inferior Never used by Christ to the Father, but No. 2 invariably. ἐρωτάω, to ask for information, to question as well as supplicate ; vm- plies familiarity if not equality. Never used of our prayers to the Father, see John xvi. 23, and 1 John to α superior. γν. 10. ἐπερωτάω, (No. 2 with ἐπί prefixed, intensive), to consult, inquire of, question ; to ask about ὦ thing. πυνθάνομαι, to ask for information, to inquire ; to learn by asking o7 inquiry; to hear, learn, understand. ἐξετάζω, to examine well o7 closely, to scrutinize, re view of persons, hence, to question; of things, to inquire into o7 sift. λέγω, to lay, to lay together, to col- lect, to read, hence, to speak o7 say. (λέγω is never used for λα λέω, which means simply to speak, to employ the organ of utterance; while λέγω is referred to the sentiment of what is spoken. λέγω therefore is always rational and intelligent, while λα- λέω may be mere sound, either of the sane or insane. ) . Matt. v. 42. vi. 8. — vii. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. — xii. 10. — xiv. 7. xvi. 13. xvii. 10. — xviii. 19. — xx. 22. —— xxi. 22. 24, . —— xxii. 23. 96, see A a question. 41, 46. — xxvii. 11. 20. — Vv. 9. — vi. 22, 28, 24, 25. Vil δη ΤΆ ἢ viii. 5 (No. 2, T Tr ow i) 3 | Peewee . Mark viii. 23, 27. — ix. 11, 16, 21, 28, 82, 33. Eth πι 98, — xii. 18, 28, 34. — xiii. 3. — xiv. 60, 61. xv. 2, 4, 44. . Luke i. 63. ii. 46, see Α ques- . —— iii. 10, {tions. νε τἱ 9. 0 Ist. 30 2nd seeAagain . —— viii. 9, 80. — ix. 18. 45 (No. 3, 1.) oe αλ 9,10,1115ι & 3rd” Sx as ais — xv. 26. — xviii. 18. * 2nd not in Greek. ASK per ΜΝ ASS 4. Luke xviii. 36. 3. John xviii. 7. ᾿ ο ΙΞ : " ASLEEP (sr.) εκ. το στης As) ο 1. καθεύδω, to lie down to sleep, to sleep, 3 21, 27, 40 ᾿ == τ᾿ η, metaph., to rest, be at rest, still, 3. —— xxi. 7. | 1, Acts iii. 2. iet 8, — xxii. 64. | 2. 3. quiet. 2. 68. ἐς ον 9 ᾿ ν 8. —— xxiii, 8. (No. 2, Τ 3. — v. 27. 2. κοιμάομαι, to be laid down to sleep, ΤΑ ΝΜ) 4. ——x: 18, 29 ΓΕ . 3. δ ry arti 19 to be or fall asleep ἐπ death, to sleep 2. John i. 19, 21, 25. 3. 34. the sleep of death ; used thus by the 1. — iv. 9, 10. Ὁ, —— xxv. 20. ΣΝ J λα : ‘th ey 10. — Rom. x. 20, see A after. nevents, though im connection with 2. —— viii. 7 (ap.) —1Cor. x. 26,} see A ᾿ 2. —— ix. 2,15, 19, 21, 23. | — 27, fquestion | _ aoe τῳ ds as exclude the hope of 1. — xi. 22. ο ας ὃς waking or resurrection, 6.7.» 4, —— xiii. 24 (αρ.) 1. Eph. iii. 20. εν ρω] ο. τε Ρ 7 6 = 1 xiv. 13, 14. 1 σα τσ δ eter nal, unawakened,’ ever παν, 7, 16. 1. —— iv 2, 3 twice. lasting,” ο brazen sleep,” ο tron 2. —— xvi. 5, 19, 23 1st. 1. 1 Pet. iii. 15. 2 1. 23 2nd, 24iwice,26, | 1. 1 John iii. 22. sleep,” ete. 3 30. 1, —— v. 14, 16, 16. 1. Matt, viii, 24. | 2.1 Thes, iv. 13, 15. ASK AFTER. 3. Rom. x. 20. ASLEEP (FALL. ) 1. ἀφυπνόω, to cease to sleep, to awake ASK AGAIN. from sleep, (from ἀπό, from, and ὕπνος, sleep), in N.Z. and later writers to sleep away, 1.6. to fall into a deep and prolonged sleep. ἐπαιτέω, (No. 1 with ἐπί, upon, prefixed ), to ask besides, to beg as a mendi- cant. Luke vi. 30. 2. κοιμάομαι, see “ ASLEEP,” Wo. 2. 1. Luke viii. 23. 2. 1 Cor. xv. 6, 18. =a bl 2. Acts vii. 60. 2. 2 Pet. iii. 4. ASK A QUESTION. ἐπερωτάω, see “ Ask,” No. 3. . Matt. xxii. 35, ASP. ἀσπίς, an asp, a kind of viper. (Zhe coluber naja of Lgypt.) ASK QUESTIONS. ἡ Rom. iii. 13. / 1. ἐπερωτάω, see “ asK,” No. 3. 2. ἀνακρίνω, to examine well or closely, to question, sift. ASS. 1. Luke ii. 46. 2.1 Cor. x. 25, 27. 1. ὄνος, an ass, male or female, (prob. Srom ὀνίνημι, to help, as Latin jumen- tum, an ass, from juvo, to help, { Υ 7 7 . 4 P a “ A ASK WHO WAS THERE |margin.] because it helps or assists man in his ὑπακούω, to hearken to and obey, (from | labours. ) ce ae and heb ie hear), | 9, ὑποζύγιον, an animal subject to the with the idea of stealth, stillness or oo Tay Rs MTS ο ἈΝ, τὐϑηβηρββραηδ f nye os * ών yoke, particularly an ass, (from ὑπό, ᾿ μα ὦ! under, and ζυγός, a yoke.) Acts xii. 13 (text, hearken.) 1. Matt. xxi. 2. 1. Luke xiv. 5 (ὑιός, α son, is f Ist. Ge LITTr A.) 2. δ 2nd. — John xii, ο see A ΙΤΤΤΟΏΟ 1, τ -- 15. (young. ) ASLEEP. 1. Luke xiii, 16. 2. 2 Pet. ii. 16. καθεύδω, to lie down to sleep, to sleep ; metaph., to rest, be at rest, still, quiet. ASS (χουκα,) Mat‘. xxvi. 40, 43. | Mark iv. 88. | Mark xiv. 40. ὀνάριον, (the diminutive of No. 1 above) a young ass ο) ass’s colt. See also, SLEEP. Jobn xii. 14 ASS ASSAULT [verb.] ἐφίστημι, trans. to set or place upon; intrans. to stand upon; ἐπ hostile signif. to stand against, to come upon by surprise. Acts xvii. 5. ASSAULT [noun.] ὁρμή, any violent pressure onwards, an assault, attack; esp. the first shock, onset in war. (Lat. impetus.) Acts xiv. 5. ASSAY (-EpD, -1NG.) . πειράω, (From πείρω, to perforate, pierce through, by which trial is made of things) to attempt, under- take, endeavour, try; then to put to the proof. . πειράζω, to make proof or trial, to make an attempt. λαμβάνω, to take, to πεῖραν take hold of, to ap- { λαμβάνειν, prehend, to make an πεῖρα, a trial, attempt, ) attempt. 1. Acts ix. 26. 2. Acts xvi. 7. Ι 8. Heb. xi. 29. ASSEMBLED (39) . συνάγω, to bring together, lead to- gether, hence, to lead or take with one’s self into one’s house, to receive to one’s hospitality. 2. γίνομαι, to become. — Matt. xxvi. 3, see A to- | — Acts i. 4, see A together 1: 57. (gether. (be.) 1. —— xxviii. 12. — — lv.31,seeA together — Mark xiv. 53, see A (be. ) (with...) — — xi.26,seeA..selves. 1. John xx. 19(—G—> LT | 2. —— xv. 25 (lit. causing Tr AR.) to be of one accord.) ASSEMBLE...SELVES. συνάγω, see above. Acts xi. 26. ASSEMBLE TOGETHER. συνάγω, see above, Matt. xxvi. 3. ASS ASSEMBLED (wiru...) συνέρχομαι, to come or go together; abs. to come together, meet, assemble. Mark xiy. 53. ASSEMBLED TOGETHER (ΒΕ) 1. συνάγω, see “a (BE),” Wo. 1. 2. συναλίζομαι, to make throng together, to be assembled, met, gathered to- gether. 2. Acts i. 4. | 1, Acts iv. 81. ASSEMBLING TOGETHER [noun. | ἐπισυναγωγή, a gathering together to a place or person. — Heb. x. 25. ASSEMBLY. 1. ἐκκλησία, the common term for a meet- ing of the ἔκκλητοι, assembled to discuss the affairs af a Free State. The body of citizens summoned by the crier (κῆρυξ), hence, the popular as- sembly. Transferred by the LXX to designate the assembly of the people of Israel, whether summoned for a definite purpose, or considered as the representative of the whole nation. In N.T. applied to the community of the people of Israel, Acts vii. 38; but elsewhere to “the Church.” This ἐκκλησία is constituted by the old terms “calling” (καλεῖν) and “preach- ing” (κηρύσσειν), but inspired with a new force. Hence it denotes the N.T. redeemed community iz tts twofold aspect. (i) The entire community of all who are called by and to Christ. (ii) The N.T. Churches as confined to particular places ; every church in which the character of the church as a whole is repeated. ts being summoned 7s expressed by the latter part of the word (καλεῖν), and its being summoned out of the whole population is expressed by the first part (ἐκ.) (See “Cremer.” ) 2, συναγωγή, a bringing together, a gathering of persons or things. No. 1 may be expressed by convocation, this by congregation. The former ASS is aggregative, the latter congrega- tive. The former calls, invites, and summons men from the whole world to become its members ; the latter brought together the members of an existing society, excluding all others. The former is attributed to the Christ- tan Church, the latter to the Jewish synagogue. See under “ CHURCH.” 1. Acts xix. 32, 39. — Heb. xii. 23, see A (gen- ἧς 41. eral.) 2. Jas. ii. 2, margin, Greek synagogue. ASSEMBLY (GENERAL.) πανήγυρις, an assembly of a whole nation Sor a public festival such as the Olym- pre games: a high festival, a solemn assembly on such festival. (πανη- γυρικὸς λόγος is a speech or eulogy pronounced on any one at a public assembly, hence, the English word, panegyric, etc. ) \ Heb. xii. 23. ASSENT (-ep) [verb.] 1. συντίθημι, to place or put together, agree upon, settle. 2. ἐπικρίνω, to decide, determine, ad- judge. 2. Luke xxiii. 24, margin (text, give sentence.) 1, Acts xxiv. θ(συνεπίθημι, jouned in setting upon him, All) [8] ASSIST. παρίστημι, (a) trans. to place by or be- side ; (Ὁ) ntrans. to stand by or near so as to defend or help. b. Rom. xvi. 2. ASSURANCE. 1. πίστις, faith, the trust which one enter- tains or puts in a person or thing. Parallel to this is the meaning of conviction; a conviction based upon trust, not upon knowledge ; a persua- ston fortified by faith. A firmly relying confidence. A confidence cherished by firm conviction. 2. πληροφορία, full conviction, perfect certitude, (from πληροφορέω, to bring in full measure, complete an act), not an effect of the logical fac- AST ulty, but produced by the inner working of the Holy Ghost. 1. Acts xvii.3l,marg. faith. | 2. 1 Thes. i. 5 — Col. ii. 2, see A (full.) | — Heb. vi. 11, see A (full ) — Heb. x. 22, see A (full) ASSURANCE (ruxt.) 2, Col 11, 2. | 2. Heb. vi. 11. 2. Heb. x. 22. ASSURE. πείθω, intrans. as here, to persuade, to win by words, to influence. 1 Jobn iii. 19, margin Greek persuade. ASSURED (be fully) [margin. ] πληροφορέω, to bear or bring fully, hence, to give full assurance. (a) Pass. to have full satisfaction, to be fully assured. (a.) Rom. xiv. 5 (text, fully persuaded.) ASSURED OF (ne.) πιστόω, in pass. as here, to guarantee or give bail for one’s self, to become security for; or to be made faithful; to put trust in, confide. 2 Tim. iii. 14. ASSUREDLY. ἀσφαλῶς, safely certainly,(from ἀσφαλής, that cannot be tripped up or thrown down.) Acts ii. 36. ASSUREDLY GATHERING. συμβιβάζομαι, to cause to be put to- gether, metaph. to examine closely, to conclude from laying cireum- stances together. Acts xvi. 10. ASTONISHED (sr.) 1. ἐκπλήσσομαι, to be driven out of one’s senses by a sudden shock, to be ex- ceedingly struck iz mind. 2. ἐξίστημι, (a) trans. to change from one condition to another, to put out of its place, metaph. to drive one out of his senses; (b) intrans. to stand aside from, go away from, yield; to be out of one’s wits. AST 3. θαμβέομαι, to be astonied, astounded, amazed, (from θάμβος), (a) the active. θάμβος, astonishment, amazement. 4. « περιέχω, to encompass, surround, embrace. Lit. amazement, encompassed him. 1. Matt. vii. 28. 2b. Luke ii. 47. 1. —— xiii. 54. 1, — iv. 32. (make. ) δα. Acts ix. 6 (ap.) 2b. x. 45. 2b, —— xii. 16 1. —— xiii. 12, ASTONISHED MAKE. 2. Luke xxiv. 22. [ 74 ] ASTONISHMENT. ἔκστασις, any displacement o7 removal from the proper place. Metaph. of the mind, distraction, astonishment, entrancement. Mark ν. 42. ASTRAY (co, WENT, etc.) πλανάομαι, to wander, roam about. Metaph. to be misled, to err, be mistaken. Matt. xviii. 12 twice, 18, | 2 Pet. ii 15. 1 Pet. ii. 25. ASUNDER. See, BURST, CUT, DEPART, DIVIDING, PLUCK, PUT, SAW. AT in, of time, place, or element ; among. 2. ἐπί, (superposition) upon. (a) with Gen. upon, (as springing from) over, in the presence o7 time of. (b) with Dat. wpon, (as resting on) in addition to, on account of. (ο) with Acc. up to, (of place, number, aim); over, (of time, place, extent. ) 3. εἰς, (motion to the interior) into, to, unto, with a view to, (opp. of No.11.) 4, παρά, (juxtaposition) beside. AT (a) with Gen. beside and proceeding from, (used of persons as No.6 is of places. ) (b) with Dat. beside and at ; near, with, (of persons only, except John xix. 25.) (c) with Ace. (to or along the side of) beside, compared with, ὁ.6. so as to be shown contrary or superior to. 5. πρός, (in the direction of ) towards. (a) with Gen. hitherwards, (whence) in favour of, (occ. Acts xxvii. 34.) (b) with Dat. (resting in a direction to- wards) at, close by. (ο) with Acc. hitherwards, (whither ) towards, in reference to. 6. ἀπό, (motion from the exterior) from, away from. 7. κατά, down. (a) with Gen. (down from) against. (Ὁ) with Acc. (down towards) according to, throughout; ὧν reference to time, at or in, 1.6. at the period of, cor- respondent with, etc. 8. περί, around. (a) with Gen. (around and separate Jrom) about, concerning. (b) with Acc. (around and towards) around, about, (of time, or any οὐ- ject of thought. ) 9. διά, through, (from the notion of sep- aration, disjunction. ) (a) with Gen. (through as proceeding trom) through, by means of, (deno- ting instrument of an action. ) (b) with Ace. (through, as tending to- wards) on account of, (denoting ground of the action.) 10. ex, from, out of, (motion from the interior, opp. of No. 3.) ἔμπροσθεν, of place, before, in front; of time, before, earlier, ete. Matt. vii. 18, 2b. Matt. xxii. 33, 1, —— xxiii. 6. 2b, —— xxiv. 33. 1 ——4l. 5e —— xxvi. 18 2nd. 7b. —— xxvii. 10. 2b. Mark i. 22. 5c, ——— 3: 9 ΘΟ ο) 05 μα μὲν μαὶ μαὶ 9 καὶ μα Ἐῷ μὰ xix. 4. (Tr αν.) ba) 2b. Mark xi. 18. . Acts viii. 1, 14. 2b. ii, 17. ee aS "τ : πο Ap, . ——ix. 10, 18, 19, 22, 27. 28 (εἰς, into, " 6ο LTTrAN) eae Seay ΠΟ = 99 (om. Gx.) .— ii. 18. 33, 47. — iv. 18. Δ 82. . ——v. 5, Ἂν. . —— vii. 38. — viii. 26. 85, 41. — ix. 31. 43 twice. 2c. —— x. 25. 1. — xi. 15. 1. — xiii. 1, 5. —— xvii. 13, 16. xviii. 22. 15 2nd, 16. - xxi. 3. goatee Rr 1, ——xxv.4 (cis, into, GeoLTTrAn) 2a.—— 10. 3, —— 15. 1. —— 54. ..--... 37. 6. ——xxvi. 41st. . — xx. 10 (οπι. LT Tr | 1. ——— 42nd. AR.) 5 XXvii. 3. ------ 26. 3. —— xxviii. 12. 37. 1. Rom. i. 15. 46. 3. —— iv. 20. —— xxiii. 7 twice, 12. 1, —— viii. 34. --------- 17 (@.) ,.-.-- xxiv. 22. ——_ 27. 0. ———— 47. η John iv. 21, 40 twice, 46, ——— 53 οι. τὰν 5.) tb. —— v. 4(ap.) 2b.—— xiv. 16. 2a.—— vi. 21. ὴ 35. 1. ———— 39 (om. Tr A.) . — xv. 23, 32, 52. 8a ———— 41, 61. . — xvi. 8. 1. — vii. 11. «οσα ἃ. 2b.—— viii. 7 (ap.) : vili. 14. ᾿ . Eph. i. 1 (om ἐν Ἔφεσῳ, in Ephesus, Td AP δὲ) — ii. 12(om.G= LT ΩΙ ΠῚ ΑΔΕ. Phil. i. 1. —— ii. 10. 5 COL ο — ii 1. π Thes. ii. 2, 19. — iii. 1, 13. 1 Tim i. 3. 2 Tim. i. 18. —— ii. 26. 1. —— fii, 1] 3 times. 7b.— iv. 1 (Kad, πέος [by], αν 1 ΤΤτ Α Ν.) 1. 8, 13, 16, 20 twice. 1. Heb. xii. 2. 10. Jas. iii. 11. 1, I Pet. 1.7, 18. Ὁ, —— iv. 17 twice. 1. —v. 13. 1. 1 John ii. 28. δο. Rev. i. 17. 2c. —— iii. 20. 2c. —— viii. 3 Bio alt οὖ 5b. — xviii. 16. 1. —— 39. 5b. —— xx. 11 (No. 5b, G LT Tr A) (No. 1, &.) ob, ————— 12 twice. CO μα . ————10 twice, 12, 38. —— iv. 6 (No.1,G~aL απ Tr A.) a_i By: 40. —— v. 2. 2b, ———9. 4c.————10 (No. 5c, L T TrA®) 1. ——vii. 13, 29, — 10. 4c, ————- 58. 2b, — xxi. 12(ap.) See, ALL, ANY, ATTENDANCE, BEGINNING, CHARGES, COME, DEATH, DWELL, DWELLER, ATT FALL, FIRST, HAND, HOME, LAST, LAW, | LEAST, LENGTH, LOOK, MARVEL, MOST, NOT, NOUGHT, STRAIN, ONCE, ONE, PIETY, STUMBLE, TIME, WONDER. SET, SIT, WAIT, WINK, ATHIRST (anv Br.) διψάω, to thirst; and of the ground to be dry, parched ; jig. to desire ardently. Matt. xxv. 44. | Rev. xxi 6. | Rev. xxii. 17. ATONEMENT. καταλλαγή, the exchange effected; then the reconciliation, (for which δια- λλαγή and συναλλαγή are generally used.) ‘It denotes the result of the divine salvation, 1.6. the new moulding of the relation in which the world stands to God, so far as it no longer remains the object of His wrath,’— Cremer. (Occ. Rom. xi. 15; 2 Cor. πο 18.0.90} Rom. ν. 11. ATTAIN. λαμβάνω, to take, take hold of, ap- prehend. καταλαμβάνω, to seize upon, lay hold of, apprehend. φθάνω, to come or do before another, to be beforehand with, to overtake, outstrip; to come first. καταντάω, to come, arrive; to result, happen. παρακολουθέω, to accompany beside or near, follow close o7 on the heels; metaph. to follow close with one’s thoughts, ἐ.6. to understand. 4. Acts xxvii. 12. 4. Phil. iii. 11. — Rom. ix. 30, see A to. 1, ——— 12. 3. —— 31. oo 5. 1 Tim. iv. 6. (ready.) 16, see A (al- ATTAIN ALREADY. 8. Phil. iii, 16 (aorist.) ATTAIN TO. 2. Rom. ix. 30. (In other cases the word "το is represented by another Greek word.) ATT [πα] AUT ATTEND. εὐπρόσεδρος, one who constantly sits to or applies to anything. 1 Cor. vii. 35 (edwapedpos,same sense, All.) ATTEND CONTINUALLY UPON. προσκαρτερέω, to persist in a thing, apply diligently to ct; persevere. Rom. xiii. 6. ATTEND UNTO. προσέχω, to hold to, bring to o7 near; to turn one’s mind, thoughts, atten- tion to a thing; to attach one’s self to a thing, cleave unto tt. Acts xvi. 14. ATTENDANCE AT (αινε.) ATTENDANCE TO (αινΕ.)Τ προσέχω, see “ATTEND UNTO.” +1 Tim. iv. 13. | * Heb. vii. 13. ATTENTIVE (ΒΕ viry.) ἐκκρέμαμαι, to hang from, be suspended ; to depend upon (non. occ. ) Luke xix. 48, margin hang on. AUDIENCE. ἀκοή, hearing; the sense of hearing, and so the ear; a hearing, listening to; thething heard, report, saying, fame. Luke vii. 1. AUDIENCE (1νΕ.) ἀκούω, to hear, give ear, listen. Acts xiii. 16. | Aotsxv. 12. | Acts xxii. 29, AUDIENCE OF (ν tH.) ἀκούω, see above. Luke xx. 45. AUGHT or OUGHT. 1. τις, any one or thing. 2. οὐδείς, not one, nothing. 1. Matt. v. 23. 1. Acts iv. 32. 1. —— xxi. 3. 1. —— xxviii. 19. 2. Mark vii. 12 (with an- 1. Philem. 18. other negative.) AUGHT IF. εἴ, 18, τις, any one or thing. Mark viii. 23. | Mark xi. 25. | Acts xxiv. 19. AUGHT TO EAT. φαγεῖν, to eat. John iy. 33. AUGUSTUS’. Σεβαστός, reverenced, venerable; the im- perial name Augustus was rendered by this word. Acts xxvii. 1. AUSTERE. αὐστηρός, making the tongue dry and rough, harsh ; metaph. harsh, crab- bed. Luke xix. 21, 22. AUTHOR. 1. αἴτιος, causing, occasioning, with art. the originator. bo ἀρχηγός, beginning, originating, with art. the leader, founder, princely- leader. Acts iii. 15, margin. 2. Heb, xii. 2, margin be- . Heb. v. 9. ginner. bo AUTHORITY. 1. ἐξουσία, power (delegated ), authority to do anything ; permission, license. bo ἐπιταγή, injunction, command, 3. ὑπεροχή, a projecting or standing forth, a projection, prominent ; metaph, a surpassing, superiority, power, dignity. 1. Matt. vii. 29. 1. Luke xx. 2 twice, 8, 20, 1. —— viii. 9. 1. John ν. 27. 1» — xxi. 23twice, 94, 97. | 1. Acts ix. 14, 1, Mark 1, '22;'27. 1. —— xxvi. 10, 12. 1, —— xi. 28 twiee, 29, 33. | 1. 1 Cor. xv. 24. Ly xiii 34. 1. 2: Con τα ‘ 1. Luke iv. 36, 3. 1 Tim. 11, 2, margin em- iL vii. 8. inent place. 1. —— ix. 1. 2. Titus ii. 16. 1. —— xix. 17. 1. 1 Pet. iii. 22. 1. Rey. xiii. 2. AUTHORITY UPON (xxercise.) ἐξουσιάζω, to use authority, to have authority over any one or thing. — AUT 2. κατεξουσιάζω, to exercise.ov use ex- cessive or arbitrary authority. 2. Matt. xx. 25. | 2. Mark κ. 42. 1. Luke xxii. 25. AUTHORITY (or erat.) δυνάστης, a lord, master, ruler. Acts viii. 27. AUTHORITY (usr) [margin. | ἐν, in. βάρει, the pressure of a weight. εἶναι, to be. ; 1 Thes. ii. 6 (text, be burdensome.) AUTHORITY OVER (usurp.) αὐθεντέω, to use or exercise power over, to domineer, (from αὐθέντης, one acting by his own authority; 7 Old Greek, a self-murderer. 1 Tim. 11, 12. AVAIL (-ΕΤΗ.) ἰσχύω, to be strong in body ; to be mighty, powerful; to prevail. Gal. ν. 6. | Gal. vi. 15 (εἰμί, is, All.) | Jas. v. 16. AVENGE. 1. ἐκδικέω, to avenge, revenge, punish. ποιέω, to make, to do. ᾿ ἐκδίκησις, a revenging, vengeance. κρίνω, to divide, to separate, hence, to select. Then to come to a decision, to to judge, judge κρίμα, (the result or issue { judg- of κρίνω), the decision | ment. arrived at, decrees, de- terminate judgment, 1. Luke xviii. 3, 5. 1. Rom. xii. 19, 2. ——— 7, 8. 1. Rev. vi. 10. 2. Acts vii. 24. 8, —— xviii. 20, 1. Rev. xix. 2. AVENGER. ἔκδικος, carrying out o7 maintaining the right, avenging, wth art. an aven- ger, occ, Rom. xiii. 4. 1 Thes. iv. 6. Ε 1 AWA AVOID (-1xG.) 1. διά, through, (from the notion of separ- ation, disjunction. ) (a) with Gen. (through, as proceeding JSrom) through, by means of, (denot- ing the instrument of the action.) (b) with Acc. (through, as tending to- wards) on account of, (denoting the ground of the action.) 3. ἐκκλίνω, to bend out of the regular line, bent outwards or away; to turn away from, shun. 3. ἐκτρέπομαι, (in Mid. as here), to turn off or aside, to get out of the way, avoid. 4, παραιτέομαι, to beg of or from another ; to obtain by prayer; to avert by entreaty, deprecate; to decline, beg to be excused. 5. περιΐστημι, (a) trans. to put, place, set, lay, round a thing, ete. (b) Pass., Mid., and intrans., to stand round about; {ο step aside out of the way, shun, beware of. 6. στέλλω, to set, place, esp. to set in order, arrange, get ready, then (a) Mid. to put on, arrange as robes ; (b) Pass. to fit one’s self out, get ready. 9:1 Tim. vi. 20. 4. 2 Tim. ii. 23. 5b. Titus iii, 9. 2. Rom. xvi. 17. 1b. 1 Cor. vii. 2 (italics.) 6a, 2 Cor. viii. 20. AWAIT (Lay1NG.) ἐπιβουλή, a plan against another, a plot. Acts ix. 24. AWAKE (e.) διαγρηγορέω, to awake thoroughly. Luke ix. 32. AWAKE (-1NG.) 1. ἐγείρω, (a) Active, to awaken, wake up, rouse, stir; (b) Pass. to wake, rouse, stir one’s self. 2. διεγείρω, to wake quite up. AWA 3. ἐκνήφω, to awake sober, out of a drunken sleep, applied spiritually mm NL la. Matt. viii. 25. 10. Rom. xiii. 11. 2. Mark iv. 38 (No. 1, Tr | 3. 1 Cor. xv. 34 8. Luke viii. 94. [A &.) | 1b. Eph. v. 14 (No. la, All) ο] AWAKE OUT OF SLEEP. 1. ἐξυπνίζω, to rouse another out of sleep. 9 { γίνομαι, to become. ἔξυπνος, roused out of sleep. 1, John xi. 11. | 2. Acts xvi. 27. AWARE (BE.) 1. γινώσκω, to perceive, observe, obtain a knowledge of, hence, to know, be acquainted with, (as contrasted with No. 2, which denotes I learn, and expresses subjective knowledge. ) οἶδα, (perf. of obs. root εἶδω), I have seen, implies knowledge from with- bo to notice.) 2. Luke xi. 44. | BAC AWAY. 1. ἔξω, without, on the outside, out of doors. bo ἔα, imper. of edu, to let, suffer, permit. 1. Matt. xiii. 48. 2. Luke iv. 34 margin (text, let alone.) AWAY WITH. ” . . ο αἴρω, to seize, lift up, take away, imp. aipe, aipov,—away with, 1.6. to ex- ecution. Luke xxiii. 18. Acts xxi. 36. John xix. 15 twice. —— xxii. 22. See also, CARRY, CARRYING, CAST, CASTING, CATCH, CONVEY, DO, DONE, DRAW, FADE, FADETH, FALL, FALLING, FLEE, FLOOD, GO, LEAD, MOVE, PASS, PINE, PUT, PUTTING, ROLL, SAIL, SEND, TAKE, TAKEN, THRUST, / TURN, UNTAKEN, VANISH, WASH, WEAR, out, (obj. ) to have knowledge of, WIPE, WITHER. (No. 2 denotes not to forget, Vo. 1, 1. Luke xii. 46. AXE. ia ἀξίνη, an axe, (from ἄγω, fut. ἄξω, to AWARE OF (ΒΒ) break.) 1. Matt. xxiv. 50, Matt. iii. 10. | Luke iii. 9. ὴ 2. Matt. xi. 25. 2. Luke x. 21. BABBLER. ο. = καὶ 6: 2, Rom. ii. 20. 1. Luke i. 41, 44. 2. 1 Cor, iii. 1. η eae ab) al 2. Heb. v. 13. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 9, σπερμολόγος, (from σπέρμα, a seed, and λέλογα, perf. mid. of λέγω, a small bird, so called from picking up seeds. Applied by Athenians to idle fellows who lived on collecting the refuse of the market-places, hence, because these were talkative and noisy, applied to babbling, chattering fellows. Acts xvii. 18, margin base fellow. 1. βρέφος, a child while yet in the womb (ἔμβρυον), the new-born babe. 2. νήπιος, a babe without the power of speech, an infant, a minor. BACK [noun.] νῶτος, the back of a man. Rom. xi. 10 (non occ.) BACK [ady. ] ὀπίσω, of place, behind, backwards ; of time, hereafter, since the future is uncertain, and therefore behind us. Matt. xxiv. 18. See also, DRAW, DRIVE, FRAUD, KEEP, RETURN, ROLL, TURN. BAC BACKBITER. κατάλαλος, a speaker against another, a detractor. Rom. i. 30. BACKBITING. καταλαλία, a speaking against, open evil speaking as opposed to ψιθυρισμός, see ‘‘ WHISPER.” 2 Cor. xii. 20. BACKSIDE (on THE.) ὄπισθεν, of place, behind, at the back ; of time, after, in future, hereafter. Rev. v. 1 (ἔξωθεν, the outside, G~.) BACKWARD. > { eis, unto, 6, the, | ὀπίσω, behind, John xviii. 6. 3 A 5 ’ὔ εἰς τὰ ὀπίσω, backward. BAD. κακός, bad, (opp. to ἀγαθός, good.) It expresses the lack of those qualities which constitute a person or thing what it claims to be. Incapable, use- less, bad, generically, including every form of evil, physical and moral. πονηρός, (connected with πόνος, labour, pains), troublesome, bad, evil. /¢ expresses the more active form of evil, malignant, and describes the quality according to its nature, as No. 1 does according to its effects. campos, bad, in the sense of putrid, rotten, (from σήπω, to rot.) 8. Matt. xiii. 48. 2. Matt. xxii. 10. 1. 2 Cor. v. 10 (φαῦλος worthless, Gx» T Tr ο.) BAG. γλωσσόκομον, a case to keep the ton- gues of wind instruments in, then used for any small case, purse or bag. βαλάντιον, (βαλλάντιον, L T Tr Aw) | a bag or purse, into which money or other valuables are cast or put, (from βάλλω, to cast.) 2. Luke xii. 33. 1. John xii. 6. 1. John xiii. 29. ἘΠ 75} ΒΑΝ BALANCES (parr or.) ζυγός, any thing that joins two bodies ; the yoke or cross-bar tied to the end of the pole, and having collars at each end for the animals, then the beams of a balance, efe. Rev. vi. 5. BAND [noun. ] 1. σπεῖρα, any thing round, wrapped round o7 upon a thing, a twisted rope, a body of men-at-arms, used to translate the Roman manipulus— 2 centuries, also a larger body, a cohort. 2. δεσμός, a band, bound, fetter, any thing for tying or fastening. (a) in pl., bonds, imprisonment. 3. ζευκτηρία, fit for or belonging to join- ing, yoking, etc. 4. σύνδεσμος, that which binds together, a band or bond, that which is bound together, a bundle. 1. Matt. xxvii. 27. 1. Mark xv. 16. , 2a. Luke viii. 29. 2. 1. John xviii. 12. 1. 1. Acts κ. 1 Ist. 8: 4. Col. ii. 19. 2a. Acts xvi. 26. — xxi. 3l. —— xxii. 30 (om. All.) — xxvii. 1. 40, BAND OF MEN. 1. John xviii. 3. BAND (Italian.) ᾿Ιταλικός, Italian. Acts x. 12nd (italics. ) BAND’ TOGETHER. ( ποιέω, to make, to do, συστροφή, a rolling up together, then | any dense mass, ὦ body of men, a crowd, a seditious meeting. Acts xxiii, 12, BANK. τράπεζα, a table, esp. a dining table, then a money changer’s table o7 counter, a bank. Luke xix. 23. πότος, a drinking, BAN BANQUETING. esp. carousal, (non. oce. ) 1 Pet. iv. 3. Poe a drinking bout, rite of baptism. the act as a fact, result of the act. 2. βαπτισμός, the washing. BAPTISM. 1. βάπτισμα, an immersicn o7 with water, (washing unto purvica- tion from sin), used in N.T. for the washing It denotes as ο ο. 1 does the bo below. ) βαπτίζω, to immerse, baptize. _1. Matt. iii. 7. 1. Acts i. 22. Ἱ. xx, 22\(ap:),23 (ep:) Ὁ -- x. 87. 1: xxi. 25. 1. —— xiii. 24. 1. Mark i. 4. 1. —— xviii. 20. if x. 38, 39. 1. —— xix. 3, 4. 1. —— xi. 30. 1. Rom. vi. 4. 1. Luke iui. 3. 1. Eph. iv. 5. 1. — vii. 29. 1. Col. ii. 12 (Νο. 2, L™-) 1. —— xii. 50. 2. Heb. vi. 2. 1. —— xx. 4. 1. 1 Pet. 111. 21. BAPTIST. 1. βαπτιστής, the Baptist, the name of John suggested by the function com- matted to and exercised by him, ( See (a) part. with article denotes he who baptizes. 1. Matt. iii. 1. 1. Mark vi. 25. 1, —— xi. 11, 12. a: viii. 28. 1. —— xiv. 2, 8, 1. Luke vii. 20. 1. xvi. 14. 1, ———— 28 (om.G—> T 1 xvii. 13. TrAw&.) 2a. Mark vi. 14. [A &.) | 1. ——— 33. 1, ———— 24 (No. 2, TTr ! 1. —— ix. 19 BAPTIZE. βαπτίζω, (in form a frequentative or fac- BAR Acts xix. 4,5. The difference lies not in the Baptism, but in the relation thereof to Jesus Christ. By Baptism therefore we must understand an im- mersion, whose design like that of the Levitical washings and purifica- tions was united with the washing away of sin. (See “Cremer.” ) Matt. 111. 6, 11 twice, 13,14, | Acts 1. 5 twice. 16. [23 twice (ap.) | —— ii. 38, 41. —— xx. 22 twice (ap.), | —— viii. 12, 13, 16, 38. — ix. 18. Mark i. 4, 5, 8 twice, 9, —— x. 47, 48. —— x. 88 twice, 39 twice. —— x1. 16 twice. xvi. 16 (ap.) xvi. 15, 33. Luke iii. 7,12, 16 twice, — xviii 8. vii. 29, 80. [21 twice. | —— xix. 8, 4, 5. —— xii. 50. [33 twice. | Rom, vi. 3 twice. Johnie. 26, 20, 28. δν Όσσα ο ασ LGewice: —— 111. 22, 23 twice, 20. = TS. [17. — iy. 1, 2. —— xy. 29 twice. — x. 40. Gal. iii. 27. BAPTIZED (br.) Mid. and pass. aor. of above. Acts xxii. 16. | 1 Cor. x. 2. BAR. βάρ, Heb. “3, a son, see Mark x. 46; John i, 42 xxi. 15, 16, 17; Acts xii. 6. Matt. xvi. 17 (joined with Ἰωνᾶ, Jonas, by LT A.) BARBARIAN. βάρβαρος, a man who speaks a foreign or strange language. Barbarous, i.e, not Greek, strange to Greek manners and language. Zhe Eqypt- ians had a like term for all foreigners as the Chinese and Hebrews have now. After the Persian war, the word took the contemptuous sense of titive of βάπτω, dip or dye.) βαπ- τίζω to make a thing dipped or dyed. To immerse for a religious purpose, may be traced back to the Levitical washings, see Lev. xiv. 8, 9; etc., (out of which arose the baptism of prose- lytes), which were connected with the purification which followed on and completed the expiation from sin. What was unusual in John’s baptism was, that he performed the βαπτίζειν on others, whereas under the law each one accomplished it for himself. Baptism of John was the Baptism of repentance, see Mark i. 4; Luke iii. 3; Acts xiii. 24; xix. 4, and Christian Baptism is Baptism of Faith, see Acts xxviii. 4, Rom. i. 14, outlandish, brutal, rude. Zhe Ro- mans cven called themselves Barbar- dans, until the Greek language and literature became naturalized at Rome (prob. an onomatopoetic to express the sound of a foreign tongue. ) 1 Cor. xiv. 11 twice. Col. iii, 11. BARBAROUS. βάρβαρος, see “ BARBARIAN.” Acts xxviii. 2. BARE, γυμνός, naked. 1 Cor. xv. 87. BAR [ BARLEY [noun. ] κριθή, barley. Rey. vi. 6. BARLEY [adj. ] κρίθινος, made of or from barley. John vi. 9, 13. BARN. thing, a storehouse. Matt. vi 26. | Matt. xiii 30. ! Luke xii. 18, 24. BARNABAS. Βαρνάβας, son of consolation, surname of Joses, a Levite of Cyprus. In all places, except Acts xi. 25 (om. G2 LTTrAWN) BARREN. 1. ἀργός, not working, esp. not working the ground, living without labour, hence, idle; of money, etc., lying idle, yielding no return. 2. στεῖρος, barren, not bearing children. 2. Luke i. ip 36. | 2. Gal. iv. 27. 2. —— xxiii. 29. 1. 2 Pet. i. 8. BASE. ταπεινός, low, of place, lying low, of con- dition,. brought down, humbled, lowly, of style, low, poor. 2' Cor. x. Ἱ, BASE FELLOW (margin. } 3 ας See “ BABBLER. BASE THINGS. ἀγενής, unborn, uncreated, of no family, low born ; hence, low, vile. 1 Cor. i. 98. | | {.----.»ες.. BASER SORT (oF THE.) ἀγοραῖος, loose fellows spending their time idly in the market place. Acts xvii. 5. — ο -υ- τ | lay | ἀποθήκη, any place wherein to lay up a BE BASKET. 1. κόφινος, a wicker basket, the Jewish travelling basket, (prop. of a certain measure or capacity. ) 3, σπυρίς, a basket of a larger kind, a capacious enough to contaan a man.) 3. σαργάνη, a twisted rope, a rope bas- ket, a wicker basket made of twigs entwined with each other. . Matt. xiv. 20. — xv. 37. xvi. 9. a large hamper, (used for storage, and . Mark viii. 19. 20 Luke ix. 17. John vi. 13. Acts ix. 26. 2 Cor. xi. 33. ρε 10. Mark vi. 43. — vill. 8. ασ eet! δ τς | BASON or BASIN. νιπτήρ, a large ewer or vessel for wash- ing the feet. John xiii. 6. σσσὍσσσὍσσνσνσσσὍσὍ σοι BASTARD. νόθος, a bastard, (non. occ. ) Heb. xii. 8. 1 BATTLE. πόλεμος, a battle, a fight. ΤΟ ΘΕ σι θς Rev; ἀπο, ο αν δος Be ΒΕ, IT MAY BE, LET BE, MAY BE, MIGHT BE, SHALL BE, SHOULD BE, THAT MAY BE, THAT MIGHT BE, THAT SHOULD BE, THAT WOULD BE, THOUGH...BE, TO BE, WILL BE. When this word is in italics, there is no corresponding word in the Greek. Sometimes it is only part of another verb, or of a phrase for which there | 18 no exact equivalent. When it is an independent word, τέ is the translation of one of these follow- ing. 1. εἰμί, I am, the ordinary state of exist- ence, (for the ald between this word and No. 2 see Heb. xi. 6.) Present : (a) εἶ, thou art, (2 pers. sing. pres. ind.) * with pron. συ, thou. (b) ἐστί or ἐστίν, he, she, it is, (3 pers. sing. pres. ind. ) | a τ { D. BE (ο) ἐσμεν, we are, (1 pers. pl. pres. ind. ) (d) ἐστέ, ye are, (2 pers. pl. pres. ind.) (e) εἰσί, they are, (3pers. pl. pres. ind. ) (f) Subj. ὦ, I may be, 7s, thou may st he, 7, he, she, it, may be; ὦμεν, we may be, ἦτε, ye may be, ὦσιν, they may be. (6) Opt., εἴην, I might be, «ins, thou might’ st be, εἴη, he, she, it might be; εἴημεν, we might be, εἴητε, ye might be, εἴησαν, they might be. (h) ἴσθι, be thou, (2 pers. sing. imp ) (i) ἔστω (or ἤτω). and ἔστωσαν, (imp. ) be he or let him be, and be ye. (kx) εἶναι, to be, (infin.) * with Ace. of the noun before at denotes is, was, were, etc. + with εἰς, unto, to, and the art. denotes with a view to, to the end that. (1) ὦν οὖσα ov, being, (part.) * with Acc. of noun before it denotes that, art, οἷο.) or, art. Imperfect : (πι) ἦν, he was, (3 pers. sing.) (n) ἤμην, I was, (1 pers. sing.) Future: (0) ἔσομαι, (indic.) I shall be, ἔσῃ, thou shalt be, ἔσται, he shall be; ἐσόμεθα, we shall be, ἔσεσθε, ye shall be, ἔσονται, they shall be. (p) ἔσεσθαι, (inf.) to be about to be, then with μέλλειν, to be about to do anything ; which, followed by an infin. as here, to be about to do a thing,to be on the point of doing it. (q) ἐσόμενος, (part.) about to be. . γίνομαι, implying origin, to come into being, to become, or result, to take place, happen. ὑπάρχω, to begin, to start, to begin to be, (referring to original state and continued existence. ) φέρω, to bear. (a) pass., to be borne or carried from a place. eis, (motion to the interior) into, to, unto, with a view to. [ 60 1 BE τν εἰ, if, since, though. τυγχάνω, to hit, esp. to hit a mark with an arrow ; then to happen, be by chance. i the part. neut. aor. 2 above.) lh, Matt, ii. 13, B thou. la . 3, 6, lo. Vv. 21, shall B, 22, 3 times. 11, 37,]οὐ be (ἔσται, shall be, L A.) 2. 45, may B, lo 48. 1f. —— vi. 4, may B. 10. 5, will Β. 2. 16, 21, shall B. ibis 22 180. lo. ——— 22 2nd, shall ihe, τ ο. lo. 23 2nd, shall B. 10. 23 3rd. le. —— vii. 13, 14. lo. —— viii. 12, shall P. 9. —— ix, 29. 1f, —— x. 18 twice. lo. 15, shall B. 2. 16. lo. 22, shall Β. 2. 25. lo. —— xi. 22, 24, shall B. lo. xii. 11, shall B (om. T Tr A.) ΓΒ. lo. 27, 40, 45, shall 10. —— xiil. 40, 42, 49, 50, shall B. 1la*.—— xiv. 28. le, —— xv. 14. 2. 28. lo. —— xvi.19twice } shall lo ο. Se Β. le. 28. 1k. —— xvii. 4. to B. lo. 17, shall B. 2. —— xviii. 13. 11. 17, } shall lo 18 twice, Η. lo, —— xix. 5, shall B. 10. 10, 19. 19. 1k, ——— 21. 10. ———— 30, shall B. lo -xx. 1618, shall B. le. ——— 16 2ud. lo, ——— 26 Ist, shall B (No, 1», L Tr.) 9 90 2nd. li. 26 3rd, let ..B (No. lo, @w~ LTr®.) 1k. — 27 lat. li. 27 2nd, let .. B (Νο. lo, ο LTr &.) lo ii lo, —— xxiii. 11, shall B. 2. 26, may Β. lo. —— xxiv. 3, 7,9, shall 2. 20. Β, lo, -- το τ 21 1st, shall 8, 2, - 21 2nd, shall Ἐν lo, ——— 27, 37, 39, 40, 2. 44, [shall B. lo 51, shall Η. 10. —— xxv. 30, shall B. 2. ——xxvi. 5. Tb. 39. 2, ——— 54, Ja*, --—— 63. la, —— xxvii. 40. 10. ——— 42, lo, - 64, shall B . Mark iii. 14, shoutd R, if. —— vy. 18, might Β. . τυχόν, by chance, perhaps, (Acc. of of τυγχάνω, th. Mark ν. 34, lo. —— vi. 11, (ap.) shall lb. —— vii. 4, ΓΕ. le. ——1ix.1. 1k. 5, to B. lo. 19, shall B, 1k. 35 ‘ist, to B. lo. 35 and, shall Β, lo. —— x.8,31, shall Β. lo. 43 1st (No, 1b, LT TrARk.) 2. 432nd, will B. lo. -—— 43 3rd, shall b. 2. 44.150 (Νο. 1k, LTraA 55) lo. 44 2nd, shall B. 10. —— xii. 7, 28, ) shall lo. —— xiii. 4. bk. 2. ——7. lo. 8 twice, shall B. lo. 13, shall B. 2. —18. lo, ——— 19 150, 2, 19 2nd. lo. —— xiv. 2. 1k. 64, to B. lo. Luke i.15, 20, shall Β. lg. 29, ehovld B. lo. ——— 32, 33, 34, shall 2. 38. (BL. lo. —— 45, 66,2 shall lo. —— ii. 10, Ἐς 1k. 49, — — iii, 23, 569 B (he- la. ——iv, 3. [gan to) lo. 7, shall B. 18. ---- 9. lo, —— vi. 35 twice, shall 2. 36. lo. 40, shall B. lg. — viii. "9, mighs R. 1k* 38 that. might le. ——ix. 27. [B. lk, 33, to B. lo. 41, shall B. lg. 46, should B. lo. 48, shall Β (Νο. 194 ο LTTrA &.) 11, ——x. 6. lo. 12, 14, } shall lo. —— xi. 19, 30, lb. 35. lo. 36, ο shall 10, —— xii. 20, lo. “τ΄ 34, will 11, —— 35, γάρ Ἢ 20s 40. lo. 52, shall Β. lo. 55, will B. | 10. —— xiii, 28, 30 twice, shall Β, 1. ——xiv. 8. lo. 14, shall Β. lk. 26, 27. 10, -—— 31. lk. 33 2nd. aa xv. 7, shall P, — xvii, 24, 26, 30,31, bs 34, 35, shall B. | lo. 36 (ap.) 2, ——xix. 10. 2, —— xx. 14,emay B (Νο, lo, L™-) lo. —— xxi. 7, 11 twice,17, shall B. 29 111. "πὸ 23, 24, 25, οἶα BE κε. sai viii. 50 3.4, that | 2. Luke xxii. 26; let..B. 2, —— xxiii. 24. 1b. 35. 18". 37, 39. lo. 43, shall B. 14". John i. 25, lf. —— iii. 2, 2; 9. 11, 27. 2 ο σος abel B. 1k. —— vii. 4, to B. 1b. ος ο. le. et 33. lo. 55, shall Β. 2.— ix. Ὥ, should B. 10. 25. μὴ 27, lf. Ole 2. ——x. 16. la*. 24. lo. —— xii. 26, shall B.- οἰ 36, may B 2, 42, πα B. lg. —— ΧΙ. 24 (ap.) lf. —— xiv. 3, may B. lo. 1b, L Tr. = xy. 8, shall B. 1f. —— xvi. 24, 1f. —— xvii. 11, § 11. 19, might B. lf. may B. 24. 26, may B. lo. —— xix. 24, shall Ὦ, 2. —— xx. 27. lo. Acts i. 8, “shall B. 2. 20, let B. — —— 2?,see Bordained to be. li. —— ii..14. li. —— iv. 10. 1b. 19 1k. —— v. 36. ET, 38. he 39. lp. — xi. 28, that there | should Ἡ, lo. —— xiii 11, shall B. 6, 22. li. 38. ΄ 5. 47, to B. 11”. 47 2d, that... should’st B. lk. —— xvi. 15, to B. lk. —— xvii. 13, to B. 3. 27. 1b. —— xviii, 15 Ist 1k. 15 24, will B. le. —— xix. 26. 3. 36, to B. 2, —— xx. 16, to B, lo. —— xxii. 15, shall B. lp. —— xxiv.15,that there | shall B. le. —— xxvi. 3, to B. 2 - 23, to B (ποιέω, to make, L Tr A®.) Ip. —— xxvii. 10, that.. will B > lo. shall B. Ji. —— xxviii. 28. "1. Rom. i. 7. 1k.——— 22, to B. lf. —— ii. 25. 2. — iii. 4, {B. l1kt.—-— 26, that might i Ist, that με Β Vk" lkt 16, that might lo. 18, shall B, lo. vi. 5, shall B, 1k. —— 11, to Β. If. iad ν. 27, should B. If. — xi. 25, should B. if Phil i. Τὰ j may Β. Ti. — xiv. 14, to B. -- - -- Xvi, ny, see‘ house lf. ΤΌΣ, i. 10 twice. 1k. —— iii. 18, ba lf. —— v. "a, may B. lo. ey Vi 16, , shall Ἢ le. ----- Vili. ‘twice. εἰ shall B (No. may B. 21 twice, 22, 23, 6. ae ΕΣ τς ο, ο 37" that shall B, | κ — 6, it may B. 11. 2 Cor. i. re should B. ili. 3, to B (ital.) (ὅτι ἐστὲ, that ye arc.) .——iv.7, may B. Vili. 14, nay Btwiee. .— ix. 3, may B 5, that might B. . —— xi. 152nd, shall Β. .— xii. 6, shall L. 7. . ——— 11, shall B. 22 2nd, 25 2nd, 1k.—— ii. ὃ. 9, to B. 1]. —— iv. 1, 1, though. lf. —— ν. 19 2nd. 1k.—— vi. 3, to B. 13, that should ΤΟΝ, Eph i. 4, a 3 Γε 1 BEA lo. Jas. i. 25, shall B. 1k. 26, to Β. 3. —— ii. 15, 2. — ii. 1. hy 2nd , Shall Β. 1k.-———. 23, 1]. 4, though..B. i oops ἴα Β | 2. 10. 15, may B (No. 1k. iv. 4. δν lo.— v. 3, shall B. —— l7. li. 12, let B. ; 28. 2; 15, 2, —— iii. 21 (ap.) ὩΣ 18 (No. Io, αν lo. —— iv 9, shall Β. LTTrARN.) 11, to B. 1k.1 Pet. i. 21,that might B 2. Cok dit. 15, (with ὥστε, so that.) ΠΕΣ δὲ li. —— iii. 3, let ἘΠ" lo.—— iv: 17, shall B. Y. 13. 1k. 1 Tim. 1. 7,2 yop 2, 2 Pet, 1 3. lk. — ii. 12, "Ὁ Bs Sis if... Βίπάρειμι, 1k. —— iii. 2. to be present, Ι..) 12, let B. lo.— ii. 1, shall Β. iv. 6, shall B. 3. —— iii. 1], to Β. ilps 1f. 1 John i. 4, may B. oes 7, may B. lo.—— lii. 2, shal] B twice. 1ο. 2 Tim. ii 2,21, shall B. | 1ο, 2 John 2, shall Β. 5 24, lo. 3. 1o.— iii. 2, 9, shall B, 11. 12, may B. : 17, may B. 2. 3 John 8, might B. 1k. Titus i. 7. 10, Jude 18, should. B 9, may B. (ἐλεύσονται, shall come, 1k*.—— ii. 2, that..B. Gx.) 1k.— iii. 12nd, 2, to B. 2. Rev. i. 19. A 14. 2 — ii, 10 2nd. lf. Philem. 14, should Β. 2. —— iii. 2.: lo. Heb. i. 5, will B. 2. —— iv. 1. 5, shall B. lo.—— x. 6, should Β, 2. ——ii. 17, might B. lo. 9, shall B. y. 12, to ἘΣ — — xvi. 5 (with art.) πι. 15. which shalt B (no Vili. 4. Greek authority what- [ 10, will B. ever) (ὅσιος, holy, or | 10, shall B. the holy one, All.) 12, will B. lo.—— xx. 6, shall B. ix. 16, marg. be | lo.— xxi. 3 twice, 4 twice, brought in. shall B. 7, will B 7, 25, shall B. xii. 8: lo. 11. 10. lf. Jas. i. 4, may B. lo, —— xxii, 3 twice, 4twice, 18, that should 5, shall B. 19, let B. B. | lo. 12, shall B (No. 22. | .1b, Τ Tr A)(om.G—.) BE ORDAINED TO BE. 2. Acts i. 22, BEAM. δοκός, (from δέχομαι, to receive, because in building, beams are received at their ends into other pieces of timber) a beam or rafter. Jn 7.1. metaph. a great fault or vice, according ta a Jewish proverb. Matt. vii. 3, 4, 5. [ Luke vi, 41, 42 twlee, BEAR [noun.] ἄρκτος, (ἄρκος, All) the bear (non. oce. ) Rey. xiii. 2. BEAR [verb.] (BARE, BORNE, BAREST, -ETH, -ING.) 1. βαστάζω, to lift, (properly a heavy burden), lift up, carry ; carry off. ST BEA {[ 8.1] BEA 2. φέρω, to bear, hence, to produce fruit, ο ο. Ξε ον iv. 10, = to carry as a burden; to bear, en- ος hea ABLE INA man ee 1 twice, 4, see B dure, suffer pain, εἰς," to sustain, | , ot fee eR) αι ασ support; to bring forward (as 1 —— xxi 35 1. — vi 9, δ, 17. — — xxvii 15, see B | — Heb. v. 2, marg. see B 5 charges. ) ae into. Ἕ τες η (with. , : 1, Rom. xi, 18, — 3. ἀναφέρω, to bring or carry up; ence, | Α ane ae pov ay 5 j 1, ——xv. Ἱ. 7, Jas iii 12, to offer sac7 vices, 1.6. to bring them 5. 1 Cor. x, 13. rere up on the altar,* and hence again, | 10.— xiii 7. 1. Rev. ii 2, 3. to bear sins by imputation really, as | & —— *¥ 49 "ic" eee those sacrifices did tyyrcally. == 4, ἐκφέρω, to bring or carry out of or BEAR ABOUT. away; of the ground to bring forth περιφέρω, to carry round, to carry about or produce. with one, hence, to publish, make 5, ὑποφέρω, to bear up under ; hence, to known. suffer,t endure. 2 Cor. iv. 10. 6. αἴρω, to raise, lift up ; (applied to the mind) to suspend, keep in suspense ; BEAR LONG carry, remove, take away. ‘ ] πλ. ασ) εν µακροθυµέω, to suffer long, to endure or ΤΌΞΟ πι ώμος wait patiently, hence, to delay. about ; of trees, etc., to germinate, κ ἐπε produce. 8. φορέω, strictly implies a constant repeti- tron of No. 2, and therefore signifies to wear, as well as to bear; to bear about. 9. γεννάω, to beget, bring forth, bear ; gen. generate, produce, occasion. 10. στέγω, to cover closely, esp. so as to keep out wet ; gen. to keep off, fend off ; to cover over, shelter, protect ; gen. to sustain, support. 11. τίκτω, to bring into the world; of the father, to beget ; of the mother, to bring forth. 12. τροφοφορέω, to bring one nourish- ment, sustain; or, to carry about like a nurse (from τροφός, a feeder or nurse, and φορέω, to carry about, 866 No. 8.) *In Heb the victim iscalled ΓΙ >)y (from My, to ascend.) In Ixx., ἀναφορά, Pa 1. 20 + Comparo Lat suffero (sub, under; fero, to bear) and Eng. suffer. 1. Matt. ial 4). ] 1. Luke xiv. 27. — —— iv. 6, see B op | ——— xviii. 7, see B 1, —~ viii. 17 | long 1. —— xx 12. 1 ων ση 10 6. —— xxvii, 32. [5 2 —— xxiii 26. 6. Mark ii 3. 29. (take away.) 1. — xiv. 13 6. John i 29, marg. (text, 6 -—— xy. 21. 2 — ii. 8 twice, 9. Luke i, 12 1. —— xii 6. — — iv. 11, see Brp. 2. —— xv. 2twice 4, 8, 1. — vii, 14. 1. —— xvi. 12 7 — viii 8. 1 —— xix 17. 1. —— xi. 27. 1, —— xx. 15, 7. —— xiii. 9. 1. Acta ix 15. BEAR UP. αἴρω, see “BEAR,” Wo, 6. Matt. iv. 6. | Lukeiv 11 BEAR UP INTO. ἀντοφθαλμέω, to direct the eye against another who k0ks at one, to look in the face ; app. toa ship, to look the storm in the face, as zt were, to bear up against it. Acts xxvii 15, BEAR WITH. ἀνέχομαι, to hold up against a thing; hence, to bear with, 2 Cor. xi, 1 twice. | 2 Cor. xi. 4. BEAR WITH (reasonably) [πιατρίη.] μετριοπαθέω, to moderate one’s anger towards, to treat with mildness or moderation. Heb. v. 2 (text, have compassion on.) See, CHILDREN, FRUIT, HOSTILE, RECORD, WITNESS, further development, under “ cheru- bum.” ) 3. κτῆνος, property wm general, then, property zn herds or flocks ; hence, a beast of burden, and an- pl, cattle, for slaughter — Mark 1 18, see B(wild ) | 2 Rev. vi 1, 3, 5, 6, 7. 3. Luke x. 84... 1 - 8 — Acts x 12 2nd see B| z vii. 11 wild. 1. —xi 3. —— xxiii. 24 1. — xiii. 1,2, 3, 4 3times, —— xxviii 4, see B 11, 12 twite, 14 twice (venomous. ) 15 3umes, 17, 18. 9. 10; KV./2; 1. Hebd xii 20 . i 2 —— xiii 11. τς Ey 9K 10, 13. 1. Jag iii 7 ο — xvii. 3, 7, Btwiee, 2. 2 Pet. ii 12- ἱ 11.12 19,16, 17; 2. Jude 10. | 3. ce 18. 2. Rev. iv 6, 7 4times. 2, —— xix 4 2. 8, 9. lek: 19, 20 twice. 2. —v. 6,8, 11, 14 | 1. —— xx. 4, 10 BEAST (veNomovs.) 1 Acta κχν 4 34 5 2. 8. 1 Cor: xv. 99 2 1. Titns i. 12. 11. 2 1 1 BEAST (πΠρ.) 1. Mark i. 13. 1. Acts | χι 6 1. Acts x. 123πά (on G2 LTTrA®) See, FIGHT WITH, FOUR-FOOTED, SLAIN. BEAT (-EN, -ETH, -ING.) | 1. δέρω, to skin, flay of animals ; (like the slang words to tan or hide) to cudgel, thrash. 2. τύπτω, to strike, smite, beat, strictly with a stwk. 3, βάλλω, to throw at or hit with any kind of missile ; strictly opposed to striking, (No. 2.) In a ment. sense, to-rush, as a wind. ~ BEA [ 85 ] BEC BEAST (-s.) | 4. ῥαβδίζω, to beat with a rod or stick, Ι θηρίον, a,wild beast, a beast of prey, | cudgel. oP να as are hunted; a savage Sy Gee 25, 27, see B Τ᾽ ὃν 10, 11. deast. 1. — xxi. 35. 4. —— xvi. 22 a ; 9 : — Mark iv. 37, see B into. | 1. 37. 2. ζῶον, a living being, an animal, on | 1. — xii. 3, 5. 2, —— xvii, 17. account of life, which w its main | * 7A" ia πα ο κα feature. The appearance of the four ον λον Se πες ἐν margins ‘ * ---- 9, see vehe- ἧ πε. im Rev. represents the concentration miently (against oT a Gor. ix. "Ὁ of all created life in this world. They | + = a ο ee ee ‘are distinct from the angels, and symbolicat throughout the Scriptures of the future new creation (see, for ‘BEAT INTO. ἐπιβάλλω, to throw or cast upon. Mark iv. 37 (with eis, into.) BEAT UPON. 1. προσκόπτω, to strike against, esp. with the foot ; hence, to stumble, ete. rush against. | 2. Matt. vii. 25 (πλοσπαίω, same sense, Lm.) 1. 27 (προσρήγνυμι, to dash or break against as a flood, L™-) BEAT VEHEMENTLY UPON. προσρήγνυμι, to break or dash against as a flood, then | Luke vi. 48. BEAT VEHEMENTLY (acaryst...) προσρήγνυμι, see above. Luke vi. 49. BEAT WITH RODS. ῥαβδίζω, see “ BEAT,” Vo. 4. 2 Cor. xi. 25 BEAUTIFUL. | ὡραῖος, produced or ripened at the fit season, (from wpa, season of the year), seasonable as used of ripe | fruits, and as they are most beauti- ful when ripe, it comes to signify beautiful. Matt. xxiii. 27; Acts iil. 2,10; Rom. x. 15.. | BECAUSE. } 1. ὅτι, that. Jt points in general to some | existing fact, something which lies 2. προσπίπτω, to fall upon or before, to | | | BEC Pee BEC before us, and hence answers to that as well as because. In obj. sentences it is equivalent to Acc. with infin.; and as a particle of explanation for that, seeing that, because. 2. διά, through. (a) with Gen. through as proceeding Ὁ from, by means of; (denoting the instrument of an action. ) (b) with Acc. through as tending to- wards, on account of; (denoting the ground or reason of an action.) . διότι, for this reason—that, wherefore, on this account. καθότι, in what manner, so far as; inasmuch as. ἐπεί, since, since if so, since if other- wise. ἐπειδή, since truly, after that indeed, for truly. yap, (compounded of ye, verily, and apa,.therefore, hence, the fact is, in fact ; and when the fact is given as a reason or explanation, for. ένεκα, on account of, for the sake of; originally signifying to please or gratify one, as a favour to one, and next used of the motive or object of a thing; that which has brought on a consequence, (with ot, where, whither.) ἵνα, a final particle indicating purpose, to the end that, in order that (with the emphasis on the result. ) 9. 10. ὅπως, a jsinal particle denoting not only end or purpose, but is also a simple conjunction (correlative to πῶς how 1) denoting the way or manner. In order that (with the emphasis on | the method. ) ἀντί, over against, con- | taining the notion of | opposition ; as απ | equivalent, instead of for, in return for, which ἀνθ᾽ ὧν, in return for which things, 1.e. be- cause, ν ὧν, neut. rel. pl., things, 1. Matt. fi. 18. | 2b. Matt. xiii. 5, 6. 1. ----ν. 36. 1. 11, 13. 1 vii. 14, marg, how | — 21, 58, see B of. (69) (ri, why or how? | 1. ——xiv. 5. A VmG LTr.) } 1. —— xv. 32 1. —— ix. 36 1. —— xvi. 7, 8 1, —— xi. 20, 25. -π xvii. 20, see Β of. 5. —— συ, 92. 1, —— xii. 41, | | | | | 1. Matt. xx. 7, 15. 9. 91, 6. —— xxi. 40 (Χο. 5. Tr 1. — xxiii 29. (ΔΝ 2b. xxiv, 12, 5. —— xxvii. 6. -- 19, see B of. 1. Mark i. 34, marg. that. — — iil. 9, see B of. 1. 30. 2b,— iv. 5, 6. 1 29, 2b.— v. 4. — —— vi. 6, see B of. 1. 34. 1. —— vi. 19. 1, —— viii. 2, 16, 17. 1. —— ix. 38 (ap), 41. 1, —— xi. 18 (No. 7, T Tr 5. —— xv. 42. [a n.) 1. xvi. 14 (ap.) 11. Luke i. 20. 2b. li. 4. 8, ih 8. ——iv. 18. — —- v. 19, see B of. 2b.—— viii. 6. 1, 90, 2b. 1 ἢ: 15 49, 53. 2b.—— xi. 8 Ist. - 8 2nd, see Β of. if 18. 1. —— xii. 17. ~ 1, —— ΧΙ, 2, 14: 1. —xv. 27. i xvi. 8. 5 Xvil. 9. 2b.—— xviii 5. ]. —— xix. 3. 2b. -11 Ist, Πε ΙΙ, 1: 44, 2b. —— xxiii. 8. 1. John i. 50. 2b. —— ii. 24. 1. — iii. 18. if 19, 1. 23. -- 29, ] see B — — iv. 41, 42, of. 1. —— v. 16, 18, 27, 30. 1, —— vi. 2, 26twice, 41, 1. — vii. 1, 7, 22. 23, 30, 43, see B of. (39. 1. —— viii. 22, 37, 43, 44, Ἰ. ——ix. 16, 22. (45, 47. 1, ——-x. 13, 17. 7 26. l 33, 36. 1, —— xi. 9, 10. -- 42, see B of. 1. — xii. 8, γα, - 80, see B of. 1, 99, .- 42, see B of 5. —— xiii. 29. ἢ; xiv, (12, 17; 19, 58, 1. —— xv. 19, 21, 27. 1. —— xvi. 3,4,6,9,10, 11. Ί, 16 (ap.) 1 17, 21, 27, 82. 1, —— xvii. 14. 1, —— xix, 7. 5 31. -- 42, see B of. 1, —— xx. 13, 29. 1, —— xxi. 17. 1. Acts i. 6. 4. 24, 1 27. — — iv. 21, see B of. 1 - vi. 1 1. —— viii 20. — — x. 45, see B that. 2b,—— xii. 20. 1]. 23. 6. —— xiv. 12 — Acts xvi. 3, see B of. 1, ——xvii 18 (ap.) a 31 (Νο. 4, αν L Tats A κ) 2b.—— xviii. 8. 10. —— xx. 16. 1. — xxii 29, 2b.— xxvii. 4,9. — —— xxviii. 2, see B of. 1, —vi. 15. - -- 19, see B of. 3. —— viii. 7. -- 10, see B οἳ, ule 21. 1. 27, marg. that. 1. —— ix. τ, 28 (ap), 32. 1. —— xiv. D3. xv. 15, see B of. 1. 1 Corb: 1. —ii. 14. 1. — iii. 13. 1. —— vi. 7. —— xi 10, seo Β οἵ; 1. —— xii. 15, 16 ] 38, —— xv. 9. if 15. 1. 20ος υἱὲ 15 1. —— xi. 7, 11. — Gal. ii. 4, see B of. 1. 11 Ι. ----- ἵν. 6. — Eph. iv. 18, -- -----ν τ see B of. ὦ 2b. Phil. i 7, 1. —— i. 30. 1. —— iv. 17. 3. 1 1198, ii 8 1: 13. — 2 Thes. i. 3, see B that. 1, 10. 11.— ii. 10. if 13. 1. —iil 9, — — iv. 6, see B that. aa st ee cay 18. 1, —— iv. 10, 1, —-v. 12. 1. —— vi, 2 twice.- 1. Philem. 7. 5, Heb, τι, 18; 2b.— vii. 24. viii. 9. 2b.—— κ. 2. 8. ο 56, ὃ. 11: 3 98, 1. Jas. i. 10. 2b.—— iv. 2. 3. 3. 4 τα i. 16: 1. —— ii. 21. 1. —— Υ. 8 (αρ.) 1. 1 John ii. 8. = 11, see B that. iy 12, 1 19 3 times |4twice, 21 twice. 22, ἘΣ ο 19, 24, 16] ΓΙ, --- ἵν. 1, 4. ψ 5 9, see B that. 1. 19, 17, 18, 19. { 1. ------ τ. 6, 10. 1. Rev. ii. 4 j i. 14 (om. LT Tr.) 1 αντ. 1. ----- il Το, 16 1. --- ν. 4 1. —— xiv. 8 (ἢ, vho, LT G3 δ) | ht omits the whole verse. BEC BECAUSE OF. διά, see “ BECAUSE,” No. 20, ο κ- ἀπό, motion from the exterior, away from ; from, of, of origin, derivation ; from, on account of, of cause or occasion. ἐκ, motion from the interior, out of; from, of, of origin, etc., hence, the occasion and the reason as the source out of which a result flows. ἐν, in. > , ἐπί, Upon. {a) with Gen. upon, (as wernt g From) over, ete. (b) with Dat. upon, (as resting upon) on account of. (c) with Ace. upon, (by direction to- thought, feeling, speech. 6. πρός, towards, (in the direction of.) (a) with Gen. hitherwards, in favour of. (b) with Dat. towards (as resting in a direction towards) at, close by. (ο) with Ace. hitherwards, (of literal direction ;) of mental direction, to- wards ; then from the general notion estimation or proportion, in consider- ation of, and (ii) that of wtention, in order to. ’ 7. χάριν, (Acc. of χάρις, favour, grace, used adverbially) in any one’s favour, for his pleasure ; for the sake of a person or thing, on account of. , BECAUSE THAT. 1. γάρ, see “' Because,” Wo. 7. 2. διά, see “ Because,” No. 20. wards) towards, as the direction of of mental direction comes (i) that of 1 Matt. xiii. 21, 58. 1, Acts iv. οἱ. 1. —— xvii. 20. 1. xvi. 3. 2. —— xviii. 7. 1. — xxviii. 2 §ce.—— xix. 8. 1. Rom. vi. 19. 4. —— xxvi. 31, 33. 1. —— viii. 10 twice. 1, — xxvii. 19. fe 11, margin (text, 1. Mark iii. 9. . ὧν.) 1. —vi. 6. 1. —— xy. 12. 4, —— xiv. 27(om. ἐν ἔμοι, | 1. 1 Cor. xi. 10, inme, G3 TTr AR.) | 1. Gal. ii. 4. 1. Luke v. 19, | Τ. —— iii 19. 1. —— xi. 8> ΕΙ. Eph. iv. 18. 1 John iii 29. | Ι. ——v. 6. 1 — iv. 41, 42. | 1, Heb. iii. 19, 1 —— vii 43. ey? iv. 6. 1 —— xi. 42. 7. Jude 16. 1 —— xii. 30, 42 5c. Rev. i. 7. 1. —— xix. 42. 8; > ἡ an bed δ | ] | BEC 3. διότι, see “Because,” Wo. 3. 4. ὅτι, see “Because,” Wo. 1. 5. καθότι, see “ BECAUSE,” Wo. 4. 5, Luke i, 7. 3, Phil: 11, 26. 2. Acts viii. 11. 3. 1 Thes. iv. 6. 4, ——x. 45. : 4,2 Thes. i. 3. 2, — xviii. 2 . 4. 1 John ii. 11. 1, —— xxviii. 20, 4. aaa . 9. 3. Rom. i. 21. 1. 1&4, Rom. iii. 2 (om No. 1, sy Ἐς: L Tr Ab.) BECAUSE...WOULD. πρός, sce “' BECAUSE OF,” Vo. θα. 1 Thos. ii. 9. BECAUSE HE WOULD NOT. ὅπως, in order that. μὴ γένηται, it should not tt eippen. αὐτῷ, to him. Acts xx. 16. / \ BECKON (055, -1NG.) , κατασείω, to move downwards, ἐο move the hand to another, as a sign for him to be silent. τῷ νεύω, to incline in any direction, to nod ο) beckon as a sign ; to nod or bow in token of assent. 3. διανεύω, to intimate or signify by nodding or beckoning. 8. Lukei 22(with εἰμί, to — — V.7,seeBunto. [be.) 1, — xix. 33. 2. John xiii. 24. _ 1, — xxi. 40. 1, Acts xii, 17. "ὁ - 1. Acts xiii. 16. — xxiv. 10. BECKON UNTO. κατανεύω, to nod, esp. to nod assent ; (properly by inclining the head.) Luke v. " te BECOME (-ΕΤΗ, -ING, BECAME.) γίνομαι, denoting origin, to come into being, to be born, to become; or |} result, to take place, to happen, to become for oy as. ἡ ᾽ d ν᾽ * followed by εἰς, denoting equivalence, || Matt. xiii. 22, 832. John i. 12. i — xviii. 3 Acts iv. 11°. : —- xxi, 42° } ——— vii, 40, | EXViii, 4, ---- α, 10 || Mark i. 17. } —— xii, 18. — iv. 19, 32. ; Rom. 11, 19, | — 1x. 3. | iv. 18 | — xii. τὸ". i vii. 13. Luke xx. 17”, 1 Cor, iii. 18. BEC [ 88 Ἢ BEE 1 Cor. viii. 9 Philem. 6. 2. Matt. ix, 2, 6. 3. Luke xi. 7. —— ix. 20, 22 Heb. v. 9, 12. 1. Mark ii. 4, 9, 11, 12. 2, — xvii. 84, — xiii. 1, 11. — x. 33, 2. ——iy. 21. —— xv. 20 (om. All.) — xi.7. 1, — vi. 55. 1. 12 (om. TTrPAN) 2 Cor. v. 17. Jas. ii. 4, 11. 2, ——vii. 30,marg.(text, |) 2. Acts v.15 (κλινάριον, a — xii. 11. Rey. vi. 12 twice. table.) small bed, G2 L T Tr Gal. iv. 16 — viii. 8, 11.* 2. 30. 1, —— ix, 33. [AN Phil. ii. 8. —— xi. 15. 2. Luke v. 18. 3. Heb. xiii. 4. 1 Thes. i. 6 — xvi. 3, 4. 2, — viii. 16. 2. Rev. ii, 22. — ii. 14. | —— xviii. 2. See also DEAD, EFFECT, FOOL, POOR, SERVANT, UNCIRCUMCISED, UNPROFITABLE, VAIN. BECOME (to be fitting.) (-ETH, BECAME.) πρέπω, (a) to be conspicuous among a number, to be distinguished in or by a thing ; (properly of vmpres- sions on the senses) to become, beseem, suit. (b) Impersonal, it is fitting, it be- seems, it suits. Ῥ. Eph. ν. 3. | a, Titus ii. 1. a. 1 Tim. ii. 10. a. Heb, vii. 26. BECOMETH (1) Ὁ. Matt. ili. 15. | Ὁ, Heb. 11. 10. BECOMETH AS. ἀξίως, (adv. from ἅξιος, weighing as much, of equal value), worthily, deservedly Rom. xvi. 2. | Phil. i. 27. BECOMETH HOLINESS (as.) ἱεροπρεπής, beseeming a sacred place, person, or matter. Titus ii. 3, margin, as becometh holy women. BED. |. κράββατος, (kpaBarros, LT Tr ΑΝ), κράβακτος, κ.) It denotes a mean kind of bed, such as the Ancients used to recline on at noon, (Latin grabatus) a mattress for the poor. 2. κλίνη, that on which one lies, a couch for meals, or a bed to sleep on, used by the rich. 3. κοίτη, a lying; hence, a place of re- pose, bed, esp. the marriage bed. 16, Matt. xxiii, 30, had B { 2. BED (eke...) στρωννύω, to spread, spread or stretch out, strew ; to spread or make up a bed. 1. John νυ. 8, 9, 10, 11. Acts ix. 34. BEEN. (HAD, HATH, HAST, HADST, HAVE (SHOULD), HAVE (TO), HAD (THAT), HAST (THAT), HAVE b., WITH, HAVING.) When this word is not part of another verb or phrase it is the translation of one of these following. l. eiut, I am, (the ordinary state of existence.) (a) ἐστί, he, she, it is, (3 pers. sin. pres. wd.) (b) ἐστέ, ye...are, (2 pers pl. pres. ind. ) (ο) εἶναι, to be, (infinitive) *with the Acc. of the noun, that...been. (d) ὤν οὖσα ov, being (participle). (e) ἦν, etc., he, she, it, was, etc. (im- perf.) 2. γίνομαι, denoting origin, to come into being, to become; or resulé to take place, to happen. 3. διατρίβω, to wear away or consume by rubbing; hence, to spend, or pass away time, live. 4. ποίεω, to make, to do; with idea of time, to spend time on anything, to make the time long. προσμένω, to remain with, to wait still longer. Or Luke xvi.11,12, ) have B (jwe8a,8ame meaning | 2 All 21. le. John i ἜΣ ἐτοῖν, had B. le. —— xi. 21, 82, hadst 30, should have B(with ἄν)(ῆμεθα, Α]]) = le, —— xxv. 21 "4 Fi le. hast B lb, —— xv. 27, have B. 10, —— xxvii. ὃν. had B. | le, Acts iv. 13, had B. le. Mark vi.49 that had 6/2, —— vii. 52, have B. δ. --- ας 2, B with | le. xiv. 26, }had B 7 (have 2— xv. 2 o— εὐνῇ 10,had B(ap )|2. —— xix. 21, $s have το Luke ii, 44, "to have Β. |2. —— xx. 18, 6. —— iv. 16, πα, — xxiv. 10, that le. —— viii. 2, } had B. hast B. BEE . Acts xxv. 14, had B. . Rom. vi. 5, have B. 3 2. Col. iv. 11, hace B 2 ἢ 2. —— ix. 29, had Β. 2 2 4 le. 1 ΤΉΘΒ. ii 6, ἡ . — xi. 34, ) πι hath B. . 2 Cor. xi. 25, ? B. le. Heb. viii. 7, 5 have B. Yea B. le. 2 Pet. ii. 21, le.Gal.iii,212"4 le. 1 Johnii. 19, BEFALL (-ELL.) 1. γίνομαι, to come into being, to be born, to become, to arise, to happen. 2. συμβαίνω, to stand with the feet together; come together, meet ; of events, to come to pass, fall out, happen. 1. Mark ν. 10, | 2. Acts xx. 19 BEFALL (ΤΗΕ THINGS WHICH SHALL.) (Ta, ΤΡ things, (neut. pl. of ) fhe a) things συναντήσοντα, (part of συν- - ; which | αντάω, to come to meet . : hall together, z.e., to fall in Ξ ι with or meet one another. happen. Acts xx, 22, BEFALLEN TO (waar was.) τά, the things, (neut. pl. of art.) Matt. vili. 33, lit, the things of the, or relating to the demonized [men. BEFORE. 1. πρό, in front of, before of place, time, or superiority. 2. ἔμπροσθεν, of place, before, (as opp. to behind), in front of; of time, earlier, of old. 3. ἐνώπιον, being in sight; in one’s presence, face to face. 4. κατενώπιον, (No. 3 with κατά, (No. 10), against, prefixed), right over against, right opposite. 5. ἐναντίον, over against, fronting; in hostile signification, against. 6. ἐπί, upon. (a) with Gen. upon and proceeding from (e.g. a pillar ;) over, in the presence of, hence, before; fig. on the basis of, upon or before. (b) with Dat. upon and resting upon; over of superintendence, etc. ; in ad- dition to, on account of ; on or at, [ 89 ] 2. 1 Tim, ν. 9, having | opposite, | BEF etc., as the ground-work of any fact or circumstance. (ο) with Acc. upon, by direction towards, (motion being implied); to, implying an intention for, against. 7. εἰς, (motion to the interior) into, to, unto. 8. παρά, beside (of juxtaposition.) (a) with Gen. beside, as proceeding Jrom, from beside. (b) with Dat. beside and at; with, in the estimation of. (c) with Acc. beside, as alongside of ; so as to be compared with, as contrary or superior to, etc. 9. ἐν, in, of time, place, or element ; among. 10. κατά, down. (a) with Gen. down from, against. (b) with Acc. down towards, down upon or along, throughout, in ref. to time at or in, 7.e., correspondent with, at the period of, over against. 11. πρός, towards (in the direction of.) (a) with Gen. in favour of. (b) with Dat. at, close by. (ο) with Acc. towards, in reference to. 12. ἀπό, ἴγογα, (motion from the eaterior) away from, hence, sometimes de- noting cause or occasion, from, on account of. 19. ἔναντι, in against, opposite, over against. 14. ἀπέναντι, (No. 13 with ἀπό, (No. 10) || prefixed), opposite, over against, in the presence of. 15 κατέναντι, down over against, {,ο., in the sight and estimation of. 16. πρῶτος, (a superl. from πρό, No.1), the first, foremost, of place, rank, or time. 17. πρῶτον, (neut. sing. of No. 16, used as adv.) first of time, whether in a superl. sense or compart., before of order or dignity. 18. πρότερον, before others, of place, time or rank ; formerly. (a) with art. the former time, etc. (b) with ἐάν μή, except, unless. BEF πρό, before, see No. 1, before hie face, counten- the ance ; ἃ person, face. (εἰ. into, unto, sce Λο, 7, | to 90. - πρόσωπον, a face, a person, > the ὶ see No. 19, | face. ν, in, : 2] [τὸ the, a μέσος, middle, in the mid- ‘dst ( dle, in the midst, cake 22. πρίν, before, formerly, erst, one time. (a) with ἡ, before that, sooner than, τν Mattt. i. 18. 2. John 1. 15 1st. — ν. 12. 16. 15 2nd. 2 16, 24. 2. 27 (ap.) 2 πα 2 2 30 Ast. Ἱ. 8. 16. 30 2nd. ΤῸ vars ἃ 1. 48. 1. viii. 29. 9 iii, 28. 6c. —— x 18. ΠῚ ὍΣ: | 2 80 twice, 33 twice. | 1Sa.——vi. 62. 1. —— xi. 101+. 18b vii. 51(No.17,with | Ω͵ 10 2nd. ἔαν μή, except, GL T 51. —— xiv. 6. Tr AR.) 2. -—— xvii. 2. | 22 viii. 58 Ἱ. —— xxiv. 38 (om. G—= | 18a.— ix. 8. 2. —— xxv. 32. (TA.) | 2 —x. 4 22, —— xxvi. 81 ed g. | 2. 70. 13. == at, 5 2D. 75; i, —<——"xni5 1. ΓΙ 2 —— xxvii. 11. 3. - 81. }| 14. 34 (No.15,LTr.) | 1. — xiii. 1 1] 2. 29. Γι -1y μα. Mark i, 1. | 99 —— xiv. 29. 2. 2nd (om. AJl.) |.17. —— xv. 15 5 — ii. of ἂν xvil. 5, 24. | | ey ee 22a. Acts ii. 20 (om. 4, G— 6a. ——‘xiii. 9. a 95. {(LTrh.) 22a. xiv. 30. Bs iv. 10. 22, 72 Γ᾿ ν. 25 .(Νο. 6a, L T 3. Luke i. 6(No.8,Tr AR.) | 9. ο Πτα) 13, 8 (No.5, G~ 8.) | 1. 36. 3. 17, 15. ath 1. 76. 22a.—vii. 2 1. —— ii. 21. 2Η 40. 22a. 26. 9, 40. 100. 91. 5. —— viii. 32. 3. — v.18. 3. ——ix. 15. 2. 19. 3 —x.4(No.2,LTTr 3, 25. be. 17. {A ®) Ἐ vii. 27 Ist 3 30, 33. 2) 27 dnd. | 1, —— xii. 6, 14 = Viil. 47 1st, see fall | 19. —— xiii, 24 down B | 1. -- xiv. 19 3. {7 2nd. 20 ——xvilt 17 1, —— ix, 52. 3. —— xix 9,19 1 —x. 1. 1, —— xxi. 38. 1. — xi. 38, 7. ——xxii. 30. 3. — κι 6 6a, —— xxill. 30. 9 _ twice. 6a, —— xxiv. 19, 20 3, -- 91st (No.2,LN.) | 6a —— xxv. 9. 3. 9 δα ) — ——— 16, sce B that: 9, — xiv. 2. δα 26 twice, 3. xv. 18. 9 --- xxvi, 2 3, xvi. 15. lle 26. 5 ——— xix, 4, 27, 38, Sb. Rom. ii. 13, 5, ——xx. 26 14. —— iii. 18 1. —— xxi. 12 118, llc. ——iv. 2. ͵ { 6c. 12 2nd 15. 17, margin Like 2. 36. ] “V1.7: [wnlo. 1. —— xxii. 19. νου ή - 84, see B that. 1. ——iv. 5. 99. 61. | Ga. —— vi. 1 twice, 6, — — xxiii, 12,seeB(be.) 18 2 Cor. i. 15. 3. 14. v. 10 δ, —— xxiv. 19. 6a. vii. 14. 9 43. | 20, —— viii. 24, - [ 90 ] BEG 4. 2 Cor. xii. 19(No.15,G~ | 1. Jas, v.9. L Tr Α &.) πι ct) ede AO), ᾿- Gal. ars Ευ. 2 Pet. ii. 11 (om. ‘‘be- ο. 20. fore the Lord,” ᾱ- L Ls, = a) 12. 1 John ii. 983. [T Trb.) 5; 14. 2. --,Ξὄ-- πὶ. 19, 10b. —— iii. 1. 3. 3 John 6. ils 23 1st 3. Rev. i, 4. 1. Eph. 1. 4 1st. 3. ii. 14. 4. 4 2nd. 3. —— iil. 2, 5 twice 8, 9, 2. Ρας, 15. 3. —— iv. 5, 61st. που ας 2. 6 2nd, 2. 1 Thes. iii. 9, 13. 5) ins 18a. 1 Tim. i. 13. 3. — Vv. 3. ——v. 4. 3. —— vii. ας 11, 15. θα, 19, marg.under. | 3. —— viii. 2, 3, 4, 3. — 20, 2] Ist. 3. — ix. 18. - — 21 “n4d,see prefer | b,— x. 11. 3. —— vi. 12. 3. —— xi. 4 16. 6a, ——— 19. 3. —— xii. 4, 10. 1. 2 Tim. i. 9. 3. —— xiii. 12. 3. ——ii. 14. 3. —— xiv. 3 twice, 3. ——iv. 1. 3. ———— 5 (ap.) τῇ Ὡς 8, —— xv. 4. 1. Titus i. 2. 3. —— xvi. 19. 1. Heb. xi. 5. 3. —— xix. 20. Sb. Jas. i. 27. 3. —— xx. 12. 7. ——ii. 6. 2. —— xxii. 8. BEFORE (1Η) mpovrapxw, to be before ο). beforehand in a thing; intrans., to exist before, to be formerly. Σ Luke xxiii. 19, BEFORE THAT. 22a, Luke xxii. 34 (ἕως, until, LT Tr A.) 22a. Acts xxv. 16. See also, APPOINT, BEGIN, BROUGHT, CHOOSE, CONFIRM, DAY, DETERMINE, FALL, GO, GOSPEL, HEAR, INSTRUOT, KNOW, MED- ITATE, NEVER, NOTICE, ORDAIN, PREACH, PREFERRING, PRESENCE, PROVE, RUN, SAB- BATH, SAY, SEE, SET, SHOW, SPEAK, SPOKEN, STAND, SUFFER, TAKE, TELL, WORLD. BEFOREHAND. See, MAKE, MANIFEST, OPEN, TESTIFY, THOUGHT. BEFORETIME (xe.) | προὐπάρχω, to be before or beforehand ina thing, intrans. to exist before, to be formerly. Acts viii. 9. BEG. 1. αἰτέω, to entreat, beg, supplicate ; at implies a distinction in position and circumstances between the partres BEG [ 98 7 and expresses a petition from an in- Serior toa superior, see under “pray” _and “ask, 2. προσαιτέω, to ask besides, to demand more ; to continue asking, and so to beg, ask an alms of one ; to beg hard. 3. ἐπαιτέω, to ask besides, to beg ag a τς mnendicant. 1. Matt. xxvii. 58. 2. Luke xviii. 85 (No. 3, L 2. Mark x. 46 (προσαίτης, TTrA®.) abeggar, TTr A.) | 1. —- xxiii. 52. 3. Luke xvi. 3. 2. John ix. 8. BEGET. 1. yevvaw, to beget; of the mother, to bear, bring forth. Jfet. an influence excited on some one moulding his life. 2. ἀποκυέω, to bring forth; to beget when spoken of the male. . Acts xiii. 33. . 1 Cor. iv. 15, 1. Matt. i. 23 times s3times, [1 1 1. Philem. 10. 1 1 4 3times 5 3times δ twice 7 3times g3times Ὁ 3times 10 3 times, 11, 12 twice, τας times, 14 3 times, 118 3 mes, Ἴ6. | 2. Jas. i. 18. 1. Acts vii. 8; 29. 1 John v. 1twict, 18, . Heb. i. 5. στ.» BEGET AGAIN. ἀναγεννάω, to beget again, to bear again. (occ. 1 Pet. i. 23.) ΘΟ i. ο, πτωχός, one who crouches or cringes, hence as a subst., a beggar. Luke xvi. 20, 22. BEGGARLY. πτωχός, sce “ BEGGAR.” Gal. iv. 9. BEGIN. 1. ἄρχομαι, (in Mid.) to be first, and that in point of time, to begin, make a beginning (both Act. and Mid. as here. a 2. ἐνάρχομαι, to make a beginning of. 3. προενάρχομαι, to begin before or al- ready, to begin in. | | | | BEGGAR. | | | | | | ρα η | | & | | BEG ἐπιβάλλω, to throw or } tolay hands 4 cast upon, to lay on or tb on, είσ., xetp, the hand, thrust forth his hands. 5. μέλλω, to be on the point to do any- thing, to be about to do. BEGIN BEFORE. 1. Matt. iv. 17. 1. Luke ix. 12. 1. -— xi. 7, 20. 1. — xi. 29, 53. 1. —— xii 1. 1. —— xii. 1, 45. 1, —— xiv. 30. 1. —— xiii. 25, 26. 1. —— xvi. 21, 22. 1. —— xiv. 9, 18, 29, 30. 1. —— xviii. 24. 1. —— xv. 14, 24. 1. —— xx. 8. 1. —— xix. 37, 45. 1. —— xxiv. 49. 1. —— xx. ὃ. 1, —— xxvi. 22, 37, 74.° 1, —— xxi. 28. 1. Mark i. 45. 1. —— xxii. 23. 1. —— ii. 23. 1. —— xxiii. 2, 5, 90. 1, — iv. 1. 1. —— xxiv. 27, 47. 1, ——v. 17, 20. 1. John viii. 9 (ap.) 1. —— vi. 2, 7, 34, 55, 1. —— xiii. δ. 1, —— viii. 11, 31, 32. 1. Acts i. 1, 22. 1, ——x. 28, 32, 41, 47. 1 ii. 4, 1, —— xi. 15. 1. — viii. 35. 1. — xii. 1. 1. —— x. 37. 1. —— xiii. 5. 1. —— xi. 10. 1. weer | 19, 33, 65, 69, | 4. —— xii. 1, marg, (text, Mile stretch forth.) 1, —— xv. 8, 18. 1. — xviii. 26 1. Luke iii. 8. 1. —— xxiv. 2. τς 23, with εἰμί, to | 1. XXVii. 35. | be (lit, 2as—when be- | 1. 2 Cor. iii. 1. ginning.) 3. viii. 6. | | 1. —— iv. 21. 2. Gal. iii. 3. 1. —-vy. 21. ad. Pet. ive 1]. i 1. —— vil. 15, 4 38; 40) |'5. Rey. τα | BEGIN AT THE FIRST. , | | λαμβάνω, to take or re- | receive | ceive, a » . . . . . . ἀρχή, beginning, origin, / beginning. | ς Heb. ii. 8. 8. 2 Cor. viii. 10. BEGIN πρῶτον, first, in the 1 Pet. BEGIN εἰμί, I am, the verb of ordinary existence. Luke iii. 23 (with αρχόµαι, lit, was—iwhken beginning.) See also, AMEND, DAWN, SINK, WANTON, WORLD. BEGINNER [margin.] | ἀρχηγός, beginning, a leader, founder, or chief. ‘ Heb. xii. 2 (text, author.) FIRST. first place. iv. 17. | | TO BE. | | | | originating ; as suds. first father, prince BEG {98} BEH BEGINNING. 1. ἀρχή, beginning, origin. bo . πρῶτος, the first, foremost of place, rank or time. 1. Matt. xix. 4. 8. 1. Heb. 1. 10. a xxiv. 8, 21. 1. ~— iii. 14. 1. Mark i. 1. 1. - — vi. 1, marg. (text, 1. —x. 6. principles.) 1. —— xiii 8, 19. 1. —— vii. 3. 1. Luke i. 2. 2. 2 Pet. ii. 20. 1. John i. 1, 2 1. iii. 4. 1. —— ii. 11. 1. 1 John 1. 1. 1. —— vi. 64. i: ii. 7 Ist, 13, 14, 1. —— viii. 25, 44. 24 twice. 1. —— xv. 27. πε 72nd (om. ΟΞ: L ἢ. xvi. 4, Τ ΊτΑ Ν) 1. Acts xi. 15. 1. —iii 8, 11. 1. Phil. iv. 15. 1. 2 John 5, 6 1. Col. i 18. 1. Rev, i, ο. α LTTr 1. 2 Thes. ii. 13 (ἀπαρχήν, anoffering of first-fruits, a σαι 1 τς instead of an’ ἀῤχῆς, | 1. —— xxi. 6. Jrom the beginning, L.) | 1. —— xxii. 13. BEGINNING (at ΤΗΕ.) πρῶτον, first, at the first. John ii. 10. BEGINNING (From THE.) ἄνωθεν, of place, from above ; of time, from the beginning. Acts xxvi. 5. See also, REHEARSE, WORLD. BEGOTTEN (ONLY.) μονογενής, only begotten; wsed to denote the relation of Christ to the Father. John i. 14, 18 ; iii. 16, 18 ; 1 John iv. 9. BEGOTTEN SON (onty.) Heb. xi. 17. See, FIRST-BEGOTTEN. BEGUILE. 1. δελεάζω, to entice or catch by a bait. 2. ἐξαπατάω, to cheat, deceive, beguile thoroughly 3. παραλογίζομαι, to reckon wrong, mis- count ; to reason falsely ; then, to cheat or delude by false reasoning. οσο ἈΠ. 8 3. Col. ii, 18, see reward, 8. Col. ii. 4. 1, 2 Pet. ii, 14, BE HALF. μέσος, a part, share; one’s portion or lot. | 2 Cor, 1% 8, 1 Pet. iv. 16 (ὄνομα, name, Ge LT TrA®) BEHALF OF (ιν) ὑπέρ, over. ee (a) with Gen. (over and separate From) on behalf of, for (a as though bending over to protect.) ὑπέρ may thus de- note instead of, but does not determine the way in which the service is per- Sormed. It only affirms it. ἀντί on the other hand is strictly definite. (Ὁ) with Ace. (over and towards) be- yond, above. a. Phil. i. 29. BEHALF (ον.) 1. ὑπέρ, see “ BEHALF OF (IN) ” (a.) 2. ἐπί, upon. (a) with Gen. (as springing from) over, in the presence or time of. (b) with Dat. (as resting on) in ad- dition to, on account of. (ο) with Acc. (upon, by direction to- wards) up to, over of time, place, or extent. 3. περί, around. (a) with Gen. about, concerning, as the - object of thought, emotion, ete. (b) with Acc. about, round about, of place or time. 2b. Rom. xvi. 19 (τὸ ἐφ᾽ ὑμιν, om. art, α- LT} 1. Tr A &, denote over} 1. you.) 1. 8a. 1 Cor. i 4. ZiGor, ἃ. 1.1. ψ, 12; viii. 24. BEHAVE...SELF. 1. ἀναστρέφω, to turn upside down. (a) Pass. or Mid., hence, to turn one’s self around, to move about in ὦ place, hence, to sojourn, dwell ; then of the manner of this dwelling, to behave, conduct one’s self. γίνομαι, to begin to be, come into existence, (implying origin, result, or change of state.) 2. 1 Thes, ii. 10. ] la, 1 Tim. 111, 10, See also, DISORDERLY, UNCOMELY, UNSEEMLY. ‘BEH [οι BEH BEHAVIOUR. BEHIND (wutcn 1s.) κατάστημα, the condition or constitution | ὑστέρημα, a coming short, deficiency, of anything ; spoken of external’ cir- want. cumstances or, deportment, Col. i. 24, plural. Titus ii. 3. ee See also, TARRY. BEHAVIOUR (oF coop.) κόσμιος, well ordered, of persons, orderly, BEHOLD. well behaved, discreet, ete. - ἈΞ (-EST, -ING,- BEHELD.) a παν ait, 2, raarg. maceat. | ΤΙ ὁράω, to see, is used of bodily sight, and πὰ. is referred to.the thing seen, whether wn itself (objectively ), or in regard to BEHEAD. ats impression on the mind (subjec- 1. ἀποκεφαλίζω, to cut off the head. tively ;) see No. 7. 2. πελεκίζω, to cut with an axe, hence, 2. εἶδον, (from root εἴδω, used as aor. act. to behead, (πέλεκυς, an axe.) Jor No. 1) to see, same signification it always assumes that the object is actually present. BEHIND. 10. ἀναθεωρέως (No. 9 with ἀνά emphatic (THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE.) prefixed ), to look at purposely, to || ra, the things gaze upon, consider attentively. a behind. | 11. θεώομαι, to fix the eyes upon an ob- |} f | ! 4 1. Matt. xiv. 10. | 1. Luke ix. 9 as No. 1. ας. 16; 27. ae er 3. ἰδού, (imperat. aor. mid. of above) be- hold ! calling attention to what may be seen, heard, or apprehended in BEHIND. any way, see No. 1. 1. ὄπισθεν, of place, from behind, at the | 4. ide, (imperat. of above) used as inter- back ; of time, after, in future, jection, see No. 1 hereafter. 5. ἐπεῖδον, (No. 2, with ἐπί, upon, pre- 2. ὀπίσω, of place, behind, backwards. fixed) to look upon, regard. 1. Matt. ix. 20. 2. Luke iv. 8 (ap.) (a) with ἐπί, upon. “A ο τ - Vii. να 6 é , ων f a | Pe 1. ark V —— Vili. 7 δ 4 . ί . Ας Baer . ἐποπτεύω, (derw. of No. 1, with ἐπί), Sika: ise. to look over, overlook, watch ; to ς to be an eye-witness of. 7. βλέπω, denotes the act of seeing, and BEHIND (58). " as referred to the organ (as No. 1 ts 4 : to the thing seen.) Both thisand No. ὑστερέω, to be behind or later ; of place 1 are applied ) mental vision, but ο ος, after, metaph. to No. 7 implies greater vividness, to ee δν : ik pass. esp. to be in express α more intent, earnest spirit- want ol, to lack, miss, ual contemplation. é .. > ΄ 9 , 4 9 νομος τ 8. ἐμβλέπω, (No. 7 with ἐν, in or on prefixed), to look upon, view with steadfastness and attention. BEHIND (come,) (a) with εἰς, unto, denotes look unto, ete. « ΄ ὑστερέω, see αὐουε. - 9. θεωρέω, to look at, gaze upon, akin to 1 Cor. i. 7. No. 7, but when used of bodily vision Phil. iii. 13. ject; (it ts referred to the subject, as Ἴ neem ee ee ι΄... -- — intently, contemplate, observe. 12. κατανοέω, to perceive, to observe ; it is the mental correlative of sensa- tional perception, conscious action of the mind, to understand, apprehend, learn, know, see tothe object of knowledge rather than the fact of knowing (cf. γινώσκω.) 3. Matt. i. 20, 23. 9. Luke xxiii. 45, 48. BEH [ 94 ἢ No. 9 is to the object), to look at | δ. 3. — ii. 1, 13, 19. 1; 49, 3. —— iv. 11. 9. 50. 84.— vi. 26 ΠΠ. 55 7. —vii. 3 3. —— xxiv. 4. 3, —— 4. 7. 12 (ap.) 9. —— viii. ο, 24, 29, 32, | 3. 13. | 84, (32, | 2. 39. 3. —— ix. 2, 3, 10, 18, 20, 18; 49. 3. ——x. 16. 11, John i. 14. 3. —— xi. 8, 10, 19. 4, 29, 36 3. —— xii. 2,10, 18, 41, 42, | 8. 42, 3, —— xiii. 3. [46, 47, 49. | 4. 47. 3. — xv. 22. 4, —— iil. 26. 3. —— xvii. 3, 5 twice. 3, —— iv. 95. 7. —— xviii. 10 ο» —— xi 1b 3. —— xix. 16. 3. — xvi. 32. 8. 26. 3. —— xix. 26(G@~)(No.4, 3. 27. GLTTraA. 3. —— xx. 18, 30 3. ———— 27 (No. 4, LT 3. —— xxi. 5 Tr A) (No. 2, &.) 3. —— xxii. 4. 7. Actsi. 9. 8. —— xxiii. 34, 38. 3. ———_ 10. 8. —— xxiv. 25, 26 twice. 3. ——ii. 7. 3. —— xxv. 6. 7. — iv. 14. 4, 20, 22. 38. 29. 3. —— χχνι. 45, 46, 51. 3. —— τ. 9, 25, 28. 4. 65. 12. vii. 31, "32, 3. —— xxvii. δ]. 3, ----- 56. 9. 55. 9, —— viii. 13. 3. —— xxviii. 2,7,9,11. | 3. 27. 3. Mark i. 2. 3. — ix. 10, 11. 4, ——in. 24, 3. ——x. 17, 19, 21, 90. 8. —— iii. 32. α τσιπ. 4, ———— 34 (No. 3, L.) | 3. —— xii. 7. 3. — iv. 3. 3. —— xiii. 11, 25. 3. ——v.22(om.G=s LPT | 2. 41. 2. —ix.15. [TrA δ 3.) [3. —— xvi. 1. 8. —— x. 21. 10.— xvii. 23. 3. 33 9. 24, 4, —— χὶ. 21 3. —— xXx, 22, 25. 9. —— xii. 41. 4, Rom. ii. 17 (εἰ δέ, but if, 3. —— xiii. 23 (om. Lb T | 3. —— ix. 33. [All.) 3. το χίν. 41, [TrA) | 2, —— Xi. 22. 4. — xv. 4. 7. 1Cor. x. 18. 3. ———— 35 (Νο. 4. Τ Tr | 3. xv. 51. 9. ———— 47. fA ».)|—2Cor. iii. 18, see Bas 4, —— xvi. 6, in a glass. 3. Lukei. 20, 31, 36,°8, 48. 3, ——v. 17 3. —ii. 10, 25, 3k, 43. 3. —— vi. 2 twice, 9, 3. —— v. 12, 18. 3, —— vii. 11 3. —— vi. 23 8; xii. 14 7. 41, 42 3. Gal, i. 20 3. — vii. 12, 25,27 ,34,37. | 4. τν”, 3. —— viii. 41. 7. Col. ii. 5. 3. —— ix. 30, 33. 3. Heb, ii. 19. 3. ——x. 3. 3. —— viii. 8, 9 — 18. 12, 188. i, 23, 24. 3. 19, 25 3. iii. 3 (No. 4, G) (εἰ 9, ——xi. 31, 32, 41. δέ, but if, G ~LT Tr 3. —— xiii. 7,11,30,32,35. | A) (ewe yap, for behold, 3, —— xiv. 2 &; om. yap, for, N°) 9. 29. Gael ἃ δὶ 3. —— xvii. 21. | 3. —— v. 4, 7, 9, 11. 3. —— xviii. 31. 3. 1 Pet. ii. 6. 3. —— x1x. 2, 8, 20. | 6, ———— 12. 2.— 41. | 6, —— iii. 2. 8. —— xx. 17. 2. 1 John iii. 1. 9. —— xxi. 6 | 3. Jude 14. 2. -- 29. (47. | 3. Rev. i. 7, 18. |} 3. —— xxii. 10, 21, 31, 38, | 3. —— ii. 10, 22. 3, —— xxiii. 14, 29. 3. —— iii. 8, 9 twice. BET 3. Rey. tii. 11 (om. All.) 9. Rey. xi. 19. 9. — 20. 3. —— 14. 3. — iv. 1, 2. 3. — xii. 3. 8..---ν. 9 2. —— xiii. 11. 5 — 6, 11. 3. —— xiv. 14. 3. —— Vi. 2. 3. —— xv. 6 (om, All.) 2. 5 (om. Ga 3. —— xvi. 15. 3. 8 7. —— xvii. 8 a: — 12, 3. —— xix. ll 2. — vii. 9. 3. — xxi. 3, 5. 2. — viii. 19. | 3. —— xxii. 7, 12 3. —ix. 12 : BEHOLD AS IN A GLASS. | κατοπτρίζομαι, (mid., from κάτοπτρον a mirror, which again is from κατά, against, and o7ropat,to look, a tense of No. 1 above), hence, to behold one’s selfina mirror. Inasmuch as ancient mirrors were made of metal highly polished (Ex. xxxviii. 22), the person who looked on his image in them would necessarily have his face illuminated by the reflected rays (compare Ex. xxxiv. 29, 30, and 2 Corsi.) 2 Cor. iii. 18. See also, EARNESTLY, STEADFASTLY. . BEHOVE (-ep.) δεῖ, (impers. of δέω, to bind, tie ; to have need, want, lack.) (a) with Acc. it is binding on one to do, it behoves one to do, one must, one ought. (b) with Gen. there is need of. (c) with Dat. there is need for one to do, ete. a. Luke xxiv. 46 (om. L> T Tr A 8.) Go BEHOVETH ΟΝΕ (11.) ὀφείλω, to owe, have to pay or account for. | (a) pass. to be due, in wider signif. to be under an obligation. | a. Heb. ii. 17. | mi BEING. When not part of another verb (generally the participle), or part of a phrase it is the translation of one of these following. BEI [ 1. ὦν, οὖσα, ov, being, (purt. of εἰμί, the verb of ordinary existence.) 2. γίνομαι, to come into being, to be- come, to arise, to happen, (denoting origin or result.) 3. ὑπάρχω, to begin, to start, to begin to be, (referring to original state of existence ) in a person or thing, the persuasion which I have, the conviction which I cherish. It implies a conviction which is based wpon trust, not upon knowledge, (see under “ FAITE&.”’) 2 Ther, ii, 19. | BELIEVE. | (-ED, -EST, -ETH, -ING.) | 1. Matt. i. 19. | 3. Acts xvi. 37. 1. vii. 11. — — xvii.28,seoB(have 1. —— xii. 34. | our.) 1. Mark viii. 1 | 3. —— xix. 40 2, ----- ix, 33. | 1, —— xxvii. 2 1, —— xiv. 3. 1. Rom. xi. 17. 1. Luke ii. 5. | 1. 1 Cor. viii. 7. 1, —— iii. 23. | 1. ——ix. 21. 3. —— xi. 13. 1, —— xii. 12. 1, — xiii. 16 | 3. 2 Cor. viii. 17. 3, —— xvi. 23 3. —— xii. 16 1, —— xx. 36. 3. Gal. 1. 14 1, — xxii. 3. 1, —ii. 3. 2, ——_——-44 (ap.) | 3, ———_ 14. 1. John iv. 9. | 1. Eph. ii. 20. 1. ——vi.71 (om.G= 1, | 1. — iv. 18. 1, —vii.60. [TrA.) |3. Phil. ii. 6. i, ——x. 33. 1. Col. ii, 13. 1, —— xi, 49, 51. 1. 1 Tim. iii. 10. 1, —— xviii. 26. 1, Titus i. 16. 1, —— xix. 38. 1. —— iii. 11. 3. Acts vii. 55. 1. Philem. 9. 3. ——xiv.8(om All.) |1. Heb. i. 3. 1, — xy. 32. 1, —— xiii. 3. 3. —— xvi. 29. 2. Jas. i. 25. 1. - 21. 2. 1 Pet. v. 3 2nd. BEING (we HAVE ovr.) > , εσμεν, WE Aare. = Acts xvii. 28. BELIEF. ’ . . πίστις, the trust which I entertain or put 1. πιστεύω, be persuaded, to rely upon, to trust; (not used in the Classics religiously, but νομιζω.) The N. T. conception of faith is (1) «fully con- vinced acknowledgment, (11) a se/f- surrendering fellowship, (111) afully assured and unswerving confidence. | (a) withels, untoorinto,implying direr- tion towards the object of faith, to give one’s self wp to. (b) with ἐν, in referring to the founda- tion of the faith, put confidence in. (ο) with ἐπί, upon, implying repose, rest and reliance, or with a view to that reliance. (d) with the simple dative, to give credit to one, trust to his fidelity. 2. πείθω, in mid, and pass. as here, to 25 ee μὶ μαῷὦὁἐ καὶ μὶὶ πο μία τ: . ο. μὰ μὰ ee ἃ. ὦ μι μα μα μὰ 5 Η is) . —= vii. 5, 91, 38, 39, BEL suffer one’s self to be persuaded or convinced by any fair means, but esp. by words, to be won over, prevailed upon. πιστός, (a verbal adj. from No. 2) to obey, hence obedient, faithful; to trust, hence, trusting. From this meaning arises the so-called pass. sig. true,one whom we may trust, trusty of persons, trustworthy of things. πίστις, see under ‘* BELIEF.” Matt. viii. 13. —— ix. 28. . — Xviii. 6. ——XXi.22,25,32 3times. —— xxiv. 23, 26. — xxvii. 42, — v.36. [Tr A>.) —— ix.23]st.(om.G—-T 93 2nd. ---- -- a, —— Δ2(πίστιν ἔχω, tohavejaith, T A.) — xi. 23, 24, 31. — xiii. οἱ, ° — xv. 32, xvi. 13 (ap), 14 (a), 16 1st (ap.) 16 2nd see Η not 17 (op.) Luke i.1, see Β (mos’ 20, 45. — viii. 12, 13, 50. ——— eo τπτ SEIT. ή, Xxiv. 25. John i. 74, 12, 50. — ii. 119, 22a, 23. iii. 12 twice a, 15a, 16 a1st, 183 times a, 36, — iy. 212, 39, 41, 42, 48, 50, 53. — v. 244, 38, 444, 46 twice, 47 twice. — vi. 29, 309, 35, 36, 408, 478, G4twice, (0. - Marki. 15, 48. viii. 246, 904, 31, | 454, 46. ix. 18%, 35, 36,38. — x. 25, 26, 37, 38 Ist ἃ 2nd. 98 3rd (γνῶτε καὶ γινώσκητε, perceive (the introductory act) and know (the abidiag state), in- stead of γνῶτε Kai πιστεύατε, know and believe, L T Tr A). —— 42 xi. 154, 254 Ist, 26 twice, 27, 40, 42, 45, 48. - xii. 115, 365, 374, 33, 399, 42, 44 twice a, 46. ———_ 47 (φυλάσσω, quard or keep ἃ οὐ L T Tr AW). — xii. 19. | — xiv. 19 twice, 10, 1] twice, 12, 29. — xvi 905, 27,30, 31. — xvii. 85, 20, 21. — xix. 35. Acts ii. 44, 1. 92 1. μας -α κ κο 9 Ωω μ᾿ ο ο μω . δ. 6 οὔ ω ων ο Gis one τειν ων = SS μὸ et ee ees μὸ μὸ es es μα κα ast Tay re ae ο Σ νι. μπῶ bet pes ζῶ πὰ σι ee μὰ - μῶ . - pee τῷ" False) ὑϑ κοῖς κα κα ‘Acts iv. 4, 32. [obe .) —— v. 36,marg. (text, —- Vili. 12,18, 37 twice —— ix. 26, 42¢, [ (ap.) — x. 43. 45, which B. — xi. 17¢, 21. — xiii. 12, 39, 41, 48, —— xiv. 19, 23. —— xy. 5,.7, 11. —— xvi. 1, which.. B 310, 344, ——_ 12, 34, ——XVili. 8¢1st, 82nd 97 —— xix, 28, 4, 18, —- xxi. 20, 25, . — xxii. 19. —- xxiv. 14. — xxvi. 27 twice. —— xxvii. 1]. ys ος —— xxviii. 415. 24 2nd, see Bnot Rom, i. 16. — iii, 22, 26, with art., denotes he which h, — iv. 3¢, 5, 11, 17,18, — vi. 8. [24ς, . —— ix. 33. χα ο 109. 11 14.1, 14214, 16, xiii. 11 - χὶν. 2." 1 Cor. 1. 21. — iii. 4. — xi. 18. — xiii. 7. —— xiv. 22 twice. xv. 2, 11. 2 Cor. iv. 13 twice. vi. 15, that Β. . Gal, ii. 16. — iii. 6, 22. Eph. 1, 13, 19. . Phil. i. 29. 1 Thes, 1, 7. — ii. 10. 13. —- iv. 14. 2 Thes. i. 10 twice, — ii. 11, 12. πι, ty kee — iii. 16. — iv. 3, which B. 10, that B. — v. 16. vi. 2. 2 Tim.i.12,marg. trust Titus iii. 8. Heb. iv. 3. ——x.39,gen.(denotes of them that B.) — xi. 6. Jas. ii. 19 twiee, 23, 1 Pet. i. 8. 21 (No.3, LTTr — ii. 6, 7. [A. 1 John iii. 23. — iv. 1, 16. BEL 1. 1 John.v. 1, 5. . la. 1 John ν. er (ap.) la.—— 10 Ist. la. ———— 18 2n 1. ——— 10 2nd ἃ 3rd, 1. Jude 5. BELIEVE NOT. (Where not two separate words in the Greek. For which, see under “BELIEVE” and “' NOT.” 1. ἀπιστέω, to put no confidence in. 2. ἀπειθέω, to be disobedient, (opp. of πείθομαι, see “BELIEVE,” Vo. 2.) 3. ἄπιστος, not worthy of confidence, untrustworthy ; not confident, mis- trustful, faithless, (opp. of πιστός, 6 “BELIEVE,” Wo. 3.) . Mark xvi. 11 (ap), 16 2nd | 2. (aqp.) . — xxiv. 1], 41. 3. . John iii. 36 . Acts xvil. 5 (om. GL Tr | 3. ΑΝ) | 3. μ᾿ Rom. xv. 31, marg. be disobedient. Ἱ Ορ πα. that B not — x. 27, that B not. — xiv. 22 twice, 24, 12, 13, see rhe | 2. xix. 9. that B not. 1. —— καν. 24. 3.°2 Cor. iv. 4, whichBnot. 1. Rom. iii. 3. TOM yale: 2. —— xi. 30. 2. Heb. iii. 18. 2. 31, marg. obey | 2. ——xi. 31, marg. be not. | disobedient. : BELIEVED (THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE MOST SURELY.) πληροφορέω, prop. to make full; fulfil ; used of measures and weights, etc. in pass. as here, of persons, to have full satisfaction, to be fully assured, of things, to be fully believed or fully proved and confirmed, Luke i. 1 (pass. part. with art.) BELIEVER (-s.) 1. πιστεύω, see ‘ BELIEVE,” Wo. 1. No. 3. 2. 1 Tim. iv. 12 9. murtos, see “‘ BELIEVE,” 1. Acts v. 14. | BELIEVING [noun.] πιστεύω, see ‘ BELIEVE,” Wo. 1. Rom. xv. 12 BELIEVING [adj.] πιστός, see ‘ BELIEVE,” ΑΛ ο. ὁ. | 1 Tim. vi. 2. marg. (text, faithful.) John xx. 27. 1 Tim vi. 2, BELLY (-1es.) 1. κοιλία, the hollow of the belly ; the belly ; then the contents of the belly, the inward parts. [ 96 ] πίστιν τς a BEL 2. γαστήρ, the belly; often used of the belly as craving food, hence, pleasure in eating, gluttony. . Matt. xii. 40. 1. Rom. xvi. 18. xv. 17. 1. 1 Cor. vi. 13 twice. . Mark vii. 19. 1. Phil. iii. 19. . Luke xv. 16. 2. Titus i. 12, . John vii. 38. 1. Rev. x. 9, 10. μ.ο ο νο BELONG TO* or Όντο. (-ED, -ETH.) 1. ἐστί, it is, (3 pers. sing. pres. of εἰμί, to be.) (a) with ex, from, out of. 2. ἐστέ, ye are, (2 pers. pl. pres. of εἰμί, to be.) 2. Mark ix. 41*(with Gen.) | la. Luke xxiii. Τῇ, 1. Heb. v. 14. BELONG TO or UNTO (THE THINGS THAT ο. WHICH.) 1. τά, the things, (neut. pl. of art.) with Gen. pollowing, the things of. ο J τὰ, the things (see No. 1.) “ | πρός, towards, in reference to. 2 Luke xix. 42 | 1 Cor. vii. 32. BELOVED. 1. ἀγαπητός, beloved, (from ἀγαπάω, No. 2 with force of perf. pass. part.) 2. ἀγαπάω, to love, it denotes the deliber- ative exercise of the judyment ; the giving of a decided preference to one object or person out of many. It Frequently implies regard and satis- faction, rather Daan affection. A higher word therefore than φιλέω, which denotes greater strength of feeling, as between brethren in blood. 1. Matt. iii. 17. — 3 Cor, vii. 1, } see B 1, —— xu. 18. —— xii 19, § (dearly) 1. —— xvii. 5. 2. Eph. 1. 6 1. Mark i. 11. 1, —— vj. 21. 1 κ 7 1. Phil. ii. 12, 1, — xii. 6, see B (well.) | — ——iv. } twice, geo B 1. Luke iii. 22, (dearly. ) ] ix. βρ(ἐκλελεγμένος, | 2, Col. 11}. 12 chosen for one's self,G~ | 1. iv. 7, 9, 14 1 xx.13. (LMT TrAN) | 2.1 Thes. i. 4 1. Acts xv. 25. 2, 2 Thea, Π. 13, 1. Rom. i. 7 i 1 Tim. vi 2 2. —— ix. 25 twice. —2Tim.i.2,) see B 1, —— xi. 28 -—Philem. 1, § (dearly.) — —— xii.19,seeB(dearly) | 1 ο Ὁ (ἀδελᾷ bn, sister, - xvi. 5, see B(well.) Ge LTra x) ] 8, 9, 12 (αρ.) 1 16. 1. 1 Cor. iv. 14, 17 τ Ι1. Heb. vi, 9. : — —— x. 14,sec B (dearly) | 1. Jas. i. 16, 19. ; 1, —— xv. 08. 11, —— ii. 5. BEL —1 Pet. ii.11,seeB(dearly) | 1. 1 John iv. 1, 7, 11. 1, —— iv. 12 — 3 John 1, see B (well.) 1: 2 Pet. i. 17. 1. 2, 5, 11. 1. Jude 3, 1. — iii. 1, 8, 14, 15, 17. 17, 20. 1, 1 John iii. 2, 21. 2, Rev. xx. 9. BELOVED (pgarty.) 1. Rom. xii. 19. 1. Phil. iv. 1 twice. i, 1 Cor. x. 14. 1. 2 Tim. i. 2. 1, 2 Cor. vii. 1. 1. Philem. 1. 1, — xii. 19. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 11. BELOVED (wet.) 1. Mark xii. 6. 1. Rom. xvi. 5. | 1. 3 John 1. BENEATH. κάτω, (adv. of place, from κατά, down) down, downwards ; beneath, below. Mark xiv. 66. | Acts ii. 19. BENEFACTOR (-s.) εὐεργέτης, a well doer, esp. to others, a benefactor. Luke xxii. 25. BENEFIT. 1. ἀγαθός, good, in its kind, (opp. of κακός, which is bad of its kind.) 2. εὐεργεσία, well doing, good service. 3. χάρις, free favour, grace ; objectively it denotes personal gracefulness, a pleasing work ; subjectively an inclin- ing towards, gracious disposition ; on the part of the giver it denotes kindness, favour; on the part of the receiver, thanks, respect, homage. 8, 2 Cor. i. 15, marg. grace. | 2. 1 Tim. vi. 2. 1. Philem, 14. BENEVOLENCE. εὔνοια, good will, favour, kindness. 1 Cor, vii. 3 (ὀφειλή, α debt, duty, All.) BERRY. See, OLIVE. BERYL. βήρυλλος, a jewel of sea green colour, (prob. from Heb, 52, pure, bright, and 557, to shine, hence English, brilliant.) Rev. xxi. 20. er] BES BESEECH (πνα, BEsovant.) 1. παρακαλέω, to call to one’s side, hence, to call to aid ; every kind of calling to which is meant to produce a par- ticular effect, whether of admonishing, exhorting, cheering, helping, ete. bo > / . ἐρωτάω, to ask something of one; to ask specifically, to ask about, hence to question. 3. δέομαι, to be in want or need, hence, to beseech, supplicate. 4. προσκυνέω, to kiss the hand to another as a mark of respect, to do obeisance, etc. to another, esp. of the Oriental Fashion by prostration, hence to wor- ship. 1. Matt. viii. 5, 31, 34. 1. Acts xxv. 2 ie Xiv. 36. 3. —— xxvi. 3 2. xv. 23. 1. —— xxvii. 33. 4, —— xviii. 26, margin | 1. Rom. xii. 1 (text, worship.) 1. —— xv. 30 i 29. 1. — xvi 17 1. Mark i. 40. 1. 1 Cor. 1. 10 1. ——v. 10, 12, 23. 1. —— iv. 16 1, —— vi. 56. 1. — xvi. 15. 2. —— yii. 26. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 8. uf 32. 1. ——v. 20. 1 viii. 22. 1. —vi. 1. 2. Luke iv. 38. 1. -----π. 1. 3. ----- ν. 12. 8: 2. 2. —— vii. 3. ie xii. & 8, —— viii. 28. 9. Gal. iv. 12. 1. 31, 32, 41. 1. Eph. iv. 1. 2. bye 1. Phil. iv. 2 twice. ' ὃ. 98. 2. 1 Thes. iv. 1, marg. γ6- 3. —— ix. 38, 40. 1. 10. [quest. 2. —— xi. 37. 2. —v. 12. 3. —— xxi. 39, i: 14, marg. (text, 3. —— xxvi. 3. exhort.) 2. John iv. 40, 47. 2. 2 Thes. ii. 1. 2. xix, οἱ, 98. ἘΠ ΝΣ, 8. 1. Acts xiii. 42. 1. Philem. 9, 10. 1. xvi. 15, 39. 1. Heb. xiii. 19, 22. 1. —— xxi. 12, 1. 1 Pet. ii. 11. 3. 39. 2. 2 John 5. BESET. (WHICH DOTH SO EASILY.) εὐπερίστατος, standing well around, well or easily surrounding o7 encom- passing; well circumstanced, of a temptation or sin, which has every advantage in favour of its prevailing, (non oce. ) Heb. xii. 1. BESIDE (-s.) 1, ἐπί, upon. (a) with Gen. upon, as springing from, over, ete. (Ὁ) with Dat. upon, as resting on, in addition to. BES [ 98 ] BET (6) with Acc. upon, by direction towards, up to, ete. 2. σύν, conjunction, with, (union of co- operation ) together with. 3. χωρίς, separately, by itself, apart from, exclusive of. 4, λοιπόν, for the rest, further. 3. Matt. xiv. 21. 1b. Luke xvi.26 (ἐν, in, L™ 3. —— xv. 38. 2. xxiv. 21. [5 1b.— xxy. 20. [&.) | 4. 1 Cor. i. 16. 1b. 22 (om. G> L Tr | 3. 2 Cor. xi. 28. Philem. 19, see owe. BESIDE (-s) THIS. (Where “this” is not a separate word. ) καὶ αὐτὸ τοῦτο δέ, yea moreover for this very thing, but for this very reason also. 5. 2 Pet. i. BESIDE ONE’S SELF (sn.) 1. ἐξίστημι, to put out of its place, to change from one condition into an- other ; metaph. to drive one out of his senses. (a) intrans. (2 aor., and Mid.) to step aside, go away, yield; to be con- fused, perplexed. 9 iv to rage, be furious ; wsed of 2. μαίνομαι, rage, be furlous ; wsed of prophetic frenzy ; to be mad. 2. Mark iii. 21. 2. Acts xxvi. 24. 1, 2 Cor. v. 18. See, OWE. BEST. , 1. κρείσσων, stronger, more powerful, comparative of κρατός, power, in effect, strength, as exerted. 2. πρῶτος, the first, of place or rank. 2, Luke xv. 22. 1. 1 Cor. xii. 31 (μείζων, greater, (in ref. to size and importance) (L T Tr A &.) Ὕ 4 4 BESTOWED (-rp.) 1. δίδωμι, to give, present, (with implied notion of giving freely, and enforced.) 2. συνάγω, to lead together, to gather 2. Luke xii. 17, 18. — John iv. 38, ) see B — Rom. xvi. 6, labour. — 1 Cor. xii.23, seeBupon. —1 Cor. xiii. 3, see B to 1, 2: Cox πμ. lL (feed. — Gal. iv. 11,see B labour. 1. 1 John iii. 1. BESTOW LABOUR (oy.)* κοπιάω, to be tired, grow weary, fatigued, spent with labour. * John iy. 38. Gal. iv. 11. Rom. xvi. 6. | BESTOW TO FEED. ψωμίζω, to feed by putting little bits into the mouth as nurses do children ; then gen. to feed, fatten. 1 Cor. xiii. 3. BESTOW UPON. περιτίθημι, to place round about, put round ov on, hence, to bestow, con- fer upon. 1 Cor. xii. 28, marg. put on. BETRAY (ΒΡ, -EST, -ETH.) παραδίδωμι, to give or hand over to an- other (as a torch in a torch race, one’s son to a tutor, a purchase to a buyer, etc.) then to deliver up, sur- render; to give ὦ city or person, ete. into another’s hands. Matt. x. 4. Mark xiv. 10, 11,.18, 21, 41, — xvii, 22. Luke xxi. 16. [42, 44, — xx. 18, xxii. 4, 6, 21, 22, 48. —— xxiv. 10. John vi. 64, 71. xii. 4. —— xiii. 2, 11, 21. —— xxvi. 2,16, 21, 23, 24, 25, 45, 46, 48. —— xxvii. 3, 4. —— XxViii. 2, 5. Mark iii. 19. —— xxi. 20. — xiii. 12. 1 Cor: xi. 28, BETRAYERS. προξότης, a betrayer, a traitor (from προδίδωμι, to give up to the enemy.) Acts vii. 52. BETTER. κρείσσων, stronger, more powerful (comp. of κρατός, power, in effect ; strength as exeried.) L (a) neut. used as adv. better. bo καλός, beautiful, fair, honourable ; 77 contains the notion of giving pleasure. (a) with μᾶλλον, more, rather, id χρηστότερός, (comp. of χρηστός, good of its kind) better. 4, ὑπερέχω, to hold up or on high ; to have above; metaph. to be above together. others, be superior. BET 2. Matt. xviii. 8, 9. — Heb. vi. 9, see B thing. 2a. Mark ix. 42. 1. ——vii. 7, 19, 22. 2. 43, 45, 47. 1. —— viii. 6 twice. 8. Luke v 39 (Positive, T | 1. —— ix. 23. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 9. [Tr AN.) | 1. —— x. 34. la. 38. 2a,—— ix. 15. 1. 35. rie 17. ο 1 eh a) Phil. i. 95, — — xii. 24,5 4, — ii. 3. 1. 1ο αἱ 17. 1, Heb. i. 4. 1. 2 Ῥοῦ. 11. 91. see B thing. BETTER (sr.) διαφέρω, to carry over or across, to | bear abroad, carry different ways ; hence, (a) imtrans. to differ, to be | different from, to be other than, gen. in a good sense, but sometimes inferior (but not in N.T.) συμφέρω, to bear ο) bring together. (a) intrans. and imp. to contribute to, conduce to, to be profitable to. προέχομαι, to hold before one’s self, to have before ov in preference to others; iz running, to have the start, have the advantage of. λυσιτελέω, to indemnify for expenses incurred ; hence, to be useful or ad- vantageous to. (a) impers. it profits, it is better for. la. Matt vi. 26. 1. — xii. 12. 2a.—— xviii. 6. la. Luke xii. 24, da. Luke xvii. 2. 3. Rom. iii. 9. — 1 Cor. viii. 8, see B (be the. ) BETTER (ΒΕ THE.) περισσεύω, to be over and above the number ; to be more than enough, remain over; to be preéminent or superior. 1 Cor, viii. 8, marg. have the move. BETTER COUNTRY. κρείσσων, see “BETTER,” Vo, 1. Heb, xi. 16. BETTER THING. κρείσσων, see “BETTER,” Vo. 1 (πει. ) Heb. vi. 9; xi. 40; xii. 24. BETTERED (15.) ὠφελέω, to help, aid, assist, succour ; gen. to be of service to any one. [ 99°] — — xi. 16,seeBcountry BET | (a) mid. or pass, to be helped, i.e. to | receive help, aid o7 succour; to | derive profit ov advantage. | Mark ν. 26. BETWEEN. 1. μεταξύ, in the midst, hence, of place, betwixt, between ; of time, between whiles, meanwhile. 2. πρός, in the direction of. (a) with Gen. (hitherwards) in favour of. (b) with Dat. (resting in a direction towards) near, hard by. (c) with Ace. (hitherwards) of literal direction, to; of mental direction, towards, against, in reference to. 3. ἐν, in, of time, place, or element ; among, with plurals, ete. Θὰ (ἂς [ ava, up to, up by, has a | special meaning in this Ἶ } and other phrases, μέσον, middle, of time or place; gen. in phrases, | among, in the midst. Matt. xviii. 15. | tl . John iv, 31, marg. (text, uF πχ, 35. | 1, 1: meanwhile.) . Acts xii. 6. xiii. 42, marg.(text, . — xv. 9. [next.) 2c. xxvi. 31. | 3. Rom. i. 24, 4. ΤΟΥΣ, vi. 5. Luke xi. 51. — xvi. 26. | 2ce.—— xxiii. 12. | — John ili, 25, see B some | of. BETWEEN MEATS (discern or put a difference) |margin. | διακρίνω, to separate one from another ; to distinguish ; to settle, decide as judges. (a) mid. to doubt, hesitate (ο), Matt. ἘΣ. αν Fan. 1.61) Rom, xiv. 23 (text, doubt.) BETWEEN SOME OF...AND. (ἐκ, out of, ) some of [John’s disciples], | | μετά, with, with [the Jews. | John iii, 25, ! See also, DIFFERENCE, WALL. BET BETWIXT. ἐκ, (motion from the interior) from, out of, locally ; or as originating from ; or as the source, cause, or occasion, by. Phil. i. 23 (lit., constrained by.) BEWAIL. 1. κόπτω, to beat or cut as by a blow. (a) mid. to strike one’s self, esp. one’s breast, etc. through grief ; hence, to mourn for, with striking the breast. bo κλαίω, to wail, not only with the exr- pression of tears, but also with every external expression of grief (δακρύω zs to shed tears, John xi. 35; θρήνω zs to shriek, etc. 3. πενθέω, to lament, mourn for, esp. one dead ; absol. to mourn, go into mourning. la. Luke viii. 52. 20ος ee 91. la. —— xxiii. 27. 2. Rev. xviii. 9. BEWARE. 1. βλέπω, to see, denotes the act of see- ing. Jt 18 also applied to mental vision, to consider, contemplate. bo προσέχω, to hold to, bring near to ; to turn one’s mind, thoughts, at- tention to a thing. (a). with pron. to give heed to one’s self. 3. φυλάσσω, (a) intrans. to watch, be sleepless ; to keep watch, guard. (b) trans. to watch, guard, defend. Metaph. to preserve, maintain. (c) in mid. to heed, take heed or care, to be on one’s guard. 2. Matt. vii. 15. 2a. Luke xii. 1. 2. —— κ. 17. 3. 15. 2. —— xvi. 6, 11, 12. 2. xx. 40. 1. Mark viii. 15. 1, Acts xiii. 40, 1 xii. 38. 1. Col. ii. 8. 8. 2 Pet. iii. 17. BEWARE OF. 8, 2 Tim. iv. 15. | 1. Phil. iii, 2 3 times. BEWITCH (-rp.) 1. βασκαίνω, to prate, esp. about any one. Then to prate to any one, to mislead [ 100 ] BID by pretences as if by magic arts, to fascinate. . 2. ἐξίστημι, (a) trans. to change from one condition to another, to drive any one out of his mind, to confuse, (Ὁ) intrans. to step aside, go away, yield ; to be confused, perplexed. 2a. Acts viii. 9, 11. | 1. ‘Gal, πμ. 1 BEWRAY (-πτη.) lit. makes { ποιέω, to make, to do, δῆλος, visible, clear ; thee | manifest, evident, manifest. Matt. xxvi. 73. BEYOND. 2. πέραν, on the other side, across ; usually with notion of water lying between ; beyond in a place, without reference to motion. 2. ἐπέκεινα, on yonder side of, beyond ; the part beyond the far side of. 3. ὑπέρ, over. (a) with Gen. (over and separate from ) on behalf of, for. (Ὁ) with Ace. (over and towards) he- yond, above, wsed in comparison. 1. Matt. iv. 15, 25. 1. John x. 40. 1. —— xix. 1. 2. Acts vii. 43. 1. Mark iii. 8. 3b.2 Cor. viii. ὃ (παρά," be- 1. John i. 28. side or beyond, LT Tr 1. —— iii. 26. | A &.) ἢ ὑπέρ, affirms superiority ; παρά, institutes the com- parison and leaves the reader to infer superiority. See also, GO, MEASURE, REGIONS, STRETCH. BID (-EN, BADE.) 1. καλέω, to call; then, to summon or invite, to call by name. bo λέγω, to lay, to lay together, to col- lect, to read ; then, to speak, to say, λέγω always refers to the sentiment of what is spoken, as No, 3 does to the words. 3. εἶπον, to speak, to say; to order, to command. 4. κελεύω, to urge or drive on ; of supe- riors, to exhort, command; of inferiors, to urge, intreat. BID 5. προστάσσω, to place or post at ὦ place ; to enjoin, give as a command. 5. Matt. i. 24. 1. Luke xiv. 7, Stwice, 9, 4 xiv. 28. 10 twice, 19 Ist, (2nd B 3. —— xvi. 12. again) 17, 24. 1. —— xxii. 3, 4, 8, 9. 3. Acts xi. 12. 3. —— xxiii. 3. -- Xviii.21,see B fare- 1. Luke vii. 39. ὃν —— xxii. 24. (well. — — ix. 61, see B fare- | 1. 1 Cor. x. 27. 3. ——x. 40. (well. | 2. 2 John 10, 11. BID AGAIN. ἀντικαλέω, to call or invite back or in return. Luke xiv. 12 2nd. BID FAREWELL. ἀποτάσσομαι, in mid. to bid adieu to a person or thing (from act. sig. to set apart, assign specially. ) Luke ix. 61. | Acts xviii. 21. BIER. σορός, a bier on which dead bodies were carried to burial (doubtless from Eng. verb to bear, as feretrum ἐξ From fero, Lat. to bear.) Luke vii. 14, marg. cofin. BILL. βιβλίον, a roll, scroll, billet (dim. of βίβλος, a roll or book.) γράμμα, a stroke in writing, a line ; then, a letter ; then, anything com- mitted to writing. 1, Mark x. 4 | 2 Luke xvi. 6, 7. BIND (να, Bounp.) 1. δέω, to bind, tie, fasten. 2. δεσμεύω, to fetter, put in chains, (non ους, 3. δεσµέω, same meaning as No. 2, (non occ. ) 4. προτείνω, to stretch out before, to | stretch out, (non occ. ) 1. Matt. xii. 29. 1. Mark xv. 1, 7. 1. —— xiii. 30. 8. Luke viii. 29. 1. —— xiv. 3. 1. xiii. 10, 1. —— xvi. 19 twice. | 1. John xi. 44. 1. — xviii. 18 twice. | 1, —— xviii, 12, 24. 1, —— xxii. 13. | 1. Acts ix. 2, 14, 21. 2. —— xxiii. 4. [1. —— xii. ὁ. 1. —— xxvii. 2. | 1. ——xx. 22. 1. Mark iii. 27. 1, —— xxi. 11 twice, 13,33, 1, —-y. 3, 4. 2 — xxii. 4. 1, ——vi. 17. 1,--.-- 5. fr 10K 1 . 1 Cor. vii. 27, 99. . 2 Tim. ii. 9. . Rey. ix. 14 . — κκ, 2. 4. Acts xxii. 25. 1, ——— 29. 1. —— xxiv. 27. 1. Rom. vii. 2. BIND ABOUT. περιδέω, (No. 1 with περί, about, prefixed ) to bind or tie round or on. John xi, 44. BIND ON. ὑποδέω, to bind or tie under (No. 1, with ὑπό, under. ) (a) ix mid. to bind under one’s feet, put on shoes (occ. Mark vi. 9; Eph. vi. 15.) a. Acts xii. 8, BIND UP. καταδέω, (Vo. 1, with κατά, down) to bind on or to, bind fast; to tie down, stop, check, (non occ. ) Luke x. 34, BIND WITH. συνδέω, (No. 1, with σύν, with) to bind together, (unplying association,) (non occ. ) Heb xiii. 3. See also, CURSE, EXECRATION, OATH. BIRD. 1. πετεινόν, able to fly, winged ; the gen- eral epithet of birds. 2. ὄρνεον, a bird, both wild and domestic (ὁ ὄρνις, denotes the cock.) 3. πτηνόν, feathered, winged, (non oce. ] ) ’ Oty 1. Matt. viii. 20, 1. — xiii. 32. 1. Luke ix. 58, 1. Rom. i. 23. 3. 1 Cor. xv. 80. 1. Jas. iii. 7. 2. Rev. xviii. 2. BIRTH. 1. γέννησις, an engendering, producing, (non oce. ) | BIR BLA 2. γενετή, the hour of birth, a being born, (non occ. ) 1. Matt.i. 18 (6 9) (γένεσις GLTTrA®) 1. Luke i. 14 (γένεσις, G L 2. Johnix.1. [TTrA®.) See also, TRAVAIL IN BIRTH. BIRTHDAY. γενέσια, in pl. the festivities of a birth- day, a birthday, (non occ. ) Matt. xiv. 6. | Mark vi. 21. BIRTHRIGHT. πρωτοτόκια, the rights of the first-born. Among the Hebrews it included the double portion, Deut. xxi. 17; xlviii. 22; 1 Chron. v. 1, 2; preeminence and authority, Gen. xxvii. 29 ; xlix. 3. The pro-genitorship also of the Messiah was connected with it, (non ους, ) Heb. xii. 16. BISHOP. ἐπίσκοπος, Watching over, taking care of. It was the name given in Athens to the men sent into subdued states to conduct their affiairs. In the N.T. used of πρεσβύτεροι, elders, denoting the watchful care pertaining to them. πρεσβύτερος, seems to denote the dig- nity of the office; while ἐπίσκοπος, denotes its duties (occ. Acts xx. 28.) Phil i. 1. | Titus i. 7. 1 Tim. iii. 2. 1 Pet. ii. 25. BISHOP (orrice oF A.) ἐπισκοπή, (belongs to Keclesiastical Greek. In Classics, it denotes visit. The common word in Classics and \xx. is ἐπίσκεψις, inspection, inquiry, visi- tation.) Jt seems to have a twofold sense of inspection ο) oversight, and guardianship ; and hence, the office or duty of an ἐπίσκοπος. Dim, 1; BISHOPRIC. 2 ὁ apa 66 vay pian pate NSF επισκοπή, 866 “ BISHOP (OFFICE OF.) Acts 1 20, marg. office or charge. BIT. χαλινός, a bridle or rein, esp. the bit of a bridle, (occ. Rev. xiv. 20.) Jas. 111. 3. BITE. δάκνω, to bite, esp. of dogs; metaph. mo- lest, irritate, (non occ.) Gal. v. 15. BITTER. πικρός, pointed, sharp, keen ; hence, gen. piercing, pungent to the senses of taste, smell, feeling, hearing. Gren. painful, cruel, (non occ. ) Jas, iii, 11, 14. BITTER (58.) πικραίνω, to make sharp, keen ο’ bitter, esp. to the taste ; metuph. to embitter, irritate. (a) passive, to grow angry, to foster bitter feelings. a. Col. iii. 19. | a. Rev. x. 10. BITTER (maAKe.) (Active. ) Rey. viii. 11; κ. 9. , πικραίνω, see above. BITTERLY. πικρῶς, adv. of πικρός. (non occ. ) Matt. xxvi. 75. See ‘ BITTER,” Luke xxii. 62. BITTERNESS. πικρία, bitterness, of taste; of temper, bitterness, venom, spleen. Eph. iv. 31. Acts viii 23. Heb, xii. 15. Rom. 111, 14. BLACK. μέλας, black. Matt. v. 36. | Rev. vi. 5, 12. BLACKNESS. 1. γνόφος, a kind of storm, cloud, darkness. a dense BLA 2. ζόφος, the gloom of the nether world, nether darkness. 1. Heb. xii. 18. | 2. Jude 13. BLADE. χόρτος, an enclosed place, but always with the notion of a feeding place, then, gen. any feeding ground. The word soon passed from its original signification into that of food, fodder, esp. for cattle, grass, hay (from this comes Lat, hortus, a garden, and ή. gard-en; also akin to χορός, court.) Matt. xiii. 26. | Mark iv, 28. BLAME (wirnovut.) ἄμωμος, without blame, ridicule ο) dis- grace ; without blemish of sin τη himself. Eph. i. 4. BLAME (-ep) [verb. ] popdopat, to find fault with, to criticise (in a bad sense.) 2 Cor. τι 3's vill. 20; BLAMED (τὸ BE.) καταγινώσκω, to remark, discover, esp. to one’s prejudice, hence, to judge something of a person, lay something to his charge. (a) pass. part. accused, charged, hence, blameworthy, (oce. Jas. iii. 20, 21.) a. Gal. 11. 11. BLAMELESS. ἀνέγκλητος, not accused, with nothing laid to one’s charge, (occ. Col. i. 22, (as the result of public investigation ) though blamed yet undeserving of blame. ἄμεμπτος, not blamed, without re- proach, (oce. 1 Tim. iii. 13 ; Heb. viii. 7.) ἄμεμπτως, 50 as to merit no blame, so that nothing can be said against, (οσο, 1 Thes. ii. 10.) ἀμώμητος, not open to censure ο) adverse criticism. 5 1 | | | | | | | BLA 5. ἀναίτιος, without reason ov motive, groundless ; of persons, guiltless, not the cause or fault of a thing. ἀνεπίληπτος, not to be caught any- where by an antagonist (used in wrestling of a man defended and prepared at all points) ; hence, one in whom there was no just cause for blame. . Matt. xii. 5. 3 Luke i. 6. 6. 1 Cor. i. 8. 1 . Phil. ii. 15. 6 iii. ὁ. 1 . 2 Pet. ili. 14 (ἅμωμος, without stain or spot of defilement, αν.) tbo poor BLASPHEME (5, -Esv, -1NG.) βλασφημέω, to drop evil or profane words, revile, calumniate ; esp. to revile God or divine things. Matt. ix. 3; Mark iii. 28,29; Luke xii. 10(om. G-); John x. 36; Acts xiii. 45; xviii. 6; xxvi. 11; Rom. ii. 24; 1 Tim. i. 20; vi. 1; Titus ii. 5; Jas. ii, 7; Rev. xiii. 6; πεν ο Oe BLASPHEMER (-s.) 1. βλασφημέω, see above ; here the parti- ciple. 2. βλάσφημος, abusive, reviling, des- troying one’s good name. 1. Acts xix. 37. | 2. 1 Tim. i. 13. 2. 2Tim. iii, 2. BLASPHEMOUS. βλάσφημος, see ““ BLASPHEMER,” Wo. 2. Acts vi. 11. | Acts vi. 13 (om. All.) BLASPHEMOUSLY. βλασφημέω, see “ BLASPHEME;” here the participle. Luke xxii. 65. BLASPHEMY. βλασφημία, calumniation, abuse. J/¢ seems to denote the very worst kind of slander. In all passages, except. Mark ii. 7 (βλασφημέω see under “ὁ Blaspheme,” LTTrARW.) Rey. xiii. 5 (8Adodyos,see **Blasphemer,” No, 2, αν L Tr A.) BLASPHEMY (speak.) βλασῴφημέω, see under “BLASPHEME.” Matt. xxvi. 65. BLA [ 104 ] BLI BLAZE ABROAD. διαφημίζω, to make known, spread abroad. Mark i. 45. BLEMISH. μῶμος, blame, shame, stain, disgrace visibly attached to anything (prob. From Heb, a1, a spot.) (Personijied, Momus, was the Critic God,) (non occ. ) 2 Pet. ii. 13. BLEMISH (wirnovr.) ἄμωμος, the above with a, negative prefixed. Eph. ν. 27. | 1 Pet. 1. 19. BLESS (-ED, -ETH, -1NG.) εὐλογέω, to speak well of, praise, as men towards God; of men toward men, etc., to bless, prop. to invoke God's blessing on ; of God towards men to bless, 1,6. to distinguish with favour, confer happiness. Matt. v. 44 (ap.) Luke xiii. 35 —— xiv. 19. — xix. 3s. — xxi. 9. —— xxiv. 30, 50, 51. — xxiii. 39. 53 (ap.) —— xxv. 34. John xii. 13. —— xxvi. 26 (εὐχαριστέω | Acta ili. 26. to give thanks, Reem | Rom. xii. 14tw‘ce. Mark vi. 41. [Gw.) | 1 Cor. iv. 12. —— viii. 7. — x. 16. — x. 16 (κατευλογέω, fo | —— xiv. 10. bless much, T Tr A &.) | Gal. iii. 9. — xi. 9, 10. | Eph. i. 3. —— xiv. 22. Heb. vi. 14 twice. Luke i. 28 (ap.) πα MENS ἡ — ii. 28, 34. xi. 20, 21. — vi. 28. Jas, iii. 9. — ix. 10, | 1 Pet. iii. 9. BLESSED. 1. μακάριος, happy, applied to men ; but im 1 Tim. i. 11 and vi. 15 applied to God to exalt the glory of the gospel, as shewing His mercy in this dispen- sation. 2. εὐλογητός, (verbal adj. of ευλογέω, see “ BLESS,”) blessed, applied to God only, never to man, 1. Matt. v. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, | 2. Rom. i. 25. 9, 10, 11, 1. — iv. 7, 8. 1. —— xi. 6. 2. ix. 5. 1. — xiii. 16. σον 5. 1, —— xvi. 17. | 2, —— xi. 51. 1. —— xxiv. 46. | 2. Eph. i. 8. 2. Mark xiv. 61. αλα, 1. Luke i. 45. | 1, —— vi. 15. 2. 68. 1, Titus ii. 18, 1. —— vi. 20, 21 twice, 22, | 1, Jas. i. 12, 25 1. —— vii. 23. 2, 1 Pet. i. 8. 1, —— xi. 28. | 1. Rev.i. 3. 1. —— xii. 37, 38, 43. igs xiv. 13 1. —— xiv. 14, 15. 1. —— xvi. 15 1, —— xxiii. 29. 1, —— xix. 9 1. John xx. 29. 1. —— xx. 6, 1. Acts xx. 35. 1. —— xxii. 7, 14 Ϊ BLESSED (88.) ἐνευλογέομαι, to be blessed in or by. Acts iii, 25. | Gal. iii. 8. BLESSED (cat1.) μακαρίζω, to call happy. Luke i. 48. BLESSEDNESS. μακαρισμός, a pronouncing happy, felici- tation. Rom. iv. 6, 9. i Gal. iv. 15. BLESSING, evAoyia, good speaking, thanksgiving (from “ἐ eulogy.” ) Rom. xv. 29; 1 Cor. x. 16 ; 2 Cor. ix. 5, marg. (text, bounty); Gal. iii. 14; Eph.i.3; 7; xii. 1 Jas. ili. 10; 1 Pet. 11. 9 ; Rev. ν. 12, 13; vii. 12. praise; then, which our Υ.- My BLIND [adj.] , ς me τυφλός, blind, naturally or spiritually (strictly smoky, misty, darkened.) Matt. xi. 5. John v. 3. —— xii. 9911. ΠΑΝ.) —— ix. 1, 2, 18, 19, 20, 24, 922nd (om. LT Tr 25, 32, 39, 39, 40, 41. xv. 144times, 30, ο]. 8 (προσαίτης, the —— xxi. 14 beggar, α LT Tr A &.) —— xxiii. 16, 17, 19, 24, κ. οἱ, Mark x. 46. [26. xi. 37. Luke iv. 18. Acts xiii, 11. Vi. 39 twice. Rom. ii. 19, 2 Pet. i. 9. Rev. iii. 17. — vii. 22. — xiv. 13, 21. BLIND MAN. Mark x. 49, 51. Luke xviii. 35. [A &.) John ix. 6 (om. G+ Lb Tr John ix, 17. ϱ7 Matt. ix. 27, — xx. 30. Mark viii. 22, 23. 28. BLIND (18 ΤΗΑΊ was.) Luke vii. 21(with art.) | John ix. 13 (with art.) BLIND [verb.] 1. τυφλόω, to blind, make blind ; met. to dull, baffle, (non oce.) 2. πωρόω, to petrify; to cause a harden- ing ; metaph. to harden the heart, blunt the feelings. 1. John xii. 40, fen. 2. Rom. xi. 7, marg. hard- 2. 2 Cor. iii. 14. 1. 1 John 11, 11. BLINDFOLD (-ep.) περικαλύπτω, to cover all round, cover quite. Luke xxii. 64. BLI BLINDNESS πώρωσις, the process by which the ex- tremities of fractured bones are reunited by a callus; metaph. a hardening, hardness. Rom. xi. 25, margin hardness. Eph. iv. 18, margin hardness. BLOCK. See, STUMBLING. BLOOD. αἷμα, blood, (prob. from αἴθω, to be hot, or from aw, to breathe, because τέ requires constant refrigeration from the external air.) Matt. ix. 20, see B (issue of) { Gal. i. 16. xvi. 17. Eph. i. 7. — xxiii. 30, 35 3 times. — ii. 19. —— xxvi. 28. —— vi. 12. —— xxvii. 4, 6, 8, 24, 25. | Col. i. 14 (ap), 20. Mark v. 25, 29. Heb. ii. 14. —— xiv. 24. Luke viii. 43, 44. —— xi. 50, 51 twice. ix. 7, 12 twice, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 1st, 22 2nd, see B (shedding [ 105 ] — xjii. 1. of), 25. —— xxii. 20, 44 (ap.) — x. 4, 19, 29. John i. 13. —— xi. 28. vi. 53, 54, 55, 56. —— xii. 4. 24. xix. 34. — xiii. 11, 12, 20. Acts i. 19. 1. Pet. i. 2, 19. — ii. 19, 20. 1. John i. 7. —_ v. 28. —— Vv. 6 twice, §, — xv. 20, 29. Rev. i. 5. xvii. 26 (om. G> L | ——v. 9. Tr Ab ®) —— vi. 10, 12. XViii. 6. — vii. 14 —— xx. 26, 28. viii. 7, δ. — xxi. 25. — xi. 6. —— xxii. 20. xh. 11. Rom. iii. 15, 25. — xiv. 20. — _ Vv. 9. —— xvi. 3, 4, 6 twice. 1 Cor. x. 16 —— xvii. 6 twice. — xi. 25, 27 — xviii. 24. — xv. 50 — xix. 2, 13. BLOOD (ΏΙΒΕΑΒΕΡ WITH AN ISSUE OF.) αἱμοῤῥοέω, (αἷμα, blood, and ῥόος, (from pew, to flow,) a flux), to have or labour under a flow of blood, (non oce. ) Matt. ix. 20. BLOOD (sHEDDING ος.) αἱματεκχυσία, (αἷμα, blood, and ἐκχέω, to pour out), a pouring out o7 shed- ding of blood, blood shedding, (non oce. ) Heb. ix. 22. BLOODY. See, FLUX. BOA BLOT OUT (-zp, -1NG.) ἐξαλείφω, to anoint o7 smear completely, to plaster over; to wipe out, ob- literate. Acts iii. 19. | Rey. iii. 5. Col. ii. 14. BLOW (ἜΤΗ, BLEW.) 1. πνέω, to blow, to breathe. 2. ἐπιγίνομαι, to become after, to happen after, (non occ. ) 1. Matt. vii. 25, 27. 1. John vi. 18. 1. Luke xii. 55. 2. Acts xxviii. 13. 1. John iii 8. 1. Rev. vit. 1. BLOW SOFTLY. ὑποπνέω, to breathe gently or softly, (No. 1 with ὑπό, denoting repression) (non oce. ) Acts xxvii. 13. BOARD. cavis, a board, a plank, or anything made of τὲ, (non oce. ) Acts xxvii, 44. BOAST (9, -ΕΤΗ, -ING) [verb.] 1. καυχάομαι, to speak loud, be loud tongued ; to boast o7 vaunt one’s self, boast of. 2. κατακαυχάομαι, to boast against one, exult over him. 3. λέγω, to lay together, collect, read ; speak or αγ. 3. Acts v. 36. 1. 2 Cor. x. 8. 2. Rom. xi, 18 2nd. Us 13 (om.G—.) 1. 2 Cor. vii. 14. 1. 15, 16. 1, —ix 2 1. Eph, ii. 9. BOAST AGAINST. 1. Rom. xi. 18 1st. BOAST GREAT THINGS. μεγαλαυχέω, to boast highly, talk big. Jas. iii. 5. BOAST ONE’S SELF. 1. 2 Cor, xi. 16, BOA [ 106 Ί BOL BOAST (MAKE ONE’s.) 1. Ἔτη; ἢ. 17, 23, BOASTER (-s.) ἀλαζών, a wanderer about the country, vagabond (the Scottish landlouper,) hence, a false pretender, imposter, quack, (non occ, ) Rom. i. 30. | 2m μ.ο. BOASTING [noun. ] 1. καύχησις, a boasting, reason to boast, denoting the act. 2. καύχημα, a vaunt or boast; a subject of boasting. 3. ἀλαζονεία, the character of an ἀλαζών, (see “ BOASTER,”) false pretension, imposture, quackery. 1 Rom. iii. 27. 2 0ρ16ος ο 8. 1. 2 Cor. vii. 14. ΠΕΣ 4 (oi. All.) 1. —— viii. 24. 1. —— xi. 10, 17. 3. Jas. iv. 16. BOAT (-s.) 1. πλοιάριον, a skiff or boat, (dim. of πλοῖον, which means strictly a float- ing vessel, hence, a ship or vessel in the most general sense.) 2. σκάφη, any thing dug or scooped out as a trough, tub or basin ; hence, a light boat or skiff, (non occ. ) 1. John vi. 22 1st. 1. John vi. 23. - 22 2nd (πλοῖον, 2. Acts xxvii. 16, 30, see above,G L T Tr 8.) 32, BODILY. 1. σῶμα, the body as a whole, whether of men or animals, see ‘ BODY.” 3, σωματικός, bodily, of or for the body, corporeally, (adj. of No. 1.) (adv. of 3. σωματικῶς, corporeally, No. δν 2. Luke 111, 22. 8. Col. ii. 9. 1, 2 Cor. x. 10 (Gen.) Ὁ ἃ πα Ἰν, 8, BODY. 1. σῶμα, the body as a whole, whether of man or animals, dead or alive. The necessary constituent part and organic basis of human nature ; the necessary medium for the possession and mani- Jestation of life. 2. χρώς, the surface of any body ; esp. ? 2 of the human body, the skin or the flesh, as opp. to bone; then, gen. one’s body ov frame. 1. Matt. v. 29, 30. 1. 1 Cor, vi. 13 twice, 15, 16, 1. ——vi. 22 twice, 93, 18 twice, 19, 20. 25 twice. 1. —— vii. 4 twice, 34. 1, —— x, 28 twice. 1. —— ix. 27. 1. — xiv. 12 (πτῶμα, a | 1. —— x. 16, 17. fall ; then, that which | 1 is fallen or killed, a | 1. corpse, ἃ ὦ L Tr &.) . — xi. 24, 27, 29. a 8) times, 13, 14, 15 twice 16 twice, Vie 1. ——xxvi. 12, 26. 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 1. —— xxvii. 52, 58 Ist. 1. — xiii. 3. (25, 27. 1 58 2nd (oi, Trb | 1. —— xv. 35, 37, 38 twice, 55.) 40 twice. Ἱ ils 44 Ist, 2nd, ἃ 3rd. 1. Mark v. 29. ill 44 4th (om. G> Τὰ 1. —— xiv. 8, 22 TTrAw®.) 1. —— xv. 43. 1. 2 Cor, iv. 10 twice. 1 45 (πτῶμα, see | 1. ν. 6, 8; 10. above, Matt. xiv. 12, | 1. —— xii. 2 twice, 3 twice, LTTrAw®) 1. Gall τι 1 1. Luke xi. 84 3times, 96, 1. Eph.i. 25. Us xii. 4, 22, 23. 1. —— ii. 16. 1. ται υγ. 1. -----ἵν. 4, 12, 16 twice. 1. —— xxii. 19. 1. —— vy. 23, 28, 30. 1. —— xxiii. 52, 55. 1, Phils 205 1: Tees Ὁ 1. —— iii. 21 twice. 1. John ii. 21. 1. Col. i. 18, 22, 24. ale xix. 31, 38 twice 40, | 1. —— ii. 11, 17, 19, 23. 1. —— xx. 12. 1. —— iii. 15. 1. Acts ix. 40. Ἱ 1 hes: v.23: 2. —— xix. 12. Ἱ. Heb! Σ δ, 50, 58. 1. Rom. i. 24. ik πι. 5.11. 1, —— iy. 19. 1851: 16. 26: Ἱ τοι ο πρ iL iii. 2, 8, 6. ul vii. 4, 24, 1. ΤΡ ΘΑ: 1. —— viii. 10, 11, 18, 23. | 1. Jude 9. 1, —— xii. 1, 4, 5. 1. Rev. xviii. 13, margin 1. 1 Cor. v. 3. (text, slave.) BODY (prap.) πτῶμα, a fall, then that which is fallen, a corpse. Rey. xi. 8, 9 twice. BODY (or ΤῊΣ same.) σύσσωμος, together with the same body, united in the same body, (non oce. ) Eph. iii, 6. BOISTEROUS. ἰσχυρός, strong, mighty, powerful, (ad). Jrom ἰσχύω, see “ ABLE.” Matt. xiv. 30, marg. strong. BOLD (8) 1. τολμάω, to undertake, take heart either to do or bear anything ter- rible or dificult ; to dare, to venture, to have courage. . παῤῥησιάζομαι, to speak freely, openly, boldly, with fearless candour. BOL Γ πο 1 ΒΟΝ θαρρέω, (from θέρω, to be warm, and because persons of a warm temper are naturally confident and courageous it denotes to be of good cheer, to be full of hope and confidence. 8.2) ΟΕ. x: 1. 1. 2Cor. xi. 21 twice. 5, 9 Ist. 1. Phil. i. 14. 1: 2 2nd. 2. 1 Thes, ii 2. BOLD (88 Νο.) 6 χω, to have, πολλὴν, much, παῤῥησίαν, freedom ov frankness of speaking; ὦ frankness that sometimes amounts to boldness and intrepidity ; l fearless candour. Philem. 8. BOLD (BE VERY.) ἀποτολμάω, to make a bold venture, to dare very much, (non occ.) Rom. x. 20. BOLD (wax.) παῤῥησιάζομαι, to speak freely, openly, boldly. Acts xii. 46. BOLDLY. 1. παῤῥησία, the speaking all one thinks, freedom or frankness of speaking ; a frankness that under some circum- stances amounts to boldness and intrepidity ; fearless candour. (a) with ἐν, in. (b) with μετά, with. to παῤῥησιάζομαι, to speak freely or with fearless candour. oo . θαρρέω, see “ BoD,” No. 3. > τολμάω, see “ BoLD,” Vo, 1. 4. Mark xv. 43. 2. 1 Thes. ii. 2. 1. John vii. 26 (Dat.) 1b. Heb. iv. 16. la. Eph. vi. 19. ὃν xiii. 6. BOLDLY (preEacu.) 2. Acts ix. 27. BOLDLY (sprak.) 2. Acts xiv. 3. 2. Acts xix, 8. 2, xviii. 26. 2. Eph. vi. 20. BOLDLY (THE More.) τολμηρότερον, (comp. of τολμηρός,) more daring, more boldly or freely, (non ους, ) Rom. xv. 15. BOLDNESS. παῤῥησία, see “ BoLDLy,” No. 1. Acts iv. 13, 29, 31. 1. Tim. iii. 13. Eph. iii. 12. Heb. x. 19, marg. liberty. Phil. i. 20. 1. John iv. 17. BOLDNESS OF SPEECH. 2 Cor. 111. 12, marg. (text, plainness of speech.) — vii. 4. BOND (-s) [noun.] 1. δεσμός, a band, bond or fetter ; gen. anything for tying or fastening ; bonds, imprisonment. * denotes neut. pl. 9 2. σύνδεσμος, that which binds together, a band ο bond; that which is bound together, a bundle. ἅλυσις, a chain, esp. a woman’s orna- ment (from a, negative, and iw, to loose. ) 1. Luke xiii. 16. 2. Col. iii. 14. 2. Acts viii. 23. it iv. 18. 1*.—— xx. 23. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 9. | 1. —— xxiii. 29. 1. Philem. 10, 13. 1. —— xxvi. 29, 31. 1. Heb. x. 34 (δέσμιος, /hose 2. Eph. iv. 3. in bonds, instead of ϑ. vi. 20, marg. chain. δεσμοῖς pov, G LT Tr Ρα 1ο 4} 18 1. xi. 80. [A.) BONDS (ιν) δέσμιος, a binding, one bound. Acts xxv. 14. BONDS (88 Iv.) | δέω, to bind, tie, fasten, fetter. | Col. iv. 3 (perf. pass.) BONDS (rHat 18 IN.) δέσμιος, a binding, one bound. Heb. xiii. 3. BOND. [adj.] | δοῦλος, a slave; the lowest word in the | scale of servitude, (see under “ SER- | VANT,”) strictly one born a slave. BON fF 108 1 BOR 1 Cor. xii, 12. | ο See also, ANCLE. Eph. vi. 8. ee, BOOK (-s.) BONDAGE. 1. βίβλος, the inner part of the papyrus δουλεία, servitude, slavery. (βύβλος); gen. bark, then the paper Rom, viii, 15, 21. | πα made of this bark (jirst in Egypt), BONDAGE (BE τν.) δουλεύω, to serve as a slave; to be a slave, (diff. from δουλόω, to enslave.) John viii. 33. | Gal. iv. 9, 25. Acts vii. 7. BONDAGE (BE UNDER.) δουλόω, to make a slave of. (a) pass. to be enslaved. a. 1 Cor. vii. 15. BONDAGE (Brine ΙΝΤΟ) 3 ον (BRING IN. )T δουλόω, to make a slave of. (a) pass. to be enslaved. Acts vii. 6%. , | a. 2 Pet. 11, 191. BONDAGE (ν.) a. Gal. iv. 3. BONDMAID. παιδίσκη, ἃ young girl, a maiden; a young female slave. Gal. iv. 22. a paper, a written book, roll or volume. βιβλίον, (dim. of No. 1), a paper, a letter ; a book. bo 1. Matt. i. 1. 2. Rey. νὰ 1,25, 4, 8. 1. Mark xii. 26. 2. Tm α- LT 1. Luke iii. 4. Tr A.) 2. —— iv. 17 twice, 90, 2. 8, 9. il; xx. 49. 1. —— xiii. 8 (No. 2, GL 2. John xx. 30. T Tr A.) 2. —— xxi. 25. 2 xvii. 8. 1. Acts i. 90. 2. —— xx. 12 5 times. 1. —— vii. 42. πι 5: 1. — xix. 19. 2. —— xxi. 27. 2. Gal. iii. 10. 2. --- xxii. 7, 9, 10, 1. ΡΜ. ἂν. 8: 18 twice. 2. 2 Tim. iv. 13. πε 19 Ist (No. 2,1, 2. Heb. ix. 19. TTrA®) 2. ——x.7. 1. 192nd (ξύλον, tec, ο. ον. ἃ... GLTTrA®) 1, —— iii. 5. 2. 19 3rd, BOOK (1111.}) βιβλαρίδιον, (a dim. of No. 1), a little book. x. 2(No. 2, Gx.) x. 8 (No. 2, L Tr) (βιβλιδάριον, a small cord of x. 9, 10. [βιβλος, T.) Rev. BONDMAN. δοῦλος, a slave; the lowest word in the scale of servitude (cf. “ SERVANT,” strictly one born a slave. Rey. vi 15. BORDER (-s.) 1. κράσπεδον, the edge, border, margin, hem of a thing, esp. of cloth ; met. the edge of a country. 3. μεθόριος, lying between as a bound- ary ; the frontier, 3. ὅριον, a bound, goal, limit, 7 pl. the borders of a place, hence, districts, territory. 3. Matt. iv. 13. 2, Mark vii. 24(No. 8, L Ἱ. Se, ΤῊΝ 1. Mark vi. 56. 1. Luke viii. 44, BONDWOMAN. παιδίσκη, see “ BONDMAID.” Gal. iv. 23, 30 twice, 31, BONE (-s.) ὀστέον, a bone, (prob. from yy, strength, or yy, firmness, so Latin os.) Matt. xxiii. 27. | John xix. 36. Eph. ν. 30 (ap.) Heb, xi. 22. Luke xxiv. 39. BORN AT ALEXANDRIA. ᾿Αλεξανδρεὺς, an Alexandrian, τῷ γένει, by birth. Acts xviii. 24. BORN IN PONTUS. Ποντικὸς, a Pontie, τῷ γένει, by birth, Acts xviii. 2. BOR BORN (88) 1. γεννάω, to beget, of the father ; to bring forth, of the mother. (a) pass. be born. 2. τίκτω, to bring into the world; of the father, to beget ; of the mother, to bring forth. (a) passive. la. Matt. i. 16. la. John xvi. 21. la. —— ii. 1. la. Xviii. 37. 2a. 2. Ja. Acts ii. 8. la. 4. la. vii. 20. la. —— xix. 12. la. —— xxii. 3, 28. la. —— xxvi. 24. la. Rom. ix. 11. la. Mark xiv. 21. la. Gal. iv, 23, 29, la. Luke i. 35. : la. Heb. xi. 23. 2a. —— ii. 11. la. 1 John ii. 29. la. John i. 13. la. —— iii. 9 twice, la. —— iii. 3, 4 twice, 5, 6, | la. —— iv. 7. la. —— viii. ‘41. TZ 8. | la. —— ν. 1, 4, 18. la. —— ix. 2, 19, 20,32, 34. | 2. Rev. xii. 4. BORN AGAIN (15.) ἀναγεννάω, to beget again, to bear again. It is used of the redeeming act of God ; a new beginning of personal life. 3 (a) passive. 8. 1 Pet. 1. 28, BORN OUT OF DUE TIME (ονΕ,) ἔκτρωμα, a child untimely born, an abortion. 1 Cor. xv. 8, marg. an abortive. BORN (THAT 15.) γεννητός, begotten, (non occ. ) Matt. xi. 11. | Luke vii. 28. See also, FIRST, NEW. BORNE. See, GRIEVOUS. BORROW. δανείζω, to put out money at usury, to lend. (a) mid. to have lent to one, to borrow. (b) pass. of the money, to be lent out. (οσο. Luke vi. 34, 35.) a. Matt. v. 42. [ 109 ] BOT BOSOM. κόλπος, the bosom, the chest; any bosom- like hollow, esp. that between the waves ; a bay or gulph, etc. Luke vi. 38. John i. 18. —- xvi. 22, 23. — xiii. 23. BOTH. 1. καί, (conj.) the conjunction of annex- ation, uniting things strictly co-ordin- ate, and, also, even. When translated both is always followed by another kat, which is translated and, (καί unites ; τε annexes.) 2. τε, α conj. of annexation, annexing with an implied relation or distinction and, also,( annexing something added ) t¢ denotes an internal, logical rela- tion; Kat, (No. 1) an external relation. When translated both, it is followed (a) either by καί, and, (b) or by another τε, (c) or by δέ, a conj. of antithesis, and or but. 3. ἀμφότερος, (adj.) both, of two. 4. δύο, two (so in all kindred languages, Lat. duo; Sans. dwi; Old Germ. ZWO, ZWei.) ϑι ἕκαστος, each one, every one. 3. Matt. ix. 17. 2a. Acts xx. 21, 1. ——x. 28. | 2a.—— xxi. 12. 1. ,—— xii. 22. | 2a.—— xxii. 4. 3. —— xiii. 30. | 3. —— xxiii 8. 3. —— xv. 14. | 2a,— xxiv. 15. 2a.—— xxii. 10. ] 2a,— xxv. 24. 1. Mark vi. 30 (om. G3 L | 2b. xxvi. 16, Tr A &.) ib 29. 1. —— vii. 37. 2a,—— xxviii. 23. 3. Luke i. 6, 7. 2a. Rom. i. 12, 14 twice. 1. — ii. 46. 2a,.—— iii. 9. 3, —— Vv. 7. 1. — xi. 33. iF 36. 1, —— xiv. 9 twice. 8. 38 (om. G>T Tr> | 2a. 1 Cor. i. 2, 24. AR.) 1. ——iv. 11. 3, —— vi. 39. 1. — vi. 13. 3. —— vii. 42. ἃ: 14, B..and also. 1. —— xxii. 33. 1. —— vii. 34, 1. John iv. 36. 2a. Eph. i. 10 (om. All.) 1. —— vii. 28. 8, —— ii. 14, 16, 18. 1. —— xi. 48. 2a. Phil. i. 7. 1, 57 (om. LT TrA | 1. ——ii. 13. 1, —— xii. 28. (N.) | 1. —— iv. 9 Ist. 1, —— xv. 24. ἃ, 12 (δέ, St) 4 — xx 4 1. ----- 19 Ind ἃ Grd. 2a. Acts i. 1, 8, 18. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 15. 1. — ii 29, yi ν. 15 (om. G2L Tr 2a,—— iv. 27. 1. 2 Thes. iii. 4. [Ν᾿ 1. 1 Tim. iv. 10 (om. --ἴ, 82a. —viii. 12. Tr AbR.) 3. 88 Ist. 1. 16. 2a. 88 2nd. 1. Titus i. 9. 2a.—— x. 39. 1. Philem. 16, 2a.—— xiv. 1, 5 2a. Heb, ii. 4, 11. 2a.—— xix. 10, 2a. ——v. 1, 14. BOT i 1 1 BOW 2a. Heb. vi. 19. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 18. 2a. —— χ. 9, 19. 1. 2 John 9. 2a. —— x. 33. 1. Rev. xiii. 15. 5. —— xi. 21. 4. —— xix. 20. BOTTLE (-s.) ἀσκός, a leathern bag, mostly of goatskin; a wine skin. Matt. ix. 17 4 times. Mark ii. 22 3 times (@p,) Luke v. 37 3 times. 38. BOTTOM. κάτω. down, downwards. Matt. xxvii. 51. BOTTOMLESS. ἄβυσσος. bottomless, unfathomed, gen. boundless, erhaustless, as a noun, the deep, the abyss, (occ. Luke viii. ος om: πὶ ἢ; σερ") Rey. ix. 1, 2 (ap.) BOTTOMLESS PIT. Rev. ix. 11. | — xi. 7. Rev. xvii. 8. — xx. 1, 3. Then blessing, the blessing which the gospel secures, bounty. 2 Cor. ix. 6 twice (pl. with ἐπί, upon.) BOUNTIFULNESS. ἁπλότης, simplicity, sincerity of mind, freedom from sinister design ; then, that which springs from such a "mind, liberality, bountifulness. 2 Cor. ix. 11. BOUNTY. DA , ce -- te , 6] εὐλογία, see “ BOUNTIFULLY. 2 Cor, ix. 5 Ist (marg. Gi. blessing.) BOUNTY (matter oF.) 2 Cor, ix. ὃ 2nd. BOW [noun. ] τόξον, a bow, (non occ. ) Rev. vi. 2. BOUND (-s) [noun. ] ὁροθεσία, the fixing of a boundary, a boundary set, (non occ.) Acts xvii. 26. BOUND (nr.) ὀφείλω, to owe, have to pay o7 account for; gen. to be in debt ; im wider sig. to be under an obligation, to be bound. Matt. xxiii. 18, marg (text, be quilty.) 2 Thes. i. 3. ii. 13. BOUND WITH (Β5.) περίκειμαι, to lie round about; to have round one, wear. Acts xxviii. 20. See, BIND. BOUNTIFULLY. evAoyia, good speaking, good language, commendation, in a good sense, “eu- logy ;” adulation, in a bad sense. BOW [verb.] 1. κάμπτω, to bend, to curve, wsed of the knee in worship or prayer, (non oce. ) 2. κλίνω, to make to bend, to bow in reverence or in death, 3. τίθημι, to put, set, place ; then, gen. to bring a thing into a place, and so to bring into a situation, to bring about, cause. 3. Mark xv. 19. 2. John xix. 30. 1. Rom. xi. 4. 1. Rom. xiv. 11. 1. Eph. iii. 14. 1. Phil. ii. 10. BOW DOWN. 1. συγκάμπτω, to bend together, bend the kneejoint ; metaph. to bow down, humble, (zon oce. ) bo κλίνω, see No. 2, above. 2. Luke xxiv. 5. | 1. Rom, xi, 10, BOWED TOGETHER (5η) συγκύπτω, to bend forwards towards each other, (non oce. ) Luke xiii. 11. See also, KNEE. — vii. 15, marg. (text, . Matt. xiii. 32. — xxi. 8. — xxiv. 32. . Mark iv. 32. — xi. 8. . — xiii 28. BOW BOWELS. σπλάγχνα, the inward parts, esp. the nobler parts of them; metaph. like Eng. heart, the seat of the feelings, affections. Luke i. 78, marg. (text, Phil. i. 8. Acts 1, 18. [tender.) — ii. 1. 2 Cor. vi. 12. Col. iii. 12. Philem. 7, 12, 20. inward affection.) BOWELS OF COMPASSION, 1 John iii. 17. BOX. See, ALABASTER. BRAMBLE BUSH. βάτος, a bramble bush. Luke vi. 44. BRANCH. κλάδος, a young slip or shoot of a tree, such as is broken off for grafting ; gen. a young branch or shoot of any tree, but esp. the olive, (non occ. ) κλῆμα, a slip, a cutting, esp. a vine twig, (non occ.) στοιβάς, a kind of bed composed of boughs of trees, leaves or the like trampled or crammed together (from στείβω, to tread upon) ; in pl. the branches themselves. Baiov, a branch of the palm tree. ἀνατολή, a rising, as of the sun or moon (or of a river or teeth), or of plants, a shoot, cf. Zech. vi. 12. 5. Luke i. 78, marg. (text, day-spring.) — xiii. 19. . John xii. 13, — xv. 2, 4, 5, 6. . Rom. xi. 16,17,18,19,21. rose BRASS. χαλκός, copper, (the first metal which men learned to smelt and work), hence used for metals in general, but later applied to bronze, a mixture of copper and tin, (οι brass, which is a mixture of copper and zine, is said to have been quite unknown to the Ancients.) Used also of any thing made of brass or metal, as arms, vessels or coins. Matt. x. 9. | 1 Cor. xiii. 1. | Rev. xviii. 12. ae Ἱ BRE BRASS (FINE. ) χαλκολίβανον, white or shining copper, (from χαλκός, copper, and}a5,white. ) Some, however, think it to be frankin- cense of a gold colour (from λίβα- vos, frankincense, and χαλκός, copper.) Rev. i. 15; ii. 18. BRASS (or.) χάλκεος, adj. of copper or bronze. Rev. ix. 20. BRAWLER (no)* (nor Α).} ἄμαχος, without battle; and so, with + whom no one fights ; disinclined to fight, peaceful. 1 Tim. iii. 3. * Titus iii. 2. BRAWLING (margin. ] μάχη, battle, fight, combat ; a quarrel, strife, wrangling. Jas. iv. 1 (text, fighting.) BRAZEN VESSEL (-s.) χαλκίον, a copper utensil, vessel, etc. Mark vii. 4. BREAD. ἄρτος, bread, a loaf, esp. of wheat (barley- Matt. Mark bread denotes pata) (prob, from Sans. root AR, the earth, from which a large number of words in various languages are derived, all connected with the earth, e.g. ἄρατρον, a plough, Lat. aratrum ; so ἄρτος, bread, it being the most important product of the earth.) iv. 3, 4. Luke xi. 3, 11. Wi. Li. — xiv 1. vii. 9. 15 (ἄριστον, the xv. 2, 26, 83. morning meal,G~Ne-) xvi. 6, 7, 8, 11. — xv. 17. 12 (om. T 8.) — xxii. 19. xxvi. 26, xxiv. 30, 35. iii. 20. John vi. 5,7, 23, 31,32twice, vi. 8. 33, 34, 35, 41, 48, 50, 36 (om. Ge Τῶν Tr) 5] Stimes, ὃν twice. ‘ . ον (βρῶμα, that which is | —— xiii. 18. eaten, food, &.) xxi. 9, 18. 37. Acts ii. 42, 46. vii. 2, 5, 27. > ogy 1, viii, 4, 14, 16, 17. — xxvii. 35. Luke xiv. 22. 1 Cor, x. 16, 17 twice. iv. 3, 4. — xi, 23, 26, 27, 28. vii. 38 (om. G=.) 2 Cor. ix. 10, ix. 3. 2 Thes. iii. 8, 12. ο BRE BREAD (sHEW.) ἄρτοι, loaves, τῆς, of the, προθέσεως, setting before. 9 { πρόθεσις, the setting before, τῶν ἄρτων, of the loaves. 1. Matt. xii. 4. 1. Mark ii. 26. 1. Luke vi. 4. 2. Heb. ix. 2. BREAD (UNLEAVENED.) ἄζωμος, without process of fermentation ; of bread, unleavened, with art. it de- notes the feast of unleavened bread ; metaph. uncorrupted, sincere, (060. iors. πο τς) Matt. καν]. 17. | Acts xii. 3. πὶ Ὁ. H 1 Cor. τ. 8. Mark xiv. 1, 12. Luke xxii. 1, 7. See also, DAILY. a BREADTH. πλάτος, breadth, width. Eph, iii. 18. | Rev. xx. 9. Rey. xxi. 16 twice. BREAK [noun. ] See, DAY. BREAK (ΚΕ, «Ίνα, -oKEN) [verb.] κλάω, to break, break off or in pieces. κατακλάω, to break short, snap off. down, break λύω, to loose; loosen, unbind, un- fasten. συντρίβω, to rub together ; shatter, shiver, break in pieces by crushing. ῥήγνυμι, to break or burst ; to tear, rend as garments, α line of soldiers, ete. διαῤῥήγνυμι, to break or burst through, burst asunder; rend or cleave in VATIOUs WAYS. κατάγνυμι, to break in pieces, break. συνθλάω, to crush together. συνθρύπτω, to break small, weaken, enfeeble. Π amet Ὁ BRE 10. σχίζω, to split, cleave ; gen. to part 3. 8. 1. ο, Doom Re asunder, separate ; rend, tear. Matt. v. 19. 1. Luke xxiv. 30. ——vi. 19, 20, see B | 3. Johny. 18. ix. 17. [through. | 3. vii. 29, — xii. 20. 3. —— x. 35. —— xiv. 19. 7. —— xix. 91, 32, 33. xv. 36. 4, 36. —— xxi. 44 (ap.) 10. —— xxi. 11. — —— xxiy. 43, see Ὦ πρ. | 1. Acts ii. 46. —— xxvi. 26. — —— xiii. 48, see B up. — Mark ii. 4, see B up. 1. —— xx. 7, 11. ν. 4,566 Bin pieces, | 9. —— xxi. 13. vi. 41. 1. —— xxvii. 35. —— viii. 6, 19. ΩΣ 41. [Β off. Kivi. 8: — Rom. xi. 17, 19, 20, see 22: 1. I Cor. x. 16. Luke v..6. 1. —— xi. 24 twice (om, 2nd —— viii. 29. 1, τ Ἐν Α 8.) — ix. 10. — Gal. iv. 27, see B forth. — — xii. 39,seeBthrough 8. ns 3. Eph. 11. 14. — Rev. ii. 27, shivers. — xx. 18. see B to — xxii. 19. BREAK FORTH. 5. Gal. iv. 27. BREAK IN PIECES. 4, Mark v. 4. BREAK OFF. ἐκκλάω, (or ἐκκλάζω,) to break off, (No. διορύσσω, to di 1 2. 3. 1 with éx, from.) Rom. xi. 17, 19, 20 (No. 1, L Tr.) BREAK THROUGH. ο through; metaph. to S undermine, ruin. Matt. vi. 19, 20. | Luke xii. 39. BREAK TO SHIVERS. 4. Rev. ii. 27. BREAK UP. λύω, see “BREAK,” Vo. 3. διορύσσω, to dig through. ἐξορύσσω, to dig out or through, force up, to pluck out the eyes. 2. Matt. xxiv. 43. | 8. Mark ii. 4. 1. Acts xiii. 43. See also, BROKEN. BRE αν ο BRI BREAKER (-s.) παραβάτης, one who goes beside, as the combatant with the charioteer ; one who passes by the side of, a trans- gressor. Rom. ii. 25. See also, COVENANT, TRUCE. BREAKING foun. | 1. κλάσις, a breaking, fracture; a break- ing off. 2. παράβασις, a going aside, deviation ; an overstepping, transgression. 1. Luke xxiy. 35. | 1. Acts ii. 49, 2. Rom. ii. 23. BREAST. στῆθος, the breast, of both sexes, also. of animals ; metaph. the breast as the seat of feeling, passion, ard thought (non oce. ) Luke xviii. 13. — xxiii. 48. John xiii. 25. xxi. 20. Rev. xv. 6. BREASTPLATE. θώραξ, a breastplate, cuirass, (non occ. ) Eph. vi. 14. | 1 Thes. v. 8. Rey. ix. 9 twice, 17, BRETHREN. See, BROTHER. BRIDE. νύμφη, a bride or young wife (prob. from nubo, to veil, because led veiled from her home to the bridegroom’s ;) hence, a daughter-in-law. John iii. 29. Rey. xxi. 2, 9 (om. Ges.) Rey. xviii. 23. — xxii. 17. BRIDECHAMBER. νυμφών, a bridal chamber, (non oce. ) Matt. ix. 15. | Mark ii. 19. Luke ν. 34. BRIDEGROOM. νυμφίος, of marriageable age ; with art. a bridegroom. Matt. ix. 15 twice, — xxv. 1,2, 6, 10. Mark ii. 19 Ist (ap.) 19 2nd, 20, Luke v. 34, 35. John ii. 9. ill, 293 times, Rev. xviii. 23. BRIDLE [noun. ] χαλινός, a bridle ov rein, esp. the bit of a bridle, (oce. Jas. iii. 3.) Rey. xiv. 20. BREATH. 1. πνοή, a blowing, wind, blast, air ; of animals, a breathing hard, fetching breath ; then, gen. the breath, (occ. Acts ii. 2.) 2. πνευμα, wind, air; the air we breathe, breath ; life; a Spirit ; a Spiritual Being. 1. Acts xvii, 25. 2. Rey. xiii 15, marg. (text, life.) BREATHE ON. ἐμφυσάω, to breathe upon, blow upon, (non oce. ) John xx, 22, BREATHE OUT. ἐμπνέω, to blow o7 breathe on or in, (non occ. ) Acts ix. 1. BRIDLE» ( ΤῊ) [verb.] χαλιναγωγέω, to lead, guide with o7 as with a bridle, (non oce. ) Jas. 1. 26 ; iii. 9 BRIEFLY. δύ, by means of, in, ) . ae We, ° in few [words. | ὀλιγων, few, 1 Pet. v. 12. See also, COMPREHEND, BRIER (-s.) τρίβολος, three pointed, three pronged ; Strom the likeness of shape, a prickly water-plant ; a/so a like plant on land, which was apt to stick in sheep's wool, (occ. Matt. vii. 16.) Heb. vi. 8. BRI BRIGHT. 1. λαμπρός, bright, brilliant, radiant. 9. φωτεινός, shining, bright, (opp. to / σκοτεινός, dark. ) 2. Matt. xvii. 5 (4 59) (φωτος — Luke xi. 36, see shining of light, G.) 1. Acts x. 30. 1. Rey. xxii. 16. 84. BRIGHTNESS. 1. ἀπαύγασμα, what is radiated, reflected light, reflection, (non occ. ) 9, ἐπιφάνεια, the appearance, manifesta- tion; esp. Christ. 3. λαμπρότης, (non ους. ) brilliancy, splendour, 8. Acts xxvi. 13. | 2. 2 Thes. ii. 8. 1. Heb. i. 3. the second coming of BRIM (vp τὸ THE.) ἕως, up to, as far as, ἄνω, up, above, with art. deno es that which is above, up to the higher parts or brim. John ii. 7. BRIMSTONE. θεῖον, fire from heaven, (places touched by lightning were called θεῖα,) as lightning leaves a sulphureous smell, and sulphur was used in heathen purifications, it got the name of θεῖον. Brimstone (from brienne or brin, z.e. burn and stone.) From heathen uses in their religions God made it an instrument of His vengeance in the heathen ; (cf. Gen. xix. 24; Job. xviii. 15; Ps. xi. 6; Deut. xxix. 23; Is, xxx. 33; xxxiv. 9; Jude 7.) Luke xvii. 29. Rev. ix. 17 2nd. —- xiv. 10. Rey. xix. 20, xx. 10. — xxi. 8. BRIMSTONE (or.) θειώδης, (from θεῖον, above) of brimstone, brimstone-like. Rey. ix. 17 1st. BRI BRING. (-EST, -ETH, -ING ; BROUGHT, but see also, BROUGHT (BE).) 1. φέρω, to bear, (Lat. fero, Sans. bhri, Pers. ber, Germ. bahren, fahren, Eng. bear) to bear or carry a load (with idea of motion;) to bear as fruit, to endure, bear with. bo ἀποφέρω, (No. 1, with ἀπό, from, pre- πεί) to carry off or away; to carry or bring back. 3. ἐπιφέρω, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon) to bring, put, ο) lay upon; to bring (i.e. to confer or impose) upon, ὅι a good or bad sense, to charge upon one. 4. προσφέρω, (No. 1, with πρός, towards) to bring to or towards ; to bring in addition to, contribute. 5. ἄγω, to lead, lead along, take with one (used of persons, as No. 1 is of things), to lead as a General, to guide as the gods. SE ἀνάγω, (No. 5, with ἀνά, up) to lead up, from a lower place to a higher. 7. ἀπάγω, (No. 5, with ἀπό, from) to lead away, take off. 8. κατάγω, (No. 5, with κατά, down) to lead down, gen. to lead or carry to a place. 9. προσάγω, (No. 5, with πρός, towards) trans. to lead to or towards, to bring near, zztrans. to come to, to approach. 10. λαμβάνω, orig. signif. twofold one (more active) to take, the other (more passive) to receive ; to take, take hold of, grasp, seize, as with the hand: hence, to receive, obtain. 11. κομίζω, to take care of, provide for ; to carry away, 80 as to preserve ; to ‘arry, convey, bear ; bring to. 12. παρέχω, to hold beside or near, hold Heck Sail iy in readiness; then, to offer, furnish, supply. — Matt. i. 21, 28, 25, see | — Matt. vii. 17twice, 18twice, B forth. 19, see B forth. -- —— iii 8,10,see Bforth. — —— iv, 24, see B unto. ——— vy, 23, see B to, — —_ viii. 10,560 B unto, ~—— ix. 2, 32, see B to. i κ. 18, BRI — Matt.xi. 23, see Bdown. — —— xii. 22, see B unto. 35 twice, see B forth. — — xiii. 8, 23, 26, 52, see B forth. 1. — xiv. 11 twice, 18. - 35, see Β unto. 10.— xvi. 8 (ἔχετε, ye have, L 9.) -- xvii. 1, see B up. - 16, see B to. 1: 17. — — xviii. 24,) see B —— xix. 13, j unto. 5. —— xxi. 2, 7. -- 43, see B forth. - — xxii. 19, see Bunto 4. —— xxv. 20. — — xxvii. 3,seeB again 1. Mark i. 32. 1. —ii. 3. — —— iv. 8, see B forth. -- 20, 28, see fruit. 1, —— vi. 27, 28. 1. — vii. 32. 1. — viii. 22. 1. —— ix. 17, 19, 20. — — x. 13 1st, see B to. 4. 13 ὅπά (αὐτοῖς, them,for τοῖς προσφέρ- ουσιν, L™ οὐ.) 5. —— xi 2 (No.1, Ga T Tr AS.) 6. 7 (No.1, Ge T 1, —— xii. 15, 16. [Tr A.) 1. — xv. 22. — Luke i. 31, 57,) see B -- ὙΠ ἢ; ) forth. 6. 22. σος τα 27, see B in. — —— iii.8, 9,see B forth. 5 iv. Ὁ. -- 16, see B up. δ. 40. 8. --ν. 11. it 18 lst. -- 18 354 10. 566 Βῖη. - — Vi. 43 twice 45 twice, see B forth. πα, να 57. — — viii. 15, see fruit. 9. —— ix. 41. δ. x. 84. — — xii. 11, see B unto. -- 16, see B forth abundantly. — — xiv. 21, see Bin. — — xv. 22, see B forth A ; -- Xviii.15, seeBunto. 5. 40. 5. —— xix. 27, 30, 35. δ. —— xxi. 12 (No. 7, T TrA WN.) — — xxii. 54, see Binto. — — xxiii. 14,seeB unto. 1. —— xxiv. 1. 5. John i. 42. 1, —— iv. 33. 5, —— vii. 45. “δ, —— viii. 3 (ap.) 5. —— ix. 13. 5. —— x. 16. — — xii. 24,see B forth. — — xv. 2,5, 16, see B forth. - — xviii. 16, see B in. 1. 29. 5. xix. 4, 18. Ἱ. 39. 1. —— xxi. 10. 1. Acts iv. 84, 37. 1, ——Yv. 2. -- 15, see B forth. 1, ——— 16. 19, see B forth. ὃ. ——— 21, 26, 27. H” — Acts v. 28, see B upon. 5. vi. 12. — — Vii. 36, 40,see Bout -- 45, see B in. 5, —— ix. 2. 8, see B into. 6. 91, 27. -- 30, see B down. 6. 39. iss κ 28: — — xii. 4, 6, seeBforth - LG see B — — xii. 17, out. 1. —— xiv. 13. -- — xv. 3, see B on 12.— xvi.16. [one’s way. 9. 20. -- 30, see B out. 6. 34, 39, see B out. XVii. 5 (προάγω, to lead forth, L Tr A &.) 15, 19. 20, see B to. xviii. 12. 3. —— xix. 12 (No. 2, ἃ ὁ LTTrAwW) 19, seeB together 5. δ. δ. 5. 37. 5. LT 21, 23. [Tr AN.) ο Phil τ 19, 14. — ii. 25. — iii. 1, 13, 17. iv. 1. 8, 21. . Col i. 1,2. iv. ο 9, 15. ἐπ Thes. i. —— ji. 1, a 14, 17. . — iii. 2 η. . — iv. 1 1 1: 1 μα μα μα μα μα μα μα μα μα μὰ κα μα μ- 1: -- 9 ο. 1 10 twice, 13. ie να, 4, 12, 14, 25, 1. 2 Thes. i. 3. [26, i π. 1. 19, 15. 1. —— iii. if 6 twice,13, 15. 1. 1 Tim. iv. 6. 1 σα. ἣν Sane 2. 1. 2 Tim. iv. L: Philem. 1. 7, 16. 20, jigs α. ΠΠ πρ ας ] 1 1 1 1 ἸᾺ 1 1 1 ] — iii. on = (Ci ΓΕ) αι. ο. 19. 25: ο, —- ix. 1τ, 80. {[20,57. 21. a Us 1. Ue ue 1 1. ue ik ie iL ΠΣ 1 1, Ἐ Up ie ue ib ib 1. ih UB if 1 Uf τς ie up 1. iL 1 τς 1. i ue 1. uf Ue ip 1, ιν fs iil. 2; 12: . — vii. 5, . — viii. 11. εκ. 19. 92 93 24, 40. — xvii. 6, — xviii. 18, . — xx. 32 (om. G- 1 5 hr A: RX.) — xxi. 7, 17, 20. — xxii. 1, 5, 13. —— xxiii. 1, 5, 6. —— xxviii. 14,15,17,21. . Rom. i. 13. —- Vii. ΙΓ — viii. 12, 29. . —ix. 3. —x.l1. — xi. 25. — xii. 1. . — xiv. 10 twice, 13,15, . — xv.14, (21. 15 (om. L Tr: Ab) 30 (om. T Ab.) ae 14, 17, 28. at or. i. 1, 10, 11, 26. — iil. --- ili. Mg — iv. 6. — v. ll. vi. 5, 6, 8. 1. —— vii. 12, 15, 24, 29. 1, —— viii. 11, 12, 13 twice 1. —— ix. 5. 1. ——x. 1. 1. — xi.2(om.LTr Α 59) | coll cee μι μὲ . — xiii. Jas. i. 2, 9, 16, 19. - — ii. 1, 5, 14, 15. . — iii. 1, 10, 12. iv. 1] 3 times. ! v. 7, 9, 10, 19, 19. 1 Pet.i.22,see B (love of iij.8,see B (love as. 8, see B (loving to the), margin. . 2 Pet. i. 10. Wi; 15. 1 John ii. 7 (ἀγαπητός, beloved, GLTTrA®.) 9, 10, 11. [14 lst. . — iii. 10, 12twice, 18, . —— 142nd (om, LTS.) . —— 15, 16, 17. —— iv. 20 twice 9], . εν 10. 3 John 8, 5, 10. ; . Jude 1, . Rev..i. 9. Wie wd; . — xii. 10, _— xix. 10, ο ο xxii. 9. πὴ ee μὶ μα μὶ μαὶ μαὶ μαὶ μὶ μαὶ μαὶ μὰ μαὶ μα μαὶ et μὶ μαὶ μὰ μα BRETHREN (raxsz.) ψευδάδελφος, a false brother, a pretended Christian, (in pl. with εἰμί, to be.) 2 Cor. xi. 26. | Gal. ii, 4. i Ney BRO BRETHREN (1ονΕ as.) φιλάδελφος, fond of one’s brethren. 1 Pet. iii. 8, marg. loving to the brethren. BRETHREN (Love or.) φιλαδελφία, brotherly love. Rom. xii. 10, marg. (text, brotherly love.) 1 Pet. 1. 20, BRETHREN (loving to) [margin.] φιλάδελφος, fond of one’s brethren. 1 Pet. iii. 8, text, love as brethren. - BROTHERHOOD. ἀδελφότης, a brotherly relation, then a is transferred to the community in which this relation is realized, brotherhood, (oce. 1 Pet. v. 9.) 1 Pet. ii, 17. BROTHERLY KINDNESS. φιλαδελφία, brotherly love, love of the brethren. 2 Pet. i. 7 twice. BROTHERLY LOVE. 1 Thes. iv. 9. Rom. xii. 10, marg. love of Heb. xiii. 1. the brethren. | BROUGHT (88) (See also BRING.) 1. ἔρχομαι, to come or go. 2. ἵστημι, (a) trans. to make to stand, set. (0) intrans. to stand, be set ov placed. 3. γίνομαι, to come into being, to be born, to become, to arrive, to happen. 1. Mark iv. 21. 2b, Mark xiii. 9, ] 8. Acts v. 36. BROUGHT TO (arrEeR THEY WERE.) μετοικεσία, change of abode, removal, migration, Matt. i. 12 (lit. the Babylonian migration.) BRO ΕΓ 16] BUI BROUGHT (BE TO BE.) φέρω, to bear, carry. 1 Pet. i. 13 (pass.) BROUGHT BEFORE (8Η) παρίστημι, (a) trans. to place by or be- side. (Ὁ) tnxtrans. to stand by beside or near. Acts xxvii. 24. BROUGHT FORTH (se.) παραδίδωμι, to give or hand over {ο another ; yield or deliver up. Mark iv. 29, marg. be ripe. - BROUGHT IN (be) [margin.] φέρω, to bear, carry. Heb. ix. 16, pass. (text, be.) BROUGHT IN UNAWARES. παρείσακτος, brought in beside, intro- duced privately. Gal. ii, 4. BROUGHT TO PASS (az.) γίνομαι, see “ BROUGHT (BE),” Vo. 3. 1 Cor. xv. 54, BROUGHT UP WITH (watcu Hap BEEN.) σύντροφος, brought up together with ; gen. living with. Acts xiii. 1, marg. foster-brother. See also, BRING. BROW. ὀφρύς, the eye-brow ; hence, from like- ness of shape, the brow of a hill, a ridge with overhanging bank. Luke iv. 29, marg. edge. BRUISE (095, -1N@) [verb. | 1. συντρίβω, to rub together, to shatter, shiver; metaph. to be in perplexity, affliction, anguish. 2. θραύω, to break, break in pieces, to break down, (non occ.) 1. Matt. xii. 20. 1. Luke ix. 99. [tread. 2. Luke iv. 18. 1. Rom. xvi. 20, marg. BRUTE [adj.] ἄλογος, without λόγος, 1.6. without speech, speechless; hence, unreason- ing, irrational, (occ. Acts xxv. 27.) 2 Pet. ii. 12. | Jude 10, BUD (59) [verb.] βλαστάνω, to bud, sprout, grow. Heb. ix. 4. BUFFET. κολαφίζω, to strike with the hands, the fingers being clenched, to buffet with the fist, (non occ. ) Matt. xxvi. 67. 1 Cor, ive, 11: Mark xiv. 65. 2 Cor. xii. 7. 1 Pet. 11, 20. BUILD (ἕν, -ἘΒΊῚ, -ING, BUILT.) 1. οἰκοδομέω, to build a house; then gen. to build ; metaph. to edify (which is simply the Latin for οἰκοδομέω.) 2. κατασκευάζω, to prepare, to furnish, to adorn fully with a thing, to get ready. 1. Matt. vii. 24, 26. " | — Acts xv. 16, see B again. 1. — xvi. 18. — —— xx. 32, see B up. 1. — xxi. 88, 1. Rom. xv. 20. 1. —— xxiii. 29. —1 Cor. iii. 10 1st, see B 1, —— xxvi. 61. thereon. 1, —— xxvii. 40. -- 10 2nd, see Β 1. Mark xii. 1. thereupon. 1. — xiv. 58. -- 12, see B upon. 1. —— xv. 29. -- 14, see Ὦ there- 1. Luke iv. 29. upon. 1. —— vi. 48, 49. 1. Gal. ii. 18. 1, — vii. 5. — Eph. ii. 20, see B upon. 1. —— xi. 47, 48, -- 22,see B together 1. —— xii. 18. — Col. ii. 7, see B up. 1. —— xiv. 28, 30. 2. Heb. iii. 3, 4 twice. 1, —— xvii. 28. — 1 Pet. ii. 5, see B up. 1. Acts vii. 47, 49. — Jude 20, see B up on, BUILD AGAIN. ἀνοικοδομέω, (Vo. 1 with ἀνά, again,) denotes to build a house again, (non oce. ) Acts xv. 16 twice. BUILD THEREON. ἐποικοδομέω, (No. 1 with ἐπί, upon,) denotes to build a house upon. 1 Cor. iii, 10 Ist. BUI [ 120 ] BUR BUILD THEREUPON. 1 Cor, iii. 10 2nd, 14. BUILD TOGETHER. συνοικοδομέω, (No. 1 with σύν, together, implying association,) to build to- together. Eph. ii, 22. BUILD UP. 1. οἰκοδομέω, sce “ BUILD,” Vo. 1. 2. ἐποικοδομέω, see “ BUILD THEREON.” 2 Acts xx. 32 (No.1, GoL Tr A δὲ.) 9. Ὁ]. Tens. ΡΒ αν 5: BUILD UPON. ἐποικοδομέω, to build upon, see “ BUILD THEREON.” 1 Cor. iii. 12 (with ἐπί, upon); Eph. ii. 20. BUILDUP ON. Jude 90. BUILDER. 1. οἰκοδομέω, see “BUILD,” Vo. 1. Here art. with part. he ete. who builds. 2. τεχνίτης, an artificer; esp. one who does or handles a thing by the rules of art. 1. Matt. xxi. 42. 1. Acts iv. 11 (οικοδόμος, 1. Mark xii. 10. building a house, a house- 1. Luke xx. 17. builder,Geo L T Tr A &.) 2:Ἡσου ki. 10 she ΒΥ 1; 7. See also, MASTER. BUILDING [noun. ] 1. οἰκοδομή, prop. the act of building a a house; a building, an edifice ; metaph. edification, spiritual profit or advancement. bo ἐνδόμησις, a thing built in, structure, (non oce. ) 3. κτίσις, a founding, settling, founda- tion; a making, creating, esp. the creation of the universe ; then, that which is created, the universe, the creation. 1. Matt. xxiv. 1. Lee OLA Raids 1. Mark xiii. 1, 2. 1. Eph. ii. 21. 1. σουτ Ὁ; 8, Heb. ix. 11. 2. Rev. xxi. 18. BUILDING (ες 1ν.) οἰκοδομέω, see “ BUILD,” ο. 1. John ii. 20, pass. BULL. ταῦρος, a bull, a beeve. Heb, ix. 13; x. 4. BUNDLE. 1. δέσμη, (from δέω, to bind,) a bundle ; (which Eng. word is from the verb to bind.) 2. πλῆθος, a great number, 1. Matt. κ, 30. | 2. Acts xxviii. 3. BURDEN [noun.] 1. βάρος, weight ; i denotes the pressure of a weight which may be relieved or transferred ; met. the heavy weight of trial or temptation, while 9. φορτίον, is a specitic load; the freight or lading that has to be borne, (non ους, ) 3. γόμος, a ship’s freight, (occ. Rev. xviii. 11, 12.) 2. Matt. xi. 30. 1. Acts xv. 28. ue ἘΣ, ὦ. 3. —— xxi. 3. 2, —— xxiii. 4. 1. Gal. vi. 2. 2. Luke xi. 46 twice. 2 δ. 1. Rey, ii. 24. See also, GREATER. BURDEN (99) [verb.] καταβαρέω, to weigh down, overload, (non oce. ) 2 Cor, xii. 16. BURDENED. θλῖψις, pressure ; metaph. oppression, affliction. 2 Cor, viii. 18, BURDENED (58) Bapéopat, to be weighed down as with afjliction or calamity, be oppressed. 2 Cor. v. 4. BUR [ BURDENSOME (88) we might have been a charge ; A/f. when we might have stood on our dignity; Roth. we had power to be burdensome. 1 Thes. ii. 6 marg. use authority. év, in, ; ; βάρει, weight, burden, εἶναι, to be, BURDENSOME TO (58.) καταναρκάω, to be numbed or torpid; to grow quite stiff; (cf νάρκη, the torpedo or cramp-fish,) to be idle to another’s damage, to incommode or lie heavy upon, like a torpid or use- less limb, (οσο. 2 Cor. xi. 8.) 2 Cor. xii. 13, 14. BURDENSOME (From BEING.) ἀβαρής, without weight; not burden- some, (non occ. ) 2 Cor, xi. 9. BURIAL (my.) “τὸ, the, ἐνταφιάσαι, to prepare a corpse for burial, µε, 116, to the pre- paring me for burial. Matt. xxvi. 12. 121 ] BURN. 1. καίω, to light, kindle. (a) in pass. to be lighted, to burn. 2. κατακαίω, to burn down, esp. of sac- rifices. (a) in pass. to be burned down or out. 3. ἐκκαίω, to burn out; to light up, set on fire. (a) pass. to be kindled, burn up, (non ace. 4. πυρόομαι, to glow with heat as in a furnace; metaph. to burn or be fired as it were, with grief or zeal, ete. 5. καυματίζω, to scorch with excessive heat. — Matt. iii. 12, see B up. la. John ν. 35. 2, — xiii. 30. — — xv. 6, see B (be.) 2 40 (No.1,GT Tr | 2. Acts xix. 19. 2. Luke iii. 17. A.) | 8. Rom. i. 27 (non oce.) la.—— xii. 35. [be. 2. 1 Cor. iii. 15. la. —— xxiv. 32 (with εἰμί, | 4. vii. 9. BUR — 1 Cor. xiii. 3, see B(be.) | — Rev. viii. 7 twice, seeB up 4. 2 Cor. xi. 29. la. 8, 10. — Heb. vi. 8, see B (be.) 5. —— xvi. 9, marg.(text, la, —— xii. 18. scorch.) 2. —— xiii. 11. 2. —— xvii. 16. — 2 Pet. iii. 10, see Bup. | — xviii. 8, see B ut- 4. Rev. i. 15. la.— xix. 20. (terly. la. —— iv. 5. la. Rey. xxi. 8. BURN UP. 2. Matt. iii. 12. | 2. 2 Pet. iii, 10. 2. Rey. viii. 7 twice. BURN UTTERLY. 2. Rev. xviii. 8. BURNED (88.) 1. καίω, see “BURN,” Λο. la. 2. καῦσις, a burning ; (here preceded by εἰς, unto, with a view to.) 1. John xv. 6. | 1. 1 Cor. xiii. 3. 2. Heb. vi. 8. See also, INCENSE. BURNING, πύρωσις, a burning, lighting, kindling, (ουσ. 1 Pet. v. 12.) Rey. xviii. 9, 18. See also, HEAT. BURNT-OFFERING. ὁλοκαύτωμα, (from ὁλοκαυτόω, to burn the whole, spoken of sacrifices ; and this, from ὅλος, the whole, and καίω, to burn.) , . . ἐνταφιασμός, a preparation of a corpse for burial, as by anointing, etc., (non ace. ) Mark xiv. 8, | John xii. 7. BUSH. [ή Paros, a bramble bush. Mark xii. 26 (τοῦ βάτου, concerning the bush, i.e. in that yea of the Book of Moses concerning it, GLT Tr A ΚΟ xx. 37. Acts vii. 30, 35. BUSH (ΒΗΛΝΜΡΙΕ.) Luke vi. 44. BUSINESS (ονε΄5 own.) τὰ ἴδια, neut. pl. one’s own things. 1 Thes. iv. 11. BUSY-BODY. περίεργος, careful overmuch, taking need- less trouble ; meddling, curious. 1 Tim. v. 13. BUSY-BODY (sz 4.) περιεργάζομαι, to take more pains than enough about a thing; hence, to waste one’s labour; to meddle or interfere with other folk’s affairs, (non occ. ) 2 Thes. iii. 11. ------.-.-.ος BUSY-BODY IN OTHER MEN’S MATTERS. (8) ἀλλοτριοεπίσκοπος, an inspector or ob- server of other people’s affairs ; prying into the affairs of others, (non occ.) 1 Pet. iv. 15. BUT [ 123 ] BUT 1. Wh BUT : en * . ὰ BUT rf hoe wh generally the duces a sentenc δ 3. pened 22, 24 carey ve . 0 Z -- 2 xxii. lige to be ο... conjun ον. ae 21. ie rie 26 να 26, TE istingur unctrion 2 xiv. 17. 3 xxii. ” 36, 42, 53 , see wish d η ς x ΓΒΕ eri 28 2n ν ὃ under * ved fr 3 τι 1 xxi i € ᾿ Ce A ” om Kat J 11. 2 John i Ὁ, 8. A y “6767 ally ND” or ‘‘ t αν χοῖ 24 2nd. races i. 8, 13, 8 an ΗΝ, marks a cont porn”); | 2 xvi, 4. 3. — ili 8, , 81, 88. . utr ee eae oe Matt. ΧΧῚ 3 concealed ρα ast, and 3. xvii. τῷ 23 2nd. 2. τς (a iv. 3. (It ; Acts xxiv. epee of. Ἧ ο... 9 gee wp), 16, 17, occur A i . ΐ 1. 7. 2 eae 14 2nd 9 of quotation. ) urs too often to ae rf ae γι 8. ών (ap), 23. ; ᾿ nile |. ο 9 a. ἃ ΄ vt ἘΠΕ πον 171 Lag λλά, but 3 ange ay 42. 22, 24, 30, 342n 1 . more στ ἘΞΑ το nd 9 9 , 945πιά . emphati 2 πο. 6 Qud ω vi ἢ ? and yp Late . " 9, 4 A i 9, 22 interr ο used to 1 ο than δέ (Ne δ᾽ ee — 21. (28. | 2. 36, 38, 39 ης 97, 32, M uption µ nark opposite απ eee ae 16 2nd, μοι Ὑ 17. or transiti OREO, = med 5. _22,°24,,28, 44, τα 16, Bee a πα]. fon | ἘΞ: 48, κοῦ £0 ( (αρ) ορ if, since . 31.) AG ο ὧν Bandif. | το (49) μή, not, , though, } unl > Mark i 44, 24. ee eee 4 ess . — ii. 7. 2nd. 5. 3. . πλήν Cx 2. 9 18 » mor ce 8. 17 twice : 31 ια, ore than; pt. 8, περα ο, 99 (αρ.) ας Ὃ pt. , beyc , 29 2nd. 2. 0. 5. οὗ yond 2 iv. 17 . ουν, then. ἆ re ees ae a 3 παῖ, ae aS, 33 6 Υ ᾿ Ἂ 1 one ΤΣ noting the 5 - 38, see B (15) 2 niga ts alw upon equence of 3, πον pee τονε 8.) ] ways denoti bape - a Ἢ of 2. nas 42 aay 6, 9 "ἢ ο 54. ogical ‘i ng th ; and al x ἣ ΞΟ 9, 16, 27, 80 gical in 6 cons tlso | 2 56, see B (i pie ag tet , said Mies ihe. of Sa BET ae eae vil. δ) seh vat ars ο νιον, τὰ 8 (6 > ere “5 b ges τὸ 1. 33. ? . 2 4 Ἢ Ξ - 3 ς x δ : , 31. ( Ue ere Og Matt ay x A = ο) 16, 19 2nd a) with μέ ;” Gal. ii. 2 aa 3 eer 9, , 51, L µε ο... ο -- 37. 2 xvi. [20 2nd le » 1 5 ? th ” Ρ >.< 2. 4, 6 . 6 γά 9 : ruly, indeed ο ) ἐ Ar: TT 25 Ist (ο 12, 13 . pis a τ 2. . 2 ΤΑΝ πα Lb contracts, ϑ 27 ee AS.) then: ntraction of x 8. 30. 2. 25 Md. 33 fe n ᾿ hence. i of γε ἄρα 9 5 40 2" ἢ 3. Xvil. 9, 4 | hoa given n fact ; and ἢ verily πα. 13. » 43 3rd, 45 " Τ᾽ 9 : 7 v τ 99: ο (le a 0. ation, for as a reaso? vhen the 2. Ξ- πρὶ 32. = as xviii. 28, 4 v4 : 2 or expl. 4. i. 14, 25 3 Ea eda ; μή no plan- oy ἘΞ:Ξ 4 92. » 27, Ἷ 21. 24 1), 3 xiii. 7 Ὧν Ὡς ᾿ 24, 84 2. 32 δὲ 11 twice, 20 va xx. 7, 27. 8. Vy oe ν he 2 2nd. RAM 2. Xxi 4 2nd γ εἰ 2. Se 28, [34 | ae av) if, 49. Aer res μή, pide 1 ο πα XVi. 9 cia L 48 2 exc a pote 60. 2. τ οἷ 16. € ept u 1 9 iv. 4 he 6. κτός, without, , unless. = ΨΞ-ν (ap.) τ iy. 77 ηλ εἰ, Deedes outside, ry ση 32 2. ae ae if, since, t never- 4. vi. 4. , 88. =) ann wif) 13 μή hough, : 2 24, 3 2. ——x. | 9 10 ? not, theless 9 27. 5. 3: al xi ὃ 41 . ἢ, OF. except. σεν sg ae ee 25 11. ἀλλ ἢ : Seon τε πω. δ 2nd. 2. — pth 11, 30 1)» oth 9 more. ) , see B (no = = sei 87 2nd 12 / er tha . 56 = ii. 21.seeBei 4. μέντοι, Υ an, except . ος ΠῚ ποτ 9 marae τὰ aBelther th 1 ad et trul . τ Αι! 2. ieee Q, 91 Ist. Ww. eles y, certai oe ce. a aero - 13 ee 5, however ? rtainly, nev 8. =< (ap.) κ᾿ ἔβας 26, 27 A μὸ : ver- | > 99. = 9 14 a - τ 5 Ξ ταὶ 18, 9, . Ί 2. ay 5. — xxiii 3, 2 και, and, al ace 45. ee Β rather. | 6 ae ae 21. , also, see “AND.” = xii. 7. να ο No. 17% ND. - 4 see B rath 99, xxvi 16, 2 2. Matt. i n all pas ra =? see Ba er. ee , 20,252nd, 3. ποτόν iv. 4. Sages, 6. ΕΕ 1, ορ nd if. | 4 ἝΝ 2. γ. 18 2nd. 2M » except ate 8, δ rather. | 2. Ro 22, ν Ά. 5 -- 16, 17. 80. πμ, 19200 ap eM ge 2: Rom. i. 21, 85, j= i. 18, 1 9 , 19 2 Sey eee 80. 2 ii, 18 vii ’ 8. οι δω... 21. ᾿ς ad 9 xvii ροκ τ i 29 twi 2— viii ἮΝ 2. 22, 17, 18 “£ as xviii 1 Ist, peo B rg ae iii. 97. ce. ; Lae . eee ἐπ ee 8 ᾿ iv. 2. 4 ἐν ~ STi 20, § ΞΡ ΈΞΞ ΣΙ ees το, 20, 34. 10, 12, 1: 2, —— xi τ 34. 2. xx.6, see B 9 ν 8 7 » 18, nO Bs 21, 38. and if. | 3. mes 15. 2, xxi. 7 (wi δ — vi 13, 14, 15. 92nd. with πότε, δ ΩΣ [when. ) να = σα, Ἰ ΤΩΣ 1 20. , 20, 28, 26, ss g2nd, ro poppers foro gobo ἘΦ 99 ΒΘ ἘΦ ἘΦ 90 ΒῸ Ὁ ἘΦ 99 NNNNNNHNMNNWNWN WH Wet wNIwloNt to | PEN ὃϑ 59 ΒΘ ΒΘ ὃ 50 Ὁ} WNHPNNNN] | | to BUT . Rom. ix. 7, 8, 10, 11,16, 20, see B (nay.) 24, 32, — x. 2, 8, 16, 18, 19. — xi. 4,11. 15. 18 2nd, 20. — xii. 2, 3, 16, 19, 21. — xiii. 1. 3, 5. 6, 7. — iv. 14, 19 2nd, — Vv. 8. — vi. 6, 11 3 times, 12 twice, 13 2nd. — vii. 4twice, 7, 10. 17. 19. 21, see B if. 35 —— viii. 4. 6 (Lb.) — ix. 12, 21, 27. — x. 5. 13 Ist. 13%rd,20, Q3twice, 24, 29, 33. — xi. 8, 9, 17. — xii 3. 14, 24, 25. xiv. 2, 17, 22 twice, 33, 34. —— xy. 10 2nd ἃ 3rd 90, 37, 39, 40, 46. 2 Cor. 1. 9twice 12, 19,24. — ii. 2. 4,52nd 13, 17twice. — lii. 3 twice, 5, 6 lst, 14, 15. —— jy, 2 twice. 3, see B if. 5, 8, 9 twice. 16, see B though 17, see moment. [&.) 20. — vii. 5, 7, 9, 12, 14. — viii.5,8,10,14,19, 21 — ix. 12. — x. 4, 12, 13 2nd, 18, — xi. 61st, seeB though 6 2nd. — xii. 5. 14 twice. — xiii. 3, 4, 7, 8. Gal. i. 1. i 8, 12, 17, — ii. 3, 7, 14. κ ες . — iii 12. 15, see B (though it be.) ° 16, 22. . —— iv. 2,7, 14, 29, 81. . εν. ὁ, 10. . ——vi. 13, 15. . Eph. i. 21. . —— ii 19. εν. 9. 23 Ist, ror 2, 2, 2. 2. 5. 3. 5. 9 2. 2. 2. 2, 2. 2. 2, 5. 2. 2. 2, 9. 2, 2. 2. 2. 2, 2. 9 2. 2. 2 2. 5. 3. 9 2, 2 2. 2, 2. 2, 2. 2, 2, 2. 2, 2. 9 2, 2, 6. 9. εοεοεοο bo τῷ ὦ wWroro cnet coro wt | Hil πα 2. re rrp wtp pr ce Eph. iv. 29. — v. 4, 15, 17, 18, 27, 29. vi. 4, 6, 12. Phil. i. 20, 29. -- ii, 3, 4, 7,12, 27twice. —— iii. 7, 9. — iv. 6. 15. ἘΠ Col. iii. 11, 22. 1 Thes. i. 5, 8. — ii. 2, 4twice,7, 8, 13. Ie Wa ὃς — v. 6, 9, 15. 2 Thes. ii. 12. — iii. 8, 9, 11, 15. 1 Tim. i. 13. ii. 10, 12 2nd. — iii. 3. — iv. 12. —v.1, 13. 19. 23. SS ται 2h ty Ue 2 Tim. i. 7.8.9, αν, li. 9, 20 2nd, 94. — iii. 9. —— iv. 3, 8, 16. Titus i. 8, 15 2nd. — ii. 10. —— iii. 5. . Philem. 142nd, 10 1st. Heb. ii. 10. — iii. 13. 25, 39 2nd. 3 he; — xii. 11, 22, 26 2na. xiii. 14 Jas, i, 25 2nd, 26, iii, 15. iv. 11 2nd. 1 Pet. i. 15, 19, 23. ii, 16, 18, 20, 25. — iii. 4. 14, see Band if. —— Vv. 2twice, 3, θ, 2 Pet. i. 9. 16, 21. aa ΗΕ iii, 9 twice. 16, 19 twice, “ἈΝ 22. 27 lst. 27 2nd. — iii. 18, iv. 1, 10, 18. 5. , 18, - Ὁ, 6 . 2 John 1, δ, 8. 12 (Gx), (No. 4, GL) . 8 John 9, 11 1st, 19. . Jude 6, 9. 10 2nd, see Ὁ what. . Rev. ii. 6, 9, 14. [ 124 ] | ἐὰν, if, δὲ, and or but, see Vo. 1, ἀλλα, but, see Vo. 2, εἰ, if, kat, and, [ 1. Matt. xxiv. 48. 1. Luke xii. 45. εἰ, if, BUT BUT AND IF. BUT EITHER. Acts xviii. 21. Ευτ ὶ but μήν ὦ if r but if also. 1. Luke xx. 6. 2. 1 Pet. iii, 14. but and if dé, but, see Vo. 1, καὶ, and, or and if also. ἀλλα, but, see No. 2,) but and if sie El, if, kat, and, 2, 1 6οτ να. 21. | BUT NOW, or J but if also. 1. 20ος αγ. 3: τανῦν, (for τὰ νῦν, the things that now are,) now or in present circum- stances. 4 Acts xvii. 30. BUT RATHER. ἄλλα, but, see No. 2, ᾿ ” ἐν 1)7γ OY, 2. πλήν, see “But,” Λο. 4. 2. Luke xi. 41. | μή, not. J 2. 4 1. Luke xii. 51. BUT THAT. Luke xvii. 1. BUT THOUGH. ΤΩΣ εἰ, if, since, δὲ, but, Ν καὶ, and, 3. od ει, 1 Ἁ καὶ, and, f, also, also, 8. 2 Cor. iv. 16. | BUT WHAT. δὲ, however, ὅσα, as many things. Jude 10. other than, except. 2. Luke xii. 31. and if or if also. and if if also. BUT BUT (ir) κἄν, and if, even if, at least, although. Mark v. 28; vi. 56. BUT (nay.) μενοῦνγε, yea rather, yea truly. Rom, ix. 20 (om. G—.) BUT (No more.) apy not, ) not more πλείων, more " ; d / than. ἢ, or; after comp. than, Luke ix. 13. BUT (tHoveH 11 BE.) ὅμως, yet, nevertheless. Gal. iii. 15. BUT (ττ.) See “BUT (NO MORE.)” Acts xxiv. 11 (om. 7, or, All.) See also, MOMENT, TIME, WHEN. BUY (-ETH, BouGHT.) 1. ἀγοράζω, to be in the ἀγορά (the market-place), to attend it, have free use of it; hence, to do business there, buy ov sell. 2. ὠνέομαι, to buy, purchase, (opp. to sell.) 3. τιµάω, to deem or hold worthy ; of things to value, to estimate or value at a certain price. 1. Matt. xiii. 44, 46. 1. Luke xvii. 28. 1, —— xiv. 15. 1, —— xix. 45 (ap.) 1. — xxi. 12. 1. —— xxii. 36. 1. —— xxv. 9, 10. 1. John iv. 8. 1. —— xxvii. 7. 1. ——vi. 5. 3. 9, marg. (text, | 1. —— xiii. 29. value.) 2. Acts vii. 16. 1. Mark vi. 36, 37. 1.1 Οὐχ, νι 50 Ἐ--- xt. 15, 1. vii, 23, 80, 1. —— xv. 46. 1, 2 Pet. ii, 1. 1. — xvi. 1. 1. Rev. iii. 18. 1, Luke ix. 13. 1. —— xiii. 17. 1 xiv. 18, 19. 1. —— xviii. 11. BUY AND SELL. ἐμπορεύομαι, to go or travel in or to ; absol. to be on a journey ; then, to {ΠΝ BY travel for traffic or business; hence, to be a merchant, to trade, traffic. Jas. iv. 13. BY. 1. By ts often expressed simply by the Dative case of the noun, without any preposition ; and then indicates the instrument by which a thing is done. 2. διά, through, from the notion of separ- ation, disjunction. (a) with Gen. through, as proceeding from; by means of, denoting the in- strument of an action. (Ὁ) with Acc, through, wards ; on account denoting the ground and reason of an action, (cf. Heb. xi. 10; Rom. xii. 3 with xv. 15; 1 Cor. xi. 9 with 12.) 3. ev, in; of place, within, upon, at; with pl. among; of investiture, in or with ; of power, by. as tending to- of, owing to, 4. ex, from, out of, implying motion from the interior ; originating in, as the source, cause, or occasion, from, by ; the material from which anything is made, of. 6. ὑπό, under. (a) with Gen. beneath and separate from. Jt marks that from which a Fact, event, or action springs, 1.6. the agent ; hence, its meaning, by. (b) with Acc. under and towards, close upon (ze. under, as eg. under a wall, hill,) see Acts v. 21, ‘close upon the dawn.” 6. ἀπό, from, implying motion from the exterior (while the governed noun denotes the point of departure ;) hence esp, the cause ο). occasion, from, on account of. 7. κατά, down. (a) with Gen. down from ; of place, down upon ; against, in opposition to; (opp. of No. 12); in asservations, by, (Heb. vi. 13-16; 1 Cor. xv. 15. κ ) (b) with Ace. down towards; through- out; over against; according to, ir reference to some standard of com- parison stated or implied. ο ος ο ο ου .” . ο ἵνα [ 126 ] eee eee BY 8, παρά, beside, of juxtaposition. (a) with Gen. beside and proceeding from ; with persons only, from, gen. with notion of something imparted. (b) with Dat. beside and at ; with, near, of persons only (except John xix. 25) with, zn the estimation or power of. (c) with Ace. to, or along the side of ; by, near ; beside, as not coinciding, hence, contrary to; beside, above, (instituting a comparison and leav- ing the superiority to be inferred, while ὑπέρ affirms the superiority.) 9. ἐπί, upon, of superposition. (a) with Gen. upon and proceeding from, (eg. as a pillar upon the ground,) over, in the presence or time of. (b) with Dat. upon and resting upon ; over, of superintendence; in addition to, on account of; on or at, as the groundwork of any fact or circum- stance. (c) with Acc. upon, by direction to- wards (motion being implied) to, (implying an intention) for, against. 10. πρός, towards, in the direction of. (a) with Gen. hitherwards, conducive to. (b) with Dat. resting in a direction towards ; near, hard by. (c) with Acc. hitherwards, (of literal direction, ) to, towards. 11. εἰς, into, implying motion to the τη- terior ; to, unto, with a view to; (opp. of No. 4.) 12. ὑπέρ, over. (a) with Gen. over and separate from ; on behalf of, as though bending over to protect, (opp. of No. 7;) of things for their sake, i various ways. (Ὁ) with Acc. over and towards ; be- yond, above, used in comparison. The agent is expressed by No. 5. The instrument by No. 1. The minister of another’s will by Vo. 2a. The motive or cause by No. 2b. BY’ The occasion by No. 6. No. lin all passages, except where it forms part of a verb, and the follow- Und. 2a. Matt. i. 22. 28, ὙΠ ο, 0. σα, 17 (No. 2a, αν tea.) : 2a. 23. 5a. —— iil. 3 (No. 2a, Gr LT TrA δ.) 9b. —— iv. 41: 9b. 4 2nd (No. 3, Go LTTr A.) 2a. 14. 80. 18. 3. — v. 34. 6. — vii. 16. ο τς ο οσο Ἐ 1) 98 viii, 17, 28. 9a, —— xii. 17. 9 ————_ 24, 27twice 28, 4, ——— 33, 37 twice. ἘΞ ου 2. 10) see) B. side. — ————_ 9] see Band B. 2a — 35. 3. — xiv. 13 2b. XV. 9 4, 5. 2b, ————_ 6. 8. —— xvii. 21 (ap.) 2a, —— xviii. 7. (side. rx ο) πρβ Βι- 2a, —— xxi. 4 8. 23, 24, 27 8. —— xxii. 1 σα. 31. 3. —— xxiii. 16 twice, 18 twice, 20 3 times, 99 3 times. 2a, —— xxiv. 15. 2a. —— xxvi. 24. Ta, ————_ 63. 29a. —— xxvii. 9. 5a, ———— 35 (ap.) Sc. Mark i. 16. = == δ᾿ 13 gee bi: Sloe: 8. ——iii, 22. SS ve Ae Reo ee 106. 12nd. [side. 3, ——2. — ——— 4, 15, see B.. 5a, —— Vv. 4. [side. 3. ——— 21. 2a, —— vi 2. — —— 25,seeB and Ῥ. — 40, see ‘‘ Hun- dreds” and ‘‘ Fifties.” 4, Vil, DL: 8. vill. 9, 27. — — ix. 2, see B them- selves, 8. ——— 29 twico, 98, 8. —— 34 (om. 9.) 2a. x. 1 (καί and, in- stead of διὰ τοῦ, by the, L T Tr A &®.) -- 46, see B..side. 10c.—— xi. 4. 8. 28, 29, 33. 3. ——xii. 1, 36. 5a, —— xiii. 14 (ap.) 8. —— xiv. 1. -- 19,see one Bone. 2a. 21. 3, Luke i. 17, marg. (text, 2a, ——— 70. [to.) 3. ——— 77, marg. for. ba. —— ii. 18, 26. 3, ------ 27. 5a. Luke iii. 19. 3 iv. 1. 9b. 4 twice (ap.) 8e. —— v. 1, 2. 5a 15 (om. ‘by 2a. 19 (oi. All ) [2 4. vi. 44. 2a. —— Vili. 4. 5, 12, seeB..side 5a ix. 7 (om. = by Him,” G3 LoT Tr A 9.) -- 14, see ‘‘Fifties.” Sb. 47. Tb. —— x. 4, 51 188. 8. —— xi. 19 twice. 5a, —— xiii. 17. 5a ΧΥῚ. 22: — — xvii. 7,see Band B. 2a. xviii. 51. -- 35, see B side. 3. —— xx. 2, 8. — — xxi. 9, see BandB 5a. 16. 2a —— xxii. 22. 10ο. 56. 5a, —— xxiii. 8. ἘΞ ἘΞ ταῖν UY Eee themselves. 3. —— 32. 2a. John i. 3, 10, 17 twice. 4. ——iii. 34. 9, ν. 2. 2b. —— vi. 57 twice. —. —— iii, 9 1st (ap, ) στ 9 2nd, see one by one (αρ.) 2a, —— x. 1, 2. Tb. ὃ: ρα. 9. 8. —— xili. 96, 2a, —— xiv. 6. 8. —— xvi. 90, Tbh. —— xix. 7. Sb. 2b. — — xx. 7, see B itself. 3. Acts i. 3. 2a. 16. [43. 2a. —— 11.16, 22 2nd,232nd, 2a. —— iii. 16, 18, 21. 3. iv. 7 twice, 10 twice. 28. 16, 25. 3. ——— 30 150. 2a. 80 2nd, σι. 90, 10¢c.—— v. 10. 2u. 12, 19. Qa. —— vii. 25. 8. BO(ovv,with,G τω Ty) Drs.) πι. 53. 6. — ix. 13. 2a. 25 2nd — —x. 6, see B..side. ρα, 22. = 32, see B. .side. 2a. 86. 2a, —— xi. 28, 30. 2a. —— xii. 9 (No. δα, T.) 6, 20, 5a. —— xiii. 4. ne 89 twice. fa. 45. 2a, —— xiv. 3. δα. ΣΥ, 8. 28. 7, 12. 58,27 ρα. 40, 5a. —— xvi. 2. 13, see B..side. 2a. Acts xvii. 10. 2a, —— xix. 11 4. 25. 3. — xx. 19. 2a. —— xxi. 19. 2a, —— xxiii. 31. 9a, —— xxiv. 2 twice. 5a. 21 (No. 9a, LT A.) δα, —— xxv. 14 Tb. —— xxvii. 2. σα. 1 7b. —— xxviii. 16. Ya. 25. Φα. Rom. i. 2. 4. 4. 2a. 5. 8. 10. 28. 12. 4. —— li. 7b. —— ii. 7. 2a. - 12, 16. 4. 97 Ast. ρα. 27 2nd. 4, —— iii. 201st. 2a. 90 2nd. 5a. 21. 2a. 22, ΟἿ twice. 4. 30. 4. ἂν. 2. το. 16. 4. —vv.1. 2a. 2. 28. δ. 3. 9. 2a.” “10 Ist. 3. 10 2nd. 2a. 11, 12 twice. 3. 15, 2a. 16 Ist. Ζ 4. 10 3πὰ 28. 17 twice,1§ twice, 19 twice, 2], 9a. —— vi. 4 twice. 2a, ——vii. 4, 5, 11 twice, 13 twice. Us 8, 2b. viii. 11twice, marg. because of. 4, ——ix. 10 lst, 32 twice. 3. ——x. 5. 4. 17 Ist. ἮΝ 17 2nd. 19 twice. ἦν. --- xi. 24. 2a. —— xii. 1. 8, ——xiv. 14. 3. ——xv. 10. 2a. 18 Ist. 3. 19. ba 24 (No.6, L T A) 2a. 28, 82. 2a. xvi. 18, 26. 8. 1 Cor. i. 4, 5. 2a. 9, 10. δα. is 2a. ΟἹ twice. 2a. —— ii. 10. 2a. —— iii. 5. 3, —— 13. 2a, 15. 8. ——vi. 2, 11. 2a, - 14, 7b. —— vii. 6. 8, 14 twice. 2a. —— viii. 6 twice. 2a, —— xi. 12. 8, —— xii. 3 twice. 2a. § Ist. 7b. ——— 8 2nd. 3. 9 twice, 13, 8. —— xiv. 6 itimes, 2a, 9. Tb. 27. [one. ο 31, see one by 2a. —— xv. 2, 21 twice. 2b, — xvi. ὁ, 2a. 1 Cor. xvi. 3. 8. : 2a. 2 Cor. i. 1, 4, δ, 11 τά. 8. 15. 28, 16, 19 twice, 20, 4. — ii. 2. 2a 14. δα. —— iii. 3. 18, marg. of. 2a, —— iv. 14 (σύν, with. Gwe LTTrAn) 2a. —— Vv. 7 twice, 18, 20. 8, ——vi. 66times, 71st& 73rd, Stwice. [2nd. 8. —— vii. 6, 7 twice. 4, 9. 6. 13. 28. Vili, 5 7b. 8. 4, 14. 5a 19, 20. 28. —— ix. 12, 13 2a, —— x. 1,9, 11 3. 12, 9, 15, marg. in. 4, ——xi, 26 twice. 2a. 33. 2a, —— xii. 17. 4. —— xiii. 4 twice. 2a. Gal. i. 1 twice, 12, 15. Tb. —— ii. 2 1st. 4, 16 15:. ρα. 16 2nd. 4. 16 3rd, 4th ἃ 5th. 3. 17, 20. 28. 21. 4. —— ili. 2twice, 5 twice. 9, 11 1st 4, 11 2nd 2a. 18, 19. 4. 21, 22, 24. 2a. 26. 4, —— iv. 22 twice 2a. 23 ὃν —v. 4, 4. 5. 2a. 6, 13. 28. vi. 14 (δι οὗ, by whom, marg. whereby.) 2a. Eph. i. 1, 5. πα, = ie ats 3. —— 13. 2a. 16. ὃ: 18. 7b. —— iii. 3. 3. —5. 2a. ——— 6. 7b. ——— 7. 2a. ——— 9 (ap), 10, 12, 3 21. [10,17 3. —— iv. l4twice. 2a 16. 3. 21. 5a. —— v. 13. 3. 26. 2a. Phil. i. 11, 20 twice, 26, 5a. 28. 9, —— iii. 9. 3. —— iv. 19, 2a. Col. 1. 1. 8. 16 1st. 2a. 16 2nd. 3. 17. Qa. 2) Ist. 2a 20 2nd (om, ‘ by Him,” G- L Tr.) 8. 21 (marg. in.) 3. ——ii. 11 5a. — 18. 2a. 19, 2a. iii. 17. 3. 1 Thes iii, 8. 2a ts 3, iv. 1. 2a. 2. 3. 15. 2a. νυν. 0. 12a. 2 Thes. ii, 1. πας] 28. 2 Thes ii, 9 3 times. Tb. 3. 2a, 14, 15 (nd not translated, lit. by owr Epistle.) 28. iii, 12 (No. 8, ἄν LTTrAW®.) 3 16. 10. Tum: 1.1. 8: 18: 2a, —— iv. 5, 14. 7b. — vv. ot. 2a. 2 Tim. i. 1, 6, 10, 14. 2a. —— ii. 2, marg. ‘(text, among.) 5a. 26. 2a. —— iv. 17. 8. Titus i. 9. 4. ——iii, 5 lst. 9a. —— 5 2nd. 3. Philem. hg 2a. 3. Heb. i. 1 2 Ist. 29a, 2 2nd, 3a. 3 2nd (om. “ by Himself,” L Tr A &.) | 2a. —— ii. 2, 3 Ast. 5a. 3 3nd, 28. 10. 5a, ——iii. 4. 2a. 16. 6. —v.8. 2b. —— vi. 7, marg. for. τα. 13 twice, 16. 2a 18. 2a, —— vii. 11, 19, 21. Tb. 22. 2a. 25. 2a, —— ix. 11, 12 twice. Tb. 22. 2a. 26. — —«<. 1, see year. Tb. 8. 3. 10, 19. 4, 38. 3. ----- κ. 2. Qa. 4twice, 7 2nd, ΤΌ. Heb. xi. 7 3rd. 8e. 12. 2a. 29. 2a. —— xiii. 11, 15. 2a. Jas. 11. 12. - 17, marg. see B itself. 4. 18, marg. (text, without, χωρίς, with- out All) 4, 18,21,22, 24twice, 2a. 1 Pet. i. 8. (25. 3. 5. 2a 12, 21, 23. 2a. —— ii. 5. 4. 13, 2a. 14. 2a, —— iii. 1. 3. 19. 2a. 20, 21 3. — v. 10. 2a. 12. 28. 2 Pet. 1. 4. 3. - 19, σα. -- 21. -— ---- 11. 1, see Ὦ many 5a. 2 [οἳ, 4. 1 John iii. 24. 3. —v. 2. 2a. 6 Ist. δὲ 6 2nd & ard. ΤΌ. 3 John 14. 3. Jude 1. Ὁ. —— 22. 2a. Rev. i. 1. 3. —v. 9, 5a. στης, 15 @t (No. 6, All.) (Gr Α) 4. 15 2nd (No. 6, 4 18 2ra ἃ 4th (om. All.) ϑ, 20. 3. -- χ. 6. 2b, —— xii. 1] twice. 2b. —— xiii. 14. 6. xviii. 15. 5, 25. BY AND BY. 1. ἐξαυτῆς, at the very point of time, at once. 2. εὐθύς, straight, direct; of time, straight 1.6. immediately, straightway. 3. εὐθέως, immediately, forthwith. 2. Matt. xiii. 21. 3. Luke xvii. ~ ‘ 1. Mark. vi. 25. ΡΣ Οἱ BY ITSELF. μ" separate from. bo 1. John xx. 7 χωρίς, separately, κατά, according to, ε “Ὁ . 5 ἑαυτοῦ", him-, her-, it-self, apart ; without, ᾿ by itself. 2. Jas, ii, 17, marg. (text, alone.) BY THEMSELVES μόνος, alone, left alone, solitary. Luke xxiv. 12 (ap.) Mark ix. 2. BY BY...SIDE. παρά, with Dat. see “By,” No. 8. Matt. xiii. 1, 4, 19. — xx. 30. Mark ii. 13. — iv. 1,4, 15. — x. 46. Luke viii. 5. — 12 (with art. those by —— xviii. 35. [the side.) Acts x. 6, 32. --- xvi. 13. BY WAY OF. ἐν, see “By,” No. ὃ. 2 Pet. iii, 1. tee CAL BY. See also, CALLED, CLOSE, COME, COMPANY, CONSTRAINT, COURSE, DIVIDE, FIFTIES, FORCE, FRAUD, HAND, HEREOF, HIGHWAY, HOLD, HUNDREDS, INHERITANCE, INTER- PRETATION, KNOW, LEST, MEANS, ONE, ORDER, PASS, PROTEST, REASON, SAIL, SIDE, SIT, SOOTHSAYING, SPACE, STAND, TAKE, TRADE, WAY, YEAR. CAISAR. Kaioap, Cesar, a title applied to the Roman Emperors after Julius. In all passages, except . Acts xi. 28 (om. All.) CHSAR’S COURT [margin.] πραιτώριον, (from the Lat. preetor) the public hall in the Governor’s house ; the quarters of the praetorian army in Rome. Phil. 1. 13 (text, palace.) CAGE. φυλακή, a watching or guarding; of persons, a» watch or guard; of place, a watch, station, post; of time, a watch, εσ. of the night; lastly, a place for keeping others in, a ward, a prison. Rey. xviii. 2. CALF. μόσχος, any thing young, wsed of plants, animals, etc. ; esp. of the young of kine, a calf, but also a young bull; a heifer, a young cow, (non oce. ) Luke xv. 23, 27, 30. | Rev. iv. 7. Heb, ix. 12, 19. CALF (MAKE A.) μοσχοποιέω, to make a calf, (said of the Israelites in imitation of the Eqyp- tian worship of Apis), (non ους, ) Acts vii. 41, CALL. (-ED, -EST, -ETH, -ING.) 1. καλέω, to call; with personal object, to call any one, invite, summon ; with impersonal object, Το: call the name; hence, toname; then in pass. to bear the name, be called any- thing, (καλέω, thus has the two ideas of vocation and designation; see Rom. ix. 25, 26, and the context, ete. must determine which. ) 2. προσκαλέω, (No.1, with πρός, towards, prefixed) to call hither ; in NV.7. as also in \xx. only the mid. to call to one’s self; but also to call any one to a work; to call before a court ; hence, to accuse. 3. ἐπικαλέω, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, pre- fixed ) to call on, to call to, (denoting the object, not the subject, as No. 2 to call on any one (by turning to- wards and crying to him); in N.T. mid. implying interest and advan- tage, to appeal; to call out something to some one, 1.6. to name, designate, 4, μετακαλέω, (No. 1, with µετά, with, prefixed ; denoting participation or change) to call away or to another place ; to call back, re-call; to in- vite to one’s self, (only in mid. im NV.T.) 5. φωνέω, to produce a sound or tone, to sound ; esp. of men, to speak loud or clearly ; to call out, cry out to. 6. - 8, λέγω, to lay asleep ; then, to lay in order, arrange, and so to collect; to lay among, and so to recount, tell, relate; then gen. to say, tell, utter in words; used of all kinds of oral communications. ( λέγω differs from λαλέω, in that it always implies rational and intelligent utterance, and denotes the sentiment, ἐπιλέγω, (No. 6 with ἐπί, upon, pre- Jixed,) to say in addition, to add to what has been said, to call or name. (Implymng that a thing has another name. ) ὄνομα, the name by which a person or thing is called. In phrases '' called Simon,” it is lit. by name Simon, 3. ὀνομάζω, to name or speak of by name, to call one something ; to name or mention ; to name, impose a name. 10, ἐπονομάζω, (No. 9 with ἐπί, upon, prefixed, ) to give another name to, (a) in pass. to be named, esp. to be surnamed 11. χρηματίζω, to do or carry on busi ness, have dealings, esp. wm money matters; hence, since names- were im- posed on men from thevr business or office, τέ signifies to be named or called, (cf. the Eng. Smith, Taylor, Carpenter, etc., etc. ) 12. προσαγορεύω, to speak to in the ἀγορά (the market-place or assem- bly,) hence, to address, accost ; but aso, to proclaim, (non occ. ) 19, εἶπον, to speak, say; also, to call one so and so, to say that. 14. ἐρῶ, to say, to speak; to call, to } name 15. ἐστί, he, she or it is. 6. Matt. i. 16. 5. Matt. xx. $2 1. 21, 23, 90 1: — xxi. 13 ἜΘ ΤᾺ 1. —— xxii. 3, 43, 45 6. 93 Ist. 1. —— xxiii. 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 29 2nd. 1. —— xxv. 14 6 —jiv. 18 6. —— χχνὶ, 3, 14, 36. 1. 21. — — xxvii 8 1, ——v. 9, 19 twice. 6. 16, 17, 22, 33. 1. — ix. 13. — —— x. lseeCuntoone. 47, see C for. 1. Mark i. 20 6. 2 1. — ii. 17 1 25 (No. 8, All.) | — — iii. 13,2 see 6 6 —— xiii. 55. - 23, funto one. 2 — xv. 10 fone 5 31 (No.1, L T Tr -- 32, see C unto A Β) (om. G=.) — — xviii. 2, see Cunto | — —~ vi. 7, sea C 9; = 22, {one. | — —— vii. 14, } unto 6. —— xix. 17 (ap.) — — viii. 1, 4,) one. 1. —— xx. 8. fone. | 5 ix. 80. - 25, see C unto | 6. —— κ. 18. | — Mark x. 42, see Ctoone 5. 49 3times, 1. — xi. 17 6. — xii. 37 (one. -- 43, see C unto 6. —— xv. 12 (om. whom ye call, L.Tr.) 15. 16 Ist. -- 1624, see C to- 5. 35. {gether 44, see C unto CAL — Acts ix. 14, 21, see Con 6. 36. 5. 41. 1. ——x, 1 Ist 8, 1 2nd - 5, see C for. 5. 7, 18. — — 23, see C in. ae ae see C together ΗῊ see C hither, | | one. | ——— xi. 13, eee C for. 1. Luke i, 13, 31; 32, 35, 36, | 11. 26 59, 60, 61, 62, 76 1. — xii. 1. 1 ii. 4, 21, 23 - 2,seeCwhereunto 1, —— ν. 32. — 7, see C for. -- vi 13, see C unto | L — xiv. 12. 1 15, 46. fone. | 2. —— xvi. 10 1 — vii. 11. -- 29, sew C for -- 19, see C unto | 9 —— xix 13 one | -- 25,586 C together -- 32, see C to |— 40, see C in ques- 1. —— viii. 2. | tion 5 54. |; — ——xx. 1,-see C unto ——ix. 1, see C to- | 4. 17. [one. I. 10. gether. | — —— xxii. 16, see C on. ]. —x. 39, |= — xxiii. 6, see C in — — xiii. 12, see C to question. [unto one. 5. —— xiv. 12. fone. | — 17, 18, 23, see C { 13. — — xxiv.2, see C forth. — — Xv. 6, 9, see C to- | 6. 14. (tion. 1. 19,21. [gether. | — 21,see C in ques- 2. 2 i 25, see C for. 5. ——xvi. 2 1 —xxvii 8 14, 16. - ὃ, see C 1. —— xxviii. 1 *— — Xxviii.16, ) untoone | — 17, see Ctogether. 6. 19. - 20, see C for. 1. — xix. 13 10. Rom. ii. 17. τῇ 15. Ve iv. 17. 1. - 29, 11.— vii. 3 6. —— xx. 27. be Vili. 80 twice. ile 44. 1. — ix. 7,11, 24, 25, 26. 1, —— xxi. 37 — — x. 12,13,seeC upon. 6. —— xxii. 1 a 14, see C on. 1" 25 — 1Cor. i. 1, see called. 6. 47. -- 2 2nd see C upon. — — xxiii. 13, see C to- | 1. 9, 1. 33. ‘[together. ϱ, ——v.11 8. —— xxiv. 13. 1. —— vil, 15, 17, 18 πῖες͵ 1. John i. 42. 20, 21, 22 twice, 94, 5. 48. 6. —— viii 5. 1, —— ii. 2. 6. —— xii. 3 (with λαλέω 5. 9. to speak.) 6. —— iv. 5, Ve xv. 9, 5. 16. 9. 2 0ος. 1, 28, 6. 25. 1, Gal. i. 6, 12. 7 —v. 2. 1. τον. 8, 13. 6, «πι Τι 6. Eph. ii. 11 twice. δη. iv, re ] ——x. 3(No.5, Gw J | 1. Col. iii. 15. 13. 35. [TTrAw.) ὅ. —iv. 11. ο 16: 1. 1 Thes, ii.-12. 5 28 Ist. 1. — iv. 7. ΜΝ 28 2nd, see C for. | 1. —— v. 24. 6. 54 1. 2Thes. ii. 4. 5, —— xii 17. 1. 14. τη 1) Ην ΗΝ νὰ 6. Xv, 15 Ist. 2 Tim. i. 5, see C to, 14. 15 2nd. | I. 9. 5 xviii, 33. — —— ii, 22, see C on, 6. —— xix. 13, 17twice. | 1. Heb. ii. 1]. 6. —— xx. 24 1, τς iii, 19. 6, ——=— S51. ὃ [1, ιν. 4. 1. Acts i. 12, 19, 23. 12 10. — — ii. 21, seeC on 6. —— vii. 11. 2 40. ἃ —— is) 2:3 6. — iii. 2. 1. 15. ἵ; 11. 1, —— xi. §, 18 Ὁ τον, 18, 6. ὲ 24 — — v.2],sec C ther | 1. Jas. η. 23. 9 40 ΩΣ ἘΝ v. 14, see C for. — — vi. 2, seo © unto | 1. 1 Pet. i. 15. 6. 9. (self. | — 17, see C en, — — vii.l4,seeC to one’s | 1. — ii οί]. “2. 59, see Cupon, | 1. —— iii. 6, 9. 8. viii. 9. | 1. ---ν 10. τα ΧΙ 1 {1 Pet. i. 3 8 11 2nd. 1. 1 ὁὅ 2 Pet. { 1. 1 John iii. 1. | | | * CAL f 230°] CAL 1. Rev. i 9. ii | 1 | | 8 a 20. gah σε | CALL ON. or ο πμ αμ | ἐπικαλέω, 866 “CALL,” Vo. 3. Se | Acts ii a ΟἿ Rom. x. 14. ert ie ee ον CALL FOR. — xxii. 16. ΡΥ 1. αἰτέω, to ask for something, to beg or pat crave something, to ask a person for a thing. CALL TO. Ὃ οι ο nee * cant,” Nod. 1. προσφωνέω, to call or shout to any 3. παρακαλέω, to eall to or beside -one-, one, to cry aloud, to call to one’s self. every kind of calling to which is | 2. λαμβάνω, to take, as in the hand, meant to produce a particular effect ; hence, to receive. In paraphrastic hence, to beseech, exhort, comfort, expressions, to take a beginning, 1.6. ete. to begin so, to take remembrance, take experience of, etc. 1. Luke vii. 32. ] 222 Tim 1, 5, 4, προσκαλέω, see “ CALL,” Wo. 2. 5. φωνέω, see “cat,” Wo. 5. 6. μεταπέμπω, to send one after another, to send for, summon. CALL TO ΟΝΕ, es | 5. Matt. xxvii. 47. 4. Acta xiii. 7. τ DV; Ὃ πιο τον sata η | ]. προσκαλέω, see CALL,” No. 2. 6. Acts x. 5. 2. —— xxiv 25. εί ” oe κ on i . προσφωνέω, see ‘CALL TO,” No. 1. ασ | μετακαλέω, see “CALL,” Wo. 4. 1, Mark x 42. | 2. Luke xiii 12 3. Acts vii. 14. CALL FORTH. CALL TOGETHER. | 1. συγκαλέω, to callor summon together ; | call a council. | καλέω, see * CALL, Vo. 1 Acts xxiv. 2 CALL HITHER. a) Mid. to call or collect together to μετακαλέω, see “CALL,” «Λο. 4. 8 : one’s self. Acts x. 32. / 2. συναθροίζω, to throng or crowd to- gether. 1. Mark xv. 16. 1. Acts v. 21. CALL IN 18. Luke ix. Ἱ. la — x. 24 18. —— xv 6, 9. 9 —— xix. 25. εἰσκαλέω, to call or invite in, (non ους.) | la ——xxiii 18. | la.—— xxviii. 17 Acts x. 23. | CALL UNTO. CALL IN QUESTION. προσφωνέω, see “CALL TO,” Vo, 1. 1. ἐγκαλέω, to call in as a debt ; then gen., Matt. xi. 16 to demand as one’s due, to bring a charge or accusation against a person. CALL UNTO ONE. bo . κρίνω, to separate, part, put asunder ; to enquire ov search into, investi- gate; hence, to form an estimate of, Ne προσκαλέω, see “ ΟΑ11," No. 2. | r _ προσφωνέω, see CALL TO,” No. 1. a Ν 43, to come to a decision, to judge, (not | } Matt * I, ave ο... necessarily to condemn.) In profane | \. — ος | 2 Luke vi. 18. 1 ποτ xx. 2 Ϊ ο πα vil. 19, Greek, to call any one to account, to | } Mark iii 13, 23. | avi ΑΕ. «ασαφή, 2) ee VT | 1, — xviii 16 begin a lawsuit. 1 —vii 14. 1. Acts vi. 2 1 Acts xix. 40. | 9, Acts xxiii. 6. 1— viii], 4. A 1. —— xx. ] 2. Acte xxiv. 21. 1. Acts xxiii. 17, 18, 23 cage aaa AS Se I TS CAL δ 7 CAN | | ἐπικαλέω, see “cary,” No. 3. notes vocation.) Rom. xi. 29. | ΡΠ iti. 14. Acts vii 59. he ο Rom. x. 12, 13 1 Cor. 1, 26. 0 Thes. i. 11. 1 Cor. i. 2. Ἐπ ὉΠ 9 2 Tim. i. 9. Eph. i. 18. Heb. ini. 1. — iv. 4. 2 Pet. i..10. CALL WHEREUNTO. ee ee κλιπ Te προσκαλέω, see CALL,” No. 2, with ὅ. CALM / da Acts xiii. 2. CALL UPON. | see Heb. iii. 1, (oce. Eph. iv. 1, de- γαλήνη, stillness of the sea, calmness, gentleness, (from γελάω, to smile, so Ovid, “ The storm is hushed, and dimpled ocean smiles,” (non occ. ) Matt. viii. 26. | Mark iv. 39. Luke viii. 24. See also, BLESSED, COMMON, MIND, RE- MEMBRANCE. ἡ | CALLED. | 1. κλητός, called, invited ; welcome, CALVARY. κρανίον, a skull, (Lat. Calvaria, a skull.) Luke xxiii. 33. - τ ποτε τος τσ α τεσπα a a RS ES SE Le τανε τε, πος πεσε ἢ chosen. bo ὄνομα, the name by which a person or thing vs called, by name. ( 6, which, ἐστι, is. CAME. 1. Matt. xx. 16 (ap. i Rom. i. 1, 6, 7. 1. — xxii. ἫΝ ) . — yili. 28. See, COME. 3. Mark xv. 16 1st. ὴ 1 Cor. i. 1 (om. Go 15 2. Luke xxiv. 13. 1. 2. {Ab-) 2. Acts viii. 8: -- 24, see C (which — — ix 1] 1st, see C. is.) 7% 11 2nd. — Heb. xi 16, see C (be.) CAMEL. 2. —x.1. — 188. ii. 7, see C by (be.) ο ο eee Cain | 1. Jade κάμηλος, a camel, (from Heb. Ἔ ὩΣ, (06) 1. Rev. xvii. 14. bearer, carr ier η (non ace. ) ---- Matt. iii. 4. Mark i. 6 —— xix. 24. — x 25 — xxiil. 24. Ϊ Luke xviii. 25. CALLED (95) ἐπικαλέω, see “cai,” No. 3 Heb. xi. 16 (pass.) CAMP. παρεμβολή, insertion beside, between or among others ; a parenthesis; a put- ting in or distributing men through | un army, a drawing up in battle order ;;and then a camp; hence, any | | | CALLED BY (se.) Jas. ii, 7 (with ἐπί, upon.) Acts xv. 17 (with ἐπί, upon.) Heb. xiii. 11, 13. ἱ Rey. xx. 9. ----- CALLED (ππΠΙΟΗ 18.) κλητός, see “CALLED,” No. 1. 1 Cor. i. 24. CAN, COULD (-st,) CANNOT, &c, ~ (with a negative. ) When not part of another word it ts one of these following : 1. δύναμαι, to be able, capable, strong enough. Jt denotes moral. power ] | | CALLED UPON (85.) ies fortified place. | See also, FALSELY. ao (while ἰσχύω, No, 2 denotes physical Ἡ οΑβΙΙ]να, ability.) Jt ts from δύνος, which is κλῆσις, a calling, summons, invitation ; equivalent to divine, good ; and the | used in N.T. for that calling whose idea is 1 make myself good, am origin, nature, and goal are heavenly, ‘strong cnough, equal, able. og τα 4 | CAN [159 ] CAN | < = | 1, Heb. ix. 9. 1. 1 John iv. 20, | | 2. ἰσχύω, to be strong in body or physi ae ay: eee. cal health, strong in mental power, . 1 Jaa ii. 14. λες ον - ᾿ ἘΞ τς 11: ἘΞ ΞΡ Ὁ. | have. efficiency, prevail; used of 1: ---ἣϊ 8, ee physical strength and mental val- | 1 1 John iii 9. 1. — xiv, 3 idity ; more emphatic than No. Ἱ. μεις 3. έχω, to have Me the hands ; hence, to CAN NOT BE (rt) ssess anything. ny 4 ΕΡ Gee ἐνδέχομαι, to take upon one’s ’self; to | 4, γινώσκω, ἴο learn to know, to perceive, accept, admit, allow of. Impers. mark, and in past tenses, sometimes, to | it may be. it is possible, (here, with | know. 76 ¢mplies the possession of | negative. ) | | a knowledge which produces some Luke xiii. 33. | emotion and affection of the mind; to be influenced by our knowledge; CAN DO to know how. 2 . a : 1. δύναμαι, see “can,” No. 1. 5. οἶδα, (perf. of εἴδω, to see,) 1 have ae. i seus ‘oan _seen and therefore know. 2. ἰσχύω͵ see “can,” No. 2. . 1. Mark ix. 22. 1. 2 Cor. xiii. 8. 60. ἐστί, (3 pers. sing. pres. of εἰμί, I am,) 9 Phil iv. 18. he, she or it is. 1. Matt. v. 14, 36. 1. John i. 46. LE το vi. 24 twice 97. Ὶ. — tik 2; 3, Grwice δ CAN HAVE. 1. —— vii 18. -- 8, see C tell. = τ ” 3 1. — viii, 2 1 ϱ. 27. έχω, see “can,” Λο. 3. De te τη 1 ν 19, 30, 44 : ] —— κ, 29, 84. 1. —— vi. 44, 52, 60, 65. John xix. 11. 4. —— xvi. 3 ist. 1. — vii. 7, 34, 36. =. ον 1 8 2nd. — — viii. 14, see C tell. 1. —— xvii 16, 19, 1: 21, 22, 43. fo oie 25. οἰα [1 Ξ "πὶ 16, 88, | CAN TELL. oe eat 7” παρα 21, 95 . 4.--- = 40. 1 mai 37 | οἶδα, see “ can,” No. ὃ. L 53 Ἰ, — xii. 39. : ο” h iii, 14. 1 — xxvii 42 1, — xiii. 33, 36, 37. | ΜΕΤ ΟΣ ος δ. 60. 1. — xiv. 5 (om. Ga Ll take χχ Ἶ Ὁ Cor. xii. 9 "αἰς», 1. Mark 4. 40, 45. TTrA) John ii 8. ως ΠΣ L ——it 4,7, 1018. 1. 17. ; - 1. 19 2na (ap.) 1, —— xv. 4 lst, 5, goats | 1. ae 20, 23, 24, 25, | Ἱ. — απ 12 ae ἢ - ; te κ' Ἱ. ----- ν͵ 3 το τὶ 11 τρόμανο | See also, APPROACH, CEASE, CONDEMN, Pansy ὍΝ Panama 5,ι CONTAIN, COULD, DO, ESCAPE, FIND, ΕΟΠ- 1 — vii 15, 18, 24 ᾿Ξ ¥, 60, BEAR, GREEK, HAVE, LIE, MOVE, PASS, a5 viii 4. '), — viii. 3), ἢ τ ‘ Εκδ eee RECEIVE, REMOVE, SEE, SPEAK, SPOKEN, 22 18. | -- —— κὶ 17, sce could. TEMPT, UTTER, WISH. = 1. — xiii 39 | | 1 1. --τ αν. ] , .--- ---.ος.- ΘΗΝ . "τ x 26, 38, 30. 1. — xxi. 34. | μα οσα ναί 18 | CANDLE. | 3. —— xiv. 8. 2. —— xxv 7. Β 2% 4 2, 81. 1 ——xxvii 15, 31, 49. λύχνος, a lamp, (it-must be distinguished 1. Luke i. 22. — Rom viii 3, see could. from φῶς light λυχνία a lamp- 1. —v. 12, 21, 84. 1. 7, 8 , ’ ’ 1 nme, 42. η 1 ον stand, λαμπάς, a torch, (Matt. xxv. 2—— . — iii, 1,121. . : : 1 — viii 19 1, —— χ 21 twice. 1,) φέγγος, light in its splendour, ae nit See rn radiance, φωστήρ, luminary,)a hand La? i, ο δ, ᾿ lamp fed with oil. —_— 5. iy ii . tell. a. Des a Ὃ αι 2 ΤΑ ra δὴ | are rid τς Luke a ος 84. L — xiii 1] -- 8, see C te Ι Ἄν: on -- 38, see cannot | --- —— xiii 8, see C do. ασ Wi BR, Rev. xxii. 5 οὐ be (it.) γ. Gal iii. 21 tl ed | 2. xiv. 6. - τν aa ae see C do. Ξ ττς-------------- -͵τὶ 3. 14. 1..} Thea, iil. 9 i z 1. 20, 26, 27,33. | 1.1 Tim. v. 26. CANDLESTICK. 2, xvi 3 “3 }. —— vi 7, 162nd A 1 13 bwice, 26 lat. 1. 2 Tim ii 13. via tand, see above. 1. — xviii, 26 1. Heb, tii. 19. λυχνία, a lamp-stand, 1, ——xiz 8 1. —— fv, 16.: Matt. v. 15. Heb ix. 2 ἜΝ -- xx. 7, Bee C tel). 1 —pvyv. 2. Mark iv. 21. Rey. i. 12, 18, 20 twice, 2, 26. 3. —— vi. 23. Luke viii. 10, απ ο 1, ---- 86. 6. ——ix. δ. —— τὰ, 88, — xi. 4, CANKER [noun.] γάγγραινα, a gangrene ΟΥ̓ mortification which spreads and eats away or consumes by putrefaction the neighbouring parts, (from .γράω, to eat, consume.) 2 Tino. ii 17, marg. gangrene. CANKER [verb.] κατίωμαι, to be rusted or tarnished with Lat. tribunus legionis, proper!y the Roman Emperor's guards, i.e. the pretorian cohorts, (non occ. ) Acts xxvui. 16 (ap.) here. rust, (non occ. ) (All) πε b. 2 Tita. lii. 6 (αιχμαλιτίζω, to make prisoners of war, || —— ξεν | CANNOT. CAPTIVE (LEaD away.) | See, can. αιχµαλωτίζω, to make prisoners of war. | Seal cl es eee Luke xxi. 24. || | CAPTAIN | | £ WN. Ι | 1. χιλίαρχος, the commander of a | CAPTIVE (τακε.) | thousand men. {έως the word used | ζωγρέω, to take alive, take prisoner by the Greeks to translate the Persian | Me in ΩΝ of killing. : vizer, and the Roman tribunus 2 Tim. ii. 26, marg Greek, take alive. militum or military tribune. 2. στρατηγός, the leader or commander | : -of an army, a general. Applied in CAPTIVES (multitude of) (margin. ] Athens to the war department at αἰχμαλωσία, a being prisoner of war home, hence also, a civil officer who | a body of captives ; those who suf had any command in chief. | fer captivity. 3. ἀρχηγός, (from ἀρχή, beginning, ori- | Eph. iv. 8 (text, captivity.) | gin, and ἄγω, to lead,) beginning, | originating ; as subst., a leader, | CAPTIVITY. | ee τας ae - νο a prince | αἰχμαλωσία, see above. = 6 ca ἃ rst-cause, aut ae | Eph. iv. 8, marg. multitude of captives. | Rev. xiii. 10 ¢wice. ii. 4, 52. 2. Acts v. 24, 26 1 John xvii μα 8 Heb it. i | . Acts iv. 1, marg. ruler. 3 αχ 18. | si νο CAPTIVITY (seine 1νΤο) CAPTAIN ( αἰχμαλωτίζω, to make prisoners of war. || ἐ + CHIEF. Rom. vii. 23. | 2 Cor. x. 5. 1. Acts xxi. 31, 32, 33, 37. 1. Acts” uxiv. 7 (αρ), Jee ἀντ ο πο αι | L — xxv. ο σον CARCASE. | » “““Ζ «10, do, 14,45, — i. Sus i 19, 39. 1. Rev. vi. 15. δῖναι Ϊ ΣΟ: τς Ι. κῶλον, a limb, member of a body ; CAPTAIN (πιο) | gen ot ths extremities. This word ΜΗ | tn Heb. iii. 17, where only ἐξ occurs, we sets before us, the unburied limbs and bones of those who fell in the | ’ CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD. wilderness. (Used by lex. for Heb. | στρατοπεδάρχης, ἃ general officer; the pvup,- carcases, Lev. -xxvi. 30; P Orr Ὁ ΡΒ ᾿ Num. xiv.'29, 32, 33, ete. ) | εν 1 commander of a camp or of the | aoa, CAR CAPTIVE. αἰχμάλωτος, taken by the spear or in war, ἃ prisoner of war. Luke iv. 18. CAPTIVE (ueab.) αἰχμα λωτεύω, (a) to be a prisoner of war, governing Dat.; (b) to make a prisoner of war, governing Acc., as | - | ἢ . Eph. iv. 8 "πτῶμα, a fall; Aence, a misfortune, calamity ; then that which is fallen or killed, a corpse, carcase. ' ] 2 Matt. xxiv. 28. | 1. Heb. iii 17 CAR [ CARE [πουη.] 1 μέριμνα, dividing or distracting the mind; then, that which does so, as care, thought, esp. anxious care, trouble, (non occ.) 2. σπουδή, haste, speed, readiness; zeal, pains, trouble ; an earnest, serious purpose. 3. φρονέω, the verb which expresses the action of the φρήν, (mind), as well as the heart and will, hence, to think, 1.6. either to think or be minded to do a thing, or simply, to think, con- sider, reflect. 4. ἀγών, a gathering, assembly, esp. an assembly of the Greeks at their great national games, hence, the contest for a prize at their games, gen. any struggle, trial, or danger. In No. 1 we have anxiety, m No. 2 earnestness, 7x Vo. 3 sovlicitude ; see also ‘CARE OF (TAKE.)” | i. Matt. xiii. 22. 2, 2 Cor. vii, 12 }] 1. Mark iv. 19. — —— viii. 16, see Ὁ (ear- 1. Luke viii. 14. i. 28 | | | | (confirct. ) 4. Col. ii. 1, marg. (text, — 1 Tim. iii. 5, see Ὁ of (take.) 1; 1 Pet. 7. —1 Cor. ix 9, see C (take) — —— xii. 25, see C (have) CARE (EARNEST.) 2. 2 Cor. viii. 16 CARE (HAVE.) μεριμνάω, to be anxious about, distracted about ; think earnestly upon. 1 Cor. xii. 25. \| CARE (rTaKeE.) | pédw, to be an object of care or interest. | Imp. with Dat. as here, it is a care to me, an object of thought, anxiety or interest. | 1 Cor. ix. 9. | | | | CARE OF (tTAKE.) ἐπιμελέομαι, to take care of, have the management of ; solicitude express- ed in forethought or the employ- ment of means for a desired result. Luke x 34, 35. | 1 Tim. iii 5. 134. ] CAR CARE (ΒΡ, -Ε5Ί, -ΕΤΗ) [verb.] | 1. μεριμνάω, to be anxious about, to have anxious or distracting care. 2, μέλω, to be an object of care or interest ; πρ. with Dat.-as here, it is a care to me, an object of thought. Τίς verb implies fore- thought. as Mo. 1 does anxiety. 3. φροντίζω, to think, consider, reflect ; to take thought for; be thoughtful, 2. Matt. xxii. 16. 2. John xii. 6. 2. Mark iv, 38, 2. Acta xviii. 17. 2. —— xii. 14. 9 1 Cor. vii. 21. 2. Luke x. 40, ΠΣ 32, 33, 34 twice. 2. John x. 13. 1. Phil. ii. 20. 9, 1 Pet. ν. 7. | CAREFUL (ΒΕ) 1] peptpvdw, to be anxious about, to have anxious or distracting care. 2. φρονέω, see “CARE” (noun), Wo. 3. (non occ. ) 1. Luke x. 41. 2. Phil. iv. 10 1. Phil. iv. 6 3, Titus iii. 8. See also, SUSPENSE. CAREFULLY (THE ΜΟΒΒ.) σπουδαιοτέρον, comp. of σπουδή, see CARE” (noun), No. 2. Phil. ii, 28 See also, SEEK. CAREFULNESS. Ι | | | σπουδή, see “Care” (noun), Vo. 2. 2 Cor. vii 11 { CAREFULNESS (witHovt.) ἀμέριμνος, free from anxiety. 1 Cor. vii. 32. | | CARNAL. | 1, σάρξ, flesh ; then, corporeity according to its material side, (which as an organic whole is called σῶμα, body,) σάρξ denotes human nature and all that is peculiar to it, in and accord- ing to its corporeal embodiment, and hence, sinfully conditioned bn human nature. | CAR (a) Genitive, of flesh, fleshly, ete. 2. σαρκικός, fleshly, distinctive of the | flesh, what attaches to the flesh as corporeity ; more abstract, and not so gross in tts idea as the various reading σάρκινος, which denotes of flesh, fleshy. 2. Rom. vii. 14 (σάρκινος, | 2. 1 Cor. iii. 3 2nd. of flesh, fleshy, All) 2. 4 (avOpwros,men, la —— viii. 7. LTTrAR®.) -- — xv. 27. — — ix. 11, 2.1 Cor iii 1 (σάρκινος, | 3. 2 Cor. x. 4. of flesh, fleshy, All ) 2. Heb. vii. 16 (G~) f 8 lst a of (σάρκινος, of flesh, flesh, fleshy, Gow. Sleshy, ἃ Ἵν Heb. ix. 10. CARNAL THINGS. τὰ, the, σάρκικα, fleshly things, see “CARNAL,” No Rom. xv, 27, | 1 Cor. ix. 11. nT CARNALLY. σάρξ, see “CARNAL,” Wo, la. Rom. viii. 6, marg. Greek, of the flesh. CARPENTER. τέκτων, a4 worker, craftsman, 07 work- mau; but esp. a worker in wood, he a carpenter ον builder, (non [ 135 1 CAR | δ. βαστάζω, to raise upon a basis, to support ; to take up and hold, to bear; to bear or carry about as attached to one’s person; hence some- times, to wear. 6. ἐλαύνω, to drive, drive on, set in motion, esp. of driving flocks, but very frequently of horses, chariots, ships, εἰο. 7. συγκομίζω, to take up and bear to- gether ; of several persons to bear away together, as the harvest, or a dead body for burial. ies Matt. i. 11, see C away | — Acts vii. 43, see Ὁ to. away. - 17, see carrying. | 7. —— viii. 2. — Mark vi.55,see Cabont. | 4. —— xxi. 34. — — xi 16,see C through — — xv 1. see Caway. — Luke vii. 12, see C out. — 1 Cor. xii. 2, see Caway — Gal ii. 13, see C away with. ὃ. — κ. 4. — Eph. iv. 14, see C about. 2. —— xvi. 22. —1Tim vi. 7, see C out. — —— xxiv. 61, see C up. | — Heb xiii 9, see C about 3. John ν 10. 6. 2 Pet. ii. 17. 1. — xxi. 18. — Jude 12, see C about 5. Acts iii. 2. — Rev. xii 15. see tlood — — v. 6, 9, see C ont. xvii. 3 see Caway 10, see C forth 5; 7. — — vii. 16, sev C over. | — —— xxi. 10, see C oway CARRY ABOUT. περιφέρω, to carry round, carry about, (No. 1 with περί, around, prefixed. ) Mark vi 55. Heb. xiii. 9. falong, All.) Eph. iv. 14. Jude 12 (παραφέρω, Lear oce. ) Matt. xiii 55. | Mark vi 3. CARRY AWAY 1. ἀποφέρω, to bear or carry away from CARRIAGE. one person or place to another. See, TAKE. 2. ἀπάγω, to lead away, conduct away. 3. μετοικίζω, to cause to change one’s CARRIED, abode, to cause to removeor migrate. See, FLOOD. 1. Mark xv. 1. | 2.1 Cor. xii. 2. 8. Acts vii. 43. 1. Rev. xvii. 3. = 1. Rev. xxi. 10. CARRY (180, -IETH.) «φέρω, to bear or carry a load, to bear with idea of motion; bring, produce. ἀποφέρω, to carry away from, carry. off from one place to another. αἴρω, to raise or lift up; to take up to carry, and so, to carry ; to lift up and take away ; and so gen., to take away. 4. ἄγω, to lead,:lead along, one, (usually of persons, as No. 1 is | of things, ) to lead towards a point. take with | CARRY AWAY TO (THB TIME THEY WERE) (-IED.) | eth . . µετοικεδία, change of abode, migration. Matt. i. 11 (lit, the Babylonian migration.) CARRY AWAY WITH. | συναπάγω, to lead off or away with any | one; gen. in a bad sense, but also wm a good sense, (cf. 2 Pet. iii. 17 and Rom. xii. 16.) Gal. ii. 19. { 1386 ] CAS CAST [noun. | ἐκφέρω, to bear out, carry out; to bring βολή, a throwing, (λίθου βολή, a stone’s forth. throw.) Acta v. 10. Luke xxii. 41. CARRY OUT. CAST (πο) [verb.] . ἐκφέρω, see above. : ἐκκομίζω, to carry or take out (to a place of safety) ; esp. to carry out a corpse, (non occ. ) 2. Luke vii. 12. | 1. Acts v. 6, 9 απ νι ἢ: CARRY OVER. μετατίθημι, to place among, put in an- - other place ; hence, to transport, to transfer. Acts vii. 16. | CARRY THROUGH. διαφέρω, to bear or carry through (a place), bear asunder, carry different Ways. Mark xi. 16 (with διά, through.) CAR CARRY FORTH. | | | CARRY UP. ἀναφέρω, to bear upwards, carry up | (from a lower to a higher place.) | Luke xxiv. 51 (αρ) | | | CARRYING AWAY INTO. µετοικεσία, change of abode, migration. Matt. iL 17 twice (lit. the Babylonian migration.) CASE. aitia, a cause; esp. the occasion (of something bad); then, a charge, | accusation, 07 a ground of accusa- | | tion ; in the sense of affair, | | | Ι | then, matter, case. | Matt, xix. 10. CASE (88 1N THAT.) έχω, to have or hold. John v. 6 CASE (1ν No.) an intensive neg., in No wise, by no means. Matt. v. 20. ov, not, μή, lest, { When not part of another verb, τὲ 1s one of these following : 1. βάλλῳ, trans, to throw at or hit, with any kind of missile, strictly opposed to striking, intrans. to fall, tumble. 2. ἐκβάλλω, (No. 1 with ἐκ, out of or from, ο. ) to throw or cast out of. 3. ῥίπτω, to throw or cast, with a sudden motion, to hurl, jerk ; to cast forth, throw apart, scatter. 1. Matt iil. 10. 1. Mark xv. 24. 1 —— iy. 6, 18 1. Luke iii. 9. 1 ----ν. 19, 25, 29 twice, | 1. —— iv. 9. 30 Ist. 1. —— xii. 28, 58. 1 30204 (απερχοµαι | 1. —— xill. 19. togooway, LTTrA®) | 1. —— xiv. 35. 1 vi. 30. ὃ. —— xvii 2 1 —— vii ἑ 19 1. —— xxi. 1, 2, 3, 4 twice. 1 — κα. 42, 47, 4%, 50 1. —— xxiii. 19, 25, 34. 1 xv. 26. 1. John ili. 24. 1 — xvii. 27 1, —— vill. 7 (ap), 59. 1 —— αν]. 8twice Qtwice, | 1, —— xv. G twice. 1, —— xxi. 21. (30 | 1. —— mix. 24. 2. —— xxii. 13 l. —— xxi. 6 twice 7 2. —— xxv. 30 1. Acts xvi. 23, 37 1. —— xxvii. 35 1st 3. —— xxvii. 29. i 35 2nd (ap ) J Rey, 11: 19. 11: 25; l. Mark i. 16 (ἀμφιβάλλω, | 1. iv 10. to throw or pul around, | 1. —— vi. 13. throw to and fro, All ) 1. —— viii. 5, 7, 8. 1 iv. 26. 1. —— xii. 4, 13, 15, 16. 1 vil. 27. 1. — xiv. 19. 1. —— ix. 22, 42, 45, 47. l. —— xviii 19, 21. 1. — xi. 23. (44 twice. | 1, —— xix. 20. 1, —— xi.4]'Wice, 43twice 11. —— xx. 3, 10, 14, 15. CAST (BE) ἐκπίπτω, to tall out of, to fall from or off ; spoken of things which fall out of or from their places ; of sea-faring men to be thrown ashore. Acté xxvii 26. es CAST ABOUT. περιβάλλω, (No, 1 with περί, about, around,) to cast ov throw around, to put around any person or thing. (a) Mid. and pass. to put on one’s own garments, to clothe one’s self. Luke tix. 43. CAST ABOUT (HAVE...) a. Mark xiv. 51. CAST AWAY | In N.T. only in Mid. to thrust from one’s self, hence, to banish, reject, disdain. 1. Mark x. 50. | 1. Heb. x. 35. 2. Rom. xi. }, 2. CAST AWAY (1ε.) ζημιόω, to cause loss or do damage to any one, hence, to punish, esp. to fine, mulct. (4) pass. or Mid. to be fined or amerced, gen. to suffer loss. ἃ Luke ix. 25. CAST DOWN. καταβάλλω, (No. 1 with κατά, down, prefixed,) to throw or cast down, overthrow, to strike down, kill, esp. with missiles, ) -σὶ . ῥίπτω, see “cast,” ο. 3. . καθαιρέω, to take down, (as from a htyher place,) with the rdea of force to pull down, demolish. 2. Matt. xv. 30. 2. — xxvii. 5, 1 2 Cor. iv. 9. 8. 2 Cor. x. 5. 1. Rev. xii. 10 (βάλλω, 899 cast,No.1,GeLTTrAk) CAST DOWN HEADLONG. κατακρημνίζω, to cast down from a precipice, gen. to throw headlong clown, (non occ.) Luke iv 29. .---- - See also, HELL. CAST FORTH. ἐκβάλλω, see cast,” Λο. 2. Mark vii. 26. _ CAST IN ONES MIND. διαλογίζομαι, to reckon through, 1¢. to | balance accounts; hence, to take | account of, consider, think overs. Luke i. 29. 1. ἀποβάλλω, (No. 1 with ἀπό, from, - prefixed,) to throw off from, to throw away, 9. ἀπωθέω, to thrust away, drive away CAS CAST IN ONE'S TEETH. ὀνειδίζω, to defame, 1.6. to disparage, | reproach ; then, to rail at, reproach with any thing. Matt. xxvii 44 ----- CAST INTO ἐμβάλλω, (No. 1 with ἐν, in, prefized,) | to cast in, throw in. | Luke xii. 5 (with εἰς, mto ) -------- CAST INTO PRISON. παραδίδωμι, to give near, with, to any ‘one, to hand over to another, to deliver up, surrender, ix α good or bad sense, z.e. to deliver over to suffer any thing, or to the charge or care of any one. Matt. iv. 12, marg. de/iver up. -.-- - CAST OFF. 1. ἀθετέω, to displace, to set aside, dis- regard a treaty, oath, promise, etc. 2. ἀποτίθημι, to put off, lay aside. Jn ‘N.T7. only in Mid. to put off from one’s self. . ῥιπτέω, (frequentative of “cast,” No. 3,) to throw or cast repeatedly, to throw or toss about, (non occ. ) 3. Acta xxl. 23. | 2, Rom xii 12. Δ. 1 Timmy v5 18. CAST ON. ἐπιβάλλω, (“cast,” No. 1 with eri, upon, prefixed, ) to cast or throw upon. Mark xi 7 CAST ONE'S SELF. aroppirtw, to cast off, throw aside. Jn N.T. with reflex. pron. implied, throwing or letting themselves off, ἐ.ε, from the ship into the. water, (non occ. ) Acts xxvii. 43 | CAS CAST OUT. , βάλλω, see “cast,” No. 1. . ἐκβάλλω, see “cast,” No. 2. . ῥίπτω, see “cast,” No. 3. | { | | | »- ὧϑ DD |- a new-born child, 5. ἐκτείνω, to stretch out, to extend, put forth, reach out, ποιέω, to make, 6. 4 ἔκθετος, exposed, esp. of an infant, No. 2 in all passages, except 2. Matt. xxi. 39 (with ἕξω, | without.) 2. Mark xvi. 17 (ap.) 2. John ix. 34, marg. ez- communicate, 6. Acts vii. 19. cause to be exposed. 4. Acta vii. 21. 3. —— xxvu 19. 5. 30. 1. 1 John iv. 18. 2. Rev. xi. 2, marg. (text, leave out.) 1. Rev. xii. 93times. ἢ CAST OUT OF. ἐκβάλλω, see “cast,” Wo. 2. (a) with ἀπό, from. (b) with ἐκ, out of. - (ο) with έξω, out, without. ο. Mark xii. 8. | ἃ. Mark xvi. 9 (ap.) ο Luke xx. 15. ο, Acta τῇ. 58. b. 3 John 10. CAST UPON. 1, ἐπιβάλλω, sce “ CAST ON.” 2. ἐπιῤῥίπτω, (“cast,” No. 3 with ἐπί, upon, preficed,) to throw or cast upon. (a) with ἐπί, upon, added. 2a. Luke xix. 35. | 1. 1 Cor. vii 36. 2a. 1 Pet. ν. 7. CAST DOWN [adj.] ταπεινός, low, not high; low, humble, | poor ; lowly, humble, modest ; de- pressed. See also, LOT, STONE. { ή 2 Cor. vii 6. CASTAWAY. ἀδόκιμος, unapproved, spurious, that will not stand proof, gen. spoken of me- tals, (cf. Sept., Prov. xxv. 4; Is. . ἐκτίθημι, to place out, expose, esp. of | CAT | i. 22,) (occ: Rom. 28; 2 Cor. αι, ] 5, Ὁ, 1} 5 Tim πι ος Tite | Heb. vi. 8.) 1 σου Ex. οὐ, CASTING AWAY. | ἀποβολή, a casting off or from; rejec- | | | tion, loss, deprivation. Rom. xi. 15. CASTLE. παρεμβολή, insertion beside, between or among others ; parenthesis ; a put- ting in or distributing men through an army; a drawing up in battle order (juxta-army) ; a/so, a body so drawn up; in later usage, a camp (1.6. juata-arrangement in ἃ camp ;) hence, spoken of a standing: camp, quarters, barracks, viz., the quarters of the Roman soldiers in Jerusalem in the fortress Antonia, which was adjacent to the temple, and commanded it,(occ. Heb. xi. 343 ΣΙ. 11. 19, Rev. xx, 4.) Acts xxi. 34, 37. [ Acts xxii. 24. Acts xxiii. 10, 16, 32. CATCH (-ΕΤΗ, caucHT.) 1. ἁρπάζω, to snatch away, to carry off (suddenly and by force, ) esp. of wild beasts. bo συναρπάζω, to snatch and carry with one, carry clean away, also of a mob seizing indinduals. 3. λαμβάνω, actively, to take ; passively, to receive; to take as with the hand, to lay hold of, grasp. 4, ἐπιλαμβάνω, to take hold upon, to |} take or get besides; in ΔΝΤ. only |: in Mid. to hold one’s self on by, lay hold of, with or without violence, συλλαμβάνω, to take together (prop. |, to enclose in the hands,) to com- |} | | σι prehend, embrace, to bring together || esp. scattered hapes, to take hold with another, to arrest. 6. ἀγρεύω, to hunt, take by hunting, catch ; metaph. to hunt after. | 7. θηρεύω, to hunt wild beasts, to take or catch wild beasts in huuting. | : CAT: [ 139 ] CAU 8. πιάζω, to press by laying one’s hand doctrine, prophecy, question, say- upon, hence, to lay hold of ; of per- ing, command, teaching, rumour, sons, to take by the hand (with or argument, charge or accusation ; without violence ;) of animals, to then, the reason, as demanded or take ο) catch (as fish.) assigned, τ.ε. reckoning, account. 9, ζωγρέῳ, to take alive, to take prisoner 8. Matt: v. 82 1. Acts xiii. 28. δ ᾿ 117. . — xix. 3. 2. —— xix. 40. ἐπδίεαά of killing. 1. Luke viii, 47 1. —— xxiii. 28. — Matt. xiii 19,560 Ο away 1 2. Acts vi. 12. 2. —— Xxili. 22. 1. —— xxviii. 18, 20. 4. — xiv. 31. Ms ee 39, see Caway 1. Acts x 21 Het 1. 2 Tim. 1. 12. 3, — xxi. 39. 4. —— xvi..19. οι 8. Mark xii. 3. 2. — xix. 29. 6. 13, 5. —— xxvi. 21. ----- | 9. τρίς re psa to} 2. aaa XXVii. = , τ | , it. t ". —2 κ, , ἅ, 889 Ἷ 8, ο ας rane CAUSE (ror THE same.) . — xi 54. 3, — xii. 16. ike 1. John x. 12. — 1 Theg iv. τι} see C | αυτός, pron., he, she, it; prop. demons., | po oak. 5,10 Wao bisa ss self} very ; with the article, as here, || — the same, (114. as to the same thing.) CATCH AWAY. ο. 1. Matt. xiii. 19. | 1. Acta viii. 39. | λα, | ---- | CATCH UP. : Ξ : : ο | ἐπ ἣν 1. ἀντὶ τοῦτου, instead of this, for this Ἷ | ανν χὶς δ - λα cause ; denoting the principle or "" motive. ι | | CATTLE 2. διὰ τοῦτου, on account of this; denot- || ‘ ing the ground or reason. θρέμμα, that which is fed, bred, reared | με pan ΝΣ ᾿. : ; | 3. εἰς τοῦτου, unto this, with respect to |) or tended, a nurseling ; mostly of | this, with a view to this; denoting CAUSE (ror TuIs.) tame animals, hence, cattle, flocks, | : the object. herds. - a John iv. 12 (pL) 4. ένεκεν τοῦτου, for the sake of this. ς 4. Matt. xix. 5. | 2.1 Cor. xi. 10, 30 4. .. eye | 1. Eph v. 81. 2. John xii. 18, 27. | 2 Col. i. 9. CATTLE (Fesp.) . | 3. — xviii, 87. 2.1 Thes. ii. 13. , 5 9: 5 Η 2 iii. ποιµαίνω, to exercise the care of ἃ ποιμήν | 5 Rom Jarry a Thea. ii, 11 | (shepherd), (Acts xx. 28), to tend Ppa othe 2. 1 Tim i 16 | as shepherds do their flocks, hence, to | ~ 8. 1 Pet, iv. 6. | rule, govern, (Matt. ii. 6; Rev. ii. 27.) ee CAUSE (ror ΨΗΙΟΒ.) ~~ διό, on which account, wherefore, (διά, CAUSE [noun.] on account of, and 6, which.) 1. αἰτία, a cause, origin, ground, (from Rom, αν. 22. | 2 Cor. iv. 16, αἰτέω, to ask, require, because an accusation, etc. is that for which any one 1 required to appear before | CAUSE (witHour a.) judges and be questioned ;) esp. the occasion of something bad, a fault, | a charge, accusation. ἡ 1. δωρεάν, as a free gift, freely, for no- thing ; hence, without a cause. ξ ΡΝ 2. εἰκῆ, (from εἴκω, to yield,) rashly, 2. αἴτιον, causative of; a cause, reason, heedlessly, (i.e. yielding to one’s esp. of punishment. mind or passion ;) without plan or 3. λόγος, the (spoken) word; a word as | purpose, to no purpose (1.6. yielding forming part of what is spoken; a | to opposition or difficulty. ) word as that which is spoken, whether | 2. Mattv.22(om.LT Troy) | 1. John xv. 25. 1 Cor. iv. 17. 2. Heb. ix 15. | | | CAU CAUSE (patv’s.) τὰ, the things, κατὰ, relating to, τὸν Παῦλον, Paul. Acts xxv. 14. See also, FOR. CAUSE (-ep, -erH) [verb.] 1. ποιέω, to make, produce; to make, to cause, be the means of a thing ; to do with notion of continued rather than completed action. : end of. 1. Rom. xvi. 17. 2 ΟΣ 1a 11. 1. Col iv. 16. — Rev. xii. 15, see C to be. 1. —— κι, 12, 15, 18. 29 oe 9 see C a 1. Rev. xii. 15. CAUSE A TRUMPET TO BE SOUNDED {margin. | σαλπίζω, to sound the trumpet. Matt. vi. 2, text, sound a trumpet. See also, DEATH, GRIEF, OFFEND, TRIUMPH, TRUMPET. CAVE. 1. ὀπή, an opening, ἃ hole, such as a fissure in the earth, rocks, etc., (ους Jas. iii. 11.) 2, σπήλαιον, a grotto, cave, cavern, den. 1, Heb. xi. 38, CEASE (-gp, -ETH, -ING.) 1. παύω, to make an end or cease, to stop; in pass. and Mid. to come to an end, take one’s rest, cease, rest, gen. the Mid. denotes willing, and the pass. forced cessation, In N.T. only in Mid. i 2. John xi. 33. | 2. καταπαύω, to quict down. 9, κατεργάζομαι, to effect, accomplish, | achieve ; to work out, 1.6. to bring about ; work done, 1.6. make an 1. Matt. v. — —- Vi. trumpet to be sounded. 1. John xi. 37. 1. Acts xv. 3. CAUSE TO BE. CEA (a) trans. to cause to cease, to make ‘desist, and so to restrain; to cause to rest, give rest, (Ὁ) ἴπέραμδ, to cease from, test from, 3, διαλείπω, to leave between, 1.6. to leave an interval, as of space or time, hence, to intermit, desist, cease, (non occ. ) “ μα. ἠσνχάζω, to be still, sedate or quiet, to be quiet from speaking, silent. 5. καταργέω, to leave unemployed or idle; to make useless, void, abolish ; thus, to cause to cease, to cease from. 6. κοπάζω, to cease through extreme fatigue or being spent with labour; gen. to abate. 6. Matt. xiv. 32. 1, ΑΒ Σν, 1. 6. Mark iv. 39 4. xxi. 14. 6. Vio 1. 1 Cor. xiii. 8. 3. Luke vii. 45 5. Gal. v. 11 1 Vill. 24, 1. Eph. i. 16, 1. — χ 1 Ἱ ὅσα. Ὁ -- XXiv.31, see [ ἐὺ be | 2. Heb. iv. 10, sen fa ο 1. Acts v. 42 | 1. 1 Pet. iv: 1: 1. vi. 13. - | — ἃ Pet. 11. 14, see C (that 1 cannot.) — αλ 10 CEASE (THAT CANNOT.) ἀκατάπαυστος, not to be sect at rest, in- cessant ; that cannot be restrained from anything, (non occ. ) 2 Pet. ii. 14 (ἀκατάπαστος, unfed, hungry, L.) CEASE TO BE SEEN {margin.] ἄφαντος, made invisible, not (lt. to become seen, invisible. | γίνομαι, to become, Luke xxiv. 31, text, vanish out of sight. CEASING (witHovt.) 1. ἀδιάλειπτος, not leaving an interval between, unintermitting, incessant. 2, ἀδιαλείπτως, unceasingly, without in- termission, 1.6. assiduously, (non ους, ) 3. ἐκτενής, stretched out, extended ; hence, earnest, intent, fervent, 3. Acts xii. 5, marg.inslamt 2. 1°Thes. 1, 8, and earnest (ἐκτενῶς, 2. —— ii, 13. adv, of No. 3, LTrA 2, ——v. 17. 2. Rom. i. 9. [N)| 1 2Tim 1 3 eo CEL [11] CER CELESTIAL. CEREMONY [{margin.} ἐπουράνιος, ‘upon or above the heavens, | δικαίωμα, an act of right, any thing justly 1.6. in heaven, heavenly. or rightly done; strictly, an amend- ment of a wrong; hence, justifica- 1 Cor. xv. 40 twice. : : p tion, acquitted, ο. condemnation LK... +. <= ΗΝ implying punishment ; gen. a decree CENSER. as defining what is right and just, , 1.6. ἃ law, ordinance, precept. 1: θυμιατήριον, a vessel or instrument Heb. ix. 1, (text, ordinance) ; 10, (text, ordinance.) for burning incense, a censer, (occ. 2 Chron. xxvi. 19; Ezek. viii. 11,) | i ME τ B= Be ο κο νε νι ο ee = Nt gs (non occ. ) | | » CERTAIN [adj.] 2. λιβανωτός, frankincense, the gum of 11, ἀσφαλής, not liable to fall, firm, fast, the tree λίβανος, used to burn at sacrifices, (so 1 Chron. ix. 29, for Heb. ταῦ.) In N.T. however it is used for a vessel to burn the in- cense in. steadfast ; unfailing, sure, trusty. 2. δῆλος, visible, clear; manifest, evi- dent. 1. Acts xxv. 26; 2.1 Tim. vi. 7 (om.G+LTrA®) 1. Heb. ix. 4. 2. Rev. viii. 3, 5. ΞΕ ἑω ᾿ κβάξβεόωἩΗωΗοο τ ον CERTAIN (4) and ΟΕΒΤΑΙΝ CENSURE [margin.] [indef. pron.} 1. τίς, any one, any thing; one, some- LS iss / ... > ’ ἐπιτιμία, the condition of an ἐπίτιμος, : one, ἃ certain one. (a person who possesses all civil . rights and franchises.) Jn Ν.Τ. | 2. ἄνθρωπος a man, a member of the | ἤἼΏἼὭἼἛῬἼἛἍἛἜῬαοο--------οο ———EeE—————— ,.. SS SSS sss lessens Ss SS spoken of the estimate fixed upon a human family (homo), (dif. from wrong by a Judge, a judicial inflic- ἀνήρ, ἃ man in sex and age (vir).) | tion ; hence, rebuke, punishment. 3. εἷς, the numeral one. | - ; 3. Matt. viii. 19. ) 1. Luke xxii. 56. | 2 Cor. ii. 6 (text, punishment.) Pigtail : Toca: pelt 1ο | ΝΠ στιν. 9Ὸτ' τὺ “ΨΚ 1ὺὺς. 9 ae (a.) | — —— xxiv.],ceeCothers. || Pre xx. 20,see A wae 1. Ἐπ 22, a 1&2. — xxi. 33 (om. No.1, |-1. John iv. 4 CENTURION. 1. Mark ii 6 αν σης 1. —v. 95 (om. G3 ἢ ΤΥ | — — xi.1, seeC man (a) . — xii. 20. Ι . xin Acts iii. 2 manding a hundred men; acent- | } - πια “- ae a i 8 42, --- vi. 9. . 1. — xiv. 81, 1. 5 —— viii. 9, 36. 1. Luke i. 5 2. ἑκατοντάρχης, same as No. 1. (The | 3. —v.12,17.° ΤῈ 1, — vi. 2 τὰς Sept. very frequently used this word | —— νι ἢ, 41, _—.. Ἢ il, 23, 48. —— xi. δ. _—xi 1. «[TrAR) Jor Captains of hundreds.) ee eS - — xiii. l(om G2LT 3. 22. “ es 3. κεντυρίων, (Lat.) a Roman military ο στης — xiv. 8 . ρ iy, — — ix. 57, see C man } 1. —— xv. 1, 2, 5, 24. . —— Xvi. ] Ist. ——— 1 2nd (om. All.) 12, 14, 16 . —— xvii. 5, 6, 18, 20, — xviii. 2. [38,84 7, see C man (a) 30, seeC man (a A = — δ᾽] 25. 38 twice, 1. xi. 1, 27. 1. 37(om. T Tr AN) 1. — xii. 16. men, (from centum, a Ἰπιπάγος, which again is from ἑκατόν, a hun- dred, from which-Nos, 1 and 2 are ° — — xiii 6, see C man 24. derived. ) 1. 81, (63) 1. — εἰς. ἂν 18, 81. - 1, —— xiv. 2, 10. — 2x. . Matt. viii 5, 8. 1. Acta xxiii. 17, 23. " 1. —— xv. }]. ο πι xi ο —— xxiii. 12 (om. AIL) 17, see C thing (a) —— xxiv, 1, 18, 24 — xxv. 13, 14, 19 κ —— xxvii. 1, 16, 26, 39 . Rom. xv, 26. Gal. ii, 12. . Heb, iv. 7. — x 27. Jude 4, see C man. 1. —— xvi. 1, 19 20. ) xvii. 12. Ἱ. ——xvili. 0, 18. 13 (No. 2, All.) | 2. —— xxiv. 23. —— xxvii. 54 | 9 — xxvii. 1. Mark xv. 39, 44, 45 1 6 (No. 2, LT Tr . Luke vii. 2, 6 AR®.) —— xxiii.47(No.2,TrS) | 1 Acts x 1, 22. cee Si) . —— xxi. 96 (Νο. 2, LT TrAWN) _—— xxii. 25. ΑΝ) ὰ 26(No.2, LTS) | 1. Acts evi 16 (ap.) 2 | 23. 35. 3 Ἱ. —— xix. 12 1. —— xx 9 (om. All. ) 1 2 \ 1 te ee «ὦ mr officer ‘who commanded a hundred τ 10." ΧΟ ὅδ᾽. ὦ ο) | | - Ι δι ὑπό ted eet ὑπό ed μι ποσο ἀπ] μμ κ.κ.” εν κ. 1. ἑκατόνταρχος, a military officer com- | 1. — vii 1. [3 πο urion. | a ee en ee ο CER [ 142 1 CHA | CERTAIN MAN (4) | CHALCEDONY. a taka ΤΙ. 1. John στο; χαλκηδών, the name of a gem including Te 1. —— xix. 24, several varieties, one of which is Jude sie) like a cornelian. Rey. xxi. 19 (χαρκηδών, carbiicle, Gr.) CERTAIN OTHERS. ; 1, Luke xxiv. 1 (αρ.) CHAMBER (Εποκετ). ——S ὦ. ᾿ ταμεῖον, a store-chamber, store-house; hence, gen. an τμ CERTAIN THING. 9 y plage of privacy. 1. Matt xx. 20. | 1, Acts xxiii 17. Matt. xxiv. 26. CHAMBER (vrrrr.) | ὑπερῷον, the upper part of the house, the upper story or upper rooms See also, PLACE, SEASON CERTAINLY. where the women resided. ὄντως, really, actually, verily, (adv. part. Acts ix. 87, 89; xx. 8. from εἰμί, to be.) Luke xxiii. 47. See also, BRIDE, GUEST. ; CERTAINTY. | CHAMBERING. κοίτη, a place to lie down in, a bed, couch, esp. the marriage bed. Rom, xiii, 13 (pl.) 1. ἀσφαλής, τοῦ liable to fall, firm, fast; unfailing, sure, trusty. 2. ἀσφάλεια, steadfastness, firmness, | stability. CHAMBERLAIN. 2, Luke i. 4, | 1. Acts xxi. 34 (with art.) | ay 1. Acts xxii. 30 (with art.) | επι UpON or over, (non ms ) | κοιτών, a bed-chamber : 9 3 Yd _ 2. οἰκονόμος, a person who manages the CERTIFY. | domestic affairs of a family, a γνωρίζω, to make known, point out, steward, gen. a manager. explain. 1. Acts xii. 20, marg. over the bedchamber. Gal. i. 11. 2. Rom xvi. 23. ἢ] CHAFF. | CHANCE [ποιη.] ἄχυρον, chaff, bran, husks left after | συγκυρία, a meeting together a a threshing or grinding. | concurrence τ coincidence of cir- Matt. iii, 12. | Luke iii. 17. cumstances,a happening, (non occ. ) | Ε΄... = : poe Luke x. 31 | CHAIN (8) CHANCE (ir may.) “ 9 > iL εν mie (from a, neg. | (εἰ “3 if it may fall Stith |< τύχοι, it may be so, ¢ out, if it may 2. δεσμός, a band, bond, fetter; gen. perchance, happen. any thing for tying or fastening, 1 Cor. xv. 37. (from δέω, to bind). $$ ee 3. σειρά, a cord, rope, string, band. | CHANGE [noun. | 1. Mark v. 3, 4 tice. | 1. 2 Tim, i, 16. μετάθεσις, transposition, a being trans- 1, Luke viii 29. 3. 2 Pet. ii. 4 (σειρός, a pit, | ferred from one place to another, 1, Acts xii. 6, 7. a cavern, L Tr AW.) * ὦ oe i ται τα 2 Inde 6. (occ. Heb. xi. 5; xii. 27.) 1 1 . — xxviii. 20 [honds.) | 1. Rev. xx. 1. 4 . Eph, vi. 20, marg.(text, Heb. vii 12. CHANGE (-zp) [verb.] 1. ἀλλάττω, to make other than it is, to alter, transform ; then, to change one thing for another, exchange. . μεταλλάττω, to change one thing for or into another, to transmute. 3. μετασχηματίζω, to change the form or appearance of a thing, transform. 4, μετατίθημι, to place among, to place differently ; hence, to change, alter. 1. Acts vi. 14. 1. Gal. iv. 20. 1. Rom. i. 23. 8. Phil. iii 2]. 2 25, 26 1. Heb. i. 12. eke Cor, xv. 51, 52. 4, —— vii. 12. -----... CHANGE ONE'S MIND. J. μεταβάλλω, to throw round, esp. to turn quickly or suddenly ; to turn about, change, alter. (a) in Mid. to change what is one’s own, (yet rather by chance than of set purpose,) to change one’s mind or purpose. 2. μετάνοια, after-thought, a change of mind affecting the whole life, hence, involving reformation, (more than μεταμέλομαι, which is only change of feeling, to regret.) la. Acts xxviii. 6. 2. Heb. xii. 17, marg. (text, repentance.) CHANGED (55.) petapoppow, to transform, transfigure. (a) an Mid. to change one’s form, be transfigured, (occ. Matt. xvii. 2; Mark ix. 2; Rom. aii. 2.) a. 2 Cor. iii. 18. CHANGER (-s.) κολλυβιστής, a maoney-changer (from κόλλυβος, a smal} coin, change.) John ii. 15. See also, MONEY. CHARGE [noun. ] } | | | — Luke iv. 10, | (give.) ! 1. παραγγελία, a proclamation, public | term, a general order. notice, command, esp. as a military | 2. διακονία, serviceable labour, service. Every business, every calling, so far as its labour benefits others. Any ministerial office in the Church with reference to the labour per- taining thereto. 3. ἐπισκοπή, the office of ἐπίσκοπος, (one who inspects); the act of visiting or being visited ; visitation, the duty of visiting, 1.6. charge, office. see C — Matt. iv. 6, 2 — Acts xxiii. 29, see C (lay to one’s.) τ 3. Acts i 20, marg. (text, | — Rom. viii, 33, see C of bishopric.) (lay to the.) —— vii 60, see C (lay | — 1 Cor. ix 7, see Cs. to one’s. ) - 18, see C (with- — — viii. 27, see C of out. (have the.) | 3. 2 παπι i. 18. 2. —— xii. 25, marg.(text | — —— v. 7, see C (give in) ministry.) | ——— vi. 18, see C (give) 1. —— xvi. 24. {at.) | —2 Tim. iv. -16, see C — — xxi. 24, see Cs (be (Jay to one’s ) CHARGE (GIveE.; 1. ἐντέλλομαι, to enjoin upon, to charge with, to command: παραγγέλλω, to announce beside, {.6. to hand on an announcement from one to another ; esp. as a military term to give the watchword, which was passed from man to man; then, to give’the word, and so gen., to order, recommend. 1. Matt. iv. 6. L Luke iv. 10 “ἢ 2. 1 Tim. vi 13. CHARGE (GIvE αν.) παραγγέλλω, see above. 1. Tint-y:. 7. CHARGE OF (Have THE.) εἰμί, to be, ἐπί, over. Acts viii. 27. CHARGE (tay To anr’s.) 1. ἔγκλημα, an accusation, charge, com- plaint ; a bill of indictment. 2. ἵστημι, (a) trans. to make to stand, set, place, put in the balance, weigh. (b) intrans. to stand still or firm, be set or placed. 3. λογίζομαι, to count, reckon, caleu- late, (esp. of numerical calculation ; ) to take into account. 2a. Acts vii. 60 J 1. Acts xxiii. 29 3. 2 Tim. iv. 16 CHARGE OF (ay το THE.) ἐγκαλέω. to call in as a debt, to de- mand as one’s due; chargeor accusation against a person. κατά, against. Rom. viii. 23 CHARGE (πιτΗηοῦτ.) ἀδάπανος, without expense, and so cost- ing nothing. 1 Cor. ix. 18 ---- | CHARGES. οψώνιον, whatever is bought to be eaten with bread, provisions, esp. supplies ‘for an army; gen. wages, recom- pense. , 1 Cor. ix. 7 (pl) 4 ο 4 CHARGES (BE aT.) ee es ig — — δαπανάω, to spend, to be at the expense | of any thing. Acts xxi 24. CHARGE (-ep, -1Ν 0) [verb. | ‘““CHARGE (GIVB), ἢ | ” 1. παραγγέλλω, see No. 2 9, διαστέλλομαι, to give a decision, de- .termine ; to command, give orders. 3. ἐπιτιμάω, to put further honours value upon, to estimate higher, ¢.g. CHA [144] CHA to bring a | in price; to adjudge, confirm by a | judgment. Jn N.7. spoken of an estumate or judgment put upon what is wrong, and hence, to admonish, reprove ; admonish strongly with urgency, authority, 1.9, to enjoin upon, charge strictly, the idea of rebuke or censure being employed. 4, µαρτυρέω, to be a witness, to bear | | witness. | upon; of things, to set a further | | | ! | (a) in Mid. to call to witness, to in- | voke as a witness; to make a solemn | appeal either by protest or by ex- | hortation. (Ὁ) Pass. to be or become a witness. +5. διαμαρτύρομαι, (Mid. )to call through- out to witness, (v72., God, men, and all beings. ‘To testify through and ‘through, ue. to bear solemn and complete witness, hence, to admon- ish solemnly, charge earnestly, testify or declare fully. 6. ἐντέλλομαι, to enjoin upon, toc harge with, to command. 7. ὁρκίζω, to make one swear, tender an oath to a person. 8, ἐπιτάσσω, to set over, put in com- mand ; put upon one as a duty, to enjoin, command. — Matt. ix. 30, see Cj 1. Lukeviii 56 J 3 (straitly.) — —— ix. 21,seeC(straitly) 3, —— xii. 16. 1. Acts xvi. 23. 2. —— xvi. 20(No. 8,G~ | 1. —— xxiii. 22, L.) — Rom. iii 9, see C before 6. —— xvii. 9. 48. 1 Thes. ii. 11 (No. 4b, | — Mark 1.43,see C(straitly) | LTrAR®.) 3, —— ili, 12. } fie ν. 27, marg. adjure ee v. 43. | (ἐνορκίζω, to swear in, fe Vii, 36 twice, | adjure, L T Tr A.) 2. viii. 15. 1.1 Tim. i. 3. ΤΩ 80. — — v.16,seeC(be.) | 2. ——ix. 9. 5. 21. 8. 25 1. ——vi.17 3, —— x. 48 5. 2 Tim. ii. 14. 1. Luke τ. 14. 5. ——iv. 1. CHARGE BEFORE. | πραιτιάομαι, to accuse beforehand. (a) Aor. 1, to have already accused, to have already brought a charge, (non ους. ) a. Rom. iii. 9. of men, to fret, to be deeply or painfully moved ; then, to express indignation against any one, hence, to admonish urgently, rebuke. 9 ~* ἐπιτιμάω, see CHARGE,” Wo. 3. 1. Matt. ix 1, Mark i. 43. 2, Luke ix. 21, 50. ! CHARGE (srralrty.) 1. ἐμβριμάομαι, to snort in, of horses ; also, STRAITLY. | CHA CHARGED (sr.) Bapéw, to weigh down. (a) pass. to he heavy, to be weighed down, to be oppressed. a. 1 Tim. ν. 16. a . CHARGEABLE TO (55.) . . ἐπιβαρέω, to weigh upon, press heavily upon, (oce. 2 Cor. ii. 5. ) , καταναρκάω, to become torpid against, i.e. to the detriment of any one, lies be burdensome to any one, (gcc, 2 Cor. xii. 13, 14.) 2 2Cor. xi 9. Ι CHARGEABLE UNTO (15) 1. 1 Thes. 1, 9, 1. 2 Thos. iii. 8, CHARGER, πίναξ, a board, plank; hence, various things made of wood, a drawing or writing tablet, a wooden trencher or plate, ete, Matt. xiv. 8; 11. [ Mark vi. 25, 28. CHARIOT (-s.) . ἅρμα, a chariot, esp. a chariot: of war, car, with two wheels. . ῥέδα, (Lat. rheda), a waggon with four wheels, for travelling. . Acts viii. 28, = $8. | 1. Rev. ix. 9. . Rev. xviil. 13. CHARITABLY. κατά, according to, ἀγάπη, love. Rom. xiv. 15, marg. according lo charity. CHARITY. ἀγάπη, love, (a word not found in Greek writers, nor in Philo, Josephus, in Acts, Mark, or James; apparenily coined by, the lx. ) Love that is self-denying and compassionatel 'y de- voted to its object; the highest word among the Greeks was φιλανθρωπία (philanthropy), but this does not denote love to man as such, but rather justice, gwing him who was CHA entitled to it his full rights ; it even falls short of the φιλαδελφία (brotherly love) of the N.T. ἀγάπη therefore designates-a_love unknown to writers outside of the N.T.) Love in its fullest conceivable form; Jirst exhibited by Christ (1 John i iii, 16), expressive of God's relation to us (1 John iv. 9), and the relation be- tween the Father and Son (John xv. 10, xvii. 26, Col. 1. 13.) Lastly tt is the distinctive character of tho christian life in relation to the brethren and to all. 1 Cer. Vili, 1 8, 13 twice.” —— xiv. 1. — xvi. 14. Col. ifi. 14, 1 Thes. iii. 6, 1 Pet. iv. 8 twice. 14 2 Pet. i,7 3 John 6 Rov. ii. 19, -- τ. 2 Thes. 1. 3 1 Tim i. δ. CHARITY (rast or.) Jude 12. CHASE OUT [margin.] ἐκδιώκω, to chase out, drive out of or from ὦ place, (from ἐκ, out-of, and διώκω, to make run, set in quick motion, (οσα. Luke xi. 49.) 1 Thes. ii. 15 (text, persecute.) CHASTE ἁγνός, impressed with dyos (religious awe), esp. of places, etc. sacred to the gods, hence, holy, sacred ; then of the gods, undefiled, unsullied, chaste ; esp. of virgin chastity, the idea lying at the basis ts untouched. 2 Cor. xi 2. | 1 Pet. iii 2. Titus ii 5. CHASTEN (-50, -ΕΤΗ.) παιδεύω, to bring up or rear a child, (the opposite of τρέφω, to nurse,) to train and educate; hence, because to a is to suffer, (see numerous Greek proverbs tn Wetstein and Bleek, and compare Prov. xix. 18, and Heb. v. 8,) to chasten or correct. Heb. xii. 6, 7, 10. Rev. iii. 19, iv. 12. cin. ΄ = . bd a - , x o * * 1 Cor. xi. 32. 2 Cor. vi 9. CHA [ 146 ] CHE CHASTENING, CHEERFULNESS, παιδεία, the bringing up of a child, esp. ἱλαρότης, gaiety, hilarity, see under its training, teaching, and education, “ CHEERFUL,” (non occ.) (opp. to, τροφή, nourishment,) hence, Rom. xii. 8 discipline, correction. υπο ο ο ο κανα τος Heb: ο ο 11. CHERISH ( Ἔτη) θάλπω, to heat, soften by heat; to CHASTISE. warm, make warm by dncubation, παιδεύω, see “CHASTEN.” hence, to cherish, to nourish, (non Luke xxiii. 16, 22. oce. ) ee Se eee ee Eph. v. 29. ! 1 Thes. ii. 7. ο σσ, [ary πὶ mae a ταὶ ΝΣ παιδεία, see '*CHASTENING.” CHERUBIMS. Heb, xii. 8. χερουβίμ, (χερουβείν, LT Tr), (χερουβίν, on. htt ὅς A Ὁ.) The Cherubim; their form ts . twice given, Ezek. i. 5. 143 ix. 20s : : ΟΗΒΕΚ, τ and Rev. iv. 6-9 ο. ο -bone, jaw. In N.T. gen. [ Significance. | Matt. v. 39. | Luke vi. 29. I, Negatively. -- 1. Not the Trinity. CHEER (or coop.) (a) God forbade any likeness, Deut. 70 minded, ὁει well-disposed See ee ) 761}- , 2.6, Well- ) ᾿ : : a pega μη cheer ΠΡ 8] (Ὁ) the Godhead is presented at the ση κ 2 same time with them, and uses them Bat arias as the basis of His throne. (c) they are never worshipped, but CHEER (se ΟΡ coop.) offer worship, Is. vi. 3; Rev. iy. 8, 9. 1. θαρσέω, to be of good courage, take 2. Not the angels. courage, cheer up. (a) there is no reason, evidence, o7 εὐθυμέω, to be of a cheerful mind, to | connection. be in good spirits. | (b) they are distinguished from the | | to angels in Rev. v. ὃ, 11, and vii. 11. First they, and then the angels worship, and, angels in Rey. ν would scarcely be represented em- blematically and literally in the game verse. (c) they are never dismissed “on any errand as angels are; but are ever attached to the throne, 1. Matt. ix. 2. 1. John xvi, 33. 1. —— xiv 27, 1. Acts xxiii. 11. 1. Mark vi 50. 2. XxXvVii. 22, 25, a + ὃ... .CHEERFUL. ἱλαρός, cheerful, gay, joyous,.(non oce., ) prob. from >>, to shine, and ss, the light. Zhe lax. in VPsaln οἷν, 15, render the Heh. Sayn, to cause to ne by ae oy Bi pip | 3. Not the Church. ιλαρο ει 210 Fi se ος . ο ον ἀφ μου ο νο το τόνῳ ig (a) they are distinguished from the countenance shineth as 7t were with ΠΤ dR Απ. : φάση | Church in Rey. v. ὃ, 10, See the joy and satisfaction, and so cheerful. 2 ‘Cor. 4x. 7. critical readings, where in ver, 9 the word “us” should be omitted (G-L | T A), and in ver, 10 the words “us” CHEERFULLY (more.) | and we should be “them” and εὐθυμότερον, comp. of εὔθυμος, see “CHEER “they (G L 1 Tr A R); (see Ap.) (BE oF GooD,)” (npn ove.) (9) also distinguished in Rev. vii. 9-1], | Acts xxiv. 10 (ευθύµως, cheerfully, Ge LT Tran | 4. Not the Lous Gospels, CHE [ (a) not in keeping with their presence in Eden, Tabernacle, and Temple. (b) they are ministers of wrath, call for plagues, give vials, see Rev. vi. and xv. 7 (c) not books, but living creatures (ζῶον, not θηρίον) giving worship. IJ. Positively : they are not symbols,* but representatives. 1. Derivation: the word Ὁ 31-3 may de. note as the great ones or asmultitudes ; or, according to Fuerst and perhaps Eichorn, the root may be found in 2D, to grasp, to seize, to hold, (cor- responding to a similar Persian root.) We have the three letters of this root, g,r, p, appearing in Eng. words of kindred meaning, grasp, grip, grab, gripe; hence the word would denote (in a passive sense) the seized, possessed, or perhaps re- claimed ones. So in Ezek. x. 1, and Rev. iv. 6, and Ps. xcix. 1, etc. the throne is held or possessed by the Cherubim; the material figures are held to the mercy-seat, and then by their posture are, as it were, held entranced, (but see below.) 2. Meaning: they represent the future glorified animate creation ; the pledge from Eden to the Apocalypse that the “curse” will one day be removed, and the “vanity” to which it is made subject be taken away. (a) their number, four, is the number of creation, e.g. four winds ; four cor- ners; four elements ; four divisions, (heaven, earth, under-the-earth, and sea, Rey. v. 13, xiv. 7); four desig- nations, (tribe, tongue, people, na- tion, Rev. v. 9, vii. 9, x. 11, xi. 9, xiii. 7, xiv. 6, xvii. 15: Gen. x. 5, 20, 31); four great world-powers, Dan. vii. (b) they are the heads of animate creation ; lion, of wild beasts ; ox,. of tame beasts; eagle, of birds; man, of all. (c) they are beneath the throne, for the earth is the Lord’s footstool. ὁ “Symbols are always explained, seo Rev. iv. δ; v. 6,8, ete. CHI (d) Their song is of creation (Rev. iv. 11); and whenever they speak it is in connection with the earth, When they sing of redemption (ν. 9), it is a “new” song relating to others. (ο) In Gen. iii. when creation was brought under the curse, they were placed (v.e. “placed in a tabernacle” where the Divine presence was manifest- ed, see Gen. iv. 3, 4, 14, 16), at the east of Eden to keep (i.e to pre- serve, cf. Gen, ii. 15, same word), the way of the Tree of Life, and thus prevent the curse being per- petuated, and keep (313) the hope of re-genesis alive. (f) When figures of them were after- wards placed in the tabernacle (Ex. xxv. 18, 23) over the mercy-seat, and made out of the same piece of gold, the hope of creation was shown to be hound up (313) with “the blood,” ze. redemption—the Lamb slain (Βον..ν. 6, 9; Col. i. 19, 20.) And. indicate God’s purpose to redeem “all things.” The God of Eden is thus shown to he the God of Israel. (g) their position there also indicates that the hope of creation was hence- forth bound up (113) with “Israel” (see Acts ili. 19-21, where, instead of “preached unto,” read “prepared | for,» GLT TrAx.) (h) the Cherubim are a golden thread that links the books of the Bible together. Introduced in Gen. iii. 24; in tabernacle, Exod. xxv. 18; the supporters of God’s throne, 1 Sam. iv. 4; 2 Sam. vi. 2; 2 Kings xix. 15; 1 Chron. xiii. 6; Is. xxxvii, 16; Ps. Ixxx. 1; xcix. 1 (“Thou that sittest between the Cherubims”) ; and so through Ezek. and Rev. connected with the “glory of God.”] Heb. ix. 5, CHICKEN, νοσσίον, a young bird, nestling, chick, (non οσο. except Luke xiii. 34, where L prefers it in pl. to νοσσία, ἃ brood.) Matt. κκ, 97, CHIEF. . πρῶτος, the first, foremost, of time or place. ἄρχων, a ruler, commander, chief, (from ἄρχω, to be first.) . ἡγέομαι, to go before, to lead the way, hence, to preside, rule, be the chief or principal. 1. Matt. xx. 27. 1. Acts xvi. 12, marg. first. — Mark vi.21, see C estate. | 1. —— xvil. 4. 2. Luke xi. 15. xix. 31, see C of 2. —— xiv. 1. 1. — xiy. 47. — —— xxii. 26, see Ὁ | — —~ xxviii 7, (be.) man, — Acts xiii. 50,seeC man. | 1. 17. 3. —— xv. 22 1. 1 Tim. i. 15. see C CHIEF (55.) 8. Luke xxii. 26. CHIEF ESTATE. 1. Mark vi. 21 CHIEF MAN. 1. Acts xiii. 50. | 1 Acts xxviii. 7. στ CHIEF OF ASIA. ᾿Ασιάρχης, an Asiarch, the highest re- ligious official under the Romans in the province of Asia. Acts xix. 31, See also, CAPTAIN, CORNER, PRIEST, PUB- LICAN, ROOM, RULER, SEAT, SHEPHERD, SPEAKER, SYNAGOGUE. CHIEFEST. πρῶτος, the first, foremost, of place or time. Mark x. 44. CHIEFEST (very.) ὑπὲρ, (lit. over and towards) beyond, above, affirming superiority (not merely inferring it as παρά does. ) λίαν, very, exceedingly, very much. ὑπερλίαν, (ἃ LT A) over-much, very exceedingly, super-erninently ; with art. as herc, the most eminent. οσο xs 5 | 2 Cor. xii. 11. CHIEFLY. 1. μάλιστα, (superl. of μάλα, very, very much, exceedingly,) most, most of all, especially. 2. πρῶτον, first, in the first place. 2. Rom, iii. 2. | 1. Phil iv. 22; 1. 2 Pet. ii. 10. CHILD, CHILDREN τέκνον, that which is born (from τίκτω, to bear; like Ang. Sax. bearn, Scot. bairn, from beran, to bear,) a child, whether son or daughter ; a child by natural descent. υἱός, a son, a male child, strictly spo- ken only of man, (for fuller meaning see under ‘ ΒΟΝ.”) . mais, an relation to descent, a child, whether son or daughter ; zn relation to age, a boy or girl; in relation to condition (like Lat. puer), a slave, servant, maid (as the French use gargon, and we say ‘“post-boy.”) . παιδίον, a little or young child, (dim. of No. 3), an infant. . παιδάριον, a lad, a little boy οὗ. girl, (dim. of No. 3.) νήπιος, not speaking, and so precisely the Lat. infans, our infant, a babe, without the power of speech ; also, a minor. . βρέφος, the child while yet in the womb, (denotes ἔμβρυον) ; the new born babe. — Matt. i. 18, ie C (be at ας with — —— ii. 8, 9, 11, 13'wice, . Matt. xix. 29. , πα xx. 20. ο πε xxi. 15. 14, see C young 16. 8. sis 18. — 20twice, 21, sce 1. —— iii 9. (Ὁ (young.) 2, ——v. 9, 45. 1. —— vii. 11. 2. —— viii. 12. 2. —— ix. 15. 1. —— x, 2] twice. 5. —— xi. 16 (No. 4, All.) 1 -- 19 (ἔργων, works, Tr.) —— xii. 27. —— xiii, 98 twice. — xiv. 21. —- xv. 26. 38, ----- χν]]. 18, 25, 26. xviii. 2, 4, 4, 5, see C (little) 25. — — xix. 13, 14, see C (little ) νο ero 1. —— xxii. 24. 2. — xxiii. 15, 31. 1. 87. -- —— xxiv. 19, see C (be with.) , —— xxvii. 9. 25. ; 56. . Mark ii. 19. . — vii. 27 twice. ak (meee, 15) see C(young) 15, seo C τεκνίον, α {{{- tle child (dim. of No.1), 29, 30. 17,869 C(be with) 1. Luke i. 7. Ἢ i 16, CHI 1. Luke i. 17. 4. 59, 66, 76, 80. ——— fi. 5, see C (great with.) 4, ——- 17. 4, ——— 21 (αὑτός, him, 4. 97,40. (AIL) 3. 43, 1. —— iii. 8. 2. —-v. 34. 2. ——vi. 35. 4. —— vii. 32, 1. 35. —-— ix 88, see C(only.) 4 3. κ 47, 48. — xi. 7. 18, 1. ——xiii 94. 1. —— xiv. 26. 2. —— xvi. 8 twice. 4. 4. 1. — — xviii 16, 17, seeC |. (little. ) I. 29. 1. — xix. 44 — — xx. 28, 29, see C ι ἃ : 5 34, 36 twice, — — xxi. 23, see C with.) - 1. — xxiii. 28. 2. John iv. 12. 4. 49, 1. —— viii. 39. 1, —— xi. 52. 2 — xii. 36. -- — xiii 33, (little.) 4. — xvi. 21. 4. —— xxi. 5, marg. airs. see C 1. — vii. 5. 19, see C (young) 23, 27. 18, see C’ (bear.) | 26. 1 38, 1, —— xxi. 5, 21. 1. Rom. viii. 16, 17, 21. 1. —— ix. 7, 83times. 26, 27. 1 Cor. vii, 14. 2 1 CHILD §. 1 Cor. xiii. 1] 4 times. 4, —— xiv. 20 lst. - 20 2nd, sea C (oe 2.) 2 2 Cor. ii. 7, 18, 1. — vi. 19. 1. —— xii. 14 twice. 2. Gal. iii 7, 26. 6. —— iv. 1, 3. -- 19, see C (little.) 1. 25, 27, 28, 31. — Eph. i. 5, see C (adop- tion of.) 2. —ii, 2 1. 5, 6. ——iv. 14, 2, —yv. 6. 1 8, 1. — vi 1, 4. 2. Col. iii. 6 (αρ.) ne Py) Ti Theos, δὲς Ἴ, 11. - v. 3, see C (be with.) 5. ————— § twice. 1. 1 Tim. iii 4, 12. l1—y. 4 10, see C (bring 14, see C (bear.) 7. 2 Tim. iii. 15. 1. Titus i. 6. —— ii 4, see C (love one’s.) 4. Heb. ii. 13, 14. 2. —— xi. 23. up.) 28, see C (little. ) — — iii. 7, see C (little) 1. ____ 1 twice. —1 John iii. 18,) see C — — iv. 4, (little.) 2 1. —-y. 2. οσο 21, see C (little.) 1. 2 Johni. 4, 13. 1. 3 John 4. 2. Rev. ii. 14. 1. = 23. 2.. —— Vii. 4. —— xii. 2, see C (be with.) 3 4. 9, 5 lst 1. 5 2nd 2. —— xxi. 12 (BE A.) νηπιάζω, to be, play or act the νήπιος, for which see “ cHiLD,” No. 6. 1 Cor: xiv. 20. CHILD (bear or feed, as a nurse beur- eth or feedeth her) [margin. } τροφοφορέω, to bear as a nurse, to carry in the arms, as a nurse her nurse- ling. hence. to cherish, care for. Acts xiii. 18 (Stm ο L T A) (text, τροποφορέω, to Lear with the turn of any one, }.6., with his disposition or manners, Ον Tr.) [ 149 ] eS SS ee ΤΠ ὔΏ--υ-ῄ-ῆ-ὔ-ὓ-ὓ-ῆ---- CHI CHILD (ΒΕ ψΙΤΗ.) ἐν, in, γαστήρ, the belly, ἔχω, to have, Matt. i. 18, 23. — xxiv. 19. Mark xiii. 17. to be with child. Luke xxi. 23, 1 Thes. v. 3. Rev. xii 2. CHILD (creat WITH.) ἔγκυος, (from ἐν, in, and κύω, to hold, contain,) used of females, (non occ. ) Luke ii. 5. CHILD (x1TTLE.) 1. παιδίον, see “ CHILD,” Λο. 4. 2. τεκνίον, dim. of ‘cHiLD,” No, 1, (non occ. ) 1. Matt. xviii. 2, 3, 4, 5 9. 1 John ii. 1, 19. 1. —— xix. 13, 14. i 13, 13. 1. Mark x. 14, 15. 2 23. 1. Luke xviii. 16, 17. 2, —— iii. 7, 18. 2. John xiii. 33. 2 — iv. 4. 2. Gal. iv. 19 (τέκνον, see 2. — vy. 21. Ὁ, No.1, L&) CHILD (oF a.) παιδιόθεν, (from παιδίον, see ‘‘ CHILD,” No. 4, and θεν, denoting from a place or time,) from a child, from infancy. Mark ix. 21. — CHILD (on ty.) μονογενής, only born, only-begotten, 1.6. only child, (involving the idea of preciousness and attachment. ) Luke ix. 38. CHILD (yroune.) 1. παιδίον, see “CHILD,” Vo. 4. . βρέφος, see cHILD,” Vo. 7. 1. Matt. ii, 8, 9, 11,13 twice, 1. Mark x. 13 14, 20 twice, 2), 2. Acts vii. 19 bo CHILDREN (aportion or.) υἱοθεσία, the placing as a son, adoption, the receiving into the relationship of a child. Eph. i. 6. ‘ CHI [ 150 } CHO CHILDREN (8ΕΛΗ.) CHOKE (-kp.) τεκνογονέω, to bear children, to be the 1 πνίγω, to stifle, choke, seize by the mother of a family, and so by im- | throat, throttle, pass. to be choked, plication, including all the duties of etc., to be drowned, (occ. Matt. xviii. the maternal relation, (non occ. ) 28.) ee 2. ἀποπνίγω, (No. 1, with ἀπό, prefixed, denoting completeness,) to strangle, suffocate, pass. to be choked or suffocated, (non oce. ) CHILDREN (Ώπιπο vp.) τεκνὀτροφέω, to nourish, rear or bring | 3 up children, (non occ. ) . συμπνίγω, (No. 1, with σύν, prefixed, denoting association or compression, ) 1 Tim. v. 10. to choke together, to suffocate by crowding ; to choke up, (occ. Luke vill. 42.) ’ CHILDREN (LOVE ONE 5.) 2. Matt. xiii. 7. 1. Mark v. 13. 8. 22. 2. Luke τὴ. 7. φιλότεκνος, loving one’s children, (non §. Mask iv 7,10. ἢ τ oce. ) 9. Luke viii, 33. Titus 11. 4, CHOOSE (-1nG, -OSE, -OSEN.) 1. ἐκλέγω, to lay out together, pick out, select, choose. CHILDREN (πιτποῦΤ.) ἄτεκνος, without children, (occ. Luke xx. 30), see “‘cHILD,” Wo. 1. Luke xx. 28, 29. (a) Mid. to pick out for one’s self, choose out, from preference, favour, or love, see ‘* CHOICE,” CHILD-BEARING, τεκνογονία, the begetting ον bearing of children, and so by implication in- ἼΩΝ cluding all the duties of the maternal (a) Mid. to choose upon, 1.6. in ad- 2. ἐπιλέγω, to say upon, hence, to name or call. relation, (non occ. ) dition to or succession to another. 1 Timo. Ἡ, 15. 3. αἱρέομαι, (Mid.) to take, take for Ξ-------ς-- -α-- -ο--------- one’s self, to choose; to separate CHILDISH. rather by the act of taking than by ; showing preference, favour, or love, νήπιος, see “ CHILD,” Wo. 6. (see No. 1), (non oce. } 1 Cor. xiii. 11 (Gen.) 4. μες (from same root as Wo. 3, , Sans. bri, from which we have Ce 00 00ϑ0ϑ0ϑὕϑδὉϑὉὉϑ0ὉὉπΠῤ͵||π|Πρὺ7Δἰρ7ν ο CHILDLESS. ἥδ. (old Lat. hir), the hand, ἀγρέω, ἄτεκνος, without’ children, see ‘ CHILD,” to lay hold of, ἁρπάζω, seize, take No. 1. off, αἱρέω (No. 3), to take with the Luke xx. 30 (αρ.) hand, αἴρω, to raise, raise up, and Spo, a catching, the chase, that which is taken ; and also our Eng. CHOICE (1ΔΚΕ.) word grip |) hence, αἱρετίζω, (from ἐκλέγομαι, (Mid. ) to lay out together, αἱρετός, verbal adj. of No. 3, that to pick out for one’s self, “choose | | may be taken,) to take, and by im- out, select, not implying the rgection | plication, to separate by taking, to of that which is not chosen, but like take that which igs adapted or the choosing of Levi from the twelve eligible for being taken. (Jt only tribes; to choose out, with the acces- occurs in Matt. xil. 18, where ἐξ 19 sory idea of kindness, favour, love. the Septuagint translation of qn, to Aots xv. 7. | take hold of; hold up, support.) 1 nS ος νο CHO 5. προχειρίζομαι, to make any person or thing to be at hand, ready to do or he any thing, (occ. Acts xxvi. 16.) χειροτονέω, to stretch out the hand, esp. for the purpose of giving one’s vote in the Athenian ἐκκλησία ; to choose by vote or suffrage ; also to appoint by laying on the hands, (oce. Acts xiv. 23.) 4. Matt. xii. 18. 1. Acts xv. 22, 25 . Mark xiii. 20, 40 2a. 14. Luke vi. 19, δ. —— xxii. 14. in, ια 42, Ja.1 Cor.i. 27 1st,272nd (αρ), la, —— xiv. 7. 1 6. 2 Cor. viil 19, (28. la. John vi. 70, Ja.Eph. i 4. la —— xiii. 18. 8. Phil. £22 18, —— xv. 16 twice, 19, 8. 2 Thes. ii, 13. la. Acts i. 2, 24 —1 Tim. v. 9, marg. see C la —— vi. 5. into the number. — — x. 41,seeCbefore. | — 2 Tim. ii. 4, see la. —— xiii 17 be a soldier. -- xv. 7% gee 6 |) 3. Heb. xi. 38; (make.) la.Jas. ii 5 CHOOSE BEFORE (-oseEn.) προχειροτονέω, (Vo. 6 with πρό, before, prefixed, ) (non occ. ) Acts x. 41. ---- CHOOSE INTO THE NUMBER {margin. | καταλέγω, to lay down, eg. apart from others, hence, to select; or among others, hence, to reckon under or to a number, to enrol, (now occ.) 1 Tim. v. 9, text, take, ete ----- CHOOSE...TO BE A SOLDIER. στρατολογέω, to collect an army, enlist soldiers, part. with art. as here, one who does this, {,6, a commander, a general. 2 Tim. ib & CHOSEN. 1, ἐκλεκτός, chosen out, preferred, selected. 2. ἐκλογή, a picking out, selection; then, selection made, that which is chosen (hence the word eclogue.) 1. Matt. xx. 16(ap.) 1. —— xxii. 14. 1. Rom. xvi. 19. 1, Luke xxiii. 35. 1. 1 Pet. ii 4, 0. 1. Rev. xvii. 14 2. Acts ix. 15. eee CHR CHRIST. Χριστός, anointed ; Septuagint for wn, Messiah, a term applied to every one anointed with the holy oil, chiefly to the High’ Priest,* Lev. iv. 3, 5, 16, vi. 15. On the ground of Dan. ix. 25, and Ps. 11. 2, it is used in the Targums to designate the expected Saviour, as the anointed of God, to be the King and.Redeemer of His people, (Luke xxiii, 2, 35, 37); (βασιλεύς, king, denotes His relation to the people and sphere of dominion, Χριστός expresses the source of this relationship as one of divine ordina- tion. ) *6 Χριστός, the Anointed, the Christ, (with the article.) The artrcle in Greek is not simply definite, but also objective and emphatic. Asa rule, the subject (or thing spoken of) has the article, the predicate-(or that which is spoken of it) has wt not. In our Lord's time it was customary to speak of the Christ, (hence tr Gos- pels and Acts it has the article almost invariably.) Afterwards the appella- tive became a proper name,. and therefore in the Epistles the article is omatted as the rule. Ἐκ Most interesting and valuable sug- gestions will arise in connection with the use and omission of the article here. It is worthy of the patient attention of the student. Matt. i. 1, 16, 17*, 18*, see | John iii. 283 rg (Jesus. i — ii —— iv. 25, 29”. — xi 2*: 42* (om. G32 LT — xvi. 16*, 903, TrA δν.) : — xxii. 42". —— vi. 69" (ap.) — xxiii. 8*(om. All.) — vii. 26", 27, 81", — xxiv. δ᾽", 23”. 41* twice, 423, 24, see C (false) — ix. 22 —- xxvi. 63", 68, — x. 24". — xxvii. 17, 22 — xi. 215. Mark i. 1 — xii. 34% --- viii. 293. — xvii. 8. — ix. 41 (Gen.} po AE) ba — xii. 953. Acts ii. 80" (ap), 31", 36, — xiii. 21". 38. 22, see C (false. ) iil. 6, 18", 20. — xiv. 61". —- iv. 10; 20". —_ xv. 82". νι 42". Luke ii. 11, 26*. — viii. 5", 12, 87 (ap.) — iii. 15*. —— ix. 20*(Incods, Jesus, —— iv, 41% 1st (om, All) α 1, Τ Έτ Α Ν.) 413 Ind : 22°, —— ix. 203. 34*( L Tr 9) — xx. 415". — x. 36. — xxii. 67* — xi. 17. —— xxiii 2, 903, 39°. xv. 11 (om. 6 T Tr — xxiv. 26", 463, ΑΝ) John i. 17, 20", 265 26. ” 4l*(omart.G LT — xvi. 18. ΓΝ .) 3l(om LT Tra Tr AN) (marg. anointed.) CHR 1 Cor. xvi. 23 (om.T Tr A) 24 "2 Cor. i. 1, 9, 3, 5* lat. 5 ind: (add axt., G Acts xvii. 3* Ist. 3*2nd ( L 59) — xvili. 5*, 293. — xix. 4* (om. All.) — xx.21 (om. LT TrbA. ) ---- χχῖν. 24(ααιε, Ἰησοῦς, ~ Jesus, 1) &.) — xXxvi. 23%) — xxviii. 31. Rom. i. 1, 3, 6, 7, 8. 165 (om. ΑΗ.) — ii 10. — iil. 22, 24, 1. 6-8, 1 16. — ii. 10, 14”, πο απ. — ili. Ey 43, 14. 4", 5. 6. — ν. 103, 14”, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 twice. 15 (Χριστοῦ, of Christ, LT Tr AR.) —— viii. 9, 23, — iv. — vi. -- VY, 17, 21. — ix. 13*. vi. 3, 4,8, 9, 11, 28. | ——x. 1*, 5%, 712. vii 4*, 25. 7 2ud(om. ἃ T Tr — viii. 1, 2, 9, 11* (om. A®) 14* - —— xi. 2*, 93, 10, 13, 23. 3l(om.LT Tra xil. 2, 9*, 10, 19. —— xiii. 8, 5, 14. (Ά1: Ὁ. 19, ——— 6 (om. 6 --.} 0.12; 22. —— ii. 4,10 3 times ]7twice 10* (ὁ Θεός, God, 20 twice, 2]. ασ LTTraw) —— iii.. 1, 13, 14, 16. 15: ———- 17 (om. G3 LT art. LT Tr AN) (add ᾿Ιησοῦς, Jesus, LOR.) 17, 34 (αᾶάᾶ Ἰησοῦς, Jesus, LY &), 35*, 39. — ix. 1, 8", δ΄. — x. 4, 6; 7. — xii. 5. — xiii. 14, — xiv. 9. 18* ( L Trb) Tr AN.) — xv. 3*, 5, 6,7*, 8,16, | ————— 22, 24, 26, 27, 17, 18, 193. 20. 28, 29. 29* (om. τοῦ evay- | —— iv. 7 (ap), 14, 19. γελίου τοῦ, of the gospel | —— Vv. 1, 2 of the L TTrA R.) 4* (om, art.,G= 30. L Tr Ab) — xvi. 3,5, 7. ——— _ 6. 9 μις, Lord, L) 24* (αζᾶ ]ησοῦς, 10; 16%; τα, 20; Jesus LOT Έτ Α ὃ) 94 (αφ), 28, 27. — vi 2*, 12*,14, 1i(ap), 1 Cor. 1. 1, 2twice, 3, 4, 6*, 18. 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13%, | Eph. 11 twice, 9, 3¥1st,32na, 17 1st (add art. L), 17* 2nd, 23, 24, 30. — ii 2. 16 (Κύριος, Lord, L) — iii 1, 11* (om. art.G Tr A δὲ) (Χριστός Ἰησοῦς, Christ Jesus, instead of Ἰησοῦς, ὁ 5, 10*; 12", 17, 903. =A 5. 6% 10; 1 13 Ast, 13% 2nd, 20. — iii, 1", 4», ———- 6* (om. art., 1, T T Tr A &) (add'Inaots Jesus, L T Tr AR.) 8*, 9 (ap.) Χριστός, Jesus the 11 (add art.,L T Christ, LT.) τι Δ ΜΝ) (21. 23 twice. 14 (ap), 17*, 193, iv. 1, 10 twice, 15twice. LV τος 1ο Ot 855 17 (add ᾿ἸΙησοῦς, (om. art., Go L T Tr Jesus, L &.) τν. 4 lst (om.L T TrA) AW), 20", 32. MW. 2 nae 0 4 “πὰ (ογι. LT Tr A ο οκ 965, 80, Te CR.) vi. 5*, 6* (om. art., vi. 15 lst, 15% 2nd. G3 _LTTr AW), 289, Vii. 22. 24. — viii. 6, 11, 12. Phil i 1 twice, 2, 6, 8, 10, — ix 1 (om.LTTrA 59) 11, 13, 15”, 16* (om. 15”, art. Lb Trb Ab Nt),18, 18* (om.Ga L T 19, 20, 21 (χρηστός, Tr A.) profitable, G~), 23, 26, 21 (Χριστοῦ, of 27%, 20, Christ, instead of | ----- 1. 1, δ, 11, 16, 21" Χριστῷ, to Christ, L T (om. art.G LT TraA TrA Rk.) δ ), 30" (om. G> T A) — x. 4”. ( L Tr) (Κύριος, 9" (ὁ Κύριος, Ga Lord, &.) LTTrAR®,) — iii. 3, 1", 816 (add 16* twice. art. L), 8 2nd, 9, 12* ----- Xi. 1, 3 Ist*. (om. art. G LT TrA 32nd (add ατί,, τὺ δ), 14, 18*, 20. πας &.) αν. 1, 19 (om. GLT — xii. 12", 27 Tr A WN), 19, 21, 23. —— XV. re 13, 14,15", 1 Col να ο. (add, ᾿Ιησοῦς, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 22 Jesus, L Tr), 2204 (ap) 23 ‘Ist, "93 2nd (add: art., BGLTTrAh), 31,| — ii 2 γ᾽ (}), 5, 60”, 8, 57. 11" *(omart. GT), xvi. 22 (om, Ga L 20" ΛΗ art. G LT Tr TTrAn) A®) 3, 4, be 24", στ, 28. ¢ marks for crasure have been placed in δὲ but removed. [ 152 ] CHR Col. iii. 1* twice, 3*, 4*, | Heb. iii. 6, 143. 11, 18*(6 Κύριος, Lord, ν. δε 1, Tr A), (Θεός, God, | —— vi. 1*. ἐῶ, 16", 24 —— ix. 11; 14”. —— iv, 3%. 24* (om. art. L Tr 12 (add, ᾿Ιησοῦς, Α δ9), 28". Jesus, LT Έτ Α κ.) — x. 10. Thess i. Ts, 12nd (ap), 3. —— xi. 26*. — ii. 6, xiii. 8, 21 19 oh στ Diss) Tass &.) πα — iii. 2*, 1 Pet. i. 1, 2, 3 twice, 7, ll(om.LT Tr A &) 11 twice, 13, 19. - 159 (om G3 1 1 Έτ —— 5, 9]. A®) NO, 198.21. — iv. 16. Ve dp 11. ο πα —— ν. 9, 18, 23, 28. v.1*, 10, 14. 2 Thes. i. 1, 2, 8(om. LT | 2 Pet. i. 1twice,8, 11, 14,16. Tr A), 121st (om. Lb T ii. 20. Tr A 3), 12 2nd. σε iy | — ii 1, 2* (ὁ Γύριος, } 1 Johni. 3 the Lord, @LT Tr A -~7(om.LTTr AS) Β), 14, 16. ait, LORE — iii. 5*, 6, 12, 18. ---- iii. 23. 1 Tim. i, 1 twice, 2,12, 14, | —— iv. 2,3 (ap.) 15, 16. ν 1 Ὁ Gain GS — ii. 5. TTrA&), 20 (οι. --) 2 John 8, 7, 9* Ist. 7 (om, ἐν Χριστῷ, g* 2nd (ο, Ga L in Christ, @LT Tr At) μπα, T Tr AS) — iv. 6. Jude 1 twice, 4, 17, 21. — v. 11*, 21. Revi lees — vi. 3, 13, 14. 91st (on LT Tr 2 Tim. i 1 twice, 2, 9, 10, AN) — ii. 1, 3, 8, 10. (13 g2nd (om. G3 LT 19 (Kvpros,the Lord Tr AW.) α 1, Τ Ίτ Α δὲ) — xi 153 πρ eles — xi. 103 — ii 13. 17 (om. G L T Tr iii. 6. ARN) VPhilei. 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 23, 25.,| ——xx. 4, 63. Ifeb. iit. 1 (οπι ἃ L Ὁ Tr xxii. 21 (om. LT Tr AN) AR) ἘΝ omits, δὲ 3 inserts. CHRISTS (ΕΑΙΡΕ.) ψευδόχριστοι, false Christs, pretended Messiahs, (opp. to thut which is true, ) to be distinguished’ from ἀντί- χριστος, opponent of Christ. Matt. xxiv. 24, | Mark xiii. 22 (om. T A.) CHRISTIAN (-s.) χριστιανός, Christian, (a word formed not after the Greek but after the Roman manner, denoting attachment to or adherents of Christ. Only occurs as used by others of them, not by Christians of themselves. Tacitus (A.D. 96) says (Annals xv. 44), “The vulgar call them Christians. The author or origin of this de- nomination, Christus, had, in the reign of Tiberius been executed by the procurator, Pontius Pate,” ) (non occ.) Acts xi. 20. Acts xxvi. 28, | 1 Pet. iv. 10. CHR [ 153 ] CIR CHRYSOLITE. ᾿χρυσόλιθος, (from. χρυσός, gold, and ““λιθός, a stone,) the chrysolith or gold stone, a precious stone of a gold colour; now called a topaz, (occ. Ex. xxviii. 30 and Ezek. xxviii. 13,) (non occ.) Rev. xxi. 20. CHRYSOPRASUS. χρυσόπρασος, a chrysoprase, (from xpv- σός, gold, and πράσον, a _leck.) Pliny reckons it among the beryls, the best of which he says. are of a green colour ; and others resemble the juice of a leek. Rev. xxi. 20. CHURCH. ἐκκλησία, the common term for a mect- ing of the ἔκκλητοι (those summon- ed) to discuss the affairs of a Free State ; the body of citizens sum- moned together by a herald («7jpvé.) The lxx. transfer the term to the assembly of the people of Israel, whether summoned or met for definite purpose (1 Kings viii. 65), or considered as the representative of the entire nation. In N.T. it denotes the redeemed community in its two-fold aspect. (i) The entire community of all who are called by and to Christ out of the world, the Church universal, (ii) every Church im which the character of the Church as a whole is seen in miniature. Zhe summoning is ex- pressed by the latter part of the word (καλεῖν), and out of by the first part (ex.) It does not occur in Mark, Luke, John, land 2 John, 2 Timothy, Titus, Jude, (occ. Acts xix. 32,39,41.) Matt. xvi. 18. Rom. xvi. 1, 4, 5, 16, 23. XViti. 17 twice. 1 Cor. i. 2 Acts ii. 47 Ae LT*TrA}| ——iv. 17. —v. 11. (8) | -- - νι 4 Vii. 58. — vii 17. — viii. 1, 3. — x. 32. — ix. 81 — xi. 16, 18, 22. — xi. 22, 26. — xii. 28, — xii. 1, 5. — xiv. 4, δ, 12, 19, 23, τ... απ, 1. 28, 33, 84, 35. — xiv. 23, 27. — xv.-9. — xv. 3, 4, 22, 41. —— xvi. 1, 19 twice. =i. δ. 2 Cor.:1 1. — xviii 22. — viii. 1, 18. 19, 23, 24. — xix. 37, seo Robber. — xi. 8, 28. — xx, 17, 28.. — xii 13. * eighth edition. ασια. 2, 15. 55. 1 Tim. iii. 5, 15. Eph. i. 22. —— ν. 16. —— iii. 10, 21. Philem. 2. —v 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, | Heb. ii. 12. 82. xii. 23, Phil. iii. 6. Jas. ν. 14. i: —- iv. 3 John 6, 9, 10. Col. i. 18, 24. ' Rey. 1. 4, 11, 20 twice. —-iv 15,16 — ii 1, 7, 8, 11, 12, 17, απο Ἱ. 18, 98, 29. ii. 14. — iii 1, 6, 7, 13,.14, , 22. 2 Thes. i. 1, 4. — xxii. 16. CINNAMON. κινάμωμον, (κιννάμωμον, 1, Τ' Tr Ax.) From an Arabic verb, to emit a smell, Cinnamon. Jt is not certain whether it ts the same as our Cinna- mon. In Ex. xxx. 23, v «ts an ingredient in the -holy oil for anointing, and occurs in Prov. ii. 17, and Cant. iv. 14; what is now so named is a second and inward bark of an aromatic tree, called canella zeylanica. Rev. xviii. 13 (add, καὶ ἄμωμον, and amomum, (a precious ointment made from an Asiatic shrub, and used for the hair)G LT Tr A δ) CIRCUMCISE (59, -1va.) περιτέµνω, to cut around, to circumcise. Lukei. 59 1 Cor. vii. 18 twice. John vii. on Gal. ii. 3. Acts vii. 8. — v.2, 3. xv. 1, 5, 24 (ap.) — vi. 12, 13 1st. Xvi. 8. 132nd, seeC(have..) —— xxi. 21. {not.) | Phil. ‘ii. 5,see circumcised. Rom. iv. 11, see C (though | Col. ii. 11. CIRCUMCISED. περιτομή, a cutting all round, circum- cision, Dat. as here, in circumcision. Phil. iii 5. CIRCUMCISED (ave...) περιτέμνω, in pass. as here, to be getting circunicised. Gal vi. 13 2nd, CIRCUMCISED (tuoven.. διά, throughout, (διά, with Gen. has the local. sense of passing through, including that of proceeding from and. passing out,) , ’ ν . . ἀκροβυστία, the foreskin, uncircum- cision; then used, either of the state of being uncircumcised or an un- circumcised man o7 men, Rom, iv. 11 (lit. throughout uncircumcision.) NOT.) CIRCUMCISING. Infinitive of περιτέμνω, (see “CIRCUMCISED (HAvE...)”), the circumeising, lit. “the to-circumcise.” Luke ii. 21 CIRCUMCISION περιτομή, 2 cutting 811 round, circum- cision. John vii. 22, 23. Acts vii. 8 — x. 46 1 Cor. vii, 19. Gal. di. 7, 8, 9, 13 —- v. 6, 1}. — vi 18 Eph. ii. 11 Phil. iii. 3. Col ii 1] twice a τση — iv.) Titus i. 10 26, 27, — xi 2. Rom. 4. .25 twice, 8, 29, CIRCUMSPECTLY. ἀκριβῶς, (adv. of ἀκριβής, derived by some from εἰς ἄκρον βῆναι, going up to the top or summit ; and as this requires great pains, care, and dili- gence, i means accurate, exact, perfect i ats kind, of argument, close, subtle: of thoughts, clear, definite ; of persons, exact, strict ;) adv. to a nicety, precisely. Eph v 15 CITIZEN πολίτης, ἃ member of a city ο) state, citizen, freeman, gen. belonging to, connected with one’s cityor country. Luke xv. 15 | Luke xix. 14, Acts xxi. 8 CITIZEN (FELtow.) συμπολίτης, (the above with σύν, prefixed, implying union or co-operation, ) fellow citizen. Eph. ii 19. CITY πόλις, a city or town, (Lat. urbs,) properly a town enclosed with a wall, Matt 1. " Matt. xiv. 19, — iv —— xxi. 10, 17, 15 — v. 14, 85 — xxii. 7 viii 33, 84 — xxiii 34 twice —— ix. 1, 35 — xxvii 18. —— x. 5,11,14,15,23 twice —- xxvii. 53, πον 1, οὐ ΧΕΙ, 11. — xi 2 | | Mark i 83, 45 Ree ce cee v. 14. Acts xvi.13 (πύλη,ἴλε gate, — vi. 11 (ap), 33, 56 G3 LTTrAw®) — χα, 19. 14, 20, 99. — xiv. 13, 16 —— xvii. δ. Luke i. 26. 39. 6, 8, see ruler. —— ii; 8, 4 twice, 11, 39. — iy. 29 twice, 31, 43. ——v. 12. — vii. he 12 twice, 37 — viii. 27, 84, 39. — ix. 6, 10.- — x. 1, 8, ae, 11. 12 —— xviii. 10. —— xix. 29, 35 — xxi. 6, 29. 30, 39. — xxii. 3. —— xxiv, 12 —— xxv. 23. —— xxvi. 11 — xxvii. 8 Rom. xvi. 23 2 Cor. xi. 26, 32 Heb. xi. 10, 16 = iV, 8 (om. All.) 20. — xvi. 19 twice — xvii. 18. Xvili.10 twice, 16, 18, 19, 21. — xx. 9. — xxi. 2, 10, 14, 15, 16 twice, 18, 19, 21, 23 — xxii. 14, 1% xiii 44, 50. xiv. 4, 6, 19, 19, 20, | xv. 86 (21. xvi 4, 12 twice, See also, RULER. CLAMOUR. κραυγή, a crying out, screaming, shout- ing; cry, of public information ; clamour, of tumult or controversy , wailing, ef sorrow, (occ. Matt. xxv. 5; Acts xxiii. 9; Heb. v. 7; Rev. xxi. 4.) Eph. iv. 3) CLAY. ‘ πηλός, clay, earth, esp. such as was used by the mason or potter ; metaph, the clay or matter from which things and especially man are made, (non occ. ) John ix 6 twice. 11, 14, 15. | Rom. ix, 21 CLEAN [adj. and adv. | 1. καθαρός, clean, free from impure ad- mixture, without blemish in its kind, spotless, see ‘* CLEAR.” 2, ὄντως, (adv. part. from εἰμί, to be,) really, actually, verily. — Matt. viii 2,see C (make) | — Luke xi. 30,566 0(make) - 3, see C (be.) τ 41. — ——xxiii.26,seeC(make) | 1. John xiii. 10 twice, 11. 1 26 1, ——xv. 3. 1, —— xxvii. 00, 1. Acts xviii. 6, — Mark i. 40, see C (make) | 2, 2 Pet. ii. 18(0ACyws,scarce- - 41, see C (be.) ly, hardly, AV™G LT Tr — Luke v, 12,566 C (make) ΔΝ ΝΟ (marg, for alittle or 13, see C (06) 1. Rev. xix, 8,14, [a little) CLE CLEAN (88) καθαρίζω, to make καθαρός, (clean, see £ CLEAR.” (a) pass. to be clean. αι Matt. viii. 3. | ᾿ a. Luke v. 19 ο a. Mark i. 41. ea CLEAN (ΝΑΚΕ:) Matt. viii. 2. Mark i. 40. — xxiii 20. Luke v. 12. Luke xi. 39. CLEANSE. καθαρίζω, see “CLEAN (BE.)” ae 3 xvii. 14, 17. 15. Luke iv. 27. — vii. 22. 1 John 1, a 9. CLEANSING καθαρισμός, cleansing, ( ea the ae- tion of the verb proceeding from the subject, t.e, the action and its result.) Mark i. 44, ! Luke v. 14, - CLEAR. 1. ἁγνός, pure, clean, (πι a ceremonial sense); properly an outward cleanli- ness of body, and then inward purity; pure from every defilement of mind. 2. καθαρός, clean, free from impure ad- mixture. (Jt has a more extensive meaning than No. 1. A thing is No. 2 in which there is no foreign admixture whether it be itself good or evil; No. 1 is that which is not contaminated by anything in itself really evil. That which is ἁγνός is necessarily καθαρός, but many things that are καθαροΐ are free from being ayvoi. ) 3. λαμπρός, shining, bright, radiant — 2 Cor. vii. 111st, see C of | — Rev. xxi. 11, see crystal 1 ——=112nd. (one’s self. | 2, ie : 8. Rev. xxii. 1. CLEARING OF ONE'S SELF. 3 , . ἀπολογία, a defence, speech in defence, verbal defence, hence Lng. apology. 2 Cor, vil. 11 1st. CLO: ‘CLEARLY. τηλαυγῶς, (adv. of τηλαυγής, far-shining, far-beaming; gen. far-seen, conspic- uous,) brilliantly, conspicuously. Mark viii. 25. See also, SEE. CLEAVE (ΕΤΗ, CLAVE. ) κολλάω, to glue, cement, to join one metal to another; gen. to join fast together. In N.T. only in Mid. to adhere, cleave unto. Luke x. 11. | Acts xvii 34 Acts xi. 23, see C unto. | Rom, xii, 9. CLEAVE UNTO. προσμένω, to remain towards, wait still ~ Jonger ; to continue. Acts xi. 23. CLEAVE {margin. } σχίζω, to split, (esp. of wood,) to rend asunder, separate, part asunder. Mark i. 10 (text, oper.) CLEMENCY. ἐπιείκεια, a yielding disposition, (con- trasted with justice, and approxt- mating to kindness,) a tempering of strict justice, correcting its in- accuracies, and supplying its defects with the gentleness and firmness of equity ; sweet reasonableness, (occ. 2 Gor. x. 1) Acts xxiv, 4. CLERK. See, TOWN, CLIMB UP (ἣν, -ΕΤΗ.) ἀναβαίνω, to go up, climb,. mount, ascend, see “come,” Vo. 13. Luke xix. 4, with éré, upon; John κ. 1. CLOAK, 1, ἐπικάλυμμα, ἃ covering, means of hiding. a veil, a CLO 2. ἱμάτιον, raiment génerally, the outer garment as opposed. to χιτών, the vest. 3. πρόφασις, that which is shown or ap- pears before any one ; and so, that which is alleged to cover, either ἃ deeper existent cause, or the true cause ; hence, pretext or ostensible pretence. 4. φαιλόνης, (φελόνης, GL T Tr A πὴ from a passage in Hesychius it ap- pears to be the Cretan word for χιτών, a tunic or inner garment. Others, without authority have chosen to transpose the v and A (φαινόλης), and derive it from the Lat. poenula, a great coat with a hood used chiefly on journies or in the army ; but there is no authority for this transposition. 2. Matt. v. 40. 8. 1 Thes. ii. 5. 2. Luke vi. 29. (cuse. 4, 2 Tim. iv. 13. 3. John xv. 22, marg. ez- 1. 1 Pet. ii. 16. CLOSE [verb. | 1. καμμύω, (for καταμύω), to close down, hence of persons, to shut the eyes. (The root is pv, which 1s pronounced by closing the lips, hence, gen. to close, be shut.) 2. πτύσσω, to fold, double up, wsed of garments or scr οἱ] of parchment, ete. 1. Matt. xiii. 15. 2. Luke iy. 20, 1. Acts xxviii, 27. CLOSE (ΚΕΕΡ,) σιγάω, to be silent or still, to keep si- lence ; to cease to speak, and then gen. to cease, to rest, Luke ix. 36, CLOSE BY. ἆσσον, adv. (comp. of ἄγχι) nearer, (used mostly with verbs,) to draw near as friend or foe; very nigh. Acta xxvii. 13. CLOSET. ταμεῖον, ἃ store- chamber, store-house, (from ταμίας, ἃ steward, and rape ιεύω, his office,) hence, gen. any place of privacy, (occ. Matt. xxiv. 26; Luke xii. 24.) Matt. vi. 6. | Luke xii, 3, | [ 156 ] CLO CLOTH. ῥάκος, a ragged, tattered garment; a piece torn off, a rag. Matt. ix 16. Ι Mark ii, 21. See also, LINEN. CLOTHE (-rp.) l. περιβάλλω, to cast or throw around: or about ; of clothing, to put on. (a) fd. or pass. to put on one’s own garments, to clothe one’s self. ἀμφιέννυμι, to put clothes round or on; invest. Some think it means rather to ornament, (a) Mid. to clothe one’s self, to put on. 3. ἱματίζω, to put on ἱμάτιον (raiment generally, esp. outer garments.) 2. Matt. vi. 80. — 2 Cor. v. 3, see C (be.) 31, see C whore- 4,890 C upon ον ἘΞ Ὶ Ρο τι ο) see Ὁ. — Rev. i. 13, f with aa! -- — iii δ, 18, } see C (be.) } 6 ον αι. 3, aye ies: — — xii. 1, see C with ere TE, } soe C — —— xviii. 16, } in (be.) — — xix. 19,860 C with 2 He 15 a EKY, 96, 88, 43. — Mark i, 6, seo C with βατ αι ΤΡ, {(29.) xv. 17, 869 C with, Xvi. 5, see, ( i in (be) 2, Luke vii. 25. 3. —— viii. 35. 2. xii. 28 (ἀμφιάζω, to put round or on, πα — —— xvi. 19,566 C in(be) 2 Cor.v.2, seeC upon(be) -- ey 14, see C in (be.) ------ - CLOTHE (witu.) ἐνδύω, to go in, enter into; get into as. clothes, Mark xv. 17 (ἐνδιδύσκω, same meaning, the ending cxar denoting the arts Ὡς Poe of the action, LT τΑ CLOTHED (58.) ἐνδύω, see “ CLOTHE (WITH.)” περιβάλλω, see “ CLOTHE,” Ror. 2. Rev: iii. δ, 18 (pass. ) 2. πε iv. 4 (pass. ) 1 2. 1: 2 Cor. ν. 3, pasa, (ἐκδύω, to set out of as clothes, Gx T CLOTHED IN (885) 1. περιβάλλω, see πριν No. 1. 2, 3, ἐνδιδύσκω, same meaning as No. 2, the termination σκω denoting the begin: ning or progress of the action. . Mark xvi, 5. 2. Rev. xv. 6, mid, 3. Luke x7i. 19, mid, 1, —— xviii 16. . : Rev, xi. 3. 2, —— xix. 14, mid. ἐνδύω, see “ CLOTHE WITH.’ 5 CLO [ 157 ] COA CLOTHED UPON (58) ἐπενδύνομαι, to have put on over, as over one’s own garments, (Mid. of ἐνδύω, see “CLOTHE (WITH).”) 2 Cor. v. 2, 4, CLOTHED WHEREWITHAL (58.) περιβάλλω, see “ cLoTHE,” Wo. 1. Matt. vi. 31, pass. (with ri, with what.) CLOTHED WITH (ΒΕ) 1. περιβάλλω, see “cLoTHE,” No. 1, only in Mid. here 2. ἐνδύω, see “CLOTHE WITH,” only in Mid. or pass here. 3. ἐγκομβόομαι, to bind a thing on one’s self, wear it constantly, (from év, in, and κόμβος, a knot or roll of cloth,) to clothe with an outer ornamental garment tied closely upon one with knots. 2. Mark i. 6. 1. Rev. vii. 9. 8. 1 Pet. v. 5. 1. -χ 1. 2. Rev. {. 13 1. — xii. 1. 1. Rev. xix. 13. CLOTHES. 1. ἱμάτιον, (pl.) raiment generally, the outer garments, 2, χιτών, the inner vest, strictly a woollen shirt worn next the body, of their contempt of earthly splen- dour, 1 Kings xix. 13, 2 Kingsi. 8, Zech. xiii. 4. 2. Matt. vii. 15. (long) — Mark xii. 38, see € 1. Acts x. 90, 1. Jas. ii. 8. ------.-..-. CLOTHING (μοκο.) στολή, a fitting out, (from στέλλω, to send,) esp. equipment in clothes. In N.T. like Lat. stola, a long, flowing robe reaching to the feet, worn by kings (Jonah iii. 6), priests (Ex. xxviii. 2), and by persons of rank or distinction (Mark xvi. 5 ; Luke xv. 22; xx. 46; Rev. vi. 11; vii. 9, 13,-14, ete. ) Mark xii. 38, See also, sort. CLOUD (-s.) . γέφος, an indefinite cloudy mass that covers the heavens, (non occ. ) 2. νεφέλη, a particular distinct cloud, (non occ. ) _ (perhaps our cotton from this,) in |—— - pl. sometimes two worn, prob. of different stuffs for ornament or luxury. 1. Matt. xxi. 7. 1. Mark xv. 20. 1. —— xxiv. 18 (singular 1. Luke xix. 36. No. 5, LTrAN) 1. Acts vii. 58. 1. —— xxvi. 65. 1. — xiv. 14. 1. Mark v. 28, 80. 3 xvi. 22. 2, —— xiv. 63, pl. 1. —— xxii, 23. See also, GRAVE, SWADDLING. CLOTHING. 1. ἐσθής, apparel, vesture, gen. used of that which is splendid or ornate, (whence Eng. vest, etc. ) 2. ἔνδυμα, anything put on, a garment of any kind. Spoken of the cloth- ing .of the ancient prophets in token 2. Matt. xvii. 5 twice. ΡΣ x. ine 2. —— xxiv. 30. 2. 1 Thes. iv. 17. 2. —— xxvi. 64. 1. Heb. xii. 1. 2. Mark ix. 7 twice. 2. 2 Pet. ii. 17 (καὶ ὁμίχλαι, 2. —— xiii. 26. and mists, ΑΙ T Tr A 2. —— xiv. 62. 2. Jude 12. (8) 2. Luke ix. 34 twice, 35, 2. Rev. i. 7. 2. —— xii. 54. 2. x1: 2: xxii 27. 2. —— xi. 12. 2. Acts i 9, 2. —— xiv. 14 twice 15,10. CLOVEN. διαμερίζω, to distribute, divide up, 8ο- parate, (referring here not to the tongues but to the apostles amongst whom the flames were divided out JSrom one common source.) Acts ii. 3 (pass. ) CLUSTER. βότρυς, a cluster or bunch of grapes; gen. autumn fruit, (non occ. ) Rev, xiv. 18. COAL (-s.) ἄνθραξ, live or burning charcoal, (non oce. ) Rom. xii. 20 COA fe ess] CoOL COALS (ΕΙΠΕ oF.) the blazing sun, whence Ena. elec- ἀνθρακία, a heap or fire of liye charcoal, tron. There were two cock-crowings, | (non ουσ.) one after midnight, and one before να σόν ssa ©. dawn, Mark mentions both (xiv. 30), hut the other Evangelists only mention the latter, which was emphatically S Ss τ eS : THE cock-crowing. 1 ὅριον, a bound, goal, limit; am pl. as | Matt. xvi. 84, 74, Τό. Mark xiv. 72 twice. F ontier | Mark xiv. 30. uke xxii. 84, 60, 61. here, the boundaries, the ft ontier, δὲ (om. LP Bt) Jon xiii, 88, (from ὁρίζω, to bound, limit.) John xviii, 27. 2. μέρος, a part, share, one’s lot ; 2m pi. ing sarah oe COCK-CROWING. as here, the parts, region, country, (from μείρω, to divide.) ἀλεκτοροφωνία, the crowing of a cock ; hence, cock-crow or the third watch 3. τόπος, a place, a spot, as occupied or ᾿ ει ο ο A of the night, see “ cook.” filled by any person or thing. , . . ἢ Mark xiii. 36. 4, χώρα, space, which receives, contains, or surrounds anything, and so place, : where any thiny is or takes place; COFFIN [margin. ] hence, gen. country, land, region, | σορός, a vessel for holding any thing, a territory. coffer, urn, esp. the cinerary urn ; 1. Matt. ii. 16. 1. Mark v. 17. hence, any receptacle for a dead 1, — viii. 34 τ. — vii, 3] twice. 8 —— xv. οἱ. σσ body, a coffin. 1. 22, 39. 1. Acts xiii. 50, Luka vil Τὴ, ἐπὶ, been 2, —— xvi 13. 2. —— xix. 1 1. — xix 1. 4, —— xxvi. 20. 8. Acts xxvii. 2 Β COLD 1. ψύχος, coldness, the result or product See also, SEA: of the verb ψύχω, see “COLD (WAX.)” ------------᾿ 2. ψυχρός, (adj.) cold, chill ; also, cool, COAT. fresh, (denoting the full expression wee : and let SESSL χιτών, a tunic, 1.6. the inner garment a ey We κ of the act worn next the body mostly with oa ὕχω, see “COLD (ΝΑχ).”) 1. John xviii. 18. | 1 οσα νι ο sleeves, and reaching usually to the | 1 Acts xxviii. 9, 2. Rev. iii 15 twlee, 16, knees, rarely to the ancles. Matt. ν. 40. Luke vi. 29. 7 — τς άν COLD WATER. fark vi. 9. Jol εἶχ, 23 twice. , : ‘Toke ii 11; plane οι 7,see C (fisher’s.) ψυχρός, see “ COLD, “Nora: Acts 1x. 39, Matt. χ 42. COAT (risHER’s.) COLD (wax.) ἐπενδύτης, a tunic worn over another, the ψύχω, to breathe, blow ; hence, to make upper or outer (1.6. the usual ) tunic, cool or cold. in distinction from the inner garment Matt. xxiv. 12 (pasa.) which was called ὑποδύτης. John xxi. 7. COLLECTION. a λογία, a gathering or collection, (occ. 1 . COCK, Cor. xvi. 2.) ἀλέκτωρ, a cock, house-cock, (some derive 1 Cor, xvi. 1, from ἄλεκτρος, the sleepless, but Parkhurst from x nn, the com- COLONY. ing of the light, for gwing notice of | κολωνία, (a Latin word, colonia,) ie, a which he was among the ancients Roman colony. sacred to the sun. ἠλέκτωρ, denotes joel 12] 001, [ COLOUR. πρόφασις, that which ig shown or appears before any one; and so,.that which is alleged to cover, cither a deeper co-existent cause or the true cause; hence, pretext or ostensible pre- tence. —_ Acts xxvii. 90, See also, SCARLET. COLOURED. See, SCARLET. COLT. πῶλος, a foal, whether colt or filly; a young animal esp. of a domestic kind, (non occ.) (Lat. pullus, Germ. fohlen, Lng. foal.) Matt. xxi. 2, 5, 7. Luke xix. 30, 33twice, 35. Mark xi. 2, 4, 5, 7. John xii. 15. COMB. See, HONEY. COME (-Ε51, -ETH, -ING, CAME.) 1. ἔρχομαι, to come or go, used of person δ or of things. It denotes the act of | | coming or going, as, 1 am coming, | etc., in distinction from No. 1 , | which denotes the result, as, 1 am come and’am here, (¢f. John viii. 42 and Heb. x. 9.) Zhe verb means to go, as well as come, and the con- text must determine which it is, Lt is combined with a large number of prepositions, for which see below. (a) In Rev. vi. 1, 3, 5, 7, ἐὲ should be go, and the words and see should be omitted according to the best author- ities, gee under “SER.” 2. ἐξέρχομαι, (No. 1 with ἐξ, out of, prefixed, ) to come or go out of any place, to come or go forth, (a) followed by ἀπό, from, expressing removal and separation. (Ὁ) followed by ἐκ, out of. ὦ, προσέρχομαι, (No. 1, with πρός, to- wards, prefied,) to come or go near | to any place or person, to approach. 159 ] COM 4. συνέρχομαι, (No. 1, with σύν, with, prefixed, implying co-operation, ) to come or go with any one, to come along with or together, to meet, assemble. 5. ἐπέρχομαι, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed,) to come or go upon or over any place, to arrive at. (In Eph. ii. 7, ἐξ is the art, with partic- iple (pl.) for which see “ COMETH (HE THAT).”) 0. κατέρχομαι, (No. 1, with κατά, down, prefixed,) to come or go down, descend, εἰσέρχομαι, (No. 1, with εἰς, to, into, prefixed, ) to come or go into. (a) followed by ets, unto, marking the olject and intention, as wel as motion or durection. “a 9ο ἀπέρχομαι, (No. 1, , ιο] ἀπό, from, prefixed, ) to come or go away from one place to another ; hence, gen. to go away, depart for, set off. 9. παρέρχομαι, Vo. 1 with παρά, beside, prefixed, ) to come near to or beside any person or thing ; to go ur pass near, pass along by. 10. διέρχομαι, (No. 1, with διά, through, prefixed,) to come or go through, to pass through; here followed by ἕως, denoting the limit, to, as far as. 1}. γίνομαι, to-begin to be, (1.6. to come into existence o7 into any state, and then also in Aor, and Perf. to have come into existence, or sumply to be.) Zt umplies origin, either from natural causes, to be born or made; ur through special agency result, to take place, happen ; and change of state, to become; or change of place, to come. παραγίνομαι, (No. 11 with παρά, be- side, prefized,) to become near, to become present, ae. to come, to approach, to arrive. Jn Aor. to have come or arrived, be present, in all passages, except Matt. iii. 1,13 und Mark xiv. 43, pres. ; and John iil, 23, umperf. | 135, ἀναβαίνω, to cause to ascend, to go by, climb, mount, ascend, (from Baivw, used of all motion on the 14. 15. 16. 18: 20. 21. 22. , δεῦρο, adv. 18a. com ground, go, walk, tread, step, the - direction being determined by a pre- position ; here by avd, up or back.) ἐπιβαίνω, to go upon, to tread upon; to set foot upon, to come into, to arrive in a country or province, 6ἱσ., to embark. ἐμβαίνω, to step into, go into, enter, followed by εἰς, unto or into. ἀποβαίνω, to go away, to depart ; to go from, descend from, to dis- embark. . ἥκω, to come, 1.6. to have come, to be here, in the sense of ἃ preterite. hither, here, with all verbs of motion, used in cheering up or calling to one. Here! this way! Come on! Come! always used with a verb sing. δεῦτε, adv. just the same as No: 18, ‘except that τί is always used with a werb plural, and more generally as an exclamation μέλλω, to be on the point to do or suffer anything (gen. with infin. of another verb, ) to be about to do, to intend or purpose doing (of one’s own free will); but often implying necessity, accordance with the na- ture of things or with the divine appointment, and therefore certain to take place. καταντάω, (here only participle, ) to come down against, 1.0, to come down to, to arrive at a place ; of things, to tend to a ‘certain end, come to such and such an issue ; gen. to result. (a) followed by εἰς, unto, into. (Ὁ) followed by ἀντεκρύ, opposite to, over against. ἐκπορεύομαι, to go opt or forth, march out from and to a place (with the wea of compulsion, ) proceed out of. (a) followed by ἐκ, out of, from. (0) followed by ἀπό, from, away from. (c) followed by ἔσωθεν, from within. ἐπιπορεύομαι, to £0 or come upon, {.ο. to a place or person, to go, travel, march to, (non.oce. ) ΕἸ ΡΣ. (a) followed by πρός, towards. νυ» COM 28. εἰμί, to be (of ordinary existence, ) to exist, to have existence, Phil. ii. 6, (whereas No, 11 means to become, Jas. i, 22.) (a) ἐστί, (present) he, she, or it is. (Ὁ) έσται, (future) he, she, or it shall be. (c) εἶναι, (inf. pres.) to be. (A) ἔσεσθαι, (inf. fut.) to be.about to be; here (Acts xxiv. 15), with μέλλω preceding, see No, 19.) 24. πάρειμι, (No, 23, with παρά, beside, prefixed, ) to be beside, near by or present ; absol. to have come. ᾿ 25 ἐφίστημι, trans. to set or place wpon or over. In N.T. only in intrans. and Mid. to place one’s self upon ; of persons, to stand by or near; also implying approach, to come and stand by, to come to ΟΥ upon a person or place (of a sudden appear- ance or in a hostile sense. ) (a) followed by ἐπί, upon. 26 παρίστημι, (a) trans. to place by or 27. ἐνίστημι, trans. to put, set, or place (Ὁ) intrans: to stand beside, to cause to stand rear. by beside or near ; hence, to be at hand. in; ztrans, to stand in or on; absol. to be at hand, imminent, begin, arise; to stand in the way of, oppose, resist. 28. φθάνω, to come or do before another, to be beforehand with; αὐφοί. to come first, precede, anticipate, come sooner than ώς arrive, at- tain. 29. φέρω, (a) to bear ( wk motion im- plied. ) (b) pass, to be borne or carried from a place, esp. involuntarily as by waves or winds ; to produce, furnish. 50, συμπληρόω, (a) to help to fill, fill ο]. (b) im pass. to be filled ; completely. of time, fulfilled, completed. χωρέω, to make room for another, give way, yield. 32. τρέχω, to run, hasten, hurry. — Matt.i ded .18, see C togeth- 12.— {er. “1. 9. 25. ------------ 6. 1, 8, 9, 11. ας 21 (No.7, L Tr ' αν) ᾱ- : 29. 12.— iii. 1 ~ "μὸν mee —— iv. 3, see C to. 3. —— 11. .. 19. — — Vv. 1, see Ο unto. 1. —— 17 twice, 24. 26, see C out. 23a. -———37. 1. — vi. 10. 1. —— vii. 15, 25, 27. ———- 28, ‘see C to pass — — viii. Τ᾿ see C down 1. ——— 2(No. 8, 91, TTra ἊΝ — 5, see C unto. rR ve 7. + 8. 5 Q twice phe 11. 1. 14, 11. 16, 3. ——— 19, _— —— 25, see C to 1. ———. 28 Ist. 2b, ———— 28 2na 1. —— 29. — —— 32,34, seeC ont. ~ -- κ -- — 10 1st, see C to a. 10 2nd, 19. 14, see C to. : 15. 18 Ist (No. 7, 65 T A) (No. 3,1.) 18 2nd. 28 2nd seeC to. —x.12 (35. το 19\-23, G4 twice, — — Xi 1, see Cto pass. -- —— 3, see ὁ (he that should.) Map eprom ο] on tse =F 5 -- 14,566 C(which was for to.) 18, 19. 18a. 28. 28. —— xii. 28. 19,...Ὀ-.--- 82. ἂν 42. -- 44 1st seeC out. i fy 44 2nd. 1. — xiii: 4. 8, ———- 10. 1, ———- 19, 25 8, στ. 1. ---- 82. -- 86, see C unto. - 49, see C forth. — ——— 53, eeeC to pass i, 54. 38. —— xiv. 12. - 15, see C to 11. 23. 1, ——— 28, 29 Ist, - 29 2nd, see ο down. ΙΑΝ) 15.————- 82 (No.13,L Tr 1. ---- 58, 54. --—— xv 1, see C to. ie 1ν μα πι COM — Matt.xv.18, see C forth. ——— 22. ο 23. 2a. 3. ra πα el ce ead | coming ; ἦλθεν, 25, 29. —— 30, see C unto 89. xvi. 1. ——— 5,13, 24, 27, 28. —- xvii. 7. 9, sea C down. —— 10,11, 12, 14111. 14 2nd, 19, see 241st. [( to, 24 2nd seeC to. 25, (ἐλθόντα, for ὅτε εἰσ- τον he was come, Tr A.) Rete. ae ote ΤΊΣΙ κι P mee Ὁ 18a. ae -- — Xxxvi. pass. ΜΗ Noted Rear 4 ἘΞΕΠῚ --.... SE. 1 Ist, ἘΞ’ ἘΞ -ἰ-9 1 2nd, (he that. 7 —— }9. _ (he that.) —— xxiv. 1, seeC to. —— 50. xxvii. κ 27, see C up. — xviii.1, see C unto. ——_7, 11 (op) see C to 8, see C unto. . —xxi. 1, 5. 9, see cometh ἐν see C to. 23 1st. unto. 23 2nd, gee Ὁ 28, 30, Bee C to. 11, 12, see C in 23, see C to, — xxiii. 35. 36. 39, see cometh a5 see C unto. 5. 6,866 C to pass 14. 17, see C down 27. 30, 39, 42, 43, 4 ————— 1 (), n ,13(ap),19. 20, 22, 24. 31. 34. 36, 39. 1, see C to 7, see C unto, 17, see C to 20. 36,40,43, 45,47. 49, see C to. 5O Ist. Ἢ 2nd, , see C out. ἜΤΟΣ 602nd 84, 69, 73, see C {unto 32, see C out 83. 40, 40, 53. 42, (down see C 11. Matt. xxvii. 57 1st. 1, ———— 57 2nd. ae Es [gether. 1. —— xxviii. 1. 3. ——— 2, 18a, 6. 3. 9. | 1, 11, 13 i Maki?” [ . Mark i. 7. 4 -- 9 1st, soe δ to i 9 2nd. -- 10, see C up. 11. 11. 1 14. 18a. 17. 1, ——— 24. eae 26, 29. — ——— 38, see Ὁ forth 1. ——— 40, 45. 1. — ii. 8. funto. --- 4, see C nigh - 15,seeCto pass. 1, ——-—— 17, 18, 20 — —— 23, see C to 1, —— iii. 8. [pass. 5. ——— 13. -- 22,see C down. 1. 31. (pass. — —— iv. 4 lst, see Ὁ to Ἱ 42nd, 15, 22 26b. 29. ah ἢ 85. 1. ----- ν. 1. 2b. 2. 32. _———. 6 (in Editions 1611—1687, probably a misprint) 2b. ———— 3 1. —— 15, ———— 8 (35, 38. 1, ——— 22,.23, 27, 33, - 39, see C in 1. — vi. 1. 11.———- 2, 21. Τ' = 22, 25, see C in 18a, 3 Ist, 1, ———— 8] 2nd. — ——— 33, see C to- gether. = 34, see C out. — ——- 35, see C unto. RATES 47. ——— 48, 53. Ἢ «κα — — vii. 11st, see C to- 1... -- γε; (gether. 219. 15. 214. 20. 210. 28. ἣν 25. 8. —— 30. 1, —— 31. 17.— viii 3 say hy 5, 1, ———— 10. TAs) τοι 1, see cd forth " 5 δα. Ἢ (ἀκολονθέω, to follow, GTTrApw.) 1. ———— 38 1. —— ix. 1, 7. - -- ὐ, see C down. 1. ———— 111, 12, 13, 14. 1L- 21. -- 25 Ist, sea C running together. 2 25 2nd. -- 26, see C out. τα 28. - 29, see C forth | 1—— 33. 1 —x Ἱ. -- 2, sea C to, 1 - 14. 18. 2]. COM ——— 62, see C to- ἣν 1. Mark x. 30. 35, see C unto. —— 45, 46, 50. 1. —— xi. 9, 10. —— 12. σσ 13 twice, 15, me noe ." onl mn ἋΣ || | 8, seeC before- ------ 16, 17, 82, 37, ——- 43. 41 twice. —— 45, 62, 66. xv. 2]. ———- 30, see C down . 33 — 36. - 41, 42° 48, to 1] see C u (with, # xvi. 1, 2. uke i. 8, see C to pasa. 22, see C out. ——— 23} see Cto pass - 28, see C in. 35, see C upon στ 4 8660 to pass a -- . Lt ge rl [tae oe μ μῶν μι » ὦ - “ζῶ -- Γι Εμ eee) Be eee: 59 1st, sce C to 59 2nd. "μὲ wh a s —— 16,27. [top ass, --- . 38, see C της 46, ,seeCto pass, h (om. --.) hb Ἂς 11.—— iii. Ἱ. 8. - 7151. see C forth 19. 7 2nd. 1. 12, 16. οσα — = 31, see C down if 34. 2a. 85 twice. - 86, see C ont. 2a. 41, ie 45, — —— ¥. 1, see C to pass κ 7 twice. = 12,869 C to pass - 15, see C to- gether. (pass. 17 lst, gee C to 1. tes αμα (No.4,L) 1. 92, 85. — — vi. 1, 6, 12, see C to pass, (down. = 17 1st, see Ὁ 1 17 2nd, 47. 1. — vii 8. 12, 4. y 7, 8 twiee, - 11,seeC to pass 3. —- 14 — ———— 16, sce C on — ——- 19, see C (he that should.) 12,———___ ο Ist. -- 20 2nd, see ο (be that should ) 1. ---- 33, 34. -- 45, see Cin ~——— viii 1, see C to pase a1. pears |S COM Luke viii. 19 lst. —— 19 2nd see Cat. 22,seeCto pass. 23,see Cdown. 24, see C to. 29, I-Pliiis 35. [pass. 40, see .( to 4] Ist. 4] 2nd. 44. 47, 49. —— 51 (Νο. 1,6 Τὶ τ κα.) — 55, see Cagain. -—— ix. 12. 18,see Cto pass 23, 26. 28, 33, see C to pass, ——_ 34, 35. 97 Ist, see C to (down. 37 2nd. βεο C 42, see coming soot mes πε η ~ ~ 51 Ist, see C to 51 2nd. [pass. 54, seeC duwn ——- 56 (ap.) ———_ 57, see C to pass — x. 1(No.7, L™.) ——— 3], see C down See (om.G - &°) 33. b. aH teers 5 35, see C again 38, see C to pass. 40, see C to. —— xi. 1,860 C to pass. —— 2. -' 6. 14, see-C to 20. [pass. 22, see C upon 24, see C out, 25. 27, see C to 31. (pass. 33, see C in. 36, 37 lst. 37 2nd, see C η] "ὦ ἔθ᾽ af ood — xii. .π| forth. ——— 38 2nd. 39, 40,43 _—— 46. ---- “- 49. 51. 54. ———_ 55,seeC to pass — xii of 7, 14. (eee ee Tah Se πε: ~ OMe 98 Ist see C forth 1. ——- 28 2nd. — —— 30, see C forth. 1: 82 twice. 1. — xvii. 1. — 8, see C out. 1. 1], 15, 1. — xviii, 3, 4, 37. 2, —— xix. 6. 1. 82, 33. fout, -- 84, seo C there- ae 38, 39 twice. 1, —— xx. j, 2, 8, 4, 6, 8, 18, 19, 24, 26 11.— xxi. 4, ok 8. 16. 9, 188, —— 12, 1, ——— 15, 22, 23. — Acts i. 6, see C together. PECTS 8, see C upon. ee: 13, seeC in. ----- 11, 1, 800 C (be fully) 1], - δ see C together. — —— 17, see C to pass. 1 20. — -——- 21, seo C to pass. 11. 43. 1, —— iii 19. - 23, see C to pass, — — iv. 1, seo C upon, - 5, see C to pass, com 11, Acts v. δ. -- 7, 10, see C ἴη.- 11. 11. 4. 16. 12. 91. 22.25: - 38, see C to naught. — — vi. 12, see C upon. 18.— vii. 3. 2b. 4, -- 7, see C forth. 1. —— rh 13,—— 23, 11.—— 31. -- 34 1st, see C down 18. 34 2nd 45, see δ after. -- τ ντ, see C out of. 15, see C down, ~ 24, see C upon. ἘΠ 27. ----- at see Cup. pee στ ——_ a, see C up. 1. —— 40. 11.— ix. ἐς - 12, see C in. 1. ——— 17, 21. 12, 26. — —— 28, see C in. — —— 382 lst, see C to pass. — —— 322nd see C down — —— 37, see C to pass. 10.——— 38. 12. 39. -- 43, see C to pass. — — x. 3, see Cin, ~ -- 4, see C up. 11: 13, 24, 21. --- 25, see C in, — —— 27,see C together 28, see C unto. - 1. ——— 29. 12. 32 (ap), 33. - 45, see C with, — —— xi 2, seeC up. 1. 5. 25a.—— 11. Ja. 20(No.1,GLT Tr ARN.) 12.———. 23. τ see C to pass. 6. ——- 4 28, see C to pass. -- — xii. ΓΑ seo C upon. 1. —— 10. πα. 11. 1. ——12. 3. —— 13. 24. 20. 1. — xiii. 13 112. 14, Ξ 1, 25. — —— 31,866 Cup with. -- 40, see C upon. - -- 44 1300 Ctogether. i 51. ° — — xiv,1,see C to pass. — — 11, see ο down. 19, see C thither Τα. 20. 1 24, 12, 27. — — ΧΝ. 1, see C down. 12, 4 6, see C together 1. 30 (Νο, 6, ὦ L TrA &.) 20a. xvi. 1. 1, Ἧ; 8, see C down, 9, sce C over, 7a.——~ 15. ~— —— τὸ, see C to passa, — —— 1515, see C out, 2, ----- 18 2nd, — 11. Acts xvi. 29. 1. 87, 89. 1. — xvii. 1. 24. 6. _ 10, see C thither 18, 16. i 1, — xviii. 1, 2 Ist. 22nd, see C unto 6. 5. 20a. —— 19. ΓΝ 21 (ap.) 20a. —— 24. + 12. 27. (pass. — — xix. 11st, see C to I. 1 2nd. -- 4, seeC(he which 1. —— 6,18. [should.) - 32, gene together. 1. — XX. - 7) oe ο together -- 1] ,see C up again 1. 14. 20b, ——~ 15 1st es 15 nd, 12 18 Ist 14. 18 2nd a — —— xxi 1,396 C to a 31 2nd. τη 20a. —— Ἰ. iy 8. = 10, see C down. ΕἼΣ —11 11.—— 17. -— ——— 22 lst, see C to- 1, ———222nd. (gether. 19, 31 11. 36 — — XxXii.6,see C to pass 1. 11,13. (pass. -- 17 Ist, see Bc - 172nd eee C again 8 27, -- — xxiii 14, see C to. 25. 7a.——— 33, 12. ——— 35. 9, —— xxiv. 7 (σρ.) 1 8 (ap * 12.——— 1Τ. — —— 22, see C down. 23, see C unto. 12. ———-. 24 19&23d. —25 (om. 23d, G L ) TrA®) 27, one’s room. 12.—— xxv. 7 Ist. 7 2d, see Cdown see C into 20a. —— 13. 4. 17 1, 23. - 20a, —— xxvi. 7. 11. 22. “" 6. —— xxvii 5. 11. (fe is 8. - 16, see C by. 11. -- 27 a” νο arise upon, 33, see coming on 09) 44, see C to pass 2b.— xxviii. 3 (διεξέρ- xoua, to come out through, αν T A.) in 6. ο 8, see C to pass. 20a, —— 13 Ist. 4, 13 2nd. 2. 1 15. 16 (No. 7, LT TrAW®.) 17 1st, see C to (gether. ------ rH 2nd, see C to- 12 ft Tr AS.) 17 —— 38 (No 1, Ges L — Acta xxviii. 30, see σ in. 1. Rom. i. 10, 13. 1, — iii. 8. — — v.14, 3ee C (be to. 1. —~vii 9%. [to. — —— Vviii.39,see C (thing 1. — ix 9 -- 26, see C to pass, — —— xi. 25, see C in. 17. 26. 1. —— xv. 23, 24 (ap.) 8. 28. 1. 29 twice, 92, — —— xvi.19,see Cabroad 1. 1 Cor. ii. 1 twive. — —- ili 22, see C (thing to.) 1. —— iv. 5,18, 19, 21. — —— vii.5,see C together 20a.—— x. 11. — — xi 11,18, 20, see C together. 26. 33, 34 1st, see C together. 84 2nd. — xiii. 10. — xiv. 6. - 23 1st, see C to- 23 nd, 24, see C 20,866 C together 36 lst, see C out. 20a. —— 36 2nd. 1. —— xv. 35. 1. — xvi. 2 12. 3. 1. +— 5,10,11,123times. 11. 2 Cor. i. 8. 1, 15 16 29; 1. ——ii. 1, 8, 12. — — vi. i7, see C out. gether in. Loin 4 28.—x. 14 1. —— xi. 4, 9. 28, see cometh upon (that which.) 1. —— xii. 1, 14, 20, 21. — — xiii. 1, coming (be) 2 7 19, 23, 25. (κο τα — Eph. tee see C (be to) 6. —— ii. 1. i. 20a. — iv. 13, 1. ——-v. 6. 1. Phil. i. 27. 1. ——ii. 24. 24. Col. i. 6. — —— ii. 17, see C (thin 1 Sg) (to) 1, —— iv. 10. 11. 1 Thes. i 5. he 10. 28.— ii 16. ἃς 18. -- — iii. ης, see C to pass he 1—y. ‘3, - 3, see C upon. 1, 2 Thes. i. 10. i 1 Tim. i 15 1. —ii. 4 1, —— iii. 14. — —— iv. 8, see C (be to.) 1. - 13. ll.—— vi 4. [ 163 ] 19,860 C(time to) | 27. 2 Tim. iii. 1. 1, τ bE 11. 28Ὁ, — iv. 8. 1. —— 9, 13, 21. 1. Titus iii. 12. 19. Heb. ii δ. 2b. — iii. 16. — —— iv. 16, see C unto. 19. —— vi. δ. tr as 2b.—— rit 5. 25, see C unto. 1— viii. Ἀ. 12.—— ix. 11 I. 19. 112nu (No.11,L.) 19 —— x. 1, 7a δ, 17. Yon) -- 37 1st, see C (he that shall ) 17 37 2nd. — — xi 6, see C to. - 15, see C out. -- 20, see C (thing to.) 11. 24. —— xii. 18, 22, see C unto. 19. —— xiii. 14. Ὶ 23. — Jas i. 17, see C down. 7a. —— ii. 2 lst. 22nd, see C in. - - τ 1, see C upon. 3. 1 Pet ii 4 29b. 2 Pet. i. 17, 18, 21. 1. — iii 3. 31. 9 it: 10 1. 1 John ii. 18. 1: iv. 2, 3 Ist (ap), 3 2nd, v. 6, see came (he that.) Vie 20. 1, 2 John 7, 10. if 12 (Νο. 11,Gx GT Tr AN) 1. 3 John 3, 10. 1. Jude 14. — Rev. i. 1, see C to pass. 4, see C (which is to.) COM | | | | | 1. Rev. i 7. -- 8, see C (which is Ἱ. — ii 5, 16 17 25. 17.—— ili. 3twice, 9, 1, —— 10, 1l. -- 12, see C down. - 20, see C in. — — iv. 1, seeCu 8, see C (which is to.) 1, —-vv. 7 18. να ἂν δ’ ὦ η. 17. al vii. 13, 14 1. — viii 3. 2b. —— ix. 3 i 12: — — x. 1, see C down. — — xi. 12, see C up. iy 14. τες 17, see C (which art (ο) 11.— xii 10. — —— 12, see C down. — — xiii. 11, see C up. - 13, see C down. — Xiv. ‘2b 15 Ist 1. 15 2nd 2b 17, 20. - 18, see C out. 17.— xv. 2 2b. 6. 1 Xvi 15: 2a. 17 1. —— xvii. 1 1. -- 1 2η4 866 C hither 1. —— xvii. 10 twice. -- xviil. 1,366 C down 2b 4 17 8. 1 10. 2b. —— xix. 5, 1 7 18a. ——17 — — xx. 1, 9,. see C — — xxi.2, j§ down ] ϱ ist. -- 9 2nd, see C hither. Te Xxii.7, 12,173 times, 90 twice. ~ COME ABROAD ἀφικνέομαι, to arrive at, to céme to a person or place, No. 17,) to come from one ‘COME,’ (connected with place to another, (non occ. ) Rom. xvi. 19 COME AFOREHAND. προλαμβάνω, to take beforehand, to take before or sooner than another ; to be beforehand with, outstrip, to anticipate, (occ. 1 Cor. xi. 21; Gal. τι, 1s) Mark xiv. 8. COME AFTER. διαδέχομαι, to receive one from another, to take up next ; hence, to succeed one, take his place, (non occ. )- Acts vii. 45. Com [ 164 ] COME AGAIN. 1. ἐπανέρχομαι, to come back upon or to a place; to return, (occ. Luke xix. 15.) 2., ἐπιστρέφω, to turn upon, to turn to- wards, return to. 3, ὑποστέφω, to turn behind, 1.6. back, to turn about. 2. Luke viii. 58. | 1. Luke x. 35. 3. Acts xxii. 17. COME AT. συντυγχάνω, of persons, to fall in with, to meet with, to come to or at any one; of things, to. happen, - befall, (non oce. ) Luke viii. 19. COME BY. περικρατής, strong | to become mas- round about any | ter of [the bout] thing, all powerful, | v.e. to secure it having wholly in { by hoisting it one’s power, | into the ship, γίνομαι, to become, } (ποπ occ. ) Acts xxvii 16. COME DOWN. 1. καταβαίνω, to come or go down, see “come,” Λο. 13. 2. κατέρχομαι, see “COME,” Νο. 6. 1, Matt, viii. 1. 1. John vi. 33, 38,41,42,50, 1, — xiv. 29. 1. Acts vil. 34. (51,58 1 xvil. 9, 1 vill. 15. 1, — xxiv. 17 2. —— ix. 32 1) —— xxvii. 40, 42, 1, —— xiv. 11]. 1. Mark 11}. 22. 2, ——xv.l. 1, — ix. 9 (1) —— xvi, 5 1, — xv. 30. 2. —— xxi. 10. 2 Luke iv. 31. 1. —— xxiv. 22 1, —vi. 17 1 — xxv. 7. 1, —— viii 23. 1, Jas. i. 17 9. ——ix. 31.) 1. Rev. iii. 12 1 54. 1. ἘΠῚ 1, —x. 31 Ἰ, —— xii. 12 1. — xvii. 31 1. —— xiii. 13 1 — xx. 5, 6 ) 1, —— xviii. 1 1. John iii. 13 1. —-— xx. 1,9 1. —— iv. 47, 49. 1. —— xxi. 2 COME FORTH. 1. ἐξέρχομαι, see “come,” No, 2. 2. παρέρχοµαι, see “come,” No. 9. 3. ἐκπορεύομαι, see “COME,” No. 21. 1. Matt. xiii. 49. 2. Luke iii. 7. 1, —— xv. 19. | 2. xi, 37. 1. Mark i.-38 (ἔρχομαι, see | 3. John v. 29. -come, No. 1, Gx.) | 1. — xi. 44. 1. — viii. 11. Ξ | 1. xvi. 28, 30. T= αχ 99. | 1. Ac’s Vii. 7. COME HITHER. δεῦρο, see “COME,” No. 18. Rey. xvii. 1; xxi. 9, COME IN. 1. εἰσέρχόμαι, see COME,” Wo. 7. 2. εἰσπορεύομαι, to go into, to enter; to pass into, (with the idea of being conveyed or compelled. ) 3. ἐφίσπημι, sce ‘*CoME,” Vo. 25. 1. Matt. xxii. 11, 12. | 1. Acts v. 7, 10. 1, Mark ν. 39 | 1. ——ix. 19. ev, ο νε 2 28. 1. Luke i. 28, 1. ——x. 3, 25. 3 il. 38. 2, —— xxviii. 30. I vil. 45. 1. Rom. κι. .25. 2. —— κι. 33 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 23, 23, 1 Oh ΤΟΣ 1. Jas. ii. 2, σι 19, | “Woes ας COME IN PRIVILY. παρεισέρχοµαι, (“comE,” Vo. 1, with παρά, beside. and εἰς, into prefixed, ) to come or go in beside, so as to be present along with it. The idea of stealth being vmplied. "Gal. ii. 4 COME INTO. See under “come” and “INTO,” when “oomn” is the translation of 7, 14, and 15; and “into” of ets. COME INTO ONE'S ROOM. { λαμβάνω, to receive, | διάδοχος, a successor, Acts xxiv. 27 | (non oce. ) COME NIGH UNTO. | προσεγγίζω, to become, ἐγγύς, (near), to | any person or thing. Mark ii 4 σοι [168 1 COM | COME ΟΝ. 1. επέρχοµαι, see “ COME,” No. 5. 2. λαμβάνω, to take, lay hold of. 2, Luke vii. 16. {A 8.) 1. —— xxi. 35 (ἐπεισέρχομαι, to come in upon, L 1 Tr COME OUT. ἐξέρχομαι, sec “Come,” No. 2. Matt. v. 26. Luke xv. 28. — viii. 32, 34. —— xxii. 39. _—— xii. 44. John xvi. 27. — xxvi. 55. — xvii. 8. — xxvii. 32 Acts xvi. 18. . Mark vi. 34. 1 Cor. xiv. 36. —— ix. 20. 2 Cox. vi. 17. Luke i. 22. Heb. xi. 15 (ἐκβαίνω, to — iv. 36. come out (sea under C, —- xi 24. Νο. 19), LT Tr A δὰ) Rey. xiv. 18 (om. 6 -- L.) | τ COME OUT OF. | See under comb” and “out oF,” where “comE” 19 the translation of Nos. 2 and 21, and “out oF,” of ἀπό and ἐκ. COME OVER. ᾿ διαβαίνω, to pass through, step across, | pass ovor, (Baivw used of all motion | on the ground walking, riding, étc., | (occ. Luke xvi. 26; Heb. xi. 29.) Acts xvi. 9. COME OVER AGAINST. See 6 COME” and ‘OVER AGAINST.” COME RUNNING TOGETHER. ἐπιαυντρέχω, to run together upon or to the scene of any action, (non vec. ) Mark ix, 25. COME THEREOUT. ἐξέ ρχομαι, see ‘COME,’ No. 2. John mix. 34. COME THITHER. No. Ds “Νο 12, 2. Acts xvii. 10. ———— Ee SS 1. ἐπέρχομαι, see COME,” 2. παραγίνομαι, see “ COME, 1. Acte xiv. 19. ] = COME TO. Where “To” is not the translation of a preposition (πρός or eis), for which see under *‘ COME” and “10.” 1. προσέρχομαι, see“ comen,” No. 3. 2. ἐφίστημι, see “come,” No. 25. 1. Matt. iv. 3. 1. Matt. xxii. 23. 1. —— viii. 25 1. ——xxiv. 1. 1, — ix. 14, 28 1. —— xxvi. 17, 49. 1. — xiv. 15 1. Mark x. 2. 1. —— xv. 1. 1. Luke viii. 24. 1. — xvii. 14, 19, 24. 2. ——x. 40. 1. —— xviii. 21. 1. —— xx. 27 1. —— xx. 20. 1. —— xxiii. 36. 1. — xxi. 14, 28, 80. 1. Acts xxiii. 14. 1. Heb. xi. 6. COME TO NOUGHT. | ͵ Σ | καταλύω, to loosen down, to dissolve, to | disunite the parts of anything, hence, | of buildings, etc., to destroy. Acts ν. 38 (paas.) - COME TO PASS. ]. γίνομαι, see “come,” No. 11. 3. ἔσται, see “‘coME,” Wo. 290. 1. Matt. vii. 28, 1. Luke xvi. 22 1. ——ix. 10. 1) — xvil. 11, 14 1, — xi. 1. 1. —— xviii. 35. 1. — xiii. 58. 1. —— xix. 15, 29. 1, —— xix. 1. 1. —— xx. 1. ). —— xxiv. 6. 1. —— xxi. 7; 9, 28, 31, 36 1) —— xxvi. 1. 1, —— xxiv. 4, }2 (ap),15, 1. Mark i. 9, 18, 30, ο]. 1. — ii. 15, 23 1. John xiii. 19. Ἱ. —jiv.4 1 —— xiv. 29 twice. Ϊ 1, — xi. 23 5» Αα η, 17, 2]. | 1. — χι. 29 2. in. 23 1. Luke i. 8, 23, 4), 59 1 iv. 5 1, —— in. 1, lotwice, 46 1. —— 1x, 32, 37, 43 1 — Ail ἦγ. Ἰ. ---- κι. 26, "8 Ἰ. —v. 1, 12, 17 ) ---- κιν. ) Ἰ. ——vi. 1, 6, 12. ]. —— xvi. 16 | 1 — vil. 1]. 1 — rx. 1 1. —— viii. 1, 22, 40 1. — xxi. 1 1. —— ix.1S, 28, 33, 37,51 1. — xxii. 6, 17. 1, ——— 67 (om.Ge TTr | 1. —— xxvii. 44, Ἱ. —— x. 38 (A &) | 1. —— xxvii. 8, 17. 1. ——xi. 1, 14, 27. 2. Rom. ix. 26 1. —— xii. 55 1. 1 Thes. iu. 4 1, —— xv. 1 1. Rey. i 1. | η! | COME TOGETHER. | _ συνέρχομαι, see ‘*comk,” Na. 4. ΄ ~ 2. συνάγω, to lead or bring together, to gather together. (a) in Pass. or Mid. to be gathered || together, be assembled, come to- || gether. | 3. συμπαραγίνομαι, (“ come,” No. 12, with σύν, prefixed,) to become near || with any one; of a multitude, to | come together. | | [ 166 ] com ke ee) ee ΘΝ ee a 26 Peer” ae | 3. καταλαμβάνω, to take, receive, with 1. Mark iii, 20. 2a, — xx. 7. idea of eagerness; hence, to lay hold 1. Vi. 33 (ap.) 1, —— xxi. 22. f : 2a,— vii. 1. 1. —— xxviii. 17. ΟἹ, seize. 1. Luke v. 15. Ι.1 Cor. vii."5°Gjre, ye : 9 : me Si ee. πα Ga ἡ te . Luke i. 35. 2. Acts iv. 1: 8. —— xxiii. 48. AWN) 1. Acts i. 6 1, — xi. 17, 18, 20,33,34. — ii. 9. 2. — vi. 12. — xi. 22. dl. τι viii. 24. : a — xx. Ἱ. 2. —— xii. 7 1. — ii 6. 1, — xiv. 23 (ἔρχομαι, —— xxi 34, with ἐπί, 1 . John xii, 856. - [wpon. 2 . Acts i. 8, see Margin. up 1. ——x. 27. see come, No. 1, L.) root ey xiii. 44. uf 26. * ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ, together for the same purpose. -----.-- COME WITH. συνέρχομαι, see **comeE,” Wo. 4. ee { ος Luke xxiii, 55, with εἰμί, to be. | John xi. 33. @ preposition (εἰς or ἐπί), for which Acts x. 45, COME UNTO. Where “unto” is not the translation of see under “‘coME” and *‘ UNTO.” 1. προσέρχομαι, see “comE,” No. 3. me COME (ΒΕ FULLY.) ov. one, approach, (non oce. ) συμπληρόω, to help to fill, to fill com- 1. Matt. v. 1 1. Mark vi. 386. ὦ pletely, to. fill up altogether, πεδία, Pi μας, | (a) of time, pass., to be fulfilled, com- 1. — xv-30 1 xviii. 2 pleted, (occ. Luke viii. 23; ix. 51.) 1, — xviii. 1 1, —— xxiv. 23 (om. Gs J 1 — xix. 3 | LTTrA®) Acts 1, 1. 1, —— xxi, 23 1 Heb. iv. "16. 1. —— xxiv. 3 | 1, vii. 25 | -----. 1. —xxvi. 7, 69,78. [1 ---- κ 18, 22 | COME (ΒΕ το.) μέλλώ, see '΄ comE,” Vo. 19. ———<—<—<. COME UP. Rom. v. 11. path Eph. i. 21. ἀναβαίνω, see “come,” No. 13. ορ Matt xvii. 27. Acts x. 4 os Mark ι 10. χι, ὁ | John xii. 20. Re A - ote: vii oe τ COME (HE THAT SHALL.) Acts vul. 91, 39. | Rev χι, 11. ὁ έρχοµενος, (part. of “comE,” No. 1, with article, ) the one who is coming. COME UP AGAIN. Not merely the one who ws about to. | come, but the coming one—in whom there is a steadfast and firm belief ο aia. that He is coming (Matt. xi. 3; Luke vil. 19.) The art. with pres. part., denoting not merely that which will immediately happen, but that which ἀναβαίνω, see “come,” No. 13. 2. προσπορεύομαι, to go or come to any | | | COME UP WITH. | συναναβαίνω, (“comE,” Vo. 13, with σύν, | as certain to take place. us with, implying co-operation prefixed, ) Heb. x. 37. to go or come up together with, (non oce. ) ο. μα a 4 ieee COME (μὲ THAT SHOULD.) Ξε Matt, xi. 3. | Luke vii. 19, 20. COME UPON. Where “uron” is not the translation of COME (ΠΕ WHICH SHOULD.) a prepositwon (es), for which see Acts xix. 4, “COME,” and “ UPON.’ , , J 3 ” Τ 1, ἐπέρχομαι, see “come,” Vo. 5. COME (τΗλΊ sHOoULD.) 2. ἐφίστημι, see “come,” No. 25. John vi. 14. COM ΟΟΜ COME (τΗικα το.) COMING (88 4.) μέλλω, see “come,” No. 19, (here only προσέρχομαι, see “come,” No. 3. participle. ) Luke ix. 42. Rom. viii. 38. | Col. ii. 17 1 Cor. iii. 99, Heb. xi. 20. πεν ΤῈ | COMING (wuo.) COME (tre το.) ὁ ἔρχουμενος, see “COME (HE THAT SHALL.)” 1 Tim. vi. 19. John i. 27. COME (wHIcH RT Το.) | COMING ON (με) ὁ ἔρχομενος, see “COME (HE THAT SHALL)” μέλλω, see “COME,” | .... -. ) ' { No. 19, it was about to γίνομαι, see “come,” ( becorae [day.] πο 1). Acts xxvii. 33. Rev. xi. 17 (om. G LT Έτ Α Ν.) COME, (wHicz 18 Το.) Rov. i. 4, 8; iv. 8 COME (ππιο που.) ᾿ς COMING ON (rHosE THINGS WHICH ARE.) | τὰ ἐπερχομένα, the things which are coming upon, (not merely which are COME (ΨΝΠΙΟΗ Was FOR TO.) about to, but which are certain to the one who is ) 41. onewho come upon.) ὁ, on the point | . | “Luke xxi. 26. , is about to, μέλλων, ( to come, 866 : ἐξ ” certain to com, "Wo. 19 or destined ἔρχεσθαι, to come, see ας CAME (ΒΕ THAT.) “come,” Λο. 1. "| ὁ ἐλθών, the one who came, (the Aor. Matt. xi. 14, part. denoting a thing which hap- John xi. 27. pened once, a complete act.) 1 John ν. 6 COMETH (ΒΕ THAT.) ὁ ἔρχομενος, 866 “COME (HE THAT SHALL.)” vga : τις Matt. iii, 11. Matt. xxiii 39. See also, BEHIND, comiNnG [noun], EARS, ο Pliers! Siam FULL, HITHER, MORNING, NEAR, NEWLY, NIGH, NOUGHT, REMEMBRANCE, ROUND, RUN, SHORT, STRAIGHT, TIDINGS, TIME. COMETH (τΗΑΤ.) Luke xix. 38. | John xii. 13. COMELINESS. εὐσχήμων, elegance of figure and bear- COMETH UPON (rtuart wutcn.) ing, gracefulness, decorum, (non ἡ ἐπισύστασις, the crowd (of cares, etc.) ους.) ο αν 3 Cor. xi. 28 (ἐπίστασις, the stopping or checking, con- course, L &) a τις ο...) ----- COMELY. | COMING (ΒΕ) εὐσχήμων, elegant in figure, mien and | ἔρχομαι, see “coms,” No, 1. bearing, graceful; well-fashioned, || well-formed, comely; metaph. de- Luke xxiii. 29. | John xi. 20 John ν. 7, 25, 28. aos Xii, 12 corus. a” "2 Cor, xiii. 1. 1 Cor. xii. 24. — + COM [ COMELY (ΒΕ) πρέπω, to be conspicuous among a num- ber, to be distinguished in or by a thing, (properly of impressions or the senses, ) to become, beseem, suit. (2) impers. it is fitting, it becomes, it suits. 1 Cor. xi. 13. COMELY (Hat WHICH 15.) εὐσχήμων, see “COMELY.” 1 Cor. vii. 35, with art. COMER THEREUNTO. προσέρχομαι, see “come,” Vo, 3. Heb. x. 1. COMFORT [noun. } 1. παράκλησις, a calling near, a sum- mons to one’s. side; hence, an admonitory, encouraging, and con- solatory exhortation, invitation or entreaty, (opp. to παραίνεσις, warn- ing.) 2. παραμυθία, a speaking near or with any one, 1.6. kindly, soothingly ; implying persuasive power, and ex- pressive of more tenderness than No. 1. (The termination of the word marks the action as incomplete and im progress. ) 29 . παραμύθιον, ἃ consolation, comfort, solace, (differing from No. 2 only in the termination, which denotes the instrument wherewith the agent acts, the speaking with which he per- suades and soothes.) 4. παρηγορία, απ addressing,exhortation, a consolation or soothing, (the verbal Sorm of the word is used of medicines which allay irritation. ) 1. Acts ix, 9]. 1. Cor. 4, 8, 4. 1. Rom. xv. 4. 1, vii. 4, 13. 2.1Cor, xiv. 3. ; 8. Phil. ii, 1. 4. Col iv, 11. COMFORT (ΒΕ oF coop.) 1. θαρσέω; (in N.T. only in imperative, ) be of good courage! take courage ! cheer up! take heart! feel confi- dence ! 168 ] com 2. εὐψυχέω, (in N.T. only in imperative, ) be in good spirits ! be animated! | 3. παρακαλέω, to call to one, call near, to call for; every kind of speaking to, which ws .meant to produce a particular effect, e.g., exhortation, encouragement, comfort, etc. 1. Matt. ix. 29, | 1. Luke viii. 48 (om. Ga L 1. Mark x. 49, 3. 2 Cor. xiii. 11. [T TrAs) 2. Phil ii. 19. COMFORT (-505, -ETH.) 1. παρακαλέω, see “COMFORT (BE OF Goop),” Wo. ὃ. 2. παραμυθέομαι, to speak near or with any one, (1.6. kindly, soothingly, ) hence, to soothe, pacify, speak per- suasively and tenderly. 1. Matt. ii. 18. 1. 2 Cor. vii. 6twice, 7, 18. 1. —v. 4. 1. Eph. vi. 22. 1. Luke xvi. 25. 1 οοι aig, 2. John xi. 19, 31. 1. — iv. 8. 1. Acts xvi. 40. ΤΠΕ να. 1. — xx.12. (gether (be) }| 1. —— iii. 2, 7. — Rom. i. 12, see C to- | 1 iv. 18. 1, 1 Cor. xiv. 31. 1, — v. 11, marg.cuhort. 1. 2 Cor. i 4 3times, 6, 2 14, 1. —— ii. 7. 1 2 Thes, ii, 17. COMFORTED TOGETHER (sz) συμπαρακαλέω, (Vo. 1 with σύν, together, prefixed, ) to call for or invite with, at the same time. Pass. to be com- forted together with others, 1,6, i the socvety of men. Rom. i. 12 COMFORTER. παράκλητος, called to one’s aid, (prop. a verbal adj implying capability or adaptation for ging the aid.) Here as a subs, with article, he who has been.or may be called to help, (esp. in a court of justice, a legal assist- ant.) Used of both the second and third persons in the Holy Trinity. (1 John ii. 1, so that there is one paraclete with us that we may not sin, and ‘another’ paraclete with the Lather if we do sin.) | John xiv. 16, 26; xv. 26; xvi. 7. COMFORTLESS. ὀρφανός, orphan, bereaved, (700t prob. Sanscr. rabh, Lat. rapis, Lng. reft,) (ους, Jas. 1. 27.) John xiv. 18, marg. orphan, com COMING [noun. | . παρουσία, the being or becoming pre- sent, (from πάρειμι, to be present,) which includes the idea of a perma- nent dwelling from that coming onwards, (occ. 2 Cor. κ. 10; Phil. ii. 19. ἔλευσις, a coming, advent, (from ἔρχουμαι, see No, 5.) εἴσοδος, way into any place, entrance. 4 / 5 AAG ἀποκάλυψις, an uncovering, unveiling, manifestation. (When used of a person it always denotes the appear- ance of the person.) ἔρχομαι, to come or go, denoting the act of coming or going. © (2) (b) merely about to come but actually coming. ) (c) ἐλθεῖν, (4) ἐλθών, ἔρχεσθαι, pres. inf. to come. ἔρχομενος, pres. part. coming, (not 2nd avr. inf. to have come. 2nd aor. part. having come. ὍΣ. el « "20ου ΤΙ 6... eater ταῖν, 3,027, 37, . 1 ay 1 80. 35 (οπ|.1, ΤΥ &.)| 1. Phil. i. 26. 5d. —— xxv. 27. 1. 1 Thes. ui. 19. 5a. Luke xii. 45. 1. — ii. 19. 5b. —— xviii. ὅ. 1, iv. 16. 5d. —— xix. 23. 1. ν. 23. 2. Acts vii. 82. 12: hes, 1 1, '8,/9: 3. —— χι, 24. 1. Jas. v. 7, 8. 5c. Rom. xv. 22. 1.1% Pet 2; 18. Ay Cor, 1, 7, 1. —— iii 4, 12 1. —— xy. 23. { 1. 1 John ii. 28. Ὺ If J COMMAND (-gp, -EST, -ETH, -ING.) 1. κελεύω, to urge or drive on, incite ; order or command something to be done. 2. παραγγέλλω, to announce beside or near to any one, 1.6. to hand an announcement from one to another, pass it on ; then, to give the word, give orders, and so gen., to order, recurnmend, exhort, (not so strong as Vo. 1.) 3. ἐντέλλομαι, (Mid.) to enjoin upon, charge with. 4. ἐπιτάσσω, to appoint over, put in command; to put upon one as a duty, to enjoin. [ 169 ] hence, presence, arrival; ἃ coming | 5, διατάσσω, to arrange throughout, to dispose in order ; then, to set fully in order, arrange. κ, (a) Mid, appoint, ordain, post. | ᾿ : 6. προστάσσω, to arrange or set in order towards or to any person or thing : hence, to“order towards or to any one, to give as a command, to - prescribe to. δ 7 εἶπον, to say, to speak, 1.6. fo utter definite words, (thus differing from . λαλέω, which is simply to use the voice,) and words successively spo- ken, (thus differing from λέγω, which refers to the sentiment.) Often modi- fied by the context where the sense lays more in the adjuncts than in what is said ; hence, to enquire, answer, call, tell, bid, command. 8. ῥέω, (an obs. root, furnishing tenses for No. 7,) to say, but differing from No. 7, and words referred to under it, in that it relates not to the words only but to the mind and will of the speaker, to enunciate, give forth the thought ; hence, it includes the notion of denouncing, objecting, affirming, and commanding, (never means to interrogate. ) 7. Matt. iv. 3. , 5. Luke xvii 9, 10. 6. —— viii. 4. 1 — xviii. 40. 2. ——x 5. 7. — xix. 15. δ. —— xi. 1. 3. John vii. 5 (ap.) 1. — xiv. 9, 19. 3. —— xv. 14, 17. 8, —— xv. 4(No.7,GaL | 2. Actei. 4. 3 1. — iv. 15. i 35 (No. 2, L Tr | 2. 15. i 2. ——v. 28. 1. — xviii 25, ης 94, 3. —— xix 7. 2. 40. 0. —— xxi 6 (σνντάσσω, | 1. vii 38 to arrange or set wm | 6. 33 order together or with | 2. 42. any one, direct, L Τ 6. 48. Tr A.) 1. — xii. 19. 1. —— xxvii. 58, 64. 3. —— xiii. 47 3. —— xxvii. 20. Bs xy. 5. 4. Mark i. 27. 9, xvi. 18. 6. 44. i 22. 7. — ν. 43. 2. —— xvii. 90. 2 —vi. 8. δ. —— xviii. 2. 4. 27, 39. 1, —— xxi. 33, 34. 2. —— iil. 6. 1, —— xxii 24, 30. ἧι πι 4, —— xxiii. 2. 3. —— x. 3. 1, —— 3, 10. if 49. 5 31. 8. ——xi. 6(No.7,GeLT | 1. 35. ΤΙΑ Ν.) } 1, —— xxiv. 8 (ap.) 3. — xii. 34. | 5a.— 23. 7. Luke iv. 3. 1, —— xxv. 6, 17, 21. 4. 30. Ἱ. —— xxvii. 49. 6. —v. 14. t 2 Lor. vit, αὖ. 4. — viii. 25 i Cor Ὁ 2. 29. Ϊ 2. 1 Thes. iv. 11. - 4, —— 31 | 2. 2 Thes. ii. 4, 6, 10, 12 5. 55 ΕΓ 1 Tim. iv. 1. 2 ὑπ’; 31 = Heb. xii 20, see com- re 5: manded (be.) 4. —— xiv. 22 | ἃ. Rev. ix. 4, COM [3 COMMANDED (BE.) διαστέλλω, to put asunder, to set apart, distinguish, hence, (a) in Mid. to state distinctly, explain clearly, command expressly. (b) Pass. to be commanded or charged. b. Heb. xii, 20. ᾿ COMMANDMENT (-s.) 1. ἐντολή, that which has been enjoined, an injunction, charge, precept, a single precept ; p/. moral injunc- tions, prohibitions, (occ. Mark x. 5; ἨΈ: Ix. 19:) ἔνταλμα, the thing enjoined, a com- mission and command, (non occ. ) 3. ἐπιταγή, lit. imposition of tribute ; hence, that which has been com- manded by supreme authority, express injunction of law, (occ. Tit; α, 15.) 4. διάταγμα, the thing imposed by law, an order, (non occ. ) to παραγγελία, a proclamation, public notice ; esp. as a military term, word of command; then, any «nnouce- ment or declaration by authority. 1. Matt v. 19. 3.1 Cor vit. 6 — - vili.18, see C (give) 19. watts 1. ——xv. 3 3. 25 1. 6 (λόγος, word, L | 1. —— xiv. 37 (om. T Ab) Tr) ο law,T A) (sing. instead of pl L 74 Tr Ab κ) 1 ον 1, 3. 2 Cor viii. 8. 1. —— xxii. 3, 38, 40, 1, Eph. ui. 15 2. Mark vil. 7 1. —vi. 2 1 8,9 2. Col, ii. 22 1—x. 19 1, —— iv. 10 1. —— xii. 28, 29 (αρ), | 5.1 Thes iv. 2. 30 (ap), 31. | 3.1 Tim. i. 1 1. Luke 1, 6. 5, 9. Ὡς xv. 29. rie vi: 14, 1, —— xviii. 20 3. Titus i. 3. 1, —— xxiii. 56 ] 14. 1. Jolin x. 15. 1. Heb. vii 5, 16, 18. 1. —— xi. 57 — xi. 22, see C (give) 1, —— xii. 49, 50. 1 4. 23 (δόγμα, that 1, —— xiii 34. τ which scema true to 1, —— xiv. 15, 21. | one, « public resolu- - 31, see C (give) | tion, decree, L.) 1. — xv 10 twic e112 1, ΒΡ, οἱ — Actai 2, Ἐν see ( jl, —— ii 2 —-—— xy (give.) | 1. 1 John ii.3,4, 7 3 timers, ν — xvii 15" | Ls 11. 22, 28 twice, 24, -- —— xxiii 30,666 C(give) | 1. iv. 21. -- xxv, 23, see C (at ία, Say 2, hyd ee one’s.) 1, 2 John 4, 5, 6 twice. 1. Rom vii. 8, 9, 10, τν | 1. Rev, xii. i. 1. — xiii 9. [12, 3. | 1, —— xiv 13. 3. —— xvi. 26. ΓΙ. ——xxii. 14(ap.) COMMANDMENT (at one’s.) κελεύω, 866 ‘* COMMAND,” Wo. 1. Acts xxv. 23 γ “ὁ. COM COMMANDMENT (arve.) 1. ἐντέλλομαι, ( Mid.) to enjoin upon, charge with. 2. διαστέλλομαι, ( Mid.) to state dis- tinctly, explain clearly, command expressly. 3. κελεύω, see “COMMAND,” Λο. 1. 4, παραγγέλλω, see COMMAND,” Wo. 2. 3. Matt. viii. 18, 1. Acta i, 2. 1. John xiv. 31 (ἐντολὴν Ms xv. 24. δίδωμι, to give an in- 4. —— xxiii. 30. junction, see No. 1 1. Βου κι 22. above, L Tr.) : COMMEND (0, -ETH, -ING.) 1. συνίστημι, (a) trans. to place or set together ; of persons, to introduce to one’s acquaintance and favourable notice, hence, to commend, {ο repre- sent as worthy. (b) ixtrans. to stand with or together, to put together, compose, consti- tute. 2. παρίστημι, (a) trans. to place by or beside, to place or set before any one, hence, to commend. (Ὁ) intrans. to stand by or near, to be at hand. 3. παρατίθημι, to put or place near any one, as food, or as a teacher. (a) Mid. to place with any one on one’s own account, 1.6. to commit, to en- trust as a deposit. 4, ἐπαινέω, lit. to praise upon ; plaud, laud. to ap- 4, Luke xvi. 8. 2a.1 Cor. viii. 5, 3a,— xxiii. 40, 18.2 Cor, iti. 1, 3a. Acts xiv. 23. la. —— iv, 2, 3a.— xx. 32. la. —— v. 12. (approve. ) la. Rom. iii. 5. la. vi. 4, marg. (text, la. — v. 8. la. —— x. 12, 18 twice. la,—— xvi. 1. 18. —— xii. 11. COMMENDATION (or.) συστατικός, drawing together, making compact; introductory, commen- tary; with ἐπιστολή it denotes a letter of introduction, (non occ. ) 2 Cor. iii. L1st, 12nd (om. G+ L Tr AR.) COMMISSION. ἐπιτροπή, areference of a thing to an- other, a receiving of full powers, (non oce. ) LS Acts xxvi. 12. ο HE ἢ ἐπ ΗΝ com COMMIT (0, -Eii, -1NG.) Ὁ 1. ποιέω, to make, 1.6. to form, bring about, cause ; gen. to do, 1.6. habit- ually to perform, practise, 1.6. to pursue a course of action. 2. πράσσω, to do, to work, (expressing an action as continued or not yet completed ; denoting what one does habitually.) 3. τίθημι, to put, to set, to place. (a) Aid. to set or put for one’s self, ἃ.6. on one’s own part or behalf, by one’s own order, to assign. 4, παρατίθημι, to put or place near any one. (a) Mid. to put or place with any one on one’s own account, 1.6. to entrust, deposit 5. δίδωμι, to give, (with implied notion of giving freely, unforced, and of one’s own accord,) to give into the hands, power or possession of any one. 6. ἐάω, to let, suffer, allow ; to leave to, commit to. 7. ἐργάζομαι, to work, labour; used of _ all kinds of labour ; metaph. to work good or evil, to commit, practise. 8. πορνεύω, to commit fornication. 1. Mark xv. 7 | — Gal. it 7, see C unto. 1. Luke xii 48 1st. —1Tim i. 11, seeCtomy 4a. 48 2nd. trust (be.) — — Xvi. 11, see C {ο | 4a. 18. one’s trust. - ——vi. 20, see C to — Johnii. 24, see C unto. one’s trust (that which —v. 22. is.) 5 1. — viii. 34 — 2 Tim. i. 12, see C unto 2. Acts xxv. 11, 25. him (that which I 6. —— xxvii. 40, margin, | have ) leave. 14, see C unto 1. —— xxviii. 17. one (that thing which 2. Rom. i. 32. is.) 2. —— ii. 2. | 4a —— ii 2 — — iii. 2, } seeC | - Titus i. 3, see C unto — 1 Cor. ix 17, unto. 7. Jas. ii, 9 { (be. ) 8. x. § 2nd. .— v.15 5a.2 Cor. v. 19, marg. put. | -- 1 Pet. iv. 19, see C the 1. xi. 7 keeping of. 2, —— xii, 21. Ε1. 1 John ini. 4, 8, 9. ‘COMMIT ΤἩΕ KEEPING OF. παρατίθηµι, (Mid. ) see “commit,” Vo. 18. 1 Pet. iv. 19. COMMIT TO ONE'S TRUST. πιστεύω, to believe, rely upon, trust, put confidence in, | { 171 ] COM | (a) with Dat. of person, and Acc. of the thing, to entrust or confide anything to anyone., Luke xvi. 11. COMMIT UNTO. a. John ii. 24. | 4. ΤΟΣ ix, ἘΠῚ a. Rom. iii. 2. a. Gal. ii 7. COMMITTED TO MY TRUST (BE.) πιστείοµαι, ( Pass. of above), any thing is ᾿ COMMITTED UNTO ONE (rtHat παρακαταθήκη, any thing deposited with παρακαταθήκη, any thing deposited with entrusted to me, or without an ‘object, to be committed unto me. 1 Τίτο. 1. 11, COMMITTED UNTO ME (8Ε.): Titus i. 3. THING WHICH Is.) one, (esp. of money or property entrusted to one’s care.) 2Tim. i 14 (παραθήκη, a deposit, GL TTrA®N) --- --- - COMMITTED UNTO HIM (τῆατ WHICH I HAVE.) ἡ, the, παραθήκη, deposit, ΣΤΥ deposit. μοῦ, of me, AS ah eh 1 COMMITTED TO ONE'S TRUST (THAT WHICH Is.) sss one, (esp. of money or property entrusted to one’s care.) 1 Tim. vi. 20 (Gx) (παραθήκη, α deposit, @7LTTrA®) See also, ADULTERY, FORNICATION, SAC- RILEGE, TRUST, UNGODLY. COMMODIOUS (nor.) | ἀνεύθετος, not conveniently placed. | ! Acts xxvii, 12. | COMMON. I. κοινός, pertaining equally to all, i.e. common ; in a Levitical sense, - not bound, not forbidden ; hence, not sacred, that which is ceremonially unlawful or unholy. 2, δημόσιος, belonging to the common people or state, public. 3. πολύς, of number, Many, numerous ; of space, far, far and wide, wide- stretched. (a) with article, (lit. the wide-stretched multitude, Mark xii. 37.) — Matt. xxyii. 27, see | — Acts x 15, see C (call.) 1 28. hall. 1. Mark vii.2, marg. (text, 1. —— xi. 8. defiled.) — —— 9, see C (call) 3a. xii. 37. 1. Rom. xiv.14 twice marg. 1. Acts ii. 44. (text, unclean.) 1 αν. Ὁλ, —1 Cor. x. 13, see man. - 2, ——v. 18. 1. Titus i. 4. 1. -- κ. 14. | 1. Jude 3. COMMON (ολ) Kotvow, to make κοινόν, (see No. 1), carrying out the act which is proper to κοινός, to make common. Acta ex 15,» πο COMMONLY. ὅλως, wholly, altogether; also, every- where, generally. 1 Cor. v. 1 . See also, REPORT. |] COMMONWEALTH. || πολιτεία, the relation in which a citizen stands to the state, the condition, rights of a citizen, citizenship; then, | the civil polity, the condition of a state, esp. a well ordered republican government, (occ. Acts xxii. 28.) Eph, ii 12, COMMOTION (-s.) sion, | Luke xxi. 9. , , . | | ἀκαταστασία, ἃ being unstable, unsettled ; a state of disorder, tumult, confu- | COM COMMUNE. διαλαλέω, to speak to and fro, ie. to talk with any one, to converse with, (denoting simply the using of the organ of utterance without any ref- erence to the words or the sentiment. ) Luke vi. 11. COMMUNE TOGETHER. . ὁμιλέω, to be in a crowd or in company with any one, to have intercourse with; hence, to converse with. Luke xxiv. 15. COMMUNE WITH. 1. συλλαλέω, to speak or talk with any one (without reference tu the words or sentiment. ) 2. ὁμιλέω, see “COMMUNE TOGETHER.” 1. Luke xxii. 4. | 2. Acts xxiv. 26, COMMUNICATE. 1, ἀνατίθεμαι, (Mid.) to place before, 1.6. to delare to any one, to make known, (oce. Acts xxv. 14.) 2. κοινωνέω, to have a thing in common. have a share ; of things, to partake of ; of persons, to partake with, 8, κοινωνία, the act of partaking or sha- ring, ¢.¢, participation, communion. 1. Gal. ii, 2. | 2, Phil. iv. 16. 2, —— vi. 6. 8, Heb, xiii 16, COMMUNICATE (witurnc το.) κοινωνικός, fitted for communication, apt or ready to communicate. 1. Tim. vi. 18, marg. sociable. COMMUNICATE WITH. | συγκοινωνέω, to be partaker with others, to share with others in any thing. Phil. iv. 14. COMMUNICATION. λόγος, the word (spoken, not written. ) In a formal sense, a word as form- || com [113 1 COM means or instrument (not as a pro- duct or result), the speaking ; in α material sense, the word as that which is spoken, an exposition or ‘account which one gives. 2. κοινωνία, see “comMUNICATE,” No. 3. - ’ ? 3. ὀμιλία, a being together or in com- pany with any one, intercourse, (Eng. homily), (non ove.) 1, Matt. v. 37 1. Eph. iv. 29 1. Luke xxiv 17 3.1 Cor xv. 33 — Col. iii. 8, see filthy. 2. Philem. 6. i COMMUNION. κοινωνία, see “COMMUNICATE,” Λο. 3 1Cor x 16 twice. | 2 Cor. vi. 14. 2 Cor. xiii. 14. COMPACTED (8Ε.) συμβιβάζω, to make come together, to bring together ; knit together, to unite. to join or (a) Pass. to be put together. a. Eph. iv. 16. COMPANION. 1. κοινωνός, a partner, partaker, com- panion. 2. συγκοινωνός, ἃ joint-partaker, co- partner, companion with. 1. Heb. x. 88. 2. Rev. i. 9 (Νο. 1.G~.) — Acts xix. 29, see travel. — Phil. ii. 25, see labour. COMPANY (-res) [noun. | 1. ὄχλος, a throng of people, an irregu- lar crowd ; esp. the mob, (opp. to δῆμος, the people,) a confused mul- titude, 2. ὅμιλος, any assembled people, a throng or crowd, (from ὅμος, at the . same place or time, together,) (non ους. ) 3. πλῆθος, fulness, hence, a multitude, a great number, (/rom πλήθω, to be or become full:) 4 || 4. συνοδία. a journeying together, | company of travellers, a caravan. (Ne Mark vi. 39, see | C (by.) | — Luke ix. 14, seeC (ina) ] 1 Luke η. 38. δι v. 29. 1 —— κι. 27 —vi 17 1 —= κα, 19 3. Luke xxiii. 27. — —— xxiv. 22,see C (our) 1. Jobn vi. 5 — Acts i. 21], see C with. — — iv. 23, see C (one's — Acta xvii 5, see C (ga- ther a.) — —— xxi. 8, seo C (wo that were of Paul's.) — 1 Cor. ν. 9, see C with. - 11, see C (keep. — 2 Thes. iii. 14, see with (have ) — Heb. xii. 22, see C (an innumerable ) 2. Rey. xviii. 17 (ap.) ——-x. 28, see C (keep.) — — xiii. 13, see C (Paul and his.) COMPANY (AN INNUMERABLE.) μυριάς, ἃ myriad, 1.6. ten thousand, often used for an indefinitely large num- ber. Heb. xii. 22 (pl) COMPANY (GATHER A.) ὀχλοποιέω, to make a crowd or riot, raise | a mob, (non occ. ) Acts xvii. 5. | COMPANY (in a.) κλισία, a place for lying down or reclin- ing, hence, any temporary or slight building as used by shepherds or | soldiens:. In Ace. pl. as here, com- panies of people sitting at meals, table parties, (non occ. ) Luke ix. 14. COMPANY (one’s own.) ἴδιος, own, one’s own, (as pertaining toa private person, and not to the public. ) Acts iv. 23 (pl.) COMPANY (our.) ἐκ. of, ἡμῶν, 118. COMPANY Luke xxiv. 12. (PAUL AND HIS.) those about Paul, (including himself) | 1.6. Acts xxii. 18 the people, eon around about ov Παῦλον, Paul, fei | [7 | Paul and his companions. Ϊ Acts xxi. 8 (α}.) ] | COMPANY (WE THAT WERE OF PAUL's.) | | com τ ἢ COM COMPANIES (sy.) συμπόσιαν, ἃ drinking together, a drink- | πρός, towards. ing party ;: hence, any table-party ; here, συμπόσια συμπόσια, (1.6.. ad- νεγδιαϊίψ. απὰ distributwely,). by table-parties—by table-parties, (non _ occ. ) Mark vi 39.. COMPANY (keer) [verb.] 1. κολλάω, to glue together, to make cohere, join fast together. (a) In Ν.1. Mid. to adhere cleave to, of things; to join one’s self unto, of persons, to associate with. 9, ᾽συναναμίγνυμι, to mix up together.. (a) Pass. or Mid. to mingle together with, have intercourse ov keep com- pany with. 18. Acts x, 28. | 2a. 1 Cor. v. 11. ο a COMPANY WITH. 1. συνέρχομαι, to come“or go with any “one, ve. to'accémpany ; then, to come together, to convene, to as- -semble. | 9. συναναμΐγνυμι, see above, No. 2a. ᾿ 1. Actai 2]. ἤ 2a. 1 Cor. v. 9 COMPANY WITH (nave.) 2. 2 Thea iii. 14. COMPARE. παραβάλλω, to throw beside or near, to cast before, as food to animals ; then, to throw or place side by side so as to compare. Mark iv. 30 (τίθημι, to put, set, place, LT Tr AR.) 3 COMPARE AMONG. συγκρίνω, to separate distinct things and then bring them together into one; hence, to oin together, com- bine ; later, to place together and then judge of, 1.6. to compare, to estimate by comparisqn. 2 Cor. x. 12. —_——_—_ COMPARE WITH. 1 Cor. ii 15. | 2 Cor. x. 12 COMPASS (-ΕΡ) [verb.] nr Βἀ65Ῥ-ς-ςς-.. ,.,.,.... Ο͵---- COMPARED WITH (τὸ Bg.) (a) with Gen. hitherwards, belonging _ to the character of. (b) with Dat. near, hard by, (resting in a direction towards. ) (c) with Acc. hitherwards, to, of literal direction; of mental direction, to- wards ; then, from general notion of mental direction arises that of estt- mation or proportion, in considera- tion of. , ο. Rom. viii. 18. COMPARISON. παραβολή, a placing side by side, hence, comparison or similitude. Mark iv. 30. _ COMPASS (FETCH -a) περιέρχομαι, to go about, to wander up and down, used of a ship sailing on an wrregular course with unfavour- able winds. Acts xxviii. 13. 1. κυκλόω, to make a circle, encircle ; move in a circle. 2. περιάγω, to lead about, antrans. to go about, go up and down. 2. Matt. xxiii. 15. | 1. Luke xxi. 20. COMPASS ABOUT. κυκλόω, see “compass,” No. 1. ‘Heb. xi. 30. Rey. xx. 9 (κυκλεύω, surround, Gw LT Tr A.) COMPASS ROUND. { περικυκλόω, to make a circle round, en- circle round about. Luke xix. 43, COMPASSED ABOUT WITH (18) περίκειµαι, to lie around, also, to be laid around, to have round one. Heb. xii. 1. com COMPASSED WITH (ει) Heb. v. 2. COMPASSION (BE MOVED WITH.) σπλαγχνίζομαι, to feel the bowels yearn, to have compassion; to pity. Matt. ix. 36. | Matt. xviii 27. — xiv. 14 Mark i. 41, Mark vi 34 COMPASSION (nave.) Matt. xv. 50. Mark ix. 22. — xx. 34. Luke vii. “8 Mark viij 2. ; —x. Luke xv. 20, COMPASSION OF (ave.) 1. ἐλεέω, to show mercy, (more than have compassion), to have the desire of | relieving the miserable, to show | kindness by beneficence or help. 2. συμπαθέω, to suffer with another, to be affected in like manner, (occ. Heb. iv. 15.) ἃ Heb. x. 34. Ί 1. Jude 22 (αρ.) 1. ἐλεέω, see above, No.1. | 2. οἰκτείρω, to have merely pity OF a sense of unhappiness for the ills of others; to have a subjective dis- tress at witnessing misfortune, ete. | (weaker than ‘No. 1.) | 3. µετριοπαθέω, to be moderate in one's passions, hence, to be gentle, indul- gent toward any one. ͵ | 1. Matt. xviii. 33. | 1. Mark v. 19. | COMPASSION ON (nave.) yp ος 9, marg 7eason- 2, Rom ix. 15 twice. ably bear with. ----- COMPASSION ONE'‘OF ANOTHER (HAVING. ) συμπαθής, feeling or suffering with another, Jike-affected, the same in ‘feeling. 1 Pet. iii. 8 (pL) κ See also, BOWELS. ial ἢ 175 1 COM COMPEL (-Ἐρ, -Est.) | 1. ἀναγκάζω, to necessitate, constrain, (by persuasion or force. ) 2. ἀγγαρεύω, to despatch as an ἄγγαρος, (a mounted courier kept at regular stages through Persia, with power of empressment) ;- hence, to press into service for a journey in the manner of an ἄγγαρος. | | ! -- Matt. v. 41, see C to go. 2. —— xxvii. 32. 2 Mark xv. 21. 1. Luke xiv. 23. 1. Acts xxvi. 11. 1. 2 Cor. xii. 11. 1. Gal. ii. 3, 14. COMPEL TO GO. 2 Matt. v. 41. COMPLAINER (-s.) μεμψίμοιρος, finding fault with one’s lot, z.e. discontented, repining. Jude 16. COMPLAINT. 1. αἰτίαμα, charge, guilt imputed. 2. μομφή, fault found, blame, censure, z.e. occasion of complaint. 1. Acts xxv.'7 (ap. 2. Col. iii 13, inarg. (text, quarrel.) COMPLETE. πληρόω, to make full, fill up. (a) Pass. to be filled full, to be fully furnished. a. Col ii. 10. a, —— iv. 12, marg. flled (πληροφορέω, to bear or bring Sully, hence, to give full assurance, persuade fully, Gx τΤΊτΑ να) καταλαμβάνω, (a) to seize upon, lay hold of, with the idea of eagerness or suddenness, to seize with the mind to comprehend, hence, (b) Mid. to comprehend for one’s self, perceive, a. John i. δ, | Ὁ. Eph. iii. 18. COMPREHENDED (ne ΒΒΙΕΓΙΥ.) ἀνακεφαλαιόομαι, to comprehend several things under one, to reduce unde) | COMPREHEND (0) one head, (οσο. Eph. i. 10.) Nom. xiii. 9, σον CONCEITS (1 your οπν.) ( παρά, with, tz the estimation of. | ἕαυτοις, yourselves, your own selves. Rom. zi. 25 (ἐν, in, among, instead of παρά, T Tr A.) Rom. xii. 16. CONCEIVE (-zp.) 1. συλλαμβάνω, to take together, prop. to enclose in the hands; (Zat. com- prehendere, Lng. to comprehend.) Spoken of persons, gen. to take οὐ) seize altogether, all around, stronger than λαμβάνω, from the idea! of clasping together, grasping with ‘the hands. Spoken of females, to conceive. 2. yevvdw, of men, to beget ; of women, to bear, bring forth. ἔχω, to have, 3 κοίτη, a lying down, to : place of repose, bed, ( conceive. esp. the marriage-bed, eis, unto, for 4, 4 καταβολή, a casting down, > concep- of seed, ἃ casting in, | tion. 5. τίθημι, to set, put, place, lay. (a) Mid. to set or put for one’s self, to fix, as in the mind. 2. Matt. i 20. 5a. Acts v. 4. 1. Luke i. 24, 31, 36. 8. Rom, ix. 10. 1. — ii. 21. 4. Heb. xi, 11. 1. Jas. 1. 15. [ 176 ] \ | | | eee ΟΟΝ (b) with Acc. (around and towards) . around, of place ; about, of ἐἶπιο ; about, in reference to, of any object of thought. 9, εἰς, into, to, unto, with a view to, marking the direction of thought or speech, 3. κατά, down. ) (a) with Gen. down from, against. (b) with Acc. down upon, over against, hence, according to, in reference to some standard of comparison stated or wmplved. 4, ὑπέρ, over. ‘a) with Gen. over and separate from, on behalf of, as though bending over to protect ; then, simply about, in reference to, with or without the idea of benefit. (b) with Acc. over and towards, be- yond. 5. πρός, towards. (a) with Gen. hitherwards, conducive to. (b) with Dat. resting in the direction towards, near. (ο) with Acc. t of literal direction ; ‘towards, against, of mental direction ; from ihis mental direction arises estimation, in consideration of ; and intention, in order to. CONCERN (THE THINGS WHICH.) 16 Matt. tv. 6 1a. Acta xxv. 16. é la. —— xi. 7 18. —— xxviii. 21. - τὰ, the things; followed by Gen. of noun, | la. xvi. 11 -- πο (as.) ᾽ Rae - OAS la. Mark v. 16. la. 23 (with article) lit. the things of my infirmity. la πα. 17 (om. Gv Ὦ | 1a. Rom. i. 3. © (as) 20 i TTraAN.) — — ix. 5, see C (as. ane ἐδ la. Luke ii, 17. 48. ; la. —— vii. 24, ὃ -- — Xi. 28,560 C (as.) — —xxii. 37, see 2, —— xvi. 19. ION! T . , (the things.) 18, 1 Cor. vii. 25. CONCERN (THOSE THINGS WHICH.) ee ey, we lz ged Oe ae . = 27 the | 1a, —— xii. 1. (as. (τὰ, the things. things.) ολ Ph le aa | 1. rg ng, (ch as the | 1a. 44, 2, 9 0ογ. viii, 23. ii id about, ΓΟΠΟΡΓΩΙ 8, ( ugly la. John vii. 12, 32. — —xi, 21, see Ο (as.) object of thought, emotion, knowledge, | ia. — ix. 18. ah, Eph iv, 22 τὰ ᾿ ἴα; --Ξῷϑ ἘΠὋ 10; 3 «πο ¥, 82 ist. y etc.) la. Acts i, 16. 2, 32 2nd (om,L AY) Acts xxviii. 31. oe. 3b. Phil. 4. 6. = ___ | — -— viii 12, see C (the | — ——iv. 15, see C (as.) i things.) oth a. υπ τ ieee G ‘ONC Τ — — χι], 34, see C that sTTrA®.) CONCERNING. {as.) (things.) | la. —— iv. 13. / — —— xix. 8, see Ο (the | 2, —— 7. 18. 1. περί, around, eee 39 (περαιτέρω, 1b, 1 Tim Δὰν, : beyond, instead of περὶ », —— vi. 21, (a) with Gen. (around and separate | ἑτέρων, concerning other | 1b. 2 Tim. ii. 18, . . matters, LT Tr.) Ib, —— iii. 8. from) about, concerning, chiefly as | αν ---- xxi. σὰ le, Heb, vil. 14 1 7 . | la —— xxii. 18, 1a. —— xi, 20, 92: the object of thought, emotion, know | Ja, —— xxiii, 16. la. 1 John ii. 26, [in.) ledge, discourse, etc. |. 18. —— xxiv. 24. | 5c, =— ν, 14, marg.(text, ———————_$_ | L.—_—_—— CON CONCERNING (as.) 1. περί, (with Gen.) see “CONCERNING,” No. la. 2. κατά, (with Acc.) see “CONCERNING,” No. 36. eis, for, 4 J: λογός, a word spoken(not \ for an written, )the word orac- { account. count which one gives, ‘1. Acts xxviii. 22 | 1. 1 Cor. viii. 4, 2. Rom. ix. 5. | 2,2 Cor. xi 21 2, —— xi. 28 8. Phil. iv. 16. CONCERNING THAT (as.) ὅτι, that, because, inasmuch as, seeing that. Jt introduces that which rests on a patent fact. Acts xiii. 34. CONCERNING (tHe ΤΗΙΝΟΦ.) (τὰ the things. ' ( wept, concerning g, (see above, No. 1,) Luke xxii. 37 | Actas viii, 12. — xxiv. 27 — xix 8. CONCISION. κατατομή, a cutting off, mutilation. Used contemptuously for the Jewish circumersion in contrast with the true spiritual circumcision, (non ους, ) Phil. iif. 2. ————————————— eee CONCLUDE (-rp.) 1. συγκλείω, to shut up, hem in, enclose ; to close up, conclude, (occ. Luke v. 6; Gal. iii, 23.) 2. κρίνω, to divide, to separate, hence, to separate from, select; to come to a decision, to judge, ( not neces- sarily for condemnation. ) 3. λογίζομαι, to occupy one’s self with reckonings or calculations, hence, to reckon, count; .value, esteem, or take for; to. account, conclude, or infer. 2. Acts xxi. 25. Ii Rom. xi. $2, marg. ‘shut 8. Rom. iii, 28. 1. Gal. Lit 22. (up together. ‘i ἢ συμφώνησις, a speaking a thing together with another, hence, agreement, unison, (non 900, ) 2 Cor. vi. 15. ! CONCOURSE. συστροφή, a turning or winding together, then, that which is rolled up to- gether, any dense mass as of men, (occ. Acts xxiii. 12.) Acts xix. 40 CON CONCORD, CONCUPISCENCE. ἐπιθυμία, desire, yearning, longing ; denoting the inward passion of the mind ἐπὶ a good or bad sense. The mental desire(not the object desired, ) Rom. vii. 7 re MOB (text | Col. iii. 5. (lust. 1 Thes, iv. 5 CONDEMN (-Ep, -Est.) | 1, κρίνω, to separate, to distinguish, to | select, to choose out the good, hence, | gen. to judge, 1.ε. to form or give an opinion after separating. and con- | sidering the particulars of a case (not necessarily implying condemna- tron. ) 5. | | | | 9. κατακρίνω, to give judgment (asabove) against ; hence, to condemn, the crime or punishment being umplied, (occ. Mark xvi. 16 (ap.); Rom. xiv, 23.) | πρός, towards, in reference to, 3.< κατάκρισις, condemnation, censure, | blame. * 4, καταδικάζω, to exercise δίκη (right, | order, law) against any one; with | the definite signification, topronounce | judgment against, to condemn, (non | | | occ. ) 5. καταγινώσκω, to know o7 note against | any one to his disadvantage, hence, to | think ill of, to condemn, (occ. Gal. | ii. 11.) 4. Matt. κ. 7, 87. | 1. John iil. 17, 18 twice. 2 —— 41, “2 | 2. —- viii, 10 (αρ.), 11 2. —— xx. 18 | (ap.) 1 2, —— xxv. 8 { 1. Acts xiii, 27. 2 Mark κ. 33 | 2. Rem. ii. 2. 2. xiv. 64. i} — viil 9,94; 4. Luke vi. 37 twiee. 1. —— xiv, 22 4 1 Cor xi, 32, Ι 2 Cor. vii 8. —— xi. 3}, 32. 0.) | 2 | ——— xxiv. "20, “ὁ ὃ (ta| 3 CON [πο Ἡ CON (th i — Titus i, ce re i . 4 = δω LGLT CON DESCEND. —— iii. 11, see C ο TA} συναπάγω, to lead off or away with an 8 self. 9, 2 Pet. ii. 6. > ray 4 9. Heb. αἲ 7 5, 1 John iii, 20, 21 one. In N.T. only Pass., to be led —— CONDEMNED OF ONE'S SELF. αὐτοκατάκριτος, self-condemned (not di- rectly or explicitly, but by doing in his own case that which he con- demns in general), (non oce. ) Titus iii 11. CONDEMNED (το BE.) είς, into, to, unto, with a | view to, (denoting ob- | witha view ject); in order to, to or in (denoting purpose), order to a κρίµα,α judgment, asen- | sentence. tence, condemnation, Luke xxiv. 20. CONDEMNED (twat OANNOT BE.) ἀκατάγνωστος, not worthy of condemna- tion, (non occ.) See ‘CONDEMN,” 3ο. 5. Titus ii. 8. CONDEMNATION. 1. κρίμα, the sentence pronounced, the result ov product of judgment. 2. κατάκριμα, the sentence pronounced against, condemnation, (non occ. ) 3. κρίσις, judgment, the process of separation, the act or time of judg- ment. j : 4 κατάκρισις, judgment against, (deno- ting the action incomplete and im progress. ) . ὑπόκρισις, (No. 3 with ὑπό, prefixed, implying concealment,) hence, a false or feigned pretence, an acting as it were under a mask, (whence, Fing., hypocrisy.) 1. Luke xxiii. 40. 1. Jas. iii 1, marg. judg- . John iii. 19. ment —v. 24, |5. —— v.12 (ὑπὸ κρίσιν, . Rom. v. 16, 18 under jndgment, insLead viii. 1. ὁ or Mead of εἰς ὑπόκρισιν, unto Lory Xi, margin, | Ἀγρθσηγ, BEG L J VE by AR en σι . 2 Cor. iii. δ, . 1 Tim. iii 6. Bie) Foal al gia 11. Jude 4 or carried away with any thing; in a bad sense, to be led astray, (Gal. ii. 13); ὧν α good sense, led away. (In Rom. xii, 16, τοῖς ταπεινοῖς, doubtless neuter, lowly things, the antithesis of “the high things.”) _ Rom, xii. 16, CONDITIONS OF. τὰ, the things, πρός, with Acc. as here, relating to. Luke xiv. $2. CONDUCT [verb.] καθίστημι, to set down, set, to set one down on a journey, 1.ε. toaccompany, conduct, out of respect or for security. Acts xvii. 15. CONDUCT FORTH. προπέμπω, to send on before, to send forward on one’s journey. 1 Cor. xvi. 11. CONFER (-Ep.) 1 προσανατίθημι, to lay anything ad- ditional on one. In N.T. only Mid., to take such burthen on one’s self, also, to place before in addition, to impart or communicate further, (i.e. on one's own part), (occ. Gal. ii. 6.) 2. συλλαλέω, to speak or talk with or together, (referring only and merely to the general idea of talking, without reference to the sentiment or subject matter. ) 3. συμβάλλω, to throworstrike together, (as of streams or persons to come together) ; then, to throw together as words, to dispute, discourse or consult together. 8. Acts iv. 15 | 1. Gal 1. 16 2. Acts xxv, 12 — “ς΄... CONFERENCE (app 1Ν.) προσανατίθημι, see “CONFER,” Vo, 1. Gal. ii. 6, 4 CON CONFESS (-kp, ἜΤΗ, -1NG.) 1. ὁμολογέω, to speak or say the same together with another, 1.¢. to speak the same language, to say the same things, 1.6. to assent, accord, agree with, hence, to concede, admit, confess. (a) followed by ἐν, in, to confess in one’s case, 1.6. to profess or acknow- ledge him. 2. ἐξομολογέω, (No. 1 with ἐξ, out of, prefixed,) to speak out the same things with or as another, confess fully. Here, only Mid. to make acknowledgment, (occ. Matt. xi. 25; Luke x. 21; xxii. 6.) 2 Matt. iii. 6. 2. Rom. xiv. 11. la.—— x. 32 twice, 2. —— xv. 9. 2. Marki. 5. ης 11. 11. la. Luke xii. 8 twice. 1. Heb. xi. 13. 1. Johni. 20 twice. 1. —— xiii.15,marg.(text, 1. ——ix 22. give thanks ) 1. — xii. 42. 2. Jas. v. 16. 2. Acta xix. 18. 1. 1 John i. ae 1. —— xxiii. 8. 1. — iv. 2, 3, 15. 1. —— xxiv. 14. 1. 2 1οπι Ἰ. (TTrAW®.) 1. Rom. x. 9. 2. Rev.iii.5 (No,1,act.,G L CONFESSION. ὁμολογία, assent, accord, agreement ; an ‘agreement made, confession, pro- fession. 1 Tim. vi. 13, marg. profession. ---..-- .- CONFESSION IS MADE. ὁμολογέω, see “conress,” No. 1. Rom. x. 10, pass. CONFIDENCE. I. παῤῥησία, the speaking all one thinks, 1.6. free-spokenness, as characteristic of a frank and fearless mind, hence, boldness, openness, frankness, (per- haps also sometimes implying confi- dence or assurance. ) 2. πεποίθησις, persuasion, trust, assu- rance, confidence. 2. ὑπόστασις, a standing under; that which is set or stands under, a foundation, origin, beginning, hence, spoken of that quality which leads one to stand under, endure or undertake anything, e.g: firmness, ο | CON boldness, confidence, then, the foun- dation or ground of this confidence, well-founded trust ; (see under “suB- STANCE” and “PERSON.” 1. Acts,xxviii. 31. 2. Phil. iii. 4: 3 ο Cor. 1. 18 — 2 Thes, 1.4, seeC — — ii. 3, } see C — Philem. 21, } (have) — — vii. 16, { (have.) | 1. Heb. iii. 6. 3, viii. 22. 3. 14 2. —x. 2. 1. —-x. 35 3. —— xi. 17. 3. —— xi. 1, marg. (text, — Gal. v. 10, see C (have.) substance.) 2. Eph. 11:12. 1. 1 John ii, ὦ — Phil. i. out see C 1, — iii. 21 SPSS Ur ΞΘ ΓΝ CONFIDENCE (nave.) 1, πείθω, (a) trans. to persuade, win by words, influence, (as opp. to force. ) (Ὁ) intrans. Mid. to suffer one’s self to be persuaded or convinced. (c) Pass. to be moved by fair means, esp. by words, to be won over, prevailed upon. 2. θαῤῥέω, to be of good cheer, to have good courage, to be full of hope and confidence. Ia, Phil. i. 25. la. —— iii. 3. la.-2 Thes. iii. 4. la, Philem. 21. la. 2 Cor. ii. 3. 3 vii. 16. la. Gal v. 10. -- -οὌο. CONFIDENT. 1. ὑπόστασις, see “CONFIDENCE,” Wo. 3. to θαῤῥέω, No 2. 2 Cor. v. 6. | see ‘CONFIDENCE (HavE),” || 1. 2 Cor. ix. 4 _ CONFIDENT (μα) πείθω, see “CONFIDENCE (HAVE), Vo. 1a. το θαῤῥέω, see ΟΟΝΕΙΡΕΝΟΕ(ΠΑΝΕ), Vo. 2, 1. Rom. ii. 19. | 1. Phil. i 6. 2. 2 Cor. v. & CONFIDENT (wax.) πείθω, see “CONFIDENCE (HAVE),” Vo. la. Phil. i. 14. CONFIDENTLY. ‘See, AFFIRM. CONFIRM (-Ep, -1Nc.) | 1. βεβαιόω, to make firm, make stead- fast, secure, make good, corroborate, ae. make firm or establish by argu- ments or proofs 2, ἐπυστηρίζω, to make te lean on, to strengthen upon, establish, (occ. Acts xviii, 23.) 3. κυρόω, to make valid, give authority or influence, (non occ. ) 4, μεσιτεύω, to be or act as a mediator ; to come between, interpose, (non occ. ) 1. Mark xvi. 20 (ap.) 3. 2 Cor. ii. 8. 2. Acts xiv. 22. 8. Gal iii. 15. 2 xv. 32. 4]. 17, see C before. 1. Rom. xv. 8. 1. Heb. ii. 3. [one's self. 1. 1 Cor. i 6, 8. | 4. ——vi7, marg. interpose oe CONFIRM BEFORE. προκυρόω, to do Wo. 3, before or pre- viously; establish or confirm before, assembly of the Greeks at their great national games, and hence, the contest for a prize at their games ; gen. any struggle or trial with the accessory idea of peril, Phil. 1 30 (non oce. ) Gal. iii, 17. = | CONFIRMATION. | βεβαίωσις, firm establishment, (non occ.) | Phil. i. 1 ) Heb vi. 16 | CONFLICT. | ἀγών, a gathering, assembly, esp. an | assembly to see games, then, the | | | | | Col. ii. 1, marg. fear or care. ‘CONFORMABLE UNTO (ΜΑΚΕ,) | | συμμορφόω. to make of like form with | another person or thing, (non occ.) | Phil. iii, 10 (συμμορφί ίζω, to be ih become of like form se Rr) Gwe LTTra CONFORMED TO. σύμμορφος, having the like form with another person or thing, (οσο, Phil. | Η1, 11.) Rom. viii. 29 CONFORMED TO (8Ε.) συσχὴματίζω, to form, fashion, or shape one thing after or like another. Jn N.7. only Mid. or Pass. to form, fashion, or shape one’s self after another, to be conformed to his example, (occ. 1 Pet. i, 14.) Rom. xii. 2. CONFOUND (ep.) . καταισ χύνω, to make ashamed, put to shame, bring down shame upon. bo συγχέω,(ογ cvy Xvvw),to pour together, commingle ; of persons, to confuse, trouble ; of the mind, to perplex. 2. Acts ii. 6. 1. 1 Cor.i.27 1st (αγ), 27 2nd. 2 ix, 22, 1. 1 Pet. ii. 6. να CONFOUNDED (be) [margin.] 1. Rom. ix. 33, text, be.ashamed, ---- τ - - --- -- CONFUSE. συγχέω, see “CONFOUND,” ο. 2. Acts xix. 32, CONFUSION. 1, ἀκαταστασία, a being in a state of disorder or instability, hence, dis- order, anarchy, tumult. σύγχυσις, ἃ mixing together; of per- sons, confusion; of composition, indistinctness, (non occ. ) 2. Acts xix. 29, 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 33, marg, tumult or wnquietness, 1. Jas. 111, 16, marg. tumult or unquietness. CONGREGATION, συναγωγή, a bringing together, a gather- ing of persons or things, esp. a Jewish assembly held in the syna- gogues ; then, of the place itself, a synagogue, (whence the Eng. word. ) 7}. (See under “‘ SSSEMBLY.”) Acta xiii 43. CONQUER (-1NG.) νικάω, to have νίκη (victory), to be victorious, get the upper hand, - prevail. Rey, vi, 2 twice. ο CON [ CONQUEROR (ΒΒ MORE THAN.) ὑπερνικάω, to more than conquer, to have victory beyond measure. Rom. viii 37. CONSCIENCE. συνείδησις, a knowing with one’s self, consciousness ; the being one’s own witness; the testimony to one’s own conduct borne by consciousness, esp. the consciousness man has of himself in his relation to God, manifesting itself in the form of a self-testimony. Consequently «it is the effect and result of faith, .for a man’s conscience will never condemn that which he believes to be right, and vice versa: hence the only conscience worth having is that which springs Jrom “a faith unfeigned,” see 1 Tim. i. 5, (non occ.) ώς John viii. 9 (αρ.) 2 Cor. iv. 2. Acts xxiii. 1. —— xxiv. 16. Rom. ii. 15. — ix. 1. — xiii. 5. 1, Cor. viii. 71st (συνήθεια, familiarity, Geo L Tr ΔΣ Ν Τὅμά, 10,19. —— x. 25, 27, 28, 29 twice. 2 Cor. i. 12. Titus i. 15. Heb. ix. 9, 14. — x. 2, 22. — xiii. 18 1 Pet. ii 19. — iii 16, 21. ) CONSECRATE (-zp.) 1,. ἐγκαινίζω, to renew; to be, become or make new ; hence, to initiate, conse- crate, set forth something as new, (occ. Heb. ix. 18.) το 2. τελειόω, to bring to a full end, to finish, as a. work ov a duty; then, to make complete so that nothing more is wanting, to make perfect. 2. Heb. vii. 28, margin, perfect Ἰ. —x. 20, margin, make nev. CONSENT (ΝΙΤΗ.) ἐκ, of, b σύμφωνος, symphonious, in y unison, (prop. of sounds, ) metaph. accord, agreement, 1 Cor. vii: 5. agrec- ment. 181 ] CON CONSENT (wit one.) with one, (some such word as con- sent being implied. ) Luke xiv. 18. > ‘ ἀπὸ, from, μιᾶς, one, CONSENT (-50, -1Ν 6) [verb.] ἐπινεύω, to'nod to, in token of command, approval, etc., to nod. assent, (non occ. ) Acts xviii 20. CONSENT TO. . προσέρχομαι, to come or go to or near any person or thing; to come near wn thought or intention, hence, to assent to, concur in. 2. συγκατατίθημι, to put or lay down to- gether with another; to deposit one’s vote with others zn the urn, hence, to assent to, agree with, (non ους, ) 2. Luke xxiii. 51. CONSENT UNTO. . σύμφημι, to speak with, we. in the same manner, to express agreement with, (non occ. ) 2. συνευδοκέω, to think.well of with others, to take pleasure with others in any thing, hence, to approve, assent to. 2. Acts viii, 1. | 2. Acts xxii. 20. ~ 1. Rom. vii. 16. L 1 Tim. vi 8. CONSENT WITH {[margin.] συνευδοκέω, see No, 2 above. Rom, i 32, text, have pleasure in. CONSIDER (ἘΡ, -EsT, -1NG.) 1. voew, to perceive, implying the per- ception of the mind consequent upon sight ; to mark, think about. 2: κατανοέω, to perceive or discern dis- tinctly ον clearly; to understand, consider, observe. 3 θεωρέω, to be a spectator of, to behold an object present, contemplate with the idea of admiration and wonder, tolook at purposely and attentively, to regard. 4, ἀναθεωρέω, (No. 3 with ἀνά, up, prefixed), (oce. Acts xvii. 23.) 5. ἀνὰ λογίζομαι, to reckon up, compute; to count up again, think over, reflect upon. 0. διαλογίζομαι, to reckon through, ze. to complete or settle an account, balance accounts, hence, to take ac- count of, stop to consider. coal εἴδον, to see, (referred to the subject, as No. 3 is to the object, ) to behold, (used of the mind of him who sees. ) 8. συνεῖδον, to see or perceive with one’s self (by the senses), 1.6. to be aware, conscious. . καταμανθάνω, to observe well, learn thoroughly, note accurately, (non oce. ) 9 10. ᾿σκοπέω, to look at or upon a thing, to watch, behold, regard, (from σκοπός, an object set up in the distance at which one looks and aims.) 11. συνίημι, to send or bring together, | hence, to bring’ or-put together in | mind, to discern, understand, com- prehend. 9: Matt. vi. 28, 7, Acts'xv. 6. {| 2. ——vii, 8. 2. Rom. iv. 19 11. Mark vi. 52 10.Gal. vi. 2. Luke xii. 24, 97. See Tim. 3657; 6. John xi. 50 (Ao oats 2. Heb. iii. 1 to reckon, ἃ GaLtTr 3. —— vii. 4 2. Acts xi. 6. 2. ——x. 24 8. —— xii. 11. 5. —— xii 8. 4. Heb. xiii. 7. CONSIST ( ἜΤΗ.) 1. εἰμί, to be, the ordinary verb of exrstence. || 2. συνίστημι, (a) trans, to cause to stand | with or together, to place or set together, associate. | (b) entrans. to stand with or together, to be compact (placed together),.to be constituted. 1. Luke xii. 15. | 2b, 2 Pet. iii. δ, margin, | | 2b. Col. i. 17 (text, stand.) | —————— CONSOLATION ππαράκλησις, a calling near, a summous to one’s side, hence, an admonitory, encouraging and consolatory ex- hortation, invitation or entreaty, ‘(opp. to παραίνεσις, Warning.) [ 182 ] Luke ii 25. 2 Cor. i. 5, 6 twice, 7. ---- vi. 24. — vii. 7. Acts iv. 86. Phil. ii. 1. — xv. 81. 2 Thes. ii. 16. Rom. xv. 5 Philem. 7. Heb. vi. 18. CONSORT WITH (ευ) προσκληρόω, to assign by casting lots. In Pass. as here, to cast in one’s lot with another, (nan oce.) Acts xvii. 4. CONSPIRACY. συνωμοσία, a swearing together, a being leagued by oath, hence, a conspiracy, (non oce. ) Acts xxiii. 19. CONSTANTLY. See, AFFIRM. CONSTRAIN (-Eb, -ETH.) 1. ἀναγκάζω, to necessitate, force, con- strain, compel, (ether by force or by entreaty. ) 2, παραβιάζοµαι, to do a thing by force against nature or law, to compel, (as though by overmuch entreaty), (non occ. ) 3. συνέχω, to hold or keep together, confine, secure, hence, to constrain, hold fast. 1. Matt. xiv. 22. 2. Acts xvi. 15. 1. Mark vie45. 1. — xxviii. 19. 2. Luke xxiv. 29. 8. 2 Cor. v. 14 1. Gal. vi 12 CONSTRAINT (1Υ.) ἀναγκαστῶς, by force, unwillingly. 1 Pet. v. 2. CONSULT (-ED, -ΕΤΠ.) 1. βουλεύομαι, to take counsel, i.e. to consult with one’s self, deliberate. 2. συμβουλεύω, to take counsel with any one, ue, to give him counsel, to advise. (a) in Mid. spoken of several, to coun- sel or consult together, (e.g. for evil, hence, ta plot.) 2a. Matt. xxvi. 4 | 1. Luke xiv. 31. 1. John xii. 10. CON CONSULTATION. συμβούλιον, counsel, advice. (a) with ποιέω, to make or hold a consultation. a. Mark xv. 1. CONSUME (-ep, -1NG.) 1. ἀναλίσκω, to use up, spend, esp. in a bad sense, hence, to consume; of persons, to destroy, (non. occ.) Γ ies J CON CONTEND. διακρίνω, to separate throughout, 1.6. wholly, completely, hence, to dis- tinguish, judge, decide. (a) Mid. to separate one’s self from, as in battle, hence, to contend with, dispute or strive with. a. Acts xi, 2. | a. Jude 9. CONTEND HARNESTLY FOR. ἐπαγωνίζομαι, to contend as a com- 2. καταναλίσκω, (No.1 with κατά pre- fixed, intensifying it,) to consume batant upon (1.6. for or about) a wholly or thoroughly (as fire), thing, (non. occ.) (non oce. ) Jude 3 3. δαπανάω, to spend, be at expense, ην to spend upon a thing, hence, to CONTENT. waste, exhaust, impoverish. 1. Luke ix, δέ. 2. Heb. xii. 29. 1. Gal. v. 15. 3. Jas, iv. 3. 1, 2 Thess, ii. 8 (ἀνελεῖ, will slay, L T. Tr. A.) CONTAIN (-1NG.) 1. χωρέω, to give space, make room. Trans. to have space or room for a |- thing, to hold, contain; also to receive with the mind, ἆο. (see Matt. xix. 11, 12, John viii. 37, and 2 Cor. vii. 2, &.) John ii. 6. CONTAIN (σαν.) 1. χωρέω, see above; to receive with the heart and mind. . ἐγκρατεύομαι, to exercise mastery or dominion over, hence, to exercise self-control. 1 John xxi. 25. | CONTAINED (bz.) περιέχω, to have or hold one’s self round, hence, to encompass, embrace, surround, enclose; to contain as ὦ writing. 1 Pet. ii. 6. CONTAINED IN (rue runes.) ta, the things. Rom, ii, 14, 9. 1 Cor. vii. 9. CONTEMPTIBLE. ἐξουθενέω, to set out at nought, 1.6. to despise, contemn. 2 Cor. x, 10, pass. (ἐξουδενόω, same meaning, L.) 1. ἀρκέω, to ward off, defend, hence, to assist, succour; then, to be strong enough, suffice; in pass. to be satisfied with a thing, to be con- tented to do. 2. αὐτάρκης, sufficient in one’s self, self-adequate, needing no aid, hence, contented, (non. occ.) Γι 5 τὸ, the thing. ε ο \ 9 : to do that ἱκανὸν, coming to, 9 : ν which gives reaching to, hence, Σ : 3 : - -satisfaction sufficing, satisfac- . . or is a satisfactor ποιέω, to make, to do, y 3. Mark αν. 15. | 2 Phil. iv. 11. 1. 3 John 10. CONTENTED (8£.) ἀρκέομαι, (Mid. of No. 1 above,) to suffice one’s self with, z.e. to be satisfied or content with. Luke iii. 14. | 1 Tim. vi. 8. Heb, xiii. 5. CONTENTED WITH (be) [margin. | συναπάγω, to lead off or away with any one, hence, to be led or carried away with any thing; gen. ina bad sense, i.e. to be led astray ; but also in a good sense, to be led away with. Rom. xii, 16, text, condescend to, CONTENTION (-s.) 1. ἔρις, strife, quarrel, esp. rivalry, contention, wrangling. CON; 1181 CON - 9, ἐριθεία, labour for wages, work for εἰς, unto Αν. = RIS ; 4 unto or gain, then, any work for ambitious τό, the, fn the purposes, canvassing, intriguing, διηνεκής, carried| | pioken- hence, party-spirit, faction. 2, through, extended . ; rotracted of time, | one 3. ἀγών, place of assembly where games Ἐν ορ ’ | (oce. Heb. x: ξ : continuous, —_per- ; were celebrated, place of contest, aa 12, 14.) then, the conflict itself in the public eigen ο... 1. Luke xxiv. 53. | 9. Heb. x. 1. g ἡ 2. Heb. vii. 3, 1: — xili, 16. 4, παροξυσμός, a sharpening, hence, of: a solic. sharpening of the feeling o7 action, incitement, impulse, paroxysm of | CONTINUALLY UPON (ATTEND.) anger, sharp contention, (occ. Heb. ΠΡ} | προσκαρτερέω, to. be strong or firm to- τά, wards anything, to endure ο) per- 4. Acts xv. 39. 2, Phil. 1. 10: ere i ent τος ticriin . | . 81 tem ie severe in or with; of α work οἳ τας Titus iii. 9. business, to be constantly occupied’ or engaged in; of a gerson, to remain near, to wait upon. CONTENTIOUS. pied Sais φιλόνεικος, loving quarrel, fond of strife, - (non oce. ) 1 Cor, xi, 16. CONTINUALLY TO (ΙΕ one’s SELF.) Acts vi. 4, : CONTENTIOUS (rHey THAT ARE.) —— ἡ CONTINUALLY (wait ον.) οἱ, the persons, those 3 ἐξ, of, i who are ας ἢ ἐριθεία, 8εᾷ“ΟΟΝΤΕΝΤΙΟΝ;᾽ / of con- |-------------- Wo, 2, ο CONTINUANCE (ratieys.) Rom. ii. 8. rae ____| ὑπομονή, a’remaining behind or under, hence, a bearing up under, patient, CONTENTMENT. persevering endurance. αὐτάρκεια, self-sufficiency. (iv a good Rom. ii. 7. sense), sufficiency within one’s 56]; |-------------- spoken of a mind satisfied with its ΕΝ lot, contentment, (occ. 2 Cor. ix. 8.) | CONTINUE (55, πα, ποὺ 1 Tim.. vi. 6, . μένω, intrans. to remain, abide, (Lat. | eS τους τὸ νε manes ;) trans, to remain for any one, await. CONTINUAL. 2. ἐπιμένω, to remain upon, 1.6. in ad- between, hence, unintermitting, un- ceasing, (occ. 2 Tim. i. 3.) 5 διαµένω, to remain throughor through- out, 1,6. permanently ; to remain eis, unto, the same, not to change. "τέλος, the end. 4, παραμένω, to remain near by ο) with ὁ Luke xviii. 6 \ {δα de ό any one, hence, to continue or per- severe in anything, (occ. 1 Cor. xvi. 6.) σι ‘ANT 5, διατρίβω, to rub in pieces, rub con- CONTINUALLY. tinually, hence, to wear ov consume 1. διαπαντός, through the whole time, away by rubbing; spoken of time, to z.e. continually, always. spend, to pass. | ἀδιάλειπτος, not leaving any space dition, longer ; whence, to continue. σον 6. ἵστημι, (a) trans. to cause to stand, set, place. (Ὁ) zntrans. to stand ; metaph. to stand fast, hence, to remain, 7. καθίζω, (a) trans. to cause to sit down, to seat. (0) intrans. and Mid. to seat one’s self, sit down, hence, to abide, con- tinue. 8, παρατείνω, to stretch out near, by, or to; to extend near, hence, to extend or prolong as: time, to con- - tinue, (non οὓς. ) 9. διατελέω, to bring through to a full end, to finish fully, complete ; spoken of time, to continue through e whole time, continue through- out, (non ους. ) 10. γίνομαι, to begin to be; implying origin, to come into existence ; implying result, to take place, come to pass ; implying change of state, to become, enter upon any state or condition, 11. ποιέω, to make; to do, to work, with Acc. of time (prop. intrans. ), to do or act for a certain time or (as in vulgar Eng.) do up a certain time, to spend ov pass time. 11. Matt. xx. 12, (text, work.) — Luke vi 12, see C all night. 3. —— xxii. 28. 1. John ii. 12. 2. -—- viii. 7 (ap.) iv. « 1, —— 91. 1. 1 Tim. ii. 15 5 iv. 16, 5, marg. { — Rom, vi. 1, 5. xi. 54. Β- 1. —— xv. 9. — Acts i. 14, see C in.. 1, 2 Tim. iii 14, — — ii. 42, see C stead-| 4. Heb. vii. 28, fastly in. 1, 24, --- 46, see C ine -- — viii. 9, see C in, — — ΥΠ, 13, seeC with, | 1. —— xiii. 1, 14. 2. —— xii. 10. i — — xiii. 43, ) see C -- — xiv. 22, in. Ρ. —— xv. 35. 7b.—— xviii.11, mary. sit. 10.—— xix. 10. } see C in. —— ν. 1. 1 John ii. 19, 24. 11. Rev. xiii. 5, marg. make τ war (am. G=) (add, ὃ θέλει, to do what he will, &) (add, πόλεμος, ~make war, Elz AV™.-) 8, —— xx. 7. 6b: —— xxvi. 22, 9, XXVii. 33. CONTINUE ALL NIGHT. ἣν, was, διανυκτερεύω, to bring the night through, pass the night, Luke vi. 12. was passing or spending the night. [ 185 ] CON CONTINUE IN. 1. ἐμμένω, to remain in, (non occ. ) . ἐπιμένω, see “CONTINUE,” Wo. 9. . προσμένω, to remain at a place with ὦ person, 1.6. to remain there. προσκαρτερέω, {ο be strong or firm towards any thing, to endure or persevere in or with, to be contin- ually in with or near any person or thing. 4. Acta i. 14 (with εἰμί, (ο ει). ἃ. —— ii. 46 (with ἐν, in.). ρὲ ΕΣ νὰ ο.3, G . Rom. xi. . Gal. iii. 10 0 (with ἐ ἐν, in.) . Col. i. 29. . — iv. 2 Ὁ 1 Tim. iv. 16. CONTINUE INSTANT IN. προσκαρτερέω, see “CONTINUE IN,” Wo. 4. Rom. xii. 12. — CONTINUE STEADFASTLY. Acts ii. 42, with εἰμί, to be (with ἐν, 119.) CONTINUE WITH. ]. προσκαρτερέω, see “CONTINUE,” Wo. 4. 2. συμπαραμένω, to remain near with uny one, (non occ.) 1. Acts viii. 13, with εἰμί, to be 2. Phil. i. 25 (παραμένω, to remain near, ον 1, TrA®.) CONTRADICT. ἀντιλέγω, to speak against or in oppo- sition. Acts xiii. 45, CONTRADICTION. ἀντιλογία, a speaking against or in op- position to; controversy. Heb. vii. 7 ; xii. 3 CONTRARIWISE. τοὐναντίον, the opposite. Jn V.Z. used as adv, on the contrary, (non occ. ) 2 Cor. ii 7. { Gal. ii. 7. 1.Pet. iii, 9. CON [ 186 ] CON - ᾿ CONTRARY. 1. ἐναντίος, over-against, opposite. 2. ὑπεναντίος, opposed, adverse, with the idea of stealth, covertness, clandes- tineness. 1. Matt. xiv. 24, 1. Mark vi. 48. — Rom. xvi. 17, se6 C to, — Gal. ν. 17, see C (be.) — Acts xvii. 7, ) seeC | 2. (οἱ. ii. 14 ο ο τα οσο ο Munhes 1 10. [eel ee) —1 Tim. i 10, see Ὁ ΤῈ xxvii 4. (be.) — Rom. xi. 24, see C to 1. Titus ik 8, τς CONTRARY (BE.) ἀντίκειμαι, to lie opposite; to oppose, be | adverse to. Gal v. 17. | 1 Tim. i. 10. .---- CONTRARY ΤΟ. 1. παρά, beside (of juxtaposition. ) (a) with Gen. beside (as ‘proceeding from.) (b) with Dat. beside and at. (ο) with Acc. to or alongside of; be- side (as not coinciding with), hence, contrary to; beside (with idea of comparison ), hence, inferred superior- ity, above. 2. ἀπέναντι, from over against, opposite TO." 2. Acta xvii. 7. 10. —— xvii 13. 1ο Rom. xi. 24. le. xvi, 17: See also, Law. CONTRIBUTION. κοινωνία, act of partaking, sharing ; participation, communion ; distribu- tion. Rom. xv. 26 CONTROVERSY (witHovt.) ὁμολογουμένως, by consent of all, con- fessedly, (non occ. ) 1 Tim. iii 16, CONVENIENT. εὐκαιρός, Well-timed, timely, opportune, (ους. Heb. iv. 16.) Mark vi 21. CONVENIENT (85) ἀνήκω, to have come up to any thing, to extend or reach to, hence, to pertain to anything, to refer to or be perti- | nent to anything, (occ. Col. iii. 18.) Eph. v. 4: Philem. 8, CONVENIENT (tHosE THINGS WHICH ARE NOT.) τὰ, the things, μὴ, not, καθήκοντα, befitting, be- seeming, meet, fit or proper, the things not seemly. Rom. i. 28. CONVENIENT TIME (ΠΑνΕ.) εὐκαιρέω, to have good time, i.e. to have leisure, opportunity, 1 Cor. xvi. 12. See also, SEASON. CONVENIENTLY. εὐκαίρως, in good time, opportunely, (occ, 2 Tim. iv. 2.) Mark xiv. 1L CONVERSATION. 1. ἀναστροφή, a turning about ; life, as made up of actions; mode of life, conduct, deportment, (non oce. ) 2. τρόπος, a turning, turn, hence, man- ner, way, mode. 3. πολίτευμα, the being or the result of being a πολίτης, (ἃ member of a free city or state) ; citizenship, life ag a citizen, (non occ. ) 2 Cor. |. 12, see C (have 2. Hebd. xiii, 5. . one’s. 1,-— ον ο ας, 1, Jas. iii τη 1. Eph. iv. 22. dead ett 16; 18, s— Phil ΣΤΟΝ 900 ὍΝ ἘΞ ΔΗ (οπ θ᾽ 8.) 1, —— iii. 1, 2, 16. 8. —— iil. 20 (see also, is.) 1. ον 1. 1 Tim iv, 12 1, — iii. 11. ----- CONVERSATION (wave one’s.) ἀναστρέφω, to turn up, turn back again, and intrans, to return. CON [187 Ἰ COR (a) Mid. to turn one’s self round, move about among, hence, gen. to live, conduct one’s self. a. 2 Cor. i. 12. CONVERSATION. IS (one’s.) πολιτεύω, to be a πολίτης, (a member of a free city or state); to have a ‘certain form of πολιτεία, (govern- ment); hence, trans. to govern; intrans.( of the state) to be governed. (a) Mid. to be a free citizen, and live as such ; to conduct one’s self ac- cording to all the laws and customs of a state, hence, gen. to live, order one’s life and conduct, (occ. Acts xxiii. 1.) Phil. i. 27. CONVERSION. ἐπιστροφή, a turning one’s self round or towards, a turning about, (non occ.) Acts xv. 3. CONVERT (-Ερ, -ETH) [verb.] ἐπιστρέφω, to turn about, to turn to- wards. (a) trans. to turn or convert to. (Ὁ) txtrans. to turn one’s self unto. (c) Mid. and intrans. to turn one’s self round, come to one’s.self ; also, to return, retract, ov repent. a. Jas. v. 19, 20. CONVERTED (sz.) 1. ἐπιστρέφω, see (Ὁ) and (c) above. 2. στρέφω, to turn. (a) trans, to turn into a thing, κ.6. to convert, change. (0) Γιά. and intrans. to turn in mind, be converted or changed, to be- _ come as tv were another man. 1b. Matt. xfii. 15, le, John xii. 40 (Νο, 2b, L 2b. —— xviii. 3. ἐς. ἢ 10, Mark iv. 12. 1b. Luke xxii. 32. 10. Acta iii. 10. 10, —— xviii 27. ‘CONVEY ONE'S SELF AWAY. ἐκνεύω, to nod from, turn the head aside, turn away as a horse, hence, to. shun, avoid, turn aside, (non 000, ) Jobn v. 18. a a CONVICT (-zp.) ἐλέγχω, to disgrace, shame, hence, of persons, to convince, refute, con- fute, and so put to shame. John viii. 9 (σρ.) CONVINCE (-sp, -ΕΤΗ.) 1. ἐλέγχω, see “convict.” 2. ἐξελέγχω, to do No. 1 fully, to show to be wholly wrong, to rebuke | sternly, (non occ. ) 3. διακατελέγχομαι, to confute in dispu- tation, (non oce. ) 1. John viii. 46. 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 24. ἢ: xvi. 8, marg.(taxt, | 1..Titus i. 9. reprove.) 1. Jas. ii. 9. ' (TrAWN. 3. Acts xviii, 28. 2. Jude 15 (No.1, ἄον L COOL [verb.] καταψύχω, to cool down, to ‘refresh by cooling, (non oce. ) Luke xvi. 24. COPPERSMITH. χαλκεύς, a brazier, coppersmith ; then of any worker in metals, a smith, (non occ. ) 2 Tim. iv. 14. CORBAN. κορβᾶν, κορβανᾶς, same as Heb. 111, Corban, τε. a gift, offering, obla- tion; something devoted to God, (occ. Matt. xxvii. 6.) Mark vii. 11. CORD (-s) (SMALL.) | σχοινίον, a cord made of bulrushes, hence, any small cord or rope, (occ. Acts xxvii. 32.) John ii. 15 (pL) CORN. 1. σῖτος, wheat, corn; in pl. grain. 2. σπόριμος, sown, to be sown, fit fur sowing, (a) in pl. sown fields, fields of grain. 3. κόκκος, a kernel, a grain, seed. COR [ 188 } COR FO πρτος.-- τ - τς ς΄ τς -ο-- ---- -- -- - - - κο - - ο΄ ς΄ ος - “---:------ τοῦθ οθ΄ - ὦ 28. Matt. xii 1 1st. — Luke vi 11st, see ο = Tena Goes : CORRECTION. = Μῶν πω νο ς ἢ 5 ας to sieht up again, μι ἴο elds. rights again, to restore ; metaph. a Ξε 23 2nd, 6! 1. Acti 2 (pl. τε, δε teh 12, dn setting right, correction, (non occ. ) Ἱ. ——iv. 28, of grain,GwLTTrAR) 2 Tim. iii. 16. CORN-FIELDS. CORRUPT [adj.] 2a. Mark ii. 23. | 28. Luke vi. 1. 1. σαπρός, bad, rotten, putrid, (properly of vegetable or animal substances ), CORN (EARS OF.) (occ. Matt. ΧΙ], 48.) στάχυς, an ear of grain. 2. διαφθείρω, to spoil throughout, cor- Matt. xii. 1. | Mark ii. 23. rupt utterly. Luke vi. 1. (a) Pass, to decay wholly, perish. 3. καταφθείρω, to destroy, corrupt. (a) pass. to perish. See also, TREAD. Seat 1. Matt. vii. 17, 18. 1. Eph. iv, 29. 1. —— xii. 88 twice, 2 1 Tim. vi. 6. CORNER. 1. Luke vi. 43 ttrice. 88. 2Tim. iii. 8. 1. γωνία, τ Eng. coign,) an angle ; OAC care tas eas eatervor projecting corner ; an interior CORRUPT [verb.] angle, and hence, a dark.corner, (occ. ‘ Rev. xx. 8.) 1. φθείρω, to spoil, corrupt, destroy, 2, ἀρχή, beginning, of time, place or gen. to, bring into a worse state. dignity; the first in time, order or | 2. διαφθείρω, see No. 2 above. rank ; also of place, the extremity, | 3. ἀφανίζω, to cause to disappear, put the corner as of a sheet. out of sight, hence, to do away with. 1. Matt. vi 5 2. Acts xi. 5. , , : ders alan 1 — xxvi, 26, 4. καπηλεύω, to be a κάπηλος (a retailer : pes xii. τ Ἔν on .. ο or vintner, who were notorious for 1. Actatv. 11. ee adulterating their commodities ), 3 σα, Ἡ. 1) Rev. vil 2 hence, to adulterate, (non occ. ) 5. σήπω, to cause to rot ov become CORNER (cutzr.) putrid, (non occ.) ἀκρογωνιαῖος, at the extreme angle; the | 3 Matt. xi 10, 20. ος corner foundation stone, (important | 1. 1 Cor. xv. 33. — Jude 10, seo C one's > . 4. 2 Cor. ii. 17, marg. deal self, because of the support given, and the deceitfully with. 2. Rev. xi xi. ἘΝ marg.(text, ter 1. —— vii, 2, est: honourable postion), (non οσο. ) 1 ee eo memes Eph. ii. 20. 1 Pet. ii. 6. aa CORRUPT (BE. CORPSE. Be? oe, 2 1. Epb. iv. 22, pass. πτώμα, a fall, then, anything fallen, hence, a body fallen, «ec. a dead body, carcase. CORRUPT ONE’S SELF. Mark vi 29. 1, Jude 10, middle COMRECTED US (ΝΗΙΟΗ.) CORRUPTIBLE. παιδευτής, a ‘teacher, taster, hence, φθαρτός, corruptible, perishable, (part. administrator of discipline, (occ. of No.1 above.) Rom. ii, 20.) Rom. 1 28. 1 Cor. xv. 68, 54. Heb. xii. 9 (pl) 1 Cor. ix, 25. | 1 Pet. i. 23, / CORRUPTIBLE THINGS. 1 Pet. i. 18 (neut. pl.) στ CORRUPTIBLE (nor.) ἀφθαρτός, incorruptible ; of persons, im- mortal ; of things, imperishable, | enduring. 1 Pet iii. 4 CORRUPTION. 1. φθορά, a spoiling, corruption, destruc- | tion, gen. the bringing or being’ brought into a worse state | | 2. διαφθορά, a spoiling throughout, thorough corruption, esp. as arising from μάνα (non occ. ) | 2, Actsii. 27, 31. . 1 Cor. xv. 42, 50. 2. -— xiii. 94, 85, 96, 37 1. Gal. vi. 8. 1. Rom. viii. 21 ο ην) ah 4+ 1. 2 Pet. ii. 12. 19. δαπάνη, expense, expenditure: money spent, also money for spending ; extravagance, (non 000, ) Luke xiv. 28 COSTLINESS: τιμιότὴς, preciousness, costliness, (non occ. ) Rev. xviii. 19, COSTLY. | πολυτελής, the very end or extremity; | spoken of price, the very uttermost | or highest cost, very expensive or ΠΝ, 1 Tim. ii. 9 COSTLY (very.) πολύτιμος, of great value, great worth, (occ. Matt. xiii. 46.) John xii. 3. COUCH. NG 1, κλινίδιον, ἃ little κλίνη (any thing on | which one lies or reclines), couch or | divan, (non occ. ) 2. κράββατος, ἃ litter on mattrass, used | by the poor, which might be carried | about. | 1. Luke y. 19, 24. | 9. Acta v. 15. | Ean COULD, See, CAN. When not part of another verb, COULD NOT DO (wnat rue LAW.) τὸ, the thing, < αδύνατος, impossible, | τοῦ νόµου, by the law, Rom. viii. 3. COULD (rar 1) | δυνατός, in an active sense, strong (having inherent and moral power); in a passive sense, possible, capable of being done. Acts xi. 17 (the words‘ that 1 should be" must be under- stood.) COUNCIL. 1, συνέδριον, a sitting together, a council or senate; Lng. Sanhedrim. The supreme council of the Jewish nation composed of seventy mem- bers, besides the high priest, sclected from former high priests and heads of the twenty-four courses, 2. συμβούλιον, a joining in courisel, hence, a council, and then, counsel- lors, te. those who sat in public tnals with the governors of a province, 1. Matt. v. 22 1. John xi. 47 ——x.17 1. Acts iv. 15. Σ ᾿Ξ εν 1. —— v. 2), 27, 34, 41. 1 —— xxvi. 59. Ἱ. —— vi. 12, 15. 1. Mark xiii. 9. 1, —— αχ, 30. 1, —— xiv. 55. | 1. —— xxiii. 1,6, 15,20,23, 1, —— xv. 1 1. —— xxiv. 20, 1. Luke xxii. 66 2, —— xxv. 12 ee eee COUNSEL (-s) [noun.] 1, βουλή, will, determination, propen- sity ; purpose, design, plan; counsel, advice, 2.. συμβούλιον, see “counciL,” No, 2. 2. Matt. xxii. 15. 1. Acta ii. 23, 2. —— xxvii 1,7 ). —— iv. 28 2 —— xxviii. 12 ~ —— ν. 34, seo C (take. ) 2 Mark ni. 6 1—— 38 1. Luke vii. 30 —— ix τὰν seo C (take) —— xxiii 51 ), —— Xxx 1. John xi, 53, sea C ἰο- []. — — xxvii 42. ge ther (take. ) }). 1 Cor. iv. 5 — — xviii, 14, see ΟΓ1. Eph. i. 1] (give.) 11. Heb. vi. 17 — ως σου [ 190 ] cou COUNSEL (σινε.) and smooth by water), to reckon, συμβουλεύω, to counsel with any one, 1.6. calculate, (just like Lat. calculare, to give him counsel, to advise. from calculus, (non occ. ) (a) Mid. spoken of several, to counsel 5. συμψηφίζω, (No. 4 with σύν, together, - or consult together. prefixed, to reckon together, count John xviii. 14. up, (non occ. ) 8. Matt. xiv. 5. 2. Phil. iii, 13. 3. Mark xi. 32. 1. 2 Thes, iii, 15. SEL | : pane eae 1.1 Tim. i. 12. : . Acts xix. 19. _— viol. πα (ΤΑ ΚΕ.) 3. 24 (om. T Tr | 3. Philem. 17. A }. Heb.-x. 29. 1. βουλεύομαι, to takecounsel, to consult, ye Renee αν determine, to deliberate with one’s 2. —iv. 8, 5. 1. 2 Pet. ii, 13, self or with another in council. Toe ἢ ss bul: ae ἜΝ | 2. συμβουλεύω, see “COUNSEL (GIVE).” ᾿ Acts μα μας to will, to be willing, L Tr.) See also, DESCENT, HAPPY, WORTHY. ας, COUNTENANCE. COUNSEL TOGETHER (Take.) 1. πρόσωπον, the part towards, at, or συμβουλεύω, Mid. see “COUNSEL (GIVE).” around the eye, hence, gen. the face, (a.) visage, countenance. John xi. 53 (βουλεύομαι, see C (take), No.1, LTr®) | 9. ἰδέα (εἰδέα, T Tr), aspect, appearance, ae (non occ. ) COUNSEL [verb.] 3. ὄψις, the sight, faculty of seeing, then, a sight, appearance, thing seen. , κ“ ” το ) Ξ συμβουλεύω, sce “COUNSEL (GIVE). -- Matt. vi. 16, see C (of a 1. Acts ii, 28. Rev. iii. 18. 2. —— xxviii. 3 sad.) 1. οσους 1.7. | zh 1. Luke ix. 29. 3. Rev. i. 16. COUNSELLOR. COUNTENANCE (or a sap.) | | 1. βουλευτής, 8 een, he ale ᾿ σκυθρωπός, of a gloomy, sorrowful coun- ken of a member of the Sewrsh | tenance. Used by lxx. fur να, bad, Sanhedrim), (non occ. ) Gen. xl. 7; and for mn, disturbed, 2. σύμβουλος, one joined in counsel, Dan. i. 10; also τῷ Ps ταν, ig; hence, a counsellor, (non occ. ) xxxvili. 6, for πρ, dark, | | 1. Mark xv. 43. | 1. Luke xxiii. 50 mournful, (οσο. Luke xxiv. 11.) 2. Rom. xi. 34. Matt. vi. 16. COUNT (-£D, -ETH.) COUNTRY (1Ε8.) 1. ἀγρός, a field, esp. a cultivated field, hence, the country as distinguished from town. 1. ἡγέομαι, to lead, {.ε. to lead the way, go before, hence, to be ἃ leader or chief; then, to lead out before the mind, 1.6. to view, regard as being so and so, to esteem, count, reckon. 2. χώρα, space which receives, contains, or surrounds anything, hence, place, . spot in which one is; then, ἃ coun- try, land, region. || 2, λογίζομαι, strictly of numerical caleu- | lation, to count, calculate, compute, | | | then, to take into account, consider. | 3. πατρίς, father-land, native country, | hence, one’s own native place, home. ἔχω, to have, to hold, 1.6. to have and ; hold, implying continued having or | 4. γῆ, earth, as opp. to heaven ; land, as Sos possession ; hence, to have as in the opp. to water ; then, used of a coun- | mind, regard, count. try, region, territory. | . , . . . 4. ψηφίζω, to count or reckon with | 5, γένος, genus, race, offspring, lineage, ψῆφοι (small pebbles worn round kind of people. σοῦ Γ 191. σοῦ a Matt. ii. a — Luke iv. 24, see C(one’s COUNTRYMEN (ον ε΄ς OWN.) — viii. 28. : 4. —— ix. 3]. - 87, see C round 4 Η η οι 87, 000.0 ο γένος, genus, race, offspring, lineage, (one’s own.) 2, —— viii. 26 kind of people, τος xiv. 35, seo C| 1. 34. A round about. - 87, see C round 2 Cor. xi 20. — — xxi, 33, see C (go about. into a far.) . ᾿ — ix. 2. ——— xxv. 14, see — xv. 13, 15. ; 7 etal into a far.) 2. —— xix. 12, ε COU RAGE, ark v. 1, 10. ° -—xx 9, see . P i : into a far.) ω θάρσος, cheer, 1.6. cheerful mind, cour- — — vil, 4, see C (one’s | 2. —— xxi. 21. fet own.) 1, — xxiii. 96. age, spirit, (non occ. ) 1, 86, 56. 8. John iv. 44. Acts xxviii 15. —— xii 1, see C (go| 2. —— xi. 54, 55. into a far.) 5. Acts iv. 36. 1. — xv. 21. 4, —— vii. 3. 1. —— xvi. 12 (αρ.) 3 xii. 90. COURSE. 2. Lukeii. 6. - 2. —— xviii. 23. , ° — — iii. 3, see C about. | 2. —— xxvii. 27. 1. δρόμος, a running, a race, gen. of 8. —— iv. 23. 3. Heb. xi. 14. oe COUNTRY ABOUT. περίχωρος, about a place, circumjacent, neighbouring, hence, country round about, circumjacent region. Luke iii. 3. horses ; metaph, a course, career, ἀν occ. ) 2. τροχός, a runner, 1.6. any thing made round for rolling or running, hence, a wheel ; metaph. a course as run by a wheel, hence, a circuit, (non occ. ) 8, ἐφημερία, daily service, (see 2 Chron. COUNTRY ROUND ABOUT. Matt. xiv. 35. | Luke iv. 37. Luke viii. 37. COUNTRY (Go INTO Α Far.) ἀποδημέω, to be absent from one’s own xiii. 10, 11), hence, in V.T. a course or class, into which the priests were divided for the daily temple service ;. each class continuing one week at the time (cf. 1 Chron. xxiv. ; 2 Chron. viii. 14; and Josephus, ant. vii. 14, 7), (non occ.) 4. πλόος, sailing, navigation, voyage. people, hence, to go abroad, travel | 5. αἰών, the life that hastes away in the into foreign countries. Matt. xxi. 33. | Luke xx. 9. Mark xii. 1 COUNTRY (TRAVEL INTO A FAR.) breathing of the breath, life transitory, course of life, ‘and gen. life in its temporal form ; then, the space of human life, a space of time, time as moving, an age, time so far as history is accomplished in it; an ο.” age or dispensation. ee 8. Luke i. 5, 8. — 1Cor ap see C (by.) 1. Acts xiii. 25. ἢ 5. om li 2. -— —— xvi.11,seestraight. | — 2 Thes.iii.1,see C(have.) COUNTRY (ONE'S OWN.) 1. —— xx: 24 1. 2 Tim. iv. 7 4. —— xxi 7 2. Jas. ii. 6. πατρίς, see “COUNTRY,” Wo. ὃ. Matt. xiii. 54, 57. | Mark vi. 1, 4. Luke iv. 24. See also, BETTER, KING. COUNTRYMAN. συμφυλέτης, one of the same tribe or fraternity, hence, a fellow-country- man, 1 Thes, ii. 14. ava, a prep. marking μέρος, a part, ---- COURSE (sy.) each in his part or port ion. distribution, 1 Cor xiv. 27. COURSE (nave.) τρέχω, to run, 2 Thea, iii. 1, marg. Gk. run. as | cou [ 192 ] σον COURT. - COUSIN. 1. αὐλή, a yard or court; any inclosed συγγενής, born with, connate; of the space in the open air, hence, a sheep- same stock or descent, hence, kin, fold, the court of an eastern house kindred. or of the temple, Luke i. 96 (συγγενίς, kinswoman, L Α. Ν.) 9. ἀγορά, any place of public resort, hence, a market-place or forum. covenant or agreement, (from 13, - Mars,(from’ Άρης, Mars situated to cut or divide, in allusion to the ? ᾽ 3 - ΄ . thesupposed god of war ), an the practice of making a covenant, Gen. ᾿ : τα, xv. 9.) ma vs used of the covenant sich ἀρηλδηδθει se Mi οἷ ie " relation into which God enters with ΓΟ nk | Israel or of Israel with God, and tersalsy, ae then of the twofold relation, When ἐξ refers to the O.T., διαθήκη must have the meaning of covenant or agreement; but when it refers to the N.T.(inwhich heirship takes the place of covenant,) tt has the meaning of will or testament “Apevos, of or belonging to | Mars’ hill, — Luke vii 25, see king. COVENANT [noun.] 2. Acts xvi. 19, marg. (text, market-place) : ok : -1. Rev. xi 2 διαθήκη, a disposition, esp. of property ὃν well, a will and testament. 7115 COURT of the AREOPAGITES word ws the uswal rendering of m2, {margin. ] in the Ο.Τ. which certainly?means a. | Acts xvii 22, text, Mars’ hill. COURT (CZSAR’S) [margin.] πραιτώριον, a Latin word denoting the general’s tent in ἃ camp, then, the ‘house or palace of the governor of a province, hence, any large house Luke i 72. Gal. iv. 24,marg. testament. or palace. Acts iii. 26. ee 10. ΤΡ eee vii. 8. eb. vii. 6, marg. testa- ᾿ , parace, Rom. i. 81, see C breaker. 8, 9 twice, 10. (ment, —— ix.4,marg. testament. | —— ix. 4 twice. Ἶ —— xi. 27. — x 16, 29. 7 j Gal iii 15,marg. testament, | —— xii. 24, marg. COURT DAYS [margin. ] —- xili. 20, } testament. | ἀγοραῖος, pertaining to the ἀγορά, (see “court,” Vo. 2); days or advocates pertaining to the forum, (here fol- lowed by ἄγω, ‘to hold, as a court, ) lit. court days are held. Acts xix. 35, text, law “COVENANT BREAKER. ἀσύνθετος, not compounded ; bound by no covenant, faithless. - Rom. i 81. “it πα | | | COURTEOUS. φιλόφρων, friendly-minded, (non occ.) COVENANT (-zp) [verb.] 1 Pet. iii, 8 (ταπεινόφρων, of lowly mind,GLTTrAN.) | σνντίθημι, to set or put together. In Ramer πι τος twas N.T. only in Mid, to set together COURTEOUSLY. with another; to agree o7 covenant 1. φιλανθρώπως, humanely, (non oce.) | together with sil ha 2. φιλοφρόνως, friendly-minded manner, aaa is courteously, (non occ.) Acta xxvii 3, 2A viii 7. oe re Le ο μα πμ Pon ος COURTIER [margin.} ἵστημι, (a) trans, to make to stand, to πες: μμ place, hence, to place in the balance, βασιλικός, belonging to a king; spoken ἀρῆς κα ) of a person attached to a court; kingly, royal (Ὁ) intrans. to stand, be set or placed. John iy. 46, text, nobleman. α. Matt. xxvi, 15, COV [ 193 1 CRA COVER (-ευ, -£TH.) 1. καλύπτω, to cover with a thing (from Fp, acovering), to cover, hence, to hide. 2. ἐπικαλύπτω, (No. 1 with ἐπί, upon, prefixed,) to cover over, cover up, (non occ.) 3. κατακαλύπτω, (No.1 with κατά, down, prefixed,) to cover as with a veil that hangsdown. In N.T. only Pass. or Mid. to be veiled, wear a veil. 4. περικαλύπτω,(Νο. 1 with περί, around, prefixed,) to cover around, e.g. the face, hence, to blind-fold. 5. συγκαλύπτω, (No. 1 with σύν, to- gether with, prefixed,) to cover together, cover wholly, (non occ.) 1, Matt. viii. 24. 2. Rom. iy. 7. 1, ——x. 26. |= 1 Cor, xi. 4, see C 4, Mark xiv. 65. (having one’s head.) 1, Luke viii. 16. δ, see C (be.) δ. —— xii. 2. 3. > 1, —— xxiii. 30. 1. 1 Pet. iv. 8. COVERED (sz.) 3. 1 Cor. xi, 6 twice. COVERED (vine one’s HEAD.) κατὰ, down from, ) lit. having [any- κεφαλή, the head, thing |depending ἄχω, to have, ) from the head. 1 Cor. xi. 4. COVERING [noun. | περιβόλαιον, something thrown around, 1.e.acovering, garment; of the body, a mantle ; of the head, a veil, (here preceded by ἀντὶ, instead of.) 1 Cor. xi. 15, marg. veil. COVET (ep.) 1, ἐπιθυμέω, to fix the desire upon, desire earnestly. Jt denotes the affection of the mind, (compare ὀρέγομαι, below.) 2. ζηγόω, to be zealous towards, (i.e. for or against anything,) to be eager for. 1. Acts xx. 33. — 1Cor. xii. 31, see C ear™ 1. Rom. vii. 7. 2. —— xiv. 39. [mestly* 1. — xiii. 9. —1Tim. vi.10,see C after’ COVET AFTER. ὀρέγομαι, to stretch one’s self, reach after a thing, with special reference to the thing or object desired, hence, to long after, try to gain. 1 Tim. vi. 10, COVET EARNESTLY. ζηγόω see “ covet,” No. 2. 1 Cor. xii. 31. COVETOUS. 1. πγεονέκτης, one who will have more, a covetous person, a defrauder for gain, ( far worse than No. 2), (non occ.) 2. φιλάργυρος, money-loving. 2. Luke xvi. 14. 1. 1 Cor. v. 10, 11. 1. — vi. 10. — Eph. v. 5, see C man. 2. 2 Tim. 1ii. 2. — 2 Pet.ii.14,seeC practice. COVETOUS MAN. 1. Eph. v. 5. COVETOUS PRACTICE. πλεονεξία, see ‘ COVETOUSNESS.” 2 Pet. ii. 14. COVETOUS (κου) ἀφιλάργυρος, not money-loving, (occ. Heb. xiii. 5.) 1 Tim. iii. 3. COVETOUSNESS. πλεονεξία, a having more; the will to have more, (¢.g. a larger portion, advantage, superiority.) In plural, covetous thoughts, plans of fraud and extortion. Mark vii. 22 (pl.) Eph ν. 3. Luke xii. 15, Col. iii. 5. Rom. i. 29. 1 Thes. ii. 5. 2 Cor. ix. 5. Heb. xiii, 5, see C (without.) 2 Pet. ii. 3. COVETOUSNESS (wirsovt.) ἀφιλάργυρος, not money-loving, hence, liberal, generous. Heb. xiii. δ. CRAFT. 1. δόλος, a bait, hence, fraud, guile, deceit. 2. épyacia, work, labour ; metaph.pains effort ; a working, 1.6. practice. CRA ΓΒ 1 CRE 3. τεχνή, an art, trade or craft, gen. CREATION. art, skill. κτίσις, afounding, settling, foundation; 4, μέρος, a part of a whole, a portion. a making or creation, then, that which was created, creation, 1. Mark xiv. 1. [the same.) 2. Acts xix. 25. Acts τὰ, g see Ο (of | __ 27. (denoting the action as incomplete 3. Rev. xviii. 22. and in progress.) A Mark x. 6. Rom. viii. 22, marg. crea- CRAFT (ΟΕ THE SAME.) — xiii. 19, 2 Pet. iii. 4, [twre, Rom, 1. 20. Rev. iii. 14. ὁμότεχνος, (No. 3 with δηοῦ, together,) | of the same art or craft. ORE ATOR. Acts xviii. 3. 1. κτίζω, see ‘ CREATE.” 2. κτίστης, a founder, establisher, (esp. of a city.) In N.T. spoken of God as Creator, (non oce.) 1. Rom. i. 26. | 2.1 Pet. iv. 19. CRAFTINESS. πανουργία, shrewdness, craftiness, hence, unscrupulous conduct, (from πανοῦργος, see “΄ CRAFTY.”’) Luke xx. 23. | 1 Cor, iii. 19, 2 Cor. iv. 2. / | CREATURE (4) 1. κτίσις, see '' CREATION.’ CRAFTINESS : BR ESS (cuNNING.) 2. κτίσηα, the thing founded, estab- Eph. iy. 14 lished or created, the result or product of creation. CRAFTSMAN. 2 : ὃ 1. Mark xvi. 15 (ap.) 1. Gal. vi. 15. τεχνίτης, an artificer, artisan, (from μα οι 1- Ὁοῖ. , 10,55, 5 . — viii i . iv. 4. “CRAFT,” No. 3), (οσο. Heb. xi. 10.) i 22, marg. (text, 1. Heb. iv. 13. Acts xix. 24,38. {| | Rey. xviii, 22. pay) gene te 1. 2 Cor. v. 17. ο πο. CRAFTY. CREDITOR. πανοῦργος, doing or ready to do every- : : thing, hence, (almost always used | δανειστής, (δανειστής, T 8), a money- in a bad sense,) shrewd, cunning, lender, hence, a creditor, (non occ.) or as subst., a knave, (non occ.) Luke vii. 41. 2 Cor. xii. 16. — τ᾽ στ ga ye ST | CREEK, CRAVE (-Ep.) κόλπος, the bosom, the front of the airéw, to ask, entreat, supplicate, (im- body between the arms.) Used plies a το, between the of a hollow place in the shore, as a parties, and expresses the petition of bay, gulf or inlet. an inferior towards a superior.) Acts xxvii. 39, Mark xy. 43, Ss ολα ο τσ Varvatos CREEP IN UNAWARES. “CREATE (-ED.) παρεισδύνω, to get in by the side, to κτίζω, to bring under tillage and settle- slip in, insinuate one’s self, to go ment, (e.g. land,) to people a or come in by stealth, (non occ.) country, build houses and cities in Jude 4, it, hence, to found, set up, establish, produce, bring into being. OREEP INTO. Gor, 21.9. τα τὴς Nea ἀν to go or enter im} ο Eph. ii, 10, 1 Tim. iv. 8, eis, into or unto. Sak πὰ as 2 Tim, ili, 6, ελα hd _ | CRE CREEPING THINGS. ἑρπετόν, (neut. of ἑρπετός, creeping, from ἕρπω), ὦ creeping animal, reptile, (οσο. Jas. iii. 7.) Acts x. 12. Acts xi, 6. Rom, 1. 23. CRIME. αἰτία, a cause, ground; esp. the occasion of some charge, not necessarily fault or accusation, but a charge whether true or false. Acts xxy. 27. CRIME LAID AGAINST. ἔγκλημα, a charge or accusation; the formal indictment, (occ. Acts Xxiil. 29.) Acts xxv. 16, CRIPPLE (Ῥεικα 4.) χωλός, lame in the feet, halting, limping. Acts xiv. 8. CROOKED. σκολιός, crooked, bent, esp. bent side- ways from dryness. In N.T. used of α way, crooked, not straight- forward, or of persons, perverse, untoward. Luke iii. 5, | Phil. ii. 15, CROSS. σταυρός, an upright pale or stake ; 1.6. a stake on which malefactors were nailed for execution or erucified, (non occ.) See under “REE.” Matt. x. 38. — xvi. 24. —— XXxvii. 32, 40, 42. John xix. 17, 19, 25, 31. 1 Cor. i. 17, 18, Gal. v. 11. Mark viii. 34. —— vi. 12, 14. — x.2l(om,.Gs Τὸ Tr]! Eph. ii. 16, —— xv. 21,80, 82. [&.) | Phil. ii. 8. Luke ix, 23 (ap,) —— iii. 18. —— xiv. 27. Col. i. 20. —— xxiii, 26, — ii. 14, Heb. xii. 2, CROW [verb.] / φωνέω, to produce a sound or tone, utter a sound; of men, to speak, call ont, to ery to; of animals, to utter their various cries; of instruments, to sound. Faaps': ] CRU Matt. xxvi. 34, 74, 75, Mark xiv. 30. Luke xxii. 34, 60, 61. 68 (om. Lb &.) John xiii. 38, John xviii. 27. Mark xiv. 72 twice. CROWN [noun.] 1, στέφανος, that which surrounds or encompasses, a circlet or chaplet worn on the head; of kings, a crown; of victors in games, a wreath, (non occ.) 2. διάδημα, (from διαδέω, to bind quite round,) a band or fillet, esp. that worn by the king, hence, the diadem, (non occ.) 1. Matt. xxvii. 29, 1. Rev. ii. 10. 1. —— xv. 17. 1. —— iii, 11. 1. John xix. 2, 5. 1, —— iv. 4, 10. 1. 1 Cor. ix. 26. 1. —— vi. 2. 1. Phil. iv. 1. 1, —— ix. 7. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 19. 1. —— xii. 1. 1. 2 Tim. iv. 8. 2. 3. Uy οποια 1ο, 2. —— xiii, 1. 1. 1 Pet. ν. 4. ης xiv. 14, 2 Rev. xix. 12, CROWN (-ep, -Ἐ81.) στεφανόω, to put round, hence, to crown, (non occ.) 2 Tim ii. 5. | Heb. ii. 7, 9. CRUCIFY (-1ep.) ]. σταυρόω, to stake, drive stakes; later and in N.T. to nail to astake, (non occ.). See under “TREE.” 2. προσπήγνυμι, to fix or fasten to any- thing, to affix, (non occ.) 1. Matt. xx. 19. — John xix. 32,see C with ie xxill. 34. ἥν 41. 1. —— xxvi. 2. 2. Acts ii. 23, 1. —— xxvii. 22, 23, 20,1. 36. 31, 35, 38. 1. ——iv.10, -- 44, see C with. | — Rom. vi. 6, see C with, 1. —— xxviii. 5. 1. 1 Cor. i. 18, 28. 1. Mark xv. 13, 14, 15, 20, | 1. —— ii. 2, 8. 24, 25, 27. 1. 2 Cor. xiii. 4. -- 32, see C with. | — Gal. ii. 20, sea C with. 1, —— xvi. 6. (33. | 1. —— iii. 1. 1. Luke xxiii, 21 twice, 23, | 1, —— τσ. 24. 1, —— xxiv. 7, 20. 1. —— vi. 14, 1, John xix, 6 3times, 10, | — 6, see C afresh, 16 twice, 16, 18, 20, 23.11. Bey. xi. 8. OCRUCIFY AFRESH. ἀνασταυρόω, to raise up and fix upon the cross or to crucify again, (No. 1 with dvd, up or again, prefixed), (non oce.) Heb. vi. 6. CRU CRUCIFY WITH. συσταυρόω, to crucify with any one, Matt. xxvii 44. Mark xy. 32. (No. 1 with σύν, together with, prefixed), (non occ.) John xix, 32. Rom. vi. 6. Gal. ii. 20. CRUMB (-s.) ψιχίον, (dim. of ψίξ, a bit or crumb), a Matt. xv. 27. Mark vii. 28. -- 2. . Matt. xxv. 6. . Acts xxiii. 9. little bit or crumb, as of bread or meat, etc. (oce. only in N.T.), (non occ.) Luke xvi. 21 fom. Το T Tr> A σὲ) CRY (-1£s) [noun. ] / Gg 5 κραυγή, ἃ crying out, from sorrow or pain. Bon, (a word formed from the sound boé, like bellow, moo, and Lat. boare) hence, a cry, esp. for help, (non occ.) 2. Jas. v. 4. 1. Rey. xiv. 18 (φωνή, a [voice, L Tr &.) CRY (-IED, -ΕΤΗ, -1NG) [verb]. . κράζω, (a word that imitates the hoarse ery of the raven, Germ. kriichzen,) hence, gen. to cry, cry out ; used of inarticulate cries from fear or pain, etc. βοάω, (like Lat. boare,) to ery aloud, to shout, (a word formed from the sound, like bellow, moo in Eng.) esp. to cry for help, etc. (non occ.) ἀναβοάω, (No.2 with ἀνά, πρ or again, prefixed,) to lift up the voice, ex- claim. ἐπιβοάω, (No. 2 with ἐπί, upon, pre- fixed,) to cry out upon, exclaim vehemently, (non occ.) . φωνέω, to sound, utter a sound; of animals, tomake the noise peculiar to them; of persons, to call out ; of instruments, to sound. ἐπιφωνέω, (No. 5 with ἐπί, upon, pre- fixed,) to ery out upon, 1.6. there- upon, in acclamation or against. . κραυγάζω, to make a clamour or out- cry. [ 196 ] CRY 8. ἀφίημι, to send forth or away, to let go from one’s self, to dismiss, hence, to send forth a loud cry. 2. Matt. iii. 3. — —— yvili. 29, see C out. 1, —— ix. 27. ἢ. —— xii. 19. — —— xiv. 26, see C out. ile 30. 7, —— xy. 22(No.1,L Tr i 23. LR.) — — xx. 30. fp 91. 1. —— xxi. 9, 15. — —— xxvii. 23,see C out. oe 46(No.2, L™ Tr.) "8 δ0. 2. Marki. 3. --- 23, see C out. ie 26 (No.5, Τ ΤΥ Α. 1. — iii. 11. CS.) 1. —v. 5,7. — —— vi. 49, 2? see C — —— ix. 24, § out. is 6. — —— x, 47, see C out i 48. 1. —— xi. 9. — —— xv. 8, see C aloud - 13, 14, see C out 2: 34. 8. ax - 39, see C out. 2. Luke iii. 4. — —— iy.33,41, seeC out. 5. — viii. 8. -- 28, — —— ix.38,39, see C out. 5. —— xvi. 24. 9. —— xviii. 7, 38. 12 39. — —— xix. 40, 5660 — — xxiii. 18, § out. 6. ile 1. Rev. 5. Luke xxiii. 46, 1. John i. 15. 2 23. 1. —— vii. 28, 37. 7, ——xi. 43. 1, ——xii. 13 (Νο. 7, LT 1. 44. [Tr A.) 7. — xviii. 40. — — xix.6,12,15, } see C — Acts vii. 57, ) out. it. . 2. —— viii. 7. — — xiv. 14, see C out. 1. —— xvi. 17. 5. 28. 2. —— xvii. 6. — —— xix. 28, see C out, 1. 92. “πο 34, see C out. — —— xxi. 28, see C out. 2. 34(No.6G2LT is 36. [Tr AX.) — —— xxii. 23, see C out. 24,see C against. — —— xxiii. 6, see C out. 1, —— xxiv. 21 (ἐκκράζω, to cry out, T Tr A &.) 4. — xxv. 24(No.2,L Tr &.), [ἐπί] βοάω, A.) 1, Rom. viii. 15. 1, —— ix. 27. 1, Gal. iv. 6. 2. 27. 1. Jas. v. 4. 1, Rev. vi. 10. 1, —— vii. 2, 10. 1. —x.3. 1, —— xii. 2. 1, —— xiv. 15. 5. 18. 1. —— xviil. 2, 18, 19, ΕΚ. ΤΣ CRY AGAINST. 6. Acts xxii. 24. CRY ALOUD. 3. Mark xv.8 (ἀναβαίνω, having gone up,*LT Tr ΑΝ.) * i.e. to the governor’s house. CRY οσα 1. κράζω, see “ ory,” Νο. 1. 2 2. ἀνακράζω, (No. 1 with ἀνά, up or again, prefixed,) to lift up the voice, cry out. 3. ἀναβοάω, see “ cry,” No. 3. 4. κραυγάζω, see “cry,” No. 7. ραυγάξω, ; 1. Matt. viii. 29. 2. Luke iv. 33. 1. --- πον, ταν 1. 41 (Noam T A.) 1. —— xx. 30. 2. —— viii. 28. 1. ---- xxvii. 23. 3. —— ix. 38 (βοάω, seo 2. Mark i. ἘΝ cry, ΝΟ; 2,1, Tr &.) 2. —— vi. 49. . 1. —— ix, 24. 1. —— xix. 40. 1. ——x. 47. 2. —— xxiii. 18, 1, —— xv. 13, 14. 4, John xix. 6. [(om. &.) if 39 (οπι, τὸ Α 8.) 1. 12(No.4, LT Tr) 1. Acts xxiii. 6. CRYING [noun. ] κραυγή, a erying out, from sorrow or pain. Heb. v. 7. | Rey. xxi. 4. CRYSTAL. κρύσταλλος, clear ice, water concreted by cold, hence, anything congealed and pellucid, then, crystal, from its resemblance to ice, (non occ.) Rev. iv. 6. Ι Rey. xxii. 3. CRYSTAL (cieaR As.) κρυςταλλίζω, to be like crystal, ζ.ο. clear and sparkling. Rey. xxi. 11. CUBIT (-s.) πῆχυς, the fore-arm from the wrist to the elbow. In N.T.a cubit, the common ancient measure of length, equal in distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, or about twenty- four or twenty-five inches,(non. occ.) Matt. vi. 27. | John xxi. 8. Luke xii. 25. Rey. xxi. 17. CUMBER (-ep, -ΕΤΗ.) 1. περισπάω, to draw from around any one, to draw off or away. In Ν.Π Pass. to be drawn about in mind, hence, to be distracted, over-occu- pied with cares or business,(non occ.) 2. κατωργέω, to render inactive, idle, useless; prop. of land, to spoil; hence, metaph. to make without effect, to make vain, void or fruit- less. 1. Luke x. 40, | 2. Luke xiii. 7. CUMI. κοῦμι, (κοὗμ, T Tr As.) The Heb. im- perat. fem. "91, arise, expressed in Greek letters, (non occ.) Mark ν. 41. CRY F 19% 1 CUR foaeia vil 67 γ3: aa CUMMIN. 1. — xiv. 14. 4, —— xxii. 23. κύμινον, cumin, (the cuminum sativum of modern botany ; ΠΗεῦ. 193: Germ. kimmel, ) an umbelliferous plant with aromatic seeds, used as a condiment, (non occ.) Matt. xxiii. 23. CUNNING. See, CRAFTINESS. CUNNINGLY. See, DEVISE. CUP. ποτήριον, ἃ drinking vessel, a cup. Metaph. from the Heb. lot or por- tion, under the emblem of a cup which God presents to be drank either for good or evil, (Ps. xxiii. 5 and xi. 6.) Matt. x. 42. Luke xi. 39. —— xx. 22, 23. —— xxii. 17, 20 twice, 42, —— xxiii. 25, 26 John xviii. 11. —— xxvi. 27, 39. 1 Cor. x. 16, 21 twice. —— 42(om.G@3L T Tr —— xi. 25 twice, 26, 27, A &.) 28 Mark vii. 4, 8 (ap.) Rey. xiv. 10. —— ix. 41. —- xvi. 19 —— x. 38, 39. - xyii. 4 —— xiv. 23, 36. —— xviii. 6 CURE (-s) [noun.] tacts, healing, cure. Luke xiii. 32, CURE [verb.] θεραπεύω, to wait upon, to minister unto, z.e. to render voluntary service and attendance; to take care of the sick, hence, in N.T. to relieve, heal, cure. Matt. xvii. 16, 18. | Luke ix. 1. Luke vii. 21. John ν. 10, CURIOUS ARTS (usep.) See, ARTS. CURSE (noun. | l. κατάρα, imprecation against, hence, cursing, of men, accursed, of land, barren. CUR 2. κατανάθεμα, a great curse, a most cursed thing or person. 1. Gal. iii. 10, 13 twice. 2. Rey. xxii. 3 (κατάθεμα, a curse, 6 L T Tr 18) (κάταγμα, breakage, fracture, &.) CURSE (Εν UNDER Α.) ἀνάθεματίζω, {ο declare one to be ἀνάθεμα, (i.e. devoted to destruction, ac- cursed), to bind by a curse. Acts xxiii. 12, marg. bind with an oath of execration. CURSE (BIND UNDER A GREAT.) ἀνάθεμα, devoted to to bind with | destruction, accursed, + a great or ἀναθεματιζω, see above, J heavy curse. Act xxiii. 14. [ 198 ] ————— - CURSE (-πν, -ΒΡΑ1, -ΕΤΗ, -1NG) [verb. | 1. καταράομαι, to wish or pray against any one, 1.6. to wish evil to, hence, to curse. 2. ἀναθεματίζω, to declare one to be ἀνάθεμα, (i.e. devoted to destruc- tion, accursed, ) to bind by a curse. 3. καταναθεματίζω, (No. 2 with κατά, against, prefixed,) to utter curses against, (stronger than No. 2.) 4. κακολογέω, to speak evil of, revile. 1. Matt. v. 44 (ap.) 1. Mark xi. 21. 4, — xv. 4. 2. ——xiv. 71. 3. xxvi. 74 (καταθεμα- 1. Luke vi. 28. τιζω, to curse, α 1, T 1. Rom. xii. 14. 4. Mark vii.10. [Tr AX.) | 1. Jas. iii. 9. CURSED. 1. κατάρα, imprecation against, hence, cursing of men, accursed. 2. ἐπικατάρατος, one upon whom a curse rests ; devoted to the curse, doomed to punishment, (non. occ.) 2. John vii. 49 (ἐπάρτος, | 2. Gal. iii. 10, 13. laid under a curse,LT | 1, 2 Pet. ii. 14 (Gen.) Tr/A δὲ) CURSED (15) καταράοµαι, see cuRSE,” No. 1. Matt. xxv. 41. ...αἈαἈαἈαἈαἈαωἹὩἈὈἈὩ....-οθ---------α κ CUS CURSING. 1. ἀρά, prayer, 1.6. supplication. In N.T. imprecation (non occ.) 2. κατάρα, imprecation, against. 1, Rom. iii. 14, | 2. Heb. vi. 8. 2. Jas. iii. 10. CUSTOM (-s.) 1. ἔθος, a custom, usage, manner, whether established by law or other- wise. 2. ἐθίζω, to accustom, use. (a) Pass. to be accustomed; and of things, to be customary, (non. occ.) 3. συνήθεια, a dwelling or living to- gether, a being wonted together, familiarity. In N.T. a usage, custom, (non occ.) 4. τέλος, an end or termination, in respect to time; then, what is paid for public ends, a toll, tax,custom. — Matt. ix. 9, see Ο (re-{ — Luke v. 27, see C (re- ceipt of.) ceipt of.) 4. —— xvii. 25. 3. John xviii. 39. — Mark ii. 14, see C (re-| 1. Acts vi. 14, marg. rite. ceipt of.) 1. —— xvi. 21. 1. Luke i. 9. 1. — xxi. 21. 2. 1, 27. 1. —— xxvi. 3. πι 42. 1. —— xxviii. 17. — —— iv. 16, see Ο was | 4. Rom. xiii, 7 twice. (as his.) 3. 1 Cor. xi. 16. CUSTOM (recewt or.) τελώνιον, a toll-house, custom-house, collector’s-office. Matt. ix. 9. Mark ii. 14, marg. place where C was received, Luke vy. 27. CUSTOM WAS RECEIVED (place where) [margin. | τελώνιον, see above. Luke y. 27, text, receipt of custom. CUSTOM WAS (45 HIS.) κατά, according to,) according to His τὸ, the, custom, εἰωθὸς, custom, as He was αὐτῷ, His, wont. Luke iy. 10. CUT [ 199 ] DAI CUT (-1NG.) 1. κατακόπτω, to hew or cut down, to cut in pieces. In N.T. to beat, cut, wound. 2. περιαιρέω, to takeaway whatis round about, hence, to take away wholly. 1. Mark v. 5. 2. Acts xxvii. 40, marg. (text, take up.) μυ CUT ASUNDER. διχοτομέω, to cut in two ; a cruel punish- ment inflicted by ancient nations. Matt. xxiy. 51, marg. cut off. —_—_ CUT IN SUNDER. Luke xii. 46, marg. cut off. CUT DOWN. . κόπτω, to cut by a blow, e.g., branches of trees, to cut off or down. . ἐκκόπτω, to cut off, strike or cut out. 1. Matt. xxi. 8. Ι 1, Mark xi. 8, 2. Luke xiii. 7, 9. CUT OFF. (a) Mid. to cut off their own (part usually circwmcised), (non occ.) 2. ἐκκόπτω, to cut off or out of. DAILY. κατὰ, (with Acc.) down upon; of a period or time down upon which (i.e. in, at or during | through- which) any thing takes \out the place ; of place or time, |day or from the idea of perva- | from day ding all the parts of | to day. a whole, distributively, from one to another, ἠμέρα, ἃ day, πασα, all or every, ἡμέρα, a day, 2. | } every day. 3. διχοτομέω, see CUT ASUNDER.” 4. ἀφαιρέω, to take away, remove from. - Matt. v. 30. . — xviii. 8. [Ὁ asunder — xxiv. 5l.marg. (text 4. Luke xxii. 50. 1. John xviii, 10, 26, 1. Acts xxvii. 32. Ὁ μὰ καὶ conor - Mark ix. 43, 45. 2. Rom. xi, 22. » . ——Xiv. 47. 2. 2 Cor. xi. 12, . Luke xii. 46, marg.| 18. Gal. v. 12. (text, C in sunder.) CUT OUT. ἐκκόπτω, to cut off or out of. Rom, xi. 24. CUT SHORT. συντέμνω, to cut together, 1.6. to con- tract by cutting. Rom. ix. 28 (ap.) CUT (sz.) διαπρίω, to saw through or asunder, as with the teeth. In N.T. only in Mid. to be enraged, moved with anger. Acts vii. 54. CUT TO THE HEART (sr). Acts v. 33. . ἀποκόπτω, to cut off from, amputate. | CYMBAL. κύμβαλον, a cymbal, (so called from its shape, κύμβος, a hollow bason.) 1 Cor. xiii. 1. Kata, see above, ἑκάστος, each, ἡμέρα, a day, κατὰ, see above, πασα, all or every, ἡμέρα, a day, (Sah Da ᾿ ἐφήμερος, for the day, i.e. English, ephemeral ; hence, daily (non occ.) through every day. . καθημερινός, day by day (non occ.) ἐπιούσιος (a word coined by our Lord, and found only as below), coming upon or over one, here qualifying the word “bread,” not “ daily.” It DAI [ 200 1 DAN refers to the bread “which cometh down from heaven,” and is com- pared and contrasted with the manna, John vi. 32, 33. This bread came down upon them, and came in a daily supply ; hence τέ is herecoupled with the word (σήμερον), “this day,” but separated from it by the words (δὸς ἡμῖν), “ give to s.”” (It cannot be derived from ἐπί, upon, and εἰμί, to be, because the participle would in that case be ἐπούσα; but it is from ἐπί, upon, and εἶμι, to go or come, with par- ticiple ἐπιούσα.) Lit. “ our bread, coming upon ws, give us this day “our bread for our going upon (or journeying, give us this day.” 7. Matt. vi. 11. : 6. Acts vi. 1. 1, — xxvi. 55 1, —— xvi. 5. 1. Mark xiy. 49. 1. —— xvii. 11 1, Luke ix. 23 (ap.) 4, 17. 7. —— xi. 3. 1. xix. 9. 1, —— xix. 47. 1. 1 Cor. xv. 31. 1. —— xxii. 53. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 28. 1. Acts 11, 46, 47. 3. Heb. iii. 13. 1. — iii. 2. 1. — vii. 27. αι τας 1. — x. 11. 5. Jas. li. 15. DAINTY. λιπαρός, fatty, oily, shiny with oil, anointed therewith; of things, esp. as belonging to ornament or luxury, shining, sumptuous. Rev. xviii. 14. DAMAGE. ζημία, loss, (opp. to κέρδος, gain,) damage. Acts xxvii. 10. DAMAGE (REcEIvE.) ζημιόω, to bring loss upon any one. In N.T. only Pass. or Mid. to suffer loss, receive detriment. 2 Cor. vii. 9. DAMNABLE. ἀπώλεια, transitively, the losing or loss ; intransitively, perdition, ruin. In N.T. of the state after death, wherein man, instead of becoming what he might have been, is lost and ruined. 2 Pet. ii. 1. DAMNATION. 1. ἀπώλεια, see “ DAMNABLE.” 2. κρίμα, the result or issue of κρίνω, (to separate, hence, to judge), the decision arrived at, decree, deter- mination ; then, the decision of a judge, judgment. 3. κρίσις, the act of separation, sunder- ing; judgment; esp. of judicial process,judgment directed against the guilty and leading on to con- demnation. . Matt. xxiii. 14, 2. Luke xx. 47. τ 98, 3. John v. 29. 3. Mark iii. 29 Pes 2. Rom. iii. 8. asin, GS LT TrA 2. —— xiii. 2. (ἀμαρτία, sin | generi- 2. 1 Cor. xi. 29,marg.judg- cally, Gs.) 2.1Tim.v.12. [ment. —— xii. 40. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 1. DAMNED (55.) 1. κρίνω, to divide, to separate, make a distinction, come to a decision ; hence, to judge. 2. κατακρίνω, to give judgment against, pronounce condemnation against any one. 2, Mark xvi. 16(ap.) pass. | 2. Rom. xiv. 23, pass. 1. 2 Thes. ii. 12, pass. DAMSEL. 1. κοράσιον, (dim. of κόρη,) a little girl, maiden, a word only used in familiar discourse. 2. παίδιον, ἃ young child, male or female, (dim. of παῖς.) 3. παιδίσκη, ἃ young girl, afemaleslave. 1. Matt. _ xiv. 11. 1. Ματκν. 41 2nd, 42, 9, i, 22, 28 twice, Chae v. 39, ap twice. 3. John xviii. 17. 2: 411 3. Acts xii. 13. 3. Acts xvi. 16. DANCE (-rp.) ὀρχέω, to take or lift up, as the feet, hence, Mid. to leap as by rule, to dance, (non. occ.) Matt. xi. 17. | Mark vi. 22. — xiv. 6. Luke vii. 32. αφ aay DANCING. χορός, a dance in a ring, around dance, gen. dancing as connected with musie and song, esp. on festive occasions, (non. occ.) Luke xv, 25. DAN DANGER (BE ιν.) κινδυνεύω, to be daring, face danger, run arisk; intrans. to be hazarded or endangered. Acts xix. 27, 40. DANGER OF (iv.) ἔνοχος, held in, contained in, fastened in or on any thing, hence, liable, subject to. Matt. ν. 21, 223 times. | Mark iii, 29, DANGEROUS. ἐπισφαλής, near upon falling, z.e. ready to fall, hence, insecure, dangerous, (non occ.) Acts xxvii. 9. DANIEL. Δανιήλ, Daniel. Matt. xxiv. 15. | Mark xiii. 14 (ap.) DARE. τολμάω, to have τόλμη (daring); to take heart either to do or bear anything terrible or dificult; to venture, dare. Matt. xxii. 46, Acts vii. 32. Mark xii. 34. Rom. vy. 7. Luke xx. 40. — xv. 18. John xxi. 12, 1 Cor. vi. 1. Acts y. 18. 2 Cor. x. 12. Jude 9, DARK. 1. σκοτία, darkness, absence of light. 2. σκοτεινός, dark, without light. 3. αὐχμηρός, (from αὐχμός, drought by too much heat,) hence, dry, dusty, murky, (non occ.) 2. Luke xi. 86. | 1. John xx. 1. 1, John vi, 17, 3. 2 Pet. i. 19. DARKEN (-ep.) σκοτίζω, to make dark, deprive of light. In N.T. only Pass. to be darkened. Matt. xxiv. 29, Eph. iv. 18 (σκοτόω, to dark- Mark xiii. 94. en, cover with darkness, Luke xxiii. 45, LTTrARN.) Rom. i. 21, Rev. viii. 12. (LT A.) — xi. 10, ——ix.2(cxordw, see above [ θαι 1] [{ in, DAR ——$—$—————=—SS——S— a ο ο ν) DARKLY. αἴνιγμα, an enigma, (from obscurely, obscurely, ) αἰνίσσομαι, to hint (non occ.) 1 Cor, xiii, 12, marg. in a riddle, ὔὌὪ ου... DARKNESS. 1. σκότος, darkness, absence of light. (a) masc. (Ὁ) neuter. 2. σκοτία, used by later writers for No. 1. Same meaning. 3. ζόφος, the gloom of the nether world, nether darkness, murkiness, thick gloom. 1b. Matt. iv. 16 (No. 2, L| 1b. Acts xxvi. 18, πρ A’) of.) | 1b. Rom. ii. 19. — —-Vi. 23 1st,see Ὁ (full | 1b. —— xiii. 19, 10. 23 2nd ἃ 3rd. 10. 1 Cor. iv. 5. 1b. —— viii. 12. 10. 2 Cor. iv. 6. 2. —x. 27. lb. —— vi. 14. lb. —— xxii. 13. 10. Eph. ν. 8, 11. lb. —— xxv. 30. 1b. —— vi. 19. lb. —— xxvii. 45. lb. Cal. i. 13. lb. Mark xv. 33. 1b. Luke i. 79. — —— xi. 34, see D (full LTTrARW.) 10. 35. [ο8,) | 1b. 1 Pet. ii. 9. 2. —— xii. 3. 3. 2 Pet. ii. 4. lb. —— xxii. 53. 1b. 17. lb. —— xxiii. 44. 2. 1Johni. 5. 2. John i, 5 twice. : 6. 10. —— iii. 19. . —— ii. 8, 9, 11 3 times 2. — viii. 19. 3. Jude 6. 2. —— xii. 35 twice, 46, 10, 18. lb. Acts ii. 20, — Rev. xvi. 10, see D (be lb. —— xiii. 11. full of.) σσ DARKNESS (rvtt or.) σκοτεινός, dark, without light. Matt. vi. 23. | Luke xi. 34, DARKNESS (sk ΕΠ, or.) σκοτόω, to darken, cover with dark- ness. In N.T. only in Pass. Rey. xvi. 10. DART (-s.) 1. βέλος, a missile, weapon, e.g. a dart, arrow or javelin ; sometimes fitted with combustibles, (non occ.) 2. βολίς, something thrown, as the lead in sounding, hence, a missile weapon, (non occ.) 1. Eph, vi. 16, | 2. Heb xii. 20 (ap.) DAS DASH. 1. προσκόπτω, to beat towards, 1.6. upon any thing, to strike against; esp. of the foot, to stumble, (here followed by πρός, towards or against.) 2. ῥήγνυμι, to rend, tear, break, burst. 1. Matt. iv. 6. 2. Mark ix. 18, marg. (text, tear.) 1. Luke iy. 11. DAUGHTER (s.) 1. θυγάτηρ, a daughter. 2. τέκνον, a child by natural descent, whether male or female, son or daughter. 1, Matt. ix. 18, 29. 1. Luke i, 5. 1, —— x. 35, 37. 1. — ii. 36. 1, —— xiv. 6. 1. —— viii. 42, 48, 49. 1. —— xv. 22, 28. 1, — xii. 53. if xxi. δ. 1, —— xiii. 16. — Mark y.23, see D(little.)} 1. —— xxiii. 28. 1. 34, 35, 1. John xii. 15. 1, —— vi. 22. 1. Acts ii. 17. 1, ——vii.25,seeD(young)}| 1. —— vii. 21. 1. 26, 29. if, xxi. 9. 1. 30 (παιδίον, alit-| 1. 2 Cor. vi. 18. tle child, LT Tr A κ.) 1. Heb. xi. 24, 2. 1 Pet. iii. 6, marg. child. DAUGHTER (u1TTLz.) θυγάτριον, dim. of No. 1 above. Mark ν. 29, DAUGHTER (youna.) Mark vii. 25. DAUGHTER IN LAW. νύμφη, a bride, spouse, newly married, (from Lat. nubo, to veil.) 45 op- posed to πενθερά, mother in law, τί is put for daughter in law. Matt. x. 35. | Luke xii, 53 twice. DAWN [verb.] διαυγάζω, to shine through, i.e. spoken of daylight, to break forth, dawn, (non occ.) 2 Pet. i. 19. DAWN (sectn το.) ἐπιφώσκω, to grow light upon, to dawn upon, (occ. Luke xxiii. 54.) Matt, xxviii. 1. [ 202 ] DAY DAY (-s.) ἡμέρα, day, 1.9. the time from one sun- rise orsunset to another; also, day, 1.6. day-light from sunrise to sunset; then, sometimes, time in general ; im sing. a period or point of time; im plur. days, i.e. time. Matt. ii. 1. — iii. 1. — iv. 2. —— vi.11, see D (this.) 54, — vii. 22. — ix. 15, — x. 16. —— xi. 12, 22. 23, see D (this.) 24 —— xii. 36, 40 twice. — xiii. 1. —— xv. 32. — xvi. 21. — xvii. 1, 23. —— xx, 2, 6, 12, 19. —— xxii. 23, 46. —— xxiii. 30. —— xxiv. 19, 22 twice, 29, 36, 37, 38 twice, 50, — xxy. 13. —— xxvi. 2, 29, 61. —— xxvii. 8, 19, see Ὁ , OL, —— xxviii.15,seeD (this) Mark i. 9, 13. 35, see D (a great while before.) —— ii. 4, 20 twice. 26, see days of (in στο, ὃ, —— vi. 11 (ap.) 21. 35, see D was far spent (when the.) — viii. 1, 2, 31. —— ix. 2, 3l. — x. 34. —— xiii. 17, 19, 20 twice, 24, 32. xiv. 1, 12, 25. 30, see D (this.) 58, —— xy. 20. Luke i. 5, 20, 23, 24, 25, 39, 59, 75, 80. — ii. 1, 6. —— 11, see Ὁ (this.) ——- 21, 22, 37, 43, 44, — iv. 3 twice, 16. 21, see D (this.) 25, 42. ——v.17,seeD (acertain.) 35 twice, —- vi. 12, 13, 23. —— viii, 22, see Ὁ (a cer- tain.) —— ix. 12, 22, 28, 36, 37. — x. 12. — xi. 3, see D by D, or D (for the.) — xii. 40, —— xiii. 14 twice, 16, —— 31 (ὥρα, hour, ἄν T &.) — xiv. δ. — χυ. 13. —xvi. 19. —— xvii. 4 1st. 42nd (om, LT Tr AR.) Luke xvii. 22 twice, 24 (ap), 26 twicc, 27, 28, 29, 30, 91, —— xvlii. 7, 33. —— xix. 9, see Ὁ (this.) 42 — xx.l. — xxi. 6, 22, 23, 34, —— xxii. 7. 34, see D (this.) 66. — xxiii. 12, 29, 54, —— xxiy. 7, 13, 18, 21, 29, 46. John i. 39. —— li. 1, 12, 19, 20. —— iv. 40, 43. --- ον 9. --- vi. 39, 40, 44, 64, —— vii. 37. —— viii. 56. — ix. 4. —— xi. 6, 9 twice, 17, 24, 80; see D (four.) — xii. 1, 7, 48. — xiv. 20. —— xvi. 23, 26, —— xix. 31. —- xx. 19, 26. Acts i. 2, 3. 5, see days hence (many.) 15, 22. — ii. 1, 15, 17, 18, 20, 29, 41. — iii, 24. —— iv. 9, see D (this.) — v. 36, 37. —-vi.l. . — vii. 8, 26, 41, 45. —— ix. 9,19, 23,24,37,43. — x. 8, 30, 40, 48. —— xi. 27. - 28, see days of (in the.) —— xii. 3, 18, 21. —— xiii. 14, 31. - 33, see D (this,) 41. -— xv. 36. —-— xvi. 12, 18, 35, — xvii. 31. —— xix. 40, see Ὁ (this.) —— xx. 6 3 times. 11,seeD(breakof.) 18 26, see D (this.) 31 — xxi. 4, 5, 7, 10, 15, 26 twice, 27, 38. —— xxii. 3, see Ὁ (this.) — xxiii, 1, 12. — xxiv. 1, 11. 21, see D (this.) 9 — xxv. 1,6, 13, 14. —— xxvi. 2, see D (this.) Vy 2a 29, see D (this. —— xxvii. 7, 20, 29, 39150. 332nd see D(this.) ----- 33 3rd, 39, —— xxviii, 7, 12, 19, 14, 17, 23. Rom. ii. 5, 16. —- viii. "36. — x. 2]. — xi. 8, see D (unto this.) — xiii, 12, 13. —— xiv. δ twice. 6 Ist. 6 2nd (ap.) 1 Cor. i. 8. — iii. 13. [this.) —— iv. 13, see D (unto — ν. δ. — x. 8. — xv. 4. 2 Cor. i. 14. —— iii. 14,15,seeD(this.) —— iv. 16, see D by D. — vi, 2 twice. —— xi. 25, see night and 3 {a D L 2 Cor. iv. 16. μιᾶ, one DAY 2. Luke xi. 3, marg. for the day. DAY (A CERTAIN.) τῶν ἡμερῶν, of the days. Luke ν. 17; viii. 22 DAY (A GREAT WHILE BEFORE.) ἔννυχον, (ἔνυχα, acc. pl. neut. G~L TT rAws),in the night, by night, Nav,very, exceedingly, Mark i, 35. DAY (BREAK OF.) αὐγή, light, brightness, spoken of the light of day, the sun, ete., hence, | the dawn, (non occ.) Acts xx, 11. [ 203 1 DAY τ ἢ l : σος 1. DAY ( for the) [margin. | Heb. i. 2. ν —— 5, soe D (this. { bigs" ᾿ see “ DAY BY DAY,” No. 2. — iii. 8. έρα ’ — iy. 4,7, 8 ἼΤΩ PRE τος Ϊ Luke xi. 3, text, day by day. — vii. 3. | — viii. 8, 9, 10. a 16, 25, 32. ee at. DAY TO DAY (ππον.) Jas. v. 3, 5. UP 1 Pet. ii 12. ἡμέρα, day, ἘΣ eal ἐξ, out of, from, ¢ day by day. πρ Deo fraom) Ίμερα, day, — iii, 3, 7, 8 twice 10, 12. row λοι 1 John iv. 17. Gal. i. σος 8 ρα ee Ὁ (Lord’s.) Eph. iv. 30. ώς tat Ἢ ἁμκήι DAY (THE Lorp’s.) eas =—— iv. 8. 3 — vi. 13. | —vi. 17. ἡ, the, ee νι ας at i, κυριακῆ, pertaining to the τω Col. i. 6, 9. — ix. , 16. Lord, (occ.1 Cor. xi. 20), 1 Thes. ii. 9. πα, ( re Fe d day. — iii. 10. —— xi. ‘3, 6, 9, 11. Ὥμερα, day, — yv. 2, 4, 5,8 — xii. , 10, Rey, i. 10, 2 Thes. 1, 10. => tie ΤΠ: 4 5 aaa 4 πο [It is submitted that the term, “The 1 Tim. 7. δ. ο ied Lord’s Day,” denotes not the 2 Tim. i. 3, 12, 18. τ xxi 35. Christian Sunday, but “ The Day petal of the Lord,” 1.6. the Day of the Lord’s judgment or of Hiscoming, DAY BY DAY. for the following reasons :— ἡμέρα, day, a. It is a pure assumption thai the 1. jt and, also, day by day. earliest use of the term can have OEP Gs day ay a meaning which subsequent κατὰ, see“ DAILY,” ) throughoutthe — usage alone makes intelligible. 2. No. 1, day, or from ο πο ιο M04 : ἡμέρα, day, day to day. b. Sunday is in the N.T. invariably called “The first day of the week,” see Matt. xxviii. 1; Mark xvi. 2, 9; Luke xxiv.1; Acts xx. 7; 1 Cor. xvi. 2; and even in John’s Gospel, written after the Apocalypse. John xx. 1, 19. . We have the similar expressions, “ ἡμέραι τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ ἀνθρώπου," days of the Son of Man, Luke xvii. 22; and, “ ανθρωπίνη ἡμέρα,᾽ man’s day, 1 Cor. iv.3. Why not ἡμέρα τοῦ κυριοῦ, day of the Lord; and ο. κυριακῇ ἡμέρα, Lord’s Day ? et in eee ian ts , - jie night, Gy ο... ἡμέρα, man's day, in (non occ.) 1 Cor. iv. 5, means man s judgment, the time or period in which man judges. So the corresponding expression in Rey. i. 10, κυριακῇ ἡμέρα, denotes the Lord’s judgment, and the book is a history of the events which will take place during the time or period in which | the Lord will judge the earth. DAY e. The use of the adjective throws the emphasis on to the word Day; whereas the use of the Genitive case of the noun in- stead, (by the figure of Hnallage) places the emphasis on the word Lorp’s. See the only other occur- rence of the adjective in 1 Cor. xi. 20, where it is “κυριακόν δεῖπνον, Lord’s SUPPER, not v,” Supper of “ δεῖπνον τοῦ κυριοῦ, THE LORD. f. The day in Rev. i. 7, has all the marks of the day as described by Zech. xii. 12-14. g. Itisthe fact that theterm “‘ Lord” was applied to the Sun by most of the ancient nations, and that the sur was worshipped on the first day of the week. Among the Pagan Romans, the first day was called “dies Dominus Sol,’ day of the Lord Sun, and so now the ecclesiastical term, “ dies dominica.” In trans- ferring this term in Rev. i. 10, to “the first day of the week,” the early Christians were acting onthe principle of replacing heathen days and festivals by those which were Christian. (See Bingham Ant. xx. § 5. In chap. xx. § 2, he mentions the fact that the early Christians were charged with being worshippers of the sun. Is not this accounted for by the fact stated above ?) | DAY (τΗ18.) σήμερον, to-day. Matt. vi. 11. Acts iv. 9. — xi. 23. — xiii. 33. — xxvii. 8, 19, —— xix. 40 — xxviii. 15. — xx. 26 Mark xiv. 30. — xxii. 3. Luke ii. 11. —— xxiv. 21. —- iv. 21. — xxvi. 2, 29 — xix.9. — xxvii. 33 — xxii. 34, 2 Cor, iii. 14, 15. Heb, i. 5. DAY (vnro THIS.) éws, until, unto, until even ἄρτι, now, just now, now. ο : éws, until, unto ) { ; gs ῳ ᾽ ; until this 9 ἡ ἡμέρα, the day, , 5 very day. σήμερον, to-day, 2 Rom, xi. 8. | 1. 1 Cor. iv. 19. [ 204 ] DAY DAY WAS FARSPENT (wHEn THE.) many hours i havin ssed πολλῇς, many, or ie τς, iA . ενόµενης, becomin . - σα νο 8) having arrived. Mark vi. 35. ὥρας, hours, DAYS (του...) When not two separate words. τεταρταῖος, an adj. marking a succession of days, used adverbially, on the fourth day. John xi. 39. DAYS HENCE (nor many). ov, not, pera, after, πολλὰς, many, ταύτας, these, ἡμέρας, days, after not many of these days. Acts i. δ. DAYS OF (in της.) ἐπί, (with Gen.) upon; in the presence or time of. Mark ii. 26. Ι Acts xi. 28. —_— See also, AFTER, COURT, EIGHTH, FEAST, FIRST, FOLLOWING, MID, NEXT, NIGHT, SABBATH, THIRD, TO-DAY. DAY-SPRING. ἀνατολή, an up-rising, esp. of the sun or moon, hence, the rising sun or the quarter of sun-rise, the east; but also, a growing, hence, a shoot, as Ixx. for nov, Jer. xxii. 15; Zech. iii. 8; vi. 12. Luke i. 78, marg. swrrising or branch. DAY-STAR. φωσφόρος, light-bearing. In N.T. as subst. the light bringer; (Lat. luci- fer,) the morning star. (The title of Star is applied to Christ under various aspects, Rev. xxii. 16, and Num. xxiv. 17. It cannot here refer to the conversion of the sinner, for prophecy is not given as a light until this takes place 1), (non occ.) 2 Pet. i, 19. 1. νεκρός, dead, as subst. and adj.* DAY DAY-TIME (in THE.) Tas ἡμέρας, the days. Luke xxi. 37. DEACON. διάκονος, a servant, attendant, waiter at table. (Derivation uncertain, but prob. from διήκω, to run to serve.) The main thought in the word 15 service rendered to another, the servant of him whom the labour benefits; as an officer in Primi- tive times it denoted orig. one who had charge of the alms, etc., of the Assembly, Acts vi. 1-6; but those chosen for this work may have been qualified to stand by and assist the Apostles in higher acts of ministry ; see Acts vi. 8-10; viii. 5-8; of a female, one who had charge of sick and poor, Rom. xvi. 1. Phil. i. 1. 1Tim. τὰ: wee 13,see D(use 1 Tim, iii. 8, : [the office of.) DEACON (vst THE OFFICE OF.) διακονέω, to serve, render service, to wait upon; in its narrowest sense, to wait at table, but gen. to do any one a service, to care for one’s need, (there is a special reference to the service rendered, as distinct from to serve or to be subject to, though both may co-exist), hence, to do the duties of a διάκονος. 1 Tim, iii, 10, 18, marg. minister. DEAD [adj.* and noun. | prop. only of persons or in allusion to them; as subst. one dead, a dead person ; as adj.* dead. (The Scrip. element in the conception of death is a judicial sentence on account of sin, νεκρός is therefore used of one given over to death even during life; not merely of religious inactivity or so-called spiritual death.) 2, νεκρόω, to make νεκρός (No. 1), hence, to put to death; Pass. as here, to be dead, lifeless. [ 205 1 DEA 3. θνήσκω, to die, (as the primitive sen- tence of God upon or account of sin.) In ΝΤ. only in perf. to have died, i.e. to be dead in a present sense, 4. ἀποθνήσκω, (No. 3, with ἀπό, prefixed, rendering the verb more vivid and intense, and representing the action of the simple verb (No. 3) as con- summated and finished,) to die out, to expire, to become quite dead. — Matt.ii.19,20,seeD(be.) 1. —— viii. 22 twice. — —— 1x.18,24,see D(be.) 1. ——x.8 (om. G — T.) Ue τ δι [iy 1, — nv. 2. 1, — xvii. 9. 1, —— xxii. 31, 32. — — xxii.27,seeDman. 1. —— xxvii. 64. το — =e .4,seeDman., Ξ Marky. τν 339,seeD (be.) — vi. 1, ην TTrbAX.) 1. — ix. 9, 10. 26, see D (be.) 1. —— xii. 35, 26, 27. San ὅὶ twice, see D 3. rhe? vii. 12 (om. Lb-) 15, see D (he that is.) 2 22, — — viii. “49, 52, 53, see D (be.) 1, —— ix. qs 60 twice. — —— x. 30, see D (half.) 1. —— xv. 24, 32. 1, —— xvi. 30, 31. 1, —— xx. 36, 37, 38. 1, —— xxiv. 5, 46. 1. John 11. 22. 1. —— ν. 21, 25. — — vi.49,58,see D(be.) — — Viili. 52,53 twice, see τον 44, ; see D — — xii. 1 1st,§ (be.) ie 1 2nd, 9. 17, 3. —— xix. 33, 1— xx. 9. 1, —— xxi. 14. — Acts ii. 29, see D (be.) 1. — iii. 16. 1. —— iv. 2, 10. 15. ν. 10. — — vii. 4,see D (when .- Was.) 1. ——x. 41, 42. 1. —— xiii. 30, 34, — —— xiv. 19, see D (be.) 1. —— xvii. 3, 31, 32. 1*,——- xx. 9. 1. —— xxiii. 6. 1. —— xxiv. 15 (om. G= LT Tr AWN.) 1, 21. — —— xxv. 19,see D (be.) 1. —— xxvi. 8, 23, Ἂν xxviii, 6, 1. Rom, i. 4 1. —— iv. 17. 2. 19, 1, 24. —— v.15, see D — —vi. 2) (be.) 1. Rom. vi. 4, 7, 8, see D (be.) i 9. 1. 1, ie 13. — — vil. 2,3, see D(be.) -- 4 1st, see D (be- come.) 1. 4 2nd. ---Ξ -- 8, see D (be.) alee 8. Le; viii. 10, a 11 twice. 1. ——x. 7,9. 1. —— xi. 16. 1. —— xiv. 9. —1 Cor. vii. 39, see D (be.) 1. —— xv, 12 twice, 18, 15, 16, 20, 21, 29 Ist ἃ 2nd, 5 29 ὅτά (αὐτοῖ, them, G@LTTrAw& ) 1. 32, 35, 42, 52. 1. 2 Cor. i. 9. —— Vv. i see D (be.) 1. Gal. 1. Ἱ. - ἘΠῚ τν er eee D(be.) 1. Eph. 1 1*, ii, i” δ. 1. ---ν. 14. 1. Phils ΤΠ 1. Col. i. 18. 1, — ii. 12. 1. 13. 20, see D (be.) 1. 1 Thes. i. 10. 1. —— iv. 16. — 1 Tim. v.6. see D (be.) 1. 2 Tim, ii. 8. -- 11,seeDwith(be) 1. — iv. 1. a Heb. vi. 1, i, ix. 14. a 17, see D (after men are.) yee! 4, see D (be.) 2. Le τ: 36. 1. -—— xiii. "20. 15,988. 11, 17. 1*, 20 (apyos, idle, without result, LT Tr A 15. 26 twice. 1. 1 Pet. i. 3, 21. 24, see D (be.) iv. 5. 6, see D (he that is.) 4, Jude 12. 1. Rev. i. 5. 1". = 17͵ 18. ib ii. 8. ΑΝ εἰ Pay ἐν 1, —— xi. 18. 1, —— xiv. 13. — —— xvi. 3, see Dman, 1,—— xx. 5, 12 twice, 13 twice. —— ii. 1, DEA DEAD (ΑΕΤΕΝ MEN ARE.) ἐπί, upon, with Dat. as here,) over over, dead νεκροῖς, dead ones, ones. See under TESTAMENT. Heb. ix. 17. DEAD (51.) 1. θνήσκω, see “ DEAD,” No. 3. 2. ἀποθνήσκω, see “ DEAD,” No. 4. 3. τελευτάω, to end, 1.6. to finish, com- plete, hence, to end one’s life, (some- times of a violent death.) 4, κοιμάω, to fall asleep ixvoluntarily ; hence, to fall asleep in death. Or ἀπογίνομαι, to be away from, have no part in, hence, to be absent from everything, in death. (non occ.) 3. Matt. ii. 19. 1. Acts xiv. 19. i 20. 1. —— xxv. 19. 3. — ix. 18. 2. Rom. v. 15. 2. 24, 2, —vi. 2, 7. 8. 2. Mark v. 35, 39. 2. —— vii. 2, 3. 2. —— ix. 26. 2. 6 (ἀποθανόντες, 1, ——xy. 44 1st. we having died,instead 2. 44, 2nd. of ἀποθανόντος, that 1. Luke viii. 49. being dead, AV™ GLT ie 52, 53. Tr A δ.) 2. John vi. 49, 58. 4, 1 Cor. vii. 39. 2. —— viii. 52, 53 twice. 2. 2. Cor. v. 14. 2. —— xi. 14, 25. 2. Gal. ii. 19. 21. 1: 99 (No.3, GwL} 2. Col. ii. 20. τς Αα) 2, ——iii. 3 1, 44. 1. 1 Tim. v. 6. 1, ——xii.l1 (om.L>Tr>N.) | 2. Heb. xi. 4. 3. Acts 11, 29. 5. 1 Pet. ii. 24, DEAD WITH (sz.) συναποθνήσκω, (Dead, No. 4, with σύν, together with, prefized,) to die with any one. 2 Tim. ii. 11, Aor. DEAD (ΠΕΟΟΝΕ:) θανατύω, to put to death, (by the inter- vention of others,) hence, to cause to be put to death, to deliver over to death. (a) become dead, like the Eng. to mortify. a. Rom, vii. 4, DEAD MAN. νεκρός, see “ DEAD,”’ No. 1. Matt. xxiii 27. | Rey. xvi. 3, Matt, xxviii. 4, DEA DEAD (aat-r.) ἡμιθανής, half-dead. Luke κ. 80, DEAD (HE THAT Is.) νεκρός, see “DEAD,” No. 1. Luke vii. 15. | DEAD (ονΕε.) νεκρός, see “* DEAD,” No. 1. Mark ix, 26. 1 Pet. iv. 6. DEAD (waHen...Was.) pera, after, after the death τὸ, the, or αποθανεῖν, to die, ) after the dying. Acts vii. 4. See also, Bopy. DEADLY. 1, θάνατος, death whether natural or violent, the natural end of life, but esp. death as the punishment pro- nounced by God upon sin. 2. θανατηφόρος. death bearing or death bringing, hence, deadly, (ποπ. occ.) —Mark xvi.18,see D thing. | 2 Jas. iii. 8. 1. Rev. xiii. 3, 12. DEADLY THING. θανάσιμος, of or belonging to death, deadly, (non. occ.) Mark xvi. 18 (neut.) (ap.) DEADNESS. νέκρωσις, a putting to death, expressive of the action as incomplete and in progress, (occ. 2 Cor. iv. 10.) Rom. iv. 19, DEAF. κωφός, blunted, dull, as a weapon. In N.T. metaph. of the senses and faculties, esp. of the tongue or hearing. Matt. xi. 5. | Mark ix. 25. Mark vii. 32, 37. Luke vii. 22. DEA DEAL [noun. | See, GREAT. DEAL (-ETH, DEALT.) μερίζω, to divide into two parts, to part; then by implication, to dis- tribute, divide out. Rom. xii, 3. DEAL WITH. 1. ποιέω, to make, to do, spoken of any external act obvious to the senses, t.e. completed action ; to do, expressing an action as continued or repeated, spoken in reference to a person (with Dative) to do to or in respect to any one, 1.9. for or against him. 2. ἐντυγχάνω, to fall in with, lightupon, to meet and talk with, hence, to make intercession for or against any one. 3. προσφέρω, to bear or bring to any place or person. (a) Mid. to bear one’s self towards any one, 1.6. to conduct towards, to deal with any one so and so. 1, Luke i. 25. 2. Acts xxv. 24. 1. — ii. 48. 3. Heb. xii. 7. See also, DECEITFULLY, SUBTILELY. ᾿ DEALINGS WITH (aave.) συγχράομαι, to use with another, to have incommon use, lence, to have dealings or intercourse with any one, (non occ.) John iy. 9. DEAR. 1, ἀγάπη, love, (see under “ CHARITY,” here, gen. of love. 2. ἀγαπητός, beloved, dear. 3. τίμιος, held worth, estimated; hence, ina good sense,esteemed, honoured ; valued, prized. 4, ἔντιμος, in estimation, in honour, i.e. estimable, prized. 4. Luke vii. 2. — Phil. ii. 20, see D (so.) 3. Acts xx. 24. 2. Col. i. 7. 2. Eph. v. 1. 1 13. marg.of love. 2. 1 Thes. ii. 8 (Gen.) [ 207 ] DEAR (so) [margin.] ἰσόψυχος, of equal soul, 7.e. actuated by the same motives, (non occ.) Phil. ii, 20, text, like-minded, DEARLY. See, BELOVED. DEARTH. λίμος, failure, want, esp. of food, hence, hunger, famine. Acts vii. 11; xi. 28. DEATH (-s.) 1. θάνατος, death, the natural end of life, esp. death as the sentence and punishment of God against sin, not merely an occurrence, but a state, the state of man as condemned through sin. (It is doubtful whether it ever has the meaning of moral or spiritual insensibility.) 2. ἀναίρεσις, a taking up or away, as of dead bodies for burial ; or a taking away, as of life, hence, a putting to death, a destroying, (non. occ.) 8. τελευτή, an end, limit, hence, the end of life, death, (non. aoc.) 3. Matt. ii. 15, 1. —— iv. 16. 1. —— x, 21 Ist. == 21 2nd, see D (cause to be put to.) ———~ xiv. 5,see ἢ (when he would have put. .to) 1, ——xv. 4. 1. —— xvi. 28. 1. —— xx. 18. 1, — xxvi. 38. a — — xxvii. 1,396 Ὁ (put to. — Mark v. 23, see Ὁ (lie at the point of.) 59,see D(put to.) 66. 1. —— vii. 10. 1. ——ix.1. 1. —— x. 33. 1. —— xiii, 12 1st. --- 12 2nd, see D (cause to be put to.) — — xiv.1, see D (put to.) 1, —— 34. 55, see D (cause : to be put to.) my Luke i. 79. 1. —— ii, 26. 1, —— ix, 27. — — xviii.33,see D (put to — —— xxi. 16,seeD (cause to be put to.) 1, — xxii. 33. 1, —— xxiii, 15, 22, DEA — Luke xxiii. 32, see ἢ (put to.) 1. — xxiv. 20. — John iv. 47, see D (be at the point of.) - — v. 24. 1. —— viii. 51, 52. 1, —— xi. 4, 13. 53, see D — —— xii, 10, § (put to.) Va 33. —— xviii. 31, see D (put to. 32. 1, —— xxi. 19. 1, Acts ii. 24 (adys, Gr.) 2. —— viii. 1. — — xii. 19, see D (put to.) 1. —— xiii. 28. 1. — xxii. 4, . ὡς -- 20(om.GLTTr Α 8.) 1, —— xxiii. 29. 1. —— xxv. 11, 25. — —— xxvi.10,see D(put to.) 31. 1 1, —— xxviii. 18. 1. Rom. i, 32. 1 1 . — Vv. 10, 12 1st. 12 2nd (om. G -- T) (not 8th edition.) 14, 17, 21. — vi. ὃν 4, 5, 9. 16 (om, G=.) 21, 23. . — Vii. 5,10,13 twice, 24, DEA 1, Rom. viii. 2, 6, 38. 1. Heb. vii. 23. 1, 1 Cor. iii. 22. — —— ix. 15, see D (by —— iv. 9, see Ὁ (ap- means 0 pointed to. ) 16. 1, — xi. 26. 1, —— xi. 5. ile aA 21, 26, 54, 55, | 1. Jas.i. 15. 1. ——v. 20. 1. 2 ος 1.9, 10. — 1 Pet. iii. 18, see D (put 1, — ii. 16 twice. to. 1. —— iii. 7. 1. John iii. 14 twice. 1. —— iv. 11, 12 1. —— v. 16 5 times, 17, 1. — vii. 1 1. Rev. i. 18. 1, — xi. 23. 1. —— ii. 10, 11, 25. 1. Phil. i. 20. 1. == 8. 1. —— ii. 8 twice, 27, 30, 1. —— ix. 6 twice. 1, — iii. 1. —— xii, 11. 1, Col. i. 22. 1. —— xiii. 3. 1. 2 Tim. i. 10. [15. | 1. —— xviii. 8. ' 1. Heb. ii. 9 twice, ]4twice, | 1, —— xx. 6, 13, 14 twice. 1. —-v.7. 1. —— xxi. 4, 8. DEATH (apporntep [ “APPROVED” error an VA“ V. 1611) τὸ.) ἐπιθάνιτος, condemned or appointed to death ; death-devoted, (non. occ.) 1 Cor, iv. 9. DEATH (ΒΕ At THE POINT OF.) μέλλω, to be about to, about { ἀποθνήσκειν, to die out, be} to ( come quite dead, die. John iy. 47. DEATH (ΕΥ ΜΕΑΝΡ oF.) θανάτου, a death taking place. γενομένου, See under TESTAMENT. Heb. ix. 15. DEATH (cAvsE το BE PUT TO.) θανατόω, to put to death (esp. by the intervention of others), hence, to cause to be put to death. Matt. x. 21. | Mark xiii. 12. Luke xxi. 16. DEATH (Lie aT THE POINT OF.) ] to be in extrem- ity, to be at ο. last (gasp), μα extremis.” ἐσχάτως, extremely, 1.6. in extremity, ” (Ex, to have, | Mark v. 23. DEATH (στ To.) 1. θανατόω, to put to death (esp. by the intervention of others), hence, to cause to be put to death. [ 208 1 DEB 2. ἀποκτείνω, to kill outright. 3. ἀναιρέω, to take up, lift up, (as of bodies for burial), to take away, (as of life), hence, to put to death 4, ἀπάγω, to lead away, conduct away, (chiefly in a judicial sense, either to judgment or to prison or to death.) 1. Matt. xxvi. 59. 2. John xi. 53. 1. — xxvii. 1. — xii. 10. 2. Mark xiv. 1. 2. —— xviii. 31. πι 55. 4. Acts xii. 19. 2. Luke xviii. 33, 3. —— xxvi. 10. 3. —— xxiii. 32. 1. 1 Pet, iii. 18, DEATH (WHEN HE WOULD HAVE PUT... TO.) | θέλω, to will, to wish, (im- plying active natural im- pulse or desire or purpose, lit. thus differing from βούλο- \ desiring μαι, which merely ex- to presses determination (cf. ΚΙ]. Mark xv. 9, 12, with 15, ἀποκτεῖναι, to kill outright, Matt. xiv. 5. DEBATE (.5) Pinan ἔρις, Strife, quarrel, esp. rivalry, conten- tion. ‘After Homer, gen. wrangling, esp.wordy-wrangling, disputation. Rom. i. 29. | 2 Cor. xii. 20. DEBT (.5) 1. ὀφείλω, to be indebted, to owe any thing to any one, (with an inf. fol- lowing, to be under obligation to.) 2. ὀφείλημα, the debt which one owes. Sin is called ὀφείλημα, because it involves expiation and the payment of it as a debt by punishment and satisfaction, (non occ.) 3. ὀφείλη, indebtedness, hence, duty, obligation, (occ. Rom. xiii. 7.) 4, δάνειον, a loan, money lent. oy Matt. vi. 12. 1. Matt. xviii, 80, 4, —— xviii. ae 3. 32. . Rom, iv. 4. DEBTOR (-s.) 1. ὀφειλέτης, the debtor, he who owes any thing or is under obligation on any account. he use of the word involves the idea that the debtor is one who must expiate his guilt. DEB [ 209 ] DEC Oe | 2. χρεωφειλέτης, (χρεοφειλέτης, LT Tr A x), a debt-ower, (No. 1 with χρέος, debt, prefixed.) 1. Matt. vi. 12. 2. Luke vii. 41. 1. — viii. 12. Ἱ. —— xiii. 4, marg. (text, 1. —— xv. 27. 2. — xvi. 5. [sinner.) 1..Gal. v. 8. DEBTOR (88 4.) ὀφείλω, see “DEBT,” Vo. 1. Matt. xxiii. 16. 18, marg. (text, be guilty.) DECAY [noun] [margin. } ἧττημα, “ἃ being inferior, a worse state (as compared with any other or former state); hence, diminution, de- gradation, (οσο. 1 Cor. vi. 7, and Is. xxxi. 8, “‘defeat.”) Rom. xi. 12, text, diminishing. DECAY (-ETH.) παλαιόω, to let grow old. In Pass. as here, to wax old, become old. Heb. viii. 13. DECEASE [noun. ] ἔξοδος, way out, exodus, hence, journey out, departure; spoken of departure From life, decease. Luke ix. 31. | 2 Pet. i. 15. DECEASE (9.) τελευτάω, to end, 1.6. to finish, complete, hence, to end one’s life, to die. Matt. xxii. 25. DECEIT. 1. δόλος, a bait, hence, gen. the adultera- tion of the truth to catch or deceive. 2. ἀπάτη, deceit, esp. by false statements. ’ . 3. πλάνη, a wandering, esp. from the truth, hence, a being led astray, de- lusion. 1. Mark vii. 22. — Rom. iii.13, see D (use.) 1. Rom. i. 29. 2. Col. ii. 8. 8. 1 Thes. ii. 3. DECEIT (vusz.) δολιόω, to use a bait, to deceive, (esp. by adulteration or false admixtures), (non occ.) Rom. iii. 18. ο DECEITFUL. 1. δόλιος, deceitful, (adj. of “DECEIT,” No. 1), (non oce.) 2. ἀπάτη, see “puceIt,” Wo, 2, here Gen. case, “οἱ deceit.” 1. 2 Cor, xi. 13. | 2. Eph. iv. 22. DECEITFULLY WITH (deal) [πιανα.] καπηλεύω, to be ἃ κάπηλος (a retailer, vintner); and because the κάπηλοι were notorious for adulteration, it denoted to adulterate, corrupt, (non oce. ) 2 Cor. ii. 17, text, corrupt. DECEITFULLY (uanb xe.) δολόω, to deceive, esp. by a bait, hence, to falsify, corrupt, (non oce. ) 2 Cor. iv. 2. DECEITFULNESS. ἀπάτη, deceit, esp. by false statements, self deception, (see ‘‘DECEIT.”) Matt. xiii. 22. | Mark iv. 19. Heb. iii. 13. DECEIVABLENESS. ἀπάτη, see above. 2 Thes. ii. 10. DECEIVE (-£, -ΕΤΗ, -1NG.) 1, ἀπατάω, to deceive, to delude, (esp. with false statements, (non occ. ) ἐξαπατάω, (No. 1 with ἐξ, out of, im- tensive, prefixed, ) to deceive wholly, delude thoroughly. 3. φρεναπατάω, (No. 1 with φρήν, the mind, prefixed, ) to deceive the mind of any one; implying a self-origin- ating and subjective deception, (non ace. ) τ 4. πλανάω, to make to wander, cause to err, lead astray ; wsed of religious deceit or doctrinal error. bo 5. πλάνη, a wandering, seduction from the truth, here, the Gen. lit., of deceit. 6. παραλογίζομαι, to reckon wrong, mis- reckon, miscount ; hence, to draw false conclusions. Then to cheat or deceive by false reasoning, hence, to deceive. DEC 7. ψεύδω, to speak falsely, to lie to any one. (a) Mid. to lie, speak false, belie. 4. Matt. xxiv. 4, 5, 11, 24 | 2. 2 Thes. ii. 3. 4. Mark xiii. 5, 6. 1. 1 Tim. 11. 14 1st. 4. Luke xxi. 8. 1. 142nd (Νο. 2, L 4. John vii. 12, 47. ΠΡ ἊΣ ο) οὐ 7a. Acts v. 3, marg. (text, | 4. 2 Tim. iii. 13 twice. to lie to.) 4. Titus 111. 3. 2. Rom. vii. 11. 6. Jas i. 22. 2. xvi. 18. τ 20. 2. 1 Cor. iii. 18. 4. 1 Johni. 8. 4. vi. 9. 4. αἴ ἢ; 4. —— xv. 33. 4. Rev. xii. 9. 3. Gal. vi. 3. 4 xiii. 14. 4. if 4. —— xviii. 23. 5. Eph. iv. 14. 4. —— xix. 20. 1. — vv. 6. 4, —— xx. 3, 8, 10. DECEIVER (-s.) 1. πλάνος, wandering about; subst. a wanderer, vagabond, juggler; hence deceiving,seducing. Subst.adeceiver, esp. a religious imposter ο)’ teacher of error. 9. φρεναπάτης, a mind-deceiver, .6. de- ceivers of men’s minds, (see “ DE- cEIVE,” Wo. 3.) 1. Matt. xxvii. 63. | 1. 2 Cor. vi. 8. 9. Titus i. 10. 1. 2 John 7 twice. [ 200° J DECEIVING. ἀπάτη, deceit, esp. by false statements. 2 Pet. ii. 13 (ἀγάπη, love-feasts, G~ L Tr.*) * Alford, on MSS. grounds, prefers the Rec. Text, ἀπάτη ; but has ‘‘the strongest suspicion that ἀγάπαις, love-feasts, is the original reading.”) DECENTLY. εὐσχημόνως, (from εὖ, well, and σχήμα, figure, mien, deportment,) grace- fully, becomingly, like a gentleman, decorously, with dignity, (οσο, Ϊ Thes. iv. 12.) Rom. xiii. 13, marg. (text, Honestly.) 1 Cor. xiv. 40, DECK (-πτ.) χρυσόω, to gild, deck with occ. ) gold, (non Rev. xvii. 4, marg. gild; xviii. 16. DECLARATION. διήγησις, narration, history, (from διη- γέομαι, to lead or conduct through to the end, hence, to recount, etc., ) (non oce. ) Luke i. 1. DEC DECLARE (-ep, -1NG.) 1. ἀναγγέλλω, (ἀνά, back, and ἀγγέλλω, to bear a message, announce, pro- claim,) to report back ; wsed of the reports brought by persons returning Srom somewhere. It is then used with a weaker sense of ava, and signifies to send news of, and gen. to notify, announce. bo ἀπαγγέλλω, to announce or report from some place or person; and then gen. to announce, publish ; and esp. to publish something that has hap- pened, been experienced or heard. = διαγγέλλω, to make known through an intervening space or throughout, to convey a message or tidings, Then, to report fully, proclaim far and wide, (οσο. Luke ix. 60; Acts xxi. 26.) 4. καταγγέλλω, to bring word down upon any one, v.e. to bring it home to him ; hence, to announce (as with emphasis. ) 5, παραγγέλλω, to bring ov send word near to any one, 1.6. to announce to any one; used esp. of military com- mands, also in N.T. of apostolic uyunctions (not merely arbitrary enactments), to strictly enjoin or urge something to be done. 6. διηγέομαι, to lead ov conduct through (to the end), hence, to go through with, recount, tell, narrate. ἐκδιηγέομαι, (Vo. 6 with ἐκ, out from; prefixed, ) to tell out, relate in full, (non occ. ) ἐξηγέομαι, to lead or bring out, hence, to make known, declare, unfold, (oce. Luke xxiv. 35.) 9. γνωρίζω, to make known, point out, explain. 10. δηλόω, to make manifest ο) evident, make visible ov clear 11. ἀνατίθεμαι, to place before, ze. to declare to any one, to make known, (oce, Gal. 11. 2.) 12. ὁρίζω, to divide or separate from, as a border or boundary; to mark out boundaries, hence, to determine, mark out definitely, ze. constitute. DEC 13. φράζω, to phrase it, 1.6. to tell in words, hence, to explain, interpret. 14. ἔνδειξις, a pointing out, (prop. with the jinger,) declaration, indication, (οσο. 2 Cor. viii. 24; Phil. i. 28.) (a) with εἰς, unto. 13. Matt. xiii. 36 (Έτη) | 8. Acts xxi. 19. διασαφέω, make quite | 11. xxv. 14. plain, L Tr.) 12. Rom. i. 4. 13.—— xv. 15. “Keg —— iii. 25, 26. 2. Luke viii. 47. aia gy 8. John i. 18. ὅν. 1 Cor. i. 11. 9. —— xvii. 26 twice. 4. ——ii. 1. 6. Acts viii. 33. 10.—— iii. 13. 6. —— ix. 27. ὃ. xi. 17. 8, —x.8 9. —— xv. 1. 6. —— xii. 17 — 2Cor. iii. 3, see Ὁ mani- — — xiii. 32, see tidings | 10. Col. i. 8. [festly. fi 41. (D glad.) 9. Tar hie 7. —xv. 3. 2. Heb. ii. 12. 1. 4, -- xi.14,seeD plainly. 8. 12, 14. 2.1 Johni 3. 4. —— xvii. 23. Ι1. δ. 1. —— xx. 27 | — Rev. x. 7, see D to. DECLARE TO. εὐαγγελίζω, to bring a joyful message, announce it. Jn Α.Τ. (a) Mid. (with personal object,) to proclaim something (to somebody) as a divine message of salvation ; (with imper- sonal object ) to proclaim something as a joyful message, (without im- personal object) to proclaim the divine message of salvation, Rey. x. 7. DECLARE GLAD TIDINGS UNTO. 8. Acts xiii. 32. DECLARE MANIFESTLY. davepow, to make apparent, make mani- fest, show openly. 7 2 Cor, iii. 3. DECLARE PLAINLY. εμφανίζω, to cause to be seen, to shew. Heb, xi. 14. [ at 7 DEE DECREE [noun.] δόγμα, that which seems true to one, an opinion, esp. of philosophic dogmas. Then such an opinion expressed with authority, hence, a decree, edict, ordinance. Luke ii. 1. | Acts xvi. 4. Acts xvii. 7. DECREE [verb. ] κρίνω, to divide, to separate ; to make a distinction, hence, to come to a decision, to judge. 1 Cor. vii. 37. DEDICATE. ἐγκαινίζω, (a word almost confined to lxx. and N.T. In lax. it is put for win, renew, 1 Sam. xi. 14, efe., and 43n, consecrate,) to do something new with something new; solemnly to set forth something new as such and to give it over to use, to cause it to enter into operation. Heb, ix. 18, marg. purity. DEDICATION (FEast OF THE.) τὰ, the, ἐγκαίνια, (derivation of above), the festival of the consecration of the renovated Temple, see 2 Mac. i. 9, | 15. Σα dle. 1 Mac. το οὐδε ἢ t Jos, Ant, xu. 7. Ὁ. 1. John x, 22. DEED (-s.) 1. ἔργον, work, 1.6. labour, business, employment, and then, work, ie. something done, deed, act, action. 2, πρᾶξις, a doing (the action being regard- ed as incomplete and in progress. ) 3. ποίησις, a making or doing (denoting the action and tts result), (non occ. ) 1. Luke xi. 48. 1, 1 Cor. v. 2 DECREASE [verb.] ἐλαττόω, to make less or inferior, ix quality or degree. (a) Pass. or Mid. to become less. a. John iii, 30. xxiii, 41, see D | — 8,see Ὁ (do this.) 2. 61. [(our,) | 1. 2 Cor. x. 11. 1. — xxiv. 19. 2. Col. iii. 9. 1. John iii. 19, 20, 21. 1 & hf Ἷ. iii. 41. 3. Jas. i. 25, marg. doing. — Acts iv. 9, see Ddoneto | 1. 2 Pet. ii. 8. i vii. 22. (good.) | 1. 1 John iii. 18. 4 ——— xix, 16 1. 2 John 11. 1. Rom. ii. 6. 1. 8 John 10. 1. —— iii. 20, 28. 1. Jude 10. 2, —— viii. 13. 1. Rev. ii. 6, 22. 1, —— xv. 18. 1 νι 11. οἷ DEE DEED (po rus.) κατεργάζομαι, to work out z.e. bring about, be the cause or author of, τοῦτο, this thing, 1 Cor. v. 3. perpetrate this thing. DEED DONE TO (coop.) εὐεργεσία, a good deed, benefit; gen. well-doing, (occ. 1 Tim. vi. 2.) Acts iv. 9. DEEDS (ovr.) ἅ, the things which, ἐπραξάμεν, we practised. Luke xxiii. 41. See also, MIGHTY, THIS, WORTHY. DEEM (-rp.) ὑπονοέω, to suspect, surmise ; conjecture, suppose, (occ. Acts xiii. 25; xxv. 18.) Acts xxvii. 27. DEEP [noun. ] . ἄβυσσος, without depth or bottom, (lex. for orn, abyss, either of the ocean or the underworld. . βάθος, depth, (used also metaph. to mark greatness or quantity; or secret unrevealed purposes. ) . βυθός, depth, the deep, also the deep- est part, (non occ. ) 2. Luke v. 4. | 1. Rom. x. 7, 1. — viii. 31. 8. 2 Cor. xi. 25. [ 203). DEF DEEPLY. See, SIGH. DEEPNESS. βάθος, see “ DEEP,” Wo. 2. Matt. xiii. 6. DEFAME (0) βλασφημέω, to drop evil or profane words, speak lightly o7 amiss of sacred things; to speak ill o7 to the prejudice of one. 1 Cor. iv. 13 (δυσφηµέω, to be δύσφημος (of ill omen), to use words of ill omen, Gw T AS.) DEFENCE. ἀπολογία, defence, speech of defence. Acts xxii. 1. | Phi 75 Lv. DEFENCE (make.) ἀπολογέομαι, to speak one’s self off, to talk one’s self out of a difficulty, hence, to defend one’s self before a tribunal or elsewhere. Acts xix. 33. DEFEND (-5Ρ.) ἀμύνομαι, to avert, repel ; then, to aid, fight for, avenge; hence, to aid, assist, defend, (non occ.) Acts vii. 24. DEEP [adj.] . βαθύς, deep, profound. . βάθος, see above, No. 2. 1 John iv. 11. 1. Acts xx. 9, | 2. 2 Cor. viii. 2. DEEP THINGS. 2. 1 Cor. ii. 10 (ρ].) DEEP (Ότα,) βαθύνω, to deepen, make deep, (non occ. ) Luke vi. 48, DEFER (-np.) ἀναβάλλομαι, in a forensic sense, put off or over, defer, (non occ. ) Acts xxiv. 22. DEFILE (090, -ΕΤΗ.) 1. κοινόω, to make common, to commu- nicate with others. In N.7. to make common ceremonially, hence, to ren- der unholy or unclean, to defile. 2, μιαίνω, to stain with colour, to tinge, colour, (as the staining of glass or wory), to spot, but not necessarily to blot, which is No. 3, (non ους, ) 3. μολύνω, to soil, besmear, as with mud or filth, to blot, (non oce. ) DEF 4. σπιλόω, to make a σπῖλος, (a stain, mark, freckle, mole; in pl. spots in a moral sense, ) to defile, (occ. Jude 23.) 5. φθείρω, to spoil, corrupt, destroy ; gen. to bring into a worse state; to deprave. 1. Matt. xv. 11 twice, 18, 2. Titus 1. 15 twice. 20 twice. 2. Heb. xii. 15. — Mark vii. 2, see defiled. | 4. Jas. iii. 6. 8 15twice, 18,20,23, | 2. Jude 8. 2. John xviii. 28. 3. Rev. iii. 4. 5. 1 Cor. iii 17, margin, | 3. —— xiv. 4. destroy. 1. ——xxi. 27 (κοινόν, 8. —— viii. 7. common, see defiled, — 1 Tim. i. 10, see D one’s GLTTrA κα.) self with mankind. DEFILE ONE’S SELF WITH MANKIND. ἀρσενοκοίτης, (from ἄρσην, a male, and κοίτη, a bed,) (occ. 1 Cor. vi. 9.) 1 Tim. i. 10, DEFILED. κοινός, common, in common ; then, from the idea of coming into contact with everything, {έ denotes that which is opposed to the divine ἅγιος (holy), hence, unclean ceremonially. Mark vii. 2. DEFRAUD (-np.) 1. ἀποστερέω, to deprive of, to defraud of. 2. πλεονεκτέω, intrans., to have more than another, have an advantage. In N.T. trans. to take advantage of any one so as to get more; circum- vent for gain. 1, Mark x. 19. 1, 1. 1 Cor, vi. 7, 8. 2. 2. 1 Thes. iv, 6. 1 Cor. vii. 5. 2 Cor. vii. 2. DEGREE. βαθμός, a step (as of a stair or door.) In N.T. a step (as of dignity or standing, (non occ. ) 1 Tim. iii, 13. See also, Low. DELAY [noun] ἀνα βολή, earth thrown up ; hence, delay (used in a forensic sense), (non occ. ) Acts xxv. 17. [ 213 ] DEL DELAY (-ern) [verb.] 1. χρονίζω, to while away time, 1.6, to linger, be long iz coming or doing, (occ. Matt. xxv. 5; Luke i. 21; Heb. x. 37.) 2. ὀκνέω, to be slow, tardy, (non oce. ) 1. Matt. xxiv. 48. | 1. Luke xii. 45, 2. Acts ix, 38, marg. be grieved. DELICACY (-1zs.) στρῆνος, rudeness, insolence, pride; hence, revel, riot, luxury, (non occ. ) Rey. xviii. 3. DELICATELY. ev, in, τρυφή, delicate living, luxury, (from θρύπτω to break,) as though, breaking down the mind and making τέ effeminate, (non occ, ) Luke vii. 25. delicately, luxuriously. DELICATELY (live) (margin.] σπαταλάω, to live “ fast,” live lewdly, run riot, (occ. Jas. v. 5.) 1 Tim. v. 6, text, live in pleasure. DELICIOUSLY (νΕ.) στρηνιάω, to live strenuously, rudely, to live “hard,” revel, (non occ. ) Rey. xviii. 7, 9. ν DELIGHT IN. συνήδομαι, to joy or rejoice with any one, to delight in any thing with others, (non oce. ) Rom vii. 22. DELIV ER (-zp, -Epst, -1NG.) 1. δίδωμι, to give, present, (with implied notion of giving freely, unforced, opp. of No. 3,) then, to give, as though to present, commit to, en- trust to. 2. ἀναδίδωμι, (No. 1 with ἀνά, up, pre- Jived,) to give up, deliver over, (non oce. ) DEL 3. ἀποδίδωμι, (No. 1 with ἀπό, from, pre- Jixed,) to give away from one’s self, to give back, restore, esp. to render what is due. 4, ἐπιδίδωμι, (No. 1 with ἐπί, upon, pre- Jjixed,) to give upon, 1.6. in addition » to, to give forth as from one’s self upon 07 to another ; hence, to deliver over, 1.6. to put into one’s hands. δ. παραδίδωμι, (No. 1 with παρά, beside, prefized,) to give near, with or to any one, to give or hand over to another, to deliver up, surrender. [ 214 ] δίδωμι, see above, No. 1, to σωτηρία, safety, deliverance, | give 6. preservation from danger + de- or destruction. In the | liver- Christian sense, salvation, | ance. 7. ῥύομαι, to draw or snatch to one’s self ; hence, gen. to draw or snatch from danger, 1.6. deliver. to rescue, to 8. ἐξαιρέω, to take out of. (a) in Mid. to take out of for one’s self, hence, to rescue, deliver. 9. ἀπαλλάσσω, to change from, to set free from, release, let go. 10. ἐλευθερόω, to free, set at liberty ; to make free. 11. καταργέω, to leave unemployed or idle; to make useless, void; to annul. 19; χαρίζομαι, to gratify, to do what is pleasing or grateful to any one, to gratify one with anything ; hence, of persons, to deliver over in answer to the demand or prayer of any one 80 as to gratify them. — Matt. iv. 12, see D up. 5. ——v. 25 lst. 5.) — — x. 1τ, 19, 21, see Ὁ up. — xviii. 34. — xx. 19. — xxiv. 9, see D up. — xxv. 14, 20, 22. — xxvi. 15. —— xxvii. 2, 15, 26. 58. x. 33 twice. 57, 74,2 see D — ii. 6, (be.) iv. 6 25 2nd (om.L Tr? | 4, Luke iv. 17. 1, —— vii. 15 (No. 3, Lm.) -- —— ix, 42, see Ὁ again. δ. 44, 5, ——x. 22. 9, —— xii. 58 Ist. 5. 58 2nd. 5. —— xviii. 32. 0. —— xx. 20. 5. —— xxi. 12. | 0. —— xxiii, 20, 0, —— xxiv. 7, 20, Ϊ - John xvi. 21, see Ὁ of | (be.) 5, —— xviii. 30, 35, 36. 7, πεῖς; 11518; — Acts ii. 23, see D (being) 111, 13, see D up. vi. 14 DEL 8a. Acts xii. 11. 5. 1 Cor. v. 5. xy. 30. ὃ. —— xi. 2, 23. 5. XVi. 4. δ. xv. 3. δ. —— xxi. 11. -- 24, see D up. 5, —— xxii. 4. 5. 2 Cor. iv. 11. 2. —— xxiii. 33. 12.—— xxy. 11, 16. 8a. Gal. i. 4. — 2 Thes. iii. 2, see D (be.) 5. 1 Tim. i. 20. — 2 Tim. iv. 17, see D (be) 9. Heb. ii. 15. xi. 11, see D of (be.) 5. 2 Pet. ii. 4, 21. 5. Jude 3. — Rey. xii.2, 4, see D (be) — — xx. 13, see D up. DELIVER AGAIN. 3. Luke ix. 42. DELIVER UP. 8a. ΧΧΥῚ. 17. 5. —— xxvii. 1. 5. —— xxviii. 16 (ap.),17. 5. Rom. iv. 25. 5. —— vi. 17. 11.— vii. 6. 10. —— viii. 21. = 32, see D up. — — xy. 31, see Ὁ (be.) 5. Matt. iv.12, marg.(text, cast into prison.) 5. Mark xiii. 9, 11. 5. Acts 111. 13. 5. ——x. 17, 19, 27. 5. Rom. viii. 32. ὃ. —— xxiv. 9. 5. 1 Cor. xv. 24. 1. Rev. xx. 18. DELIVERED (18) 1. ῥύομαι, see “ DELIVER,” Vo. 7. Aorist tense. 2. τίκτω, to bring forth, to bear as of spring. 2. Luke i. 57. 1. Rom. xv. 31. 1. 2 Thes, iii. 2. 1. 2 Tim, iv. 17; 2, Rev. Xii. 2, 4, DELIVERED OF 05.) Looe 2. John xvi. 21. 1. Heb. xi. 11 (Gx SS?) (om. Al.) τίκτω, 866 above, No. 2. γεννάω, spoken of men, to beget ; of women, to bear. gotten, be born. Pass. to be be- DELIVERED (Βπικα.) ἔκδοτος, given ο delivered out of or up. Acts ii. 28. DELIVERANCE. 1. ἀπολύτρωσις, a ransoming, deliver- ance on account of a ransom paid, (non occ. ) 2, ἄφεσις, a letting go, a sending forth ; dismission, a setting free as from captivity, or as from sins, hence, re- mission, pardon. 2. Luke iv. 18. 1. Heb. xi. 85. DEL bh ασ 1 DEP DELIVERER. 1 a = πε 1. Luke ΤΠ 57. 9 © 4 Π 1. λυτρωτής, ἃ redeemer, a ransomer. ο ae a please (No. 1, L ε 2— 75. T Tr A 0, the, ΒΥ Ὶ the 2. Mark viii. 34. 1. xvid 25, 2 pvopevos, delivering one, 2. roman ee a ον Acts 15. ἘΣ 14. - : - 8, το. . — iv. 16. 2. (from ῥύομαι, to draw or rae | 72. 1.1Tim.y. 8. snatch for one’s self, (as -- ᾿ ο ση ταν nee Strom danger, ) ; | THAN), 1. Titus i. 16, . —— Χα. 9 45%. _-til. 5 1. Acts vii. 35. | 2. Rom. xi. 26. 9, 9 2nd. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 1. ΑΦΗ ο παμε WO had Boa 8a.— xx. 27 (λέγω, say, | 1. 1 Johnii. 22 twice, 23, L™ Tr δ.) _ 11. dude 4. DELUSION. 2. “Tar τ 34 (om. μή, 1 Rey. a τὸ πλάνη, ἃ wandering, seduction from the truth, error. 2 Thes, ii. 11. DEMAND (-ep.) 1. πυνθάνομαι, to ask, enquire, learn by asking or inquiring, to ask for in- formation. 2. ἐπερωτάω, to ask at or of any one, to question, ask specifically. 1. Matt. ii. 4. 2. Luke xvii. 20. 1. Acts xxi. 33. DEMAND OF. 2, Luke iii. 14. DEMONSTRATION. ἀπόδειξις, a pointing out, a showing as by argument, a demonstration, proof, (non oce. ) 1 Cor. ii. 4. DEN (-s.) σπήλαιον, a cave, cavern, den, (Latin, spelunea,) (occ. John xi. 38.) Matt. xxi. 13. Mark xi. 17. Luke xix. 46. Heb, xi. 38. Rev. vi. 15. DENY (950, -ΕΤΗ, -ING.) 1. ἀρνέομαι, to deny, disown; to say no, refuse, decline, (occ. Acts vii. 35; Heb. xi. 24.) 2. ἀπαρνέομαι, (No. 1 with ἀπό, from, prefixed, ) to deny utterly, abjure. (2) with μή, not. 3. ἀντιλέγω, to speak against, to con- tradict. (a) followed by μή, not, as here, to deny. DEPART (-£p, -ΕΤΗ, -1NG.) 1. ἀπέρχομαι, to come or go away from one place to another ; hence, gen. to go away, depart for, set off. 2. διέρχομαι, to come or go through, to pass through, hence, simply to pass to a place. 3. ἐξέρχομαι, to come or go out of any place, to come or go forth. 4. κατέρχομαι, to come or go down, to descend. 5, πορεύω, to cause to pass over by land or water, transport, hence, Mid., to transport one’s self, to betake one’s self, {.ε. to depart from one place to another. 6. ἐκπορεύομαι, (No. 5 with ἐκ, out of prefixed, ) to go out of, to go or come forth, to proceed out of. 7. χωρίζω, to put apart, sever. (a) Mid. to separate one’s self, to de- part as from a place or person. 8. ἀποχωρίζω, (No. 7 with ἀπό, from, prefixed,) to separate off, ae. to designate, appoint. (a) Mid. to separate one’s self from, (οσο. Acts xv, ὃν.) 9, διαχωρίζω, (No. 7 with διά, through, prefixed,) to separate throughout, i.e, Wholly. (a) Mid. to separate one’s self wholly from, (non occ. ) 10, ἀναχωρέω, to go back, recede, (sp- ken of those who flee. In N.T. simply to retire, withdraw, (from ἀνά, up or back, and χωρέω, to make room for, give place to.) DEP [ 216 ] DEP it. 12. ἀποχωρέω, to depart from, go away, withdraw from, (from ἀπό, from, and χωρέω, to make room for, give place to,) (non occ. ) ἀνάγω, to lead up, conduct or bring up, as from a lower to a higher place. (a) In N.7'. Mid. as a nautical term, 13. 14. 15. 16. τι to lead a ship up or out as upon the sea, hence, to put to sea, set sail from any place. παράγω, to lead along near, to lead by or past, to pass along, pass by. ὑπάγω, to lead or bring under as horses under a yoke, In N.T. and later usage, to go away (prop. under cover, out of sight, strictly with the idea of stealth, stillness, without noise or notice. ) μεταβαίνω, to pass over from one place to another, remove, (from Baivo, used of all motion on the ground, go, walk, tread, step, οἷο., the direction being determined by the prep. prefixed ; here by μετά, after.) ἀναλύω, to loosen again, set free ; then, to loosen, dissolve or resolve, as matter into its elements (hence, Eng. analysis); then, to unfasten as the fastening of a ship, and thus pre- pare for departure, (and with the Jorce of avd, back,) to return, (occ. Luke xii. 36.) ἀπολύω, to loose from, set free, re- lease from, to disband as an army. (a) in Mid. get free, depart from. 18. 19. 20. μεταίρω, to lift away, take away trom one place to another. In N.T. imtrans. to take one’s self away, 1.6. depart, (non oce. ) ” ἔξειμι, to go out of ὦ place, go away, depart out of. ἀπαλλάσσω, to change from, remove from. (a) Mid. to remove one’s self from ; 5. Matt. ii. 9. 10. 10,—— iv. 12. 11.— vii. 29, 13. or intrans. to leave. 1. Matt. viii. 18. 12, 18, 14. 15. 84, 1. —— ix. 7, 27. 3. Matt. ix. 31. — —— x.]4, see D out of. πρ. πι. ή ὃ. τ: 15.— xii. 9. -18.—— xiii. 53. 10.—— xiv. 13. ale 16. 10.— xy. 91. 15. 29. 1. — xvi. 4. — — xvii. 18, see D out of. 18.—— xix. 1. 5. 15. 0. —— xx. 20 5. —— xxiv. 1 5, ——xxy. 41 10.—— xxvii. 5. a 60. 3. —— xxviii. 8 (No. 1, T Tr AS.) 1. Mark 1. 35, 42. 1. — vv. 17, 20. ο, vi. 10. 6. ills η. 32. 14, 98, ile 46. 8, — vii. 31. 1, — viii. 13. 3. —— ix. 30. 1. Luke i. 23, 38. — —— ii. 29, see ἢ (let.) - οὐ see D - iv. 13, from. 3h 492 Ist. 5. 42 2nd. 3. —v. 8. Ls πο 95. 1. —vii. 24. 9. viii. 35 1 Bie Bi 38. 3. —— ix. 4, 6. 9a. 33 (inf.) 11. 39. 1. —— x. 30. 3. 35 (om.G3 Τι Tr 3. —— xii. 59. — — xiii.27,see Ὁ from. ὅ, Ble — — xxi. 21, see D out. 1, —— xxiv. 12 (αρ.) 1. John iv. 3. 3. 43. 1, ——y. 15. 10.John vi. 15. 15. —— vii. 3. 1. —— xii. 36. 15.—— xiii, 1. 5. —— xvi. 7. Τα. Acts i. 4. 5. —— vy. 41. 1. ——x. 7 8. —— xi. 25. — —— xii. 10, see D from. 3. We 4. —— xiii. 4. 11. 15. 2. — 14. 3. —— xiv. 20. — — xv.38, see D from. = 39,see D asunder. ο 40. 9, xvi. 36. -- 39, see D out of. a 40. 19.—— xvii. 15. 3. 33. 7a.—— xviii. 1, 2. 16: τ 9. 29, -- —— xix. 9, 566 D from. 20a. πο, 3. — κκ] 19. ie 3. 11. 3. —— xxi. 5, 8. 5. —— xxii. 21. 29, see D from. — — xxiii 22, see Ὁ (let. ) 0. —— xxy. 4. 12a. — xxvii. 12. 12a. — xxviii. 10, 11. 17a, —— 25. ή, 29 (ap.) 18. 1 Cor: πια 10. ΠῚ 15 twice. —2 Cor. xii. 8, see D from. 16.Phil. i. 23. ΩΝ ἂν, 18, - 1 Tim. iv. 1, see D — 2 Tim. ii. 19, from. B: iv. 10. 7a.Philem, 15. — Heb. iii.12, see D from. 14.Jas 11. 16. 8a. Rey. vi. 14. Ἶς XViii. 14 Ist. Ἱ. 142nd (ἀπόλλυμι, to perish, α LT TrA δ.) DEPART ASUNDER. ἀποχωρίζομαι, see “DEPART,” Wo. δα, Acts xv. 89. DEPART FROM. ἀφίστημι, (a) trans. to place away from, ze. remove, cause to depart. (Ὁ) intrans. (Mid.) to place one’s self away from, ὁ,6. depart from. b. Luke ii. 37. a. ——iv. 13. b. xiii. 27. a. Acts xii, 10. a, —— xv. 38. a. Acts xix. 9. a, —— xxii. 29. a. 2 Cor. xii. 8. b. 1 Tim, iv. 1. a. 2 Tim. ii, 19. a. Heb. iii, 12. DEP DEPART OUT. ἐκχωρέω, to go out and away, to leave a country, emigrate, (non occ. ) Luke xxi. 21. DEPART OUT OF. ἐξέρχομαι, see “DEPART,” Vo. ὃ. Matt. x. 14. xvii. 18, with ἀπό, from. Acts xvi. 39 (No. 1, with ἀπό, from, L T Tr A 8.) DEPART (xer.) ἀπολύω, see “ DEPART,” No. 17. Luke ii. 29. | Acts xxiii. 22. DEPARTING. ἄφιξις, an arrival, a coming to a place or person, hence, a departure regard- ed in the light of its end and object, (non oce. ) ἔξοδος, a way out, exit; (hence, Eng. exodus,) journey out, departure. 1. Acts xx. 29. | 2. Heb. xi. 22. DEPARTURE. ἀνάλυσις, a loosing, releasing; dissolving, used of the breaking up of a ban- quet ; and also of the body, (whence Eng. analysis,) (non occ.) 2 Tim. iv. 6. DEPTH. 1. βάθος, depth. Jn N.7. the deep water as opp. to the shallows near the shore. Metaph. the depth, and pl. the deep things, 1.6. the secret unrevealed purposes of any one. 2. πέλαγος, the high sea, the open sea, (οσο, Acts xxviii. 5.) . Matt. xviii. 6. 1. Eph. iii. 18. . Mark iv. 5. 1. Rev. ii. 24 (βαθύς, . Rom. viii. 39. the deep [things], G .. — xi. 33. Ls Tile Ὁ DEPUTY. ἀνθύπατος, a pro-consul, (non oce.) Acts xiii. 7, 8, 12; xix. 38. [ 217 ] DES DEPUTY (se.) ἀνθυπατεύω, to be a pro-consul. Acts xviii. 12 (ἀνθυπάτου ὄντος, being a pro-consul, ἄοο LT* Τσ Α Ν.) * 7th Edition. DERIDE (-zp.) ἐκμυκτηρίζω, to turn up the nose at, de- ride out and out, (non oce. ) Luke xvi. 14; xxiii. 35. DESCEND (-ED, -ETH, -ING.) καταβαίνω, to go or come down, to descend from a higher to a lower place, (from βαίνω, used of all kinds of motion on the ground, as go, walk, step.) / κατέρχομαι, to come or go down, used of the act of coming. . Matt. iii. 16, 1. Acts x. 11. vii. 25, 27. 1 xi. 5. . — XXxviii. 2. 1. —— xxiv. 1. . Mark i. 10. 1. Rom: x. 7: . — xv. 92. 1. Eph. iv. 9, 10. . Luke iii. 22. 1. 1 Thes. iv. 16. . John i. 32, 33, 51. 2. Jas. iii. 15. 1. Rev. xxi. 10. DESCENT. κατάβασις, a going down ; descent, (non occ. ) Luke xix. 37. a way down, DESCENT IS...COUNTED (onr’s.) γενεαλογέομαι, to derive one’s pedigree, (non 900, ) Heb..vii. 6, marg. one’s pedigree, etc. DESCENT (wirHout.) ἀγενεαλόγητος, without genealogy, with- out pedigree, (non occ. ) Heb. vii. 8, marg. without pedigree. DESCRIBE (-ΕΤΗ.) 1. γράφω, to grave or cut in; prop. to form letters with a stylus in the ancient manner so that the letters were cut in or graven upon the material, hence, to write. 2. λέγω, to lay, to lay before, i.e. to re- late, to recount; hence, to say, to speak, to discourse. 2. Rom. iv. 6. | 1. Rom, x. 5. DES DESERT [noun.] ἔρημος, adj., deserted, desolate, waste, as subst. with art. a desert. 2. ἐρημία, asolitude; loneliness; an un- inhabited tract, a desert. 1. Matt. xxiv. 26. 1. John vi. 31. 1. Luke i. 80. 2. Heb. xi. 38. DESERT [adj-] ἔρημος, adj., see above, No. 1. Matt. xiv. 13, 15. Luke iv. 42. Mark i. 45. ix. 10 (ap.), 12. — vi. 31, 32, 35. Acts viii. 26. DESIRE [noun. | 1. ἐπιθυμία, a desire, yearning, longing ; denoting the inward passion and mental desire, thus differing from ὄρεξις, Which combines the notion of the outward thing desired. 2. εὐδοκία, a being well pleased, delight f in any person or thing; good-plea- sure. 3. θέλημα, will, active volition, the act of willing. 1. Luke xxii. 15 (dative) | —2 (marg. heartily.) 2. Rom. x. 1. xv. 23, see D (great) — 2 Cor. vii.7,seeD(earnest) Cor. vii. 11, see D (vehement. ) 3. Eph. ii. 3, marg. will. 1; Phil. i, 23, 1. 1 Thes. ii. 17. DESIRE (ΒΑΒΝΕΒΊ.) ἐπιπόθησις, a longing for, desire after, earnest desire. 2 Cor, vii. 7. DESIRE (ereaz.) ἐπιποθία, earnest desire. Rom, xv. 23. DESIRE (ΝΕΠΕΜΕΝΤ.) ἐπιπόθησις, 866 ‘ DESIRE (EARNEST).” 2 Cor. vii. 11. DESIRE (0, ἜΤΗ, -1NG) [verb.] ’ . . . 1. αἰτέω, to ask for something, require, demand, (expressive of a petition From an inferior to a superior. ) 2. ἐξαιτέω, to ask out and out, desire to have. (a) Mid. to demand for one’s self, (No. 1 with ἐξ, out of, prefixed. ) 3. θέλω, to will, wish, desire, implying the active volition and purpose, and expressive of the natural impulse or desire. 4, παρακαλέω, to call hither o7 towards, to speak to; used of every kind of speaking to which is meant to pro- duce a particular effect; to call some one hither, that he may do something, or to admonish, encourage, exhort, comfort or persuade him, (appealing to the will rather than to the head or the heart. ) 5. ἐπιθυμέω, to fix the desire upon, de- sire earnestly, long for; denoting the inward affection of the mind rather than the external object. 6. ἐρωτάω, to ask as for information, to question as well as supplicate. 7. ἐπερωτάω, (No. 6 with ἐπί, upon, pre- Jixed,) to ask at or of any one, require, demand. 8. ζητέω, to seek after, look for, to strive to find. 9. ἐπιζητέω, (No. 8 with ἐπί, upon, pre- jixed,) to seek earnestly or con- tinuously. 10. ἐπιπόθεω, to desire upon, ὅ.6. over and above, besides, to desire ear- nestly, long for. 11. ἀξιόω, deem worthy, regard as suit- able, deem proper. 12. ὀρέγω, to reach or stretch out; in N.T. only Mid., to stretch one’s self, reach after a thing, hence, long after, try to gain with special re- JSerence to object desired. 13. ζηλόω, to have zeal for, ze. for or against any person or thing ; to be zealous towards in a good or bad sense. 8. Matt. xii. 46, 47. 6. Luke vii. 96, 0. —— xiii. 17. 3, —— viii. 20. 7. —— xvi. 1. 8 —— ix. 9. 4. —— xviii. 32. ᾿, —— x. 24. 1. —— xx. 20. 6. —— xiv. 82 3. Mark ix. 30, 5, —— xvi. 21. 1, —— x. 35. 5. —— xvii. 22, 1. —— xi. 24. 3, —— xx. 46, 1. xv. 6, 8. 5, —— xxii. 10. 8. Luke v. 39. 2a. 51. DES [ 219 ] DES 1. Luke xxiii. 20. 8. 2 Cor. xii. 6. 4 δ. John xii. 21 κατι 3. povow, to leave alone. deat η Ἐν πο πρό μα (a) Pass. to be left alone, as a widow, 4. — viii. 31 1. Eph. iii, 15, to be solitary, ¢.e. childless. 1. —— ix. 2. 9. Phil. iv. 17 twice. 4, 38. Ἱ οσο το 3 1. Matt. xxiii. 38 (om. L.) 1. Gal. iv. 57. fe. 90. —1 Thes. iii. 6, see Ὁ 1.,.Luke xiii. 35 (om.G Τῷ Τ' 8a. 1 Tim. v. 5. 9. —— xiii. 7. greatly. 1. Acts i. 20. (Tr A 53) 2. Rev. xvii. 16. 1 21, 28. δια, Ὁ 1 6. —— xvi. 39. 4, ——ii. 1, marg. (text, ———— 6. Xviii. 20. exhort.) 4. —— xix. 31. 12,— iii. 1 Ist. DESOLATE (make.) 6. —— xxiii. 20. δ. ] 2nd. 1. — xxv. 3, 15. — 2 Tim.i.4, see D greatly. 2. Rev. xviii. 19. 4. —— xxviii. 14 5. Heb. vi. 11. 11. 99, 12.— xi. 16. Ἵ 18. 1 Cor. xiv. 1. — Jas. iv. 2, seeD to have. 4. —— xvi. 12. (nestly. | 5. 1 Pet. 1. 12. DESOLATION. — 2 Cor. v. 2, see D ear- | 10.— ii. 2. cer Ξ Ξ: 4. — viii. 6. 1.1 John ν. 15. ἐρήμωσις, a making desolate, a laying 3. 2 Cor. xi. 12. 5. Rev. ix. 6. waste, (non ους. ) Matt. xxiv. 15. | Mark xiii. 14. Luke xxi. 20. DESIRE EARNESTLY. 10. 2 Cor. v. 2. DESOLATION (srrNe@ το.) ἐρημόω, to make desolate, lay waste. DESIRE GREATLY. Matt. xii. 25. | Luke xi. 17. 10. 1 Thes, iii. 6. | 10. 2 Tim. i. 4. ra _ DESPAIR (1v.) 5 ΄ " = DESIRE TO HAVE. ἐξαπορέομαι, to be wholly Ne ithout re eS source, to despair utterly, (non oce. ) 2 Cor. iv. 8, marg. altogether without help of means. DESIR : " μι ος DESPAIR (-zp) [verb.] έλω, see “ DESIRE,” Wo. 3. 2 Cor. i. 8. Luke xxiii. 8. | 2 Cor, xi. 32. ἘΣ DESPISE (ΕΡ, -EsT, -ING.) DESIROUS (sz.) 1. καταφρονέω, to think down upon or Johu*xvi. 19. against any one; hence, to think slightly of, (non occ. ) 2. περιφρονέω, to think round about a DESIROUS OF (ΒΒ AFFECTIONATELY,) thing, turn over in the mind, specu- late about ; then, to pass over or beyond in thought, 7.e. to neglect, overlook, (non oce. ) 3. ἀθετέω, to displace, set aside, disre- ee gard. DESIROUS OF VAIN GLORY. 4. ἐξουθενέω, to set out at nought, treat as contemptible. ἱμείρομαι, to have a strong affection for, yearning after. 1 Thes, ii. 8 (ἃ Ὁ) ona ή meaning, G L T Tr A. κενόδοξος, vain-glorious, 7.¢. full of empty pride and ambition. ἀτιμάζω, not to hold in honour, esteem lightly, dishonour. C1 Gal. v. 26. | | 6. ὀλιγωρέω, to care little for, careless about. DESOLATE. Aoyie Ἶ Fondo ἢ Ξ é ογίζοµαι, to count, reck- De 1. ΡΟΣ (adj.) deserted, desolate, 7 | on, calculate, μα ἡ counted waste. *’) εἰς, unto, for, for 2. ἐρημόω, to make desolate, lay waste. | οὐδέν, nothing, nothing. | DES 1. Matt. vi. 24. 8. 1 Thes. iv. 8twice, marg. 1. —— xviii. 10. reject 8. Luke x. 16 4 times. 4. ——vy. 20. 1. xvi. 13 1. 1 πι ἐν 4. xviii. 9 1, vi. 2. 7. Acts xix. 27 2. Titus ii. 15. 1. Rom. ii. 4 3. Heb. x. 28. 4. xiv. 3. 1, —— xii. 2. 4 1 Cor. i. 28 6. tis 1. —— xi. 22 5. Jas. ii. 6. 4. —— xvi. 11. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 10. 4. Gal. iv. 14. 3. Jude 8. DESPISED. ἄτιμος, without honour. 1 Cor. iv. 10. DESPISER (-s.) καταφρονητής, a despiser, contemner, (from “prspisE,” Vo. 1,) (non occ. ) Acts xiii. 41. DESPISER (-s) OF THOSE THAT ARE GOOD. ἀφιλάγαθος, without love to good men, unfriendly, (non occ. ) 2 Tim. iii. 3. DESPITE UNTO (po.) ἐνυβρίζω, to use wanton insult towards any one, (non occ. ) Heb. x. 29. DESPITEFUL. ὑβριστής, outrageous in personal insults, a wanton insolent man, (occ. 1 Tim.. i. 19.) Rom. i. 80, DESPITEFULLY (usz.) 1. ἐπηρεάζω, to use threats, threaten ; to treat with insult, (occ. 1 Pet. iii. 6.) 2. ὑβρίζω, to use wanton insult, act with insolence. 1. Matt. v.44 (αρ) | 2. Acts xiv. 5. 1. Luke vi. 28. DESTITUTE. 1. ἀποστερέω, defraud of, to deprive of. bo λείπω, to leave, forsake. (a) Pass. to be left, forsaken of any thing, 1.6. destitute of. 1. 1 Tim. vi. 5 (pass.) | 2a. Jas. ii. 15 (part.) R920 J DES DESTITUTE (ΒΕ) ὑστερέω, to be last, (of place, dignity or condition, etc.,) to be behind, hence, to lack, fail of a thing, come short of. Heb. xi. 37. DESTROY (50, -Ἐ51.) 1. ἀπόλλυμι, to destroy utterly (stronger form of ὄλλυμι, to destroy.) Homer uses it chiefly of death in battle, to kill; to lose utterly (the subject being the sufferer.) Zhe funda- mental thought ἐξ not annihilation, but ruin, loss, (as sheep, Matt. x. 6; xv. 24, etc. ; Luke xv. 4, 6, lost to the fold and to the shepherd ; so the lost son, Luke xv. 24,) to perish, come to an end (as bread, John vi. 27; gold, 1 Pet. i. 7.) λύω, to loose, loosen (what ts fast ), z.e. unbind ; to loosen, 1.6. dissolve, sever, break, demolish. 3. καταλύω, (No. 2 with κατά, down, prejixed,) to loosen down, to dis- solve, z.e. to disunite the parts of any thing, spoken of buildings to throw down, put an end to. bo 4. καταργέω, to render inactive, idle ; esp. of land to spoil, make useless, void, abolish, make without effect. ὀλοθρεύω, to destroy, slay, (non occ.) 6. ἐξολοθρεύω, (No.-5 with ἐξ, out of, prefixed,) to destroy utterly, slay wholly, (non oce. ) oO 7. φθείρω, to spoil, corrupt, to bring into a worse state, deprave, mar. 8. διαφθείρω, (No. 7 with dia, through, prefixed, ) to corrupt throughout or entirely, decay wholly, perish. 9. πορθέω, to lay waste, ravage, destroy, (οσο, Gal. i. 13.) 10. καθαιρέω, to take down (as from a higher place); then, with the idea of force, to pull down, overthrow, hence, to conquer, cast down as kings from their thrones. 1. Matt. ii. 13. 8. Matt. xxvi. 61. 3. —— v. 17 twice. 1. —— xxvii. 20. 1. — x. 28 8. — 40. 1. —— xii. 14 1. Mark i. 24. 1. —— xxi. 41 1. —— iii. 6 1. —— xxii. 7 1, —— ix. 22 DES [ 221 ] DEV 1. Mark xi. 18. 1.1 Cor. 1 10. 1. Matt. vii. 13. 1. Phil. iii. 19. 1. —— xii. 9. 7. —— iii. 17 150. 4. Rom. iii. 16. 2. 1 Thes. v. 3. 3. —— xiv. 58. ic 17 2nd, marg. de- 1, —— ix. 22. 2.2 Thes. i. 9 (ὀλέθριος 3. —— xv. 29. Jile. 2. 1 Cor. v. 5. destructive, deadly, L. 1. Luke iv. 34. 4, ——vi. 13. 3. 2 Cor. x. 8. 2. 1 Tim. vi. 9. 1, νἱ. θ(6 -οχάποκτείνω | ——— x. 9, 10, see D (be) 3. —— xiii. 10. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 1. to kill outright, G.) 4. ——xv. 26. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 16. 1. — ix. 56 (ap.) — 2 Cor. iv. 9, see D (be.) 1. — xvii. 27, 29. 9. Gal. i. τῆ 1, ——xix. 47. 8. — ii. 18. r 1, —— xx. 16. 4. 2 Thes. li. 8. DETERMINATE. πο Ὁ ae ὀρίζω, to bound, to make or set a bound- 6. Acts ili. 23. 1. Jas. iv. 12. ary ; hence, to mark ov finitel τας 9 Pet, ii. 19, seo D (to alk. piso out definitely, 9. — ix. 21. be.) z.e. to determine. 10.—— xiii. 19 (part.) 2. 1 John iii. 8. ae 10.—— xix. 27. 1. Jude 5. Acts ii, 23 (part.) 4. Rom. vi. 6. 8. Rev. viii. 9. κ. 1. --- χῖν. 15. 8. xi.18 1st, 2nd marg. 3. 20. corrupt. DESTROYED (ΒΕ) ἀπόλλυμι, (Mid. of “destroy,” No. 1, which see,) to be destroyed, perish ; of persons, to be put to death ; of things, to be lost, ruined. 1 Cor. x. 9, 10. | 2 Cor. iv. 9. DESTROYED (το BE.) eis, unto, for, φθορά, a spoiling, corrupt- ion, the bringing into a worse state, 2 Pet. ii. 12. | for a spoiling. DESTROYER. 1. ὀλοθρευτής, a destroyer, (from “ DES- TROY,” Vo. 5,) (non ους. ) 2. ᾿Απολλύων, (part. of “ Destroy,” Vo. 1,) the Destroyer, Apollyon, (non ους, ) 1. 1 Cor. x. 10. 2. Rev. ix. 11, marg. (text, Apollyon.) DESTRUCTION. . ἀπώλεια, loss ; of things, waste, ruin; of persons, death, esp. by violence, perdition. ὄλεθρος, ruin, death ; that which causes death, a ruin to others, (non occ. ) καθαίρεσις, a taking down, a pulling down, demolition, (occ, 2 Cor, x. 4.) ’ . σύντριμμα, a breaking together, crush- ing; hence, ruin, destruction, (non ους, ) DETERMINE (-ep.) 1. κρίνω, to divide, separate; make a distinction, hence, select; come toa decision; hence, to decide, to judge. 2. ὀρίζω, see ‘ DETERMINATE.” 3. βουλεύομαι, to resolve in council. Jn N.T. only Mid., to take counsel, z.e. to consult, deliberate with one’s self or with another in council. 4, ἐπιλύω, to let loose upon (as dogs) ; of letters, to break open thereupon ; then, to solve, the idea of further being implied, (occ. Mark iv. 34.) 5. τάσσω, to order, set in order, arrange (as soldiers) ; hence, to appoint. 2. Luke xxii. 22. 4, Acts xix. 39, 1. Acts iii. 13. 1, —— xx. 16. — —— iv.28,see D before. | 1. —— xxv. 25. τιον 1, ΞΕ ςς ΠῈ 5. —— xv. 2. 1, 1 Cor. ii. 2. 3. 37 (βούλομαι, to | 1 v. 3, marg. (text, be willing, Gx L judge.) (Sth ed.) Tr A &.) 1. 20ος i. Ἱ. 2, —— xvii. 26. 1. Titus iii, 12. DETERMINE BEFORE. προορίζω, to mark out beforehand, to make or set a bound before. Acts iv. 28. DEVICE (-s.) ἐνθύμησις, consideration, cogitation, supposition. νόημα, thought, ae that which is thought out, excogitated ; hence, purpose, project, device. 1. Acts xvii. 29, | 2. 2 Cor, ii. 11. DEVIL (5) δαίμων, Lng. demon or subordinate divinity, (non oce. ) DEV [ 2. δαιμόνιον, dim. of No. 1, (occ. Acts xviii. 18.) [In classic Greek, these words were originally the same as θεός, God, but in what sense is not certain. From Homer downwards they ans- wered to the Latin nwmen, and denoted general divine agency, the working of a higher power, and afterwards it came to denote a des- tructive power. Jn the Septuagint, δαιμόνιον, ‘is used in a bad sense, and in contrast to θεός, God, (Deut. xxxii. 17), and ἄγγελος, angel. Ln the New Test. the word is specially applied to evil spirits, which are viewed in their morally destructive influence. They appear as special powers of evil in the service of Satan (Matt. xii. 26-28) influencing the physical and psychical life of human beings. Probably they take possession of the place that belongs to the πνεῦμα (spirit), so that the action of the personal life is dis- turbed and deranged, hence, Plut. and Xen. use the verb διαμονάω, as meaning ‘‘to be deranged.” De- moniacal violence essentially differs from Satanic influence wherein the man becomes like the demons the instrument of Satan himself. | 3. Διάβολος, Diabolus, the chief of the Demons, who are his angels, slan- derous, calumnious, also as subst., calumniator, accuser, traducer, (from διάβαλλω, to throw over, hence, accuse, malign.) Hence, the more general term of the enemy, the enemy of men, because he is the disturber of their connection with God. The Hebrew Χο, Σατανᾶς, Satan, 7s more generic than the Greek Διάβολος, the former describes his character as the antagonist and op- poser of all good; the latter, describes his nelation to the saints as their accuser and calumniator, (oce. 1 Tim. iii, 11; 2 Tim. iii. 3; Tit. ii. 3.) 8. Matt. iv. 1, 5, 8, 11. — Matt. ix. 32, see D (be 24, see Ds (be possessed with a.) possessed of the.) 2. 33, 34 twice, 2. —— vii. 22. 2, ——x. 8 — — viii. 16, 28, see Ds | 2. —— xi. 18 (be possessed with. ) — — xii. 22, see D (be a 31.[sessed of the) 83, see Da(be pos- | 2. possessed with a.) 24 twice, 27, 28, 222 | DEV 3. Matt. xiii. 39. 2. Luke x. 17. — — xv. 22, see D (be | 2. —— xi. 14 twice, 15twice, vexed with a.) 18, 19, 20. 2. —— xvii. 18. 2. —— xiii. 32. 3. xxv. 41. 3. John vi. 70. — Marki. 32, see Ds (be | 2. —— vii. 20. possessed with. ) 3. —— viii. 44. 2. 84 twice, 39, 2. 48, 49, 52. 2. —— ili. 15, 22 twice. 2. ——x. 20, 21. γε 12 (om. G> τὸ. xiii. 2. T (Sth ed.) Tr A &.) 3. Acts x. 38. -- 15, 16, 18, see D | 3. xiii. 10. (be possessed with a.) | 2. 1 Cor. x. 20 twice 2]twice. 2. vi. 19. 3. Eph. iv. 27. 2, —— vii. 26, 29, 30. 8. yi 1: 2. —— ix. 38. 85) Dims δ᾽ ΤΣ 2. —— xvi.9 (ap.), 17(ap.) | 2. Vy 1: 2. Luke iv. 2, 3. 3. 2 Tim. ii. 26. 3. 5 (om. G3 T Tr | 3. Heb. ii. 14. κκ 5.) 2. Jas. ii 19. ἣν 6, 13. 3. 1 Pet. v. 8. ὩΣ 33, 35, 41. 3. 1 John iii, 8 3 times, 10, 2. —— vii. 33. 3. Jude 9. 2. —— viii. 2 3. Rey. ii. 10. 3. 12. 2. ——ix. 20. il 29 (Νο. 2,1, 8.) | 3. —— xii. 9, 12. 2. 30, 33, 35. 1. —— xvi. 14 (οι, ἃ Ν τς 86, see Ds (be ABU tre) 0) possessed of the.) 1, — xviii. 2 (No 2, L 2. 38. Tr AN.) 2. —— ix. 1, 42, 49. 8. — xx. 2, 10. DEVIL (BE POSSESSED WITH A.) δαιμονίζομαι, to be under the power of a δαίμων, (see “puvit,” Vo. 1) to be possessed by a δαίμων. Matt. ix. 32; και». | | Mark v. 15, 16, 18. DEVIL (BE VEXED WITH A.) Matt. xv. 22. DEVIL (HE THAT HATH A.) John x. 21 (part.) DEVILS (Be PossessED OF THE.) Matt. viii. 33. | Luke viii. 36 (om.G=.) DEVILS (ΒΕ PossESsED WITH.) Matt. iv. 24; viii. 16, 28. | Mark i. 382. DEVILISH. δαιµονώδης, demon-like (adj. of “ον, 2,) (non occ. ) Jas, 111, 15. DEVISE = a ‘(cance σοφίζω, to make wise, ze. skilful, expert. (a) Mid., to make wisely, devise skil- fully or artfully. Jn Greek profane writers to deceive. a. 2 Pet. i. 16 (part.) DEV DEVOTION. σέβασμα, that for which awe is felt, an object of awe or worship, (oce. 2 Thes. ii. 4.) Acts xvii. 23, marg. god that one worshippeth. DEVOUR (-rru, -ΕΡ.) 1. ἐσθίω, (strengthened form, from obs. root ἔδω ; Aor, 2, ἔφαγον, from obs. root payw,) to eat, take food ; hence, consume by eating. 2. κατεσθίω, to eat down, swallow down, devour. 3. καταπίνω, to drink down, swallow down as by drinking, same as Eng., to swallow up. 2. Matt. xiii. 4, see D up. 9 20ος ΣΙ ου. 2. —— xxiii. 14 (6ρ.) 2. Gal. v. 15. — Mark iv. 4, see D up. 1. Heb. x. 27. 2. —— xii. 40. 3. 1 Pet. v. 8. 2. Luke viii. 5. 2. Rev. xi. 5. 2. —— xv. 30. 2. —— xii. 4. 2, —— xx. 47. 2. —— xx. 9. DEVOUR UP. 2. Matt. xiii. 4. | 2. Mark iv. 4. ΕΓ 888 1 DEVOUT. 1. εὐλαβής, taking well hold, ὁ. 6. care- fully, cireumspectly, hence, cautious, careful as to what is right in re- ligion ; avoidance through godly fear of doing anything contrary to right, the fulfilling of all the duties of piety and humanity, (non occ. ) 2. εὐσεβής, reverence for God which shews itself in actions, practical piety of every kind, the energy of piety in the life, (just as No. 1 is that piety which governs the soul,) reverence well and rightly directed, (occ. 2 Pet. ii. 9.) 3. σέβομαι, to feel awe or fear before God and man (esp. when about to do wrong, hence, to feel shame, be ashamed ;) to worship, honour. 1. Luke ii. 25. 2. Acts x. 2, 7. 1. Acts ii. 5. 3. —— xiii. 50 (part.) 1, —— viii. 2. — — xvii.17,seeDperson 2. Acts xxii. 12 (No.1, LT Tr A ®.) DEVOUT PERSON. 8, Acts xvii. 17 (part.) DIF DIE (-ΕΡ, -ΕΤΗ, -1N@) [verb.] 1. θνήσκω, to die, be dying of natural as of violent death. 2. ἀποθνήσκω, to die out, expire, become quite dead. 3. τελευτάω, to end, 1.6. to finish, to complete ; hence, to end one’s life, to die. 4. ἀπόλλυμι, to destroy wholly, cause to perish, (see “Destroy,” Vo. 1.) (a) Wid., of persons, to be put to death. εἰς, unto, ἀπώλεια, destruction. 3. Matt. xv. 4 2. Acts xxi. 13. p> xxii. 24, 27. 2, —— xxy. 11. 2. Xxvi. 35. 5. 16 (οπι.α LT Tr 3. Mark vii. 10. Α 5) 8. —— ix. 44 (αρ.), 46, 48. | 2. Rom. v. 6, 7 twice, 8. 2, —— xii. 19, 20, 21, 22. | 2. Vi. 9, 10 twice, = xiv.31, see D with. | 2. —— vii. 9. 3. Luke vii. 2. 2. viii. 13, 34. 2. χνὶ. 22 twice. 2. —— xiv. 7, 83times, 9, 2. —— xx. 28 Ist. 15. 2. 28 2nd (7, be, L | 2. 1 Cor. viii. 11. T (Sth ed.) Tr Ne-) 2. —— ix. 15. 9. 29, 30 (ap.), 31, | 2. ——xv.3, 22, 81, 32, 36. 32, 36. 2. 2 Cor. v. 14, 15 twice. 2. John iv. 49. 2. ——vi. 9. 2. ——vi. 50- — — vii. 3, see D with. 2, —— viii. 2], 24 twice. 2. Phil i. 21. 2. ——xi. 16. 2. 1 Thes. iv. 14. L 21 (No. 2, Gw L | 2. —— vy. 10. T (Sth ed.) Tr &.) 2. Heb. vii. 8. 26, 32, 37, 50, | 2. —— ix. 27. 51. 2. —— x. 28. 2. xii. 24 twice, 33. 2. —— xi. 13. 4. xviii. 14(No.2,G | 3. 22 (part. ) 1, T (Sth ed.) Tr &.) 2. Rev. iii. 2 (ἀποβάλλω, 2. 32. cast away, Gx.) 2. —— xix. 7. 2. viii. 9, 11. 2. —— xxi. 23 twice. 2. —— ix. 6. 3. Acts vii. 15. 2. —— xiv. 13. 2. ixs 87. 2. —— xvi. 3. DIE WITH. συναποθνήσκω, (No. 2 with σύν, together with, prefixed, ) to die with any one. Mark xiv. 31. | 2 Cor. vii. 3. DIFFER (things that) [margin.] { τὰ, the things, διαφέροντα, differing, (from διαφέρω, Ι see “ DIFFER (ΕΠΟΝ). ) Rom. ii. 18, text, things that are more excellent. Phil. i. 10, text, things that ave excellent. DIFFER ΕΠΟΜ. διαφέρω, to bear ο) carry through ; bear asunder, carry different ways, hence, to be different from. 1 Cor, xv, 41. | Gal. iv. 1. DIF DIFFER (make το.) διακρίνω, to separate throughout, 7.e., wholly, completely, hence, to make a distinction, to separate one from another. 1 Cor. iv. 7, marg. distinguish. DIFFERENCE (-s.) 1. διαίρεσις, the act of dividing, division, (οσο, 1 Cor. xii. 4, 6.) 2. διαστολή, a putting or drawing asun- der, separation, distinction, (occ. 1 Cor. xiv. 7.) 2 Rom. iii. 22; x. 12. 1. 1 Cor. xii. 5. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN (se.) μερίζω, to part, divide into parts. (a) Pass., to be divided, hence, be distinct. a. 1 Cor. vii. 34. DIFFERENCE (make Δ.) ’ διακρίνω, to separate throughout ov one from another, hence, to make a dis- tinction. ᾿ (a) Mid. and Pass. to separate one’s self from. a. Jude 22. DIFFERENCE (pvr a.) Acts xv. 9. a. Rom. xiv. 23, marg. (text, doubt.) DIFFERING. διάφορος, different, 1.9. diverse, various. Rom. xii. 6. DIG (19)) 1. ὀρύσσω, to dig, dig up as soil, (non oce. ) 2. σκάπτω, to dig, delve (akin to Eng. scoop), (non occ. ) 1. Matt. xxi. 33. 1. — xxv. 18. 1. Mark xii. 1. 2. Luke vi. 48. 2. —— xiii. 8. 2, —— xvi. 3. DIG DOWN. κατασκάπτω, to dig down under, undermine, hence, overthrow. Rom. xi. 8, a a DIL See also, DEEP. DIGNITY (-1Es.) δόξα, opinion, notion ; seeming; reputa- tion, renown gen. in an honourable sense, then, appearance, aspect which commands recognition, equivalent to splendour, brilliance, glory ; mani- festation of glory ; angelic powers so far as their appearance is such as to command recognition. 2. Pet. ii. 10. | Jude 8. DILIGENCE. 1. σπουδή, speed, haste, as manifested in earnestness, diligence, zeal. 2. ἐργασία, work, labour ; effort, occu- pation. 2. Luke xii. 58. 1. Rom. xii. 8. 1. 2 Cor. viii. 7. — 2 Tim.iv.9,21, seeD(do.) 1. Heb. vi. 11. 1. 2 Pet. i. 5. τος 10, see D (give ) 1. Jude 3. DILIGENCE (po.) σπουδάζω, to make haste, esp. as mant- ested in diligence, earnestness ; to do the utmost. 2 Tim. iv. 9, 21. DILIGENCE (atve.) 2 Pet. i. 10. DILIGENT. σπουδαῖος, speedy, hasty, esp. as shewn in earnest diligence, (occ. 2 Cor. viii. 17.) 2 Cor. viii. 22 twice, DILIGENT (ΒΕ) σπουδάζω, see “ DILIGENCE (DO).” Titus iii, 12, | 2 Pet. iii, 14, See also, FOLLOWER. DILIGENTLY. 1. σπουδαίως, speedily, 1.6, earnestly, eagerly, (οσο. Titus iii, 13.) 2. ἀκριβῶς, accurately, assiduously. 3. ἐπιμελῶς, carefully, sedulously, (non οσο.) DIL [ 225 ] DIS 4, πυγμῇ, (Dat. of πυγμή,) with the fist, DISALLOW. i.e. thoroughly, i opposition to | ἀποδοκιμάζω, to reject ti superficial. “Οἱ seems to be a trans- ery ὡ, in ea ee lation of πυκνῆ), (non oce. ) 1. Pet. ii. 4, 7. 2. Acts xviii. 25. — 2Tim.i. 17,566 D (very.) 1. Titus iii, 13. — Matt. ii. 7, see inquire. 2. 16, see inquire. 4, Mark vii. 3, marg.(text, | — Heb. xi. 6, see seek. 8. Luke xv. 8. (oft.) | - —— xii. 15, see look. — 1 Pet. i. 10, see search. DILIGENTLY (very.) σπουδαιοτέρως, the more speedily (comp. of No. 1) with more diligence (than could have been looked for; or per- haps, because I was in chains. ) 2 Tim. 1. 17 (No. 1, 1, Tr Ν.) DIMINISHING. ἥττημα, a being inferior, a worse state, as compared with a former or better state; hence, diminution, (occ. 1 Cor. vi. 7.) Rom. xi. 12, marg. decay or loss. DINE (-ep.) ἀριστάω, to breakfast, ze. to take any meal before the principal one or supper, (non occ. ) Luke xi. 87. | John xxi. 12, 15. DINNER. ἄριστον, breakfast, ὁ.6.. a Jewish meal which corresponded sometimes to our breakfast, sometimes to our dinner, but which was always taken before the principal meal of the day, which was δεῖπνον, supper, (non occ. ) Matt. xxii. 4. | Luke xi. 38. Luke xiv. 12. DIP (-ED, -ΕΤΗ.) 1. βάπτω, to dip, to immerse ; also to tinge, to dye, (non occ. ) 2. ἐμβάπτω, (No. 1 with ἐν, in, prefixed ) to dip into, (non occ.) 2. Matt. xxvi. 23. 1. John xiii, 26 1st os} 2. Mark xiv. 20. (No.2,L.) [T TrAR®. 1, Luke xvi. 24. 2. 26 2nd (No, 1,L™ 1. Rev. xix. 13. DIRECT [verb.] κατευθύνω, to guide straight towards or upon any thing; then, gen. to guide, direct, (οσο, Luke 1. 79.) 1. Thes. iii. 11. | 2 Thes, iii. δ, marg. guide. DISANNUL (-rrH.) 1. αθετέω, to displace ; hence, set aside, z.e. abrogate. 2. ἀκυρόω, to deprive of authority, hence, to cancel, (occ. Matt. xv. 6; Mark vii. 13.) 1. Gal. 111, 15. | 2. Gal. iii, 17. DISANNULLING. ἀθέτησις, a displacement, a setting aside. Heb. vii. 18. DISCERN (-Ep, -1NG.) 1. ἀνακρίνω, to separate or divide up, hence, to examine carefully, investi- gate, then, to determine, judge of, estimate. bo . διακρίνω, to separate throughout, we. wholly, completely, hence, to dis- tinguish, make a distinction. (a) to separate one’s self from, 7.¢. to contend with, then, to contend with one’s self, 1.6. to hesitate, waver. { πρός, towards, for, for 3.4 διάκρισιν, adistinguish- > discrimina- | ing, discriminating, ting. re . δοκιμάζω, to assay, examine, prove ο) test metals to see uf they are pure, hence, to scrutinize. 9. Matt. xvi. 3, 1. 1 Cor. ii, 14. 4. Luke xii. 56 twice. sd 15 twice, marg. 2a.Rom. xiv. 23, marg. (text, judge.) (text, doubt.) 2. —— xi. 29. 8, Heb. ν. 14. DISCERNER. κριτικός, Skilled in judging, capable of judging, (non occ. ) Heb. iy. 12. DISCERNING. ᾿ διάκρισις, a distinguishing, discerning clearly, discriminating. 1 Cor. xii, 10. P DIS DISCIPLE (-s.) 1. μαθητής, a learner, pupil. in Ν.Τ. more than this, a follower, one who follows both the teacher and the teaching, (non 000. ) 2. μαθήτρια, a female pupil or disciple, (non occ. ) 1. Matt. v. 1 1. ——viii. 21, 23. 1. 25 (om. Lb T (Sth ed.) Tr 8.) 1. —— ix. 10, 11, 14 twice, 19, 37. 1. ——x. 1, 24, 25, 42. 1. —xi.l, 1. —— xii. 1, 2, 49. 1. —— xiii. 10, 36. Ἶ. xiv. 12, 15,19twice, 22. 326. 1. —— xv. 2, 12, 23, 32, 33, 36 twice. 1. —— xvi. 5, 13, 20, 21, 24. 1. —— xvii. 6, 10, 13, 16, 1, — xviii. 1. Πο 1. —xix. 10, 13, 23, 25. 1. — xx. 17 (om. π (8th ed.) Tr &.) 1. — xxi. 1, 6, 20. 1. —— xxii. 16. 1. — xxiii. 1. 1. —— xxiv. 1, 3. 1. — xxvi. 1, 8, 17, 18, 19, 26, 35, 36, 40, 45, 56. -- xxvii. 57, see D (be a.) 1. 04, 1, —— xxviii. 7, 8, 9 (ap), 13, 16. -- 19, see D (make) 1. Mark ii. 15, 16,18 3times, 1. — iii7, 9 (23. 1. —— iv. 34 1. —-v. 31. 1. vi. 1, 29, 35, 41,45. 1. — vii. 3, 5, 17. 1. — viii. Ἢ 4, 6, 10. iP 14 (om. Μι EG LTTrAR®&.) 1. 27 twice, 33, 34. 1. —— ix. 14, 18, 28, 31. 10, 18, ο ου (et ed (46. 1. —— xii. 43. 1, — xiii. 1. 1. — xiv. 12, 13, 14, 16, 1. —— xvi. 7. (82. 1. Luke v. 30, 33. 1. —vi. 1, 13, 17, 20,40. 1. vii. 11, 18, 19. 1, —— viii. 9, 22. 1. ——ix. 1 (om, G T Tr) (ἀπόστολους, apostles, ο cell cell lh μα μα μα μὰ μὰ μὰ μα μα μὰ μὰ ee μαὶ μαὶ αὶ μ͵αὶ ἴῷ DISCIPLE (nr...) μαθητεύω, (a) trans. (followed by Ace., and therefore expressing some action implied in or consequent upon the state or quality, ) to make a μαθητής (a disciple), (οσο. Acts xiv. 21.) (b) intrans. and followed by Dat. to be a μαθητής (disciple.) (b) Matt. xxvii. 5 qe ται . Acts i. . — xiv. 20, . — xv. 10. . — xvi. 1. . Luke ix. 14, 16, 18, 40, 43, 54. a Sey ο πι ewice, — xii. 1, 22. | — xiv. 26, 27, 33. xvi. 1; —— xvii. 1, 22. — xviii. 15. —— xix. 29, 37, 39. —— xx. 45 (ap.) —— xxii. 11, 39, 45. . John i. 35, 97. — ii. 2, 11, 12, 17, 22. ii, 22. 25. vi. 3, 8, 11 twice (ap), 12, 16, 221st (ap), 92 2nd ἃ 8rd, 24, 60, 61, 66. vii. 3. ---- vill. 81. — ix. 2, a 98 twice. — xi.7 16, Be D (fellow) SEE ον 16. — xiii 5, 22, 23, 35. — xv. 8. xvi. 17, 29. i tt η, a 15 twice, 16, ΜΙ 19, 7 twice τά 8 ‘4, 8, 10, 18, 19, “ἢ 25, 26, 30. πι Ἱ 4, ἡ, 8; 12, 14, 20, 23, 24. 15 (ἀδέλφοι, brethren, αν 1, T Tr AR.) ee ΤΠ ΟΣ , in I 10, 19, 25, 26 twice. 36. 38. — xi. 26, 29. — xiii. 52. 22, 98, xviii. 23, 27. — xix. 1, 9, 30. .—xx.l 7 (pl.) (ἡμῶν, we, GLTTr AN) 30, . — xxi, 4, 16 twice, assive, was discipled to, ete., L T Sth ed.) Tr 8.) ] DIS DISCIPLES (make) {margin.] (a) Matt. xxviii. 19 (text, teach.) DISCIPLE (ΕΕΙΠΙΟΥ.) συμμαθητής, ἃ disciple together with another, (non occ. ) John xi. 16. DISCOURAGED (sr. ἀθυμέω, to despond, be disturbed in mind, disheartened, (non occ. ) Col. iii. 21. 3. John iii. 20, marg. (text, 1. Acts xxi. 3 (part.) bo DISCOVER (-rp.) ἀναφαίνομαι, to be shown, 1.96. to have any thing pointed out to one’s self, (οσο, Luke xix. 11.) κατανοέω, to perceive distinctly, dis- cern clearly. ἐλέγχω, to test, try, search out in an unfriendly way; then, to prove what is disputed, convince, convict, hence, reprimand, blame. 9. Acts xxvii. 39. 8. Eph. v. 13, marg. (text, reprove.) veprove.) DISCREET. σώφρων, of sound mind, wsed of one who follows sound reason and restrains his passions, hence, sober-minded. Titus ii. 5. DISCREET (be) {margin.] σωφρονέω, to be σώφρων (of sound mind), to use sound judgment and moder- ation. Titus ii. 6, text, sober-minded (be.) DISCREETLY. νουνεχῶς, understandingly, (from νουν- iP 9 me [4 . 5 εχής, having understanding, (non occ. ) Mark xii. 34, DISEASE (-s.) νόσος, disease, sickness ; disease. confirmed νόσημα, a sickness, a disease, (non 000, ) DIS DIS [ 227 ] 3. μαλακία, incipient complaint, soft- DISMISS (-zp.) ness (as opp. to καρτερία, endurance), ἀπολύω, to let loose from, to let go, (non ace. ) Acts xv. 30 (part) ; xix. 41. 4, ἀσθένεια, want of strength or energy, infirmity, feebleness. DISOBEDIENCE. 8. Matt. iv. 23. 1. Luke iv. 40. 1, 24. 1. —— vi. 17. cer 11: | Ἢ . τ hoary 1. ἀπείθεια, unwillingness to be persua- 3, ——x. 1. fy ο ded, wilful unbelief that opposes τοι eons κω itself to the gracious purpose of God. τῆς 2. παρακοή, that which has been heard DISEASED (Be.) amiss, neglect or refusal to hear, ἔχω, to have, ἢ to be ill or in evil hence, the sin of omission, careless- 1 κακῶς, badly, case. ness in ascertaining or regarding : 2 , the rule of duty, (non σος, ) 2, ἀσθενέω, to want strength, be infirm, - Ε 2. Rom. v. 19. 1. Col. iii. 6. W eak, feeble. 2. 2 Cor. κ 6. 2. Heb. ii 2. 1. Matt. xiv. 35. | 1. Mark i. 32. 1. Eph. ii. 2. _, | 1. — iv. 11, marg. (text, 2 John vi. 2. 1. ——v. 6,marg unbelief. unbelief.) See also, BLOOD. DISOBEDIENT. : 1. ἀπειθής, unwilling to be persuaded, DISFIGURE. refusing belief and obedience, con- ἀφανίζω, to cause to disappear, to put tumacious, (non occ. ) out of sight, hide. 2. ἀπειθέω, not to suffer one’s self to be Matt. vi. 16. persuaded, to refuse belief. 3. ἀνυπότακτος, unsubjected, insubordin- DISH. ate, refractory. τρύβλιον, a dish or bowl for eating or 1. Luke i. 17. 3. 1 Tim. i. 9. aha 1. Acts xxvi. 19. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 2. drinking. 1. Rom. i. 80. 1. Titus i. 16. Matt. xxvi. 23. | Mark xiv, 20. 2, —— x. 21 (part.) 1. —— iii. 3. DISHONESTY. ; η αἰσχύνη, shame, the sense of disgrace, DISOPEDTEN? ah the feeling of shame which attends | 3. Pym. xv-Biynare (ext | δ pte Ne ee the performance of a dishonourable “9. 1 Pet. iii. 20, deed, also, the feeling which deters |_ _ eames ος ο one from bad conduct through fear Ἶ στα of being put to shame. DISORDERLY. 2 Cor. iv. 2, marg. shame. 1. ἄτακτος, not keeping the ranks as of Ξ asa soldiers, not in one’s place, out of DISHONOUR [noun.] order ; hence, neglectful of duties. ἀτιμία, dishonour, disgrace, insult. 2, ἀτάκτως, (adv. of above,) disorderly. Rom. ix. 21. 2 Cor. vi. 8. 1. 1 Thes, v. 14, marg. (text, wnruly.) 1 Cor. xv. 43. | 2 Tim. ii, 20. | 2, 2 Thes. iii. 6, 11. DISHONOUR (-kst, -ΕΤΗ.) . : ; 1. ἀτιμάζω, to dishonour, esteem lightly, DISORDERLY (BEHAVE ONE'S SELF.) contemn. “| ἀτακτέω, to leave or break the ranks (spoken of soldiers,) to be out of one’s place, be undisciplined, dis- | orderly. | 9 Thes. iii. 7. | 2. καταισχύνω, to bring down shame upon. 1, John viii. 49. η 1. Rom. i. 24 (mid.) 2.1 DIS [ DISPENSATION. οἰκονομία, administration of a household, Actively the administrative activity of the owner or the steward ; pass- ively, that which is administered, (Eng. economy,) 1.6. a disposition or arrangement of things, a scheme or dispensation, (οσο. Luke xvi. 2, 3, 4.) 1 Cor, ix. 17. Eph. iii. 2. Eph. i. 10. Col. i. 25. DISPERSE (-ep.) διασκορπίζω, to scatter throughout, 1.6. abroad ; disperse abroad. Acts v. 37. DISPERSE (-ep) ABROAD. σκορπίζω, to scatter, disperse. 2 Cor. ix. 9. DISPERSED (rue.) the dispersion of the Gentiles, 1.6. the countries where the Jews lay scattered. 6, the, διασπορά, dispersion, (oce. James i. 1, and 1 Pet. i. 1,) John vii. 35. DISPLEASED (ΒΕ Νο.) ἀγανακτέω, to be much pained (in body or mind. ) Mark x. 14, 41. DISPLEASED (ΒΕ sore.) Matt. xxi. 15. DISPLEASED WITH (se HIGHty.) θυμομαχέω, to fight fiercely; have a hot quarrel. Acts xii. 20 (part.), with εἰμί, tobe (marg. bear an hostile mind intending war with.) DISPOSED (sr.) 1. βούλομαι, to wish; denoting the in- ward predisposition from which the active will proceeds ; to purpose, after deliberation and consideration of all the circumstances of the case. DIS 2. θέλω, to will, denoting the natural active volition or impulse, and indi- cating a less formal purpose. 1. Acts xviii. 27 (part.) | 2. 1 Cor. κ. 27. DISPOSITION. διαταγή, a disposing in order, as of troops ; arrangement, (occ. Rom. xiii 2.) Acts vii. 53. DISPUTATION (5) 1. διάκρισις, a distinguishing, a discern- ing clearly, a deciding. 5 ; ΓΟ ioe 2. συζήτησις, a joint-inquiry, and so ἃ disputation. 2. meee 2 (om. G=>) (ζήτησις, α seeking, GLT Tr A 1. Rom. xiv. 1, marg. (with εἰς, unto, for,) to judge, (lit. for a deciding.) DISPUTE (-sp, -1NG.) 1. διαλέγομαι, to speak to and for, 1.6. alternately, to converse with; hence, discuss, dispute. bo . διαλογίζοµαι, to reckon through, com- plete or settle an account, hence, to take account of, consider. ῷϑ . συζητέω, to seek or examine with, at the same time or together; to seek jointly, hence, dispute. 2. Mark ix. 33. 1, Acts xvii. 17. A 34. 1. —— xix. 8, 9. — Acts vi. 9, see D with. 1. —— xxiv. 12. 3, —— ix. 29. — Rom. ix. 20,see D with. 1, Jude 9. DISPUTE WITH. 1. συζητέω, see above, No. 3. 2. ἀνταποκρίνομαι, to answer again, re- ply against. 1. Acts vi. 9. 2. Rom. ix. 20, marg. (text, reply against.) DISPUTER. συζητητής, ἃ joint inquirer ; hence, dis- puter, (non occ. ) 1 Cor, i. 20. DISPUTING (-s) [noun. | 1. διαλογισμός, balancing or adjustment of accounts, computation ; hence, reflection, cogitation, DIS [390 1 DIS 2. συζήτησις, a joint inquiry ; hence, disputation. 1. Acts xv. 7. | 2, Phil. ii. 14. DISPUTINGS (ΡΕΗΠΥΡΗΡΕ.) παραδιατριβάι, useless disputation, idle occupation. 1Tim. vi. 5, marg. gallings one os another (διαπαρατριβή, incessant quarrellings, G LT Tr A &.) DISSEMBLE WITH. συνυποκρίνομαι, to play the hypocrite with any one; (non occ. ) Gal. ii. 13. DISSENSION. στάσις, a setting up, erection ; hence, an upstand, uproar; of a popular com- motion, insurrection ; ι a private sense, controversy with idea of violence. Acts xv. 2 ; xxiii. 7, 10. DISSIMULATION. ὑπόκρισις, answer, response as of an oracle ; gen. stage-playing, the play- ing a part, hence, Lng. hypocrisy. Gal. ii. 13. DISSIMULATION (wrrnovr.) ἀνυπόκριτος, (the above with a, negative, prefixed, ) unfeigned, without hypo- crisy. Rom. xii. 9. DISSOLVE (-rp.) 1. λύω, to loose, loosen what is fast bound ; dissolve, sever ; of buildings, demolish. 2. καταλύω, to loosen down, disunite the parts of anything, destroy. 8, 2 Cor. v. 1. | 1. 2 Pet. iif. 11, 12. DISTINCTION. διαστολή, a drawing asunder, separation, distinction, (occ. Rom. iii, 22; x. 12.) 1 Cor. xiv. 7. DISTRACTION (wirnovt.) > / . . ἀπερισπάστως, Without drawing from around, hence, without distraction, (non occ. ) 1 Cor. vii. 86. DISTRESS [noun.] 1. ἀνάγκη, force, constraint, necessity. 2. στενοχωρία, a crowding into a narrow place, straitness of place, want of room, hence, straits, anguish. 3. συνοχή, a meeting, joining or holding together, a shutting up, hence, metaph. distress, (οσο, 2 Cor. ii. 4.) 1. Luke xxi. 23. 2. 2 Cor. vi. 4. 3H 25. 2. —— xii. 10. 2. Rom. viii. 35. [sity. 1. 1 Thes. iii. 7. 1. 1 Cor, vii.26,marg. neces- DISTRESS (-rp.) στενοχωρέω, to crowd into a narrow place, to straiten as toroom. Jn NV.T. Pass. to be straightened, not able to turn one’s self, distressed, (occ. 2 Cor. vi. 12.) 2 Cor. iv. 8. DISTRIBUTE (εν, -1NG.) 1. διαδίδωμι, to give or deliver through, as through various hands, from one to another ; deal out. 2. μεταδίδωμι, to give with any one, te. to share with, communicate. 3. μερίζω, to part, to divide into parts. 4. κοινωνέω, to be partaker of ο) in any thing with any person, to share in common. 1. Luke xviii. 22 (δίδωμι, | 3. 1 Cor. vii. 17. give, L 8.) 3. 2 . 13, 1. John vi. 11. 2. Eph. iv. 28, marg. (text, 4. Rom. xii. 13. give.) DISTRIBUTE (reEapy το.) εὐμετάδοτος, readily imparting ov sha- ring, (non oce) 1 Tim. vi. 18. DISTRIBUTION, 1. κοινωνία, act of partaking with any person ; participation. 2. μερισμός, division, parting, separation. 1. 2 Cor, ix. 13. | 2. Heb. ii. 4, marg. (text,gi/t.) DIS [ 230 1] DIV DISTRIBUTION (makz.) διαδίδωμι, see “DISTRIBUTE,” ο. 1. Acts iv. 35. DITCH. βόθυνος, any hole or pit dug in the ground, (oce. Matt. xii. 11.) Matt. xv. 14. | Luke vi. 39. DIVERS. 1. ποικίλος, variegated, party-coloured. Metaph. changing colour, and hence, various, divers. 2. τις, one, some one, a certain one. 1. Matt. iv. 24. | Ἱ. ams ὙΠ: Ὁ: 1. Mark i. 34. 1. Titus ii. 3. 2. —— viii. 3. 1. Heb. ii. 4. 1. Luke iv. 40. 1. —— xiii. 9. 2. Acts xix. 9. Ἱ. οδα,α. 2. DIVERS MANNERS (1ν.) πολυτρόπως, in many ways. Heb. 1. 1. DIVERS PLACES (1.) κατά, down, throughout; wsed ) from distributively, from one to \_ place another, to κω places, ) place. Matt. xxiv. 7. Mark xiii. 8, Luke xxi. 11. DIVERSE. διάφορος, different, unlike, various. Heb. ix. 10. DIVERSITY. 1. διαίρεσις, act of taking apart, division as into parts, hence, distribution, (oce. 1 Cor, xii. 5.) 2. γένος, genus, class, sort, (opp. to εἶδος, species. ) 11 Cor, xii, 4, 6, 2. 1 Cor. xii. 28, marg. kind. DIVIDE (-rp, -ΕΤΗ, -1NG.) 1. μερίζω, to part, divide into parts. (a) Mid., to divide any thing with another, to share with. 2. διαμερίζω, (No. 1 with dia, through, prefixed,) to divide through, «e., completely ; divide up. 3. διαιρέω, to take apart, to separate ; to take as into parts, distribute. 4. σχίζω, to split, rend, cleave as wood ; to divide with violence. 5. ἀφορίζω, to set off by bounds, to limit off ; to set off apart, separate. 6. διαδίδωμι, to give or deliver through (as through various hands from one to another in succession, ) hence, to deal out. 1. Matt. xii, 25 twice, 20.. — Acts xiii. 19, see D by 5. παν. 32. lot. 1. Mark iii. 24, 25, 26. 4, —— xiv. 4. πι, vi. 41. 4, —— xxiii. 7. 2. Luke xi. 17, 18. 1.1 ΟΣ ἢ 18: 6. 22. 3. —— xii. 11. la. —— xii. 13. —2 Tim. ii. 15, see D 2, — 82, ὅ8. (vightly.) 3. —— xy. 12. — Rev. xvi. 19, see D 2. —— xxii. 17. (be.) DIVIDE BY LOT. κατακληροδοτέω, to give by lot to each. Acts xiii.19 (ap.), (κατακληρονομέω, to inherit completely, GLTTrAw®) DIVIDE (ricHTLy.) ὀρθοτομέω, to cut straight, to divide right (as sacrificial victims, Lev. 1. 6,) (πον occ. ) Αα πο, 1 Τρ. DIVIDED (ΒΒ) γίνομαι, to become. Rey. xvi. 19. DIVIDER. μεριστής, a divider, a distributor, (non ους, ) Luke xii, 14. DIVIDING ASUNDER. μερισμός, act of partition, division o7 separation, (occ. Heb. ii. 4.) Heb. iv. 12. DIVINATION. πύθων, Lng. Python. In Greek mythology the name of ἃ serpent or dragon slain by Apollo, then, transferred to Apollo himself ; ater, spoken of diviners, soothsayers, held to be inspired by the pythian Apollo, They DIV appear to have been a kind of ven- triloquists, the spirit being supposed to speak from the belly without motion of the lips. Acts xvi. 16, marg. python. DIVINE. θεῖος, divine, what is God’s, esp. what proceeds from Him, (oce. with art., Acts xvii. 29.) 2 Pet. i. 3, 4. DIVINE SERVICE. λατρεία, service, esp. the service of God, and with relation to sacrifice. Heb. ix. 1. DIVISION. (-s.) 1. σχίσμα, that which is cloven or parted, a cleft, division, rent. Eng. schism. | 2. διχοστασία, dissension, discord, (οσο, Gal. v. 20.) 3. διαμερισμός, division, disunion, (on ους, ) . Luke xii. 51. . Jobn vii. 43. . — ix. 16. . κ. 19. . Rom. xvi. 17. σα sl: 10: 2. 1 Cor. 11.5, marg. faction (on. α- LTTrA®.) xi.18,marg. schism. . — κα, 25, marg.(text, schism.) DIVORCE [verb.] ἀπολύω, to let loose from, let go free. Matt. v. 32. DIVORCEMENT. ἀποστάσιον, defection, desertion, depar- ture from. Matt. xix. 7. | Mark x. 4. DIVORCEMENT (writina or.) Matt. v. 31. DO (57, -TH, -ΕΤΗ, -ING, DID.) [See also, DONE (BE.) | 1. ποιέω, to make, 7.e. to form, produce, spoken of an external act as manifes- | ted in the production of something tangible, completed action ; also, to [ 931 1 DO do, expressing an action as continued or not yet completed ; what one does repeatedly, continually, more like No πράσσω, to do, to practice, esp. ex- pressing it as continued or not com- pleted, to do repeatedly, continuedly, habitually. ἐργάζομαι, to work, to labour; trans. to form by labour, perform. κατεργάζομαι, (No.3, with κατά, down, prefixed, ) to work out, bring about, accomplish, effect, be the cause or author of. ἐνεργέω, to be in work, «ae, to be effective, operative, (ng. energy,) to produce effect, operate. ἐπιτελέω, to bring through to an end, to finish. έχω, to have, to hold, ze. to have and hold, implying continued hold- ing or possession. It is also spoken of what one is said to have with himself, 1.6. of any condition er circumstances in which one is, ete. κατατίθημι, to put or lay down, deposit ; to lay up for future use. προσφέρω, to bear or bring to any place or person ; to bring near, to offer, present to any one. 10. πρός, towards. (a) with Gen. in favour of. (b) with Dat. at, close by. (c) with Acc. to, in reference to, in consideration of, with a view to. . Matt. i. 24. . Mark v. 19, 20, 82. oo v.19,44,46, 47 twice. : vi. 5, 20, 30. . — vi. 1, Qtwice, 3 lst vii. 8 (ap.), 12,°13, (part.), 3 2nd. . — Vil, 12 twice, 21, 22, 24, 26. x. 17, 35, 36, 51. viii. 9 twice. xi. 3(ap.),5, 2twice, ae eS 20, 33. — xii. 2 twice 8,12, 50. xii. 9. — xiii. 28, 41, 58. xiv. 7, 8, 9. . — xvii. 12. xv. 8, 12, 14. — xvili. 35. . Luke i. 49. — xix. 16. — ii. 27. — xx. 5, 15, 32. . — iii, 10,11,12, 14, 19. es SE Gy a LG ete iv. 28. 24, 27, $1, 36, 40. — v. 6 (part.) ο xxiii. 8 3times, δ, 28, — vi. 2 Ist. . — xxiv. 40, 22nd (om, LT Tr —- xxv, 4twice, 45twice A.) — xxvi. 12, 13, 19. ——— xxvii. 22, 23. . ———$ 1 Mexreivw, stretch — xxviii. 15. forth, αν 8.) . Mark ii. 24, 25. 5 11. ο Ὁ — iii. 8, 35. 81 twice, 33, 46, 47, 49. ~ ix. 18, 39. mel pel ed μὰ μαὶ et et μὰ μὰ »ὖ μὶ μοὶ μαὸ ee et μιὰ μὰ μαὶ 3. - "ὁ μαὶ μτὸ μαὸ τὸ καὶ »-ὁ μὰ ~ So alas τν ἐστι ee ; John ii. 5, 11, 18, 23. . — xii. 16,18,37(part.) τω eS ee ee en nd id μα μα μα μα Leet all dl aN ο salt Soa st ata ee ΒΑΣ οσο μις . — xx. 30. ΗΝ, PP POM rs fo . Rom. i. 28, tbo bo bo Fb 90 8 twice. — viii. 21, 39 twice. —— ix. 10,15, 43,54(ap.) — x. 25, 28, 37. — xi. 42. —— xii. 4,17, 18, 43, 47. — xiii 32 (ἀποτελέω, Jinish off, perfect, L T ‘Tr A R. — xvii. 9, — xviii. 18, 41. — xix. 48. — xx. 2, 8, 13, 15. — xxii. 19. 23. — xxiii. 15. 22, 31, 34 (ap.) 41 —— jij, 2 twice. 20. 21. — iv. 29, 34, 39, 45, 4 δ4, — v. 16,194 πες 20, 29 Ist. 29 2nd. 30, 36. iO 28; 58. — vii. 3, 4 twice, 17, 21, 31 twice, 51. — viii. 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44. — ix 16, 26, 31, 33. — x. 25, 37, 38, 41. — xi. 45, 46, 47 twice. —— xiii. 7, 12, 15twice, 17, 27 twice. —— xiv. 10, 12 3times, 18. 14, 31. — xv. 5, 14, 15, 21, 24 twice. — xvi. 2. 3. — xvii. 4. — xviii. 35. — xix. 24. — xxi. Acts i. 1. — ii. 22, 37. — iii. 17. — iv. 7, 16, 28. —- ν. 35. — vi. 8. — viii. 6. —— jx, 6 lst (ap. ) 62nd, 18, 36. — x. 6 ap. ), 33, 39. — xi. 30. — xii. 8. — xiv. 11, 15, 27. —- xv. 4, 17. 29. 36. — xvi. 18. 25. 28. 30. —- xvii. 7. — xix. 14. - 36. xxi. ἐστί.) Xxii. 10 twice, 26 | (with μέλλω, lit. about to do.) — xxv. 9. — xxvi. 9. 10. 20, 26, 31. 32 11. 32 2nd. —— ii. 1, $ 1st. 82nd, 23, 33 (with 9. DO — Luke vii. 4, see D (for.) == τον τ if ue — 2 Cor. iii. 2. 18 PROP RO pe forth μα ἐν μὲ μα Pe porte — iii. 8, 12. —— vii. 15 lst. 15 2nd, 15 3rd, 16. ἘΠ 19 Ist. 19 2nd. 20. 21. — ix. 11. — x. 5. —— xii. 20. ουν. ο 4 Ist. 4 2nd. ΕἸ Cor. v. 2(No.2, Gow T Trm 59) 3h 1 Cor. vi. 18. — vii. 36, 37, — ix. 17. —— 23. —— x. 3] twice. —— xi. 24, 25. 838 twice. see D away. — xv. 29. — xvi. 1. 7, see done away (be.) 11, 14, see Ὁ away. — v.10. — viii. 10. 10.—— xi. 8. 1. 1. ie 1. a5 ee et es μὰ μὰ Fie πο ο |e eg Ἢ Pees 12. — xiii. Gal. ii. 10, —— iii. 10, 12. — Vv. 3. 17, see D (can.) 21: — vi. 10. . Eph. iii 20. 7 twice. ee νὰ 6.5: Ὁ. 13, marg. over- come, DA - Phil. li. 13. 14. — iv. 9. 13, see D (can.) 14. . Col. 111, 17, 23 Ist. 23 2nd. 4 Thes. iv. 10. 11. v. 11, 24. 2 Thes. iii. 4 twice. ΣῊ πα ἃ. τν, νο], 2 Tim. iv. 6. . Titus 111, 5. . Philem. 14, 21. — Heb. iv 3, see D (we have to.) — vi. 3 —- vii. 27. — x. 7, 9, 36 (part.) —— xiii. 6, 17, 19, 21. 21, marg. (text, work.) Jas. 11. 8, 12, 19. iv. 15, 17 twice. 1 Pet. ii. 22. iii, 11, 12. 2 Pet. i. 10(part.), 19. 1 John i. 6. ii. 17, 29. — iii. 7, 10 (ap.), 22. 8 John 5 Ist. δ 2nd 6, 10. Rev. ii. 5. xiii. 13, 14. — — xix.10, } see D it — —— xxii.9, J not(thou) L 14 (ap.) DOC DO AWAY. καταργέω, to render inactive, idle, use- less; then, to make useless or void; hence, abolish, do away. 1 Cor. xiii. 10, | 2 Cor: iii, ΠῚ; 14, DO (ολν.) 1. ποιέω, see «Ρο, No. 1. ἰσχύω, to be strong, prevail. 1. Gal. ν. 17. | 2. Phil. iv. 13. DO (For...) παρέχω, to hold beside or near to any one, 1.6. to present, offer, furnish, supply. Luke vii. 4. DO IT NOT (ruHov.) μή, not, (with Imperative. ) Rev. xix. 10; xxii. 9. DO (WE HAVE 10.) ἡμῖν ὁ λογός, [is] our account. Heb. iv. 13. See also, CAN, COULD, DESPITE, DILIGENCE, DONE, EVIL, GOOD, HAVE, MURDER, SACRI- FICE, SERVICE, VIOLENCE, WELL, WHAT [interrog.], WIT, WRONG. DOCTOR (-s.) διδάσκαλος, a teacher, instructor. Luke ii. 46, See also, LAW. DOCTRINE (-s.) 1. διδαχή, teaching, process of teaching, thing taught ; esp. the act. διδασκαλία, teaching, esp. the subs- tance or result of teaching. 3. Adyos, word spoken, the speaking (as a means, not as a product); the word as that which is spoken, 7.e., an exposition or account which one gives. DOE [ 233 1 DON 1. Matt. vii. 28. 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 6, 26. DOM N. 2. —— xv. 9. 2. Eph. iv. 14. MINIO . — xvi. 12 2. Col. ii 22. 2 3 ου ο στ μα i 3, see teach. | 1. Κράτος, strength, power in action, 1. Mark i. 22, 27. 2. 10. 1ωγ] ο --, ἘΞ τι ος force, superiority. 2. —— vii. 7. 2 6, 13, 16. : as eg ο ΤΣ 2. κυριότης, lordship, dominion. Ἱ τα 88. ο τν Τη, 1. Luke iv. 32. 2. 2 Tim. iii. 10, 16. — Matt. xx. 25, see D over | 2. Col. i. 16. 1. John vii. 16, 17. 1. — iy, 2. (exercise.) 1. 1 Pet. iv. 11. 1, ——xviii. 19. 2 3. — Rom. vi 9, 14, see D| 1. ——v. 11. 1. Acts ii. 42. 2. Titusi. 9. over (have.) 2. 2 Pet. ii. 10, marg.(text, 1. ——v. 28. 2, —— ii. Ἧ 10. — — vii. 1, see D over ee’ πεί.) 1. — xiii. 12. 3. Heb. vi. 1, marg. word. (have.) 2. Jude 8 1. — xvii. 19. ild ig —2 Cor. i. 24. ik 95. 1. Rom, vi. 17. 1. —— xiii. 9. 2. Eph. i 21. 1. Rev. i. 6. 1. — xvi. 17. 1. 2 John 9 twice, 10. 2, Rev. ii. 14, 15, 24. ——— DOMINION OVER (ΒΧΕΒΟΙΒΕ.) DOER (-s.) ποιητής, a maker of any thing (hence, Eng. poet, 1.6. maker of a poem, ) then gen. a doer, (occ. Acts xvii. 28.) Rom. ii, 13. Jas. i. 22, 23, 25; iv. 11. See also, EVIL. DOG (5) 1. κύων, a dog, pl. dogs. 2. κυνάριον, (dim. of No. 1,) a little dog, a puppy- 1. Matt. vii. 6. 1. Luke xvi. 21. 2, —— xv. 26, 27. 1 ep ond ΤΉ ὁ, 2. Mark vii. 27, 28. 1. 2 Pet: 5. 1. Rev. xxii. 15. DOING [noun. ] . ποιέω, see “po,” No. 1. ἘΦ = . ποίησις, a making, a doing. 3. ἔργον, a work; labour, business, em- ployment, deed, act, action. 8. Rom. ii. 7. 1. 2 Cor. viii. 11 (inf.) 2, Jas. 1. 25, marg. (text, deed.) --------- DOING (ιν) 1. Gal vi9(part.) | DOING (BE ONE’s.) γίνομαι, to begin to be, come into ex- istence, come to pass. Matt. xxi. 42, Mark xii. 11, 1. 1 Tim, iv. 10, } lit. from the Lord this came to pass. WELL. See also, EVIL, κατακυριεύω, to lord it against, i.e. over any one. Matt. xx. 25. DOMINION OVER (tave.) , κυριεύω, to be lord over any person or thing. Rom. vi. 9, 14; vii. 1. | 2 Cor. i. 24. DONE (so BE 11.) γίνομαι, to begin to be, implying origin, either from natural causes or through special agency; result and change of state, ete. Matt. i. 22. Luke xiv. 22 — vi. 10. — xxii. 42 — viii. 13. — xxiii. 8, 31, 47, 48 —— xi. 20, 21, 23 twice. — xxiv. 21 — xviii. 19, 3] twice. John i. 28. — xxi. 4, 21. > 9 ἧς — xxvi. 42, 56. xix. 36. — xxvii. 54. Acts ii. 43. — xxviii. 11. a 16, 21, 28, 30. Mark iv. 11. —v.7. — v. 14, 33. — viii. 13. — xiii. 30. — x. τὸ Luke iv. 23. — xi. 10 — viii. 34, 35, 56. — xii. 9 — ix. 7. — xiii 12 —— xX, 13 twice. — Χὶ “τοὶ 34 — xi. 3 (αρ.) — xiii. 17. DONE AWAY (88) καταργέω, to render inactive, idle, use- less ; hence, to sport. (a) Pass. to cease, be done away. a. 2 Cor. iii. 7. See also, DEED, WELL. DOO DOOR. θύρα, door, (Germ. thur, Sans. Diar, Eng. door,) whether of a room or a house. Metaph, access, opportunity. Matt. vi. 6. John xviii. 16 1st. — xxiv. 33. 162nd, 17, see D — xxv. 10. (that keepeth.) —— xxvii. 60. — xx. 19, 26. — xxviii. 2 (om. Go L | Acts v. 9, 19, 23. Τ ΊτΑ κ.) xii. 6, 13. Mark i. 33. —— xiv. 27. — ii. 2. — xvi. 26, 27. — xi. 4. —— xxi. 30. — xiii. 29. 1 Cor. xvi. 9. —— xv. 46. 2 Cor. ii. 12. XVi. 9. Col. iv. 3. Luke xi. 7. Jas. ν. 9. —— xiii. 25 twice. Rey. iii. 8, 20 twice. ΠῚ Ἀν 9. -- ἰν. 1. DOOR KEEPER. θυρωρός, a door keeper, porter, male or female. John xviii. 16, 17, with art. DOTE. νοσέω, to be sick, ill, to ail, whether in body or mind, (non oce. ) 1 Tim. vi. 4 (part.), marg. sick. [ 234 ] DOUBLE [adj.] διπλοῦς, two-fold, double. 1 Tim. v. 17. | Rey. xviii. 6 twice. DOUBLE [verb. | διπλόω, to double, to repay two-fold, (non occ. ) Rev. xviii. 6. DOUBLE-MINDED. δίψυχος, double -minded, two - souled, (non occ, ) Jas. i. 8; iv. 8. DOUBLE-TONGUED. δίλογος, uttering the same thing twice, repeating, (non occ. ) 1 Tim. iii. 8. DOUBT (-kEp, -ΕΤΗ, -1NG.) 1. διακρίνω, to separate throughout, i.e. wholly, completely. DOU (a) Mid. and Pass. to separate one’s self from, z.e. contend with, then, to be in strife with with one’s self, ze. hesitate, waver. 3, διστάζω, to stand in two ways, be un- certain as to which to take, (French balancer), (on occ. ) 3, ἀπορέομαι, to be without resource, to know not what to do. 4. διαπορέω, (No. 3 with dia, throughout, prefixed,) to be entirely without resource, to be in great doubt or perplexity. 2. Matt. xiv. 31. la. Acts x. 20. la.—— xxi. 21. la.— xi. 12 (om.G— A.) 2. —— xxviii. 17. 8. Acts xxv. 20, marg. be la. Mark xi. 23. — Luke xi. 20, see Ὦ (mo.) | — —— xxviii.4, seeD(no.) — John x. 24, see D (make | la. Rom. xiv. 23, marg. to.) discern and put a differ- doubtful. 3. —— xiii. 22. | ence between meats. — Acts ii. 12,see D(bein.) | — 1 Cor. ix. 10, see Ὁ (no.) 4, ——vy., 24. | — Gal. iv. 20, see D (stand 4, ——x. 17. in.) DOUBT (BEIN.) . 4. Acts ii, 12. DOUBT (make το.) ( ψυχὴν, breath,vital breath, ) hold ) (αὶ. anima,) the principle (up | of life, our - αἴρω, to take up, lift up, raise, ) lives. John κ. 24. ‘ DOUBT (no.) 1. dpa, still farther, beyond that; a particle marking a transition, or drawing a conclusion, therefore. 2. yap, (γέ, verily, compounded with No. 1,) the fact is, in fact, and when the fact is given as the reason or ex- planation, for; more extensive than the Eng. for, since it expresses the cause, reason, ο). motive of what has been previously affirmed. 3. πάντως, wholly, entirely; in every way, by all means. 1. Luke xi, 20. | 8. Acts xxviii. 4. 2. 1 Cor. ix. 10. DOUBT (sTaAnp IN.) ἀπορέομαι, see “DOUBT,” Vo, 3. Gal. iv. 20, marg. be perplexed. DOU DOUBTFUL. διαλογισμός, computation, adjustment of | accounts; hence, consideration, sus- pense, 1.6. doubts. Rom. xiv. 1, marg. doubtful thoughts. DOUBT (be in) [margin.] ἀπορέομαι, see “DOUBT,” No. 3. Acts xxv. 20, text, doubl. DOUBTFUL MIND (ΒΕ or.) μετεωρίζω, to lift up on high, raise in the air. In N.T. Mid. or Pass. to be fluctuating in mind (as if floating in the air, ) (non oce. ) Luke xii. 29, marg. live in careful suspense. DOUBTING. διαλογισμός, see “ DOUBTFUL.” 1 Tim. 11. 8. DOUBTLESS. δή, denotes the definiteness and certainty of an expression, serving to strengthen or limit the word to which it is attached ; truly, indeed. 2 Cor. xii. 1 (ap.) See also, YEA, YET. DOVE. περιστερά, a dove or pigeon, (occ. Luke ii, 24.) Matt. iii. 10, Mark xi. 15, — x. 10. Luke iii. 22. — xxi. 12. John i, 32. Mark i. 10. — ii. 14, 16. See also, TURTLE. DOWN. 1. κατά, (prep.) down. (a) with Gen. down from. (b) with Ace. down towards. 2. κάτω, (adv.) downwards. 2. Matt. iv. 6. 2. Luke iv. 9. la.—— viii. 32. la, —— viii. 33. la. Mark ν. 13. 2. John viii.6 (ap.), 8 (ap.) 2. Acts xx. 9. [ 235 ] DRA See also, BOW, BRING, VAST, COME, CUT, DIG, DRIVE, FALL, GET, GO, HANG, HEW, KNEEL, LAY, LET, LIE, PRESS, PULL, PULL- ING, PUT, REAP, RUN, SINK, SIT, STEP, STOOP, TAKE, THROW, THRUST, TREAD, TURN. DOWN TO. See, FOOT, HELL. DRAG (-1NG.) σύρω, to draw, drag, haul, trail along as a net, John xxi. 8. DRAGON. δράκων, a dragon, we. a large kind of serpent, (so called from his sight which is very acute.) In the N.T. it ts used for “that old serpent,” the Devil. Rey. xii. 3, 4, 7 twice, 9,13, 16, 17 ; xiii. 2, 4,11; xvi 13; xx, 2. DRAUGHT. 1. ἀφεδρών, “draught,” latrine, (non ace. ) 2. ἄγρα, a hunting, catching. Jn V.7. spoken only of fishing, a draught, (non oce. ) 1. Matt. xv. 17. | 2. Luke v. 4, 9. DRAW (ΤΗ, -EW, -AWN.) to draw, esp. implying a cer- tain attraction mentally or morally ; also, to draw to a certain point. (older form of same word.) 1. Mark vii. 19. 1. ἑλκύω, 2. ἕλκω, 8, σύρω, to draw, drag, or trail along as a net; esp. with the notion of force and sometimes with violence. 4, ἀντλέω, to bale out bilge water, bale the ship, (from ἄντλος, a hold,) hence, draw out as wine or water. 5. σπάω, to draw, i.e to pull. (a) Mid. to draw out, pull out, as a sword, 6. ἀποσπάω, to draw from, pull away, as Jrom the scabbard. DRA [ 236 ] DRE 7. ἀναβιβάζω, to cause to ascend, make go up to a higher place ; to draw a ship up on land, (non oce. ) 8. γίνομαι, to begin to be, to become. 9. προβιβάζω, to cause to go towards, cause to advance out of, urge forward. 7. Matt. xiii. 48. Acts xi. 10, see D up. 6. xxvi. 51. 3. xiv. 19. — Mark vi. 53, see Ὁ to | 1. xvi. 19. the shore. τον 27, see D out. 5a.—— xiv. 47. 3. —— xvii. 6. -— Luke xxiii.50, see Don. | 9. —— xix.33(ovpfiBacgw, — John ii 8, see D out. to bear aloft, T 4. 9. (8th ed.) Tr A &.) 4. —— iv. 7. -— —— xx. 30,see Daway. -- 11, see D with. 2. —— xxi. 30. 4, 5. — Heb. x. 38, see D back. 8. ——vi. 19. — 39, see D back 1. 44. (of them who.) 1. —— xii. 32. — Jas. i. 14, see D away 1. —— xviii. 10. (be.) 1. —— xxi. 6, 11. 2. —— ii. 6 — Acts v. 37, see D away. DRAW AWAY. 1. ἀποσπάω, see “DRAW,” No. 6. 2. ἀφίστημι, trans. to place away from, cause to depart, to make to revolt, move to revolt, ov detach from another. 2. Acts v. 37. | 1. Acts xx. 30. DRAWN AWAY (BEz.) ἐξέλκομαι, (No. 2 ae with ἐκ, out of, pre- Jixed,) to be drawn out, hurried | away. Jas. i. 14 (part.) DRAW BACK. ὑποστέλλω, to send or draw under o7 back. Jn N.7. Mid. to draw one’s self back esp. under cover, out of sight. Heb. x. 38. DRAW BACK (or THEM WHO.) ὑποστολή, a shrinking or drawing back under cover, or out of sight. Heb. x. 39 (Gen.) DRAW ON. ἐπιφώσκω, to grow light upon, to dawn upon, (occ. Matt. xxviii. 1.) Luke xxiii. 50. DRAW OUT. 1. ἀντλέω, see “ DRAW,” No. 4. 2. σπάω, see “DRAW,” Wo. δα. 1. John ii. 8. | 2. Acts xvi. 27. DRAW TO THE SHORE. προσορμίζω, to bring a ship to anchor at or near a place; to cast anchor, land at, (non occ.) Mark vi. 53. DRAW UP. ἀνασπάω, (No. 5 with ava, up, prefixed, ) to draw up, (oce. Luke xiv. 5.) Acts xi. 10. DRAW WITH (το.) ἄντλημα, what is drawn. Jn Ν.Τ. a bucket, ὁ.6. any vessel for drawing water. See also, NEAR, NIGH. DREAM (-s) [noun. ] 1. ὄναρ, a dream, a vision in sleep as opp. toa waking vision and esp. a significant or prophetic dream, (non occ. ) 2. ἐνύπνιον, what comes in sleep, hence δ ᾽ ᾽ a dream, a mere dream, (on occ. ) 1. Matt. 1, 20. 1. Matt. xxvii. 19. 1. ——ii. 12, 19, 19, 22 2, Acts ii, 17. > oe DREAM [verb.] ἐνυπνιάζομαι, to dream, (from No. 2, above, ) (occ. Jude 8, part.) Acts ii, 17. DREAMER (ΕΠΤΗΥ.) ἐνυπνιάζομαι, to dream, Jude 8 (part.) DRESSED (p.) γεωργέοµαι, to be a γεωργός (a farmer), hence, to till, cultivate, (non occ. ) Heb. vi. 7. See, VINEYARD. DRIED (be) (margin. | ξηραινόμαι, to be dried up, hence, dried as fruits. Rey. xiv. 15, text, be ripe. DRINK [noun.] 1. πόσις, a drinking, (the action being incomplete and in progress,) (non ace. ) 2. πόμα, drink, ze. the thing drunk, (non oce. ) 1. John vi. 55. 2. 1 Cor. x. 4, 1. Rom, xiv. 17. 1. Col.ii.16,marg. drinking. 2. Heb, ix. 10. DRINK (strone.) σίκερα, sikerd, {.ε. any intoxicating liquor, (lux, for 752, Lev. κ. 9; Dent, xxix. 6; Judges xiii. 4, 7, 14,) (non ους, ) Luke i. 15. DRINK (ΤΗ, -ING, -ANK, -UNK, -UNKEN.) πίνω, to drink, (non oce. ) Matt. vi. 25 (om. GS T (Sth ed.) &), 31; xi. 18, 19; xxiv. 38, 49; xxvi. 27, 29twice, 42; xxvii. 34 twice. Mark ii. 16 (om. LD &); xiv. 23, 25twice ; xy. 23 (om. TTrAwW); xvi. 18(ap.). Lukei. 15; v. 30, 33, 39; Vii. 33, 34 ; x. 7; xii. 19, 29, 45; xiii. 26; xvii. 8 twice, 27, 28; xxii. 18, 30. Johniv. 7, 9, 10, 19, 18, 14; vi. 53, 54, 56 ; vii. 87 ; xviii. 11. Acts ix. 9; xxili.12, 21. Rom. xiv. 21. 1 Cor. ix. 4; x. 4twice, 7,21, 31; xi. 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 twice; xv. 32, Heb. vi. 7. Rev. xiv. 10's xvi. 6; στη 3, DRINK OF. Matt. xx. 22 twice, 23, | Mark x. 38twice, 39 twice. DRINK WITH. συμπίνω, to drink together with another, (non occ. ) Acts x. 41. DRINK (atve.) ποτίζω, to let drink, to give to drink. Matt. xxv. 35, 37,42. | Rom. xii. 20. DRINK (σιν το.) Matt. x. 42, Mark ix. 41. —- xxiii. 48. — xv. 36. DRE [πο ἢ DRI DRESSER. DRINK (make.) Rey. xiv. 8. DRINK (make το.) 1 Cor. xii. 18. See also, DRUNK, WATER. DRINKING (margin. ] πόσις, see “ DRINK,” Wo. 1. Col. ii. 16, text, drink. DRIVE (ΤΉ, -ΕΝ, -AVE, -OVE.) 1. ἐκβάλλω, to throw out, cast out with the idea of force. 2. ἐλαύνω, to drive, impel, urge on, as horses, ete. 3. ἀπελαύνω, to drive away from, (non oce. ) 1. Mark i. 12. 2. Luke viii. 29. 1. John ii. 15, with ἐκ, out 3. Acts xviii. 16. [of. 2. Jas. iii. 4. DRIVE BACK [margin. ] ἀνακόπτω, to beat or drive back. Gal. v. 7, text, hinder (ἐγκόπτω, to beat or drive on, G LTTrAW®.) DRIVE OUT. ἐξωθέω, to thrust out, expel, (occ. Acts xxvii. 39.) —— DRIVE UP AND DOWN. διαφέρω, to bear or carry through a place, to carry different ways, bear asun- || der, to be borne hither and thither, |) Acts xxvii. 27 (part.) | Acts vii. 45. | | | Ι | | DRIVE (μετ) | ἐπιδίδωμι, to give ) lit. giving [her] up, || up,(here,part.), ( we were being borne | φέρω, to bear a along (or before it, “AITY, 2.6. the wind. ) Aots xxvii. 15, DRIVEN (se.) φερόμαι, to be borne or carried. | Acts xxvii, 17. | DRO See also, WIND. DROP (-s) (GREAT.) | θρόμβος, a lump or piece, a clot or gout | of blood, (non oce.) Luke xxii. 44 (ap.) [ 238 ] DUL DRUNKENNESS. ᾿ μέθη, strong drink ; drunkenness ; (ace. to Pott. from Sans. mad, to be drunk or mad,) see under “DRUNK,” (non ους.) Luke xxi. 34. Rom. xiii. 13. | Gal. v. 21. DROPSY (WHICH HAD THE.) ὑδρωπικός, hydropic, dropsical. Luke xiv. 2. DROWN (-zp.) 1. βοθίζω, to sink in the deep, {.ε. to cause to sink. 9 ae καταπίνω, to drink down, swallow up, (same as Eng. to swallow up ;) of the earth, to absorb ; of the sea, to overwhelm. eam τας, | 2. Heb. xi. 29. DROWNED (ΒΕ) καταποντίζω, to throw into the sea, Pass. to be plunged or drowned therein. Matt. xviii. 6. DRUNK or DRUNKEN (28.) 1. μεθύω, to be drunken with wine, (from μέθυ, mulled wine, hence, Germ. meth, Lng. mead.) bo μεθύσκω, to grow drunk (marking the beginning of No. 1,) (non oce.) 1. Matt. xxiv. 49. 2. Eph. v. 18. 2. Luke xii. 45. 2.1 Thes. v. 7 1st. 1. Acts ii. 15. 1. 7 2nd. 1: Lior πὶ, οἷ᾽ 1. Rev. xvii. 6. —_—-, DRUNK (BE MADE.) 1. Rev. xvii. 2. DRUNK (HAVE WELL.) 1. John ii, 10 (Mid.) DRUNKARD. μέθυσος, adj. drunken with wine, with art, as subst. a drunkard, (non occ. ) 1 Cok. 1. νι, 10, ᾿ ξηραίνω, to dry, make dry. DRY [adj.] 1. ἄνυδρος, without water. bo ξηρός, dry, withered, of trees, as opp. to green ; of land, as opp. to water. 1. Matt. xii. 43. 1. Luke xi. 24. 2. Luke xxiii. 31. DRY LAND. 2. Heb. xi. 29. DRY UP. Mark v. 29. Mark xi. 20. Rev. xvi. 12. DUE [noun. | ὀφειλή, What is due, indebtedness, debt. Rom. xiii. 7. DUE [adj.] wn ᾽ 1. ἴδιος, Own, One’s ΟΥ̓. 2. ὀφείλω, to owe, be indebted, esp. πι a pecuniary sense. 2. 1 Cor. vii. 8 (part.) (ὀφειλή, what is due, instead of ὀφειλομένην εὔνοιαν, due benevolence, G LT Tr A ο.) 1, Gal. vi. 9. που ii, Ὁ] 1. Titus i. 8, DUE (sr.) 9, Matt. xviii. 34. See also, BORN, REWARD, REASON, TIME. DULL. νωθρός, sluggish, slothful, lazy, esp. physically, (οσο. Heb, vi. 12.) Heb. v. 11. See also, HEARING, DUM DUMB. 1. ἄφωνος, voiceless, (with reference to the voice. ) 2. ἄλαλος, speechless, (with reference to | the words, ) (non oce. ) 3. κωφός, blunted, lame; as to the tongue, dumb. 4, σιωπάω, to be silent, still. [ 239 ] 8. Matt. ix. 32, 33. | 4. Luke i. 20 (part.) 3. —— xii. 22 twice. 3: xi. 14 twice. 9, —— xv. 30, 31. 1. Acts viii. 32. 2. Mark vii. 37. 1. 2\Cor πο 2. —— ix. 17, 20. 1. 2 Pet. ii, 16. DUNG [noun.] σκύβαλον, dregs, refuse, (prob. from κυσὶ βάλλειν, to cast to the dogs.) Phil. iii. 8 (pL) DUNG [verb.] βάλλω, to cast, throw. κοπρία, dunghill, dung, manure, (occ. Luke xiv. 35.) Luke xiii. 8 (κόπριος, full of dung, filthy, instead of κοπρία, G LT Tr A.) DUNGHILL. κοπρία dunehill. ? fo) Luke xiv. 35. DURE. See, WHILE. DURST. See, DARE. DUST. 1. κονιορτός, dust raised or stirred up, a cloud of dust, (zon ους, ) 2. χόος, (χοῦς,) earth, as dug out and thrown up, heap of earth, hence, gen. loose earth, (non occ. ) 1. Matt. x. 14. 1. Luke x. 11. 2. Mark vi. 11. 1. Acts xiii. 51. 1. Luke ix. 5. is xxii. 99; 2. Rev. xviii. 19. DUTY (BE ON®’s.) ὀφείλω, to owe, to be indebted, esp. in a pecuniary sense. Luke xvii. 10. | Rom. xy. 27. DWE DWELL (51, -ΕΤΗ, -L7, -ING.) 1. οἰκέω, to inhabit, hold as one’s abode, to house, (from οἶκος, a house,) (non οσο, ) Lo κατοικέω, (No. 1 with κατά, down, prefixed,) to settle down in a fixed dwelling; to dwell fixedly in a place. 3. μένω, to remain, stay, abide, (Lat. manes. ) 4. σκηνόω, to tent, to pitch tent; hence, to dwell in tents, to tabernacle. 5. κάθημαι, to sit down, sit. 2. Matt. ii. 23. 2. —— iv. 13. 2. —— xii. 45. — — xxiii. 21, see D in. Luke i. 65, see D round about. 2. —— xi. 26. 2. —— xiii. 4. 5. —— xxi. 35. 4. John i. 14. 3. 39, marg. abide. 3. 40. 3. —— vi. 56. 3. ---- xiv. 10, 17. 2. Acts i. 20 (with εἰμί, to be.) 2. ——ii. 5. 9, see D in. 14, see D at, — — iv. 16, see D in. 2. —— vii. 2, 4 twice, 48, 2. —— ix. 22. -- 82, 35, see D at. 2. xi. 29. 2. —— xiii. 27. 2. — xvii. 24, 26. — — xix. 10, see D in. 17, see D at. 2. —— xxii. 12. 3. —— xxviii. 16, 30. 1. Rom. vii. 17, 18, 20. 1. —— viii. 9. 1. Rom. viii. 11 1st. -- 11 3πά, see D in. 1. 1 Cor. iii. 16. 1. — vii. 12, 13. — 2 Cor. vi. 16, see D in. 2. Eph. iii. 17. 2. Col. i. 19. 2, —— ii. 9. — — iii. 16, see D in. 1. 1 Tim. vi. 16. — 2 Tim. i. 5,14, see Din. 2. Heb. xi. 9. 2. Jas. iv. 5 (κατοικίζω, to take up a dwelling, L TrA δ.) —1 Pet. iii. 7, see D with — 2 Pet. ii. 8,see D among. 3. 1 John iii. 17, 24. 3. iv. 12,13,15,16twice. 3. 2 John 2. 2. Rey. ii. 13 twice. 2. —— iii. 10 2. —— vi. 10. 4. —— vii. 15. 2. —— xi. 10 twice, 4, —— xii. 12. 4. —— xiii. 6. 2. 8, 12, 14 twice. 2. —— xiv. 6 (No. ὅ, α 1, tr A 5.) 2. —— xvii. 8. 4. —— xxi. 3. DWELL AMONG. ἐγκατοικέω, (Vo. 2, with ἐν, in, prefixed, ) to dwell fixedly in ο) among. 2 Pet. ii. 8. DWELL AT. κατοικέω, see DWELL,” Wo. 2. Acts ii. 14; ix. 82, 85; xix. 17. DWELL ΤΝ. (When not two separate words. ) 1. κατοικέω, see “ DWELL,” No, 2. 2. ἐνοικέω, to inhabit, dwell in. 1. Matt. xxiii, 21. 1. Acts ii. 9. ie iv. 16, 1, —— xix. 10, 2. Rom. viii. 11 2nd. 2. 2 Cor. vi. 16. . Col. iii, 10, 2 Tim. i. 5. 14. toro DWE DWELL ROUND ABOUT. περιοικέω, to dwell around, (non occ. ) Luke i. 65. DWELL WITH. συνοικέω, to dwell together with, (non oce. ) 1 Pet. iii. 7. See also, STRANGER. DWELLER AT (-s.) κατοικέω, see ‘“DWELL,” Wo, 2. Acts i. 19 (part.) DWELLER IN. Acts ii. 9 (part.) DWELLING [noun. ] κατοίκησις, a dwelling, habitation, (non [ 240 ] EAR DWELLING PLACE (HAvE No CERTAIN.) ’ὔ αστατέω, to be a wanderer, to have no fixed residence, wander without a home, (zon occ.) 1 Cor. ive 11: DYING [noun. ] νέκρωσις, ἃ putting to death, (expressive of the action as incomplete and in progress, ) (οσο. Rom. iv. 19.) 2 Cor. iv. 10. DYING (BE A.) ἀποθνήσκω, to die out, expire, become quite dead, (the termination denoting the beginning or progress of the act. ) Heb. xi. 21 (part.) DYING (uz a.) Luke viii. 42. ους, ) Mark v. 3. E EACH. ἕν, one, ΄ κατά, by, ἕν, one, avd, apiece, severally. 1. 2. έκαστος, each, every one, (1.6. of any number separately. ) 2. Acts ii. 3. | 1. Rev. iv. 8 (ap ) EACH ONE. 2. Luke xiii. 15. See also, OTHER. EAGLE (9) ἀετός, an eagle, (Ixx. for 12.) (The eagle feeds only upon fresh or living prey, ) (non ους, ) Rev. iv. 7. Matt. xxiv. 28. | — xii. 14. Luke xvii. 37. EAR (-s.) (Part of the body.) 1. οὖς, an ear, in pl. ears, (Lat. auris, Germ. ohr, Eng. ear.) 2. ὠτίον, (dim. of No. 1) an ear, esp. one of the ears. 3. ἀκοή, hearing, (the action of hearing actively ov passively,) hence, that which hears, and that which is heard ; hearing, report. 1. Matt. x. 27. 1. Luke xiv. 35. 1, ——xi. 15. 1, —— xxii. 50. 1. —— xiii. 9, 15 twice, 16, | 2. 51. 40. 3, John xviii. 10 (ὠτάριον 1, —— xxvi. 51. a little car, TTrA ns.) — — xxviii. 14, see Εἰ | 2. 26, (come to one’s.) 1. Acts vii. 51, 57. 1. Mark iv. 9, 23. 1; xi. 23, 1. —— vii. 16, 33. 3, —— xvii. 20. 8. 35. 1. —— xxviii. 27 twice. 1, —— viii. 18. 1. Rom. xi. 8. 2, —— xiv. 47 (ὠτάριον, a | 1. 1 Cor. ii. 9. little eav, αν ἢ T Tr | 1. —— xii. 16. AR®.) 8, 2 Tim. iv. 8, 4. 1. Luke i. 44. 1, Jas. v. 4, 1. —— iv. 21. 1. 1 Pet. iii. 12, 1, —— viii. 8. 1: αρτ α ο 1, 17,29, 1, —— ix. 44. 1. —— iii. 6, 13, 22. 1. — xii. 3. 1. —— xiii. 9, EAR EARS (come To ONE’s.) | to come to the ears of, | ὦ.6. come before him | officially, be borne | witness of before. | ἀκονω, to hear, ) pass. to = heard, ἐπί, upon, Matt. xxviii. 14 (ὑπό, ὃν, instead of ἐπί, (lit., be heard by), L Tr.) See also, ITCHING. EAR. (Of corn.) στάχυς, an ear of grain. Mark ivy. 28 twice Matt. xii. 1. | Luke vi 1. Mark ii. 23. ‘ EARLY. 1. πρωΐ, early in the day, at morn (from πρό, before, cf Germ. fruh, Sans. prah-na, forenoon.) bo mpwios, early, the morning. No. 2,) early, spoken of the early rain, (non οσο, ) ὄρθριος, αὖ day-break (from ὄρθρος, the rising time of the sun, man, and beast ; Lat. orior, ortor, hortor, ) (non occ. ) 1. Mark xvi. 9 (ap.) 4 Luke xxiv. 22 (ὀρθρινός, same meaning, L T Tr See also, MORNING. EARNEST [noun. ] ἀῤῥα βών, earnest-money, caution-money deposited in case of purchasers, gen. a pledge, (1εὐ. parry), (ποπ oce. ) 2Cor.i.22,¥.5 | Eph. i. 14 EARNEST (adj.) (margin.] ἐκτενής, extended, stretched out, hence, earnest, assiduous. Acts xii. 5, text, without ceasing (exrevias, ady, of above, - "LT (sth ed.) TrAN) | | | EAR OF CORN [ 241 πρώϊμος, (a poetic and later form of a Qe ] EAR See also, CARE, DESIRE, EXPECTATION, HEED. EARNESTLY, | προσευχή, ἃ prayer to God, (here Dat. lit. with prayer.) Jas. v. 17, marg. in his praying. EARNESTLY (BEHOLD.) τενίζω, to fix the eyes intently upon. Acts xxiii. 1. EARNESTLY ON (1οοκ.) Acts i 12, EARNESTLY UPON (1οοκ.) Luke xxii. 56. EARNESTLY (ΜΟΒΕ.) ἐκτενέστερον, (comp. of ἐκτενῶς, intently,) more intently. Luke xxii. 44. See alse, CONTEND, COVET, DESIRE. EARTH. 1. γῆ, the earth, land, (1.0. one of the Jour elements), the earth as opposed to heaven or to water, the earth, ground as cultivated 2. οἰκοιμένη, (pres. part. Pass. of οἰκέω, to inhabit,) see under the earth, (prop. as inhabited by the Greeks ; and later, by Greeks and Romans, ) hence, the Roman Empire, hence, Further, the whole earth considered as inbabited, ef. Heb. i. 6; 1. 5, ete., “WORLD.” — iii, 25 1 ——ix.3 i —= jv. 24, 26 1. Matt. v 6, 13, 18, 35 1. Luke ii, 14. 1 vi. 10, 19. 1. ν. 24. Ἱ. ——ix 6 1, —— vi. 49, 1 ——x i4 }). — x. 21 1. — xi, 25. ]. —— xi. 2(ap.), 31 1 —— xii. 40, 42 ). —— xii 49, 01, 06, 1. —— κ, ὁ twice. ]. ——xvi. 17. 1, —— Xvi, 19 twice 1, —— xviii. 8, 1. —— xvii, 25. 1, —— xxi. 25. 1, —— xviii. 18 twice, 19 2. 26, 1. —— xxii ο, 80 Ὡς 33, 35 1. —— xxiv. 80, 45, 1, ——xxiii. 44,marg land 1, —— xxv. 18, 20. 1. — xxiv. 5 1 —— xxvii. 51. 1. John iii. 81 twice 1 —— xxviii 18 1 -- κ. 52 1. Mark i, 10, 1. —xvik 4. 1. —— iv. Stwice 28, 91 11, | 1 Acts |. 8, 31 2nd (ap.) 1 —— ij. 19 ] 1 EAR ee aed 1. Acts vii. 49. 1. Jas. v, 5,7, 12, 17, 18. 1. — viii. 33. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 5, 7, 10, 13. 1. —— ix. 4,8 1. 1 John ν. 8 (ap.) 1. —x.-1 1. Rev. i. 5, 7. αἱ 12 (om.G»TrA.) | 1. iii, 10. Ἱ Se fe us ννῖου, ὃ, 10, 1. —— xiii. 47. 19 twice. © 1, — xiv. 15. 1. ——vi. 4, 8twlee, 10, 1. xvii. 24; 26. 13, 15. . 1, — xxii. 22. ‘t, —— vii. 13 times, 2, 3, 1. — xxvi. 14. 1, —— viii. 5, 7, 13. 1. Rom. ix.417, 25. 1. ——ix. 1, 3 twice, 4, 1. —x 18. 1. —vx. 2, 5, 6, 8. 1. 1 Cor. viii. 5. 1, ——xi.4, 6, 10 twice 18. 1, ——x. 26, 28 (ap.) Ἱ Ξε τὴν 49 19, 18, 1. —— xv. 47. 16 twice. 1. Eph. i. 10 iy PEE TEL 1ο 19. 1. — iii. 15, 14 twice. 1 2 ἵν᾽ 9 1 xiv), 8: 6, ἦς, 15, 1. vi. 3. | 16 twice, 18, 19 twice. — Phil ii. 10 1st,see E(in.) | 1. — xvi. i, 2. = - 10 2nd, see E | 1. 14 (om. G LT (under the.) | TrAt) 1. Col. i. 16, 20. Ἱ. Σ 1, ——iii. 2, 5. 1. —— xvii. 2twice, 5, 8, — 2 Tim. ii. 20, see E (of.) 18. 1. Heb. i. 10. 1. —— xviii. 1, 3 twice, 9, 1, — vi 7. 11, 23, 24. 1. — viii 4. 1. —— xix. 2,19 eet anaes 1. —— xx. 8, 9, 11. 1. —— xii. 25, 26 twice. 1, —— xxi. 1 twice, 24. [ 242 ------- EARTH (1ν.) ἐπίγειος, upon the earth, extant in the earth. Phil. ii. 10. EARTH (or.) ὀστράκινος, like earthenware, made of olay, earthen, (occ. 2 Cor. iv. 20.) , 2 Tim. ii. 20. EARTH (UNDER THE.) καταχθόνιος, (from κατά, down, and χθών, the earth, ground, akin to Lat. humi,) under-ground, subter- raneous. Phil. ii. 10. EARTHEN. ὀστράκινος, like earthenware, made of clay, (occ. 2 Tim. ii. 20.) σον τη EARTHLY. 1 ἐκ, of, of the ᾿Ἷ γῆ, see “EartH,” No. 1, earth. 2. ἐπίγειος, upon the earth, terrestrial. | ΣΟ. Ὁ Σ, 2. Jas. iii. 15. —__ EARTHLY THINGS. ETRE } neut. pl. with article. 1. John iii 31. 1 EAS EARTHQUAKE.- σεισμός, motion, shaking, shock; (from σέιω, to move to and fro with zdea of shock, concussion, (oce., Matt. vill. 24.) Matt. xxiv. 7. | Acts xvi. 26. — xxvii. 54. Rev. vi. 12. — xxviii. 2. — viii. 5. Mark xiii. 8. | —— xi, ]3twice,19(om.G—+) Luke xxi. 11. —— xvi, 18 twice, EARTHY. χοϊκός, (from χόος, earth dug or thrown up,) of rubbish, of earth or clay, (non occ. ) 1 Cor. xv. 47, 48, 49. EASE (Take) ἀναπαύω, to cease or desist’from labour, (constantly used in lai. of resting on the Sabbath.) Here, Mid. to take this rest, enjoy repose, (the idea of previous toil and anxiety being prom- inent. ) Luke xii. 19. EASED (88) ἄνεσις, ἃ letting loose, relaxation, hence, rest, (not from labour, but a reldxa- tion of the strain of endurance, εἰς.) 2 Cor, viii. 13. ce a ai eee SET EASIER. εὐκοπώτερος, (comp. of ev, well, and κόπος, labour,) that which is done by labour more easily, requiring less Jabour, (non occ.) Matt. ix. 5. Mark κ 25. — xix. 24. Luke v. 23. Mark ii. 9. — xvi. 17 Luke xviii. 25. EASILY. See, BESET, PROVOKED. EAST. ἀνατολή, a rising, esp. of the sun, hence, the east, (same as Anglo Saxon, cf. east, easter, yeast), (occ. Luke i. 78.) Matt. ii. 1, 2, 9. Luke xiii. 29. — viii 11. Rev. vii. 2, with ἡλίον," — xxiv. 27. XVL12,) of the sun Rev. xxi. 13. EAS EASTER Πάσχα, (from Heb. ndb, a sparing, im- munity, hence, ΠΌΒ, to spare, pass over,) the feast of the Passover. Acts xii. 4, EASY. χρηστός, apt for use, useful ; of things, better for any use, good to be done or be borne. Matt. xi. 80, EAT (-EN, -ETH, -ING, ATE.) 1. φάγω, (an obsolete root furnishing some tenses for No. 2,) to eat, devour, both of men and beasts, eat up. This word seems to differ from No. 2 in idea, in that it combines both eating and drinking, while No. 2 is to eat as opp. to drinking, (whence prob. Lat. fauces, the jaws.) 2. ἐσθίω, to eat, (as opp. to πίνω, to drink,) to consume, live upon, (a strengthened form of ἔδω, a root Sound in nearly all cognate languages,; Lat. edo, esse; Lng. eat ; Germ. ess-en, etc. ) 3. τρώγω, to gnaw, chew; to eat raw vegetables as opp. to dressed food ; to eat fruits, nuts, beans, etc., which require cracking, (hence, τρωγαλια, τρωκτά, fruits, nuts, almonds, set on as dessert.) In N.T. gen. to eat, feast, (non occ. ) γεύοµαι, to taste, hence, metaph. to experience. 5. βιβρώσκω, to eat, (akin to Bopd, eatage, food, and Lat. voro. to eat ‘up, swallow.) 6. μεταλαμβάνω, to take a part or share of anything with others; {ε to partake of, share. νομή, the act of feeding ; metaph.a feeding, eating, _ Spreading, (occ.John x.9) ἔχω, to have, 1. Matt. vi. 25, 31. ο 9, = ix, 1). | 2 | 1 να to have pasture. . Matt. xv. 20. 27. 82, 37. 88. — xxiv. 88, 49. — xxvi. 17 21 (part.) 2. —— si 18, 19. [ 243 ] τ- Matt. xxvi. 2615 see | 6. Acts ii. 46. eating (be,) 1, —— ix. 9. By 26 2nd. 4.—x 10. 2. Mark i, 6. ἂς 13, 14 2. —— ii. 16 twice, - 41, see Ἐ 1 26 twice. — — xi. 3, with I. —— iii. 20. 2B 7, 1, — v. 43. — — xii. 23, see worms. 1. —— vi. 91, 36, 37 twice, | 4. —— xx. 11 (part.) 42, 44, 4. —— xxiii. 12. [ο vil. (2; 8,45, 28, 4. 14. | 1, —— viii. 1, 2, 8. i 21. 1. 9 (om. G=3TTr> | 2. — xxvii. 35. ) - —— 38,see E enongh. 1. — xi 14. 1. Rom. xiv. 21st. 1. —— xiv. 12, 14. 2. 2 2nd, 8 4times, 2. 18 1st (part.) 6 3times, 20. οἷς -- τος ΘΟ 1, 21, 98. 1 09 2nd (om. α L | —1 Cor. ν. 11, see E with. TTrA®N) — — viii 4, see eating 1. Luke iv. 2. 2, 5. ——v. 30, 33. I. 8 twice 2. — vi. 1. 2. 10. 1, 4twice. — if 13. 2. —— vii. 33, 34, 1. —— ix. 4. Ee 36. 2. 7 twice 1. —— ix. 13, 17. 1, —x 3,7. 2. —x. 7,8. 2. 18, 25, 27, 28, 1. —— xii. 19, 22, 29. 31. PR 45. 1. —— xi. 20. 1, —— xiii. 26. — —— 21, see eating. 1, —— xiv. 1, 15. 2, ——— 22. — — xv. 2, see Ewith. | 1. 24 (om GLF 5 16. TrAN) 1, —— 28, 2 26, 27, 2, 1. —— xvii 18 twice. 29 twice. 2. 27, 28. 1 33, 1. —— xxii. 8, 11, 15, 16. | 2 84, 2. 30. 1. ——xv. 32. 1. —— xxiv."43. — Gal. ii. 12, see E with. — John ii. 17, see E up. — Col ii 16, see eating. 1. —— iv. 31, $2. 1. 2 Thes. iii 8. -- 83, see E (aught | 2. 10, 12. σι ας Fi 47: hs Wi. 6. 1. Heb. xiii. 10. 5. 13. — Jas, v. 2, see moth. 1 23, 26, 31 twice, | 1. 8, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53. | 1. Rev. ii. 7, 14. 3. 54 (part. with | 1 17 (om. Ο LT art.) | Ίτ Α Ν.) 8. ——— 56, 57. | {. — 2 a 68 bt. ——x. 9, 10 Ist, see B 3. 5§ 2nd. 3. —— xiii. 18. 1. 10 2nd. 1. xviii. 28. (with. | 1, —— xvii. 16. — Actsi 4, see E together | 1. —— xix. 18, Ν EAT ENOUGH. κορέννυμι, to sate, to satisfy as with food and drink, (occ. 1 Cor. iv. 8.) (a) Pass. or Mid. to be sated, to be full, de. to have eaten and drunk enough. Acts xxvii, 88(part.) =| ἃἰ - ------ EAT TOGETHER WITH [πιατρίη.] συναλίζω, to gather together in a heap (of things.) In N.T. of persons, to meet together, (non occ. ) Acts i. 4, text, δὲ assembled toacther. EAT UP. | κατεσθίω, (No, 2, with κατά, down, pre- Jixed.) to eat down, swallow down. John ii, 17. Rev. x. 9, 10. a i j EAT [ 244 ] EFF 7717) 1. Acts ix. 31, Le IeCor: κ. 29. EAT WITH, ; 1. 1 Cor. viii. 1. . —— χὶν. 4 twice, 17. J , On ἐπ + η. 10, marg. (text, | 2 Eph. iv. 29, marg. (text, σινεσθίω, (No. 2 with συν, together with, ie πα εί prefixed,) to eat with any one; 1. 1 Thee. ν. 11 hence, gen. to associate with. Luke xv. 2. Acts x. 41, Acts xi. 3. 1. 6ος. ν. 1]. Gal. ii. 12. EAT (ασαπτ TO.) φάγω, see “EAT,” No. 1, John iv. 33 (Inf.) EATING (BE., ἐσθίω, see “EAT,” Wo. 2. Matt. xxvi. 26 (part.) EATING [noun.] 1. βρῶσις, the act of eating. 9. φάγω, see “EAT,” Vo. 1. 1. 1 Cor, viii, ἃ. 2.1 Cor. xi. 21 (Inf.) Col. ii. 16, marg. (text, meat.) | | Ξ a EDGE (-s.) | 1. στόμα, the mouth, 2. ὀφρύς, the eye-brow; then, from likeness of shape, the brow of a hill. { | 2. Luke iv. 29, marg.(text, 1. Luke xxi. 24. brow.) 1. Heb. xi. 34." TWO EDGES (ΜΙΤΗ.) δίστομος, double-mouthed. Rev. ij. 12 } EDIFICATION. οἰκοδομή, the act or process of building | a house, a building up. Jn N.7. only metaphorically. Rom. xv. 2 — xiii. 10 | 9 Cor. x. 8 | 1 Cor, xiv. 3. | | | | See also, TWo. | | | | EDIFY (-ED, -ETH, -ING.) | 1. οἰκοδομέω, to build a house, and then | gen. to build, construct. Afetaph. to build up, establish. (Identical with Lat. edes, a house, and fio, to construct.) 5 ' ὃ, οἰκοδομή, 866 EDIFICATION.” - EDIFY (THE THINGS WHEREWITH ΟΝΕ MAY.) τὰ, the things, τῆς, of the, i οἰκοδομῆς, building up. ’ Rom. xiv. 19. EDIFYING. 1. οἰκοδομή, sée “ EDIFICATION.” 2, οἰκοδομία, building a house, (the action incomplete and in progress.) Metaph. edifying. 2.1 Tim. 1.4 (8ο Elzevir,ed. 1624) (οἰκονομία, man- agement of a household, StGLTTrAN)(No. 1G) oph. iv. 12, 16. 29, marg. edify. | EFFECT (BEcoME OF κο.) καταργέω, to leave unemployed or idle, make useless, void, abolish. Jz Pass. to be done away. Ga] ν. 4 (pase ) EFFECT (ΜΑΚΕ OF NONE.) καταργέω, see above. Ὁ =_— 2. ἀκυρόω, to deprive of authority, (oce. Gal. iii, 17.) | 3. κενόω, to make empty, vain, fruitless. 1 Rom. iv. 14, 2. Matt. xv. 6. | 5 Cont aa 2. Mark vii. 12. 1. Gal iii. 17 EFFECT (make witout.) πι Ron. iii 3 EFFECT (TAKE NONE.) | ἐκπίπτω, to fall out of, as things from Metaph. to fail. Rom. ix. 6 their places. EFFECTUAL. ἐνεργής, energic, 1.6. at work; active working, (οσο. Heb, iv. 12.) 1.Cor. xvi. 9 Philem. 6 EFF ΕΙ FECTUAL (85) ἐνεργέω, to be at work, be in active “operation. (a) Mid. to show one’s self active, to be active, operate. 2 Cor. i 6, marg. be wromglR. EFFECTUAL FERVENT Jas, τ. 16 (part.) a EFFECTUAL WORKING. ἐνέργεια, Eng. enetgy,.the being at work; power in action, energetic exercise, effectual operation. Eph. iu. 7; iv. 16, EFFECTUALLY. See, WORK. EFFEMINATE. μαλακός, soft, (Lat. mollis); soft to the touch ; hence, of things not subject to the touch, soft; gentle. 1 Cor. vi. 9. EGG. an egg, (Lat. ovum; Germ. ey; Anglo Saxon, 865}, (non occ. ) Luke xi. 12 »» ωον, — ------ ὀκτώ, eight, (Lat. octo, Saner- ashten.) Luke ii. 21 | τικ. 25. Jvulin v. 5. Solin xx. 26, Actsix. 33. 1 Pet. wi. 20. EIGHTEEN. δέκα, ten, καὶ, ‘and, | ὀκτώ, cight. Luke xu 4, 11, 10, EIGHTH. ὄγδοος, eighth. Luke i. 59. Acta vii. 8. Phil. ui. δ, 300 E day(tho.) 2 Tot. ii. 9 Rov. xvii, UL. — καὶ 20. { 245. ] ELD EIGHTH DAY (tue) ὀκταήμερος, an eighth-day person or | thi τὰ Phil. iii. 5. EITHER. ἡ, either, (a disjunctive particle), or; interrogative, whether. Maté. vi. Ἀν Luke xvi. 13. | Acta xvii. 21. 1 Cor. xiv. 6. Phil. iii. 12. Jaa iii 12. —. xii Luka vi: 2 (om. T ΤΙΟΑ 5.) “---- ZY. 8, EITHER SIDE (ον.) { ἐντεῦθεν, hence, [σεν and thence, 1.¢. on this side and that side. καὶ, and, ὶ ἐντεῦθεν, hence, John xix. 18. : Rev. xxii. 2 (ἐντεῦθεν, hence, καὶ, and, ἐκεῖθεν, thence, Gow LT Tr A) (ἔνθεν, Kat, ‘and hence, x) soe ELDER (-s) [noun.] πρεσβύτερος, (comp.of πρέσβυς, old, which Doderlein derives from πρέπω, πρέψω, and so strictly,one that isconspicuaus or distinguished,) older, {.ε. elder. In pl. aged men, elders, just like Anglo Saxon aldermen, 1.ε. eldermen. The word always implying dignity and wisdom. [Among the Gentiles it was the name of dignity and official position—as Egyptians, Gen. 1. 75 Moabites and Midianites, Num. xxii. 7; in Sparta, a political official title. In the Jewish nation, persons whio were apparently the deputies of the tribes and families according to the right of the first-born, 1 Kings viii. 1, 3. From among these, Moses at God's command chose seventy men who were no longer the representatives” of the people, but who bore “ with him the burden of the people,” Nun. xi. 16; Deut._xxvii. ΕΣ ο with Ex. xix. 7, and Josh.. viii. 19. With these is connected (not perhaps in historical continuity) the institu- tion of the Sanhedrim, side by side with the institute of the elders revived throughout Israel in our Lord’s time. ——<<=————— Their number, ELD In the christian church they were men appointed (καθιστάναι, Titus i. 5) or chosen (χειροτονεῖν, Acts xiv. 23) everywhere (κατ᾽ ἐκκλησίαν, Acts xiv. 23; κατὰ πόλιν, Titus i. 5.] | The twenty-four eldersinthe Apocalypse ate entirely different, in their stand- ing before God, in their relation to Jesus and to John; in their appear- ance and their disappearance, in the essence and object of their worship, in their history and their destiny. They appear to be “Elders of the Priests.” See Isa. xxxvii. 2; and Jer. xix. 1. The chief priests of the heavenly courses (for the earthly order of the temple was only a “pattern” of things in the heaven, Heb. viii, 5; ix. 23; 1 Chron. xxviii. 11—13.) twenty-four, is the number of the earthly ‘ pattern,” 1 Chron. xxiv. 3—5: It was also the total number, 1 Chron. xxiii. 3, 4. Also the number of the prophets, 1 Chron. σαν. 31, and the porters of the tribe of Levi, 1 Chron. xxvi. 17 —19. It is the number that reigns in the temple, 1 Chron. xxvii. 1—15, 25—51, in its Constitution in the hands of God's king, after Eli and his sons were set aside through their failure. They distinguish themsclves from the Church or those redeemed by Christ in Rey. v. 9, 10, (see “the critical readings "in Ap.,) where, in verse 9, the word “us” should be omitted (G+ L T A), and in verse 10, the words ‘fus” and “we” should be “them” and “they,” (G Τ..Τ Tr Aw.) Their robes are white (iv. 4), but uot because washed in the blood of the Lamb, (cf vii. 14.) Theyare also distinguished from the ereat multitude which is 80 washed.” They are in-beaven, but nod mention is mado of blood by which alone any can enter, even Christ Himself, eb. iad fee, 203 κι 1. απ Εἰς They act as Priests before the great mul- titude appears (ν, 8), but not after-. wards. They are seen crowned and ou thrones (iv. 4, Opovor) before | [ 246 als ‘ELD Jesus and the great multitude are seen, and they are not seen afted (xix. 4) when Jesus and the ransom- ed host leave heaven for earth. We never read of their reigning for ever and ever, for they are angels, and ‘unto angels hath He not put in subjection the world to come,” (Heb. ii. 5.) In the life of our Lord, the earthly elders formed the main body of His adversaries, Matt. xxi.23,etc. Now, these heavenly elders own the Lamb slain, as their worthy Lord. “ Thy will be done on earth ag it is in heaven.” The twenty-four elders in the Apoca- lypse therefore appear to be the heavenly “course” of angelic royal priests, ministering in heaven in relation to earth, (hence the earth is prominent in all their utterances, iv, 10, 213s το ΤΌ ale, oe and xix. 2—4.) They are seen re- signing their office when God’s goternment is about to undergo a change, and others more worthy— a new body of royal priests, men redeemed by blood—associated with the man Christ Jesus are to take their place. } Matt. xv. 2. Acts xvi 4. — xvi. 21. — xx. ] —"KXi. 238 — χχὶ -—- xxi. 5,47, ὃ | -τ-- xxii. 5, see E (estate ~-— ον) (ον. G ς LT} of.) “(sth od.) TrA δ}: ο ο τη lite — xxvii], 3,12, 20,41 — xxiv Ἱ. -—— xAviii. 12. — xxv. 15 Mark vii. 3, 5. iM ο Uy dig 19. — viii. 31 Titus i. 6. — xi. 27 Heb. xi. 2. — xiv. 43, 33 Jas. ν, 14 —xvl | Pet. ν. 1 2st. Luke vii. 3 12nd, seo E (ab —— ix: 22. : an.) — xx. 1. 2 John 1. ——_—-xxil. 52 ἡ Jolin 1. - 65, see elders Re v. iv. 4, 10. Acts iv 5, B, 23. v. 5, 0,8, 11, Te vi. 12, — tii. 11, 13, —— xi. 30. —— xi. 16. — xiv. 23. — xiv. 3. w= xv. 2, 4, 6, 22, 23 — xix. 1. ELDER (4189 ΑΝ.) σιμπρεσβύτερος, a fellow-elder. Δ ee ELDERS. a council of elders, senate, (whence, Lng. presbytery), (oce. 1 1, iv. 14.) Luke xxii. 00. Ϊ πρεσβυτέριον, an assembly of aged men, || ELDERS (ESTATE OF.) Acts xxi. 0. 1. πρεσβύτερος, sce “ ELDER (ALSO AN.)” 2. μείζων, (comp. of μέγας, great, large, ) greater, larger ; elder, (Lat. major natu.) In Rom. | 1. 12. quoted from Gen, xxv. 23, where lrx. far 33. 1. Luke xv. 25 ᾿ ELDER [adj.} | | "2. Romix.12,marg. greater. 1. Pet: v, 5. ELDER WOMAN. Leki Lamia: Fe ο | ELDEST. πρεσβύτερος, clder, (see above. ) John vii. 9 (ap ) ELECT [adj. ] ἐκλεκτός, chosen out, preferred, selected, (οσο. “' CHOSEN.”) Matt. xxiv. 22, 24, 31. 1 Tim. v. 21. Mark xiii. 20, 22, 27. 2 Tim. ii. 10. Luke xviii. 7. Titus i. 1 Rom viii. 33. 1 Pet. i. 2 Col. iii. 12. — ii. 6 2 John i, 13. ELECTED TOGETHER WITH. συνεκλεκτός, (ἐκλεκτός, see ubove, and σύν, together with,) chosen out, preferred, selected together with, (non occ. ) 1 Pet. v. 19. ELECTION. ἐκλογή, ἃ picking out, selection, then, selection made, that which is chosen, (hence, Eng. eclogue,) (oce, Acts ix. 15.) Rom. ix. 11. | 1 Thes. i. 4. — xi. 5, 7, 28. 2 Pet. i. 10. ELEMENT (-s.) στοιχεῖον, (dim. of στοῖχος, a small up- right rod, esp. the gnomon of the | sundial, or the shadow thrown by τί, hence, from the degrees of the shaw m, a row or a series, from στείχω, ἴο go up by steps. of age, ὁ μείζω, the | The root is also |΄ seen in the Lat. ve-stig-ium, a foot- step,) a first-beginning, first-prin- ciple or element. The στοιχεῖα were different from written Letters, (which are ypappara,) they were the first and simplest component parts | of the letters, hence, the primary | matter. Used in this sense in phystes | and sciences, (occ. Heb. v. 12.) ! Gal, iv. 3. Col. ii. 8, 20, marg. (text. 9, marg. rudiment. | 2 Pet. iii 10, i2 (rudiment ) ELEVEN. ένδεκα, eleven, (non oce. ) Matt. xxviii 16. | Luke xxiv. 9, 35. Mark xvi 14 (ap.) Acta i. 26. Acta η. 14. ELEVENTH. | ἑνδέκατος, eleventh, (non ace. ) - 6, 9. Rev. xxi. 20. | ELI, | | Ηλ Greek for ox, Eli, my God, (quoted from Ps. xxii. 2.) | Matt. xxv. 46 twice. ELIAS. Ἠλίας, Elias, (Heb. for ox and 128, Elijab, i.e. my God is Jehovah.) _ In all passuges, except Luke is. 54 (ap.) ELOL. Ἐλωί, Eloi, (Aramaic bx, my God ; quoted from Ps. xxii. 2, where the lew. is ὁ θεός μου for Heb. bx, which in Matt. xxvii. 46, is 7A), (non occ.) Mark xv. 34 twice. | | ELOQUENT. | λόγιος, skilled in words o7 speech ; ; gen. | learned, (occurs sirst tx Herodotus, =| who used the word esp. for one learned in history, chroniclers as opp. to Epic Poets. ). Acts xviii. 24, | ΡῈ ΓΝ | | ELSE ἐπεί, since, since if so, otherwise, Ε since if otherwise. EMB [ ἐπεί, see No. 1, dpa, still farther be- 2. yond that,(marking atransition or draw- ing a conclusion, ) ee i if not, otherwise at eet, ΕΣ οι : least ; (εἰ μή, entroduces an ee Gee τν εί ἯΙ } Dane encredible or _ untenable μάς hypothesis. ) else by con- sequence, or since other- wise indeed. fe if, ) if otherwise in- 4. δὲ, but, deed or otherwise μήγε, not indeed, fat least indeed. 5. έτερος, the other, (denoting generic distinction,) the other (different, ) one of two, (stronger than ἄλλος.) . kai, and, even. 4. Matt. ix. 17. 8. Mark ii. 21, 22 4. Luke v. 37. 5. Acts xvii. 21 See also, or. EMBOLDENED (ae.) οἰκοδομέω, to build a house, and then, gen. to build up, construct. Metaph. edify, establish, confirm. 1 Cor. viii. 10, marg. edisy. EMBRACE (05), -1NG.) . ἀσπάζομαι, to draw to one’s self, hence, to embrace, salute, spoken of those who meet and separate ; of things, to welcome, embrace. . συμπεριλαμβάνω, to take around with something else, 1.6. to embrace with, comprehend, include, (non occ. ) 1. Acta xx. 1. | 2. Acta xx. 10. 1. Heb. xi. 13. EMERALD. . σμαράγδινος, of smaragdus, of emerald, (non occ. ) . σμάραγδος, an emerald, a precious stone of a light green colour, (non oce, ) 1. Rev. iv, 8, | - Ἦδν, πα ιο, EMINENT PLACE (margin. | ὑπεροχή, ἃ prominent place, eminence, as a mound, a hill, etc. ; also of author- ity or station, excellence, (occ. 1 Cor. uJ.) 1 Tim. ii 2, text, authority. 948 ] EMPTY [adj.] 1. κενός, empty, (opp. to πλήρης, full.) Metaph. empty, vain. 2. σχολάζω, to have leisure, be free from labour ; of place, to be vacant, un- occupied. 2. Matt. xii 44 (part.) | 1. Luke i. 53. 1. Mark xii 8 1 — xx. 10, 11 EMULATION (-s.) ζήλος, zeal, fervour; in a good sense, ardour ; ἐπ a bad sense, jealousy. Gal. v. 20. EMULATION (PROVOKE το.) παραζηλόω, to render miszealous, 7.e., to make jealous, provoke to jealousy. Rom. xi. 14. ENABLE (-ε.) ἐνδυναμόω, to strengthen in, 1.6., to render strong, to impart strength to. 2 Tim! α 22, ENCOUNTER (-Ἐρ.) συμβάλλω, to throw together ; of persons, to throw one’s self together with another, 1.6. to meet with. Acta xvii. 18. END [noun.] . τέλος, the fulfilment or completion of any thing, (Lat. effectus,) 1.6. its end or issue, (not τί cessation.) It denotes strictly, not the ending of a departed state, but, the arrival of a complete or perfect one. . συντέλεια, a bringing to one end to- gether ; the combination of parts to oneend, marking the unity, perfection, and accomplishment of a scheme, (non ους, ) . πέρας, end, z.e., extremity. DMetaph. of what comes to an end, conclusion, termination. 4, ἔκβασις, a going out of, a way out of, hence, the issue or event of a matter. END [ 249 ] END | 1, Matt. x. 22, 11. Rom, x. 4. | ο. xi 1, soe E (make | 3 ie a END THAT (ro ruts.) | an. { -- πι KJV. Bee to 5 . 2. — xiii, 39, 40,49. | 1.1 Cor. 1, 8 (this) (with Inf. following, ) | 3. — xxiv. 3. [1 ποτ respecting, marking | = 31, see E to the | 1. 2Cor. i. 13. | the remote object, the || ο ΣΝ n= Epo (fo this) mpos, towards, | subjective purpose of — aril. 1, see E(in 1. — xi. 15. | Ἶ τό, the, the agent, and the the. Ὁ Phil. iii 19 : ; 2. 8. 20, TT ..- 13 relation which one 1. Mark iii. 26 1. 1 Tim. 1. 5, 7 has 1. — xiii. 7, 13. 1, Heb Πί 6 (αρ.), 14 object towards 1. Luke i. 33. ~ 1 vi. 8, 11. Ε another. — — xviii 1, see E that | 3 16. κε (to this.) 1, — vii 8. Luke xviii. 1. 1, —— xxi. 9. 9. ----ἰσ 36. | . John xiii. 1. I, Jas, τ, 11, } τ τη xviii. 97, see E (to | 1.1 Pat. i 9. “eae END TO THE OTHER (From one.) | this. ) — —— 13, see E(tothe. peal = Aste ‘el 19, see E (to 1: : iv. μα . a from, the. — 2 Pet. ii. |, 860 8 ακρων iti — — xiii 47, see onds, latter.) - ρων, extremities, — Rom. i. 11, } Nee E ‘| 1. Rev. ii. 26. έως, unto, — — iv. 16,) (to the. 1. — xxi. 6 ή δὰ Ὁ 1. — vi 51, 22, et oa eee a ἄκρων, extremities. END (IN THE.) ὀψέ, late, after a long time, (Lat. sero,) late in the day, at evening, (opp. to πρωΐ.) Matt. xxviii, 1. END (MAKE AN.) τελέω, to bring about, complete, fulfil, accomplish, (Lat. perficere,) execute fully. Matt. xi. 1 END (THE LATTER.) τὰ, the things, ἔσχατα, the last, ex- treme, uttermost, (of place or time, ) 2 Pet. ii. 20, -—— END (το THE.) (with an Inf. following, ) with respect to, with a view to, (marking the the last state, Luke xi. 26.) εἰς, unto, τό, the ; : : ια object to which an action is directed. ) 2. τελείως, completely, thoroughly, per- fectly. 1. Acta vii 19. 1, 1 Thos. iii, 13 1. Rom. i 11. 2. 1 Pet. i. 13, marg. 1. ——iv 16. perfectly. END (τὸ THIS.) eis, unto, with a view to, τοῦτο, this. John xviji. 37. | 2 Cor. ii. 9. Rom, xiv 9 (oce.Matt.xii. 45, Matt. xxiv 31. — ENDS. ἔσχατος, the last, extreme, (of place or time. ) Acta xiii 47 uttermost, See also, WORLD. END (-Ep) [verb.] Ἱ. τελέω, to bring about, complete, fulfil, (Lat. perficere,) to perform, not merely to end, but, to complete and perfect. συντελέω, to bring to one end together, bring quite to an end. 3. πληρόω, to make full, fill up, perform fully, accomplish, fulfil. | | | | bo 2 Matt vii 28 (Νο. 1, L 2. Luke iv. 2 (part ) TTrAw&) 2, ——— 13 (part ) 1. —— κ. 23, marg. (text, 3. —— vii. 1. go over ) { 3. Acta xix. 2] 2. Acta xxi. 27 ------ --- ENDED (85) γίνομαι, to begin to be, implying origin ; to take place, implying result ; to be in progress, implying change of state or condition John xui 2 SERENE SS ee σα 55. ENDEAVOUR (ευ. -ING.) 1. σπουδάζω, tomake haste. as manifested in diligence, earnestness zeal; to do the utmost. ' ΓΞξξξξξξξξξξξεο--ξεξε- - --- | END [ 250 1 ENE 2. ¢nréw, to seek after, look for, to strive to find ; to seek to do. 3. φιλοτιμέομαι,. to love honour, to be ambitious of doing any thing, to exert one’s self, to strive as from a love and sense of honour. 2. Acts xvi 10. Ϊ 1. Eph. iv. 3. 8. 2 Cor. v. 9, marg. (text, 1. 1 Thes. ii.-17. labour.) | «πιο Ροῦ ἃ. 15. ENDING [noun.] τέλος, see “ END,” Vo. 1. Rev. i. 8(om.G LT Tra.) ENDLESS. 1. ἀκατάλυτος, indissoluble, (non occ. ) 2. ἀπέραντος, unlimited, boundless ; which is ποῦ 8016 to be passed, interminable, (non occ.) 1. Heb. vii. 16. | Ὁ. 1 miss 4. | ! ENDUED WITH (με) ἐνδύω, to go in, enter in as a garment, to cause to go into a garment. (a) Pass. or Mid. to be clothed, to clothe one’s self. a. Luke xxiv: 49. | 748. Ui 13, see knowledge. ENDURE (-ΕΡ, -ΕΤΗ, -ING.) 1. μένω, stay, stand fast, continue, abide, ( Lat. manes.) jixed,) to remain behind after others have gone; trans. to remain under 2. ὑπομένω, (No. 1 with ὑπό, under, pre- | the approach or presence of any per- | son or thing, 1.6, to await the onset ; then, of persons wm conflict, to keep one’s ground, hold out, (No. 2 ts a | brave bearing up against sufferings, No. 5 is a more tame and passive sufferance of them. ) φέρω, to bear, (Lat. fero, Sans. vhri, Pers. ber, Germ. bahren, fahren, and Eng. bear,) to bear or carry a load, to bear with idea of motion ; | in Pass. to bear pain, misfortune, hardship. || 4. ὑποφέρω, (No. 3 with ὑπό, under, prejixed,) to bear or carry by being under, to bear up from underneath, support, sustain, oe 1 Cor. x. 13.) 2. ὁ (see above, ) | 5. ἀνέχομαι, to hold one’s self upright, ' hold one’s self up against a thing, hence, hold or sustain an equal πει, to bear patiently. ; 6. καρτερέω, to be strong, staunch, or firm, (non οὓς, ) 2. Matt. x. 22. 5. 2 Tim. iv. 3. 2. —— xxiv. 13. τς 5, see afflictions. — Mark iv. 17, see time. — Heb. vi. 15, see E 2. xiii, 13. patiently. 1. John vi. 27. 2. —— x. 32. 8. Rom. ix. 22. 1. 34. Δ Cor. τοι 7. θ. —— xi. 27. — 2Cor. i. 6,seeenduring. | 2. —— xii. 2, 3, 7. 5. 2 Thes. i 4. 3: 20. — 2 Tim. 11. 8, 800 E hard- | 2. Jas. i. 12. ness. . 2, ——v. 11. 2 10. 1, 1 Pet. ii. 25. 4, —— iii. 11. 4. ——ii. 19. ENDURE HARDNESS. κακοπαθέω, to suffer evil, esp. of the evils and hardships of soldiers. 2Tim. ii 3 (συγκακοπαθέω, suffer hardness with me, instead of ov οὖν κακοπαθέω, thou, therefore endure hardness, ον L TTraA απ) ENDURE PATIENTLY. μακροθυμέω, to be long-minded, long- suffering, forbearing. Heb. νι. 15 (part.) ENDURING ὑπομονή, ἃ remaining behind or under, endurance, the patience of hope (Rom. viii. 25), which has faith and hope for its basis. In lxrx. used for mpn, hope, because τί denotes the peculiar definiteness which hope at- tains in the economy of grace. ( Used for ἐλπίς, hope, in Titus il. 2, but ἐλπίς, 1 Cor, xiii. 13.) 2 Gori ϐ ENEMY (-1Ε5.) 1. ἐχθρός, passively, hated, odious, object of enmity, (opp. of ἀγαπητός, be- loved); actively, opposite to, hating another and adverse to him; as subst. an enemy, adversary, (000. Matt. x. 36, Acts ii. 35.) ἐχθρός, an enemy, ] a man [that is] n enemy. ὶ ἄνθρωπος, ἃ wan, [ 5 J 1 Matt. v. 43, 44. 1. Rom v. 19. 1. — xiii. 25 1. — xi. 23. 2; 28. 1. —— xii. 20. 1. 39 1. 1 Cor. xv. 25, 26. 1. — xxi 44 1. Gal. iv. 16. 1. Mark xii. 36 1. Phil. iii. 18. 1 Lukei 71, 74 1. Col 1. 2}; 1. — vi. 27, 35. 1. 2 Thes. iii. 15. 1.—x 19. 1. Heb. i. 13. 1. —— xix 27, 43. 1. —x. 13. 1 ——xx. 43. 1. Jas. iv. 4. 1. Acts xiii. 10. 1 Rev. xi 5, 12. ENGRAFTED. ἔμφυτος, adapted for inward growth(from ἐμφύω, to implant ; the termination marking the idea of capability or adaptation both actively and pass- awely, (non occ. ) Jas. i. 31. ENGRAVE (εν) ἐντυπόω, to carve in, cut in intaglio, (opp. to ἐκτυπόω, in relief,) (non occ. ) 2 Cor. ili. 7 ENJOIN. 1. ἐντέλλομαι, to enjoin upon, to. charge with, command. 2. ἐπιτάσσω, to set over, put in com- mand ; put upon one as a duty, to enjoin command. 2. Philem. 8. | 1. Heb. ix. 20. ENJOY. εἰς, unto, with a view for th to, (marking the im- a : β mediate purpose, ) es ee Ὁ 1Ὶ ἀπόλαυσις, enjoyment, a ie Ἃ pleasure, {,6., the ad- + as 8 vantage got from a pleasure. thing, 2. ταγχάνω, to hit, esp. to hit a mark with an arrow; hence, gen. to hit upon, happen upon ; of persons, to meet by chance ; of things, to meet with, reach, gain, obtain a thing. 2. Acts xxiv 2 (part.) | 1. 1 Tim. vi 17 ENJOY THE PLEASURES. to be having [sin’s] enjoyment. ἔχω, to have, 2? / 9 ἀπόλαυσις, enjoyment, Heb. xi. 20. ENLARGE (-ep, -ἴνα.) 1. μεγαλύνω, to make great, magnify. 2. πλατύνω, to make broad, widen, ex- tend, (occ. Matt. xxiii. 5.) 1. Matt. xxiii. 5. | 2. 2 Cor: vis 1], 1. 1. 2 Cor. x. 15, marg. magnify. ENLIGHTEN (-1na.) φωτίζω, trans, to give light to, shine upon, intrans, to give light, to shine. | Eph. i 18, Heb. vi. 4 | ENMITY. ἔχθρα, (fem. of ἔχθρος, see “ENEMY,”) | enmity, hatred, (οσο. Gal. v. 20.) | Luke xxiii 12. | Eph. ii. 15, 16. Rom. viii. 7. Jas. iv. 4. ENOUGH. 1. ἀρκετός, sufficient, (from ἀρκέω, see below ), (occ. Matt. vi. 34; 1 Pet. iv. 3.) hence, sufficing, 1.6. sufficient ; of things, enough ; of persons, compe- tent. 1. Matt. x. 25. — Luke xy. 17, seo spare. 2. Luke xxii. 38 — Acts xxvii 38, see eat. ENOUGH (se, | ἀρκέω, to ward off, keep off, hence (in N.T.), to aid, assist ; then, by mpl. to be strong enough and able {ο assist any one, hence, to suffice, be enough, (Lat. satis est.) Matt. xxv. 9. | | | ἱκανός, coming to, reaching to, and | ] ἀπέχω, to hold off from ; to have off or out, ve, to have all that ts one’s due so as to cease from having any more, to have received in full. (a) impers. it is sufficient, (Zat.sufficit.) | Mark xiv. 41. | | ENOUGH (it 15.) | ENQUIRE (-ep.) 1. πυνθάνομαι, to ask for information, | enquire of or from any one. 2. ζητέω, to seek after, look for, to strive to find. ENQ [ J ἐπιζητέω, (No. 2 with ἐπί, upon, pre- jixed,) to seek earnestly or contin- ually, enquire after. 4. συζητέω, (No. 2 with σύν, together with, prefixed,) to seek any thing with another, to seek together, 1.6. to enquire of one another. σι διαγινώσκω, to know throughout, ze. accurately, to obtain an accurate knowledge of or insight into, (wrth the idea of suffering one’s self to be influenced thereby,) (occ. Acts xxiv. 22.) 6. ἐξετάζω, to verify out, to examine, explore whether anything 1s true or not ; gen. to seek out the truth by enquiry. 6. Matt. x. 11. 4. Luke xxii 23, 1. John iv. 52. 2. Jobu xvi. 19. 3. Acts xix. 39. 5, —— xxiii, 15. 1 Acts xxiii. 20. ENQUIRE DILIGENTLY. 1. ἀκριβόω, to know or do anything accurately ; to enquire accurately or assiduously. 2, ex(ntéw, (No. 2 above, with ἐκ, out of, prefixed, ) to seek out, search out, (as for anything lost.) 1, Matt. ii. 7, 16. { 2. 1 Pet. i. 10. ENQUIRE FOR. ζητέω, see “ENQUIRE,” Wo. 2. Acta ix. 11. ENQUIRE HEREOF (how to) [marg. } as to the enquiry concerning this (person, ζ.6. Jesus or Paul, or this matter. ) εἰς, as to, τὴν, the, περί; concerning, τούτου, this, ζήτησιν, enquiry, Acts xxv. 20 (εἰς, asto(om.T (8th ed.) Tr AD ΜΝ). ) (τούτων, these things, instead of τούτον, this, αν LT Tr A &) (text, of such manner of questions.) ENQUIRY FOR (make.) διερωτάω, to enquire through to the end or till the enquiry is successful, (non .oce. ) Acts x. 17 ] ENT ENRICH (-ep.) πλουτίζω, to make rich, enrich, (occ. 2 Cor. vi. 10.) Ἱ σος. | 2 Cor. ix. 11. ENROLLED (be) (margin. } ἀπογράφω, to write off, 2.6. to copy ; hence, to write down, (/xx. for Π3, Jude viii. 14,) to inscibe as in a register. Luke ii. 1 pass, (text, be taxed.) Heb. xii. 23, pass. (text, be written.) ENSAMPLE (-s.) 1. τύπος, a blow, that which is produced by a blow, the mark of a blow, im- pression ; the impress of a seal, stamp of a coin, etc. ; hence, that which forms the pattern or model after which a thing is made. lo . ὑπόδειγμα, that which is shown, a sign that which is shown {ο any one erther for imitation or for warn- ng. 1.1Cor x. 11, marg. fype 1 1 Thes i 7. (τυπικῶς, typically, LTr 1. 2 Thes. iii. 9 AR. 1.1. δὲ ν.ὃ, 1. Phil. iit 17 2. 2 Pet. ii. 6. ENSUE. διώκω, to cause to flee, Aence, to pursue after as flying enemies, in order to πα or overtake. 1 Pet. iii, 11 ENTANGLE (-ep, ΕΤΗ.) . παγιδεύω, to lay snares for, to trap, (from παγίς, anything which fixes or holds fast, hence, a trap or snare.) Matt. xxii. 15, ENTANGLE IN. ἐμπλέκω, to braid in, interweave. rd. to entangle or mix one’s self up with, (non occ. ) 2 Pet. ii οὐ ENTANGLE ONE'S SELF WITH. 2 Tim, ii, 4 (Mid.) ENT ENTANGLED WITH (ΒΕ) to be held in or by anything. Gal. y. 1 (Pass.) ENTER (ἘΡ, -ΕΤΗ, -ING.) ἔρχομαι, to come or go; it denotes the act of coming or going, and is used of persons or things. εἰσέρχομαι, (.Vo. 1 with εἰς, unto, prefixed, ) to come or go into. παρεισέρχομαι, (No. 2 with παρά, beside, prefired,) to come or go in beside so as to be present along with, (the idea of stealth being implied, ) (oce. Gal. ii. 4.) εἰσπορεύομαι, to pass into, to convey or transport one’s self into. ἀναβαίνω, to cause to ascend, to move to a higher place, come up, rise ; spoken of thoughts which come up into one's mind, to spring up. ἐμβαίνω, to go or move in; embark. εἴσειμι, to go into, proceed into, enter. 8, εἴσοδος, way into any place, entrance; also, the act or power of entering. 2. Matt. v. 20. | 2 Mark. xiii. 15, 2. —— vi. 6. | ο, —— xiv. 88 (No 1, T - vii. 13, see Εὶ in AN) 2. 21, 2. —— xvi 5(No1, ΤΑ) 2, —— viii 6. 2. Luke i. 40. fi 23 (part. ) | 2. iv. 38, 6 — ix. 1. 6, —— Vv. 3. 2 —x. 5,11. 2. —— vi. 6, 2 —— xii. 4, 29 2. —— vii. 1. 6, 44. - 45, - Vili 16, see Ε in ey ῃ νεα 30, 32, 33 2 —— xviii. 3, 8, 9 2. —— ix. 4, 34, 52 2 xix. 17, 23 ' 2. ——-x. 5, 8, 10, 38 — —— Xi 26, S2twice ave E in. | — —— xiij, 24 twice see E in, 2. —— xvii, 12 (part.), 27 9, —— xviil. 17 24 (on. He de 2 2 —— xxiii 11. 2 —— xxiv. 38. . ἢ. —— xxv. 21, 23. 2. —— xxvi. 4]. 2 Mark i. 21 (am. απ Τ | 2. 24 (No.4,T Tr A) TAR) 9, 25, ᾿ 29, 2. ----- xix. 1. 2, ——~ 45. 4 30 (part. ) 2. — ii 1. 2. —— xxi, 21. 2. —— iii, 1, 27. 2. xxii. 8, 101*t(part ) 6. — iv. 1 - ——- 10 204, see E in — 19, see Ein | 2 40, 46 2, — v. 12,13 |} ——— xxiv, 8, see Ein -- 40, see Fin 2 26 2 vi 10, 2. John iii 4, 5. 4 56 ~ | 2, ——iv. 38, 4 vii 19 6. —— vi 17, 22 (αρ) 2 —— 11. 2—x 1 4. —— 15, 19 — 2, 9, see E in, 2. 24 2 —— χ 27 6 —— ΝῊ, 10, 13. 2 —— xvii). 33. 2, —— in. 25, 43, 45, 47 5. ——xxi. 3 (No. 6,G L 2 ——x. 35, 23, 24, 25 4. Acts iiL 2 (ΤΝ) 4. —— xi. 2 (jnut.) 2—— Β 2 Ὁ 11. 2 —— ν. 2] [ 253 1, ENT 5. 10ος ii. 9. — 1 These. i. 9, see entering in, 2. Heb. iii. 11, 18. 4. Acts viii 3, 2 — ix 17 2,—x 34. 2. —— xi 8, 12. 2. xiv, 2% -- 19, see E in. 2, —— xvi. 40. 2 iv. 1, Jtwiee, 6, 6, 1 Xvill. 7 (No.2,L 8) 10,11 ea 19. 2, —— vi. 19, 20. -- —— xix o,f see E -- — ix. 12, seo E in. -- — xx. 29, in. 2 24, 25. 2. —— xxi. 8. 8. ——x. 19. Ἶ, 26. 2 Jas v 4 2 αχ, LA. 2 2 2 Jolin 7 (thip ona, {0 SS goout, ον LTTraA xxv, 23 (part.) — — xxvii.2, see E into. | 2. Rev. xi. 1) ία.) - — xxviii. 8, νεο Ein. | 2. — xv. 8. 2 Rom. ν. 12. 2, —— xxi. 27. 3. ——— 20 5 -- —— xxii. 14, see E in ENTER IN (Where not two separate Greek words. ) 2. Matt. vii. 13. 4. Luke xxii. 10 2. —— xii. 45. { 2. —— xxiv. 8 4. ave 1G, | 2 John x. 290, 4. Mark iv. 19, | 2. Acts xix. 30. 4. — vv. 40. 2, —— xx. 29. 4. Luke viii 16. ἱ 2 —— xxviii. 8, 2, — xi. 26(No.1,GeT | 2. Heb. iii. 19, A. ley iv. 6. ph 52 twice. | 2 — ix. 12. 2. —— xiii. 24 twice. 2. Rev. xxii. 14 ENTER INTO. ( Where not two separate Greek words. ) ἐπιβαίνω, to go or move upon, to go upon shipboard. Acts xxvii. 2. ENTERING IN, εἴσοδος, see “ENTER,” No, 8, 1 Thea. i 9. 7 ENTERTAIN (-gp.) ξενίζω. to receive or entertain strangers, to receive as a guest. Heb. xiii, 21st (22nd, see strangers.) ENTICE (-Ε0, -1NG.) δελεάζω, to entice or catch by a bait. Jas. i. 14 ENTICING. πειθός, apt for persuading, persuasive, winning. 1 Cor. ii. 4, marg. persuadible (πειθώ, Pitho, Lat. Suada, the goddess of persuasion, Ges.) ENTICING WORDS. πιθανολογία, persuasive discourse. Qol. ii, 4. | | | | υ ----0«ώὤώὤ”Ώὣἲ--ὃ--ὃ-ὃ-ὃ--ὃ«-ὐ----- - | ! ' ENT ENTIRE. ὁλόκληρος, whole in every part, fixed in all its parts, (occ. 1 Thes. v. 23.) Jas. 1. 4. ENTRANCE. εἴσοδος, see ENTER,” ο. 8. 2 Pet. i 11. ENTRANCE IN. 1 Thes, ii 1. ENTREAT (-xp.) ἐρωτάω, to ask, 1.6. to interrogate ; also, to Ἀδ]ς,- 1.6. request, beseech, beg, (implying familiarity if not equality. ) παρακαλέω, to call to one’s side, call near; every kind of calling to which | is meant to produce a particular effect, e.g. exhortation, help, comfort, ete. . παραιτέομαι, to ask near any One, 1.6. at his hands to obtain by asking ; also, to ask aside or away, to get | rid of by asking, ίο entreat that something may not take place. 4. xpdopar,to use, make use of, of things ; of persons, to use well or ill, to treat. gis noch ΧΙ, 6, see spite- | 4. Acts xxvii. 3. 9 1 Cor. iy. 18 2. Luke” ie 28. Ϊ 1. Phil. iv. 3. — — xviii 32, sce spite- | -- 1 ee -ii 2, see shame- fully. ully. . — — xx. 1], see shame- 2. 1 Th Wad: fully 3, Heb. xii. 19, — Acts vii 6, 19, see evil | ENTREATED (ΒΑΡΥ το BE.) εὐπειθής, easily persuaded, compliant, (non oce. ) Jas. iii. 17. ENTREATY. παβάκλησις, a calling near, a summons | to one’s side; hence, an admonitory, encouraging, and consolatory ex- hortation, invitation, or entreaty. 2 Cor, viii. 4. ENVIOUSLY [margin.] φθόνος, see aan No. 1. Jas. iv. 5, with πρός, towards (text, envy.) [ 254 ] EPH ENVY (488) [noun. ] 1. φθόνος, envy. The word is always used in a bad sense; jealousy of another's success, depreciation of his worth, envy of his excellence, (associa- ted by sound and sense, with φόνος (murder), as envy led to the first murder), (oce. Gal. v. 21.) 2. ζήλος, zeal; gen. in α good sense, ardour, zeal Jor the cause of another, emulation to imitate superior worth ; also, sometimes in a bad sense, heart- burning, jealousy. 1. Matt. xxvii. 18. 1. Phil, i, 15. 1. Mark xv. 10.0 - 1. 1 Tim. vi. 4. 9. Acts v. 17, marg. (text, 1: Tit. iii. 3. . Jas. iv. 5, with πρός, *tomaranai enviously.) 1. 1 Pet. ii. indignation. — xiii. 45, Rom. ). 29. eho ENVY (BE MOVED WITH.) ζηλόω, to be zealous towards, 1.6. for or against any person or thing ; gen. for, and in a good sense, Acts vii. 9. — xvii 5(om. G T(not 8th ed.) ) | πα ο | | ee a ENVY (ΕΤΕ, -1Nc) [verb.] Ἱ. oe to be ee (see “ENVY,” ο. 1,) (non occ.) ns 2. a see above. 1 Cor. xiii. 4 1. Gal. v. 26. ENVYING (-s.) φθόνος, see “ENVY.” No. 1 bo ζηλόω, see “ENVY,” No. 2 2.“Rom. xiii. 13. ους, 2. 2 Cor. xii. 20. 1. Gal. ν. 21. 2, Jas, iii, 14, 10. EPHESUS Ἔφεσος, Ephesus. In all passages, except Eph. i. 1 (om. ἐν ᾿Εφέσῳ, in Ephesus, Trv Ab 5) EPHESUS (or.) ᾿Εφεσῖνος, Ephesian; of Ephesus. Rev. ii. 1 (ἐν Ἐφέσω, in Ephesus, GLT Tr A®) ci .. | EPH [ 255 ] ESC ΕΡΗΤΗΛΤΗΑ. ἐφφαθά, Ephthatha, an Aramacan ἱπερεγ- ative, “be opened,” from Heb, nns, to open. Mark vii, 34. EPISTLE (-s.) ἐπιστολή, what is sent to any one, hence, a letter. Acts xv. 30. | 2 Cor. vii. 8. — xxiii. 33. Col. iv. 16. Rom. xvi. 22. 1 Thes. v. 27. ΕΓ Cor, νο. 2 Thes. ii. 15. 2 Cor. iii. 1, 2, 3.- — iii 14, 17, 2 Pet. iii. 1, 16. συνηλικιώτης, one of like age, an equal in age, (non 000. ) Gal. i. 14, marg. equal in years. EQUAL [adj.] ἶσος or ἴσος, equal to, the same as, in appearance, size, strength, or number, etc., (οσα. Acts xi. 17; Luke vi. 34; Mark xiv. 56, 59.) Matt. xx. 12. ι John τ. 18. Luke xx. 36, see angels. Phil ii. 6(neut. pl.) ἢ Rev. xxi. 16. ---------- _ EQUAL (ΤΠΑΤ WHICH Is.) { τὸ, the, what is , ἰσότης, equality, {.6. equal > equitable, ἰ state or proportion, equity. Col. iv. 1. EQUALITY: ἰσότης, equality, {,ε. equal state or propor- tion; equity. 2 Cor. viii. 14 twice. | EQUAL [noun. } | ERE. πρίν, (adu of time,) before, sooner than. Johniyv. 49. ERR (-ED.) 1. πλανάω, to make to wander, cause to err, lead astray, esp. used of doctrinal error, or religious deceit. 2. ἀποπλανάω, (No.1 with ἀπό, from, prefixed, ) to cause to wander awe Ly from, lead astray from: (a) Pass. to go astray from, swerve from. | 3. ἀστοχέω, to miss the mark, to err. 1. Matt. xxii. 29. 8. 9 Tim. ii 18. 1. Mark xii. 24, 27. 1. Heb. ili. 10, 2. 1 Tim. vi, 10, marg. be 1. Jas. 1. 16. 21. [seduced, 1. —vy. 19, ERROR (5) 1. πλάνη, a wandering, seduction from the truth. 2. ἀγνόημα, ignorance, involuntary error, | | (lax. for πὸ, Gen. xiii, 12,) (non | ους, ) i. Matt. xxvii 64. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 18, 1. Rom i. 27. yp iv 2. Heb. ix. 7. 1. 1 John iv. 6. 1, Jas, v. 20. 1. Judell. ᾿ “ESCAPE (-zp.) ‘| 1. φεύγω, to flee, take flight, (Lat. fuga, fugio. ) | 2. ἀποφεύγω, (No. 1 with ἀπό, away from, prefixed,) to flee away from, (non | οσο, ) | 3 . διαφεύγω, (No.1 with διά, through, prefixed,) to flee through, escape | by flight, (non occ. ) | 4, ἐκφεύγω, (No, 1 nak ἐκ, out of, pre- | Jixed,) to flee out of a place, escape. | 5. ἐξέρχομαι, to-go or come out of any | place. | 6, διασώζω, to save through, i.e. to bring |! safely through; as through danger, || | sickness, ete. | | 1 Cor. x. 13, see E (may | 6. Acte xxvii. 44 (pass.) — Matt. δω 83, see E (can | | 4. Luke xxi 96, 42 Co, xi. 33 - δ, John x. 39. | 41 Thee v. 3 | 3.. Acts xxvii. 42. 4. Heb. ii 3. 1} τιν 44, see E safe. 1. —— xi. 84 6. —— xxviii. 1 (part.) 1 xii, 25 νο 6, 4 (part.) 2. 2 Pet. i. 4 AR.) | 4. Rom. ii 3. 2 ii. 18, 20 (pet) ESCAPE (cay.) 1. Matt. xxiii. 98, with awd, away from. ---- | Ϊ ESCAPE SAFE. ] | | ESCAPE (way To.) ἔκβασις, a going out of, way out of, (oce. Heb. xiii. 7.) 1 Cor, x. 18. ESC [ 256 ] ETE — Mark vi. 21, see chief. | Col. iv. 8(τὰ περί ἡμῶν, the ESCHEW. — Acts xxii. 5, see elders. oe concerning US, 2 “ ἔ j , | — Rom. xii. 16, see low. , Tre. ἐκκλίνω, to bend out, to turn aside o7 uh eae ) away from. 1 Pet. iii. 11. ESTEEM (-ΒΡ, -ΕΤΗ, -ING.) ESPECIALLY. | 1. ἡγέομαι, to lead, ze. go before, go BN Hy ep ek t of first ; then, to lead out before the μὰ μή (superl. of pada, very, most ο mind, 1.6. to view, regard as being all.) ᾿ so and so, esteem, count, reckon. Acts xxvi 3. 1Tim. ν 17. : ἐμὴ Gal vi 10 ] 2 Tim. iv. 13. 2. κρίνω, to divide, to separate, to sep- arate from, select, hence, to come to ESPOUSE (-sp.) a decision, to judge. , Ἶ , ὃν | ἁρμόζομαι, to be fitted or joined together, | 3: λογίζομαι, to occupy one’s self with hence, to betroth, to be married to. reckonings ο) calculations; to reck- (non occ. ) .on, to count-; to take for, value, o7 τι | esteem. | 4. τιμάω, to deem or hold worthy, hence, = to esteem, honour, respect ; to treat ς ο. lag ae with honour. | μνηστεύω, to ask ἸῺ marriage, to woo. Σ Rom xin ία πα In N.T. only im Pass, to be asked | 3. — ays 1.-Heb. xi. 26, [honour ) in marriage, hence, to be betrothed, | 1. Phil. ii. 3. 4. 1 Pet. fi. 17,marg.(text, afhanced. | eet Matt. i 18 | Luke i. 27: ii. 5. | ae eee. ἐῶν ESTEEMED (58 east.) ESTABLISH (-ep.) ἐξουθενέω, to set tt nought, ze. to despise, | 1. στηρίζω, to set fast, make fast, fix πέος ] | firmly. 1 Cor vi 4 | 2. orepedw, to make stable, strong, to | | , strengthen. Φου also, HIGHL}. | 3. ἵστημι, (a) trans. to cause to stand, | to place, set. τ | ᾿ ας Τα η ETERNAL. ΄ 8 « 7; ἢ ΠΝ “ ” » | (b) ne θὰ ο ορ 1. αἰών, (from aw, ant, to blow, breathe,) || 4. βεβαιόω, to make steadfast, make | the life that hastes away in the remain in its place, make firm, im- | breathing of our breath, life as moveable, certain, fixed. | transitory; then, the course of life, 5. νομοθετέω, to make or give laws, es- | time of life, and gen. life in its tablish as law, legislate, sanction by | temporal form , then, the space of } law. human life, an age. αἰών always — Matt. xviii 16,eeeE (be) | — 2 Cor. xiii. 1, see R(be.) | includes a reference to the life, filling | ος ᾿ gine κ. | tume or space of time, hence, the un- || 3a ii $1. | 3a. ——x. 9 bounded time past and future, in i ‘ ὶ | ain oe [ ‘ .δ 4 τ | alate ME oro lat | which the life of the world vs accom- plished ; immeasurable time, (Gen. ; 1, ges. | ESTABLISHED (ε.) Miike. 3 | 3b. Matt. xviii 16, | 3b. 2 Cor. xiii. 1. 2. αἰώνιος, belonging to the αἰών, (see No. 1,) to time in its movement ; ESTATE (rovr.) | constant, abiding, eternal. τὰ, the things, the things (a) with ζωή, life. περὶ, concerning, pee | 3. ἀΐδιος, always existing, perpetual, ὑμῶν, you, you. (adj. from ἀεί, always), (occ.Jude6.) τς eee See νο Ase. μμ ee! TEES | ὄντως, that which is γος ἐν, GLT Tr 28, 2a. John iii. 15. ο, 2 Tim. ii. 10. [A Ὁ 2a, ——iv. 36. ρα. Titus i. 2. 2a. —— v. 39. 2a. —— iii. 7 2a. —— vi. 54, 68 2. Heb. v. 9. 2a, —— x. 28 2. ——vi. 2. 2a. —— xii. 25 9. ——ix. 12, 14, 15. 2a. —— xvii. 2, 3. 2. 1 Pet. v. 10. 2a. Acts xiii. 48 ρα. 1 Johni. 2. 38, Rom. i. 20 2a. —— ii. 25. 2a, —— ii. 7. 2a. —— iii. 15. 2a, —— v. 21 2a. —— vy. 11, 13, 20. 2a, —— vi. 23. 2. Jude 7. 2. 2 Cor. iv. 17, 18. 2a. —— 21. EUNUCH (-s.) εὐνοῦχος, bed-keeper, keeper of the bed- chamber ; a eunuch, and sometimes a minister of the court, (non occ. ) Matt, xix. 12st, 2nd 4th. | Acts viii. 27, 34, 36, 38, 39. EUNUCH (ΜΑΚΕ,) εὐνουχίζω, to make a εὐνοῦχος, (seeabove. ) (a) Pass. to be made a eunuch. (0) Metaph. to live like a eunuch, 1.6. in voluntary abstinence, (on occ. ) a. Matt. xix.123rd. | b. Matt. xix. 125th. EVANGELIST (-s.) εὐαγγελιστής, ἃ messenger of glad tidings, a proclaimer of the gospel story, of the facts of redemption, (as distinct from προφήτης, who speaks of the revelation of God, and from διδάσκα- λος, (who speaks about it,) (non oce. ) Acts xxi. 8. | Eph. iv. 11, 2 Tim. iv. 5. EVEN [noun.] 1. ὀψία, (fem. of ὄψιος, late, as subst. ) late evening, the latter of the two evenings among Hebrews; first being from 3 p.m. to sunset, the latter after sunset. ὀψία appears to be used of both ; sometimes per- haps (a) the former, and (b) the latter. 2. ὀψέ, (adv.) late, i.e. after long time, late in the day, late evening. la. Matt. viii. 16. la. Mark iy. 85. 1b. —— xx. 8. lb. —— vi. 47. 1b, —— xxvi. 20. 2 — xi. 19. la. —— xxvii. 57. la, —— xv. 42. 1b. John vi. 16. | [ 257 ] (gen. pL) EVE EVEN (at.) 2. Mark xiii. 85. EVEN [adj. ] ὀρθός, upright, erect, ze. straight, right. Luke xix. 44, see ground. Heb. xiii. 13, marg. (text, straight.) EVEN [adj.] 1. καί, (the conjunction of annexation, uniting things strictly co-ordinate, ) and ; sometimes not merely annexing, but implying increase, addition, something more, also, or only empha- sis, even. δέ, (the conj. of antithesis, to be care- fully distinguished from No. 1,) but, marking either a contrast to what has gone before; or an addition to τέ, moreover. γάρ, (a contraction of γὲ ἄρα, verily then,) hence, in fact, and when the fact is given as a reason, or explana- tion, for. τε, (a conj. of annexation, annexing with implied relation or distinction, ) and, also, annexing something added. μέν, (a οὐ]. of antithesis,) truly, in- deed, (often followed by δέ, but,) ΄ . δ , μέν being the first thing, δέ the second, when referring to the differ- ent members of a proposition, . ἔτι, (adv.) any more, any longer, yet, still, even. 7. οὕτω or οὕτως, (adv.) thus, in this wise, 50. 1. Matt. v. 46, 47. — Mark xiv. 54, see into. _ 48, see B as. — Luke i. 2, see E as. — — vi. 29, see not. 6. 15. 1. — vii. 12. — — vi. 33, see E (also.) -- 17, see E so. 1, —— viii. 18, 25 1. — viii. 27. 1. —— ix. 54. — — ix. 18, see now. l1.—x. 11. — — xi. 26, see E so. - 21, see E so. 1, —— xii. 8. — — xii. 7, see Εἰ very. - 4δ,,5οὸ0 E so. 1. 41, δὴ 1. —— xiii 12, — — xvii. 30, see thus. — —— χν. 28, seo Ε as. 1 ae Ts — —— xviii 14, see E so. | 1, — xix. 26. ἂς 13, bn - 17, see now. 1. — xx. 14. - 82, see Eas, -- 28, see E as i -- —— xxiii, 37, see Eas. | 1. —— ie “ST. 1, —— xxv. 29. 1, — xxiv. 24 (om, L. Tr) — —— xxvi. 38, seeunto. | — John iii. 14, see E so, 1. Mark i. 27. 1. ——¥, 2]. 1. —— iv. 25. 9: 3, see E aa. ον 86, seo E as. — —— vi. 57, see EB he. ae 41. | 1. —— viii. 25, 1, — vi. 2 [ος x. 15, see E ao Ἱ. — —— xi, 6, seo Ἑ as. | 1, —— xi. 22, 87. 1. —— xiii, 22. | ———- xii. 50, seo E as, EVE — John xiv. 31, see E so. — — xv. 10, see E — — xvii. 14,16, ) as. -- 18, see Ε so I also. -- 22, see Eas. — — xx. 21, see Eso [. — — xxi. 25, see not. 1. Acts v. 39. — — xi. 5, see to. -- 15, see E so, 1. — xv. 8. 1. — xxvi. 11. 7. —— xxvii. 25. 1. Rom. i. 13. 4. 90. -- 28, see E as. 2. —— iii. 22. — — iv. 6, see Eas. 1. ——v.7, 14, 18, 21. 1, ——vi 4. -- 19, see E so. 1. —— viii. 23. 1. 34(om. G> Lb T (Sth ed.) Tr Ab &.) 1. —— ix. 24. 2. 30. 1. ——xi. 5. το 31, see E so. 1. — xv. 3. I; 6. — 1 Cor. i. 6, see E 85. 1, ——ii. 11. 1. 1 Cor. iii. 5. — — iv. 11, see present. 1. —— vii. 7. - 8, see EI. Ser ——x. 33, seeE I. — — xi. 1, see EI also. - 5, see me. 1, —— 12. -- 14, see not. -- — xii. 2, see E — — xiii 12, as. -- τας AV, 5 see E (and) 1. 12. 1, —— xv. 22, 24. 1. — xvi. 1. 1. 2 Cor. i. 8, 8. Ly 13 (om.G3L Tr AR -- 14, see E as. — — iii. 15, see unto. τας 18, see E as. 1. — vii. 14. 1, —x. 7,13. 1, — xi. 12. 1. Gal. ii. 16. — — iii. 6, see Eas. 1. Gal. iv. 8, 29. 1, —-v. 12. — Eph. i. 10, see E him. 1. —— ii. 3. 1. —— iv. 4, 32, 1. —vy. 12, 23, 29. -- 33, see E as. — Phil. i. 7, see E as. if 15. 2. ——ii. 8. 1. —— iii. 15, 18. 1. —— iv. 16. 1. Col iii, 18. — 1 Thes. ii. 4, see E so. 1 5 18. 1 19. 1, —— iii. 4, 12, 13. 1. —— iv. 5, 13, 14. 1. —— v. 11, see E as. 1. 2 Thes.ii. 10(θεὺς ὁ πατὴρ ἡμῶν, God our Father, instead of θεὸς καὶ πατὴρ ἡμῶν, God even our Father, Gw L Tr AW.) 1. — iii. 1. — 1 Tim. iii. 11, see E so. 1. Titusi. 15. 1. Philem. 19. — Heb. iv. 12, see to. 1. —— vii. 4 (om. LTr.) Ἡρ sh eh, ie) 3. ——iv. 14, marg. for (om. L Trd κ, ) — 1 Pet. iii. 6, see Εἰ as. 1. 2 Pet. i. 14. 1. — iil. — 1 John ii. 6, see Εἰ as. 9, see now. see E — Jude 7, as. ib 23. — Rev. i. 7, see E so, yes TE (om. G= Trb Ab.) — 27, see EI. — — iii.21, see E I also. — — xvi. 7, see E so. 1. xvii. 11. 1. ----- αν, 6. — — xxi. 11, see like. — — xxii. 20, see Eso, EVEN ALSO. (When not two separate Greek words. ) 1. 1 Cor. xi. 12, EVEN AS. (When not two separate Greek words. ) 1. ὡς, as. In comparative sentences, as ; in objective, that ; in final, in order to; m causal, for the ground that. 2. καθώς, like as, according as. 3. ὥσπερ, (No. 1 strengthened by περ) wholly as, just as. 4, καθάπερ, even as, truly as. [ 258 ] EVE 5. τρόπος, a turning, turn, hence, gen. manner, way. (a) as adv. ὃν τρόπον, in what manner. 3. Matt. v. 48 (No. 1, L 1 Cor. i 6. T (Sth ed.) Tr A &.) — xi.l. 1. —— xy. 28. — xii. 2. 3. —— xx. 28. —— xiii. 12. 4a,—— xxiii. 37. 2 Cor. i. 14. . Mark iv. 80, — iii. 18. . Gal. 11. 6. ἘΠ 1 Eph. ν. 33. 1 Thes. v. 11. 1 Pet. iii. 6. 1 John 1, 6, 2 iii. 3, 7 3 John 2, 3 Jude 7. John v. 23. —— xii. 50. — xv. 10. —— xvii. 14, 16, 22. Rom. i. 28. — iv. 6. ΗΤΟ μμ ρα EVEN HE. ( When not two Greek words. ) ἐκεῖνος, that, that one there, (the more remote, connected with the third per- son.) It is also employed as an emphatic demonstrative, he, (and in this case may refer to the nearer, as οὗτος, this, may refer to the remoter. ) John vi. 57. EVEN HIM. (When not two Greek words. ) αὐτός, very, self, (always emphatic when used in the Nom. Jor the 3rd pers.) not He simply, but He himself. Eph. i. 10. EVEN I. (When not two Greek words. ) I, (when used in Nom. for 1st pers. is emphatic. ) 1. Cor. vii. 8; κ. 83. | > ἐγώ, Rev. ii. 27. EVEN I ALSO. (When not three Greek words. ) 1 Cor. xi. 1. | Rey. iii, 21. EVEN SO. (When not separate Greek words. ) οὕτω, οὕτως, see “ BYEN,” (adv. ) No. 7. vat, (adv. ) affirming yes ; yea, strongly affirming. ὡσαύτως, in the same way, in like manner as. 1. Matt. vii. 17. 1, Rom. vi. 4 }. 2. —— xi. 26. 1. —xi. 3 1, —— xii. 45 1. 1 Cor. xi. 1 1, —— xviii. 14 1. 1 Thes. ii. | 1. — xxiii. 28 8.1 Tim. iii, Β, 2. Luke κ. 21 2. Rev.i.7. Ὁ 1. John iii. 14. 2. —— xvi. 7. 1. —— xiv. 31 2, —— xxii. 20 (om. α Τῷ 1. Acts xii. 15 TTrA®) EVEN SO I. (When not separate Greek words. ) ἐγώ, 1, (when used in Nom. for 1st pers. is emphatic. ) John x. 15 ; xx. 21. EVEN SO I ALSO. John xvii. 18. EVEN VERY. καί, see “ EVEN,”-(adv.) No. 1. Luke xii. 7. EVEN (λ180.) ' Luke vi. 33. EVEN (anp.) 1. ὅμως, at the same time, 1.6. neverthe- less, notwithstanding, yet even. 2. καί, see “EVEN,” (adv.) No. 1. 9 ἘΠῚ Cor, xiv. 7. | 2. 1 John iv. 3. EVENING. 1. ἑσπέρα, evening, eventide, eve, (Lat. vesper), (occ. Acts iv. 3.) 2. ὀψία, see “EVEN,” [noun] Wo. 1. 2. Matt. xiv. 15, 23. 2. xvi. 2. 1. Luke xxiv. 29. 1. Acts xxviii. 23. EVENING (1) οὔσης, being, (part. of εἰμί, to it be,) being ὀψία, late, late. John xx. 19. EVENING (ΙΝ THE.) ὀψία, late, γενομένης, becoming, (part. | evening, of yivopat, to become,) ( arriving. begin to be, Mark xiv. 17. EVE EVENTIDE. 1. ἑσπέρα, see “EVENING,” Wo. 1. ὀψία, late, the hour being 9 ᾿ wpa, the hour, ; late, (non oce. ) 2. Mark xi. 11. | 1. Acts iv. 3. EVER. 1. πάντοτε, always, at all times. 2. αἰών, see “ETERNAL,” Wo. 1. 3. det, always, {.ε. ever, continually, (hence, old Eng. “ aye,” ever.) eis, unto, into, ye πάντας, all, τοὺς, the, αἰῶνας, ALES, — Matt. xxiv. 21, see nor. 3. Mark xv. 8. into all the ages. — Acts xxiii. 15, see or. Vo Thea. ἀν ή 1. Luke xv. 31. 1, —-v. 15. — John iv. 39, } 2 Dim. i ———x.8, | seeothat.| δ᾽ Feb vil 24 1, —— xviii. 20. I. 25. 4. Jude 25, EVER (ror.) eis, into, unto, l.< αἰών, age, see ὶ “ETERNAL, JVo.1, *with the article, unto the age. 2. αἰώνιος, belonging to the αἰών, (see “BTERNAL,” Vo. 2.) [ eis, into, unto, | unto [the] day 3.4 ἡμέραν, a day, of ΓΑ of eternity, { perpetuity. eis, unto, into, τὸ, the, 4.4 διηνεκὲς, carried through, contin- uous, unbroken, 1". Matt. vi. 13 (pL) ap.) | 1". unto the uninterrupted continuance. 2 Cor. ix. 9. 1". —— xxi. 19. 2. Philem. 10. 1", Mark xi. 14. 1*. Heb. v. 6. 1”. Luke i. 33 (pL) ὌΝ vi. 20. 1" 55 (49) (ἕως | 1”. —— vii. 17,21. αἰῶνος, until the age, | 4. ——x. 12, 14 G.) bag xiii. 8 (pL) 1*, John vi. 51, 58. 1". 1 Pet. i. 28 (om. G LT 1* Viii, 35 twice. Έτ Α 8.) 13. —— xii. 34. | ig 25. 1". —— xiv. 16. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 17 (om. G3 L 1", Rom. i. 25 (pL) TTrA®) 1", ——ix. 5 (pl) 8, —— iii. 18. 1". —— xi. 36 (pL) 1*. 1 John ii. 17. 1*, ——xvi. 27 (pL) 1”. 2 John 2, 1. Jude 13. EVER AND EVER (ror.) eis, unto, into, τοῦς, the (pl. ), 1. + αἰῶνας, ages, (see “ ETERNAL,” Λο. 1), τῶν, of the (pl. ), αἰώνων, AGES. EVE εἰς, unto, into, τὸν, the (sing. ), αἰῶνα, age, (see “ETERNAL,” 3ο. 1), τοῦ, of the (sing. ), ai@vos, age. ἳ εἰς, unto, into, aidvas, ages, (see “ETERNAL,” Vo. 1), αἰῶνων, of ages. 3. 1. Rev.i.6 (ον. τῶν αἰῶνων, of the ages, ΤΑ Ὁ (ΝΣ singular instead οὗ —— iv. 9,10. [plural.) πια Phil. ο “20. νὰ Tim.-i, 17. . 2 Tim. iv. 18. ἜΣ . Heb. i. 8. 1. ——v. 13, 14 (ap.) κ — xiii, 21 (om. τῶν | 1. — vii. 12. αἰῶνων, of the ages, | 1. —x. 6. G= T. 1. —— xi. 15. . 1 Pet. iv. 11. 3, —— xiv. 11. -— =v. 11 (Om. τῶν | 1. —xyv. 7. αἰῶνων, of the ages, | 1. —— xix. 3. ) 1. =——xx. 10, 1. Rev. xxii. 5. EVERLASTING. 1. αἰώνιος, belonging to the αἰών, (see “ETERNAL,” ο. 1.) (a) with ζωή, life. ᾿ 2. ἀΐδιος, always existing, perpetual, (adj. from ἀεί, always,) (oce. Rom. i. 20.) 1. Matt. xviii. 8. la. —— xix. 29. ἊΣ 1. —— xxv. 41, 40, la. Gal. vi. 8. 1. Luke xvi. 9. 1. 2 Thes. i. 9. la. —— xviii. 30. 1. ——ii. 16. la. John iii. 16, 36. 14. 1 Tim. i. 16. la. ——iv. 14. 1. vi. 16. 18. ——v. 24. 1. Heb. xiii. 20, la. —— vi. 27, 40, 47. 1. 2 Pet. 1. 11. la. —— xii. 50. 2. Jude 6. la. Acts xiii. 46. 1. Rev. xiv. 6, 22. xvi. 26, la. Rom. vi. EVERMORE. 1. πάντοτε, always, at all times, z.e. absolutely, per- fectly, (by etymology it refers to complete- ness, but {πια refer to duration wherethe context requires it, ) (non occ, ) εἰς, unto, into, τὸ, the, παντελές, very end, 2. 1. John vi. 84. 2. Heb. vii. 25,marg. (text, 1. 1 Thes. ν. 10, to the uttermost.) EVERMORE (ror.) eis, unto, into, τὸν, the, αἰῶνα, age, (sce “ EYERNAL,” Wo, 1.) : [ 260 ] εἰς, unto, into, τοῦς, the (pl. ), EVE αἰῶνας, ages, (see “ ETERNAL,” Wo. 1), τῶν, of the (pl. ), | αἰῶνων, ages. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 31 (pL) | 1. Heb, vii. 28. 2. Rev. i. 18. ‘ EVERY. 1. πᾶς, see “att,” Λο. 1. Singular in all passages except those marked 1b. ἕκαστος, each, every one of any num- ber separately. κατά, down. (a) with Gen. down from. (b) with Ace. down upon, down along; of place or time, distributively, from one to another, (e.g. κατ᾽ ἔτος, year by year.) [ κατά, from one other, (see No. 3b,) 4. 5. 4 ἕνα, one, ἕκαστος, each, (see Vo. 2.) eis, one, 1. Matt. 1, 10. 1. —— ix. 35 twice. 1, —— xii. 25 twice, 36, 1. —— xiii. 47, 52. 1. —— xv. 13, LG xviii. 10, 1, — xix. 3. — Mark i.45,see E quarter (from.) 1. —— ix. 49 (ap.) 1. —— xvi. 15 (ap.) 20, see If where. 1. Luke ii. 23. 8, 1, —— iii, 5 twice, 9, 1, —— iv. 4 (ap.) A. 37. 2. 40. 1,.—v, 17. 2. —— vi. 44. ——viii. 1, (throughout. ) 4, see Εἰ (out of.) -- --- ix.6, see Ε where. see E -- — xix. 43, see E side on.) 1. soun Ἷ, 9, 1. —— ii. 10. —— vii. 23, ) see E — — xiii. 10, J whit. ἕκαστος, each, (see Vo. 2,) to an- one[ mouth] | Dales each | to another, J each one. All passages are included here, EVERY MAN and EVERY ONE; for which, see below. 1, John xv, 2 Ist. except a; 2 branch. 2. — xix. 23. 1. Acts ii. 5, 48. 1. — iii. κ which. — — ν. 42, see E (in.) — — viii. 3, see E (into.) 4, see E where. 1. — κ. 35. 2. —— xiii. 27. — —— xiv. 23, see E (in.) — — ΧΝ,21 1st, see K(in.) 8&1. —— 2] 2nd. ib 80, 2. —— xvii. -- 30, see E where, 1. XVili. 4. — — xx. 23, see E (in.) 1. 81. 2, —— xxi. 26. - 28, see E where. — — xxii. 19, jue 1D} —— xxvi. 1 (in.) — — xxviii. 22, see Εὶ where. . Rom. ii. 9. . — iii 2, 4, 19. Vili. 22 smarg. (text, {whole.) pa twice, sa Cor. i. ri δ, see Ething. — iv. 1ylst, seeEwhere, 17 ond. 1. — vi. 18. — — vii. 2,806 Τὸ) woman. 2nd ’ see E,. 27. EVE Peers |] EVE 1. 1 Cor. xi. 3, 4, 5. Ἱ. 1 Pim: ν, 10. 8, John xvi. 90. 8. 1 Cor. xii. 7, 11. —— xii, 18. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 21. 4. Acts ii. 6, δ ——xy, 23, 1. —— xv. 30 1. — iy. 18. F 3. 8. 8. 2 Cor. ix. 7. 2. 38. — Titus i. 5, see E (in.) 6. 45. 8. Gal. vi. 4, 5. 1. 2 Cor. ii. lt 16. 3. iv. 35. 8. Eph. iv. 25. 1. — iv. — iii. 1. 8. ——xi. 29. 8. Phil. ii, 4 twice. -- ἣν see E side(on.) Philem. 6. 3. Rom. ii. 6. 2 4. Col. iv. δ — — viii. 7, see E thing. Heb. ii. 2. 1. 10. 1. Heb. ii. 9. 1, — ix. 8, — iii. 4 1. —— xii. 3 1st. 3. —— viii. 1] twice. - 11, see E thing. —v.l 3. 8 ἘΣ 8. Jas. i 14. 1, ——x. δ ύνίοο. — viii. ὃ 8: —— xiv. 8. 1 Pet. i, 17. 1. — xiii. 1 — ix. 19 8. 1 Cor. iii. δ᾽ 8,10,13twice. 1. —— iii. 15. 1. Gal. v. 8 25. 38. —— iv. δ. 8, —— iv. 10. 1. Eph. i. 21 — x. 3. 3. = ae 1 17, 20,24. 1, 1 John iii. 3. 2. —— iv. 7. 11. 10. am at 8. Rev. xx. 13. 1. 14, 16 1st — xii. 1, 6 1. — ix. 8, —— xxii. 12. 5. 16 2nd. —- xiii. 21. L 18. ——-v. 24, see E thing. -- 33, see E one in icular. 1, Phil. i. 8, 4, 18. 1, —— Ἢ 9,10, 11. — — iv. 6, see E thing. - 12, see E where. ἣν 21. 1. Col. i. 10, 15, 283 times. 1. 1 Thes. 1. 8. 2. —ii. 11. —— Vv. ἐν see E thing. 2. 2 Thes. i. 3. 1. — ii. 17. 1. —— iii. 6, 17. — 1 Tim. ii.8,see E where. 1. — iv. 4 Jas, i. 17 twice, 19. — iii. 7, 16. 1 Pet. ii. 18. 1 John iv. 1, 2, 3. Rev. i. 7. — v. 9,13. — vi. 14, 15 1st. 15 2nd (om. GS Pie Ss) Ἢ — xiv. 6. — xvi. 3, 20. — xviii. 2 twice, a; — — xxi.21, see 1 seve- ral. 4, —— xxii. 2 (om. ἔνα, ov, α 1, Τ Ἐν Α Ν.) Ree ee μὰ μὰ τὰ μὰ τὺ ζ μὴ μὴ μὴ άν Aas te eS ος ας ὃς ο Ιαν tee μ.ο EVERY BRANCH. (When not separate words in the Greek.) mas, see “att,” No, 1. John xy. 2. EVERY MAN. (When not separate words in the Greek. ) 1. was, see “att,” No. 1. 2. ἅπας, quite all, all together, all at once or at the same time. 3. ἕκαστος, see “EVERY,” Vo. 2. * eis 4, μὲ έκαστος, \ see ‘‘ EVERY,” Vo. 5. 5. ἀνά, (prep. wp to or up by,) with numerals or measures of quantity or value, apiece ; here ava δηνάριον, a denarius apiece. ἄν, a particle expressing uncertainty, condition- ality, possibility, τις, any one, 7 tis, who? * | ri, what ? . Matt. xvi. 27. — xx..9, 10. — xxv. 15. . Mark viii. 25, - —— xiii. 84. νο xy, 24. τὰ φο τὸ οὦ οι ϱ9 any one (who might be needing. ) who... what? 1. Luke vi. 80, 1, —— xvi. 10, —— xix. 15, see E M (how much.) 1. John vi. 45, 8, —— vii. 53 (αρ.) 8, ——x. 24 (omGLT Ty AN.) EVERY MAN (now μυοη.) { an} | who...what ? Luke xix. 15 (om. τίς, Tr 8.) EVERY ONE. (When not separate words in the Greek.) 1. was, see “ att,” No. 1. 2. ἅπας, see “EVERY MAN,” Wo, 2. 3. ἕκαστος, see “EVERY,” Vo. 5 ’ κατά, from one toanother, ) from 4, see “EVERY,” Vo. 3b, one to eis, one, another. 1. Matt. vii. 8, 21, 26. 8. Rom. xiv. 12. 3. —— xviii. 35, 8, ——xv. 2. 1. —— xix. 29. 8.1 Cor, 1. 12 1. —— xxv. 29. 3. —— vii. 17. 3. —— xxvi. 22. 3. —— xi. 21 1. Mark ix. 49. 3. ——xiv. 26. 3. Luke ii. 3. 8, —— xvi. 2. 1. —— vi. 40. 1 16. 1b.— ix. 43. 8. 2 Cor. v. 10 1. —— xi. 4, 10. 1. Gal. iii. 10, 13 1. —— xviii. 14. 3. Eph. v. 33. 1. —— xix. 26. 8. 1 Thes. iv. 4. 1. John iii. 8, 20. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 19. 3. —— vi. 7. 1. Heb. v. 18. af 40. 8, —— vi. 11. 1. — xviii. 37. 1. 1 John ii. 29. 4. —— xxi. 25. 1. — iv. 7. 8, Acts ii. 38. 1. —v. 1. 8. —— iii. 86. 8. Rev. ii. 23. 2. —-y. 10. 8, —v. 8. 1b,—— xvi. 26. 8, —— vi. 11 (αὐτοῖς, 10 1b.— xxviii. 2. 1. Rom. i. 16, 1. ——x. 4. 4. —— xii. 5. them,G@ T Tr A) (αὐτοῖς ἑκάστω, unto them severally, 1. Tro Ab Ν) EVERY ΟΝΕ IN PARTICULAR. κατά, from one to another, each one (py - ] ) ε e “Every,” Wo, 3b, by one, νο i.e, indi- ἕκαστος, each, see EVERY,” 1 ; , > | vidually. No. 5, Eph. ν. 33. EVE EVERY SEVERAL. avd, see “EVERY MAN,” WVo.5, each one eis, one, ¢ κο νῶσ2 7 Separate- ἕκαστος, each, see “‘ EVERY, / iy Λο. 5, Rey. xxi. 21. EVERY THING. (When not separate words in the Greek.) mas, see “ au,” No. 1. (a) singular. (b) plural. b. Matt. viii. 33. 2. 2) ΟΣ 1.» a. 1 Cor. i. 5. a, Eph. v. 24. a. 2 Cor. viii. 7. a. Phil. iv. 6. a, 1 Thes. v. 18. EVERY WHERE. (When not separate words in the Greek.) 1. πανταχοῦ, in every place, everywhere. ο { ἐν, in, in every (way o7 man- “| wavri,every, { ner being understood. ) { ἐν, in, 3.4 παντί, every, | τόπῳ, place, locus, 1. Mark xvi. 20(ap.) 1. Luke ix. 6. in every place. in every direction, Ges LT TrAw®&.) — Acts villi. 4, seego. 1. Acts xxviii. 22. if, xvii. 30. 1 Cor ty. ΚΙ. 1. — xxi. 28 (πανταχῆ, | 2. ΕΙ, iy, 12. 8. 1 Tim. ii. 8. EVERY WHIT. ὅλος, see * ALL,” Λο. 2. a. John vii. 23; a. xiii. 10. EVERY WOMAN. (When not separate words in the Greek.) έκαστος, each, see ‘‘ EVERY,” Vo. 5. 1 Cor, vii. 2 (fem.) EVERY (ν.) κατά, see “EvERY,” No. 3b. Acts v. 42. xiy. 23, —— Xv, 2] Ist. Acts xx. 23. xxii. 19. — xxvi.ll,with ras(pl.) Titus i. 5. EVERY (1ΝΤο,) Acts viii. 3. EVI EVERY (ovr or.) Luke viii. 4. EVERY (THROUGHOUT.) Luke viii. 1. EVERY QUARTER (ΕΠΟΝ) πανταχόθεν, from all sides. Mark i. 45 (πάντοθεν, from every place, ἄν LT Tr A.) EVERY SIDE (ον.) 1. πάντοθεν, from every place, hence, on every side. 9 ἐν, in, ὶ in every (way, man- παντί, CVELY, ner o7 side.) 1. Luke xix. 43. 2. 2 Cor. iv. 8. ΄ EVIDENCE. ἔλεγχος, evidence, demonstration, proof, convincing argument, (occ. 2 Tim. iii. 16, ἐλεγμός, conviction, reproof, LT Tr Αα.) Heb. xi. 1. EVIDENT. . δῆλος, plain, manifest, made known. κατάδηλος, most evident, etc., (No. 1 with κατά, intensive, ) (non occ. ) πρόδηλος, manifest beforehand, or manifest before a//, conspicuous, (No. 1 with πρό, before, prefixed.) 1. Gall i 11. 3. Heb. vii. 14. — Phil. i. 28, see token. 2. 15. EVIDENTLY. φανερῶς, openly, ze. clearly, manifestly, (οσο. Mark 1. 45; John vii. 10.) Acts x. 8. | Gal iii. 1, see set forth. EVIL [noun and adj. | 1. πονηρός, causing or having labour, sorrow, pain; (denoting the more active form of evil,) hence, evil, ma- lignant. (a) with article, ὁ πονηρός, the Evil one, the active worker out of evil, with * prefixed denotes the transla- tion by the adj. in English. EVI 2. κακός, bad, generically, embracing every form of evil whether moral or physical, (hence No. 3.) κακόν, (neut.) as subs., with * prefixed denotes the translation by the adj. in English. 3. κακία, badness, the evil habit of mind not restricted to malevolence, but gen. badness in its forms of meanness, cowardice, etc., but sometimes malice. 4. κακῶς, (adv. of No. 2,) badly, ill, evil physically or morally. 5. φαῦλος, light, blown about by every wind, (with a moral reference opp. to ἀγαθός, good,) worthless, good for nothing, (like the old Eng. naughty JSrom nought. ) With * denotes that it is translated by the English adjective. πονηρός, evil, see Vo. 1, ῥῆμα, a word as uttered by | evil 6 the living voice; not | word ή merely the word, but the or whole matter to which it | matter. relates, (Every reference is included in this list, except EVIL SPEAKING and SPEAK EVIL, for’ which see under SPEAK.) 6. Matt. v. 11 (om. ῥῆμα, word, L Τ (8th ed.) Tr 5. la. 37, 39. i, 45. la. —— vi. 13. a hal 23. 8. 34. i. vii. 11, 17, 18. 1. —— ix. 4(p pl.) 1", xii. 34, 35 Ist ἃ 9πὰ. - 35 3rd, see E thing. 1", 890, 1*.—— xv. 19 1*.—— xx. 15 2".—— xxiv. 48 2, —— xxvii. 23. — Mark iii, 4, see E (do.) 2", —— vii. 21. 1. 92. -- 23, see E thing. 2. —— xv. 14. 1. Luke iii. 19. — — vi. 9, see E (do.) 13, 22. Ἵν 35. 1 45 Ist ἃ 2nd. -- 40 ϑτά βθο E(that which is.) 1*.—- vii. 21. 1*.—— viii. 2. la.—— xi. 4 (ap.) 18. 13, 29, 34. —— xvi. 25, see E thing. 2. —— xxiii. 22. 1*. John iii. 19. 5 20 (pl.) 5. John ν. 29 (pL) 1*.—— vii. — — xvii.15,see E(the.) 4. —— xviii. 23 lst. 2. 93 2nd. — Acts vii. 6, 19, see E entreat. 2. —— ix. 13 (pl.) — — xiv.?2,see Εὶ affected (make.) — —xvili. 14, see Εὶ doing. 1*,—— xix. 12, 18, 15, 16. 4, —— xxiii. 5. 2. 9. — Rom. i. 30,see E thing. 2. —— ii. 9. 2. —— iii. 8 (pL) 2, —— vii. 19, 21. 2. ——ix. 11 oo 491, yi by 5. — — xii. 9, see E (that which is.) 2. 17 twice, 21 twice. and xiii. 3. “= 41st (see Εἰ (that which is.) 7 4 2nd. 2".—— xiv. 20. 2. xvi. 19. — 1 Cor. x. 6,see E thing. 2. —— xiii. 5. 2°,—— xv. 33. — 2 Cor. vi. 8, see report. τ — xiii. 7. . Gal. 1. 4. 1° Eph, v. 16. 1*.—— vi. 18. [ 263 ] EVI or. Phil, Ae 4, 1", Jas. ii. 4. 23. Col. iii. δ. 2. —— iii 8, 2.1 Thes. v. 15 twice. 5, 16, pe 22. 1*.—— iv. 16. la. 2 Thes. iii. 3. -- 1 Pet. ii. 12, 14, see E 1*. 1 Tim. vi. 4. doer. 2. 10 (pl.) 2. —— iii. Otwice, 10, 11, — 2 Tim. ii. 9, see E doer. 12 (pL) 1*.—— iii. 13. -- 16, see E doer. 2. —— iv. 14(pL) = 17, see E doing. Lt; 18. —— iv. 15, see E doer. 2*, Titus i. 12. — — ii. 8, see E thing. 1”. 1 John iii. 12. — 3 John 11 15t,see E(that 1", Heb. iii. 12. which is.) 2. —-yv. 14. -- 11 2nd, see E πρὶ x, 20, (do.) 2. Jas. i. 13 (pl.) (marg. | — Rev. ii. 2, see E (they evils.) which are.) EVIL DOING. 1. ἀδίκημα, an injustice, a wrong, a crime. 2, κακοποιέω, (“ EVIL,” No. 2 prefixed to ποιέω, to do, to do evil, practice sin. 1. Acts xxiv. 20. | 2. 1 Pet. iii. 17 (part.) EVIL DOER. 1. κακοῦρχος, an evil-worker. 2. κακοποιός, an evil-doer. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 9. 2. 1 Pet. iii. 16 (ap.) 2. 1 Pet. ii. 12, 14. 2, ——iv. 10. EVIL ENTREAT. κακόω, to affect with κακός, (see ‘ EVIL,” No. 2,) physically, to ill use, mal- treat, to harm; morally, to exas- perate. Acts vii. 6, 19. EVIL THING (-s.) 1. πονηρός, see “Εν,” No. 1. 2. κακός, see “Evin,” No. 2. 3. φαῦλος, see “EvIL,” Vo. 5. 1. Matt. xii. 35, (neut 2. Rom. i. 80, } (nent. 1. Mark vii. 38, ο “Ty 2.1 Cor. x. 6, f pl.) 2, Luke xvi. 25,) ἢ 3. Titus ii, 8 (neut.) EVIL DO. (Where not two separate words in the Greek. ) , . κακοποιέω, to do evil, (“xvin,” No. Mark iii. 4. practice sin, 2 with ποιέω, to do.) | Luke vi. 9. 8 John 11. EVI EVIL (rHaT WHICH 18.) πονηρός, 866 “uvit,” Vo. 1, Ὶ (a) with κακός, see “ uyiL,” Vo. 2, article, la. Luke vi. 45. 2a. Rom. xiil. 4. la. Rom. xii. 9. 2a. 3 John 11. EVIL (tHE.) 6, the, πονηρός, see “Evi,” No. 1. John xvii. 15. EVIL (THEY WHICH ARE.) κακός, 866 “ EVIL,” Wo. 2. Rey, ii. 2 (pL) EVIL AFFECTED (makgz.) κακόω, 866 “EVIL ENTREAT.” Acts xiv. 2. See also, SPEAK and SPEAKING. EXACT [verb. | πράσσω, to do, expressing an action con- tinued, not completed, to do, 1.6., to exercise, practice. Zhen in ref. to a person, to do to or in respect to any one, (im N.T.) only of harm or evil, also, im the sense of to do a person, 1,6. to get money from any one. Luke iii. 13. EXALT (-£D, ~ETH.) ὑψόω, to raise high, elevate, lift up, (spoken of the brazen serpent, and of Jesus on the cross.) Metaph. to elevate, 1.6. to dignity, ete., to exalt. Matt. xi. 28. Luke xviii, 14 twice. xxiii, 12 twice. Acts ii. 88, Luke 1, 52. v. 31, x. 16. — xiii. 17. — xiv. 11 twice. 2 Cor. xi. 7, 1 Pet. ν. 6. EXALT HIGHLY. ὑπερυψόω, to make high aboye, raise high aloft ; only used metaph. to highly exalt over all, (non occ.) Phil. ii, 9. [ 264 ] EXA EXALT ONE’S SELF. 1. ἐπαίρω, to take up, raise up (as a sail or one’s hands, ete.) (a) Mid. to lift wp one’s self, raise up as against any thing. Metaph. to be lifted up, become elated. 2. ὑπεραίρω, to lift up over or above any thing. (a) Mid. to lift up one’s self over others, or over-much, become con- ceited, arrogant, etc. la. 2 Cor. x. 5 ; | la. 2 Cor. xi. 20. 2a, 2 Thes. ii. 4. EXALTED ABOVE MEASURE (85) 2a, 2 Cor, xii. 7 Ist, 7 2nd (ap.) EXALTED (in THAT HE Is.) ἐν, in, τῶ, the, ὕψει, uplifting, αὐτοῦ, of him, be in his P’ ( uplifting. if lifting, Jas. i. 9. EXAMINATION. ἀνάκρισις, a dividing or separating up, hence, examination, Acts xxv. 26, EXAMINE (-np, -1Na.) 3 , . . ἀνακρίνω, to separate ογ" divide up, hence, to examine carefully, investi- gate. 5 / . . ἀνετάζω, to examine thoroughly, in- quire strictly, esp. by scourging or torture, (ἐτασ μός, is used of torture im 2 Mace. vii. 37,) (non oce. ) δοκιμάζω, to prove by test, put to the proof, examine ; esp. metals, etc., by fire, and of other things by use; to examine, judge of, estimate ; hence, approve by trial. πειράζω, to make trial ; of actions, to attempt, try ; of persons, to put to the test, im a good or bad sense. . Luke xxiii. 14, 1, Acts xxiv. 8, . Acts iv. 9, 1, —— xxviii. 18 (part.) _— xii, 19, 1. 1 Cor. ix. 8. . — xxii. 24. 3, —— xi. 28, 29,marg. torture, 4. 2 Cor, xiii. 5. EXA EXAMPLE. δεῖγμα, that which is shown, a sample, specimen, example, (non occ. ) ὑπόδειγμα, (No. 1 with ὑπό, under, prefixed, ) that which is shown under or before the eyes, i.e. plainly. τύπος, anything produced by repeated blows, hence, a mark or impression made by a hard substance on one of softer material ; then, a model, pat- tern, exemplar in the widest sense, (Eng. type.) 4. ὑπογραμμός, a writing-copy, hence, a pattern, ete., for imitation, (non oce. ) — Matt. 1. 19, 96ο E(make | 3. 1 Tim. iv. 12. a public.) 2. Heb. iv. 11. 2. John xiii. 15. 2. —— viii. 5, — Rom. xv. 5, see Β οὗ] 2. Jas. v. 10. (after the.) 4. 1 Pet. ii, 21. 3. 1 Cor. x. 6, marg figure. 1. Jude 7. EXAMPLE OF (after the) [margin. ] κατά, down. j (a) with Gen. down from. (b) with Acc. down upon, over against, hence, according to, (some standard of comparison being stated or implied.) Ῥ. Rom. xv. 5, text, according lo. EXAMPLE (ΜΑΚΗ A PUBLIC.) παραδειγματίζω, to make an example of near or beside others, hence,. to. ex- pose to public shame as an example to others, (occ. Heb. vii. 6.) Matt. i. 19 (δειγματίζω, to make an example (Gr LT Tr A).) EXCEED. 1. ὑπερβάλλω, to throw or cast over or beyond, (1.6, beyond a certain limit.) Also to throw beyond or farther than another, to surpass in throwing, hence gen., to surpass, excel, exceed. 2. περισσεύω, to be over and above, to be over a certain number o7 mea- sure, hence, to abound, exceed. 2. Matt. v.20 (with πλεῖον, 1. 2 Cor. ix. 14. more.) 1. Eph. i. 19. 2 Cor. iii. 9, 1. — ii. 7. EXCEEDING. “1, λίαν, much, very, exceedingly. [ 265 ] EXC 2. σφόδρα, vehemently, eagerly, very much. 6, the, here, Dative case, 1 θέος, God, to God. κατά, exceedingly ᾿ ὑπερβολή, { super-eminently. . Matt. ii. 10, 1. Luke xxiii. 8. . 16. 8. Acts vii.20, God. ειν. 8. 4. Rom. vii. 13. . — viii. 28. — 2 Cor. iv. 17, see E (far . —— xvii. 23. more.) _— xxvi. 22. — 1 Pet. iv. 13, . Mark ix. 8. — Jude 24, } see joy. 2. Rev. xvi. 21. EXCEEDING (rar MoRE.) in asurpassing man- ner, still surpassing, (referring here to the verb ‘working out,’ not to the word ‘eter- nal,’ which forbids such a qualification ; nor to’weight, which is separated from it by the adjective. ) 2 Cor. iv. 17. κατά, according to, ὑπερβολή, ἃ passing Ὀ6- yond, surpass- ing, εἰς, unto, ὑπερβολή, a surpassing, See also, ABUNDANT, ABUNDANTLY, GLAD, GREAT, JOYFUL, SORROWFUL, SORRY. EXCEEDINGLY. 1. περισσοτέρως, more abundantly, more, whether of number or degree. 2. σφόδρα, vehemently, eagerly, very much, (πει. pl. of σφοδρός, eager, vehement. ) 3. σφοδρῶς, (adv.) vehemently, eagerly, very much. ὑπὲρ, over ; with Gen. (as here), above, > ex, from, out of, περισσοῦ, above the ordinary measure, ὕ φόβον, fear, * | μέγαν, great, 2. Matt, xix. 26, 5. Mark iv. 41. — — xy. 14, seo E (the more.) 4, 1 Thes, iii, 10, — Acts xvi,20,see trouble. | — 2 Thes, i. 8, see grow. — Heb, xii, 21, see fear, exceeding abundantly. ha great fear. 8, Acts xxvii. 18. 1, 2 Cor. vii. 18. — Gal. i. 14, see E (more.) EXCEEDINGLY (Μ0ΚΕ.) 1. Gal. i. 14. EXC [ 266 ἢ EXC EXCEEDINGLY (rue more.) 1. Mark xv. 14 (περισσῶς, vehemently, G L T (8th ed.) Tr A.) EXCEL (-ErTH.) περισσεύω, to be over and above, to excel az number or measure. ὑπερβάλλω, to throw or cast beyond a certain limit or goal; also to throw beyond or farther than another, hence, to surpass, exceed, excel. 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 12. | 2. 2 Cor. iii. 10. bo EXCELLENCY. ὑπερβολή, a throwing or casting be- yond, hence, a surpassing, super- eminence, excellence. 2. ὑπερέχω, (a) trans. to hold over. (Ὁ) zntrans. to hold one’s self over, 1.6. to be over, jut out over or beyond ; also, to hold one’s self above, 1.6, to be superior, excel. 3. ὑπεροχή, (from No. 2,) a prominence, eminence; of things, superiority, excellence, (οσο. 1 Tim. ii. 2.) Beli Corsi. 3. | 1, 2 0ος. iv. 7. 2b. Phil iii. 8 (part.) EXCELLENT. μεγαλοπρεπής, becoming to a great man, magnanimous ; of things, magnifi- cent, (non occ. ) 2 Pet. i. 17. EXCELLENT (more) IL διαφορώτερος, (comp. of διάφορος, di- verse, various, distinguished,) more distinguished. 3, πλείων, more, (the usual comp. of πολύς, much,) properly of number, but also of magnitude and in com- parison expressed or implied. { κατά, according to, 3.4 ὑπερβολή, see “ EX- | CELLENCY,” Λο.], 8. 1 Cor. xii. 31. 1. Heb. i. 4. ] more excellent or surpassing. 1. Heb. viii. 6. 2. xi. 4. EXCELLENT (oszt.) κράτιστος, (superl. of κράτος, power in effect, force, superiority,) most ex- \ cellent, most noble, (used in ad- dressing persons of rank and author- ity. Luke i. 3. | Acts xxiii, 26, EXCELLENT (THINGS THAT ARE.) the things that are different. τὰ, the things, διαφέροντα, different, dis- crepant, Phil. 1, 10, marg. differ. { EXCELLENT (THE THINGS THAT ARE MORE.) Rom. ii. 8, marg. differ. EXCEPT. v, (for εἰ ἄν,) in ἢ case, if perhaps in case... not(the condition referr- (assuming the ο ο κ hypothesis as a | 9 τῇ i possibility or un- time.) ἢ followed j 1 κ. by the Aorist certainty with the prospect of subj. which may decision ) be rendered by } 7 μή, not, J the fut. perfect. + followed by the Subj. pres. , in case, if pos- sibly, (more de- cisive and less in case... not(as- suming an incred- uncertain than { ible or untenable ἐάν,) hypothesis. ) μή, not, ἐκτός, without, besides, ) except the except, case if or in case, r 9 | unless in- μή; not, \ ο deed. in case, (see) except perhaps, above, Ὁ unless perchance ἡ μὴ, not, or unless in some t, some or any | respect, (non i. i respect, oce. ) 5. παρεκτός, near by without, ze. on the outside, without. 6. πλήν, more than, over and above, hence, besides, except. 1*, Matt. v. 20. 11. John iii. 2. 1*,—— xii. 20, 1, 8, 5. 1*,—— xviii. 8, 11. 27. 2, —— xix. 9 (ap.) 1*,—— iv, 48, 2, —— xxiv. 22. 1*.—— vi. 44, 53 1*,—— xxvi. 42. 11. 65. 1*, Mark iii. 27, 1*,—— xii, 24. 1*,_—. vii. 8, 4. 1*.—— xv. 4 twice. — — xiii./20,see E that. 2, —— xix. 11. 4. Luke ix. 10. 6. Acts viii. 1. [ 267 ] 1*. Acts viii. 31. τ, xv. 1. — — xxiv. 21, see E it be 5. —— xxvi. 29. 1*,—— xxvii. 31. 2. Rom. vii. 7. 2. —— ix. 29. 7, ας 10. 9. 2 Cor. xii. 19. 4. —— xiii. 5. 1", 2 Thes. ii. 8. 1*, 2 Tim. ii. 5. 1*. Rev. ii. 5, 22. EXCEPT IT BE. ” . ἢ, either, or. Acts xxiv. 21. EXCEPT THAT. εἰ μή, see “ ExcEPT,” Wo. 2. Mark xiii. 20. EXCEPTED (ΒΕ) ἐκτός, without, beside, except, (here lit., there is an excepting of the one who, etc. ) 1 ΟὐΣ. xv: 27. EXCESS. . ἀκρασία, incontinence, intemperance, (οσο. 1 Cor. vii. 5.) . ἀνάχυσις, α pouring out upon, empty- ing out, (non occ. ) . ἀσωτία, the life and character of an ἄσωτος (not to be saved, past hope,) profligacy, debauchery, (occ. Tit. i. 6; 1 Pet. iv. 4.) 1. Matt. xxiii. 25 (9) | 3. Eph. v. 18. (ἀδικία, injustice, G.) | —1 Pet. iv. 3, see wine. 2. 1 Pet. iv. 4. EXCHANGE (ν.) ἀντάλλαγμα, that which is exchanged against anything, compensation, equivalent, hence gen., price, (non ους, ) Matt. xvi. 26. | Mark viii. 87. EXCHANGER (-s.) τραπεζίτης, a tabler, i.e. one who sat at a table and exchanged money, or re- ceived it on deposit, (non oce. ) Matt, xxv. 27. EXCLUDE (-ep.) ἐκκλείω, to shut out, to exclude, (non ους, ) Rom. iii. 27 (pass.) | Gal. iv. 17. EXE EXCOMMUNICATE [margin.] ἐκβάλλω, to throw or cast out; gen. with the idea of force or impulse. John ix. 34 twice (text, cast out.) EXCUSE [noun] [margin.] πρόφασις, what is shown or appears be- fore any one, ze. show, pretence, pretext. John xv. 22 (text, cloak.) EXCUSE (make.) παραιτέομαι, to ask near any one, 1.6. at his hands, to obtain by asking ; to entreat that something may not be done, to ask aside or away, hence, to excuse one’s self from an invitation. Luke xiv. 18. EXCUSE (wirnovt.) ἀναπολόγητος, without apology or de- fence, (occ. Rom. ii. 1.) Rom. i. 20. EXCUSE (50, -ING.) ἀπολογέομαι, to speak one’s self off, έ,ε., to plead for one’s self, defend one’s self before a tribunal. Rom. ii. 15. EXCUSE ONE’S SELF. 2 Cor. xii. 19. EXCUSED (ΒΕ) παραιτέομαι, see “ EXCUSE (MAKE.)” Luke xiv. 18, 19 (pass) EXECRATION (bind with an oath of) [margin. ] ἀναθεματίζω, to declare one to be ἀνά- θεμα (accursed), to bind by a curse. Acts xxiii, 12 (text, bind under a curse.) EXECUTE (αν.) ποιέω, to make, bring about, effect ; to do, execute, practice, (eg. to do judgment, ze. to act as a judge. John ν. 27. | Luke i. 8, see priest. Jude 10. EXE EXECUTIONER. σπεκουλάτωρ, Lat. speculator or spicula- tor, (from spicula, a spear,) Eng. a pike-man, halberdier. Jn Roman army forming the body-guard and acting as executioners, (non occ.) Mark vi. 27. EXERCISE [noun.] γυμνασία, gymnastic exercise, (so called because practised nude or nearly so, see below, ) (non oce. ) 1 Tim, iv. 8. [ 268 ] EXERCISE (-ΕΡ, -ΕΤΗ.) 1. γυμνάζω, to practise gymnastic exer- cises, (from γυμνός, naked,) hence, to train, accustom, (non occ. ) 2. ἀσκέω, to work up with skill, as raw materials, hence, to exercise one’s self in any thing, to endeavour, strive, (non occ.) 3. ποιέω, see “ EXECUTE.” — Matt. xx.25,see author- 2. Acts xxiv. 16, ity and dominion. | LL Dim: ἐν. 7. — Mark x. 42, see author- 1. 1 Heb. v. 14. ity and lordship. 1. — xii. 1]. — Lukexxii.25,see author- | 1. 2 Pet. ii. 14. ity and lordship. 3. Rev. xiii. 12. EXHORT (5, -ΕΤΗ, -1NG.) 1. παρακαλέω, to call to one, call near, call for ; every kind of speaking to which is meant to produce a particu- lar effect, e.g. exhortation, comfort, encouragement. 2. παραινέω, to tell ov speak of near, before or to any one; hence, to re- commend, warn, (occ. Acts xxvii. 9.) 3. προτρέπω, to turn forward, 1.6. to propel, impel, morally. (a) Mid. to cause one to turn himself forward ; hence, to exhort, to morally impel him onward, (non ace. ) 1. Acts ii. 40. 1. 1 Thes,v.14,marg. (text nee ar 1, 2Thes. iii. 12, (beseech.) 1. —— xiv. 22, 1. 1 Tim. ii. 1, marg. de- 1. —— xv. 32. 1, —— vi. 2. (sive. 8a,—— xviii. 27. 1. 2 Tim, iv. 2. 2. xxvii. 22. 1, Titusi. 9, 1. Rom, xii. 8. 1, —— ii. 6, 15. 1. 2 Cor. ix. 5. 1. Heb. iii. 13. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 11. —— x. 25, see E one 1. — iv. 1. another. 1, ——v. 11, marg. (text, | 1. 1 Pet. v. 1, 12, comfort.) 1, Jude 3, EXP EXHORT ONE ANOTHER. 1. Heb. x. 25. EXHORTATION. παράκλησις, a calling near, a summons to one’s side ; hence, an admonitory encouraging and consolatory ex- hortation, invitation or entreaty, (opp. to παραίνεσις, warning.) Luke iii.18,see Εἰ (inone’s)| 2 Cor. viii. 17. Acts xiii. 15. 1 Thes. ii. 3. —xx. 2, see E (give 1 Tim. iv. 13. Rom. xii. 8. [much.)] Heb, xii. 5. 1 Cor. xiv. 3. — xiii. 22. EXHORTATION (σιν MucH.) exhorting [them] with παρακαλέω, see “Ἐχ- HoRT,” Λο. 1, λόγω, discourse, much ἱ τολλὸ, much, discourse. Acts xx. 2. EXHORTATION (in one’s.) παρακαλέω, see ExHORT,” Vo. 1. Luke iii. 18 (part.) EXORCIST. ἐξορκιστής, one who uses an oath, 1.6. one who by adjuration professes to expel demons, (Hng. exorcist, non oce. ) Acts xix. 13. EXPECT (-1NG.) 1. ἐκδέχομαι, to receive from another, hence, of kings, to succeed. In V.7. inactively to be about to receive from another, hence, to wait for. 2. προσδοκάω, to watch toward or for anything, hence, to look for, expect. 2. Acts iii. 5. | 1, Heb. x. 18. EXPECTATION. προσδοκία, a watching or looking for, expectation, (in V.7' only of evil, occ. Luke xxi. 26.) Acts xii, 11. EXPECTATION (BE 1.) προσδοκάω, sce “ EXPECT,” Vo. 2. Luke iii. 15 (part.) (marg. suspense.) EXP EXPECTATION (ΠΛΗΝΕΣΤ.) ἀποκαραδοκία, a looking away towards any thing with the head bent for- ward, (from ἀπό, from, κάρα, the head, and δοκεύω, to look.) Phil. i. 20. Rom. viii. 19. | EXPEDIENT (5.) συμφέρω, to bear or bring together, to contribute, to collect ; hence, to be profitable, expedient, advantageous. * Intrans. and Impers. John xi. 50.* 1 Cor, χ. 28. — xvi. 7”. 2 Cor. viii. 10.* — xviii. 14.* [profitable. — xii. 1.3 1Cor. vi. 12, marg. be EXPEL (-Lep.) ἐκβάλλω, to throw or cast out. Acts xiii. 50. EXPERIENCE. δοκιμή, proof, trial ; either the state of being tried, a trying ; or, the state of having been tried, tried, probity, approved integrity. Rom. ν. 4 twice. EXPERIMENT. δοκιμή, see above. 2 Cor. ix. 13. EXPERT. γνώστης, a knower, 7.¢., one who knows, (non oce. ) Acts xxvi. 3. EXPIRE (-Ep.) 1. πληρόω, to make full, fill up. 2. τελέω, to end, to finish. 1. Acts vii. 50 (part. pass.) 2. Rev. xx. 7 (µετά, aster, instead of ὅταν τελευσθῇ, whensoever may be ended, Goo.) EXPOUND (-gp.) that may perish, oce. Acts vii. 21, past.) (a) in Mid. to set forth, to expound, declare. [ 269 ] 1. ἐκτίθημι, to place out (as an infant | 4 EYE 2. διερµηνεύω, to interpret fully, to thoroughly explain. 3. ἐπιλύω, to let loose upon, solve ; ex- plain farther. 8. Mark iv. 34. la. Acts xi. 4. 2. Luke xxiv. 27. la.—— xviii. 26. la. Acts xxviii. 23. EXPRESS. See, IMAGE, EXPRESSLY. ῥητῶς, in express words, (adv. of ῥητός, said or expressed in words.) 1 Tim. iv. 1. EXTORTION, ἁρπαγή, the act of seizing upon or snatching away, plundering, pil- lage, (occ. Heb. x. 34; Luke xi. 39.) Matt. xxiii. 25. EXTORTIONER. ἅρπαξ, (adj. of above, ) ravenous, (spoken of wild beasts, rapacious, (occ. Matt. _vii. 15.) Luke xviii. 11. 1 Cor. ν 10, 1. | 1 Cor. vi. 10. EYE (-s.) 1. ὀφθαλμός, the eye, (oce. Acts i. 9, pl.) ὄμμα. sight; the eye, (No. 1 may be applied to the Deity, but No. 2 can only be applied with propriety to men. ) bo 3. τρυμαλιά, a hole, eye of a needle, (from τρύω, to rub through,) (non οσο, ) 4. τρύπημα, a hole, eye of a needle, (from τρυπάω, to bore,) (non occ. ) 1. Matt. v. 29, 38. 1. Matt. xxi. 42. 1, —— vi. 22 twice, 23, 1. —— xxvi. 43. vii. θείος 4twice, | 1, Mark vii. 22 6 twice, 1. —— viii. 18 ΕΝ ix. 29, 30. 9, 98, 1. —— xiii. 15 twice, 10, 1. 25. 1. — xvii. 8. 1. —— ix, 47 Ist ἃ 3rd, 1. —— xviii. 9 lst ἃ 3rd. τες 47 2n4 see E(with - 9 2nd see E (with one.) one.) 3. ——-x. 25. : xix, 24. 1. — xii. 11 1. —— xx. 15, 33. 1. —— xiv. 40. 5415. (No.2, L T } 1. Luke ii. 80. (8th ed.) Tr A.) 1 iv. 20. 1 —— 34 2nd (omit, | 1 vi. 20, 41 twice, αὐτῶν vi ὀφθαλμοὶ, 42 4 times. their eyea, 1 T(8th ed.) | 1. —— x. 23. TrA®) 1, —— xi. 84 twice. EYE [ 270 ] FAC 1. Luke xvi. 23. 1. Rom. iii. 18. η Ἱ --- ach aes es 1. Gres xi. 8, 10. EYE-SALVE. 3. 25 (τρῆμα,α hole, 1 or. ii. 9, , . , LTTra g) 1, —— xii, 16, 17, 21. κολλούριον, (dim. of κολλύρα, a coarse ip, ax, 42. 1. —— xv. 52. bread ov cake,) a small cake. Jn 1, —— xxiv. 16, 31. 1. Gal. iii. 1. NT. E. era 1 1. John iv. Se 1 at iv. 15. ae a ng. Collyriam, Cye naa 1, —vi. 1. Eph. i. 18. *e ᾿ , f ες δ 10, 11, 14,15, | 1. Heb. iy. 18. resembling the dough of the κολλύρα, 17, 21, 26, 30, 32. 1. 1 Pet. ΠΠ, 12. (non occ. ) 1. —x. 21. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 14. Rev. iii. 18. Sar ese 1. 1 John i. 1. 1, —— xii. 40 twice. 1, ——ii. 11, 16. 1. xvii. 1. 1. Rey. i. 7, 14. bi — Acts iii. 4, see fasten. 1. — ii 15. EYE SERVICE. 1. ix. 8,18, 40. i ΤΉ > ῃ κος — — xi. 6, see fasten 1. —— iv. 6, 8. ὀφθα λμοδουλεία, eye-Service, 1,6. render ed — — xiii. 9, see set. 1. ——v. 6. only under or for the master’s eye, 1. — xxvi. 15. 1. ——vii. 17. 1: —— xxviii. 27 twice. 1, ——xix. 12. (non occ. ) 1. Rey. xxi. 4. Eph. vi. 6. | Col, iii. 99. EYE-WITNESS. EYE (with ONE.) μονόφθαλμος, one-eyed, having lost an eye. Matt. xviii. 9. Mark ix. 47. 1. αὐτόπτης, self-beholding, i.e. an eye- witness, (non occ. ) 2. ἐπόπτης, a looker-on, spectator, hence eye-witness, (non occ. ) 1. Luke i. 2. | 2. 2 Pet. i. 16. F FABLE. μῦθος, anything delivered by word of mouth, and so in its widest sense word, speech, talk; then, the subject of speech or talk, a tale, story, legend. After Pindar, it always denotes fiction, fable, a mythic tale. In Attie Greck prose it usually de- noted a legend of the early Greek times before the dawn of history. 2 Tim. iv. 4. Titus i. 14, 1 Tim. i. 4. —- iv. 7. 2 Pet. i. 16. FACE (-s.) 1. πρόσωπον, the part towards, at or around the eye ; hence, gen. the face, visage, countenance. 2. ὄψις, the sight, faculty of seeing ; then, the thing seen, appearance ; hence, aspect, looks, 7.e. the face or 1. Luke xxi. 35. Ἰ. οσο π. alk 1. —— xxii. 64 (ap.) 1 1 Thes. ii. 17. 1. —— xxiv. 5. ας iii. 10. 2. John xi. 44. 1. Jas. 1. 23; 1. Acts vi. 15 twice. 1. 1 Pet. πὶ 12 1. —— vii. 45. — ῶ John 12, ) see F to 1. —— xvii. 26. — 3 John 14, } F. 1. — xx. 25, 38. 1. Rev. iv. 7. — — χχν. 16, see Ε to Τ᾿ ub vi. 16. 1. 1 Cor. xiii. 19 twice. 1. — vii. 11. 1. —— xiv. 25. 1. —— ix. 7. 1, 2 Cor: iii, 7, 18, 18. 1—x.1, 1. —— iv. 6. 1. —— xi. 16. 1. —— xi. 20. 1. —— xii. 14. 1. Gal. i. 22. 1. — xx. 11. 1. — ii. 11. 1, —— xxii. 4. FACE TO FACE. face. 1 he used distributively, \ face to πρόσωπον, see No. 1 above, | 4 στόμα, mouth, bee? towards, ἰ στόμα; mouth, bo 1. Acts xxv. 16. | 2. 8 John 14. | -mouth to mouth. 2. 2 John 19, countenance. 1. Matt. vi. 16, 17. 1. Luke i. 76. 1. —— xi. 10. 1. ——ii. 31. 1. — xvi. 3. ], —v. 12, 1. —— xvii. 2, 6. 1. —— vii. 27. 1. —— xviii. 10. 1, —— ix. 51, 52, 53. 1. —— xxvi. 39, 67. 1. ---- κ. 1. 1. Ματ]ς 1. 2. 1. —— xii. 56. 1, —— xiv. 65. 1, —— xvii. 16. FACTION [margin. ] διχοστασία, a standing apart, dissension, discord. 1 Cor. 111, 8, text, division (om. G3 LT Tr A 8.) FAD FADE AWAY. µαραίνω, to put out, to extinguish (as Jire. (a) Pass. to go out, expire, die away, decay, (non oce. ) a. Jas, i. 11. FADETH NOT AWAY (tHat.) 1. ἀμάραντος, (adj. of above) unfading. 9, ἀμαράντινος, (adj. of ἀμάραντος, the proper name of the amarynth or everlasting flower,) amaranthine. 1. 1 Pet. i. 4. | 9. 1 Pet. ν. 4. FAIL. ἐκλείπω, to leave out of or off, z.e. to relinquish, desert ; to leave off, ze. to fail, to cease, (non 000, ) ἐπιλείπω, to leave ov forsake upon, 1.6. in or during anything ; hence, to fail, not to suffice, (non occ.) πίπτω, to fall, fall to the ground, hence, to become void. ἐκπίπτω, to fall out of, fall away from, fail. καταργέω, to leave unemployed or idle ; make useless, void, abolish ; put an end to, to lay aside. ὑστερέω, to be last, hindmost ; hence, to come short of, not to reach, miss. 1 Cor. xiii. 81st (No. 3, LTr AW.) μ § 2nd, . Heb. i. 12. .— xi. 32. . ——xii. 15, with ἀπό, from (marg. fall from.) — Luke xii. 33, see F not | 4. .) —— xxi. ‘16, see F them (men’s hearts. ) 1, —— xxii. 32. FAILING THEM (men’s nearts.) ἀποψυχόντοι, swooning, ready to die, (non oce. ) οἱ ἀνθρώποι, the men, (non occ. ) Luke xxi. 26. FAILETH NOT (rHar.) ἀνέκλειπτος, (No.1, with a, not, prefixed, ) unfailing. Luke xii. 33. ae: 1 FAI FAIN (woutp.) ἐπιθυμέω, to fix the desire upon, desire earnestly, long for, denoting the inward affection of the mind. Luke xv. 16. FAINT (-gp.) 1. ἐκλύω, to loose out of, to set free from ; to loosen out, relax, weary. In N.T. only Pass. or Mid. to be weary, exhausted, esp. from failure of power, (non occ. ) 2. ἐκκακέω, to turn out a coward, {.6. to lose one’s courage. Jn N.T. gen. to be faint-hearted, esp. in view of trial or difficulty, or from moral weakness. 3. κάμνω, to work one’s self weary, be weary (or even sick), (occ. Heb. xii. 3; Jas. v. 15.) . Matt. ix. 36, with εἰμί, to be, marg. be tired and lay doun(oKidAw, to flay, lacerate, GL TTA. Nt) . — xv. 32. . Mark viii. 3. . 2 Cor. iv. 1, 16. . Gal. vi. 9. . Eph. iii. 13. .2 Thes. iii 19, marg. (text, be weary.) . Heb. xii. 3, 5. . Rey. ii. 3. . Luke xviii. 1. FAIR. ἀστεῖος, of the town, (from ἄστυ, and so like Lat. urbanus, from urbs,) polite, opp. to ἄγροικος, (of the country, a countryman ;) esp. clever, polished. Of the external form, well- yas (See descr αν of Moses, Ex. ii. 2; Jos. Ant. ii. 9, 6, 7), (066. Heb. xi. 23.) Matt. xvi. 2, see weather. | Rom. xvi. 18, see speech es, Acts vii. 20. Gal. vi. 12, see show, FAIR HAVENS (rue.) καλὸς, handsome, beautiful. λιμήν, a haven, harbour, port. Acts xxvii. 8, FAITH. 1, πίστις, faith, ὁ.6. firm persuasion, the conviction which is based upon trust, not upon knowledge; a firmly re- lying confidence cherished by convic- tion “and bidding defiance to opposing contradictions. FAI 2. ἐλπίς, hope, ὦ. 6. expectation of some- thing future; a dearly cherished and apparently well-grounded ex- pectation and desired good. — Matt. vi. 30, see F (little.) 1. Matt. viii. 10. 26, see F (of — vii. 9, 50. — viii. 25, 48. — xii. na see F(little.) — xvii. 5, 6, 19. — xviii. ὁ, 42, — xxii. 32. . Acts iii. 16 twice. — vi. 5, 7. 8 (χάρις, grace, GLTTrAw®.) — xi. 24 — xiii 8. — xiv. 9, 22, 27. — xv. 9. . — xvi. 5. .— xvii. 31, marg. (text, assurance.) Pl sel sel ol ot oll aol γα γα γα sl lol ll γα νά µ @ 4 τῷ Φ 5,8,12,173 times. “iii. ει 22, 25, 27, 28, 20 twice, 31. ———4y, 5, 9, 11, 12, 18, 14, 16 twice, 19, 20. 6” 1» Peer CREE ϱΕΡΡμΡ ie tal — ix. 30, 32. — x. 6, &, 17. — xi. 20. — xii. 3, 6. — xiv. 1, 22, 23twice. --- xvi. 13. μα μὰ μὰ μὰ μὰ μὰ μὰ μὰ μὰ et μὰ μὰ μὰ ν Ὠ ς-] prospect of some 1. 2 Cor. xiii. 5. 1. 6511 23. 1. ——ii. 16twice, 20. Ἱ AD, 7.8.0 ΤΠ 12, 14, 22, 23twice 924. 25, 26. — v. 5, 6, 22. vi. 10. . Eph. i. 15. — ii. 8. — iii. 12, 17. —— iv. 5, 13. — vi. 16, 23. Phil 1. 25, 27. —— ii. 17. — iji. 9 twice. Col. i. 4, 23. | 2 Thes. i. 8, 4,11. — ili. 2 ἘΠ τ ἢ, 19 twice. . — ii. 7, 15. — iii. 6, marg. ἐπ ΤΑΣ ate αερα πλ στις see eer, 10, ἘΠ, ΤΟ. ΟἿ; 2Tim i, 5, 19. — ii. 18, 22. . — iii. 8, 10, 15. . — iv. 7. . Titus i. 1, 4, 19. — ii. 2. . — iii. 15. . Philem. 5, 6. . Heb. iv. 2. — vi. 1, 12. — x. 22. on. 38. ποπ ν.δ, 18] Τιπίεο 8, 9, 11, 13,17, 20, 21, 22; 28, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 39. ο πι xii. 2. . — xiii. 7. ας. 1. 8, 6. . — ii, 1, 5, 14 twice 17, 183times, 20, 22 twice, 24, 26. "μὰ μὰ μὰ . 2 Pet. i. 1, 5 δ. 1 John ν. 4. ᾿ ΠΝ 8, 20. . Rev. ii. 18, 19. — xiii. 10. .— xiv. 12. ο μὰ πὰ αὶ αὶ μὶ FAITH (oF 11111.8.} ὀλιγόπιστος, little of faith, a word used only by our Lord ; and by Ilim only as quoted below, to rebuke four different states of mind, viz., anwiety, fear, the passages. Matt. vi. 30. — viii. 26. doubt, and forgetfulness. See Matt. xiv. 31. — xvi. 8. Luke xii. 28. [ 272 ἢ FAL FAITHFUL. πιστός, prob. a verbal adj. from πείθειν, (to persuade, win by words, in- fluence,) hence ἐξέ may be taken either actively or passively, according to the meanings of the verb. Pass. faithful, trusty, worthy of confi- dence ; of persons, one on Whom we may rely ; of things, trustworthy, sure, firm, certain. Act. trusting, believing. Matt. xxiv. 45. —— xxv. 21 twice, 23twice. 1 Tim. iv. 9. vi.2, marg. believing. Luke xii. 42. 2 Timi 2 11. 15 —— xvi. l0twice, 11,12. | Titusi. 6, 9. —— xix. 17. iii. 8. Acts xvi. 15. Heb. ii. 17. 1 Cor. i. 9. ——lii. 2, 5. — iv. 2, 17. — x. 23. — vii. 25. — xi. 11. — x. 13. 1 Pet. iv. 19. Gal. iii. 9. — v.12. Eph. i. 1. 1 John i. 9. —— vi. 21. Rev. i. 5. Col α. 5,7. —— ii. 10, 13. iv. 7, 9. iii. 14. 1 Thes. v. 24. — xvii. 14. 2 Thes. iii. 3. — xix. 11. 1 Tim. i. 12, 15. —— xxi. 5. — iii. 11. —— xxii. 6. FAITHFULLY. πιστός, see above. 3 John 5, neut. FAITHLESS. ἄπιστος, (d, neg. prefixed to πισπός, see above,) not worthy of confidence, untrustworthy ; not confident, dis- trustful. Jn ΑΔ. Τ. Greek, faithless, of one who refuses to receive God's revelation of grace. Matt. xvii. 17. Mark ix. 19. Luke ix. 41. John xx, 27 FALL [noun. ] 1. πτῶσις, a fall, downfall. downfall, ruin, (non occ. ) Metaph. 2. παράπτωμα, a falling aside as from right, truth, or duty ; the particular special act of sin. 1. Matt. vii. 27. | 2. Rom. xi. 11, 12. 1. Luke ii, 84, FALL (-EN, -ETH, -ING, FELL.) 1. πίπτω, to fall, as from a higher toa lower place, fall down, 2. ἐκπίπτω, (No. 1, with ἐκ, out of, prefixed, ) to fall out of. FAL 3. εµπίπτω, (No. 1, with ἐν, in, prefixed, ) to fall in or into. (a) followed by «is, into. 4. καταπίπτω, (No. 1, with κατά, down, | prefixed, ) to fall down, e.g. prostrate or dead. 5. ἐπιπίπτω, (No. prefixed,) to fall upon. 1, with ἐπί, upon, In N.T. only of persons, to throw one’s self upon, either as embracing, or in a hostile sense. Metaph, to fall wpon or come over one. (a) followed by ἐπί, wpon. γίνομαι, to begin to be, ze. to come into existence ov into any state ; to become, marking the result of any agency. καταβαίνω, to come down, (βαίνω, being used of all kinds of motion.) only Pass. καταφέρω, to bear or carry down from a higher to a lower place. to be thrown down, to fall. PN’, borne down, Metaph. to be borne down, oppressed. 9, — Matt. ii 11, } see F — ——iv.9, } down. 1. —— vii. 25, 27. 1, ——x. 29. 8a.—— xii. 11. 1. — xiii. 4, 5, 7, 8. 1. —— xv. 14, 27. 1. — xvii. ὁ, 15. — — xviii. 26, 29, see F wn. 1. — xxi. 44 twice (αρ.) 1, —— xxiv. 29. 1. —— xxvi. 39. --- Mark iii. 11, see F down before. 1. —— iv. 4, 5, 7, 8. 1. — Vv. 22. -- 83, see F down before. — — vii. 25, see F at. 1. —— ix. 20. 2. —— xiii. 25, with εἰμί, be (No.1, LT TrA .) ὃ 1. —— xiv. 35. 5a. Luke i. 12. y. 7, see F down _— Vv. 8, see Fdown at. — vi. 39 (No. 8, LT πο. ) 49 (συμπίπτω, to Jall together, T Tr AS) — viii. δ. 9 (No. 4, T Tr A) iy - - ἘΠ 13, see F away. 1. 28, see asleep. 28, 47, see F down before. 41, see F down. 1. —x. 18. πταίω, to stumble, to fall. — Luke x. 30, see F among. δα. 36. 1. — xi. 17. 1. —— xiii. 4. 3a,— xiv. 5(No.1, L Tr Α 8.) — — xv. 12, see F to. 5a.—— xv. 20. 1, — xvi. 21. — — xvii.16,see F down. 1. —— xx. 18 twice. 1. —— xxi. 24. — — xxii.44,see I’ down 1. —— xxiii. 30. — John xi. 32, see Fdown 1. —— xii. 24. 1. —— xviii. 6. 6. Acts i. 18, part., see F headlong. στι 25, 8600 trans- gression. 1. - 26. — — ν. 5,10,see F down. — —— vii. 60, see asleep. Vili. 16. 18, see F from. 5a,—— x. 10 (No. 6, GwL TTrAw®.) _ 25, see F down. σα. 44 (No.1, L.) 5a.—— xi. 15. — — xii. 7, see F off. 5a.—— xiii. 11 (No. 1, L TTr A 5.) 36, see sleep. — — xv.16, see F down. — — xvi. 20, see F down before. xix. 17 (Νο, 1, L Tx.) 5a. 85, see fell down [ 273 ] | | from Jupiter (which.) | 8. Acts xx. 9 lst. -- 9 2nd seeF down. σα, 87. 1, — xxii. 7. 4. —— xxvi. 14, part. 2. —— xxvii. 17, 29. -- 82, see Ἐ off. 1. 94 ᾿(ἀπόλλυμι, to perish, G LT TrA δ) 41, see F into. — — xxviii. 6, see F down, 1. Rom. xi. 11, 22. 1. —— xiv. 4. 5a,—— xy. 8. 1. 1. Cor, x.'8, 12. — —— χῖν. 95,566 F down. — — Xv. 6,18,see asleep. — Gal. v. 4, see F from. — Phil. i. 12, see F out. 2 Thes. 1. 3, see falling away. 3a.1 Tim. iii. 6, 7 3a.—— vi. 9. 1. Heb. iii. 17. 1. —— iv. 11. — — vi. 6, see I away. 3a.— x. 91. — — xii. 15, see F froin. --- 90. — 1 Pet. i. 24, see Ε' away. 9, 2 Pet. i. 10. FAL — 2 Pet. iii. 4, see asleep. 17, see F from, — Jas. i. 2, see F into. 2. 11. 1. —v. 12. — Jude 24, see F (keep from.) 1. Rev. i. 17. 2. — ii οφ τὺ ῦ Ίτ Α 8) — — iv. 10, —— Vv. 8, 14, 1. —— vi. 18, 16. 1. —— vii. 11. 1 — Viii. 10 twice. 1 see F down. κ εν, τν . — xi. 11 (Νο, 5, αν LT Tr A.) 1, —— 13, 16. 1, — xiv. 8 lst. 1, 8 2nd (om, Abd Re") 6. —— xvi. 2. ι 19? i. 21. 1. —— xvii. 10. 1, — xviii. 2 1st. ἢ 22nd (om, Tr Ab 5.) — — xix. 4, see Ἐἆοννῃ, ue 10. -- —— Xxxii.8, see F down. “The following combinations are where these are not separate words in the Greek.” FALL AMONG, περιπίπτω, to fall around any one so as to embrace ; or to fall so as to be sur- rounded by any thing, (ου. Acts xxvii. 41; Jas. i, 2.) Luke x. 30. FALL AT. προσπίπτω, to fall towards any thing, to strike against. of purpose, to In N.T. with idea fall at, rush upon, dash against, (Matt. vii.25.) Of per- sons, to fall down to ο) before any one. Mark vii, 25. FALL AWAY. l. ἐκπίπτω, see “ FALL,” No. 2. 2. παραπίπτω, to fall near by any one, so as to meet with ; also, to fall aside so as to desert, (non occ. ) 3. ἀφίστημι, (a) trans. to place away from, cause to depart. (Ὁ) ¢ntrans, to separate one’s part, forsake. Sb. Luke viii. 18, | 1. 1 Pet. self, de- 2. Heb, vi. 6, part. i. 24, FAL FALL DOWN. πίπτω, see FALL,” Wo. 1. καταπίπτω, see “FALL,” Wo. 4, (οσο, Acts xxvi. 14.) 3. καταβαίνω, see “Fatt,” Wo. 7. 1. Matt. ii. 11. 1. Acts xv. 16. a iv. 9. 1. — xx. 9. 1. —— xviii. 26, 29. 2. —— xxviii. 6. 1. Luke viii. 41. 1. 1 Cor. xiv. .25. 1. —— xvii. 16. 1. Heb. xi. 30, 3. —— xxii. 44 (ap.) 1. Rev. iv. 10. 1. John xi. 32. 1. —-v. 8,14. 1. Acts v. 5, 10. 1. —— xix. 4. 1, —x. 25. 1. —— xxii. 8. FALL DOWN AT. προσπίπτω, see “FALL AT.” Luke v. 8. FALL DOWN BEFORE. 1. προσπίπτω, see “FALL AT.” προσκυνέω, to kiss towards any one, i.e. to kiss one’s own hand and extend it towards a person, at the 2. same time prostrating one’s self, as a mark of respect and homage; hence, to worship, adore. > 7 . ἐνώπιον, in the presence of, before. 1. Mark iii. 11. 1. —y. 33. 2. Luke iv. 7, marg. (text, 1. ——viii. 28,47. [worship.) 1. Acts xvi. 29. FALL DOWN FROM JUPITER (WHIUH. ) Διοπετής, (from Διός, gen. of Ζεύς, and πίπτω, to fall,) fallen from Jupiter, i.e. heaven descended. Acts xix. 35. FALL FROM. 1. ἐκπίπτω, see “ FALL,” Wo. 2. 2. ἀποπίπτω, to fall from, (non occ. ) { ὑστερέω, to be last, behind, to fall 3.4 inferior, - behind | ἀπό, from, from. 2. Acts ix. 18, 1. 2 Pet. iii. 17. [fail of.) 1 Gal ν. 4. 3. Heb. xii. 15,marg.(text, FALL HEADLONG. πρηνής, bending forward, ( prostrate, yevopevos, becoming, (see ( “βλ, Λο. 6,) | falling { headlong. [ 274 ] FAL FALL INTO. (When not two words in the Greek.) περιπίπτω, see ‘FALL AMONG.” Jas, i, 2. Acts xxvii. 41. | FALL OFF. ἐκπίπτω, see “FALL,” No. 2. Acts xii. 7; xxvii._32. FALL OUT. ἔρχομαι, to come or go; move 07) pass along. Phil. i. 12. FALL TO. ἐπιβάλλω, to cast upon or over. Jmpers. to fall upon or to, ὁ.6. to pertain or belong to any one; hence, as here, τὸ ἐπιβάλλον, the portion which falls (to me), 1.6. my due share. Luke xv. 12. FALLING AWAY. ἡ, the, viz., the one foretold by ἀποστασία, > him, 2 Thes. ii. 5, and by apostacy, / our Lord,Matt.xxiv. 10-12. 2 Thes. ii. 8, FALLING (KEEP FROM.) φυλάσσω, to watch, not to sleep, keep watch ; hence, to guard, to keep, ἄπταιστος, not stumbling, prop. of a horse. Jude 24. FALSE. ψευδής, false, as opp. to what is true, lying, deceiving, (occ. Rev. ii. 2; xxi. 8.) Acts vi. 13. See also, ACCUSATION, ACCUSER, APOSTLE, BRETHREN, CHRISTS, PROPHET, WITNESS. FALSELY. ψεύδω, to speak falsely, to lie to any one, deceive by lying. Matt. ν. 11, part. (marg. /ying) (om. G= 1, Trmb.) FAL [ 275 ] FAR FALSELY SO CALLED. ψευδώνυμος, falsely named (whence Eng. pseudonym. ) 1 Tim. vi. 20. FAME. φήμη, (whence, Lat. fama, and Eng. fame,) a voice from heaven, an ominous ο} prophetic voice. Then, any voice or words ; rumour, report, (non oce. ) 2. ἀκοή, hearing, either the sense or faculty of hearing; the instrument of hearing, 1.6. the ears; or that which is heard, as instruction or report. ἦχος, ἃ ringing in the ears, a sound or noise of any sort. 3. 4. λόγος, a word as spoken, whether the act of speaking ον the thing spoken, hence, talk, an account which one gives. 2. Matt. iv. 24. | Matt. xiv. 1. . Mark i. 28. . Luke iv. 14. 37. 1, —— ix. 26. 31, see F (spread abroad one’s.) worn 4. Luke v. 15. FAME (SPREAD ABROAD ONE'S.) διαφημίζω, to rumour known. Matt. ix. 31. FAMILY. πατριά, paternal descent, lineage. N.T. a family, as a subdivision of the Jewish tribe, several households, (occ. Luke ii. 4 ; Acts iii. 25.) Eph. iii. 15. FAMINE. λιμός, failure, want as of food, hence, hunger, famine. Matt. xxiv. 7. Mark xiii. 8. Luke iv. 25. Luke xv. 14. — xxi. 11. Rom, viii. 35. Rey. xviii. 8. FAN. πτύον, winnowing shovel with which grain is thrown up against the wind in order to cleanse it, (non oce. ) Matt. iii. 12. | Luke iii, 17. abroad, make | In | and containing | | | µακρόθεν, from far. FAR. 1. μακρός, (adj.) long ; of space, i.e. from one point to another, and hence, far, far distant. 2. μακράν, (adv.) (prop. ace. fem. of No. 1), strictly for μακρὰν ὁδόν, a long way, a great way ; far off. 3. πόῤῥω, (adv. ) forwards, far forwards, hence, far off. tz { πολλῷ, much, | 8. Matt. xv. 8. μᾶλλον, more, rather, { by far, far-far. — Lukexx. 9, see country. much rather, | — — xvi. 22, see F from | — —— xxii.5l,see F thus. | (be it.) — —— xxiv.29, see spent. 9 ποσα 98, } see 2 John xxi. 8. | — — xxv. 14, | country. | 2. Acts xvii. 27. — Mark vi. 35, see day. — — xxii. 21,seeFhence. 3. — vii. 6. — Rom. xiii. 12,see spent. | — — Viii.3,see F(from.) | — 2 Cor. iv. 17, see ex- πας: xii. 1, see country, | eer és 2. 34. | — Eph. i. 21, see above. — —— xiii.34,see journey. [ἘΞ xR ii. 13, see F off. 2. Luke vii. 6. | -- —_ iv. 10, see above. | 1. —— xv. 18. | 3. Phil i. 23. | 1, —— xix. 12. — Heb. vii. 15, see more. | FAR FROM (se 11.) | ἵλεως, (adj.) of the gods, | here, God be appeased, propitious; | propitious, of men, cheerful; i or NV.T.of God,propitious, [ favourable favourable, to thee, σοι, to thee, [Lord.] Matt. xvi. 22. FAR HENCE. ᾿ μακράν, see “Par,” No. 9. Acts xxii. 21. FAR OFF. Eph. ii. 18. | FAR (From.) Mark viii. 8. FAR (rHvs.) éws, unto, as long as, up to, τοῦτου, this. ‘ Luke xxii. 51. | FARE (-ευ.) | ᾿εὐφραίνω, to make merry, rejoice, as connected with feasting. Luke xvi. 19, πι, FAR FAREWELL or FARE YE WELL. 1. ῥώννυμι, to strengthen, make firm. In N.T. only imperat. pass. as a formula at the end of epistles like Lat. vale, 1.6. fare-well, (non oce. ) 9, χαίρω, to joy, rejoice, be glad. Impert. (as here) as a word of salu- tation or greeting, joy to thee! joy to you! hail! 1. Acts xv. 29. 1. ——xxiii. 30 (om. G> LTTr A.) 2. 2 Cor. xiii. 11. FAREWELL (512.) ἀποτάσσομαι, to arrange one’s self off, separate one’s self from, 1.6. to take leave of, bid farewell to. Luke ix. 61. | Acts xviii. 21. FARM. ἀγρός, a field, esp. a cultivated field. Matt. xxii. 5. FARTHER SIDE (rur.) τὸ, the, that beyond πέραν, beyond, over, on > the other the other side, side. Mark x. 1. FARTHING. 1. ἀσσάριον, assarion, dim. of Lat. as, Heb, ο, a small as; a brass coin equal to one-tenth of a denarius or δραχμή, 1.6. to about three farthings, (non occ. ) 2. κοδράντης, Lat. quadrans, the fourth part of an “as” (Wo. 1), or one- fifth of a farthing, (ποπ occ. ) 2. Matt. v. 26. 2. Mark xii. 42. 1. —— x. 29. 1. Luke xii. 6. FASHION [noun. ] σχῆμα, outward figure, shape, mien, (non oce. ) εἶδος, thing seen, external appearance. πρόσωπον, the part towards, at or around the eye, hence, gen. the face, countenance, «τύπος, a type, ὁ.6. anything caused or produced by blows ; a mark or im- press made by a hard substance on a softer material ; also, a model, pat- tern, exemplar, in the widest sense. P276 9} FAS 1. Phil. ii. 8. — —— iii. 21, see F like unto. —1 Pet. i. 14, see F one’s 8, Jas. i. 11. (self. — Mark ii. 12, see F (on this.) 2. Luke ix. 29. 4. Acts vii. 44. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 31. FASHION (on Tuts.) οὕτως, thus, on this wise, in this manner. Mark ii. 12. FASHION ONE'S SELF ACCORDING το. συσχηµατίζω, to give the same form with, (or outward figure), to conform to anything. In N.T. only Mid. or Pass. to conform one’s self, to be conformed to anything, (occ. Rom. xii. 2.) 1 Pet. i. 14. FASHIONED LIKE UNTO. σύμμορφος, having like form with, (μορφή denoting form abstractedly, and σύν, denoting association. ) Phil. iii, 21. FAST [noun. ] νηστεῖα, a fasting, fast, ze. abstinence from food. Acts xxvii. 9. FAST (0, -EST, -ING.) νηστεύω, to fast, to abstain from eating, (from νή, equal to negative un, and ἐσθίω, to eat.) Matt. iv. 2, part. —— vi, 16 twice. 17, part., 18. Mark 11. 18 2nd ἃ 3rd, 19 Ist. 19 2nd (ap.), 20. Luke v. 33, 34, 35. —— ix. 14 twice, 15, xvili. 12. Mark ii. 18 1st, see F (use | Acts x. 30(om.L ΤΊ ΤΥ Α δ.) to.) xiii. 2, 3, part. FAST (vsep 10.) σαν, they were, νηστεύων, fasting. Mark ii. 18. FAST [adj.] See, HOLD, STAND, STICK. FAST (MAKE.) ἀσφαλίζω, to make firm, fixed, immove- able. FAS FASTEN ON. καθάπτω, to adapt, to fit down upon anything, whence, to bind or fasten on, (non oce. ) Acts xxviii. 3. FASTEN ONE'S EYES. ἀτενίζω, to fix the eyes intently upon, gaze upon intently. Luke iv. 20 (with εἴμι, to be.) Acts iii. 4 ; xi. 6, part. FASTING. 1. νηστεῖα, a fasting, fast, 1.6. abstinence from food, (occ. Acts xxvii. 9.) 2. νῆστις, not having eaten, fasting, (non occ. ) 3. ἄσιτος, without food. 2. Matt. xv. 32. 1. Acts xiv. 23. 1. — xvii. 21 (αρ.) 3. —— xxvii. 33. 2. Mark viii. 3. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 5 (om. GLT 1. — ix. 29 (om. TTrbm Thy Ag) 5) 1. 2 Cor, ΤΙ. 5. 1. Luke ii. 37. 1. —— xi. 27. FATHER (-s.) πατήρ, father, [ prob. to be derived from Heb. 28%, which is the simplest labial sound of the infant. Consequently it recurs in all the cognate tongues— Sanscr. pitri, Lat. pater, Germ.vater, Eng. father], (occ. Heb. xi. 23.) * Spoken of God, as Creator, οἷο, and as distinguishing the first person of the ever-blessed Trinity. Matt. ii. 22. Mark 1. 20. — iii. 9. — v. 40. — iv. 21, 22. —— vii. 10 twice, 11, 12. — vy. 16", 45*, 48”. — viii. 983, — vi. 1*, 4", 6 twice*, | —— ix. 21, 24. 8*,9*, 14", 153, 18twice*? — x. 7, 19, 29. 20%, 32". me —- xi. ος 20" (ap.) ii. ᾿ — xiii —- viii. 21. — xiv. 863. — x. 203, 21, 20", 32%, | ——vxvy. 21. 8383", 35, 87. Luke i. Lie to 55, 59, 62, | icin χῇ, 25*,26* 27 *3times 67,7 — xii. 503 — ii. eS to", — xiii 493, — iii. 8. —— xv, 4 twice, δ twice, | —— yi. 23, 26, 90”. 18", — viii. 51. — xvi. 17", 27". — ix. 26", 42, 5y. —— xviii 10*, 145, 19”, | —— x. 21* twice, 293 Stimes 85* — xi. 2*,11,13*, 47, 48. | -- - xix. 5, 19, 29 (ap.) — xii. 80", 933, 53 twice — xx. 23° ἦ — xiv. 20, — xxi. 51. — xv. 12twice,17,18twice, --- EN, 9 1st, ϱ” 2nd, 20 twice, 21, 22, 27, 28, 30, 32. 29. — xxiv, 96”. — xvi. 24, 27 twice, 80, — xxv. 94”. — xviii. 20. — xxvi. 29", 80", 42", — xxii, 29", 42". — xxviii. 19”. (53. | —— xxiii. 84" (ap.), 46". Luke xxiv. 49”. John i. 14*, 18”. — ii. 16". —— iii. 90”. — iv. 12,20,21*,23*twice. — vy. 17*, 18*, 19”, 20%, αἱ. 22", 23", 26", 80”. (om. GLT Tr ΑΝ Ὁ) B36*twice, 375, 48", 45%. — vi. 27", 91, ᾿ 82», 97”, 993, (om. GLTTr A N),42,44*,45 "46" twice, 49, 57* twice, 58, — vii. 22. — viii. 16*,18*,19*3times, 27", 28", 29* (om. G= LTTrA 8), 38* 1st, 38 2nd, 39,41 1st,41 *2nd, 423, 44 3times, 49”, 53, 543, 56. — x. 15* twice, 17*, 18”, 25*, 29” twice, 80", 82", 68, TS", g* twice, τοῦ 3 times, 11* twice, 12* 13" 16”. 20*; 213.28". 24%. 126", 28" twice, 31* twice. — xv. 1*, 8*, 93, 10*, 10. 16%; 28% τ 203 twice. — xvi. 3%, 103, 15*, 16* (ap.), 17*, 28*, 25*, 26*, 27*, 28* twice, 5325, — xvii. 1*, 5*, 11*, 21*, 24 263, — xviii. 11”. —— xx. 17* 3 times, 21”, Acts i. 4*, 7*. — ii. 33°. — iii. 193, 22 (ap.), 20. — Vv. 30. — vii. 2 twice, 4, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 32 38, 39, 44, 45 twice, 51, 52. — xiii. 17, 32, 36. — xv. 10. — xvi. 1, 3. — xxii. rik ———_ 3, see F (of the.) 14. — xxiv. 14, see F (of — xxvi. 6. {one’s.) — xxviii. 8. 17,see F (of one’s.) 25. - ‘ Rom. i. —— iv. 1 (προπάτωρ, fore- Sathev,G~L T Tr A 8) —— 11, 12twice, 16, 17, — vi. 4”. ms. — viii. 103 FAT Rom. ix. 5, 10. — xi. 28. — xy. 6*, 8. 10ου 8% — iv. 15. —y.l. — viii. 6”. —x.l. — xy. 24°. 2 Cor. i. 23, 8" twice. — vi. 18”. — xi. 515. Gal, 1.1%, 8*, 4*. 14,see F (of one’s.) — iv. 2, 6*. Eph. i. 2", 8", τσι — ii 185. a iv. 20*. 1 Thes, 1 Re Ist 1» 2nd (αρ), —iil (3*. — iii. ait, 105 2 Τη6ς,1. 1%, 25; — ii. 163. LT. i 3%. 9, see F (mur- ἄρχον of a.) --- ν. 1. ο Tim, 1. ὩΣ, Tit. J. ἊΝ Philem. 8", Heb. i. 1, 5*. — iii. 9. — vii. 3,see F (without) — 10. — viii. 9. —— xii. 7, 9 Ist, Θ᾽ 2nd, 85. Pe Wy ΤΟ. — ii. 21. — iii. 93. L Peta, 2°68" 1 18, see F (received by tradition from the) 2 Pet. i. 17*. — iii. 4, 1 John i. 93, — ii. 1, 13 1st, 14, 15*, 16*, 22", 243, — iii lL”. — iv. 143, 7* (ap). 2 John 8" twice, 4*, 9°, Jude 1*. Rev. i. 6*. 2, 97», 5 , 41". 1*. 18" 2nd, 28", — V. --- ὦ ---- jij, ---- XiV. FATHER (MURDERER OF A.) πατραλφας, ἃ smiter of his father, (non oce. ) 1 Tim. i. 9, FATHER (wirnovt.) ἀπάτωρ, without father, (non oce. ) Heb. vii. 3. FAT FATHERS (or one’s) 1. πατρῷος, of a father, coming o7 in- herited from him, descending from a father to a son, as property or Sortune. 2. πατρικός, from one’s fathers or ances- tors, paternal, ancestral ; wsed chiefly of hereditary friendships or friends, (non occ.) [πάτριος is used of what is handed down from one’s forefathers as manners and customs, ete. | 1. Acts xxiv. 14. | 1. Acts xxviii. 17. 2. Gal. i. 14. FATHERS (oF THE.) πατρῴος, see above, No. 1. Acts xxii. 3. FATHERS (RECEIVED BY TRADITION FROM THE.) πατροπαράδοτος, handed ov delivered down from one’s fathers, (non occ. ) 1 Pet. i. 18. FATHER-IN-LAW. πενθερός, a father-in-law, (non occ.) John xviii. 13. FATHERLESS. ὀρφανός, Lng. orphan, bereaved (prob. from Sanscr. rabh, Lat. rapis, Lng. reft), (οσο. John xiv. 18.) Jas. i. 27. FATHOM (-s) [noun.] ὀργυιά, the length of the arms when stretched out, equal to six feet one inch, an Eng. fathom being six feet, (non oce. ) Acts xxvii. 28 twice. FATLING, σιτιστός, fed up, fatted, (non oce. ) Matt. xxii. 4 (neut.) FATNESS. πιότης, fatness, fat, (non occ. ) Rom. xi. 17. Γη FAU FATTED. σιτευτός, fed (as with grain,) fatted, (non oce. ) Luke xv. 23, 27, 30. FAULT (-s.) αἰτία, an asking (from αἰτέω), then, a ground of accusation, cause; charge, whether true or false. αἴτιον, (neut. with art. of αἴτιος, causing, occasioning,) the charge, accusation. ἥττημα, a being inferior, in a worse state, esp. as compared with a former state, a failure; in ΙΧΧ. denotes defeat, (occ. Rom. xi. 12.) παράπτωμα, a misfall, mishap ; a fal- ling aside as from duty, etc., hence, sin, but as the missing of the right, rather than a transgression of the law, with special reference to the subjective weakness of the person, rather than the objective sin. — Matt. xviii. 15, see F | — Heb. viii. 8, see F (find) (tell one’s.) -— —— ix. 14, see F (with- — Mark vii. 2, see F (find) | out.) 2. Luke xxiii. 4, 14. 4, Jas. v. Ἰθ(ἀμαρτίας, sins, 1. John xviii. 38. LT Tr ΑΧ &.) 1. —— xix. 4, 6. — 1 Pet. ii. 20, see F (for — Rom. ix. 19. your.) 8. 1 Cor. vi. 7. — Rev. xiv. 5, see F(with- 4, Gal. vi. 1. out.) FAULT (ΡΝ Ὁ.) μέμφομαι, to blame, upbraid, find fault with. Mark vii. 2 (om. G LT Tr | Rom. ix. 19. AR.) Heb. viii. 8. FAULT (ext one’s.) ἐλέγχω, to convict, show to be wrong, prove guilty. Matt. xviii. 10, FAULT (wirHovt.) ἄμωμος, without spot ον blemish of sin, without blame. Heb. ix. 14, marg. (text, without spot.) Rey. xiv. 5. FAULTS (ror your.) ἁμαρτάνω, to miss, as a mark ; err from, as a way; hence, to sin, 1 Pet. ii. 20, part. FAU FAULTLESS. 1. ἄμεμπτος, not blamed, without re- proach. 2, ἄμωμος, with spot ο) blemish of sin. 1. Heb. viii. 7. | 2. Jude 24. FAVOUR [noun. ] χάρις, grace, objectively it denotes personal gracefulness, a pleasing work, beauty of speech; subjectively at denotes an inclining towards, court- eous ο) gracious disposition. On the part of the giver, kindness, favour ; on the part of the receiver, thanks, respect, homage. Luke i. 30. — ii. 52. Acts ii. 47. — vii. 10, 46. Acts xxv. 3. FAVOURED (ΠΙΩΗΙΤ.) χαριτόω, to make χάρις (in the subjective sense, ) to grace, Pass. as here, to be gracious ov favoured, (occ. Eph. i. 6.) Luke i. 28, pass. part. (margin, graciously accepted or much graced.) FEAR [noun. | 1. φόβος, fear, terror, fright, dismay, hence, flight. Jt denotes the outward manifestation rather than the sensa- tion of fear. In a bad sense, it is the effect of the spirit of No.2; ina good sense the fear of God. 2. δειλία, moral cowardice, timidity, (non occ. ) 3. ἀγών, contest, esp. with the idea of peril or danger. 1. Matt. xiv. 26. 1. 2 Cor. vii, 1, 6, 11, 15. 1. —— xxviii. 4, 8. 8. Col. ii. 1, marg. (text, 1. Luke i. 12, 65. conflict.) -- 74, see F (with- | 1. Eph. ν. 21. out.) [in.) | 1. —— vil 5. — — iii. “is see F (put | — Phil. i. 14, see F (with- 1. —-v. 2 out.) 1, — vii. Ἱρ, 1. — ii. 12. 1, —— viii. 87. 2. 2 Tim. i. 7. 1, —— xxi. 26. 1. Heb. ii. 15. 1. John vii. 13. —— xi 7, see F (be 1, —— xix. 38. moved with.) 1. —— xx. 19. — —— xii. 28,see F (godly) 1. Acts ii. 43. 1. 1 Pet. i. 17. 1, ——v. δ, 11. — — ii. 18. 1. —— ix. 31. — — iil 2. (ence. 1. —— xix. 17. - 15, marg. vever- 1, Rom. iii. 18. 1. 1 John iv. 18 3 times. 1. —— viii. 15. — Jude 12, see F (without) 1. —— xiii. 7 twice. Ms 928. 1. 1 Cor. ii. 3. fout.) | 1. Rev, xi. 11. — — xvi. 10,see F(with 1. —— xviii. 10, 150. [.279 ] | FEA FEAR (BE MOVED WITH.) εὐλαβέομαι, to act with caution, be cir- cumspect, resulting from salutary fear, to act with pious fear, (occ. Acts xxiii. 10.) Heb. xi. 7, marg. be weary. FEAR (GoDLyY.) εὐλάβεια, caution, circumspection, then, cautious, cautious observance from salutary fear, reverence. Heb. xii. 28. FEAR (put in) [margin.] διασείω, to shake throughout (trans. ) ae. to cause to shake violently, hence, to inspire terror. Luke iii. 14, text, do violence to. FEAR (witHovt.) ἄφοβος, (a, privative, and φόβος, see “FEAR,” Λο. 1.) Luke i. 74. 1 Cor. xvi. 10. Phil. i. 14. Jude 12. FEAR (-ED, -ETH, -ING.) 1. φοβέω, to strike with fear, frighten. did. or Pass. as here, to be put in fear, take fright, (see “FEAR,” Λο. 1.) scare, 2 | φόβος, see “FEAR,” Vo, 1,) | to have 2 { ἔχω, to have, fear. 3. εὐλαβέομαι, see above, “FEAR (be moved with.)” 1. Matt. i. 20. 1, Acta x. 2, 22, 85. 1. — x. 26. [ from.) | 1. —— xiii. 16, 26. 1. 28 1st (with ἀπό, | 1. —— xvi. 38. πι, 28 2nd, 31, 38. —— xxiii. 10 (Χο ἂν 1. — xiv. 5. L Tr A* 18) 1. —— xxi. 26, 46. 1. —— xxvii. 17, 24, 29. 1. —— xxvii. 54. 1. Rom. xi. 20, 1. —— xxviii. 5 1. 2 Cor. xi. 8. 1. Mark iv. 41. 1. —— xii. 20. 1. — v. 33. 1, Gal. ii. 12. 1. —— vi. 20. 1. Col. iii. 22. 1. —— xi. 18, 32. 2. 1 Tim. v. 20. 1. —— xii. 12. 1. Heb. iv. 1. 1. Luke i. 13, 80, 50. ——— Vv. 7, see F (in that 1. — ii 10. one.) 1—v. 10. νι xi. 27. Ἑ viii. 50. —— xii. 21, see F (ex- 1. —— ix. 34, 45. ceedingly. ) 1. —— xii. δ times, 7, 8ο, | 1, —— κ, 6. 1, —— xviii. 2, 4 | 1. 1 Pet. if. 17. 1. —— xix. 21. 1. 1 John iv. 18, 1. —— xx. 19. 1. Rev. i. 17. 1. —— xxii. 2. 1. —— ii. 10. 1. —— xxiii. 40, 1. — xi. 18. 1. Johnix. 22. Γ1. —— xiv. 7. 1. —— xii. 15. [1, ——xv. 4. 1. Acts ν. 20, 1. —— xix. 5 FEA 980.2] FEE FEAR EXCEEDINGLY. ἔκφοβος, frightened out- ) lit. “fright- right ο). out of one’s (ened, out- SENSES, right am εἰμί, to be, Ἐπ" Heb. xii. 21. FEARETH (IN THAT ONE.) | ἀπὸ, from, either “from his ἡ, the (“of him” | fear” (delivered understood, ) understood ) or “on > 7 . evra βεία, see} account of his | “FEAR (GODLY),” devoutness.” Heb. ν. 7, marg. fo7 one’s piety. . FEARFUL. 1. δειλός, cowardly, timid, esp. the in- ward sensation of fear. 2. φοβερός, fearful, terrible, frightful, (adj. of “ΕΕΔΕ” [noun], Vo. 1.) 1. Matt. viii. 26. 2. Heb. x. 27. 1. Mark iv. 40. 31, see F thing. — Luke xxi.11, see F sight | 1. Rev. xxi. 8. FEARFUL SIGHT. | φόβητρον, something fearful, terrible portent, (non occ.) | Luke xxi. 11. | FEARFUL THING. φοβερός, neut. of No. 2 above. Heb. x. 31. FEAST [noun. ] | 1. ἑορτή, a feast or festival. Spoken of | the Jewish feasts. 2. δεῖπνον, the chief meal of the Jews, Grecks, and Romans taken at or towards evening, hence, gen. an evening banquet or feast in general. | ὧν ὑοχή, reception, as of guests, hence, a banquet, feast. ---.τΤτςς...᾽ ὠ ὀὀὠὠ ὠ 2, Matt. xxiii. 6. — John ii. 8, see governor 1, —— xxvi. 5. — ——._ 9 1st, see ruler. 1, —— xxvii 10, -- —— 2nd seegovernor | }| 2. Mark xii. 39. —— 23, see I day. ——— xiv. 2, sco F day. 1 — iv, 45 twice. Ὁ @ 1. ----χν. ὁ 1. —— vy, ἢ; 1. Luke ii. 41, 42. [1. —— vi 4 3. v. 29. 1, —— vii, 2, 8 twice, 10, 3. —— xiv. 13. Τα Bis | 2. —— xx. 46. ——— x. 22, see dedica- | 1. —— xxii. 1. tion. 1. —— xxiii. 17 (ap.) 1. —— xi. 56 | — 1Cor.v.8,see F(keep the) 1. —— xiii. 1, 29. — 2 Pet. ii. 13, see F with. 1. Acts. xviii. 21 (ap.) — Jude 12 1st, see charity. — Jude 12 2nd, see F with. 1. John xii. 12, 20. FEAST-DAY. 1. Mark xiv. 2. | 1. John ii. 23. FEAST (KEEP THE.) ἑορτάζω, to keep an ἑορτή, (see “FEAST,” Vo. 1,) keep a festival, (non oce. ) 1 Cor. v. 8, marg. holyday. FEAST WITH [verb.] συνευωχέω, to let be well fed together, to feast several together; or, (a) Mid. to feast with any one, to revel with, (non occ. ) 8. 2 Pet. ii. 13, part. | a, Jude 12, part. FEEBLE. 1. ἀσθενής, without strength o7 energy, infirm, feeble. 2. παραλύω, to loosen at ov from the side (πε. of things joined side by side), to disjoin; hence, to relax, enfeeble, (only in N.T. perf. part. pass. ) 1. 1 Cor. xii. 22. | 2. Heb. xii. 12. FEEBLE-MINDED. ὀλιγόψυχος, of little soul, low-spirited, faint-hearted, (non occ. ) 1 They, ν. 14, FEED (-Ep, -ETH, -ING, FED.) 1. βόσκω, to pasture, to feed. The word Bow, from which it is derived, con- tains the universal idea of nourishing, hence, it is applied to men. It refers to the special functions of providing food, (occ, Matt. viii. 33.) 2. ποιμαίνω, to exercise the whole oftice of a ποιμήν (a shepherd), which involves not merely the feeding on grass (ποιά, whence No, 2), but the entire leading, guiding, guarding, and folding of the flock. ο] v. τρέφω, to make firm, thick, ov solid, then, to make thick or fat by feeding, and hence, to feed, make to grow or increase, nourish, bring up, rear. FEE 4. χορτάζω, to feed or fatten in a χόρτος (an enclosed place or feeding place, Lat. hortus, Lng. court, garden), gen. to feed, fatten, fill, satisfy. 5. ψωμίζω, to feed by putting little bits into the mouth as nurses do children, hence, supply with food, (ους. 1 Cor. xiii. 3.) 2. Matt. ii. 6, marg. (text, | 2. John xxi. 16. rule.) 1. Ws 3. —— vi. 26. — Acts xiii. 18, marg. see 1, —— viii. 30, mid. 2. —— xx. 28. (bear. ὃ, —— χχυ. 37. δ. Rom. xii. 20. 1. Mark ν. 11, mid. — 1 0ος, iii. 2, see F with. iB 4. 2. —— ix. 7. 1. Luke viii. 32, mid., 34. | — 13, see F of. 8, —— xii. 24. — —— xiii. 3, see bestow. 1. —— xv. 15. 2. 1 Pet. v. 2. 4, —— xvi. 21. 2. Jude 12. — — xvii. 7, see F cattle. | 2. Rev. vii. 17. 1. John xxi. 15. 3, —— xii. 6. FEED CATTLE. 2. Luke xvii. 7. FEED OF [margin.] ἐσθίω, to eat, (as opp. to πίνω, to drink,) to consume, live upon, (see “EAT,” 3ο. 2.) 1 Cor. ix. 13, text, live of. FEED WITH. ποτίζω, to give to drink; of plants, to water. 1 Cor. iii. 2. FEEL, FELT. 1. γινώσκω, to perceive, observe, obtain a knowledge of ον insight into, become aware of. 2. πάσχω, to be affected by anything from without, to be acted upon, either by good or evil ; of good, to experience ; of evil, to suffer. 1. Mark ν. 29. | 2. Acts xxviii. 5, FEEL AFTER. ψηλαφάω, to touch, feel after, grope like a blind man, or as in the dark. Acts xvii. 27. FEELING (ΒΕ past.) ἀπαλγέω, to put off the feeling of pain, cease from feeling pain at anything, (non occ.) Eph. iv. 19. f~-981-J | Ϊ : FEL FEELING OF (ΒΕ TOUCHED WITH THE.) συμπαθέω, to feel or suffer with another, to be affected in like manner, (ου. Heb. x. 34.) Heb. iv. 15. FEIGN. ὑποκρίνομαι, to be judged under, 1.6. to represent another person by acting under a mask, hence, to personate, pretend, feign, (non occ. ) Luke xx. 20, part. FEIGNED. πλαστός, formed, fashioned, (as the clay by the potter or marble by statuary, ) well-turned, (non oce.) 2 Pet. ii. 3. FELLOW (-s.) 1. ἀνήρ, a man, i relation to his sex and age, Lat. vir. 2. ἑταῖρος, a companion, comrade, mess- mate, (only used by Matthew, occ. xx. 135 xxii. 12; xxvi. 50.) μέτοχος, partaking. As Subst. a par- taker, companion, partner, (occ. Luke v. 7; Heb. iii. 1, 14; vi. 4; πα 8] 2. Matt. xi. 16 (ἕτερος, sa others, Geo T Tr &.) 1. Acts xvii. δ. 8. Heb. i. 9. See also, BASE, CITIZEN, DISCIPLE, HEIR, HELPER, LABOURER, PESTILENT, PRISONER, SERVANT, SOLDIER, SUCH, THIS, WORK, WORKER, YOKE. FELLOWSHIP. 1. κοινωνία, act of partaking, sharing, i.e, participation, communion, 2, µετοχή, partnership, fellowship, (non oce. ) 1. Acts. ii, 42. 1, Eph. iii. 9 (οἰκονομία, 1. 1 Cor 2.9. administration, GL T -- x. 20, see F with TrAR.) (have. ) 1. Phil. i. 5. 2. 2 Cor. vi. 14. 1, — ii. 1. i. viii. 4. 1. —— iii. 10. 1. Gal. ii. 9. 1. 1 John 1, 8 twice, 6, 7. — Eph. y. 11, see Ε with (have.) FEL FELLOWSHIP WITH (nave.) κοινωνός, a partaker, partner, γίνομαι, to begin to be, become, to become a partner. 2. συγκοινωνέω, to be a joint-partaker with others, to share with others in anything, (oce. Eph. v. 11; Phil. iv. 14, part.) 1. 1 Cor, x. 20. | 2. Eph. v. 11. FEMALE. θῆλυ, female, (from θάλλω, to thrive, which from θηλή, the teat.) Matt. xix. 4. | Mark x. 6. Gal. iii. 28. FERVENT. | 1. ἐκτενής, extended, stretched or strained out ; hence, earnest, assiduous, (οσο, Acts xii. 5.) 2. ζέω, to boil, to be hot, of water ; hence, to be fervid, fervent, (non occ. ) — Acts xviii. 25, see F (be.) 2. Rom. xii. 11, part. — 2 Cor vii. 7, see F mind. — Jas. v. 16, see effectual. 1. 1 Pet. iv. 8 — 2 Pet. iii. 10, 12,499 heat FERVENT (1ε.) 2. Acts xviii. 25. FERVENT MIND. ζήλος, zeal, fervour, (from No. 2 above,) | a good sense. | 2 Cor. vii. 7. FERVENTLY. ἐκτενῶς, intently, earnestly, (adv. of No. 1 above, ) (non ους, ) Col. iv. 12, see labourer, 1 Pet, i. 22. | ie 282 η FETCH. See, COMPASS. FETCH OUT. ἐξάγω, to lead out, conduct out as out of any place. Acts xvi. 87. FEW FETTER (-s.) πέδη, a fetter or shackle jor the feet, (non occ.) Mark ν. 4 twice. | του... FEVER. πυρετός, fiery heat, esp. feverish heat, hence, a fever, (non occ. ) Matt. viii. 14, see F (sick Mark i. 81. ———_ 15. [οἳ) Luke iy. 38, 39. Mark. i. 30, see F (sick of.) John iv. 52. Acts xxviii. 8. FEVER (sick or.) πυρέσσω, to be feverish, be in a fever. Matt. viii. 14, part. | Mark i. 30, part. FEW. ὀλίγος, little, (as opp. to πολύς, much), used of number or quantity. Here, in plural, few. Matt. vii. 14. Luke xii. 48, see F stripes. —— ix. 37. Acts xvii. 4, 12 — xv. 34. —— xxiv. 4, see F words —— xx. 16 (ap.) (a ) — xxii. 14. Eph. iii. 3, see F words (in) — xxv. 21, 23, see F | Heb. xii. 10. things (a.) —— xiii. 22, see F words Mark vi. 5. (in.) viii. 7. 1 Pet. iii. 20. { (a.) Luke x. 2. Rev. ii. 14, 20, see F things xiii. 28. — iii. 4. FEW STRIPES. Luke xii. 48. FEW THINGS (a.) Matt. xxv. 21, 28, neut. pl. | Rey. ii. 14, 20, neut. pl. FEW WORDS (a.) | συντόμως, concisely, briefly, (adv. of σύντομος [ from συντέμνω, to cut in pieces,| cut up, cut short), (non occ. ) Acts xxiv, 4, FEW WORDS (1y.) ο” τὰ, ΕοιισΊι, by means } . ’ Sng ae in few words, | of, ; , with 1, 4 βραχέων, short, (Lat. rei a brev-is), of number, et hic: few, ἕξ ο { ἐν, in, in brief or “| ὀλίγῳ, little, f briefly. 2. Eph. iii. 3, marg. a little. 1, Heb, xiii. 22, FID [ 283 ] FIF ΝΠ = vivian cs er tS UU eee 5... FIDELITY. | FIERY. ͵ : μι ” No. 1. | 1. πῦρ, fire, here, Genit. of fire, (low Germ. ee a, sy νά πα fiir ; high Germ. feuer ; Eng. fire.) 2. πυρόομαι, to be set on fire, ignite ; here, part. τὰ πεπυρωμένα, the ignited.... FIELD (-s.) 2, Eph. vi. 16, part. | 1. Heb. x. 27. 1. dypos, a field, esp. a cultivated field, — then of such fields in the aggregate, | farms, villages, the country. 2. χώρα, space, which receives, contains, or surrounds anything, and hence, place, spot, country, land, province. Open country as opp. to city. 3. χωρίον, (dim. of No. 2 in form, but not in sense,) a particular place, landed property, estate, like Eng. “place.” 1. Matt. vi. 28, 30. — Luke vi. 1, see corn. 1. — xiii. 24, 27, 31, 36, 1. — xii. 28. 38, 44 twice. 1. —— xv. 25. 1. —— xxiv. 18, 40. 1. —— xvii. 7, 51. 1, —— xxvii. 7, 8 twice.10. 1. 30 (ap.) — Mark ii. 23, see corn. 2. John iv. 35. 1. — xiii. 16. 3. Acts i. 18, 19 twice. — Luke ii. 8, see abide. 2. Jas. v. 4 FIERCE. 1. ἀνήμερος, not tame, wild, savage, of persons, a country or plants, (non oce. ) 2. σκληρός, dry, hard ; the meaning being decided by the noun ; hence, of winds, as here, violent. 3. χαλεπός, heavy, difficult ; of things, perilous ; of persons, fierce, furious, (occ. 2 Tim. iii. 1.) 8. Matt. viii. 28. _[more.) | y — Luke xxiii. 5,seeF(be the . iii. 4. FIERCE (ΒΕ THE MORE.) ἐπισχύω, to strengthen upon, (7.e. in addition) ; hence, to be ov grow | stronger, to be more violent or fierce, (non occ. ) Luke xxiii. 5. FIERCENESS. θυμός, the soul, (from the spirit which we breathe out,) an intense passion or forcible exhalation of the not necessarily implying passion or revenge. Rey. xvi. 19. Rev. xix. 15. mind, | FIERY TRIAL. | πύρωσις, a burning, lighting, kindling, (οσο, Rey. xviii. 9, 18.) 1 Pet. iv. 12. FIFTEEN. δεκαπέντε, fifteen, (non occ. ) John xi. 18. | Acts xxvii. 28. Gal. i. 18. FIFTEEN (THREE SCORE AND.) ἑβδομήκοντα, seventy, πέντε, five, [ Nore. This number refers here to ‘all his kindred” whom Joseph “sent” for and “called.” The numbers in Gen. xlvi. refer simi- larly to those who are defined by them. Thus :— Those who “came with Jacob,” | who “came out of his loins,” (v. 26), (“besides Jacob's | seventy-five. Acts vii. 14. sons’ wives” ee Sa pee: 66 Then, Jacob, and Joseph, and his two sons who were in Egypt (v. 27) 4 Making 70 The nine “besides” who “went down,” in Acts vii. 14, are clearly those of the “kindred” who are excepted in Gen. xlvi. 26 ; so that the complete statement would be as follows :---- | | | “Went down,” Souls. “out of loins” (Gen. xlvi.26). 66 “besides” (Gen. xlvi.26),(7.e. the “kindred” of Actsvii.l4) 9 Total, “Kindred” (Acts vii. 14) Jacob and the three already in Egypt (Gen, xlvi. 27) . Total, “Aindred” and issue merited τε Ὁ FIF [ 284 ] FIG FIFTEENTH. FIGHT (roucur) [verb. ] πεντεκαιδέκατος, the fifteenth, (non occ.) | 1. ἀγωνίζομαι, to be acombatant in the Luke iii. 1. public games, then, to contend as with an adversary. FIFTH. 2. πολεμέω, to war, make war, fight. πέμπτος, the fifth, (non occ. ) 3, πυκτεύω, to fist, to box, to fight as a Rev. vi. 9. | Rev. xvi. 10. boxer, (non oce. ) — ix. 1. — xxi. 20. , 5 4. μάχομαι, to fight as in war ογ" battle, FIFTY hence, strive, contend, quarrel. ; 1. John xviii. 36. ‘i ib al ne vi. 12. , — Acts v. 39, ) seeFagainst 1. 2 11πα, iv. 7. πεντήκοντα, fifty, (non ocd. ) παν μα i. σι dy. Luke vii. 41. John xxi. 11. 8. 1 Cor. ix. 26. [beasts. 2. Rev. ii. 16. — xvi. 6. Acts xiii. 20 (ap. —— xy. 32, see F with 2, —— xii. 7 twice. John viii. 57. —— xix. 19, see thousand. FIFTIES (sy.) ava, (distributive ), : ως fifty, \ fifty by fifty. Mark vi. 40 (κατὰ, instead of ava, by fifties, LT Tr AS ) Luke ix. 14, FIG. σύκον, a fig, (non occ. ) Matt. vii. 16. | Luke vi. 44. Mark xi. 13. Jas, ili. 12. FIG (uNTIMELY.) ὄλυνθος, a fig which grows under the leaves and does not ripen at the proper season but hangs upon the leaves during the winter. Lat. grossus, (πολ occ. ) Rey. vi 13, marg. green fig. FIG-TREE. συκέα or συκῆ, ἃ fig-tree, (non occ. ) Matt. xxi. 19twice, 20, 21, — xxiv. 32. Mark xi. 18, 20, 21. — xiii. 28. Luke xiii. 6, 7 — xxi. 29 John i. 49. Jas, iii, 12. Rey. vi. 13. FIGHT [noun. } ᾽ , ἀγών, place of assembly where games were celebrated, hence, place of contest, then, a conflict in the public games, and after, any con- test. 2. ἄθλησις, a contest o7 combat, esp. of | | | athletes, gen. a struggle, trial. πόλεμος, the agitation and tumult of battle, hence, fight, battle, war. 1.1 Tim. vi. 12. 2. Heb. x. 32. 1. 2 Tim. iv. 7. 3. xi. 84, FIGHT AGAINST GOD. 1. θεομαχέω, to fight ov contend against God, (non occ. ) θεομάχος, a fighting against God, a contending with God, (non oce. ) 2. Acts v. 89. 1. — xxiii. 9 (om. GL TTrA&.) FIGHT WITH BEASTS. θηριομαχέω, to fight with wild beasts like condemned persons in the public spectacles. 1 Cor. xv. 32. FIGHTING. μάχη, a fight, a battle, gen. strife, controversy. 2 Cor. vii. 5 | Jas. iv. 1, marg. brawling. FIGURE. | 1. παραβολή, a placing side by side for the purpose of comparison, repre- sentation ov similitude. 2. τύπος, a blow, then, that which is produced by the blow, the mark of a blow, impression ; ence, model, pattern, exemplar in the widest SENSE. 3. ἀντίτυπος, resisting a blow or impres- sion, then, that which receives the mark or impress, [hence, No. 2 ts the thing prefiguring, Vo. 3 is the thing prefigured, while ὑποτύπωσις is simply delineation, outline,| (occ. 1 Pet. iii. 21.) 2, Acts vii. 48, 2. Rom. v. 14. i —1 Cor iv. 6,see transfer. —1 Pet. iii. 21, see F ike) 1, Heb. ix. 9. xi. 19, 24, FIL FIGURE (μκπ.) 8. 1 Pet. iii. 21. FILL (-ΕΡ, -ΕΤΗ, -ING.) πληρόω, to fill, make full, to fulfil, bring to a full end, complete. Pass. to be filled or full. Jntrans. to be complete. συµπληρόω, (No. 1 with σύν, together with, prefixed, ) to fill up altogether, to fill wholly or completely. πίμπλημι, to fill, fill up one thing with another. Pass. to become full of, be satisfied, have enough of. ἐμπίμπλημι, (No. 3 with ev, in, pre- fixed, ) to fill in, 1,6. Επ. to fill up, make quite full, satiate. χορτάζω, to feed with grass ov hay, to fodder, (prop. used of beasts, ) gen. to feed, fill with food. γεμίζω, to fill, load or freight with anything. κεράννυμι, to mix, to mingle as wine with water, or a bowl as of punch, etc. ; hence, prepare a draught, compound for drinking. 5. Matt. v. 6. . Acts iii. 10. — —— ix. 16, see F up. — iv. 8, 51. 5. —— xiv. 20. — v. 3. 5. —— xv. 33, 37. ie — — xxiii. 32, see F 28. up. — ix. 17. 3. —— xxvii. 48. —— xiii. 9, 40. — Mark ii. 21, see F up, 52. 5. —— vi. 42. —— xiv. 17. δ. —— vii. 27. . — xix. 29, 5. —— viii. 8. Rom. i. 29. — — xv. 36, see F full. — xv. 13, 14. . Luke i. 15, 41. 24. 53. 2 Cor. vii. 4. . Eph. iii. 19. —— iv. 10, marg. Γή]. — VY, — Phil. i. 11, see F with ci) Se eee αι ορ ee oe 24, see F up. 1. —— iv. 12, marg. (text, complete) (πληροφορέω, Sully persuaded, @~L . John ii. 7 twice. τ Έτ Α Ν.) — vi. 12. — 1 Thes. ii. 16, see F up. 13. 1. 2 Tim. i. 4. 26. 5. Jas. ii. 16. — xii. 3. 6. Rev. viii. 5. — xvi. 6. -- xv. 1, see F up. —— xix. 29 (ap.) 6. 8. . Acta ii. 2. 4, —— xviii. 6. 4, 5. xix. 21. 22 SO et μα Sa SS STO σι 09 ὁ GO μὰ ορ FILL FULL. 6. Mark xv. 36. [ 285 ] FIL FILL UP. πληρόω, see “FILL,” Vo. 1. ἀναπληρόω, (No. 1 with ἀνά, up, prefixed, ) to fill up as a chasm or a measure, etc. ἀνταναπληρόω, (No. 2 with ἀντί, in- stead of, prefixed, ) to fill wp instead of, to make good, (non occ. ) 4, τελέω, to bring about, complete, fulfil, accomplish, hence, to end, to perfect. — Matt. ix. 16, see F up (which is put in to.) ute xxiii. 32. — Mark ii. 21, see F up (piece that.) 8. Col. 1.34. 2. 1 Thes. ii. 16. 4. Rev. xv. 1. FILL UP (πΗΙΟΗ Is put IN το.) πλήρωμα, that with which any thing is filled or of which it is full, the contents. Matt. ix. 16. FILLETH UP (piece THAt.) Mark ii. 21. FILLED WITH (sr.) πληρόω, see “FILL,” No. 1. Phil. i. 11, pass. FILTH. 1. περικάθαρμα, cleansings, 1.6. that which is thrown away in cleansing. Used in pl. offscourings. [Used in Athens of worthless persons whom in plague or famine or other visita- tions were reserved to be thrown into the sea in the belief that they would cleanse or wipe off the guilt of the nation,] (non oce. ) 9, ῥύπος, dirt, filth, dirtiness, unclean- ness, (non oce. ) 1. 1 Cor. iv. 13. | 2. 1 Pet. iii. ο]. FILTHINESS. 1. αἰσχρότης, deformity, ugliness. Jn N.T. metaph. obscenity, whatever is offensive to Christian purity, (non occ. ) Also i.e. lewdness, 2. ἀκαθάρτης, uncleanness, filth. moral uncleanness, (non oce. ) FIL [2861 FOU 3. 4, i. 2. — Col. iii. 8, —1 Tim. iii. 3, ) —Titusi.7, ) ῥυπόω, to make foul and filthy. μολυσμός, a soiling, hence, defilement, stain. ῥυπαρία, dirt, filth, 7 the worst sense. 3. 2 Cor. vii. 1. 1. Eph. v. 4. 4, Jas, 1. 21. 2. Rev. xvii.4(ra ἀκάθαρτα, the impurities, GLT TrAR®.) FILTHY. αἰσχρός, deformed, ugly. Jn N.T. metaph. indecorous, indecent, (else- where, ‘‘ SHAME.”) ἀσέλγια, excess, immoderation, in- temperance in any thing, (in language or conduct. ) 1. Titusi. 11. — 1 Pet. v. 2, see lucre. 2. 2 Pet. ii. 7. — Jude 8, see dreamer. see F com- munication. see lucre. FILTHY (ΒΒ) Mid. pollute one’s self. Rey. xxii. 11 lst, part. (ὃ ῥυπαρός, the filthy one, G LY T Πο Α. 5.) || Rey. xxii. 112nd, Imper. (ῥυπαρένομαι, be filthy, G L») (ῥυπαίνω, befoul, defile (mid.) Il, T Tr A &.) FILTHY COMMUNICATION. αἰσχρολογία, the licence of the ungovern- ed tongue, obscene language, but not limited to this, (non oce. ) Col. iii, 8. bo FINALLY. λοιπόν, left, remaining.* With the article, the rest, as of time, hence- forth, henceforward. Also, as to the rest, finally. τέλος, an end, completion.* L TTr | 1. Rev. i, 14. 1. 48,49. [Α 8.) | 1. —ii 18. 3. xiv. 54. | 1; Ξ--ἘΞ ΜΠ. 15. 1. Luke iii. 9, 16, 17. 1 iv. 5. 1 ix. 54. 1. —— viii. 5, 7. 1. —— xii. 49. 1 8 on. G=.) Ἱ. — xvii. 29. 1. —ix. 17 1. —— xxii. 56. [τς 17 ind. see F (of) 8, 56. ee 18, 1. John xv. 6. [1, --- κ᾿ 1. — — xviii. 18, } see 1. —— xi. 5. -- xxi. 9, jy coals, | 1, —— xiii. 13. 1. Acts ii. 8, 19. 1, —— xiv. 10, 18, τῇ vii. 80, | 1, ——xv. 2. 2, —— xxviii. 2, 8. 1, —— xvi. 8. ii —— 6, ια xvii. 16. 1. Rom. xii. 20. 1, —— xviii. 8. 1. 1 Cor. iii, 18 twice, 10. 1, —— xix. 12, 20. 1. 2 Ths. i. 8. 1, —— xx. 9, 10, 14, 15. 1. Rev. xxi. 8. FIR FIRE (ΒΕ on.) πυρόομαι, to be set on fire, to be fired. 2 Pet. iii. 12. FIRE (or.) πύρινος, of fire, fiery, (non occ.) ᾿ Rey. ix. 17. FIRE (ser on.) φλογίζω, to set on blaze, to set in flames, (non occ.) Jas. iii, 6 twice. See also, HELL. [288] FIRKIN (5) μετρητής, one who measures o7 values. Then, like ἀμφορεύς, (Lat. metreta.) At Athens the usual liquid measure containing 33} English quarts or 83 English gallons. (Eng “firkin” equal to 9 gallons), (non oce. ) John ii. 6. FIRM. βέβαιος, steadfast, firm, sure. Heb. iii. 6 (ap.) FIRST. 1. πρῶτος, (adj. as though the superlative of πρό, before,) foremost, hence, first, the first, of place, order, time, or dignity, (like Lat. primus.) πρῶτον or τὸ πρῶτον, (neut. sing. of No. 1, used as adv.) first, (like Lat. primum,) wsed of place, order, time, or rank, πρότερον, (a comp. without any posit. in use, answering to Lat. prior, and N 0.1 being the superl. ) before others, prior. 4. pia, (fem. of εἷς), the numeral one. 5. ἀρχή, beginning, commencement. — Matt. i. 25, 2, . 24, 2. — vi. 33. 11 (om. ὥς. LT 2. —— vii. 5. | TrA®) . — viii. 21. ; Ἂ» .-“--χ 2, _— xix. 30 twice. . —— xii 29. κ — xx. 8,10, 16 twice. 45. | 1. —— xxi. 28. see F born. | 2. Matt. xiii. 30, xvii, 10, 1. Matt. xxi. 9] (ὁ ὕστερος, he who afterwards [γε- νο mee to v. 297 1) 1. Νὰ 1. —— xxii. 25, 38. 2. —— xxiii. 26. — — xxvi.17, see F day. 1. —— xxvii. 64. — — xxviii.l,see F day. 2. Mark iii. 27. 2. —— iv. 28. 2. —— vii. 27. 2. —— ix. 11, 12. 1. 35. — — x. 3] lst,see F (be.) 1. 91 2nd. 1. —xii. fac 30(ap.) 2. xiii. 10. 1. —— xiv. 15 = —— KvVi 12, +) see Ἐ — — xvi.9 Ist, j day. 2. 9 2nd (ap.) — Luke i. 3, see F (from the very.) 1. ——ii. 2. -- 7, see F born. — — vi. 1, see second. — — xii. i, see F of all. 1. —— xiii. 30 twice. 1. —- xiv. 18. 2 28, 31. 1. ΧΥΪ. .5. 2 : Xvii, 25. 1. —— xix. 16. 1. —— xx. 29. 2, —— xxi. 9. — — xxiv. 1, see Τ day. 1. John 1. 42 (No.2, L Tr.) — — x. 40, see F (at.) — — xii. 16, see F (at the.) 2. xviii. 13. 1. —— xix. 32. -- 39, see F (at the) — —— xx. 1, see F day, 4, 8. 19, see F day. . Acts iii. 26. 2. —— vii. 12. . —— xi. 26. 1. —— xii. 10. — —— xiii. 24, see preach. 2. 46. -—— xv. 14, see F (at the.) 1. —-xvi._ 12, (text, chief.) — —— xx. 7, see F day. 16 18. — —— xxvi. the.) 20. marg, 4, see F (at FIR 1, Acts xxvi. 28, 1, —— xxvii. 43. 2. Rom. i. 8. 2: 16 (om. Lb.) 5: —— ing 10: — — viii. 23,see F fruits. -- 29, see F born. 1. —x.19. -— —— xi.16, see F fruits. -- 35, see give. 2. —— xv. 24. — — xvi.5, see F fruits. — 1 Cor. xi.18, see F of all. 2. —— xii. 28. 1. — xiv. 30. — — xv. 3, see F of all. -- 20,23, seeF fruits. 1. 45, 47 2. 46. 4, —— xvi. 2. -- 15, see I’ fruits. 9. 3 Cor. viii. 5. -- 12, see F (be.) — Gal. iv. 13, see F(at the.) — Eph. i. 12, see trust. iv. 9 ο (om. GULTTr i [A &.) — Col. i. 15,18, see F born, 1 Thes. iv. 16. 2 Thes. ii. 3. tim 1010; — ii. 1. 13. — iii. 10. — v.4. 12. 2 Tim: Ἡ, ὅ. — ii. 6. iv. 10. Titus iii. 10. — Heb.i.6, see I’ begotten. — —— ii. 3, see begin. PrN δ τὶ τὸ τ γα τὸ 1 1. — viii. 7 15; . — ix. be 2, 6, 8, 15, 18. see 10 } born. — Jas. 1. 18, see F fruit. 2. — iii. 17. — 1 Pet. iv. 17, see begin. 2. 2 Pet. i. 20. 2. 111. 3. 1. 1 John iv. 19. — Jude 6, see F estate. — Rey.i. 5, see F begotten. iF 11 (ap.), 17. 1. — ii. 4, 5, 8, 19. 1. —iv.1,7 ifs Vili. 7. 1. —— xiii. 12 twice. — — xiv.4, see F fruits. 1, xvi. 2. 1. —— xx. 5, 6. 1, —— xxi. 1 twice, 19, 1. — xxii. 13. FIRST AT. 2. John x. 40. FIRST (av THe.) 2. John xii. 16. 2, —— xix. 39. 2. Acts xv. 14. 5, Acta xxvi. 4, with ἀπό, from. 3. Gal. iv, 18, FIRST (88.) πρῶτος, see “FIRST,” νου, FIR 2. πρόκειμαι, to lie before, to be laid or set before-any one; to lie or be | before the mind of any one, 1.6. to | be present to him. 1, Mark x. 31, pl. “‘are.” | 9, 2 Cor. viii. 12. | FIRST cee | 1. πρῶτος, see “First,” No. 1. 2. µία, see «“ FIRST,” Λο. 4. 1. Matt. xxvi. 17. Mark xvi. 9 (ap.) 2. —— xxviii. 1. Luke xxiv. 1. 2, Mark xvi. 2. John xx, 1, 19. 7p pe 2. Acts xx. FIRST ESTATE. ἀρχή, see “ FIRST,” Vo. ὅ. Jude 6, marg. principality. ἄνωθεν, of place, from above; of time, from the first, from the beginning. Luke i. 3. ‘FIRST (FROM THE VERY.) | | FIRST OF ALL. 1, πρῶτον, see “First,” Vo. 2 ἐν, among, 2. { πρῶτοις, first matters, | 1. Luke xii. 1. | 1, 1 Cor. ‘xi. 18, 9. 1 Cor: αν, 8, —_—— FIRST BEGOTTEN. πρωτότοκος, first-born, (non oce. ) | Heb. i. 6. Rev. i. 5. ae FIRST BORN. | Matt. i. 25 (om. LT Tr A Coli 1, Ία, 18. Luke ii. 7. (&.) Heb. xi. 28. Rom. viii. 29. — xii. 23. FIRST FRUIT (5) | | ἀπαρχή, an offering of first-fruits ; then, an offering generally. In N.T. pl., the first-fruits which were conse- | crated to God, (non oce. ) | Rom. viii. 23. 1 Cor. xv. 20, 23. — xi. 16, sing.» xvi, 16. — xvi. 5, Jas. i. 18. Rev. xiv 4. FISH (28) bean) | 1. ἰχθύς, a fish, (from ikw, to go, and | | θύω, to rush _impetuously), (non is occ. ) z [ 289 ] καταρτίζω, to make fully ready, to put | FIT 2. ὀψάριον, a little fish, (dim. of ὄψον, whatever is eaten with bread, which later came to be applied particularly to fish), (non oce. ) 1. Matt. vii. 10. 1. Luke xi. 11 twice. 1. —— xiv. 17, 19. 1. — xxiv, 42. — — xv.34,see F(little.) | — John vi. 9, see κκ ) le 36. 2, —— 11. 1. —— xvii. 27. [1. —— xxi. 6, 8. x 1. Mark vi. 38, 41 twice, 43 | ΡᾺ ο 20. -- viii.7, = Ε (smi all.) | 1. 1. Luke v. 6, 9 Ἰ - 1. — ix. 13, τὖῦ 1. I Cor. ke: 39, FISH (ΤτΕ) , ἰχθύδιον, dim. of No. 1 above, in form, but perhaps not in Meaning. Matt. xv. 34. . FISH (sMAatt.) 1. ἰχθύδιον, see “ FISH (LITTLE.)” 9 ~e 1, Mark viii. 7. | ὀψάριον, see “FISH,” Vo, 2. ° 2. John vi. 9. | FISHER (-s.) ἁλιεύς, a fisher, fisherman, (from GAs, the sea.) Matt. iv. 18, 19. | Mark i. 16, 17. John xxi. 7, see coat, FISHERMAN (-mey.) Luke v. 2. FISHING (a.) ἁλιεύω, to fish, catch fish. John xxi. 3, inf. FIT [adj.] 1. εὔθετος, well-situated, (οσα, Heb. vi. 1.) 9, καθήκω, to come or reach down to. In N.T. impers. to suffice, be enough for a thing, it is becoming, fit, proper, (occ. Rom. i. 28.) convenient, | ᾿ς Luke ix. 62. ᾿ | 2. Acts xxii. 22, part, 1. —— xiv, 35. (ind. GT Tr ΑΝ) FIT (-Ε0) [verb.] in full order, to make complete, |! esp. of what w broken, hence, to Φοβί, repair. Rom, ix. 22, marg. make up, Heb. x. 6, marg. (text, prepare.) oe ...΄΄....... - - -΄- ας ———— ea FIT FIT (5Ε.) ἀνήκω, to have come up to anything, to | extend to, hence, to pertain to, to — be fit or becoming, (occ. Eph. v. 4; Philem. 8.) Col. iii. 18. FITLY. See, FRAME, JOIN. FIVE. πέντε, five, (prob. from πᾶς, παντός, all, i.e., all the fingers on the hand.) See under “THREE,” for spiritual signification. Matt. xiv. 17, 19. Luke xix. 18, 19. —— xvi. 9. John iy. 18. ᾿Ξ τὺ. 2 twice, 165, - ν. 2. 16 twiee, 20 4 times. -- υἱ. 9, iB} 19. Mark vi. 38, 41. Acts iv. 4. — viii. 19. —— xx. 6. Luke i. 24. — xxiv. 1. —— ix. 13, 16. 1 Cor. xiv. 19. —— xii. 6, 52. 2 Cor. xi. 24, see F times. -- xvi. 28. Rev. ix. 5, 10. Rev. xvii. 10. FIVE TIMES. πεντάκις, five times. 2 Cor. xi. 24. See also, HUNDRED, THOUSAND. FIX (-zp.) στηρίζω, to set fast, steadfast, fix firmly. | Luke xvi. 26. FLAME. φλόξ, a flame, blaze, any bright blazing fire. Luke xvi. 24. Acts vii. 30. Heb. i. 7. Rev. i. 14. — ii. 18. —— xix. 12. FLAMING. 2 Thes. i. 8, πανε “FLATTERING. κολακεία, flattery, adulation (perhaps from κολλᾶσθαι, to stick to, to ΠΕ on as we say; or, prob. from pon, to smooth. ) 1 Thes. ii. 5, genitive. FLAX. [ 290 ] λίνον, flax, then, what is made of flax, as raiment, and also, the wick of a lamp,( Eng. linen), (occ.-Rev. xv. 6.) Matt. xii. 20. FLE FLEE (-ΕΤΗ, FLED.) 1. φεύγω, to flee, to fly, to betake one’s self to flight, (Lat. fuga, fugio; also Hing. fugue.) 2. ἐκφεύγω, (No. 1 with ἐκ, out of, pre- Jixed,) to flee out of, escape. 3. καταφεύγω, (No. 1 with κατά, down, prefixed,) to flee down to any place, hence, to flee for refuge, (non occ.) 1. Matt. ii. 13. 1. Acts vii. 29. 1. —— iii. 7. 8. —— xiv. 6. 1, —— viii. 33. 9. —— xvi. 27. 1. —x. 23. 1. —— xvii. 30. 1. — xxiv. 16. 2, —— xix. 16 (with éx, 1. XxXvi. 56. out of.) 1. Mark v. 14. Ι. 1 Cor. vi. 18. il xiii. 14, 1. —x. 14. 1. —— xiv. 50, 52. Ἱ. 1 σι, τὰς ΕἸ 1. —— xvi. 8. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 22. 1. Luke iii. 7. — Heb. vi. 18, see F for 1. — viii. 94, 1. Jas. iv. 7. | refuge. 1. —— xxi. 21. 1. Rev. ix. 6. 1. John x. 5, 12,13 (ap.) 1. ——xii. 6. FLEE AWAY. 1. Rev. xvi. 20. | 1. Rev. xx. 11. FLEE FOR REFUGE. 3. Heb. vi. 18. FLESH. |. σάρξ, flesh ; then, corporeity accord- ing to its material side, (σῶμα, being the organic whole, the body, and therefore is to be distinguished from it); then, the outward form of human nature, and therefore human nature in its embodiment. As used by St. Paul, all that is peculiar to human nature in its corporeal embodiment 25 said to belong to it; and hence, he uses τί as the distinct antithesis to πνεῦμα, (spirit), to signify the sinful con- dition of human nature, (occ. Rom. viii. 6, 7; Col. 11. 18; Heb. ix. 10 ) 2. κρέας, flesh, dead-meat, (non occ.) 1, Matt. xvi. 17. 1.1. Rom. i. 3. | 1. —— xix. δ, 6. 1, —— ii. 28. Nig - xxiv, 22, 1, —— iii, 20. 1; xxvi. 41. i να, 1. Mark κ. 8 twice. 1 vi. 19. 1. — xiii, 20. 1 - vii. δ, 18, 26. ip — xiv. 38, 1 - viii. 1(ap.), 3. 3times, | 1. Luke iii. 8, 4, 5 twice, 8, 9, 12 twice, 1. —— xxiv. 39. ΗΝ -ix, 8, 6, 8. [19. 1. John i, 13, 14. i — xi. 14. | 1. —— iii, 6 twice. 1, —— xiii. 14. 1. ——vi. 51, 52, 53, 64, | 9, - xiv. 21. 55, 56, 63. 1, 1 Cor. i. 23, 29. 1. —— viii. 16. 1, —v. 5. 1. — xvii. 2. 1, —— vi. 16. 1. Acts ii. 17, 26, 30 (ap.), | 1. —— vii. 28. 51, 2. —— viii. 18. FLE [ 291 ] FLO 1. 1 Cor. x. 18. 1. Phil, i, 22, 24. 3 1. —— xv. 39 let ἃ 2nd. 1. — iii. 3, 4 twice. FLOOD (-s.) 1. 39 3rd (om. α 1, | 1. Col. i. 22, 24. saat als ace ; TIAN) {ος ο ean 13,99, | 1" κατακλυσμός, dashing down upon, al. | 1. wee (om.G-.) | 1. τ, iii. 22. inundation, deluge, spoken of Noah's | 4. 5 1. 1 Tim. iii. 16. : 1. 2 Cor. i. 17. 1. Philem. 16 flood, (non occ. ) μι, Heb. ii. 14. | 1 as i. oh Bieter i. i Ἧ 2 2. πλήμμυρα, flood-tide, the flow of the 1. —vii. 1, ὃ 1. — ix. 13 ‘ φ 2 . ἷ ια. on; sea, σ8 Opp. to the ebh; then, by 1. —xi. 18. 1. — xii. 9, wmplication any flood, (non ους, ) 1. —— xii. 7. 1. Jas. v. 3. 1. Gal. i. 16, . | 1. 1 Pet. i 24 Ἂ 3. ποταμός, ariver, stream, (from ποτάζω, 1. — ii. 16, 20, 1. —~ iii. 18, 21. με 1., —— iv. ltwice 9, 6, to flow.) 1. — iv. 13, 14, 23, 29. | 1. 2 Pet. ii:-10, 18. Ἢ 1. ——v. 14, 16, 17twice, | 1. 1 John ii. 16, 3. Matt. vii. 25, 27. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 5. τς: 19, 24. yh iv. 2, 3 (ap.) 1, — xxiv. 38, 39, 3. Rev, xii. Φα . 1. — vi. 8 twice, 12, 13. | 1. 2 John 7. 2. Luke vi. 48. - 15 2nd, see below. 1. Eph.ii.3twice, 11twice,15, | 1. Jude 7, 8, 25. 1, —— xvii. 27. 3. 16. 1, —v. 29, 30 (ap.), 31. | 1. Rev. xvii. 16. 1, — vi. ts 2 ]. —— xix. 18 5times, 21, ———— FLESHLY. 1. σάρξ, (here the Gen. of No.1 above. ) 2. σαρκικός, fleshly, distinctive of the flesh, what attaches to the flesh in its corporeity, (more abstract, and not so gross in its idea as σάρκινος, which denotes of flesh, fleshy ; see below. ) ΘΟ, 1 19, 1. Col. ii. 18. 21 Pet. ii 1] FLESHY. σάρκινος, of flesh, fleshy, made of the material substance σάρξ. Our Lord was σάρκινος, “of human flesh sub- sisting ;” but not, σαρκικός, as other men, subject to fleshly lusts and appetites, (non occ. ) 2 Cor iii. 3. FLIGHT. φυγή, flight, (hence, Eng. fugue, fugitive, Lat. fuga), (non occ. ) Matt. xxiv. 20. Mark xiii. 18 (om. ασ LT TrA®) Heb. xi. 34, see turn FLOCK. . ποίμνη, a flock, esp. of sheep; but metaph. also of men, (occ. John x. 16, where tt ts wrongly rendered. | « fold. 4 2. ποίμνιον, (prob. dim. of No. 1 being contraction of ποιµένιονι) a little flock, (non occ. ) 1. Matt. xxvi. 31. 2. Acts xx. 28, 29 1. Luke ii. 8. 1. 1 Cor. ix, 7 twice. 2. —— xii. 32. 2. 1 Pet. v. 2, 3. τα FLOOD (caRRIED AWAY OF THE.) ποταµορφόρητος, borne om carried away by a river or flood, (non οὓς, ) Rey. xii. 15. FLOOR. ἅλων, a threshing-floor, where corn ws trodden out, (non occ. ) Matt. iii. 12. | Luke iii. 17. FLOUR (FINE.) σεμίδαλις, the finest wheaten flour; Lat. simila, similago, (non occ. ) Rev. xviii. 13. FLOURISH AGAIN. ἀναθάλλω, to shoot up again, sprout, (non occ. ) Phil. iv. 10, marg. be revived, FLOW. ῥέω, to flow, (non ace.) John vii, 38. FLOWER. ἄνθος, a flower, (non ace, ) Jas."i, 10, 11. | 1 Pet. i. 24 twiee. κκ. | FLOWER OF ONE'S AGE (pass THe.) past or beyond the ὑπέρακμος, be- >bloom of youth or yond the point, ) flower of life. ” 1 Cor. vii. 36. ({ἰμί, to be, « oe FLU [ 292 1 FOL Se a ο... FLUX (BLoopy.) 3 τ FOLDAUE: δυσεντερία, dysentery, (non occ.) ~ ἑλίσσῳ, to roll up, fold up, as a garment Acts xxviii. 8 to be laid away, (occ. Rev. vi. 14.) ———_ —— Heb. i. 12. FLY (κα. 7 te FOLK. 1. πετάομαι, (a later form of No. 2,) to : spread the wings to fly, hence, gen. See, IMPOTENT, SICK. to fly, (non occ.) SaaS 9. πέτομαι, same meaning, (non occ.) FOLLOW. 1. Rey. iv. 7 (No.2, GLT(2 Rev. xii. 14. | 1. ἀκολουθέω, to be an ἀκόλουθος (fol- 1. τα αν (No. 2, GL ἃ hia hs LES | lowing, attending, hence, as subst. TTrA®) }1. ——xiz.17(No.2,GLT | a follower, footman), to follow one, = go with or after him. Used esp. of FOAL. -soldiers, servants, and pupils, (occ. vids, a son, (strictly spoken only of man SNS 2 but, also sometimes in a wider sense. 2, ἐξακολουθέω, (No.1 with ἐκ, out of, Matt xxi 5. prefixed, ) to follow out. —___________| 3, ἐπακολουθέω, (No. 1 with ἐπί, upon, FOAM (-Ετπ, -1NG.) prefixed,) to follow upon, attend ἀφρίζω, to froth, to foam at the mouth, ερ cine sick (non occ.) . κατακολουθέω, (No.1 with κατά down, Mark ix. 18, 20. prefixed,) to follow down, 1.6. to follow closely. 5. παρακολουθέω, (No.1 with παρά, be- FOAM OUT. side, prefixed,) to follow side by ἐπαφρίζω, (the above with ἐπί, upon, side, to accompany, conform to. prefiwed,) to foam upon, to foam | ¢ συνακολουθέω, (No. 1 with σύν, to- out, (non occ. ) gether with, prefixed,) to follow oust. | together with any one, to follow with. FOAMETH AGAIN (τΗΑΤ one.) 7. διώκω, to cause to flee, hence, to μετά, with, pursue after as flying enemies, | ἀφροῦ, foam. pursue iz order to find or overtake ; Luke ix. 39 metaph. to follow earnestly after. 8. μιμέομαι, to mimic, but in a good FOE (-s.) sense, 1.6. to imitate, follow as an example. ἐχθρός, (adj.) Pass. hated, odious, obj pope (aa μα 9. γίνομαι, to begin to be,.come into of cnmity. Act. inimical, hostile. ! b As subst. with art. an enemy, ad- existence, come to be, become. (els « ” | δεῦτε, here! 12.6. come! ) versary; (elsewhere, “cnemy.”) ag { οι ο Matt. x. 36. | Acts ii. 36. - , come hither afar anal | ὀπίσω, behind, after, { εἰ i, to be FOLD [noun. | 1: wey fe ναι “which is after.” ΣΎ ᾿ς ? 1. αὐλή, a court, a yard, any enclosed | 19 matt. iv. 19. 1. Matt. xxi. 9. space in the open air, hence, the 1. 20, 22, 25. ακν — xxvi. 58, . ο i 0 | —— xxvii. 55. cing οἵ se πάρος house, and 1: ο... 19, 27. 11. seal Γ 80, ἃ -fold. 1—x 38. 1, Mark 1. 18. τ Se irewaie 1, —— xii. 16, - 86, seo F after, 1. —— xiv. 13, 1, ——1i. 14 twice, 10, 2. ποίμνη, & flock, esp. of sheep. 1. —xvi 94. 1, — iti. 7 (om. -».) — John κ. 1 gcesheep-fold. | 1. John x. 16111. 1. —— xix. 2, 21, 27, 28. | 1. ——v. 24, 2. John x 10 25 1. --- xx. 29, 34. 6. 87 (No. 1,1.) | FOL [ 293 J] FOO “1, Mark vi. 1. | 1. John xviii. 15. , 1 Cor. iv. 16. 2 Tim. iii, 10, see F of (be 1. —— viii. 34. 1, — xx. 6. —— xi. 1. . ἃ diligent.) 1. —— ix. 38 twice (ap.) 1. —— xxi. 19, 20, 22. Eph. v. 1. Heb, vi. 12. 1, ——x. 21, 28, 32, part., | — Acts fii. 24, see F after. | Phil. iii. 17, see F together 1 Pet. iii 13 (ζηλωτής, φον 52, 1. —— xii. 8, 9. 1 Thes, i. 6. lovs of, Ga LT Tr 1. —— xi. 9. 1. —— xiii. 43. — ii. 14, &) 1. — xiv. 13. 4. —— xvi. 17. ἥν 61 (Νο. 6, αΟἽ, | — —— xxi. 1, 18, see —- TTrA®) following. ie 1. 54. |1: 86. νι} FOLLOWER OF (be a diligent) 1. — xv. 41 — — xxiii. 11, see fol- | 6, —— xvi. 17 (ap lowing. {margin. ] 3. 20 (ap. | — Rom. ix. 30, 31,) seeF | _ oube aoe ” No, ὅ 1, Luke v. 11, 27, 28. — ——xiv.19, fafter. | πταρακολουῦεω, 866 “FOLLOW, YO. 9. 1. — vii. 9. | 1. 1Cor. x. 4, marg. go : ae 5 1, — ix. 11, 28, 49, 57, | with | 2 Tim. iii. 10, text, know sully. 59, 61. fing. | — —— xiv. 1, see F oe — xiii. 33, see follow- | — Phil. iii. 12, after. . — xvii. 99, 7. 1 Thes, v. 15. 1 xviii, 29, 28, 43. | 8 2 Thee, iii. 7,9. FOLLOWER TOGETHER. . — xxii 10, 39. 3. 1 Tim. v. 10. : aA Je, eee na 49, see F (that | — 24, } see F συμμιμητής, α Co-imitator, joint-imitator. would. ) - vi. 11, after. Phil. iii. 17. ° ‘ 7. 2 Tim. ii 22. : nh if. 1. —— xxiii. 27. 7. Heb. xii 14. nad ὅκα ean εν 6. ae : 8. rt if ΝᾺ - 55, see F after. — 1 Pet. i. 11, see F (that ‘ 1. John i. 37, 38, 40, 43. 3. ος, 3) (should. ) FOLLOWING. 1. — vi 2. 2. 2 Pet. i. 16, part. ai 7 ᾿ F + | — 22, see following | 2. ——ii. 2, tae “επιων, coming upon or over One ; of tume, 1. — viii. 12 | 8. 3 John 11. succeeding. Γι 1. ——-x. 4, 5, 27. | 1. Rev. vi, 8. aed | 1. —— xi. 31. 9. viii. 7. | Acts xxiii. 11. σ᾽ lols ΞΞ iv, 4.8. 5᾽ ΤῈ | | | 1. — xiii. 36 tWice, 37. 1. — xx. 14. | ΕΤΗ | FOLLOWING (188 Day.)- FOLLOW AFTER. . i. the ) with ἡμέρα, day, 1. ἐπακολουθέω, see “FOLLOW,” Vo. 3. | 1 ἔτ ο. understood, the suc- , τ΄ ; ? Ὃ Ϊ oO i 2. κατακηλουθέω, see “ FOLLOW,” Vo. 4. upon, { ceeding ἐ coming 3. διώκω, see “FOLLOW,” Λο. 7. a ού γ δ ΄ | 9 { τη, the, the 4. καταδιώκω, (No. 3 with κατά, down, ὶ ἐπαύριον, ρου the morrow, f morrow. prefixed,) to pursue closely, as an : ‘ ὃ . τή, the, the day enemy ; follow closely i order to ης : : : 3.4 ἑξῆς, in order, next, in -next in Jind, (non occ.) Z order, ) order. 5. καθεξῆς, according to the order or τὴ ἘΝ Dae succession, 1.6. successively, con- 4 Εν: ἐν 7 ο αρ ἀπ Ὁ | secutively, in connected order. | } Χο)» fob d * With art. to, next, ay. =. ΝΕ |g Marki. 86... 3. Rom. xiv. 19, ποια || Actenxi 1 uke xxiii. 55. «ποσο ivy Ls ots χχὶ 5. Acts iii, 24 3. Phil. iii. 12. | να 3. Rom. ix. 30, 31. 1. 1 Tim. v. 24. Sel tim, vi 11, | FOLLY. FOLLOW (THAT SHOULD.) | 1. ἄνοια, without understanding o7 sense . . ! | ἂν y ΨΥ - να ete atter, | (νοῦς), folly, (oce. Luke Wik κ. ) ταῦτα, these things. 2. ἀφροσύνη, without mind ήν), des- J ρ ην ρή ; 1 Pet. i, 11. titute of any sound principle, senselessness. FOLLOW (WHAT SHOULD.) 2. 2 Cor xi i. | 1. 2 Tim. iii. 9 . | τὸ, the thing, ἐσό FOOD ἐσόμενον, about to be. . Luke xxii. 40. 1. τροφή, nourishment, sustinence. FOLLOWER. μιμητής, an imitator. | διατροφή, (No. 1 strengthened by διά, through,) sustinence, support, (non t? μμ μμ. πος 7, τ μμ ασ πμ ΚΕ One. ene - FOO || 3. βρῶσις, eating, the act of eating. [ 294 F ] 00 — FOOLISH (ΜΑΚΕ.) μωραίνω, to make dull or foolish. 1 Cor. i. 20 1. Acts xiv. 17. | 2.1 Tim. vi. 8. τ. 2'Cor ix. 10. 1 Jas. ii. 15! FOOL (-s.) 1. μωρός, dull, not acute; of the mind, dull, slow, (Sans. muhera, fool, from Root, muh, to be silly), (Ixx. for bar, Deut. xxxii. 6; Is. xxxii. 5, 6; boo, Ps. xciv. 8.) 2. ἄφρων, without mind (φρήν), sense- less, destitute of any sound principle. 3. ἄσοφος, without wisdom (σοφός), (non occ. ) 4. ἀνόητος, unreflecting, never applying the νοῦς (mind) ἐδ moral or religious truth. 1. Matt. v. 22. Ia Com nity 18, 1. — xxili. 17 1. —— iv. 10 1. —— 10 (οπι. ᾱ -- LP | 2. — xv. 36 TTrAR®) 9. 2Cor. xi. 16 twice, 19. 2. Luke xi. 40. ἘΞ ο 93: eee I (45.8:} of xii. 20. 2. —— xii. 6, 11. 4. — xxiv. 25. [comea.) | 3. Eph. v. 15 — Ron ι 22, see F (be- | — 1 Tim. vi. 4, see F (δε α.) FOOL (as a.) παράφρονέω, to be aside from a right mind, deranged, (non occ. ) 2 Cor. xi. 23, part. FOOL (be a) [margin.] τυφόω, to smoke, fume, surround with smoke, becloud. 1 Tim. vi. 4 (pass) text, be proud. FOOL (ΡΕΈΓΟΜΕ A.) | pwpaivw, to make dull, make foolish. | | | Rom. i. 22, paas “- | FOOLISH. | ee | 1. μωρός, see FOOL,” No. 1. ῃ , ’ ” Υ Ι | 2. ἀνόητος, see “KOOL,” Vo. 4. ; | 3. ἀσύνετος, irrational in conduct, stupid. | ᾿ | 4, αῴρων, Sé¢ “POOL,” No. ὩΣ 1. Matt. νίι οἱ | 2. Gal, iit 1, 3. “ho —— xxv 44,5 | —.Eph. vy. 4, see F talking 3. Rom. i. 21 2. 1 Tim. vi. 9 Vf ου οῦ 1. 2 Tim. ii, 23. { J ——x. 19. | 2.:Tit. iii, 3. { —1 Cor. i. 27, see F(make) | 9. | - 27, see F thing, | 4.°1 Vet. ii 19, FOOLISH TALKING. μωρολογία, foolish talking,’ (non occ. ) Eph. v. 4. FOOLISH THING. see “‘FooL,” Wo, 1. 1 Cor. 1. 27, neut. ’ μωρός, | FOOLISHLY. ἐν, in i i yn, » | in folly, in ἀφροσύνη, see “FOLLY, 7+ rade χο. 2) : j 20ος σὲ. 1, αἱ “FOOLISHNESS. 1. μωρός, see “Foo,” Vo. 1. 3, μωρία, folly, foolishness, absurdity. Pwpta, ys ᾿ 9 3. ἀφροσύνη, see FOLLY,” Wo. 2. 3. Mark vii. 22. 2. 1 Cor. 1 25, neut 9. 1 Corsi 18) ΣῈ; 25: 2h 14. 2. 1 Cor. 11. 19. — i. FOOT, FEET. 1. πούς, the foot both of men and beasts, strictly the foot from the ankle downwards. . (Sanser. pad ;. hence, Lat. pes, pedis; Lng. pad, foot; Germ. fuss), (non acc.) | 2. βάσις, a stepping, power to step or walk ; then, that with which one steps, a foot ; also, that on which | η : one steps; hence, Lng. basis, (non | oce. ) 1. Matt. iv. 6. 1. Luke viii. 35, 41 — —— v. 13, see tread. 1, —— ix. 5, τα. vil 6 1,.— x. 39. | 1. κ 14 1 xv, 22, — — xiv. 13, sew F (on.) | 1. —— xvii. 16. | 1. — xv. 30 1, —— xxiv. 39, 40 (ap.) | 1, —— xviii, 8 twice 1. John x1, 2, 32, 44. 1. —— xviii. 20 (om, ‘‘at | 1, —— χι. 3twice. his feet,’GLTTr.) | 1 —— xiii. 5, 6, 8, 9. { 1 —— xxii. 13 ] 10 (om. Ὁ 7 Ν.) | 1, ——xxviii. 9 1 12, 14 twice, 1, Mark ν. 22. 1 xx. 12. } 1.——vi. 11 2, Acts iii. 7. ΙΪ 1, ιν vii, 25 ας, 85; B7: } 1, ———ix. 45 twice. 1. — v. 2,9, 10. 1. Luke i 79. | 1, —— vii. 5, see F on (set | 1. ——iv, 11. one’s. ) | 1. ——vii 383times ggtwice, | 1, 33, 58, et 46 (om.G-.) (45. | 1, —— κ. 25 ο --φφθ- nn ᾳὼΔὦῴᾧὦ.΄2ηϑῳδΣτΣὥὔ7τὄρσοσϑΔρΠΔΛΠΧ}ὸὲ}.ΝΟῸπΤἙἕΈΤΠτ ΤἝ-“«-.Ἢἡ Ξ.͵ - FOO ‘1. Acts xiii. 25. 51. — Heb. x. 29, see tread. 1. — xiv. 8, 10. εἰ: xii. 13. 1. — xvi. 24. — Rev. i. 13, see F (gar- 1, —— xxi.-1l. | ment down to the.) 1, — xxii. 3. μα 15, 17. 1. —— xxvi. 10. 1, —— ii. 15. κας Rom, ni. 10. 1. —— iil 9. 1. —-x. 15. vee 1, —— x,-], 21st. : Ἂς xvi. 20. ο ϱ 2nd, see F (left.) 1.1 Cor. xii. 15, 21. 1. —— xi. 2, see tread. 1. —— xv. 25, 27. 1. - — 11. 1, Eph. i. 22. 1. — xii. 1 1. — vi. 15. 1. —— xiii. 2 11 Tim: ν, 10. 1. —— xix. 10 1. Heb. ii? 8. 1. —— xxii. 8 FOOT (GARMENT DOWN To THE.) ποδήρης, reaching down to and touching the feet, (from πούς, ποδός, the foot, and apy, to fit.) Used of the Tigh Priests’ garment, Ex. xxviii. 4, (non ους. ) Rey. i. 19. FOOT (on.) πεζή, (dat. fem. of πεζός, on foot, used as adv. ), on foot, but usually, by land, (occ. Mark vi. 33.) Matt. xiv. 10. FOOT ON (τὸ set ONE's ) \ βῆμα, a step, a foot-breadth, what ποδός, of a foot, { the footcanstandon. Acts vii. 5. FOOTSTOOL. 1. ὑποπόδιον, under-foot, hence, footstool. ὑποπόδιον, footstool, τὼν, of the, ποδῶν, feet, . Matt. v. 35. | ἘΞ Luke xx. 48. xxil. 44 (ὑποκάτω, . Acts ii. 35. his feet. 2 τὼν ποδῶν, under thy 2. vii. 49. feet, ας LT TrA®) 2. Heh. i. 13. 2. Mark xii. 36. 2.—— x. 13 1. Jas. ii. 8. FOR. | ( When “for” is not the translation of a case of the noun or part of another word, it vs one of these following. ) 1, εἰς, into, to, unto, with a view to; hence, with respect to a certain event, in order to, for. 2. ὑπέρ, over and separate from; here .only with Gen. on behalf. of, as though bending over to protect, (the [ 295°] a footstool of -FOR opposite of No. 13); then, as the service rendered on behalf of another may often be in his stead, ἐξ comes to have this meaning, but is’ less definite than No. 8. - 3. διά, through, implying separation, and disjunction. (a) with Gen. through, by means of, by, (marking the instrument of the action. ) (b) with Acc. on account of, owing to, because of, (marking the ground or reason of the action. ) 4, περί, around and separate from, here only with Gen. about, concerning, marking the object of the thought or discourse. 5. ἐπί, upon. (a) with «επ. upon and proceeding from, as a pillar upon the ground. (b) with Dat. upon and resting upon, marking the basis or foundation, and also the ethical basis, the occasion or cause of an action or emotion, also the moving principle or suggesting motive, about, for. (ο) with Acc. upon (with a new to superposition), motion to marking the intention, for, against. 6. πρός, towards, in the direction of. (a) with Gen. hitherwards, belonging to the character of, conducive to. (0) with Dat. near, hard by. (c) with Acc. hitherwards (of literal direction), to ; then, of mental direc- tion, towards, against, in considera- tion of. 7. ἀπό, from (from the exterior), from, on account of, marking the cause or occasion. 8. ἀντί, over against (denoting opposition or equivalent), instead of, for, in return for, (iz John i. 16, ἐξ denotes grace in the place of grace, t.e. con- tinually renewed.) a 9, ἐν, in (of time, place, or element.) 10. ἐκ, out of (opp, to No. 1), used of time, from, the future springing out of the present from, for. 11. ἄχρι, (adv. as prep.) unto, as far as, until, during. FOR [ 296 ] FOR 4 18.Matt.xvi. 17, 23. 16. Mark v. 8. 12. ἕνεκα, (prep. adv.) because of, by | 18 ae 1 4 reason of, on account of. a 252nd,seeF,.sake | 16. 28, 42. : “ 16.—— 26, 27. κας ια τά 19. κατά, down, here only with Acc. | 13— xvii. 15 ες 16. 14, 17 Ist. : 3 : 16. 15 2nd, 90, down upon 0) along, over against, | 3° 97, (20. | 18, 17 3rd. according to, in reference to some | 16.— xviii. 7,10,11(ap.), | 16.—— 18, 20. mane 18.— xix. 3. — —— 26, see Ε΄ .sake. standard of comparison. τὰ 5, see F..cause. | 16,—— 31. “ - : 5b. 9. 16,——- 36 (om, ἄν Lb 14. ws, as, like as, as it were. 16. ΑΡ. TrA®) κ q — ——— 122nd seeF’..sake | 16. 48, 50, 52 Ist. 15. 06, the, here with the Inf. marking the | 16. 14, ος A eae 8) (ἀλλά, but, -- 29, Βθὺ F’, .sake rp. result or purpose. 16.—— xx. 1. 16.— vii. LTTrAN) ᾿ > A 10. 2. 16. 8 om. 16. γάρ, (a contraction of ye, verily, and | 16 16 (ap.) 16. ἐῷ ο]. apa, therefore, further,) the fact is, ἮΝ may: 26, 32. ue TrA Aaa, a: in fact, (having a more extensive | 14. ae (No. 1 Gs L 16.---------- 27. " 7 ᾿ ; Tr A), see 8 ©. | 3b. 29, meaning than the Eng. for, expressing | 16 xxii 14. 16. — viii. 8 (No, 21, L the reason, cause, motive, principle, | 4. 10 1εὶ. TTrA®) eae es eS 16 24, 28, 30. | 18. 88, etc. of what has been previously said.) | 16. xxiii 3. 16 ἘΠῚ 35 Ist. κι 5 16. 4 (No. 32, α L -- 352nd seeF.. sake 17 { καὶ, and, algo, \ fact, 07, TTrA.) 16-08, , η : = 5, see F to 16,—— ix. 6twice, 81, 34,, . | yap, see No. 16, in fact...also. 5 ον ΓΕ 30; 40, 41, ο “ul 4 5 16. 10 (No. 1 6¢c.—— x. 5. 18, ὅτι, introduces that which rests on ὦ LTTr A) i 7. nee Bene patent fact, that (used in objective 18. 18 τῇ 16 11. 55, 27 (αρ.) sentences as equivalent to the acc. with | 18. 14 lst. gaa eo 2 . . 18, 15. 16.— xi 13, 18. inf. and as a particle of explanation, ) πας ο 88 om. στο because, inasmuch as, seeing that. 18 —— 15. a) απ! ελ. ες ἱ 19. 16,—— 82. 19. διότι, (contraction for διὰ τοῦτο, ὅτι) | 18; oe 25, 27. = TE ΠΑ τον ὧν 5 6. 39. ,-..---- ή, wherefore, on this account. 16.—— xxiv. 5, 6, 7. 18. 32. ’ fms ᾿ -- 9, see F.. sake. 16. —— 36 (om. Lb T Tr® 20. ἐπειδή, since truly, inasmuch as. 1. 14. AR. ὃ 16. 21. 16. 44, 21. καί, and, also. — —— 22, see F,.cake | 16.—- xiii. 6 (om. T Trbm 4 rise : 16. 24, 97. AR) 22. (an adversative and disjunctive | 16. =r τος G-+LT 10. ζ (om.T Trb A δὴ) . 6. partecle), but, now, moreover, | 16. 38. 16.——— 91st (om. Trb A) (marking a contrast or antithesis | αντ 45, η, τς a ee sometimes otherwise concealed. ) 16. 14, 29, 35,42. | 16,—_—11. 16. —— xxvi. 9, 10, 11,121st | — ——— 13, see F .sake. 16.Matt. i. 20, 2]. 17. Matt. viii. 9. 6c.———-. 12 2nd. 16. 19, 16.— ii. 2, 5, 6. 16,—— ix. 5, 13, 16, 21, 24. 1. —— 13. -- —— 20, see F..sake, 4. 8. 1; —=— χ 10 1st. — -——— 15, seecoyenant. | 16.—— 22, 33, 35. 16. 13, 20. 16. 10 2nd. 16.--------- 28 1st. 16.— xiv. δ, 7. 16.— iii. 2, 8, 9, 15. 16. ΤῊΝ 4 28 and. 1. 9. 16.—— iv. 6, 10, 17, 18. a 18lit,seeF..sake , 3" 28 8rd. 4. 24 (No. 2, LT 18,—— v. 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8,9} 1. 18 2nd. 16.—-—— 31, 48, 52. Ίτ Α Ν.) - 101s, seeF..sake | 16,—— 19 (αρ.), 20. | 11. 73. 18. 27. 18. 10 2". — ——— 22, see F.. sake. 1. ~— xxvii. 10. 16.—— 40, 56. — — ll, see F..take. | 16, 23 (om. G-.) 16. --- 18 1st. 17. 70. πο... 10 Jat 16. 26, 35. 8b. 18 2nd. 16.—— xv. 10 11. 16. 12 2nd. μα 39, see F..sake. | 16. 19, 48. 3b. 10 2nd. i; 13. | 16.— xi. 10 (om. Lb T | 16.— xxviii. 2. 16.—— xvi. 4. 16. 18, 20, 29, 30. Tr Ab N.) Τ. 4. 92. ------- 8 lt. 18, 84, 35 twice. 16. 13, 18, 10, δ, 8. 16. 8 2nd. 8, .......-.ὄ 88 twice, 18. 97, 23, 26, 29, 1. Mark i. 4, marg. unto. 19.Luke i. 18. 9, 44, τα ια 16, 16, 22. 16. 15, 18, 30. 18. 45. | 16.—— xii. 8, 98, 84, 37,40 | 18—— 27 (οπι (ον TrA) | 18. 87. 16.3.5 46, | 18. 42. 18)» -- 88. 16,———— 44 2st. 18;—— vi, 6. | 16. 40, | 4. 44 lst. 9. 44 2nd. 16. 7 ist. 16.—— xiii. 12, 16, 1. 44 2nd. 18.-------- 45, marg. that. 9, 7 2nd, ac 16. 3b.—— ii. 4. 18. ~ 48 lst. πο -----.. 8, - 16. 17. 16. 16. 10. 48 2nd. 18. 18 (ap.) = 21, see while. Sa eee 18. 49, 68. 16. 14, 16, 21, 24. | τ. 44. 50----- fl δ. 10. 76. 18. 26. | 16——xiv. 8 1st. | 16,——— 10 lst. ; 77, marg. (text, 4. 28, d | -- 82nd, ΒΘΟΕ.,, 88 Κ6 — ———. 10 2nd, seo F to, by.) 16. 82 twice, | 16. 4. } 16.——— 2). 16,—— ii. 10. 1, ——— 34 Ist. - ϱ, 800 F.,eake ᾽10.---- 35 (om. L T Tro | 18. 11. 16, 34 2nd, i6. 24. A. 5b, 20. 16.— vii. 2, 8, 12. Ge 26. — — iv, 17, see F..sake | 15,——— 21. 18. 18, 4 10. χν. 2, 4, 19. | 16.—— 23, 25. 4. 27. 16. 25, 29. “ | 18. 23, 16. ———. 28 (on... 1, T Tr | 18.——— 30. 1. —— viii 4, \ 16,—— xvi. 2, 3, | AR.) 1, —— 84 twice. 1. Luke iii. 8. 16. 8. 16. 24, 28. 16. 42. 4. ——— 19 twice Ly 35 twice, 18, 44. 18. — iv. 6. 16.— xv. 6, 9 4. — ix, οι 16, 8(om.G LTTr | 11. 24, 8 16. 99. ἘΣ) 16.—— xvi. 2. 1 39. 16. 10, 18. 3, 8. 18.— x. 4, 5. 11.—— 13. 16. 13. -- 10, see F to. 18.—— 32, 36. 18, 15, 24. z Ἢ 4. —— 38. 16, 25, ἡ. — 13. 18. 41, marg. that. 16.—— xvii. 21, 24. 2: 15 1§.—— 43. 5e.—— xviii. 4, 4. 33 twice. 1. —py. 4, 18. 14 2. —— xi. 4. 18. 8. 16, 16, 23, 26. στ 15, see Ε.,8ακο, 16. 0. = 29, see Ε΄. sake. 10. 39. 4, —— 14 Ist. 16, 32. 18. 47 1. —— 14 2d. 7. —— xix 3, ye 50; 51, 52 16. 39. 18. 4. -- 58, see F to. — — vi. 4, see do. 16. 5, 10, 21 4. —— xii. 6. 18. ———. 19, 20, 21 twice. 16. 26 (om. Lb Trb 16. 8. — —— 22, see F. .sake. AR) - 9, see F, sake 16.———. 28 twice. 4. Sie - 18 1st, see F that | 1s. 24, 25 twice, 18. 43. cause. | 16. 26. 16. 48. - 18 2nd see F that * 2. ——— 28(No. 4, TTr™ | 16.—— xx. 6, 19, 33, 36, 38. -- 27, see F this ο. ο 16.— xxi. 4, 8, 9. cause 17.—— 82, 33. -- 12, see F.. sake, -- 30, see F..sake. | 17.—— 34(om.yap,TTr> | }, 13. 16. 43, 47. AR) 16. —— 16. 18. 49, 18. ———- 35. — — 17, see F..sake. 16.— xiii. 11, 13, 15, 29. | : 16. 88, 43, 44twice, | 18. 22, = 37, 38, ἡ see F.. 45, 48 (αρ.) 16, 23 — — xir. 11, } sake 16.— vii. 5, 6. I 18 17, 28. 18.——— 7. 16. 26 8rd. 16. 30. a7. 8. 19. 28. 18.—— xv. 5, 16. 28 (om.TTr An.) | 16. 35. 2. 13 16. 33. 16,—— xxii 2, 16, 18. 18. 15 twice 18. 39. 2. 19, 20, -- 21, see Ε΄.. δι Κα. ὃς. 44. 16.—— 27. 4. 20. 18. 47. 4. 32. 16.—— xvi. 7, 18, 6c.—— viii. 13. 16. 37 Ist. 19, 14. 16. 17, 18. 17, ——— 37 2nd (om. yap, | 4. 26, 3b. 19. Lb Tro A.) 16. 27. 1s.— 25. 7. —— 40. 18.—— xvii. 8. 16. 29 twice. 7. 59, 4. Q Ist, 2ud & 3rd. 18. 37. 16. pie 18. 9 ath. 16.—— 40. 16.—— xxiii, 8, 12, 15. — — 19, see F,. sake. 18. 42. 3b. 19, 25. 4. 20 twice. 16. 40. 5c. 28 3 times. 18. 24. 3b. 47. 18. 29, 31. 18.—— xviii. 2 1. — ix. 3, 5. 16. 34, 41. 16. 13, 18. 12. 18. —— xxiv. 29, 39 2. 14, ἄς 13. he 41. 18, 18. 10. -------.-ὄ 14, 24 Ist. 1. Johni. 7. - 37, see Ε,. cause. -- —— 24 2nd, see F.. | 18,— 15. 16.— xix. 6. sake. 8. 16. 18. 20. 16. ———- 25, 26. 18. ———- 17, 30 4. 24 Ist. 18s,——— 38. 16.—— ii. 25. ὃς, 24 2nd: 16. 44, 48, 50 1st. 16.— iii..2, -16, 17, 20, | 16. 31, 36. 2. 50 2ud. 24, 34 twice. 42. 16. 56 (ap.) . 16.— iv. 8, 9, 18. 16.— ας. ϐ, 17. 1: 62 (om. LT Tr | 18, 22. 7. —— xxi. 6. AR) 17. 23. 10, 1.8. 16—x 7. 18. 35. = 11, see all 18. 13, 2]. 3b. 39. 18. Acts i. 5, 17. 16. 24. 16. 42, 44, 45, 47. 16. 20. — — xi. 3, see day, 16.— v. 4 (ap.), 13, 19, | 16.—— ii. 15, 25 1s. 17. 4, 20, 21, 22, 26. 18. 25 4nd, 20. 6. 18. 28, 16. 34. 16.—— 10, 6c. 35. 1. 38. 8. ———11. 16. 36. 16. 89, 10. 80. 18. 98, 99. 6c.—— iii. 10. 18. 31, δ᾿ 42, 43, | 16. 46 twice, 16, — 22 (αρ). 44, 46, 47, 48, 52. 16.— vi. 6. 16.—— iv. 3, 12, 16, 20, 16.— xii. 3 a 27 Ist ἃ 2nd, sec | 18—— 2] Js. 18. 15. labour, 5b απο “ἢ ι 10, 10 27 3rd, 90, 16.—— 22, 27, 94 18. —— 24 18. 88, 16.—— v. 26, 36. 4. —— 2. 2—— 51. 18. 38. 16. 30. 16 55, 04, 2. Al. 18 ε--...... 89. 16.— vii. 1, 4, 5. 16.—— vi. 14 16. 34. 18. 8 1, —— vii. 5; 21 18. 40. 35.15 16 33, 40. 9 16, 52 18. 29. 10.----- viil. 7. ie 5b.—— xiii 17. 18. 80. 4. 19 | 13. 24, 31, 33 18. 52. 16. 16, 21, 23. 18.—— xiv. 11, 14 1 18,— viii. 14, 16, 20. 2 24 | 16. 14 2nd, 10, 24, 18.—— 33. . ο -υ- Ee een ee | 18. Luke xiv. 17. 18. John viii. 29, | 16 | 16 αἵ | 4 — Acts ix 11 11, see en- a quire. 18. 16. 11 2nd. 15. 16 Ist. 16 2nd, see F., sake, 1. —x. 4. 18. 14, 19. 20 (Gx) (No. 18, GLTTrANn 38, ; 46. 18,—— xi. 8, 24. 2 —— xii. 5 (No. 4, Ger LT Tr A* Ν.) ἥν 14. lL — xiii 2. 16.—— 8 1l1.——- 11. 6c, —— 15. 16, ———. 27, 86. 18. -------...ὄ 4] 4715. 1, 47 2nd 1, —— xiv. 26 5b.— xv. 14 (om G3 L | TTrA®N) 5] 18. 10, ! 16, | 2 —— 26. 1} 16.—— 28. 5b. AVE 16.—— xvi. 3, 28. — — xvii. 15, see F to | 20, 23, 28 twice | 16.— xviii, 3 (αρ) | 10. 1δ(οπια- LT 1] Tr A κ) | | 10. 18, 28. | — — xix. 8, see space. ] 16 24, 32, 37, το 40 Ist. 4 40 2nd, 16.—— xx 10,13, 16 twice, OF: 16. 99 (on. G- LT TrAR®.) 5b. 38. 16.—— xxi> 3. 16. 13 1st yh 13 2nd 16. 22. 4 26. 16.—— 29 Ϊ 3b. 34, 35 16 36. — — xxii. 5, see F to. 7. 11, . 18. 15, 31: 10. 22, 26. 16.— xxiii. 5, 8, 11, 17, 30. (21. 16.— xxiv. δ 21 — —— xxv. 8, see answer. 16. 1] (οὖν, therefore, || Gwe LTTrAR®) | se 16, see answer. | 16. 97. | 2.—— xxvi. 1 1 (No. 4, Gw LTTrAR®&.) | -- 1 24d, see answer, 5b 6 | ——— 7, see F,, sake. | 16. 16. — —— 21, sec F.. same, το 24, see speak. 16 26 Jtimes, 16.—— xxvii, 22, 23, 25, || " 34 twice, 6a 34. 16.—— xxviii. 2. = 20 Ist, wee Ε... cause. - 20 2nd, see call. 16. 20 3rd (lit. Nos. || 12 and 16, “for, on | account of.’ Ι FOR 16. Acts. xxviii. 22, 27. 1. Rom. i. 51st, marg. to the. 9. 5 2nd. PA 5 (No. 4, Grn L τ Έτ Α ν.) 16. 11, 16 twice, 17, 18, 19, 20. -- 20 Ist, see I.. cause. 16. 26 2nd. 16. 1, Aitwice’ 1]. 15, 13, 14, 24, 25. ue 26. 16. 28. 16.—— iii. 3. - 6, see F ane {a τ: 9, 20, 22, 3b. 25s. 16.—— iy. 2, 3 Ist. 1: 3 2nd, 5. 16. Q Ist. 1. 92nd. 16. 13, 14. 16. 15(No.22,G~ 1, π ΤΣ ἧς ο) if 22: — 23, see F.. .sake. 3b. 25 twice, 1¢:=—= v. τ ae 2. 6 2nd. yee 2, ——— 7 2nd & 3rd, 8, 16. 10. — —— 12, see F that. 16 πο 15, Ἰδ, {πῆς 19. 16.—— vi. 5.7, a l4twice, 19, 20, 21, .—— vii 1, 2, oe Tepes; il. 14 iNo 22, Lm.) 16. 15 twice 18 twice, 19, 22. 16.— viii. 2, 3 Ist 4. 32nd, marg. by a sacrifice for. 16 ο ο ας, 14,15 18, 19, 20, 22, 24 twice, 26 Ist. , 26 2nd, see pray. 2, 26 3rd (om. ὑπέρ ἡμῶν, for 18, ᾱ-- LT TrAR®.) 2, 97. 1; «28. Ἴ 18. ----..--.-.ὄ 90͵ 2. —— 91, 32, 54. = 36 Ist, see I. sake. 16 38. 16.—— ix. 3 1st 2, 32nd 16 6. λ 8. 16 ϱ 1 15,15, 19, 28. 16. 32 (om. G= L.T TrA®) ὥ, --- κ. 1. 16 3, 4 Ist. l το 16,———— 5, 10, 11, 12.twice, 13, 16. 16.—— Ἐν Ἢ -- see F to 3° (No. 22, L T A ἐξ.) 9. 17, marg. (text, among.) 16 21, 99, 24, 90 215 Ὡ7, -- 28 twice, see F,, μια, 16 9, 30, 92, 33. 18 ή 16.——-xii. 3, 4. 8; 17. | | Ἢ vi [2 | is 16.Rom. χι. 19, 20 16.—— xiii. 1, 3, 4 1st. 1 4 2nd. 16. 43rd ἃ ith 5b. 5 Ist. — —— 5 2nd, see F, sake. 16 6 Ist. -- 6G 2nd, see FL. cause. 16. 63rd, 5, 9, 1]. στο 14,see prov ision 16.—— xiv. 8, 4, 5, 7, 38, 9.10, 11. 2 15. 16. 18.. 12. 20. 1. — xv. 2. 16. 8, 4 190. 1" 42nd. 2. 8, 9 191. - 9 2nd, see F. cause. 16. 18. 16. 24 (om.G), 26 Ist Ἱ ------ Ὢρ -πᾶ- 10. 9: -- 30 15. 566 Ε΄. βαθ. 3a. 30 2nd. 2. 30 3rd. 17. ——-xvi. 2. 2, 4, 16. -18, 19 1. 90. 5b.1 Cor i. 4. 16.——-~ 11. 2, ——— 13 (No.4, L Tr™-) ire 15, 10 ο], 2D, as 2,18; 10,11), 1.4. 16. --- by) je ΞΕ ΞΡ 16. -------- 16.— ii. 16. ——— 16. 16.— iii. 2, 3twice, 4, ὦ. 11,18, it, 19 twice, 2], 18. Ξ ay. ᾱ. ——— 6 lst,see F.. sake. 9 Hand | 16.———~7, 9 1st. 18, -—_——- 9 znd. — —— 10, see F.. sake. 16.——. 15 twice. — —— 17, see F cause. 10. --- 20. 16, —— v. 3. 1, ——— ὃ. πας ΕΕ ert 2, ——-— 7 2nd (on. ὑπέρ ἡμῶν, for us, G3 LT Tr.A &.) -- —— 10, see F then, 16.—— 12. 16.—— vi. 16, 20. 6e. Vii, 5 1st ιτ ο αι 16.—-— 7(No 29, ας 1, τπτ ΜΝ 16.——— 9, 14, 16, 3”. 2 οὐ, 30.--- 16.——— 91. 6c, ——— 35 twice. 17.— vii 5. 16.——— 8 (om LTTrA 16.———.10 [m) 3b,——. 11. 16.—— ix. 2, 9 -- - 10 twice, see Ε΄, sake. 16,—-— 15, 16twice, 17,19. ——— 23, see F, . sake. 1).—— x. 4, 5. 0,--- 11. 18, = aes 17 161. 16,——-- 17 2nd, 26, .- ——— 28]5t seek’... sake. 16.——-— 28 3rd (om. A.V, to pe! (ap.) 16. --.«-----.. 2—_— 30 ‘FOR 16.1 Cor. xi. 5, 6, 7, 8 3b. ——— 9 twice. 16. 18. 8. 1. 10. 9 10, see F.. cause. ——- 12. ----- -- Πρ ΓΝ een τὴ ο ] J twice. === ον ο 2 55 -— xi. 24. 16.-——— 26, 29. -- 30,-see F.. cause. 16. ——— 31 (No.22,Gs L TTrA®.) 10, —— xii. 8, 12 τίς 13, 14. 2 -------- ο. 16.—— xiii.9(No.22, Gx.) 16. -—— 12 (om. G—.) 16. —— xiv. 2 twice. 16.——— 5 (Νο, 22, LT Tr ΑΝ) 17.——- 8 16, ———— 16. η (om. Lb Ταῦ.) 16. ---------- ----- 21, see F all that. 1. ——— 22. πο σας 33, 34, 95. 16. —— xy. 3 1st. at 3 2nd. 16. 9,16, 21,22, 25, 27. ho 29 twice. 16, ——— 32, 34, 41, 52, 53. 1. — xvi. 1. 16.——— 5, 7, 9, 10, 11. 18.—— 17. 16.—_——-_ 18. 2. 2 Cor. i, 6 twice. | 16. 8. Ι 2. ——— 11. | 16. 1.18. 19} ὅσ; — —— 241st, see F that. 16. 24 2nd. 16.—— ii. 2, 4, 9 17 10 Ise. — —— 10nd, seeF. sake 16. ——_ 11. 18. ——— 15. 6c. ——— 16. 16. 17. 16.— iii. 6. | b= 7, 17.—— 10. | 16. 11, 14. 16.—— ἵν. 5 lst. — ——— 52nd geeF.. sake 18. ——— 6. 16 11 Ist. - 112nd 506 Ε΄. sake ἢ 10. τττττ- τ 15 Ist . | — ——— 152nd,seel". sake | Oe τιν — ——- 17 2nd, see mo- 16.—-— 15. (ment. 16 σα 17.——— 4 It. - 4 2nd, see F as 1. —— 5. (that. 16. 7, 10. 16, ———‘12(om.G3 LT Tr | ΔΝ) 10. 13 Ist. — —— 132nd seeF cause. 10. «-....... 14 lst. Y ------. 14 2nd. ο 15 twice, 20 16, ——— 21 195. (om. 6 -- L | TT 9 ὃς 5) 16 ei 14, 10. 16.—- ἘΠ 3. 17. 5. 18, ----.. § Ist. 16. 82nd(om, LUT rbm) 0........... § 3rd. 16.—— ὦ, 10, 11 - 12 let ἃ 2.“ gee F case | ᾿ — 123rd | 5b.2 Cor. vii. 13. 18. ——— 14. 18.— viii. 3. 16,——— 8 lst. — —— 92nd seeF. .sake. 16. 1015 18; 1. ——— 14 twice. 2 16. 18. τ: 16.— ix. 1,2,7 ite 10. 18.——— 19. 5b. 13. 2. ——— 14 1st. 3b, ——— 14 2nd. 5b, 15. 16.—— x. 3, 4, 8 Ist. 1. 8 2nd ἃ 3rd. 18, 10. 10. 12, 14 twice, 18, 16.—— xi. λύσις, 4. 16. ——— 5(No.22, LTrm.) 16. 9, 13, 14, 19, 20. 16.—— xii. 6 twice, 2. 8. 16. ———_ 9. — ——~— 10 lst, see F. sake. 10. --- 102n4, L1twice, 13, litwice. 2. ——— 15, 19. 16, ——— 20. 16.—— xiii, 4 lst. Al ont 18. ---------- 8 Jat; 2. ee (es 2. Gal. i. 4 (X04, GLUTTr ΑΝ) 16. ——— 10 Ist. 16. ——— 10 2nd (om. Ga L τ Ίτ Α 8.) 16.——— 12, 13. 6c. —— ii. 5. 16; 19h) 19. —— 16 (No. 18, GaL MTr AUN) 16.——— 18, 19. ο, -- 20. 16. ——— 21. 1, —— iii, 6. .---..-- 10 twice. — 11. J ου ο τοις .——— 13 2nd(No.18,G LT τν Δ...) 10. 18, 21, 26, 27, 2 18. ἣν, 19. 16.——— 15. 18. 20. Ἱδ----υᾱ-ᾱὉ 22, 24, 90, ΟἿ Ist. 15, 7 ‘ond! 16.— 30. 16.—— v. 5, 6, 19 Ist 1. — 13. 16. ——— 14, 17 16.— vi. 3, δ, 7. 18, 8. 16.—— 13, 15, 17. 2. Eph. 1. 16. 9, ——— 17, marg. (text, in.) 3b.—— ii. 4 —-- 15, see F to. 18.——— 13, 1. —— 22. — — iii, 1 Ist, see F.. cause, 2, --- 1 2nd, 13, — —— l]4, seo fF. cause. 6c, — iv, 12 1%. Ἱ. ........... 12 2nd & διά, 13.——— 20 — --- 32, sce Ε΄,, sake. ϱ ay 2 le. 1: ones’ §) θῃ ἃ 16.——— 5. 6, 8, 9, 12, 18. [ 299 ] 2, 3,7,9,14,15 3b. Heb. v. 122nd. 1. 1 Pet. 1. 4 πῇ Serie aa Lr — = es 6 ὦ 16, ————. 13 twice. | 56, -----------' pas as i¢.——ve 2 16.— vi. 4, 7. 18, 18 99 16.———— 3 ae 22, Lb 3b. —————. 7, marg. (text, | 3b, τ 18. - 30. Trm) (om.G T Tr AR ) by.) 19. ———— Υ ay aaék. cause [18..---.:.5--- & 16.——— 10, 13, 16 1st. that. . ος 18, 9 1. ——— 162na. -— — ii 13, see F. .sake. .—— vi. 1. ν: Ξ ee ‘ 1, να ο : 18 ae = [aiecer’, sake. | τῇ — viil, 10, 11, 12, 13, | BR ie Ἢ ᾖ --.... 15. 14. πες "--- ο. = a A i — ——— 15, see F that. 16. _———— 19 Ist. : τ ee 25. 16, 17, 18 1s. 3b,——— 19 2nd. 2 Phil. 1 4, | Oo Thes. i ‘oe 3b. 18 2nd. 6. ae ay 7 ., 18... 2 ία, — ——2002nd see faults . ο re ‘ ἘΠ lS 4 11 2 ——_ 25. 16: 21 » ὦ 17. rey μμ. a ... | a= 19, 21 16. ———— 7. 2. δ, ard, 9 143353 iii. 6. 5 ' 16. ———- 23 (No,'22,G.L | — -------- 1 ,eeeF...cause | 16.--------- 27 3rd, 28 | Sree | b T λα ὌΝ 4. ο Μα a 16.———— 4 (οὖν, there- | 16. bp | lag 25. 169), λε. fore, LP τε Α Ry) ri : 58. τοι || ond! --. - —— 14, seeF. .sake. ἢ ΟἿ᾽ iy Εμμ ας ht. | 1β.---------- 1, ἣν 12. fo. = γν 18 aie ee | 16 τα ib Τι 30: je | 18, ——— 18 tt. = 29 2nd, see Ε΄, | —1 Tim. i. ο. Ε {δαῦ, 2 ὶ | τ eras Ἢ ont sake. aes - ἘΣ 16 lst, see ο. ἜΝ 2. —— iv. 11s (om. ὑπέρ, | ο τοι 6c. 16 2u4. — ——— 15st, see Ε.. ἡμῶν, for us, GL T | 18 Rates, | 2, —— ii 1,2 cause. Tr A) πέρ, ὑμῶν, for | - = ΤᾺ ‘ y b ee end: 4 you, ὃ. 3b. = 30 | 10. AN) 3(om.LT Trm a S16 17,19, θα: | 1S oe 2nd. | —— iii. 3. ΙΕ ως hie 24 2nd. 16. _ 3,°6 Ist. | ο Ἰὼ ar es ὃ — ———— 26, see F then, | — —_——- 62nd, gee’ F.. || ο ος ο. ΑΕ 3. f Thee cause 5e 14(No. 1, L ΤΊ rh iii as — —— ?,see F then. | 18———8. TrAR) : | 3 Her 16 Py δι ο ae ΤΟ --------- - 15, 20 | "ἢ EE; 5 8, 10. 16. 4. paneer cee 6, 8. | 18. aad eg, ἘΞ aba ος πι al μὲ — ——— 10, aeeonce. ἰ 18.---- ν. δι πῆς -------- ett Ges te ο τ ΠΕΣ πες τα a. | ees 14. 16. 18, 2 Pet. i.8, 10, 11, 16, 17, : σπα τα τς 9]. ob. = τὸ ἐπ ἐμ eR 16. τ------- 23, 26 Ist. 16.—— ii.4, 8, 18, 19,20,21. | | .] 3. - -.-- " βρὲ Ε 16 a 7 10 ais ᾱ- eS Neg and: 16.—— iil. 4, 5. Β | - — 9 Ist, gee ἴδ᾽ ὁ πε ο — ——— 27,see looking. | 4. 1 John ii. 2 1st ἃ 2nd. cause, ὁ τ 5 ἂν want 18 30, — ——___9 3rd, sea sins. | (2 κής, 16 12 "πὰ | eee — ——— 12,seeF..sake. | 18 wee 18 ΘΛ δ 18-- 5: ὃ 596} 87, 18.---------- 16. ma Mg -— —— ii, 10, see F.,sake. | 1€.—— xi. 2,5, 6 16 ere | ο πο 18 1, 16. 1. 8. | 18 —— iii. 2 | er ΞΕ 4 F 16: in ὁ 6 ae 10.355, 18, 18 PR ee So Tip ο πι 26, 27, 32. 18. “5 ad ῃ κών 25 16 iv. 3, 6, 10, 11 1st. 4. λος es ασ Ι] ἐς ΠΤ τς a hand. 8. — xii. 2. τη 18 Sh | ae ταν la, εἶν 10. ----- 3, 6, 7, , ἡ πες Sew 8 ποτ NS © | = Titus i ἔκ F..cause. | 6c,——— 10 2nd. et \ | Tt Ass.) 5 ie τα πα ανα, 16. 20 ἧς ο | — ————_ 11 seeF". sake. 6c. ———— SE τ --Ὁ3 479 ᾿ 16.— iii 3 . 8 eae a ἐδ snes Τη νος, 18, 20, | 4, ——— ἢ — —— 6, secl’..sake | 2 τ ἢ 12 ΝΗ — 2 John 2, see F..gake, | 16.—- 11 te 2 | 17 ss 29, 1 ee Sy? | ο... ees πε ἢ 16.-— xiii. 2, 5,9, 11 dst. | τη 11, ᾿ TrA®) ad αι) πιω | 16. 3 John 3. -τ- ——— 25, see reoerve, | — ———— ὃ, see Ε΄, sake. 18 14, 16, 17 lst. ——— 7, #ee F..sdke. | | 4, —— iv, 3 lst. ST τ li ο 17 2ud. — Jude 3, see contend. 3b — 32d 16 TR ood 16 17 3rd. | 16.———— 4 | | 2. 12 θο oe Pig ἢ 18 lat. | 18. ------- 1]. || 16 13 Ist | 16. Ἐ ΕΣ [ 16 18 2nd. 10, Ἐον- ὶ 3. 1 Pee γ4 Sad. Ϊ 16 Heb. i. i M9 ae ντ. ο Ι] | 1 Thes, 1 τ | ο ΕΤΕ 5 8, 16. Jas, i. 8, a yf OF i oe ee aS Te — 12. Ab. }| τ πο τ 52nd, eee F.. | 0 pares ΟΕ marg. by. a 13, 20. | Th— ii. 9. Ti ie. O [sake. | 21. ———_ Ty it 18 16.—— iii 2. 16,— ii. 1, 3, 5, 9 11 ᾿ Ι16..--- 11 dad, 16 . 18. ------- « Β. 16.- 9204 (om. GL | 3b.————_— 16, 18 16 if 2, 10, 11, 13. 18,———= iv, 11 Ist. TTrA®) | 19...“ 16, 18. 23. Shh eee 17 nd, || | ————-13,seeF. cause | οι 8, 4 τὰ ορ. 18.— v. 9. ! 16.——_——— 14 It. © Ἀν a | 2 7, 16, 3b. ——— vi. 9 lst. [| 18 14 2ud. | ay 14, 16. Ϊ ie πῇ μις 80. ------------- 9 and (om. L Ϊ | (es | τιν. 2. Ξ ἄρ᾽ , A>. | 16 ——— 19, 20 (pu μμ Mi που ee ΝΣ | 16.—— iii. 3, 4. ae | pal ἫΝ ond & 3ed, = - 15, see F that pe ΘΗ -- -9,969Ε.. 68149. | 2. “- - t | 1, ——ix, 15 ist, mang. 6 μα πας μα ο μη οι. ἢ ἢ} 5: ποσα, eee νο | τον 3. 18. ae oe || 4, ----.-ὄ Ql. Ι ἅς ““ὦ».ὕ....... δ ἔν; δὶ π, 18,.—— xi. 2. 1] 5b, ———— ἢ, ra Tira ΝΣ - or 18 8. τὸς — xii. 4,seeFto. | -- τ του ub gee Ε,, | -------: ped . 9 ‘Fea. ν 18 18, 10, 12 twice.. i sake, 17. ον 7 | FOR 16.Rey. xiii. 18, | 3b. Rev. xviii. 15. 16,—— xiv. 4. ———17, 19,. 20, 16. 5(om. Gow L Tr» 23 twice, A) 18.—— xix, 2twice, 6, 7. 18. —— xv. 1, 43 times. 16. 8, 10. 18.— xvi. 6151. 38b,—— xx. 4 twice. - 16. 62nd(6m.G L T | 16.—— xxi. 1. Tr A) (ὅπερ, whosoever, | 18. 4 (om. L Trb 10.———- 10. LS. ) 18. 5. [ A>.) 16. 14. SS 22, 23, ost 18. 21. 1. —— xxii. 2. 8. —— xvii. 14. 18. ————- 5, 10 -----.---- 17. 16.——— 9(om.G LT Tr 18.—— xviii. 3, 5, 7, 8. τ ΙΑ τὺ 5b. 9 (No. 5c, TTr | 18.——_——- 10 (No. 16, Gw AUR) os ; ΤΎΓΑ δ) om. G.) 3b.——— 10 1st. 16. ——— 18 (ἐγώ, I, GL 18, ————. 10 2nd, 11. TTrA®N.) FOR ALL THAT. οὕτω, thus, in this wise, so. 1 Cor. xiv. 21. FOR...CAUSE. i win διὰ, through, on this account, owing L. n y to this (marking the τοῦτο, this, ground or reason. 9 εἰς, into, to, unto, ee aie aha " | τοῦτο, this, in order to this. 3 ἀντὶ, see “For,” Wo. 7, } therefore, . ᾽ΠῚ τοῦτο, this, for this. τούτου, of this, for the sake xdpiv,adverbially used \ of this, on with Gen.for the sake ( account of of, on account of, this. ἕνεκα, see “FOR,” Wo. 12, : ὑμῖν, (Dat.) for you. 5. Matt. xix. 5. 6. 2 Cor. v. 13. 5. Mark x. 7. 5. —— vii. 12 twice., 1. John xii. 18; 27. 4. Eph. iii. ον 14. 2. — xviii. aioe 8. ——v. 5. Acts xxvi 2], with 1. Col. i 9 τούτων, of these. Lod Thes. ii. 13. 1. — xxviii. 20 1. iii. δ. 1. Rom. 1. 26 1. 2 Thes. ii 11. 1, —— xiii, 6, 1. 1 Tim. i. 16. 1. —— xv. 9. 4. Titus 1, 5. 1. 1 Cor. iv. 17. | 1. Heb. ix. 15. 1, — xi. 10, 30. 2. 1 Pet. iv. 6. FOR...SAKE. 1, διά, see “For,” Wo. 3. (a) with Gen. see “For,” No. 3a. (Ὁ) with Acc. see “For,” No. 3b. 9 { διά, see“ FoR,’ Vo. 36, "| ἡμᾶς, us, διά, see“‘FoR,” Vo.3b, ) onaccount ofor ὑμᾶς, you, owing to you. on account of or owing tous. { 300 ] FOR διά, see “FoR,” No. 90, ἐκεῖνον, that one, em- Ἢ phatic, . ἕνεκα, see “FOR,” Λο. 12. . ὑπέρ, see “FOR,” Wo. 9. περί, see “FoR,” Wo. 4. for the sake of him or that one. . ἐν, in, (of time, place, or element.) . χάριν, (used adverbially, ) for the sake of, on account of. OO WAM 5. Rom. viii. 36. 5. Matt. v. 10, 11. 5. ——-x 18. | 3. —— xi. 28 twice. 1b. 22. 1b.— xiii 5. 5. ———— 39. 1b.— xiv. 3, 9. 5, L Cor. ἂν. 8; 5. ----- χνὶ, 25. 10. ---------------10. 1b.— xix. 12. 9. —— ix 10 twice. ae 29. 1b. 23. 1b.— xxiv. 9, 22. 1b. Mark iv. 17. | 28 Ist 1b.—— vi. 17, 26. 3 2 Cor. ii. 10. 5. —— viii 35. 1b. 1ν. ο 1}. πα ο ὩΣ 15. 5, —— xiii 9. 3. — viii. 9. 1b.————. 13, 20. 6. —— xii. 10. — 5. Luke Vi. 22. 9, Eph. iv. 32. ὃ. —— ix. 24. 6. Phil. i. 29, 5. —— xviii. 29 6. Col. i. 24. 5. —— xxi. 12 1b.—— iii. 6. 1b. 17 5, 1 Thes. ἂν 5. 3. John xi. 15. 3. —— iii. 9. 1b.— xii. 9. 1b,—— vy, 13. 3. —— 30. 1b. 1 Tim. v. 23. 6. —— xiii. 37, 38 | 1b. 2 Tim. ii. 10. 1b.— xiv. ΤΊ. 9. Titus i. 11. 1b. —— xy. 21. | 1b. Philem. 9. 6. —— xvii. 19. 1b. 1 Pet. ii. 13. 6. Acts ix. 16. 1b. —— iii. 14. 7. —— xxvi, 7 1b. 1 Jobn ii. 12 1b.Rom. iv. 23. 1b. 2 John 2. 6, 3 John 7. FOR THAT. ( Where not two words in the Greek. ) 1, ὁτί, see “For,” Λο. 18. 2. διότι, see “For,” Λο. 19. 3. εἰ, if, since, though. 4, ἐπεί, since, because, seeing that. 5. ἐπειδή, since truly, inasmuch as. 6. emi, see “FoR,” No. 5b. 1. John xii, 18. 1. 1 Tim, i. 19, 6. Rom. 5, 12, marg. in 4. Heb. v. 2. 1. 2 Cor. i. 24 (whom. δι = vill 15 5. ——v. 4 (ἐφ᾽ ᾧ, on which 2.1 Pet. i. 24, marg. [account]G vas Tr A.) (text, for.) FOR THAT...OUGHT TO SAY. ἀντὶ, instead of, τοῦ λέγειν, saying. Jas. iv. 10. FOR THEN. 1, ἐπεί, since, because, seeing that. FOR [ 301 1 FOR ἐπεί, see No. 1, else... 9 dpa, accordingly, (marking by ; a correspondence πι pont ( conse- of fact, ) _J quence. | 1. Rom. iii. 6. | 1. Heb. ix. 26. | 2. 1 Cor, v. 10. 1. —x. 2, FOR TO. 1. ἕνα, that, to the end that. 2. εἰς τὸ, (with Inf.) unto the..., in order to, for to... 3. mpos 76, (with Inf.) with a view to. "8. Matt. xxiii. 5. 1. Acts xxii. 5. 1. Mark iii. 10. 2. Rom. xi. 11. 1. John x. 10. 1. Eph. ii. 15. 1. — xi. 53. 1. Rev. ix. 15. 1. Acts xvii. 15. 1. —— xii. 4, See also, CALL, CAUSE, EVER, EVERMORE, HOPE, INTENT, LAY, LIE, LITTLE, LOOK, MAKE, PURPOSE, SEASON, SEEK, SEND, TARRY, TIME, WAIT. FORASMUCH AS. 1. εἰ, if, since, though. 2. ἐπεί, since, because, seeing that. 3. ἐπειδή, since truly, inasmuch as. 4, ἐπειδήπερ, since verily, forasmuch as, . (non oce.) 4. Luke i. 1. | 1. Acts xi. 17. 2. Heb. ii 14, 3, Acts xv. 24. 2. 1 Cor. xiv. 19. FORASMUCH AS...WAS. ὦν, (part. of εἰμί, to be,) being. Acts ix. 38 FORBEAR (-1Nc.) 1. ἀνέχομαι, to hold one’s self upright, hence, to bear up, hold up, hold out, endure; then, to bear with. 2. ἀνίημι, to send up or forth, to let up, let go, relax, loosen ; hence, to cease from. 3. φείδομαι, to spare, ze. to abstain from | using or doing anything. -- 1 Cor. ix. 6, see F work- | 2. Eph. vi. 9, marg. mocler- 8. 2 Cor, xii. 6, (ing. | 1. Col. iii. 10, [ate. 1. Eph, iv. 2. — 1 Thes. iii. 1,5,see F(can.) FORBEAR WORKING. ἐργάζομαι, to work, labour, 1 Cor. ix. 6, FORBEAR (σλν.) στέγω, to cover, hence, conceal, (here | doubtless referring to the Apostle's anxvety. ) 1 Thies. iii. 1 part., 5 part. FORBEARANCE. ἀνοχή, a holding back, delay, hence, self- restraint, forbearance. Rom. ii. 4; iii. 25. FORBEARING [marg.] ανεξίκακος, enduring under evils and injuries, (non occ. ) 2 Tim. ii. 24, text, patient. FORBID. 1. κωλύω, to cut off, to weaken, hence, gen. to hinder, prevent, restrain. 2. διακωλύω, (No. 1 with διά, through, || prefixed,) to hinder throughout, impede utterly, (non occ. ) 2. Matt. iii, 14. 1. Acts x. 47. 1. —— xix. 14, 1. —— xvi. 6. 1. Mark ix. 38, 39. 1. — xxiv. 23. 1. —x. 14. — — xxviii. 31, see F — Luke vi.29,seeF to take. (no man.) 1. —— ix. 49, 50. 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 99. 1. —— xi. 52, marg (text, | 1. 1 Thes. ii. 16, to hinder.) 1. 1 Tim. iv. 3. 1. — xviii. 16. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 16. 1. — xxiii. 2. 1 . 3 John 10. FORBID (cop.) μή, not, ) ΜῈ γένοιτο, may it be, f may it not be. Luke xx. 16 Rom. xi. 1, 11. Rom. iii, 4, 6, 31. 1 Cor. vi. 15. vi, 2, 15 Gal. ii. 17. — vii, 7, 13. — ii. 21. — ix, 14. — vii 14. FORBID TO TAKE. κωλύω, see “roRBID,” No. 1. Luke vi. 29. FORBIDDING (No Man.) ἀκωλύτως, without hindrance, without restraint, (ποπ occ. ) Acts xxviii. 31. FOR FORCE (be gotten by) [margin. | βιάζομαι, to use force, to force, (occ. Luke xvi. 16.) Matt. xi. 12, text, suffer violence, FORCE (or.) βέβαιος, steadfast, firm, sure. Heb. ix. 17. FORCE (TAKE By.) ἁρπάζω, to seize upon, snatch awa carry off. Matt. xi. 12. John vi, 15. Ι Acts xxiii. 10. FOREFATHER (-s.) πρόγονος, earlier born, older. In pl. progenitors, ancestors, (occ. 1 Tim. v. 4.) 2 Tim. i. 3. FOREHEAD (-s.) μέτωπον, the space between the eyes, hence, the forehead. Rev. vii. 3; ix. 4; xiii. 16; xiv. 1,9; xvii. 5; xx. 4; xxi. 4. FOREIGNER (-s.) πάροικος, dwelling near, neighbouring. In N.T. with art. as subst. a by- dweller or a foreigner who lives in a place without civil rights, but more prop. Sojourner. Eph. ii. 19. [ 302 ] FOREKNOW (-kxeEw.) προγινώσκω, to know, perceive, learn 07 understand beforehand, to take note of before. Rom. viii. 29; xi. 2. FOREKNOWLEDGE. πρόγνωσις, a perceiving beforehand; | esp. in medicine, prognosis. Acts ii. 23. | 1 Pet. i. 2. FOREORDAIN. 1; προγινώσκω. see '' FOREKNOW.” 2. προτίθημι, to place or set before. In mid. (as here,) to put forth on one’s own part, display, set forth. 2. Rom. iii. 25, marg. (text, set forth.) 1. 1 Pet. i. 20. FOR FOREPART. πρώρα, the fore-part of a ship, a ship’s head, prow, bow, (occ. Acts xxvii. 41. Acts xxvii. 90, FORERUNNER. πρόδρομος, one who comes to a place whither the rest are to follow, (non occ.) Heb. vi. 20. FORETELL. 1. προεῖπον, to say before, foretell. | 2. προκαταγγέλλω, to announce er de- clare beforehand. 3. προλέγω, to tell before the event, to forewarn, (occ. Gen. v. 21; 1 Thes. iii. 4.) . Mark xiii. 23, . Acts ili, 24 (καταγέλλω, toannounce,G LT Tr AN.) . 2 Cor. ΣΙ. 2. owe | FOREWARN (-sp ) 1. προεῖπον, to say before, foretell. ὑποδείκνυμι, to show underhand or secretly, give a sight or glimpse of, to give to understand. 2. Luke xii. 5. | 1. 1 Thes. iv. 6. FORGET (-Ε1Η, -ING, -GOTTEN. ) . ἐπιλανθάνομαι, to forget upon, 9., over, or in consequence of something else, (occ. Heb. xiii. 2.) ἐκλανθάνομαι, to forget entirely, for- get utterly, (on occ.) | 2. (λήθη, forgetfulness, to take a for- a oblivion, -get fulness, for- λαμβάνω, to take, ) get, (non occ.) 1. Matt. xvi. 5. 1, Heb. vi. 10. 1. Mark viii. 14. 2. —— χα, δ. 1. Luke xii. 6. εἰ xiii, 10, 1. Phil. iii, 13. 1. Jas. i, 24. 8. 2 Pet. i. 9. | | > FORGETFUL. ἐπιλησμονή, a forgetting, forgetfulness, (non occ.) Jas, i. 25. FORGETFUL (58) ἐπιλανθάνομαι, see “ FORGET,”’ No. 1. Heb. xiii. 2. ο ο FOR FORGIVE (ἜΤΗ, -EN, να, -GAVE. ) 1. ἀφίημι, to send away, dismiss, set | free. With Acc. of person, to ex- press the discharge or acquittal. of 8 defendant, whether the appellant is nensuited by verdict or otherwise, esp. to remit the punishment, where | the guilty person is dealt with as uf he were innocent. 2. χαρίζομαι, to do a person a favour, be kind-to. Jn the N.T. sense of χάρις, it denotes, to be gracious to ; with Acc. of thing, to give or bestow a thing willingly or graciously ; hence, the meaning peculiar to the N.T7. to graciously remit a person's debt or sin ; hence, to pardon, for- give graciously.: | 3. ἀπολύω, to let loose from, to Joosen, unbind ; set at liberty, eg. a debtor, | hence, overlook, forgive. Luke vii. 47 twice, 48, 49. —— xj, 4 twice. —— xii. 10 twice. — xvii. 3, 4. — xxiii 34 (ap.) Acts viii. 22. Rom. iv, 7. 2 Cor. ii. 7, 10 3 times. — xii 13. . Matt. vi. 12twice, ]4twice | 1. 15 twice. ° . — ix. 2,5, 6. , ---- ΧΙ, 8] twice, 82twice. ἃ XViii. 21, 27, $2; 86. . Mark ii. 5, 7, 9, 10. —_— ΠΣ 28. — iv. ρω Xi. - ic 26 twice, Eph. iv, 32 twice. Col. ii. 18. — iii, 13 twice, Jas. v. 16: . 1 Johni. 9. 2, (ap.) Luke v, 20, 91. 38, 24. eet at NN ot το πὸ — i FORGIVE FRANKLY. FORGIVENESS. ἄφεσις, discharge, setting free; hence, remission, (mostly in reference to the | | 2. Luke vii, 42. : | | | | year of Jubilee), remission of debt | or punishment. Mark iii, 29. Acts xxvi. 18. Acts v. $1. Eph. i. 7. —— xiii. 38. Col..i. 14, FORM [noun. ] 1. μορφή, form, abstractedly, without reference. to any other object, (non occ. ) 2. μόρφωσις, embodiment, form without, | | substance, (non occ. ) [ 303 ] FOR 3. τύπος, a blow, -then; that which is produced by the blow; the mark of a blow, impression ; hence, model, pattern, exemplar i the widest sense ; figure, form, manner. . ὑποτύπωσις, delineation, outline, sketch, (occ. 1 Tim. i. 16.) . Mark xvi. 12(ap.) | τα ασ 5 Rom: ii. 90, 4. 2 Tim. i 19. 2° — iii. 5. F ΡΟΕΜΕΡ [verb. } . μορφόωυ, to form, give form to; sketch, figure. Pass. have shape or form, (non occ. ) . πλάσσω, to form, mould, shape, (αἱ. fingere,) strictly used of the artist who works in soft substances such as earth, clay, or wax ; gen. to bring into shape or form, (non occ. } 2. Rom. ix. 20. | 1. Gal iv. 19, pass. 2.1 Tim. ii. 13. FORMED (THING. ) πλάσμα, anything formed or moulded, esp. from wax or clay, an image, figure. Rom. ix 20. FORMER. 1. πρῶτος, the first, foremost, of place or tume. 2. πρότερος, before others, of place or tume. (a) neut. πρότερον, used as adv. before, sooner, earlier. 1. Actsi. 1. | 2. Eph. iv. 22. 2a. Heb. x. 82. 2a. 1 Pet. i 14 1. Rev. xxi. 4 FORN ICATION. . πορνεία, fornication, (non occ. ) . πόρνη, a harlot. ‘[Fornication seems to be used of the sin of Idolatry in the Chureh in N.T. as Adultery is of the same sin with the Jews. } . Matt. v. 82. 1. Rom. i. 29 (om.G LT Tr xv. 19. . — xix. 9. . Mark vii. ο]. John viii. 41. Acts xv. 20, 29 _—xxi 25 A ας 1 Cor. Υ. 1 twice. FOR [ SS . -.ο...-. — 1Cor.x.8,seeF(commit.) LE Rey. ix. 21. 1. 2 Όοτ. xu. 21. 1. — xiv. 8. 1. Gal v. 19. — — xvii. 2 1st, seo F 1. Eph. v. 3. (commit.) 1 οσ. αν ο. 1 22nd, 4, 1. 1 Thes. iv, 8. 2: 5, marg. (text, — Jude 7, see F(giv¥e one’s harlots.) self over to.) 1. —— xviii. 31st. — Rev. ii. 14, 20, see F | — 3 2nd, 9, see F ik 91. (commit. ) (commit. ) 1. Rev. xix. 2. FORNICATION (commir.) πορνεύω, to commit fornication, to play the harlot. 1 Cor. vi. 18. —x8. Rev. ii. 14, 20 — xvil. 2 Rey. xviii. 3, 9 ἔν FORNICATION (αινΏ ONE'S SELF OVER το.) ἐκπορνεύω, to be wholly given to fornica- tion, (non occ. ) Jude 7. FORNICATOR (- πόρνος, a fornicator. 5.) ον, 9; 10; 11. | 1 Cor. vi. 9. Heb. xii. 16 FORSAKE (-ΕΤΗ, ἝΝ, -ING, -SOOK.) 1. καταλείπω, to leave behind, esp. of persons dying or going into α far country ; to forsake, abandon. ἐγκαταλείπω, (No. 1 with ἐν, in, pre- πες.) to leave behind in any place | or state, leave in the lurch, desert. ἀφίημι, to send forth, discharge ; t let go, dismiss ; pass on, pass by ; hence, to leave, quit, 7 various Senses. ἀποτάσσω, to arrange off, 1.6. to assign to different places. Jn N.7. only Mid. to arrange one’s self off, hence, to separate one’s self from, ἀποστασία, revolt. an apostacy, defection, ‘97, 99, 56 40, Matt. xix. —— XXxVi. — xxvii, Mark i. 18 Acts xxi. 21, with ἀπὸ, from. 2 Cor. iv. 9. 2 Tim. iv. 10, 16, Heb. x, 25 — xi. 27. — xiii. 5. 2 Pet. ii. 15. | 2 | Go bo co (Ὁ τῷ 05 804 ] to Ϊ FOR FORSOMUCH AS. καθότι, as, according as, because that, inasmuch as. Luke xix. 9. FORSWEAR ONE'S SELF. ἐπιορκέω, to swear falsely. Matt. v. 33, FORTH. έξω, out, without, (of place,) out of, forth. John xi. 43. | John xix. 4twice, 5, 13, — xv. 6. Acts v. 34. Acts ix. 40 ΄ § See also, BREAK, BRING, BROUGHT, CALL, CARRY, CAST, COME, CONDUCT, FRUIT, GIVE, GO, HOLD, LAUNCH, LET, MANIFEST, ORDER, PASS, PROCEED, PUT, REACH, SEND, SET, SETTER, SHED, SHINE, SHOOT, SHOW, SPEAK, STAND, STRETCH. FORTHWITH. εὐθέως, straightway, immediately. bo . εὐθύς, straight, (of direction); also of time, like No. 1. παραχρῆμα, with the thing itself, 7.e. at the very moment, on the spot, immediately, z.e. directly after some- thing else has taken place. 2. John xix. 34. 3. Acts ix. 18(on.G LTTr AR.) — xii. 10 — xxi. 30. ο. . Matt. xii. 5. . πι xxvi. 49 Mark 1. 29, 43 (No. 2, L A) [A δ) 13 (om. L> Tr | ᾿ se —— Υ FORTY. τεσσαράκοντα, forty. [As a typical number, it is the number of probation, separation, or judg- ment. Starting from Israel’s wilder- ness life, it was the measure of God’s judicial dealings (Ezek. iv. 6; xxix. 11—15), and was to be the measure of man’s (Deut. xxv. 3.) Moses’ life of three periods of forty years, and his personal wanderings, were anticipatory of his association with Israel. The number as con- nected with God’s judicial dealings is repeated in the Book of Judges FOR [ 305 ] FOU (iii. 11, 30; v. 31; viii. 28; xiii. 1.) The two ’ periods of forty days Moses was in the mount receiving the law are related to that breaking of the law which led to the forty years in the wilderness. Elijah too, the law’s fearless asserter, spent forty days in the wilderness. The time of Nineveh’s probation was forty days (Jonah iii. 4.) Our Lord’s own wilderness temptation was also forty days ; but the forty days after the resurrection point forward to the end of judicial dealings in resurrection life with Christ. ] Matt. iv. 2 twice. Acts xiii. 21. Mark i. 13 —— xxiii. 13, 21. Luke iv. 2 2 Cor. xi. 24. John ii. 20. Heb. iii. 9, 17. Acts i. 3. Rev. vii. 4. — iv. 22 fold. — xi. 2. —vii. 23, see F years — xiii. 5. 30, 36, 42. — xiv. 1,3. — xiii. 18 .seeF years (of.) -ὄἕ xxi. 17. FORTY YEARS OLD. τεσσαρακονταετής, forty years, } χρόνος, time. Acts vii. 23. FORTY YEARS (or.) τεσσαρακονταετής, forty years. Acts xiii. 18. FORWARD. σπουδαῖος, speedy, hasty, esp. as shown in earnest diligence, (οσο. 2 Cor. viii. 22.) 2 Cor. viii. 17. FORWARD (sr.) 1, θέλω, to will, wish, desire, implying the active volition and purpose, and expressing the natural impulse and desire. 2. σπουδάζω, to make haste, be zealous to do, esp. as manifested in diligence, earnestness ; to do the utmost. — Mark xiv. 35, see go. 1. 2 Cor. viii. 10, marg. be — Acts xix. 33, see put. 2. Gal. ii. 10. (willing. — 3 John 6, see bring. FORWARDNESS. σπουδή, speed, haste, as manifested in earnestness, diligence, zeal. 2 Cor. viii. 8. U FORWARDNESS OF MIND. προθυμία, predisposition, alacrity of mind, eagerness, good-will, ready- kindness. 2 Cor, ix. 2 FOSTER-BROTHER [margin.] σύντροφος, nourished or nursed together. Acts xiii. 1, text, which had been brought up with. FOUL. > / . . ,“,» ἀκάθαρτος, strictly, in a levitical sense, impurified, 1.6. unatoned ; then, gen. impure, unclean. Matt. xvi. 3, see weather. | Rey. xviii. 2. Mark ix. 25. an past tense of FIND. See, FIND. FOUND (-ep.) θεμελιόω, to lay the foundation of any thing, to found. Matt. vii. 25. | Luke vi. 48 (αρ.) FOUNDATION. 1. θεμέλιος, placed ov laid as a founda- tion, fundamental. Hence in N.T. as subst. foundation. (a) Neut. τὸ θεμέλιον, in St. Luke's writings, foundation, (non oce. ) 2. καταβολή, a casting down, hence, a laying down, the founding, the establishing, involving a reference to an intended continuation. In N.T. only in the phrase, κ. τοῦ κόσμου, beginning of the world, (except Heb. xi. 11.) 2. Matt. xiii. 35. 1. 1 Tim. vi. 19. 2. — xxv. 34. - Heb. i, 10, see F of la. Luke vi. 48, 49. (lay the.) 2. ——xi. 50 2 — iv. 3. 1a, —— xiv, 29. 1. — vil. 2. John xvii. 24. 2. —— ix. 26. la. Acts xvi. 20, P ite xi. 10. 1. Rom. xv. 20. 2. 1 Pet. i, 20. 1. 1 Cor. iii. 10, 11, 12. 2. Rev. xiii. 8. 2. Eph. i. 4. 2. xvii. 8. 1. — ii. 20. 1, —— xxi. 14, 19 twige. FOUNDATION OF (Lay Tue.) θεμελιόω, to lay the foundation of any thing, to found. Heb. i. 10. FOU FOUNTAIN. πηγή, ἃ spring, a well, hence, fount, source, (occ. John iv. 6 twice, 11; 2 Pet. ii! 17.) Mark v. 29. Rey. viii. 10. Jas. iii, 11, 12 (ap.) — xiv. 7. Rey. vii. 17. —— xvi. 4. Rev. xxi. 6. FOUR. τέσσαρες, four, (non occ. ) [As a typical number, it is the number of the world. It is reproduced in everything earthly, (not by chance, but by the Divine constitution of things.) So we have—the four seasons ; four points of compass, (Rey. vii. 1; Ezek. xxxvii. 9; Matt. xxiv. 31; Job. ix. 9); four divisions of people, (Rev. v. 9; vii. 9; x. 11; xiv. 6; xiii. 7); sons of Japheth divided (Gen. x. 5); sons of Ham divided (Gen. x. 20) ; sons of Shem (Gen x. 31); the four great world- powers (Zech. i. 18); the four Gospels; the twelve Apostles di- vided into three fours, in each list headed respectively by Peter, Philip, and James. The same num- ber reigns in the camp of Israel, in the Tabernacle and Temple so far as they relate to the world. See under the word “CHERUBIM.” Matt. xv. 38, ) 866 Acts xiii. 20, see hundred. tho — xvi. 10, usand, xxi 9, 28, — xxiv. 31. 38, see thousand. Mark ii. 3. Χχχν]]. 29, — viii 9, 20, see thou- | Gal. iii. 17, see hundred. sand. Rev. iv. 4 twice, 6, 8, 10. xiii. 27, v. 6, 8 twice, 14 Ist. » ‘. 14 2nd, see F and twenty. τα, 0, Ὁ. vii. 1 3 times, 2, 4, 11. —— ix. 13(om. LTrbAby. ) Luke ii. 3 John iv. 35, see months. — xi. 17. 39,see F days (hath been dead.) xix. 23. ΕΠ αν. Acts v. 36, } see τς ἢ Τη vii. 6, [ hundred. — xiv. 1, 8 twice. —x. 11. xv. ή, 80, see F days ago. — xix. 4twice, — xi 5. — xx. 8. — xii. 4. — xxi. 17. FOUR AND TWENTY. εἰκοσιτέσσαρες, twenty four. Rev. v. l4(om. GLT TrA®) FOURFOLD. τετραπλόος, fourfold, quadruple, (non occ. ) Luke xix. 8. [ 306 ] FOX FOURFOOTED BEAST. τετράπους, fourfooted, quadruped. Acts x. 12. | Acts xi. 6. Rom, i. 23. FOURSCORE. ὀγδοήκοντα, eighty, (non occ. ) Luke ii. 37. | Luke xvi. 7. FOURSQUARE. τετράγωνος, four-cornered, (non occ. ) Rey. xxi. 16. FOURTEEN. δεκατέσσαρες, fourteen, (non occ. ) Matt. 1. 17 3 times. | 2 Cor. xii. 2. Gal. ii. 1. FOURTEENTH. τεσσαρεσκαιδέκατος, fourteenth, (non oce. ) Acts xxvii. 27, 33. FOURTH. τέταρτος, the fourth, (οσο, Acts x. 30.) Matt. xiv. 25. Rey. vi. 8, see F part. Mark vi. 48. — viii. 12. Rev. iv. 7. — xvi. 8. — vi. 7 twice. — xxi. 19. FOURTH PART. Rev. vi. 8. FOWL (-s.) 1. πετεινόν, able to fly, winged; the general epithet of birds, 2. ὄρνεον, a bird, fowl; generally the carnivorous. 1. Matt. vi. 26. 1. Luke xii. 24, 1. —— xiii. 4. 1. xiii. 19. 1, Mark iv. 4, 32. 1. Acts x. 12. 1. Luke viii. 5. 1. ——xi. 6. 2. Rev. xix. 17, 21. FOX (35.) ἀλώπηξ, a fox. [Derived from ἀλωπός, cunning ; or, by LEustathices and Bochart from ἀλᾶσθαι, to wander. ng. word fox, and Germ. fuchs, from the verb foxa, which in the Icelandic signifies to deceive. | Matt. viii. 20, | Luke xiii, 82, Luke ix. 58. FRA FRAGMENT (5) κλάσμα, that which is broken off, a fragment, morsel, (οσο. p/. Matt. xv. 37; Mark iv. 8.) Matt. xiv. 20. Mark viii. 19, 20. Mark vi. 43. Luke ix. 17. John vi. 12, 13. FRAME (-zp.) καταρτίζω, to adjust or put in order again ; settle by acting as mediator, to reform, restore; involving the idea of positive defects which have to be repaired or adjusted. (Referring here, to the αἰῶνες, ages.) Heb. xi. 3. FRAME TOGETHER (ritty.) συναρμολογέω, to join together, to fit or joint together. Eph. ii, 51. FRANKINCENSE. λίβανος, (from Heb. 7315, which is from 35, white.) Frankincense, olibanum, a resinous substance produced from a tree growing in the east, particu- larly in Arabia. It is of a whitish colour, and the best kind nearly transparent, (non occ. ) Matt. ii. 11. | Rey. xviii. 13. FRANKLY. See, FORGIVE. FRAUD (KEEP BACK By.) ἀποστερέω, to rob, despoil, bereave or defraud one of a thing. Jas. v. 4. FREE [adj.] ἐλεύθερος, one who can go where he will, hence, free, at liberty. Matt. xvii. 26. 1 Cor. xii. 13. John viii. 33, 36. Gal. iii. 28. Rom. v. 15, 16, see gift. —— iv. 26, 31. — vi. 20. Eph. vi. 8. — vii. 3. Col. iii. 11. 1 Cor. vii, 21, 22. 1 Pet. ii. 16. — ix. 1, 19 Rey. xiii. 16. Rey. xix. 18. [ 307 ] FRE FREE (ΜΑΚΕ.) ἐλευθερόω, to free, set at liberty, to save from thraldom. John viii, 32, 36. Rom. vi. 18, 22. Rom. viii. 2. Gal. v. 1. -------.ὄ FREE WOMAN. ἐλεύθερος, see “FREE.” Gal. iv. 22, 93, 30. FREE (-p) [verb.] δικαιόω, to bring forth a δίκαιος, (a just or righteous man,) to recognize, set forth as righteous, to justify. Rom. vi. 7, marg. justify. FREEDOM. πολιτεία, the relation in which a citizen stands to the state, the condition or rights of a citizen, citizenship, (οσο. Eph. ii. 12.) Acts xxii. 28. FREELY. 1. δωρεάν, (Ace. of δωρεά, as adv.) asa free gift, freely, Lat. gratis. 2. παῤῥησιάζομαι, to speak freely, openly or boldly. 3 μετά, with, ἢ παῤῥησία, free-spokenness. 1. Matt. x. 8 twice. — Rom. viii. 32, see give. 8. Acts ii. 29. — 1 Cor. ii. 12, see given. 2. —— xxvi. 26, part. 1, 2 Cor. xi. 7. 1. Rom. iii. 24. 1. Rev. xxi. 6. 1. Rev. xxii. 17. FREEMAN. 1. ἐλεύθερος, see “ FREE.” 2. ἀπελεύθερος, an emancipated slave, a freedman, (non occ.) 2. 1 Cor. vii. 22, marg. (text, made free.) 1. Rev. vi. 16. FREQUENT (ΜΟΒΕ.) περισσοτέρως, more abundantly. 2 Cor. xi. 23, FRESH. γλυκύς, sweet to the taste. Of water, fresh, (as opp. to πικρός, bitter), (oce. Jas. iii, 11; Rev. x. 9, 10.) Jas. iii, 12. Ml gt πὸ ὩπππππππΠἕἘρᾶΨΕΦᾳψὋ}ΨἍΨΦαὼ:Φ-- FRI FRIEND (-s.) 1. φίλος, loved, beloved, dear. Soon came to be used as subst. like Lat. amicus, a loved one, a friend, (zon oce. ) 2. ἑταῖρος, a comrade, associate, com- panion, (freg. used as addressed to followers or servants,) more distant than No. 1, (οσο. Matt. xi. 16.) 1. Matt. xi. 19. 1. Luke xxiii. 12, 2. —— xx. 13. 1. John iii. 29. 2, —— xxii. 12. 1. —x. 11. 2, —— xxvi. 50. 1. —— xv. 13, 14, 15. — Mark iii.21,see F(one’s.) | 1. —— xix. 12. ——-v. 19, see F(thy.) | 1. Acts x. 24. 1. Luke vii. 6, 84. — — xii. 20, see F (make 1. xv. 6. 1, — xix. 81. [one’s. ) ie 9 (fem. pl.) 1. —— xxvii. 3. ΤΕ 29. 1, Jas. ii. 28. 1. — xvi. 9. 1. — iv. 4. 1. — xxi. 14, — 3 John 14 twice. FRIEND (MAKE ONE'S.) πείθω, to persuade, win by words, to influence, (as opp. to force. ) Acts xii. 20, FRIENDS (ώς) οἱ, the [ persons], παρά, beside, αὐτοῦ, him, those belonging to him, his relatives. Mark iii. 21, marg. kinsmen. FRIENDS (τΗγ.) { οὗ, the [persons], sol, with thee, \ thine own people. Mark y. 19. FRIENDSHIP. φιλία, love, affection, friendship, (non ους, ) Jas. iv. 4. FRO. See, TOSS, TOSSING. ‘ROG (-s.) βάτραχος, a frog, (so called from its harsh croaking, as prob. the Eng. word is.) Rey. xvi. 13. [ 308 ] FRO FROM. (When “From” is not the translation of a case of the noun, or part of another word, it is one of these following.) 1. ἀπό, from, away from, (motion from the exterior. )* 2. ἐκ, from, from among, out of, (motion from the interior. )* 3. παρά, beside.* (a) with Gen. from beside, from, (used of persons, as No. 1 is of places. ) 4, ὑπό, under. (a) with Gen. by, (used of the agent or efficient cause. ) 5, διά, through. Ὁ ὁ through, (as proceeding rom. 6. ἐγγύς, adv. near, used of both place and time. 7. τοῦ, with the Inf. of the verb, lit. the to...(1 marking the purpose or design ); of or in...-ing, (here, in my purpose of coming.) * The exact force of these three prepositions may be thus illustrated— ς 1: Matt. 1, 17 3timcs, 21, | 1. Matt. xviii. 8, 9, 35. 24 sete ος 1. —— ii. 1, 16. 2, 12. 1. — iii. 7, 18. -- 20, seo F my 2. lie youth up. 1. —— iv. 17, 1. —— xx. 8, 29. -- 21, see thence. 1, —— xxi. 8. Ἰ; 25. 2, 25 twice. 1. —— v. 18, 29, 80. ifs 43. -- 45, see turn. 1, —— xxii. 46. 1. — vi. 13. 1, —— xxiii. 34, 35. 1, —— vii. 23. 1, —— xxiv. 1 (Νο, 2, L.) Ἱ, = yi, 180) Ἷ, 99, — —— ix. 9, see thence. 2. 81 Ist 1 15, 16, 22. if 8] 2nd 1. —— xi. 12, 25. 1. —— xxv. 28 — — xii. 15, see thence. | 1. 29. 1 38, 1. 82 twice, 84, 41, 2. 42. -- — xxvi. 16, ‘see ‘time. -- 44, see whence. | 1. 89. 1. — xiii. 12. is 42 (om. ἀπ᾽ ἐμοῦ, a 27, see whence, Srom me, @= Lb 1. 35. Ak.) 2, 49, and see ΓΡ]. 47. among. — —— xxvii. 91, see take. Γκ παν ἢ, 1, 40, 42, 45. 1. —— xv. 8, - 51, see top. 2, 18. ἃς δδ, θ4, Β 28, 2, —— xxviii. 2 1st. -- 29, see thence, 1; 2 2nd (om. ἀπὸ 2. —— xvi. 1. τῆς θύρας, from the 21, see time, door, G+ LT TrA®.) i? — xvii. 91st (No, 2,G | 1. ——7, 8. ay Pe Ὁ) 1. Mark i. 9. 9 2nd. 2, 11. 1. — 18. -- 45, see every. FRO 1. Mark ii. 2 1 ο iii γινοο, Stwice 22, 1. — iv. 25. 1. — v. 35. — — vi. 1, see thence. παι 2, see whence, 10, see place. 14. 16 (om. ἐκ νεκρῶν, from the dead, T Trb Α 8.) 1. —— vii. 1, 4, 6. -- 15, see without. ae 17. -- 18, see without. - 21,23,see within. — —— 24, see thence. 2, —— 31. : 88, — — viii. 4, see whence. ας 11. 1. —— ix. 91st (No. 2, L.) 2. 9 2nd, 10, — — x. 1, see thence. 5 6. 2, 20. 1. — xi. 12. 20, 30, 31. 1. —— xiv. 85, 36. 88. 48. Ἱ. 52( αὐτῶν, a them, G—> Lb T Tr — — xv. 20, see take. τ᾿ 80, 82. -- 38, see top. — xvi. 3 (No.1,L Tr.) ὲ 8, 1. Luke i. 2. 3, see first. 15. 26(No.1,LTrA8) 40. 50,see generation τι twice, 78, 860 22. 9, see hence. 13, 42. v. 8, 8, 18, 35. vii. 6. viii. 18, 87. 2. 49 (No. 1, L.) —— ix. 5. Sree | eh 7, 83, 37, 80, 45. 54 (No. 2, L.) — x. 7, 18. 21, 80, 42. — xi. 4 (αρ.) —— 7, see within. ate 16, 31. —— 50, 51. — xii 36. 58. " — xiii 15, 16, 27. 30 (oi. G3 LT Trb Ab &.) — xvi. 8. 18 (om. G.) 21. 26, see thence, —— 26, see hence, 80, 81. — xvii. 7. κιτ πρ ποι 1. Luke xvii. 29. — — xviii. 21, see F my youth up. 94 . — xix. 24, 26 Ist. 26 2nd (om. an’, αὐτοῦ, from him, ΤῸ TAS.) 39, 42. — xx, 4, 5, 35. —- xxi. 1]. --- xxii.41, 42, 43 (ap.), 45. fxxiii. 5, 49. 55. =—— xxiv. 2, 0, 19. ° 46, 49. 51. a, John i. 6. 19, 32. — ii. 22. — iii. 2. 3, 7, see above. 15, 27. τος 31 Ist, see above. 2. 91 2nd. — — iv. 11, see whence. 2. —v. 24. 3a,—— 34, 41, 44. 2. —— vi.23,31,32twice, 33, 3, 38(No.1, LTTrA.) 2 41, 42, 50, 51, 58, 64. -- 66, see time. 3a.—— vii. 29. 2. —— viii. 23 twice, 42. 1. ——— 44. 2. ——ix. 1. - 29,30,see whence . — x. 5,18 - . --- xi. ; πα ο 6, ο pes πα po | pore — — xv. δ, see severed. 8a. 26 twice, πίτα 2,LT TrA) 3a.— xvii. sg. 2. ——— 15. 2. —— xviii. 3. 1. —-—— 28. στο 36, see hence. — —— xix. 11, see above. - 12, see thence- 4. , Acts i i, 4, 11, 12 1st. 12 ond. 22 twice. 25 (No. 1, LT Tr AN. — ii. 2. 40. 46, see house to house. 2. —— iii. 2, 15. L 10. - 23, see F among. 1. —-— 2, 26. 2, —— iv. 2, 10. 1. —— v. 58, 41. — — vii. 4, see thence. ΒΕ: 89, see thrust. 1. — viii. ‘10, 26, 83. 1. ix. 8 (No. 2, LTTr ATR. 1, 8a,—— 14. PS Prorrprrp [ 309 ] 1. Acts ix. 18. L x. 17, 21 (ap.), 28, 97, 2. 41. — — xi. 4, see rehearse. — — xiii. 4, see thence. 8, 13 twice, 14, 29. 30. 31. . —— 34. . —— 39. 46, see put. — xiv. 8. 16. 17, see heaven. ; among. 1, 20 (om. L T Tr Ab R. 12, see thence. — xvii. 3. 27. 2. ——— 31, 33. — —— 33, see F among. 2, it 1:-Ξ-- 2. 1. 2 Qnd (No.1, LT Tr A 8.) 5, 6, 16, 21. . — xix. 9, 12 twice. . — xx. 6, 9, 17, 18. — ——— 20, see house to house. 26. 1. —— xxi. 1] 1st. — —— 1 2nd, see thence. 1. 7, 10. 3a,— xxii. 5. 6. 22, 29. . τα 30 (om. ἀπὸ τῶν δεσμῶν, from his bonds, GLTTrAW) . —— xxiii. 10, see among . 21. . — xxiv. 18. . — xxv. 1, 7. . — xxvi. 4. 5, see beginning. 88. 10. 88. 12 (om. G> LT Tr AS.) τς 18, see heaven. 2. ——— li. Ἱ, 18. — — xxvii.4, see thence. ie 21. 2, 84 (No. 1, LT Tr A.) -- 8, see keep. -----. χχγΪΙ 18, 15, 860 thence. —— li. 28. . Rom. i. Τι μου μοι ου 80 ο BO ο FRO . Rom. viii. 2. 11 twice. — 21, 35, 39. among. - 13, see F among. 1. — vii. 10, 27. 2. —— ix. 19. 1. —x. 14. 1. --- xiv. 36. 2. —— xv. 12, 20. ooo 41, see differ. tortor bpp Te see F among. 1. ——vii. 1. 1. —— xi. 8, 9 1st. g2nd, see burden- topo rte 1. Phil. i. 2, 23, 26 twice. ii, 12, 19. 20. . 16. ΝΥ (ap.), 8, 9. 10 Ist ἃ 2nd, 10 3rd. iv. 8, 16. —v. 22. 2 Thea. i. 2, 7, 9 twice. 5a,—— ii, 2. 1, ——— ΙΒ(ἀπαρχήν,, firat- Sruits, instead of ἀπ᾽ ἀρχῆς, Jrom the begin- ning, L Re ) 1, == Ἐ᾿ 4.8, 6. 1. 1 Τί. 1. 2. -- 6, seo swerve. 1, see depart, 18, see house to —~—— iv. ————— YY, house. Li vi. 5 (ap.) 1. 2 Tim. i. 2, 8. 5, see turn. FRO 1. Titusi. 4. — —— ]4, see turn. 1. — ii. 14. 1. Philem. 3. 1. Heb. iii. 12. 1. —— iv. 3, 4, 10 twice. — — v. 1, see F among. 2. ————7. 1. —vi. 1,7 1. — vii. 1. 2, ———— 6. — —— 24, see Foneto another. : 20. 1. — viii. 11. 1. — ix. 14. 1, —x. 22. 1. — xi. 15. 2. ——— 19 Ist. — —— 19 2nd, see whence. 1, —— xii. 15, marg. (text of.) 1. ——— 25. — Jas. i. 17 Ist, see above. 1, ———_ 17 24, 27. — — iii. 15,17,seeabove — — iv. 1, see whence. i πὴ ---.͵. Θη twice. 88.2 Pet. i, 17 lst. 49, —_______ ]7 2nd. 18. — — ii. 8, see day to day (from. ) 4. 1. 1 Johni. ili 1 στ. ht Ys. 1, ——— 7 2n4 (0m. ἀπ᾽ ἀρχῆς, from the le- οἰππίπῃ, G= L T Tr AR.) 1. 1 John ii. 13, 14. ἦν τς 19. 1. —_—— 20, 24 twice. : = 2 1. ib 1 3a.2 John 3 twice, 4, 1. ———— 5, 1. Jude 14. 1. Rev. i. 4 twice, 5 1st. 1. ———— 52nd (No. 2, L Tr &.) — —— ii. 5, see whence. 1. —— iii. 12. 1. —vi.4(No. 2,G LT Tr A 9) (ἐκ, om. GS.) i be 16 twice. 1. —— vii. 2. —— 17(G~x) (No.2, GLTTr A.) —— viii. 10. — ix. 1. 13 twice, 18, — xv. 8 twice. —— xvii. 8. — xviii. 1, 4. 14 twice. — χχ. 1. 9 (om. ἀπὸ τοῦ Θεοῦ, from God, G= LTTrvA ee) Rho Po δῷ PoP Polo καὶ bo τῷ τῷ καὶ τῷ εδ FROM AMONG. . ἀπό, see “FROM,” Λο. 1. 1 2. €k, see “FROM,” 3 ἐκ, from, "| μέσου, the midst. 3. Matt. xiii. 49. . Acts iii. 23. ει xv. 19, 3. —— xvii. 33. 2. Heb. No. 2, 3. Acts xxiii. 10. . 1 Cor, v. 2. ———— 13. . 2 Cor. vi. 17. 7. 2. FROM ONE ΤῸ ANOTHER [marg.] ἀπαρα βάτος, not passing from beside, in- transmissible, inviolable. Heb. vii. 24, text, unchangeable. FROM MY Y ps see “FROM,” 1. - νεότης, youth, ἰ μου, my, OUTH UP. 7ο [ 310 ] νεότης, youth. FRU { ἐκ, see “FROM,” Wo. 9, ~ from youth. 1. Matt. xix. 20(om. G> LT Tr A. 8.) 2. Luke xviii. 21. See also, FALL, FAR, HENCEFORTH. FROWARD. σκολιός, crooked, metaph. not straight- forward, perverse. 1 Pet. ii, 18. FRUIT (-s.) 1. καρπός, that which is dry and ripe, fruit, used of trees but also of the earth; and then gen. produce, result. 2. γέννημα, that which is born or pro- duced ; of men, offspring ; of trees, ete., fruit, produce. 1. Matt. iii. 8. 1. —— vii. 16, 18 twice, 19, 20. 1. — xii. 88 3 times, 1. — xiii. 8. τσ 23, see F (bear. ) 1. ——— 26. 1. —— xxi. 19, 34 twice, 41, 43. 2. —— xxvi. 29. 1. Mark iv. 7, 8. -- 20, 28, see F πο forth. ) 17 twice, 1. —— 1, —— xi. zr 1. — xii. 2. 2. —— xiv. 25. 1. Luke i. 42. 1, —— iii. 8, 9. 1. —— vi. 48 twice, 44, 1. —— viii. 8. — —— 14, see perfection forth.) 1. —— xii. 17. 2. 18 (Tr™) (otros, wheat, Tr.) 1. —— xiii. 6, 7, 9. 1. —— xx. 10. 1. John iv. 86. 1. —— xii, 24. 1. John xv. 2 3 times, 4, 5, 8, 16 twice. 1. Acts i ii. 30. 1. Rom. i. 13. 1. —— vi. 21, 22. —— vii. 4, 5, see F (bring forth.) — —— viii. 23, see first F. 1, —— xv. 28. — — xvi. 5, see first F. ΠΟΥ, exc — — xv. 20, 23, τε — xvi. 15, 2. 2 Cor. ix. 10. 1. Gal. ν. 22. 1. Eph. v. 9. 1. ἘΠ ΠΠ ΒΡ 1. ----- iv. 17. (forth. ) — Col. i. 6, see F (bring 1. 2 Tim. ii. 6. 1. Heb. xii. 11. 1. —— xiii. 15. — Jas. 1. 18, see first F. 1. — iii. Ji, 18. 1. —-vv. 7, 18. — Jude 12 Ist, see wither. —— 12 2nd} see F' (with- out.) — Rev. xiv. 4, see first Ε΄, — — xviii. 14, see fruits 1. —— xxii. 2 twice. see first F. FRUIT (bEar.) καρποφορέω, to bear καρπός (fruit.) (a) Mid. to bear fruit to one’s self, Z.e. propagate one’s self, increase. Matt, xiii. 28, FRUIT (ΒηΙνα ForTH.) Mark iv. 20, 28, Luke viii. 16, Rom, vii. 4, 5. [be. a, Col. i, 6, with εἰμί to FRU Voit] FUL FRUIT (wirnovt.) ἄκαρπος, unfruitful. Jude 12. FRUITS. ὀπώρα, the part of the year between the rising of Sirius and of Arcturus, (acc. to the division of the year into seven seasons,) and so, not so much the Lat. auctumunus, autumn, as our Dog days, or at most the end of summer ; hence, as it was the proper time for field and tree fruits to ripen ὀπώρα also means the fruit itself, esp. tree-fruit. Rey. xviii. 14. FRUITFUL (85.) καρποφορέω, to bear καρπός (fruit, see “rruit,” Λο. 1.) Col. i. 10. FRUSTRATE. ἀθετέω, to displace, set aside, disregard as a treaty or oath ; to reject. Mark vii. 9, Luke vii. 30, Gal. ii. 21. } marg, (text, reject.) FULFIL (-2p, -τνα.) πληρόω, to make full, fill; then, to fulfil, perform fully, complete, ac- complish. ἀναπληρόω, (No, 1 with ἀνά, up, pre- Jixed,) to fill up, complete, (stronger than No. 1.) ἐκπληρόω, (No. 1 with ἐκ, from, out of, prefixed, ) to fill out, fill quite up, complete in full, (non occ.) τελέω, to bring about, complete, fulfil, accomplish, not to end a thing or state, but to bring about a complete and perfect one. συντελέω, (No. 4 with σύν, together, prefixed,) to bring to one end to- ~ gether, bring quite to an end, finish, perfect. τελειόω, to make perfect, consum- mate, bring to an accomplishment. ποιέω, to make, to do, (expressing action either as completed or con- tinued. ) 8. πληροφορέω, to bear, or bring fully, to fill up the full measure. to come to pass. 1. Matt. i. 22. 1. John xix. 36. 1, — ii. 15, 17, 28. 1. Acts i. 16. 1. —— iii. 15. 1. —— iii. 18. 1. —— iv. 14. 1. —— ix. 23. 1. —vv. 17. 1. —— xii. 25, part. -- 18, see F (be.) 7. —— xiii. 22. i ae 1 25, 27. 1. —— xii. 17. 4. 29. 2, —— xiii. 14. 3. 33. 1. —— xxi. 4. 1, —— xiv. 26. — — xxiv. 34, see F (be) | 4. Rom. ii. 27. 1. —— xxvi. 54, 56. 1. —— viii. 4. 1, —— xxvii. 9, 35 (ap.) 1. —— xiii. 8. 1. Mark i. 15. — —-.- 10, see fulfilling 5, —— xiii. 4. Πιο. ] 1. ----- xiv. 49. 1. 2'Cor: κα 1. —— xv. 28 (ap.) 1. Gal. v. 14. 1. Luke i. 20, (πίμπλημι, to | 4. ——— 16. fill, Gs.) 9, vi. 2, 6. —— ii. 43, part. 7. Eph. ii. 3. [ ill.) 1. —— iv. 21. 1. —— iv. 10, marg. (text, 1. —— xxi. 22 (πίμπλημι, | 1. Phil. 11. 2. to fill, G@ LT TrA®.) | 1. Col i. 25, marg. preach 1. ——— 24. Sully. -- 82, see Β' (06.) | 1. iv. 17. 1. —— xxii. 16. | 1. 2 Thes. i. 11. 1. —— xxiv. 44. 8. 2 Tim. iv. 5, marg.(text, 1. John iii. 29. make full proof.) 1. —— xii. 38. 4. Jas. ii. 8. 1, — xiii. 18. 1. — 23. 1, —— xv. 20. 1. Rev. πι. 1]. 1. —— xvii. 12, 13. | 4. xv. 8. 1. — xviii. 9, 32. 7. —— xvii.-17 1st. 1. —— xix. 24. 4. 17 2nd. 6. 28. 1, —— xx. 3. FULFILLED (ΒΒ) γίνομαι, to begin to be, ze. to come into any existence or state, to become, to enter upon any state or condition, Matt. v. 18 ; xxiv. 34; Luke xxi. 82. FULFILLING [noun. ] πλήρωμα, that with which any thing is filled or of which it is full, the con- tents, fulness, filling. Rom, xiii, 10. FULL [adj. ] 1. πλήρης, full of, filled with ; gen. full, complete, sufficient. sated. 5. μεστόω, to make μεστός (No. 3,) here πληρόω, to make πλήρης (see No. 1), to fill, see “ ruLFi,” Vo. 1. | πλήρωμα, see “ FULFILLING.” | μεστός, full, filled (as with food,) | Pass. to be filled with or full of, (non occ. ) Ne EE FUL 6. κορέννυμι, to sate, satisfy, fill one with a thing. Pass. (as here) to be sated or glutted with a thing, have one’s fill of ἡ. — Matt. vi. 22, see light. 1. Acts vi. 8, 5, 8. 23, see darkness. | — vii. 23, see F (be.) — — xiii. 48, see F (be.) | 1. --- 55. 1. —— xiv 20. 1, —— ix. 36. 1, —— xv. 37. [οὗ (be.) | 1. —— xi. 24. — —— xxiii. 25, 27, see F | 1. —— xiii. 10. 4. 28. -— —— xvii. 16, see idols. 1. Mark iv. 28. 1. —— xix. 28. 37, see F (be.) 4. Rom. i. 29. 1. —vi. 43 (No. 3, T Tr | — —— iii. 14, see F of (be) Α 5.) 4. — xv. 14. — — vii. 9, see well. 6. 1 Cor. iv. 8, part. 1. — viii. 19. — Phil. ii. 26,see heaviness 3. ——— 20. — — iv. 18. — — xv. 36, see fill. — Col. ii. 2, see assurance. — Luke i. 57, see time. — 2 Tim. iv. 5, see proof. 1. — iv. 1. — Heb. v. 14, see age. 1. —-v. 12. -Ξ vill, } see — — Vi. 25, see F (be.) — —— x. 22, | assurance -——— xi. 341st, see light. | 4. Jas. iii. 8, 17. 342nd,seedarkness | — 1 Pet. i. 8, see glory. 36 twice, see light | 4. 2 Pet. 11, 14. 39, see F of (be.) | 2. 1 Johni. 4, part. 1 9 — —— Xvi. 20, see sores. . 2 John 8. 1. John i. 14. [(be.) 12, part. — — vii. 8, see F come - Rev. iv. 6, see F of. — —— xv. ll,seeF (be.) | — 8, see F of (be.) 2. —— xvi. 24, part. -- —-v. 8, aa ο = τν Ἡ, 1299 οἳ. 4, —— xxi. 11. — —— xvi.10,see darkness 5. Acts ii. 13, part. — —— xvii. 3, 4, } see — —— 28, see F (make.) | — —— xxi. 9, F of. FULL (58.) 1. πληρόω, see “FULFIL,” Vo. 1. (a) Pass. 9. ἐμπίπλημι, to fill in, make full. (a) Pass. to be filled (as with food,) with any person or thing. 3. γεμίζω, to fill, load or freight. (a) Pass. to be laden or freighted. la. Matt. xiii. 48. la. John xv. 11. 3a. Mark iv. 37. la. Acts vii. 23. 2a. Luke vi. 25. la. Phil. iv. 18. FULL OF. γέμω, to be full, (spoken strictly of a ship) be stuffed with. (a) Participle. a. Rev. iv. 6. a -- ν. 8. ἃ. Rev. xv. 7. a, —— xvii. 3, 4. a, Rev. xxi. 9. FULL OF (18,) Matt. xxiii. 25, 27. Rom. iii. 14. Luke xi. 39. Rey. iv. 8. FULL (ΜΑΚΕ,) πληρόω, see “ FULFIL,” Wo, 1. Acts ii, 28, Ε 3 j FUR FULL COME (sz.) John vii. 8, pass. FULLER. γναφεύς, a fuller (Lat. fullo,) {.ε. a cloth carder or dresser, a clothes cleaner, (from γνάφος, the prickly teasel, a plant used by fullers to dress or clean cloth, hence, a carding comb,) (non oce. ) Mark ix. 3. FULLY PREACH. πληρόω, see “ FULFIL,” Wo. 1. Rom. xy. 19. Col. i. 25, marg. (text, fuljil.) FULLY. See also, ASSURED, COME, KNOW, KNOWN, PERSUADED, RIPE. FULNESS. πλήρωμα, that with which any thing is filled or of which it is full, the contents, hence, fulness, filling. Johni. 16, | Eph. i. 10, 23. Rom. xi. 12, 25. — iii. 19. — xv. 29. — iv. 19. 1 Cor. x. 26, 28 (ap.) Col. i. 19. Gal. iv. 4. — ii. 9. FURLONG (-s.) στάδιος, that which stands fast, hence, a fixed standard of length; a stade equal to 606} English feet, (about one eighth of a Roman mile and one tenth of an English mile.) Also a race-course, because the most noted (Olympia) was exactly a stade long. (occ. 1 Cor. ix. 24.) Luke xxiv. 13. | John vi. 19. John xi. 18 Rey. xiv. 20. Rev. xxi. 16. FURNACE. κάμινος, an oven, furnace or kiln, (for melting metals or baking earthen- ware ; never a fire or stove for heat- ing rooms,) (prob. from καίω, to light, Zat. caminus. Lng. chimney,) (non oce. ) Matt. xiii. 42, 50. | Rey. ix. 2. Rey. i. 15, FUR FURNISH (-zp.) 1. στρώννυμι, to spread, spread out (as a bed,) of a room, spread with fur- niture ; of a table, with food, hence, furnished. 2. πίμπλημι, to fill, make full, be filled or full of. 2. Matt. xxii. 10. | 1. Mark xiv. 15. | 1. Luke xxii. 12. — 2 Tim. iii. 17, see F (throughly.) FURNISH (τΗπούαΠι.) Ξαρτίζω, to fit out or equip fully, to be put in perfect readiness for, complete. 2 Tim. iii. 17, marg. perfect. \ FURTHER. 1. ἔτι, of the present, yet, as yet, still; of the future, yet longer, still, henceforth ; gen. yet, further. 9 {ἔτι, yet, see No. 1. * | πλείων, more. GADARENES (5) 1. Ταδαρήνος, a Gadarene, 1.6. an in- habitant of the city or district of Gadara, (the fortified capital of [ 313 ] GAI 3. ποῤῥωτέρω, more forward, far farther. 1. Matt. xxvi. 65. — Acts iv. 21, see threaten — Mark v. 35, — — xiv. 63, bee — Luke xxii. 71, 2. — xxiv. 4 3. Luke xxiv. 28. — — xxvii. 28, see go. 2. Acts iv. 17. | 2. 2 Tim. iii. 9. 1. Heb. vii. 11. FURTHER (axy.) 1. Mark v. 35. | 1. Mark xiv. 63. 1. Luke xxii. 71, FURTHERANCE. προκοπή, a going forward, progress, ad- vancement, (occ. 1 Tim. iv. 15.) Phil. i. 12, 25. FURTHERMORE. 1, εἶτα, of time, then, next ; of thought, and so, then, accordingly. τὸ, the, 9 λοιπόν, remain- ἑ ing, used of time. in future, for the rest, as to what remains, 2. 1 Thes. iv. 1. 1. Heb. xii. 9. G name,) Gen. xv. 21; Josh, xxiv. 11. 1. Mark v. 1 (No. 2, ας» L T Tr δ), (No. 8, A.) 1. Luke viii. 26 (No. 2, Θ LT Tr A), (No. 8, &.) p 37 (No. 2, LT Tr A), (No. 8, 8.) Deut. vii. 1 ; Perea, or the region east of the τ: Jordan,) (non occ.) 2. Τερασήνος, a Gerasene, i.e. an in- habitant of the city or district of Gerasa (in the eastern part of Persea near the Arabian Desert, on the parallel of Samaria, one of the cities of Decapolis.) [The city must have given its name to a large district, as Jerome says Gilead was then called Gerasa, and Saadias in his Arabic version puts Jerrash (the modern name of Gad- area), for the Heb. Gilead. ] 3. Γεργεσηνός, a Gergesene, the proper name of one of the ancient tribes of Canaan, destroyed by Joshua, (of ~which nothing remained but the GAIN (-s) [noun.] . ἐργασία, work, daily labour, business. . κέρδος, gain, profit, advantage. . πορισμός, a providing, procuring, a source or means of making money, gain, (non oce. ) 1. Acts xvi. 16, 19. 1. — xix. 24. — 2 Cor. xii. 17, 18, seeG of (make a.) 2 Phil i. 21. 2. — iii. 7. 8. 1 Tim. vi. 5, 6. — Jas. iv. 18, see G (get. ) GAIN (GeEr.) κερδαίνω, to derive profit o7 advantage from. Jas. iv. 13. GAI [ 314 ] GAR GAIN OF (make 4.) GALL. πλεονεκτέω, to have or claim more than | χολή, gall, bile, gen. anything extremely another, esp. in a bad sense, to claim bitter, (used by lxx. for my, worm- more than one’s due, to be greedy wood, Prov. v. 4, and frequently for or grasping, to over-reach. wr, deadly, bitter poison, Jer. vill. 2 Cor. xii, 17, 18. 14,) (non oce. ) Matt. xxvii. 34. | Acts viii, 29, GAIN (9) [verb.] 1. κερδαίνω, see “GAIN (GET.)” GALLINGS ONE OF ANOTHER [margin. | 2. ἐργάζομαι, to work, labour, (prop. : ‘ of husbandry, but also of manual παραδιατριβή, useless, vain 07) perverse labour, ) to work, do, perform, then disputings, (non oce. ) to wor ν worki ng, trade, 1 Tim. vi. 5, text, perverse disputings, Pa aad vale fic k out, — by vee ἕ continual friction, G LT Tr A &.) Ἶ c . 3. προσεργάζομαι, (No. 2 with πρός, to- GANGRENE [margin.] wards, prefixed, ) to work out there- : ον to, to do something besides another, | Y*VYP4+¥4, a gangrene, an eating sore, hence, to make or earn in addition, ending in mortification (when it be- (non oe.) comes σφάκελος,) (non oce. ) 2 Tim. ii. 17, text, canker. 4. ποιέω, to make, 1.6. to form, produce, bring about, cause (of action com- pleted, ) also to do (of action incom- JARDEN. pleted. ) κῆπος, a garden, orchard or plantation, 1. Matt. xvi. 26. | 3. Luke xix. 16. , r-garden non occ. owas 5 iF (not a flower-garden, ) (non occ.) 1. —— xxv. 17, 20, 22. 1. Acts xxvii. 21. Luke xiii. 19. | John xviii. 1, 26. 1. Mark viii. 36. 1.1 Cor. ix. 19, 20 twice, John xix. 4] twice. 1. Luke ix. 25, part. 21, 22. [work.) — — xix. 15,seetrading 2. 2 John 8, marg. (text, GARDENER. Ay’ Το GAINSAY (να) κηπουρός, a keeper of a garden, gen. a 1. ἀντιλέγω, to contradict, ze. to gardener, (non occ. ) say against, utter, recount, relate John πα. 16, against. > A . . 2. ἀντεῖπον, to speak against or in GARLAND (5) answer, gainsay, (occ. Acts iv. 14.) ; ; : ρα στέμμα, materials for crowning, a wreath, 1. Rom. x. 51. garland, chaplet, (non oce. ) 1. Titus 11. 9, marg. (text, answer again.) ἢ — Jude 11, see gainsaying. Acts xiv. 13, GAINSAYER. GARMENT. ἀντιλέγω, see “*GAINSAY,” Wo. 1, here the | 1. ἱμάτιον, a piece of dress, esp. an outer participle. garment (opp. to No. 1 ») im pl. rai- Titus tv. ment, clothes. | 2, ἔνδυμα, anything put on. GAINSAYING [noun. ] , ΤῈ 3. ἔσθησις, clothing, (like ἐσθής, gen. ἀντιλογία, contradiction. WA ( ide applied to what is ornate or splendid ) Jude 11. (non oce. ) 4, χιτών, the inner vest, a woollen shirt GAINSAYING (wirnovt.) or frock (worn next the body.) > se? 9 8 . | ῃ tee άναντι τω without b 7 1. Matt. ix. 16 twice, 20, 21] 1. Matt. xxiii. 5 (om. -- i Stas CUE Objection, {ον 1, —— xiv. 36. LT Tr AS.) οσο, ) 1, —— xxi. 8, —— xxvii. 35 twice (ap.) Acts x. 29. 2. —— xxii. 11, 12. : Mark ii. 21. GAR . Luke xxiv. 4. . John xiii. 4, 12. 1. —— x. 50. . — xix. 23. 1. —vxi. 7, 8. . Acts ix. 39. 1. Mark v. 27. 8 1 1 1 1, — xiii. 16. 1, — xii. 8, 1 1 4 1, — vi. 56. 1. —— xy. 24. . Heb. i. 11. — —— xvi. 5, see G (long) | 1. Jas. v. 2. 1. Luke ν. 36 twice. . Jude 23. 1, —— viii. 44. — Rey. i. 13, see foot. 1. —— xix. 35. iii 1. —— xxii. 36. GARMENT (Lonc.) στολή, equipment, fitting out, esp. equip- ment in clothes, dress; then, a piece of dress, a robe. Mark xvi. 5. GARNER. ἀποθήκη, any place wherein to lay up α thing, a barn, magazine, storehouse. Matt. iii. 12. | Luke iii. 17. GARNISH (-Ep.) κοσμέω, to order, set in order, adorn, garnish ; prepare. Matt. xii. 44. | Luke xi. 25. — xxiii. 29. Rey. xxi. 19. GARRISON (KEEP WITH A.) φρουρέω, to keep watch or guard, to watch, 2 Cor. xi. 32. GATE (-s.) πυλών, a gate, gateway; the gate- tower, gate-house. πύλη, one wing of a pair of double gates, hence usu. in pl. a gate, the gates (of a town, as opp. to No. 3.) θύρα, a house-door o7 door of a room, (Germ. thur, Sanserit diar, Lng. door.) προβατικός, of or belonging to cattle, (esp. sheep.) . Matt. vii. 13 1st. 132nd (om. LTP) 14 (om, Lb-) — xvi. 18. . Luke vii. 12. — xiii. 24 (6 9), (No. 8,α1, Την Α α.) — xvi. 20. . John v. 2, marg. (text, sheep market.) . Acts iii. 2. ο. . Acts iii. 10, . —— ix. 24. . παι κ. 17. . —— xii. 10, 18, 14 twice, , xiv. 13. . Heb, xiii. 12. . Rev. xxi. 12 1st, (ap.), 18 4 times, 15, 21 twice, 25, ο — xxii. 14, 9. BE Prom [-315 ] 12 2nd, GATHER (-ΕΡ, -ΕΤΗ, -ING.) 1. συνάγω, to lead together, gather to- gether, gen. to bring together, join in one. GAT ἐπισυνάγω, to collect and bring to a place, assemble. συλλέγω, to collect, gather, of persons to call together. Pass. to come to- gether, assemble. τρυγάω, to gather in ripe fruits, gather in the vintage ov harvest, (non occ.) συστρέφω, to twist up together, roll into a mass, then, gen. to collect, combine, (non occ. ) For “GATHER TOGETHER ” and “‘GATHER- ED TOGETHER (BE),” see below. 1. Matt. ii. 4, part. 4. Luke vi. 44 2nd. 1. —— xi. 23. -- το oe ὡς G thick gether . 90, 1. John iv. 36. ) — — xiii. 28,29,seeGup | — vi. 12, see G up. η 1. —— xi 47. 1. —— xv. 6. — Acts xvi.10,see assuredly — — xvii.5, see company 5. —— xxviii. 3, part. — Eph. 1.10, see G together in one. 4. Rev. xiv. 18, 19. 1, —— xvi. 14. — xxv. 94, 26. — xxvii. 27, "Luke i vib a ἘΠῚ — vi, 44 Ist. ο λα. GATHER TOGETHER. συνάγω, see “ GATHER,” Wo. 1. ἐπισυνάγω, see “ GATHER,” Vo. 2. συλλέγω, see “GATHER,” Wo, 3. 1 2 3. 4 συναθροίζω, to gather together, as- semble, esp. of soldiers. . Matt. xiii. 30. 4, Luke xxiv. 33, part. ii (ἀθροίζω, collected, LT 1. John vi. 13. [TrA®) Ἱ. xi. 52. 4, Acts xii. 12. 1. —— xiv. 27. 1. —— xv. 30, part. — Eph. i. 10, see@ Tin one 1. Rev. xvi. 16. 1, Rev. xx. 8 Prop ppb bor 9 GATHER TOGETHER IN ONE. ανακεφαλαιόομαι, to comprehend several things under one head, to reduce under one head, to reunite for one’s self under one head, (oce. Rom. xiii, 9.) Eph. i. 10, GATHER UP. 1. συνάγω, see “ GATHER,” Vo. 1. 9. συλλέγω, see “GaTHER,” Vo. 2. 2. Matt. xiii. 28, 29, part. | 1, John vi. 12. GAT GATHERED TOGETHER (Βα) 1. συνάγω, Pass. or Mid.,to be gathered | yeveaAoyia, a tracing of one’s genealog together, assembled, be come to- gether. 4 2. σύνειμι, to go o7 come together. 1. Matt. xiii 2. — Luke xi. 29, seeG thick 1. — xviii. 20. together (be.) 1. —— xxii. 41, part. 1. XVii. ὀΤ(επισυνάγω, 1, —— xxiv. 28. see gather, No. 2, T Tr 1. —— xxvii. 17, part. 1. Acts iv. 6, 27. [A®.) 1. Mark ii. 2. 1. —— xx. 8. 2. Luke viii. 4, pres. part. | 1. 1 Cor. v. 4, part. 1. Rev. xix. 19. GATHERED THICK TOGETHER (BE.) ἐπαθροίζομαι, to collect together to, or upon, to crowd together upon, (non oce. ) Luke xi. 29, part. GATHERING (-s) [noun.] λογία, a collection, as of money, (οσο. ver. 1.) 1 Cor. xvi. 2. GATHERING TOGETHER. ἐπισυναγωγή, a gathering together upon or unto, (occ. Heb. x. 25.) 2 Thes. ii. 1. GAY. λαμπρός, bright, brilliant, radiant. Jas. 11. 3. GAZE (κα) UP. ἐμβλέπω, to look upon, view with stead- Sastness and attention, (see “BEHOLD,” Nos. 7 and 8.) Acts i. 11. GAZING STOCK (axe a.) θεατρίζω, to be an actor in the theatre ; also, to bring upon the theatre, to present as a spectacle, (non occ. ) Heb. x. 83, part. [ 316. _] GENDER (τη) γεννάω, to beget, of men; to bear, of women ; bring forth, Gal. iy. 24. | 2 Tim. ii. 28. GEN GENEALOGY (-ts.) ? the making a pedigree, tracing a family. (Απρ, genealogy), (non οσο, ) 1 Tim. i. 4. | Titus iii, 9, GENERAL. See, ASSEMBLY. GENERATION (-s.) 1. γενεά, birth; race, descent; offspring. It denotes an age or generation from the point of view of race, (as αἰών does from that of duration.) 2. γέννημα, that which is produced, as a child, fruits of the earth ; hence, progeny, offspring. 3. γένεσις, an origin, source; birth, manner of birth. 4. γένος, race, descent ; genus; hence, - a people ov nation. 3. Matt. i. 1. — Lukei. 50, see Gto α if 17 4times. (from. ) 1. —— xi. 16. 2. —— iii. 17. 2. —— xii. 34. 1. —— vii. 31. ΤΕ 39, 41, 42, 45. eal [50, 51. 1 SE σνὶ ἃ. 1, —— xi. 29, 80, 81, 32, 1, —— xvii. 17. 1. —— xvi. 8. 2, —— xxii. 33. 18 XVii. 25. 1. 36. 1. Acts ii. 40. 1, —— xxiv. 34. ils Vili. 33. 1, Mark viii. 12 twice, 38, 1. —— xiii. 36, marg. 1. — ix. 19. 1. Col. i, 26. 1. — xiii. 30. 1. Heb. iii. 10. 1. Luke i. 48. 4, 1 Pet. ii. 9. δ GENERATION TO GENERATION (FROM. ) eis, unto, γενεὰς, generations, γενεῶν, of generations. Luke i. 50 (εἰς γενεὰς καὶ γενεὰς, unto generations and . generations, Gow T Tr A), (εἰς γενεὰν Kai γενεὰν, unto generation and generation, Οἱ ον &.) GENTILE (-s.) 1. ἔθνος, host, multitude, people, (prob. Jrom ἔθος, custom, usage, manners, etc.,) a number of people living to- gether bound together by like habits and customs; then gen. people, tribe, nation, with reference to the connec- tion with each other rather than the separation from others by descent, language or constitution. GEN In the following passages only pl. ἔθνη or τὰ έθνη, Gentiles. Jn the 0.1. those who are not of Israel, and in the N.7. those who are neither of Israel nor of the Church, see 1 Cor. x. 32. (The Church being composed of those who are called out of both.) The Gentiles or the nations of the earth stand, in relation to God, in a peculiar position of their own, and their destiny is different from that of the Jew and the Church. | Ἕλλην, Hellen [the proper name of the son of Deucalion, and then of his descendants Ἕλληνες, the early inhabitants of Thessalian Hellas. | Afterwards a general name for all the Greeks; hence, in .Τ. Ἕλλην, a Greek, οἱ Ἕλληνες, the Greeks, viz. as opp. to οἱ Βάρβαροι, (1.6. all who are not Greeks,) and as opp. to ot ᾿Ιουδαῖοι (the Jews), all who are not Jews; and in this sense, Gentiles. Ἑλληνίς, (fem. of No. 2), a female Greek, (1.6. not a Jew.) ad [ 317 ] . Matt. iv. 15. . — vi. 32. — x. 5, 18. orth Laat — xx. 19, 25. . Mark ας. marg. (text, —— xxi. 24 twice, —— xxii. 25. . John vii. 35 1st, marg, Greek. 35 2nd. . Acts iv. 27. — vii. 45. — ix. 10. — x. 45. — χ 1, 18. — xiii. 42 (om. G LT TrA®.) 46, 47, 48. — xiv. 2, δ, 27. . — xv. 8, 7, 12, 14,17, 19, 23. xviii. 6. — xxi. 11, 19, 21, 25. — xxii. 21. —— xxvi. 17, 20, 23. — xxviii. 28. . Rom. i. 13. — ii. 9, } 10, marg. Greek. 1 1 - 1, 1. 9 1. 1. 1. 1, Le 2 2. ἐξ x 1. 1. 1. 1. 1, i 1 1. 1, 1, 3 1, 1 2. 2. 1. Rom. ii. 14, 24. 2. —— iii. 9, ie 29 twice, 1. —— ix. 24, 30. 1. —— xi. 11, 12,13twice,25 1, —— xy. 9twice, 10, 11, 12 twice, 16twice, 18, 27. 1. — xvi. 4. πα Coritva 1. 1. —x. 20 (οηι. α LT 2. 82. (Trmb A.) 1, — xii. 2. 9, 18, marg. Greek. 1. Gal. ii. 2, 8, 12. -- 1415: see G (after the manner of.) 14 2nd, 15, — iii. 14. . Eph. ii. 11. — iii. 1, 6, 8. — iv. 17. . Col, 1, 27. . 1 Thes, ii. 16, . — iv. δ. pion, it. 7. — iii. 16. 2Tim: 1. 11. — iv. 17. . 1 Pet. ii, 12, — iv. 3. . 8 John 7 (ἐθνικός, belong- ing to a nation or Gen- tile, ἄν LT Tr AR.) . Rev. xi. 2. GENTILES (AFTER THE MANNER OF.) ἐθνικῶς, in the manner of the Gentiles, see Vo. 1, (non occ. ) Gal. ii. 14. GET GENTLE. 1. ἐπιεικής, fitting upon, ze. fit, meet, suitable; hence, fair, reasonable, esp. opp. to δίκαιος (righteous), 1.6., not insisting on the letter of the law, considerate, forbearing, kind, fair, (occ. Phil. iv. 5; 1 Tim. iii. 3.) 2. ἤπιος, gentle, mild; soothing, assuag- ing, (non ους, ) 2.1 Thes. ii. 7 (νήπιοι, child-like, L >.) 2. Tim. ii. 24, 1. Titus iii. 2. 1. Jas. iii, 17. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 18. GENTLENESS. 1. ἐπιείκεια, reasonableness, fairness ; considerateness, forbearance ; the not insisting on just rights. 2. χρηστότης, usefulness as of persons towards others ; hence, goodness that showsitself in benevolence, kindness. 1. 2 Cor. x. 1. | 2. Gal. v. 22, GERGESENE. Γεργεσηνός, a Gergesene, (see “ GADAR- ENE,” Λο. 3.) Matt. viii. 28 (6) (Γερασηνός, see Gadarene, No. 2, ἄω 1), (Γαδαρηνός, see Gadarene, No. 1, ἄν TTrAW), Ταζαρηνός, prob. a mistake for Γαδαρηνός, &.) GET (αοττεν.) ἔξειμι, to go or come out, (esp. owt of the house,) here, to get out upon the land. εὑρίσκω, to find, find out, discover. κτάοµαι, to procure for one’s self, acquire. 4, ἐμβαίνω, to step in, go or come into, enter, 8. Matt. x. 9, marg. text, provide, 1. Acts xxvii. 48, [tage. — — xi. 12, see force. — 2 Cor. ii 11, see advan- 4. — xiv. 22. — Jas. iv. 13, see gain. 4. Mark vi. 45. — Rev, xy. 2, see victory. . Luke ix. 12. GET DOWN. / καταβαίνω, to step down, go 07) come down, descend. Acts x. 20, GET THEE. ὑπάγω, to lead ov bring under, (as horses under a yoke, ) to lead or bring away GET under. Jn V.T. and later usage, to go away (under cover, strictly with the idea of stealth,) Gen. and Imp., go away, depart, begone. Matt. xvi. 23. | Mark viii. 33. Luke iv. 8 (ap.) GET THEE HENCE. Matt. iv. 10. GET OUT. ἐξέρχομαι, to come or go out of any place, to come ο} go forth. Luke xiii. 31. Acts xxii. 18. Acts vii. 3. GOTTEN FROM (ΒΕ) ἀποσπάω, to draw from, draw away, here, Pass. in Mid. sense, to withdraw one’s self, depart, go away. Acts xxi. 1, part. GHOST. [For HOLY GHOST, see HOLY. ] πνεῦμα, the wind, the breath breathed forth, the living principle (predica- ted of man and beast, ) breathing as the sign and condition of life, breath. (For fuller meaning see under “spirit.” Matt. xxvii. 50, | John xix. 30. GHOST (GcIveE uP THE.) 1. ἐκπνέω, to breathe out, expire, die, (non occ. ) 2. ἐκψύχω, to breathe out, to go out, wax cold, become extinct. 1. Mark xv. 37, 39. 2. Acts v. 5. 1. Luke xxiii. 46. 2. —— xii. 23. GHOST (περ up THE.) 2. Acts v. 10. GIFT (-s.) 1. δῶρον, a gift, a present, an honorary gift; esp. a votive offering to a god; so of gifts, offerings dedicated to God or His service, (οσο, Luke xxi. 4.) 2. δωρεά, a free-gift, a present, (Lat., beneficium), (non occ. ) [ 318 ] GIR 3. δώρημα, that which is given, a free- gift. 4. δόμα, a gift, (non occ.) 5. δόσις, a giving, the act of giving, (oce. Phil. iv. 15.) 6. χάρισμα, a favour, kindness; that which is freely given, a gift of grace, gen. the effect of God’s gracious working, the positive blessing be- stowed upon sinners ; and also, in α special sense, a gift of grace imparted to an individual. Χάρισμα, is the gift which requires χάρις (grace), that it may be rightly exercised, (οσο. Rom. v. 15, 16.) 7. χάρις, free gift, free favour, (see “grace,” Wo. 1.) 8. μερισμός, a dividing, division, distri- bution, (οσο. Heb. iv. 12.) 9. ἀνάθημα, votive offerings, a thing de- voted in honour of God. 1. Matt. ii. 11. 6. 1 Cor. i. 7 1. —— vy. 23, 24 twice. 6. —— vii. 7. 4. —— vii. 11. 6. —— xii. 4, 9, 28, 30, 31. 1, — viii. 4. — — xiii.2, see prophecy 1. —— xv. 5. -- xiv. 1, seespiritual 1. —— xxiii. 18, 19 twice. 6. 2 Cor. i. 11. 1. Mark vii. 11. 7. —— viii. 4. 4. Luke xi. 13. 2. —— ix. 15. 1. —— xxi. 1. 1. Eph. ii. 8. 9. δ. 2, —— iii. 7. 2. John iv. 10. 2, —— iv. 7. 2. Acts ii. 38. 4, 8. 2. —— viii. 20. 4, Phil. iv. 17. 2. ——x. 45. 6. 1 Tim. iv. 14, 2. —— xi. 17. 6. 2 Tim i. 6. (bution. 6. Rom. i. 11. 8. Heb. ii. 4, marg. distri- — — ν. 15lst, seeG (free) | 1. —— ν. 1. 2. 15 2nd. 2. —— vi. 4. 3. 16 110. 1. —— viii. 3, 4. -- 162nd,see G (free) | 1. —— ix. 9. 2. 17 (om. G—> 19.) | 1, —— xi. 4. 6. —— vi. 23. δ. Jas. i. 17. 0. —— xi. 29. 6. 1 Pet. iv. 10. 6. —— xii. 6. 1, Rey. xi. 10. GIFT (Frez.) 6. Rom. v. 15, 16. GIRD (-ΕΡ, -EST, «Ίνα, GIRT.) 1. ζώννυμι or ζωννύω, to put on agirdle, to gird round the loins for conflict or service. Spoken of the long flowing robes of Orientals which are girded up while engaged in any business. 2. διαζώννυμι, (No. 1 with διά, through, prefixed), to gird throughout or quite round, .6., firmly, (occ. John xxi. 7.) 2. John xiii. 4, 5. 1. Jolin xxi. 18 twice, GIR [ 319 ] GIV GIRD ONE’S SELF. περιζώννυμι, (No. 1 with περί, around, prefixed,) to gird around. Jn N.T. Pass.or Mid.,to gird one’sself around. John xxi, 7. GIRD UNTO ONE'S SELF. διαζώννυμι, see above, No. 2. John xxi, 7. GIRD UP. ἀναζώννυμι, (No. 1 above, with ἀνά, up, prefixed), to gird up as with a belt or girdle. Here Mid., to gird up one’s self, (non occ. ) 1 Pet. i. 19, GIRT (55) περιζώννυμι, see “ GIRD ΟΝΕ SELF.” Rey. i. 13. GIRT ABOUT (nave.) Eph. vi. 14. GIRDED ABOUT (az.) Luke xii. 35. GIRDED (nave...) Rev. xv. 6, with περί, around. GIRDLE. ζώνη, Eng. zone or belt, girdle, [worn by both sexes among the Jews, often hollow, and served as a purse, as well as to gird up the long flowing dress], (occ. Matt. x. 9; Mark vi. 8.) Matt. iii. 4. Acts xxi, 11 twice. Mark i. 6. Rev. i. 13. Rey. xv. 6. GIRT. See, GrRp. GIVE (ἘΝ, -EST, -ETH, -ING, GAVE, GAVEST. ) 1. δίδωμι, to give, present (with implied notion of giving freely unforced ; τ | | opp. to No, 2.) Hence, in various | bo 14, 15, connections, to yield, deliver, supply, commit, ete. . ἀποδίδωμι, (No. 1 with ἀπό, from, prefixed), to give away from one’s self ; t.e., give back, deliver over, yield, restore. διαδίδωμι, (No. 1 with διά, through, prefixed), to deliver through as through vurious hands, 7.e., from one to another in succession, to give or hand over. ἐπιδίδωμι, (No. 1 with ἐπί, wpon, pre- fixed ), to give upon, ει, in addition to. To give forth, ἡ.6., from one’s self upon or to another ; o7 to give besides or in addition. . μεταδίδωμι, (No. 1 with μετά, with, prefixed,) to give with or part of, give a share ; to impart, communi- cate, . παραδίδωμι, (No. 1 with παρά, be- side, prejfixed,) to give near, with or to any one, to give or hand over to another, deliver over. . χαρίζομαι, to do a person a favour, to be kind ov gracious to, to give or bestow ὦ thing graciously, (the end in view must be inferred from the context. ) . παρέχω, to hold near to any one, to hold out near or towards any one, to present, offer. δωρέω, to make a gift of. παρεισφέρω, to bear or bring in therewith or thereunto, to bring forward therewith or along with. . τίθημι, to put, set, place, then gen., to bring a thing into a place, hence, to lay down and to give by so doing. . ἀπονέμω, to apportion, assign, share, (non oce. ) . paptupéw, to be a witness, to bear witness, testify, give testimony to, (hence, Eng. martyr.) ποιέω, to make, form, produce, as of a completed action; to do, expressing an action continued or not completed. χορηγέω, to be chorus leader, to lead out or furnish a chorus, hence, to furnish, supply, (occ. 2 Cor. ix. 10.) GIV [ 320 ] GIV 16. πρός, towards, in the direction of. (a) ὦ xxvii. 34.) with Gen., in favour of, (οσο. Acts (b) with Dat., at, close by. (c) with Acc., towards, in reference to, with. . Matt. iv. 9. —- Vv. 31, 42. — vi. απ. — vii. 6, 7. 9, 10. 11 twice. — ix. 8. 24, see place. —x.1, 8,19 (αρ) —— xi. 28, see rest. — xii. 36. 39. — xiii 11 twice, 12. — xiv. 7, 8,9, 11,16,19 — xv. 36. — xvi. 4, 19, 26. — xvii. 27. — xix. re 11, 21. — xx. 4 14, 23, 28. — xxi. 23, 43. — xxii. 17. 1. — xxiv. 29, 45. 1. — xxv. 8, 15, 28, 29, 35, 42. 1. —— xxvi. 9,15, 26,27,48 53, see G (pre- sently.) 1, — xxvii. 10, 34. 1. —— xxviii. 12, 18, 1. Mark ii. 26. 1. — iv. 11. - 24, see G more. 1, 25. — — v. 13, see leave. iB 49. 1. ——vi. 2, 7, 22, 23, 25, 28 twice, 37 twice, 4]. 1. —— viii. 6, 12, 37. 1, —— x 51, 40, 45. 1. —— xi. 28. 1. —— xii. 9, 14, 15 twice. SS BR 1. — xiv. 5,11, 22,23,44. 1. — xv. 23. 37, 39, see ghost 45. aol aol el Yael al ol ol ol ol ool ll old oll ld 9. 1. Luke i. 32, 77. 1, —— iy, 6 twice. --- 20, see G again. 1. ——vi. 4, 80, 38 twice. ΞΟ ΗΕ 1. 1, 44, 40. 1. —— viii. 10, 18, 55 1. —— ix 1, 13, 16. — — x. 7, see G (such things as one.) ag 19, 35. 1. —— xi. 3, 7, 8twice, 9, 4, 11 twice. : 18 twice, 29, 41. 1. —— xii. 82, 83, 42, 48, 51, 58. 1. — xiv. 9. 1, —— xv. 12, 16, 29. 2. —— xvi. 2. 1, 12. 1. --- xvii. 18. -- — xviii. 12, see tithes 43. . — xix. 8,15, 23,24, 26. . — xx. 2, 10, 16, 22. . — xxii. 5, 19 twice, 1 1 1 1, —— xxi. 15. 1 1. —— xxiii. 2. — Luke xxiii. 24, see sen- tence. 46, see ghost. 4, —— xxiv. 30, 42. 1. John i. 12, 17, 22. 1. —— ili. 16, 27, 34, 35. Ἰ. τν δ, ip LOtwice, 12, 14 Ist, 14 2na (ap.), 15. pees, 26, 27, 36. . π---- vi 27, 31, 32 twice, 33, 34, 37, 39, 51 lst, 5] 2nd (ap.), 52, 65. vii. 19, 22. - τα . — xiii. 3, 15. 2618. (ᾧ ἐγὼ βαψω το Ψψωμιον και δώσω (No. 1) αὐτῷ, for whom 1 shall dip the sop and give it to him, instead of, ἐγὼ βάψας τὸ ψομίον ἐπιδώσω(Νο. 4), to whom I shall give the sop when I have dipped it, L Tr A.) 26 2nd, 29, 94. 1. —— xiv. 16, 273 times. 1. —— xv. 16. . — xvi. 23. xvii. 2 3 times, 4, 6 twice 7, 8 twice, 9, 11, 12, 14, 22twice, Q4twice. 1. —— xviii. 9, 11. 14, see counsel. 1, —— xix. 9, 11. 30, see πρ. 38, see leave. 1. —— xxi. 13. — Acts i. 26, see G forth.” 1. — ii 4. 19. 1. —— iii. 6, 10, 1. —— iv. 12. 2. 33. — — ν. 5, see ghost. 1 31, 32. vi.4,see continually 1. —— vii. 5twice, 8,10, 38 42, see G up. — — Viii. 9, see G out. ης 18, 19. 1. —— ix. 41. 14.—— x. 2, part. 43, see witness, 1. —— xi. 17. — — xii. 22, see shout. 13 93 118, -- 28 2nd, gee ghost. — — xiii.16,seeaudience 20 (ap.), 21. -- 22, see testimony 1. 34. — — xiv. 3,seetestimony pe 1. —— xv. 8, 12, see audience, — —— xvii. 16,see idolatry As 25, part. 8. 31, marg. offer. 2. —— xix. "40 (No. 1 64 ν) —-—— xx. 2, see exhor- tation. 32, 35. — Acts xxi. 40, part., see license. — — xxii. 22,seeaudience 1. —— xxiv. 26. —— xxvi. 10, sea G against. — —— xxvii. 3,see liberty 7. 24, — Rom. i. 24, 26, seeG up -- 28, see G over. 1. —— iv. 20. 1. — v. 5. — — viii.32, see G freely 1, — xi. 8. -- 35, see G first. 1, — xii. 3, 6. 5. 8, marg. impart. -- 18, see given to, ik 19, 1. —— xiv. 12 (Νο, 2, L Tr Ab.) 1. —— xv. 15. — 1 Cor. ii. 12, see G (the things that are freely) — —— iii. 6,7, see increase vii. 5, see G one’s self to. — — x. 32, see offered. — — xii. 3, see under- stand. 6. —— xiii. 3. — —— xvi. 1, see order. 1. 2 Cor. i. 22. — — iii. 6, see life. ——y. 5, 12) 18. — vi. 3. — viii. 5, 10. — ix. 9, — x. 8. — xii. 7. —- xiii. 10. : Gal. i 4, —— ii. 5, see place. 9 twice. 20. — iii. 18. ϱ1 Ist. 21 2nd, see life. 22. 1, —— iv. 15. 1. Eph. i. 17, 22. ih, = ο ρα 1. — iv. 7, 8, 11. 19, see G over. oot el ol ool ll ol 1. 27. 5. 28, marg. distri- bute. 6. ——v. 2, 25. 1. —— vi. 19. 7. Phil. i. 29. 7. —ii. 9. -— —— iv. 15,seeG [noun.] 1, 6ο]. ἃ, 265: 1. 1 Thes, iv. 2, 8 1. 2 Thes., ii. 16. 1. —— iii. 16. 1. 1 Tim. ii. 6. — — iii.2,see hospitality — 1 Tim. iii. 3, see wine. - 8 see given to (06) — — iv. 13, see attend- ance. 1. 14. - 15, see G thyself wholly to. 1. ——v. 14. 8. —— vi. 17. 1. 2 Tim, 1. 7, 9, 16. 1, —— ii. 7, 25. — — iii. 16, see inspira- tion. 2. —— iv. 8. — Titus i. 7, see lucre. -- ii. 3, see given to. us 4. 7. Philem, 22. 1. Heb. ii. 13. — — iv. 8, see rest. -- vii. 2, see part. uF 4. -- 13, see attend- ance. 2, —— xiii. 17. 1. 1 Pet. i. 21. 12.— iii. 7. 16. 15. 2. —— iv. 5. 15. ab ke 1. —v. δ. 9. 2 Pet. i. 8, 4. 10. 5. -- 10, see diligence. 1. —— iii. 15. 1. 1 John iii. 23, 24. 1. —— iv. 13. 13.— v. 10. UE 11, 16, 20. 14. Jude 3, mid. — — 7, see fornication. le ποτ ιτ 1. — ii. 7, 10, 17twice, 21, 23, 26, 28. 1, —— iv. 9. 1, —— vi. 2, 4twice, 8, 11. 1. — vii. 2, le ——= Vill, 2x8. 1, ——x. 9. 1, —— xi. 1, 2,3, 18, 18. 1. —— xii. 14 4, 1, —— ΧΙ, 2, 4, 5 times, 7 Ist (ap.), 7 2nd, 15. 1, —— xiv. 7. 1. —— xv. 7. 1, —— xvi. 6, 8, 9, 19. 3. —— xvii. 13 (διδόασιν, give (No. 1), instead of διάδιδώσουσιν, shall rei 8), ΠΤ Tr 1. 17. 1. —— xviii. 7. 1. —— xix. 7. 1. —— xx. 4, 13, see G up. 1. —— xxi. 6. GIVE AGAIN. 2. Luke iv. 20. GIVE AGAINST. καταφέρω, to bear bring down or carry down, to as with violence ; also with ψῆφον, to give a vote, (implying alacrity or zeal,) bring against any one a vote. Acts xxvi. 10, GIV [ 321 ] GLA GIVE FIRST. 2. παραδίδωμι, see “ Give,” No. 6. 4 ᾗ Ἢ 2. John xix. 30. 2. Rom. i. 24, 26. προδίδωμι, to give beforehand, pay in ee | τῆ γα age ἢ advance, (non occ. ) Rom. xi. 35. - Ἡ GIVETH (suc THINGS AS ONE.) GIVE FORTH. Ὥς the things, Ὶ Πέ., what [they δίδωμι, see “ative,” Vo. 1. παρά, beside or by, J have] by them. Acts i. 26, Luke x. 7. GIVE FREELY. See also, CHARGE, COMMANDMENT, DRINK, HEED, LIGHT, MARRIAGE, SUCK, THANKS, χαρίζομαι, see “Give,” No. 7. ͵ : : ; Rom. viii. 32. GIVEN TO. 1. διώκω, to make run, set in quick mo- GIVE MORE. tion, pursue. προστίθημι, to put to, to add. 2. dovAdw, to make a slave of, enslave. Mark iv. 24 (ap.) — Acts xvii.16,see Idolatry | —1 Tim. iii. 3, see Wine. 1. Rom. xii. 13, part. -- 8, see G to (be.) — 1 Cor. ii. 12, see ει —2Tim. iii. 16, see In- —1 Tim. iii. 2, see Hospi- spiration. GIVE ONE'S SELF TO. tality. | —‘itus i. 7, see Lucre, ΄ 5 2. Titus 11. 3, part. σχολάζω, to have leisure ο. spare time, have nothing to do; have leisure or opportunity for a thing; then, to GIVEN TO (ΒΕ) devote one’s time to a thing, (occ. ‘ : Matt. xii. 44, part. ) προσέχω, to hold to, bring to or near, of ee a ship; of the mind, to turn one’s thoughts o7 attention to α thing, be intent upon it. GIVE OUT. 1 Tim. iii. 8. λέγω, to say, see under “ say.” Acts viii. 9. GIVEN (THE THINGS THAT ARE FREELY.) { τὰ, the things, the things GIVE OVER. < χαρισθέντα, (part. of χαρ- given - in- δίς " Ρ̓ | ίζομαι, “Give,” No. 7,) favour. παραδίδωμι, see “GIVE,” Vo. 6. 1 Cor. if. 12 Rom, i. 28. | Eph. iv. 19. ad TS ae poiiait GIVER. GIVE PRESENTLY. δότης, a giver, dispenser, (non occ. ) παρίστημι, to place by or beside. page i: Matt. xxvi. 53. ᾿ i GIVING [noun. ] δόσις, a giving, a gift, (oce. Jas. i. 17.) GIVE THYSELF WHOLLY ΤΟ. Phil. iv. 15. { ἴσθι, be thou, (Imp. of εἰμί, to be.) εν, 1, τα See also, LAW, THANKS. GLAD (br.) GIVE UP. 1. χαίρω, to rejoice, be delighted or 1. δίδωμι, see “ive,” Vo. 1. pleased with, (answering to the Ww GLA Germ., gern, to desire; old high Germ., ger; and Eng., eager,) not used in Greek writers. 9. ἀγαλλιάω, to leap ov dance much, hence, to rejoice, exult. — Matt. v. 12, see G (be | 2. Acts ii. 26. exceeding.) 1. — xi. 23. 1. Mark xiv. 11. 1. —— xiii. 48. 1. Luke xv. 32. 1. Rom. xvi. 19. 1. — xxii. 5. 1. 1 Cor. xvi. 17. 1. —— xxiii. 8. — 2 Cor. ii. 2, see G (make) 1. John viii. 56. 1. — xiii. 9. 1. — xi. 15. 1. 1 Pet. iv. 13. 1. — xx. 20. 1, Ῥον. Sux τ. GLAD (BE EXCEEDING.) 2. Matt. v. 12. GLAD (ΜΑΚΕ.) εὐφραίνω, to cheer, delight, gladden. 2 Cor. ii. 2. See also, TIDINGS. GLADLY. 1. ἡδέως, sweetly, 1.6. with relish of eating, hence, with relish, with pleasure. Mark vi. 20. 2. Acts ii. 41 (om. G3 LT xii. 37. Tr A 8.) Luke viil.40,see Receive | 1. 2 Cor. xi. 19. 2. ἀσμένως, gladly, readily, joyfully. 1. Ἵ: GLADLY (most.) ἤδιστα, (Superl. of ἡδύς, sweet,) most sweetly, 1.9. with high relish. 2 Cor. xii. 9. GLADLY (veEry.) 2 Cor. xii 16. GLADNESS. 1. χαρά, joy, delight. 2. dyad\Xiacrs, much leaping, or dancing; exultation, rejoicing, (oce. Luke i. 44; Jude 24.) 3. εὐφροσύνη, mirth, merriment, esp. of a banquet; good cheer, festivity, (hence, Euphrosyné, one of the graces who presided at festive meetings, ) (oce. Acts ii. 28.) 1. Mark iv. 16. 2. Luke i. 14. 2. Acts ii. 46, 1, Acts xii. 14. 3. —— xiv. 17. 1, Phil. ii. 20, 2. Heb. i. 9. [ 325: J GLO GLASS. 1. ἔσοπτρον, a mirror, looking-glass, (made usually of polished metal), (see Ex. xxxvili. 8 and Job xxxvii. 18,) (non oce. ) 2. ὕαλος, anything transparent like water, 1.6. any transparent stone or gem, as crystal, amber, etc., hence, a convex lens of crystal; glass. (This accords with the Greek origin of the word ; but it is held by some to be Egyptian, which will agree with the place of its earliest manufacture, ) (non occ. ) 1. 1 Cor. xiii. 19. — 2 Cor. iii. 18, see Behold 1. Jas. i. 23. 2. Rev. xxi. 18, 21. GLASS (or.) ὑάλινος, of or made of glass, (see Vo. 2 above.) « Rev. iv. 6; xv. 2 twice. GLISTER (-1Ne.) ἐξαστράπτω, to flash as with lighting, (non oce. ) Luke ix. 29. GLORIFY (9, -1NG.) δοξάζω, to think, be of opinion, to hold any one for anything; 7 later Greek writers to recognize, honour, praise; ἐπ the Ixx, to invest with dignity, make any one important, to cause him honour by putting him into an honourable position. Hence, the N.T. meanings are, (1) to recognize, honour, praise; (2) to bring to honour, make glorious, glorify, but strictly, to give any one importance. ( When predicated of Christ it means that His innate glory is made manifest and brought to light. ) Matt. v. 16. John xii. 16, 28, 283 times. — ix. 8. — xiii. 81 twice, 90 Ist xv. 91: (ap.), 82 2nd ἃ 3rd. Mark ii. 12. — xiv. 18, Luke ii. 20. xv. 8. iv. 15. — xvi. 14. — v. 25, 26, Xvii, 1twice, 4, 5, 10, --- vii. 16. xxi. 19. — xiii. 13. Acts iii. 13. —— xvii. 16. iv. 21. —. xviii. 43. — xi. 18, — xxiii. 47, — xiii. 48. John vii. 89. |} —— xxi, 20. — xi. 4. , Rom. i. 21, GLO Rom. viii.17,seeG together | 2 Thes. i. 10, 12, see G (be) 30. — iii. 1. — xv. 6, 9. Heb. v. 5. 1 Cor. vi. 20. 1 Pet. ii. 12. 2 Cor. ix. 13, part. —— iv. 11, 14 (ap.), 16. Gal. i, 24. Rev. xv. 4. Rev. xviii. 7. GLORIFY (εν) TOGETHER. συνδοξάζω, (the above with σύν, together with, prefixed,) (implying union, co-existence, and association not necessarily local, ) (non occ. ) Rom. viii. 17. GLORIFIED (88,) ἐνδοξάζομαι, (δοξάζω, see “GLORIFY,” with ev, in, prefixed, ) to cause to be ἐν δόξῃ, (in glory), 6. to appear glorious. 2 Thes, i. 10, 12. GLORIOUS. 1. δόξης, (Gen. of δόζα, see “GuoRy,” No. 1,) of glory. διά, through, (as pro- 9 ceeding from, ) through, |. through . by means of, glory. δόξης, see Vo. 1, ἐν, in, (the sphere in which 3 the subject dwells or is in ; acting, ) glory. δόζῃ, see Vo. 1, 4, ἔνδοξος, recognized, honoured, honour- able, distinguished; (there is no example of the meaning glorious in Greek writers or the |xx, but see “gutory,” Wo. 1, and ““ @LORIFIED (BE),”) (οσο. 1 Cor. iv. 10.) 4. Luke xiii. 17. 1, 2 Cor. iv. 4 1. Rom. viii. 21. Debi, iii. Οἷς 8. 2 Cor. iii. 7, 8. [made.) Colts ΗΝ -- 10, see ἃ (be 4. Eph. v. 27. 2. 11 Ist. Le wim 1.11; 5, 11 2nd, 1. Titus ii. 13. GLORIOUS (ΒΕ ΜΑΡΕ,) δοξάζομαι, (Pass. of δοξάζω, see “GLORIFY.” 2 Cor, iii. 10. GLORY [noun. ] 1. δόξα, from the Trans., opinion, notion, (opp. to ἐπιστήμη, real knowledge of a matter ;) from the Intrans., seeming (opp. to ἀλήθεια, what is | [ 323 ] GLO not concealed, truth ;) πι Prof. Gr. it denotes the recognition which any one finds, or which belongs to him, renown (differing from τιμή, honour, as recognition does from es- timation.) Zhen from the meaning seeming comes appearance, form, aspect, viz, that appearance of a person or thing which attracts atten- tion or commands recognition, looks like something, equivalent therefore to splendour, brilliance, glory. In this sense δόξα denotes, the appear- ance of glory attracting the gaze, manifestation of glory (not the per- son or thing itself whose glorious appearance attracts attention, but the appearance which attracts attention ), splendour, glory, brightness. The δόξα of God, is, as explained by Philo, the unfolded fulness of the * divine δυνάμεις (manifested powers) ; and coincides with His self-revelation. (In Ex. xxxiii. 18 Moses asks, “ show me thy glory,” and God replies, ver. 19, “I will make all my good- ness pass before thee...and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy,” etc., ef. v. 22.) Hence as it comprises, all that God is for us for our good, the fulness of all that is good in*Him, so is τέ the form in which He reveals Him- self in the economy of salvation, and becomes the means (2 Pet. i. 3,) and the goal of the Christian vocation and hope (1 Pet. v. 10; 1 Thes. ii. 12,) for its disclosure belongs to the future and the close of the history of redemption. 2. κλέος, report, rumour ; good report, fame, (in pl., the lays that were sung of the achievements of heroes, ) (non oce. ) 1. Matt. iv. 8. 1. Luke xxi. 27. — — vi. 2, see G (have.) | 1. —— xxiv. 26. 1 18 (ap.), 29. 1. John i. 14. 1. —— xvi. 27. 1. — ii. 11. 1, —— xix. 28. 1. —— vii. 18 twice. 1. —— xxiv. 30. 1. —— viii. 50. 1. —— xxv. 3] twice. 1, —— xi. 4, 40. 1. Mark viii. 38. 1. —— xii. 41. 1. ——x. 87. 1. xvii. δ, 22, 24. 1. — xiii. 26. 1. Acts vii. 2, 55. 1. Luke ii. 9, 14, 32. rh xii. 23. 1. —— iv. 6. 1. —— xxii. 11. 1. —— ix. 26, 81, 32. 1. Rom. i. 23. 1. —— xii. 27. 1. —— ii. 7, 10. 1. —— xvii. 18. 1. — iii. 7, 23. 1. —— xix. 38. 1. —— iv. 20. --------.-------.Ἠ,ἬἝ΄ ,--------...«..- ee — — — σσ --υ-υ-------- w % TS GLO 1. Rom. v. 2. 1. 1 Tim, i. 17. 1. — vi. 4. 1, — ii. 16. 1. —— viii. 18. 1.2Tim. ii 10. 1. —— ix. 4, 23 twice. 1. — iv. 18. 1. — xi. 36. 1. Heb. i. 3. 1. — Xv. 7. 1. —— ii. 7, 9, 10. 1. —— xvi. 27. 1. —— iii. ἐ 1 πα θορας 7.8, 1. — ix. 1. —x. 31. 1; a Art ‘21, 1. —— xi. 7 twice, 15. 1. Jas. ii. τὸ 1. —— xv. 40, 41 4 times. 1. 1 Pet. i. 1. 43. _ 8, see G (full of) 1. 2 Cor. i. 20. 1. 11, pl., 21, 24. π iii. 7, 9 twice. 2. —— ii. 20. -- 101st,see G(have) | 1. —— iv. 13, 14. ale 10 2nd, 18 3times. | 1. ——v.1, 4, 10. 1. —— iv. 6, 15, 17. it 1l(om. ἡ δόξα καὶ, 1. —— viii. 19, 23. glory and,G—> LT TrA) Ὶ, Galo. δ: 1. 2 Pet. i. 8, 17 twice. — — Vv. 26, see G (desi- | 1. 111. 18. rous of vain.) 1. Jude 24, 25. 1. Eph. i. 6, 12, 14, 17, 18. | 1. Rev. i. 6. ik iii. 13, 16, D1. 1. —— iv. 9, 11. ο ΠῚ ἃ- aL 1. —v. 12, 15. 1. — ii. 11. 1. — vii. 12. 1. ——iii 19. 1. — xi. 13. 1. —— iv. 19, 20. 1. —— xiv. 7. 1. Col. i. 27 twice. 1. — xv. 8. 1. — iii. 4. 1. — xvi. 9. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 6, 12, 20. 1. — δε πι 1. 2 Thes. i. 9. 1. —— xix. πο eg μη: ih, σοι ii 23, 24, 26. GLORY (pDESIROUS OF VAIN.) κενόδοξος, (κενός, empty, and δόξα, glory,) full of empty pride and ambition, vain-glorious, (non occ. ) Gal. v. 26. GLORY (εστι or.) δοξάζομαι,( Pass. of δοξάζω, see“GLORIFY,”) here, part., glorified. 1 Pet. i. 8, part. GLORY (ΠΑνΕ.) Matt. vi. 2. | 2 Cor. iii. 10. GLORY (κα) [verb. ] 1. καυχάομαι, to speak loud, be loud- tongued, boast o7 vaunt one’s self. 2. κατακαυχάομαι, (No. 1 with κατά, down or against, prefixed, ) to boast against one, exult over him. 3. καύχημα, ἃ vaunt, a boast, the sub- ject matter of boasting. 8. Rom. iv. 2. , — 1 Cor. ix. 16, see G of ι v. 3, (nothing to.) — —— xv.17,see G(where- | 3. 2 Cor. v. 12. of I may.) «-- vii. 4, see the 1. 1 Cor. i. 29, 31 twice. — — χ 11 } noun, -- v. 6, } see the 1, Jas. 1. 9, ἡ marg.(text, a= —— 4x, 15,) “noun. 2, ——ii.18,f rejoice.) 2. Jas. ili. 14. [> 324 ] GNA GLORY OF (xorHine το.) ov, not, καύχημα, a matter of boasting. 1 Cor. ix. 16. GLORY (WHEREOF I MAY.) καύχησις, the act of boastin Rom. xv. 17. ο, a boasting. GLORYING [noun. } 1. καύχημα, the subject matter, theme of boasting. or 2. καύχησις, the act of boasting. 1. Ls Worry: 6: | 1. 1 Cor. ix. 15. 2. 2 Cor. vii. 4. GLORYING (ν.) καυχάομαι, see “ atory,” [verb], Wo. 1. 2 Cor. xii. 11, part. (om. α L T Tr A &.) GLUTTONOUS. φάγος, an eater, a glutton. Matt. xi. 19. | Luke vii. 34. GNASH (39, -ETH.) βρύχω, to roar, howl, esp., the death ery of a wounded hero. ( If the common form of the Attic βρύκω, then to bite, gnash, with the teeth,) (non occ. ) Acts vii. 54. GNASH WITH. τρίζω, of animals, to ery sharp and shrilly, squeak ; the noise of gnash- ing or grinding of teeth; of α cart wheel, to creak, (non oce, ) Mark ix. 18. GNASHING [noun. ] βρυγμός, a biting, a gnashing of the teeth, (non occ. ) Matt, viii. 12. — xiii 42, 50. — xxii. 13. Matt. xxiv. 51, — xxv. 90. Luke xiii. 28. GNAT. κώνωψ, a gnat or moaquito, Lat., culex, (non oce. ) Matt. xxiii. 24. GNA [ 3 GNAW (-sp.) μασσάομαι, to chew, gnaw, (non 000, ) Rev. xvi. 10. GO (-EST, -ETH, -ING, GONE, WENT, WENTEST. ) I. πορεύω, to cause to pass over by land or water, transport. Jn Δ. 7΄, only Pass., to transport one’s self, ὦ. 6., ? ? pass from one place to another, to pass, to go ; (from πόρος, a passing, passage, from πείρω, to pierce through.) 2. ἐκπορεύομαι, (No. 1 with ἐκ, out of, prejixed,) to pass out of, go 07 come forth. (a) followed by ἀπό, from, away from. (Ὁ) followed by ἐκ, out of. (c) followed by ἔξω, outside, without. 3. παραπορεύομαι, (No. 1 with παρά, beside, prefixed, ) to pass near or by the side of any one, pass along by. »P 8 (a) followed by διά, through. 4, ἔρχομαι, to come or go, denoting the , act as distinguished from the result. 5. ἀπέρχομαι, (No. 4 with ἀπό, away from, prefixed, ) to come or go away from one place to another ; hence, to go away, depart, set off. 6. ἐξέρχομαι, (No. 4 with ἐκ, out of prefixed,) to come or go out of any place, come ov go forth. (a) followed by ἀπό, from, away from. (Ὁ) followed by ἐκ, out of. (c) followed by ἔξω, outside, without. (d) followed by παρά, beside. 7. εἰσέρχομαι, (No. 4 with εἰς, into, pre- Jixed,) to come or go into, to enter, enter into o7 among. (a) followed by διά, through. (0) followed by εἰς, into. (c) followed by ἔσω, inside, within. 8. διέρχομαι, (No. 4 with διά, through, prefixed,) to come or go through, to pass through ; ef water, to pass over. (a) followed by διά, through. (Ὁ) followed by κατά, down. GO 9. προσέρχομαι, (No. 4 with πρός, to- wards, in the diregtion of, prefixed, ) to come or go to or near to any place or person, to approach, draw near to. 10. παρέρχοµαι (No. 4 with παρά, beside, prefixed, ) to come or go near to or beside any person or thing, to go or pass near, pass along by. 11. ἄγω, to lead, lead along, (usually of persons, φέρω, to bear, being used of things,) to lead towards a point ; here, only Mid. or reflewive, to lead on, to go, to depart ; with the pro- noun, let us be leading on. 12. ὑπάγω, (No. 11 with ὑπό, under, prejixed,) to lead or bring under, as horses under a yoke; also, to lead on or away under cover, with the idea of stealth, without noise or notice, hence, gen., to go away, depart so as to be under cover, out of sight. 19. ἄπειμι, to go away from, depart, (non occ. ) 14, εἴσειμι, to go into, enter. | (a) followed by εἰς, into. 15. ἀναβαίνω, to cause to ascend, to go up, climb up, mount, ascend, (from βαίνω, used of all motion on the ground, go, walk, tread, step, the direction being determined by the pre- position prefixed ; here by avd, up or back.) (a) followed by ἐπί, upon. 16. ἐμβαίνω, (No. 15 with ἐν, in prefixed, instead of ἀνά up), to go in, to enter, esp. ὦ shup, etc., to embark. (a) followed by εἰς, into. 17. μεταβαίνω, (No. 15 with μεπά in association with, prefixed, instead of ἀνά up), to go or pass over from one place to another, to remove. 18, παραγίνομαι, to become near, become present, 1.6, approach, arrive. 19. περιπατέω, to walk round, walk about. 20 , 9 ντος 20. χωρεω, to give space, give way, find way, retire, retreat from. ε ὅδον a way a1. | ὃν α to go forward. ποιεῖν to make, i 8 GO 1. Matt. ii. 8. 9, see G before. 1. 20. δ. 22. ᾿ — — iii. 5, see G out. -- 16, see G up. — —— iy. 21, see G on. _ 23, see G about. 5. 24, — — v. 1, see G up. -- 24, see G one’s way. στ 41 1st,see Compel 12. 4] 2nd. — — vii. 13, see G in. — — viii. 4, see αἱ one’s way. up 9 twice. -- 13, see G one’s way. 5. 19, 21. στο 31, see G away. 12. 32 Ist. 5. 82 2nd. -- 88, see G one’s way. 12.—— ix. 6. υ 13: 25, see G in. 26, see G abroad. 32, see G out. 35, see G about. δ. ——x. 5. 1. 6, 7, part. τὴν see G thence. 23. see G over. — —— xi.7, 8,9, see G out 1. — xii. 1. 4. 9. το 14, see G out. 6a. 43. 1. 45. 6a.—— xiii. 1. l6a. 2. 3, see G forth. 25, see G one’s way. . — xiv. 12. 14, see G forth. 10. 22, see G before. 23, see G up. 25 (No. 4, αν 1, τ Ἐν ο) 29. 34, see G over. .—— xv. 11. 17. 21. 29, see G up. . ——xvi. 21. —— xvii. 21, see G out. ΟἿ. Xviii. 11, see Going (be.) o> [ris ;oRg = es) 15] eeges — 12, 13, see Astray 12. ——— 15. — —— 28, see G out. 5, —— 30. i 92, 12.—— xix. 21. -- 22, see G away. 8a. 24(No.7,GTTr A* &®.) — —— xx. l, 3, seeG ont. 12 4 Ist. — 42nd, see G one’s way. ω 5, 6, see G out, 12, 7. 14, see G one’s way. 17, 18, see G up. 1. —— xxi. 2, 6. — Matt. xxi. 9,see G before Tb. 12. 6e. uve 12. 28. 5. 29, 80. 31, see G before. 33, oe Country. — —— xxii. 5, see G one’s way. 9. 10, see G out. 15. 22, see G one’s iii. 13 twice, see iv. 1, see G out. 26, see G forth. see G out. 9. 10 1st, part. 10 2nd, see G in. 16. 18, 25. 46, see G away. —— xxvi. 14. 18, 24. 30, see G out. 32, see G before. 36. 39, see G farther. 42,44, see G away 40. 88. 71, τὸ, seeG out. δ. —— xxvil. 5. Tb. bs: -- 58, see G to. 65, see G one’s 11. Το. —— xxviii. 7 1st. 72nd, seeG before 9 (ap.) 10 2nd. 16, see G away. 19. — Mark i. 5, see G out. 19, see G farther 20. 5, see G out. 38. 44, see G one’s μι Over et] τὰ {δια Tet a te} Pele | way. 45, see G out. —— ii. 11, see G one’s way. I | 12,13, seeG forth 23 Ist. οἱ πο πο ταν 7b, ——— 26. — —— iii. 6, see G forth. 13, see G up. 19. 21, iv. 3, v. 13, 14, vi. 1, see G out. ἐξ 6, see G round about. 12, see G out. ——. 24, see G forth. 5, ——— 27, 86, 87 -- ——— 45, see G before. 51, see G up. —— vii. 19, see G out. 24, 29 1st, see Οὐ one’s see G out. way. 99 2nd. 30, see G out. [ 326 ] 7b. Mark viii. 26, 27, see G out. 5. —— ix. 43. — —— x. 17, see G forth. 21, see G one’s way. 22, see G away. Ta. 25 (St Gs 5) (No. 8,G LT Tr A.) 321st, see G up. 322nd, seeG before 33, see G up. 46, part. 52, see G — — xi. 2,4, § one’s way 6, see Let. 9, see G before. -- 11, see G out. 20. 19. — —— xii. 1, see Country. 2a, way. 19. 38. 2b.—— xiii. 1, part. 15, see G down. δ. —— xiv. 10, 12. 12. —— 13. 14, see G in. 16, see G forth. 91: 26, see G out. 28, see G before. 35, see G forward 39, see G away. 42. 45. 68, see G out. — — xv. 43, seeG in. — —— xvi. 7 lst, see G one’s way. 72nd, see G before 8, see G out. 12. 11. 9. ης 10 (ap.), 12, part. (ap.) 5. 13 (ap. 1. 10 (αρ. 20, see G forth. Tb. Luke i. 9. 17, see G before. 39. 76, see G before. — —— ii. 1, see G out. i, 3. - 4, see G up. 151st, seeG away 15 2nd. 41, 42, see G up. 4 fs 8 ibs 4 51, see G down. — —— iv. 14, see G out. Tb. 16. -- 30, see G one’s way. - 87, see G out. 1. - 42. — ——v, 2, see G out, 5. 14. - 15, see G abroad. Lda. - 19. 1, —— 24. 27, see G forth. — — vi. 1, seeG through 7b. , — — 12, see G out. 6d. 19. 1. —— vii. 6, Stwice, 111st. 11, see G with. — — ]7, see G forth. 22, see G one’s way. - 24, 25, 26, see G out. ΤΕ, 36. ἃ, 50. — — viii. 1, see G throughout. θα, 2. 12, see G one’s: GO — Luke viii. 5, see G out. 14, see G forth. 16a. 22 Ist. - 22 2nd, seeG over - 27, see G forth. -ς 31, see G out. 6a. 33. 5. 34 (om. G@ LT Tr A — 35, see G out. = 37, see G up. -- 39, see G one’s way. πο. 45 (αρ.) 6a. 46. 1. 48. = 51, see G in. 6a.—— ix. 5, part, 8b. 6. -- 10, see G aside. 5. 12 (Gs) (No. 1, GLTTr Α 8.) ie 18, = 28, see G up. 1. 51, 52, 53, part., 56, 57 Ist, part. : 57 2nd, 59, 60. —— x. 3, see G one’s way. 17. if 10, see G out. 30, see G down. - 34, see G to. ip 37, 88. 1. ——xi. 5. — —— 14, see G out. 6a. 24, 1, 26, -- 37, seeG in. 12. xii. 58. alti PRR CO IC; through. 82. — xiv. 1. 4, see Let. 10 Ist. 10 2nd, see G up. 18. 19. ——— 2], 23, see G out. -- 25, see G with. Ἰ; 31. 1. —— xv. 4, 15, 18. 28, see G in. 1 4 1. 6 1. 1. — xvi. 80. 10.— xvii. 7. i. 11, 14 1st. 12. 14 2nd (lit. in their withdrawing.) 19, see G one’s 6a. 29. — — xviii. 10, see G up. 14, see G down. 7a.——— 25 (No.8, L Trm.) 31, see G up. 39, see G before. 7. —— xix. 7. 1. 12, 28. 12 50, -- 32, see G one’s way. IP 36 7b. 40, — —— xx. 9, see Country. 1. —— xxi. 8. 87, see G out. xxii. 4, see G one’s way. 8. 13. 22, 33, 39. — ——— 47, see G before. — —— 62, see G out, 68, — — xxiii, 22, \ see Let 52, see G unto. GO 1. Luke xxiv. 13, part., with εἰμί (lit. were going.) -- 15, see G with. 5. 24. iL 28 twice. 29, see G in. — John i. 44, see G forth. — — ii. 12, see G down. 13, see G up. 12.—— iii. 8. 8a,—— iv. 4. -- 8, see G away. 12. 16. -- 28, seo G one’s way. 6b. 30. 5. 43. 4. 45. ὃ. 47. 50, see G ‘one’s way. 51, see G down. — — vy. 1, see G up. 4, see G down. 5. ——vi. 1. 3, see G up. 16, see G down. 4, 17. 12. 21. (with. -- 22 Ist, see G into -- 222nd see G away 5. 66. -- 67, see G away. 5. 68. 12. vii. 3. = 8 twice, 10 twice, 14, see G up. --- 19, 20,see G about 12. 33. 1. 35 twice. 1. 53 (ap.) 1. —— viii. 1 (ap.) -- 9, see G out. 1: — 11 (ap.) 10 14 twice. — 3115: see G one’s way. 12, 21 2nd, 22. 6b. 89 Ist. 8a. 59 2nd (ap.) 12.—— ix. 7 Ist. -- 7 2nd, see G one’s way. 5. 11 Ist. 12. 11 2nd. 1, —x. 4. -- 9, see G in and G out. -- 40, see G away. 11.— xi. 7. 12. 8. if 11. 11 15, 10. -- 20, see Meet. - 28, see G one’s way. -- 31 Ist, see G out. 12. 31 2nd, 44. -- 46, see G one’s way. 5. 54. -- 55, see G up. — — xii. 11, see G away — —— 13, see G forth. δ. 19. 12, 35. 12, —— xiii. 3. 30, 31, see G out 12. 88, 86 twice. 1. —— xiv. 2, 3. 12, 4, 5. 1, —— 12. -- 28st, see G away ας 28 2nd, 12. xv. 16. —— xvi. 51st, see G one’s way. 12. John xvi. 5 2nd. 7 twice, see G away. 12, 1, — — xviii. 1, 4, see G forth. 10, 16 (ap.), 17. 28. 5. 6, 8,see G one’s way 15, see G in with — —— 16, see G out. Tb. 28. -- 29, 38, see G out. -- — xix. 4, see G forth Tb. 9. — — 12, see Let. as Zz ‘3, \ see G forth 5, see G in. 6. 8, see G in. 10, see G away. 1 ihe 12. —— xxi. 3 lt. 4 9 2nd. — —— 33rd, see G forth 11, see G up. 23, see G abroad — Acts i. 10, see G up. ds 11. -- 13, see G up. 21, see Gin and G out. ης 28. — — lii 1, see G up. 148. 3. στ - 13, see Let. — — iv. 15, see G Aside. ΕΟ 21, 2515: see Let 4, 93 2nd. 1. — v. 20. 5 26, part. -- 40, see Let. —— Vii. 15, see G down 40, see G before. —— Vili. 4, see G every- where. 5, see G down. 9G Ast. 262nd see Gdown 27. 29, see G near. 36. 38, see G down. 39. —— ix. 1, see G unto. 6. ——-ll. - 15, 17, see G one’s way. -- 28, see G out. -- 29, see G about. — 39, see G with. — — x. 91st, see Journey 1 Tb. | | 92nd, see G up. 20. 21, see G down. 23, see G away. 27, see G in. 38, see G about. — — xi. 3, see G in. 12, see G with. 8. 22(om. LT Tr 59) — — xii. 9, 10,see G out if Lie -- 19, see G down. — — xiii.6,seeGthrough 11, see G about. 14. 42, see G out. 7b.—— xiv. 1. 25, see G down. —— xv. 2, see G up. 24, see G out. 33, see Let. 86, see G again. 88, see G with. 41, see G through " ΤΌ. αι ἢ — Acts xvi. 3, see G forth GO — Rom. x. 3, see G about. -- 4, see G through | 6, a -- 6, seeG through- | 1, —— xv. 25. ue Ma fout. | 6b.1 Cor. v. 10. Ge. 13. — —— vi. 1, 6, 7, see Law τ 16, part. — —— ix. 7, see Warfare. ο. 35, 361st, see Let | — —— χ 4, see G with. Ἐ 30 2nd. 1. 27. 6b. 4°. pit xvi. 4 twice, 6, — —— xvii. 2, see G in. 6. 2 Cor. ii. 13. -- 9, see Let. 6. —— viii. 17. 13. 10. — —— ix. 5, see G before 1. 14. — Gal. i. 17 1st, see G up. A xviii. 6. a 5. 17 2nd. το 22 Ist, see G up. = 1 = iit gon Gdawe, ae ΞΞαν ii. Ἢ 2, \ see ett 23, see G over all 7b.—— xix. 8. θᾶ. 12(No. 2 ΟἿ Τ 1. 21, (Tr A &.) 1. —xx. 1. 2, see G over. 5, see G before. 10, see G down. 131st, see G before 132ud, see Afoot. 22. 8. 25. — — xxi. 2, see Aboard. 4, see G up. 5, see G one’sway 12, 15, see G up. 16, see G with. 18, see G in. 31, see G about. 1. —— xxii. δ, 10. 9. 26. — — xxiii.10,seeG down 18. 16. — 19, see G aside. aE 39, 1. 32 (No. 5, αὐ L Tr A.) — — xxiv.6, see G about 11, see G up. 25, see G one’s way. [with. — — xxv. 5,seeG down 6, see G down. -- 9, see G up. if 12, 20. 1, —— xxvi. 12, part. 21, seeG about. 31, see G aside, 1. —— xxvii. 3. 28, see G further or Little. 4, —— xxviii. 14. _ 18, see Let. 1. 26. — Rom. iii. 12, see G out of the way. — Eph, iv. 26, seeG down — Phil. ii. 23, see G with (how it will.) — 1 Thes. iv. 6, see G be- ond, 18, see G —— Vv. 24, before. — Heb. vi. 1, see G on. — —— vii.18, see G before 14a. —— ix. 6. — — xi. 8lst&2nd, see G out. 4, 8 3rd. — — xiii. 13, see G forth — Jas. 1. 24, see G one’s way. — — iv. 13lst, see G to. πι 13 2nd. —- —— v. 1, see G to. — 1 Pet. ii. 25, see Astray. 1. — iii. 19, 22. — 2 Pet. ii. 15, see Astray, 12.1 John ii. 11. ' δε Pie } see G out. — 3 John 7, see G forth. 5. Jude 7. 1. 11. 2b. Rev. i. 16. — —— iii. 12, see G out. — — vi. 2, see G forth. - 4, see G out. 12.—— x. 8. 5. 9. 5, —— xii. 17. 12,— xiii. 10. 12. xiv. 4. - xvi. 1, see G one’s way. 5. 2. — 14, see G forth. 12.—— xvii. 8, 11. 2b. —— xix. 15. — — xx. 8, see G out. 9, see G up. The following combinations do not in- clude those which are represented by two or more separate Greek words. For these see under each word respectively. GO ABOUT. ie 2 διέρχομαι, see “ao,” No. 8. > 4 ᾽ . ἐπιχείρέω to lay hands upon, put one’s hand to α work, set to work at, attempt. 3. ζητέω, to seek, seek for ; search out, enquire into; to seek to do. 4. πειράζω, to make proof or trial, make an attempt. GO 5. πειράω, to attempt, undertake, en- deavour ; to make an attempt, try to do, (occ. Acts ix. 26.) 6. περιάγω, to lead round, to go about or round. 6. Matt. iv. 23. 6. Acts xiii. 11. 6. —— ix. 35. 3. —— xxi. 31, part. 3. John vii. 19, 20. 4, —— xxiv. 6. 2. Acts ix. 29 5. —— xxvi. 21. 1. ——x. 38. 3; Rom. κ, 9. GO ABROAD. 1. ἐξέρχομαι, see “Go,” No. 6. 2. διέρχομαι, see “ao,” Wo. 8. 1. Matt. ix. 26. 2. Luke v. 15. 1. John xxi. 23. GO AGAIN. ἐπιστρέφω, to turn upon or towards, re- turn. Acts xv. 36. GO ASIDE. 1. ἀναχωρέω, to go back, recede, spoken of those who flee, to go away, depart, withdraw for privacy. 2. ὑποχωρέω, to give place covertly, withdraw one’s self under cover, without noise or notice. 3. ἀπέρχομαι, see “Go,” No. 5. 2. Luke ix. 10. 1. Acts xxiii. 19. 3. Acts iv. 15. η, Xxvi. 31, part. GO AWAY. ἀπέρχομαι, see ““ Go,” No. 5. . ἐξέρχομαι, see “Go,” No. 6. eo 9 καὶ / "" πορευόμαι, 866 GO,” Vo. 1. 4, ὑπάγω, see “Go,” No. 12. 1. Matt. viii. οἱ, (49), | 1. Mark xiv. 39. (ἀποστέλλω ἡμᾶς, send , 1. Luke ii. 10. us away, instead of, | 1. John iv. 8. ἐπίτρεψον ἡμῖν ἀπελ- | 1, —— vi. 22 ew, suffer us to yo) 4, 67. avay, G LTTrA 5) .. —x. 40 1; xix, 22, 4, ——xii. 11 ἂς xxv. 40 1. —— xiv. 28, I Xxvi. 42, 44. Ἱ. —— xvi. 7 twice. 3. —— xxviii. 16, 1. στ, 1. Mark x. 22. 2. Acta, x. 23. GO BEFORE. 1, προάγω, (Go,” No. 11, with πρό, before, prejixed,) to lead forth, [ ρε ἢ αο intrans., to go before, of place, to go in front, of time, to go first, precede. 2. προέρχοµαι, (No. 4 with πρό, before, prefixed,) to go or come before or forward, z.e., in front of place, or first of time. 3. προπορεύομαι, (Vo. 1 with πρό, before, Ἱ. Us ibe 16 1. ie ip us ile 1. prefixed,) to pass before, ze, in front of place, or first of time. Matt. ii. 9. | 2. Luke i. 17. —— xiv. 22. ο, 76. — xxi. 9, 31. 1. —— xviii. 39 (παράγω, —— xxvi. 32. to lead along near, —— xxviii. 7. Lm.) Mark vi. 45. 2. —— xxii. 47. —— x. 32, part with ἦν, | 3. Acts vii. 40. lit., was leading on be- | 2. πχ Ὁ 19. Sore. 2. 2 Cor. ix. 5. — xi. 9. ime 18. —— xiv. 28. ie v. 24. —— xvi. 7. 1. Heb. vii. 18. GO BEYOND. ὑπερβαίνω, to go, walk, tread, step amd μ μὰ μὰ fe μαὶ μὼ feed μὰ beyond, to overstep, go too far. 1 Thes. iv. 6. GO DOWN. καταβαίνω, to go, walk, tread or step down, descend from a higher to a lower place. κατέρχομαι, to go ov come down, de- noting the act as distinguished from the result, ἐπίδυω, to sink upon, go down ο set upon. (a) followed by ἐπί, wpon. . Mark xiii. 15. 2. Acts viii. 5. . Luke ii. 51. 1 26, 38. ει κ. 30. 1, —— x. 21. . — xviii. 14. 2. —— xii. 19. . John ii. 12. 1. —— xiv. 25. . — iv. 51, part. 1. —— xviii. 22. — v. 4 (ap.) 1, —— xx. 10. . — vi. 10. 1. —— xxiii. 10. . Acts vii. 16. 1. —— xxv. 6. δα. Eph. iv. 26. GO DOWN WITH. συγκαταβαίνω, (“Go down,” No. 1 with σύν, together with, prefixed, imply- ing union or co-operation. ) Acts xxv. ὃ. GO EVERYWHERE. διέρχομαι, see “Go,” No. 8. Acts viii. 4. GO [ 329 ] GO GO FARTHER. GO IN WITH. 1. προβαίνω, to go, step, walk forward, | συνεισέρχομαι, (“ Go,” No. 7, with σύν, advance. together with, prefixed, implying union and co-operation.) 2. προέρχομαι, see “ GO BEFORE,” ο. 2. John xviii. 16. 2. Matt. xxvi. 39 σημα, see G, No. 9, ἄν T Tr 1. Mark i. 19, part. [&.) GO INTO WITH. John vi. 22. GO FORTH. 1. ἐξέρχομαι, see “Go,” No. 6. i ὶ EAR 2. πορεύομαι, see “Go,” Λο. 1. , GON : προσέρχομαι, see “Go,” Vo. 9. 3. ἐκπορεύομαι, see “Go,” Vo. 2. i ος vie No. 9 1. Matt. xiii. 3. 2, Luke viii. 14. Te hae 1, — xiv. 14. 1. ———— 27, part. 1, —— xxiv. 26. 1. John i. 44. 1, — xxv. 1. 1. —— xii. 13. { 1. Mark ii. 12, 13. 1, — xviii 1, 4. GO ON. ικα κε οπες 17 τα, μας αι 1. προβαίνω, see “Go FARTHER,” Vo. 1. 3. —— x. 17, part. 1. —— xxi. 3. ἀπε ee? ας ΠΕΣ ΕΣ ΕΝ φέρω, to bear (as a burden,) then, to 1. —— xvi. 20 (a@p.) 1. Heb, xiii. 13. ᾽ ᾽ ᾽ Ethie oy. AS δρ bear with the idea of motion, bear 1, — vii. 17. 1. Rev. vi. 2. along. 3. Rev. xvi. 14 (om. G-. ὃ é ) (a) Mid., to bear one’s self along, tend. ad 1. Matt. iv. 21. | 2a. Heb. vi. 1. GO FORWARD. rea προέρχομαι, see “GO BEFORE,” Λο. 2. GO ONE'S WAY. Mark xiv. 35 (προσέρχομαι, see G, No. 9, Gx Tr.) ΠῚ ἀπέρχομαι, see “Go,” Wo. 5. αμ 2. ὑπάγω, see “Go,” No. 12. 3. πορεύομαι, see “Go,” No. 1. GO FURTHER. ο. . ν we 2, Matt. v. 24. 1. Luke viii. 39. διΐστημι, to divide, place asunder, stand | } πο, η. 4, 18. RR a ἐν ν, at certain distances ov intervals. 1, —— xiii, 25. 1, — xix. 32. ον 1, —— xx. 4. 1. —— xxii. 4. Acts xxviii. 28, part. 2. 14. 1. John iv, 28. 1. —— xxii. 5, 22 3. 50 twice. 2. —— xxvii. 65. 2. —— viii. 21. 2. Mark i. 44. 1, —— ix. 7. Ieee ah ἢ 1, — xi. 98, 46. 1 2, —— vii. 29 2. —— xvi. 5. GO WITH (How IT WILL.) ae ew Tse ier . δ . ος δ," : ‘ τά, the things, [the verb “see” in this | ~~", “anya sti οἱ περὶ, concerning, - text meaning “to look | 1. — xii. 12. 8; —— xxi. 5 me [ κ ” 2. —— xvi. 7. 8. —— xxiv. 25 ἐμέ, me, away from.”] 3. Luke iv. 30. 1. Jas. i, 24 « ος 9 , ri Phil. ii. 23. 3. —— vii. 22. 2. Rev. xvi. 1 GO OUT. GO IN 1. ἐξέρχομαι, see “Go,” No. 6. ὌΝ ᾿Ξ 9 Wes 7 73 ” r - 1. εἰσέρχομαι, see “Go,” No. 7. 2. ἀπέρχομαι, see “Go,” Wo. 5, 9. εἴσειμι, see “ao,” No. 14. 3. ἐκπορεύομαι, see “Go,” No, 2. 1. Matt. vii. 13. 1. Lake xxiv. 29. 1, ἀποβαίνω, to go, step, walk away from. 1, —— ix. 25. 1. John x. 9. - ΝᾺ ] 1. — xxiii, 18 twice. 1, —— xx. 5, 8 5. εξειµι, to go out of or out from among. 1, — xxv. 10. 1. Acts i. 21. ΜΝ Ves η | 2 Mark iy 1, 1, —— ix. 6. 6. σβέννυμι, to quench, extinguish as a || η xv, 40. 1, —— x. 27. κ 1. Luke viii. 51. 1. — xi. 3. light or fire. 1. — xi 87 1. — xvii. 2. . 1. — xv. 28 2. — xxi. 18. (a) Pres. Pass., to be going out. GO 3. Matt. iii. 5. 1. —— ix. 32, part. 1, —— xi. 7, 8, 9. 1. —— xii. 14. 3. —— xvii. 21 (ap.) 1. — xviii. 28. 1. —— xx. 1, 3, 5, 6. 1. —— xxii. 10. 1, —— xxiv. 1. 1. —— xxv. 6. 6a. 8, marg. beg cape out. —— xxvi. 30, 71, part * Mark i i, 5. 35, 45. . — iii. 21. - — iv. 3. εν. 13. ------ 14 (ἐρχόμαι, seeG, No. 4, Go LT Luke iv. 14. --------- 37. -Ο-. 2. —— vii. 24, 25, 26. viii. 5. 31. ——— 35. — x. 10. xi. 14, part. (ἐκ- βαλλόμαι, cast out, L.) —— xiv. 21, 23 —— xxi. 37. —— xxii. 62. John viii. 9 (ap.) — x. 9. —— xi. 31. —— xiii. 30, 31. . — xviii. 16, 29, 38. Acts i. 21. —— ix. 28. —— xii. 9, 10. —— xiii. 42, part. —— xv. 24. Heb. xi. 8 twice. 1 John ii. 19. — iv. 1. Rev. iii. 12. vi. 4. — xx. ὃ. a Nl τὰ ποστ Εν ell alt lal μὰ μὰ Ul Hd μεδμε μα μὲ᾿ κα γα μὲ . Luke ii. 1. GO OUT OF THE WAY. ἐκκλίνω, to bend out, turn aside or away. Rom. iii. 12. GO OVER. 1. διέρχομαι, see “Go,” No. 8. 2. διαπεράω, to drive right through, to pass right across or through a space, pass right over. 3. τελέω, to bring about, fulfil, accomplish. (a) Pass., to be brought about, bring to an end. 3. Matt. x. 23, marg. end, or finish. complete, 2. Matt. xiv. 34, part. 1. Luke viii. 22. 1. Acts xx. 2, part. GO OVER ALL. διέρχομαι, see “Go,” No. 8. Acts xviii. 23. GO ROUND ABOUT. περιάγω, (“Go,” No. 11 with περί, around, prefixed, ) to lead round, lead about. Mark vi. 6. GO THENCE. ἐξέρχομαι, see “Go,” No. 6. Matt. x. 11. μη GO GO THROUGH. διαπορεύομαι, (“ Go,” No. 1 with διά, through, prefixed, ) to pass through. διέρχομαι, see ao,” Vo. 8. 1. Luke vi. 1. 2. Acts xiii, 6, part. 1. —— xiii. 22. 2, xv. 41. 1. Acts xvi. 4. GO THROUGHOUT. διέρχομαι, see Go,” Wo. 8. διοδεύω, to travel through, to traverse, (οσο. Acts xvii. 1, part.) 2. Luke viii. 1. | 1. Acts xvi. 6, part. GO: TO: προσέρχομαι, sce “Go,” No. 9 aye, Imperat. of “ao,” No. 11. 1. Matt. xxvii. 58. 2.798, ἂν. 19. 1. Luke x. 94. 2. ——v.1. GO UNTO. προσέρχομαι, see Go,” Wo. 9. Luke xxiii. 52. | Acts ix. 1. GO UP. ἀναβαίνω, see Go,” Wo. 15. ἐμβαίνω, see “ao,” No. 10. προσαναβαίνω, (No. 1 with πρός, to- wards, prefixed, ) to go up towards, (non occ. ) 4. ἀνέρχομαι, (“ao,” Wo. 4 with avd, up, prefixed, ) (non oce. ) 5. πορεύομαι, see “ao,” No. 1. . Matt. iii. 16. . John xxi. 11. . Acts i. 10, part. ——— 13. — iii. 1. —x. 9. — xv. 2. — xviii. 22. xxi. 4 (ἐπιβαίνω, embark, L T Tr A &.) xii. 15. — xxiv. 11. — xiv. 10. .— χχν. 9. . — xviii. 10, 31. Gal. i. 17 (ἀποέρ- . John ii. 18, ομαι see G, Νο, 5, L ΡΣ ἥντιν A.) — vi. 3. 4, ————- 18, — vii. 8 twice. turn. 10 twice, 14, ει αι 1, 2. — xi. 55. 1. Rev. xx. 9. . Mark iii. 13. . — Vi. 51. —— x, 32, 88. . Luke ii. 4, 42. .— Vili. 37. —_ ix. 28. te μμ μ μὰ μὶ μὰ μὰ μὰ σι μὰ et μὰ μὰ marg. 16- μὶ μὰ μα μὸς μὰ μὰ μὰ |. GO WITH. 1. συνέρχομαι, (“Go,” No. 4 with σύν, together with, prefixed. ) 2. συμπορεύομαι, ( G0,” No. 1 with σύν, together with, prejixed.) 3. ἀκολουθέω, to go with, accompany, follow. 2. Luke vii. 11. 1. Acts xi. 12. 2. —— xiv. 25. 1. —— xv. 38. 2. —— xxiv. 15. 1. —— xxi. 16. [follow.) 1 Acts ix. 39. 3. 1 Cor. x. 4, marg. (text, GOING (BE.) πορεύομαι, see “Go,” No. 1. Matt. xxviii. 11, part. GOING OUT' (be) [margin. ] σβέννυμι, see “Go our,” Wo. 6. Matt. xxv. 8, text, go out. GOAT (-s.) 1. ἔριφος, a kid, a young goat, (occ. Luke xv. 29.) 2. ἐρίφιον, (dim. of No. 1,) a young kid, (non occ. ) 3. τράγος, a he-goat, (non oce. ) 1. Matt. xxv. 32. 3. Heb. ix. 12, 13, 19. 2, ———- 33. 3. —— x. 4. GOATSKIN (5) 4 αἴγειος, of a goat, ) goat-skin [ή - . δέρμα, a skin of απ hides, (non | animal. { occ. ) Heb. xi. 37, pl. GOD (-s.) 1. Θεός, God. A name reclaimed from the heathen, and used in N.T. for the true God. Various derivations, ancient and modern, have been pro- posed, but it is nearly certain that us origin is from the East and comes from the Sanscrit root, DIU-S (pro- nounced dyus,) which means (1) masc., fire, the sun, (2) fem., a ray of light, day,* (3) neut., the sky, heaven. DIV-S also means (1) as adj., brilliant, (2) as fem. subst., sky or heaven. | Wherever the Sun shines in the world he has been or is, worshipped as God, because he gives light to Hea- | ven and life to earth ; and heaven was in turn worshipped as the abode * Hence Lat., Dies (fem.) day. | [ 331 ] GOD of the Sun, but the object of adora- tion was Light and Life,* or heaven either as the abode of the Sun, or as personified. Then DIAUS was procreating or generative power dwelling in heaven. The Father of light and life. Hence came Lat., DEUS; Doric, ΣΔΕΥΣ, and ΖΕΟΣ; Lacedzemonian, Σ10 5; Eolic, ΔΕΥΣ, or ΖΕΥΣ; and Attic, ΘΕΥΣ and ΘΕΟΣ, 1 Θεός however, having lost the mean- ing of the one God came to mean “a God” only, one of the many gods. Hence it became necessary in N.T. gen., to distinguish it by the article, 6 Θεός, the one supreme with whom is the fountain of life and light ; and now, to know Him that hath called us out of darkness into His marvellous light, is “life eternal.” He is “ the fountain of life” and “in His light alone can we see light.” In the Septuagint the sing. Θεός, is (with a very few exceptions) the translation of the pl. o> (Elohim) never the pl. Θεοι. It is also used frequently for mm Jehovah (see under “ LORD.”) bs is from the root ds or Ss which means, (1) to be strong, powerful ; (2) to take precedence, be first, x} then means (1) a powerful man, (Ezek. xxxi. 11; xxxii. 21), (2) power, strength, (Gen. xxxi. 29), (3) God, as the mighty one, the one above all, the first, combining the idea of inspiring awe and adoration. ons, plural, is used (1) for all gods, (Ex. xii. 12; xviii. 11; 2 Kings xix. 18.) (2) angels, Ps. Ixxxii. 1; xevii. 7), (3) Kings, Princes, etc., (Ps. Ixxxii. 1, 6; Ex. xxi. 6), (4) in the * Hence ὀνρανίος, is from P\Y~)N, ὀυρ-αιν the “ foun- tain of light and heat.” + Kindred with these is DIES-PITER, or DIU-PITER (Jupiter), Le., Heaven-father ; and from DIV pro- ceeds the adj. DEVAS, Lat. Divus, i.e, one of DIV, (Heaven) traceable in the Eng. DIV-ine. Hence also the old Icelandic TIFI or TIVI a god, and modern Icelandic DIF-IL a devil. t It is also probably the root of "HAcos, the Sun, and is to be traced in the Syr., and Sab., AL-OHO ; Arab., ILAH ; Chald., ELAH ; and Samaritan ALAH. GOD singular sense, the one God, Three in One. ] In the following references (distin- guished by the asterisk), Θεός is used without the article, and denotes the conception of God, as an Infinite and perfect Being, one who is al- mighty, infinite, etc. With the article (7.e. in all passages not so distinguished) ὁ Θεός denotes the God, the revealed God, the God of the Bible, and according to the context may denote, this God, our God, etc., the article marks the word as objective and definite, and also distinguishes the subject from the pre- dicate. Other guished : combinations are also distin- (a) Κύριος ὁ Θεός, Lord the God, (like 0.7. Jehovah-Elohim. ) (0) vids Θεοῦ, Son, or a Son of God. (c) Θεοῦ vids, God’s Son, more emphatic, see Matt. xxvii. 54, ete. (4) ὁ vids τοῦ Θεοῦ, the Son of the (revealed) God, see Matt. xvi. 16; Acts xi. 20, etc. (e) vids τοῦ Θεοῦ, Son, or a Son of the (revealed) God, (the Deity being re- cognised, but the relationship not so Sully admitted.) (8) Θεός, used of other Gods. 2. δαιμόνιον, see “DEVIL,” Vo. 2. 1. Matt. i. 28. — — ii.12,22, seeWarned 1. —— iii. 9, 16. le. —— iv. 3. αν 4, le. 6. la. τ, 10, 1. —-v. 8. 10. 9. i 34. 1*.—— vi. 24. 1. 30, 33 (om.LT 8) le.—— viii. 29, 98 2nd, le. — xiv. 33. 1. —— xv. 3, 4, 6, 31. 1d.—— xvi. 16, ae 23. 1, —— xix. 6, 17 (ap.) 1; 24 (τῶν οὐρανῶν, of the heavens, L T Tr 1*. Matt. xxii. 21 1st. ue 21 2nd, 29, 1. 30 (om. G> L Tr) (1* Ab.) [& 4th, 1: 91, 32 Ist,2nd 3rd, af 82 5th (om. 1, T TrA 8.) la. 87. 1. —— xxiii. 22. 1. —— xxvi. 61, 63 1st. 1d. 63 2nd. le. —— xxvii. 40 (1b, L.) , 3 45 Ist. le. 438 2nd. 1", 40 twice. le. 54(No.1b,L TrA le. Mark i. itNolb LTrAs (om. T &.) 1. ——— 14, 15, 24. 1, —— ii. 7, 12, 26. 1d.—— iii. 11. 1. 35. 1. —— iv. 11, 26, 30. le. ν. 7 Ast. 1, 7 2nd. 1, —— vii. 8, 9, 13. 1, —— viii. 33. 1. —— ix. 1, 47. 1, —— x. 6 (om. Ab.) Lb TTr [ 382 ἢ a Mark =x. 9, 14, 16,18, 38, 24, if ~ 97 Ist Νο πὸ πὶ TrA R. ) 1. 27 2nd (ap.) 1*,—— xi. 22. 1, — xii. 14, 17 twice, 94. ils 26 Ist ἃ 2nd. ΠΝ 263rd & 4th, ΝΟ air: A ) πο 27 2nd (om. G Τῷ Tr A) (No. 1, T.) ik 29, 30. ΤῈ: 82 (om. 1, T Tr A®.) 94, 1. —— xiii. 19. 1. —— xiv. 25. 1. —— xv. 34 twice. 1b. 39. 1. 43. 1, —— xvi. 19 (ap.) 1. Lukei. 6, 8, 16, 19, 26, Q71st ’ | — v. 1, 21, 25, 26. ο vi. 41 12, 20. . — vii. 16 twice, 28, 29, 30. . — viii. 1, 10, 11, 21. €.———_28 (01. τοῦ Θεοῦ, of God, AS et ) 1, ———_ ifs — ix. Ὁ Ἡ, 20, 27, 43, (yh cls 20 Ist. — 20 2nd. : 28, 42, 49. . — xii. 6, 8, 9. 20(Kvpuos, Lord, Lm.) _— 21. 24, 28. 31 (αὐτοῦ, of Him ov His, ας LT Tr A &.) . — xiii. 13, 18, 20, 28, 29. . — xiv. 15. επ xv. 10, *— xvi. 13. 5 15 twice, 16, . — Xvii. 15, 18, 20twice, 21. . — xviii. 2,4, 7, 11, 18, A617; ο 24, 25, ο 29, 43 twice, . — xix. 11, 37. — — xx. 16, see Forbid. 1, ———— οἱ, 25 twice. 1. ————- 56 (No. 1”, T Tr A &.) ----- στ Ist. ο $72nd ἃ 3rd (No, ιτ A a A ®.) επι xxi, 4 ων τν) GOD 1. Luke xxi. 31. 1. —— xxii. 16, 18, 69. 1d.———-_ ΤΌ. 1. —— xxiii. 35, 40, 47, 51. 1. —— xxiv. 19, 53. 1. Johni. 1st. pana 1, ————. 2. 1*,———_ 6, 12, 18, 18. 1, ———— 90, 1d, —-———- 34. 1, ————-_ 36. 1d. ———— 50. 1, ————_ 82. 1*,—— ji, Ὁ Ist. 1, ———— 22nd, 3, Ροή. 1-18. 1 21. 33, 34 Ist ἃ 2nd. 34 3rd (om. G> LbTTrdvA ἐς 36. —— iv. 10, 24. —— ντ 18 twice. d, ————- 25. 42. 44 (om. Lb.) — Vi. 27, 28,.29, 33. Ah (No.1*, LT) 40 πῆ μι μι μα μα μα πὶ καὶ μα μα 69 (ὁ ἅγιος τοῦ Θεοῦ, the holy one of God, instead of ὁ Χρισ- TUS ὃ υἱὸς τοῦ Θεοῦ, the Christ the holy one of God, LT Tr A.) 1, —— vii. 17. , 1. —— viii. 40, 41, 42twice, 47 3 times. 1*, —_———_ 54, 1. —— ix. 3,16,24,29,311st — ——— 312nd, see Wor- shipper. *,———_ 33 1d.— 35 (6 vids τοῦ ἀνθρωποῦ, the Son of man, ἄν A* &.) 1*.—— x. 33. 34, 35 Ist. 90 2nd. 22 twice. 27. 40, 52. 1. —— xii. 43. ὰ 1*,—— xiii. 8 1st. ---------- 3 2nd, 3], 32 150 (ap.), 82 2nd. 1. —— xiv. 1 1. —— xvi. 2. 1. ——— 27(Trm)(No.1*, L) (6 πατήρ, the Father, Tr A.) 15,---.-.--- - 80. 1. —— xvii. 3. 1b,—— xix. 7 (No. le, Beza and Elzevir.) 1*,—— xx, 17 twice, 1, ————- 28, 1d,———— 1. 1, —— xxi. 19, 1. Acts 1, 8. 1, —— ii. 11, 17, 22 twice, 23, 24, 80, 82, 98, 80. la,————-. 30, 1, ———— τ 1 iii, 8, 9, 15, 18, 21. la. 22. 1, ————- 25, 26. 1. —— iv. 10, 19 twice, 21, 924 Ist. 1, —————. 24. 2nd (om, LT Tr Ab 8) (ie. he that, instead of God which hast.) 18 twice, GOD 1. Acts iv. 31. 1. ——v. 4. a. 29. iF 30, 31, 82 ἘΝ 39 Ist. — ——— _ 392nd, see Fight 1. —vi. 2, 7, 11. 1, — vii. 2, 6, 7, 9, 17. — ——— 26, see God (to) or exceeding. 1, ——— 25. 1, ———— 32 twice (om. L Er AUN) : 1, ——— 35, 37. if. - 40. 1, ——— 42 1f. ————- 43. 1. ———— id 46 Ist. 1, ——— 462nd (olkos,the house, LT Trm A* 8.) ie δα, 1, ——— 55 2nd, 56. 1. —— viii. 10, 12, 14, 20, 2 1. 1, ———— 22 (Κύριος, the Lord, G~ L Τ Tr A δ) 1d. ————_ 37 (ap.) 1d,—— ix. 20. Ἱ τε twice 4, 16, 22 Ist. — —— 22 2nd, see Warned. =e δῚ 55 1εἴ; 1, ———— 33 2n4 (ἀπὸ τοῦ Κυρίου, from the Lord, instead of ὑπὸ τοῦ Θεοῦ of God, Gs LT (ὑπὸ, by) Tr A* 8) 1. ——— 34, 38 twice, 40, 41, 42, 46. 1. — xi. 1, 9, 17 twice, 18 twice, 23, 1, — xii. 5, lf. 22. if 23, 24 Ἱ xiii. 5,7, 16, 17, 21, 23, 26, 30, 33, 36, 37, 43. 1, ———— 44 (Κυρίος, the Lord, G@~ LT TrAR) 1, ——— 46. 1f.—— xiv. 11. if — 15(No. 1*, ἄν LT Tr A Ν. ) 1. ——— 22, 26, 2 27. 1. —— xv. 4, 7. eg, 1. ——— 10, 12, 14, 18 (ap.), 19. —_ 40 (Κυρίου, the Lord, ον LT Tr A Ὁ) 1. —— xvi. 14, 17, 25, 34. 1. —— xvii. 13. 2, ———18. -- 23, see @ that one worsh ippeth. 1", uF ΞΞΞΞΞῶΝ 29, 80. 1. —— xviii. 7, 11, 13, 21. 1, ——— 26 (om. Gs. ) 1. —— xix. 8, 11. 1. ——— 20 (Kupios, the Lord, δι EG LT Tr Α 8.) 11-26. 1, ——xx. 21 (Νο,1”, T Tr ΑΝ) ἃ, 24. 1. ———- 25 (om. G3 L ald μα δ Ὁ) 1. ---..- 27. 1, -----.- ion! RSs the Lov rd ατα, 1. ------ 1. —— xxi. ert 1. —— xxii. 3, 14. 1. —— xxiii. 1, 3, 4. — ———_ 9, see Fight. 1. Acts xxiv. 14, 15, 16. 1. —— xxvi. 6, 8, 18, 20, 22, 29. 1. —— xxvii. 23, 24, 25, 35 1f.—— xxviii. 6. 1. ———— 15, 23, 28, 31. 1*.Rom. i. 1. 1b,————- 4. 1*,————. 7 twice. 1. ———— 8, 9, 10. 1*.————_ 16, 17, 18. 1, ————— 19 twice, 21 Ist. eS oi and: Ἱ .Ξ-..ὕ.ῳ...- 96, ο ο 86, 28 twice. — —#_ 30, see G (hater ) 1, ——— 382. 1. — ii. 2, 3, 4, 5, 11. 1, ———— 18 (om. the ar- ticle, Lb Trmb.) —— l6, 17, 23, 24, 29. 1. —— iii. 2, 3. ———- 4180, see Forbid να, 4 2nd. a ευ, ee απ 6lst, see Forbid 1. 6 2nd, 7 ilk 1 18. iL 19. 15; 21, 22 Veo DA 25 twice, 90 30. — ——— 3], see Forbid. 1. —iv.2(No. 1*, L T Tr A &.) . —— 3, 6. 1*.——— lf. 1. ————- 20 twice. 1. ——v. 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 16. —— vi. 2, see Forbid. 1. ———— 10, 11, 13 twice. — ——— 15, see Forbid. 1, ——— 117 (lit., χάρις τῷ Θεῳ, thanks to God.) 1. ———— 22, 28. 1. —— vii. 4. — —— 7, 13,seeForbid 1, ———— 22, 25 lst. 1 *,—__—__. 95 2nd. 1, —— viii. 3. vp datz 1. ---------- 7 2nd. a IEE 7G 9 1b.————. 14 Ἀπά. 1",----- 16 (with τέκνα, children. ) 1 - 17. 1d. - 10. 1. 21. 1" 27. 1, 28, 31. os 33 twice, 1, ΞΞΞΞΕΞ μες, 1*,—— ix. 5. 1. ———_ 6, 8, 11, 14 1st. — κ] πιά seeForbid 1. ———— 16, 20, 22. 1b, ————. 26. 1. —x. 1. 1*,—————- 2. 1. -------- 3 twice, 9, 1",-- Ὁ} (Χριστός, Christ, L T Tr Α δ.) 1. —— xi. 115, - 12nd see Forbid 1. 2 twice. -- 4, see Answer. Ae 8. πε 11, see Forbid. is al. ine 22, η], 28, 29, 80, 32, 1», 33. 1, —— xii. 1 twice, 2, 3. [ 333 ] 1*.Rom. xiii. 11st. 1, ———— 12nd (No. 1”, L Trea a) —— 2. 1*,———- 4 twice, 6, 1, —— xiv. 3. 1. ———— 4 (ὁ Κυρίος, the Lord, LT TrA®.) 1. ------..-.. 6 twice, 11, 19, (L), 1, 18, 20, 22. 1. ——xv. 5, 6. 1".-- τοι ΣῪ TrA δ) 1*.————- 8 1. 9, 13, 15, 16. 1 17 (No. πτ Tr Α .) 1*.,——— 19 (Gs) (πνεῦ- μα ἅγιον, Holy Spirit, instead of πνεῦμα Θεοῦ Spirit of God, GLT Tr Ab.) 1. ——— 30. Bid - 82 (Κύριος "Inoods,the Lord Jesus, LTr™)(Inaovs Χρίστος, Jesus Christ, &.) ——_ 33 il; ὃ 1. Xvi. 20, 96. 1".----- 27. ΤΙ Cor, Eek: ie — 2. 1*,———_ 3. 1, ———— 4 twice, 9, 14. 1*,_———__ 18. 1. ———— 20, 213 times. 1*,—___—__ 94. twice. a πο, 1, τι 97 Ist, o7 2nd (ap.), 28. *,_——— 30. 1, — ii. 1. 1*.———__ 5, 7 lst. 1, ———— 72nd, 9, 10twice, 1] twice, 12 twice, 14, 1. —— iii. 6, 7. Le a δε, 1. ———— 10. 1....--: 8: “δι 1. ———— 162nd, 173 times 1. ———— 19(No.1*,LAb) ἘΝ 23. 1*.— iv. 1. 1, ———— δ, — ——— 8, see Would. 1, ———— 9, 20. 1. —-v. 18. 1*,—— vi. 9, 10. 1. ———— 18 13, 14. — ------- 15, see Forbid. 1*.——— ly, 201... 2O2nd (αρ). 1*,—— vii. 7. 1. ——— 15. 1, ————- 17 (transpose God and Lord, @LT Tr A®.) 1*,———— 19. ἃ: — 24(No. 1", ΟἽ, T Tr A 5) 1*.—————- 40. 1. —— viii. 3. 1*,.—————- 4. 1h 5 twice. 1*,——— 6. 1. ————- § 1. —— ix. 9. 1᾽.------- ὩἸ(θεοῦ, of God (and xpe ee of Christ) LT rA YN. ) 1,—— x. 5, “i 20, 31 1 1 1*.—_————- 7 1. κ μα. 18, 16, 22. ἊΝ xii. 8 iene 18, 24, 28. GOD 1. 1Cor. xiv. 2(No.1* LT Tr AD. 1, ———— 18, 25 twice, 98, 33, 36. 1. —— xv. 9. ας μη 1. ———— τρ 2nd. 1, ———— lLitwice, 24, 28. 11-54. iM 38. "1 δ0. le 57. 1*.2 Cor. i. 1 1st. 1. ] 2nd. Rak 2. Ἰ; 3 Ist. 1*. η ο 1; EE ὦ "No. 1LT TrA®) 1, ———_ 15. le. 19. 1* 20) Ist 1 20 2nd ἘΝ 21. 1. -------- 25. 1. —— ii. 14, 15. 1. ------ 17 Ist. 1*, ———__ 17 2nd. 1. ———— 17 3rd (No, 1”, Gs L Tr3.) 1*.—— iii. 3. 1. ———— 4, 5. 1. —— iv. 2 twice. et A.) 20, 24. ee ii. 6. - ον see Forbid, 1 bap 19. 1d.———. 20(Tr™)(6 Θεός καὶ Χριστός, God and Christ, L Tr.) ils 21. 1, — iii. 6, 8, 11, 17, 18, 20. i, ——+- 21 18 >) -- ——2] 214 seeForbid 10. --------- 26. 1. —— iv. 4, 6. 1*, 7 ap. }, § Ist. 1f. ————- 8 2 GOD 1*.Gal. iv. 9 twice, 14. 1. —-v. 21. ἊΣ vi. 7. - 14, see Forbid. 1. 1 1*. Eph. i. 1, 2 1. 91 1. — ii. 4. ies - 8. VE 10. {out.) — ——— 12, see G (with- Πο ee 19, 22. 1. —— iii. 2, 7, 9, 10, 19. 1*.— iv. 6. 1d. 19. uf 18. 1* 24. 1 30, 32. 1. —— v. 1, 2. 1 5. 1. ————_ 6, 20. 1*,————__ 21 (Χριστός, Christ, G LT TrA δ) 1. —— vi. 6, 11, 18. 1 17, 23 1 ad el aia 1. 3, 8. 1 11, 28. 1", ii. 6 twice. 1. ———- 9. 1*. 11. — 13 (No. 1*,Gx= 1, Τ Ἐν Α .) 1*.———_ 15 (with τέκνα, children.) 1. ——— 27 vale iii. 3 (genitive in- stead of dative, αν L T Tr A, lit., by the Spirit of God, instead of God in the Spirit.) 1*, ——— 9. Ue i 19. 1. —— iv. 6,7, 9, 18, 19, te — iii. chy 6. -------- 19 (Χο. 1", L) — 15 (Χριστός, Christ, ὦ . TTrAw.) μὰ μα μὰ μὰ 2 XG ου)(Χύριος the Lord, . LT TrAs) 1. —— iv. 3, 12. 1*.1 Thes. i. ‘us, 12nd(ap.) 1, ————- 2, 8. 1.---.-.- 4 1. ——— 8, 9 18. a) Sa if twice, 4 1st. ae Bind, (No. 1”, LbT τι, ry 5) 1, eee is Ὁ iid a8: 13 1st ἃ ond. 1... 16 8.4, ik 14. 1) 1. — iii. 2, 9twice, 11, 13 tye, ij ee BSG, 9, see Taught. ἃ: ι 13. ---- 16. 1. —-v. 9. 1",-..-.-θ-ο.ὄ 15. 1. ----ὄ..--- 23, 192 Thea, i. 1, 2. 1. ——— 3, 4, ἢ twice, 1 , 8. & TLS 12; 1*.—— ii. 4 1st. 1, --------- 4 δι. 1°, 4 3rd (om. G 1, TTrAN) ny 2 Thes. ii, 4 4th. i 16 (Lb) 1. — iii. 5. ΤΕ πια. 1, ο, 11. 17: 1".--- Ἡ, 3, δ twice. 1*,— iii. 5, 15 twice. 1+ 166s, σ]ο, α LT Tr AX, being the relative to an omitted though easily recogni- zed antecedent, viz., Christ, Ellicott.) 1. —— iv. 9 ihe 4, 5, 10. 1, ——v. 4, 5 (Lb), Pal 1. — vi. i Ἡρ Ἢ ο αι υ Tr Ab.) 1 πο 17 DM bee ας. 1. ———— 3, 6,7 1*,—_—— 8. 1. —— ii. 9, 15, 19, 25. — — iii. 4, see G (lover of.) — —— 16, see Inspira- tion. 17. 1. — iv. 1. 1*. Titus i. 1 twice. 1 2. iby 3, 4, 7, 16 1. — ii. 5. ileg 10. 1 ap ues 13. 1*.—— iii. 4. 1 8 (No. 1*, G= LTTrA®.) 1*. Philem. 3. ib 4. 1. Heb. i. 1. 1. 6, 8. the 9 twice 1. ——ii. 4 1*.————_ 9. 1, ———— 13, 17. 1*,—— iii. 4, 12. 1. —— iv. 4, 9, 10, 12. 1d,————- 14. 1. ——v. 1, 4, 10, 12. 1*,— vi. 1. 1, 3. 1*.——__ 5. 1d,——- 6. 1. τ το 15. 1. ἘΝ 18, 1. —— vii. 1. 1d. 3. Ls — 19, 25. — — viii. 5, see Admon ished. 1 10. 1, —— ix. 14 1st [eS agcad 1. 20, 24. 1. ——x. 7. 1. ———- 9 (om. G LT Tr A ®.) 1, ————- 12, 21 14, 29. Ἂν: 81. ΗΜ 80, 1*,—— xi. 3. 1. 4 lst ἃς 4 2nd (Dat. in- stead of Gen., L.) 5 h twice, ϐ (art., Trb.) - - 7, see Warned. 1 10, 16 Ast. 1 16 2nd. by 19, 25, 40. 1. ——xii. 2, 7, 16. 1*,————- 22, 20. ay - 28, 29. 1. —— xiii. 4,7, 15, 16, 20. Γ ος η 13.788. i. 1, 5. a 13 1st (No. 1", L T Tr AS.) ἐ 13 2nd. T= 20. 1. ΠΌΝΟ Vie ) 1, — ii. 5, 19, 23 Ist. 1". 93. διὰ, 1. —— iii. 91st (Kupios, the Lord,G~ LT Ἐν Α 5.) ϱ 2nd, ibs 1. —— iv. 4 twice, 6, 7, 8. 13.1 Pet. i. 2. iff ὃ 1". , 21 twi ce, 93. 1*.— ii a 1 5 (No.1*, LT Tr AS lls 10. ΤΙΝ 12, 15. Uns 16 (Θεοῦ δοῦλοι, God's servants, instead of δοῦλοι θεοῦ, servants of God, T Tr A&.) 1. ——— li. πο 19, 20. 1. ——iii. 4. 1. δ(εἰς Geor,in God instead of ἐπὶ τὸν Θεὸν upon God, LT Tr A.) τς 16 (Χρίστος, Christ 1.6. Οἱ [as] Lord, instead of the Lord God, G~ Τὸ Τ TrA®.) Ἱ. 17, 18, 20, 21, 22 1 iv. 2, 6, 10, 11 150. 1} 11 2nd ἃ 3rd, 14, 16, 17 twice, 19, 1, ——v. 2, 5, 6, 10, 12. ᾿ς 2 bet. τς 1. ὦ. μη 17, 21 (No. 1, L.) 1. — ii. 4. 1, —— iii. 5, 12. 1. 1 John i. 5. 1. —— ii. 5, 14, 17. τ iii. 1, 2,with τέκνα, children. 1d. 8. 1. ——— 9 twice, 10 twice. 1. ——— 16 (om. StGLT TrA®.) 1. ——— 17, 20, 21. 1. —— iv. 1, 2twice, 8, 4, 68times, 73 times, Stwice, Q twice, 10, 11. πο — 12 Ist. 1. 12 2nd, 14.--- 15 1st. 1. ——— 15 2nd, 16 4times, 20 twice, 21. 1, —-v. τν Qtwice, 3, 4, id ———— 6 1, πὸ τς. έπος. 1d.——— 10 1st. 1. ——— 10 2nd (ὑιός, the Son, Gr 1.) 1. —— 10 δτά, 11. 1d.——— 12 (om. A.V. 1611 to 1629.) 1d.—_—— 13 1st (ap.) 14. 13 2nd. 1, ———. 18 twice, 19, 1d.———. 20 Ist. 1, ——— 20 2nd. 1*.2 John 8, 9. —-— τὸ, speed. 1. 3 John 11 twice. 1”. Jude 1. 1. ——— 4 1st. 1*,——— 4 2nd (om. GL T Tr A®.) 11, see G GOD 1*, Jude 21, 25. ας Ἔν τα 6 9 1. —— ii. 7 (add μοῦ, my. GT Ab) os 14. 18. 1. ——iii. 1. 1. 2(add. μοῦ, my, α1ι Τ Έτ Α 8.) nl 124 times, 14. 1. ---ῖν. 5 10 (om. τῷ θεφ ἡμῶν, unto ourGod,A. ) 1. ——vi. 9. 1*.—— vii. 2. 1. 9, 10 (αρ.), 11, πο, 15. 11: 1. —— viii. 2, 4. 1. —— ix. 4 (om. --.) 1. ——— 13. 1. —x. 7. 1. — xi. 1. 1 4 (ὁ om. 1) Κύριος the Lord,@ LT Tr AX.) 1 11.19, 1θπίσοι 1 17. 1 - 19. 1. —— xii. 5, 6, 10twice,17, 1 1 1 . — xiii. 6. . — xiv. 4, 5 (ap.) 7 (Κύριος, the Lord, Gs.) 10, 12, 19. — xv. 1, 2, 3 Ist. κος Ἐν τὴ Ὁ -7, 8. . — xvi. 1. a. 7. —__ 9, LL, 1 19. 91; 1. — xvii. 17 twice. 1. — xviii. 5. παν τε — 8(on. Κύριος, Tro 1, ——— 20. la,—— xix. 1 (τοῦ Θεοῦ, of our God, instead of Kuriw ra Sew, wnto the Lord our God, α 1, T Tr Α 8.) 1. ——— 4. 1. ——— δ(τῶ Θεῶ, {ο our God, instead of τὸν Θεὸν, our God, L T Tr A®.) 6. 1. ——— 9, 10, 13, 15. —17 (τὸ μέγα τοῦ Θεοῦ, the great(supper] of God, instead of rod μεγάλου θεοῦ, [supper] of the great God, ἃ L ΤΡ AS.) 1, —— xx. 4, 6. — 9 (om. ἀπὸ τοῦ θεου, from God, -- L ΤΑ, 1. ——— 12 (θρόνος, the throne, @ LT Tr A 5) — xxi. 2, 3 Ist ἃ 2nd. εἰν - 3 3rd (om. θεὸς αὐτῶν, [and be] their God, G= AIR en Tr - 1. ——— 4 (om. Ab δ σε ) 1,—— 10, 11. la. ——— 22. 1. —— 23. 1, —— xxii. 1, 3. la,——— 5, 6. 1 9, 18, 19. GOD GOD (according to) [margin. | κατὰ, according to, Θεόν, God. 2 Cor. vii. 9, (text, after godly manner.) GOD THAT ONE WORSHIPPETH [margin. ] σέβασμα, an object of worship, any thing [ 335 ] venerated. Acts xvii. 23 (text, Devotion.) HATER OF GOD. θεοστυγής, hating God. Rom. i. 30, LOVER OF GOD. φιλόθεος, loving God ; subst., a lover of God. 2 Tim. iii. 4. GOD SPEED. χαίρω, to joy, rejoice, be glad. nf, to wish joy, bid, hail! salute, like Lng. to send greeting. 2 John 10, 11, Inf. GOD (to) [margin. | Θεῷ, Dat. of Θεός, (sce Gon,”) to God. Acts vii. 20 (text, Exceeding.) GOD (wirHovt.) ἄθεος, godless, impious. Eph. ii. 12. GODDESS. θεά, (fem. of Θεός, see“ Gov,” No. 1,) a goddess, (non occ. ) Acts xix. 27. 85(om. GL T Tr A &.) 87 (Θεός, God, G LT Tr A &.) GODHEAD. [ τὸ, the thing, θεῖον, pertaining to Θεύς, that Le (see “cov,” No. 1,) ¢ which is what is God’s, or pro- | divine. ceeds from him; divine, GOD 2. θειότης, divinity, (the characteristic or property of Θεός), (non occ.) 3. θέοτης, deity, the being in whom θειότης, (No. 2,) of the highest order resides, (non oce. ) 1. Acts xvii. 29. | 2. Rom. i. 20. 8. Col. ii. 9. GODLINESS. 1. εὐσέβεια, piety, the good and careful cherishing of the fear of God. J¢ denotes the energy of piety in the life, both internal and external, not the religion that leads to piety, but the religious life that manifests religion. [In 1 Tim. iii. 16, the mystery of the life of God in man is the unfolding of Christ to and for man, (1 Col. i. 27), the great revelation of the re- ligious life in Christ and the events in and by which Christ was mani- fested forth—came forth from the secrecy of the counsels of God, who was manifested, see 1 Tim. iii. 16, under “Gop.” θεοσέβεια, the fear of God, God- fearing, (non occ. ) bo 1, ὙΠ πὶ αἱ ὦ; 1, 1 Tim, vi. 5,5, 6, 11 2. 10. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 5. 1. —— iii. 16. 1. Titusi. 1. 1. — iv. 7, 8. 1. 2 Pet. i. 3, 6, 7. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 11. GODLY. 1. Θεοῦ, (Gen. of Θεός, see “Gop,” No. 1,) of God. ἢ ‘ [ κατὰ, according to, ) οι 9. θεόν, God, (see “GoD,” > © 5 . Ὺ | rks { to God. 3. εὐσεβής, that reverence for God which shews itself in actions, (especially in worship), pious, devout, wsed of one who is ruled in what he does or avoids by reverence and godly fear, (οοο. Acts x. 2, 7; xxii. 12.) 4. εὐσεβῶς, (adv. of No. 3,) piously, religiously, (non occ. ) 1. 2Cor.i.12. (after a) | 1. 2 Cor. xi. 2. mad vii. 9,seeG manner | 1. 1 Tim. i. 4 (om. AV. 2——10. [(after a) 1611—1660, error.) ο 11, seo G sort | 4. 2 Tim. iii. 12. 4. Titus ii. 12. GOD GODLY MANNER (arter 4.) κατὰ Θεόν, according to God. 2 Cor. vii. 9, marg. according to God. GODLY SORT (arter a.) 1. κατὰ Θεόν, according to God. 9 ἀξίως, worthy, * τοῦ Θεοῦ, of God. 1. 2 Cor. vii. 11. | 2. 3 John 6. GOLD. 1. χρυσός, gold. 2. χρυσίον, (dim. of No. 1,) gold, prop., in small pieces or quantity; esp., as wrought, any thing made of gold ; hence, gold coin, money. 1. Matt. ii. 11. 2. 1 Pet. 1. 7, 18. 1. —x. 9. 2. —— iii. 3. 1. xxiii. 16, 17 twice. 2. Rev. iii. 18. 2. Acts iii. 6. — — iv. 4, see G (of.) 1. —— xvii. 29. 1. —1X.7(Gx) (χρύσεος, 2. —— xx. 33. golden, insteadofonoros 1. 1 Cor. iii. 12. 1. 1 Tim. ii 9 (No. 2, L.) -- - 2 Tim. ii. 20, see G (of.) | 1. χρυσῷ, like to gold, G.) -—— 20, see G (of.) — xvii. 4(No. 2,G L 2. Heb. ix. 4. Tr A.) — Jas. ii. 2, see G ring | 1. ——xviii.12. [Tr A.) (with a.) 1. ——— 16 (No. 2, GL 1, — vy. 3. 2, —— xxi. 18, 21. GOLD (or.) χρυσέος, golden, of gold. 2 Tim. ii. 20. | Rev. iv. 4; ix. 20. GOLD RING (win a.) χρυσοδακτύλιος, with ring of gold, hav- ing gold rings upon the fingers. Jas, ii, 9, GOLDEN. χρυσέος, golden, of gold. Heb. ix. 4 twice. Rey. i. 12, 13, 20. — ii. 1. — Vv. 8. —— viii, 3 twice. | — xxi. 15. [ 336 ] GOMORRHA. Τόμοῤῥα, Gomorrha. Matt. x. 15. Mark vi. 11 (ap.) Rom. ix, 29, 2 Pet. ii. 6. Jude 7. GONE. See, Go. GOO GOOD [adj. and noun. |] 1. ἀγαθός, worthy of admiration, admir- able ; hence, good, good of its kind. The original idea of the word is so broad that it denotes in general, skilled either for good or evil; eg., as used of thieves, τέ means cunning. Then it branches ir two directions, trom ability it passes to serviceable- ness and means good in relation to something else, v.e. what is of advan- tage, or that which is to advantage. Then the word was transferred to the moral sphere, what is morally good ; hence the N.T. meaning, and its relation to δικαίος, righteous, (onlythatin δικαίος, the relation to the δίκη, or God's revelation is decisive, while) ἀγαθός denotes the inner harmonious perfection, which is its own standard and measure, and which primarily belongs to God. 2. καλός, beautiful, referring to objects vhose appearance has a certain har- monious perfection: καλός is to ἀγαθός, what the phenomenal is to the essence ; hence, beautiful, pleas- ing, of objects perceived by the senses ; acceptable, agreeable, well-fitted. Then, of a perfect inward nature manifesting and demonstrating it- self in an outward shape, 1.6., physically, exquisite, genuine, per- fect in form and nature ; morally, excellent, worthy of recognition, becoming, well-suited, beautiful, and in this sense, good. (As compared with δικαίος, righteous; δικαίος, expresses simply a legal judgment, while καλός, reflects the agreeable impression made by the good as it manifests itself.) 3. καλόν, (neut. of No. 2,) it agrees with, it is good, beneficial. (This must not be confounded with καλόν ἐστί, in the moral sense, denoting, it is right or proper.) 4, καλῶς, (adv. of No. 2,) well, fairly, beautifully. 5. χρηστός, useful, profitable, fit; of persons, useful towards others, hence, well disposed, actively beneficent in spite of ingratitude, good, gentle. GOO Ὁ. χρηστότης, usefulness, as of persons towards others, benignity, the good- ness of the divine attributesshowing itself in benevolence to man. 7. βίος, life in its means of living, of life. 8. εὖ, well, (with ποιεῖν, Mark xiv. 7, to ‘do good to.) 2. Matt. iii. 10. — — ν. 13, see G (be). 2. 16 4. 44 (αρ.) iL 45. 1. — vii. 11 1st. -- 11214466 thing ΡΝ 17 Ist. 2. —— 17 2nd. 13 18 Ist. 2. 18 2nd, 19. τος — viii. 30,see Way off — —— ix. 2, see Cheer. 22, see Comfort. — —— xi. 26, see Seem. 2. —— xii. 33 twice. 84, see G thing. 35 lat ἃ 2nd, 353rd, see Gthing 2, —— xiii. 8, 23, 24, 27, 37, 38, 48. —-—— xiv. 27, see Cheer. 2. —— xvii. 4. — —— xix. 10, see G (be.) bd 1. 16 1st (om. GS 1, TTrARW.) -- 162nd, seeGthing 1: 17 twice (ap.) 1. —— xx. 15. 1, —— xxii. 10. 1. — ταν. 21, 23. 2. —— xxvi. 10, 24. — Mark iii. 4, see G (do.) 2. —— iv. 8, 20. — —— vi. 50, see Cheer. 2. —— ix. 5, 50. 1. — x. 17, 18 twice. 42, see Think. 49, see Comfort. 2. —— xiv. 6. 8. 7. 2. 21. — Luke i. 3, see Seem. 53, see G thing. — — ii. 10, see Tidings. 14, see Will. 2. —— iii. 9 (om. Lb.) — — vi. 9, see G (do.) 27. 4. - = 33, 35, see G(do.) 2. 38, 43 twice. a Ἃ 45 twice. Ve viii. 8. 2. 15 1st. 5 15 2nd. -- 48, see Comfort. 2. ——ir. 33. — — x. 21, see Seem. Ἂς 42. . ---- xi. 19. 2. —— xiv. 34. — — xvi. 25, see G thing 1. —— xviii. 18, 19 twice. 1. —— xix. 17. 1, —— xxiii. 50. — John i. 46, see G thing. 2. ii. 10 twice. 1.—v. 29. 1. —— vii. 12. 2. —— xX. ll twice, 14, 32, 33. — — xvi. 33, see Cheer. Ι oar J GOO Σπ Tim, 1. 7,18) .ὅ 2. Titus iii 8 twice. 2. —— iv. 4, 6 twice. 2 14, marg. honest 2. ——v. 4 (om.Good and, | 3. Heb. v. 14. 2. at po νά . ie i 1. 10 2nd. αι. ’ \ see Gthing 2. te 2. 24. ee ἡ 2. . 12 twice, 19. — — xi 2, 39,seeReport manifestatrons, ὰ the -- 18 Ist, see G (do.) | — —— xiii. Ὀ, see G thing the good things | 2. 18 2nd, 19, = 16, see G (do.) 2. 2 Tim. i. 14. 2. 18. 2. —— ii. 3. 1, 21. 1, —— 21. 1. Jas. i. 17. — — iii. 3, see Despiser. | — ταῦ ΕἾ 8, see G place Ἵ; 17. in ἃ. 2, ἦν. 7. 2. -- τα 11,18 — Acts iv. 9, see Deed. — Titus i. 8, see G men | 1. 17. Ns ἐν 36. (lover of.) 3. iv: 17s — —— x. 22, see Report. 1. — 18, ; 2. 1 Pet. ii. 12. = 38, see G (do.) — — ii. 3, see G@ things | 1. — 18. : ke πος xf. 94 (teacher of.) 1. —— iii. 10, 11, 16 twice, — —— xiv. 17, seeG(do.) | 1. 5. 21. ΠΟΤΕ ip ig nas 1 10 7. 1gohn ii. 17 -- 5, 28, see Seem. . . 8 w Lis - 38, see Think. 2. — 14. — 3 John 11, see G (do.) — — xviii. 18, see While 1. — iii. 1. a= 12, see Report. — — xxii. 12, see Report 1. — xxiii. 1 πω οσο 11, see Cheer. — — xxvii. 22, 25, 26, see Cheer. | GOOD (BE.) 1. Rom. ii. 10. laa | 1. ἰσχύω, to be strong, to have physical 1, —v. 7. abilty ; also to have efficacy, force ae ae or value ; avail. - 18 lst. see G thing / ῃ — ——— 18 2n4,sce G(that 2. συμφέρω, to bear or bring together, : a collect ; Intrans., to bring together 3. 21. for any one, 2.e., to contribute, con- Προ ee a duce ; here Intrans. and impers. it — — x. 15, see G thing. — — xi. 24,see Olive-tree 1. —— xii. 2, 21. 1. —— xiii. 3, 4. 1. —— xiv. 16. 2. 21. 1, —— xv. 2. — —— xvi. 18, see Words. 2) E Cor, woes 2. —— vii. 1, 8, 26 twice. 5. xv. 33. 1. 2 Cor. v. 10. — — vi. 8, see Report. 1, —— ix. 8. 2. Gal. iv. 18 1st. 18 2nd, seeGthing — —— vi. 6, see G thing. 1. 10. — Eph. i. 5, 9, seePleasure p ii 10. - iv. 28, see G (the thing which is.) 1; 29, — — vi. 7, see Will. 8, see G thing. 1. Phil. i. ὃς , see Will. — — ii. i, see Pleasure 19, see Comfort. iv. 8, see Report. 1. σσ. i. 10, — 1 Thes. iii, 4, see Think | 6 Ist, see Tidings. 6 2nd. v. 2, see G (that | which is.) — 2 Thes. i.11,seo Pleasure ii. 16, 1 1 Tim. i. 5. 8, 18. 19. — ii. 10. — iii. 1. 2, see Behaviour | 1. ιφ is conducive, it is profitable. 1. Matt. ν. 13. 9, Matt xix. 10. GOOD (po.) 1. ἀγαθοποιέω, to do good, (from ποιέω, to make, to do, to practice, and ἀγαθός, see Goon,” Wo. 1.) 2. ἀγαθοεργέω, to work good, (ἀγαθός see “6000. Wo. 1, and obsolete ἔργω, to work, labour,) (non oce. ) 3. εὐεργετέω, to work well, do well to, confer benefits, (non occ. ) 4. εὐποιῖα, well doing, 1.6. a doing well to, beneficence. 1. Mark iii. 4. 1. Acts xiv. 17 (No. 25,49 1. Luke vi. 9, 88 twico, LTTrAW&.) 88. 2. 1 Tim. vi. 18. 8, Acts x. 38. 4. Heb, xiii. 16, 1. 3 Jobn 11. GOOD (THAT WHICH Is.) 1 13 the, " | ἀγαθόν, good thing, (see “coon,” No.1.) 9 { τὸ, the, καλόν, good thing, (see“aoon,” No.2.) GOO 1. Luke vi. 45. 1. Rom. xvi. 19. 1. Rom. vii. 13 twice. 1. ΤΠ δεν. 15. 2. 18. 2, 21. 1. — xii. 9. 1 ΠΡ ets: 1. — xiii. 3. 1. 3 John 11. GOOD (THE THING WHICH Is.) τὸ, the, ἀγαθόν, good thing, (see“coon,” No. 1.) Eph. iv. 28. GOOD PLACE (mn a.) καλῶς, (adv. of καλός, see “ Goon,” No. 2,) handsomely ; well, pleasantly. Jas. 11, 8, marg. well or seemly. GOOD MEN (Lover orf.) φιλάγαθος, loving good, (φίλος, loving or loved, and ἀγαθός, see “Goon,” No. 1,) loving what is good, (non ους, ) Titus 1. 8, marg. things. GOOD THINGS (rEacuer or.) καλοδιδάσκαλος, adj., teaching what is good, (καλός, see “Goon,” No. 2, and διδάσκαλος, a teacher,) as subst. teacher of good, (non occ.) Titus ii. 3. GOOD THING. 1. ἀγαθόν, neut. of “Goon,” No. 1. bo καλόν, neut. of “Goon,” No. 2. 1. Matt. vii. 11. 1, —— xii. 34, 35. 1. —— xix. 16. | 1. Luke i. 53. 1 1 1 1. Rom. x. 15. Gal. iv. 18. vi. 6. . Eph. vi. 8. . Philem. 6. . Heb. ix. 11. κα, . — xvi. 20. . John i. 46. . Rom. vii. 18. μ fed bed μὰ et δῷ 2. Heb. xiii. 9. GOODLY. 1. καλός, see “ Goon,” No, 2. bo λαμπρός, shining, bright, radiant ; ο) clothing, gay or sumptuous. 2. Jas. ii. 2. 2. Rev. xviii. 14. 1. Matt. xiii. 45. 1. Luke xxi. 5. GOODMAN. οἰκοδεσπότης, a house-master, head of ¢ family. Φ Luke xxii. 11. [ 388 1 GOO GOODMAN OF THE HOUSE. ᾿ 5) / οἰκοδεσπότης, see above. Matt. xx 11. — xxiv. 43. Mark xiv. 14. Luke xii. 39. GOODNESS. ἀγαθωσύνη, goodness and kindness, the quality of him who is ruled by and aims at the good, moral worth, and sterling goodness apart from attractiveness. χρηστότης, the goodness of the Di- vine attributes ; iz God, benevolence to man ; in human agents, that bene- volence and sweetness of disposition which finds its sphere’in our inter- course with one another, hence, good- ness in its attractiveness. 3. χρηστός, well disposed, actively bene- ficent in spite of ingratitude, morally good, 2. Rom. ii. 41st. 1. Rom. xv. 14. 3. 42nd, neut. 1. Gal. v. 22. 2, —— xi. 223 times. 1. Eph. v. 9. 1. ὀπηος ο 11: GOODS. τὰ, the things, ὑπάρχοντα, eX- : isting o7 pre- ἰ sent, the things present ; in hand, to any one; as possessions, pro- perty, substance. 2. ὕπαρξις, being, existence; then, the being to any one, possession, pro- perty, etc., (occ. Heb. x. 34.) 3. ἀγαθός, see Goon,” No. 1, here, neut. plural. 4. οὐσία, (part. of εἰμί, to be,) entity, essence ; then, what is to any one, i.e. What he has, as substance, pro- perty, (oce. Luke xv. 13.) 1. Matt. xxiv. 47. | 1. Luke xvi. 1. 1, xxv. 14. μα, xix. 8. — Luke vi. 80, see G 2. Acts ii. 45. (they. ) 1. 1 Cor. xiii, 8, 1. —— xi. 21. 1, Heb. x. 84. 8, —— xii. 18, 19. | — Rev. iii, 17, see G@ (be 4, —— xv. 19. | increased with.) GOODS (ΒΒ INCREASED WITH.) πλουτέω, to be rich, to be rich in any- thing, to abound, Rey. iii. 17. GOR GOODS (τη) τὰ, the things, thy things or od, thy, possessions. Luke vi. 30. GORGEOUS. λαμπρός, shining, bright, radiant, hence by implication, splendid, sumptuous. Luke xxiii. 11. GORGEOUSLY APPARELLED (ΤΠΕΥ WHICH ARE.) ot, the persons, év, in, ἵματισμφ,ο]οί]ήπς, raiment, ἐνδόξῳ, splendid, glorious, ε those who are living in ὑπάρχοντες, being, remain- | splendid ing, living in any state | clothing. or place, Luke vii. 25. GOSPEL. εὐαγγέλιον from Homer to Plutarch, the reward for a good message. Later Greek writers use it in the sense simply of good message. As τὸ δι- δασκάλιον denoted primarily what was taught (doctrina), and then later, in the pl., the fees paid for instruction (merces docendi) ; 80 reversedly εὐαγγέλιον denoted pri- marily the reward paid for a good message, and then the good message itself. The lxx. use it in the latter sense only (except perhaps 2 Sam. iv. 10 and xviii. 22). In N.T., good news, and always in a special sense. As ἐπαγγελία denotes the promise of salvation, so evay- γέλιον denotes the news of the actual fulfilment of the promise of salva- tion, 1.6. the news of salvation. fee - 7 GOS Mark i. 15. 2 Cor. iv. 3. — viii. 35. ο, 4, — x. 29. — viii. 18. — xiii. 10. ο, —— ix. 13. — xiv. 9. ' ο —x. 14. — xvi. 15 (ap.) 16, see G (preach Luke iv.18,seeG (preach the.) the.) — xi. 4. — vii. 22, see G is | b. % preached to (the.) Gal. i. 6. —— ix. 6, see G (preach | c. ———7. the.) 8, 9, see G... —— xx. 1, see G(preach (preach. ) the.) 3 11. Acts viii. 25, see G in — ii. 2, 5, 7, 14. (preach the.) — xiv. 7, 21, see G to (preach the.) —— xv. 7. —— xvi. 10, seeG unto (preach the.) υ . — xx. 24 16 twice, see G (preach the.) —— iii. 8, see G before (preach the.) (the. ) — iv. 13, seeG (preach Eph. i. 13. — iii. 6. . — vi. 15. 19 (om. Lb.) . Rom. i. 1. Phil Gis 15. τα 9. 0, 27 Ast. 15, see G (preach 27 2nd. the.) — ii. 22. i 16. — iv. 3, 15. — ii. 16. [the.) Col. i. 5, 23. —— x.15,seeGof (preach 1 Thes. i. 5. 16. b. —— ii. 2. —— xi 28 4. —— xv. 16 b. 8, 9. 19. ο. 11. 2. 20, see G(preach | ο. 2 Thes. 1. 8. : ii 14. 29 (om.G LT Tr | Ὁ. 1 Tim. 1. 11. AR.) 2 Tim. i. 8, 10. —— xvi. 25. — ii. 8. 1 Cor. i. 17,seeG(preach Philem. 13. the.) Heb. iy. 2, see G preach- — iv. 15. ed unto (the.) — ix. 12. 6, seeG is preach- 14 twice. ed to (the.) 1 Pet. i. 12, see G@ unto (preach the.) 181st,seeG(preach 25, see α the.) preached by the.) 18 2nd. — iv. 6, see ἃ is 18 3rd, 23. preached (the.) — xv. 1. Ὁ. 11. . 2 Cor. ii. 12. Rev. xiv. 6. GOSPEL BEFORE (preacH THE.) προευαγγελίζοµαι, to proclaim before- hand a joyful message. Gal. iii. 8. GOSPEL (PREACH THE.) εὐαγγελίζω, equivalentto εὐαγγέλια λέγειν, to bring a joyful message, speak good news. (a) Mid. with an impersonal object, to (a) with βασιλεία, kingdom. (b) with Θεός, God. (ο) with Χριστός, etc., Christ. (d) with εἰρήνη, peace. (6) with σωτηρία, salvation. proclaim something (to somebody ) as a divine message of salvation ; with a personal object, to proclaim the divine message of salvation, with ace. of the person by proclaiming the message of salvation, to bring some one into relation to it, 1,6, to evan- (f) with χάρις, grace. a. Matt. iv. 23. a. Matt. xxiv. 14. ἃ. —— ix. 35. — xxvi. 13. — xi. δ, seeGpreached ο. Mark i. 1. to (have the.) ab. 14, oh 2 gelize him. (b) Pass., to be announced, to have the glad tidings announced to one. GOS a. Luke iv. 8. a. L Cor: ΕΣ a. —— ix. 6. a, —— ix. 16 twice, a, —— xx. 1. a. 18 part. a. Rom. i. 15. ie 2'Cor x. 18. a. —— xv. 20. a. Gal. iv. 18. GOSPEL...(PREACH.) a. Gal. i. 8, 9. GOSPEL IN (PREACH THE.) a. Acts viii. 25. GOSPEL OF (ΡΕΕΔΟΗ THE.) a. Rom. x. 15, part (on. εὐαγγελιζομένων εἰρήνην τῶν, preach the gospel of peace, L T Trmb Ab .) GOSPEL TO (PREACH THE.) a. Acts xiv. 7, with εἰμί, to be. 8. 21, part. GOSPEL UNTO (prEacH THE.) a. Acts xvi. 10. | a. 1 Pat. i. 19. GOSPEL (ΒΒ PREACHED BY THE.) b. 1 Pet. i. 25. GOSPEL IS PREACHED (rnr.) b. 1 Pet. iv. 6. GOSPEL IS PREACHED TO (tue.) b. Luke vii. 22. b. Heb. iv. 6, marg. (text, it.) GOSPEL IS PREACHED UNTO (THE.) b. Heb. iv. 2, with εἰμί, to be. GOSPEL PREACHED TO (nave ΤΠΕ.) b. Matt. xi. 5. GOTTEN. See, GET. GOVERNMENT (-s.) 1, κυβέρνησις, a steering, piloting, di- rection, hence, a governing. The idea, being that of guidance rather than rule, (non 000, ) [ 340 ] GOV 2. κυριότης, dominion, lordship. 1. 1 Cor. xii. 28. 2. 2 Pet. i. 10, marg. dominion. GOVERNOR (s-.) 1. ἡγεμών, a leader, guide. The general word for all governours whether proconsul, legate or procurator. ἡγέομαι, to go before, go first, lead the way, then to be leader, chief in war, etc., (here the participle. ) bo 3. ἐθνάρχης, an ethnarch, 1.6. ruler of a people, (non occ. ) 4, εὐθύνω, to make straight, guide straight, ze. to guide or steer a ship, (here, part., the steersman,) (oce. John i. 23.) 5, οἰκονόμος, a house-manager ; one who had authority over the servants, etc., of a family as to their tasks and payments ; also over the sons in respect to pecuniary matters as distinguished from tutors. 2. Matt. ii. 6 part. 2. Acts vii. 10 part. 1, —x 18. (15, 21. | 1. —— xxiii. 24, 26, 33. 1. —— xxvii. 2,1ltwice,14, | 1. 84 (on. ἃ LT Tr il; 23 (om. Tr AN.) AR.) ἃ: 27. 1. —— xxiv. 1,10. Ἱ. xxviii. 14. 1. —— xxvi. 30. — Luke ii. 2, x 5; 2 Gori) 32: σας 1ου (be) |B Gar iy s 1, —— xx. 20. [the feast.) | 4. Jas. 111, 4, part. — Johnii. 8, 9, see G of | 1. 1 Pet. ii. 14. GOVERNOR (5Ε.) ἡγεμονεύω, to go before, to go first ; be a leader, chief. Zhen to be a gov- ernour, as of a Roman province. Luke ii, 2, part. ; iii. 1, part. GOVERNOR OF THE FEAST. ἀρχιτρίκλινος, the master of a feast, ᾖ,ο. the person who had the direction of an entertainment, arranging the guests, etc. John ii, 8, 9, GOVERNORS HOUSE [margin. | πραιτώριον, the general’s tent in a camp, then the house or palace of a gov- ernor of a province, Matt, xxvii. 27, text, common hall. GRA GRACED (much) [margin. ] χαριτόω, see “FAVOURED (HIGHLY.)” Luke i. 28, text highly favoured. GRA { 341 ] GRACE. 1. χάρις, a kind, affectionate, pleasing nature and inclining disposition, either in person or thing. Objectively it denotes, personal gracefulness, a pleasing work, beauty of speech, GRACIOUS. etc. Subjectively it means an in- | 1. χάρις, here the Gen. of “aracz,” No. 1. clining towards,courteousor gracious 5 UC us or g 2. χρηστός, useful, toward others, 1,6., disposition, friendly willingness; on well-disposed, actively benevolent the part of the giver of a favour, in spite of ingratitude. kindness, favour ; on the part of the ποια Ξ μια, receiver, thanks. aie [The word denotes specially, God’s grace and favour manifested towards mankind or toany individual, which, as afree act is no more hindered by sinthanit isconditional upon works. It is the grace of God, because it denotes the relation assumed and maintained by God towards sinful man. It is joined with Christ, because it is manifested in and through Him. ] GRACIOUSLY [margin.] See, ACCEPTED. GRAFF IN. ἐγκεντρίζω, to prick in, to stick in as spurs. In N.T. to ingraft. Rom. xi. 17, 19, 23 twice. GRAFF INTO. Rom. xi, 24 twice. 2, εὐπρέπεια, beauty, gracefulness, (of outward appearance,) comeliness, (non occ.) λα αλλ» Luke ii. 40. John i, 14, 16 twice, 17, Acts iv. 33. — xi. 23. —- xiii. 43. —- xiv. 3, 26. — xv. 11, 40. —— xviii 27. — xx. 24, 32. Rom. i. 5, 7. — iii. 24. — iv. 4, 16. —— V. 2, l5twice, 17, 20, 21. — vi. 1, 14, 15. —— xi. 5, 6 1st 2nd ἃ 3rd 6 4th (αρ.) —- xii. 3, 6. — xv. 15. —— xvi. 20, 24 (ap.) 1 Cor. i. 3, 4. — iii. 10. —x. 30, marg. thanks- giving. — xv. 10 3times. — xvi. 23. 2 Cor. i. 2, 12. 15, marg. (text, benefit.) —- iv. 15. — vi. 1. —- viii. 1, 6, 7, 9, 19. — ix. 8, 14. — xii. 9. — xiii. 14. Gal. i. 8, 6, 15. — ii. 9, 21. —v. 4. —- vi. 18. Eph. i. 2, 6, 7. De et tt et ee et μα μα μα ee eet μα μα . Eph. ii. 5, 7, 8. Pai ee — iv. 7, 29. . — vi. 24. — V. 28. 2 Thes. i. 2, 12. — ii. 16. —— iii. 18. 1 Tim. i. 2, 14, — vi. 21. 2 Tim. i. 2, 9. — iil. . — iv. 22 (ap.) . Titus 1, 4. — ii. 11. -Ξ iii. 7, 15. . Philem. 3, 25. . Heb. ii. 9. . — iv. 16 twice. —x. 29. — xii. 15, 28. | — xiii. 9, 25, Jas, i. 11. iv. 6 twice. 1 Pet. i. 2, 10, 18. 1, — iv. 10. v. 5, 10, 12. , 2 Pet. i. 2. iii. 18, . 2 John 8. . dude 4. «σοι 4 xxii, 21, GRAIN... ™ κόκκος, a kernel, grain, seed, (occ. John xii, 24.) Matt. xiii. 31. — xvii. 20. Mark iv. 91. Luke xiii. 19. —— xvii 6. 1 Cor, xv. 87. GRANDMOTHER. μάμμη, strictly, a child’s attempt to articulate mother (like owr mamma and similar forms in all languages) mother: (also prob. like the Lat. mamma, the mother’s breast) ater, a grandmother, (non occ. ) 2. Tim. i. 5. GRANT (αν) δίδωμι, see “ Give,” Vo. 1. εἶπον, to say, to speak. χαρίζομαι, see Give,” Vo, 7. 2. Matt. xx. ο]. . Acts xiv. 3. 1. Mark x. 87. . Rom. xv. 5. 1. Luke i. 74. . Eph. iii. 16. 8. Acts iii, 14 . 2 Tim. 1. 18, 1. — iv. 29. . Rey. iii. 21. 1. —— xi. 18. _— xix. 8. GRA GRAPE. (-s.) σταφυλή, a grape, cluster of grapes, (non oce. ) Matt. vii. 16 (pL ΗΤΤΑ. ) Luke vi. 44. Rev. xiv. 18 (sing. . Ga.) GRASS. χόρτος, an enclosed place, but with the notion of a feeding place, then gen. any feeding ground, and afterwards, food, fodder, esp. for cattle, hay, grass. (rom the same root comes Lat. hortus, and Eng. garden, court.) Matt. vi. 30. John vi. 10. — xiv. 19. Jas, 1. 10, 11. Mark vi. 39. 1 Pet. i. 24 3times. Luke xii. 28. Rey. viii. 7. Rey. ix. 4. GRAVE [adj.] σεμνός, venerable, reverend. Jn N.T. of things, honourable, reputable, of persons, grave, dignified, (occ. Ph. iv. 8.) 1. Tim 11.8, 11. [ Titus ii. 2. GRAVE [noun. } 1. μνημεῖον,. a memorial, monument, hence,.a sepulchral monument, and then a tomb, sepulchre. [Among the Hebrews, gen. caverns, closed by a door or stone often decorated. ] μνῆμα, a memorial, remembrance o7 record of a person or thing, esp. a memorial of one dead, a monument in honour of the dead. bo 3. ἄδης, see “HELL,” Wo. 1. 1. Matt. xxvii. 52, 53. 3. 1 Cor. xv. 55, marg. “ell, 1. Luke xi. 4. | (θάνατος, death, LT Tr 1. John v. 8. ΑΔ 8.) 1, —— xi. 17, 31, 3 2. Rev. xi. 19. [hell.) 1, —— xii. 17. 3 xx. 13 marg. (text, GRAVE-CLOTHES. κειρίαι bands, or bandages for swathing infants or dead bodies, (non 000, ) John xi. 44 GRAVEN. χόραγμα, something graven, sculptured ; a mark cut in or stamped, a stamp or sign: also, sculptured work, as itols, ete. Acts xvii. 29, dat. [ 342 ] GRE GRAVITY. σεμνότης, venerableness, gravity, dignity, (occ. 1 Tim. ii. 2.) 1. Tim. iii. 4. | "» Titus ii. 7 GREAT. 1. μέγας, great, large, of physical magni- tude ; also, of the measure, number, cost and estimation of things. 2. πολύς, many, numerous, of number, quantity, amount. (a) with the article, the much, ze. the abundance. 3. ἱκανός, coming to, reaching to, and hence, sufficient ; of things, enough; of persons, competent ; of number or magnitude, abundant, great, much. 1. Matt. ii. 10. 2. Luke v. 29 2nd, 2. 18 2, —— vi. 17, 23, 35. 1. —— iy. 16. ilk 49. 2. —v. 12. ᾿ — — vii. 9, see G (so.) ΙΝ 19, 35. 1. 6, — —— vi. 23, see G(how.) | 1. —— viii. 37. 1. ——vii. 27. - 39, see G things — —— viii. 10, see G (so.) (how.) 1. 24, 26. Ἱ. is ae — — xiii 46, see Price. | 2. ——x. 2. 2. —— xiv. 14. -- 13, see Ago. 1. —— xv. 28. 1. —— xiii. 19 (om. αὶ - -- 33, see G (so.) Lb Tr Ab &.) — — xx. 25, see G (they | 1. —— xiv. 16. 1: ee =) —_— ΑΙ, \ see Way off 2, 29. 1, —— xvi. 26. — —— xxi. 8, see G(very.) | 1. —— xxi. 1] twice, 28, 1. —— xxii. 36, 38. 2. 27. 1. —— xxiv. 21, 24, 2, —— xxii. 27. 2. 30. -- 44, see Drop. ης 791. 1. ----- xxiv. 52. 2:.--- αν! {η 2. John ν. 8 (om. G = Lb 1. —— xxvii. 60. TTraARN. 1. —— xxviii. 2, 8. 2. —— vi. 2, 5. — Mark i. ὅν; see While. 1. 18. 2. —— iii. 7, 8 1st. 1. —— vii. 37. -- 82πά 866 G things | 1. —— xxi. 11. (what. ) 1, Acts ii. 20. 2, ——iv.1. 1. —— iv. 88 twice π, 32, 37, 1. ——v. 5, 11. 1, —-v.1l one ας ) 2, —— vi. 7. = 19,20,seeG things | 1. 8. if 42. {(how.) | 1. —— vii. 11 — —— vii. 36, see G deal | 1. —— viii. 1, 2 (so much the more a.) | 1. 8 (No. 2, LT Tr — — viii. 1, see G (very Α δ.) 2, —— ix, 14. -- 9,seeGone(some. ) — —— x. 42, see G ones. 1. —— 10. Le 43. (of. | - 27, see Authority -- 46, see αὶ number | — —— ix. 16, see G things + 48, see G deal (how.) ~ (the more a.) 1— κ. 11 1. —— xiii. 2. 1. — xi. δ. 2. 20, 2. 21. 2, ——xiv. 49 (om. LOT} 1. 28. TrA®.) 2. —— xiv. 1 1. —— xvi. 4. 1. —— xv. 3 1, Luke i. 15, 92, 1. —— xvi. 26 -- 49, seeG thing. | 2. —— xvii. 4. -- 58, see G (show.) | 1. —— xix. 27, 28, 34, 35. — — ii, δ, see Child. 2, —— xxi. 40. Ve 10. 3. —— xxii. 6. 36, see Age. 2. 28. "ἢ iv. 25, 88. 1. —— xxiii. 9 2, v. 6. 2 10, 1 29 Ist - 14, see Curse GRE [ 343 ] — ee TTT SS EEE 2. Acts xxiv. 2, 7 (ap.) — 2 Pet.ii. 18, see Swelling 9. —— xxv. 23 — — iii. 10, see Noise. 1. — xxvi. 22. 1. Jude 6. — —— xxviii. 6, see While | — 16, see Swelling. 2. 29 (ap.) 1. Rev. i. 10. 1. Rom. ix. 2. 1. —— ii. 22. — —— xv. 23, see Desire. | 1. —— vi. 4, 12. — 1 Cor. ix. 11, seeGthing | — 15, see G men. 1. — xvi. 9. ης 17. — 3 Cor. i. 10, see G (so.) | 2. —— vii. 9. 2. — iii 12. Le 14. 2. —— vii. 4 twice. 1. —— viii. 8, 10. 2. —— viii 2, 22. 1. —— ix. 2 (καιομένης, — — xi. 15, see G thing burning, Gas — Gal. iii. 4, see G things | 1. 14. ΠΤ, 18, 19. (so.) 1. —— xi. 8,11, 12, 13, 15, 2a. Eph. ii. 4 1. — xii 1, 3, 9, 12, 14. 1. —-v. 32. 1. — xiii. 2. — Col. ii. 1, see G (very.) -α 5, see G thing. 2. — iv. 13. i 13, 16. 2. 1 Thes. ii. 17. 1. —— xiv. 2, 8, 19 a) Tim. ili. 18. 1. — xv."l, 3. ig 16. ub xvi. 1, 9, 12, 14. 1. — vi. 6. ἢ 17 (om. ᾱ-. Ἱ, A) 1. 2 Tim ii. 20. 1 18 twice, 19 twice, 1. Titus ii. 13. 21 twice. 2 Philem. 7. 1. —— xvii. 1, 5, 6, 18. — Heb. ii. 3, see G (so.) 1, —— xviii. 1, 2 (ap.), 10, 1. —— iv. 14. 16. — —— vii. 4, see G (how.) | — 17, see G (so.) 2, ——x. 32. ie 18, 19, 21 twice. 1. “ἴδ, -- 23, see G men. — —— xii. 1, see G (so.) 1, —— xix. 1, 2, 5. 1. — xiii. 20. 2. 6. — Jas. iii. 4, see G (so.) 1. 17, 18. -- 5 lst, see Boast. 1. —— xx. 1, 11, 12. -- § 2nd, see α (how) | 1. —— xxi. 3, 10 1st. — 1 Pet. iii. 4, see Price. ας 10 3πά (om. ἃ L — 2 Pet. i. 4, see G (ex- TTrA®S) ceeding. ) τν 12. (The following combinations are where there is not a Greek equivalent for each English word.) GREAT DEAL (THE ΜΟΒΕ A.) πολλῷ, much, μᾶλλον, more. Mark x. 48. GREAT DEAL (so MucH THE MORE 4.) μᾶλλον, more, περισσότερος, exceeding abundantly. Mark vii. 36. GREAT (ΕχοξΕεΡΙΝα.) μεγίστος, the greatest, (super. of “GREAT,” No. 1,) (non occ.) 2. Pet. i. 4. GREAT (now.) degree, (occ. Col. ii. 1.) 2. πηλίκος, (dependent interroyativepron. ) 1. ἡλίκος, (relative pron.) how great of | how great of degree, (occ. Gal. vi. 11.) | 3. πόσος, (interrogative pron. ) how great, ‘of quantity. 3. Matt. vi. 23. | 1, Jas. iii, 5. 2. Heb. vii. 4. GREAT THINGS (xow.) ὅσος, (relative pron.) how great, quantity ; here, only in plural. Mark v. 19, 20. | Luke viii. 39 twice. Acts ix. 16. of GREAT MEN. μεγιστᾶνες, the great, Lat. magnates, a.e., chiefs, nobles, princes, (Mark vie 21.) Rey. vi. 15 ; xviii. 23. GREAT NUMBER OF. ἱκανός, sce “GREAT,” Wo. ὃ. Mark κ. 40. GREAT ONE (some.) τις, ἃ certain one, | μέγας, great, J Acts viii. 9. some one great. GREAT ONES. oi, the, { μεγάλοι, great, (masc. pl. ) Mark x. 42. GREAT (sHow.) μεγαλύνω, to make great, magnify. Luke 1. 58. GREAT (so.) 1. τοσοῦτος, (demonstrative pron.) 80 great, of quantity. 2. τηλικοῦτος, (demonstrative pron.) 80 great, of degree, (oce. Rev. xvi. 18.) 1. Matt. viii, 10. 2. Heb. ii, 3. 1. —— xv. 33. 1. —— xii. 1. 1. Luke vii. 9. 2. Jas, iii, 4. 2 2 Cor. i. 10, 1, Rev. xviii. 17. GREAT THINGS (so) [margin.] τοσοῦτος, see “Great (80,}" Vo. 1, here neut, pl. Gal. iii. 4, text, so many things. | GRE GREAT (THEY THAT ARE. ) oi, the, μεγάλοι, great, masc pl. Matt. xx. 25. GREAT THING. 1. μέγα, newt. of “ areat,” Wo. 1. 2. τὰ μεγαλεῖα, great, glorious, wonder- ful things or works, (occ. Acts ii. 11.) 2. Luke i. 49 (No.1, L T el δα ὅς 11: Tr A* σὲ) 1. 2 Cor. xi. 15. 1. Rev. xiii. 5. GREAT (veRy.) 1. πάμπολυς, (πᾶς, all and πολύς, much) very much, vast, (non occ. ) 2. πλεῖστος, (Superl. of “Great,” Wo. number. (a) with art, the greatest [part of the multitude. | 2a. Matt. xxi. 8. || 1. Mark viii. 1 (πᾶλιν πολλοῦ, again a great, instead of πάμπολλου, very large, ον LT Tr A &.) GREAT (waat.) ἡλίκος, see “GREAT (HOW),” Wo. 1. Col. 1, 1 GREAT THINGS (ΝΗΑΤ.) ὅσος, see “‘GREAT THINGS (HOW,)” here, neut. pl. Mark iii. 8 (a the what things, L™.) | GREATER. 1. μείζων, comparative of μέγας, see “Great,” Vo. 1. bo . μειζότερος, (a double comparative of µέγας,) far greater. “Great,” Vo. 2,) more. (4) πλέον, neut. 4. περισσότερος, (comparative of περισσός, over and above,) more abundant, esp. of number. 1. Matt. xi. 11 twice, | 1, Matt. xxiii. 17, 19. 1. xii. ϐ, 1. Mark iv, 32. 3. 41, 42 1, — xii. 31 4. —— xxiii. 14 (ap.) η 40, 3. πλείων, (comparative of πολός, see | Γ αι Ἢ | 9) the most, very great only of μείζων, (neut. pl.), (comp. of “GREAT,” 9 | GRE 3a. Acts xv. 28. 1. Luke vii. 28 twice. 3. —— xi. 31, 32. 1. Rom. ix. 12, marg.(text, 1, —— xii. 18. elder.) 4, —— xx. 47. 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 5. 1. —— xxii. 27. - xv. 28, see α part — John i. 50, see αἱ thing. (the.) 1. —— iv. 12. 1. Heb. vi. 13, 16. 1. —v. 20, 36. 1. —— ix. 11. 1. ——viii. 53. 1. —— xi. 26. 1. ——x. 29. 1. Jas. iii. 1. 1. —— xiii. 16 twice. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 11. — ——. xiv. 12, see G@ work | 1. 1 John iii. 20. 1, 28. Ἱ. iv. 4. 1. — xv. 13, 20. 1, —v. 9. 1. — xix. ll. 2. 3 John 4. a GREATER PART (1Η8.) ὁ, the, πλέιων, majority, (pl. ) 1. Cor, xv. 6. GREATER THINGS. John i. 50. GREATER WORK. John xiv. 12. GREATEST. 1. μέγας, see “GREAT,” Λο. 1. 2. μείζων, (comp. of “arEat,” Wo. 1.) 2. Matt. xiii. 32. 2. Luke ix. 46. 2, xviii. 1, 4. 2, —— xxii. 24, 26. 2, πχ π]. 1. Acts viii. 10. 2. 2, 1 Cor. xuiL 18. 1. Heb. viii. 11. Mark ix. 34. GREATLY. 1. λίαν, adv. much, very, exceedingly. 2. πολύς, many, much, of number, quantity or amount. 3. σφόδρα, (neut. pl. of adj. σφοδρός, eager, vehement,) vehemently, greatly, very much. 4, μεγάλως, (adv. of peyds, see “ GREAT,” No. 1,) greatly, much, (non occ. ) . Matt. xxvii. 14. 2. 1 Cor. xvi. 12, pl. — Phil. i. 8, see Long. 4, ——iv. 10. — 1 Thes. iii. 6, — 2 Tim. i. 4, } 1. —— iv. 15. — 1 Pet, i. 6, see Rejoice, 1. 2 John 4, 1. 3 John ὃ. ἡ 04. . Mark ν. 23, 38, pl. — —— ix. 15, see Amazed. 2. —— xii. 27. 5. John iii. 29. — Actsiii.11,seeWondering 8. —— vi. 7. 5. χαρά, joy ; here, dative, with joy. 1 see Desire GRE [ 345 ] GRE nnn nnn ne eT EEE GREATNESS. μέγεθος, greatness, (non occ. ) Eph. i. 19. GRECIAN. Ἑλληνιστής, a Hellenist, 1.6. a Jew by birth or religion who speaks Greek. Acts vi. 1; —— ix. 29. — xi. 20, (Ἕλλην, see Gentile, No. 2, α LT Tr A 8) - (εὐαγγελιστής, envangelists, δὲ.) GREEDILY. See, RUN. GREEDINESS. πλεονεξία, a having more, ix V.7. prop. the will to have more ; the active sin of covetousness. Eph. iv. 19. GREEDY. See, LUCRE. GREEK. 1. Ἕλλην, Greek, see “‘ GENTILE,” Wo. 2. 2. Ἑλληνίς, (fem. of No. 1,) a female Greek. 3. Ἑλληνικός, adj. Greek, Grecian. 4, Ἑλληνιστί, adv. in Greek, {.ο., in the Greek language. 2. Mark vii. 26, marg. | 1. Rom.ii.9,10,marg.(text, Gentile. Gentile.) 1. John vii. 35 1st) marg. | 1. —— x. 12. (text, Gentile.) Ἱ απ Con, ἃς 29. 1. — xi. 20. 23 (ἔθνος, see 1, Acts xiv. 1, 3. Gentile, No.1, @L 1 1. — xvii. 4. TrA ΝΜ) 2. 12. 1. 24. 1. —— xviii. 4. 1. —— x. 32, marg. (text, 1. 17 (om. ἀξ LT Gentile.) TrA®.) 1. ——xii. 13, marg. (text, 1. —— xix. 10, 17. Gentile.) 1. —— xx. 21. 1. Gal. ii. 8. 1. —— xxi. 28 1. —— iii. 28. 4. 37. 1. Col. iii. 11. 1. Rom. i. 14, 16. 3. Rev. ix. 11. GREEK (ν.) 4. John xix. 20, GREEK (or) 8. Luke xxiii. 38 (ap.) GREEN. 1. χλωρός, the colour of young grass, etc., t.e. pale green, and then Gen. pale, (oce. Rev. vi. 8; ix. 4.) 2. ὑγρός, wet, moist: of α tree, sappy, (as opp. to ξηρός dry,) (non occ. ) 1. Mark vi. 39. — Rev. vi. 13, see Fig. 2. Luke xxiii. 31. —- — viii. 7. GREEN THING. 1. Rev. ix. 4, neut. GREET (-ETH.) ἀσπάζομαι, to draw to one’s self. Hence, to embrace, salute, spoken of those who meet and separate. Rom. xvi. 3, 6, 8, 11. 1 Thes. v. 26. 1 Cor. xvi. 20 twice. 2 Tim. iv. 21. 2 Cor. xiii. 12. Titus iii. 15. Phil. iv. 21. 1 Pet. v. 14. Col. iv. 14. 2 John 13. 3 John 14. GREETING. 1. ἀσπασμός, salutation, greeting, evther oral or by letter. 2. χαίρω, to joy, to rejoice, to be glad, here, Inf. to wish joy, to bid hail, z.e. to salute. 1. Matt. xxiii. 7. 1. Luke xi. 43. 1. Luke xx. 46. 2.: Jas... ἃ. GREETING (senp.) 2. Acts xv. 23; xxiii 26. GRIEF. λυπή, grief, sorrow ; also, cause of grief, grievance. 1. Pet. ii 19, pl. GRIEF (cause.) λυπέω, to grieve, afflict with sorrow. 2. Cor, ii. 5, GRIEF (wirn.) στενάζω, to groan, to sigh (of persons who are in distress. ) Heb. xiii. 17, part. GRI [ 346 ] GRI GRIEVE (-ep.) 1. λυπέω, see “ GRIEF (CAUSE.)” 2. συλλυπέω, (No. 1. with σύν, together with prefixed,) to grieve or aftlict with another, to be grieved or afflicted with a person, o7, to be grieved at the same time or along with some other emotion, (non occ. ) 3. στενάζω, see “ GRIEF (WITH.)” 2. Mark iii. 5. 1. Eph. iv. 30. [grudge.) 1. 2 Cor. ii. 5. 3. Jas. v. 9, marg. (text, GRIEVED (15.) 1, λυπέω, see “GRIEF (CAUSE.)” here, Mid. or Pass. 2. διαπονέω, to labour through, to produce or effect with labour. Jn N.T. only Mid. to pain or grieve one’s self, to be indignant, (non occ. ) 3. ὀκνέω, to be slow, tardy, to delay, (non occ. ) 1. Mark x. 22. 3. Actsix. 38, marg. (text, 1. John xxi. 17. 2. —— xvi. 18. [delay.) 2. Acts iv. 2. 1. Rom. xiv. 15. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 4. GRIEVED WITH (st.) προσοχθίζω, to be burdened or heavy laden with, to be grieved towards any one, to be sore vexed with, im- plying loathing, (non occ.) Heb iii. 10, 17. GRIEVOUS. 1. βαρύς, heavy, oppressive, hard to be borne; afflictive, violent. Also, weighty, 1.6. not to be made light of, severe. 2. λυπή, grief, sorrow; here, Gen., of sorrow. 3. ὀκνηρός, slow, tardy ; of persons, sloth- ful; of things, tedious, (occ. Matt. xxv. 26; Rom. xii. 11.) 4, πονηρός, causing or having labour, sorrow, pain; hence, evil, in its active form, malignant. — Matt. xxiii. 4, see G to | 1. Acts xxv. 7. be borne. | 8, Phil. iii. 1. — Luke xi. 46, see G to be | 2. Heb. xii. 11. borne. 1. 1 John v. 3. 1. Acts xx. 29. 4. Rev. xvi. 2. GRIEVOUS TO BE BORNE. δυσβάστακτος, hard to be borne, oppres- sive, (non occ. ) Matt. xxiii. 4 (om. G+ T Trb A* 88); Luke xi. 46. GRIEVOUSLY. 1. δεινῶς, greatly, vehemently, (oce. Luke xi. 53.) 2. κακῶς, badly, ill, evil. 1. Matt. viii. 6. | 2. Matt. xv. 22. GRIND (-1ne.) ἀλήθω, to grind as with a hand-mill, (mostly done by female slaves, ) (non occ. ) Matt. xxiv. 41. | ----- GRIND TO POWDER. λικμάω, to winnow, as grain, which in the East is done by throwing it with a fork against the wind which scatters the straw andchaff. Hence, toscatter, disperse ; to scatter to the winds, make chaff of anything, (non occ.) Matt. xxi. 44 (ap.) | Luke xx. 18. Luke xvii. 35. GROAN. 1. στενάζω, to groan, to sigh, asof persons in distress. 2. ἐμβριμάομαι, to be greatly purturbed in mind, deeply moved. [The classical use of the word (snort- ing) can hardly be intended. Jesus could hardly have been indignant, or merely repressing what was passing in His own spirit: whatever it was, it was ev ἑαυτῷ, in Himself, and doubt- less with the sin and death and the power of Satan before Him and knowing the great crisis that would by this act be brought on, Jesus could not have been otherwise than greatly purturbed in Himself, and deeply moved. | 2. John xi. 98, 98, 1. Rom. viii. 23. - Rom. viii. 22, see G to- | 1. 2 Cor. v. 2, 4. gether. 1. Jas. v. 9, marg. (text, 23. grudge.) GROAN TOGETHER. συστενάζω, (No. 1 above with σύν, to- gether with, prefixed, ) (non occ.) Rom, viii. 22. GRO [ 347 ] GRO eee GROANING. στεναγμός, a groaning, a sighing, as of the distressed, (non occ.) Acts vii. 34. | Rom. viii. 26. GROSS (wax.) παχύνω, to make fat, Pass. (as here) to become fat and thick, (non occ. ), [quoted from Is. vi. 10.] Matt. xiii. 15. Ι Acts xxviii. 27. GROUND [noun. ] 1. γῆ, the earth as part of the creation, as given up to man and standing in relation to heaven which is the dwell- ing place of God. Also, earth, or land in contrast to water. 2. ἔδαφος, base, bottom ; of a ship, the hold ; of a room, the floor: the ground, (non occ.) 3. ἑδραίωμα, basis, foundation ; what is fixed, settled, stationary. 4, χώρα, space which receives, contains, or surrounds anything, and so, place, spot in which one is, or where any- thing takes place; esp., the country, as opp. to town, and hence land as cultivated. 5. ὑπόστασις, see “SUBSTANCE,” Wo. ὃ. 1. Matt. x. 29 (om. 5.) — Luke xix. 44, see G (lay 1, —— xiii. 8, 23. ever with the.) 1. —— xv. 35. 1. —— xxii. 44 (ap.) [of.) — Mark iv. 5, see Stony. — Jobn iv. 5, see G (parcel i : 1. —— viii. 6 (ap.), 8 (ap. -- 16, see Stony. — —— ix. 6,see G (on the. i. 20, 26. 1, — xii. 24. 1, —— viii. 6. -- Xviii. 6,see G(to the) 1. —— ix. 20. 1. Acts vii. 33. 1, — xiv. 35. 2. xvii. 7. 1. Luke viii. 8, 15. — Eph. iii. 17, } _ see 4, —— xii. 16. — Col. i. 23, { the verb. 1, —— xiii. 7. 8. 1 Tim. iii.5, marg. stay. —— xiv. 18, see G(piece | 5. Heb. xi. 1, marg. (text, of.) substance.) GROUND (Lay EVEN WITH THE.) ἐδαφίζω, to beat level and form like a threshing - floor o7 pavement: to level with the earth, (non. occ. ) Luke xix, 44, GROUND (ον tHE.) χαμαί, on the earth, on the ground, (belonging to same root as Lat. humi.) John ix. 6. GROUND (τὸ THE.) John xviii. 6. GROUND (parcet oF.) χωρίον, place, spot; like Eng. “place,” 1.6. field, farm, possession. John iv. 5. GROUND (prince of.) aypos, a field, esp. a cultivated field. Luke xiv. 18. GROUNDED [verb. | θεμελιόω, to lay the foundation of any- thing, to found. Eph. iii. 17. | Col. i. 23. GROW (-ETH, GREW, GROWN.) 1. αὐξάνω, to increase, to augment ; here Pass., to receive, increase 1.6. to grow, grow up. 2. γίνομαι, to begin to be, to become. 3. ἔρχομαι, to come or go. — Matt. xiii. 30. 2. Acts v. 24, opt. i 82. — Eph. iv. 15, see G up. 2. —— xxi. 19. [ἃ αν. | —2Thes. i. 3, see G ex- — Mark iv. 7, 27, 32, see ceedingly. 3. ——v. 26. PE pete δ 9, -----. GROW EXCEEDINGLY. ὑπεραυξάνω, (No. 1 with ὑπέρ, over pre- Jixed, ) to over-grow, 7.e., to increase exceedingly, in a good sense, (non ους, ) 2 Thes, i. 8. GROW TOGETHER. συναυξάνω, (No. 1 with σύν, together with, prefixed, ) to grow or increase at the same time with anything else, to grow together iz company, (non. oce. ) Matt. xiii. 30. GROW UP. . αὐξάνω, see Grow,” No. 1. — bo ἀναβαίνω, to cause to ascend; of plants, to spring up. GRU 3. μηκύνω, to make long, in V.7. mid., to lengthen one’s self, z.e., grow up, spoken of plants. 2. Mark iv. 7. 8. 27. 2. Mark iv. 82. 1. Eph. iv. 15. GRUDGE (an inward) [margin. | uy. . . . evexw, to have in anything, to have in one’s self, as a disposition, etc., towards any one. In ΛΑ. Τ. unfavour- able, (οσο. Luke xi. 53; Gal. v. 1.) Mark vi. 19, text, have a quarrel. GRUDGE [verb.] στενάζω, to groan or sigh, of persons in distress, etc., also from impatience, all-humour, v.e., to murmur, ete. Jas. v. 9, marg. groan or grieve. GRUDGING. γογγυσμός, uttering in a low voice, murmuring, 7.e., the expression of sullen discontent. 1 Pet. iv. 9, pl (sing, G~ LT Tr Α 8.) GRUDGINGLY. { ἐκ, out of. λύπης, sorrow. 2 Cor, ix. 7. GUARD. See, EXECUTIONER, CAPTAIN. GUEST. ἀνάκειμαι, to be laid up, as offerings or dead bodies ; in later usage to re- cline as at table, then, to be a guest. Matt. xxii. 10 & 11, part, GUEST (085) καταλύω, to loosen down, 1,6.) to unbind ; hence, of travellers, to halt, for rest, put up for the night, and then, gen., to lodge, take Jodging. Luke xix. 7, pass, GUEST-CHAMBER. κατάλυμα, ἃ place where one puts up, lodging-place. Jn the Last, a menzil, khan, caravanserai. Mark xiv. 14. | Luke xxii. 11. [ 348 ] GUI GUIDE (-s) [noun. | ὁδηγός, way-leader, {.6., a leader, guide, (οσο. Matt. xv. 14.) Matt. xxiii. 16, 24. | ; Rom. ii. 19. Acts i. 16. GUIDE (be the) [marg. ] ἡγέομαι, to lead, go before, go first, lead the way, hence, be chief or ruler. Heb, xiii. 7, 17 twice, text, have the rule over. GUIDE [verb.] 1. ἡγέομαι, see “ GUIDE (BE THE.)” 2. κατευθύνω, to guide straight towards or upon anything, 2.¢., to guide, direct on one’s way or journey to a place. 3. ὁδηγέω, to lead the way, .6., to lead, guide. 2. Luke i: 79. 2. 2 8. John xvi. 13. (text, to direct.) 8. Acts viii. 31. —1 Tim. v. 14, see House. 1, Heb. xiii, 24, marg. (text, have the rule over.) 11168, iii, 5, marg. GUILE. δόλος, a bait for fish, hence, any cunning contrivance for deceiving or catch- ing. In the abstract, wile, craft, cunning. John i, 47, 1 Pet, ii. 1, 22. 2 Cor. xii. 16, —iii10. (LTTrAN) 1 Thes, ii. 3. Rey. xiv. 5 (ψεῦδος, lie, G GUILTLESS. ἀναίτιος, without accusation of crime, guiltless, (occ. Matt. xii. 5.) Matt, xii. 7. GUILTY. | ὑπόδικος, under process, under sentence, v.e., condemned, guilty. Rom, iii 19, marg. subject to judgment. GUILTY (bp.) ὀφείλω, to owe, to be indebted, then, (from the Aramean and by impl.) to fail in duty, be delinquent. Matt, xxiii. 8, marg. a deblor, or bound. GUILTY OF. ἔνοχος, held in, contained in, bound by, hence, liable, subject to. Matt. xxvi. 66. 1 Cor, xi. 27. Mark xiv. 64 Jas, ii, 10, ———— GUL GULF. χάσμα, a chasm. Luke xvi. 26. HABIT (margin.] ἕξις, a having possession ; a being in a certain state, a permanent condi- tion, esp. as produced by practice, a habit : skill as the result of practice and experience, (non occ. ) Heb. v. 14, text wee. HABITATION. 1. οἰκητήριον, a dwelling, habitation (occ. 2 Cor. v. 2.) 2. κατοικητήριον, (No. 1 with κατά, down, prefixed, )fit for inhabiting ; with art, as subst., a Awelling-place, abode, (implying more permanency than No. 1,) (non occ.) 3. κατοικία, a dwelling, ἡ.6., a settlement, colony, also, the foundation of a colony, (non occ. ) 4, ἔπαυλις, a fold, a stall; then a country- dwelling, cottage: then, gen., house, (quoted from Ps. lxix. 26, where Ixx. for M0,) (non oce. ) 5. σκηνή, any covered or shady place, a booth, hut, tent, tabernacle. δ. Luke xvi. 9. 2. Eph. ii. 22. 4. Acts i. 20. 1. Jude 6. 8, —— xvii. 26. 2. Rev. xviii. 2. HAIL [noun. ] χάλαζα, something let go, let fall; hence, hail, (non oce. ) Rev. viii. 7; xi. 19; xvi. 21 twice. HAIL [verb. ] χαίρω, to joy, to rejoice, be glad; Jn Imperat. (as here) asa word of salu- tation or greeting, joy to thee, joy Lat. salve. Mark xv. 18, Luke i. 28. to you, «.e., hail. Matt. xxvi. 49. — xxvii. 29. John xix. 3. HAIL (att.) Matt. xxviii. 9. HAI GUSH OUT. κχύνω, to pour out, pour forth. Acts i, 18, pass. me HAIR. 1. θρίξ, the hair, both of man and beast ; of sheep, wool; of birds, feathers, (non oce. ) 2. κόμη, the hair, hair of the head, ( Lat. coma), long hair, (non oce. ) 1. Matt. iii. 4, pl. 1. Acts xxvii. 34. 1. ——v. 86. —1Cor. xi, 14, 15 1st, see 1. —-.. 80. H (have long.) 1. Mark i. 6, pl. 2. 15 2nd. 1. Luke vii. 38, 44. — 1Tim. ii. 9, see Braided. 1. —— xii. 7. 1. 1 Pet. iii. 8, pl. (om. L.) 1. — xxi. 18. 1. Rev. i. 14. 1. John xi. 2, pl. «Ὁ vi. 12, see H (of). 1, —— xii. 3, pl. 1, ——ix. 8 twice, Ρ]. HAIR (HAVE LONG.) κομάω, to let the hair grow long, wear long hair, (non occ. ) 1 Cor. xi. 14, 15. HAIR (or.) τρίχινος, hairy, made of hair, (non occ. ) Rev. vi. 12, HALE (πκα) [verb.] 1. σύρω, to draw, to drag, to haul, (im- plying the use of some force. ) 2. κατασύρω, (No. 1 with κατά, down, prefixed, ) to drag down, force along, (non occ. ) 2. Luke xii. 58. | 1. Acts viii. 3. HALF. ἥμισυ, half, (non oce. ) Mark vi. 23. Rev. viii. 1, see Hour, Luke x. 30, see Dead. — xi. 9, 11 — xix. 8. — xii. 14. HALL. αὐλή, the open court before the house, court-yard ; surrounded with build- ings (from dns, to blow, the αὐλή HAL being open to the air.) Afterwards, any court or hall; any dwelling, and later a country house. Matt. xv. 16. | Luke xxii. 55. HALL (common.) πραιτώριον, the house or palace of the governor of a province, whether a praetor or any other officer. Matt. xxvii. 27, marg. governor's house. See also, JUDGMENT. HALLOW (-zp.) ἁγιάζω, to make holy, sanctify; 1.6., to set something into a state opposed to κοινόν (common); or, where the something is already κοινόν, to deliver it from that state and put τέ into a state corresponding to the revealed nature of God. Matt. vi. 9. | Luke xi. 2. HALT. χωλός, lame, crippled in the feet. Matt. xviii. 8. Luke xiv. 21. Mark ix. 45. John v. 3. [ 350 ἢ HAND (-s.) χείρ, the hand, or rather the hand and arm, (χείρ is the old Lat. form, hir. Prob. the root is to be found in the Sanscr. hri, to grasp and akin to αἱρεω, ἀγρέω, ἁρπάζω; Lng. grip, etc. ) Matt. iii. 2, see H (be at). | Matt. xxvi. 67, see Smite. 12. xxvii. 24. — iv. 6. 29, see Right. 17, see H (be at). Mark i. 15, see H (be at.) —_ v. 30. 31, 41. — vi. 3, see Right. —— iii. 1, 3, 5 twice. ἐν 8 Lb, αμ als — ix. 18, 25. — vi. 2,5 —— x. 7, see H (be at.) — xii. 10, 10, 49. viii, 23 twice, 25, eG it —— ix. 27, 31, 43 twice, — xv. 2, 20. — x. 10. —— xvii. 22. 37, 40, see Left. — xviii, 8 twice. —— xiv. 41. 28, see H on (lay.) 42, see H (be at.) —— xix. 13, 16. 46. — xxi. 46, see H on(lay.) 58, see H (made — xxii. 15. without. ) 65, see Strike. xvi. 18 (ap.) — xxv. 41, see Left. — xxvi. 18, see H (at.) 23, Luke i. 1, see H (take in.) 45 1st, see H (be at.) 66, 71, 74. 45 2nd. — iii. 17. 46, see H (be at.) iv. 11, 40. 50, 51. -- ν. 13. Luke vi. 1, 6, 8, 10 twice. —— viii. 54. —— ix. 44, 62. — xiii. 19. — xv. 22. — xx. 19. — xxi. 12. 30, 31, see Nigh. — xxi. 91, 53. —— xxiii. 46. —— xxiv. 7, 39, 40 (ap.), 50. John ii. 13, see H (at.) — 1. 35. — vii 2, see H (at.) 30, 44. —— viii. 20, see H on (lay.) —— x. 28, 29, 39. — xi. 44. 55, see Nigh. —- xiii. 3, 9. Xviii. 22, see Strike. — xix. 3, see Smite. 42, see Nigh. —— xx. 20, 25twice, 27twice. —- xxi. 18. Acts ii. 23. 33, see Right. —— iii. 7. —— iy. 3, 28, 30. - ΣΤΡ 31, see Right. —— vi. 6. —— vii. 25, 35, 41. 48, see H (made with.) 50. —— viii. 17, 18, 19. —— ix. 8, see H (lead by the.) —— 13, 17, 41. —— xi. 21, 30. — xii 1, 7,11, 17. —— xiii. 3, 11 Ist. 11 2nd, see H (some to lead by the.) 16. — tiv. 3. —— xvii. 24, see H (made with.) 25. —— xviii. 6, 11, 26, 33. — xx. 34. —- xxi. 3, see Left. 11 twice, 27, 40. — xxii. 11, see H (lead by the.) —— xxiii. 19. —— xxiv. 7 (ap.) — xxvi. 1. —— xxvii. 19, see H (with one’s own.) —— xxviii. 3, 4, 8,17. Rom. viii. 34, see Right. HAN Rom. x. 21. —— xiii. 12, see H (beat.) 1 Cor. iv. 12. —— xii. 15, 21. —— xvi. 21. 2 Cor. v. 1, see H (not made with.) —— x. 16, see Ready. —— xi. 33. Gal. ii. 9, see Right. — iii. 19. — vi. 11. Eph. i. 20, see Right. — ii. 11, see H (made Col. ii. 11, see H (made without. ) —— iii. 1, see Right. —— iv. 18. 1 Thes, iv. 11. 2 Thes. ii. 2, see H (be at.) — iii. 17. 1 Tim. ii. 8. — iv. 14. — V. 22. 2 Tim. i. 6. —— iv. 6, see H (be at.) Philem. 19. Heb. i. 3, see Right. 10. —— ii. 7 (ap.) — vi. 2. —— viii. 1, see Right. 9. —— ix. 11, 24, see H (made with. — x 2, see Right. — 31. —— xii. 2, see Right. 12 Jas. iv. 8. 1 Pet. iii. 22, see Right. —— iv. 7, see H (be at.) — v. 6. 1 John i. 1. Rev. i. 3, see H (at.) 16 17 (om. GLTTrAR.) 20, 5 see Right. Valsts vi. 5. Vii. 9. viii. 4. ix. 20. x. 2, 5, 8, 10. xiii. 16. xiv. 9, 14. xvii. 4. χῖχ 9. Ἐπ᾿ ἃς xxii. 10. |! ΠΕ ert HAND (ar.) ἐγγύς, near, spoken of place or time, (but more frequently of time ;) nigh at hand. Matt. xxvi. 18. John ii, 18. — vii. 2. Phil. iv. 5. Rev. i. 8, — xxii. 10, HAND (58 At.) 1. ἐγγίζω, to bring near, cause to ap- proach ; wsually intrans., to be near, approach, a —— ον ΜῈ eee HAN . 58 1 HAN 2. ἐνίστημι, In N.T. only fut. mtd. end HANDS (mabe WITH. ) perf. act. Intrans., to stand in or |j . +) : Acts vii, 48; xvii.24; Heb. ix. 11, 24. upon, hence to stand near, be at ~ hand. HANDS (ΜΑΡΕ wiTHOUT.) 3. ΑΝ αμ να ἀχειροποίητος, not made with hands, ; : Psi (non occ. ) | intrans., to place one’s self upon or Mark xiv. 58. | Col. ii. 11. near. 1. Matt. iii. 2. 1. Mark xiv. 42. Ht ay fe HANDS (xor ape wits.) 1.— xxvi. 45, 46. 8. 2 Tim. iv. 6. 1. Mark i. 15. 1. 1 Pet. iv. 7. sib HANDKERCHIEF (-s.) ae ND (LEAD BY THE.) σουδάριον, a sweat-cloth, then, a napkin χειραγωγέω, to lead by the hand, (non. or handkerchief. oce. ) Acts xix. 12. Acts ix. 8; xxii. 11. HANDLE (ep.) HAND (soME ΤῸ LEAD BY THE.) 1. ψηλαφάω, to touch, to feel, to handle, χειραγωγός, a hand-leader, one who δ a ee like a blind man or leads by the hand, (non ους, ) as in the dark, Acta xiii. 11, pl. 2. θιγγάνω, to touch lightly, just touch. (The root θιγ, answers to the Lat. te-tig-i, Lng. touch, etc. ) HAND (TAKE IN.) — Mark xii. 4, see Shame- | — 2 Cor. iv. 2, see Deceit- fully. fully. ἐπιχειρέω, to put one’s hand to a work, | 1 Luke xxiv. 39. pn ος . 1 Johni. 1. set to work at, attempt, make an attempt on. evap HANDMAID. δούλη, a female slave or servant (esp. of involuntary service, ) (non occ.) HAND (wir one’s own.) Luke i. 38. αὐτόχειρ, doing with one’s own hand, (OM occ. ) HANDMAIDEN. crane pata Dy Luke i. 48. Acts ii. 18. HANDS ON (nay.) HANDWRITING. 1. κρατέω, to rule, hold sway, not merely χειρόγραφον, Lng. chirography, hand- to conquer, but, to hold the con- writing; a/so something written by quered in subjection. hand. ή 5 Col. ii. 14. 2. πιάζω, to press, to hold fast ; hence, μου : to lay hold of, seize. Jn a judicia - y )νατοναῖ HANG (0 -ern.) sense to arrest. : 1. Matt, xviii-98, “| 1; Maté xxi. 46 κρεμάννυμι, to hang, hang up, let hang 2. John viii. 20. down. —— (a) Afid. to be suspended, (non ους.) || oe 5 Matt. xviii. 6. Luke xix. 48, see H on, HANDS (MADE BY.) ἃ. — xxii. 40. xxiii. 39, , ν 1 ith} 1 . J ς — xxvii. 5, see H one’s Acts τ. 80. χειροποίητος, made with hands ; hence, self. | x. 80. fas shaw Mark ix. 42, see Habout | a). —— xxviii. 4. artificial, external. (be) ἴα) | Gain aa _Eph. ii. 11. Luke xvii, 2,see H about | Heb. xii. 12, see H down. HAN [ HANG DOWN. παρίημι, to let drop beside or at the side, hence, to let pass by, pass unnoticed. Here Pass., to be re- laxed, slackened, metaph. for yield- | ing, giving way, (non occ. ) Heb. xii. 12. HANG ON [marg.] ἐκκρέμαμαι, to hang from, esp. of those who listen to a person speaking ; to hang on the lips of any one. Luke xix. 48, text be very attentive. HANG ONE'S SELF. ἀπάγχομαι, to strangle one’s self, (non oce. ) Matt. xxvii. 5, HANGED ABOUT (μα) περίκειμαι, to lie around, encompass. Here Pass. to be laid or put round, and so, hung around. Luke xvii. 2. Mark iz. 42. [ HAPLY (rr.) εἶ, if, ἄρα, (cognate with ἄρω, to fit, if 1 marking acorrespondence ee ᾱ- : in point of fact)therefore, [“-. "ἢ accordingly, under these | ἢ ὃν circumstances, J εἰ, if, ) if by 2.< ἄραγε, by consequence(more Ὡς. conse- emphatic than ἄρα, above, ) | quence 1. Mark xi. 13. | 2. Acts xvii. 27. HAPLY (zsv.) 1. μήποτε, lest ever, lest once. 2. μήπως, lest in any way, lest by any means. 1. Luke xiv. 29. | | 1. Acts v. 39. 2. 2 Cor. ix. 4. HAPPEN. 1. συμβαίνω, to go with the feet close together, then to come together, as of things or events, to happen to- gether, (occ. Acts xx. 19; xxi. 35.) HAP 2. γίνομαι, to begin to be, come into existence, as implying origin ; also, as implying result, to take place, come to pass, become. 1. Mark x. 32. Ve Cor τ 1: 1. Luke xxiv. 14. — Phil. i. 12, see H unto 1. Acts iii. 10. me (the things which.) 2. Rom. xi. 25. | 1. 1 Pet. iv. 12. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 22. HAPPENED UNTO ME (rue ΤΗΙΝαΒ WHICH. ) τὰ, the things, . κατά, relating to, Vee Phil. 1. 12. HAPPY. μακάριος, happy, applied to men; also as applied to God, blessed, which it ws elsewhere translated. John xiii. 17. Acts xxvi. 2. Rom. xiv. 22. 1 Cor. vii. 40. 1 Pet. iii. 14. — iv. HAPPY (σουντ.) μακαρίζω, to call happy, congratulate, (οσο, Luke i. 48.) Jas. ν. 11. HARD. 1. σκληρός, dried up, ze, dry, stiff, hard ; of voices, harsh ; of winds, fierce; of words, offensive; of things done, grievous. 2. δύσκολος, difficult about one’s food, z.e., hard to please, discontented ; then it is applied to anything that is disagreeable, noting here the fastid- iousness with which those who trust in riches receive the humbling truths of the gospel. 1. Matt xxv. 24. 1. Acts xxvi. 14. 2. Mark x. 24. — Heb. ν. 11, see Uttered. 1. John vi. 60. — 2 Pet. iii. 16, see Un- 1. Acts ix. 5 (ap.) derstood. — — xviii. 7, see Join. 1. Jude 10. HARDEN (50, -ΕΤΗ.) 1. πωρόω, to make like πῶρος (a kind of stone), then, gen., to make hard, callous. 2. σκληρύνω, to make dry, hard or stiff: ηρυνω, αυ to make σκληρός, (see “HARD,” No. 1.) HAR [ 353 ] HAR η 1. ον. 7,marg.(text | 4, ὑβρίς wanton violence arising from 1. John xii. 40. 2. Heb. iii. 8. the pride of strength, passion or lust, υπ) | 1B tee Ba) etc. Used also of loss by the sea 9, Heb. iv. 7. arising from its violence. | 1. Acts xvi. 28. 1. Acts xxviii. 5. 4, —— xxvii. 21. Gt 6. HARDENED (BE.) 2. Acts xxviii, 21. 9, Acts xix. 9, pass. | 2. Heb. iii. 13, pass. eed HARM [verb. | HARDLY. ? ; ς : ie ὃν κακόω, to affect with evil, to do evil to 1. δυσκόλως, adv. of HARD, No. 2, (non me : y one. pre.) 1 Pet. iii. 13. 2. μόγις, with labour, with pain, trouble | _ cee Ae ᾿ or distress, (non occ. ) 3. μόλις, with toil and moil. | HARMLESS. 1, Matt. xix. 23. 2. Luke ig Ph 1. ἄκακος, without κακός, (see ‘ HARM,” Me Προ δ oo No. 1), void of evil, (οσο. Rev. xvi. a : z 18.) ; HARDNESS. 2. ἀκέραιος, unmixed, pure, guileless, 3 Σ (non oce. ) 1. πώρωσις, a hardening, induration, 2. Matt. x. 16, marg. simple | 2. Phil ii. 15, marg. (denoting the action incomplete and | 2. Rom. xvi.19, marg.(text sincere. in progress, ) (non ους.) sincere.) | 1. Heb. vii. 26. 2. σκληρότης, dryness, hardness result- τ΄ τ΄ ing from dryness, (non occ. ) HARP [noun.] — Matt. xix. 8, sce Heart. | — Mark xvi. 14, see Heart. ᾿ 1. Mark iii. 5, marg. blind- | 2. Rom. ii. 5. | κιθάρα, the Lat. cithara, whence Eng. ness. 1. —— iv. 8,) marg. (text, | guitar. Sept. for 732, Gen. xxxi. 27; -- x. ὅ, 966 Heart. [1. ----ί, 25, | blindness.) ‘ : : — 2 Tim. ii. 3, see Endure. 1 Chron. ix. 11. Josephus describes τι ο “ποι the Heb. word (κινύρα,) as having HARLOT. | ten strings and as struck with a : key (Ant. vil. 12, 3), (non occ. πόρνη, (fem. of πόρνος, from περνάω, to | we » 3), ( ) pais αν νο. πι ἡ} 1 Cor. xiv. 7. ev. xiv. 2. sell) a harlot, (occ. Rev. xvii. 1, 15, | ie ie | be 1G 5. xix, 2.) μον. εν ννα Matt. xxi. 31, 32. Jas. li. 25. ( Σ Luke xv. 30. Rev. xvii. 5 (πορνεία, | 3 *1 Cor. vi. 15, 16. fornication, \ Vm.) HAR? (-ING) [verb. ] Heb, xi. 32. marg. fornication. | κιθαρίζω, to play upon the κιθάρα, (see above, ) (non ους. ) SE EE ee ee HARM [noun. ] 1 Cor. xiv. 7. Που. xiv. 2. 1, κακός, bad, generically, including ΜΗΝ ας ie form of evil, moral and physical; im | 5 3 . ᾽ IDNP Ἴ an active sense, causing evil, ze, | HARPER (-s.) hurtful, baneful,(e/sewhere translated κιθαρωδός, one who plays and sings to a ο “* EVIL.) κιθάρα, (see ILARP,) (non occ. ) 2. πονηρός, causing or having labour, Rey. xiv. 2; xviii. 35, sorrow, pain, denoting the more ss active form of evil, hence, evil, | a eas HARVEST malignant, (elsewhere translated se “ BVIL.”) θερισμός, harvest, harvesting, (Ixx. for 3. ἄτοπος, out of place, hence, unusual, | yyp, Jer. v. 17,) (non oce. 3 strange ; then, unnatural, disgust- | Matt. ix. 87, 38twice, 1 Luke x, 23 times. β . ΧΙ. 90 twice, 89, Johu iv, 35 twice. ing, foul. | Mark iv. 29, Rev. xiv. 15. Y HAS [ B54 ἢ HAT HASTE [noun. ] σπουδή, speed, haste, esp. as manifested in earnestness, diligence, zeal. Mark vi. 25. | Luke i. 89. HASTE (wit.) σπεύδω, trans. to urge on, to hasten. Jn NV.T. intrans. to urge one’s self on, to make haste, having respect simply to time, (thus differing from σπουδάζω.) Luke ii. 16, part. HASTE (35, -1ne) [verb.] ᾿σπεύδω, see “ HASTE (WITH. )” Acts xx. 16. 2 Pet. iii. 12, marg. (text, haste unto.) HASTE (ΜΑΚΕ;) Luke xix. 5, 6. HASTE UNTO. 2 Pet. iii. 12, marg. Haste. HASTILY. ταχέως, quickly, speedily, (gen. used of speed. ) John xi. 81. HATE (ΒΡ, -Est, “ἜΤΗ, -1NG) [verb.] μισέω, to hate, usually implying active ul-will in words and conduct, or a persecuting spirit. (In antithesis to αγαπάω) to love less, not to love, to slight. Matt. v. 43, 44 (ap.) John xvii. 14. — vi. 24. Rom. vii. 15. — x. 22. — ix. 18. — xxiv. 9, 10, Eph. v. 29. Mark xiii. 13, Titus iii. 3. Luke i. 71. Heb. i. 9. — vi. 22, 27. 1 John ii. 9, 11. — xiv. 26. — iii. 13, 15. — xvi. 13. — iv. 20. — xix. 14. Jude 20, — xxi. 17. Rey. ii. 6 twice, John iii, 20. 15 (ὁμοίως, in like — vii. 7 twice, manner, instead of, 6 — xii. 25. μισῶ, which thing I — xv. 18 twice, 19, 23, hate GLTTrA®) 24, 25. — xvii. 16. HATEFUL. 1. μισέω, see above; here, pass. part. 2. στυγητός, hated, abominated, horrid ; to be hated, hateful, (a stronger word than No. 1, used of hatred shown, not merely felt. ) 2. Titus iii. 3. | 1. Rev. xviii. 2, pass. part. HATER. See, Gop. HATRED. ἔχθρα, enmity, (as it is elsewhere trans- lated. ) Gal. v. 20. HAVE (να, -HAD, -HAST, -HATH.) When not the auxiliary to other verbs. 1. έχω, to have, to hold, {.ε., to have and hold, implying present, continued having, or lasting possession. 2. ἀπέχω, (No. 1, with ἀπό, away from, prefixed) to hold off from ; also, to have off or out, 1.6., to have all that is one’s due, so as to cease from having any more ; to have received in full. 3. κατέχω, (No. 1, with κατά, down, prefixed) to have and hold fast, to hold firmly; Pass. as here, to be held down. 4. γίνομαι, to begin to be, come into existence, implying origin either Strom natural causes or special agency, to be made, arise, come to pass, happen, come to have, become. 5. λαμβάνω, to take as with the hand ; to receive. 6. μεταλαμβάνω, (No. 5, with μετά, with, prefixed) to take a part or share of anything, prop. with others, then, to obtain. 7. ὑπάρχω, to begin, to be originally, by birth or by primary and essential condition. (No. 4, implies change of state or condition, while No. 7, calls attention to the original condition), hence, to possess. 8. ἀντιβάλλω, to throw in one’s turn, as a weapon, then, referring to words, to converse, exchange words, (non ους. ) 4. 1 HAV (a) ἐστί, (3rd. pers. sing. pres. tense) it is. 3 him. + + yo with Gen. of this.. 1 with ἐν, in; is in, [1.6., if there is in u any, etc. ] with Dat. is to me, is to him, or for .is, etc. (b) εἰσί, (3rd pers. pl. pres. tense) with Dat. ‘there are to us, 1.6.) we have. (ο) ἦν, (3rd pers. sing. Imperfect tense ) he, she, or it was. * with Dat. there was, or were to Us, ΟΥ̓ them, 1.ε., they had. + with ἔχων, having (part. of No. 1), was having. (4) ἔσται, etc. (Future) he, she, or it shall be, shall there be, or there shall be to him, or us, ete. * with Gen., shall be theirs. Τ wi ith Dat., them. shall be to him, her, or (ο), οὖσα, pres. participle fem.) with ἐν, in, being in, 1.6., having. 1. Matt. iii. 4, 9, 14. — —— iv. 24, see Palsey. 1. —— Vv. 25. -- 40, see Let. ils 46. 1. — vi. 1. = 21st, see Glory. 9 22nd, 5. τ 8. 2 16, -- 32, see Need. 1. —— vii. 29. 1, ——viii. 9, 20 Ist ἃ 3rd. -- 29, see H we to do with thee (what. ) 1. — ix. 6. = 13, see WilL ᾿ 36. — —— xi. 5, see Gospel. ue , 18. — — xii. 72nd, see Will. 1, 10, 11 1. —— xiii. 5twice, 6, 9, 12 lst. 122nd, see Abun- dance. 1: 12 3rd ἃ 4th, 91, 27, 48, 44, 46. 1. —— xiv. 4, 17. -- 35,see Knowledge Ἱ. —— xv. 30, 32, 34. 1, —— xvii. 20. 1. —— xviii. 8, 9. 12. 25 1st part, 95 2nd. 26,29,seePatience 33 1st, see Com- passion. 1. — xix. μήσω, inherit, one.) 33 2nd, see Pity. 16 (κληρονο- Lm 5.) 21 150, 806 H (that 1. Matt. xix. 21 2nd. 9ct 22. 9dt 27. 1. —— xxi. 3, 21, 28. 1. —— xxii. 12, 24, 25 2nd, 28. — —— xxiii. 30 twice, see Been. — — xxv. 21, 23, see Been. al 25, 28, 29 190. -- 29 2nd, see Abun- dance. 99 3rd ἃ 4th, 1. —— xxvi. 7. -- 8,566 Indignation κ 11 twice, 65 2nd. 1. —— xxvii. 16. 19, see H thou nothing to do with. 24, see Been. 43, see Will. 65. 22. 24, see H we to do with thee (what. ) 1. —— ii. 10, 17, 19 (ap.), 9 bs ace τ 1. Mark i. iii. 1, 5, 10 2nd, 15, 22, 26, 29, 30. iv. δ twice, 6, 9, 17, 23, 253 times, 40, 1. —-v. 8. 7, see H I to do with thee (what. ) 15 (om. Gs.) ute 9e. 25. τς 26 3rd, see H (that one.) 2. vi. 2, 6, 16. iP 18 2nd. 19 1st, see Quarrel 31, see Leisure. Ἱ 355 1 προ 5 πο τἀ τ. ες- ὃ 9, εἰμί, to be, to exist, to have existence. 1. Mark vi. 34. 1, 36, (τί φάγωσιν, something to eat, in- stead of ἄρτους τι yap ar dad ουκ ἔχουτιν, read, for they have nothing to eat, Go Li T Tr AN.) 1. 38. a vii. 16, 25. - 32, see Impedi- ment. 1. —— viii. 1, 23rd, 5, 7, 14 2nd, 16, 17 twice, 18 twice. 1. —— ix. 17 2nd, 48, 45, 47, 50 2nd. -- 50 3rd, see Peace. 1, ——x., 21 twice. θοῦ 22. if 23. 1. —— xi. 3, 19, 22. 9at - 23, 24, 1. 25. 1. —— xii. 6. 5, 22 (om. ἔλαβον αὐτὴν καὶ, had her and, Lb T Tr A &.) ue 23, 44. 1. —— xiv. 3. -- 4,566 Indignation ale 7 twice. 51, see Cast. — Luke i. 3, see Under- standing. 9c*. its 9dt 14. 1. — iii. 8, 11 3 times. — —— iv. 16, see Been. = 33. -- 84, see Η we to do with (what.) ue 40. 1, —v. 24. 1. vi. 8. 9a* 32, 38, 34. ile 8, 33, 40. 9c* 41. ae 42, part. — —— viii. 2,see Been. 1: 8, 13, 183 times, 27 os 28, see H I to do with thee (what.) 9c* 42. 9e 43. 1. ——ix. 3, ll 9b 13. η] 58 Ist ἃ 3rd. 9e*—— &: 39. 1. ——xi. 5, 6, 36. 1 πὶ θα”. 24. --- 80, see Need. - 83, 44, see H (that one.) ΠΝ 50. Ἰ. —— xiii. 6, 11. 9d¢—— xiv. 10. 1? 18, 19. oa 28,seeH sufficient — 33, see H (that one.) up 35. ke xv. 4, 8, 11. -- 17, see Spare. -- 31, see A (that are.) 1. —— xvi. 1, 28, 29. 1 xvii. 6, 7. 1. —— xviii. 22 twice, 24, 1 xix. 17 (with εἰμί) 24, 26, 26 3times 31, 34 1 XX. 24, 28, 33. 1. —— xxi. 45rd. 1. —— xxii. 36 twice, 37, 8. —— xxiv. 17. 1. -- 80 twice, 41, 1. John ii. 8. HAV — John ii. 4, see H I to do with thee (what.) — —— iii. 10, see Drunk. di: 15, 16, 29, 36. — — iv. 9, see Dealings. 7 lltwice,] 71st &3rd, with (have), 18 twice, 32, 44. 1, —-v. τς 3. 4 (ap.) iL 5 (with év in), 7, 24, 26 Ist ἃ 3rd, 30 1st, 38 Ist, 39, 40, 42. 1. — vi. 9, 40, "47, 53, 54, - μὰ < . _ μη τ Oo 37, see Peace. 1; 41, 48, 49, 52. — —— ix. 18 lst, see Been. als 41. 1, κ. 10 twice, 16, 18 1st ἃ 2nd, 20, -- 21, see Devil. 1. —— xii. 6, Stwice, 35, 36, 48. 1. xiii. 8, 29 1st ἃ 3rd, 35. il! xiv. 21, 30. 1. ——xv. 13, 22 2nd3rd ἃ 4th, 34, L — xi. 12, 15, 21, 22, 33 2nd ἃ 3rd. 1. — xvii. 5, 13. 1. —— xviii. 10 θα” 39. 1. —— xix. 7, 10 twice. -- 11 1st, see H (can). Ls 11 2nd, 15. 1, —— xx. 81. 1. —— xxi. 5. 1. Acts ii. 44, 45, 47. 7. —— iii. 6 1st. 1. 6 2nd. — —— iv. 19, see Been. ορ” 32. 1. 35. ile 37. — — v.34,seeReputation —— vii. 5, see H no (when as vet he). 9c* 44 Ist. viii. a Ist, seeRegard θα" 21 -- 27 ist, see Change — —— ix. 6, see Will. 1: 14, 81 1. —— xiii. 5. Sat 15 1. —— xiv. 9. 26, see Been. 4. Acts xv. ὃ, part. K 21. — — xvi. 8, see Will. -- xvii. 13, see Know- ledge. - — 28 lst, see Being. 9a*—— xviii. 10, i 18. 1. — xix. 13 Sat 25. 1 38. 9c*—— xxi. 9 9b.- 23 Ist 1 93 2nd — — xxii. 12, see Report 1, —— xxiii. 17, 18, 19, 29 30, see Against. —— xxiv. 10 2nd, see Been. ie 15, 16, 19 2nd. -- 22,seeKnowledge 1, —— 23. 6. 25. 1. —— xxv. 16 Ist. δ. 16 2nd. 1, ὦ 19, 26111. HAV — Acts xxy.262nd,seeBring forth 26 3rd, see Had (be HE 26 “th. — — xxvii. 16, see Work 1. —— xxviii. 9,19, 292nd (ap.) — Rom. i. 10, see Journey 13 1st, see Will. 13 2nd. ii. 14 twice, 20, 1, —— iv. 2. 1. —v. 1 (ἔχωμεν, let us have, instead of ἔχομεν we have, GL™T TrAx.) if ls il 2, pluperf. —— vi. 9, 14, see Dominion. 1. —— 21, 22. — — vii.1,see Dominion 2, see Husband. [ᾷ viii, 9, 23. 9a*—— ix. 2. 941 9. 1, 21. 1, — x. 2. 1. ——xii 4 twice, 6, 1. —— xiii. 3. 1. —— xiv. 22 twice. 1. —— xv. 4, 17, 23 twice. — — xvi. 21st, see Need 1. 1 Cor. ii 16. 4, —— iv. 5. 1. τ — 11, see Dwelling- place. 15. —v.l. — vi. 1, 4, 19. — vii, 2 twice. 4 twice, see Power 7, 12, 18, 25 1st, 28 3rd, Q9twice, 37 Ist ἃ 2nd, 40, 1. — viii. 1. 8 lst, marg., see 1. 1. if ης 1b More. ες 82nd, marg., see Less. al 10. 1. ix. 4, 5, 6. 9a* 10, if ἘΠ: — ——x. 20, seeFellowship — —— xi. 3, see Will. 1 4, 10. οσα 14, 15, see Hair. 1. 16, 22 twice, — — xii 1, see Will iB 12, 21 twice, 20, 24 Ist. — 25, see Care. ibs 30. 1, —— xiii. 1, 23 times, 3, 1. — xiv. 26 5times. — —— xv. 19, see Hope. 1, 81, 34. — — xvi. 12, see Conve- nient. 1. 2 Cor. i. 9. 12, see Conversa- tion. iD 15. - 24, see Dominion 1. -—— ii. 3 Ist. -- 82nd, see Confi- dence. pi 4, 18, 1. —— iii. 4. τον 10, see Glory. Ve 12, et 1. — iv. 148, part., 7, 13 1st. 1. ——v. 1, 12. Ἱ vi. 10. 1. — vii. 1, 5. -- 16,see Confidence 1. 2 Cor, viii, 11, 12 twice. 15 1st, not in the Greek. 15 2nd, see Over. 15 3rd, not in the Greek. 15 4th, see Lack, — —— ix. 5, see Notice. πα, 8, 1. —— x. 6, 15. 1. Gal. ii. 4. — —— iii. 21, see Been. π. iv. 22, 27 2nd. — — v.10,see Confidence 1. —— vi. 4, 10. 13, see Circum- cised. 1. Eph. i. 7. [tion. — —— ii. 3, see Conversa- ik 12, 18. 1. — iii. 12. 1. —— iv. 28. 1. — vv. 5. οσο 11,566 Fellowship 1. Ἁτ. — — vi. 14 1st, see Gird. 14 2nd, see H on. | 1. Phil. i. 7, 23. — 25, see Confidence i: 30. 1. —— ii. 2, 20, 27 2nd. - iii. 3, see Con- fidence. 4 lst. — 42nd, see Trust. aT 9, 17. 2. iv. 18 1st, marg. have received. 1. Col i 14, 18, see Pre-emin- ence. if li, 1 Ist. a= 19, see Ministered ile 23 (with εἰμί, are things having.) 1. —— iii. 13. 1. —— iv. 1, 13. 4: hess. 19: 1. —— iii. 6. 1. — iv. 12. ΕΞ 13 Ist, see Will. 1. 18 2nd. 1. ----ν. 1. — 2 Thes.ii.12, see Pleasure — — iii. 1, see Course. -- 4, see Confidence ib 9, - 14, see Company —1 Tim. ii. 4, see Will. 1. —— iii. 4, 7. 1. —— iv. 8. UB ν. 4, 12 Ist, 16. va ee Guat. 1. 2'Tim. i. 3. 1. — ii. 19. 1, —— iii. 5. iv. 3, see Itching. 1. Titus i. 6. 1. — ii. 8. 1. Philem. 5, 7. τὸ — 20, see Joy. 21,see Confidence 1. Heb. ii. 14. ie iii, 3 2nd. — — iv. 13, see H to do (with whom.) -- - 14, part, 15. 1, —— v. 12 Ist, 12 2nd, part., 14. 1. —— vi. 18 1st, 19, I vii. 3, 5, 6, 24, 28, 1. —— viii. 1 2nd, 3, 7, see Been. 1. —— ix. 1, 4 twice. 1. ——-x. 1, 2. 6, 8, see Pleasure 19, 84 2nd, 35, As 86 Ist. [ 356 7 — Heb. x. 38, see Pleasure — —— xi. 52nd, see Testi- mony. 1. ——10, 15 2na. — 26, see Respect. 5. 36. 1, — xii. 9. 1, 28, marg. hold Fast. —— xiii 51st, see H (such things as one ) 74st, see Rule. ἢν, 10 twice, 14, 17, see Rule. 1 18. απ, Ππαια, ᾱ- 1. — iil. 1 1 1 η, = 3, see Respect. 1d4twice 17, 18twice . — iii. 14, . — iv. Qlst. 22nd, see Desire. 2 Srd, — —— v. 7, see Patience. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 19. 1. —— iii. 16. 1. —— iv. 8. — 2 Pet. i. 15, see Remem- brance. — 19. 1. —— ii, 14 twice. 21 Ist, see Been. 1. 1 John 1. 3 2nd, 6, 7, 8. 1. —— ii. 1, 7 lst. -- 19, see Been. 1. 23 twice (ap.), 28. Πρ αι ορια 21. 1. —— iv. 162nd, 17,18, 21 1. ——v. 10 Ist, 124times, 13 2nd, 14, 15. 1. 2 John 5, 9 twice, 12. HAV 1. 3 John 4. 9, see Pre-emin- ence, — 12, see Report. uh 13. — Jude 16, see Admiration 1. 19. 1. Rev. i 16, 18. 1. —— ii. 32nd, 41st, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14 twice, 15, 17, 18, 20, 241st, 25, 29 πι. iii, twice, 4 Ist, 6, 7, 82nd, 11, 18, 17, 22. Ὶ- iv. 4, ον. ΑἸΔΤ ΤῊ ΑΝ. 1. σ 8 1. ——v. 6, 5 2nd. 1. —— vi. 2, 5 2nd. if vii, 2. 1. viii. 3, 6, 9. 1. ——ix 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 twice, 14, 17, 19. 1. —x. 2. Π' πι ewes 1. —— xii. 3, 6, 12twice, 17 1. — xiii. 1, 9, 11. -- 14 180. see Power. fie 14 2nd. -- 15, see Power. is 17, 18. 1. ——xiv. 1, 6, 11, 14, 17, 18 twice. 1. ——xv. 1,2, 6 lst. -- 6 2nd, see Gird. 1 Xvi. 2, 9. 1. xvii. 1, 3, 4, 7, 9,19 1. —— xviii. 1, 19. τοξο 10 η πο, 1, —— xx. 1, 6 twice. 1. —— xxi. 9, 11, 12 twice, HAVE (oan.) 1 John xix. 11. HAVE ON. ἐνδύω, to go in, to envelope, to cause to go into a garment, z.e., to clothe, Mid., to clothe one’s self, Pass., to be clothed. Eph. vi. HAVE SU 14, Mid. FFICIENT. 1, Luke xiv, 28. HAVE THOU NOTHING TO DO Wi { μηδέν, nothing, | | σοι, to thee, | Matt. xxvii. 19. AW se let nothing arise or - happen between thee and, ete. HAV Perso HE (WHAT.) τί, what, ἐμοὶ, to me, καὶ, and, σόι, to thee. Mark ν. 7. | Luke viii. 28. John ii. 4. HAVE WE TO DO WITH THEE (WHAT. ) τὶ, what, ὑμῖν, to us, καὶ, and, σοι, to thee. Matt. viii. 29. | Mark i. 24. Luke iv. 34. HAVE TO DO (γι ΤῊ wom.) mpos, unto, ov, whom, ἡμῖν, to us, ὁ λόγος, the account, Heb. iv. 19. ieee whom 7s | our account. HATH (svucH THINGS AS ONE.) τὰ, the things, πάροντα, present. Heb. xiii. 5. HATH (tHar one.) τὰ, the things, 1.< ὑπάρχοντα, present, in hand to any one, 1.6., possessions, substance. , the things τὰ, the things, : © 2. ; καλο - with, or, that παρά, beside and at, one has. 3 τὰ, thé things, "ΠῚ ἐμά, mine, 1. Matt. xix. 21, with σοῦ, 1. Luke xii. 38, with ὑμῶν, “thy.” “your.” μα” ᾿ my possessions. 2. Mark ν. 26, with ἐαυτῆς, 1. 44, with αὑτοῦ, “sheherself’(butavrys, 1. ——xiv.33,with ἑαυτοῦ, “ she,” α LT Tr A.) 3. —— xy. 31. [‘‘his own.” HAD (08) γίνομαι, see “Have,” No. 4. Acts xxv. 26, part. HAVE I TO DO WITH THEE | HAD NO (wen as YET HE.) οὐκ, not, } there not being to ὄντος, being, ; him, or, he not αὐτῷ, to him, / having. Acts vii. 5. See also, coMPASSION and MERCY. HAVEN. λιμήν, a harbour, haven, creek ; a refuge or retreat, rather than a landing place (equivalent to 6ppos), (non oce. ) Acts xxvii. 12 twice. See, FAIR. HAVOC OF (maxz.) | λυμαίνομαι, to treat outrageously, esp. | of personal injuries; ravage as savage beasts, destroy the sheep and lay waste the fruits of the earth, (non oce. ) Acts viii. 3. HAY. χόρτος, an enclosed place, (from the same root comes Lat., chors, cohors, as also hortus, and ELng., garden, also akin to χορός, cour, court.) Hlence always with the notion of feeding place ; then food, fodder, esp. of cattle, grass, hay. . 1 Cor, iii, 12, HAZARD (-np.) παραδίδωμι, to give οὐ hand over to another, to deliver up. Acts xv, 26. HE. The pronoun “HE” is generally part of the translation of the verb. _ Very frequently it is the translation of | the prepositive article (6). (a) before nouns, adjectives, and nu- merals, ‘“‘he that is,” ete., of which there are upwards of 250 instances. HE (b) before participles, “he that,” or, “he which,” of which there are 1200 instances, or (ο) before adverbs and prepositions, “he that is,” “the things which are,” etc., of which there are 279 instances. When “He” is not the translation of any of the above, but the equivalent of a separate Greek word, it is em- phatic, and is the translation of one of these below. 1. ἐκεῖνος, the person there, that person. Strictly it refers to what has gone immediately before, but when No. 2 and No. 1 refer to two things before mentioned, No. 1 belongs to the more remote, and is generally connected with the third person. Its use always marks special distinction either of credit or discredit. 2. οὗτος, this, this person here, mostly used to refer to the latter of two objects, as being the nearer to the subject, and connected with the second person. It is always emphatic. 3. αὐτός, very, self, joined with each of the persons, with the third pers., not simply he, but he himself, he and no other. Always emphatic. 4, τίς, any one, a certain one, when em- phatic, it denotes somebody impor- tant, something great. 5. ὅδε, this one, this one here, marking a closer relation than No. 2. 8. Matt. i. 21. — — iii. 111st, H that, see Come. 8. 11 2nd. — — ν. 26, see Have. 3. —— viii. 24. — — x. 38, see H that. 38. —— xii. 32nd (om. G L τ Έτ Α Ν.) 2. —— xiii, 222nd, 23 2nd. 3, —— xiv. 2. — — xv. 18, see H (and) 3. —— xvi. 20 2nd. — — xx. 4, see H (and.) 3. —— xxi. 27. — — xxiii. see H — —— xxv. 171st, § that. 3. —— 17204 (on. Go LTTr Ab 5) 2, xxvii. 58. 3. Mark i. 8. 3, —— ii 251st (om. G= L» Tr &.) 9, 95 3rd. 3. —— iii. 13 2nd. 29, see H that. .- ο...... fy, 2615 ἃ 2nd, see H that. 8. 27, 38. 2&3—— vi. 162nd (om, No. 8, GLUT Tr.) 3. Mark vi. 45 2nd, 47. 3, —— vii. 362nd (om. L TTrAR®.) 3. —— viii. 29. — —— ix. 40, see H that. 3. —— xii. 21 (ap.) 3. —— xiv. 15. 3. Luke i. 17, 22 4th. 2, 82. 3. ——ii. 28. 38. ——iii. 15, 16. 8, ——iv. 15, 30. να 14, 16, 17, 3, —— vi. 81st, 20, 35. 3. —— vii. 5 2nd. 3. —— viii. 1, 22 1st, 97, 8. 411st (No.2,L Tr.) 3, δ4. 3, —— ix. 5] 2nd. — — x. 1, see H himself 3. 38. ——— xi. 7, see H (and.) 3. —— xv. 14 2nd. 3. —— xvi. 24 Ist. 6. 25 (dbe, herve, αἱ ὦ LTTrAw) 3. —— xvii. 11 2n4, 16, 8. —— xviii 80 2nd. 2, —— xix. 2(No, 8, LTr om. T 8.) [ 358 ] HE 3. Luke xix. 9. 3. Acts xiv. 12. — —— xxii. 12, 566 H (and) | 3. —— xvi, 33 2nd. 3. 41. Ὡ, —— xvii. 24. —— xxiii. 2, see Ἡ | 8, 25 2nd. himself. —- —— xviii. 191st (should 3 9 2nd. be ‘‘They.”’) 2 — 222nd, 35 2nd. 3. 19 2nd. 3. —— xxiv, 21, 25, 28 1st, | — 19 3rd, see H 1. John i. 18. (31. himself. 3 27 (om. αὐτός, | 2. 26. ἐστιν, he it is, GLbT | — —— xix. 222nd, gee H TrA®.) himself. 2. 42. 3. —— xx. 35. 3. —— ii. 12 2nd —— xxv. 4, 25, seeH af 21 himself. 3. 25. 8. —— xxviii. 6 2nd. 1. —— iii. 30 2. Rom. viii. 9. 1. —— iv. 25 lst. - 82 150. see H that 2, 47 Ast. —1 Cor. ii. 15 2nd, see H 1. —— v. 192nd, 35, 38, 46. himself. — — vi. 62nd, 15, see H | — —— iii. 15 2nd, see H 1. 29. (bimself. himself. 2. 42 (om. ᾱ-- LP | 3. ——vii. 13 (No. 2, ὦ Tr A.) LTTraAn.) 2. 46 2nd. — 2 Cor. viii. 15 twice, see 57 2nd, see H H that. (even. ) ore yet 2: 71 2nd. a 18. — ——vii. 4, see H himself | 3. Eph. ii. 14. 3h 10. 3. —— iv. 11. 1. 11. fn Ube he -- 29, see Η himself | 3. Col. i. 17, 18 twice. 2. 80 190. — 2 Tim. ii. 12, see Ἡ also 1. —— viii.42, 44 1st. if, 13 Ist. 1. —— ix.9 3rd,] 11st, 19 1st. | 3. Heb. 1. 5 2nd. 3. 21 2nd (om. T Tr | 3. —— ii. 14 1st. 3. 21 3rd. ik.) | -- 18 lst, see Ἡ 1. —— 25st, 9651, 37. himself. ο atl, 3. — iv. 10 2nd. 1. —— xiii. 25, 26 Ist, 30 | — —— v. 2, see H himself 3. —— xiv. 10. 4, ——x. 28. -- 122nd, see Halso | 3. Jas. i. 18 2nd. 1. 21 2nd, 96, 2, 23. 1. — xv. 26. [14 ist. | 2. 25 1st (om. GQ> L 1. —— xvi. 5 2nd, 13 Ist, TTrA®.) 3. —— xviii. ] 2nd. 3. 1 John i. 7. 1. 17, 26. 3. —— ii. 2. 2. 30. 1. 6 3rd. 1. —— xix. 21. 2. 22 2nd. -- 35 2nd, see H | ὃ. 25. (and. ) 1. —— iii. 3, 5, 72nd, 16, — Acts ii. 34, see H him- | ἢ 24 2nd. self. 8, —— iv. 10, 13 Ist, 15, 2, iii. 10 (No. 8, GL} 1. 17: TTrAR®.) 3. 19 (6 θεός, L.) 1. 13 (No. 8, Gw | 2. 2 John 9 2nd. Trb Ab-) (om. LT 8.) —3 John 10 2nd, see H 2, —— iv. 9. himself. 4, 35. 3. Rev. iii. 20. — — ν᾿ 37, see H also. — —— xiii. 10 twice, see H 3. —— vii. 15. that. 2, 36 150, 3. —— xiv. 17. 2. —— ix. 15, 202nd, 91 1st. | 3, —— xvii. 11. 2. ——x. 6 lst, 62nd (ap,) | ——— xix. 122nd, see H 2. 32 Ist, 36. himself. 3. 42314 (No, 2, α ὦ | 8. 15 2nd ἃ 3rd. L.) 3. —— xxi. 7 2nd. HE ALSO. κἀκεῖνος, 866 “ HE (AND).” John xiv. 12, Acts v. 87. 2 Tim. li. 12. HE HIMSELF. 1. αὐτός, see un,” Λο. 3. ν { αὐτός, see “up,” Λο. 3, ) this [man] οὗτος, this, himself. 3. ἑαυτός, one’s self, himself, (reflexive of No. 1.) [ 359 ] . Luke x. 1. . Acts xxv. 4. . —— xxiii. 2. . John vi. 6, 15. . — Vii. 4. . Acts ii. 34. . — xviii. 19. . — xix. 22. « L Cor) in. 16. β iii. 15. . Heb. ii. 18. .—v.2. . 8 John 10, 1. Rev. xix. 12. HE THAT. This is generally the translation of the art. with preposition. When it is not it is one of these following. 1. εἴ τις, if any one. és, rel. pron., who, which, he who. * with ἄν, a particle expressing possi- bility, uncertainty, o7 conditionality. ὄσγε, who even, marking a greater in ref. to a less, (non occ. ) ὅστις, whosoever. 2. Matt. x. 38. Mark iv. 25 (om. av, L 4. —— xxiii. 12. ix. 40. (I Tr 8.) 2* Mark iii. 29. 3. Rom. viii. 32. 1. Rev. xiii. 10 twice. Q* 2. ... HE (ΑΝ Ὁ.) κἀκεῖνος, (No. 1 with καί, and, even, also, prefixed,) and he (the person there.) Matt. xv. 18. Luke xxii. 12. —— xx. 4. John vii. 29. Luke xi. 7. —— xix. 35 2nd. Acts xviii. 19. HE (Ενεν.) John vi. 57. See also, I, HIM, HIS, WE, YE, THEY, THEM, etc. HEAD. κεφαλή, the head of man or beast, the head or chief part of anything. Matt. v. 36. Acts iv. 11. — vi. 17. xviii. 6, 18. — viii. 20. — xxi. 24. — x. 30. Xxvii. 84. —- xiv. 8,11. Rom xii. 20. — xxi. 42. 1 Cor, xi, 33 times, 4 twice, — xxvi. 7. 5 twice, 7, 10. — xxvii. 29, 30, 37, 39. — xii. 21. Mark vi. 24, 25, 27, 28. Eph. i. 22. — xii. 4, see H (wound | — iv. 10. in the.) —— V. 23 twice. 10. Col. i. 18. — xiv. 3. — ii. 10, 19. — xv. 19, 29. 1 Pet. ii. 7. Luke vii. 38. [Ὁ 5) Rev. i. 14. 44 (om. GL Τ Tr A | — iv. 4, 46. — ix. 7, 17 twice, 19, — ix. 58. Ι-- χ. 1. — xii. 7. | —— xii. 1, 8 twice. — xx. 17. | —— xiii. 1 twice, 3, — xxi. 18, 28. | —— xiv. 14. John xiii. 9, — xvii. 3, 7, 9. — xix. 2, 30. — xviii. 19. — xx, 7,12, | —— xix. 12. HEA HEAD (wounp IN THE HEAD.) κεφαλαιόω, to bring under heads, sum up briefly : so herethey made short work of it. Zhe word is nowhere used of wounding in the head, and a new sense should be not affixed without evident necessity, (non occ.) Mark xii, 4. HEADLONG (cast ΡΟΝ.) κατακρημνίζω, to cast down from a pre- cipice, (non occ. ) Luke iv. 29. HEADLONG (FALL.) πρηνής, bending forward, - prostrate, | γενόμενος, becoming, Acts i. 18. falling headlong. HEADY. προπετής, falling forwards, prone, in- clining forwards, in a bad sense, precipitate, sudden, headlong, hasty, | violent, (οσο. Acts xix. 36.) | | 2 Tim. iii. 4. HEAL (-np, -1NG.) 1. θεραπεύω, to serve as a θεράπων, (an attendant, higher than δοῦλος, as implying free and honourable ser- vice ;) to be an attendant, to do service ; then, to take care of, esp. one’s person, to dress, wash, εἰ. then, esp. to take care of the sick, tend them and treat them medi- cally. 2. ἰάομαι, to heal, to cure; prop. of surgeons ; to cause to live, revive, or recover from illness. 3. σώζω, to save, to rescue, to preserve safe from danger, loss, or destruction. 4, διασώζω, to bring safely through danger or sickness. 5 εἰς, unto, for, " | ἰασις, healing. 1. Matt. iv. 28, 24. 1. Matt. xii. 10, 15, 22. 1. —— viii. 7. 2. —— xiii. 15. 4, 8, 18. 1, — xiv. 14. 1. 10, 1. —— xv. 30. 1, -—— ix, 35. 1, —— xix. 2. 1. ---κ.1, 8 1. —— xxi. 14. [ 360 ] . Luke xiv. 3. 2, 10. E 4, 15 ΤΟΝ ΤΎΓΑ §&) 2. — xvii. 15. — v. 23. . —— xxii. 51. 29. | 2. John iv. 47. — vi. 5, 13. . ——v. 13 (ασθενέω, to Luke iv. 18 (ap.) be sick, GT.) ΞΞῸΨ 7115 | 2. —— xii. 40. — v.15. 2. Acts iii. 11 (adrtos, he, ze instead of, τοῦ ἰαθάντος — vi. 7. χωλοῦ, the lame man 17. which was healed, GL 18. b 19. —— xviii. 8, 27. —— xxviii. 9. Heb. xii. 13. Jas. v. 16. . 1 Pet. ii, 24. Rev. xiii. 3, 12. πὸ πὸ λα MeN ll NN PM dD tM πο ο” ντο 1ο εδ pwr ee oe SH, 14 twice. HEALING [noun. | θεραπεία, voluntary service, attend- ance; care of the sick, and then, by implication, relief, healing. ιἄμα, healing, (the termination deno- ting the complete act; the result or product of the act, (non oce.) ιἄσις, healing, (the termination deno- ting the action as incomplete and in progress. ) 1. Luke ix. 11. | 2. 1 Cor. xii. 9, 28, 30. 8. Acts iv. 22. 1. Rev. xxii. 2. HEALTH. σωτηρία, safety, deliverance, preserva- tion from danger or destruction. Acts xxvii. 34, HEALTH (se τν.) ὑγιαίνω, to be sound, healthy, ov in health. 8 John 2. HEAP. 1, σωρεύω, to heap one thing on another, to heap with something, (occ. 2 Tim. iii. 6.) 2. ἐπισωρεύω, (No. 1 with ἐπί, upon, prefixed,) to heap up upon, to accumulate, (non occ. ) 1. Rom. xii. 20. | 2. 2 Tim. iv, 8. — Jas. ν. 3, see Treasure, HEA HEAR (-Ε51, -ΕΤΗ, -ING, HEARD.) 1. ἀκούω, to hear, intrans., to have the faculty of hearing ; trans., to hear, perceive with the ears ; to give ear, listen ; to hear, ae, to learn by hearing, be informed. 2. εἰσακούω, (No. 1 with εἰς, unto, pre- Jixed,) to hear to, listen to. Also from the Heb., to hear favourably, grant, (non ace. " * Passive. 3. διακούω, (No. 1 with διά, through, prejixed,) to hear through or throughout, to hear fully, (on occ. ) 4. ἐπακούω, (No. 1 with ἐπί, upon, pre- Jixed, ) to hearken upon, 1.6., to hear anything at or upon a particu- lar place or occasion, (non occ. ) 5. ἐπακρόαομαι, to listen upon, o7 to, (non occ. ) at: ewe ii. 3 part, 9 part, 22 part. 1, — ” iv. 12 gael 1. —— v. 21, 27, 33, 38, 43 2 να δὲ 1. — vii. 24, 26. 1. —— viii. 10 part. 1. —— ix. 12 part. tae 1. —— xi. 2 part, 4, 5, 15 Ist (om. T Trb A.) 1 15 2nd. 1. —— xii. 19, 24 part, 42. 1 xiii. 9 1st (om.T Trb Mark vii. 16, 25, 3 —— viii. 18. —— ix. 7. —— x. 41 part, 47 part. — xi. 14, 18 —— xii. 28, 29, 37. — xiii. 7. —— xiv. 11 part, 58, 64. . — xv. 35 part. . — xvi. 11 part (αρ.) Luke i. 13. 41, 58, 66. —— ii. 18, 20, 46, 47. —— iv. 23, 28, part. . — v. 1, 10. — vi. 17, 27, 47, 49. vii. 3 part, 9 part, 22 twice, 29, Vili. 8 twice, 10, 12, 18, 14 part, 15, 18, 9], 50 part. * A®.) iB 92nd, 13, 14, 15, 10. il 17 3times, 18, 19 part, 20, 22, 23, 49 1st (om. Lb T Trb A.) if 43 2nd. 1. — xiv. 1, 13 part twice | 1. ix. 7, 9, 85. 1. —— xv. 10, 12. x. LG twice, 243times, 1, —— xvii. 5, 6 part. 39. 1. — xviii. 15, 16. Se ορ) ο -- 17 twice, .— xii. 3. (neglect to.) . — xiv. 15, 365 1. ——xix. 22part, 25 part | 1. —— xv. 1, 25. 1, —— xx. 24 part, 30 part — xvi. 2, 14, 29, 31. 1. —— xxi. 16, 33, 45 part ἢ a αφ. 6, 22” part, 1. —— xxii. 7 part (om. 23 part, 26, 86. ἀκούσας, when the King | 1. —— xix. 11 ‘part, 48. heard thereof, ΘΟ Tr | 1. —— xx. 16 part. Α 8.) 1, —— xxi. 9, 38. 1, 22 part, 88 part, | 1. —— xxii. 71. 34 part. 1, —— xxiii. 6 part, 8. 1. —— xxiv. 6. — John i. 41, see H one 1. —— xxvi. 65. speak. 1. —— xxvii. 13, 47 part. | 1. 37, 40. 1. Mark ii. 17 part. 1, —— iii, 8, 29, 32. 1, —— iii. 8 part, 21 part. | 1 iv. 1, 42, 47 part. 1, iv. 9 twice, 12 twice, | 1, . 24, 26 twice, 28, 15, 16, 18, 20, 98 twice, 24 Ist, 24 2nd (αρ.), 88, 1. ——v. 27. as 80. (παρακούω, vii. 32, 40 part, 51 but Jesus overhearing, viii. 6, no Greek instead of as soon as equivalent. Jesus heard, T Tr A®) 9 (ap.), 26, 40, 1, ——vi. 2,11, 14, 16part, 43, 47 twice. 20 1st part, 20 2nd, 29 ix. 27twice, 31 twice, part, 55. 82, 35, 40. τὸ μι μὰ μὰ μὰ μὰ μὶ μὶ “μ see H twice. i. 45, 60 Ist part, HEA [ 361 ] HEA 1. John x. ᾿ 8, 16, a Ale 1, — xi. 4 part, 29, 41, 42. 1. —— xii. 12 part, 18, 29, 84, 47. 1 Cor. ii. 9. HEAR (NEGLECT το.) — xi. 18. ο ay παρακούω, to hear beside, esp., to hear ac- πμ ΑΣ cidentally ; then, to hear underhand, 1. —— xiv. 24, 28. . Gal. i. 18, 29. Ε 7 xv. 16. | —iv. 21 (ἀναγινώσκω, to overhear something from another; 1. —— xvi. 13. lo know accurately, L™) nas ᾿ 1. — xviii 21, 37. _ Eph. i. 13 part, 16 part. then, to hear imperfectly, hear 1, τὶς 8, 13 part. at 2 wrong, misunderstand ; and lastly, —— i ως 9 . 9 τ ο Phil 197, 80. not to listen to, take no heed of, or 1. Acts i. 4. τ ©, 811; 25) 8, |) ει πα pretend not to hear, (non occ.) — iv. 37 part. 1; — iii. 22, 23. . Col. i. 4 part. Matt. xviii. 17 twice. 1. —— iv. 4, 20, 24 part. 5, see Η before. . 1. — v. 5 twice, 11, 21 part, 24, 32 part. Ree ree 6, 9, 28 1 Thes. ii. 13, see H 1. —vi. 11, 14. (which...) 1. — vii. 12 part, 34. 1, - B7 (om. αὐτοῦ ἀκούσεσθε, Him shall ye hear, Ga2LTTr A x. : 2 Ἠλος, ii. 11. HEARD (wuicu...) ap Tie 1188: ἀκοή, hearing, the sense of hearing, then, — iy. 17. that which is heard. . Philem. 5. εὖ Heb. ii. 1, 3. 1 Thes, ii. 13. — iii. 7, 15, 16 part. —— iv. 2,7. —-v. 7. Pei. 3 . Jas. i. 19. HEARER (-s.) —-v. ll. . 2 Pet. i. 18. . ἀκούω, to hear, see “HEAR,” Wo. 1, - 1 John i 1, 8 ie re (here participle. ) 1. 54 part. 1. —— viii. 6, 14, 30. ie τής 215 88. 1. ——x. 22. 2* 91. Ὡς 33, 44, 40. 1. —— xi. 1, 7, 18 part. 1, —— xiii. 7, 44, 48 part. 1. —— xiv. 9, 14. 1. —— xv. 7, 24. 1, —— xvi. 14. 5. 25. ην 38 part. 1. — xvii. 8 part, 2], 82 1st part, 32 2nd. 1. —— xviii. 8, 26 part. 1. —— xix. 2, 5 part, 10, 26, 28 part. —— ii. 7, 11, 17, 29. 1. —— xxi. 12, 20 part, 22 —-— ili. 3 (αρ.), 6, 13, υ αν, 2ipart, 7, 20, 22. HEARING. 9, 14, 15, 26 part. — iv. 1. ν 9 meet ο κος . ἀκοή, hearing, the sense of hearing, Ἢ — νι. 1, ὅ, ὃ, 0, ὦ 4 1, — xxiv. 4. — vii. 4. and also, the thing heard. 1 22 part (Gx), — viii. 18. ͵ 2 ΠΡ παδτα, dard | 1. — ix! 18, 16, 20. διάγνωσις, knowledge throughout, 1.6. these things (om. G L —x 4,8. a 3 . ; ης ἆ ( ἘΞ ΣΡ ΝΣ thorough knowledge ; hence, a dis- 1. 24, = - πὴ tinguishing and deciding. 1. —— xxv. 22 twice. — xiii. 9. 1, —— xxvi. 3, 14, 29. — xiv. 2twice, 13. 1. Matt. xiii. 14. | — Acts xxviii. 27, see H (be 1, —— xxviii. 15 part, 22, ο πα t: — 15, see H (be [1 dull of.) [report.) 26, 27, 28. — xviii. 4, 22 twice, 98 dull of.) . Rom. x. 16, 11816. (text 1. Rom. x. 14 twice, 18. Se 6. 2. Acts xxv. 21, marg. E 17 twice. ἢ τ τ ΕΠΕ, ἐξ χχὶ, 8, judgment. 1. 1 Cor. xii, 17 twice. 7, 5]. 1. —— xxii. 8twice, 17, 18, - 23, see Η (place | 1. Gal. iii. 2, 5. | of.) | — Heb. iv. 2, see H (of.) | 1, —— xxviii. 26. jl y. 11. 1. 2 Pet, ii. 8. κ 5 ’ ἀκροατής, a hearer. 2. Rom. ii. 13. j τς . ἢ John 6. . β | 1. 3 John 4. 1. Eph. iv. 29. 2. J . Rev. 228; 10. Tim. ii, 14. as. i 22, 23, 25. EARLE: SALA estas eae, eae re προ μὰ κὰκ μὰ oe od HEAR BEFORE. προακούω, to hear beforehand ; here the : Aorist, to have heard of before, HEARING (of) |margin. ] already, (non occ. ) axons, Gen, of ἀκοή, No. 1. Col i. 5. Heb. iv. 2, text, preached. HEAR ONE SPEAK. HEARING (58 DULL 95) lit. one out of the lit.heavily they heard, two who heard from, βαρέως, heavily, ( (quoted from Isaiah vi. eis or as he stood beside | ἀκούω, to hear, { 10, where xx. for 7227 ; John and heard him, to make heavy.) John i. 41, part. Matt. xiii. 15. | Acts xxviii. 27. > akovw, to hear, παρὰ, from be- HEA [ 362 ] HEARING (ΡΙΛΟΕ or.) ἀκροατήριον, place of hearing; among the Greeks, the lecture room; among the Romans, the place of trial, (non occ. ) Acts xxv. 23. HEARKEN (-sp.) 1. ἀκούω, see “HEAR,” Wo. 1. 2. ὑπακούω, (No. 1 with ὑπό, under prefixed, implying concealment, or repression,) to hear with the idea of stealth, stillness ov attention, used esp. of a porter or doorkeeper. 1. Mark iv. 3. 2. Acts xii. 13, marg. ask 1. —— vii. 14. who was there. — Acts ii. 14, see H to. 1. xv. 19. {unto. 1. — iv. 19. — — xxvii 21, see H 1. — vii. 2. 1. Jas. ii. δ. HEARKEN TO. ἐνωτίζομαι, to receive in the ear, 7.¢., to give ear to, (non occ. ) Acts ii. 14. HEARKEN UNTO. πειθαρχέω, to obey a ruler o7 one in authority ; hence, gen. to obey, (occ. Acts v. 29, 32 ; Titus iii. 1.) Acts xxvii. 21. HEART (-s.) 1. καρδία, the heart. [As the corporeal organ of the body, it is the seat of life, which chiefly and finally participates in all its move- ments. Also as the seat and centre of man’s personal life in which the distinctive character of the human manifests itself. Hence the signi- ficance of the heart as the starting point of the developments and manifestations of personal life, as well as the organ of their concen- tration and outgo. | 2. ψυχή, (from ψυχω, to breathe,) life in individual existence, the breath or life which exists in every living thing, hence, a living individual, life in distinct individual existence, and the whole man himself, (see under “ S0UL.”) HEA 1. Matt. v. 8, 28. 1. Acts xvi. 14. 1. —— vi. 31. 1. —— xxi. 13. 1, —— ix. 4. 1. —— xxviii. 27 twice. 1. —— xi. 29. 1. Rom. i. 21, 24. 1. —— xii. 34. 1. ——ii. 5, 15, 29. 1, soi(om. GT Tr | 1. —— vy, δ: δ.) 1. —— vi. 17. fk 40. 1. —— viii. 27. 1. —— xiii. 15 twice, 19, 1. —— ix. 2. 1. —— xv. 8, 18, 19. 1. ——x. 1, 6, 8, 9, 10. 1. — xviii. 35. 1. —— xvi. 18. — —— xix. 8,see H (hard- | 1. 1 Cor. ii. 9. ness of.) 1, ——iv. 5.7 | 1, — xxii. 37. 1. —— vii. 37 twice. 1. — xxiv. 48. 1. — xiv. 25. 1. Mark ii. 6, 8. 1. 2 Cor. i. 22. 1. —— iii. 5. 1, — ii 4. 1. —— iv. 15 (αρ.) 1. — iii. 2, 3, 15. 1. — vi. 52. 1. —— iv. 6. 1. —— vii. 6, 19, 21. 1. — vv. 12. 1 wa τη, 1, — vi. 11. — — x. 5, see H (hard- | 1. —— vii. 3. ness of.) 1. —— viii. 16. 1, —— xi. 23. 1. —— ix. 7. 1. —— xii. 30, 33. 1. Gal. iv. 6. — ——Xvi.14,seeH (hard- | 1. Eph. iii. 17. ness of.) 1. —— iv. 18. 1. Luke i. 17, 51, 66. — 32, see Tender. 1. —— ii. 19, 35, 51. 1. — vy. 19. 1. — iii. 15. 1. — vi. 5. 1. — vy. 22. 2. 6. 1. —— vi. 45 lst. ie 22, i 45 2nd (ap.) ΠΡΌ 1. 45 3rd. 1. —— iv. 7. 1. —— viii. 12, 15. 1. Col. ii. 2. 1. —— ix. 47. 1. —— iii. 15, 16, 22. 1a 1. —— iv. 8. 1, — xii. 34, 45. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 4, 17. 1. — xvi. 15. 1. —— iii. 13. — —— xxi. 6, see Fail. 1. 2 Thes. ii. 17. ή, 14, 84, πα ἢ; 1. —— xxiv. 25, 32, 38. 1, 1 Dim) 1 8, 1. John xii, 40 twice. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 22. 1. — xiii. 2. 1. Heb. iii. 8, 10, 12, 15. 1. —— xiv. 1, 2 af. 1. —— iv. 7, 12. 1, —— xvi. 6, 22. 1. —— viii. 10. — Acts i. 24, see H (which | 1. —— x. 16, 22 twice. knoweth the.) if xiii. 9. 1. —— ii. 26, 37, 46. 1. Jas. i. 26. 1. —— iy. 32. ἽΝ iii. 14 1. ------ ν. 8, 4. 1. — iv. 8. — 33, see Cut. 1. —-v. 5,8 1. —— vii. 23, 39, 51, 54. 1. 1 Pet. 1 22. . 1. —— viii. 91, 22, 37 (ap.) | 1. ——iii 4, 15. 1. — xi. 23. 1. 2 Pet. i. 19 1. — xiii. 22, 1. — ii. 14 (21. 1. —— xiv. 17. 1. 1 John iii. 19, 20 twice, — — xv. 8, see H (which | 1. Rev. ii. 28, knoweth the.) ils xvii. 17. 1. - 9. 1. —— xviii. 7. HEART (arpness oF.) σκληροκαρδία, hardness of heart, (not Sound in Greek Authors, ) (non occ.) Matt. xix. 8. Mark x. 5 Mark xvi. 14 (ap.) HEART (ΝΠΙΟΗ KNOWETH THE.) καρδιογνώστης, heart-knower, heart- searcher. Acts i, 24; xv. 8. HEARTILY. ex, out of, 1.< ψυχή, see “ HEART,” oe No. 2, HEA ας HEA 2. ἐπιθυμία, what is directed towards anything, desire which attaches itself to (ἐπι-) its object, to covet. 2. Luke xxii. 15, dat. marg. (text, desire.) 1. Col. iii. 23. HEAT. 1, καύσων, burning, heat (as of the sun ), or a scorching wind, (lxx. in Jer. xviii. 17; Ezek. xvii. 10; Job. xxvii. 21), the heat that burns, (occ. Jas. i. 11.) 2. καῦμα, the burning or heat produced, the result of burning. 3. Oéppy,warmth, heat, as of the summer, or of the fire, (non occ. ) 1. Matt. xx. 12. — 2 Pet. iii. 10, 12, see H 1. Luke xii. 55. (with fervent.) 3. Acts xxviii. 3. 2. Rev. vii. 16. — Jas.i.11,see H (burning) | 2. HEAT (BuRNING.) 1. dae 1]; ἬΒΑΤ' (ΥἸΤΗ Fervent.) καυσόομαι, to be set on fire, to burn. 2 Pet. iii. 10, 12, pass. part. HEATHEN. 1. ἔθνος, see “GunTILE,”’ Vo. 1, (only plural here.) ot, the, 2.< ἐθνίκοι, people of the nations, (other | than Jews. ) 2. Matt. vi. 7. — — xviii. 7, see H man 1. Acts iv. 25. 1. —— ii. 9. 1. Gal. iii. 8. HEATHEN MAN. ἐθνικός, a man of the nations, (other than the Jews. ) Matt. xviii. 17. HEAVEN (-s.) οὐρανός, heaven, the over-arching and all-embracing heaven beneath which is the earth and all that is therein. [The plural is used more often than the singular, and there are many conjectures why. We can know nothing of such a matter but what is revealed (John iii. 12, 13.) We read of τρίτου οὐρανοῦ, “the third heaven.” Jewish fable cannot ex- plain this, nor have we any need to go beyond the covers of God’s word for its explanation. We read in Gen. i. 1, “In the begin- ning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Peter tells us (2 Pet. iii. 5, 6), that “The heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: where- by the world (κόσμος), that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.” What succeeded is called (2 Pet. iii. 7), “The heavens and the earth which now are.” John calls these (Rey. xxi. 1), “The first heaven and the first earth,” ὁ.6,, the former, see ver. 4, These are “kept in store, reserved unto fire.” In the day of the Lord “the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and all the works therein shall be burned up.” Again, (ver. 12), “The heavens being on fire shall be dissolved.” What shall follow is called (2 Pet. iii. 13), “New heavens and a new earth ;” and in Rev. xxi. 1, “A new heaven and a new earth.” In Isaiah lxy. 17, God says, “ Behold I create new heavens, andanew earth.” (See also Isaiah li. 16; Ixvi. 22.) Thus we have Zhree heavens. (Ist) “The heavens were of old and the earth.” ‘The world that then was,” 2 Pet. iii. 5, 6. (2nd) “The heavens and the earth which now are,” 2 Pet. iii. 7. (3rd) “The new heavens and the new earth,” Isaiah lxvy. 17. The origin, causes and progress of these changes make up the whole subject matter of the word of God ! Ἐν. Paradise was in the Yirst heaven and earth, (Gen. ii.) It “perished” with them at the flood, and there- fore is absent in the Second. It appears again in the Third, with its Tree of Life, Rev, ii. 7 ; xxii. 1, HEA 2, 14. To this “Third heaven” and “ Paradise” Paul was caught away, 2 Cor. xii. 2, 4, (not “up,” see under “carTcH,”) in “ visions and revelations of the Lord,” 2 Cor. xual. “One catching away—with a double revelation of the New heaven and the New earth, the whole earth being then a “ Paradise.” In the light of this, we must in Luke xxiii. 43, place the comma after the words “to-day,” which indeed is required by the absence of ὅτι. (Compare Luke xxii. 34, and Matt. xxi. 28; with Mark xiv. 30; Luke iv. 21; and xix 9.) Thus the promise of Christ to the dying robber is Future, (see under “'ro-pay.”) For the expression “Kingdom of | Heaven,” see under KINGDOM. 1 * The plural is rendered by the sin- gular in those passages marked | with an asterisk. Matt. iii. 2*, 16, 17*. Luke ii. 15. — iv. 17*. — iii. 21, 22. — v. 3*, 105, 12%, 16%, ἦν. 25. 18. —— vi. 23. 19* twice, 20*, 34, | —— ix. 16, 54. 40”. — x. 15, 18, 203, 21. 48” (ovpavios, hea- | —— xi. 9 1st (ap. ), 22nd venly, imstead of ἐν (ap.), 16. τοις οὐρανοῖς, which is | —— xii. 33. in heaven, G@LT TrA | —— xv. 7, 18, 21 rR. —— xvi. 17. — vi. 1”, 9*, 10, 20. XVii. 24 twice, 29. —— vii. 11*, 21* twice. KVili. 19, 22: — viii. 11”. — xix. 38. — x. τὸ, 325, 903. —— xx. 4, 5. —— xi. 11*, 12*, 23, 25. | —— xxi. 11, 26*, 33. — xii. 00”. | —— xxii. 43 (ap.) — xiii. 117 (οπι. 6 -- | xxiv. 51 (ap.) 24", 813, 38", 44*, | John i. 32, 51. —— iii, 13 Ist &2nd, 18 3rd (ap.), 27, 31. —— Vi. 31, 32 twice, 33, 38, 41, 42, 50, 51, 58. — xii. 28. xvii, 1. Acts i. 10, 11 3times. ii. 2, 6, 19, 84. —— xvi. 1, 17%, 19% 3 times —— xviii.1*,3*,4*,10*twice, 14", 183 twice, 19*, 23%, — xix. 1ο, 14% αἱ 28", — xx. 1”. —— XXL 25 twice. — xxii. 2”, 30. — iii. 91. — xxiii 9" (οὐρανίος, | —— iv. 12, 24. heavenly, instead of év | —— vii. 42, 49, 55, 56. τῦις ovpavors, Which is | —— ix. 3. in heaven, LT Tr AW.) | ——x. 11, 16. 18", 29, "μευ, 5, 9, 10. — xxiv, 29twice, gQtwice, | —— xiv. 10. 81", 86, 86*. 17, see H (from.) — xxv. 1”. — xvii. 24. — xxvi. 64. — xxii. 6. — xxviii. 2, 18. —— xxvi. 13, see H (from) Mark i. 10, 11”. Rom. i. 18. — vi. 41. — x. 6. — vii. 34. 1 Cor. viii. 5. — viii. 11. | — xv. 47. — x. 21. 2 Cor. v. 1, 2, — xi. 203, 26" (ap.), 80, | —— xii. 2. 91. Gal. i. 8. — xii. 25". Eph. i. 105 (marg. the —— xiii. 25 1st, 25% 2nd, 27, heavens.) 91, 82. | —— iii, 15%. —- xiv. 62. | iv. 10, — xvi. 19 (ap.) |} —— vi, 93, [ 364 ] Phil. ii. 10, see H (in.) — iii. 203. Collab Polos 20". 59. —— iv. 1, 1 Thes. i. 10*. iv. 16. 2 Thes. i. 7. | Heb. 1. 10. — iv. 14. — vii. 26. — viii. 1. —-ix. 23, 24. — x. 34° (om. Go L T Tr Jas. v. 12, 18. 1 Pet. i 4", 12. — iii 22. 2 Pet. i. 18. —— iii. 5, 7, 10, 12, 19. 1 John v. 7 (ap.) Rey. iii, 12. — τν. 1, 9. — v. 3, 13. — vi. 13, 14. — viii. 1, 10. (non occ. ) Acts xiv. 17. denotes beings HEA Rey. viii. 13,see H (midst of) —ix 1. — x. 1, 4, 5, 6, 8. —— xi. 6, 12 twice, 13, 15. 19 (Trb.) —— xii. 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12 —— xiii. 6, 13. — xiv. 2. 6, see H (midst of.) ΤΡ 1S; Lies — xv. 1, 5. —— xvi. 11. 17 (om. G3 LTTr A), @cov,of God, instead of οὐρανοῦ ἀπὸ τοῦ θρόνου, of heaven from the throne, &.) 21 —— xviii. 1, 4, 5, 20. — xix. 1, 11, 14. 17, see H (midst of) — xx. 1, 9, 11. —— xxi. ltwice, 2, 3 (θρόνος, thethrone, LTARN) 10. HEAVEN (rrom.) οὐρανόθεν, from οὐρανός, from Heaven, Acts xxvi. 18. HEAVEN (ιν) ἐπουράνιος, heavenly, what pertains to or is in heaven ; οἱ ἐπουράνιοι, here which come within the heavenly order. Phil. ii, 10. HEAVEN (MIDST OF.) | μεσουράνημα, mid-heaven, the midst of the heavens. Rev. viii. 13; xiv. 6; xix. 17. HEAVENLY. ἐκ, out of, from, οὐρανός, heaven, see weder 18 HEAVEN, of heaven. 2. οὐράνιος, heavenly. 3. ἐπουράνιος, (No. 2, with ἐπί, upon, in, heavenly, what pertains to, ov is in heaven. ) 2. Matt. vi. 14, 26, 82. — xv. 138. xviii. 85(No. 2, Geo LTT APR.) 2. Luke ii. 18. 1. —— xi. 18. — John iii. 12, see H things 2. Acts xxvi. 19. 3. 1 Cor. xv 48 lst. 48 2nd, see H(they that are.) 49. | 3, Tce Eph. i. 8, see H places. 83. —— 20 (No. 2, L. — — iii. 10, } see — — vi. 12, places. 8. 2 Tim. iv. 18, 8. Heb, fii. 1, ὃ, —vi 4 — — viii. 5, } see Ἡ | ——— ix. 28, fs things. 8, —— xi. 16. 8, ---- xii. 22. [ 365 ] HEAVENLY PLACES. the heavenly places, the places pertaining to heaven,in the domain of the heavenly. The phrase defines broad- ly and comprehen- | sively the region and sphere where are our country, Phil. iii. 20; our High Priest; our Treasure, Matt. vi. 20, 21; our Affec- tions, Col. 1. 5; our Inheritance reserved, 1 Pet. i. 4, (oce. Eph. irr 20} Eph. i. 3, marg. the things | Eph. iii. 10. [high places.) ii. 6 — vi. 12, marg. (text, οἱ, the(mase. ᾿ pl. ), ἐπουράνιοι, heavenlies, —l. 0. HEAVENLY (1ΗΕΥ THAT ARE.) οἱ, the [persons, | ἐπουράνιοι, heavenly, what pertains to | heaven. 1 Cor. xv. 45. HEAVENLY THINGS. τὰ, the things (neut. ), ἐπουράνια, heavenly, (see. above. ) John iii. 12. [ἢ places.) Heb. viii. 5. Eph. i. 8, mase. marg. (text — ix. 23, HEAVINESS. 1. λύπη, grief, sorrow. 2. κατήφεια, a casting the eye down- ward, dejection, (non occ. ) 1. Rom. ix. 2. — Phil. ii. 26, see H (be 1, 2 Cor. ii. 1. 2. Jas. iv. 9. [full of.) — 1 Pet. i. 6, see Ἡ (be in.) HEAVINESS (ΒΒ FULt of.) ἀδημονέω, to be troubled or in anguish ; | to be in a state of great anxiety, | (οσο. Matt. xxvi. 87; Mark xiv. 33.) | Phil. ii. 26. ᾿ | | HEAVINESS (nk 1.) λυπέω, to give pain to, to pain, distress. Pass. as here, to be sad, to mourn, grieve, 1 Pet. i. 6, part. oppressed, 2. βαρύς, heavy, as of burdens, hard to be borne. — Matt. xi. 28, see Laden. 2. xxiii. 4. [very.) — — xxvi. 37, see H (be u IE 43, part. [very.) — Mark xiv. 33, see H (be 1 Mk. xiv.40(xaraBapvvouae same as No.1, but more emphatic, GwL T Tr), (καταβαρέομαι, &.) 1. Luke ix. 32, part. HEAVY (88 very.) ἀδημονέω, see “ HEAVINESS (BE FULL OF,”) occ. Phil. ii. 26. Matt. xxvi. 37. | Mark xiv. 33. HEBREW. 1. Ἑβραῖος, a Hebrew, from Heb. say passer over, Prob., the same as ὑπέρ, over. In allusion to Abraham's immigration from the other side of the Euphrates, he was called, “Abram the Hebrew,” Gen. xiv. 13. In Ixx. ὁ περάτης, from πέραν, beyond, a.e., beyond the river. The title Hebrew ts therefore their title of separation, and is never used without a special reference to them as distinct from other nations, either latent or expressed, [Ἑλληνιστής, is a Hellenist, we, a Hebrew who has unlearned his own tongue and speaks Greek, and ex- presses a distinction within the nation, and not between that nation and any other (see “GRECIAN.” ᾿Ιουδαῖος, is a Jew in his national distinction from Gentile. It came from the prominence of the single tribe of Judah, to be applied to all whoreturned from the captivity (see ην). ᾿Ισραηλίτης, is the Israel- ite as the heir of the Theocratic privileges and the glorious vocation (see “ Israruite.”) So we speak now of the Hebrew Tongue and the Jewish nation. ] 2. Ἑβραϊς, the Hebrew language, 1.6. the Hebrew Arammean or Syro Chaldaic which was probably the vernacular language of the Pales- tine Jews at the time of Christ. 1. Acts vi. 1. | 2. Acts xxvi. 14. | HEB HEAVY. 1. βαρέομαι, to be heavy, weighed down, ||" 2. xxi. 40, 1. 2 Cor, xi, 22. 2. —— xxii. 2, 1. Phil. iii, 5 twice. HEB HEBREW (rv.) Ἑβραϊστί, Hebraicé, in Hebrew. John xix. 20. — HEBREW (in THE.) John xix. 13, 17. HEBREW TONGUE (ry THE.) John ν. 2. Rev. ix. 11. Rey. xvi. 16. HEBREW (or.) Ἑβραϊκός, adj., Hebrew. Luke xxiii. 38 (ap.) HEDGE [noun. } φραγμός, a shutting up, fencing or hedg- ing in, also, a hedge or fence. Mark xii. 1. | Luke xiv. 23. [ 366 ] HEDGE ROUND ABOUT [verb. ] περιτίθημι, to put around, φραγμός, a fence, (see above. ) Matt. xxi. 33, HEED (ΤΑ ΚΕ.) 1. βλέπω, to look, see, have the power of sight applied to mental vision or consideration, to consider, take to heart, employed to express a more intent, earnest, spiritual contem- plation than No. 2. ὁράω, to see, applied to bodily sight ; | to see to, look to. . προσέχω, to hold to, bring to or near; used of the mind, to turn one’s mind, thought, or attention to a thing, be intent upon {ή. _ σκοπέω, to look at or after a thing, to | consider, examine, (as No. 1 refers to universal contemplation, so Vo, 4 refers to particular. ) . Matt. vi. 1. 1. — xvi. 6. 2. — xviii. 10, — xxiv. 4. Mark iv. 24. —— vili. 16, — xiii. 5, 28, 33, . Luke viii. 18. — xi. 35. —— xil. 15. Luke xxi. 8. Acts xxii. 26(om. G LT TrAWN,the sense being, “What art thou going . 1 Cor. iii. 10, [to do?”’) . — viii. 9. _—x. 12. . Gal. ν. 16. . Heb. iii. 12. , 2 Pet. 1. 19, fo tbo ppt po po ge | HEE HEED TO (arve.) 3. Acts viii. 10, 5 1 παπι ἦν, Ἱ. Sima. 4: 3. Titus i. 14. HEED TO (τΑΚΕ.) 1. Mark xiii. 9. 8. Luke xxi. 34. 3. Luke xvii. 3. 3. Acts v. 35. 1. 6οι αν. 17, HEED TO (cive THE MORE EARNEST.) { | more abundantly to be holding fast unto. περισσοτέρως, more abundantly, προσέχω, see above, No. 3, Heb. ii. 1. HEED UNTO (atve.) προσέχω, see above, No. 3. . ἐπέχω, to have or hold upon, to direct upon, spoken of the mind, to pay attention to, mark. 2. Acts iii. 5. | 1. Acts viii. 6. HEED UNTO (τακε.) . προσέχω, see above. > 2. ἐπέχω, see above. 1. Acts xx. 28. | 2. 1 Tim. iv. 16, HEEL. πτέρνα, the heel, (non occ. ) [Quoted from Ps. xli. 10, where the figure refers to circumventing, sup- planting, see Gen. xxvii. 36; Jer. ix. 4; Hos. xii. 3.] John xiii. 18. HEIFER. δάμαλις, a heifer of fit age to be tamed to the yoke, | here referring to the ‘red heifer ” of Num. xix. |, (non occ.) Heb. ix. 13. HEIGHT, 1. ὕψος, height; the top, summit or crown. 2. ὕψωμα, high position, elevation. 2. Rom. viii. 39. | 1. Eph. iii. 18. 1, Rev. xxi. 16. HEI HEIR (8. κληρονόμος, receiving a portion, esp., 7 an inheritance ; as Subst., an heir, one who has a κλήρος, (a lot), (not one to whom a κλήρος is allotted, because it is derived from the active; but) he who hasthe inheritance, the stress being laid on the possession. {Spoken emphatically of Christ, who as the Son of Apam is the heir of universal dominion, Gen. i. 26, 28; Ps. vii. 4—S8; Heb. 11. 6—8; as son of AprauaM, heir of the land, Gen. xxii. 16—18; Heb. ii. 16; Rom. iv. 13; as Son of Davin, the heir to the throne, Matt. i. 1, 6; Luke i. 30—33; as Son of Gop the heir of all, Heb.i.1, 2; Acts x.36.] Matt. xxi. 58. Eph. iii. 6, see H (fellow.) Mark xii, 7. | Titus iii. 7. Luke xx, 14. | Heb. i, 2. Kom, iv. 13, 14. — 1+, see H of (be.) — viii. 17, and see H ‘ ——vi. 17. (joint.) -— xi. 7. Gal, iii. 29. - 9, see H with. --— iv iy aly β Jas. ii. 5. 30, see H (be ) | 1 Pet. 111, 7,see H together ο ο SS HEIR (55:) κληρονοµέω, to be ἃ κληρονόμος, (see HEIR. ) Gal. iv. 30. HEIR OF (8Ε.) Heb. i. 14. HEIR TOGETHER. συγκληρονόμος, ἃ heir together with another, (non occ.) 1 Pet. iii. 7. HEIR WITH. Heb. xi. 9. HEIR (Fretiow.) Eph. iii. 6, [ 367 1 HEL HEIR (soryt.) «-...-. | ee ee mee Row. viii, 17. HELL. 1. yeévva, Gehenna. [Greek for 0373, Ghi-Hinnom, or valley of Hinnom, Josh. xv. 8,where was thescene of the Moloch worship nan (Tophet, i.e., abomination.) 2 Chron. xxxiii.6; Jer. ii. 23 ; vii. 31; xix. 6, ete. Hence desecrated by Josiah, 2 Kings xxiii. 10. The name was not derived from the worship of Moloch, but from the later use of the burning of carrion, by means of ever-burning fire, Jer. xxxi. 40; Is. Ixvi. 24. Probably used by our Lord as a symbol, (cf. Is. xxx. 33; Ixvi. 24; Mal. iv. 1, with Luke xvii. 29,30; Matt. xiii. 40,) for the notion of a devouring judgment fire, which was current prior to the possible employ- ment of Gehenna in this sense, (Lev. χ. 2; Num. xvi. 35; 2 Kings 1., etc.) ] 2. ἅδης, Hades, the Invisible, Grave- dom. Greek for Hebrew Sw, Sheol, which denotes a _ hollow, abyss, or cavity, as does the Old English word Hell or Hole; Germ., Holle, and Héule. Inthe A. V. it is variously translated “hell,” “ pit,” or ‘‘ grave.” Hanes therefore denotes the Realm of the Invisible, Grave-land, Grave-dom. Ail the graves of the world viewed as one. The one grave of the human race; not the grave of an individual (which is “2p, a grave or cavern, or ‘3, ἃ pit). Acts ii, 24—84 is quoted from Ps. xvi., and refers only to Christ’s burial. The article of the Apostles’ Creed which implies απ΄ additional thought was added about a.p. 600, and is contained in no creed prior to Α.Ρ. 400, when it was used as the equivalent for the previous fact, “ buried.” HEL [ 370 ] — Matt. v. 22, see H fire. | 2. Lukexvi.23, seeabove, 1, 29, 30. Note (3.) 1, —— x. 28. 2. Acts ii. 27, 31. 2. ——xi. 23. 2.1 Cor. xv. 55, marg. 2. xvi. 18. τ jo grave.) —— xviii. 9, see 1. Jas. iii. 6. fire. — 2 Pet. ii. 4, see H (cast to help. 1. — xxiii. 15, 33. down to.) 1. Mark ix. 43, 45. 2. Rev. i. 18 G 7 ROK — — ix. 47,seeHfire. | 2. ——vi. 8. reeh, le. 2. Luke x. 15. 2. ——xx. 13, margin, pecan Ξ ανν ance, help, (ποπ occ.) — 2. βοήθεια, aid, HELL-FIRE. γεέννα, Gehenna (see “weLL” «Λο. 1,) the Gehenna τοῦ, of the, of fire. πυρός, of fire, Matt. v. 22. | Matt. xviii. 9. Mark ix. 47. HELL (cast Down το.) ταρταρόω, to cast into taprapos,(nonocc.) [τάρταρος is not Sheol or Hades, (No. 2) where all men go in death. Nor is it where the wicked are to be consumed and destroyed, which is Gehenna, (No. 1.) Not the abode of men in any condition. It is used only here, and here only of “the angels that sinned,” (see Jude 6.) It denotes the bounds or verge of this material world. The extremity of this lower air—of which Satan 18 “the prince,” (Eph. ii. 2,) and of which Scripture speaks as having “the rulers of the darkness of this world” and “wicked spirits in aerial regions.” taptapos is not only the bounds of this material creation, but is so called from its coldness. | 2 Pet. ii. 4. HELM. πηδάλιον, a rudder, (Acts xxvii. 40.) Jas. iii. 4. HELMET. περικεφαλαία, (subst. from περικεφάλαιος, around the head,) a covering for the head, helmet, &c., (non occ.) Eph. vi. 17. | 1 Thes. v. 8. HEL HELP (-s) [noun. } 1. ἀντίληψις, the receiving of a fee; then a laying hold of with a view In Biblical Greek it has a sense unknown in Classical a rendering assist- succour, rescue; 7 pl., auxiliaries or means of help. (Heb. iv. 16.) 3. ἐπικουρία, aid, succour; an auxiliary or allied force, (non oce.). 3. Acts xxvi. 22. 1: 1 Cox. xii228) 2. —— xxvii. 17. — 2Cor.iv.8, hs bch out.) HELP (without) [margin. ] See DESPAIR. HELP [verb] (-ED, -ETH, -ING, HOLPEN.) 1. βοηθέω, to run to help, come to the rescue, to succour. eis, unto, ) . 4 βοήθεια, see “HELP,” > for succour. No. 2, above), J ἀντιλαμβάνομαι, to lay hold of with a view to help, to hold helpingly. bo 9 a συλλαμβάνω, to take or lay hold of together, and so to help, aid. 5. συναντιλαμβάνω, to lay hold of a thing together with a person and so to assist that person. 6. συμβάλλω, to throw, send or strike together. In mid. as here,to throw together of one’s own with others, i.e. to confer benefit, to contri- bute, and thus help. 1. Matt. xv. 25. 5. Rom. viii. 26, mid. 1. Mark ix. 22, 24. | —1 Cor. xvi. 16, see H 3. Luke i. 54. with. 4, ——v.7, mid | —2 Cor. i. 11, see Ἡ to- 5, —x. 40, mid gether. 1. Acts xvi. 9. | 4, Phil, iv. 3, mid, 6. — xviii. 27. | 2. Heb. iv. 16. 1, —— xxi. 28. { 1. Rey. xii. 16, HELP TOGETHER. συνυπουργέω, to join in serving or working under, to serve or work with any one as an underworker. 2 Cor. i. 11. HEL [5711 HER el HELP WITH. ἀπὸ, from, συνεργέω, to join or help in work, to | *: { τὸν, the, from the present. co-operate with, to be a co-worker. οκ κος - 1. Matt. xxiii. 39. —2 Cor. v. 15, see H 1 Cor. xvi. 16. 4. Luke i. 48", (not.) , - 4, ——v, 108. 16 Ist. μὲ 4, —— xii. 505, -- 16 2nd, see HELPER (-s.) 1. John xiii. 19*, marg. no more. ” ; _ 5 (text, now.) 2. Gal. iv. 17». 1. Bones, succouring, rescuing. As τ Ὁ 15, see H...not. | — Eph. iv. 14, see H no a Cts lv. . more. subst. a helper, succourer, sup- |g tii Ge 7. wee cee porter, rescuer, (non. occ.) 2. συνεργός, working together in con- junction with. As subst. a fellow- labourer, a co-worker. 2. Rom. xvi. 3, 9. | 2. 2 Cor. i. 24, 1. Heb. xiii. 6. — 6, see H...not. | 2. Heb, κ. 13*. 1. Rev. xiv. 18". HENCEFORTH NO MORE. 1. μηκέτι, no more, no longer, no further, (referring to what is mat« ter of thought or supposition.) HELPER (rettow.) a, τς 2. οὐκέτι, NO more, no longer, (refer- ο. eae ed ly | θυ ϑ665.8, ring to what is matter of fact.) a as : . Vv. 16. . Eph. iv. 14. HEM. 2. 2 Cor. v. 16 | 1. Eph. iv κράσπεδον, the edge, border, margin or πορη hem of a thing, esp. of cloth, (else- HENCEFORTH...NOT. where, BORDER.) 1. μηκέτι, (see above, No. 1.) Matt. ix. 30. | Matt. xiv. 36. 2. οὐκέτι, (see above, No. 2.) ΝΣ ει | an τ 2. John xv. 15. Ι. 1. Rom. vi. 6, HEN. 1. Eph. iv. 17. ” . ὄρνις, a bird, a fowl. In N. Τι only of es . poultry, the hen, (non oce.) HENCEFORTH (xor.) Matt. xxii 37. | Luke xiii. 34. μηκέτι, (see above, No. 1.) ae 2 Cor. v. 15. HENCE. 1. ἐντεῦθεν, hence, thence, from this or HENCEFORWARD (vo...) that place. μηκέτι, NO more, no longer, (see above, ͵ ; Mo; 1.) 2. μετά, (with Acc. as here,) after. eee | — Matt. iv. 10, see Get. | 4 John ii. τ == 1. — xvii. 20 (€v@ev,| 1. —— vii. 3. there, or thither, L T 1. —— xiv. 31. HER. πὰ ABs) — — xviii. 36, see H P [ ο enh? Flom.) 1. αὐτής, (gen. sing. fem.) herself, de- —— dl. 2. Acts 1. 5. : : ------ sri 26, see Ἡ] — ho xl, 21, seo Far. monstrative and emphatic. (from.) 1. Jas. iv. 1. Ὁ : : 2. ἑαυτῆς, of one’s self, of her own self. HENCE (From. Σ Γ 1, Luke iv. 9. ( ) 3. ταύτην, (acc. fem. of οὗτος,) this. 1, —— xvi. 26, (ἔνθεν, there or thither, LT TrA ) 1, John xviii. 6. The word “wer” is generally the translation of ο. 1, and is of too HENCEFORTH (and ΕΠΟΝ ΠΕΝΟΕ- frequent occurrence to be quoted FORTH.*) below. κά — Matt. i. 6, see H.,.the | 2. Luke xiii, 34. Mec from. | wife. |— Acts vii. 21, see H ἄρτι, now, Just now. 2. — xxiii. 37, (No. 1, | own, — ἢ ᾿ T Trd Α. 8.) | 2, 1 Cor. xi. 52nd, (No.1, τὸ, the, in fu- 1, Lukei. 36, Dat.(om.L.) | LT Tr A.) . λ ΄ pd . 1. ii. 22, (αὐτῶν, of | —— xiii. 5, see H own, Οπου, remaining time, ture. them, their, ἃ 1, T Tr | 2. 1 Thes. ii. 7. , | AN) (αὐτοῦ, of his, 8, Rey. xii. 15, (Νο, 1, 3. μηκέτι, NO more, no longer. ᾱ ο.) L'T Tr Α. ΒΜ.) I «τσ ασ τος ςο, ςτττος αςς α ας -ς-- --- - - .. vs HER [αρ ἢ ΤΙ HER OWN. HERE (8Ε:) 2. Acts vii. 21, Dat. | 2. 1°Cor. xiii. 5. HER...THE WIFE. ἡ, the, (lit. of the [wife] of Uriah.) Matt. i. 6. —_$<___-_—___. HERBS. 1. λάχανον, a plant tilled in the ground, z.e. garden herbs, as opp. to wild plants, vegetables, greens, (non οσο.) 2. βοτάνη, pasturage, 2.6. herbage, grass, fodder, (non oce.) 1. Luke xi. 42. 1. Rom. xiv. 2. 1. Matt. xiii. 32. 1, Mark iv. 32. 2. Heb. vi. 7. HERD. ἀγέλη, a herd, (in N. 1: only of swine,) non oce. Matt. viii. 30, 31. 32 1st(om. GL Tr Matt. viii, 322n4, Mark v. 11, 13. κ.) Luke viii, 32, 33. HERE. 1. ὧδε, (demonst. adv. of place) hither, here. 2. ἐνθάδε, thither, hither, more com. here or there; of time, here, now, as opp. to the future. 3. αὑτοῦ, (adv. orig. gen. neut. of αὐτός, self,) just here, or just there. 1. Matt. xii. 41, 42. | 1. John vi. 9. 1. —— xiv. 8, 17. | 1. —— xi. 21, 32. 1, —— xvi. 28. | — Acts iy. 10, see Stand, 1, —— xvii. 4 twice. | 1, —— ix. 14. eG | --- κ. 33, see Ἡ pre- 1. —— xxiv. 2, 29. sent (be.) 3. —— xxvi. 36. 2. —— xvi. 28. 1, - 38. ——— xxiv. 19,see H(be) 1, —— xxviii. 6, { --- 20, see H (these 1. Mark vi. 3. | same.) 1. —— viii. 4. ——— xxv. 24]st, see H 1. —— ix. 1, 5. present with (be.) 1. —— xiii. 21. | 2. 24 2nd. 1, —— xiv. 32, 34, 1. Col. iv. 9. δη xvi. 6, | 1. Heb. vii. 8. 1. Luke iv. 23. 1, —— xiii. 14. 1,- ix. 12, 1. Jas. ii, 3 1. 1. - - 27, (No. 8, T Tr | 1. 32nd (om. GaL AR.) | LT ir AN.) a He - 33. —1 Peter i. 17, see So- 1, — xi. 31, 32 journing.) 1. —— xvii. 21, 23, | 1. Rev. xiii, 10, 18, 1, — xxii. 38. | 1. —— xiv. 12 Ist. 1. —— xxiv. 6, Hobs 122n4d (om, GL 2. 41. | TTrARN.) 1. Rev. xvii. 9. πάρειμι, to be beside, be near by, be present, to have come. Acts xxiv. 19. HERE PRESENT (053 πάρειμι (see above.) Acts x. 33. HERE PRESENT WITH (zr.) συμπάρειμι, to be beside, in conjunce- tion with any one, to be near by or present with another. Acts xxv, 24. HERE (ΤΗΣΒΕ same.) these same or these them- selves. αὐτοὶ, themselves, a οὗτοι, these, (nea7’,) ( Acts xxiv. 20. an et fo ee HEREAFTER. { μετὰ, after, ἶ ὶ ταῦτα, these things. 9 ( ἀπὸ, from, “αὶ ἄρτι, now, just now. Pye ik ἀπὸ, from, 3. 4 Tov, the, from the presoxt. yov, now, ) 4. μηκέτι, NO more, no 1onger. 2. Matt. xxvi. 64, 4. Mark xi. 14. 3. Luke xxii. 69. —1 Tim. i. 16, see H 2. Johni. 52 (om. ἃ οὐ L (should.) T Ἐν Α 8.) 1. Rev. i. 19. 1, —— xiii. 7. 1, ανα. 1. Rev. ix. 12. — John xiv. 30, see I... not. HEREAFTER...NOT. ( οὐκ, no, not, ) ( ἔτι, yet, still, § John xiv, 30. HEREAFTER (suovutp.) μέλλω, to be about to, be on the point of. no longer. 1 Tim. i. 16, HEREBY. ἐν, in, , Ἴ * ( τούτῳ, this, ᾿ in this. HER [ ~—_ —_ { ἐκ, out of, from, κά consequence τ ( τούτου, this, of this. 1. 1 Cor. iv. 4. 1. 1 John iv. 2. 1. 1 John ii. 3, 5. 2. —— iv. 6. 1. —— iii. 16, 19, 24. te 13. HEREIN. ἐν, 1, τούτῳ, this, John iv. 37. Acts xxiv. 16. — ix. 30. 2 Cor. viii. 10, —— xv.8. 1 John iv. 10, 17. HEREOF. αὕτη, (Jem. sing. of οὗτος, this) this (viz. this report.) Matt. ix. 26, marg. this. | Actsxxv. 20,see Question. Heb. v. 3, see Reason. TIERESY (αεῬ.) αἵρεσις, a taking, esp. of a town; then, a taking as of choice, option; a preference, a chosen way or plan; later a philosophic principle, or set of principles, a sect or school, (elsewhere “ sEcr.”) Acts xxiv. 14. | 1 Cor. xi. 19, marg. sect. HERETIC. αἱρετικός, able to choose ov select; then, one who acts from party spirit, a factious person. ng. “heretic,” (non occ.) Tit. iii. 10. HERETOFORE. See 8ΙΝ. HEREUNTO. { eis, unto, τοῦτο, this. 1 Pet. ii. 21. HERITAGE. κλῆρος, a lot, a casting lots; then, that which is assigned by lot, an allotment ov portion of land, hence, possessions, heritage. 1 Pet. v. 3. 373 | HEW HEROD. Ἡηρώδης, a name of four persons, Idu- mans, successively put in power by the Romans over the whole or part of the Jewish nation. (a) Herod the Great, son of Anti- pater, procurator of Galilee, B.C. 41, died A.D. 2, aged 70, after 40 years reign. (b) Herod Antipas (Herod the Tetrarch) son of Herod the Great, and own brother to Archelaus. Married a daughter of Aretas, and dismissed her for Herodias, whom he induced to leave her husband, his brother Philip Herod. (c) Herod Agrippa, the elder, oft. called only Agrippa, grandson of Herod the Great, died A.D. 44. Acts xu. 21, (4) Herod Agrippa, the younger son of (c). It was before this one that Paul was brought. 8, Matt. i. 3, 7, 12,13, 15, ; Ὁ. Luke xxiii, 7twice, 8, 11, 16, 19, = 19.315. b. —— xiv. 1, 3, 6 twice. b. Acts iv. 27. b. Mark vi. eh 16, 17, 18, | ec. —— xii. 1, 6, 11, 19. 20—22. ο, 20, (om. ἃ 1, T b. —— viii. 15. Tr A δ), 21 a. Luke i. 5. b. —— xiii. 1. b. —— iii. 1, 19 twice. ο. —— xxiii. 35. b. —— viii. 3 d. —— xxv. 13, 22—24, 26. ο. —— ix. 7, 9. d. xxvi. 1, 2,7, 19, 28, b. —— xiii. 31. 82. HERSELF. 1. αὐτή, self, she herself. 2. ἑαυτῆς, of herself, herself. 2. Matt, ix. 21. 2. Rev. ii. 20. 2. Luke i. 24. 2. —— xviii. 7, 1. Heb. xi. 11. 2. —— xix. 7. HEW, HEWN. λατομέω, to quarry 07) hew stones, (non ace. Matt. xxvii. 60. | Mark xy. 46. HEW DOWN. ἐκκόπτω, to cut out, (as a surgeon does) ; of trees to cut down, fell, hence. to cut off, destroy. Matt. iii. 10. | Matt. vii: 19, Luke iii. 9, HEW HEWN IN STONE. λαξευτος, hewn in stone, (ἰχχ. Deut. iv. 49.) Luke xxiii. 53. HIDE (-ΕτΗ, -ΡΕΝ.) Also HID, HIDDEN, the adjective. 1. κρύπτω, to hide, cover, cloak; con- ceal, keep secret, to keep covered for purposes of concealment Ζ. ἀποκρύπτω, (Wo. 1 with ἀπὸ, away from, prefixed) to hide away from any one. 3. ἐγκρύπτω, (30. 1 with ἐν, in, prefixed ) to hide in anything by covering, (non oce.) 4, περικρύπτω, (No. 1 with περὶ, around, prefixed) to hide all around, hide wholly, (non occ.) 5. καλύπτω, to cover with a thing, to cover over so that no trace of it can be seen, (thus differing from No. 1) esp. to cover with a veil, (elsewhere, Cover.) 6. παρακαλύπτω, (3ο. 5 with παρὰ, be- side, prefixed) to cover over or hide by putting anything beside or near an object; to veil, disguise, (non oce.) 7. κρυπτός, (adj. of No.1,) covered for purposes of concealment. 8. ἀπόκρυφος, (adj. of No. 2,) hidden away from, (oce. Mk. iv. 32.) 1, Matt. v. 14. | 1. Luke xix. 42. = 1. —— viii. 44 twice. | τος see 7. ——x. 26. | eins τον } one’s 2. —— xi. 25, (No. 1, L | Cane self. Tr A δ — Acts xxvi. 26, see H 3. —— xiii. 33, (No. 1, (be.) ~) 2. 1 Cor. ii. 7 2. —— xxv. 18 —— iv. 5p see H 7 25. — 2 Cor. iv. 2, thing 7. Mark iv. 22. 5. 3 twice. — — vii. 24, 8869 H(be.) | 2. Eph. iii. 9. 4. Luke i. 24. 2. Col. i. 26. 8. —— viii. 17. 8. —— ii. 3. -- gf? roe H (be.) | 1. — iii. 3. 6. —— ix. 1. 1 Tim. ν, 25. 2. ——x. a | 1. Heb. xi. 23. 7. — xii. 2. | 5. Jas. ν. 20. 8. —— xiii. 21 (No.1, T ! 7. 1 Pet. iii. 4. Tr A.) | 1. Rev. ii. 17. 1, —— xviii. 34, ' 1, —— vi. 15, 16. HIDE ONE’S SELF. Ἔ John mee ἀνὰ } passive. [ 374 1 HIG HID (se.) λανθάνω, to escape notice, be unnoticed. Mark vii. 24. | Acts xxvii. 26. Luke viii. 47. HIDDEN THING. 7. 1 Cor. iv. 5, 7. 2 Cor. iv. 2 ’ { neuter. HIGH. (See also Priest.) 1. ὑψηλός, high, elevated ; towering. on high, 2. μέγας, great, esp. of bodily size ; but also of importance, degree, and power, ete. 3. ἄνω, up, above, upwards. 1. Matt. iv. 8. | — Rom. xi. 20, see High- 1. —— xvii. 1. | minded. — Mark v.7,seeH(most.) | ——— xii. 16, see H ο τμ , seeCaptain. things. 1, —— ix. 2. | iii — Lukei. 78, 566 H (from | —2 Cor. x. 5, see H on.) things. 1. —— iv. 5 (ap.) {— Eph: ih 8, see H (on.) —— viii. 28, see H 12, seeH places. (most. ) lg. Phil. fii. 14. — — xxiv. 49, see H | —1 Tim. vi. 17,see High- (from on.) minded. 2. John xix. 31. — Heb. i. 3, see H (on.) — Acts vii. 48, see H | ——vii. 1, see H (most.) (most.) 1. —— xiii. 17. Heal. 26. — — xvi. 17, see H | —— x. 21. (most.) 1. Rev. xxi. 10, 12, HIGH (ον) ev, in, 1, ον high, Γ21. prob. places. | ἐν, in, ) - ος height, § οἩ high. 2 Eph. iv. 8. | 1 Heb. i. 3. HIGH (from ον.) ἐξ, out of, : ας high, ᾿ from on high. Luke i. 78; xxiv. 49. HIGH (atosr.) ὕψιστος, (superl.) highest, loftiest, * applied to God. Mark ν. 7. | Acts vii. 48.* Luke viii. 28, — xvi. 17. Heb. vii. 1. HIG Care Ἱ HIM HIGH PLACES. HIGH-MIN DED (5Ε.) ἐν the, (pl.) i heavenly places. 1. τυφόω, to be τῦφος, (smoke, vapour,) ἐπουρανίοι, to be beclouded. Eph. vi. 12, marg. heavenly places. ; 2 β 2. ὑψηλοφρονέω, to think lofty things, to be high-minded, haughty, (non οσο.) HIGH THINGS. τὰ, the things, ο high things. 2. ὕψωμα, high position, height. 2. Rom. xi. 20. | 2. 1 Tim. vi. 17. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 4. 2 Cor. x. 5. “ee | HIGHWAY (-s.) See also priest (ΗταΠ.) | 1. 6006s, a way, path, road, highway. διέξοδοι, waysout \ the crossings of HIGHER. through, pas- {the ways, or, 1. ἀνώτερον, higher. sages, the crossways of 2. ὑπερέχω, to hold over a thing, as | an of the ἃ the roads, (non being superior and as protecting. ee πο ace.) Here, part. ρα orprotecting. | ο, Matt. xxii. 9. eds ae 46, see H side 1. Luke xiv. 10. | pearls Ὁ 1. = ας 1. Luke ee ee HIGHEST. ὕψιστος, (superl.) highest, loftiest. HIGHWAYSIDE (sy THE.) Luke i. δὲ, 85, 76. Luke xiv. 8, see Room. 1. Mark x. 46. HILL. HIGHEST (τν THE.) ἐν, 1η, 1. «τοῖς, the, ὑψίστοις, highest, ( pl.) 1. ὄρος, a mountain, hill. | | —— vi. 35. == OBE 46, see Seat. | | 2. ὀρειγός, (adj.) mountainous, hilly, (non oce.) ἜΝ 9 (ἐν, in, , 4 y "ἃ ὑψίστοις, highest, (21:) 3. βουνός, a hill, heap, mound, height, 1. Matt, xxi. 9. | 2 Bake μα (non oce.) ο ai -- 1. Matt. v. 14. 1. Luke iv. 29. a Lukei. 39, 65. 1. ——ix. δα) 3. —— iii. 5. 3. —— xxiii. 30. HIGHLY. — Acts xvii. 19, 22, see Mar’s Hill. Luke i. 28, see Favoured. | Acts xii. 20, see Dis- μεν». — xvi. 15, see H pleased. esteemed, (that which | Rom. xii. 3, see Think. HIM. is.) Phil. ii. 9, see Exalt. ν : A SHO. V, 48, ea EL (very) Him is generally the translation of αὐτός, (very, self, he,) in some of HIGHLY ESTEEMED (THAT its inflections. Sometimes there WHICH 18.) is no corresponding Greek word. τὸ, the, Except in these cases it is the ὕψηλος, lofty. translation of one of these words Luke xvi. 15. following, in the passages below. 1. οὗτος, this, (the nearer person.) Here, HIGHLY (very.) ( ὑπὲρ, over, above, beyond, ) exceed- δ ἐκ, out of, ing ( περισσοῦ, abundant, re- \ abund- maining over and above.) antly. | 3. ἐκεῖνος, that one there. the accusative, except * the Dative, and + the Gen. . ἐαυτοῦ, himself. *, the Dat. bo HIM [ος 1 HIN 1, Matt. xxvii. 32. | 1. Acts x. 49. 2. Mak xiv. 33 (ἀντου, | 1*. 43 (to him.) LT Ἑτ Α 9.) | 1, —— xiii. 27. 1. Luke ix. 26. pe bg 39. oF. 47. | 1, —— χν. 38. 1. —— xii. 5. | 1. —— xvi. 3. 15: xix. 19 (to him.) | 1. —— xvii. 23. 1. —— xx. 12, 19. 3. Rom. xiv. 14, 15. 1. John v. 6. [.1..} Cor. ii. 2. 1*, — 38. 1. —— iii. 17 (ἀυτόν, him, 3. 49. GwlL.) 118 vi. 27. ο, xvi. 2. at τις αχ Θ]- —Eph. i. 10, see H ἢ x. 3, . ᾿ (ever.) Ίο xiii’ og, } (tobi) 1 pints) 95, ἘΝ 27. 1. Heb. χὶ. 12, neut. plur. 1. — xxi. 21 1*, 1 John ii. 4, 5. 1. Acts ii. 23. | 1. Rev. v. 14 (ap.) τί ἢ iv. 10. | 1fj—— xix. 20 (avrov, 1. —-v. 31. him, GLT ΤΥ Α ο) HIM (EVEN) (ην) ἐν, in + oe him and no other, him alone. Eph. i. 10. HIMSELF. ἐαυτοῦ, himself, masc. sing. * Accusative. + Dative αὐτός, very, self, he and no other, he alone. * Accusative. + Genitive. + Dative. — Luke rxiii.2, seeH (he) 35, 2. Matt. vi. 4 (om.G@ > L | TTrAR®.) Lg 35. 2. —— viii. 17. 1*, xxiv. 12 (ap.) ἐμὴ xii. 20. 2. 15. 1. 45 twice. Ἶ, 27 (Νο. 2, GL 1¢.— xiii. 21. T Tr.) 1*,— xvi. 24, hey 36. 1*,—— xviii. 4. | 1*.John ii. 24 No. 2*, LT 1*.—— xxiii. 12 twice, | Tr A &.) 1*.—— xxvii. 42, 2. —— iv. 2, 12, 44, 53. 2. - 57. 1*,——-v. 18. 1*. Marck iii, 26. 1. 19. 1* ——-. v. δ. 23 20. 11.- 30. 11. 26 twice. 2. ——vi. 17. 2. - 37 (ἐκιξινος, that 1*,—— viii. 34. one there, Lm ΤῪ 1*,—— xii. 33. AR. ) 2. 86. | ——— vi. Ἢ ,15,seeH (he.) 1*,—— xv. 31. 11. 2. Luke iil. 23. ——— vi ο see H (he.) 2, —— vi. 3. εἰ 11. vii. 39 [15..--.-- vie 22, 1* ix. ον 25. | 1t.—— xi. 38, ——— x, as see H (he.) Le a he 1*,—— xiii. 1*.— xi. “18. It. δὲ (No. 2t,T Tr) i 26. Le — xvi. 13. 1+.—— xii. 17. (9, 27. 11. 21 (for himself.) | 1*. xix. 7. δν xiv. 11 twice, | 1*,- ΕΣ, αν 1*,—— xv. 17. | 1*.Acts i. 3. 1¢.—— xvi. 3. | —-—— ff, 84, see H (he.) 1+.—— xviii. 4. | 1*.—— v. 36. iby 11, 14 twice. | 1*,—— viii. 9. 1+.—— xix. 12 (for him- | 2. 13. self.) 1 34. 2. —— xx. 42. 1¢+.— x. 17. 1+. Acts xii. 11. af Eph. ο (to H.) | Th xiv. 17 (No. 2*, L | 1 T Tr.) | ia Phil. ii. 7, 8 1*,.—— xvi. 27. 1+.—— iii. 21, unto — —— xvili.19) see H (No. 2t, ip ΩΣ Δ Ne) — —— xix, 22 J (he.) 2*.Col. i. 20. ibe | 2. 1 Thes. iii. a a 2, — xx. 19. 9 — —— xxv. 4, 25, see H | 1*.2 Thes. ii. 4. (he.) 2. 16. πι xxviii. 16. 2: ener 1+.Rom. xiv. 7twice,(toH) | 1*.1 Tim, ii. 6. ie 12. 11ο Tim. 11. 19, 205 Ug 22. | 1*. Titus 11. 14 1st. 1t.— xv. 3. 1.- 142na Canker ) —1Cor. ii. 15 2 see H 1. Heb. 1, 5 (om. L T Tr — — ii. 15 (he.) Α κ.) 1 8. — — ii. 18, } 59ο Ἡ 1*,—— xi. 28. — —- v. 2, (he.) 1]. 29 (to H.) 17. 3 (Νο. 21 L.) 1*,—— xiv. 4. 11. 4 (unto H.) 14 28 (to H.) τὰ 5 2. —— xv. 28. 1. ——vi. 13. 11.9 Cor. v. 18 (to H.) 1*,— vii. 27. ἘΣ 19 (unto H.) 1. —— ix. 7. 1+.—— x. 7 1st. ἰὼ 14, 25. 1 72nd (with do, 97. 26. from.) 2* —— xii. 3. : 18. 1". Jas. i. 24, 27. 2. ——xi. 14, 2. 1 John ii. 6. 1*.Gal. i. 4. 1*, —— iii. 3. ΤῈ ii: 12, 20, 1t.— v. 10 (No. οἱ, T LF; vi. 3, 4, Tr A.) 2* Eph. i. Ai τα, 18, (Νο. 2" T Pag ὯΔ 1+.—ii. τῇ, (No. α 11, ΤΙ —3 John 10, see Ἡ (he.) Tr A x.) — Rev. v. 14 (ap.) 21. 16, marg. (text, ------ xix. 12, see H thereb η.) (he.) 1*,—— vy. 2, 25. that Ae HIMSELF (a.) 1. αὐτός, very, self, he alone, he and no other. 2. ἑαυτοῦ, himself. ( αὐτοῦ, self, ὶ τούτου, this. ᾿ this [man] himself. 1. Luke x. 1. | 2. Acts xxv. 4, 2, —— xxiii. 2. | 8. 25. 1. John vi. 6, 15. | 1. 1 Cor, ii. 15. 1. —vii. 4. Ι 1. —— iii. 15. 1, Acts ii. 34. | 1. Heb. ii. , 18. 1. —— xviii. 19. 11, —v. 2. 1, —— xix, 22, ; 1. 3 John 10, 1, Rev. xix. 12. ny HINDER (-rp) [verb.] Ls ἐγκόπτω, to cut in, hence, (of an ἐγκοπὴ, a trench cut in the way of an enemy to impede him); to thwart, hinder, (Acts xxiv. 4.) 2. ἀνακόπτω, to beat back, hence, to check, restrain, (non occ.) 3. ἐκκόπτω, to cut out, (as a surgeon does); then, to beat off from a place; repulse of soldiers. ««οοσσσσπσντσσ--πεπκα-κκασπκακκκκακα-αακακακαρωκακαα-ατσεκα-πκκωωσ πε κκα-πκακα--α-τκα--σασσπκα πα κσκσττεκκκασ-«--π- σπα-«-πσκπσετ-κ-π--π-τσπωσπκς-πακσ-πκακσααπεκακασσ-πρτς--το-------τ------------- ο Ue ΗΙΝ ἐγκοπὴ; ἃ cutting in, as a trench in the way (to give a of an enemy, hindrance. δίδωμι, to give, 4. 5. κωλύω, to cut short, to restrain, check, stop, prevent, forbid. 5, Luke xi. 52, marg. for- | 2. Gal. v. 7, marg. drive 5. Acts viii. 36. id. back, (Νο.1, α LT Tr 1. Rom. xv. 22. AR. 4, 1 Cor. ix. 12. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 18. 8. 1 Pet. iii. 7, Wo.1,G LTTrAw&.) HINDER PART. apvpva, the hindmost part of a ship, the stern, poop, (lat., puppis,) (oce. Acts xxvii. 29.) Acts xxvil. 41. HINDER PART OF THE SHIP. Mark iv. 38. HIRE [noun. ] μισθός, wages, pay, hire; gen., recom- pense, reward. Matt. xx. 8. | Jas. v. 4. Luke x. 7. HIRE Ca [verb.] μισθόω, to let out for hire, farm out. In Mid., as here, to have let to one, to hire, to engage the services of any one, contract, (non oce.) Matt. xx. 1, 7. HIRED HOUSE. μίσθωμα, that which is let out for hire, hired, as a house, (non occ.) Acts xxviii. 30. HIRED SERVANT (-s.) 1. μισθωτός, one who is hired, a hired servant, (emphasis on servant,) (occ. John x. 12, 18.) 2. μισθιος, (adj.) hired, as subst., hired ones, (emphasis on hired,) (nonoce.) 1. Mark i. 20, | 2. Luke xv. 17, 19. ——__—_— HIRELING, μισθωτός, (see above, No. 1.) John x, 12, 13, Lar 7 ! | HIS HIS. (see HIS Own, below.) (“ His,” is generally the translation of αὔτος, No.1. The following are the exceptions.) αὐτὸς, self, he and no other, he alone. ἐαυτοῦ, of himself, ete. ἐκεῖνος, that one there. ες αρ ἴδιος, belonging to any one, one’s own. 5. 6, the definite article, the; here, the Gen., τοῦ, of the (one referred to, z.e. God,) hence, his. (All passages not quoted are the translation of No. 1.) 4, Matt. soci. 5. 2. Rom. v. 8. — — xxv. 15, see H | —1 Cor. vii. 7, see H several, proper. 2. Luke xi. 21. 2. 37. 2, —— xii. 47 (No.1,L Τ | 3. ——x. 28. Tr AR.) 2. ἃ Cor. iii. 13, (No. 1, 2. —— xiii. 19. | L Tr A.) 2. —— xiv. 26(No.1, LT | 3. ——viii. 9 Tr &.) 2. Gal. vi. 8. 2. —xv.5 (No.1, T Tr | 2. Eph. v. 28, 38. AR. 2. 1 Thes. ii. 11, 12. 2. 20, (No.1, L T |\2. — iv, 4 2, —— xvi. 5 (Tr 8.) | 2. 2 Thes. ii. 6. 2. xix. 13. 4. 1 Tim. vi. 15. 4. Jokn v. 18 8. 2 Tim. ii. 26. 3. 47 3. Titus iii. 7. 3. —— ix. 28 4. Heb. iv. 10 2nd. — —— xix. 27, see Hown | —1 Pet. ii. 24, see H home. own self. 5. Acts xvii. 28. 8. 1 Pet. i. 16. —— xxiv. 23, see H | 4, 2 Pet. ii. 16. acquuintance, 2. Rev. x. 7. HIS OWN. 1. ἴδιος, belonging to one, his own. * τὰ ἴδια, neut. pl., with article, one’s things o7 own possessions. 2. éavrod, of himself. 1. Matt. ix. 1. 1 1. «cts xx. 28. * 1, —— xxv. 14. | 1, —— xxv. 19. 1, Mark xv. 20, (αὐτοῦ, | 1. —— xxviii. 80, his, L) (om, αὶ —) 2. Rom. iv. 19. 1. Luke ii. 3. 1, —— viii. 32. 1, —— vi. 44. 1, — xiv. 4, 5. 1. —— x. 34. 1. 1 Cor. iii. 8 twice. 2. —— xiv. 26. 1, — vi. 18. 1*.John 1.11 1st, neut. pl., | 2. —— vii. 2. lit., Hisown possessions, | 1. ——— 4. i 11 πά, | 1. —— ix. 7. lit., His own people. | 2, ——x, 24. at 41. | 1, —— xi. 21. 1. — iv. 44. | 1, ——xv. 28, 38, 1. —-v. 43. 2. Gal. vi. 4. 1. —— vii. 18. ub 5. 1, —— viii. 44. 2. Eph. v. 29. 1. ——rx. 3, 4. 2. Phil. ii. 4, pl. 1. —— xiii. 1. . 1 Tim. iii. 4, 5. 1, —— xv. 19. | — v.8. 1*,—— xvi. 32, marg. his | 1. 2 Tim. i. 9. own home. . Heb. vii. 27. ee μαὶ μαὶ et πὸ μα Ὁ — — xix. 27, see Η own | 1, —— ix. 12. home. .— xiii. 12, 1. Acts i. 7, 25 . Jas. i, 14. 1 ii. 6. — 1] Pet. ii. 24, see H own 1. —— iv. 32. self, 1. a fit, 9 | 1. 2 Pet. ii. 22, His [ 378 ] HOL HOISE UP. ἐπαίρω, to raise up, prop. of a sail, to hoist up. HIS ACQUAINTANCE. 1. Acts xxiv. 23, pl. masc. HIS PROPER. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 7. Acts xxvii. 40. HOLD [noun. | τήρησις, a watching or keeping, as with the eye; custody. HIS SEVERAL. 1. Matt. xxv. 15, (with κατὰ.) . φυλακή, α watching or guarding, by night; then, guarding others in. 1. Acts iv. 3. Ι esp. HIS OWN HOME. the place for 1”. John xix. 27. 2. Rev. xviii. 2. HIS OWN SELF. ἀυτός, himself and no other, he alone. 1 Pet. ii. 94. ΤΙς HOLD (-ΕΝ, -1NG, HELD) [verb. ] κρατέω, to be strong, powerful; to have power or rule over; to have and hold in one’s power, to be master of, and so, to hold, hold fast, to attain and maintain power over. HITHER. 1, ὧδε, (demonst. adv.) of manner, in this wise, so, thus; of state, so, as it is; of place, hither, here. (The old Grammarians deny the usage of place in Homer, and refer it to manner.) 2. ἐνθάδε, thither, hither ; here. 1. Matt. viii. 29. 1. John xx. 27 Ist 1. — xiv. 18. - 27 2nd, seeReach — xvii. 17. 1. Acts ix. 21. —— xxii. 13. - — x. 32, see Call. Mark xi. 2. xvii. 6. Luke ix. i ο --) | 2. xxv. 17. i 1. Rev. iv. 1. 1. — xi. 12. — — xvii. 1, — — xxi. 9, ἔχω, to have and hold, zmplying con- tinued holding and lasting posses- sion. . κατέχω, (No. 2, with κατὰ, down, pre- Jjixed,) to have and hold down, hence used in various senses, here, to have and hold fast, ov firmly. λαμβάνω, actively, to take, prop. with see the hand; passively, to receive. } Come. 5. ποιέω, to make, to form. HITHERTO. imperf. of εἰμὶ, ἕως, until, as long as, ?) until ἄρτι, now, even now, ἡ now. ἦσαν, (8rd pers. pl. to be,) they were. — Matt. vi. 24, see H to. | — Luke iv. 35, see Peace. * [As used of the working of the Father and the Son it refers to the time when Sin broke God’s rest, and He became a worker to redeem and deliver man from sin and its consequences. | until the present. during, until, 2. - τοῦ, the, δεῦρο, here, 1.6. to this ) ~ place or time. ἄχρι, continuedly until, ) 1*. John v. 17. 1, —— xvi. 24. 2. Rom. i. 18. — 1 Cor. iii. 2, see H, not. HITHERTO...NOT. οὕπω, not even yet, not yet. 1 Cor. iii. 2. —— xii. 11, see Η on (lay.) 4. 14, marg. take. —— xiv. 3, see H on (lay.) —— xx. 31, see Peace. i. 26. i. 48, see H 55, 57, see H on (lay.) _ 63, see Peace. — —— xxviii. 9,see H by. — Mark i. 25, } — — iii.4, 5° στ 21, see H on (lay.) — —— vi. 17, see H upon (lay.) 1. ----- vii. 3, 48. 3 see Peace, see Peace. see H on -- ---- , 51, see H on αγ.) -- 61, see Peace. 5. —— xv. 1. — — xiv. 4. — — xvi. 13, see H to. — — xviii. 39,2 see — —— xix. 40, § Peace. — —— xx. 20, 26 1st, see Take. — 262nd,seePeace. ——— xxii. 63, see H (man that.) xxiii. 26, see H upon (lay.) . — xxiv. 16. John κ. 24, see Sus- pense, . Acts ii. 24, ἃ iii. 11, part. Acts xi. 18, } see ii. 17,f Peace. ), —— xiv. 4 — —— Xv. ἘΠ — xviii. 3. Rom. i. ΤῊ 3. —— vii. 6. — — xiv. 4, see H up (be.) —1Cor. xiv.30, see Peace. — — xv. 2, see H fast. — Phil. ii.16, see H forth. see Peace. ES ss οι! HOL [ 379 ] HOL 2. Phil. ii. 29. 1. Col. ii. 19. [fast. -- 1 Thes. v. 21, see H 2 Thes. ii. 6, marg. | (text, withhold.) 15 — Heb. iv. 14, see H fast. | —— vi. 18, see H upon (lay.) — — x. 23, 2seeH — — xii. 28,2 fast. . ᾿ 1. Rev. ii. 1. . 1 Tim. i. 19 --- 13, see H fast. — iii. 9. 1. 14, 15. — — vi. 12, 19, see H | — ——— 25, see H on (lay.) — — iii.3,11,5§ fast. — 2 Tim. i. η 2. — vi. 9. Lobo ϱ see H — Titus i. 9, Gist! 1. — vii. 1. — Heb. iii. 6, — — xx. 2, see H on 3. 14. (lay.) HOLD BY. 1. Matt. xxviii. 9. HOLD FAST. κρατέω, (see above, No. 1.) --- bo ἔχω, (see above, No 2.) κατέχω, (see above, No. 3.) ο ἀντέχομαι, in N.T. only mid., to hold before one against something, hold on by, cling to. an . τηρέω, to watch over, take care of, give heed to, watch narrowly. 1. Matt. xxvi. 48. 1. Heb. iv. 14. 3. 1Cor.xv.2,marg. (text, | 3. —— x. 23. keep in memory.) 2. ——xii. 28, marg. (text, 3. 1 Thes. v. 21. have.) 2. 2 Tim i. 19. 1. Rev. ii. 18, 25. 4. Tit. i. 9. 5. —— iii. 3, (ap.) 3. Heb. iii. 6. 1 nL HOLD FORTH. ἐπέχω, to have or hold upon, to hold out towards, to direct upon, to aim at and hit Phil. ii. 16. HOLD TO. ἀντέχομαι, see “ HOLD FAST,” Wo. 4. Matt. vi. 24. | Luke xvi. 13. HOLD ON (ατ.) 1. κρατέω, see “non,” Wo. 1. 2. ἐπιλαμβάνομαι, to take hold upon, in order to hold or detain to or for oneself. 1. Matt. xii. 11. 1. Mark xii. 12. 1. — xiv. 3. 1. — xiv. 5]. 1. —— xxvi. 55, 57. 2. 1 Tim. vi. 12, 19. 1, Mark iii. 21. 1.. Rev. xx. 2. Te eel | HOLD UPON (λυ) κρατέω, (see above, No. 1.) Ne . ἐπιλαμβάνομαι, (see above, No. 2.) Ϊ 1. Mark vi. 17. 2. Luke xxiii. 26. 1 Heb. vi. 18. HOLDEN UP (sr.) ἵστημι, (a) Trans., to cause to stand, to set, to place. (Ὁ) Intrans., to stand. b. Rom. xiv. 4. HELD (ten ΤΗΑΤ.) ot, the men, συνέχοντες, holding in constraint. Luke xxii. 63. HOLE (-s.) 1. φωλεός, a hole, burrow, lurking place of animals, (non oce.) 2. ὁπή, an opening, a fissure in the earth or rocks, (οσο. Heb. πι. 38.) 1. Matt. viii. 20. 1. Luke ix. 58, 2. Jas. iii. 11, marg. (text, place.) HOLIEST. ἅγια, holy, consecrated to God. Heb. x. 19. HOLIEST OF ALL. 1. ἅγια, (see above.) Lid ον μαι Τρ χει ἁγίων, of holies. 2. Heb, ix. 3. | 1. Heb. ix. 8. HOLILY. ὁσίως, piously, holily, z.e. as being pure from all crime, and religiously observant of every duty. (Ady. of “ποιχ, No. 2, which see.) 1 Thes. ii. 10. HOLINESS. 1. ἁγιασμός, sanctification, essential purity; the accomplishment of what is expressed in ἁγιάζω (see «Ἢ (96) ) and the result of this action, in that it is contemplated as effected. (Elsewhere “ Sancti- fication.’’) HOL 2. ἁγιωσύνη, sanctity, marking the con- dition, the state or holy” frame of mind in which the action of the verb ἁγιάζω, (see “Η (be)”) evidenced and exemplified, (zon οσο.) 3. ἁγιότης, holiness, marking the ab- stract quality, (non occ.) 4. ὁσιότης, holiness, or godliness, as manifested in the discharge of reli- gious and social duties. 5. εὐσέβεια, piety, the good and care- ful cherishing of the fear of God, the distinctive title for that which embraces all Christian relations. (Elsewhere “ Godliness.”) 4, Luke i. 75. | 2. 1 Thes. iii. 13. 5. Acts iii. 12. 1. —— iv. 7. 2, Rom. i. 4. | 1. 1 Tim. ii. 15. πο veh 19. 22, — Tit. ii. 3, see H (as be- 2. 2 Cor. vii. 1. | cometh.) 4, Eph. iv. 24. 3. Heb. xii. 10. 1. Heb. xii. 14. HOLINESS (4s BEcOMETH.) ἱεροπρεπής, beseeming the sacred, (see «ποτ, Vo. 3,) as becoming to women who are consecrated or given and devoted to God. Tit. ii. 3, marg. as becometh holy women. Γ 980 ἢ HOLY. (For Hoty enost, etc., see below.) 1. ἅγιος, from ἄζομαι, to have venera- tion and awe. ἅγος 7s reverence and the object of it, hence ἅγιος is what belongs to the same, and denotes holy, sacred. As that could not be sacred which was pol- luted, purity becomes part of the meaning. ἅγιος 15 that which is sacred, and that only can be sacred which is not unclean. ἰ Holiness was taught to the Jews by a series of comparisons, in which purity pervaded all the ceremonies of the Law. | 2. ὅσιος, pure from all crime, the con- dition of one who has committed no crime, but religiously observes every duty and fulfils every obli- gation. [The τὰ ὅσια Δαβιδ τὰ πιστὰ, (the sure mercies of David, Acts xiii. 34, Is. lv. 3,) are the HOL religiously performed promises made to David, the faithfully ful- filled obligations. | 3. ἱερός, that which is consecrated or sacred, as given and devoted to God, irrespective of mind or morals, that which subserves a sacred purpose. (Hence, TO ἱερόν, is the Temple, i ἱερέυς, is the priest, τὰ ἱερὰ, are the sacrifices.) 1. Matt. iv. 5. | 1. 1 Thes. v. 26. 1. —— vii. 6. 1 27, (m α 1, Τ' 1. —— xxiv. 15. Tr A &.) 1, —— xxv. 31, (om. GL | 2. 1 Tim. ii. 8. ΝΑ ΡΟΙΣΗ) απ. γα: 9. 1. — xxvii. 53. 3 iii, 15. — Mark i. 24, seeH One. 2. Titusi. 8. 1) sya, 20." — —— ii. 3, see Hwomen 1. —— viii. 38. Ϊ (as becometh.) — Lukei.35,see H thing. 1. Heb. iii. 1. us 49, 70, 72. 2. ——vii. 26. 1. — ii. 23. — — νὴ]. 2, see H thing — —— iv. 34, see H One. -“-- —— ix. 12, 24, 25, see 1. —— ix. 26. H place. 1. John xvii. 11. is al Etat 15 twice, 16 twice. — Acts ii. 27, see H (be.) ! 1. —— ii. 5,9 — —— iii. 14, see H One. | 1. ili. 5. πο | 1. 2 Pet. i. 18. 162 hae! .1 21, (ἀπὸ, from, T 1. — vii. 33 Trm A) lit., men spake 1. ——x. 22. | from God. ο αι 'ΒεοἨ thing | 1. —— ii. 21. — 35, see H One, 1. —— iii. 2, 11. 1. — xxi. 28, — 1Johnii. 20,566 H one. 1. Rom. i. 2. | 1. Jude 20. 1. —— vii. 12 twice. | 1. Rev. iii. 7. 1, —— x. 16 twice. 1. —— iy. 8, 3 times. 1. —— xii. 1. | 1. —— vi. 10. 1. —— xvi. 16. | 1. —— xi. 2. 1 τοσο αμ. | 1, —— xiv.10(om.G an} 1. —— vii. 14, 34. | 2, —— xv. 4 (No.1, Ges. — —— ix; 18,566 Hthing. | 1. —— xviii. 20. 1. xvi. 20. | 1. —— xx. 6. 1, ΟΝ 15, 1. —— xxi. 2, 10. 1. Eph. i. 4. hak XXii. 6, (πνευμάτων 1. —— ii. 21. | τῶν, of the spirits of 1. — iii. 5. | the, GLTTrAR.) 1, —— v. 27. ib 11 Ist. 1. Col. 1. 22. - 11 2nd,see H(be) 1. —— iii. ‘72, 1. 19. Β HOLY ΟΝΕ. 1. Mark i. 24. 1. Acts 111. 14. 1, Luke iv. 34. 2. xiii. 35. 2. Acts ii. 27. 1. 1 John ii. 20, HOLY PLACE. 1. Heb, ix. 12, neut. pl. | 1. Heb. ix. 24, neut, sing. 1. Heb. ix. 25, neut. pl. HOLY THING (-s.) 1, Luke i, 35, neut. sing. | 3. 1 Cor. ix. 13, neut. pl. 2. Acts xiii. 34, neut. pl. with art, (rai iepa.) with art. (ra ὅσια), | 1. Heb. viii. 2, neut. pl., marg. (text, mercies.) marg.(text,sanctuary) HOLY WOMEN (as becometh.) [margin. | Titus ii, 3, see ‘‘ HOLINESS,” HOLY (5Ε.) ἁγιαζόμαι, to bedyos(see “ory,” No. το) to be set into a state opposed to κοινόν (common, unclean,) 07) to be delivered from that state if already κοινόν, and be put into a state corresponding to the nature of God. Rev. xxii. 11. HOLY GHOST. (πνεῦμα, the wind, the) The Holy breath breathed | Spirit, God’s forth, the element | Spirit, which of life, predicated | manifests it- of man and beast, | self creative- (see under the word . ly,equipping | | “sprrit,”) the life- | Christ; and principle springing | accomplishing from God, spirit, | God’s saving ἅγιον, see “ HOLY,” | work inman. No. 1, } {Personality belongs to the Spirit in the same manner as to the Son (Matt. xxvili. 19), and the operations of the Spirit (as John xiv. 17, 26; xv. 26; xvi. 19), must be referred to the Holy Spirit, as the agent who accomplishes in and for man the work of divine redemption. | The article is not used when the reference is to the gifts, opera- tions, or manifestation of the Spirit in men. Nor when “the Spirit” is regarded subjectively. Nor when the disciples are said to be filled with the Spirit, to walk in or to receive the Spirit. (/wv- ceptions to this are only apparent.) * τὸ ἅγιον πνεῦμα, the Holy Spirit, spoken of as Himself, or regarded objectively. + τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον, the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, (very emphatic.) Mutt. i. 18, 20. ' John i. 33. — iii. 11. | —— vii.39(om.aycov,holy, — xii, 327, “G=3LtTTr> Αυ α,) — xxviii. 19". | —— xiv. 26t. Mark i. 8. | xx. 22. - iii. 297. Acts i. 2, 5, 8", 16}, ~ xii. 961, —— ii. 4, 33", (τοῦ πνεύ- ματος τοῦ ἅγιον, of the ἷ tke 1, 15, 35, 41, 67. Spirit of the Holy One, | xiii. 114. | | - ii. 25, 26f. LTTrARN.) iii. 16, 22¢ 385. — iv. 8, PLE ke 51. xii. 105, 12”. δι. LD T Tr.) HOL [ | | 11} HOM Acts v. 94, 951. Acts xx. 23}, 28t. —— vi. 3 (om. ἅγιον, holy, | —— xxi. 111. GLTTrARw&.) —— xxviii. 25f. 5. | Rom. v. 5. —— vii. 511, 55. |; ——ix. 1. — viii. 15, 17. —— xiv. 17. 18t (om. τὸ ἅγιον, | —— xv. 15, 16. the Holy, L T Tr>| 1 Cor. ii. 13 (om. ἅγιον, AR.) holy, G LT Tr AR.) 19. —— vi. 19". —— ix. 17, 31*. —- xii. 3. —— x. 38, 444, 45*, (πνεύ- | 2 Cor. vi. 6. πατος τοῦ ἅγιον, of the | —— xiii. 14*. Spirit of the Holy One, 1 Thes. i. 5,6. L Trm.) | 2 Tim. i. 14. 477. | Tit. iii. 5. —— xi. 15t, 10, 24. | Heb. ii. 4. —— xiii. 2+, 47 (om. both | —— iii. 77. articles, LT; om.the | —— vi. 4. 2nd, Tr A 8.) | —— ix. 8f. 9, 52. —— x. 151. —— xv. 8f, 28*. 1 Pet. i. 12. —— xvi. 6*. | 2 Pet. i. 21. —— xix, 2 twice, 61, 1 John v. 7* (ap.) Jude 20, HOLY SPIRIT. Luke xi. 13. | Eph. iv. 30+. Eph. i. 191. 1 Thes. iv. 87. HOLYDAY. ἑορτή, a feast, festival, (Ixx. for 3n, Ex. x. 9, Hos. ii. 11, Am. viii. 10; for ayi0, Lev. xxiii. 2, Num. x. 10.) 1 Col. v. 8, marg., see Feast (keep the.) Col. ii. 16. HOME. εἰς, unto, unto a or οἶκον, ἃ house, abode, fis ἽΝ dwelling, (with spe- ] ; nouse, or cial reference to the h : ome. inmates). - nto thei eis, unto, be ce 7 2. 4 τὰ, the, (things or ἴδια, one’s own things, γ “1 7 omes.) 6, the, their own 9 ἴδιος, one’s OWN, house "1 οἶκος, house, dwelling, or (see above, No. 1), home. — Matt. viii.6,see H (at.) | — John xx. 10, see H (un- 1. Mark ini. 19, marg, to their own.) (text, wnto a house.) — Acts ii. 46, see H (at.) 1, —— v. 19. 2. xxi. 6. 1. Luke xv. 6. — 1 Cor. xi. 34, see H | — John xvi. 32, see H (to | — xiv. 35, (at.) his own.) — 2 Cor. v. 6, see H (be — —— xix. 27, see H (un- ot.) to his own.) 3. 1 Tim. v. 4. — Titus ii, 5, see H (keeper at.) ea —$—$—$—$—_$—$—_—_———_———————— ———— HOM [ 382 ] HON HOME (at.) ἐν, 10, οἰκίᾳ, a house, a dwel- ling (the dwelling- 1. house,as distinct from ὯΝ the the inmates, and from ‘a all the property left at a person's death), ἐν, 10, ) in the οἴκῳ, a house, a dwel- { house = ling (havingreference (or to the inmates), home. - ( κατὰ, down, towards; 7 ) ref. to time, at or in xs 7: : > -at home. οἶκον, a house, or dwel- ling, 1. Matt. viii. 6. 3. Acts ii. 46, marg. (text, from house to house.) 2. 1 Cor. xi. 84. 2, 1 Cor. xiv. 35. HOME (sz at.) ἐνδημέω, to be among one’s own people. 2 Cor. v. 6, part. HOME (KEEPER AT.) οἰκουρός, keeper or guard of a house. Tit. ii. 5 (οἰκουργός, one who attends to domestic affairs, GowLTTrarn.) HOME (τὸ us own.) eis, unto, unto one’s “ τὰ, the, own place, ( ἴδια, one’s own --- ete. John xvi. 32, marg. (text, to his own.) HOME (wnro nIs own.) John xix, 27. HOME (unto THEIR Own.) towards the [house | of one’s self, John xx. 10 (πρός αὐτούς, unto them, T Tr &.) πρός, towards, unto, ) ἑαυτοὺς, one’s self, ) HONEST. 1, καλός, beautiful, comely, noble, (see “goon,” Wo. 2.) 2. σεμνός, revered, august, venerable ; grave, dignified, (occ. 1 Tim. iii. , LL; Tit. ii..2.) 1. Luke viii. 15. 2, Phil. iv. 8, marg. vener- — Acts vi. 3, see Report. able. — Rom. xii. 17, ἢ 586 H | 1. Tit. iii. 14, marg. (text, — 2 Cor. viii. 21, § thing. good.) - 1 Pet. ii. 12. HONEST THING. καλόν, neut. of No. 1. Rom. xii. 17. | 2 Cor. viii. 21. HONESTLY. 1. εὐσχημόνως, elegant in figure, mien, and bearing ; graceful, hence, with propriety of outward conduct, with seemly deportment, (occ. 1 Cor. xiv. 40.) 2. καλῶς, (adv. of καλός, see “GOOD,” No. 2.) 1. Rom. xiii. 13, marg. decently. 1. 1 Thes. iv. 12. 2. Heb. xiii. 18. HONESTY. σεμνότης, claim to be venerated ; gra- vity, dignified seriousness, (οσο. Ἱ Πα iit. 8.11 πο κο 1 Tim. ii. 2. HONEY. μέλι, honey, (dat., mel,) metaph. of any thing sweet, (non oce.) Matt. iii. 4. | Mark i. 6. Rev. x. 9, 10. HONEY-COMB. ( μελίσσιος, of bees, made by ) (non ( κηρίον, a honey-comb, [bees § ace.) Luke xxiv. 42, (ap.) HONOUR (-s) [noun.] 1. τιμή, a holding worth, an estimate of the value or price of a thing ; hence, esteem, honour, respect ; intrinsic value, (see No. 2.) 2. δοξά, from trans., opinion, notion ; JSrom intrans., seeming ; denoting the recognition of worth, as No. 1 does the estimation of it. That which attracts honour, rather than the honour which is given, (see “arory,” No. 1.) 28, Hab. i. 15, Ezek. xxxii. 8), HON [ 883 ] HOP — Matt. xii. 57, (ων 111 opie 80. 51. HONOURABLE (cess.) — Mark vi. 4 a ; Jerid sale 3 ς out.) | 1. ——iii. 3. τ . 2 above.) with- Prin ty. 44. ere ἄτιμος, (the opp. of No. 2 above,) wit 2, — vy. 41, 44 twice, 1. 1 Pet. 1.7. ey out honour. 1. Acts xxviii. 10. 1, —— ii. 7, marg. (text, δι 1. Rom. ii. 7, 10. 1, ——iii. 7. [precious. 1 Cor. xii. 28. 5 — ix. 21. 1. 2 Pet, i, V7. 1. —— xii. 10. 1. Rev. iv. 9, 11. ἊΝ 1, —— xiii. 7. % στο v, 12,13. HOOK. 1. 1 Cor. xii. 23, 24, . — vii. 12, . 2. 5 Cor. vi. 8.” 1. —— xix. 1, (om. α Ὦ | ἄγκιστρον, a fish-hook, (Ixx. 2 K. xix. 1. Col. ii. 23. | TTAR) δ ἢ ag arg | τή 7. 24, ( α πα πα, 17, . — xxi. 24, (om, 3 1 — v, 17. |” LTA) (non oce.) 1, —— vi. 1, 16. 1 26, Matt. xvii. 27. HONOUR (wirnovt.) ἄτιμος, Without τιμή, (see “ HONOUR,” No. 1.) Matt. xiii. 57. | Mark vi. 4. HONOUR (Εν, -ΕΤΗ) [verb.] 1. τιμάω, to estimate or value at a cer- tain price, to deem or hold worthy; to honour, (oce. Matt. xxvii. 9.) 2. δοξάζω, to think, be of opinion, hold any one for anything; hence, to recognise, honour, praise; bring | to honour, make giorious; but strictly,to give anyone importance. 1. Matt. xv. 4, 5, 8. | 1. Acts xxviii. 10. 1. — xix. 19. | 2. 1 Cor. xii. 26. 1. Mark vii. 6, 10. 1. Eph. vi. 2. 1. —x. 19. — Phil. ii. 29, marg., see 1. Luke xviii. 20, | Reputation. 1. John y. 23 4times, 1. 1 "πα, ν. 9. 1. —— viii. 49. 1. 1 Pet. 11, 17 11 marg. 2. 54 twice. esteem. 1, —— xii. 26. ια, 17 2nd, HONOURABLE. 1. εὐσχήμων, elegant in figure, mien, or bearing, decent, becoming ; one of good condition or of reput- able position, (opp. of ἀσχήμων.) 2. ἔνδοξος, recognised, honoured, hon- ourable, distinguished, aristocra- tic, (opp. of ἄτιμος,) (οσο. Lu. xiii. 17, Eph. v. 27.) 3. ἔντιμος, in honour, honoured, prized, (opp. of ἔκτιμος.) 4. τίμιος, valued, esteemed worthy, held in honour, of high price. 1. Mark xv. 43, 3. Luke xiv. 8. 1. Acts xiii. 50, 1, Acts xvii. 12, 2. 1Cor.iv.10. [([685.} xii, 23, see H 4. Heb. xiii. 4. HOPE [noun. ] ἐλπίς, hope, 1.6. expectation of some- thing future. (1.) Subjective, a well-grounded expectation and a gladly and firmly held prospect of a future good. (2.) Objective, the expected good, that for which we hope. (lxx. for mpn, Job. vi. 8, xiv. 7, xvi, 15, Ez. xxxvn 11] muy, Is. xxxi. 2; nord, Ps. iv. 9, xvi. 9,) (οσο. Heb. x. 28.) Acts ii. 26. Eph. ii. 12, — xvi. 19. — iv. 4. —— xxiii. 6. Phil. i. 20. — xxiv. 15. Col. i. 5, 23, 27, —— xxvi. 6, 7. 1 Thes. i. 3. —— xxvii. 20. —— ii. 19. —— xxviii. 20. — iy. 13, Rom. iv. 18 twice. —-v.8. — Vv. 2, 4, 5. 2 Thes. ii. 16. —— viii. 20, 243 times. Tim. Το Σ --- xii. 12. Tit. i. 2. — xv. 4, 13 twice. See seh) 1 Cor. ix, 10 Ist ἃ 2nd, —— iii. 7. 10 3rd (ap.) Heb. iii. 6. — xiii. 13. — vi. 11,18, — xv. 19, see H (have.) — vii. 19. Gal. ν. 5. 1 Pet. i. 3, 21. Eph. 1, 18, — iii. 15. 1 John iii. 3. HOPE (we πᾶνε.) ( ἐσμὲν, we are, [ hoping, ) we have ( ἠλπικότες, who have been J been hoping, (¢mplying the endurance of the hope through our lives.) 1 Cor. xv. 19. HOPE (-ἘΡ, -eru, -Ινα) [verb.] 1. ἐλπίζω, to expect, to hope for any thing (elsewhere, “ tRusT.’’) (a) with ἐπί, upon, * Dat. resting upon, Τ dee. upon, by direction towards. (Ὁ) with ἐν, in. (c) with es, unto, towards, (to di- rect hope towards.) ee - ωμωλ SS ---5...55---------- ----55.: 555555.::5.5.::.5.5:.555:τὸ--- ποιοι ικα στ αι [. 384, ] HOP HOS 2. προελπίζω, (No. 1 with πρό, before, prefixed,) to hope for before. 1. Luke vi. 34. 1. I Cor. xiii. 7. --- 85, see H for : 1. 2 Cor. viii. 5. again. 2, Eph.i. 12, marg. (text, —— xxiii. 8. trust.) 1. Acts xxiv. 26. 1. ῬΉΣ ἀν 99. 1. —— xxvi. 7. 1. 1 Tim. iii. 14. — Rom. viii. 24, 25, see | 1. Heb. xi. 1, see H for H for. (thing.) lat. 1 Pet. i. 18. HOPE FOR. Rom. viii. 24, 25. HOPE FOR AGAIN. ἀπελπίζω, to hope out, z.e. to have done hoping, to despair. [Here, with μηδὲν, not despairing, 1.6. without anxiety as to the result, o7 never despairing as to requital, | (non ουσ.) Luke vi. 35. HOPED FOR (ruryas.) ἐλπιζομένοι, (par ticiple of “ ΠοΡΕ, No. 1.), dit. “ Faith is of things hoped for—a confidence.” Heb. xi. 1. HORN (-s.) κέρας, a horn, of a beast. From the Heb. the symbol of gee (κε “for: ἢ rp, Jer. xviii. 25, Ps. Ixxv. 11, etc.,) (non occ.) Luke i. 69. Rev. xii. 3. Rev. v. 6. —— xiii. 1 twice, 11. — ix. 13. — xvii. 3,7, 12, 16. HORSE. ἵππος, a horse, (non occ.) Rev. xiv. 20. xviii. 13, (21. —— xix. 11, 14, 18,19, Jas. iii. 3. Rev. vi. 2, 4, 5, 8. —— ix. 7, 9, 17 twice. HORSEMEN 1. ἱππεύς, ἃ horseman, (as opp. to πεζος, on foot,) pl. cavalry, (non occ.) 2. ἱππικόν, of a horse, ov horses, eques- trian, (opp. to πεζικός, belonging to a walker,) πει. τὸ ἱππικόν, collectively, the horsemen, cavalry, as in Eng. the horse, (non occ.) a Acts xxiii. 25, 32. | 2. Rev. ix. 16, (No.1Ge..) HOSANNA. ὡσαννά, inter)., Hosanna, a slight varia- tion of the Heb. δ: τ τ, save now! succour now! be now pro- pitious! wsed in Ps. exviii.25, which became a common form of wishing safety and prosperity to, as though to say, save and prosper, O Lord. Very different from the joyful ac- clamation, Hallelujah, (non 960.) Matt. xxi. 9 twice, 15, | Mark xi. 9, 10. John xii. 13. HOSPITALITY. φιλοξενία, love to strangers, hence, hos- pitality. Rom. xii. 13. HOSPITALITY (αττεν το.) φιλόξενος, loving strangers, hence, hos- pitable. 1 Tim. iii. 2. HOSPITALITY (Lover or Tit. i. 8. HOSPITALITY (vusz.) 1 Pet. iv. 9. HOST (of θα] 1. ξένος, any person ina Γογοῖση city, with whom one has a treaty of hospi- tality for self and heirs confirmed by mutual presents and an appeal to Zeds. Thus, both parties were ξένοι, and hence, ξένος denotes, in a pass. sense, the person whoreceives, the guest; and in an active sense, the host. | 2. mavdoxevs, one who receives all, hence, the keeper of an inn, ov caravan- serail, (see wnder “INN,”) (non ace.) 2. Luke x. 35. | 1. Rom. xvi, 23. HOST [of Soldiers. } στρατιά, an army, (Ixx. for xa¥, 2 Sam. ili. 23, 1 K. xi. 15,) (non occ.) Luke ii. 13. | Acts vii. 42. DD HOU HOUR (iy tat.) HOSTILE MIND TENDING TO Acts xii. 20, marg. (text, be highly displeased with.) | | : WAR WITH (bear a) [margin.] | {ἐν in, ) . εἰμί, to be, | αὑτῇ, self very; τῷ ΠΥ ἧς ἡ θυμομαχῶν, fighting desperately, {Ὁ the, hour. ( having a hot quarrel. ΤΑ tag i reson Luke x. 21. HOT. | HOUR (rue same.) ἐν, in, on 1. ὁ airy, self, very, ¢ in the same hour, ζεστός, boiled; boiling hot, hot, (ποπ ὥρα, ‘hour, occ.) 1 Tim. iv. 2,see Sear. | Rev. iii, 15 twice, 16, (in) this hour, at this very time. ( αὑτῇ, self, very, | 2. < τῇ, the, Oi ck PS i ανα ὥρα, hour, 1. Luke xx, 19. | 2. Acts xvi. 18. HOUR (-8.) 2, Acts xxii. 18. ὥρα, (Lat. hora, Eng. hour,) season, 3 into of blossoming, (ὡραῖος, blos- a HOUR (IN THE SAME.) soming; ἄωρος, unseasonable.) T¢ | ἐν αὑτῇ τῇ ὥρα, see “ HOUR (IN THAT.)” denotes originally the season of the Luke xii. 12. year, then, the time of the day, | and when reckoning by measured | hours was practised, the hour. HOUR (in ΤΗΑΊΤ same.) Luke vii. 21 (éxecvy, that, instead of αύτῃ, L= TTr AW.) A definite and limited time, a ΜΗ, 7 certain definite | HOUR (ύντο ruts.) space of time, (thus differing from éws, until, : avn which means τὶ ἘΠ | | ἄρτι, Now, just now, ; until now. opportune point of time, oppor- 1 Cor. viii. 7. tunity; but see under the words, “SEASON, “TIME,” etc.) HOUR (Έγεν UNTO THIS PRESENT.) Matt, vill 13. MD re ΘΝ axpt, continuedly until, anu ΜΙΝ —— x. 19 (ap.) —— xi. 9. ; τῆς, the, ή πι πόσα ἄρτι, now, just now ee — xvii. 18. — xiii. 1. Sutin ᾽ ? hour. — xx. 3, 5. - xvi. 21, 32. ὥρας, hour, 6 (om. GsaLTTr | — xvii. We 1 Cor. iv. 11. AW.) —— xix. 14, 27. 9, 12. Acts ii. 15. —— xxiv. 36. — iii. 1. 40 (ἡμέρα, day, LT | — v. 7. 4 HOUR AFTER (rue space OF ONE.) AR.) —— κ. 3, 9, 30 Ist. : ——— 44. 50. Ξ ἀν χρη (om. G 3 1, διαστάσης, being placed one hour — xxv. 13. XR. > « . η 40, 45; ος. Ὡς ΘΝ 18) wee TE (the _ asunder, separated, de- ( having -- xxvii. 45 twice, 46, same.) ὥρας, hour, [ parted, Mark xiii. 11, 32. 33, Α elapsed. — xiv. 35, 37, 41. — xix, 34, μια», One, —— xv. 25, 33 twico, 34, — xxii. 13, see H (the Luke xxii. 59, Luke vii. 21, see H (in same.) that same.) — xxiii. 23. -- x. 21, see H (in that.) | —— xii. 12, see H (in the | same.) 39, 40, 46. —— xx. 19, see H (the same.) — xxii. 14, 53, 59. 59, see Hafter (the space of one.) —— xxiii. 44 twice. —- xxiv. 59, Jobn i. 39. — ii. 4. —— iv. 6,21, 23, 52twice, 53 | — v. 25, 28, 1 Cor. iv. 11, see H (even unto this present.) — viii. 7, see H (unto this.) — xv. 30, Gal. ii. 5. Rev. iii. 3, 10. —— viii. 1, see H (the space of half an.) — ix. 15. —— xi. 13 (ἡμέρα, day, Ge.) — xiv. 7. —- xvii. 12. —— xviii. 10, 17, 19. HOUR (rne space OF HALF AN.) ἡμιώριον, a half an hour, [in Rev. viii. 1, not a period predicted: prob. re- ferring to vy. 3 and 4, and intended to harmonise with the time usually occupied with the silent worship in the Temple, during the burning of the incense,] (non occ.) Rey. viii. 1 (with, ὡς, about.) HOU HOUSE (-s.) Le οἶκος, a house, a dwelling, with special reference to the inmates, the home. 2. οἰκία, a house, a dwelling, as distinct from the inmates, and from all the | property left at a person's death. οἰκητήριον, a dwelling, abode, habi- tation, (Ixx. for ny, Jer. xxv. 30, also 2 Mace. xi. 2,) (oce. Jude 6.) 4. δῶμα, the flat roof of a house, (Ixx. for 11, Josh. ii. 6, 8; 1 Sam. ix. Do, 26; Pa. cxxix. 6; so also Jo- sephus, Ant. xiii. 5, 3, Bell. ii. 21, 5, iv. 1, 4.) 2. ee a 115 2, ——v. 15. a eres 24, 25, 26, 27. 2, —— viii. 14. 1. —— ix. 6, 7. 2. τ 23, 28. 1. 2. ἘΣ 13, 14. -- 25, see H (mas- ter of the.) 1, —xi.8. 1. — xii. 4. 9, 25, 29 twice. aL. 44, 9. —— xiii. 1, 36, 57. 1. —— xv. 24. 9. —— xvii. 25. 2. —— xix, 29. — — xx.11,seeH(good- man of the. ) 1. — xxi, 13 twice. 2, —— xxiii. 14 (ap.) 1. 2. —— xxiv. 17. 43 lst, see H (goodman of the.) 43 2ud, xxvi. 6. 18, see Thy. — — xxvii, 27, see Go- vernour, vo. — iii. 19, marg.home. 25 twice, 27 twice. — v. 38. . — vi. 4, 10, . — vii. 17. 24. 30, — viii. 3, 26. Pio prop ζ —— xi, 17 twice. — xii. 40. —— xiii. 1515 (om, εἰς τήν οἰκίαν, into the house, L> T 8.) 15! 2nd, 34, 35. . — xiv. 3. 14, see H (good- man of the.) — —— xv. 10, see Pilate. . Luke i. 23, 27, 33, 40, 56, 69. 1, ——ii. 4. 9, —— iv. 38, 1. —V. 24, 25. 9, 29, PPPPEP EEN ror | Hebron . Luke vi. 4. 48 twice, 49 twice. πα 10. A) 36(No.1, LT Tr 87, 44 7 3 times, ——_ 38. Ξ RS xi, 17 twice, 24, —— xii. 39 lst, see H (goodman of ‘the. ) 39 2nd. τ πι. οὗ, see ἘΠ (master of the.) ile 1. —— xiv. 1. τσ 21, see Ἡ (mas- ter of the.) Η 28. 2. —— xv. 8, 25. 1. —— xvi. 4, 27. 2. xvii. 31. 1. —— xviii. 14. 2. 29. 1. —— xix, 5, 9, 46 twice. — —— xx. 24, see Store. 2. 47. 2. —— xxii. 10, 11. Ls 54, (No. 2, T Tr ΑΔ 8.) : 1. John ii, 16 twice, 17, 2. —— iv. 53. 1. —— vii. 53 (ap.) 2. —— viii. 35. 1. —— xi. 20 2 81. 2.— xii, 3. 2. —— xiv. 2. 1. Acts ii. ἢ 36. εν 46, see Ἡ to H (from.) 2, —— iv. 34. ——v. 42, see H (in every.) 1. —— vii. 10, 20, 42, 47, 49, J — —— viii. 3, see H (into every.) 2, —— ix. 11,17 1, —— x. 2. 2. 6. 4, 9 (since A. Ὥ, 1629 “ house-top;"' be- fore then, house.) ae 2. Γ 380: 7 | Ϊ | ! | HOU 1, Acts x. 22, 30. 2. 2 Cor. v. 1 twice. 2. 9, 3h 2. 2, —— xi. 11. 1. Col. iv. 15. 1. 12, 18, 14 1. 1 Tim. iti, 4,5, 12, 15. 2, —— xii. 12. —— v. 8, see H (of 1, — xvi. 15, 31 one’s own.) 2. 82. -- 13, see H to H 1. 34 Ist (from.) -- 84 2nd, see H | — 14, see H (guide (with all his.) the.) 2. — xvii. 5. | 1, 2 Tim. i. 16 2. —— xviii. 7 twice. 2. li. 20. il 8. ὥς —— iii. 6. 1 —— xix. 18. | 1. Tit. i. ὦ 1. —— xxi. 8. 1. Philem. 2. | —-—— xxviii, 30, see 1. Heb. iii. 2, 3, 4, 5, Hired 6 twice. 1. Rom. xvi. 5. 1. —— viii. 8 twice, 10, — 1 Cor.i.11,see H (they | 1. —— x. 21. which are of the.) 1. —— xi. 7. 2. —— xi. 22. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 5. 2. — xvi. 15 1. —— iv. 17. 1 19. 2. John 10. | HOUSE (a@oopMAn OF THE.) οἰκοδεσπότης, the master of a house or household, paterfamilias, house- master. Matt. xx. 11. Mark xiv. 14. —- xxiv. 43. Luke xii. 39. HOUSE (ΜΑΡΤΕΠ OF THE.) Matt. x. 25. Luke xiii. 25, Luke xiv. 21. HOUSE (auipeE THE.) οἰκοδεσποτέω, to be master of a house or head of a family, to rule and guide a household, (non occ.) 1 Tim. v. 14. HOUSE (or onn’s own.) οἰκεῖος, belonging to an οἰκία, (see “srousE,” (Vo. 2,) hence, family, kindred, friends, and relations. 1 Tim. v. 8, marg. kindred, HOUSE (rney wiicht ARE OF THE.) ot, the, masc. pl., the [ friends. ] 1 Cor. i. 11. HOUSE (wirn Act one’s.) πανοικί, with all one’s household, (Ixx. for m3, Ex. i. 1.) Acts xvi, 34. HOUSE TO HOUSE (rroxw.) (τὰς, the, "ἃ οἰκίας, houses, (see “ 10usx,’’ No.2.) HOU { κατὰ, down towards; wt.) Ἢ το]. to time, at, or in, (at “1 οἶκον, ἃ house or dwell- iggy ( ing, (see“ HOUSE, Vo. 1,) 2. Acts xx. 20. 2. Acts ii. 46, marg. ea eae In at home, HOUSE (in Every) 2. Acts v. 42 HOUSE (Ίντο ΕΥΕΠΥ) 2. Acts viii. 3, pl. HOUSEHOLD. 1. οἶκος, see “‘ HOUSE,” Vo. 1. ο. 3. θεραπεια, a waiting on, service, atten- dance, esp., of medical attendance ; 2. οἰκία, see “ HOUSE,’ then, collectively, the body of at- | tendants, a suite, retinue, (occ. uuu. ix. 11, Rev. xxii. 2.) «- Ματ". x. 25, 36, see Ἡ | 1. Acts xvi. 15. (or one’s.) , —Rom. xvi.) see H (hey 3. —— xxiv. 45, (οἰκετεία, 10, "ich “aro the household, LT Tr | 1, of.) A,) (No. 2, 8.) | 1. 1 Cor. i. 16. 8. Luke xii. 42. 2. Phil. iv. 22. — Acts x.7, see H servant. 1. 2 Tim. iv. 19. HOUSEHOLD (or one’s) οἰκιακός, belonging to a house, or house- hold affairs, (non occ.) Matt. x. 25, 26, HOUSEHOLD (ΤΉΕΥ ΝΗΙΟΗ ARE OF) οἱ, the, (persons,) ) πρ ΟΝ - ο { [household Rom. xvi. 10, 11. HOUSEHOLD-SERVANT, οἰκέτης, an inmate of one’s house, most used of a house-slave, menial, (elsewhere, “ SERVANT.”’) Acts x. 7. HOUSE-HOLDER. οἰκοδεσπύτης, the master of a house or liousehold, paterfamilias, house- master. Matt. xiii, 97, 52+: τς 1: «xi. 33, AA* [ 387 ἢ | | 3a, Josh. HOW eee ee φον Ὁ τσ υ HOUSE TOP. | δῶμα, the flat ne of a house, (Ixx. for 6,8; 1 Sam. ix. 25, 20: ας pret 6. So also Jose- phus, Ant. xiii. 5,3; Bell. 11, 21, 5; iv. 1, 4.) Matt. x. 27. —— xxiv. 17. Mark xiii. 15. Acts x. 9 (A.D. 1629: Luke v. 19. — xii. 3. xvii. 31. aes to that date, ‘‘ house.’’) HO w. 1. πῶς (adv.) how? in what manner? by what means? used in direct and indirect questions with the indicative, (an absolute question,) * with the subjunctive, expressive of deliberation and doubt, + with the optative, expressive of a wish, 2. ὡς, in which way, in what way. In comparative sentences, as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how; in objective, that; in Jinal, in order to; in causal, for on the ground that, 3. ὅτι, (conj. demonstrative, and causal like, Eng.), that, used in objective sentences as=the accusative with infinitive, and as a particle of ex- planation, because, inasmuch as, seeing that. ὅτι, introduces that which rests on a patent fact, 4. ὅπως, (rel. adv. of manner.) in what manner, how; also in the manner that, so that, 5. καθώς, according as, implying man- ner; in a causal sense, even as, when, ‘6. τίς, τί, who? which? what? why ὃ or as an exclamation, how! — Matt. vi. 23, see H | — Matt. xvi. 11, see H ie great. it that ? 1, 28, -- 12, 21, see H 3. —— vii. 14,marg.(text, that. because) (ἃ ὦ) (Νο. | — —— xvii. twice, gee 6, AV™ GL Tr.) Long. 1. ——4. 6. —— xviii. 12, -- 11, see H much. 21, see ΟΕΕ, 1*,—— x. 19. 1 — xxi. 20. -- - 35, see H much, | 1. — xxii. 12. — —xii.2,see H much. | 4. ——— 15. 1, —— 4. 1 48, 45. — ———- 5, see H that. 15 — xxiii. 33. 4, 14, - 37, see Often, ie 26, 29, 34. 1*,—— xxvi. 54. —— xv.3, ἢ see — —— xxvii. 13, 666 — — xvi. 9,10, ἡ Many. Many things. —— . HOW [ ess ἢ HOW ---.-.-..-.-ο. — Markii. 16, seeHisit? — Acts ix. 16, seeGreat. | 9, πηλίκος, how great, how large, of 1. 26 (om. TrbAb-) 1. 27 twice. E Ξ ae 2a, ϱ8 Β8, size, (occ. Gal. vi. 11.) ie 23. 1 Ske pea : : 1 == eae 3 17, 3. ἡλίκος, how great, esp. in expressions Ξ . = xii . . as, η τος Ἡ ait [path os ees That of wonder, extraordinarily great. 2 16 that? 3. —— xiv. 17. 1 Σὰ 19,20, seetireat. | 5. — xv. ee | (οσο. Col. ii. 1.) — —-vi see | — see H that. : ss iii 519,20 $ Many | 1. on | 1. Matt. vi. oe Aen ἊΣ 2. Heb. vii. 4. -- 21, see H is it | 2. —— xx. 20. | ᾿ ae tei Ἡ = jae [that P | — 351st,seeH that | es — κ μμ 9 35 2nd. a HOW Is IT? -- 21,seeLongago — —— xxi. 20, see Many. τ 1. —x. 23, 24, were τῶ H to : ος. 1. — xi. 18. enquire hereof. 6 \ 2 —— xii. 96 (No.1, T! 1. Bom. iii. 6, τί, see “ How,” No. 6. Tr A &.) 1, —— iv. 10. Mark ii. 16 (om. T Tr A) Luke ii. 49, 1. 35, 41. | 1. —— vi, 2. (διὰ τί, wherefor ὦ 5.) Acts v. 9. ἘΝ xiv. 1, 11. — — vii. 1, see H that. 1 Cor. xiv. 26. — — xv. 4, see Many , 1. —— viii. 32. 1. Luke i. 34, [things. | 1, ——x. η ‘st ἃ 5υὰ 3. 58. (No. 1*, LT TrA®.) 6. 62. 14 143τὰ (9) (Νο. 1”, HOW I8 if THAT? — — ii. 49, see H is it? | LT Tr A &b.) 7 : Bs 2. —vi. (No.1, LTr®.) 1. 15 1st (No. 1*, 1, | 1. πῶς, see “HOw,” Wo. 1. 1. ae ete ' a τῖν ACS.) ες — —— vii. 22, see Η that. | 2. 15 2nd. “ Seas a ie aaa τας 2. τί, see “HOw,” No. 6. ————39twice, see | —1Cor. i,26,see H that. 1. Matt. xvi. 11. 1. Luke xii. 56, 2. - 47. Great. | 1. — iii. 10. 1, Mark iv. 40 (ap.) 2, — xvi. 2. τ — ee see Long. | ——— vi. 3, see H much Vey οἳ, 1. John iv. 9. . — x. 26. ; more. * 40 oad τα | 6. — 16. rag τε. - 12, 24, eee Ἡ | 1: as, ΣᾺ 1°, we 1* αι he much. | Ϊ 1: 27, [1. | HOW LARGE. - τ see H is it | -——x τὴν βῳ tint λί h t, rs 1 that | he SY 16 tk ο reat, how large, of 9126. — —— xiii. 34, see Often. | — 26, see H is it? Sed nage NE « of Ἱ ο wie Γι ατα 99ο αι. [ Herein Dat. pl. with ο large Ee eee a τ letters,” either on account of his — —— xvi. 2, see H is | 1. 2 Cor. iii. a it that ? | 2. — vii. 15, unpractised hand or on account 1. —— xviii. 24, | — — viii. 2 see H τι a eae | ἜΣ ταῦ xi 4, μή of his sight. The dim sight being much. — Gal. i. prob. oe thorn in the flesh. (Com- 1. —— xx. 41, 44, {iby ore κ τῇ eae | 3" 13. pare Acts ix. 9; xxiii. 1,5; Gal. 1*,—— xxii. 2, 4, | — —— vi. 11, seeH large. πο. 9, ὉΠ — Eph. iii. 8, see H that. ἵν. 14 16.) ] ; 2. —— xxiii, 55. 6. —— vi. 21: Gal. vi. 11. 2. —— xxiv. 6 (ὅσα, what | 2. Phil. i. 8. things, L.) — πες ii. 23, see Go. 20. 1. Col. iv. 6. 2. 35. 1. 1 Thes. i. 9. HOW MUCH. 1. John iii. 4, 9, 12. 2, — ii. 10, 11. η es iv. 1. = ak ii ἘΝ ΟΝ ως 1. ὅσος, how great, how much, how ποτ Εμ τῆμα ‘tt. 7. penn many, of magnitude, number, or 1, ——v, 44, 47. 1. 1 Tim. iii. 5,1 time. — —— vi. 42, see H is it | — Philem.16, see H much 1, that ia 8. τος 2. πόσος, how great, (correl. of No. 1,) 1, — vii, 15. — —— vii.4, see H great. of magnitude, number, or time. vill. ὅς. — — viii. 6, Ὑ goo H | Soe " pee 1. —— ix. 10,15, 16,19, 26, | ——— ix. 14, ος 9. τίς, τί, 866 ' HOW, ο. 6. — —— x. 24, see Long, ——- x. 29, oy 1. ——xi. 86. — —— xii. 17, see H that. 2. Matt. vii. 11, 1. Acts ix. 13. 3. —— xii. 19, 3. Jas. ii. 22, 2. —— x, 25. 2. Philem. 16. Ns 34. τος 24, see H that. | 2. —— xii. 12. 1. Heb. viii. 6. 1. —— xiv. 5,9, — — iii. 5, see H great. | 3. Luke xi. 12, 24, 2. ix. 14. 6 22, ‘1. 1 John iii. 17. 8, —— xix. 15 (om. τίς Tr 2, ——x. 29. 3. 28, 1. ——iv. 20 (Tr™) (οὐ, ARS, lit. what business 1. Rev, xviii. 7. 1. Acts ii. 8. | not, L T Tr A.) they had done.) 15, iv. 91. | — Jude 5, 18, see H that. — —-v.9, see Hisit? | 3. Rev. ii. 2. =a — — vii. 25,866 Hthat. | 1. —— iii. 3. 1*.— viii. 31 (with ἄν.) | — —— vi. 10, see Long. HOW MUCH MORE. —— ix. 13, see H ila xviii. 7, see H " Ξ . much, | much, µήτις, adv, interrog., ἢ to say no- — it? expecting a neg. ( thing of, or HOW GREAT. answer, | not to say 1, πόσος, how great, of magnitude, γε, at least, indeed, then. number, or time. 1 Cor. vi. 3. HOW HOW ΨΙΑἩ, ὅτι, see “ How,” No. 3. Matt. xii. 5 1 Cor. x: 1, —— xvi. 12, 2 —— Xv. Luke vii. 29) ΜᾺ LTrbx) 2 Cor. viii. 2. Acts vii. 25. — xii. 4. — xiii. 32. —— xiii. 5. — xv. 7. Gal. i. 18. — xx. 35. Eph. iii. 3. Rom. vii. 1. Heb. xii. 17, 1 Cor. i. 26. Jas, ii, 24. Jude 5, 18. HOW TO ENQUIRE HEREOF [margin. | είς, unto, as to, (om. T Tr A? x.) | τὴν, the [questioning. περὶ, concerning. τούτου, this [man,] (τούτῶν, these things, G~» LT Tr A η.) Acts xxv. 20, (text, of such manner of questions.) HOW BEIT. 1. ἀλλά, but, marking opposition, inter- ruption, or transition. 2. δέ, an adversative and distinctive particle, but, now, less emphatic than No. 1, marking an atithesis even though concealed. 3. μέντοι, yet, truly, certainly, never- theless, however. 1 & 2. John vi. 23, (om. { 1. 1 Cor. viii. 7. δέ, TrAb,)(ovv,there- | 1. —— xiv. 20. fore, κ. ) 1. —— xv. 46. 8. —— vii. 13 1. Gal. iv. 8 cs 27. 1. 1 Tim. i. 16. 1. Acts vii. 48. 1. Heb. iii. 16. HOWL. ὀλολύζω, orig., to cry to the gods with a loud voice, whether in prayer or thanksgiving ; then gen. to ery out. An onomatopoetic verb, ololu- z0, Lat., ululare, Eng., howl, Heb., bby, yalal, of whick vt is the. brane. Paco in the |xx. Is. xiii. 6; xv.3; Ezek. xxi.12; Jer. iv. δ; (non occ.) Jas. ν΄. 1. HUMBLE, [adj.] “ταπεινός, of place, lying low; of con- dition, brought down, humble, low. Esp. of rank, of low degree, lowly. Jas, iv. 6. | 1 Pet. v. 5. HUN HUMBLE (-ep) [verb.] ταπεινόω, to depress, lower; to humble, bring low, (a) Middle, to humble one’s self, be humbled. Matt. xviii. 4. Luke xviii. 14, —— xxiii. 12. 2 Cor. xii. 21. Luke xiv. 11, Phil. ii. 8. HUMBLE ONE'S SELF. a. Jas. iv. 10. | a. 1 Pet. v. 6. HUMBLENESS OF MIND. ταπεινοφροσύνη, lowliness of mind. Col. iii. 12. HUMILIATION. ταπείνωσις, ἃ abasing ; lowering, humbling, lowliness. Acts viii. 33. HUMILITY. ταπεινοφροσύνη, lowliness of mind. Col. ii. 18, 23. Ι 1Pet.v.5. HUMILITY OF MIND. Acts xx. 19. HUNDRED. ἑκατόν, a hundred, (non oce.) [ Typically, as a round number, it expresses indefinite magnitude, as does every multiple of ten. | Matt. xviii. 12, 28. Acts xiii. 20, see H and Mark iv. 8, 20. fifty (four. ) —— vi. 37, see H (two.) —— xxiii. 23 twice, ) see H 40, see Ἡ (by.) —— xxvii. 37, ‘ (two) —— xiv. 5, see H (three.) | Rom. iv. 19, see H years Luke vii. 41, see H (five.) old (an.) —— xv. 4. —— xvi. 6, 7. John vi. 7, see Ἡ (two.) —— xii. 5, see H (three.) — xix. 31. —— xxi. 8, see H (two.) 1 1 Cor. xv. 6, see Ἡ (five.) Gal, iii. 17, see H (four.) Rev. vii. 4. —— ix. 16, see Thousand. 5 τ i see H (two.) - xiii. 18, see H three score and six (six.) — xiv. i, 3. 20, see H (six.) Acts i. 15. —— y. 36, see H (four.) —— vii. 6, see H (four.) Rev. xxi. 17. HUNDRED (ποῦ) διακόσιοι, two hundred, (non oce.) Mark vi. 37. Acts xxiii, 23 twice, John vi. 7. —- xxvii. 37, — xxi. 8, Rey. xi. 3. Rey, xii. 6, HUN [ 390 ] HUN FHLUNDRED (THREE.) τριακόσιοι, three hundred, (πο occ.) Mark xiv. 5. | John xii. 5. HUNDRED (Forr.) τετρακόσια, four hundred (non occ.) * [The four hundred years in Acts vii. 6, refers to “his seed,” 1.6. Abra- ham’s descendants, and i is predi- cated of the sojourning and the bondage. It thus agrees with the prophecy, Gen. xv. 13, which refers also to being a stranger and serving, and is spoken of “thy seed.” In Exod. xii. 40, a period of 430 years is mentioned, but this refers to “the sojourning οἵ the Children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt,” and dates from the call of Abraham himself as dis- tinguished from “ his seed.” The giving of the law was also 430 years from the “ promise,’ Gen. xii. 3, and this agrees with Gal. 17] Acts. v. 30. * Vii. 6. Acts xiii. 20, see H and fifty (four.) * Gal. iii. 17. HUNDRED AND FIFTY (rovr.) ( τετρακόσια, four hundred, kal, and πεντήκοντα, fifty. Acts xiii. 20. ΓΝΟΤΕ.---Τ to the 450 years of the Judges be added 40 years in the wilderness, 40 for Saul’s reign, 40 for David's reign, and 4 for the first four years of Solo- mon’s, we have 574 years. But in lst Kings vi. 1, it says :—‘‘ It came to pass in the 480th year after the children of Israel were come out of Egypt, &ec.” This is the crus chronologorum. To explain this, (1) Some impugn the accuracy of Paul. ΘΝ κά, impugn the accuracy of Ist Kings (3) ΤΆ read Acts xiii. 19, 20, with critical emendations (see ap.), but ‘Alford treats this as an ancient attempt at meeting the difficulty. Moreover, it only increases it in other ways, both grammatically and chronologically. See Alf. in loco. Adhering to Scripture we have— Years. aoe 1. Exodus to Spies (Nu. x. 11—13, and xiii. 17, 20,) Caleb being 40 ... ἐπ 2 «- 2. Spies to division of land (Jos. xiv. 6--10) Caleb being 85. .. ο ὃς ... 45 a 3. Div. of land to Captivity I. (to make up 450 years) πὶ | 20~ Ἡ 4. Capt. I. (Jud. iii. 8) Cushan, Mesopotamia PENH es τῇ 8 Η͂ 5. Othniel, younger brother of Caleb, Josh. xv. ή (δυάς. i iii. 1) μ | 40 A) 6 6. Capt. II. (Jud. iii. 14) Eglon, Moab.. 2 ση αι Ξ [18] 5 7. Ehud and Shamgar (Jud. iii. 80, 31} g|80! 5 ο - 8. Capt. ILI. (Jud. iv. 3) Jabin, Canaan Mi) & LS 12” 9. Deborah and Barak (Jud. v. 31) —|40} 9 n | 8 10. Capt. IV. (Jud. vi. 1) Midianites ο | 7}. 11. Gideon (Jud. viii. ae οφ 940} 8 ss τὸ 19. Abimelech (Jud. ix. =| 3| 4] 9 13. Tola (Jud. x.2) ... τ 128 8, | 8 ΒΞ 14. Jair (Jud. x. 9) "ἘΣ 9122) p 2 4S 15. Capt. V. (Jud. x. 8) Philistines and Ammorites eas ποσα, = 18 | Β, 16. Jephihah (Jud. xii. 7) "| 6) ἃ 3 17. Ibzan (Jud. xii. 9)... || 4 Ε: εὐ 18. Elon (Jud. xii. 11) 1 101 Ὁ 8 19. Abdon (Jud. xii. 14) =p [2] 8] & ἢ; 20. Capt. VI. (Philistines) = ae 9 (Of this, Samson, ‘‘in the days of the varie imal aul: Ἡ [ο 5 .. 40 Ρ» 21. Eli (1 Sam. iv. 18).. : ῷ | 40 = 22. Capt. VII. (1 Sam. vii. 2) Philistines. i τ: 3 {Here begin the times of ‘‘ Samuel the Prophet” (1 Sam. iii. 19, ον 4 3 ἘΣ ν᾿ τὰν ἈΝ 23. From Victory at Mizpeh to end of Samuel ὡς ἐξ 10 (To make up 480 of 1 Kings vi. 1; να makes 12. ee g 24. Saul’s reign (Acts xiii. 21) ὡς - Ε 40 25. David's reign (1 Kings 11. 11). 40 26. Four years of Solomon (1 Kings vi, 37) 4 27. Building of Temple (1 Kings vi. 38) .. 7 28. Time of Furnishing it (1 Kings vii. 13—51) 3 {Temple finished in eighth month of elev enth year, and dedicated in the seventh month. Therefore not the same year, See also 1 Kings ix. 1—10. | 490 This period of 490 years or 70 hebdomads makes “seven weeks” and the “threescore and two up the second period of *‘70 weeks”’ of years. [πὸ first is reckoned from the birth cfAbraham (cf. Gen. xi. 31, and xii. 3, with Acts vii. 2-4.) to the Exodus (deducting the 15 years that Ishmael and *bondage’’ was in Abraham’s house.) The third is reckoned from the Dedication of the Temple to Nehemiah’s return, deducting the 70 ears’ captivity, during which time the land “ kept 5 ee Sabbaths.”’ The fourth is reckoned from Nehemiah’s return (20th year of Artaxerxes, B.C. 455) to the second advent (Dan. ix. 24-27), the crucifixion, or “‘ cutting off of Messiah,’’ being in A.D. 29, the end of the weeks.”” The present dispensation is therefore to be deducted from the fourth period of 70 hebdo- mads, during which time Israel is “Το Ammi.” (Is. liv. 7, 8. ἢ The one hebdomad or week of seven years is ‘still awaiting the fulfilment, in its two divisions of 3} years (or 1,260 days, or 42 months), during which week God again deals dispensationally’ with Israel. (That the present dispensation is an interval not entering into subject matter of the pro- phecies, a Divine parenthesis to be deducted, seems to be implied in such “gree ep as Is. xi 4; ix. 16, and Matt. iv. 14-16; 18. Ixi. 1, 2, and Lu. iv. 18; Is. xl. 3,4; Micah ν. 2; Jer. xxxi. atx 17; Zech. ix. 9, 10.)] dispensational reckoning. μμ μμ. HUN [ 391 Ἱ HUR HUNDRED (Ε1ΤΕ.) HUNDRED YEARS OLD. πεντακόσιοι, five hundred (ποπ occ.) ἑκατονταέτης, a hundred years old, (Ixx. Luke vii. 41. | 1 Cor. xv. 6. mm Gen. xvii. 17.) HUNDRED (5ικ.) | δι το τὸ ἑξακόσιοι. six hundred (non occ.) | HUNDREDFOLD. Rev. xiii. 18, see below. | Rev. xiv. 20. ε / . ἑκατόν, a hundred, i SIX (srx.) | centuple. xés, 666. The number for which | these letters stand, viz. (y’= 600), | + (= 60) + (s =6). | Rev. xiii. 18 (ἑξακόσιοι (-αι, δὲ) six lumdred, ἑξήκοντα, | siaty, εξ, sir, L AS), (ἑξακόσιοι δεκα, ἕξ, 616, L™.) | HUNGER [noun. ] ΝΟΤΕ.---Τ{ is ‘‘the number of the beast.”’ Itisnot | a beast, however, but a man, ‘‘the number of a | λιμός, hunger, famine. man.” The spelling out of a name by the numerical | value of letters is unsatisfactory, as the number of Luke xy. 17. | 2 Cor. xi. 27. such names is legion. Rev. vi. 8. The number is clearly emblematic of Trinity— three numbers, and yet one number, that one a perfect number, but not the perfect one. [Seven is τε God’s perfect number=)2, to be or become satis- HUNGER (-ED ) [verb.] fied, filled; the number that satisfies God’s work πειγἁω, to be hungry, suffer hunger ; in nature, as in sound, in colours, and light. ] +o hun ft ΠΕΣ Six (Ww, with an unknown root) is α perfect unger arter, 1ong ΤΟΥ. number, the first and the only number that equals the sum of the three figures that will divide Matt. v. 6. John vi. 35. . Matt. xiii. 8, 23. xix. 29 του d,LTTrA) . Mark x. 30. . Luke viii. 8. noe τὸ τὸ owwv,manifo it, and these the first three digits, 1, 2,3. But it ος ορ pen at just falls short of God’s, as does everything human. οἱ 21 τος tr zy — vi. 21, 25. —— xi, 34. years—i.e., 90 (100 short of 1000), 60 (10 short of 70) and 9 (1 short of 10). Lamech, his son, through whom was promised blessing and rest, lived to 777 HUNGERED (sr απ) ears, 666 is therefore the triple number of imperfection, | : | The oldest man on record attained the age of 969 | Rev. vii. 16. the perfection of imperfection— the number of a | man ’’—the number of the things specially hateful | Matt. iv. 2. oe rae 35, 37, 42, 44, to God, and which culminate in the perfection — xii. 1, 3. τον, ἃ ark ii. 25. of wickedness, and which seem to peculiarly | uke vi. 3. gd aba ον οἳ ae τε τν connected with Babylon. ‘‘The image of the beast’’ (Rev. xiii. 14, 15) is mysteriously like the image of Baby- | HUNGRY. lon (Dan. iii. 1) inits numerical proportions—“‘three- | 3 score cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits’’— | πεινάω, 866 above. 66—foreshadowing the union of the Antichrist and | | ! the False Prophet; whilst in the 600 not seen in the Luke i. 53, part. image of Nebuchadnezzar we have the Power of Satan assuming the Fatherhood of God. (Thus we have the Trinity of Hell, awful mimicry of the Holy Trinity!). As Nebuchadnezzar meant to deify him- self by this image, so it is here; all who refuse to worship the image are in both cases killed, and the Mark xi. 12. | 1 Cor, xi. 21. children of God suffer persecution. ‘The man of Phil. iv. 12. sin”’ is to show himself ‘‘ that he is God,’’ and he assumes the “name of blasphemy.’ ‘Those who arte την ek of ie ame are yor yo etect the blasphemy, and those who detect and re- Τ τ sist the falsehood and blasphemy are described | HUNGRY (VERY.) Rey. xv. 2) as having ‘‘ gotten the victory over the , 2 el and ἄκος his EN and over his ος gud || προσ πεννον hungry, (non oce. and not HUNGRY (sr.) over the number of his name.” Sound elsewhere.) Thus the number points out the character and | spirit of Antichrist, the future man who will yet be Acts x. 10. enthroned as God, and received by the world. He who has understanding, is to count this number. } HUNDREDS (sy.) HURT [noun.] ὕβρις, wanton violence arising from aa Pe paler lil ) by hun- | pride of strength; then, injury ή 9 9 “ Lip J ‘J εαν. a hundred, i dreds. arising from violence, esp. of loss ; at sea. Mark vi. 40, (κατὰ ἑκατόν, hundred by hundred, L T TrAR.) | Acts xxvii. 10, marg. injury. HUR HURT [verb.]} 1. ἀδικέω, to do wrong, to act unjustly ; trans., to do one wrong, to wrong, injure, hurt. —— 2. βλάπτω, to disable, hinder; damage, hurt, mar, (opp. to No. 1,) (non oce.) 3. κακόω, to affect with evil, physically, to do evil to anyone, to treat badly, maltreat, (of persons.) 2. Mark xvi. 18 (ap.) 1. Rev. ii. 11. 2. Luke iv. 35. 1. —— vi. 6. 1, —x. 19. 1. — vii. 2, 3. 3. Acts xviii. 10. 1. te 4, "10, 19. 1. Rev. xi, 5 twice. HURTFUL. βλαβερός, ΠΕΡ ΠΕ; weakening, im- ἀνήρ, ἃ man, an adult male person, (Lat., vir, Heb., wes,) spoken of man in various relations, where the context decides the meaning, e.g. husband, soldier, &c. peding ; hurtful, noxious, disad- vantageous, (non ους.) | 1 Tim. vi. 9. | Ἵ HUSBAND. | | | | | Matt. i. 16, 19. 1 Cor. vii. 16, 34, 39 twice. | Mark x. 12. —— xiv. 35. Luke ii. 36. 2 Cor. xi. 2. —— xvi. 18, (om. G +) Gal. iv. 27. Johan iv. 16,17twice, 1g twice. Acts v. 9, 10. { hath.) Rom.vii.21st,see H(which | Eph. v. 22, 23, 24, 25, 33. Col. iii. 18, 19. 1 Tim. iii. 2, 12, 22nd, τα, ἃ 4th, Tit. i. 6. - Βίου, : — ii. 4, see H (love 1 Cor. vii. 2, 3twice, 4 twice, one’s. ) 10, 11 twice, 13, 14 1st. 142nd (ἄδελφος, bro- ther, (L'T Tr A 8.) 1 Pet. iii. 1. δ, 0, Rev. xxi. 2, HUSBANDS (rove one’s.) ( φιλανδρους, a lover of a husband, husband-lover. ᾿ ( εἶναι, to be. Tit. ii. 4, HUSBAND (wuicn warn.) ὕπανδρος, under a husband. Rom. vii. 2. y soe] ΗΥΡ HUSBANDMAN. γεωργός, tilling the ground; as swbst., a farmer, ~husbandman, "(non oce.) Matt. xxi.-33, 34, 35, 38, | Luke xx. 9,10 twice, 14, 16. 40, 41. John xv. 1. Mark xii. 1, 2twice, 7, 9. 2 Tim. ii. 6. Jas. v. 7. HUSBANDRY. γεώργιον, a tilled field, a farm: also cultivation, (non oce.) 1 Cor. iii. 9, marg. tillage. HUSK. κεράτιον, a little horn; hence, the fruit or pod of the κερατέα, (the carob or locust-tree, Arab., kharoob.) [It is still sometimes eaten by the poor, but is usually given to swine to give the pork a sweet flavour. Common to Syria and S. Europe. | (non occ.) Luke xv. 16. HYMN. ὕμνος, a song, 7n Homer only used of the music, but later of the air and words, a hymn or festive song in praise of God (Ixx. Is. xlii. 10; 2 Ch. vii. 6; Ps. xl. 4.) (non occ.) see under “ PSALM.” “ Eph. v. 19. | Col. iii, 16. HYMN (sre αν.) ὑμνέω, to sing, laud, sing of, tell of, praise, (Ixx. Is. xii. 4; 2 Ch. xxix. 30.) (occ. Acts xvi. 25; Heb. 11.12.) Matt. xxvi. 30, part. | Mark xiv. 26, part. HYPOCRISY. ὑπόκρισις, a reply, answer, esp. as spoken in dialogue on the stage; hence, the playing a part on the stage, dissimulation. Matt. xxiii. 28. Mark xii. 15. Luke xii. 1. 1 Tim. iv, 2 1 Peter ii. 1. HYPOCRISY (wirnovr.) ἀνυπόκριτος, unfeigned (opp. of above.) Jas. iii. 17. HYP HYPOCRITE. | ὑποκριτης, one who answers, esp. on the | stage, hence, one who plays a part, a dissembler (non occ.) | Matt. xxiii. 13, 14 (ap), 15, 23, 25, 27, 29. Matt. vi. 2, 5, 16. — vii. 5. — xv.7. Mark vii. 6. — xvi. 3 (om. ὑποκριταὶ, | Luke vi. 42. O ye hypocrites, G = | —— xi. 44 (ap.) LTTrARN*.) — xii. 56. — xxii. 18. — xiii. 15. ὕσσωπος, (Heb., 218) Hyssop, a low plant or shrub, put in contrast with the cedar, as growing out of the wall or rocks. In N.T. used of a stalk or stem of hyssop; and also of a bunch of hyssop for sprink- ling. John xix. 29. | Heb. ix. 19, i 3 I is generally part of the verb, in Greek ; thus, λέγω is I say, but if there beadded to thisthe pronoun, thus, ἐγώ λέγω, Tsay, there is an emphasis designed, which is want- ing in the former case. In the oblique cases the pronouns are more necessary, and therefore the emphasis is not so marked, but in the nominative they are regularly omitted, unless emphasis is in- tended. The following passages are where | the pronoun 1 in English is repre- sented by the pronoun in the Greek as a separate emphatic — word. In all passages or cases | not cited below the pronoun | I is only part of the verb in | Greek. 4. ἐγώ, 1, (the pronoun of the first per- son,) Lat., ego; Germ., Ich; Μη. I.) {In no instance is this pro- noun used in the Greek where no | emphasis is intended to be ex- | pressed. Where it is used, it | could not have been omitted with- | out affecting the sense. This em- | phasis may be manifest or latent ; | or it may be the consequence of antithesis. | (a) pov, Genitive, of me, (generally to be translated I, in consequence | of the case being the result of government or construction.) (Ὁ) ἐμοί, Dative, to me, (the result of construction, e.g. “there is to me” ==“ T have.”) * μοί, another form of the Dative. (0) ἐμέ, Accusative, me, (the result of construction, gen., being the Acc. of the noun with inf. of the verb, e.g. “me to be” == “that Iam.”) * μέ, another form of the Accusa- tive. 2. κἀγώ, even I, or I also, (a contraction of καὶ, and, also or even, and ἐγώ, I.) — Matt. ii. 8, seeIalso. | 1. Mark i. 2 (om. LT Tr A. | 1, —— iii. 11 15, la. 11 2nd. la. 7 Ast. 1. 14, [29, 44. | 1. 8. Ἴ: γ. 22, 28, 32, 34, | ——— v. 71st, see I to 1. —— viii. 7, 9 lst. do with thee (what 10 eee have.) oo 32, 33, see Lalso. | 1. vi. 16, 50. 1. —— xi. 10 (om. L»-) | 1c* Vili. 27, 29. il? 28, see And, ifs ix, 25. 1, —— xii. 27, 28. | 1c* x. 36(om.G © L Ἰς xiv. 27. | Tr Ain.) 1c* xvi. 13 (om. α - | 1. 38 twice, 39 twice. L>T TrAR.) | ———xi. 291s, see I also. 168 15. 11 33 1st. a= 18 1st, see Lalso. | 1. —— xii. 26, 1, —— xviii. 88 (ὡς κἀγώ, | 1. —— τη]. 6. (No. 2,) as even I, in- | 1. —— xiv, ,191st, 192nd stead of ὡς καὶ εγω, (ap.) evenasI, LTTrARn.) | 1ο” 28 Ist, 1. —— xx. 15 2nd, 22 1st, | 1, - 29, 92 2nd (ap.), 23 (ap.) le* 8] Ist. 1 ——— xxi, 241st, gee I | 1. 36, 58 Ist, 62, also. 1. Luke 1, 18314, 19, - 242nd, see I in | 1. ——1i. 48, see And. likewise. 105 49. 1 27 Ist, 30. 1. 111. 16 Ist. 1. —— xxii. 32. la. 16 2nd. 1. —— xxiii. 34, lc* iv. 43 Ist. 1, —— xxiv. 5. jie vii. 8 lst. 1. —— xxv. 27. 1; 27 (om. L T Tr 1, —— xxvi. 15, see And. ARN. 1. —— 22, 25. — —— vili. 28 1st, seeI to 1c*—— 32 Ist do with thee (what 1 33. have.) 1ο od ist. χὰ δ, 1 89, 1. αχ. 9 twice. 1. —— xxvui, 20 2nd. ; 1ο 18, 20. i [ 394 1 I 1. Luke x.3 (om.L TTr ARN πι ee Ast. 1οἳ 35 2nd. 1: xi. 9, see And 1οἳ 18. nD 19. 1c* xiii. 33 τι xv. 17. -- 31, see I have (that.) τ xvi. 9, see And. te* xix. 5. 1. 90 2nd, 23. 1c* 27. -- xx. 3, see Lalso. 2 8 lst. 1. πα Ες. 1c* xxii, 15 2nd. τ 27. its 29, see And. le 32. la. 58. 1: 70. 1. —— xxiii. 14. 1. —— xxiv. 39, see I my- Ae 49. {self. | 1. John i. 20, 23, 26. η, 27 (om. G = Lb Tr AW.) if 30. -- 3115: 566 I(and.) Ἱ. 3] 2nd. 15 33, 34, see And. — —— ii. 4, see I to do with thee παν have) 1. —— iii. 28 2nd. 1ο. 80. 1. —— iv. 14 1st, 26, 32, 38. 1. —— v. 7 2nd. 1 17, see And. 1 30 1st, 31, 341st, 26 1st. 1 36 2nd (om, Τὶ ΤΥ | AR.) if 43, 45. 1. —— vi. 20, 35. 1 40 (om. LD.) 1 41, 44, 48, 5] Ist & ih 53 (ap.),54. (2nd. — ——— 56, an see I(and) i Ie 63, 70 1. ——vii. 7, 8, 17, 29 1st, 84, 36. 1. —— viii. 11 (ap.), 12, 14 1st, 15, 16 1st ἃ 3rd, 18, 21 twice, 22, 23 twice, 24 2nd, as 20 3τα, see And. πι 29, 38 1st, 42 Ist, 45, 49 Ist, 50, 54, 55 1st, 58 2nd. 1e.— ix. 4. ab 9, 39. 1. —x.7 2n4,9,10,11,14. 15 Ist, see Even. 1c* 16 2nd. 1) 1715ι,1815:. 252nd 1, 27, 98, see ‘And, τ ET ος, 38 2nd, seeT (and) —— xi. 25, 27, 42 159. — xii. 26. 32 1st, see And. 46, 47 ist, 49 Ist, 50 2nd, — xiii. 7, 14, 15 2nd, 18 2nd, 19 2nd. 26, and seeGive. — xiv, 33rd. 4 (om. Lb.) 6, 10 Ist ἃ 2nd 11, 19 2nd & 3rd. 14 (τοῦτο, {I will do} L™.) 16, 19, 20 Ist. 202nd, see And, this μα τ πε PPP ο... 1. John xiv.21,273rd, 2815ι. la. 28 5th. 1. —xy. 1. 1. 4, see And. 1 5 Ist. 1 52nd, see And. a 9, see I (so.) 1 10,14,16,19,20,26 1. xvi. 42nd, 7 Ist ἃ 2nd Ξ- 7°74(No.1,GQGxhL 1 16 (ap.) ΓΑΡ.) 1 17 (om. Lf tr AR.) (0, for which if instead of ὅτι ἐγώ, Be- cause I, Sb-), 26, 27, 33. 1. —— xvii. 4 Ist, 9 Ist, J] 2nd, 12 2nd, 14 twice, 16. 18, see Even. 19 (om. Lb T 8.) 21, see And. 92° 23, 24.2nd, 25, 26 2nd, see And. XViii. 5, 6, 82nd, 20 1st ἃ 2nd, 2] 2nd 26,35 37 1st (om. T Tr Ab &.) 37 2nd (om, Lb.) 38. —— xix. 6. —— xx. 15, see And. 21, see Even. | 1b* Acts iii. 6 1st. 3 vii. 7, 32. ΙΙ eee ΟΝ δ. 1. ——x. 20, 21. 26, see I myself also. | 1, —— xi, 5 156. Ι 1c* 15. il 17 Ist. | le*—— xiii. 95 18ὺ (Ile LT Tr A.) : 25 2nd, 33, 41. | le*—— xvi. 80. 1. —— xvii. 3, 23 3rd. 1. —— xviii. 6 1st, 10 1st. 1b*- 10 2nd. its 15. 1c* 21 Ist (ap.) le* xix, 2] twice. 11, —— xx. 22, 25 Ist. ie 262nd (εἰμί, Tam, instead of ἐγώ, 1, T' Tr Α 5.) iP, 29, 1. — xxi. 18. 1b. 37. le 30 Ist. | 1. —— xxii. 3. 1b. 6. 1. ----- 8 twice. 1. ——— 13, see And. lb*-——— 17 Ist. ite 17 2nd. 1c*— _7 3rd. 3 - 19 2nd, 21, 28 twice 1. —— xxiii. 1, 6 twice. — —— xxiv. 16, see I my- la. 20. {self. uf 21 2nd, 1le*—— xxv. 10 2nd, la. - 15. 1. —— 18, 20 1st. τὸ ποτ , see I myself. 1. — 25 "int. 1 xXxXvi. 9 Ist, 102nd, 15 twice. 2, ——— 29 2nd. 1. —— xxviii. 17 1st. — Rom. iii. 7, see I also. ἂς Vii. 9 twice. 10" 10. 1: 14, 17. 1. 20 lst (om. GL Trmb ΑΝ.) 1. Rom. vii, 20 3rd. 1}. ὉἹ 2nd. 1. 24. 1. 25, and see I my- self. 1b*—— ix. 2. --- 3, see I myself. 1. —— x. 19 2nd. 1. —-xi.l. Ἰ; 3, see And. ile 13 2nd, 19, | 1. —— xii. 19. 1. —— xiv. ll. 1, ——xv. 14, and see I myself. 1c* 16, 19. 1h, xvi. 4, 22. 1. 1 Cor. i, 12 2nd, “τὰ 4th, ἃ 5th. 1 —— li. 11st, see And. 1, —— iii. 1, 4 twice, 6, 1. —— iv. 15. la. 18. 18 v. 3 lst. 1b* 12. 1s vi. 19. — —— vii. 72nd, seeI my- self. Ἡμ 82nd, see Even. il. 10 2nd, 12, 28. = 40 2nd, see I (also.) alk ix. 6, 15 1st. | 193 16 2nd, i ΤΊ 26 Ist. -- 27 3rd, see I my- | self. 1. —— x, 30 Ist & 3rd. -- 33, see Even. — —— xi. 1, see Even. if 23 Ist. 1. —— xy, 91st, 10 4th, 11. 1. —— xvi. 10. 1. 3 Cor. i. 23 1st. ] il. ii. 2. Τοῦ 3.180. 1. 10 Ist ἃ 2nd. 10" 13 2nd. 1. —— vi. 17, see And. 1οἳ vii. 7. 1. x. 1, and see I myself. 2. xi. 16 2nd. -- 18, 21 3rd, see I | also. Ss 92 3 times, see I (so.) 1 93 2nd, 99 2nd. 1. —— xii. 11 2nd, 13, and see I myself. ile 15 Ist, 16 Ist. | lf 20 5th, see And. 10" 211st (No. la, LTTrAR®.) 1. Gal. i, 12 1st. 1 1. Gal. ii. 19 1st, 20 3rd. 1, —— iv. 12 2nd. 9 19 γα. le* 18. 1, 2, 10, 11 Ist. 1b.— ὡς ἘΠῚ Ist, 1. 142nd, see And 1 πα Ἐπ Eph. i. 15 1st, 5661 also. 1. —~ iii. 1. 1. ——iv. 1. it v. 32. 1c* vi. 20 3rd, 1c* Phil. i. 7, mare. me. — —— ii. 1924, see Lalso. 24 2nd, see [ my- self. 1. —— 282nd, see And, | 1. —— iif, 4 twice, 1, —— iv, 11 2na, 1. Coll 1. 29. 25. 1e*—— iv. 4 ιά, 1. 1 Thes. ii. 18. 2. 111. 5 1st, 1. 1 Pim: 1. 15. 1. —— ii, 7 1st, 1. ο πα oe ΠῚ 125th, see Τ have committed unto him (that which.) . —iv.l(om.GLTTr 6. [A 3.) . Tit. i. 5 2nd, . Philem. 13, 19 twice, . Heb. 1. 5 twice, . —— ii. 19 twico, -- ν. 5. a.— viii. 92nd, 92rd, see And. 30. —x. — xii. 26. . James ii, 18 twice, see And. 1 Pet. i. 16. 2 Pet. i. 17. 2 John 1 twice. ἐν doin τς Rev. phe - 8, 9, 11 (ap.), — — ii. 6, see I also. μεμα μα αὶ ed pet καὶ καὶ pt et feed μαὶ ped μὰ ποστ ο σον το : 4 1: 22 (ον. GLT Tr A &.) ile 98 πὰ. τις 27, see Even. 1. —— iii. 93rd (om G 3) -- 10, see I also. Ls --ΞΞ--.Ἰοίαι; — ——— 2] 9η 566 Even. Ln fee 1. —— xvii. 7. 1, —— xxi. 9 (om. GLT Tr A.) 1, ——— 61st (om. G~) ἵν 6 2nd. 1" πμ. 16 twice, I ALSO (when not two separate words in the Greek.) κἀγώ, contraction for καὶ, and, also, even, and ἐγώ, Matt. ii. 8. —x.i -- 89, 33. — xvi. 18. —- xxi. 24, Mark xi. 29 (om. T Tr Luke xx. 3. [A.) | lig Rom. iii. 7. 2 Cor. xi. 18, 21. Eph. i. 15. Phil. ii. 19. Rev. ii. 6. — iii, 10. I (axso.) 1 Cor. vii. 40. I [ T (so) John xv. 9. Ι 2 Cor. xi. 22 3times. I (IN LIKEWISE) Matt. xxi. 24. I MYSELF. 1. αὐτός, self, no other, alone. 9 ἐγώ, I(seeI, No.1) ) Land no other, “αὶ αὐτός, self, 41 alone. 3. ἐμαυτοῦ, myself. 2. Luke xxiv. 39. 2. Rom. xv, 14 1. Acts xxiv. 16. 8. 1 Cor. vii. 7 1. —— xxv. 22 Ls ix. 2 2. Rom. vii. 25 2. 2 Cor. x. 1. 2. —— ix. 3 2, ——xii. 13. 1. Phil. ii. 24. I MYSELF ALSO. κἀγώ, and, also, ο even I, αὐτός, self, VI also myself, J I too myself. —_—_ 1 HAVE (τπατ) τὰ, the things, > my possessions. ἐμα, mine, κ) Luke xv. 31. I HAVE COMMITTED UNTO HIM (rar wuicn) ἡ, the, ) παραθήκη, deposit, > my deposit. pov, of me, j 2 Tim i, 19. I TO DO WITH THEE (wnat nave) τὶ, what, ἐμοὶ, to me, καὶ, and, F σοὶ, to thee. Mark ν. 7. Luke viii. 28. John ii. 4. IDLE. ἀρνός, not working, esp., not working the ground, living without labour ; hence, doing nothing, idle, (occ. | ΠΡ το δει Β. Matt. xii. 36. — xx. 3. [A 61s (om.G LT Tr [1 Tim. v. 18 twice, Matt. xx. 62nd, a EE --ς αμα, SS.) | Luke xxiv. 11, see I tales. IDLE TALES. λῆρος, silly talk, nonsense, (non occ.) Luke xxiv. 11. IDOL (-s.) 4D . εἴδωλον, an image, a phantom; an image in the mind, and later, the image of a god, an idol. Acts vii. 41. | 1Cor. viii.724,see I (thing — xv. 20. offered unto an.) 29, see I (meat 10 Ist, see Idol's offered to.) temple. —— xvii. 16,seeI(fullof) | 102nd, TI (thing — xxi. 25, see I (thing which is offered to.) offered to.) | —— x. 19 1st (ap.) Rom. ii. 22. 1 Cor. viii. 1,see I (things | 192nd, see I (that which is offered in offered unto.) Sac. to.) 41st, see (things | xii. 2. that are offered in ; 2 Cor. vi. 16. Sac. unto.) 1 Thes. i. 9. 42nd, 1 John v. 21. 7 Ist, Rev. ii. 14, 20, see below. Rev. ix. 20. IDOL’S TEMPLE. εἰδωλεῖον, an idol-temple, (οσο. only 1 Mace. i. 47, x. 83.) 1 Cor. viii. 10. IDOLS (full of) (margin. } κατείδωλος, given up to idols, full of idols. Acts xvii. 16, (text, wholly given to idolatry.) IDOLS (eat OFFERED το) εἰδωλόθυτον, idol-sacrifice, anything sacrificed to idols, the flesh of victims offered to idols which re- mained over, and was eaten or sold. Acts xv. 29. IDOLS (oFFERED IN SACRIFICE UNTO) 1Cor. x. 28 (ἰεροθυτον, offered in sacrifice,G~LTTrA) IDOLS (ΤΗ ΝΤ ΝΗΙΟΗ Is OFFERED IN SACRIFICE TO) 1 Cor. x. 19, IDOLS (rHINnG OFFERED TO) Acts xxi. 25, IDOL (THING OFFERED UNTO AN) 1 Cor. viii. 7. IDO [ 396 ] IF IDOLS (rune OFFERED UNTO) 1 Cor. viii. 1. IDOLS (ΤΗΙΧ ἃ sacriricep Όντο) Rev. ii. 14, 20. IDOLS (Hine THAT Is OFFERED IN SACRIFICE UNTO) 1 Cor. viii. 4. IDOLS (rHING WHICH Is OFFERED ΤΟ) 1 Cor. viii. 10. IDOLATER. εἰδωλολάτρης, idol-worshipper, (οσο. only im N.T. and Patristie Greek.) | 1 Cor. v. 10, 11. Eph. v. 5. — vi. 9. Rey. xxi. 8. —x.7 —— xxii. 15. IDOLATRY. εἰδωλολατρεία, idol-worship, (οσο. only in N.T. and Patristic Greek.) 1 Cor. x. 14. | Col. iii. 5. Gal. v. 20. 1 Pet. iv. 3. IDOLATRY (wuotty ariven τοι) κατείδωλος, given up to idols, full of idols, Acts xvii. 16, marg. full of idols. IF. 1. ἐάν, if haply, if it so be that, (strictly, εἰ, [see No. 4,] if, and ἄν, haply, perchance.) [It differs from εἰ, (3ο. 4,) in that εἰ, expresses a condition which is merely hypo- thetical, {.6. a subjective possibility, while ἐάν, (No. 1,) implies a con- dition which experience must de- termine, 1.6. an objective possi- bility, and refers therefore to something future, | (a) followed by the indicative mood, expressing the condition simply, without reference to whether the event will decide it or not, (b) followed by the subjunctive mood. This expresses a condition of un- certainty, with an assumption of some small amount of contingency or probability, where experience ; 3. ἐάνπερ, if indeed, if now, kal, and, also, will show whether the thing is really so or not, (John vii. 17.) * Present tense, + Aorist tense, which may be in most cases translated by the future perfect. * with subj. aorist, (see above.) (see above,) ἐάν, if vn) if also, * with subj. present, (see above.) 4. εἰ, if, putting the condition simply, (for difference between εἰ and ἐάν, see above, No. 1,) (a) with the indicative mood, (present tense,) assumes the hypothesis as an actual fact, the condition being unfulfilled, but no doubt being thrown on the supposition, (1 Cor. xv. 16). With the past tense, the hypothesis is expressed as im- possible or contrary to fact, (Rom. iv. 2,) (Ὁ) with the optative mood, express- ing mere assumption or conjec- ture, without any subordinate idea; an entire uncertainty—a supposed case, (Acts xvii. 27; 1 Pet. 111. 14,) (c) with the subjunctive mood, like ἐάν with the swbj., (Wo. 1b,) ex- cept that εἰ puts the condition as depending on the event more decisively than ἐάν, (ἐάν repre- senting the condition more doubt- ful, as depending on some acci- dental circumstance; “if possibly” or “perhaps,” 1 Cor. ix. 11; xiv. 5.) 5. εἴγε, if at least, if indeed. * followed by indic., and spoken of what is taken for granted, 6. εἴτε, or εἰ τε, whether. [It will be seen from the above that the two principal words translated “rr” are Nos. 1 and 4, (the others being a combination of these with other particles.) ¥oran example of the importance of the difference between them, and their use with certain moods, note, (1) Acts v. 38, 39, “ΤῈ this counsel IF or this work be of men,” (Vo. 1b*, a point which the result will decide. ) “But if it be of God,” (Wo. 4a, a case which I put.) (2) John xiii. 17, “If ye know these . things,’ (Vo. 4a, assuming the : case as a fact,) “happy are ye if ye do them,” (3ο. 193, α result | which remains to be seen.) | 4a. Matt. iv. 3, 6. a 15, see If not. 19 4a. 1bt—— vii. 9, 1bt RO ισα kee an ᾿αἰτήσει for αἰτήσῃ, “whom his son will ask.’’) 23 Ist. 23 2nd, 30. (om. L T 4a. 105 viii. - 10, “see If (or.) 4a. 31. 1b+t—— ix. 21. 1b* x. 13 1st. τας 15 3πὰ, see If not 41. 25. 4a.— xi. 14, 21, 23. 4a —— xii. 7. lbt 11, 26, 27, 28. 4a. xiv. 28. 1b* xv. 14. -- xvi. 24, see If any 111 26. fman, 4a.—— xvii. 4. 1b* 20, 10} 12, 13, 15 twice. 16, see If not. lbt——— 17 twice, 19. — — 35, see If not. 4a.—— xix. 10, 17, 21, lb+—— xxi. 3. 1b* 91 Ist. τε 21 2nd, see If (also .) 1bt 24, 25, 26. lbt—— xxii. 24. da. 45. 4a.— xxiii. 30. lbt—— xxiv. 23. 4a. 24, see If it were possible. 48. 26, 43. -45, see If (but and.) 4a.— xxvi. 24, 39, 42, 4a.—— xxvii. 40. 4a. 45 (om.G -- Τ ΤΥ A WN: lit. “He ἰδ.”) 43 da. 2 101------ xxviii. 14. 1b* Mark i. 40. lbt-—— iii. 24, 25, da. 26. — — iv. 23, see If any man. 19 26 (om. T Tr A N: lit. ‘fas α man may cast,’’ es -- ai ΓΗ } see If but. lb+—— vii. ii. - 16, see If any man, 10} Mark viii. 3. — —— 23, see If.. aught. 194 36 (om. and sub- stitute inf. for subj., TAR.) — —— ix. 22, see If any- thing. 28, 35, see If any 13, “and see If γ. 20, ΒΒ Δ. ὁ, we to say. se 1bt—— xii. 19. 1bt—— xiii. 21. 4a. 22, and see If it were possible. xiv. 21. 1b* 31. 48. 35. 4a,.— xy. 44. — — xvi.18, see I(and) 4a. Luke i 5 3. 194 4a. 4 193 v. 12. -- 36, see If other- 48. wise. vi. 32. 33. 34 (No. 194, Τὶ T Tr™ §&,) (No. la, 6 εν Ίμα Tr A. ) 4a,— vii. 39. — — ix. 23, see If any man. 193 x. 6 Ist. -- 6 2nd, see If not. 4a. 13. lbt—— xi. 12 (om. T Tr ADR: lit. ‘whom his son shall ask.’’) 3 4a. 10" 193 4a. 48. da. 10" 4a. 18, see If also, 19, 20, 56. xii. 26, 28. 38 (κὰν, for καὶ εάν, T Tr A.) 39. 45, see If (but and.) — — xiii. 9 1st, see If (and.) 92nd, see If not (and.) — —— 26, see If any man, 1bt 94, 1071----- χν. 8. 4a,—— xvi. 11, 12, [ 397 ] I F ΤῸ} Luke xvi. 30. da. 91. lbt—— xvii. 3 twice, 4, 4a. 6. — — xix. 8, see If any 1b* 31. man. lbt+t——— 40 (No. la, fut., i xx, 5. -- 6, see If (but ΤῸ} 28, {and.) 4a.— xxii. 42. 10} 67, 68. : 48.------ xxiii. 91, 35. i 48. 4a.— 37 (om. LD.) 39 (οὐχί, art not [thow the Christ ἢ Lm TTrARk.) 4a. John i. 25. 4a,— 111. 12 Ist, οὗ see If (and,) 4a,— vii. 4. — —— 24, see If not. 1bt 31, 36. da. 39, 42, 46, 1bt 51, 52. 10" 54, 194 55, κἀν for καὶ ἐάν, LT Tr 8.) lbt—— ix. 22, ib*———-_ 31. ri see If not. da. 10" 26 twice. lbt———_ 82, 47. — —- xiii. 8, see If not, 48. 14, 17 1st. 1b* 17 2nd. 48. 32 (ap.) 193 35. ΕἸ 2, see If not. — — xy. 6, see If not. 1bt UF, 10, 14. 18, 19, 20 twice. 22° 24, } see τε | — — xvi. ‘ee 5 not. 1bt 7 2nd 4a,—— xviii. 8, 23 twice. 30, see If not, 193 da. 4a.—— xiii. 15, 4a,— xvi. 15. 4b.— xvii. 27,,and see 4a,—— viii. 22, and see If If haply, ] 1bt—— 40, 48, 7. 1lbt—— xii. 24. | 4a. Acts xviii. 14, 15, | 4a.—— xix. 38, 39, | 4a.— xx. 16. 4a.—xxiii. 9. — — xxiv. 19,seeIf.., da. 11 twice. 1b*—— xxvi. 5. 32, see If not. — —— xxvii. 12, see If by any means. 4b. — Rom. i. 10, see If by any means. 1b*——_ ii, 25 twice, 26, 4a.—— ν. 10, 15, IZ 4a.— vi. 5, 8. lbt—— vii. >, 3 twice. 4a. 16, 20. — —— viii. 91st, see If so be that. 9 2nd, see If any man, 48. το 11, 13 twice, 17, 25, 8 4a.—— ix. ον 1bt—— x. 9. [ 4a.— xi. 6 Ist, 62nd (αρ. Ἢ 14, see If by any means. 48. 15, 16 twice. — —— 17, see If some, 48. 18, 21. -- 23, see If not. 48. 4a.— xii. 18, and see If it be possible. * 20 twice. xiii. 4. 9, see If any, xiv. 15, —1 Cor. iii. 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, see If any man. —— iv. . see If (now.) 1bt 193 v. τὰ da. vi. 2. 10" 4. lbt—— vii. 8. 4a. 9. 11, see If (but and.) = ΤῈ , see If any, -- ΓΗ see If (but.) 28'1st, see If (but and.) 10" 28 2nd. -- 36 Ist, see If any | 1b* 362nd. fman. | bt 39, 40. — — viii. 2, 3, see If any man, lb* 8 Ist. -- - 82nd, see If... 1lbt——— 10. {not. 4a.——- 18. da. ix. 2, 11 twice, 12, — ——— 16, see If not. da. 17 twice. ——-x. a see If any, 19 da. ἂν -- ---- xi. δ, see If (even all one as.) 6 twice. 14, 15. 16, see If any ; 20 5 times, da. 31, IF — 1 Cor. xi. 34, see If any man. 1bt—— xii. 15, 16. da,— 17 twice, 19, 1lbt—— xiv. 6, 8. 11, see If not. 105 14, 101 28, 105 24. 6. 27. -- 28, see If no. lbt 30. 4a. 35. -- 37, 38, see If any man. 4a.— xv. 2, 12, 13, 14. 15, see If so be that 48. 16; 275.19; 39; 32 twice. 193 xvi. 4, 7 1bt 10. στ 22, see If any man. 4a. 2 Cor. ii. 2. 5, 10, see If any- thing. 4a.— iii. 7, 9, 11. — —— iv. 3, see If (but.) da. i4(om.G-> LT ΠΕ Ac SS) — —— vii. 14, see If any- thing. 48. viii. 12 lbt—— ix. 4 — — x. 7, see If any man 4a.— xi. 4. — ——— 15, see If also. - 16, see If other- wise da. lbpt—— xiii. 2 — Gal. i. 9, see If any man. 4a. 10. 4a,.— ii. 14, 17, 18, 21. — — iii. 4, see If yet. 4a. 18, 21, 29. 4a.—— iv. 7. 4a. ——— 15, and see If it had been possible. lbt—— v. 4a.- τῇ 15, 18, 25. 2", vi. i marg. al- though. — ——— 3, see If a man. 5. Eph. iii. 2. — —— iv. 21, see If so be that. 4a. Phil. i, 22. — — ji. 14 times, any. see If and.) — — iii. 11, see If by any means. 12, see If that. — —— l5, see If any- thing. — — iv. 4, see If any | man. — ——— 8 twice gee Ifany 5. Col. i. 23. ta.--— ii. 20, 1b* 13. 1b+—— iv. 10. 1b* 1 Thes. iii. 8 (No. la, T Tr A αν) iii. 10, see If any. 13, see If any man. 1b* 15. — 1 Tim. i. 10, see If any- thing, --17, see If (yea | 1b* 1 Tim. ii. 5. 101 15. ἘΞ ΞΕ τ ΠΝ cole a. | mau. — — v. 4,8, see If any. da. 10 5times. -16, 2 see Τῇ any man. ΞΕ ΒΕ 19 twice, ο]. 25, see If per- adventure. — Titus i. 6, see If any. 4a.Philem. 17, 18, 4a.Heb. ii. 2. 3*. iii. 6 (Νο. 1b*, Lb TTrA.) (Ν has κἀν, and if, with e written above κ.) 98, 14. 107 15. 4u.— iv. δν 5. 101 oe da. 8. ο, Vis 9, 4a.— vii. 11. 4a.Heb. viii. 4, 7. da. ix. 13. 1b* x. 38. 48. xi. 15. 4a,— xii. 7 (ets, unto, LT Tr Aw: lit.“with a view to discipline are ye enduring, as to sons is God dealing with you.” 4a. 8. os 10, see If so much as (and.) 48, 25. 1b*—— xiii. 23. — James i. 5, 23, sce If any. -- 26, see If any man. 1bt—— ii. 2. 4a. 8, 9, 11 193” 15. τς 17, see If not. — — iii. 2, see If any man. 4a. 14. 4a,— iv. 11. 1bt 15. ——-v. ο see If (and.) 101 19. | 4.1 Pet. i. 6, 17. — — ii. 3, see If so 48. 19, 2 twice, — — iii. ite see If any. 10 13, 4b. 14, 17. —— iv. 11 twice, see If any man. -- 13, see If (but and.) 4a, 14, 16, 17, 18, 4a.2 Pet. ii. 20. 1911 Johni. 6. 10" 7. 101 8. 1b* 9, 107 ------- 11,1. 10" 8, 15. da. 19, 194 24, 10" 290, 4a. iii. 13. 1b*——— 20, — 21, see If not. 4a. iv. ll, 10" 12. 1bt 20, 4a.—_ ν. 9, [ 398 ] 4b. Witht= No. 4e. Matt. xvi. 24. 2 Cor. v. 17. Mark iv, 23. — x. 7. — vii. 16. Gal. i. 9. —— ix. 35. | Phil. iii. 4. Luke ix. 23. | 2 Thes. iii. 14. — xiv. 26. | 1 Tim. ν. 16, | —— xix. 8. | —— vi. 8. | Rom. viii. 9. | Jas, i, 26. 1 Cor. iii. 12, 14, 15, 17, 18. | —— iii. 2 IF ἐμῷ 15: pear 14, ad (δν, τη) ολο, iii. 3, see If not. ΠΗ - — xi. ap vilse: see — 2 John 10, see Ifany. | — —— xiii. 9, af any 107 5 John 10. — — xiv. 9, more. 1bt Rev. xxii. 18, 19. The mood after εἰ in the following combinations is Indicative, unless otherwise indicated. IF ALSO. εἰ, if (see “τε,” Vo. 4a,)) and if kal, and also, § (48) 4) ) but and if. bbs εἰ, if (see “1F,” No. ὃς but, Σ and also, 2. . Luke xi. 18, | SAY: εἰ, if (see “ΤΕ” Wo. 4a,) τις, any. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 15. Acts xxiv. 20 (τί, what, α | Phil. 11. 1 4times. 1, Τ ΤΥ Α Ν.) — iv. 8. — xxv. 5. 2 Thes. iii. 10. Rom. xiii, 9. 1 Tim. v. 4, 8. 1 Cor. vii. 12, | Tit. i. 6. — x. 27, [ΞΕ 1, 5, ο. 2 Cor. ii. 5. 1 Pet. iii. 1. 2 John 10, IF ANY MAN. εἰ τις, if anv one, No. 4a. With*= No. — vii. 36. | 1 Pet. iv. 11 twice. — viii. 2, 3. | *Rey. xi. 5 (44. α LT Tr) — xi. 16, 84, | (4a,, ἘΣ 150.) — xiv. 37, 38, — xiii. 9. — xvi. 22, —- xiv. 9. IF A MAN. 2 Cor, xi, 205 times, | Gal, vi. 3, 1 Tim. iii, 1, 5. IF ANY THING. Mark ix. 22. | 2 Cor. ii. 10, 1 Tim. i. 10. 2 Cor. vii. 14, Phil. iii, 15, If....£U GHT, Mark viii. 23. | Mark xi. 25, 1 Acts xxiv. 19, IF [ 399 1 IF IF BUT. IF OTHERWISE. κἄν, and if, also if. 5, Luke v. 30. | 8. 2 Cor. xi. 16. Mark v. 28. Ι Mark vi. 56, wi ΓΙᾺ IF BY ANY MEANS. el, if (see “τε, No. 4,) } *,= Wo. 89. πῶς, how, in what way ¢ if by any or or manner, some means (non occ.) Rom. xi. 14. * Acts xxvii. 12. | m. ΧῚ Phil. iii. 11. Rom. i. 10. IF HAPLY. εἰ, if (see Wo. 48.) apa, accordingly, mark- ing @ correspondence in point of fact, if accord- ingly. ) if accord- εἰ, if (see Wo. 4a,) 2. ὁ ἄραγε accordingly in- ingly deed, ή J indeed. 1. Mark xi. 13. | 2, Acts xvii. 27. IF IT BE [wap Been *; weEReE Ὁ] POSSIBLE. ἔπ εἰ if, ( δυνατόν, possible, able. εἰ, if : { δύναιντο, they were able (optative.) . Matt. xxiv. 24.* 2. Acts xxvii. 39¢ (No. 1 1. Mark xiii, 22.+ 1, Rom, xii, 18, [ἃ Ὁ) 1. Gal. iv. 15”. IF NOT. ἐάν, if (see No. 1.) "= 1b*, py, not (see “No,” Wo.2,) § ΤΞΞΙΟΤ. Vi if (see No. 49) ) but if not in- nye, not indeed, 5 oe ( εἰ, if (see No. 4a,) Vig aad ὶ μή, not (see “No,” No. 2,) § 1*,. Matt. vi. 15. 1*. John xvi. 7. 1+.—— x. 13. 8, —— xviii. 30. 1, xviii. 16, 35 2. Acts xxvi. 32, 2. Luke x. 6. 1*. Rom. xi. 23. 1*. John viii. 24, 19.1 Cor. viii. 8. 3. —— ix. 33. it ix. 16. 19 xiii. 8. 1+.—— xiv. 1}, 2, —— xiv. 2. 1+. Jas. ii. 17. 1%, xv. 6. 11.1 John iii, 21, 3. 22, 24, 1*. Rey. iii. 3. IF NO. 17. 1 Cor. xiv. 29. IF PERADVENTURE. μήποτε, lest at some time ο» other, ( followed here by subjunctive.) 2 Tim. ii, 25, IF PERHAPS. (εἰ, if (see No. 4a,) ) ἡ dpa, accordingly, ἐν hether. Acts viii. 22, IF SOME. (εἰ, if (see Wo. 4a,) (7s, some, certain. Rom. xi. 17, pl. IF SO BE THAT. ie if at least, if 1 indeed, if indeed also. Ν καὶ, and, also,even, 2. εἴπερ, if indeed, if so be, assuming the supposition as true, whether justly or not. εἴπερ, (see above, 3.1 No. 2,) ) if indeed after he ρα, accordingly, i all. 3.1 1. 2 Cor. v. 5. Rom. viii. 9, 17. | 1. Eph. iv. οἱ. 1 Cor. xv. 15. EY THAT. ( εἰ, if (see Vo. 4c,) ( καὶ, and, also, even. Phil. iii. 12. IF YET. elye, if at least, if indeed, kal, and, also, even. Gal, iii. 14, IF (ayp) 1. ἐάν, if (see No. 1903. ee ad and if, | | . Mark xvi. 18 (ap.) | 1. John vi. 63, 2. Luke xiii. 9, 2. Jas. v. 16. IF (4180) 2, Matt. xxi, 21, [ 400 ] EE ne a ii a σου IF (sur) ἀλλά, but (more emphatic 1 than δὲ) "ἡ εἰ, if (see «τε, Wo. 4,) kal, also, even, ei, if (see “τε, No. 2. as NED) καὶ, and, even, also, 1. 1 Cor. vii. 21. | 2, 2 Cor. iv. 3. IF (But Αντ) ἐάν, if (see “τε, No. 107,) de, but. 1. { Ἧ if (see “iF,” No. 1bt,) bo de, but, καὶ, and, also, even. ἀλλά, but (more emphatic than 8,) 92 εἰ, if (see No. 46,) καὶ, and, also, even. 1. Matt. xxiv. 48. ul 1, Luke xii. 45. 2. 3. 1 Peter iii. 14. . Luke xx. 6. 1 IF NOT (ayp) ei, if, (see Wo. 4,) δε, but μήγε, not indeed, not at least. Luke xiii. 9, IF (vow) 3.» 7; εἰ, if (see No. 4,) BBA καὶ, and, also, even, 1 Cor. iv. 7. IF (or) (καὶ, and, also, even, . ἱ ἐάν, if (see «ΤτΕ, No. 191.) east aL ; (ἢ καὶ, or also, L T Tr A 84.) IF SO MUCH AS (anp) κἄν, and if, if also. Heb. xii. 20, IF (EVEN ALL ONE AS) ( αὐτός, same, ) ἓν, one, (καὶ, and, 1 Cor. xi. 5. but if | even. δὲ, but, (not so eee but if even. Cor. vii. 11, 28, ' one and the same. IF (yEa Ανν) ἀλλά, but, ei, if (see No. 4,) but if even. Ἂς καὶ, and, also, even, 1. ἀγνοέω, not to perceive or know; bo loll aul al Acts xvii. 23, part. | Phil. ii. 17. See also “as.” IGNORANCE. 1. ἄγνοια, want of perception, (non oce.) 2. ἀγνωσία, a not knowing, (οσο. 1 Cor. xv. 34.) 1. Acts iii. 17. 1. Eph. iv. 18. 1. —— xyii. 80. 1. 1 Pet. i. 14. 2. 1 Pet. ii. 15. IGNORANT. ” not to understand ο» comprehend. 2. ἰδιώτης, a private person, one in a private station, not engaged in public affairs; one who has no professional knowledge, (as we say a layman as to law or other sub Jects, etc., 1.6. one who has no know- ledge on such a subject as this,) (oce. 1 Cor. xiv. 16, 23; 2 Cor. x1. 6.) . Acts iv. 13. | 1. 1 Cor. xii. 1, inf, . Roni. 1. 13, inf. 1. Heb. v. 2, part. IGNORANT (sr) . Rom. x. 3. 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 38 twice, . — xi. 25. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 11. «1 δ: σὲ, ᾿ς 1. 1 Thes. iv. 18. IGNORANT OF (88) λανθάνω, to escape notice, be unknown, unnoticed; to be hid as to any one, 1.6. from him, to escape his knowledge or notice. 2 Pet. iii, 5,8, IGNORANTLY. ἀγνοέω, see “ IGNORANT,” «ο. 1. 1 Tim. i. 13, part. ILL [noun.| a oe (opp. to καλός, see “Goon,” 2,) bad, generically of every ὮΝ m of evil, ο ο... (το ee οὐ ΞΘ ILL [aon ἢ IMM (a) neuter, as subst., evil, ill, physical impressed ; it does not denote the and moral. peculiar characteristic, and always το ery suggests the passive relation of the Sen subject spoken of. (See “ MARK,” ILLUMINATE (-rp.) 0. 1) pd φωτίζω, to shine, give light, trans., to enlighten, light up, bring to light, IMAGINATION (8) throw light upon. A word of later 2 : Greek, found principally in N.T. lid ee reckoning o7 computing, and lxx. The Hellenistic meaning esp. of arithmetic,) then, calcula- is to enlighten; and the lxx., to tion, (én the way of reasoning.) instruct, teach. 2. διαλογισμός, (No. 1, with διά, Heb. x. 83, part. ° through, prefixed,) a reckoning Ε through, balancing of accounts, IMAGE. calculation, reasoning through. εἰκών, (from ἔοικα, to be like, resemble, 3. διάγοια, ἃ thinking over, meditation, Jas. i. 6, 25,) that which resembles reflecting ; activity of thinking ; an object, or which represents it, esp., moral reflection as the pro- hence, image, likeness. duct of the heart. (a) εἰκών, denotes not merely the ας δα ο image but also the pattern, the ΠΤ, 2 Cor. x. 5, marg. reasoning. eae original (in opp. to σκιά, the shadow,) which sets forth that IMAGINE. ere ore, With is μελετάω, to care for, to take care for meant to be found in the image, ae σας ο. ος ef. Wisd. xii. 13; Hos. xiii. 2; ἡ pte Gen. v.3. This supplies the sim- ας = ἴω Mark xiii. 11 ; plest explanation of the passages το μα. marked (a) and Eph. iv. 24 (non abe Αρ; occ.) ss: συ IMMEDIATELY. ee γῇ ee) αν ο ο οι straight, direct, (whether per- sv gare Bae οι pendicular or horizontal.) Used * 4 Cor. xi.7. eri of time, straightway, — xv. 49 twice. — xiv. 9, 11. : A has 9 Sy | 2. εὐθέως, (adv. of No. 1,) immediately, Col. 1. 15. — xix. 20. directly, forthwith, at once. | Rev. xx. 4. ; hee ἌΘΩΝ | 3. παραχρῆμα, with the thing itself, at the very moment, on the spot. IMAGE (express) | Αν). 3 Ἢ ; χαρακτήρ, (from χαράσσω, to tear, 4. ο... this, eg. time, 1.6. | cleave, cut in, engrave.) Actively, yi i Pa something engraved or impressed, 3. Matt. iv. 22. [oe ea eee and esp., an instrument for mark- | 2, — xiv. 31 9 29 (Χο. 1, Τ Tr | ing, eg: a mp ed ite used | 3 — Biv bo. ssa 2, —v.2 (No.1, Trd | in this sense; Passively, a sign, | 2. — xxvi. 0.1,Tr) | | . mark, token, and hence, Latinetive ΠΣ αν ὦ στα | sign, trait, distinctive type or | 2. A ae ay re ΟΝ a ia form, the image impressed as |" ax) ὁ 2, ——50 (No.1, LT corresponding exactly with the | 3 ——* 3X Ta) 4. — 5 (No. 1,1 Ὁ original or pattern. In Heb. 1.8 | 2. AOE πας), sie: a. il this word is chosen instead of ο 16 (No.1,TTr| TTrAN) το χάραγμα because it is not so narrow |. A ain SP (No.1, 1, τ Baa ead in sense. χάραγμα, is the thing | ~ tan)’ 12, ——v. 13, | BB | 2. ἀθανασία, immortality. IMM [ 402 1 IMP ------- σον ----- - 3. Luke ν. 25. | 1, John xxi. 3(om.G 3 L τὰ 2, — vi. 49(No.1, TTr ᾿ at ΑΝ) ΙΜΜΟΤΑΡΙΗΙ. A.) . Acts ili. 7. 3 ΄ ον πας ο gi dso ἀμετάθετος, see above. ο. - xii, 86. Πρ Ξε τῇ τος " 3. —— xiii. 13 λα τή ο ος Ἐεὶ 3. —— xviii. 49 ὃ xii. en im — xix. 11 παν TUR ἘΞ 60. πο. IMPART (-ερ.) 2. John v. 9. 8, 26. E ΓΝ 2 zee ye pe iy da μεταδίδωμι, to share in association wt. 2. —— xiii. 30(No.1,LT | 4. — xxi. 32. 9 . Sore , ὙΠΈΡ anyone, 1.6. to impart, commu- 2 xvi ασ. 2, Rev. iv. 2 nicate. Luke iii. 11. | Rom. xii. 8, marg. (text IMMORTAL. Rom. i. 11. | 1 Thes. ii. 8. (give. ἄφθαρτος, not liable to corruption. [A word never joined with the He- brew or Greek words for ‘Soul ” or “Spirit,” ete, in ο. ΝΟ; though they occur 1,644 times, (viz. πὶ, spirit, 400 times; was, soul, 752 times; πνεύμα, spirit, 385 times, and ψυχή, soul, 105 times. Predicated of only one Being—God.)] (οσο. Rom. i. 23; Por τσ 0, xv. 522 1 Εοι.Ἡ. 4, 23, iii. 4.) 1 Tim. 1. 17. IMMORTALITY. 1. ἀφθαρσία, incorruption, immortality. [Not the inalienable possession of the human family since the fall, (see Gen. iii. 22, 23.) Now, it is restricted to those who “by pa- tient continuance in well-doing seek for” it, (Rom. ii. 7), and received by them as a “gift,” (Rom. vi. 23). A truth “brought to light” by the Gospel, 2 Tim. 1. 10.] (οσο. 1 Cor. xv. 42, 50, 53, 54; Eph. vi. 24; Titus 11. 7.) [Expressly declared to be possessed by God alone, 1 Tim. vi. 16. Not to be “put on” by man until resurrec- tion, when “mortality shall be swallowed up of life,’ 1 Cor. xv. 53, 54.] (non occ.) 2. 1 Tim, vi. 16. 1, Rom. ii. 7. | 1. 2 Tim. i. 10, 2. 1 Cor. xv. 53, 54, IMMUTABILITY. 6, the, ἀμετάθετος, not to be transposed, un- ( alterable, without mutation or change, immovable, (οσο. ver. 17.) Heb. vi. 17. IMPEDIMENT IN ONE’S SPEECH (HAVE AN) μογικάλος, speaking with difficulty, a stammerer, (Ixx. for D>, tongue- tied, Is. xxxv. 6,) non oce. Mark vii. 32. IMPENITENT. ἀμετανόητος, without change of mind, impenitent. Rom. ii. 5. IMPLACABLE. ἄσπονδος, without libation, league, or compact; without treaty; then, without respect for treaties or covenants, (occ. 2 Tim. ΠΠ. 3.) Rom. i. 91 (om. G3 LT ΤΑ.) IMPLEAD. ἐγκαλέω, to call in, esp. a debt, and so to demand as one’s due; hence, to bring an accusation against anyone, arraign. Acts xix. 38. IMPORTUNITY. 35 / ἀναίδεια, Shamelessness, want of mo- desty, impudence, (non occ.) Luke xi. 8. IMPOSED ON (xe) ἐπίκειμαι, to lie upon, to be laid upon. Heb. ix. 10. IMPOSSIBLE. 1. ἀδύνατος, deficient in strength or power; act., infirm, weak, feeble ; neut. and pass., impossible, unable. IMP [ 403 1 IN ——— eee 2. ἀνένδεκτος, what is not able to be | 2. ἐλλογέω, to reckon in; hence, to done, what cannot be, impossible, charge, (occ. Philem. 18.) (non occ.) 1. Rom. iv. 6, 8, 11, 22, | 1. 9 Cor. ν. 19. ἣν , 24. Ἕ, 1. iii. 6, Σ 4 — Matt. xvii. 20, see 1} 2. Luke xvii. 1. ee a ee Ἀγ κα mks inhi 1. — xix. 26. [(be.) | 1. —— xviii. 27. 18 Jae Ἡ ση. 1. Mark x. 27. 1. Heb. vi. 4, 18 — Luke i. 37, seeI (be.) | 1. —— xi. 6. EN. The English word “rx” is frequently the translation of a case of the noun; these occurrences are not quoted below. Sometimes it is part IMPOSSIBLE (sr) ἀδυνατέω, to be ἀδύνατος, (see above, No.1,) to want strength, (non occ.) Matt. xvii. 20. | Lukei. 87. of a verb or a phrase; these are generally indicated by cross re- IMPOTENT. ferences. When “tn” is the translation of a separate Greek preposition it is one of these words following : 1. ἀδύνατος, see “ IMPOSSIBLE,” Λο. 1.) 2. ἀσθενής, without strength, esp. in body; hence, sick, diseased. 1. év, in, a being or remaining within, with the primary idea of rest in. any place or thing. Of place, in, with- in, among. Of time, on, upon. 2. Acts iv. 9. it 1. Acts xiv. 8. IMPOTENT MAN. ἀσθενέω, to want strength or health, to be infirm, weak, feeble; here, the participle. John v. 7, part. 2. εἰς, into, unto, to, zmpluing motion to the interior, governing the Accu- sative. * Acts li. 27, 91, (with Genitive,) εἰς adov = unto (the habitation or power of ) Hades. 3. ἐπί, upon, over. IMPOTENT FOLK. wile cli ef i (a) with Gen., upon, as springing or John v. 3, part. pl. proceeding from; over, in the pre- sence o7 time of. IMPRISON. φυλακίζω, to put in ward, imprison, throw into prison, (non 060.) (Ὁ) with Dat., wpon, as resting on ; upon, 1.6. in addition to. (c) with Acc., upon, by direction to- wards ; with implied motion, up to ; during, of time. Acts xxii. 19. IMPRISONMENT. φυλακή, watch, guard ; the act of keep- ing watch; then, of persons set to watch, and collectively, guards ; then, the place where watch is kept, 1.6. watch-post, station; then, imprisonment. 4. κατά, down. (a) with Gen., down from; hence, against, in opposition to. (b) with Acc., down towards, down upon or along ; hence, throughout. In ref. to time, at or in, correspon- dent with, according to, at the period of, over against. 2. Cor. vi. 5. | Heb. xi. 36. IMPUTE. 5. 1. λογίζομαι, to occupy one’s self with reckonings ov calculations. To διά, through, from the notion of separation or disjunction. (a) with Gen., through, as proceeding reckon or count; to reckon any- thing to a person, to put it to his account, either in his favour or what he must be answerable for- BB* JSrom; through, by means of. In ref. to time, διά marks the passage through an interval, during, or after the lapse of. (Ὁ) with Ace., through, as tending towards, on account of, or owing to. 6. πρός, towards, in the direction of. (a) with Gen., in favour of, (only in Acts xxvii. 34,) (b) with Dat., towards, resting in the direction towards, (ὁ) with Acc., hitherwards, towards, against; of mental direction, τὴ consideration of. 7. ἐκ, out of, from out of, motion from the interior. 8. μετά, with, in association with, (union of locality.) (a) with Gen., with and from, (se- parable connection,) together with, among. (b) with Acc., after. 9. ἀπό, from, (motion from the exterior), away from; hence, as marking esp. the cause or occasion, from, on ac- count of. 10. ἄχρι, adv. of time, marking duration, continuedly, during. 11. ἔσω, adv. of place, in, within, (ὔπι- plying motion into a place.) 12. περί, around. (a) with Gen., around and separate from, about, concerning, on be- half of. (Ὁ) with Ace., around and towards ; in reference to, about, of any object of thought. 13. ὑπό, under. (a) with Gen., beneath and separate from ; by, marking the agent. (b) with Ace., under and towards, close upon. 4b. Matt. i. 20 1st. 2. Matt. iv, 13 lst. 1, ——— 20 2nd. τ 13 2nd, 16 twice, 1, —— ii. 1 twice, 2, δ, 9. 21, 23. 4b.- 12, 13. 1. - — Vv. 12, 15, 16. 1. ——— 16 twice, 18, — 18, see No. 4b. 19 1st. if 19 "ewice. +1, ——— 19 2nd. -- 20, see Case. 3a. 221st(om.G—>-L | — 21, 22 3rd, see T Trb AbN.) Danger. -- ο tala hs 25, 28, 45. 4b. 22 3rd κ 48 (ovpavios, hea- 2. 23. venly, for év rots ovpa- 1. —— iii, 1 twice, 3, 6, 12, νοῖς, in the heavens, 3a.— iv. 6. 7: (GreLTTraAR.) 1. 1,2twice, 4 twice, 5 twice, 6 twice, 9, 88. 10 Ist. 1. ro 2a: il 18 twice, 20, 23,29 1. —— vii. 3twice, 4, 11. — —— 13]st, see Enter. — —— 13 2nd, see Go. 1. ——— 15, 21, 22 1st. 1. —— viii. 10, 11. ΤῈ νο (Νο. 9, L.) LS: ons 1. — ix. 4, 10. -------- D5, see Go. iL 33, 35. 2. —x. 9. ῚΣ Ξ 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, πι 27 Ist & 2nd. 2. 97 3rd. 1, ——— 28, 32, 33. ΩΣ 41 twice. Dx 42 Ist. -- 42 2nd, see No. 1. —— xi. 1, 2, 6, 8 twice, 11, 16. 213 times, 23twice, 24. -- 26, see Sight. 1. —— xii. 5 twice. — —— 6, see Place. 2. 18 (No. 1, Tr) (om. LT AR.) il 19. ik 21 (οπ. G LT TrAR®.) " ϑϑυνίοο 36 40twice, if 42. [41. — —— 45, see Enter. 1. 50. 1. — xiii. 3, 10, 13. 3b. 14 (om. GLT Tr Α 5.) 1. —— 19,21,24,27,301st, 2. 302nd (om. G = Τοῦ A.) 1. 31, 90. 2. ——— 33. 1, ——— 34, 35, 40 2nd, 43, 44, 54, 57 3 times, 1. — xiv. 2,3 3b.—— 8. Le 10. 3b. uns -- 24, see Midst. 1. 33. — — xv. 9, see Vain. -- 17, see Enter. ΠΕ 32, 33 == xvi. 3, see Morn- ing. ale 17, 19 twice. -- 26,seeExchange at 27, 28. 1. — xvii. 5, 22. 1. —— xviii. 1, 2, 4 Sb. 5. a 6 Ist 1, —— 6 2nd. 1. ——— 10 twice, 14, 3a. 16. 1. ——— 18 twice, 19, 2. 90 lst. 1 20 2nd. 1. —— xix, 21, 28 1st. 3a. 98 2nd, — —— xx. 1,see Morning iL 3, 17, 21. 1, —— xxi. 8 twice. 1, 9 twice, 12, 14, 10. — —— 18,see / Morning. 3a. 19. Li 22, 28, 32, 88, 41, 42 twice. — — xxii. 11, 12, see Come. 15, 16, 28, 30 1st ἃ 3rd, 36, 43. Matt. xxiii. 6, 7. 9 (οὐράνιος, hea- venly, for ἐν τοῖς οὐρα- vows, in the heavens, Τὰ T Tr A.) -- 13 twice, see Go. 1: 30 twice, 34, 39. 3b.— xxiv. 5. 58, AS ib |... ἴῃ see Divers place ue 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 26 twice. ale 90 Ist. δα. 90 2nd. ile 38 1st, 40, 45, 48, 50 twice. 1. —— xxv. 4. - —— 10, see Go. 1. 18 (om. T Tr A* 1. 25, 31. CR.) -- 35, see Take. 1G 36. — —— 38, see Take. 1, —— 39. — —— 48 Ist, see Take. ἜΣ 43 2nd, 44, 1. — xxvi. 6 twice, 13, 23, 29, 55 twice. 11. 58, and see Go. 5a. 1. 3a. 64. 2. 67, and see Spit. ΤΙΣ 69. 1. —— xxvii. 5 (Νο. 2,T slag τ eee 19. 86. 90 (Νο.1 α ὦ Τὶ T Tr AR.) 40. 43 (No. 3b, L.) 51. 59, see Wrap. 60 twice, xxviii. 18 1st. 18 2nd. 2. 19. 1. Mark i. 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 150. 2 9 2nd. ue 1 1. Us 1. —— 3a. απ 15, 14, see Put. κ —— 19, 20, 25. 35, see Morning. αν. (No. 2, GL TTrAN ἈΝ δ δ.) 2. —ii. 1 (No.1, L T Tr &.) [5 6, 8 2nd, 15, 20. -- 26, see Days of (in the.) 1. —— iii. 23. -- 29, see Danger. 1. — iv. 1, 2, 11, 15 (ap.), 17. -- 19, see Enter. up 28. 29, see Put. 8a. SLIst, 9154 ( (ap. ye 1. —— 36. 38b.—— 388 (α ο) (No. GLTTrAR. ) 1. —— v. 5twice, 13, 3. 14 twice, — —— 15, see Mind. * 20, 27, 30 twice. 3b. 33 (om. Lb T TrA a ) 9 ~. 30, see Come. 40, see Enter. 1, —— vi. 2, 4 twice, 2. 8. 10, see Place. 1. ——— 11 (ap.), 14, 17. 22, 25 1st, gee Come. IN [ 405 1 IN $b. Mark vi. 25 2nd. 1. Luke i, 44 2nd 1. Luke x. 35. — Luke xxiv. 1, see Morn- E 27. 3b. 47. -- 37, see Go. ing. 8b.—— 28. ile 66, 69, 75, 79, 80, i 43 twice. -- 3,566 Enter. 1. ——— 29, 47, 48, 51. 1. — ii. 1, 7 Ind ἃ ‘Brd, -- 52 twice, see En- | 1. ——— 4, 6. 8b. τες 815.11, 12 2nd. ter. | θα. 12 (ap.), 1. 56. Li 14, and see | 1. — xii. 1, 31st ἃ 2nd. | 1. ISI N0.2 Gx) — — vii. 7, see Vain. Highest. 6c 3 ard. (om. GT TrA.) fe —— visi. 1, 1 16, 19, 21, 23, | 1. 3 4th. ΠῚ: 18 2nd, 19, 27. 88. 4, 24, 1, 12,andsee Hour | — 29, see Go. Ἱ, 14, 26. -- 97, see Bring. 1. 15, 27, 28. 1 35 twice, 36, 38, -- 37, see Ex- | 2. ———28. — —— 29,see Suspense, 44 1st change. 1. 29, 34. 1. ——— 33, 38twie, 42, | 3b. 47. 1 38 twice -- 38 Ist, see Com- 45, 46, 52, 58. i 49, 53. 1. — ix. 33, 36 1st ing; and, In that in- 1. —— xiii. 41st. | 1. John i. 1 2, 4, 5, 10. 8b.——— 7, 39. stant. ak 42nd (om. Tr A.) | 2. 1, —— 41. 38 2nd (om. G ὦ 1. ——- 6, 10. ae 23, 28, 45, 47. 2. 42 (om. L T Trmb L T Tr APR) (lit. ve- | ——— 11, see No. 1. — ii. 1, 11, 14. δ) demption of Jerusa- | 1. 14 "twice, 19. 1. 19 (om. Tr), τν 50. lem.) 2. ———-21. 20 2nd, 23 1st, 1. —x. 10 (Χο. 53, α ὦ | 1. 43, 44, 46 twice, | — 24 twice, see En- | 1. 23 2nd (om, Lb lt at AR.) 51. ter. 2. 23 3rd. (Tr.) ue 1. —— iii. 1, 2, 4 twice. — —— 26 lst, see Pre- | 1. 25. 3b.——_ ον, -- 15 1st, see ἔχ- ce. 1. —— iii. 13 (ap.), 14. 1. ——— 30 twice, 32, 37, pectation and Sus- 26 2nd, 28, 29, 35. | 2. 15 (Νο. 1, L™ T 52. pense. 2. —— xiv. 8, 10 1st. Tr A) (3b. L.) —— xi. 4, see In a | 1 15 2nd. -- 102nd, see Pre- | 2. 16, 18. place wheretwoways | 1 17, 20, 22 2nd. 1. 15: [sence. | l. 21, 23. meet. | 1. —— iv. 2, 5. — —— 21, see Bring. 1. —— iv. 14, 20twice, 21, 2. 81st (No.1, L™.) | 88. i. -- 23° see Come. 23 Ist, 24 Ist, 31, 44, 53. 2, —— 82nd (αρ.) 1] 14, 15, 20, 21. Ἱ WA — —— v. 2, see Hebrew. 1, ——— 9, 10 1st (ap.), 1 Q31st (99) (Νο. | — 10,see Presence | 1. 8. "Ἢ 10 2nd, and see 2,GLTTrAR®.) 4b. 14 Ist. -- 4, see Step. Highest. 232nd 24, 25twice, | — 142nd,see Want | — 6, see Case. : 15. 27 150. — ——-21, see Sight. | 1. 13, 14, 26 twice, ΒΕ" 90, 566 Morning. | — 27 2nd, In the ΞΕ Ἀν 28 twice, 35, 38, 39, 42, a ip 23, 25, 26 (ap.), time of. — —— 28, see Go. 43 twice. a ne 28, 33. 2. —— xvi. 8. 2. 45. 1, —— xii. 11. 5 eS ο ο σας |) oe 10 4times, 11,12. | 1. —— vi. 10 1st, 31. 88. 14. AR. -- 15, 566 Sight. |’ — —— 37, see No. 1. 23, 25 2nd, 26 Ist. | 1. ——v, 7, 19. Ἵ: 233 times, 24.2πὰ, | 1, 45, 49, 53, 56twice, 8a. 26 2nd. 3a. 18 1st. 25. 59 twice, 61, 1: 35, 383times, 39, | — —_—182nd, see ΤΣ xvii. 6, 24 (ap.), | 1. —— vii. 1twice, 4, 3b.— xiii. 6. ο μα Bring. 96 twice, 98, 31 3times. | 9, 5. - 8, see In divers ! 1. 22, 29, 35. 88. 34. τν 9, 10, 18, 28, 37. places. 2, —— vi 8. BS 36 (ap) 1. —— viii. 3twice (ap.) 9. ale 12 twice. 1, —— xviii. 2,3 -- 42nd, see Act. τὴ 11, 14. 3a. 17. 3b. 9. 1. 5 (ap.), 9 (ap), δα τι τή 1. 93 Ist & 2nd. το 17 παρ πο, 19, 17, 20twice, 91, 1. ——— 24, 25, 26. 4b. 23 3rd. iS 22, 30 twice. 2Q4twice, 31. — 29, see Manner. | 1, ———41twice,423times. | 1, —— xix, 17, 20, 30, 36. | — 33, see Bondage. π 2. 9, —vii.l ite 383 times, 42, 1, 85, 37, 44 τνῖοο, 1. — xiv. 3 twice. al 9. --- 43, see Keep. 1. —— ix. 3, 5. — —— 14, see Go. alk 21, and _ see 1 , 47. 2. ts 2. 20. Hour. 1. — xx. 1. he 34. η mars 1: 23, 25 twice, 28, -- 31, see Manner. | ——— x. 2, 91st, see 1. —— 30 (om. L T Tr 32. Ἱ 98, 42. Enter. A®S.) τ, 97 twice. — —— 45,seeAudience | — 92nd, see Go. — —— 31, see Any. -- 45, see Come. 1, —— 46 twice. 1, ——— 23 twice, 1. ----- 16. 2. β — —— xxi. 4, see I unto. | — ——— 24, see Suspense. Oe 60. 1. —— viii. 10, 15, 15. 1. —— 6. 1. ——— 25, 34, 38twice, 8a.—— ὃ -- 16, see Enter. 3b. —— 8. 1. —— xi. 6, 92nd, 10 twice, a. 1. ——— 27 twice. — —— ll, see In divers 17, 20, 34, 8¢e.— xv οι (om. 1, Τ Tr | ο, 34. twice. places. 2, —— 95, 26. APN.) — —— 35, see Mind. 2, ———14(No.1,LT Tr | 1. ——— 80, 81, 38. 1, ———7. 2. 48. AR. 2. ——— 82. — —— 17, see In at. -- 51, see Go. 1. ——— 19, 213times,231st | 1, ——— 56. 1. —— 29 om. L T Tr | 1. ——ix. 19, 261st,$1,96. | 88. 93 2nd. 1, — xii. 18, 25, 35. A.) 3b. 48, 49. ile 25 1st, 27, 2. ——— 36. 2. —— 38. 1. 57. 1 $7 2nd. 1. 46, 48. 1, 41. 1 x. 7, 12, 183times, | 9 37 3rd. 1. — xiii. 1, 31. a 43, see Go. Ὁ twice. -- 88 150, see Morn- | 1. 8219: (ap.), 30318, — —— 46 1st, see Wrap. | 1 21 1st, and see ing. 2. —— xiv. ltwice, Ἡ 46 2nd. Hour. 98 2nd. 2 ΚΒ 2, 10 Stimes, — — xvi. 2, see Morn- | — ay] 3rd, seeSight. — — xxii. 6, see Ab- 11 twice, 13twice, 14, 17, ing. 1, ——— 26. sence. 203 times, 26, 30. - 5, see Clothed. | — ——— 34, see Pour. — 10, seg Enter. 1, — xv. 2, 4 4 times, 1. 13 (ap. ), 17 (ap.). | 1. —— xi. 1. ie 16. 5twice, 6, Ttwice, 9, — Luke i. 12nd, see 1, ——— 2 lst ἃ 2nd (ap.) 2. —— 19. 10 twice, 11, 16, 25. -- 8, Order. | 3a. 23rd (ap.) i 20, 28, 30, 87. 1. —— xvi. 23twice, 24, 1. ——— 5, 6, 7, 8. ‘i 6, marg. (text, | 1. 44 (ap.), 53, 55. 25 twice, 26, 33 twice, — —— 15, see Sight. out of.) 1. —— xxiii. 4, 9. 1, —— xvii. 10, 11 twice, 1, —— 17, 18. 2 ος -- -11, 866 Array. | 1. 19 1st (om. ἐν — ——19,see Presence | 1. 21. is 14, 19, 22, 20, κόσμῳ, in the world, 2. ν — 26, see Enter. B31 twice, 40, 43. G TrAR.) ᾱ, 21, 22, 25, 26. 1, 31, 832, -- —— 45, see Midst. 1. ]22nd, 13twice, — — 28, see Come. 2. 33 1st, and see — —— 531s, see Wrap. 21 3times, 1, ——— 31, 36, 39, 41. Secret. 1, 53 2nd. i 23 Ist & 2nd, 2, —— 44 lat. i— 332nd,seeCome, | — 533rd, see Hewn, ) 2. IN 1. John xvii. 26 twice, — —— xviii. 15, see Go. 16, see Bring. ΤΣ 20 Ast ἃ 2nd, 1. 20 3rd, and see Secret. | 1. 26, 38. | 1. —— xix. 4, 6. | 88. 13 Ist, | 2. 13 2nd, = 133rd, 17, see Hebrew. -- 18, see Midst. — ——— 20, see Hebrew. 1. ——_ 4] twice, — —— xx. 51st, see Look. -- 52nd, see Go. 2. —— -- 8, see Go 1. —— 12. 2. 19. 1. —— 25. 2. 26. -- 301st, see Pre- sence. a 30 2nd | 1. Acts i. 7, gist, ile 82nd (om. L Ττὺ Ab.) 1. 10. — —— 11, see Manner. — —— 13, see Come. — — 14, see Continue 1. —— 15 twice, — —— 18, see Midst. 1. —— 20. 21, see Go. — —— ii. 1, see One. | 9 3times, 566 | Dwell, ov Dwellers. ae 17, 18, 19 1st. 3a. 19 2nd, Τὰ 22. 3b.———- 26. 2», 27, 31. 3b.—— 38 (No.1L Tr.) -- 42 15... see Con- tinue. ab 46. 1. —— iii. 6. 3b. ii | 4b.—— 13. -- 16, see Pre- sence. 4b. 22, Ἱ, 26. 2. —— iv. 3. a 7, 12 (ap.), -- 16, see Dwell. 3b.——- 17, 18. - 19, see Sight. 16 24, 1. — v. 4twice. -- 7,10, see Come. 1 12, 18, 20. | 13b. 21, and see | Morning. iM 22, Fe swice. 3b. 28, be 34 Ist, --- 342nd, see Re- putation. ve 37. 3b. 40. ἢ 4p Ish, --- 42 2nd, see In every house. 1, —— vi. 1twice, 7, 15. 1, — vii. 2twice, 4, 5, 6. -- 71st, see Bond- | age. 7 2nd. -- 10, see Sight. 1 12 (No. 2 91, TTrAN.) ἥν μας 2 twice, <= τς (supply ἐν, | | in, T Ττ Av.) 2 | 88. 1 1 | 1 Hele | ——— 27, see Go. ie ας | ——— xv, 21 1st, | Ba. 1. Acts vii. 22 2nd. .. 223rd (om. Gs LTTrAwW®.) Ἴ: 29,30 Ist&2nd, 34, 35, 363times, 38 3times, 41 twice, 42twice, 44. 45, see Bring. —— viii. 8, 9. 16. 91 lst. 21 2nd, see Sight 93 150. 28. 33. —— ix. 10, 11. 12 1st (om. ἐν ὁράματι, in a vision, L T Trmb Α &.) 12 2nd see Come. 17, ο, ας ο», 27 twice. us il. 2 1 [ 406 ] 28, see Come. 29, 37 twice. 30. 42. 1: 43. 1. — x. 1, 31st. 3 2nd, see Come. zs 23, see Call. 25, see Come. η, 1: 30 twice. 31 1st, see Re- membrance. 312nd, see Sight. 32, 35, 39 Ist, 39 2nd (om. Τὸ Trmb.) 43. 48. — xi. 1. 3, see Go. | rice, 13, 22, | 26, 27. ' 28, see In the days of: ο) Days. 29. η τι 9. τ 4b. iD —— xii. 4. Dave 14, see Run. — —— 21, see Array. 4b,— xiii. 1. ι Dy 17, 189, 19. 2, 29. 33 2nd, 35, 40. iE 2. 1 ης 1. —— 4] ist. — —— 41 2nd, see No. 43, see ᾿ Continue 1. — xiv. 1. 3b.—— 3. 11 1st, see In the speech of Lycaonia. 11 2nd, see Like- ness. 14,seeInamong, or Run. 1. 16 Ist. 23, see In every 25. {church. see In every city. ΟἹ 2nd. 23. 33. 1. ——— 35. 4b. 36. 1, —— xvi. 3, 6. ule 4b. —-- 29, see Spring. if 32, 36 | — —— xvii. 2, see Go. 1, 11 Ist. 11 2nd, see In that they. | 4 6, PR 8, 10 twice. 2 13, 15, ης 21. -- 29,see Preserve. 1. —— 30, 51. 1 J , 4, 5 twice, Pho hp 1. —— iii. 1, 16, 18, 19, 21. | iv. ὃ, 6 2nd, 10, 15twice,17 $times ,20twice, 9] Ist. | 1. ——v. 4, 5, 9. | | 1. — vi. 4, 11, 19, 201st, 90 2nd (ap.). 1, —— vii. 15. Ls 15, marg. (text, ο, A 17, 18, 20, 22, 37, IN ile 19, 20, 28, 29 Ist. 1. — iii. 4. - 9, see No. Ἱ. 16. -- 20, see Sight. ie 24, 25. 1. —— iv. 10 4times. 3b. 18. 3b.— v. 2. 1h 3, 5: 40. 6, marg. accord- ing to. τς ὃ see In that. η, 3, 17. — —-vi.1, see Continue. —= 10 twice, see In that. ie 4, 1919: 192nd ee Dae” 1. —— vii. 5twice, G1st, 8, 17, 18: Ὃ ορ 90. — , see Delight, ile 25 ‘tw ice, 1. — viii. 1, 2, 8 3 times, 4, 8, 9 3times, 10. if 11 twice, and see Dwell. 2: 18. 3b.-——— 20. iL 37, 39. 1. — an 1 twice, 7, 17, 25, 28 (ap. ἢ; 33. 1. ----- τὶ 6, 8 twice, 9. 9, 14 1st. ——— x1, “17, 195 ses Graff. -- 22,see Continue. -- 23 Ist, see Abide still. = 23 2nd & 3rd, see Graff. -- 25 180, see Con- ceits. -- 252nd, see Part. - 25 3rd, "see Come. 2. 90, 1. — xii. 4, 5 -- 123rd, see Con tinue. - 17, see Sight. — — xili. 4, see Vain. 1. 9, 13 1st. 1. —— xiv. 5, 17, 18, 22. 3b.— xv. 12. 18 twice. | - 151st, see Some sort. - 152η4 see Mind. ilk 23, 27, 29, 30, 31. 1. —— xvi. 2twice, 3, 4b. 5: i 7, 8.9; 10; 115 μῇ ps Τοὺς, i, Qtwice,5 Ist &2nd, 1. Acts xvii. 16, 17 twice. 2. 21. Th 92 Ist. 4b. 90 2nd. 1. - 9891 Ist &2nd. 1. —— xviii. 4, 9, 10, 18. 2. —— 21 (ap.) — —— 23, see Order. ΤΕ 24, 26. 2. πακ. ο. al 9. — —— 10, see Dwell. 1, 16, 21. 2 22. -- 27, see Danger. τες 30, see Enter, or In unto. 39. -- 401st, see Danger --- 402nd, see Call. 10.— xx. 6. 98, 9. 1. —— 10. — —— 13,14, see Take. 1. —— 16. — —— 19, see Wait. -- 23, see In every city. -- 29, see Enter, or In among. — —— xxi. 18, see Go. 1: 27, 29. — — 31, see Uproar. 1. —— αχ 3 1st & 3rd. ih, 17 twice. 1. —— xxiii. 6 1st. -- 6 2nd, see Call. iff 9. 2. 11. τῇ 16,21, 566 Wait. — — xxiv. 3,see Place. 1, ——— 19 lst: & 2nd. Ab. 12 3rd. b. 14 1st, ‘fin the | Law.’’ 1. 14 2nd, “in the prophets’’ (in edition of 1762and some mo- dern eds.) (om. AV. 1611 and L A>.) 1H 18. ile 20 (om. ἐν ἐμοὶ, ἴῃ, me, Τ, Τ' Trb Ab &.) -- 21, see Call. 2. 24. 4b.— xxv. 3. vf 5. 3a. 6. -- 14, see Bonds. 1. —— xxvi. 10 1st. 4b. πι 2, 18. 1, 91, 90. 3¢.— xxvii. 20. 1; 21, 27, $1. -- 85,see Presence. 1. —— 37 2nd. -- 39, see Thrust. 1, —— xxviii. 7 — — 8, see Enter. UB 9, 1ltwice, 18, | BO 1st, Ϊ -- 302nd, see Come. 1. Rom. i. 2, 7, 91st, 3a. 92nd, ule 13, marg. (text, | among. y - 15, see In me is (as much as.) ΗΝ 8, ἐς 19, marg. to. 1 21, 27 twice. - 32, see Pleasure, 1. 1, 12. ontain. 1 ω ζωικής, 16, i — Rom. ii. 17, see Rest. 121s, 19 ond (ap.), 18, — — viii. 41st, see Sac- rifice. pol IN gr Re RCo το rerre ορ Ὡ FP Ως . ἢ > 19,see Sacrifice. 25. 28,see Sacrifice. 1, — xi. 11, 13, 18, 21, 22, 23 i 24, marg. for. if 25 Ist =: 25 2nd. — —— 34, see Order. 1. —— mii. 6, 18, 25 - 27, see Par ticular. 28. 3b.— xiii, 61st - 62nd, gee Re- joice. _ 9 twice, 10, see Part. 1. —— xiv. 10,19 twice, 21. — —— 23, 24,see Come. Ἵ- 25, 28, 33, 34, 55. 4b. 40. -- —— xv. 2 1st, see Keep. = 2 2nd, 2 τπτ ἧς see Vain 1. 17, 18, 19 twice, 22 twice, 23, 28, 31, 41, 42 twice, 43 dtimes, 52 twice. 2. 54. 1. ————. 58 ist. - 58 2nd, see Vain. — —— xvi. 2, see Store. ue 11, 19, 19 Ist. 4b. 19 2nd. 24, aS 2 Cor..i: 1. 3b. 4 lst. I. 4 2nd. 2. 5. 1. 6, 8, 9 Ist. 3b.——_ 9 2nd ἃ 3rd. 2. 10. 3 Ἡ 12 twice. 9, 14 lst. a 14 2nd, 19, 20 1st, 20 2nd (ap.)’ 2. 21. Ὧ) 22, 1. — ii. 1. 80. ϑ. 1. 10, 14 twice, 15 twice. σοι 17 1st, see Sight. x. 17 2nd , Marg. of. 1. —iii. 2, 3 twice, and see Write. Ἄς 7 (οπ. ΟΞ ΤΙ Τ' 9(om.LTrA &.) 1. —— 10. 8b.—— 1415. 1. —— 14 2nd. 1. — iv. 2 1. -- 22nd, see Sight. 1. ——— 4, 6 twice, 7, - 8, see Despair. 1 1Otwice 11, 12twice 1. ——v. 1, 2, 4, 6. 5a. 10 (ἴδια, one’s own, Lm, τὰ, 1 11, 12 1st, 17, 19. - 20, see 1 ... stead. ΚΑ 21. -- —— vi. 1, see Vain. 1. 22nd, 3, 45 times 5 Gtimes, 12 twice. [ 407 ἢ 1. 2 Cor. vi. 16 1st. 1. Eph. i. 104th (ἐπὶ, upon, τος 1θ63πά, seeWalk. 1, ΤΥ Α κ.) 1. — vii. 1, 3. 1. 10 5th, 11, 12, 3b. 4, 7. 13 twice, 15, 1. 9, 11 2nd. 98, 16. 1. 11 3rd (om. G > 1. 17, marg. for. LoT Tr AWN.) il. 18,20twice 2] twice - 12, see Sight. 23. 3b 13. 1. ii. 22nd, 32nd, 4, 1, —— 14, 16 twice. 6 twice, 7 twice, 10 twice, 1 — viii. 2. | 11 2nd & 3rd, 12, 13, 3. 153 times, 16. 1. ——7 7 Ist, 4th, ἃ Sth 18, i— 16, see In Him- -- 21 twice, see Sight | self; or Thereby. 1. —— 22 Ist. | Ἕ. 21 twice, 22, 9, 22 2nd. — — iii. 3 1st, see Few. “πο —— ix. 31st, see Vain. ly 3 2nd , 4. 1 3 2nd, * 4, 8,11. 1. ——5 (om. GLTtTr 3b ——-- 14. AR.) | 4b.— x. 1. [αν ΞΞ το 9, 10, 11, 12,15. 1 3, 6, 14 eo == 2 16 Ist. ὶ i ly τ twice, 20. 1, —— 162nd, 17 5 πεν νὰ δ᾽ 2, —— xi. 3. ἘΣ 13, marg. into. 1 63rd, 9, 10twice, | 1, 15 Ist, 16 twice, 17,23 4times, 25, 267th, | 17 twice, 18, 21, 94, 9th, 11th. ' 1, ——v. 2,5, 8, 9. 1. ——— 271st (om. G —L | — 12, see Secret. TTA ια. 19, 20, 21, 24. 1, —— orem) 3rd 4th ὅσα | 1, —— yi. 1(om. ἐν Κνρίῳ, 1 32, 33. ἱ in the Lord, G > 1, Ττὺ | 1, —— mii. 2 twice, 3, 5, Ab, Q twice, 10 5Stimes. i ow 4, 5, 9, 10 twice, - 11 1st,seeGlory- | 12, 13, 18, 20, οι. ing. ae ἣν Bee with, 1, —— 121s. 1. Phil. i. 1, —— 12294 (om. L T | 2. 5” TrA 8) te 6, 715: &2nd, 8, 1. ——l9. 9 Ist. | 3a,.— xii. 1. 1. 13 1st, marg. for. 1. 3 twice. ae 13 2nd, 14, 20twice, 1. —— 4 (σύν, Lm Trm 22. δὲ) marg. with. -- 23, see Strait. 1. Gal. i. 180 14 twice, 16, | 1. 24(om.Gs3TR.) 22, 24. 1. ——— 26, 27, 28. ii. - 29, see Behalf. -- 41st, seeBrought ule 30 twice. -- 42nd, see Come. 1. — ii. 1, 5 twice, 6, 7. 1, ——— 43rd. -- 101st,seeHeaven = 6, see Confer- (in.) ence. | —— 102nd, seeEarth -- 815ι, 566 Work. | in. -- S2nd,seeMighty fa 12 twice, 19. 2. if 15 1st {or 6:51, 1, —— 20, twice. | Tt Tr ANN) — —— 21, see Vain |e! 15 2nd. -- — iii, 4 twice,seeVain. | 2 16 1st. 1, —— [tinue. | — 16 2nd &3rd, see -- 10 1st, see Con- | 1 19. [ Vain. 1; 10 2nd. πα 22. — —— ll, see Sight. 1, —— 24, 29 1st. πει |. - 292nd, see Re- 2. 17 (om. εἰς og putation. τὸν, in Christ, ἃ = 1. — iii. 1, 32nd &3rd, TTrAwn) 4 twice, 6, 9, 14, 19, 20. 1, 19, 26, 28. 1. —— iv. 1, 2, S3twice, 4, — — iv. 3, 9, see Bond- 6, 9, 10. age. -- 11 1st, see In re- -- 11, see Vain. spect of. 1. 14, 18, 19 2nd, 112nd, 12, 15, 16, 25 1st. 21. - 252nd,see Ῥοπᾶ- 1. Cor’ i. 2, 4, 5 twice, 6, | θ8 ήπιας, 8, 9, 10 Ist. - 25, see Rank. 2. 1020 (Gs) (τῆ 1, —-v. 6. ἐπιγνώσει, by the full 2 10. knowledge ; for, eis τὴν 1. —— 14 twice. ἐπίγνωσιν, unto the - 21, see Time. = knowledge, GT Tr 1. —— vi. 1 twice. AR. 2. 4 twice. 1. ——— 12, 14, 16 1st i 62nd, 12, 13, 14, | 3a. 16 2nd. 15 (ap.), 17. 1. ——— 18, marg.among. 1. Eph. i. 1, 31st, 3 2nd 1, ——19. (om. St.) Sa. 20 Ist. Ὗ δ 4 twice 6, 7, 8, 9. as 20 2nd, 22 Ist. 2, ——— 101s. — —— 223nd »SeeSight. -- 102nd,seeGather | — 23 ,seeContinue. h 10 3rd. 1. 94 twice. ΙΝ Col. i. 27, marg. amongst. 28 twice, 29, — ii. 1, 2. 3, (ἐν ᾧ, In whom) marg. where- in. a nd 5 3rd. —— 6, Πας 72nd, (om. L T Tr Ab.) 9, 10, 11 twice, 12, (om. G-T Tr δ 5) — 15. 16 1st ἃ 2nd marg. for. Fe bt DD bt at μὰ ee od ei bo 16 3rd. 18, 20, 23 twice. — iii. 3, 4, 7 twice. ll, 15 twice. 16 Ist, see Dwell. 16 2nd ἃ 3rd, 17 twice, 18. 20, 22 1st. i 22 2nd. 1. iv. 1, 2. os 3, see Bonds. 4 40. 5 ὦ 1 ου 13 twice, 15 Tst. b. 15 2nd. 1. 16, 17. 1 Ἱ Dhes is 1. 3a. 2. -- 32nd, see Sight. i 5 4 times, 6, 8 twice. 9, see Entering. — — ii. 1 1s, see En- trance. 12nd, see Vain. 2, 3, 13, 14 twice. -19, seePresence. 7, — 8, 18. 4, 5, 6, 10. 16, 17 1st. 17 2nd. —v. 2, 4, 12, 13, 18 twice. 2 Thes. i. 1, 43 times, 8, να. 12 twice. — ii. - BS bas 4 τό 6. 10 (rots ἀπολλ. for those who are per- ishing ; for ἐν τοῖς ἀπολλ, in them that perish, G-LT Tr Α 8.) 12 (om. G-+L> T Tr A>.) 17. —— iii. 4, 6, 17. 1 Tim. i. 2,4, 13, 14, 16. —— jj, 2 twice. 3, see Sight. 7 ist (om. ἐν Χριστῳ, in Christ, G 1, τ Έτ Α κ.) 7 Ind. 9 1st, Pee E Porc Ree μ᾿ 1; see Man- ner. 92nd, 11, 19, 14, 151st (lit., διὰ τῆς Texvoyovias, by means of the child-bearing, i.e., the Incarnation.) i 15 2nd. 1. —— iii. 4, 9, 11, 15 twice, 15, 16 3 times. 1. — iv. 1, 2. Res 6 ud, see Nou- 6, 10. 11 Ist, see He- brew. 11 2nd, 17, 19 1st, 19 2nd (ap,) 1. —— x. 2, 7, 8, 9. 10. — — x1. 3, see Clothed. 5, see Manner. 1. 6 (τὰς ἡμέρας, during the days, in- stead of ἐν ἡμεραῖς, in the days, GL T Tr Α 5) Sa. 8. 2, ——— 9. uty 12, 13,15, 19 twice. Ίντο κα πμ η. 12. 2. —— xiii. 6 lst. 1, —— 61st, 8, 8, 14, see Sight. 16 Ast. 3a, sa. 16 2nd (No. 8c, G 1, Τ Ἐν Α αἱ.) 3a.— xiv. 1. i 5, 6 98. 9 Ast. 86 9 2nd. -- 10 twice, see Pre. sence. 1. 13, 14, 17. 1, —— xy. 1 twice, 5, 6, see Clothed. 1. —— xvi. 3. 16, see Hebrew. 19, see Remem- brance. 1. — xvii. 8, 42nd. ὃς, 8. 2. 17. 1, —— xviii. 6, 7, 8. al 10(οπι, G@LT Tr — — 16, see Clothed. 8a. 17 2nd. τι 19 Ist, 22 3 times if 23 Ist (om.L Av.) 1 93 2nd. i 24, 1. —— xix. 1. -- 8, see Array. ne 11, 14 Ast. — 14. 2nd, see Clothed. 1. 17 twice. 3e.— xx. 1, 4. fe 6, 8, 12, 13 twice, 15. 1. —— xxi. 8, 10. 1 14 (No. 3a, αὶ L T Tr 23 (om. α 1, T Tr ARN.) 24 (Νο. δα, 1, τος Ν) -- 27 Ist, see Νο, 1. 27 2nd. 1, —— xxii, 2, 3. 8a, 4, τος 14, see Enter, 3b. 16 (No. 1, L Trm) (om, G =) 1; 18, 19. IN AMONG. IN f 408 ἐς ee 3b. 1 Tim. iv. 10. 1. Heb. viii. 1, 5, 9 twice. | 1. 1 Pet. v. 6, 93rd, 14, 1. ——— 12 Ist, 2nd, ἃ 3rd. 8a. 10. marg. wpon. 2. 2 Pet. i, 8 2nd. 1 124th (om. ἐν] 1. 13. | ue 12 2nd, 19 Ist. πνεύματι, in Spirit, | 4b.— ix. 9. 2. πε ; GLTTrAN) 3b. 10. ια, 18, 19 twice. ΤΕ 12 51} & 6th, 14, — —— 12, see Enter. — — ii. 1, 5, see Bond- -- 16 1st, see Con- | — 16, see Brought. age. tinue. Ue 29. ie 10, 12, 19, 18. 3ce.—— v. 5 lst. 3b. 26. 1. — iii. 1, -- 5 2nd, see Con- | 1. ——x. 3, 7. 3a.—— 3. tinue. 8a. 16 (No. 38c.,LT | 5a. 5. -- 6, see Pleasure. Tr Α 9.) --- 7, see Store. Ale é 1, 22, 82. ue 10 1st (om, ἐν 2. — vi. 9. Τὰ 342nd (om. G Τὶ νύκτι, in the night, G -- 13, see Sight. TTrAR®.) 1, Τ ΤτΑ 5) 1. —— 17 1st. 1. 94 3rd (om. ἐν οὐ- ue 10314, 11, 14, 3a. 17 2nd. | pavocs, in the heavens, 16 3 times, 19 Ist. 1. ~——17 3rd, (ἐπὶ θεῷ G-+LTTrAn®,) 1. 1 John 1, 5, 6, 7 twice, wpon God, instead of | 1. 38. 8, 10. ἐν τῷ θεῷ τῶ ζῶντι, in | 2, —— xi, 9 Ist. ———— i, ἂν οπίου ϐ, the living God, L T Wale 9 3rd. 8 twice, 9 twice, 10 twice, Tr A* §,) (Alf. ἐν τῷ | 4b. 13, marg. ac- 11 twice, 14, 15 twice, θεῳ.) cording to. 16, 24 1st, 2nd, ἃ 3rd, a 18, 1. 18, 19. ile 24 4th (om. L.) -- 19, see Store. 1, 26 (6 ο) (Αιγύπ- | 1. 27 twice, 28, 1. 2 Tim. i. 1, 3, 53 times, του, of Egypt, instead | 3b.— iii. 3. 6 2nd, 9, 13 twice, 14, 15, of ἐν Αἰγύπτῳ, in 1. —— 5,6,9,10, 14, 15, 17, 18. Egypt, GLTTrAS.) 17. 1. —— ii, 1 twice, 7, 10, 20, 37 (also add ἐν ᾿ — —— 22, see Sight. 25. before “‘goat-skins.’’) is 24 3 times. 1. — iii, 1,12, 14, 15,16. 38 1st (Νο. 3b, ie iv. 2, 31st (ap.), — — iv. 2, see Reason. LTTrAW.) 3 2nd, 4 twice, 9 12 twice, 1, 5. — —— xii. 9, see Subjec- 13 twice, [5twice 10 3 times, 3b. Titus i. 2, marg. for. tion.) 17 twice, 18 twice. 5 Ist. π 23. 1, —v. 7 (ap.), 815 -- 52nd,seeInevery ——— xiii.31st,seeBonds (ap.) city. jade 3 2nd, 4, 18, | 2. § 2nd. ils 5 3rd, 13. 21 Ast ἃ 2nd. 3 10, 11. 1. — ii. 3. -- 21 8rd, see Sight. 6ο. 14, marg. con- 12b. 7 Ast. 5a. 22, and see Few cerning. 18 7 2nd, 9, 10, 12. 1, Jas. i. 6, 8. απ. 19, 20 twice. — —— iii. 1, see Mind. a 9, and see In | 1. 2 John 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 1. ——~ 3, 15. { that he is exalted. 9 twice. 4b. Philem. 2. | ip 10, and see In | 1. 3John 1 (ἕν ἀλήθεια, 88. 4. | that he is made low. marg. truly.) ib 6 Ist, ιτ. 11, 23, 25, 97, 1, —— 32nd, 4, 2. 6 2nd, | 1. —— ii. 9 1st. — Jude 4, see Creep. 3b. " ... 22nd, see Come. Ue Rabe is 8, 10. ΕΠ 23rd, 4, 5, 10, 16. 1 18(No.3a.,GeoL -- Ἰδ1π.βρεῖα... | 1, —— iii, 22nd. TTrAwn.) stead. | 2. 3. 1. 20, 21. 13 2nd, 16 twice, | _ 7, see Sea. 1. Rev. i. 4, 5, 9 lst. 20 twice, 23. ΓΕ 14, 18. Ὡς 92nd (om. @ LT — Heb. i. 11st, see | 1, — iy, 1, 52nd. Tr A κα.) Time. Ϊ --- 10, see Sight. foals 9 3rd, 10, -- 12nd, see Man- | 1. 16. 2. 11 Ist. ner. στ ο Ἐ65. Plea 1 1 11 2nd (om. ταῖς 88. 2. sure. ἐν ᾽Ἄσιᾳ, which are in SO STINE: Ἵν 52nd, 14, Asia,G LT TrA.) 4b. 10. | 2.) L Pets a, 425, 1 19. — —— ii. 6, see Place. Ι- 6, see Heavi- | 1. 15, 16 twice. -- 81st, see Sub- ness. 3a.— 20 (No. 1, L.) jection. 9, 8. 1, —— ii. 1 twice. 3 8 2nd, 19, 1. πα, 14, 15, 17, 1. ——7, 12, 13. 8b. 13. Sa. 20. 3c. 1; 4b. 17 111. 2. 21 twice. 1. —— 18, 24, qd. 18, 1. 22, 1. — iii. I, 4twice, 5, 7, 1, — iii. 2, 5. 1, —— ii. 61st (om. L.) 12. ils 8 lst. rhe 62nd, 12, 22,24. | 7. 18. 4b. 2nd. — — iii. 1, see Subjec- | — 20, see Come. ui 8 3rd. tion. 1, 21 twice. 1. —— 11, 12twice, 1517 | 1, 41st. 1, —— iv, 1, 2 twice, 4, 6, a 19, see Enter. — —— 42nd, gee Sight. 3¢e.— v. 1. 1, — iv. 3. -- 5 lst, see Old ale 3, 6 twice, 18 1st. -- 4, see Place. Time. σα, 13 2nd. 1, δ, ἡ» 5 2nd (εἰς Θεον, ile 13 3rd. -- 6, see Enter. instead of ἐπὶ του Θ, 1, —— vi. δ, 6. 1, ——-7. GwLTTrA.) 2. 15 twice. = -——— 13, see Sight. | — 53rd, gee Sub- 4b.— 15, and see All, | jection. - -16, see Time, | 15 twice, 16, 19,20, 1, — v. 6, 71st. 1. — iv. 12nd (om.G=L -- 7 2nd, see Inthat | i TP Α ΣΕ) ᾿ he Feared, ue 2, ὃ, 11. - —— vi. 18. τος 15, see Busy- > ” 5a.— vii. 9. 1. 19. (body. | εἷς, see ““1Ν,’ Wo. 9. 1, ——— 10. — — Vv. 2, see In you is —— —— 19, see Bringing (as much as.) | Acts xiv. 14; xx, 29, oe ν΄ τ΄“ ----------- IN [ 409 1 IN IN A PLACE WHERE TWO WAYS MEET. ἐπὶ, upon, τοῦ, the, ἀμφόδου, any road that leads round a place, a road round, a street, Mark xi. 4, παν eis, see “τν, No. 2. Mark xv. 17, on the street. IN DIVERS PLACES. / κατὰ, (see No. 4hb,) used also distribu- tively, from one to in various, or different places; place Τ tag , after place. τόπους, ( pl.) places, Matt. xxiv. 7. | Mark xiii. 8, Luke xxi. 11, IN EVERY CITY. | tow οι in various ο) different mdduy,acity, ) cities ; city by city. Acts xv. 21. | Tit. i. 5. Acts xx. 23. IN EVERY CHURCH. (κατ᾽ (see above.) ) church by church; ᾿ ἐκκλήσιαν, see un- > ΟἿ in each church, der “CHURCH,” or assembly. Acts xiv. 29, IN EVERY HOUSE. κατ᾽, (see above,) ) house by house ; οἶκον, house, ὁ or in each house. Acts v. 42, IN HIMSELF [margin.] ἐν, (see “ In,” «Λο. )} on it, or by in, “Ineans of it, αὐτῷ, himself or it- | [1.6. the cross, self, see Col. ii. 15.] Eph. ii. 16, text, thereby. IN ME IS (4s Νπσοη as) τὸ, the [ability,. the eagerness on my ( or eagerness, | ) part; according to kat according -my ability; or ac- ( to, > / ἐμε, me, cording as it de- pends on me. Rom. i. 15, IN RESPECT OF. κατὰ, (see “Nn,” Wo. 4b,) according to, as to, as regards. Phil. iv. 11, IN...STEAD. ὑπέρ, (with the Genitive.) over and separate from, hence, on behalf of, (as though bending “over” to as- sist;) then, as a service rendered on behalf of another is often in his stead, zt has this latter meaning, (though not so definite as ἀντί.) 2 Cor. v. 20. | IN THAT. 1. ὅ, he (who [died, &e.]) 2. ὅτι, that, because. Philem, 13. — Acts xvii. 11, see In 2, Rom. τ. 8, that they. Me vi. 10, IN THAT THEY. οἵτινες, who ; being such as, ete. Acts xvii. 11. IN THAT HE FEARED. ἀπὸ, from, τῆς, the, > from his fear. εὐλαβείας, fear, Heb. v. 7, marg. for one’s piety. IN THAT HE IS EXALTED. (3 -- ) τῷ, the, . . 3 Ἔ eee uplifting, in his uplifting. αὐτοῦ, of him, Jas. i. 9. IN THAT HE IS MADE LOW. > | η ἐν, in inhi att in his be- τῇ, the, ; - coming ταπεινώσει, becoming low, \ Ίο ° > A 9 αὐτοῦ, of him, Jas. i. 10. IN THAT INSTANT. αὐτῇ, in that very,) in that very τῇ, the, hour, at that ὥρᾳ, hour, very season. Luke ii, 38, IN [ 410 ] INC ee THE DAYS OF. INCLOSE. ἐπὶ, see “In,” No. 8a. συγκλείω, to shut up in conjunction Mark ii, 20. | Acts xi. 28. with another, enclose together. Luke v. 6. IN THE SPEECH OF LYCAONIA. INCONTINENCY. Λυκαονιστί, adv. Lycaonicé, in the Ly- Be Missle ἀκρασία, the character of an ἀκρατής caonic dialect. Pp ’ partys, (see below), hence, incontinence eee a (Lat., impotentia,) οσο. Matt. xxiv 25. IN THE TIME OF. | 1 Cor. vii. 5. ἐπὶ an,” Ν.Α. | τι ὑπ αι Seeriiies 94 INCONTINENT. ἀκρατής, not having power ov command IN UNTO. over a thing, (Lat., impotens,) esp., ος without power ov command over εἰς, κος “In,” «Νο... one’s self, ο) one’s passions ; un- Luke xxi. 4. | Acts xix, 30. bridled 2 Tim. iti. 3. IN WHOW [margin.] j oe [the ground of, | ᾿ Peta INCORRUPTIBLE. ' | ἄφθαρτος, incorruptible, immortal. { ἐφ᾽, ζᾧ, ν 9 twice ἐ ane v. 12 twice, text, for that 1 Cor. ix. 25. | 1 Cor. xv. 52. 1 Pet. 1. 4, 23. IN YOU IS (as much as) {margin.] τις : INCORRUPTION. amy ο ae "ἢ [flock which ἀφθαρσια, incorruption, immortality. 1 Cor. xv. 42, 50, 53, 54. Eph. vi. 24, marg. (text, sincerity.) «ἐν, I or among, . ΞΕ is] among you. ὑμῖν, you, 1 Pet. v. 2, text, which is among you. INASMUCH AS. INCREASE [noun.] 1. καθό, according to what, in so far as. αὔξησις, growth, enlargement, increase, ο. \ καθ᾽, according to, amplification, (non occ.) τς ὅσον, as much as, 1 Cor, iil.6,7, see (give | Eph. ἐν, 16. —Phil.i.7,scebelow.| 82. Heb. vii. 20. οι) πο... . Heb. 11.8, 1. 1 Pet. iv. 13. κα Α ο INCREASE (αττε THE) οι. Ἡ AS...ARE. αὐξάνω, (see “ INCREASE,” Λο. 1a.) ὄντας, (part. of εἰμί, to be,) being. ‘ by as much as. 1 Cor. iii. 6, 7. Phil. i. 7. κ στ --- INCENSE. INCREASE (-ΕΡ, -ΕΤΗ, -1n@) [verb.] , . . . > , r 1 Ὶ θυμίαμα, that which is burnt as incense, | 1- αὐζάνω, to make large, increase (like esp., in religious worship, (occ. Lat., augeo,) Rev. xviii. 13.) (a) trans., to give increase, cause to Luke i. 9,see I (burn). | Rev. v. 8, marg. (text, grow, to enlarge, 10, 11, odour.) 3 . . Rev. viii. 3, (pl.) 4, (pl.) (b) intrans., to receive increase, to grow, grow up. 19 al TO -- , INCENSE (σαν) 2. περισσεύω, to be over and above θυμιάω, to burn so as to produce smoke ; the number; to be more than hence, and esp., to burn as incense. enough, remain over; abound Linke’: οἱ more rand more, hence, increase. INC [ake IND 3. προκόπτω, to beat or drive forwards something antithetic or different. as if with repeated strokes ; hence, When not used with δέ, marked *. to forward a work, to further, push forwards. To make pro- gress in any thing, advance, ἀληθῶς, truly, really, 1.6. in truth, in very deed, certainly ; affirming the truth in opp. to falsehood. bo increase. ” . 4. προστιθημι, to set, put, or lay unto 3. ὄντως, really, actually, verily, aes ar with any person or thing ; to | ὄντος, gen. of dv, part. of εἰμί to join to, add unto : be) denoting therefore real exist- ᾽ « ; . | ence. 1b. Mark iv. 8 (pass. G~ | Ib, 2 Cor. x. 15, part. | β ο πο 4, καί, and, also, even 4. —— xvii. 5. —1 Thes. iii. 12, see I ἐν 1b. John iii. 30. (make to.) 1: ee ae ασ ae 1b, Acts vi. 7. — —— iy. 10, seeI more | }- PTS aes μενα — —— ix.22,seeStrength and more. Lr ee 3. sees 2, — xvi. 5. 3. 2 Tim. ii. 16. ος ΕΝ 1 ee το 9 σα ΓΗ : . — xxvi. 41. . — xi. 16. la. 2 Cor. ix. 10. Rev. iii. 17, see Goods. 1. Mark i. 9 (om, LOT Tr,| 1, == exit 0. —— AR.) 1. Rom. vi. 11. Ξ 5. —— ix. 13. πο μα 7, see I INCREASE (fake To) τὸ = x. 39 (om. T Tr A ἐμ (neither.) Φ xiv. 20. πλεονάζω, to be more than enough. απ pe 1. γος =e . ο πο «owl. . ὦ . . έ. Of things, to be abundant. 1. Luke iii. 16. πες i ΠΕΟΣ tat) . 1. — xi. 48. (Sen ea bd 15. (a) trans., to cause to abound, in- | 1. — xxiii. 41. — — ii. 27, see I (for.) erease 3. —— xxiv. 34. 1. —— iii. 1. i 2. John i. 47. ile gets 23. : 1 Thes. iii. 12 ive. 2. —— iv. 42. _ hes. iv. 10, see 65. ili. 12 (optative.) pars eee (and) true, Go LT Tr A.) 3. 1 Tim. v. 3, 5, 16. INCREASE MORE AND MORE. | ma iit περισσεύω, 866 . Np μη ) to be overflowing, | INDEED (Ακ) ον or abounding : μάλλον, more, | yet more | καὶ, and, even, also, rather, 1. yop,truly then, verily and in fact. then, in fact, for, 3 (ana but, 1 Thes. iv. 10. INCREDIBLE (ππικα) ἄπιστος, not to be trusted ; of persons, not trusty ; of things, incredible. : but indeed. καὶ, and, even, also, ᾿ : 2. 2 Cor. xi. 1. | 1. 1 Thes. iv. 10. INDEED (for) Ἂν και { A see ““INDEED (AND,)” Wo. 1. ’ Phil. ii. 27. Acts xxvi. 8. INDEBTED (sr) ὀφείλω, to owe, to have to pay an account for; to be indebted. Luke?xi. 4. INDEED (NEITHER) { οὐδὲ, neither, INDEED. yap, in fact. τῇ 1. μέν, truly, indeed. A conj. imply- Rom. viii. 7. ing affirmation or concession. The INDIGNATION. old neut. of μεῖς, μία, μέν, one,=—=the first thing; while δέ, a shortened | 1. θυμός, life in its activity and excite- Sorm of δύο, denoting the second ment. Ina physical sense, breath, thing, is generally placed in oppo- breath of life; then, of every out- sition to it in an adversative sen- go of life, spirit, courage, anger, tence which sometimes has mentally wrath; impulse, longing, the mind to be supplied. When μέν stands | as regards the passions, esp., its by itself it always looks forward to | turbulent commotions. IND [ 412 ] INH 2. ὀργή, force or impulse, excitement of feeling in general, the oppo- sition of an involuntarily roused feeling, less sudden in its rise than No.1, but more lasting in its nature. No. 1 is the affection itself, No. 2 its active outgo. No.1 is the heat of the fire, No. 2 is the flame burst- ing forth. 3. ζήλος, zeal, fervour. In ἃ good sense, ardour, emulation to imitate supe- rior worth ; in a bad sense, jealousy of τί, heartburning, envy. 4, ἀγανάκτησις, physical pain and irri- tation; hence, vexation, annoy- ance, (non οσο.) — Matt. xx. 24, see 1 (be | | 1. Acts ν. 17, marg. moved with.) | > envy. — — xxvi. 8, 2 seel 2. Rom. ii. 8. — Mark xiv. 4, (have.) | 4, 2 Cor. vii. 11. — Luke xiii. 14, see a | 1. Heb. x. 27. (with.) 3. Rev. xiv. 10. INDIGNATION (Bz ΜΟΤΕΡ wiTH) ἀγανακτέω, physically, to feel a violent irritation; hence, metaph., to be irritated, vexed, or annoyed. Matt. xx, 24. INDIGNATION (Have) Matt. xxvi. 8. | Mark xiv. 4. INDIGNATION (wrrn) Luke xiii. 14, part. INEXCUSABLE. ἀναπολόγητος, indefensible, without ex- cuse or defence, (occ. Rom. i. 20.) Rom. ii. i. INFALLIBLE. See PROOF. INFANT (s.) βρέφος, a new born babe, Luke xviii. 15, INFERIOR (zr) ἡττάομαι, to be less or weaker than another, hence, to be unequal or inferior to him. 2 Cor, xii. 13. INFERIOR (make) [margin.] ἐλαττόω to make less or smaller, ta lessen, diminish, damage. Heb. ii. 7, text, lower (make.) INFIDEL. ἄπιστος, faithless, wsed of one who re- Suses to receive God's revelation of grace, (οσο. Luke xii. 46.) , 2 Cor. vi. 15. | 1 Tim. v. 8, INFIRMITY (-τεβ.) 1. ἀσθένεια, want of strength, weak- ness; hence, feebleness, sickness. 2. ἀσθένημα, a weakness, a sickness. (non occ.) > 5 8. νόσος, confirmed disease. 1. Matt. viii. 17. 2. Rom. xv. 1. 1. Luke v. 15. | 1. 2 Cor. xi. 80. 8. —— vii. 21. ae xii. 5, 9, 10, 1. —— viii. 2. 1. Gal, iv. 13. 1. —— xiii. 11, 12. 1, 1 Tim. ν. 29 1. John v. 5. 1. Heb. iv. 15 1. Rom. vi.19 | 1. —-v. 2. 1. —— viii. 26 ἱ 1. —— vii. 28 INFORM (-rp.) 1. ἐμφανίζω, to show forth, manifest, make clear o7 plain. 2. κατηχέω, to resound; to sound α thing in one’s ears, impress it wpon one by word of mouth. 2. Acts xxi. 21, 24. | 1, Acts xxiv. 1. 1. Acts xxv. 2, 15. INGRAFTED. ἔμφυτος, inborn, innate; implanted (non oce.) Jas. 1. 21. INHABITANT (-s.) κατοικέω, to dwell in, inhabit, esp., to have settled or be planted in a new place (here particip.) Rev. xvii. 2, part. (Since Ed. 1762; before then, “ Tnhabiter of.’’) INHABITER (-s.) κατοικέω (see above.) Rev. viii. 13, part. INHABITERS OF, Rev. xii. 12, part (om. G | Rev. xvii. 2, part. (In Edi- LTTr AN.) tions from 1611 to 1762.) 4 INH [ 418 ] INN INHERIT (-rp.) κληρονομέω, to be a κληρονόμος (receiver of aportion, esp.,of an inheritance), to get or obtain by lot ; esp., to re- ceive a share of an inheritance, to inherit. Matt. v. 5. 1. Cor. xv. 50 twice. — xix. 29. Gal. v. 21. — xxv. 34. Heb. vi. 12. Mark x. 17. — xii. 17. Luke x. 25. 1 Pet. iii. 9. Rev. xxi. 7 (δώσω αὐτῶ, I — xviii. 18. 1. Cor. vi. 9, 10. will give to him, Gx) | , 5. πονηρία, evil-nature, bad state or iF tS at a a a INHERITANCE. κληρουομία, that which constitutes one a κληρονόμος (receiver or ossessor of a portion), the in- eritance. . κλῆρος, a lot, a die ; then, that which is assigned by lot, an allotment or portion of land, a possession. . Matt. xxi. 38. | 1. Eph. i. 14, 18. . Mark xii. 7. 1. ——v. 5. Luke xii. 13. 2. Col. i. 12 — xx. 14 1. —— iii. 24. Acts vii. 5 — Heb. i. 4, see I (obtain — xx. 32. by. —— xxvi. 18. 1. — ix. 15. Gal. iii. 18. [tainan.) | 1. —— xi. 8. — Eph. i. 11, see I (ob- ! 1. Pet. i. 4. INHERITANCE (ΟΒΤΑΙΝ an) κληρόω, to choose by lot; mid., to ac- quire by lot, to obtain, possess. Eph. i. 11, mid., (καλόμαι, to be called, G~L.) INHERITANCE (oprarn By) κληρονομέω, see “ INHERIT.” Heb. i. 4. INIQUITY (-τες.) . ἀνομία, Violation of law; non-obser- vance ov transgression of the law, whether unknown or wilfully vio- lated; lawlessness. παρανομία, (No.1, with παρά, beside, prefixed,) ὦ violation aside from law, contrary to law and custom, (non oce.) ἀδικία, the doing contrary to right, (wider in sense than No. 1,) wrong, injustice ; as done to others it is injury; any impropriety which is repuguant to δίκαιον, see 1 John Va bes ἀδίκημα, that which is done in ἀδικία, (No. 3,) the wrong, injustice, or injury that is done. malignity. Matt. vii. 23. — xiii. 41. — xxiii. 28. — xxiv. 12. Luke xiii. 27. . 1 Gor. xiii. 6. . 2 Thes. ii. 7. . 2 Tim. ii. 19. Titus 11. 14. Heb. i. 9. . — Viii. 23. . Rom. iv. 7. coor go got Acts i. 18. — iii. 26. 2 Pet. ii. 16. Rey. xviii. 5. a bch a at a —- Vv. 19, twice, INJURE (εν. ἀδικέω, to do wrong, lit., to be an ἄδικος, and act like one. Jn α narrow sense, to hurt, to injure; to act unjustly 7 a sense defined by the context. Gal. iv. 12. INJURIOUS. ὑβριστής, a violent, overbearing person ; a wanton, insolent man; a licen- tious, ungovernable man, out- rageous in personal insults, (οσο. Rom. i. 30.) 1 Tim. i. 13. condition, (implying the wicked act of the mind delighting in evil,) INJURY |margin. | ὕβρις, wanton violence arising from 2 Cor. iii. 2. pride of strength. Acts xxvii. 10, text, hurt. INK. μέλαν, anything black, black pigment used as ink, (non occ.) | 2 John 12. 3 John 13. INN. 1. κατάλυμα, a lcosening down, eg. 1. Li the pads and burdens of beasts, and thegirdlesand sandalsof travellers ; hence, used of the place where this was done, that part of the house of the host used for his guests; a lodging place (οσο. Mark xiv. 14; Luke xxii. 10.) . πανδοχεῖον, a place where all are re- ceived, 1.6. in the East, a menzil, khan, ο) caravanserai ; a house for the reception of strangers (zon. oce.) Luke ii. 7. 2. Luke x, St. -«-- -ὔ- θθ-θ INN INNER. 1. ἔσω, within, with art (as here), the within. 2. ἐσώτερος (comparative from No.1), inner, (occ. Heb. vi. 19.) 2. Acts xvi. 24. | 1. Eph. iii. 16. INNOCENT. ἀθῶος, not deserving punishment, guilt- less, without fault, (non oce.) Matt. xxvii. 4 (δίκαιος, righteous, α ο) 24. INNUMERABLE. ἀναρίθμητος, without number, innumer- able. Luke xii.1, see Multitude. | Heb. xi. 12. Heb. xii. 22, see Company. INORDINATE. See, AFFECTION. INQUIRE. See, ENQUIRE. INQUIRY FOR (axe) διερωτάω, to inquire through, z.e. to the end, or till the inquiry is success- ful, (non occ.) Acts x. 17. INSCRIPTION [margin. ] ἐπιγραφή, 4 writing upon, superscrip- tion. Matt. xxii. 20, text swperscription. INSCRIPTION (wiru ruts) ἐν, 1, (3. which, on which was ἐπεγέγραπτο, had inscribed. ( been inscribed, Acts xvii. 23. INSOMUCH AS. wore, so that, expressing result. Acts i. 19. INSOMUCH THAT. 1. ὥστε, see above. INSPIRATION OF GOD (ervey By) ‘Hips b --. with inf. to the εἰς, unto, ἡ endthat; in order that. τό, the, 1. Matt. viii. 24. 1. Mark ii. 2, 12. 1. —— xii. 22. 1. —— iii. 10. 1. —— xiii. 54. 1. —— ix. 26. 1. —— xv. 31. 1. Luke xii. 1. 1. —— xxiv. 24 1. Acts v. 15. 1. — xxvii. 14. 1. 2 Cor. 1. 8: 1. Mark i. 27, 45. 2. —— viii. 6. 1. Gal. ii. 13. God-breathed, God-in- θεόπνευστος, spired. 2 Tim. iii. 16. INSTANT [noun. ] ὥρα, a time, season, (see “ HOUR.” Luke ii. 38. INSTANT and EARNEST (margin) [adj.] ἐκτενής, stretched out, extended, (οσο, 1 Pet. iv. 8.) Acts xii. 5, text, without ceasing (ἐκτεινῶς, adv. LTr Α 3.) INSTANT (az) 1. ἐπίκειμαι, to lie upon, be laid upon ; to press upon as with entreaties, be urgent. 2. ἐφίστημι, to place upon or over. Jn N.T. only intransitive, to stand upon, stand by or near, take one’s position. 1. Luke xxiii. 23. : — Rom. xii. 12, see Continue. 2. 2 Tim. iv. 2. INSTANTLY. σπουδαίως, speedily, hastily, im plying earnestness, (occ. Tit. ΠΠ. 13.) ἐν, 1, incessantly or 2. 4 ἐκτένεια, eX- ¢ with intensity, ( tension, Ὶ (non occ.) 1. Luke vii. 4. | 2. Acts xxvi. 7. INSTRUCT (-ep, -1na.) 1. κατηχέω, to sound forth towards, or against anyone; hence, to teach, esp., orally or by preaching. 2. μαθητεύω, to be a pupil, to be a dis- ciple of. | 8. μυέομαι, to be initiated, in a thing, (from pve, to keep close, shut up); hence, to be instructed, (non occ.) 4, παιδεύω, to train up a child, imply- ing discipline, education. 5. cup Bi Balw, to unite or knit together; then, to put together in reasoning, and hence, to demonstrate, prove, and we teach or instruct. 2. Matt. xiii. 1. Rom. ii. 18. — — xiv. ris Rea velit 5. 1 Cor. ii. 16. 3 Luke i. 3. Phil. iv. 19. 1. Acts a 25. 4. 2 Tim. ii. 25. INSTRUCT BEFORE. προβιβάζω, to put forward, instigate, (οσο. Acts xix. 33.) Matt. xiv. 8. INSTRUCTION. ing discipline and instruction, ad- monition, rewards and punishments. 2 Tim, iii. 16. INSTRUCTOR. 1. παιδευτής, a trainer of children, zm- plying a master, teacher, and chas- tiser. 2. παιδαγωγός, a leader of a child. [Among the Greeks a servant whose business it was to attend on the boys of a family, watch over their behaviour, and par- ticularly to lead them to and from school, etc. They were generally slaves, imperious and severe. The word is specially distinguished from διδασκαλος (teacher) by Xenophon and Plutarch, (ace. Gal. 111. 24, 25.) ] 1. Rom. ii. 20, | 2. 1 Cor. iv. 15. INSTRUMENT (-s.) which anything is done, as of an artisan ; of war, weapons, etc. Rom, vi. 131st pl. marg., arms or weapons. Rom. vi, 13 2nd. INSURRECTION. στάσις, a setting up, an upstanding . hence, a popular commotion. Mark xv. 7. ὅπλον, an instrument, implement with | | = ο COL a 415. Ν᾽ παιδεία, the training of a child, znclud- | 8. μέλλω, to be about to do anythina. | 2. Adyos, the word, as that which is INSURRECTION AGAINST (MAKE) κατεφίστημι, to stand forth against and by implication in a hostile sense, to set or rush upon, (non occ.) Acts xviii. 12. INSURRECTION WITH (rHartr HAD MADE) συστασιαστής, ἃ companion in a popular rising, a fellow-insurgent, (non ουσ.) Pir ASS.) INTEND. 1. βουλομαι, to be willing, to be dis- posed; the inward predisposition and wish, (formed after due de- liberation,) from which the active volition proceeds, (hence, never used of brutes.) 2. θέλω, to will, have in mind, purpose, (expressive of the active volition, or natural impulse or desire, apart from all deliberation.) θέλω, may have a stronger meaning than βου- Aopat, (Wo. 1) just because natural impulses are stronger than reason- able resolves. to be on the point of doing Zt. 2. Luke xiv. 28. — Acts xii. 20, see War or 1. Acts v. 28. Displeased. 3. 35. 1. Acts xii. 4. 3. Acts xx. 13. INTENT (-s.) 1. ἔννοια, what is in the mind, idea, notion. spoken; the exposition or account which one gives. 2. Acts x. 29. | 1. Heb. iv. 12. Mark xv. 7, (στασιαστής, one who stirs wp to sedition, L b ! ! INTENT (For THAT) | (ὦ unto, with ι : in order that, for || view to, . | this purpose. | τοῦτο, this, | . Acts ix, 21. INT INTENT (For wuHat) ( πρός, in reference to, τί, what John xiii. 28. INTENT (τὸ THE) iva, that, to the end that, with the em- phasis on the result. John xi. 15. INTENT THAT (το THE) iva, (see above.) Eph. iii. 10. INTENT...SHOULD (το THE) ( eis, unto, with a view ) with inf., to to, - the end one ( τὸ, the, ) should. 1 Cor. x. 6. INTERCESSION (-s.) έντευξις, a falling in with, meeting with, coming together; access, audience, intercourse ; a petition ; then, in- tercession; requests concerning others and on their behalf, (occ. 1 Tim. iv. 5.) 1 Tim. ii. 1. INTERCESSION (γα Καὶ ἐντυγχάνω, to fall in with, meet and talk with, apply to; esp., in inter- cession for or against others, to intercede, (occ. Acts xxv. 24.) Rom. viii. 27, 34. Rom. xi. 2. eb. vii. 25. INTERCESSION FOR (ΑΚ) ὑπερεντυγχάνω, to intercede on behalf of another, (non oce.) Rom. viii. 26. INTERPRET (-rp.) 1. ἑρμηνεύω, to be an ἑρμηνεύς (an in- terpreter of foreign tongues); to interpret foreign tongues. 2. διερμηνεύω, to interpret through, 1.6. fully ; to explain. [ 416 ἢ INT 3. μεθερμηνεύω, to translate from one language into another. 3. Matt. i. 23. 3. John i. 42. 3. Mark v. 41. 3. Acts iv. 36. 3. —— xv. 22, 34. ΓΑ.) 2. 1 Cor. xii. 30. 1. John 1. 38(No.3, L Tr; 2. —— xiv. 5, 15, 27. INTERPRETATION. 1. ἑρμηνεία, interpretation, explanation, (non occ.) 2. ἐπίλυσις, release from, sclution, (non οσο.) 1. 1 Cor. κ 10 (διερµηνεία, 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 26 Full interpretation, L.) 2. 2 Pet. i. 20 INTERPRETATION (sz Br) 1. ἑρμηνευω, see “ INTERPRET,” Wo. 1. 2. μεθερμηνεύω, see “INTERPRET,” WVo.3. | 2. Acts xiii. 8, Jobn i, 42, ix. 7 1. Heb. vii. 7, 1: iy, f pass. } pass. INTERPRETATION (sy) διερμηνεύω, see “INTERPRET,” Λο. 2. Acts ix. 36, pass. part. INTERPRETER. διερμηνευτής, a thorough interpreter, (non occ.) 1 Cor. xiv. 28 (ἑρμηνευτής, an interpreter, L Tr.) INTO. . εἰς, mto (to the interior), to, unto. 1 2. év, in (of time, place, or element); with plural, among. 3. ἐπί, upon, (a) with Gen., upon (as springing from), upon and pro- ceeding from. (b) with Dat.,upon, (asresting on.) (6) with Acc., upon, (by direction towards.) . κατά, down, (a) with Gen., down from. (Ὁ) with σοι, down towards, down upon or along. ἔσω, Within, (implying motion into a place.) On 6. ὑπό, ον, (4) with Gen., beneath and separate from, by. (b) with Acc., under and towards, in the power of, close upon. 7. ἄχρι, to, unto, as far as, (of place, time, or degree.) — Matt. i. 17, see Carry- | 1. Mark ix. ing. 1. — ii. 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 1, 22. 1, — iii. 10, 12. 1. ——iv. 1, μα 8. - 12 ‘Ist? see Cast. 1} 122d, 18. 30. 1. — vi. 6, 13, 26, 30. wii, τοσα. fe —-viti, 5, 12)! 14,) 23, 28, 31, 32 twice, 33. 1. —— ix. 1 twice, 17 twice, 23, 26, 28, 38. 1. ἘΞῚΣ, 5 twice, 11, 12, 23. 1— 1 ΠΝ — xii i, 9, 11, 29, 41. 1. — 3c. =e ἫΝ 23. 1. —— 30, 36, 42, 47, 48, 50, 54. 1. — xiv. 18, 15, 22, 23, 82. 1, —— 34 (8ο. Tr &.) a 1. — xv. ll, 14, 17 twice 21, 29, 39. 1. — xvi. 13. 1. —— xvii. 1, 15 twice, 22, 1, — xviii. 3, 8 twice, 9 twice. 306. 12. 1 90. 1. —— xix. 1, ee 23, 24 1. —— xx. 1, 2, 4, 7. 1. — xxi. 2, 10; 12, 17, 18, 21, 23° Sis 8e.—— xxii. 9. ne 10, 13. 8c.— xxiv. 16 (No. 1, LT ~ 27, see I (even.) i. ——xxy. 14, see Country. I, 21, 23, 30, 41, 46 twice. 1. - xxvi. 18, 30, 32. ) 1, STC Ἢ 45, 52, 71. 1. ---- xxvii. 8, 27, 53. 1. —— xxviii. 7, 10, 11, 16 twice. 1. Mark i. 12, 14. 2. 16. ve 21 ‘twice, 29, 35, 38, 45. By ἀν. 11 ἈΔΊΙ, 25 πιά (ap.), 26. 19 iii. 1, 13, 19. ΙΕ 20, marg. home (eis οἶκον. ) 27. Ἢ ----- ἰν. 1. -- 12, see Cast. 3b. 26. 1. 37, 1. —— v. 12 twice, 13 twice, 18. 1. —vi. 10, 31, 32, 36, 45, 46, 51, 36. 53. 1, 56. 1, ——vii. 15, 17, 18, 19 3times, 94 twice, 33. 1. —— viii. 10 twice. ‘a 13 (om. eis τὸ πλοῖον, ὑπῖο fon ship, α Ξ Ὁ Τὸ AR.) 26, 27, Ls cc al so Εμ] Ὁ twice, 95, 28, 81, ο δέν, 43 2nd (ap.), 4518: 45204 (αρ.), 47 twice. 1, ——x.1, 17, 23, 24, 25 1. —— xi. 2twice, 11 twice, 15, 23. — — xii. 1,seeCountry. ie 41, 43 ss xiii. 15 (om. eis τὴν οἰκίαν, into the house, L> &.) xiv. 13, 16, 26, 28, 38, 41. 54, see I (even.) πὸ —— xvi. 5,7 7, 19 (ap.), 15 (αρ. is 19 (ap.) ee , agtwice, 40, 9 ὃ — ii, 3, 4, 15, 27, 39, — iii. 3, 9, 17. —iv.l (ἐν τῇ ἔρημῳ, in the wilderness, : in- stead of, εἰς τῆν ἔρη- μον, into the wilder- ness,G@ » LT Tran.) 5 (ap.), 14,16, 87, — v. 3, 4. [38 16. 19, 37, 38. — vi. 4, 6, 12, 38, 39. —— vii. 1, 11, 24, 36,44, . — Vili. 22, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 twice, 37, 41, 51. — ix. 10, 12, 28, 34, 44 twice, 52. —— x. 1, 2,5,8,10 twice, — xi, 4. [38 twice. —— xii. 5, 28, 58. — xiii. 19. — xiv. 1, 5, 21, 23. — κν. 13, 15. —— xvi. 4, 9,16, 22, 28. — xvii. , 12, 27. —— xviii. Py 24, 25. , 42. CO ee et ee et et tet DO pt 3ce.— xix. 4. 1. 12. 86. 23. τς 30, 45. — — xx.9,see Country. 1, — xxi. 1, 24. 1. — xxii. 3, 10 twice, 33, 40, 46, 54, 66, 1. — xxiii. 19 (No. 2, T Trak.) 42 (No. 1, L™.) 46. —— xxiv. 7, 26, 51 (ap.) John i, 9, 43. . — iii. 4, 5,17, 19, 22, 35 24. . — iv. 3, 14, 28, 38, 43, 45, 46, 47, δέ. . —v. 4 (αρ.) 7, 24. 8, 14, 15, 17, 21, ----- vii. 3, 14. (22. — viii. 2 (ap.) --- ix. 39. —x.l, 36, 40, xi. 7, 27, 80, 54. —— xii. 24, 46. . — xiii. 2, 3, 5, 27. — xv. 6. — xvi. 13 (No. 2, αν τα.) 20, 21, 28. — xvii. 18 twice. — xviii. 1, 11, 15, 28, 33, 37. bt LO Rt ον ee ad ee ss ae ο Ἐν saad amt od ancl aghast | ι ΙΑ δν.) Ν ’ | | 1. John xix. 9, 17. 1, —— xx. 6, 11, 25 twice, 1, —— x1 8, 7. (27. 1. Acts i. 11 dtimes, 13. 1. —— ii. 20twice, 84, 1. —— iii. 1, 2, 8, 8, 40.--- ν. 15 (καί eis, also into, LT Tr &) marg. in every street, 51. 1. —— vii. 3, 4. - 6, see eee. ἊΣ 9, 15,10 36. 23, 2. 45, aie 34, 39, 55. — — viii. 3, see I every house. 1, 38. 1. —— ix. 6, 8. 3e. 11. 1. 17, 39. -- — x. 10, see Fall. ib 16, 22, 24. 1. — xi. 8, 10, 12. ——xii. 4, see Re- move. 17. — xiii. 14. — xiv. 1, 20, 22, 25. — xvi. 9, 10, 15, 19, 23, 24, 37. 10(pds,towards, ortoG LT Tr A.) — xvii. 10. —— xviii. ἡ. 18, 19, 27. — xx. 1, 2,3 4, 18. — xxi. 3, 8,11, 26, 28; 29, 34, 37, 38. — xxii. 4, 19, 11, 28, 24. — xxiii. 10, 16, 20, 28. . — xxv. 23. — xxvii. 1, 2, see Enter. -- ΞΘ ὃ 15, see Bear. 17, 50, 38, 39, 41. —— xxviii. es 17, 23, . Rom. i. 23, 25. —-v. a 12. — vi, Btwice, 4, — viii. 21. — x. 6, 7, 18, 24 Ist, ------ x. 242nd, see Graff. 1. —— xv. 24, 28, 86, 1 Cor. ii. 9. —— iv. 17, see Re- membrance. — — ix. 27, see Sub- jection. — — xi. 20, see One. 1, — xii, 1310. 1 19304 (om, Gao Mihi te INT —————sad | 1. 1Cor. xiv. 9. 23, see One. 2 Cor. i. 16. — ii. 13. —— vii. 5. —— viii. 16. 2 Cor. xi. 13, 14. —- xii. 4, . Gal. i. 6. 17, 21. — iii. 27. — iv. 6. . Eph. iv. 9, 15. "σου. τς — —— ii. 18, see Intrude. 1. 2 Thes. 111, 5 twice. 1. 1 Tim. i. 3, 12, 15. BE Be are 1. —— iii. 6, 7. 2. 16. — —— ν. 9, see Number. 1, —— vi. 7, 9. 1. 2 Tim. a 6. 1. Heb. i. 1... ἄν τν 18. ο ο 3 twice, 5, 10, 1. — vi. 19, δ 1 - ο 10 1. —— ix. 6, 7, 12, 24 twice, 1. —x. 5. 25. 3b. 16. ἐν 19, 31. 1, — xi. 8, 1 το πια oe one 1. 2, aaa Fall. 1. — iv. ἫΝ 1. —-v. 4. 6b. 12 (ὑπό, under judgment, instead of εἰς ὑποκρισιν into dis- sembling (St.), GL T Tr AN.) . L Pet. i. τὰ, — ii. 9. —— iii. 22, - v.10. | 2 Pet. i. ἘΠ ΕἸ John i iv. 1, 9. 2 John 7, 10. . Jude 4, Rey. ii. 10, 22 twice. —- v. 6. —— Vill. 5, 8. xi. 11 (No. 2,GL TA) (εις, &) (om. ἐπί, Tr.) 1. —— xii. 6, 9, 14 twice. te a TG in, 10 3nd. —— xiv. 19 twice. — xv. 8. — xvi. 16. 17 (6 9) (8c, G ΑΝ fet ea et Pet peak bet μι ed et tt δ΄ δ Ὁ : os Se. pt pet μὰ ---- μα τ 8, = a ἃ Ὁ —- xviii. 91, ---- xix. 20. — xx. 3, 10, 14, 15. —— xxi. 24, 26, 27. —- xxii. 14. i .- ὅτι Ἐ ο ασ. 5 INTO EVERY HOUSE. / κατὰ, down upon, at different | throughout, at or houses, in, or distributively along the from one to an- \ houses, into _ other ; | the houses οἶκος, ἃ house, (see ἢ one after “HOUSE,”) here pl. / another. Acts viii. 3. INT [ 418 ] 15 INTO (Έτεκ) IRON [ποιπ.1 ἕως, as far as, σίδερος, iron, (non occ.) ἔσω, within, 1 Tim. iv.2,seeSear.| Rev. xviii. 12. eis, into. Mark. xiv. 54. IRON (or) INTREAT (-ep) anp INTREATY. | σιδήρεος, of iron. ἡ Rev. ii. 27. | Rev. xii. 5. See, ENTREAT, etc. — ix. 9. —— xix. 15. INTRUDE INTO. TRON [adj. ] ἐμβατεύω, to step in, enter into ; hence, σιδήρεος, of iron. to frequent, haunt, (non 000.) | Acts xii. 10, Col. ii. 18. | IS. INVENTOR (-s.) (FORASMUCH AS-, HE-, SEEING THAT-, ἐφευρετής, an inventor, (non occ.) SHE; Tis THATS αισφισ ς WHICH-, WHILE-, WHO-.) Rom. i. 30. Sometimes there is no equivalent in INVISIBLE. the Greek for this word. ἀόρατος, unseen. Sometimes it is the translation of Col. i. 15, 16. | 1 Tim. i. 17. the article with a noun, adj. or When it is not any of these, then it is the translation of one of these following, Heb. xi. 27. numeral, he that is, ete. Or ot the article with a prep. or adv., that INVISIBLE THINGS (rue) which is, etc. Sometimes also after eae Pett ieacoon | nouns with defining words follow- { ΤΣ pig ΝΗ ᾿ sien ing, the art. is commonly repeated, more ; 88. | and is then translated who is, ete. Rom, i. 20. ‘ eee Ee ΤΕ | Sometimes it is part of another verb, INWARD. | | ἔσω, within, adv. of place where. Mark vi. 19, Bee Grudge. | Rom. vii. 22. 2 Cor. vii. 15, see Affection. 1. εἰμί, I am, the ordinary state of existence, * with pronoun ἔγω, 1. INWARD MAN (tHe) Ly ah ἐς : ὦ (a) ἐστί, or ἐστίν, (8rd pers. sing. ον the, ee pres.,) he, she, or it is. ἔσωθεν, from within, 7 y : 2 7 δε 1] em, 2 Cor. iv. 16, (ὁ ἔσω ἡμῶν, our inner ae iD Tris; ( ) i γάτα ἐμ woth prone ὁ ἔσω(θεν) ἡμῶν, υμεις, YOU or ye. (c) subjunctive, may be. INWARD PART. (4) εἶναι, fo be, Infinitive with Acc., Ἔ: θεν ᾿ see above. that... wari Ska αἰ 89, * oe FF οί” understood. —— a + with dia τό, because of being... IN Wa BDL, (e) ὦν, οὖσα, ὄν, being, (participle,) 1. ἔσωθεν, from within. * with Acc. of noun preceding,; Ὑ with art. preceding, 2.4 ‘aks reek: who is, the one who is. ᾽ 1. Matt, τῇ. 18. | 2 Rom ἢ, 29, | (Ὁ) Imperfect, he, she, it was. IS Γ 419 1 15 2. ἔνεστι, (impers. of ένειµι, to be in,) there does not exist, or there can- not be. γίνομαι, to come into being, to be born, to become, to arise, to happen. ὑπάρχω, to begin, to start, to begin to be, (referring to original state or existence.) ἀπέχω, to keep off ο) away from. καθίστημι, to set down, set. Jntrans., as here, to be set, to be come into a certain state. 7. ἄγω, {ο]εαά, leadalong; lead towards a point, bring on. 8. κειµαι, to be laid. la. Matt. i. 20, 23. la.— ii. 2. la.— iii. 3, 11, 17. la. v. 3, 10, 34, 35 twice, 48. la. vi. 13 (ap.) la. 21, 22, 25. le. 30, which I. Ja.— vii. 9 (om. LTrA.) la. 12. la.— ix. 5, 15. la.— x. 10 (om. L T Tr AR.) | la. Matt. xxvii. 624, la.— xxviii. 6. la. Mark i. 27 (ap.) la.— ii. 9, 19, 28. la.— iii. 17, 29, 33, 35. 33, "[37. la.— iv. 21, 26. la. 31 (No. le, L Tr nr. la. 41. 18.------ ν. 41. la. vi. 3, 4, 15 1st. la. 15 2nd (om. LbT Tr A RX.) la. id: la. 16 Ist (om. G Lb 1b* 20. ir AUN) la.—— 24, 26,37 twice 38. | la. 85. ΒΞ xi. 6, 10, 11, 14, 16, | 1*. 50. Su θὰ, 5. —— vii. 6. la.— xii. 6, 8, 23. la. 15, 27, 34. le. 30 Ist. la,— ix. 5, 7, 21, 39, 40, la.—— 30 2nd. 42, 43, 45, 47. 3. —— 45. | la.— x, 14, 24, 25, 29, 40. la. 48, 50. | la. xii. 7, is la.—— xiii. 19, 20, 22, 23, | 143 18, “that I. 31, 32 twice, 33, 37, 38, | la. 27. βθ twice, 4 45, 47, 52, 3. 28 Ist. 55, 57. la. 28 2nd, la,— xiv. 2, 15, 26. | la. 29, 31, 32 twice, Le 27 ] 33, 35, : 37. 5. —— xv. 8. tH xiii. 2. la. 26 (οὐκ ἔξεστι, it | le——— 16 that I (om. L is not lawful, for οὐκ | Tr AR.) ἐστι καλόν, it is not la. 28 2nd. good, L'T A.) la. 29, 33. 3. —— xvi.2,when...I. | la.— xiv. i, 22, 24, 34, la.— xvii. 4, 5. 44, 69, la.— xviii. 1, 4, 8, 9, la.— xv. 22, 34, 42. 14 Ist. | la.— xvi. 6. la.—— xix. 14, 24, 26. la. Luke i. 36, 61, 63. la.— xx..1. | la.— ii. 11. le. 4. la.— iv. 22, 24. 16, 7 (ap.) la.— v. 21, 23, 34, 39. la. 15 2nd, 23, la.— vi. 5, 20, 35, 36, 40, la.— xxi. 10, 11, 38, 47, 48, 49. 42 3rd la.— vii. 23, 27, 28 twice, la.— xxii. 8. | 39, 49. 14. 23, that... I. la.—— viii. 11 twice, 17, la. 32. | la, —— 251st (om. 1, T la. 38, 42, 45. Tr AR.) la.—— xxiii. 8, 9 1st, 10} la. 25 2nd. (om. α ο), 16, 17, 18. 18. 26, 30. la.— xxiv. 6, 26. la.— ix. 9, 33, 35, 38. le. 28. 4. ——— 48, that I. 3. 32. | 1a.—— 50 twice, 62, la.——— 33, 45. la.— x.7 (om. L T Tr 3. —— xxvi. 2. AR.) la. 18. 11. ----- 22 twice, 29, 42, t Hage 4 25. | ldt—— xi. 8. 23 1st, that 1. 29 Jud. le. 3. Luke xi. 26. la. la. 34 Ist & 3rd. le. 34 2nd ἃ 4th. i la.— xii. 1, 2, 6, 23. le. - 28, which I, la. 34, 42, a 54. la.— xiii. 18, 19, οἱ. la.—— xiv, 22 2nd. le. 32, while ...I. la. - 35. 3. —— xv. 10, la. $1. la.— xvi. 10 3rd ἃ ith. la. 15 2nd (om, All.) la. 17. la.— xvii. 1, 21. la.— xviii. 16, 25, 29. la,—— xix. 9 2nd. la. 46 2nd (ἔσται, shall be, Lm T Tr A) (oi. &.) la.— xx. 2, 14, 17 1st. 14. 27, that I. 3: 3. la. 38. ld. 41, that I (om. | ~.) la. 4, la.— xxi. 30, 31. la.— xxii. 11, 19, 38, 53, ! 59, 64. 1d.— xxiii. 2, that I, la. 15, 38 (ap.) | la.— xxiv. 6. & 21. la. 29. iL; 39. le* Johni. 18, which I. | la, 19. la. 27 Ist (om. G Lb ῬΑ ἈΕῚ 18. 30 1st. la. 33, 34, 42, 47. le.— iii. i when ΑΦΗ Ἰ la. 6 twice. 18. 8. 16, 19, which ον 1 (ap.) la. - 19, 29 Ist. la. 31 Ast ἃ Sra. 16. 31 2nd. 18. 91 4h (ap.) la 33. la. iv. 10,11, 18; 20, 22, 23, 29, 34, 37, 42. la. v. 2, 10, 12, 25, 27, 30, 31, 32 twice, 45. la.— vi. 9, 14, 1» 30. la. ae 31, 33, 39, 40, 42 Ist, 45. le. 48, which I. la 50, 51, 55 twice, 58, 60, 63, 70. la.— vii. 6, 11, 12, 16, 18 twice, 22, 25, 27 twice, 28, 36, 40, 41. la.— viii. 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 26, 29, 34, 39, 44. twice. le. 47. la.——— 50, 54 3 times. la.—— ix. 4, 8, 9twice, 12, 16 1st, 17, 19, 20, 24, 29, 30 twice, 36, 37. la.— x. 1, 2, 13, 29 1st, OF la.— xi. 4, 10. la.— xii. 14, 31, 34, 35, 50. la.—— xiii. 10, 16, 25, 26. la.—— xiv. ο]. 8. 22. la. 24, 28. la,—— xv. 1 12, 20. la,—— xvi. 17 18, 32. | la.— xxi. 7, 2 ' la. John xvii. 3,17. | la.— xviii. 36 twice, 38, la.— xix. 35, 40, la.—- xx. 31. Ὁ, 24 twice, la. Acts i. 7, 12, la.— ii. 15, 16, 25, 29,39. er pat 1], 12 15. (ap.), 2nd, 36. le. la.— vi. 2. la.— vii. 33, 37, 38. la.— viii. 10, 21, 26. ld. 37, that I (ap.) la.— ix. 15, 20, 21, 22. la,— x. 4, 6, 28 Ist, 34, 35, 36, 42. la.— xii. 15. i. 12. la.— xvii. 3. 1d.—— 7, that I. 4, a seeing that la. xix. 35 1st. le* 35 2nd, that I, la. xx. 10, 35. la.—— xxi. 22, 28, la,.—— xxii. 26. 1d.— xxiii. 8, that I. 19. ' Ta. la,—— xxv. 14, 16. 4. —— xxvii. 34. : la.— xxviii. 4. ' la. Rom. i.9, 12, 16, 19, 25, la.— ii. 2, 11, 28 1st. ; la.— iii. 8, 10, 11 twice, 12 twice, 18, 22. la. iv. 15, 16 4th. | le-—— v. 10, when... 1. la. 14. la.— vii. 3 1st. ld. 3 2nd, that I. i Ta. 14. la.— viii. 9, 24, 34. | le.—— ix. 5, who is (with art.) : la.— x. 1 (ap.), 8 twice, 12 1st. 3.— xi. 5. 2 6 2nd (Ist not in Gree ὃν ) la. 63rd ἃ 4th (ap.) la. 23. la.— xiii, ie 4 1st & 3rd. la.— xiv. 4 (δυνατεῖ, is POWERFUL, for δυνα- TOs ἐστίν, IS powerful, Gow LTTraARn.) la. 17, 23. le.—— xvi. 11st, which I, la. 5 2nd. le.1 Cor. i. 2, which I. la. 18 twice, 25 twice. la. 19. la. iv. 3, 4, 17. la,—— vi. 5 (ἕνι, one, All.) la. 7, 16, 17, 18, 19. la.—— vii. 8 (om. All.) la 9, 19 twice, 22 twice, 4. 26. la. 39, 40. le.—— viii. 10, which I, la.—— ix. 3, 16, 18. la.—— x. 16 twice, 19 Ist (ap.), 19 8rd, 28, la. LTTrAw®.) la. 3. 8. —— iii. 15. la. 17. la. —— iv. 3, 4. la.— vii. 15. lu.— ix. 1. 1d. πώ 18. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 10. le. 31, which I. la.— xii. 19. la.— xiii. 5 (om. Lb T Tr Ab.) la. Gal. i. 7, 11. la.— iii. 12, 16, 20 twice. la.— iv. 1, 2. If. 15 (om. CE femal Dp ty TrAR.) la. 24, 25, 26 twice. la.— v. 3, 22, 23. le.—— vi. 3, when I. la. Eph. i. 1, 14, 18, 23. le.— ii. 4, who I. la. 14. la.— iii. 13. la.— iv. 9, 10, 15. le. 18, that I. la. 21. la.— ν. 5, 10, 12, 13, 18, 23 Ist. 1. 23 3rd (om. GL la. TTrAR®.) 32. la.— vi. 1, 2, 9 twice, 17. la. Phil. i. 7. la. 8 (om. G>Lb T TrAw®.) la. 28. la.— ii. 19. 4, —— iii. 20. la. on A. 7, 15,17, 18 twice, 27. la.— iii. 5, 14, 20, 25. la.—— iv. 9. le. 11, which I, la. 1 pe. 1, 13. 14. Heb. xi. 1. la. 6 2nd. ay 63rd. la.— xii. 7 (om. LT Tr Ab.) 3. Jas. i. 12, when, la, 17 Ist. 2. 17 2nd. la. 27. 3. —— ii. 10. la. 17,19, 20, 26 twice. la.— iii. 5. 5. -——— 6. la. 17. la,—— iv. 4 Ist 6. 42nd. la. 12 1st. la. 14 (ἔσται, it shall be, Gr) (ἐστέ, ye are, LT Tr A) (om. 8.) la. 16, 17. la. 1 Pet. i. 25. 1la.— ii. 15. la.— iii. 4, 22. a. 2 Pet. i. 9. 1. 17. 3. 20. 3. —— ii. 20. la. iii. 4. la. 1 John 1. 53times, 7, 8, 9, 10. la. li. 2, 4 twice, 7, 8. τα”, 9 Ist. la. 92nd, 10, 11, 15, 16,18 twice, 21,22 3times, 25, 27 twice, 29, iii. 2, 3, 4,5, 7 twice, 8, 10, 11, 15, 20. la. 3 * 33 times, 4, 6, They 10, 12, ο 16, 17, 18, 50, la. vy. 1,3, 4,5; 6 3times, 9 twice, 11 twice, 14, 16, 17 twice, 20, la. 2 John 6 twice, 7, la. 3 John 11, 12. let Rev. i. 4, which I. let 8, which I. la.—— ii. 7. le+—— iv. 8, which I. la la.— v.2 (om. G3L T la. 2'Thes. 1, 3; ΤΡΑΝῸ la.— ii. re 9. la. 12. la.—— iii. 3, 17. la. 13 (om. ΟΞ τ τπτ la. 1 Tim. i. 5, 20. Tr Α Ν.) la.— iii. 15, 16. la.— ix. τ (ap.) la.— iv. 8, 10. la.— xiii. 10, 18 twice. la. v. 4, 8. la. xiv. 12. 1d.—— vi.5, that I. la.— xvii. 8 1st ἃ 2nd. la. 6, 10. la, 83rd (καὶ παρε- la, 2 Tim. i. 6, 12. σται, and shall be la.— ii. 17. present, for καίπερ la.— iv. 11 twice. ἐστίν, and yet is, GL la, Tit. 1.19. T Tr A) (καὶ πάλιν la. Heb. ii. 6. πάρεστιν, and again is la.— iv. 13. present, &.) la.— vy. 13. la. 10, 11 3times, 14, la.— vii. 2, 15. 18. 3. 18. πι xix. 8, 10. la.—— viii. 6 la.—— xx. 2, 12, 14. la.— ix. 15 la.—— xxi. 8,16 (om.All), 2 22 la. xxii. 10, [17 ISLAND. 1, νῆσος, an island, (prob. from νέω, to float,) (non occ.) 2. νησίον, (dim. of No. 1) a small island, (non occ.) 2, Acts xxvii. 16, 26, 1. Acts xxviii. 1, 7, 9. 1. Rev, vi. 14, 1. Rey. xvi. 20. [ 420 ] i is ISLE. νῆσος, see “IsLAND,” Λο. 1. Acts xiii. 6. | Acts xxviii. 11. Rev. i. 9. ISRAEL. Ἰσραήλ, (Heb., δ, wrestler with God) the name given to Jacob, Gen. xxxii. 24, ‘ete. In A spoken only of his posterity (see below.) In all places, except— Acts iv. 8 (om. L T ΤῊ Acts xiii. 17 (om. G.) AD 38.) Rom. x. 1 (ap.) ISRAELITE. Ἰσραηλίτης, a descendant of Israel. The grand title of the Jew as a member of the theocracy and heir of the promises, theocratic privileges and glorious vocation. Hence as the most honourable title, {ή was the word chosen by the Apostles in order to obtain an hear- img, (see Acts ii. 22, iii. 12, xiii 16; and Rom. ix. 4; Phil. iii. 5; 2 Cor. xi. 22.) John i. 47. | Rom. ix. 4. Rom. xi. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 22. ISSUE [noun. ] 1. ῥύσις, flowing, (Ixx.for2) (nonocc.) 2. σπέρμα, seed ; hence, children. — Matt. ix. 20, see Blood. 2. —— xxii. 25 1. Mark ν. 25. 1. Luke viii. 43, 44. ISSUE (-rp.) [verb.] ἐκπορεύομαι, to go or come out of. Rev. ix. 17, 18. μι (When not part of the translation of a phrase, it is one of these fol- lowing, and is emphatic.) 1. ἐκέινος, that, that one there (the more remote or latter of two; always emphatic.) 2. οὗτος, this, this one here (the nearer or former of two.) (a) τοῦτο, neut. sing., Nom. or Ace. (b) τούτου, Gen. sing., mase. or neut. (c) ταύτη, fem. sing., Dative. (d) ταύτην, ‘in sing., Acc. IT 3. αὐτός, he, she, it (demonst. pron.), self, very. 4, τὸ, the thing. 2a. Matt. xx. 11. 2b. John vi. 61. ρα. Mark ν. 43. 3. —— xii. 24. 2. —— vi. 16 (Νο.ὀ, ~) 2d.1 Cor. vi. 13. 2a,— xiv. 5. 2c. Heb. xi. 2. 2a, Luke xviii. 36. 2a,—— xiii. 17, 4. 2 Pet. ii. 22. IT BE BUT (rnover) ὅμως, yet still, nevertheless. Gal. iii. 15. ITCHING HARS (ave) κνηθόμενοι, being : ; ς tickled, tchive, | vine Δ ΩΣ ΠΩ ‘ τὴν, the ‘ ο ος ears (ο). hearing.) ἀκοήν, hearing, ITSELF. 1. αὕτός, he, she, it, self. ---Ξ--.---- --- (a) αὐτή, fem. sing., Nom. [ 421 ] JEA ; (Ὁ) αὐτό, neut. sing., Nom. or Ace. (c) αὐτόν, mase. sing. Ace. (4) αὐτῆς, fem. sing. Gen. 2. ἑαυτοῦ, of himself, herself, or itself, ete. (a) ἑαυτῆς, fem. sing. Gen. (b) ἑαυτῆν, fem. sing. Acc. — Matt. vi. 34, seeI(of.) 1a. Rom. viii, 21. 28. xii. 25twice, 1b. 26. 2b. Mark iii. 24, 25. 2, xiv. 14, (Νο. 1, α 2b. Luke xi. 17. LT Tr &.) 2. John xv. 4. Ja. 1 Cor. xi. 14, (οπι. --) — Eph. iv. 16, see I (of.) la.—— xxi. 25. le. Heb. ix. 24. 10. Rom. viii. 16, 14, 3 John 12, ITSELF (ο 2a, Matt. vi. 34. | 2, Eph. iv. 16. IVORY (or) ἐλεφάντινος, made of ivory (from ἐλέφας, the elephant.) Rev. xviii. 12. J. JACINTH. taxivOos, a hyacinth ; a flower of deep purple or reddish blue. Then, a gem of like colour, (non occ.) Rev. xxi. 20, JACINTH (or) ὑάκινθινος, hyacinthine; having the colour of the hyacinth, (non occ.) Rey. ix. 17. JATLOR. εσμοφύλαξ, a prison-keeper. Acts xvi. 23. --- JANGLING (vary) ματαιολογία, vain or foolish talk, (non ους.) 1 Tim. i. 6. JASPER. ἴασπις, jasper. [A stone of various colours, but prob. the colour of fire is intended (Ezek. i. 27; Deut. iv. 24,) being like the sardius, which two stones were the first and last on the High Priest’s breastplate (Ex. xxviii. 17, 20),] (non occ.) Rev. iv. 3. Ϊ Rev. xxi. 11, 18, 19. JEALOUS OVER (ser) ζηλόω, to be zealous towards, 2.6. for or against any person or thing; then, to be jealous of. 2 Cor. xi. 2. JEALOUSY. ζήλος, any eager vehement passion, esp., jealousy. 2 Cor. xi. 2. JEALOUSY (provoke το) παραζηλόω, to render mis-zealous, 1.6. to make jealous, provoke to jealousy. Rom x. 19, | 1 Cor. =. 22. Rom, xi, 11. JEO JEOPARDY (se 1) κινδυνεύω, to be in danger or peril. Luke viii. 23. JEOPARDY (stanp τν) 1 Cor. xv. 30. JERUSALEM. Ἱερουσαλήμ, or Ἱεροσόλυμα, Jerusalem. Heb., Ὁ ων, dwelling of peace. Tn all passages, except— Luke xxiv. 49, (om. ἃ LT Tr A.) JESTING. εὐτραπελία, the behaviour of the εὐτρά- πελος, (easily turning or changing, of apes and persons,) wit, liveliness ; in a bad sense, jesting, ribald, tricky, dishonest, time-serving. Eph. ν. 4. Ἰησοῦς, Jesus. JESUS. [Heb. yun, 1.6. Je- hoshua or Joshua, which in the Ixx. and Ν.Τ. is constantly ex- pressed Ἰησοῦς. The Heb. is a compoundot >, Jah, (for Jehovah,) and ΥΠ, {0 save, and implies Je- hovah the Saviour. Hence applied to Christ, as He who was God, and thus able to “save his people | from their sins.” [Jesus is the title of His humilia- tion. Whenever it occurs alone it brings before us the One who “humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” It is the personal name of the “Man of | Sorrows,” who suffered being in- carnate, and died being man. “ Wherefore, God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name.” Thus “Crrtst’” becomes the name of His changed position, as raised from the dead, and exalted in glory. “Christ,” (inthe Epistles) as denoting our position, blessing, and standing before God., e.g. “in Christ,” (never, in Jesus). “THE Christ” (with the article gen. in the gospels) as the official desig- ! Matt. i. 1, 16. [ 422. 1 JES nation of the One offered to Israel, for their then, but now, future blessing.) Hence in the Gospels (the record of His earthly life) “ Jesus” occurs alone, 566 times, while “ Curist,” or “THe Christ,” occurs only 36 times. On the other hand, in the Acts and Epistles “ Jesus” occurs alone, only 29 times (16 of which are in the Acts, as being the transitional testimony to the crucified One), while “ Christ” oceurs 217 times. ] The combination of “Jesus Christ” * seems to place the emphasis on Jesus as “the humbled One now glori- fied”; while “Christ Jesus” marks Him as “the now glorified One who was once humbled.” The combination with “Gord” (“the Lord Jesus Christ”) marks His authority and power. For “ God hath made that same Jesus .. . both Lorp and Curis.” Acts ii. 36. | Jesus—Joshua, the son of Nun. Matt. xvi. 20 (om. GL T 21,24. [Tr AN.) 18 (om. ἃ > T Tr.) | 21, 25. | —— xvii. 1, 4, 7, 8, 9. -- 1.1. | 11 (om. G3LT Tr — iii. 13, 15, 16. | 17, 18,19, ΓᾺ KS ανν ΠΜ 20(om.LT Tr ΑΝ. 12 (om. G Ξε Τ Tr | 22, 25, 26. 17. [AS.) | — xviii. 1. ——-18 (om. α L Τ Tr} 2 (om. T Tr A &.) 23 (om. LT TrbA.) | 22. 26, 28. — vii. 28. [Α. 5.) | —— xix. 1, 14, 18, 21, 23, — viii. 3 (om. L T Tr | —— xx.17, 22, 25,30, 32,34 4. (Tr A 8.) | ——xxi. I, 6, 11, 12, 16, 5 (αὐτός, he, G LT 21, 24, 27, 31, 42. 7(om. LT TrbA 10, 13, 14, 18, 20, - — xxii. 1, 18, 29. 37 (om. LT Tr AN.) συν το Zh Ὁ ᾿ —— 29 (om. G LT ΟΣ 41, 94, [A &.) | —— xxiii. 1. — ix, 2, 4, 9, 10. —— xxiv. 1. 12 (om. L T Trb 2 (ἀποκριθείς, he AR.) answering, L T Tr 15, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28, | 4. ΓΑΒ) — x. 5. [90, 35. | —— xxvi. 1, 4, 6, ΤΌ, 17, — xi. 1, 4, 7, 25 | 19, 26, 31, 34, 36, 49, — xii. 1, 15. 50 twice, 51, 52, 55, 57, — 25 (om. LT TrA 59, 63, 64, 69, 71, 75. — xiii. 1, 34. [8.) | —— xxvii. 1, 11 twice, 17, — 36(om.G Ξ LT Tr 20, 22, 26, 27, 37, 46, AR.) | 50, 54, 55, 57, 58. — xiv. 1, 12, 1% —— xxviii. 5, 9, 10,16, 18. Mark i. 1, 9, 14,17, 24, 25. 51 (ap.), 58, 57. | 3. — 14 (om. G2LT} 41 (om. L T Tr A Tr* AN.) | δ) 16. — ii. 5, 8, 15, 17, 19. —— 22,) (om. G 1, Τ | — iii. 7. —— 25,5 TrAN.) | —v.6,7. —— 27, 29, 31. | ———13 (om. εὐθέως ὁ — xv. 1. ᾿Ιησοῦς, forthwith Je- 5 16 (om. LT ΤΡΑ | sus, ἃ τῷ L>T Tr Ab.) —_— 21, 28, 29. [.,) | ——— 15. —— 80, (αὐτός, his,GxL 19 (om. GL T TTrAR.) Tr AR.) 32, 34. 20, 21, 27, 30, 36. —— xvi. 6, 8, 13, 17. — vi. 4, 30. JES Mark vi. 34 (om.GLY T Johni. 43 (om. ὃ Ἴησδυς, TrAR®.) after “following” and — vii. 27 (κὰι ἔλεγεν, | insert itafter ‘‘Philip and he said, instead and,’ GLTTr AR.) of ὁ δὲ "Ingots ἔιπεν. 45, 47, 48, 50. but Jesus said, LT Tr ---- ii. 1, 2, 3. 3, 4, “11. 18 A®.) 9, 22, 2 — vili.l (om. GLTTr —— iii. 2 ἀντός, AR.) LTTrAR®.) — 17 (om. T Tr? A.) ~3,5,10, 22. ο, ae 4,5, 8, 23, 25, MAT YN τον ἐγ 27, 39. — x'5, 14,18, 21, 23, 24, Him, G —— 16 (om. LbT TrPA.) ——- 17, 21, 26, 34, 44. —— 46 (om. G LT Tr A 97, 29, 32, 38, 39, 42, Μὴ 47 twice, 49, 50, 51, ——— 47, 48, 5O0twice, 53, 52 Ist, 54. 522nd (αὐτὸς, Him, ——v.1, 6, 8, 13, 14, 15, en 16, 17, 19. — xi. — vi. 1, 3, 5, 10, 11. -- iu ας G3 T Tr 14 (om. T Tr A.) Α Ν. 15, 17,19, 22,24 twice, —- l4,,0m.G LTTr 26, 29, 32,35, 42, 43, 53, 15, AR.) 61, 64, 67. 22, 29, 33 twice. — 70 (om. G =) — xii. 17, 24, 29, 34,35. —— vii 1,6, 14,16, 21, 28, 4* Om. Lb T Tr A 33, 37, 39. N./ —— viii. 1 (ap.),6 (ap.),9 — xiii. 2,5 (ap.),10(ap.), 11(ap.), — xiv. 6, 18. 2, 14, 19. ----- 22 (om. Lb T Trb 20 (om. G LT Tr ΑΝ. 55) 27, 30, 48, 53, 55, 21 (om. GSLT Tr 60, 62, 67, 72. AN) — xv. 1,5, 15, 34, 37, 43. 25, 28, 31, 34, 39, καν. ὃ. 42, 49, 54, 58, 59. Luke i. 31. ἘΞ six) 8 Ἡ, τα, 85, 87, — ii. 21, 27, 43, 52. 39, 41. —— iii. 21, 23. — x. 6, 7, 23, 25, 32, 34. — iv. 1, 4, 8, 12, 14, 34, 35. — v. 8, 10, 12, 19, 22, 31. — vi. 3, 9, 11. — vii. 3, 4, 6, 9, 19. 22 (om. Lb'T Tr A 40. —— xi, 4, 5,:9, 18, 14, 17, 20, 21, 23, 25, 30, 32, 33, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, η LT Tr A.) 46, 51, 54, 56. [..). — xii. i, 8, 7, ORs 12, —— viii. 28 Ist. 14, 16, 21, 22, 23, 30, 28 2nd (om. G—) 35, 36, 44. 80, 35 twice. —— xiii. 1. —— 38 (om.GSLbTTr τα... A.) AR. —_— 39, 40, 41, 45. , 8,10, 2 ag} (om. G =) | , 26, 27, 29, 81, 36, —— ix. 33, 36, 41, 42. a Pera: Gyan, 48 (om. GsTTr —xvi. 19, 31. A®.) a 1 3. 47, 50, 58. —— xviii. 1, 2, 4, 5 1st. 60 (om. ἀξ τ τν ——— 52nd (om. "Tr A.) AN.) 7, 8, 11, 12, 15 twice, —— 62. 19, 20, 22, 28, 28, 32, — x. 21 (om. LTr AW.) 39, 34, ον 37. 29, 80, 37. —— xix. hy 9 twice, 11, 89 (Κύριος, the 1), 16 (ap. 4) 18, 19, 20, Lord's, L T Tr AN.) 25, 26, 28, 30, 33, ——- 41 (Κύριος, theLord, 38 ‘ist € 2nd.” L™ T Tr™ .) 38 3rd (ἀυτοῦ, his, — xiii. 2 (om. Lb T Tr LTr A,) (ἀντόν, him, A a instead of τὸ σῶμα 2, 14. ᾿Ιησοῦς, the body of - -- 1 αφ 3. | Jesus, T 8.) — xvii. 13, 17. 39 (avrés, him, LT — xviii. 16,19, 22, 24,37, Tr A.) 38, 40, 42, 40, ο. — xix. 3, 5, 9, 35 twice. —— xx. 3, 12, 14.twice, 15, — xx. 8, 34. 16, 17, 19. —— xxii. 47, 48, 51, 52. 21 (om. TTrAbR.) 68 (αὐτός, Him, 24, 26, 29, 80, 31, —— χα, 1. 4 twice. — xxiii. 8, 20, 25, 26, 28. 5 (om, Lb.) GoeoLTTrar.) | | 34 (ap.), 42. =7, 10; Ἱο 18, 14, —— 43 (om. T Tr> A 8.) | 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, —— 46, 52. 25. — xxiv. 3, 15,. 19. | Acts i. 1, 11, 14, 16, $ 91, 36 (om. G LT Tr | —— ii. 22, 32, 36, 38 A®.) — iii. 6, 13, 20. John i. 17, 29, 36, 37, 38, 26 (om. G LT Tr 42, AR.) [ 498 1 | | Acts iv. —— viii. 12, 16, 35, 37 (ap.) — ix.5, 17 (om. G—),27. —— x. 36, 38. —— xi. 17, 20. —— xiii. 26, 33. —— xv. 11, 26. —— xvi. 18, 31. —— xvii. 3, 7, 18 (ap.) —— xviii. 5, 2 —— xix. 4, 5. 10 (om. Got tr Α 8.) 13 twice, pale — xx. 21, 24, δα, — xxi. 13. —— xxii. 8. — xxv. 19. — xxvi. 9, 15. { — xxviii. 23, 31. Rom. i. 1, 3, 6, 7, 8. — ii. 16. — iii. 22, 24, 26 (om. G—) | — iv. —-v.l, ll, is hai 21. —- vi. 3, Ul, 2 | —- vii. 25, — viii. 1, 2, 11, 39. —x. 9. — xiii. 14. —- xiv. Ἐπ: — xv. 5, 6. Τὶ 8 (om. στ τον 5.) 16, 17, 30. —— xvi. 3. 18 (om. G Τὶ A.) 20, 24, 25, 27. 1 Cor. i. 1, 2twice, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 30. 29 Er Ι | Ϊ ῃ — iii. 11. | —— ν 4 twice. 5 (om. —~¥-8,10,19twie,20. κα —~x 911. ας being then present among the 3 (ap j= ah hoe Jews in the person of Christ ae Pree ah Bl (Luke xi. 20, xvii. 21, marg.). — viii, Τὶ a. —— xiii, 18, 20, 28, 29, Then, the sphere of Christ’s work- πο Se ae ings ; now the sphere of the Holy | τσι |, a. —— xvii, 20 twice, 91. Ghost’s workings (Rom. xiv. 17, ἘΞ oh μὰ ae ee 1 Cor. iv. 20.) πες 8 ει (Ὁ) βασιλεία τῶν οὐρανῶν, the king- | » ώρα 31, 50. πας ΤΣ dom of the heavens, as being the | , —— 3.4. τα development of God’s purpose. | Ρ 44, 45, 47, 52. as et do The kingdom to be introduced by ὅτ σης the Messiah. The time when | b. — xviii. 1, 3, 4, 23. — xviii, 363 times. God's will shall be “done on | * Sane inns ‘Ay eee | earth as it is im heaven.” Then, | > ση" ο, το ταῖς 12, it was at hand ; now it is in abey- | 2. — xxi, 31, 43 a, — xix 8. | ance (Luke xix. 12-15.) "ἢ — Sit is, δα πα | ---- wice 7 (ο) βασιλεία τοῦ Πατρός, the kingdom | b. — ee δα Con. iv. 20. of the Father. This seems to be | ο ο το 99. = aes for the heavenly people, while | 8. Mark i, 14 (om. τῆς | a. Gal. v. 1. | “ the kingdom of the Son of Man” να να | a eC | a. a. —— iv, 11, | 36), and the two together form the heavenly and earthly aspect | a. —x.14, 15, 23, 24, 25. — xi. 33. of the “world kingdom of our ασ πι Jes Lb Lord and of His Christ,” Rev. xi. a ο ο απ... 15. The one the sphere of the | a! — xv. 43. ae Father’s glory, the other of the | 1861. 8. a Ε ἘΠΝΝ Son’s rule. Will both cease or | a. 43. — xvii, 12, 17, change when He “delivers up the kingdom to God, even the Father’? (1 Cor. xv. 24.) KINSFOLK (-s.) συγγενής, born with, hence, kin, kindred, related ; as subst., a kinsman, re- lative. (d) ἥ βασιλεία τοῦ tod τῆς ἀγάπης αὑτοῦ, the kingdom of the Son of His love. The region of blessing of which Christ is the centre, : ξ § oro ΤΣ oP ΕΣ: alts 4 as Bs co pea Ls pos? ον SF μ σ- το Ώ ss ο ΠῚ | | dom,G=2L>TTrAn.) . Col. i. 18. | 15 ἃ. —— ix. 1, 47. Heb. i. 8. Luke ii, 44, pL Ι Luke xxi, 16 pL KIN [ 484 1 KNO KINSMAN, KINSMEN. KNEEL TO. συγγενής, see above. γονυπετέω, see above. Mark iii. 21, marg. (text, John xviii. 26, Mark x. 17. one’s friends.) aoe ἘΞ Luke xiv. 12 oe η ὅτι; ΟΣ KNIT. KISS [noun.] φίλημα, a love-token, esp., as given in salutation, hence, a kiss, (non occ.) Luke vii. 45 1 Cor. xvi. 20. — xxii. 48. 2 Cor. xiii. 12. Rom, xvi. 16. 1 Thes. v. 26. 1 Peter v. 14. KISS (-zp.) [verb.] of love), to show one’s love, hence, to kiss, (elsewhere, “ LOVE.’’) . καταφιλέω, (Wo. 1, with κατά, down, prefixed) to love tenderly, hence, to kiss warmly, (stronger than Wo. 1) (non oce.) 1. Matt. xxvi. 48. 2. Luke vii. 38, 35. 2. 49. 2, —— xv. 20. 1. Mark xiv. 44. 1, —— xxii. 47, 2, —— 45. 2. Acts xx. 37. KNEE. γόνυ, the knee, * quoted from Isa. xlv. 25. Matt. xxvii. 29, see K Rom. xi. 4", (bow the) —— xiv, 11". Mark xv. 19. Eph. iii. 14. Luke v. 8. Phil. ii. 10*. Heb. xii. 12. KNEE (sow THE) γονυπετέω, to fall upon one’s knees. Matt. xxvii. 29. KNEEL. ( τίθημι, ἴο place, ) τὰ, the, i.e. to kneei down. γόνατα, knees, 5 Matt. xvii. 14,2 see K Acts vii. 60, Mark i. 40, } down to. — ix. 40. — x. 17, see K to. — xx. 36, Luke xxii. 41. — xxi. 5. KNEEL DOWN TO. γονυπετέω, to fall upon one’s knees. Matt. xvii. 14. Mark i. 40, (om. 1, T Tr? Ab.) φιλέω, to love, (used of the passion | δέω, to bind, to bind together or to anything, to bind around, to fasten. Acts x. 11 (om. α = LT Tr AP §,) lit., let down by four cords.” KNIT TOGETHER. συμβιβάζω, to make come together, 1.6. to join or knit together, unite. Col. ii. 2, 19. KNOCK (-Ep, -ETH, -ING.) | κρούω, to knock, to rap, as at a door for entrance, (non occ.) Matt. vii. 7, 8. Luke xiii. 25. Luke xi. 9, 10. Acts xii. 18, part, 16. — xii. 36. Rev. iii. 20. KNOW (-£st, -ETH, -ING; KNEW, -EST.) 1. οἶδα, (perf. of obsolete root εἴδω, like Lat., video ; Germ., wiss-en ; Enq., wit or wot. The verb ὁράω zs used as present, εἶδον serves as aorist, and οἶδα as perfect,) lit., I have perceived, or seen, hence, to have knowledge of, to know. No. 2 implies an active relation, and self- reference of the knower to the object of knowledge, while No. 1 implies that the subject has simply come within the knower’s sphere of per- ception or circle of vision: hence the force of the οὐκ οἶδα ὑμᾶς, (Matt. xxv. 12,) “you stand in no relation to me.” In profane Greek, it denotes mediate knowledge, e.g. from hearsay. 2. γινώσκω, to perceive, observe, obtain a knowledge of or insight into. It denotes a personal and true relation between the person know- ing and the object known, 7.e. to be influenced by one’s knowledge of the object, to suffer one’s self to be determined thereby: hence the force of οὐδέποτε ἔγνων ὑμᾶς, (Matt. vii. 23,) “I have never had a true and personal connection with you,” (cf. verses 21, 22.) KNO 8. ἐπιγινώσκω, (No. 2, with ἐπί, upon, fully ov well. Jt cmplies a more special recognition of the thing known than No. 2. προγινώσκω, (No. 2, with πρό, before, prefixed) to perceiveor apprehend beforehand, to know previously, to foreknow. γνωστόν, known, ἐστίν, it is, ἡμῖν, to us, it is known to us. ἐπίσταμαι, to fix one’s mind upon, z.e. to understand, to know how to do anything, to know well, to have knowledge. 2. Matt. i. 25. 1. Mark xiii. 32, 33, 35. 2. — vi. 1. —— xiv. 68, 71. 8, 832 2, —— xv. 10, 45, part 1, — vii. 11 3. Luke i. 4. G16) 20 9, 18, 34. 2, ——— 23. — — ii. 15, see Known. 1. —— ix. 6. -- 17, see Known 9, 90, abroad (make) 2. —— x. 26. 2. 43. 2, —— xi. 27 twice. 1, —— iv. 34, 41. 2. —— xii. 7, 15, part. 1. —v. 24. — —— 16, see Known. 1, —vi. 8. 1, —— 25. 2. 44. 2. 33. 3. —— vii. 37, part. 2. —— xiii. 11. 2. 39. i Seay 2. —— viii. 10, 17. 3. — xvii. 12 Ἱ. 59. 1. — xx, 22, 25 2. —— ix. 11. 1, — xxii. 16, 29. 1. 33, 55 (ap.) 2. —— xxiv. 32, 33. 2, —— x. 22. 1, —— 36, A, 2, —— 39. 2, —— xii, 2. 1, —— 42. 1. ——— 30. ae AG Tat «τες Ὡς lat iD 43 2nd Tt 39 2nd 1, — xxv. 19, 19 9 47, 48 2. 24, 1. —— xiii. 25, 27 ilk 26. 2. —— xvi. 15 1, —— xxvi. 2, 70, 72, 74. | 1. —— xviii. 2 1, —— xxvii. 18. 2, 34. 1, — xxviii. 5. 1. —— xix. 22. 1. Mark i. 24, 34. 1, —— xx. 21. 1, —— ii. 10. 2. —— xxi. 20, 30, 31. — — iii. 12, see Known. | 1. —— xxii. 34, 57, 60 2, — iv. 11 (om. G=L | 3. —— xxiii. 7, part. T Tr AR, lit., “has | 1. ——— 34 cate been granted.’’) 3. —— xxiv. 16 ihe 13 Ist. 2. 18. 2. 13 2nd. 3. 31. Ἂς 27. 2. 35. 3. —— v. 30. 2. John i. 10. τῇ 33. 1. 26, 81, 38, 2, —— 48. | 2. : 1, —— vi. 20. 1. —— ii. 9 twice. 3. ——— 33 (No.1, L Tr | 2. ——— 24, 25. At. 1. —— iii. 2. 9, 38, part. ο Se ἢ, 2. —— vii. 24. 1; 11. 2, —— viii. 17. 2, —iv. 1. 2, —— ix. 30. 1. ——— 10, 22twice, 25, 1. —— x. 19, 38, 42, -- 32, see K οἵ, 2. —— xii. 12, Le 42. Ἂς 14. 2. 53. 1. 15 (εἴδον, tosee, | 2. —— ν. 6. ου ΤΝ) i 82, 1. 24, part. ιο 42. 2. —— xiii. 28, 29, 1. —— vi. 6,42,61, part, 64. prefixed) to know thereupon, 1.6. by looking on as a spectator, to give heed, to notice attentively,to know — [ 485 ] | 1. John vii. 15. 2. 17, 26. ἸΣ 97 lst. 2 27 2nd. 5 ο 283 times, 29, 2. —— 49, 51. 1. —— viii. 14, 19 8 times. 2, ——— 28, 32. 1. —— 97. 2. —— 52, 55 lst. 1. 55 2nd, 3rd, ἃ 4th. 1. —— ix. 12, 20, 21 twice, 24, 25 twice, 29 twice, 30, 31. 1. —x. 4, 5. 2. l4twice, 15 twice, 27, 38. 1. —— xi. 22, 24, 42, 49. 2. 57. 2. — xii. 9. 1, - τ 1 part, 3,718 . — x11, 7 15 ο. ——7ind.* 1. ——l11. 2, ——12. 1. ——17, 18. 2. ——— 28, 35. 1. —— xiv. 4 1st. 1, ——— 42nd (om. Lb T ΠΕ Α 8.) ae 5 twice. a 7 Ast. 2, ——— 72nd (No. 1, Tr 7 8rd, 9, 17 twice, 20, 31. 1. — xv. 1515. το 152nd,seeKnown (make) 2. —— 18. 1. ——-21. 2. — xvi. 3, 19 1. —— 30. 1, — xvii. 2. 2. —— 3. 1. 4, 2. ——7. 2. 8 (om. Τὸ 8.) 1. ——21. 2. ——— 23, 253 times. — — xviii. 15, 16, see Known 2. — xix. 4. is 10. 1, 28 (ἔιδον, to see, G.) uf 35. 1, —— xx. 2, 9, 13, 14. 1. —— xxi. 4, 12, 15, 16, 1715: 2. 17 2n i 24. 2. Acts i, 7. -- 19, see Known. -- 24, see Hearts. — — ii. 14, see Known. uF 22. -- 28, see Known (make) 1. —— 30. 2. 36. 3. —— iii. 10, 1. 16. — —— iv. 10,see Known. 1. —-vv. 7. — —vii. 18 twice, see Known (be made) iL. 8. 2, —— ix. 24. 3. 80. -- 42, see Known. 2. —— x. 28. a 37. 1, —— xii. 11. 8. 14 part. — — xiii. 27, see K not. -- 38, see Known. 6, —— xv. 7. KNO το 18, see Known. 1. — xvi. 3. 2. —— xvii. 19, 20. 6. —— xviii. 25. 2. —— xix. 15 1st. 6. 15 2nd. — —— 17, see Known. 6, ——— 25. 1. —— 82. 3. ——— 34, part. 2. ——— 35. 6. —— xx. 18. 1, —— 22, 25, 29. 2. 34. 2. —— xxi. 24, 34 2. —— xxii. 14, 6. 19. 8. 24, 29, part. 2. 30. 2. —— xxiii. 28 (No. 3, LTTrAR®.) 6. —— xxiv. 10, part. -- 22, see K to the uttermost. 3. —— xxv. 10. 1. —— xxvi. 3, part, 4. 4. 5 (with ἄνωθεν, from the first.) 6. 26. £, 27. 3. —— xxvii. 39. 3. xxviii. 1. 5. 22. τς 28, see Known. — Rom. 1.19, see Known (that which may be) 2. 21. = —— ii. 4, see Καὶ not. τ iii. 17. 1. 9. 1. ----- ν. 8. — — vi. 3, see Καὶ not. 2. —— 6. 1. 9, 16. — — vii. 11st, see K not. rs 1 2nd, 7 Ast. | 1, —— 7 2nd, 14, 18. | 1. —— viii. 22, 26, 27, 28. — — ix. 22,) seeKnown -- 23, (make) 2. —x. 19. | 2, —— xi. 34, 1. —— xiii. 11. 1. —— xiv. 14. — — xvi. 26,see Known (make) 1. 1 Cor. i. 16. 1 2. 21. | 1. ——ii. 2. 9, S twice, Rib 11 Ist. 1. 11 2nd (No. 2, GeLTTran.) we 12. 2. 14, 16. 1. —— iii. 16. 2. 20. — —— iv. 4, see Καὶ by. ο 1. ——v. 6. 1, —— vi. 2, 3, 9, 15, 16, 1, —— vii. 16twice. [19, 1. — viii. 1. I. 21st (No. 2, LT Tr AR.) 23rd &4th, 3, 4. — ix. 18, 24. — xi. 3. — xii. 2. — xiii. 9, 12 111. 12 2nd & Sed. xiv. 7, 9 11.) — xv. 58 part POCO RO ee μα τὸ Acts xv. 8, see Hearts. 1. 1 Cor. xvi. 15. 1. 2'Tim. ii. 23, 1, 2 Cor. i. 7. 2. —— iii. 1. ! 2, ——ii. 4, 9. -- 10, see K fully. 2, ——iii. 2. ile 14, 15. 1, —— iv. 14. — —— iv. 17, see Known 1, —— v. 1, 6, 11, 16 1st. (be fully) 2. 162nd&3rd, 21, | 1. Titus i. 16. — — vi. 9, see Καὶ well. | 1. ——iii. 11 2, — viii. 9. 1. Philem. 21 1. — ix. 2. 2. Heb. iii. 10. 1. —— xi. 11, 31. 2. —— viii. 11 1st. 1. —— xii. 2twice, 3twice. | 1, 11 2nd. 3. — xiii. 5, 1. —x. 30. 2. 6. 2. 34. 1. Gal. ii. 16. 6. —— xi. 8 2. — iii. 7. 1. —— xii. 17 1. —— iv. 8, part. 2, — xiii. 23 2. ——-— 91st, part, 92nd. | 2. Jas. i. 3. 1. 13. 2. —— ii. 20 — Eph. i. 9, see Known | 1. ——iii. 1, 1. 8. [(make) | 1. —— iv. 4. — — iii. 3, 5, 9, see | 6. 14, Known (make) up We 2. 9. 2. — v. 20. 2. v. 5 (ἴστε γινώ- | 1. 1 Pet. i. 18, part. σκοντες, ye know—tak- | 1. —— iii. 9 (ὅτι, because, ing note, instead of instead of εἰδότες ὅτι, ἐστέ γινώσκοντες, 116 knowing that, ἃ = Τῷ Τ' are knowing, ἃ 1, Τ' Tr AN.) TrAR®.) Ἱ. ν. 9. 1. — vi. 8, 9. 1. 2 Pet. i. 12, 14. -- 19, see Known “-- 16, see Known (make) 2. 20. {(make) 21 Ist. 1. — ii. 9. -- 212nd,seeKnown | 2, —— iii. 3. 2. 21. {(Qmake) | — 17, see K before. 1, Phil. i. 17, 19, 25. 2, 1 John ii, 3 twice, 4, 5. 2. —— ii. 19, part, 22. 1: 11. 2. —— iii. 10. 2. ——— 13 twice, 14, 18. 2. —— iv. 5. 1, 20, 21 twice, 29 1st. -- 6, see Known | 2. 29 2nd. (make) 2. —— iii. 1 twice. ᾿ 12 twice, 15, Is 2, 5. 3. Col. i. 6. Ὡς —— 6. -- 27, see Known | 1 14, 15. (make) 2 19, 20, 24. 1, — ii. 1. 2. —— iv. 2, 6twice, 7, 8, 1, — iii. 24. 2. ——v. 2. (18, 16. 1, —— iv. 1, 6, 1 13, 15 twice, 18, 2. 8. 19, 20 1st. -- 9, see Known | 2. 20 2nd. (make) 2. 2 John 1. 1. 1 Thes. i. 4, 5. 1. 3 John 12. 1. — ii. 1, 2, 5,11. 1. Jude 5, part, 10 1s. 1. — iii. 3, 4. 6. 10 2nd. 2. ὅ, 1, Rev. ii. 2, 9, 13. 1. —— iv. 2, 4, 5. 2. 17 (No.1,GLT 1. ——v. 2, 12 TrAR. 1. 2 Thes. i. 8 iF 19. 1. — ii. 6. 2. 23, 24. 1. —— iii. 7. 1. — iii. 1. 1. 1 Tim. i. 8, 9. 2. 3. ] 1, —— iii. 5, 15. 1, ——8. | 3, — iv. 3. 2. 9. | 6, vi. 4. i 15, 17. 1. 2 Tim. i. 12, 15. 1. —— vii. 14, 2, 18. 1. —— xii. 12, part. 2, —— ii, 19. 1. —— xix. 12, KNOW BEFORE. 4, 2 Pet. iii. 17, part. KNOW BY. σύνοιδα, (No.1 with συν, together with, prefixed) to know with any one, to know what others know, hence, to be witness, able to testify. Here, with ἑαυτῷ, to be com- pelled to testify against one’s self. 1 Cor, iv. 4, Acts xiii, 27, part. Rom. 1]. 4. KNO KNOW FULLY. παρακολουθέω, to accompany side by side, to follow closely; then, to follow out closely im mind, trace out. 2 Tim. iii. 10, marg., be a diligent follower of. KNOW NOT. ἀγνοέω, not to know, to be unacquainted with, then, to be ignorant of, have no discernment or understanding of; also, to commit a fault from want of discernment or knowledge. | Rom. vi. 3. — vii. 1. KNOW OF. οἶδα, see “ KNow,” Νο. 1. John iv. 32. KNOW TO THE UTTERMOST. διαγινώσκω, (“ KNOW,” No. 2, with διᾶ, through, prefixed) to knowthrough- out, 1.6. accurately fully, (vce. Acts xxii. 15.) Acts xxiv. 12, KNOW WELL. ἐπινινώσκω see “ KNOW,” Wo. 3. KNOWLEDGE. 1. γνῶσις, knowing, or recognition, the knowledge or understanding of a thing, the insight which manifests itself in the thorough understand- ing of the subjects with which it meets and in the conduct deter- mined thereby; γνῶσις differs from σοφία (wisdom) inasmuch as it requires existent objects, (ace. 1 Tim. vi. 10.) ἐπίγνωσις, (No. 1 with ἐπί, upon, τν ived) clear and exact know- edge ; more emphatic than No. 1, because it expresses a more tho- rough participation on the part of the knower, with the object of knowledge; a knowledge that has a powerful influence on the knower. KNO 8. σύνεσις, intelligence, insight into anything, understanding, clever- ness, as shown in quickness of apprehension ; acuteness; the in- telligent, penetrating considera- tion which precedes decision and action. σύνεσις is used of reflective thought, σοφία, (wisdom) of pro- ductive thought, (elsewhere trans- lated “ understanding.’’) — Matt. xiv. 35, see Kof | 1. 2 Cor. ii. 14. (have) 1. —— iv. 6. 1. Luke i. 77. 1. ——vi. 6. 1. —— xi. 52. 1. — viii. 7. | — Acts iv. 18, see K of | 1. —x. 5. (take) 1, —— xi. 6. — — xvii. 22, see Καὶ 2. Eph. i. 17, marg., ac- (have) knowledgement. — — xxiv. 8, see K of | 3. — iii. 4. (take) Ἱ. --19. | -- 22,see Καὶ (have) | 2. —— iv. 18, ] 2, Rom. i. 28, marg.,with | ο. Phil. i. 9. ἔχω ἐν, toacknowledge, | 1. —— iii. 8. lit., to hold in know- | 2. Col. i. 9, 10. 1. —— ii. 20. [ledge.) | 1. —— ii. 3. 2. —— iii. 20. 2. —— iii. 10. 2. —x. 2. 2, 1 Tim. ii. 4. 1. —— xi. 33. 2. 2 Tim. iii. 7. 1. —xv. 14. 2. Heb. x. 26, 1, 1 Cor. 1. δ. 1. 1 Pet. iii. 7. 1. —— viii. 1 twice, 7, 10, | 2. 2 Pet. i. 2,3. txt. 8, σαι, ΕΣ 5, 6. 1. — xiii. 2, 8. δι 8. 1, —— xiv. 6. 2. —— ii. 21twice. H — — xv.34,see K (not) | 1. — iii. 18. | KNOWLEDGE (enpvurp with) ἐπιστήμων, (part. of “Know,” Wo. 6,) | (non occ.) Jas. iii. 18. KNOWLEDGE (nave) 1. οἶδα, see “ KNOW,” Λο. 1. 2. γινώσκω, see “KNOW,” Wo. 2. 2. Acts xvii. 13. | 1. Acts xxiv, 22, KNOWLEDGE OF (ave) ἐπιγινώσκω, see “ KNOW,” No. 3. Matt. xiv. 35, part. KNOWLEDGE OF (rake) ἐπιγινώσκω, see “ KNOW,” No. 8. Acts iv. 13. | Acts xxiv, 8, KNOWLEDGE (nor) ἀγνωσία, ignorance, opp. of γνῶσις (“ Know,” Wo. 1), denoting a moral want or fault, wilful igno- rance, (occ. 1 Pet. ii. 15.) 1 Cor. xv. 54, [ 437 ] KNO KNOWN. [for MAKE KNOWN, see below.] 1. γνωστός, known, capable of being known, knowable. , ae a 2. φανερός, visible, manifest; hence, known. 2. Matt. xii. 16. 1. Acts ix. 42. 2. Mark iii. 12. 1. —— xiii. 38. — Luke ii. 17, see K | 1. ——xv. 18 (ap.) abroad (make) 1, —— xix. 17, 1. John xviii. 15, 16. 1, —— xxviii. 28. 1. Acts i. 19, — Rom, i. 19, see K (that 1. — ii. 14. which may be) 1. —— iv.10. [(bemade) — 2 Tim. iv. 17, see Καὶ (be — — vii. 13 twice, see K fully) KNOWN (πε Futty) πληροφορέω, to bear or bring fully, hence, to give full assurance, to be fully assured or persuaded. 2 Tim. iv. 17. KNOWN (se mane) 1. ἀναγνωρίζομαι, to make one’s self known, (non 900.) 2§ cc ” -- ε ecam φανερός, visible,mani- b a g 8 w fest, known 7 a (vopat to become made Cy cau ὃ manifest.” 1. Acts vii. 13 1st. 0] KNOWN (axe) γνωρίζω, to make known, declare, re- 2. Acts vii. 19 2nd. veal Luke ii. 15. ' Rom. xvi. 26. 17, see K abroad Eph. i. 9. (make) | —— iii. 8, 5, 10. John xv. 15. — vi. 19, 21. Acts ii. 28. Phil. iv. 6. Rom. i. 19, see K (that Col. i. 27. which may be) iv. 9. —— ix. 22, 23. 2 Pet. i. 16. KNOWN ABROAD (rake) διαγνωρίζω, (the above, with διά, through, prefixed) to make known through- out, 7.e. everywhere. Luke ii. 17, (γνωρίζωι, (see above) L Tr A &.) KNOWN (ΤΑῚ ΝΗΙΟΗ MAY BE) ὅν the thing, that which [is] γνωστός, known, capable of being ( known, knowable. Rom. i. 19. LABOUR [noun.] 1. κόπος, a beating; then, as of the breast, wailing, grief; also, the being beat out, weariness ; henee, wearisome effort, toilsome labour. 2. ἔργον, work, labour, business, em- ployment. — John iv. 381st, see L | — Phil. li. 25,see L (com- on (bestow) panion in) 1 38 2nd. 1. 1 Thes. i. 3 1. 1 Cor. iii. 8. 1. ——ii. 9 1. —— xv. 58. 1. iii. 5. 1. 2 Cor. vi. 5. | 1. 2 Thes, iii. 8 1. —x.15. {Ὁ Heb, vie 10 (om. GL 1. — xi. 23. οί) | ΤΎΓΑ κα.) — Gal. iv. 11, see L (be- | 1. Rev. ii. 2 2. Phil. i. 22. — xiv. 19 — Rev. xvi. 6, see L (bestow) LABOUR (zEstow) [verb] Wo. 1.) Rey. xvi. 6. κοπιάω, (see “ LABOUR,” Gal. iv. 11. Ι LABOUR ON (seEstrow) κοπιάω, (see “ LABOUR,” [verb] Wo. 1.) John iv. 38. LABOUR (σοΝΡΑΝΙΟΝ IN) συνεργός, working together in conjunc- tion with, co-operating ; then, as subst.,aco-worker, fellow-labourer. Phil. ii. 25. LABOUR (-£p, -ΕΤΗ, -1NG.) [verb.] 1. κοπιάω, to be beat out, 2.6. to be weary, faint ; then, to weary one’s | self as with labour, to toil. 2. ἐργάζομαι, to work, to labour as at a trade, to do business. wo . σπουδάζω, to speed, to make haste, as manifested in diligence, earnest- ness, or zeal; to give diligence, be in earnest. nse . φιλοτιμέομαι, to be ambitious of doing anything, to exert one’s self from love of honour, to make it a point of honour to do anything. 1. Matt. xi. 28 1. Phil. ii. 16. 1. John iv. 38 — — iv. 3, see L with — — vi. 27, see L for. 1, Col. i. 1, 2 1. Acts xx. 35. — —— iv. 12, see L fer- 1: ἘΠΕ xvi. 12 1st, 12 2nd vently 2. 1 Thes. ii. 9 ἐς Cae. iv. 12. i Wee 1. —— xv. 10. 1. 1 Tim. iv. 10, 1. — xvi. 16. 1. —-v. 17. 4, 2 Cor. ν. 9, marg., en- | 1. 2 Tim. ii. 6. deavour. 3. Heb. iv. 11. 1. Eph. iv. 28. 1. Rev. ii. 3 (ap.) «-.-.-- - LABOUR FERVENTLY. ἀγωνίζομαι, to be a combatant in the public games. Hence, to strive, contend as with a competitor. Col. iv. 12, marg., strive. LABOUR FOR. ἐργάζομαι, (see “ LABOUR,” No. 2.) John vi. 27. LABOUR WITH. συναθλέω, to contend along with any one, 1.6. on his side; to render mutual help in contesting, (oce. Phil. i. 27.) Phil. iv. 3 LABOURER. ἐργάτης, a worker, labourer, as in the Jields. Matt. ix. 37, 38. | — xx, 1, 2,8. Jas, v. 4. Luke κ. 2 twice, 7 1 Tim. v. 18. LABOURER (ΕΕΙΙΟΝ) συνεργός, a working together with, co- operating ; then, as subst., ἃ cCo- worker. Phil. iv. 3. 1. Thes, fii. 2 (ap.) | Philem., i, 24. LABOURER TOGETHER WITH. συνεργός, see above. 1Cor. & LAC LACK [noun. | 2. ὑστέρημα, that which is wanting, hence, want, lack. 2. χρεία, occasion, use, usage, employ- ment; then, from the phrase, “to have occasion,” it signifies need, or necevsity. 1, Phil. i, 00, Ι LACK. (stave) ἐλαττονέω, to make less, to diminish ; then, intrans., to be less, in respect of quantity, to lack, fall short, (non occ.) 2 Cor, vill, 15. | 2, 1 Theos, iv, 12, 1. ὑστερέω, to be last, behind, posterior ; then, to come short of or fail of anything ; hence, to want, be with- out. 2. λείπω, to leave, forsake ; pass., to be left, forsaken of anything, i.e. to be destitute of. i Matt, εἰς, 20, 2, Luke xvili, 22, x. 21, 1. —— αχ, 35, Phil, iv. 10, nee Opportunity. LACKED (rant wuici) 1, 1 Cor. xii. 24, part. LACKETH (rua) ἐνδεής, in want, needy, destitute. Acta iv, 04, LACKETH (ne rat) ᾧ, he to whom [these things are, | py, not, πάρεστι, present. 2 Pet, 1. 9. LACKING (wuicu 18) ὑστέρημα, see “Lack,” No. 1. 1 Cor. xvi, 17. 2 Cor, xi. 9. | 1 Thea, iv, 10, LAD. παιδάριον, a little (elsewhere, “ child.’”’) boy, John vi, 9. [ 439 ] LACK. (εν, -ΕΗΊ, -ΕΤΗ.) [verb.] LAM LADE (-xp, -Ἐν.) 1. σωρεύω, to heap, heap up; to heap up with anything, (occ. Rom. xii. 20.) 2. φορτίζω, to burden, load, lay a burden upon anyone. 2, Luke xi, 46, Ι LADE WITH. ἐπιτίθημι, to place or put upon, lay upon, lade or νο with, Acts xxviii, 10, 1, 2 Tim, Η1, 6, LADEN (Heavy) φορτίζω, (see above, No. 2.) Matt, xi, 28, pass. part. LADING. | φόρτος, what is borne, {:ο. a burden, load, of a ship, the freight, cargo, | (non occ.) Acta xxvii. 10 (popriov,(dim. of above), GL TTrA 5.) er LADY. κυρία, (fem. of κύριος, lord) lady, used asan honourable title of address, as im Ay τ Also a Greek proper name, Kuria or Oyria, (non occ.) 2 John 1, δ, LALD. See, Lay. LAKE, λίμνη, any standing water, pool, lake. Luke v. 1,2 | ν Rev, xix, 20 — vill, 22, 23, 33, Ηε - xx, 10, 14, 10, ov. xxi. 5, LAMA. hapa or λαμμᾶ, lama, i.e. Heb., τοῦ, why ? or wherefore ? Matt, xxvil, 44, | | Mark xv, 54, LAMB (-s.) | 1, ἀρήν, later ἀρνός, lamb, (non 000.) 2. ἀρνίον, (dim. of No. 1) a little lamb, or lamb. [Used in John xxi, 15; but elsewhere, (in the Apocalypse el LAM only) of Christ, probably in con- trast to θήριον, the (wild) beast. The lamb, (ὥς) as if slain, the sacrificial scars, telling of the past sufferings, of present worthiness, and life, ete., and pointing to the cause and ground of future ven- geance. | 8. ἀμνός, a lamb: with art., the lamb, the well-known lamb, provided by God, (Gen. xxii. 8,) and typified by the Paschal Lamt, (non occ.) 1. Luke x. 3. 2, Rev. mii. 11 3. John i. 29, 36. 2,-—— wii. 8,11. 2. — xxi. 15. 2, —— xiv. i. 4twice, 10, 8. Acts viii. 32. 2. —— xv. 3. ‘ 8. 1 Pet. i. 19. 2. —— xvii. 14 twice. 2. Rev. v. 6, 8, 12,18. | 2. —— xix. 7, 9. eo eet 2, —— xxi. 9, 14, 22, 23, 87. 2. —— vii. 9, 10, 14, 17. | 2. —— xxii. 1, 3. LAME. χωλός, lame, crippled ἐπ the feet. Matt. xi. 5. Luke vii. 22, — xv. 30, 81 — xiv. 19. — xxi. 14. Acts iii. 2. LAME MAN. Acts iii. 11, (avrod, he, instead of τοῦ ἰαθέντος χωλοῦ, the lame man which was healed, α 1, T Tr A §.) LAME (THAT WHICH Is) (τὸ, the thing, ) > ὶ χωλός, lame, } Heb. xii. 18. the lame member. LAMENT (-£p.) 1. θρηνέω, to weep aloud, wail, mourn. 2. κόπτω, to beat, to cut. Here, mid., to beat or cut one’s self, i.e. the breast, as the expression of grief. . John xvi. 20, 2. Matt. xi. 17. i . Rev. xviii. 9. 1. Luke xxiii. 27. toe LAMENTATION. 1. θρῆνος, loud weeping, wailing, (non occ.) 2. κοπετός, beating of the breast; hence, lamentation, (non occ.) 1. Matt. ii. 18 (om. G2 L T Tr A κα.) 2, Acts viii. 2. [ 0 ] | | | | | | | | | | | LAN LAMP (-s.) λαμπάς, α torch. Eastern torches were Sed with oil from a little vessel con- structed for the purpose, the ἀγγείον of Matt. xxv. 4, (oce. John xviii. 8 ; Acts xx. 8.) | Matt. xxv. 1, 3, 4, 8 LAND (-s.) [moun.] 1. γῆ, earth, land, in contrast with water and with heaven. Rev. iv. 5. — viii. 10. 2. χώρα, space which receives, contains, or surrounds anything, and 80, place, spot where one is, or any- thing takes place ; place, country, (esp., as opp. to the city.) . χωρίον, (dim., in form, of No. 2, but not in sense) place, a field, farm, possession. ο” 4. . ξηρός, dry, with art., the dry land as opp. to the sea. ἀγρός, afield, esp.,a cultivated field. σι 1, Matt. ii. 6, 20, 21. 1. Luke xxiii. 44, marg. 1, —— iv. 15 twice. | (text, earth.) ” 1. —— ix. 26. 1. John iii. 22, 1. —x. 15. 1. — vi. 21. 1. —— xi. 24. 1. —— xxi. 6, 9, 11 | 1. —xiv. 34 3. Acts iv. 34. 4, —— xix. 29 4, 37. 5. —— πα. 15 8. —v. 3, 8. 1. — xxvii. 45 1. —— vii. 3, 4 twice, 6, 2. Mark i. 5. 1: ll (om. Ge LT 1. — iv. 1. TrARN.) 1. —— vi. 47, 53 ᾱ, 29, 96, 40. 4. ——x. 29, 30. 2. ——x. 39. 1. — xv. 38. 1. —— xiii. 17, 19 twice. 1. Luke iv. 25. 1. —— xxvii. 39. 1. —-yv. 3,11. 1. ——— 45, and see Τὶ Ἱ ια ον 1. 4. [(get to) 1. —— xiv. 35. 1. Heb. viii. 9. 2. —— xv. 14 1. — xi. 9, 1. —— xxi. 23 -- 29, see Dry. 1. Jude 5. LAND (Ger το) ἔξειμι, to get out, ἐπὶ, upon, τὴν, the, γῆν, land. { ( Acts xxvii. 45. LAND (ἕν, -1na.) [verb.] 1. κατάγω, to lead down; as a nautical term, to bring a ship down to land, then, to land. | | LAN [ 441 ] LAT 2. κατέρχομαι, to go or come down, to descend, either from a higher to a | LAST. | j lower country, or from the high seas | | 1. ἔσχατος, the last, the extreme, the most remote; with ref. to time, that which concludes anything. 2. ὕστερον, at last, afterwards. down to land. 2. Acts xviii. 22, 1, Acts xxi. 3 (No. 2, LTTrAR.) 1. Acts xxviii. 12. — Matt. xii. 45, see L 1. John viii. 9 (ap.) 1 state (as) 1, —— xi. 24. bey . — xix. 30 twice. 1, — xii. 48. LANE (-s.) 1. —xx.8, 12,14, 16tvice 1. Acts ii. 17. » , — —— xxi. 37,see Lofall. | 1. 1 Cor. iv. 9. ῥύμη, (from ῥύομαι, to draw) a narrow | > ag! “joanna . — xv. 8 (adv.), 26, 45, street or lane of a city, (occ. Matt. ge . . “Ὁ the Bc xi. a vi. 12; Acts ix. 11, xii. 10.) i cee a. ‘7 νέων... ' 1. Mark ix. 35. 1. 2 Tim, iii. 1. Luke xiv. 21. 1, —— x. 3] twice. 1 Heb. i. 2. : — aan va ax, 1. Jas. v. 3. oo v..GeL 1. 1 Pet. i. 5, 29, LANGUAGE. Tr AR.) 1. 2 Pet. iii. 3. ¥ ; — Luke xi. 26, seeL state 1. 1 John ii. 18 twiee. διάλεκτος, speech, manner of speaking 1, tthe) 1, Jude 18. ἣ peculiar to a particular people or | y ΧΗΣ δ twice 1 ee Be & i γ" dialect (else- | 2. —— xx. 32. ee nation, a language ο ( 1. John vi. 39, 40, 44,54. 1. —— xxi 9, where, “ TONGUE.”’) 1. — vii. 37. | 1. —— xxii. 18, Acts ii. 6. LAST (at THe) 1. ὕστερον, at last, afterwards. LANTERN (-s.) ipa eyes any kind of light, (non 2. ποτέ, when, whenever, at any time. John xviii. 8, 1, Matt. xxvi.60. | 8. Phil iv. 10. ΤΑΟΡΙΟΡΑΝ. | LAST OF ALL. Λαοδικεύς, a Laodicean. (when only one Greek word.) Col. iv. 16. φ Rey. iii, 14, (ἐν Λαοδικείᾳ, in Laodicea, AV™,G 1, Σ | Όστερον, at last, afterwards. Tr Α δὲ) (marg., in dicea.) Matt. xxi. 37. asa δν LAST STATE (τπε) 1. μέγας, great, large, of physical mag- | μὰ the, ἴ — (oce. Εν ; | 2 Pet. ii, 20.) 2. ἱκανός, coming to, reaching to, and | ἔσχατα, last things, hence, sufficing, sufficient. | Sen pared Ἴ . xxviii. 12. 1. Luke xxii. 19. it Mark xiv. 15. —Galiel, Ἡ seo Haw. LATCHET. — Rev. xxi. 16, see As. wn : ᾿ μάς, a thong, a strap of leather, with which the sandal was bound to the ου teh [pare] : Soot, (occ. Acts xxii. 25.) ἀπώλεια, loss, destruction; here, heresies eee ee of destruction, 1.6. destructive "John i. 97. οὐ «αὐτο, heresies. 2 Pet. ii. 2, (ext CLT τὰν} (ἀσέλγοια, wanton, LATE (OF) νῦν, now, just now. LASCIVIOUSNESS. John xi. 8. ἀσέλγεια, excess, immoderation in any- > > thing; hence, licentiousness, wan- LATELY. tonness. προσφάτως, recently, lately, newly, Mark vii. 22. Eph. iv. 19. (non οσο.) 2 Cor. xii. 21. 1 Pet. iv. 3. Gal. v. 19. Jude 4. Acts xviii. 2. LAT LATIN (zy) Ἑωμαΐστι, in the Roman tongue, (non occ.) — a [ | | John xix. 20. LATIN (or) Ῥωμαϊκός, Roman, (non occ.) | Luke xxiii. 38 (ap.) | | LATTER. . ὄψιμος, late, latter, as opp. to earlier, (non occ.) 2. Tim. iv. Jas. v. 7. . ὕστερος, latter, last, (non occ.) | | -- 2 Pet. ii. 20, see End LAUD. ἐπαινέω, to praise upon, to applaud, repeat the praises of any one, (occ. 1 Cor. xi. 2,17, 22; Luke xvi. 8.) Rom, xv. 11. | γελάω, to laugh as im joy or triumph, (non occ.) Luke vi. 21, 25. LAUGH (-ep.) [verb.] | καταγελάω, (the above, with κατά, down, prefixed) to laugh down, to laugh at, deride, sf ace.) | LAUGH TO SCORN. | | Matt. ix. 24. Mark v. Luke η 53. | LAUGHTER. γέλως, laughter, as of joy or triumph, (non oce.) Jas. iv. 9. LAUNCH. ἀνάγω, to lead up; as a nautical term, to lead a ship up or out, upon the | sea. Acts xxi. 1. | Acts xxvii. 2, 4, part. LAUNCH FORTH. Luke viii. 22. [ 42 ] LAW LAUNCH OUT. ἐπανάγω, (the above, with ἐπὶ, upon, prefixed) to lead up upon, to lead (a ship) up or out upon the sea put out to sea. Luke v. 4. LAW. 1. νόμος, anything divided out, what one has in use or possession: hence, usage, custom, right, ordi- nance ; law as prescribed by custom or statute ; then, in a special sense, the laws of state and equity com- mitted to writing, (the νόμοι was used of written laws as ἔθη was of the unwritten,) hence, νόμος became the established name for law when set up in a state and recognised as a standard for the administra. tion of justice. In theBible, ὃ νόμος (i.e. with the art.), signifies the law of the Israelites, the Divine law with its various enactments. When νόμος is used in this sense, without the art., stress as laid, not upon its historical im- press or outward form, but upon the conception of law; not upon the law which God gave, but upon law as given by ἄοά, as the only one that is or can be. For law in the true sense, as the expression of the will of God, has but one his- torical embodiment. * denotes νόμος, without the art. 2. ἀγορᾶιος, pertaining to the forum, forensic ; hence, with some word understood, ἀγόραιοι ἄγοντες, for- ensic, or judicial days are held, i.e. there are public trials held in the forum. . Luke xvi. 16, 17. . — xxiv. 4, . John i. 17, 45. . —— Vii. 19 twice, 23, 49, 51 - viii. 5 (ap.), 17. 34. 1. Matt. v. 17, 18. | 40, see L (sue at x. 35, see Daugh- ter and Mother. ΙΝ xi. 13, 1, —— xii. 5. 1. —— xxii. 36, 40. 1. -- xxiii. 23. , xii. 34, » — xv. 25. XViii. Father. 31. 13, see 1. Luke ii. 15, 1 ‘ | 1. —— xix. 7. —— V. 17, "gee L (doc- -- Acts v, 34, see Ls ‘doce tor of the) tor of) 1. ——x. 26. 1, —— vi. 13. — —— xii. 53, see Daugh- | 1. —— vii. 53. ter and Mother. ‘1, —— xiii. 15, 39. LAW 1. Acts xv. 5, 24 (ap.) — xviii. 13, 15. 2. —— xix. 38, marg., court-days. 1. —— xxi. 20, 24, 28. 1. — xxii. 3, 1. — xxiii. 3 1st. = σα 3 2nd, see L (con- trary to the) 1. —— 29. 1, —— xxiv. 6 (ap.), 14. 1. —— xxv. 8. — Rom. ii. 12 1st & 2nd, gee L (without) 1". 12 3rd ἃ 4th. 1, —— 1315 (om. art. L TTrAn.) . —— 132nd (om. art G=sLTTrAn.) ic. 14 Ist. 1. 14 2nd. 15. 14 3rd ἃ 4th, 1. —— 1b. 1, ——17 (om. art. G = LTTrAn.) = 16, 20. 1, 93 1st 1, —— 23 2nd. 1*, 25 twice. 1. —— 26, 27 1st. 1". 27 2nd. 1. — iii. 19 twice. 1", 20 twice, 2] Ist. ia 21 2nd, 27 Ist. 1". 27 3πὰ 28,91 twice. το iv. 19, 14. 1 15 Ast 1*. 15 2nd 1. 16 1*.— v. 18 twice, 20, 1*.— vi. 14, 15. 15. vii. 1 1st 7. 1 2nd. 1". 9 Ist. ἃ, 24nd, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7 Ast. 1". 7 2nd 1. 7 3rd. 15, 8, 9. 1, ——— 12, 14, 16, 21, 22. 1*. 23 1st. : 23 2nd & 3rd. 15. 25 twice. 1, — viii. 2twice, 3, and see L, could not do (what), 4, 7. — —— ix. 4,see L (giving of the) 15. 31 twice. ) ἢ 32 (om. ὁ νόμος, the law, α = L ΤΊΣ AR, 1.6. works instead of the works of the law.) 1*. Rom. x. 4. LAW (anovur τής) νομικός, pertaining or relating to law. Tit. iii. 9. [ 443 Ἱ] LAW ges er ΤΝ teacher and expounder of the —1Cor. vi. I, 6, 7, see L Jewish law, (occ. 1 Tim. i. 7.) (go to) 1*.—~ vii. 39 (om. νόμω, + Luke v. 17 Ι by the ἴαιυν, α LT Tr Acts v. 34. AR.) 1, — ix. 8, 9. 1*, 20'3 times LAW (ατντνα oF THE) — ——- 2] 1st, 2nd, ἃ 3rd, sis : : see L (without) γοµοθεεία, lawgiving, legislation, the τ 1,1} eee (an iving of a code of | der the)” i giving of a code of laws, (non occ.) = 2 » see : ου Rom. ix. 4. 1. —~ xiv. 21, 34. - —— XV. 00. 15. Gal. i116 3 sme 19,21 LAW (αο το) ΣΕ 1. κρίνω, to divide, to separate; to 1, —— 12, 13, 17. make a distinction, come to a de- ‘id 19; 21 Int & 2nd. cision, to judge. In prof. Greek, 1", 21 νὰ, 23, to call anyone to account, begin 1*,—— iy. 4, 5, 211s. a lawsuit. (Mid. or pass., oce. τ 2] 2nd. Matt. v. 40.) roads ᾿ . 9. § κρίματα, lawsuits, 1*.—— 18, 23 ἔχω, to have. 1, — vi. 2. A oe 1,,6. | 2 10ος. νἱ. 7. 1. Eph. ii. 15. 1”. Phil. iii. 5, 6, 9. —1 Tim. i. 7, see L (teacher of the) LAW (RECEIVE THE) 9. νομοθετέω, to make or give laws, to py θιβββκσ | establish as law. Hence, in N.T. 1. Heb. vii. 5. ass., to be legislated for, receive -- τη πα σαν. ws * , 16. ; he ἢ 19, 28 twice’ 9) Heb. vii. 11. 1. —— viii. 4. Pe 9 (insert art τε ix. insert art. ) L Tr A Nb) LAW (sve aT THE) ΓΑ αχ. oes κρίνω, see “ L (Go TO),” ING. ‘1. 1 8 (om. art. G— T Tr Ab δ) Matt. v. 40. ΤΙ 16. 13, ; ας. LAW (TEACHER OF THE) = ΣΝ Oe i A ae νομοδιδάσκαλος, see “LAW (DOCTOR OF”). 1*.—— iv, 11 4 times. 1 Tim. i.7. —1 John iii. 41st, see L (transgress the) 4 2nd, see L | (transgressionof the) LAW (TRANSGRESS THE) { ἀνομία, lawlessness. ( ποιέω, to do. 1 John iii. 4. LAW (TRANSGRESSION OF THE) LAW (conTrary TO THE) παρανομέω, to act aside from law, (non occ.) Acts xxiii. 3, part. LAW (ποστοκ oF), (p. ο. THE) νομοδιδάσκαλος, a law-teacher, ie. a ἀνομία, lawlessness, contempt of law. 1 John iii. 4. LAW (UNDER THE) évvonos, What is within the range of law, in the law, (occ. Acts xix. 39.) 1 Cor. ix. 20 (followed by χριστὸν, of Christ, instead of χριστῷ, to Christ, ἃ ον LT Tr AN.) 21. LAW LAW (witrHotvt) 1. ἄνομος, without law, lawless. 2. ἀνόμως, (adv. of above.) 2, Rom. ii. 12twice, 11. 1 Cor. ix, 21 4times. LAW COULD NOT DO (waar THE) τὸ, the thing, ἳ ἀδύνατος, impossible, του, by the, νόμου, law, what was im- possible by the law. Rom. viii. 3. LAWFUL. ἔννομος, what is within the range of the law, based upon law, and governed and determined according to law, (οσο. 1 Cor. ix. 21.) Acts xix, 39, marg., ordinary. LAWFUL (azz) ἔξεστι, (impers. verb) it is possible, one can, referring to moral possibility or propriety ; hence, it is right, it is permitted, one may. Acts xvi. 21. 1 Cor. vi. 12 twice. 1 Cor. x. 23 twice. LAWEUL (1s) Matt. xii. 2. | Mark ii. 24, 26. Luke vi. 2. LAWFUL (ir 15) [ 444 1 LAY LAWLESS. ἄνομος, without law, lawless. 1 Tim. i. 9. LAW YER. νομικός, pertaining 07) relating to law; of persons, skilled in the law. Matt. xxii. 35. Luke vii. 30. — x. 25. Luke xi. 45, 46, 52. — xiv. 3. Tit. iii. 13. LAY (-ING, LAID, LAIN.) 1. τίθημι, to set, to place, to lay. κατατίθημι, (No.1, with κατά, down, prefixed) to set, put, or lay down, deposit. βάλλω, to throw, to cast, the force being modified by the contect. 4. καταβάλλω, (Wo. 3, with κατά, down, prefixed) to throw or cast down. In mid., used of laying down as a foundation. κλίνω, to incline, to recline, to bow or lay the head. ἀνακλίνω, (No. 5, with ἀνά, up in, prefixed) to lay up in, (esp. upon a tricliniwm, in order to take a meal.) ip φέρω, to bear, as a burden; to bear or bring as a charge against anyone. — Matt. iii. 10, see L (be) — — vi.19, 20, see Lup. 3. —— viii. 14. 5. 20. —— xii. 11, 2 _see ——-xiv.3, § Hold. —— xviii. 18, see Hands. — — xix. 15, see L on. | —-—— xxi. 46, see Hands. Matt. xii. 10, 12. Mark xii. 14. —— xiv. 4. Luke vi. 4, 9. — xix. 3 — xiv. 3. — xx. 15 —— xx, 22, —— xxii. 17 John ν. 10, —— xxvii. 6. —— xviii. 31. Mark iii. 4 Acts xxii. 25. — vi. 18 2 Cor. xii. 4, marg., it is | —x.2 possible. LAWFUL (was) Matt. xii. 4. LAWFULLY. νομίμως, lawfully, according to law and custom, (ποπ occ.) 1 Tim. i. 8. | 2 Tim, ii. 5. LAWGIVER. νομοθέτης, a lawgiver, legislator. Jas. iv. 12, — — xxvi. 55, 57, see Hold. 1. — xxvii. 60. — Mark iii. 21, see Hold. — — v. 23, see L on. — — vi. 5, see L upon. 17, see Hold. 1. 29, 56. — —— vii. 8, see Laside. 3. 30. — — xii. 12, see — — xiv. 51, Hold. 2. — xv.46(No.1, L Tr AR.) 1. 47, 5 xvi. 6. — Luke i. 66, see L up. 6. αν, — — iii. 9, see L (be) — — iv. 40, see Lon, 1. — v. 18. 1. —— vi. 48. 5. — ix. 58. — — xi. 54, see L wait for. (be) — — xii. 19, see — Luke xii. 21, see Trea- sure. xiii. 13, see L (on.) 1, —— xiv. 29, part. 3. —— xvi. 20. — — xix. 20, see L up (be) 21, 22, (down.) 44, see Ground. — —— xxiii. 26, seeHold. see L Te 53 lst. ης 53 2nd, see L (be) ils 55. — — xxiv. 12,566 L (be) — John viii. 20, see Hands. — — x. 15, 17, 18 twice, see L down. 1. — xi, 34, 1, see L (be) xiii. 4, see Laside. - 37, 38,2 see L — — xv. 13, down. 1. —— xix. 41, 42. 1, —— xx. 2, 13, 15. — —— xxi. 9, see L there- on (be) 1. Acts iii. 2. — — iv. 3, see L on. - 35, see L down, 1ι 87. 1. ——v. 2, 15. — —— vi. 6, see L on. up | 1. — vii. 16, | | i | } | | | | — — xiii. 3, see L on. — — vi. 12, see Hold. 1, 5 === 19 1st, see Store. - 36, see Lunto. | — 19 2nd, see Hold. — — xv. 28, | —2 Tim. iv. 8, see L up mee τὶ og, $ cee 3 (he) σας) 3905. τς. 16, see Charge. —— xxiii. 29, see | — Heb. i. 10, see Foun- Charge. | dation. 9 - 80, see L wait. | 4. —— Heb. vi.1, mid. 7. —— xxv. 7. i— 18, see Hold. — — xxviii. 3, 8, see L | — —— xii.l, see L aside. on. | — Jas. i. 21, see L apart. 1. Rom. ix. 33. — 1 Pet. ii. 1, see L aside. — — xvi.4,seuidown, | 1. 6. ΠΠ, down. 1, 1 Cor. iii. 10, 11 1st. | —1 John iii. 16twice, see 112nd, see L (be) | — Rev. xx. 2, see Hold. LAY APART. ἀποτίθεμαι, to put off from one’s self, to lay aside. Jas. i. 21, LAY ASIDE. ἀποτίθεμαι, (see above.) ἀφίημι, to send forth or away, let go from one’s self; hence, to ne- glect, omit. τίθημι, to set, place, lay. 1. Heb. xii. 1. 2. Mark vii. 8. | 1. 1 Pet. τὶς 1. 3. John xiii. 4. LAY DOWN. 1. τίθημι, to set, place, lay. ὑποτίθημι, (No. 1, with ὑπό, under, prefixed) to set ο» put under, lay under, as the neck under the axe of the executioner, (occ. 1 Tim. iv. 6, mid.) ἀποτίθεμαι, to put off from one’s self, lay aside. 1, Luke xix. 21, 22. 1. Acts iv. 35. 1. John x. 15, 17, 18twice. 3. —— vii. 58. 1, — xiii. 37, 38, 2. Rom. xvi. 4. 1, —— xv. 13. 1, 1 John iii. 16twice. LAY ON. 1. ἐπιτίθημι, to set, place, or lay upon. 2. ἐπιβάλλω, to throw or cast upon. 1, Matt. xix. 15. | 2. Acts iv. 3. 1, Mark v. 23. 1, —— vi. 6. 1. Luke iv. 40. 1, —— viii. 17, 19. 1, — xiii. 13. 1. —— xiii. 3. 1. —— xxiii, 26. | 1. —— xxviii. 3, 8. 1, 1 Tim. v, 22, LAY Γ 445 7 LAT - ii. 58,566 Ldown. . — 1 Cor.ix. 16,see Lupon ee, ace Olinrae! 1, σα xvi. 2. (be) ξ LAY UN TO. πα 1, 18, see Te OO t Scee'L up (be) Τροστίθημι, to set, put, lay unto, to- ae — ix. 97. | = Piece. τ τα Τι on. wards or with anything. Acts xiii. 36, LAY. UP, 1. τίθημι, to set, place, lay. Mid., to set or put for one’s self, on one’s own part. 2. θησαυρίζω, to treasure up, lay up in store. 2. Matt. vi.19,20. | 1. Luke i. 66, mid. 2. 2 Cor. xii. 14. LAY. UPON. επιτίθημι, to set, place, lay upon. Mark vi. 5. | Acts xvi. 23, part. Acts xv, 28. —— xix, 6, part. —————s LAY WAIT. ἐπιβουλή, counsel upon or against, plot, μέλλειν, to be on the point to, ἔσεσθαι, to be about to be. Acts xxiii. 30, (om. ὑπὸ τῶν Ιουδαίων, L T Tr A ἐξ, and om. µελλειν, LT ΤΥ AR.) 16. “a plot was about to be laid,” instead of, “how that the Jews laid wait,”’ ἐνεδρεύω, to lie in ambush for or against, (in war.) Luke xi. 54, (om. G =) LAID (sr) κεῖμαι, to lie, and also to be laid, Matt. iii. 10. Luke iii. 9. — xxiii. 53. Luke xxiv. 12 (ap, John xi. 41 (ap.) 1 Cor. iii. 11. ---.-. LAID THEREON (zr) ἐπίκειμαι, (the above, with ἐπί, upon, pre- Jixed,) to lie upon, to be laid upon. John xxi. 9, LAID UP (ar) 1. κεῖμαι, to lie, to be laid. 2. ἀπόκειμαι, to be laid away, laid up, Sor preservation; to be in store for. 1. Luke xii. 19. | 2. Col. i. 5. 2. —— xix, 20, 2, 2 Tim, iv, 8, | LAY WAIT FOR. | | LAI LAID UPON (55) ἐπίκειμαι, to lie upon, be laid upon. 1 Cor. ix. 16. ἐπιβουλή, counsel upon ον against, a lot P Acts ix. 24 LAYING ON ἐπίθεσις, a placing upon, laying upon, as of hands. Acts viii 18. | Heb. vi. 2. 1 Tim. iv, 14, LEAD (-ETH; LED, -EsT.) 1. ἄγω, to lead, conduct, (used in a variety of modifications which are determined by the context.) 2. ἀνάγω, (Wo. 1, with ἀνά, up to, pre- Jjixed) to lead up, to conduct up as from a lower to a higher place. 3. ἀπάγω, (No. 1, with ἀπό, away from, prefixed) to lead away, conduct away. 4. ὁδηγέω, to lead the way. 5. φέρω, to bear, to bear along, bear ο) bring forth. . Matt. vii. 13, 14. . — xv. 14. 3 1. Acts viii. 32. 4 1. Mark xiii. 11. 1 4 — —— ix. 8, see Hand. 5. —— xii. 10. . Luke iv. 1, 29. — — xxii. 11, see Hand. . —— vi. 39. _ 1. Rom. ii. 4. — — xxi. 11,566 Hand. ! 1. ——viii. 14. 1. — xxii. 54. 1. 1 Cor. xii. 2. 2. 66 (No. 3, T Tr | 1. Gal. v. 18. AR.) 1, —— xxiii. 1, 32. 1, John xviii. 28. — Eph. iv.8, see Captive. — 1 Tim. ii. 2, see Life. | — 2 Tim.iii.6,see Captive. 4, Rev. vil. 17, LEAD ABOUT. περιάγω, to lead around or about. 1 Cor. 1x. 5. | LEAD AWAY. | 1. ἄγω, see “ LEAD,” No. 1. 2. ἄπαγω, see “ LEAD,” No. 3. , Matt. xxvi. 57. Ι xxvii. 2, 31. . Mark xiv. 44, 53. — xv. 16. . Luke xiii. 15, see be- low. . Luke xxiii, 26. . John xviii. 18 (Νο, 1, L T Tr Ab XN.) . —— xix. 16 (No.1, G) (om.G—+LT Tr A.) 1, 2 Tim. iii. 6. τὸ τὸ sooo nes [ 446 ] | LEAD AWAY TO WATERING. LEA ------- a) ‘\ { ἀπαγαγὼν, leading [16] away, ( ποτίζει, giveth [7¢] drink. Luke xiii. 15. A LEAD AWAY WITH. συναπάγω, to lead off or away with any one. 2 Pet. iii. 17. LEAD INTO. 1. εἰσάγω, to lead into, (with εἰς, into.) 2. εἴσφερω, to bear, bear along, (with εἰς, into.) 3. συναγω, to lead together with. 1. Matt, vi. 13. {3. Rev. xiii. 10 (ἀπάγω, lead 2. Luke xi. 4. | away,G~) (om. LT ΤΥ Α ἐξ, 1, Acts xxi. 37. 1.6. ‘is for,” instead of, [‘‘leadeth into,’’) LEAD OUT. ἐξάγω, to lead out, conduct out from. Mark viii. 23 (ἐκφέρω, to Luke xxiv. 50. bring forth, T ΤΥ Α δ.) John x. 3. — xv. 20 (aya, tolead,L.) Acts xxi. 38 Heb. viii. 9. LEAD UP. 1. ἀνάγω, to lead up, to conduct up. 2. ἀναφέρω, to bear upwards, carry up. 1, Matt. tv. 1. Ι 2, Mark ix. 2 LEADER. ὁδηγός, way-leader, 1.6. a leader in the way, a guide. Matt. xv. 14, LEAF. φύλλον, a leaf, (non oce.) Matt. xxi. 19. Mark xi. 13 twice. — xxiv. 32. -—— xiii. 28. Rev. xxii. ο, LEAN (-kp, -1na.) [verb.] 1. ἀνάκειμαι, to be laid up; to recline as at table, upona triclinium, where the one who was next was in the bosom of the other. ἀναπίπτω, to fall upon or towards, 1.6. to fall down, to lie down. 2, 1, John xiii. 28. Ι 2. John xxi, 20, LEA LEAP (-rp, -ING.) 1. ἄλλομαι, to leap, jump, spring, (οσο. John iv. 14.) | 2. σκιρτάω, to spring, bound, wsed of |} 2, [ 447 J LEA LEAST. . ἐλάχιστος, the least, in magnitude, number, or quality. μικρός, small, little, (properly of maq- horses, and the skip or frolic of nitude.) goats, (occ. Luke vi. 23.) 1. Matt. ii, 6. 2. Acts vili.10. Led. - iii, 82nd. . — ν. 1919199. — 1Cor. vi. 4, see Esteem- | Aeimaly 23 φομ for joy. : aaa τ io. r Lok re we 45. 1. —— xv. 9. 1 — Acts iii, 8 150, see L up. | — —— xix. 16, see L on. © Xvi. ἂν, 12. Heb, viii 11. LEAP FOR JOY. LEAST (1) 2, Luke vi. 93, καί, and, αλ” γε, indeed, ; truly. LEAP ON. Luke xix, 42, (om. Lb Tr A> δ) (om. καί, T.) ἐφάλλομαι, (with ἐπὶ) to leap, jump or ἐξάλλομαι, to leap out of, 1.6 from the | spring upon, (zon occ.) Acts xix, 16, LEAP UP. place where one sat or was. Acts iii. 8. LEARN (-5pD, -1NG.) 1. μανθάνω, to learn, intellectually from others, or from study and observa- tion, to be informed, to under- stand, (οσο. Acts xxiii. 27.) 2. παιδεύω, to train up a child, and hence, gen , to educate, discipline, instruct. LEAST (at THe) κἄν, for καί ἐάν, and if, also if, even if. although. Acts v. 15. LEAST (1888 THAN THE) ἐλάχιστοτερος, (superl. of No. 1) far less, less than least, (non occ.) Eph. iii. 8. LEAST (τΗΑΤ WHICH Is) ἐλάχιστος, the least. Luke xvi. 10. LEAST (τπλτ THING WHICH Is) 1, Matt. ix. 13. 1 1. Gal. iii, 2. ἐλάχιστος, the least. 1. — xi. 29. Ϊ 1. Eph. iv. 20. ἐκάη ον art 1, — xxiv. 32 H 1. Phil. iv. 9, 11. MAS στα, οὖς 1. Mark xiii, 28 Γι. she Col. τ John oe \ = 1 Tim. cet HERN -—— Vil, . ο. = il. . me Se a 839 1 ἔτι v. 4, "εὖ zs LEATHE earne’ : im. 111,7, 14 twice. iat oe E ale ιν Tit. Gi, 14, δερμάτινος, made of skin, leathern, (οσο. 1. 1 Cor. iv. 6. 1. Heb. v. 8. Mark i. 6.) 1, — xiv. 31, 35. 1. Rev. xiv. 3, ae hd LEARNED (8Ὲ) 2, Acts vii. 22. LEARNING [noun.] 1. γράμμα, the thing written, i.e. some- thing written or cut in with the stylus in the ancient manner of writing; hence, a letter, as of the alphabet. Here, only plural, letters ; hence, learning. 2. διδασκαλία, teaching, instruction. LEAVE (etve) [noun. } ἐπιτρέπω, to turn upon, direct upon, but usually, to commit or entrust to any one’s care, refer a matter to a person, leave it to his arbitration; hence, to permit. Mark v. 13. | John xix. 38. LEAVE OF (axe) 1. ἀποτάσσομαι, (mid.) to arrange one’s self off, separate one’s self from, evi, 24 3 > iY ear a i.e. to take leave of, bid farewell. 1. John να, 15, marg, | 2. Rom, xv. 4. (text, letters.) ως LEA 2. ἀσπάζομαι, to draw to one’s self ; hence, to embrace, salute, spoken of those who meet or separate. 1. Acts xviii. 18, part. 2, xxi.6, part (απασπάζομαι, to tear one’s self away, 1, τ Έτ Α δὲ) 1. 2 Cor. ii. 19. LEAVE (-ΕΤΗ, -1nG, LEFT.) [verb. | 1. ἀφίημι, to send forth or away, to let go from one’s self; then, to let go from one’s further notice, care, etc., to leave, let alone. ἀνίημι, to send up, or forth, to let up, let go, relax, loosen. καταλείπω, to leave down, fo one’s heirs, leave behind so as to descend to them ; gen., to leave behind, but prop. at one’s death; hence, to leave, quit wholly, utterly forsake. ἀπολείπω, (No. 3, with ἀπό, from, in- stead of κατά, down, prefixed) to leave away from one’s self; to leave behind. ἐγκαταλείπω, (Wo. 3, with ἐν, τη, pre- Jixed) to leave behind in, to leave remaining. ὑπολείπω, (No. 3, with ὑπό, under, instead of κατά, down, prefixed) to leave under, to leave behind, as implying concealment. παύω, to pause, cease, refrain from anything. ἐάω, to let, suffer, allow, permit ; spoken of things, to let be, leave alone, desist. 9. ὑπολιμπάνω, (a lengthened form of | No. 6) to leave behind. 1, Matt. iv. 11. 1, Mark xiii. 2, 34, 8. 3. 3. — xiv. 52. 1 20, 22. 1. Luke iv. 39. 1. —— Vv. 24 τι v. 4. 1. —— viii. 15. 3. 28. — —— xv. 37, see L (be) | 1. ——x. 30. 3. —— xvi 3. 40. 1, —— xviii. 12. 1. —— xi. 42, 3. xix. 5. 1, — xiii. 35. 3, —— xxi. 17. 3. —— xv. 4. 1, —— xxii. 22, 25. 1, —— xvii. 34, 35,36 (ap.) 1, — xxiii. 23, 38. 1. —— xviii, 28, 29, 1, —— xxiv. 2, 40, 41. 1. — xix. 44. 1, —— xxvi. 4. | 3. —— xx. 31. 1. Mark i. 20, 31. |} 1. —— xxi. 6. — - viii. 8, see L (that | 1. John iv. 3, 28, 52. was) | 3. —— viii. 9 (ap.) 1. - 3. "ἂν 29. 3. ——x. 7. | 1. ——x. 12. lL 28, 29. |} 1. —— xiv. 18, 27. 1. —— xii, 19, | 1, —— xvi. 28, 32. 3. 19 1st. 22. | 5. Acts ii. 27. (TTrAN. τ 19204, 20,231(α».)}) 3, 31 (No. 5, ἃ Ὁ [ 448 J 9. Acts vi. 2. 3 3. —— xiii. 19. rr 1. —— xiv. 17. 4, 2 Tim, iv. 18, 20. 3. —— xxi. 3. 8. Tit. i. 5 (No. 4, GaL ae 82. TTrARn.) 8. —— xxiii. 32. -- 5, marg. (seeUn- 3, —— xxiv. 27. 1. Heb. ii. 8 [ . 3. — xxv. 14. 3. — iv. 1 8. —— xxvii. 40, marg. | 1. ——vi.1 (text, commit.) 2. —— xiii. 5 1. Rom. i. 27. 9. 1 Pet. ii. 21. 5. —— ix, 29. 4. Jude 6. 6. —— xi. 3. 1. Rev. ii. 4. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 19. — — xi. 2, see L out, LEAVE OUT. ἐκβάλλω, to throw out, cast out. Rev. xi. 2, marg. cast out. LEFT (sr) περισσεύω, to be over and above, to exceed tn number or measure. Mark xv. 37. LEFT (twat was) περίσσευμα, What is more than enough, left over. Mark vii. 8. SS ὉΠ LEAVEN [noun.] ζύμη, leaven, sour dough. Hence, as leaven causes to ferment and turn sour, it is used in the sense of cor- ruption, (non occ.) Matt. xiii. 33. Luke xii. 1. —— xvi. 6, 11, 12. iii, 21. Mark viii, 15 twice. 1 Cor. ν. 6, 7, 8 twice. Gal. v. 9. ιο ---- LEAVEN (-Εν, -Ετῃ.) [verb.] ζυµόω, to leaven, to make ferment, hence, to corrupt, (non occ.) Matt, xiii. 33. Luke xiii. 21. 1 Cor. v. 6, (δολόω, to de- ceive, α ο) Gal. v. 9 LEBBUS. Λεββαῖος, Lebbeus or Lebbeus, the name of the Apostle Jude.) Matt. x. 3, (om. AeBBatos ὁ ἐπικληθεὶς, Lebbeus, whose surname was, G@ -- L Tr &,) (om. ὁ ἐπικληθεὶς Θαδδαῖος, whose surname was Thaddeus, T A.) LEFT [verb.] See, LEAVE. LEFT [adj.] ἀριστερός, the left, (occ. 2 Cor. vi. 7.) Matt, vi. 3, | Luke xxiii, 43. LEF [ 449 ] LES LEFT FOOT. LEOPARD. εὐώνυμος, of good name, honoured ; | πάρδαλις, 3 panther, leopard, (non 006.) hence, of good omen, and used in να speaking of the left, instead of the eed above, which was a word of ill omen, LEPER (5) since all omens on the left were re- gardedasunfortunate by the ancients. Rev. x. 2. LEFT (on THE,) 07 (ON ONE’S) 1. ἀριστερός, left, 2é 2. ἐξ, of, } on the left. εὐωνυμων, 866 above, ) 2. Matt. xx. 21, 23. | 2, Matt. xxvii. 38. 2. —— xxv. 33 ἢ 2. Mark xv. 27. 1. 2 Cor. vi. 7. LEFT HAND (on THE,) 07 (ON ONE’S) 2. Matt. xxv. 41. 2. Mark x. 37 (ἀριστερός, T Tr.) 2. Mark x. 40. LEG. σκέλος, theleg, (from the hip tothe foot.) John xix. 31, 32, 33. LEGION. λεγεών, legion, the largest division of troops in the Roman army, varying at different periods from 3,000 to 6,600. Used for an indefinitely great number. Matt. xxvi. 53. Mark v. 9. Mark v. 15. Luke viii. 30. LEISURE (ave) εὐκαιρέω, to have a good season, have leisure, have opportunity. Mark vi. 31. LEND. 1. δανείζω, to lend money, to loan. 2. κίχρημι, (from χράω) to furnish what is needful. 1. Luke vi. 34twice, 35. | LENGTH. μῆκος, length, (non oce.) Epb. iii, 18. LENGTH (47) ποτέ, when, whenever, at any time; Suture, one day, at last. Rom, i. 10. 2. Luke xi. 5. Rey. xxi. 16 twice. EE λεπρός, scaly, scabby; hence, one 80 diseased, a leper, (on occ.) Matt. vii. 2. Mark xiv. 3." — χ. 8. Luke iv. 27. — xi. 5. -- vii. 22. Mark i. 40. — xvii, 12. LEPROSY. λέπρα, leprosy, in which the skin becomes scaly, (non occ.) Matt. viii. 3. | Mark i. 42. Luke v. 12, 19. LESS. 1. ἐλάσσων, less, minor, ἐγ) quality or age. 2. μικρότερος, smaller, less, opp. to μέγας, large, of magnitude, quantity, number, or time. 2. Mark iv. 31. — 1 Cor. xii. 23, see Hon- ourable. — Eph. iii. 8, see Least. — Phil. ii. 28, see Sorrow- 1. Heb. vii. 7. LESS (have the) [marg.] ὑστερέω, to be last, behind ; of dignity, to be inferior. 1 Cor. viii. 8, (text, be the worse.) LESSER [marg.] ἐλάσσων, less, minor, in quality, age, or dignity. Rom, 1x. 12, (text, younger.) LEST. iva, that, to the end that, with that 1 the emphasis on result, ae μή, not, 2. μήποτε, lest ever, lest perhaps, whether indeed, if so be. 3. μή, not ; or elliptically, lest. 4. μήπως, lest in any way, that in no way. fees unto, with a . view to, ἐς the, μή, not, in order that... [might] not. sccm aps. mi nostic tt Sat nt tn Da A ER AE υ νι οὔτ τ τσ LES [ 450 1 LET Β | — Matt. iv. 6, ) 566 L at | 1. 1 Cor. i, 15, 17. LEST THAT BY ANY MEANS. — —yv. 25, Sanytime. | ~—~ viii. 9, see L by 2. Vii. 6. means. Ϊ » " =i is, “ἦι ᾿ at 1. =i, μήπως, see above, No. 3. . any time. ie Ἂ 1 Mab ayy fe 2. — xv. 32. a 27, see Lthat by pore 1 —— xvii. εἶ 8 any me | Mie —— ακν Un Pee ἡ | 1. — xxvi, δι. 1, 2 Cor. . 8, IL | LET (-ΕΤΗ.) . —— xxvii. 64, - 868 per- 1: Mark iii. 9. [any time. i. oe 4 [haps. | Ἴς ἀφίημι, to send forth or away, to Bene τν προ Aa! ἈΠῸ τοις. | let go from one’s self, to let pass, 3. —— xili. 5, 26. -- ri see L haply. |; 2. ο xiv. 2. ΕΞ 27. ἘΝ permit, suffer. 38 — —— xi. 3, see an, é πο ο ντα means. yy | 2. ἐάω, to let, let be, leave alone; to 1 ey ᾿: ἘΠΕ ως Ist, 72nd (αρ.) 1 suffer, allow. προς ος μεν 3. ἔξεστι, (empers. of ἔξειμι) it is pos- 1, —— 29, and see L | 1. — xiii. 10. sible, one can; referring to moral πε η ώς 2, Bee Ti by. any possibility or propriety, it is lawful, = te 34, see L at Ξ — iv. = it is permitted, one may. any time . πτ-ο- Vi. 1. —— xxii. 46, 3 12. 4. ἐπιτρέπω, to turn upon, direct upon, ᾿ Lidar ha Ἡ 1: ΡῈ: He 4 turn to or towards ; to commit or Ἱ πα a og τ Col. πὰ entrust to any one’s care, to rely ————— 3 0 11 oO. 1. Acts v. 26 ane να ανα σαι οι upon him, to give up; hence, to -- τὸ τῶν ΠΝ he L haply. 7 gon “is scorns yield, and 50, permit. Ἑ τα ο μυ down, t 3. —— xxvii. 17. time. 5 t . 4, 29 που, lest | 2, —— iii. 12, νο ανα πι — 18. [In 2 Thes. ii. 7. The rete πο κ aca power isevidently the presence of the 4, Rom. xi. 21 (om. απ, ee τοι ἫΝ | Holy Ghost in and with the Church. ὃς, 1.6. neither | 1. —— xii. | Mae spate cic). 8. 15 twice, 16, ο ὃ κάτεχων, he who restraineth, 2.6. ἣν ἊΝ ee ΤῊ | “ until the one restraining at pre- or a alan ale ar ae sent may happen to be out of the midst.” | LEST AT ANY TIME. 0. κωλύω, to hinder, prevent. 9 ‘ ‘ 9 Β 9 or τι τὴς Bereta 1. Matt. vii. 4. | 1, John xviii, 8. 2. v. 25. 2. Luke iv. 11. DE | = = si IB, 2. —— xxi. 34. πμ 20. | 3. Acts ii. 21, marg. may. 2. Heb. ii. 1. 1. Mark vii. 27. | —— xxiii. 22, see De- — Lukeii.29, see Depart. | part. 1. ——vi. rh at σα —— xxvii.15,seeDrive, 1. —— ix. see Sink. | 2. 8ο, LEST BY ANY MEANS. 1. 6. Rom. i, 13. 4. 61: ' §, 2 Thes. ii. 7. μ» . 1 Cor. viii. 9. 4, Gal. li. 2 4, 2 Cor. xi. 3 LEST BY SOME MEANS. 4, 1 Thes. iii. 5 LEST HAPLY. i way. 1. Luke xiv, 29. | 3. 2 Cor, ix. 4. iva, that, to the end that, μήποτε, lest ever, lest perhaps. . μήποτε, see above, No. 2 3. μήπως, lest in any way, that in no 2, Acts v. 39, LEST PERHAPS. μήπως, see above, No. 3. 2 Cor. ii. 7. 1. John xi. 44. — Heb. ii. 1, see Slip. LET ALONE. 1. Matt. xv. 14. | 1. Mark xv. 36. 2, Mark 1. 24, imperat. | 2. Lukeiv. 34, marg.away (om. ἔα, let us alone. | 1. —— xiii. 8. G-+LTTrAR®.) 1. John xi. 48. 1. —— xiv. 6. lad ii . —— xii. 7. 2. Acts v. 38 (No. 1, ᾱ ο 1, Τ Έτ Α μ.) LET BE. ἀφίημι, see “ LET,” No. 1 2. ἤτω, (imperat. of εἰμί, to be) let him, her, or it be, (non oce.) 1. Matt. xxvii. 49. | 2. 1 Cor. xvi. 22, 2. Jas. v. 12, LET DOWN. καθίημι, to send, or let fall, let down, (non. occ.) A LET 2. χαλάω, to let go, relax, loosen; hence, to let down, to lower, (occ. Acts xxvii. 17.) 2. Mark ii. 4. 1. Acts x. 11. 2. Luke v. 4, 5. 1. —xi.5 1, 19. 2. —— xxvii. 30. 1. Acts ix, 25, 2. 2 Cor. xi. 33. LET FORTH. ἐκδίδωμι, to give out, to deliver out, place out, to give out on hire, let out. Luke xx. 9, LET GO. 1. ἀπολύω, to let loose from, loosen, unbind. 2. ἀφίημι, see “LET,” Wo. 1. 2. Mark xi. 6. 1. Acts iii. 13. 1. Luke xiv. 4. 1. —— iv. 21, 23 1, —— xxii. 68 (om. μοί ἢ | 1. —— v. 40. ἀπολύσητε, me, nor let | 1. —— xv. 33. me go, T Trb Ab &.) 1, —— xvi. 35, 36 ἃ. — Xxiii. 22. 1, —— xvii. 9, 1. John xix. 12. 1, —— xviii. 18, LET (atave) ἀφίημι, see “LET,” Wo. 1. Matt. v. 40. LET OUT. ἐκδίδωμι, see “LET FORTH.” Matt. xxi.33,41, || = Mark xii. 1. LETTER (-s.) 1. γράμμα, a picture, lit., the written, i.e. something written or cut in | with the stylus in the ancient | manner of writing, a letter of the alphabet ; hence, anything written, a writing, a bill, bond, note, letter. 2. ἐπιστολή, anything sent by 1 mes- senger, 2 message ov commission, whether verbal or in writing ; most usuaily, a letter, epistle. | 1. Luke xxiii. 38 (ap.) | 1. Rom. vii. 6. 1. John vii. 15, pl. marg. | 2. 1 Cor. xvi. 3. | learning. 1, 2 Cor. iii. 6 twice. 2. Acts ix. 2, 2, —— vii. 8. 2. —— xxii. 5. 2. —— x. 9, 10, 11. 2, —— xxiii. 25. 1. Gal. vi. 11. 1. —— xxviii. 21. | 2. 2 Thes, ii. 2. 1, Rom. ii. 27, 29. ' —- Heb. xiii. 22,see Write. | LEWD. πονηρός, causing ο» having labour, sor- | row, pain; hence, gen., evil, malig- | nant ; bad, vicious. Acts xvii. 5, | a [ 451 1 LIB LEW DNESS. ῥᾳδιούργημα, what is done easily, light- work, levity ; then, in a bad sense, wickedness, recklessness, (nonocc.) Acts xviii. 14. 1, ψεύστης, one false, a deceiver, liar, (non occ.) 2. ψευδής, false, deceiving, lying, (oce. Acts vi. 19.) 1. John viii. 44, 45. 1. 1 John ii. 4, 22. 1. Rom. iii. 4. 1, —— iv. 20. age i bao sb 1: 0. 1. ——v. 10. 1. Tit. i, 12. 2. Rev. ii. 2. 1. 1 John i. 10. 2, —— xxi. 8 (No.1, L.) LIBERAL. ἁπλότης, simplicity, sincerity, candour, unaffectedness, simplicity without a thought behind. 2 Cor. ix. 19. LIBERALITY. 1. ἁπλότης, see above. 2. χάρις, what causes joy; hence, a pleasing work, favour, kindness, benevolence. 2. 1 Cor. xvi. 3, marg. gift. { 1, 2 Cor. viii. 2. LIBERALLY. ἁπλῶς, simply, 1.6. in simplicity, with a readiness of heart, answering to the need without a second thought; simply, withoutathought behind, freely, (non occ.) Rom, xii. 8, with ἐν in: marg. simplicity. Jas. i. 5. LIBERTY, 1. ἐλευθερία, freedom to go where one will, liberty, (non occ.) 2. ἄνεσις, a letting loose, relaxation, as of chords or strings hitherto tightly drawn or strained; hence, rest from labour and anxiety. . ἄφεσις, dismission, deliverance ; re- mission, forgiveness. 4. ἐξουσία, authority, the power to do anything, right, full-power. EE* LIB [ 452 ] LIE , NN —_ — —— ee 5. παῤῥησία, thespeaking all one thinks, | LIE (-Ep.) [to speak falsely.] free-spokenness, as characteristic of a frank and fearless mind ; hence, frankness, boldness. ψεύδω, to speak falsely, to lie to any one, to deceive. Acts v.3,seeLto. | 1 Tim. ii. 7. t 3. Luke iv. 18. | 1. 2 Cor. iii. 17. ανα Tit, 1,2, see aces 2. Acts xxiv. 23. 1. Gal. ii. 4. : Rom. ix. 1. Heb. vi. 18. — —— xxvi.32,see L(set | 1. —— v. 1, 13twice. 2 Cor. xi. 31. Jas. iii. 14. at) 5. Heb. x. 19, marg. (text, Gal. i. 20. 1 John i. 6. —— xxvii. 3, see L boldness.) Col. iii. 9. | Rev. iii. 9. (give) — —— xiii. 23, see L (ee 1. Rom. viii. 21. 1. Jas. i. 25. a — — 1 Cor.vii. 39, see L (at) 1. προς hee 4, ——viii.9,marg.power. | 1. et. 11. 16. Ι, - x. 29. ἘΠ 1. 2 Pet. ii. 19. LIE TO. Acts v. 3. LIBERTY (ar) ἐλεύθερος, one who can go where he LIE (war cannot) will; hence, free, at liberty. ‘ αν : ἀψευδής, incapable of falsehood, (non 1 Cor. vii. 39. ους.) ιν, ἃν 2s LIBERTY (αττε) a στ πο τ τ ἐπιτρέπω, see “ LET,” Wo. 4. LIE (τη, -ING, LAIN, LAY,) Acts xxvii. 3. [to rest, lay down. ] 1. κέιμαι, to lie, and also to be laid, esp., LIBERTY (set at) of a dead body. ἀπολύω, to letloose from, loosen, unbind. 2. ἀνάκειμαι, (No. 1, with ἀνά, up, pre- Acts xxvi. 32. | Heb. xiii. 23. fixed) to be laid up. LICENSE 3. κατάκειμαι, (3ο. 1, with κατά, down, ; ee prefixed) to lie down, to lie, to τόπος, place; met., opportunity, room. be recumbent, gen., of the sich. Acts xxv. 16. 4. βάλλω, to throw, to cast. Here, pass., to be cast, to be thrown down, to lie. LICENSE (arve) ἐπιτρέπω, see “LET,” Wo. 4. TENE Acts xxvii. 3. we β έπω, to use the eyes, to look. ; 6. ἔχω, to have and hold. Here, with LICK (-rp.) ἐν, in, to be in, continue. ἀπολείχω, to lick off, 1.6. to lick clean, 4. Matt, viii. 6, — John xi. 38, see L upon. . — ix. 2. — — xiii. 35, see L on. (non occ.) — —— 36, see L down. 1, —— xx. 5, 6, 7, 19. εν ΠΥ ἫΝ ; ἷ 1. ---- xxviii. 6. — Acts xiv. 6, see Region. Luke xvi. 21 (ἐπιλείχω, to lick over, L T Tr A &.) 3. Mark i. 30. -- ο ο see 1 in : 3. — ii. ὅς ak τ 21, wait for. — — v. 23, see Death. . —— xxvii. 12. LIE [{noun. | 2. 40 (om. G@ Lb T -- 20, see L on. 1 "ὃ f ΡΗ ἢ 1yj ij : ον ae εν ] 3. =e XXViii. 8, see Sick, εὐδο alsehoo ine, a lie. z eu. 1lZ . -- om. xii, 28, see Much. Ψ 5 ον ο 3. —v. 25, τ | — Eph. iv. 14, see L in 9 a ἣν — — viii. 42,566 Dying. wait (whereby one est ψεῦσμα, a being false, falsehood. 3. John v. 3, 6. | η] ολα. 19. 4 ) 1. John viii. 44. — 1 Tim. iv. 12, see L | 6. ——xi. 17. 1. Rev. xxi. 16. 1. Rom. i. 25. (speaking. ) 2. —— iii. 7. 1. 1 John ii. 21, 27. 1, 2 Thes. ii, 11. 1. Rev, xxi. 27. 1. Rev. xxii. 15. LIE DOWN [imarg. ] ῥίπτω, to throw or cast with a sudden LIES (sPpEAKING) motion, hurl, jerk ; then, to cast ψεῦδολογος, speaking falsely, lying. forth, scatter. 1 Tim. iv. 2. Matt. ix. 36 (text, scattered abroad.) LIE L A 1 πρὸς, towards, with a view to τὴν, the, : µεθοδείαν, method, systematized system, Lerror. | Eph. iv. 14. LIE IN WAIT FOR. ἐνεδρεύω, to lie in wait for, esp. in war; to le in ambush against. Acts xxiii. 16, see Lying. | Acts xxiii. 21. LIE ON. 1. ἐπίκειμαι, to lie upon, be laid upon. 2. ἐπίπιπτω, to fall upon. 2. John xiii. 25 (ἀναπίπτω, lean back,G@~ LTTrARn.) 1, Acts xxvii. 20. LIE UPON. ἐπίκειμαι, to lie upon, be laid upon. John xi. 38, with ἐπί. LIFE (x1ves.) 1. ζωή, life (akin to aw, anys, to breathe the breath of life) the perfect and abiding antithesis to θάνατος, (death.) [ζωή, is life in all its manifesta- tions, from the life of God down to the life of the lowest vege- table. It is necessarily active; it cannot be inert. In its essence or nature it is ever the same, and different only in its developments or manifestations. Each living person or thing has that portion of it which is needful for his or its designed position or purpose. Its one only source is God, who is “the living One.” We live only in and by Hislife. He origi- nates and sustains life in all by giving it out of Himself. “In Him we live and move, and have our being.” ζωή, life, must not be confounded with, or defined as “ existence.” Existence applies to all created things. Life is the property of only some created things to whom it has been communicated. What- κο --------------------------------------ὔ----υ- ος..." many things have existence which have no life. ζωή also must be distinguished from βιός, (No. 3.) In profane and classicai literature ζωή is not the nobler word, because the heathen were ignorant of its true connec- tion with sin and death. ζωή, as used of the future life which we have now in Christ, is “the gift of God,” (Rom. vi. 23): by Christ, (John vi. 27, x. 28). “He that hath the Son, hath life ; and he that hath not the Son hath not life,” (1 John v. 12); now “hid with Christ in God,” (Col. 111. 3.) ] 2. ψυχή, breath of animal life; one manifestation of ζωή, viz. that which is manifested in animals; hence, life, animal life, the liv- ing individual as such. [In one passage (Is. x. 18), ‘nephesh,’ or ψυχή, is applied to vegetable life. ] 3. βίος, life, z.e. the life which we live, the life led; hence, manner of life, period or duration of life, means of living. [ζωή is life as the gift of God, and therefore is applied to every- thing which has life. βίος is ap- plied only to men, who not only live, but lead lives; hence, the difference between the words zo- ology and srography. βίος is used only of the lower life, and has no such worthy use as No. δή 4. πνεῦμα, wind, breath breathed forth. [ When not used for “wind,” it ex- presses immateriality, that which cannot be apprehended by our senses, and which is recognized only by its operations or mani- festations. It is seen in life, live- liness, the activities of life, whether these activities be mental, moral, or physical. The πνεῦμα of God is the source of life in all its mani- festations. The withdrawal of this πνεῦμα leaves θάνατος, (the opposite of ζωή) }. LIF [ 454 ] LIF ες ο. = -.«τ τ θαι 2. Matt. ii, 20. 5. Acts xx. 10, 34. | LIFE ETERNAL. — — iii. 8, see Amend- |=" -- ΧΧΣΥ͂Ι. 4 see L | t. manner Οἱ | , «6 2 Ἵ ον αν, παπα πο | (ζωή, 566 “tire,” No.1, life eternal, 1, — vii. 14. | — Rom. 1. 7, seeL (eter- | } αἰώνιος, belonging to ( or life ever- 2, —— x. 39 twice. | nal) a 9 . 2, xvi. 25 twice. αν το 17, 18. the αἰών, constant, lasting. προ ΕΞ ΣΙ eevee οι abiding, eternal, [This is the = xix 16) seo Τ|[1. ——wi 4 (mal) | Ξ aes (eternal) Kes 22, see Τι (ever- | gift of God to those who are “in 1. ὃ ; asting) κ) 3 - 29, see L (ever- - - 23, see L (eter- | Christ. Ἢ See John x. 10 ΣΧ. 28, lasting) | 1. —— vii. 10. [πα]). | v. 24; vi. 40, 47; xvii. 2: 1 John 9. —— xx. 28. | 1, —— viii. 2, 6, 10, 38. Th 12 | Sean 46, see Lj Ἢ ος | Υ. ᾽ 4 | eterna il. 5 ᾿Ξ Mark iii. 4. |! 2, — avi. 4. Matt. xxv. 46. | John xii. 25. | 2. —— viii. 35 1st. | 1. 1 Cor. iii, 22 John iv. 36. — xvii. 3. 2. 35 2nd (om.G +) —— vi.3,see L (things 1. —— ix. 43, 45. 3; that ντος πα | ——-x. 17, 30, see -- 566 (ο | (eternal) i ae to | LIFE (ETERNAL) 2. 45. his 6 ἢ 1. Luke i. 75 (om. G LT | ——— 7, see L ος η | ο, ves i Tr A §&) i.e. all our aes without) | Luk ο) - eer 12. 1 days, instead of “all 1. ἔτ ἢ » an uu Ὃ ic ασ 39 — νο . . αι pies 9 Bee edge λος ο ο ο 8; eternal, LTTrAN.) 3. — viii. 14. — —— iii. 6, see 1, (give) | -— Vv, 39. Tit. i, 2. ο. - ix. 94 twice, 56 (ap.) | 1. —— iv. 10, 11, 12. παν vi. 54, 68. στ ας — — x, 25, see 1, (eter- 1. ----ν. 4. [(the) =a =: ο 1 Johu 1.9 1, —— xii. 15. (mal) ᾿ — Gal. ii, 20, see L which | παρ πας 48 — ii, 25. 2. 22, 23. — — iii. 21, see L (give) | ae 5 Ἐς 8. — iii. 15. 2. —— xiv. 26. — —vi. 8, see Τι ever- | om. 11 ; ¥; Η, 18, 20, 2. — xvii. 33. | lasting. eae Ween Jude 21. — —— xviii. 18, see L : 1. Eph. iv. 18. Ϊ (eternal) i 1. Phil, i. 20. | -- see L ever- | 1. ——ii. 16. = lasting. δα ἢ ος ολ LIFE E\ ERLASTING. — — xxi. 34, see L (οἱ SS ἢν Ade this) i 1. Col. iii. 3, 4. | Luke xviii. 30. | Gal. vi. 8. 1. John i. 4 twice. | —1 Tim. i. 16, see Lever- | Jobn xii. 50. τα Tim. i. 16. — — iii. 15, see L (eter- | lasting. | nal) | —-—__ ij. 2, see Li(leada) | — -- τὸ; 3615, see L 1. ---- 11, eres } (everlasting) | 1. —— iv. 8. ἢ ; sat ες ia, 19, see L | LIFE (£vERLASTING) — —— iv. 14,566 L (ever- | (eterna πο ο ο lasting) 1. 2 Tim. i. 1, 10: Math, atx, 89. John τ. 24. John iii. 16, 36, —— vi. 27, 40, 47 — 36, see L (eter- 3. li. 4. αντ 134 Acts xiii 46 nal) — — iii. 10, see L (man- athe Rom: vie 5 aa —— v. 41st, see L ner of) : (everlasting) | — Titusi.2,? seeL (eter- | a: 24 2nd. | — ——iii.7, § nal) 39, see L (eter- nal) 1. —— 51, 53, 63. 1. Heb. vii. 3, 16. LIFE (arve) Jas. i. 12. : Biot pre aight see L ᾿ L i it Ἢ ζωοποιέω, to make alive, to vivify, en- everlasting et. iii ao , ” ΒΕ 54, 68, see L | 3, ——iv.3 (om. Ἐπ βίου; due with ζωή, (see “118Ὲ,᾿ Vo. 1.) t = joists Pe Σ Ἐπ rf (e ae Ἢ leak Fy hooey ife, [A se.) 2. Cor. iii. 6, marg. quicken | Gal. 111, 21. 1. ----- κ. 10. 1. 1 Jonni, ie 2 Ist. κ 9 11, 15, 17. ... 2 2nd, see L -- 28, see 1, (eter- | 3. ——ii.16. (eternal) 5 1. --- χι. 25. [nal) — —— 25, see L (eter- LIVE (LEAD A.. My 2 xii, Q5Ist&2nd. | 1, —— iii, 14, [nal) Ἷ BULA iene ans 25 3rd, gee Τί! — 15, see 1, (eter- ώς see LIFE, to lead a eternal. nal) ς ife -- 50, see 1, 6Υ61- ᾿--- —— v. 111, see Τὶ ἰς No. 3, life, (ace. lasting. | (eternal) ( διάγω, to lead through, ) Tit. 111.3.) 2. xiii. 37, 38. ια, 11 2nd, 12 twice. 1. —— xiv. 6. -- 13, see L (eter- 1 Tim. ii, 2 2. —— xv. 13. 1. —— 16. (mal) -- ΣΤ 2, see L' — 20, see L (eter- (eternal nal) " -- 9, 566 Leternal. | — Jude 20, see 1, (eter- LIFE (MANN ER 05) 1, ——xx. 81, 1. Rev. ii. PR 10. {nal) 1. Acts ii. 28. | 1. ἘΞ: ἘΣ δ᾽ | 1, ἀγωγή, a leading, guidance ; train- - — iii. 15. 2, —— viii. 9. = δ ——v. 20. ΠΤΕΞΟΣΙ ad ing, education, tending ; and in- 1. — viii. 33, 2, — xii, 11. trans., mode of life. ek say i 1, —— xiii. 8. ᾿ ᾿ d £ lif ——- xiii. 46, see L' 4. 15,marg. breath, απάνω τα... 32 2. βίωσις, way or mode of life, manner — 48, see 1, (eter- 1. —— xx, 12, 15. or habit of life. 2. —— xv. 26. (mal) | 1. —— xxi. 6, 27. [19 | 1. — xvii. 25. 1, —— xxii. 1, 2, 14, 17, | 2. Acts xxvi. 4. Ι 1. 2 Tim. iii. 10, en ““ἝἾἝἷἷἷἷ ςςςς::- -.ΒἙΧΧζἅἕὡ σ----------------------υ-- π΄ cS oan" LIF LIFE (or) ζάω, (akin to dw, ἄημι, to breathe the breath of life) to live, see “ LIvE,” {verb) Vo. 1. Here, infinitive. 2 Cor. i. 8. - LIFE (or ruts) θιωτικός, fit for life; of or pertaining to Bios, (see “rE,” Wo. 3) live- lihood or living. Luke xxi. 34, LIFE (or THINGS PERTAINING TO THIS) ϑιωτικός, see above. 1 Cor. vi. 4. LIFE (cures THAT PERTAIN TO THIS) Βιωτικός. see above. 1 Cor. vi. 3. LIFE (rues witout) ( τὰ, the things, - ἄνψυχα, without ψυχή, (see “LIFE, No. 2.) 3» 1 Cor. xiv. 7. LIFE WHICH (rue, 6, that which, Jit., in what respect. Gal. ii. 20. LIFE-TIME. ζωή, (see “Lire,” Wo. 1.) Luke xvi. 25. LIFETIME (att ΤΗΕΙΕ) διὰ, through, παντὸς, all, τοῦ, the [of them, | i.e. their, ζην, life, (see “ tire,” Wo. 1.) Heb, ii. 15. LIFT OUT. ἐγείρω, to awaken, wake up, esp., of the dead, to raise up ; then, (the idea of sleep being dropped) to cause to rise up, set upright. Matt. xii. 11. [ 455 ] LIG LIFT UP (-Ep, τκα) . ἐπαίρω, to lift up upon, raise up, (No. 3, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed.) 2. ὑψόω, to heighten, elevate, exalt. 8. αἴρω, to take up, lift up. 4. ἐγείρω, see “LIFT OUT.” 5. ἀνίστημι, to cause to stand up. 6. ἀνορθόω, to set upright, to erect again. 1. Matt. xvii. 8, part. — John viii. 7, 10, see L 4, Mark i. 31. up one’s self. 4, —— ix, 27 9, 32, 1. Luke vi. 90. 3. — xi. 41. 1, —— xi, 27. 1, — xiii. 18. — — xii. 11, see Lup ! 1. —— xvii. 1. one’s self. 1. Acts ii. 14. 1, — xvi. 98, 4, —— iii. 7. ὃ. —- xvii. 13. 3. —— iv. 24. 1, —— xviii. 13, ΓΞ tx τη 1, —— xxi. 28. 1, —— si. 1, — xxiv. 50. 1, —— xxii. 22, 2. John iii. 14 lst ἃ διὰ 1, 1 Tim. ii. 8. (om, Lm.) — — iii. 6, see Pride. 1. John iv. 35. 6. Heb. xii. 12 1. —— vi. 5, part 2. Jas. iv. 10, 3. Rev. x. 5. LIFT UP ONE’S SELF. ἀνακύπτω, to raise one’s self up, to rise up from a stooping posture, (οσο. Luke xxi. 28.) Luke xiii. 11. John viii. 7 (ap.), 10, part (ap.) LIGHT (-s.) [noun.] 1. φῶς, light. The opp. of σκοτός, darkness. Light underived, ab- solute ; hence, the light of the sun or day. Used therefore of God, who “is Light,” (1 John i. 5) and of Christ, who is “the Light of the world,” (John i. 4, 5, viii. 12), (ove. Mark xiv. 54; Luke xxii. 56.) 2. φωστήρ, alight, light-giver, used only of the light of the starsandreflected light, (Zat¢., luminaria) ; Ixx. for mown, light-holders (Gen. i. 14, 16), (cf: Wisd. xiii. 2.) {In Rev. xxi. 11, it is the light reflected upon and from the Heavenly City by its “light,” which was the Lamb, ver. 23,] (non oce.) 3. φωτισμός, a lighting, illumination, shining. LIG [ 456 ] LIG 4. λύχνος, a portable hand lamp fed with oil; (not a candle.) [ Hence, used of men, whose light is kindled by another, burns for a season, and then is extinguished. See John v. 35. ] 5. φέγγος, φῶς, (light) in its brightness or splendour, radiance, (non ους.) 6. λαμπάς, a torch, (Ixx. Judg. vii. 16, 20.) [Eastern torches were fed with oil from a sort of bottle, (the ἀγγείον of Matt. xxv. 4) constructed for the purpose. See Elphin- stone’s History of India, vol. i. Ρ. 333. See ἐδ LAMP.””] 1. Matt. iv. 16 twice. | 1. John xii. 35 twice. 1, — vy. 14. 1. 96 ὃ times, 46, -- 15, see L (give) | 1. Acts ix. 3. ib, 16. | 1. —— xii. 7. 4, —— vi. 22 1st. | 1. —— xiii. 47, — 22 2nd, see L | 1. — xvi. 29. (full of) 6. —— xx. 8. 23. 1. —— xxii. 6, 9, 11. 1. — x. 27. 1. —— xxvi. 13, 18, 23. 1. — xvii. 2. 1. Rom. ii. 19. 5. —— xxiv. 29. 1. — xiii. 12, 5. Mark xiii. 24, --- pace iv.5,see L (bring — Luke i. 79, see L to to) (give) 3. 2 Cor. iv. 4. 1. — ii. 32 1. 6 Ist. 1. —— viii. 16. - 62nd seeL (give) 5. ——xi. 33 (No. 1, Τι | 1. ——vi 14. TrARWN.) 1. — xi. 14. 4, 34. 1st. 1B Eph. ν. 8 twice, 13 twice. — 34 2nd) see L | — 14, see τῇ (give) (full of) 2. Phil. ii. 15. 1. 35. 1. Col. i. 12: -- 36 1st &2nd see L | 1. 1 Thes. v. 5. (full of) 1. 1 Tim. vi. 16. -- 36 3rd, see L | —2 Tim. i. 10, see L (give...) (bring to) 1. —— xii. 3, 1. Jas. i. 17. 4, 35. 1, 1 Ῥου.α, 9, 1. —— xvi. 8. 4, 2 Pet. i. 19. 1. John i. 4, 5. 1. 1 John i. 5, 7 twice. 1. — iii. 19 twice, 2Otwice, 1. —— ii. 8, 9, 10. 4, —— vy, 35 Ist. (21. | 1. Rev. xviii. 23. 1, 35 2nd. | 2. —— xxi. 11. 1, — viii. 12twice. \ 4, 23. 1, — ix. 5. \ 1. 24. 1. —— xi. 9, 10. 1 1, —— xxii. 5 1st. — Rey, xxii. 52nd, see L (give) LIGHT (snrine το) φωτίζω, to light, lighten; intrans., to give light, to shine; frans., en- lighten, light up ; hence, bring to light, make known, publish. 1 Cor. iv. 5. | 2 Tim. i. 10. LIGHT (Futt oF) φωτεινός, shining, bright, (οσο. Matt. xvii. 5.) Matt. vi. 22. | Luke xi. 34, 36 twice, | | | | LIGHT (erve) ἐπιφαύω, to shine upon, to appear unto, (non occ.) λάμπω, to give the light of a torch, to shine as a torch, shine forth, beam. φωτίζω, see “LIGHT (BRING TO)” for the shining ᾿ forth. 4, 2 Cor. iv. 6. 1. Eph. ν. 14. 3. Rev. xxii. 5. 1. gos, ΡΎΞΒΙΝ withaview ) [ tion, en an πο 2. Matt. ν. 15. | 3. Luke xi. 36. LIGHT TO (αττε) ἐπιφαίνω, to cause to appear upon or to, to show forth or before. In N.T., mid., to show one’s self upon or to, to appear upon or to. Luke i. 79. LIGHT (-) LIGHTEN,* EN- LIGHTEN f (-Εν, -ΕΤΗ.) 1. φωτίζω, see “ LIGHT (BRING TO)” 2. ἅπτω, to put one thing to another ; spoken of fire as applied to things, to set fire to, kindle, light. 3. καίω, to burn, make burn. 3. Matt. v. 15. 1. John i. 9. 2. Luke viii. 16, part. 1, Eph. i. 18.1 2. —— xi. 33, part. 1. Heb. vi. 4.Τ 2. —— xv. 8. 1. Rev. xviii. 1.* 1. Rev. xxi. 28.* LIGHT (-τκα.) [verb. | 1. ἔρχομενος, coming. 2. πίπτω, to fall, fall upon. 9. Rev. vii. 16. 1. Matt. iii. 16. | LIGHT [adj. ] ἐλαφρός, light, not heavy, easy to bear, (non occ.) Matt. xi. 30. | 2 Cor. iv. 17. LIGHT OF (axe) ἀμελέω, not to care for, neglect. Matt. xxii. 5 LIGHTEN (-rru.) [verb.] (as to light.) 1. φωτίζω, see “ LIGHT (BRING TO)” [ 457 1 | ae 2. ἀστράπτω, to lighten as lightning. eis, unto, with a view to, [ing, unveiling, ἀποκαλυψις, an uncover- 3. Luke ii, 32. 1. Rev. xviii. 1. | 3. Matt. iii. 16. Rian 8, see L (be) 1. eee 16. — —xii.13,seeLas. | 1, —— xiii. 31, 33, 44, 45, ᾿ 47, 52. 1, — xx. 1. — — xxi. 24,see L wise. |—Heb. ii. — — xxii. 2, see L (be) | 39 | — Rom, vi. 4, see L as. —— ix. 29, see L (made) | — 1 Cor. xvi.13, see Men. Ι 1. Gal. v. 21 ~ Phil.iii. 21,see Fashion | —1Thes. ii. 14, see L things. 17, see L (made) ἜΣ F — —— iv. 15, see L as. ο enter) 27, see L | > San 3, see L (be unto (be made LIGHTEN (-ep.) [verb. ] — xxviii. 3. — James i. 6, 23, see L : 3. Marki.10(No.2,GL! (6) (as to weight.) TTrA ἮΝ — —— v.17, see Passions. 2 3 Ε Pre GI |—1_ Pet. 1. 21, see κουφίζω, to lighten, as a ship, by throw- Tn ae tS ἘΡΟΒΟΝ τ 5 5 ; | —2 . i. 1, see Pre- ing things overboard, (non occ.) if ae ish ο ο ‘2 ὁμοία, T A, 1.6. the | 1. 1 John 111, 2. Acts xxvii. 58, second is this, instead | 1. Jude 7. of, and the second is | 1. Rey. i. 13. like, suey) 3. ae AM 2G 1, — — xiii. 29, see L r LIGHTEN THE SHIP. manner (in) 1. 15. ᾿ di : . 3. Luke iii. 22 (No. 2, L _——— ii. 1818, see L ἐκβολὴ, a casting ) making an over- T Tr A δ) ο παρ, nd out, πλην fof the ΤΣ eet Ba Tagg ποιέω, to make αγ. 1. 47, 48, 49. 1 32nd (ὁμοίως, in : ᾿ . σοι] (non occ.) iF μα. 91, 32. | like manner, ἃ 9), Acts xxvii. 18, “fs ος 1. να. ha dimes: 1. —— xiii. 18, 19, 21. i 1, ——ix. ies 3. πο i. hye 2, 1, | 1. 7 2nd ie ~), ΤΑ 5.) | χρύσεος, golden, in- LIGHTLY. 5. —— vii. 46 (ap.) stead οἵ, ὍΝ χρυσῷ, , . . 1. —— viii. 55. like gold, G ταχύ, quickly, with haste. 1, — ix. 9. 1 : - — Acts i. 11, see Manner. | 1. —xi. εἰς Mark ix. 99. —— ii. 8, see L as. 1. —— xiii. 2, 4, 11. —— iii. 22, see 1, ! 1. —— xiv. 14. — — vii. 37, unto. | 1. ——xvi- 13 (No. 2,G 9. —— viii. 32. LT Tr A; εἰ εὡσεί, LIGHTNESS. 4, —— xi. 17 | as if it were, δ), 1, — xvii. 29. |, (No.3, 82) > ΄ Ω ο . ο = — ἕ ἐλαφρία, lightness, (prop. in weight) me ο πι a: (non occ.) — Rom. i. 23, see L to. 1. —— xxi. 11 1st. : (make) 2. 11 2nd. 2 Cor. i. 17. — — iv. 17,seeLunto. 1. 18. LIGHTNING. LIKE AS ἀστραπή, lightning, (οσο. Luke xi. 96.) κατά, according) 7 Heb. iv. 15, Matt. xxiv. 2 ; to [our after our simili- LV pee Rey. iv. 5. 1 : ‘ ’ J : - xxviii. 3. — viii. 5. : ike- ; ἕ - Take = 18, sa ὁμοιότης, like- ( tude, ie. “ac — xvii. 94, —— xvi. 18, ness, cording to the likeness of the way in which we tempted.” LIKE [adj.] ποτ. 1. ὅμοιος, like, resembling, (gen., of ex- ternal form and appearance.) bo ὥς, see No. 2, above. ὡσεί, see No. 3, above. > ο . . . νά , τ 7 2. ὡς, in which way, in what way, and ὥσπερ, wholly as, just as. hence, gen., as, 80 as. 4. Rom, vi. 4. 1. Heb, iv. 15. 2. Matt. xii. 18, 3. Acts ii. 3. 8. ὡσεί, (ὡς, as, and εἰ, if) as if, as though, as it were. LIKE (zr) 1. ὁμοιόω, to make like; here, pass., to be or become like, in form, con- | dition, or circumstances. Also, in comparisons, to be likened. 4, ἶσος, equal, (spoken of measure, quan- tity, condition, etc.) 5 { οὕτως, thus, } ὡς, ad, ‘ thus, as [this man. ] LIK — 2 εἴκω, to the image of, (non occ.) ~ 1. Matt. vi. 8. | 1. Matt. xxii. 2. 2. Jas. i. 6, 23. LIKE UNTO (sr) παρομοιάζω, to be nearly like, to re- semble. Matt. xxiii. 27, (ὁμοιάζω, to be like, L Tr.) LIKE (ΕΕ mane) ἀφομοιόομαι, to liken off, (not “made | like.”) 12 is used by Plato of men | who make error appear like truth ; and by Aristotle, of making the Sorms of gods like men. It is contrasted with what precedes by | δέ, but, and indicates the likeness | of Melchisedec to another in his characteristics, (non occ.) Heb. vii. 3. LIKE (vey) ws, see “ LIKE,” Vo. 2. Rey. xxi. 11. LIKE MANNER (τα) οὕτω, thus, ( καί, also. Mark xiii. 29. Acts i. 11, see Manner. | Luke vi. 23, see Manner, LIKE TO (maxr) ὁμοίωμα, something made like, a like- ness, in form, shape, or figure. LIKE (aravde) ὁμοιόω, see “1, (BE)” Rom. ix. 29. ἢ Heb. ii. 17. | | | | | | | | LIKE THINGS. . ταὐτά, these things. | . παρόμοια, nearly like things, similar things, (non 006.) 2. Mark vii. 8 (ap.), 13. | | 1. 1 Thes. ii. 14, (τὰ αὐτά, lhe same ἐ]νίπφα, α LT Tr | AR.) [ 458 1 LIK LIKE UNTO. | 1. ὡς; see “ uiKE,” Νο. 2. 2. κατέναντι, down over against, 2.6. at the point over against; hence, before, in the sight of. 1, Acts iii. 22. ! 1, —— vii. 37, marg., as. | 1. Rev. ii. 18. LIKE [verb.] δοκιμάζω, to assay, prove, to try; to make trial of, put to the proof ; then, in consequence of such trial, to approve, sanction. 2. Rom. iv. 17, marg. (text, before.) Rom. i. 28. LIKEMINDED. ἰσόψυχος, of equal soul. Phil. ii. 20, marg., so dear unto me. LIKEMINDED (sr) φρονέω, to mind or regard, τὸ, the, αὐτό, same thing. Rom. xv. 5. Ι LIKEN (-zp.) ὁμοιόω, to make like ; to liken, to make to resemble any other objects of the same kind, compare, pass., to be likened, to be like. Matt. xxv. 1. Mark iv. 30. Luke vii. 31. — xiii. 20. Matt. vii. 24, 26. — xi. 16. — xiii. 24. — xviii. 23. ---.-ς.. .. LIKENESS. ὁμοίωμα, something made like, a like- ness. Rom. vi. 5. Rom. viii. 3. | Phil. ii. 7. LIKENESS OF (in τα) ” ὁμοιόω, see “ LIKEN. made like. Acts xiv. 11. Here, part. pass., LIKEWISE. . ὁμοίως, in like manner, (from ὅμοιος, like, resembling. ) LIK [ 9. ὡσαύτως, in the same way, (ὡς, as, and αὔτως, the same.) 8. καὶ, and also. 4. οὕτως, thus, in this manner, on this wise. 5. παραπλησίως, coming alongside of, near to, nigh by, (non occ.) 4, Matt. xvii. 12. | 3. Luke xvii. 10. 3. —— xviii. 35. | Ie 28, $1. 2. —— xx. 5. 3. — xix. 19. 3. 10. Ϊ 3. —— xxi. 31. — — xxi. = ee (EES) | 2. —— xxii. 20. 2. F 1. 86. 1. —— xxii. oe 1. John v. 19. 8. —— xxiv. 33. 1, —— vi. 11. 2. —— xxv. 17. 1. —— xxi. 13 1, —— xxvi. 35 3. Acts iii. 24 1, — xxvii. 41. 1. Rom. i. 27 1. Mark i iv. 16. 4, —— vi. 11 2, —— xii. 21. 2. —— viii. 26. 2, —— xiv. ο]. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 3, 4, 22. 1, —— xv. 31. 3. —— xiv. 9. 1. Luke iii. 11. 8. Col. iv. 16. 3. 14, with re, and | 2. 1 Tim. iii. 8. 1, — v. 83. [...also. | 2, — Vv. 25. 1. —— vi. 31. | 2. Tit. 11. 5,6. 1. —-x. 82, 37. 5. Heb. ii. 14. 2. ΠΥ 3 (No.1, LT | 1. Jas. ii. 25. Tr &.) ΜΝ π υεο ο χἣν if, 5 (No. 2,T 3. —— iv. 1. — — xiv. 33, see L (so) | 1. ——vv. 5. 4, ——xv.7, 10, 1. Jude 8. 1. — xvi. 95. 1. Rev. viii. 12. LIKEWISE (I 1) καὶ, and, also, 4 ἐνῷ T 7 T alao. Matt. xxi. 24. LIKEWISE (so) - . . οὕτως, thus, in this manner, οὖν, then, therefore. Luke xiv. 33. LILY (τε) κρίνον, a lily, (non 060.) Matt. vi. 28. | Luke xii. 27. LIMIT (-reru.) [verb.] ὁρίζω, to bound, to make or set a bound- ary ; hence, mark out definitely. Heb. iv. 7 LINE. κανών, a reed, rod, or staff; then, a measuring-rod ; hence, a standard or rule of life and doctrine ; canon. 2 Cor. x. 13, marg. (text, rule.) 16, marg., rule. Enq., 2. λίνον, flax ; 1. σινδών, see “LINEN,” No. 1. ] LIN LINEAGE. | πατριά, paternal descent, lineage. Luke ii. 4. — —$ ---- LINEN. 1. σινδών, sindon, a fine Indian cloth, muslin ; later, gen , fine linen. then, what is made of flax, linen, (οσο. Matt. xii. 20.) 1. Mark xv. 46. 1. Luke xxiii. 53. 2. Rev. xv. 6, (λίθος, a stone, L.) LINEN CLOTH. {The young man who wore the linen cloth in Mark xiv. 51, 52, was doubtless Lazarus, for the fol- lowing reasons:—1. It was expen- sive, and only used by the wealthy, and Lazarus was rich, (John xii. 1-3.) 2. Thenights of the last week were spent by Jesus at Bethany, John xii.1; Matt. xxi. 17, xxvi. 6. On this night Lazarus would be looking out for His return, and would go as far as the Mount of Olives to look down towards Jeru- salem. He would see the torches and hear the tumult in Gethse- mane, and go down. 3. The Jews tried to take him because “the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death,” (John xii. 10.) They would kill Lazarus, though not His disciples. Hence the sup- pression of the name of Lazarus in the three other Gospels, written during his life, and the mention of him in John, written a.p. 90.) 2. ὀθόνιον, a piece of fine linen, a linen bandage, (non occ.) 1, Matt. xxvii. 59. | 2. Luke xxiv. 12 (ap.) 1, Mark xiv. 51, 52. 2. John xix, 40. 2. John xx. 5, 6, 7. LINEN (frye) 1. βύσσος, byssus, a rat cigs flax and the linen made from it, highly prized by the ancients. 2. βύσσινος, byssine, made of byssus or fine linen, (ποπ occ.) 8. σινδών, see “ LINEN,” Λο. 1. 9. Mark xv. 46. 2. Rev. xviii. 16. 1. Luke xvi. 19. 2. —— xix. 81st. 1. Rev. xviii. 12 (No. 2, 2. ——— 82nd, pl. GLTTrAr.) 2 14, LINGER (-eEru.) ἀργέω, not to labour, be inactive, be still, hence, to linger, (non oce.) 2 Pet. ii. 3. LION. λέων, a lion. 2 Tim. iv. 17. Rev. v. 5. Heb. xi. 33. —— ix. 8,17. 1 Pet. v. 8. — x. ve Rev. iv. 7. —— xiii. LIP (-s.) χεῖλος, a lip, (οσο. Heb. xi. 12.) Matt. xv. 8. 1 Cor. xiv. 21. Mark vii. 6. Heb. xiii. 15. Rom. iii. 13. 1 Pet. iii. 10. LIQUID NARD [ππατρ.] See, SPIKENARD. LIST (Εν, -ern.) [verb.] 1. θέλω, to will, to wish, to desire, zm- plying active volition and purpose. 2. βούλομαι, to will, to be willing, im- plying mere passive willingness, or the inward predisposition and bent Srom which the active volition pro- ceeds. Hence, never used of brutes. 1. Matt. xvii. 12. 1. John iii. 8. 1. Mark ix. 13, 2. Jas. 111. 4. LITTLE. 1. μικρός, small, little, opp. of μέγας, great. 2. ὀλίγος, little, opp. of πολύς, much. 3. ὀλιγον, neut. of No. 2, used as adv. 4 (πρός, for, ᾿ ( ὀλίγος, a little, § things,ratherthan alittle time. It is in contrast with πρὸς πάντα, for all things. . Luke vii. 47 1st. 4. 1 Tim. iv. 8. 47 2nd. | 2, ——-v, 58, » — xii. 32. | 1. Jas. iii, 5 1st. xix. 3. Jonn vii. 33. 2. ——— 52nd (ἠλίκος, Ίιοιυ smalla, LT Tr A &.) το ere to xii. 35. 1. Rev. iii. 8. 1 Cor. v. 6. 1, ——vi. 11 (om. α T 2 Cor. viii. 15. Trb.) Gal. v. 9. 11, —— xx. 3. [ 460 Ἱ ) z.e.for some small | LIT LITTLE (a) 1. μικρον, neut. of No. 1, above, as adv. 2. ὀλίγον, neut. of No. 2, above, as adv. ( ἐν, in, ὶ ὀλίγος, a little, in brief, or briefly. βραχύ, short, ) one small piece, 4 small, oracertain small τι, one, ἃ cer- degree, [time. tain, orashort spaceof 5. μετρίως, measuredly, moderately, 1.6. with moderation. Here, with οὐ, not; 1.6. beyond measure, (non occ.) 1. Matt. xxvi. 39. 5. Acts xx. 12. 2. Mark i. 19. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 1, 16. 1, —— xiv. 35, 70. 3. Eph. ili. 3, marg. (text, 2. Luke v. 3. in few words, ) Lwhile. 4. John vi. 7. 4. Heb. ii. 7, marg., a little LITTLE SPACE (a) βραχύ τι, see “LirTLE (A),” Wo. 4. Acts v. 34, LITTLE WHILE (a) 1. μικρόν, neut. of “ ΙΙΤΤΙΕ,᾽ No. 1. μικρὸν, a little while 2. < ὅσον, how short, ὅσον, how short. 8. βραχύς, short, small, of time, distance, or quantity. 4. ker | se e “LITTLE,” Λο. 4 τι, 3. Luke xxii. 58, neut. 1. John xvi.16 twice,17 twice, 1. John xiii. 33. 18, 19 twice. alittle. 1, —— xiv. 19. 4, Heb. ii. 7,marg. (text, . Heb. x. 37. LITTLE (for a) or A WHILE. [marg. | ὀλίγως, but a little, scarcely, all but, just. 2 Pet. ii. 18, text, clean. LITTLE TIME (ror a) πρός, for, ( ὀλίγος, a little, 1 Tim. iv. 8, marg. (text, little), see “Lirtir,” Νο, 4. Jas. iv. 14, ee ae πι LIT [ LITTLE FURTHER (co) βραχὺ, short, small, διίστημι, to place _ lit., having moved a short 461 J asunder, sepa. | distance fur- rate, ther. Acts xxvii. 28. LITTLE (no) ov, no, τυγχάνω, to happen. Here, πο eom- part.asadj.; happening, [on as though anywhere or a. | no ordi- at all times, i.e. chance, .. casual, common; hence, J: with ov, Acts xxviii. 2. LITTLE ONE. μικρὸς, see “ LITTLE,” Vo. 1. Matt. x. 42. | Mark ix. 42. —— xviii. 6,10, 14. Luke xvii. 2. LITTLE (very) ἐλάχιστος, superl. of the old ἐλαχύς, but used as superl. of puxpos,(“ LITTLE,” No.1) the least. Luke xix. 17. See also, BOOK, CHILD, DAUGHTER, FAITH, FISH, SHIP. SS SS SSS > >_: LIVE (Εν, -Es?, -ETH, -1NG.) [verb.] 1. ζάω, to live (akin to dw, ἄημι, to ο to have ζωή (see “ LIFE,” 1). Not “to be happy,” ή have life in all or any 0 down to the lowest vegetable. “to exist,” without living. To live, is to have that peculiar property communi- but of its manifestations, from the life of God Not for a thing can exist Ϊ cated by God to some parts only | of his creation. of Himself. “In Him we live, and move, and have our being.” (τὸ, the, ; the living, {.ο. living, ὶ ζῆν, to live, ᾿ (emphatic.) 3. ζωογονέω, to bring forth alive; pass., He originates and sustains all life by giving it out be born alive; to preserve alive, | οσο. Luke xvii. ’ 83.) 2 ———— _ eee \ LIV ἀναστρέφω, to turn up, overturn, mid., to turn one’s self round, (Lat., versari), hence, to move about, sojourn, live with, pass one’s time. βιόω, to lead a life, pass one’s life, (non occ.) διάγω, to lead or bring through; of tame, to pass or lead a life, (ce. 1 Tim. ii. 2.) πολιτεύω, to be a πολίτης, (a citizen or free man) live in a free state, to live as a free and good citizen, (oce. Phil. 1. 27.) ὑπάρχω, to begin, to be present ; with 5. 6. ΤΙΣ ev, or Dat., implies a being or living in any state, place, or con- dition. 1, Matt. iv. 4. 1. Gal. iii. 11, 12. 1. —— ix. 18. ΤΕ ΞΟ δος 1, — xvi. 16. — Eph. vi. A see L long. 1. — xxii. 32. 2. Phil. i. 21 1. — xxvi. 63. | al 22. 1. Mark v. 23. 1. Col. ii. "20. 1. — xii. 27 1. — iii. 7. 1. Luke ii. 36 | 1. 1 Thes. i. 9. 1. —— iv. 4 | 1. —— iii. 8. 8, — vii. 25 ΡΞ τῇ 1, ——x. 28. | 1. 1 Tim. iii. 15. — — xii. 29, see L im | 1. —— iv. 10. careful suspense. | ———v. 6150, see Plea- 1, απλο aad φας, ! sure or Delicately. πι. πμ Gand; part. a ves iv. "50. - 50, ee [1. — vi. 17 (om. τῷ 1. —— v. 25. ζῶντι, the living, -- Ἡ, 1. —— vi.dltwice,573 abies TTrARN.) 58, 69 (ap.) | _ 2Tim.ii.11, see L with. 1. — vii. [15 Ξ Le, 1. —— xi. 25, 96. 1. Titus ii. 19. 1, —— xiv. 19 twice. 6. —— iii. 3. 3. Acts vii. 19, pass. 1. Heb. iii. 12. 1. —— xiv. 15. 1. — vii. 8, 25, part. 1. — xvii. 28. 1. —— ix. 14, 17. 1. —— xxii. 22 1, —— x. 20, 31, 38. 7. — xxiii. 1. 1. —— xii. 9, 22. 1. —— xxv. 24. 4. — xiii. 18. 1. —— xxvi. 5. 1. Jas. iv. 15. 1. —— xxviii. 4. 1. 1 Pet. i. 23. 1. Rom. i. 17, 1. ——ii. 4, 24. 1, ——vi. 2. 5. —— iv. 2. — 8, see L with. | 1. 6. ale 10 twice. | —2 Pet. ii. 6, see Un- 1. —vii.1, 2, part.,3, | 4. 18. [godly. part. 1. 1 John iv. 9. 1. — viii. 12, 13 twice. 1. Rev. i. 18. 1. —— ix. 26. Γ1. —— iii. 1. 1, ——x. 5. 1. —— iv. 9, 10. 1. — xii. 1. 1. —— v. 14 (ap.) a 18, see Peace- | 1. —— vii. 2. ably. Ι 1. 17 (ζωῆς, of life, 1. —— xiv. 7, 83times, 9, GLTTRAR, «ue. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 39. pu. “fountains of waters — — ix. 13, see Lo \f life,” instead of (τὰ, 14, | “fountains of living waters.’’) 2 Cor. iii. 3. ; 1, ——x. 6. 1. —— iv. 11. | 1. —— xiii. 14. 1. —— v. 15 twice. 1, —— xv. 7. 1. —— vi. 9, 16. 1. —— xvi. 3 (ζωῆς, of life, — —— vii. 3, see L with. GLT Tr> A, i.e. soul 1. —— xiii. 4 twice. of life.) — ——— 11, see Peace. —— xviii. 7, 9, see 1. Gal. ii, 14 1. | Deliciously. -- 142nd, geeJews, 1. —— xx. 4. he 19, 20 4 times. i— 5, see L again. LIV LIVE AGAIN. ἀναζάω, (No. 1, prefixed.) Rev. xx. 5, (No.1, GLT Tr 4A.) with ava, up, or again, LIVE IN CAREFUL SUSPENSE [marg. | μετεωρίζω, to be floating in the air, hence, to be lifted up, buoyed up, esp., with false hopes. Luke xii, 29 twice, text, be of doubtful mind. LIVE LONG. οἰμί, to be, μακροχρόνιος, long-timed, 1.6. long- lived. Eph. vi. 3 LIVE OF. ἐσθίω, to eat, take food. 1 Cor, ix. 19, marg., feed of. ler WITH. συζάω, (πανε, No. 1, with σύν, to- gether in ος πώ with, pre- πες) (non occ.) Rom. vi. 8. 2 Cor. vii. 3. | 2 Tim. ii. 11. LIVELY. ζάω, see Live,’ No.1. Here part., 1.9. living. Acts vii. 38. | 1 Pet. ii. 5. 1 Pet. i, 3. LIVING [noun. ] Bios, life, means of life. Luke xv. 12, 30. Mark xi. 44. —— xxi. 4. Luke viii, 43, LIVING (witn ἨΙΟΤΟΤΑ) Caw, to live, (see LIVE,” No.1) ; here, part. living in de- ; : bauchery 3 ᾽ ἀσώτω dissolutel owes » ¥> or living in (from ἀσωτία, not ; riotous saveable, incorri- excess. gible, debauchery) Ἰ, Luke xv. 13. Pepe eS ee LOD LO! 1. ἰδού, (imperative of aor., mid. of εἶδον, to see) a particle serving to call attention, (elsewhere, BEHOLD !”’) 2. ide, (émperative of εἶδον, to see) used as an interjection, lo! behold | Matt. ii. 9. 1. Luke xv. 29. —— iii. 16, 17. 1, —— xvii. 21 1st. —— xxiv. 29. 1, 21 2nd (om. T —— xxv. 25. 1. —— xviii. 28. ΓΝ — xxvi. 47. 1. —— xxiii. 15, —— xxviii. 7, 20. 2. John vii. 26, ᾿ Mark x. 28. 2. —— xvi. 29. —— xiii. 21 1st (No. 2, | 1. Acts xiii. 46. ATCA NS: ) 1. —— xxvii. 24. 21 2nd (No, 2, L | 1. Heb. x. 7, 9. TTrAk.) 1. Rev. v. 6 (oin. καὶ ἰδοῦ, —— xiv. 42, andlo!GL Tr Ας.) . Luke i. 44. 1. — vi. 5. — ii. 9. 1, 12 (om. G L T —— ix. 39, Tr A.) —— xiii. 16. 1. — vii. 9 (om. L Τὺ.) 1. Rey, xiv. 1. LOAF (Loaves.) ἄρτος, see “BREAD.” Mark xiv. 17, 19 twice. Mark viii. 5, 6, 14, 19. —— xv. 34, 36. Luke ix. 13, 16. — xi. 5. John vi. 9, 11, 13, 26. Mark vi. 38, 41 twice, 44, 52. LOCUST (-s.) ἀκρίς, a locust. Matt. iii. 4, | Rev. ix. 3, 7. Mark i. 6. LODGE (-ΕΡ, -ErTH.) ’ . . ξενίζω, to receive ov entertain stran- gers, to recelve as a guest. * Pass., to be entertained as a guest. κατασκηνόω, to plant down a tent, i.e. to pitch a tent; hence, to so- journ. Of birds, to haunt, (oce. Acts 11. 26.) καταλύω, to loosen down, unbind, as the burdens from camels. lence, of travellers, to halt for rest or for the night, to put up for the night. . αὐλιζομαι, to pass the time in the αὐλή, (an open court or yard) to encamp in the open air, bivouae, either by night or day, (οσο. Luke xxi. 37.) 2. Matt. xiii. 32. 4. —— xxi. 17. 2. Mark iv. 82, 1, —— xxi. 16. 3. Luke ix. 12. 1, —— xxviii. 7*. — 1 Tim. ν. 10, see Stranger. 2. Luke xiii. 19. 1. Acts x. 6”, 18, 23, 32. ω LOD [ 463 1 LON LODGING. LONG WHILE (a) | ξενία, guest-right, alliance of hospitality. | (ἐφ᾽, upon, — ᾿ for a sufficient, In N.T., place for a guest, a lodg- | ( évavov, sufficing, or long time. ing, (non occ.) Acts xx. 11. Acts xxviii. 25. | Philem, 22. a ee ΩΣ oo ao το ΠΝ LONG [adv.] LOFT (rurrp) See AGO, AS, BEAR, LIVE, PATIENT, + τρίστεγος, three-roofed, having three eee floors or stories ; τὸ τρίστεγον, the | third floor, third story, (non occ.) LONG (How) Acts xx. 9. éws, until, ΝΑ | ἃ πότε, when? at what time ὃ LOINS. Matt. xvii. 17 twice. Luke ix. 41. Mark ix, 19 twice. John κ. 24. 21, see Lago (how) Rey. vi. 10. ὀσφύς, the loins, the lower region of | the back, the lumbar region, as opp. to the shoulders and thighs. LONG AGO (now) Matt. iii. 4. Acts ii, 90, ( πόσος, how great, how ) Howlong Luke xii. 35. Heb; vii. 5,10, | χρόνος, time, [much, ) a time. 1 Pet. i. 13. Mark ix. 21. LONG [adj.] | LONG (-rp.) [verb.] See also, ALL, CLOTHING, GARMENT, ἐπιποθέω, to desire upon, .6. over and HAIR, PATIENT, PATIENCE, ROBE, above, besides; hence, to desire TIME. earnestly. Rom. i. 11, 1. πολύς, ΠΙΔΏΥ, much. Of time, much, long. Ah LONG AFTER. 9. ὁ ἐπὶ, upon, ; i.e. very much at ο... . , or. ix. 14, ἡ πλείων, more, length, further. Phil. ii. 26, part. with εἰμί, to be. 3 ( οὐκ, not, ovo. > , 9 η] { ὀλιγός, a little. LONG AFTER (απελτητ...) 1, Matt. xxv. 19. | 3. Acts xiv. 28. Phil. i. 8. — Luke xxiii. 8, see L | 2. —— xx. 9. season (of a) οσο 11, see L while 1. John v. 6 1, —— xxvii. 14. [(a) — — xiv. 9, see L (so) | 1. —— xxvii. 21. — Heb. iv. 7, see L (so) LONGED FOR. ἐπιπόθητος, much desired upon, ear- nestly longed for, (non 000.) LONG SEASON (or 4) | Phil. iv. 1. ἐξ, out of, of, on aes | "TPs pee so, sufficing, abund- ᾧ 947 Ons LONGER. ant, great, much. me. . | 5 a AS : : 1. ἔτι, yet, still, mplying duration, ac- Luke xxiii. 8, ἐξ ἱκανῶν χρόνων, for a sufficient number | cession, or addition. of times, L Tr A &.) τὰ νά | 2. πλείων, more. LONG (so) 1. Luke xvi.2, 1 8. Acts xviii. 20, τοσοῦτος, so great, so much. Of time, ν so much, so long. LONGER (any) John xiv. 9. | Heb. iv. 7. 1. ἔτι, see No. 1, above, SS ΠΡ τορνυσοΠοροὋὌὭεοινισὍσ τ LON [ 464 ] LOO 2. μηκέτι, (No.1, with μὴ, no, not, pre- | 4. ὁράω, to see, perceive with the eyes, fixed) no longer. (Here, with another negative, μὴ, strengthening the affirmative.) 2. Acts xxv. 24. | 1. Rom. vi. 2. LONGER (no) 1. μηκέτι, see above, No. 2. 2. οὐκέτι, no further, no more, no longer. [Wo. 1 refers to what is matter of thought or supposition, while Wo. | 2 refers to what is matter of fact. ] 1, Tim. v. 23. 2. Gal. iii. 25. 1. 1 Pet. iv. 2. 1. 1 Thes. iii. 1, 5. —— LONGSUFFERING [noun. } μακροθυμία, long before being angry, patient endurance, forbearance, | (οσο. Heb. vi. 12; Jas. v. 10.) Rom. ii. 4 Col. iii. 12. ix. 2% 1 Tim. i. 16. 2 Cor. vi. 6 2 Tim. iii. 10. Gal. v. 22 | iv. 2. Eph. iv. 2. | 1 Pet. iii. 20. Col. i. 11. | 2 Pet. iii. 15. LONGSUFFERING (95) μακροθυμέω, to be μακροθυμία, above) to be long before being angry, to endure or wait patiently. 2 Pet. iii. 9. LOOK (-£p, -ETH, -Ίνα.) [verb. ] (5.6 (See below for words used in connection.) 1. εἶδον, to see ; implying not the mere act of seeing, but the actual percep- tion of the object, thus differing from No. 2, and referring to the mind and thought of him whosees, (the subject,) thus differing from No. 4. 2. βλέπω, to use the eyes, to see, look; used of the act of seeing, even | though nothing is seen; to observe accurately with desire; hence, of mental vision ; implying more con- templation than No. 4. 8. ἀναβλέπω, (No. 2, with ava, up, pre- fixed) to look up. ο ΒΘ pg look at, to see something, wsed of bodily sight, differing from No. 2 in the same way as No.1 does ; and differing from No. 1 in that it refers in thought to the object, while No. 1 refers to the subject. 5. ἀφοραω, (No. 4, with ἀπὸ, away from, prefixed) to look away from one thing so as to see another, look off from one thing unto another, (οσο. Phil. ii. 23.) 6. παρακύπτω, to stoop down near by anything, to bend forward near in order to look at anything more closely. “J . προσδοκάω, to watch toward or for anything, to look for, expect, wait for. Mark xvi. 4, part. 5. Heb. xii. 2 Luke ix. 62. 6. Jas. i. 25 John vii. 52, impera- | 6. 1 Pet. i. 12 —— xiii. 22. [tive. | 1. Rev. iv. 1 —— xix. 37. 1. —vi. 8 (om. G=) Acts iii. 4. 1. —— xiv. 1, 14. —— xxviii. 6, part. 1. —— xv. 5. LOOK ABOUT ON. | περιβλέπω, (No.2, above, with repi,round about, prefixed.) Mark iii. 34, mid. LOOK AT. σκοπέω, to look, inspect, reconnoitre, behold, regard. 2 Cor. iv. 18, part. LOOK DILIGENTLY. ἐπισκοπέω, (the above, with ἐπί, upon, prefiwed) to look upon, look after, see to, (occ. 1 Pet. v. 2.) Heb. xii. 15. LOOK EARNESTLY ON. ἀτενίζω, to fix the eyes intently upon, gaze upon intently. Acts iii. 12. LOOK EARNESTLY UPON. atevilw, see above. Luke xxii. 56. 1. 2. LOO LOOK FOR. προσδοκάω, see “LOOK,” No. 7. προσδέχομαι, to receive to one’s self. Of things future, to wait for, ex- pect. . ἐκδέχοµαι, (Wo. 2, with ἐκ, out of, or from, prefixed, instead of πρός, to or towards) to receive from any quarter, to look for (being about to receive), expect. . ἀπεκδέχομαι, (3ο. 3, with ἆ ἀπό, from, prefixed) to wait out, 1.6. to wait long and patiently, to await ar- dently. 1. Matt. xi. 3. 9. 1 Cor. xvi. 11, 1. —— xxiv. 50. 4. Phil. iii. 20. 2. Luke ii. 38. 2. Tit. ii, 13. 1. —— vii. 19, 20. 4. Heb. ix. 28. ΤΙ 8. ----- πι. 10. ᾖ[ρατῖ. 2. Acts xxiii. 21. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 12, 13, 14, 2. Jude 51. LOOK ON. 1. βλέπω, see “Loox,” No. 2. . εἶδον, see “LOOK,” Wo. 1 3. ἐπεῖδον, (3ο. 2, with ἐπί, upon, pre- Jjived.) . ἀτενίζω, to fix the eyes intently upon, gaze upon intently. . θεάομαι, to contemplate earnestly, (with the ideaof desire and pleasure) to see with regard and admiration. θεωρέω, to be a spectator of, to be- hold as with attention or wonder, to look on or regard, (as not being the act of an instant, but for a lengthened period.) σκοπέω, to look, inspect, reconnoitre, regard. 1, Matt. v. 28. 5. John iv. 35. 2. Mark viii. 33. 4. Acts x. 4, part. 6, —— xv. 40. 1, & Cor, x. ο. 3. Luke i. 25. 7. Phil. ii. 4. 2, —— x. 32. 1. Rev. v. 3, 4. LOOK OUT. ἐπισκέπτομαι, to look at as though to select, to look out, seek out. Acts vi. 3. ΒΕ [ 465 1 LOO LOOK ROUND ABOUT. περιβλέπω, (see “1. ABOUTON.”) Here, mid. Mark ν, 32. | Mark ix. 8. Mark x. 23. LOOK ROUND ABOUT ON oz UPON. περιβλέπω, see above. Matt. iii. 5. | Mark xi. 11, part. Luke vi. 10. LOOK STEADFASTLY. ἀτενίζω, see “1. on,” Wo. 4 Acts i. 10. | Acts vi. 15. 2 Cor. iii. 18. LOOK TO. 1. βλέπω, see “ LooK,” Wo. 2. 2. ὁράω, see “ LOOK,” Wo. 4 2. Acts xviii. 15. | 1, 2 John 8. LOOK UPON (το) ὅρασις, the sight, sense of seeing. Then, aspect, external form, in appear- ance. Rev. iv. 3. LOOK UP. 1. ἀναβλέπω, (“ LOOK,” Wo. 2, with ava, up, prefixed.) 2. ἀνακύπτω, to raise one’s self up, to ἀτενίζω, see “L. ON,” a Sat rise up from a stooping posture. . Matt. xiv. 19. δέον ἘῸΝ him look . Mark vi. 41. up, T Tr A &), (om. . —— Vii, 34. 1, Luke ix. 16. [α -- — viii. 24, 1. —— xix. 5. 25 (διέβλεψεν,]ιο 1. —— xxi. 1. saro clearly, instead 3, 28. of ἐποιήσεν αὐτὸν ava- 1. Acts xxii. 13. LOOK UP STEADFASTLY. No. 4. Acts vii. 55. LOOK UPON. 1. ἐμβλέπω, (“LOOK,” Wo. 2, with ἐν, in, prefixed.) LOO [ 466 1 LOR 2. ἐπιβλέπω, (“ LOOK,” No. 2, with ἐπὶ, upon, prefixed.) 3. θεάομαι, (see “τι. on,” Wo. 5.) 1. Mark x. 27. 1. Luke xxii. 61. 1. —— xiv. 67. 1. John i. 36. 2. Luke ix. 38. 8. 1 Johni. 1. LOOK WHEN. προσδοκάω, (see “ LOOK,” No. 7.) Acts xxviii. 6. LOOKING AFTER. προσδοκία, a looking for, expectation. Luke xxi. 26. LOOKING FOR. ἐκδοχή, a reception, a waiting for, (non occ.) Heb. x. 27. LOOSE (-£p, -τνα.) ne een a ae 1. λύω, to loose, loosen what is fast bound ; hence, to unbind. 2. ἀπολύω, (No. 1, with ἀπὸ, from, ees fixed) to let loose from, free from. 3. ἀνίημι, to send up or forth, let up, let go. 4. ἀνάγω, to lead up, conduct or bring up. As a nautical term, to lead a ship out to sea, to put to sea. 5. αἴρω, to take up, lift up, raise; of anchors, to weigh anchor and sail away. | 6. καταργέω, to render inactive, idle, useless; hence, to cause to cease, do away; cease to be connected with. | 1. Matt. xvi. 19 twice. | 1. Acts xiii. 25. 1, —— xviii. 18 twice. 4, —— xvi. 2. 27. 3 26. 1. —— xxi. 2. ἤχει δὴ 1. Mark vii. 35, | 1. —— xxiv, 26 (ap.) i| 1, ——xi.2, 4, 5. | 5. —— xxvii. 13 || 2. Luke xiii. 12. 4. 21. | ee 15, 16. 3 40. ij} 1. —— xix, 30, 31. 6. Rom. vii. 2. Ι -- 331st, see Loos- | — 1 Cor. vii. 2718, see L ! ing oe | (to be | 1. ᾱ, He 7 2nd. | . John xi. ner 1. Rev. v. 2. | i Acts ii. 24. | Ἢ 5(om. LT ΤΥ Α.) 4, —— xiii. μετ 1, —— ix. 14, 15. . Rev. xx. 3, 7. LOOSING (zx) Luke xix, 33, part. LOOSED (το BE) λύσις, a loosening, from any te or con- straint, (non occ.) 1 Cor. vii. 27. ΞΕ Ce (9) 1. κύριος, (an adj., from κῦρος, might) mighty. Then, as subst., ὃ κύριος, lord, principal, ruler. Distin- guished from No. 2, as being He who assumes and exercises the power, while δεσπότης really possesses it as unlimited. [It is used of man* as the possessor, owner, or master, e.g. property. Hence, a title of address, Eng., master, sir; French, sieur, mon- sieur ; Germ., herr. See wnder No. 3. As a name for God, it is used as predicated of Him, or when He is addressed or spoken of. Asa name for Christ, because He stands in the same relation to us as God. But while κύριος is used as a translation of m7, (Jehovah) the name Jehovah is never applied to Christ. And when κύριος is applied to God in the «Ν.Τ., Je- hovah is the word quoted or re- ferred to from the 0.7% Also when κύριος is applied to Ohrist, it is specially and directly ex- plained in the O.7,, as in Ps. ex. 1, * Jehovah said unto Adonai,” “εἶπεν ὃ κύριος TH κύριῳ pod.” cf. ἜΡΘΗ xxil. 48—45, and Mark xii. 36, 37. In the Gospels κύριος usually sig- nifies God, while in the Epistles it generally refers to Ohrist, and denotes His position of Master in relation to His people, as He who has ownership and authority over them. Hence, all the social and natural relationships of life are to be regarded and performed as subject to His πο 6.7.» It is the “ Lord’s Supper,” not the supper of Jesus or C rist, because He who says, “ Do this, ” has the right and authority to institute and command, Again, marry, etc., LOR in the Lord, obey in the Lord, (not in Jesus or Christ.) See further ander “ Jesus,” and “ Curisv.” 2. κυριεύω, to be lord over any person or thing, to have dominion over. Here, part., 6 κυριεύων, he who has dominion over, 1.6. a lord, poten- tate. reign. In pl., as here, those who 3. δεσπότης, one who has absolute do- minion, supreme authority, and unlimited power, arising from ownership ; a master, as opp. to a servant, No.l implies 4 greater honour and respect, No. 3 greater submission. As denoting the exer- cise of supreme authority, it is ap- plied to God,* and also to Christ.+ 4. ῥαββονί, a Hebrew word, like ῥαββί, (Rabbi) but of higher honour, meaning (with the suffix) my great master. A. name publicly given to only seven persons, all of the school of Hillel, and of great eminence. 1, Matt. i. 20, 22, oP 1, —— ii. 13, 5, 1 1. — iii. 3. 1. —— iv. 7, 10 1, ——v. 33. 1, — vii. aL twice, 99twice. 1, —— viii. 2, 6, ὃ, 21, 25, 1. —— ix. 28, Ἂ 1*,—— x. 24, 25. 1. —— xi. 25. 1, — xii. 8. 1. — xiii. 51 (om. GoL TTrAn.) 1, —— xiv. 28, 30. 1. — xv. 22, 25, 27. 1, — xvi. 22, 1. — xvii. 4, 15. 1, —— xviii. 21. 19. 25. i 26(om.LT Tr A.) rEg 27, 31, 32, 34. a*, xx. 8. 1; 30, 31, 33. 1. —— xxi. 8, 9. 15. 40. -- 42, see Lord's (the) 1. —— xxii. 37, 43, 44twice, 1. — xxiii. 39. [45. 1, — xxiv, 42. 15. 45, 46, 48, 50. 1*,—— xxv. 11 twice, 18, 19, 20, 21 twice, 22, § 23 twice? on 26, Ἄς 37, 44. hy — πανί, 22. 1. —— xxvii. 10. 1. Tima te 2. 1, m.T ΤΤΡΑ Ν, 1.6. wena ore He lay.”")" 1, Mark i. 3 1 ~-— ii, ο 1 -----ν. 19. — — vi, 21, see Lords. 1. — vii. 28, FI* 1. Mark ix. 24(om.GLT Tr AX.) 4, ——x. 51. emia iy 3, 9, 10 (ap.) -- ΤῊ see Lord’s (the) 1. 29 twice, 90, 36,37. 1. —— xiii. 20. ) 1, —xvi. a ee »20(ap.) 1. at 6, 9, 11, 15, 16, 25, 38, ” 32, 88, 43, ry 46, 58, 66, 68, 76. 1, — ii. Q lst, 2nd (om, G-),11, 1b 122, 23%Wice, Ὁ", 29, [24, 26. 1. —— 38 (θεός, L Τ Tr AR®.) 1, 39. 1. —— iii. 4, 1. — iv. 8, 12, 18, 19. 1. —-vv. 8, ἸΩ, 17. 1. —— vi. 5, 46 twice. 1, —— vii. 6, 3] 1st, 3] 2nd (ap.) 1. —— ix. il 57 es G-LT Tr Ab, 1. - 59, 61. 1. ——x.1, 2,17, 21, 27, 40, 1. — xi. 1, 39. ιν, xii. 36, 37. i 41, 42 1st. αν, 422nd, 43, 45, 45, 47. 1, xiii. 8. 1; 15, 23, 25 1st. 1; 25 2nd’ (om, Lb T TrAR®.) 35. 1*.—— xiv. 21, 22, 23. 1*,—— xvi. 8, 5 twice, 8, 1. —— xvii. 5, 6, 37. 1, —— xviii. 6, 41. Γ 467 1 | | 1. Luke xix, 8 twice. jing! 16, 18, 20, 25. 1. 31, 34, 38. 1 1 1 1*,—— xx. 13, 15. 37, 42 twice, ΩΣ . — xxii. 31 (ap. ἢ), 58 38, 49, 61 twice. . —— xxiii. 42 (om, Lb T Tr AR. ο. 23 (om. G-—), 8. 1. —— xii. 18, 38 twice. 1. —— xiii. 6, 9, 19, 14. δ να 6. it 25, 36, 37. 1. —— xiv. 5, 8, 22. 13. xv. 15, 20. 1. —— xx. 2, 19, 18, 20, 25, 28. 1, —— xxi. 7 twice, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21. Acts i. 6, 21, 24. —— ii. 20, 21,25, 34twice, 36, 39, 47. — iii. 19, 22, meg αι — vii. 30 (om. Κύριον, of the Lord, ἃ -- LT Tr A &.) 31, 33. 37_(om. Κύριος, and ὑμῶν, ie. God, instead of the Lord τιν AR.) 1 49, 59, 60. 1, — viii. 16, 24, 25, 26, ἘΞ τ τὺ μι 1 TTrA®.) 6 twice a eda ἘΠῚ 18, 15, 17, 27, 29, 31, 35, 42, —x. i 14, 38. 480 Ἰησοῦς Χρισ- Be Tr &.) —— xi. 8, 1 17, 20, 91 twice, 23, 24. = ἢ τ il, 17, 23. iii, 2, 10, 11; 12, 47, 48, 49 — xiv. 3, 23. —— xv. ll, 17 twice, 26, 35, 36. —— xvi. 10 (θεός, God, GeoLT Tran.) 14, 15, 31, 32. ——— xvii. 24. Gs), ey 27 ( God, ἃ ves —— xviii. 8, 9, 25 1st. 25 2nd CIncois, Jesus, LT Tr AN.) xix. 5, 10, 13, 17. — xx. 19, 21, 24, 35. — xxi. 13, 14, —— 20 (θεός, God, G LT TrA RW.) — xxii. 8, 10 twice. —16 (ἀντός, His name, instead of the name of the Lord, @ L TTrARn.) 19, 1. —— xxiii. 11. 1*,—— xxv. 15, 20. 1, —— xxvi. 15. 1. —— xxviii, 31. el ae πὰ ol oe el ed | : 52nd (om. GL | τος, Jesus Christ,G0L | τ δὲ, your God, GS LTTr | 1. Rom. i. 3, 7. 1, —— iv. 8, 24. 1. ——v. 11,21. 1, ——vi.11 (om. τῷ κυρίῳ ἡμῶν, our Lord, α 1, T Tr A.) i 23. 1. —— vii. 25. "vil, 90 1. —— ix. 28, 29. 1, —x.9, 12, 13, 16. 1. —— xi. 3, 34. 1 xii. 11 (Gr), (και- pos, opportunity, or occasion, St. G.) 1. —— xiii. 14. 1. Xiv. 6 1st, 6 2nd(ap.), 63rd ἃ ath, 8 3 times, gS UE 14. 1. —— xv. 6, 11, 90. 1. —— xvi. 9 8, τι, 12 Ist, 12 2nd (ap. ον 13, 18, 20, 22, 24 (ap.) 1. Wor. 3; ἊΣ 8 ΝΒ, Θὲ 40, 31. 1. — ii. 8, 16. 1. — iii. 5, 20. 1. —— iv. 4, 5,17, 19. 1. -- ν. 4 twice, δ, 1. —-vi. 11, 13 twice, 14, 17. 1. —— vii. 10, 12. -- 17 (θεός, God, G “LT TrA®,) [Note, for θεός, at beginning of verse, δι Κὐριύο, Lord, GLTTrAR. J -- 22 twice, 25 twice, 2 twice, 34, 35, 39. tod ἐμ viii. 5. 1. 6. 1, —— ix, 1 twice, 2, 5, 14. ; 1. —x. 21 twice, 22, 26, 28 (ap.) 1. — xi. 11. -- 20, see Lord’s (the 23 twice, 26 27 twice. il 29 (om. τοῦ Ku- ριοῦ, the Lord’s, L T Tr ARN.) 1, ——— 32. 1, —— xii. 3, 5. 1, —— xiv. 21, 37. 1, — xv. 31. il; 47 (om. ἃ 3 PT Tr AN) "3 sl 58 twice 23. 1. 2 Cor. i. 2, 3, 14 1. ——ii. 12 1. ——iii. 16, 17 twice 18 twice. 1. —— iv. 5. ἣν 10 (m GLT Tr A Μὴ 1, 14, 1. —— ν. 6, 8, 11 1. —— vi. 17, 18. 1. —— viii. 5, 9, 19, 21, 1, ——x. 8, 17, 18 1, —— xi. 17, 31. 1. —— xii. 1, 8. 1, —— xiii. 10, 14. 1, Gal. i. 8, 19. 19 iv. 1. 1, —— ν 10. 1, —— vi. 14. yh 17 (om. G 3 T Tr A.) 1, Eph. i. 2, 3, 15, 17 1, —— ii. 21. 1. —— iii. 11, 14 (αρ.) 1. — iv. 1, δ, 1, —v.8, LOR [ 468 1 LOS 1. Eph. v. 17 (θεός, God, | 1. Heb. vii. 14, 21. ΄ u Ρ Pm) » ao ei e010, τι, παρά, from be from the Lord 1. 19, ins 22. ντ. 16.’ ee 2: side, [this came to . στός, st (om. λέγει a η Christ, GET TrAs) gate Lord, κυριον, the Lord, pass. | . — Vi.l(om. ἐν Κυρίω, | = rp. . in the Lord, G> LTr> 1 30 2nd, 3 re ο. η Leer i a “Day Ab.) τυ Ge 5 TK Xi. il. 6Υ.1. ση ve a's" 1. 4, 7,8,10, 21,23, | 1. —— xiii. 6, 20 [(the Lord's") 24. | 1. Jas. i. 1, 7. 1. Phil. i. 2, 14. 1 12 (om. GL T LORD OF (er) σι τα, | TrA RX, i.e. substitute ; ἦς aay τὰς 1. 19 (κριστός, μις κυριεύω, see “LORD,” Λο. 2. Christ, L. | Γι ’ 1. β | 1. —— iv. 10, 15. Rom. xiv. 9. Ἱ πα α τη, | 1. ——v.A, 7, 8, 10, 1118 1. τ ἘΣ , 2,4, 5, 10. 295. | 1. 11 2nd (om. G=) 1. Co 1,2 (ap.), 3, 10. 11, 14, 15. τ ib αι 1. 1 Pet es LORDS OVER (set) . — iii. ἆ ο), (θεός, .-—ii 3 / [η ” : God, 1G Hs ARN.) 1, πὶ 6. ‘ κυριεύω, see “ LORD,” Vo. 2. 3 om. GS ; 12 twice, 15. Ἢ τεῦ 18, 20, 23,24 wh —"y8 nee Lords 1 Pet. v. 3, marg., overrule. 1 Thess ime, 12a | 1, 2 Poe κο ΤΙ, 14 18. es. i Sst, 1 η οὐ. 1 (ap.), 3, 6, 8. = i 1 LORDSHIP OVER (exercise) 1: St 15, 19. 1, 9. : ν᾽ ὥς πὰ 9 . — iii. 8, 11. ai, 11 (cm. παρά iL, κυριευω, 866 ~~ LORD, No. 2 ΠΣ 12 (om. G-) Kupte, beyore tne Lord, , : ἑ 1. ae 1, Ssh) | 2. κατακυριεύω, (Wo. 1, with κατά, down, . — iv. 1, 2, 6, twice, 4 : . Ω 16, 17 twice: 1, —~ ii.2'8,9,10, 15,18. prefixed) to lord it against or over 1. v.2,9, ο. 27,28. | 1. 2 John3 ‘om. Gs LT any one. 1. 9 Thes. i. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, Tr A.) 12 twice, 3t. Jude 4 1st. 2. Mark x. 42. αι. Luke xxii, 25. i) απο 14,16.) 01 42nd. τς — iii. τ Goa, L.) 1: τῇ δι ὑῶν A 3 (θεός, God, L. συ rm : in 1. ——4,5,6,12, 16%, το ——— 9, 14, 17, 31 LOSE (-ErH, Lost.) . ΘΥ. 1. δ. cy ey? Ltn (omg τοῦ | ἜΝ ἀπόλλυμι, to destroy utterly (stronger Tr A.) (the) Sorm of ὄλλυμι, to destroy) to lose 1. 2, 12, 14. (aly =e eal ae : 1 τι ἜΤ Gai | 80. vi 10. utterly, ite subject being the suf- r : 1. —— vii. 14. fla i eee ap ferer ; the fundamental thought 1 18, 9, 16 2nd κ ασ πο ruin, loss, what is lost to another, who reign. 1, — xv. ὃ. 1 OTe τ εν 8, 16,18twice. | 1. ee eS) as a ‘sheep, lost to the fold and tie iby ται 1, —— xvi. 5 (om. Κυριε, shepherd. 1. iu (θεός, God, Lm O Lord,GLT Tr AX) : : T Tr 8.) il 2 2. ζημιόω, to bring loss upon any one. 1. 19, 22, 24. 1, —— xvii. 14 1st. In ΝΤ / ‘d πι Sie πα: 1*, 14 2nd. 7} -- ο Y 211 ς or pass., 1, — iv.1 (om.G 2, T | 1, —nzviii8. suffer loss, to receive detriment. Tr A RX.) 1. —— xix. 1 (τοῦ θεοῦ, of ΠΣ ] Ἢ nr ] 1. = 8, 14, 17, 18, 22 our God, instead of, ere, only mid., to bring loss upon rir i. 4 (om. Κυρίῳ τῴ θεῷ, nto the ’ Eley ] a) ee Oe eo one’s self, 1.6. to lose. 1. Philem. 3, 5, 16, 20 1st. Tr A ΝΜ) — Matt.v.13,seeSavour. , — Luke xiv.34,see Savour 1. 20 μά (ζριστός, 1 6, 16 lst. 1, —x. 6, 39 twice, 45, | 1 xv. 4 lst, part, Christ, GLT'Tr A &.) | 1*. 16 2nd. 1. — xv. 24. | 4 2nd, ϐ, 8, 9, 24, 32. 1, Heb. i. 10. 1, — xxi, 22. 1. —— xvi. 25 twice. ΠῚ Xvii. 33 twice. 1, — ii. | 1. —— xxii. 5, 6, 20, 21. 2. 26. |) a σας SG 1, —— xviii. 11 (ap.) | — John vi. 12, see L (be) 1. Mark viii. 35 twice. τῇ 39, He 2. 36. | 1, —— xii. 3 twice. LORDS. 1, — ix. 41. | — —— xvii. oy see L (be) - 50, see Saltness. 1. xviii. μεγιστᾶνες, great ones, Lat., magnates, | 1. Luke ix. ‘Byte, 25. ΤΣ 3 Cor. ἵν, 8, 60 Ὁ (be) z.e. chiefs, nobles, princes, Rey. vi. 15, xviii. 23.) Mark vi. 21. (οσο. LORD’S (ΤΗΕ) I, κυριακός, belonging to the lord, (τὸ κυριακόν, was the State, or fiscal property.) In N.T. belonging to Christ as Lord, having special reference to Him. 1, 2 John 8. LOST (15) 1. John vi. 12. | 1. John xvii. 12, 1. 2:Cor. iv. 8. LOSS. 1. ζημία, damage, loss, detriment, (οσο. Acts xxvii. 10.) 2. ἀποβολή, a casting off or away from loss, (οσο. Rom. xi. 15.) LOS 3. ἥττημα, a being inferior, a worse state, as compared with any other or former state, (occ. 1 Cor. vi. 7.) —1Cor. ἫΣ 15, see Loss Ί; Phi’ iii. rg [(euter) | 2nd, see Loss of Acts xxvii. 21. ᾿ 22. 3, Rom.xi. 12, marg.(text, [2 diminishing. ) LOSS (suFrrer.) ζημιόω, see “ LOSE,” Wo. 2. 1 Cor. iii. 15. LOSS OF (surrer) ζημιόω, see “ LOSE,” Wo. 2 Phil. iii. 8. LOT (-s.) 1. κλῆρος, (prob. from κλάω, to break, because twigs or other κλάσματα, (fragments) were used for the pur- pose of casting lots) a lot, the lot that apportions or allots. Then, the iot that is allotted or appor- tioned. Matt. xxvii. 35 (ap.) John xix, 24, Mark xv. 24. 34, see L (cast) Luke i. 9, see L (be one’s) | Acts i. 16 twice. — xxiii. 34. — viii. 21. Acts xiii. 9, see Divide. LOT (BE one’s) λαγχάνω, to have fall to one’s lot, ob- tain as one’s portion. Luke i. 9. LOTS (cast) λαγχάνω, see above. Jobn xix, 34, LOUD. μέγας, great, large, prer. of physical magnitude, but also great in force and intensity ; hence, of the voice, loud. Matt. xxvii. 46, 50, Acts vii. 57, 60. Mark i. 26. —- viii. 7. ---- ν. 7. —— xiv. 10. — xv. 34, — xvi. 28. 87. —— xxvi. 24. Luke i. 42, Rey, v. 2, 12. — iv. 33. —— vi. 10. —- viii. 28. — vii. 2, 10. —— xvii. 15. —- viii. 13. — xir. 37. — x. 3, — xrtii. 23, 46 — xii. 10. John xi. 43. — xiv. 7, 9, 15, 18. Rev. xix. 17. [ 469 1 LOV LOVE [noun. | ἀγάπη, love. [A word not found in the profane writers, nor in Philo and Josephus, nor in Acts, Mark, and James. It is unknown to writers outside of the V.7. φιλανθρωπία, philanthropy was the highest word used by the Greeks, which is a very different thing to ἀγάπη, and even far lower than φιλαδελφια. φιλαν- θρωπία t in its full display was only giving to him who was entitled to it his full rights.] ἀγάπη denotes the love which springs from ad- miration and veneration, and which chooses its object with decision of will, and devotes a self-denying and compassionate devotion to it. Love in its fullest conceivable form. 2. φιλανθρωπία, philanthropy, love of man, (see above.) 1, Matt. xxiv. 12. ια, Phil.'3 92172 1, Luke xi. 42. 1. —— ii. 1ν 8, 1. John v. 42. 1. Col. i. 4, Β. 1. —— xii. 35. 1, —— Μη, 1. — xv. 9, 10twice, 13, | 1. 1 Thes. i. 3. 1, —— xvii. 26. 1. —— iii. 12. 1. Rom. v. 5, 8. 1, —v. 8, 19. 1. —— viii. 35, 39. 1, 2 Thes. ii. 10. 1. — xii. 9. a δ. — 10, see Brother- | 1. 1 Tim. i. 14. ly or Brethren. — —— vi. 10, see Money. 1. —— xiii. 10 twice. 1: 11. 1. —— xv. 30. 1. 2 Tim. i. 7, 19. 1. 1 Cor.iv. 21. 2. Titus iii. ἃ, 1, — xvi. 1. Philem. 5, 7, 9. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 4, 8, 1, Heb. vi. 10. 1; -ῶῶν. 1 1, ——x. 24. 1. — — 1Pet.i.22, ) see pe iit. δ 8, 24. - --- 11. 8," Brethren. 1. —— xiii. 11, 14. 1. 1 John ii. §, 15. 1. Gal. v. 6, 18, 22. 1. — iii. 1, 16, 17. 1. Eph. i. 4. 1. ——iv. 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, η (om. L 8.) 12, 16 Stimes, 17, 1,— ο 18 3times, 1. — iii. τν, 19. 1. -- ν. 8. 1, —— iv. 2, 15, 16. 1. 2 John 3, 6. 1. ——v. 2. 1. Jude 2, 21. 1. — vi. 23. 1. Rev. ii. 4. LOVE (-ΕΡ, -EDst, -EST, -ETH.) [verb.] 1. ἀγαπάω, to regard, (Zat., diligere) esteem, (the principle of internal feeling of delectation and kindli- ness,) to acquiesce with satisfac- tion, to cherish with reverence, to love, considered in reference to the tendency of the will (elsewhere translated beloved.) (See note, be- low.) 2. φιλέω, to kiss, to love (Zat., amare), used of the more direct demonstra- tion of regard; (hence, φίλος, ἃ friend, is from φιλέω, from φίω, or LOV from πίλω, to press; φίλος, is he whom we embrace, or kiss. Again, φιλία is friendship between men, but love when between the sexes,) to love, considered in reference to a natural inclination, or an emotion, (1.6. the passion of love) (elsewhere translated to kiss.) (See note, be- low.) [Nore.—These two words are not | used indiscriminately. ἀγαπάω, never means ¢o kiss; φιλέω, never means to acquiesce or cherish with reverence. φιλέω denotes the sense or passion of love, but 1η ἀγαπάω is is to make much of a thing, to ad- mire for some good and sufficient reason, but φιλέω denotes the love which springs naturally from the thing loved, even where no just cause of love exists. ἀγαπάω is never used of an improper love; Φιλέω is. Hence, in the N.Z. φιλέω is never used of man’s love to God, but ἀγαπάω, always. Both words are used of God’s love to man, ἀγαπάω, when He is said to “ Love the world,” (John iii. 16, ete.) and when He wishes men good, and seeks their salvation ; and φιλέω is affirmed of His love to His people who please Him, (John xvi. 27, ete.) Again, φιλέω is used of Jesus’ love for Lazarus, (John xi. 3, 86); but im verse 5 the word is ἀγαπάω, because there the sisters are included, and there- fore this word was more correct. Again, we are commanded to Jove our enemes, etc., but here ἀγαπάω is used, never φιλέω ; love cannot be required in this case, though kindness and compassion are. Again, in John xxi. 15-17, in the first question Jesus uses dya- πάω, but Peter uses the word φιλέω in his reply; this is repeated, and then Jesus uses Peter’s word in the third question. Once more, to love (φιλέω) life, from an ex- cessive desire to preserve it, and so to lose sight of the real object of living, is reproved by our implied the cause of φιλέω. ἀγαπάω. Lord, (John xii. 25.) Whereas | LOW to love (ἀγαπάω) life, is to consult its real interest. Other examples may be traced out with much profit, e.g. Mark x. 21.] 3. θέλω, to will, desire, wish, implying active volition and purpose. 1. Matt. ν. 43, 44, 46 twice. | 1. 1 Cor. ii. 9. 2. ——vi.5. 1. — viii. 3. ile 24, 2. —— xvi. 22. 2, —— x. 37 twice. 1. 2 Cor. ix. 7 1. — xix. 19. 1. —— xi. 11 1. — xxii. 37, 39. 1. — xii. 15 twice. 2. —— xxiii. 6. 1. Gal. ii. 20. | 1. Mark x. 21. 1. ——v. 14. | 1. —— xii. 30, 31, 33 twice. | 1. Eph. ii. 4. Pace 38. 1. — v. 2, twice, 33, i 1. Luke vi. 27,324 times 35, | 1. —— vi. 24. | 1. — vii. 5, 42, 47 twice. | 1. Col. iii. 19 1. —— x. 27. | 1. 1 Thes. iv. 9. eo 1. 2 Thes. ii. 16. 1. —— xvi. 18. 1. 2 Tim, iv. 8, 10. 2. —— xx. 46. — Tit. ii. 4, see Husband 1. John iii. 16, 19, 35. or Children. 2. ——v. 20 (Νο. 1, L™.) | — —— iii. 4, see Man. 1, — viii, 42. | 2. 15. | a; Ξε ας a: 1: Heb. 1. 9 ; 2. ——xi. 3. | 1. —— xii. 6 ib, ὅς Ι1. Jas. i, 12 2. 36. 1. —— ii. 5,8. | 2, —— xii. 25 | 1. 1 Pet. i. 8, 22. abs 43. | 1. ——ii. 17. 1, —— xiii. twice, 23, -- —— iii. 8, sce Breth- 34.3 times, ren. 1. —— xiv. 15, 21 4times,| 1, 10. 23 twice, 24, 28, 31. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 15. 1, —— xv. 9 twice, 12 twice, | 1. 1 John ii. 10, 15 twice. 2. 19. (17. 1. —— iii. 10, 11, 14 twice, 2, —— xvi. 27 twice. , 23. | 1, ——xvii. 23twice, 24,26. | 1. —— iv. 7 twice 8,10 twice, 1, —— xix. 26. 11twice, 19, 19 twice, ο τας οἳ | 903 times, 2] twice. | 1, —— xxi. 7, 15 1st, 1, —— vy. Ltwice, 2 twice. 1 2: 15 2nd, | 1. 2 Johni. 5. 1, ——— 16 Ist. 1. 3 Johni. 2. 16 2nd. | 2. 9. 2, ——— 173 times. 1. Rev. i. 5. i 20. .. 1. — iii. 9. 1. Rom. viii. 28, 37. αι 19, | 1, —— ix. 13. 1. — xii. 11. 1. —— xiii. 8 twice, 9, | 2. —— xxii. 15. | LOVELY. προσφιλής, dear to any one, (non oce.) Phil. iv. 8. — a oy LOVER. See, GOD, GOOD, HOSPITALITY, PLEASURE, SELF. LOVING TO THE BRETHREN. [marg. ] See, BRETHREN. LOW (errina) | ταπεινόω, to make low, hence, to humble, Luke iii. 5. abase. a LOW [ 471 ] LUN eee LOW ESTATE. LOWLINESS OF MIND. ταπείνωσις, a making low, humiliation. Phil. ii. 8, In N.T., the being brought low, low estate, humiliation. Luke i. 48, LOWLY. ταπεινός, low, not high ; humble efcon- LOW ESTATE (ΜΕΝ OF) dition, or mind. ταπεινός, low, not high; humble of Matt. xi. 29. condition, or mind. Rom. xii. 16, pl. with art. | LUCRE. LOW (iN THAT HE IS MADE) κερδος, gain, profit, advantage; then, oe ats desire of gain, love of gain, (οσο. rh, the, in his Phil. i. 21, iii. 7.) ταπεινώσει, the being όταν Tit. i. 11. brought low, a Jas. i, 10, ----- LUCRE (for FILTHY) LOW DEGREE (oF) αἰσχρωκερδῶς, for the sake of dishonour- ταπεινός, low, not high; humble of able gain, (on occ.) condition, or mind. 1 Pet. v. 2. Luke i. 52. { Jas. i. 9. LOWER [adj.] LUCRE (αττεν το FILTHY) : | ; ου ος “chi Ὃ tag | αἰσχροκερδής, eager even for dishonour- t Ψ ᾽ ᾽ No. 2), (non occ.) able gout me iy. Eph. iv. 9. LOWER (make) LUCRE (GREEDY OF FILTHY) ἐλαττόω, to make less, e.g. in dignity, (οσο. John ii. 30.) Heb. ii. 7, marg. make inferior. — 9. αἰσχροκερδής, see above. 1 Tim. iii, 3 (om. GL T Tr A 4.) —— 8, LUKEWARM. χλιαρός, warm, lukewarm, (non 000.) LOWER (-rvya.) [verb.] στυγνάζω, to be or become austere or gloomy, (occ. Mark x. 22.) Rey. iii. 16. Matt. xvi. 3. a LUMP. LOWEST. φύραμα, a kneaded mass, e.g. of potter’s ἔσχατος, the last, extreme, uttermost. clay, or dough, (non oce.) Luke xiv. 9, 10. Rom. ix. 21, | 1 Cor. v. 6, 7. . «.. ---.-.- xi. 16. Gal. v. 9. LOW LINESS. LUNATIC (πε) σεληνιάζομαι, to be moon-struck, luna- tic, (non oce.) ταπεινοφροσύνη, lowliness of mind, humility, modesty of mind and deportment. Eph iv. 2. Matt. iv. 24. Ι Matt. xvii. 15. LUS [4752 1. MAD LUST [noun.] 1. ἐπιθυμία, what is directed towards any thing, desire which attaches itself to (ἐπί) or upon its object. It is used exclusively of sinful de- sire, which corresponds to man’s depraved nature. The inward pas- sion of concupiscence. 2. ὄρεξις, a reaching after, the appetite and tendency towards the external object. No. 1 is only the mental desire, but No. 2 has conjoined with it, the notion of the thing desired. No. 1 may therefore be used abso- lutely, as in Rom. vii. 7, and xiii. 9, but No. 2 never, (non occ.) 3. ἡδονή, pleasure, gratification, enjoy- ment. 4. πάθος, suffering, passion, (ie. of affection or love.) 1. Mark iv. 19. { 1. 2 Tim. iii. 6 1. John viii. 44. ια, iv. 3 1. Rom. i. 24, | 1. Tit. ii. 12 2. 27. | 1. ——iii. 3. 1. —— vi. 11 (ap.) | 1. Jas. i. 14, 15. 1. ——vii. 7, marg. con- | 2. —— iv.1and 3, marg. cupiscence. | pleasure. 1. — xiii. 14. | 1. 1 Pet. i. 14, 1. Gal. v. 16, 24. |i ----ᾱᾱ, 11. 1. Eph. ii. 3. 1. —— iv. 2, 3. 1. — iv. 22. | 1, 2 Pet. i. 4. 4, 1 Thes. iv. 5. | 1. —— ii. 10, 18. 1. 1 Tim. vi. 9. 1. — iii. 3. 1, 2 Tim. 11, 22. 1. 1 John ii. 16 twice, 17, 1. Jude 16, 18. MAD (se) μαίνομαι, to rage, to be furious, (oce. Acts xxvi. 24.) Jobkn x. 20. | Acts xxvi. 25, Acts xii. 15, 1 Cor. xiv, 23, ας MAD AGAINST (zr) ἐμμαίνομαι, (the above, with ἐν, in, pre- Jixed ) to rage or be furious against any person or thing, (non occ.) Acts xxvi. 11, LUST (-εν, -Ετη.) [verb.] 1. ἐπιθυμέω, to fix the desire upon, to have the affections directed to- wards any thing, (of unlawful de- sires.) 2. ἐπιποθέω, to desire upon, i.e. over and above, besides, to desire ear- nestly, long for. — Matt. v. 28, see L 1. Gal. v. 17. —1 Cor. x. 61st, § after. 1. Jas. iv. 2. 6 2nd. 2. 5. LUSTETH AFTER (twat...) επιθυµία, see “Lust,” Νο. 1 [noun. | Rev. xviii. 14. LYING [noun* and adj.+] ψεῦδος, falsehood, lying, a lie. * Eph. iv. 25. | +2 Thes. ii. 9. LYING IN WAIT. 1. ἔνεδρον,: ἃ lying in wait, prop., in war, an ambuscade, (non occ.) 2. ἐπιβουλή, counsel upon or against ; hence, plot, conspiracy. 2. Acts xx. 19. | 1. Acts xxiii. 16. LYSIAS. Δυσίας, Lysias, 2.6. Claudius Lysias, a Roman Tribune commanding in Jerusalem. Acts xxiii. 26. | Acts xxiv. 7 (ap.), 22. ee M MAD (axe) περιτρέπω, to turn about, eis, unto, μανίαν, madness, “is turning [thee] round unto raving madness.” Acts xxvi. 94, MADNESS. 1. ἄνοια, without mind or understand- ing, folly; Sept., for nos, Prov. xxii. 15; Wisd. xv. 18. Whence, in N.T., madness, or foolish temerity, (οσο. 2 Tim. iii. 9.) MAD [ 473 1 MAI 2. παραφρονία, the state of being aside | MAGDALENE. from a right mind, folly, (non | | Μαγδαληνή, of Magdala, a distinctive oce.) appellation of one of the Marys, 1. Luke vi. 11. | 9, 2 Pet. ii. 16. | viz. Mary of Magdala. | Matt. xxvii. 56, 61. Luke viii. 2. MADE | Gale at ae Per xxiv. a (68) [ όν τπτ (See also other words in connection, €.g., CONFESSION, DRUNK, HANDS, MAGISTRATE (-s.) KNOWN, LIKE, LOW, PAYMENT, 1. στρατηγός, leader of an army, com- RICH, SUBJECT, WEAK.) ae? Ge λα mander, general, ete. 1. γίνομαι, to begin to be, z.e. to come | into existence, 07 into any state, as implying origin either from natural causes or through special agency ; hence, to become, come to 2. ἀρχή, beginning ; spoken of persons, he first, primus. hence, a ruler, chief person. | | 3. ἄρχων,οπθ first in power or authority ; | pass. 2. Luke xii, 11. 1. Acts xvi. 20, 22, 35, 36 58, — Tit. iii.1,seeObey. [38 2. yevvaw, to beget, of men; to bear, of |— - women ; pass., to be begotten, be MAGNIFICENCE. born. ᾿ } μεγαλειότης, greatness, majesty. 3. κεῖμαι, to lie, and also to be a) a laid down; hence, appointed. 4, εἶναι, (inf. of εἰμί, to be) to be. Acts xix. 27. MAGNIFY (αν) 5. ἔσται, (Brd pers. sing. Suture of «ipo | 1. µ αν to make great, enlarge, to to be) he, she, or it shall be. | P | 2. δοξάζω, to be of opinion, to think, | | 1 ο only a Conk to hold any one for anything, to 1 — mii 15 1 = iv. 9, 18, invest with dignity, make any one 1. — xxvii. 94, 1,1. χοῦ important, cause him honour. re Mark ii. a 27. 1: xs τὰ ᾿ ᾿- . — xiv . — xiv. 25. 1, Luke i. 46. 2. Rom, xi. 13. 5. Luke iii. eis (2nd has 1. —— xv. 45. 1. Acts v. 13. 1.2 Cor. x. 15, marg. no equivaleut. ] | 1. 2 Cor. v. 21. 1. —x. 46. (text, enlarge.) t= iy, 8, 1. Gal. iii, 18. 1.33 τη 1. Phil. i. 20. 1 ie τας VA if ave 4 twice. 1. rary 12 .,19. 10, 14. | 1. Eph. ii. "5. 1. John i, 8 3times, Γ 1. — iii. MAID πι —— ‘i, 9: | 1. Phil. ii. 7. - τ ποπ (Cp. “)s 6,9, 14. ο ο τὴ 1. παῖς, a child, male or female, a boy, 1, —— ix. 39. παπα πο outh. girl, maiden. 1. Acts vii. 13. | 1. Heb. i. 4. y 6 reales ΝΞ oi ca. fi σσ ἀν χα 2. παιδίσκη, (dim. and fem. of No. 1) ἃ : — xiv. 4 τν ος α νὴ “i 10, 91, 92, girl, a young maiden. —= χι, 9 | la. 37, 41. Ab.) Li 44, 45, 52. 1, —x. 17 | 2, —— xiv. 21, 35. la. 23. 11. xv. 9, 11 twice, 18, up 32, 33, 35, 86, 20 twice. 1. —— xi. 8. 2. 38. | τα, 19 lst.” 1, —— xvi, 131s. la. Matt. xvi. 19315. a 23, το. la. 27, 28 la.— xvii. 9, 12, 14 1st. 1, ——— 14a. 1. —— xviii. 7. la. a (ap.) 1. ——xix. 3(om. LTAR.) 1. -—— 5, 6, 12, 26. la. 28. 1. —— xx. 1. la. 18, 28. 1. —— xxi. 25, 26, 28, = — xxii. 11, 16. 1. — xxiii. 4, 5,7, 18, 28. la.— xxiv. 27, 30 twice, la BE Ai la.— xxvi. 2, 24 1st. 1. —— 24 ond. la. 243rd. ἂν, 24 4th. ἴδ. 45, 64, 1. —— 72, 74. 1. —— xxvii. 32, 57. 1. Mark i. 17, 23. Ja.—— ii. 10. ΓΕ 27 twice. la. 28. 1, — iii. 1, 3, 5, 28. 1. —— iv. 26. 1. —— v. 2, 8. 2. —— vi. 20, 44. 1. — vii, 7,8, 11, 15 twice, 18, 20 twice, 21, 23. 3. —— viii. 4. 1, ——— 24, 27. la. 91, 1. ——— 33, 36, 37. la. 38. Ja.— ix. 9, 12, 91 1st. 1. 31 πα. 2. —x. 2. Ls 7, 9, 27. la. 33, 45. 1. —— xi. 2, 30, 32. 1. —— xii. 1, 14. 3. 19. la.— xiii. 26. 1. 84. 1. —— xiv. 13 la 2] Ist 1. ——— 21 2nd la. 21 3rd ΙΝ 21 4th la. 41, 62, Ν᾽ 71. Le xv. 39, 1. Luke i. 25. 2. 27, 34. 1, —— ii. 14, 25 twice, 52, 1. —— iv. 4, 33. 2. —v. 8. 1. 10, 2. 12, 18 Ist. 1 18 2nd. ue 20. la. 24. la. —— vi. δ. 1. ——- 6. ! 1.——8 πα 2,G0T TrA i io (αὐτῷ, unto him, GL T Tr A.) η 22 Ist. la.——— 99 2nd. 1 26, 31, 45 1st. if 452nd(om.G@=3 Lb | T Tr AN.) ie 48, 49, 1. —— vii. 8. 2. 20. 1. 25, $1. la.— vii, 34 1s. [ 477 1 | 1 John xii, 23, 34 twice. | 3. —— xiv. 23. i δ΄ δ 1. —— xviii. 14, 17,29. | 1. — xix. 5. 2. Acts i. 10, 11, 16, 21. 2, ——ii. 5, 14, 22 twice, | 29, 37. | 2. — iii. 2,12 | 2. — iv. 4. i al? 9, 12, 18, 14, 16, 17, 22. pe a i 1, 4, 2. 14, 25. 1, ——— 28, 29. | 2, —— 35 lst aly 35 2nd | 2. 36. | 1. ———- 38 twice. 2, —vi. 3,5, 11. | ie 19: 2. —— vii. 2. la. 56. 2. —— viii. 2, 3, 9, 12, 27. 9. —— ix. 2, 7, 12, 19. ΠΕ 33. 2. 38 (om. G —) 2. ——x.1, 5, 17,19, 21, 22, 28 1st. | ale 28 2nd 2. —— 30. ο xa ΠΝ. 2. ——13 (m. α LT TrA &.) ; 2, ——— 20. | 1. —— 22. 2, —— 94, 2. κ, ὥ 15, 16, 21, 8] a: —), 26, 38, ae ), 2, —— xiv. 8. 1, ——— 11, 15. 2, —— xv. 7, 13. 1. —— 17. 2, ——— 22 twice, 25 1. ——— 26. 2, —— xvi. 9. ie 17, 20, 35. 2. —— xvii. 12, 22. 1. 25 (ἀνθρώπινος, σι ἥν 1, ——— 26, 29, 30. 2. 31, 84. 1. — xviii. 19. | 2. 24, | 2. —— xix, 7, 1. 16. - 29, see M of Macedonia. 35 Ist. 35 2nd. 37. — xx. 30. xxi. 11, 23, 26, 98 Ist. 28 2nd. 38. POP nore Perr pest —— 28, 24. 1. Luke vii, 34 2nd. 2. —— viii. 27. 1, 29, 33, 35. 2, ——— 38, 41. 2. —— ix. 14 la. 22. 1, 25. la. 26. 2, ——— 30, 32, 38 la. 44 Ist. n 44 2nd. la, 56 Ist (ap. 1 ἐξ 5 2nd it la. 58. 1, —x. 30. 1, —— xi. 24, 26. la. 30. 2, ——— 31, 32. 1, —— 4, 46. 1, — xii. 81st. 18. 8 2nd. 1, —— 9. la, 10. 1, —— 14. 3, ——15. ig 16, 36. la. 40. 1. — xiii. 4, 19. 1. — xiv. 2, 16. 2, —— 24. 1. —— ὃν 1. —— xv. 4,11. 1. — xvi. 1 15 twice, 19, 2. "rete 19, la. 2, 24, 26, 30. 1. — crit, 2, 4. la. ile 10, 11, 27. la. 30. 2, —— xix. 2, 7. la. 10. 1. —— 21, 22, 50. 1, —— xx. 4, 6, 9. 1. —— xxi. 26. la. 27, 36. 1. —— xxii. 10, la 22 lst. la. 22 2nd la 48, 1, 55, 60 2. ——— 63. la. 69. 1. —— xxiii. 4, 6, l4twice, 2. —— 50twie: [47. 2. —— xxiv. 4. la. 7 Ast. i 7 2nd. | 1. John 1, 4, 6, ἃ 2. 15, 30. la. 1, — ii. 10, 25 tute. i. ——iii. re 3. —— 3. 1, 4. 3. ——5. la. 13, 14. 1. 19, 27. 1. — iv. a: 29, 50. | 1. ——v. 5, 7, 9, 12, 15. la. 27. Li 34, 41 1. —— vi. 10 1st 9, 10 2nd 1. —— 14. la. 27. 3. —— 50. la 53, 62. | 1. ---- να. 22, 23 twice, | 46 Ist, 46 2nd (ap.), 51. 1. —— viii. 17. la 28. re 40. 3. om 52. 1, —— ix. 1, 11, 16 twice, 24 twice, 40, 1. --- κ. 33. 3. —— xi. 10. L, 47, 50. 1, —— xxvi. 31, 82, | 1, —— xxviii. & Mitr Pierre es Se et come αὶ μοι MAN ΠΣ 8,9, 16, 29, “s, * eo M —— iv. 6, 8. 12 twice, (as a) 15, Ω or. i. 25 twice, ii. 4, see Man’s, 5, 9, 11 3 times. —— 13, see Man’s. 1. ——— 23, 26. — —— ix. 8, see M (as a) —— x. 13, see M (com- mon το) | 2. ——xi. 3twice, 4, 7 twice, B twice, 9 twice, ἸῚ twice? 12 twice, 14. . — xiv. 2, 8. 20, mare. perfect, or of ar ipe ge. — xv. 12, 21 twice, 39, 45 (om. Li, 47 twice. Hees, ili. 2. — viii. 12 (om. G2L TTrAR.) 21. — xii. 2, 3, 4 . Gal. i, 1 twice, 10 3times, hy see M (ufter) 6, 16. — iii. 12 (οπι, α LT Tr AW.) 15. -----τι ὃ, — vi. 1, 7. . Eph. ii. 15. — iil. 5, 16. — ii. -- σος — vi.7 . Phil. ii. 7, 8. — iv. 5. . Col. i. 28 Ist, 28 2nd (om, G-), 98 3rd. — ii. 8, 22. — iii. 9, 23. . 1 Thes. ii. 4, 6, 13, 15. — iv. 1. — ii. 1, ra 5 twice, 2. ——-8, 12, > , δὲν» . Σ, Lo, ὃ / AT, +My ᾽ . 111, 4, ᾿ En ἫΝ [17 MAN 1. 1 Tim. iv. 10. 1. 1 Pet. i. 24 (om. Gr) 2. —-v. 9. πας its [glory], G 13 24. LT (αὐτου, ‘his 1. —— vi. 5, 9, 11, 16. Lelory] δὲ 1, 2 Tim, i. ο, 1. — 3. 5, 21. -- ard 1. —— iii. 2, 8, 13, 17. 3. 1, Tit. i. 14. ile SOR see M (of) 1: te ip eee 1. — iii. 2. 1. —— iv. 2, 6. ey - 4, 566 Man (love | 1. 2 Pet.i. 9] twice. toward) 1. ——ii. 16. ΕΒ 8, 10. 3. - 19. 1. Heb. ii. 61st. 1. — iii. 7. la. 6 2nd. Sail John iv. 20. 1, ——y. 1 twice. 1: Ξξξ τση, Ἱ. —— vi. 16. 1. Jude 4. 1. —— vii. 8, 28. la. Rev. i. 13. 1, — viii. 2. 1. —— iv. 7. 1. —— ix. 27. 1. —— viii. 11. 1. — xiii. 6. 1. —— ix. 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 1. Jas. i. 7. 15, 18, 20. 2. 8, 12. 1. — x. 13. il 19. 4, —— xii. 5. 2. 20, 23 13, see M child. 2. ——ii. 2. 1, —— xiii. "13, 18. 3. 14, 168 1. — xiv. 4. ile 20, 24 la. 14, 2, —— iii. 2, 1. —— xvi. 2, 8, 9, 18, | as 5.9, 2] twice. 1. —v. 17. 1. — xviii. 15 | 1. Rev. xxi. 3, 17. MAN (arrTer) πε MAN (pity towards) [marg.| See above, “Μ (LOVE TOWARDS)” MAN OF MACEDONIA. Μακεδών, ἃ Macedonian. Acts xix. 29, ----.-.. ΜΑΝ”. ἀνθρώπινος, pertaining to man, human. 1 Cor, 13.18: 1 Cor. ii. 4 alata | AR.) — iy. 3. See also, AGED, ANOTHER, ANY, BLIND? CERTAIN, CHIEF, COVETOUS, DEAD; EVERY, FORBIDDING, HEATHEN, HOLDETH, IMPOTENT, INWARD, LAME, MEN, MIGHTY, NEITHER, NEVER, NEW, NO, OLD, ONE, OTHER, PERSON, POOR, RICH, SOME, SON, STRONG, SUCH, THAT, THIS, UN- (κατὰ aceording to, GODLY, WHAT, WISE, ‘YOUNG, 3 YOUNGER. ( ἀνθρώπον, man, (see No. 1, above.) Gal, i. 11. MANGER. φάτνη, a crib, a manger, (occ. Luke MAN (as 4) | xiii, 15.) 4 | κατὰ, 2 ο Luke ii. 7, 19, 16. ἀνθρώπον, ἡ ή Rom. iii. 5. | 1 Cor. ix. 8 MAN-CHILD. ἄρρην, see above, No. 4. Rev. xii. 13 (ἄρσην, A &.) ἀνθρώπινος, pertaining to man, human. 1 Cor. x. 13, marg. moderate. F | ΜΑΝ (common το) | MAN (Love ΤΟΥ ἈΠ) | φιλανθρωπία, love of man, (see “ LOVE,” No. 2, and “man,” Wo. 1.) Tit. 111, 4, marg. pity, ete, MAN (or) ἀνθρώπινος, pertaining to man, human. 1 Pet. ii. 18, MANIFEST. [adj.] 1. φανερός, apparent, visible, conspi- cuous. 2. ἐμφανής, appearing in any thing, apparent, manifest, (οσο. Acts x. 40.) 3. δῆλος, plain, evident. 4. ἔκδηλος, (No. 8, with ἐκ, out of, pre- fixed) quite plain, quite evident. 1. Luke viii. 17. | 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 25. 1. Acts iv. 16. | 8, —— xv. 27. 1. Rom. i. 19. | 1. Gal. v. 19. 2, ——x. 20. | 1. Phil. i. 13. 1, 1 Cor. iii. 13. — 2 Thes.i. 5, see Token. 1, —— xi. 19. | 4, 2 Tim, iii. 9, 1. 1 John 111, 10, MANIFEST (se) φανερόω, to make apparent, show open- ly, make manifest or known. "1 Peri aot pass. or mid, _ MAN 1 479 i" ᾿Γὧὔἦὄἶννι Ἱυὑυ ο ἢ το ΙΑΝΤΡΕΡΊ (araxe) |. δολυτούκίλοῦ, ὍΝ, ΩΝ ϑ λῆς, φανερόω, see above. much, pr wares ati ρου λα ἢ Vv man r 67}. Multi- John i. 81. 2 Cor. xi. 6. κ ος d —— ii. 21, Eph. ν. 13 twice. farious, very various, (non occ.) — ix. 3. | Col. i. 26. : Rom. xvi. 26. — iv. 4. — Luke xviii. 30, see M, Eph. iii. 10, 1 Cor. iv. 5. | 2 Tim. i, 10. more. i 1 Pet. 1. 6, 2 Cor. ii. 14 Heb. ix. 8. 1, 1 Pet. iv. 10. — iv. 10, 11 1 John ii. 19, — v. 11 twice. νὰ Rev. xv. 4. MANIFEST (ruar 15 Not) ἀφανής, not apparent, 1.6. hidden, con- cealed, secreted. Heb. iv. 13. MANIFEST (-εν.) [verb.] 1. Φανερόω, to make apparent, make manifest, make openly known. 2. ἐμφανίζω, to cause to be seen; pass., to appear, to be seen openly. 1. Mark iv. 22 —1 Tim. v. 25, see M —John ii. 11, see M beforehand. forth. de ἘΠ. 1. 8. 9, — xiv. 21, 22. 1. 1 John i. 2 twice. 1)... χτῖϊ᾿ 6. 1 — ii. 5, 8 1, Rom. iii, 21 1. —— iv. 9. MANIFEST BEFOREHAND. πρόδηλος, manifest beforehand, openly evident. 1 Tim. νυ. 25, —_— MANIFEST FORTH. φανερόω, see “Mantrest,” Vo. 1. John ii. 11, or MANIFESTATION. | 1. φανέρωσις, ἃ making known, mani- festing, (non oce.) 2. ἀποκάλυψις, an unveiling, uncover- ing, revealing. When spoken of ὦ person or persons it always means their appearing. 2. Rom, viii, 19. Ι 1. 2 Cor. iv. 2. MANIFESTLY. See, DECLARE. 1. 1 Cor. xii. 7. MANTFOLD. 1. ποικίλος, variegated, parti-coloured ; hence, changing colour, and "Ὁ changeful, various, manifold ; a bad sense, intricate, riddling. MANIFOLD MORE. πολλαπλασίων, many times more, many times as many, (non occ.) Luke xviii. 30. MANKIND. φύσις, physis, nature. ἀνθρώπινος, pertaining to human. man, 1 Cor. vi. 9, see Abuser. | 1 Tim. i. 10, see Defile. Jes. iii, 7, marg. natwre of man, MANNA. pavva, manna, the miraculous food with which God fed the Israelites for forty years in the wilderness. De 70, a species. In Exod. xvi. “ And when the children of Terael saw it, they said one to , another, ny 79, this ts α peculiar species, for they knew not what it was.” So Deut. viii. 3: “ Who fed thee with jon-nx, that peculiar thing which thou knewest not. ? The Sept. and Schleusner makes 10 the same as |, what. Others, mn, he measured, or in Peil, he prepared. See Exod. xvi. 15, marg.] (non occ.) John vi. Heb. ix. 4. sion UT TrAN. ) Rev. ii. 17. MANNER (-s.) (for various words in connection, see at end of the word.) 1. ἔθος, a custom, usage, manner, of a people, established by law or other. wise. 2. ἦθος, an accustomed seat ; hence, in pl., the haunts of animals and men ; then, custom, usage, the manners and habits of man, his disposition, character, (non occ.) -- ο -------- ---- 3. τρόπος, a turning, turn, direction ; hence, manner, way, mode. 4. τύπος, a mark or impress made by a hard substance on a soft; hence, model, pattern. 1, John xix. 40. 1. Acts xxv. 16. 1. Acts xv. 1. 2. 1 Cor. xv. 33. 4, —— xxiii. 25. 1. Heb. x. 25. 3. Jude 7. MANNER OF (arrer THE) κατά, with the Accus., down upon or along, over against ; then, accord- ing to, in reference to some stan- dard of comparison stated or im- plied ; in accordance with. John ii. 6. MANNER (AFTER THE SAME) ὡσαύτως, as thus, in the same way, in like manner. 1 Cor. xi. 25. MANNER (after THis) 1. οὕτω, in this manner, on this wise, 1.6. 80, thus. 2. rode, this, this here; pl., τάδε, thus, these things, that follow. After λέγω, ete., (to say) ταῦτα, this that precedes, rade, this that follows. 1, Matt. vi. 9. | 2. Actsxv.23 (om. LT Έτ ΑΔ.) 1, 1 Pet. iii. 5. MANNER (arrer wat) πῶς, how? in what way or manner ? Acts xx. 18, MANNER WAS (as ais) κατά, according to, ) according to the custom (τῷ Παυλῳ, to or \ with Paul. ( τὸ, the, ” εἴωθος, custom, ) with Paul, Acts xvii. 2, MANNER (τν τΙκε) 1. καί, and, also. 2. ὡσαύτως, as thus, in the same way. Mark xiii. 29. | 2. Luke xx, 31. 2. 1 Tim. ii. 9. [ 480 1 MAN MANNER AS (τν LIKE) év, which, (κατά, accord- τρόπον, & manner, way, i ing to, being understood) according to what manner, after the manner in which, in the same or like manner. Acts i. 11. MANNER (ΙΝ THE LIKE) κατά, according to, ταῦτα, these same things. Luke vi. 28, MANNER (ry rus) οὕτω, thus, on this wise. Rev. xi. 5. MANNER OF QUESTIONS (oF SUCH) εἷς 88 to, (om.T Tr Αἴ). as to the τὴν, the, enquiry περὶ, concerning, concern- τουτοῦ, this, (τούτων, of } ing this these things, GoLT\ [person, Tr A ν) 1.6. Jesus, \ ζήτησιν, enquiry, Paul; or these matters. ] Acts xxv. 20, marg. how to enquire hereof. MANNERS (iy pivers) πολυτρόπως, In many ways, (non occ.) Heb. i. 1. MANNERS (svrrer one’s) τροποφορέω, to bear with the turn of any one, 1.6. with his disposition or manners, Acts xiii. 18, (@~Tr 8) (τροφοφορέω, to bear as a nurse, to carry in the arms as a nurse her nurseling, Sta AV™ GL T A,) marg. bear or feed, as a nurse beareth or feedeth her child. See also, GENTILES, GODLY, LIFE, LIKE, MEN, PERFECT, WHAT. MAN-SERVANT. παῖς, child; then, boy ; hence, servant ; here, pl. Luke xii. 45. 1, —— ii. 2, 15 twice, — — ix.22,seeMthings 1, ——x, 24. 41,560 M things. MANY (iow) MAN [ 481 1 MANSLAYER. "πε 29, see M | | 1. Rom. iv. 17, πα as e W ἀνδροφόνος, a homicide, murderer, (non Τρ (things ᾿ μα ους.) 1, —— xxii. 65. — —— vi. 3, see Mas (so) 1 Tim. 1 9 | ——xaii. 8, see ΜΙ — — viii. 14, see As. ἘΝ 8. 9. (things. | 1. 29. 0 - SSS = ΤΙ John i. 12, see As. το — ο 4. [1 Ξε Ἢν Τα τοδὶ | 1%, ς ΜΑΝΡΙΟΝ (5.) | 1, —— iv. 88. | ——— xv. 22, see M ways. 1 Ie 41 (Dat. sing.) i 5 2s μονή, al ina place ; hence, anabiding _ ———vi.9, see M (so) 1. —— xvi. 60, 1. 1 Cor. i. 36 times. place, (οσο. John xiv. 28.) ra ae obey, ik . 1. 40 (om. L'T Tr | 1. — viii. 5 twice Johu xiv. 2, AR.) ου x. 5. ἘΞ | ———viii. 26, see Μ 1". 17, 33. | εἰ Ὧν pe things. ο — xi. ry . — x. 20, 32, 41, 42. —— 30 ana. MANY. | 1: -— xi 18, 48, αὖ, 85. 1. — xii. 15 τίου, 14, 20, . — xii. 11. ————_ xiv, 10, see M ο) 1. πολύς, many, much, prop., of number, σσ seo M (ao) | 1. ----ᾱ 9, (s quantity, amount ; here, in plural. | 1. regs δώ ΝΣ —— Vs θα ii. le ¥& fa δ | —— xvi. 12, see M | ο”. 6. with art., (as referring to something ο ἂν 17 (newts, the well known) the much or the | —— xvii. 2, see As vest, 6 Ὁ) man 1. —— xix. 20. i ot, iv. 15. y: | 1. —— xx, ie M (0) 1. vi. at (things. - -- — xxi see 8ο — viii. see M 2. πλεῖων, more, (compar. of No. 1) | 1. ἊΣ ᾿ς A eas, see M (very) prop., of number, but also of mag- | abil αν cada! 1 xi. 18 nitude, and in comparison; here, pl. z aay : ἘΣ eT ΣΙ: * with art., (emphatic) the more. | ΞΕ. ως, ια Ὃ ue An Cle ¥ ᾿ / ἢ | — 6, 34, see As 1. —— 16. 9. ἱκανός, coming to, reaching to, and 1- eae ια we As. hence, sufficing, 7.6. sufficient ; of | 1. — viii. 7 twice, 95, | — —— vi. 12, 16, see As. 1 —— ix. 1: | 2*. Phil. i. 14. things, enough; of po ees ade- | 3. 23. — —— iii. 15, see As. quate, competent ; of number, in | 1. 42. 1, ——18. pl., as here, many, but always with | οτι πο - σπα δὶ 1 ; see As. 5 . 1 - a the idea of the number sufficing. | στ 45, see As. 1. —— 9, 10, 12 anaes 19, αμα i. 18, see M 1. Matt. iii. 7. 1. Mark vi. 13 twice. ae Mee eg 1. — vii. 18, 22 twice. = 20,seeMthings. | ——— 48 see As. 1. Tit. i. 10 1. — viii. 11, 16, 30. 1. —— 31, 33. i § - τν. ο]. 1. Heb. ii. 10 L— ix, 10, — —— 34,seeMthings. | Ἱ —— xy. 30 (sing.) 1, ——v. 11, sing. eee δ], — —— 38, see M (how) one | Qe, vii, 23. —— xiii. 3, see Μ| 1. — vii, 4,8 (ap.), 13. 1 1, —— xvi. 18, 23. 1. —ix, 3. things. — — Vili. 5, 19, 20,see | 1, —— xvii. 19, 1. — xii. 15 (1*, LTTr 1. 17, 58, M (how) Γ ας. —— xvii, 8 1. Jas. iii. 1. ΓΑ ΝῺ — — xiv. 36, see As. στο 31, see M sie 185 as 2, see M things. 1: —— xv. 80. — — ix. 12, § things 8. 19. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 2. - 84, eae 1. 26. | 8. —=xx. 8. 1. 1 John ii. 18. — — xvi. 9, 10, see M| 1. —x. 31, 45, 48. 1, ——19(om.G LT Tr | 1. iv. 1. (how) ' 1, —xi.8 er ee, | 1. 2 John 7. - 21,860 Mthings. | 1. —— xii, 5, 41. | 2. —— xxi. 10. = 12,2 see M 1, — xix. 30. iets πμ |= 20, seeM (how) —3 John 13, ὁ things. 1. —— xx. 16 (ap.), 28. 1, —— xiv. 24, 56. 1. —— xxiv. 10. 1. Rey. i. 15. — — xxii. 10, see As. — — xv.3,seeM things. | 9, 17. — -— ii. 24, 1, 14, -- 4, see Mthings | 1 —— ταν. 7. — — iii, 19, 199 48. Ὁ αι xxiv. 5 twice, 10, (how) i 2 14. 1. —-v. 11. twice. 41, νι: ἜΘ Sa ri. ag iii. 11 1". 12, 1. Luke 1. 1, 14, 16. ἔπ tnt πας — — xxv. 21, 23, see M 1. — ii. 34, 35 8. —— xxvii. 7. 1, — x. 11. things. 1. —— iii. 18. 2. 20. 1. —— xiv. 2. 1, —— xxvi, 28, 60 (ap.). | 1. —— iv, 25, 27, 41. 1. —— xxviii. 10, 1. —— xvii. 1 -- xr my πὸ see Μ = —. bie hee see M of. 2. 23, — — xviii. 17, see As. ings (how ; 21 twice. isi 2 . — xix, 2. a 19,8eeM things. | 1°, “Δ. | Rom, ii. 12, see As, 1 xix. 6, 1 if 52, 53, 55. 1, — viii. 3, 30. | --- 1. Mark i. 34 twice. 3. 85. | | | 1. —— iii. 10 1st. - 102nd, see As. — — iv.2,seeM things. ᾱ, 33 (om. G—) 1. —-v. 9. -- 26 1st, see M things. 26 2nd. 1. —vi. ο αφ τι Trmb Ab.) — — xi. 8, see As. 53 ἜΘ M things. 1, —— xii. 7, 19. - 47,see M stripes 1. —— xiii. 24. 1. —— xiv. 16, 1. —— xv. 13. 17, see M (how) | πόσος, how great? how much ? of mag: nitude and quantity ; pl., of num. ber, how many ὃ Matt. xv. 34. —- xvi. 9, 10. Mark vi. 38, Mark viii. 5, 19, 20. Luke xv. 17. Acts xxi. 20. MAN [ 482 1 MAR 1. Matt. xiii. 8. 1. Luke x. 41, MANY THINGS (now) 1 πμ nee Es oe : — xxv. 21, 23 1, — xvii. 1. ὅσος, how great, how much; in pl., 1 τ xxvii 19 τ — xxii ark iv. 2. 1. John viii. 96, how many. ἜΣ ΣΟΥ ΡΝ 1. ππ- αν. 12 ΄ 1. —— vi. 20, 1. Acts xxvi. 9. 2. πόσος, (correlat. of No. 1) see above. 1 viii, $1 1 2Cor viii. 22, 2, Matt. xxvii.13. | 2, Mark xv. 4, mee ᾿ς θαι ΒΕ ΒΝ 2 Tim. i. 18 1, 2 .. 18, 1. Luke ix. 99, 1. 3 John 13. MANY (so) MARAN-ATHA. τοσοῦτος, so great, so much; of nwm- ber, so many, so numerous, (here pl.) John vi. 9. | John xxi. 11, — xii. 37. 1 Cor, xiv. 10. MANY AS (80) ὅσος, how great, how much; m pl., how many. Rom. vi. 3. MANY THINGS (90) τοσοῦτος, see “ M (50) Gal. iii. 4, marg. greal. MANY (tTHES}:) τοσοῦτος, 866 above. Luke xv. 29, MANY (very) πλεΐων, see “ MANY,’ No. 2. 2 Cor. ix. 2, pl., with art. MANY OF. ἱκανός, see “MANY,” Wo. 3; here pl. Luke vii. 11 (om. G > Lb Tr Ab.) MANY STRIPES. No: 1. Luke xii. 47. πολλοί, see ‘ MANY,” MANY WAYS [marg.] πολλοί, see “ MANY,” Wo. 1, with art. Rom. xv. 22 (text, much.) MANY THINGS. 1. πολὺς, see “ Many,” No.1. Here, pl. 2. πλεῖων, see“ MANY,” No.2. Here, pl. μαρὰν ἆθα, the Greek spelling of He- brew. Chald., or Syr. words, 8350 mon, sn is Chald. for a sove- ἃ the,or our reign,or supreme Lord Lord (Dan. ii. 47, ete.) 77s} cometh. the Syr. suffia, our, [A solemn nsx, cometh, watch- word, reminding them and us of the nearness of His coming, and the duty of being ready for it.] 1 Cor. xvi. 22. MARBLE. µάρµαρος, glittering stone, or roel. Lat., marmor, (non oce.) Rev. xviii. 12. MARK [noun.] 1. χάραγμα, something graven or sculp- tured, a mark cut in, (οσο. Acts XVil. 29.) 2. στίγμα, the prick or mark of a pointed instrument, a mark burnt in, a brand, esp., of a runaway slave or prisoner. Hence, Eng., stigma, (non occ.) 3. σκοπός, an object set up in the dis- tance at which one looks and aims ; hence, a mark or goal, (non οσο.) 2. Gal. vi. 17. 1, Rev. xv. ὃ (ap.) 3. Phil. 111. 14, 1. -—— xvi. 1. Rev. xiii. 16, 17. 1. —— xix. 20, 1, —— xiv. 9, 11. 1. —— xx. 4. MARK (-Ep.) [verb.] 1. σκοπέω, to look, watch, reconnoitre ; mark, note. bo . ἐπέχω, to have, or hold upon; spoken of the mind, to fix the mind upon, give heed to. 2, Luke xiv. 7 part. | 1, Rom, xvi. 17. Dipak Ls αμ MAR MARKET (-s.) ἀγορά, any place of public resort zn the towns and cities, where people come together, (from ἀγείρω, to collect, convoke.) Matt. xi. 16. Luke xi. 43, —— xxiii. 7. —— xx. 46. Mark vii. 4. Acts xx. 17. MARKET-PLACE. Matt. xx. 3. Luke vii. 32. Mark xii. 38. Acts xvi. 19, marg. cow/t. MARRED (55) ἀπόλλυμι, to destroy wholly; mid. or pass., as here, to be destroyed wholly, perish utterly. Mark ii. 22, MARRIAGE. γάμος, a wedding, nuptials, 2.6. the nuptial solemnities, esp., the wed- ding feast, (which continued seven days, Judg. xiv. 12.) John ii. 1, 2. Matt. xxii. 2. 4, 9. | Heb, xiii. 4, — xxv. 10. Rev. xix. 7, 9. MARRIAGE (αττε τν) 1. γαµίσκω, (from the above) to marry, to grow or become married, the termination, (σκω) marking the be- ginning or progress of the action. 2. ἐκγαμίσκω, (No. 1, with ἐκ, out, pre- Jjived) to give out in marriage. 8. yapilo, to marry, (the termination marking the having, being, or be- coming what the noun, yapos, de- notes.) 4 4, Matt. xxii. 30 a 3, . ἐκγαμιζω, (No. 3, with ἐκ, out, pre- Jjived) to place out in marriage. τῷ Luke xx. 34(No.1, LT Tr AR.) 35 (No.3, LT Tr δ) (No. 1, A.) 1 Cor. vii. 38 1st (ap.) 38 2nd (No. 3, G L T Tr &) (No. 4, Ab.) GxeLTTrs 4, —— xxiv. 38 ye 11) No. 3, T &. 1. Mark xii. 25 (No. 3, L TTrARN.) 4, Luke xvii. 27 (No. 3, LT TrA®.) es 9 MARROW. μυελός, marrow; Lat., medulla, (non oce.) Heb. iv. 12. Γ 488 1 MAR MARRY (-τευ, -ΤΕΤΗ, -ING.) 1. yapéw, to marry; trans., of men, to take as a wife, take a wife; in- trans., to marry, enter the mar- riage state, (non occ.) 2. ἐπιγαμβρεύω, to connect with one’s self by marriage, to become re- lated upon marriage, (non occ.) 1. Matt. v. 32. | 1. Mark xii. 25. 1. —— xix. 9 twice, 10, | 1. Luke xiv. 20. 2. —— xxii. 24. | 2, —— xvi. 18 twice. 1: 80, [1. --- xx. 34, 35. 1. — xxiv. 38. | 1. 1 Cor. vii.9 twice 28 twice, 1. Mark vi. 17. 33, 34, 36, 39. 1, —— x. 11, 12. 1. 1 Tim, iv. 3. 1. 1 Tim. v. 1), 14. MARRY A WIFE. 1, Matt. xxii. 25 part. | 1. Luke xvii. 27. MARRIED. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 10 part. MARRIED (xr) γίνομαι, to become; here, to become another man’s; hence. translated marry. Rom. vii. 31st, 22nd part., 4. MAR’S HILL. ὃ, the, the hill of ἤΑρειον, of or belonging ( Mars, or to Mars, Mars’s, Mars’s hill, πάγος, a hill, or, (the two words in one) Areopagus. Acts xvu. 19, marg. (text, Areopagus.) 22,amarg. Court of the Areopagus. MARTYR (-s.) μάρτυς, (from Sanser. root smri, sma- rami, to remember) (in the Zend lang., mar signifies to recollect), a witness, 1.6. one who has remem- brance or knowledge of anything, and hence, one who can give infor- mation, or bring to light, or con- firm any thing. Then, because so many sealed the witness they bore to Christ with their blood, the Greek word became Anglicised, and a martyr is one who bears witness to the truth and gospel of Christ with his life. (See under, “ wit- NESS.” Acts xxii. 20. Rev. ii. 19. Rey. xvii. 6. GG* MAR MARVEL [noun.] θαυμαστός, wondrous, wonderful, mar- vellous, strange, unwonted, (re- | lating to the thing admired.) | | / 2 Cor. xi. 14 (θαῦμα, whatever one regards with wonder | and astonishment, α ο LT Tr A &.) | MARVEL (-zp.) [verb.] a θαυμάζω, ἴο wonder, marvel, be astonied, to look on with wonder and amaze- ment, to wonder, marvel at. Matt. viii. 10, 27. Luke xx. 26. —ix.8 Ponda ey, were John iii. 7. afraid,G ~ LTTrA — iv. 27. 9. [3 my. 20. Mark v. 20. 28, see M at. —— vi. 6. — vii. 15, 21. —— wii. 17. Acts ii. 7. —— xv. 5. 44. — iii. 12. Luke i. 21, 63. = iv. 13. — ii. 33 (with εἰμί, tobe.) | 2 Cor. xi.14,seethenoun. | —— vii. 9, see M at. | Gal. i. 6 — xi. 38. 1 Toha i iii. 13. | Rev. xvii. 7. MARVEL AT. Luke vii. 9. | John ν. 28. ο MARVELLOUS. | | θαυμαστός, see“ MARVEL.” [noun.| | Matt. xxi. 42. 1 Pet. ii. 9. Mark xii. 11. Rev. xv. 1, 3. MARVELLOUS THING. John ix. 30, neut. MARY. Μαρία, or Μαριάμ, the Heb. name of Miriam ia Greek, as Maria is the Greek form in English. Mary, In all passages, except— Mark xvi. 9 (ap.) MASTER (-s.) i. διδάσκαλος, teacher, a master or a teacher of scholars or disciples. In the Christian Church, the διδά- σκαλοι have a special gift or func- tion, as acquainted with and inter- preters of God's salvation, distinct from the κῆρυξ (herald) and the εὐανγγελιστής (Evangelist), Eph. iv. 11; 1 Tim.ii.7. In addressing Jesus, it probably answered to the Heb. of No. 3. Every ref. below [ 484 ] 2. κύριος, lord, principal, ruler. (Wo. 5 of No. 1 refers to Christ, except 13. really has the power, while No. 2 assumes and exercises tt.) Master, with reference to wife, children, and servants ; or'as Lord of subjects. No. 2 implies more honour and respect than No. 5. * Applied to Christ. 3. ῥαββί, the Greek spelling of the Heb. 25, my master, (31 ¢s properly, one great, a chief) a doctor, teacher, or master, a title of honour in the Jewish schools which began to naturalise itself in our Lord’s time, but did not come into common use till after the destruction of Jeru- salem. In Matt. xxiii. 8, it is explained by No.6; and in John i. 38 by No. 1. A. title given to the γραμματεῖς (scribes). Elsewhere translated Rabbi. A. ἐπιστάτης, one set over, as the head of a company, or as the employer of workmen. Master, as implying authority. Superintendent, (non oce., and used only of Christ.) 5. δεσπότης, a master, implying abso- lute dominion, supreme authority, and unlimited power, as a master over slaves; hence, Eng., Despot. No. 5 implies more submission than No. 2, while No. 2 implies greater respect, (elsewhere translated Lord.) 6. καθηγητής, a leader or guide in the way, a leader, director. * Used of Christ. 7. κυβερνήτης, the governor of a ship, i.e. the steersman or pilot. (Zaz., guberno, to govern a ship) (οσο. Rev. xviii. 17.) 2, Matt. vi. 24. | 3. Matt. xxvi. 25, 49. 1. ——viii. 19 | 1. Mark iv. 38, 1. —— ix. 11. | 1. ——v. 35. 1* X, 24, 25 Ist. 3. — ix. 5. -- 252nd seeHouse, | 1. 17, 38 1, —— xii. 38. 1. —— x. 17, 20, 35. 2. xv. 27. 8, gio: 1. —— xvii. 24, 1, —— xii. 14, 19, 32. 1. —— xix. 16. 1, —— xiii. 1. 1. —— xxii. 16, 24, 36. 2. 35. 63, xxiii. 8 (No. 1, | 1. —— xiv. 14. αρ 1, Τ᾽ ΤΥ ΑΔ.) 8. 45 158, 6. 10 111. 3. 45 2nd (om. Go L 6*. 10 2nd. T Tr A.) 1. —— xxvi. 18. 1. Luke iii. 12. | 3. John iv, 31, | 1. —— viii. 4 (ap.) 3. —ix.2 4. Luke v. 5. 1*. vi. 40 twice. 1, —— vii. 40. 4, —— viii. 24twice, 45, | “- 3. — xi. 8, 1. 49. μα 28. 4, —— ix. 33. 1, John xiii, 13, 14, 1. ——— 38. 1. — xx. 16. 4, 49. 5. Acts xvi. 16, 19, 1. —— x. 25. 7. — xxvii. 11. 1, — xi. 45. 2. Rom. xiv. 4. Ἱ xii 18, 2. Eph. vi. 5, 9 lst. ϱ 2nd. Col. iii. 22. 2, —— iv. ] Ist. 23. 4, —— xvii. 13. | 2#,——— ] ana. 1. — xviii. 18, 15. 1 Tim. vi. 1, 9, 1, —— xix. 39. 5, 2 Tim. ii, οἱ, 5. Tit. ii. 9. 5. 1 Pet. 11, 18, 1. — xxii. 11. 1*, Jas. iii. 1. fi 1. John i. 38. — Rev. xviii. 17,566 Ship- I A iii. 10. master. MASTER BUILDER. ἀρχιτέκτων, a chief artificer, master builder, director of works, esp., the author or contriver, as disting. Jrom the workman, (non occ.) 1 Cor. iii, 10. MATTER. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. λόγος, the spoken word, the outward expression of the inward thought; then, the exposition ov account given, a narrative or treatise, the subject matter of discourse. 2. πρᾶγμα, the thing done, or to be done ; matter, business, affair. 8. ὕλη, a wood, forest; Lat., sylva (non occ.) 1. Mark 1. 45. 2. 1 Cor. vi. 1. 1. Acts viii. 21. 2. 2 Cor. vii. 11. 1. —- xv. 6. — Gal. ii. 6, see M (make 1, — xix, 58. 2. 1 Thes. iv. 6. [πο) 8, Jas, iii. 5, marg, wood, MATTER (axe κο) διαφέρω, bear or carry through, bear asunder, } to make hence, make a differ- [ not the ence, least dif- οὐδέν, none at all, not the | ference. least, / Gal, ii. 6. See also, BouNTy, BUSYRODY, OTHER, SAME, SUCH, THIS, THESE, UTTER- MOST, WEIGHTIER, WRONG. ee [ 485 1 MIG MAY, MAYEST, MIGHT. (Jor various combinations, see below.) 1. δύναμαι, to be able ; I can, physically and morally, and as depending either on the disposition or faculties of the mind, the degree of strength or skill, the nature and external circumstances of the case, ete. . ἔξεστι, it is possible, one can, refer- ring to moral possibility or propriety, it is lawful, it is permitted, one may. ἴσχυω, to be strong, to have strength, ability, or power. both physical and moral, to be well able. 3. Matt. viii. 28. 2. Acts xxi. 37. 1. —— xxvi. 9, 42. 1. —— xxiv. 8, 11, part. 1, Mark iv. 32. 1. — xxv. ll. 1. — xiv. 5,7 1. —— xxv, 32. 1. —— xxvii. 12 2, Acts ii. 29, marg. | 1. 1 Cor. vit. 21. (text, let.) 1. —— xiv. 51. 2. —— viii. 37. — — xv. 37,see Chance. 1, —— xvii, 19. 1. Eph. iii. 4 1, —— xix. 40. ‘1, 1 'Thes. 1i. 6, part. 1. Rev. xiii. 17. MAY, MIGHT (rar...) eis, unto, with»y withaview to the... ή a view to, X denoting purpose, τὸ, the, with inf. not result.) 2. 6, with the inf., expressive of result. 2. Matt. xxi. 2. 1. Rom. xii. 2. 1. Luke iv. 29 (ὥστε, 1. — xv. !3. with inf., so as to, 3. 1 6ο5σ.χ. 18. GLTTrAR.) 1. 2 Cor. i. 4 2. Luke xxi. 22, 1. Eph. i. 18. 2, 45, 1. Phil. i. 10. 1, Acts iii. 19. 2, — .,ii. 10. 2. —— xxvi. 18, Ἧς 21 (ap.) 1, Rom, iii. 26, 1. 1 Thes, iii. 10, 1, —— iv. 11 twice, 18, 1. 2 Thes. i. 5. 2, —— vi. 6. 1. —— ii. 6, 10. 1, —— viii. 29. |. Heb. xii. 10. 2. —— xi. 10, 2. Jas. v. 17. MAY, MIGHT (το eis τὸ, see above. THE END...) Rom. iv. 16. Acts vii. 19. | 1 Thes, iii, 13. Rom, i, 11. MIGHT (rwar so...) cis TO, see above. Luke xx, 20 (ὥστε, so as to, L T Tr AN.) MAY [ MAY BE. 1. ὦ, ἧς, ἢ, (subj. of εἰμί, to be) I, thou, he, she, it, we, ye or they may be, (asserting “conditionally. ) eis, unto,with aview to, ) to the end 2. ὁ τὸ, the, [they | εἶναι, to be, might be. 1. Matt. vi. 4. 1. 2 Cor. iv. 7. 1. John xiv. 3. ΠῚ 1x33. 1. —— xvi. 24. 1. Phils 1.10. 1. —— xvii. 11, 21 ὑνίοθ, 1, —— ii. 28. 22, 23, 26. 1. 1 Tin. v. 7. 2. Rom.i. 20, marg. (text, | 1. 2 Tim. 111. 17. so that...are.) 1. ||... 1.1 Cor. v. 7. 1. Jas. i. 4. 1, —— vii. 34 1. 1 John i. 4. 1. —— xv. 28. 1. 2 John 12. MIGHT BE. 1. ὦ, ἧς, 7, ete., see No. 1, above. 2. εἴην, eins, εἴη, (Opt. of εἰμί, to be) (expressing a wish.) 1. Markv.18. « | 2. Luke viii. 9, 1. John xvii. 9. MAY BE, MIGHT BE, (τηλ...) ὅστε, so as, so as to, 1. « εἶναι, to be, (inf. of εἰμί) ) so as to be, (expressing result and consequence.) eis, unto, with a>) with a view to view to, there being, 2. : : εἶναι, to be, (inf. | (expressing pur- of εἰμί,) pose.) 3. εἶναι, to be, (inf. of εἰμί.) 3. Luke viii. 38. | 3. 2 Cor. v. 9 2. Rom. iii. 26. | 3. —ix. 5 2. —iv. 11. | 3. Eph. i. 4. 3. 13. 2. 12. 2. 16. == ΤΕ 2. — viii. 29. 2. Jas. i. 18. 2, — xv. 16 1. 1 Pet. i. 21. MAY BE (ir) 1. ἴσως, equally, like; fairly, equitably ; hence, according to appearances, probably, perhaps. ἘΠῚ ΤῸ, τυγχάνω, to fall in with, | . 2, meet casually, to fall if per- chance. out, happen; perchance, hence, 3. Luke xx. 13. | 2. 1 Cor. xiv. 10. 3. μοῦ, Gen., (another form), of me, 4. ἐμοί, Dat., to, unto, 486 | ME ME. 1. ἐγώ, Nom., I. 2. ἐμοῦ, Gen.,ofme,my,, (When _ these cases aretrans- lated ME, it is because they are governed or for me, by some verb, 5. pol, Dat., (another } preposition, form), to or forme, etc.) 6. ἐμέ, Accus., me. 7. pé, Accus., (another form), me. 8. ἐμαυτοῦ, of myself. . Matt. ii. 8. — iii. 11. a a 19. —— vii. 21, see M (un- 22, see M (to) -- ---- χ. “36, see M (of) 4, ae Tie 33. 6. ——— 57.150. — —— 372nd, see M (of) 6. 37 3rd. 37 4th, see M (of) 6. - - 40 lst δὰ 2nd. 40 3rd. —— xi. 6. ἰῷ see M (unto) xv. 5. 23 2nd, (unto) --...........ὄ ὅ.4. 188, ἡ 94 2nd. —— xvii.17, see M (to) 27. 5 2, 5. —— xviii. 5, 6, 21. 4. 26 (No. 6, Tr.) 5. 4 7 7 5 28 (om. Gs3LT TrAR®.) 29 (No. 6, L Tr A.) " 90, . — xix. 14,17. 5. 21, 28. 5. —— xx. 13. 15, see M (for) — — xxi. 2, see M (un- . — xxiii. 39. — Matt. xxv. 20,22, seeM —— $5 end ἃ 3rd, 86 3 times. ἊΣ 7: — — 40,560} (unto, 2. 41. 5. 42 ‘st. ὙἘ 42 2nd, 45 3 times, 45, see M (to) —— xxvi. 10, aE 15. 21, 23 150. 93 2nd. —- 31. ------ 34. —— 38, 39, 40. 42 (om. ἀπ᾿ ἐμοῦ, from me, G = Τὸ T Tr Α 5.) 46. ——- 53. 55 twice, 75. — xxvii. 10. 46. ——— xxviii. 10. 18, see Pe (unto) Mark i. 7,1 40, — ii. 14, —-v. 7. 31. — vi. 22. 88 (ον. ἃ > 8.) ἘΞ ath. Peace 6 2nd. 7. Fe — 14. ee: viii, 2 (om. L Trt 33, 34 1st. 84 2nd. 98, —— ix. 19. 37 1st, 2nd, ἃ 3rd. —— 37 ath, 39. 42 (om. eis ἐμὲ, in me, 'T A &.) 14, 18. ——- 21. 47, 48. —- xi. 29, 30. —— xii, 15 1s. ames 15 2nd, — xiv. 6 (Νο. 4, α L TTrAR.) ἧς οι tS IAS) ΡΥ Ue PNPONINN YN στα φο | NNN — x, SAUNANAN ON SOnNNegr ςῦ NS | MF οο" Ξ ME [ 487 ἢ ME 4, Mark xiv. 27 (om, ἐν | — Luke xxiii. 14, see M | 7. John x.32 (No.6,TTr 7. John xvii. 25, 26, ire org of me, (unto) AR.) | 6. —— xviii. 8. 6. 28. 5. 37. i 5. 9, 11. " 3. —— 42. 4. ——— 38 twice. | 7. 21, 28. a 2. ------ὄ 9. 6. —— xi. 25, 26. | 2. ——— 91. ie. 42, 48, 49, 72. 7. —— xxiv. 39 Ist. 3. —— 41, 42 1st. | —— 55, see M 7. —— xv. 34. 6. 39 2nd. 7, ——— 43'2nd. a 10, § (unto) — Luke i. 3, see M also | 2. 4, 6. — xii. 8. | 2, ——— 11 1s. to) 8. John 1. 15 3times, 27 1st, | 4, 26 3 times | 7. ——— 11 2nd. -- 25, ο 27,2nd AG AY 30 3 times. 7. —— 27. | 5. —— xx. 15. — —— 38,see M (unto) | 7. | 6. ——— 30. 3. —— 17. — —— 43 1st, see M (to) | — 332nd, see M | 8. 32. ἤ. —— a, vf 43 ond, 48. (unto) 6. 44 ‘st ἃ 2nd. 7.— xxi. 15, 16, 17 twice. -- 49, see M (to) 5. —— 43. ος 44 3rd. 5. ο 22, 7. — ii. 40, 7. —— 48. 6, —— 45 lst. — Acts i. 4, see M (of) — — iv. 6, ου 7. — ii. 17. 7. 45 2nd -- 8, see M (unto) 3. 7 , L Tr | 5. — iii. 28. 6. ——— 46, 48, | ——— ii. 28 1, see M 8. 8 a [N.) | 5. ——iv. 7. ae 49 151 (to) 6, —— 181s. 2, 9 5, —— 49 2nd. | 7. 28 2na ye 18 2nd ἃ 3rd. 5. 10, 15, 21, 29. ———— 50; “a (unto) 6. —— iii. 22. - 23, see M (unto) | 7. 34. 2. — ΣΙ 5. —v. 8. 2. —v. 8. 5. 39. 7. —— 5. ——vii. 7. νὰ 12. 7, ——v. 7150. 2. —— isis (No. 3, Tr | 7. 28. ὅ. 27. 2. 7 2nd. A. 6, ——— 37, marg. my- 7. —— vi. 46, 47. 7, 11 1st. 6 18 2nd, 20 Ist. self. 8. — vil. 8. - 112nd, see M | 7. 20 2nd — —— 42, see M (to) 4; —— 3. (unto) 6. 90 3rd δι 5. —— 45. 24, 30. 7. 21. — — viii.19, see Malso. 7. —— viii. 28 ; 2. 32 twice, 7. —— 33. 2. 24 Ist. 5. 45 15:40 2nd(ap.), | 5. 36 lst. 5. 36 1st. 6. 24 2nd. 46 1st. 36 2nd. 5. 362nd (om, LT | 7. 31, 36. 9. —— 462nd. 7 36 3rd, 37 Ist. Tr Af.) | 7. —— ix. 4, 6 (ap.) 3. —— ix. 23 Ist 2. 37 2nd, 39, vk 3 i 15, see M (unto) 99 ad 7 ani AD AAR @ = xy 1 7. 17. 7. —— 26. 4, 46 Ist. 2. 6. 4, —— x. 28 (καμοί, L T 6, —-— 4815: ἃ 2nd. 2. 46 2nd 7. 7, 9 1st TrAR.) 7. -—— 48rd. 7. ——vi. 26. 6, ——— 92nd. 7. 29. 5. ——— 59, 61 ὦ 5518 (No. 6, T | 4. —— 10twice 3. 30. 2, —— x. 1615 Tr AN.) 5. 11 Ist. 2, — xi. 5. 6. - 16 2nd &3rd 6. 35 2nd. Ὧ ----- nde -- 7, see M (unto) ae 16 4th. Ws 36 (om. Lb Ν.) 5. 113rd (om, G + | 5. ———9 (om. L T Tr — —— 22, see M (to) 5. ——— 37 1st. T Tr.) AR.) 7. —— 40 lst. 6. 37 2nd. 6. 12. | 7.——ll. 5. ——— 40 2nd 7. αρ] 98, 39 Ist. ae 15, 19 twice. | 5. ——— 12 lst 5. — xi. 5. 5. —— 392n 4, ——— 20. | 4. 12 2nd. 7. —— 6. ὭΣ 40 (rod πατρός ἥν Q1twice 23 Qitwice 5. ----- xii. 8, 5. ——— 7 lst μοῦ, my Father, in- 28. σι πλαν 2. 7 2nd. stead of rod πεμψαν- | 4. 30. | 5, —— xiil. 2. 2. 233 times. τός µε, him that sent | 5. ———8Sl. 6. 25. 4. — xii. 8, πιθ, 4 oLTTrA.) | 4. —xv. 2, dtwice,5 1s. | 3, — xv. 7. 7. ——9. 7. 4419: (Νο. 6, T | 2. ——— 52nd. -- 13, see M (unto) 2. ——- 13. Tr A.) 4, ——— 6,7. 3. 17. 7. —— 14. as 44 2ni 7. —— 9, 16 7. — xvi. 15. 2, — xiii. 27. ἡ: 45 (No. 6, TTr.) | 6. ——18, 20 5, —— xx. 19, 22, 7. 85. 6. 47 (om. ets ἐμὲ, | 7. ———2l. 7. —— 23. 7, —— xiv. 18, 19, 26. on me, T Τρ Ab.) 6. 23, 24 2. 94, 8, 27. 4. 56, 7. —— 25. δ. —— xxi. 39. 5. —— xv. 6, 9, 12. 7. 57 Ist & 2nd. 2. 26, 27 5. — xxii. 5 7,§ —— 6. 57 3rd. 6. —— xvi. 3. 6. 6. 4. 29 7. —— 65. hs 5 twice -- 7 1st,see M(unto 2. 31 6. —— vii. 7. 6. ——— 9. ee 7 2nd. 2, —- xvi. 3 7. —— 16, 19 7. ——10. | 7. 8(No. 6,1, Tr 8.) Ζ. 4, 24 — —— 23, see M (at) 6. 14. | 4. ϱ lst. 5, ——- xvii. 8 — —— 28 lst, see M | 7. 16 twice, 17 twice, | — ——— 9 2nd, see M (to) 7, — xviii. 3 (both) 19 twice. 7, —— 10, 5 5 Ist i 28 2nd, 29, 33, 34, | 6. 28, 27. 5. ——ll. η 52nd. πρ 6, —— 821 (καµέ, Τ Τε 7. 131s (Νο. 6, L — —— 18, see M (to) 6. 88, ΑΝ. i 7. —— 16, 19. 4, — viii, 12 (No.5, L | 2. 32 2nd. -- 132nd,) see M 5. . fe 16. (Tr.) | 4. 33. | ———— 181", 5 (unto) 7. 38, 39. 2, ——— 18 1st. 5. —— xvii. 4 9, 19314. 3. — xix. 27. 7, —— 18 3.4. 7. ——5. 7. 21, 5. —— xx. 3. 6. 19 twice. 5. ——— 6 Ist. | 5. 27. 7. 23 (ap.) 7, ——— 21, 26, 28, 291st | 4, ——— om (καμοί, Tr. ) | 7. —— xxiii, 3 twice. Re Oe 2. 29 Quid. 5. ——7,8 | 2 11. — —— xxii. 19, see M (of) | 7, ——— 29 3r4, 37, 40. Μ᾿ -----ᾱ Ry 7. 18. 7. 21 Ist. 6. 42 Ist. 5. ——9, 11. 12. 5. —— 19. 2. 21 2nd, 28, 7, —— 422nd 6. —— 18, 20. | 7. —— 22. — —— 29,see M (unto) | 5. ——— 45. 4. Q1 Ist. δ. 0, 7. — 34. 7. 46 Ist 7, —— 2] 2nd | 7, —— xxiv. 12. ἃ, as 97 188, 5, 46 2nd 5. 22. | 8. ον 2. —— 37 2nd. 7. 49, 54 4. 23 lat 7. — a ——&. τῷ ix. 4. 7; Ab.) 5. 68 (om. μοί ἣ | 7. 15, 17. ch 24 2nd. | 2, —— xxv. 6. ἀπολύσητε, me, nor | 2, 18, 25. 5. 24 3rd. | 3. 1] 1s let me go, T Trb AD.) | 5, ——— 27, 29. 7. —— 24 ath. ες 11 2nd, 5. Acts xxv. 24. 27, see M (to) cigs 13 2nd. 14. twice, 21, 28, ——- 18. 21, 28. 29, —— xxvii. 21, (unto) | PNONENY | see M | 7. —— xxviii. 181st. 4. 18 2nd. — Rom. i. 12, see M (of) | 6. 15, and see Mis (as much as) 4, — vii. 8. ye πα. — 13 Ist, see Μ' (unto) -- 132nd see M (to) | 4 17, 18 1st, -- 182nd, see M (with) . 20. -- 21, cee M (with) | Me 98, 24, 7. —— viii. 2 (ce, thee,Lm ΠΑ ey ) 5. — ix. ----- 19, see M (unto) | ie 20, 6. —— x. 20 twice. 8. —— xii.3, see M(unto) — — xiv. 11, see M(to) 6. —— xv. 3. — —— 15, see M (to) εντ, 5. —— 30 1st. 2. —————— 30 2nd. 2. —— xvi. Ae —1 Cor. i. 2, see M te ΤᾺ to) = iii. 10, see M (un- to) iv. 3, see M (with) as 4, τες 16, see M (of) ee Το Ist, see M | (unto) = 12 2nd, see M (for) — —— vii.1,see M(unto) 6. —— ix. 3. 4. 15 Ist. -- 15 2nd, see ΜῚ (for) 5, 16 1st. = 16 2nd. — — x. 23 twice, gee M | (for) — —— xi. 1, sce M (of) 8, 2. — — 24, 25, see M (of) 4, —— xiv. 11. 8, 21. — —— xv. 8, see M also 6. 10 Ist. Γ(οῦ) | and | 5. 32. Ϊ 4, — ἘΝ 4, | 7, -- 9, see M (unto) | Le πι (No. 6, 1, A.) 4, 2 Cor. i. 17. 2, 19. | 7. —— ii. 2 1st 2. 22nd. | 6. δ. | -- 12, see M (unto) 2. vii. 7. | — — ix. 1, see M (for) 4. 4, 8, — si. 1 twice. -π- 9, see M (to) 4, 10 lst. 6. 10 2nd. | | | | | 23, 25. | | | | { ος τη ἘΠ] ee i ee | τα om | 5. ----- 21. | 6 7 | Oe 4 2, fs | ——— ]] 2nd, gesagt . 2 Cor. xi. 16 twice. 28 (No.5; L T AR. 4 4 32. —— xii. 1, see M (for) 6 Ist. 6 2nd. 6 3rd, ip see M (to) — 8. —— glst, see M(unto) 9 2nd. 11. — 19, 21 (om. St E G.) —— σι, 3. — ii. 3. 6 twice, see M (to 8 (καμοὶ, LT Tr. —— lst, see M (unto 92nd, see M (to) SS is 20 2nd. 90 3rd. 7. —— iv. 12, 14. 15, see M (to) — ——vi. 14, see M(unto) 5. 17. 5. Eph. iii. 2. 8, 7, 8, see M (unto) —— τι 19 ist. 192nd, see M 9 ae (unto) — Phil. i. 7, see M (for) 7. 7, marg. (text,I.) --- 12, see M (the things which hap- pened unto) 21, see M (to) 96, 30 twice. ide: 99, 23, see M (how it will go with) 27. —— iii.1,7, see M (to) 17, see M (of) — iv. 3. 9. 10, ------ 13. —— 15, see M (with) 4 21. 4, 5. 4 ἘΞ Col. i. 25, see M (to) 4 29. — —— iv.11, see M(unto) 18, see M (of) . 1 Tim, i, 12 twice. 4 16 7 6. 2 Tim. i. 8. 2. 13. 7 2 15, 16, 17. . — ii. 2. — — iii. 11 1st, see M (unto) 11 2nd. — — iv. 8 Ist, (for) see M 8 2nd. 8 3rd, see M (to) 9, 10. [ο ae — lf. 16 Ist. 16 2nd. ο ]7 lst. [ 488 ] ME Se eee eS eee 2 Tim. iv. 17 2nd. , — Rev. i. 17 2nd, see M - i. 173rd, see M (to) | (oni). fates 18. 2. 4, 18, 20, 21. | — Titus i. 3, see M (be | 2. BE τος committed unto) —— v.5, see M | 7. ——iii. 12. —— vii. 13: (unto) es 15. -- 14, see M (to) — Philem. 11, see M (to) | — ——x. 4, see M (unto) | 8. 18 Ist. 2. =o 13 2nd, see M | 5. 9 ‘Ist. Ϊ (unto) | --- g2nd,) see M Th (A ἡ, ο Τίς 5 (unto) T Tr 8.) ὃν να — as spee Manto) | ——— oe "18, see M 1, ἘΞ ΤΕΥ Ν (unto) Ds 2, —— xvii. 11st. — Heb. a δ: 566 ΜΙ (to) | -- 12nd, see M (un- 5. ——ii. 19. γι 3. to) 7, ——iii.9 1st (om.G@ ~L | — —— vii. 15, TTr AW.) — —— xix, 9uwice, (see M ae 92nd (ap. 10, (unto) — — viii. 10,see M(to) ; — —— xxi.5, 6, ΤΕ πι ΤΣ 9 Ist (om. πρὸς 5, --- χσ. 5. pe, unto πιο, ἃ 1 Τ' Tr 2. τῷ | A.) -- 80, 566 M (unto) | 2. 9 2nd. ed δα, τᾷ 10 Ast. -- xiii. 6, see M | 5. ——— 10 2πά. (unto) 2, —— 15. | 5. Jas. ii. 18 5, —— xxii. 1. 5. 2 Pet. i. 14. - 6, see M (unto) 5. Rev. i. 10. 5. 8. 2. 12. -- πες. yy see M (ὡς 6. 17 Ast 2. 5 to) (The following combinations where there are not two separate words in the Greek.) ME (at) 5. John vii. 25. ME (sorn) κάμε, both me, me also. John vii. 28. ME (nF COMMITTED UNTO) ( ἐπιστεύθην, I was intrusted. if ἐγὼ, I. Tit. 1. 3. ME (ror) . Matt. xx. 15. 5. 2 Cor. ix. 1. . 1 Cor. vi. 12. ix.15. [TrA®.) χ 29 twice(om, GLT grt Ἢ] 5 4. Phil. i. 7. 5, 2 Tim, iv. 8. ME (now Ir with τὰ, the things, _ δ περὶ, about, con- GO WITH) i.e. [whensoever I may look away cerning, JSrom] the things ἐμέ, me, , which concern me. | Phil. ii. 23. ME (τν) 5. Rom, vii. 13. ME (tHE THINGS WHICH HAPPENED UNTO) τὰ, the things, κατά, relating to, ἐμέ, me. Phil. 1. 19. ME (το) 1. ἐμοί, see “mur,” No. 4. 2: poi, see “me,” No. 5 3. pov, see “ME,” No. 3. 2. Matt. vii. 22. Ι 2. 2 Cor. xii. 7. 2. —— xiv. 18. 2. Gal. 11. 6 1st. 2. —— xvii. 17. ik 6 2nd, 9, 1. —— xxv. 45. 2. —— iv. 15. 2. Luke i. 43, 49. 1. Phil i. 21. 2. ——x. 22. 1. — iii. i. 2. — xviii. 13. 2. τῷ 2. Acts ii. 28. 2. Col. i. 25. 2. —— vii. 42. 2. 2 Tim. iv. 11. 2. —— xxii. 9. | 1. ace 11, 16. 2. —— xxv. 27. 2. Heb. i 1. Rom. xiv. 11. | 2, — vie “10. 8, 2 Cor. xi. 9. | 2. Rev. vii. 14. ME ALSO (το) κἀμοί, even unto me. Luke i. 3. ME (σντο) 1. ἐμοί, see “ we,” No. 4. 2. poi, see “ ME,” 3. pov, see “ ME,” No. 3. Yo. 5. ME [ 489 ] MEA ae RES te 2. Matt. vii. 21. | 2. 1 Cor. iii. 10. ME ALSO. 2. — xi. 27. | 2. ——vwi 18, ΙΡ, . —— xv. 8 (ap. 2. —— vii. 1 (om. V' Tr® κἀμοί, to me also, even to me. 1, — xvi. 23 (ἐμοῦ, my, | 2. ——ix.16. [ΔΝ μπῶ 1, Tr AR, ie. thou | 2. ----- xvi. 9. cts vil, 10. art my stwmbling- | 2. 2 Cor. ii. 12. block.) 2. xii. 9. 2. xxi. 2. sg 2. Gal. ii. 9. 2, — xxv. 20, 22, 1. — vi. 14, ME (oF) L 40. | 2 Eph. iii, 3, 7, “ ’ 2. — viii. 1 5 1. ἐμοῦ, see “me,” «Νο. 2. 2. Luke i a ee 2 . — iv. 6. 2. Col. iv. 11. 2. μοῦ, see “mE,” No. 3. 9. 98, 2. 2 Tim. iii. Ἡ. ser ἃ A 2. —— xxii. 99 2. Philem, 13, 19. 3. ἐμός, my, mine ; more emphatic, de- | 5. Fone, M4 | 1. Heb, x. 80. 2. John i. 33 2. —— xiii. noting bp οὐρα δὲν power over, 2 i | Revd a7 one GLT Tr authorship, right, ete. Ba dt |, ΑΝ). ἘΠῚ — > χες, a ““-“-“ | _ x. 87 twice, 98, 2. 1 Cor. iv. 16. 1. —— xviii. 35, 2. —— vii. 13. a ace cot hen ο. 9 εν 1, —— xix. 10. 2, —rx. 4 (om. GLT ὃ Ξ . ή ΟΝ ΡΝ 8; Ξ ΠΉΡΑΝ 2. να ή (No.3, LT Tr | Q αι, ἡ Beet (SB Gas ο 2, — ix. 15. | 2. — xiv. 13 (om. GLT 2, ——xi.7 | Tr A Ν.) 7 - τὰν γεν We ie 2: a rife by (om. GLT . —— Xxil. 7, 19, ΤΑΝ. ME ALSO (or) 2. —— xxvii. 21. | 2. 7, 15. a Ἢ Rom. ee | 2. —— xix. 9 twice, 10, > . —— xii 2. ——xxi.5(om.G τὸ L κἀμοί, even unto me. τ ἜΣ | TT A.) ( ενός 2. 1 Cor. i. 11. 2. —— 6. 2. Rev. xxii. 6, 9, 10. ME (wirnH) 1. ἐμοί, see “με, No. 4. 2. pot, see “me,” No. 5. 2. Luke i. 25. 1. Rom. vii. 21, 2. Rom. vii. 18. 1. 1 Cor: iv. 8. 2. Phil. iv. 15. MEAL. ἄλευρον, wheaten flour, fine meal, (from ἄσημος, without mark : μεταξύ, in the midst; τοῖς, the, ταπεινοῖς, lowly, ἀλεω. to grind) (non oce.) Matt. xiii. 33. | Luke xiii. 21, MEAN [adj.] of money, un- indistinct {ο the Senses ; unknown, unperceived, not recognised ; hence, 0 persons, unknown, obscure, not recognised, (non occ.) Acts xxi. 39, stamped; then, MEAN THINGS [πιατρ.] ; here, to the lowly. Rom. xii. 16 twice re men of low estate.) MEAN WHILE. of time, mean time, meanwhile. marg. between. John iv. 31. | Rom. ii. 15, MEA [ 490 1 MEA 2. Luke x. 19 Ϊ 1. 1 Cor. ix. 57. MEAN [verb.] 1, Aets si 2 | τ δ ον, 38 Ξ -ING Ἢ 1 m. i. - . li. 2. (-ETH, -ING, MEANT, SHOULD MEAN.) err ee Phil. ii, 11, 1. ἐστί, (8rd pers. sing. pres. tense In- ἘΞ Ὁ mal. αι ον dic. of εἰμί, to be) he, she, or it is. 2. εἴη, (8rd pers. sing. pres. tense Opt. of εἰμί, to be) he, she, or it might 6. ( θέλω, to will, 3. wish, desire, bea to be, to, or on the point of. or are ye doing weeping? ete.) 1. Matt. ix. 10, 13. 3. Acts ii. 12 1. —— wii. 7. 2. ——x.17 2. Luke xvi. 26. 8. —— xvii. 20. 2. —— xviii. 36. 5. —— xxi. 15 4. Acts xxvii. 2. MEANING. δύναμις, power, force ; of language, the power or signification of a word. 1 Cor. xiv. 11. MEANS. (For various combinations with other words, see below ; see also “ SEEK,” and “ DESPATR.”’) MEANS (sy att) 1. zavtws,wholly, altogether, entirely. ev, in, 2. 4 παντὶ, every, [mode, ( τρόπῳ, turning, way, in every every turn. 1. Acts xviii. 21 (ap.) | 1. 1 Cor. ix. 22. 2. 2 Thes. iii. 16, (τόπος, place, instead of τρόπον, way, GL.) MEANS (sy any) 1. πως, in any way, at all, by any means. 9 (οὐ, no or ot (here, with another * (py, no or not, negative) no not, assuredly not, not at all, by no means, in no wise (see wnder Νο.) κατὰ, according to. 3. 4 μηδένα, no. ᾿ xpdeor, manner. lit., what would | thismean,or what | pleasesthistobe? | . μέλλω, to be about to, to be on the | point of. Here, part., being about | . ποιέω, to make or do, (Uit., here, what | state, or αὖ. MEANS (i ΒΥ any) εἰ, if, (see “τε, No. 40.) πως, In any way. Acts xxvii. 12. Rom, i. 10, Rom. xi. 14. Phil. iii. 11. ov, μή, NO not, in no wise. Matt. v. 26. | MEANS (ay no) | | MEANS OF DEATH (sy) θανάτου γενομένου, a death taking place. Heb. ix. 15. | MEANS (1st By Αντ) | μήπως, lest in any way, peradventure. that in no way. 1 Cor. viii. 9. Ϊ 2 Cor. xi. 8. MEANS (test THAT BY ANY) μήπως, see above. 1 Cor. ix. 27. | | Ϊ | MEANS (LEsT BY SOME) | μήπως, see above. | 1 Thes. iii. 5 MEANS (sy some) πως, in any way, at all, by any means. 1 Thes. iii. 5. | MEANS OF (sy Tue) éx, out of, from or by. 2 Cor. i. 11. MEANS (sy wuat) ἐν, in, in what, (as the 1. 2 τίνι, whom, or > conditional ele- what, ) ment), wherein. 2. πῶς, how? in what way or manner ? by what means ? 2. Luke viii. 36. 9, John ix. 21.” 1, Acts iv. 9. MEA MEASURE [noun.] (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. μέτρον, that by which any thing is measured, a measure or rule; gen., a measure or standard; esp., a measure of content, whether solid or liquid, (non occ.) . σάτον, satum, a measure, ΝΟ, seah, Aram., ΝΠΝΟ, satah ; a Heb. mea- sure for things dry —nearly 13 peck Eng., (non occ.) . βάτος, Heb., ΓΙᾺ, bath, a measure for wine and oil, equal to the ephah for dry measure,=from 73 to 9 galls. Eng., (non occ.) . κόρος, Heb.,52 cor, the largest Heb. dry measure, equal to the Homer, 1.6. to 10 baths or ephahs (Wo. 3),—= 145 bushels Eng., (non occ.) . χϑινιξ, a choenix, an Attic measure for grain, and things dry,— nearly 1 quart Eng. [A chenix of grain was the daily allowance for one man, whether soldier or slave. | —2 Cor. x. 14,see Stretch. 2. Mark vii. 37. [..) | 3. Gal. i. 13. ) exceedingly super- eminently. MEASURE (ovr or) 1. περισσῶς, exceedingly, abundantly. 9, | MEASURE (ruinas wirnovr) τὰ, the things. ἄμετρα, unmeasured. κατά, ὑπερβολή, 1. Mark x. 26. | ; see above, No. 3. 2. 2 Cor. i. 8. 2 Cor. x. 18, 15. MEASURE (-rp, τκα.) [verb.] μετρέω, to measure, in any way, of space, number, capacity, length, ete., (else- where, “ mete.’’) SSS... 55. ..0505°00 SSS Rey. xi. 1 Mark iv, 24, | — xxi. 9, 2 Cor. x. 12. 5, 16, 17. μμ» | MEASURE AGAIN. | | | | | ἀντιμετρέω, to measure out again, or in turn, (on oce.) Matt. vii. 2, (µετρέω, to measure, GL T Tr A.) Luke vi. 38, (µετρέω, to measure, L™,) MEAT. . βρῶμα, whatever is eaten, solid food, as opp. to milk, ete. 2. βρῶσις, eating, the act of eating. 3. βρώσιμος, eatable. 4. τροφή, nourishment, sustenance, | food, victuals. an . φάγω, to eat, take food, take a meal, eat and drink, (see “rar,” No. 1.) Here, inf: . προσφάγιον, what is eaten thereto, i.e. along with bread; hence, meat, fish, ete., (non occ.) Sd ee eal ole ee [ 492 ] MEE MEA _ 7. τράπεζα, a table; and as to set a | table, is to make ready a meal, so τράπεζα is used for a meal or ban- presupposes two differing parties. But God is one; therefore this disagreement cannot be in Him, quet. which would be the case if the 4, Matt 1, 4 ee Law disannulled the promise— 4.—viio5 2, —— vi. 27 twice, 55, both being given by Him. Inas- a= = an ον. δ: Age ae muchas a mediator had been intro- Harte see Sit. 4, —— ix. η σι, duced, the relations between God pips aes ας τι Sor η and Israel had been disturbed, 5. —— xxv. 35, 42. 4, —— xxvii. 33. ¢ sre ras or ο πο σος | at te ce ee ᾿ vii portion ο se ἢ é oy ta ΕΑΝ Bere σαι eae | made.” The law was given, there- 7. 8, : ; πο τ, ὦ Sig: ΕΣ ᾿ | fore, on account of Israel and uke iii. Ῥ -- 23 (marg.), see Ἀν τῶν Oe τ i — —— vii. 37, 49, see Sit. Doubt. their sin, they having rejected the 5. —— vill. 55. 1. 1 Cor. iii, 2. promise, and there “being yet no 1, — ix. 13, pl. 1. — vi. 18 twice. τς =~ st 87 sea Sit, | η τ, ] seed”? who might inherit those 4, —— xii. 23. -- 10, see Sit. 1 35 2, ee ME (por. ιτ 18 | promises. | tion o 1. — x. 3. — — xiv. aD, 15, 2 Col. ii. 16, marg. eat- * Gal. iii. 19, 20. Heb. viii. 6. — — xvii. see ing. 1 Tim, ἃ1,.5. — ix. 15. -- — xxii. oF twice, ΡΝ Lali τυ Ὁ Heb. mii. 24. -- --.-.- ἘΣ. 90, 4. Heb. ν. 12, 14. 3. ἘΞ Ἢ 1 10, Es ohn A ——xii. 16, see 2. 32: (morsel of) MEDITATE BEFORE. 1. Heb. xiii. 9. προμελετάω, (μελετάω, (see below) with πρό, before, prefixed.) | | | | MEAT (ΜΟΠΡΕΙ, ΟΕ) 2. Heb. xii. 16. Luke xxi. 14, MEAT (rortron oF) MEDITATE UPON. σιτομέτριον, grain measured out, a μελετάω, to care for, take care for any- measured allowance of corn, ra- thing, 50 as to Be αἰ pebforn tions, (non occ.) Ἢ im. iv. 15. Luke xii. 42. 1 Tim. iv. 15 MEEK. MEAT (some) τροφή, see above, No. 4, (here, Genitive case.) 1. zpais, (an earlier but not better form of No. 2) meek, gentle, enduring all things with an even temper, tender, free from haughty self- sufficiency, tender of spirit (ἤπιος is rather the exhibition of that tenderness in bearing with others. See “ GENTLE.”’) 2. πρᾷος, (a later form of No. 1.) Acts xvii. 34, 36. MEDIATOR. μεσίτης, (from μέσος, middle, and εἶμι, to go) a go-between, a ‘mediator, one who intervenes between two parties, one who mediates for | | peace and unites parties at va- riance. A word that does not ΕΙΣ Matt. To tel 1, Matt. καὶ, δ, occur in profane Greek, for they ο σι Tee ee had no higher words than διαιτήτης or 3 vi διαλλακτήρ, διαλλακτής, the arbi- MEEKNESS. trator. In the lxx. it only occurs j once, Job ix. 33. 1. πραότης, meekness, mildness, see ΤῚ ων. ΤΥ 7, ὅς, MEEK,” Vo. 1, (non occ. * (Gal. iii. 19, 20, seems to need fur- ϐ ; ) ther explanation. A mediator | 2. 1) πραύτης, (an earlier form of No. MEE [ ae Lor. ἵν, 21 (No.2, UT Tr 1. Col. iii. 19 (Νο. 2, LT AR.) Tr ΑΝ. 1 ιο» 1(Νο.2,1,.Τ 1. 1 Tim. vi. 11 (πραῦπά- ἊΝ θεια, ο meckly, 1 Gal. v. 23 (No.2, LT GoLT Tr ΝῸ) TrAR.) { 1. 2 Tim. ii. 25 (No. 9, 1, 1. —vi.1 (No. 2, T Tr T Tr AN.) Ax.) 1. Tit. iii. 2(No. 2, LT Tr 1. Eph. iv. 2 (No. 2, T | 2. Jas. i. 21. [A 5) Tr A κ) Γα. == His, 2. 1 Pet. iii. 15. MEET. [adj. ] 1. ἄξιος, worth, worthy; of equal value, of like worth; worthy of, deserv- ing of. δίκαιος, right, just, see “ RIGHT.” εὔθετος, well adapted, well arranged, conveniently placed; convenient for use. ἱκανός, coming to, reaching to; hence, sufficing, sufficient ; of persons, adequate, competent. 5. καλός, beautiful, “Goon,” Wo. 2.) 1, Matt. iii. 8, marg. an- agreeable, (see — Rom. i. 27, see M (be) swerable. 4, 1 Cor. xv. 9. 5. —— xv. 26 (ἔξεστι, al- | 1. —— xvi. 4. lowed, L T A.) 2. Phil. i. 7. 5. Mark vii. 27. — Col. i, 12, ae M (make) 1. Lukeiii.8, marg. (text, | 1. 2 Thes. i. worthy. ) — 2 Tim. ii. δι, see Use, — — xv. 32,see M (be) | 3. Heb. vi. 7. 1. Acts xxvi. 90. 2. 2 Pet. i. 13. MEET (55) δεῖ, it needs, there is need of, it is necessary,implying that something is absent or wanting. Luke xv. 32. | MEET (make) ΄ ’ . ixavow, to make sufficient, render com- petent or adequate, (oce. 2 Cor. 11, 6.) Rom. i. 27. Col. i. 12. MEET, MET. [verb.] 1. ἀπαντάω, to come or go from a place towards a person ; and so to meet face to face from opposite direc- tions ; esp., to meet and come back with the person met (non occ.) eis, unto, with a view to, ἀπάντησις, a meeting, No. 1) (non occ.) subst. of | MEL ----ᾱη 3. συναντάω, (No. 1, with σύν, in con- junction with, instead of ἀπό, from, prefixed) to come to meet together with any one, z.e. to fall in with, or meet one ‘another, (occ. Acts xx. 22. eis, unto, with a view to, 4. ὁ συναπάντησις, a meeting, (subst. of No. 3) (non oce.) 5. ὑπαντάω, to come or go to meet, with the idea of stealth, unperceived, without noise or notice, (oce. John ὙΠ 20.) εἰς, unto, with a view to, 6. « ὑπάντησις, a meeting, (subst. of 3ο. 5) (non oce.) 5. Matt. viii. 28. . 8. Luke xxii. 10. 4. 34 (Νο. 6, 1, Τὶ 1. Johniv. 51 (Νο. 5, 1, Τ' Tr A* δ.) Tr AR.) 2. —— xxv. 1 (No. 6, ἍΜ -- — xi. 20, see M (go Tr AW.) and) 2. —— 6. ; y 1, — xxviii. 9 (No. 5, | 6. —— xii. 10. T Tr A* 1.) , δι 18. 1. Mark ν. 2 (No.5, T Τὰ 3. Acts x. 25. κ. 1, —— xvi. 16 (No.5, T — — xi. 4, see Ways. Tr A &.) 1 = xis 19 | — —— xvii. 17,2 see M 5. Luke viii. 27. | τα τειν with. 3. — ix. 37. — — xxvii. 41, see Seas. 1. — xiv. 31 (No.5, LT) 2. —— xxviii. 15. ν ἊΝ) ! 2, 1 Thes. iv. 17. 1. — xvii. 12. | 8, Heb. vii. 1, 10. MEET (Go anv) 5. John xi. 20. MEET WITH. 1. παρατυγχάνω, to happen to be near, to chance to be by, 7.6. be the first comer, (non occ.) 2. συμβάλλω, to throw together; of persons, to throw one’s self to- gether with another, meet with. 1. Acts xvii. 17. | 2. Acts xx. 14. MELODY (take) ψάλλω, to touch, twitch, pluck, ey. the hair or beard; but esp., a string, to twang ; then, to touch the lyre or harp, t to play. Jnlxx. and N.T., to sing, to chant accompanied by stringed instruments. Eph, ν. 19. MEL [ 494 ] MER MELT. MEND (-τκα.) 1. Avw, to loose, to loosen, set loose. καταρτίζω, to make fully ready, to put , ΤΣ in full order. 2. τήκω, to melt, make liquid. Jn ΝΤ | pass., to be melted, melt. Matt. iv. 21. | Mark i. 19. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 10, pass. | 2. 2 Pet. iii. 12, pass. ή Σ τὰ ΑΝ woe κα : MEN-PLEASER (-s.) > , = ἀνθρωπάρεσκος, desirous to please men, ἈΠΕ ΒΕ εν (i.e. “aan,” No. 1) μέλος, a limb ov member of the body, Eph, vi. 6 σον (non occ.) Matt. v. 29, 30. [1 Cor. xii. 12, 14, 18, 19, Bom, vi. 18 twice, 19 twioe. οὐ, 25, 25, 264 times, MEN-SERVANTS. — Vii. 5, 28 twice Eph. iv, 25, (27. ᾧ hild. b ee —— xii. 4 twice, 5, — vy. 30. παῖς, a chi oy, servant, pl., youths. 1 Cor. vi, 153 times. | Col. iii. 5. ο ορ » Pir) Jas. 11. 5,6. Jas. iv. 1. Luke xii. 45. MEMORIAL (ror 4) MEN-STEALER (-s.) ( εἰς, with a view to, ἀνδραποδιστής, ainan-stealer, kidnapper, « μνημόσυνον, commemorative, a me- see Exod. xxi. 61; Deut. xxiv. 7, morial ov monument, (non occ.) | (non occ.) Matt. xxvi. 13. | Mark xiv. 9. 1 Tim. i. 10. Acts x. 4. | Se Sat τε ——— ne a. | MENTION. MEMORY. ᾿ μνεία, recollection, remembrance, me- ‘ mory; mention. See, KEEP. 3) ο νυ i lS ὁ | Kom. i. 9. Phil. i. 8, marg. (text, Eph. i. 16. remembrance.) 16. ' MEN (arrer THE MANNER OF) Τ thes, 1.2. Philem. 4. μι ἀνθρώπινος, pertaining to man, human. MENTION (axe) (κατά, according to μνημονεύω, to remember, call to mind, 2 > 3 jee 5 bear in mind; to mention, speak ( ἄνθρωπον, man, (7.e. “ΜΑΝ, No. 1.) of : 1. 1. Rom. vi. 19. | 2. 1 Cor. xv. 32. J ᾿ « 4 2. Gal. iii. 15, Heb. xi. 22, marg.(with περί, concerning) remembrance. MEN (as) MERCHANDISE. 2. 1 Cor. iii. 3, marg. according to man. iy γόμος, a load, 650., of an animal ; also, ofa ship; hence, merchandise, | wares, (occ. Acts xxi. 3.) MEN (ῳσττ you LIKE) λα, Y : ἐμπόρια, a journey for traffic, esp., by sea; hence, commerce by sea, traffic, trade, commerce ; then, the goods trafficked in, merchandise, (non occ.) ἀνδρίζομαι, to make or render like a man, (ἀνήρ, 1.6. “ MAN,” Wo. 2) i.e. make or render brave. Here, dv- δρίζεσθε, (mid.) to acquit as, or show one’s self a man. 3. ἐμπόριον, belonging to commerce or merchants; esp., a factory, entre- pot of merchandise, (Hng., empo- See also, ALL, BAND, BUSYBODY, FAIL, rium) mart, (zon occ.) GOOD, GREAT, LOW, MAN, THESE μμ ππ κα, : . 2. Matt. xxii. 5. | 3. John 1, 16. THRUST, TWO, WAR. 1, Rey. xviii. 11, 12. 1 Cor. xvi. 13. MERCHANDISE OF (aaxe) ἐμπορεύομαι, to go or travel in or to; to travel for traffic or business ; with ace. of thing, to deal in, esp., to import ; with acc. of person, to make gain of, overreach, cheat, (oce. Jas. iv. 13.) 2 Pet. ii. 3. MERCHANT. ἔμπορος, one who goes on ship-board asa passenger ; hence, a merchant, wholesale dealer, (non occ.) Matt. xiii. 45. | Rev. xviii. 3, 11, 15, 23. MERCIFUL. . ἐλεήμων, merciful, actively com- passionate, not merely unhappy for the ills of others, (which is No. 3) but desirous of relieving them ; not merely pity, but beneficent aid promptly applied, (non occ.) . ἵλεως, propitious. Used of the gods in profane Greek, as signifying that good-pleasure towards men, which does not originally dwell in them, but is secured by prayer and sacrifice. Hence, as used of our God, it is a sentiment that belongs indeed to Him, but which does not properly pertain to man, because he is not deserving of it ; hence, gracious, applied to God only, (οσο. Matt. xvi. 22.) 8. οἰκτίρμων, pitiful, compassionate for the ills of others, and that is all, merely pitiful, (see Λο. 1) (οσο. Jas. v. 11.) 1. Matt. v. 7. | — Luke 3. Luke vi. 36 twice. 1. Heb. 2. Heb. viii. 12, xviii.13,see M(be) ie 17. MERCIFUL (sx) ἱλάσκομαι, to incline one’s self towards any one. Pass., to be reconciled, to be gracious. [In profane Greek, it is to ren- der propitious by prayer and sacrifice. But God is not of Himself alienated from man. His sentiment does not there- fore need to be changed. But | 1. Gal. vi. 16. [ 495 ] in order that He may not for righteousness’ sake be necessitated to comport Himself otherwise, an expiation is necessary, which He, Himself, and His love institute and give. Man, exposed to wrath, could neither venture nor find an expiation. But God, in finding it, anticipates and meets His righteousness. Nothing happens to God as in the heathen view. Therefore, we never read in the Bible, ἱλάσκεσθαι τὸν θεόν. Rather something happens to man, who escapes the wrath to come, (Cre- mer.)| Therefore, the cry for mercy, with this word, implies a sense of guilt, while with the sense of succour or pity it would have been ἐλέησον, (οσο. Heb. ii. 17.) Luke xviii. 13. MERCY (-τεδ.) (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. ἔλεος, a feeling of sympathy with 2. οἰκτιρμός, mere ρμο», i; 1 1 1 misery, active compassion, the de- sire of relieving the miserable. (Hence, ἐλεημοσύνη, is put for those benefits which are bestowed on the miserable; but οἰκτιρμός (No. 2) is never so put; hence, succour, as distinguished from mere pity. (Lhe cry for ἔλεος ts prompted by distress, while with ἵλεως, there is a sense of guilt), (non occ.) subjective com- passion or pity as felt on witnessing misfortune or calamity ; a sense of unhappiness for the ills of others ; pity, as distinguished from succour. [See Rom. ix. 15. ἐλεήσω ὅν ἄν ἐλεῶ καὶ οἰκτειρήσω ὅν av οἰκτείρω. “T will sucecour whom I will succour, I will pity whom I pity.’’} 1. Matt. ix. 13. . Eph. ii. 4. -- xii. 7, . Phil. ii. 1. . — xxiii, 23. . Col. iii. 12. . Lukei. 50, 54, 58, 72, 1 Tim. i. 2. 78. 2 Tim. i. 2, 16, 18, ἘΞ ΞΕ ἫΝ Tit. i. 4, — Acts xiii. 34, see M iii. 5. (sure) . Heb. iv. 16. eed en χω Rom, ix. 23, x. 28. — xi. 81. . Jas, ii. 13 twice. — xii. 1. — iii. 17. — xv. 9 1 Pet. i. 3. . 2 Cor. i. 3. . 2 John 8. . Jude 2, 21. MER ; ] MERCY ON (Have) | ἐλεέω, to have the desire of relieving | the miserable, (6 ἐλεῶν, strives to | relieve the distressed, and does if | he is able, while he who limits | himself to compassion only, is οἰκτείρει) to have pity upon any | one by actually relieving them. | Spoken of God, it is to show His kindness, goodness, and favour. It does not necessarily imply a sense of guilt (but rather of dis- tress) to ery for mercy, (ἐλέησον.) And for God to have mercy (ἐλεειν), suffering, and distress (rather than sin) is prominent in | man, calling forth the mercy. | ἐλεέω, 73 not, to forgive, though for- | giveness may be part of the succour | which is bestowed. | (a) Passive, to obtain or receive the succour o7 pity. Matt. ix. 27. | Luke xvi. 24, — xv. 22. — xvii. 19. τοὺς τς | ——xwiii. 38, 39. | —- xx. 30, 31. | Rom, ix. 15twice, 18, | Mark x. 47, 48. |. Phil, ἢ 27, | MERCY UPON (nave) Rom. xi. 32. MERCY (oprary) a. Matt, v. 7. a. 1 Cor. vii. 25. a. Rom. xi. 30, 31. a. 1 Tim. 1, 13, 16. a. 1 Pet. 11. 10 twice, MERCY (recetve) a. 2 Cor. iv. 1. MERCY (oF ΤΕΝΡΕΒ) οἰκτίρμων, see “ MERCIFUL,” No. 8, (ους. Luke vi. 36 1109.) Jas. v. 11. MERCY (stow) ἐλεέω, 866 “ MERCY ON (HAVE)” Rom. ix. 16. | Rom. xii. 8. MERCY (wrrnovur) ἀνίλεως, (the opposite of “MERCIFUL, 3ο. 2,) unpropitious, ungracious ; with reference to guilt, without propitiation. Jas. 11, 13 (ἀνέλεος, without pity or succour, unmerci- ju, Gx 1 τ ΊτΑ 8.) ” [ 496 1 1. εὐφραίνω, to make MES MERCIES (HE 5088) [6. God wilt perform in τὰ, the things, ὅσια, holy (pl.), ta, the things, Christ, Da- πιστά, faithful(pl.), vid’s son and heir, all the holy and faithful promises and favours that He gave to David, (Is. lv. 3) see 2 Sam. vii. 8—17; Ps. Ixxxix. 1—4, 20—37; Luke i. 31—33; Rev. iii. 7;.v. 5; xxu. 16.] Acts xvii. 34, marg. holy or just things. MERCY-SEAT (THe) τὸ, the, [seat, ) the lid ov cover | ἱλαστήριον, mercy- ᾿ of the Ark of the Covenant; so called be- cause of the expiation made once a year on the great day of atone- ment, (oce. Rom. 111. 25.) Heb. ix. 5. MERRY (ser) glad-minded, cause to rejoice. 2. εὐθυμέω, to be of a cheerful mind, be of good cheer, (οσο. Acts xxvii. 22, 25.) 1, Luke xii. 19. Ι 1. Luke xv. 28, 24. 2. Jas. v. 13. MERRY (make) 1. Luke xv. 29, 85. | 1. Rev. xi. 10, MESSAGE. 1, ἀγγελία, message brought, procla- mation, news, (207 060.) 2. ἐπαγγελία, message brought upcn, aunouncement, (elsewhere, “ pro- mise.” 3. πρεσβεία, age, seniority, eldership ; an embassy, embassage, the body of ambassadors; Hng., “the em- bassy,” (this sense arose fromeclders being usually chosen as ambas- sadors.) 3. Luke xix. 14, | 2. 1 Johni.5 (Gx) (NO. 1GLT Tr A) (ἀπαγγελία, amessage from, areport, &.) 1. 1 John iii. 1), mare. commandment. MESSENGER. See ERRATA. ». ὦ ee “ σ- [4971 MET MIG ἢ 8. Acts xvii. 22. Ι a. Rev. iv. 6 twice. METE. a. Phil xxvii. 21. ( 8. —— v. 6 twice. , . a. il. ii. 15 (μέσον, | a. —— vi. 6 twice. μετρέω, to measure, esp., of capacity, but GoLTTrAR) — vii. 17, see M (in also of length. a. Heb. ii. 12. the) ae 8. Rev. i. ας. (neers — viii. ἊΝ Pre se ἢ a. —— ii. 1 twice. ἐξ, — xiv. 6, Matt. vii. 2. eas A Mark iv. 24. rey 7 (om. μέσῳ; the — xix. 17, Heaven, τς te midstof,@LTTrAN.) | ἃ. —— xxii. 2 twice. MID-DAY. of the day, ᾿ here, Acc., at μέση, the middle, mid-day. Acts xxvi. 13. MIDST OF THE FEAST (azovr THE) the feast being in the middle, 2.6. τῆς, the, ἑορτῆς, feast, μεσούσης, being in MIDDLE. the middle, at its height. See, WALL. John vii. 14. MIDNIGHT. μεσονύκτιον, midnight. MIDST (τν tHe) 1. μέσος, mid, middle, midst. Acts xvi. 25. Acts xx. 7. : μι οὐ 2. µέσον, (neut. as subst.) the middle, he midst. MIDNIGHT (azotvr) ἫΝ ρε ον κατὰ, down towards 3. is ΡΝ ; in the midst of, μέσον, middle, ; ὃν λος μέσον, the midst, among. Gre on the: the night. | pat ο | 3. gob νυκτός, of the night, Acts xxvii. 27. MIDNIGHT (at) 1. μεσονύκτιον, midnight. μέσος, middle, νυκτός, of the night. 2. Matt. xxv. 6. | 1. Mark xiii. 35, gen. 1. Luke xi. 5, gen. MIDST. μέσος, mid, middle, midst. lows : (a) with ἐν, in. (Ὁ) with εἰς, unto ο) into. (c) with διά, through. τν. with art. and preposition, as fol- 3. Rev. vii. 17. MIDST (τπποσαπ THE) ava, up in, in the midst of, μέσον, the midst, among. Mark vii. 31. MIGHT. [noun.] 1. δυναµις, the being able, 1.6. ability, inherent power, natural capacity, moral as well as physical ability, miraculous energy, ability to effect all the purposes of rectitude and wisdom ; a work, with reference to the power required for its perform- ance. 2. ἰσχύς, physical strength, Zat., vires, ολα τμ | Menke mail. ὅδ. κ. power naturally resident in the πα anata βοὴ = ᾿ς pee er subject, ability brought into a, —— xviii. 2, 20. — xxiv. 36. ion. a. Mark vi. 47. — John ΤΠ 14, see M action —vii. 31, see M (about the) ΕΝ : (through the) | a. — vil: 3 (ap,), 9(ap.) below ος Se ae ae ee. 8. —— ix. 36. ο. 59. {the α΄ τὰς τος Τῇ 2. Rev. vii, 14 | b. —— xiv. 60. — xix. 18, see M (in en © ave Ἁ ΡΣ ΤΡ a. Luke ii. 46. b. —— xx. 19, 26. ------- — iv. 30, 35. a. Acts i. 15. : | b. — v. 19. 18, see M (in MIGHT. [verb.] be —— yi, 8, the) ο. —— xvii. 11. : ii, 99, ssi τη bs — 7. See, BE, MAY, THAT. HH MIL [ 498 1 MIGHTIER. ἴσχυρος, see “mieuty,” Λο. 1. Matt. iii. 11. | Mark i. 7. MIGHTILY. with ev, in, " ( δυναμις, see“MiaHt,’ No.1, } power. 2. εὐτόνως, (from evrovos,well stretched) hence, intensely, forcibly, with main strength, with fine force, (οσο. Luke xxii. 10.) 3. ὁ ἐν, in, [ Wo. 2, ) powerful, ᾿ (ἰσχύς, see “miaut,”’ ) strong. ; Ν K own toward: Ξ . ata, down towards, ac ea according to, aes 4. ς κράτος, strength, might, P ul power in effect, force, ο ης effect superiority, 1, Acts xviii. 28 | 1, Col. i. 29. 4, —— xix. 20. 3. Rev. xviii. 2 (ap.) MIGHTY. (For various combinations, see below.) 1. ἰσχυρός, physically strong, naturall χυρος, pry Ὁ δ; powerful. 2. ἰσχύς, see “ miaut,” Wo. 2. 3. δύνατος, able, strong; morally as well as physically powerful. . δύναμις, see “ MiauT,” Wo. 1. δι η . δυνάστης, One in power, one pos- sessed οἵ, δύναμις, (3ο. 4), one in authority. wind, (non occ.) 7. κραταιός, strong, mighty, powerful in effect, forcible, (non occ.) 8. μέγας, great. Ἵ | 5. Luke i. 52. 8. 2 Cor. x. 4. 1 = itt 16, 2. Eph. i. 9, marg. of | i B — xv. 14. might, 8, —— xxiv. 19. 4, 2 Thes. i. 7, marg. of 6. Acts ii. 2. power. 3. —— vii. 22. 7. 1 Pet. v. 6 8, xviii. 24, 8. Rev. vi. 13 | 4, Rom. xv. 19, 1, ——x.1. | 3. 1 Cor. i. 26, 1. —— xviii. 10, 21. | 1, —— i. 27. 1, —— xix. 6, 18. MIGHTY (se) δυνατέω, to be able, show one’s self able or powerful, (non occ.) 2 Cor, xiii. 3, . βίαιος, violent, vehement, spoken of | MIGHTY IN (55) ἐνεργέω, to be in work, 1.6. to work, be effective, be effectually operative, be powerful or energetic in action: Gal. ii. 8. MIGHTY DEED. δύναμις, (see “ micHT,” Wo. 1.) 2 Cor. xii. 12. MIGHTY MAN. δυνατός, (see above, No. 3.) Rev. vi. 15 (No.1,GLTTrAW®,) MIGHTY WORK. δύναμις, (see “ mien,” ο. 1.) Matt. xi. 20, 21, 23. — xiii. 54, 58 --- xiv. 2. Mark vi. 2, 5, 14, Luke x. 13. —— xix. 37. MIGHTY POWER. μεγαλειότης, greatness, majesty. Luke ix, 48. MIGHTY (so) τηλικοῦτος, SO great. Rey. xvi. 18. MIGHTY (rxar ts) δυνατός, (see above, No. 3.) Luke i. 49, MILE. μίλιον, a mile, 1.6. the Roman milliare or mile, of 1000 paces, whence its name. [It is usually estimated at 1611 yards, while the Eng. mile is 1760 yards, ] (non oce.) Matt. ν. 41, MILK. γάλα, milk, (γάλα, γά-λακ-τος, is the same as Lat., lac, akin also to α-μέλγ-ω, to milk, Zat., melgere, Eng., milk) : (non oce.) 1. Cor. iii, 2, | Heb. v. 12, 18, — ix. 7, i 1 Pet. ii. 2. μύλων, mill-house, place where the | µύλος, (a grinder, millstone) is, (non occ.) || att. xxiv. 41 (μύλος, a grinder, millstone, L'T Tr AN.) MILLSTONE. 1. μύλος, a grinder, hence, a millstone. _ [Eastern mills consisted of two Spirit; as to its action in man for intellectual purposes it is mind, z.e. the product of the Spirit. ] | 2. διάνοια, a thinking through, mature | 3 stones; the lower one was fixed, | ~ the upper being turned round upon it, with a hole in the middle for receiving the grain. This was generally turned by women, the larger ones by an ass ; hence called évixos, (pertaining to an ass),] see No. 3. a large mill- stone, (non oce.) λίθος, a stone, famill, μυλικός, of or belonging to 7107} οσσ. 3. ἦ 9. μύλος, a millstone, ὀνικός, pertaining to an ass, 8. Matt.xviii.6.[TTrA.) 2. Markix. 42(N0.3,G~L 8. Luke Πηλέα π σα. 1. Rev. xviii. 21 (µύλινος, like a millstone, L Tr A) (δὲ λίθος, in error.) 22 1. MIND. [noun.] (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. νοῦς, Hng., nous, the organ of men- tal perception and apprehension, the organ of conscious life; the organ of the consciousness pre- ceding the act, or recognising and judging the fact. 7ὲ is gen., the organ of thinking and knowledge, i.e. the understanding; or esp., the organ of moral thinking, 1.6. contemplation. In the V.7. (ex- cept Luke xxiv. 45, and Rev. xiii. 18; xvii. 9), it ocewrs only in Paul’s Epistles, and is used of the re- flective consciousness, as distinct Srom the impulse of the spirit apart JSrom such consciousness.” [The νοῦς takes cognizance of exter- nal objects,and denotesthe reason- ing faculty. Its chief material organ isthe brain, but allthe senses serve it actively or passively. νοῦς is the human side of God's Spirit in man; as to its source, it is 4. 6. | (* thought; activity of thinking, then, the faculty of thought ; the reflec- tive exercise of the heart, con- sciousness called into exercise by the moral affections. ἔννοια, What is in the νοῦς (Wo. 1), idea, notion, thought, intent, (oce. Heb. iv. 12.) νόημα, the product of the action of the νοῦς (Wo. 1), that which is thought out, excogitated; pur- pose, project, device, the thoughts. . ψυχή, the breath, breath of animal lite; one of the manifestations of ζωή, viz. that which is manifested in animals; hence, life, animal life, the living individual as such. Henee, it is used of the mind, as being one of the manifestations of life (ζωή.) γνώμη, the decision formed, mind made up, resolution. φρόνημα, What one has in mind, what one thinks and feels; hence, mind, thought, feeling, will; knowledge or wisdom, as being the product of the mind, (οσο. Rom. vill. 6°) ων τὸ πὶ χάους PES hee es . Matt. xxii. 37. Mark xii. 30. . Luke x. 27. Acts xiv. 2. Rom. i. 28, | ie | — vii. 23, 25. —— viii.7, marg. mind- | | ing. 27. — xi. 34. —— xii. 2. — xiv. 5. 1 Cor. i. 10, —— jj, 16 twice. 2 Cor. iii. 14. iv. 4. — xi. 3. Shes MIND (ης oF τὸ, the, αὐτὸ, same thing, poverre, be regard- ing or minding. council, but to seek the same ob. | ject, (occ. Rom. xv.5; Phil. iii. 16.) HH* ) 2 Cor. xiii. 11. PAP RAE ror . Eph. ii. 3. iv. 17, 23. Tit. i. 15. . Philem, 14. Heb. viii. 10. — x. 16. — xii. 3. 1 Pet. i. 15. iv. 1. . 2 Pet. iii. 1. Rev. xvii. 9. 15, ONE) To have the same min not merely not | to differ d; in | MIN MIND (ΒΕ ΟΕ THE SAME) | Same as above. Rom. xii. 16. | MIND BE IN YOU (1er Tuts) τοῦτο, this. φρονέισθω, let [this] be regarded, (φρονεῖτε, be ye regarding, G ~L T Tr A η.) ἐν, in, (not among.) ὑμῖν, you. Phil. iv. 2. Phil. ii. 5. MIND (catt το) ἀναμιμνήσκω, to call up to memory, cause to remember. Mark xiv. 72. MIND (rn one’s RIGHT) σωφρονέω, to be of sound mind. Mark v. 15, part. | MIND (oF one) ὁμόφρων, of the same mind, like minded, (non occ.) 1 Pet. iii. 8. Luke viii. 35, part. MIND (evr τν) 1. ἐπαναμιμήσκω, to callup the memory upon, 1.6. to remind of, put in mind upon, (non occ.) 2. ὑπομιμνήσκω, to recall to one’s | memory, privately, silently, by | hints or suggestions ; to suggest to one’s memory. 1. Rom. xv, 15. | 2. Tit. iii. 1. MIND ON (set one’s) [marg.] φρονέω, to have mind, mind, be minded; for. Col, iii, 2, text, set one’s affection on. intellect ; to | regard, care MIND (sounp) σωφρονισμός, a making of sound mind ; hence, making sober-minded, con- trolling all inordinate desires by self restraint, (non occ.) 2 Tim. i. 7. [ 500 1 MIN MIND (wir ΟΝΕ) ὁμοθυμαδόν, with the same mind, with one accord, all together. Rom. xv. 6. See also CAST, CHANGE, DOUBTFUL, FERVENT, FORWARDNESS, HOSTILE, HUMBLENESS, HUMILITY, LOWLI- NESS, READINESS, READY, TROUBLE, WILLING. MIND (-rva.) [verb.] (for various combinations, see below.) 1. φρονέω, to have mind, intellect ; to mind, be minded; regard, care for. 2. μέλλω, to be about to do any thing, to be on the point of. 2. Acts xx. 13. 1. Rom. xii. 16. 1. Rom. viii. 5. 1. Phil. iii. 16 (ap.), 19. MIND THE SAME THING. το αὐτὸ φρονεῖτε, see “ἍΜ (BE OF ONE)” Phil. iii. 16 (ap.) MINDED (55) 1. φρονέω, see “ minvD,” [verb] Wo. 1. 2. φρόνημα, see ΜΙΝΡ,᾽ [noun] No. 7. 3. βούλομαι, to will, be willing, wish, desire ; a passive desire, propen- sity, ov willingness. 4. βουλεύομαι, to take counsel, consult, deliberate with one’s self, or with one another in council. 3. Matt. i. 19. 8, 2 Cor. i. 15. 4. Acts xxvii. 39. 4. 17, part (No. 3, 2. Rom. viii. 6twice, marg. α ου 1, ΤΕ Α κ.) minding. 1. Gal. v. 10. — — xv. 5, see Like. — Phil. ii. 2,20, see Like, 1. Phil. iii, 15 twice. MINDFUL OF (15) 1. μιμνήσκω, to think much of a thing, and so to remember, to recall to one’s mind, to begin to remember, remind. LZere,mid.,to begin to call to mind, recollect, remember, (see No. 3.) 2. μνημονεύω, act., to call to another's mind ; mention ; pass., to be re- membered, have in memory. 8. μνάομαι, to woo to wife, court, sue for, solicit. MIN [ (The tenses of No.1 are derived from this word, and probably the mean- ings were originally the same, for there is not much distance between thinking much of a thing, and trying to get it; gradually, how- ever, the ideas separated, and so, though in Epie and Ionic Greek No. 3 was used in both senses, yet, later, No. 1 was confined to the Sormer, and No. 3 to the latter.) 3. 2 Tim. i. 4, | 2. Heb. xi. 15. 1, Heb. ii. 6. 3. 2 Pet. iii. 2 MINE. (See also “my,” and combinations below.) 1. pod, (Gen. case of ἐγώ, 1) of me, mine. 2. ἐμοῦ, another form of No. 1 3. μοί, (Dat. case of ἐγώ, I) to or for me. 4. ἐμοί, another form of the No. 3. 5. ἐμός, mine, much more emphatic than the above; mine, denoting posses- sion, power over, authorship, right, etc. As the possessive adjective, it has a greater emphasis than the personal pronoun above. 1. Mark ix. 24. 5. John xvii. 10 twice. 1. Luke i. 44. 1. Acts xxi. 13. 1. —— ii. 30. 1. Rom. xi. 13. 3. —— ix. 38. 4, — xii. 19. 1. — xviii. 3. 2. — xvi. 13. 1. —— xix. 27 ae 23. 1. John ii. 4 5. 1 Cor. ix. 2, 3. 5. — v. 90 1, 2 Cor. xi. 30. 5. —— vii. 16. 1. —xii. 5 (mL T 1, — ix. 1, 15, 80, Tr Ab.) 5. —x. 1. Phil. i. 4. 5. —— xvi. τῇ 15 1. Rev. xxii. 16. MINE OWN. 1. ἐμός, see above, No. 5. 2. pov, see above, No. 1. 3. ἐμαυτοῦ, of mine own self. 1. Matt. xx. 15. 1. 1 Cor. i. 15. 1, —— xxv. 27. 3. ——x. 33. 1. John ν. 30, 1. —— xvi. 21 1, — vi. 38. 9, Gal. i. 14. 2. — viii. 50. 1, — vi. 11, 2. Acts xiii. 22. 1. Phil. iii. 9, 2. — xxvi. 4. 1. 2 Thes. iii. 17. 1. Philem. 12, 19. MINE OWN SELF. | ἐμαυτοῦ, of mine own self. John v, 30. | 1 Cor. iv. 3. MIN MIN 4 (oF) --- pov, (Gen. case of ἐγώ, I) of me, mine, Matt. vii. 24, 26, | Luke xi. 6, MINGLE (-Εν.) μίγνυμι, to mix, mix up, mingle. Matt. xxvii. 34. | Luke xiii. 1, Mark xv. 23, see Myrrh. ! Rev. viii. 7. Rev, xv. 2. MINISTER (-s.) [noun.] 1. ἄγγελος, messenger, see “ ANGEL.” 2. ἀπόστολος, see “ APOSTLE.” 3. διάκονος, see “‘ DEACON.” 4, λειτουργός, a server in an office or ministry. Jn the Ο.Τ. used only of the Levites and priests. N.T. the word is extended to apostles, prophets, pastors, and teachers in the Church. It denotes not merely one who serves, but one who worships. In the 5. ὑπηρετης, an under-roweror common sailor, as distinguished from ναῦται, seamen, and ἐπιβάται, mariners. Hence, a hand, any subordinate acting under the direction of another. An attendant in the synagogue. . 1. Matt. xi. 10, 8. 2 Cor. iii. 6. 3. —— xx. 26. 8, —— vi. 4+. 1. Mark i. 2. 2, — viii. 23. ~ Soa ΤΥ 8, —— xi, 15 twice, 23, 5. Luke i. 2. 1, —— xii. 7. 5. iv. 20. 3. Gal. ii. 17. 5. —— vii. 24, 27. 4. Eph. ii. 7. 5. —— ix. 52. 3. —— vi. 21 5. Acts xiii. δ. 2. Phil. ii. 95, δ. Xxvi. 16. 3. Col. i. 7 3. Rom. xiii, 4 twice. 3. — iv. 4, 6. 3. 1 Thes. iii, 2 (ap.) 8. —— αν. 8. 3. 1 Tim. iv. 6, 4, 16, 4, Heb. i. 7. 3. 1 Cor. iii. 5. 4. —— viii. 2, δὲ Ξ-Ξξήγι ἂν | 1. Jas. ii, 25, ϱ----- -------- ----. ——. =m . MINISTER (-xp, -ern, -1NG.) [verb.] 1. διακονέω, to serve, to render service, to wait upon. Jn ts narrowest sense, to wait at table; gen., to do MIN any one a service, care for one’s needs, (not to be subject to, this is δουλεύω; in διακονέω, there is always a reference to the work done, as service rendered.) ο. {εἰς unto, with a view to, τ΄ καὶ διακονία, service, (noun, from No.1.) 3. λειτουργέω, to perform some public service, esp., publicly in religious worship; but also to serve the public at one’s own expense, gen. ; to serve, minister, worship, (non ους.) 4. ὑπηρετέω, to do the service of an ὑπηρέτης (see the noun, No.3, above); hence, gen., to act for another, and under his direction, to sub- serve, (occ. Acts xiii. 36.) 5. δίδωμι, to give, of one’s own accord and with good will. 6. ἱερουργέω, to perform sacred rites, esp., to sacrifice, to officiate as a priest, do priestly service, (non οσο. 7. παρέχω, to hold near to any one, offer ; to occasion. 8. χορηγέω, to be chorus-leader, to lead a chorus of singers ; then, to lead out or furnish a chorus on public occasions ; hence, gen., to furnish, supply, (occ. 1 Pet. iv. 11.) = sci 11, iS M — 2Cor.viii.4, ) seeMinis- — — ix.l, § tering. -ς 10 1st, see M to. 10 2nd. — — xxv. 44, | — Gal. iii. 5, see M to. — — xxvii. 55, (see M | 5. Eph. iv. 29. — Mark i. 13, 31, ( unto. | — Phil. ii. 25, see M (he — — x. 45 1st, that) his 45 2nd. — Col. ii. 19, see M (have — — xy. 41,seeM unto. nourishment) — Luke iv. 39, see M | 7. 1 Tim. 1, 4. — — viii. 3, unto. | 1. 11. 13, marg. (text, 3. Acts xiii. 2, part. use the office of a dea- — — xix.22,seeM unto. con.) 4, —— xx. 34. | —2Tim.i.18, see M 4. xxiv. 23. | — Philem.13, § unto. — Rom. xii. 7, see Minis- — Heb.i.141st, seeMinis- tering. tering. 6. xv. 16. 2. 14 2nd. — 25, see M unto. — —— vi. 101st, see M to. 3. 27. We 10 2nd. —1 Cor. ix. 18, see M | 3. ——x. 11. about. 1. 1 Pet. 1, 12, 1. 2 Cor. iii. 3. 1, —— iv. 10, 11. MINISTER ABOUT. ἐργάζομαι, intrans., to work, labour; trans., to work, perform, practice, conduct certain works. 1 Cor, ix, 13, [ 502 ἢ MIN MINISTER TO. 1. διακονέω, see above, No. 1. ~~ 2. ἐπιχορηγέω, (No. 8, above, with ἐπὶ, upon, prefixed) to furnish upon, 1.6. besides, in addition, supply further, superadd. 2, 2 Cor. ix. 10. | 1, Heb. vi. 10. 2. Gal. iii. 5, MINISTER UNTO. 1. διακονέω, see above. No. 1. 2. επιχορηγέω, see above, No. 2. 1. Matt. iv. 11. | 1. Mark xv. 41. 1. — viii. 15. | 1. Luke iv. 99. 1. —— xx. 28. 1. — viii. 3. 1. —— xxv. 44. 1. Acts xix. 22, 1. — xxvii. 55. 1. Rom. xv. 25. 1. Mark i. 13, 31. 1. 2 Tim. i. 18, 1, — x. 45. 1. Philem. 13. 2. 2 Pet. i. 11. MINISTERED (nave NouRISHMENT) ἐπιχορηγέω, see “ MINISTER TO,” Vo. 2. Col. ii. 19, pass. MINISTERED (ue tHatT) λειτουργός, see the noun, No. 2. Phil. ii. 25. MINISTERING. 1. διακονία, service, attendance; any ministerial office with reference to the labour pertaining thereto. 2. λειτουργικός, pertaining to the pub- lic service, esp., of the temple; hence, worshipping. Hence, Heb. i. 14 reads, “Are they not all worshipping spirits sent forth to serve, etc.” 1. Rom. xii. 7. | 1. 2 Cor, ix. 1. 1. 2 Cor. viii. 4. 2. Heb. i. 14. MINISTRATION. 1. διακονία, see No. 1, above. 2. λειτουργία, public service, public office ; esp., the public ministra- tions of the Jewish priesthood, and of the temple service, (hence, the Eng. word, Liturgy.) 2. Luke i. 23, | 1. 2 Cor. iii. 7, 8, 9 twice. 1, Acts vi. 1. 1. —— ix. 13. MIN [ 503 1 MIS 2. Mark ix. 39. 1. Acts vi. 8. MINISTRY. 1. Luke xxiii. 8. 1. — viii. 6 xxiii. 8 1. διακονία, see “ MINISTERING,” Λο. 1. ieeiaay ie gore Laie 1, — fy. δὲ 2, — xix. 11, 2. λειτουργία, see “MINISTRATION,” Wo. 2. 1. — vi. 2, 14, 26 2, 1 Cor. xii. 10, 28. : 1, — vii. 31, - 29, see M 1. Acts i. 10, 25. 1. 2 Cor. iv. 1. 1, —— ix. 16. (workers of) 1, — vi. 1. —-v. 18. 1, —— x. 41. 2. Gal. iii. 5. 1. — xii. ΕἸ marg 1. —vi.3 1. — xi. 47. 2. Heb. ii. 4. charge. 1. Eph. iv. 12 1. —— xii. 18, 97. 1. Rev. xiii, 14. 1, —— xx. 24. 1. Col. iv. 17 2. Acts ii, 22. 1, —— xvi. 14. 1. — xxi. 19. 1. 1 Tim. i. 12. 1, — iv. 16, 22. 1, — xix. 20. 1. Rom. xii. 7. 1. 2 Tim. iv. 5, 11. 1. 1 Cor. xvi. 15 2. Heb. viii. 6. a as, Hab; saa MIRACLES (workers oF) L δύναμαι, mighty works, (see above, No. MINSTREL (-s.) 1.) Here, some words must be sup- αὐλητής, α΄ flute-player; a player on a plied, e.g. “doers of,” or “are all in pipe or flute, (οσο. Rev. xviii. 22.) possession of miraculous powers. Matt. ix. 23. 1 Cor. xii. 29, marg. power. MINT. MIRE. ἡδύοσμον, sweet-scented; hence, garden βόρβορος, slime, mud, mire, such as ac- or spear mint. [ The Rabbins called cumulates where animals are kept, it sn>, mintha, and it was strewed hence, dung, (non oce.) by the Jews on the floors of their Sea houses and synagogues. (7107) oce. igs ea ynagog Matt. xxiii. 23. | Luke xi. 42. MISCHIEF. MIRACLE (-s.) ῥᾳδιουργία, ease or lightness of doing, ͵ : ς levity in doing ; recklessness, (non 1. σημεῖον, a sign, a signal; an ensign, 006.) a standard, a sign by which any Acts xiii. 10. thing is designated, distinguished, or known; hence, used of the MISERABLE. miracles of Christ, as being the | , | : : signs by which it might be known ἐλεεινός, finding pity that succours ; that He was the Christ of God: hence, pitiable, piteous, (non oce.) a sign authenticating Christ’s mis- Rev. iii. 17. sion; asign with reference to what it demonstrates. 2. δύναμις, capability, power to do any MISERABLE (atost) thing; then, power, might in action. 1 Cor. xv. 19, comparative. In pl. applied fo Whe miracles of [ube Zoos μον, i le ον Christ, as effects wherein divine MISERABLY. ower was in a special sense put 7 ; ‘ Forth, unfolded, and manifested. | κακῶς, badly, grievously , de noting the A miracle as wrought by divine badness or the ill quality of the power; a work, with reference to word with which it is combined. the power required for its perform- Sind Soot ἐν ance, αι eee ee [répas, translated “wonder,” is used of MISERY Christ’s miracles as wonderful 6 κ acts, with special reference to their | Ταλαιπωρία, hard work, severe labour, supernatural character, and to great bodily exertion; hence, their excitement of surprise. τε- bodily pain, hardship, trouble, κήρια, (Acts i. 3) are evidences misery, distress, (non occ.) derived from logical deduction. ] Rom. iii, 16. Jas. v. 1. MIS MIST. 1. ἀχλύς, a mist which shrouds objects Srom view, (non occ.) 2. ζόφος, the gloom of the outer world, murkiness, thick gloom, (occ. 2 Pet. 11. 4; Jude 6, 19.) 1. Acts xiii. 11. | 2. 2 Pet. ii. 17. MITE. λεπτόν, lepton. The name of the smallest Jewish coin, in value about one-fourth of our farthing, (non occ.) Mark xii. 42. | Luke xxi. 2. Luke xii. 59, MIXED WITH (zz) συγκεράννυμι, to mix together, to min- gle with; to temper, blend, (οσο. 1 Cor. xii. 24.) Heb. iv. 2, part. (marg. be wnited with.) MIXTURE. μίγμα, a mixture, compound, (non 000.) John xix. 39. MIXTURE (πιτποττ) ἄκρατον, unmixed, 2.6. pure, undiluted, (non occ.) Rey, xiv. 10, MOCK (ἕν, -τνα.) 1. ἐμπαίζω, to sport in, with, or against any one; Lat., illudere ; “En illude or mock, 7.6. to σας Also, to delude, trick, deceive. to . μυκτηρίζω, to turn up one’s nose at in scorn; hence, to mock, deride, (non occ.) 3. χλευάζω, to jest, joke, scoff; to jeer at, (non occ.) 1. Matt. ii. 16. | 1. Luke xxii. 63. 1. —— xx. 19. it xxiii. 11, 36. 1, —— xxvii. 29, 31, 41. 3. Acts ii. 13 (διαχλενάω, 1. Mark x. 34. to jeer greatly, G LT 1. xv. 20, 31, TrAR. 1. Luke xiv. 29. 3. —— xvii. 32. 1, — xviii. 32. 1 2. Gal. vi. 7. MOCKER (-s.) ἐμπαίκτης, 2 mocker, scoffer, spohen of impostors, false prophets, ete., (occ 2 Pet. iii. 3.) Jude 18, [ 504 1 MOM MOCKING (-s.) ἐμπαιγμός, derision, scoffing, mocking, (non occ.) Heb. xi. 36. MODERATE (adj.| (marg.) ἀνθρώπινος, pertaining to man, human. 1 Cor. x. 13 (text, common to man.) MODERATE (-να.) [verb.] [marg.] ἀνίημι, to send up or forth; to let go, relax, loosen; hence, to cease from. Eph, vi. 9 (text, forbearing.) MODERATION. ἐπιεικής, fitting upon, 1.6. fit, suitable, proper; hence, neut., τὸ ἐπιεικές, propriety, moderation, considera- tion, (@.e. not insisting on just rights), forbearance. Phil. iv. 5. MODEST. κόσμιος, well ordered, orderly, 7.6. well behaved, discreet, decorous, (non οσο.) 1 Tim. ii. 9. —— iii. 9, marg. (text, of good behaviour.) MOISTURE. ἰκμάς, moisture of any kind, dampness (non oce.) Luke viii. 6. MOMENT. 1. ἄτομος, uncut, undissected, not divisible. Enq., atom. Spoken of time, it denotes the smallest pos- sible portion, (non occ.) 2. στιγμή, a prick, a point. Of time, an instant, (non oce.) 2. Luke iv. 5. | MOMENT (avr ror a) παραυτίκα, at this very instant, mo- mentary, the briefest duration, transient. 2 Cor, iv. 17. 1. 1 Cor. xv. 52. MON MONEY. 1. ἀργύριον, silver; then, money in general ; also, for a piece of silver, 2.6. a silver coin. 2. χρῆμα, something usable, what one can use ; hence, money. Once, (*) in sing., denoting the price ; ‘else- where plural, money. 8. χαλκός, ore, metal of any kind. Generally, copper, especially as wrought and tempered for use ; hence, copper coin, money. 4. κέρμα, a small piece, bit; hence, small coin, change. 5. νόμισμα, anything acknowledged and sanctioned by custom or law ; hence, current money, currency. — Matt. xvii. 24, see Tri- | 1. Luke xxii. 5. bute. —John ii. 14, see M τον 27, see M (piece (changer of) of) : το 5. —— xxii. 19. 2*, Acts iv. 37. 1, — xxv. 18, 27 Ἔ ἘΞ ΞΘ vi wo. 1. — xxviii. 12, 15. 2, —— viii. 18. 3. Mark vi. 8. 20 Ist. 3. —— xii. 41 Ὡς ——— 20 2nd. 1. —— xiv. 11. 2. —— xxiv. 26. 1. Luke ix. 3. —1 Tim. vi. 10, see M 1, — xix. 15, 23 (love of) MONEY (cuancer OF) κερματιστής, 3, Money-changer. [| Norr.—The annual tribute of each | τ --΄ πὸ - τ πν Jew to the Temple was a Jewish half-shekel (Ex. xxx.13), and this, the money-changer in the outer court furnished to the people as they came up, in exchange for their Greek and Roman coins. ] (non occ.) John ii. 14, MONEY (nove oF) φιλαργυρία, love of silver, z.e. love of money, covetousness, (non oce.) 1 Tim. vi. 10, MONEY (rttce or) στατήρ, any weight; esp.,a coin ΟΥ̓" δ. certain weight, a stater, an Attic | silver coin equal to about 3s. 6d. Later (in Philip’s time), a aid | stater = 16s. 3d. Matt, xvii. 27, marg. stater. [ 505 1 MOR MONEY-CHANGER (-s.) κολλυβιστής, a small coin, change ; also, the premium of exchange ; hence, a money-changer, broker, see “ M (changer οἵ), above, (οσο. John ii. 15.) Matt. xxi. 12. | Mark xi. 15. MONTH (-s.) μήν, a month, (from Sanser. ma, to measure, and from this, μήνη, the moon, and Eng., moon, moneth, or month; Germ.,mond; Lat., men- sis), (non οσο.) Luke i. 24, 26, 36, 56. —— iv. 25. John iy. 35, see M (four) | Acts vii. 20. Acts xxviii. 11) Gal. iv. 10. Heb. xi. 23, see M (three) Jas. v. 17. — xviii. 11. Rey. fs 5, 10, 15. — xix. 8. — xi, 2. Rey. xxii. 2. MONTHS (τοτε, τετράμηνος, of four months, (non occ.) John iv. 35. MONTHS (THREE, τρίμηνος, of three months. Here, neut., τὸ τρίμηνον, three months, tri- mestre, (non occ.) Heb. xi. 23. MOON. σελνη, the moon, (prob. akin to σέλας, light, brightness) (non occ.) Matt. xxiv. 29. | Col. ii. 16, see M(new) Mark xiii. 24. | Rev. vi. 12. Luke xxi. 25. | — viii. 19, Acts ii. 20. ος — xii. 1. 1 Cor, xv. 41. — xxi. 23. MOON (new) νουμηνία, new month, z.e, the time of the new month or moon, as a festival, (ποπ occ.) Col. ii. 16. MORE (adj. με' adv. | (For various combinations with other words, see below.) | L μᾶλλον, (adv., comp. of μάλα, very, very much, exceedingly), more, more strongly ; ; also denoting con- stant increase, more and more, still more ; rather. MOR [ 506 1 MOR Se 2. ἔτι, (adv.) yet, still, longer, zmplying ο. § πολλῷ, more, 2 duration, as to time; or accession, “ἃ μᾶλλον, much, ἡ addition, ete., yet further, besides. λα ses. ΝᾺ 1, much more. exceeding . πλείων, (adj.) more, not only of num- | 3. ἡ περισσότερος, 866 more ber, but gen. of bulk, (comp. of | No. 5, abundantly. πολύς, many much,) * plural. | 8, Mark vii. 36. 1. Luke v. 15. / . 2. Luke xviii. 39. . περισσός, (adj.) over and above, more than enough, superabundant. : περισσότερος, (adj., comp. of No. 4) MORE THAN. more abundant. yes, if, ; 1.6. except. . ἄλλος, (pronominal adj.) other, de- noting numerical (not generic) distinction. 1 2. ἐπάνω, up above, above, over; of number, more than. large, of physical magnitude) ticle) or, than, rather than, (see ὦ greater, larger. similar use in Luke xvii. 2, and . ὑπέρ, (prep.) over. Used adverbially 1 Cor. xiv. 19.) over or beyond. 4. παρά, beside. Se ας Rom. ν. 9, 10, 15, 17. (a) with Gen., from beside, (used of σημ ΞΕ εκ A : . 1 Cor. xii. 29. persons.) | — xiv. 18. | 2 Cor. 111. 9, 11. (b) with Dat., beside and at, at the σας side of. | | . μείζων, (adj., comp. of μέγας, great, | 8. ἤ, (a disjunctive or comparative par- ἘΣ Gal. iv. 27. : : Phil. i. 9 twice. (c) with Acc., to or along the side 11 Ὁ . . ieee Ὁ of, beside, compared with, so as to 2 Tim. ii, 16. be shown, beyond ο) contrary to. ae Philem. 16. eed, Heb. iii. 3 twi Ξ oO. ὍΌπερ, ΟΥ̓ΘΥ. παν a Την. (a) with Gen., over and separate ——x, 2, 17. from. - eee (0) with Ace., over and towards, Ss. Vs De . . 83. Rev. ii. 19, beyond, above, wsed in comparison. οι. Jeti 16, 5b. Matt. x. 37 twice. | 3. Luke xv. 7. 4, 3. up Ls Ls 5. iF 2. 3. 3 . Mark xii. 33 (No. 5, T 43. [τὸν . Luke iii. 13. — ix. 13. — xi. 13. —— xii. 4 (No. 4, L.) 23. 24, 28. ἢ xxi. 9. 35, John iv. 1, 41. Ὅν. vii. 31. 1. — xii. 43. 3. —— xv. 2. | | « | ! το γα go GUE ὡς 99 GO 9 LED * a πο et τ πίον A nt a —— jx 12 1. Mark viii. 14. 4c. Rom. i. 25. ix. 19, xviii. 21, 22 twice 2, —— xiv. 5. 4c, —— xii. 3. πιο ig Oh με. bb. Philem, 21. — xx. 3. * — xxiii. 13, 21. ere: wf xxv. 6. | 2, —— xxii. 3 (exer, there 1, —— xxvii. 11. |" Ges) (om. 8.) ‘ MORE (tur) στα μᾶλλον, see “monn,” Wo. 1. MORE (rar) μείζων, see “ morn,” No. 7. 5. Heb. vii. 15. rororore | xxi. 15. . Acts iv. 19. ; xx. 35. 3 1 ] 3 3 τ roo περισσότερος, see “MORE,” No. 5, MORE (have the) (marg.] μὰ orate ες 6 ” See “BETTER. . πολύς, many, much. * Here, pl., with art., the many. MORE (mvucn) . ὅσος, how much, how great. 5. Luke vii. 26. | 5. Phil. i. 14, adv. . Matt. xx. 31. . John xix. 8. . — xxvii. 23. . Acts v. 14. . Mark vii. 36. ΠΣ . — ix. 22. 7 + ΤΑΙ 7 , —xiv.31 (omGs . — xxii, 2. MORE (so mucu THE) Ἢ Tr AS) | πα, 19. a ς . . Luke xii. 48. . 2 Cor. vii. 7, 18. 1. μᾶλλον, 866 above, No. 1. . John v. 18. | . Heb. x. 25. ; MOR MORE PART (THE) πολύς, see above, No. 5.* Acts xix. 32. | Acts xxvii. 12. See also, ABOUND, ABUNDANCE, ABUN- DANT, ABUNDANTLY, ANY, BOLDLY, CAREFULLY, CHEERFULLY, CON- QUEROR, EARNESTLY, EXCEEDING, EXCEEDINGLY, EXCELLENT, FIERCE, FREQUENT, GIVE, HEED, HENCE- FORTH, HOW, INCREASE, MANIFOLD, | MISERABLE, NO, SPEAK, SPEND, TWO- FOLD, VALUE, YET. MOREOVER, 1. ἔτι, yet, still, zmplying duration or | accession. 2. xai, and, also. αλλὰ, but, nay! even, ΐ καὶ, and, also, ᾿ but also. ταν 4. nia ak also, ; but also. δὲ, but, marking an antithesis, but ὁμοίως, in like man- ner, likewise, 6. ὅ λοιπόν, as to the rest, finally. .in like manner. 8. Luke xvi. 21. 4. 1 Tim. iii. 7. 1. Acts ii. 26. 5. Heb. ix. 21. 2. —— xix. 26. 1. —— xi. 36. 6. 1 Cor. iv. 2. 4, ἃ Pet.i. 15. MORNING. [ 507 1 MOR MORNING (ΕλΜπΙΣ IN THE) dpa, with, μον the morning. : 2. ὄρθρος, the time before or about day- | ἡ | | | | | | i 1. πρωΐ, early, early in the day, at | morn; gen., betimes, early, in good ‘time: (from πρό, before, Germ.,frih, early ; Sanser., prahua, forenoon.) 2. mpwios, early, early in the day, morning ; also, early in the year. 3. πρωΐνος, a later form of Wo. 2, (non 060.) (πρϑινός, T.) 4. ὀρθρινός, at daybreak, in the morn- ing early, (non occ.) 1. Matt. xv. 1. 1. Acts xxviii. 23. — xxvii. 1. 3. Rev. 1.28. [TTrAN.) 5 John xxi. 4. 4. —— xxii. 16 (Νο. 5, 41 MORNING (come ΕΛΗΙΥ IN THE) ὀρθρίζω, to rise early, wake early ; to do anything early in the morning, or at daybreak, (non 006.) Luke xxi. 38. —— .---.... break, dawn, cock-crow, (non occ.) 1. Matt. xx. 1. 2. John viii. 2 (ap.) | 2. Acts ν. 31. MORNING (τν tHe) ἃ. πρωΐ, see “ MORNING,” Wo. 1. | 2. mpwtos, see “ MORNING,” Vo. 2. 1. 2, Matt. = = (No.1, T — xxi. ὍΣ 1, Tr ον.) MORNING (very EARLY IN THE) 1. ane very, exceedingly, πρωὶ, early in the morning. deep twi- light, earliest dawn. 2. Luke xxiv. 1. ὄρθρου, the time be- 9 fore daybreak, * ) βαθέος, deep, pro- found, 1. Mark xvi.2, | MORROW. αὔριον, to-morrow, with art.,the morrow. Matt. vi. 34 twice. | Acts αν. 5. Luke x. 35. Jas. iv. 14. MORROW (on THE) 1 τῆ, on the, "αὶ ἐπαύριον, upon the morrow. τῇ, on the, ? 2. < ἑξῆς, the next a} ing (ee order, Mark xi. 12. Acts xxii. 30. Acts x. 9, 23. — xxiii. 32. — xx. 7. — xxv. 17. Acts xxv. 23, MORROW AFTER (cre) 1. Acts x. 24. MORSEL. [marg.] John xiii. 26, see Sop. | Heb. xii. 16, see Meat. MORTAL. θνητός, liable, or subject to death, mor- tal, (occ. 2 Cor. v. 4.) 1 Cor. xv. 53, 54. Rom. vi. 12. 2 Cor. iv. 11. — viii. 11. MOR [ 508 7 MOT MORTALITY. MOTH. τὸ, the, that which is ons, a moth, clothes-moth, which eats ities mortal, mortal. woollen stuff, (non occ.) 2 Cor. v. 4. Matt. vi. 19, 20. | Luke xii. 33. MORTIFY. MOTH-EATEN. 1. θανατόω, to put to death, to take | gyré8pwros, moth-eaten, eaten by away ζωή, the vital principle, (the moths, (non occ.) aspect being towards the lifeless- | ness and powerlessness of that from | Tree which the life has been taken away.) MOTHER (8) 2. νεκρόω, to make a dead body or a corpse, to make dead, (the aspect being towards the corpse, and the deed by which it became such.) 1. Rom. viii. 13. | 2. Col. iii. 5. MOSES. Μωσῆς, Moses, (Hebrew, nw, drawn out, 1.6. from the water) the proper name of the great Hebrew prophet and legislator. In all passages, except John viii. 5 (ap.) MOST. 1. πλείων, more, (comp. of πολύς, many, much) properly of number, but also | of magnitude and in comparison. 2. πλεῖστος, the most, (superl. of πολύς, many, much) the greatest, NV.T., only of number. 2. Matt. xi. 20. 1. Luke vii. 42, 43, with art. MOST (at THE) 2. 1 Cor. xiv. 27, with art. MOST OF ALL. μάλιστα, (superl. of μᾶλα, very) most, most of all, especially. Acts xx. 38, See also, BELIEVED, EXCELLENT, GLADLY, HIGH, NOBLE, STRAITEST. MOTE. κάρφος, something dry, 1.6, any small dry particle, as of chaff, wood, or dust, (non occ.) Matt, vii. 3, 4, 5. | Luke vi, 41, 42 twice. 1. μήτηρ, a mother, (so Lat., mater ; Sanser., matri; Germ., mutter, ete.) (non occ.) 2. ἡ, the, followed by Gen., the...of. 3 ς Here the word μήτηρ is understood. 1. Matt. i. 18. 1. Luke vii. 12, 15. 1. — ii. 11,13, 14, 20,21. | 1. —— viii. 19, 20, 21, 51. — — viii. 14, see Wife. | 1. —— xii. 53 twice. 1. — x. 35, 37. 1, —— xiv. 26. 1, —— xii. 46, 47, 48, 49, | 1. —— xviii. 20. 50. 1. John ii. 1, 8, 5; 12: 1, —— ΧΙ, 55. 1, —— iii. 4. 1. — xiv. 8, 11. 1. — vi. 42. 1: xv. 4 twice, 5 15, | 1, —— xix, 25twice Q6twice, 5 2nd (ap.) 27. ik xix.5,12,19,29(ap.) | 1. Acts i. 14 1. —— xx. 20. 1. — iii. 2 1. —— xxvii. 56 twice. 1, — xii.12, — Mark i. 30, see Wife 1. —— xiv. 1. — iii. 31, 32,33, 34,35. | 1. Rom. xvi. 19 1, ——v. 40. 1 Gallas 1. —— vi. 24, 28. 1. —— iv. 26 1. —— vii. 10 twice, 11, 12. | 1. Eph. v. 81 1, —— x. 7, 19, 29, 30. 1. — vi. 2. 1. —— xv. 40. — 1Tim.i.9, see M (mur- 2, — xvi. 1. derer of) 1. Luke i. 15, 43, 60. .— Vv. 1, — ii. 33, 34, 43 (ap.), | 1. 2 Tim.i. 5. 48, 51 — Heb. vii. 8, see M — — iv. 38, see Wife. (without) 1. Rev. xvii. 5. MOTHER (turpEReER OF) µητραλώας, a smiter of his mother, (non οσο. 1. Tim. i. 9. MOTHER (wrrnovt) ἁμήτωρ, without mother, motherless. Spoken of those who have lost the mother, or of those who, with what- ever meaning can be said not to have had father or mother, whether literally as in classic writers, of the gods, or improperly, of one whose parents are unknown. | [The description of Melchisedek can be literally true of none except the λόγος of God (see under “ worD,”) MOT [ 509 1 MOV who in reference to His humanity | ᾿ξ se BS bape sy was ἀπάτωρ (without father),and 8: — xxiv. 30. 1. 1 Cor. ν. 2. in reference to His divinity was | ee ae By | 2 ας ο ἀμήτωρ (without mother). | Heb. vii. 3. | MOURNING. 1. ὀδυρμός, a complaining, lamenting. MOTHER-IN-LAW. πενθερά, a mother-in-law. Matt. x. 35. | Luke xii, 53 twice. MOTION (-s.) πάθημα, what is suffered, suffering ; then, any passion or affection of mind, emotion. Rom. vii. 5, marg. passion. MOUNT. dpos, anything rising, a mountain, hill, | height, chain of hills, (prod. “from ὄρνυμι, to stir up, make arise.) Matt. xxi. 1. John viii. 1 (ap.) — xxiv. 3. Acts i. 12. —— xxvi. 30. — vii. 30, 38. Mark xi. 1. Gal. iv. 24, 25. — xiii. 3. Heb. viii. 5 —— xiv. 26. —— xii. 18 (om. Τὶ Luke xix. 29, 87. TTrAS.) — xxi. 37. 22. — xxii. 39, 2 Pet. i. 18. Rev. xiv. 1. MOUNTAIN. ὄρος, see “ MOUNT.” Matt. iv. 8. Luke iii. 5. —-v.1. — iv. 5 (ap) — viii. 1. — vi. — xiv. 23, —- ve ο — xv. 29, — ix. 2 — xvii. 1, 9, 20. —- xxi. 21 —- xviii. 19, — xxiii. 30. — xxi. 21. John iv. 20, 21. — xxiv. 16. — vi. 3, 15 —— xxviii. 16. 1 Cor. xiii. 2 Mark iii. 13. Heb. xi. 38. — Vv. — xii. 20. 1 eg GS.) Rev. vi. 14, 15, 16. — vi. — viii. 8 —- ix. 2, 7b. — xvi. 20. — xi. 23. —- xvii. 9. — xiii. 14. — xxi. 10. MOURN (-ετ.) 1. πενθέω, to bewail, lament, mourn for, esp., for one dead. bo . Opnvéw, to sing a dirge, to wail. 3. κόπτω, to beat, to cut by a blow; here, mid., to beat or cut one’s self, z.e. the breast, pression of grief. | 2. λόγος, the word | | in loud ex- | 2. πένθος, bewailing, grief, esp., for the dead. 1. Matt. ii. 18. | 2. Jas. iv. 9, 1. 2 Cor. vii. 7. 2. Rev. xviii. 8, MOUTH (-s.) the mouth; speech, speaking. 1. στόμα, hence, also, Applied also to any opening in the shore or the earth, (οσο. Luke xxi. 24; Heb. xi. 94: 2 John 12; 3 John 14.) oken, not written ; then, that which is spoken, ete. 1. Matt. iv. 4, | 1. Acts xxiii. 2. 1. ——v. 9. 1. Rom. iii. 14, 19. "τα oo 1. ——x. 8, 9, 10. 1. — xiii. peer. 1, ——3y.8 (ap), 11 twiey, | 1: 2 Cor. vi. 11. 17, 18. 1, —— xiii. 1. 1, —— xvii. 27. 1. Eph. iv. 29. 1, — xviii. 16. | 1, —vi. 19. 1, —— xxi. 16. | 1. Col. iii. 8. 1. Luke i. 64, 70. 1. 2 Thes. ii. 8. 1. —— iv. 22. 1. 2 Tim. iv. 17. 1. —— vi. 45. — Tit. i. 11, see M of 1, — xi. 54. (stop the) 1. —— xix. 22, 1. Heb. xi. 33. 1. —— xxi. 15. 1. Jas. iii. 3, 10. 1. —— xxii. 71. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 22. 1. John xix. 29. 1. Jude 16. 1. Acts i. 16. 1. Rev. i. 16. 1. —— iii. 18, 21. 1. — ii. 16. 1 τ fy. 35. | 1. — iii, 16, 1, —— viii. 32, 35. | 1, —— ix. 17, 18, 19. 1, ——rx. 34, toe 10. 1. — xi. 8. 1. —— xi. 5. 1, —— xv. 7. | 1. — xii. 15, 16 twice. 2. 27. | 1. —— xiii. 2, 5, 6. 1. —— xviii. 14. | 1, —— xiv. 5. 1, — xxii. 14. ' 1, —— xvi, 133 times. 1. Rev. xix. 15, 21. MOUTH OF (stor rue) ἐπιστομίζω, to put upon the mouth, 1.6. to stop the mouth with a bit or curb ; hence, to check, to curb, (non occ.) Titus i, 11. MOVE (Εν. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. κίνεω, to set in motion: to move. then, simply * mid., to move one’s self. bo . σείω, to move to and fro, shake, with the idea of shock, concussion, prefixed) to shake back, swing to and fro, brandish, esp., to make threatening gestures, and so, stir up, persuade, (occ. Luke xxiii. 5.) 4. σαλεύω, to make to shake, rock, to put into a state of waving, rocking or vibratory motion, to agitate. 5. σαίνω, to wag the tail, fawn, flatter, to deceive through flattery, (non οσο.) The sense here is, that no one should be deceived or deluded in the midst of the persecutions MOV 3. ἀνασείω, (No. 2, with ava, up or back, by the suggestions of seeming well-wishers. 6. φέρω, to bear, carry, bear along. 2, Matt. xxi. 10. 1. —— xxiii. 4. 3. Mark xv. 11. | 1. Acts xm. 30. — Col. 1. 23, see M away. 5, 1 Thes; 0.3: 4. Acts ii. 25. — Heb. xn. 28, see Moved ΠΕ xvii. 28, (which cannot be) — — xx, 24, see M me | 6. 2 Pet. 1. 21, part. (none ofthesethings) | 1. Rev. vi. 14. MOVE AWAY. μετακινέω, (Vo. 1, with µετά, implying change, prefixed) to move from one place to another, remove, (on oce.) Col. 1. 23. MOVE ME (nNonzE OF THESE THINGS) account, ποιέω, to make, οὐδείς, not one, λόγος, a word, ( account,” ete., or am I making,” ete. Acts xx, 24. MOVED (wuticn cannot BE) ἀσάλευτος, (from No. 4, above) that cannot shake, rock, or vibrate, unshakable, (occ. Acts xxvii. 41.) Heb. xii. 28. ΄ See also, COMPASSION, ENVY, FEAR, INDIGNATION, MOVER OF. xivew, see“MOvE, No.1. Here, participle. Acts xxiv. 5. “by no single word | “Jam making of no | 1. Matt. vi. 30. 2. Acts xix. 26. 1. — xii. 5. la*—— xxvi. 24. 1, —— xxv. 9, 2. —— xxvii. 9. Ja. Mark 1. 45. 16 10. 1, —1Vv. 5. 1. Rom. iii. 2. la.— v. 10. 1. ——v. 10, 15, 17. ifs 21, 24, 1. ix. 22. 1, — vi. 34 la* xv. 22,marg.many 1, Luke vii. 11. ways or oftentimes; 2. 12. (πολλάκις, many times, πι 47. L Tr.) 1, — vii. 4. la. —— xvi. 6, 12 (ap.) 1 —vu1. 37. 1. a Corsi: 1. — x. 40. 1. —— xii. 22. la.— xi. 19. la. xvi. 19. a 48 3 times. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 4. 1. — xvi. 10 twice. a fe he tt ee HE la. John in. 23. 1. —— vi. 4. 1. —— vi. 10. 1. —— viii. 4, 15, 22. ; 1. —— vii. 12. 1. Pb πο, 1. —— χι, 9, 12, 24. 1. 1 Thes. i. 5, 6. la.— xiv. 30. 1, — ii. 2. 1. —— xv. 5, 8. 1. 1 Tim. iii, 8. ' 2. Acts v. 37 (om. GL | 1α.2 Tim. iv. 14. Tr A.) 1. Πρ δὲ 18. x, 2. 1. Heb. xii. 9, 25. 2. —— xi. 24, 26. 1. Jas. v. 16. la.— xiv. 22. 1. 1 Pet. 17, 1. ——xv. 7. la. Rev. v. 4 (πολύ, much, 1, —— xvi. 16. GeoLTTrAw.) 1, —— xviii. 10, 27. | la.— viii. 3. 1, Rev. xix, 1. MUCH AS. τὰ, the, ” 9 . ἴσα, equivalent things. John ν. 8 (ap.) MUCH. [adj. and adv. ] (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. πολύς, many, (a) plural, many. *with art., the many. 2. ἱκανός, coming to, reaching to, and hence, sufficing ; of things, enough ; of number or magnitude, abundant, great, much. Luke vi. 34, MUCH AS IN ME IS (1s) τὸ, the. κατὰ, according to. ἐμέ, me. Rom. i, 15. MOVING. κίνησις, & Moving, a being moved, as opp. to repose; ἃ movement, dis- turbance, (non occ.) much, quantity, or amount. of number, MUCH AS IN YOU IS (as) [marg.] i MULTIPLY (-rp, -1n@.) τὸ, the, | πληθύνω, to make full; hence, to mul- ev, in, among, τας A Ἰὼ | tiply, increase. * Pass., to be ὑμίν, you, ee ee multiplied, increased, (occ. Matt. 1 Pet. v. 2, text, which is among you. xxiv, 12.) Acts vie? 1, see M (be) | Meg x pi ae MUCH AS LIETH IN YOU (as) | vii, Πα ( τὸ, the. Fi Bie, | Jaded? 1 out of, from. αν ὑμῶν, of you. fe ae MULTIPLIED (zz) Acts vi. 1, part. MUCH AS (nor so) 1. οὐδέ, and not, also not, denying ab- solutely and objectively ; not even. 9 ἀλλά, but, “αὶ οὐδέ, not, MULTITUDE (-s.) 1. dxdos,aconfused multitude, a throng of people, esp., the populace, mob; Lat., turba. Opp. to δῆμος, the people ; Lat., populus or plebs ; ᾿ not even. (hence, the noise made by such a 1. Luke vi. 3. 2, Acts xix, 2, 1. 1 Cor. v. 1. crowd, riot, tumult) a tumultuous multitude. MUCH AS (no...) 2. πλῆθος, fulness, a great number, a throng or crowd, (the only refer- οὐδέ, see above, No. 1. ‘ : ence being to its numbers, not to its | Μαι | character as No. 1,) (occ. Luke xxiii. 27; Acts xxvii. 3. MUCH AS (xo, yor 80) 1, Matt. iv. 25. 1. Luke ix. 12, 16, , 1, —-v.1. — — σὰ. 1, ’see M (an μηδέ, not even. 1, —— viii, 1, 18. innumerable) Mark ii. 2. 1. —— ix. 8, 33, 36. 1, —— xiv. 25. Ue se 1. — xviii. 36. 1, — xii. 15 (om. L Τὰν | 2. —— xix. 87. Ab &.) ba ue 39. 1. — xiii. 2twice, 34, 36. | 1. —— xxii. 6, marg. fu- MUCH (so) 1. — xiv.5,14,15, 19twice, | 1. 47. (mult, a 22, 23. 2. — xxiii. 1 τοσοῦτος, 80 great, so much. 1, — xv. 10, 30, 31, 32, | 2. Johny. 8. 33, 35, 36, 39. 1: .18. Matt. xv. 33. Heb. vii. 22. 1, —— xvi. 14. 1. —— vi. 2. Acts ν. 8 twice. — x. 25. 1, —— xix. 2. 2. xxi. 6, Heb. i. 4. Rev. xviii, 7. 1, —— xx. 29, 31. 2. Acts ii. 6. 1. —— xxi. 8, 9, 11, 46. 2. iv. 82, Ἧ δὲ 1, — xxii. ὃν. 2. —-V. 14, ze 1. —— xxiii. 1. 2. — vi. 2, δ. MUCH AS (anp ΤΕ 80) 1, —— xxvi. 47, 55. 1. — xiii. 45. - 1. —— xxvii. 20, 24. 2, —— xiv. 1, 4 κἄν, and if. 1. Mark ii. 13. 2, — xv. 12, 30, : Heb. xii. 20 2, — iii. 7, 8. 1, — xvi. 22. «πμ... Ἂν 9, 20, 82, 2, —— xvii. 4. 1. —— iv. 1 twice, 36, 2, —— xix. 9. MUCH AS 1, ——v. 31. 1. 88, 1..-- We 83. | 2. —— xxi. 22. δ (so) 1, —— viii. 1, 5 1. REET 1, —— ix. 14, 2. , rr not even. 1, —— xiv. 43. 2. —— xxiii. un si η 1. —— xv. 8. 1. —— xxiv ο μαμα 2. Luke i. 10, 9, —— xxv. 24. 9, ii. 13. — Eph. iv. 8, see Cap- 1, — iii. 7. tives, See also, ABOUND, BETTER, BOLD, Ρ18- ασ ο 2. Heb. xi, 12 ο Ὁ, le «=. Jas. V. «υ, PLEASED, EXHORTATION, GRACED, 2. vi. 17. 2. 1 Pet. iv. 8. HOW, MORE, PERPLEXED, SO, | } 19. 1, Rev. vii, 9. 2. viii. 37. 1, —— xvii. 15. SPEAKING, WANTONNESS, WORK. . Ἃ 45. 1, — χὶχ 6, | | | | | MUL MULTITUDE (an INNUMERABLE) υριάς, @ myriad, (1.6. ten thousand.) Here, plural, tens of thousands. Put for any indefinitely large number. Luke xii. 1. MURDER (-s.) φόνος, a killing of men, murder, (οσο. Acts ix. 1.) Matt. xv. 19. Luke xxiii. 19, 25. xix. 18, see M | Rom. i. 29. Mark vii. 21. [(ἅ0) | Gal. v. 21 (om. Lb T Trb — xv. 7. Rey. ix. 21 [AbR.) ev. ix. 21, MURDER (no) φονεύω, to kill a person, to slay, to murder. Matt. xix. 18. MURDERER (5. 1. φονεύς, a murderer. 2. ἀνθρωποκτόνος, murdering men. In No. 1 the emphasis is on the kill- ing ; in No. 2 upon the fact that it 28 men, (see “Man,” Vo. 1) who are killed, (non occ.) ἀνὴρ, ἃ man, (see “MAN,” ) a man, 3 No. 2,) a mur- φονεύς, a murderer, J derer. 1. Matt. xxii. 7. — 1 Tim. i. 9,566 Father 2. John viii. 44. and Mother. 3. Acts iii. 14. 1. 1 Peter iv. 15. 1. —— vii. 52. 2. 1 John iii, 15 twice. 1, — xxviii. 4. 1. Rev. xxi. 8, 1. Rev. xxii. 15. MURDERER (tmar 15 a) σικάριος, a dagger-man, assassin, (Zat., sicarius, from sica, a dagger) non 000. Acts xxi. 38. MURMUR (-rp.) 1. γογγύζω, to murmur, prob. the mur- muring sound of air in a shell, (κόγχη) to utter in a low voice, privately ; and because such mur- murings are generally complaints, it denotes to manifest discontent, (non occ.) (a) Trans. (b) Intrans. [ 512 ] MUS 2. διαγογγυζω, (Wo. 1, with διά, through, or throughout, prefixed) to keep on murmuring, (ποπ occ.) 15, Matt. xx. 11. 2. Luke xix. 7. — Mark xiv. 5, see M 1b. John vi. 41, 48, 61. against. la, —— vii. 32. ify ον 1b. 41, 48, 61. 2. Luke xv. 2, 1b. 1 Cor. x, 10 twice. MURMUR AGAINST. ἐμβριμάομαι, to express indignation against any one, admonish sternly, to threaten with one’s indignation. Mark xiv. 5. MURMURER (-s.) γογγυστής, a murmurer, (see the verb No. 1, above) (non occ.) Jude 16. MURMURING (-s.) γογγυσμός, 2 murmuring, (see the verb, No. 1, above) (οσο. 1 Pet. iv. 9.) John vii. 12. | Phil. ii. 14. Acts vi. 1. MUSE (-ep.) διαλογίζομαι, to reckon through. Luke iii. 15, marg. reason or debate. MUSIC. συμφωνία, a sounding together, concert of instruments. Eng., symphony, (non occ.) Luke αν. 25. MUSICIAN (-s.) μουσικός, devoted to the muses, 1.6. to the liberal arts and _ sciences ; learned. In NV. 7, skilled in musie a musician, (on occ.) Rev. xviii. 22. MUST. 1. δει, it needs, there is need of some- thing absent or wanting ; it needs, it is necessary, one must, it ought. 2. ἵνα, in order that. "-- 4. Matt. xvi. 21. 1. Acts i. 22. 1. — xvii. 10. 1. — iii. 21. 1, — xxiv. 6 1. — iv. 12. 1. — xxvi. 54. 1. —— ix. 6, 16. 1. Mark viii. 31. (1, —— xiv. 22. 1, — ix. 11 1, —— xvi. 30. 1. — xiii. 10 1. —— xviii. 21 (ap.) 2. —— xiv. 49 1. — xix. 21. 1. Luke ii. 49 1. —— xviii. 11. 1, — iv. 43 1. —— xxvii. 24, 26. 1. — ix. 22 1. 1 Cor. xi. 19. 1, — xiii. 33 1. —— xv. 25, 53. 1. — xvii. 25 18 2 Cor. v. 10. 1, — xix. 5. Ἱ Wa ty ore A 7. 1, — xxi. 9. 1, 2 Tim. ii. 6, ο. 1. —— xxii. 7, imperf. a πες, ἢ 37. 1. Heb. ix. 26, imperf. 1, — xxiv. 7, 44. 1. —— xi. 6. | 1. John iii. 7. —1 Pet. iv. 17, see M ἘΣ 14 (om. L™,) (that...) 1, 80. 1. Rev. i. 1 1. — iv. 24. 1. — iv. 1. 1. — ix. 4. 1, —-.«x. ll. 1, ——x. 16. 1. — xi. 5. 1. — xii. 34. 1. —— xiii. 10, 1, — xx. 9. 1. —— xx. 3 MUST (ruat...) tov, of the, with inf., here, “of the to begin, 1.6. to begin ov make a be- ginning. 1 Pet. iv. 17. See also, NECESSITY, NEEDS, PUT. MUSTARD-SEED. σίναπι, sinapis orientalis, mustard, a plant often growing in Palestine to a considerable size. κόκκον σινά- mews, ἃ grain of mustard, is a pro- verbial phrase for the smallest particle. Matt. xiii. 31. | Mark iv. 31. — xvii. 20. Luke xiii. 19. Luke xvii. 6. MUTUAL. ἐν, 1 1 ἀλλήλων, each other, one another. Rom, i. 12. MUZZLE. φιμόω, to muzzle. 1 Cor. ix. 9. Ι 1 Tim. v. 18. MY. 1. pov, Gen. sing. of ἐγώ, 1; of me. 2. ἐμοῦ, another form of No. 1 (παρά, from beside, ( ἐμοῦ, me, Il MUS [ 518 1 MY 4, pot, Dat. sing. of ἐγώ, 1; to me. 5. ἐμοῖ, another form of No. 4 6. ἐμός, mine, denoting possession, power over, authorship, right, ete. As the possessive adjective it has a greater emphasis than the cases of the personal pronoun above. - el el ool oe ool ol ol μὰ el σαι ο 1: 1. i bt bt Sa BS tt ee [oh τὰ eH μὴ μὰ μὰ μὰ μὰ - "4 .) 42, 53. — xxvii. 35 twice (αρ) 46 twice. 332nd (om. T Tr> A.) 34 twice, 35 Ist. 35 2nd (om. L T TrA δ. ) — viii. 35. 38. — ix. 7, 17, 37, 39. 41 (om GLT Tr A.) a= x, 20. 29. 40,1». 40224 (om. G L TTrARN.) — xi. 17. . —— xii. 6, 36 twice. --ᾱ ᾱ 9. . —— 13, 31. 1 ee xiv, 8, 14, 22, 24, — μον, τὸ 44, 46, 47 twice, - — ii. "49. 1 1 he 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 3π4, 45, 46198, 1 40 2nd’ (om. G-) 1. — viii. 2] twice. 2 6. 1 1. ala ile 1, 1. — ix. 24. - 0, 24. xii. 4, 13, 17, 18 1st. 182nd (om. Tr Ab,) 18 3rd, 19, 45. 1, —— xiv. 23, 24, 26, 27, 33. 1. —— xv. 6,17, 18, 24, 29. 1. —— xvi. 3, 5, 24, 2 27. 1. —— xviii. 21 (om. T b A ΤῊΣ A. 1. —— xix. 8, 23, 46. κ is 42 Ae ta = 1— 29. 1. —— 30 twice, 42, 1. —— xxiii. 46. 1. — xxiv. 39 twice, 49, 1. John ii. 16. 1, —-v. Ἱ7, 24, 31, 43. 6. 47. 1. — vi. 32, 51, 54twiee, 55 twice, 56 twice. Lig 65 (om. G2 LT TrA RW.) 6. —— vii. 6, 8, 16. 1. —— viii. 14, 6. 16. 1. ——— 19 twice. 1. —— 28 (om. L T Tr ARN. 6. ——— 3] 1st. 1. 8] 2nd. 6. 37. 1. —— 38 (om.G@3LT Tr A.) 48 twice. 49. 51. 52, δά twice. 56, —— x. 14. 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27 1st. 1, ——— 27 2nd, 28, 29 lst. 1, λυ τὰ 29 2nd (om. T Trd 6. 1 6 1 6, 6 1 6 σι nv ~ = ~ le ee on μ οσο ο RH Oo HO le μὰ as pee μα eee ROR Re 1, John xii. 27, 47, 48. 1, —— xiii, 6, 8, 9. 6. 35. 1. 37. 2. 38. 6. 1. —— xiv. 2, 7. 1. 12 (om. ἃ Ξ Τ' Tr A αν.) 1. —— 13, 14. 6. 15. : ΤῈ 20,21 twice 25twice, 24, 26, 27. 28 (om. G+ Lb T Tr A.) yale dete 8. 2nd, 9, .- ](0 1st &2nd. 103rd (om. L A.) ΕΞ 12: 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24. —— xvi, 10 (om. GST Tr Ab), 23, 24, 26. . — xvii. 13, 24. —— xviii. 36 4times. . —— 37. ~— xix, 24 twice, — xx. 13. 17 1st (om, Lb T Tr A. 2nd, 3rd, ἃ 4th, 25 twice, 27 twice, 28 twice. —— xxi. 15, 16, 17. . Acts ii. 14, 17, 18 3times, Qhtwice, 263 times, 27, 84 twice. . — vii. 34. 49 1st. --- 49 2nd ἃ 3rd 50, — xv. 7,17. 19,see Sentence. — xvi. 15. —xx. 2418 (om. G3LT TrA®.) 24 2nd, 25, 29,34. . — xxii. 1. — xxiv. 17. . — xxvi. 4. —— xxviii. 19. Rom. 1, 8, 93 times. — ii. — iii. 7. , — vii. 4, 18, 23 3 times. —ix, 1, 2, 8twice, 17 twice, 25 twice, 26, —x.1. — xvi. 3, 4, 5, 7 twice, 8, 9, 11, 21 twice, 25, . 1 Cor. i. 4, 11. ii, 4 twice. iv. 14, 17 twice. v. 4. vii. 40. Viii. 13 twice. ὅς, ls 15, 1811 (No. 1, T Tr AR.) 18 2nd, 27, — x. 14, 29. 33. . —— xiii, 3 twice. . —Xiv. 14 twice. 18 (om. G LT TrAR.) ΟΡ κα ΜΡ κα 1, μαμὰ μη eee Letitia marcela cl ee pepe τ οὔτ σις μα ΣΦ, ae νς "μὰ σι μα "ὦ μῷ μαὸ μὸ Φὺ et μαὶ μὰ αὶ — vi. 16 (Νο. 1,1. T Tr &.) 18. — vii, 4twice. — viii. 23. — xii, 9 Ist. 92nd (om. G > L — iv. 1418: (om. Ge) (ὑμῶν, your, L T Tr AR. το λα, 15: 14, — vi. 10 (om. ἃ > L TTrAN.) 19 — 21.566 M affairs. Phil. i. 3, 7 1st. 72nd, marg. with 13, 14, 16. 20 twice. —— 22. 26. — ii. 2, 12 3 times, 95 twice. — iii. 1. 8 (juav,owr, Lm.) — iv. ltwice, 3, 14, 16. 19. Col. i. 241st(om.G LT Tr Ak.) 24, 2nd. — iil. —— iv. 7, see M state. 10, 18. 1 Tim i. 11, see M trust (committed to) Tim. 1. 3, 6, 16. —i.1,8. — iii. 10. — iv. A No.1,LTrk.) Philem, 4 twice. 10 Ist. 10 2nd (om. G = LT Tr AR.) 20, 23, 24. Heb. i. 5, 18. — ii. 12. — iii. 9, 10, 11 twice. —— iy. 3 twice, 5, — viii. 9, 10. — x. 16. 34 (δέσμιος, those in bonds, instead of δεσμοῖς μοῦ, mein my bonds, GL T Tr A.) 38. — xii. 5. —- xiii. 6. Jas. i. 2, 16, 19. —— it Sales lt. me. ές 8, 9 . — iii. 1, 10, 12. — ν. 10 (om. LTrA.) 12 1 Pet. v. 18, . 2 Pet, 1. 14, 15. 1 iy 1 John ii. 1. iii. 13, } (om.G=2L 18, STTrARn.) 14 ] MYS | 6 3John4 | 1, Rey. iii. 5, 8 twice, 10, 1. Rev. i [τς 125times,16, 20, 21 twice. 1. — ii. 3, 133times, 16, | 1, —— x, 10 twice. 6. 20, | 1, —xi. 3. | 1, —— 26, 27. | 1, —~ xviii. 4, 4, Rev. xxi. 7. 1. Rev. xxii, 12, MY AFFAIRS. τὰ, the things, the things κατὰ, according to, > relating ἐμὲ, me, to me. Eph. vi. 21. MY BURIAL (for) mpos, towards with a το, the, view to ἐνταφιάσαι, to make pre- } prepare paration for burial, me for pe, me, burial. Matt. xxvi. 12. MY STATE. τὰ, the things, κατὰ, relating to, ἐμὲ, me. Col. iv. 7. | MY TRUST (ΒΕ commirrep To) | ( ἐγώ, I, [trusted with, ) entrusted πιστευόμαι, to be en-$ was I. 1 Tim. i, 11. MYRRH. | σμύρνα, myrrh. A substance exuding Ίου: a small thorny tree growing in Arabia and Abyssinia, harden- ing into a bitter aromatic gum, prized by the ancients for use in incense and perfumes. Matt. ii. 11. | John xix, 39. MYRRH (were wirn) σμυρνίζω, to myrrh, to mingle with myrrh. Mark xv. 23. MYSELF. . euavrou, of myself, a reflexive pron. often used with acttve verbs de- noting spontaneous action. 2. ἐμέ, (ace. of ἐγώ, 1) me. ἐγώ, I, ἕῳ ( αὐτός, self, μ t ᾿ I myself. MYS [ 1, Luke vii. 7. 1. John ν. 31. 3. Rom. ix. 3 1, —— vii. 17, 28. 1. ——xi. 4, 1. — viii. 14, 18, 28, 42, | — —— xvi. 2, see M (of) 1, —x. 18. [54 1, 1 Cor. iv. 4, 6. 1. —— xii. 49. 1, —— ix. 19. 1. —— xiv. 3, 10, 21. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 1. 1. —— xvii. 19. 1, —— xi. 7, 9, 2, Acts vii. 37, marg. | 1. —— xii. 5. (text, me.) 1. Gal. ii. 18 1, — xx. 24 1. Phil. iii. 13. 1. — xxiv. 10. 1, Philem, 17. MYSELF (1) 1. αὐτός, self. > , ἐγώ. 1 ο ον I myself. αὐτός, self, y 3. éuavrov, (see “ myseLr,” No. 1.) 2. Luke xxiv, 39. 2. Rom. ix. 3. 2. Acts x. 26. 8. 1 Cor. Vii. 7. 1. —— xxiv. 16. 1. —— ix, 27. 1. —— xxv. 22. 2. 2 0ο5. x. 1. 2. Rom. vii. 25. 2, —— xii. 13. 1. Phil. ii, 54, MYSELF (oF) αὐτόυ, of self, ἐμοῦ, of me, ᾿ of me myself. Rom. xvi, 2. MYSTERY. μυστήριον, a secret. [Ixx. for 1 Dan. ii. 18, 19, 27, 28, 29, 90, 47; iv. 9. NAIL (-s.) [noun.] ἧλος, a nail, used by Homer only for ornament, not to fasten; hence, nail heads, studs; later, a nail to fasten with, (non occ.) John xx, 25 twice. NAIL TO (-1NG.) προσηλόω, to nail to any thing, to affix with nails, ἜΠΗ ue (non occ.) Col. NAKED. γυμνός, naked, unclad ; in common lan- quage, lightly clad, i.e. in the under garment only (χιτών), with- out the ἱμάτίον ; and hence, poorly clad, (occ. 1 Cor. xv. 37.) | Matt. xxv. 36, 38, 43, 44, Heb. iv. 13. ‘| Mark xiv. 51, 52. Jas. ii, 15. John xxi. 7. Rev. iii. 17. Acts xix. 16, — xvi. 15. |] 2 Cor. ν. 3. — xvii. 16. 115 In the Apoc. books used of NAM the secret of a friend, of private life, of State, and of a king. Ecclus. xxii. 22; xxvii. 16, 17, 21. Tobit xii. 7, 11. Judith ii 2. 2 Macc. xiii. 21. Wisd. ii. 22. Later, of a secret symbol Justin Mart. Apol. i. 27. Tryph. c. 40, ο. 44, c. 68, as in Eph. v. 32, and Rev. xvii. 5, 7. The Latin “ Sacramentum” must have had the same meaning. In the N.T. used especially of the “great secret” which is Christ Mystical. See Rom. xvi. 25, 26. Eph. in. 1—11. Col. i. 25, 26. Compare also 1 Cor. ii. 1—iii. 1. 1 Tim. 111. 16, where the same “ secret”’ is referred to; and see a pamphlet on the mystery, by the same author. | Matt. xiii. 11. Eph. iii. 3, 4, 9. Mark iv. 11. 32. Luke viii. 10, — vi. 19. Rom. xi. 25. Col. 1. 26, 27. — xvi, 25. — ii. 2. 1 Cor. ii. 7. — iv. 3. — iv.l. 2 Thes, ii. 7 — xiii. 2. 1 Tim. iii. 9, 16. — xiv. 2. Rev. i. 20. —— xv. δΙ. —x.7. Eph. i. 9. —— xvii. 5, 7. N NAKED (ne) γυμνητεύω, to be γυμνός (naked), (non occ.) 1 Cor. iv. 11. NAKEDNESS. γυμνότης, nakedness, want, (non occ.) Rom, viii. 35. | 2 Cor. xi. 27. Rey. ii. 18. | NAME [αι -) (noun. ] ὄνομα, that by which one is known, the name by which a person or thing is called ; hence, the proper name or appellation of a person. (10ο ὁ in ὄνομα is for euphony ; compare Lat.,nomen ; Sanscr., nima; 1ηη., name, etc. The common root being yvu-of γινώσκω, to know; Lat., nosco; Hng., know, and therefore, strictly, that by which one is known.) NAM [ 516 ] NAT Me | = Matt. i. 21, 23, 25. | Acts xiii. 6, 8. 2. Matt. ix. 9. ! 1. 1 Cor. v. 1 (om. ὀνομά- Bei ὁ... 1 — xv, 14, 17, 26, 2. Mark xv. 7. ποι τ —— vii. 22 3times. —— xvi. 18. 1. Luke vi. 13, 14. named, α L Τ Tr A —— x. 2, 22, 41 twice, 45, | —— xviii. 15. 3. —— xix. 2. nee substitute even. ) — xii. 21. — xx. 5, 13, 17: 1. Rom. xv. 20. i. 21, ΞΞ- αυϊη ο, οὐ. ---- xxi. 13. Eph. iii. 15 Eph. ἘΣ ο Tim. ii —— xix. 29. | —— xxii. 16. oe .... 2 Tim. i. 19. —— xxi. 9. | —— xxvi. 9. — xxiii. 59. ἘΠΕῚ XXVili. 7. —— xxiv. 5, 9. om. i. 5. = — xxvii. 32. — ii. 24, NAMED (so) στο xxviii. 19. | — ix. 17. Υ : 3 Mark ν. 9eviee,22(0m.G+) | — x. % Ma the, ὶ which it was aren WR, le Se NG 9 2 — ix. 37, 38, 39, 41. 1 Cor. i. 2, 10, 13, 15. κληθὲν, it was called, ἡ called. —— xi. 9, 10 (ap.) - νυν. 4. —— xiii. 6, 13. — vi. 11 Luke ii. 21. κατ (ap.) Eph. i. 21 Luke i. 5, 13, η 31, | —— ν. 20. 49, 59, 61, Phil. ii. 9, 10. San 21, 95. aa iv. 3. NAMED. —— vi. 22. ol. iii. 17. ae hy ο ὀνόμα, name (see the noun). Here, — x. 17, 20. 1 Tim. vi. 1. Dat., by name ; or with αὐτῷ, to : ο αι ρα ας ατα. him ; or οὖ, of which ; or ᾧ, to = xix. 88. — ii. 19, which, 1.6. by name; or the name —— xxi. 8, 12, 17. — vi. 10. to hi it; t —— xxiv. 18, 47. - sii 15, Ο him or 11, 616. John i. 6, 12. Jas. τι. 7. να — ii. 23. —— v. 10, 14. Matt. xxvii. 57. Acts v. 1, 34. — iii. 18. 1 Pet. iv. 14. Mark xiv. 32. — ix. 10, 12, 33, 36. —— v. 43 twice. ; 1 John ii. 12. Luke i. 5, 26. —— xi. 28. —— x. 3, 25. — iii. 23. —-v. 27. — xii. 18. —— xii. 13, 28. | —— Vv. 13 1st (ap.), 13 2nd. — viii. 41 — xvi. 1, 14. —— xiv. 13, 14, 26. | 3 John 7, 14. — x. 38. — xvii. 34. — xv. 16, 21. | Rey. hi. 3, 15, 17. — xvi. 20 —— xviii. 2, 7, 24. —— xvi. 23, 24, 26. — iii. 1, 4, 5twice, 8, --- xix. 2 — xix. 24, —— xvii. 6, 11, 12, 26. | 12 3 times. —— xxiii. 50. — xx. 9. —— xviii. 10. | —— yi. 8. John 11]. 1. — xxi. 10. —— xx. 81. — viii. 11. η Acts i. 15. — ix, 11 twice. sedan κ te — xi. 18. 6, 8,17 | — —— iii. 6, 16 twice. — xiii. 1, twice. — iv.7, 10, 12, 17, 18,30, | — xiv. 1, 1]. | NAMELY —— v. 28, 40, 41. | xv. 2, 4. ἐν. ἴῃ —- viii. 12, 16. | — xvi. 9. bey namely. — xvii. 3, 5, 8. τῷ, the, —— ix. 14, 15, 16, 21, 27, 29. — x. 49, 48. | —— xxi. 12, 14, —— xix. 12, 13, 16. Rom. xiii. 9 (Lb Trb Ab.) Rev. xxii. 4. NAME (55 one’s) καλέω, to call to any one, so that he may come or go anywhere, to call, to name. Here, pass. part. called. Acts vii. 58. NAME (-£p, -rru.) [verb. | 1. ὀνομάζω, to name, call by name, to name the name of any one, to call | or pronounce his name ; to give a name ov appellation, (elsewhere, “ CALL.” bo λέγω, to lay, lay together, collect ; hence, to say, relate, discourse ; to speak of as being called so and so; hence, part., called, spoken of. καλέω, see “Ν (BE ONE’S).” NAPKIN. σουδάριον, a sweat-cloth; a handker- chief or napkin, (oce. Acts xix. 12.) Luke xix. 20. + ή John xi, 44. John xx. 7. | NARD (liquid) [margin.] Mark xiv. 3, see Spikenard. NARROW. θλίβω, to press, press upon. Here ᾿ pass. part., pressed, compressed. Matt. vii. 14. NATION (s.) 1. ἔθνος, a multitude; people, living under common institutions. Jn pl. the Gentile nations as distinct from Israel. NAT , ig | 2. γένος, race, people having a com-) mon descent. | 3. yeved, progeny, offspring, genera- tion. All the occurrences of theword “NATION” are the translation of No.1 (ἔθνος) except— 2, Mark vii. 26. 2. Gal. i. 14. 3. Phil. 11, 15. NATION (ONE OF ANOTHER) ἀλλόφυλος, of another tribe ov nation, z.e. not a Jew, (non 060.) Acts x. 28. NATURAL. 1. Φυσικός, physical, natural, z.e. from or by nature, according to nature, following the natural bent. 2 ἢ 3. ψυχικός, breathing, animal, possess- ing animal life, swayed by the | animal or natural mind and affec- | tions, z.e. not under the influences of the Holy Spirit. 4, γένεσις, birth; here Gen., of [his] birth. 1. Rom. i. 26, 27. κατὰ, according to, vows, nature. | — 1Cor. xv.46,see N (that -- 31, see Affec- which is) tion. | —2 Tim. iii. 3, see Affec- 2. —— xi. 21, 24. | 4. Jas. i. 23. {tion. 3. 1Cor. ii. 14. | 3. —— iii. 15, marg.(text, 3. —— xv. 44 twice. sensual.) 1, 2 Pet. ii. 12. NATURAL (tat wniice 18) 70, the, [above, { ψυχικόν, see No. 3, ᾿ the animal. 1 Cor. xv. 46. NATURALLY. 1. γνησίως, genuinely, really, truly, (prop. spoken of children \egiti- mately begotten), (non occ.) 2. φυσικῶς, physically, naturally, 1.6. from or by nature, (non occ.) 1. Phil. ii. 20, | 2, Jude 10. [ σι 1 NEA NATURE. 1. φύσις, nature, generative and pro- ductive power, viz. genetria, (from div; like natura, from nascor) ; hence, nature, 1.6. the essence, in- born quality; nature, natural source or origin ; a nature as gene- rated, 1.6. a genus, kind, (οσο. Rom. xi. 21, 24; Jas. iii. 7.) 2. γένεσις, birth ; (in Jas. iii. 6, τρόχος τὴς y, the wheel of birth, i.e. the natural life which is set in motion at birth and rolls on; i.e.course of life.) 1. Rom. i. 26. 1 1, — ii. 14, 27. 1: 1. —— xi. 24 twice. 1. 1, 1 Cor. xi. 14. 1 6 NAUGHTINESS. κακία, vice generally, esp., malice, and the evil habit of it. James i. 21. WA: 1. οὐ, no, not, expressing full and direct negation, independently and abso- lutely, (see “No,” No. 1.) 2. οὐχί, not, a strengthened form of No. 1. 8. ἀλλά, but, always emphatic, marking opposition, interruption, or tran- sition. Hence, often denoting in various connections, nay, yea, yet. 1. Matt. ν. 37 twice. 2. Rom. iii. 27. 1. — xiii. 29. 3. —— vii. 7. 2. Luke xii. 51. 3. —— viii. 37. 2. —— xiii. 3, 5. — —— ix. 20, see N but. 2, — xvi. 30. 3. 1 Cor. vi. 8. 1, John vii. 12. 3. xii. 22. 1. Acts xvi. 37. | 1. 2 Cor. i, 17 twice, 18, 19. 1. Jas. v. 12 twice. NAY BUT. μενοῦνγε, yea indeed, yea verily, never- theless. Rom. ix. 20 (G—) NEAR. (See below for “ COME N., DRAW Ν., οἷς.) ΠΕ ἐγγύπ, near ; of place, ae at hand, ard by; of time, nigh at hand of number, nearly. —————— ee NEA [i STs) 1 NEE 2. πλησίον, near, near by, (hence, ὃ πλ. NECESSARY (sucw as are) zs one’s neighbour.) τὰ, the things, the things 3. ἀναγκαῖος, of, with, or by force; | | πρὸς, towards, in 1 suited to owr pass., constrained; hence of. ‘friends, consideration of, (need, (L T Tr very intimate, “close, (but see τὴν, the, A x, have τὰς “wecEssary,” Wo. 1.) χρείαν, need, (see be- Ὁ χρείας, pl., our 1. Matt. xxiv. 88, — Acts viii. 29, see Go. low, No. 2,) needs.) . Mark xiii. 28. 3. ——x. 24, iii 2. John iv. 5. 1. Rom. siii. 11. main usw | NEAR (come) NECESSITY (-τεβ.) > . 3 ’ 4 ἐγγίζω, to bring near, cause to approach; | 1. ἀνάγκη, see above, No. 2. also, to draw near, approach. 2. χρεία, use; as a property, use, ad- Luke xviii. 40 part. Act ix. 3. vantage, service; as an action, Ga ances ae using, use; hence, requisiteness, need, necessity; and then, the result of such need, vz. want, poverty. NEAR (praw) 1. ἐγγίζω, see above. — Luke xxiii. 17, see a 1. 2 Cor. ix. 7. 3: x, 84. . —— xii. 10. 2. προσέρχομαι, to come or go near to | 3 Ron τῇ age OP δ᾽ Daa ae το . ν᾿ by 8 arg. 5 i . . any person or place, to approach. | 1-1 Cor, vt Be) mang. 1 Baile: 14, 3. προσάγω, to lead or conduct to any | t πο. NE op Fey εὐ one, to bring near, present before. | 1. 2 Cor. vi. 4. of) Here intrans., to come or draw ee near. ee NECESSITY (arusr oF) 1. Matt. xxi. 34. 1. Luke xxiv. 15. : 1. Luke xy. 1 part, with 2. Acts vii. 31 part. 1. Heb. ix. 16. 1. —xxi.8. [εἰμὶ, tobe. 3. Acts xxvii. 27. 1, — xxii. 47. 2. Heb. x. 22. | πε τῆς τ; τὰ NECESSITY MUST (oF) NEAR ; : 4 : Ὀ ao ἀνάγκη, necessity, (arising from con- 3 ες ο ἐγγύς, see “NEAR,” No. 1. ἔχω, to have. [ straint.) John iii. 23. | John xi. 54. Luke xxiii. 17 (ap.) Seg as NECESSITY (or) : , : » OF ἐγγυτέρον, comp. of “NeAR,” Wo. 1. ᾿ ‘3 ἢ 8 ἀναγκαῖος, see “NECESSARY,” Vo. 1. Rom. xiii. 11. = Heb. viii. 3. NECESSARY. - NECK. 1. ἀναγκαῖος, of, with, or by force; Ρ act., constrainedly, applying force; τράχηλος, the throat, the neck. 2, Heb. ix. 23. χρεία, see “ NEcEssITY,” Wo. 2. pass., forced, necessary. Matt. xviii. 6. Luke xvii. 2 Mark ix. ος Acts xv. 10. 2. ἀνάγκη, force, constraint, necessity ; Luke xv, 20 ο xx. 87. necessary that.. ., necessity arising Rom. xvi. 4. JSrom constraint. ——— -- - Sa 3. ἐπάναγκες, (No. 2: with ἐπί, upon, NEED. [noun. | prefixed), (non oce.) (See also “"ΝΕΕΡΑΒ,᾽ and the verb; and 1. Acts xiii. 46, 1. 1 Cor. xii. 22. various combinations with other 38. —— xv. 18. 1. 2 Cor. ix. 5. 10 rds bel 1. — — xxviii. 10, see N 1. Phil. 1, 25. Ὁ 2) ) (such things as are) 1. Tit, iii, 14. NEE [ 519 ] NEE -- -“- Matt. iii. 14. Acts iv. 35. | 1. Matt. ix. 12. 4. Acts xvii. 25 part. SS Sty 1 Cor. xii. 21 twice, 24, i) ee τς 2. 2 Cor. iii. 1. — xxi. 3. Phil. iv. 19. 1. Mark xiv. 63. 1. Eph. iv. 28. — xxvi. 65. 1 Thes. v. 1. 1. Luke v. 31. 1. 1 Thes. i. 8 Mark ii. 17, 25. Heb. iv. 16, see Time. ΠΡ Ee TS 1.: iene — xi. 3. ) —— v. 12 twice. 1. — xv. 7. —2 Tim. ii. 15, see Luke ix. 11. See hr 1. — xxii. 71. Ashamed — xix, 31, 94 —x. 1. John ii. 25. 8. Heb. vii. 27. John xiii. 29 1 John iii. 17. 1, —— xiii. 10. 1. 1Johnii.27. Γέχω, 6.) Acts ii. 45. Rev. iii. 17. 1, —— xvi. 30. 1. Rev. xxii. 5 (G~) (om Rev. xxi. 23. οι μα ---- NEEDFUL. NEED BE 1. χρεία, see “NEcEssIty,” Λο. 2. ᾿ 3 a iy ” πι δέον, necessary, ) not moral necessity, | 2- ἀναγκαῖος, see “NECESSARY,” No. 1. proper, but logical; from 1. Lukex.42, | 2 Phili 24 ἐστίν, it is, the cirewmstances or nature of the case. of NEEDFUL (55) 1 Pet. i. 6. NEED OF (πανε) χρήζω, to need, have need of, want. Matt. vi. 32. | Rom. xvi. 2. Luke xii. 30. NEED SO REQUIRE. οὕτως, thus, ὀφείλει, it ought, γίνεσθαι, to be brought about. 1 Cor, vii. 36. NEED (svrrer) ὑστερέω, to be last, behind, inferior to lack, to come short. Phil. iv. 12, NEED (-xp, -ΕΑ, -ΕΤΗ.) [verb.] χρεία, see “ NECES- sity,” Νο. 2, of, to want, ἔχω, to have, (the need aris- ing trom a want of what is requisite Sor use.) 2. χρήζω, to need, have need of, want. to have need ἀνάγκη, necessity, (theneed arising fromthe pressure, constraint, or force of circumstances, etc.,) ἔχω, to have, have neces- sity. 3. 4. προσδέομαι, to need besides, need in addition, (non oce.) { ἀνάγκη, . ἔχω, . δεῖ, empers. of δέω, it needs that ; it behoveth, implying rather logical than moral necessity. ; see “NEED,” (verb) Νο. 8. 2. Acts xv. 5. | 1, Jude 3. NEEDFUL TO (τΠποββ tTHINGs WHICH ARE) the things needful (¢o the circumstances, etc., of thebody), (non oce.) τὰ, the things, ἐπιτήδεια, apt, proper, Jas. 11. 16. NEEDLE. ῥαφίς, a needle, (non occ.) Matt. xix. 24 | Luke xviii. 25 (βελόνη, point Mark x. 25 πα hence, aneed TTrAN.) NEEDS (vst) 1. δεῖ, see “NEEDFUL (98), Wo. 2 2. f (4 ἀνάγκη, ) « ” b), No. 8 ἶ dw, {50ο NEED” (verb), ν 4. ὀφείλω, to owe, to be indebted; hence, to be obligated {ο the performance of any duty ; I ought, I must. — Matt. xviii. 7, see N be (it must) 1, Mark xiii. 7. ὃ, Luke xiv. 18. πάντως, at all events, surely. δεί, it needs. 3. 2. Acts xxi. 22 (om. δεῖ πλῆθος συνελθεῖν---γαρι the multitude must needs come together, 1. John iv. 4, imperf. 1, Acts i. 16, imperf. 1, —— xvii. 3, imperf. — Rom. xiii. 5, see below. a for they will, [i.e. they will surely hear that thouartcome}] @xTr 4. 1 Cor. v. 10. 1, 2 Cor. xi. 30. NEE -θἜ ο ου - NEEDS BE (it must) ἀνάγκη, necessity, need, arising from constraint, ἔστιν, it is, there is. Matt. xviii. 7 (om. ἔστιν, L Tr A.) NEEDS BE SUBJECT (rust) ἀνάγκη, necessity, need, arising from Rom, xiii. 5. NEGLECT (-ep.) [verb.] 1. ἀμελέω, not to care for, be heedless, negligent. 2. παραθεωρέω, to look at a thing by the side ot another, then to look by or beside any thing, to overlook, slight, (non occ.) — Matt. xviii. 17 twice, see 2. Acts vi. 1. (Hear. 1. 1 Tim. iv. 14. | constraint. ἱποτάσσεσθαι, to be submitting. | 1. Heb. ii. 3 part. | NEGLECTING. | ἀφειδία, unsparingness, austerity, (non occ.) 2.6. ‘rigour, Col. ii. 23, marg. punishing, or not,sparing. NEGLIGENT (xx) ἀμελέω, not to care for, be heedless, negligent. 2 Pet. i. 12 (μελλήσω, I shall be ever sure, stead of ᾿ > οὐκ ἀμελήσω, I will not be πεφἰιφεπί, α ο L TTr AR.) NEIGHBOUR (-s.) 1 ( 6, the, } the one near, a "ἃ πλησίον, near, ὁ neighbour; also, a feliow-man, 1.6. any other mem- ber of the human family, (oce. John iv. 5.) 2. γείτων, a neighbour, 1.6. one living in the same land or country, or in the same neighbourhood, a _bor- derer, (non occ.) 3. περίοικος, dwelling round or near, (non occ.) 1, Matt. v. 43. | 1. Acts vii. 27. 1, —— xix. 19. | 1. Rom. xiii. 9, 10, 1. —— xxii. 39. 1, xv. 2 1. Mark xii. 31, 33. | 1. Gal. v. 14. 3. Luke i. 58, 1. Eph. iv. 25. 1. —— x. 27, 29, 36. 1, Heb. viii. 11, πολίτης, ϱ —— xiv. 12. | townsman, G LT Tr 2, xv. 6, 9. A 5) | 2. John ix, 8. 1. Jas. ii. 8, ἱ [500 Ἱ NEI NEITHER. ov, no, not, expressing full and direct negation, independently and abso- lutely, (see “NO,” Nos. 1,2, and note.) (a) with δέ, but. (b) with xat, and, also. μή, no, not, expressing a dependent and conditional negation, (see “NO,” No. 2,and note.) *with imperative. ἯΣ 866 Νο. 1, ; a double negative, μή, see No. 2, } expressing a strong denial, assuredly not, by no means, 110 wise. --- + i οὐδέ, and not, also not; not evem neither, no not, (see “no,” Vo. 2, and note.) / μήδε, and not, also not; hence, neither, not even, (see “No,” Vo. 2 and note.) οὐτέ, and not, also not, neither, a connative negative, referring usu- ally to a part of a proposition or clause. (a) Followed by another οὐτέ, and translated neither...nor, * neither ...nor yet; ft nor... neither; Φ neither...neither. σι 0. . μήτε, and not, also not, (differing from No. 6, as described under “wo,” Wo. 2.) 8. 7, or, a disjunctive particle. ( ἀλλά, but, ( οὐδέ, (see No.4,) 10. καί, and, also, (a) with another καί, translated * neither...nor; + and neither...nor. 9. ᾿ but, not even. 4, Matt. v. 15. 5. Matt. xxiv. 20. vp 84, 35, 36. | 1, — xxv. 19. 4, —— vi. 15. | 4, Mark iv. 22. θα, 20. ——-v. 4, see Ν᾽ any 4. 26, 28. 1b.—— viii. 14. (man. 5. — vii. 6. 4. 15. 4, 18. 5. 26. 4, ——ix.17. 4. ——xi. 26 (ap.), 33. 2*, ἧς Ὁ, 4, —— xii. 21 (ap.) 5. 10 twice. 5, —— 24, 7, —— xi. 18. θα, 25. 4, 27. 5. xiii. 11 (om. μηδὲ 4, —— xii. 4, 19. μελετᾶτε, neither do ye 4, —— xiii. 13. premeditate, (ἃ = Lb 4, —— xvi. 9, 10, T Tr A>.) 4, —— xxi. 27. 5. 15. 1b.— xxii. 16. 3. ——— 19. 6a. 30. 4. 82, A: 46, 1b.— xiv. 40. 5. xxiii. 10, 4, 59. 1. 19 Ist. 4, 68 (No. 6, 1, 1 4, —— 19 2nd. TrA 5) 2". xxiv. 18, 4, —— xvi. 18 (ap.) NEI 10a & 3. Luke i. 15 (i.e. and wine and strong drink, shall by no means drink.) 5. —— iii. 14 4, —— vi. 45. 4, —— vii. 7. 7. —— 33. 4, —— viii. 17. 1b.—— 27. 1, 40. 7. —— ix. 3 4times. τς x. 4. 4, —— xi. 33. 5. —— xii. 22. 1, on (No. 6, T 1, —— 242nd 2. 29. 4, —— 33. 5. —— 47. 5. —— xiv. 12 (ap.) 6a* 35. 5. —— xvi. 26 4, 31. 4, —— xvii. 21. 2. xviii. 2. 1b.——- 34. 4, —— xx. 8. 1b.——_ 21. 6a. 35. 6. 36. 6at John i. 25 (Νο. 4, L TDS ASRS.) 1b.— iii. 20. 5. iv. 15. 6a* 21. δα, v. 37. 4, —— vi. 24. 4, — vii. 5. 4, —— viii. 11 (ap.) δα. 19. 4. 45, 6a.— ix. 3. 1b.— x. 28. 4, —— xiii. 16 4, —— xiv. 17 5. 27. 1, —— xvii. 20. 4, Acts ii. 27. 4, 31 (No. 6, α ΟἹ, TTrAR.) 1b.— iv. 12 (ap.) 4, 32, 34. 1. —— viii. 21. 1. — ix. 9. 6a.— xv. 10. 4. — xvi. 21. 4, xvii. 25. 6a* xix. 37. 4, xx. 24 (om. οὐδὲ ἔχω, ie. I count my life τ no value, in- stead of ‘‘ none of these move me, neither count I my life dear,’’ TTrAR.) 5. — xxi. 21. 5. —— xxiii.8 (No.7, LT TrAR.) he 12, 21. 7. —— xxiv. 12 Ist. 8. 12 2nd. rf 12 3rd, 13, NEV NEITHER ANY THING. { καί, and, ovdev, no thing. - > Q > a 2 _ ἴω Dt γῶν ο. Hee δὴ > CU ONO OOND Ps £g a ce" Ps Ξ > bo πα Φ 59 B| 5 Ἐ Ξ : - 2 μεσα 4.4 | 4.| 8; 4.3.2 μα ~ οἷν > Sho πο ete oP yy mr ὃ το νι μι Es Ῥ PES ORL iy geri Εξω τῷ at » ¢ τὸ τ ! τα «ο ΘΞ 5 ο. 3 5 . A LL πἰπππὰὰππὰπὰὰπτπὰὰτὰτππέΠπΦἕΨψΨΕΨΕἭἍΦ Δ. Mark xvi. 8. ὃν τοῦ aL. ο, τὰ NEITHER AT ANY ΤΙΜΕ. ου δὼ 7 twice. οὐδέποτε, not ever, never. Luke xv. 29. NEPHEWS. Gat ἔκγονα, sprung from, born of; hence, descendants, as sons, daughters, grandchildren, ete., (non occ.) aaa πὸ 1 Tim. v. 4. | —— iii, 283 times. oe ὃν ra NEST (-s.) 1: Tr Τά σον ο, ον κατασκήνωσις, the act of pitching a tent ; then, a tent pitched ; hence, a dwelling-place ; spoken of birds, 1. Col. iii. 11. AG στήν a haunt, (ποπ occ.) .. Matt. viii. 20. | Luke ix. 58. 4, 99, 5. — iii. 10 5. 1 Tim. 1. 4 NET. 5. 22, , sg. ἘΣ ΞΕ ic is. 1. δίκτυον, a net, a fishing-net, any net 7. — vil. 3. in general, (non occ.) . — ix. 12, 18. τα , ᾿ τοι, δι 2. ἀμφίβληστρον, any thing thrown πα να round, a large fishing-net flung δεις αλλη From the hand, (non occ.) ὅ, ——V. 8. ο... 8. σαγήνη, a drag-net, used in fishing, rua | and drawn to the shore, (non occ.) 2. 2 John 10, 2 = Mark i. 18, 19 6. 8 John 10. 1 ος το τὶ 1! Luke v. 2,4, 5, 6. ών aca 3. —— xiii 47. [ΑΝ 1. John xxi. 6, 8 4 whe vind: 2. Mark i. 16 (om. T Tr 11 twice, 7. — vii. 3. Ε- τ es ae ... 5.30 ΟΣ ΈΣΣΕΒΘ 4, 16 twice. ἀν τ ix, Arie NEVER. 6. Ὁ. 1b. 21. ἢ a ©. ; 8. πη ϑ (No. 4,α L | (For various combinations with other r . 2. 2 ο — αν ὧν, words, see below.) lb. 4, 2nd. . τρέξε ει να 1. οὐ, no, not, denying absolutely, (see 4. 23. “xo,” Nos. 1, 2, and note.) NEITHER...ANY MAN. { καί, and, οὐδείς, No one. bo . μή, no, not, denying conditionally, (see “No,” No. 2, and note.) 3 { ov, see No. 1, ) byno means,a very Mark v. 4 τὰ i μή, see No. 2, § strong denial, in no ΧΆ wise, assuredly not. NEITHER INDEED. | 4, οὐδέ, (ov, not, and δέ, but) and not, 4. Rom. viii. 7. also not, not even. NEV 5. οὐδέποτε, (οὐδέ, Wo. 4, and ποτέ, at any time, ever) not ever, not at any time, (see “no,” No. 2, and note.) 6. μηδέποτε, (μή, Wo. 2, δέ, but, and ποτέ, ever) not ever, not at any time, (see “No,” No. 2, and note) (non occ.) ov, ne no means, \ The verb μή, δ (see No. 8,) generally eis, unto, follows οὐ, 7. < τὸν, the, for (Mi 6.6. in αἰῶν, age (see John xi. “ETERNAL,” Ah es ο, ο 78, No. 1) ... shall by no means die for ever, [1.6. he may die, but being united to Christ by faith, shall not die for ever, but has the hope of “the resurrection of the just.’’] οὐκ, not, (denying absolutely) eis, unto, 8. | τὸν, the, | | | here ἔχει ἄφεσιν follows οὐκ, 1.6. hath not for- giveness—for ever. αἰῶνα, age (see “ ETERNAL,” Λο. 1,) » ) by no means, ΄ in no wise (see Pl) No. 8,) ποτέ, when, at any time, ever, in no wise... at any time. see No. 8, din no wise... 10. 2%) ) ἵ not even at πώποτε, yet ever, yet at any time, En. 5. Matt. vii. 23. 2. John vii. 15. 5. —— ix. 33. 5. 46. 5. —— xxi. 16, 42. 7. —— viii. 51. 4, —— xxvii. 14. 7 52 (εἰς τὸν αἰωνά, 5. Mark ii. 12, 25. G -) 8, —— iii. 29(eis rovaiwve, | 7. —— κ. 28. G --) | 7. —— xi. 26. ——-ix. 43, 45, see | 7. —— xiii. 8. Quenched. 5, Acts x. 14. 1. —— xiv. 21. 5. —— xiv. 8. 5. Luke xv. 29. 5. 1 Cor. xiii. 8. 1. —— xxiii, 29 twice. | 6. 2 Tim. iii. 7. 7. John iy. 14 (ap.) | 5. Heb. x. 1, 11. 3. —— vi. 35 1st. 3. xiii. 5. 10. 35 2nd. 9. 2 Pet. i. 10. NEVER BEFORE. οὐδέπω, also not ever, not ever yet, not yet, never, (with another neq., strengthening.) Luke xxiii. 53. Γ σι Ἡ NEV NEVER ANY MAN. οὐδείς, NO one, not one. πώποτε, not yet ever at any time. John viii. 33. NEVER MAN. 3 ’ { οὐδ τ ᾿ see above. πώποτε, Luke xix. 30. NEVER MAN BEFORE. οὐδέπω, also not ever, not ever yet, οὐδείς, NO one, not one, ὶ no one as yet. Luke xxiii. 53, NEVER MAN YET. { οὐδέπω, τ τῶν; see above. οὐδείς, John xix, 41. NEVER (τετ) οὐδέποτε, see above, No. 5. Matt. xxvi. 33. NEVERTHELESS. 1. ἀλλά, but, (emphatic as contrasted with No. 3) marking opposition, anterruption, and transition, indi- cating a reference to something else. 2. πλήν, besides, moreover, except. 3. δέ, but, (though less emphatic than No. 1) it marks an antithesis, how- ever it may be concealed. 4. καίτοιγε, (καί, and τοί, consequently, and γέ, indeed) and consequently indeed. 5. μέντοι, indeed therefore, indeed then ; nevertheless. 6 rid i the same nevertheless : ΠΡΌΣ indeed. σι μέντοι, see No. 5, 2. Matt. xxvi. 39, 64. ; 1. 1 Cor. ix. 12, 1. Mark xiv. 36. [ο atl, AN, 2. Luke xiii. 33. | 1, 2 Cor. vii. 6. 2. xviii. 8. 1, —— xii. 16, 2. —— xxii. 42. 8, Gal. iv. 30. 1. John xi. 15. 2. Ephes. v. 33. 6. —— xii. 42, 2. Phil. iii. 16. 1; xvi. 7. 1, 2 Tim. i. 19. 4. Acts xiv. 17. 5. —— ii. 19. 1. Rom, ν. 14. | 1. Rev. ii. 4. NEW [ NEW. . καινός, new, 7.6. newly made; not merely recent, but different from that which had been formerly ; new, as coming in the place of a thing that was formerly, and as not yet used. μεὶ ἘΦ . véos, young, new, as that which has only lately originated, or only lately been established. [When the two words are used of the same thing there is always this difference: thus, the καινός ἀνθρώπος, (No. 1) “the new man,” is one who differs from the former; the νέος, (Vo. 2) is one who is “ renewed after the image of Him that created him,” (Col. 11. 10).] . ἄγναφος, not yet fulled, or dressed, (from γναφεύς, a fuller.) . πρόσφατος, slain thereto, or thereby, 1.6. lately-slain, fresh-slaughtered, newly-killed, (on occ.) 8, Matt. ix. 16, marg. 1, John xiii. 34, wo co raw or wrought. | 1, —— xix. 41. 2. —— ix. 17 1st ἃ 2nd, | — Acts ii. 13, see Wine. 17 3rd. | 1, — xvii. 19. —— xiii. 52, see ΝΙ1 21 (compara- things. | tive. 1. —xxvi. 28 (om. L Τ | 2. 1 Cor. v. 7. Tr AX. | 1; — xi. 95. 1 29. 1. 2 Cor. iii. 6. 1. — xxvii. 60. 1, — v. 17 twice. 1. Mark i. 27. 1. Gal. vi. 15. 3. — ii. 21 1st. 1, Eph. ii. 15. re 91 2nd. 1, —— iv. 24. 2. 22 Ist. — Col. ii. 16, see Moon. 2. 222nd (om. G=2L | — —— iii.10,seeN man. TTrAR®.) 1. Heb. viii. 8, 13. 2. 22 3rd (ap.) 1. ——ix.1 Ἕ; 2 4th (ap.) ' 4, ——x. 10. 1. — xiv. 24 (om. G3T 1 — 20, see N(make.) Tr A.) ΣῊ xii. 24. 1, 25. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 13 twice. 1, — xvi. 17 (ap.) 1. 1 John ii. 7, 8, 1, Luke ν. 363 times. 1. 2 John 5. 2. 37 twice, 38 Ist. 1. Rev. ii. 17. , Ἡ 38 2nd. 1, — iii. 12 twice. 2. 39. Γ1. ---ν. 1. — xxii. 20. ‘1. xiv. 3. Rev. xxi. 1 twice, 2, 5, NEW (make) {marg.] Heb. x. 20, see ‘‘ CONSECRATE,”” NEW MAN. (Where not two separate words in the Greek.) 2 Col. iii. 10. NEW THINGS. 1, Matt. xiii. 52, neut. pl. NEX NEW BORN. ἀρτιγέννητος, just now born, even now born, (non oce.) 1 Pet. ii. 2. NEWLY COME TO THE FAITH. [marg. ] | 1 Tim. iii. 6, see ‘‘ NOVICE.”” NEWNESS. καινότης, newness, (see “New,” Wo. 1, and the note after No. 2), (non occ.) Rom. vi. 4; vii. 6. NEXT. (For Next DAY, ete., see below.) 1. ἑξῆς, in order, successively, the following next in order. 2. μεταξύ, in the midst, ἐ.6. betwixt, between, intervening. a. ..-..ὄ.-. 3. ἔχω, to have and hold; here, mid., to hold one’s self upon or to, to be adjacent, contiguous; here, part., adjacent, contiguous. | 4. έπειμι, to go or come upon; here, | part., the coming, the following or succeeding. | 5. ἔρχομαι, to go or come; here, part., the coming, the approaching. 3. Mark i. 38. 2. Acts xiii. 42, marg. be- 1. Luke ix. 37. tween. ια A.) 4, Acts vii. 26. 5. 44 (Go), (No.3, 8. Acts xxi. 26. NEXT DAY (tue) 1. αὔριον, (αὔρα, morning air, from dw, αὔω, to blow)to-morrow; with art., as here, the morrow, the next day. n, the, ο ἡ ἐπαύριον, (No. 1, with { upon the ἐπί, upon, prefixed) ( morrow. upon the morrow, ees the follow- j ing (“day being understood.) 4, ἕτερος, the other, (denoting not nu- merical, but generic distinction) different from. 5. δευτεραῖος, on the second day, (non occ.) τῇ, on the, ἐπιούσῃ, coming upon, --.ὕϑὕβ....ὄ ee. 9 « { NEX [ 524 1 NIG 6. ἔξης, (see “Next,” No. 1) here, with art., the (day) next in order. 7. ἔχω, (see “NEXT,” Νο. 3.) 2. Matt. xxvii. 62. | 4. Acts xx. 15 2nd. 2; John i. 29 | 7 15 3rd. 1. Acts iv. 3 | 2, —— xa ξ, 2. —— xiv. 20 | 2. — 6. 3. — xvi. 11 4. — sii 3. 3. —— xx. 15 18. "6, 5. Acts xxviii. 13. NEXT DAY (on THE) 2. John xii. 12. NEXT DAY AFTER (tHE) 2. John i. 35. NIGH. ἐγγύς, near, of place or time. Matt. xxiv. 32. Acts xxvii. 18. Mark xiii. 29, Rom. x. 8. John vi. 4. Eph. ii. 13, 17. NIGH AT HAND. ἐγγύς, near, of place or time. Luke xxi. 30, 31. | John xi. 55. John xix, 42, NIGH (zx) ἐγγίζω, to bring near, cause toapproach ; then, to draw near, approach. | Phil. ii. 30. NIGH (come) ᾿ ἐγγίζω, see above. Luke xxi. 20. Luke x. 9, 11. — xviii. 35. — xix. 29, 37 part. Acts xxii. 6 part. Mark ορ see Come. Luke vii. 12. NIGH (μὰν) 3 ’ ᾿ἐγγίζω, see above. Matt. xv. ἐν (ap.) Acts vii. 17. — xxi. —— x. 9 part. Luke xv. ‘Ss, Heb. vii. 19. — xxi. 1. Jas. iv. 8 twice. — xxiv. 28, — ν. 8. NIGH TO. ᾿ ἐγγύς, near, of time or place. Luke xix. 1 Ι John xix, 20, cts ix. 38, NIGH UNTO. 1. ἐγγύς, near, of time or place. 2. παρά, beside ; here, with Acc., to or alongside of, beside. 3. παραπλήσιον, near by, nigh unto, like, (non occ.) 4. πρός, towards ; here with Acc., hitherwards, towards. 2. Matt. xv. 29. 1, John vi. 19, 23. 4, Mark v.11 (G --) (with 1. —— xi, 18. Dat., close by, ἃ L Τ 3. Phil. ii. 27. Tr AN.) 1. Heb. vi. 8. NIGHT. νύξ, night, (Lat., nox) both of the night- season, as opp. to day, and of a night. Matt. ii. 14, see N (by) — iv. 2. —— xii. 40 twice. —— xiv. 25. — xxvi. 31, 34. —— xxvii. 64, ἡ see N — xxviii. 13, § (by) Mark iv. 27. --- ν. 5. — vi. 48. — xiv. 27 (om. ἐν τῇ νυκτὶ ταύτῃ, this night, oe T Tr AS.) Luke ii. 8, see N(by), and Watch. 37. — v. 5, see N (all the) —— vi. 12, see Continue. — xii. 20 — xvii. 84. —— xviii. 7. —— xxi. 37. John iii. 2, μη, —— ix. 4, — xi. 10. — xiii. 30. —— xix. 39, see N (by) — xxi. 3. Acts ν. 19. see N (by) Acts ix. 24, τὰ see N (by) —— xii. — xvi. ς 96, — xvii. 10, —— xviii. 9. — xx. 81. —— xxiii. 11, 23, 31. —— xxvi. 7. —— xxvii. 23, 27. Rom. xiii. 12, 1 Cor. xi. 23. 2 Cor. xi. 25, see Nanda vs see N (in the) Thes. iii. 8, Tim. v. 5. Ti Ῥ fim, i. 5, et. iii. 10 (om. ἐν νυκτὶ, in the night, GL T Tr AR.) Rev. iv. 8. —- vii. 15. — viii. 12, —- xii. 10. —- xiv. 11. — xx. 10. — xxi, 25, Rev. xxii. 5. NIGHT (att THE) διὰ, throughout, ὅλῃς, the whole, τῆς, of the, νυκτός, of the night. Luke v. 5. NIGHT AND A DAY (a) νυχθήμερον, a day and night, twenty- Sour hours, (non occ.) 2 Cor. xi. 25. a νο Se ο NIG [ 525 ] NO NIGHT (sy) thought ; οὐ, negatives an affirma- νυκτός, (Gen. of νυξ, see “ NIGHT.” tion, μή, negatives a supposition, κα Seah and prohibits or forbids; οὐ is att. 11, . obn 11. ο. . 5 --- xxvii. 64 (om. νυκτός | — vii. 50 (πρότερον, be- used when an object is regarded et ᾱ 1, τ Τε | Mages. T Tr A) independently in itself, μή, when — xxviii. 13. — xix. 39. it is regarded as depending on Beret, 8, ote Nate some thought, wish, or purpose ; Acts ix. 25. NIGHT (xy tue) νυκτός, see above. 1 Thes. ν. 7 twice. NINE. Luke xvii. 17. ἐννέα, nine, NINETY AND NINE. ἐννενηκονταεννέα, ninety-nine. Matt. xviii. 12,13. | Luke xv. 4, 7. NINEVE. Nuvevi, Nineveh, (the city of Ninus., Luke xi. 32 (Νινευῖται, Ninevites, Gx Τι T Tr δ.) NINTH. ἔννατος, or ἔνατος, ninth. Matt. xx. 5. Luke xxiii. 44. — xxvii. 45, 46. Acts iii. 1. Mark xv. 33, 34. — x. 3, 30. Rev. xxi. 20. NO. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. ov, (before a vowel, οὐκ; before an aspirated vowel, οὐχ) not, no, ex- pressing full and direct negation, independently and absolutely; hence objective, (see below, No.2,and note.) 2. μή, not, no, expressing a dependent and conditional negation, i.e. de- pending on the idea, conception, or thoughts of some subject, and there- Sore subjective. * with the imperative mood. _Norr.—od denies absolutely and directly, μή, on some condition, expressed or implied; οὐ, denies what is a matter of fact, μή, denies what is matter of supposition or ov, implies non-existence abso- lutely, μή, implies non-existence, when that existence was probable or possible. οὐ is, therefore, generally used with the Indicative Mood, μή, with the other moods of the verb. The spirit and meaning of many passages entirely depends on our preserving these important powers of the negative ; e.g. οὐ, 1 Cor. ii. 14, ψυχικὸς δὲ ἄνθρωπος οὐ δέχεται, “but the natural man receiveth not (3ο. 1) the things of the Spirit of God”; John iii. 18, ὁ πιστεύων εἰς αὐτὸν οὐ κρίνεται, he that believeth on Him is not (No. 1) condemned (an absolute fact is here stated); eg. μή, 1 Cor. ix. 91, μή ὧν ἄνομος Θεῷ, being not (Wo. 2, in my opinion) without law as regards God; John iii. 18, ὃ δὲ μή πιστεύων, but he that believeth not (No. 2, supposing such a case) is condemned already, ὅτι μή πεπιστευκεν, because he hath not (Wo. 2) believed, (ac- cording to the supposition made above). The same distinction applies to all the compounds of ovand μή, below. } 3. οὐδείς, (ov, not; and eis, one) not one, no one, nothing, (see note above.) * with another negative, strengthen- ing it. 4. μηδείς, (μή, not; and eis, one) not one, no one, no person, no thing, (see note above.) ov, not (see No. 1,) everything is 5 and note), not, ὦ.6. no- bots all, every, ) thing ἐς, (fol- lowing a Hebrew idiom of combining the numeral, οἵο., with the subject, and the negative with the predicate.) CS! a πες , το καί. πῇ“ ππφᾳ«ΨΦρᾶΦΔΦρΔΔΦΦχιρρ-ρ«ρῤ-᾿᾿᾿᾿.΄΄οΦοῖ πε NO [ 526 1 μή, not (see No. 2, and note), πᾶς, all, every, 6. see No. 5. 7. οὐδέ, and not, also not; not even, neither, no not, (see note above.) 8. μηκέτι, no more, no further, no longer, (see note above.) { ov, no, not, see Λο. 1 and ᾿ a double py, no, not, Vo.2,and note } negative expressing a strong denial, assur- edly not, by no means, in no wise. 10. ἀλλά, but, marking opposition, in- terruption, or transition. In transi- tion it has sometimes the force of yea. In interruption it has the force of nay, (see Matt. xi. 8, 9; Luke vi. 25.) 11. &, if. Here, “if a sign shall be given,” a Hebraism for “it shall in no wise be given.” 1. Matt. vi. 1. 11. John vi. 53. ον 25, 31, 34 ᾿ 1. —— vii. 18, 52. 2. —— ix. 36. ; 1. —— viii. 37, 44, 2* x: 19; . 1. —— ix. 41, 1. —— xii. 99. | 3, ——x. 41. 2. —— niii. 5, 6 1. -— xi. 10 1. —— xvi. 4, 7,8 1. —— xiii. 8. 1. —— xix. 18. 1. —— xv. 22 1. — xx. 13. 3. —— xvi. 29. 2. —— xxii. 23, 24, 25. 8, —— xix. 4. 2, —— xxiii. 9. iL 6, 9, 15 5, —— xxiv. 22. 1. —— xxi. 5. 1. —— xxv. 3, 42 twice. 2. Acts i. 20. 1, — xxvi. 55 4, ——iv. 17. 8. Mark ii. 2 1. — vii. 5, 11 uF ΠΕ 1. —-x. 34. 2. —— iv. 5. 1. —— xii. 18 1. ——— 7, 17, 40 (ap.) 4. —— xiii. 28, 3* vi. 5. iS 37. 2, 8 3 times. 1. — xv. 2. 11.— viii. 12. 3. 9. Le 16, 17. 4, 28, 1. —— ix. 3. 4, —— xvi. 28, 2, —— xii. 18, 19. 1. — xviii. 15. εἶ 20, 22 1. — xix, 23, 24, 26. 5. xiii. 20 4, 40. 1. Luke i. 7, 33. | 4, —— xxi. 25 (ap.) VP ii. 7. 1, 99, 4. —— iii. 19. 2. —— xxiii. 8. 3. —— iv. 24. 3. 9. 1, —— vii. 44, 45. 8. —— xxv. 10 1. —— viii. 13, 14, 27. 1. 26. 1. —— ix. 13. 1, —— xxvii. 20. 1, —— xi. 29. 3. 22. 2*,—— xii. 11 1, —— xxviii. 2. 1, — 17. 3. —— 5. ο. 22. 4, 6, 18. i 33. 1, Rom. ii. 11. ϱ, —— xiii. 11 1, —— iii. 9, 18, 1, ——xv.7 5. 28, ls xvi. 2. il. 22. 3. 13. 1, —— iv. 15 1st. 1, —— xx. 22, 31 | 7. 15 2nd. 2. —— xxii. 36. | 2. ——v. 18, η 53. | 2, —— vii. 8. 3. —— xxiii. 4, 14. uh 18. 10, 5. | 8; - οἱ. Fi) 1. 3. 22. 1. ——x. 12,19. 1. John i. 21, 47. | 1, —— xiii. 1, 10, 1. — ii. 3. 4, 1 Cor. i. 7. 1. —— iv.9,17twice, 38,44, | 2. 10. 1. —v.7, ' 6, 29, ο. .. . ---ὔ-------θ-- ----- - ΝΟ 1. 1 Cor. vii. 25. 2. 1 Tim. iii. 3. 2. 37. 8. 2 Tim. ii. 14, 9. —— viii. 13 1. — iii. 9. 1. — x. 18. 2. Titus i. 7. 4, 25, 27. | 1. Heb. viii. 7. 1. — xi. 16. 1. — ix, 22. 1. —— xii, 21 twice, 24, | 4. —x,2. 2. — xiii. 2. υπ. 6, 38. 1: 5. | 5. —— xii. 11. 1. — xv. 12, 13. 8 17. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 19. | 1. — xiii. 10, 14. 7. ——iii.10(G~) (No.1, | 1. Jas. i. 17. GLTTrARk.) ) 1. ——ii. 11. 2. —v. 21. 2. 18. 4. ——vi. 3. 3. — iii. 12 (ap.) 3. — vii. 5 1. 1 Pet. ii. 20. 1. —— viii. 15 2. —— iii. 10. 1. — xi. 14, 15 5. 2 Pet. i. 20. 2&4, —— xiii. 7 1. 1 Johni. 8. 1. Gal. ii. 6. 1. — ii. 7. 5. 16. 5. 21. 2. —— iv. 8. 1. 27. 1. —-v. 23. 1, — iii. 5. 2. Eph. ii. 12. 5. 15. 6. —— iv. 29, 1, —— iv. 18. 5. ——v. 5. 1. 3 John 4, ο ible 1. Rev. vii. 16. 1. Phil. iii. 3. 1, —x. 6. 3. —— iv. 15. 1. — xiv. 5, 11. 1. Col. iii. 25. | 9, -—— xviii. 7. 2. 1 Thes. iv. 6, 19. > 22. 1. —-v.1. 1. — xx. 6, 11. 2. 2 Thes. ον 14, 1. —— xxi. 1, 4, 22, 23, 25. 2. 1 Tim, i. 3. 1. — xxii. ὅ, 5 twice Νο (πι) ΠΝ ἃ - Md ἐάν, with pres. subj. See “ΤΕ, No. 1b*. 1 Cor. xiv. 28. ΝΟ As aT οὔπω, not even yet, not yet. Rey. xvii. 2. NOG, ΔΡ ΑΡΗ 1. μήποτε, not even, never, ἐπ no sup- posable case, (see No. 2, note.) 2. οὐδείς, not one, not even one; here, JSem., 1.6. not one αἰτίαν, fault. 3 ov, no, not, (see No.1) } no, net “καὶ οὐδείς, see No. 2, even one. 2. John xviii. 38, | 1. Heb. ix. 17. 3. —— xix. 11. 3. 1 John i, δ. NO...HENCEFORWARD. μηκέτι, see “No,” No. 8. Matt. xxi. 19. NO LONGER. “wo,” «Λο. 8 οὐκέτι, (differing only from No. 1, as described in note after “No,” 2.) 2. Gal. 111. 25. 1. 1 Thes. iii. 1, 5. —_ . μηκέτι, 866 bo NO NO MAN. (Where not two words in the Greek.) 1. οὐδείς, see “NO...AT ALL,” Λο. 2. * with another negative strengthen- ing it. . μηδείς, not one, (differing from No. 1, as described in note after “wo,” Wo. 2.) µήτις, not any, (see “No,” Wo. 2, note.) { οὐ, not, ( τις, any. μ» ο 5. ov, see “no,” No. 1. 6. μή, see “no,” No. 2, and note. 1. Matt. vi. 24. . John xvi. 22. 2. —— viii. 4. . Acts v. 13, 23. 3. 28. — ix. 7. 1. —— ix. 16. 8 (neut., L T Tr 2, ——— 30. —— xviii. 10, LR.) 1. —— xi. 27. — xx. 33 2. —— xvi. 20. — xxiii. 29, 1, — xvii. 8. — xxv. ll. 2. 9. Rom. xii. 17. 1. — xx. 7. — xiii. 8.,, 1, — xxii. 46. . — xiv. 7. 1, — xxiv. 36. 13. 1. Mark ii. 21, 22. 1 Cor. ii. 11, 15. 1, 111, 27. — iii. 11. 1. ----- ν. 3. 18,21. 1 87. — x. 24. 2. —— 48. —— xii. 3 twice. 1. —— vii. 24. —- xiv. 2. 2. 36. —— xvi. 11. 2. —— viii. 30 . 2 Cor. v. 16. 15, ix. 8. —— vii. 23 times. 2. 9. . —— xi.9(ovets, LT 8.) ἧς 39. —10. - 1, ——x. 18 (until a.p. | 16. 1660. In editions Gal. iii. 11, 15. since then, none.) — vi. 17. E 29. Eph. v. 6 2. —— xi. 14. ᾿ 1*.—— xii. 14, 84. Phil. ii. 20. 1. —— xiii. 32 | 3. Col. ii, 16, with im- . 1 Thes. iii. 8. [perat. PPP PID κα ἘΦ Ἐπ ΕΘ PP APN ο Ως Ωμ» 2. —-v. 14. —— iv. 12, marg. (text, ιν 36, 37, 99 nothing.) 1. —— viii. 16. . 2 Thes, ii. 3. Ms (ap.) 1 Tim. λῷ 12. F : --- v. 22. 2, —— ix. 21. — vi. 16. Ἔ, si 62 2 Tim. ii. 4, 2.—x. 4. —— iv. 16. 1. 22. Tit. ii. 15. 1. —— xi. 33. — iii. 1. —— xv. 16. | 4, Heb, ν. 4 1. —— xviii. 29. — vii. 13. 1, John i. 18. | — xii. 14, 1— . 13, 32 Jas. i. 13 1. — iv. 27. — iii. 8. : a ig ra Pere ag . — vi. 44, 65. —— iv. 12, 1, —— vii. 4, 13, 27,30, 44. | 1. Rev. ii. 17. 1, ——viii. 10 (ap.), 11 ! 1. —— iii, 7 twice, 8, ον τὰ [(αρ.) | a . . -—v. 8, 4. 1, —— ix, 4, . — vii. 9. 1. — x, 18, 29 | 1, — xiv. 8. — xiii. . — xv. 8. 1. —— xiv. 6 . xviii. 11, 1. — xv. 13. 1, —— xix. 12, NO MAN (ππλτ) { μή, nO, not, ] , τις, any ΠΩΣ δ λέν [ 527 1 —~ — NO ( iva, in order that, μή, no, not, | any one. 1. Matt. xxiv. 4. | 1. 2 Cor. viii. 20. 2. Rev. xiii. 17. 2. NO MAN CAN APPROACH UNTO. ἀπρόσιτος, unapproachable, sible, (non occ.) 1 Tim. vi. 16, inacces- NO MORE. 1. οὐκέτι, no longer, no further, no more, (see “νο, No. 2, note.) * with another negative strengthen- ing τέ. 2. μηκέτι, (differing from No. 1 only as described in “wo,” No. 2, note.) ov,no,not,see) by no “wo,” No.1, { means, in ; - ᾿ : in no py, no, not,see | no wise, SH 54, 3. “no,” No.2, ) (see‘‘No,” z ... any No. 9,) ” : . - more. ἔτι, yet, still, (¢mplying duration or accession,) οὕτως, in this manner, ae this wise, thus οὐδέ, and not, not even, ( neither. neither, 1. Matt. xix. 6. 2. Acts xiii. 34. 2. Mark i, 45. 1. — xx. 25, 38. 1. — vii. 12. 1. Rom. vi. 9 twice. 2, — ix. 25. 1. — vii. 17, 20. 1. —x.8. 1. —— xi, 6 lst &2nd. Ἵν xiv. 25. iF 63rd &4th (ap,) 1. Luke xv. 19, 21. 2. xv. 23. 2. John v. 14. 1, 2 Cor. ν. 16. 1. —— vi. 66. 1. Gal. iii. 18. 2. —— viii. 11 (ap.) 1, —— iv. 7. Ἱ —— x1 1. Eph. ii. 19. 1, —— xiv. 19 2. iv. 28. 4, — xv. 4 3. Heb, viii. 12, 1. — xvi. 10, 21, 25. δι —s. 17: 1, — xvii. 11. 1. 18, 26, 3 1*, Acts viii. 39. . Rev. iii, 12, NO MORE (aencerortn) μηκέτι, no longer, no more (see “No,” No. 2, note.) Eph. iv. 14, NO MORE (now ΠΕΝΟΕΕΟΗΤΗ) νῦν, now, οὐκέτι, no longer, (see “νο, No. 2, and noite.) 2 Cor. ν. 16, NO [ 528 ] NOB NO MORE AT ALL. ov, 1. 4 µη, ” ετι, see “ΝΟ MORE,” Νο. 3. οὐκέτι, no longer. 2. ἡ ov, ) by no means, in no wise, (see μή, ΝΟ; Wo. 9. 1. Rev. xviii. 14. 2. Rev. xviii. 21, 22 twice, 23 twice. NO, NOR. οὐδέ, and not, also not, not even, (see “wo,” No. 2, note.) Luke xxii. 15. NO, NOR EVER. ( οὐδέ, see above, > ΄ ές 17 ου µη, 866. “ΝΟ, πο no indeed, nor in any wise. Matt. xxiv. 21. NO; NOT. 1. οὐδέ, { and not, not ever, ᾿ (differing 2. μήδε, also not, according to “no,” No. 2, note.) 3. οὔτε, and not, not ever, (referring to a part of a proposition or clause.) 1. Matt. viii. 10 (παρ᾽ ov- ! 1. Luke vii. 9. devi, with noone, L Tr | 1. Acts vii. 5. if xxiv. 36. A. | 1. Rom. iii. 10. 3. Mark ν. 3 (No.1, LT | 2. 1 Cor. v. 11. Tr A δ) L —— wi, 5) 1. —— xiii. 32. 1. Gal. ii. 5 (G3) NO, NOT ONE. οὐκ, not, (see “No,” Vo. 1), there is ἔστιν, there is, not so pa unto, as far as, much as ἑνός, one, one. Rom. iii. 12. NO, NOT SO MUCH AS. μηδέ, and not, not even, (see “No,” No. 2, note.) Mark ii. 2. NO ONE OF YOU. μή, (see “No,” No. 2.) 1 Cor. iv. 6. I NO...SO MUCH ΑΡ, οὐδέ, and not, not even. Mark vi. 31. NO SUCH. ov, no, not, (see No. 1.) Acts xv. 24. NO THING. μηδείς, see “NO,” No. 4. Tit. ii. 8. NO WISE (τα) ἐμὴ πο μος } (ο "80," No.8) μή, not, (see \ ΝΟΣ Νο) eis, unto, 2. < τὸ, the, παντελές, wholly ended, com- plete, always, wholly [wnable. | com- plete- ly, ov, not, (see “No,” No.1) 3. 9 πάντως, wholly, alto- gether, not at all. Matt. v. 18. — x. 42. . Luke xiii. 11. . — xviii. 17. 1. John vi. 37. 1. Acts xiii. 41. 3. Rom. 111. 9. 1. Rev. xxi. 27. Soe Salad See also, BRAWLER, CASE, DOUBT, DWEL- LING, EFFECT, FORBIDDING, HENCE- FORTH, JUDGMENT, LITTLE, LONGER, MATTER, MEANS, MUCH, REPUTA- TION, THAT. NOBLE. εὐγενής, well-born, of high birth, noble. Acts xvii. 11. | NOBLE (ost) κράτιστος, (superl. of κράτος, strength) most powerful, most excellent. 1 Cor. i. 26. Acts xxiv. 3. | Acts xxvi. 25. NOBLEMAN. 1. βασιλικός, belonging to ἃ king, kingly, royal; spoken of a person attached to a court, a courtier. ΄ a eee ee -------“------““- -- -------------“““---'ὐ------ NOI [ 529 1 ΝΟΟ ἄνθρωπος, a ma0, (κο) ον | NONE. 9. ΜΑΝ, η ), man of 1. οὐ, no, η (see “no,” Nos. 1 and 2, otis well-born, noble birth. | 2. μή, no, not, and note.) : 3. οὐδείς, (ov, not, and eis, one) not | 1. John iv. 46, marg. cowr- 2. Luke xix. a John iv. 49. (‘tier or ruler. NOISE. [noun.] φωνή, a sound, tone, as given forth or uttered. Rey. vi. 1. NOISE (ake a) θορυβέω, to make an uproar, clamour, spoken of a multitude, as applaud- ing, dissenting, or lamenting. Here, mid., to ma ce a noise together among themselves, to wail together. Matt. ix. 23. NOISE (wir ἃ GREAT) ῥοιζήδόν, with great noise, with a crash, (adv. of ῥοιζέω, ῥοΐζος, noise, rush- ing, as of winds and waves), (non oce. ο) 2 Pet. iii. 10. NOISE ABROAD. [verb.} διαλαλέω, to speak throughout, to tell everywhere, tell abroad, divulge, (οσο. Luke vi. 11.) Luke 1. 65. NOISED (sr) ἀκούω, to hear; pass., to be heard of, z.e. to be reported. Mark ii. 1. NOISED ABROAD (sr) φωνή, sound, γίνομαι, to become, happen, “ ) ) this sound oc- ( 5 eurring ( part.) Acts ii. 6 part. (marg. noise be made.) NOISOME. κακός, bad ; generically, embracing every ὦ form of evil, whether moral or physical ; baneful. Rev. xvi. 2. one, none, (see “No,” Nos. 3 and 2, note.) * with another negative, strengthening the negation. 4. μηδείς, (μή, not, and eis, one) not one, none, (see “no,” Nos. 4.and 2, note.) 5. οὔτε, and not, not even, referring to a part of a proposition or clause. (* Thus differing from οὐδέ, which is more emphatic, and refers to whole clauses and propositions.) 6. μή, not, (see “xo,” No. 2, and note.) τις, any one, any thing. 1. Matt. xii. 43. . 4, Acts xi. 19. 3. —— xix. 17 (ap.) 3. —— xviii. 17. 1. — xxvi. 60 1st. — — xx. 24 (see N of ie 602nd (om. οὐκ these things.) εὗρον, yet found they | 4, —— xxiv. 23. none, GLbTTrAw.) 3. — xxv. 11, 18. 1. Mark xii. 31, 32. 3. —— πανί, 22. 1. —— xiv. 55. | 83". 26 (i.e. that any 3. Luke i. 61. of these things is escap- 2. — iii. 1. | ing [the ei I am 3. —— iv. 26, 27 not persuaded 2. —— xi. 24. 1. Rom. iii. 10, 11 twice, 12, 1. —— xiii. 6, 7. 1. — viii. 9. 3. —— xiv. 24. | 8. —— xiv. 7. 3. —— xviii. 19, 34. | 5. 1 Cor. i. 14. 1. John vi. 22. | 3. ——ii. 8. 3. — vii. 19. | 2, —— vii. 29. 4. — viii. By (ap.) 3. — viii. 4. 3. —— xv. | 3. ——ix. 15. 3. —— xvi. ΤᾺ | 8. —— xiv. 10. 3. —— xvii. 12. | 1. 2 Cor. i. 13. 8». xviii. 9. 1. Gal. i. 19. 3. —— xxi. 12, ! 3. ——v. 10. 1. Acts τ]. 6. |; —1 Thes. v. 15, see N 5. —iv. 12 (οὐδέ, see | that) No.5*, LT Tr A* &.) | 4. 1 Tim. v. 14. 1. ——vii. 5. [6,1 Pet. iv. 15. 8. —— viii. 16. lak 1 John i ii. 10. (Tr A.) 4. 24, 4. Rev. ii. 10 (No. 3, G0L NONE OF THESE THINGS. 3. Acts xx. 24. NONE (rar) 6. 1 Thes. v. 15. See also, EFFECT, OFFENCE. NOON. μεσημβρία, mid-day, noon; also used of the mid-day quarter ‘of the sun, i.e. the south, (οσο. Acts vill. 26.) Acts xxii. 6, KK NOR Ἵ NOR. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. οὐδέ, and not, not even, (see “No,” No. 2, and note) referring to the whole of a proposition or clause, and more emphatic than No. 2, below. οὔτε, and not, not even (see “No,” No. 2, and note) referring to part of a proposition or clause, and less emphatic than No. 1.) * preceded by another οὔτε, translated neither. } followed by another οὔτε, translated neither. μήδε, and not, not even, (for differ- ence between this and No. 1, sce “wo,” Wo. 2, and note.) καί, and, also. ov, not, (see “no,” No. 1,) 7 also καί, and, also, ) not. σι 6. ἤ, (a disjunctive pariicle,) or. 7. ov, no, not, (see “wo,” No. 1.) 8. μή, no, not, (see “ no,” Wo. 2.) 2*, Matt. vi. pone 1. Acts viii. 21. ΤᾺ 20 2nd | 1. —— ix. 9. -- τὸ see N yet. 23, ΑΙ} 1 — —— xix.37,see Neither 3. —x. ee 14. 2. —— xxiv. 12 8. 10, with im- 1. 18. perat. 2. Ram. viii. 38 6 times, iB 89 3 times. 1. —— xii. 19. 1. — ix. 16. 3. —— xxii. 29. 3. —— xiv. 21 twice. 23, 30. |1. 1 Cor. ii. 6. 1. —— xxiv. 21. 15. 9, if xxv. 19. 2. —— vi. 9 4 times. 3. Mark vi. 11. 2. 10 Ist & 2nd. 3. viii. 26. 2. ——— 103rd (Νο. 7, 7 25, xii. 25. AR. 1. Luke vi. 44. 7. 10 4th & 5th. 8. x, 4 Ist. 4. ——x. 32. 3. 4 2nd. | 6, —— xii. 21. 1. —— xii. 241st (No. 2, | 3. 2 Cor. "ἢ 2. TAR) | 1. —— vii. 1, 24, 2nd. 11. Gal. iii. η Ist & 2ud. 3. —— xiv. 12 twice. | 4, 28 3rd -- 35, see Neither. | 1. —— iv. 14, 3. —— xvii. 23. 2*, —— ν. 6. 5. —— xviii. 4 (No. 1, L | 2*.—— vi. 15. Tr 8) | 4. Eph. v. 3. ον, xx. 35. | 6. 4, 5 twice. 1. —— xxi. 15(Νο.6, α Τ '/ 1. 1 Thes. ii. 3 1st. te δ) | 2. 3 5.1. 6. xxii. 68 (om. μοι 2". 5. i) ἀπολύσητε, me, nor | 1, ——v. 5. let me go, 'T Τεν Ab στο. 12, 1. John i. 13 twice. 1, —— vi. 16. 27. 25 (No, 1, ΡΞ; Ure TrAR.) 8. 2 Tim. 1, 8, — — iv.2l,seeNeither. 3, Heb. xii. 5. 2. v. 37. 1. —— xiii. 5 | 1. 2 Pet, 1. 8. 2». ix. ‘8. | 2*, Rev. iii. 15, 16. 1, —— xi. 50. 1, —-v. 3. 4, —— xii. 40. | 1, —— vii. 16. 1, —— xvi. 3. | 2, —— ix.2O0twice, 2] 3 times. 3. Acts iv. 18. 2. —— xxi. 4, 580. 1 NOR YET. 3. Matt. vi. 25. | 2. Acts. xxv. 8. 3. ——x. 10. 2. 1 Thes. ii. 6, 1. Heb. ix. 25. NOR EVER (xo) οὔδε, not even, nor. by no means. ov, μή, ἡ in no wise. Matt. xxiv. 21. NORTH. βοῤῥᾶς, the north wind; also, the north. Luke xiii. 29. | Rev. xxi. 13. NORTH-WEST. χῶρος, Lat., corus, caurus, the Latin name for the north-west wind ; then, the north-west. Acts xxvii. 12. NOT. (Kor various combinations with other | words, see below.) 1. ov, see “No,” No. 1, and note. * used interrogatively. Ὑ with another negative, giving greater emphasis to the negation. μή, see “νο, No. 2, and note. | ΟΣ see “wo,” Wo. 9. μη, εν 9 οὐχί, not ; a strengthened form of οὐ, (No.1) by no means. In negative questions, is not? are ποὺ ea- pecting an affirmative answer, except when marked *, οὐδέ, see “NO,” No. 7. μηδέ, and not, also not; hence, neither, not even, (see “No,” No. 7, and “note” at No. 2.) μηδείς, see “wo,” «Νο. 4. οὔτε, and not, also not, neither, a continuative negative, referring usually to a part of a proposition or clause. 9. οὐδαμῶς, in no wise, by no means. μή, no, not, Ἢ an emphatic inter- 10 ( (see No. 2,) rogative, which " ) οὐκ, no, not, has lost its nega- ( (see No.1,) tive power, and NOT [ 531 J NOT 2. Mark ii. 4. | 2. Luke vi. 37 3rd. eaxpresses Sear and anaiety. μή is | 1) 17, 18, 19 (ap.), | 3: 37 th 9, } . . interrogative, and ov belongs to ον ο ee να 49, 48, 44, the following verb. Yes indeed. 1, —— 24, 25, 26. ασ : απ | 1, — vii, 6 lst. 11. μήτι, not at all, not perhaps, if not Τ' 18%, 21°, 25, 27, | 2. gana. perhaps, unless perhaps. As in- | | 54, 38.) τ ἐν h ll, wheth ΠῚ Ι1 -- 32'twice, 45, 46. terrog., whet er at all, whe 2 2 36. " -- Sales, 45 perhaps? is or has then perhaps? | 1 vi, ste 4 Η 17 τς eee ή ; 18, 19, 26 T Tr AN.) 12. εἶ, see «6 Νο, No. Oe ᾿ 34. 50. | 9. Le 52. ία, ἜΝ 2. Matt. i. 19, 20. 4. Matt. xiii. 56. il - Vii. 8, 4, 5, 193 1st, | τ Trig Ἶ =k . eae eaten ἜΠΕΑ | 93° 49 (μηκέτι, not 9. —— ii. 6. 1. —— xiv. 4, 16 1: vill. 18 ὃ | πμ ο Tite) 2. 12. 2. - ub 21 (οὔπω, [do | 5 oe ἴα Αὐτὸς 2 18 twice. 1. —— xv. 2. you] not yet, instead | 2. 5 and 2, —— iii. 9, 10 3. 6. of πῶς ov, how is it | 1. -- 52 a 11. ia 11, 13, 20, 23, 24, that ye do not, LT Tr | 2. — ix, 5. 1. —— iv. 4, 7. 26, 32. ο 4 88, ΤΑ» δ} 8. ει — v. 14. 1, — xvi. wice . —ix.1. ,. 15 δ ᾿ v7 ist. 17,18. ᾽ ο. 6, 18, 28, 30, 57, 1. ως a 17 2nd, 21, 27 3. 22, θα (αρ. ) “: ----- ΠΣ ου το η 1. 38. 2. 32. Lae Ἢ δ λε 3. 41. 1. 53, 55* (αρ.), 38. 1. 12,16,19,21(ap.), 1. 4 twice (ap.),| ὅδ (ap,), 58 τ 2. ------- 399, 42 3. —— xviii. 8. ὃ aa 48 twice. | -Ξ-- apy Re. pays 4, τεσπα, 46, 47 4, 12, erg πὰ ree ᾿ int. ? " oS i, τος 2. 13. 8. 15, ᾿Ξ. — xi 4 τ 1. ——— 5. 1, —— 14, 22 2. 1 hes teed 2. ——— 19 2nd (om. G-—) | 2. 23 , 95, 2. τς is: 16,18,19. | 2. ——— 25. 2. ἢ τῇ ἘΠ 4p* 1. ——— 20. 1 90, 33*. 2. 19 3r ο ma δ 2, ——— 25. 1. —— xix. 4* ile 27, 38, 40, 45, 45. | cf ri aie a; 26 Ist 2. 6. jl. — xi. 13, 16, 17*, | : i het og a 26 2nd* Ms ae 10, 11. 2. 28. | 1. am τ 28, 3)* 2, —— 1. 26, 81, 58 | 2. ΠΕ 9. ------ vii 1. 1, —— 183 times. 5. —— xii. 10. | 4. ome 1, —— 8. 4, —— xx. 13. ης 14 twice. | 1. θα. “ξ δῖ)... 6 ris "i5*, 22,93,96,98, δ΄... 15. απ 1. —— 18. 2, —— xxi. 2] lst. 3 ile pe Ι ᾿ » 19. ae is 21 2nd, 25, 27,29, | 2. nd. [4 σι r —+. 22, 25. 3), 32 1st. κ ο 96», 27, 34, [8 26 (Νο. 5, L Tr 2. Τ' 82 2nd (No. 5, L 3. —— xii ο twice. | : 4 τι Gn 1. 29. Tr Ab.) 2. 7. 14 } & 97 2nd(ap,),2 273rd. 1, —— viii. 8, 20. 1. —— xxii. 3, 8, 11. μες | 5. ον 82°35. 1. —— ix. 12, 13, 14, 24. 2. 12. 2. —— 15, 16. 7 οι. rn ως πεν τ 5, twice, Te 16, αν. Apert ae 90, 2, —— ον) | 2. 7, 48. 3. 23. ig ae 32. i 24. Ϊ . 57. δ 24. 2. κκ, 3 lst. 3. ——— 30, 31. | 8. ‘a ay 2. ——— 26 1st. τῇ 32nd, 4, 1. 83, 35. | 2. τ sh Ie ioe os 1, —— 26 2nd ἃ dra 2, —— 8, 28. 2, — xiv. 2. (56. | 1. ——15¢, 16°, 24, 25, 2. ——— 28 twice 1. 30, 37. Ἶς 7,.39, 58, 57, 49, ; 27, 33, θά, 90 Jat. 3. 39. 1 68 (No. 8, ΠῚ τ sie Bea 1, 29 2nd 1. —— xxiv. 2* Ist (om. ‘ Tr A 9 a4 Soe, δ᾽ 13° —— 31, 341st. Gs) Ν ἘΠ “- i ὃ ΕΞ het 37 twice. 8, 2 2nd. 1, —— xv. 23, 31. i = — i, 20, 26 twice, 1. —— 83 18a μή, Lim) 3. 28rd (Νο. 1, G | 2, — xvi. 6 Ist. » 7 τὰ 1. 38 2nd. LTTrA®) 1 6 mi, τὲ (αρ) |. 28. ΒΕ ΤῈ xt twi Pees σὰ : 8 (ap. 2, ——29. ᾿ ιν ἊΝ ee >, 1; 21, 2. Luke i, 13, 20 1st. 1. =o 7 twice. 2. a 26 twice. © i: 20 2nd, 22, L = eas 4, ——- 11. αρ 29 2. —— 30. ; | 1 αλ 1 19, 20 twice. 8: 84, 35. 1. 33, το η — 11. 23° (from year | 1. 39, 42, 43, 44, 2. pate L 13, 28, ee tye Pera ge | 1; —— xvi. 8, 11, 12, 13, 1, 24, 25 1. —xxv.9(No.3,GL | 2.—— 45. [5 ρα 2. 30 twice Tras) ἃ; - 49°, 50. | L 31. ay 31, 32, i 12, 24twice 2Gtwice 2. —— iii. 8, 9. ἊΣ ΞΕ πο Go, έως αν “4 1 ee 45 1st | : wa bh 9 (om. οὐ δοκῶ, 2 . ᾿ . eee _— Ϊ Ξ ἢ: 12, 13 twice 5. 45 2nd. 1, ——— a ὧν. | Ltrow not, Lo Ἑ Tr Α 3. 14 twice 2. —— xxvi. 5. 7. —— 35. » . 1,LA) 1. ——17. 1, 11, 24. 1. oa ἢ | Ἔ ον, ay 2. —— 19. 3. ao 35. . 2—v “31 νο 36 δ᾽ 93° δ᾽ ὑπίω, : σολ τρ 74 On ASE πε ὦ, 4. 2, — xviii. 1, 2. 72, 74. . δ ai 84 (No. 5, 1, T | 1. —— xxvii. 6, 185, 2. 29,'30, 37 1st. i ce Tr AN.) 5. —— xxviii. 5. ‘ris’ 8. 37 2nd (iva μή, in “i —— hit 1. 55* Ist. 1. 6. order that.. not, in- ar τὸ τι ΓΗ͂Ν 4, 55 2nd (Νο. 1, L | 2. 10. stead of καὶ ov μή, | τῇ ἘΞ τ 2 T Tr AN.) 1. Mark i. 7, 22, 34. and,..not, L.) . —— 30, [ 532 ἢ NOT | 1. Luke xix. 3, 14, 21 twice, | 2. John ix. 39. 1, Acts v. 28* 1st(om. GL | 1. Rom. iv. 20, 28. 22 twice, 23, | 2b τ tle Π ΤΡ Α δὲ, 1.6. We did, | 1. ——v.3,5, 11, 13. 2. 26, 27. 9 5 Ist. instead ‘of, Did we | 2. 14 (om. G—>) 1. 44 twice, 48, ων 52nd, 6, 8, 10, not ?) 1, 15, 16. oe | 19 twice, 13, 16, 21, 25, ὩΣ 28 2nd. 2. —— vi. 12. 9, : | 26 twice, 33, 34*, 35, ΠΕ 39. 1. 14 twice, 15, 163. Ἱ. 26, 38. 37 Ast. 2. —— 40. 1. ——vii. 6, 5 3 times, 1. —— xxi. 6 twice. Ι 2. Ἢ 2nd, 38. He 42, | 15 twice, 16, 18, 19 twice, 2. 8, 9 1st | 1. —— xi. 1. — vi. 2, 10,1 20. 1, ——— 92nd. ) 4 ἮΝ 1. —— vii. 18. | 2. —— viii. 1 (ap.), 4. 2, —— 14. i 1 92nd, 15, 21, 32, | 2. 19. 1, 7, 8, Qtwice, 19, ΠΣ 15. | 37* Ist. 1. ——— 25, 32, 39, 40, 48. 15, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 3. 18. ΕΖ: 37 2nd 4. 2 SE 26, 32 lst. 2. 21. | ub 403. 1. 52, 53. 4, 32 2nd. 3. 32, 33. ; 2. ——— 50. 2. —— 60. 1, —— ix. 1, 6 twice, 8, 10, 3. —— xxii. 16, 18. | 1. ——— 51, 52 1. —— viii. 21, 32. 11, 16, 21*, 24, 25 twice, 1. 0: | 8. 56. 1. —— ix. 213. 2, 30. [26. 4, | 1, —— xii. 5, 6, 8, 9 2. 26, 38. 1. 91. 32, 33. pees Μο υπο 2 9 2. —x. 15. 1. —x. 2,3. A.) πο 16, 30, 35, 97, 39, | 7. 28. 2. 6. 2. ——— 40, 42. | 42, 44. 1. 41, 1. —— 11, l4 twice, 16, 1. ——— 57, 58, 60 | 2. 47 Ἱδι(μή φυλάξῃ, | 2. 47. 10. 18, 19. 3. 67, 68. have not kept them, in- 2. —— xi. 9. 2. 20 twice. 2. —— xxiii. 28. stead of μή πιστεύσῃ, 1. —— xii. 9, 14 1. —— xi. 21st, 2* 2nd, 4,7, 1. ——— 84 (ap.) believe not, GL T Tr 2. 19. 2. 8 twice, 10, 18 1st. 5. 40. A®.) Ἰ- 22, 28 1, 18 2nd. 1, ——5l. ile 47 2nd ἃ 3rd 1. —— αι, 103 2. 20. 1. —— xxiv. 3, 6 2. —— 48. 2. ——-11. τς 21.25. 2. 16. | 1, ——— 49. 1. ——— 25 twice, 35, 39. 2. — xii. 2, 3. if 18. | 1. —— xiii. 7. 1. —— xiv. 17. 1. —— 4. oe | 2, ——— 9. 2. —— 18. 2. 11, 14, 16, 19, 21. 1, —— 24. 1, —— 10 1st. 1. — xv. 1. 1, — xiii.’3 1st. 4, 26, 32. | 4, 10* 2nd, 11*, ὩΣ 19, 38 twice, | 2. 3 2nd. ile 1, —— 16, 18, 33, 36, 1. — xvi. 7, 21. | 1, ——— 4,5,Qlst 2nd ἃ 3rd, 5. Johni. 3. | 37. 1. — xvii. 4. Vals g ath (om. on Wev- 1: af 8, 10, 11, τς. ο. Ds 6. δομαρτυρήσεις, thow 20 twice, 21, 25, 2 27, | 2. ——xiv. 1. ΤΕ 12, 24, 27, 29. | shalt not bear false wit- 31, 38, Hele Bong, 10535 9, —— xviii. 9 twice. ness, GL T Tr A.) 1. —— ii. 9, 12. | 10 2nd, 17 twice, 18, 1. 20. | 1, Q 5th. 2. 16. 22 1st 1. —— xix. 26, 27, 30. 2. 133 times, 14. Ἱ. 24, 25 , 4, 22 2nd. 2. 31. 2, —— xiv. 1, 34times. i ——sii,.S, 5 | 2, ——— 24 Ist. ily 32, 35. Ig, 6 Ist (αρ.) 2. 5 [518 24.2nd ἃ 3rd, 97 lst. 3, — xx. 10. ἶ ye [Ὁ oP (ap.), Gerd, 1 8, 10, 11, 12. | 2. 27. νο 1, ——12. 17,2 2. 16 (ap.)~ 2. —— xv 2. 16, 22. 2. — ἜΣ ας 1. ——— 17, 18 1st. il 4, 5, 16, 19, 20, ile 27. 1, 8, 18 twice, 20, 2. 18 2nd & 3rd 21, 22, D4. a 29, ' 91 twice. up 28, 34, 36. 1, — xvi, 3, 4. 1 91. Uh . 4, 18. 1. —— iv. 2, 18, 22. ἘΣ 7 (No. 8, Tr. 2. —— xxi. 4, 12. 1. 1 Cor. i. 16, 17 twice. 11. 29. Ue 9, 12, 19. 16 13. 4, 20. ils Ὁ 85". 1. —-——16 (οὐκέτι, no | 2. 14, 21, 34. als 21, 263 times, 3. longer, L T Tr A 8.) 1. 385", 2. 28. 1. —-v. τ 1518, up . 15, 19, 26, 1, —— xxii. 9,11, 18, 22. | 1. ——ii. 1, 2, 4, 6,8, 9, 2. ——— 23 ist. 30, 32. 1. —— xxiii. 5 twice. 12, 18, 14. Ἱ, - 23 “πιά, 24, 1. —— xvii. 9, 14 twice, 15, 2. 9 (om. μὴ θεο- | 1. ——iii. 1, 2 2. 28. 16 twice, 25. ὦμεν, let us not | 2. ϑ, 1, —— 380)31,84, 38twice, | 3. —— xviii. 11. fight rei God,GL | 2. ——4(No.1, LT Tr 40, 41, 42, 43, 44. 2, ——— 17 1st. i TrA SN { A.) 2. 45. iff 17 2nd. 2. 21. Ἱ, 16. 1. 47. 2, 25 Ast. 1. —— xxv. 7, 11, 16. 5. ----- iv. 3. 1. —— vi. 7. 116 25 2nd, 26*, 28, 2. 24, 2 1. 4, 7 lst. 1. 17 (οὕπω, not yet, 30, 911, 36 twice. 1, —— xxvi. 19, 25, 26, 29. | 2. 7 2nd. LT TrA Rx.) 2. 40. ο... xxvii. 7. 1. —— 14, 15 2. —— 20. | 1. —— xix. 10* twice, 12, Ἱ. 10, 14. 2, —— 18. Li, 24, 26. Ι 2. 21, 24. 2. 15, 21, 24 1. ——— 19, 20 2. a 1, 33, 36. ie 31, 39. 4, ——v. 2. 1. —— 32, 36, 38, 42". | 1. —— xx. 2,5, 7, 19, 14. 1. —— xxviii. 4, 19. | 1. 6 Ist, 0” 2nd 2, —— 43. | 2. 17. 8. 26 twice. | 2. 8, 9 1. ——— 46, 58, 64 1st | 1, —— 24. tT, Moms 15, 18, 21,1. 10. 2, 64 2nd. | 3. ——— 25. 2, 28 2nd. [28 Ist. | 2. ———111. Ἢ 701. 2, 27, 29 πι 32. 4. 12. ite Wile eign ο, Ἱο [pls 30. 1. — ii. 13, 4, ——vi.1. 19*, 22. | 1, —— xxi. 4, 8, 11, 18, 2, —— 14 twice. 1. - 2,8", 5" 2 94, Ϊ 93 3 times. 1, 9] Ist. 4, 7 twice. 25*, 28 twice, | 2, Actsi. 4, 2, ——— 21 2nd, 22. 1] Q* Ist, 9 2nd. 34 twice, 35, 36 twice. 1. - ὅ, 7. 4. ———26 (Νο. 1, L T | 2. 9 3rd. 4 42 (No. 1,1.) | 1. ——ii. 75, 15, 24, 27 Tr ο) pe — 12twice, 13, 15", 1. —— 45. ils 31 (No. 8, 6 ΟἹ, αν, 28, 29 twice. 16*, 193 1st, ig 2nd. 2 49, | TTrAR®.) 2. — iii. 8. 2. vii. 1. 2. —— viii. 6 (ap.) "1, 34, 1; Lis 1, ——— 4 twice 3 2, | 2, —— iii. 23. 4, 29. 2, ——5. i 13, 14,16, 21,22, | 1. —— iv. 16. 1, —— iv. 2, 4. 1. ——— 6, 9, 10 1st. 23, 27, 29, 35, 40, 41, | 2. 18. 2, 2, 10 2nd, ια, 43 twice, 44, 45, 46, Ls 20. 3. —— 8. | 1, ——— 12 1st. 47 twice, 48°, 49, 5btwice. | 4, —— y, 41st & 2nd. 1. ——— 10, 12, 13, 16. 2, 12 2nd, 13. 1, —— ix. 8", a 16 twice, 11, ere 2, ——17, 19 1st. 1. 15, 18, 21 twice, , 27, 29, 2. if af 192nd (om. GL | 2. 18 twice, 21, 23, 30, 31, 32. 1, ——— 22 T Tr AYR.) 27 twice. NOT 1 Cor. vii. 28 twice. 303 times, 3], 35, 36. 38. . — viii. 7, 8. 10. τα τν 1st ἃ 2nd, 1, 2 1 2. 1 4. 18 4. 1. 10. ——— 4, ο”, 7 1st, 7* 2nd. ἜΣ 4. Ἔ 5 (No. i; Gel ας 2 TTrAR.) 9, 12* Ist, 12 2nd, 13*. . 18,21. 24", 26 twice. —x.l, 5. Sis (No. ἢ, ἢ πὶ “20 twice, 21 twice, — xi. 6, 7, 8, 17 twice, 99 Ist ἃ 2nd. [20. 22 3rd. se. 51. —— xii. 1,14, 15 3 times, 16 8 times, 91. - xiii. 1 3. 4.3 times, 5 3times, —— xiv. 9, 1617. [6. 21. 22 twice, 23*, 33 1, if 2. abs 4. 4, uA 2. Ἵ: 2. 1. 2. 1 λος Ξο τ 9, 10 twice, 14, 15 twice, 16, 17, 29, 32. 84. ————— ii. 1 8 ‘twice. 12 5πὰ (No. 2, L αι ποτὸν 43 times, 6, 11, 7, 29 twice, $1. xii. lB ὁ twice, 3 (om. L.) 4, & -6, 18, 143 times, 16, 18 twice, 1. 2. 19 1 2. 5. up 2. ue 2. i le Me 2. 1. 2. ue 1. 2. ἃ; 2. ιν 2. 1: 2. vie 2, it 1. 2. 2. Ue 2. 1 ui 2 ἃς 2. 1, 2. 1, 1. 1. 1. 1. 1, — xiii. 2, 3, 5°, 6, 7, 10. [ 583 ] 1, Galli Tz. τοπ. 167 | 51 μες iii. 32nd (om. μὴ | 19, 20. κά ee ας 1. — ii. 14 twice, 15, ΚΝ lucre, GLt 16 twice, 21, ἐν AR.) 2. ——iii. i (ap.) 1. 5. 1. 10, 12, 16, 17, 20. 2. 6, 83 times, 11. 1. — iv. 8, 14, 17. Ὡς —— iv. 14. 2. 8. 2. —-v.1. αν 21, 27 twice. a 8, 3. —— 30. 2. 9. 1 31. 1. 13 Ist. 2. —v.1,7. 2. ——— 13 2nd, 16, iff 8. if 18. 2. 13. 2. 19. 3. —— 16. 1, 25. 1. ——— 18, 21. 2. —— vi. 2, 3, 17. 2. —— 26. Ἱ απο” 1. — vi. 4. 2. 8. 2. 715 1 9, 19, 16 τς 7 2nd 1. —— ii. 5, 9. 2, 9 twice. 2: 14. 1. Eph. i. 16, 21. ils 20, cs 1, — ii, 8, 9. 1. —— iy. §, 8. 1. — iii. δ. 2. Titus i. 6, 74times, 11, 2. 13. 14. 1. —— iv. 20. 2. —— ii. 8 twice, 9, 10. 2. ών 90, 1. —— iii. 5. 1. —-v. 1. Heb. i. 12. 2. 7 15, ΤΠ 1827. 4. 14. 2, — vi. 4,6 1. —— ii. 5, 11, 16. ια, γᾷ 12. 2. 3, 8. 1. Phil. i. 16, 22, 29. 1. ——- 10. 2. ——ii. 4. 12. 11, with indica- 1. 6. tive (see If.) 2. 12. 2. 15. lp 16, 21, 27. ie 16. 1. — iii. 1. 4. ——17. 2. 9. 2, —— 18, τς 1. 1. 19. η 13 (οὕπω, not yet, 1. —— iv. 2 Ist. L™ T RX.) 2. 2 2nd. Vf iv. 11, 17. 1. ——6. 1. Col. i. 9. 2. ——-7. 2. 23. 1. ——— 8, 15 2nd 1. —ii.1,8. 2. 15 3rd. 2. 18 (om. G = Lb 1. — v. 4, 5, 12 TTrAR.) 9. —vi.l. al 19. 1 10. 2. 21 150. 2. —— vii. 6. 6, ——— 2] 2nd ἃ 3rd, ils Ai, as. 20, 21, 27. i ts 23. 1. — viii. 2. —iii. 2, 9, 19, οἱ, 2. —— 4. τς 9 twice, 1, 23. 2. ile 1. 1 Thes. i. 5, 8 1st. 1. — ix. A γι ὍΣ § 2nd. 2. 1. —— ii. 1, 3, 4,8. 18 Ἢ twice, 24, 2, —— 1, —.x.1. 1. —— 18. |. 2 (om. BE), 5, 8 2. 15. 2. 25, 35. 1. ——17. 1. —— 37, 39 2. 19. 1. — xi.1. 2. —— iv. 5 twice. 9 —— pila. 1. ———7, 8, 9, 18. 1, —— 5 2nd. 3. 15. 9. ——— 8, 18. 3. ——v. 3. 1. —— 16, 23, Li ———— 4.5 ἊΣ 27. 2. ——— 6. 1. ——— 31, 35, 38, 39. 1. —— 9. 2, —— xii. 5. 9, 19, 20, 1. ——7, 8, 9, 18 2. 2 Thes. i. 8. 2. 19. 2. ii, 2, ale 20, 25, 26 aif 5, 10. 2. 27. 2. 12. 2. —— xiii. 2 1. — iii. 2 1 - 6. 2. ——- 6. 2, ——— 9 Ist. 1. ——7. τς 9 2nd. 2. ——- 8. 2. 16, 17. 1, ——— 9, 10 2. Jas. is 5, 7,16. 2. 13. ifr 20. 1. —— 14. 2. 22. 2. —— 15. 1B 23, 25. 1, 1 Tim. i. 9. 2, —— 26. 2, —— 20. 2. —ii.]. 1 ποτα ii γῷ Re SS ae 43, 5*, ο τος 2. —— 9. 2. ——— 11 twice, 14, 16, 1. —— 12, 14. 1, 21°, 24, 355. 2. —— iii, 3 1st. 2, — iii. 1. RN a ο Sak aR σαν i! A be bor Or FeO ναι hal tS «ταὶ RO BO it | | ΠΤ ΤΟΣ Φ τὸ τον τὸ ἐμ bo fo foe Poe NOT Jas. iii. 2, 10. 14. 5. — iv. 15,215. 2nd, &3rc, 2 4th, —— 3, 45. —— ]] Ist. —— 11 2nd, 14, 17. — v. 6. 9, 12, 17 1st. 17 ond. Σ 1 Pet. i. 8 1st. 8 2nd. 12. 14. —— 18, 23. — ii. 6. ——_ 10 twice. 16. —— 18, 23 twice. — iii. 3. —— 6, 7, 9, 14. 21. —— iv. 4, 12, 16. 2 Pet. i. 12, (om. ντ, TTrAN: 1.6. 1 shall be ever sure, instead of, I will not be neg- ligent.) 16, 21, — ii. gtwice,4, 5,10, 11. 21. — iii. 8. Q lt, 2nd. 1 John i. 6, 8, 10 twice. — i. 2 4 Ist. 42nd, 11. 15 lst. 152nd, 16,19twice, 21 twice. —- iii. 1 twice, 6 twice, 9 twice. 10 Ist. 10 2nd, 19, 13, 14, 18, 21. —_ iv. 1, 3 Ist. 3 2nd, 6 twice. —— 8 Ist.’ —— 82nd, 10, 18. 20 Ist. 20 2nd. — v. 3, 6. 10 Ist. τς 10 2nd, 12 Ist. —._ ]2 2nd. 16 Ist ἃ 2nd. 16 3ra vue 2 John 1, 5. ἣν Ὦ Ist. 9 ‘ond, 10 Ist. —— 10 2nd. 12, 3 John 5, 6. 9, | 10, 11 Ist. —— 11'2nd, 13, | 18 twice, Jude 5, 6. 9, 10. 19. Rev. i. 17. —— ii, 2 twice 8 (ap, 9, ll, Cap.) ιδ, 21, 24 twice, — iii. 2, — 8, 4, — 5. Se 18, — iv. 8. —v.5. NOT [ 534 | NOT 2. Rev. vi. 6. 1. Rev. xi. 9. 5 ἢ πο i 10. 1 και 8 1, εἰ, if, (see τ No. 4.) τα Ἱ sins, μή, not, (see “no,” Νο.2.) 2. ντ, 12. a Be ας τ τες της 1, — xiv. 4. εἰ, if, (see “IF,” Νο. 4,) te i, ——- 6 (No. 8, GInT | 50 —= xy. 4. δὲ bat see “NOT Tr AS.) 1. ——xvi. 9,11, 18,20. | 9. δὲ, but, (ap ir)” fee τας Ας. μήγε, not indeed, 2. —— xi. 2. Na iit) la. Matt. vi. 15. la. John xvi. 7. ee 1b.— x. 13. 2, —— xviii. 30. 18. xviii. 16, 35. 2. Acts xxvi. 32. 3. Luke x. 6, with indic. la. Rom. xi. 23. NOT (4150) la. John viii. 24. la. 1 Cor. viii. 8. οὐδέ, and not, also not, not even. Rom, xi. 21. NOT (anp τε) ΤΣ: : ἈΝ δὲ on if otherwise, indeed, ἦ 2 ον Ἢ annulling the preced- BEA ἢ ing proposition. Luke xiii. 19, indie. NOT (4s YET...) οὐδέπω, also not ever, not ever yet, not et. y John xx. 9. NOT (εν εν) οὐδέ, and not, not even. Matt. vi. 29. | John xxi, 25. NOT (ΠΕΝοΕΕΟΗΤΗ) 1. οὐκέτι, and not, not even. 2. μηκέτι, no more, no further, no longer. 2. Jchn xv. 15. | 1, Rom. vi. 6. 1. Eph. ἵν. 17. NOT (HEREAFTER...) οὐκέτι, NO more, no longer, no further. John xiv. 30. NOT (a1rHeErT0) οὔπω, not even yet, not yet. 1 Cor. iii. 2. NOT (τε) εἂν, if, eee (a) followed by No. 1, subj., aor., (see μή, not, (see ( «τε, No. 101.) «πο, No. 2,) ) (b) followed by 2. —— ix. 33. 1b.— ix. 16. la,— xiii. 8 1b.— xiv. 11. 3. —— xiv. 3 1b. Jas. ii. 17. la.— xv. 6. 1b. 1 John iii. 21. 2. 22, 24. la, Rev. iii. 3. NOT A. οὐδείς, not one, (see “No,” Wo. 2, note.) Luke vii: 23. NOD ANY: οὐδείς, see above. Acts xxvii. 34. NOT ANY AT ALL. οὐδείς, see above. Luke xx. 40. NOT ANY MAN. μηδείς, not one, (see “No,” Wo. 2, note.) Acts x. 28. NOT ANY MORE. μηκέτι, no more, no further, no longer, (see “no,” Wo. 2, note.) Rom. xiv. 18, NOT AS YET. 1. οὐκέτι, no more, no longer, no fur- ther, (see “νο, Wo. 2, note. ᾽ 3 ᾽ 2. μηδέπω, even not yet, not even yet. 1, 2 Cor. i. 23. | 2, Heb. xi. 7. NOT A WHIT. μηδείς, not one, (see “No,” Wo. 2, note.) 2 Cor. xi. 5. NOT AT ALL. 1. οὐδείς, not one thing, ) seexo,” No. subj., present, (see “tr,” No. 1b*.) | 2. μηδείς, not one thing, ὁ 2, and note. NOT -----Ἄ 8. ie ; see “πο, Wo. 9. μη, 1. Gal. iv. 12. | 2. 1 Thes. iii. 11. 8. Rev. xxi. 25. NOT EVEN. οὐδέ, and not, also not, not even. 1 Cor. xi. 14. NOT HENCEFORTH. μηκέτι, no more, no further, no longer. 2 Cor. v. 15. NOT IN ANY WISE. ov μή, see “NO,” No. 9. Mark xiv. 31. NOT ONCE. μηδέ, and not, not even. Eph. v. 3. NOT SO. 1. μηδαμῶς, by no means. 2. οὐχί, see “Not,” Wo. 4. 2. Luke i. 60. | 1. Acts xi. 8. 1, Acts x. 14, NOT SO MUCH AS. οὐδέ, not even. Luke vi. 3. | 1 Cor. v. 1. Acts xix. 2. NOT NOW. οὐκέτι, no more, no further, no longer. Philem. 16. NOT (vow) οὐκέτι, see above. John iy, 22. | Rom. xiv. 15. John xxi. 6. NOT (ruen) οὐδέ, not even. . 1 Cor. xv. 15. NOT (που po 117) μή, see “NO,” No. 2, and note. Rey. xix. 10. | Rev. xxii. 9. [ 585 1 NOT NOT YET. see“no,” WVo.2, 1. οὐπώ, not even yet, and note. 2. μήπω, not even yet, 3. οὐδέπω, also not even, not even yet. 1. Matt. xv. 17 (ov, πο, L | 3. John vii. 39 2nd (Νο, 1, T Tr), 1.6. om. yet. L Tr A &.) 1. —— xvi. 9. 1, —— viii. 20, 57. 1. —— xxiv. 6. 1, —— xi. 30. 1. Mark viii. 17. 1. —— xz. 17. 1. xiii. 7. 2. Rom. ix. 11. 1. John ii. 4. 1. Heb. ii. 8. ils iii. 24. | 2. ——ix. 8. 1. —— vii. 6. 1. — xii. 4. i 81st (οὐκ, not, α | 1. 1 John iii. 2. T Tr A &), i.e. om. yet. | 1. Rey. xvii. 10 (οὐκ, not, 1, —— 82nd, 30, 39 1st. 1,; οὕτω, thus, 8.) NOT (ΥΠΕΤΗΣΗ or) μήποτε, not even, never, 7% no sup- posable case; also, in indirect inquiry, whether perhaps, if per- haps. Luke iii. 15. NOT (ver) 1. ovré, and not, not even. 2. οὐκέτι, no more, no further, no longer. 1, Acts xxv. 8. | 2. Gal. ii. 20. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 6. See also, AGREF, AIM, ALBEII', ALSO, ANY, APPEAR, ASHAMED, BELIEVE, BRAWLER, CAN, CEASE, CIRCUM- CISED, COMMODIOUS, CONDEMNED, CORRUPTIBLE, COULD, FADETH, FAILETH, HAND, HENCEFORTH, KNOW, KNOWLEDGE, LIE, LUCRE, MANIFEST, MUCH, NO, OBEY, ONE, PASSING, POSSIBLE, PUT, REGARD, REPENT, SEE, SPARING, SPOKEN, SUFFER, TEMPTED, THAT, UNDER- STAND, UTTERED, YET. NOTABLE. 1. γνωστός, known; capable of being Y ᾿ 5 known, knowable. Jinan emphatic sense, known of all, i.e. notable. 2. ἐπίσημος, having a mark upon; of money, stamped, coined. Jn a good sense, noted, distinguished, emi- nent; in a bad sense, notorious, (οσο. Rom. xvi. 7.) NOT 3. ἐπιφανής, appearing upon or to, visible, manifest ; celebrated, dis- | tinguished, renowned, (non οσο.) 2. Matt. xxvii.16. | 8. Acts ii. 20. 1. Acts iv. 16. NOTE (or) ἐπίσημος, see above, No. 2. Rom. xvi. 7. NOTE. [verb.] σημειόω, to sign, to mark, note with marks. Jn JN. fl only mid., to mark for one’s self, to note, set a mark on, (non occ.) 2 Thes. iii. 14, marg. signify. NOTHING. (for various combinations with other | words, see below.) 1. οὐδείς, not one thing, 1.6. none at all, not even one, (for difference between No. 1 and No. 2, see “No,” No. 2, and note.) * With another negative, strengthen- ing the negation. μηδείς, (same as above, with difference as described in “No,” No. 2, note.) ! | 3. ov, no, not, (see “no,” Λο. 1.) | 4. μή, no, not, (see “no,” Wo. 2. 5 (οὐ, no, not, Ἢ seenote, “no,” No.2, | oe ἰ τί, anything, ( for the difference 6 { μή, no, not, { between No. 5 and ἢ τί, an thin ; Yo. 6. 3 7. οὐθείς, a later form of No. 1. 8 ( ovde, not even, ) see note, “No,” ' (7, anything, No. 2 ov, no, not, In Tukei.37, 9. ἡ πᾶν, every, every decla- τ) pypa,word,declara- ( ration of tion, statement. ) God is not impossible, 1.6. no declaration 7s impossible, cf. Gen. xviii. 14. 1, Matt. v. 13. 1, Matt. xxvii. 24, 1. —— x. 26. 1.2. Mark i. 44. 5. —— xv. 32. | 2. —— ν. 96. 1. —— xvii. 20. 2. ——vi. 8, 1, —— xxi. 19. 5 36 (om. aprous 1, —— xxiii. 16, 18. «Ύαρ...ουκ ἔχουσιν, 1, —— xxvi. 62. bread, for they have | 1. —— xxvii. 12. nothing, (i.e. by them- 2. 19, and see N to selves something to eat) | do with (havethon) | (GaL>TrA.) [ 536 ] ΠΣ 1. Mark vii. 15. 1. Acts xxi. 24. 6. — viii. 1. | 2. —— xxiii. 14, 29, 5. 2. | 2. —— xxv. 25. 1. — ix. 29. 1. —— xxvi. 81. 1. — xi. 13. 2. —— xxvii. 33. 1*,—— xiv. 60. 1. — xxviii. 17. 1. —— 61. 1. Rom. xiv. 14. 1. —xv.3(om.St EA }|—1 Cor. i. 19, see N —— 4, LR.) (bring to) 1*, 1. —— iv. 4. 9. Luke i. 97. 6. 5. 1*,—— iv. 9. 1. —— vii. 19 twice. 1. —-v. 5. abs vill. 2(om.G > L 2. —— vi. 35. T Tr AX, 1.6. not, in- 4, —— vii. 42. stead of nothing. ) 3. — viii. 17. 1. 4. 2. —— ix. 3. | 3. ——ix. 16, and see x 19. Glory. | 3. —— xi. 6. 7. —— xiii. 2(οὐδέν, No.1, Ny == sath ὩΣ | ἃ 1. —— xxii. 35. Ἰ- 9, 1. —— xxiii. 9, 15, 41. | 2. 2 Cor. vi. 10. 1. John iii. 27. 2. —— vii. 9. — —— iv. 11, see Draw. | ——— viii. 15, see N ibs v. 19, 80. | over (have) — — vi.12,see N (that) | 1. —— xii. 11 twice. - 39, see N of | 1. Gal. ii. 6. ib 3. | 1. ——iv.1. 1. —— vii. 26. [1:-Ξ σ 2. | 1. —— viii. 28, 54. | 2. ——vi. 8. 1. — ix. 33. Pha 20: — — xi. 49,566 Natall. | 2. 28, 1-᾿ xii. 19. 2. —— ii. 8. ΠῈΣ xiv. 30. 2. —— iv. 6. xv. 5. 2. 1 Thes. iv. 12, marg. 15. Xvi. 23, 24. no man. 1. — xviii. 20. ΕἼ, 1 Tim. iv. 4. U5 38.943 Ὁ | 2. ——v. 21. | 1. Acts iv. 14. | 2, ——vi. 4. 2. VA | a v6 Ist. re ONY 18. 7 2nd. — — xi. 8, see N atany | 1. Tit. i. 15. time, | (2. —— 1.18; 2. 12 (om. μηδὲν 1. Philem. 14. Ὃ ands tau nothing 1. Heb. ii. 8. doubting, GA.) 1, —— vil. 14, 19, 1, — xvii. 21. | 2. Jas. i. 4, 6. 2. —— xix. 36. 2. 3 John 7. 1. —— xx. 20. 1. Rev. iii. 17. NOTHING (srine το) ἀθετέω, to displace, 1.6. to abrogate, abolish, get rid of; make void, render null. 1 Cor. i. 19. NOTHING AT ALL. 1&3. John xi, 49. NOTHING AT ANY TIME. ( πᾶν, everything, ) ( οὐδέποτε, not ever, ἡ Acts xi. 8 (om. πᾶν, G LT Tr A 8.) nothing ever. NOTHING OF. μή, no thing. ἐξ, out of. αὐτου, οἵ it. ( John vi. 39, NOT NOTHING OVER (nave) ov, no thing. πλεονάζω, to be more than enough. 2 Cor. viii. 15. NOTHING (τπατ) iva, in order that μή, not τι, anything. John vi. 12. NOTHING TO DO WITH (ave THOU) μηδέν, thee, the [Jet] nothing [arise | { ( σοί, to thee, ¢between thee and [that καί, and, righteous one. | Matt. xxvii. 19. NOTICE BEFORE (wHeErEor YE HAD) enn before announced blessing. 2 Cor. ix. 5, marg. which hath been so much spoken of lA a aa before promised, ἃ ~ L'T τ é τὴν, the, προκατηγγελμένην, be- fore announced, NOTWITHSTANDING. πλήν, more than, over and above; hence, besides, excevt, rather, but rather. . ἀλλά, but, marking opposition, anti- thesis, or transition. 1. Luke x. 11, 20. 1. Phil. iv. 14, 1. Phil. i. 18. 2. Rev. ii. 20. NOUGHT. οὐδείς, no thing, not one thing, (see “wo,” Wo. 2, note. Acts v. ὅθ. NOUGHT (ar) είς, unto ἀπελεγμός, confutation. Acts xix, 27. NOUGHT (arrive το) / . . καταργέω, to render inactive, useless ; | [ 587 1 then, to cause to cease do away, put an end to. 1 Cor. i. 28. NOU ΒΡ τον ον eee NOUGHT (come το) 1. καταργέω, (see above) here, passive. 2. καταλύω, to loosen down, dissolve, disunite the parts of anything; hence, of buildings, to throw down, destroy ; to destroy, render vain. (Here, passive.) 3. ἐρημόω, to desolate, lay waste, make desert. (Here, passive.) 2. Acts v. 38. | 1. 1 Cor. ii. 6. 3. Rev. xviii. 17. NOUGHT (ror) δωρεάν, gratis, gratuitously; freely, without requitai; also, ground- lessly, without cause. 2 Thes. iii. 8. NOUGHT (ser ar) . ἐξουθενέω, to set at nought, despise, treat with despite. ἐξουδενόω, to reject with contempt, treat with scorn. ον, i ἐλθεῖν, to come, eis, into, dredeypov,contutation, refutation, and by impl. disrepute, ill-repute. 2. Mark ix. 12. 1. Acts iv. 11. 1. Luke xxiii. 11. 3. —— xix. 27. 1. Rom. xiv. 10. NOURISH (-ευ͵ -ΕΤΗ.) . τρέφω, to make thick, or fat, by feed- ing ; hence, to feed, nurse, nourish. . ἀνατρέφω, (No. 1, with ἀνά, up, pre- πες.) re- fill . ἐκτρέφω, (Wo. 1, with ἐκ, out of, jixed,) to nourish out, 6.6, in bring up to maturity, (οσο. Eph. vi. 4.) — Acts vii. 20, see N up. 2. 21 1, —— xii. 20. 8. Eph. v. 29. — 1 Tim. iv. 6, see N up in (be) 1. Jas. v. 5. 1. Rev. xii. 14, NOURISH UP. 2. Acts vii. 20. NOURISHED UP IN (xe) ἐντρέφομαι, to be nourished or brought up in anything, to be imbued with, (non occ.) 1 Tim. iv. 6. NOURISHMENT. See, MINISTERED. NOVICE. veoputos, newly planted; as subst., a neophyte, (2.6. a new plant,) (non occ.) 1 Tim, iii. 6, marg. one newly come to tha faith. NOW. Adverbs :— 1. viv, now, (Laé., nunc; Germ., nun) z.e. the actually present time; now, tn velation to time past or future, just now, even now, at this in- stant. 5, 9, τὸ, νῦν, (ζ.ε. No. 1, with the article) the now, the present, the now existing present, more em- phatie, therefore, than No. 1 vive, (Vo. 1, strengthened by the de- monstr, 0) now, at this moment - used exclusively of the present. ἤδη, Now, even now, already, of time alread) / pst, and marking action as completed. dprt, now, of time just elapsed; at present, at this moment. { ἀπό, from, wed fr om, ἢ f ¢ trom now. ( ἄρτι, see No. 5 Conjunctions :— 7. ovv, thereupon, therefore, then, em- ployed in arguing, etc., and denoting either an external or internal re- lation between two clauses, (a) with μέν, indeed, truly. 8. δέ, but, now, moreover, always im- plying antithesis, however concealed. 9. τὸ λοιπόν, for the rest, henceforth, henceforward. 10. δή, indeed, then, now, (giving cer- tainty or reality to a sentence, in opp. to mere conjecture), truly, really. { δέ, but. καί, and. 8, Matt. i. 22. 4. — iii. 10. 5. 15. — —— ix.18, see N (even) — — xi. 12,seeN (until) 4, —— xiv. 15, 24. 4, — xv. 32. 9. —— xxvi. 45. 5. 53. 1, 65. 1. — xxvii. 42, 43. 4, Mark iv. 37. 4. —— vi. 35 twice. 4, —— viii. 2 1. ——x. 30. 4, —— xi. 11. 7. 90 (8) (om. St) (om. G a ΠΑ δ) 9. —— xiv. 41. 1, —— xv. 32 4. 42. 10. Luke ii. 15. 99, 4, —— iii. 9. 1. —— vi. 21 twice, 20. 4, —— vii. 6. 7. ——x. 86 (om. Lb T Trd A XN.) ἀ, ΣΙ ἢν J, 39. 4, — xiv. ie 1. —— xvi. 25. — -— xix. 37, see N yeven) 42. 4, —— xxi. 30 twice. 1. — xxii. 36. 1. John ii. 8. 10, seo N (until) 1, — iv. 18, 23. — 42, see N...not. 4. 51. 4, ——v. 6. 8. 25. 4, —— vi. 10. 4. 17. 4, —— Vil, 14, 1. —— viii. 40, 52. 5. —— ix. 19. 15 21. 5. 25. 1. —— 41. 1, —— xi. 22 4, —— xiii. 2 5. ——7. 6. 19, marg. from hencefor ‘th. 1, — 31. 5. —— 33. 1, ——— 36. 5. 37. 1. — xiv. 99 4, —— xv. 3. Ἴ, 22, 24. 1. — xvi. 5. 5. 12. 7. ——19 (om. α T Tr AR.) 1. 22, 29, 80. 5. —— 31. 1. -- 32 (om. G2 LT TrA Ἧ. ) 1, —— xvii. 5, 7, 13. 7.— xviii. 24(om, 5: 6.) iF 36. 8, —— xix. 23. 4, 28. es 29 (om. L Tr A 4, —— xxi. 4. C&.) — —— 6, see N...not. a 7 1. —— 10. 4, 14. Τα, Acts i. 18, 1, ——ii. 88 (om. GLT | ΤΑ Ν.) 1, —— iii. 17. 4, —— iv. 3. | 2. Acts iv. 29, 2. —v. 38. 1. —— vii. 4, 32, 52. 1, —x. 5, 7a. xi. 19. 1. — xii. 11 1. —— xiii. 11 1, —— xv. 10. —— xvi. 36, 3 — — xvii. 30, see N (but) . — xx. 22, 25. 2, —— 82. — — xxii. 1, N ; (which, I mek) iM Trane 15; 21. 1. —— xxiv. 18 (No. 3, L TTrARW.) 7. —xxv.1. 1. —— xxvi. 6. 1 17 (Gx) (ἐγώ, I ( (crenata Gi tats AR.) 8. —— xxvii. 9 1st. 4 9 2nd. 93rd, see N al- ready. 2. 22 4, Rom. i. 10 3. —— iii. 21. 4, ——iv. 19 (om. Ἐν Τ 1. — vv. 9, 11. ree, 3. — Vi. 39, 3. —— vii. 6, 17. 1. — viii. 1, 22 22. 1. — xi. 30, 31. 4. —— xiii. IL Ist. Fb 11 2nd. —— xiv. 15, see N. not. 8. ——xv. 8 (γάρ, for, GeoLTTrAn.) on 23, 25. 1. —— xvi. 26. 1. 1 Cor. iii, 2. 11.— iv. 7, andsee N (if) 4, § twice, 8. —v. 11 4, — vi. 7. 1. —— vii. 14 7a.— ix. 25 8. —x. 11. 3. —— xii. 18 a 20. 5. —— xiii. 12 twice. 9: 13. 3. —— xiv. 6. 3. —— xv. 20, 8. 50. 5. xvi. 7. 2 Cor. v. 16, see N henceforth πο more. 20, see N then. 1. —— vi, 2twice. 1. —— vii. 9. 8. — viii. 11. 14, see N at this time. 8. 22. 1. —— xiii. 2 5. Gal. i. 9, 10 8. 20. 1. ——— 28. 1. — ii. 20. 1. —— iii. 3. 8, —— iv. 1. 1. - 9. 5. —— 20. ΙΒ 25, 29. 1: Eph. ii, ὁ, 3. 13, -- 19, see N there- fore. 1. —— iii, 5, 10. if —— iv. 9, see N that. εν. 8. 1, Phil. i. 5, 20, 30. 1. Phil. ii. 12, i. Heb. ix. 26 (Νο. 3, LT 1. -— 9], 18. TrAN.) 4. ——1v. 10. 3, —— xi. 16(Νο.1, GL 9. Col. 1. 21. 1. — xii. 26. (TTrARN.) 1, 24. 1. Jas. iv. 13, 16. 3. 26. 1. -- ν. 1. 3. — iii. 8. 5. 1 Peter i. 6, 8. 5, 1 Thes. iii. 6. re 2, by ᾗ 4, ---- 11. 8. 1. 2 Thes. ii. 6. 1. 10 twice, 25, 5. 1. — iii. 21. 1. 2 Tim. i. 10. 4, 2 Pet. iii. 1. 4. —— iv. 6. τν 7. 18. 8. Philem. 9, 11. 1. 1 John 11. 18, 28, -- 16, see N (not) | 1. —— iii. 2. 1. Heb. ii. 8. 1. — iv. 3. 3. —— viii. 6. 1. 2 John 5. 1. — ix, 5, 24. 1. Jude 25. 5. Rev. xii. 10. NOW (πστ) 2. Acts xvii. 30. NOW (even) 5. Matt. ix. 18. | 4. Luke xix. 37. NOW (nor) οὐκέτι, NO more, no longer, no further. Philem. 16. NOW ALREADY. non, see “Now,” No. 4. Acts xxvii. 9. NOW AT THIS TIME. ἐν, In, τὸ νῦν, the present (see No. 2, above,) καιρῷ, season. 2 Cor. viii. 14. NOW HENCEFORTH NO MORE. νῦν, now, (see “ Now,” Vo. 1.) οὐκέτι, no longer, no more. 2 Cor. v. 16. NOW IF. i; dé, but, Ν καὶ, and, but and if. 1 Cor. iv. 7. NOW IS (ruatr) 2. 1 Tim. iv. 8. NOW :.. Ok. οὐκέτι, no longer, no more, no further. John iy. 42, | John xxi. 6. Rom. xiv. 15. NOW TILAT. ἐν eg, ᾿ να. ᾽ ᾽ =ph. iv. 9. [ 539 1 NUM ------ὄς---..- NOW THEN. 7. 2 Cor. v. 20. —_— NOW THEREFORE. dpa, accordingly, } οὖν, marking the οὖν, therefore, ὁ) logical inference, and ἄρα, intimating the harmony between the premises and the con- clusion. Eph. it. 19. NOW (cnv11) ” εω a ᾿ see “ NOW (EVEN UNTIL).” apTt, | , Matt. xi. 12. Ι NOW (wuicn tf MAKE) 9. Acts xxil. 1 (No. 8,G LT Tr A κ) NUMBER. 1. ἀριθμός, number, spoken of a definite number, (non occ.) John ii. 10. 2. ὄχλος, a confused multitude, a crowd, a throng. — Mark x. 46, see Great, . 1. Rom. ix, 27, or People. , —2 Cor. x. 12, see N 1. Luke xxii, 3. (anake of the) 1. John vi. 10, —1 Tim. v. 9, see N 9. Acts i. 15. (take into the) 1. —— iv. 4, | 1. Rev. v. 11 (αρ.) 1. — v. 36, | 1.—vii 4. 1. —— vi. 7. ' 1, —— ix. 16 twloe 1. — xi. 21. 1, —— xiii. 17, 18 3 times 1, — xvi. 5. (1, —xyv.2 1, Rev, xx. 8, NUMBER (ake or THE) ἐγκρίνω, to judge in, admit after trial, to reckon among, (ποπ occ.) 20ος. κ. 12. NUMBER (take Ίντο ΤΠΕ) καταλέγω, to lay down to 0)" among others, i.e. tu enrol, to reckon under or to α number. 1 Tim. v. 9, marg. choose into the nwmber. NUMBER (-Εν.) [verb.] ἀριθμέω, to number. . λογίζομαι, to count, reckon, ecaleu late, compute. 1. Matt. x. 30. 2. Mark xv. 28 (ap.) 1. Luke xii. 7. 1. Rev. vil. ὃ. NUM NUMBER WITH. 1. καταριθμέω, (No. 1, with κατά, down, prefixed) to number down, 1.6. number under, or among, (non oce.) 2. συγκαταψηφίζω, to be allotted or voted with, to count down with, (from ovv, together with, xara, down, and ψηφίζω, to count or reckon with pebbles (from ψήφος, a small stone worn smooth by water) (ποπ occ.) 1. Acts i. 17. | 2. Acts i. 26. O is generally represented in the Greck by the vocative case of the noun, and sometimes the definite article. When it is the transla- tion of a separate Greek word, it is the interjection, ὦ, and is, of course, very emphatic—Oh ! Matt. xv. 28. Acts xviii. 14. —- xvii. 17. Rom. ii. 1, 3. Mark ix. 19. — ix. 20. Luke ix. 41. —— xi. 33. —— xxiv. 25. Gal. iii. 1. Acts i. 1. 1 ‘Lim. vi. 20, —— xiii. 10. Jas. ii. 20. & also occurs in Acts xxvii. 21, where it is not trans- Jated. OATH (-s.) 1. ὅρκος, the object by which one swears, the witness of an oath; then, an oath, (ὅρκος was orig. equiv. to ἕρκος, a fence, from ἕργω, to shut in, restrain, and so, strictly, it denotes, that which restrains from doing a thing; hence, Lat., oreus, “the bourne from whence | no traveller returns.”’) 2. ὁρκωμοσία, asseverations on oath; the sacrifice on taking a solemn oath. 1, Matt. v. 33. | — Acts xxiii. 21, see O 1. —— xiv. 7, 9. | (bind with an) 1. —— xxvi. 72. | 1. Heb. vi. 16, 17. 1. Mark vi. 26. | 2. —— vii. 20. 1. Luke i. 73. 2 21 Ist, marg. 1. Acts ii. 30. swearing of an oath. — — xxiii. 12, see Exe- | 2. 21 2nd, 28, cration. 1. Jas. v. 12. [ 540 ] | OBE NURSE. [noun.] τροφός, a nurser, a nurse, (from τρέφω, see “ NouRISH,” Vo. 1.) (non oce.) Acts xiii. 18, see Manners. | 1 Thes. ii. 7. NURTURE. παιδεία, the training of a child, inelud- ing education and discipline ; and consisting of teaching, admonition, ‘ewards, and punishments. Eph. vi. 4. OATH (ην with ΑΝ) ἀναθεματίζω, to declare one to be ἀνάθεμα (devoted to destruction.) Acts xxiii. 21. OBEDIENCE. 1. ὑπακοή, a hearing attentively, or listening; hence, obedience, as the result of attentive hearing. Rom. i. v. 2 Cor. vii. 15. — v.19. — x. 5, 6. —- vi. 16. Philem. 21. — xvi. 19, 26. [under) | Heb. v. 8. 1 Cor. xiv. 34, see O (be | 1 Pet. i. 2. OBEDIENCE (55 UNDER) ὑποτάσσω, to range or put under, to subordinate ; pass., to be sub- jected. 1 Cor. xiv. 84, OBEDIENT. 1. ὑπήκοος, listening attentively, obe- dient, (οσο. Acts vii. 39). 2. ὑπακοή, see “OBEDIENCE.” Here, Gen., of obedience. 1. 2. Cor. ii. 9. | 1. Phil. i, 14. 2. 1 Pet. i. 14. OBE [ 541 ] OBS OBEDIENT TO (sz) OBEY A MAGISTRATE. 1. ὑπακούω, to hear, (with the idea of ο. stealth, stillness or attention in order to answer) to listen; hence, OBEY NOT. (as the result of this) to obey. ἀπειθέω, (“ oBEY,” No. 4, with a, nega- 2. ὑποτάσσω, see “OBEDIENCE (BE tive, prefixed, making it) the oppo- UNDER).” site of “ opry,” Vo. 4. 1. Acts vi. 7. | 1. Eph. vi. 5. Rom. ii. 8. 2. Tit. ii. 5, part. —— xi. 30, marg. (text, believe not.) 1 Pet. iii 1 “-- μα, OBEDIENT UNTO (#z) ὑποτόσσω, see No. 2, above. OBEYING. Tit. ii. 9. ὑπακοή, (see “ OBEDIENCE.” ) 1 Pet. i. 22 OBEDIENT (MAKE THE GENTILES) ( eis, unto. OBJECT [verb.] ὑπακοή, the obedience. ὶ ἐθνῖν, of the Gentiles. κατηγορέω, to speak against, in public, before a court; to accuse, com- Rom. xv. 8. plain of, m a judicial sense. Acts xxiv. 19. OBEY (-rD, -1NG.) 1. ὑπακούω, see “OBEDIENT TO (BE),” OBSERVATION. No. 1. ο. {εἰς unto, ς / = ὑπακοή, obedience. παρατήρησις, an observing beside or near, close watching, accurate ο) constant observation. (See the ὑπήκοος, listening verb “ OBSERVE,” ο. 3.) : to become 3. ἃ attentively, obedient Luke xvii. 20, marg. outward show. γίνομαι, to become, +) ο αμ απο κ. 4. πείθω, (a) Act., to persuade, win by OBSERVE (9) words, influence ο) gain any one, win for one’s self. 1. τηρέω, to keep an eye upon, to watch; hence, to keep, to guard; to watch, (b) Medial Passive, to suffer one’s νο attentively. self to be persuaded ο» convinced, to be persuaded in favour of any | 2- συντηρέω, (No. 1, with σύν, together one, yield assent to, obey o7 trust with, prefixed) to have an eye him. upon in conjunction with any one, to watch or keep with any one or with one’s self. 5. πειθαρχέω, (No. 4 applied to an ἀρχή, a ruler,) to obey a ruler, obey one Β πε | , > i , 9 in authority, to obey or follow 3. ο μας πως with παρά, beside, ᾽ . ρ one’s advice. prefixed) to have an eye near, 7 a , ; Ὁ Sty . 1. Matt, viii, 47. [4 Gal i1 ap.) watch closely, with superstitious or Ἢ Mark i. ΣΙ. an sinister intent. iv. 41 he vi. Ἢ ο ο ο a δῦ, 1” Gal ΠῚ 4. φυλάσσω, to watch, not {ο sleep, to 5. Acts v. 29, 32. 1. 2 Thes. i. 8. keep watch by night; to guard, 36,marg.believe, | 1. —— iii. 14. ο. yreserve. ae — Tit. iii.1,seeOamagis- | I 3. — vii. ὃ trate. , $. Rom. ii. 8, and see O 1. Heb. ν. 1. 5. ποιέω, to make; to do. -— xi. 8 i. —— vi, 19. 4, — xiii. 17. . . : Nate ziti. 17 6. φρονέω, to have mind, think; ¢hen 16 4, Jas. iii. 3. Ἐ , ; : gical , 16 νά, τι Pet. itt. 1, 90ο O not. to be minded, to have in mind; ‘ae . 1. — xi.30,31,see O not. | — —— iv. 17, see O not. | regard, care for. _ eee Ππττττττρορο’σπορ΄ο-----΄---- . GBT [. 542 Ἱ ΟΡΟ tt, xxiii, 31 . | 4. Mark x. 20. στν ον μπε A Ὧν τα apes xvi. 21. OBTAINING. a ο. ee ΕΠ) eae περιποίησις, see above, No. 9. 2. Mark vi. 20, marg. (text, regard.) 2 Thes. ii. 14. keep or save. 8. Gal. iv. 10. 4. 1 Tim. ν. ο]. ae OCCASION. OBTAIN (-ν, -1NG.) αφορμή, that from which anything pro- 6 άνω, to hit, to strike, to reacn ceeds, a starting place, base of a mark or object. Trans., to attain unto, z.e. to obtain, gain ; Intrans., to fall out, to happen, to chance. bo ἐπιτυγχάνω, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed) to light upon, attain one’s aim, attain unto, acquire, (non occ.) fall to one’s self. acquire, to procure by purchase or otherwise, to possess. κρατέω, to be strong, mighty, power- ful; to have power over, become master of, attain to, (a) with Gen., to take hold of a thing or to possess it, (Ὁ) with Ace., to have and hold it in one’s power. 6. λαμβάνω, to take, as with the hand ; to lay hold of ; to receive. 7. καταλαμβάνω, (No. 6, with κατά, down, prefixed) to take, to re- ceive with the idea of eagerness, lay hold of, seize with eagerness, | {ο grasp, selze upon. 8. εὐρίσκω, to find, (without seeking) to meet with, light upon; also, to find by search or enquiry, discover ; Jid., to find for one’s self, obtain. (τ men, unto ac- περιποίησις, ἂν making quiring 9. remainover,alaying ¢ ἐν ο). ( up, acquisition, ob- j taining, — Matt. v. 7, see Mercy. | 1. 2 Tim. ii. 10. taining. 1. Luke xx. 35. — Heb. i. 4, see Inherit- 8, Acts i. 17. ance 4, —— xxii. 28. 2. —— vi. 15. 1. — xxvi. 22. | 1. — viii. 6 5a,—— xxvii. 13. 8. —— ix, 12. 2. Rom. xi. 7 twice. — —— xi. 2, see Report. -- 30, 31,2 see -- 4, see Witness. — 1 Cor. vii.25, § Mercy. | 2. 33. 8 ix, 24. 1, ——— 35. — Eph. i. 11, see In- | — 39, see Report. heritance. 2. Jas. iv. 2. 9. 1 Thes. v. 9. —1 Pet. ii. 10twice, sce -- Tim. i, 13, 16, see Mercy. Mercy. 8. 2 Pet. i. 1. λαγχάνω, to obtain by lot, to have | κτάομαι, to get for one’s self, to | operations ; means, material, ap- | paratus for beginning or accom- plishing anything; hence, occasion, opportunity, (ποπ 066.) Rom. vii. 8, 11. Gal. v. 13. —— xiv. 19, see Fall. 1 Tim. v. 14. | 2 Cor, v. 12. 1 John ii. 10, see Stumb- | —— Vili. 8, see O of (by) ling. | OCCASION OF (zy) διά, with the Gen., through, by means of, in reference to agency. 2 Cor. viii. 8. | OCCUPATION. τέχνη, an art, trade, craft. Acts xviii. 3 (ap.) OCCUPATION (oF LIKE) ) about such ) things. { πε! about, τὰ, the things, | (ee ed such things, Acts xix. 25. OCCUPY (τη, -IED.) 1. πραγματεύομαι, to be doing, to be | | busy or occupied; like Eng., to | do business, 7.9, to trade, traffic, (non occ.) 2. ἀναπληρόω, to fill up, e.g. @ chasm ; hence, spoken of work, to fulfil, perform. 1. Luke xix. 19, | OCCUPIED (zr) περιπατέω, to walk about, be walking. Heb. xiii. 9. ODOUR. 1. ὀσμη, a smell, odour; ὧν «Ν.Τ., only of fragrant odour. By Hebr, ὁ. εὐωδίας, odour of fragrance, sweet odour, as accompanying an 2. 1 Cor. xiv. 16. acceptable sacrifice. ———————— τ ἐν a a OF [ 4s 1 OF a , = ᾽ ΔΝ, (vi.) Genitive of Apposition, (‘consisting οὔ ’’; 2. θυμίαμα, incense burnt in worship. ο μμ ιο ας i 1. John xii. 3. 2. Rev. v. 8, marg. in- 11) the sign of circumcision. 1. Phil. iv. 18. cense. συνδέσμος τῆς εἰρήνης, (Eph. iv. 3) the bond 2. Rev. xviii. 13. OF. (For list of combinations with other words, see below.) OF is frequently part of the transla- tion of a Greek verb or some case of a noun, or a part of some phrase. References to most of these will be found below, or in the list of words at the foot. OF is more frequently, however, the translation of the Genitive case of the noun: indeed, in most of the references not quoted below. The Genitive signifies motion from, and answers the question, whence? [In interpreting the word oF as the translation of the Genitive case, great care will be necessary, as sometimes important conclusions may result. The interpretation will, as a rule, come under one of the following heads : (i.) The Genitive of Origin (proceeding from,” “bestowed by.’’) ἔργον ’ ἧς πίστεως, (1 Thes. i. 5) work of faith. παραπ.ιήσιον τῶν γραφῶν, (Rom. xv. 4) com- fort of the Scriptures. (ii.) Genitive of Possession, (‘‘ of οὐ belonging to’’) οικία “Σίμωνος, (Mark i. 29) house of Simon. See τοῦ θεοῦ, (Phil. iv. 7) the peace of oc δοῦλος Τησοῦ Xp, (Rom. i. 1) servant of Jesus Christ. This and other Genitives may denote , either the subject or the object, e.g. ἀγάπη τοῦ Θεοῦ, ) Love of God, (to us)sud. (1 John ii. 16, ete.) § (owr) Love of God, obj. μαρτυρία τοῦ ᾿Ιησοῦ, ( the testimony (borne (Rev. xix. 10, etc.) to) Jesus, obj. the testimony of) the testimony (borne Jesus, 2.6. by) Jesus, sub. (iii.) Genitive of Character or Quality, (‘‘character- ised by.’’) viol “τῆς ἀπειθείας, (Eph. ii. 2) children of dis- , obedience. οἰκο όμος τὴς ἀδικίας, (Luke xvi. 8) steward of unrighteousness. (iv.) Genitive of the Ruling Principle, (‘ ener- , Sizing.’’) ὁμοϊώματα σαρκὺς ἁμαρτίας, (Rom. viii. 3) the I keness of sinful flesh. (v.) Genitive of Relation, (‘in regard or respect to”; ‘pertaining to.’’) βάντισμα μετανοίας, (Mark i. 4) baptism of , Nepentance. sie ty νεκρῶν, resurrection of the dead, Ἴ.ο, of dead persons. [This must be care- ο distinguished from the use of the rep. ἐκ, ‘out of,” “from among.” "Ava- Ενας ἐκ νεκρῶν is the resurrection (not ‘pf “‘thedead’’) but of others out of, from among the dead. For further examples (consult the references below. ] to Or of peace, (vii.) Genitive of Partition (‘ part of.’’) τὰ ἡμίση τῶν ὑπαρχόντων, (Luke xix. 8) the half of my goods. πως τῆς γῆς, (Rev. viii. 7) the third of e land. (viii.) Genitive of the Contents, (‘full οὗ, *‘ con- sisting of.’’) ποτήριον ψυχροῦ, (Matt. x. 42) a cup of cold water. τιμῆ ἀργυριοῦ, (Acts vii. 16) a sum of money, The tracing out of the various mean- ings of the word “or” as the translation of the Genitive case, will prove an unfailing and in- creasing source of interest to the Bible student. | When “or” is the translation of a separate Greek word, then it ts one of these following : . ἐκ, out of, from among, (a prep. governing only the Gen. case, and denoting motion from theinterior ;* opp. to No. 9.) . περί, around. (a) with Gen., around and separate from; about, concerning, on be- half of. (Ὁ) with Ace., around and towards ; around (of place), about (of place). Matt. iti. 4, about his loins. . ἀπό, away from, denoting motion from the exterior ;* hence, denoting cause or occasion; from, on account of. . ὑπό, under. (a) with Gen., under and separate from, denoting that from which the Sact, event, or action springs, and marking the agent ; hence, by, (the agent or efficient cause.) (b) with Ace., under and towards ; under, close upon. . mapa, beside. (a) with Gen., beside and proceed- | ing from;* from beside, from (used of persons, as No. 3 is of places.) (b) with Dat., beside and at; at the side of, with, near. (c) with Ace., to, or alongside of, beside. sss sss... ss OF -... Ώου —_ ee 6. ἐπί, upon. (a) with Gen., upon and proceeding «ΤΌΤΕ ; ON, Upon; over; on, as on a basis. (b) with Dat., upon and resting upon, in addition to, on account of. (6) with Acc., upon, by direction to- wards ; up to, upon (with implied motion) ; to (tmplying intention.) 7. ὑπέρ, over. (a) with Gen., over and separate from ; of, on behalf of, (as though bending over to protect, etc.,) tor the sake of, in reference to. (b) with Acc., over and towards; beyond, above. 8. ev, in, of time, place, or element ; among; the sphere in which the subject is concerned, as dwelling or acting in. 9. εἰς, into, to, unto, with a view to; with respect to a certain result, in order to for, towards. 10. κατά, down. (a) with Gen., down from ; against, in opposition to, (opp. of No. 7.) (b) with Acc., down towards ; down upon ov along; throughout, ac- cording to. 11. διά, through, (with idea of sepa- ration.) (a) with Gen., through, as proceed- ing from; through, by means of ; denoting the instrument of anaction. [ 544 1 OF ἘΠῚ μετά, with, (locally, implying asso- | | | (b) with Acc., through, as tending | towards; on account of, owing to; denoting the reason or ground of an action. 12. πρός, towards, in the direction of. (a) with Gen., hitherwards; in favour of, (occ. Acts xxvii. 34.) (0) with Dat., resting in a direc. tion towards ; at, close by. (0) with Acc., hitherwards, to- wards, in reference to, in regard to | ciation, and thus distinguished Srom σύν, with, which implies con- Junction or co-operation.) (a) with Gen., with and from; together with. (b) with Acc., after. 14. sence of. ἔμπροσθεν, before, in front, in pre- [* The difference between the meanings of Vos. 1 (ἐκ), 2 (ἀπό), and 5 (παρὰ), may be thus further illustrated :-— mapa (No. 5) from beside (tangent.) ἘΞ-Ξ 2 ἀπό (No. 2) from the circumference. ἐκ (Νο. 1) from the centre. } 1. Matt. i. 3, 5 twice, 6 1st, 16 2nd, 18 2nd, 20 3rd. 4a. 22. 5a,—— il, 42nd, 7. 48. 15 2nd, 16 180. 5a, 16 2nd. 3. —— in. 4, 48. θ, il 9. 4a 18, 14. 4a,— iv. 1 twice. 4a,— v. 19. — 22 1st ἃ 2nd, Dat. case. 9, 99 3rd. 1. —— 37. 3. 42. — — vi. 1 1st, Dat. case. db. 1 2nd, marg. with. 48. 2 1; 27. 1, —— vii. 9. ο, 15, 16 twice. 3. —x. 17 4a 22. 1. —— 29. 28, xi. 10. 8, 19 3rd 4n,—— 27. 3. 29, 1. —— xiii. 47 2nd. 4a.—— xiv. 8. 3. — xv. 1. 28. 7. 9. 27. 3. —— xvi. 6 lst. τὰ 11 1st, 19114 2nd, 4a,.—— xvii. 12 2nd. 2a. 13. = 25 Ast, 3rd, ἃ 4th, 26. i xviii. 12. 6b. 13 twice, 14.——— 14.2nd 5a. 19 2nd 13a. 23 2nd. 4a.—— xix. 12 1st. — — xx, 20 1st, gee Sake of (for the) 5a. 202nd (No. ὃ, L TT ΑΝ) 4a,——— 23 2nd. 3. —— xxi. 11 Ist. 1, ——— 25 2nd, 26, 31 150. 40, 28, 1, Matt. xxii. 35. 28. αχ], 42 Ist. 4a,.— xxiii. 7. il 25 3rd (om. Τὶ Trb A.) 34 twice, see Οὗ (some) 4a.— xxiv. 9, 3: 32. 28. 36 Ist. 1, —— xxv. 2, 8. 1. — xxvi. 21. 2a. 24 2nd. Τ᾿ 27, 29 10. = 73, see Of (some) — — xxvii, 93rd, see Of (they) 48, 12. 3. 21, 94 1st. Ἱ. 29 Ist, 48 3. 57. 4a. Mark i. F.3rd, 9 2nd, 13, 2a. 30 dd. 4a.— 11. 8. “πὰ. 2b.—— iv. 19 3rd. 4a,.— v. 26. 2a. 27. 3. 29 Ind, 34, 3. —— vi. 43 2nd. 6b. 52. 2a. vii. 6, 25 3. 28. 5a.— viii. 11 3. —— 151s 28. 30, 8. 8] 2nci ἃ 3rd (No, 48, ο 1, Τ Ἐν Α 8.) 6c.—— ix. 12151 10, 1. Lis 2a.— x. 10. 1. — xi. 14, 940) 2nd, 52, 3. —— xii. 2 lst, 38, aS 44 twice . 4a.— xii. 13. , 8, 28, 2a,—— 82, 1, —— xiv. 18. ty 20 (om. Trb &.) 2a.- 21 “πὰ, Le 23, 25 150, -- 69, 70, see OF (one) 3. —— xv. 43 Ist, 45, 4a,— xvi. 11 (ap) 1. 12 (ap.) ' 2a.Luke i. 1. 1. 5 ϑιά ἃ Stha, 27 198. [ 545 7 Ἄς es 35 2nd (ἐκ σοῦ, | 1. Johni. 16. Β α 1») τ᾿ — ii. ἜΝ 35, 36 2nd. 3. ο bi hip i, ee 15 twice, Ἱ = πας 5 lst ἃ 2nd, Gtwice, 8, ο] twice. 291s seeThrust. 3, — vi. 13, 173rd, 30 2nd. | 3,_—— y, 19, 80198. 1 ἜΝΙ ἘΣ 44 twice, 45 Sth. 2a.—— vii. Sis, 17, 18 2nd. 3. —— a I. ᾿ (vi, 8, 11, 19, 26. 39, see Nothing. | = 511s, "60, 64, 65, 3. — viii, 21st. 22nd, see O (out) 32nd (No.1, ᾱ Ὁ -) we , see O (out) 4a. — ix, (ree sis .--- 15, 92 twice 925 2nd. a han "τε 5, 15 1st. 48 twice, 50, ως. 2a,— viii. 13, = 18 twice, | 1. ———- 4 tad, 1 —— 441s ἃ διὰ, 46 Ist. 1, —— ix. 61st, 16 let. 4a.—— xiv. 8. ‘wice, 1s, see Of him. 40, see Of (some) | 4a.— x. 14 (ap.) = 17, 25, see Of | 3. ——xi. 11st. ne. 1, —— xx. 42nd, 6, 19, 37 Ist [Ὁ 2nd, 1. —— xxi. 4 lse&3rd. 4 ξ : . ——xii. 4 (om. Tr.) 16,see Of (some) 1: 1. — xxii. 3 1st. eae xiii, 18. 2 - ae 52,see Of (them) 83 times, 9,10, 11, 18, (om. ἐξαὐτῶν, 15. of them, δι ἃ Τὺ T Tr | — —— 17, ri i (some) | gist dnd, dab, teh. 1. John xviii. 26 1st., 3. 84 lst. 2a,—— 34 2nd. a Ie 36 twice, 37. 1. —— xix. 2. 3. 88 1st. 1. —— xx. 24. 3. —— xxi. 2 1st. 1: 2 3rd. 3. 10. 2a. 24, 2a.Acts i. 1. 1 24 2nd. 3. —— ii. 17, 18, 22 3rd. 4a. 24 2nd. 28. 29. 1, 90 Ist. 28. 91 Ist. σα, 33 2nd, 5a,.— iii, 22nd, 5, 1» 22. 1. —— iv. 6 lst, 6b. 9. 4a. 1115: 6a. 27 Ist, 3. —v. 2,3 Ist, 2a, 24 2nd, ue 38, 39. 1. —vi. 9 lst, ο 9 3rd & 4th, 5a.— vii. 16 1st, 1. 37 2nd> 28. 52 2nd, 3. —— viii. 22 Ist, 2a. 343 times, 5a,— ix, 2 Ist, 28. 10, 1. —x.1. 5a. 22 3rd, 4a. ‘i (No. ο, ΤῈ 6a. 34 Ist. 3. 38 Ist, 4a. 38 2nd, 41, 42 1st, 1. —— 45 lst, 1. —— xi. 2, 20 1st, 28. 22 Ist, 1. 28 Ist, 3. —— xii. 1. 48. 5. 1. —— xiii. 21 2nd, ὃ. —— 23. 28. 29. 1. —— xv. 2. 48. 4. 3 —— 4 Ist 2a. 1, —— 5], 22, 99. 4a.— xvi. 4, 6 2nd, 143rd, 1. —— xvii. 41st, σα, 9 1st, 1, —— 121st, 3. 18 Ist, 4a,,—@#_ 13 3rd, 1. —— 26 1st, ρα. 32 3rd, 2a,—— xviii. 15 1st, 25 8. — xix. 13 lst(xai, nati. GoeLTTrarn.) 5a.— xx, 242nd, ive 30. — — xxi, 8151966 Com- pany. - 8 3rd ee 3. 16 2nd 2a.—— 21. 8, ——— 27 4a. 35 Ist, 2a.—— xxii. 10. 4a. 11 2nd, 12, 1. 14 354. δ8, 80 (No.4a, GeL TrA RN.) 2a,— xxiii. 6 2nd, da. 10. 2a, 11 2nd, 20, Δ, 21. 4a,— 27 twice, xxv.9,19 twice 00118. 4a, — Χαν]. 2, 62nd, 7. 22 (Νο. 3, 1, Τ ΑΝ) Ob. —— iv. 4twice, 12, 14 Ist, 16 1st, ix, 5, 62nd, 11 2nd ἃ 3rd, 21, 24 twice, 90, μρῦ μὰ πῶμα δ ὃ ΡΣ 4 ο 6st, 62nd (ap.), 3 — — xii.1615t,seeMind. 102nd, see Low 8. — xiii, 11st (No. 4a, lad Pe νο 2a,— xiy. 12 2nd, 2a,— xv. 141st, 1. —— xvi. 10, 11 1, 28.1 Cor. i. 11 1st, 1. — ii, 12 2nd, 4a.— iv. 3 twico, ἘΞ ----.- 19 2nd, 10b,— vii. 6, rae viii. 3. 1. ΝΣ 7 Ist (om. 1. —— xi. Stwice, 12 twice, 1. ——— 15 twice, 4a.—— niv. 24 twice, 1, —— xv. 6 aad. 6b.— xvi. C17, 7 GaLTtTren.) 101 see Out of. 3. —— ii. 3 Ist, OF 8: 2 Cor. ii. 12. 17 2nd & 3rd, τῇ — iii. 2. 3. 5 Ist, ; it, 5 ind &3rd, 3. 18 2nd, 1. —iv.7 3rd, 4a,— v. 4. ΤΕ 18 150 7a,—— vii. 42nd, 14 4.— viii. 19 1st, 7a.—— ix. 2 2nd, 3. We 7. 3. —x. 7. 28. 8 9. 13, 15 1st 8. 15: 2nd, 38 16. 4a,— xi. 24. 7a,—— xii. 5 twice, 9, 6 1st, 1. 6 2nd, 4a.—— 1. 6b. 21. —— xiii. 11 1st, see Mind. ο, ου ε Ἱ. 48. 11. 5a. 12 1st 3. —— ii. 6. 1. 12, 15. 3. —— iii. 2 lst, Ἱ. 71st, 9, 10 1st, 12. θα 16 twice, 4. 17 1st, ifs 18 twice, 1. —— iv. 4 2nd, 48. 9, 8. 20, marg. for. τα 23 twice, 1. -- ν. 8. 4a, 15. Ls vi. 8. twice, 1. Eph. ii. 8 1st, 9, 1 111, 15, 8, —— iv. 1160 4a,—— v. 12 2nd, io 30 2nd & 3rd (ap.) 5a,.— vi. 8. 118. Phil, i. 15 twice, if 16, 17 1st, 3. 28 3rd, -- 29, see Behalf. 7a.— ii. 19. 1— ii. 5 it ἃ 5th, 9 Ist ἃ 3rd, 48. 12. — — iv. 2, see Mind, 7a. 10. 5a,—— 18 lst 1 22. 8, Col. 1. 7 1st. 3. —— iii. 241st, 1. —— iv. 11 1st, 4a.1 Thes. i. 4. 2a. 915, 1, —— ii. 8 ὑτίσδο, 4a, 4. qt 6 lst, Ὁ 6 2nd ἃ 3rd, 5a. 13 2nd, da. 14 2nd ἃ 3rd, σα, ΑΜ 2a. 6. 2a.— v. 1. 4a.2 Thes, ii. 13 1st, 5a.—— ili. 6 2nd, 3. 1 Tim. iii. 7 1st, 2a. 2 Lim. i. 3. δα, 13 2nd, 18, 5a,—— ii. 2. i 8 Ist, 1. —— iii. 6. ρα, 14 2nd, 1. Titus i. 10, 12 1st, 1. —— ii. 81st, ρα, 8 4nd, 8. —— iii. 51", 10b.Philem. 14, 12c. Heb. i. 7 1st, 1. — ii. 11. 1. —— iii. 131st, 1. —— iv. ] 2nd, 2a, 4, 8. 4a,.— ve 4, 10 1st, 28. 11 Ist, 2a.— vi. 9. 3. —— vii. 21st 1. ——-4, 515 4a,.—— 7. 1. 19190, 6ο. 13 1st, 3. 18 2nd, of. 9. ——— 14 2nd, 6b.— viii. 11st, 2a.—— ix, 5 2nd, -- 20, see Of him- self. 2a,—— x. 7 2nd, 1. —— xi. 32nd, 6b. 4, 2a,—— 7 2nd, 3. 19. 120. 18, marg. to. 28. 22 Ist, marg. (with μνημονεύω, ve- member.) 48. 23 Ist, θα, 32 Ist. 4a,—— xii. 3, 5 2nd, 3. —— 15 1st, marg. from. 3. —— xiii. 24, 5a. Jas. 1. 52nd, 7, 3. 18. 4a. 14, 4a,— ii. 9. iB 16. 4a,— iii. 4, 6 3rd, 1. —iv.1. 3. —— v. 42nd 8. 19. 2a.1 Pet. i. 10 twice, 9. 11 2na, He 23 1st, 4a,— Ii. 41st, 5b. 42nd, 2a.—— iii. 15. iB iv. 1] 2nd, 22.2 Pet. i. 18. 8, 11. 12. 2a,—— iii. 16. 2a.1 John i, 1 1st, 3. 5. 1. — ii. 16 4th ἃ 5th, 193 times, 2], 8. 27 Ist. 2a. 27 2nd, i. 29. 1— iii, 8 1st, 9 twice, 10 3rd, 12, 19. ἕν. ΡΣ (No. 5 ιτ TrAR. 1. —— iv. 1, 2 2nd, 8 1st, 4, 5 twice, 6 Ist & 2nd, 7 twice, 13 ik v. Ltwlee, 4, Qa. 9 4th, 10 2nd, 5a.~ 15 (No. 3, LT Tr δ.) 18 twice, 19, 1, 2 John 4. 1. 3 John 11. 4a, 12 1st, 2a. Jude 3. 4a, 12 2nd, ρα, 15 twice, 4a. 17 lst, 1. Rev. i, 5 1s (om. GLT TrA®.) 1. —— ii. 7 Ist, -- 10 11, gee Οἵ (some) pF 10 204, 11, μι ae ee oS Se EE ee τς | OF 3. Rev. ii. 17 (om. ἀπό, to eat of, Tr A me | 1, Rev.ix. 20 2nd, 21 4times, πὶ «ες Ξε ας ὃς see Of (they) 5) 1: 3. —— xii. 1. ——— 21, 22. 11, ——xiv. ‘gis, 10 Ist, 5a. 27 8rd | 1, ——xv, 71st, —— iii. 9, see ΟΕ {1 xvi. 7 (om. ἄλλου (them) ἐκ, another out of, G a. 181st, LT Tr AS.) 1, ——v. 5 lst ἃ 2nd, 5 nae Fa 1, ——vi, 11st &3rd, 3. 122nd, 4a. 13 2nd, 1B 13 Ist, 3rd, &5th, 1, — vii. 4 2nd, 51st, 3rd, see Out of. ἃ bth, 6 Ist, Brd, ἃ δι} | 1, —— xvii. 115 11, 71st, 3rd, ἃ 5th, 8 lst,3rd, | 1, —— xviii, 3 Ist, 4 3rd, ἃ 5th, 9,13. 12 4th, 1. —— viii. 11 3rd, 1. —— xix. 15 lst, 2] 2nd, 6a. 13 1st, 1. —— xxi, 61st, 2] 1st, OF HIM. αὐτοῦ, of himself, (emphatic.) John ix. 18, OF HIMSELF. αὐτοῦ, see above. Heb. ix. 20, OF THEM. αὐτῶν, of them, (emphatic.) Luke xxiii. 51. OF (one) ἐκ, of, from among, out of, (see “ or,” No. 1.) Matt. xxvi. 73. | John xviii. 17, 25, Mark xiv. 69, 70. Acts xxi. 8, Col. iv. 9, 12 OF (some) εκ 566, ORC. Vo. 43 Matt. xxili. 34twice. | Luke xxi. 16, Rev. ii. 10. John ix. 40, — xvi. 17, OF (rHEM) ἐκ, see “or,” Wo. 1. Rey. iii. 9, OF (rney) ex, see “oF,” No. 1 ἀπό, see ‘‘ or,” No. 8. 2, Matt. xxvii. 9. | 1 9 me 1. Rev. xi, 9. See also, ACCOUNT, ASK, BECAUSE, BE- TWEEN, BEWARE, CHARGE, COM- PASSION, DAYS, DEMAND, DRINK, EXAMPLE, FALL, FULL, GLORY, OFF GUILTY, HAVOC, IGNORANT, KNOW, MANNER, MEANS, NECESSITY, NO- THING, OCCASION, OUT, REASON, RESPECT, SHORT, SIGHT, SPACE, SPEAK, STOP, TELL, TIME. OFF. ἐκ, see “or,” No. 1. Mark xi. 8, (in a.v. 1611, “ of.’’) See also, AFAR, BREAK, CAST, CUT, FALL, FAR, PUT, PUTTING, REND, SEE OFFENCE (-s.) 1. σκάνδαλον, a trap-stick, 1.6. a crooked stick on which a bait is fastened, which, being struck by the animal, springs the trap, a trap, gin, snare ; hence, anything which one strikes, or stumbles against, a stumbling- block ; esp., a cause of stumbling. 2. παράπτωμα, a mis-fall, mis-hap, a falling aside from right, truth, or duty, through ignorance, inadvert- ence, or negligence. [No. 2 is the lapse towards sin, while Wo. 3 is the completed act of sin. Wo. 2 is sin rashly com- mitted as by one who is unwilling to do it, while in Vo. 1 the act is expressed which he who does it does willingly, whether he errs from passion, or from improperly thinking that he is doing right. | 8. ἁμαρτία, aberration from prescribed laws, innate vice, not merely the vicious act, but, the very corrup- tion of the soul itself. Not the mere incitement to sin, but, that which is in itself evil and vicious, the corruption which is by nature in us, (see No. 2, and note.) 4. πρόσκομμα, the thing struck against by any one, a stumbling-block. 5. προσκοπή, a stumbling, a being offended. Jn Ν.Π, offence, cause of stumbling. 1. Matt. xvi. 23. ἅ, XViii. 7 3 times. 1. Luke xvii. 1. — Acts xxiv. 16, see O (void of) 2. Rom. iv. 25. 2. ——v. l5twice, 16, 17, 4, Rom. xiv. 20. 1, —— xvi. 17. | —1Cor. x. 82, see O (give none) 5. 2 Cor. vi. 8. 3. χὶ. 7. 1, Gal. v. 11, 18, 20. — Phil. i. 10, see O (with- ἢ τ tx. 85, Ι ont) 1. 1Pet. ii. 8. SHAKE, SMITE, TAKE, WAY, WIPE’ [ 547 1 | OFF OFFENCE (ατγΕ NONE) of offence, (see [ below.) ἀπρόσκοπτος, void γίνομαι, to become. 1 Cor. x. 32. OFFENCE (vor oF) ἀπρόσκοπτος, not stumbling, not caus- ing to stumble: or Pass., not falling into sin. Acts xxiv. 16. OFFENCE (wirnovt) ἀπρόσκοπτος, see above. Phil. i. 10. OFFEND (-£p.) 1. σκανδαλίζω, to lay a snare for, set a trap for ; hence, to cause to stum- ble or fall, to give offence or scandal to anyone. 2. πταίω, to stumble against, fall over; to strike the foot against and fall, trip. 8. ἁμαρτάνω, {ο miss the mark, err from, swerve from the truth; gen., to sin. 1. Matt. v. 29, marg. | 1. Markix.47,marg.cause cause to offend. | to offend. a 30. j i. xiv. 27, 29. 1. —— xi. 6. 1. Luke vii. 23. 1. —— xiii. 21. | 1. —— xvii. 2. - 41, see O (thing | 1. John vi. 61. that) 1. —- xvi. 1. 1. 57. 3. Acts xxv. 8. 1. — xv. 12. 1. Rom. xiv. 21 (om. 7 1. —— xvii. 27. σκανδαλίζεται ἢ ἀσθε- 1. ——- xviii. 6, 8, 9. νεῖ, ov is offended or is 1. — xxiv. 10. made weak, α - T 1. —— xxvi. 31, 33 twice, Trmb δ δ.) 1. Mark iv. 17. — 1 Cor. viii. 13 twice, see 1, — vi. 3. O (make to) 1, —— ix. 42. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 29. Le 43, marg. cause | 2. Jas. ii, 10. 1. ——- 45. [0 offend. | 2. —— iii. 2 twice. OFFEND (ake το) 1. 1 Cor, viii. 13 twice. OFFENDETH (rntne ΤΠΑΤ) σκάνδαλον, see “ OFFENCE,” Λο. 1. Matt. xiii. 41, marg. scandal. OFFENDER (pe an) ἀδικέω, to violate right, act unjustly. Acts xxv. 11, OFF OFFER (-ep, -τκα.) προσφέρω, to bear or bring to or towards any place or person, bring near to; hence, to offer, present. ἀναφέρω, (No. 1, with ἄνα, up, pre- Jjixed, instead of πρός, towards) to bear upwards, carry up; of sacri- jices, place upon the altar, 1.6. to offer up. δίδωμι, to give, bestow upon; render up, yield. ἐπιδίδωμι, (Wo. 3, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed) to give upon, 7.6. in over into another’s hands. 5. dvayw, to lead up, conduct or bring up, as a sacrifice to thealtar, hence, to offer sacrifice. 6. παρέχω, to hold near to any one, to hold out near or beside any one, so as to present or offer anything. 1. Matt. ii. 11, mearg. _— Phil. ii. 17, see O (bs) present unto. —2 Tim. iv. 6, see O 1: v. 24. (ready to be) Ἱ. —— vail. 4; ια. Πορτ 1,9; 1. Mark i. 44. (== ERAGE DC ONY: 3. Luke ii. 24. | ——— vii. 27, see O up. 1. —-v. 14. 1. —— viii. 3 twice, 4, 6. — vi. 29. | 1. —— ix. 7, 9, 14, 25, 28. 4. ——xi. 12. | 1. ——x.1, 2,8,11,12 part. 1. —— xxiii. 36. | 1. —— xi. 4. 5. Acta vii. 41. [αν 17, see O up. if 2. | 2. — xiii. 15. 1. — viii. 18. | 2. Jas. ii. 21 part. 6. —— xvii. 81, marg. | —1 Pet. ii. ξ, see O up. (text, to give.) | 3. Rey. viii. 3, marg. 1. —— xxi. 26. add. | OFFER UP. 1. Heb. vi. 7 part. 1. Heb. xi. 17 twice, 2. ——vii.2715t,272nd part. | 2. 1 Pet. ii. 5. OFFERED (sr) σπένδω, to pour out, to make a libation. Here, mid., to pour out one’s self, Phil. ii. 17, marg. poured forth. OFFERED (ΒΕ READY TO BE) σπένδω, see above. 2 Tim. iv. 6. See also, 1001,, WRONG. ΓΙ 548 ἢ addition to, to give over, deliver | i.e. one’s blood, to offer one’s self, OFF OFFERING (-s.) [noun.] 1. προσφορά, an offering, oblation ; (strictly, without blood; opp. to | θυσία and ὁλοκαυτώμα.) | 2. δῶρον, a gift, present, esp., gifts dedicated to God. 2. Luke xxi. 4. — Rom. xv. 16, see O up. 1. Acts xxi. 26. 1. Eph. v. 2. 1, —— xxiv. 17. 1. Heb. x. 5, 8, 10, 14, 18. OFFERING UP. 1. Rom. xv. 16. | OFFICE. 1. διακονία, service, serviceable labour, attendance, ministry ; everylabour that is aservice benefiting others is a διακονία. 2. ἐπισκοπή, visitation, implying in- spection and tender guardianship ; then, of the duty of visiting and inspecting, the office of an ἐπίσ- κοπος. 3. πρᾶξις, a doing, action, something done; also, something to be done, business, office, function. 3. Rom, xii. 4. —1Tim.iii. 1,see Bishop. 10, 18, see Dea- — Lukei. 8, 9, see Priest. 2. Actsi. 20, marg. (text, Bishoprick.) 1. Rom. xi. 13. con. — Heb. vii. 5, see Priesthood. OFFICER (-s.) 1. ὑπηρέτης, an under-rower, a common sailor, (as distinguished from ναῦται, seamen.) Hence, gen., one who does service under the direction of any one, esp., of magistrates, e.g. a lictor ο) officer, like Eng., con- stable, beadle. | 2. πράκτωρ, an exactor, collector, 2.e. a public officer who collected debts, fines, or penalties, (nonoce.) 1. Matt. v. 25. 1. John xviii. 3, 12, 18, 22. 2. Luke xii. 58 twice, . — xix. 6. 1. John vii. 32, 45, 46. 1. Acts v. 22, 26. OFFSCOURING. περίψημα, scrapings from all round, (from περίψαω, to wipe or scrape all round) scum, filth, (20 oce.) 1 Cor, iv. 13. OFF OFFSPRING. γένος, genus, race, offspring, posterity. Acts xvii. 28, 29. | Rev. xxii. 16. OFT. 1. πολλάκις, many times, often. 2. πολλά, much. 3. πυγμῇ, with the fist, i.e. rubbing with; hence, diligently, sedu- lously, carefully. [An ancient interpretation of Mark vii. 3, makes it as meaning up to the elbow. | 2. Matt. ix.14(om.L TN.) . 1. Acts. xxvi. 11. 1. — xvii. 15. | —1Cor. xi. 25, see O as — — xviii. 21, see Ο | (as) ow) | 1, 2 Cor. xi. 23, 8. Mark vii. 3, marg. | 1. 2 Tim.i. 16. diligently. | 1. Heb. vi. 7. OFT? (How) , ποσάκις, how many times? how often? Matt. xviii. 21. OFT AS (as) ὁσάκις, how many times? how often ὃ In N.T., with ἄν, however often, so often as. 1 Cor. xi. 25. OFTEN. 1. πολλάκις, many times, often. 2. πυκνός, adj., thick, firm, solid, close together ; hence, frequent, often. 3. πυκνά, neut. pl. of No. 2, frequently. — Matt. xxiii. 37, see Ο ) —1 Cor. xi. 26, see O as (how) as 1. Mark v. 4 1. 2 Cor. xi. 26, 27 twice, 8. Luke v. 33 1. Phil. iii. 18. — — xiii. 34, see Ο | 2. 1 Tim. v. 23, (how) 1. Heb. ix. 25, 26. OFTEN (How) ἴ ; ποσάκις, how many times ? Matt. xxiii. 37. | OFTEN AS (as) ὁσάκις, see “ OFT AS (AS) ”’ 1 Cor. xi. 26. | Luke xiii. 34, Rev. xi. 6. OFTENER (rue) πυκνότερον, (comp. of ΟΕΤΕΝ,᾽ No. 2.) Acts xxiv. 26. [ 549 J OLD OFTENTIMES. 1. πολλάκις, many times, often. 9 τά, the, } these many τ ἃ πολλά, many, ἡ [ἐπιοβ.] πολλοῖς, many, ) many times, "ἡ χρόνοις, times, ὁ (emphatic.) 8. Luke viii. 29. 2. Rom.xv.22, m: 1. Rom. i. 13. 1. 2 Cor. viii. 22. 1. Heb. x. 11. . (text, much.) OFTTIMES. πολλάκις, many times, often. Matt. xvii. 15. ! Mark ix. 22. John xviii. 2. OIL. ἔλαιον, olive oil, (non occ.) Luke xvi. ὦ Heb. i. 9. Jas. v. 14. Rev. vi. 6. Matt. xxv. 3, 4, 8. Mark vi. 13. Luke vii. 46. — x. 34. | Rev. xviii. 13. OINTMENT (-s.) μύρον, any aromatic balsam, distilling itself from a tree or plant, esp., myrrh. Jn N.T., ointment (per- fumed), (non 966.) Luke vii. 37, 38, 46. —— xxiii. 56. John xi. 2. —— xii. 3 twice, 5, Rev. xviii. 13. Matt. xxvi. 7. [s.) 9 (om. GLTtTrA 12. | Mark xiv. 3, 4. OLD. (For various combinations, see below.) 1. παλαιός, old, as having existed a long time; hence, old, worn out, decayed, ete. 2. ἀρχαῖος, old, as having existed for- merly, of former days, of old time. 3. πάλαι, long ago, of old, already long. 4. γέρων, an old man, (non occ.) — Matt. ii. 16, see Year. | 1. Rom. vi. 6. 1, —— ix. 16, 17. pol Corey. 7,8 1. Mark ii. 21 twice, 22. | 1. 2 Cor. iii. 14. — Luke i. 36, see Age. | 1, Eph. iv. 22. | 1. —— v. 36twice, 37, 39. 1. Col. iii. 9. | 2, —— ix. 8, 19. 8. 2 Pet. i. 9. 4, John iii. 4. 2. ii. 5. | — Acts vii. 23, see Forty. | 1. 1 John ii, 7 twice. 2. —— xxi. 16. (dred. | 2. Rev. xii. 9. — Rom. iv. 19, see Hun- | 2. xx. 2, OLD (πε) 1. γηράσκω, to grow or become old, (οσο. Heb. viii. 13.) OLD Π 51} OLI ου... 2. ἔχω, to have, [here, to have so many OLD (wax) years, be so many yearsold.] τι τ αλαιόω, see “OLD (MAKE)” Raid caer hie | Sih ake i a 2. γηράσκω, see “ OLD (BE),” Wo. 1, (οσο, John xxi. 18.) OLD TIME (in THE) 1. Luke xii, 33. | 2. Heb. viii. 13. ποτέ, when, whenever, 7.e. at some time, Saath once, formerly. OLD WINE. 1 Pet. iii. 5. παλαιός, see “ OLD,” No. 1. Luke ν. 39. OLD TIME (τα) ποτέ, see above. OLD WIVES’. 2 Pet. i. 21, marg. at any time. γραώδης, old-womanish, (non occ.) 1 Tim. iv. 7. OLD (make) See παλαιόω, to let grow old, wax old, | OLDNESS. become old, become antiquated. παλαιότης, oldness, antiquatedness, (non ορ, 18: eee) Rom. vii. 6. OLD MAN. | OLIVE BERRIES. 1. πρεσβύτης, an old man, one aged. ἐλαία, an olive, an olive tree, also used 2. πρεσβύτηρος, older, elder, an elder- of the fruit. man; like Eng., alderman. | Jas. iii. 19, 1. Luke i. 18. | 9, Acts ii. 17. Bree OLIVE TREE. OLD (oF) Rom. xi. 17, 24. | Rev. xi. 4, | 1. πάλαι, long ago, of old, already long. OLIVE TREE (coon) 2. ἔκπαλαι, (No. 1, with ἔκ, out of, pre- Ψ .Ω ; Ὁ ο. καλλιέλαιος, yielding fine oil, and hence, fixed), (occ. 2 Pet. 11. 3.) a good or beautiful olive tree, 2, 2 Pet. ili. 5. | 1. Jude 4. (non oce ) Rom. xi. 24, OLD TIME (or) 1. ἀρχᾶιος, (see “oun,” No. 1.) OLIVE TREE (wirp) éx, out of, out of ἀγριέλαιος, a field ov wild olive tree, 2. ἡ γενεῶν, generations, ancient oleaster, (this tree bears no fruit.) ἀρχᾶιων, ancient, generations. Rom. xi. 17. 1. Matt. v. μμ i sali dinate OLIVE TREE WHICH IS WILD. 1, Matt. v. 33. ae pk 2, Acts xv. 21. ἀγριέλαιος, see above. κα Rom. xi. 24, NGS. μα OLD THING OLIVES. ΄ « ” ορια OLD, Nae A, ἐλαία, an olive tree. Τὸ ὄρος τῶν ἀλαιῶν, τὰ, the, the Mount of Olives, z.e. the hill 2. ὁ ἀρχᾶια, old things, (see “oD,” on the east side of Jerusalem, and No. 2.) separated from it by the valley of 1. Matt. xiii. 52. | - 2 2Cor.v.17. the Kedron. Mark xiv. 26. Luke xix. 29, 37. — xxi. 37. —— xxii. 39. John viii. 1 (ap.) OLIVET. ἐλαιῶν, of olives, (non occ.) Acts 1, 12. OMEGA. Q, omega, the last letter of the Greek | alphabet. Rev. i. 8, 11 (ap.) | Rev. xxii. 13. Rev. xxi. 6. OMIT. ἀφίημι, to send forth or away from, to dismiss. Matt. xxiii, 23. OMNIPOTENT. παντοκράτωρ, the Omnipotent, the Almighty. Rev. xix. 6. ON. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. ἐπί, upon. (a) with Gen., upon, and proceeding from, (e.g. as a pillar from the ground) on, as springing from. (b) with Dat., upon, as resting on, upon, locally, with the idea of’ rest simply. (0) with «σοι, upon, by direction towards, upon, with motion implied, (i.e. downward pressure.) 2. «is, into, (motion to the interior) to, unto. 3. év, in, of time, place, or element. 4. ἐπάνω, above, upon. 5. ἀπό, from, from the exterior, (see diagram under “ or’); away from. 6. περί, around. (a) with Gen., around and sevarate Jrom, about, concerning. (b) with οσοι, around and towards. 7. κατά, down. (a) with Gen., down from. (b) with 4οο., down upon, or along. 8. ἐκ, out of, from among. 9. μετά, with, in association with, (as dist. from σύν, which implies con- Junction and co-operation.) (a) with Gen., with. [In Luke x 37, the sense is, “he that dealt merci- fully with.’’] (b) with Ace., after. le.Matt. iv. 5. la. Luke ii. 14. 4, ——v. 14. le.—— iv. 9. le. 15. 3. 16, 31 le. 99 (No. 2, L T | 1ce.— v, 18. . AR®.) 3. 17. 1ο. 45 twice. 3. —— vi. 1. la.— ix. 2, 6. Ι 8. 2 (om. L T Tr θα. 86. | Α κ.) 1ο.------σ. 29 (om. 4-2) 3. —— 6,7 le. 34, 2. 20. 1e.— xiii. 2. le. 29, 49. 10.---- xiv. 19 (No. la, L | 1b.— vii. 13. T Tr A* §®.) lc.— viii. 8 (No.2, GL la. 25 (No. le, L T TTrAW®.) Tr AN.) ! 1a. 13. le. 26 (No. la, L T | 3. 15 TrAR®.) la, 16. le.——28, 29. 3. 22. ie.— xv. 32, 35. 2. 28. la,— xvi. 19 twice. 3. —— 82. 1le.—— xvii. 6. 8. —— ix.87(om. TrbAN.) la.— xviii. 18 twice, 19, | ——— x, 11, see On us, 4. — xxi. 7. 4, 19, 8. 19. le. 34, 35. le. 44 twice (ap,) 9. —— 87. 3. —— xxii. 40. 1le.— xi. 33. le.— xxiii. 4. 2, —xii. 49 (No. le, la.— xxiv. 17. GeLTTr At.) 9 90 (om. α 1, Τ | 8. 51. Tr AX.) 3. —— xiii. 7, 10. 3. — xxvi. 5. 38. —— xiv. 5 (om. L> Tr.) le. 7 (No. la, L Τ | 1e.— xv. 5, 99. δ 2. 90 twice. la. 12. 1le.—— xvii. 16. le. 39, 50. la.— xviii. 8. la.— xxvii. 19. 3. —— xx. 1. le. 25 twice. le. 18, 19. 2. 30. le.—— xxi. 12, 35 twice. la. Mark ii. 10. 1a.— xxii. 21, 30. 1b. 21 (No. 19, 1, T | le. xxiii. 30, TrARN. 2. John i, 12. 3. ——— 23. le. 33. 3. 24 (om. 4-.1, T | 2. — ii. 11. TrAR.) 2. —— iii. 18, 36 1st. la.— iv. 1. 10. 36 2nd le. 5. 1b.—— iv. 6. 2. 8. 2. 39. 1ο. 16, 20, 21, 98. 3. ——v. 9, 16. la.— vi. 47. la.—— vi. 2, 19. le.—— viii. 2 9, 29, 35, 40. la. 6, 3, 47 (om. εἰς ἐμέ, 2, ——— 23. on me, T Tr> A δ.) la.— ix. 3, 20. 3. —— vii. 22 (om, L».) le. 22. 3. 23 twice. la.—— xiii. 15. le. 30. 8. —— xiv. 2. 2. ——— 31, 38, 39. 7a. 3 (om. L T Tr | le. 44. ή 9, 48, 2, 6 (No. 8, α 1, T | 2, —— viii. 6 (ap,),8(ap. Tra μα = (ap.),8(ap.), la. 35. 2, —— ix. 35, 36. le. 46(om.TTrAN.) | 2. —— x, 42. 3. —— xvi. 5. 2. —— xi. 45, 48, le. 18 (ap.) 2. —— xii. 11. 3. Luke i. 59, le. 15. [46. le. 65. 2, 87, 42, 443 times, 2. John xiii. 22, 3. 23. le. 25. | 2. —— xiv. 12. | 2. —— xvi. 9. la.—— xvii. 4. 2. 20. la.—— xix. 19, 3. ——31. 2. —— 37. 2. —— xxi.4(No.1lc,G~ | 2. 6. [LTTr=™nN.) le. 20. | 1ο. Acts ii. 18 twice. la. 30 (No. le, L T | Έτ Α κ.) le.—— iv. 5, 22 Ϊ 16.-----τ. 5. | la. 15. Ic. 18. la. 30. | 2. — τι. 15 | le.—— vii. 54 le.—— viii. 17. | 7b. 36. | le. ix, 07. | 6a.— x. 19. | la. 99, | 1ο. 44, 45. 1e.—— xi. 15 twice, 17. 2. —— τη, 9. le. 1. 1le.—— xiv. 10 —— 23. 1e.— xvi. 31. 1e.— xvii. 26 (No. la, 1, | TTrAR®&.) 2. —— xix. 4. | le. 6, 16, 17 le.—— xx. 37. le.—— xxi. 5. la. 23. le. 27. la. 40. le.— xxii. 19 la.— xxv. 17 1b.— xxvii. 441st la. 44 2nd le.—— xxviii. 3. le. Rom. iv. 5, 24. le.—— ix. 23. 1b. 33. 1b.— x. 11. Ϊ le.—— xi. 22. Ϊ 3. —— xii. 7 twice, 8, | le. 20. le.—— xv. 3. | 2. —— xvi. 6. ἱ 14.1 Cor. xi. 10. Ι le.—— xiv. 25. 8. 2 Cor. iv. 8. 3. — vii. 5. 3. — viii. 1. 2. —— xi. 20. | la. Gal. iii. 13. Ϊ 2. 14, | Ες 18, | 14. Eph. i. 10. | la. vi. 3. | Phil. i. 29, 3 Col. iii. i. la. le, 6 ‘(ap. ) ON THE LEFT HAND. εὐώνυμος, of good name ; hence, of good omen, a “word used instead of ἀρισ- τερός, the left, which was a word of ill omen, since all omens on the left were regarded unfortunate. by the Greeks as Acts xxi, 3. [ 552 1 ONC a ie 16 ON THE [or ON ONE'S] LEFT le.Titus iii. 6 [HAND] 3. Heb. i. 3. : πμ 1 ἐξ, out of, from, 3. — x. 2. εὐωνύμων, the left, (see above.) | λον SF os | Matt. xx. 21, 23. Mark x. 37 (ἀριστέρος, T la.Jas. v. 5, 17. —— xxv. 33, 41. Tr A‘) | . 38 1b.1 Pet. ii. 6. | — xxvii. 38. —— xv. 27. le. 24, marg. to. 3. — iii. 22. 3. —— iv. 16 rT; 2.1John v. 10, 13 1st, ON US. 13 2nd (ap.) eon 3. Rev. i. 10. ἡμῖν, to us. re iii. 3 (om. ἐπὶ σε, onthee,G—-LTTr® A.) | Luke x. 11. la.—— iv. Sah ια τι ἢ TrAN Te. 4. ἱ i wa ye Ib, | ON WHICH. ΄ . . . oa τὸ | (ὅπου, where... [the woman is δἰζξέϊηφ.] la.— v. 1, 10. ἐπί, UPON. 3 13 (No. le, G L ae Ὁ h τ τς Α σὲ) | (Cavutwv, them. 1b.— vi. 2, (No.1¢e, GL Ad 4 Rev. xvii. 9. 1b. TTrAN:) | 4. 8. 5. 10 Ist (No. 8, EAR) See also, ACCOUNT, AFFECTION, BACK- le. 16 Ist. SIDE, BEHALF, BIND, BREATHE, ΩΣ ra ον BRING, CAST, COME, COMPASSION, 1e.— vii. ] lst. DRAW, EITHER, FALL, FASHION. la.——_ 1 2nd ἃ 3rd. Ξ le. 1 4th, 11, FASTEN, FIRE, FOOT, GO, ROUND. on ae HAVE, HIGH, HOLD, IMPOSED, JOUR- to — ie NEY, LAY, LAYING, LEAP, LIE, LOOK. la. Lye τη = ts otros: GE MORROW, PART, PAST, PUT, PUTTING TTrAn) RAIL, RIGHT, SAY, SEIZE, SET, SEW, is ee SLEEP, SPIT, TAKE, THINK, THIS, 9, xiii. 13 WANT. la. 14 twice. le.—— xiv. 1. ασ τι ματι la. 6. τα. a (No. 19, L.) ON [adv. ] a. “ le. 161st (No. la, L See. say. TTrAN.) Boker a le. ΜΠ —— | le.—— xv. 2. | la.— xvii. 8, 9. ONCE. -- 11, see O which. 3 [1ο xvii 19, 1. ἅπαξ, once, one time, once for all, la.— xix. 4 (No. 1b, (non occ.) GwLTTrar. δω ame” 2. ἐφάπαξ, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, pre- la. rv Qoiret Jived) upon once, 1.6. once for all ; κάν wre once, not several times. la.— xx. 6. Ζ A = ὃ ἐν εὐ 3. ποτέ, at some time, one time or i Tr), (No. 4 Te Ν.) | other, once, both of time past and 5. —— xxi, 13 4times. future. — Luke xiii. 25,seeWhen. | 2. Heb. ix. — — xxiii. 18, see Ο | 1. 7, 36, 27, 38. (all at) 1. ---χ 2. 2. Rom. vi. 10 -- 10, see O forall. 3. —— vii. 9. | 1. —— xii. 26, 27. — 1 Cor. xv. 8, ta ead ον | 1. L Pet, 111. 18, 1. 2 Cor. xi. 3. Gal. i. 23, — Eph. v. 3, see Not. 1. Phil. iv. 16. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 18. 1. Heb. vi. 4, 2, —— vii. 27. | 1 20 (ἀπεξεδέχετο [the longsuffering: of God] was w aiting, i in- stead of ἅπαξ ἐξεδέ- χετο, once [the long- suffering of God] waited, GL Τ ΤΥ AR.) 1. Jude 3, 5, ONC ONCE (at) 2. 1 Cor. xv. 6. ONCE (att at) παμπληθεί,ἴ]ιο whole multitude together. Luke xxiii. 18. ONCE FOR ALL. 2. Heb. x. 10. ONE. (For “ΟΝΕ ANOTHER,” and various com- binations with other words, below.) 8566 1. εἷς, (fem., μία, neut., ἕν) one, the Jirst cardinal numeral ; emphatic, one, even one, one single. 2. pla, fem. of No. 1 3. τις, (neut., τι) one, some one, ἃ certain one; any one. 4. ὃς, (fem., 7; neut., 6) this, that; who, which, what ; in distinctions, this one, the one. . Matt. v. 18 Ist. 18 2nd, 19. 29, 30. 36. . — Vi, 24 twice, 27, 29. . — x. 29, 42. . — xii. 11. 29, 47. . — xiii. 46. , — xvi. 14. . —— xvii. 44 times, 1 2 | — xviii. 5, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, . — xix. 5, 6. 160, 17. . — xx. 12. 1S. . — xxi. 24. . — xxii. 35. 24, 28. . — xxiii. 8,9, 10 (om. | : αν) 15. : — xxv. 15, 17, 24, 40, 47, 51. —— xxvii. 48. Mark v. 22. — vi. 15, xxiv.40, 42. | p—— vill. 14, 28. . — ix, 53times. µ 17, 37. 38 ο — x, 8 twice. 17, 18, 21. . — xii. 6, 28, 29, 32. . — xiii. 1. — xiv. 10, 18, 20. 37 43, 47. a A 6. 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. —— xxvi. 14,21. [45 2 40 1 vis i 1, 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 21. bt OD DD μα τὸ So DO et μα τὸ μα Co bot . Mark xv. 36(No. 3,T Tr AR.) . Luke iv. 40. —-v. — vii. 36. —— 41. — viii. 49. — ix. 8 (No. 3, T Tr AR.) —— 19. — 33 3 times. 49, — xi. 1, 45. 46. — xii. 6. — 13. 25 (om. T Trb A.) μάς oO I ae 8. 10, 19, 26. . — Xvi. 5, 13 twice. 17. 30, 31. — xvii. 2, 15. 22,341st( om. L».) 34. 2nd. —— 35. 36 (ap.) —— xviii. 10, 19. .-- xxii. 47, 50. 59. —— xxiii. 17 (ap.) 26. 39. . — xxiv. 18. . John i. 40. 1. ——vi. 8, 22, 70, 71. tt μὰ CS μὰ [ 553 1 a a σι CO ADD 09 09 CO οι πα θαμὰ — xxv. 19. —— xxviii. 13. Rom. iii. 10, 12, 30. —-v. 7. —— ix. 10. —— xii. 4, 5. —— xiv. 2. —— xv. 6. 1 Cor. iii. 4. —— jy. 6 twice. —-v.l. —— yi, 16 Ist. —— viii. 4, 6 twice. —— ix. 24. — x. 8. DOM PROM tere hte! πὶ bt bi cort pan cafe bi cors go bobs po John vii. 21, 50. . — Vili. 41. — x. 16 Ist. 16 2nd, 30. —— xi. 49, 50, 52. — xii. 2, 4. —— xiii. 21, 23. —— xvii. 11, 21 1st. 212nd(om,. G= Lb TTrAR.) 22 twice, 23, —— xviii. 14, 22, 26, 39. —- xix. 34 —— xx. 24, Acts i. 22. — iv. 32. —— v. 25, 34. —— vii. 24. —— ix. 43. — x. 6. —— xi. 28. — xii. 10. —— xvii. 26, 27. —— xix. 9 (om. LT Tr 25 12, 16 twice. 17, marg. (text, one man.) 17 2nd & 3rd, 18 twice, 19 twice. 15 twice, 8. 16 2nd. 17. K “ =} μα bo μα το ἐγ EARS DD Κα μα BO τὰ os 29 99 1 Ce γα 59 -α RO 4 ο 90 ΒΟ ADO PROPER RO RRO PERO ΡΟ πρ ONE . 1 Cor. x. 173 times. — xi. 5. — xii. 8. — 11, 12 1st. 12 2nd (om. G2 L πια AN) 12 ard, 13 3 times, 14, 18, 19, 20, 26 twice. — xiv. 2. 27. . 2 Cor. v. 14. xi. 2, 24. : Gal. iii. 16, 20 twice, 28, —— iv. 24. -- ν. 14. . Eph. ii. 14, 15, 16, 18. —— iv. 4 lst & 2nd. . — ii. 2. . Col. iii. 15. . 1 Thes. ii. 11. . 2 Thes. i. 3. 1 Tim. 11. 5 twice. —— iii. 2, 12. —-v. 9. Tit. i. 6. 12. Heb. ii. 6. y — x. 12,14. —— xi. 12. . — xi. 16. Jas. ii. 10. 2 Pet. iii. "g twice. . 1 John v. 7 (ap.), 8. Rev. v. 5. οι 1186: 1 2nd. — vii. 13. — ix. 12. —— xiii. 3. —— xv. 7. —— xvii. 1, 10. 12, 13. xviii. 8, 10, 17, 19. — xxi. 9, 21. ONE ANOTHER. ἀλλήλων, each other, one another. ἑαυτδις, (Dat., pl.) to themselves, each to themselves, to one themselves, one ἑαυτῶν, (Gen., pl.) of themselves, of 2.6. another. ἑαυτούς, (Ace., pl.) another. one another. - {τὸ one, τὸν, the, (ia: one or other, . Matt. xxiv. 10 twice. De — xxv. 32. ct Mark iv. 41. . — ix. δ0. [1 Tiuke ii, 15, as one, the other. Luke vi. 11. — xii. 1. ONE [ 554 ΝΠ ο ου ου 1. John iy. 33. 1. Gal. vi. 2. 1. —v. 4. 1. Eph. iv. 2. 1. —— xiii. 14, 22,34 twice. | 1. 25, 32 Ist, 1. —— xv. 12, 17 2. 32 2nd, 1. Acts ii. 7 (om. πρὸς | 1. ——v. 21. ἀλλήλους, One to an- | 1. Col. iii. 9, 19 1st, other, L T Tr A.) 2. 13 2nd, 1, —— vii. 26. 3; 16. 1, —— xix. 38. 1. 1 Thes. iii. 12. 1. —— xxi. 6. 1. — iv. 9, 18. 1. Rom. i. 27. 5. — v.11. i 11. 15, marg. them- | 1. Tit. ili. 3. selves. 3. Heb. iii. 13. ΠΝ xii. 5, 10 twice, 16. | 1. ——x. 24. 1. — xiii. 8. 1: Jas. ἂν: 1]. 1. —— xiv. 13, 19. 1. ——v. 9, 16 twice, 1. —— xv. 5, 7. 1. 1 Pet. i. 22. ls 14(aAAous, others, | 1. —— iv. 9. lp ee Saye [G.) | 3. 10. 4. 1 Cor. vi. 7. 1. — -v.5, 14. 1. —— xi. 33. 1. 1 John i. 7. 1. —— xii. 25. 1. — iii. 11, 23. 1. — xvi. 20. 1. αν ο My 1ο, 1. 2 Cor. xiii. 12. | 1. 2 Johu 5. 1. Gal. v. 19, 15 twice, | 1. Rev. vi. 4. 26 twice. ! 1, —— xi. 10. ONE ANOTHER (exnorr) παρακαλέω, to call near, call beside, to call some one hither that he may do something ; hence, to speak to with the intention of producing a particular effect ; hence, to speak to with the idea of persuading, exhorting, admonishing, encou- raging. Heb. x. 25. ONE...ANOTHER. dAXos...other, different, \ another, marking nu- | other. τῷ merical (not generic) » * with distinction, μὲν and ἄλλος, (same as above) / δε, see No. 2. + with δὲ and δε, sce No. 8. | ) but this...but that. this indeed... but that ; this on the one hand...that on the other. ὃς, this, that, ie truly, indeed, ᾿ ἢ ὃς, this, that, δὲ, but, és, this, that, 3 δὲ, but, : τὸ ᾿ ὃς, this, that, J δέ, but, ( cis, one, ) . > ( εἰς, one, -»ς érepos...another, pev, indeed, ἕτερος, another, δε, but, (marking gene- _ rie distinction) J one indeed... but another. 3. Matt. xxi. 35. | 2. 1 Cor. vii. 7 (ὃ, the one, 3. —— xxii. 5. instead of ὃς, this one, 3, —— xxv. 15. | LTTrAN) 4, —— xxvii. 38. | 2, —— xi. 21. 1. John iv. 37. 2 XI 8. 1. Acts ii. 12. 1 xy. 39 Ist, 3. Rom. ix. 21. 17. 39 2nd, 2. — xiv. 2. 5. —— 40. 1, 1 Cor. xv. 41. ONE OF ANOTHER (gallings) [margin. | 1 Tim. vi. 5, see ‘‘PERVERSE DISPUTINGS,” ONE OF ANOTHER (πατε com- PASSION) συμπαθής, pl., suffering together with another, mutually compassionate, having fellow feeling. 1 Pet. iii. 8. ONE TO ANOTHER (not passing) [margin. | Heb. vii. 24, see ‘‘ UNCHANGEABLE,”” ONE WITH ANOTHER (aqursttIon) συζητέω, to seek any thing with another, to seek together. Mark ix. 10. ONE STONE UPON ANOTHER. λίθος, stone, ἐπὶ, upon, λίθῳ, stone. Matt. xxiv. 2. | Mark xiii. 2. ONE THE OTHER. ἀλλήλων, each other, one another. Acts xv. 39, | 1 Cor. vii. 5. Gal. v. 17. ONE...THE OTHER. ὃς μὲν... ὃς δε, (see “ONE...ANOTHER,’ No. 2.) ᾽ Luke xxiii. 33. ONE (rue)...[anp] THE OTHER. ὃς μὲν.. ὃς δε, see above. 2 Cor ii. 16. | Phil, i. 16, 17. ONE...OTHER. εἰς... εἰς, (or other.) Matt. xx. 21. Mark xv. 27. — xxiv. 40. John xx. 12, Mark x. 37. Gal. iv. 22. ONE ONE MAN...ANOTHER. ὃς μὲν... ὃς δε (see “0... ANOTHER,” WVo. 2.) Rom. xiv. 5, ONE (at) els, unto, εἰρήνη, peace. Acts vii. 26, ONE AS IF (even att) év, one, καὶ, and, τὸ, the, αὐτὸ, same. 1 Cor. xi. 5. ONE (very) amas, the whole, every one. Acts v. 16. ONE DEAD. νεκρός, one dead, a dead person. Mark ix. 26. ONE HOUR AFTER (rue spacer oF) ( διαστάσης, departed, ) one hour ~ ὥρας, hour, having μιᾶς, one, elapsed. Luke xxii. 59, ONE PLACE (τν) ἐπὶ, Upon, ite the, Ὶ or to the same place αὐτὸ, same, Acts ii. 1. ONE PLACE (τκτο) ( ἐπὶ, upon, τὸ, the, αὐτὸ, same, 1 Cor, xi. 20. | ἴ (see above.) 1 Cor. xiv. 23. ONE MAN. els, one, (mase., one man or person.) Rom. v. 17, marg. one. ) for the same object, ONL ONE (xo, nor) οὐκ, not, ἔστιν, there is, éws, even, unto, ἑνός, one, There is not even one. Rom. iii. 12. ONE THING. 1. ἕν, one, (neut., one thing.) 2. τι, one, some thing, a certain thing. 2. Luke vi. 9 (E Gs), (zi, what, St G),(ei,if, LT TrA RW.) 1. —x. 49. 1. Luke xviii. 22. 1. John ix. 25, 1. Phil.’iii/ 18. 1, 2 Pet. iii. 8. ONE THING, SOME ANOTHER (SOME) others * [therefore ἄλλοι, others, ὁ were crying aloud], τι, something, ) or + [were calling out} something else. * Acts xix. 32. | Τ Acts xxi. 34, ἄλλοι, others, ONE (unto) τούτῳ, (Dat. of οὗτος, this, this same) unto this one. Luke vii. 8. See also, ACCORD, ANY, COMPASSION, CONSENT, EACH, EDIFY, END, EVERY, EXHORT, EYE, GATHER, GREAT, HOLY, LITTLE, MIND, NA- TION, NO, OF, SET, SUCH, WICKED. ONLY. 1. μόνος, only, (1.6. alone, without others) alone, (of many, one out of many.) (a) Neut., as adv., only, alone. 2. μονογενής, the only begotten, ie. only child. 3. εἷς, one. 1. Matt. iv. 10. 2. Luke vii. 12, la.— v. 47. 2. — viii. 42. la,— viii. 8, — — ix. 38, see Child. la. x.. 42. la, 50. 1. —— xii. 4. 1. —— xxiv. 18. la.—— xiv. 36. — John i. 14,18, } see Be- 1, — xvii. 8. — — iii. 16,18, § gotten, la.—— xxi. 19, 21. la.—— v. 18, 1, —— xxiv. 36, i I 44. 8, Mark ii. 7. la.—— xi. 52. la,—— vy. 36. la,—— xii. 9. la.— vi. 8. la.—— xiii. 9. 1, ——ix. 8. 1, —— xvii. 3. 1. Luke iv. 8, la. Acts viii. 16, ONL [ 5 ὅ6 1 OPE la. Acts xi. 19. | la. Eph. 1. 21. la.— xviii. 25. | la. Phil. i. 27, 29, la.—— xix. 27. la,— ii. 12, 27. la.— xxi. 13. ; 1. ——iv. 15. la.— xxvi. 29. | 1. Col. iv. 11. la.— xxvii. 10. | 18.1 Thes. i. 5, 8. la. Rom. i. 32. | la.— ii. 8. la.— iii. 29. Ι 18.2 Thes. ii. 7. la iv. 12, 16. | 1, 1 Tim.i. 17 le Wagrebs kik: | la.— v. 13. la.— viii. 23. | 1. —— vi. 15, 16. ja.—— ix. 10, 24. i la.2 Tim. ii, 20. la.— xiii. 5. | Ja. — iv. 8, 1. —— xvi. 4, 27. | la. 11. 18.1 Cor. vii. 39. ! la. Heb. ix. 10. 1. —— ix. 6. ' —— xi. 17, see Begot- 1. — xiv. 36. la.— xii. 26. {ten. la.— xv. 19. la.Jas. i. 22. la. 2 Cor. vii. 7. la.—— ii. 24. la.— viii. 10, 19, 2 la.1 Pet. ii. 18. | | la.— ix. 12. la.1 John ii. 2. la.Gal. i. 23. — —— iv.9,see Begotten. la.— ii. 10. la.— Vv. 6. la.— iii. 2. 11. 2 John 1. la.— iv. 18. | 1. Jude 4, 25. la.— v. 19. | 1. Rev. ix. 4 (om. α Τὶ T la.— vi. 12. 1. —vxv.4 [τα κα.) ONLY THAT (save) εἰ, if, μὴ, not, except. Acts xxi. 25 (ap.) OPEN. [adj.] 1. ἀνοίγω, to open. Here, participle, open. 2. ἀνακαλύπτω, to unveil. pass., unveiled. Here, part. 1, Johni. 51. 2. 2 Cor. iii. 18. 1. Acts xvi. 27. — Heb. vi. 6, see Shame. 1. Rom. iii. 13. 1. Rev. iii. 8. 1. Rev. x. 2, 8. OPEN (sr) ayo, to lead, conduct; celebrate, hold. Acts xix. 38, marg. be kept, (i.e. court days are held.) OPEN BEFOREHAND. πρόδηλος, manifest beforehand; mani- fest before all, well known. 1 Tim. ν. 24. OPEN (ἣν, -ΕΤΗ, ee [verb. ] 1. ἀνοίγω, to open, stand open, spoken of doors, heaven, a book, the mouth, ears, and eyes. διανοίγω, (No. 1, with διά, through prefixed) to open through, of ΡΥ before was closed, to open fully, | lay open. 3. ἀναπτύσσω, to fold back, unfold, as a roll of a book, (non occ.) bo 4. σχίζω, to split, to rend, to divide with violence, prop., of wood. 5. τραχηλίζω, to twist theneck, throttle, to bend back the neck, e.g. of an animal for slaughter so as to expose the throat; hence, to expose, lay bare, (non ‘oce.) 1, Matt. ii. 11 part. 1. Acts viii. 32, 35. 1. — iii. 16. 1. —— ix. 8 part, 40. 1, —-v. 2. 1. —— x. 11, 34 part. 1, — vii. 7, 8. 1. — xii. 10, 14,16 part. 1. — ix. 30. 1. —— xiv. 27. 1. —— xiii. 35. 2. —— xvi. 14. 1. —— xvii. 27 part. 1, 26. 1. —— xx. 2. —— xvii. 3 1. —— xxv. 11. 1, —— xviii. 14 1. — xxvii. 52. 1. — xxvi. 18 4, Mark i. 10, marg. | 1. 1 Cor. xvi. 9 cleave or rend. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 12 part. 2. — vii. 34. 1. — vi. 11. 2. 35 (Νο. 1, 1, T | 1. Col. iv. 3. Tr Α 8.) — Eph. vi. 19, see O 1. Luke i. 64 (that may) 2. —— ii. 23. 5. Heb. iv. 13. 1. —— iii. 21. 1. Rev. iii. 7 twice, 20, 3. ——iv.17 part (No.1, | 1. ——iv.1. 1. ——xi. 9, 10. [LTr.) | 1. ——v. 2, 3, 4, 5, 9. 1, —— xii. 36. 1. ——wvi. 1, 5, 5, ἢ 1, —— xiii. 25. 9, 12. 2. —— xxiv. 91, 32, 45. 1. viii. 1 1, John ix. 10, 14, 17, 21, | 1. —— ix. 2 (ap.) 26, 30, 32. 1. — xi. 19 1. ——x. 3, 21. 1. — xii. 16 1, —— xi. 37. 1. — xiii. 6 1. Acts v. 19, 23 part. 1. — xv. 5 1, — vii. 56 (No. 2, LT | 1. —— xix. 11. Tr AR.) 1. — xx, 12 twice. OPEN (Har May) ἐν, in ἄνοιζις, an opening. Eph. vi. 19. OPENLY. 1. παρρήσια, freedom or frankness in speaking: the frankness under some circumstances amounts to boldness or intrepidity; hence, fearless can- dour, the candid, confident bold- ness of a joyous heart, (here, Dative case,) with freedom or frankness, ete. 2 with bold- (ἐν, in, ness, etc. ( παρρήσια, see No. 1, § 3. φανερῶς, manifestly, 1.6. clearly, evi- dently. ἐν, in, ἀκ the, ) the word “place” φανερῷ, visible, ( being understood. manifest, ) 5. ἐμφανής, appearing in anything ; hence, apparent, seen openly. OPE 6. δημοσίᾳ, publicly, in public, before the people. 4, Matt. vi. 4 (om. G2L = 2. John vii. 4. Tr AN.) Bet 10. 4 6(om, L T ΤῈ 1. ——13. i) 1, —— xi. 54. 4, ——18 (om. α LT) 1. —— xviii. 20. Tr AR.) | 5. Acts x. 40, and see 3. Mark i. 45. ' “sHow.” 1. —— viii. 32. | 6. —— xvi. 37. 2. Col. ii. 15. OPERATION. 1. ἐνέργεια, the being in work, energy, efficiency, active power. 2. ἐνέργημα, what is wrought, 1.6. effect produced. 2. 1 Cor. xii. 6. | 1. Col. ii. 12. OPPORTUNITY. 1. καιρός, the right measure, the just proportion, esp. as regards time and place, but most frequently of time ; hence, the right time, the convenient time. 2. εὐκαιρία, fit time, good opportunity. 2. Matt. xxvi.16. [1. Gal. vi. 10. 2. Luke xxii. 6. — Phil. iv. 10, see O (lack) 1. Heb. xi. 15. OPPORTUNITY (rack) ἀκαιρέομαι, to lack opportunity. Phil. iv. 10. OPPOSE (-£p, -ΕΤΗ:) ἀντίκειμαι, to lie opposite ; hence, to op- pose, be adverse or repugnant to. 2 Thes. ii. 4. OPPOSE ONE’S SELF. 1. ἀντιτάσσομαι, to arrange and set, or array one’s self against, oppose, resist. 2. ἀντιδιατίθεμαι, to place or dispose one’s self over against, to be ad- verse, (non occ.) 1. Acts xviii. 6 part. | 2, 2 Tim. ii. 25, OPPOSITIONS. ἀντίθεσις, (here, pl.) antitheses, con- trary positions, opinions, or doc- trines, (non occ.) 1 Tim. vi. 20. [ 557 1 OR OPPRESS. 1. καταδυναστεύω, to exercise power against any one; hence, to over- power, oppress, (non occ.) 2. καταπονέω, (here, pass.) to be worn down by labour, (οσο. 2 Pet. ii. 7.) 3. πλεονεκτέω, to have more than an- other, have an advantage; then, to take advantage, defraud. 2. Acts vii. 24. | 3. 1 Thes. ii. 6, marg. 1, —— x. 38. (text, defraud.) 1. Jas. ii. 6. OR. 1. 7,0 particle, disjunctive, or ; interro- gative, whether; or comparative, than. (a) preceded by another ή, and trans- lated...either...or. (b) preceded by ἤτοι, (whether) and implying that there ws no other alternative. * disjunctive. + in the latter clause of a double interrogation, also dis- junetive. 2. εἴτε, or, whether. ᾽ ᾽ (a) εἴτε... εἴτε, whether...or. 3. μήτε, and not, also not, neither, not even. 4, εἄν, τε, and if, (a) repeated, whether weeks 1*,Matt. v. 17, 18, 36. 1¢.Mark ii. 9. la.—— vi. 24. 1¢+.—— iii. 4 twice. lt. 31 twice. 11. 33 (καὶ, and, L T 1+.—vii. 4, 9. TrA RN.) — 10, see O if. 1¢+.—— iv. 21, 30. 1+.——- 16. LY; vi. 15(om.G LT 1¢.— ix. 5. Tr A WN.) 1. x. 11,14,19,37 twice. | 15. 56 twice. 1¢.—— xi. 3. 1*.—— vii. 10, 11, 12. 1¢.— xii. 5. 1+.—— viii. 37 (yap, for, — 29, see O else. ΠΑ Ν.) la. 33. 1*.—— x, 29 Ist 2nd Srddath, ἀν xiii. 21. ὌΝ - 29 Sth (om. ἥ 1*,— xv. 4, 5, 6 (ap.) γυνᾶικα, or wife, 4 οἸ, 1*,—— xvi. 14 Ῥ Tr A κ.) 14. 20. 15, 29 6th ἃ 7th, iL. Xvii, 25 1st. 1¢t.—— xi. 30. 1Ὲ, 25 2nd. 1+.—— xii. 14, 15. 1*,—— xviii, 8 3 times, 1*.—— xiii. 21 (om. --Τ 16 twice, 20, AR.) 15. xix, 29 Ist &2nd. 15. 35 8 εἰπιος, 15 29 3rd ἃ 4th (ap,) 1*. Luke ii, 24. 15 29 Sth (om. » | ———iii. 15, see O υνᾶικα, or wife, L T (whether) r A.) 1¢t,—— vi. 9 twice. 1, — 29 6th ἃ 7th, 1¢+.—— vii. 19, 20. 1¢t.—— xxi. 25. 1*,.—— viii. 16. 1¢.—— xxii. 17. 1*,—— ix, 25. 1¢.—— xxiii. 17, 19. — — xi. 11, see Oif. 15, xxiv. 23. lt. 12. 1t.—— xxv. 37, 38. 1t.—— xii. 11 11 (om. 9 τε, 15, 39, 445 times, or what, Tr> Ab,) 1t.—— xxvii. 17. 15 τ 11 2nd. 1t. Rom. ii. 4. 15, see O else. 1¢t.—— iii. 1. 1+.—— iv. 9, 10, 1. 13. lb,—— τι. 16, 11. Vili. 35 6 times. 1*,—— x. 7. 1+.— xi. 54, 35. 2. —— xii. 7 twice, 8, 15. xiv. 4, 4, 8. 1*; 10, 13. 1*, —— 2] twice (om. 7 σκανδαλίζεται ἢ ἀσθε- vei, or is offended, or is made weak, G—'T 1:.1 Cor. i. 13, ['‘Trmbyy.) *, 1.1 2a.— iii, 22 1st. 2, 22 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 2 22 Sth, 6th, ἃ 7th. ibys iv. 3. ibe 21, Le, v. 10 1st. 1. 10 24 (καί, and, 1, T Tr A RX.) 1*,——— 10 3rd, 11 5 times. 1*.— vii. 11, 15. 1, 16, 2a.— viii. 15. | 2a, | | | | 11. 1 Thes. ii. 19 twice. v. 10. 3.2 Thes. ii. 2 (μηδέ, and is not, L T Tr AR.) 5 4 2a. 15. πα 1 iin. 11, 91st (καί, and, τη 9 2nd & 3rd, 1*,—— v. 4. 1". 16, 19. ἘΦ ης 1.76: ἢ iii. 12, 1*. Philem, 18, 1*. Heb. ii. 6. 13. 15. Jas. ii. 3, 15. {i oo fy, Shi 1*. 1 Pet. i. 11. 2a. ii. 14, 14, εαν, iii. 3, 9. 1*,—— iv. 153 times. — Rev. ii. 5, 16, see O else. 1*.—— iii, 15. | 1* xiii. 16, 17 1st. ἂν, 17 314 (om. G L | T Tr A.) 1", 17 3rd. ih xiv. 9, OR ELSE, 1. 7, see “or,” No. 1. xn 9 ( η, OY, ae 4 ‘ ( και, even. OR [ 558 1 ORA i*.Luke xii. 14. | 1t.1 Cor. ix. 6. εἰ if 11. 99, καί, and, T | 11. 7 (om. L Tr> A.) ΜΞ rad δη, [η δι ay ᾿ 3. «δὲ, but, - . is ap. \ τος sii, 4, Qa. 31 1st, μὴ, not. 1". 15. Ὁ. 7:5 3] and, κο. 1*.— xiv. 5, 12 1*,—— xi. 4, 5, 6. εἰ, if, 11. 31. 11: 22. -- 32, see O else. 2a. xii. 13 twice, 26, ; 4. δε, but, Ja.— xvi, 13. 1*,— xiii. 1. μήγε, not by any means. ie xvii. 7, 21. la.—— xiv. 6. Ae ΜΕΤ 1. 23(om.G3T Tr), | 2a. 7 Ist. 1. Matt. xii. 29. 1. Acts xxiv. 20. (καὶ, and, 39.) 1", 7 2nd, 23, 24, 27, 4, Luke xiv. 32. 2. Rom. ii. 15. ΤῈ xviii. 11, 29 4 times. 29. 8. John xiv. 11. 3. Rev. ii. 5, 16. 1+.—— xx. 2, 4, 22. ὙΠ 96. 1+.—— xsii. 27. 37. 1*, John ii. 6. a.— xv. 11. 1¢.—— iv. 27. 1 5 37. OR EVER. Ls vi. 19. ο οσα. 15. / Ὅ η 17, It. V7. πρό, before. 1" 48, 11.----- iii. 11st (εἰ wn, un- ΤΩ 1+.— ix. 2. less, St G~) : τὸ ΠΣ: 21. : 1 2nd. 1*,—— xiii. 29. 2a.— v. 9, 10, — — xiv. 11, seeOelse. | 1t.—— vi. 15. OR IF. 1+.— xviii. 34. 2a.— pee τ τ »ΝΙ 1*. Acts i. 7. Ἐπ 1b SG 1. ο 12 twice. 1: ap) if η, Or (see OR, 0. 1: 1*.— iy. 7, 84, 1* —— xi. 4 twice, ἣ 141:.. v, 38. 88. xii. 8 9, ὁ καὶ, and, 1|-- vii. 49. τὸ ἐάν, if. 1+.—— viii. 94, 15. Gal. 1.8, τς See 15", κ. 14 (καί, and, LT | 14. 10 twice. Ἴ alae vu. 1 (ἣ και, OF also, τος τσ Α δ δ.) Tr AN.) ee . Luke xi, 11. 15. 28 twice. 1¢.—— iii. 2, 5. a αν. xi. 8. ΓΝ 15. 15. XVii. 29 twice. — — iv.9,seeOrather. η Ίαν 14, | 15. Eph. iif 20. OR NOT (werner) * 7 * 2 9 ice. , - alae pg Po PTS a eg μήποτε, (with opt.) whether perhaps, 1*,— xxiii. 9. | 2a. Phil. i. 18, 20, 27. lest perhaps. — 15, see O ever, ἘΠ ji. Ὁ (μηδὲ κατά, 1: 1» 29. nothing according to, Luke iii. 15. es xxiv.20,see O else. LYTtTrAwnN.) 1"; 23 (om. ἢ προσέρ- oe Col. i. 16 1st. 4 θαι, or come, GSL | 2. 16 2nd &3rd, κ πώ: OR RATHER. 15, xxvi, 31. ἰδὲ ii. 10 4 times. I xxviii. 6, 17, 21. Le, iii. 17. μᾶλλον, more, rather. dé, but. Gal. iv. 9. OR WHETHER...(wuerHeER) εἴτε... εἴτε, (see “on,” Wo. 2.) 2 Cor. i. 6; v.13; xii. 2. ORACLE (-s.) λόγιον, something uttered, utterance, sentence, declaration, (esp. the sayings of the oracles of the gods.) Acts vii. 38. | Heb. v. 12. Rom. iii. 2. 1 Pet. iv. 11. ORATION (take Αν) δημηγορέω, to address a public assem- bly, to harangue the people, (non ουσ.) Acts xii. 21. ORATOR. ῥήτωρ, a speaker, orator, advocate, Acts xxiv. 1. — ORD ORDAIN (-ep.) 1. τίθημι, to set, to put, to place, to lay ; hence, to place, (see “ ar- point,” Λο. 1.) 2. καθίστημι, (No. 1, with κατά, down, prefixed) to set down, constitute. 3. τάσσω, to arrange, put in order or ranks, esp. in a military sense, to draw up solders, array ; then, mid., to order anything to be done, to appoint. . διστάσσω, (No. 3, with διά, through- out, prefixed) to arrange through- out, dispose fully in order. 5. ὁρίζω, to make or set a boundary, to pound; then, to mark out definitely, determine προορίζι., (No. 5, with πρό, before, prefixed ) to mark out before, pre- determine. 7. ποιέω, to make, bring about, cause. 8. κατασκευάζω, to prepare fully, put in readiness. 9. κρίνω, to divide, separate, make a distinction, come to a decision. 10. χειροτονέω, to stretch out the hand, to hold up the hand as in voting ; hence, to vote, give one’s vote by holding up the hand. 7. Mark iii. 14. 1 6..1 Cor. ii. 17. 1. John xv. 16. 4, —— vii. 17, mid. — Acts 1, 22, see O to be | — Eph. ii. 10, see O be- (be) fore. δ, —— x. 42. 1.1 Dimi 7, 3. —— xiii. 48. 2, ΤῸ. 1,5, 10.—— xiv. 23 part. 2. Heb. v. 1 9, —— xvi. 4. 2. —— viii. 3 5. — xvii. 81, _[order. | 8. —— ix. 6 part. 3. Rom. xiii. 1, marg. | — Jude 4, see O before. ORDAIN BEFORE. 1. προγράφω, to write before, to notify, set forth as in a public written tablet. 2. προετιμάζω, to prepare beforehand. 2. Eph. Ἡ. 10, marg. (text, prepare before. 1. Judes. ᾿ ( hes μαι ORDAINED TO BE (πε) γίνομαι, to become. Acts i, 22, ORDER [noun.] . τάξις, a setting in order, arrange- ment, disposition, series, (non occ.) μι 2. τάγμα, any thing arranged in order, an array, a body of troops, a band, a rank, (non oce.) . Luke i. 8. 1. Col. ii, 5. . 1 Cor. xiv. 40. 1. Heb. v. 6, 10. —- xv. 23. 1. ——vi. 20. 1. Heb. vii. 11 twice, 17, 21 (ap.) noe -— ORDER (sy) καθεξῆς, according to the order or suc- cession, consecutively, in con- nected order. Acts xi, 4, ORDER (atve) διατάσσω, to arrange throughout, dis- pose fully in order. _1 Cor. xvi. L ORDER (iy) καθεξῆς, see “ ORDER (BY)” Luke i. 3. i Acts xviii. 23. ORDER (ser ForTH IN) 1. ἀνατάσσομαι, to set or draw up in order, or to re-arrange, to go regularly through again. 2. ἐπιδιορθόω, to make straight upon, to put further to rights, arrange further, (ποπ occ.) 1. 1 Cor. xi. 34, mid. | 2. Tit. 1. 5, mid. ee ORDER. [verb.] Rom. xiii. 1, see ‘f ORDALN.”” ORDERLY. a} 1. δικαίωμα, the product or result of justifying ; hence, legal decision, statute of right as the result of the settlement of the right; legal statutes, ordinances. 2. δόγμα, that which seems true to one, an opinion, esp. of philo- sophie dogmas; a public resolu- tion, decree, (οσο. Luke u. 1; Acts xvi. 4, xvii. 7.) LL ORD 8. διαταγή, disposing in order, arrange- ment, (occ. Acts vii. 53.) 4, παράδοσις, delivery, the act of de- livering over from one to another, | | 1 : 5 κτίσις, a founding, creation. precept, ordinance, instruction. 5. 1. Luke i. 6. | — Col. ii. 20, see O (be 3. Rom. xiii. 2. | subject to) 4.1 Cor. xi. 2, marg. | 1. Heb. ix. 1, marg. cere- tradition. | mony. ἱ 2. Eph. ii. 15. eb 10, marg. vite or 2. Col. ii. 14. ceremony. 5. 1 Pet. ii. 19, ORDINANCES (ΒΕ suBJECT το) δογματίζομαι, to submit to opinions laid down, to suffer opinions to be laid down as laws for one’s self. Col. ii. 20. ORDINARY [margin.} Acts xix. 39, see ‘* LAWFUL.” ORPHAN [margin. | John xiv. 18, see “ COMFORTLESS.” OTHER. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) ΠΣ besides what has been mentioned, denoting numerical distinction. (a) with the article. ἕτερος, the other, denoting generic distinction, the other, different of two; a stronger expression there- Sore than No. 1. (a) preceded by another €repos, and translated “ some...other.” ἄλλος, other, not the same, 1.6. one λοιπός, the remaining, the rest, what is left. (a) with art., τὰ λοιπὰ, ( pl.) the rest, Lat., cetera. 4. cis, one, the one. 1, Matt. iv. 21. (1. Matt. xxv. 16, 17, 20, 22. la.— v. 39. 1. —— xxvii. 42. 2. —— vi. 24 twice. la. 61. la.—_ xii. 13. la,—— xxviii. 1. 2. 45, la. Mark iii. 5 (om. ὑγιὴς | 1. — xiii. 8. ὡς ἡ ἄλλη, Whole as the 2. —— xv. 30. other, G LT Tr AR.) 2, —— xvi. 14. Le iv. 8, 36. 1. — xx. 3, 6. 1. —— vi. 15 twice. 4, 21. 1, —— vii. 8 (ap.) tle xxi. 8, 36, 41. ' 1, —— viii. 28. Le xxii. 4. 4, —— x. 37. — — xxiv. 91,566 End. ᾿ς ae, 4. lr 2st ose. ἢ [ 560 1 4. Mark xv. 27. i, 31, 41. 2. Luke iv. 43. 2. Vi 7. 1. - 20, la.— vi. 10 (ap.) 2. —— vii. 41. 2, — viii. 3. 28. 6, 7, 8. 1, —— ix. 8,19. 2, —x.1. — 31, 32, see Pass. 2. —— xi. 16, 26. 2. —— xvi. 13 twice. 2 Xvii. 34,35, 36 (ap.) 2, —— xviii. 10. 1. — xx. 16. 2. —— xxiii. 32. -- 33, see One. 1. —— 35. 2. 40. —— xxiv. 1, see O (certain) 3. 10. 1. John vi. 22, 23. 1. — vii. 12, 41. 1. —— ix. 9, 16. 1, —— x. 16, 21. 1. — xii. 29. la.— xviii. 16. ΠΣ 84. 1. —— xix. 18 la. 2. la.— xx. 2, 3, 4, 8. 4. 19. πμ, 25. a 30. 1. —— xxi. 2. la. 8. 2. Acts ii. 4, 18, 40. 1. —— iv. 12 1st, Os 12 2nd, 2, —— viii. 34. | DO bo μα ον τῷ OTH => -- 1. Acts xv. 2. 2. —— xvii. 84. 2. —— xxiii. 6. 2. —— xxvii. 1, 3. Rom. i. 13. 2. —— viii. 39, 2, —— xiii. 9. 1. ὍΣ Ἢ 16: 1. — iii. 11. 2, —viii. 4 (m. G3L TTrA®&.) UG 8s PE 3. ——5 1: 12, 27, 2. —— x. 29. 2. —— xiv. 17. 1. 19. 2. 21. la. 29, 3a.— xv. 37. — 2 Cor. ii. 16, see One, 2. —— viii. 8. 1. — xi. 8. 3. — xii. 13. 3. —— xiii. 2. 2. Gal. i. 9. 4. —— iv. 22. 2. Eph. iii. 5. 3a.— iv. 17 (om. α Tr Α δ.) 3. Phil.i.13, marg.others. -- 16, 17, see One. — ii. 4. " ιν, 8. . 1 Thes. ii. 6. : Ὁ Τὴ. π ΟΣ . Heb. xi. 35. 36 : Jas. v. 12. — 1 Pet. iv. 15, see Busy- body. 1. Rev. ii. 24. la.— xvii. 10. OTHER (Hacn) ἀλλήλων, each other, one another. Phil. ii. 3. 2 Thes. i. 3. OTHER MAN. 1. John iv. 38. 1. —— xv. 24, 1. 2 Cor. viii. 13. 1. Phil. iii. 4. OTHER MATTERS. 2. Acts xix. 39, (περαιτέρω, further, instead of, περὶ ἑτέρων, concerning other matters, L T Tr.) OTHER SIDE (rue) τὸ, the, πέραν, beyond, on the other side, Matt. viii. 18, 28. — xiv. 22. — xvi. 5. Mark iv. 35. that beyond, the region on the ἡ other side. Mark v. 1, 21. —— vi. 45, marg. over, — viii. 13. Luke viii. 22. OTHER SIDE OF (on rue) | πέραν, see above. John vi. 22, 20. OTA [ 561 1 οσα ---.. -- = OTHER (oF ΤΗΕ) OTHERS (or) τὴν, the, ἀλλότριος, not one’s own, another’s, τοῦ, of the the [ conscience belonging to another or others. ε Fi ; ” o ἑτέρου, see “OTHER, of the other. Heb. ix. 25. No. 2. 1 Cor. x. 29. OTHERWISE. 1. ἐπεί, since, because, seeing that. OTHER WAY (some) εἰ, if, μα... ut if, no ἀλλάχοθεν, from another place, (non | 2. 4 δέ, but, μιά. ἃ οσο.) μήγε, not indeed, ; hn x. 1. poe 3. ἄλλος, see “oruER,” No. 1. OTHER THAN 4, ἄλλως, otherwise, for the differ- : (non occ.) ence between > / με | / 9 ἐκτός, out of, without, outside of. 5. ἑτέρως, otherwise, ( Wos. 4 and 5, see Acts xxvi. 22. (non occ.) “ OTHER,” Nos. 1 and 2. 2, Matt. vi. 1. 3. Gal. ν. 10. OTHER (rue) 1, Rom. xi. 6 1st 5. Phil. iii. 15. , 1, 6 2nd (αρ. 4. 1 Tim. v. 25. 1. λοιπός, see “ orHER,” Λο. 3. 1 22, ied oe, vi. 5. 806 ‘Teach. δον . Heb. κ σσ, 2. ἐκεῖνος, that, that one there. 1. Pett xxv. 11. 1, Gal. ii. ie OTHERWISE 2. Luke xviii. 14. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 16. 1, Acts xvii. 9. 1. Rev. viii. 13. (σε) 9, Luke v. 36. Ι 2. 2Cor. xi. 16. OTHER (anp THE) OUGHT. [noun.] κἀκεῖνος, and that one there. See, AUGHT. Matt. xxiii. 23. | Luke xi. 42, a Lk en ee Sana OUGHT (-zst.) [verb.] OTHER THINGS. 1. δεῖ, it needs, there is need of some- Ι. ἄλλα, see “Ὅτε, No. 1. Here, thing ελα) εν cheant: or massing s neut. pl it is necessary from the nature of ot - 4 the case, one must; itis right and 2. ἕτερος, see “OTHER,” «Νο. 2. Here, proper, one ought. (Commonly neut. pl. rendered by a change of construc- 3. τὰ λοιπά, see “oTHER,”’ Wo. 3a. tion, e.g. ‘he must go,” for “it 3. Mark iv. 19. 2, Luke xxii. 65. needs that he go.”) * Imp. tense. 1, —— vii, 4. 1. John xxi. 25. , ΠΡ 3, Luke i. 18. tg iy 5 ου, 1. 18, δέον, necessary, proper, ) it is ne- WAT al wea a (part. of No. 1) > cessary, ἐστί, it is, there is, ) there is OTHERS. need, must needs. 1. λοιποῖ, see“otuER,” No.3. Here, pl. | 3. ὀφείλω, to owe, to be indebted ; 2. ἄλλοι, see“otHER,”’ No.1. Here, pl. then, to be bound to be obligated ‘ he performance of any duty. 3. ot, these. to the perfo 96. ϱ) ang Y 1. Luke viii. 10. | 1. Phil. i. 18,marg. (text, | 4. χράω, tmpers. χρή, there is use for, ; xviii. 9. other.) ᾿ Ϊ it 1 2. John vii. 12. 1. 1 Thes, iv. 13. it needs, it behoves, it is meet. 3. Acts xvii. 32. 1. — v. 6. ses ος + 3 1. = xxvii, 9. 1. 1 Tim, v. 20. πώ Δ ΔΈ aot: eee το} ΘΠ os a 1. Mark xiii. 14. 1, — x. 6 (ap.) 1. Luke xi. 45”. 8, --- Sa 1, —— st 12. 2, — xix. 36. OTHERS (crerrary) 1, —— xiii. 14, 16*. 1, —— xx. 35. 1, —— xviii. 1. 1, —— xxiv. 19°. τινες, Some, certain persons, or others. τ Toe τς eee Luke xxiv. 1 (ap.) 3. — xiii. 14, 1, Rom. viii. 26. MM οσα [ 562 ] OUR 1. Rom. xii. 3 | —1 Tim. v.13, see O not 8. —xv.1. ara Hy which they) 1. 1 Cor. viii. 2 [1 Tit. i. 3. —— xi. 7, 10. ΤῊ Heb die. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 3*. | 3 — v. 3, 12 part. 3. —— xii. 11, 14. 4. Jas. iii. 10. 3. Eph. v. 28. — — iv. 15, see Say 1. —— vi. 20. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 1. Col. iv. 4, 6. 8. 1 John ii. 6 1, 1 Thes. iv. 1 3. —— iii. 16. 1. 2 Thes. iii. 7. 3. — iv. 11. 1. 1 Tim, 11, 15. | 3. 3 John 8 OUGHT NOT (rurGs wHicH THEY) τὰ, the things, py,not, (see “No,” No.2, } the things and note), that δέοντα, ought, (part. of \ ought not. 0. 1 Tim, v. 13. OUR. 1. ἡμῶν, (Gen. of ημεῖς, we) of us. 9. es with, ἡμῖν, US. 3. ἡμῖν, (Dat. of ἡμεῖς, we) to or for us. 4. ἡμέτερος, our, our own, (more em- phatie than the above.) 5. ὑμέτερος, your, your own. 1. Matt. vi. 9, 11, 12 twice. . 1. Acts ii. 8. 1. — viii. 17 4. 11, 1. — xx. 33. 1. —— iii. 18, 25. 1. —— xxi. 42. 1. —— v. 30. 1. — xxiii. 30. 1. — vii. 2, 11, 12, 15, 1, — xxv. 8. 19 Ist. 1. —— xxvii. 25. 1 192nd (om. L T 1. Mark ix. 40 (ὑμῶν, | Tr A δ) your, St GL.) ae 38, 39, 44, 45 twice. 1. —— xi. 10 1. —— xiii. 17. — —— xii. 7, see Ours. 1. — xiv.17 (ὑμῶν, your, A hs 11, 29. GLTTrAR®&.) 1. Luke 1. 55, 71, 72, 73. 1. —— xv. 10, 25, 26. 1; 74. (om. L>T Tr [1 36 (om, ἃ L T i Tr A.) 1; 75 (om. τῆς ζωῆς, | 1. —— xvi. 20 i.e. our days, instead | 1. —— xvii. 20. of the days of our life, | 1. —— xix. 25 (No. 3, L GLTTr A.) πι πι Δ. 82). (ὑμῶν, ue G9 79. your, Ge) 1. — vii 3. hace οκ 1. — xx. 21. 1. —— xiii. 26. | 1. —— xxii. 14. 3. —— xvii. 5. | 4. —— xxiv. 6 (cP) — —— xx. 14, see Ours. εἰν 7 (ap. — — xxiii. 41, see O 4. —— xxvi,5. deeds. 1’ ο, 1. —— xxiv. 20. 1. —— xxvii, 10. -- 22, see O com- | 1. —— xxviii. 25 (ὑμών, Ls 82. {pany. | your, LT Tr A κ.) 1. John iii. 11. | 1. Rom. i. 8, 7. 1. —— iv. 12, 20. 1. —— iii. 5, 1. — vi. 31. | 1, —— iv. 1, 12, 24, 25twice. 1. — vii. 51. | 1. —v. 1, 5, 11, 21. 1, —— viii. 39, 53. 1. —— vi. 6. 1, —— ix. 20. | i 11 (om. τῷ κυρίῳ i. —— xi. 11, 48, ἡμῶν, our Lord, G 1. —— xii. 38. | οσα) 1, —— xix. 7 (om. GLT | 1. 23. TrAN.) | 1, —— vii. 5, 25. | | ile 1. —— ix. 10 1, —-x. 16. 1. — xiii. 11 4, —— xv. 4, 1 6. 1. — xvi. 1 (ὑμῶν, your, iF 9, 18, 20, 24 1. 1 Cor. i. 2156. -- 22nd, see Ours. i. ee ζ δ, 9, 10. 1. wala (om, L> &.) ue "42nd (om. L».) 1. — vi. 11. 1, —— ix. 1. ἘΞ 10 twice, see O sakes (for) 1. —x.1, 6, 11 1. —— xii. 23, 24, 1. —— xv. 3, 14. 5. 31st, marg. (text, eh (No. 4, St Aym ib 91 2nd, 57. 1. 2 Cor. i. 9, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 1 12 twice. 14, see Ours. 18, 22. iii. 2, 5. iv. 3, 6, 10, 11, 36, ν ΤΟΣ 12 ὑμῶν, your, Lm Trm δὲ, 1. —— vi. 11twice. 1. — vii. 3, 4, 5. 12 ὑμῶν ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν, your care for Us, instead of ἡμῶν ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν, our care for you, StL T Tr AW.) 14 (ὑμῶν, your, LA.) aes) 9, 22, 23, 24. | — ix. —x. ᾧ 8, 15. «τσκ. 8] (om. Gi? Tr AR.) Gal. i. 3, 4 twice, — ii. 4. —— iii. 24. —— vi. 14, 18. . Eph, i. 2, 3, 14, 17. — ii. 3, 14. — iii. i, 14 (ap.) 1 ike Up ile 1. <.: - τῷ ΒΕΕ: το rg : τ τ ο 1 Τ Έτ RX.) 1 Thes. i. 1 (αρ.), 2, 3 twice, 5, ii. 1, 2, 3, 4, Re ee ee μα μα μα SoS Sipe Sai ΠΕΡ Κα μα κα αι μαμα μὰ ol 111. 4 (ὑμῶν, your, | OUR COMPANY. 1. Luke xxiv. 22. Rom. viii. 16, 23, 26, 99. | — 1 Thes. ii. 8, see O own. 9, 19 twice, 20. iii, 2 Ist, 22nd (αρ.), 5, ο 9, at twice, 13 twice. 23, 28, 8, 19, 11, 12 twice. — ii, 1 twice, "14 twice, 15; 16 twice. 12 (om. G ο 1, TTrA.) 14, 18. 1 Tim, i. 1 twice. 2(omGs3LT Tr AX.) 13. — iii. 4, 6. 14, see Ours. — ii. 10 ᾿ὑμῶν, your, {s+ 2 Pet. i. 1 (ap.), 2, 8, 11, 14, 16. — iii. 15 twice, 18, . 1 Johni. 1 twice. 3. —— jf}, 21. 22nd, see Ours. — iii.5 (mG 2L T Tr A.) 19, 20. 21 (om. L.) — iv. 10. 17,marg.with us. —v. ᾿ 2 John 12 ὡμῶν, your, GeLTrA.) . 3 John 12. . Jude 4 twice, 17, 21, 25. . Rev, i. 5. — v.10. — vi. 10. —— vii. 3, 10 (ap.), 12. —— xi. 8 (αὐτῶν, their GLT Tr A),(om. 8.) 15. — xii, 103 times, — xix. 1, 5. — xxii. 21 (om. 1, TTrARN.) OUR DEEDS. ( a, those things which ἐπράξαμεν, we practised. Luke xxiii, 41. OUR OWN. ἴδιος, Own, One’s own, as pertaining to a priate person, and not to the public. ἑαυτῶν, our own selves. 1. Acts ii. 8. 1. 1 Cor. iv. 12. 1. — iii. 12. 2. 1 Thes, ii. 8. OUR SAKES (for) (διὰ, on account of, for the sake of, ( ἧμας, 118. 1 Cor. ix. 10 twice. OURS. 1. 2 Cor. i. 14. 4. ‘Tit. 111. 14. 4, 1 John ii. 2. 1. Mark xii. 7. 1. Luke xx. 14. iw Cor. 1. 2: OURSELVES. 1. αὐτοί, (pl.) selves, joined with each of the persons; here, 1st pl., we ourselves. 2. ἑαυτῶν, of ourselves, reflexive, (Gen. pl.) 3. ἑαυτοῖς, to or for ourselves, (Dat. pl.) 4. ἑαυτούς, ourselves, (Ace. pl.) — Luke xxii. 71,2 see O | 2. 2 Cor. iii. 5 1st. — John iv. 42, (we) | 2. 52nd (αὐτῶν, L.) 4. Acts xxiii. 14. 4, — iv. 2, 5 twice. 3. Rom. viii. 22. 4, ——v. 12, is 23 Ist. 4. — vi. 4, — —- 232nd, see O (we) | 4. ——vii.1. 1. ; 4, —x. 12, 14, 3. — xv. 1. — Gal. ii. 17, see O (we) — 2 Cor. i. 4, see O (we) | 1. 2 Thes. iii. 9. 9 twice. — Tit. iii. 3, see O (we) 4, — iii. 1. — Heb. x. 25, see O (of) 1. 1 Johni. 8. OURSELVES (or) 2. Heb. x. 25. OURSELVES (we) 1. αὐτοί, see No. 1, above. 2. ἡμεῖς, we. { ἡμεῖς, we, * ( αὐτοί, ourselves. 1. Luke xxii. 71. 1. 2 Cor. i. 4, 1. John iv. 2. 1. Gal. ii. 7. 3. Rom. viii. 23. ο. Tit. iii. 3. OUT. ἔξω, out, without, outside, out of doors. Matt. v. 18. Luke viii. 54 (ap.) — xxvi. 75. — xiii. 28. Mark xiv. 68. —- xiv. 35. OUT Acts xvi. UJ. 1 John iv. 18. uke xxii. 62. — xxiv. 50 (om. G-L> Tr Ab &.) Rev. iii. 12. John vi. 37. —— xi. 2 (ἔξωθεν, from —— ix. 34, 35. without,L T Tr), (ἔσω, — xii. 9]. within, &.) See also, BLOT, BRING, CARRY, CAST, CHASE, CRY, CUT, DEPART, DRAW, DRIVE, FALL, FETCH, FINDING, FOAM, GET, GIVE, GO, GOING, GUSH, LAUNCH, LEAD, LEAVE, LET, LIFT, LOOK, PLUCK, POUR, PULL, PURGE, PUT, RUN, SEND, SHOOT, SOUND, SPEAK, SPY, STREET, SWIM, TAKE, THRUST, TREAD, TURNED, WORK. OUT OF. (For other words in connection, see below.) 1. ἐκ, out of, from among, (motion from the interior.) ἀπὸ, away from, (motion from the exterior.) 3. ἔξω, without, outside, out of doors. 4. ἐκτός, out of, without. 5. διά, through. (a) with Gen., through, as proceed- ing from; through, by means of, (in reference to agency, and de- noting the instrument of action.) (Ὁ) with Acc., through, as tending towards, on account of, (denoting the ground of action.) παρά, beside. (a) with Gen., beside and proceeding from, used with persons only, (as No. 2 ts with places) ; from, tm- plying that something is imparted. (b) with Dat., beside and at, near, with. (c) with Acc., to or along the side of, beside. 1. Matt. ii. 6, 15. | 2. Matt. xii, 48, ο. — iii. 16. | 2. —— xiii. 1 (No. 1, L 5a.— iv. 4. TN), (om. Tr.) 2, —— vii. 4 (No.1, L T | 1. 41, 52. TP) 2. —— xiv. 18, 29. . —— ο twice. 1. —— xv. 11, 18, 19. 1. —— viii. 28, | 2. 22, μες ν | 1, —— xvii. δ. 1. —— xii. 34, 35 twice, 19 13. MM* Ro ee ΠΠ BS FIRS στα σσ τσι fo to 99 69 alg a | Press Οὐ BOBS μὲ μὲ μὲ tt μὰ μιὰ et γιὰ BS {μὰ bt γιὰ 80 9 PO κὰ ὁ BO 9 | Prorprppy ΟΥἹΤ . Acts vii. 3, 4, 10, 40. 58 Matt. xxi. 16. 17, 39. — xxiv. 17. 27. — xxvii. 53. Mark i. 10(No.1GsL TTP Ας) 25. 26 (No.2,G~L.) 29. — V.2 2 twice. 8 (No. 2, L™.) 10. 17. 30. —— vi, 33. 54. — vii. 15 (No.1, LT | Tr A.) ΕΣ ο) μέ ---- nace (om. GS) mam 98, —— ix. 28 (No. 2, L.) —— x. 46 (ἐκεῖθεν, from | thence, instead of ἀπὸ Ἱεριχὼ, from Jericho, —— xii. 8. πο πια πο, κο ΟἹ. 46. —— xvi. 9 (No. 6, L | Tr), (ap.) . Luke i. 74. —— ii. 4. —— iv. 22. 29. 35 1st (No. ΟΣ τ Tr AR.) 352nd,see Come. ο δον 42, eg twice -— viii. —— 4; see O of every city. 12. 27. 29,33, 35, 38, 46. — ix. 5. —_ 35. xi, 6, marg. (text, 24, 54, — xii. 54. -- xiii. 33. in.) " _— iv. 30, 47, 54. νε δε ο, 42, 52, viii. 59. x. 28, 29, 39. xi. 55. xii. 17, 34. . — xiii. 1. — xv. 19. — xvii. 6, 15. —— xx. Acts i. ὃ: πε ππτ ἢ ΞΕ ΣΟ ΠΡ; 38 (No. 2,GeT , | [μα ασε: a μα aN μα cl μὶ μα μα μαὶ cl ol col cel col cel cl ol ol κ-ὶ καὶ καὶ γὶ μὶ καὶ καὶ γα γα καὶ καὶ BRE eH DR μα τὸ POIROT Role Fee re παν τῆς viii, 99. Ss ae —— xiii. 17,42 (ap.),50. 9 18. 40 (Νο. 2, T σὲ.) —— xvii. 2. xix. 12 (om. — xxvii. 29, 30 twice. — xxviii. ὃ (No.2 GowLTTraArn. ‘te 21, 23. . Rom. ii. aig —— xi. — xiii. ἘΠῚ 1 Cor. v. 10. 2 Cor. i. 16. —— xii. 2. rate from, L TA . Eph. iv. 29. Col. ii. 14. — iii. 8. 2 Thes. ii. 7. 1 Tim. 1. 5. 2 Tim. ii. 22, 26. iii. ΠῚ he, iii. ο 12, 16. iv. 5, v. a i Vi. vii. M4 (No. 2, L.) iii. 4. ix; ikea 17, 18. 6 (om. ἐκ τοῦ saith ρα of the Tem- ple, G=Tr.} xvi. 1 (om. ἐκ τοῦ ναοῦ, out of the Tem- ple, G 5 τσι) . ——7 (om. ἀλλοῦ ἐκ, another out of, G L Φ Tr Ae 15 twice. 17 (No. 1, 4991, ἘΣ 21. — xvu. 8. —- xviii. 4. — xix.5(No. 2, Tr A 15, 21. — xx. 7, 9, 12. — xxi. 2, 3, 10, —- xxii. l. —— 19 1st. 19 2nd. Gel [ 864 ἢ ΓΞ απ αὐτῶν, of then, GLT 3 (χωρίς, ών = OUT ἱ | OUT OF EVERY CITY. κατὰ, throughout, ) distributively, ee the city, ᾿ from every city. Luke viii. 4. See also, BORN, CAST, COME, DEPART, DRAW, FLEE, GET, GO, MEASURE, PUT, SEASON, SLEEP, VANISH, WAY. OUTER. ἐξώτερος, the outermost, most remote, .. (non occ.) Matt. viii. 12. Matt. xxii. 13. | Matt. xxv. 30. OUTGO. προέρχομαι, to go forward, go further, pass on, to go before in advance. Mark vi. 33 (ap.) OUTRUN. προτρέχω, to run before in advance, τάχιον, More SW iftly. John xx. 4. OUTSIDE. ἔξωθεν, from without, 1.6. outwardly, externally. bo ἐκτός, out of, without, the outside. 1. Matt. xxiii. 25. | 2. Matt, xxiii. 26. 1. Luke xi. 39. OUTWARD. ἔξω, out, without, external. ἔξωθεν, from without, 1.6. outwardly, externally. ἐν, in, openly, 3. 4 τῷ, the, [place, > mani- φανερῷ, open, manifest, ) festedty. 2. Matt. xxiii. 27. — 2 Cor. x. 1, see Appecr- — Luke xvii. 20,see Show. 8, Rom, ii. 28. I. 2'Cor: iv. 16, ance, 7, see Appear- ance. 2. 1 Pet. in. 3. OUTWARDLY. 2. Matt. xxiii. 28. oF OUTWENT. OUTGO. 8. Rom, ii. 28. See, OVE [ 565 1 OVE Μ — Matt. xxvii. 61, see O , le. Acts xix. 13. OVEN. against κ — —— xx. 2, see Go. κλίβανος, an oven for baking bread. | — Markiy.35,) see =| — ae ae A large round earthen pot, first Se. i. 40, mang. (text, | — — xl. 5, 9 pee heated by'a fire made within, and | _ "omer ee) | ἐς τ aoe 8. then the dough spread upon the sides to be baked into thin cakes, (non occ.) Matt. vi. 30. | Luke xii. 28. OVER. ἐπί, upon, superposition. (a) with Gen., upon, (as springing Jrom) upon and proceeding from ; over, of superintendence or govern- ment, (b) with Dat., upon, (as resting on) like the Gen., except that the point of view is different. (0) with Ace., upon, (by direction towards) upon, with motion im- plied; over, of authority in action. [Norre.—lb is used when follow- ing a verb of existence. le when the verb is transitive. ] ἐπάνω, up above, upon, over. πέραν, beyond, over, on the other side. (a) with art.,that beyond, the other side. περί, around. (a) with Gen., around and separate from. (b) with Acc., around and towards, about, in reference to, concerning. ἐκ, out of, from among, from. ἐν, in. ὑπέρ, over. (a) with Gen., over and separate from, on behalf of, as though bend- ing over to protect. (b) with Acc., over and towards ; beyond, above, wsed in comparison. ὑπεράνω, up over, up above. 2. Matt. ii. 9. la.Matt. xxiv. 40. — — ix. 1, see Pass. 1b. 47. . 23, le.—— xxv, 2] Ist ——— xiv, 84,5 899 Go la. 2] 2nd —— xx. 25, see Do-| le. 23 1st. minion, la. 23 2nd. — — xxi. 2, see Over | 2. —— xxvii. 37. against. le. 45, — — x. 42 lst, see Rule. 42 2nd, see Lord- ship. -- xi. 2, see O — — xii. 41, § against. — — xiii. 3, see Over against. ᾿ — —— xv. 20, see Write. le. 33. -- 39, see Over against. le. Luke i. 33. 1le.—— ii. 8. 4b.— iv. 10. 2. 39. — — vi. 38, see Run. — — viii. 22, see Go. -- 20,5660 against 10.------ 1χ. 1. 10.-- x. 19. -- — xi. 42, see Pass. 2. 44, le.— xii. 14. la. 42. 1b. 44. 1lb.— xv. 7 twice, 10, 1le.—— xix. 14. 2. 17, 19 le. 27. — —— 80,5660 against 1b. 41 (Νο. 16, LT TrAR®.) — — xxii. 25, see Lord- 1e.— xxiii. 23. [ship. 1b. 38. 106. 44. 8. John vi. 1. -- 13, see Remain. 3. 3. — xviii. 1. la.Acts vi. 3. le.—— vii. 10, 11. 16, see Carry. le. 27 (No. la, L T Tr &.) 1b.— viii. 2. — — xvi. 9, see Come. against. — Rom. i. 28, see Give. — — iii. 25, see Passing. le.—— v. 14. -- 9, 14,3 see Do- — — vii. 1, minion. la.— ix. 5. — —— xv. 12, see Reign. 4b.1 Cor. vii. 37. —2Cor. i. 24, see Do- minion. le.— iii. 13. —— viii. 15, see O (have nothing) — — xi. 2, see Jealous. 7b. Eph. i, 22. — — iv. 19, see Give. — Col. iii. 15, see Tri- umph. 1b.1 Thes. iii. 7. — — v.12, see O (be) 1. Tim. ii. 12, see Autho- rity. l1e.Heb. ii. 7 (ap.) le.—— iii. 6 8. —ix.5 le.— x. 21. 15.545. v. 14. 19.1 Pet. iii. 12. — — v. 3, see Lord. — Jude 7, see Fornica- tion. la. Rev. ii. 26. le.— vi. 8. la.— ix. 11. la.—— xi. 6. 1b.—— 10. le.—— mili. 7. Ja.— ak ae 5. xv. 21st, 2 2nd(ap, 23rd ἃ 4th. ” (αρ. le. xvi. 9. la.—— xvii. 18. 1b.— xviii.11 (No. 1c, T Tr ARW.) le. 20 (No. 1b, GL TTrAw®,) OVER AGAINST. 1. κατέναντι, down over against, 2.6. at the point over against. 2. ἀπέναντι, from over against, before, in the presence of. ἐξ, out of, from, ἐναντίας, over ugainst, opposite, over against. 4. ἀντικρύ, opposite to, (non oce.) σι ἀντιπέραν, over againstthe other side, on the opposite shore, (non occ.) κατά, down. (a) with Gen., down from, against. (b) with Ace., down towards, down upon or along, (locally.) over against, OVE Kee eee 7. πρός, towards. (a) with Gen., hither wards. (b) with Dat., resting in the direc- tion towards. (c) with Acc., hitherwards, towards, in reference to; to. . Matt. xxi. 2 (No. 1, L | 1. Mark xii. 41 (Tr™) T Tr Α 1.) awe S.[(No2,Tr.) 2. — xxvii. 61.” (ayes 7e.Mark vi. 45, marg. | 5. Luke viii. ὃν, (text, unto.) 1. —— xix. 90. 1, — xi. | 4, xx, 15, 6b. Luke xxvii, 7 twice. OVER (zr) προΐστημι, to cause to stand before, to set over. In N.T. only intrans., to be over, preside, rule. 1 Thes. ν. 19. OVER (Ave NOTHING) ov, no not, to have not πλεονάζω, to be more more than than enough, enough. 2 Cor. viii. 5. OVERCHARGE. ἐπιβαρέω, to weigh down, press heavily upon, burden upon, be burden- some upon. 2 Cor. ii. 5. OVERCHARGED (sr) βαρύνομαι, to be heavy, be weighed down, be oppressed by weight, (non occ.) Luke xxi. 34 (Βαρέομαι, GL T Tr AX.) OVERCOME... 1, νικάω, to be victorious, victor, conquer. come off 2. κατακυριεύω, to lord it against or over any one; have or exercise authority over, get the mastery over. 3. κατεργάζομαι, to work out, bring about, accomplish ; to w ork down, make an end of. 1. Luke xi. 22. 1. John xvi. 33. 2. Acts xix. 16. 1. Rom. iii. 4. 1. Rom. xii. 21 twice. 3. Eph. vi. 18, marg. (text, do.) 1. 1 John ii. 13, 14. 566 1 OVE 1 1 John iv. 4. ! 1. Rev. iii. 5, 12, 21 twice. — Vv. 4 twice, 5. 1, — xi. — 2 Pet. ii. 19, 20, Leno 1: — xi il. — xiii.7 fr) ΠΕ Εν ΗΝ 17, 26. tae Ϊ 1. Rev. xxi. 7. | { OVERCOME (πε) ἡττάομαι, to be inferior, to be subdued and vanquished ; hence, enslaved. 2 Pet. ii. 19, 20. hoa OVERFLOW (-z».) κατακλύζω, to dash down upon; hence, to overflow, to flood, (non occ.) 2 Pet. iii. 6. $$ | i OVERLAY. περικαλύπτω, to veil round, around ; hence, overlay. Heb. ix. 4. cover OVERMUCH. περισσότερος, (comp. of περισσός, over | and above, more than enough) more abundant. | 2 Cor. ii. 7. | OVERREACH. [margin. } 1 Thes. iv. 6, see “ DEFRAUD.” OVERRULE. [margin. ] 1 Pet. v. 3, see ‘LORD OVER (BE)” OVERSEER. ἐπίσκοπος, a watcher, overseer. (Jn Athens it was the name given to the men sent into subdued states to conduct their affairs.) [In the V.7. itis used of presbyters, (Acts xx. 28), denoting the watch- ful care which they were to ex- ercise, (of. 1 Pet. ν. 2). In Phil. i. 1, the ἐπίσκοποι, who elsewhere are called πρεσβύτεροι, are men- tioned with the διακόνοι, (cf. 1 Tim. 111, 2, with v. 8; and Tit. i. 7, with verse 5.) While πρεσβύτερος therefore denotes the dignity of the office, ἐπίσκοπος denotes its duties. | Acts xx. 28, OVE OVERSHADOW. ἐπισκιάζω, to cast a shadow upon, to overshadow, (non occ.) Matt. xvii. 5. Luke i. 35. Mark ix. 7. — ix. 34, Acts v. 15. OVERSIGHT OF (rake THE) ἐπισκοπέω, to look upon, observe, to examine how it is concerning any thing. Of the sick, to visit and look after them; in a military sense, to review or muster, inspect. 1 Pet. v. 2. OVERTAKE (πὸ 1. καταλαμβάνω, to lay hold of, seize suddenly, come suddenly upon. 2. προλαμβάνω, to take before. Here, Aor. 1 pass., to have been before taken, caught, (either unexpectedly before he is aware, or able to offer resistance; or, caught before he can escape, thus implying an aggra- vation of the offence.) 2. Gal. vi. 1. | 1. 1 Thes. v. 4. OVERTHROW [noun. } καταστροφή, (Kng., catastrophe) a throwing down, an overturning, overthrow, destruction, as of cities. 2 Pet. ii. 6. OVERTHROW (-y, -Ew.) [verb.] 1. καταστρέφω, to turn down, turn under, as with a plough; to upset, overthrow. 2. ἀναστρέφω, to turn upside down, overturn. 3. ἀνατρέπω, to turn up or over, over- turn, (Tit. i. 11.) 4. καταλύω, to loosen down, dissolve, disunite the parts of anything ; hence, of buildings, to μον put an end to. 5. καταστρώννυμι, to spread or strew down; of persons, to strew as corpses in the desert, (non occ.) 1, Matt. xxi. 12, 4. Acts v. 38. i. Mark xi. 15. 5. 1 Cor. x. 5. 2. John ii. 15. 3. 2 Tim. ii. 8. Paar ἢ] ox OWE (-ΕΡ, -EST, -ETH.) ὀφείλω, to be indebted, prop., in a pe- cuniary sense. Matt. xviii. 28 twice. Luke vii. 41. — xvi, 5, 7. Acts xxi. 11(a.v. 1611, see Owneth.) Rom. xiii. 8. Philem. 18. OWETH (wurcn) ὀφειλέτης, a debtor. Matt. xviii. 24, OWE BESIDES. προσοφείλω, to owe in addition to. Philem. 19, OWN [adj.] γνήσιος, genuine, legitimate, prop., spoken of children. Also, by impl., sincere, faithful. 1 Tim. i. 2. Ι Titus i. 4. OWN (ΒΕ THINE) μένω, to remain, coi, to thee. Acts v. 4. See also, ACCORD, BUSINESS, COMPANY, CONCEITS, COUNTRY, COUNTRYMEN, HAND, HER, HIS, HOME, LOVER, MINE, OUR, PLEASURE, THEIR, THINE, YOUR, WILL. OWNETH. [verb.] ἐστί, with Gen., whose this is, Acts xxi, 11 (in a.v. 1611, oweth.) OWNER. κύριος, (from κῦρος, might, power) lord, master, owner. Luke xix, 33. | Acts xxvii. 11, see Ship. OX (-En.) 1. βοῦς, an ox or cow, 7.6. an anima of the ox kind. 2. ταῦρος, a bull, bullock. 2. Matt. xxii 4, 1, John ii. 14, 15. 1. Luke xiii. 15. 2. Acts xiv. 13. 1, —— xiv. 5, 19. 1. 1 Cor. ix, 9 twice. 1, 1 Tim. ν. 18, PAL [ 568. 1 ῬΑΡ PAIN (-s, -ED.) 1. πόνος, labour, travail; hence, sorrow, pain, anguish. 2. ὠδίν, a throe, pang, as of a woman in travail. 2. Acts ii. 24, [ναι]. 1. Rey. xvi. 10, 11. — Rom. viii. 22, see Tra- 1. —— xxi. 4. PAIN (-Ep.) [verb.] βασανίζω, to apply a touch stone; to examine by words or torture; hence, to afflict with pain; spoken of the pains of parturition and punishment. Rev. xii. 2. PAINED (be) [margin.] Luke xii. 50, see ‘‘STRAITENED (ΒΕ). PAINFULNESS. μόχθος, wearisome labour, including the idea of painful effect ; sorrow. 2 Cor. xi. 27. PAIR. ζεῦγος, a yoke; hence, gen., a pair, a couple, (οσο. Luke xiv. 19.) Luke ii. 24, PAIR OF BALANCES. ζυγός, a yoke, serving to couple any two things together ; hence, the beam which unites two scales, a balance. Rev. vi. 5. PALACE. 1. αὐλή, a court, a yard, i.e. any enclosed space in the open air exposed to winds and weather; hence, the courtyard of an oriental edifice, which served as a place of reception. 2. πραιτώριον, Lat., pretorium, the general’s tent in a camp; then, the residence of the governor of a province, whether praetor or other officer ; a pretorian residence. 1. Matt. xxvi. 3, 58, 69. | 1, Luke xi. 21. 1, Mark xiv. 54, 66. 1. John xviii. 15. 2. Phil. 1. 13, marg. Caesar's court, PALE. χλωρός, pale-green, yellowish-green, like the colour of the first shoots of grass, etc., which, though beautiful in a vegetable, is, in a living crea- ture livid, and plague-stricken. See Lev. xii. 49; xiv. 97. In Rey. vi. 8, The colour of the horse, whose rider’s name is “ Pestilence,” (see Matt. xxiv. 7). Rev. vi. 8. PALM. Matt. xxvi. 67, see Smite. | John xviii. 22, see Strike. PALM and PALM TREE.* "| φοίνιξ, a palm-tree, the date-palm, wsed also of a bough earried in the hand. John xii. 13.* | Rev. vii. 9. PALSY (stck oF THE) 1. παραλυτικός, paralytic, palsied. 2. παραλύω, to loosen at or from the side, to disjoin. In N.T., pass. perf. part., relaxed, enfeebled. 1. Matt. viii. 6. 2, setae v. 24 (No. 1, αν 1, —— ix, 2twice, 6, : 1, Mark ii. 3, 4,5, 9, 10. | 2. Acts ix. 33. PALSY (faKEN WITH A) 2. Luke v. 18. | 2. Acts viii. 7. PALSY (tHar ΠλΤΗ ΤΠΕ) 1. Matt. iv. 24. PAP (-s.) μαστός, the breast, esp. of a woman, (alos, of a man.) Luke xi. 27. Rey. i. 13 (μαζός, the breast — xxiii. 29. (of a man), L. PAPER. χάρτης, Lat., charta, a leaf of paper made of the papyrus. 2 John 12, PAR PARABLE (-s.) 1. παραβολή, a placing beside, or side by side for the purpose of com- parison; an utterance which in- volves a comparison, and whose proper meaning is not that which is expressed by the words, but which must become clear by the intended application. A form, therefore, which conceals from the one what it reveals to the other. [A ParaBte illustrates by what is wont or possible to happen, or by what either the speaker or hearers believe to be possible; ΑΝ Ἐχ- AMPLE illustrates by what has happened; Α FABLE transfers the case in point to a lower sphere in which it could not happen, and therefore the design and meaning are more easily discerned. It is not said whether Luke xvi. 19-31 is the former or latter of these ; but in either case the teaching is not in the words, but in the com- parison. | 2. παροιμία, something by or on the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 way,.a wayside discourse, ο a way- side illustration, lessons drawn from actions of ordinary life, and from objects and processes in nature; also, an out-of-the-way discourse; hence, an enigmatic speech, a dark saying, (in opp. to παῤῥησίᾳ λαλεῖν, to speak openly or plainly.) . Matt. xiii. 3,10, 13,18, | 1. Luke vi. 39. 24, 31, 33, 34 twice, 35, | 1. —— viii. 4, 9, 10, 11. 36, 53. 1. —— xii. 16, 41. . — xv. 15. 1, —— xiii. 6. . — xxi. 33, 45. 1, — xiv. 7. . — xxii. 1. | 1. —xv. 3. . — xxiv. 32. | 1. —— xviii. 1, 9. . Mark iii. 23. ; 1, —— xix. 11 ,. — iv.2,10,11,13twice, | 1, —— xx, 9, 19 3, 84. 1, —— xxi. 29. . — vii. 17. 2. John κ. 6. . — xii. 1, 12. 2. —— xvi.25twice) marg. . — xiii. 28. | 2. 29, (text, . Luke v. 36. I proverb.) PARADISE. παράδεισος, Lng., paradise. The Ixx. use it of the garden in Eden, (Gen. ii. 8, ete.); α word which the Greeks also use to describe a large pleasure- garden with trees, or park of an Eastern monarch. [ 569 ] [The later Jewish teaching made Luke xxiii. 43. | PAR Paradise that part of ἅδης reserved for the Recon But ἅδῃς is grave- dom, whither all go in death (see “weit,” Wo. 2, and note), and Paradise is the place of the risen saints. The Scripture teaches that Paradise was the dwelling-place of God with man in the first Heaven and Earth. It was barred from man at the Fall, and de- stroyed at the Flood. It will re- appear again at the Regeneration, (Matt. xix. 28) when God shall fulfil His promise and make the new Heavens and Earth, (15. li. 16; lxv. 17; lxvi. 22; 2 Pet. iii. 13; Rev. xxii.) of which the Mil- lennial Earth will be at once the pledge and foretaste, (see wnder “HEAVEN”). Hence, the Serip- tures relating to Paradise now, are all future, as the abode of risen saints, not of dead ones. (1) In Luke xxiii. 43, the Lord gives the dying robber a present assurance, instead of a future re- membrance—“ Verily I say unto thee to-day,”—the future fulfil- ment being required by the ab- sence of ὅτι, (compare Luke xxii. 34, and Matt. xxi. 28, with Mark xiv. 80: Luke iv. 21, and xix. 9; and see under το-ρατ.’͵) (2) In 2 Cor. xii. 4 the verb is ἁρπάζω, “catch away,” not, “up.” (8) In Rey. ii. 7 the promise is clearly future, pointing to Rev. xxii. Note also the expressions, “the garden of the Lord,” (Gen. xiii. 10, and Isa. li. 8) the garden being viewed, in its relation to Jehovah, as what it was and what He had made it. Also, “the garden of God,” (Ezek. xxviii. 13; xxxi. 8, 9; and Rev. ii. 7) the garden being viewed in its relation to man, as being the place where God (Elo- him) did and yet would dwell with man—the latter being the human aspect, and the former the Divine. See under “worn,” and note.| (non occ.) 2 Cor, xii. 4, Rev. ii. 7. ee PAR [ 570 PARCEL. | See, GRouND. | | PARCHMENT (-».) µεμβράνα, Lat., membrana, 1.6. Enq., membrane, skin, parchment, (non | oce.) 2 Tim. iv. 13. PARENT (-s.) In N.T. only pl. | Ι . πρόγονος, earlier born, older. In N.T. pl., progenitors, ancestors, forefathers. 3. πατήρ, afather. Here, pl.,i.e. both | |. yovevs, a parent. bo father and mother. 1. Matt. x. 21. 1 1. Rom. 1.30. 1. Mark xiii. 12. 1. 2 Cor. xii, 14 twice. 1. Luke ii. 27, 41, | 1, Eph. vi. 1. 1: — viii. 56. | 1. Col. iii. 20. 1. — xviii. 29. | 2. 1 Tim. ν. 4. 1. —— xxi. 16. (23, | 1. 2 Tim. iii. 2. 1. John ix. 2,3, 18, 20, 22, | 3. Heb. xi. 23. PART (-s.) [noun.] (for various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. μέρος, a part, part of a whole, a portion. 2. pepis, a part, division, part assigned, portion, share, (occ. Col. i. 12.) 3. κλῆρος, a lot, a die, anything used in determining chances; hence, a lot, 1.6.8 partor portion as assigned by lot, an heritage so obtained. 4. κλίμα, inclination, declivity; then, from the apparent inclination of the heavens, the earth was divided | into several κλίματα, climates, by lines drawn parallel to the δις |———— course ; hence, clime, region. ( ot, these, κ ἡ μὲν... indeed... (some indeed ... | Ὁ. - ε οἱ, these, but some. de, but, | 1. Matt. ii. 22. 9, Acts xvi. 12 (om. G-) 1. Mark viii. 10. 1. —— xx. 2. 2. Luke x. 42. 1, —— xxiii. 6, 9 (ap.) ie - xi. 36. 4. Rom. xv. 23. 1. John xiii. 8. | 2. 2 Cor. vi. 15, 1. —— xix, 23 twice. | 1. Eph. iv. 9 (om. G=) 3. Acts i. 17. με: -1θ (μέλος, mem- 3. ——— 25 (τόπος, the ber, Gr) place,GrwLTTrA.) 1. Col. ii. 16 marg. (text, 1. —— ii. 10. 1, Rev. xvi. 19. [respect.) 4. —v.2, | 1, —— xx. 6. 2. —— viii. 21. 1, —— xxi. 8. 5. —— xiv. 4. | 1, —— xxii. 19. 1 PAR PART (αιτε) μερίζω, to part, divide into parts; hence, ‘to assign, grant, bestow. Heb. vii. 2. PART (τα) ἀπὸ, away from, μέρους, a part, partly, in some degree. bi ex, from of things, partially, 2. among, of, ¢ imperfectly; ofper- H€povs, apart, ) sons, individually. 1. Rom. xi. 25. 1. 2 Cor. i. 14. 2. 1 Cor. xiii, 9 twice, 10,12, | 1, — ii. 5. PART (on one’s) 1. xara, down. (a) with Gen., down from. (b) with Acc., down towards, down upon, according to. 2. ὑπέρ, over. (a) with Gen., over and separate from, for, on behalf of. (Ὁ) with «σοι. over and towards, beyond, above. ρα. Mark ix. 40. | lb. 1 Pet. iv. 14 twice (ap.) PART OF (τικε) μετέχω, to have with another, 1.6. to partake of, share in. Heb. ii, 14. See also, FOURTH, GREATER, HINDER, INWARD, LACK, MORE, TENTH, THIRD, UTMOST, UTTERMOST, YOUR. PART (-Ep.) [verb.] 1. διαμερίζω, to dispart, separate into parts, divide out {ο each person Srom a common source. Luke xxiii. 34, John xix, 24, Acts ii. 45, Matt. xxvii. 35 Ist, 35 2nd (ap.) Mark xy. 24. PARTED (np) διίστηµι, to place asunder, separate one’s self, σο away. Luke xxiv, 51, PAR L PARTAKE WITH (-rsv.) συγκοινωνός, a joint-partaker, co- γίνομαι, to become. [partner. Rom. xi. 17. | 1Cor, ix. 23. PARTAKER (5) (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. κοινωνός, a sharer in common, (/rom κοινός, common to all) a partaker, partner, companion. συγκοινωνός, (No. 1, with σύν, to- gether with, prefixed) a sharer in common, in conjunction with others, a joint-partaker, co-part- ner. 3. μέτοχος, having in association with another ; as subst., a sharer with another. He . συμμέτοχος, (No. 3, with σύν, to- gether with, prefixed) a having in association together, in conjunc- tion with another, a joit-sharer, (occ. Eph. v. 7.) PARTAKER (το BE) eis, unto, for the, pepis, part assigned, division, por- tion, share. Col. i. 12. PARTAKER OF (sr) 1. κοινωνέω, to share in common, to be a partaker of or in anything in common with others. 2. συγκοινωνέω, (No. 1, with σύν, to- gether with, prefixed) to share anything in common in conjunc- tion with others. another. 5. ἀντιλαμβάνομαι, to take hold of in one’s turn; hence, to take part in, to interest one’s self for. Here, | part., devoted to. 1. Matt. xxiii. 30. — 2 Tim. i. 8, see Afflic- Ι. 1 Cor. x. 38. 3. Heb. iii. 1, 14. [tions, 1. 2 Cor. i. 7. 8, — vi, 4. 4, Eph. iii. 6. 3. —— xii. 8. 2. Phil. 1. 7. 1. 1 Pet. ν. 1. 5. 1 Tim. vi. 2. 1. 2 Pet. i. 4. | | 3. μετέχω, to have in association with | PAR others. 1. Rom. αν. 27. | 1. Heb, ii. 14 8. 1 Cor. ix. 10; 12. | 4, —— xii. 10. 3. —— x. 17, 21, 30. j 1. 1 Pet. iv. 19. 1. 1 Tim. v. 22. 1. 2 John 11. 4, 2 Tim. ii. 6. 2. Rev. xviii. 4. PARTAKER WITH. συμμέτοχος, (see “ PARTAKER,” Vo. 4.) Eph. v. 7. PARTAKER WITH (pe) συμμερίζω, to divide in conjunction with another. In N.T. mid., to divide in conjunction with, so as to receive part to one’s self, (non occ.) 1 Cor. ix. 13. PARTED. [verb.] See, PART. PARTIAL (be) διακρίνω, to separate throughout, make a distinction. Jas. ii. 4. PARTIALITY. πρόσκλισις, ἃ leaning against, inclina- tion towards; hence, partiality, (non oce.) 1 Tim. τ. 21 (πρόσκλησις, summons, charge, L Trm.) PARTIALITY (wrrnovr) ἀδιάκριτος, not making a distinction, (non occ.) Jas. iii. 17, marg. without wrangling. PARTICULAR (ry) ἐκ, out of, ) 1.6. individually, µερός, part, ἡ also, imperfectly, see 1 Cor. xiii. 9, 12. 1 Cor. xii. 27. PARTICULAR (very one ΙΝ) κατά, according ) individually each ἕνα, one, [{0, one of you, ἔκαστος, each, ) every one of you. Eph. v. 33. PAR PARTICULARLY. κατὰ, according to, ) one by one, 1. « ἐν, one, (see also ἕκαστον, each, above.) 9 (κατὰ, according to, BF eee arts in detail. 1, Acts xxi. 19. | 2. Heb. ix. 5. PARTITION. φραγμός, a fence or hedge as enclosing anything, i.e. a thorn hedge round a vineyard, often in addition to a wall. Eph. ii. 14. PARTLY. μερός, part, τι, some, 1. { in some part, in some measure. τοῦτο, this, pev...indeed, τοῦτο, this, δὲ, but, 1. 1 Cor. xi. 18. | on the one hand... and on the other. 2. Heb. x. 33. PARTNER (-s.) 1. κοινωνός, a sharer in common with others. 2. μέτοχος, having with another; as subst., a partner. 2. Luke v. 7. 1. 10. 1. 2Cor. viii. 23. 1. Philem. 17. PASS (-ED, -ETH, -ING.) (for various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. παρέρχομαι, to come beside ov near any person, draw near; go or pass near, pass along by. διέρχομαι, to come or go through, to pass through; of water, to pass over. ἀπέρχομαι, to go away from one place to another ; hence, go away, de- part, pass away. µεταβαίνω, to pass over from one place to another, esp., to pass from one state to another. σι διαβαίνω, to make a stride, walk, step across, pass over. | | | [ 572 ] 10. ia μα μα STR Re μα μ 3. 4. παρέρχομαι, see “pass,” No. 1. - σπ . Matt. ν. 18 twice. [8 . — xiv. 15. . Mark ix. 30 (πορεύομαι, . — xiii. 30. το δ ἐὰν roots μα κα . Luke xvi. 17. 2. Heb. iv. 14. 26. 6. 1 Pet. i. 17. —— xix. 4. 7. 1 John ii. 8. John v. 24. 4, ——iii. 14. Acts xii. 10 part. 3. Rev. ix. 12. — xviii. 27. 3 xi. 14. . Matt. xxiv. 35 twice. . Mark xiii, 31 twice. . Luke xxi. 32, 33 twice. . 1 Cor. vii. 31. . παράγω, see “ pass,” Vo. 7. 6. ἀναστρέφω, to turnup. Here, mid., to turn one’s self around, to be turned around ; to move about in a place, sojourn, dwell in, live ; to conduct one’s self. παράγω, to lead along near, to lead by or past. Here, mid., pass along, pass away. παραλέγω, to lay near. Here, mid., to lie near or with any one. To lay one’s course near, 7.6. to sail near, by, or along α place, or coast. παραπορεύομαι, to pass by the side or near any one. Here followed by διά, through, to journey through. ὑπερβάλλω, to throw or cast over or beyond; hence, to surpass, exceed. ὑπερέχω, to hold over; then, to hold over, or beyond, to jut out over or beyond, to be better, be superior to, surpass, excel. Acts xxvii. 8. ifs i 2. Rom. v. 12. —1 Cor. vii. 36, see Flower. —— xv. 54, see — viii. 28. | — xxiv. 34. --- xxvi. 39. to pass, L Tr), (maparro- ρεύομαι, to pass near or by the side of, A.) G ~ L.) 10, Eph. 111, 19. — xiv. 35. 11.Phil. iv. 7. 9 PASS AWAY. 1. 2 Cor. ν. 17. 1. Jas. i. 10, 1. 2 Pet. iii. 10. 1. Rev. xxi. 1 (Νο. 8, Τι ης ΑΝ 8. Rev. xxi. 4, — xxvi. 42. PASS BY. διέρχομαι, see “Pass,” No. 2. ἔρχομαι, to come or go, used of per- sons or things, denoting the act of coming ο) going. παραπορεύομαι, 866 “ PAass,’’ No. 9. PAS [ 6. διαπορεύοµαι, to go or pass through a place. 1. Matt. xx. 30. | 6, Mark xviii. 36. 5. —— xxvii. 39. 4. 87. || 1: Mark ii. 14 part. 1. John viii. 59 (ap.) 4, —— vi. 48. 1. —— ix. 1 part. 5. —— xi. 20 part. 3. Acts v. 15. 1. —— xv. 21. 4. —— xvi. 8. 5. 29. | 2. —— xvii. 23 part PASS BY ON THE OTHER SIDE. ἀντιπαρέρχομαι, (“Pass,’ No. 1, with ἀντί, against, prefixed) to pass along over against, to pass by on the opposite side, (non occ.) Luke x. 31, 32. PASS (σαν) διαπεράω, to pass through. Luke xvi. 26. PASS FORTH. παράγω, see “pass,” No. 7. Matt. ix. 9 part. PASS ON. προέρχομαι, to go forward, go further. Acts xii. 10. PASS OVER. 1. διαπεράω, to pass through; of water, | to pass over. διέρχομαι, see “pass,” Wo. 2. παρέρχομαι, see “pass,” No. 1. Matt. ix. 1. 1, Mark ν. 21 part. Mark iv. 35. 1, vi. 53 part. 3. Luke xi. 42. 2. 3. 1. 5, PASS THROUGH. 1. διέρχομαι, see “pass,” No. 2. 2. διαβαίνω, see “pass,” Wo. 5. 3. διοδεύω, to travel through, to tra- verse, (occ. Luke viii. 1.) 1, Luke xix. 1. 3. Acts xvii. 1 part. 1, Acts viii. 40. 1. —— xix. 1, 21 part. εν xv. 8. 1. 1 Cor. xvi, 5 twice 2. Heb. xi. 29. PASS THROUGHOUT. διέρχομαι, see “ pass,” No. 2. Acts xiv. 24 part. — oe 1 PAS --- ----- - | PASSED (rar) πολλή, much, of time or hours, late. Mark vi. 35. PASSING FROM ONE TO ANOTHER. [margin.] Heb. vii. 24, see ‘‘ UNCHANGEABLE.”” | See also, COME, PAST. | PASSING OVER. {margin.] Rom. iii. 25, see ‘‘ REMISSION.” PASSION. 1. πάθημα, what is suffered, affection or suffering of mind, emotion. 2. πάσχω, to suffer. 2. Acts i. 3. | 1. Gal. v. 24 marg. (text, affection.) PASSIONS (oF LIKE) ὁμοιοπαθής, like affected, suffering like things, 1.e.0f like nature, affections, or conditions. Jas. v. 17. PASSOVER. | | | πάσχα, the Greek spelling of the Ara- | maie smobn, the Passover, 2.6. a sparing, immunity, from Heb, | mob, to pass over, to spare. Hence, Eng., paschal, 1.6. Paschal | supper, or Paschal lamb, (occ. Acts xii. 4.) Matt. xxvi. 2, 17, 18,19. | John xi. 55 twice. Mark xiv. 1,12 twice,14,16. .—— xii. 1. Luke ii. 41. — xiii. 1. | ——. xxii. 1, 7,8, 11, 19,15. | —— xviii. 28, 39. John ii. 13, 23. xix. 14. — vi, 4. 1 Cor. v. 7. Heb. xi. 28. PAST. 1. παρά, beside. | (a) with Gen., beside and proceed- ing from, from. (b) with Dat., beside and at, near, | with. (c) with Ace., to or along the side of, compared with, so as to be shown beyond, ete. ; hence, beyond. PAS 2. παρέρχομαι, to come near to or be- side any person or thing, to go or pass near ; spoken of time, to pass by, be past. 3. παροίχομαι, to be gone by, to have gone past, vanished, (non occ.) 3. Acts xiv. 16 part. | — Rom.xi.33,seeFinding. | — Heb. i. 1, see Time. — Gal. ν. 21, see Time. | 1. —— xii.ll,andseeAge. 2. 1 Pet. iv. 3 part. — Eph. iv.19, see Feeling. PAST (πε) 1. γίνομαι, to begin to be; to become, come to pass. 2. διαγίνομαι, (No. 1, with διά, through, prefixed) to become throughout, to be through, 1.6. be past, have elapsed. 3. προγίνομαι, (No. 1, with πρό, before, preoixed) to become before, to have previously committed, (πον 060.) 2. Mark xvi. 1 part. 3. Rom. iii. 25. 1. Luke ix. 36, 1. 2 Tim. ii. 18. PAST (τν TIME) time past and future ; of the past, once, formerly. Gal. 1. 13. : ; Philem. 11. Eph, ii. 2, 11. | 1 Pet. ii. 20. PAST (ΙΝ TIMEs) ποτέ, see above. Rom. xi. 30. | Eph. ii. 3. Gali. 23. PASTOR (-s.) ποιμήν, ἃ shepherd, one who tends herds or flocks, not merely one who Seeds, but one who tends, guides, nourishes, cherishes, and rules, ete. Eph. iv. 11. PASTURE. νομή, pasture, the act of feeding ; also, pasturage, (non occ.) John x. 9. PATH (-s.) 1. τρίβος, a beaten path, (from τρίβω, to rub, wear down), (non occ.) [ 574 ἢ ποτέ, when, whenever, once, both of “| 1. ὑπομένω, to remain behind when PAT 2. τροχία, a wheel-track, rut, road-way, (from τροχός, a wheel), (non occ.) 1. Matt. iii. 3. 1. Luke iii. 4. 1. Mark i. 3. 2. Heb. xii. 18. PATIENCE. 1. ὑπομονή, a remaining under, a bear- ing-up under; hence, patient en- durance, holding out, enduring. * ὑπομονή χριστοῦ, 2 Thes. ii. 5, is the patience which waits for Christ. ὃ λόγος τῆς. ὑπ. μοῦ, Rev. ui. 10, is the word which treats of pa- tient waiting for me, 1.6. the word of prophecy. t Hence, Hope being the grand basis of ὑπομονή, is put for it, ef Rom. xy. 5, 18 with 4. || Also, cf. the three graces of Tit. ii. 2 with 1 Cor. xin. 18. 2. μακροθυμία, longanimity, slowness to anger, 1.6. long-suffering, pa- tient forbearance. — Matt. xviii, 26, 29, see | 1. 2 Tim. iii. 10. P (have) 1||. Tit. ii. 2. 1. Luke viii. 15. 2. Heb. vi. 12. 1. — xxi. 19. 1. ----- κ. 36. 1. Rom. v. 3, 4. 1. — xii. 1. 1. — viii. 25. 1. Jas. i. 3, 4. {ΠῚ xv. 4, 5. — —v.7, see P (have 1. 2 Cor. vi. 4. 5. 10, long) 1. —— xii. 12. 1, 11, π οσοι ΩΣ il: 1. 2 Pet. i. 6twice. 1. 1 Thes, i. 3. 1. Rev. 1. 9. 1. 2 Thes. i. 4. 1, —— ii. 2, 3,19. 1”, iii. 5,marg. (text, | 1+.—— iii. 10. patient waiting. ) | 1. —— xiii. 10. 1, 1. Pim. vi, 11: | 1, —— xiv. 12. PATIENCE (ive) μακροθυμέω, to be long-minded, Ze. slow to anger, passion, ele. ; to be long-suffering, to be patiently for- bearing. Matt. xviii. 26, 29. PATIENCE (Have Lone) Jas. ν. 7. PATIENCE (suffix with long) [margin. | Jas. v.7 marg. See ‘‘ PATIENT (BE) ”’ PATIENT. others have gone; to remain under, to bear up under ; hence, to endure patiently, (here, participle.) PAT 2. ἐπιεικής, fitting upon, fitting, meet ; hence, not insisting on just rights ; not only passively non-contentious, but actively considerate, waiving just and legal redress, and tem- pering strict justice with gentle equity. 8. ἀνεξίκακος, patient holding up under evils and injuries. — 2Thes. iii. 5, see Wait- 2. 1 Tim. iii. 3. [ing. 3. 2 Tim. ii, 24. — Jas. v. 7, 8, see P (be) — Rom. u. 7, see Con- tinuance. 1. — xii. 12 part. — 1Thes. v. 14, see Ῥ (be) PATIENT (πε) μακροθυμέω, see “ PATIENCE (HAVE)” 1 Thes. v. 14. Jas. v. 7, marg. be long patient, or suffer with long 8. [ patience. PATIENTLY. μακροθύμως, patiently, 1.6. with long- | suffering, or with long forbear- ance, (non occ.) Acts xxvi. 3. | Heb. vi. 15, see Endure. PATIENTLY (τακε) ὑπομένω, see “PATIENT,” Wo. 1. 1 Pet. ii, 20 twice. PATRIARCH (-s.) πατριάρχης, Eng., patriarch, the father and founder of a family or tribe. Acts ii. 29. | Acts vii. 8, 9. Heb. vii. 4. PATTERN (-s.) 1. τύπος, a mark or impress made by a hard substance on a softer one; then, model, pattern, exemplar in its widest sense. ὑποτύποσις, (from ὑποτυπόω, to form or copy slightly) delineation, out- line, a primary draught or sketch to be afterwards filled in, ov a sub- tracery to be afterwards painted over, (οσο. 2 Tim. i. 13.) . ὑπόδειγμα, what is pointed out, or shown secretly or privately, w hat is given a glimpse of; hence, a representation. 2. 1 Tim. i. 16, 1. Heb. viii. 5. 1, Tit. ii. 7. 8. —ix. 23, | | | PEA PAUL. Παῦλος, Paul, the name of the great “ Apostle of the Gentiles.” In all passages, except— Acts xviii. 1 (om. L T ‘fr | Acts xxv. 7 (ap.) AR.) (Tr AN.) | —— xxviii. 17 (αὐτός, he, — xxiii. ll (om. GL T GLTTrAR®.) — xxiv. 23 (αὐτός, him, | ——— 30 (om. G L T Tr GLTTrAR.) AR.) PAVEMENT. Διθόστρωτον, stone-strewed, paved, gen., a tesselated pavement of mosaic work. John xix, 13. PAY, ΡΑΕ, 1. ἀποδίδωμι, to give away from one’s self, deliver over, give up. Spoken in ref. to obligation to give in full, render, pay over ο) off as debts or wages, etc. 2. τελέω, to end, finish, complete ; of a law, to fulfil it, execute it, accom- plish it ; hence, of the law of pay- ing tribute, etc., to pay it. 1. Matt. v. 26. — Matt.xxiii.23,see Tithe 2. xvil. 24, 1. Luke vii. 42. 1 XViii. 25, 26,28, 29, | 1. —— xii. 59. 30, 5. 2. Rom. xiii. 6, — Heb. vii. 9, see Tithe. PAYMENT BE MADE. ἀποδίδωμι, see above, No. 1. Matt. xviii. 25. PEACE. εἰρήνη, peace, rest; in contrast with strife, and denoting the absence or end of strife. As influenced by the Heb. oy>w, a state of health or well-being, ἐξ denotes a state of untroubled, undisturbed well- being. The Peace which is the result of forgiveness enjoyed, must not be confounded with the Peace Christ has “made” by the blood of His cross. [(a) “The Peace of God,” in Phil. iv. 7,18 the Peace which God has, as being free from all anxiety and care, and arising from His per- fectly knowing the future. In proportion, therefore, as we PEA [ “make our requests’ unto Him, a measure of the peace which He has will “keep” us from being ‘ care- ful” (= full of care), see Isa. xxvi. 3, 4.] Matt. κ. 13 twice, 34 twice. Rom. xiv. 17, 19. — xx. 31, — xv. 19, 33. — xxvi.63, [566 P(hold | | —— xvi. 20. Mark i. 25, one’s) | 1Cor.i. 3. — iii. 4, | —— vii. 15. — v. 34. —— xiv. 30, see P (hold —— ix. 34, see P (hold one’s) one’s) 33. 50, see P (have) xvi. uae ——x.48, see P(hold | 2 Cor. i. —— xiv. 61, one’s) xiii. “uu, and see P Luke i. 79. (live in) — ii. 14, 29. Gal. i. 3. — vii. 50. —— τ. 22 —— viii. 48. — vi. 16. —— x. 5, 6 twice. Eph. i. 2. — xi. 21. — ii. 14, 15, 17. —- xii. 51. — iv. 3. —— xiv. 4, see P (hold ; —— vi. 15, 23. one’s) | Phil. i. 9. 32. | —— iv. 7 (a). —— xviii. 39,see P (hold | 5 one’s) Col. i. 2. —— xix, 38. 20, see P (make) 40, see P (hold | ——iii. 15. one’s) 1 Thes. i. 1. 42. γ. 9, 28. —— xx. 26, see P (hold | 2 Thes. i. 2. one’s) —— xxiv. 36 (ap.) SS τὴς 13, see P (be at) John xiv. 27 twice. Lams — xvi. 33. 2 Tim. i. 2. —— xx. 19, 21, 26. — ii. 22. Acts x. 36. | Tit. i. 4. —— xi. 18, 2 see P (hold | Philem. 3 —— xii. 17, one’s) Heb. vii. 2 20. — xi. 31. — xv. 13, see P (hold | —— xii. 14. 33. [one’s) | —— xiii. 20. — xvi. 36. Jas. ii. 16. —— xviii. 9, see P (hold | —— iii. 18 twice. Rom. i. 7. {one’s) | 1 Pet. i. 2. — ii. 10. — iii. 11. — iii. 17. —-v. 14. —-v.l. 2 Pet. i. 2. —— viii. 6. iii. 14. — x. 15 (om. τῶν evay- | 2 John 3. γελιζομένων εἰρήνην, | 3 John 14, preach the gospel of | Jude 2. peace, and, L T Trmb | Rey. i. 4. A> &.) vi. 4, PEACE (se ar) > ’ σ 9 εἰρηνεύω, to live in peace, to keep peace. 2 Thes. v.13. PEACE (ave) Mark ix. 50. PEACE (ΤΕ τν) 2 Cor. xiii. 11. PEACE (ποι one’s) 1. σιωπάω, to be silent, still, to keep silence, to keep secret ; also, when silent not to speak. 2. σιγάω, to be silent or still. speaking to cease to speak, (from σίζω, to say hush !) When 3. ἡσυχάζω, to be at rest, be quiet or WH HERR Ree 4. φιμόω, to muzzle. be muzzled, have the mouth . Matt. xx. 31. —— xxvi. 63. Mark i. 25, —— iii. 4. . — ix. 34, — x. 48. . — xiv. 61. . Luke xiv. 4. ’ σιωπάω, tranquil, rest from further cavil or Here Pass., to’ . Luke xviii. 39 (No. 2, rr Aw) . — xix, 40. —— xXx. 26. ᾿ Acts xi. 18. . — xii. 17. . — xv. 18. . — xviii. 9. 2. 1 Cor. xiv. 30. PEACE (ake) εἰρηνοποιέω, to make peace, make re- conciliation, (non occ.) Col. i. 20. PEACE. “PEACE (HOLD ONE’S),’ 166, imperative. Mark iv. 39. PEACEABLE. εἰρηνικός, relating to peace, peaceful, pacific, disposed to peace; from the gt healthful, wholesome, Bk οδόν, tranquil, (occ. 1 Pet. ο “ 1, Heb. xii. 11. 1. Jas. iii. 17. PEACEABLY (νε) εἰρηνεύω, to live in peace, keep peace. Rom. xii. 18. -------. ο PEACEMAKER (s.) εἰρηνοποιός, a maker of peace, a peace- maker, (707 occ.) Matt. v. 9. PEARL (-s.) μαργαρίτης, a pearl. Matt. vii. 6. — xiii, 45, 46, Rey, xvii. 4. — xviii. 12, 16. —- xxi, 91] twice, i, i he ee ie eS τν PECULIAR. PEC [ 577 1 1. περιούσιος, what is over and above, property laidup. Here, “a people [as | an acquisition.” ο, unto, for, περιποίησις, acquisition. 1. Tit. ii. 14. 2. 1 Pet. ii. 9, marg. purchased. PEDIGREE. Heb. vii. 6, see “‘ DESCENT.” PEN. | κάλαμος, areed,cut for various purposes; | among others, for writing; Lat., calamus. 3 John 13. PENNY. δηνάριον, a Greek word adapted from ! | the Lat., denarius, a Roman coin, equal to 10 asses, and afterwards to 12 and even 16. Reckoned as and equivalent to about 914. the same value as the Greek δραχμή, Matt. xviii. 28. — xx. 2, 9, 10, 13. —— xxii. 19. Mark xii. 15. — xiv. 5. Rey. vi. 6 twice. PENNY WORTH. δηνάριον, see above. Here, Gen. pl., of a denarius. Mark vi. 37. PENTECOST. πεντηκοστή, ἃ fiftieth part. The Feast | of Pentecost, so called because cele- | from the second day of the Feast of the Passover, (non occ.) Acts ii. 1. 1 Cor. xvi. 8. PENURY. ὑστέρημα, that which is wanting, want need, pove Luke xxi, 4, rty. brated on the fiftieth day, counting | ᾽ 2. ὄχλος, a crowd, a throng, a confused PEO PEOPLE (-s.) 1. dads, a people, the mass of any people, people collectively, e.g. the people of God, the people at large as a ruling power, (opp. to No. 3, which is a community of free citizens). * plural. multitude, (opp. to No. 3, which is a regular assembly) multitude. | 3. δῆμος, the people as a municipality, free citizens enjoying a popular constitution. 4. ἔθνος, a people or race belonging and living together; hence, a na- tion, a people living under com- 1, 1, 1. ορ ο nance τς. τὸ bt BS μα τὸ tt BS tt eb BO μα ϱ9 . mon institutions. Matt. i. 21. —— ii. 4, 6. —— iv. 16, 23. 24, see Sick. ii. 28 — ix, 23, 25. 35(om. ἐν τῳ Aad, among the people, G L iis A.) —— xii. 23, 46. — xiii. 15. — xiv. 18. —— xv. 8. — xxi. 23. 26. — xxvi. 3, 5, 47. — xxvii. 1. 15. —— 25, 64. Mark v. 21, 24. — vi. 33 (εἶδον αὐτοὺς ὑπάγοντας, καὶ ἔγνωσαν todAol,many saw them ting and knew them, instead of εἶδον αὐτοὺς ὑπάγοντας οἱ ὄχλοι καὶ ἐπέγνοσαν αὑτὸν πολλοί, the people saw him departingand many knew him, G Τὶ τ Ἐν Α κα.) — ix. 15, 25. —x.1. 46, see P (num- ber of) — xi. 18. 32. —— xii. 12, 37, 41. — xiv. 2. — xv. 11, 15. Luke i. 10, 17, 21, 68, ii. 10, (77. πὰ πὶ 9, 11, 12, 24. ὡς . — viii. 4, 40, 42. 47. — ix. ll. a) ced) alo Ρον cl rd Re ee POR be phe ROM DORE μαμὰ μα Popo τὸ τὸ μα τῷ τονε ρα fo pO to go τῷ κα pe Bo a κα Luke ix. 13. 18, 37. — xix. 47, 48. — xx. 1, 6, 9, 19, 26, 45. —— 5, 18, 14, 27, 35, 48, v. 19. John vi. 22, 24. —— Vii. 12 twice, 20, 31, 82, 40, 43, 49. — 50. ---- χὰ 9, 19, 17, 18, » 34. ---- xviii. 14. Acts ii. 47. — iii. 9, 11, 12, 23. — iv. 1, 2, 8, 10, 17, 21. — xii. 4, 11. 22, — xiii. 15, 17 twice, 24, 31 — xiv, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19 — xv. 14. — xvii. 5. 8, 13. —— xviii. 10, — xix. 4. 26. 30, 33. 85, — xxi. 27. 28, 30. 35. 36, 39, 40, — xxiii. δ, — xxiv. 12, and see P (raise up the) . Acts xxvi. 17, 23. -- xxviii. 17, 26, 27. Ϊ Ϊ ο twice, 06. . Heb. viii. 10. — ix. 7, 19 twice. — x. 30. —- xi. 25. —— xiii. 12. 1 Pet. ii. 9, 10 twice. 2 Pet. ii. η | ρα: μα μ᾿ Soave gira el aalal tale φῷ --- τ. . — vii. 5, 1. ο πα ae & Bl pean ap μ Q ο " "orate πμ Spy} at [(the) | 27, "and see ΡῈ PEOPLE (xuMBER OF) 2. Mark x. 46. PEOPLE (Ώλτδς UP THE) ἐπισύστασις, ἃ COn- \ course, a tumul- | causing a tuous gathering, > concourse of ποιέω, to make, a multitude. ὄχλου, see No.2, above, τάχα, quickly, speedily ; then, readily, | | | | | | Acts xxiv. 12 (ἐπίστασις, a stoyping, instead of ἐπι- σύστασις, a concourse, G~L T Tr A 8.) PEOPLE’S (tHe) τῶν, of the [sins], 1.6. over those, τοῦ, οἵ the λαοῦ, people, (see No. 1.) Heb. vii. 27. { ( PERADVENTURE. lightly ; hence, perhaps, peradyen- ture, (occ. Philem. 15.) Rom. v. 7. PERADVENTURE. μήποτε, not even, never, in no suppos- able case. As a conj., that not ever, lest ever, lest at some time or other. 2 Tim. ii. 25. PERCEIVE (-ED, -EST, -ING.) 1. γινώσκω, to perceive, observe, obtain a knowledge of, or insight into, to know and be influenced by the personal relation between the per- son knowing and the object known, to have a knowledge which pro- duces some emotion and affection of the mind. [ 578 ] PER 2. ἐπιγινώσκω, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed) to know thereupon, 4.6. by looking on the object; hence, to know fully, to gain and receive a full knowledge of, become fully acquainted with. 3. θεωρέω, to be a spectator of, to look on or at, behold, denoting the in- tention of mind with which one regards or contemplates an object, expressing the desire of seeing ; to studiously and attentively con- sider, to see with regard and ad- miration, look diligently into, and all this not being the mere act of an instant, but for a lengthened period. 4, εἶδον, to see, referring to the mind of him who sees. εἶδον is the Aor. 2 of (No. 5) in the sense of I saw, (trans.) implying, not the mere act of seeing, (dike βλέπω, No. 11) but the actual perception of some object. 5. ὁράω, to see, perceive with the eyes, to look at, differing, like No. 4, Srom (OVER (No. 11) as implying the actual perception of some object or thing seen and presented to the eye. “Also di iffering from No. 4,in that it regards the object seen, (while Vo, 4 must be referred to the subject, 1.6. the mind of him who sees.) 6. οἶδα, (Qnd perf. of εἶδω, No. 4) to have seen, perceived, or appre- hended ; hence, it takes the present signification, to know, and the plu- perfect becomes an imperfect. τὶ οέω, to see, perceive, observe, under- stand,comprehend, to havein mind, think of; ἐξ denotes conscious action of the mind, the mental correlative of sensational percep- tion, the sensation accompanied with an act of the understanding following as an effect of No. 4; hence, to think, reflect, discern. 8. κατανοέω, (No. 7, with κατά, down, prefixed) to sce or discern dis- tinctly, perceive clearly, mind accurately. PER [ 5 9. καταλαμβάνω, to take, to receive with the idea of eagerness, to lay hold of, seize; then, to seize with | the mind, and mid., as here, to comprehend for one’s self, per- ceive, to find. 10. αἰσθάνομαι, to perceive with the ex- ternal senses, apprehend or notice by the senses, (non occ.) 11. βλέπω, to use the eyes, sometimes with desire, but not necessarily to see the thing looked at, the act of seeing without any thought of the object presented to the sight, (thus, βλέμμα denotes the eye, while ὅραμα (from No. 5) denotes the vision that is seen by the eye, ὅρασις, the species or form of the thing that falls upon the eye, and ὅρατον, that which is submitted to the sight, ov is visible.) ! 12. εὑρίσκω, to find by perception, search, or inguiry, find out, discover. 4, Matt. xiii. 14. 8. Luke xx. 23. 2. Mark ii. 8 part. 3. John iv. 19. 4, —— iv. 12. 1. —— vi. 15 part. 7. —— vii. 18. 3. — xii. 19. ἘΠ 17. [Tr 82) [9: Acts iv. 18. 0. —— xii. 28 (No. 4, LT | 5. —— viii. 28. 1. —— xvi. 8 part. 9. ——x. 34. 4! 1. — xxi. 45. 4. —— xiv. 9. 1. —— xxii. 18. 3. —— xvii. 22. 2. Luke 1. 22. 1. —— xxiii. 6 part. 2. —— v. 22 part 12. 29. 8. —— vi. 41. 3. — xxvii. 10. 1. —— viii. 46 4. xxviii. 96. 10.— ix. 45 | 11.2 Cor. vii. 8. 4. ——_ 47 1. Gal. ii. 9. 1. — «xx. 19 1. 1 Jobn iii. 16. PERDITION. ἀπώλεια, loss, destruction, ruin; the end pronounced upon all who, having heard the summons to re- pentance and faith in Christ, have persisted in impenitence. The loss of all that such ever had, or might have had for ever; the destruction of such, in body, soul, and spirit ; an utter and final ruin, which will not be reversed. John xvii. 12. 1 Tim. vi. 9. Phil. i. 28. Heb. x. 39. 2 Thes. ii. 3. 2 Pet. iii. 7. Rev. xvii. 8, 11. PERFECT. [adj.] (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. τέλειος, what has reached its end, term, or limit; hence, complete NN* bo πληρόω, to make full, fill up. PER perfect, full, wanting nothing, with special reference to the end Jor which it was intended. . ἀκριβῶς, accurately, precisely, ex- actly, assiduously. ἄρτιος, complete in all parts and proportions, with special reference to the adaptation of the parts, and special aptitude for any given uses, (non occ.) FTere, pass. part., fulfilled, performed, accomplished. 1. Matt. ν. 48 twice. 1 1. Col. iv. 19. af xix. 21. | 2. 1 Thes. v. 2. 2. ee i. 3, and see | 3. 2 Tim. iii. 17. Jnderstanding. | 1. Heb. v.14, marg.(text 2. —— xxiv, 22. | of full age.) πε; — Acts iii. 16, 566 Sound- | 1. --- ix. 11, 1. Rom. xii. 2. [ness. | 1. Jas. i. 4 twice, 17, 25. 1. Eph. iv. 13. Ἱ μα 1. Phil. iii. 15. 1. 1 John iy. 18. 1. ΟἹ. 1. 38. | 4. Rev. iii. 2 part. PERFECT (zr) 1. τελειόω, to complete, make perfect, so as to be full, wanting in nothing, to bring to a full end, consummate. 2. καταρτίζω, to make fully ready, put in full order, perfectly equip, pre- pare fully. 2. Luke vi. #) marg. be perfected, Pehla δ᾽ 2. 2 Cor, xili., 11. 1. τελειόω, see No. 1, above. 2. καταρτίζω, see No. 2, above. 3. ἐπιτελέω, to bring through to an end. | 1. John xvii. 23. | 1. Heb. ix. 9. | 1. 20ος. xii. 9 (τελέω, to | 1. ——x. 1. | make complete, L Τὸ 1, ----- xi. 40. | TrA WN.) 1, —— sii. 23. Ϊ 8. Gal. iii. 3. 2. —— xiii. 21. 1, Heb. ii. 10. 1. Jas. ii, 22. 1, -- ν. 9. 2. 1 Pet. v. 10. 1. — vii. 19. 1. 1 John iv. 17, 18, PERFECT (κε) PERFECT MANNER. ἀκρίβεια, exactness, preciseness, ex- treme accuracy. Act xxii. 3. PERFECT (rar wuren 15) (τὸ, the, that which is | «τέλειος, see “ PER- complete or | ( εκοτ No. 1, perfect. 1 Cor. xiii. 10, PERFECT (THEY THAT ARE) τέλειος, see “ PER- FECT,” Νο. 1, 1 Cor. ii. 6. the pertect. PERFECT (-εν, -1na.) [verb.] 1. τελειόω, see “Ῥ (ΒΕ), Wo. 1. 2. καταρτίζω, see “Ῥ (ΕΕ); Wo. 2. 3. ἐξαρτίζω, to equip out fully, per- fectly prepared and fitted out. 4, ἐπιτελέω, to bring to a full end. . 2. Matt. xxi. 16. 1. Luke xiii. 32. 3. 2 Tim. iii. 17 marg. (text, thoroughly fur- 4. 2 Cor. vii. 1. nished. .. Eph, iv. 12, see Per- | 1. Heb. x. 14. ecting. 1. 1 John ii. 5. 2.1 Thos iii. 10. 1. — iv. 19. PERFECTED (be) [margin.] Luke vi. 40, see ‘‘ PERFECT (BE)” PERFECTION. 1. κατάρτισις, the being made fully ped and prepared, (non occ.) 2. τελειότης, completeness, perfectness, spoken of that which has reached its full and intended end, (oce. Col. i. 14.) 8. τελείωσις, completion, perfection, spoken of that which has reached its full and intended end, (occ. Luke 1. 45.) practice. 1. 2 Cor. xiii. 9. 4. Heb, v.14, marg. (text, 2. Heb. vi. 1. 3. — vii. 11. PERFECTION (µπινα FrRvIT το) τελεσφορέω, to bring to perfection or maturity ; of fruit, to ripen. Luke viii. 14. PERFECTING. καταρτισμός, the act of making fully ready, the act of perfectly equip- ping and fully preparing, (non occ.) Epa. iv. 12, μα ὙΠῚ) a Ἢ i 5 ο ἌΣ Γῆ ἢ ready, the being perfectly equip- | 4, ἕξις, habitude, as the result of long — τ πο | the full-grown, | | | | PER [ 580 ] Matt. xiv. 36, see Whole. PER PERFECTLY. ἀκρίβῶς, accurately, precisely, exactly, assiduously. Acts xviii. 26. 5. CoO ες Acts xxiii. 15, 20. Cor. i. 10, see Joined. 1 Thes. v. 2. PERFECTNESS τελειότης, completeness, spoken of that which has reached its full and in- tended end. Col. iii. 14. PERFORM (εν) . τελέω, to bring about, complete, ful- fil, accomplish, and generally, to perform, do, finish. . ἐπιτελέω, (3ο. 1, with ἐπί, upon, pre- αρα) to bring through to an end. . wovew, to make, z.e. form, produce, cause; to do, 1.6. do repeatedly, perform. . ἀποδίδωμι, to give away from one’s self, i.e. deliver over; spoken of obligation of any kind, to give in full, render, pay over or off. κατεργάζομαι, to work out, effect, produce. . Matt. v. 95. . Luke i. 72. —— ii. 39. . Rom. iv. 31. to pass. 5. Rom. vii. 18. 2. 2 Cor. viii. 11. 2. Phil, i. 6, marg. jinish. PERFORMED (55) | γίνομαι, to begin to be, become, come Luke i. 20. PERFORMANCE. end. Here, inf. . τελείωσις, completion, of a prophecy, fulfilment, Heb. vii. 11.) 2. Luke i. 45. way or other. PERHAPS, . πως, anyhow, in any way, in some . ἐπιτελέω, to bring through to an perfection ; (οσο. 1. 2 Cor. viii. 11. . taxa, quickly, speedily; readily, lightly ; and hence, peradventure, perhaps, (oce. Rom. v. 7.) 1, 2 Cor. ii, 7, | 2, Philem, 15. PER [ 581 J PER H A 1. Matt. v. 29, 30. 1. Acts v. 37. PERHAPS (ir) 1. — viii, 85, | 2. — viii. 0, . . ᾿ 4. αμα. εἰ, ot ξ 7 if ner 1 — ix. 17. ie Rom. ii. 12, ὰ marking a —— xvi, 1 1. 1 Cor. i. 18. apa, theretore, then, (marking 1, —xxvi. 52 (No. 8, | 1. — viii. 11. after all, result about G 9) 1. —xy. 18. ο 7 ᾿ 1. Mark iv. 38. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 15. which some uncertainty is felt.) 1. Litke τὶ Ὁ | δ, do ses . — Viii. 24, 6. Col. ii. 22. Acta vill. 22. αν st, BE | 1, 2 Thes. di. 10. : αν ὅ, 33 | 1. Heb. i. 11. A ‘ — xv..17. — — xi. 31, see P wit PERHAPS (tes?) 1, — xxi. 18. [1. Jas. i. 11. 1: John ‘it 15 16 (ap.) |1.1 Ἐπ i. 7. 3. > , ή 1 τ —v —2 Pet. ii. » see μήπως, that in no way, lest in any way. ο σε eke 2 Cor. ii. 7. 1. —— xi. 50. 1. —— iii. 6, 9. 1. Jude 11. PERIL (-s.) κίνδυνος, danger, peril; risk, hazard, (perhaps the orig. sense was the risk of the dice-box, from κινέω, to agitate), (non occ.) Rom. viii. 35. | 2 Cor. xi. 96 8 times. PERILOUS. χαλεπός, heavy, difficult, hard to bear; connected with toil and suffering ; dangerous, (occ. Matt. viii. 28.) 2 Tim. iii. 1. PERISH (-£p, -ΕΤΗ.) ἀπόλλυμι,. to destroy, cause to perish. Here, mid., (which is pe- culiar to N.T. Greek) used of the eternal doom of the sinner, (chiefly by Paul and John) to be utterly and finally ruined and destroyed, to be lost, brought to nought, put to death. ein, might it be, : ἰῷ ἴον, ἀπώλειαν, destruction. . ἀποθνήσκω, to die away, used of the natural end of life, esp., as the wages of sin. out of sight. Here, pass., to dis- appear, vanish, . διαφθείρω, to corrupt throughout, destroy. Here, pass., to decay wholly, perish. eis, unto, for, Ἅ for cor- ολη aspoiling, cor- ) ruption, ; / ruption, destruc- ( [in the tion, ) using up.| | . ἀφανίζω, to cause to disappear, put — PERISH (vrrerty) καταφείρω, (Wo. 5, with κατά, down, pretixed, instead of διά, through) to spoil or corrupt utterly. Here, pass., to perish completely, (οσο. 2 Tim. iii. 8.) | 2 Pet. ii. 12 (καὶ φθείρω, even perish, L T Tr A 8) PERISH WITH. συναπόλλυμι, (No.1, with σύν, together or in conjunction with, prefixed) pass., to be destroyed with any one, to perish with others, (non occ.) Heb. x. 31. PERJURED PERSON. ἐπίορκος, taking oath upon oath ; as this is gener ally a sign of false swear ing, so the word comes to have this mean- ing, and as subst., denotes a per- jured person, one who has taken oath upon oath lightly, and there- Sore breaking all, (non oce.) 1 Tim. i. 10. PERMISSION ᾿ συγγνώμη, a knowing and thinking with | another ; hence, accordance ; then, concession, (non occ.) 1 Cor. vii. 6. | PERM{T. ἐπιτρέπω, to turn upon, direct upon; to give or entrust to another ; then, give up, yield, permit, suffer. 1 Cor. xvi. 7. Acts xxvi. 1. Heb. vi. 3. 1 Cor. xiv. 34, | ie | | _ PER PERNICIOUS WAY. ἀπώλεια, destruction, loss. Here, Gen., of destruction, ἐ.6. destructive. 2 Pet. ii. 2 (ἀσελγεία, wanton, AV™,G LT ΤΥ Α 3), marg. lascivious way. ͵ PERPLEXED (sr) 1. ἀπορέομαι, to be without resource, to know not what to do. 2. διαπορέω, to be throughout in per- plexity, be in much doubt, hesi- tate greatly. * inf. pass. 2, Luke ix. 7. 1. 2 Cor. iv. 8. — —— xxiv. P (be much) | 1. Gal. iv. 20, marg. (text, stand ir doubt.) | | | | PERPLEXED (85 mucn) 2*, Luke xxiv. 4 (Νο. 1, 1, T Tr AN) PERPLEXITY. ἀπορία, the state of one who has no way o7 resource, and who there- | fore knows not what to do, (non ους.) Luke xxi. 25. [ 582 1 Lee PER PERSECUTION (surrer) διώκω, see “ PERSECUTE,” Λο. 1. Gal. ν. 11. Gal. vi. 12. 2 Tim, 111. 12. PERSECUTOR. διώκτης, a pursuer ; hence, a persecutor, (non occ.) 1 Tim. i. 18, PERSEVERANCE. προσκαρτέρησις, strongness or firmness towards anything, endurance or perseverance in or with anything, (non occ.) Eph. vi. 18. PERSIS. Ἠερσίς, Persis, a proper name of a female Christian. Rom. xvi. 12 (ap.) PERSECUTE (-£p, -Est, -1NG.) 1. διώκω, to cause to flee ; hence, gen., to pursue after, as flying enemies ; | then, to pursue with malignity; | hence, to persecute | 2. ἐκδιώκω, (Wo. 1, with ἐκ, out of, pre- fixed) to pursue out, drive out of | or from a place, (non occ.) . Acts xxvi. 11, 14,15. | 1. Matt. v. 10, 11, 12, 44. 1 1. — x. 23. 1. Rom. xii. 14. 1. —— xxiii. 34. 1. 1 Cor. iv. 12. 2. Luke xi. 49. que xv. 9. 1, —— xxi. 12. 1. 2 Cor. iv. 9. 1. John v. 16. 1. Gal.i: 19, 29. 1. —— xv. 20 twice. 1, —— iv. 29. 1. Acts vii. 52. 1 ἘΠῚ}, μ.θ, 1. —— ix. 4, 5. 2.1 Thes. 1, 15, marg. 1, — xxii. 4, 7, 8. chase out. 1. Bev. xii. 13. PERSECUTION. 1. διωγμός, pursuit, asof enemies; nence, | persecution. | 2. θλῖψις, pressure, compression. In N.T., of evils, ete., trouble, distress, calamity. 1, Matt. xiii. 21. | 1. Rom. viii. 35. 1. Mark iv. 17. 1. 2 Cor. xii. 10. | 1, -----ᾱε, 80. | — Gal. v.11, Ἱ see Ῥ | 1. Acts viii. 1. — — vi. 12, 5 (suffer) 2, —— xi. 19. 1. 2 Thee. i. 4. 1. —— xiii. 50. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 11 twice. — 2 Tim. iii. 12, see P (suffer) ee PERSON (-s.) (for various combinations with other words, see below ) 1. πρόσωπον, the part towards the eye, the part of anything which is presented to the eye, the front of anything, the face; also, a mask ; hence, a dramatic part, character, person, 2. ὑπόστασις, what is set or stands | ᾿ | under, a substructure, what really exists under or out of sight, the |} essence of a matter in contrast to its appearance. [Hence, Christ, || as the λόγος, is the manifestation of Deity, the means by which we |! recognise the glory of God, and || the manifestation of the Divine |! Essence, Heb. i. 8, and see under “worn,” Vo. 1. | i 1. Matt. xxii. 16. | 1. Mark xii. 14. | | 1. Luke xx. 21. — Acts x. 34, see Ῥ (re- | — Eph. vi. 9, — Col. 111, 25, 2. Heb. i. 3. — Jas. ii. 1, see Ῥ (το see P (re- spect of) specter of) spect of) — Rom. ii. 11, see P (re- | — 9, see P (have spect of) respect to) 1. 2 Cor, 1. 11. — 1 Pet.i.17, see P (with- 1. ——ii. 10, marg. sight. out respect of) 1. Gal. ii. 6. — Jude 16, see P (man’s) PER PERSONS (HAVE RESPECT το) προσωποληπτέω, to accept the person of any one, 1.6. to show partiality, (non occ.) Jas. ii. 9. PERSON (aran’s) | πρόσωπον, see “ PERSON,” Vo. 1. Jude 16. PERSONS (Respect or) προσωποληψία, acceptance of persons, i.e. partiality, (non occ.) Rom. ii. 11. Col. iii. 25. Eph. vi. 9. Jas. ii. 1. PERSONS (ΒΕΒΡΕΟΤΕΒ OF) προσωπολήπτης, an acceptor of persons, one who is partial, (non occ.) Acts x. 34, PERSONS (wirnovur RESPECT OF) 3 ’ὔ - ἀπροσωπολήπτως, Without acceptance οἵ persons, 1.6. impartially, (πολ occ.) 1 Pet. i. 17. See also, DEVOUT, PERJURED, PROFANE, WHAT, WICKED. PERSUADE (-£p, -Est, -ΕΤΗ, -ING.) 1. πείθω, (a) to persuade, win by words, influence, to speak with winning words. (Ὁ) Med. or pass., to suffer one’s self to be per- suaded or convinced, to be per- suaded in favour of any one, be convinced of, to yield assent to, trust him, obey him. ; 2. ἀναπείθω, (No. 1, with ἀνα, back again, prefixed) to persuade over, in a bad sense, to seduce. la.Matt. xxvii. 20. la. Acts xix. 8, 26. la. —— xxviii. 14. la.— xxvi. 28. la. Acts xiii. 45. la,— xxviii. 23. la. xiv. 19. la.—— 2 Cor. v. 11. lJa,—— xviii. 4. la.Gal. i. 10. 2. 18, 18,1 John iii. 19, marg. (text, assure.) PERSUADED (59) 10. Luke xvi. 81. lb. Rom. xv. 14. lb, —— xx. 6. 10. 2 Tim. i. 5, 12. lb. Acts xxi. 14 part. 10. Heb. vi. 9. lb. —— παν]. 26, 1b. xi. 13 (om. καὶ 1b. Rom. viii. 38, πεισθέντες, and were 15. xiv. 14, persuaded of them,G L TTrAn.) [ΠΕ 5 ἢ Tr 00 OOOOOOO___..0404008080 --- ᾿ ΄ ῸῬὟΎθ᾿ϑἘ}- ---- - ..λΦ 9ῸῬὙ--ς----ς-Ό᾽᾽Ὀ᾽Ῥ PER PERSUADE FULLY. πληροφορέω, to bear or bring fully ; hence, to give full assurance. Here, pass., to be fully assured. Rom. iv. 21. —— xiv. 5, marg. be fully assured. PERSUASIBLE. [margin.] 1 Cor. ii. 4, see “* ENTICING.” PERSUASION. πεισμονή, the being easily persuaded, credulity, (non occ.) Gal. v. 8. PERTAIN TO. (For various combinations, see below.) μετέχω, to have in association with another, to partake of, share in, have part in. 1 Cor. vi. 3, see Life. | PERTAIN TO (THOSE THINGS WHICH) ee the things, ; πρός, towards, Rom. xv. 17. Heb. vii. 19. the things pertain- ing to. PERTAIN UNTO (rurves THAT) (τὰ, ὶ πρός, Heb. ii. 17. | PERTAINING TO (tHE THINGS) ists the things, ᾿ ; see above. Heb. v. 1. the things περί, around, about, } concerning. Acts i. 3. PERVERSE. διαστρέφω, to turn or twist through- out, 1.6. distort, turn away, per- vert. Here, pass. part., perverted. Matt. xvii. 17. Acts xx. 30. Luke ix. 41. Phil. ii. 15. 1 Tim. vi. 5, see Disputings. -.---ςς.ς PERVERT (ΕΤΗ, -1NG.) . διαστρέφω, see “ PERVERSE.” μ- -. 2. ἀποστρέφω, to turn away from, to turn aside from. PES a PHY 3. μεταστέφω, to turn about; to turn into something else, to change. 1. Luke xsiii. 2. 1. Acts xiii. 10. 2. 14. 3. Gal. i. 7. PESTILENCE (-5.) λοιμός, pestilence, plague, any deadly infectious disorder, (οσο. Acts xxiv. 5.) Matt. xxiv. 7(om. καὶ λοιμοὶ, and pestilences,LT Tr Α 59) Luke xxi. 11. PESTILENT FELLOW. λοιμός, see above. Used also of persons, as we say in Eng., a plague, a pest. Acts xxiv. 5. PETER. 1. Πέτρος, a stone, a rolling stone, zn one place to-day and another to- morrow. In N.T. the proper name of Peter, (Aram., 852, Κηφᾶς, Cephas) the surname of Simon, son of Jonas, and brother of Andrew, a fisher- man of Bethsaida and apostle of Christ. [See under “rock,” for the differ- ence between πέτρος and πέτρα.] 2. ἐκεῖνος, that, that one there, he, (emphatic.) No. 1, in all passages, except— 1. Matt. xvii. 26 (ap.) rose wp and, α L T 1. Luke xxii. 62 (om. GT Tr A 8.) Tr A> &.) 1. Acts xii. 13 (αὐτός, he 1. xxiv. 12 (ap.) himself, α L Τ Tr 2. John xiii. 62nd (om. L AX.) T Trd A δ.) | 1. Gal. i. 18 ae Gel 1. Acts x. 23 (ἀναστας, he | T Tr AR.) 1. Gal. ii. ve ο 5 (Κηφᾶς, Ge ΤΠ Tr AW.) 1 PETITION (-s.) αἴτημα, thing asked for, object sought. 1 John y. 15. ΠῚ ᾿ δ ema | PHARISEE (-s.) φαρισαῖος, a Pharisee, one of the sect of the Pharisees. [In the time of our Saviour, the principal and most numerous of the Jewish sects; Heb., ΟΙ, Perushim, the separated. The fundamental principle mon to them with the “ortho- 4ος ') modern Jews) is, that there was and is an oral law to com- plete and explain the written law. With this fatal error (like the Romish “ Tradition”) we cannot wonder at all their other errors. (1) They attributed all things to fate, but did not wholly exclude human free-will. (2) They held that every soul was imperishable, and consequently divided the eternal state, after resurrection, into happiness for the good, and torment for the wicked. | In all passages, except— Matt. xii. 38 (om. L.) secs,instead ofot τῶν φ. —— xxiii. 14 (ap.) Hy the Phi, ουσ Mark ii. 16 (τῶν φαρι- AR.) σαιῶν, of the Phari- | Luke xi. 44 (ap.) sees,instead ο καὶ οἱ φ. | John viii. 3 (ap.) andthe Ph. L™TTrs.) | Acts xxiii, 63rd (plural, 18 (οἱ φ. the Phari- Go LTTrARn.) (com- | | Φιλοσοφία, love of wisdom ; ΕΠΕ. Φίλιππος, Philip, the proper name of several persons, viz. one of the Twelve, John 1. 44-47 ; the Evan- gelist,* Acts vi. 5; the Tetrarch of Batanea, οἵο., Luke in. 1; Philipt Herod, Matt. xiv. 3; Mark vi. 17; and Luke 11. 19. In all passages, except— + Matt. xiv. 3 (om. Tb A.) + Luke iii. 19 (om. G ο 1, Τ Tr A 8) * Acts vili. 37 (ap.) PHILOSOPHER (-5.) φιλοσοφός, loving wisdom; then, as subst., a philosopher, 1,6. an in- quirer after wisdom and know- ledge, (non occ.) Acts xvii. 18. PHILOSOPHY. then, Eng., philosophy, (non occ.) Col, ii. 8. PHYLACTERY (-TES.) φυλακτήριον, a watch post, guarded place; then, protection, safeguard ; hence, an amulet, a prayer-fillet, z.e.a strip of parchment, on which were written various parts of the law, bound about the forebead or round the wrist, (ποπ occ.) Matt. xxiii. 5. FRY —_—_—- PHYSICIAN (-s.) ἰατρός, a healer, (from ἰάομαι, to heal.) Matt. ix. 12. Luke iv. 23. Mar« ii. 17. — v. 31. — Vv. 26. —— viii. 43. Col. iv. 14. PIECE (-s.) 1. ἐπίβλημα, anything put on, an ad- dition ; hence, a patch. 2. δραχμή, as much as one can hold in the hand, an Attic weight, a drachm, about 66 grs. avdp. A silver coin worth 6 obols, 1.6. 92d. ; it nearly equalled the Roman de- narius, (non occ.) 3. μέρος, a part, part of a whole, piece οἵ a whole. 1. Matt. ix. 16. new garment,’ T Tr | ——— xvii.27,seeMoney | AN. — —xxvi. 6, 15,2 see | 1. Lukev. 36 2nd(om.G~) — —xxvii.3,5,9, § Silver | — ——xiv.18,seeGround. 1. Mark ii. 21, and see | 2. ——xv.8,andseeSilver Fill. | 2. 9. — — v.4,see Break. | 3. —— xxiv. 42. 1. Luke v. 36 1st (cuttetha | — Acts xix. 19, see Silver. piece off anew garment | — —— xxiii. 10, see Pull. and puttethit, inst. of, | — —— xxvii. 44, see P “putteth a piece of a | (broken) PIECES (Broken) τι, certain parts, tov, of the. Acts xxvii. 44, [ 585 1 | | | PIP PIETY (snow) PIERCE (-£p, -τνα.) 1. ἐκκεντέω, to pierce through, transfix, (non occ.) 2. διϊκνέομαι, to go or pass through, (non occ.) 3. νύσσω, to prick, to pierce, (non 960.) —tLuke ii. 35, see P|—1 Tim. vi. 10, see P through. through. 8. John xix. 34. 2. Heb. iv. 19. ἢ 37. 1. Rev. i. 7. PIERCE THROUGH. 1. διέρχοµαι, to come or go through, to pass through. 2. περιπείρω, to pierce about, or to pierce so that the weapon is wholly surrounded and covered, (non occ.) 1 Tim. vi. 10. PIETY (for one’s) [margin. } Heb. v. 7, see “‘ FEARETH.” PILATE’S HOUSE. {margin.] John xviii. 28, see ‘‘ HALL OF JUDGMENT.” Luke ii. 24, PILGRIM (-5.) παρεπίδημος, a resident beside, a by- resident, a sojourner in a strange place, away from one’s own people, (οσο. 1 Pet. i. 1.) 1 Pet. ii. 11. Heb. xi. 13. | στύλος, a column, pillar ; then, used of any firm support, (ποπ occ.) Gal. ii. 9. | Rev. iii. 12. 1 Tim. iii. 15. i rr PILLOW. προσκεφάλαιον, ἃ cushion for the head, a pillow, (non occ.) Mark iv. 38. εὐσεβέω, to be pious, to act as in the fear of God, (oce. Acts xvil. 23.) 1 Tim. v. 4, marg. kindness. PIGEON (-s.) περιστερά, a dove or pigeon. [Two of these were the offerings of the poor, Lev. v. 7; xiv. 22.] PINE AWAY. ξηραίνω, to dry, make dry. Here, pass., to be dried up, wither away. Mark ix. 18. PINNACLE. πτερύγιον, a little wing, used of the feather of an arrow; then, of any thing like a wing running out to a point, a pinnacle, (non occ.) Mark iv. 5. | Luke iv. 9. PIPE. [noun.] αὐλός, a pipe, an instrument blown with the mouth, prod. like our Jlageolet, (non occ.) 1 Cor. xiv. 7 1st. PIP PIPE (-rp.) [verb.] | αὐλέω, to play on the αὐλός, (see above); to pipe. Matt. xi. 17. Luke vii. 32. 1 Cor. xiv. 7 2nd. PIPER (-s.) | αὐλητής, a player on the αὐλός, (see | “prpe”) a piper, a minstrel, (οσο. | Matt. ix. 23.) | ᾿ Rev. xviii. 22. ἘΠῚ: 1. φρέαρ, a well, or pit for water, dug in the earth, (thus dist. from πηγή, a fountain.) Then, used of any pit or abyss, (oce. John iv. 11 το.) 2. βόθυνος, a pit, a ditch; any hole or | pit dug in the ground, (oce. Matt. | xv. 14; Luke vi. 39.) 2. Matt. xii. 11. — Rev. ix. 11, 1. Luke xiv. 5. - — χὶ. 7, see Bot- 1. Rey. ix. 1, 21st (ap.) — —— xvii. 8, (tomless 2B 2 2nd ἃ 3rd. — — xx. 1,3, | | | | | ae PITCH (-ep.) [verb.] | πήγνυμι, to fasten, make fast and firm, | to fix or fasten together, con- | struct, build; of a tent, to set up, | pitch, (non oce.) | | | | | | Heb. viii. 2. PITCHER. κεράμιον, an earthen vessel; a pot, a pitcher, (non occ.) Mark xiv. 13. | Luke xxii. 10. PITIFUL. good or healthy compassionate, having fellow-feeling, tender- | hearted, (occ. Eph. iv. 32.) | | | εὔσπλαγχος, with bowels; then, 1 Pet. iii. 8. PITIFUL (very) πολύσπλαγχος, very compassionate, full | of fellow-feeling, of great tender- heartedness. Jas. v. 11 (πολυεύσπλαγχος, πολύσπλαγχος, G ον) more emphatic than | PLA PITY ON (ave) ἐλεέω, see ““ MERCY ON (HAVE)” Tit. iii. 4, see Man. Matt. xviii. 33. | PLACE. (For various combinations, see below.) 1. τόπος, a place, spot; used either of a particular place, place where one dwells, or in a geographical or topographical sense. 2. ὁπή, an opening, a hole; eg. a fissure in the earth, ο) a well. 3. περιοχή, circumference, circuit; con- tents, of a writing; hence, the arguments or contents within cer- tain limits, a section, chapter, or passage of a book, (non occ.) He . χωρίον, a place, spot, country, re- gion; like Eng., place, 2.6. a possession, of fields o7 farm. 1. Matt. xii. 43. ; 1. John xix. 19, 17, 20, 41. ΕΣ xiv. 19, 15, 35. 1. —— xx. 7. 1. —— xxiv. 15. 1. Acts i. 25. 4, —— xxvi. 36. 1. —— iv. 31. 1. bz. 1. — vi. 18, 14. 1. — xxvii. 33 twice. 1. —— vii. 7, 33, 49. 1. — xxviii. 6. 3. —— viii. 32. 1. Mark i. 35, 45. 1, —— xii. 17. 1, — vi. 81, 32, 35. | 1, —— xxi, 28 twice. 4, —— xiv. 32. 1, —— xxvii. 8, 41. 1. —— xv. 22 twice. 1. Rom. ix. 26. 1. —— xvi. 6. 1, —— xii. 19 1. Luke iv. 17,37, 42. 1. —— xv. 23 1. — ix. 10 (ap.), 12 1. 1 Cor. 1. 2. 1. —x. 1, 32. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 14 1, —— xi. 1. 24. 1. Eph. iv. 27. 1. —— xiv. 9. 1. 1 Thes. i. 8. 1, —— xvi. 28 1. Heb. viii. 7. 1, —— xix. 5 1, —— xi. 8. 1. — xxii. 40 1. —— xii. 17, marg. way. 1. —— xxiii. 33. 2. Jas. 111. 11, marg. 1. John iv. 20. hole. 1, —-v. 19. 1, Ὁ Pet. 1. 19. 1. —— vi. 10, 23 1, Rev. ii. 5. 1, —— x. 40. 1, ——vi. 14. 1. —— xi. 6, 39, 48. 1. —— xii. 6, 8, 14. 1, — xiv. 2,3 1. —— xvi. 16. 1, — xviii. 2 1. —— xx. 11. PLACE (rrom THAT) ἐκεῖθεν, thence, from thence, from that place. Mark: vi. 10, PLACE (arve) 1. ἀναχωρέω, to go back, recede, spoken of those who flee, Jer. iv. 29; Judges iv. 17. 2. εἴκω, give way, yield, (nas occ.) 1. Matt. ix. 24. | 2. Gal. ii. 5. PLA [687] PLA PLACE (Have) | HIGH, HOLY, MARKET, ONE, SE- CRET, SKULL, STEEP, STONY, THIS, WAY, YONDER. χωρέω, to give space, place, room; to make room for one’s self, and so, to go forward, go on and on, be advancing ; find entrance. PLAGUE (-s.) John viii. 37. 1. πληγή, a stroke, a blow, then, as in- Jlicted by God. PLACE (aN ἃ ΟΕΕΤΑΙΝ) 2. μάστιξ, a whip, a scourge; then, a πού, somewhere, in some place or scourge from God. other, (οσο. Rom. iv. 19.) 2. Mark iii. 10. 1. Rev. xv. 1, 6, 8. Heb. ii. 6. Ι Heb. iv. 4. ὃς ακομα ο, | Cae 1. Rey. ix. 20. 1, —— xxi. 9. 1, —— xi. 6. 1, — xxii. 18. PLACE (rn ruts) ὧδε, hither, here. PLAIN. [noun.]} Ss ie dian τόπος, place, see “PLACE,” ) a level πο. place, PLACE SOEVER (iy waar) πεδινός, plain, level, (non occ.) δν ᾿ Luke vi. 17. ie where, in ο where- ἐάν, soever, [place, ) soever. ἢ Mark vi. 10. PLAIN. [adj.] ὀρθῶς, straight, right, erectly; then, PLACE (or τΠΑΤ) rightly, correctly. : Mark vii. 35. ἐντόπιος, in the place, (spoken of one |_— who belongs to any place) a resi- dent, inhabitant, (non occ.) PLAINLY. πρ παῤῥησία, the speaking all one thinks, free-spokenness, frankness in speaking, the candid, confident boldness of a joyous heart. Here, PLACE (το ruts) ode, hither, here. Dative. Luke xxiii. 5. John x, 24. John xvi. 29 (ἐν παρ. in, —- xi. 14. or with boldness, ete., — xvi. 25. LT ΤΑ κα.) Heb. xi. 14, see Declare. PLACES (in Att) A Soe ον, πανταχοῦ, in all places, everywhere. PLAINNESS OF SPEECH. Acts xxiv. 3. νε / παῤῥησία, see above. 2 Cor. iii. 12, marg. boldness. PLACES (iy pivers) ος from one to an-) invarious | PLAIT τόπους, places, [other,} places. δν ὁ Matt. xxiv. 7. Ι Mark xiii. 8. | Nee, PLAT. Luke xxi. 11. — PLAITED. [margin.] PLACE WHERE CUSTOM WAS 1 Tim, ii. 9, see “ nRoIDED.” RECEIVED. {margin. | Mark ii. 14, see ‘‘rEcEIPT OF cUSTOM.” PLAITING. εμπλοκή, ἃ braiding, intertwining, esp., See also, ANOTHER, DWELLING, EMI- of the hair in ornament, (non occ.) NENT, GOOD, HEARING, HEAVENLY, 1 Pet. iii. 3. | — unmemasem, ἢ 2. πίναξ, a board, table ; 1. Matt. xxiii. 25. | PLANT (-ετη.) [verb.] φυτεύω, to plant, esp., of trees, etc. (non οσσ. Matt. xv. 13. Luke xvii. 6, 28. — xxi. 33 Rom. vi. 5, see P to- Mark xii. 1 1 Cor. iii. 6, 7, 8. [gether. Luke xiii. 6 — ix. 7. PLANTED TOGETHER. σύμφυτος, grown or growing in con- junction with, grown together, (non occ.) Rom. vi. 5. PLAT. [verb.] | πλέκω, to plait, to braid, to weave, Lat., plico, plecto. Matt. xxvii. 29 part. | Mark xv. 17. John xix, 2. PLATTER. 1. παροψίς, a side-dish in which dainties are served up, entremet; then, a dish on which such meats are served, (non occ.) esp., a writing tablet covered with wax ; then, any wooden plate or dish covered with Sood. lg eT aed a A.) 26 (om. καὶ τὴς ter, ἃ © ας xi. 39. PLAY. ᾿ παίζω, to play asachild; then, to dance. [A citation from Exod. xxxii. 6, where it is the lxx. for pny, which, it is evident from verses 18, 19, includes the shouting, singing, and dancing in honour of their idol. It is also used by Homer in this sense, see Odys. viii. 51, and xxiil. 147.] 1 Cor. x. 7. PLEASE (-ED, eee) (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. ἀρέσκω, to please, to be pleasing and acceptable to; also, to seek to please or gratify. PLA PLE | PLANT. [noun.] εἰμί, to be, | | mins λα, the act of planting, | 2: ος eal ἀν ἃ acceptable, Matt. xv. Tor 7 Da 3. εὐαρεστέω, to please well. 4. δοκέω, to appear, have the appear- ance. Here, impersonally, it seemed [good]; it appeared [the right thing to do.] 5. εὐδοκέω, (No. 4, with εὖ, well, pre- fixed). Here, the good and right thing is not merely understood, as in No. 4, but actually asserted, it seemed good, where stress is laid on the reaalue and its willingness and freedom, marking the design as something good, either in reality or intention. 6. θέλω, to will, to wish, to desire, implying active volition and purpose. 1. Matt. xiv. 6. 1. Cor, σος, 1. Mark vi. 22. 6, —— mii. 18 1. Acts vi. 5 6. —— xv. 38. 2. —— xii. 3. 1. Gal. 1. 10 twice. 4, —— xv. 22, 34 (ap.) 5. 15. 1 Rom. viii. 8. 5. Col. i. 19. 1. —— xv. 1, 2, 3. 1. 1 Thes. fi. 4, 15. 9. τὺ ᾿Ω7. 1. ----- ν. 1. by il 1. οἱ. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 4. 1, — vii. 32, 33, 34. 3. Heb. xi. 5, 6. PLEASE (ΤΠΟΒΕ THINGS THAT) τὰ, the things, ἀρεστά, pleasing, acceptable, grate- ful to. - 1. εὐδοκέω, see “ PLEASE,” > / εἰμί, ΔΗ 8 og , ἀρεστός, 1. Matt. iii. 17. John viii. 29. PLEASE WELL. No. 5 i see “ PLEASE,” Λο. 2. 1. Luke iii. 22. 1. —— xii. 18. ἹΣ Δ ΟΣ, κο 1, —— xvii. 5. 2. Tit. ii. 9. 1, Mark 1, 11. 1. 2 Ῥρου 1. 17. PLEASED WITH (8Ὲ wEtt) εὐαρεστέω, see “PLEASE,” No. 3. Heb. xiii. 16, pass. PLEASING (ΤΠΟΡΕ THINGS THAT ARE) ( τὰ, the things, ἀρεστά, pleasing, acceptable, grate- ( ful to. 1 John iii, 22. ἀρέσκεια, desire of pleasing, very great complaisance, (non occ.) Col. i. 10. PLEASURE. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. ἡδονή, delight, enjoyment, pleasur- able sensation; Lat., voluptas ; sensual pleasures, pleasures or lusts of the flesh. 2. θέλημα, will, (the act of willing, active volition.) 3. χάρις, a pleasing work, a favour, a kindness. if anee viii. e — Heb. =i see Enjoy. 3. Acts xxiv. 27. 1. Jas. iv. 1, 3. —— xxv. 9. 3, } marg. lust. 1, Tit. iii. 3. 1, 2 Pet. ii. 13. 2. Rev. iv. 11. PLEASURE (goop) εὐδοκία, a being well pleased, good pleasure, including the idea of free and willing purpose with a good design. Eph, i. 5, 9. | Phil. ii. 13. 2 Thes, i. 11. ””ῦύῆὍ Ὅὔὓ υυυσ Ὄ ------ὉὍ--------ϱ᾿ϱ᾿Ἓ--------ήήρ.«Ἆὃὣὺ,καααα--. -- --------- PLEASURE (sz one’s goon) εὐδοκέω, see “PLEASE,” No. 5. Luke xii. 32, | PLEASURE (ave) εὐδοκέω, see “ PLEASE,” Λο. 5. 2 Thes. ii. 12. | Heb. x. 6, 8, 38. PLEASURE (take) εὐδοκέω, see “ PLEASE,” Λο. 5. 2 Cor. xii. 10. PLEASURE IN (nave) συνευδοκέω, to take pleasure in, in con- Junction with others. Rom. i, 32, marg. consent with. PLEASURE (μων 1) 1. σπαταλάω, to live in luxury in eating and drinking,to indulge one’s self, (οσο. Jas. v. 6, and translated, “have been wanton.’’) SS PLE [ 589 ] PLO PLEASING. | 2. τρυφάω, {ο break down the mind and make it effeminate by luxury ; hence, to live luxuriously. 1. 1 Tim. v. 6, marg. live delicately. 2. Jas. v. 5. PLEASURE (tHerr own) τὸ, that which δοκοῦν, seemed good, appeared right, αὐτοῖς, to them. Heb. xii. 10 part. PLEASURES (tover or) φιλήδονος, pleasure loving; then, as subst., a lover of ἡδονή, (see “ PLEA- suRE,” Vo. 1), (non occ.) 2 Tim. iii. 4. PLENTEOUS. πολύς, much ; and with a noun implying number, multitude, or magnitude, great, large, plenteous. Matt. ix. 37. PLENTIFULLY. See, BRING. PLOUGH, or PLOW. [noun.] ἄροτρον, a plough, see below, (non occ.) Luke ix. 62, PLOUGH (-rru, -rveé.) | ἀροτριάω, to plough. {Language preserves a wonderful illustration of this, the oldest art, e.g. :— To Ῥτοσα, open the soil :— AR, Sanscr. ; ἀρουν, Gk.; ative, Lat.; ar, Lrish; arti, Lithuanian; orati, Russ. ; arjan, Goth. ; erjan, Ang. Sax.; ear, Old Eng., (Deut. xxi. 4.) Tue ῬΙΟΥΘῊΗ :— ἄροτρον, Gk.; aratrum, Lat.; oradlo, Bohem. ; arklas, Lith. ; aradar, Cornish; arad, Welsh ; ardhr, Old Norse. Tue Act oF PLOUGHING 1~ ἄροσις, Gk.; aratio, Lat.; aroma, Eng. ΤΗΕ LAND FOR PLOUGHING :— ἔρα, Gk.; YON (aretz), Heb.; ira, Sanscr.; ὅσα, Old High Germ. ; ire, irionn, Gaelic ; earth,’ Eng. ; airtha, Gothic; eorthe, Ang. Sax. OTHER ἨΕΙΑΤΕΡ Worps :— ἄρτος, bread, (the great earth product.) άρουρα, Gk., (and Lat., aroum) a field. armentum, (Lat.) any animal fit for ploughing. arbeit, (Germ.) labour; and arbeitsam, indus- trious. erfidhi, (Old Norse) ploug>ing, but afterwards ae A. Sax., earfod.: or earfedni) it denoted our. PLU [ 590 1 POO art, (Old High Germ.) } was the oldest art, of ars, artis, (Lat.) ploughing. arunti, (Old High Germ.) and crend, is simply _ work ; and so is Eng., errand and errand-boy. Αρ) Lis the rudder that ploughs the oar, (Eng.) SER ἐρετής, (Greek) is a rower. τριρηρης, is a three-oared ship.] (non occ.) Luke xvii. 7. | 1 Cor. ix. 10, PLUCK (-xp.) [verb.] 1. τίλλω, to pull, pluck, pull out or off, as the hair, (non occ.) 2. ἁρπάζω, to seize upon, snatch away, carry off, spoken of beasts of prey. 1. Matt. xii. 1. 1. Mark ii. 23. 1. Luke vi. 1. — Luke xvii. 6, see Root. 2. John x. 28, 29. — Jude 12, see Root. PLUCK ASUNDER. διασπάω, to pull asunder, tear in pieces, (οσο. Acts xxiii. 10.) Mark v. 4. PLUCK OUT. ἐκβάλλω, to cast out, throw out, with the idea of force and impulse. bo ἐξαιρέω, to take out, (1.6. as a city or camp, as in war) pluck out, tear out. ἐξορύσσω, to dig out, (occ. Mark ii. 4.) 2. Matt. v. 29. 1. Mark ix. 47. — xviii. 9. 3. Gal. iv. 15. 9 ae POET (-s.) ποιητής, a maker of anything, inventor ; esp., the creator of a poem, like Old Eng., maker; ο French, trouvere, troubadour; gen., the author of any mental production. Acts xvii. 28 (om. G —) | POINT. See, ALL, and DEATH. POISON. something sent out, emitted ; hence, a missile, weapon ; rust as being emitted on metals; and poison, | as emitted by serpents, (οσο. Jas. | v. 3.) Rom, iii. 13. | ” (ος, Jas. iii. 8. i hn hoch sb etc ts cls ait hn te ene he iin Kh ct ona ahaa Nani hana POLLUTE (Εν) κοινόω, to make common, to communi- cate with others; hence, in a Levitical sense, to render unclean, to defile ceremonially. Acts xxi. 28. POLLUTION (-s.) 1. ἀλίσγημα, pollution by unclean, 7.6. by forbidden food, (οσο. in Ixx., Dan. i. 8; Mal. 1. 7, 12; Ecclus. xl. 29.) [What is called in Acts xv. 20, pol- lutions of idols, 1s 1π verse 29 called εἰδωλοθύτων, meats offered to idols, 1.6. the parts of the victim not offered to the gods, sold for general food,] (non occ.) 2. μίασμα, (Hng., miasma) a colouring, staining, dyeing ; ¢hen, stain, de- filement, esp. by murder or foul crime, then any taint of guilt, (non ace.) 1. Acts xv. 20. | 2. 2 Pet. ii. 20. POMP. φαντασία, (Eng., phantasy) an appear- ing, appearance, show, (on occ.) Acts xxv. 23. PONDER (-ep.) συμβάλλω, to throw together; of thoughts in the mind, to confer with one’s self, ponder in mind. Luke ii. 19. POOL. κολυμβήθρα, a swimming place, any reservoir for bathing and swim- ming. John vy. 2, 4 (ap.), 7. — ix. 7. Jolin ix. 11 (om. τὴν Koa. τοῦ, the pool of, G LT Tr AN.) POOR. 1. πτοχός, crouching, cringing in the manner of beggars ; hence, begging, beggarly, poor; then, as subst., a beggar, mendicant, living on the alms of others, having nothing at all. POO 2. πένης, working for a living, poor; not im extreme want, but simply having only what one earns, hay- ing nothing superfluous, living sparingly. . πενιχρός, poor, needy, (like No. 2.) . Matt. v. 3. 1. Luke xxi. 3. 1, John xii. 5, 6, 8. 1, — xiii. 29. 1. Rom. xv. 26. — 1 Cor. xi. 22, see P (be) | 1. 2 Cor. vi. — xiv. 13, 21. ας : Rev. 111,17. - xiii, 16, POOR (be) (margin. | 1 Cor. xi. 22, see *‘ HAVE NOT.” POOR (ΒΕσΟΜΕ) i | πτωχεύω, to become πτωχός, (see “POOR,” ) NG. 1.) 2 Cor. viii. 9. POOR MAN. 1, Jas. ii, 2. PORCH (-zs.) 1. στοά, a pillar, column; then, any portico or porch, (piazza) sur- rounded and supported by columns, (non occ.) 2. πυλών, a large door, a gate, at the entrance of a building or city, a gateway. . προαύλιον, the place before the αὐλή, (or interior court) the large gateway of an oriental house, the deep arch under which the πυλών (No. 2) opens. 2. Matt. xxvi. 71. 1. John x. 23. 3, Mark xiv. 08. 1. Acts iii. 11. 1. John ν. 2. 1. —v. 12. PORTER. θυρωρός, the keeper of a θύρα, (a door, a small door or wicket within a larger), (οσο. John xviii. 16, 17.) Mark xiii, 34, | John x, 8, [ 591 1 POS PORTION. μέρος, a part of a whole, a portion, piece. ee 46. Matt. xxiv. 51. | tg Luke xii. 42, see Meat. POSSESS (-Ερ, -τνα.) (For various combinations, see below.) 1. κτάομαι, to get for one’s self, ac- quire, procure, by purchase or otherwise, to possess. 2. κατέχω, to have and hold fast, hold firmly, to hold in secure and firm possession. 1. Luke xviii. 12. 2. 1 Cor. vii. 30. 1. — xxi. 19. 2. 2 Cor. vi. 10. 1. 1 Thes. iv. 4. POSSESSETH (tne THINGS WHICH ONE) «τὰ, the things, the things Φκάρχοντα, being, | which one ( existing, possesseth, (calling attention to the fact that they are what they were originally.) Luke xii. 15. Ι Acts iv. 82. POSSESSED WITH (ez) ἔχω, to have. Acts viii. 7. | Acts xvi. 16. See also, DEVIL. POSSESSION (-s.) 1. κτῆμα, what is acquired by purchase or otherwise ; acquisition, property, (non oce.) bo κατάσχεσις, any thing held or pos- sessed, as a dwelling or land, είο., (non oce.) . Matt. xix. 22. 2. Acts vii. 5, 45. 1 1. Mark x. 22. — —— xxviii. 7, see Pos- 1. Acts ii. 45. sessions. [ chased, 1, —v.1. — Eph. i. 14, see Pur- POSSESSOR (-s.) κτήτωρ, possessor of what has been acquired by purchase or otherwise; owner, (non occ.) Acts iv. 34, POS POSSIBLE. δυνατός, in an active sense, strong, having inherent and moral power, able to effect; in a passive sense, possible, capable of being done; here, neut., able to be done. Matt. xix. 26. Mark xiv. 35, 36. — xxvi. 99. Luke xviii. 27. Mark ix. 23. Acts ii. 24. —— x. 27 (ap.) — xx. 16. POSSIBLE (sr) δύναμαι, to be able, to have inherent and moral power. Acts xxvii. 39 (δυνατόν, see “‘ POSSIBLE,” 9) > POSSIBLE (iF 11 BE) εἰ if δυνατόν, see “ POSSIBLE.” Rom. κ. 18. POSSIBLE (iF τῷ HAD BEEN) εἰ δυνατόν, see above. Gal. iv. 15. POSSIBLE (iF τῷ WERE) εἰ δυνατόν, see above. Matt. xxiv. 24. | Mark xiii. 22. POSSIBLE (it is) [margin.] ἔξεστι, it is possible, one can, referring to moral propriety; it is lawful, it is right, it is permitted. 2 Cor. xii. 4, text, it is lawful. POSSIBLE (nor) ἀδύνατον, impossible. Heb. x. 4. POT (-s.) 1. ξέστης, Lat., sextus, ov sextarius, a Roman measure, liquid or dry, very nearly equal to an Eng. pint, (non occ.) 2. στάμνος, an earthen jar, or jug, for 2. racking off wine. (In Exod. xvi.33, Ixx. for niy1¥,) i. Mark vii. 4,8 (ap.) | 2. Heb. 1x. 4. [ 592 71 ς POU POTENTATE. δυνάστης, possessor of power, used of those who are in possession of authority, and occupying a high position. 1 Tim. vi. 15. POTTER. κεραμεός, a potter, (from κέραμος, pot- ter’s clay), (mon occ.) Matt. xxvii. 7,10. | Rom. ix. 21. POTTER (oF 4) κεραμικός, of or made by a potter, (Lng., ceramic), (702 occ.) Luke xxii. 10. Mark xiv. 13. | POUND (-s.) 1. λίτρα, (Lat., libra) a pound in weight, = 12 oz. avoirdupois, (non occ.) 2. μνᾶ, (Lat., mina) prop., a Greek weight -- 100 drachme = 15 ο7., 83% grs.; also, as a sum of mone = 100 drachme = £4 Is. 3d. 60 pvat make a talent, (prob. akin to Heb. maneh, perhaps also to our Eng. money, etc.), (non oce.) 2. Luke xix. 13, 16 twice, 1. John xii. 3. 18 twice, 20, 24 twice, 25, 1. — xix. 39. POUR (-ED, -ETH, -ING.) 1. βάλλω, to throw, to cast witha greater or less degree of force, as determined by the context ; of liquids, to pour. 2. καταχέω, to pour down upon, and so gen., to pour upon, (non occ.) 2. Matt. xxvi. 7. ἱ 2. Mark xiv. 3. 1, 12 part. 1. John xiii. 5. POUR IN. ἐπιχέω, to pour over, pour upon, (π0η οσο.) Luke x. 34. POUR OUT. 1. ἐκχέω, to pour out. ἐκχύνω, another form of No. 1. κεράννυμι, to mix, mingle; then, to prepare a draught, to pour out for drinking, to fill one’s cup. POV 3. Rev. xiv. 10. 1. — xvi. 1, 2, 3,4,8, 10, 12, 17. 1. John ii. 15. 1. Acts ii. ae 18. . —x. POVERTY. | πτωχεία, begging,mendicancy ; poverty, | want. | 2 Cor. viii. 2, 9. | Rev. ii. 9. | POWDER. See, GRIND. POWER (-s.) 1. δύναμις, natural capability, inherent power; capability of anything, ability to perform anything ; then, absolutely, not merely power capable of action, but, power in action. The Power of God, is the power which manifests itself in all the modes, His redeeming work, where God is at work, revealing and carrying out the plan of sal- vation. (As opp. to No. 5, it de- notes moral power.) [In Rev. v. 12, we have δύναμις, in- herent ability to effect all the Divine purposes ; ἰσχύς, physical ability prevailing in action ; πλοῦ- tos, the fulness of all good ; τιμή, honour, intrinsic excellence; and εὐλογία, the utterance of blessing from a redeemed creation. | ( 6, the, [1BLE,” ) His power, ( δυνατός, see “Poss- ) see No. 1 8. ἐξουσία, (from ἔξεστι, it is allowed, one can, it is permitted, denying the presence of a hindrance) dele- gated authority, liberty or autho- rity to do anything; combining the two ideas of right and might. (While No. 1 implies the ability to make power felt, Vo. 3 affirms that free movement is ensured to the ability.) 4. κράτος, strength, esp. bodily strength ; power in effect, force, superiority, strengthas exerted ἰσχύς, strength, as an endowment ; physical strength, (Zat., vires.) ἀρχή, beginning; then, spoken of dignity, ete., the first place, 1.6. the power, rule, dominion. OO [ 598 J POW [Another synon ymous word, not translated power, is ἐνέργεια, energy, power in action, effectual opera- tion ; ; ἐνέργημα, a work wrought in us and by us. | 1. Matt. vi. 13 (ap.) | 3. eee ix. 4,5, 6, 12 twice, 3. —— ix. 6, 8. 3. ——x. 1. | ee 10, see margin. 1. —— xxii. 29. 1, —— xii. 29, margin 1. —— xxiv. 29, 30. (text, worker of mira- 1. —— xxvi. 64. cles.) 3. —— xxviii. 18. 1. —— xv. 24, 43. 3. Mark ii. 10. 1. 2 Cor. iv. 7. 3. ——iii. 15. 1. — vi. 7. 3. — vi. 7. 1, —— viii. 3 twice. 1. —— ix. 1. 1, — xii. 9. 1. —— xii. 24. 1, —— xiii. 4. 1. —— xiii. 25, 26. 3. 10. 1. —— xiv. 62. 1, Eph. i. 19 1st. 1. Luke i. 17, 35. 4, 19 2nd. 3. —— iv. 6. 3. 21. ay 14, 3. —— 1, 2. 3. 2. 1. — iii. 7. ΕΞ 36. 3. 10. 1. — v.17. ἂν 20. Sg; 24, 4, ——vi. 10. 1. —— ix. 1. 3. 12. -- 43, see Mighty. | 4. ΟΟ]. 1. 11. 3. —— x. 19 lst. 3. 15, 16 1. 19 2nd | 3. — ii. 10, 15 3. — xii. 5, 11 | 1. Phil. iii. 19 6. —— xx. 20. ο Πα 5 1, —— xxi. 26, 27 | 5. 2 Thes. i. 9. 8, —— xxii. 53 1. 11. ih 69. 1. — ii. 9. 1. —— xxiv. 49. 3. —— iii. 9 8. John i. 12, marg. right | 1. 1 Tim. i. 7, 8, or privilege. 1, — iii. 5 3. ——x. 18. 4. ——vi. 16 3. —— xvii. 2. 3. Tit. iti. 1. 3. —— xix. 10 twice, 11, 1. Heb. i. 3. 8. Acts i. 7. 4, ——ii. 14, 1, 8. 1, — vi. 5 1. — iii. 12. 1. —— vii. 16. 1. — iv. 7, 33 1 ἹΕεο σ 3. —v. 4. 1, iii. 22. 1. — vi. 8. 1, 2 Pet. i. 3, 16. 1. —— viii. 10 5. —— ii. 11. 3 19. 3. Jude 25. 1. —x. 38. 3. Rev. ii. 26. 3. —— xxvi. 18. 1. — iv. 11. 1. Rom. i. 4, 16, 20. 1, —-v. 12. 1, ——vyiii. 38. 4, 13. 1. ——ix. 17 3. — vi. 8. 3. 21. 1, — vii. 12. 2. 22. 3, —— ix, 8 twice, 10, 19, 3. —— xiii. 1 Ist ἃ 2nd 3. —— xi. 6 twice. 8. 13rd (οπι. ἃ LT 1. ~ 17. Tr A κ [i.e. those].) | 3. —— xii. 10. 8, 2, 3. ἃ. —— xiii. 2, 1, ——xv. 13, 19. [ 3. 4, 5, 7, 12. — —— xvi. 25,see P(that | — —— 14, 15, see P 1. 1 Cor. i. 18, 24. [is of) (have) 1. — ii. 4, 5 3. — xiv. 18 1, —— iv. 19, 20. 1. —— αν. 8. 1, ——v. 4. 3. - -- xvi. 9 — — vi. 12,see P (bring | 3. —— xvii. 12 ἃ, 14. funder) | 1. 13. — — vii. 4twice, see P | 3. —— xviii. 1. of (have) 1 3,-marg. (text, 3. 37. abundance.) 3. ——viii. 9, marg.(text, | 1. —— xix. 1. liberty.) | ὃ, —— xx. 6, POWER (Brine UNDER) ἐξουσιάξω, to haye on exercise au- thority. 1 Cor. vi. 12. POW [σα Ἱ. PRA POWER (Have) PRAISE UNTO (sine) δίδωμι, to give to. Here, with Dat. | ὄμνεω, to hymn; sing hymns to any | following, “it was given to*him.” one ; to praise in song. Rev. xiii. 14, 15. Heb. ii, 12. 1 Cor. vii. 4 twice. Acts xvi. 25. PRAISE (-sp, -rva.) [verb.] POWER (rnart Is OF) δύναμαι, to be able, have inherent and moral power. Here, part., having power. 1. aivéw, to tell or speak of, to speak in praise of ; bestow praise, cele- POWER OF (πανε) PRAISES UNTO (srye) ἐξουσιάξω, to have or exercise authority. ὁ μνέω, see above. Rom. xvi. 25. | brate, (on occ.) oar. | 2. ἐπαινέω, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, pre- POWERFUL. | fixed) to praise upon, applaud, 1. ἐνεργής, in work, z.e. working, ener- | commend, (οσο. Luke xvi.8; Rom. getie in exercise, powerful in | XV. 14.) | action, effectual in operation, 3. εὐλογέω, to speak well of, bless ; (οσο. 1 Cor. xvi.9; Philem.6.) | with praise, gratitude, and thanks- 2. ἰσχυρός, physically strong, mighty. | giving to invoke blessing upon. | 3. 2 Cor. x. 10. | 1. Heb. iv. 12. | ασε ας ώς | απ πνὰ ἘΞ a “Tha, kn Mut aN wg τι ΧΙ: 1. ἜΣ xv 1 . 1, —— xxiv. 53 (ap. 2. 1 Cor. xi. 2, 17, 22 twice. | PRACTICE. πον weet a | See, COVETOUS. Sor Se || ———--—--- - PRATE AGAINST. 3 PRATORIUM. φλυαρέω, to overflow with talk; hence, || πραιτώριον, Lat., pretorium, the gene- to prate about, tattle, (non occ.) ral’s tent in a camp; then, the 3 John 10. residence of the governor of a .--------------------------------- | province, oe ον residence. PRAY (-£D, -ETH, -EST, -ING.) fark xv. 10. = ο 1 1. εὔχομαι, to speak out, utter aloud ; PRAISE (-s.) [noun.] hence, to pray, wish strongly. / Ve 4 , | 1. aivos, discourse, narration; then, in 2. προσεύχομαι, (Wo. 1, with πρός, to- N.T., praise, used only of praise wards, prefiwed) to pray to God, to God, (non occ.) offer prayer, (restricted to prayer ν ΕΣ towards God.) 2. ἔπαινος, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, pre- jived) praise upon, applause, com- | 3. ἐρωτάω, to interrogate, to ask, im- | mendation, approbation. plying familiarity, if not equality ; ee : hence, never used of our prayers || 3. δόξα, glory, (see “ Lory,” Vo. 1. ey? ο ο. pay i| Ng at τω ( ; di ) to God, while it is used of Christ’s | 4. αἴνεσις, a praising, (non 060.) prayers to the Father, (John xiv, \| 5. ἀρετή, virtue, excellence of any kind, 16; xvi. 26; xvii. 9, 15, 20; and | goodness of action, (occ. Phil. iv. 8; compare the two in John xvi. 23, ποιο δ. and 1 John v. 16.) Matt. xxi. 16. 2. Eph. i. 6, 12, 14. : oy | τις ἀν 40, [ 5. Phill 1 1]. [Martha unworthily ascribes αἰτέω, 3. John ix. 24. | 4. ——1y.,.8. + ἢ {| ο. cies xii. 43 twice. — Heb. ii. 12, see P wito to. beg, to Ff) (the more sub — Acts xvi. 25, see P | (sing). missive and suppliant word) to Pee ar | τος Him, which He never ascribes to 2, —— xiii. 3. | 5. --- - i oy μας. virtue Himself, John xi, 22, see under 9 1 Cor. iv. 5. | 2. 4, ary 2. ἃ Cor. viii. 18, | 3. ——iv. 11. “ask. | PRA [ 595 ] PRE Him, whom we invoke); sometimes it denotes a place of prayer, a building below the synagogue in rank. 4, δέομαι, to need, to want; then, to make known one’s need, urgently request, supplicate, beseech. 5. παρακαλέω, to call beside, call near; to call some one hither, that he may do something ; to call on any one, to call him near in order to say something to him, to use per- suasion with him. 3. δέησις, want, need; then, the ex. pression of need; urgent request, supplication ; marking esp. our need and insufficiency ; seeking aid in special necessity, (@ special form 2. Rom. viii. 26. 2. Matt. v. 44. _ 14 Acts x. 2. of No. 1.) 2, ——vi. 5 twice, 6 twice, 2, 9, 30. J falline | : ; 7 part., 9. 8. 48, 4. ἔντευξις, a falling in with, meeting tly ΓΞ ἘΝ with, coming together, access. 2, — xix. 18. | 2. — xiii. 3, audience, petition, esp., interces- —s . . ἃ Εν ive . . 5 Seay 36, 89, 41, ) 5. ——xvi. 9. sion on behalf of others; prayer in 5. πα ος its most individual form; God 2. Mark i. 35. | 2. —— xxi. 5. sought in audience and drawn ου μερες aa nigh to, (οσο. 1 Tim. ii. 1.) 2 —— i δέ part, 25. | 5. — ατα , [Another synonymous word is προσ- 2. ; Pann 2. an feed Ar Ee sats τροπή, a turning to any quarter for and pray .) | — Rom. viii. 26, see P for : Β 3 2, — xiv. 32, 35, 88, 80. | 2. 1Cor xi. 4,5, 13. | help, (not used in 3.1.) Here, ΠΤ πω ον ο | No. 2 marks our devotion, No. 4 a | 4, 2 Cor. ν. 20. our confidence, Vo. 3 our need.) See : Speman 7 2. Matt. xvii. 21 (αρ) | 2. Rom. xii. 19. αν νο ας ο ἘΣ ΟΣ τς 2. xxi. 13, 22 2. —— χν. 30. ο ο ο πο σα — — xxiii. 14, see P 9, 1Cor. vii. δ. Ὁ πες ΜΌΝ δ Lies eae (make long) 8. 4 Cor. 1.11. 2. —— xl. 1 twice, 2. 3, Col. i. 3, 9 ο Mark ix. 29 3 ix. 14 3. —— xiv. 18, 19. ο απ. ὃ. a ο. 2 Ἐ Ἢ Aas 3. —— xvi. 27. | 4. 1 Thes, iii. 10. ον ο set Pes ο I ΤΗΣ Ἶ ο τῶν PET ον (make long) 3. Phil. i. 4, 19. ey Beles Ὁ 3. Take i. 13. 2, — iv, 6. bee . . -- ο Hs , ss ΠῚ . ΠῚ 2. 40, 41, 44 (ap.), 2. 1 Tim. ii. 8. πα ας αν 3. John iv. 31. [46. | 2. Heb. xiii. 18. Sag wa Me ee ree eh 3. — xiv. 16. 2, Jas. v. 13, 14. : ἢ} eS aa της νὰ 1. 1. 1. εἷς 1 16(No.2,L Trm.) | 2. —— xix. 46. . — iv. 5. 8: rg ye saps ——— xx. 47, see Ps 2. ——v.5 3. —— xvii. 9 twice, 16, 90. | 2 17, and see P | tiie Iona ΓΕΑ ΚΣ 2. Acts i. 34. ο | 2. —— xxii. 45. 2. Philem. 4, 22, oe aoe. οσο | 3. Acts i. 14. 3. Heb. v. 7. Se ttl 15; | 1. 8 John 2, marg. (text, | Ber ae τ τῇ δ; Jas. ie ον 4: 22, 24, 84. wish.) ἘΣ anne acer ἘΣ 17, see Prayed 2. —— ix. 11, 49. 2% Jude 20. | 9 ἘΠ 4, 81, 2. 1 Pet. iii. 7. Ὥς | 2, — xii. 5. 3. 12. 2. xvi. 13, 16. 2, — iv. 7. PRAY FOR ο Bogs οὶ 2. Bey ke ΐ make much PRAYER (Ake Lona) μακρά, long, προσευχόμαι, see > prayer, or long in “pray, Vo.2, prayer. Matt. xxiii. 14 (αρ.) προσευχῇ, With prayer. προσηύξατο, he prayed. | | PRAYED EARNESTLY. | | | | ] Jas. ν. 17. PRAYER (-s.) PRAYERS (Make Lona) > , τσ Ἢ ος if 1. εὐχὴ)» ἃ speaking out, uttering aloud , Mark xii. 40, | Luke xx, 47. then, prayer, (occ. Acts xviii. 15 ; ; eee ceeds AF xxi. 23.) © REACH (-ευ, -kst, -ETH, -1NG.) 2. προσευχή, (No. 1, with πρός, towards, prefixed) speaking out to, prayer towards, (restricted to prayer to | God, and marking the power of | (for various combinations, see below. See also, under “Gospen,” for “ Preach the Gospel.”) | PRE 1. κηρύσσω, to be a herald, discharge an herald’s office, to make pro- clamation, proclaim, announce publicly, publish announcements. [Vo. 1 simply regards the making known, without any reference to the contents, which is done by No. 2, and not including the idea of teaching, which is done by διδάσκω. See, “ TEACH.” | bo εὐαγγελιζω, to bring a joyful mes- sage. Here, mid., to proclaim something to somebody as a divine glad-message of salvation; then, simply to proclaim the divine message of salvation, to bring some one into relation with it, to evangelize him. 3. καταγγελάω, to bring word down upon any one, to bring it home to any one, preach, set forth. 4. διαγγέλλω, to make known through anintervening space, report further, proclaim far and wide. οι λαλέω, to use the voice merely, with- out any reference to the words spoken ; to speak, talk. 6. διαλέγομαι, to speak to and fro, 1.6. alternately, to converse with, dis- cuss, reason, argue, (see “ SPEAK,” No.1.) 1. Matt. iii. 1. 2. Acts viii. 35, 40. 1, — iv. 17, 23. 1. —— ix. 20. 1. —— ix. 35. στ 27, see Boldly. 1. ——x. 7, 27. 2. ——x. 36. 1. — xi. 1. 1 37, 42. 1. —— xxiv. 14. 5. —— xi. 19. 1, — xxvi. 13. 2. 20. 1. Marki. 4, 7, 14, 38. 3. —— xiii. 5. 1. ———— 39, with ἣν | — ——— 24, see P first. (ἦλθεν), and he went | 3. ——— 38. making proclamation. | 5 42. 5. ——ii. 2. — — xiv.15,see P unto. 1. —— iii. 14. | 5. 25. 1. —— vi. 12. | 1, ——xyv. 21 1, —— xiv. 9. 2. 35. 1, —— xvi. 15 (αρ.), 20 | 3. ——— 36. (ap.) 5. —— xvi. 6. 1. Luke iii. 3. 3. — xvii. 3, 13. - 18, see P unto. 2. - 18 (ap.) 1. —— iv. 18, 19. 1 xix. 13. 2. 40. 6, —— xx. 7, 9 part. 1. 44, with ἦν, and | 1 25. he was proclaiming. | 1. xxviii. 91, Ls viii. 1. 1. Rom. ii. 21. 1. — ix. 2. 1 x, 8; 15: 4. 60. τς 16, see Preach- 1. —— xxiv. 47. ing. — Acts iii. 20, see P| — xv. 19, see Fully. before. | 1. 1 Cor. i. 23. 3. iv. 2. | 3. —— ix. 14. 2. v. 42. if 27 part 2. —— viii. 4. | 2. —— xv. 1, 2 1G 5. ia 11, 12 2. 12. 1, 2.Cor. i. 19; 5. —— 25 1 - ἦν. 5. [ 596 1 1. 2 Cor. xi. 4 twice, 1. Col. i. 23. 2. ds -- 25, see Fully. 2. Gal. i. 16, 23. 3. 28. 1. — ii. 2. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 9. 1, — v.11. . 1 Tim. iii. 16, 2, Eph. ii. 17. 1. Dam) veces 2, — iii. 8. — Heb. iv. 2, see 1. ΕΙ 1.15, Preached. 2, —— 16, 18. | 1. 1 Pet. iii. 19. — Rev. xiv. 6,see P unto. PREACH BEFORE. προκηρύσσω, (3ο. 1, with πρό, before, prefixed) to proclaim beforehand. Acts 111. 20. PREACH FIRST. προκηρύσσω, see above. Acts xiii. 24 part PREACH UNTO. εὐαγγελίζω, (seeabove, No.2.) (a) Active, followed by ἐπί, upon. (Ὁ) middle. b. Luke iii. 18. | b. Acts xiv. 15. a. Rey. xiv. 6. PREACHED. ἀκοή, hearing; then, that which is heard. Heb. iv. 2, marg. of hearing. PREACHING. 5 [ή ἀκοή, see above. Rom. x. 16, marg. (text, report.) PREACHER. 1. κήρυξ, a herald; a public servant of the supreme power, both in peace and war ; one who summons the ἐκκληρία, (see ““CHURCH,”) con- veys messages; one who pro- claimso7 communicates something. Γκηρυξ expresses the herald’s work as proclaimer ; ἀπόστολος, (ΑΡΟΒ- TLE) expresses his relation to him by whom he is sent; εὐαγγελίστης, (EVANGELIST) expresses the glad message With which he is entrusted ; διδάσκαλος, (TEACHER) refers to the continuous instruction in that which has been already pro- claimed. | (non occ.) 2. κηρύσσω, (see “preacH,” Vo. 1.) Here, the participle. 2. Rom. x. 14. | 1. 2 Tim. i. 11, 1 ὙΠ, ΤΥ. 1, 2 Pet. ii. 5. PRE [ο Ἵ PRE PREACHING. [noun. ] κήρυγμα, that which is proclaimed or “cried” by the herald, the command, the communication, (non occ.) ἀκοή, hearing; then, that which is heard. λόγος, the word spoken (not written) ; the word ov speech as a means ΟἹ instrument, and not as a product ; the word as that which is spoken ; the expression, both of single ex- pressions and of longer speeches. Hence, the word of the Gospel denotes all that God says or has caused to be said tomen. And as the word manifests the inward and invisible thought, so this mani- fests God’s will, and makes it known to men. | 1, Matt. xii. 41. [5 ποσα οἳ, 1. Luke xi. 32. | 1. ——ii. 4. 2. Rom. x. 16, marg. | 1. ——xv. 14. (text, report.) 8.2 Cor. i. 18, marg. Ls xvi. 25. (text, report.) 9.1 Cor. i..18. Ἱ οι τν τς 1. Titus 1. 3. PRECEPT. ἐντολή, instruction, charge, direction ; elsewhere translated commandment. Mark x. 5. | Heb. ix. 19. PRECIOUS. . τίμιος, held worth, estimated, hon- oured ; hence, valued, prized, pre- cious. . ἔντιμος, in honour; hence, like No.1, honoured, estimable, dear. . τιμή, & holding worth, estimation ; value, price; then, a thing of price, and hence, collectively, precious things. — Matt. xxvi. 7,) see P | — Mark xiv. 3, 5 (very) 5.) 1. 1 Cor. iii. 12. | 1. 1 Pet. i. 19 1. Jas. v. 7. | 2. ——ii. 4, 6 1, 1 Pet. i. 7 (πολυτιμότε- | 3. 7, marg. honowr. pos, of very great value or price, very precious, | 1. instead of πολύ τιμι- 1. Rev. xvii. 4. ώτερος, much more | 1, —— xviii, 12 twice, 16, 1. Rev. xxi. 11, 19. 2 Pet. i. 1, see P (like) 4 PRECIOUS (κε) ἰσότιμος, alike honoured, alike prized; i.e. of equal honour, of equal honour and estimation, (ποπ occ.) 2 Pet. i. 1. | | PRE-EMINENCE (HAVE THE) PRECIOUS (very) 1. βαρύτιμος, of heavy price. 2. πολυτελής, very expensive, very costly. 1. Matt. xxvi. 7 (πολύτιμος, of great price, L T Tr™ &.) 2. Mark xiv. 3. PREDESTINATE (-rEp.) προορίζω, to set bounds before, deter- mine, decree or ordain beforehand. [In Rom. viii. 30, it is simply a formal conception, and not (like προγινώσκω, in verse 29) an inde- pendent conception, complete in itself. When προορίζω is used, the question is not who are its objects, but what they are pre- destined to. προορίζω precedes history, and those who, in history, God “foreknows.” (προγίνωσκω) are the subjects of what He has before all history prepared and counselled for them.} (ποπ occ.) Rom. viii. 29,30. | ἘΡἈ.1. 5,11. πρωτεύω, to be first, hold the first place, or highest dignity, (non occ.) Col. i. 18. PRE-EMINENCE (ποτε το HAVE THE) φιλοπρωτεύω, (the above, with φιλέω, to live, prefixed.) 3 John 9. PREFER (-1a.) προηγέομαι, to lead forward, go on be- fore, take the lead. Here, “as to honour, each taking the lead in rendering it to the other,” (non oce.) Rom. xii. 10. PREFERRED (πε) γίνομαι, to become, come to pass, gotten; advance, take a place. John i. 15, 27 ap.), 30. PREFERRING ONE BEFORE ANOTHER. πρόκριμα, α fore-judging, prejudice. 1 Tim. v. 21, marg. prejudice. PRE PREJUDICE. [margin.] 1 Tim. v. 21, see above. PREMEDITATE. μελετάω, to care for, to take care for any thing, 1.6. so as to be able to perform it; hence, to premeditate, (occ. Acts iv. 25; 1 Tim. iv. 15.) Mark xiii. 11 (om. μηδὲ μελετᾶτε, neither do ye pre- meditate, G = Το T Tr Ab &.) | PREPARATION. 1. παρασκευή, a making ready at hand, 1.6. preparation. [In the Jewish sense, preparation, i.e. the day or hours before the sabbath, or other festival when preparation was made for its cele- bration; hence, the eve of the sabbath or feast.| (non occ.) 2. ἑτοιμασία, preparation, 1.6. readiness. Here, the preparedness arising from the gospel of peace, (non occ.) 1. Matt. xxvii. 62. 1. Mark xv. 42. 1. Luke xxiii. 54. 1. John xix. 14, 31, 42. 2. Eph. vi. 15. PREPARE (-£p, -1NG.) 1. ἐτοιμάζω, to make ready, prepare. 2. κατασκευάζω, to prepare fully, put 3. καταρτίζω, to make fully ready, pre- pare, constitute. 1, Matt. 111. 3. 1. John xiv. 2, 3. 2, xi. 10. — Rom. ix. 23, see P 1. —— xx. 23. afore. 1. —— xzii. 4. 1. 1 Cor. ii. 9. 1, —— xxv. 34, 41. — — xiv. 8,see P one’s 1, —— xxvi. 17. self. 2. Mark i. 2. — Eph. ii. 10, see P be- 1. 3. Jore. 1. —— x. 40. 1. 2 Tim, ii, οἱ, 1. —— xiv. 12, 1. Philem. 22. -- 15,seePrepared. | 3. Heb. x. 5. 2, Luke i. 17. 2. 1/72 af 76. 1 16, 1, —— ii. 31. — 1 Pet. iii. 20, see Pra- 1. —— iii. 4. paring (be a) 2. — vii. 27. 1. Rev. viii. 6. 1, —— xii. 47. uf ix. 7, 15. 1, —— xxii. 8, 9. 1, —— xii. 6. 1, —— xxiii. 56. | 1, —— xvi. 12, 1. — xxiv. i. 1, —— xxi. 2, PREPARE AFORE. προετοιμάζω, (No. 1, with πρό, before, prefixed) to make ready before- hand, (occ. Eph. ii. 10.) Rom, ix. 23. [ 598 1 PRE PREPARED (before) [margin.] Eph. ii. 10, see ‘“‘ oRDAIN.” PREPARE ONE’S SELF. παρασκευάζω, (No. 2, with παρά, beside, prefixed, instead of κατά, down) to make ready near or for any one, to prepare at hand. Here, mid., to prepare one’s self, to be ready. 1 Cor. xiv. 8. PREPARED. ἕτοιμος, ready, prepared. Mark xiv. 15 (om. ἃ — L.) PRESBYTERY. πρεσβυτέριον, an assembly of aged men, council of elders, senate, (οσο. spoken of the Jewish San- hedrim, Luke xxi. 66; Acts xxu. 5. 1 Tim. iv. 14. PRESENCE. (for various combinations with other words, see below.) ee EE ES 1. πρόσωπον, the part towards the eye, the part of anything which is pre- | sented to the eye, the front of anything, the face; hence, that | which is in one’s presence, before | one’s eyes. 2. παρουσία, the being or becoming present ; presence, arrival. | 1. Acts iii. 13, 19. | 2. 2Cor. x. 10. | tee 2. Phil. ii, 12. 1, 2 Cor. x. 1, marg. out- | 1. 1 Thes. ii. 17. ward appearance. 1. 2 Thes. i. 9. [ 1. Heb. ix, 24. PRESENCE OF (xnurore ΤΠΕ) the very presence of. | Jude 24. PRESENCE (tn onr’s) ἐνώπιον, in the presence of, before. Luke xiii. 26. | 1 Cor, 1. 29. κατενώπιον, down in the presence of, in PRE fF 699 Ἴ PRE PRESENCE OF (iy tHe) PRESENT WITH (2k) 1. ἐνῶπιον. see above. παράκειμαι, to be beside or near, be 2. ἔμπροσθεν, before; hence, in the ready at hand, (non 900.) resence of, in the sight of, God Rom. vii. 18, 21. being witness. 8. ἀπέναντι, from over against, opposite PRESENT WITH (se πεπε) to ; hence, betore, in the presence συμπάρειμι,ἴο be present in conjunction of. | with any one, (non oce.) 1. Luke i. 19. 3. Acts iii. 16. 1, — xiv. 10. | 1, —— xxvii. 35. Acts xxv. 24, 1, — xv. 10. 2. 1 Thes. ii. 19. 1. John xx. 30. 1. Rev. xiv. 10twice. | —— PRESENT HOUR (even σντο ruts) PRESENT. [adj.] ἄχρι, continuedly until (For various combinations with other τῆς, the, words, see below.) ἄρτι, even now, 1. πάρειμι, to be near by, to be present, ὥρας, hour. to have come; hence, having come 1Uor. iv. 11. —to be and remain present, (here, | --- - participle.) PRESENT (σντο txts) ews, until, as long as; until, unte. ἄρτι, Just now, even now. 1 Cor. xv. 6. 2. ἐνίστημι, (intrans.) to stand in, in- stant, 1.6. present, (here, parti- ciple.) 8. ἐφίστημι, (trans.) to place upon ο) over. In N.T. only intrans. forms, and mid., to place one’s self upon PRESENT WORLD (ruts) or near, to come upon. Hence, of 6, the the age or rain, as here, to fall upon, set in, ὃ νῦν, now existing world that (here, participle.) | ἴων (see “aces,” ( now 15,2 Pet. 4. ἐνδημέω, to be among one’s people, | No. 1), iit.7, (see Hoke (from év,in,and δημος, the people); | under “ HEAVEN. present with them, (here, parti- | 2 Tim. iv. 10. | Tit. ii. 12. ciple.) | ae a 8. Acts xxviii. 2. 2. Gal. i, 4. PRESENT (τπτταβ) 1, 1 Cor. v. $. 2. Heb. ix. η Η Ἢ ones ᾿ ος vio. πλην ἐνεστῶτα, ( part of ἐνίστημι, to stand in, PRESENT (55) πάρειμι, see above, No. 1. in-stant, present) things present, as opp. to the things about to | happen (μέλλοντα). | | | | | Rom. viii. 38. | 1 Cor. iii. 22. hoe ἐνδημέω, see above, No. 4. 3. μένω, to remain, continue. PRESENT (-rp.) [verb.] 4. παραγίνομαι, to become beside, be- | 1, ἵστημι, trans, to cause to stand, come near or present. (Here, place ; intrans.,to stand. (Here, only aor., were present, 2.6. had trans.) come or arrived.) , , : 9 7, ’ , 1 Wake xiii. 1. aa Ke, τὶ 8, 2. παρίστημι, (No. 1, with παρά, beside. 8. John xiv. 25. 1, —— x. 2 part, 11 part. prefixed) trans., to cause to stand . Acts xxi. 18. 1. —— xi. 9 part. | ‘ : . 5 1. 1 Cor. ν. 8 part. 1, --- xiii. 2part,10. | beside or near, place near by, pre- 1. Gal. iv. 18, 20. sent, exhibit; intrans., to stand --. ! near, stand by. (Here, trans.) PRESENT (se HERE) | — Matt. ii.11,seeP unto, | 2. 2 Cor. iv. 14. 5 Pp WY case | 2. Luke fi. 22, 2. — xi. 2. πάρειμι, see “ PRESENT,” Λο. 1, above. | 2. Acts ix. 41. 2. Eph. ν. 27. δι 2. —— xxiii. 38, 2. Col. i. 22, 28. Acts x. 33, | 2. Rom, xii. 1. 1. Jude 24." PRE PRESENT UNTO. | προσφέρω, to bear or bring towards or to any place or person, to bring near to, present, offer. Matt. ii. 11, marg. offer. PRESENTLY. 1. ἐξαυτῆς, from this time, forthwith, immediately. 2. παραχρῆμα, with the thing itself, 1.6. at the very moment, on the spot ; directly after something else has | 1 taken place. 2. Matt. xxi. 19. | — Matt. xxvi. 53, see 1. Phil. i. 23. [ Give. PRESERVE (-rp.) τηρέω, to keep an eye upon, to watch; and hence, to keep, to guard, watch; then, to keep in safety, preserve, maintain. . συντηρέω, (No. 1, with σύν, together, or in conjunction with, prefixed) to be kept in safety together, or | in conjunction with each other. | ζωογονέω, to bring forth alive; and | pass., to be born alive ; then, to be preserved alive, (ους. Acts vii. 19.) 4. σώζω, to make sound, save, preserve, | heal, restore; hence, to keep, to maintain intact what is estab- lished, (see “saver,” Vo. 1.) Matt. ix. 17. ΠΣ ἃ + T Τοῦ A σὲ.) ! toro Luke ν. 38 (om. καὶ ap-| 3. es XVii. 33. φότεροι συντηροῦνται, | 1. 1 Thes, ν. 23. and both are preser-| 4. 2 Tim, iv. is. 1. Jude te ἘΣ | PRESS. [noun.] | | ὄχλος, a crowd, a throng, multitude ; a confused multitude, δῆμος, a regular assembly.) Mark ii. 4. | (as opp. to | Luke viii. 19. | xix. 3. 7 ο —— τ. 27,80. PRESS (-zp, 1. ἀποθλίβω, to press from every side, | | Lis crowd, throng, (non occ.) -ETH.) [ verb. | to . βιάζομαι, to use force, to force, use violence, force the (οσο. | Matt. xi. 12.) way, [ 600 1 | τολμητής, one who is bold, a darer, PRE 3. συνέχω, to hold or press together ; constrain, urge on. [ Here, Paul was urged on, or occu- pied earnestly with, in his dis- course, ov as to the word , for the reading is λόγῳ, not πνεύματι, (in spirit) G L T Tr A η.] 1. Luke viii. 45. Γ] 2. Luke xvi. 16. 3. Acts xviii. 5. PRESS DOWN. πιέζω, to press, press down and make compact, (non oce.) Luke vi. 38. PRESS TOWARD. διώκω, to pursue after, follow earnestly. Phil. iii. 14, PRESS UPON. 1. ἐπίκειμαι, to lie upon; be laid upon, press heavily upon. 2. ἐπιπίπτω, to fall upon, to throw one’s self upon. 2. Mark iii. 10. | PRESSED (sr) βαρέοµαι, to be heavy, be weighed down, be oppressed, borne down as by evils or calamities. 2 Cor. i. 8. 1. Luke v. 1. PRESUMPTUOUS. enterpriser. In N.T., in a bad sense, one over-bold, audacious, presumptuous. 2 Pet. ii. 10. PRETENCE. πρόφασις, What is shown or appears before any one, 1.6. show, pre- tence, pretext, put forth to covei the real intent. Matt. xxiii. 14 (ap.) | Phil. i. 18. Mark xii. 40. PREVAIL ee 1. ἰσχύω, to be strong, have physical ability; be strong in physical health and mente power, have efficacy, prevail. PRE —_——— -—_-___ - 2. κατισχύω, (No. 1, with κατά, down, prefixed) to be strong against any one, to prevail against or over, in a hostile sense, overcome, van- quish, (occ. Matt. xvi. 18, see be- low.) 3. ὠφελέω, to further, profit, be of use, avail. 3. Matt. xxvii. 24. 1. Acts xix. 16, 20. 2. Luke xxiii. 23. 4. Rev. v. 5. 3. John xii. 19. t= ΤΠ τ PREVAIL AGAINST. 2. Matt. xvi. 18. PREVENT (-rp.) 1. φθάνω, to come or do before, get first in doing or being anything, be beforehand with, anticipate, in running, etc.; φθάνω with the part. of another verb may often be rendered adverbially, sooner than. 2. προφθάνω, (No. 1, with πρό, before, prefixed) more emphatic than No.1, to get first before another, antici- pate, (non occ.) 2. Matt. xvii. 25. | 1. 1 Thes. iv, 15. PRICE (-s.) τιμή, ἃ holding worth, estimation ; esteem, honour, respect; value, price. Matt. xiii. 46, see P (of | Acts xix. 19. great) 1 Cor. vi. 20. = xxvii. 6, 9 ——- vil. 23. cts iv. 34. —— ix. 24, ). —v. 2,3. Phil. iii. is, fim a.v.1611. PRICE (or Great) , - | πολύτιμος, οἳ great value or price, very | costly. Matt. xiii. 46, PRICK (-s.) [noun. | κέντρον, ἃ point, a prick ; hence, a sting, (as of locusts or scorpions, Rev. ix. | 10) ; also, a goad, i.e. a rod or staff with an iron point for urging | oxen on, ete. Acts ix, 5 (ap.) | Acts xxvi. 14. PRICK (-ευ.) [verb.] κατανύσσω, to pierce through; hence, | to be greatly pained. Acts ii. 37. [ 601 ] oe PRI PRIDE. ἀλαζονεία, the character of an ἀλαζών, (1.6. a wanderer about the country ; hence, a false pretender, impostor, quack ; hence, swagger- ing, boastful, braggart) false pre- tension, imposture, quackery ; and by implication, ostentation, arrogance, pride, (occ. Jas. iv. 16.) | 2. ὑπερηφανία, appearance over, con- spicuousness above other persons or things; hence, pride, haughti- | ness, boasting, and in N.T. with the accessory idea of impiety, (non | occ.) Mark vii. 22. | —1 Tim. iii. 6, see below. 1. 1 John ii. 16. PRIDE (sr Lirrep uP witH) | τοφόω, to smoke, fume, surround with | smoke; hence, to make inflated or conceited, or to becloud. 1 Tim. iii. 16. | PRIEST. (For CHIEF PRIEST and HIGH PRIEST, see below.) ἱερεύς, he who has the care of τὰ ἱερὰ, (the sacrifices) ; priest. | [Among the Greeks only a calling, | not a caste, but in the Bible, being connected with substitution, it is also connected with the substitu- tion of a priestly caste on behalf of the nation. As sacrifice is a rendering to God what is due to Him, so, too, the ἱερεύς is a ser- | vant of God, (Deut. xvii. 12.) | What the whole people ought to | ] be, the priestsare, (Exod. xix.3—6; Deut. vii. 6, with Num. iii. 12, 18, 45; Exod. xxviii. 1,29; Num. xvi. Hence, Isa. 1xi. 6; Rev.i. 6; xx. 6.) They undertake the offering of sacrifices which represent what man can neither do nor suffer before God, i.e. they represent man himself in his relation to God, (Heb. ii. 17; ν. 1). This, however, they are only able to do on account of their own holiness, and this does not belong to them PRI as a personal quality, but they are considered so by God, being elected and separated by God to be His property, (Num. xvi. 5; Heb. v. 4). The Biblical priest- hood and the Biblical sacrifice find their perfect consummation in the priesthood of Christ, (to which reference is made in Heb. γ., Vil., Vili. ix., x.) and all who are “in Christ” become “ priests unto God,” (1 Pet. ii 5,9; Rev. iG ; xx. Ῥ)] Matt. viii. 4. | Acts xiv. 13. — xii. 4, 5. —— xix. 14, see P (chief Mark i. 44. of me) —— ii. 26. Heb. v. Luke i. 5. —- vii. t 8, 11,15, 17, 21, 8, see P office (exe- | —— viii. 41st, 23. cute the) 42nd om GsLT 9, see P office. πτ Α κα. — v.14 — ix. 6. —— vi. 4. —— x. 11 (ἀρχιερεύς, chief- — x. 31. priest, (see below) L — xvii. 14. — 21. [Έντο A.) John i. 19. Rev. i. 6. Acts iv. 1. — v.10. — vi. 7. | —— xx. 6. PRIEST (cuIEF) ἀρχιερεύς, Chief-priest, High-priest, a | dignity unknown to the Greeks. [In the ἀρχιερεύς culminates the priesthood, so far as it was his duty to represent the whole people, (Lev. πι 96; 10; νι: Num. xvi. 10). In the Ν.Τ it means the O.7. high-priest. Per- haps, in John xvii. 19, 22; Acts v. 17, 21, 27, a designation of the president of the Sanhedrim. In Acts iv. 5,6; Matt. ii. 4; xvi. 21, the heads of the 24 courses or classes of the priests, 1 Chron. xxiv. 6; 2 Chron. xxvi. 14.] Matt. ii. 4 , Luke xxii. 2, 4, 52, 66. — xvi. 21 — xxiii. 4, 10, 13. — xx. 18. 23 (om. καὶ τῶν ap- — xxi. 15, 23, 45. xtepwv, and of the —— xxvi. 3, 14, 47, 59. chief priests, Lb T Trb — xxvii. 1, 3, 6, 12, 20, | Ab 54.) 41, 62. | —— xxiv. 20. — xxviii. 11. | John vii. 32, 45. Mark viii. 31. | —— xi. 47, 57. — x. 33. — xii. 10. — xi. 18, 27. | —— xviii. 3, 35. — xiv. 1, 10, 43, 53,55. | —— xix. 6, 15, 21, — xv. 1, 3, 10, 11, 31. Acts iv. 23, Luke ix. 22 v. 24, —— xix. 47 — ix. 14, 21. —— xx. 1 (ἱερεύς, see | —— xxii. 30. ** PRIEST,” Gu TA.) | —— xxiii. 14, —-1 —- xxv, 15. Acts xxvi. 10, 12. [ 602 ] PRI PRIESTS (cHIEF OF THE) ἀρχιερεύς, see above. Acts xix. 14, PRIEST (aren) ἀρχιερεύς, see above. ὃ said of Christ. Matt. xxvi. 3, 51, 57, 58, | Acts v. 27. 62, 68, 65. | —— vii, 1 Mark ii. 26. i ——ix. 1. —— xiv. 47, 53, 54, 60,61, .—— xxii. 5. 63, 66. | —— xxiii. 2, 4, 5. Luke iii. 2 —— xxiv. 1 —— xxii. 50, 54. —— xxv. John xi. 49, 51. Heb. ii. 17* —— xviii. 10, 18, 15 twice, |; —— iii. 13 16, 19, 22, 24, 26. —— iv. 14* Acts iv. 6. | —— 15. — v.17, 21. | Sy. δη. 24° (ἱερεύς, see | —~ vi. 20*. ** priest,’ St (4) (om. | —— vii. 263, 27, 28. ἀρχιερεύς καὶ ὃ, High —— viii. 1*, 3. priest and the, 1, T'Tr | —— ix. 7, 113, 25. AR.) ' —— xiii. 11. PRIEST'S OFFICE. ἱερατεία, priesthood, i.e. the priest’s office and duties, (occ. Heb. vii. 5.) Luke 1. 9. PRIEST’S OFFICE (execute THE) ἱερατεύω, to be an ἱερεύς, (see “ PRIEST ἢ to officiate as a priest, (non occ.) Luke 1. 8. PRIESTHOOD. 1. ἱεράτευμα, priesthood ; the body of priests as composed of persons, (non occ.) | 2. ἱερωσύνη, the office, quality, rank, an ἱερεύς, (see ους.) and power of “PRIEST,” ) (non — Heb. vii. 5, see P (office | 2. Heb. vii. 14 (ἱερεύς, | of the) priests, LT Έτ Α κ.) 2. 11, 12. 2. 24, 1. 1 Pet. ii. 5, 9. PRIESTHOOD (orrtcer or THE) ἱερατεία, the service of the priest, (oce. Luke i. 9.) Heb. vii. 5 PRINCE (- ae 1. ἄρχων, one first in power, authority, or dominion ; hence, a ruler, lord, prince, chief: person. | 2. ἀρχηγός, one who makes a beginning, the author, source, cause of any- thing. | | PRI 8. ἡγεμών, a leader, commander of an army. [in Matt. ii. 6, quoted from Micah v. 1, where Heb., ση σα», 1.6. the jamilies into which each tribe was divided, the heads of which were called Dabs. Zech. xii. 5, 6, and Matthew puts ἡγεμονές, heads of families, for the families them- selves. The lxx. also puts ἡγεμών for mbx, Gen. xxxvi. 15, 16, but in Micah y. 1, puts ἐν χιλιάσιν Ἴουδα, the thousands of Judah. | 3. Matt. ii. 6. 1. John xvi. 11. 1. — ix. 34. 2. Acts iii. 15, marg. 1. — sii. 24. author. 1. —— xx. 25. 2. ——v. 91. 1. Mark iii. 22. 1. 1 Cor. ii. 6, 8. 1, John xii. 31. | 1. ph. ii. 2. 1. —— xiv. 90. | 1. Rev. i. 5. PRINCIPAL. κατά, according to, ) being of emin- ἐξοχήν, eminence, ὁ ence,or distine- ov, being, tion, (non occ.) Acts xxv. 25. PRINCIPALITY (-t#s.) ἀρχή, beginning; of time, the com- mencement ; of dignity, the first place; government, the highest dignitaries of the State; ἀρχή re- lates to the dignity of the position; ἐξουσία to its executive authority and power. [Used of supra-mundane powers, prob., evil powers. In 1 Cor. xv. 26, we read of ἔσχατος ἐχθρός, the last enemy, which may imply that these names (Col. i. 16, ete.) designate the mutual rank of evil supra-mundane powers, so far as they relate to men. | Rom. viii. 38. Col. i. 16. Eph. i. 21. ii, 10, 15. — iii. 10. Tit. iii. 1. — vi. 12. Jude 6, marg. first estate. PRINCIPLE (.5.) 1. στοιχεῖον, (from στοιχέω, to stand or go in order, advance in steps or rows) dim., of στοῖχος (a row, series, as of steps); a little step, asmall upright rod or post, esp. the gnomon of a sun-dial, or the Γ 603 1 | | 2 | | PRI shadow thrown by it; hence, first beginning, first principle, element, esp. of learning ; rudiments. . ἀρχή, beginning, (see “ PRINCI- PALITY.’’) 1. Heb. v. 12. 2. Heb. vi. 1, marg. beginning. PRINT. τύπος, & mark or impress made by α hard substance on a soft; mark, imprint, impression. John xx. 25 1st, 25 2nd (τόπος, place, L T Tr™.) PRISON (-s.) φυλακή, watch, guard, z.e. the act of keeping watch, guarding ; of per- sons, the guards; of the place, watch-post, station, prison. δεσμωτήριον, ἃ prison, place of bonds, (non oce.) . τήρησις, a watching, keeping an eye upon, observing ; hence, a guard- ing; then, a guard, place of guarding, prison, (occ. Acts iv. 3; 1 Cor. vii. 19.) οἴκημα, a dwelling, a building ; of @ prison, the cell, (non occ.) 4. — Matt. iv. 2, see Cast. | 2. Acts v. 23. 1, — v. 25. ἧς 25, 2. —— xi. 2. 1. —— viii. 3. 1. —— xiv. 3, 10. 1. —— xii. 4, 5, 6 1, —— xviii. 30. 4 γι 1. —— xxv. 36, 39, 43, 44. | 1 17. — Mark i. 14, see Put. 1. —— xvi. 23, 24 1. —— vi. 17, 28 9 26. 1. Luke iii. 20. a 27 1st, see P 1. —— xii. 58. (keeper of the) 1, —— xxi. 12. if 27 2nd, 37, 40. 1. — xxii. 33. 1, —— xxii. 4. 1, —— xxiii. 19, 25. 1, —— xxvi. 10. 8. Acts v. 18. 1, 2 Cor. xi. 23. 1, 19. 1. 1 Pet. iii. 19. 9, 21. 1. Rev. ii. 10. 1. —— 2, 1. —— xx. 7. PRISON (KEEPER OF THE) δεσμοφύλαξ, a prison-keeper, (οσο. Acts xvi. 23.) Acts xvi. 27, 36. PRISONER. 1. δέσμιος, binding; hence, pass., bound ; a captive, a prisoner, (occ. Acts xxv. 14; Heb. xiii. 3.) 2. δεσμώτης, a prisoner, a captive, (non oce.) 1. Matt. xxvii. 15, 16. — Rom. xvi. 7, see P 1. Mark xv. 6. (fellow) 1. Acts xvi. 25, 27. 1. Eph. iii. 1. 1. —— xxiii. 18. 1. —— iv. 1. 1. —— xxv. 27. — Col. iv. 10, see P (fel- 2, —— xxvii. 1, 42. 1. 2 Tim. i. 8. [low) 1, —— xxvili.16(ap.),17. | 1. Philem. 1, 9. — Philem. 23, see P (fellow) PRISONER (FEttow) συναιχμάλωτος, taken prisoner in con- junction with another, as in war, (lit., by the spear) a fellow-prisoner of war, (non occ.) | Col. iv. 10, Philem. 23. Rom. xvi. 7. PRIVATE. ἴδιος, Own, one’s own, individual; [1.6. here no prophecy is to be inter- preted individually, apart from reference to the other prophecies of God’s word, but is to be under- stood as being in harmony with the whole of God’s counsels, pur- poses, and plans, as revealed in the prophetic scriptures. ] 2 Pet. i. 20. ἘΞ ΡΥ το τ. προ ο ον -τ''΄͵....-.- -- .... PRIVATELY. ecording Ξ ) by one’s self, apart : from others, alone. one’s Own, κατά, ἃ ἴο, ἰδίαν, Matt. xxiv. 3. Luke ix. 10, Mark vi. 22. Ὡς — x. 23. — ix. 28. Acts xxiii. 19. — xiii. 3. Gal. ii. 2, marg. severally. PRIVILEGE. John i, 12, see *‘ POWER.” ΡΥ. λάθρα, secretly, by stealth. Matt. i. 19. Acts xvi. 37. Gal. ii. 4, see Come. 2 Pet. ii. 1, see Bring. — ii. 7. «....--------------------------.. PRIVY TO (55) σύνοιδα, to know in conjunction with another. Acts v. 2. PRIZE. (price, a.v. 1611.) βραβεῖον, a prize bestowed on the victors in the public games of the Greeks, such as a wreath, chaplet, or garland. 1 Cor. ix. 24. | Phil. iii. 14. | PRI [ 604 ] PRO EEE eee .. PROCEED (-£p, -ETH.) . ἐπορεύομαι, to proceed out of, to lead or pass out of, having regard to the end that is to be reached. ἐξέρχομαι, to come ο) go out of any place, to arrive out of. . προκόπτω, to cut down impediments that impede one’s progress; hence, advance, move forward, increase. 1. Matt. iv. 4. — Acts xii. 3, see P fur- 1. — xv. 8 1. Eph. iv. 29. {ther. 2. —— 19. 3. 2 Tim. iii. 9. 1. Mark vii. 21 2. Jas. iii. 10. 1. Luke iv. 22 1. Rev. iv. 5. — John viii. 42, see P| 1. —— xi. 5. forth. 1. —— xix. 21 (No. 2, α 1. —— xv. 26. LTTrARk.) 1. Rev. xxii. 1. PROCEED FORTH. 2. John viii. 42. PROCEED FURTHER. προστίθημι, to place beside, add unto. Acts xii. 3. PROCLAIM (-ep, -rva.) κηρύσσω, see “PREACH,” Vo. 1.) Luke xii. 3. | Rev. v. 2. | | PROFANE. [adj.] βέβηλος, allowable to tread, (from βη- λός, a threshold) opposite to ἱερός, (sacred) unhallowed, common, profane ; of persons, profane, 1.6. not initiated, (zon occ.) 1 Tim. i. 9. 1 Tim. vi. 20, — iv. 7. 2 Tim. ii. 16. PROFANE PERSON. Heb. xii. 16. PROFANE. [verb.] βεβηλόω, to eross the threshold (of what is holy), to profane, pollute, violate, (non occ.) Matt. xii. 5. | | Acts xxiv. 6. PROFESS (-sp, -τνα.) ὁμολογέω, to speak ov say the same with another, to assent, accord, agree with, confess. 1. PRO Γ ae ἢ PRO 2. ἐπαγγελλομαι, to announce one’s self | 2. ὄφελος, furtherance, advantage, as- as doing or about to do anything, to | sistance, (occ. 1 Cor. xv. 32.) ΟΣ ΣΥΝ iprapeeaion of, 3. προκόπτω, to cut down impediments 3. φάσκω, to assert, affirm, (occ. Acts that impede one’s progress; hence, xxiv. 19; xxv. 9; Rev. ii. 2.) advance, move forward, progress. 4. προΐστημι, to cause to stand before, propose, prefer; then, to care for | 4 anything, give attention to it, be | ~ diligent in it. | | εἰμί, to be, ὠφέλιμος, helping, aiding, to be advan- tageous. 1. Matt. vii. 23, 2, 1 Tim. ii. 10. δ: nm i 5, δ 1 Se : 8. Rom. i. 22. 1. — vi. 12. — — xvi. 36, ( 560 1x 3. Gal. i. 14. ο τσ 18, see Pro- rh ay ἘΣ —Markvii.l1,) (be) | 1. —-v. 5, essed. 111. 1. 10. 1. John vi. 63. 5 im. iv. 8, 4, Tit. iii. 14, marg. (text. maintain.) i ποια, ii 95. [(to) τ Heb. iv. 3. — 1Cor. xii.7,see Pwithal | 2. Jas, ii. 14, 16. PROFESSED. ὁμολογία, saying the same thing with PROFIT WITHAL (το) another; hence, assent, accord, πρός, towards, ᾧ : agreement; then, confession. | Ἢ τὸ, the bers a bined . 3 2 - what 1s profit- Here, Gen., of [your] confession. | συμφέρον, profitable bie oft 2 Cor. ix. 13. | thing, 8016. Ὁ οὐδ ἢ | 1 Cor. xii. 7. PROFESSION. ὁμολογία, see “ PROFESSED.” PROFITED (sr) 1 Tim. vi. 12. Heb. iii. 1. | 1. Matt. xv. 5. Ι 1. Matt. xvi. 26. 13, marg. (text, | —— iv. 14. 1. Mark vii. 11. confession.) — x. 23. eee μαλιὰ ἐλ ὁ. Sie PROFITABLE. PROFIT. [noun.] 1. συμφέρω, to bear or bring together, 1.6. in conjunction with others, to bring together for, contribute, | 2. εὔχρηστος, very useful, very good of 1. ὠφέλιμος, helping, aiding; useful, serviceable, advantageous. conduce ; hence, to be well, profit- its kind; very beneficial. able. (Here, participle.) — Matt. v.28, 80,) gag p | 1- 2 Tim, ii, 16, , — Acts xx. 20, ‘hay | 2+ —— iv. 11. 2. χρήσιμος, fit for use, usable, use- | —7 Go. si 10, J (be) [1 πεις iii. 8. ful, serviceable, profitable. Here, | 1. 1 Tim. iv. 8. 2. Philem. 11. neut., (non occ.) saa is 3. ὠφέλεια, beneficial advantage, bene- PROFITABLE (se) it, emolument; furthering, help ἀν ? : 5 ας, συµφέρω, see“ ΡΕΟΕΙΤ” (noun.) * In- trans. and impersonal. A, ὠφελέω, to confer benefit, further, 9 Matt. v. 29*, 30°. 1 Cor. vi. 12, marg. (text, help. Here, mid. or pass., to be | Acts xx. 20. be expediont.) advantaged, benefited, or helped. |- 5. τό, the, that. | PROFITABLY. [margin.] 3. Rom. iii. 1. thing, Τὶ T Tr A ΜΝ) | Eph. iv. 29 “usp” 1. 1 Cor. vii. 35. 5. 1 Cor. x. 33 2nd. | πω δν. ο x. 33 1st (τὸ σὺμ- | 2. 2 Tim. ii. 14. —_—_-— - Φερον, the profitable | 1. Heb. xii. 10. 4. Heb. xiii. 9. oe PROFIT (Εν, -ΕΤΗ.) [verb.] PROFITING. προκοπή, ἃ cutting down of impedi- ments that are in one’s way; | | ἱ 1. ὠφελέω, to further, help, benefit ; be hence, progress, a going forward, of service to any one. Mid. or | advancement, (οσο. Phil. i. 12, 25.) pass., to be helped or profited 1 Tim. iv. 15. τ ey | PRO PROMISE (-s.) [noun.] 1. ἐπαγγελία, proclamation as the con- tent of ἐπαγγέλω, (see “ PROMISE,” [verb] Λο. 1) denoting both the fact of the proclamation, and that made on account of something ; hence, a promise, offer, (οσο. 1 Johni. 5.) t occ.) 1, Luke xxiv. 49. ; 1. Eph. iii. 6. 1. Acts i. 4. | 1. — vi. 1. —— ii. 33, 39. || dei; ear b= Van ΤΠ Hi ανασα. 1, —— xiii. 23, 3 | 1. Heb. iv. 1. 1, weary ai : 1, ——vi. 12. 1, — — —— 13,566} (make) 1. Rom. iv. Pie 14,18, 20. | 1. ΤῸ ΜΠ. ης — ix. 4,8, 9. | 1. —— vii. 6. iB xv. 8 : 1. —— viii. 6. 1. 2 Cor. 1. 20 | 1. ——ix. 15. Ve vii. 1. | 1, —— x. 36. 1. Gal. iii. 14,16,17, 18twice. | 1. —— xi, 9 twice, 13, 17, - 19, see Ῥ ismade. | 39, 39, ib 21; 22, 29. | 2. 2 Pet. 1, 4, 1. —— iv. 23, 28. πο μα EE 1. Eph. i. 19. Ι 9. 19. 1. — ii. 19. : 1, 1 John ii, 25. PROMISE (νλκε) ἐπαγγέλλομαι, (see below, No. 1.) Heb. vi. 13 part. PROMISE IS MADE. ἐπαγγέλλομαι, (see below, No. 1.) Gal. iii. 19, pass. impers. PROMISE (-5ρ.) [verb.] i. ἐπαγγέλλομαι, to proclaim, promul- — a promise; to tell in consequence of something ; then, mid. and pass. perf, to announce concerning one’s self, announce one’s inten- tions, engage, hold out, promise. agree, coincide with, grant, admit, ΣΕΜΕΙ 9 Ἐν 3. ες oporoyew, (No. 2, with ἐκ, out of, prefixed) to speak out the same things as another, concede, acknow- ledge, confess fully. 2. Matt. xiv. 7. | 1. Rom. iv. 21, 1, Mark xiv. 11. "1. που 2; — Luke 1. 72, see Pto. [1. Heb, x. 23. 3. xxii. 6 (om. καὶ | 1. ——xi. 11. ἐξωμολόγησεν, and he | 1, —— xii. 26. promised, L &.) | 1. Jas. i. 12. 1, Acts vii. 5. | 1. —— ii. 5. — Rom. i. 2,see P afore. | 1. 2 Pet. ii. 19 part. 1. 1 John ii, 25. [ 606 ] which is proclaimed; declaration 2. ἐπάγγελμα, the thing promised, (zon gate, be it a message, a summons, or ὁμολογέω, to say the same thing, | PRO PROMISE AFORE. προεπαγγέλλομαι, (No. 1, above, with πρό, before, profeved (non ace.) Rom. i. PROMISED TO. μετά, with, in association with.- Here, to perform mercy with our fathers, [1.ο. to work, accomplish, or fulfil that which the fathers had lived on as promised to their faith. } Luke i. 72 και κ ο αν μμ αν PROOF. . δοκιμή, proof, trial ; the state of being tried, a trying, (2 Cor. viii. 2); the state of having been tried, tried probity, approved integrity ; proved true. bo 2. ἔνδειξις, a pointing out with the | finger, indication, declaration, manifestation. 1. 20ος. 119. 2 viii. 24. 1. 2 Cor. xiii. 3. 1. Phil. ii. 22 ὡ- PROOF (ἀν ΒΑ 181) | τεκμήριον, ἃ fixed sign, certain token ; a standard by which to ascertain the truth of a thing; criterion, (non occ.) Actsi. ὃ PROOF OF (Ake FULL) | πληροφορέω, to bear or bring fully; hence, give full assurance ; of per- sons, to be fully assured ; of things, to make fully assured, confirm fully, fulfil to the utmost. | marg. fulfil. | 2 Tim, iv. 5, PROPER. ἀστεῖος, elegant, fair, ) - ια. beautiful, ᾿ ώς τῷ θεῷ, to God, 5 oY oe [For the beauty of Moses, see | Exod. ii. 2; Josephus Ant. 2,9, 6,7. | And for the idiom, see μεγάλῃ τῷ θεῷ, Ixx. for ombsd Jonah iii, 3.) Heb. xi. 20. PROPER (onn’s) ἴδιος, one’s own, private, individual. Acts i. 19. | 1 Cor. vii. 7 PRO PROPHECY (-1es.) [noun.] || προφητεία, a speaking forth, pro- phetie declarations, exhortations, warnings, uttered by the prophets while under divine influence, and referring either to the past, pre- sent, or future. Matt. xiii. 14, : Rom. xii. 6. | 1 Cor. xii. 10. Ϊ — xiii. 8. 1 Tim, i. 18. Rev. xxii. 7, 10, 18, 19. 1 Tim. iv. 14. 2 Pet. i. 20, 21. Rev. 1.8. —- xi. 6. — xix. 10 PROPHECY (or) προφετικός, relating or pertaining to prophecy, prophetic, (οσο. Rom. xvi. 26.) 2 Pet. i. 19. PROPHECY (vue atrr oF) προφητεία, a prophecy, that which is | uttered torth by the prophet; also, the prophetic rank or work, | the office or gift of a prophet. 1 Cor. xiii. 2. —_——-————. PROPHESY (ΕΤΗ, -1£D, -1NG.) [verb. ] προφητεύω, to be a προφήτης, (see “PRO- puet,”’ Wo. 1) to hold the office of a prophet; to do the work of a prophet, z.e. to speak forth, in declaration, warning, or exhorta- tion, as directed by the Spirit of God, (non occ.) Matt. vii. 22. Acts xix. 6. i. 1: xxi. 9. : 1 Cor. xi. 4, 5. —— xiii. 9. iy. 1, 8, (4, 5 twice, — xiv. 65. Luke i. 67. —— xxii. 64. John xi. 51. Acts ii. 17, 18. PROPHESYING (-s.) [noun. } προφητεία, see “ PROPHECY.” 1 Cor. xiv. 6, 22, | 1 Thes. v. 20. PROPHET (-s.) 1. προφήτης, one who speaks forth openly before any one, a proclaimer οἳ a divine message; among the heathen, an interpreter of the oracle. In the lxx. ἐξ is the trans- lation of the earlier 78>, seer, show- [ 607 ] | | | | | — ing that what really constituted the prophet, wasimmediate intercourse with God ; it is the ordinary word Sor #2), which means, either one in whom the Divinity permits his word to spring forth, or one to whom anything is whispered. The usage, however, of the word is clear ; it signifies one on whom the Spirit of God rested, (Numb. xi. 17, 25, 26, 29); one to whom and through whom God speaks, (Num. xii. 2) ; one to whom God makes known Hismysteries, (Amos 11. 7,8). Hence, zt means, one to whom God reveals His truth, and through whom He speaks, (Gen. xx. 7, 17, 18). Prediction was not part of the true conception of the prophet, (see Deut. xviii. 15, 15--20: Numb. xu. 8) but a show- ing forth of God’s will. Two things together go to make the προφήτης: (1) an insight granted by God into the divine secrets or mysteries, and (2) a communi- cation of these to others, which, JSrom the very nature of the case, are His purposes of grace, with the warnings and announcements of judgments that pertain thereto. Hence, in the O.T. prophets their preaching was a prophesying of a salvation and purposes of grace and glory yet to be accomplished, while in the case of the N.T. pro- phets their prophesying was a preaching of those purposes of grace already accomplished, and also a foretelling of the purposes of glory which were still future. 16 is used of the Ο.1. prophets (gen., ot πρ., plural) in all the re- ferences below, except— (a) denotes ὃ προφήτης, the prophet, as used of Christ, with obvious re- ference to Deut. xviii. 1S—20. (Ὁ) προφήτης, (without the article) also used of Christ. (ο) the word is used of the N.T. prophets. (d) once in a general sense of the Cretan poet, Epimenides. ! — ΧΙ. 13. — xv. 7. —— xxvi. 68. Mark vii. 6. PRO (6) The two witnesses yet to be raised up for the special purposes of God. Whether Elijah be one of them it isnot said. He is yet, however, to appear, (Matt. iv. 5, 6; xi. 14; xvi. 11--- 18). (For the Jem.,see “ PROPHETESS.”’) (ποπ 0cC.) with os ἀνήρ, a man, a Here, “wan,” Vo. 2, ἐγένετο, who 9 προφήτης, ἃ pro- ( becameaman, phet, (seeabove.) ) a prophet. 1, Matt. i. 22. | 1. Luke xviii. 31. 1. —— ii. 5, 15, 17, 23. 1, —— xx. 6. 1. ni 8. [ee ----- ταῖν, 19. 1. —— iv. 14. κ 25, 27, 44. 1. ——v. 12,17 | la. John i. 21. 1, —— vii. 12. 1 23, 25, 45 -- 15, see P (false) | 1b.—— iv. 19, 44 1. — viii. 17. la.— vi. 14. 1, —— x. 41 3 times. π 45. 1. —— xi. 9 twice, 13, la.— vii. 40 1, —— xii. 17, 39 | 2. 52. 1. — xiii. 17, 35 | 1. —— viii. 52, 53. 1b.—— 57. | 1b.— ix. 17. 1b.— xiv. 5 | 1, —— xii. 38. 1. —xvi.4(om.G—>L | 1. Acts ii. 16, 30. J ΡΊΑ! | 1. ——iii. 18, 21 1. 14. la. 22. 1. —— xxi. 4, 1: 23, 24, 25 1b. 11. la.— vii. 37. 1, 26, 46. 1. 42, 48, 52. 1, —— xxii. 40. [37. | 1. —— viii. 28, ’30, 94, 1. — xxiii. 29, 30, 31,34, | 1. —— x. 43. — — xxiv. 11, see P | 10.----- xi. 27. (false) | le.—— xiii. 1. 15. - 6, see P (false) π- 24, see P (false) | 1. 15, 20, 27, 40. 1, —— xxvi. 56. | 1, —— xv. 15. 1. —— xxvii. 9, 35 (ap.) τσ, 32. 1. Marki. 2, (ἐν τῷ Ἡσαίᾳ | 1ο.----- xxi. 10. τῷ προφήτη, in Esaias the prophet, inst. of | ἐν τοῖς προφήτοις, in the prophets, G L Τ Tr . — xxiv. 14. 1 1. —— xxvi. 22, 27. 1. —— xxviii. 23, 25. | 1. Rom. i. 2. ag) | 1 1 AR.) — iii. 21 1b.— vl. 4, 15 twice. . — xi. 3. 1. —— viii. 28. . — xvi. 26, see Pro- 1. —— xi. 32. phets (of the) 1.— xiii. 14 (ap.) 19.1 Cor. xii. 28, 29. | | -- 25, see P (false) | le.— xiv. 29, 32 twice, 37, 1. Luke i. 70, 76. le. Eph. ii. 20. 1, — iii. 4. | 1e.— iii. 5. 1. — iv. 17 | 16.------ᾱν, 11, lb 24, 1. 1 πας. 115, 1, —— 27. | 14. Tit. i. 12, 1, —— vi. 23. 1. Heb. i. 1. -- 26, see P (false) 1. xi. 32. 1b.— vii. 16. | 1. Jas. ν. 10. 1, 26 twice. (πα Bates ης 28 (om. G > L | ---ᾱ Pet.ii.1,see P (false) Trb Ab &.) ία, 16, lb. 39. 1. —— iii. 2 [ (false) 1. —— ix. 8, 19 —1 Jobn iv. 1, see P 1, —— x. 24, 1. Rey. &. 7s 1, —— xi. 29 (om. G L T | le.—— xi. 10, 18. TrAR.) 1. —— xvi. 6. 1. 47, 49, 50. --- 13, see P (false) 1. — xiii. 28, | 1. —— xviii. 20, 24. lb. 33. | -- xix. 20,2 see P iB 34, — — xx. 10, 0 (false) 1. —— xvi. 16, 29, 31. 1. —— xxii. 6, 9, PROPHET (ratse) ψευδοπροφήτης, a false hypocritical pro- phet, one falsely professing to come as a messenger, and with a message from God. [ 608 ] τ Luke ii. 36. 2. Rom. iii. 25. PRO Matt. vii. 15. 2 Pet. ii. 1. —— xxiv. 11, 24. 1 John iv. 1. Mark xiii. 22 Rev. xvi. 13. Luke vi. 26. —— xix. 20 Acts xiii. 6. — xx. 10. PROPHETS (oF rue) προφητικός, relating to, uttered by, or belonging to the prophets; pro- phetic, (occ. 2 Pet. 1. 19.) Rom. xvi. 26. PROPHETESS. προφῆτις, fem. of προφήτης, (see “ PRO- puet,” Wo. 1), (non occ.) | Rev. ii. 20. PROPITIATION. 1. ἱλασμός, conciliation, expiation; also, all actions which have expiation for their object, as sacrifices, ete. So Christ is called ἱλασμός, as it is He by whom, as by a sacrifice, sin is expiated. The lxx. translate ὉἨ3, (the covering of sin by means of sacrifice) by ἱλασμός, (Lev. xxv. 9; Numb. v. 8), (non occ.) 2. ἱλαστήριον, (is not the neuter of ἱλαστήριος, (adj.) expiatory, but a substantive. Such an adj. never occurs in Greek, and only in eccles. Gk. very late and seldom,) it de- notes, the place of conciliation, or expiation. The lxx. always use it, as the name of a place, as ΠἨ3, Hx, gexky,. 18) 195 5 21, 22% Xxx, 7 ; xxxv. 12; xxxvii'7) 0,08 Lev. xvi. 2, 13, 14, 15; Num. vii. 89, ete. Accordingly, ἱλαστήριον is used for mp2 not only in Heb. ix. 5, but also in Rom. 111. 25. In Bxod. xxv. 22, and Lev. xvi. 2, the Capporeth is ‘the central seat of the saving presence and gracious revelations of God, and was so Sar the principal part of the Holy of Holies that the latter is even called “the House of the Cap- poreth,” (1 Chron, xxviii. 11; see 1 Kings vi. 5), (οσο. Heb. ix. 5.) | 1. 1 John ii. 2, 1. 1 John iv. 10. PRO [ 609 1 PRO PROPORTION. ἀναλογία, equality of ratios, proportion, 6.7. tion, analogy, (non ουσ.) Rom. xii. 6. PROSELYTE (-s.) προσήλυτος, come to, that has arrived at a place, stranger, sojourner ; one who comes over to another ; hence, a proselyte, (non 000.) Matt. xxiii. 15. Acts vi. 5. Acts ii. 10. | — xiii, 43, PROSPER (ΕΡ, -ΕΤΗ.) εὐοδόομαι, to be led in a good have a prosperous journey, Rom. i. 10.) 1 Cor. xvi. 2. | way, (οσο. 3 John 2 twice. PROSPEROUS. See, JOURNEY. PROTEST BY (1) vy, a particle of strong affirmation, yea, (non oce.) 1 Cor. xv. 31. PROUD. ὑπερήφανος, appearing over, conspicu- ous above other persons or things ; hence, of persons, haughty, arro- gant. Luke i. 51. 2 Tim. iii. 2. Rom. i. 30. Jas. iv. 6. 1 Tim, vi. 4, see P (be) 1 Pet. v. δ, PROUD (sr) τυφόω, to smoke, surround with smoke; hence, to becloud. In ΝΤ. only pass., to become beclouded. 1 Tim. vi. 4, marg. be a τὸ ebilald --- PROVE (Εν, -ΕΒΊ, -1NG.) 1. δοκιμάζω, to assay, to make trial of, put to the proof, examine ; hence, to examine and judge of ; prove by test ; approve on trial. 2. ἀποδείκνυμι, ἴο point away from other objects at one, and so, point out, show; show by argument, de- monstrate. a:b::e:d; hence, propor- | | 4. πειράζω, to essay, to make a trial or : 3. παρίστημι, (trans.) to cause to stand near, to place or set before any one, ‘set forth, as by argument, ete. an attempt; to tempt, try. 5. συμβιβάζω, to bring together (in conjunction), put together, so as to compare ; here, to bring together scriptures or proofs, so as to prove a thing. . Luke xiv. 19. . John vi. 6. . Acts ix. 22. — xxiv. 13. —— xxv. 7. -- ~ Rom. 111. 9, see P be- 1. — xii. 2. [fore. 2 Cor. viii. 8, 22. xiii. 5. . Gal. vi. 4. . Eph. v. 10. . 1 868. v. 21. 1 Tim. iii. 10. Heb. iii. 9 (ap.) nO οὐ OT κα μὰ bed bd μυὸ bent μι μιά PROVE BEFORE. προαιτιάομαι, to accuse beforehand. Here, Aor.1, “we before accused,” or brought a charge. Rom. iii. 9, marg. charge before. PROVERB (-s.) παραβολή, see “ PARABLE,” Λο. 1 = bo παροιμία, see “ PARABLE,” Wo. 2, (οσο. John x. 6.) . Luke iv. 23. 1 2. John xvi. 25twice, marg. parable. 2. John xvi. 29, marg. parable. 2. 2 Pet. ii. 22. [a στον πες Ἔ τον ων, 9 ΦΦ,-. ο Σ 5. “! τ΄ 43- κα 9 --- {τ ἰς- - PROVIDE (-ep, -τνα.) 1. ἑτοιμάζω, to make ready, prepare. 2. κτάομαι,ἴο get for one’s self, acquire, procure, by purchase or otherwise. 3. παρίστημι, (trans.) to cause to stand beside or near, set before any one, place at hand, furnish. 4. ποιέω, to make, 5. προβλέπω, to foresee. Here, mid., (non oce.) 6. προνοέω, to perceive beforehand, provide for, see to beforehand. (a) Alid., to provide for on one’s own behalf. 2. Matt. x. 9, marg. get. 6. Rom, xii. 17. 1. Luke xii. 20, — 2 Cor. viii. 21, } see P 4. — 33. — 1 Tim. v. 8, for. 8. Acts xxiii, 24. 5. Heb.xi.40,marg. foresee PROVIDE FOR. 6a. 2 Cor. viii. 21. | 2. 1 Tim. ν. 8. PP | PRO [ 610 ] PSA | PROVIDENCE. pare questions to be answered off- πρόνοια, foresight, provision, (occ. Rom. hand, ensnare by questions, (non xi. 14.) oce.) cee τὰ Acts xxiv. 2. 8) PROVINCE. | ἐπαρχία, the post or office of an ἔπαρχος, nee ἜΣ nO; unto an incitement governor of a country, esp. a con- i a 8 [of love, ete.] sharpening, quered one) prefecture, (non occ.) 9 Acts xxiii. 34, | Heb. x. 24, Acts xxv. 1. PROVISION FOR. πρόνοια, foresight, provision, (occ. Acts | | | | | PROVOKED (ΒῈ rastty) | Xxiy. 2.) | | παροξύνω, to sharpen by rubbing on any- thing, to whet ; to sharpen, incite, exasperate. 1 Cor, xiii. 5. Rom. xiii. 14. PROVOKE UNTO (1ο) | PROVOCATION. παραπικρασμός, an embittering with or towards any one; lxx. for 420, Ps. xev. 8, (not found elsewhere or in the classics.) Heb. iii. 8, 15. PRUDENCE. φρόνησις, a minding te do so and so, purpose, intention; thoughtful- ness, good sense, practical wisdom, prudence, esp. in the management of affairs, (οσο. Luke 1. 17.) | —_—______ --.--- PROVOKE (-kp, -τνα.) | | | Eph. i. 8. (for various combinations with other words, see below.) PRUDENT. 1. ἐρεθίζω, to rouse to anger, rouse to συνετός, putting together in mind; dis- fight ; hence, gen., to excite, irri- cerning, sagacious, esp. by nature, tate, provoke, (occ. Col. ΠΠ. 21.) (non oce.) || 2. παραπικραίνω, to make bitter with Matt. xi. 25. | Acts xiii. 7. | or towards any one, to treat with Ss aa ine ων 4 bitterness; hence, to embitter, ae re | provoke, (Ixx. for mn», to rebel. PSALM (s.) | emt) αν a gota 56; | 1. ψαλμός, a touching, twang, e.g. of a Wid dT SAS ὃ ᾿ ι bowstring; of stringed instruments, | 3. προκαλέω, to call forth, invite to a playing, music; zm later usage, stand forth. Here, mid., to call a song as accompanied by stringed | forth before one’s self, to challenge, instruments ; hence, gen., a psalm ή defy, (non occ.) or song im commemoration of mer- | —Rom.x.19,)_ see |—1 Cor. x. 22, see Jen- cies received, rather than of praise | προ ο κ to God (like No. 2.) om Ημ, (a) Esp. of the Book of Psalms as | part of the 0.1. PROVOKE TO ANGER. 2. ὑμνέω, to hymn, 1.6. to sing a hymn 1. Col. iii. 21. or hymns, praise in song, esp. i | praise "δι god τ hero after κο | TTence,the word was so connecte PROVOKE TO SPEAK. μοι heathenism that it was not || émooraparilo,torepeat from the mouth, generally used till the 4th century. The word ὠδή (ode) is used in the Rey. v. 9; xiv. 3; xv. 3.] | to repeat to pupils; cause pupils | to repeat by heart; hence, to pre- | PSA 1, Acts xiii. 23. 35, see An- 2. Matt. xxvi. 90, } marg. 2. —— xiv. 26, (text, sing a hymn.) —tLnuke xx. 42, see Psalms (the) 1. Eph. v. 19. 1, — xxiv. 44. ([(the) | 1. Col. iii. 16. — Acts i. 20, see Psalms | 1. Jas. v. 13. PSALMS (ΤΠΕ) la. Luke xx. 42. | la, Acts i. 20. PSALMS (sve) ψάλλω, to touch, twitch, pluck, esp. a string, to twang; strikethechords; touch the lyre or other stringed instrument; play. In lxx. and N.T., to sing, chant, accompanied by stringed instruments. Jas. v. 18. PUBLIC. See, EXAMPLE. PUBLICAN (-s.) τελώνης, a farmer of the taxes or cus- toms. One who paid to the go- vernment a certain sum for the privilege of collecting the taxes and customs of a district, (Zat., publicanus) consequently the object of bitter hatred among the Jews, (from τέλος, tax, and ὠνέομαι, to purchase), (non occ.) Matt. v. 46. | Matt. xxi. $1, 32. 47 (6 «) (ἐθνικοί, | Mark ii. 15, 16. heathen,G LTTr AWN.) | Luke iii. 12. — ix. 10, 11. v. 27, 29, 30. — x. 3. — vii. 29, 34. — xi. 19. — xv. 1. — xviii. 17. | —— xviii. 10, 11, 13. PUBLICANS (cuter among THE) ἀρχιτελώνης, a chief farmer or collector of taxes, (non occ.) Luke xix. 2. PUBLICLY. δημοσίᾳ, in public, before the people. | Acts xviii. 28. Acts xx. 20, PUBLISH. 1. κηρύσσω, to be “ preacnH,” Λο. 1.) a herald, (see PUL 2. διαφέρω, to bear or carry through a place or country. Pass. to he published abroad. | 1. Mark i. 45. 1. Mark xiii. 10. 1, — v. 20. 1. Luke viii. 39. 1, —— vii. 36. — Acts x. 37, see P (be) 2. Acts xiii. 49, PUBLISHED (sr) γίνομαι, to begin to be, come to pass, be done; of a declaration, to be declared, ete. Acts x. 37. PUFF UP (εν. φυσιόω, to blow, puff, pant; puff up, inflate, (won occ.) 1 Cor. viii. 1. | PUFFED UP (ar) | φυσιόω, see above, (here, pass. or mid.) 1 Cor. iv. 6, 18, 19. | 9 ι Ne PULL (rp, -1N@.) ἁρπάζω, to seize upon, snatch away, spoken of beasts of prey. Jude 29, 1 Cor. xiii. 4. Col. ii. 18. PULL DOWN. καθαιρέω, to take down, as from a higher place ; then, with violence implied, to pull down, demolish. Luke xii, 18, PULL IN PIECES. διασπάω, to pull in sunder, tear in picces, (oce. Mark v. 4.) Acts xxiii. 10, PULL OUT. 1. ἐκβάλλω, to throw or cast out, with or without violence, implied; take out, extract. 9 . ἀνασπάω, to draw up, pull up, (οσο. Acts x1. 10.) 1. Matt. vii. 4. | 1. Luke vi. 42 twice. 2. Luke xiv. 5. PULLING DOWN. καθαίρεσις, a pulling down, demolition, as of a fortress, etc., (oce. 2 Cor. x. 8; xiii. 10.) | 2 Cor. x. 4. PUN PUNISH (-rp.) 1. κολάζω, to curtail, dock, prune, but usually like Lat., castigare, to keep within bounds, check, chas- tise; pass., to be punished, gene- rally. (In N.T. the future punish- ment of sin is clearly defined as death and destruction.) (non occ.) 2. τιμωρέω, to watch or protect the honour of any one, 7.6. to help, aid, to assist by way of redressing injuries, to avenge. (It is from τιμωρός, watching one’s honour, 2.6. vindicating it, avenging it.) (non occ.) 1. Acts iv. 21. | 2. Acts xxvi. 11. 2, —— xxii. 5. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 9. PUNISHED (x8) δίκη, right, esp. a judicial Here, “a process, the name of Ἦ theheathen Goddess of Daa Justice, Nemesis, ven- 3 ὌΝ Se Be oa τίω, to hold worth, hon- ae our by making compen- eae sation for ; to pay for πο a wrong done. / . 2 Thes. i. 9. PUNISHING. [margin. ] Col. ii. 23, see ‘‘ NEGLECTING.” PUNISHMENT. 1. ἐκδίκησις, execution of right and justice; maintenance of right, avengement, vengeance. 2. ἐπιτιμία, the condition of an ἐπίτι- pos, (in possession of the rights of citizenship) the enjoyment of all civil rights and _ privileges, (from ἐπιτιμάω, to put further honour upon, estimate higher) hence, spoken of the estimate fixed by a judge on the infringement of civil rights and citizenship ; then, gen., penalty, judicial infliction, (non 0660.) 3. κόλασις, a pruning; hence, gen., punishment. [The nature of which must be looked for in other parts of the Serip- tures as being there clearly de- ΓΈ, ἢ PUR fined as a result and not a pro- cess. “Eternal punishment” is an expression analogous to “ eternal judgment,” Heb. vi. 2, (not judg- ing) “‘ eternal redemption,” Heb. ix. 12, (not redeeming) “ eternal salvation,’ Heb. v. 9, (not saving) ze. the eternal effect of an act ; here, an act of punishment, de- scribed in Matt. iii. 10-12, and Luke ΠΠ. 17—“ shall be burned up with unquenchable fire.’ | 4, τιμωρία, watching one’s honour, vindication of it, avengement of it, (non occ). Matt. xxv. 46. [swre. | 4. Heb. x, 29. 9, 2. 2 Cor. ii. 6, marg, cen- | 1. 1 Pet. ii. 14. PURCHASE (-zp.) 1. κτάομαι, to get for one’s self, ac- quire, to procure by purchase or otherwise. bo . περιποιέω, to make over and above, z.e. to lay up, acquire, save up, lay by. In mid., as here, to get and keep for one’s self, gain pos- session of. 2. Acts xx. 28. 2. 1 Tim. iii. 19. 1. Acts i. 18. 1, —— viii. 20, PURCHASED {margin.] 1 Pet. ii. 9, see “ PECULIAR.” PECULIAR POSSESSION. περιποίησις, ἃ making over and above, acquiring and keeping safe, laying up, acquired possession. Eph. i. 14, PURE. 1. καθαρός, pure from everything that would change or corrupt the nature of the subject with which it is combined, free from every foreign admixture, whether good or bad ; clean, and free from every stain, odour, colour, or any use- less thing whatever; free from every false adornment, (see note at No. 2), (οσο. Mark xiv. 3.) μα al PUR [ 613 ] 2. ἁγνός, pure, chaste, clean, not con- taminated by anything in itself really evil (though mixed with it) ; pure from every defilement. [Wine mixed with water may be No. 2, because it is not defiled or contaminated ; but it cannot be No.1, because there is a foreign admixture which, notwithstand- ing, may be good in _ itself. Water and wine may be Wo. 1 apart, but not when mixed, though the new mixture may be No. 2.] 3. εἰλικρινής, judged of in the sunlight, and so found to be genuine ; hence, unmixed, pure, (Zat., sincere), (οσο. Phil. i. 10.) [Other synonymous words, not oe- curring here, are— ὅσιος, pure from crime or impious deed. ἅγιος, the reverence due to such purity, holy. ἱερός, pure, set apart for God, sacred. ἀμίαντος, pure, unstained, un- soiled. ] 1. Matt. v. 8. | 1. Heb. x. 22. — Mark xiv. 3, see Nard. | 1. Jas. i. 27. 1. Acts xx. 26. 2. —1ii. 17. 1. Rom. xiv. 20, 1. 1 Pet. i. 22 (om. L T 2. Phil. iv. 8 TA.) 1. 1 Timi 5 3. 2 Pet. tii. 1. 1. — ii, 9 2. 1 John iii. 3. 2. v. 22 1. Rev. xv. 6. 1. 2 Tim. 1. 3. 1. — xxi. 18, 21. 1. — ii. 22. 1. —— xxii.1 (om. GLT 1. Tit. 1. 153 times. | Tr AR.) PURENESS. ἁγνότης, purity, the state of being ἁγνός, (see “PURE,” No. 2), (non ους.) 2 Cor. vi. 6. PURGE (-rp, -ΕΤΗ, -1vG.) 1. καθαίρω,{ο cleanse from filth; as, 6.7. grain, by winnowing, (2 Sam. iv.6) ; a tree, by pruning, (John xv.2) ; sin, by atonement or expiation, (Heb. x.2). (An earlier form of No. 3.) (non occ.) 2. ἐκκαθαίρω, (No. 1, with ἐκ, out of, prefixed) to purge out, cleanse thoroughly, (οσο. 1 Cor. v. 7.) | | λήθην, a forgetfulness, λαμβάνω, (part.) taking, = | 3. καθαρίζω, to make καθαρός, (see “pure,” Λο. 1.) ποιέω, {ο make, (here, having part.), made iy 4. ς καθαρισμός, a cleans- δ himself] the ceremonial \ purification | ofour sins}. ing, purification, | — Matt. iii. 12, see P | 2. thoroughly. 4. 3. Mark vii. 19. 8: — Luke iii. 17, see Ῥ | 1. thoroughly. Ὁ) ] 1. John xv. 2. —2 Pet. i. 9, see P —1 Cor. v. 7, see P out. (forget that one was.) PURGE OUT. 2, 1 Cor. v. 7. PURGE THOROUGHLY. διακαθαρίζω, (Wo. 3, with διά, through, prefixed) to make καθαρός (see ΕΕ, Wo. 1) throughout, (non occ.) | | Matt. iii. 12. | Luke iii. 17. PURGED (rorGer THAT ONE WAs) tov, of the, καθαρισµενόυ, purifying. 2 Pet. i. 9. PURIFICATION. 1. καθαρισμός, a cleansing, purification, esp. the ceremonial washings or purification of the Law. bo ἁγνισμός, lustration, 7.e. ἃ prepara- tion of one’s self for the sacred festivals, by visiting the Temple, cffering prayers, abstinence, wash- ings, ete. (lxx. for Ὑπὸ and ΠΝΟΠΙ, Numb. viii. 7,8; Ἢ), Numb. vi. 5; 1, Amos ii. 1.) 1. Luke ii. 22, | | | (non occ.) 2. Acts xxi. 26. PURIFY (-1ep, -rern, -Τνα.) | 1. ἁγνίζω, to make ἁγνός, (see “PURE,” | No. 2); to lustrate, prepare one’s self by purification, ete., for a | festival, (non occ.) | 2. καθαρίζω, to make καθαρός, (see “pur,” ο. 1) to make clean, and | free from all admixture. | | PUR aT ts: σα. 614 1 PUR 1. John xi. 55. — Heb. ix. 18, marg. (see | — Matt. xxvi. 8, see P | — Rom. ix.17, see P (for 2. Acts xv. 9. Dedicate. ) (to whe t) ϱ) this same) 1. —— xxi. 24, 26. 2. 23. 1. Acts xi. 1. Eph. i. 11. 1. — xxiv. 18. [ols Jas. αν 8: 1, — oer 12. 1. — iii. 11. 2. Tit. ii. 14. | 1. 1 Pet. 1. 22. 2, 1. 1 John iii. 3. 1 1. — ix. 11. 1. 2 Tim, i. PURIFYING. [noun.] 1. καθαρισμός, a cleansing, purification, esp. the ceremonial washings and purification of the Law. 2. καθαρότης, cleanness, pureness in the Levitical sense, (non occ.) 1. John ii. 6. | 1. John iii, 25. « 2. Heb. ix. 13. PURITY. ἁγνεία, purity, the state of being ἁγνός, (see “ PuRE,” Νο. 2.) 1 Tim. iv. 12. | 1 Tim. v. PURLOIN (να) νοσθίζω, to put apart, separate. In N.T., mid., to put aside for one’s self, "keep back anything which be- longs to another, (occ. Acts v. 2, 8.) Tit. ii. 10. PURPLE. 1. πορφύρα, Lat., purpura, 1.6. the purple mussel , found on the Medi- terranean coasts, which yields ared- dish purple dye, ‘much prized by the ancients. In N.T., purple, 1.6. any- thing so dyed, purple clothes or robes worn by persons of rank and wealth. 2. πορφυρεος, (adj. of No. 1) purple, z.e. reddish purple. 1, Matt. xv. 17, 20. | — Heb. ix. 19, mare. (see 1. Luke xvi. 19. Scarlet.) 2. John xix, 2, 5. 1, Rev. xvii. 4. — Acts xvi. 14, see Ῥ | 1. —— xviii. 12. (seller of) 2. 16. PURPOSE. [noun. } 1. πρόθεσις, a setting before or forth, a setting out; then, of what one sets before his mind, proposes to himself, purpose, counsel, resolve, deliberate resolution or plan, (non ce.) 2. βούλημα, that which is willed or wished, desire, deliberate inten- tion, (occ. Rom. ix. 19.) εἰς, unto, fer, αὐτὸ, very, same, τοῦτο, this, 1. 2 Tim. iii. 10. PURPOSE (for THE SAME) for this same thing. Eph. vi. 22. | Col. iv. 8. PURPOSE (for THis saMe) εἰς αὐτὸ τοῦτο, see above. [ cis, unto, ἡ τί, what? 4 Rom. ix. 17. PURPOSE? (τὸ wit) to what end? Matt. xxvi. 8. -----.-----. 7. | bo σπ PURPOSE (-εν, -ετῃ.) [verb.] τίθηµι, to put, to set, to place ; and 43. — —— vi. 22,) see P (for . Rom. viii. 28. — Col. iv. ὃ thesame) | here, followed by ἐν τῷ πνεύματι, mid., to lay up in one’s spirit, 1.6. to revolve in mind, also to resolve in his spirit. προτίθημι, (No. 1, with πρό, before, βουλεύομαι, to resolve in council, to ( ποιέω, to make. prefixed) to set or put before any | one, to set before one’s self, pro- pose to one’s self, 1.6. to purpose. decree. In N.T. only mid., to take counsel, consult, deliberate with one’s self, determine ; to de- terminedly resolve. γνώμη, opinion, ) [he] came to to be, 6. προαιρέω, to take forth out of any lace, to take one thing before ὈὉ another, prefer, choose. Jn N.T. mid., to propose or prefer to one’s | | \ | γίνομαι, to ων ibe of opinion, | self. 1. Acts xix. 21, 8. 2 Cor. 1. 17 twice. 4, —— xx. 3. 6, —— ix. 7. 2. Rom, i. 13. 2. Eph. i. 9. 5. Eph. iii, 11. 1. βαλάντιον, a bag, pouch, or purse, (prob. from βαλλεῖν ἐντός, to cast within), (occ. Luke xii. 33.) 1. Luke x. 4. 1, — xxii. 35, 36. PUT (-ETH, -ING.) (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 2. Matt. x. 9. 2. Mark vi. 8. —_ 1. τίθημι, to put, to set, to place. 2. βάλλω, to throw, to cast, with a greater or less degree of force, as required by the contest. 3. δίδωμι, to give, (of one’s own accord and with good will) give, bestow upon, commit to. 4. ποιέω, to make; to do. Here, to make [the men go outside. } 1. Matt. v. 15. 2. John xiii. 2. 2, —— ix. 17 twice. 1. —— xix. 19. 1, — xii. 18. 2, —— xx, 25. 2. —— xxv. 27. 4. Acts v. 34. 2, —— xxvii. 6, 1. Rom. xiv. 13. 2. Mark ii. 22. 1. 1 Cor. xv. 25. 1, —— iv. 21. 1. 2 Cor. iii. 18. 2. —— vii. 33 3. —— viii. 16. 1, —— x. 16 3. Heb. viii. 10, marg. 2, Luke v. 37 give. 1. — viii. 16 3. ——x. 16. 1, — xi. 33 2. Jas. 111, 3. Ὁ, —— xv. 22 2. Rev. ii. 24. 2. John v.7 1. — xi. 9. 2, —— xii. 6 3. — xvii. 17. PUT ABOUT, περιτίθημι, to put or place around any person or thing. Mark xv, 17. PUT ASUNDER. apart, separate. Matt. xix. 6, | Mark κ. 9. PUT AWAY. 1. ἀπολύω, to let loose from, loosen away from, let go free. 2. αἴρω, to take up, lift up, to raise ; move. 2. ζώνη, Eng., zone: a belt or girdle; | often serving as a purse for money. 4. χωρίζω, to put a space between, put | 4. λέγω, to lay, to lay before, relate ; | to take up and carry away, re- | 3. ἐξαίρω, (Wo. 2, with ἐκ, out of, pre- fixed) to take up out of any place, to take and remove out of, (οσο. 1 Cor. v. 2.) » eis, unto, for, for the ἀθέτησιν, a setting ( setting aside, aside, (οσο. Heb. for the vii. 18,) abolition. 5. ἀποτίθεμαι, to put off away from one’s self, lay aside. 6. ἀπωθέομαι, ἴο thrust away from one’s self, cast off, repulse. 7. ἀφίημι, to send forth or away, to let go from one’s self. 8. καταργέω, to render inactive, idle, || useless; to spoil, cause to cease, put an end to. ! 1. Matt. i. 19. 7. 1 Cor. vii. 11, 12. 1, — v. 31, 32. 8. —— xiii. 11. 1. —— xix. 3, 7, 8, 9twice. | 5. Eph. iv. 25. 1, Mark x. 2, 4, 11, 12. 2, ——— 51. 1, Luke xvi. 18 twice. ϱ {πὴ} τον 8, 8, 1 Cor. v. 15. | 4. Heb. ix, 26. PUT DOWN. 1. καθαιρέω, to take down ; of buildings, with the idea of force, to pull down, demolish ; of people, to over- throw; of princes, ete., to de- throne. 2. καταργέω, (see “P AWAY,” Λο. 8. PY; 1. Luke i. 52. | 9. 1 Cor. xv. 24. 1. ἐκβάλλω, to throw out, cast out, put forth. 2. ἐκτείνω, to stretch out, extend, as the hand, or the body. 3. ἐκφύω, to generate out, produce, shoot forth as leaves, etc., (non | ους.) , hence, to say, speak, of significant discourse. παρατίθηµ!, to put or place beside or near any one; of a teacher, to | lay before, propound. On | PUL ‘FORTH. | 2. Matt. viii. 3. 3, Mark siii. 28. 1, —— ix. 25. 2. Lukev. 18. δ. —— xiii. 24, 31. 4. — xiv. 7. 3. —— xxiv. 32. 1. Jobn x. 4 2. Mark i. 41. Ϊ 1. Acts ix. 40. ο σσ. -------- PUL PUT FORWARD. προβάλλω, to cast or thrust forward, (oce. Luke xxi. 30.) Acts xix. 33. PUT FROM. ἀπωθέομαι, see “ PUT Away,” Wo. 6. Acts xiii. 46. PUN | ἀποστέλλω, to send away, send forth. Mark iv. 29. PUT IN PRISON παραδίδωμι, to give near, with or to any one, give over, deliver up znto the possession or power of any one. Mark i. 14. PUT OFS. . ἀποτίθεμαι, to put off, away from one’s self, lay aside. 2. ἀπεκδύομαι, to strip off, despoil, de- prive of, as spoil, (occ. Col. 1]. 15. ) 3. λύω, to loose, to loosen what is fast bound, unbind, untie, as a sandal, ete. 3. Acts vii. 33. | 1. Col. iii. 8. 1. Eph. iv. 22 2, 9. PUT OFF (must) ἐστί, is, ἀπόθεσις, the putting off. 2 Pet. i. 14. PUD ON. 1. ἐνδύω, to go in, to envelope, to go into, as into a garment, 1.6. to clothe, to dress. 2. ἐπιτίθήμι, to place or put upon, lay upon. (a) with ἐπανω, above, over, upon. 3. περιτίθημι, to put or place around any person or thing; to bestow upon. 4. περιβάλλω, to cast or throw around. [ 616 | | in 2. Matt. xix. 13. 3. Mark xv. 36. 2a,—— xxi. 7. 1. Luke xv. 22. 3. —— xxvii. 28. 2. John xix, 2 Ist. 1: Sis 4, 2 2nd. 3. 48. 2. Acts ix. 12. 1. Mark xv. 20. 3. I Cor. xii. 23, marg. (text, bestow wpon.) PUL OnE: ἐκβαλλω, to cast out of, thrust out. Mark v. 40 part. | Luke viii. 54 (ap.) ----ἥ-.ἰ..... PUT OUT OF: μεθίστημι, to place in another way, to substitute ; to remove from one place to another, drive away from. Luke xvi. 4, PUT THEREIN. ἐμβιβάζω, to cause to go in, to em- bark, eis, unto, into, αὐτὸ, the same. Acts xxvii. 6. ( PUT TO: 1. ἐπιβάλλω, to throw or cast upon or over; to lay the hand upon, i.e. to undertake. 2. προσφέρω, to bear or bring to any person or place, to bring near, put to. 1. Luke ix. 62, with ἐπί, wpon. 2. John xix. 29. PUT UNDER. ὑποτάσσω, to range, 5 subject to. 1 Cor. xv. 273times, 98, | Heb. ii. 8. subordinate, make Eph. i, 22 EU UNI. ἐπιβάλλω, see above, No. 1. Matt. ix. 16, with ἐπί, wpon. POUL UE: βάλλω, to throw, or cast, (the degree of Sorce must be modified by the con- text.) John xviii. 11, PUT UP AGAIN. ἀποστρέφω, to turn away from; back, return. Matt. xxvi. 52 turn PUT PUT UPON. 1. ἐπιτίθημι, to place or put upon, lay upon. 2. περιτίθημι, to put around, place around any person or thing. 8. ἐπιβάλλω, to throw or cast upon, place upon. 1. Matt. xxvii. 29. 3. Luke v. 36. 1, Mark viii. 25 (τίθημι, | 1. John ix. 15. to place, Tr A.) 2. —— xix, 29. 1. Acts xv. 10, PUT (arust BE) βλητέος, that ought to be put, (α verbal ad)., implying obligation, propriety, or duty), (non occ.) Mark: ii. 22 (ap.) | Luke v. 38. PUT UNDER (ruar 1s nor) ἀνυπότακτος, unsubjected, not made subject, of persons: and things, (oce, 1: Tim. 3.9 ;. Tit.i. 6, 10.) Heb. ii. 8, [ 617 ἢ QUA See also, ACCOUNT, DEATH, DIFFERENCE, FEAR, FILL, MIND, REMEMBRANCE, SHAME, SILENCE, SUBJECTION,SYNA- GOGUE, TRUST. PUTTING AWAY. ἀπόθεσις, a putting away from, putting off, laying aside, (οσο. 2 Pet. i. 14.) 1 Pet. iii. 21. PUTTING OFF. ἀπέκδυσις, a stripping off, despoiling, (non occ.) Col. ii. 11. PUTTING ON. 1. ἔνδυσις, the getting into, as clothes ; z.e. the putting on, (on 000.) bo ἐπίθεσις, the placing upon, laying upon, as of hands; the imposition of hands. 9, 2Tim. i. 6. | τα. 1 Pet. iii, 8, Q QUAKE. εἰμί, I am, | 1. 4 ἔντρομος, in trembling, 1.6, trem- bling with fear. bo σείω, to move to and fro, to shake with the idea of shock or concussion, esp. of earthquakes. | 2. Heb, xii. 21. τῷ Matt. xxvii. 51, pass. QUARREL. 1. μομφή, fault found, oceasionof blame or censure, (non occ.) 2. ἐνέχω, to have in anything, to have in one’s self, implying a disposition of mind towards a person or thing ; in N.T., unfavourable ; to enter- tain a grudge, etc., against another. | Mark vi. 19, marg. an | 1. Col. iii. 13, marg. com- inward grudge, plaint, QUARREL (ready to) [margin.] 1 Tim. iii. 8, see “ WINE (GIVEN το) ” QUARTER. 1. γωνία, an angle, a corner, either an exterior projecting corner, or an interior angle; a dark corner. 2. τόπος, a place, spot, space, room occupied or filled by any person or thing. — Mark i. 45, see Every. — Acts ix. 32, see All. 2. Acts xvi. 3. 1. Rev. xx. 8. QUARTERS (tre same) τὸ, the, περὶ, around, Is νεο the parts around τόπον, place, that place. ἐκεῖνου, that there, Acts xxviii. 7. QUA [ QuI QUATERNION (5) τετράδιον, (dim. of τετράς, a tetrad, the number four) a detachment of four men, the usual number of a Roman night-watch, relieved every three hours, (non occ.) Acts xii. 4, QUEEN. βασίλισσα, a queen, (Ixx. 1 Kings x.1; Esth.i. 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17), (non occ.) Matt. xii. 42. | Acts viii. 27. Luke xi. 31. Rev. xviii. 7. QUENCH (-rp.) σβέννυμι, to quench, put out, extin- guish, as a light or fire; to damp, hinder, repress. Matt. xii. 20. Eph. vi. 16. Mark ix. 44 (ap.), 46 (ap.), 1 Whe es. v. 19. 48. Heb. xi. 34. QUENCHED (THAT NEVER SHALL ΡΕ) ao Beoros, notextinguished,unquenched. [Used in prof. Greek of prolonged laughter that cannot be suppress- ed; of fierce, obstinate battle; to the fire which burnt part of some ships; to indefatigable vig- our. In lxx. Gen. xi. 3, for un- slaked lime, and in the ancient ecclesiastical writers, for the fire which burnt up the martyrs. It occurs elsewhere only in Matt. iii. 12 and Luke ii. 17, where it is declared that those who are cast into it shall be “burned up,” and have no power to quench it, and therefore no opportunity or hope of escape from the wages of sin, which is death. The reference in Mark ix. 43, etc., is to Is. xvi. 24. ] Mark ix. 43 (ap.), 45 (ap.) QUESTION (-s.) ἌΝΩ 1. ζήτησις, the act of seeking, search ; inquiry. 2. ζήτημα, the thing sought or inquired about, question ; topic of inquiry, (non occ.) hence, an ex- (see “ ac- 3. Adyos, a word spoken ; pression, statement, count”); here, “Iwill question you as to one matter.” — Matt. xxii. 35, 46, see | — Acts xxiii. 6, see Call. Ask 99, sk. | 2. 2 8. Mark xi. 29, marg. | 2, —— 219; thing. -- 20, see (of — — xii. 34, such manner of — Luke ii. ον see Ask. | 2. —— xxvi. 3. — — xx. 40, 1. 1 Tim. i. 4. 1, John iii. 25. 1. vi. 4. 2. Acts xv. 2. 1. 2 Tim. 11. 28. 2, —— xviii. 15. 1. Tit, 11, 9. QUESTIONS (oF stcH MANNER OF) / eis, as to, (om. T Tr A” 8.) τὰ the, | ζήτησιν, inquiry, (see above, No. 1.) περὶ, concerning, Ἱ τοῦτον this, (τούτῶν, these, Go L T Te A 8), [2.6. this person or this \ matter. | oll Acts xxv. 20, marg. how to enquire hereof. QUESTION (-Ep, -1na.) [verb.] συζητέω, to seek anything in conjunc- tion with another; to seek to- gether; hence, to inquire of one another, question with. Mark i. 27. Ι Mark ix. 16, QUESTION WITH. συζητέω, see above. ἐπερωτάω, to ask at or of any one, to inguire of ; question, interrogate. 2 Mark viii. 11. ] 2 Mark ix. 14, 2 Luke xxiii. 9. QUESTION ONE WITH ANOTHER. 1. Mark ix. 10. QUICK. ζάω, to live, to have life. Here, the part., living. Acts x. 42. Heb. iv. 12. 2 Tim, iv. 1. 1 Pet. iv. 5 es QUICKEN (-kp, -ΕΤΠ, -ING.) ζωοποιέω, to make alive, give life, esp. of that life which will last for ever, to give eternal life. John ν. 21 twice. Eph. ii. 5,2 see Q to- — vi. 63. | Col. 1, 13, Sgether with. Rom. iv. 17. | 1 Tim. vi. 13 (ζωογονέω, viii. 11. | endue with life, GoL 1 Cor. xv. 36, 45. [give life. ) | ΠΣ A.) 2 Cor. iii. 6, marg. (text, | 1 Pet. iii. 18. QUI peo] RAC | QUICKEN TOGETHER WITH. QUIET. [adj.] | συζωοποιέω, to make alive in conjune- | 1. ἤρεμος, free from all agitation or tion with another, (non occ.) disturbance, not disturbed by Eph. ii. 5. | Col. di. 13. others; tranquillity arising from without, (non occ.) QUICKLY. 2. ἡσύχιος, making no agitation ο) dis- ! 3 3 turbance, exciting no disturbance 1. ταχύ, (neut. of ταχύς, swift, as adv.) in others; tranquillity arising from quickly, speedily, with haste. within. } 2. τάχος, quickness, swiftness, speed. 1. 1 Tim. ii. 2. | ΑΙ Pet. iii. 4, (Here, Dative.) ἐν, in, Paks 3. sham swiftness, } With speed. QUIET (sr) , . 1... 1. ἡσυχάζω, to be quiet, tranquil, ἐπ ee ο 4 SPCeauy 5. βαρπ, contrast to excited and unquiet ᾿ ΗΝ ς . bustle. 5. εν. of να Ἐπ ἡμιῶς 9. καταστέλλω,ίο put or let down; then, ‘He 7; “th se ie y 2 επι to put down, quell, assuage, pacify. ΠΕ ΕΘ ROTO Bb y: Here, pass. part., be calmed or te. 3, anil, 18. calm, (eco. Lote. 2x, 85.) 1. Mark xvi re (om. G | 2. Wie GsLT 9. Acts xix. 30. | 1 1 Thes. iv. 11. 4. Luke xiv. 21. 1 16. πα 4, — xvi. 6. 1, — iii, 11. 5 a oF, | 1. — Sei 4, 19, 20. QUIETNESS. —————_], εἰρήνη, peace; the state of repose QUICKSANDS. and security. σύρτις, syrtis, 1.6. a sand-bank, so called | 2. ἡσυχία, quietness, tranquillity arising because drawn together by currents, Sromwithin,and exciting no disturb- (σύρω, to draw). [Two famous ance in others. among the ancients: Syrtis major, | ΤΕΣ Ὁ Ι 2"Thes. iii. 12. between Cyrene and Leptis, and |. ae λάμα I+. Syrtis minor, near Carthage.] (non τ nee.) ᾿ ches QUIT. Acts xxvii. 17. 1 Cor. xvi. 13, see “ΜῈΝ. 1] ’ R RABBI. | RACA. ῥαββί, Rabbi, (Heb. 25, one great, a chief, a master) a title of honour ῥακά, raka, a term of contempt in Heb. in the Jewish schools, my master. or Syr.; pr, to be empty; so it | ‘ | Matt. xxiii, 7 1st. John i. 38, 49. denotes an empty, vain, worthless || 7 2nd (om. G-LT | — iii. 2, 26. | fellow | 8, [Tr A N*.) | — vi. 25. : | RABBONTI. | In edition of 1611 it was spelt racha, | ῥαββονί, Rabboni, my great master, a | since the edition of 1638 τέ has | title of the highest dignity in the | been raca. Jewish schools, (occ. Mark x. 51.) John xx. 10. Matt. v. 22. RAC [450 1 RAI RACE. 2. βλάσφημος, blasphemous, evil speak- 1. ἀγών, place of assembly where games ing against God and Divine were often celebrated; hence, a things. stadium, a course; then, the race or contest itself. 3. λοιδορία, railing, abuse, reviling a man to his fuce, abuse of him per- 2. στάδιον, a stadium, 1.6. the standard sonally. of measure, viz. a distance of 600 Merce 4 ‘ Greek feet or 625 Roman, eguiva- 8: 1 Pet. iii, 9 twice, | saa ννν lent to 6045 feet, or 2013 yards Eng. The course for the Olympic RAIMENT. games was a stadium in length ; hence, a stadium came to be used of | 1. ἱμάτιον, a piece of dress, a garment ; any course where public games esp. the outer garment, (as opp. were exhibited. to χιτών, the inner vest) then, gen., 2. 1 Cor. ix. 24. | 1. Heb. xii. 1. raiment of any kind. RAGE. [verb.] 2. ἵματισμός, clothing, apparel. φρυάσσω, to neigh, whinny, prance, of | 3 spirited, high-fed horses; of men, to be haughty, insolent, (quoted from Ps. ii. 1, where, lxx. for wn), (non occ.) . ἔνδυμα, anything put on, covering, (οσο. Matt. vu. 15; xxii. 11, 12), (spoken of prophet’s garment, 2 Kings 1.8; Zech. xiii. 4.) Nae ΠΕ : Acts iv. 25. 4. ἐσθής, dress; esp. what is ornate or RAGING splendid. 1. ἄγριος, living in the fields, wild, | 5. σκέπασμα, covering, 2.6. shelter or savage, of animals; then, vehe- clothing. ment, furious, of the sea. Matt. iii. 4. Luke xii. 23 — vi. 25, 28. — xxiii. 84, 2. κλύδιον, a dashing of the sea, surging, Β Ξ — xi. 8 (om. Lb T Tr dashing, (occ. John i. 6.) — xvii. 2. [A 8.) | 1. Acts xviii. 6. DOM RCo μα μα μα 09 69 eel ota al alll oe) — xxvii, 31. — xxii, 20. 2, Luke vii. 24 | 1. Jude 18, ER a [i Wine Mark ix. 3. . Jas. ii, 2, . Luke vii. 25. . Rev. iii. 5, 18; RAIL ON. ; — ix. 29, . Rev. iv. 4. βλασφημέω, to drop evil or profane words, speak lightly ov amiss of RAIN. [noun.] sacred things; 7¢ zs also applied . . . ΄ / - . to rash, ill-advised, or wicked 1. ὑετός, rain, esp. a heavy shower, | prayers; hence, to blaspheme, (opp. to ὄμβρος, a lasting rain ; ή speak evil of or against any one, and ψεκάς, a drizzling rain). The calumniate. word appears in Eng., wet, (non Mark xv. 29. | Luke xxiii. 39. occ.) RATILER 2. βροχή, a wetting ; hence, rain, esp. ε - a rain as sent or caused, (1xx. for _ λοίδορος, railing, abusive ; as subst., « pw, Ps. Ixviii. 10; ev. 32, plenti- ee ake abuser, (oce. 1 Cor. ful rain), (non oce.) vi. LO. | 7 — Matt. v.45, see R(send) | 1. Heb. vi. 7. we ten 2, —— vii. 25, 27. 1, Jas. ν. 7 (om. LT Tr A) | τα Ε 1. Acts xiv. 17. (καρπός, fruit, &.) | RAILING (-5.) 1. —— xxviii. 2. 1 18, | 1. βλασφημία, calumniation, abuse, the very worst kind of slander; blas- RAIN (sEnp) | | phemy, attacking sacred things ; . . ή defamation, the speaking to a | βρέχω, see below. : a, I 8 | man’s prejudice. Matt. v. 45. RAT [ 621 1 RAI | RAIN (-ep.) [verb.] | RAISE AGAIN. βρέχω, to moisten, wet, make wet; aia ley 4%) η μας then, to rain, send rain, cause to rain. (a) trans. (Ὁ) intrans. (6) with ὑετός, (see “ RAIN,” No. 1.) RAISE UP. . Luk πα. 29. b. Jas. v. 17 2nd. > , (κε ον Γ οι v.17 inky) |\, ο δα , 1. ἐγείρω, see “Ratse,” No. 1. 2. ἐξεγείρω, (No.1, with ἐκ, out of, pre- RAINBOW. : 4 : Παρα) to wake up out of, arouse ἴρς a rainbow; Εππ., iris. [ Here, | out of, (non occ.) referring back to the covenant 8. avi « ”. δὴ ἃ ού πα Gen. ix, 14, 16, \ A, | Or OTS 666. RAISE, Αγία cloud of judgment is about to 4, ἐξανίστημι, (No. 8, with ἐκ, out of, burst upon the earth, but the bow prefixed) to cause to stand or rise is in the cloud, a token that of up out of, (οσο. Acts xv. 5.) all the plagues not one was to be | a flood of waters. For as the | 1 οσα 1 maT days of Noah, so is the presence | } πρ 7h parr eee of the Son of Man, Matt. xxiv.37. | 1. Luke i. 69. 1. Rom. iv. 24. In Noah’s day the bow was in the | $ ~~ ας Se εαν A. cloud; in Moses’s day Jehovah 1- John ii, 19. a ie ae was in it. Here, both the bow 3, τὶ. 46, 44, 54. 2) bai seat and Jehovah are in the cloud, | 3 Acto# ἀν δῦ (op.), 32 | 8; oo xe te eras The book is concerning judgment; | 1. —v. 30. ὁ ῦ 1. Heb.xi.19, ὁ 3 γεν οὐ. 1. Jas. ν. 15. hence, the seven-fold mention and | ” 1. 1 Pet. i. 21 presence of the cloud,i.7; x.1; ο xiv, 14° 15 16] Rev. iv. 3. | Rev. x. 1. RAISE UP AGAIN. ἀνίστημι, see “ RAISE,” Wo. 4. RAISE (-ἘΡ, -ΕΤΗ, -1NG.) John vi. 39. | Δοίβ xiii. 33. (for various combinations, (e.g. Raise — up, ete.) see below.) RAISE UP THE PEOPLE. 1. ἐγείρω, to awaken, wake up, arouse, cause to rise up; properly, from ος erent ἢ causing 8 sleep. Pass., to wake, be awake. 8. tumultuous gather- | oo course ‘ ing 2. διεγείρω, (Wo. 1, with δία, through a 8 of the eficed) to wake up full ο Comes, mul refixed rake rouse. σ : - ; P ᾿ - P ον ὄχλου, of the people, (see ἡμᾶς 8. ἐπεγείρω, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, “PEOPLE,” Vo. 2) : prefixed) to rouse up upon, 2.6. Acts xxiv. 12 (ἐπίστασις, a stopping, instead of ém- against any one, excite against, σύστασις, a concourse, (ἃ ~ LT Tr A.) (οσο. Acts xiv. 2.) 4. ἀνίστημι, trans., to cause to stand, RAISE UP TOGETHER. raise up; intrans., to rise up, : ᾿ ιά , arise, stand up. iad Ss Faas, No. η with σύν, | ΣΝ tis Ε 2, Matt. i. 94 (Χο. 1, LT | 3. Acts xiii, 50, together with, prefixed) to raise | Tr A.) 4. --- xvii. 31. up together in conjunction with, 1. —— x. 8 (om. νεκροὺς ς xxvi. 8. \ 11.19. 7 évye(pere,raisethedead, | 1. Rom. vi. 9. (οσο. ς ol. ui. 12 5 111. 1) α -- T Tr.) 1, — vii. 4, Eph. ii. 6, 1. Luke vii. 22. 1. ——x. 9, 1 ΠΣ i Nake a, | 1, 1 Cor. xv. 16, 17, 49, SS ie Gwe m A, 43 twice, 44, ᾿ 1, — xx. 87. i. 52 (No. 4, L.) RAISED TO LIFE AGAIN. 1. John xii. 1, 9, 17, 1, 2 Cor. i. 9. 1. Acts iii. 15. 1. Gal. i. 1. re 3 1 iv. 10, 1. Eph. i. 20 part, { “» out of, by ᾿ 1, — xiii. 23 (ἤγαγε, | 1. Col. ii. 12. ὶ ἀναστάσις, resurrection, brought,GLTTrAn.) | 1. 1 Thes. i. 10. 1. 80, Ἰ 1. 2 Tim. 1, 8. | Heb. xi. 85. eS | RAN RANK WITH (be on the same) [margin. ] Gal. iv. 25, see *f ANSWER TO.” RANKS (1) Mark vi. 40. πρασιαὶ, a bed in a garden, πρασιαὶ, ditto, squares— | squares, 2.6. in ( in a garden. RANSOM. 1. λύτρον, loosing-money, ransom ; the price paid for letting loose, or setting free; hence, expiation, atonement, with esp. ‘reference to the result rather than to the means. The ransom price is an expiation, or (Num. xxxv. 31) an equivalent for the punishment due, and there- fore frees from the consequences of guilt. 2. ἀντίλυτρον, (No. 1, with ἀντί, instead of, prefixed) occurs only in N.T., a ransom paid, instead of others having to pay it. (716 verbal form occurs in Gal. i. 4.) (non occ.) 1, Matt. xx. 28. | 1. Mark x. 45. ο, Ἱ "σα, Ἡ, 6, RASH (be) (margin. ] 1 Cor. xiii. 4, see ‘‘ VAUNT ONE’S SELF,’ | RASHLY. | προπετής, falling forwards; precipitate, headlong, sudden, (oce. οἱ Tim, | ili. 4.) } Acts xix. 36. Ϊ RATHER. (For various combinations, see below.) much, exceedingly) more, more strongly ; also, more and more ; [ 622 Ἱ squares like beds | μᾶλλον, (adv. comp. of μάλα, very, very ' RAV RATHER (anp) ἀλλά, but, on the contrary. Luke xvii. 8. | RATHER (svt) | μᾶλλον, 1 rather, (see | “RATHER ' above) δέ, but, μᾶλλον, rather, δὲ, but, ( but rather even. καί, even, ἀλλά, but, unless, ex- ὃ η: rather than [that], ἰ cept. . πλήν, more than, besides; but rather ; but rather. Ἔ notwithstanding. 4, Luke xi. 41. 1. Cor. Σὶν ας, 4, —— xii. 31. 1. Eph. iv. 28. 3. 51. 2. —v.ll RATHER (παν) θέλω, to will, to wish, desire, (¢mplying active volition and purpose.) 1 Cor. xiv. 19. | tN RATHER (on) μᾶλλον, rather, de, but, ἰ but rather. Gal. iv. 9. πα ba | RATHER (ΤΗ Αν) | 7, rather than. | Matt. xviii. 8, 9. AW.) Luke xviii. 14 (ἡ yap, G T), (παρά, instead rt τα | RATHER (τα) | 1. μᾶλλον, see “ RATHER,” above. 2. περισσοτέρως, more abundantly, the more. 2. Heb. xiii. 19. | 1, 2 Pet. i, 10. RAVEN (-s.) rather. Matt. x. 6, 28. 1 Cor. ix. 12. — xxv. 9. 2 Cor. ii. 7. || —— xxvii. 24, — iii. 8. Π] Mark v. 26. v. 8. 1] ——xy. 11. xii. 9, | Luke x. 20(om.GLTTr | Gal. iv. 9. John iii. 19. [A &.) | Eph. v. 4. | ‘Acts y. 29, Phil. i. 13. | Rom, viii. 34, see Yea. 1 Tim. i. 4, | xiv. 15 — vi. 2. | 1 Cor. ν. 2. Philem. 9. —— vi. 7 twice. | Heb. xi. 25. 1] — vii 21, | —— ‘xii. 9, 13, | | κόραξ, a raven, (Ixx. for Ἵν, Gen. viii. 7 Lev. xi. ie, (non oce. | Luke xii. 24, ) RAV BNIN α. 1. ἁρπαγή, (noun) plundering, pillage, the act of snatching aways (oce, | Matt. xxiii. 25; Heb. x. 04.) RAW [ 623 1 REA 2. ἅρπαξ, (adj.) ravenous, (spoken of EADINESS. wild beasts, as No. 1 also is) rapa- cious, (occ. Luke’xvili. 11; 1 Cor. ο tf; τι 10.) | 1. ἕτοιμος, ready, prepared, (866 “READY,” ο. 1.) 2. Matt. vii. 15. | 1, Luke xi. 39. 2. προθυμία, predisposition, willing- ness, eagerness, alacrity of mind. RAW. [margin 1 1. 2 Cor. x. 6. | 2. 2 Cor. viii. 11. Matt. ix. 16, ᾿ ἐν Mark ii, 21, 2399 New. READINESS OF MIND. 2. Acts xvii. 11. REACH (-ep, -να.) READING 1. ἀκολουθέω, to follow. we 3 : A et ἀνάγνωσις, a knowing accurately, know- 1. Rev. xviii. 5, (κολλάομαι, joined ttogether [as in a Ἵ 4 ; RRL, heap and reaching wp to ΣΟῚ ΕΣ A §:) 118 by reading ? then simply, reading. Acts xiii. 15. |. 2 Cor. iii. 14. REACH FORTH UNTO. ο ος ἐπεκτείνομαι, to stretch ov reach forth READY. towards, (non oce. : RES » ( ) (For various combinations, (eg. “Be Phil. iii. 18. Ready,” “ Make Ready,” etc.) see below.) REACH HITHER. 1. ἕτοιμος, at hand, ready, prepared ; φέρω, to bear, bear hither, reach, of persons, ready, active, zealous ; 1 ὧδε, thus, so, in this way or man- of the mind, ready, bold; of the . ner; or, hither, here, to or in future, sure to come, certain; of this place. al path carried into effect, rea- ; ized, 2. φέρω, to bear, bear hither, reach. pani ἃ: ἃ ΠΝ . πρόθυμος, predisposed, willing 1. John xx. 27 1st. 2. John xx. 27 2nd. ΞΘ ο ο. eager, zealous. ACH UN 3. μέλλω, to be about to do or suffer REACH UNTO. any thing, to be on the point of. ἐφικνέομαι, to come upon 07" to any one, (Here, part.) to arrive at, (non occ.) 4. ἐγγύς, near, of place or time. 2 Cor. es Aileen etl αν. 5. παρασκευάζω, to make ready near or RES τὶ for any one, to prepare at hand. READ (-kst, -ΕΤΗ, -1NG.) (a) no to prepare one’s self, be ready. | a ύσκω, to know accurately, t ee Try ἡ 617, Το | 1. Matt. xxii. 4, 8. | 5. 9 Cor, ix. 3 part. distinguish ; to know by reading, | 1. — xxiv. 44, 1. τ ὅ. || πὰ then simply, to read, learn by ἢ srantSisls, 6 αιώνα | in non oce. 3. Luke vii. 2 part. ——-vi. 18, see Dis- reading, (non occ.) 1, —— xii, 40, ο tribute. al it 8. κ᾿ Ἶ iii, 97. 1, —— xiv. 17. —2 Tim, iv. 6, see lata ama ΤΡ part. 1. —— xxii. 23, Offend. — xxi. 16, 49, | — xxiii. 34 part. 1, John vii. 6. 1. Tit. iii, 1. | xxii. 31. 2 Cor. i. 13. 3, Acts xx. 7 part. 4, Heb, viii. 13, Ἡ] —— xxiv. 15. | —— iii, ο, i xxiii. 15, 21. 1. 1 Pet. i. 5. Mark ii. 25. 14, see Reading. 2, Rom. i. 15. | ἃ. — iii, 15. | — xii. 10, 26. | —— 15. Fit. Eph. iii. 4 part. ) ο iv. 16. Col. iv. 16 3 times. a if % i vi. 3. 1 Thes. ν. 27. ι READY (BE) John six’ 20, | | pain: ty. 18.800 Reading. ἔχω, to have, to have in Acts viii. 28, 30 twice, δὲ, | ——v. 4 (om. καὶ avay- 1. «έτοιμος, ready, (see readiness, eal 15, see Read- νῶναι, and to read, G κ᾿ | Lrtran) Vo. 1, above) (non oce.) ] | ΣΕ ice, 37 42nd. | | : REA [ 2. μέλλω, see above, No. 3. 3. παρασκευάζω, see above, No. ὅδ. 2. Luke vii. 2. 1. 2 Cor. xii. 14. 1. Acts xxi. 13. 1. 1 Pet. iv. 5. 3. 2 Cor. ix, 2. 2. Rev. iii. 2. 2. Rev. xii. 4. READY (Ake) 1. ἑτοιμάζω, to make or get ready, pre- | 1. pare, provide. 2. παρασκευάζω, to make ready near ο) for any one, prepare at hand, as Sood. (a) Ilid., to prepare ready, get ready. one’s self, be 1. Matt. xxvi. 19. 1. Luke xvii. 8. 1. Mark xiv. 15, 16. 1, — xxii. 12, 19. 1. Luke i. 17. 2. Acts x. 10 part. ή 1, —— ix. 52. 1, —— xxiii. 23. 7 1. Rev. xix. 7. READY MIND. προθυμία, predisposition, willimgness, eagerness, zeal, alacrity of mind. 2 Cor. viii. 19. READY TO HAND (tHrés ΜΑΡΕ) (τὰ, the Sos a the things ready or ( ἕτοιμα, ready, prepared ; 1.6. what one has. 2 Cor. x. 16. REAP (-Εν, -ETH, -ING.) θερίζω, (from θέρος, summer, harvest- time) ; hence, to pass the summer ; then, to do the work of summer, to harvest; to mow and reap, and | 3 gather in the harvest. Matt. vi. 26. 1 Cor. ix. 11. xxv. 24, 26. 2 Cor. ix. 6 twice. Gal. vi. 7, 8twice, 9, Jas, v. 41st, see R down. 2n John iv. 36 twice, 37, 98. Rev. xiv. 15 twice, 16, REAP DOWN. ἀμάω, to collect, gather together, as a reaper does the stalks of corn ; { hence, to cut corn, to reap, gather the harvest, (non occ.) Jas. v. 4 REAPER (-s.) θεριστής, a harvestman, (see “ REAP.”’) | Matt. xiii. 30, 36 ] REA REAR UP. ἐγείρω, to wake, rouse up; cause to rise up ; then, to set upright from a recumbent posture. John ii. 20. REASON. [noun. ] ἀρεστός, pleasing; here, pleasing to God, and therefore, proper, fitting, in His sight. (Used arbitrarily of man: ΝᾺ 310, Gen. xvi. 6, and Acts xii. 3.) 2. λόγος, an account which one gives, a narrative or treatise spoken or written. 1. Acts vi. 2. | REASON OF (sy) διὰ, through. 2. 1 Pet. iii. 15. (a) with Gen., through (and pro- ceeding from), denoting the instru- ment of an action, by means of. (b) with Acc., through, (as tending towards) denoting the ground or reason of the action, on account of, because of. (ο). with Art. and Inf. mood, on ac- count of, because of. ἐκ, out of, from among ; then, origi- nating in, as the source, cause, or occasion; from, by, marking the origin or cause rather than the reason or means. ἕνεκα, (ἕνεκεν, or εἵνεκεν) because of, by reason of, wherefore, marking the end or object. 1b.John xii. 11. 1c.Heb. vii. 23. 1b.Rom. viii. 20. 1b.2 Pet. ii. 2. 3. 2 Cor. iii. 10. 2, Rev. viii. 13. 1b.Heb., ν. 14. ix. 2. 9 “. 2. Rev. xviii. 19. REASON HEREOF (ny) διὰ, on account of, because of, ταύτην, this. Heb. v. 3 (δι᾽ αὐτήν, onaccount of it, L T Tr A &.) REASON WOULD. κατὰ, according to λόγον, reason. Acts xviii. 14. REA [ 625 ] REB REASON (-£p, -τνα.) [verb.] 1. λογίζομαι, to occupy one’s self with reckonings ov with calculations ; to reckon; reason, use the reason. 2. διαλογίζομαι, (No. 1, with διά, through, prefixed) to reckon through, consider thoroughly, rea- son out. 3. διαλέγομαι, to speak to and fro, 1.6. alternately, to converse with, dis- cuss, reason, argue. 4. συζητέω, to seek any thing in con- junction with another, to seek to- gether, inquire of one another, question with. 2. Matt. xvi. 7, 8. : 2, Luke iii. 15, marg. 2. —— xxi. 25. | (text, muse.) 2. Mark ii. 6, 8 twice. 2. — v. 21, 22. 2, — viii. 16, 17. | 9. — xx. 14 1.— xi. 31 (No. 8, 4. —— xxiv. 15 Gx TTr A), (προσ- | 3. Acts xviii. 4 λογίζομαι, toreason in | 3. —— xxiv. 25 part. _addition to, 59.) 1. 1Cor. xiii. 5,11, marg. (text, think.) REASON TOGETHER. 4, Mark xii. 28. REASON WITH. 1. διαλέγομαι, see above, No. 3. 2. συλλογίζομαι, (No. 1, with σύν, to- gether with, prefixed) to occupy one’s self with reckonings in con- junction with another, to reason together with another. (a) with πρός, towards, or in addi- tion to. 2a. Luke xx. 5. | 1. Acts xvii. 2. 1, Acts xviii. 19. REASONABLE. λογικός, pertaining to the reason, rational, (Eng., logical), (οσο. Pet. ii. 2.) Rom. xii. 1. REASONABLY BEAR WITH. [margin. | Heb. v. 2, see ‘‘ COMPASSION ON (HAVE)” REASONING. [noun.] 1. λογισμός, reckoning, the art of reckoning, ὁ.6. arithmetic; com- putation, consideration, reasoning. 2. διαλογισμός, (Wo.1, with διά, through, prefixed ) reckoning through, com- putation, adjustment of accounts; hence, dispute. 3. συζήτησις, a seeker in conjunction with another, a questioner, rea- soner. 2. Luke ix. 46, Ι 3. Acts xxviii. 29 (ap.) 1. 2 Cor. x. 5, marg. (text, imagination.) REBUKE (πττποῦτ) ἀμώμητος, without blemish, spotless ; one in whom there is nothing reprehensible; without shame, stain, ov disgrace, not open to censure. (Thus differing from ἄμεμπτος, see “ς Blameless,” “ Faultless,” ‘ Un- blamable,” which means that no fault can be found on account of any incompleteness.] (οσο. 2 Pet. iii. 14.) Phil. ii. 15. REBUKE (-rp, -1na.) [verb.] 1. ἐπιτιμάω, to put further honour upon, estimate higher; then, of judges, to estimate the value or penalty on ὦ person; hence, to object to one as blamable, find fault with, reprove, admonish strongly. 2. ἐλέγχω, to put to shame, convince, refute, confute, show to be wrong, prove guilty; to prove anything that was disputed or de- nied (and therefore implying oppo- sition); hence, to reprimand, blame. 3. ἐπιπλήσσω, to strike upon, give blows upon; hence, rebuke sharply, (non occ.) 1. Matt. viii. 26. 1. Luke ix. 42, 55. 1, —— xvi. 22. 1, —— xvii. 3. 1. —— xvii. 18 1, —— xviii. 15, 39. 1, —— xix. 13. 1. —— xix. 39. 1, —— xx. 81. } 1, —— xxiii. 40 1. Mark i, 25. 8. 1 Tim. v. 1 1. — iv. 39. 2. 20 1. —— viii. 32, 33 1, 2 Tim. iv. 2 1, —— ix. 25. 2, Tit. 1. 19 1, ——x. 13. 2, — ii. 15. 1. Luke iv. 35, 39, 41. 2. Heb. xii, 5 part. 1, - viii. 24. 1. Jude 9, 2, Bev. iii. 19 part. REB REBUKED (nr) ἔχω, to have, pee a reproof, ἔλεγξις, conviction, ο... reproof, 2 Pet. ii. 16. RECEIPT. Matt. ix. 9, ες ” Mark ii. 14, see “ CUSTOM, RECEIVE (-zp, -ΕΕ3, «ΤΠ, -1NG.) 1, σι . προσλαμβάνω, λαμβάνω, to take, take hold of, ap- prehend, to take or receive from another; to take what is given; hence, receive, pointing to an ob- jective reception, (see No. 7.) . παραλαμβάνω, (No. 1, with παρά, beside, prefixed) to take near, with or to one’s self; receive with or to one’s self; receive in charge what is delivered over. . ἀπολαμβάνω, (No.1, with ἀπό, from, prefixed) to take from any one, to receive with idea of completeness, to receive in full. (No. 1, with πρός, towards, prefixed ) to take thereto, 2.6. in addition, to take besides. In N.T. mid., to take or receive to and for one’s self. . μεταλαμβάνω, (No.1, with pera, in association with, prefixed) to take in association with others, take a part with, to partake of, share. . ὑπολαμβάνω, (No.1, with ὑπό, under, prefixed) to take under, 2.6. to take up by placing one’s self un- derneath ; hence, to take up. . δέχομαι, to take to one’s self what is presented or brought by another, to accept, embrace, receive hos- pitably; admit, approve, allow. It implies a subjective reception, showing that a decision of the will has taken place with respect to the object presented, and that the accept- ance manifests it. 8. παραδέχομαι, (No. 7, with παρά, be- side, prefixed) to receive or accept [ 626 ] 10. 11. 17. 13. 14. REC near ΟΥ to one’s self, from another, with approval, (Ixx. for πὴ, Prov. iii. 12), (non occ.) . προσδέχομαι, (No. 7, with πρός, to- wards, prefixed) to accept to one’s self, admit, receive kindly, enter- tain as a host. ὑποδέχομαι, (No. 7, with ὑπό, under, prefixed) to accept or receive to one’s self as tf placing the arms under a person or thing ; hence, to receive to one’s self with evident favour and kindness; to welcome, (non occ.) ἀναδέχομαι, (No. 7, with ἀνά, up, prefixed) to accept, receive or take on one’s self, physically, or as a debt of responsibility ; to take up, appropriate, adopt, (zon occ.) . ἀποδέχομαι, (No.7, with ἀπό, from, prefixed) to accept or receive from another for one’s self, accept with joy, to welcome. Here, mid. εἰσδέχομαι, (3ο. 7, with εἰς, unto, prefixed) to receive unto one’s self ov one’s house. Ixx. every- where for 2p, where God is said to gather and bring again His own people into their own land, (non oce.) ἐπιδέχομαι, (Vo. 7, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed) to receive upon or up to one’s self, admit, (non occ.) . κομίζω, to take care of, provide for ; of one fallen in battle, to take up and bear away ; hence, gen., to take up, carry off, so as to preserve. Here, mid., to carry for one’s self, bear or bring to one’s self, 1,6, acquire, obtain, receive so as to preserve. . ἀπέχω, to hold off from; to have off or out, z.e. to have all that ts one’s due, so as to cease from having more ; to have received in full; spoken of a person, to have for good and all. χωρέω, to give space, place, room ; make place ov room so as to take in or receive any thing, to hold contain. REC [ 627 | 5 | 1. 2 Cor. xi. 24. 15. Heb. x. 36 iva, that | 2: Gal. 1. 9, 12. 1, — xi. Ἡ, 18. δῶσιν, they may give 1, — iii, 2, 14. 1. 13’ (No. 9, L), h 3. — iv. 5. (No. 15, T Tr κ) αὐτόις, {ο them. 7. 14. 1. 17. ae rv 15.Eph. vi. 8 15. 19. 1, Matt, vii. 8. 1. John vii. 23, 39. 9. Phil ᾗ, 29 7, a ae 1. Ἔ 5, eS 11, 15, 18 twice, 2 = iy, 6. σας η. 14. see Sight. — 15, see Receiv- | 15,—— 39. 7. μμ 1. —— x, 18. ing. 8, —— xii. 6. 7. —— 41 1st. | 1, —— xii. 48, | 7. 18. 2. Ay Gnd. | 1. —— xiii. 204 times, 30, 16, 18, marg. (text, | 1. Jas. i. 7, 12. τᾷ Beer | 2, —— xiv. 3. have.) οἷ, 1. ἈΠῈ 1. 17. 2. Col. ii. 6 10.— ii, 25 part. — — xi. 5, see Sight 1. —— xvi. 14, 24, 9 - τὰν σ ρω 7. ο 1, —— xvii, 8. | -- 25, see R for. 1. — iv. 3. — — xiii. 19, 20 150. see 1, —— xviii. 3. ih τι 10 ist. ντ eae Seed. ἂν ——— xix. 30. μα 1034 | 15.1 Pet. i. 9. 1. 202nd. 1. —— xx, 22, 2 ly. -- 18, see Fathers. | S 23, see Seed. 1. Actsi. 8. | 7. 1 Thes. i. 6. 1, fv, 10, | 1. —— xvii, 16. 9. | ο, 13 Ist part 15.— vi 4 7. — xviii, 5 twice. | 1. —— ii. 33, 38. 7. 13 2nd. 1. 2 Pet. i. 17. — — xix. ll,seeR(can) — 41 sseeR (gladly) Ι 2 iv. 1. 15. — ii. 18. ο tn wi. 1. —— iii. 5. evan Thes. ii. 10. 1. 1 John ii. 27, 1. —— 29. i 7,see Strength. | οἱ iii, 6. 1, ~— Hil, 22. ; 1. — xx. 7 (αρ), 9, 7. 21. | —1 Tim. iii. 16,seeRup. | 1. —v. 9. 10 twice, 11 part. | a —— Vil. 38 | — —— iv. 3,see R (tobe) | 1. 2 John 4, | "ἐς 81, see Sight. 11. 53. [αρ 4 part. ην 8. uy 1, — xxi, 22, 34, | 7. 59. | 8 —v. 19. i 10. | 1, —— xxiii. 14 (ap.) [eh Τά, | 4. Philem. 12 (om. L T | 3. 3 John 8 (No. 6, G~L 1, —— xxv. 16. j 1. 15, 17, 19. Trmb A 89), the sense Torr ATS) ος 17, see R (he | — — ix. 12, 17, 18, see being completed in | 14. 9, 10. that had) | Sight. ver. 17. 1. Rev. ii. 17, 27, 1, 18, 20. | 1. 19 part. 16. 15. ΠΗ Li 22 (om. G -- L | ———-x. ὟΝ see R up. | Zi 17. σοι η T Tr Α. [ι. , 47. 1. Heb. ii. 2 1. —v. 12 1. 24. | 7. —— xi. 1. 5, — vi. 7. 18, xiii, 16, marg 15. 27. | — — xv. 4, see R (be) πι αμ) give. | — Mark ii. 3, see Room. | 8. —— xvi. 51, ie. 6, see Tithes. 1 xiv. 9,11 1. —— iv. 16. j 1. 34, Ἴ. 8, 9. 1, — xvii, 12twice 8, - 20. pv ai te eee ἘΠ Ἡρρπιαν, eee ση 7. ἘΞ ἢ "ἢ "ἢ 1. 1. ----- ix. 36. 1, — xix, 20 7. ix. 374 times. | 12. | 1, ——-x. 26. | 1, —— xx. 4 7. — Bae | as —— xix. a ae i I —— xx. - ἘΞ 5, 32, see Sight. | 7. κ εἶ. (No, = RECEIVE AGAIN. 1. — xi. r NA τος 1, —— xii. re 40. 7. — xxii. 5. 3. Luke vi. 34. 1. — xv. 28. -- 13, see Sight. — — xvi. 19, see R up. μμ το Τλικον. 27, see Custom. | 1. —— xxvi. 10, 18. RECEIVE (cay) 16.— vi. 24 4. — xxviii. 2. 17. Matt. xix. 11 3. 34 lst πὸ, πι] 1||ΞΞ- --- Ὁ . Matt. xix. 11. TrAR®.) fe 21. -- 94 2nd, see Ri} 12. Ng 7. ——viii. 13. [(again) | 1. Rom. i. 5. TR OR 41 Hh seo Ready) δ᾽ ο RECEIVE FOR. (fet ὦ hee ive μα; 15. Col. iii, 25. (“lwo 2,1 T wh, i, | Tr AN.) 1. — viii. 15 twice. τ a. nae '—— ix. 15, see Re- h -- seo R up| ceiving. RECEIVE (arapty) 7. (Chat ghoul πὰ AO HERR τ τα, 12, Luke viii. 4. | Ο15. Acts ii. 41. 7. —x. 8, 10. | 4, —— xv. ee 10. 38. 9, —— xvi. 2. | 1. — xi. ἐς " 1 Cor. ἘΝ 12, RECEIVE UP 9. —— xv. 2. . ν : ; ta ης eh tA, - a ee a 7 — xvi. 4, 9. 1, —— iy, 75 times. ἀναλαμβάνω, (No. 1, with ἀνά, up ο) 8, 95, 1, —— ix, 24. age ain, prefixed. ) 7. —— xviii. 17. 2, —— xi. 23. 3. —— 30 (No. 1, L.) 1. —— xiv. 5. Matt. xvi. 19 (ap.) x | Wwe Acts x. 16, ———- 41, 42, 43, see 2. το], 5, 1 Tim. iii. 16. 10,—— xix. ok [Sight. | — 2 Cor. πῇ 1, see Mercy. 1. ——12, 5 es 1. — xx, 47. 7. — vi. 1. RECEIVED (sr) 3. —— xxiii. 41. ; 13 iv él 2. John i, 11. 17.— vii. 2 12, Acts xv. 4 (No. 8, L Ὁ ΜΝ.) if tie Bend 9, see Damage. 1. — iii. 7. 15. τ 27, marg. take | 7, —— viii. 4 (om. ae % i unto ων, an as nit, Dae 7 RECEIVED (πε THAT I AD) i) 5 » 1.6, a qo vats ty, 88, | us an mich ontreaty | ὃ, the one, (with an ellipsis in the con- | " 45. the giftand, ete. 1. —— v.34, 41,43 twice 44, | 1, —— xi, 4twice. | struction. ) 1. — vi. 21. ue, 16, marg. suffer. Matt, xxv. 17. QQ* REC RECEIVED UP (ruHat...sHOULD BE) | τῆς ἀναλήψεως, of the taking [Him] up. Luke is. 51. RECEIVED (το 88) ( εἰς, unto, with a view to, μετάληψις, reception, (see above, (° No. 5.) 1 Tim. iv. 3. RECEIVING. 1. λήψις, a taking; a receiving, (non oce.) 2. πρόσληψις, (No. 1, with πρός, to- wards, prefixed) a taking to one’s self, receiving, admission, (non occ.) 9. Rom. ix. 15. Ι 1. Phil. iv. 15. RECKON (-rp, -ETH.) 1. λογίζομαι, to count, reckon, caleu- late, compute, (strictly of nu- merical calculation); then, to think, consider, 2. συναίρω, to take up together, to take up a matter or account to- gether for adjustment ; hence, to reckon together. to take or make up the account with. συναίρω, see No. 2, above, ᾿ ) λόγος, an account, ( a matter, 2. Matt. xviii. 24, 1, Rom. iv. 4, 9, 10. 3. —— xxv. 19. 1, —— vi. 11. 1, Luke xxii. 37. 1. —— viii. 18. 1. 2 Cor. x. 2, marg. (text, think of.) RECOMMEND (-rp.) παραδίδωμι, to give near, with, or to any one; give over, deliver over; commit, entrust, commend to. Acts xiv. 26. | Acts xv. 40. RECOMPENCE. [noun.] 1. ἀνταπόδομα, a giving back instead of something received ; or simply, repayment, (non occ.) 2. ἀντιμισθία, wages, retribution; re- ward, compensation, (non occ.) 1. Luke xiv. 12. 2. Rom. i, 27. | 1. Rom. xi. 9. 2. 2 Cor. vi. 13. [ 628 ] REC RECOMPENCE IN (τοι a) THE SAME for a corres- ponding ο) answering recompence, τὴν, the αὐτὴν, same ἀντιμισθίαν, recom- ( pence, 2 Cor. vi. 13. RECOMPENCE OF REWARD. μισθαποδοσία, full payment of wages, (non occ.) Heb. ii. 2. Heb. x. 35. | Heb. xi. 26. RECOMPENSE (-xp.) [verb.] 1. ἀνταποδίδωμι, to give back instead of something received; to repay, requite. | 2. ἀποδίδωμι, to give away from one’s self, 1.6, to deliver over, bestow, render, pay over, pay off. 1. Luke xiv. 14 twice. 1. 2 Thes. i. 6, 2. Rom. xii. 17, 1. Heb. x. 30. RECOMPENSE AGAIN. 1. Rom. πι. 35. RECONCILE. . καταλλάσσω, to change against any thing, to exchange ; then, to change a person, reconcile to any one, (thus differing from διαλλάσσω, which implies a mutual change, and refers to many, while No.1 7s said of one only) so to act that the opposite party may lay aside his enmity, (zon occ.) 2. ἀποκαταλλάσσω, (No. 1, with ἀπό, from, prefiaed, indicating that the thing intended by No. 1 is done altogether, absolutely, or in a greater degree) to change from one state into another, to so put away all enmity that amity follows, and no impediment remains to unity and peace, (non occ.) 1. Rom. ν. 10. | 1, 2 Cor. v. 18, 19, 20. 1. 1 Cor, vii. 11. 2. Eph. ii. 16, 2, Col. i. 20, 21. RECONCILED (nr) διαλλάσσομαι, to change one’s own feel- ings towards another, so that he REC changes his; to be reconciled to each other, (non oce.) Matt. v. 24. RECONCILIATION. καταλλαγή, change on the part of one party only, induced by some action on the part of another; the re- conciliation of men by the love of God in the gift of His Son. [The Ministry of Reconciliation is not the office of teaching the doc- trine of remission or expiation ; but it is the office of advising, ex- horting, beseeching men to be reconciled to God. For it is not God who is the enemy of men, but men who are enemies to God. (Rom. v. 8-10; viii. 7.)] 2 Cor. v. 18, 19. RECONCILIATION (ataxe) ἱλάσκομαι, to incline one’s self towards any one. [In profane Greek, it is to appease, propitiate the gods, but Biblical Greek differs remarkably ; only in Gen. xxxii. 20, and Zech. vii. 2, is the construction like profane Greek usage, and here the Heb. is nw, lift wp, be gracious, and 4>n, beseech, implore. Elsewhere it is never joined with the Ace. or Dat. of the person whose goodwill is to be won, 1.6. God is never the object of the action denoted; it never means to conciliate God. It is the equivalent for 752, because it was the set expression for ex- piatory acts, though totally differ- ent from the heathen idea. For God is not of Himself alienated from man, but in order that He may not be necessitated to act otherwise, 2.6. for righteousness’ sake an expiation is necessary. This expiation is of God—His love anticipating and meeting His righteousness. Nothing happens to God as in the heathen view, rather, something happens to man, who escapes the wrath to come and remains in the covenant of grace.| (occ. Luke xviii. 13.) Heb, ii. 17. [ 629 1 REC RECONCILING. [noun.]} καταλλαγή, see “ RECONCILIATION.” Rom. xi. 15. RECORD. . paptus,a witness, (not an eye-witness) but one who has information or knowledge of a thing; and hence, one who can give information about, or confirm anything. . μαρτυρία, a bearing witness, certify- ing, witnessing to; then, that which any one witnesses, or states concerning any person or thing. 2. John i. 19. 1. 2 Cor. 1. 58, 2, — viii. 13, 14. Te Ρως 2, —— xix. 35. 2. 1 John ν. 10, 12. 2. 3 John 12. RECORD (eFar) μαρτυρέω, to be a witness, to bear wit- ness, 1.9. to attest anything that one knows, and therefore to state with a certain degree of authority, usually for something, and hence, to confirm 07 prove. John i. 82, 34. 2 Cor. viii. 3, —— viii. 13, 14. Gal. iv. 15. — xii. 17. Col. iv. 13. — xix. 35. 1 John v. 7, Rom, x. 2. 3 John 12. Rey. i. 2. RECORD (take το) μαρτύρομαι, to call to witness ; oftener, to assert or attest anything, to make known or affirm a truth with emphasis; also, to conjure any one, to exhort earnestly, (οσο, Gal. v. 3; Eph. iv. 17.) Acts xx. 26. ἀνανήφω, to become sober again, come RECOVER (-rxa.) ἔχω, to have, ) tohave one’s self well, καλῶς, well, } 1.6. to be well, recover from sickness. Mark xvi. 18 (ap.) RECOVER ONE'S SELF. | to one’s senses ; recover sobriety, wake up to sobriety, (non occ.) 2 Tim. ii, 26, marg. awake. REC RECOVERING. Luke iv. 18, see Sight. [ 6380 ] RED. πυῤῥός, fire-coloured ; hence, fiery red, red. [It is also the colour of blood, ch. vi. 4, 12. When combined with fire, and applied to a being denotes him as bloodthirsty and cruel. So John describes the Devil in his Gospel and Epistle, (John viii. 44; 1 John iii. 12.) Hence, the Throne is set to judge him in accordance with Gen. ix. 5.] Rey. xii. 3. RED (sr) πυῤῥάζω, to be fire-coloured or fire red, (non occ.) Matt. xvi. 2, 3. RED (vuar Is) πυῤῥός, see “RED,” above. Rev. vi. 4. RED SEA. ἐρυθρός, red; spoken of the colour of nectarand \the Eryth- wine, also of copper Jrean Sea; and of blood, (answer-{ our Red ing to Eng.,ruddy, red, Sea or and Germ., roth ; also Indian like Lat., rufus, ru- Ocean, ber,) (non occ.) θάλασσα, sea, Acts vii. 36. | Heb. xi. 29. REDEEM (-5Ρ, -τνα.) 1. λυτρόω, to bring forward a ransom ; the Act. being used, not of him who gives, but of him who receives it ; hence, to release on receipt of a ransom, (non occ.) (a) Mid., to release by payment of a ransom, to redeem. 2. ἀγοράζω, to be in the ἀγορά, (the assembly or place of assembly ; hence,market) todo business there, 1.6. buy and sell. In N.7.,to buy, to purchase, acquire for one’s self by a price duly and freely paid. | REE | 3. ἐξαγοράζω, (No. 2, with ἐκ, out of, prefixed) to purchase out, buy up Srom the power or possession of any one; purchase from; hence, to redeem, release, set free out of service or bondage, (non occ.) 7 ποιέω, to make, work re- λύτρωσις, the act of | demption, 4 freeing or releas- { effect deliv- : ing; ransom, re- { erance, (occ. demption, deliver- Ὁ Luke ii. 38; ance, (see below) / Heb. ix. 2.) 4, Luke i. 68. 3, Col. iv. 5. la.— xxiv. 21. la. Tit. ii. 14, 3. Gal. iii, 13, 1. 1 Pet. i. 18. 3. — iv. 5. 2. Rev. v. 9. 3. Eph. v. 16. 2. — xiv. 3. 2. Rev. xiv. 4, marg. buy. REDEMPTION. 1. λύτρωσις, the act of freeing or re- leasing; deliverance; redemption, not with reference to the person delivering, but to the person de- livered. Hence, redemption for one from guilt and punishment, brought about by expiation. 2. ἀπολύτρωσις, (No.1, with ἀπό, from, away from, prefixed) releasing on receipt of a ransom; redemption as the result of expiation; deliver- ance from the guilt and punish- ment of sin, and, applying to the whole being, deliverance of the soul from sin, and the body from the grave, (occ. Heb. xi. 35.) 1. Luke ii. 38. 2. Eph. i. 7, 14. 2. —— xxi. 28. 2. —— iv. 30. 2. Rom. 111, 24, 2. Col. i. 14 2. —— viii. 25, 1. Heb. ix. 12. 2, 1 Cor. i. 30. 2. REDOUND. περισσεύω, to be over and above, to exceed in number, measure, or degree. REED. κάλαμος, a reed; a plant with jointed hollow stalk growing in wet grounds; the stalk as cut for use, a reed; wsed for writing, (οσο. 3 John 13) a pen, Zat., calamus. Matt. xi. 7. Mark xv. 19, 36, xii. 20. Luke vii. 24, — xxvii. 29, 30, 48. Rev. xi. 1, Rev. xxi, 15, 16, REF [ 631 Ἵ REG REFORMATION. REFUSE. [verb.] διόρθωσις, a making straight, setting 1. παραιτέομαι, to ask beside ov aside, right, restoring to order, (non oce. J Heb. ix. 10. REFRAIN. 1, παύω, Eng., to pause, to make pause, restrain ; here, mid., to pause, re- frain from. 2. ἀφίστημι, to place away from, to separate, 7.e. remove, withdraw. 2. Acts v. 38. | 1, 1 Pet. iii. 10. REFRESH (-xp.) : ἀναπαύω, (No. 1, above, with ἀνά, again, pr efiwed) to cause to pause again, to cause to rest, to give rest from labour or effort ; hence, to refresh, — . ἀναψύχω, to draw breath again, to take breath; to revive by fresh air, be refreshed, esp. with cooling, (non oce.) 1. 1 Cor. xvi, 18. 2. 2 Tim. i. 16. 1. 2 Cor. vii. 13. | 1. Philem. 7, 20. —_——. REFRESH ONE’S SELF. τυγχάνω, to obtain, i.e. to enjoy receive, the kind atten- ἐπιμελεία, care for, ( tions of his attention, friends, (see 2 Mace. xi, 23.) Acts xxvii, 8, REFRESHED (15) συναναπαύω, (No. 1, above, with σύν, in conjunction with , profived) mid., to refresh one’s self, or be re- freshed in conjunction with any one, or in his company. Rom. xv. 32 (ap.) eee REFRESHING. ἀνάψυξις, drawing breath again, a re- lieving and recovering from toil and all evils, (non occ.) Acts ii iii. i. 19. REFUGE, Hah’ Vi. μον. πλ ο ον. see FLEE. to beg off from, entreat that some- thing may not ‘take place, excuse one’s self ; then, to refuse. 2. ἀρνέομαι, to ques renounce, reject. [This rejection of Moses, Acts vii. 35, (quoted from Exod. ii. 14) takes its place with that of Joseph, Gen. xxxvii. 8, and Jesus, Luke xix. 14, and in each case the one: rejected does afterwards bear the rule, in connection with a Gentile bride !] 2. Acts vii. 35. πιουν a: 1. — xxv. 11. 2. Heb. xi. 24. 1. 1 Tim. iv. 7. 1. — xii, 25 twice. REFUSED (το 88) ἀπόβλητος, what should be cast away, to be thrown away as worthless, (non occ.) 1 Tim. i. 4. πε. ο κ ο 55.5.9 REGARD (-£p, -xs7, -ΕΤΗ, -Τνα.) 1. βλέπω, to use the eyes, to see, to look, (see under “sen,” No. 5) here. , followed τ εἰς, unto. 2. ἐπιβλέπω, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed) to use or fix the eyes upon, to look upon; hence, to have respect to. Here, followed by ἐπί, upon. 3. φρονέω, to have mind, to think, ze. to understand ; to mind, regard, care for. 4. ἐντρέπω, to invert, turn about, to turn one in upon himself ze. to bring to reflection, to affect, to move. Here, mid., to feel or have respect or deference tow ards, to respect. 1. Matt. xxii. 16. 8, Rom. xiv, 6 2nd. 1. Mark mii. 14, ᾿ 6 3rd ἃ 4th (qp,) 2. Luke i. 48, — Phil. ii, 30, seo R 4, Xviii, 2, 4. not. 3. Rom. xiv, 61st, marg. | — Heb. viii. 9, see R observe. not, REGARD (yor) 1. παραβουλεύομαι, to misconsult. 2. ἀμελέω, not to care for, disregard. neglect, 1, Phil. ii. 30 (παραβολεύομαι, to expose one’s self to danger, Ban, arding, GLT Ἐν Α κα.) 2. Heb. vin. REG REGENERATION. παλιγγενεσία, (πάλιν, again, back again ; and γένεσις, creation) regenera- tion, used of the new man, man in Christ, (compare ἄνωθεν γεννεθῆναι, to be begotten from above, John 11. 6, 7; and γεννηθῆναι ἐκ θεοῦ, begotten or born of God, John 1.138; 1 John ii.19; iii. 9; iv. 7; v.1,4,18. Lhe verb ἀναγεννάομαι, to be begotten or born again, 1 Pet. i. 3, 23. The noun ἀναγέννησις, does not occur in N.T., but often in the Greek Fathers.) παλιγγενεσία is also used of the new creation, the restoration or restitution of all things alluded to in Acts iii. 21; Rom. viii. 21, ete., (non oce.) Matt. xix, 28. Ι ‘Titus iii. 5, REGION (-s.) 1. xwpa,space which receives, contains, or surrounds anything ; and so, place, spot where one is or anything takes place. Then used with the name of a town, etc., of the district or the open country round it. 2. κλίμα, inclination, declivity; then, Srom the apparent inclination of the heavens, the earth was divided into several κλίματα, climates, by lines drawn parallel to the sun’s course ; hence, clime, region, (occ. Rom. xv. 23.) 1. Matt. iv. 16. 1. Luke iii. 1. 1. Acts viii. 1. 1. Acts xiii. 49. 1. —— xvi. 6. 2. 2 Cor. xi. 10. 2. Gal. i. 21. REGION ROUND ABOUT. περίχωρος, around a place, 1.6. cireum- jacent, neighbouring. JZere, fem., with art., and γή, land, understood, the country round about, the adjacent region. Matt. iii. 5. Mark vi. 55 (χώρα, region, Mark i. 28. δ Lukeiv. 14, [L™TTrAn.) Luke vii. 17. REGION THAT LIETH ROUND ABOUT. περίχωρος, see above. Acts xiv. 6, [ 632 1 REI REGIONS BEYOND (ππε) τὰ, the (neut. pl.)... ὑπερέκεινα, beyond those, (non oce.) 2 Cor. x. 16. [ REHEARSE (-rp.) ἀναγγέλλω, to bring a message back again, report back, used of the reports brought by persons re- turning from somewhere ; hence tm a weaker sense, to report. Acts xiv. 27. REHEARSE FROM THE BE- GINNING. ἄρχομαι, to begin, intrans., and gen. followed by another verb. Here, “beginning—was setting forth.” Acts xi. 4. REIGN. [noun.] ἡγεμονία, leadership, supremacy, gov- ernment. Luke iii. 1. REIGN (-£p, -ΕΤΗ.) [verb. | 1. βασιλεύω, to be king, possess regal authority, to reign, (occ. 1 Tim. 2{ vi. 15 part.) ἔχω, to have, βασιλεία, a kingdom. 1. Matt. ii. 22. 1. 1 ΟοΥ, χν. 35, 1. Luke i. 33. —2 Tim. ii. 12, see B 1, —— xix. 14, 27. with. 1. Rom. ν. 14, 17 twice, | 1. Rev. v. 10. 21 twice. 1, —— xi. 15, 17. 1. vi. 12. 1. —— xix. 6, — — xv. 12, see R over. | 1. —— xx. 4, 6. 1. 1 Cor. iv. 8 1st ἃ 2nd, 2. —— xvii. 18. --- 83rd, see R with. | 1. —— xxii, 5, REIGN OVER. ἄρχω, to begin, be first, in rank or dignity ; hence, to rule, reign. Rom. xv. 12, REIGN WITH. συμβασιλεύω, (“Rretan,” No. 1, with σύν, in conjunction with, prefixed) to reign in conjunction with another, (non occ.) 1 Cor. iv. 8. | 2 Tim, 11, 12, . Mark vi. 26. REI REINS. γεφρός, kidney; wsually pl. ot νεφροί, the kidneys, reins, loins ; used of the seat of the desires and passions, (Ixx. for Πρ», Ps. vii. 10; Jer. xi. 20; xvii. 10; xx. 12), (non occ.) Rev. ii. 23. REJECT (-Εν, -ΕτΠ.) ἀποδοκιμάζω, to disapprove, to re- ject after making trial, (oce. 1 Pet. ii. 4, 7.) ἀθετέω, to displace, set aside, cast off, get rid of. ἐκπτύω, to spit out, to spit in token of disgust, (non occ.) παραιτέομαι, to ask beside, ask aside, get rid of by asking, beg off from, to excuse one’s self. . Luke xvii. 25. . — xx. 17. . John xii. 48, . Gal. iv. 14. Matt. xxi. 42. — vii. 9, marg. frus- 1 Thes. 11. 8 twice, marg. (text, despise.) Tit. iii. 10, frustrate. — ix. 22. ο pear ee REJECTED. ἀδόκιμος, not approved, rejected after trial. Heb. vi. 8. REJOICE (-£p, -ΕΤΠ, -ING.) . χαίρω, to rejoice, be delighted or pleased, to be glad. ἀγαλλιάω, to leap ov dance much, to rejoice with song and dance; hence, to exult, leap for joy. εὐφραίνω, to make glad-minded, to cheer. Here, mid. or Aor. pass., to make merry, enjoy one’s self, esp., as connected with feasting. καυχάοµαι, to speak loud, be loud- tongued, boast or vaunt one’s self, to glory or exult both in a good and bad sense. Matt. ii. 10. — ν. 12. — xviii. 13. * Luke 1, 14. 47 1, Luke vi. 23. . — x. 20 twice. — xv. 5. 6, 9, see R with. jPeeee 58, see R with. [ 655 ] 1. Luke xix. 37. 3. Gal. iv. 27. 1. John iii. 29, 1. Phil. 1. 18 twice. 1. —— iv. 36. — —— ii. 16, see R (that 2, ——v. 35. I may) 2, —— viii. 56. -- 17, 18, see R 1, —— xiv. 28. 1 28. [with. 1. — xvi. 20, 22. 1. — iii. 1. 3. Acts ii. 26, 4, " 1. ——v. 41. 1. —— iv. 4 twice, 10, 3. — vii. 41. 1. Col. i. 24. 1. — viii. 39. 1. 1 Thes. v. 16. 1, —— xv. 31. 4, Jas. i. 9, marg. glory. 2, — xvi. 34. —— ii. 13, see R 4, Rom. v. 2. against. 1. —— xii. 12, 15 twice. 4, —— iv. 16, 3. —— xv. 10. —1 Pet. i. 6, see Καὶ 1. 1 Cor. vii. 30 twice. 1 2: 8. [(greatly) — — xii. 96,566 R with. | 1. —— iv. 19. 1. 1 Cor. xiii. 6 1st, with | 1. 2 John 4. ἐπί, wpon. 1. 3 John 3. τος 6 2nd, see R in. 1. Rev. xi. 10. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 9. | 3. —— xii. 12. 1. — vi. 10. | 3. —— xviii. 20. 1. —— vii. 7, 9, 16. 2. —— xix. 7. REJOICE AGAINST. κατακαυχάοµαι, (No. 4, with κατά, against, prefixed) to speak loud or be loud tongued against, boast or vaunt one’s self against. Jas. ii. 13, marg. glory against. REJOICE (arearty) 2. 1 Pet. i. 6. REJOICE (rHar τ May) εἰς, unto, for, καύχημα, a matter or subject of boasting, ἐμοί, to me. Phil. ii. 16. REJOICE IN. συγχαίρω, (No. 1, with σύν, in conjunc- tion with, prefixed) to rejoice in conjunction with. 1 Cor, xiii. 6, marg. Rejoice with. REJOICE WITH. συγχαίρω, see above. Luke i. 58. xv. 6, 9. 1 Cor, xii. 26. 1 Cor. xiii. 6, marg. (text, rejoice in.) Phil. ii. 17, 18. REJOICING. 1. καύχημα, the subject-matter or theme of glorying, a boasting or exulting, (see “rrsorce,” Vo. 4. REL 2. καύχησις, the act of glorying or boasting, (see “ REJOICE,” Wo. 4.) 2. 1 Cor. xv. 31. 1. Phil. 1.26, 2. 2 Cor. i. 12. 2.1 Thes. 11, 19, marg. ik 14. 1. Heb. iii. 6. [glorying. 1. Gal. vi. 4. 2. Jas. iv. 16. RELEASE (-rp.) [verb.] ἀπολύω, to let loose from, loosen, un- bind ; free, relieve from ; release, let go free. Matt. xxvii. 15, 17, 21, 26. | Luke xxiii. 16, 17 (ap.), 18, Mark xv. 6, 9, 11, 15. John xviii. 39 twice. [20,25. John xix. 10, 12. RELIEF. οιακονία, serviceable labour, service, ministry. In the Christian church it denotes any ministerial office with reference to the labour per- taining thereto. Acts xi, 29. RELIEVE (59) ἐπαρκέω, to ward off, keep off something from one; hence, to help. assist, succour, (πο: occ.) 1 Tim, v. 10, 16 twice. RELIGION. θρησκεία, religious observance, the out- ward ceremonial service of re- ligion, the external form, (as opp. to εὐσεβεία, practical piety rightly directed ; θεοσεβεία, the worship of God; εὐλάβεια, the devoutness arising from godly fear) see “ RE- tiarous,” Wo. 1, (οσο. Col. ii. 18.) ᾿ | Gal. i. 13, 14, see Jews’. as. 1. 26, 27, Acts xxvi. 5. RELIGIOUS 1. θρῆσκος, religious, esp., in a bad sense, superstitious ; as subst., the zealous and diligent performer of the outward service of God, (erther from θρῇξ, because of their mysteries ; or from τρέω, full of religious fear; or from θρέω, muttering forms of prayer), (non occ.) God and man, and esp., when about to do something disgraceful, to [ 684 1 1 2. σέβω, to stand in awe or fear before | | pass., to be left over, be left re- REM feel shame, be afraid; hence, God-fearing, to be God-fearing as to doing something. In classical Greek only the fear of wrong, not the conscientious practice of right, but this is accounted for if we consider the nature of their gods. Used in N.T. only of prose- lytes. Here pass. part., devout, pious. 2. Acts xiii. 43. 1. Jas, 1. 26. REMAIN (-5Ρ, -EsT, -ETH, -ING.) 1. μένω, to remain, continue, abide; stay, dwell. 2. διαμένω, (Wo. 1, with dia, through, prefixed) to continue throughout, to remain through. 3. ἀπολείπω, to leave away from one’s self. Here, pass., to be left be- hind, remain, (Ixx. for Nw), Ex. xiv. 28.) 4. περιλείπω, to leave over. Here maining, to survive, (non οσο.) 5. περισσεύω, to be over and above, to exceed in number or measure ; be more than enough. 1. Matt. xi. 23 1. Acts xxvii. 41. 5. —— xiv. 20. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 11. 2. Luke i. 22. | — 29, see R (it) 5. —— ix. 17. 1. xv. 6. 1. ——x. | 1. 2 Cor. iii. 11, 14, 1. John i. 33. 1, —— ix. 9. 5. —— vi. 14, 4, 1 Thes. Ἵν: 15, 17. 1. —— ix. 41. 2. Heb. i. 1, —— xv. 11 (7 may be, | 3. — iv. ολ Ὁ, Seen 8. ΞΞ = OF Ms 16. 1. —— xii. 27. 1, —— xix. 31. 1, 1 John ii. 24, 1. Acts v. 4 part. 1. — iii. 9. REMAIN OVER AND ABOVE. 5. John vi. 13. REMAIN (rue ΤΠΙΝῸΒ wuicr) τὰ λοιπά, the rest, the remaining things. Rev. iii. 2 REMAINETH (rr) | τὸ λοιπόν, for the rest, as to the rest ; or, the time that remains is short ; or the opportunity is contracted for what remains. 1 Cor, vii. 29. | | | ἰ REM REM REMEMBER (-ΕΡ, -EsT, -ETH.) . μνημονεύω, act., to call to another's mind, mention; then, to call to one’s own mind, to remember. Pass., to be remembered, have in memory, (occ. Heb. xi. 15, 22.) μιμνήσκω, to think much of a thing, and so to remember, to call to one’s mind, begin to remember, remind, (a) Mid., to begin to call to mind, recollect, remember, (see “ MIND- FUL OF (BE),” Wo. 3.) . ἀναμιμνήσκω, (No. 2, with ἀνά, up, or back, prefixed) to call up to mind, to recall to one’s mind. . ὑπομιμνήσκω, (Wo. 2, with ὑπό, im- plying stealth, prefixed) to call to one’s mind, privately, silently, by hints or suggestions; hence, to suggest to one’s mind, put in mind of, bring to remembrance. (a) Mid., to call to one’s own mind Srom something unobserved by others. 2. Matt. v. 23. 9. 2\Cor.. vii. 15. 1, — xvi. 9. 2. Gal. ii. 10 2, —— xxvi. 75 1. Col. iv. 18 2. — xxvii. 63. 1. 1 Thes. i. 3 1. Mark viii. 18. a ii. 2. Luke i. 72. 1. 2 Thes, ii. 5 2. —— xvi. 25. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 8. 1. —— xvii. 32. 2. Heb. viii. 12. 4a.— xxii. 61. 2. ——x.17. 2. —— xxiii. 42. 1. —— xi. 22, marg. (text, 2. —— xxiv. 6, 8. make mention.) 2. John ii. 17, 22. 2a,— xiii. 3. 2. —— xii. 16. τ. G 1, —— xv. 20. 4. 3 John 10, 1. — xvi. 4, 21. 2. Jude 17. 2. Acts xi. 16. 1. Rev. ii. 5. 1, —— xx. 31, 35. 1. — iii. 3. 2. 1 Cor. xi. 2. 1. — xviii. 5. REMEMBRANCE. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. ἀνάμνησις, a calling up to mind, a causing to remember, remem- brance, (οσο. Heb. x. 3.) 2. ὑπόμνησις, a putting in mind, pri- vately, or by hints or suggestions ; a suggesting to one’s mind; a bringing to remembrance, (non occ.) 8. μνεία, remembrance memory, men- tion. --.... .. 4, μνήμη, memory as a power of the mind, esp. as distinguished from No. 1, which is the act of recol- lecting ; remembrance, record of a thing, (non occ.) 1. Luke xxii. 19. 8. 2 Tim. i. 9. 1. 1 Cor. xi. 24, 25. 2. 5. 3. Phil. i. 3, marg. men- | 2. 2 Pet. i. 13. tion. + 15, and see R 8, 1 Thes. iii. 6. (have in) 2. 2 Pet. iii. 1. REMEMBRANCE AGAIN. 1. Heb. κ,5, REMEMBRANCE (se wap ry) μιμνήσκω, see “REMEMBER,” JVo. 2. Acts x. 31, pass. REMEMBRANCE (spine τκτο) ἀναμιμνήσκω, see “REMEMBER,” Vo. 8. 1 Cor. iv. 17. REMEMBRANCE (srtvne το) ὑπομιμνήσκω, see “ REMEMBER,” Λο. 4. John xiv. 26. REMEMBRANCE (catt το) ἀναμιμνήσκω, see “REMEMBER,” Vo. 3. Mark xi. 21. | Heb. x. 32. REMEMBRANCE (come ry) μιμνήσκω, see “REMEMBER,” Vo. 2. Rey. xvi. 19. REMEMBRANCE (nave τν) μνήμη, see above, ἣν Ὁ. 4, 2 Pet, i. 15. to make a remem- brance, (1.6. keep it up.) ποιέω, to make, REMEMBRANCE OF (rs) μιμνήσκω, see “REMEMBER,” Wo. (Here, 1 aor. inf.) Luke i. 54. 9 ~* REMEMBRANCE (evr ry) 1. ἀναμιμνήσκω, see “REMEMBER,” Vo. 3, 2. ὑπομιμνήσκω, see“ REMEMBER,” Vo. 4. REM [ 636 ] REM 3. ὑποτίθημι, to set or put under, to lay under; here, mid., to bring under the mind or notice of any one, to suggest, put in mind of as a teacher or otherwise, (occ. Rom. xvi. 4.) 3. 1 Tim. iv. 6 part. 1. 2 Tim. i. 6. 2. ἆ Pet. i. 12. 2. Jude 5. REMEMBRANCE OF (στ τν) ὑπομιμνήσκω, see “REMEMBER,” Vo. 4. 1. ἄφεσις, dismission, discharge, setting | 9 Tim. ii. 14. REMISSION. free. Jn lxx. and «Ν.Τ., setting free, remission of debt or punish- ment; hence, the forgiveness of sins on the part of God, and with reference to the future judgment; total remission and forgiveness excluding all idea of punishment, (see No. 2, below.) 2. πάρεσις, a letting pass, overlooking, a et μὰ μὶ not punishing, suspension of punishment, tolerating without special intervention, not like No. 1, which implies full pardon and for- giveness, but, a passing by of sins for the present. [ Wo. 2 is the word which describes the Ο.Τ: remission of punishment, solely traceable to the Divine patience ; while Wo. 1 is the V.7 remission of sins as characteristic of the Δ 7, salvation. Before the death of Christ, there was remission (Vo. 2) as a work of ἀνοχή (or forbearance.) After it there was remission (Wo. 1) as a work of χάρις (or grace),| (non ουσ.) . Matt. xxvi. 28. | 1, Acts ii. 38. . Mark i. 4. 1, —— x. 43. . Luke i. 77. 2. Rom. 111, 25, marg. . — iii. 3. passing over. : — xxiv. 47. 1. Heb. ix, 22. 1. Heb. x. 18. .« - = REMIT (-rp.) ἀφίημι, to send away, dismiss, set free; of sins, to remit the penalty of, i.e. to pardon, forgive. [Here, by proclaiming and promis- ing forgiveness, as influenced by the Spirit, not as influencing the Spirit, for ministerial acts are not creative, but declarative of the preceding acts of the Holy Ghost. With the gift of the Holy Ghost to any disciple, comes the knowledge of “sin, righteousness, and judgment,” and therefore a pre-eminent fitness for the dis- cernment of sin and repentance in others, and an authority to declare the fulfilment of God’s promises, or the contrary. | John xx. 23 Ist. 1 2. 232nd (ἀφέωνται, have been remitted, L T Tr Nc.) REMNANT. λοιπός, left, remaining ; the rest. λεῖμμα, a remnant left; esp., the less of two parts; remains, (non oce.) 9. κατάλειμμα, (Wo. 2, with κατά, down, prefixed) a remnant left behind, (non oce.) 1. Matt. xxii. 6. ᾿ 2. Rom. xi. 5. 3. Rom. ix. 27 (ὑπόλειμμα, | 1. Rev. xi. 15. a secret remnant, L | 1. —— xii. 17. TTrARW®.) 1, — xix. 21. iS) REMORSE. [{margin. | Rom. xi. 8, see ‘‘ SLUMBER.” REMOVE (αν. . αἴρω, to raise, raise or lift up; to take up, to carry; and hence, to carry ; carry away. . κινέω, to move, put in motion, shake. 9. μεθίστημι, to set ο). move over an 5, . μετατίθημι, Srom one place to another, to trans- fer, to remove. . μεταβαίνω, to go or pass over from one place to another. place among, place differently, change, alter; hence, to transfer, transpose, transport. παραφέρω, to bear beside ov near, bear along by, bear away as does a stream. -' ουσ ὃ eee [ 687 ] bo 4, Matt. xvii. 20 twice. μετάθεσις, transposition. . Matt. vii. 6. . — xxvi. 65. -- be co bo ; —— ix. 40. REM (a) Act., to let pass away, (occ. Mark xiv. 36.) (b) Pass., to be borne along by. — Acts vii, 4, see Τὸ into. 1, —— xxi. 21. 3. —— xiii. 22 part. 1. Mark xi. 23. — 1Cor. xiii. 2,866 R (can) 6a. Luke xxii. 42. 5. Gal. i. 6. 2, Rev. ii. 5. REMOVE (can) 8. 1 Cor. xiii. 2. REMOVE INTO. μετοικίζω, to lead to another abode, (οσο. Acts vii. 43.) Acts vii. 4. REMOVING. Eng., meia- thesis, a removal from one place to another, change, (occ. Heb. vii. ἘΦ: τὶ 5) Heb. xii. 27. REND, RENT, σχίζω, to split, cleave, rend; to divide with violence; esp., of wood, also of rocks, ete. . ῥήγνυμι, to break, burst through, break asunder ov in pieces ; shiver, shatter. . διαῤῥήσσω, (another form of No. 2, with διά, through, prefixed) to tear through, rend asunder, esp., of the clothes, (occ. Luke v. 6; viii. 29.) . σπαράσσω, to tear, lacerate, mangle, esp.,of dogs or carnivorous animals ; also, to convulse, throw into spasms 07 convulsions. | 3. Mark xiv. 63, 1, —— xv. 38. 1. Luke xxiii. 45. 1. John xix. 24. 3. Acts xiv. 14. — — xvi, 22, see R off. —— xxvii. 51 twice. Mark i. 10, marg. (text, open.) σος REND OFF. περιῤῥήγνυμι, (No. 2, with περί, around, prefixed) to tear from around any one, as fetters, or garments, (non occ.) Acts xvi. 22, 4 ἀνακαίνωσις, REN RENDER (-τκα.) 1. ἀποδίδωμι, to give away from one's self, to deliver over, to give up, to bestow ; used in ref. to obligation, to give in full, to render, pay over or off, as vows or wages. 2. ἀνταποδίδωμι, (No. 1, with ἀντί, in place of, Fk aghes to give back instead of something received, re- compense, to reward. 1. Matt. xxi. 41. 1. Rom. xiii. 7. 1, — xxii. 21. | 1. 1 Cor. vii. 3. 1, Mark xii. 17, | 2. 1 Thes. iii. 9. 1. Luke xx. 25, 1. —v. 15. 1. Rom. ii. 6. 1. 1 Pet. iii. 9. RENEW (-ep.) 1. ἀνακαινόω, to renew, (from καινός, not recent, but different) to come in the place of what was formerly and has not yet been used. Here, to daily acquire new strength, which previously it had not, (non occ.), (see under “NEW.” 2. avaxawilw, (differing from No. 1 only in the termination, denoting more activity in the making new), (non occ.) 1, 2 Cor. iv. 16. | 1. Col. iii. 10. 2. Heb. vi. 6. RENEWED (55) ἀνανεόομαι, to be renewed, (from νέος, recent, as well as different, only lately originated) to be only lately originated orestablished; denoting that a new spirit should dwell in those who have put on the καινός or new man, (non occ.) Eph. iv. 23. RENEWING. renewal, renovation, a making other and different from that which had been formerly, (non oce.) Rom. xii. 2. | Tit. iii. 5. RENOUNCE. ἀπεῖπον, to speak out or off, 1.6. to the end. In N.T. only mid., to speak one’s self off from any thing, i.e. renounce, disown, (non occ.) 2 Cor, ἵν. 2, REN RENT. [noun.] | σχίσμα, that which is cloven or parted, esp. by violence ; a cleft, division, rent. Matt. ix. 16. RENT (Make 4) σχίζω, see “REND,” Λο. 1. Luke v. 38. Mark ii. 21. REPAY. 1. ἀποδίδωμι, see “ RENDER,” Wo. 1. 2. ἀνταποδίδωμι, see “RENDER,” No. 9. 3. ἀποτίω, to pay back, repay, pay in full; esp., to avenge, take ven- geance, (207 occ.) 1. Luke x. 35. 2. Rom, xii. 19. | 3. Philem. 19. REPENT (-rp.) 1. µετανοέω, to perceive afterwards, (opp. to προνοέω) hence, to change one’s mind and purpose. This | change is always for the better, and denotes a change of moral thought and reflection ; not merely to repent of, nor to forsake sin, but to change one’s mind and apprehensions regarding it; hence, to repent in | a moral and religious sense, with the feeling of remorse and sorrow. | (Zat., resipisco, to recover one’s senses, come to a right under- standing; and resipiscentia, the growing wise.) μετανοέω denotes to reform, to haveagenuine change of heart and life from worse to better. (a) Followed by ἐκ, showing a com- plete change, out of a former mode of life, to a new and different life. 2. μεταμέλομαι, to rue, regret; to have dissatisfaction with one’s self for what one has done, to change or alter one’s purpose, have anxiety consequent on a past transaction ; to have pain of mind, rather than change of mind; and change of purpose, rather than change of heart. [ο ἢ | Luke iii. 8, 8. 29 REP [Godly sorrow works a reformation (3ο. 1) which brings no regrets, (No. 9) 2 Cor. vii. 10. Esau found no place for changing his father’s mind, (Wo. 1) though his father might deeply regret it, (Wo. 2) Heb. xii. 17. Judas might have No. 2, but not Wo. 1, see Matt. Xxvii. 3. | 1. Matt. iii. 2. 1. Acts iii. 19. 1. — iv. 17. 1. —— viii. 22. 1. — xi. 20, 21. 1. —— xvii. 30. 1. —— xii. 41 1. xxvi. 20. 2. —— xxi. 29, 32 2. 2 Cor. vii. 8 twice. —— xxvii. 3, see ΒΕ. — 10, see R of one’s self. (not to be) 1. Mark i. 15. 1, —— xii. 21. 1. — vi. 12 2. Heb. vii. 21 1. Luke x. 13 1. Rev. ii. 5 twice, 16, 1. — xi. 32 la. 21 Ist. 1. — καὶ, 3, 5. 1, 91 2nd. 1, —— xv. 7, 10 la. 22. 1. —— xvi. 80 1. —— iii. 3, 19. 1, — xvii. 3, 4 la.—— ix. 20, 21. 1. Acts ii, 38. 1. —— xvi. 9. la. Rev. xvi. 11. REPENT ONE’S SELF. 2. Matt. xxvii. 3. REPENTED OF (nor το BE) ἀμεταμέλητος, (verbal adj. of No. 2, above, with a, negative, prefixed) not to be regretted; without change of purpose, (οσο. Rom. ΧΙ. 20.) 2 Cor. vii. 10. REPENTANCE. μετάνοια, afterthought ; hence, repent- ance, change of mind, (the νοῦς being the faculty of moral reflec- tion); change of mind from bad to good, not merely pain of mind; reformation, (see “repent,” No. 1, of which it is the nown), (non oce.) Matt. iii. 8, marg. amend- | Acts v. 31. ment of life. — xi. 18. —- 11. — xiii. 24, — ix. 19 (om. εἰς µετά- | —— xix, 4. νοιαν, to repentance, | —— xx. 21. GLTTrAR.) | xxvi. 20, Mark i. 4. Rom. ii. 4. xi. 29,see R(without) 2 Cor. vii. 9, 10. 2 Tim. ii. 25. Heb. vi. i. 6. — xii. 17, marg. change one’s mind. 2 Pet. iii, 9, —— ii. 17 (om. εἰς μετά- γοιαν, to repentance, GLTTrAR®.) — v, 82, — xv. 7. — xxiv. 17. to REPENTANCE (witnovr) ἀμεταμέλητος, see “REPENTED OF (NOT TO BE).” Rom. xi, 29. REP REPETITIONS (vse vary) βαττολογέω, to babble, (compounded of Aeyw, to speak, and Barros, prob. from Heb. xoa, to prate, use many words, Lev. v. 4.) (Herod. (iv. 155) says Barros was a king of Cyrene who stuttered. According to others, Barros was a silly, loquacious poet, who made long hymns, full of repetitions, (Suid.) It is more probably ono- . matcepoetic, from a person who stutters and stammers ; and thus] βαττολογέω originally signified to stammer ; then, to babble, chatter ; so, to use empty words, (ποπ 000.) Mait. vi. 7. REPLY (-rest) AGAINST. ἀνταποκρίνομαι, to reply against, answer again. Rom. ix. 20, marg. answer again, or dispute with. REPORT. [noun. ] (For various combinations, see below.) 1. ἀκοή, hearing ; the sense or faculty of hearing ; the instrument of hear- ang, the ears ; that which is heard, rumour, report. 2. μαρτυρία, witness, testimony borne or given. 1. John xii. 38. 1. Rom. x. 16, marg. preaching ov hearing. 2. 1 Tim. iii. 7. REPORT (Ένττ) ‘| δυσφημία, ill-omened language, male- diction ; evil speaking, (non occ.) 2 Cor. vi. 8, REPORT (coop) εὐφημία, words of good import or omen, acclamation ; good report, (non occ.) 2 Cor. vi. 8. REPORT (ave Goon) µαρτυρέω, to witness, be a witness; | bear witness, testify. Here, pass or mid., to be well testified of, | have good witness borne in fayour of, Acts xxii. 12, | 8 John 12, [ 639 1 | | REPORTED (xr) | | | viling, contumely, (see Vo. 2), (non REP REPORT (oxnratn Goon) μαρτυρέω, see above. Heb. xi. 2, 39. REPORT (or Goon) 1. μαρτυρέω, see above. 2. εὔφημος, well-spoken, well-worded ; hence, of good import; of good report, (non occ.) 1. Acts x. 22 part. | 2. Phil. iv. 8. REPORT (or πονεβτ) μαρτυρέω, see “ REPORT (HAVE GOOD)” Acts vi. 3 part. | REPORT (-£p.) [verb.] (For various combinations, see below.) 1. ἀπαγγέλλω, to bring a message from some place or person, to revort in- telligence from. 2. ἀναγγέλλω, to bring a message back from; send news of, announce, proclaim. 1. Acts iv. 23. (ously. | 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 25. — Rom. 111. 8, see Slander- | 2. 1 Pet. i. 12. REPORT (commonty) διαφημίζω, to rumour abroad, divulge, spread abroad. Matt. xxviii. 15. ἀκούω, to hear; learn by hearing. Here, pass, to be heard of, ἡ.6. to be reported, to be noised abroad. 1 Cor. v. 1. REPORTED OF (a8 we tt) μαρτυρέω, see “R (ILAVE GOOD) ” Acts xvi. 2. | 1 Tim, v. 10. REPROACH (-8s.) [noun.] 1. ὀνειδισμός, defamation, reproach, re- ους. REP 2. ὄνειδος, fame; report, good or bad. Usually and in N. T., reproach, blame, (non occ.) 8. ὕβρις, wanton violence, arising from the pride of strength, passion, or lust ; wantonness, insolence, in- jurious treatment. 4, ἀτιμια, dishonour, disgrace, stigma. 2, Luke i. 25. 1. 1 Tim. iii. 7. 1. Rom. xv. 3. - 10, see R (suffer) 4, 2 Cor. xi. 21. 1, Heb. x. 33. 8. — xii. 10. 1, — xi. 26. 1. Heb. xiii. 13. REPROACH (suvrrer) ὀνειδείζω, see below. Here, pass. 1 Tim. iv. 10 (ἀγωνίζομαι, strive, G ο LT Tr Α” 1.) — REPROACH (-ep, -Ε51.) [verb.} 1. ὀνειδίζω, to defame, 1.6. to disparage, reproach, cast in one’s teeth, up- braid. 2. ὑβρίζω, to wax wanton, run riot, esp. in the use of superior strength, or in the enjoyment of pleasure ; to outrage, personally insult. 1. Luke vi. 22. | 1. Rom. xv. 3. 2. —— xi. 45. 1. 1 Pet. iv. 14. REPROACHFULLY (speak) χάριν, in respect of, zm-.\ in respect \ plying the motive be- | of revil- fore the mind as an \ ing, [the ἡ attraction, not as a({ enemy cause, finding in Aovdopia,railing,reviling, / the το- proach that which produces an occasion to exercise his hostility, the reproach being a favoured or accepted motive to the adversary. | 1 Tim, v. 14, marg. {ον πού, REPROBATE (-s.) ἀδόκιμος, unapproved, unworthy ; spu- rious, that will not stand proof, (οσο. Heb. vi. 8; 1 Cor. ix. 27.) Rom. i. 28, marg. void of | 2 Tim. iii. 8, marg. of no judgment. judgment, 2 Cor. xiii. 5, 6, 7 Tit. i. 16, marg. void of REPROOF, ἔλεγχος, proof, means of conviction or of proof, convincing argument, (οσο. Heb. xi. 1.) 2/Tim. iii, 16 (ἐλεγμός, conviction, L T Tr A.) Th oer | | | | | ey Rec: | judgment. | REQ REPROVE (αν) ἐλέγχω, to shame, put to shame ; to do so by proving one in the wrong. Luke iii. 19. {cover. | Eph. ν. 11. John iii. 20, marg. dis- 13, marg. discover. —— xvi. 8, marg. convince. | 2 Tim. iv. 2. REPUTATION (BE oF) δοκέω, to seem, to have the appearance, to seem to be something. Gal. ii. 2. REPUTATION (wap τν) τίμιος, held worth, estimated; valued, prized. Acts v. 34. REPUTATION (ποτρ τν) με in honour, ἕω to have or hold. Phil. ii. 22, marg. honour. REPUTATION (ake oF No) κενόω, to empty, make empty. Phil. ii. 7. REQUEST (-s.) 1. αἴτημα, thing asked for, object sought. 2. δέησις, want, need, the expression of need. — Rom.i. Ὁ bse Eta) [>i 1. Phil. iv. 6. 2. Phil. i Thes. iv. 1, marg. see Beseech. REQUEST (maxkr) δέομαι, to need, to want; to make known one’s need. Rom. i. 10. REQUIRE (αν 1. airéw, to ask, ask for something, to beg, pray for; to ask or call for, require, demand. , -ING.) 2. αἴτημα, thing asked for; object sought. | 8. ζητέω, to seck, seek after, look for, to strive to find ; also, to seek for, inquire, require. REQ [ 641 ] RES 4. ἐκζητέω, (No. 3, with ἐκ, out of, pre- Jixed) to seek out, search out, inquire diligently, scrutinise. Here, by Hebraism, to require, 1.6. to demand, avenge (like κκ. wp, Ez. iii. 18, 20; 2 ‘Sam. iv. 11. ; od ww, Gen. ix. 5; xlii. 22.) RESERVE (εν) . τηρέω, to keep an eye upon, to watch; and hence, to guard, keep ; keep in safety, preserve, maintain. 2. καταλείπω, to leave down, as to one’s heirs; to leave behind; to leave , remaining. 5. πράσσω, to do; spoken in reference agape = β 1. Acts xxv. 21. instead of τηρου- to a person, to do to or in respect | 3° RoR xi. 4. μένους Od Coaeet of any one; also, to do from any ο ο Leos 6 . . e a . ὦ «11. . one, 1.6. to exact or collect money μενους τὴ ene ta 1 Hee from any one. reserved tobepunished, | 1. Jude 6, 13. 4. Luke xi. 50, 51. 1. Luke xxiii. 23. ; = SL 2, 806 (bo) ἢ σος ΡΣ RESIDUE (rue) | a αι, 88. δὸς τῇ μες ο ot, the ones, those who were Τ' λοιποῖ, left, re- ὁ left, i.e. to the ο irs maining, rest. ἳ NEED sO ; : ( ) ot, the ones, the residue, οὕτως, thus . κατάλειποι, left (quoted fi κο thus it ought to πας, απο κώτα ὀφείλει, it ought ᾿ 5 2. behind, (ποπ ( Amosix.12,where , be brought about ; , γίνεσθαι, to be- εἰ πὰ πια ἘΝῚ oce.) Ixx. for γε. come, Also for “sw, Ez. ΠΠ. 8; and Ἵν, 1 Cor. vii. 36. Deut. iii. 13.) 1, Mark xvi. 13 (ap). Ι 2. Acts xv. 17. REQUIRED (sr) ἀπαιτέω, (No. 1, with ἀπό, away from, RESIST (0, -ΕΤΗ.) prefixed) to demand back from 1. ἀνθίστημι, to stand against, to set any one. Here, spoken of ψυχή, one’s self against, 1.6. to withstand, “they shall require thy life,” ὁ oppose, resist, either in words, or thy life shall be required by Him deeds, or both. h a it. > / : eee ie δ ΘΝ 2. ἀντικαθίστημι, to stand firm against, Μ Luke xii. 20, marg. do they require. ahi resist, (non ace.) | 3. ἀντιτάσσομαι, to set one’s self in ἣ ban alee battle array against; to set one’s ἀποδίδωμι, to render, ) returns to be self in opposition to, (οσο. Acts ἀμοιβή, change, re- rendering ; or xviii. 6.) quital, returns, to render in . ‘ fall ‘ ; return, (non oce.) 4. ἀντιπίπτω, to fall against ο» upon in a hostile manner, to strive against, (Ixx. inf. for ΣᾺ), Numb. xxvii. 14), (non oce.) 1 Tim. v. 4. RESCUE (-rp.) 1. Matt. ν. 39. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 8 ἐξαιρέω, to take out, pluck out; hence, Ἐν ην jee mid., to rescue out of any one’s 4. —— vii. 51. 1. 7. 1, Rom. ix. 19. 8. —— v. 6. power. 3. — xiii, 21st. 8. 1 Pet. v. 5 Acts xxiii. 27 mid, | τ ae i RESEMBLE. RESOLVED (zr) ὁμοιόω, to make like, to liken, to make γινώσκω, to know, perceive ; to be in- to resemble any other objects of fluenced by our knowledge of the the same kind. object and be determined thereby. Luke xiii, 18. Luke xvi. 4. RR ἘΠῚ δ νυν eee eee RES RESORT (-rp.) ἔρχομαι, to come ΟΥ go, move or pass along. συνέρχομαι, (Wo. 1, with σύν, in con- junction with, prefixed) to come or go together with any one, to come together, assemble. συνάγω, to lead or bring together, gather, gather together. συμπορεύομαι, to transport or betake one’s self in egnjunction with another, to pass from one place to another together. 1. Mark ii. 13. 4, —x.l1. 1. John x. 41, 8. John xviii. 2. ΠῚ 2. Acts xvi. 18, RESPECT. See also, under “ PERSONS.” μέρος, a part, particular. 2 Cor. iii. 10. | Col. ἢ. 16, marg. part. RESPECT (wave) ἀποβλέπω, to look away towards any thing, to fix the eyes intently upon; hence, to have regard to, (non oce.) Heb. xi. 26, RESPECT TO (πλτε) ἐπιβλέπω, to look upon, to fix the eyes upon, have respect to, with favour or partiality. Jas. ii. 8, RESPECT OF (ry) κατά, with «σοι, down upon, over against ; then, in reference to some standard of comparison, according to, with regard to, as to. Phil. iv. 11. RESPECTER. See, PERSONS. REST. [noun.] (See below for “ne REST,” and “ REST ΟΕ; also for the verb, “τὸ REST.”’) [ 642 ] RES —_—- —. 1. ἀνάπαυσις, a resting up, pause, cessation from labour; the con- stant word in ἴχχ. for the rest of the Sabbath (Ex. xvi. 23; xxxi.15; ΧΧΧΥ͂. 2, etc.), (occ. Rev. iv. 8.) 2. κατάπαυσις, a resting down, putting to rest, a resting; hence, a place of rest, fixed abode, implying a πα] rest, as No. 1 does a temporary pause, (non oce.) 3. ἄνεσις, a loosening, relaxing, as of strings or chords that have been tightly stretched ; also used of bonds or exertions. Not merely a rest from labour, but a relaxation from endurance and expectation, (oce. Acts xxiv. 23; 2 Cor. viii. 18.) 4, εἰρήνη, peace, state of peace, tran- quillity ; and the effect, security. σι σαββατισμός, a Sabbath-keeping, (from σαββατίζω, to keep Sab- bath, Ex. xvi. 30), (non occ.) — Matt. xi. 28, see R | 8. 2 Cor. ii. 13. ile 29, [(give) | 3. vii. 5. 1. —— xii. 49, 3. 2 Thes. i. 7. — —— xxvi. 45, 2 see R | 2. Heb. iii. 11, 18. — Mark xiv. 41, § (take) | 2. iy. 1, 3twice, 5, 1. Luke xi. 24. 8, see R (give) —John xi. 19, see R| 5. 9, marg. keeping (taking of) of a Sabbath, 2. Acts vii. 49. 2. 10, 11. 4, ——ix. 91. 1. Rev. xiv. 11. REST (atve) 1. ἀναπαύω, to cause to rest up, cause to cease or desist from, give rest to or from. 2. καταπαύω, to put or lay to rest, quiet down, cause to rest, zmply- ing a final rest. 1, Matt. xi. 28. | REST (TAKE) ἀναπαύω, (see above, No. 1.) Here, mid., to rest one’s self, 1.6. to také rest, enjoy rest, the cdea of previous toil or suffering being included. Matt. xxvi. 45, | Mark xiv. 41. 2, Heb. iv. 8. REST (TAKING OF) κοίμησις, a sleeping, sleep, (non occ.) John xi, 13. RES REST (-£p, -Ε51, -ΕΤΗ.) [verb. ] . ἀναπαύω, 866 “REST (TAKE)” τ . καταπαύω, sce “REST (61ΥῈ)},᾿ Vo. 2 4. ἔχω, to have ἀνάπαυσις, rest, (see “rest,” No.1.) So wp = 7.6. to pitch a tent. 5. rest. 1. Mark vi. 31. 2. Rev. iv. 8, marg. have Luke x. 6, eee rest τ — xxiii. — vi. 11. 4. Acts ii. 26. 1. —xiv. 13 (ἀναπαή- — Rom. ii. 17, see R in. σονται, shall rest, in- —2 Cor. xii. 9, see R stead of ἀναπαύσων- 3. Heb. iv. 4. {upon. ται, may vest, L T Tr 1. 1 Pet. iv. 14. AN.) REST IN ἐπαναπαύομαι, to rest one’s self upon, Jean upon. Rom. ii. 17. REST UPON. 1. ἐπαναπαύομαι, to rest one’s self upon. Here, followed by ἐπί, upon. 2. ἐπισκηνόω, to pitch a tent upon, to come and dwell upon or in, to descend and abide upon. Here, Jollowed by ἐπί, upon. 1. Luke x. 6. | 2. 2 Cor. xii. 9. REST (tur) λοιπός, left, remaining. (a) Mase. or fem., ot λοιποί, or αἱ λοιπαί, the rest, the others. (b) Neut. pl., τὰ λοιπά, the remaining things. [ 648 1 κατασκηνόω, to plant down a tent, ἡσυχάζω, to be still or quiet, be at a. Matt. xxvii. 49. | ἃ, Rom. xi. 7. b. Luke xii. 2 tt. 1 Cor. vii. 12, ἃ. —— xxiv. 9. b. xi. 34. a. Acts ii. 37. — 1 Pet. iv. 2, see R of. a. —v.13 a. Rev, ii. 24. ἃ. —— xxvii. 44, | a, —— ix, 90, a. Rev. xx. 5. REST OF. ἐπίλοιπος, remaining over. 1 Pet. iv. 2. RESTITUTION ἀποκαταστάσις, complete restoration, reéstablishment, restitution, (non οσο.) Acts iii, 51. RR* RES RESTORE (9, -ETH.) 1. ἀποκαθίστημι, to put back into a former state, reéstablish, rein- state. 2. ἀποδίδωμι, to give away from one’s self, deliver over, give up; give back again, restore. 3. καταρτίζω, make fully ready, put in full order; esp. of what is broken, refit, repair, restore. 1. Maté. sii. 13. 1. Luxe vi. 10. 1. —~ xvii. 11. | 2, πος xix. 8. 1. Mark iii, 5. — Acts i. 6, see R again. 1. —— viii. 25. 8. Gal. vi. 1. 1, — ix. 12. 1, Heb. xiii. 19, RESTORE AGAIN. ἀποκαθιστάνω, (another form of “ReE- STORE,” Λο. 1), (non ο.) Acts i. 6. RESTRAIN (-£p.) καταπάνω, to quiet down, cause to cease, make desist, and so, to re- strain. Acts xiv. 18. RESURRECTION. 1. ἀνάστασις, a standing up, rising up, as from the dead; hence, Resur- rection. [There are Three Resurrections, “ Every man in his own order.” (1) Christ the first-fruits, 1 Cor. xv. 23; Acts xxvi. 2: (2) “They that are Christ’s at His coming,” (1Cor. xv.23). Thisisdva- στασις ἐκ τῶν νεκρῶν, the resurrec- tion out of or from among the dead, called “ The first Resurree- tion,’ (Rev. xx. 5, 6.) The “better resurrection” (Heb. xi. 35.) The “ Resurrection unto life,” (John v. 29; Dan. xii. 2.) The “ Resurrection of the just,” (Acts xxiv. 15; Luke xiv. 14.) Those who partake of it are ealled “Children of God, pom] children of the resurrection (Luke xx. 35, 36.) (It was this new doctrine of Resurrection from among (ἐκ) the dead that | | RET excited such surprise among both | Jews and Gentiles, and not merely | [ 644 ] 3. ἐπιστρέφω, to turn upon or to, turn towards; hence, to turn back a Resurrection.) from. Ν ’ (8) The rest, (τὸ τέλος, 1 Cor. xv. | 4. ἀναστρέφω, to turn up, turn back, [3 ᾽ . 23, not “the end,” but the last | return, turn again. Palle hes μονος ο amen icon 5. ἀνακάμπτω, to bend or turn up back . .α { στ } panies) “the rest of the dead,” am πι. x16.) Ῥ ? (Rev. xx. 5) and always ἀνάστασις a τῶν νεκρῶν, the resurrection of the | 6. ἀναλύω, to loosen again with the idea dead (6. dead people, not of of coming back to the same place others out from among them) again, (wsed of a ship returning called “the resurrection of the home from a foreign part); hence, unjust,” (Acts xxiv. 15) “the to return, depart and return. 9 trig, ; : : resurrection of damnation,” (John Used in \xx. of returning from a ν. 29) “to shame and everlasting feast, (οσο. Phil. 1. 23, where it is contempt,” (Dan. κ. 2),| (oce. εἰς TO ἀναλύσαι, unto the return. Luke ii. 84; Acts xxvi. 23; Heb. viz. of Christ, for only then and x1. 35.) thus (οὕτω) shall we be with Him, 2. ἐξανάστασις, (No. 1, with ἐκ, out of, 1 Thes. iv. 17.) prefixed) the out-resurrection. | 7, ἐπανέρχομαι, to come back upon or ἢ 3 Υ {ς . Here followed by ἐκ, lit. the out- to a place; to return hither, ο. from among the thither, ete., (oce. Luke x. 35.) ead. ᾿ th 8. ἐπανάγω, to lead up upon, lead back 3. ἔγερσις, a waking up as from sleep, | upon or to a place, to cause to a rousing up, ἃ ο... pease return. In Ν.Π, intrans., to re- resurrection, because deathis asleep. turn to. ii, 98, 28, 30, | 1. xiv. 15, 21. A jp Mave, sat δ, 28,9 | 1 Ate χαῖσ. IL |g gras sa, 1. Take 15. 1, Mark xii. 18, 23. Ίντι, 5, 3. xii. 44. | 2 15. ie τοσο xiv. 14. 1. 1 Cor. xv. 12,13, 21, 42. 1, ——xiv. 40 part (ap.) | 1. —— xxiii. 48, 56 1. —— xx. 27, 33, 35, 86. | 1. Phil. iii. ot eT 8. —— xxi. 8 part. 1, — xxiv. 9, 33, 52. 1. John v. 29 twice. Ὁ 2. ll. 8, —— χχῖν. 18, 1. Acts i. 12. 1, —— xi. 24, 25. 1, 2 Tim. ii, 18. ΠΤ ο “ ne 1. Acts i. 22.” 1. Heb. vi. 2. 3. —— ii. 20 (No. 1, Ο L | 1. —— sii, 25. 1. “oF 31. 1 xi. 35. TTrAn.) 1. — xiii. 13 Ἱ ay, 2 Be 1. 1 Pet. i. 8. 1. eae 3 oA. J. — xvii. 18 (ap.), 32. | 1. iii. 21. 1: ie 14. .. _xiv. 21, see Ἑ =F | ᾿ς : eave | again. κα ους — — viii.37,see Rback | 4, — xv. 16. Ν Ϊ again. μου πα ο ; Us 39, 40. | 1, —— xx. 3. RETAIN (-ED.) 1. —— ix. 10 part. — — xxi.6,see Ragain. ” 3 i — — x. 17, see R again. 11. xxiii. 32. Ι. ἔχω, to have and hold; spoken of | ιν τὶ οἱ, "| — Gal i. 17, see R again. temporary holding and of lasting | 6. xii. 36, | ——— vi. 18, marg. see es . 1. —— xvii. 18. 1. Heb. vii. 1. [Go up. possession. 3. 31. 5. xi. 15. 2. κατέχω, to hold down, to have and ας hold fast, hold firmly, retain. ie ο RETURN AGAIN. Ω 5 : 5 3. κρατέω, to be strong, mighty, power- ἊΜ | τ Anta eet ful; have power over, control; 1, Acts xiv. 21. 1, Gal. i. 17. spoken of sins, to retain, not to } 1 > py «6 η ελ) 2 r a r remit, (see under “ REMIT. ) | RETURN BACK AGAIN. 3. John xx, 23 twice. |1. Rom. i. 28, marg. to | a+ 2. Philem. 13, Lacknowledge. 1, Luke viii. 37. RETURN (-e, -1NG.) REVEAL (-ep.) 1. ὑποστρέφω, to turn behind, ze. back; | 1, ἀποκαλύπτω, to remove { eil or to turn back. μέλλω, to be on the point of, iJ / broatpedw, see above, 2. ( | | about to return. | covering away from, and so to ex- pose to open view what was before hidden; hence, to reveal, make manifest, (on occ.) 2. χρηματιζω, to do or carry on busi- ness. Then, to be called ο) named, since names were imposed on men from their business or office. To speak to or treat with another about some business. To utter oracles, give divine directions or instructions, make divine com- munications. 1. Matt. x. 26. | 1. Rom. viii. 18. 1. —— xi. 25. jlo 1 Cor Υ 10. 1. 27 (ἀποκαλύψῃ, | 1. —— iii. 19. may reveal, instead 1. xiv. 30. of βούληται ἀποκαλύ- 1, Gal. i. 16. ψαι, may be pleased 1. —— iii. 23. to reveal, L™-) | 1. Eph. iii. 5. 1, — xvi. 17. 1. Phil. iii. 15. 2. Luke ii. 26. —2 Thes. i. 7, see R 1. 35. |" (when...shall be) 1. —— x. 21, 22. 1, — ii. 3, 6, 8. 1. — xii. 2. 1. 1 Pet. 1, 5, 1π. 1. — xvii. 30. —— iv. 13, see R 1. John xii. 38. (when...shall be) 1. Rom. i. 17, 18. 1. —-v.1. REVEALED (wuHeEN...SHALL BE) ἐν, 1Π. ἀποκάλυψις, the unveiling, uncover- ing, manifestation, appearing. 2 Thes. i. 7. | 1 Pet. iv. 13. REVELATION (-s.) ἀποκάλυψις, unveiling, uncovering ; of facts and truths, disclosure, reve- lation; of persons, appearing, ma- nifestation. [The book so called, relates all the facts and circumstances and judgments attending the Second coming, or revelation, o7 appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. ] Rom. ii. 5. Gal. ii. 2. xvi. 25. Eph. i. 17. 1 Cor. xiv. 6, 26. — iii. 3. 2 Cor: xii, 1; 7: 1 Pet. i. 19. Rev. i. 1. Gal. i. 12. REVELLING (-s.) κῶμος, a feasting, revel; Zat., comis- satio, a carousing or merrymaking after supper, the guests often sally- ing into the streets with torches and music, etc., in honour of Bac- chus, (οσο. Rom. xiii. 13.) Gal. v. 21. | 1 Pet. iv. 3. REVENGE. [noun.] ἐκδίκησις, execution of right and justice, maintenance of right (¢/ necessary by vengeance or penal retribution.) 2 Cor. vii. 11. REV Για REV REVENGE. [verb.] ἐκδικέω, to execute right and justice, maintain right (i/necessary by ven- geance); hence, to avenge. 2 Cor. x. 6. 5] REVENGER. ἔκδικος, executing right and justice ; hence, a retributer, avenger, (060. 1 Thes. iv. 6.) Rom. xiii. 4. REVERENCE. [noun. ] αἰδώς, sense of shame, bashfulness, modesty ; then, regard for others, respect, reverence, (οσο. 1 Tim. ii. 9.) Heb. xii. 28 (Sevs, fear or awe, ἃ ὦ LT Tr A 8.) 1 Pet. iii. 15, marg. see Fear. REVERENCE (arve...) ἐντρέπω, see below, No. 1. Heb. xii. 9. REVERENCE. 1. ἐντρέπω, to invert, to turn one in upon himself, bring to reflection ; to affect, move; here, mid., to shame one’s self before any one, feel respect or deference towards, respect, reverence. bo φοβέομαι, to fear, be afraid ; morally, to fear, 1.6. to honour. | 1. Luke xx. 13. 1. Matt. xxi. 37. 2. Eph. v. 33. 1. Mark xii. 6. REVILE (-£p, -Est.) 1. λοιδορέω, to rail at, abuse, revile, (non oce.) to ὀνειδίζω, to defame, assail with op- probrious words, cast in one’s teeth, reproach with any thing 3. βλασφημέω, to drop evil or profane words, speak lightly o7 amiss of sacred things; to speak ill or to the prejudice of one; hence, to slander. 2. Matt. v. 11. 1. Acts xxiii. 4. 8, -—— xxvii. 39. 1. 1 Cor; iv. 19. 2. Mark xv. 32. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 29 It. 1. John ix. 28. = 232nd see Ragain REV REVILE AGAIN. ἀντιλοιδορέω, (Wo. 1, with ἀντί, back, prefixed) to rail at back, revile in turn. 1 Pet. ii. 23. REVILER. λοίδορος, a railer, abuser, reviler, (occ. 1 Cor. v. ii.) 1 Cor. vi. 10. REVIVE (-ep.) ἀναζάω, to live again, return to life. Rom. vii. 9. —— xiv. 9 (ἔζησεν, lived, instead of ἀνέστη καὶ ἀνέ- ζησεν, rose and revived, α LT Tr A.) Phil. iv. 10, marg. see Flourish again. [ 646 ] REWARD. [noun.] Mere . μισθός, hire, wages, pay. roo ἀνταπόδοσις, giving back in turn, a rendering, requiting, recompense, (non occ.) 1. Matt. v. 12, 46. | — Col. ii. 18, see R (be- 1. — vi. 1, 2, 5, 16. | guile of one’s) 1. — x. 41 twice, 42, 2. 111, 24. 1. Mark ix. 41. 1. im τς. 1. Luke vi. 23, 35. — Heb. ii. 2, see — — xxiil. 41, sce R (due) 1. Acts i. 18. 1. Rom. iv. 4. 1. 1 Cor. iii. 8, 14. 1, ——ix. 17, 18. x. 55, ¢ Recom- xi. οὐ, ἡ pense. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 18. 1. 2 John 8. 1. Jude 11. 1. Rev. xi. 18. 1, Rev. xxii. 12. REWARD (ΡεαστΙΒ oF ΟΝ ΕΒ) καταβραβεύω, to give the prize against any one, to deprive of the palm. Col. ii. 18, marg. judge against. REWARD (pvr) ἄξιος, worthy ; of equal worth; hence, suitable, congruent. JZere, neut. pl. Luke xxiii. 41. REWARD (-ep.) [verb.] ἀποδίδωμι, to give away from one’s sel/, bestow; spoken in reference to obligation of any kind, to give in full, pay over or off, render. Matt. vi. 4, 6, 18. 2. Tim. iv. 14. — xvi. 27. Rey. xviii. 6. RIC REWARDER. μισθαποδότης, a payer in full of wages ; hence, requiter, rewarder, (non occ.) Heb. xi. 6. RICH. (for various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. πλούσιος, rich, having or abounding in riches, (prob. akin to πολύς, much; πλέων, more.) 2. πλουτέω, to be rich or wealthy. 1. Matt. xxvii. 57. 11. Luke xix, 2. 1. Mark xii. 41. 1. 2 Cor. viii. 9. 2.Luke i. 53 part. 1. Eph. ii. 4. 1. — vi. 24. 1. 1 Tim ΟΠ: 1. —— xii. 16. | 1. Jas. i. 10. 1, —— xiv. 12. ια. ιν, 1. —— xvi. 1, 19. | 1. Rev. ii. 9. 1. — xviii. 23. 1. iii. 17. 1. Rev. xiii. 16. RICH (Bx) 2. Luke xii. 21. 2. 2 Cor. viii. 9. 2. Rom. x. 19. 2. 1 Tim. vi. 9, 18. 2. 1 Cor. iv. 8. 2. Rev. 111, 18. RICH (ee Mave) 2. Rev. xiii. 15, 19. RICH (wax) 2. Rev. xviii. 3. RICH (axe) πλουτίζω, to make rich, enrich; bestow richly. 2 Cor. vi. 10. RICH MAN. . Matt. xix. 23, 24. Ἱ, Jas. Ly . Mark x. 25. 1. — ii. 6. . Luke xvi. 21, 22. 1. ν᾿ ἃν . — xxi. 1. 1. Rev. vi. 15. Hee RICHES. 1. πλοῦτος, riches, wealth, (see “ r1cH,” No. 1), (non oce.) χρῆμα, something useful, useful, what one can use 07) needs ; hence, goods, property,money. /Zere, pl. bo 1. Matt. xiii. 22. 2. Luke xviii. 24, 1. Mark iv. 19. 1, Rom, ii. 4. 2. —x., 23, 24. 1. —— ix. 23. 1, Luke viii. 14. 1, xi. 12 twice, 33, — — xvi. 9, 11, marg. | 1. 2 Cor. viii. 2., see Mammon. 1, Eph. i. 7, 18. [ 647 ] . — xviii. 17. RICHLY. πλουσίως, richly, 7.e.abundantly, largely. Col, iii. 16. | 1 Tim. vi. 17. RIGHT. [not “left.”] ” (For “riaur wanp,” and other com- binations, see below.) δεξιός, right, as opposed to left; Lat., dexter, on the right hand side. Matt. v. 29, 30, 39 Luke vi. 6. — xxii. 50. John xviii. 10. John xxi. 6. Acts iii. 7. Rev. i. 16, 17. — x. 2. Rey. xiii. 16, RIGHT HAND. Matt. vi. 3. Heb. i. 3. —- xxvii. 29. —- viii. 1, Acts ii. 33. —x.12. — v.31. --ΞΞ ὩΣ 2. Rom. viii. 84. 1 Pet. iii. 22. Gal. ii. 9. Rev. i. 20. ph. i. 20, — iil. Col. iii. 1. —-v.1,7. RIGHT HAND (on τπε) 1. δεξιός, see above. off from the right hand parts. Mark xv. 27. —— xvi. 19 (ap.) Luke xx. 42. —— xxii. 69. — xxiii. 33. Acts ii. 25, 34. — vii. 55, 56. 2 Cor. vi. 7. 18. 2 { ἐκ, out of, from, δεξιῶν, see above, Dewy . Matt. xx. 21, 23. —- xxii. 44. — xxv. 33, 34. —— xxvi. 64. — xxvii. 38. . Mark x. 37, 40. . —— xii. 36. — xiv. 62. roro pepo popo pore τοῦθ μ. ae τς RIGHT SIDE (on rue) : ᾿ see above, No. 2. tots, the δεξιοῖς, right, | on the right. ra, the δεξιὰ, right μέρη, part. 2. Mark xvi. 5. | 1. Luke 1, 11. 8, John xxi. 6, RIG RIGHT. [not “wrong.’’] 1. δίκαιος, see “ RIGHTEOUS.” 2. εὐθύς, straight ; hence, metaph., right, true. 3. ὀρθῶς, straight up, uprightly, (Lat., recté) really, truly. 1. Matt. xx. 4, 7 (ap.) 1. — Mark τ. 15, part, [part, — Luke viii. 35, 2 3. —x. 2 Luke xii. 57. 1. Acts iv. 19. — Viii. 21. — xiii. 10, . Eph. vi. 1. 2. 2 Pet. ii. ib. see Mind. yp bo τῷ RIGHT. [noun. ] ἐξουσία, authority, the power or right to do anything; esp., power, as entrusted. John i. 12, marg. (text, prove) Heb. xiii. 10. Rev. xxii. 14, RIGHTEOUS. δίκαιος, right, just, ze. fulfilling all claims which are right and. be- coming ; just as it should be ; : 8 right state, of which God is the standard. Used of God, it denotes the perfect agreement subsisting between His nature (which is the standard for ali) and His acts. Matt. ix. 13. Rom. v. 7, 19, —— x, 4] Stimes. —— xiii. 17, 43. — xxii. 28, 29, 35 twice. —— xxv. 37, 46. 2 Thes. i. 5, 6. 1 Tim. i. 9. 2 Tim. iv. 8. Heb. xi. 4. Mark ii. 17. Luke i. 6. — v. 32, — xviii. 9. —— xxiii. 47. John vii. 24. —— xvii. 25. Rom. ii. 5, marg. see “ Judgment.” — iii. 10. Jag. v. 16. 1 Pet. iii. 12, iv. 18. 2 Pet. ii. 8 twice. 1 John ii. 1, 29, —— iii. 7, 12. Rev. xvi. 5, 7. — xix. 2. — xxii. 1] 1st. 11 20d, see R (be) RIGHTEOUS (zz) δικαιόω, to justify, to make and regard as δίκαιος (see above). Here, pass., to present or show one’s self as righteous. Rev. xxii. 11 (δικαιοσύνην ποιησάτω, do righteousness, instead of δικαιωθήτω, be righteous, α 1, T Tr A.) RIGHTEOUSLY. δικαίως, adv. of δίκαιος, (see “RIGH- rEous”) justly, rightly, with strict justice and righteousness. Tit. ii. 12. | 1 Pet. ii. 23. RIG RIGHTEOUSNESS. 1. δικαιοσύνη, the doing ov being what is just and right; the character and acts of a man commanded by and approved of God, in virtue of which the man. corresponds with Him and His will as His ideal and His standard ; τέ signi- fies the sum total of all that God commands and approves. As such it is not only what God demands, but what He gives to man, and which is appropriated by faith; and hence it is a state called forth by God’s act of justification, vez. by judicial deliverance from all that stands in the way of being δίκαιος, (see “ RIGHTEOUS.) 2. δικαίωμα, the product or result of δικαιόω, (see “RIGHTEOUS (BE)”’) marking the action relating to the recognition or determining or setting forth of a δίκαιος or a man as righteous ; the act of justifica- tion accomplished in and for the sinner, 3. εὐθύτης, straightness. Trop. recti- tude. 1. Matt. ii. 15. 1. 2 Cor. vi. 7, 14. 1. ——v. 6, 10, 20. 1. ix. 9, 10. 1. — vi. 33. i πι, 15. 1. —— xxi. 32. 1. Gal. ii. 21. 1. Luke i. 75. 1. ——iii. 6, 21 1. John xvi. 8, 10. 1, v. 5. 1. Acts x. 35. | 1. Eph. iv. 24. ie xiii. 10, | 1. —-v. 9. 1 ανα, 31. | 1. ——vi. 14. iL. XXiv. 25. Mord ob ot Ἢ ἐξ 1. Rom. i. 17. 1. —— iii. 6, 9 twice. 2. ii. 26. 1. Ἱ πι vi. ῃ, 1. — iii. 5, 21, 22, 25,26. | 1. 2 Tim. ii. 22. πο ge. 56. DA, iii. 16. 11 twice, 13, 22 1, — iv. 8. 1. ——v. 17. 1. ‘Lit, ΤΠ ο, 2. 18. | 3, Heb. i. 8, marg. vight- 1, —— 21. ness or straightness. ier 48. 16: 19191. 9, Ὡ, — viii. 4. (20. | 1. ——v. 13. 1. —— 10. 1. — vii. 2. ἢ ix. 28 (ap.) 1. —— xi. 7, 33. ip 30 3 times, 21 1st. l. —— xii. 11. 2 WG 81 2nd (om. δικαι- | 1. Jas. i. 20. οσύνης, of righteous- | 1, —— ii. 23. ness, G>LTTrAN.) | 1. — iii. 18. al x. 2 lst. | 1. 1 Pet. 11. 24, 1. -$2nd (om. ἃ 1, |} 1. 111, 14. Tr Ab.) | 1. 2 Pet. i. 1. ahs 38rd, 4, 5, 6, 10, | 1. ii. 5, 21. 1. — xiv. 17. αμ 111, 13. J, 1 0ος. 1. 90, 1, 1 John ii. 29, - xv. 34, see R (to) | 1. iii. 7, 10 (ap.) 1. 2 Cor. iii. 9. 2. Rev. xix. 8. 1 νυ. 21. 1, —— 11, RIGHTEOUSNESS (το) δικαίως, see “ RIGHTEOUSLY.” 1 Cor, xv. 34, [ 648 ] RIP RIGHTLY. ὀρθῶς, (adv. of ὀρθός, straight, upright) uprightly, really, truly. Luke vii. 43. Luke xx. 21. 2 Tim. ii. 15, see Divide. . RING. δακτύλιος, a finger-ring, lxx. for ΠΟ, Gen. xli. 43; Est. vi. 2. Luke xv. 22. | Jas. ii. 2, see Gold. RINGLEADER. πρωτοστάτης, who stands first ; érop., a leader, (non occ.) Acts xxiv. 5. RIOT. [noun.] ἀσωτία, the life and character of an ἄσωτος, (one who is unsaveable, incorrigible, past hope); dissolute- ness, profligacy, (occ. Eph. v. 18.) Tit. i. 6. { 1 Pet. iv. 4. RIOT (το) [verb.] ,ἦ, the z.e. “ esteeming τρυφή, a breaking | the daytime, lux- down, esp., of | ury,a pleasure”; the mind, and\ or “a pleasure making effemi-( accounting the nate; hence,lux- indulgence ury, indulg- | by day” (prob. ence, in allusion to 1 Thes. v. 7, and marking a greater degeneracy.) 2 Pet. ii. 13. > RIOTING. ” κῶμος, see “ REVELLING Rom. xiii. 13. RIOTOUS. ἀσώτως, adv. of ἄσωτος, (not saveable, abandoned) dissolutely (here, lit., “living abandonedly, dissolutely, or in riotous excess.” Luke xv. 15. RIPE (zr) Enpaivw, here, pass., to be dried up, be- come fully dry ; more than “ to be- RIP come ripe”’; something evil, (see Matt. xxi. 19.) Mark iv. 29, marg. see Brought forth (be) Rev. xiv. 15. RIPE (sr Fuuty) ἀκμάζω, to flourish, be in one’s prime, be in full blow, full harvest, (non occ.) Rev. xiv. 18. RISE (-ΕΝ, -ΕΤΠ (For various combinations with other words, see below.) , -ING, ROSE.) 1. ἐγείρω, to wake, arouse, rouse up from sleep ; to wake up from the sleep of death. pass. Aor.) 2. ἀνίστημι, trans., to cause to stand up; ἐπέγαπδ., to stand up. 8. ἀνατέλλω, trans., to make rise up, as water, light, ete.; intrans., to rise up, esp., of the sun and moon, (ἐπιτέλλω is more usual of the stars) wsed also of rivers and events. 1. Matt. xi. 11. | 2. Luke xi. 8 lst. 2. —— xii. 41. 1. 8 2nd. 1. —— xiv. 2. 3. —— xii. 54. 1, — xxiv. 7, 11. | 2. —— xvi. 31. Πο ——"xxvi. 46: | 1. —— xxi. 10. 1. —— xxvii. 64, 2. —— xxii. 46. 1. —— xxviii. 6, 7. 1. —— xxiv. 6, 34. 1. Mark iv. 27. 2. 46. 1. ——vi. 14, 16. | 1. John ii, 22 2. —— ix. 9, 31. 1. ——v. 8 (active, L T 1. —— x. 49 (active, α Τὶ Tr AX.) TTrAR.) 1. —— xiii. 4, 2 50 (ἀναπηδήσας, | 1. —— xxi. 14 part. leaped up, L T Tr | 2. Acts x. 13, 4]. A.) 2. —— xxvi. 16. 2. xii. 23 (om. ὅταν | 2. Rom. xiv. 9 (ἔζησεν, ἀναστῶσι, when then lived, inst. of ἀνέστη they shall rise, G= Lb καὶ ἀνέζησεν, rose and ‘Tr &.) revived, ΤΠ ΤῈ 2. P AR.) 1. 26. 2, —— xv. 12. 1. —— xiii. 8, 22. 1. 1 Cor. xv. 15:15, 14, 1. —— xiv. 28. 15, 16, 20, 29, $2. 1. —— xvi. 6. 2. 1 Thes. iv. 16. 2. 9 part (ap.) 2. Heb. vii. 11. hy 14 (ap.) 3. Jas. i. 11. 1. Luke ix. 7. 1. Rev. xi. 1 (active, L T 1. — xi. 7. Tr AN.) RISE AGAIN. 2. Matt. xvii. 9 (No. 1, | 2. Luke xviii. 33. LT TrA.) 2, — xxiv. a 2. —— xx. 19 (No. 1, T | 2. John xi. 23, 24. Tr δ.) 2. xx. 6. 1. —— xxvi. 32. 2. Acts xvii. 3. 1. — xxvii. 63. 1. Rom. viii. 34. 2. Mark ἘΠ 31, 1. 1 Cor. xv. 4 2, —x. 1, 2 Cor. v. 15. 2. Luke ix, a 19, |9, 1 Thes, iv. 14. [ 649 ] and indicative of (Here, mid., and | RIS RISE (take το) 3. Matt. v. 45. RISE (ΤΗΕ rrrst THAT SHOULD) πρῶτος, the first, ἐξ, out of, from, ἀναστάσεως, the standing up, the resurrection. Acts xxvi. 23. RISE UP. Λο Ἡ. ἀγίστημι, see above, No. 2. 3. ἐξανίστημι, (No, 2, with ἐκ, out of, prefixed) to stand up out of. 1. ἐγείρω, see above 4. ἀναβαίνω, to go up, ascend from a lower to a higher place. 1. Matt. xii. 42, 2. Luke xxii. 45 part. 2. Mark i. 35. 1. —— xxiv. 33. 2. — iii. 26. 2. John xi. 31. 1. —— xiv. 42. 1. Actsi iii. 6 (active, LT),, 2. Luke iv. 29. (om. ἔγειραι καὶ, rise 1. — v. 23 (active, ἃ L up and, Trb Ab &.) TTrArk.) 2. —vy. 17, 36, 37. 2. 25, 28. 2. —— xiv. 20. Pa 8 ae GL | 3. —xv. 5. T Tr A.) 2. 7: 2. ——vii. 16. 2. —— xxvi. 30. 1, ——xi. 81. 1 Cor, x. 7. 2. 32. 4. Rev. xiii. 1. 1. — xiii. 25. 4, —— xix. 3. RISE UP TOGETHER. συνεφίστημι, to stand upon in conjune- tion with others, to assail to gether. Acts xvi. 22. RISE WITH. συνεγείρω, (No. 1, with σύν, in con- junction with, prefixed) to wake up, rouse up, in conjunction with another. Col. 11. 12. | Col. iii. 1. RISING. 1. ἀνατέλλω, see “rise,” No. 8. Here, put. τὸ, the, the arising 9 } ἀνιστῆναι, to arise, [ from (inf. of “Rts,” ( among dead No. 2), ones. | 2. Mark ix. 10. Ι 1. Mark xvi. 2. RIT RITE. Acts vi. 14. marg. see ‘* cusTom.”’ Heb. ix. 10, marg. see ‘‘ ORDINANCE.” RIVER (-s.) ποταμός, a river, a stream. Mark i. 5. John vii. 38. Acts xvi. 10. Rev. viii. 10. ROAR (-ΕΤΗ, -τνα.) [verb.] 1. ἠχέω, to sound, resound, (οσο. 1 Cor. mu, 4) . μυκάομαι, to moo, to low, as an ox or cow; to bellow. Transferred to other animals; of a lion, to roar, (non oce.) bo ὠρύομαι, to roar or howl, as beasts of prey, from rage or hunger. Ιχχ. for inw, Judg. xiv. 5; Ps. xxii. 4, (non occ.) 1. Luke xxi. 25 (G x), (ἤχους, at the noise [of the seaand the waves}, instead of ἠχούσης, the sea and the waves roaring, GLT Tr AN.) 3. 1 Pet. v. 8. 2. Rey. x. 3. ROB (-ep.) συλάω, to spoil, plunder, rob, (non occ.) 2 Cor. xi. 8. ROBBER (-s.) λῃστής, a plunderer, a robber, one who plunders by violence and open force, (thus differing from κλέπτης, the thief who steals by fraud secretly.) John x. 1, 8. | John xviii. 40. 2 Cor. xi. 26. ROBBER OF CHURCHES. ἱερόσυλος, robbing temples; as subst., temple-robber, (non occ.) Acts xix. 37. ROBBERY. ἁρπαγμός, object of rapine, somethin to be eagerly seized upon. δ᾽ Phil. ii. 6. [ 650 ] ROC ROBE (-s.) 1. στολή, a fitting out, 1.6. apparatus ; then, apparel, attire. In N.T, like Lat., stola, a long flowing robe, reaching to the feet, and worn by kings, priests, and persons of rank and distinction. 2. χλαμύς, chlamys, a wide and coarse cloak, worn sometimes by kings, military officers, and soldiers. In N.T., spoken prob. of the Roman paludamentum, ov officer’s cloak, usually of scarlet, (non occ.) 3. ἱμάτιον, a garment, esp., an outer garment, “pallium,” (as opp. to χιτών, the inner vest, “ tunica.’’) 4. ἐσθής, apparel, raiment, esp., what is ornate or splendid. 2. Matt. xxvii. 28, 31. 4, Luke xxiii. 11. 1. Luke xv. 22. 3. John xix. 2, 5. — — xx. 46,see R (long) | 1. Rev. vi. 11. 1. Rev. vii. 9, 19, 14. ROBE (none) 1. Luke xx. 46. ROCK (-s.) 1. πέτρα, a rock, a projecting rock, a cliff ; geologically, “ a rock in site,” as distinguished from πέτρος, ἃ stone, a rolling stone, a loose stone, that might be thrown by the hand, ete. [Hence the name of the apostle— Πέτρος, Peter, who was so called, not because of firmness of cha- racter, but for the very opposite reason. Peter was like a πέτρος, a rolling stone—in one place to- day and in another to-morrow, restless and changeable. Not one of the Twelve was so vacillating or so failing (except Judas.) Christ is “that Rock,” (Matt. xvi. 18; 1 Cor. x. 4) and “ other foundation can no man lay,” (1 Cor. iii. 11.) Saints now, as “living stones,” are built upon Christ, the “Rock of Ages.” Peter, “who was also an elder,” (1 Pet. v. 1) is the apostle who, of all others, teaches so clearly ROD [ 651 ] ROO that Christ is the Rock on which ROOM TO RECEIVE (zr) His Church is built. See further, ͵ : χωρέω, to give space, place, room ; to under “ STONE.” ; make space to take in, contain o7 . Mark xv. 46. [Γ(αρ.} Luke vi. 48 1st, 48 2nd 9 τραχεῖς, rough, ) z.e. rocks, reefs, hold. πε. * ἃ τόποι, places, ) or breakers. Mark ii. 2. 1. Matt. vii. 24, 25. : 1. Luke viii. 6, 13, 1. —— xvi. 18, see Note, . Acts xxvii. 29. above. "| 1 Rom. ix. 33. ROOM (cuter) 1, —— xxvii. 51, 60. 1. 1 Cor. x. 4 twice. 1 1 Ἵ: 1. | 1 Pet. ii. 8. πρωτοκλισία, the first place of reclining λος μὰ at table, the chief place at a ban- quet, (usually the middle place on ROD. the middle triclinium.) ῥάβδος, a rod, wand, staff, for chastising, κα walking ; or a sceptre of autho- rity and office. Matt. xxvi. 67, marg. see | 2 Cor. xi. 25, see Beat. Luke xx. 46, ROOM (ΠταΠΕΡΤ) Smite. Heb. ix. 4. 2 John xviii. 22, marg. see | Rev. ii. 27. πρωτοκλισία, see above. Strike. — xi. 1. ᾿ 1 Cor. iv. 21. — xii. 5. Luke xiv. 8, Rev. xix. 15. ROLL AWAY ROOM OF (IN THE) > asm . ἀποκυλίω, to roll off or away, (non occ.) | ἀντί, In place of, instead of. Mark xvi. 3. Matt. ii. 22. 4 (ἀνακυλίω, roll back, T Tr A 8.) Luke xxiv. 2. ROOM (upper) ROLL BACK. oe Matt. xxviii. 2. | 1. ἀνώγεον, a room above the ground, upper room, chamber over the porch, on or connected with the roof, ROLL TO. where meals were generally taken, προσκυλίω, to roll towards or to, (non and privacy sought. oce.) | ο 2. ὑπερῴος, upper, over; then, the part Matt. xxvii. 60 (with ἐπί, upon, L. ceo λα, ο or acc | of the house so situated, an upper room, (here, neut., with art.) ROLL TOGETHER. 1. Mark xiv. 15. 2. Acts i. 13. εν ’ τῆς ss 10 i WE τ . εἱλίσσω, to turn round ο) about, as a ἐν ake aa a chariot round the doubling post ; η By ολ of a scroll, to roll up or together. ROOT. tev. vi. 24 part. ε Bet aes pila, a root, (non occ.) : Matt. iii. 10. Rom. xi. 16, 17, 18 twice. ROLL UNTO. — xiii. 6, 21. άνετος δες ; Mark iy. 6, 17, 1 Tim. vi. 10, προσκυλύω, to roll towards ov to. —— xi, 20. Heb. xii, 15. . Luke iii. 9. Rey. v. 5. Mark xv. 46, with ἐπί, wpon. — viii. 13. —— xxii. 16. ROOF. r ROOT (ροκ up ΒΥ THE) στέγη, ἃ covering, roof, (non occ.) -. Mat, αὶ & | Mark ii. 4, ἐκριζόω, to root out or up. Luke vii. 6. Luke xvii. 6, | Jude 12, ROOM (-s.) | ROOT UP. τόπος, place, locus, spot, space, room. g : Lukeii.7, ΠῚ Lukexiv.9,10,22, | ἐκριζόω, to root out or up. 1 Cor. xiv. 18, Matt. xiii. 29, | Matt, xv. 18. ROO ROOTED (zz) ῥιζόω, to root. Here, pass. or mid., to be or become rooted, to take root. Eph. iii. 17. |. Col a. 7: ROPE (-s.) | σχοινίον, a cord made of bulrushes ; hence, gen., a cord or rope, (ace. John u. 15.) Acts xxvii. 32. ROUGH. | κα ee uneven, (οσο. Acts xxvil. Luke iii. 5. ROUND. See, COMPASS, SHINE. 1. κύκλος, a circle. In N.T. only Dat. κύκλῳ, as adv., in a circle, round, around, round about. 2. κυκλόθεν, from around. 3. πάντοθεν, from every side or quarter ; and hence, on every side, round about, (οσο. Luke xix. 43.) 4. περίξ, about, surroundin ρ ᾿ jacent, (non occ.) σ, circum- | | ROUND ABOUT. | | | | | 1. Mark iii. 34. 3. Heb. ix. 4. 1. —— vi. 6, 36. 2. Rev. iv. 3, 4. 1. Luke ix. 12. iB 6. 4, Acts v. 16. | 2. ——v.11(No.1,GLT 1. Rom. xv. 19. }1, —vi.ll. [TrAn.) ROUND ABOUT (come) κυκλόω, to encircle, to surround. John x. 34. See also, COUNTRY, DWELL, GO, HEDGE, LOOK, REGION, SHINE, STAND. ROW (-£p, -1na.) [verb. ] ἐλαύνω, to drive, impel, urge on; wsed of ships driven by winds or oars ; hence, to row. Mark vi. 48. | John vi. 19 part. [ 652 ἢ RUL 2. βασιλικός, royal, belonging to a king. 2. Acts xii. 21. | 2. Jas. ii. 8. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 9. RUB (-πνα.) ψώχω, to rub in pieces, (non occ.) Luke vi. i. RUDDER. πηδάλιον, a helm, a rudder. Acts xxvii. 40. 1----- RUDE. ἰδιώτης, ἃ private citizen, opp. to one in a public station; an individual, opp. to the many; one who has no professional knowledge, whether of politics or any other subject, as we say, a layman. Zhen gen., un- informed, ignorant. 2 Cor. xi. 6. RUDIMENT (-s.) στοιχεῖον, a little step, a pin, a peg standing upright (as the gnomon of a dial); then, the elements or rudiments of instruction. Col. ii. 8, 20, marg. element. Gal. iv. 3, 9, marg. (text, clement.) RUE. [noun.] πήγανον, rue, a plant, (non oce.) Luke xi. 42. RUIN. ῥῆγμα, a rending, breach, ruin, (non oce.) Luke vi. 49. RUINS. κατεσκαμμένα, the things overthrown, digged down or raised; hence, ruins of cities or buildings, (οσο. Rom. xi. 3.) Acts xv. 16. ROYAL. 1. βασίλειος, royal, like a king, des- tined or suitable for a king, (oce. | Luke vii. 25.) RULE. [noun.] | 1. ἀρχή, beginning ; spoken of dignity, the first place, 1.6. power, dominion, pre-eminence, precedence. RUL [ 653 ] RUN 2. κανών, a reed, staff or rod; a mea- | 1. Matt. ix. 18, 23. {John xii, 43, seo Ἡ τ Β ? — Mark v. 22, 35, 36, 38, (chief) suring rod or line; then, a stan- | see Synagogue. | 1, Acts iii. 17. one | Sone : dard er rule; hence, Eng., canon, | 3° το τι dl. | i; a eee ΩΝ (non occ.) ; -- 49, ae Syna- | 1. — vii. 27, 35 twice. | ——niii.l4,§ gogue. , — —— xiii. 15, see Syna- 1. 1 Cor. xv. 24 2. 2 Cor. 16, marg. (text, 1. —— xviii. 18. [1 27. [gogue. 2. 2 Cor. x. 13 2. Gal. vi. 16. [line.) | 2, —— xxi. 19. | 1, —— xiv. 5. 2. 15. 2. Phil. iii. 16. 1, —— xxiii. 13, 35. | 1. --ὐ ΣΕ 1ο, 1. —— xxiv. 20. | — —— xvii. 6, 8, see R -- aes ii. 9, see R of the of the νι i east. — — xviii. Θ RULE OVER (ve rue) Καν παλ πώς — —— iv. 46, marg. see | 1. —— xxiii. 5. ἡγέομαι, to lead, lead the way, go first ; be leader, chief. Heb. xiii. 7, 17, marg. be the guide. 24, marg. guide. RULE (Ἔτη, -τνα.) [verb.] 1. προΐστημι, trans., to cause to stand before, to set over. In N.T. only intrans., to stand before, be over, preside, rule as with care and dili- gence. * 2nd Aorist. + Mid. 2. ποιμαίνω, to tend a flock or herd ; i.e. to provide for, lead, cherish, and defend, as well as to feed a flock. βραβεύω, to be an arbiter in the public games; sit and act as umpire, be enthroned as decider of everything, (non occ.) 2. Matt. ii. 6, marg. feed. | 1*.1 Tim. iii. 5. — Mark x. 42,see R over. | 1+. 12. 1¢.Rom. xii. 8. 13, ν. 17. 3. Col. iii. 15. 2. Rev. ii. 27. 11.1 Tim. iii, 4. Be sa xii. 5. 2. Rev. xix. 15. RULE OVER. ἄρχω, to begin, be first in any thing ; to be first in rank, dignity, ete. ; hence, to rule. Mark x. 42, RULER (-s.) 1. ἄρχων, one first in power, authority, or dominion ; hence, a ruler, lord, prince, or chief person. 2. ἡγεμών, a leader, guide; com- mander of an army; hence, governor, president, prefect. 3. κοσμοκράτωρ, lord of the world. Here, pl., the world holders [of this darkness. ] | 1. Rom. xiii. 3. 3. Eph. vi. 12. Nobleman. 1, —— vii, 26, 48. RULER (cuter) 1. John xii, 42, RULER OF THE CITY. πολιτάρχης, ἃ city ruler, prefect, magis- trate, (non occ.) Acts xvii. 6, 8. RULER OF THE FEAST. ἀρχιτρίκλινος, the master of a feast, master of the ceremonies.’ John ii. 9. RUMOUR (-s.) 1. ἀκοή, hearing; then, that which is heard, report, rumour. 2. λόγος, word as spoken, account which one gives, (see “ AccOoUNT.”’) 1. Matt. xxiv. 6. | 1, Mark xiii. 7. 2. Luke vii. 17. RUN (στη, -ING, -RAN.) (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. τρέχω, to run, hasten, hurry, (oce. 2 Thes. iii. 1.) 2. προστρέχω, (No. 1, with πρός, to- wards, preficed) to run towards or to any one. 3. συντρέχω, (No. 1, with σύν, in con- junction with, prefixed) to run together in conjunction with another or others, run in company. = |. ὁρμάω, trans., to set in motion, urge, prick, spur on; intrans., to put one’s self in violent motion, to rush. RUN . Luke xxiv. 12 (ap.) . John xx. 2, 4, . Acts vii. 57. . Rom. ix. 16. . 1 Cor. ix. 24 twice, 26, . Gal. 11. 2 twice. . Phil. ii. 16. — Heb. xiii. 1, — Rev. ix. 9. 1, Matt. xxvii. 48. 1. — xxviii. 8. 1. Mark ν. 6 (in a.v. 1611 to 1687 printed come, prob. a misprint. ) — vi. 33. . —x.17. 5 xv. 36. . Luke xv. 20. RUN AGROUND. ἐποκέλλω, to drive or force upon, as a ship wpon a shoal, (non occ.) Acts xxvii. 41. RUN BEFORE. προτρέχω, (No. 1, with πρό, before, pre- fixed), (οσο. Sohn xx. 4.) Luke xix. 4, RUN GREEDILY. ἐκχύνω, to pour out; pour forth, rush tumultuously ; spoken of a passion, to rush into, give one’s self up to. Jude 11. RUN IN. 1. εἰστρέχω, (No. 1, with εἰς, into, pre- Jjived), (non occ.) 2. εἰσπηδάω, to leap into, spring in, (oce. Acts xvi. 29.) Acts xii. 14. ΓΑ κ, —— xiv. 14 (ἐκπηδάω, to leap out, rush forth,G L 2 Tr RUN OUT. ἐκχέω, see “RUN GREEDILY.” Matt. ix. 17. RUN OVER. ὑπερεκχύνω, here, pass., to be pourel out over, as from a vessel ; to run over, overflow, (on occ.) Luke vi. 38. RUN TO. προστρέχω, see “nun,” No. 2. Mark ix. 15. RUN THITHER TO. προστρέχω, see “Run,” Wo. 2. Acts viii. 30. [ 654 ] | RUS RUN THROUGH. περιτρέχω, (“ BUN,’ No. 1, with περί, around, prefixed) to run around, or about, (non οσο.) Mark vi. 55. RUN TOGETHER. γίνομαι, to be-, 1.6. there took ( come, place a con- 1s course, or a running to- ning together, gether. (ane a ΤΙΠ- concourse, 2. συντρέχω, see “RUN,” No. 3. 2. Acts iii. 11. l 1, Acts xxi. 30, RUN UNDER. ὑποτρέχω, (“RuN,” Wo. 1, with ὑπό, under, prefixed), (non occ.) Acts xxvii. 16, RUN VIOLENTLY. δρμάω, see “RuN,” Wo. 4. Matt. viii. 32. | Mark ν. 19. Luke viii. 33. RUN WITH. συντρέχω, see “RUN,” No. 3. 1 Pet. iv. 4 part. RUNNING TOGETHER (comer) ἐπισυντρέχω, (“RUN,” No. 8, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed) to run together upon. Mark ix. 25. RUSH (-£p, -1NG.) 1. ὁρμάω, see “nun,” Wo. 4. 2. φέρω, to bear, bear along. Here, mid., to bear one’s self along b] 2 Θ᾽ move along, as the wind, rush. — Mark iii. 10, see Press. | 2. Acts ii. 2. 1, Acts xix. 29. RUST. 1. βρῶσις, eating, the act of eating; also, erosion, corrosion. | 2. ids, something sent out, emitted, as a missile ; venom, as emitted from serpents ; also rust, as emitted on metals, (οσο. Rom. ΠΠ. 138; Jas. 111. 8.) 1. Matt. vi. 19,20. | 2. Jas. v. 3. a «ἃ SABACHTHANI. σαβαχθανί, the Greek spelling of the Chald. snpiw, sabachthani, thou hast Sh ee me (from root prw, to leave, forsake) quoted from Psalm xxii. 2, where Chald. for Heb. nay, from root ry. Matt. xxvii. 46. | Mark xv. 34. SABAOTH. σαβαώθ, the Greek spelling of the Heb. ο | ΓΙΣ3Ν, hosts, armies, (pl. of παν, , host) guoted from Is. i. 9. Rom. ix. 29. μις Jas. v. 4. ἜΜ SABBATH. (See below for “ SABBATH DAY.’’) σάββατον, Sabbath; ZHed., now, rest, ἃ lying by from labour. * denotes that the plural is translated by the singular. + indicates the Dat. pl. σάββασι. t denotes that the Gen. of the noun ” is used as an adjective. Matt. xii. 5. Luke xiv. 5f. — xxviii. 1*. —- xxiii. 54. Mark 11. 27 twice, 28, John ν. 9, 18. — xv. 42, see 8 (day | —— xix. 317. before the) Acts xiii. 141. — xvi. 1. 42, marg. week. Luke iv. gag — xvi. 13 5568 (on the) —_— vi. ee iii. — vii 1 Sat 15, 161. | Col. ii. 161. Heb. iv. 9, rier see Rest. SABBATH DAY. Matt. xii. 1*f, ο, 5t, 8, | Luke xiv. 1, 3. 101, 11*t, 12}. — xxiii, 56. —— xxiv. 20, John ν. 10,16. Mark i. 915. — vii. 22, 23 twice. —— ii. 23*+, 24131. — ix. 14, 16. — iii. 2*+, 41. — xix. 31. — vi. 2. Acts i. 19. Luke iv. 317. — xiii. 27, 44, — vi. 2f, 7, 91. —— xv. 21, Acts xvii. 2. SABBATH (bay BEFORE THE) προσάββατον, (the above, with πρό, be- fore, prefixed) fore-sabbath, eve of the sabbath, (non occ.) Mark xv. 42 (πρὸς σάββατον, for the Sabbath, L Tr.) KEEPING OF A SABBATH. [margin. | Heb. iv. 9, see “‘ REST.”” SABBATH (on THE) τῇ, 0 on the ἡμέρᾳ, day τῶν, of the σαββάτων, sabbaths. Acts xvi, 13. ο... σάκκος, Heb., sack-ing, sack-cloth ; a coarse pane cloth, commonly made of hair, (non oce.) Matt. xi. 21. Rev. vi. 12. Luke x. 13. — xi. 3. SACRIFICE (-s.) [noun.] θυσία, sacrifice ; the act of killing and offering in sacrifice ; also used of the thing sacrificed, the flesh of the victim, part of which was burned on the altar, and part given to the priests, (non 066.) | ! 1 Cor. x. 19, 28, see Idols, —— xii. 7. | Eph. v. 2. Mark ix. 49 ; Phil, Ἡ, 17. —— xii. 33. — iv. 18. Luke ii. 24. Heb. v. 1. > ark al | —— vii. 27. Acts vii. 41, 42. | —— viii, 8, xiv. 18, 18, see S | —— ix. 9, ἢ aie (do) | ——x. 1, 5, 8 ici 12, 26. Rom. viii. 3, see Sin ferme xi. 1 Cor. x. 18. | petit δν SACRIFICE FOR (by a) [margin.] Rom. viii. 3, see “ FoR.” SACRIFICE (vo) θύω, sce below. Acts xiv. 13, 18. SACRIFICE (-gp.) [verb.] θύω, to kill and offer in sacrifice, sacri- fice, immolate. Mark on 12, marg. (text, 1 kill. —— x, en ce. 1 Cor. v. 7, marg. slay, 19, 28, see Idol. | Rev. ii. 14, 20, see Idol. Cor. viii. 4, see Idol. SAC ne SACRIFICING. [margin.] Rom. xv. 16, see ‘‘ OFFERING UP.” SACRILEGE (commrr) ἱεροσυλέω, to rob temples, commit sacrilege, (non occ.) Rom, ii. 22. [ 656 ] SAD. 1. σκυθρωπός, grim-visaged, of angry or sullen countenance, (occ. Matt. vi. 16.) 2. στυγνάζω, to be or become outwardly hateful, gloomy, ov sad, to look so, (oce. Matt. xvi. 3.) 2. Mark x. 22. 1. Luke xxiv. 17. — Matt. vi. 16, see Coun- tenance. SAFE. ἀσφαλής, not falling, 1.6. firm, fixed, immoveable; hence, affording safety and support. Phil. iii. 1. SAFE AND SOUND. ὑγιαίνω, to be sound, healthy, well. Luke xv. 27 part. SAFE (zrine) διασώζω, to save through or through- out, 1.6. to bring safely through. Acts xxiii. 24. SAFE (Escarr) διασώζω, see above. Acts xxvii. 44, pass. SAI SAID (πἩητ) αὐτός, the same. Mark vi. 22. SATL. [noun.] σνεῦος, a vessel, utensil; 72 respect to use, an implement, instrument ; of a ship or sailing, the chief in- strument, the mast, or sail, (ancient ships having only one.) τὰ σκεύη, the implements of a ship, 1.6. the tackle. Acts xxvii. 17. SAIL (-Ep, -τκα.) [verb. } (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. πλέω, to sail, go by water, [the root being πλε-, or πλυ-; Sanscr. plu., SAFELY. .« ἀσφαλῶς, firmly, without falling; hence, safely, securely, (οσο. Acts 11. 36.) Mark xiv, 44. | Acts xvi. 23. SAFETY. ἀσφάλεια, firmness, fixedness, security Srom falling, rupture, ete., (oce. Luke i. 4.) Acts v. 23. | 1 Thes, v. 3. SAID. See, say. to swim; cf. Lat., flu-ere; Eng., flow, flood, plunge, ete. ete.] 2. ἀποπλέω, (3ο. 1, with ἀπό, away from, prefixed) to sail away from one place to another, depart by ship, (”on occ.) 9. ἐκπλέω, (No. 1, with ἐκ, out of, pre- fixed) to sail out of a port or har- bour, (here followed by εἰς, unto.) 4. ἀνάγω, to lead or conduct up ; hence, of a ship, to conduct it up or out upon the sea. 1. Luke viii. 23 part. 2, Acts xx. 15. 2. Acts xiii. 4. 1, — xxi. 3. 2. —— xiv. 26. 2. — xxvii. 1. 3. — xv. 39. 1, ; 4, —— xviii. 21. - 9, see Sailing. 4, —— xx. 3, 13. ΗΝ 24, SAIL AWAY. 8. Acts xx. 6. SAIL BY. 1. παραλέγω, to lay near; «ΠΠ. to lie near; hence, to lay one’s course near, 7.6. to sail near, by or along a place or coast, (occ. Acts xxvii.8.) bo πλέω, see above, No. 1. 3. παραπλέω, (No. 2, with παρά, beside, prefixed) to sail near or beside a place, (non oce.) 3. Acts xx. 16. | 2. Acts xxvii. 2. 1. Acts xxvii. 13. SAI [ 65 SAIL OVER. 1. διαπλέω, (4 8Ατι, Wo. 1, with διά, through, prefixed ) to sail through- out, (non occ.) 2. διαπεράω, to pass through or over. 2. Acts xxi. 2. | 1. Acts xxvii. 5 part. | = | SAIL SLOWLY. | βραδυπλοέω, (“ sary,” Wo. 1, with Bpa- dus, slow, not hasty, prefixed) to | sail leisurely ο) slowly, (non occ.) Acts xxvii. 7 part. SAIL THENCE. ἐκπλέω, see “ satt,” Wo. 3. Acts xxviii. 18. SAIL UNDER. ὑποπλέω, (“satt,” No. 1, with ὑπό, under, prefixed ) to sail under, 1.6. under the lee shore, or shelter of land. Acts xxvii. 4, 7. | SAILING [noun. | πλόος, sailing, navigation. Acts xxvii. 9. SAILOR (-s.) ναύτης, 4 ship-man, sailor, seaman, (occ. Acts xxvii. 27, 30.) Rev. xviii. 17. νο. παν Μι η, | ἅγιος, reverence, and the object thereof ; hence, holy, sacred ; an attribute belonging to the God of Revela- tion and ‘Redemption. Also used of men and things in that relation to God required by His revealed character. The Spirit of God, as the organ by which He reveals Hlimself, is for this reason called ἅγιον, at every stage of revelation. | Then, it is used substantively of angels, or holy ones, and of things which stand in peculiar relation to God; also of men who have, as the ground of their life, Christ as ὁ ἅγιος τοῦ θεοῦ, (Mark i. 24; Luke iv. 34, ete.) and πνεύμα ἅγιον. Phil. iv. 51. SAL SAINTS. ἅγιοι, (pl. of above) holy ones, used either of angels or of men, accord- ing to the context and parallel scriptures. [Care must be taken to distinguish the Old Test. “saints,” used of foe earthly people (Dan. vii. 18, 22, ete.) ; New Test. “saints,” God’s heavenly people; and the Holy Angels. * In some places “angels” are meant, where the translation is “saints.” See 1 Thes. iii. 13, and Jude 14, and compare Matt. xxv. 31; also, Deut. xxxiii. 2, and Zech. xiv. 5. In some passages it is doubtful which are meant, as, 1 Cor. vi. 2; Col. i. 12, etc. | Matt. xxvii. 52 Γ΄“ Saints | Eph, vi. 18, which slept,” 1.6, | Phil, 21. sleeping saints, } — iv. 22. Acts ix. 15, 32, 41, Col. i. 2, rr 12, 26. | — xxvi. 10. ΕἼ Thes. iii, 193. Rom. i. 7. | 2 Thea, i. 10. —- viii. 27. | 1 Tim. v. 10. — xii. 13. : Philem. 5, 7. —— xv. 25, 25, 31. ; Heb. vi. 10, — xvi. 2, 15. | —— xili. 24, 1 Cor. 1, 2. | Jude 3, 14", — vi. 1, 2. | Rev. v. 8. | —— xiv. 33. | —— vill. 3, 4, — xvi. i. 15. | —— xi. 18. 2 Cor. i. 1. | —— xiii. 7 (ap.), 10. — viii. 4. { —— xiv. 12. —— ix. 12: ' —— xv. 3 ἔθνων, the na- — xiii. 13. | tions, ἃ 1, T Tr A); Eph. i. 1, 15, 18, | (αἴωνιων, the ages, — ii. 19. GR.) — iii. 8 (om. G --) | —— xvi. 6. 18. | —— xvii. 6. — iv. 19. | —— xviii. 24, — v. 3. — xix. 8. Rey. xx. 9. SAKE. See, For. SALT. [noun. ] 1. ἅλας, (a common form of No.2) salt, (non occ.) 2, dds, (Lat., sal; Eng., salt) in sing., a grain or lump of salt; in pi., salt, as prepared for use, (non oce.) 1. Matt. ν. 15 1st ἃ 2nd. 1, Mark ix. 503 times. 133rd, see {πο | 1. Luke xiv. 34 twice. verb. 1. Col, iv. 6. 2. Mark ix. 49 (ap.) — Jas. iii, 12, see the adj. SALT. [adj.] ἁλυκός, of the sea; hence, salt. Jas. iii, 12. SAL [ 658 1 SAL SALT (-zp.) [verb.] SALUTATION. pith, te epee le ἀσπασμός, ἃ drawing to one’s self, [“ Every oblation of the meat-offer an ανν hence, salutation, : i : reeting. ing shalt thou season with salt,” ae 5 | Lev. i. 13. Why Ὁ Salt is the Luke πον ην 1 Cor. xvi. 21. emblem of perpetuity, and esp. of 1 Thes. iii. 17. friendliness perpetually preserved. Hence, the covenant of priesthood made with Aaron, (Numb. xviii. 19) and of kingship with David, ἀσπάζομαι, to draw to one’s self ; hence, | (2 Chron. xiii. 5) are each called to embrace, salute, greet. SALUTE (-ED, -ΕΤΗ.) “@ covenant of salt.” The salt | matt. v. 47. 13, 14, 15, 16 twice, 21, with the meat-offering betokened | 5 ¥;}*,. Gao ee the reconciliation of man and the | — xv. 18.” 2 Cor, mie 13. friendliness of God. All who | Uke: 40. epee have now “made a covenant with | Acts xviii. 22, part. 2 Tim. iv. 19. Him by sacrifice” are reconciled | — καρ πα ?™* ο πι το Him. But “every one,” 2.6. all, | Rom. xvi.6, Ree ἘΠῚ πε cb (viz. those referred to in verse 48, ies πώ] : who are finally cast into the “un- guenchable fire”) all these have no sacrifice, and therefore no salt. SALVATION. They are not reconciled to God; they bear their own punishment ; danger or destruction. Only in a they themselves are the victims, Christian sense, salvation. Con- and the fire itself is the salt. trasted with θάνατος, (death) 2 Cor. vil. 10; ἀπώλεια, (destruction) 1. σωτηρία, safety, preservation from With this, harmonises the next verse, οι OR πα Haye salt in yourselves, and Phil. 1. 28; ὀργή, (wrath) 1 Thes. : στο ας have peace one with another,” 1.6. ᾿ ο ο... τ panies ο have reconciliation with God, ο These a 15. 1 Pees δ) for mae then you will have friendliness απο NEN 1 Ἢ one with another, and you will οσους ο... : ave redeemed by power and glory isput rse 33. not dispute, as in ve ὃ JSrom the grave, as we are now by The salt did not preserve the sacri- blood from sin. Hence the expres- fice from being consumed, nor sion ἐλπίδα σωτηρίας, (the hope of prolong the process of combustion. salvation) 1 Thes. τ δὲ cf. Heb. The offering was consumed by the 1, 14; ix, 28; 1 Pet. 1. 5. fire, but the salt was the token that the atonement was accepted and the friendliness preserved. 2. σωτήριος, saving, delivering, bring- ing salvation, (but rarely used as an adj.; gen. as a neuter subst.) The impossibility of giving or re- | 1. Imkei.69, 77. 1, Phil. 1, 19, 28, . . ο, ἘΞ ΞΘ Ὁ 80, ..--- 11. 12 apie the an its ee showed | 5° ——_ ΠΣ δ : 1 Thee. ἘΝ 9, 4 sibili ne’ anv 1, — xix. 9. 1, 2 Thes. ii. 18, the τος ibi ity of making any 1. John iv. 22, 1, 2 Tim, ii. 10, other atonement. | | 1. Acts iv. 12 (ap.) Ty, eee Seed te ans xiii. 26, 47. — Tit. ii. 11, see S (that Matt. v. 13. | Mark ix, 491st, 492nd(ap.) | 1, —— xvi. 17, bringeth) 2, —— xxviii, 98, 1. Heb. i. 14. —| 1. Rom. i. 16. 1. —— ii. 3, 10, Lge 510, 1, ------ ν. 9. ‘ HIS) — . . » . SALTNESS (1088) sin 7 1 me , 1. 9 Cor. i. 6 twice. 1. 1 Pet. i. 5, 9, 10, γίνομαι, to become, 1, —— vi. 2twlee. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 15. αλ, t salt 1, —— vii. 10, 1, Jude 8, αναλος, not salt. 1. Eph: i. 13. 1. Rey. vii. 10, 2, νι, 17, 1. xii, 10, Mark ix, 50, 1, Rev. xix. 1. SAL SALVATION (ΤΑῚ BRINGETH) 9, Tit. ii. 11. SALVE. See, EYE. SAME. (See below for “THE SAME,” combinations.) 1. ἐκεῖνος, that, that one there; used of the more remote person, (the 3rd) as No. 3 is of the nearer, (the 2nd person.) and other αὐτός, very, self, selfsame. With the article, the same, the selfsame. * without the article. οὗτος, this, the nearer, used of the 2nd person, (see No. 1.) 4. καῖ, also, and. 1. Matt. xiii. 1. | 1. John sii. 48, 1, —— xv. 22. a xx. 19. 1, — xviii. 1. 1. Acts ii. 41. Ἔν 28 (om. L) 3. —— viii. 35. | 1, —— xxii, 28. Γ1. ----- χα, 6. 1. Mark iv. 35 1. —— xvi. 33. 2*. Luke x. i | 1, —— xix. 23. 1, John i. 33. | 1. —— xxviii. 7. 1. —— iv. 53. 1. 2\Cor. yal. 8, 1, —v.9, 11. | 2, —— viii. 19 (om. G—-L 1. —.x.1. Tr A. 1. Rev. xi. 13 SAME (rue) 2*, Matt. iii. 4. | 3. John i, 33 (No, 2, Lm.) 3. —v.19.! 3. —— iii. 2, 26. 2. 46 (οὕτως, thus, | 3. —— vii. 18, or 80, 1, Τ Tr A.) | 3, —— xii. 21, mase, pl. 2*,—— xii, 50. | 3. —— Xv. 5. 3. — xiii. 20. 3. Acts vii. 19. 3. —— xviii. 4. 3. 35, Aec. mase. 3. —— xxi. 42. 3. —— xiii. 8, Acc. fem 3, —— xxiv. 13. | 3. —— xiv. 9. 2. —— xxv. 16, Dat. pl. κα ee 17, fem. sing. 3. —— xxvi. 2% | 3. —— xxi. 9, Dat. sing. 2. 44. 2. Rom. ix. 21. 2, —— xxvii. 44. 2, —x. 15. 3. Mark iii. 35. 2. —— xii. 4. [thing(the) 8. — viii. ιν (om. α L | —1Cor. i. 101st, see ὶ T TrA 2. 10 2nd ἃ 3rd, 5, — xiii. i ) 3. —— vii. 20, fem. sing. 2. — xiv. 39, Dat. 2, Luke ii. 8, 3. —— viii. 3. 3. 25. 3. —— ix. 8, neut. pl. 2, — vi. 33. 2.—x. 2. 38 (6, what, L | 2, —— xii. 4, δ, 6, 8, 9 Ist. TTrAR.) 2. ὁ 2nd (δὶ one, 8. —— ix. 24, 48. LT Tra. 2, —— x. 10, Gen. fem. 2. —— xv. 39. 3, —— xvi. 1. 2. 2 Cor. i. 6. 3. —— xx. 17. 2, —— iii. 14, 18. 3. 47, mase. pl. 2. —— iv. 10. 2. — xxiii. 40. 3, —— viii. 6, Acc, fem, 3. οἱ Ist. 2. 16. 3. John i. 2, 7.4 3. —— ix. 5, Acc. fem. SS* Γ 659 1 | | | | | 2. οὗτος, see “SAME, [κα μα 2. 2 Cor. xii. 18 twice. ! Heb. x. 11 4. Gal, ii. 8. — xi, 9. 8. 10, Άσο., with | 2. — xii. 8. τοῦτο. πο μη 8, iii. 7, mase. pl. 2*, Eph. iv. 10 1 Pet. ii. 7 ἃ, — vi. 8, neut. sing. — iv. 1, 4. 2. Phil. i. 30. —v. 2. — ii. 2. 2 Pet. sing. 2, —— iii. 16. Dat., “οὗ the same.” 3. 2 Tim. ii. 2, neut. pl, | 2.1 John ii. 27 (αὐτοῦ, 2. Heb. i. 12. his, GwT Tr A B®.) 2, —— ii. 14. 3. Rev. iii. 5 (οὕτως, thus, 2, — iv. 11. LT Tr Αν) 2, — vi. 11. γαι xiv. 10. SAME (rar) 1. Matt. x. 19 (ap. ) — Luke vii. 21, see Hour. 2*,.—— xxvi. — —— xxiv. 18, see Day. 1 55. 1, John xi. 49. ολ, Mark xiv. 44. 1. —— xviii. 13. 3. Acts 11. 36, acc. SAME THAT (tHe) ὅστις, whatever. Jobn viii. 25. SAME MATTER (tue) 2. Mark x. 10. SAME THING (tHe) 2. Acts xv. 27, pl. 2. 1 Cor. i. 10. 2. Rom. ii. 1, pl. 2. Eph, vi. 9, pl. 2. Phil. iii, 1, pl. SAME (ΓΗ ΒΕ) 9, Acts xxiv. 20, pl. masc. SAME HERE (ries) αὐτο ΕΘΠΟ, ) these themselves. αὗτοι, these, } Acts xxiv. 20, SAME (ruts) ς αὐτόν, same, ? 72 ver ἘΣ ἡ τοῦτο, this, | this very thing. ” No. 8. | — Rom. ix. 17, see Pur- 1. 2'Cor. 11, 8. {pose. 2. Acts i. 11. See also, BODY, CARE, CAUSE, CRAFT, DAY, HOUR, MANNER, MIND, PUR- POSE, QUARTER, RANK. SANCTIFICATION. ἁγιασμός, sanctification, — essential purity; the accomplishment of what is expressed in ἀγιάξω, SAN —— en (see below) and the result of | this action, in that it is contem- plated as effected. (Elsewhere, “HOLINESS.” 1 Cor. 1. 90. 1 Thes. iv. 3, 4. 2 Thes. ii. 13. 1 Pet. i. 2 SANCTIFY (τῆν, -ΕΤΗ.) ee to make ἅγιος, (see. HOLY,’ 1) to set ina state opposed me κοινόν, (common, unclean) ; or to deliver from that state, if already κοινόν, and put into a state corresponding to the nature of God. Matt. xxiii. 17, 19. MS ον 5 John x. 36. | 2 Tim. ii. 21. —— xvii. 17, 19 twice. Heb. ii. 11 twice. Acts xx. 32. ἐπ. 15. —— xxvi. 18. Heb. x. 10, 14, 29, Rom. xv. 16. —— xiii. 12. 1 Cor. i. 2 1 Pet. iii. 15. — vi. 11. Jude 1 (ἠγαπημένοις, be- —— vii. 14 twice. loved, instead of ἡγι- Eph. v. 26. ἀσμένοις, sanctified, 1 Thes. v. 23. GxrLTTrarn.) SAT ο.” SARDINE. cdpowos, the sardine, (σάρδιος, G LT Tr As, sardius, the Sardian stone, used esp. for seal-rings. It was of two kinds, the transparent or blood- red being our carnelian; the brownish, our sardine, lxx. for pos, Ex. xxviii. 7; Ezek. xxviii. 19.) Here it denotes the indignation of Him who sits on the throne, ef. Ezek, xxxviil. 18, (non oce.) Rev. iv. 3. SANCTUARY. ἅγιον, neut., (see “ Hoty,” Wo. 1.) Heb. viii. 2, pl., marg. vy (tabernacle), St. holy things. Mill., ete.) (ἅγια, — ix.1. holies, B E T Tr) 2, Ῥ]., marg. Joly (erie, the holy place, (ayia, holu, fem. sing., A) (ἅγια ἁγίων, holy as agreeing with σκη- of holies, L.) Heb. xiii. 11, pl. SAND. ἄμμος, sand, also, sandy ground, (non occ.) Matt. vii. 26. | Kom. ix. 27. Heb. xi. 12. Rev. xiii. 1. Rey. xx. 8. SANDAL (-s.) σανδάλιον, dim. of σάνδαλον, a wooden sole firmly bound on by straps round the instep and ankle, a sandal, (non occ.) Mark vi. 9. Ι SAPPHIRE. σαπῴειρος, sapphire, a precious stone, next in hardness to the diamond, in various shades of blue, (Ixx. for Heb. Ὢβο, Ex. xxiy.10; xxviii. 18, from 75D, to shine.) Rev, xxi. 19. Acts xii. 8. SARDIUS. σάρδιος, see above, (non occ.) Rev. xxi. 20. SARDONYX. σαρδόνυξ, sardonyx, a kind of onya, or chalcedony. Called onyx when the dark ground was regularly spotted or striped with white; called sar- donyx when the diff: colours were disposed in layers, (non occ.) Rev. xxi. 20. 2 Cor. xii. SATAN. Σατανᾶς, the Greek form of the Heb. ἰοῦ, Satan, adversary, Ixx. for yoo, (1 Kings xi. 14, 23, 25, of 2 Sam. xix. 29, where lxx.=ém- βολους.) In N.T. gen. with art., the adversary, the Heb. proper name for the devil, (Greek, 6 διαβόλος, the accuser.) [Satan seems to be the great adver- sary of the Word, (the living and the written word) the second person in the Blessed Trinit as the World is said to be the great adversary of the Father (1 John ii. 15-17) ; and the Flesh, of the Spirit, (Gal. v. 17.)] Τα all passages, except— Luke iv. 8 (ap.) 7, Σατᾶν (the Heb. letters.) word with Greek SATISFY. χορτάζω, to feed with grass, hay, οτο., to fodder, prop. of beasts ; to reed, fill with food. Merk vui. 4. SAV SAT [ 661 ] to save from death and judgment, (as the consequences of sin) and to bring in all positive blessing in the place of condemnation. | To save from the penalty of death and destruction, (not merely to make happy) but to bestow ever- lasting life as the result of resur- rection. 2. διασώζω, (No. 1, with διά, through, prefixed) to save through, bring safely through. | SATISFYING. | πλησμονή, 2 filling as with food ; hence, | a satisfying. Col. ii. 23. Σαῦλος, Saul, (Ixx. for the Hebrew name of the first king of Israel) the Jewish name of Paul, who, | like his namesake, (of the same | tribe of Benjamin) 1 Sam. ix. 2, | SAUL. | towered above all in pride, (Phil. lil. 4 et afterwards became ) ἢ 2. φυλάσσω, to watch, not to sleep, to Paul, (Lat., “paulus,” “little ”) ΠΟ “less than the least of all saints,” πρὸ" watch by nigit; to guard, 1 Cor. xv. 9; Eph. iii. 8. Ee In all passages, except— 1 Matt. i. a . Acts iors cae . — Vili. 25. | 1. —— xi. 14. Acts ὃς ὃν }(om.GLT Tr ΑΝ) σε πρ. | 1. —xv, 1, 11. 1. —— xiv. 30. | 1. —— xvi. 30, 31. 1. —— xvi. 25. | — xxvii. 20, 31. SAVE er 1, —— xviii. 11 (ap.) | 43 SAVE [preposition. ] 1. — xix. 25. - Rom. ν. 9, 10. 3 if 1. —— xxiv. 13, 22. . — Viii. 24, 1 ἘΠΕ Ὲ ee t | 1. —— xxvii. 40, igh —— ix. 27. . no see “NO exeept. 1. Mark iii. 4. 49. | 1. ——-x. 9, 10. ane 3 ( ae IN — — vi. 20, marg, see | 1. —— xi. 14, 56. ο. 2, Aid note, ) Observe. | 1. 1 Cor. i. 18, 21. ᾿ 1. — viii. 35 twice. iii. 15. 2. ἀλλά, but. | 1. ——x. 26, | 1, ——v.5. | πι ; be marg, (text, | 1. —— vii. 16 twice. e ] | 3 ες 99 8. ἤ, than, more than, τ sr ON seo " : 1. —— xv, 30, 81 twice. ΓΞ ie 5, 4, πλήν, more than, over and above; | 1- —xvi. 10 (ap.) | 1. 2 Cor. ii. 15, — Luke i. 71, see S (that | we should be) . Eph. ii. 5, 8. hence, besides, except. . 1 Thes. ii. 16. aly ; 1. — vi. 9. | 1. 2 Thes. ii, 10. 5. παρά, with Acc.,to or along the side Ἵν, ae ἫΝ νον ΤῊ . ᾿Ξ ο .- ος πώ) ο of, near. Here, it denotes the | 1, — ix.24twice,56(ap.) | 11 —— iv. 16. ος : it, ae ο 2 Tim. i. 9. approximation to an extreme point, | xvii. 33 (περιποιέο- | 1. Tit. iii, ὅ- until to, until upon. (The refer- μαι, to lay up, or ac- | 1. Heb. v. 7. quire, T Tr A.) . — Vii. 25. ence is tc Weut. xxv. 9.) πὸ Ὁ μα μὸ μὰ μαὶ μιὶ μαὶ μαὶ μαὶ μαὶ eed μὰ μὰ μαὶ μιὰ μὰ μῷ μὰ μὰ μὸ μὰ μὰ μὰ μὰ μὰ κ) μῷ Ce μὰ μὰ μα μὰ 1. — xviii. 26, 42. . Jas, i. 2]. 1. Matt. xi. 27. 1. Luke χυ 1.19. : --ᾱ ΕἸΣ: ay twice. 37, | 1. —— iv το 1, — xiii. 57. 1. John vi. 23,46, | Pa ἀρ + is Ww 1. — xvii. 8 3. — xiii. 10 (Νο. 1, ΟἾΔ. at τ τόσους ee ae πο) ὑπὸ Gs τὸ | J a 17. 1 Pet. = 20. 1. Mark v. 37. 5. Acts xx. 23. that. ΤᾺ aay ΕΕ.» — —-vi.5,seeSthat. | — αχ]. 25, see S only 1. sit! 97, 47. 2 Pet. ii. 5. WE ee ie, ον Pome ων | 1. Acts ii. 91. Jude 5, 23, ae Pay" ο. 1, Ὦ 89.) | 4. 2 Cor, xi, 24, -- 40, see S one’s 1. Rev. xxi. 24 (om. τῶν 1. Luke ἀν. ὧν. 1. Gal. 1. 19. self. | σωζομένων, of them 1, —— viii. 51. 1, —— vi. 14. -- 47, see S (such | αν wae saved, G 1, 1. —— xvii. 18. 1, Rev. xiii. 17. T Tr AS.) SAVE THAT. 1. Mark vi. 5. | as should be) SAVE ONE'S SELF. 1. Acts ii. 10, pass. SAVE ONLY THAT. 1. Acts xxi. 25 (ap.) = SAVED (THAT WE SHOULD BE) | | | SAVE (-πρ.) [verb.] 1. σώζω, to make sound, to save, pre- serve safe from danger, loss, or destruction. In a Christian sense, σωτηρία, safety, deliverance, preser- vation from danger or destruction; salvation. Luke i. 71. SAV SAVED (svc ΑΦ SHOULD BE) ot, those denoting the class, σωζόμενοι, being ¢ not the state, or saved, the fact of saving. Acts ii. 47. SAVING. [noun.] 1. σωτηρία, safety, deliverance, preser- vation from danger or Ἱ -- 2. περιποίῃησις, a making remain over, a laying up; acquisition, obtain- ing. (Here referring to the ψυχή, the life. ) 2. Heb. x. 39. | 1. Heb. xi. 7. SAVING. [prep. ] ἐι, if ἱ ; except. [ή μή, not, 2. παρεκτός, near by without, out near; out of, without, besides. 2. Matt. v. 32. | 1. Luke iv. 27. 1. Rev. ii. 17. - i Ϊ SAVIOUR. σωτήρ, saviour, deliverer, η Used of God, as the author of all help, of every salvation, and above all of salvation by, and life in, | Christ. Also of Christ Himself as the accomplisher of salvation, | (non occ.) | Luke i. 47. 1 Tim. iv. 10. — ii. ee 2 Tim. i. 10. Jobn iv. Tit. i. 3, 4. Acts v. a ii. 10, 13. —— xiii. 23. | iii. 4, 6. Eph. v. 23. aot ie ts 1, Phil. iii. 20, . 20, 1 Tim, 1. 1. τῇ. 2, 18, — ii. 3. | 1 John iy. 14. Jude 25. SAVOUR. [noun.] ὀσμή, asmell, odour. In N.T. only of fragrant odour, (Ixx. form, pine 3, ΤΠ van; 13.) Used of the niga odour as accompanying an | ση ap (see Lev. 1.9, 18,17; ii. 2,9; Gen. vii. 21.) 2 Cor. ii. 14, 16 twice. Ι Eph.yv.2 SAVOUR (tose) | μωραίνω, to make dull, not acute; e.g. of impressions on the taste, to become insipid, tasteless, to lose 108 savour. Jlere, pass. Matt. v. 15. | Luke xiv. 34. [ 662 1 | | SAY SAVOUR (sweet) εὐωδία, good odour, fragrance, Ecclus. xxiv. 15. 2 Cor. ii, 15. SAV TOUR ( mies [verb. ] φρονέω, to have mind; to think, be minded ; to regard, care for. Matt. xvi. 23. | Mark viii. 33. SAW ASUNDER. πρίζω or πρίω, to saw, to saw asunder, (see 1 Sam. xv. 33; 2 Bo. 91: Ch. τὸ ὦ ος Βκπ-Ἡ. ὅ 29) Ixx. for wn, ‘Am. i. 3, ich ae Heb. xi. 37. SAY (ING, -EST; SAID, -ST; SAITH.) 1. λέγω, to lay, lay together, to collect ; then, to lay before, relate, differing From the words below in that it refers to the purport or sentiment of what is said and the eonnection of the words; ἐξ denotes the οο]- lecting of words in a sentence or oration; in reference to the serip- ture it denotes the statement of the scriptures, (while Wo. 5 is the utterance or speaking of that state- ment.) When λέγω seems to be put for No. 2, it has reference, not to the meaning of speaking but of thinking, feeling, commanding. W hen used in connection with No. 2 the speaking is an additional notion, (when used alone the idea of speak- ing already exists.) * When joined with ἀποκρίνομαι, (to ener) or ἐρωτάω, (to ask) or Jos. 2, 3, 4, and 5, itis marked with an aster isk. 9 2. εἷπον, (Aor. 2 of obs. root, ἔπω) to utter definite words, to enunciate words and things to auditors and commune respecting them, to speak or utter words successively, com- municate by words. When used with ἀποκρίνομαι, (to take occasion to speak, answer) this is to be referred to the mind and thought, while No. 2 refers to the actual words. SAY (a) ἀποκριθεὶς, (nom. sing. mase. part. Aor. 1 ρα88.)... εἶπε, He answering ...Sald, (Ὁ) ἀπεκρίθη, (8rd pers. sing. Aor. 1 mid, pass.)...etre, He answered (the action being regarded as com- plete) and said. 8. φημί, to bring to light by speech, declare, make known, and so, to say, speak, make known or show by speaking, (οσο. Rom. iii. 8.) 4. ἐρῶ, (fut. from εἴρω) I will say, I will tell, (relating, not to the words only of the speaker, as No. 2, nor to the sentiment or speech only, but) relating to the mind and will of the speaker; hence it has the Sorce of denouncing, affirming, ob- jecting, commanding, or some other thing which involves the mind and will of the speaker; hence, to enunciate ο) give forth thought. 5. λαλέω, to speak, to employ the or- gan of utterance, to utter words of any language, independently of anyreason why they are uttered, (not, to speak inconsiderately or imprudently, but) to use the hu- man voice with words; hence, to talk; and with another, to hold colloquy. G. pew, (an obs. form, whence) ἐῤῥήθην, and ἐῤῥέθην, (Aor. 1 pass.) to say, to speak, speak of, direct, com- mand, prescribe, to address one as anything, to call, name, (similar to No. 4.) 7. φάσκω, to say, esp., to say yes, to affirm, assert, allege, with the col- lative notion of alleging what is untrue, to pretend, (occ. Acts xxv. 19; Rom. i. 22.) 8. ἀποφθέγγομαι, to speak one’s opinion plainly, to speak out, utter aloud, to utter solemn, weighty, ο) pithy sayings, to utter an apophthegm. 1. Matt. i. 20, 225, 3. Matt. iv. 7. Ya 1 ἃ] 1: 9(Νο. 9,1, Τ Τα 2. 5, 8. AR.) 1, —— 15, 15*, 17*, 20. | 1. 10, 145, 17, 19. 1, —— iil) στοάν, 14, | 1, — v. 8, 2a. 15, 2. δ᾿ 1, 17, 1, ——— 18, 20 9, ντα, 6, —— 21. 2a. 4, 1, ——— 22° Ist. 1 6 (No. 2L.) 9, ——— 22 2nd ἃ 3rd. [ 663 1 22. 24, 27, 28 twice, 29, 30, 33, 34, 37. — x. 5, 7, 15, 23, 42. — xi. 3. 4, 759% ος 18; 19, 22, 24. 1. Matt. v. 26. 6. 27. 1 285. 6. 31. 1. 925, 6, 33. 1, 94”. 6, —— 58, A 395, 6, —— 43. 1: 44". 1. —— vi. 2, 5, 16, 25, 29, 4, —— vii. 4 aS ai 4, 22. 1. — viii. 2, 8, 4*, 6, 7. 3. Β, 1, — 5. 2. 10 Ist. 1. 102nd, 11, 2. — 15. 1, 17". ] 2. ——19. 1. —— 20. 2. ——-21. 9, 22 (Νο. 1, LT Tr AR.) 1. 25, 26, 27, 29, 31. 2 32. 2. — ix, 2, 3, 4,5 twice. | εἰ θ,9. 2, 11 (Νο. 1,L Tr A* &.) 19. 14. 15. 18*, 21. Ρ ο λα 2a. 25. 2. —— xii. 2, 3. rE 6; 10", 2. 1, 1, —— 13, 17", 23. 2. 24, 25. 1. 31, 36, 38. 2a. 39. nL 44. 2. 47 2a. 48. 28. 49, 1. —— xiii. 3. 2. 10. 2a. 11 1, —— 14, 17, 51 2. 27. 3. 28 1st. 2. 28 2nd (No, 1, LTTrAR&.) 8. 29. 4. 30. 1. ——— 31, 35, 36 2». 37. | 1. 5115 (α}.},513πά, 2. δὼ (No. 1, L.) tS 54. 2. 57. 2, —— xiv. 2, ie 4, 3. —— 8. fe 15, 2, — 16. 1. —— 17. 2. 18. 1, ——— 26, 27* 2a. 28. } 2.—— 29. 1, ——— 30, 31, 33. 1. —— xv. 1 2a. 3. 1, ———4(No.2,GeL Tr.) SAY 1. Matt. xv. 5* 1st. 3. 5 2nd. ee 7. 2. —— 10. 2, ——12(No.1, LT 2a 13, 15. 2. 16. 1, ——— 22, 23. 2a 24, 1, 25. 2a 26. 2. 27. 2a, 28. 2. $2. 1, —— 33, 34 1st. 2, 94 2nd. 2a,—— xvi. 2 1st. 1, ——— 4 3.8, 2. 6. 1, ——7. 2, —8&. 1, 13* 1st, 13 2nd. 2, —— 14. n IE 15 twice. 2a, 16,17 1, 18, 22 2. 23, 24. 1, 28. 2a,— xvii. 4 as 5. 2. fi pO 9°, 10 twice, 2a,—— ll. 1, —— 12. 2. 13. 1. 14, 2a. 17. 2. 19. 2, 20 Ist (Νο, 1, L T Tr Ν.) IG 20 2nd. 4, 20 3rd. 2. 22, 24. 1: Q5* Ist, 25 2nd, 26 1st (ap.) 8. 26 2nd. 1, — xviii. 1 > 5 15: 3 3" 2nd, 10, 13, 18, 19. 2, ——21 1, ——— 22 twice, 26, 28, 29, 32. af xix. 3 2a. 4, 2. —— 5. 1. 8, 9, 10. 2. ——11, 14, 16, 17. 1. 1815 (ΝῸ.3,17.Μ.} ο πο 1, —— 20. ο το ν᾽ 1 —— 23* 2nd, 24, 25, ——_ 26. a,—— 27. «------- 8 188. 28 2nd. — xx. 4. 6, 7 twice, 8,19, a. 13, 17. ---......... Ὁ} 16}. oman J) Gnd: a. 22 Ist. —— 22 2nd, 23, ο. “ὧν 1, —— 50, 31. 2, — 82. is 33. 1, —— xxi. 2. 9, 8 ist. 4, 9 2nd. 1, 4*, 9, 10, 11, 18, 15. 9, 16 Ist. 1. 16 2nd ἃ 3rd, 19, 20. 2a. 91 lst. [ 664 ] -----------ς-ς-.---ς--ςςςςςς-ςς-ςςς-ς.---ς-------------ς--ςςςςς.ς--ςςςς- ὁ ΠΟΘῈΝ 1. Matt. xxi. 21 2nd. 91 3rd. 1. —— 23. 2a. 24. hs ----- 5 1st. 25 2nd. 26. 27 150. 97 2nd. 28. 29, 30 1st. --- - 9) Ind. ——— 3] 3times, 37, —— 38. a RY —— xxii. 1*, 4*, 8, 12. 13. 16. 18. 20, 21 twice, 8" Ἢ 23, 24. Ist. 94. 2nd. 29. 91”. 953, (om. καὶ λέ- γων, and saying, L T Tr Ρ RRND MELO RENO μα μα τῷ μα τῷ τῷ 19 95 Τὸ NO bo 2. 37 (No. 3, G L ΠΡ ΠΑ δὲ | 4: 42* Ist, 42 2nd, Δ 44, [49 twice. 1. —— xxiii. 2*, 3, 16, 30, 36, 39 Ist. 39 2nd. —— xxiv. 2 lst. 2* 2nd. gt 2 δη. —— δ. 23, 26. 34, 47. 48, — xxv. 8, ΘΕ. 11. 12 Ist. 12* 2nd, 20, IPPON op ep pope = BD RO 29 BO 99 τ ι Β 403 ond, 41. 44*, 45*1st.452nd_ ——- 17. —— 18 lst ἃ 2nd, 18* 3rd, —— 2] 1st, —_— 2] * 2nd ae 25 2nd, 25* 3rd, 26. aE 29, 31. = ή ‘Ist. 34* 2nd. ὡς. ἘΠ 8 35 2nd. -- ---- 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 14 55, 61 1st. 61 ‘ond. 62, 63. 64* Ist. ——— §4 2nd. Ρ ΠΠΠΠΠΠΗΜΗΠΠΗΠΗΠΠΙ 1. Matt. xxvi. 643rd, 65. | 2. 66. | π. 68, 69, 70twice,71, 2. ——— 73. 4, ———75. 1. —— xxvii. 4 1st. 2. 42nd, 6, | ΤΙΣ 9*, 11* Ist. 3. 11 2nd. π, 11 3rd, 13, 2. 17. 1. —— 19. 28. 21 Ist. Pat 9] 2nd. if 22* Ist, 22 2nd. a σας if 23 2nd, 24 2a,—— 25. 1. 99. 18 99, pass. part. (om. 89) 1. 40,41. 2. 48. ρε μπι "πο -46 2nd, see 9ὶ (that is to) - 47 49 (No. 2, L Tr.) 54, 63 Ist. 63 2nd, 64, .--- Xxviii. 5. 7: 9, 10, 193 Ist, 13 2nd. 18*. Mark i. 7, 15. 1 7. 24, 25, 27. 34, marg. (text, speak.) 37, 38, 40, 41, 44 1st. = 2nd. 5 oY Hee γάμο καθὸ το μονα μα — ii. rors 8 (No. 1, T Tr 9 twice. 10,11. 12 (om. L».) ΤῸ 16, 18. 324, 25, 2 — iii. 3, 4, 5. 9 ll, 21, 22, 23, 28, 30. 32 (Νο. 1, L T Tyr ‘A κ) ἐὸν 34, 2, 9, 11, 18, 21, 24, 2 26, 30, 35, 38. πως —v.7 (Νο. 1, GeaL Si πὶ τ τον τονε TTrAR®.) iat 8, 9, 12, 19, 23, | 9Ά, 80, 81 twice. 2. 54, 1. 855, 36%, 39, | 41 twice. 1, — vi.2, 4,10, 11 (ap.), 14, 15 twice. 2. 16 (No. 1, T Tr AR.) ve 18. — ——— 22 1st, seeS (the) 2, ——— 22 2nd, 24 twice, 1, —— 25. 2, —— 381 (Νο. 1, T Tr AR.) 1, ——— 35. 2a. 37 Ist. 4 97 2nd. if 38 twice, 50*, 2a,.— vii. 6. if 9. 2. 10, 1... τῦχα 2. Mark vii. 11 2nd. 11 8rd seeS (that 14, 18, 20. 27 (No. ας ΤΙΝΙ 28. [A &.) 29. 34, 3 a ie is to) land ssa sc 7D twice, 15. 10. (ὅτε ἄρτους οὐκ ἔχουσιν, because they had no bread, in- stead of λέγοντες, i ὅτι, ἄρτους οὐκ ἔχομεν, say- ing it is because we have no bread, L T Tr A “215, 24(No.2, L™ &.) 26, 27* Ist, 27 2nd. 29 1st (ἐπηρώτα, he asked, α ο 1, T Tr ARN 29 2nd ἃ 3rd, 33, 84. . —— ix. 1 twice, 5*, 6 (ἀποκρίνομαι, to answer, Tr A &.) 7 (om. α T Tr ἐξ, 113 Ist 11 2nd 19. 17 (ἆ πεκρ ἴθ η αὐτῷ, answered him, instead of ἀποκριθεὶς εἶπε, answered and said, L T Tr A δὲ) 19* 21, 23. 24" 25, 26. 29, 31, 35. 36. 38. 39. 41. ΘῈΣ ΕΟ rae ree a. WISN NED ἃ, το ΒῸ μὰ Topp ro nope (No. 3, Tr rr 93, 24*, 26, 27, 29 Ist (Νο. 3, ἔφη ὁ ᾽᾿Τησοῦς, Jesus said, instead of ἀποκριθεὶς δὲ ὁ ᾿Ιησοῦς εἶπεν, and Jesus answered and said, T Trm A &.) κ Ον 2nd, 35. 2. 36, 37, 38, 39twice. Παρ 47, 49. 51* 1st (No. 2, T TrAR®.) 28. τ 55 | σα ἀ πον ὑπ: 1, eo as rd (No. 5, L T Tr 2s) 234th (om. 6 ἐὰν εἴπῃ, whatsoever he saith, GT Tr A>.) 9 ~ | | | | | | | | | 1. Mark xi. 24, 28. 2a. 29. le, 31* Ist. 2. 5] 2nd. 4, 91 3rd. 2. 32. i 3* Ist, 33 Ind. 1. — xii. “6. 2. Vs 1. —— 14. τ 15. ’ ne 16* Ist. 2. 16 2nd (Νο, 1, 98, ΠΣ {Lm J 1, ——— 18 Ist, 185 2nd. 2. 24 (No. 3, Lor AN.) Ἰς 905, 2, 82 twice, 34, ile 953 Ist, 35 2nd. 5» 96 1st. 2. 36 2nd (α ~), ὴ (Νο. 1 Nes TE) iP ἘΣ Ist (G ο), (Νο. 2,G L T Tr κ.) if 43 2nd. 1. — xiii. 1. 28. 2. 1. 5*, 6 2. 21. ie 30, | 37 twice. 1. —— xiv. 1. 4 δὴ καὶ λέγον- τες, and said, T Trb A.) 2. 6. 1. OFLA 11. OF 14 Ist. 1: 14" 2nd. 2. 16, 18 Ist. 1. ἸΡῚ ἐπα, 19. 28. » 22, 4, i 25 ἃ 3. 29, i 30 twice, 31, 32, 34, sa 37, 41, 44, 45. 48 2a, 5 1: 57, 58, 60», 615. 2. 62. 1 63, 65,67,68 twice, 69, 70. "Ὁ 28. xv. 21st (No. 1, Τ TrA μὴ 8nd 43. ον, ΓΑ.) a Qa. re (No. ισπ 1, —— 14, 28 (ap. ), 29, 9]. ἐξ, 1, ——34(om. T Tr A ils 35, 36. 2. 39. 1. —— xvi. 3, 6. 2. 7, 8, 15 (ap.) 2. Lukei. 18) 18, 28, 19. We 24. 2. 28, 30, 34, 2a, 35. 2. 38, 42, 46. 2a, 60. 2. 61. Li 63, 66, 67. 2. ——ii. 10. 1. —— 13. 2, —— Nach 5, Lm 8.) riers. 2. Se 34, 48, 49. 1, σα (om. ᾱ- 1, T Tr AW.) ἥν 7, Βίνίος, 10", 11, 2. 12, 18. if 14* Ist 9, ——— 14 2nd. Ls 163. a: 2 (om. λεγοῦ- σαν, τ ek said,G3L T Tr A X.) SAY [ 665 1 SAY 2. Luke iv. 3. | 1. Luke ix. 18. 2. Luke xvi. 15, 24, 25, 27. ΙΞ 2. Luke χσὶΐϊ. 52, 56. 1, 4* (om. T Tr A : 2a. 19. 1. —r— 29. 57. ἱ 3, 20 Ist. 2. 30, 51. | 58 Ist. 2. —— 6 1, —— 90 2nd 2. — xvii. 1. 2. 58 2nd. | 6: 2a, 20 3rd. ες 1. εκ | 2. —— 9. | 2. 22. 2. ———5, Gist. 2. ——— 60 lst. | 2a, 12 Ist. 11. 23. if 6 2nd 1, ——— 60 2nd. 4, —— 12 314. Ε» 33 Ist. 4, ——7, 8 2. ——61: ἧς 91, 255. | 1, ———33 2nd, 35, 38 1, ——10, 18 1, —— 64, 66*. 5, ο... 9 18. | 2. 41, 43, 48 ἢ — δη 2. —— 67, 70 1st, » 4, 23 2nd. 2a 49, 2a. 17. 3. ——— 70 2nd. 2. 24 Ist. 1 2. 50, 54, 55 (ap.), | 2. ——19. Te 70* 3rd. τὰ 24* 2nd. 57, 58, 59 twice, 6, 61, | 2a.— 20. 2. 4 1. —— 34 (om. T Trb | 62. 4. ——2l. 1, —— xxiii. 2 twice, 8 16. ΝᾺ) if: x. 2, 5, 9. αν ο. 8. 32nd. 1. 35, 36, 41. 2 10. 4 23, 1: 3 ard 2. : 43, or 12, 17. 1... 9 οὐδεν, 2) Ξε. 9a,.—— v. 5. | 2, ——— 18, 21, 23. 2g: 87 2nd. 1, ——5. 1. 8. | 4. -------- 25. 1; Ξ-Ξ xviii, 8, 9, 14. αχ 10, 9, 26. 2 4, 6 1st 1. ——— 18, 51 39, | Qa, 27. Τ' 62nd, 13 2. 22} 23 2, ——18 (No. 1, LTr | 2. 28, 29, 30, 35, | 2. 16. 4. —— = ΜΗ | "37 twice, 40 1, = 8 1, —— 30, 34 (ap.), 35 2, —— 20 2a. 41. 2 19, 37. “1. —— 21*. 2. —— xi. 1, 21st 2. 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, | 1. 39(om.T Trb A.) 2a. 22. 1, 2* 2nd 28, 29 Ist ΠΡ 40 (No. 3, T Tr "2. 23 twice. 2, ——— plist. 1. 29* 2nd. > AR.) 2. 24 1st. 2. 5 2nd (No. 4, 1.) |: 2. ———8l. πι. 45, ΤᾺ 24* 2nd, 96, | 2a ves 1, —— 38. ey 43 Ist. τ Bz" ppg ey 1. 41 1st (om.T Τὰ 1. 43" 2nd a4 30. | 2. 15, 17. ) 2. —— 46 twice 2a,——— 31. Για. ------ 78) 94. 9, 41 2nd, 42, 1. 47. 2. —— 33, 34. [:.2:.---Ξ- O78: 2. —xir, 5. 2. — xxiv. 5 1, ———39. [1..-----. 29. TL: 7 15 7*. ο ος | 2, —— 80. ο. θα] 2 217: 2a. 3. ΤῊΣ 453 Ist, 45 2nd. ty :-ΞΞΞ 14 16, 27,—_—_18) 1, ——5. 9, ———_. 4G-A0- 2. — α7. 5 19 twice. 2. — 8,9, 10. τά 53 part. (ap.) af 18. 1, ——— 28 twice. ee ay ὅτ, 42,46. | 1. —xii. 1, 4, πὶ ET 2. 24, 25. i vii. 4,6 | 2. 11.18, 15, 14 18.2) τ.μ, 1. —— 29, 34, 36* (ap.) 2, ——7. μετ κτλ 9, 24, 25 9, 38, 41, 44, 46. 1, ——-8. 2, ——18. Τα 26. 1. John i. 15*, 21. 2. g Ist. | 4. 19. a 30 (No. 1, L Tr | 2. 22 Ist. it g¢ 2nd. ; 2. —— 20, 22 Ist. AS.) 1. 22 2nd. 185 14 lak | 1, ——— 22* 8nd, 97, 37, 4. 31. 8. 23 Ist. 1, 143 2nd, 16.19, | 9, 41, 49. 3 32, 98, 84. 2. 23 2nd, 95, ὃς 90 Ist. | ee ee 1. 20", 29. πμ 90) 2nd an! 2. 39. | 2. 30. 2a, 22. ιτ δή twice, 55, 2a. 40. ια, 32. 1. —— 26, 28. | 2a,— xiii. 2. 1. — 42, 46. | 2. ——— 33. 9, 81 (ap.) | 5 ve 1, — xx. 2* (om. ΤῊ Δ.) 1. 36, 38 Ist. i: 32, 33, 34, 39. i 2a =o 2,, —— 38 2nd. 2a. 40) Ist. 2. 12, al. 5 Ist — 38 3rd, see S (is 2, —— 40 2nd. [. 14», 9) --- 5 mad. | to) 3. 40 3rd. ὅς i Qa. 15. 4. 5 3rd. tele 89, 41. -- 404th, see Say | 1. 17 part., 18 2. 6, 8, 19. | 3; 42. 2a. 43 lst. 1 2. ——— 20, 23 twice 1, ——14. | 1. ———=$5. 2. 43, Sad. ; 1, ——— 24, 25* 1st ο, --- τη | 2, ——— 46 1st. 1. 47. | 4. ——— 25 2nd. 1. gue πο 11. 46% 2nd, 47, 48% 1st 2. 48. ie 26. 2.. —=} 33. 2b, 48 2nd. 1. 49. 4. —— 27. 28.---- 24. 1. 49* (om. καὶ λέγει 2. 50. 1 31. 2. —— 25. αὐτῷ, and saith wuto 1, viii. 8 part. 2. —— 82. 1. ——— 28*. | him, ΤῸ Τ Tr A), (No. ἥν; 9" (om. G>LT | 1. 35* Ist 2a,—— 34, 39 Ist. | 2 x) Tr Ab 3.) | 2. 35 2nd. ΓῚ 392nd, 411. | ου, 50 Ist. 2. —— 10. | 1. —— xiv. 3* (om. L».) 1. 41 2nd, 42*1st. [ὦ 50 2nd. ἂς 30{οπι.λεγόντων, | 2a. 5. 2. 42 2nd, 45, 1, —— 51 twice. by certain which said, | 1. ——— 7. 2. —— xxi. 3 lst. 1. ——ii. 3, 4, 5 twice, 7, LT Tr Ab.) 4, 9. 1 3* 2nd. 8, 10. 2. οἱ ο. 9. 10 (Νο. 4, T Tr | 2. 5 2. 16. i 94, 1. 12. ΓΚ ae 7° 2b 18, 19 2. 95 Ist. 2, 15, 16,17,18,19, | 2. ———81st. 2, ———— 20, τῇ 55,5 2nd. 20, 21, 22, 58, 1. 82nd, 10, 32. ir 999 Ist 2. —— 28. 1 Ξ 24, 2. —— xxii. 8, 9, 10. 2, 22 2nd. τ 805 Ist (om. LX.) | 2. 25. 4, 1] Ist 2. —— iii. 2 2. —— 80 2nd. 1. 30. Ἢ 11 2nd 2b.—— 3 lst. 1, —— 88 1. — xv. 2, 3, 6, 7,9,10. | 4. 13. 1; 3* 2nd, 4, 5 2, —— 45 lst ἃ 2nd 2. 11, 12. 2, — 15 2,.—- 7. iE 45* 3rd (ap) 9, 17 (Νο. 3, TTrm | 1. 16 2b.— 9, 10 9, 46, 48. | 4. 18. (N.) | 2.——17. 1, ——11° τῇ 403. | 9, 21, 22, 27. 1. —— 18, 19, 20. 2. —— 26. a 50 (om, LT Tr 91 29. 2, , 31 (ap.), 33, | 2b,———-. 27. ADS.) 9, 31. 34, G5 wwlce, 86, 9, 28. 2. 52. 1, — xvi. 1. 1: 87. 1. ----. iv. 7,9 1. 54. 2, ῷ, 8, 2. 38 twice, 40, 2b. 10 Ist 9, — ix. 8. re ., 8 49, | 2. 10" 2nd, 11, i. YA 2. 6 twice, 7 Ist ἃ 2nd, 7 46, 48, 49, 2b.———- 18. 2, —— 9,12, 13twice, 14, | 1. 7 3rd, 9 2a 51. 1. 15, 16*. ie 17* 2nd. 2. 17 3rd 4, —— 18. if 19, 20, 2i, 25, 263. 2. 27. 1. 98". 81", 8. 2. 1. 33, 34, 35 twice, 42. αν 48. 1 49, 50, 51. 2. 52, 58. 1. ——v. 6, 8, 10. Ὁ" 11, 12, 14. 1 18. 2b. 19 1st. 1, 19* 2nd, 24, 25, 34. 1. —— vi. 5, 6, 8. 2. 10. 1 12, 14, 20. 2 3), 26. Ἱ. 263 2ud 2. 28. 2b. 29, 2. 30. 2. 2 180 πι 92 2nd. 2. 34, 35, 36, 41, Ἱ: 42 twice, 2b. 43. ΤῊΝ 47, 52, 2. 53 Ist. if 50 2nd. 2. 59, 60, 61. if 65* Ist. 4, 65 2nd. 2. 67. 2, —— vii. 3. 18 6. 2. 9 part. if 11, 12 twice, 15. 2b. 16 (om. in eds. of a.v. 1611—1701 by error.) 2b. 20 (om. καὶ εἶπε, and said, L T Tr AN, ] b. 21. 25, 26, 28, 81. 33, 35, 36. ----- 37. 38. 40, 41 twice. 42, 45. —— 50. b 52. Biss 4(ap.),5(ap.), : 11 twice (ap.) 12. 13. 14, 21. 22 twice. στ ΕΣ το μα POH τῷ Tr A ®.) 2. —— 24. 1 51.» = Q5 2nd. 5, ——— 25 8rd, 26, » 28, 2b. 29. . — 31, 33, 34, 39*, 2, —— 41, 42. 1, —— 46. 2b. i Ist. 1. 2nd, 5], 2. som. 1 τον: 2nd, 54. 2, BS. 57, 538 ist. 1 583 2nd. 1. —— ix, 2 2. τι 23 (No.1,LT 4 (ap.), 10 (ap.), ile 2b. 2, 1. 2. ff 2, Ἱ. 2b. 2. 2b. John ix. 8, 9 twice, 10, 11 Ist (om. καὶ εἶπε, and said, Lb T Tr A &.) 11 2nd, 19 Ist. 12* 2nd. —- 15. 16twice, 171st&2nd. 17 3rd. 19 twice. 20. 23, 24, 25 (om. καὶ εἶπε, and said, L T Tr AR. 2. 26, 28. 2b. 30, 34. 2. 35. 2b. 36. 2. 37. 3. 38. 2. 39, 40, 41 Ist. uf 413 2nd, Ly —— ale 2. 7 Ast. il 7* 2nd, 20, 21, 24. 2. 26 (ap.) iF 33 (om. GS LT ὙΠ Ὰ ἊΣ ) 2. 4, - δ: Ist "Ἀ 36 2nd. Ue 413, 1. — xi. 3. 2. 4, 1. ἢ» 8: 2. 11 Ist. ie 1] 2nd. 2. 12, 14, 16, 21. 1. 23, 24. 2. 25. Ἱ. 27. 2. 28lst part, 28 2nd. πι dL (δόξαντες [ποια δοκέω), swp- ; posing, ΕΤ ΓΣΑ Ν.) . 32. 2. 34. Ist. 1M 34* 2nd, 1. —— 36. | 2. 37. ΤΆ 39 twice, 403 Ist. 2. 40 2nd, 41, 42, 1 44, 47. 2. 49. 1. ----- χα ἃ, 2, 6, 7, 19. 1, ——— 21, 23, 24, 2, ——— 27. 1. ——— 29 lst, 99* 2nd. 2b. 30. 1. ——— 33, 34. 2, ——— 35, 39, 41, 44, 49. 4. 1, — xiii, 6 2b. ἣν 1 9, 10. 2, 11, 12. Ἱ, 13, 16, 20. ee ot part, 212d. te 21*3rd, 25, 27,29, 31, 2. 33 lst. il 33* 2nd, 36, 37, 38. 1, —— xiv. 5, 6, 8, 9 twice, κ... — 93, 2. ——— 26, 28 Ist. 2. 98 2nd (om. εἶπον, ο ΕΕ. Isaid, GL T Tr A 8.) xv. 20. xvi. 4, [ 666 ] . John xvi. 18* Ist, 18 2nd. 18 3rd. 19 twice. 20, 28, 26*, 29. 1 5 2. up 2 2 > N “μὰ el ἘΞ ONE ——— 2] 2nd, 22, 25 twice. ΞΞ-.---͵-ὐθ, Rigs > > A is ο 31 twice, 32, 33. 84". 37 Ast. 37 2nd, 88 Ist. 38 2nd part. 38 3rd, 40, —— xix. 3, 4, 5, 6 twice, 2] 2nd, 24, Ist. 24 2nd (om. ἡ λέ- γουσα, which saith, L το νο ος το τς ut δὲ ) us 26, 27, 28 Ὡς —— 30. if, 35, 37. 1, —— xx. 2, 18 twice. 2 14 part. ily --- ]5twice, 16 1st&2nd -- 16 ὅτα, see S (is , to) ΤΙΝ 17 Ast. 2. 17 2nd (Νο. 1, Lm.) if 19. 9, 20 part, 21, 22 1st part. a 99 2nd. ats 25 Ist. 2. 25 2nd, 26, 4, μην. 2b. 28. 1, 29. 1. — wie. 3 twice, 5, 9 1. 7. 10,12,153 times, 163 times, 17 * Ist, 9, 17 2nd & τα. aff 17 4th, 18, 19*, 2. 20. 1. 21, 22. 2. 23. 1. Acts i. 6”, 2, Pl Palsy στ 19, see Καὶ (that is to) 2. 24. 1. —— ii. 7, 12, 13. 2. ἐν 1. 7, 943 1st. 9. τ "ond, 87. 3. 38 (om. iby τε Α δὲ, but the word, in English, must be , 10, 12, 14, 15, 21* 1st. | Ϊ understood.) ils 40. 2. ——iii. 4, 6, 22 1st. 5, 99 2nd, li, 25. 2. — iv. 8. -- li,seeS against. 1. —— 16. 2. ——— 19, 23, 24, 25. ih 92, 2. —-v. 3,8. 2, 9'(om. 1, Τ' Tr | AWN, seeabove, ii. 38.) 2, 19. 1. 23. a 25 (om. G 1, Τ' TrA &.) : 28, 2a. 29, 35. SAY 5 ος μι νι SOOT TOM NB 1. Acts v. 38. 2. —— vi. 2. ip 11, 18, 14, eas 3. 2. 2. » 4.» 26, 27, 33, 35, 37,40 1. —— 48, 49 2. ——— 56. il 59. 2. 60 part. 1. —— viii. 10, 19. 2. 20, 28. 24. ς 263. 2. 29, 30, 31. 28. 3. 28. 37 ‘Ist (ap.), sab (ap ) 1, 9 ἘΠΕ fl 2. 5 2nd (om, Ἰζύριος εἶπε, és LT Tr A,i.e. and he [answered ]. ) 2. 6 (ap.), 10 twice, ΤΙΣΙ ο ποπ. πι πας πο πο σον SI = Φ forse Φ μὰ ἢ . e: . ὦ ἢ "μὰς oe bo com f 15, 17. , 40. 11, 15 1st. 15% 2nd (Νο, 2, L Tr A.) ive —— xiii. 2, 10. 15 Ist. 15 2nd, see 5 on. 16, 22. —— 25. 34. 46. —- xiv. 10. πα 15: — xv. 5. ἴδε 17, 24 ( ᾽ > a * τας ae p.) ---- παπι ο 15. 1 18, 30, 98, 30. . 7, 18 twice, 19, ‘nd (om. GaL HEU bse εἴ N, ie. they [answered |.) 3 twice, 4 Ist. 4* 2nd? 13. 15, 21, 25. 26, 28: Ἰ] Ist. eS ee 14, 20. —— 21, 23, 37 198. 3.7» 2nd. SS ς-ς-:---ς-----. . Acts xxi. 39. 40, — xxii. 2. 2. 1 3 1. —— 7. 2. ——-8, τ twice, 10, 14, 1. 2 1 2 1 2 3. 2. —— xxiii. 1, 3, 4. 3. 5 R 5. 5 7 part (No. 2, Ὦ Tr κ.) ls 22 2nd, 24, 3. — xxvi. 1. 1*, 14 (om. καὶ λέ- γουσιν, and GxwLTTrARn.) 15 twice. 22* Ist. 99 2ud. — 24, 25. 28 (om, T Ἐν Α RW.) σ5τ1 905 1st. 25 2ud, 29 part (ap.) . Rom. ii. 22. . — iii. a 8*, 19* Ist. 19 2nd. . —iv. 1. POPPER EPROP RH piper po epee al » 26. 29, see 3 before. 30. — x. 6, 8, 11, 16, 19 twice, 20, 21. .— xi. 1, 21s. 22nd (om, ΤῊΣ Α.) 4, 9, 11. 19. xii. 3, 19. ΠΠΠ 18, Gu ry me saying, | | Ἱ | ] 2515 (om, LTTr | 1. Rom. xiv. 11. 1, —— xv. 8, 10, 12. 1. 1 Cor. i. 12 twice. 2. 15, ΙΝ τρ Ε 4, 3. —— vi. 16 (om. Lb.) 1. — vii. 3. 29. 5. —— ix. 8 lst. 1. 85 2ud, 10, 3. ——x. 15, 19. 2. 23. Ts 99. 2. -----ἰ χα] 25. 24. Ls 25. 2. —— xii. 3, 15, 16, 21. 4. —— xiv. 16 1st. i 16* 2nd, 21*, 2. 23. 1. 94”, 1, — xv. 12 2. 27. 4, 85: 3. 50. 1. 2 Cor. vi. 2. 2. 16, i 17, 18. — — vil. 3, see S before. 1. —— ix. 3, 3. ——x. 10 1, — xi. 16 4. —— xii 9. — Gal. i. 91st, see S be- 9 2nd. {fore . Eph. ἦν. 8.17. — ν. 14. . Col. 1, 4. . πῖ--- iv. 17. . 1 Thes. ἂν. 15. F Tit. Tele, να, 6. . Philem. ay 21. . Heb. i. δ, 7, - 13. . — ii. 6, 12, . — iii. 7. 10. 15. ο, —— v.98, 7* Ist. 7 2d (προείρηται, has ben said before, instead of εἴρηται, it is said, 6 «ων LT Tr 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 a 1 i Ds 1. 2 Tim. ii. 9, 18. ° 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 4 1 4 AN.) 5. —v. 5. Σ 6. -- 11, seeS (things to) 11, ——vi. 14. — — vii. 9 Ist, see Κὶ (as I may so) 9, 9 2nd. 1, al, 3. —— viii. 5. Le 8 twiee, 9, 10, 11, 13. | "ix, 11, see 8 (that is to) iF 20, 1, —x. 5, 2. “ὦ 1, 8 part. 4. —— - 15, see Say be- fore. 1, 10, — —— 20, see 8 (that is to) [ 667 1 | | | nn — —————— μωρο «μα. . Εμιρ” 2. Heb. x. 30 Ist. ye 30 2nd (om, λέγει Κύριος, saith the Lord, GsTTrn) 1. — xi. 14, 5. —— 18. 5 ἣν 32. 2, — xii. 21. i 26. 4, — xiii. 5, 1, 6, 1, Jas. i, 18. 2, —— ii. 3 twice, 11 twice. ᾱ, 14. 2. —— 16. 4. 18. a 28, 1. ----ἵν. 5, 6, 13. 1; 15, and see Say (for that one ought to) . 2 Pet. iii. 4, . 1 John i. 6, 8, 10. «αρα G0, . Rev. i. 8, “tt aly δ . — ii. 2 (a p.) 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17, 18, 24, 29. δα παν 14, 17, 22. . — iv. 1", 8, 10, SAY Rev. v. 5, 9, 12, 13, 14. — "o 3, 5, 6, 7, 10. ποπ ae - —— vii. 3, 10, 12, 195. 14 ο. 14 2nd. --- Mage » —— ix. — χ. ὰ 8*, 9 twice, 11, πως ος 12, 15, 17. . 10. . — xiii. 4, 14. "ag αν, Β, 9, 13 twice, pare xv. 3. — xvi. 1, 5, 7, 17. — xvii. 1”. ὟΣ 15 (No. 2,L.) — xviii. 2, 4, 7, 10, 16, 18, 19, 21. —- xix. 1. 8, 4, ὅ, θ, 9 twice, 10, 17 — xxi. 3. 5 lst. ee ον. 6. ο», ---- να 6(Νο. 1, ὦ) -----... ἴδ, 175 1st. 17 "ond. 20. μι eR bore be τ μὶ Kee "μὰ κα αὶ μαὶ μὸ μὴ μὲ γι μιὰ pet μιὰ δῷ νῷ. μὰ μιὰ (Ὁ μιὰ μιὰ eo ΔῊΝ eer Ὁ καλο αι, ee ee δ Δ ori ὁ Δ δ' δ ὦ SAY (Α51 May so) « ws, as, ἔπός, a word, εἰπεῖν, to say, (see above, No. 2,) so to say a word, so to speak, (non occ.) Heb. vii. 9. SAY (For THAT ONE OUGHT TO) ἀντὶ, instead of, τοῦ, of the, λέγειν, to say, instead of your saying, [verse 14 being parentheti- cal, and the sense being taken up from verse 13.] Jas. iv. 15. SAY (ruar [or wuicn] 1s το) τοῦτ᾽ 1 τοῦ, ἐστί, 15, that ; ὃ, which No. 1.) 1. Matt. xxvii. 46. 1. Mark vii. 11. 2. John 1. 33. like Engq., i.e λέγεται, is said, (pass. of “say,” 2. John xx. 10. 1. Acts i. 19. 1. Heb, ix. 11. 1. Heb. x. 20. SAY (τΗΤκας το) ὁ, the [of us} λόγος, Ww ord, discourse, i.e. [“ concerning whom great, or much, is] our discourse.” Heo. v. 11. SAY SAY BEFORE. προεῖπον, “say,” «Λο. 2, with πρό, be- fore, prefixed. Rom. ix. 29. 2 Cor. vii..3. Heb. x. 15 (εἰρηκέναι, having said, ἃ Ὁ LT Gal. i. 9. Tr A 8.) SAY AGAINST. ἀντεῖπον, “say,” No. 2, with ἀντί, against, prefixed, (occ. Luke xxi. 15.) Acts iv. 14. SA YOON. 1. λέγω, see “ say,” Wo. 1. 2. εἶπον, see “ say,” Λο. 2. ϑ 2 2, Luke vii. 40. | 1. Acts xiii. 15. SAID (tHe) αὐτῆς, of this very. Mark vi. 22. [ 668 1 SCA SAYINGS (wir THESE) ταῦτα, these things A€yovres, saying, (see AW, τὸ. τη Acts xiv. 18. these things saying. SCALE. Aeris, a seale, rind, husk; wsed coll., scales, as of fish, (non occ.) Acts ix. 18. SCARCE. μόλις, with labour, with pains; hence, with difficulty, hardly, scarcely. Acts xiv. 18. | Acts xxvii. 7. SCARCELY. μόλις, see above. Rom. v. 7. | 1. Pet. iv. 18. SAYING (-s.) [noun] 1. λόγος, the word spoken, and as con- nected with the inward thought ; the word (not as a part of speech, but) as part of what is uttered ; hence, that which is spoken, an exposition, o7 account which is given, as expressive of the speaker's thoughts. 2. ῥῆμα, that which is spoken, a word, as uttered by the living voice. (No. 1 zs the subject matter of spoken words, Wo. 2 is the word pro- nounced and considered in itself.) 3. λαλία, utterance, talk, discourse ; prattle. 1. Matt. vii. 24, 26, 28. 1. John viii. 51, 52, 55. 1. —— xv. 12. 1, — κ. 19. 1. —— xix. 1, 11, 22. 1. —— xii. 38 1. — xxvi. 1. | 1. —— xiv. 24, 1. — xxviii. 15. | 1. —— xv. 20. 1. Mark vii. 29. 1, —— xviii. 9, 32. 1. — viii. 32 1, —— xix. 8, 13. 1, —— ix. 10 1. —— xxi. 29. 2. 32. 1. Acts vi. 5. 1, —— x. 22. 1. —— vii. 29. 1. Luke i. 29 (om. G ο) ——- xiv. 18, see 5 5, 65, marg. thing. (with these) 2, —— ii. 17, 50, 51. | 1. —— xvi. 36. 1. —— vi. 47. 1. Rom. iii. 4. 2, — vii. 1. | 1. —— xiii. 9, and see 1. —— ix. 28, marg. thing. Namely 1, 44. 1. 1 Cor. xv. 54 2; 45 twice, ο μα ιδ 2. —— xviii. 34. 1. ——iii. 1 1. John iv. 37, 39. κ. iv. 9. 3. 42. Ἱ σπα ἘΦ, 11: 1. —— vi. 60. | 1. Tit. iii. 8. 1. —— vii. 36, 40. | 1. Rev. xix. 9. 1, Rey. xxii. 6, 7, 9, 10. SCANDAL. [margin. ] Matt. xiii. 41, see ‘‘OFFENDETH (THING THAT)” SCARLET. κόκκινος, (adj. from κόκκος, grain, ker- nel; also, the coccus ilicis or kermes, a small insect found ad- hering to trees, and used by the ancients for dyeing crimson or deep scarlet) hence, coccus-dyed, crimson, (Ixx. for nybin, Ex. xxv. 4; xxvii. 5; Ww, Jos. ii. 18, 21.) Matt. xxvii. 28. | Heb. ix. 19, marg. purple. Rev. xviii. 12, 16, neut. SCARLET COLOUR. Rev. xvii. 4, neut. SCARLET COLOURED. Rev. xvii. 3. SCATTER (-rp, ΕΤΗ.) 1. σκορπίζω, to scatter, disperse. 2. διασκορπίζω,(3ο. 1, with διά, through, prefixed) to scatter throughout, scatter abroad. 3. διαλύω, to dissolve; of a collection of people, to break up, disperse. (non occ.) SCA 4. διασπείρω, to sow hither and thither, to scatter as seed. 2. Matt. xiv. 27. 1. John xi. 12. 2, Lukei. 51. —— xvi. 32. 1, — xi, 23. 3. Acts v. 36. SCATTER ο ω 1. Matt. xii. 30. . John xi. 52. 2, —— xxvi. 31. 5 Acts viii. 1, 4. 4. Acts xi. 19, SCATTERED. διασπορά, a sowing hither and thither, a scattering, as of seed. 1 Pet. i. 1. SCATTERED ABROAD (xz) ῥίπτω, to throw or cast, hurl, jerk with a sudden motion. Here, pass. part. perf., cast forth, thrown down. Matt. ix. 36. SCATTERED ABROAD (wutcu ARE) in the scat- tering as of eee. ἐν, 11 διασπορά, see “ SCAT- TERED-” 5 Jas. i. 1. SCEPTRE. ῥάβδος, a rod, wand, ov staff; a sceptre. (Here quoted from Ps. xlv. 7, where 1xx. for 01w, comp. Rev. ii. Dre xh, 1s xi. ο. Xx, Του Algo Sor ion, Ps. ex. 2.) Heb. i, 8 twice. SCHISM. 4 η σχίσμα, a rent, a split. 1Cor. i. 10, 18, marg.|1 Cor. xii. 25, marg. (text, division.) division. SCHOOL. σχολή, leisure, rest, freedom from business or labour, vacation. | Then, leisure as applied to any- | hence, a place of | where a teacher and his disciples came together and | thing, as study ; learned leisure, held discussions and disputations, (non occ.) Acta xix. 9. SCO SCHOOLMASTER. παιδαγωγός, Eng., pedagogue, slave or freedman to whose care the boys of a family were com- mitted, who trained them up, in- structed them at home, and accom- panied them to the publie schools, 4.6. ἃ | | [In this passage Christ is notalluded to as a Teacher to whom the chil- | dren were brought. The law is the teacher and controller, and | Christ is the ἐλευθερία, (liberty) of the sons, (v. 26) in which there is no more bondage of the law. ] (οσο. 1 Cor. iv. 15.) Gal. iii. 24, 25. | | | | | | & SCIENCE. γνῶσις, knowledge. [Hence, what man calls γνῶσις is falsely so called, because it is mostly hypothesis, conjecture, (e.g. astronomy and geology.) The result of man’s “so-called” γνῶσις can only, there- fore, be “ oppositious,” (ἀντίθεσις, opposite positions), | (elsewhere translated “ KNOWLEDGE.’ 1 Tim. vi. 20. SCOFFER. | - ἐμπαίκτης, a sporter with; one who | sports with ο) ag gainst another ; ; a mocker, (oce. J ude 18. ) | 2 Pet. iii. 8, SCORCH (-rp.) καυματίζω, to burn. | Matt. xiii. 6, | | Mark iv. 6. Rev. xvi. 8. 9, marg. burn. L : : | SCORN. See, LAUGH. | SCORPION. σκορπίος, ἃ scorpion; a large insect found only in hot countries, having a venomous sting which produces swelling and inflamma- tion. Ixx. for py, Deut. viii. 15; 1 Kings xii. 11, 14, (non oce.) Luke x. 19, | Luke xi, 12, Rey, ix, 3, 5, 10, SCO | 670 ἢ SCR | Luke xix. 47. John viii. 3 (ap.) SCOURGE. [noun.] οι, 1b, 80, 48. Acts iv. 5. φραγέλλιον, Lat., flagellum, ie. a | ae 5. 66. ας Bana whip, (non occ.) | 1 Cor. i. 20. John ii. 15. eS — SCOURGE (Εν, -ern.) [verb.] 1. μαστιγόω, to scourge, flog, (zx, Jor | mon, Ex. v. 14; Deut. xxv. 3), (non occ.) 2. μαστίζω, to whip, whip forward, 3. φραγελλόω, Lat., (τ for non, Numb. xxii. (non oce.) 5); flagello, 1.6. to flagellate, (non occ.) 1. Matt. x. 17. 3. Mark xv. 15. 1. —— xx. 19. 1. Luke xviii. 33. 1. —— xxiii. 3t. 1. John xix. 1. 3. —— xxvii. 26, part. 2. Acts xxii. 25, 1. Mark κ. 34. 1. Heb. xii. 6. SCOURGING (-s.) [noun.] μαστιξ, a whip, a scourge, (lxx. for Acts xxii. 24, | om, 1 Kings xi. 11, 14; Prov. Xxvl. 3.) Heb. xi. 36 SCRIBE (-s.) γραμματεύς, a writer, a scribe (lat.) Ixx. for ‘hp, the king’s scribe, Sec. of State, 2 Sam. viii. 17; xx. 25. Military clerk, 2 Kings xxv. 19; 2 Chron. xxvi. 11.. Later, in lxx. and N.T. a scribe, 2.6. one skilled in the Jewish law, an in- terpreter of the Scriptures, a law- yer. They are also called νομικοί͵ νομοδιδασκάλοι. Comp. Mark xii. 28 with Matt. xxii. 85. So, lxx. for ana, 1 Chron. xxvii. 32; Ezra vii.6; Neh. vii.1. Hence, one instructed, a scholar, a learned teacher, (occ. Acts xix. 35.) | SCRIP. πήρα, a bag, sack, wallet ; Lat., pera, of leather, used by shepherds and travellers, (non occ.) Matt. x. 10. Mark vi. 8. Luke ix. 3. — x. 4. Luke xxii. 35, 36. SCRIPTURE (-s.) γραφή, that which is written, the writing. The N.T. use of ἡ γραφή to denote the collection of the γραφαὶ ἁγίαι, the holy writings, Ron Bea θεόπνευστοι, God- breathed, 2 Tim. iii. 16, (one part of which are called προφητικαί, prophetical, Rom. xvi. 26, τῶν προ- φητῶν, of the prophets, Matt. xxvi. | 56) implies a reference to the | authoritative character of the | Scriptures as a whole. | | | | ! : | Used 10; abe 16; vii. 35. who speaks in mom, ταῦ 17.: Gal, 30, (non occ.) 2. γράμμα, that which is written, a letter of the alphabet, ἃ book, letter, bond, ete. τὰ ἱερὰ γράμ- ματα, "the Holy Scriptures, zs a name distinct from No. 1, describ- ing them as the object of study or kuowlege ; whereas No. 1 describes them as an authority. gle tect, Mark xii. Luke iv. 21; John xiii. 18; 94, 36,37; xx. 9,6; Acts Used also of Him the Scripture, ii. 8, 22; Iv of α sin Matt. ii. 4. Matt. xxvii. 41. v. 20. Mark i. 22. — vii. 29. — ii. 6, 16. — viii. 19. -- πὶ, ὁ, — ix. 3. — vii.1,5 — xii. 38 —- viii. 31. — xiii. 52 —- ix. 11, 14, xv. ἃ 16 (Ge), (αὐτούς, xvi. 21 them,G LT Lr AX.) — xvii. 10 — x. 33. — xx. 18 — xi. 18, 27. — xxi. 15. — xii. 28, 32, 35, 38. xxiii. 2, 13, 14 (ap.), | —— xiv. 1, 43, 58. 15, 23, 25, 27, 29, 34. — xv. 1,91. — xxvi. 3, (om. καὶ οἱ | Luke v. 21, 30, γραμματεῖς, and the | ——vi.7. scribes, -- L T Tr | — ix, 22. AR.) — xi. 44 (ap.), 48. —— 7 — xv, 2, 1. Matt. xxi. 42. | 1. Acts xviii, 24, 28, 1, —— xxii. 29. 1. Rom. i. 2 1, —— xxvi. 54, 56. 1, —— iv. 3. 1, Mark xii. 10, 24. 1. —— ix. 17. ]Ί. —— xiv. 49. 1, —vx. ll. il xv. 28 (ap.) 1, — xi. 2. 1. Luke iv. 21. 1. — xv. 4. | 1. —— xxiv. 27, 32, 45, 1, — xvi. 26. | 1, John ii. 22 1, 1 Cor. xv, 3, 4, | 1, ——v. 39. 1. Gal. iii. 8, 22, | 1, -Ξ ΜΠ; 22, 1. =e, 80) | 1. ——-x. 35. 1: tte χὴν yy 18. | 1, ασ, 18, | 2. 2 Tim. iii. 15. | 1, —— xvii. 12. 1, ——- 16, 1. —— xix. 24, 28, 36,37. | 1. Jas. ii. 8, 23. 1, —— xx. 9. 1, —— iv. 5. | 1. Actes i. 6. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 6. ια. viii. 32, 85. 1. 2 Pet. i. 20. | 1. — xvii. 2, 11. i iii. 16, SCR SCROLL. βιβλίον, (dim. of βίβλος, the inner rind of the papyrus, anciently used for writing) a roll, volume, scroll, the ancient form of a book. Rev. vi. 14. SEA (-s.) 1. θάλασσα, the sea; a sea, as the Mediterranean, the Red Sea; Hebraistically for the lake of Genesaret; also of “the molten sea” of Solomon, (1 Kings vii. 23; 2 Kings xxv. 19) answering to the laver of Moses, (Ex. xxxviil. 8.) [The Temple scene in Rev. may have reference to this, and its erystal form and use to Ex. xxiv. 10, (non occ.) ] 2. πέλαγος, the high sea, the open sea, the deep, the main, remote from land, (οσο. Matt. xviii. 6.) 1. Matt. iv. 15, 18twice. 1 1. Acts xiv. 15. 1. —— viii. 24, 26, 27, 32. | 1. —— xvii. 14. 1, — xiii. 1, 47. 2, —— xxvii. 5. 1, — xiv. 24 (ap.), 25, | 1. 30, 38, 40. 26. -- 41, see S meet 1, —— xv. 19. (where two) 1. —— αν. 27. — xxviii. 4, 1, — xviii. 6. 1, Rom. ix. 27 1. — χχὶ. 21. 1. L Cor. x. 1, 2. 1. —— xxiii. 15. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 26, 1. Mark i. 16 twice. 1, Heb. xi. 12. 1. — ii. 13. 1. Jas. i. 6. 1. —— iii. 7. — — iii.7,seeS(things 1, — iv. 1 3times, 39, 41. in) 1. ——- v. 1, 19 twice, 2], 1. Jude 13, 1, —— vi. 47, 48, 49. 1. Rev. iv. 6, 1, — vii. 3L. 1, —-v. 13. a, -- ix. 42. a eee 1, —— χι. 23. 1 1. —— viii. 8twice, 9, 1. Luke xvii. 2, 6. | 1. ----- σΣ. 2, 5, 6 (αφ.), 8. ee xxi. 25. 1. — xii. 12. 1, John vi. 1, 16, 17, 18, | 1. —— xiii, 1 twice. 19, 22, 25. (1. ——xiv. 7. 1. —— xxi. 1, 7. { 1, —— xv. 2twico. 1. Acts iv. 24, } 1, —— xvi. 3 twice, 1, —— vii. 36. | 1. —— xviii, 17, 19, 21. 1. —x. 6, 32 } 1. —xx. 8,13 SEA (ruryas rN) ἐνάλιος, belonging to the salt water or sea; marine, (zon occ.) Jas, iii. 7. SEAS MEET (wuere Two) διθάλασσης, between two seas; prob. at the confluence of two opposite currents, (non occ.) Acts xxvii. 41, [ 671 ] SEA SEA COAST. παράλιος, by or near the salt water or sea, (non occ.) . Luke vi. 17. SEA COAST (wuicr Is upon) ὃ, the, that, παραθαλάσσιος, beside or near the sea, (non occ.) Matt. iv. 13, SEAL (-s.) [noun.] σφραγίς, a seal with which any thing is fastened up or marked; an in- strument for sealing, (Ixx. for omn, 1 Kings xxi. 8; Song viii. 6); a seal, as impressed for privacy or secrecy, (1 Kings xxi. 8; Is. xxix. 11; Jer. xxii. 24; Dan. ix. 24); for security, (Dan. vi. 17); and authority, (Est. 1. 12; viii. 8, 10.) Γ(α) Prob. all these implied in Rey. v.and vi. Veiling in mystery seen in the book being fully sealed ; the unveiling of mystery in the breaking of them. (b) In Rev. vii. it is the sealing of those who are to escape the com- ing judgment. “The Lord know- eth them that are His,” (2 Cor. i. 22; Eph. i. 13; iv. 30; 2 Tim. ii. 19; Rev. ii. 17.) The Lord’s sealing always visible— 1, circumcision; 2, the fruits of the Spirit; 8, Rev. vii. 2, 8; xxii. 4. | — John iii. 33, see S (set | a. Rev. vi. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, to one’s) 12, — Rom. iv. 11. Ὁ, —— vii. 2. — 1 Cor. ix. 2. a, —— viii. 1. — 2 Tim. ii. 19. b. —— ix. 4. a. Rev. v. 1, 2, 5, 9. — —— xx. 3, see S (set a) SEAL (ser a) σφραγίζω, see below. Rev, xx, 3. SEAL (set το ONE’s) σφραγίζω, see below. John iii, 33, SEA [ SEAL (Ἐν, -1ve.) [verb.] 1. σφραγίζω, to seal, seal up, make fast with seal or signet, e.g. letters, writings, etc., that they may not be read, (xx. for onn, 1 Kings xxi. 8 ; Is. xxix. 11; Dan. xii. 4.) Also, to seal for security, (see under “SEAL,” * Omit ἐσφραγισαμένοι, were sealed, οι Πο As 2. κατασφραγίζω, (No. 1, with κατά, down, prefixed) to seal down, (Ixx. for onn, Job. ix. 7; Wisd. 1. 5), (non occ.) 1. Matt. xxvii. 66. 2. Rev. v. 1. 9 1. John vi. 27. ab vii. 3, 4twice, 1, Rom. xv. 28. 5* twice, ΘῈ 3 times, 1. 2) Cor; 1:22. ΤῈ 3 times, ΘῈ twice, 1. Eph. i. 13. -- x. 4, see S up. 1. —— iv. 30. 1. — xxii. 10. SEAL UP. ‘ 1. Rev. x. 4. SEAM (wrrnovt) ἄρραφος, not sewn; hence, having seam, (non occ.) John xix, 23. no SEAR WITH A HOT IRON. καυτηριάζω, to cauterise, to brand with a hot iron, (non occ.) 1 Tim. iv. 2. SEARCH (-Ep, -ΕΤΗ, -ING.) 1. ἐρευνάω, to seek out, trace; used of a lion who “ scours the plains and traces the footsteps of the man who had robbed him,” Hom. 1]. xvili. 321; wsed of dogs tracing their game by the foot, Hom. Odyss. xix. 436. Hence, to track, trace, investigate, (Ixx. for wan, to search by uncovering, Gen. xliv. 12; 1 Kings xx. 6; 2 Kings x. 24; Prov. xx. 27; ‘pn, to search minutely, explore, Judges xvill. 2; 2 Sam. x. 8; FW, to strip, Joel 1.7; and for wwn, to feel, search by feeling, Gen. xxxi. 35, 36.) [(a) In John v. 39, ἐρευνᾶτε is 2nd pers. imperative, not indicative ; SEA | for the 2nd pers. pl. indicative is never used at the beginning of a sentence without the pronoun, (ὑμεὶς, you) or some other word, (such as ov, not) while the im- perative is frequently so used, see John xiv. 11; xv. 20. The Jews read, but did not search.]| (non occ.) 2. ἀνακρίνω, (κρίνω, to divide, separate, make a distinction, come to a de- cision, and ἀνά, up, prefixed) to separate or divide up; hence, to estimate carefully, judge of, sift. 3. ἐξετάζω, to verify out, to search the truth of a thing out; to examine whether a thing is true or not. 3. Matt. ii. 8. LL Cor: τῆς 10. la. John ν. 39. —1 Pet. i. 10, see § dili- 1. — vil. 52. gently. 2. Acts xvii. 11. 11 1, Rom. viii. 27. 1, Rev. ii. 23. ἐξερευνάω, (Wo. 1, with ἐξ, out of, pre- jixed) to trace out, (Ixx. for 3, to observe, Ps. cxix. 2, 34, 69, 115, 129; wan, to search by un- covering, Ps. Ixiii.6; Prov. 11. 4; Zeph. i. 13; Ὢρπ, to search mi- nutely, 1 Ch. xix. 3), (non occ.) 1. Pet. 1. 10. SEARCH DILIGENTLY. SEASON (-s.) [noun.] (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. καιρός, the right measure and re- | lation, esp. as regards time and place, (gen. of time.) Hence, the right time, suitable ov convenient time; the opportune point of time at which a thing sHouLD BE done, (a certain limited and definite portion of Vo. 2.) | 2. χρόνος, time, duration, time in gene- ral, any time, (while No. 1 is the time) the time in which anything 1s done. 3. ὥρα, a portion of time, (Zat., hora; Eng., hour) season, time of blos- soming, (ὡραῖος, blossoming, ἄωρος, | unseasonable.) Oriq., the season SEA of the year; then, the time of the day, and when reckoning by hours was practised, the hour ; hence, a definite, limited, and determined time, (thus differing from No. 1, which is THE definite time.) [That which endures for Wo. 3 is conceived to last no longer, while what is said to be done in Wo. 1 is conceived as being done up to another point of time. ] 1. Matt. xxi. 41. 1, Acts xiv. 17. 1. Mark xii. 2. 2. —— xix. 22. 1. Luke i. 20. 2. — xx. 18. 1. — iv. 13. 3. 2 Cor. vii. 8. 1. — xiii. 1. 1, Gal. vi. 9. 1, —— xx. 10. ο πουν ἢν 3. John ν. 35. 8. Philem. 15. 1. Actsi. 7. 2. Rev. vi. 11. 1, — xiii. 11. 2. —— xx. 3. SEASON (at a ΟΕΠΤΑΙΝ) κατὰ, accord-) opportunely, in the ing to, needful time to do kaipov, see Vo. 1, it. John v. 4 (ap.) SEASON (convENIENT) 1. Acts xxiv. 25. SEASON (σε) 1. Matt. xxiv. 45, Ι 1 Luke xii, 42. SEASON (for a) 1. ὁλίγον, little, opp. of πολύς, much ; of time, little, brief, short. Here, neut., ὀλίγον as adv., spoken of time, for a little. 2. πρόσκαιρος, for a καιρός, (see “ SEA- son,” Vo. 1) not necessarily for a short time, but until and up to another point of time. 2. Heb. xi. 25. | tik eu 1 6, SEASON (τν) εὐκαίρως, (adv. of “ season,” No.1, with | ὖ , well, prefived) in good season. | 2 Tim. iv. 2. | SEASON (ovr or) ἀκαίρως, (adv. of “srason,’ No. 1) | unseasonably, out of season, (not out of GOOD season, as above.) & Tim. iv. 2. Ι Γ ον. SEC SEASON (oF 4 Lona) εξ, out of, of, ἱκανου, sufficing, abund- ant, great, much, for a ong [ time. | Luke xxiii. 8 (ἐξ ἱκανῶν “nn for a sufficient num. ber of times, L Tr A SEASON (-ep.) [verb.] ἀρτύω, to prepare fitly, used of all things requiring art and cunning, to dress savoury meat, to season. Mark ix, 50, ! Luke xiv. 34, Col. iv. 6. SEAT (-s.) 1. θρόνος, a seat; prop. a high seat with a footstool. Later, and in N.T., a throne, as the emblem of regal authority, (lxx. for νο», 1 Kings x. 18; Job xxxvi. 7; Ps. xlvii. 9; ο, 19. 2. καθέδρα, a seat, any seat, a chair, (non oce.) 2. Matt. xxi. 12. | — John xix. 13, 2. —— xxiii. 2. — Acts xviii. 12, ο -- 6, see S (chief) 161, Πίος. ——, xvii. 19, see | ——— xxv. 6,10, poe Judgment-seat, — Row, iv. 10, mr 5 2. Mark xi. 15. —2Cor. v.10, | 5° 1. Luke i. 52. — Jas. ii. 6, — —— xi.43,seeS(upper- | 1. Rev. ii. 13. most 1. — iv. 4 twice. — — xx. 46, see S(high- | 1. —— xi. 16 est) 1. — xiii, 2 1. Rev. xvi. 10 SEAT (curer) πρωτοκαθεδρία, (No. 2, with πρῶτος, first, prefixed) the first seat, the chief seat. Matt. xxiii. 6. SEAT (πταΠΕΡτ) πρωτοκαθεδρία, see above. Luke xx. 46, SEAT (vuprerMost) πρωτοκαθεδρία, see above. Luke xi. 43. SECOND. δεύτερος, second, of number, order, place, or time. Matt. xxi. 30(G~)(érepos, | Mark xii. 21, 31. the other, GT AN.) — xiv. 72, see S time — xxii, 26, 39. (the —— xxvi. 42, see S time | Luke vi. 1, see S after the ) first. diel SEC t ος fj SEC Luke xii. 38. prophetical prologue η oct? the whole book. ] SECRET PLACE (αν 4) — xx. 30. 1 Cor. xv. 47. ἢ λα Ὁ John iii. 4, see S time | 2 Cor. i. 15. { εἰς, into the) — xiii. 2, see S time κρυπτήν, a covered place. ἀμ (the) a i -- xxi. 16, see S time | Tit. iii. 10 Luke xi. 88, (the) Heb. viii. 7 Acts vii. 13. S time(the) — hy ΤΩ 8 time(the) —— x.15,seeS time(the 28, see Καὶ time(the ee IO. re SECRET (KEEP) — xiii. 33(G~)(mparos, Pet. iii ’ A the rae πω Rev. ii. 11 1. κρύπτω, to hide, conceal. 9. με κ 3 esis cere 4 Stee 5). muri τὸ be silent or ear when beginning andending | —— viii. 8. kine with a Beatitude | — xi. 14. speaking to cena speak, (from (i. 1; ii. 12) andform- | — xvi. 3. σίζω, to say hush !) ing a theological and xx. 6, 14, Rev. xxi. 8, 19. SECOND AFTER THE FIRST (THE) δευτεροπρώτος, the second-first ; prod. the first Sabbath of the second year of the week of years, (non ους.) Luke vi. 1 (om. Τὸ Trb A» 59) i.e. a sabbath. SECOND TIME (rue) 1. Sevrépov, neut. of δεύτερος, second, used either with or without the art., the second time, again. 9 ἐκ, out of for the τ ἢ δεύτερον, the second, ἡ second time. 1. John xxi. 16, 2. Acts x. 15. 1. 2 Cor. xiii. 2. 2. Heb. ix. 28, 2. Matt. xxvi. 42, 2. Mark xiv. 72. 1, Jobn iii. 4. SECONDARILY. δευτέρος, see “ SECOND.” 1 Cor. xii. 28. SECRET (-s.) [noun and adj.*] κρυπτός, hidden, concealed, and there- Sore secret. Matt. xxiv. 26, see Cham- | Rom. ii. 16. Luke viii. 17*. [ber. | 1 Cor. xiv. 25. SECRET (τν) 1. κρυφῆ, secretly, (non occ.) ᾿ inthe hidden or ἐν, ἸΏ, “αὶ κρυπτός,δοο αὔουο, § secret [place. } 2. 18 twice(xpudatos, | 2. —— xviii. 20. 2, Matt, vi. 4twice, 6 twice, | 2. John vii. 4, 10. adj.,@xLTTrAn.) | 1, Eph. v. 12. ...--.-ς. 1, Matt. xiii. 35. Ι SECRET (Kept) ἀπόκρυφος, hidden away, concealed. Mark iv. 22, 2. Rom. xvi. 25. SECRETLY. 1. κρύπτω, to hide, conceal. Here, part. κεκρυμμένος, having been a secret one. 2. λάθρα, secretly, by stealth. 2. John xi. 28. | 1. John xix. 38. SECT. αἵρεσις, a choice, (Ixx. Lev. xxii. 11, 21) hence, an opinion, then, a party. [Used only by St. Paul in 1 Cor. xi. 19, (heresies) and in Gal. v. 20, as one of the works of the flesh. In Tit. i. 10, αἱρέτικος denotes ¢’ te who occasions divi- sions in the Church by turning aside from sound doctrine, comp. 2 Pet. Π. 1.] Jt seems to denote a division (arising from opinions) without any formal separation ; while the σχίσματα (Eng., schisms) were cliques separated from each other by social distinctions and petty alienations of feeling. The later ecclesiastical use of the words is very different. | Acts v. 17. Acts xxvi. 5. — xv. 5. —— xxviii.22. [heresy.) — xxiv. 5. 1Cor. xi. 19, marg. (text, SECURE (το) ποιέω, to make, ἀμέριμνος, without anxiety, (οσο. 1 Cor. vii. 32.) Matt. xxviii. 14. SEC SECURITY. τὸ, the, ; satisfaction, ἐ.ε { ἱκανόν, sufficient, security. Acts xvii. 9. SEDITION (-s.) 1. στάσις, a setting up; an upstand, uproar ; hence, insurrection. 2. διχοστασία, astanding apart ; hence, dissension. 1, Luke xxiii. 19, 25. | 1. Acts xxiv. 5. 2. Gal. v. 20. SEDUCE. 1. πλανάω, to make to wander, to lead astray. 2. ἀποπλανάω, (No. 1, with ἀπό, away from, prefixed) to make to wan- der away from, to lead astray from. 2. Mark xiii. 22. 1. 1 John ii. 26. | 1. Rev. ii. 20. SEDUCED (be) [margin.] 1 Tim. vi. 10, see ‘ ERR.” SEDUCER (-s.) yons, a wizard, juggler, a juggling imposter, (from γοάω, to wail, because such people chanted their spells in a sort of howl), (non ace.) 2 Tim. iii. 13. SEDUCING. πλάνος, wandering about. 1 Tim. iv. 1. SEE (-Ἠ81, -ETH, -ING; SEEN; SAW, -EST.) 1. εἶδον, to see ; implying not the mere act of sceing, but the actual per- ception of the object, thus differ- ing from No. 5; and referring to the mind and thought of him who sees, thus differing from No. 8, in that it refers to the subject, while No. 8 refers to the object. 2. ἰδού, (imperative aor. mid. of No. 1) see! behold! calling attention to something external to one’s self. SEE . We, (imperat. of aor. 2 of No. 1) see! lo! behold! as calling atten- tion to something present. . οἶδα, to have seen, perceived, or apprehended ; hence, to know. σι . βλέπω, to use the eyes; to see, look; used of the act of seeing, even though nothing is seen; to observe accurately with desire ; hence, of mental vision, implying more contemplation than No. 8. . ἀναβλέπω, (No. 5, with ἀνά, up, pre- Jixed) to look up. . ἐμβλέπω, (No. 5, with ἐν, in, pre- πε) to look in or into, fix the eyes upon, regard intently. . Opdw, to perceive with the eyes, see something, used of bodily sight ; never used without a reference in thought to the object which is looked at. Differing from No. 5 in the same way as No. 1 does ; and differ- ing from No. 1 in that it refers in thought to the object, while Vo. 1 refers to the subject. (No. 8 may be the act of an instant, thus differ- ing from Nos. 12 and 13.) (a) ὄψομαι, (used as the future and passive) is referred to the object presented to the eye, and to the subject which perceives at the same time. It denotes, not the action of seeing, (like Nos. 5 and 8) but the state of him, and the affection of the mind of him to whose eye or mind the object is presented, to truly comprehend and know. - 19. ἀφοράω, (No. 8, with ἀπό, away from, prefixed) to look away from one thing so as to see another, to look off from one thing unto another, (occ. Heb. xii. 2.) 10. ὀπτάνω, (a rare form of the present, | formed from ὄψομαι, which is used | as the future of No. 8) see No. δα, (non occ.) 11. θεωρέω, to be a spectator of, to. view with attention, (denoting the | intention of mind with which one regards or contemplates an ob. | | ject) to studiously and attentively | SEE consider. θεωρέω is used of bodily sight, and assumes that the object is actually present. Tt is used moreover of a continued and lengthened looking , (while No. 8 may be the act of an “instant. 12. θεάομαι, (in meaning, like No. 11, but differing from it, in that No. 11 refers to the object beheld, while No. 12 refers to the subject, the person beholding) to gaze upon, look at with a purpose, regard ; to see with desire, regard, or admiration. πο ἱστορέω, to inquire into or about, to learn or know by inquiry, to ascertain by personal examina- tion ; hence, to see or visit a person in order to make his acquaintance, (non occ.) Matt. ii. 2,9, 10 part. (εὐρίσκω, tofind, S‘E.) 3 16 part. . —— iii. 7 part., 16. . — iv. 16, 18, 91, aie Ἢ 16 5, see Seen (be) Ἡ 6, 18. — — vii. 5, seeS clearly 8. — viii. 4, 1. 14, 18 part. ue 84 part. 1. ——ix. 2, 8 part., 9, 11 part., 22 part., 23. 30. is 1 1 1 1 1 8a.- 1 5 5 33, see Seen (be) 36 part. —— xi. 4. if 8, 9. —— xii. 2 part. bo CROP ore | ϱϱ 38. — xiii, 13 twice,14 twice 15. 17 3rd. . — xiv. 14, 26 twice. 30 part. xv. 31 1st part., 3] 2nd. xvi. 28. — xvii. 8. . — xviii. 31 part. — xx. 3. xxi. 15 part., part., 20 part., part., 38 part. 12.—— xxii. 11 1+. 1 11 2nd. — —xxiii, (be) or eS ὃν μὰ ὅν μῦ -- NI τῷὸὋ 5 — κο μὸ μὶ 19 92 5, see Seen 3 — xxiv. 2, 6. 15, —-vi. 1, see Seen (be) | 8a.Matt. xxiv. 30. is 33. 1. —— xxv. 37, 38, 39, 44. 1. —— xxvi. 8 part., 58. 8a. 64, 1: 71: 1, —— xxvii. 3 part. 4, see 5 to. il 24 part., 49, 54. 11.— xxviii. 1. ue 6. 8a. 7, 10. 1. —— 17 part. 1. Mark i. 10, 16, 19. 8. 44, 1. —ii. 5 part., 12, 14, 16 part 11.— iii. 11 5. — iv. 12. 1. —— v. 6 part., 14. 11. 15. 1, —— 16, 22 part. 5. 31. ile 9», Π, 38. 1. — vi. 33, 34, 38, 48, 49 part., 50. 1. —— vii. 5. —— viii. {ΠῚ 28, 24. ie 25. 1. κ. 1, 8, 9, 14, 20 part., 25 part., 38 1, —— x. 14 part. 1. — xi. 13, 20. 1. —— xii. 15, 34 part. 8, —— xiii. 1. 5. 2. 1, —— 14. 8a. 26. 1; 29. 8a.— xiv. 62, 1, 67 part., 69. 1. —— xv. 32, 36, 39 part. 11.—— xvi. 4, 1, δ. 8a, 7. — —l11, see Seen (be) 12, 14. 1, Luke i. 12 part. 8. 22. 1. 29 part. (om. ἰδοῦσα, when she saw him, GT Tr A &.) [ 676 ] 1. Luke ii. 15,17 part., 20, 26 twice, 30, 48 part. 8a.— iii. 6. 1. —— ν. 2, 8 twice, 12, 20 part., 26. 12. 27 (No. 1, L™.) —— vi. 42, see S clearly. 1. —— vii. 13 part., 22 Ist. i 99, 2nd. 2. 24. 25, 26, 39 part. ——_ 44, —— viii. 10 twice, 16. 20, 28 part., 34 part., 35, 36, 47 part. μος ων a ο yl — ix. 9, 27, 32. 49, 54 part. . —— x, 23 twice. 24 10. 24, 2nd. 24 3rd, 31 part., 33 part. — xi. 33. 38 part πα σι 1. —— xiii. 12 part., 35. 8a. 28. 1. — xiv. 18 1. — xv. 20. 8. — xvi. 23. 1, —— xvii. 14 part., 15 part., 22 Ist. 8a. 22 2nd. 1. 93 twice. 1, —— xviii. 15 part., 24 part., 43 part. 1. ——vxix. 3, 4. ΠΣ 5 (om, εἶδόν αὐτόν, καὶ, looked wp and saw him and, T Tr ADR.) 7 part., 37. xx. 15 part. (om. ἰδοντές, when they see 1 if ᾿ ὌΝ Ξρ Ὁ τ ΠΑ ΠΕ 14 DATE 1. —— xxi. 1, 2, 20. 88. 27. 5. 30. 1. 91. 1. —— xxii. 49 part., 58. ils xxili. 8 Ist part., 8 2nd ἃ 3rd, 47 part. * 8. xxiv. 23.. if 24, — — 31, see Cease. 11.—— 37. ie 39 Ist. 11: 30 2nd. 8. John 1. 18, 5 90, 12, 39, ie 33. 8. 34, 12, 38. ifs 389 Ist (No. 8, G ~ T Tr A.) Us 39 2nd, 46, 47, 48, 50 Ist. 8a,—— 50 2nd, 51, 11.— ii. 23 part. 1, —— iii. 3. 8. 11, 32 8a,.—— 36. 1. —— iv. 29. 8. 40, 1 48, 1, ——v. 6 part. 5. 19. 5 37. 8, —— vi. 2 (Νο, 11, 1, Tr A. ) 12. ὅ. 1 ——— 19. SEE 1, John vi. 22 part., 24, 26, 30. 8. 36. 11.—— 40. 8. —— 46 twice. 11. 62. 11.— vii. 3. 12.—— viii. 10 (ap.) 8. 38 Ist. 8, 38 2nd (ἠκούσατε παρὰ, heard from, in- stead of ἐωράκατε παρὰ, seen with, ἃ ον LT Tr A.) 11: 51. 1. ——— 56 twice. 8. 57. 1, — ix. 1. 5. ide 11.—— 8. 5. —— 15, 19, 21, 25. 8, —— 37. 5. ——— 39 twice, 41, 11.— x. 12. 5. —— xi. 9. ΠΣ 31 part., 82, 33, 8a. 40. 12, 45. 1. —— xii. 9, 21, 40, 41. ink 45 twice. 8. —— xiv. 7, 9 twice. πα. 17, 19. 8. — xv. 24. 11.— xvi. 10, 16 1st. 8a. 16 2nd, 11,—— 17 1st. 8a. 17 2nd. 11.—— 19 15. 8a. 19 2nd, 22, 1. — xviii. 26. 1. —— xix. 6, 26 part., 33. 8. 35. 5. — xx. 1, 5. 11, 6. 1. ——- 8. 11. 12, 14. 8. —— 18. 1. —— 20 part. 8 25 Ast. 1 25 2nd. 8. 29 Ast. ae τ 2nd. 5 xi. 9(No. 1, L™,) 5 20. 1. 21. 10. Acts i. 3. 12; = die i 27. — 31 Ist, see 8 before. π. 31 2nd. 5 33. 1, — iii. 3. 11.—— 6. ' iB 9, 12 part. 11.— iv. 13 part. |, 90, 1. — vi. 15. 1, — vii. 24, 31 part., 84 twice, 35. 8, 44, 1. 50, 5. —— viii. 6. 12, 18 part. (No. 1, GLTTrARN.) 2. 36. Ly 39. 11.— ix. 7. 5. 8. ibe 12, 27, 35, 40 part. 1, —— x. 3. 1, 11. Ls 17. 1, —— xi. 5, 6, 13, 23 part. 1, — xiv. 11. 1. —— xvi. 10, 19 part., 27, 40 part. 11.—— xvii. 6 part. 1. —— xix. 21. y 26. 8a.— xx. 25 η, 98, 11.— xxi. 20. 12.——- 27 part. -- 29, see Καὶ before. 1; 85 part. 12.— xxii. 9. -- 11, 566 5. before. a 14, 8. —— 15. 1, 18. 11.— xxv. 24 1. —— xxvi, 13, 16 1. —— xxviii. 4 11.—— 6. i 15 part., 20. 5. 26 twice. 1 27. 1. Rom. i. 11. 5. Heb. xi. 7. iB 13, 23. 8. 27. 8a,.— xii. 14. 8a.— xiii. 23. | 5. Jas. ii. 22. 8. 24. 1. —-v.11. 4, 1 Pet. i. 81st (Χο. 1, 1, ἘΤΙΡΑΝ) 8, 8 2nd part. 1. — iii. 10. — 2 Pet. i. 9, see S afar off (that cannot) 8. 1 Johni. 1, 2, 3. 8a.— iii. 2. 8. 6. 15 ἴ 17. 19. iv. 12, 14. 8, 20 twice. 1. —v. 16. 8. 3 John 11. le 14. 1. Rev. i. 2. δα, 7. oy ἘΠῚ | 5. 12 Ist. [21 1st. ης 12 2nd, 17, 19, | i 20 2nd, (om. ἃς εἶδες, which thow saw- est,G LT TrARW®.) [1γ) | 5. iii. 18. - 20, see S (clear- | 1. —— ἵν. 4 (om. εἶδον, I 5. —— vii. 23. saw,G LT Tr AR.) 5. —— viii. 24 twice, 25, 1, —-v.1, 2. 5. —— xi. 8 inf., 10. 1. —— vi. 1 1st. 8a,— xv. 21. 5. 1 2nd (Νο. 3, G 12. 24. N),(om. G-LT Tr A.) 5. 1 Cor. i. 26. 2 (om. καὶ εἶδον, 1, — ii. 9. and I saw, G =) 1. — viii. 10 5. 3 (No. 3, δ), 8, —ix. 1. (om. α 1, T Tr A.) 5. — xiii. 12 5. 5 (No. 3, G 8), 8a.— xv. 5, 6, 7, 8 (om. L'T Tr A.) 5. —— xvi. 10. 7 (No. 3, G δ), Τ᾽ Tp (om. G + L T Tr Δ.) 5. 2 Cor. iv. 18 4 times. Us 9. 5. xii. 6. 1. —— vii. 1, 2. 13.Gal. i. 18. 1. ——viii. 2. 19. 1. —— ix. 1, 17 1, —— ii. 7 part., 14. 5. 20, 1. — vi. 11. 1, —.x.1,5. —Eph. iii. 9, see S| 5. —sxi.9. (make) 11. 11. 5. — v.15. 8. 19. 1, Phil. i. 27, 30. 1, —— xii, 18. 9. —— ii. 23. 1. — xiii.1,2. [A®.) 1. 28 part 1 3(om. GL T Tr 1. — iv. 9. 1. —— xiv. 6. 8. Col. ii. 1, 18. 1. —— xv. 1,2 1. 1 Thes. ii. 17. 1. —— xvi. 19 1. —— iii. 6, 10. δ 15. 8, ——'v. 15. 1. —— xvii. 3, 6 Ist, 6 2nd 8. 2 Thes. 111. 16. part., 8, 12, 15, 16, 18. 8a. 1 Tim. iii. 16. 1. —— xviii. 1, 7. 1, —— vi. 16 twice. 5. 9. 1. 2 Tim. i. 4. 8 18 part. (No. 5, 8. Heb. ii. 8. GLTTrAR®.) 5. 9. 8. —— xix. 10. 1. —— iii. 9. 1 1, 19. 5. 10. i χε ο || 15; 8, — viii. 5. 1. — xxi. 1, 2, 22. 5, ——x. 25. 8a.—— xxii. 4. 5. —— xi. 1, 3. 5. Β Ist, 8 9ά, uP 5. |8.-——9. SEE BEFORE. 1. προεῖδον, (No. 1, with πρό, before, prefixed), (οσο. Gal. iii. 8.) 2. προοράω, (No. 8, with πρό, before, prefixed), (οσο. Acts ii. 25.) 1. Acts ii. 31. | 2. Acts xxi. 29. SEE SEE (can) ἡ. Acts xxii. 11. SEE FAR OFF (can ποτ) μυωπάζω, to shut the eyes, 1.6. to con- tract the eyelids, like one who can- not see clearly ; hence, to be near- sighted, (non occ.) 2 Pet. i. 9. SEE CLEARLY. 1. διαβλέπω, (Wo. 5, with διά, through or throughout, prefixed), (non occ.) 2. καθοράω, (No. 8, with κατά, down, prefixed) to look down upon, (Ixx. mn, Num. xxiv. 2) to perceive clearly, (non occ.) Matt. vii.5. | Luke vi. 42. SEE (ΓΑ ΚΕ) φωτίζω, to light, lighten; zntrans., to give light, shine; ¢rans., to give light to, shine upon, enlighten. Eph. iii. 9. SEE TO. 8. Matt. xxvii. 4, 24. SEEN (πε) 1. θεάομαι, see above, No. 12. *» 2. φαίνω, to shine. 1. Matt. vi. 1. 2. Matt. ix. 33. 2— — xxiii. δ. 5. 1 1. Mark xvi. 11 (ap.) SEED (-s.) 1. σπέρμα, that which is sown, the seed or germ of anything; then, children, offspring, posterity ; also, a remnant, a few survivors, like seed kept over from a former year. * Rom. ix. 29 is quoted from Is. 1. 9, where Ixx. for ™w, (οσο. Matt. xxii. 25.) 2. σπόρος, a sowing, seed-time ; seed, produce, (Ixx. for un, Ex. xxxiv. 21; »v, Deut. xi. 10), (οσο. 2 Cor. ix. 10.) 9 SEE [ 678 ] SEE 3. σπορά, a sowing, a begetting of | 5. γάρ, truly then, (for ye dpa) verily then ; hence, in fact, and when the Sact is given as a reason or expiui- children ; the seed sown, (Ixx. for yn, 2 Kings xix. 29), (non οσο.) — Matt. xiii. 19, 20, 22, ' 1. Acts iii. 25. 23, see S (receive) 1. — vii. 5, 6 1. 24, 27. 1. — xiii. 23. -- 91,566 Mustard. | 1. Rom. i. 3. 1. 32, 37, 38. 1. —— iv. 13, 16, 18. — — xvii. 20, see Mus- | 1. —— ix. 7 twice, 8, tard. | 1* 29. 1. — xwxii. 24. 1. — πι. 1. 1. 1 Cor. xv. 38. 2. Mark iv. 26, 27. - 91 15ὲ, see Mus- | 1. 2Cor. ix. 10 1st (No.2,L) tard. -- 102nd, see S Ξ 3] 2nd. sown Του η οὐ σα απ 05 1. Luke i. 55. 1. Gal. iii. 163 times, 19,29, pi = wae G, ΤΠ | 1. 2 Tim. ii. 8. — — xiii. 19,3 see Mus- | 1. Heb. ii. 16. — —nxvii. 6,§ tard. | 1. ——xi. 11, 18. 1. —— xx. 28. Ὁ. ἢ δῖ ἢ. 20: 1. John vii. 42. 1. 1 John iii. 9. 1. — viii. 33, 37. 1. Rey. xii. 17. SEED (πποσττε) σπείρω, to sow, to scatter seed, (Ixx. gen. for yi); here, pass. Matt. xiii. 19, 20, 22, 23. SEED SOWN. 2. 2 Cor. ix. 10. SEEING. [noun. ] Preppa, seeing, the act of seeing, (noun, from “sEx,” Λο. 5), (non occ.) 2 Pet. ii. 8, SEEING. [conj.] 1. ἐπεί, as; of time, as, when, after that, (Ixx. for "nx, Gen. xlvi. 30; Josh. vii. 8); of ground or motive, as, since, because, inasmuch as. 2. ἐπειδή, (No.1, with δή, indeed, truly, suffized) as indeed, since, truly. 8. ἐπείπερ, (No. 1, with περ (from περί, adv., very) very, wholly, ever, adding increased strength and emphasis to No.1) since indeed, (more emphatic than No.1), (non ους.) ei, if, ) _ if at least. 4. 4 περ, very, wholly, > [Here looking ever, J back in thought to verse 5, and putting the case that the thing is. (εἴγε would have put the possibility that it was not.) | ation, for. 1. Luke i. 34. —2 Cor. xi. 19, seeS...are, 5. Acts ii. 15. 4. 2 Thes. i. 6, 2. —— xiii. 46. 1. Heb. iv. 6. 3. Rom. iii. 30. 1. — -v. 11. 2. 1 Cor. xiv. 16. — — viii. 4, see S that — 2Cor. xi. 18, seeS that. there are. SEEING THAT. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 18. SEEING THAT THERE ARE. ὦν, οὖσα ov, (part of εἰμί, to be) there being. Heb. viii. 4 (om, τῶν ἱερέων, priests, after ὄντων, GaL TTrAR®.) ο SEEING...ARE ὦν, οὖσα ὄν, (see above) being. 2 Cor. xi. 19. SEEK (-kst, -ETH, -ING; souGHT.) 1. ζητέω, to seek, seek after, look for, strive to find, (Ixx. for wpa, Gen. xxxvu. 15; Ex. xxii. 7; 1 Sam. x. 2,14; Deut. xiii. 10; 1 Sam. xix. 10; >xw, Is. Ixv. 1, quoted in Acts xvi. 27 and Rom. x. 20) to seek, in the sense of to endeavour, to try. 2. ἀναζητέω, (No. 1, with ἀνά, up, upward, back again, prefixed) to seek diligently, look back for, seek again for, (Ixx. for wi, Job 111. 4; wp2, Job x. 6), (non oce.) 1. Matt. ii. 13, 20. — — vi. 32,see S after. 33. 1. Luke iv. 42 (ἐπιζητέω, see “5 ΛΕΤΕ,’ No. 2, 1; GLTTrA Rk.) 1, —— vii. 7,8. — — ν. 18, 566 S means, — — xii. 39,seeSafter. | 1. —— vi. 19. 1, ——— 42, 1. —— xi. 9, 10, 16, 24. 1, —— xiii. 45. ΗΝ 54 (om. καὶ ζη- -- xvi. 4, see S after. τοῦντες, and seeking, 1, —— xviii. 12. G3L Τ Tr> A 8) 1. —— xxi. 46 part. 1, —— xii. 29. 1, —— xxvi. 16, 59. -- 30, see S after, 1. —— xxviii. δ. i 31. — Mark i. 37, ) see S 1, —— xiii. 6, 7, 24. — — iii. 32,5 for. 1, — xv. 8. 1. —— viii. 11. 1. — xvii. 33. — — 12, see Safter. | 1. —— xix. 3, 10, 47, 1, xi. 18. 1, —— xx. 19. 1. — xii, 12, 1, —— xxii. 2, 6. 1, —— xiv. 1, 11. A xxiv. 5. — —— 55, see § for. 1, John i, 38. 1. —— xvi. 6. 1, —— iv. 23, 27. 2, Luke ii. 44. 1. ——v. 16 (ap.), 18, 80, 1, —— 45 (No. 2, GaL 44. T Tr A.) — — vi. 24, see S for. Ly 48, 49 , 26. SEE [ 679 ] SEL 1. Tag tice, 5 το 34,267 | Loa ot eee er | 2. φαίνω, to shine ; hence, to appear, . — Vii. 27 twice. 1 Ἱ. —— νά, i, ane 40, | 1. ——x. 24, 38. appear in the om of any one. 50 twice. 1. — xiii. 5. 1, — x. 39. 1, — xiv. 12. — Matt.xi.26,) seeS . Acts xvii. 18, 1. — xi. 8, 56. 1, 2 Cor. xii. 14 — Luke 1. 5, 5 good(it) i 1 Cor. iii. 18. 1. — xiii. 89. 1. —— xiii. 3. 1. —— viii. 18, marg. — xi. 16. 1. — xviii. 4, 7, 8. 1, Gal. i. 10. think. — xii. 22. 1, —— xix. 12. 1, —— ii. 17 part — —— x. 21, see 8 good | 1 2 Cor. x. 9. 1, — xx. 15. 1. Phil. ii. 21. (it) 1. Gal. ii. 6 twice, 9, 1. Acts x. 19, 51. 1. Col. iii. 1. 2, —— xxiv. 11. | 1. Heb. iv. 1. 2. — xi. 25, 1. 1 Thes. ii. 6 — Acts xv. 25, 28, see S , 1. —— xii. 11. — — xii. 19, ee Sfor. | 1. 2 Tim. i. 17. good (it) | 1. Jas, i. 26. 1. — xiii. 8, 11. — Heb. viii. 7, see ee ae ee aha: |-— iy. 6, see S dili- . — xvii. 5, 27. Ϊ gen — Rom. ii. 7, see 5 for. --- το λυβαπο SEEM (-ευ͵ -ετπ) GOOD (rr) — — iii. 11, see er. τ 4 i J 1. — ας 20. 1.1 Pet, iif, 11. 1. δοκεῖ, (8rd pers. sing. of No. 1, im- -— xi. 3. - — v.8. - 7, see S for. 1, Rev. ix. 6. pers. ἐγένετο, it became, 2. ὁ εὐδοκία, the deeming good, good SEEK AFTER. pleasure, gracious purpose. 1. ζητέω, see above, No. 1. 2. Matt. xi. 26. | 2. Luke x. 21, 1. Luke i. 3. 1, Acts xv. 25, 28. 2. ἐπιζητέω, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed) to seek upon or for, 2.6. 4 to seek earnestly or continuedly. REEL Y. (mere 8. ἐκζητέω, (No. 1, with ἐκ, out of, Jas. 1, 3, see ** GOOD PLACE (IN A)” prefixed ) to seek out of, ‘seek out, SEIZE ON. earch out, (Ixx. for wv, E aca i: εϑέ, Ez. for 12. τ; κατέχω, to have and hold down fast, , ἦ a, hold firmly ; hence, retain, detain. . Matt. vi. 32. 2, Luke xii. 30, | — xii, 39. 3. Acts xv. 17. Matt. xxi. 38 (ἔχω, to have, 491, T Tr A 8.) . ——xvi.4. [TrAN.) | 3. Rom. iii. 11. . Mark viii. 12(No.1, LT | 1. 1 Cor. i. 22 bo bo bo bo SELF (or one’s) SEEK CAREFULLY. αὐτόματος, (αὐτός, self, and μέμαα, to strive for, from obs. µάω) existing 8. Heb. xii. 17. or acting of one’s self, spon- taneous, κκ, for ΓΡ, Ley. xxv. SEEK DILIGENTLY. 5, 11), (oce. Acts xii. 10.) 8. Heb. xi. 6. Mark iv. 28. SEEK FOR. See also, HIS, MY, 11, ete. VE ζητέω, 866 above, No. 1. SELFSAME. 2. ἐπιζητέω, see above, No. 2. ἐκεῖνος, that, that one there, that same, 1, Mark i. 37. 2, Acts xii. 19 part, that very. er iy. BE. ae χα Matt. viii. 13. 1. John vi. 24. 1, Heb, viii. 7. SELFSAME (rue) SEEK MEANS. ὃ, the, 1. Luke v. 18. δεν» same, self, selfsame 1 Cor, xii, 11. SEEM (-ΕΡ, -ETH.) 1. δοκέω, to seem, to have the appear- SELFSAME THING (ror tre) ance; hence, to be of opinion, to αὐτὸ, same thing, hold ‘for suppose, (Ixx. for πώ, τοῦτο, this > ᾽ ᾽ Gen. xxxvill. 15.) 2 Cor. vii. 11. ᾿ this very thing. SEL SELFSAME THING (ror ruts) εἰς, unto, with a view to, αὐτὸ, selfsame thing, | τοῦτο, this. ἶ 2 Cor. v. 5. SELFWILLED. | αὐθάδης, (αὐτός, self, and ἥδομαι, to satisfy) self-complacent; and hence, assuming, presumptuous, self-willed, (xx. for 1», Gen. xlix. 3,7; ΤΗ, Prov. xxi. 24.) Tit. i. 7. | 2 Pet. ii. 10. SELL (-ΕΤΗ, soup.) 1. πωλέω, to trade away wares, to barter; hence, to sell, (Ixx. for ο, Neh. v. 8; Joel 111. 3; Ez. vii. 3.) 2. πιπράσκω, to traffick away beyond the seas in other lands ; hence, to sell. Pass., to be sold, esp. for exportation; hence, to be sold into slavery, (Ixx. for “30, Gen. xxxi. 15; Ley. xxvii. 27), (non occ.) 3. ἀποδίδωμι, to give away from one’s self, deliver over, give up. Mid., as here, to deliver over for one’s self, z.e. to dispose of, as by sale, to sell, (Ixx. for »awn, Deut. ii. 8; 320, Gen. xxv. 83; xxxvii. 27,35; Amos ii. 6.) - 1, Matt. x. 29. 1. John ii. 14, 16, 1, —— xiii. 44, — — iv. 13, see Buy. 2. 46. 2. —— xii. 5. 2, —— xviii. 25. 2. Acts ii. 45. 1, —— xix. 21. 1. —— iy. 34 let 1. —— xxi. 12 twice. 2. 34 2nd. 1. —— xxv. 9. ile 37. 2. —— xxvi. 9 1. —v.1. 1. Mark x. 21. 2. 4 part. 1. —— xi. 15 twice. 3. 8. 2, —— xiv. δ. 3. —— vii. 9. 1. Luke xii. 6, 33. 2. Rom. vii. 14. 1, ---Ο-- χΥΐ!, 28, --1 Cor. x. 25, see Κὶ 1, —— xviii. 22, (whatsoever is) 1, —— xix, 45. 3. Heb. xii. 16. 1, — xxii. 36, 1. Rev. xiii. 17, SOLD (wiartsoErver 1s) 1. 1 Cor. x. 25, pass. part., with art. SELLER. See, PURPLE. SELVES. See, OUR, YOUR, THEIR, THEM, ete. [ 680 1 γερουσία, a council of elders, (Ixx. for ee τ ᾽θῬὉ᾽ΝΝΝΝΝΝΒΒὉΒὉὃὉὃΒὉὃΘὃΘὃΘὃΘὃΘὃΘὃΘὋΘὋΘΦΘΦΘ SEN SENATE. pip, Ex. 111. 16,18; Deut. xxvii. 1; xix. 12.) Acts v. 21. SEND. 1, ἀποστέλλω, to send away from: (the sender remaining behind). To despatch upon a certain mission implying authority on the part of the sender. (Hence the noun “ Apostle’”’—one thus sent.) 2. ἐξαποστέλλω, (No. 1, with ἐκ, out of, prefixed) to send away out of the place where one is, implying the same mission and authority as No. 1. 3. πέμπω, to send, esp. by escort; also simply to escort, the sender accompanying those sent. This explains Luke vit. 3, where the word is No. 1; and verse 6, where it is No. 3. (occ. Rev. xiv. 15, 18). 4. ἀναπέμπω, (No. 3, with ava, up or back, prefixed) to send up, as before a judge or tribunal; to send back, remit; to send again, (οσο. Luke xxiii. 11; Philem. 12.) 5. βάλλω, to throw, to cast, with a greater or less degree of force, as required by the context. 3. Matt. ii. 8. 1. Mark i. 2. 16, see S forth. | — 43, see S away. — —— v. 45, see Rain. — — iii. 14, seeS forth. — — ix. 38, becee 1. 31 — —— x. 5, 16, § forth. — —— iv. 36, see S away. 5. 34, twice. 1, ——v. 10. ue 40. 3 12. 3. —— xi. 2. ——vi. 7, 17, see 8 if 10. forth — —— xii. 20, see S forth. | 1. 27. — —xiii.36,see Saway. | — 36, 45, 46, see 8 ἐπι 41, see 55. forth. away. 3. —— xiv. 10. 3. —- viii. 3, 9, } see 5 3. 15, 22, 28, see S | — 26, away. away. 1. —— ix. 37. -- 35, see S out. — —— xi. 1, see S forth. — — xv. 23, see Saway. | 1. 8. ἂν 24. 1, —— xii. 2, τς 82, 39, see S| — 3, see 5 away. away. iP 4, 5, 6, 13. 1. —— xx. 2. Le xiii, 27. 8 xxi. 1, 3, 34,36, 37. | — xiv.13, seeS forth. — — xxii. 3, 4, see S | 1. Lukei. 19, 26. forth. - 53, see Κ΄ away. -----7 1. —— iv. 18, -- 16, see 5ὶ out. 3, 26. 1. — xxiil. 34, 37. ᾿ς 43. 1. —— xxiv. 31. 1, —— vii. 3. 1. — xxvii. 19. 8, 6,10, 19. SEN [ 681 1 SEN 1. Luke vii. 20, 27. — Acts ix. 30, see S forth. 2 , ο ο ag Ee [κῃ - 3. ἀπολύω, to loosen from, let loose 1. — ix. 2. 3. —x. 5. from, release, let go away. -- 12, see S away. | 1. 8, 17, 20,21 (ap.) πα ο Stor ie see | 4 ἀφίημι, to send forth or away, let τ τ 2,3. se0Btorth. | 8. 53, go from one’s self, dismiss. 1, — xi. 49, 1. — xi. 11, 19, 20. - 5. — xii. 49. — —— 22, see'S forth. | 3" ἀποτάσσομαι, to eprint: one’s self i —— xiii. si. ἕν 8. 39. off, separate one’s self from, i.e. — a. ——— Til, . = Bory ts η = ii 3, see Samay. take leave off, bid farewell. 8. ---- Xvi. 24, -- , see S forth. i xix, “Ms 29, 82. λα ae 6. ἐκβάλλω, to throw out, cast out, => 5 τεσ) δ ᾽ te μὰ». 8 ο ΤΑ) ο Ὁ drive or thrust out of. away. . — xv. 22. 3. J] Ist πεῖ 23,seeGreeting. | 7. ἐκπέμπω, (έβενο, Wo. 1, with ἐκ, -- 11 2nd, see Ὦ | 8, 25. Ἐν . Ἢ 57. out 0 prefixed), (οσο. Acts ΧΙ]. 4) 3. 12, 13. | 1, —— xvi. 35, 36. ΜῈΝ 20, see 5 forth. | — —— xvii. 10, 14, see 8 . μισο ο... fully, instead of ἀπέ- Pas A — «15, 22, 23 part. στειλαν, - 1, ΕΞ: xxii. fe 35. 1. πο, ast 3. —— xv. 23, 32, 39, sent him βιὰ aa 4. xxiii. 7. : | xix. 22 part. 6. Mark i. 43: - 11, see S again. | 3. σα ark 1. $ fully handled, L T Tr STH 3 =—— xx: 17, 4, — iv. 36 part. 2. Luke i. 53. [Α 8.) 1, —— xxiv. 49 (No 2, | 2. xxii. 21. δ: — vi. 36, 45. 3. — viii. 88, T Tr A.) — — xxiii. 26,seeGreet- 3 46 part 3. — ix. 12 1. John i. 6, 19, 24. ing. era Vill. 3; 9 | 2, —— xx. 10, 1 3. 22, 33. 8. 80. η were Gj Le - ὃ. See aa iv. 24, — ἠτίμησαν, s —— Xvil. 4. τ᾿ Ges a ο λα 26, ο. 566 5 treated him shame- | Zz 10. 1% 38. — — xxv. 3, om 3, — v. 23, 24, 30 3. 21 (No. 4, 1, T 1. 83, 96. : Tr AX. ἊΝ SEND FOR ——— . le “0, . ΄ 1. —— 38. 1, —— xxvi. 17 ΕἸ 1. σι, A. ee μεταπέμπω, (* SEND,’ Wo. 3, with pera, . « m. Vill 9 ah part, ΓΝ = Ξ' .ν Hal or Te ‘to send after, send πατρός μον, my father, or. r ἃ ἢ ὶ ἣ instead of τοῦ πέμψαν- | 3. —— iv. 17. ot (οσο cts. κ. 5; δ xi 13.) τος µε, him that sent | 3. —— xvi. 3. Acts x. 22, 29 1st part, | Acts xxiv. 24, 26. me,G@oLTTrA.) | —2 Cor. viii. 18, 22, see 29 2nd. — xxv. 3 3. 44, S with. 3. η 6, 18, 28. i κ ιο 3. — vii. 1 . — xii. 1. 29, 32, -- 18, see S with. SEND FORTH. 3. —— — Gal. iv. 4, 6, see S P 3 δι 3, — viii. 16, 18, 26, 29. forth. 1. ἀποστέλλω, see “ SEND,” Λο. 1. 1. 42. 8. Eph. vi. 22. 3 ους αι ο ο, 25,28. | 2. ἐξαποστέλλω, see “ sEND,” Wo. 9 . . 3. —_ iv. 1, —-x. 86. 3. Col. iv. 8. > Qt « ” eo tg. Pe ν᾿ ὃ- 1 Thes i. 5, δ, 3. ἐκβάλλω, see “ SEND AWAY,” Wo. 6. 3. — xii. 44 3. 2 ii. 11, aes Ee et AN teh doo S| Bitte iv. 12. 4. ἐκπέμπω, see “SEND away,” Wo. 7; he that is) 8. —— 8. 18. Ἔ Ge δ ind, 20 twice. | Philem. 12, see 8 (ce. Acts xvi. 10.) 3. — xiv. 24, 26. 3. —— xv. 21, 26. 3. —— xvi. 5, 7. 1, —— xvii. 3, 8, 18 twice, 21, 23, 85. 1. —— xviii. 24, 1, —— xx. 2] 1st. 8, 9] 2nd. 1, Acts iii. 20, 26. 1. —v. 21. 1. —— vii. 14, 34, 35. — — viii. 12, see 5 out. again. — Heb. i. 14, see S forth. — Jas. ii. 25, see S out. iii. 14, see S forth. 1. 1 Pet. 1. 12 3. —— ii. 14. 1. 1 John iv. 9, 10, 14. 1. Rev. i. 1. 3. 11. — — v. 6, see S forth. 3. —— xi. 10 (δίδωμι, aive, o~) LY xxii. 6, 3. 16. SEND AGAIN. 4, Luke xxiii. 11. 4, Philem. 12 (No.1,G~) SEND AWAY. 1. ἀποστέλλω, see above, No. 1. 2. ἐξαποστέλλω, see above, No. 2. 5. βρύω, to be full, to overflow ; hence, eo μα 1 2 9 1, 1 to emit largely, oce.) Matt. ii. 16. —— xxii. 3, 4. . Mark i iii, 14, — vi. 7, 17. — xi. Ἢ — xiv. 13. Pi otp roy oro pro pour forth, (non Luke x. 2, 3. . — xx, 20, Acts ix. 30. — xi. 22. — xiii. 4. Gal. iv. 4, 6. . Heb. i. 14, . Jas, fii, 14, . Rev. ν, 6. SEND OUT. ἀποστέλλω, see “ SEND,” Vo. 1. ἐξ Matt. xiv. 35. 3, . πι xxii. 16, 3. αποστέλλω, see “SEND,” Vo. 2. . ἐκβάλλω, see “sEND ΑΝΑΥ,᾽᾽ Λο. 6. Acts vii. 12, Jas. ii, 25, [ 682 1 SEP SEN SEND WITH. 1. συναποστέλλω, “SEND,” >) with σύν, in No. 1, conjune- 2. συνπέμπω, “SEND,” No. ( tion with, 3, prefixed. 2. 2 Cor. viii. 18, 22. 11. 2 Cor. xii. 18. SENT (He THAT Is) ἀπόστολος, one sent forth, (nown, from “seNnD,” Wo. 1), (see under “apos- TLE.” John xiii. 16. SENSE. [margin. | Phil. i. 9, see Judgment. SENSES. αἰσθητήριον, the seat of the senses; the faculty of perception, (non occ.) Heb. v. 14. SENSUAL. ψυχικός, what pertains to the ψυχή, (animal life, see “soun,”) animal, natural, of the nature of ψυχή; it denotes man as he is by nature, i.e. a stranger to what is of the Spirit ; and hence, man as a sinner estranged from the divine princi- ple of eternal life. [In Jas. iii. 15 the three predicates expressa logical sequence, ἐπίγειος, (belonging to the earth) fit anti- thesis of ἄνωθεν, (from above) ; but, because ἐπίγειος, therefore ψυχικός, destitute of the Spirit of God, (see 1 Cor. xv. 48) and be- cause thus destitute of the Spirit, therefore actually opposed thereto, 1.6. δαιμονιώδης, (belonging to demons). | Jas. iii. 15, marg. natural. | Jude 19, SENTENCE. ἀπόκριμα, the judicial sentence, as the result o7 issue of κρίνειν, (see “ JupGE,’ verb, Vo. 1) condemna- tion, (non occ.) 2 Cor. i. 9, marg, answer. SENTENCE (αττε) ἐπικρίνω, to judge upon, confirm by a like judgment, give judgment upon, adjudge, (non occ.) Luke xxiii. 24, marg. assent. SENTENCE IS (arr) ἔγω, I, (emphatic) κρίνω, to judge, (see >I judge. “JuDGE,” verb, Wo. 1,) Acts xv. 19. SEPARATE. [adj.] χωρίζω, see below, No. 2. Heb. vii. 26, pass. part. SEPARATE (zr) ἀφορίζω, see below, No. 1. 2Cor. vi. 17, pass. SEPARATE (-xp.) [verb.] 1. ἀφορίζω, to set off by bounds, to limit off, (ixx. for bain, Ex. xix. 12, 95; Lev. xx. 25); to set off apart, separate. bo . χωρίζω, to put apart, separate, sunder, (Ixx. for 913), Neh. ix. 2.) 3. ἀποδιορίζω, to set off by drawing a boundary through, make a com- plete separation, (non occ.) 1. Matt. xxv. 32. 2. Rom. viii. 35, 39. 1, Luke vi. 22. - ix. 3, marg. (see 1. Acts xiii. 2. accursed.) 1, —— xix. 9. 1, Gal. i. 15. Ἱ, Ἑσαια τς 1, ——ii. 12. 3. Jude 19. SEPULCHRE. 1. μνῆμα, a memorial, monument, any object dedicated to preserve the recollection of a deceased person, (xx. forap, Ex.xiv. 11; Ez.xxxvii. 12; map, Hz. xxxii. 23.) 2. μνημεῖον, anything said, written, or done to preserve the memory of things or persons, an inscription, a monument, memorial, (Ixx. for sop, Gen. xxiii. 6, 9; xlix. 80; map, Gen. xxxv. 20.) SER [ 683 1 SER 8. τάφος, burial, sepulchre; hence, a | (0) Adj., serving, bound to serve, burial-place, (Ixx. for “3, Gen. in bondage. xxiii. 4, 20; 2 Sam. ii. 31; Ps. v. 10), (oce. Matt, xxiii. 9.) 2. παῖς, a child, male or female, a boy or girl, a child in legal relation. 8. Matt. xxiii. 27. pulchres, G2L>T Tr | - 2. 99. 1. Luke xxiii, 53. [A 8.) Then, tke πρι boy παν 2, — xxvii. 60. 2. 55. Fr., garcon) put for a pot Σ ὃ. —— 61, 64, 66. . το XXxiv. ap ἤρεσεν τον Π 0. =) ο ee 4 (Ixx. for “ἂν, Gen. ix. ο: σα 2. John xix. 41, 43. : xxiv. 2; xxvi. 15, ete. ine for ce. —— wice 9 a6 ς ᾿ ὙΠ 0.5.5. 8; OTe πὶ ον minister, Gen. xli. 88; Jer. xxxvi. 2. Luke xi. 47. 1, Acts ii, 29. 24; and Sor the servant of God, 2. 48 (om. αὐτῶν | 1. —— vii. 16. τὰ μνημεῖα, their se- | 2. — xiii, 29, Is. xii. 8; 9; xliv. τσ πο... Loi hs and hence of the Messiah, Matt. xii. 18, iz allusion to Is. xlii. 1, SERJEANT (-s.) where Ιχχ. ην. So, Acts i. 18, ῥαβδοῦχος, a rod-holder; 1.6. a lictor, ΠΝ τὸ τὰ te from Is. xlix. 6 so called from bearing the Roman - 10; and ln. 13.) fasces or bundle of rods, (non occ.) | 8. διάκονος, servant, hasty messenger, Acts xvi. 35, 38. (prob. from διάκω OF διήκω, to hasten, whence, διώκω, to pursue) Ixx. for Πω, Est. 1.10; τ 2; SERPENT. vi. 3; a servant, with ” special 1. ὄφις, a serpent; Ixx. for wn, Gen. reference to the person whom the iii. 15; Ex. iv. 8. Hence, sym- service benefits, (whilein No. 1 the bolically used of the devil. ὄφις reference is to the master’s benefit, is prob. from ὄπτομαι, to see, (as and in No. 5 it is to subservience δράκων, ἃ species of serpent, zs to another's will.) from δέρκω, to behold; and the ae 5 ae : Ἷ -companion, 0 σ Heb. wri, a serpent, zs ‘from wns, 4. οἰκέτης, house-companion, one living to eye, view acutely.) (“Α ser- in the same house ; hence, a do- θά, 9 ἳ mestic, household servant; Ixx. pent’s eye” was a Greek and for "ay, Gen. ix. 25; xxvii. 87 Roman proverb.) (non oce. = 2 ος. ᾿ ie ee 2 ) ¢ ) (occ. Acts x. 7.) 2. ἑρπετόν, a creeping animal, a reptile ; Ixx. for won, Gen. 1. 24; vi 7; yw, Gen. 1. 50; τῶν xi. 41. 5. ὑπηρέτες, an under-rower, ἃ common sailor, a hand, agent, one who does service under the immediate 1. Matt. vii. 10. 1. John iii. 14, direction of a ne. 1, — x. 16. 1. 1 Cor. x. 9. τς ΜΕΥ pare ο ace 6. θεράπων, ministering servant, attend. 1. Luke x. 19, 1. Rey. xi. 19. ant, guardian, care-taker, (ence 1. —xi. 11 1, — xii. 9, 14, 15. »§ Pe. ἃ aker, ( 3 ee eee Υ the verb θεραπεύω, to cherish, care for, as applied to the sick, gave rise SERVANT (-s.) to the Eng. medical term “ thera- peutics.”) 1 differs from No. 1, r. δοῦλος, a slave, one bound to serve, an that it ἐξ always used of fron (from δέω, to bind) one whose and honourable service ; lxx. for will and capacities are wholly at 72, Exod. xiv. 31; Wah xii. 7, the service of another, (opp. to : Toh ia ii. 3, (non occ.) ἐλεύθερος, free). δοῦλος is used of | , ος ή, 5 the lowest scale of servitude, bué | το ο ee πο Νὴ ο she sanster TTA) Se If ae 13. 1, —— xx. 27. when tran sferred to Christian 8: πο δίος | η νι ἘΣ ος ἐσ vice it expresses the highest | 1: — xii. 18. | 1. — xxii. 3, 4, 6, 8, 10. . . . --..-» ΟὟ 9 « ΠῚ devotion of one who is bound by | ἃ — sit 27, 2S. | 8. - 18. 2. —— xiv. 2. | 8, —— xxiii. 11. love. 1, —— xviii, 28, 26, 27, | 1. — xxiv. 45, 46, 48. ὃ α a 28 Ist. -- 10, see S (fellow) (a) with Θεοῦ, of God, or χριστοῦ, of | — 28 2nd, 99, 81, | 1. —— 50. Aye see 8 (fellow) 1, —— xxv. 14, 19, 21, 23, Christ, ete. ty, ----ᾱἲ | 26, 30. SER [ 684 ] SER 1. Matt. xxvi. 51. 1. Rom. ἘΣ 16 τα SERVE (-ED, -ETH, -ING.) 5. 58. -- , see 6- πώς ο ὁ πα οσον. 1. δουλεύω, to serve as a slave, to be πο ον ΤῊΣ 20. in the position of a δοῦλος, (see ας τῳ τ otic) see 5 (be- “servant,” Λο. 1) and to act 1, — xiy,'47, 4, — xiv. 4. accordingly, 7.6. both to be sub- a 54, 65. 3. —— xvi. 2. Luke i. 54, 69. ΙΕ: Gort τη: ‘a1, 29 Ist. ject, and to serve in subjection, oe 29. a 15: ΓΞ 4 used of actions which are directed — vii. 2, 3. : 3 2, —— 7. —— ix, 19, see 8 by others. 1 S10. i peaks) i λ hes hi but 1, —— xii. 37. | Cor. iv. . λατρεύω, to serve, esp. for hire, bu 1 38 (om. οἱ δοῦλοι. | 1a.Gal. i. 10. 2 PEOM, SE i for id those servants, G + T | 1. —iv.1,7. also of service with or without pay. Le a i fia τον Oe: VE δ: To render service to God, esp. 43, 45 Ist. la.Phil. i. 1. with reference to sacrifice; hence, - 45 2nd, see Man- | 1. —— ii. 7. to worshi servant. — Col. i. 7,see S (fellow) Ww p- 1. 46, 47. Ἱ. iii. 22. 5 : 1. — xiv. 17, 21 twice, | 1, — iv. 1. phe 3. διακονέω, to serve, render service, 22, 23. = 7, 566 Καὶ (fellow . 4 ἘΠῚ xy. 17, 19, woe μες wait upon, (a department of No. 1) ο”. αν to do any one a service, to help, . Ga. ἃ. ὦ m. 11. ὧν okie . 2. 58. talib. i. 1. to minister to any one im any- 4, —— xvi. 18. ae: : 1. — xvii. 7, 9, 10. 1. Philem. 16 twice. thing. - xix. 13,15, 17, 22. | 6. Heb. iii. 5. 5 = Pate, 10, 11. : πως Ἡ ἐ 4. ὑπηρετέω, to do the service of an 1. — xxii. 50. la.1 Pet. ii. 16. ε : ές om ἢ ἘΠῚ πο γα - τω, ὑπηρέτης, (566 “SERVANT,” No. 5); Ἱ Say Sb 14.2 Pet. i. 1. hence, to act in subservience to ak eee peta ty a another's will, to subserve, (οσο. 1. —— xiii. 16. la. Rev. i. 1 twice. Acts xx. 34; xxiv. 23. ) 1, — χν. 15 twice, 20, 18.----- ii, 20. I, —— xviii. 10 twice, 18, | —-—— vi. 11, seeS (fel- | 2 Matt. iv. 10. 9, Rom. i. 9, 25. 26, | low) 1, — vi. 24 twice. f= yi 6: 5. 36. | la.— vii. 3. 2. Luke i. 74. ae) la.Acts ii. 18, la.— x. 7. 2. —— ii. 37. 1, —— ix. 12. 2. —— iv. 25. la,—— xi. 18, 2, —— iv. 8. 1, —— xii. 11. la. 29. la.— xv. 3, 3. — x. 40. 1. — xiv. 18. —— x. 7, see House- | la.— xix. 2, 3. — xii. 37. UE hold -- 10, ο Β(ΓΟ]]ο τ) 1, —— xy. 29. 1. Gal. v. 13. 1a.— xvi. 17. la.—— xxii. 3, 6. 1. — xvi. 13 twice. 1. Phil. ii. 22. la.Rom. i. 1, | - 9, 566 8 (fellow) | 3. — xvii. 8. 1. Col. 111, 24. 3, — xxii. 26, 27 twice. [1.1 Thes, i. 9. 3. John xii. 2, 26 twice. 2. 2'Tim. i. 8, 3. Acts vi. 2. 1. Tit. iii. 3. SERVANT (sEcome) oat F 2. Heb. vill. 5. 3 4 4, —— xiii. 36 part. 2, — ix, 14. δουλόω, to make a slave of, bring into | 1. — xx. 19 2, —— xii, 28, ΜΞΝ a 2. — xxvi. 7. 2, — xiii. 10. bondage, enslave, (differing from 2, —— xxvii. 28. | 2, Rev. vii. 15. δουλεύω, to serve as a slave, see “SERVE, Vo. 1.) (a) pass., to be.enslaved, to be or become a slave of. a. Rom. vi. 18, 22. SERVANT (ξεῖν) συνδουλος, (No. i, with σύν, together or in conjunction with , prefined) a fellow-slave, (non oce.) Matt. xviii. 28, 29, 31, 33. Col. iv. 7. —— xxiv. 49, Rev. vi. 11. Col. i. 7. —— xix. 10, Rev. xxii. 9. SERVANT (ataKe) δουλόω, see “ SERVANT (BECOME)”’ 1 Cor, ix, 19, 2. Rev. xxii. 3. SERVICE. 1. λατρεία, service, divine service, (see above, No. 2); obedience and adoration rendered to God, (Ixx. for) ον, Ἐκ, xi, 25. 26: σε. xxii. 27), (occ. Heb. ix. 1.) 2. διακονία, serviceable labour, service rendered, esp. as benefitting others, ministry in every form. 3. λειτουργία, public service, esp. solemn and stated office and ministry, as of the Jewish priest- hood. [No.1 is used of the duties of all men, Wo. 2 of the duties of special SER -- --υὔ--υ------------- officials on behalf of others. Every Wo. 3 is a No. 1, though every Wo. 1 is not a No. 8.1 3. 2 Cor. ix. 12. 1 1. Rom. ix. 4. — Eph. vi. 12, see Eye. 1. — xii. 1. 8. Phil. ii. 17, 30. 2. — xv. 31. (δωροφορία, | —Col. iii, 22, soe a bringing of presents, Eye. LTrm, 2. Rev. ii. 19. SERVICE (vrvine) 1, Heb. ix. 1, SERVICE (το) 1. δουλεύω, see “ SERVE,’ No. 1. 2. λατρεύω, see “SERVE,” Wo. 2. πρός, towards, with a view 8. ὁ διακονία, see No. 2, to the above, ministering. 8. 2 Cor. xi. 8. 1. Eph. vi. 7. 1, Gal. iv. 8. 1, 1 Tim. vi. 2. 2. Heb. ix. 9. SERVING. [noun.] διακονία, see “ SERVICE,” Vo. 2. Luke x. 40. SET (-ETH, -ING.) (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. ἵστημι, (a) trans., to cause to stand, to set, to place. (Ὁ) zntrans., to stand. 2. καθίστημι, (No. 1, with κατά, down, prefixed.) In N.T. only trans., pass., or mid., to set, constitute. 3. τίθημι, to set, to put, to place, to lay. 4. καθίζω, trans., to cause to sit down, to seat; intrans., to sit down, sit, be seated. σι . ἀποστέλλω, to send away, send forth, send off, (see “ senp,” «ο. 1.) 6. δίδωμι, to give, bestow upon. 7. τάσσω, to rank, to order, set in order, arrange, esp. of soldiers in | ranks, ete. 8. δύνω, to sink, to go down, (Ixx. for wn, Gen. xxviii. 11; 2 Ch. xvi. 34.) [ 685 1 (Ixx. Job xii. 5), (non occ.) 1a.Matt. iv. 5. 1a.Acts iv. 7 part. la.—— xviii. 2. la.—— v. 27. la.—- xxv. 33. la.—— vi. 6. 8. Mark i. 32. 9. —— xii. 21. la.— ix. 36. 3. —— xiii. 47. la. Luke iv. 9. la.— xxii. 30. 5. 18. 4. 1 Cor. vi. 4. 7. — vii. 8. 4, Eph. i. 20. la.— ix. 47. 2. Heb. ii. 7 (αρ.) la,John viii. 3 part. (ap.) | 6. Rev. iii. 8, 3. Rev. x. 2, SET ABOUT. περιτίθημι, (No. 3, with περί, around, prefixed) to put around, place around. Mark xii. 1. SET AT ONE AGAIN. συνελαύνω, to drive together, unite, (here Aor. tense) eis, unto, εἰρήνην, peace, Acts vii. 26 (συνήλασσεν, imperf. tense, instead of aorist, συνήλασεν) he was reconciling, or attempted to reconcile them into peace, ἃ ον L T Tr 8.) he united them into peace, (ποπ 060.) SET BEFORE. παρατίθημι, (No. 8, with παρά, beside, preficed) to put or place near any one, to set or lay before. (such things as are) Luke xi. 6. Acts xvi. 34. 1 Cor, x. 27. Mark vi. 41. — viii. 6 twice, 7, Luke ix. 16. — x. 8, see S before SET FORTH. 1. τίθημι, to set, to put, to place, to lay. SET 9. τακτός, (part. of No.7) set in order, arranged, set, fixed, appointed, 2. προτίθημι, (No. 1, with πρό, before, ο οφ, Here, mid., to set | before one’s self ov on one’s own || part. | 3. ἀνάγω, to lead up, conduct or bring up, as from a lower to a higher place. In navigation, to lead a ship up or out upon the sea, to put to sea. 4. ἀποδείκνυμι, to point out, show, ex- hibit. 1. John ii. 10. 2, Rom. iii, 25, marg. Soreordain, 4, 1 Cor. iv. 9. 8. Acts xxi. 2. SET FORTH EVIDENTLY. προγράφω, to write before, zm ref. to time past; also, in reference to present or future, to pourtray. Gal. iii, 1. SET ON. 1. ἐπιβιβάζω, to cause to mount, as an animal for riding, (Ixx. for 25 ἼΠ, 1 Kings i. 33; 2 Kings ix. 28), (non occ.) ἐπικαθίζω, to cause Ξ Here, they to sit upon, to οι [him] seat upon, upon them. ἐπάνω, upon, 3. ἐπιτίθημι, to set, put, place or lay upon. 2. Matt. xxi. 7ζ(ἐπεκάθισεν, | 1. Luke x. 34. he set wpon them, St} 1. xix. 35. G LMT Tr A), (κα- | 9. Acts xviii. 10. θίζω, &.) ibs xxiii. 24, SET ONE’S EYES. ἀτενίζω, to fix the eyes intently upon, gaze upon intently. Acts xiii. 9 part. SET ONE’S FOOT ON. ( βῆμη, a pace, afoot-breadth, (Ixx. { ποδός, of afoot, ἡ for ὈΔΥῊΞ JN, Deut. ii. 5.) | Acts vii. 5. | oT SET STEADFASTLY. Ἱστηρίζω, to set fast or steadfast, to fix firmly. Luke ix. 51. SET UP. | | 1. ἵστημι, see “set,” No. la. 2. ἐπιτίθημι, to set, place, put or lay upon. [ 686 ] SET 3. ἀνορθόω, to set upright, to erect; to erect again, rebuild: gwoted from Amos. ix. 11, where Heb. m2, and Ixx. ἀνοικοδομέω, to re- build; zm Acts xv. 16, build again. 2. Matt. xxvii. 37. | 1. Acts vi. 13. 3. Acts xv. 16. SET (BF) 1. κεῖμαι, to lie: to be laid, set, or placed. [(a) Rev. iv. 2 doubtless refers to Dan. vii. 9, where Chald. πο”, and Ixx. τίθημι, (see “ΡΕ, Νο. 3.) Πο is akin to my, to place, Job xxxviil. 6, and Gen. xxxi. 51.] 2. καθιζω, trans., to cause to sit down, to seat; intrans., to seat one’s self, to sit down. 2. Matt. v. 1 part. 1 14 1. Luke ii. 34. 1. John ii. 6. 1. John xix. 29. 1 Επ 1. 17. 2. Heb. viii. 1. la. Rev. iv. 2. SET BEFORE (sr) πρόκειμαι, (No. 1, above, with πρό, be- fore, prefixed) to lie before, to be laid or set forth or before any one. Heb. vi. 18. | SET DOWN (zr) 1. ἀνάκειμαι, (No. 1, above, with ἀνά, up, prefixed) to be laid up, as at a meal. Heb. xii. 1, 2. 2. ἀναπίπτω, to fall up, as at table; hence, to recline, as at meals. 3. κάθημαι, to sit down, esp. in state, or as a judge. 4. καθίζω, trans., to cause to sit, to seat; intrans., to seat one’s self, to sit down. 3. Matt. xxvii. 19 part. 2. John xiii, 12 part. 1. John vi. 11. i 4. Heb. xii. 2. 4, Rev. iii. 21. SET DOWN TOGETHER (xr) συγκαθίζω, (No. 4, above, with σύν, to- gether or in conjunction with), (οσο. Eph, 11. 6.) Luke xxii. 55 (περικαθίζω, to sit down around, L.) SET SET FORTH (zn) ποόκειμαι, see “SET BEFORE (BE).” Jude 7. SET BEFORE (sucu ΤΗΙΝΑΒ As ΑΠΕ) τὰ, the things παρατιθέμενα, being set before. Luke x, 8, See also, AFFECTION, FIRE, FOOT, LI- BERTY, MIND, NOUGHT, ORDER, SEAL, UPROAR, VARIANCE. SETTING (xp) pera, with; here, “with the guard,” or with the guard (or watch) be- sides. Matt. xxvii. 66. SETTING (zz) δύνω 866 τὰ SET Hi No. 8. ? ἢ Luke iv. 40 part. SETTER FORTH. καταγγελεύς, an announcer, declarer, proclaimer, (on 000.) Acts xvii. 18. SETTLE. 1. τίθημι, to set, to put, to place, to lay. Here, mid., to set or put for one’s self. 2. θεμελιόω, to lay the foundation of anything, to found; hence, ground or establish. 1. Luke xxi. 14 (active, L T Tr A 8.) 2. 1 Pet. ν. 10 (om. G = L.) SETTLED. εδραῖος, seated ; hence, firm, steadfast, (οσο. 1 Cor. vii. 37; xv. 58.) Col. i. 23. SEVEN. ἑπτά, seven, (occ. Matt. xxu. 26.) [As a symbolical number, its signifi- cation is indicated by the meaning of the Heb. yaw, to be or become satisfied, satiated, or filled, the primary idea being that of abun- [ 687 ] SEV dance. Probably “seven,” so called because it satisfies so many things in nature and revelation, e.g. the seven notes of music and the seven colours, each note hay- ing its correlative colour, (deter- mined by the proportions of the vibrations of air and light respec- tively) viz. Cred, D=orange, E=yellow, F = green, G=blue, A = indigo, B=violet, so that discords and harmonies corres- pond in sound and colour. In Revelation we have the number “seven,” beginning with the “days” of Gen. i, and ending with the flowering of the number in the Apocalypse; running through the Levitical ceremonial as satisfying the requirements of God’s righteousness; and ruling the principle of the Dispensational reckoning of Time, in the 7 of days, 7 of weeks, 7 of years, and 7 «7 of years (Jubilee), and finally in the 7x7*10, or the 70 weeks (or hebdomads) of years. See notes on pages 390 and 391. ] Matt. xii. 45. Rev. i. 4 twice. — xv. 34, 36, 37. 11 (om. St.) — xvi. 10. 12. — xviii. 21. 13 (m α - LT 22 1st, see S times. Tr Ab, 90 2nd. 16, 20 6 times. ] | —— xxii. 25, 28. | —— ji, 1 twice. Mark viii. 5, 6, 8, 20 twice. | —— 11. 1 1st (om. St), Ϊ | — xii. 20, 22, 23. 1 2nd. —— xvi. 9 (ap.) —— iv. 5 twice. Luke ii. 36. — v. 1, 5, 6 lst ἃ 2nd, — viii. 2. 6 3rd (om. L.) — xi. 26. —— Vili. 2 twice, ϐ twice, — xvii. 4 twice, see S | ——x. 3, 4 Ist. times. | 4 2nd (om, Tr.) — xx. 29, 31, 33. ᾿ΞΞΞΞ bali Acts vi. 3. | —— xii. 3 twice. — xiii. 19 — xiii. 1. — xix. 14 —— xv. 1 twice, 6 twice, — xx. 6, 7 twice, 8. twice. — xxi. 4, 8, 27. — xvi. 1. — xxviii. 14, — xvii. 1 twie, 8, 7, Rom. xi. 4, see Thousand, | 9 twice, 10, 11. Heb, xi. 30, | —— xxi, 9 3 times. SEVEN TIMES. ἑπτάκις, seven times, (non occ.) Matt. xviii. 21,22. | Luke xvii, 4 twice. SEVENTH. 1. ἕβδομος, seventh, (non occ.) 2. ἑπτά, seven. 2. Matt. xxii. 26, 1. Rev. x. 7. 1. John iv. 52. 1. —— xi. 15. 1. Heb. iv. 4 twice 1. —— xvi. 17. 1. Rev. viii. 1. 1. —— xxi. 20. SEV | SEVENTY. ἑβδομήκοντα, seventy. Luke x. 1, 17. SEVENTY TIMES. ἑβδομηκοντάκις, seventy times, (non occ.) Matt. xviii. 22. SEVER. ἀφορίζω, to set off by bounds, to limit off, (Ixx. for aan, Ex. xix. 12, 33; to set off apart, separate, lxx. for ban, Lev. xx. 25; Is. lvi. 3.) Matt. xiii. 49. SEVERED FROM. [margin.} John xv. 5, see “ WITHOUT.” SEVERAL (ον π᾿ 5) ἴδιος, OWN, one’s own, private, par- ticular, individual. Matt. xxv. 15. | Rev. xxi. 21, see Every. SEVERALLY. ἰδίᾳ, (the above, adverbially) individu- ally, privately, particularly. 1 Cor. xii. 11. | Gal. ii. 2, see Privately. SEVERITY. ἀποτομία, a cutting off, (non occ.) Rom. xi. 22 twice. SEW ON. ἐπιρράπτω, to sew upon, ἐπί, upon. Mark ii, 21. SHADOW. [noun.] 1, σκιά, shadow, shade, (non occ.) 2. ἀποσκίασμα, the dark mark of the shadow. Here, the shadow arising from the turning of any body, (non occ.) 1, Matt. iv. 16. 1. Col. ii. 17. 1. Mark iv. 32. 1. Heb. viii. δ, 1, Luke i. 79. 1, —x.1. 1, Acts v. 15. 2. Jas. i, 17. [ 688 ] SHA SHADOW (-1va.) [verb.] κατασκιάζω, to shadow down upon, to overshadow, (non occ Heb. ix. 5. SHAKE (-EN, sHOOK.) 1. σαλεύω, to move to and fro, to shake, (πχ. for wa, Ps. xviii. 18; 10 1 Ch. xvi. 80; Ps. Ixxxii. 5.) 2. σείω, to move to and fro with a shock ο). concussion. (a) Passive, to be shaken. 3. ἐκτινάσσω, to shake out or off vio- lently. 1, Matt. xi. 7. 1. Acts iv. 31. 1. —— xxiv. 29. 1. — xvi. 26. 2a.— xxviii. 4. ὃ. —— xviii. 6. 1. Mark xiii. 25. 1, 2 Thes. ii. 2. 1. Luke vi. 48. 1. Heb. xii. 26 1st. 1, — vii. 24. 2. 26 2nd. 1, — xxi. 26. 2. Rev. vi. 19. SHAKE OFF. 1. ἀποτινάσσω, to shake off, beat off, (non oce.) 2. ἐκτινάσσω, to shake out or off. 2, Matt. x. 14. 1. Luke ix. 5. 9 Mark vi. 11. 2. Acts xiii, 51. 1. Acts xxviii. 5. SHAKE TOGETHER. σαλεύω, see “ SHAKE,” Λο. 1. Luke vi. 38. SHAKEN (ΤΠΟΒῈ THINGS WHICH ARE) τὰ, the things, ) σαλευόμενα, (part. of ( what is or can 4 ΡΠΑΚΕ,᾽” Wo. 1) { be shaken. being shaken, Heb. xii. 27. SHAKEN (cnosr THrneas wuice CANNOT BE) τὰ, the things, what is not, μὴ, not, or cannot be, σαλευόμενα, see above, shaken. Heb. xii. 27. SHALL, SHALT. SHALL is frequently part of the trans- lation of the future tense of a verb. SS ----- ο SHA [ 689 1 SHA When it is the translation of a sepa- SHALL COME TO PASS. rate Greek word, it is here shown. Acts ii. 17, 51. | _ Acts iii, 23. Rom. ix. 26, For “ΠΛ, BE,” see below. μέλλω, to be about to do or suffer any- thing, to be on the point of, to be ΒΑΡ FLAN about to do of one’s own free will, | ἔσομαι, with Dat., there shall be to it, to intend o7 purpose doing. z.e. it shall have. | Matt. xvi. 27 1st. Rom. iv. 24. Matt. xix. 27. Luke i. 14. — xvii. 12, 22. —— viii. 13 1st, 18, Mark xi, 23, 34. — xiv. 10, — xx. 22. 2 Tim. iv. 1. Rom. ix. 9. —— xxiv. 6. Heb. 1, 14. pre xiii. te 3rd. fa: x. ae e ix. 44. as. ii, 12. = xxi. 7 2nd, 36, 1 Pet. v. 1. SHALL BE (THAT THERE) 8 xxiii. 3. Rev. i. 19. . Ἐν τχὶν, ΝΡ ii, 10 Ist & and. 1 μέλλειν, there is about — xxvi, 2 part. — iii. 10, 4 ἘΣ Ἐπ πὸ ἔσεσθαι, to be. Acts xxiv. 15. SHALL BE. wien) in Ww ἔσομαι, etc., the future tense of εἰμί, to be. (WwHIOH) Matt. v.21, 22 Σ times, | ο... ὯΝ ὅς 81, { 6, the one who ae » να ο st st st (ap. ” ——— ae , 22. ν 24 3rd,‘ De ᾿ ow xi. 28, 24, ; xxiii’ 43, Rev. xvi. 5, ὃ ὅσιος, the holy one (EG LT ΤΥ Α 8.) ὯΣ ΕἾ (rite a} (capt 36, 55. 8 re 06, r —- viii. δον Ως (ee SHAMBLES. —- xiii. "40, 42, 49, 50. — xiv. 17 (ἐστίν, is, L — xvi, 19 twice, 22, Tr A.) (ελλον, from Lat., macellum, a meat — xvii. 17. — xix, 24, 7 ἢ , — xviii. 18 twice. Acts i. 8, | market. — xix. 5. — ii. 17, 21. 1 Cor. x. 25. 27, see S have. | —— iii. Ae —— 30 lst. — xiii. 11. : — xx. 16. — xxii. 15. a 26 (ἐστίν, is, L Tr.) | — xxiv. 15, see S be | SHAME. [noun. ] — xxii. i 28. (that there) h Ε dj h — xxiii. 11. —— xxvii. 22, 2 5 sg CMe νε | ἘΣ | ας of hehe’ Noh attend , ᾿ , ? . = . ο, -— xxv. 30. —— ix. 9, see S have. a er Bk | Bia ΡΝ enmna: 46 | the. performance of a dishonour Mark “gh fav.) τοὺ Στ (pass. | able deed; a shame that may re- aie a am λα ν strain a bad man, (αἰδώς being the 43 lst (ἐστίν, is it | —— xiv. 11 1st. shame or inner grace that will not, instead of ἔσται, | 2 Cor. iii. 8. d ] f shall it not be, 1, T | — vi. 16, 18, cole: a goo man.) Ixx. for “is un. Ee eg , Job. viii. 22; moda, Is. 1. 6; — xi. 23, 94,809 S have, | — xiii. 11. ἐξ sn, Ps. lxix. 20, (oce. 2 Cor. iv.2.) — xii. 7, 228. 8 : 5 δ: v. 31 2nd, — xiii. 4 Ist, twice il. iv. 9. 13 lst, 19 1st, * {1 These iv. 17 2od 2. αἰσχρός, deformed, (opp. to καλός, Luke i, 14, see 5 have, | 1 Tim. iv. 6. see “ Goon,” Wo. 2), ugly, whether st, 32 st, 33, | 2 Tim. ii. 2, 21. “tr Ae adi νο of mind or body; hence, spoken — ii, 10. Heb. i. 5. | of what is offensive to modesty | — iii. 5 3rd, see S be | —— viii. 10. made. Jas. 1, 25. . ναι ψ, seer ibe Ἄν τες, ου τῶ amor iL 1. shameful. Ixx. for »9, Gen. xh. 3, — ix. 41. 1 John iii, 2 twice. 4, (οσο. Tit. i. 11.) τ Trea)” Go Ee Ξ lef ij . ev. χ. ὃ. - ate ta. δ bs 3. ἀσχημοσύνη, deformity, unseemli — xi. 1, $0, 98, (which) ness. Ixx. for my, Ex. xx. 26; — xii. 2 2n | ates » 9 — xiii 28, 80. es, Stele, ἕνα 7, Lev. xviii. 6, 7, (οσο. Rom. i. 27.) —— xiv. 14 lst. 95 2nd, mm xv. 7, — xxii, 3tvice, 424, 5, 4. ἐντροπή, a turning in upon one’s Rev. xxii. 12 (ἐστίν, is, LT Tr), (om. G- self, causing a recoil from what is unseemly or impure, a putting SHALL BE MADE to shame. Ixx. for 153, Ps. xxxv. Luke iii. 5 3rd ἃ ath. 26; lxix. 8, 20, ΜᾺ oce. ) SHA || 5. ἀτιμία, dishonour, disgrace ; (xx. for Π2ΡΣ, Prov. xii. 9; 13, Job. xii. 21 ; nn>2, Jer. xxiii. 4), vileness. | 1. Luke xiv 0, 2. Eph. v. 12. | —Acts v.41, see S (suffer) | 1. Phil. iii. 19. 4, 1 Cor. vi. 5. = Heb. vi. 6, see S (put | 2. xi. 6. | 1. —— xii. 2. [to an open) 5 14. ' 1. Jude 13. | 2, —— xiv. 35. 1. Rev. iii. 18. || 4, ——xv. 34 3. xvi. 15. SHAME (eur το AN OPEN) παραδειγματίζω, to make an example of, make a show of, expose to public pointing at, (occ. Matt. i. 19.) Heb. vi. 6. SHAME (svuFrrer) ἀτιμάζω, not to hold in honour, esteem lightly; to dishonour, whether persons or things, by word or deed ; (xx. 52), Mic. vii. 6; 5p, Gen. xvi. 4,5.) Here, pass., to suffer dishonour or insult; (Ixx. for 13, Prov. xiv. 21; 55, Prov. xxii. 22.) Acts v. 41. SHAME. [verb.] 1. ἐντρέπω, to invert, to turn one in upon himself, bring to reflection, to affect, to move; (Ixx. for πι, Bs axxy, 26; xi. 152 Ixxxiii, 18; bo, Is. xli. 11; Ez. xxxvi. 32.) | 2. καταισχύνω, to bring down shame upon, put to shame; (xx. forwan, || 2 Sam. xix. 5.) 1. 1 Cor. iv. 14. | 2, 1 Cor. xi. 22, SHAMEFACEDNESS. aidws, the inner grace which recoils from any thing unseemly ov im- pure, an innate moral repugnance to the doing of a dishonourable act, shamfastness, modesty, (occ. Heb. xii. 28. 1 Tim. ii. 9, SHAMEFULLY (enrrear) 1. ἀτιμάζω, see “ SHAME (SUFFER)” | 2. ὑβρίζω, to wax wanton, to act with | insolence, esp. in the use of superior [ 690 1 SHA strength; to treat despitefully, outrage, ill-treat, injure, abuse ; (ixx. 9pn, 2 Sam. xix. 43.) 1. Luke xx, 11. | 2. 1 Thes. ii. 2. —— SHAMEFULLY HANDLED. ἀτιμόω, to dishonour, to affect with disgrace. Mark xii. 4 (ἠτίμησαν, treated him shamefully, instead ΟΕ ἀπέστειλαν ἠτιμωμένον, sent him away shame- wlly handled, L T Tr A), (ἠτίμασαν, &.) SHAPE. 1, εἶδος, the thing seen, external ap- pearance, form, shape. 2. ὁμοίωμα, something made like, a likeness ; shape, implying resem- blance to other objects. 1. Luke iii. 22, | 1. John v. 97. 2. Rev. ix. 7. ‘SHARP. ὀξύς, sharp, keen, having a sharp edge ; (xx. for mn, Is. xlix.2; Ez. v.1), (οσο. Rom. ΠΠ. 15.) SS -- σαι πε πατε πα ---------------- - -- μμ. το ὀ τ Rev. i. 16. Rey. xiv. 14, 17, 18 twice. — ii. 19, — xix. 5. SHARPER. τομώτερος, More cutting, (non occ.) Heb. iv. 12. ἀποτόμως, (adv. of ἀπότομος, cut off, abrupt; then, severe, harsh) se- verely, absolutely ; Zat., precisé, (οσο. 2 Cor. xiii. 10.) Tit. 1, 13, SHARPNESS. ἀποτόμως, see above, (οσο. Tit. 1. 18.) 2 Cor. xiii. 10. SHAVE (-kEv.) ξυράω, to shave, to shear; Ixx. for Πα, Gen. xli. 14; Num. vi. 9, 19. * Mid., to shave one’s self. 1 Cor. xi. 5 part., 6. Acts xxi, 24", | | ; SHE. Sue, is generally part of the translation | of a verb. SHARPLY. SHE [ 691 ] When it is represented by a separate - Greek word it is always emphatic. rendered he, she, it, they, ete., in the oblique cases, and occurs too frequently for reference here. When sue is not included in the above, it is the translation of one of these following : αὕτη, fem. of οὗτός, this, (the nearer, connected with the 2nd person.) 2. ἐκεῖνος, that, that one there, (the more remote, connected with the 3rd person.) 3. ἥδε, this, this here, (marking a closer relation than No. 1, and con- nected with the 1st person.) 1. Matt. xxvi. 12 1st. 1. Luke ii.38 (om.L Trt.) — Mark v. 26, see S had — vii. 12 (St), (αὐτή, (that) she, T Tr A.) . —— xii. 441st. 44, — xiv. 81st (om. Τὸ —— viii. 42. TTr> A.) — x. 39. 9. —— xxi. 41st. | . — xvi. 10, . John xi. 29. . Luke ii. 36. —— xx. 15, 16. 37 (αὐτή, sho, T Rom. xvi. 22nd (Ga), A.) (αὐτή, she,G LTTrA.) at) a ee Hore wee μα SHE HAD (ruar) τὰ, the things παρὰ, beside or with ἑαυτῆς, herself, (αὐτῆς, her. G LT Tr Mark v. 26. SHEAR. κείρω, to wear away, eat away by rub- [A.) bing, gnawing, or cutting ; hence, to shear, as a sheep ; (Ixx. for 1, Is. lili. 7. Esp. of the head, to cut off the hair, 13, Job 1. 290: Jer. vii. 28; m2, 2 Sam. xiv. 26), (non oce.) Acts xviii. 18. | 1 σον, xi. 6 twice. SHEARER. κείρω, see above. Here, part. Acts viii. 32 part. SHEATH. θήκη, a place to put or set anything, repository, receptacle, 6.7.6 sword. John xviii. 11. αὐτός, as a simple pronoun, is generally | | | { | | SHE SHED. 1. ἐκχέω, to pour out. αἶμα ἐκχέω, to pour out blood, to shed blood, to kill. ἐκχύνω, a later form of No. 1. 2. 2. Matt. xxiii. 35. 1. Acts xxii. 20 (No.2, L ον — xxvi. 28. T Tr AWN.) 2. 2 . Mark xiv. 24. 1. Rom. iii. 15. . Luke xi. 50. — —— ν. 5, 566 S abroad, . — xxii. 20. 1. Tit. iii. 6, — Acts ii, 33, eee S forth. | 1. Rev. xvi. 6. SHED ABROAD. 2. Rom. v. 5. SHED FORTH. 1. Acts ii. 33. SHEDDING. See, BLOGD. SHEEP. πρόβατον, whatever goes forwards, 1.. ‘moves its limbs forwards in going ; hence, quadrupeds, as distinguished from things creeping, flying, or swimming : esp.tameanimals; hence, gen., beasts, cattle. In Attic and N.T. usage, only of sheep, (non οσο.) Matt. vii. 15. τὰ ἴδια πρόβατα, his - ix. 36. own sheep, LT Tr A), — x. 6, 16. (om. πρόβατα, sheep, | —— xii. 11, 12. 5) — xv. 24. John x. 42nd, 7, 8, 11, — xviii. 12. JQist ἃ 2nd, 12 3rd (αρ) — xxv. 32, 33. 13, 15, 16, 26, 27. | -—— xxvi. 31. — xxi. 16 ete gies’ a Mark vi. 34. little sheep, — xiv. 27. | —_—- 17, (προβάτιον, a Luke xv. 4, 6. little sheep, T Tr A.) John ii. 14, 15. | Acts viii. 32. — x, 2, 3 twice. Rom. viii. 36. | 41st (τὰ ἴδια πάντα. | Heb. xiii. 20. all his own, instead of | 1 Pet. 11, 25. Rev. xviii. 13. SHEEP-MARKET. προβατικός, pertaining to sheep. Tere, the sheep gate; (solxx,forjRyn Ww, Neh. iii. 1, 82; xii. 39.) [This gate was near the Temple, and probably so called as the place where sheep were sold for the sacrifices of the Temple. } John v. 2, marg. gate. SHE [ 692 Ἱ SHI SHEEP-FOLD. SHIELD. αὐλή, an inclosed court open to the | θυρεός, a door, i.e. a stone for closing alr, τῶν, of the προβάτων, sheep. John x. 1. SHEEPSKIN (-s.) μηλωτή, a sheepskin, any rough, woolly skin as used for clothing; (1xx. for nix, spoken of a prophet’s mantle, 1 Kings xix. 138,19; 2 Kings ii. 8, 19), (ποπ occ.) Heb. xi. 37. SHEPHERD (-s.) 1. ποιμήν, one who tends, feeds, leads, cherishes, guides, and protects a flock, (not merely a feeder); hence, a shepherd, (οσο. Eph. iv. 11.) (a) used of Christ. ot, the > 4 9 ἀνθρώποι, men, 0} oi, the ποιμένες, Shepherds, see above. 1. Matt. ix. 36. 2. Lukeii.15 (om.ot ἀνθρώ- 1. — xxv. 32 ποι, the men, Lb Trb 1. —— xxvi. 31. Ab.) 1. Mark vi. 34. 2. 18, 20. [14, 16. 1. —— xiv. 27. 2. John x. 3, 1] twice, 12, 1. Luke ii. 8. la. Heb. xiii. 20. la. 1 Pet. ii. 25. SHEPHERD (cuter) ἀρχιποίμην, (No. 1, above, with ἀρχή, beginning, chief, 7x pre-eminence or precedence.) 1 Pet. v. 4. SHEET. ὀθόνη, fine white linen, a linen cloth, (non occ.) Acts x. 11. | Acts xi. 5. SHEW. See, stow. SHEW-BREAD. See, sHOW-BREAD. SHEWING. See, SHOWING. the entrance of a cave. In later Greek, and N.T.,a shield (large and oblong, in shape like a door); (lex, for 720, ΒΑ, 21; Tag T Sam. xvu. 42 2°Ch: ix. 15), (non oce.) Eph. vi. 16. SHINE (-£D, -ETH, -ING, SHONE.) 1. φαίνω, to lighten, give light, illu- minate; shine forth ; (Ixx. for sn, Gen. i. 17; Ex. xiii. 22.) (a) Pass. or mid., to come to light, appear, be or become visible. 2. λάμπω, to shine, (as a torch) to beam, be bright or radiant ; (Ixx. for 72, Prov. iv. 18; »mn, Dan. xu. 3), (occ. Matt. v. 5.) 3. ἀστράπτω, to lighten as lightning; ας. for pia, Ps. -cxliv. 6); (ους. Luke xvii. 24.) 4. αὐγάζω, to view in the clearest light, see distinctly, discern ; of the sun, to beam upon. Here, prob., “should not be discerned by them ;” (xx. for nna, Lev. xiii. 24, 25, 26, 28), (non occ.) 5. στίλβω, to glitter, glisten, of polished or bright surfaces, (non occ.) . Matt. v. 16. — Acts xxii. 6, see S —— xiii. 48, see 5 round. forth. —— xxvi. 13, see: 2. Xvii. 2. round about. la.—— xxiv. 27. 4. 2 Cor. iv. 4 (καταυγάζω, 5. Mark ix. 3. shineclearly wpon, L™ — Luke ii. 9, see Sround Trm,) about. 6 twice. 2, xvii. 24, la. Phil. ii. 15. 3. xxiv. 4. 1. 2 Pet. i. 19, 1. Johni. 5. 1. 1 John ii. 8. . — ν. 35. 1. Rev. i. 16. — Acts ix. 8, seeSround | 1. —— viii. 12. about. la.— xviii. 23. 2. —— xii. 7. 1. — xxi. 23. SHINE FORTH. ἐκλάμπω, (No. 2, with ἐκ, out of, pre- πες.) Matt. xiii. 43. SHINE ROUND. περιαστράπτω, (No. 3, with περί, around, prefixed.) Acts xxii. 6, SHI SHINE ROUND ABOUT. 1. περιαστράπτω, see above. 2. περιλάμπω, (No. 2, with περί, around, | prefixed.) | 2. Luke ii. 9, | 1, Acts i ix. 3. 2. Acts xxvi. 1 | | SHINING (ΒΒΙΘΗΤ) ἀστραπή, lightning; (Ίπσ. for pr2, Ex. | xix. 16; Jer. x. 12.) Luke xi, 36. SHIP. 1. πλοῖον, a floating vessel, a ship for merchandise or transport, (3ο. 2 being a ship of war); (xx. for x, Gen. xlix. 13; Deut. xxviii. 68, Jonah i. 3-5), (οσο. John νι. 24.) 2. vats, a ship, a vessel; (Ixx. for ὍΝ, 1 Kings ix. 26; ΠΝ, Job ix. 26), SHO SHIP (raKe) ἐπιβαίνω, to go upon, (ἐμβαίνω, to goin, L Tr.) ἀναβαίνω, to go up, (T Ax. ) είς, into τὸ, the πλοῖον, ship. Acts xxi. 6. Rey. xvii. 17.) Acts xxvii. 27, 30. SHIPMASTER. κυβερνήτης, governor of a ship, 1.6. the steersman or pilot; (lxx. for ban, Ex. xxvii. 8, 27, 28. Rev. ἀπε: lv. SHIPPING. (non occ.) 1. Matt. iv. 21, 22. 1, Luke ν. 2 (πλοιάριον, a 1. —— viii. 23, 24, small vessel, boat, L™ 1, — ix. 1. T Tr A.) 1. — xiii 1: 3 twice, 7 twice, ae 1, —— xiv. 13, 22, 24, 29, | 1. —— viii. 22, 37. 82, 33. 1. sony Vi. us 18; 21 twice. 1. —xv. 1, — 1, Mark i. 19, 20. - ἘΣ ics ο Β (little) — — iii.9,seeS (small) | 1. Acts xx, 13, 38. 1. — iv. 36 1st. . — xxi. 2, 3. - 96 πὰ, see S| — 6, see ὃς (take) (little) 1, —— xxvii. 2, 6, 10. he -- 11, see 5 (owner -- 38, see Hinder of the part. 3 is 15, 17. 1, —— v. 2, 18, 21. τος 18, see Lighten. 1. — vi. 32, 45, 47, 51, | 1. 19, 22, 30, 31, 37, 54. 38, 39. 1. —— viii. 10. 2, —— 41. 1 13 (om. GST} 1. 44. πτυ A δξ, i.e. going | 1. —— xxviii. 11. aboard, instead of en- | 1. Jas. iii. 4. tering into the ship.) 1. Rev. viii. 9. i 14, 1. —— xviii. 17 (ap.), 19. SHIP (ΥΤ11})} πλοιάριον, a small vessel, a boat. Mark iv. 36 (No.1,G LT TrARW.) John xxi. 8. SHIP (smatr) πλοιάριον, see above. Mark iii. 9, SHIP (owner oF THE) ναύκληρος, ship-owner, 1.6, the master or owner of a trading vessel who took passengers and freight for | hire. Acts xxvii, 11, πλοῖον, pl. of “ sutp,” No. 1. John iii, 24 (πλοιάριον, pl. of ““ΒΗΙΡ (LITTLE),” LT Tr A.) SHIPWRECK (xr) vavayew, to make shipwreck; suffer | shipwreck, (ποπ occ.) 1 Tim, i. 19. SHIPWRECK (svrrer) 2 Cor. xi. 25. VERS | ee ERS. See, BREAK. SHIPMAN (-νεν.) ναύτης, a shipman, sailor, seaman, (οσο. SHOD (ave...) ! ὑποδέω, to bind under, as sandals under the feet; hence, to put on sandals. In N.T. only mid., to bind under | or put on one’s own sandals. Eph. vi. 15, SHOD WITH (xr) Mark vi. 9. λαός, | SHOE (-s.) ὑπόδημα, What is bound. under, as the Soot ; hence, a sandal, a sole of SHO ——— - wood or leather bound on to the foot with thongs, (non occ.) Matt. iii. 11, Luke xv. 22. — x. 10. —— xxii. 35. Mark i. 7. John i. 27. Luke iii. 16. Acts vil. 33. — x. 4. —— siii, 25. SHOOT FORTH προβάλλω, to cast or thrust forward ; of plants or trees, to put forth leaves, blossoms, or fruit, (occ. Acts xix. 33.) Luke xxi. 30. | SHOOT OUT ᾿ ποίεω, to make, 1.6. to form, produce. Mark. iv. 3: SHORE 1. αἰγιαλός, that on which the sea breaks; hence, the coast, the | shore of the sea. | 2. χεῖλος, a lip; hence, the lip of the sea, 1.6. the brink, bank, or shore ; (Ixx. for naw, Gen. xxii. 17; Ex. | Xiv. 31.) | | 1. Matt. xiii. 2, 48. 1. Acts xxi. 5. — Mark vi. 53, see Draw. | 1. xxvii. 39, 40. 1. John xxi. 4. ° Heb. xi. 12. SHORT. 1. ὀλίγος, little, (opp. of πολύς, much) used of number, magnitude, amount, and time. 2. συντέμνω, to cut together, contract by cutting ; of words or discourse, etc., to make concise; hence, here pass. part., concise. Rom. ix. 28 is quoted from Is. κ. 22, 23, where Heb. reads, “destruction is de- creed, bringing in justice as a flood; for destruction and a de- cree (i.e. decreed destruction) doth Jehovah of Hosts execute.” Here, (see ap.) “For the Lord will perform His word upon the earth, papier it and cutting it | short” ; “for a complete and | concise. δεν, (or a matter cut | short) will the Lord make (or do) on the earth.” (occ. Rom. ix. 28.) . 7 2, . 2 5) 32 [ ἢ 2 ᾽ ᾽ ἢ M ἈἊ ? ? [ 694 1 SHO 3. συστέλλω, to draw together, to straighten, contract. Here, pass. paut., straitened or contracted, “the opportunity is contracted,” (oce. Acts v. 6.) — 4. ὥρα, an hour, (see wnder ποσα.) Here, καιρὸν ὥρας, 3 season of an hour, ov an opportunity of a specific period. — Rom. iii. 23, see S of | ο. 1 Cor. vii. 29. (come) 4. 1 Thes. ii. 17. — — ix. 28 Ist, see Cut. | 1. Rev. xii. 12. Γ(α) 2: 28 2nd. —— xvii. 10,seeS space SHORT SPACE (a) ὀλίγον, adv. of No. 1, above. Rev. xvii. 10. SHORT OF (come) ὑστερέω, to be last; hence, to lack, to fail of any thing, to come short of, miss, not to reach; hence, to lack, to need, suffer need. Rom, iii. 23. SHORTEN (-xp.) κολοβόω, to mutilate; (Ixx. 2 Sam. iv. 12). In Ν.Τ., of time, to cut off a portion. So, Heb. “xp, Prov. x. 27; (Ixx. ὀλιγόω, to lessen, diminish), (non occ.) Matt. xxiv. 22 twice. | Mark xiii. 20 twice. SHORTLY. 1. ταχέως, quickly, speedily ; of time, soon, shortly ; Ixx. for 170, Judy. ix. 48; Is. vi. 3. . τάχιον, more quickly, more swiftly, ev, in ταχει, quickness, swiftness, speed, more speedily. 4. ταχινός, quick, swift, speedy, 1.6. near at hand, impending, (οσο. 2 Pet. u. 1.) 5. εὐθέως, straightway, immediately, forthwith. 2. Acts xxv. 4. 1, 2 Tim. iv. 9. 2. Rom. xvi. 20, 3. Heb. xiii. 23, 1. 1 Cor. iv. 19. 4. 2 Pet. 1. 14. 1. Phil. ii. 19, 24. 3 John 14. ὃ, Leet iii. 14 (No. 2, | 2 Rev. i. 1. Tr.) 2, —— xxii. 9, πιο ὦ oc ic . SHO SHOULD (-zst.) Suovtp, is very frequently part of the translation of the tense and mood of a verb. ~ Where it is the translation of a sepa- rate Greek word it is one of these following. (For “αποσιρ BE,” efe., and various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. μέλλω, to be about to do or suffer any thing, to be on the point of; then, as implying necessity arising Srom the nature of things or with the divine appointment, and there- Sore certain and destined to take place, ought, should, must. 2. δεῖ, it needs, there is need of, it is necessary ; then, as implying ne- cessity arising from prescribed law or duty, it is right or proper, one must, it ought, it should, etc. a) imperfect tense. 3. ὀφείλω, to owe, to be indebted; hence, I ought, he is obligated, or obliged to the performance of any duty. 2a.Matt. xviii. 33. 1. Acts xxiii. 27. 2. —— xxvii. 35. 1. —— xxvi. 22, 23. 2. Mark xiv. 31. 2a,— xxvii. 21. 1. Luke xix. 11. 1. —— xxviii. 6. 1. — xxii. 23. 3. 1 Cor. ix. 10. 1. —- xxiv. 2]. — —— x. 6, see Intent. 1. John vi. ΤΙ. — 2 Cor. iv. 4, see Lest. 1. — vii. 39. — Gal. iii. 22, see After- 1, — xi. οἱ. wards. 1, — xii. 4, 33. 1. 1 Thes. iii. 4. 1. — xviii. 32. —1 Tim. i. 16, see Here- — Acts ii. 47, see Saved. after. 1. —— xi. 28. — Heb. xi. 8, see After. 1, —— xix. 27, — 2 Pet. ii. 6, see After, 1, —— xx. 38. 1. Rey. vi. 11. SHOULD BE. 1. ᾧ, ἧς, 7, ete. (subj. of εἰμί, to be) may be, asserting conditionally. 2. εἴην, εἴης, εἴη, etc. (opt. of εἰμί, to be) might be, implying the wish. 3. ἤν, etc. (indic. imperf. of εἰμί, to be) was. 4. ἔσομαι, etc. (indic. fut. of εἰμί, to be) shall be. 1. Mark iii. 14. 1. 2 Cor. i. 17. 2. Luke i. 29. 1. Eph. v. 27. 2. —— ix. 46. 1. Philem. 14. 2. John xiii. 24 (ap.) 3. Heb. viii. 4. 1. Rom. xi. 25. 4, Jude 18 (ἐλεύσονται, 1. 1 Cor. xii. 25 shall come, G ~) 4. Rev. x. 6. [ 695 7 | | | | ] | 2 | —— xxiv. 16. 1. Eph. i. 1: ; 47. di πμ 1. 1. 1 Pet. iv. 2. SHOULD BE (tar THERE) | SHO SHOULD BE (ruar...) 1. εἶναι, (inf. of εἰμί, to be) to be. eis, unto,withaviewto, ) to the 2. «τὸ, the, end I εἶναι, to be, might be. 3. 6, the art. with the inf., that...may or might be . Acts xiii. 47. . Rom. iv. 13. — xv. 16. brow SHOULD (tnt) εἰς, unto, with a\ with a view to view to, the..., to the τὸ, the, end that..., with the inf. of a \ (denoting pur- verb, / pose, not result. τὸ, the, with the inf. of a verb, = the... (substanti- vizing the verb.) bo . Luke i. 57. . Rom. vii. 4. να χὶ 8 twice. Heb. xi. 5. robo po boro τὸ bo 4 -α Jas, 1. 18. μέλλειν, to be about to be, ἔσεσθαι, about to be. Acts xi. 28. SHOULD NOT BE (1) οὐκ, not, I indeed were not, ee I oud I should not have have been, ) been, (here, with ἄν, indicating that he did not seek to please men, and therefore he was the servant of Christ.) Gal. i, 10. | SHOULD HAVE BEEN, ἦν, was, should have been, (here, with av, implying that the law could not give life, and therefore righteous- ness was not by the law.) Gal. iii, 21, SHOULD MEAN. εἴην, ete. (opt. of εἰμί, to be) might be. ω] Pp κ μ δ Acts x. 17. SHO [ 696 ] SHO SHOULD STAND. ᾧ, ete., (subj. of εἰμί, to be) may be. 1 Cor. ii. 5. SHOULD (τὸ THE INTENT THAT...) εἰς τὸ εἶναι, (see “SHOULD BE (THAT),” No. 2.) 1 Cor. x. 6. SHOULD (wnat ΤΗΙΝΟΒ) τὰ, the things, μέλλοντα, about to be. Mark x. 32. SHOULDER (-s.) ὦμος, a shoulder, (the place of strength and safety); (ἰχχ. for o2w, Gen. xxi. 14; Is. ix. 6; AND, Numb. vii. 9;-Is. xlix. 22), (non οσο.) Matt. xxiii. 4. | Luke xv. 5. SHOUT. κέλευσμα, (from κελεύω, to put in mo- tion by word of command) ery of incitement or of urging on, a call, summons; a Shoutwhich assembles ; used of the shout which gave the time to the rowers that they might row all together, (Asch. Pers. 403). (Hence, ἀφ ἑνὸς κελεύσματος, all at once, Thue. 2, 92) used of the call of a huntsman to his dogs that they might all assemble, (Xen. Ven. 6, 20) ; hence, any signal shout that summons and assembles all at once, (non occ.) 1 Thes. i. 16. SHOUT (atve a) ἐπιφωνέω, to ery out upon, 1.6. there- upon, to make an outery for or against @ person. Acts xxii. 22, SHOW. [noun. ] 1. πρόφασις, what is shown er appears before any one, z.e. show, pretence, pretext. 2. μόγος, the word, spoken, not written, an exposition or account which one | gives, a representation in words; | hence, with ἔχω, to have, as here, to have the repute of, zmplying that there was something to allege, something to say for it, that it had the repute without the reality. 1. Luke xx. 47. | 2. Col. ii. 28, SHOW (MAKE A FAIR) εὐπροσωπέω, to be well-faced, be spe- cious, make a fair appearance, show a fair face, (non oce Gal. vi. 12. SHOW OF (ake 4) δειγματίζω, to make an example of, make a specimen or sample, (non οσο.) Col. ii. 15, SHOW (outward) [margin.] Luke xvii. 20, see ‘‘ OBSERVATION.” SHOW (-£D, -EsT, -ETH, -ING.) [verb.] 1. δείκνυμι, and δεικνύω, to point out, as with the finger, (hence, Engq., indicate, and Greek, δάκτολος, the finger) to point out, to show; then also, to show by words, ex- plain, teach, (like Lat., dic-ere, doc-ere), (non occ.) 2. ἀναδείκνυμι, (No. 1, with ἀνά, up, prefixed) to show up, lift up and show, to show by raising aloft; hence, to make public, notify, esp. to proclaim any one as elected to an office, (Xen. Hell. 3. 5, 16; Polyb. 4. 48, 3.) 8. ἀποδείκνυμι, (No. 1, with ἀπό, awa from, prefixed) to point away from other objects at one, and 80, to point out, show forth, display, make known by word or deed. ἐνδείκνυμι, (Wo. 1, with ἐν, in, pre- fixed) to point out in anything. Here, only mid., to show forth one’s self ov what is one’s own, display one’s self to. ἐπιδείκνυμι, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed) to show upon, show up, Cr 6. 10. 11 12. 15. 16. ἘΠ 18. ΞΉΟ to, towards, or before any one ; hence, to exhibit, a specimen, show off. (a) Mid., to display one’s self, show one’s self off, (non occ.) ὑποδείκνυμι, (3ο. 1, with ὑπό, under, implying secrecy, prefixed ) to show or point out privately or secretly, give a sight or glimpse of ; show by tracing out; signify. ἀπαγγέλλω, to give up intelligence, announce or report from some place or person ; to publish some- thing that has happened, been ex- perienced, or heard. ἀναγγέλλω, to report back, send news back; hence, to report, no- tify, announce. καταγγέλλω, to bring word down to any one, t.e. bring it home to him; hence, to proclaim somewhither. The word may contain a hint at the unknown contents of the procla- mation, as well as an increased em- phasis of the verb. ποιέω, to make, form, produce, cause to be; to do, expressing an action begun and continued, or not yet completed. φανερόω, to make open to sight, make manifest ov apparent, to show openly. μηνύω, to disclose what is secret, reveal, betray. . παρίστημι, here, trans., to cause to stand near, to place or set before any one, present. δηλόω, to make visible or clear, make known, reveal, bring to light. δίδωμι, to give. διηγέομαι, tolead or conduct through to the end; hence, to go through with, set out in detail. ἐμφανίζω, to make apparent, cause | to be seen. κατατίθημι, to put or lay down, deposit, lay (up for future use; here, with χάριν, to lay up favour with any one. [ 60. Ἱ | SHO 19. λέγω, to lay; lay before in words, relate, tell, (see “say,” Wo. 1.) 20. παρέχω, to hold near or beside any one, offer, present. 1, Matt. iv. 8. 1. —— viii. 4. — — xi. 4, see S again. 7. — Σὰ, 18, τ Say see Κ forth one’s self. 5. — xvi. 1 ab 21, 5. — xxii. 19 5. — xxiv. 1. 7. —— xxviii. 11. 1. Mark i. 44. — — vi. 14, seo 5 forth one’s self. 15.— xiii. 22 (No. 10, TA.) 1, —— xiv. 15. — Lukei. 19, see Tidings. 10. 51. 58, see Great. 80, "see Showing. 1. — iv. 5. 1, ——v. 14. 6. —— vi. 47. 7. ——vii. 18. 16.— viii. 99. 10.— x. 37. 7. —— xiv. 21. 5. —— xvii. 14. 5. —— xx. 24 (No. 1,GL Tr A κ) 12,——— 37. 1. —— xxii. 12. 5. —— xxiv. 40 (ap.) 1. John ii. 18. 1. — ν. 20 twice. 10.— vi. 30. 11.— vii. 4. 1. ——x. 32. 12,—— xi. 57. 1. — xiv. 8, 9. 8. —— xvi. 13, 14, 8. 15 (No. 7, L T δ) 1. —— xx. 20. — — xxi. 1 twice, 14, see S one’s self. 13. Acts i. 3. 2. 24. — — iii. 18, see S again. od iv. 2 22, see Showed | 1. ——vii. 3. [(be) — Acts vii. 26, see S one’s 10. 36 part. (self. - 52, see S again. 6. —— ix. 35. δα, 39. 1. —— x. 28. = me -- openly. 7. ——xi. 7. —— xii. Ἂν 9, —— xvi. 17. 8. —— xix. 18. 8. —— xx. 20. 17.— xxiii. 22. 18.— xxiv. 27. 7. —— xxvi. 20 9. 23. 20,—— xxviii. 2 iP 21. 5. 28. 11.Rom. i. 19. 4. ——ii. 15. — — ix. ei. see Mercy. 4, —— 17, 22. — — xii. 8, see Mercy. 12.1 Cor. x. 28, 9. —— xi. 26. 1. — xii. 31. 19,—— xv. 51 4. 2 Cor. viii. 24 4. Eph. ii. 9 7. 1 Thes. i. 9 3. 2 Thes. ii. 4. [forth. —1 Tim, i. 16, see 8 — — νυν. 4, see Piety. 1. — vi. 15. 13.2 Tim. ii. 15, 4, Tit. ii. τυ 4, —— iii. 4. Heb. vi. x0, 11, δ. 17. 1. —— viii. 5. 10.Jas. ii. 13. τν 18 twice. 1. — iii. 19. — 1 Pet. ii. 9, seeS forth. 14, 2 Pet. i. 14. 7. 1 Johni. 2. 1. Rev. i.1. 1. —iv.1. 1. —— xvii. 1 1, —— xxi. 9, 10. 1. —— xxii. 1, 6, 8. SHOW AGAIN 8. Matt. xi. 4. SHOW BEFORE. προκαταγγέλλω, (No. 8, with πρό, before or forth, prefixed.) Acts iii. 18, Acts vii. 52. SHOW FORTH. 1. ἐνδείκνυμι, see above, No. 4. 9 2. ἐξαγγέλλω, bring word out, give out mtelligence, from one place to an- other; (|xx. for “5p ey κα 16. Ixxix. 13), (mon occ.) 1, 1 Tim. Σ 16, 2. 1 Pot. ii. 9, SHO SHOW FORTH ONE'S SELF. ἐνεργέω, to be in work, 1.6. to work, be effective, operate, produce effect. Matt. xiv. 2. | Mark vi. 14. SHOW ONE’S SELF. 1. ὁράω, to see with the eyes, (pass. of “sEE,’ «Λο. 8) to be seen, be be- held. 2. φανερόω, to make apparent, manifest, known. Jd., as here, to mani- fest one’s self, show one’s self openly, to appear. 2. John xxi.1,14. | 1. Acts vii. 26. SHOW OPENLY. δίδωμι, to give, here, gave [ him] γενέσθαι, ἴο become, manifest, or openly seen. ἐμφανῆ, manifest, to become Acts x. 40. ( SHOWED (zr) γίνομαι, to become, take place, happen. Acts iv. 22. SHOW-BREAD. ot, the ; ἄρτοι, loaves the loaves of τῆς, of the, the setting 1. < προθέσεως,οἵ setting + forth, (see forth, arrange- ἡ the note, be- ment, exposure, low.) or exhibition, ἡ, the thearrangement mpobéors,setting | or setting forth 9 forth or ar-{ of the loaves, rangement TOV, of the \ ἄρτων, loaves, (the writer hav- ing the loaves themselves ar- ranged in view.) [In Heb. oan ond, bread of the face or faces, Ex. xxv. 30; xxxv. 13; xxxix. 36, efe. 5s ond or ΓΤ ond, bread set in order, 1 Ch. ix. 32; xxiii. 29; 2 Ch. xxix. 18; Neh. x. 34. In Num. iv. 7, we find ση ond, the perpetual bread, and in 1 Sam. xxi. 4-6, on> wip, holy bread. In the lxx. we have ἄρτοι ἐνώπιοι, the bread in | Sront of, Ex. xxv. 30; and ἄρτοι | τῆς προσφορᾶς, the bread of the offering, 1 Kings vii. 48. [ 698 j SHU The Heb. bread of the face or faces, 1.6. of the presence, must reter to the presence of God, from the expressions above in the lxx. and 1 Sam. xxi. 6. Compare the ex- pression, 05 ἽΝ, the angel of God’s presence, (Is. Ισ. 9, com- pared with Ex. xxxii. 14, 15, and Deut. iv. 37.) God’s “name is in him,” Ex. xxiii. 20. The “bread of the face” is therefore symboli- cal of that heavenly bread, through eating of which that life is given and nourished, by and in which alone God’s presence shall be enjoyed. The “show-bread” was “taken from the children of Israel by an everlasting covenant ” (Lev. xxiv. 8.) Christ (who is God Himself) took flesh of “the children of Israel by an ever- lasting covenant,” that by par- taking of Him who is “ the bread of life” set before us, we may enjoy the presence of God. (See also, Ps. xxiii. 5; Luke xxii. 30.)] 1. Matt. xii. 4. | 1. Luke vi. 4. 1, Mark ii. 26. 2. Heb. ix. 2. SHOWER. ὄμβρος, ἃ heavy shower, violent rain with thunder and tempest. Lat., imber; (σςκ. for oyw, Deut. XXxxil. 2), (non occ.) Luke xii. 54. SHOWING. ἀνάδειξις, a showing up, a lifting up and showing; hence, a showing forth, (non occ.) Luke i. 80. SHRINE. ναός, dwelling ; hence, the most sacred part of a temple, where the image of the god was set up. Acts xix. 24, SHUN (-rp.) 1. περιΐστημι, trans., to cause to stand around ; intrans.,to stand around; here, mid., to place one’s self around, 1.6. so as not to come near ; hence, to stand aloof from. In N.T., mid., to draw one’s self while No. 2 would apply to one back under cover or out of sight ; weak in mind.) hence, to shrink from ; to draw or keep back anything, suppress it. 2, Acts xx. 27. | 1.2 Tim. ii. 16. | 4. κάμνω, to be weary, faint, as from labour, faint or weary in mind, distressed with labour or anything else. SHUT (-ΕΤΗ.) a) Participle, h t th κλέιω, to shut, to close; shut up; (2) Participle, one whose streng : Ἢ a2 ve ives way in consequence of ex- (Ixx. for 925, Gen. vil. 16; Josh. ii, a sits ον ο... κάµοντες 7), (non 000.) and κεκμηκότες (but not κάμνοντες) ἀποκλέιω, (No. 1, with ἀπό, away are the dead, whose labours are from, prefixed) to shut up away ended.) from, shut away, shut to, make [Here used of such sick as may quite fast ; (lxx. for 120, Gen. xix. recover; hence, no ground is 10; Judg. iii. 28; >y2, 2 Sam. afforded for “extreme unction,” xiii. 17), (non occ.) which is never administered till all 1. Matt. vi. 6 part. | 1. Acts. v. 23. - ο it παπα hope of recovery has vanished. | ἘΞ bo ; iii twice . . eee χθΘ κ μάθε το 5. νοσέω, to have a sickly longing for 1 1: — xxi. 35. any thing,to pine after, dote about, (non oce.) SHUT UP. — Matt. viii.6, see Palsy. | la.Luke iv. 40. 14, see Fever. — — v. 34, see Palsy. 1. κλείω, see above, No. 1. — —— ix. Btwice, 6, pee | la,— ix. 2 (No. 2 Te Ὅτυ , = . Palsy. 8), (om. τοῦ θεν- 2. κατακλείω, (No. 1, with κατά, down, | 1... be Ὃ a i κι. A) , Ι 3. —— xiv. 4. 2. —x.9. prefixed) to shut down, as im a | 3 ~~ SY 459 (Χο. 10, | daJohoy 1δ. subterranean prison, and then gen., , UTtra) la.— xi. 11. A ΓΟ: 2. 43, 44. 2. Acts v. 15. to shut up, confine ᾽ (Ixx. for RID, | Mark i. 30, see Fever. | — —— ix. 33, see Palsy. Jer. xxxil. 3), (non occ.) —— ii. 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, | la— xix. 12. | see Palsy. 5. 1, marg. (text, 3. συγκλείω, (No. ith σύν, ἴῃ con- | 1la.— vi. 56. dote.) γ » (Wo. 1, with σύν, in 6 3. —— xvi. 18 (ap.) | 1a.2 Tim, iv. 20. junction with, prefized) to shut | up together; (Ixx. for 12 ‘30h, ! Ps. xxxi. 9; Josh. xx. 5.) SICK (ee) ασθενέω, ἘΞ . Matt. xxiii. 13. — Gal. 111. 22, marg., see . Luke iii. 20. Conclude. 23. vee to have, roe hoe — iv. 25. 8. - . Acts xxvi. 10. i: to be ill. κακῶς, ill, evil, | rd 1 John iii. 17. 1. Rev. xx. 3. Matt. viii. 16. 1. Luke vii. 10 (om. ἀσθεν- — ix. 12. ovvra, was sick, L T —— xxv. 36. Tr δ), (A».) Mark i. 34. | — ii. 17. — vi. 55. Luke vy. 31. —- vii. 2. SICK. (For “Be sick,” and other combina- tions, see below.) . John iv. 46. ~ xi. 2; 8, 6. . Acts ix. 37. . Phil. ii. 26, 27. . Jas. v. 14. bobo bobo nor bobo Ce el eel ell el 1. ἀσθενέω, to want strength, to be ασθε- γής, (see No. 2) be infirm, weak, feeble. | SICK FOLK. (a) Participle, wanting strength, | 1 : | . ἀσθενής, see “ stcK,” No. 2. Here, pl. being weak or infirm. ν « το 2. ἀσθενής, without strength, infirm, ae eb τος ston, 10.8; Hore,pt. imbecile; to have (naturally) no 3. Mark vi 5. 5} 1. Acts v. 16. strength, impotent, one whose strength has gone. SICK OF (τε) 8. ἄρρωστος, one whose strength has συνέχω, to hold or press together. | held fast. failed through disease, languid, 11676, pass., to be sick. (Hence, No. 3 is applied to | Acts xxviii. 8. SHU [ 699 ] SIC 2. ὑποστέλλω, to send or draw under. one sick at heart, sick in spirit ; | | | | | SIC [ 700 1 SIG SICK PEOPLE. οἳ, the [ people] ἔχων, having κακῶς, ill, evil. Matt. iv. 24. SICK (τπλτ Is) ἄρρωστος, see “stcK,” No. 3. Mark iv. 19. SICKLE. δρέπανον, a sickle or crooked knife, to pluck off the harvest and vintage ; (Ixx.fordin, Joel. iii. 13), (nonoce.) Mark iv. 29. Rev. xiv. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 twice, 19, SICKLY. ἄρρωστος, see “ stcK,” Wo. 3. 1 Cor. xi. 30. SICKNESS (-£s.) 1. νόσος, sickness, confirmed disease ; (xx. for ὅτι, 2 Ch. xxi. 19; ποπ», Ex. xv. 26.) (a) Matt. viii. 17 is quoted from Is. liii.4, where it is lxx. for 192820. 2. ἀσθενεία, want of strength, infirmity. 1. Mark iii. 15 (om. θερα- πεύειν τὰς νόσους, Kal, 1. Matt. iv. 23. a 1, — ix. 35 to heal sicknesses and, 1,—x1 T Tr AR.) 2, John xi. 4. SIDE. πλευρά, the side of the body, Eny., pleura; (Ixx. for y>s, rib, Gen. ii. 21; τῷ, Numb. xxxiii. 55; 2 Sam. | ii. 16.) John xix. 34, | John xx. 20, 25, 27. Acts xii. 7. HIGHWAY, OTHER, PASS, RIGHT, WAY. SIDON. Σιδών, Sidon. Heb. τν, (fishing, fish- ery) Zidon, now called Saide. [Josephus derives it from the eldest Gen. x. 15; Jos. Mentioned as early | son of Canaan, Ant. 4. 6, 2. ! | See also, BY, EITHER, EVERY, FARTHER, as Gen. χ. 19; xliv.13. Assigned by Joshua to the tribe of Asher, but never subdued by them, Judg. 51 x. 12] In all passages, except Mark vii. 24 (om. καὶ Σιδῶνος, and Sidon, ae a A.) Luke iv. 26 (Σιδώνιος, Sidonian, G ο LT AR.) SIFT. σινιάζω, to sift, as grain in a sieve, (non oce. Luke xxii. 31. SIGH (-ep.) στενάζω, to groan, to sigh; (lxx. for mos, Is. xxiv. 7; Lam. 1. 22.) Mark vii. 34. SIGH DEEPLY. ἀναστενάζω, (the above, with ἀνά, up, prefixed) to fetch up a deep-drawn sigh; (lxx. for msi, Lam. i. 4), (non oce.) Mark viii. 12. SIGHT. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. εἶδος, the thing looked at and actually seen, (subjective) external appear- ance, (subst. of “sEE,” «ο. 1.) θεωρία, a sight, a spectacle, (subst. of “srt,” Wo. 11), (non occ.) 3. ee an eye. Here, ἀπὸ τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν αὐτῶν, away from their eyes. 4. ὅραμα, the thing seen, (objective) ; that which is presented to the vision; hence, a vision; (xx. for meio, Ex. ΠΠ. 3; Deut. xxviii. 34; Gen. xlvi. 2. jun, Dan. vill. 2. minn, Gen. xv. 1), (subst. of “sex,” No. 8.) 5. ὅρασις, the sight, sense of seeing ; then, aspect. bo 6. πρόσωπον, the part presented towards the eye; hence, presence, person. 7. φαντάζω, to make appear, make visible. Jn N.T., pass. and part., φαινόμενον, the phenomenon, i.e. the sight, (non occ.) SIG eet SIG πο, EE EE SS SSS = — 8. βλέπω, to use the eyes, look at, (see | SIGHT (wirnovr) “spe,” Λο. 5.) Here, inf. | (μὴ, not not 8, Luke το]. πας | 3 Αι βλέπων, seeing, (see “SEE,” ¢ using — — xxi. 11, see Fear- ; 4. —— vu. 91, 5 ᾿ ful. 6. 2 Cor. ii. 10, marg. 3ο. 5), his eyes. 2. —— xxiii. 48. (text, person.) Acts ix. 9. — — xxiv. 31, see Va- | 1. ——v. 7. : nish. 7. Heb. xii. 21. I~ 5. Rev. iv. 3. j SIGN (-s.) ? σημεῖον, a sign, a signal; an ensign, a SIGHT (ay onr’s) standard ; a sign by which any 1. ἐνώπιον, in the sight or presence of. thing is designated, distinguished, ay ) or known; hence, used of the 2. κατενώπίον, (No. 1, with κατά, down, miracles of Christ as being the prefixed) down, in the sight or signs by which He might be known presence of, in the very presence as the Christ of God: a sign of. authenticating His mission; a sign 3. ἔμπροσθεν, before. with reference to what it demon- 3. Matt. xi. 26. 2. Col. 1. 22. strates. 3. Luke x. 21 1. Heb. iv. 13 Matt. xii. 38, 39 3 times. Acts v. 12. 1. — xv. 21. 1. —— xiii. 21. — xvi. 1, 3, 4 3times. we 1. Rom. iii. 20. 1. 1 John iii. 22. —— xxiv. 3, 24, 30. αμ ο μη —— xxvi. 48. — xiv.3. Mark viii, 11, 12 twice. ο... see S was —— xiii. 4, 22. whose SIGHT OF (τι THe) -- xvi. 17 (ap.), 20 (ap.) | Rom. iy. 11. a : ᾿ polo ie Cae to(make) cae xv. τ 1. ἐνώπιον, in the sight or presence of, - it te tees a) ee (Wo. 1, above.) — xxi. 7, 11, 25. 2 Cor. xii. 12 twice. ‘ John gi ng * 9. 9 — iv. 48. eb. 11. 4. 2. κατενώπιον, see No. 2, cbove. ping ee eng να ¥ 6 bef — xx. 30. wonder, ) 3. ἔμπροσθεν, betore. Acts ii, 19, 22, 43. ἜΤ 4. ἐναντίον, over against, in the pre- a sence of, but as being opposite to. SIGN WAS (wuose) 5. παρά, with Dat., beside and at, at | παράσηµος, marked on the side, (non the side of, near, with. ους.) Acts xxviii. 11. 1. Luke i. 15. ᾱ ο 1, Τ τς Α Ν)) Les ae xvi. 15. 1. 2 Cor. iv. 2. 1. Acts iv. 19. 1, — vii. 12. 4. — vii. 10. 1. — viii. 21 twice. SIGNS TO (axe) 1. —viii. 21 (ἔναντι, | 5. Gal. iii. 11. ,. ἡ | over against, ἃ 1, T | 3, 1 Thes. i. 3. ἐννεύω, to nod or wink to any one, to ο 5 a Lacs bee make signs with the head or eyes, 1. Rom. xii. 17. 1, Jas. iv. 10. etc.; (Ixx. for pop, Prov. vi. 13; 2. 2 Cor. ii. 17 (κατέναντι, | 1. 1 Pet. iii. 4. 0 down over against, ' 1. Rev. xiii, 13, 14. x. 1 ) Luke i, 62. T SIGHT (necrrve) SIGNIFICATION (wrriov ” ἀναβλέπω, to look up, (see “ SEE, Nos. 5 and 6.) ἄφωνος, without sound ο» tone, without | voice or cry. Matt. xi. 5. Luke xviii. 41, 42, 43. | 1 Cor, xiv. 10. — xx. 34. John ix. 11, 15, 18 twice. Mark x. 51, 52. ‘tae σποτ. ix. 12, 17, 18. ——- : cts xx, Lo. SIGNIFY (-ευ͵ -ΕΤΗ, -rya.) SIGHT (necovertne oF) 1. σημαίνω, give a (public) sign or sig- a υ | nal; (Ixx. for yn, Num. x. 9.) ἀνάβλεψις, a looking up, recovery of In .Τ., to signify, make known, sight, (non occ.) like \xx. for Ὅλ, Est. ii. 22, (non Luke iy. 18. | οσο.) SIL 2. δηλόω, to make manifest; of things past, to tell, relate; of things future, to reveal, show, bring to light; (xx. for nx, 1 Sam. i. 91. yin, Ex. vi.3; Dan. iv. 15); of words, to imply, signify. 3. διαγγέλλω, to make known through an intervening space, to convey a message om tidings ; then, report further, proclaim far and wide; (Ixx. for 790, Ex. ix. 16; Ps. Ἡ. ibe sox, Josh. vi. 10.) 4, ἐμφανίζω, to make apparent, cause to appear, to make known; (Ixx. for Ὅν, Est. 11. 22.) 1. John xii. 33. 1. Acts xxv. 27. 1, —— xviii. 32. 1, 2 Thes. iii. 14, marg. 1. — xxi. 19. (text, note.) 1. Acts xi. 28. 2. Heb. ix. 8. 3. —— xxi. 26. 2. —— xii. 27. 4, —— xxiii. 15. Ρε. 1 Εεν να. SILAS. Sidas, Silas, contr. of Ἀιλουανός, Sil- vanus. In all passages, except Acts xv. 34 (ap.) SIM πμ μι . | SILVER. [noun and adj.] 1. ἄργυρος, (from ἀργός, white) silver ; then, silver-work, as images, plate, vessels, or money. 2. ἀργύριον, silver, used of money im general. 1 | 2. ἀργύρεος, made of silver ; (σσ. for Fo2, Gen. xxiv. 58; Ex. 111. 22.) 4. δραχμή, as much as one can hold in | the hand; an Attic weight, a | drachma, οὐ dram, about 66 grains avdp.; a silver coin worth 6 obols, i.e. nearly 93d. 1. Matt. x. 9. 2. Acts xx. 33. 2. Acts iii. 6. 1. 1 Cor. iii. 22. 1. — xvii. 29. 1. Jas. v. 3. 3, —— xix. 24. 2. 1 Pet. i. 18. 1. Rev. xviii. 12 SILVER (or) . 2 Tim, ii. 20. | 8. Rev. ix. 20. SILVER (PI£cE OF) 4, Luke xv. 8. ὦ. Acts xix. [ pieces. 19, marg. xxvi. 15. 2. Matt. 2 Xxvii. 3, 5, 9. --. SILENCE. 1. σιγή, silence, implying a previous speaking, (non occ.) ἡσυχία, quiet, tranquillity, stillness, (οσο. 2 Thes. 11. 12.) Acts xxi. 40. | 2. 1 Thes. ii. 11, 12. xxii. 2. 1. Rev. viii. 11. 9 --. 1. 2, SILENCE (KEEP) σιγάω, to be silent, when speaking, to cease to speak (from σίζω, to say | hush !) Acts xv. 12. | SILENCE (rvur το) φιμόω, to muzzle, stop the mouth. Matt. xxii. 34. | 1 Pet. ii. 15. 1 Cor. xiv. 28, 34. SILK. σηρικός, silken, of silk, (from σήρ, silk- worm); here, neut., τὸ σηρικόν, subst., silk, silk-stuffs. Rev. xviii. 12. SILLY. See, WOMAN. SILVER PIECE. 2. Matt. xxvii. 6. | SILVERSMITH. ἀργυροκόπος, a labourer in silver, silver- smith; (Ixx. for AY, Jer. vi. 29), (non occ.) Acts xix. 24. | SIMILITUDE. 1 ὁμοιότης, likeness, resemblance ; (xx. for wo, Gen. i. 11, 12), (occ. Heb. iv. 15.) ὁμοίωμα, something made like, a likeness. resemblance. bo ὁμοίωσις, a likening, comparison ; (Ixx. for n12,Gen.i. 26) , (non oce.) 2. Rom. v. 14. | 1, Heb. vii. 15. 3. Jas. iii. 9. an SIMON. Σίμων, Simon, (Heb. pyow, a hearing) a proper name of several persons | in O. and N.T. | Τη all passages, except 2 Pet. 1, 1, Συμεών, Simeon (St G T Tr A &.) | (add SIMPLE. 1. ἄκακος, void of evil; (Ixx. for on, Job.ii.3; vill. 20; nb, Prov. i. 4; xiv. 15), (οσο. Heb. vii. 26.) 2. ἀκέραιος, unmixed; hence, without guile, artless, (occ. Matt. x. 16; Phil. i. 15.) 2. Matt. x. 16marg. (text, 1. Rom. xvi. 18. harmless.) 19. SIMPLICITY. ἁπλότης, singleness, simplicity, plain- ness; always opp. to duplicity. Rom. xii. 8, with év, in (marg. stele 2 Cor. i. 12 ᾿(ἀγιότης, holiness, LT TrARW.) — xi. 3 (add kat τῆς ἀγνότητος, and your chastity, L Tr A &), 1.6. “your singleness and your chastity towards (εἰς, not ἐν) Christ.” SIN (-s.) [moun.] [1. ἁμαρτία, miss, failure, aberration from prescribed law or duty ; hence, sin, considered not as an action, but as the quality of action, the evil principle, (from which No. 2 springs) 1.6. sin generically, all forms, phases, and movements of sin, whether entertained in thought or consummated in act. In the singular, (only once in the Jirst three Gospels, Matt. xi. 31, but frequently in the Epistles) it denotes the generic idea of sin, or a single sinful action. With the art., it refers to the entire con- tents, not merely the representation of the idea. Sin is not merely, however, the quality of an action, but a principle manifesting itself in the activity of the subject. The “man of sin,” 2 Thes. 11. 3, being the personal embodiment of sin, Also used of the sin offering, Heb. x. 6.5) 185. xu, 11. (hex. ον nnn, Ps, xl. 7; ΠΝ Lev. v. 8.) [If ἁμαρτία is from ἀμαρα, a duct or eanal by which water flows down to any place, then it is akin to Sox, to speak or put forth, and πι, which implies an evil influence, and to all the cognate dialects, (Chald., Syr., Arab., Eth.) in which it has the idea of turpidity SIM [ 703° 1 SIN and excitement, muddy confusion in water, acetous fermentation in wine, bitumen arising from hot natural springs, collection of mud brought down by tumultuous waters, bitter and brackish waters, οἵο.: and hence, we have the Lat. amarus, and the French amére. ἁμαρτία then, is the defiling in- fluence and bitter principle of disturbance which has flowed down upon the creation of God. | 2. ἁμάρτημα is always used for the ac- tual transgression, the result of the evil principle in action ; hence, sinful action, sinful deed ; (Ixx. Sor nxon, Gen. xxxi. 36, ‘ete. ; ry, Ex, xxviii. 38, etc.; pws, Is. lviii. 1, etc.) 3. παράπτωμα, afalling when one should το τὸ αὶ αὶ μαὶ μαὶ μὰ et aloha all τ τὴ have stood upright, a misfall, mis- hap; hence, a falling aside ‘from right, truth, or duty, the parti- cular and special act of sin from ignorance, inadvertence, or neg- ligence ; ; sin rashly committed by one unwilling to do an injury. [In Rom. v. 12, Wo. 1 is said to have entered the world. The disobe- dience of Adam is called Wo. 3, (Rom. v. 15, 17, 18); and then, in verse 20, it says, “The law entered that Vo. 3 might abound,” and that which before was the result of imprudence or error might become criminal in the knowledge of the sinner. And then, after this, where Wo. 1 abounded, there grace did much more abound. ! . Matt. i. 21. | 1. John viii. οἱ, 24 twice, . — iii. 6. | 34 1st. [46. . — ix. 2, 5, 6. j— 342nd (om. Gs), . — xii. 81. | 1. —— ix. 34, 41 twice. — xxvi. 28. } 1, —— xv, 22 twice, 24, . Mark i. 4, 5. 1. —— xvi. 8, 9. — ii. 5, 7, 9, 10. 1. —— xix. 11. —— iii. 28. | 1. —— xx, 28. iv. 12 (om. τὰ ἁμαρ- | 1. Acts ii, 38. τήματα, their sins,G3 1. —— iii. 19. L> T Tr A 8), i.e. it. | 1. ——v. $1. . Luke i. 77. 1. —— vii. 60. . — iii. 3. 1. —-x. 43. v. 20, 21, 23, 24. 1. —— xiii. 38. —— vii. 47, 48, 49. 1, —— xxii. 16. . — xi. 4. 1 xxvi. 18. --- Xxiv. 47. 1. Rom. iii. 9, 20. . John i. 29. 2. 25. —-—-viii. 7, see 8 | 1. — iv. 7,8. (20, ο]. (without) 11. ——v. 12 twice, 19 twice, SIN 1. Rom. vi. 1,2, 6 twice, 7, ; 1. Heb. iii. 13 10, 11, 12, 19, 14, 16, | 1. ——iv. 15 17, 18, 20, 9, 9, 1. —-v.1,3 τ» vii. 5, 7 twice, | 1, —— vii. 27 8 twice, 9, 11, 133 times, il Set 12. 14, 17, 20, 23, 25. 1. —— ix. 26, 28 twice, πι». 1. x. 2, 3, 68) Us 1 31st, marg.sacri- 12, 17, 18, 2 ου for sin. 1, —— xi. 25. if 3 2nd, 10, 1. —— xii. i. 4. 1. — xi. 27. 1, — xiii. 11. 1. —— xiv. 23. 1. Jas. i, 15 twice. 2. 1 Cor. vi. 18. 1. — ii. 9. 1. —— xv. 3,17, 56 twice. | 1, —— iv. 17. 1. 2 Cor. v. 9] twice. 1. —— v. 15, 20. 1. Gal. i. 4. 1. 1 Pet, ii. 22, 24. twice, 1. —— ii. 17. 1. —— iii. ie _1. — iii. 22. Uy ο tls) 3. Eph. i. 7. 1. 2 Pet. i. 9 ὃς ο]. (Νο. 1. — ii.l. 2,G T Tr.) 3. 1. — ii. 14. 1. Col. i. 14. i τν. 2, 8, 9 twice. 1. —ii. 11 (om. τῶν | 1. — ii. ἁμαρτιῶν, of the sins, | --- 2 Pea see § of 2 eae) τ | 1, 1 Thes. ii. 16. ihe 1, 2 Thes. ii. 3. 1, 1 Tim. v. 22, 24. 1 «10. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 6, 1. —— v. 16 twice, 17 twice. 1, Heb. i. 3. 1. Rev. i. 5. 1, — ii. 17. | 1, —— xviii. 4, 5. SIN (wirnovr) ἀναμάρτητος, without missing or failing ; unfailing, unerring ; esp. in a moral sense, faultless, blameless. John viii. 7 (ap.) SINS OF (for THE) περί, around. Here, with Gen., cerning, on behalf of. 1 John ii. 2 con- SIN (Εν, -ΕτΗ.) [verb.] ἁμαρτάνω, to miss the mark, swerve from, err; hence, to sin; κκ. Sor NDN, Ex. i ix. 28, 35, ete.) Matt. xviii. 21. 1 Cor. viii. 12 twice. — xxvii. 4. | — xv. 34. | Luke xv. 18, 21. | 2Cor. xii. 21, see S al- John v. 14. | ready. | ght il (ap.) —— xiii. 2, see S hereto- | Eph. iv. 26. (fore. tom, ii, 12 twice. | 1 Tim. ν, 20, — iii. 23. | Tit. iti. 11. —— v. 11, 14. | Heb. iii. 17. 16 part. (ἁμαρτήμα- | x. 26. τος, gen. of ‘‘ sin,” | 2 Pet. ii. 4. Νο. 2, α ὦ) | 1 John i. 10. vi. 15. — ii. 1 twice. 1 Cor. vi. 18. —— iii. 6 twice, 8, 9, — vii. 28 twice, 36, | —— y, 16 twice, 18, SIN ALREADY. προαμαρτάνω, here perf., to have sinned before or previously. 2 Cor. xii. 21. [υπο 1 SIN SIN HERETOFORE. προαμαρτάνω, see above. 2 Cor. xiii. 2. SINCE. ἀπό, from, away from. ἐπεί, since, because, in as much as. ἐπειδή, (No. 3, with δή, indeed, affixed) since indeed, because truly, in as much as really. pera, with, in association with ; here, with Acc., after. ὧς, as, in what way; iz a clause re- Serring to time, when, from when, ἀπό, from ov, which. since. 1. Matt. xxiv. 21. — John ix, 32, Ren 6. Mark ix. 21. — Acts iii. 21, World — Luke i, 70, see World. | — Rom. xvi.25, — — vii. 45, see S the | 4. 1 Cor. xv. ai. time. | 3. 2 Cor. xiii. 3. — —— xvi. 16, see Time. | 1. Col. i. 6, 9. 2. —— xxiv. 21. | 5. Heb. vii. 28, 1. Heb. ix. 26. SINCE THE TIME. ἀπό, from, away ) (the word day er from, time being under- ἧς, Which, stood.) Luke vii. 45. SINCERE. ἄδολος, without guile or deceit, un- adulterated, pure, (non occ.) 1: 2. εἰλικρινής, judged of in the sunlight, and so found genuine; hence, pure, distinct, sheer, (occ. 2 Pet. μυ) 2. Phil. i. 10. } — Phil. ii. 15, marg. see 1. 1 Pet. ii. 2. Harmless. SINCERELY. ἁγνῶς, (adv. of “PpuRE,” Wo. 2) sin- cerely, purely, with pure inten- tion, (non occ.) Phil. i. 16. SINCERITY. 1. εἰλικρίνεια, clearness, pureness, genu- ineness, as found so by being judged of in the sunlight, (non oce.) 2. ἀφθαρσία, incorruption, incapacity of decay ; of things, perpetuity. τὸ, the δ Ἂς ) genuineness, 3. ὁ γνήσιον, legitimate, ' reality, genuine, 1, 1 Cor. v. 8. 2. Eph. vi. 24, marg. in- 1. 2 Cor. i. 12. corruption. 1. —— ii. 17. 2. Tit. ii.7 (om. α Τὸ T 8. — viii. 8. Tr AR.) SINFUL. 1. ἁμαρτωλός, erring from the way or mark, erring from the divine law, sinful. 2. ἁμαρτία, see “stn,” No. 1. Here, gen., of sin. 1. Mark viii. 38. 1. Luke v. 8. 1. Luke xxiv. 7. 1. Rom. vii. 18. 2. Rom. viii. 3. SING (να, SANG, SUNG.) 1. ddw, to sing, wsed of all kinds of sounds made by the voice both of men and animals: of man as dis- tinct from animals, to sing, to chant ; then, to sing in praise or honour, celebrate in song; (ἰχχ. for ww, Ex. xiv. 32; xv. 21; Numb. xxi. 17; 1 Ch. xvi. 23), (non occ.) 2. ψάλλω, to touch, twitch, pluck, as a string, to twang; hence, to touch the lyre, play. In lxx. and Ν.Τ., to sing as accompanied by stringed instruments ; (Ixx. 723, 1 Sam. xvi. 28 ; xviii. 10; xix. 9.) [ 705 1 ee ees εν 9 — Matt. xxvi. 30,2 see 1. Col. iii. 16. — Mark xiv. 26, μα — Heb. ii. 12, see Praise. — Acts xvi. 25, see Praise. | — Jas. v. 13, see Psalm. 2. Rom. xv. 9. 1. Rev. v. 9. 2. 1 Cor, xiv. 15 twice. | 1. —xiv. 3. 1. Eph. v. 19. 1. — xv. 3. SINGLE. ἁπλόος, like Lat., simplex, opp. to διπ- λόος, Lat., duplex, two-fold ; and so, single, in one way ; hence, sim- ple, (non occ.) Matt. vi. 22. | Luke xi. 34. SINGLENESS. 1. ἁπλότης, singleness, simplicity ; always opp. to duplicity. 2. ἁφελότες, (from ἀφελής, not stony, level) simplicity, neatness, plain- ness, (non occ.) 2. Acts ii. 40. 1. Eph. vi. 5. | 1. Col. iii, 22. | SINK, SUNK. καταποντίζω, to sink down in the sea. In N.T., pass or mid., to sink, be sunk, drowned. Matt. xiv. 30. SINK (ecry το) βυθίζω, to sink in the deep. Here pass., to sink, (οσο. 1 Tim. vi. 9.) Luke ν. 7. SINK DOWN. καταφέρω, to bear or carry down from a higher to a lower place, to bear down. Here pass., to be borne or thrown down. Acts xx. 9. SINK DOWN (ter) τίθημι, to set, put, place, lay. Here mid., to set or put for one’s self, 1.6. on one’s own part or behalf. Luke ix. 44. SINNER (-s.) 1. ἁμαρτωλός, erring from the way or mark, erring from the divine law, sinful; also, as subst., one who thus errs, a sinner, transgressor. Among the Jews, Gentiles were called ἁμαρτωλοί, Matt. xxvi. 45 ; Mark xiv. 41, compared with Luke xvi. 52: Matt. xx. 19; Mark x. 33. So, lxx. and yw, Is. xiv. 5. 2. ὀφειλέτης, a debtor, one morally bound to the performance of any duty ; then, one who fails in that pertormance, a delinquent. 1. Matt. ix. 10, 11, 10. | 1. Luke xix. 7. 1. — xi. 19. | 1. John ix. 16, 24, 25, 31. 1. —— xxvi. 45. 1. Rom, iii. 7. 1. Mark ii. 15, 16 twice, 17, | 1. v. 8, 19. 1. —— xiv. 4]. 1. Gal. ii. 15, 17. 1. Luke v. 30, 32. 1. 1 Tim, i. 9, 15. 1, —— vi. 32, 35, 34 twice. | 1. Heb. vii. 26. 1. —— vii. 34, 37, 39. 1. —— xii. 3. 1, —— xiii. 2. 1. Jas. iv, 8. 2. 4, js v. 20. 1. —— xv. 1, 2, 7, 10. 1, 1 Pet. iv. 18. 1 . — xviii. 10. "1. Jude 15. SIR (-s.) 1. κύριος, lord, master, owner, “‘LorD,” Wo. 13.) ἀνήρ, aman; Lat. vir., i.e. an adult male person, a man in sex and age, (see "ΜΑΝ, Nos. 1 and 2.) (see 9 SESSA aanaSnioSaianess οὁἔὁΨσιἔι«ἔοι ιν τατππτστττοα δὲ ΧΧ Col. iv. 10. SIT (-EsT, -ETH, -ING; SAT, SET.) (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. κάθημαι, ἴο sit down, but more usually, to sit; (1xx. for 303, Gen. xxi. 16, etc.) In the sense of to abide, dwell, as in Matt. iv. 16, quoted Srom Ts. ix. 1, where |xx. ἐδ κατοικέω, for 20, Luke i. 79; Acts xiv. 8. 2. καθίζω, trans., to cause to sit down, to seat; zntrans., to sit down, to sit. 3. ἀνάκειμαι, to be laid up (as offerings in the temples of the gods, ete.) ; to be laid out (as a dead body, Mark v. 40) ; in later usage,to be laid up at 9, meal on a triclinium, to re- cline at table, sit at meat. 1. Matt. iv. 16 twice, 1. Matt. xxiv. 3 part. 1. ——ix. 9. 2. — xxv. 31. 1. —— xi. 16. 3. —— xxvi. 7 part. 1, —— xiii. 1, 2, 2. 36. 2. —— xix. 28. iv, 58, 64, 69. 2, —— xx. 21, 23. 1. —— xxvii. 61. 1; 30. 1, —— xxviii. 2. 1. —— xxii. 4. 1. Mark ii. 6, 14. 2. —— xxiii. 2. 1. — iii. 32, 34. 1, 22, 1, — iv. 1. SIS [ 2706 43 SIT 3. παιδίον, a little child, ecther male or | 1. er io ene το female; an endearing appellation | 1. 46. 1. — iii. 10 2, —— xi. 2, 7. 1, — viii. 28 when used of adults. 1. — xiii, 36 (No. 2,T | 2. 31. 2 it 1. Matt. xiii. 27. 8, John xxi, 5 marg. | 9 δι Επτά. 1. — xxi. 50. (text, child.) τὶ ga ees 1, — xxvii. 63. 2. Acts vii. 26. πε Bled Lee τ᾿ τοξο εἰν. ο]. 9) sy ἘΞ, ἐᾷ --- xiv. 18 part. to set one’s self down, 1. John iv. 11, 15, 19, 49. | 1. —— xvi. 30. τ: η 1. -----τ. 7. 2. —— xix. 25. πι ας 1 1, —— xii. 21. 2, —— xxvii. 10, 21, 25. 9 19 (ap ) 9 1. —— xx. 15. | 1, Rev, vii. 14. 1. Luke i. 79 τν 1. — v. 27 1 τ τ Ὁ ἐξ 2. 2 ΠΕ li. 4. —viii. 3. 1. Heb. i. 13. SISTER (-s.) 1— x. 19 1. Jas. ii. 3 twice. κ 4 : κ τοπ. 85. 2. Rev. iii. 21. ἀδελφή, a sister, (fem. of ἀδελφός, being παν 1, —— iv. 2,3 (ap.), 4, 9, a, indicating unity, and δελφυς, 2. — xii 80... 1. = yee! 2 5 par 1. — vi. 2, 4, 5, 8, 16. uterus, (non occ.) τι 69 (with εἰμί, to | 1. — vii. 10,18. Matt. xii. 50. John xix. 25. be.) 1. ες iz. 17. —— xiii. 56. Acts xxiii. 16. 1. John ii, 14 1. —— xi. 16. — xix. 29. Rom, xvi. 1, 15. oy - Wise | 1. ——-xiv. 14; a5 16. Mark iii. 35. 1 Cor. vii. 15. 1. ασ. 8 Ἱ απ πο ΤΣ τ - τ 8. τος 2. —— xii. 14 1. —— xviii. ΄. 21, ρα Col. iv. 10, see Sister’s | 1. 15. 1. —— xix. 4, 11, 18, 19, Luke x. 39, 40. Latte, we oh [Son. 1, Acta fi. 2 (καθέζοµαι, | 2. — xx. 4. : —— xiv. 26 Jas. ii. 15. to set one’s self down, | a 11. John xi. 1, 3,5, 28,39. | 2John13. sit down, sit still, L.) | 1. —— xxi. 5. SISTER’S SON. SIT AT. A : 2 ; ᾿ παρακαθίζω, to sit down near ἀνεψιός, ἃ nephew; Ixx. for 15, Numb. 8 >( (a ο τς τα. seat one’s self near, (non xxxvi. 11, (non. occ.) ους.) παρά, beside, Luke κ. 39. SIT AT MEAT. 1. ἀνάκειμαι, see above, No. 3. . 2. κατάκειμαι, to lie down, to lie, be recumbent ; then, to recline as at table, in the oriental manner. 3. κατακλίνω, to make incline, 1.6. to make lie down. Jn NV.T.,only of the oriental posture at meals, to make recline as at a meal. 1. Matt. ix. 10 part. | 1, Luke vii. 87 (No. 2, 2. Mark ii. 15. | LT Τν AR.) 2. —— xiv. 3. 1. —— xxii. 27 twice. 1, —— παν | 14" part, 3 | 8; — xxiv. 80. marg. sit together(ap.) | 1. 1 Cor. viii. 10, SIT AT MEAT WITH. συνανάκειμαι, (Wo. 1, above, with σύν, in conjunction together with, pre- jiwed.) Matt. xiv. 9. Luke vii. 49. | Luke xiv, 10, 15. SIT AT THE TABLE WITH. συνανάκειμαι, see above. John xii, 2 (ἀνάκειμαι,Βοο ‘sit,’ No,1,@LT Tran.) sit down, sit still, L T TACs) — πα], 3. —— xxv. 6, 17. Col. ia 1 (with εἰμί, to SIT SIT BY. κάθημαι, see “ srt,” No. 1. uke v. 17. | 1 Cor. xiv. 30. SIT DOWN. 1. καθίζω, see “sit,” No. 2. 2. ἀναπίπτω, to fall upon or towards, z.e. to fall down, lie down; (Ixx. for », Gen. xlix. 9.) In N.T., to recline as at meals, ete. 3. ἀνάκλινω, to cause to lie upon, to cause to recline zn order to take a en ζΓι΄...1..........ὄ-----ο--------ς-...... meal. Here mid., to recline as at a meal. 4. κάθημαι, see “str,” No. 1 5. ἀνάκειμαι, see “sit,” No. 3. μ' ? 3 6. κατάκειμαι, to lie down, be recum- bent; then, to recline as at meals. 7. καταλίνω, see “511 AT MEAT,” Wo. 3. 3. Matt. viii. 11. 3. Luke xiii. 20. 1. —— xiii. 48 —- xiv. 19. —— xv. 29. 35. — xxvi. 20. —— xxvii. 36. Mark vi. 40. —- viii. 6. — ix. 35. Luke iv. 20. —-v.3. . . John vi. 10 twice. . — viii. 2 (ap.) — xix, 13. . . Acts xiii. 14, —— xvi. 13. 1 Cor. x. 7. Heb. i. 3. 1, — x. 12. πάππων. aan SOPP RNA Rt 29. — vii. 36 (No. 7, LT Tr A), (No. 6, &.) SIT DOWN (axe) 1. ἀνακλίνω, see above, No. 3. 2. κατακλίνω, see “ stv AT MEAT,” No.3. 1. Mark vi.39 (mid., L &.) 2. Luke ix, 14. . Luke xii. a7. SIT DOWN TO MEAT. ἀναπίπτω, see “511 Down,” No. 2. Luke xi. 37. | Luke xvii. 7. SIT DOWN WITH. συνανάκειμαι, to recline with any one, as at table, to eat with, ete. Matt. ix. 10. SIT TO ο (MAKE) συγκαθίζω, (“ SIT,’ fi xed.) Eph. ii. 6. [ 707 ] ή να. ix. 15 (No. 2, T A* 39) 0. 2, with σύν, to- gether or in ieeiction with, pre- | ( | ὶ εξ, six. ΙΧ SIT TOGETHER. [margin.] Mark xvi. 14, see “‘ SIT AT MEAT.” SIT TOGETHER WITH. συνανάκειμαι, see “SIT DOWN WITH.” Mark ii. 15. aT GP. ἀνακαθίζω, “sit,” No. 2, with ἀνά, up, prefixed; trans., to set up. In N.T., intrans., to sit up, (non occ.) Luke vii. 15 (καθίζω, ““51τ,᾿ No. 2, Lm.) Acts ix. 40, SIT UPON. ἐπιβαίνω, to go upon, tread upon; to set foot upon; go up upon, to mount. Here perfect, followed by ἐπί, upon. Matt. xxi. 5. SIT WITH. 1. συνανάκειμαι, (813, Vo. 8, with σύν, together in conjunction with, pre- Jjived.) 2. συνκάθημαι, (“str,” Wo. 1, with σύν, together in conjunction with, pre- Jixed), (non oce.) Mark vi. 22. Mark xiv. 54 part., with 26 (1: απν,’ Νο. 8, ἦν, was. το τπτ) Acts xxvi. 30. SIX. εξ, Six. [As a symbolical number it denotes imperfection, non-completeness, fall- ing as it does just short of seven, which denotes perfection. See Jobv.19; Prov. vi. 16; John ii. 6. See further under “HUNDRED THREESCORE AND SIX (SIX,)” page 391.) Matt. xvii. 1. Acts xviii. 11, Mark ix. 1. Jas. ν. 17. Luke iv. 25. Rev. iv. 8, xiii. 14. xiii. 18, see ‘‘ Hun- John ii. 6, 20. dred threescore and — xii. 1. six (six) ’’ [ (six)’’ Acts xi. 12, — xiv. 20,see ““Hundred SIXTEEN (ΤΠΕΕΕΡΒΟΟΠΕ AND) ἐβδομήκοντα, seventy Acts xxvii. 37. a A i a a a a a a a a a a a πε, δεν. κα, αἰς, σθαι κατ τὰς ὡ - Ὁ τ ΡΙΣΧ [ τὰ j=) 7) my SLA SIXTH. ἕκτος, the sixth, (see note above), (non occ.) Matt. xx. 5 John xix. 14 Saker Gas — xxvii. 45. Acts x. 9. Mark xy. 33. Rey. vi. 12 Luke i. 26, 36. —— ix. 15, 14. — xxiii. "4A, —— xvi. 12 John iv. 6. — xxi. 20. oj Wb Ge ἑξήκοντα, sixty. Matt. xiii. 23. | SIXTY-FOLD. Matt. xiii. 8. Mark iv. 8, 20. SKIN. Heb. xi. 37, see ‘‘ GOAT-SKIN.” SKIN (oF a) δερµάτινος, made of skin, leathern ; (Ixx. for yy, 2 Kings i. 8; Zech. xii. 4), (οσο. Matt. iil. 4.) Mark i. 6. SKULL. κρανίον, a skull; Zat., cranium; (xx. for ΠΡ, Jude. ix. 58; 2 Kings ix. 35), (non oce.) Matt. xxvii. 33. Mark xv. 22. | John xix. 17. SKULL (the place of a) [margin. | Luke xxiii. 33, text, Calvary. | "ἢ SKY. οὐρανός, heaven ; spoken of the expanse of the sky above, as well as the regions above. Matt. xvi. 2,3 twice, | Luke xii. 56. Heb. xi. 12. SLACK (sr) βραδύνω, to be slow, to delay ; (Ixx. for snx, Deut. vii. 10; (occ. 1 Tim. in. 15.) 2 Pet. iii. 9. SLACKNESS. βραδυτής, slowness, tardiness ; 2 Pet. iii. 9. delay. Is. xlvi. 18), | | SLANDERER (-s.) διάβολος, a calumniator, slanderer, ac- cuser ; (ἰχχ. of Haman, Ἵν, Est. vii. 4; Ὑην, Est. viii. 1), (with art., the Devil, the accuser by way of emi- NeNCE.) 1 Tim. iii. 11. SLANDEROUSLY REPORT. βλασφημέω, to blaspheme, speak evil or, slander, defame. Rom. iii. 8. SLAUGHTER. 1. σφαγή, slaughter, as of animals for food or in sacrifice. (a) quoted from Is. 1111. 7, where Ixx. for m2. (Ὁ) quoted from Ps. xliv. 23, where Ixx. for mMaD jRy, | (ef. ας. Ae mn, Zech, xi. 4.) (c) quoted from Jer. xii. 3, where Ixx. for m297 DY, (non occ.) 2. κοπή, cutting down, carnage. Here, in allusion to Gen. xiv. 17, where Ixx. for inf. miosis, (xs for 730, Josh. x. 20), (non ος 3. φόνος, a killing of men, murder. la. Acts viii. 32. 1b.Rom. viii. 36, 3. — ix. 2. Heb. vii. 1. 1ο. Jas. v. 5. SLAVE. σῶμα, a body, as an organised whole made up of parts and members. Rev. xviii. 13, marg. body. SLAY (sLarn, stew.) 1. ἀποκτείνω, to kill outright, put to death. ἀναιρέω, to take up, lift up, take away, remove, put out of the way. 3. σφαζω, (σφάττω) to slaughter, to slay, as animals for food or in sa- crifice ; hence, of persons, to slay. bo 4, κατασφάζω, (No. 3, with κατά, down, prefixed) to slaughter down, 1.6. to slay, as a butcher ; (Ixx. for 3590, Zech. xi. 5), (non oce.) θύω, to kill and offer in sacrifice, to immolate ; also, to kill for a feast. ON SLA 6. διαχειρίζομαι, to have pass through one’s hands, to administer. Here mid., to get into one’s hands, (occ. Acts xxvi. 21.) 7. φονεύω, to murder. 2. Matt. ii. 16. | 2. Acts xxii. 20. 1. —— xxi. 39 1. — xxiii. 14. 1. —— xxii. 6 1. Rom. vii. 11. 7. — xxiii. 35 5.1 Cor. v. 7, marg. 1. Luke ix. 22. (text, sacrifice.) Ἱ πι 40 1. Eph. ii. 16. 1. — xiii. 4 — Heb. xi. 37, see S (be) 4, —— xix. 27. 3. 1 John iii. 12 twice. 1. John v. 16 (ap.) 1. Rev. ii. 18. 2. Acts ii. 23. 3. — ν. 6, 9,12. 6. —— v. 30. 3. —— vi. 4, marg. (text, 2, — 33, 36. wound.) — —-vVii. 42,seeS beast. | 3. ; 1. — 52. 1. —— ix. 15. 2. —— ix. 29, 11, —— xi. 13, 2. ——x. 39. | 3. —— απ, 8. 5. ——xi. 7. 3. —— xviii. 24, 2, —— xiii. 28. ! 1, —— xix. 21. SLAIN (se) ( ev, by nee murder, αποθνήσκω, died. Heb, xi. 37. SLAIN BEAST. σφάγιον, a victim, as slaughtered in sacrifice ; here, quoted from Amos v. 9, where Ixx. for M3, (non occ.) Acts vii. 49, SLEEP. [noun.] ὕπνος, sleep ; (Ixx. for mw, Gen. xxviii. i; Hee. v. 11.) Matt. i. 24. Luke ix. 32. John xi. 13. Acts xx. 9 twice. Rom. xiii. 11. SLEEP (awake ovr or) iE ἐξυπνίζω, to wake out of sleep; (Ixx. Jor γρ, 1 Kings iii. 15; yy, Job xiv. 12.) 9 | ἄλσος to become, ' ( ἔξυπνος, out of sleep, wakened. 1. John xi. 11. | 2. Acts xvi. 27, SLEEP (Έντα, on) κοιμάω, see below. Acts xiii. 36, [πο] SLI | SLEEP (-Est, -ΕΤΗ, -ING; SLEPT.) | [verb. ] 1. καθεύδω, to lie down to sleep; to sleep, go to sleep; (ἴχχ. for jw, Dan. xii. 2.) 2. κοιμάω, to make sleep, put to sleep ; hence, in N.T., pass. and fut. mid., to fall asleep, sleep. Spoken gene- rally of the sleep of death, and affirmed of man as man, not spoken of his body, or any part of man, (see Job. vii. 21; Deut. xxxi. 16) because death is an unbroken slum- ber till the Resurrection morn, when the sleepers shall wake, (Dan. xii. 2.) [1 Thes. iv. 15 assures us that those who are alive and remain to the Lord’s coming shall not get be- fore those who “are asleep.” Paul does not write nonsense and mean “before those who have been before us in glory for cen- turies.” Neither the quick nor the dead shall get before the other, but the changed “quick” and wakened “sleepers” shall “be caught up together,” and so (οὔτω, thus, in this manner) shall we ever be with the Lord, 1 Thes. iv. 15-17.] | 1. Matt. ix. 24. (1. Luke viii. 56. | 1. —— xiii. 25. ΓΞ χε ἂν 1, — xxv. 5. } 1. 46. 1. — xxvi. 45. | 2. John xi. 11, 12. 2. —— xxvii. 52. | 2, Acts xii. 6. 2. —— xxviii. 13 part. | 2. 1 Cor. xi. 30. 1. Mark iv. 27. | 2, —— xv. 20, 51 1. —v. 39. 1. Eph. v. 14. 1. — xiii. 36. 2. 1 Thes. iv, 14, 1. — xiv, 37 twice, 41, [1,1 Thes. v. 6, 7 twice, 10, SLEIGHT. κυβεία, dice playing, (from κύβος, a cube or die.) In N.T., game, | gambling ; hence, entrapping by deceit, (non occ.) | Eph. iv. 14. SLIP (ter) παραῤῥέω, to flow near, flow by; glide away. Here, the 2 Aor. pass., carried away beside or with; re- JSerring, not like the active, to the act of floating away, but to the being carried away beside or float- ing away past any thing with the SLO [αρ Ἡ SMI ee eee ——— ss, 3 εὐωδία, good odour, sweet savour, fra- stream, [the marginal reading is | SMALL (verry) 7 or ποια callous ο ἐλάχιστος, the least, (superl. of old epic gate pereyinanus. | ἐλαχύς, but used as superl. of No. 1, Heb. ii. 1, marg. run out; as leaking vessels. abov ο.) Jas. iii. 4. SLOTHFUL. 1. ὀκνηρός, slow, tardy, slothtul, of SMALL THING (very) persons ; (lxx. for Dyy, Prov. vi.6,| |, 9), (oce. Phil. iii. 1.) ἐλάχιστος, see above. 2. νωθρός, slow, dull, stupid, (οσο. Heb. 1 Cor. iv. 3. πο ET) | iis i 1. Matt. xxv.26. | 1. Rom. xii. 11. SMALLEST. 2. Heb. vi. 12. | | ἐλάχιστος, see above. SLOW. 1 Cor. vi. 2. 1. βραδύς, slow, heavy, of the mand, | (non oce.) | SMELL. | 2. ἀργός, not labouring, unemployed, inactive, idle. erance. 1, Luke xxiv.25. | 8. Tit, i. 12. 1 Cor. vi. 2. 1. Jas. 1. 19 twice. SLOWLY. SMELL (sweer) See, sar. Phil. iv. 18. SLUMBER. [noun.] SMELLING. κατάνυξις, a piercing through, vehe- ὄσφρησις, the smell, the sense of smell, ment pain, grief. Here, quoted | (non occ.) from Is. xxix. 10, where κκ. for 1 Cor. xii. 17. mon, deep sleep, stupor, in which . an. | case ut must be derived, not from | SMITE (551, «ΕΤΗ, «ΤΕΝ: sMOTE.) κατανύσσω, to prick through, but | : from κατανυστάζω, to nod, fall | 1. πατάσσω, to beat, knock; later, asleep, (see below.) | to strike, smite, δο as to kill ; also, Hehe meas? πώ, to smite, inflict evil, (occ. Matt. [ xxvi. 51.) Se τ “5 Ἦ πο. νυστάζω, to nod; hence, to slumber, | Ixx. for 729, ae also Bx, xu. 12; drowse; (Ixx. for o3, Ps. cxxi.3; 2 Ch. xxxiil. 25. Nah. 11, 18), (non occ.) . τύπτω, to beat, strike, smite, strictly Matt. xxv. 5. | 2 Pet. ii. 3. with a stick, or with repeated strokes. SLUMBER (-rp, -ΕΤΗ.) [verb.] | * quoted from Zech. xiii. 7, where | bo SMALL. 3. παίω, to strike, smite, whether with ὶ the hand, rod, or weapon, (οσο, 1. μικρός, small, of magnitude, stature, Rev. ix. 5.) age, quantity, space, ete. ὶ 72, 4 ο, Ῥ 4. δέρω, to skin, flay; then, like the > / g , | 2. ὀλίγος, little; opp. of πολύς, much, | slang words, to tan, hide; to scourge, of number, amount, time, ete. beat. — Mark iii. 9, see Ship. 2. Acts xix. 23, 24. υ 9 . ΣῊΝ ΡΤ seo Fish. | 1. — xxvi, 22. 5. πλήσσω, to strike, esp. of a direct — John ii. 15, see Cord. 2, —— xxvii. 20. oe Το 43 vi. 9, see Fish. 1. Rev. xi. 18. blow; to afflict : hence, Hog. Rene 2. ii. 18. 1, —— xiii. 16. ς nfs rb 2. Acts xii a 1 zit sie 80, lxx. for mn, Ex. ix. 82, 99, 1 Rev, (non occ.) 50 6. ῥαπίζω, to rap or strike with a stick, | SNARE, to beat with rods, scourge; then, to slap in the face, box on the | ears, cuff, (occ. Matt. xxvi. 67.) 1. παγίς, whatever makes or holds fast ; hence, a snare, trap, gin, (non occ.) 6. Matt. v. 39. 1. Luke xxii. 49, 50. * quoted from Ps. |xix. 23, where |xx. 2. —— xxiv. 49, 4, 63. | Sor mp 1. xxvi. ο]. 3. 64, / P -- 51, see S off. 2. —— xxiii. 48. , P t eS 67, see 8 with | 3. John xviii. 10. 2. βρόχος, a noose or slip knot for the palm of one’s | 4. 23. no i δ sea τς ο tan itl, hanging or strangling; later, a 3. 68. one’s hand. snare, the mesh of a net, (non occ.) 2. —— xxvii. 30. 1. Acts vii. 24. 1* Mark xiv. 27. 1. —— xii. 7, 23. 1. Luke xxi. 35. 1. Tims 3. 47. 2. —— xxiii. 2, 3 twice. 1* Rom, xi. 9. 1. —— vi. 9. 2. — xv. 19. 4, 2 Cor. xi. 20. 2. 1 Cor. vii. 35. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 26. 2, Luke vi. 29. ο Εονανοας kas ye 1. Σ΄. a ee ee at ve 2, — xviii. 13. 1. ——xi. 6. 1, Rev, xix. 15. SNOW 6;-Is. i. 18; lv. 10.) Matt. xxviii. 3. Mark ix. 3 (om, ὡς χιὼν, as snow, G = T TrAR®.) Rev. i. 14. ἀφαιρέω, to take away, take off ; so, lxx. for Πο, 1 .Βαπ. xvii. 51; Is. ix. 14; xvi. 5. Matt. xxvi. 51. SO. | SMITE OFF. | χιών, snow ; (Ixx. for 1, Job. xxxvii. | | SMITE WITH ONE’S HAND. | (for various combinations with other | | ῥάπισμα, ἃ rap, slap, box, cuff | ο σ : : ee Ῥ, Sap, ? . 1. οὕτω, (before a vowel, οὕτως) in this eae to give | words, see below.) John xix. 3. manner, on this wise, thus, so. 2. καί, also. SMITE WITH TH | ἊΣ ΠΗ H Ray ο eee (a) preceded by ds, (.No. 6) or καθὼς, ἌΡ according as. ῥαπίζω, see above, No. 6. 3. οὖν, thereupon, 1.6. now, then, there- fore. SMOKE. [noun.] | 4. οὗτος, this, that, this same | (a) τοῦτο, newt. sing., this. (b) ταῦτα, neut. plural, these things. Matt. xxvi. 67, marg. ...rods. καπνός, smoke; (Ixx. for pwy, Ex. xix. 18; Josh. viii. 20), (non occ.) Acts ii. 19. Rev. xiv. 11. Rev. viii. 4. — xv. 8. — ix, 2 3times, 3,17,18. | —— xviii. 9, 18. εν. xix. 8. 5. ὁμοίως, in like manner, likewise. 6. és, in which way, in what way ; and hence, gen., as, 80 as, how. SMOKE (-τκα.) [verb.] | 3. Matt. i. ὍΝ re Ἔ Luke ri, aed / 1. ---ν. 12, 16, 19. . — vi. om, τύφω, to make a smoke. In N.T. pass., | τ πο αὐτὸ, the AN) to smoke, 2.6. of a wick burnin came, 1, Ὁ ἘΣ AN.) [1---ὶπ 18 Saintly, and so, making a smoke ; Ημ Τὸ ¢; —— satan) quoted from Is. ΧΕΙ. 3, where Ἰχχ. | a 3. τν si a, 28, 88, 48, Sor 172, (non oce.) | 1, — xii. 40. δ, fi | 1, —— xiii. 40, 49. 1, — xvii. 10, 24, 26. Matt. xii. 20. Ϊ 1. —— xviii. 35. 1, —— xxi. 31. | 1; — xix. 8, 10, 12. 1, — xxii. 96, 1, —— xx. 16, 26. 1, —— xxiv. 24. SMOOTH. | 1, —— xxiv. 27, 83, 37,39, | 1. John iii. 8, 16. Σ i 46. 8, — iv. 40, 46, 53, λεῖος, smooth, level, plain, (opp. to τρα- 3. as δὲ 1. —v, 21,26." Ὁ 9 ὁ om, Li. ο == Fi, ο = xvs) ; torn Srom Is. 4, where | 1 "iy. 96, 40 ζαρ.) we ) oe πλ τ 1, —— vii. 18. 1, —— viii. 59 (ap.) Heb. mypr>, Ιχχ. εἰς πέδια, (non ema ο... οσο.) 1. —— xiv. 59. 1, — xii. 50. Luke iii. 5. 1. —— xv. 39. 2a.—— xiii. 33. 50 ΓΒ 4 50 Ι 2a.John xv. 9, 1. 1 Cor. xi. 28 τος τον ἡ ἊΝ LIKEWISE. 4a,— xxi. 20. —— xiv. 9, 12, 25. ; 1 ἢ 1. Acts 1. 11. 1, —— xy. 11 twice, 99, 42, οὕτως, thus, in this way. Sa 45, οὖν, then. 1. —vii.1,8 1. — xvi. 1. Luke xiv. 33. 28. 51. 2 Οὐ ον τὸ ΤΕΥ pas 1. —— viii. 32 ΤΕ vii. 14. Ae — xii, η a ση ως 6, 11 SO MANY AS. re Ὁ Re eS 1, ——— 8, 47. 1. —xi.3(om.G - L 5 . ars Dire i ὅσος, how great, how many ; as great 3. — xy. 30. 1. Gal. i. 6. as, as much as. , — xvii. 11, 33. 28, 9, . 2 — xix, 14, ΞΕ ΣΙ Rom. vi. 3. a 20. ‘he ΕΣ στ 1, ——xx. 11, 18, 35 1s 1, — xxi. 11. 1. Eph. iv. 20. SO MUCH AS (ποτ) 1, — xxii, 24 1 & 2.— v. 24. | ἐν 4a,— xxiii. 7. L 28, 33. οὐδέ, and not, also not, not even. 1, ——11. 2a.Phil. i. 90, ane 3. 18, 22 Πς Sane Luke xviii. 13. 1. — xxiv. 9, 14 1. Col. iii. 13. . — xxvii. 17, 44. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 8, 3. emi 8 (ὦ but, 1. ΞΞΞ ΗΘ iy SO THAT. TrARN. v. 2. 1. 14. 1. 9 Thes. iii, 17 1. ὥστε, so as that, so that, expressing 1. Rom. i. 15. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 8 πας Heb i ie ΕΣ or consequence. ΤΈΣΣ : 12, ant 18 τ ἘΝ ια 2. τοῦ, of the. With inf., marking de- 1. δι. 1. SS 2. sign or purpose, to the end that. hs τ a le 2. Ἐπ τ. 1. ΞΕ} xii, 21. 3. ἵνα, that, in order that, to the end . <0. ste τα. 1. — ii, 12 twice, 17, 26, that. 4a. 20. 1. — iii. 5. Ξ =, 1. τον 20. τ 6 (om. α-- τη 4. ὅπως, in what manner; in such ab or. ii. 11. TrA®S | “peng at 1 10, 12 (ap.) manner, and then, so that, that. 1. — iv. 1. 2. 1 Pet. i. 15. - 8 ες ” iy aE ΠΕ ii. 15. 9. WS, see 50, Na. 6. 1. —vi. 5. ΠΡΟ η. 1. Matt. viii. 28. | 1. Rom. xv. 19. 1. —— vii. 17 twice, 26, 36. | 1. 1 John ii. 6 (om. L.) 1, — xiii. 2, 32. Li Corsi. ο, 4a. 37. 1, ------ ὅν. 11. 1. Mark iii. 20. αιμα. 1: 40, 28. - 17. 1. —— iv. 1, 32, 37. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 7. 1. —— viii. 12. 1. Rev. ii. 15. 1. —— xv. τς 1. — iii. 7. 1, — ix. 14, 15, 24, | 1. — iii. 16. 1. Luke v. 7. Ἱ Be wii. 7. 26 twice. 1. —— xvi. 18. 4, —— xvi. 26. Us blest 19. 2. Acts vii. 19. 1. 1 Thes. i. 7, 8. 1. —— xvi. 26. 1, 2'Thes. i. 4. SO AS. 1. — xix. 10, 12, 16. 1. = i 4 . . —— xx, 24. eb. xii. 6. 1. ἵνα, that, in order that, to the end | 2. Rom. vii. ὁ. | 3! Rev, xiii, 18. that. 2. οἷα, of what kind or sort, such as. 2. Mark ix. 3. | 1. Rev. viii. 19, SO BE...DONE. γίνομαι, to begin to be; become, come to pass. Matt. viii. 19, Bo η κάγω, and I; 1 also. John xv. 9. | SO IT WAS. συμβαίνω, to go with the feet close to- gether, come together; of pene, to happen together, fall out. Here, συνέβη, it befell him to be borne along, ete. Acts xxi. 35. 2 Cor. xi, 22 3 times. SO THAT NOT. ( ἵνα, in order that, ὶ μή, not, (see “no,” No. 2.) Gal. v. 17. the logical inference, and dpa inti- mating the harmony between the pre- mises and conclusion.) | Ἵ 1. Mark x. 8. | 3. Rom. xiv. 12 (om. οὖν, 2, —— xvi. 19 (ap.) 1, 1Cor. iii. 7. [L Tr A»-) 3. Rom. vii. 3, 25. iL ii. 38. 3. —— ix. 16. 1, 2 Cor. iv. 12. 1. Gal. 11. 9. SO THEN. 1. ὥστε, so as that, so that, expressing | result or consequence. 2. οὖν, thereupon, 1.6. now, then, there- fore. apa, therefore, thence, ) so there- 3. since, fore. (οὖν Ἂ 5 ovy, therefore, then, ) marking SO (Απο) οὖν, therefore, then. Acts xvi. 5. SO (er) 1. ἔστω, (imperat. of εἰμί, to be) let it be. 2. θέλω, to will, to wish, desire. Here, θέλοι, it pleases, wills it. 1. 2 Cor. xii. 16. | 2. 1 Pet. iii. 17. SO BE (1) εἶπερ, if indeed, if so be, asswming the supposition as true, whether justly or not. 1 Pet. ii. 3 (εἰ, if, L T Tr 8.) SO BE THAT (τε) 1. εἶπερ, see above. [ 718 Ἱ SOB SOBER. 1. νήφω, to be sober, temperate, absti- nent, esp. in respect to wine. Here part., sober-minded, watchful, cir- cumspect, 2. νηφάλιος, sober, temperate, absti- nent, esp. in respect to wine, (οσο. 1 Tim. ui. 2.) 3. σώφρων, of sound mind, sane; used of one who follows sound reason, and Ὃ ον his passions. 3. 1 Tim, iii. 2. Tit. ii, 2, marg. vigi- 2. 11. lant. 3. Tit. i. 8. 1. 1 Pet. i. 13 SOBER (πε) 1. νήφω, see above, No. 1. 2. σωφρονέω, to be of sound mind; think and act discreetly, to use sourd judgment and moderation. 2. εἴγε, if at least, if indeed. 2. 2 Cor. v. 13. | 2. 1 Pet. iv. 7. - aus 1. 1 Thes, v. 6, 8. 1. --- 7. 8. 3 { εἴγε, if at least, if indeed, - κα also. SOBER (τΈελοἩ TO BE) 1. 1 Cor. xv. 15. | 3. ο σον ο ᾿ 2. Eph. iv. [Tr.) | σωφρονίζω, to make of sound mind; to make, think, and act soberly, dis- SO I (sven) creetly, or prudently. = Tit. ii. 4, marg. wise. κἄγω, I also, even I. John x, 15, | John xx, 21. SOBERLY. 1. σωφρόνως, with sound mind, pru- SO 1 ALSO (Έναν) dently, discreetly. Kayw, see above. 3 ο πνας εἰς, unto soasto have 9 τὸ, the, a sound ' ) σωφρονεῖν, see“SOBER | judgment SO MIGHT (rmar...) end No. 2, orestimate. eis, unto, with ἢ with the view of, . Rom. xii 8, marg. to sobriety. view to, ete.; to the end i gk τὸ, the, J that they might, | with inf. ete. SOBER MINDED (ner) Luke xx, 20 (ὥστε, so that (see “80 THAT,” LTTrAR®.) SO MUCH SPOKEN OF BEFORE (which hath been) [margin. ] 2 Cor. ix. 5, see “‘ NoTICE.” See also, BESET, DONE, EVEN, FALSELY, GREAT, IF, LONG, MANY, MIGHTY, MORE, MUCH, NAME, NOT, REQUIRE, SAY, SUFFER, THEN. No. 1), | | σωφρονέω, see “ SOBER (BE),” No. 2 Tit. ii. 6, marg. be discreet. SOBERNESS. σωφροσύνη, soundness of mind, dis- cretion, prudence, which controls all inordinate desires, and exercises a dignified restraint on all the actions, (οσο. 1 Tim. ii. 9, 15.) Acts xxvi. 25. SOB [ ] SOM SOBRIETY. σωφροσύνη, see above. 1 Tim. ii. 9, 15. SOCIABLE. [margin.] 1 Tim. vi. 18, see ‘COMMUNICATE (WILLING ΤΟ) SODOM. | Σόδομα, Sodom; Heb., 010, burning. In all passages, except— Mark vi. 11 (ap ) SOEVER. See, PLACE, WHAT, WHERE, WITH. SOFT. μαλακός, soft as to the touch, spoken of raiment made of soft; materials. Matt. xi. 81st. Ι Luke vii. 25. SOFT CLOTHING. (τὰ, the ( μαλακά, soft things. | Matt. xi. 8. | SOFTLY. See, BLOW. SOJOURN (-£p.) 1. παροικέω, to dwell beside or near; | hence, to sojourn, dwell as a | stranger; (Ίκκ. for 11, Gen. xx. 1; xxvi. 3; 5», Gen. xxiv. 37.) εἰμί, to be | πάροικος, dwelling beside or near, , neighbouring; (Ίχκ. 720)" 5, Gen. xv. 18; Ex. ii. 22. 2. Acts vii. 6. | 1. Heb. xi. 9. SOJOURNING HERE. παροικία, a dwelling beside or near; | esp. residence in a foreign land without the rights of citizenship. 1 Pet. i. 17. SOLDIER (-s.) | | 1. στρατιώτης, a citizen bound to or | performing military service; then, | gen., one serving as a soldier; later, a soldier by profession, (non 2. στράτευμα, an expedition; an arma- ment, army, host, company, band. 3. στρατεύω, to serve as a soldier, do military service, take the field. Here part., those who were serving as soldiers. 1, Matt. viii. 9. 1, Acts x. 7. 1. — xxvii. 27. 1. —— xii. 4, 6, 18. 1, —— xxviii. 12. 1. —— xxi. 32 twice, 35, 1. Mark xv. 16. 2. —— xxiii. 10. 3. Luke iii. 14. 1, ——— 23, 31. 1. — vii. 8. 1. —— xxvii. 31, 32, 42. 1, —— xxiii. 36. [32, θά, | 1 xxviii. 16, 1. John xix. 2, 23twice, 24, | 1. 2 Tim. ii. 3. SOLDIER (σποοδΕ...το BE) στρατολογέω, to collect or levy an army, enlist soldiers, (ποπ 000.) 2 Tim. ii. 4. SOLDIER (FEttow) συστρατιώτης, ἃ στρατιώτης, (see No. 1, above) together or in conjunction with another ; a fellow-soldier. Phil. ii. 25. | Philem. 2. SOLITARY. ἔρημος, solitary, desert. Mark i. 85. SOME. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. τις, one, some one, a certain one; pl., some. 2. ἄλλος, other, not the same; denoting numerical, not generic distinction like No. 7. ἄλλοι, others, δὲ, but, ᾿ but others. ἄλλο, nom. sing. neut. of No. 2, δὲ, but. ἄλλα, nom. pl. neut. of No. 2, δὲ, but. one, (neut. of εἷς.) . ἕτερος, the other, other, denoting generic, not numerical distinction like Νο. 2. ἕτεροι, pl. of No. 7, but ochees δὲ, but, ‘ ( 6, the, ) the [seed] indeed ; “αὶ μὲν, indeed, " or some. σι a εν, ia — iv. 6. ισα ‘SOMEWHAT. ---- χι, Be πο ete 1. τις, see “some,” Vo. 1. Here, neut. 3.Jude22. sing., some thing, a certain thing. A), (οἵ δὲ, but these, T. ) At ~ al f= "μὰ μὰ μὰ μὶ μὰ ᾿ Κα δ᾽ SOM [μα Ἱ SOM 10 ὃ μα, πα some, SOME ONE THING, SOME ἵ δὲ but, however, ὁ some however. ANOTHER. 11. {οὗ the, (pl.)) , μα) ΜΕ ΡΑΚ ἄλλοι, others, [were crying aloud] ἢ ἐν, indeed, ἄλλο “another μὲν, oi, the, (pl.) ) but some (01): τι, thing. ; ; 19, δὲ, but, how- > some (pl.) how- ao Bots xxi. 84; ever, ever. SOME (iF) os, these, (Ace. pl.) ) these (pil.) ΣΕ 18. vite εἶ, μὲν, indeed, indeed. τινές, some. οὓς, these, (Acc.) but these ; cP τς 14. mase. pl.) some (pl.) παν ταὶ dé, but, however, however. SOME SORT (τν) a 3 “ f ; απο, trom ᾿ 16. ἃ, the, (neut. pl.) ) some (neut. | το, ΤΡῸ in part, partly. μὲν, indeed, p!.) indeed. μέρος, & part, Rom. xv. 15. ἃ, the, (neut.) but some (neut. ας ὦ 16. pl) en pl.) ; some how- δὲ, but, ever. SOME MAN. τις, see “ SOME,” Vo. 1. 17 τοὺς, the, ee some (pl.) . peeing ; τὰ 9 τ ἃ μὲν, indeed, indeed. sas ge ep | he τοὺς, the, ὭΣ but some (pl.) ; SOME THINGS. pl.) [ever, some ( pl.) « » τινα, neut. pl. o mr,” Νο. 1. δὲ, but, how- however. 3 pl. of τα. 2 Pet. iii. 16. 15.Matt. xiii. 4. 1. Acts v. 15. 5. a ν 1. —— viii. 34, ἱ 5 2nd, 7, 1, — xi. 20. ϑ aim Ὁ ey ἐπὶ , SOME TIME. 0. 8 2nd & 3rd. 1. —— 4, 18, 21, i 9. 93 Ist. παλ ποτέ, when, whenever; at some time; 10. 23 2nd ἃ 3rd. 1. — xviii. 23. 11.- xvi. 14 10 1, — xxvii. 27, once, formerly. 3 14 2ud(** others” 13. 4 Ist. Col. iii. 7. 1 [=No. 8.) | 14. 4 2nd. i, τς ὡς τ ἘΠ | 11.—— xxviii, 24 1st. . — xxviii. 1 12. 24 2nd. πες μη το ο See also, BETWEEN, HAND, MEANS, MEAT, 4. 5. τι ος 5.28. OF, OTHER, TIME. 2 7. 1. —-v.7. 6 5 8 3times (ἐν, in, | 1. xi, 14, ο), (ets, unto, T Tr | 1. 1 Cor. iv. 18. 8), (eis, one (mase.) | 1. μι μἹ. SOMEBODY. 1. ------ vill. 7, τας 6. ινών Ιστ ix. 22. τις, see “ somE,” Λο. 1. G ~ T Tr.) 1. ——x. 7, 8, 9, 10. Luke viii. 46. | Acts ν. 36. 1. —— vii. 2 1. xv. 6, 12, 34, 37. τρ — viii. 28 1. 2 Cor. iii. if .—ixl 1, x. 2 12, 17.— xii. 5 Ist 1. Gal. i. SOMETHING. 18. 5 2nd. 17.Eph. iv. 11 1st. ‘ ” πα ας 3 iv ip ad τι, neut. of “some,” No. 1. 1, —— xv. 95. 1. Phil. i. 15 twice, Luke xi. 54, Acta iii. 5. 9, Luke viii. 5. 1. 5 Thes. iii. 11. John xiii. 29. — xxiii, 18. 7. 6, 7, 8. 1. 1 Tim. i. 3, 6, 19. Gal. vi. 3. ee a} eee ε 2. 19. 1, — v.15, 24 twice. 1. . 37. 1, —— vi. 10, 21. SOMETIME, SOMETIMES.* η — xi. 15. 1, 2 Tim. 1. 18. 9 (1. 15, 20 1st. a ; κ.α. κα κι ie Sp tnd ποτέ, When, whenever; at some time; 1, — xxi, δ. 1. Heb. iii. 4 once, formerly. . — xxiii. 8, é 10 (τίνες, who? y 1. John yi. 64. GLTTr A, ic. who? Eph. ii. 193. | Col. i. 21. 11.— vii. 12. ...was it not all? in- vane Tit. ili, 3°. . 25. stead of τινές, for some 1 Pet. iii. 20. 2. 41 (No, 12, L Tr ...but not all.) --- τ Soh δι ahs a Ῥ-50΄ρῦοῦ ϑ.Ν3»Ν ἍΧ(,Ὄὐὕ»ὕΨ ---------θ.- ὨΕ »ὔς--- -θθὠ ἠὠὄ-«- --ὔ- SON μπι] SON μέρος, a part, a measure. Luke vii. 40. 2. B Acts xxiii. 20. 1. 2 Cor. x. 8. — xxv. 26. LG 9 { ἀπὸ, from ; in part, partly, in 1. 1 1 SON. 1. vids, a son. [This word is used as the Heb. 13 or 33, to characterise any one as to his origin and nature, the points which determine his character and idiosyncracy. Thus men are not simply ἄνθρωποι, but υἱοὶ τῶν ἀνθρώπων, sons of men, as denoting their origin and nature. Hence, in the Ο.Τ, we have υἱοὶ παρανό- pov, sons of lawlessness, (Belial) Judg. xix. 22; vids θανάτου, son of death, 1 Sam. xx. 31, (Heb. “shall surely die’’) ; υἱοὶ δυνάμεως, sons of valour, 2 Sam. ii. 7; ΧΙ]. 28, (Heb. “be valiant”) ; υἱοὶ τῆς ἀποικίας, sons of the transportation, Ezra: iv. 1; vi. 19, (Πε. “ of captivity.”) Also in the Δ7.Τ. we have, viol προφητῶν, of the pro- phets, Acts iii. 25 ; διαθήκης, of the covenant, Acts iii. 25; σοφίας, of wisdom, Matt. xi. 19; ἀναστάσεως, of the resurrection, Luke xx. 36; φονυσάντων, of murderers, Matt. xxiii. 81; νυμφῶνος, of the bride- chamber, Matt. ix. 15; Mark 1]. 19; Luke v. 84; βασιλείας, of the kingdom, Matt. viii. 12 ; xiii. 38 ; πονηροῦ, of the wicked one, Matt. xiii.88 ; γεέννης, of Gehenna, Matt. xxiii. 15; εἰρήνης, of peace, Luke x. 6; ἀπωλείας, of perdition, John xvii. 12; 2 Thes. 11. 3; παρακλή- σεως, of consolation, Acts iv. 30; διαβόλου, of the devil, Acts χι. 10; τοῦ αἰῶνος, of this age, Luke xvi. 8; xx. 34; φωτός, of light, Luke xvi.8; John xii.36; 1 Thes.v. 5; ἀπειθείας, of disobedience, Eph.ii. 2; v.6; Col. iii. 6; Luke vi. 35. In all these expressions reference is made to the origin or starting- point of the persons named, and to the relation in which they stand ; or to their characters, idio- syncracies, and associations. Hence, in vids θεοῦ, a son or child of God, is declared the relationship of the person and his charac- teristics. | (a) ὃ vids, the Son, is used of Christ. [But the following combinations deserve the greatest discrimina- tion. (Ὁ) υἱός θεοῦ, (without the article) son, or a son of God, denoting the relationship as the result of the elective love of God, and as rest- ing upon God’s own act. It is thus used of men as well as of Christ, as denoting a kinship to God, a partaking of what apper- tains to Him from whom the whole life is derived, and accord- ing to whomit is moulded. When used of Christ, the reference is to the act of God, placing Him in this relationship ; hence, used of His birth, (Luke 1. 85; Acts xii. 33; Rom. 1. 4; ef: Acts 11. 92, 36.) vids θεοῦ, is therefore the man Christ Jesus as the elect and chosen of God. (6) 6 vids (07 vids) τοῦ θεοῦ, (with the article) the son of the God, indi- cates, not only His election or choosing, but His especial and dis- tinctive relationship, by which He is raised above the rank of the more general υἱοὶ θεοῦ, (see wnder b.) This title indicates Him as the Messiah, upon whom the re- lation of all others as “sons of God” depends. Hence, this title is never used of His supernatural birth, because ἐξ was not by birth that this relation was brought about. It is a relation in virtue of which the humanity of Jesus possesses its special significance. (4) ὁ vids τοῦ ἀνθρώπου, the son of (the) man, signifies humanity it- self; not what merely resembles, but what essentially belongs to man. ence, it is never used by the disciples, (and not until Jesus is exalted in glory is it used by Stephen, Acts vii. 56.) By thas SON [ 77 ἢ SON title Jesus is raised above the | general viol ἀνθρώπων, sons of men, and as given to Jesus by Himself it becomes a Messianic name, adopted by Him on account of the relation in which He stands as the promised “seed of the woman” to His brethren. (Wo. 1ο thus indicates the divine side, referring to His personal and divine glory, while No. 1d is the human side of this title, as denot- ing not merely His need and re- jection, but in this connection, as yet securing blessingand righteous rule over the earth as “ the second man,” “the last Adam,” (see under “ 1ETR.”’) (e) ὃ vids τοῦ πατρὸς, the Son of the Father, a complete and solemn setting forth of the union of Jesus with the Father in the essence of the Godhead. (f) vids ὑψίστου, son of the Highest ; a theocratic title, pointing to the anointed king, so fully referred to in 2 Sam. vii. 14; Ps. Ἡ. 7; Ixxxix. 28. (g) ὃ vids τοῦ εὐλογητοῦ, the son of the blessed. This was a hypo- critical expression of reverence, in refraining from using the name of God, intending to. designate Christ’s declaration blasphemy of God, of the Blessed. (h) vids Δαβίδ, son of David, pointing to Jesus as the son and successor of David, and heir of the promises given to him, Luke i. 32, ete. 2. τέκνον, that which is born, (from τίκτω, to bear; like Ang.-Sax., bearn; Scot., bairn, from beran, to bear) a child, whether son or daughter; often used as a term of endearment, dear child. 3. παῖς, in relation to descent, a child, (whether son or daughter); in relation to age,a boy or girl; in relation to condition, (like Lat., puer) a slave, servant. 4. δ, the; when followed by the Genitive of a person, it denotes the of, 1.6. the son of. Sometimes these words are given in italics in A.V., (as in Mark i. 17, 18, avd Luke iv.) which are not quoted below. 1, Matt. i. 1 twice, 20, 21, 23, 25. 1. — ii. 15 la.—— iii. 17. 1le.— iv. 3, 6, 4, 21. 1. —— vii. 9. 1d.— viii. 20. le. 29. 2. —— ix. 2. 1d. 6. lh. 27. 4, —x.2,3. 1d. 25. 1. —— 37. 1d.—— xi. 19. la. 27% 3 times. 1d.— xii. 8. lh. 23. 14. 32, 40. 1α.---- κα. 37, 41. 1. 55. 1b.— xiv. 33. lh.—— xv. 22. 1d.— xvi. 13. le. 16. 1d. 27, 28. la.— xvii. 5. 1d. 9, 12. ale 15. 14. 22. 1d.— xviii. 11 (ap.) 1d.— xix. 28. 1d.—— xx. 18. 1 20, 2 1d. 28. lh. 30, 31. Lh.— xxi. 9, 15. 2, ——— 28 twice. L 37 twice, 38. 1. — xxii. 2 lh. 2. 1. 45. 1. —— xxiii. 35. 1d.— xxiv. 27, 30 twice, 37, 39, 44. 1d.— xxv. 13 (αρ.), ο]. ο 5. χΧΥΪ. ἊΝ D4 twice, ue 37. 1d. 45. 16. 63. 1d. 64. le.—_ xxvii. 40. re 40, 54. la.— xxvili. 19. 1le.Mark i. 1. la. 11, 4, 19. 2. ——ii. 5. 1d.—— 10. 4, —— 14. 1d. 28. le.—— iii. 11. Ἂς 17, 28. le.—— Vv. 7. 1. — vi. 3. 1d,—— viii. 31, 98 la.—— ix. ld. 9, 12 1. —— 17. 14. 81. 1d.—— x. 33. if 35. ld. 45. ky 46. 1}. -------- 47, ¢ —— xii. ιν. lh. 35. a 37. 2, —— xiii. 12, 14. 26. 1 8, Ie le | la.Mark xiii. 32. 1d,—— xiv. 21 twice, 41, lg. 61. ld. 2. 1b.— xv. 39. 1. Luke i. 13, 31. af. 32. 1b. 35. 1, —— 36, 57 1. ——ii. 7. 2. 48. 1. —— iii. 2. la. 22. ie 23. 1le.— iv. 3, 9 ue 22. le. 41. 1. —— v. 10. 1d. 24. 1d.— vi. δ, 4, 15. ld. 22. 1. —— vii. 12 ld. 34. le.— viii. 28. 1d.—— ix. 22, 26 la, 35. 1, ——— 38, 41. 10: ο 56 (ap.), 58. la. ση 1, —— xi. 11, 19 1d.—— 30. 1d.— xii. 8, 10, 40 1. 53 twice 1, — xv. ll, 13, 19, 21 twice, 24, 05, 30. 2. 31. 2. —— xvi. 25. 1d.— xvii. 22, 24, 26, 30. 1 1d.—— xviii. 8, 31. | Ih. 38, 39. 1. —— xix. 9, 14. 10. ; 1. —— xx. 13, 41, 44. | 1d.—— xxi. 27, 36. 1d.— xxii. 22, 48, 69. le, 70. 1ld.—— xxiv. 7 2. John i. 12. la. 18, (Θεός, God, L™ TrAW), (om.G—) le. 84. 1, —— 42, 45 le 49, 51. 1d.— iii. 13, 14. ln. 16, 17. le. 18. la. 35, 36 twice. 1. —— iv. 5, 46, 47, 50. 51. 53. la. ν. 19twice, 20, 21, 22, 23 twice. le. 25 | Ja. 26. ld. 97. ld. vi. 27 la. 40, 1, —— 42. 1d.—— 53, 62. le 69 (ap.) 1d.— viii. 28. la. 35, 36. 1. —— ix. 19, 20 le. 35. le.—— x. 36. le.—— xi. 4, 27 | 1d,——- xii. 23, 84 twice. | ld.—— xiii. 31. | la,— xiv. 13. Gg να ρσαακαο ee νο Ja.John xvii. 1 twice. νι 2. Phil. ii. 15, 22. us 12, | la.Col. i. 19. la.— xix. 7 (No. 1c, | ——— iv. 10, see Sister’s B, E.) | la.1 Thes. i. 10. Le 26. 1. 2 Thes, ii. 3. ie.—— xx. 31 2. 1 Tim. i. 2, 18. 4, —— xxi. 2. 2. 2 Tim. i. 2. 1. Acts ii. 17. 2. —i.l. 3. —— iii. 13, 26. | 2. Tit. 1. 4. 1. — iv. 36. 12. Ehilem. 10. 1 απο ροο. 1. Heb. i, 2, 5 twice, 8, id. 56. 1. —— ii. 6, 10. 1e.— viii. any νὴ ite — iii. 6. le.— ix. 20 1e.—— iv. 14. 1. τομ, gi ae 4, 22. 1ο.----- Vi. 14. 33. ; le.—— vii. 3 1, —xvi.l. | af 5 (om. υἱῶν, of 1, —— xix. 14. Is the sons, L.) Ἱ. xxiii. 6, 16. 28. la.Rom. i. 3. ie —— x. 29. {ten. 1b. 4. — — xi. 17, see Begot- la. 9. 18 21, 34. la.— v. 10. 1. —— xii. 5, 6, 7 twice, 8. jla,—— viii. 3. 1. Jas. ii. 21. tls 14, 19 1 1 Pet: τν. 18. Ja. 29, 32 la.2 Pet. i. 17. Uy SS) 19.1 John i. 3, 7. 14.1 Cor. 1. 9. la.— ii. 22, 23, 24, 2. —— iv. 14,17. 2. iii. 1. 2. Ja.—— xv. 28, le. 10 1st. 1ο.” Cor. i, 19. la. 10 2nd, 11, 12 1st. a vi. 18. Te: 122nd,131st(ap.), la.Gal. 1. 16. 13 2nd. le.—— ii. 20 (ap.) le. 20 Ist. la.— iv. 4. la. 20 2nd. = 5, see Adoption. | 19.2 John 3. 1, ——— 61st. la. i la. 6 2nd. 1d.Rev. i. 19. 1. 7twice,22 303times | 1le.— ii. 18. 1. Eph. iii. 5. | 1d.— xiv. 14, 1e.— iv. 13. 1.1. —— xxi. 7. SONG. ὠδή, (from ἄδω, to sing) an ode, or song ; (Ixx. for ww, Judg. v. 12 1 Kings iv. 32; Ps. xlii. Os any kind of song, of battle or har- vest, festal or hymeneal. With the adj. πνευματική, spiritual, probably implying that the songs were composed by spiritual men ; or that they related to spiritual things, (zon occ.) Eph. ν. 19*. Col. iii, 16*. Rev. v. 9. — xiv. 3 twice. Rev. xv. 3 twice. SOON ταχέως, quickly, speedily. παραχρῆμα, with the thing itself, at the very moment, on the spot; forthwith, immediately after some- thing else has taken place. 2. Matt. xxi. 20. | 1, 2 Thes. ii. 2. 1. Gal. 1, 6. — Tit. i. 7, see Angry. SOON AS (as) . ὡς, in which way, in what way; hence, as, so as, how, when. 18 1 SOR ὡς, see above, } κι whensoever. ἄν, perhaps, ) 8. ὅτε, when. 4. ὅταν, whensoever, if ever, in case that. 5. εὐθέως, straightway, immediately, | forthwith. 5. Mark v. 36 (om. εὐθέως, | 1. Luke i. 23, 44, ΌΤΙ Tr AWN, and | 3. —— xv. 30. παρακούσας, instead | 1. —— xxii. 66. of ἀκούσας, T A δὲ), | 1. John xi. 20, 29, 1.6. but Jesus over- | 4, —— xvi. 21. hearing, instead of | 1. —— xviii. 6. as soon as Jesus had | 1. —— xxi. 9. heard.” | 2. Phil. ai. 25. 5. ——xi.2(edOvs,straight, | 3. Rev. x. 10. T Tr Ak.) απ ere SOONER (tHE) τάχιον, more quickly, more speedily. Heb. xiii. 19. SOOTHSAYING. (sy) μαντεύομαι, to utter responses as from an oracle, to divine, foretell; (σσ. for nop, Deut. xvii. 10; 1 Sam. xxvii. 8.) Here, participle, ᾿ (non occ.) Acts xvi. 16. ψωμίον, a little bit, a morsel, a mouth- ful, (non occ.) John xiii, 26 2nd. 27, 30. | John xiii. 26 1st, marg. morsel, SORCERER (-s.) 1. μάγος, great, powerful (Heb. 2, and Grk., μέγας ; Lat.,magis, magnus). magus, a magian, the name for priests and wise men among the cf. Jer. sey . ates Medes and Babylonians ; XXxix. 3. | [Their ] earning was ‘connected with astronomy and _ enchantment ; hence, |xx. for Chald. Fws, en- Hee ia magician, Dan. i. 20; 2,27; v. 7. Also Chald. ΘΠ, ῬΑ σοφύς, Dan. 11. 12, 18, 24, 97; Wek ἰδ,» 107. Mig Saas ii. 1. 7; 16 i 2. φαρμακεύς, one who prepares, ad- ministers, or deals in medicines, drugs, or poison, (oce. M att. (h ence, 10 2,7.» ; SOR pharmacy) ; then, one who uses SORE. [adverb.] enchantments or practises sorcery as, be ill or poisoning, (non occ.) 1. κακῶς, badly, evilly. | 2. λίαν, very, exceedingly. 3 Heer sk fear, ἽΝ , [they feared] ἃ μέγαν, great, great fear. 8. φαρμακός, one who uses any arti- | ficial means for producing physi- cal effects ; hence, one who uses drugs, enchanted potions as a charm or spell ; hence, a poisoner, sorcerer, enchanter ;(Ixx Jor DON, xix, 1; ἘΠ, Ἐκ, vu. 11; Deut. xviii. 10; Dan. 11. 2), (non 4. πολλα, as adv., much, greatly ; aiso, many times, often. 5. σφόδρα, vehemently, very much. « 5. Matt. ay. 6. αν — Mark ot see Afraid. ||" (pleased. | 4. ) ἘΞ ἪΡ see Dis- | — ——xiv.33,seeAmazed. occ. 2, Mark vi. 51 (om. ᾱ--) | 3. Luke ii. 9. 1. Acts xiii. ο. |2. τόν δη ο. SS ev. xxii. 15 AN SORER. SORCERY (- IES. ) χείρων, worse, more severe. Heb. x. 29. 1. φαρμακεία, the preparing or using of medicine, (Hng., pharmacy); then, the using of any kind of drugs, potions, or spells ; (Ixx. for pon pod, Ex. vii. 11, 22; maw, Is. xlvii. 9, 12.) 2. payeta,the theology of the Magians, (see “ SORCERER,” Wo. 1) pl., magic arts. 2. Acts viii. 11. 1. Rev. ix. 21 ο κ (see above, No. 3), &.) 1. Rev. xviii. SORROW (s.) [noun.] 1. λύπη, grief, sorrow; (Ixx. for η», Gen. xlii. 88; ΠΡ, "Jonah iv. 1 2. ὀδύνη, pain of body; then, pain of mind, distress ; (Ixx. for px, Gen. xxxv. 18; py, der. viii. 18; doy, Job vii. 3), (non occ.) 3. πένθος, mourning, bewailing, lament- ing; (κκ. for 338, Lam. v. 15: mn, Prov. xiv. 13.) 4, ὠδίν, a throe, a pain, a pang, esp. of a woman in travail; (Ixx. for hon, Js. xxi. 28, Job xxi. 17: bn, Ez. xv. 14.) 4, Matt. xxiv. 8. | 2, Rom. ix. 2. 4, Mark xiii. 8, marg. | 1. 2 Cor, ii. 3, 7. pain of a woman im | 1. — vii. 10 twice, travail. 11. Phil. ii. 27 twice. δ... | SORCERY (vse) μαγεύω, to be a magus or skilled in Magian lore ; to use incantations: ; trans., to enchant. Acts viii. 9, SORE (-s.) [noun. ] . John xvi. 6, 20, 21, 22. ia Rev. xviii. 7 twice. Rev. xxi. ἕλκος, a wound. Jn N.T. and later, an ulcer, a sore; (Ixx. for pnw, Ex. ix. 9; Jobii. μα ) Luke xvi. 21, Ι Rev. xvi. 2, 11. “SORROW (-ED, -ING.) [verb.] 1. λυπέω, to grieve. Here, pass. or mid., to be grieved, be sad, be sorrowful ; (Ixx. Sor 3 yy, Deut. τν. 10; “Jon.iv.1; a¥y,2 2 Sam. xix, 2.) 2. ὀδυνάω, to cause pain or suffering. Here, pass. or mid., to feel pe to suffer ; (Ixx. for bnn, Zech. ns Son, Zech. xii. 10 i SORES (εστα, or) | ἑλκόω, to ulcerate, trans. Here, pass. part., full of ulcers. Luke xvi. 20. . Luke ii. 48. . 2 Cor. vii. 9, 11. 2. Acts xx. 38. . 1 Thes. iv, 13, ---- ὦ ἱκανός, coming to, reaching to ; hence, | sufficing, sufficient ; then, ‘abund- ant, great, much. Acts xx, 97. SORROWFUL. λυπέω, see above, No. 1. Matt. xix, 22, Ι 2 Cor. vi. 10, Bee Ho" SORE. [adj] οοοὉ ] SOR SORROWFUL (sk) Matt. xxvi, 22, 37. | Mark xiv. 19. John xvi, 20. SORROWFUL (excerprine) | περίλυπος, environed with grief, wholly grieved, very sorrowful; (lxx. for nmnwn, Ps. xlu. 6,12; xlin. 5.) Matt. xxvi. 38. i Mark xiv. 34, SORROWFUL (2zss) ἄλυπος, free from sorrow. Here, comp., raore free from sorrow, less surruwtul, (non occ.) Phil. ii. 28 SORROWFUL (very) περίλυπος, see “SORROWFUL (EXCEED- ING)” Luke xviii. 23. 24 (om. περίλυπον γενόμενον, that he was very sorrowful, T Trb A &), i.e. him. — SORRY. λυπέω, see “‘sorROW,” Wo. 1, (verb.) Matt. xiv. 9. Matt. xvii. 23. Matt. xviii. 31. SORRY (&xcEEDING) περίλυπος, see “SORROWFUL (BAUEED- ING)” Mark vi. 26, SORRY (axe) λυπέω, see “ soRROW,” Vo. 1, (verb.) 2 Cor. ii. 2. | 2 Cor. vii. 8 twice. SORT. See, BASER, GODLY, SOME, THIS, WHAT. SOUL (-s.) ψυχή, one of the manifestations of | ζωή (life), viz. that which is manifested in animals, animal life ; hence, breath, (not breath as | mere air, but as the sign of life.) Once applied to vegetable life, ΠΣ Ley O.T. everywhere \xx. for wo), nephesh) and is said to be possessed by all the lower crea- In sss [ 720 1 SOU tures, Gen. i. 20, 21, 24, 30; ii. 7, 19; ix. 10, 12, 15,16; Lev. xi. 10, 46; Numb... xxxi. 28% Prov. vii.23; xii. 10; Ezek. χ]νι. 9. So also, Rev. vii. 9; xvi. 8. | It denotes the vital principle in animal bodies, 2 Ch.i.11; 1 Sam. xxii. | 23; 1 Kings i. 12; 2 Ch. i. 11; | Est. vi. 3; Prov. i., 19; πι. 265 xii. 10: Lam. 1.19. Also, Matt. | xvi. 25, 26; xx. 28; παω ᾱ- | 19-23 ; 1 John ui. 16. | Tt is used of the person as possessed | of such life, Gen. xii. 5; xiv. 21; xvii. 14: xix. 17, 19, 20; xlvi 185; Bx. xi. 15: Lev. iv. 2; τ. Ἱα. | φῇ, 27; Est. ix. 81; Is. xlvii. 14, | (cf. Rey. vi. 9.) Also of a dead | person, (with the adj.) Lev. xxi. 11. And of those raised, Rev. xx. 4, as contrasted with those yet unraised, Rey. xx. 5. It can die or be killed, Lev. xxiv. 17, 18; Judg. xvi. 80; Numb. xxiii. 10; xxxi. 19; Deut. xix. 6; xxi. 26: xxvii. «26: Prov. τα δα Eee. 1.19. So of persons, Josh. x. 28, 30, 39; Lev. xxi ag Also, Matt. x. 28; Mark ui. 4; Luke ix. 54-56; Rey. xvi. 3. It goes to the grave, Job xxxiii. 22, and can be hazarded by danger, Acts xv. 26; Rom. xi. 8. It is identified with the blood, (as the Spirit never is) Gen. ix. 4, 5; Lev. xvii. 11, 14; Ps. Ixxu. 14; xciv. 21; Prov. xxviii. 17. The Greek ψυχή is identified with Heb. wa3, by comparing Acts ii. 27 with Ps. xvi. 10; Rom. x1. 3 with 1 Kings xix. 10; 1 Cor. xv. 45 with Gen. 11. 7; Matt. xx. 28 with Is. 111. 10. “My soul” zs the same as “me,” or “myself,” Numb. xxiii. 10; | Judg. xvi. 30; 1 Kings xx. 32; | Pe, lix. κακο 19, οσα. Jer. xvili. 20, (cf. xxxviii. 6.) “His soul” is the same as “him” or “himself,” Gen. xxxvii. 21; Job xvii. 4; Ps. xx. 29; cv. 17, 18. sou ᾿ [ {'The Hebrew word tt} (nephesh) occurs 752 times, and is translated in 44 different ways, which may be thus grouped in four great classes. I. “Creature,” (9) Gen. i. 21, 24; ii. 19; ix. 10, 12, 11. 15, 16: Lev. xi. 46. ‘‘ Beast,” (2) Lev. xxiv. 18. “Thing,” (2) Lev. xi.10; Ezek. xlvii.9. “ Fish,” (1) Is. xix. 10. “Person,” (30) Gen. xiv. 21; xxxvi. 6; Ex. xvi. 6; Lev. xxvii. 2; Numb. v. 6; xix. 18; xxxi. 19, 35, 40, 46; xxxv. 11, 15, 30; Deut. x. 22; xxvii. 25; Josh. xx.3,9; 1 Sam. xxii. 22; 2Sam. xiv. 14; Prov. xxviii. 17; Jer. xliii. 6; lii. 29, 30; Ezek. xvi. 5; xvii. 17; xxvii. 13; xxxiil. 6. “Man,” (4) Ex. xii. 16; Lev. xxiv.17; 2 Kings xii. 4; Is. xlix. 7. ‘‘Men,”’ (1) 1 Ch. v. 21. “Him,” (4) Gen. xxxvii. 21; Dent. xix. 6; xxii. 26; Prov. vi. 16. “Με, (3) Numb. xxiii. 10; Judg. xvi. 30; 1 Kings xx. 32. ‘“* Yourselves,” (0) Ley. xi. 43, 44; Deut. iv. 15; Josh. xxiii. 11; er, xvii. 21; xxxvii. 9. ‘‘ Himself,” (8) 1 Kings xix.4; Job xviii. 4; xxxii. 2; Jer. Ji. 14; Amos ii. 14, 15; vi. 8; Jonah iv. & “Ίο, (1) Ps. xxxv. 25. ‘He,’ (2) Ps. ον. 18: Prov. xvi. 26. “Myself,” (1) Ps. cxxxi.2. ‘‘Her,’’ (1) Jer. ii. 24, “Thee,” (2) Jer. xl. 14,15. ‘‘Herself,’’ (2) Is. v.14; Jer. iii. 11. ‘‘'‘Thyself,” (1) Est. iv. 13. “Themselves,” (3) Est. ix. 31; Is. xlvi. 2; xlvii. 14. ‘‘Dead,” (5) Lev. xix. 28; xxi. 1; xxii. 4; Numb. v. 2; vi. 11. ‘Body,’ (7) Lev. xxi. 11; Numb. vi. 6; ix. 6, 7, 10: xix. 13; Hag. ii. 19. ‘‘One,” (1) Lev. iv. 27. “Any,” (3) Lev. ii. 1; Numb. xix. 11; Deut. xxiv. 7. **They,” (1) Job xxxvi. 14. “Own,” (1) Prov. xiv. 10, “‘ Fellow,” (1) Judg. xviii. 25. ‘‘ Deadly,” (1) Ps. xvii. 9. ‘‘ Mortally,’’ (1) Deut. xix. 11. “Tablets,” (1) Is. iii. 20, ‘‘Soul,’’ (475 times, everywhere except Job xxx. 15, where itis TI), (nobility) and ΤΟ} (breath) Is. lvii. 16, III. “Lire” and “Lrves,” (120) Gen. i. 20, 30; ry. ix. 4,5; xix. 17, 19; xxxii. 30; xliv. 30; Ex. iv. 19; xxi. 23, 30; Lev. xvii. 11,14; Numb. xxxv. 81; Deut. xii. 23; xix. 21; xxiv. 6; Josh. ii. 13, 14; ix. 24; Judg. v.18; ix.17; xii. 3; xviii. 25; Ruth iv. 15; 1Sam. xix. 5,1; xx.1; xxii. 23; xxiii. 15; xxvi. 24; xxviii. 9, 21; 2 Sam. i. 9; iv. 8; xiv. 7; xvi.11; xviii. 13; xix.5; xxiii.17; 1 Kings i.12; ii. 23; iii. 11; xix. 2, 3, 4, 10, 14; xx. 31, 39,42; 2 Kings i.13,14; vii. 7; x. 24; 1Ch. xi.19; 2Ch.i.11; Est. vii. 8, 7; viii. 11; ix. 16; Job ii. 4, 6; vi. 11; xiii. 14; xxxi, 39; Ps. xxxi. 13; &xxviii. 12; Prov. i. 18, 19; vi. 26; vii. 23; xii. 10; xiii. 3, 8; Is. xv. 4; xliii. 4; Jer. iv. 30; xi. 21; xix. 7,9; xxi. 7,9; xxii. 25; xxxiv. 20, 21; xxxviii.2, 16; xxxix. 18; xliv. 30; xlv. 5; xlvi. 26; xlviii. 6; xlix. 37; Lam. ii. 19; v. 9; Exek. xxxii. 10; Jonah i. 14; iv. 3. “‘Ghost,”’ (2) Job xi. 20; Jer. xv. 9. ‘‘ Breath,” (1) Job xli, 21. **DesirE,” (5) Ecc. vi. 9; Jer. xxii. 27; xliv. 14; Micah vii. 3; Hab. ii. 5. “Mind,” (15) Gen. xxiii. 8; Deut. xviii. 6; xxviii. 65; 1 Sam. ii. 35; 2 Sam. xvii. 8; 2 Kings ix. 15; 1 Ch. xxviii. 9; Jer. xv. 1; Ezek. xxiii, 17, 18, 22, 28; xxiv. 25; xxxvi.5. ‘‘ Heart,” (15) Ex. xxiii. 9; Lev. xxvi. 16; Deut. xxiv. 15; 1 Sam. ii. 23; 2 Sam. iii. 21; Ps. x. 8; Prov. xxiii. 7; xxviii. 25; xxxi.6; Jer. xlii. 20; Lam. iii. 51; Ezek. xxv. 6,15; xxvii. 81; Hos. iv. 8. ‘ Lust,” {i} Ex. xv. 9; Ps. Ixxviii. 18. ‘She will,” (1) Deut. xxi. 14. “Pleasure,” (3) Deut. xxili. 24; Ps. ον. 22; Jer. xxxiv. 16. ‘‘ Discontented,” (1) 1Sam. xxii.2, ‘ Will,” (3) Ps. xxvii. 12; xli. 2; Ez. xvi. 27. “Greedy,” (1) Is. lv. 11. ‘‘ Hearty,” wee xxvii. 9, “Appetite,” (2) Prov. xxiii. 2; Ece. vi. 7. In the N.T. ψυχή (the equivalent of the Heb. Wd) occurs 105 times, and is translated as follows :— “ Life” and “ Lives,” (40 times); ‘‘ Soul,” (58); **Mind,”’ (3); “ You,’”’(1); “ Heart,”’(1); ‘‘Us,”’(1); ** Heartily,” ϱ. See under each word for the occurrences. Ca | | .... ..-ς. -.-΄. | Matt. x. 28 twice. SoU Acts xv. 24. — xi. 29. xxvii. 37 — xii. 18. Rom. ii. 9. — xvi. 26 twice. xiii. 1. —— xxii. 37. 1 Cor. xv. 45. — xxvi. 38, 2 Cor. i. 23. Mark viii. 36, 37. 1 Thes. ii. 8. —— xii. 30, 33 (ap.) — v. 23. — xiv. 34. Heb. iv. 12. Luke i. 46. — vi. 19. — ii. 35. — x. 38, 39. — x. 27. — xiii. 17. —— xii. 19 twice, 20, Jas. 1. 21 — xxi. 19. —v.2 John xii. 27. 1 Pet. i. 9, 22. Acts ii. Ke — ii. τὶ F 81 (om. ἡ ψυχή αὐ- | —— iii. 2 τοῦ, his soul, α L Τ | —— iv. 19. Tr Α 8), ie. he. 41, 43 — iii. 23. — iv. 32. —- vii. 14. —— xiv. 22. 2 Pet. ii. 8, 14. 3 John 2. Rev. vi. 9. xvi. 3. — xviii. 18, 14. — xx. 4 SOUND (-s.) [noun.] 1. φωνή, a sound, a tone, as given forth or uttered; a νοις, ἃ cry. 2. ἦχος, ἃ sound of any sort, esp. of a confused’ noise, as of α crowd, or in the ears, of trees, the sea, etc., (οσο. Luke iv. 37.) 3. φθόγγος, a sound, esp. of a musical instrument, the voice; loud and clear utterance, (non occ.) (a) Quoted from Ixx. for jp. . Matt. xxiv. . John iii. 8. . Acts ii. 2. coro bor τὰ 7 2nd. . 1 Cor. xiv. 7 1st. 31, marg. | (voice. Rho μα Ps. xix. 5, where 1 Cor. xiv. 8. Heb. xii. 19. . Rev. i. 15. — ix, 9 twice. . — xviii. 22. SOUND. [adj.] 1. ὑγιαίνω, to be sound, healthy, well be in good health. γιής, sound, healthy, well. - L Temi, 10, uv SOUND (sare Ακ) 1. Luke xy, 2 SOUND (-rp, -τνα.) [verb.] 2 Tim. i. 7, see Mind. 13 part. Ls 1, Tit. i. 9 part. 1, 2. Tit. ii. 8. SOUND 1. Tit. i. 18. 7 part. 2 Tim. iv. 3 part. —— ii, 1 part.,2 part. (BE) 1. σαλπίζω, to trumpet, to sound a trumpet; (Ixx. for ypn, Numb. x. 8, ete.; Is. xxvii. 13; Joel. ii. 1.) SOU [ 2. ἠχέω, to sound, resound, of a con- fused noise, (οσο. Luke xxi. 25.) 8. βολίζω, to heave the lead, to sound. (Pass., to sink in water), (zon οσο.) 4, γίνομαι, το become. Here, lit., came into mine ears. — Matt. vi. 2, see Trum- | 1, 4, Luke i. 44, [pet. 3. Acts xxvii. 28 twice. 1. 2. 1 Cor. xiii. 1. [pet. | 1. — — xv. 52, see Trum- | l. Rey. viii. 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13 SOUND OUT. ἐξηχέομαι, (Wo. 2, with ἐκ, out of, pre- fixed) to sound out, sound abroad ; (xx. for pion, Joel iv. 14), (non occ.) 1 Thes, i. 8. SOUNDNESS (Ῥεπεκοτ) ὑλοκληρία, wholeness in every part; (ixx. for onn, Is. 1. 6.) Acts iii. 16. SOUTH. 1. νότος, the south wind, or strictly, the south-west wind ; Zat., notus. Then, the southern quarter of the heavens and earth. 2. μεσημβρία, mid-day, noon ; (Ixx. sy Ὁ", Gen. xliii. 16, 25.) Then, the mid-day quarter, 2.6. the south, (occ. Acts xxii. 6.) . Matt. xii. 42. | . Luke xi, 31. 1. Luke xiii. 29, 2. Acts viii. 26. 1, Rev. xxi. 13, μ-μ SOUTH WIND. 1. Luke xii. 55. | 1. Acts xxvii. 19. 1. Acts xxviii. 13. SOUTH WEST. the south or south-west wind ; (ixx. for jon, Ps. Ixxvi. 26.) Then, the south, the southern quarter ; (Ixx. for 133,Gen. xiii. 14 ; yon, Numb. ii. 10.) Acts xxvii. 12. i, SOW. [noun.] ds, a swine ; (1xx.for nN, Deut. xiv. 8.) 2 Pet. ii. 22, 722 1 SPA | SOW (-ED, -EST, -ETH ; SOWN.) [verb. ] σπείρω, to scatter seed, to sow seed; (Ixx. gen. for yn, Ece. xi. 4; Gen. xxvi. 12, etc.) Matt. vi. 26. Luke xii. 24. —— xiii. 3, 4, 19, 24. —— xix. 21, 22. 25 (ἐπισπείρω, to | John iv. 36, 37. sowover, LT Tr A &.) | 1 Cor. ix. 11. 27, 31, 37, 39. —— xv. 36, 37 twice, 42, —— xxv. 24, 26. 43 twice, 44, 2 Cor. ix. 6 twice. Mark iv. 3, 4, 14, 15 twice, 16, 18, 20, 31, 32. | Luke viii. 5 twice. 10, see Seed, Gal. vi. 7, 8. Jas. iii. 18. SOWER. | | σπείρω, see above. Here, participle, 1.6. one who scatters seed, one who SOWS. Matt. xiii. 3, 18. | Mark iv, 3, 14. Luke viii. 5. 2 Cor. ix. 10. SOWN. See, SEED. SPACE. 1. χρόνος, time during which anything occurs. 2. διάστημα, distance, interval of time or place, (non occ.) — Luke xxii. 59, see S of { — Acts xix. 10, see S of one hour after (the) (by the) 2, Acts v. 7. -- 34, see 5 of (the) τς 34, see Little. — — xx. 81, see Years. — — xv. 33, see era 1. Rev. ii. 21. ο -— —— viii. 1, see Hour. — — xvii. 10, see Short. SPACE OF (tHe) With the Acc., up to, as ~ | ἐπί, upon. long as. Acts xix, 34, SPACE OF (sy THE) Acts xix. 10. SPACE OF (ror THE) Acts xix. 8, SPACE OF ONE HOUR AFTER (THE) διαστάσης, having elapsed, ὥρας, hour, μιᾶς, one. Luke xxii. 59. SPAKE. See, SPEAK. SPA SPARE (-Ep, -1n@.) φείδομαι, to spare, e.g. to abstain from using or doing any thing, (occ. 2 Cor. xii. 6.) Acts xx. 29. 1 Cor. vii. 28. Rom. viii. 32. 2 Cor i. 23. —— xi, 2] twice. —— xiii. 2, 2 Pet. ii. 4, 5. SPARE (HAVE ENOUGH AND TO) περισσεύω, to be over and above, to exceed in number ov measure, to be left over, to superabound, have more than enough. Luke xv. 17. SPARING (not) [margin.] Col. ii. 23, see ‘‘ NEGLECTING.” ———_—_ ο SPARINGLY. φειδομένως, sparingly, 1.6. frugally, not bountifully, (πο oce.) 2 Cor. ix. 6 twice. SPARROW (.5.) στρουθίον, any small bird a a sparrow ; (Ixx. for nipy, Ps. xi. 1; Lam. iii. 51), (non occ.) Matt. x. 29, 31. | Luke xii. 6, 7. SPEAK (-ks1, -ETH, -ING; SPAKE; SPOKEN.) 1. λαλέω, see “say,” Wo. 5. 2. λέγω, see “ ΓΝ ἐς ΝΟ. * see No. 1*. 3. διαλέγομαι, (Wo. 2, with διά, through or throughout, prefixed.) εἶπον, see “say,” Wo. 2 * see No. 2b. ἐρῶ, see “say,” Wo. 4. φθέγγομαι, to sound, emit a sound. Ss χρηματίζω, to do business, be en- gaged in business private or public. Of kings, etc., to do business pub- licly, t.e. give audience and answer to ambassadors, etc.; give response. a υ — Matt. i. ay see 4, Luke νι, 4. — — ii. ὭΣ Spoken | 4. 49. 17, 23, of (which | 1. —— ix. 11. were) | 2. 31, 34 part. — —— iii. 3, see Spoken | 1. —— xi. 14. of (he that was) 2* 27. — — iv. 14, see Spoken | 1. 37. of ( was) — 53,see Provoke, 4, ——viii. 8. 4. xii, 3 Ist. - 17, see Spoxen | 1. 3 2nd. of (which was) 5. 10. 1, —— ix. 18 part., 33. 4, ——— 13, 16. 1. — κ. 19 1st, "19 2nd | 93 41. (ap.), 20 twice. | 2. —— xiii. 6. 5 σιν ὦ | 4* xiv. 3. — —— xii.17,see Spoken | 4. —— xv. 3. of (which was) 2. —— xviii. 1. - 22. 1 9. 4. 32 twice. - 34, see Spoken 1: ——— 8d twice, 98. (the things which — —— 46, 47, see Κὶ were) with. | 4, —— xix. 11, 28 part. 1. —— xiii. 3, 10, 19, 35, | 4. —— xx. 2. 34 twice. | ὯΝ 9, -- 35, see Spoken | 4. 19. of (which was) | 2* xxi. 5 part. 1. —— xiv. 27. 4, 29, 1. —— xv. 31. 1. —— xxii. 47, 60. 4, —— xvi. 11, 2. ——— 65. 1. —— xvii. 5 part. —— xxiii. 20, see 4, 13. Spoken to. — —— xxi. 4,see Spoken | 1. —— xxiv. 6, 25, 36. of (which was) τ rH part. (ap.) 4" —— xxii. 1. — John i. 15, see Spoken -- 31, see Spoken | οἵ. of (which was) fds 37. 1. — xxiii. 1. — 40, 41, see ὶ — — xxiv. 15, see Spo- : (hear one) ken of. ἱ 2, —— ii. 91. 1. —— xxvi. 47 part. 11, — iii. 11, 31, 34. -- 65, see Blas- | 1. —— iv. 26. phemy. 4, 50. — — xxvii. 9, 35, see : 1. —— vi. 63. Spoken (which | — 71, see Spoken was 1. —— xxviii. 18. | 1, — vii. a 17, 18, 26, 1. Mark i. 34, marg. say. | 4. ——— 4, 42 (om. εἰπόντας | 1. ie. αὐτοῦ, as soon as He | 1. —— viii. 12, 20. had spoken, ἃ > L Τ | 2. 26 (No. 1, ἃ ὦ Tr AX.) LT Tra &.) 1. ——ii. 7. 2. 2 4, —— iii. 9. 1. 28, 30 part., 38, 1. —— iv. 33, 84. 44 twice. 1. ——v. 35 part., 36. 1. —— ix. 6 part 1. — vii. 35, 37. 1. 21 1, —— viii. 32. 4, 22. 4, —— ix. 18. | 1, 29. -- 39, see Sevilof. | 4. —— x. θ 15: 2, —— xii. 1 (No.1, LT 11. 6 2nd Tr A.) i 4, 41. 4. 12, 26. 5. —— xi. 15 Ist. 1, —— xiii. 11 3times. 2* 13 2nd. = 14, see 1 4. ——— 43 part., 51. — — xiv.9, § Spokenof | 2* 50. 2. 81 (No. 1, L T : 1, —— xii. 29, 36 Tr AN.) | 4, 38. 4, 39. ue 41, 48, 49 twice, ii 43. ] 50 twice. 2. ΤΙ. { 2. xiii. 18, 22, 24. 1. ——xvi. 17 (ap.), 19 | 4. 28. (αρ.). Γ1. -- πὶν. 10 1st (No. 2, 1. Luke i. 19, 20, 22. | T Tr Ὁ} -5. 42,see Sout. ; 1. 10 2nd, 25, 1. 55, 64, 70. | 1. —— xv. 3, 11, 22. 1. — ii. 33. | 1, —— xvi.13twice,25 twice, -- 34,seeSagainst. | 29 Ist. 1 98, 50. 2. 29 2nd. -- —— iv. 36, see Samong. a 33. uIP - 4, marg. say, 1. — xvii. i. 13. 1. —v.4, 21, 4, —— xviii. 1 part., 9,16, 2. * 36. κ 20. 4. —— vi. 26, 39 4, 22. iP 45. ie 99. 1. —— vii. 15 4. $2. 2. 24. 1. —— xix. 10. i, —— 39, ται 12, seeSagainst. .---ὄ. 6. SPE [ 724 ] SPE 5 i 1. 1 Pet. iii. 10. 1. 1 John iv. 5. pone eae ee ώς αχ ν Dea 16, } see S evil | 1. 2 John 12. Para Ίδη, 19) οκ. π.δ πι το 1. 8 John 14. de 9 9. ee : — Jude 8, 10, μα asa " χῆν τ ΞΞ 14, see Sevilof. | 1. 15,'1 = pas ση ας se hey 1. 2 Pet. i. at -- 17, see S before. το μμ ok ὦ — —— ii, 2, 10, 12, see 5. 1. Rev. i. 12. ει 16 re | 1, — ii. 6, 7, 18 ; evil om eed 2. Some Ἢ επ ο 1. ——iii. 1. } 2. — viii. 11. a: a | 2. τὴν (No.1, L mee 2, Eyes 1. me ae ν ; Trm.) © a a .ὦ) ᾽ . τ i 51, 24. eos Ἔδει iv, 1 ign Ξι τ ΘῈ S evil of AGAINST. σενα πο. SPEAK τι 20, 29, 31 ΠΗῚ xii. 3, 80. 2 1. at a Ee κ ea 13. ils ain 8 3 times, 3,4, | 1. ἀντιλέγω, (Wo. 2 2, with ἀντί, against, pe ee 44. ᾿ 5 twice, 6 twice, Qist, | ree τὰ Spake | 9 2nd (with εἰμί, to be), | in opposition, prefixed.) ; thin; i 11 twice, 13, 18, 19, 21, ‘ ι i hone ue Bawls.) | 38,57, ορ, 99, 34, 35, | 2. citi or Gee aE pene : 4. |. 99. wards, against, 1n a hostile sens ὃ: ay πῶ == αν. 34 (Νο. 1, Is : ὯΝ 2 2 1, — ix. 27, 29. 1 T Tr A &.) prefixed. 1 = 7, 2 (ορ) ας | 2/2 Cora 17 1. Luke ii, 34. 1. Acts xxviii. 19 part., "46. πα ee ae τῷ πια ρα 25 Sey ος iene 1. ‘Acts xiii. 45 (om.G—L | 2. 1 Pet. ii, 12. — — xiii. 40, see Sof. | 2. — vii. 3. ἘΞ ΣΝ 11. ἽΝ FS ο. ee te SPEAK AMONG. == again and, see Spo- } Vs 9] twice. - Se We) | 1 τμ πο, συλλαλέω, (“sPEAK,” Wo.1,) oon. ον pam) 1, —— xiii. 3. with σύν, together with, Le 1. — xiv. 1. Ι 2. Gal. 111. 15. refiwed) : g 25 3, see Boldly. ey 15, see S of ( 2 A 1 with. : πρός, towards, Ἔ cai, 13, 14, 32. — Eph. iv. ἘΣ see Truth. pos, π ιν 1. — xvii. 19, and see 1. ee uke iv. 36. Speakest (whereof | + oe thon) : DEY 8. 22, = saa a πντῇ μεσο ας κος SPEAK ANY MORE. et mag Bae ot ae ose προστίθημι, to set, put, lay unto or - eee ti eer ake with any thing, to add unto. = vu ο ta ο . 9 -- Boe Saat gainst | 1. Col. iv. 3, 4. Heb. xii. 19. τὸ ete τ : ο απο aie Ἀ Σ "56 part | 2 —iv. ἢ SPEAK BEFORE. : f τ 1. aun ai, 37 τοῦ πε 2, see Lies. προεῖπον, (Vo. 4, with πρό, before, pre- = 37 2nd, see 8 | 1. —v.13. ] Greek (can). - 14, see Re- Jived.) 1 89. : pronehfuby. Acts i. 16. 2 Pet. iii. 2. es nto, 1. Tit. 1 de 17. Ser ΤῈΣ ΒΊΟΝ | 2 we cea evil of Jude 17 1 ο. | 1. Heb. i. 1, 2. ares ἘΠῚ ai. Sof. | 1. — ii. 9, 8, 5. 2 1 sy avd [πας μι Bee Satter SPEAK EVIL OF. 5. 53 1. (to be) 1 Id (No. 5, 1, τὶ πας ον 1. βλασφηµέω, to blaspheme, speak + . . Ἐν το β΄ dot [1 — vi. 9. evil of, slander, defame, revile; one’s self. μαι. (Ixx. for Fr, 2 Kings xix. 6, 22; - 2 orth, . 4, ie 1 a at i 2. — viii. 1, and rad 5 ΝΠ, Is. hii. 5.) : 30 part. (ap.) (the things which... ; αὶ ~ xxv, if * se0 have) 2. καταλαλέω, (see “ SPEAK AGAINST, ο... Ὃ το, Ἢ 0. No. 2) to speak against, in a hos- which were . : ἘΝ ᾿ τ Ὃ ar ati Fees. be tile sense, (xx. for ηλ, Ps. xliv. 17 ; aL 111 απ G ο), r ᾽ ase i ασ περι» spoken of. 11], Ps. lxxvi. 19.) = 9 ith. | 8 xii. 5. "" 31 ΞΡ - 19, see S any 98, κακολογέω, to speak evilly or viciously = oy ager ome ers of, (Ixx. for 92, to curse, Ex. xxi. -- 24, see Spoken | 1. 24, 25 Ist. notorious ( coming acquainted, that an Egyptian (whom the chief captain supposed Paul to be) was unable to speak Greek. | Acts xxi. 37. SPEAK OF. 1. ἀναγγέλλω, to bring word back again, report back; then, gen., to report, notify, announce, proclaim, make known. SPEAK (πελη ONE) ἀκούω, to hear, παρά, from beside. John i. 40, 41. 2. καταγγέλλω, to bring word down, proclaim somewhither, announce. 3. εἶπον, see “ SPEAK,” No. 4. 4. ἐρῶ, see “ ΒΡΕΑΚ,᾽᾽ Wo. 5. 5. λαλέω, see “SPEAK,” Vo. 1. 6 SPEAKEST (wneErEoF THOU) / MO eae 33... Ἃ7; . λέγω, see “ ΒΡΕΑΚ;᾽ Vo. 2. ὑπὸ, [that] by 4, Mark xiv. 9. 3. Acts xxiii. 5. 5 2, John i. 15. 2. Rom 1. 8.5 Tau, thee ἘΠ 5. —vi. 71. 4, —— xv, 18. λαλουμένη, is being spoken. 3. Acts xiii, 40, Ie 21, ina Se SPEAK OUT. SPOKEN AFTER (το ΕΕ) λαλέω, here, fut. pass. part. of “ SPEAK,” Λο. 1, to be afterwards spoken. Heb. iii. 5. ἀναφωνέω, to lift up the voice, exclaim, ery out; (Ixx. for yown, 1 Ch. xv. 28; 2 Ch. v. 13), (non occ.) Luke i. 42, SS ee ee SPEAK TO. SPOKEN AGAINST (cannor ΕΕ) 1. προσφωνέω, to utter sounds towards ( αναντίῤῥητος, not to be) are not to any one, to address any one. contradicted, be contra- 2. προσλαλέω, (“SPEAK,” Wo. 1, with ( εἰμί, to be, dicted. προς, towards or to, prefixed.) Anta xing 1. Luke xxiii. 20. | 9, Acts xiii, 43, 1. Acts xxii. 2. SPOKEN OF pew, an obs. verb. from which is formed some of the tenses of ειπον, (see SPEAK UNTO. προσφωνέω, see above, No. 1. “ speak,” os. 4 and 5.) Acts xxi. 40, Matt. xxiv. 15. Ι Mark xiii. 14 (ap.) SPEAK WITH. SPOKEN OF (be) (margin.] 1. λαλέω, see “ spEAK,” No. 1. Heb. xi. 4, see “ SPrAK.” SPO — SPOKEN OF (He THaT was) 6, he [who] ῥηθέν, was spoken of, (see “ SPEAK,” Nos. 4 and 5.) Matt. iii. 3. SPOKEN OF BEFORE (which hath been so much) [margin. | 2 Cor. ix. 5, see “‘ NOTICE.” SPOKEN (ΤΗΑΤ or IT WHICH Was) τὸ, the [thing or matter] which ῥηθέν, was spoken of, (see “say,” V0.6.) Matt. 1, . Matt. xii. 17. — ii. 15, 17, 23. —— xiii. 35. — iv. 14. —— xxi. 4. — viii. 17. πα, οἱ, Mitt. xxvii. 9, 35 (ap.) SPOKEN (tHE or THOSE THINGS WHICH WERE) τὰ, the things [which were] λεγόμενα, spoken, (see “ say,” Λο. 1.) Luke xviii. 34, Acts xiii. 45. Acts xxvii. 11. —— xxviii. 24. SPAKE (ΤΠΟΡΕ THINGS WHICH...) τὰ λεγομένα, see above. Acts viii. 6. SPOKEN (THE THINGS WHICH...HAVE) τὰ λεγομένα, see above. Heb. viii. 1. SPEAKER (curEF) ἡγούμενος, the leader τοῦ, of the λόγου, discourse. Acts xiv. 12. SPEAKING (Ένττ) 1. βλασφημία, blasphemy, slander, re- viling ; (Ixx. for m¥3, Ezek. xxxv. 12.) 2. καταλαλία, speaking against, (im- plying hostility.) 1. Eph. iv. 31. | 2. 1 Pet. fi. 1. SPEAKING (atucH) πολυλογία, much speaking, loquacity ; (xx. ‘for D427 35, Prov. x. 19.) [ 726 J SPEAR. λόγχη, the triangular iron head of a lance or javelin; hence, lance, spear; (Ixx. for Πο], “παρ΄. v. 8; Neh. iv. 19, 16), (ποπ occ.) John xix. 34. SPEARMAN. δεξιολάβος, one who takes the right hand; hence, prob., a guard, body- guard. A word unknown to classic writers. Prob.some kind of light armed soldiers. Vulg. has lan- οδατ], (on 060.) Acts xxiii. 23. SPECIAL. ov, not τυγχάνω, the ordinary, casual, common, Acts xix. 11. SPECIALLY. μάλιστα, most, most of all, especially. no ordinary, uncommon. Acts xxv. 26. 1 Tim, v. 8. Phil. iv. 22. Tit. i. 10. 1 Tim. iv. 10. Philem. 16. SPECTACLE. θέατρον, theatre, a public show, (oce. Acts xix. 19, 31.) 1 Cor. iv. 9, marg. theatre. SPEECH. 1.. λόγος, the word spoken, not in its outward form, but as connected with the thought expressed, as a part of what is uttered. Hence, the word or speech, exposition, account; the word as a means or instrument, (not like No. 2, as a product, 1.6. not the mere act of speaking.) 2. λαλιά, the mere act of speaking, prattle, talk, brogue; (ἰχχ. for 319, Song, iv. 3; 925, Job xxxiii. i) 2. Matt. xxvi. μα 73. | 2. 1 Cor, it. 1, 4, — Mark vii. 32, see Im- | 1. —— iv. 19. pediment. — —— xv. 2, marg. see 2. xiv. 70. What. — 2 Cor. iii. 12, see Plain- ness. vii. 4, see Bold- 2. John viii. 43. — Acts xiv. 11, see S of Lycaonia (in the) 1. —— xx. 7. ness. — Rom. xvi. 18, see Ss | 1. ——=x.1 (fair) 1. —— xi. 6 1, 1 Cor... 1..17,..mare, || 1. Col. iv..6 (text, words) αμα, Lists SPE SPEECH OF LYCAONIA. Δυκαονιστί, adv. Lycaonice, in the Lycaonie dialect. Acts xiv. 11. SPEECHES (Farr) εὐλογία, eulogy, commendation; then, because with man such is often false, it comes to mean here fair speech, adulation. Rom. xvi. 18. SPEECHLESS. 1. evvéos, (prob. the same word, except in pronunciation, as ἄνεως, from aw, αὔω, speechless, dumb, with amazement) dumb, speechless, (cf. Germ., dumm); (Ixx. for obs, Is. lvi. 10.) 2. κωφός, blunted, dull, lame; as to the tongue or speech, dumb ; (Ixx. for dos, Hab. ii. 18.) 2. Luke i. 22, | 1. Acts ix. 7. SPEECHLESS (zr) φιμόω, to muzzle ; hence, put to silence. Here, pass., to be silenced. Matt. xxii, 12, SPEED. 2 John 10, 11, see ‘‘ Gon.” | SPEED (wirn arn) ( ὡς, as, τάχιστα, Most speedily, ) as quickly as possible. | Acts xvii. 15. | SPEEDILY. év, in ταχῷς, quickness, speed. Luke xviii. 8. SPEND (-ΕΒ81, speyr.) esp., to consume, use up, waste. expend further, (non occ.) 1. Mark ν. 26. — Acts xvii. 21, nee 2. Luke viii. 43. — — xviii. 21, | nine 1, —— xv. 14 part. — — xx. 16, . 1. 2 Cor. xii. 15. [ 727 Ἶ ο... ποτ -τ.ττ-..---- 1. δαπανάω, to spend, be at expense ; 2. προσαναλίσκω, to consume besides, | SPI SPEND MORE. προσδαπανάω, (No. 1, above, with πρός, towards, prefixed) to spend more, in addition to, (non occ.) Luke x. 35. SPENT (zr) 1. ἐκδαπανάομαι, (No. 1, above, axth ἔκ, out of, prefixed) to spend out, spend entirely, (non occ.) 2. διαγίνομαι, to be throughout, to be always ; of time, to be through, to have elapsed, be past. 2. Acts xxvii. 9 part. | 1. 2 Cor. xii, 15, ο SPENT (ΒΕ Far) 1. προκόπτω, to beat or drive forwards as if with repeated strokes. κλίνω, to bend, Ἢ the day is de- 9 incline, clining; (Ixx. for " ) ἡ, the, ΤΡ, Judg. xix. 11; ἡμέρα, day, πο), Judg. xix. 8: ΠΒ, Jer. vi. 4.) 9. Luke xxiv.29. | 1, Rom. xiii. 19. SPENT (wen THE Day was) ὥρας, hours, πολλῇῃς, many, γενομένης, having occurred. Mark vi. 35, SPICES. ἄρωμα, aromatics, spicery, (e.g. myrrh and aloe); (Ixx. for own, 9 Kings xx. 13; 2 Ch. ix. 1, 9; Song iv. 10 16) Luke xxiii. 56. | Luke xxiv. 1, John xix, 40, SPICES (sweer) Mark xvi. 1. SPIES. See, spy. SPIKENARD. oe nard, spikenard, (Heb. 73) πιστικός, true, genuine, pure, ξ.6. the most precious Mark xiv. 3, marg. pure nard or liquid nard. John xii, 8, SPI SPI SPILL (-Ep.) 1. ἐκχέω, to pour out. 2. ἐκχύνω, (a later form of No. 1.) 1. Mark ii. 22 (ὃ of ἀπόλλυται καὶ οἱ ἀσκοί, is lost and the bottles, instead of ὁ οἶνος ἐκχεῖται καὶ οἱ ἀσκοὶ ἀπολοῦνται, is spilled and the bottles willbe marred, Tr A.) 2. Luke v. 37. SPIN. νήθω, to spin ; (xx. for mo, Ex. xxxv. 25, comp. xxvl. 31; xxxviui. 18), (non oce.) Matt. vi. 28. | Luke xii. 27. SPIRIT (-s.) 1. πνεῦμα, (from πνέω, to blow, breathe; send forth an odour; to breathe or smell of a thing ; ef animals, to breathe hard, pant, gasp; gen., to draw breath, breathe, and so to live); hence, the air we breathe, wind; breathing as the sign and condition of life, breath. When it is not used for wind, it expresses immateriality, that which cannot be apprehended by the senses, but is recognised only by its operations or manifestations, as it’ is seen by the life, the liveli- ness, the activities, whether these activities be mental, moral, or physical. In the O.T., πνεῦμα is everywhere the translation of ny (Ruach) and is the lite principle springing from God, and is said to be possessed by all the lower creatures, Gen. vi. 17; vu. 17; Ps. civ. 29, 30; Ecc. 111, 19, 20; Is. xlii. 5. The nv or πνεῦμα of God, is the source of life in all its manifestations. The withdrawal of it leaves θανατός (death) the opposite of ζωή, (life, see “LIFE,” No. 1) Ps. civ. 90; exxxvii. 17; exlvi. 4; Job xv. 30; xxvii. 3; Ece. viii. 8; xii. 7; Jas. ii. 26. As the possession of man, it is a part of God’s spirit. Man made by it, Gen. 11.7; Job xxxili. 4; xxxiv. 14. Alan is not a spirit, but only possesses it for a time as a loan from God, Job xxvii. 3; Ezek. xxxvil. 5, 6, 14. At death it τε- turns to God, Ece. 11. 19. 20, and ‘hence can be “commended” to His care and keeping, Matt. xxvii. 50; Luke ‘viii. 55; xxiii. 46; John xix. 30; Acts vil. 59; Rev. xi. 11. The Spirit is not the man, for when thus commended it is given up, and separated from him, till Resurrec- tion. Comp. Matt. xxvii. 50; John xix. 30; Luke xxiv. 6, esp. 37— 39. The Spirit is distinct from the soul; see Gen. 11. 7; 1 Thes. v. 23. [The Hebrew word ΠΠ} (Ruach) oceurs 400 times, and is translated in 22 different ways, which may be thus classified. I. Used of an intelligent Being (Divine, Angelic, or Infernal), “ Spirit ’’ (240 times), in every passage, except Job xxvi. 4aud Prov. xx. 27, where it is the translation of ΓΙ 5 (N’shamah), breath. ΤΙ. Used of an injluence proceeding from a being or manifested by himas a state of mind or feeling. **Mind,” (6) Gen. xxvi. 35; Prov. xxjx. 11; Ezek. xi. 5; xx. 32; Dan. v. 20; Hab. i. 11. ‘‘ Anger,’ (1) Judg. viii. 3. ‘‘ Courage,” (1) Josh, ii. 11. “ Understanding,” (1) Is. xi. 3. ‘* Spiritual,” (1) Hos. ix. 7. ‘‘Cool,” (1) Gen. iii. 8. “‘ Vain,” (1) Job. xvi. 3. “Smell,” (5) Ex. xxx. 38; Lev. xxvi. 31; Deut. iv. 28; Ps. exv.6; Amosv. 21. ‘*Smelleth,” (1) Job. xxxix. 25. ‘*Smelled,” (2) Gen. xxvii. 27. ‘‘ Accept,” (1) 1 Sam. xxvi. 19, ‘‘ Toucheth”’ (1) Judg. xvi. 9.. III. Used of the atmosphere, wind, ov breath, or some- thing connected with them. ‘* Wind,” (95) in every passage where the word “wind” occurs, ** Whirlwind,” (1) Ezek. i. 4.‘ Windy,” (1) Ps. lv. 8. Air,” (1) Job. xli. 16. ‘* Tempest,” (1) Ps. xi. 6. ** Blast,” (4) Ex. αν. 8; 2 Kings xix. 7; Is. xxv. 4; xxxvii.7. ‘‘ Breath,” (28) Gen. vi. 17; vii. 15, 22; 2Sam. xxii. 16; Job. iv.9; ix.18; xii. 10; χν. 80, xvii. 1; xix. 17; Ps. xviii.15; xxxiii. 6; civ. 29; exxxv. 17; cxlvi. 4; Ecce. iii. 19; Is. xi. 4; xxx. 28; xxxiii. 11; Jer. x. 14; li. 17; Lam. iv. 20; Ezek. xxxvii. 5,6, 8,9, 10; Hab. ii. 19. “Quarters,” (1) 1 Ch. ix. 24. Side,” (6) Jey. lii. 23; Ezek, ΧΙ, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. In theN.T., πνεῦμα, the equivalent of the Heb. TH, oceurs 385 times, and is translated as fol- lows: '* Spirit,” (288 times) and with Holy, ren- dered ‘“* Holy Spirit,’ (4) ; ‘* Holy Ghost,” (89) ; “ ehost,’’ (2); ‘life,’’(1); “spiritual,” (1); “ spiri- tually,’ (1); “wind’’ (1), and in the margin “breath,” (2); ‘of the spirit,” (1); spirit (1). See under each word for the respective occur- rences. | {With regard to special passages, note (a) 1 0ου ν. 5. Here, the flesh is σάρξ (the flesh), not σώμα (the body), for the body is to partake of the salvation of the Spirit. See 1 Cor. xv. 50. The punishment was prob. corporeal death or disease, and referred to in 1 Cor. xi. 80, (Ὁ) 1 Cor. xiv. 82. The word refers here evidently to spiritual gifts. (ο) Heb. xii. 23. It is certain that ‘* just men” are not “ made perfecti’’ before the coming of Christ and the resurrection of the dead. It is προσε- ληλύθατε, ye have come, to (the) spirits of just [men δικαίων τετελειωμένων, Who have been per- ected, or whose course is run, finished. It is the ‘just men” who are “ perfected,” not the SPI (c) (4) 2. 3. “ spirits’’ (otherwise it must have been πν. διακαίων τετελειωμένοις). There can be no perfec- tion till the resurrection of the dead. Spirits now ‘‘returned to God” are imperfect till Christ comes again, and the Heavenly Jerusalem descends, and the Church, the body of Him who is ‘‘the first-born from the dead,” (Rev. i.5; xx.4—6; xxi. 10, 11. 1 Pet. iii. 19. “τοῖς ἐν φυλακῇ πνεύμασι᾽᾽ to the in-prison spirits. πνεύματα, spirits, when staud- ing alone (without any qualifying words, as it does here), is never used of men in any form, state or condition. These are spiritual beings. He ‘‘maketh His angels spirits,’’ Heb. i. 7; Ps. civ. 4. The angels who sinned in Gen. vi. 2, 4, see 2 Pet ii. 4—9 and Jude 6, 7. The term **Sons of God,” Gen. vi. 2, 4, is always used of angels, see Job ii. 1, xxxviii. 7; Ps. xxix. 1, Ixxxix. 6; Dan. iii. 25 (Codex A of the Ixx. in Gen. vi. 2 reads ‘‘ayyeAot τοῦ Θεοῦ, angels of God), They left their own “habitation’’ (οἰκητήριον occurs only here and 2 Cor. v. 2, where it is used of a spiritual body!). For their sin they were “‘cast down to Tartarus,” ‘‘ delivered unto chains of darkness” ; in other words, put ‘‘in prison’’ and reserved unto the judgment of the great day. Christ’s triumph was so complete that the proclamation (see ‘‘ prEAcH,” No. 1) of it reached evento Tartarus. Inthestructure of the passage, verse 20 corresponds to verse -22: in verse 20 we have the disobedience of these spirits, while in verse -22 we have tbeir subjec- tion. See a pamphlet by the sime author on the Spirits in Prison, publishe1 by him at 7, St. Paul’s Churchyard, wherein th:s scripture is expounded in the light of the Epistle asa whole. The passage is introduced for the purpose of proving that ‘‘it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing than for evil doing, FOR Cbrist also once sutfered, &c.’’ He had a glorious triumph (Eph. iv. 8; Col. ii. 15; 1 Pet. i. 21) ; so will you in like manner. Even when angels were put in prison men (Noah and Lot) were delivered (see ‘‘save,”’ No. 2) ;—You will likewise be delivered from your tribulation. 1 Pet. iv.6. Here in the A. V. and R. V. the particle μέν, though, is left untranslaied. It does not say that the gospel was preached to them “that they might be judged,” but, that “though (μέν) they might be judged.” They might be judged indeed (μέν) by man’s tribunal (κατὰ ἀνθρώπους, according to the will of men, see Rom. viii. 27; xv. 5; 1 Cor. xii.8; xv. 32; 2Cor. vii, 9, 10, 11; xi. 17; Gal. i. 11; Eph. ii. 2; Col, ii. 8; 1 Pet. iv. 14). They might be put to death indeed (μέν) as regards the flesh κής κύ, the Dat. of reference), yet (δὲ) they shall live according to the will of God (xara θεόν, see the refs, above). For this cause —to give them this hope—was the Gospel preached to them as is described in 1 Pet. 1, 12, 25. The hope of glory Mie set Ag against their sufferings, see 1 Pet. i. 11; iv. 13. No. 1 represents πνεῦμα simply, with- out any adjunct, while is τὸ πνεῦμα, the Spirit, when used objectively. When πνεῦμα is used of the Spirit of Christ or of man, the art. is indispensable. (a) πνεῦμα, defined by some genitive or adjective, etc., “his,” ‘“ my,” “unclean,” ete., gen. with the art. φάντασμα, a phantasm, phantom, (non occ.) [ 729 J 2a.Matt. iii. 16. 2. —iv.1. 2. —-v.3. 2a,—— viii. 16. 2a,—— x. 1, 20. 2a.—— xii. 18, 28, 43, 45. 3. —— xiv. 26. 1, —— xxii. 43. 2. —— xxvi. 41. 2. Mark 1, 10, 12. 2a.— 23, 26, 27. ey 8 2a.— iii. 11, 30. 2a,— v. 2, 8, 19. 2a.— vi. 7. 8. 49. 2a,—— vii. 25. 2a.— viii. 12. va.— ix. 17. 2. 20. | ρα. 25 twice. 2. —— xiv. 38. 2a.Luke i. 17, 47, 80. 1. 8. 2. —— ii. 27. 1. 40 (om, ἐν πνεύ- ματι, in βρίγὶ, ἃ = L T TrAR.) 2. —— iv. 1, 14. 2a. 18, 33, 36. 2a,— vi. 18. 2a.—— vii. 21. 2a.— viii. 2, 29, 55. 1. —— ix, 39. 2a, 42, 55, 28. x, 90, 2. 21. — — xi. 13, see S(Holy) 2a,—— 24, 26. 2a,— xiii. 11. 2a,—— xxiii. 46. 1, —— xxiv. 37, 39. 2. John i, 82, 33. 1, — iii. 5. 2. 6 lst. LP 6 2nd. 2. 8, 34. 1, —— iv, 23, 24 twice. 2. —— vi. 63 15 1 63 2nd. 2, — vii. 39. 2, —— xi. 33. 2, —— xiii. 21 2a.— xiv. 17. 2a,—— xv. 26. 2a,.— xvi. 19. 2. Acts ii. 4. 28. 17, 18. 2a,—— v. 9, 16. 2, —— vi. 10. 2a.—— vii. 59. 2a,—— viii. 7. 2. 29. 2a, 39. 2, —x. 19. 2, —— xi. 12, 28. 2, —— xvi. 7, 2a. 16. 2. 18. 2a.—— xvii. 16. 2. —— xviii. 5 (λόγῳ, in his discourse, instead of πνεύματι, in the spirit, GL Τ Tr AR.) 5 ο 2a.— xix. 12, 18, 15, 16. 2. Mss 2. —— xx. 22. 2. —— xxi. 4. 1. —— xxiii. 8, 9. ga.Rom. i. 4, 9. 1. ——ii., 29. 1. — Vi. ο. 1. —— viii. 1 τ, 2. ᾿ 4, 5 lst 2.— 5 2nd. SPI 2. Rom. viii. 6 marg. (text, épirttual.) 9 ist. 1 2a. 9 2nd, 9 3rd. .—— 10. 21.—_——. 11 twice. 1. —— 13 2a. ΕΣ 2a, 15 twice. 2. 16 lst. 2a, 16 2nd. 2. 23, 26 1st. 2a 26 2nd. 2 27. 2a,—— xi. 8 2. — xii. 11. 2a.— xv. 19 9 1. 1Cor. ii. 4. 2a. 10 Ist. > 10 2nd. Ya. 11 twice, 12 twice, 14. 34. iii. 16, 2a.—— iv. 21. 2. —-v. 3. 2a. 4, 2. 5, see Note, No. la. 2a. vi. 11, 17, 20. 1. —— vii. 34. 2a. 4), 2a.— xii. 3, 4. ;, 7, 8 1st. Za. § 2nd, 9 twice, 10, 11, 15 twice. | 1, —— xiv. 2. 28. 15 marg. (text, spiritual.) 2a. 14. 2. 15 twice, 16, ρα. 32, see Note, No. 1b. 2a,— xv. 45. 2a.—— xvi. 8. 2. 2 Cor. i. 22. 2a.—— ii. 13. 2a,—— iii. 3. 1 6 Ist. 2 6 2nd, 8, 17 Ist. 2a, 17 2nd. 18 (lit. ἀπὸ Kv. | plov πνεῦματος. from the Lord the Spirit.) 2a. 2a.— iv. 19. 2. —v. δ. 1. — vii. 1. 2a. 18. 2a.—— xi. 4. 2a.—— xii. 18. 2. Gal. iii. 2. pe 3. 2 5, 14. 2a. iv. 6. i. 29. 1. —v. 5, 16. 8. 17 twice. i 18. 2. 22. 1 25 twice. 2a VL 1. 2. 8 twice. 2a ls . 8. — Eph. aon see S(Holy) ‘ 2a,— ii. 2, 18. ue 22. 1. —— iii. δ. 2a. 16. 2. iv. 8. 2a 4, 23. -- 30, see S (Holy) 2. v. 9. iL. 1, - vi. 12 marg., see Spiritual. 2. —— 17. 1, 18, 1. πνευματικός, belonging to the Spirit, or determined by the πνεῦμα; influenced by from it. it, or proceeding [(a) In 1 Cor. x. 4, the spiritual SPI [ που. Τι SPI 2a.Phil. i. 29, 97. 1. 1 Pet. i. 2. SPIRITUAL THINGS Ἱ = τι ἢ αμ, ἊΣ . 1. — iii. 3. 2. 18. Rom. xv. 27. | 1 Cor. ii. 19; 1. Col. i. 8. Qa. 19, see Note, 1 Cor. ix. 11. 2. ——11. 5. 5 τ No. lc. —1 Thes. iv. 8, see Κ 1. ——iv. 6, see Note, 2 ν. 19 [(Holy) : Νο. τα, Ἶ SPIRITUAL (ae Tuar 15) 23. 23. 8.- 6 1. 2 Thes. ii. 1. 2. 1 John iii, 94. No. 1, with art. 2a. 5 2a, iv. 1 twice, 2 twice, 1 Cor. ii. 15 iL 13. 3, 6 twice, 19. Pari 1. 1 Tim. iii. 16. 2, —— v. 6 twice, g, 2. iv. 1 150. 1. Jude 19. ; 1 - oe it pee SPIRITUAL (vHat wuHicH 18) ie Bi i 10. . ' 20.2 Tim. i. 7. 2, — ii. 7, 11, 17, 29. No. 1, with art. 28. iv. 22. 2a,— 1.1.1. 1 Cor. xv. 46 twice. 2a.Philem, 25. 9, 6, 13, 22. a.Heb. i. 7, 14. 1. —— iv. 2. ay, τ 2a. 5. SPIRITUAL (ve wuicH ΑΠΕ) 2a -- -- en 2a.— v. 6. 5 2a,—— x. 29 ο wit, Tlie ὑμεῖς. YOU 2a,— xii. 9. 2, —— xiv. 13. ( 2 ᾿ yous 2a.—— 28, see Note, | 2a.— xvi. 13, 14, 4 οἱ, the ν ο. 1ο. 1. — xvii. 3. inl 1. Jas. ii. 96. τς προ πνευματικοί, spiritual. 7 παν, [ρα, xix. 10. Gal. vi. 1. LSP et. a. 2. 1. —— xxi. 10. Sar 2a. its 2. —— xxii. 17. SPIRIT DUALLY SPIRITUAL. 1. πνευματικῶς, (adv. of No. 1, above) spiritually, z.e. in accordance with or through the Spirit. 2. πνεῦμα, (Gen. of “spirit,” Νο. 1) of the Spirit, 1.6. “[the mind] of the Spirit [is life and peace. |” 2. Rom. viii. 6. | 1. 1 Cor. ii. 14, rock was the rock pointed out by Him who made the water to spring from it, Himself being the source, (see Deut. viii. 15; Ex. xvil. 6, and Deut. xxxil. 4; xv. 18.) And as that Rock when once ‘‘smitten” was afterwards only to be “spoken to,” so now with Christ, who, once smitten for us, now when spoken to in prayer 1. Rev. xi. 8. SPIT (-ep, spar.) πτύω, to spit, spit out, (same as Lat. spuo, sputo; and Lng. spew, spit); lxx. for pv, Numb. xii. 4, occ.) (non Mark vii. 33. ἢ Mark viii. 23 part. John ix. 6, refreshes our souls. | 2. πνεῦμα, (see “ spirit,’ Νο. 1.) Here Gen. pl., of spirits, i.e. demons, of the actings of which the Gen- tile ἐς envious,” with the Holy 1. Bom. i. 11. 1, ——vii. 14, nae — Rom. xv. 27, 2 ΒΕΡῈ — 1 Cor.ii 18εἰ, ) Wings. if 13 2nd. fis) -- 15 see S(he that 1, — iii. 1. | 1. —— ix.1l,see S things. 1. —x. 3, 4 Ist. 1α--------- 4 2nd, 1. — xii. 1. Corinthians confounding — — xiv. l,sceS gifts. seemed to he ¢ them Ghost (ef. κα. 10.) 2. 1 Cor. xiv. 12. uy 37. 1. — xy. 44 twice. 40 twice) see § (that which is) — Ga). vi. 1, see S (yo 1. Eph.i.3. (which are) 1. ν. 1° (om. Lb.) 1, —— vi. 1?,marg. spirit. 1 1 1 5 COLI. θὰ . — iii. 16. . 1 Pet, 11. 5 twice. -_ SPIRITUAL GIFTS. 1 Cor. πεν, 1. SPL The ἐμπτύω, (the above, with ἐν, in, prefixed) (a) followed by εἰς, into. a. Matt. xxvi. 67. SPIT ON. Mark xiv. 65. | Luke xviii. 32. SPIT UPON. a. Matt. xxvii. 30. | Mark x. 34, Mark xv. 19. ών ο ee eee SPITEFULLY (entrear) ὑβρίζω, to wax wanton, run riot, esp. in the use of superior strength; hence, in dealing with other persons, to treat despitefully, outrage, insult insolently, abuse; (1xx. for bon, 2 Sam. xix. 43.) Matt. xxii. 6. | Luke xviii. 32., SPI —————_—_—____—__---—_—_—_—_ SPITTLE. πτύσμα, What is spit out, spittle, (see “sprr’’), (non occ.) John ix. 6. SPOIL (-s.) [noun.] . σκῦλον, skin as stripped off, hide; then, spoil, booty as stripped from an enemy; (xx. for Ὁ 12. Zech. xiv. 1; Is. ΠΠ. 12), (non οσο.) . ἀκροθίνιον, the topmost ο) best part of a heap; hence, the choice part, the first-fruits of the field, booty, (non oce.) 1. Luke xi. 22. | 2. Heb. vii. 4. SPOIL (-ερ.) [verb.] . διαρπάζω, to snatch asunder, pillage, plunder; (Ixx. for na, Gen. xxxiv. 27,29; Nah. τ: 9; bra, Deut. xxviii. 29; mow, 1 Sam. xxii. 1; Is. xlii. 22), (non occ.) . ἀπεκδύομαι, to strip off from one’s self, to put off, divest one’s self of; then, to strip off for one’s self, despoil. [ Here, it must mean either the spoiling of the powers of dark- nee) (ef 1G 20.10; Eph. τὸ: 2; vi. 11, 12), or, the putting off the law, the handwriting of or- dinances which was against us, which had been given by heaven- ly and angelic powers, (Gal. 11], 19; Heb. ii. 2) and triumphed over them, rendering them power- less for His Ῥοορ]ο.] (occ. Col. ah 9). ἔσται, there shall be, | Here, lit., (; 3 5, who, [15] _ “lest some- ᾿) συλαγωγῶν, leading J one there ι [you] off asaprey. ) shall be ” who is, ete.” The “you” is em- phatice, ‘and the verb in the future implies present danger more than mere possibility. | (non ace.) 1. Matt. xii.29 1st (ἁρπάζω, | 1. Mark iii, 27 twice. seize upon, L'T Tr A.) 3. οσοι 11. ”. 2921 a adele L.) ο 15 SPOILING. ἁρπαγή, plundering, pillage; (Ixx. for | ba, Eee. v. 7.) Heb. κ. 31. τ | | | SPR ο -. + SPOKE, SPOKEN. See, SPEAK. SPONGE. σπόγγος, ἃ sponge, (non οσο.) Matt. xxvii. 48, | Mark xv. 36. John xix, 29, ἐκ. κκ. SPORT ONE’S SELF. ἐντρυφάω, to live delicately or uriously, (866 (non oce.) 2 Pet. ii. 13. lux- “ DECEIVINGS ”’), SPOT (-s.) [noun. ] σπῖλος, a spot, a stain; mark, stain, in a moral sense, (non occ.) ds 2. σπιλάς, a cliff, breaker, on which vessels are wrecked, craggy rocks, (non occ.) 1. Eph. v. 27. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 19. PLA ate 12, SPOT ο δι . ἄσπιλος, (No. prefixed.) ἄμωμος, without blemish, without bodily defect. 1 Tim. vi. 14. [out fault. Heb. ix. 14, marg. with- 1, with a, without, 1. 1 Pet. i. 19. Ἔν 2. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 14. SPOT (-rep.) [verb.] σπιλόω, to spot, to stain, to defile, (occ. Jas. ΠΠ. 6.) Jude 23. SPREAD. . στρώννυμι, to strow, to spread; (Lxx. Sor vv, Est. iv. 3; Is. xiv. 11.) ὑποστρώννυμι, to strow or spread underneath; (κκ. for »yn, Ps. lvili. 6), (non occ.) bo 3. διανέμω, to cut through, distribute throughout, spread abroad. — Matt. ix. as see Fame. “a 1. Mark xi. 8 (ap.) 1, —— xxi. 2. Luke xix. 36. SPREAD ABROAD. ἐξέρχομαι, to go or come out of any place, proceed; (Ixx. everywhere Sor 8¥.) Mark i. 28. | : 2. πρό ι ri towards to bear, spoken of women ; pass., “ TPTXYTS, ἃ pouring out ἴον SPR ; we STA SPREAD UPON. [margin] | SPRING UP WITH. John ix. 6, see “ ΑπΟΙΝΤ.” συμφύω, (No. 5, above, with σύν, to- gether with or in conjunction with, prefixed.) Luke viii. 7 pass. SPREAD ABROAD (sr) ( γίνομαι, to become lit., famous a φανερόν, conspicuous, ¢ became SPRINKLE (απ, -rve.) (famous, [his name] | ῥαντίζω, to sprinkle, besprinkle; (Ixx. Mark vi. 14. for m, Lev. vi. 27; 2 Kings ix. 33; also for son, Ps. li. 9), (non SPRING. occ.) ; : Heb. ix. 18, 19,91. [1 Heb. x. 22. 1. ἀνατέλλω, trans., to cause to rise up; wtrans., to rise up; spoken ‘ τ of the sun or light, the stars or SPRIN Se clouds; comp. Luke i. 78; Numb. | 1. ῥαντισμός, a sprinkling ; (xx. for ay: 17, πο, Numb. xix. 9 ; xiii; 20,21), (non occ.) 2. γεννάω, to beget, spoken of men; . x. Ex. xii. 7, 29). (non to be begotten or born. η. (xx. Ex 7,22), ( 1. Heb. vii. 14. [ 2. Heb. xi. 19. 9, Heb. xi. 28, |. 1. Heb, xt 24 i ta 1. 1 Pet. i. 2. SPRING IN. εἰσπηδάω, to leap into; (Ixx. for x3, ἐμέω, to spue out, vomit forth; (Ixy. Amos v. 19.) for 590, Is. xix. 14), (non oce.) Acts xvi. 29. Rey. iii. 16. SPUE. SPRING UP. pamela See, SPONGE. 1. ἅλλομαι, to leap, jump, spring; (ixx. for ο, Job vi. 10; mx, 1 Sam. x. 10), (οσο. Acts iii. 8; ᾽ SPY, SPIES. 1. ἐγκάθετος, a sitting in ambush, lying in wait; (Ixx. for ay, Job | ΧΧΧΊ. 9), (non oce.) 3. βλαστάνω, to germinate, put forth; | 2. κατάσκοπος, one who views accu- xiv. 10.) ἀνατέλλω, see “ sprina,” Λο. 1. to (so, lxx. for ΠΒ, Numb. xvii. 23 ; rately, a scout, reconnoiterer ; nwt, Joel ii. 22), (occ. Heb. ix. 4; (Ixx. for 2119, Gen. xlii. 9, 11.) Jas. v. 18.) 1. Luke xx. 20. | 2. Heb. xi. 21, 4, ἐξανάτελλω, (No. 2, with ἐξ, out of, no SPY OU prefixed) to rise up out of, (non ‘ T. ce.) κατασκοπέω, to view accurately, recon- ; ; noitre, spy out, explore; (Ixx. for 5. φύω, to generate, produce, bring boy 2 Barn “ ei sae Nae Hy forth, (non occ.) (at ορ] tenes ry "νὴ" 6. ἀναβαίνω, to cause to ascend, ascend, ve wai come up, as thoughts, plants, etc. STABLISH (-zp, -στη.) ᾿ . πα ος -ᾱ . 4 ο αμα ως aoe 1 στηρίζω, to set fast, fix firmly, make 6. 7. 5. Luke viii. 6 part., 8. steadfast, establish ; (Ixx. for 70, 3. 26. 1, John ἦν, 14, : .. 4. Mark iv. δ. | 5. Heb. xfi. 15. Ps. li. 14; exii. 8.) STA STA ο 2. βεβαιόω, to make steadfast, con- firm; (Ixx. for Dp, Ps. exix. 28; myn, Ps. xli. 13) ; spoken of things, to corroborate, ratify. 1. 2 Ther. ii. 17. 1, — iii. 1. 1, Jas. v. 8. 1. 1 Pet. v. 10. stand, to set, to place; (b) dor. and fut. pass., and fut. mid.; and (c) intrans.,perf.,plup.,and Aor. 2, to stand, as opp. to falling; stand fast, stand stall. rows Q ο 8, [-} .« ἐφίστημι, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed) trans., to place upon or over, set over. In V.T. only intrans., to place one’s self upon or near, stand upon or over. 1. ῥάβδος, a rod, wand, staff. (a) Heb. xi. 21, ἐπὶ, (Heb. ὅν, upon) τὸ ἄκρον τῆς ῥάβδου, upon the top of his rod, in allusion to Gen. xlvii. 31. 2. ξύλον, wood; then, anything made of wood, as a staff, club. παρίστημι, (No. 1, with παρά, beside, prefixed); (a) trans., to cause to stand near, to place beside or near by. (Ὁ) intrans., to stand near, stand by. ως 3, Mark sty, 48,48: 4. συνίστημι, (No.1, with σύν, together -- . ’ . . LUKE 1X, ὦ. . - 5 . 1; Mark vi. 8. 2, — xxii, 52. in conjunction with prefixed); la. Heb. xi. 21. (a) ¢rans., to make stand with or together, to place together. STAGGER (-Ep.) διακρίνω, to separate throughout, 1.6. wholly, completely. Here, mid., to separate one’s self from; be | 5. in strife with one’s self, 1.6. to doubt, hesitate, waver. Rom. iv. 20. STAIR (-s.) STAFF, STAVES. | | (Ὁ) intrans., to stand with, place | together, set together. στήκω, (a late form found only in the present, from ἔστηκα, I stand, the perf. of No. 1) to stand, stand firm; (Ixx. for 29nn, Ex. xiv. 13.) | 6. μένω, to remain, continue, abide. le.Matt. ii. 9 (ib, ἃ ΟἹ, | le. John viii. 9 (ap.) ἀναβαθμός, act of ascending; then, T Tr AN.) Ίο.----- xi. 56 part. means of ascent, as steps, stairs ; | Εμμ a ο πα ο ᾿ . —— . ay aU. η (ixx. for moyn, 1 Kings x. 19, 20), | 1ο. 46, 47. 1¢e.— xix. 25. — xiii. 2 ia 14, 19, 2 Le; xiii. 2. ο, xx. 11, 14, 19, 26, (non occ.) 1¢e.— xvi. 28. 1e.—— xxi. 4. Acts xxi. 35, 40. oe xx, ae twice. sence i. a ¢.—_ xxiv. 15. ¢,—— iii. 8. 5 le. xxvii. 11, 47. ο iv. 14. 1b. Mark iii. 24, 25. 1b.—— v. 20. STALL. 1p. 96 (le, ᾿ T Tr | le. 23, 25. , . Ε Ξ 10. 31. Α Ν.) | 1c.— vii. 33, 55, 56, φάτνη, ἃ crib, ἃ manger ; (ixx Jor Dias, | τὸς πὴ ἢ ΤΕΣ ΧΕΙ. Job. xxxix. 9; Is. i. 3. 1e.— xi. 5. le.— x, 80 2 5 25 1b.— xi. 18 Luke xiii. 15. le.—— xiii, 14, le.— xvi. 9 Pee σεῖς Ἰρδδν ρος Ἅἀἑ - 38b.— xv. 39. 1b.—— xvii. 22 le. Luke i, 11. le.—— xxi. 40. STANCH (-eEp. Sb. 19. 2, —— xxii, 13. ἿΞ ( ) 2. —— iv. 39. le. xxiv. 20 part., 21, ἵστημι, (a) trans., to cause to stand, to 1 Υ͂. 4% να = ae C¢.——— V1. . ἵ'---- vi. ο, place. le.—— vii. 38. le.Rom. v. 2. ᾿ : 1e.— viii. 90, 8. —— 3x Tk (Ὁ) intrans.,to stand; then, tostand | 1¢.— ix. 27. 1o,— xi. 20. Ἵ 15. xi, 18, 5. —xiv. 4. still, stop. le.—— xiii. 25. le.1 Cor. vii. 57. b. Luke viii. 44. le.—— xvii. 12. — —viii. 13, see World, ει ΣΝ αλά τωνΝ πο al 1b, — xviii. 11. 1o.— x. 12. { le 13. o.—— xv. 1, 1 tb. 40 = ας. STAND (-zst, -ΕΤΗ, ἀνα; stoop.) | 17%, πος ἮΝ αι . . 8 as 1b.—— xxi. 88, — Gal. iv. 20, see Doubt. (or various combinations with other | 32 Six 10, 35, 49. | 1e.Eph. vi. 11, 13, 14. words, see below.) le.—— xxiv. 36. 19.090]. iv. 12. ᾿ ‘ i le.John i, 26, 35. le.1 Tim. ii. 19. 1.. ἵστημι, (a) trans., in the present, imp. se ae ο ο C.-——" V1. δώ, . . . . and Aor. 1 of the act.. to cause to | 1¢.— vii. 37 16.——< ¥. ὃ, STA [ 8 STA 191 Pet. τ. 19. | ih Rey xiii. ἢ Gees, | STAND ROUND ABOUT. | | 4b.2 Pet. iii. 5. it or he stood; in- 1c. Rev. iii. 20. stead of ἐστάθην, εριΐστημι, see “STAND BY 2. Noe 4, πο ΞΕ Ξε vy 1 stood, L Tr A.) 1. περ μι, ᾽ 1b.—— vi, 17. 2. κυκλόω, to encircle, surround; (Ixx. 1e.— vii. 1, 9, 11. le, — xv. 2. ae Ki a Tee ga Ve. — 9, | lc. — xviii. 10, for 220, 1 Kings vii. 15; 1 Sam. 1b. a 10. 15. ii : 5 ith Ίος πα ΡΕ ἊΣ τ vii. 16; and ain, Is. xxix. 3.) 1le,— x1. 1 Elon. ), 4, 11. Je,— xix. 17. 9, Acts xiv. 20 part. | 1. Acts xxv, 7. 1c.— xii. le, xx. 12, STAND BEFORE. STAND STILL. 2. Acts x. 17. | 3. Rom. xiv. 10 (mid.) ἵστημι, see “ STAND,” No. Ίο. Matt. xx. 32. | Luke vii. 14, STAND BY. Mark x. 49. Acts viii. 98, STAND ΤΡ. 1. ἀνίστημι, (“stann,” No. 1, with ava, παρίστημι, see above, No. 3b. ἵστημι, see above, No. 16. ἐφίστημι, see above, No. 2. περιΐστημι, (“stanpd,”’ Wo. 1, with περί, around, prefixed) trans., to cause to stand around, place around; intrans.,to stand around; (Ixx. for 31), 2 Sam. xiti. 31.) up, prefixed) trans., to cause ἢ stand or rise up, to ‘aise up; ὔη- trans., to rise up, arise. Boo 19 Ἰν ἵστημι, see “STAND,” Vo. 1b. παρίστημι, see “sTannd,” Wo. 3b. RO απο οι ND ii ἵστημι, see “ STAND,” No. 16. 2 συνίστηµι, see “ STAND, » No _ Ab. 2, Matt. xxvi. 73. 1. John xviii. 22. Mark xiv. 60. | 3. Acts iv. 26. 1. Mark xiv. 47, 69, 70. 1. —— xix. 26. Luke iv. 16. 1. —— v. 34 part. 1, —— xv. 35. 1. Acts i. 10. νε ους ΠΡ ἘΞ ΞῸ με 1. Luke xix. 24, il, == hs, 38) Acts i. 15. | 1. —— xi. 28. 5.1 — xxiv, 4. 2. —— xxii. 25. — ii. 14. 1. —— xiii, 16 part. 4. John xi. 42. | 1. —— xxiii. 2, 4. 2. Acts xxv. 18 part. 2, — xii. 29. 3. 11. 1. Acts xxvii. 23. === STAND UPRIGHT. STAND FAST. ἀνίστημι, see above, No. 1. 5. 1 Cor. xvi. 13. ο ΕΡΗ ΙΤ Acts xiv. 10, 5. Gal. v. 1. 5. 1 Thes. iii. 8. 5. Phil. i. 27. 5. 2 Thes. ii. 15. SE is STAND WITH. STAND FORTH. 1. παρίστημι, see “ sTAND,” «Λο. 3b. | ἔγειραι, rise up [and come] wnder- | 3. συμπαραγίνομαι, to come in at the eis, into, [ stood, same time, to come in to assist, " ) τὸ, the, — and so to stand by another ; ; (Ixx. μέσον, midst. for ma, Ps. lxxxiti. 9.) Mark iii. 3 (ἔγειρε, stand forth (active), GLTTr A®.) τις ἐπ ay Luke vi. 8 twice. 2 Tim. iv. 16 (παραγίνομαι, to be at hand or near, LT Tr &.) — iv. 10. STAND HERE. παρίστημι, see “STAND,” Vo. 3b. Acts iv. 10. gers STANDING (55) ἔχω, to have, (here, has a, ο) has its) στάσις, ἃ standing. STAND (araKe) Heb. ix. 8. ἵστημι, sce “stand,” No. 18. Se ΞΞ--------- Rom. xiv. 4. STAR (-5.) 2 1. ἀστήρ, a star, a single star; spoken STAND (ποστ) of fixed stars, planets, or meteors ; ὦ, might be, (subj. of εἰμί, to be.) (Ixx. for 3313, Gen. i, 16; Is. xiii. 1 Cor. 4.5, 10; Joel iii. 15.) STA (a) ὃ ἀστὴρ ὃ πρωϊνός, the morning star. [Spoken of Christ as the coming one, seen by His bride, the Church, just before the dawn, seen by those who watch through ‘the night, before Herises as “the Sun of Righteous- ness” upon Israel. | 2. ἄστρον, a constellation; gen. in pl., the stars ; seldom used of a single star, as No. 1 is. 1. Matt. ii. 2, ni? 9, 10. | 1, Rev. i. 16, 20 twice. 1. —— xxiv. 29 1. — ii. 1. 1. Mark xiii. 35. la. 28. 2. Luke xx. 25. aoe i 2. Acts vii. 43. 1. —vi. 2. —— xxvii. 20. 1. —— viii. ri 11, 19. 1. 1 Cor. xv. 41 3 times. 1. ——ix.1. 2. Heb. xi. 12. (star. | 1. —— xii. 1, 4. — 2 Pet. i. 19, see Day- | la.— xxii. 16, STATE (your) τά, the things περὶ, concerning (Saar, you. Phil. ii. 19, 20. See also, LAST, MY, YOUR. STATER. (margin. | Matt. xvii, 27, see ‘‘ PIECE OF MONEY.’’ ’ STATURE. ἡλικία, adultness, maturity of life, mind, age, or person; (Ixx. for Typ, Ez. xiii. 18.) Matt. vi. 27. Luke xii. 25. — xix. 3. Luke ii. 52, marg. age. Eph. iv. 13, marg. age. STAVES. See, STAFF. STAY. (margin. ] 1 Tim. iii. 15, see ‘“‘ GrouND.” STAY (-Ep.) [verb.] 1. κατέχω, to have and hold fast down ; to detain; (Ixx. for ons, Gen. xxiv. 56; ps, Gen. xlii. 19.) 2. ἐπέχω, to have or hold upon; to hold on, 1.6. remain; (Ixx. for 5, Gen. viii. 10; 55n, 2 Chron: 5,14) 1. Luke iv, 42, | . Acts xix, 22 [θα 1 STE STEAD. See, ΙΝ. STEDFAST. See, STEADFAST. STEADFAST. 1. βέβαιος, firm, steady ; hence, of per- sons, steadfast, steady, sure. 2. ἑδραῖος, seated, sedentary; ‘then, sitting fast, fixed, settled, (οσο. Col. i. 28.) 3. στερεός, stiff and stark, hard, firm, solid ; firm, immoveable. 1 Cor. vii. ig (om. ἃ --) i Heb. ii. 2. = 1. ——iii. 14. scone 1. — vi. 19. 9. 1 Pet. v. 9. Propo STEADFASTLY (ΒΕΠΟΙ) ἀτενίζω, to fix the eyes intently upon, gaze upon intently; stretch and strain the eyes to be able to see. Acts xiv. 9. | 2Cor. iii. 7 (with εἰς, unto.) STEADFASTLY (τους) Acts i. 10, with εἰμί, lit., | Acts vi. 15. were gazing. 2 Cor. iii. 13. STEADFASTLY (τουκ tp) Acts vii. 55. See also, CONTINUE, SET. STEADFASTNESS. 1. στηριγµός, a setting fast, fixedness, (non occ.) 2. στερέωμα, anything firm, solid; (the firmament, lxx. for Φρα, Gen. 1. 6; Ez. i. 22); hence,stability, solidity, (non occ.) 2, Col. ii. 5. | τι. 2 Pet. iti. 17. STEADY. [margin. | 2 Tim. ii. 19, see ** SURE.”’ - STEAL, STOLE. κλέπτω, to steal, take by stealth, (ποί to rob by violence.) Matt. vi. 19, 20. — xix. 18. —— xxvii. 64. Luke xviii. 20. John x. 10. Rom. ii. 21 twee. — xiii. 9. Eph. iv. 28 twice. —- xxviii. 13. Mark κ. 19, STE [ 780 1 STI STEEP PLACE. STEWARDSHIP. κρημνός, aneoverhanging steep, a beet- | οἰκονομία, management of a household ling crag or cliff, a precipice; or of household affairs; steward- (Ixx., »5p, 2 Chron. xxv. 12), (non ship, administration. oce.) Luke xvi. 2, 3, 4. Matt. viii. 32. Mark ν. 13. | Luke viii. 33. STICK (-s.) [noun.] φρύγανον, a dry stick or twig, dry STEP (-s.) [noun.] ixvos, a footstep. brushwood; (Ixx. for wp, Is. xl. Rom. 1v. 12. i ΜΡ ἢ 2" Cor, xii. 18, 24; xlvii. 14), (non occ.) ΞΟ τ τ : Acts xxviii. 3. STEP DOWN. MMi ss! καταβαίνω, to step down. | STICK FAST. John v. 7. ἐρείδω, trans., to fix firmly. Jn Ν.Τ., aa tae intrans., to become fixed, stick STEP IN. fast, (non occ.) ἐμβαίνω, to step in, enter. | Acts xxvii. 41. John v. 4 part. (ap.) [ 2a | STIFF-NECKED. STERN. l ; ; : σκληροτράχηλος, hard-necked, _ stiff- πρύμνα, (fem. of πρυμνός, last, hind. | necked, z.e. obstinate; (Ixx. for most) the hindmost part; ο a | rp πώ, Ex. xxxiii. 8, 5; Deut. ship, the stern. | « wet Acts xxvii. 29. ix. 6, 13), (non occ.) ἘΌΝ ΡΣ ee A Se EE eee: Acts vii. 51. STEWARD (s.) STILL (ox) 1. οἰκονόμος, a house-manager, one who had authority over the servants | φιμόω, to muzzle. Here, pass., to be of a family, assigning their tasks, hushed, be quiet. οἵο., and generally managing all Mark iv, 89. the affairs and accounts. These | persons were generally slaves, but also free-men, (Eliezer, Gen. xv.2; αν Ocsepl, ΘΙ Πρ εν τῖχ, 4.) SS ----- The οἰκονόμοι also had charge of STILL. [adv.] the pecuniary affairs of the sons, | | thus differing from the ἐπίτροποι, ἔτι, Of the future, any more, any longer ; or tutors (Wo. 2), (οσο. Rom. xvi. of the present, yet, still, hitherto ; 23; Gal. iv. 2.) implying accession or addition, be- sides; of the present, in allusion to the past, yet, still, even now. See also, ABIDE, STAND. 2. ἐπίτροπος, one to whom a charge is committed, 2.6. a steward, man- ager, agent, tutor, (οσο. Gal. iv. 2.) Rey, xxii. 11 #himer. 2. Matt. xx, 8. 1. Luke xvi. 1, 3, 8. | να aa 2. Luke viii. 3. τοσο 1. — xii. 42, [(be) ] 1. Tit. i. 7. STING (-s.) — —— xvi. 2,see Steward | 1. 1 Pet. iv. 10. » 9 . κέντρον, a prick, a point; hence, gen., STEWARD (zx) a sting, a thing of venom or poison. BR η , ony) οἰκονομέω, to be an οἰκονομός, (see above, 1 Cor. xv. 55, 56, probably referring No. 1) be manager of a house. | to Hos. xiil. 4, where Heb. rp, hold; gen., be manager or steward, | plague ; comp. Hos. v. 12; (also (non occ.) | Jor 3p, rottenness. ) Luke xvi. 2. 1 Cor. xv. 55, ὅθ, | Rev. ix. 10. STI STINK (-rru.) ὄζω, to smell, emit a scent; (Ixx. for wea, Ex. viii. 14.) John xi. 39. STIR. [noun.] τάραχος, stir, commotion, agitation, disturbance, (ποτ occ.) Acts xii. 18. | Acts xix. 23. STIR UP (2, -ΕΤΗ.) 1. διεγείρω, to wake up fully, to rouse ; excite, incite. 2. ἐπεγείρω, to rouse upon, 6.6. to wake up, rouse‘up as from sleep. Then, to rouse upon or against any one, to excite against; (Ixx. for νι, 2 Chron. xxi.16; opm, 1 Sam. xxii. 8; Am. vi. 14), (oce. Acts xiii. 50.) 3. ἀναζωπυρέω, to rekindle up, light up again; (ἰχχ. for n, Gen. xlv. 27), (non occ.) 4. ἀνασείω, to shake up, ov to and fro, with the idea of shock or concussion ; hence, to stir up with idea of vigour and force, instigate ; (xx. for mon, Job. 11. 3), (occ. Mark xv. 11.) παροτρύνω, to urge on by or along with something else, to stir up, incite thereby or therewith, (non oce.) δι 6. σαλεύω, to move to and fro, put into a state of waving, vibration ; to sway to and fro, agitate. 7. συγκινέω, to move with; to move together, excite together or at the same time, (non occ.) 8. συγχέω, to pour together; hence, to confuse, throw into confusion, put in perplexity ov uproar. 4. Luke xxiii. δ. | — Luke xvii. 16, see Stir- 7. Acts vi. 12. 8, —— xxi. 27. [red (be) 5. —— xiii. 50. 3. 2 Tim. i. 6. 2. — xiv. 2. | 1. 2 Pet. i. 18, 6. —— xvii. 13. is Us Le STIRRED (xr) παροξύνω, to sharpen by or on any- thing, as by rubbing, to whet. Jn N.T. only mid. or pass.; hence, to be spurred on, or painfully excited, (οσο. 1 Cor. xiii. 5.) Acts xvii, 16, ZZ [ 737 ] STO | STOCK. γένος, genus, race; family, lineage, stock ; (Ixx. for yt, Jer. xli. 1.) Acts xiii. 26, Phil. iii. 5. STOCKS. ξύλον, wood ; then, anything made of wood, as stocks, (Zat., nervus) ; (Ixx. for 10, Job. xxxiii. 11.) | Acts xvi. 24. | STOMACH. στόμαχος, a mouth, an opening; then, used of the throat, the gullet; then, of the orifice of the stomach ; and later, of the stomach itself, (non occ.) 1 Tim. v. 23. STONE. [noun.] 1. λίθος, a stone, stone as opp. to wood, flesh, etc.; then, stones of various kinds. 2. πέτρος, a piece of rock; [not πέτρα, the rock itself, which is Christ. Peter was a piece of a rock, a stone, here to-day and gone to- morrow, shifting, changing, vacil- lating. Peter, not so-called be- cause of firmness of character, but the reverse. | 8. ψῆφος, a small stone worn smooth by water, a pebble; hence, any polished stone, a gem, stone of a ring. Also, of the black and white stones used anciently in voting, viz. the black for condem- nation, the white for approval or acquittal, (occ. Acts xxvi. 10.) 1. Matt. iii. 9. 1, Luke xix, 40. 1. —— iv. 3, 6. -- 44, see S upon 1. — vii. 9. another (one) 1. —— xxi. 42, 44 (ap.) 1. — xx. 17, 18. — — xxiv.2,seeSupon | 1. —— xxi. 5. another (one) 6, see S uvon 1. —— xxvii. 60, 66. another (one) 1, — xxviii. 2. 1, —— xxii. 41. [Hewn. 1. Mark v. 5. —— xxiii. 53, see ——vrsxii. 4, see S| 1. — xxiv. 2. (cast) 2. Johni. 42, marg. Pater. 1 — — ii. 6, see S (of) 1. —— xiii. 1. 1. —— viii. 7 (ap.), 59. -- 2, see S upon | l. ——-x. 51. another (one) 1, —— xi. 38, 39, 41. 1. —— xv. 46. 1, —— xx. 1. 1. —— xvi. 3, 4 1, Acts iv. 11. 1. Luke iii. 8 1. —— xvii. 29. — Rom. ix. 32, 33, see Stumbling. STO 1. 1 Cor. iii. 12. 1. Rev. iv. 8 — 2 Cor. iii. 3, see S (of) 7 ue : 1. —— xvii. 4. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, —— xviii. 12, 16, 21. 3. Rev. ii. 17 twice. 1, —— xxi, 11 twice, 19, STONE (or) λίθινος, made of stone; (Ixx. for 38, Gen. xxxv. 14; Ezek. xxxi. 17.) John, ii. 6. | 2 Cor. iii. 3. Rev. ix. 20. STONES (casr) λιθοβολέω, to throw stones at any one, to stone in order to wound or kill. A Mosaic punishment, John viii. 5, cf. Lev. xx. 10, and Deut. xxii. 22 ; cf. ver. 21, where, lxx. for spo; Bish) πα οὐ. cf, Ες. πι 13; where lxx. for bop; also, xx. jor pan, Lev. xx. 27; xxiv. 14, 16. Mark xii. 4 (om. G = LT Tr AW, 1.6. him they wounded, instead of at him they cast stones and wounded him.) STONE UPON ANOTHER (οχε) λίθος, stone 1. ὁ ἐπί, resting upon (of simple rest) λίθῳ, stone. ἐπί, resting on (of the downward pressure) λίθον, stone. ( λίθος, stone bo 1. Luke xix. 44, 1, —— xxi. 6. 2. Matt. xxiv. 2. 1. Mark xiii. 2. STONE. [verb.] 1. λιθοβολέω, see “STONES (CAST),” (οσο. Mark xii. 4.) 2. λιθάζω, to stone, (the emphasis being upon the stones rather than the casting, as in No. 1), (non oce -- ~~ preficed) to stone down, (stronger than No. 2) to stone to death, | (non occ.) 1. Matt. xxi. 35. 2. Acts v. 26. 1. —— xxiii. 37. 1, — vii. 58, 59. 1. Luke xiii. 34, 1, —— xiv. 5. 3. —— xx. 6. 2. 19. 1. John viii. 5 (ap.) 2. 2 Cor. xi. 25. ο ——x. 31, 32, 88, | 2. Heb. xi. 37. 2. — xi. 8. 1, —— xii. 20. 2 — —— ix. 20, see S (of) | i καταλιθάζω, (No. 2, with κατά, down, | [me ) so STONY GROUND. «τὸ, the place or ground, ἡ mes, like rock, (dee. sing. neut.) neut.) 1. Mark iv. 5. | τὰ, the, 2. 4 πετρώδη, rocky places, (466. pl. 2, Mark iv. 16. STONY PLACES. 2, Matt. xiii. 5, 20. STOOP (-£p, -τνα.) κύπτω, to stoop, bow one’s self; (Ixx.. for πρ, 1 Sam. xxiv. 9; 1 Kingsi. 16, 31.) John viii. 6 (ap.), 8 (ap.) STOOP DOWN. 1. κύπτω, see above. 2. παρακύπτω, (No. 1, with παρά, beside, prefixed) to stoop down near by anything, to bend forward beside or near anything in order to look at tt more closely. 1. Mark i. 7. 2. Luke xxiv. 12 (ap.) 2. John xx. 5, 11. STOP (-Ep.) 1. φράσσω, to enclose with a fence for protection, to fence round, hedge in; (Ixx. for 7, Hos.ii. 6) ; of a city with walls, to fortify ; of a defile with troops, to shut up ; of the ears with wax, to stop; (xx. for pox, Prov. xxi. 19), hence, gen., to stop. 2. συγέχω, to hold together, to press together, to shut up. . Acts vii. 57. 1. Rom. iii. 19. — Tit. i. 11, see Mouth. | 1. Heb. x. 33. to SHALL STOP ME OF. φραγήσεται, shall not be stopped or ( silenced, ) εἰς, unto, (an me. 2 Cor. xi. 10. STORE (ay) θησαυρίζω, to treasure up, lay up in store. 1 Cor, xvi. 2 part. STO STORE (kerr ry) 2 Pet. iii. 7. STORE (Lay τρ αν) ἀποθησαυρίζω, to treasure up away, lay up away in store, (non occ.) 1 Tim. vi. 19. STORE-HOUSE ταμεῖον, a store-chamber, store-house , (Ixx. for nos, Deut. xxviii. 8; Prov. 11. 10; ὙΠ, Prov. xxiv 4.) Luke xii. 24. STORM. Aathay, a tempest of wind with rain, whirlwind, hurricane; (Ixx. for syo, Jer. xxxv. 32; ΠῚ Ὁ, Job XXxxviii. 1; m1, Job xxi. 18) (ace. 2 Pet. ii. 17.) Mark iv. 37. | Luke viii. 23. STRAIGHT. 1. ἐυθύς, straight, (a) quoted from Is. xl. 3, where lxx. for “ww; (Ὁ) quoted Jrom Is. xl. 4 4, where lxx. Jor uw". 2. ὀρθός, upright ; (Ixx. for qu, Prov. la. Matt. iii. 3. | la. Mark i. 3. 1, Acts ix. 11. 2. Heb. xii. 13, marg. even. 1b. Luke iii. 4, 5. STRAIGHT COURSE (come wita 4) εὐθυδρομέω, to run straight; of a ship, to sail with a straight course. Acts xvi. 11. STRAIGHT COURSE (τ ΤῊ 4) Acts xxi. 11 part. STRAIGHT (ΑΚ) 1. εὐθύνω, to make straight and level, (occ. John iii. 4.) ° 2. ἀνορθόω, to set upright, to stand | erect. 2. Luke xiii. 10. | [ 739 1 xii. 16; xvi. 25.) | 1. John i, 23. | STRAIGHTWAY. 1. εὐθέως, straightway, immediately. * In these passages most of the critical editors prefer No. 2 εὐθύς, straight ; i.e. forthwith. bo of time, straight, 3. παραχρῆμα, With the thing itself, at the very moment, on the spot, 4. ἐξαυτῆς, from this time, 1.6. immedi- ately. 2, Matt. iii. 16. , 1. Marx xv. 1*. 1. —— iv. 20. 1, Luke v. 39 (om. T Tr 1. — xiv. 22 AR.) Ἱ. 27* 3. — viii. 55. 1, —— xxi. 2, 3* 1. — xii. δέ. 1. — xxv. 15 1. — xiv 5. 1. — xxvii. 48. 2. John xiii. 32. 1. Mark i, 10", 18, 20*, 21. | 3. Acts v. 10. 1. —ii. 2 (om, 10 T} 1. — ix. 20. Trb st.) 3. — xvi. 33. 1. —— iii. 63. 1, — xxii. 29. 1. —— v. 29*, 42*, 4, —— xxiii. 30 (ἐξ αὐτῶν, 1, —vi.25*(om.G—+) | by them, 1, Δ Tr δὲν i 403, 54". ἱ i.e. and when it was 1. — vii. 85 (om. Lb Tr | disclosed to mea plot ARN.) against the man which 1. —— viii. 10*. | was tobe [carried out 1. —— ix. κ 20", 24*. by them, Isent [him 1. —— xi. 3*. | to thee. ) 1. —— xiv. 45* 1. Jas. i. 24. STRAIN AT. διὐλίζω, to filter ov strain through, as through a sieve or strainer ; hence, to strain out, (non occ.) Matt. xxiii, 24 STRAIT (ΒΕ τν a) συνέχω, to hold together, press to- gether. Here, pres. pass., I am being pressed. [The verse (Phil. i. 23) requires the following translation :— cvvexopat, I am being pressed. ἐκ, out of, (ἐκ is translated “ betwixt” only once, but “out of,” 165 times.) This does not require the verb to have had ἐκ instead of ster because ἔχω does not con- tain the idea of pressure without the σύν. τῶν, the } viz. the living and dying δύο, two, δ as mentioned in ver. 21. ἔχων, having, [a third thing, which causes the pressure. | τὴν, the. ἐπιθυμίαν, earnest desire or longing, | inordinate desire, lust. | STR eis, unto, - τὸ, the, ἀναλῦσαι, to loosen back again, (as the fastenings of a ship) so as to de- part and return. This is the invari- able meaning of ἘΠ Galt the Loe art. with Ixx., see every oc- | the aor. inf. currence, Tobit. ii. substantiviz- 9; Judith xiii.1,|™8 the verb, 1 Esdras iii, 3;| and repre- Wisd. ii.1;v.12;¢ Senting the xvi. 14; Ecclus. _verb as a iii. 15 ; 2 Mac. viii. | Smgle action ; hence, here, unto the return. 25 χ} χη 7 xv. 28; 3 Macc. v.40; vii. 13; and Josephus, Ant. vi. 4,1; andinN.T. only Luke xii. 36. In all these places it is used of re- turning after a feast or war, or from the grave, | etc., ete. ) “| There being noother | kal, and, way of being “ with Es ” τ σὺν, together Christ,” see John XIV. 3, and 1 Thes. in conjune- ; iv. 17. οὕτω, thus, : | ‘ tion with i : A ο ; [τη ία manner, shal Χριστῷ, with | we ever be σὺν κυρίῳ, Christ. with the Lord. The Apostle does not contradict himself. εἶναι, to be, [which is] πολλῷ, much. μᾶλλον, more, rather. κρεῖσσον, better, (thus, if he lived, Christ would be “ magnified,” ν. 20, and they would be profited, | v. 24. If he died, Christ would | still be “ magnified,” v. 20; it | would be “ gain” to Christ. But, if Christ should “return,” it would be “far better” than either.)] Phil. i, 23. STRAIT. [adj.] στενός, strait, narrow, (non occ.) Matt. vii.13,14. | Luke xiii, 24, 1 | [ 740 ] STR STRAITEN (-kEp.) στενοχωρέω, to crowd into a narrow space, to straiten as to room, to be pressed for room, (occ. 2 Cor. iv. 8.) 2 Cor. vi. 12 twice. STRAITENED (er) συνέχω, to hold together, press to- gether. Here, pass., to be pressed, pressed together. Luke xii. 50, marg. pained. STRAITEST (arost) ἀκριβής, exact, accurate, precise. Here, superl., the most exact, (non occ.) Acts xxvi. 5. STRAITLY. . πολλά, much, of quantity or amount. . ἀπειλή, threat. Here, with the verb, ἀπειλέω, 1.6. to threaten with a threat. μι . παραγγελία, announcement, declara- tion; charge, precept. Here, with the verb, παραγγελέω, to charge with a charge. — Matt. ix. 30, — Mark i. 43, see — Lukeix. 21,see Charge Charge. | 2. Acts iv. 17 (om. L T Tr ‘Ab oy ys 828, 1, —— ii. 12. 1, —v. 48. STRANGE. 2 U ᾽ ω . . ένος, not of one’s family; as adj., strange, 2.96. foreign, unknown, as coming JSrom another country. .ξ ἀλλότριος, alien, not one’s own; another’s, belonging to another, different ; then, strange. no . ἔξω, out, without; outside. ἕτερος, the other, other, denoting generic (not numerical) distinction, different. 2. Acts vii. 6. 1, —— xvii. 18. 3. —— xxvi. 11. 2. 1: 4, Jude 7, marg. other, STRANGE THINGS. févos, see above, No. 1. ς ξενίζω, to receive as a guest. Pass., to be received as one. Then, to appear strange to any one. Here, part., strange things, 1.6. novel, surprising. ὃν 2. STR 8. παράδοξος, aside from _ received opinion ; hence, paradoxical, strange, incredible, (non occ.) 3. Luke v. 26. 2. Acts xvii. 20. 1. 1 Pet. iv. 12. STRANGE (τηικκ) ξενίζω, see “STRANGE THINGS,” Wo. 2. Here, mid., to be surprised, think strange of. 1 Pet. iv. 4. STRANGE CONCERNING (ruryx) ξενίζω, see above. 1 Pet. iv. 12. STRANGER (-s.) . ξένος, not of one’s own family, stranger; a guest, a stranger; a friend who lived ina different city or country, allied with another for the purpose of affording mutual entertainment when travelling. ἀλλότριος, see “ STRANGE,” Λο. 2. μ πάροικος, dwelling near, neighbour- ing; hence, a by-dweller, so- journer, (without the rights of citizenship.) . ἀλλογενής, of another race or nation, (non occ.) . ἐπιδημέω, to be among one’s own people, to be at home. Here, art., “{the Romans] sojourning [λενε], (οσο. Acts xvii. 21.) . παρεπίδημος, a by-resident, sojourner among a people not one’s own; (Ixx. for runn, Gen. xxiii. 4; Ps. xxxix. 13), (οσο. Heb. xi. 13; 1 Pet. Ἡ. 11.) 1. Matt. xxv.35, 38, 43, 44. | 3. Acts vii. 29. 1. —— xxvii. 7. 1, — xvii. 21. 2. 25, 26. 1. Eph. ii. 12, 19. 4, Luke xvii. 18. 1. Heb. xi. 13. 2. John x, 5 twice. 6. ΣΙ 1. 5. Acts ii. 10 part. 3. — ii. 11. 1, 3 John 5. STRANGER (se 4) παροικέω, to dwell near, dwell as a sojourner ; (Ixx. for 12, Gen. xx. 1; ΣΧΥ͂Ι. 3, 2); Gen. xxiv. 37.) Luke xxiv, 18. [ ται ] STR | STRANGERS (ΠΕΝ THEY DWELT 48) ἐν, In «τῇ, the (i.e. their) παροικίᾳ, Sojourn. Acts xiii. 17. STRANGERS (ΕΝΤΕΒΤΑΙΝ) φιλοξενία, love to strangers, hospitality. Heb. xiii. 2. STRANGERS (rLope@e) ξενοδοχέω, to receive and entertain strangers, to show or practise hospitality, (zon occ.) 1 Tim. v. 10. STRANGLED. πνικτός, strangled. In N.T., τὸ πνικτόν, strangled meat, z.e. the flesh of animals killed by being strangled, without shedding their blood. This was forbidden to the Jews in Lev. xvii. 18, 14; ef vil. 26, 27, and Deut. xii. 16, 28. Acts xxi. 25. (om. G +) STRANGLED (curves) Acts xv. 20 (om. G +) 29 (pl. L T Tr AN), (om. G =) STRAWED. See, sTREW. STREAM. ποταμός, ἃ river, a stream. Luke vi. 48, 49. STREET (-s.) . πλατεῖα, ᾧ broad way, wide street in a city; (Ixx. for am, Judg. xix. 15, 20; Zech. viii. 4, 5; pn, Is. xv. 3), (non occ.) . ῥύμη, a narrow street, a lane, alley ; (Ixx. for am, Is. xv. 8), (οσο. Luke xiv. 21.) ἀγορά, any place of public resort in the towns and cities where the people came together; market- place. 2, Matt. vi. 2. 1. Acts v. 15, marg. pl. Wels 5. with xara, in every 1, —— xii. 19. | 2. —— ix. 11. (street. 3. Mark vi. 56, 2. —— xii. 10. 1. Luke x. 10. | 1, Rev. xi. 8. ! 1. —— xiii. 26, 1, —— xxi. 21. | 3. — xiv. 51. | 1, —— xxii. 9, " STR [ 742 ] STR STRENGTH. 6. κραταιόω, to make powerful, make 1, δύναμις, see “PoweER,” Wo. 1. powerful in effect. 2. ἰσχύς, see “ POWER,” Vo. 5. 7. σθενόω, to strengthen, (of bodily 3. ἐξοοσία, see “ PowER,” No 3. health and strength), (non occ.) 4, Luke xxii. 32. | 6, Eph. iii. 16, 4,, κράτος, 866 “ POWER,” No. 4. 3. =e 43 (ap.) | 2. Ἐν ἘΠ is — Acts ix. 19, see S (be) | 1. Col. i. 11. 2. Mark xii. 30, 33. [ 1. Heb. xi. 11. 5. a Ξ τὸ δν (Νο 2 | 2. oti, iv. 17. 4. Luke i. 5 1, Rey. i. 16. LTTrAw®.) | 7. 1 Pet. v. 10, 2, — x. 27. 1. — iii. 8. 4, Rev. iii. 2. 1. 1 Cor. xv. 56. 2. —-v. 12. 1. 2 Cor. i. 8. 1, —— xii. 10 8 xii. 9. 3. — xvii. 13 STRENGTHENED (ser) 9. Acts ix. 19. STRENGTH (se oF) ati ἰσχύω, to be strong, to have strength, STRETCH (50, -1NG.) ‘ 2 . ability, power both physical and moral; to be strong, have eflicacy. ττατς Heb. ix. 17. STRETCH BEYOND ONE’S MEASURE. STRENGTH (r1xcrEAsE oF) ὑπερεκτείνω, (“STRETCH FoRTH,” Λο. 1, ἐνδυναμόω, to strengthen in, ze. to with ὑπέρ, over, beyond, prefixed) render strong, impart strength to stretch out unduly or over- to. Here mid. or pass., to acquire | much, 1.6. beyond measure. strength; (κκ. for ny, Ps. 11. 9.) ον ης Acts ix. 22. STRENGTH (πΕΟΡΙΝΕ) STRETCH FORTH. στερεόω, to make stable, firm, strong; | 1. ἐκτείνω, to stretch out, extend; of to confirm, settle. the hands, to stretch forth. poe ee ο 2. ἐκπετάννυμι, to spread out, expand. Quoted here from Is. lv. 2, where STRENGTH (wrrnovt) Ixx. for wb, as also Ex. ix. 90, : non oce. ἀσθενής, without strength, infirm, weak, ( ) feeble, impotent, sick. 3. ἐπιβάλλω, to throw ο). cast upon ; του 3 of the hands, to lay hands upon, seize, do violence to. STRENGTHEN (-ΕΡ, -ΕΤΗ, -ING.) 1. Matt. xii. 13 twice, 49, | 1. John xxi. 18. 1. —— xiv. 81. | 1. Acts iv. 30. [ 1. δυναµόω, to strengthen; (Ixx. for + ee τῶν τ my a begin. ... Ρ 9 uke Vi. τὺ, . EVA ΟΣ, ny, Ps. Ixviii. 29; 52a, Ecc. x. 10; | 1; — xxii 53. 9 Rome ΣΤΟΝ; Dan. ix. 27), (non oce.) ee Ae 2. ἐνδυναμόω, (No. 1, with ἐν, in, pre- ‘ oy ΟΠ. τ false STRETCH OUT. fixed) to strengthen in, 1.6. to render strong, impart strength to. 1, Matt. xxvi.51, | 1. Mark iii. 5. 3. ἐνισχύω, to be strong in any thing, ο σι to in-strengthen; zntrans., to be STREW, STRAWED. invigorated, become strong; trans., pad’ 1. στρώννυµι, to strow, to spread, esp. to invigorate, cause to be strong. p ! | Ι Pe: of a bed or couch, or of a table; 4. στηρίζω, to set fast, fix firmly; hence, to furnish, prepare. ' make steadfast. : 2. διασκορπίζω, to scatter throughout, 49 7. , " ΄ τ . ἐπιστηρίζω, (No. 4, with ἐπί, που, disperse abroad. wrefixe 5 ξ ace p? gen 4) to set fast be P 1. Matt. xxi. 8. | 2. Matt. xxv, 24, 26. or fix firmly upon; to establish. | 1, Mark-x1.:8 (ap.) σπ STRICKEN IN YEARS (wett) προβεβηκὼς, advanced ἐν, in advanced ταῖς, the in her (or ἡμέραις, days their) αὑτῆς, of her, (verse 18) days. αὑτῶν, of them, (v. 7) Luke i. 7, 18. STRIFE (-s.) 1. ἔρις, rivalry, contention ; quarrel. strife, 2. ἐριθεία, labour for wages; hence, | canvassing, intriguing; gen., party- spirit, faction. 3. ἀντιλογία, contradiction, contro- versy; (1xx. for 725, Ex. xviii. 16; 2, Deut. xxv. 1; 2 Sam. xv. 4.) 4. μάχη, a fight, battle, contest; (Ixx. for 24, Gen. ἘΠῚ. 7; pm, Prov. Ἐ το] . φιλονεικία, love of quarrel, eager of contention, (ποπ occ.) σπ 5. Luke xxii. 94, 2. Phii. it..3. 1, Rom. xiii. 13. —1Tim. vi. 4 Ist, see § 1. 1 Cor. iii. 9. of words. 2. 2 Cor. xii. 20. 1 4 2nd. 2. Gal. v. 20. 4, 2 Tim. ii. 23. 1. Phil. 15: 3. Heb. vi. 16. 2. Jas. iii. 14, 16. STRIFE OF WORDS. λογομαχία, word-battles, war about words, (non occ.) 1 Tim. vi. 4, STRIKE (-E£TH, stRAKE, STRUCK.) 1. παίω, to strike, to smite, as with the Jist, a rod or sword. 2. πατάσσω, to strike, to beat. 3. τύπτω, to beat with repeated strokes. 4. χαλάω, to let go, to relax, to loosen ; (Ixx. for won, Is. xxxiii. 23; mow, Jer. xxxviii. 6.) 2. Matt. xxvi. 51. 67, see S with the palm of — Mark xiv. 65, § one’s hand, 3. Luke xxii. 64 (ap.) 4. Acts xxvii. 17, 1, Rev. ix. 5. STR { 743 1 Luke xii. 47, see Many. 48 Ist. STR STRIKE WITH THE PALM OF ONE’S HAND. 1. ῥαπίζω, to beat with rods, to scourge ; later, to smite with the open hand, rap, slap, cuff, box, esp. the Sace, cheek, or ears. ῥάπισμα, a rap, slap, ) lit., they cuff, box; a blow, ( threw him βάλλω, to throw or smart cast, blows. 1, Matt. xxvi. 67. ‘ 2. Mark xiv. 65 (λαμβάνω, to take, i.e. with smart blows they took him, ἃ οὐ LT Tr AR.) STRIKER. πλήκτης, a striker, esp., one apt to strike, (non occ.) 1 Tim, iii. 3. | Tit. i. 7. STRING. δεσμός, band, bond, ligament; (Ixx. Sor Nox, Judg.xv. 13; Dan. iv. 12.) Mark vii. 35. STRIP (Εν) ἐκδύω, to go or come out of ; of clothes, to put off, strip one of his clothes, unclothe; (lxx. for own, Gen. xxxvul. 22; Numb. xx. 28.) Matt. xxvii. 28 (ἐνδύω, to clothe, L.) Luke x, 30. STRIPE (-s.) πληγή, a stroke, stripe, blow. Acts xvi. 23, 33. 2 Cor. vi. 5. 48 2ud, see Few. — xi. 23. STRIPES. ώλωψ, mark of a stripe ov blow; a μ ᾽ stripe, a weal. Quoted from Is. liii. 5, where κκ. for nan. 1 Pet. ii. 24. STRIVE (-ευ, -ΕΤΗ, -ING, STROVE.) 1. ἀγωνίζομαι, to be a competitor in a contest; hence, to contend, exert one’s self, strive very earnestly. 2. μάχομαι, to fight in war or battle; oppose, (oce. Jas. iv. 2.) STR ι 144 8. διαμάχομαι, (Wo. 2, with διά, through, prefixed) to fight throughout, strive with, struggle against 7 opposition, fight it out, contend obstinately, (non occ.) 4. ἀθλέω, to contend, contend for the mastery in the public games, e.g. boxing, throwing, wrestling, etc., (non oce.) 5. ἐρίζω, to strive, (gen. of wordy con- tests); hence, to wrangle, quarrel, oo bo ] STR ----.-.οΘὈ.-.-.-.ὄ.οΘ. STRONG, STRONGER. . ἰσχυρός, physically strong, mighty, powerful. . δυνατός, in an active sense, strong, having (inherent and moral) power ; in a passive sense, possible, capable of being done. . ἐνέργεια, the being in work, 1.6, operation, energy, power in action, effectual operation. ery out, be vociferous like wrang- | 4, μέγας, great. lers. Quoted from Is. xhi. 2, : : where Heb. NLD Μη pyy κα; lxx. ὁ. στερεὸς, stable, firm, solid. οὐ κεκράξεται, οὐδὲ ἀνήσει, 1.6. “he 1, Matt. xiv. 80, marg. | 3. 2 Cor. alii 9 ΧΩ 9? (4 Ἱ (text, boisterous.) 3. 2 Thes. ii. 11. shall not ery, nor lift up,” (0:6. his | _ {tex 1 We see Drink, | I. Heb: 9.7 voice), (non occ.) 1. —— xi, 22, 5, - ---- 12, 14. 4. om, Xv. 1. Ὁ tee fh 5 6. φιλοτιμέομαι, to love, honour, esteem 1. 1 Cor. i. 25 1. 1 John ii. 14. or respect, to be ambitious, to | 1: στο. 29, πως) make it a point of honour. 2. 2 Cor, xii, 10. το 5. Matt. xii. a . η = 29, 1. Luke xiii. 24. . Col. i, 29: 2. John vi. 52. ap ΤΙΣ iv. 12, snare WER, STRONG (BE) eu nese a nace nae ee σελ . ἐνδυναμόω, to strengthen in, ze. to 6. Rom. xv. 20. 2 24, render strong, to impart strength. STRIVE ABOUT WORDS. λογομαχέω, to contend with words, (non 0060.) 2 Tim. ii. 14. STRIVE AGAINST. ἀνταγωνίζομαι, (No.1, with ἀντί, against, prefiaed. 1 fi ) Heb. xii. 4, STRIVE TOGETHER FOR. συναθλέω, (No. 4, with σύν, together in conjunction with, prefixed), (oce. Phil. iv. 3.) Phil. i. 27. STRIVE TOGETHER WITH. συναγωνίζομαι, (No. 1, with σύν, to- gether in conjunction with, pre- | jixed ), (non oce.) Rom. xv. 39. STRIVING. [noun. | μάχη, a fight, a battle; then, contest, | controversy. Tit. iii. 9. | Matt, xii, 29 twice. Trans., pass. or mid., to acquire strength, to be strong. . κραταιόω, to make κράτος (bodily strength) to make powerful in effect. In N.T. only pass., to be strong, grow strong. 1. Rom. iv. 20. | 1. Eph. vi. 10. 2. 14ο5. xvi. 19, 1, 2 Tim. ii. 1. STRONG (ΘῈ MADE) ἐνδυναμόω, see above, No. 1. Heb. xi. 34 (δυναμόω, to make strong, L &.) STRONG (ataKe) _ στερεόω, to make stable, firm, strong, establish. Acts iii. 16. STRONG MAN. ἰσχυρός, see “strona,” No. 1. | Mark iii. 27 twice. Luke xi, 21. STRONG (wax) κραταιόω, sce “ STRONG (BE)” No. 2. Luke ii. 40, Luke i, 80, Ι ——_ 6ὖῸ6Ὸ6Π΄΄ὃἝἕ.. . Ῥ.ϑϑ .- . STRONGHOLD. ὀχύρωμα, « fastness, fortress, strong- hold; (Ixx. for 3, Josh. xix. 29 ; Is. xxxiv. 13; ithyn, 2 Kings xxii. 2), (non occ.) 2 Cor. x. 4. STUBBLE. καλάμη, the stalk of grain; hence, stubble, straw after the ears are removed; (lxx. w>, Ex. xv. 7; Joel ii. 5), (ποπ oce.) 1 Cor. iii. 12. STUCK. See, 5ΤΙΟΚ. STUDY. [verb.] 1. σπουδάζω, to speed, make haste, (as manifested in diligence, earnestness, zeal, etc.) 2. φιλοτιμέομαι, to love honour; to exert one’s self from a love and sense of honour, to make it a point of honour. 2. 1 Thes. iv. 11. | 1. ατα α 15. STUFF. σκεῦος, a vessel, utensil, implement ; here, pl., τὰ σκεύη, household stuff, goods, furniture. Luke xvii. 31. STUMBLE (-rp, -ΕΤΗ, -1NG.) 1. προσκόπτω, to beat towards or against anything ; esp. to strike the foot against anything, to stumble. 2. πταίω, to stumble, to fall; (xx. for ἢ), 1 Sam. iv. 2; 2 Sam. xviii. 7) to fail, offend. 1. John xi. 9, 10, 2. Rom. xi. 11. 1. Rom, xiv. 21. STUMBLE AT. 1, Rom. ix. 82, | 1. 1 Pet. ii. 8. STUMBLING. πρόσκομμα, a stumbling. 1 Pet, ii. 8. SUB STUMBLING (occaston oF) σκάνδαλον, a trap-stick, a crooked stick on which the bait is fastened, which the animal strikes against and so paseo the trap; that against which any one strikes or stumbles; (lxx. for won, Lev. xix. 14.) 1 Jolm ii. 10, STUMBLING-BLOCK. STUMBLING-STONE. { λίθος, a stone 1. σκάνδαλον, see above. _| 2. πρόσκομμα, a stumbling. 1. Rom. xi. 9. 1. 1 Cor. 1.86 2. —— xiv. 19. 2. — viii. 9. 1. Rev. ii. 14. προσκόμματος, of stumbling. Rom. ix. 32, 33. SUBDUE (-kp.) καταγωνίζομαι, to contend against, pre- vail in contest, (non oce.) Heb. xi. 33. SUBDUE UNTO. ὑποτάσσω, to range or put under, to subordinate, to make subject. Phil. iii. 21. SUBDUED UNTO (ar) « / . ὑποτάσσω, see above. Here, mid. or . ’ pass., to submit one’s self, be sub- ordinate, be subject. 1 Cor, xv. 28. SUBJECT (se) ὑποτάσσω, see above. Rom. xiii. 5. SUBJECT TO (zr) Rom. viii. 7. | Tit. iii, 1. 1 Pet. ii, 18. +LTTrA®) 1 Cor. xiv. 32. 1 Pet. v. 5 (om, SUBJECT UNTO (ne) Rom. xiii. 1, | 1 Cor. xv. 28. ΠῚ Eph. v. 24, BES ο of Dee og eee SUBJECT TO (sr MaDe) SUBJECTION UNTO (ur τν) Rom. viii. 20. Heb. ii. 5. SUBJECT UNTO (se mapz) SUBMIT (-zp, -1Na.) 1 Pet. iii. 22. SUBMIT ONE’S SELF. SUBJECT TO. ὑπείκω, to cease fighting, to give way ἔνοχος, held in, bound by, contained in ; πας to give. under, σι ia hence, liable, liable to. od Heb. xiii. 17. Heb. ii. 15. SUBMIT ONE'S SELF TO. SUBJECT UNTO. αν ὑποτάσσω, 866 “SUBDUED UNTO (BE)” ὑποτάσσω, see “ SUBDUED UNTO (BE)” A ph. v. 21. | Jas. iv. 7. Luke ii. 15 part. | Luke x. 17, 20. 1 Pet. ii. 13. See also, JUDGMENT, ORDINANCES, SUBMIT ONE'S SELF UNTO. PASSIONS. Rom. x. 3. Eph. v. 22 (om. ὑποτάσσεσ- 1 Cor. xvi. 16. θε, submit yourselves, Col. iii. 18. [α-” ΤΑ.) SUBJECT (-ερ.) por ] πα Ὀποτάσσω, see “ SUBDUE UNTO.’ SUBORN (-ep.) x πὸ ἢ to cast or throw under; to om. viii. 20. thrust under, instigate, put for- ward by collusio SUBJECTION. μι Acts vi. 11. ὑποταγή, subordination, submission, --- subjection, (ποπ occ.) SUBSTANCE. 2 Cor. ix. 13. 1 Tim. ii. 11. Gal. ii. 5. | —— iii, 1. οὐσία, what is to any one, what he es has, z.e. substance, property. SUBJECTION TO (zz τν) 2. ὕπαρξις, being, existence; posses- ὑποτάσσω, 866 “SUBDUED UNTO (BE)” sion, substance. 1 Pet. iii. 1. 3 He the (of them, 1.6. their) ὕπαρχοντα, property, goods. πὰ ὑπόστασις, what is set or stands under; underlayer, prop, foun- dation ; that which lies at the foundation of a matter; confi- dence; (Ixx. for ΠΡΠΙΠ, Ps. XXXIX, 8; mpn, Ruthi. 12; Ezek. xix. 5.) 3. Luke viii. 3. 1. —— αν. Heb. xii. 9. | 1 Pet. iii. 5. SUBJECTION (arrNe 1ντο) δουλαγωγέω, to lead as a slave, make a slave ot. 2. Heb. x.34.[or confidence. 4, —— χὶ, 1, marg. ground 1 Cor. ix. SUBTILELY WITH (pear) κατασοφίζομαι, to be wise against any one, deal eraftily, insidiously, or deceitfully with. In allusion to Ex. i. 10, where |xx. for Dannn, (non occ.) Acts vii. 19. SUBJECTION (eur οὗ ὑποτάσσω, see ‘“SUBDUE UNTO,’ Heb. ii. 8. SUBJECTION UNDER (rur τν) Heb. ii 8, SUBJECTION UNTO (eI) SUB SUBTILTY. 1. δόλος, bait; hence, guile, deceit; (κκ. for now, Gen. xxvii. 35; Is. li. 9; το], Job. xiii. 7; Ps. Xxxui. 2.) πανουργία, unscrupulous conduct, knavery, villany; zn pl., knavish tricks. 1, Matt. xxvi. 4. | 1. Acts xiii. 10. 2. 2 Cor. xi. 3. SUBVERT (-rp, -1NG.) ἀνατρέπω, to overturn, overthrow ; (πχ. for ANN, Prov. x. 3), (οσο. 2 Tim. ii. 18.) ἀνασκευάζω, to pack up baggage, dismantle ; hence, upset, (non occ.) ἐκστρέφω, to turn out of a place, (as a tree or post) turn inside out, (as a garment) ; of a person, to change for the worse; (Ixx. for Jan, Am. vi. 12; pass. ’ for mann, Deut. Xxxii. 20), (non occ.) 2. Acts xv. 24. | 1. Tit. aL 3. Tit. iii. 1. SUBVERTING. catastrophe, 1.6. over- throw, destruction; (lxx. for 725n, Gen. xix. 29; mw, Job. xv. 21), (occ. 2 Pet. ii. 6.) 2 Tim. ii. 14. ’ καταστροφή, SUCCOUR (-ep.) βοηθέω, to run up at a ery for help, to advance in aid of any one; gen., 2 Cor. vi. 2. | Heb. ii. 18. SUCCOURER. προστάτις, fem. of προστάτης, (a pre- sider, prefect, magistrate,) (Ixx. 2 Chron. viii. 10) a curator, guar- dian, patron); hence, the fem., a patroness, helper, succourer, (non oe.) Rom. xvi. 2. SUCH. (for various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. τοιοῦτος, of this kind, of this sort, such, [ 747 ] to succour, help, aid. SUC 2. τοιόσδε, of this kind or sort, such, (non occ.) τούτους, (Ace. pl. of οὗτος, this, this here) these, these here, such as these. ταῦτα, (neut. pl. of οὗτος, see above) these things. 3. 4. 5. τούτων, (Gen. pl. of οὗτος, see above) of these. 6. ἥδε, this here, this one here. 1. Matt. ix. 8. | 4. 1 Cor. vi. 1]. 1, — xviii. 5 | 1. —— vii. 15, 28. 1. —— xix. 14 1, —— xi. 16. 1. Mark iv. 33 1. —— xv. 48 twice. 1. — vi. 2. 1. —— xvi. 16, 18. 1. —— vil. 8 (ap.), 13. 1, 2 Cor. iii. 4, 12. 1. —— ix. 37. 1. —- κ. 11. — —— x. 7, see Give. 1, — xi. 13. - 8, see Set. 1, — xii. 3. Ue 14. 11. Phil. ii. 29. 1. —— xiii. 19. | 5. 1 Thes. iv. 6. 1. Luke xviii. 16. 1. 2 Thes. 111. 12. 1. John iy, 23. 1. 1 Tim. vi. 5 (ap.) 1, —— viii. 5 (ap.) 3. 2 Tim, iii. 5. 1. — ix. 16. 1. Tit. iii. 11. — Acts xv. 24, see No. 1. Heb. vii. 26. 1. — xvi. 24. 1. — viii. 1 — — xxv. 20, see Man- | 1. —— xii. 3 ner. 1. — xiii. 6 — — xxviii. 10, see | 6. Jas. iv. 18. Necessary. a 16. 1. Rom. xvi. 18. | 2. 2 Pet. i. 17 1. 1 Cor. v. 1. 1. 3 John 8. 5. Rev. xx. 6 SUCH AS 1. ofos, of what kind or sort, what, such as. τοιοῦτος, of this kind sh a ὴ{ such as Ρῥ πε κεῖ this, what 2. 4 ὁποῖος, of what kind (αν sort. or sort, 3. ὅστις, any one who, some one who, whoever, whatever. 1. Matt. xxiv. 21. 8. 1 Cor. v. 1. 3. Mark iv. 20. 1, 2 Cor, x. 11, 1. — xiii. 29. 1, —— xii. 20 twice. 2. Acts xxvi. 29. 1, Rev. xvi. 18. SUCH AS SHOULD BE SAVED. ol, the, z.e. those, ) those being saved, σωζόμενοι, being ὁ (marking thechar- saved, acter and class of persons God was then saving, rather than the fact of their being saved.) Acts 1i. 47. SUCH A FELLOW. τοιοῦτος, of this kind, of this sort, such an one. Acts xxii, 22 sUC SUCH A MAN. Ἱ. τοιοῦτος, (see above) such an one, (whom one does know.) 2. δεῖνα, some one, such an one, (spoken | of aperson whom one does not know, or does not wish to name.) 2. Matt. xxvi. 18, | 1, 2 Cor. ii. 6. SUCH A [ax] ONE. τοιοῦτος, see “sucu,” Wo. 1. 1 Cor. v. 5, 11. 2 Cor. ii. 7. — x. 11. 2 Cor. xii. 2, 5. Gal. vi. 1. Philem., 9, SUCH MATTERS (oF) τούτων, of these things, of these mat- ters here. Acts xviii. 15. SUCH THINGS. ταῦτα, these things. John vii. 82. | SUCH THING. τοιοῦτος, see “ sucH,” No. 1. 2 Pet. iti, 14, Luke ix. 9. Rom. i. 32. — xiii. 2 (ταῦτα, these | —— ii. 2, 3, things, T Tr A &.) Gal. v. 21. Acts xxi. 25 (ap.) Eph, v. 27. Heb, xi. 14, SUCH THINGS AS ONE HATH. τὰ, the πάροντα, present things. Heb. xiii. 5. SUCH THINGS AS YE HAVE. { τὰ, the ἐνόντα, things within. Luke xi. 41, marg. as ye ave able. | SUCK (ατνε) | θηλάζω, to suckle, give suck; also, to suck at the breast. Matt. xxiv. 19, Luke xxi. 23. Mark xiii. 17. —— xxiii. 29 (τρέφω, to (nourish, L T Tr &.) SUCK αν.) [verb.] θηλάζω, see above. Luke xi. 27. i α-ὉἝ--»-»α.-»»»-»»»ς-.---.--᾽---ὀ-.-ςἘ--ὀὉΦῴ -.- SUF SUCKLING (s.) θηλάζω, see above. Here part., θηλάζων, suckling, guoted from Ps. viii. 3, where \xx. for 3». Matt. xxi. 16. SUDDEN. αἰφνίδιος, unforeseen; sudden, (ace. Luke xxi. 34.) 1 Thes. v. 3. SUDDENLY. 1. ἐξαίφνης, suddenly, unexpectedly ; (xx. for psns, Prov. xxiv. 2; Jer. vi. 26; yx, Is. xlvii. 9), (non occ.) 2. ἄφνω, unawares, of a sudden; (Ixx. for ons, Josh. x. 9; Ece. ix. 12), (non occ.) 8. ἐξάπινα, another and softer form of No. 1, (non oce.) 4. ταχέως, quickly, speedily ; (xx. for sno, Prov. xxv. 8.) 3. Mark ix. 8. | 1. Acts ix. 3. 1, — xiii. 36. fe mee eee Sai 1. Luke ii. 13. 1. —— xxii. 6. υπ μου 2. —— xxviii. 6. 2. Acts ii. 2. 4, 1 Tim. ν. 22. SUE. See, LAW. SUFFER (-ΕΡ, -EsT, -ETH, -ING.) 1. πάσχω, to be affected by anything from without, to be acted on, to experience either good or evil ; of good, to experience; of evil, to suffer, be subjected to evil, receive it, suffer from it. ἀφίημι, to send forth or away, let go from one’s self, dismiss ; to let go, ae. let pass, permit, to suffer. édw, to let, let be; permit, suffer, not to hinder, ἐπιτρέπω, to turn upon, direct upon ; to commit ov entrust to any one, to entrust; give up, yield, allow, suffer. ἀνέχομαι, to hold one’s self upright, bear up, hold out; hence, endure, bear patiently, have patience with, put up with. bo 99 Ἐν σπ SUF over. δίδωμι, Lo give; give over, deliver δέχομαι, to take to one’s self what is brought or presented by another, to receive. προσεάω, (No.3, with πρός, towards, prefixed) to permit or suffer fur- ther. O7éyw, to cover, cover over, conceal, not to make known. ὑπέχω, to hold under; to undergo, as punishment or sentence, (non ουσ.) =. ὑπομένω, to remain under, to bear up under, be patient under, en- dure; (Ixx. for 5252, Mal. iii. 2; non, Dan. xii. 12.) — Matt. iii. 15 1st, see 5 it to be so now. 2. 15 2nd. 4. — viii. 21. 4, “1 (ἀπόστειλον ἡμᾶς, send us, instead | — Rom. viii. 17, see S with. 5. 1 Cor. iv. 12, 9, —— ix. 12, | 3. ——x. 13. of ἐπίτρεψον ἡμῖν ἀπε- | λθεῖν, suffer us to go | away.G LT ΤτΑ 8.) — — x1,12, see Violence. 1. —— xvi. 51. 1, — xvii. 12. δ. 17. 4, —— xix. 8. 2. 14. 2. —— xxiii. 13. 3. — xxiv. 43 1, —— xxvii. 19. 2. Mark i. 34, 2. —v.19. . 26. 2. 37. 2. —— vii. 12 1. — viii. 31 1. — ix. 12. 5. 19. 4, ——x. 4. 2. 14. 2. —— xi. 16. 3. Luke iv. 41. 4. —— viii. 32 twice. 2. 51. 1, —— ix. 22, 5. 41, 4. 59. 2. —— xii. 39. 1. —— xiii. 2. 1. —— xvii. 25. 2, — xviii. 16. 1. — xxii. 15. 3. 51. 1. —— xxiv. 26, 46. 6. Acts ii. 17. 1. — iii. 18. — — v. 41, see Shame. — — vii. 24, see Wrong. 1, —— ix. 16. — —- xiii. 8, see Man- 6. Ν (mers. 8. —— xiv. 16. 8. —— xvi. 7. 1, —— xvii. 3. ϑ. —— xix. 30. 4, — xxi. 39. [(should) | ——— xxvi. 23, see S 8. —— xxvii. 7. 8. —— xxviii. 4, 4, 16, 1. Ι. 1, 1. —— xii. 26 1st. 26 2nd, see § with. — — xiii. 4, see S long. 15, see Loss. 1. 2 Cor. i. 6. — — vii. 12, 566 Wrong. 7. ——xi. 16, marg. (text, receive.) 5. 19, 20. -- 25, see Ship- wreck. 1. Gal. iii. 4. — —-v. 11,} see Perse- — —vi.12, cution. 1. Phil. i. 29. — — iii. 8, see Loss. — —— iv. 12, see Need. —1Thes. ii. 2, see S before. aI 14. — — iii. 4, see Tribula- tion. 1. 2 Thes. i. 5. 4, 1 Tim. ii. 12. ——iv. 10, see Re- proach, 1. 2 Tim. i. 12. — — ii.9,seeS trouble. 11. 12, \feution. — — iii. 12, see Perse- 1. Heb. ii. 18, 1. —-v. 8. — — vii. 23, see S not. 1. —— ix. 26 —— xiii. 2, see Ad- versity. 1. 12 5. 22 — Jas. v. 8, see Patience. 10,seeA filiction, 1. 1 Pot. ii. 9, 20, 21, 23. 1, — iii. 14, 17. 18 (ἀπέθανε, died, α ο Τ, .) iv. 1 1s part., 1 2nd, 15, 19. v. 10 part. 10. Jude 7. 1. Rey. ii. 10. 3. 20 (No. 2, GL TTrAR.) [ 749 ] SUF SUFFER BEFORE. προπάσχω, (No. 1, with πρό, before, ιν to be affected before- and, to experience before. in N.T. part. aor., to have suffered before, 1.6. previously, (non occ.) 1 Thes. ii. 2. SUFFER IT TO BE SO. 2, Matt. η]. 15. SUFFER LONG. μακροθυμέω, to be long-minded, 1.6. slow to anger; to be long-suffex- ing. 1 Cor. xiii. 4. SUFFER NOT. κωλόω, to hinder, prevent, restram. Heb. vii. 23. SUFFER (snovtp) παθητός, subject to suffering, passibie; or perhaps destined to suffer; comp. Luke xxiv. 26. Acts xxvi. 23. SUFFER TROUBLE. κακοπαθέω, to suffer evil, be afflicted) endure hardships; (Ixx. for Jon. iv. 10.) 2 Tim. ii. 9. β many ΄ wale SUFFER WITH. συμπάσχω, (“suFFER,” Wo. 1, with σύν, together in conjunction with, prefixed), (non occ.) Rom. viii. 17. | 1 Cor. xii. 26. SUFFERING. πάθημα, what is suffered ; evil sufferec, affliction, Heb. ii. 9. Elsewhere only pl., sufferings, calamities. Rom, viii. 18. Heb. ii. 9, 10. 2 Cor. 1. 5, 6, 7. 1 Pet. 1 11, Phil. iii. 10. — iv. 13, Col. i. 24. --- ν 1. See also, Lona. [πρ ἢ SUP SUF SUFFERING AFFLICTION. κακοπάθεια, suffering of evil; (Ixx. for mon, Mal. i. 13.) Jas. v. 10. SUFFICE (-rru.) 1. ἀρκέω, to ward off, keep off ; hence, to be of use, avail, suffice, be strong enough. 9 εἰμί, to be "αὶ ἀρκετός, sufficient. 1. John xiv. 8. | 2. 1 Pet. iv. 3. SUFFICIENCY. 1. αὐτάρκεια, self-sufficiency, (ἦν a good sense) i.e. sufficiency within one’s self, (occ. 1 Tim. vi. 6.) 2. ἱκανότης, sufficiency, fitness, com- petency, ability. 2. 2 Cor. iii. 5. | 1, 2 Cor. ix. 8. SUFFICIENT. 1. ἱκανός, coming to, reaching to; hence, sufficing, 1.6. sufficient. 2. ἀρκετός, sufficient, 1.6. availing, enough. 2. 34. —- Luke xiv. 28, see Have. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 6, 16. 1. —— iii. 5, SUFFICIENT (55) ἀρκέω, see “SUFFICE,” No. 1. John vi. 7. Ι 2 Cor. xii. 9. SUM. 1. κεφάλαιον, the head; hence, the chief thing, the main point, (non ουσ.) 2. τιµή, a holding worth, estimation ; hence, value, price. 2. Acts vii. 16. 1. Acts xxii. 28. 1, Heb. viii. 1. SUMMER. θέρος, the warm season, 7.6. summer, summer-time ; (xx. for Y¥p, Prov. xxvi. 1), (non 006.) Matt. xxiv, 32. Luke xxi. 80, Mark xiii. 28. SUMPTUOUSLY. λαμπρῶς, radiantly, splendidly, sump- tuously, (zon occ.) Luke xvi. 19. , SUN. ἥλιος, the sun; (1xx. for wow, Gen. xv. 12, 17.) Matt. v. 45. Acts xxvii. 20. — xiii. 6, 4. 1 Cor. xv. 41. — xvii. 2. Eph. iv. 26 — xxiv. 29, ΒΞ: ας Mark i. 32. Rey. i. 16 — iv. 6. — vi. 12 —— xiii. 24, —— vii. 16 — xvi. 2. — viii. 12 Luke iv. 40. —— ix. 2 —— xxi. 25. —x.l —— xxiii. 45. — xii. 1 Acts ii. 20. — xvi. 8 — xiii. 11. —— xix. 17 — xxvi. 13. —— xxi. 23 Rev. xxii. 5. SUNDER. See, cur. SUNDRY. See, TIMES. SUN-RISING. [margin.] Luke i. 78, see ‘‘ DAY-SPRING.”” SUP. δειπνέω, to make a meal, to take the chief meal, to dine ; (Ixx. for 0m, Prov. xxiii. 1), (ουσ. Luke xxii. 20.) Luke xvii. 8. | 1 Cor. xi. 25. Rev. iii. 20. SUPERFLUITY. περισσεία, more than enough, super- abundance. Jas. i. 21. SUPERFLUOUS. περισσός, over and above, more than enough, superabundant. 2 Cor. ix. 1. SUPERSCRIPTION. ἐπιγραφή, ἃ writing upon or over, superscription, (ποπ occ.) Matt. xxii. 20, marg. in- | Mark xv. 26. scription. Luke xx. 24. | Mark xii. 10, xxiii. 38, SUP Ε η SUP SUPERSTITION. 4. ἐπιχορηγία, (see the noun “ SUPPLY”) δεισιδαιμονία, fear of the gods, 1.6. in a here, “ὧν every point of] the “ee te supply.” good sense, religiousness, religion. ΕΕ. 2. 1 Cor. xvi. 17. 4, Eph. iv. 16. Acts xxv. 19. 3. 2 Cor. ix. 19. 2. Phil. ii. 30. 8. — xi. 9. 1, — iv. 19. SUPERSTITIOUS. (roo) δεισιδαίμων, fearing the gods, 1.6. in a good sense, religiously disposed. Here, comparative, i.e. more 80 than others. SUPPORT. [verb.] 1. ἀντιλαμβάνομαι, to take hold of in one’s turn, to take part in, to interest one’s self for. Acts xvii, 22. | 2. ἀντέχομαι, to hold fast to, cleave to, ΝΕ ἣν faithfully to care for. SUPPER. 1. Acts xx. 35. Ι 2 1Thes, v. 14. 1. δεῖπνον, a meal; the principal meal whenever taken, but gen. towards evening. SUPPOSE (-xp, -Ίνα.) 1. νομίζω, to regard or acknowledge as custom, to have and hold as cus- tomary ; hence, gen., to assume, suppose. supping. 1. Mark vi. 21. 1 1. Ἰαῖκο xiv. 12, 16,17, 24, | 1 ας 1 . John xiii. 2, 4, . — xxi. 20. . 1 Cor. xi..20, 21. . Rev. xix. 9, 17. 2. doxéw, intrans., to appear, have the appearance; ¢rans., to hold for, be of opinion, believe. . —— xxii. 20, 1, John xii. 2. SUPPLICATION. 1. δέησις, want, need; then, prayer, | as the expression of need, suppli- | cation. A 3. λογίζομαι, to count, reckon, calcu- late, compute; then, to reckon, reason out. . ὑπολαμβάνω, to take under any 2. ἱκετηρία, the olive-branch, 1.6. the person or thing; to take up by suppliant-branch which suppliants placing one’s self underneath ; held in the hand ; hence, petition, hence, to take up in thought, to (non occ.) suppose, think; “like Eng., “I . ” 1. Acts i. 14 (om. καὶ τῇ | 1. Phil. iv. 6. take it. ut δεήσει, and supplica- | 1. 1 Tim. ii. 1. | Ξ tion, α 1, T Tr AN.) | 1. —v. 5. . οἴομαι, to suppose, (always of some- i twice 2 ? η 4 oe ra thing as yet doubtful), to deem, conceive, imagine, (with the idea σπ Heb. v. 8. 2. δειπνέω, (see “sup”) here part., SUPPLY. [noun.] of wrong judgment or conceit), ἐπιχορηγία, a furnishing upon, further | (οσα. 488. 1...) supply, super-addition; hence, | 6. ἡγέομαι, to lead, go before, to go aid, help. Ὁ first, lead the way; then, to lead Phil, 1.10. out the mind, i.e. to view, regard as being so and so. SUPPLY (-rp, -ΕΤΗ.) [verb. | . , κ 7. ὑπονοέω, to perceive under, suspect, 1. πληρόω, to make full, to fill. surmise ; conjecture. . Matt. xx. 10. . Mark vi. 49. . Luke ii. 44. — iii. 23. , . , . Acts xiv. 19. 2. ἀναπληρόω, (No. 1, with ἀνά, up, Ὃ prefixed) to fill up, fulfil, com- plete. 1 1. —— xvi. 27. 1, —— xxi, 29. 7. —— xxv. 18. —- vii. 43. 2. — xxvii. 13. — xii. 51. 1 —- xiii. 2. 8 — xxiv. 37. 5 . John xx. 15. 5. i 1 . 1 Cor. vii. 26, . 2 Cor. xi. 5. 3. προσαναπληρόω, (No. 2, with πρός, PhIL i 8 . . 1, 10, towards, prefixed) to fill up ὃ, thereto, ας by adding, to supply | 5. πμ δ᾽ Heb, x. 20." or complete fully. 1, —— vii, 25. 3. 1 Pe —— ii. 25. m CTO bobo ho eee Doe . 1 Pet. ν. 12, κ--υὐὔὐ-----------------ὕ----- SUP [7581 SUR SUPREME. Me ee certainly, ᾿ most certain- ὑπερέχω, to hold over; intrans., to hold μήν, yea, assuredly, ly, most over any one for protection; to surely. 1. Matt. xxvi. 73. 1. John xvii. 8. be over, be prominent, jut out over or beyond; hence, to be superior; here part., protecting, superior. 1 Fet. ii, 13. SURE, 1. ἀσφαλής, not falling, immoveable ; safe, secure. to βέβαιος, firm, sure, steady ; hence, steadfast. 3. πιστός, worthy of belief, trust- worthy, sure, certain. 4. στερεός, solid, firm, stable ; immove- able. 3. Acts xiii. 34, 4, 2 Tim. ii. 19. 2. Rom. iv. 16. 1. Heb. vi. 19. 2. 2 Pet. i. 10, 19. SURE (15) 1 εν = . οἶδα, to have seen, perceived, appre- hended ; to know. 2. γινώσκω, to perceive, observe, obtain a knowledge of; to be influenced by one’s knowledge of the object and to suffer one’s self to be determined thereby. 2, John vi. 69. | 1. — xvi. 30. 1. Rom. ii. 2. 1, — xv. 29. SURE OF (sr) γινώσκω, see above, No. 2. Luke x. 11, SURE (maxr) ἀσφαλίζω, to make firm, make fast ; then, to make safe. Matt. xxvii. 65, 66. 1, Mark xiv. 70. 4. Heb. vi. 14 (εἰ μήν, — Luke i. 1, see Believed. truly if, instead of ἥ 3. —— iv. 23, μήν, most surely, L T 3. Rev. xxii. 20. (Tr A &.) SURETY. ἔγγυος, yielding a pledge. In «3.Τ. masc., ἃ surety, bondsman, (non oce. ) Heb. vii. 22. SURETY (ος a) ἀληθῶς, truly, really ; in truth, in very deed Acts xii. 11. 2, Matt. x. 3 SURELY. 1. ἀληθῶς, truly, really, in truth, in very deed. 2. vai, yea, yes, certainly. 3. πάντως, wholly, altogether, entirely ; by all means, at all events. SURFEITING. | | κραιπάλη, seizure of the head; and hence, intoxication and its consequences, giddiness, headache, etc., (non occ.) Luke xxi. 34. SURMISING. ὑπόνοια, under-thought, 1.6. suspicion, surmise, (207 000.) 1. Tim. vi. 4 SURNAME (8Ὲ onn’s) 1. καλέω, to call, to call to any one in order that he may come or go any- where; hence, to call, to name, to give a name to any person or thing. Here pass., to be called or named. 2. ἐπικαλέω, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed) to call upon; to call a name upon, ze. to name in addi- tion, to surname. Here pass., to be surnamed. om. ὃ ἐπικληθεὶς Θαδδαῖος, whose swr- name was Thadeus, ἃ -- L T Tr A.) 1. Acts xv. 87. SURNAME (-εν.) [verb.] ἐπιτίθημι, to place or put upon, ὄνομα, & name, Mark iii. 16, 17. to impose a name upon. SUR [ 768 ] SWE SURNAMED (πε) SWEARING OF AN OATH. ἐπικαλέω, see “SURNAME (BE ONE’s)” [μορι ᾿ No. 2. Heb. vii. 21, see “‘ oaTH. Luke xxii. 3 (καλεόμαι, to | Acts x. 8. a ὃ Acts 33.” οἷ = rer a be ΛΕ Ln te SWEAT. a ΕΝ ἱδρώς, sweat; (Ixx. for πρὶ, Gen. iii. ΝΒ rie -- 19), (non oce.) SUSPENSE (de in) [margin. ] Luke xxii. 24 (αρ) Luke iii. 15, see “‘ EXPECTATION (BE IN) ” SWEEP, SWEPT. SUSPENSE (hold in) (margin. ] σαρόω, to sweep, to cleanse with a John x. 24, see ‘‘ DOUBT (MAKE το) ”” broom, (non oce.) Matt. xii. 44. | Luke xi. 25. SUSPENSE (live in careful) ee ad | SWEET. Luke xii. 29, see “‘ DOUBTFUL MIND (BE OF) ” 2 γλυκύς, sweet; (Ixx. for pino, Judg. SUSTENANCE. xiv. 14; Is. v. 20), (occ. Jas. iii. 12.) Jas. iii. 11. | Rey. x. 9, 10. χόρτασμα, fodder, green or dry, for Rev. xviii. 12, marg. (text, thyme.) animals ; (Ixx. for spon, Gen. xxiv. 25, 32); hence, gen., food, sustenance for persons, (non 000. ) Acts vii. 11. See also, SAVOUR, SMELL, SPICES. =a l sla jis πω SWEET SMELLING. SWADDLING CLOTHES (wrap ty) εὐωδία, good odour, sweet savour, fra- σπαργανόω, to swathe, wrap in swadd- grance. Used of persons and things gee clothes; (Ixx. dak ο for nn, well pleasing to God; (Ixx.for το” Ezek. xvi. 4) mrs, Lev. i. 9, 19, 17; Numb. + XXvill. 13.) Luke ii. 7, = Eph. iv. 1. SWALLOW. [verb.] καταπίνω, to drink down, swallow down SWELL, SWOLLEN. πίμπρημι, to set on fire, to burn; hence, as in drinking ; or, as in Enq., to | to be inflamed, swell, become swallow up, (non occ.) | swollen, (non occ.) Matt. xxiii. 24. Acts xxvii. 6. SWALLOW UP. SWELLING. [noun.] 1 Cor. xv. 54, 2 Cor. v. 4. if > pence tt | αι φυσίωσις, a puffing up, inflation, (nox occ.) SWEAR (-ΕΤΗ, sWARE, SWORN.) ” > 4 Θ | ὄμνυμι, or ὀμνύω, to swear, take #gWRLLING WORDS (GREAT) or make an oath; to declare with 2 Cor. xii. 20. ls Bi | | an oath, promise with an oath. ὑπέρογκος, over-swollen, much swollen , Matt. v. 34, 36. Acts vii. 17 (μολογέω, here, neut. pl., pompous things, — xxiii. 16 twice, 18 twice, ε τν ΤΩ τάκ engage, oF ogres, ἃ ὦ boastful, highflown things, (non ret | Heb. ii, LL, 18. oce.) (Ixx. for? 271, Ex. xviii. 22; ark vi. 23. ——= IV, 9 sie ἢ are 13 twice, οὐ πῦρ, Ex. xviii. 26: τιν), Dan. Luke i. 73. —- vii. 21, ΧΙ]. 36.) Acts ii. 39, ' Jas. τ. 15. Zey. κ. 6. 2 Pet. ii. 18, | Jude 18, AAA SWE SWERVE (εν) FROM. ἀστοχέω, to miss the mark; to turn aside. 1 Tim. 1, 6, marg. not avm at. SWIFT. 1. ὀξύς, sharp, keen ; and since the idea of sharpness and keenness implies eagerness and vehemence, quick, swift; (xx. for >p, Amos il. 15; ὙΠῸ, Prov. xxii. 28.) 2. ταχύς, quick, swift, nimble; fast, fleet. 3. ταχινός, (a poetical form of No. 2) quick, swift, speedy, (occ. 2 Pet. i. 14.) 1. Rom. iii, 15. | 2. Jas. i, 19. 8, 2 Pet. ii. 1. SWIM. κολυμβάω, to dive; to jump into the sea and swim, (707 900.) Acts xxvii. 43. SWIM OUT. ἐκκολυμβάω, (the above, with ἐκ, out of, prefixed ) to swim out. Acts xxvii. 42. SWINE. χοῖρος,, a young swine, pig, lke Lat., porcus, (non occ.) Matt. vii. 6. ] Mark ν. 11, 12, 13. — viii. 30, 31, 32 1st. | 14 (αὐτους, them, 22 ὅπὰ (om, τῶν | GLTTrArk.) οίρων, of the swine, | 16. GLT Tr AP.) i Luke viii, 32, 33. Luke xv. 15, 16. SWORD (-s.) 1. μάχαιρα, a knife, slaughter-knife worn with the sword ; hence, later, a sword for cutting, (non occ.) 2. ῥομφαία, a sword, a sabre, a long and broad sword used esp. by the Thracians, and carried on the right shoulder ; (1xx. for μπι, Ex. xxxii. 26; Ezek. v. 1), (non occ.) 1. Matt. x. 34. | 1. Rom. viii. 35, a πχνι,. 4, δι, | 1. xiii. 4. 52 3 times, 55, 1. Eph. vi. 17. 1. Mark xiv. 43, 47, 48. 1. Heb. iv. 12. 2, Luke ii. 35. 1, —— xi. 34, 37. 1, - xxi. 24, | 2. Rev. i. 16 1. —— xxii. 36, 38, 49, 52. | 2. —— ii. 12, 16. 1. John xviii. 10, 11, | 1, —— vi. 4, 1. Acts xii. 2. 2, 8, 1. —— xvi, 27. 1 xiii, 10 twice, 14, 2, Rev, xix. 15, 21. SYN SYCAMINE TREE. συκάμινος, a sycamine tree, called also the sycamore, (Heb. pi., Ὀρύ), 1. Kings x..27; 1,Ch. xxvii αν Is. ix. 9), (non oce.) Luke xvii. 6, or SYCAMORE TREE. συκομοραία, the fig-mulberry, a syca- more-tree, (with the leaves like the mulberry-tree, and fruit like the fig.) Luke xix, 4, SYNAGOGUE. συναγωγή, a collecting, gathering, as of fruits, cattle, etc.; a mass, a multitude as collected. Hence, an assembly, congregation ; (Ixx. for my, which is never rendered ἐκκλησία, a term confined to the Christian Church.) Zhen, a syna- gogue, ΠΌΣΞ ma, house of assembly. [Synagogues appear to have been first introduced during the cap- tivity in Babylon, when, deprived of the Temple worship, they assembled on the Sabbath to hear portions of the law read. The oractice afterwards continued in Palbstine Neh. viii. 1, ete.] Matt, iv. 23. { Luke xii. 11. — vi. 2, 5. | — xiii. 10. — ix. 35. | —— xx. 46 Se | —— xxi, 12 — xii. 9. | John vi. 59 —— xiii. 54. | —— xviii. 20, — xxiii. 6, 34. Acts vi. 9 Mark 1. 21, 23, 29, 39. — ix. 2, 20. — iii. 1. — xiii. 5, 14, 42 (ap.) — vi. 2. — xiv. 1. — xii. 39 — xv. 21. — xiii. 9. —— xvii. 1, 10, 17. Luke iv. 15, 16, 20, 28, 38, | —— xvili. 4, 7, 19, 26. 38, 44. — xix. 8. — vi. 6. — xxiv. 12. — vii. 5. Jas. ii. 2, marg. (text, — viii. 41. assembly.) — xi. 43. Rev. ii. 9. Rev, iii. 9. SYNAGOGUE (In Every) κατὰ, distributive, ) from one syna- { τὰς, the, goguetoanother, ( συναγωγάς, at different syna- gogues. Acts xxii. 19, | Acts xxvi, 11. SYN f 755 J TAC SYNAGOGUE (evr ovr oF ΤΗΕ) | SYNAGOGUE (RULER OF THE) ἀποσυνάγωγος, excommunicant from ἀρχισυνάγωγος, a ruler or moderator of the synagogue, the synagogue. The presiding ποιέω, to make. elder of the synagogue, whose duty it was to preserve order and select and invite persons to read or speak in the assembly. Mark v. 22, 35, 36,38, | Luke xiii. 14. SYNAGOGUE (pe Ρύτ ουσ ΟΕ THE) | Τον ο ‘Acts xiii. 15, John xvi. 2. ( ἀποσυνάγωγος, excommunicant from the synagogue, SYNAGOGUE (curer RULER OF THE) γίνομαι, to become, be made. ἀρχισυνάγωγος, see above. John ix, 22. | John xii. 42, Acts xviii. 8, 17. Ὁ ----- μυ ----..-.-. TABERNACLE (-s.) 1. σκηνή, any covered sheltered place; esp. a tent; as of green boughs, a booth; of skins, Bi tate. Jor YN Sk ee μα. προ.) Esp., The Tabernacle. TABLE (-s.) giving, (Ex. ασ. 16; xxxiv. 22); see also Deut. xxxi. 10, etc.; Neh. vii. 18, (ποτ occ.) John vii. 2. (a) quoted from Amos ix. 11, where Ixx. for Πο, used of the throne and house and line of David. (b) quoted from Amos v. 26, where | lxx. for m2p. 1. τράπεζα, a piece of furniture with four feet; hence, a table. 2. πλάξ, any broad and flat surface , hence, a tablet, ue of wood or stone; (Ixx. for mm}, Ex. XXX. 18; xxxu. 15; xxxiv. 1, 4; mb, Prov. iii, 3; Jer. xvii. A), (non occ.) 2. σκῆνος, a booth, tent, tabernacle, | (non oce.) 3. σκνήωμα, a booth or tent pitched, a dwelling-place; (Ixx. for j2wn, Ps. cxxxii. 5; xlvi. 4; dr, 1 3. κλίνη, any thing on which one re- clines, a bed, a couch. | 1. Matt. xv. 27. 1, John ii. 15. Kings ii. 28; viii. 4), (non occ.) 1, — xxi. 12. — — xii. 2, sce Sit. 3. Mark vii. 4. -— xiii. | 28, see T (at 1, Matt. xvii. 4. 2. 2 Cor. v. 1, 4, i 28. | 1. Acts vi. 2. {the) | 1. Mark ix. 5. | 1. Heb. viii. 2, 5. 1, — xi. 15. | 1, Rom, xi. 9. | 1. Luke ix. 33. | 1. — ix. 2, 3,6,8,11,21, | — Luke i. 63, see Writ- | 1. 1 Cor, x. 9] twice. — John vii. 2, see T (of) | 1, — xi. 9. ing. 2. 2 Cor. iii. 3 twice. 1b. Acts vii. 40. πε xiii. 10, 1, — xvi. 21. | 1. Heb. ix. 2, 1. 44, 3. 2 Pet. i. 13, 14, 1. — xxii. 21, 30. | 2. 4, 3. 46. } ahs Rey. xiii. 6, la,— xy. 16. * | 1, —xv. 5. ySpeed TABLE (ar rug) ἀνάκειμαι, to be laid up as at table or TABERNACLES (oF) as atameul, LHere part., reclining σκηνοπηγία, a booth-pitching, tent- at the table. pitching, z.c. the festival of booths John κι. 38, or tabernacles, the third of the Maia be GF rar ΤῊ great annual feasts of the Jews ; TACKLING. ] ον] > ἜΝ 1] 9. ΄ . 9 see Deut. xvi. 16, ete. ; John vii. 2; | σκευή, apparatus, equipment, imple- partly as a memorial of the forty | ments ; ofa ship, the rigging, the years’ wandering, (Lev. xxiii. 42, tackling, (non oce.) 43), partly as a harvest thanks- | Acte xxvii, 19. AAA* TAI TAIL. οὐρά, the tail of an animal; (Ixx. for an, Deut. xxviii. 18: Job xl. 12.) Rey. ix. 10 twice, 19 (ap.) | Rev. xii. 4. TAKE (-en -ETH, TOOK.) (for various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. λαμβάνω, to take, take hold of, apprehend ; take with the hand 2. ἀναλαμβάνω, (3ο. 1, with ἀνά, up, prefixed) to take up, to take up or with, take along. 3. ἀπολαμβάνω, (No. 1, with ἀπό, away from, prefixed) to take one away from another or from others. 4. ἐπιλαμβάνομαι, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed) to take hold upon, lay hold of ἐμ order to hold or de- tain for one’s self. 5. καταλαμβάνω, (No. 1, with κατά, down, prefixed) to take down, to take, lay hold of, (more intensive than No. 1, and perhaps more hos- tile.) 6. μεταλαμβάνω, (No. 1, with μετά, with, in association with, prefived) to take a part, take a share of anything in association with others. 7. παραλαμβάνω, (No. 1, with παρά, from beside, prefixed) to take near, with, ov to one’s self; take from beside another, 1.6. from him; take to one’s self. 8. προσλαμβάνω, (No. 1, with πρός, towards, prefixed) to take thereto, 1.6. in addition, take besides. N.T., mid., to take to one’s self, 1.6. take by the hand and draw aside. 9. συλλαμβάνω, (No. 1, with σύν, to- gether with, in conjunction with, prefixed) to take together, to enclose in the hands; to take or seize altogether, enclose and take, 10. aipw, to take up, lift up, raise; to take up and carry away, take away. In | [ 756 ] ee TAK 11. ἀπαίρω, (No. 10, with ἀπό, away from, prefixed) trans., to take away from, remove; zntrans., to go away, depart. In N.T., only aor. 1, pass., to be taken away from. 12. συναίρω, (No. 10, with σύν, to- gether in conjunction with, pre- Jjixed) to take up together, take up one in conjunction with others. 13. δέχομαι, to take to one’s self what is presented or brought by an- other; hence, to accept, receive ; receive into one’s hands. 14. προσδέχοµαι, (No. 18, with πρός, towards, prefixed) to receive to- wards one’s self, to accept, allow. . Kpatéw, to be strong, mighty, powerful; to have power over, be master of, take hold of and have and hold in one’s power. . πιάζω, to press, to hold fast; to take, arrest, to catch. . euBaivw, to go in, to enter; ofa ship, to go on board, embark. . δίδωμι, to give, bestow upon. . δράσσομαι, to grasp with the hand, to seize, take. . ἐπιφέρω, to bear upon, to bring upon or against in a judicial sense, spoken of accusation, sentence, wrath or punishment. 21. κατέχω, to have and hold down, hold fast or firmly; hence, to possess, to occupy, ¢mplying that what is occupied is held in retained Possession. . ποιέω, to make; to do; here, with συμβούλιον, to make a consulta- tion, z.e. to consult together. 7. Matt. ii. 19, 14, 21, | 17.Matt. xv. 39 (ἀναβαίνω, 29. go up, G'T Ἐν A.) 7, ——iv. 5,8 1. —— xvi. 5, 7. 1. —— viii. 17 8. 22. 11.— ix. 15. 7. —— xvii. 1. 10, 16. 1, 25, 27. 5. 18. 7. —— xviii. 16. 1. ——x. 38 (No.10, Lm.) | 12 23. | ——— xi. 12, see Force. | — 28, see Throat. 10. 29. 10.— xx. 14. xii. 14, marg. | 7. 17. (text, take hold.) 1. —— xxi. 35 7 45. 10, 43. 1, —— xiii. 31, 35, | 15.—— xxii. 6 1. — xiv. 19. ια. 15. 1, —— xv. 26, 36. 10 xxiv. 17, 18, TAK 7. Matt. xxiv. 40, 41. 1, — xxv. 1, 31st part., 3 2nd, 4, 10. 28. 15.—— xxvi. 4. 1, 26 twice, 27, — —— 45, see Rest. 15. ------ 50. 1, 52. 9. 55. 1. —— xxvii. 1, 6, 7,9, 24. 7. —— 27. a 30, 48, 59 part. 1. —— xxviii. 12, 15. 22, Mark iii. 6 (No. 18, Tr A.) 10.— iv. 25. p 36. 7. —v. 40. 10.— vi. 8. Ἴς 41 part 1. —— vii. 27. 3. —— 33. 1. —— viii. 6, 14 8. —— 32. 7. — ix. 2. 1. ——— 36 Ist. as 36 2nd, see — — x. 16, Arms. β 82. lz 1. — xii. 8, 19, 20, 21. 10.— xiii. 15. | 15.—— xiv. 1. a 22 twice, 23, 7. —— 33. -- 41, see Rest. 15. --------- 44, 46, 9, —— 48. 15. 49. 10. xv. 24. — Luke i. 1, see Hand. 13.— ii. 28, 1. —-v. 5. 9. 9. 18, see Palsy. 1. —vi. 4(om.G => κα) | 10.— viii. 18. 10.— ix. 3. a 10. uF 16. 7. —— 28. 1, —— 39. 4. 47. — — x. 34,35, see Care. | 10.— xi. 22, re 26. | - —— xii. 19, see Ease. 1. —— xiii. 19, 21. 4. —— xiv. 4 21 9. 13.— xvi. 6, 7. 7. ——xvii. 34, 35, 36 (ap.) | 7. — xviii. 31. — — xix.8, see Accusa- tion. 10. 1, ——- xx. 28, 29, ν.μ ) 13.—— xxii. 17 Ist, a 17 2nd, 19, 10, 36. 9. 54. 1, —— xxiv. 30, 43 10. John ii. 16. 1, — vi. 7, 11. 15, see Force. i/.—$—"2a 16.— vii. 30, 32, 44. 5. — viii. 3 (ap. Ἶ, 4 (ap. ) 1. —— x. 17. 10. 18 lst Ds 18 2nd 16. 39. — — xi. 13, see Rest. - 53, see Counsel. 16. 57. 1. — xii. 3, 13. 1. —— xiii, 4, 12, 1. — xvi. 16. [ 757 1 TAK 10.John xvi. 22. 1. Heb. ix. 19. 1. Rev. iii. 11 10.— xvii. 15. 14,— x. 34. 1, —v. 7, 8, 9. 9. —— xviii. 12. 1, Jas. v. 10 1, —— vi. 4. x 51, —1 Pet. ii. 20, see Pa- | 1. ——vilii. 5. 1, —— xix. 1, 6. tiently. 1. ——x. 8, 9, 10, τῷ 16 (ap.) ——-Vv. see Over- 16.— xix. 20. 1. 29, 27. 1. 3 John 7. (sight. | 1. —— xxii. 17. 10.—— 38. Ἂς 40, 1, ----- xxi. 13. 9. Acts i. 16. TAKE AWAY. i i. δὲ (δ 1. αἴρω, see “rake,” No. 10 — ii. 23 διὰ χειρός, . αιρω, 866 “ΤΑΚΕ 0. . by hand ΧΆ xeon πο. men, instead οἵ λα- » , « ” βόντες διὰ χειρῶν, hava 2. ἀπαίρω, see “TAKE,” No. 11. aken and by wicked | poe ° hands, α τ LT Tr. | 8. ἐξαίρω, (Wo. 1, with ἐκ, from out of, ἜΘΟΣ preficed) to take up out of any — — iv. 13, see Know- place, to lift up from; to take ledge. — —— v. 33, see Counsel. -- -- viii. 7, see Palsy. 10. — — ix. 23, see Counsel. ule 25. 4. 2 9. —— xii. 3 — xi 9 part. 19. 4. —— xviii. 17. 18, see Leave. — — xx.26,see Record. —— xxi. 6 Ist, 566 Leave. -- 6 2nd, see Ship. 10. 11, 7. —— 24, 26. 4, 30. 7. —— 32 (No. 1, L.) 4, 38. ση —— ΧΙ 1.10, seeForce. 9. 27. 2. 51. 15.—— xxiv. 6. -- 8, see Know- ledge. 6. —— xxvii. 33 Ist. 8. 33 2nd. 8, ——— 34 (No.5,G L TR.) . 35. 8. 36. 20.Rom. iii. δ. 1. —— vii. 8, 11. — — ix, 6, see Effect. 19.1 Cor. iii. 19. — — vi. 7, see Wrong. 10. 15. — —— ix. 9, see Care. 1. ——x. 13. 1, — xi. 23. 1. 24 (om. λάβετε, iW dew ἃ Ὧν eat, ἃ L —2 Con ii. ves Leave. i. 8, 20. 10, see Plea- — — xii. sure. 2. Eph. vi. 16. 13. 17 (om. --) 10.Col. ii. 14. 18.2 Thes. i. yield, — 1 Tim. iii. 5, see Care. v. 9, see Number. — 2 Tim. ii. 26, see Cap- tive. 2. —— iv. 11. — Heb. ii. 14, see Part. 1, —v. i. 4. — — vii. 5, see Tithe. 8, marg. away-from out of. ἀφαιρέω, to take away from, to re- move from, deprive of. ἀναιρέω, to take up, lift up; to take up to one’s self, adopt; to take away, remove, put out of the way. περιαιρέω, to take away what is round about, to take away wholly, 1.6. all around. ἀπάγω, to lead away, conduct away. λαμβάνω, see “TAKE,” Wo. 1. 9. παραφέρω, to bear from beside, bear away as does a ee pass away. 8. Matt. v. 40. j 1. Luke xvii. 31. 1, — xiii. 12. | 3: ves ae Sg ule xxii. 13 (om. ἄρατε | 1. Johni. 29, marg. bear, αὐτὸν καὶ, and take | 1. —— xi. 39, 41, 48. him away,G = L T | 1. — xv. 2, Tr AN.) 1. = six, St 1. — xxiv. 39. 1. —— xx. 1, 2, 13, 15. 1, — xxv. 29. 1. Acts viii. 33. 2. Mark ii. 20. 7. -—— xxiv. 7 (αρ.) 4 21. 6. —— xxvii. 20. 1, — iv. 15. 4, Rom. xi. 27. 2. — v. 35. 3. 1 Cor. v. 2 (No. 1,6 1 9, —— xiv. 36. T TrA &.) 4, Luke 1. 25. 6. 2 Cor. iii. 16. 1. —— vi. 29, 30. 4, Heb. x. 4. 1. — viii. 12, 5. 9. 4. —— x. 42. 6, 11. 1. ——x.) 16 2nd (om. αὶ > 1, 20 3rd ἃ 4th. Tr Ab.) 22 3 times, Matt. xxv. 24, 25, 28 twice, TALENT (THE WEIGHT OF A) ταλαντιαῖος, weighing a talent, a talent in weight, (see above), (non oce.) Rev. xvi. 21, TALES. See, IDLE. TALITHA. ταλιθά, Aram. fim. Νο, talitha, i.e. a damsel, maiden, (ποπ occ.) Mark ν. 41. TALK. [noun.] λόγος, word as spoken, anything spoken, a speaking, discourse. Mark xxii. 15. TALK (-Εν, -Est, -ΕΤΠ, -tNG.) [verb.] 1. λαλέω, to speak, to talk, to use the voice without any necessary refer- ence to the words spoken, (see “say,” Wo. 5, and ef. No. 1, etc.) 2. ὁμιλέω, to be together in a crowd or company, to come into company with ; hence, to talk as with com- panions, have intercourse with. TAL 1. Matt. xii. 46 part. 1. John xvi. 4. 1. Mark vi. 50. 2. Acts xx. ll. 2. Luke xxiv. 14. 1, —— xxvi. οἱ. 1. John iv. 27 twice. 1. Rev. iv. 1. 1, — ix. 37. 1. — xvii. 1. 1, — xiv. 30, 1. — xxi. 9, 15. TALK WITH. 1. λαλέω, see above, No. 1. συλλαλέω, (No.1, with σύν, together in conjunction with, prefixed) to speak or talk with, confer with. συνομιλέω, (“TALK,” Vo. 2, with σύν, together in conjunction with, prefixed) to come into company together with another, (on occ.) 2. Matt. xvii. 3. 2, Luke ix. 30. 2. Mark ix. 4. 1. —— xxiv. 32. 3. Acts x. 27 part. TALKER (vary) ματαιολόγος, given to vain talking ; subst., vain talker, empty speakers, (non occ.) Tit. i. 10. TALKING. See, FOOLISH. TAME (-Ep.) δαμάζω, to overpower,to subdue; (Ixx. for Chald. Swn and yy, Dan. ii. 40), (non occ.) Mark v. 4. | Jas. iii. 7 twice, 8, TANNER. Bupoeds,aleather-dresser, tanner, (from βύρσα, hide), (non oce.) Acts ix. 48. | Acts x. 6, 32. TARES. ζιζάνιον, zizanium, α general name for weeds in grain, like Enq., cockle, darnel. [In W.7. spoken of a plant common in Palestine which infests fields of grain and resembles wheat in appearance. Called by the Rab- bins px, bastard.| (non occ.) Matt. xiii. 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 36, 38, 40. TARRY (-ευ, -Esv.) 1. μένω, to remain, continue, abide, (Lat., maneo.) [ 760 1 | 9, ἐκδέχομαι, to receive from another, TAR 2. ἐπιμένω, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, pre- fixed) to remain upon, 1.6. in addition, longer. 3. χρονίζω, to make out the time, spend time, tarry, linger, delay, be long in doing anything. 4. διατρίβω, to rub in pieces, to wear away, consume as by rubbing; of time, to wear away the time, pass the time. 5. βραδύνω, to be slow, delay, be slack or tardy, (οσο. 2 Pet. 111. 9.) καθίζω, trans., to cause to sit down, to seat; here, intrans., to sit down, to sit, be seated. μέλλω, to be about to, to be on the point of; here, “what art thou about to [do]?” προσδοκάω, to watch toward or for any thing, to wait in expectation or suspense. 3. Matt. xxv. 5 part. . — Acts xviii. 18, see Τὶ 1. — xxvi. 38. there. 1. Mark xiv. 34. us 20. 8. Luke i, 21. — — xx. 5, see T for. — — ii. 43, see T be- | 1. 15 part. hind. 2. —— xxi. 4, 10 part. 1. — xxiv. 29. 7. —— xxii. 16. 6. 49. 4, —— xxv. 6 part. 4, John iii. 22. 8. —— xxvii. 33. 1. —— iv. 40. 2, —— xxvili. 12, 14. 1. — xxi. 22, 23. —1 Cor. xi. 33, see T 1. Acts ix. 40. for. 2. —— x. 48. 2. —— xvi. 7, 8. — — xv. 39, 566 Tthere | 5. 1 Tim. iii. 15. a space. 3. Heb. x. 37. TARRY BEHIND. ὑπομένω, (No. 1, above, with ὑπό, under, prefixed) to remain behind after others are gone, wnperceived, with out noise or notice, implying stealth. Luke 11, 43. TARRY FOR. 1. μένω, see “ TARRY,” Vo. 1. to succeed, follow another, come next. 1. Acts xx. 5. | - 2; 1 Cor. xi. 88. TARRY THERE. προσμένω, to remain at a place with a person, remain there; continue with. Acts xviii. 18. TAR TARRY THERE A SPACE. ποιέω, Το ar z.e. made χρόνος, time, a delay. Acts xv. 33 part. TASTE (-Ep.) γεύομαι, to taste; metaph., experience, partake of, οσα. Acts x. IOs ax. 11; xxiii. 14.) Matt. xvi. 28. John ii. 9. —— xxvii. 34 part. — viii. 52. Mark ix. 1. Col. ii. 21. Luke ix. 27 Heb. ii. 9. — xiv. 24. — vi. 4, 5. 1 Pet. ii. 3. TATTLER (-s.) φλύαρος, overflowing with talk; hence, a prater, trifler, (non occ.) 1 Tim. v. 13. TAVERNS (ΤΠΕ THREE) τρεῖς, three ᾿ the proper name ΑΝ taverns, ἡ of a small place on the Appian way, 33 Rom. miles from Rome towards Brundusium. Acts xxviii. 15. TAXED (15) ἀπογράφω, to write off; enrol as in a register ; here, mid., to cause one’s self to be enrolled, give one’s name to the census. Luke ii. 1. TAXING. ἀπογραφή, registry, enrolment. gg St 2 να ail, ; shies pose, as the Temple, and as the | eee 1. —xxii ο sacred things themselves; (e.g. | 1. απ Ὶ 8. εν eel eee { ἱερά acrl . ἱερεύς 2. 1. —— xiv. 49. 1. —— xxvi. 21, τά ἱερά are the sacrifices ; ἱερεύς 15 a 2 Τζος iil 16, 17 twee, the person who offiers them; τὸ 2; - xy. 29, 38. 2, — vi, 19. ἱερὸν is the place where they are | 3: Lukei. 9, 21, 22. τ ο ΟΝ offered). ἱερὸν zs used of the | 1. —wv.9. ’ 2. 2 Cor, vi, 16 twice. ; ----- ἷ 2 4 . 11, . whole compass of the sacred en- i, Στ αν, τρ. 2. 2 thes, ie, closure, including the outercourts, | 1. — xix. 45, 47. 2. Rev. iii. 12. 1. —— xx. 1. 2. —— vii. 15. porches, and all the other subor- | 1- — xxi. 5, 97, 38. 2. —— xi, 1, 2, 19 twice. dinate buildings appertaining to | ο —~ =i. 92,98. μπω ο the Temple. (This word must be | 1. — xxiv. 53. 2, — xv. 5, as a ° HS 1. John ii. 14, 15. 2, 6 (om. ἐκ τοῦ carefully ages hr ὦ SADE BW 19, 20, 21 έν assage from No. 2.) (non oce. 1, —v. 14. G -- Tr’. vie el ) ¢ ) 1, -— vil, 14, 58, 9, 8 twice. , rally = ᾿ Ξ 1. —— viii. 2 (ap.), 20,59. | 2. —— xvi. 1 (om. ἐκ τοῦ | 2. ναός, dwelling, habitation (ο God); 1. τ LAC cand aut ο the interior and most sacred part | 1. — xi. 56. G = Tr.) 2 | 1. ——-xviit. 20. 2. 17. of No. 1, where the presence of | 1° Acts ii. 46. 2, —— xxi, 22 twice. God was manifested; the Holy place, or the Holy of Holies. [ Nore. in Scripture:—lst, The Mosaic Tabernacle (translated ‘ Temple,” 1 Sam. i. 9; 111. 3); lasted 500 years, and was superseded by the 2nd, Solomon’s Temple, 1 Kings vi. 7; lasted 400 years, and de- stroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. 3rd, Zerubbabel’s Temple, Ezra iv. 1, 2 ; lasted 500 years, and destroyed by Antiochus Epiphanes. 4th, Herod’s Temple, John ii. 9; 46 ars in building, lasted 85 years, There are seven buildings mentioned | TEMPORAL. πρόσκαιρος, for a season. 2 Cor. iv. 18. TEMPT (-rp, -ETH, -ING.) 1. πειράζω, to make trial of, to try ; to put to the test, (gen. in a good sense, in order to ascertain the character, views, or feelings of any one); also, in a bad sense, with all intent, to tempt. 9 --. ἐκπειράζω, (No. 1, with ἐκ, out, pre- | jixed) to try out, try thoroughly TEM [ and in a bad sense; (Ixx. for Πο, Deut. vi. 16; viii. 16; Ps. Ixxviii. 18), (non occ.) 1. Matt. iv. 1 1, 1 Cor. vii. 5. 2. de 2, ——x. 9 15. Ἱ -— xvi, 1, ΤΣ: 9 2nd (No, 2, Lm 1, — xix. 3. | 33. TR. ) 1. —— xxii. 18, 35. 1. Gal. vi. 1. 1. Mark i. 13. 1. 1 Thes. iii. 5. 1. — viii. 11 1. Heb. ji. 18 twice. Ι. ——x. 2. 1. — iii. 9. 1, — xii. 15 | 1. —iv. 15 (πειράω, to 1, Luke iv. 2 try, St 6 ὦ) 2. 2 1. —— xi. 37. 2. —x. 25 1. Jas. i. 13 1st. 1. —— xi. 16. a Le 13 2nd. 1. —— xx. 23 (ap.) -- 13 3rd, see T 1. John viii. 6 (ap.) | (cannot be) 1. Acts v. 9. | 1. 13 4th. 1. — xv. 10. 1: 14. TEMPTED (cannot BE) » ΄ εἰμί, to be +, ὙΠ . lit. 15 not ἀπείραστος, incapable of a ha being tempted, temp- 8 Aen. ΡΕ \ tempted. tation-proof, (ποπ occ.) Jas. i. 13. TEMPTATION (-5.) πειρασμός, a putting to the test, proof, | trial; also, in a bad sense, tempta- tion, (occ. 1 Pet. iv. 12.) Matt. vi. 13. 1 Cor. x. 13 twice. —— xxvi. 41. Gal. iv. 14. Mark xiv. 38. 1 Tim. vi. 2. Luke iv. 13. Heb. iii. 8. — το 13. Jas. i, 2, 12. — xi, 4 1 Pet. i. 6. —— xxii. “98, 40, 46. 2 Pet. ii. 9. Acts xx. 19. Rev. iii. 10. TEMPTER. ὃ, the the one who πειράζων, tempting ¢ tempts, the one, tempter. Matt. iv. 3. | 1 Thes. iii. 5. TEN. dexa, ten. [As a typical number it stands con- nected with God’s testimony to man, by command or by judg- ment. It is also expressive of man’s responsibility to God. In each case a part is put for and denotes the whole, e.g. ten | generations of antediluvians ; ten plagues on Egypt; ten nations of Canaan (Gen. xv. 18); ten bur- dens laid on Isaiah to the nations grouped around Babylon; Jere- miah’s prophecies fall into ten | 765] eal τῶ 2. Heb. vii. 4. TER | against the Gentiles; the toes of Nebuchadnezzar’ 5 image; the ten virgins; and so with the tithes. See further under “ THREE.” } Matt. xviii. 24, see Thou- ; Acts xxiii.23, see T (three score and) — xxv. 6. 1 Cor. iv. 15, — xiv. 19, Jude 14, Rev. ii. 10. —— v. 11, see Thousand. — xii. 3. -- xiii, 1 twice, Rev. xvii. 3, 7, 12 twice, 16. HE mrs. te eS ο xxv. 1, 28. S80 Luke xiv. 31. “Ὁ Thousand. — xv. 8. —— xvii. 12, 17. — xix. 15 twice, 16, 17, 24, 25. ἐβδομήκοντα, seventy. Acts xxiii. 23. TENDER. 1. ἁπαλός, soft, tender, spoken of the shoot of a tree, also of flesh; (ἰχχ. TEN (THREE SCORE AND) ; Sor 77, Gen. xviii. 7), (non occ.) 2. σπλάγχνα, bowels; hence, yearning here, yearning compassion. 1. Matt. xxiv. 32. 12. Luke i. 1. Mark. xiii. 28. | bowels. — Jas. v. 11, see Mercy. 78, marg. TENDER-HEARTED. | εὔσπλαγχνος, tenderly or yearningiy affectionate, (οσο. 1 Pet. iii. 8.) Eph. iv. 32. TENT MAKER (-s.) ᾿ σκηνοποιός, a tent-maker, (nor occ.) | Acts xviii. 3 (ap.) } TENTH. 1. δέκατος, the tenth. 2. δεκάτη, a tenth part, a tithe. 1. John i. 39. | 1. Rev. xi. 13. 1, —— xxi. 20. | TENTH PART. 2. Heb. vii. 2. TERRESTRIAL. ἐπίγειος, upon earth, i.e. earthly, ter- restrial, belonging to the earth, (i.e. to earth as opposed to heaven, or land as opposed to water.) 1 Cor, xv. 40 twice, en te TER TERRIBLE. φοβερός, fearful, terrible, frightful ; i. Luke xxi. 9. | ὩΣ 1. — xxiv. 37. 9 (χα. for #13, Gen. καν. 17; Deut. x. 17.) Heb. xii, 21. TERRIFY (-1p.) πτυέω, to terrify, put in trepidation ; (xx. for on, Ex. xix. 16; nnn, 1 Ch. xxviii. 30; Jer. i. 17), (non occ.) πτύρω, to frighten, scare; esp. of horses, to shy, start, (non occ.) ἐκφοβέω, to frighten outright, terrify greatly; (Ixx. for ponn, Lev. xxvi. 6; Zeph. ui. 14; nnn, Job vil. 14), (non occ.) TERROR. φόβος, fear, terror, affright. Rom. xiii. 3. 2 Cor. v. 11. | 1 Pet. iii, 1. TESTAMENT. διαθήκη, in classical Greek it denotes a last will and testament, but in the Scriptures it is used always of the Heb. Γ 2, to which the word “ testa- ment” has no correspondence. ΤῚΣ as a covenant, agreement, from 173, to cut, because the victims were cut in two, ov divided, in making covenants, (Gen. xv.9; Jer.xxxiv. 18, 19); hence, it denotes a cove- nant made either conditionally between two parties, o7 uncon- ditionally by one, (as by God with Abraham and David.) %* For the use of the translation, “covenant,” with that of testator,” see below, under “'tESTATOR.” Matt. xxvi. 28. | Gal. iv. 24, marg. (text, Mark xiv. 24. | Luke xxii. 20, Rom. ix. 4, marg. (text, covenant.) 1 Cor. xi. 25. covenant. ) Heb. vii. 22, — viii. 6, marg. (text, | covenant.) —— ix. 15 twice, 165, 17”, 2 Cor. iii. 6, 14. | 90. Gai. iii. 15, marg. (text, covenant.) —— xii. 24, } marg. (text —— xiii. 20,5 covenant.) Rev. xi. 19, / [ 766 1 ο 4, διαμαρτύρομαι, TES TESTATOR. 6, the one that whick. « διαθεμένος, making makes the a covenant, covenant, (see above.) [Here, the context (Heb. ix. 16, 17) must be read as follows :— ap, for. Όπου, where. 4 διαθήκη, ἃ covenant fal. θάνατον, a death [is]. ἀνάγκη, necessary. ὰ φέρεσθαι, to be brought in. τοῦ, of him or that. διαθεμένου, that makes the covenant, yap, for. διαθήκη, Ὁ covenant. ἐπὶ, over. κ νεκροῖς, dead ones or victims [is]. βεβαία, sure. ἐπεὶ, since. ήποτε, at no time. ἰσχύει, has it force, ore, when. ζῇ, he is living. 6, the one who is. διαθέμενος, making the covenant. Thus it is all clear, when we remem- ber that He who makes the covenant of which the apostle speaks, is Himself the victim, and hence must of necessity die. ] Heb, ix. 16, 17. TESTIFY (-Ep, -ΕΤΗ, -Ίνα.) 1. μαρτυρέω, to be a witness, bear wit- ness; to be able and ready to attest anything that one knows, and therefore, to state with a cer- tain degree of authority, (usually for something) ; and hence, to con- firm or prove, to witness in favour. 2. ἐπιμαρτυρέω, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed) to bear witness upon, testify emphatically, to appear as a witness decidedly for anything, (nen oce.) 3. μαρτύρομαι, to witness for one’s self, to call to witness, invoke as wit- ness, to attest and ratify as truth, (οσο. Acts xx. 26.) (No. 8, with διά, through, prefixed ) to call through- out to witness, (viz. God and men and all beings); to affirm with solemn protestations; to testify through and through, bear full and complete witness; to coniure any one, exhort earnestly. Ὁ TES 4, Luke xvi. 28. + 1. 1 Cor. xv. 15, 1, John ii. 25. | 3. Gal. v. 8. 1, — iii. 11, 32 3. Eph. iv. 17, 1. —— iv. 39, 44 4. 1 Thes. iv. 6. 1. ——v. 39. —1 Tim. ii. 16, see T (to 1. — vii. 7. be) 1. —— xiii. 21 4, Heb. ii. 6. 1, —— xv. 26 1. — vii. 17. 1, — xxi. 24, 1, — xi. 4 4. Acts 11. 40. —1 Pet. i. ΠΑ see T be- 4, —— viii. 25 part. forehand. 4. —-x. #2. 2, —-v. 12. 4, —— xviii. 5. 1, 1 John iv. 14, 4, —— xx. 21, 24, 1. — v. 9. 4, —— xxiii. 11 1. 3 John 3 1. —— xxvi. 5. 1, Rev. xxii. 16. 4, —— xxviii. 23. -- 18, see T unto, 1, Rev. xxii. 20. TESTIFY BEFOREHAND. προμαρτύρομαι, (No. 3, with πρό, before, prefixed) to call to witness be- forehand, etc., (non occ.) 1 Pet. i. 11 part. TESTIFY UNTO. συμμαρτυρέω, (No. 1, with σύν, together with, prefixed) to witness with, bear witness together with others, i.e. at the same time and to the same effect. (Here, mid.) Rev. xxii, 18 (Νο. 1, LT Tr A.) TESTIFIED (ro zr) μαρτύριον, witness as borne, (see below, No. 1) that which was to be tes- tified. Here, the testimony in its own seasons, (i.e. in its own ap- pointed seasons) or the testimony to be rendered, ete. 1 Tim. ii. 6 (om. L T), marg. testimony. TESTIMONY. 1. μαρτύριον, witness, borne; the declaration which con- firms or makes known any thing. 2. μαρτυρία, a bearing witness, certify- ing; a testimony that informs as well as corroborates; that which any one witnesses or states con- cerning any person or thing. 1. Matt. viii. 4. 1, 1 Cor. ii. 1. (μυστήριον, 1, —x. 18. mystery, Gon.) 1. Mark i. 44. 1. 2 Cor. i. 12. 1, —vi. 11. } 1.2 2 Thes. 1. 10. 1. —— xiii. 9. i, 1 Tim. ii. 6, marg. to 1, Luke v. 14. be testified, 1 i ix. 5. 1, 2 Tim. i. 8, 1. — xxi. 13. 1, Heh. iii. 5. 2. John iii. 32, 33. — —xi.5, see T (have) 2. —— v. 34. 2. Rev. i. 2, 9. 2. —— vii. 17. 2. —— vi. 9. 2. —— xxi. 24. 12, —— xi. 7. 2. Acts xxii. 18, 2. —— xii. 11, 17. 1. 1 Cor. i. 6, | 1, —xv. 5, 2. Rev, xix, 10 twice. [ 767 1 THA TESTIMONY (Ave) μαρτύρεω, see “ΤΈΒΤΙΡΥ," Wo. 1. Heb. xi. 5. TETRARCH. 1. τετράρχης, a tetrarch, the ruler of the fourth part of a district or province. Later, it became a com- mon title for those who governed a province or kingdom, subject to the Roman emperor. 2. τετραρχέω, to be a τετράρχης, (see Vo. 1) here bh being tetrarch. 1, Matt. xiv. 1. 2. Luke iii, 1 2nd ἃ 3rd, — Luke iii. 11st, see T | 1. —— iii. 19. (be.) 1, τες 1. Acts xiii, 1. TETRARCH (zr) 2. Luke iii. 11st, THADDEUS. @addatos, Thaddeus; a surname of the Apostle Jude, also called Lebbeus the brother of James the less. Matt. x. 3 (om. 6 ἐπικληθεὶς Θαδδαῖος, whose surname was Thaddeus, G-T A), (om. AeBBatos ὁ ἐπικληθεὶς, Lebbeus, whose surname was, L Tr.) Mark iii. 18. testimony as THAN. Tran is frequently the translation of the Genitive case of a noun when it follows an adjective of the comparative degree, eg. μείζων τὂυ κυρίου, greater than’ his lord, (John xiii. 16); μείζων τούτων (1 Cor. xiii. 18); πλεῖον τούτων, more than these (John xxi. 15); χείρων ἀπίστου, worse than an un- believer (1 Tim. v. 8.) When tan is the translation of a separate Greek word it is one of these following :— 1. 7, after a comparative, than ; after a positive, rather than, more than. ( ἀλλὰ, but, ) unless, (7, than, καὶ except. 95 παρά, beside. (a) with Gen., beside and proceed- ing from, from beside. (b) with Dat., the side of. beside and at; at — τ ττττττ-------------- ---- - THA (0) with Acc., to or along the side of ; beside with the idea of com- parison (instituting the comparison but leaving the superiority to be inferred); above, rather than, better than, than. 4, ὑπέρ, over. (a) with Gen., over and separate from ; above, on behalf. (b) with Acc., over and towards; beyond, above, (asserting superi- ority.) 5. πλήν, more than, over and above; hence, besides, expect. 6. ἤπερ, than perhaps, than indeed. — Matt. v. 37, see T these. 1. — κ. 15. 1, — xi. 22, 24. — — xviii. 8, 9, see Rather. 1. 18. 1. - - xix. 34. 1. —— Χαν]. 53. 1. Mark vi. 11 (ap.) 1. —— ix. 40, 45, 47. 1. —— x. 25. —— xii. 81, see T these. 3c. Luke iii. 13. 1. ——x. 12,14. 4b.— xvi. 8. π 17. 1. —— xvii. 2. ——_ xviii. 14, see Rather. 1. 25. — John i. 50, see T these. 1. —— iii. 19. 1, — iv. 1. ——-v. 20, ) see — — vii. 31, § T these. 6. —— xii. 43, ——xiv.12,) sce — — xxi. 15, ὁ T these. 1. Acts iv. 19. 1, —— v. 29. 5. —— xv. 28. 1. —— xx, 35. 1. Acts xxv. 6 (ἡμέρας οὐ πλείους ὀκτὼ ἢ δέκα, not more than eight or ten days, instead of ἡμέρας πλείους ἢ δέκα, more than ten days, AVGLTTrA®.) — —— xxvi.22, see Other. 1. — xxvii. 11. — Rom. viii. 37, see Con- queror. 1. — xiii. 11. 3¢e.1 Cor. iii. 11. 1, — vii. 9. 1. — ix. 15. 1, —— xiv. 5, 19. 2. 209. 1,13, om. ἀλλὰ, Lb.) 3c.Gal. i. 8, 9. 1, —— iv. 27. — Eph. iii. 8, see Least. 1. 1 Tim. i. 4. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 4. 3c.Heb. i. 4. 3¢e.— 11. 7, marg. to. 5ο, 9. 3¢.— iii. 3. 4b.—— iv. 12. 3¢.— ix. 23. 3c.— xi. 4. ip 25. 30. xii. 24, 1 1 Pet: τα, ασ, 1. 2 Pet. ii. οἱ. 1. 1 John iv. 4, THAN THESE. τούτων, of these; here, following a comparative, than these. Matt. v. 37. Mark xii. 31. John i. 50, — v. 20. John vii. 31 (οπι, α -- 1, Τ Tr A &.) —- xiv. 12. —- xxi. 15. ] THANK (-s.) [noun.] 1. χάρις, that which causes joy ; objec- tively, personal gracefulness, 9, pleasing work; subjectively, an inclining towards, courteous or | gracetul disposition; on the part [ 768 ] THA of the giver, kindness, favour, grace ; on the part of the receiver, thanks, respect, homage. 2. εὐχαριστία, thankfulness, gratitude ; a giving of thanks, expression of gratitude. Luke vi. 32, 33, 34. 2 Cor. ix. 15. 1 Cor. xv. 57. 1 Thes. iii. 9. 2 Cor. ii. 14. 1 Pet. ii. 20, marg. (text, — viii. 16. acceptable. ) Rev. iv. 19. THANKS (αττε) 1. εὐχαριστέω, to show one’s self grate- ful; give thanks. ὁμολογέω, to speak or say the same with another; hence, to agree, coincide with, to grant, admit, confess ; to expressly acknowledge, to make known one’s profession, to confess. 3. ἀνθομολογέομαι, to mutually utter the same things. Jn ΑΠ, mid., to protess publicly with others, 1.6. to praise, celebrate alternately (as in the temple worship), (non occ.) 1. Matt. xv. 36. 1. 1 Cor. x. 30. 1, — xxvi. 27. 1, —— xi. 24 part. 1. Mark viii. 6. 1. —— xiv. 17. 1. —— xiv. 23 part. 1. Eph, i. 16. 3. Luke ii. 38. 1, ——y,.20. 1, —— xvii. 16. 1. Col. i. 3, 12. 1, — xxii. 17, 19. 1, —— iil. 17. 1. Jobn vi. 11 part. 1. 1 Thes, 1. 2. 1 23 part (om. | 1. ——v. 18. - 1, 2 Thes. ii. 13. 1. Acts xxvii. 35. 2. Heb. xiii. 15, marg. 1. Rom. xiv. 6 twice. confess. 1, —— xvi. 4. 1. Rev. xi. 17. THANKS ARE GIVEN. 1. 2 Cor. i. 11 (passive.) THANKS (ατντνα or) 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 16. | 1. Eph, ν. 4. 1. 1 Tim. ii. 1. THANK (-Ep.) [verb.] 1. εὐχαριστέω, see above, No. 1. 2. ἐξομολογέω, to speak out the same things as another ; hence, to con- fess fully; make acknowledge- ments as for benefits, i.e. to give thanks, praise. χάρις, see “ THANKS,” a to have Nord, 3. ὁ gratitude. ( ἔχω, to have, THA [ 769 ] 2. Matt. xi. 25. thanks to, instead of 2. Luke xi. 21. εὐχαριστῶ, I thank, 3. — xvii. 9. GoLT Tr A.) 1, — xviii. 11, 1, 1 Cor. i. ah 14, 1, John xi. 41. 1, —— xiv. 18. 1. Acts xxviii. 15, 1. Phil. i.3. 1. Rom. i 1. 1 Thes. ii. 15 — — vi. 17, see T (God ! 1. 2 Thes. i. 3. 8. 1 Tim. i. 19. 1.— vii. 25 (χάρις, | 3. 2 Tim, i. 3. . Philem. 4. THANKED (Gop Be) χάρις, thanks [be] ) thanks tw, to the, be to Θεῷ, to God, God. Rom. vi. 17. THANKFUL (2) εὐχαριστέω, to show one’s self grateful, to give thanks. Rom. i. 21. THANKFULNESS. εὐχαριστία, thankfulness, gratitude, a giving of thanks, expression of gratitude. Acts xxiv. 3. THANKSGIVING. 1. εὐχαριστία, see above. 2. χάρις, see “ THANKS,” Λο. 1. 2.1 Cor. x. 30, marg. 1. Phil. iv. 6. (text, grace.) . Col. ii. 7. 1. 2 Cor. iv. 15. I — iv. 2. 1. — ix. 11, 12 1, 1 Tim. iv. 3, 4. 1. Rev. vii. 12. THANKWORTHY. χάρις, see “ THANKS,” Vo. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 19. THAT. [conj.; demonstr. pron.; and relat. pron. | “Tat” is frequently the translation of the Accusative of the noun with inf. of the verb; also of the article with participle, he who, he that, that which, etc., of which there are at least 1,200 occur- rences ; sometimes the article with an adjective i is rendered “he that is { good |,” ete. (For various combinations with other words, see below, the list of references.) When “ rar” is the translation of a separate word in the Greek, it is one of these following. THA Conjunctions :— 1. ἵνα, that, in order that, to the end that, with the emphasis on the pur- pose, design, and result, (not on the manner or method as with No. 3.) It must also be distinguished Srom No. 2, which is objective, and introduces the matter, while No.1 specifies the purpose. Thus “hope” is followed by No. 2, which presents the object of the hope, while “prayer” is followed by No. 1, showing the purpose and design of the prayer. Then, as to the degrees of the result, No.1 marks the primary result, while No. 3 marks the secondary. This final significance of ἵνα is always present, if not always discernible. wa is generally followed by the sub- Junctive mood, to signify the objec- tive possibility or intention, in order that it might be. But in passages marked (a) τέ is followed by the indicative, pointing to the fact rather than the possibility. (b) a ts followed by the optative, denoting a wish rather than possi- bility. 2. ὅτι, that, because, with emphasis on the cause, and expressive of the reason or matter of a communica- tion, etc. ὅτι is objective, having reference not to the design, but to the cause, (see further, under No.1.) co . ὅπως, in order that, with emphasis on the manner and method ; in om manner that, to the end that; that ὅπως has an eventual aspect, and (unlike ἵνα) is used with tre Suture, and (a) occasionally associated with ἄν, (which implies the condition of uncertainty.) See further, under No. . ἣν ws, ἐπ comparative sentences, as ; in objective, that; in final, in order to; in causal, for on the ground that. BBB THA 5. ὥστε, so as that, so that, so as to, (expressive of event, result, or con- sequence.) 6. τοῦ, of the, before the infinitive, of or from whatever is the subject of the verb, “of returning,” “ from doing sacrifice,” ete. 7. εἰς τὸ, with the infinitive, to the end that, expressing purpose. 8. ἐν τὸ, with the infinitive, in that; esp. relating to time, during, while. 9. el, al, (cee “ar,” Wo. 1.) ἀφ᾽, from ἧς, Which. διὰ τὸ, with the inf., on account of. Here, “ of [their teaching. |” 12. ὅτε, when, (relating to an actual event, something actually taking place.) 13. ὅταν, whensoever, (followed by the subj. mood ; hence, with the acces- sory idea of uncertainty) whenso- ever, if ever, in case that. 14. πῶς, how, in what way or manner. 14a. καί, also, even. Demonstr. pronouns :— 15. ἐκεῖνος, that, that one there, (re- JSerring to the more remote) em- phatie. 16. τοῦτο, (neut. sing. of οὗτος) this, this here. 17. τοῦτον, (Acc. of οὗτος) this, this here. 18. ταύτην, (Ace. fem. of οὕτος) this, this here. 19. τούτου, (mase. sing. Gen. of οὗτος) of this, of this here. 20. ταύτῃ, (Dat. sing. of οὗτος) to this, to this here. 21. αὐτῷ, (Dat. of αὐτός) in the same, at the same. 22. καί, also, even. [ 770 ] THA Relative pronouns :---- és, who, which, that, \ ἐάν, if, (implying a 1 which if, | 15. condition which ex- [ whoso- 23. perience must de- ever, termine, 1.6. an ob- ἃ whatso- jective, future possi- ever. bility) 24. ὅσος, how great, how much, how many; as much as, as many as. 25. ὅστις, who, one who; whoever, whatever. 1. Matt. i. 22. 25.— ii. 6 3. 8. 1. —— 15. 2, ——— 16 lst, 22 3. 23. 1. —— iii. 9. 1. — iv. 3. 2. 19. ΠΣ 14. 3. ——v. 16. 2, ——— 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28. 1. ——— 29 Ist, 30 Ist. 2. ——— 32 lst, 33, 38, 43 3. —— 45. 3. — vi. 2, 4. 3a. 5 (om. ἄν, L Τ Tr AW.) 2. Che 3. 16, 18 2. 29, 32. 1. —— vii. 12. 15. 22, 25, 27 1. —— viii. 8. 2. 11, 3. ——17. 2, —— 27. 5. og 1st 15.—— 28 2nd. 3. 34 (No. 1, L.) 1. —— ix, 6 lst. DB: 6 2nd. 15. 22, 26. 2. 28. 15,——— 31. 3. 38. 15.—— x. 14, 15. 1; 25. 2. 34. 2. —— xi. 24, 15. 2 15.—— xii. 1. 2. 6. i fe 10, 8. ΝΟ ft Tr AR.) 2. 36 Ast 23. 36 2nd (om, ἐάν, LT Tr AR.) 15. 45, 2. —— xiii. 17. 3. 35. 24, 44 Ist. 15,—— 44, 2nd. 24, 46, 15.—— xiv. 1. 1. 15, 15. 95 lst ἃ 2nd. is 36. 2. —— xv. 12,17. 2. —— xvi. 11 1st, 18, ᾿ 20) 1st. 9. 20 2nd. | 2, —— xvii. 10, 12, 18, 27 2nd, 1. Matt. xviii. 6 Ist. 15. 72nd (om. L T Tr αν, ie. the man.) Οἱ === 10 Rad it 14, 16. 2. ——— 19 lst. 23. 19 2nd. 24. 25. 15.—— 27 (om. L.) 25.—— 28. 15: 32 2nd, 2, —— xix. 4. 1 13, 16. 2 23, 28. 2. —— xx. 10. 1. 21. 2, ——— 25 lst, 80, ils 33. 1. —— xxi. 4, 2. 81. 2. 45. 2. —— xxii. 16, 84. 15. 46, 1. —— xxiii. 26 2nd. 2. 31. 3. 35. 2. —— xxiv. 32, 33, 15. 36, 2. —— 43. 15.—— 46, 2. 47. 15. 48, 50 Ist. 2. —— xxv. 24, 26. 2. —— xxvi. 2. 1. 4, 2. ο]. 15. 24 twico, 29, 2, —— 34, 53. Me 56, 63. 2. —— xxvii. 3. 15. 8. 2, ——- 18. 15.———_- 19. 1, ——— 20. 2, ——— 24, 1, ——— 35 (ap.) 25.—— 62. By a GS 15. 63 2nd. 2, —— xxviii. 5, 7. ἂν 0, 2. Mark ii. 1, 8. 1 10 Ist. 2 10 2nd, 16, 1, —— 38. 1. —— iii. 2, 9, 14 twice, 15. 24, 25. 1, — iv. 12, 22. 2, 98, 41. 1. —— v. 12, 18 2nd. 3 23 (No.1,G ὦ LTTrARW.) 2 929 lst. 1 43 lst. 2, —vi.2 (mGLT Tr AR.) THA ν 3. ee) Mark a 15.—— 11 (ap.) 1. —— 12 2. —— 14, 15 twice 12, ——- 21. 1. —— 25, 36, 56. 1. — vii. 9. 2. —— 18. 15.—— 20 2nd. 1.--- 20, 36. 1. — viii. 30. 2. —— 31. 9. —— ix. 1 1st. 1. ——9. 2. ——11. 1, ——12. 2, —— 13. 1. ——18. 2, —— 25. A 30. 9, 42 2nd. 1. ——x. 13 1st, 17, 35, 37. 5 47. i? 48, 5] 2nd. 2, ——xi.3 (om. LT Tr A.) 1. —— 16. 2, ——— 23 twice, 24, 1. ——— 25. 2. —— 32. 1. — xii. 2. 2. —— 12, 14. 1. —— 15, 19. 9, ae BH, 28, 341st, 35, 43. 24. 44. 15.— xiii. 11 1st. 16. 11 2nd. 15. 24. 2. 28, 29, 30. 15. 32 1st. 1. — xiv. 12 2nd. 15. 91 twice, 25 Ist. 13. 25 2nd. 2. 30. Ἵ. 35. 2. —— xv. 10. 1. ll, 82 lst. 2. 39. 1. — xvi. 1. 9, 4, ng 11 (ap.) 1. Luke i. 8. a 2. 22. le 43. 2. 45, marg. (text, jor. 38a,— ii. 35. 9, 49 twice 2. —— iii. 8. 1. — iv. 3. 2. 4. 24, 40. 2. 41, marg. (text, or.) 1. ——v. 24 lst. 2. 24 Ind. 2. ——vi.5 (om. Tr> NN.) Me iv 15. 23. VF 31. 15. 48, 49 3rd. 3. —— vii. 3. 2. 4. 1, 6. 2, —— 16 twice 1. —— 36. 2. 37. 25. 39. 2. 43. 1. —— viii. 16, 32. 2. ——— 47, 53. 15.—— ix. 5. 2, 7 3rd, 8 twice. ἃς 12. 2. 19, 19. 45. ὃ. ——x. 2 { 2. Luke x. 11, 12 1st. 15. 12 2nd & 3rd. 2. 20, 21 2nd, 24, τ -- οκ 14a.———- 58, ΕΕ ee 1: 40 2nd 15.—— xi. 26, i 33. ή 20, δὲ (αρ.) Ὁ , α 2. —— xii. 30. ᾿ ΠΣ 36 2nd. 2. 37, 39. 15.———- 48. 9, 44 Ist. 15. ———. 45, 46, 47. 2, σας 21.—— xiii. 1 Ist. 20. 3 l4a,—— xiv. 1. ae 10 1st. 15. me oF Κάν G-+LT 1. —— ef 2. —— 24. 2. xv. 7 Ist. 15. 14, 15. 1 29. 4. — xvi. 1. 1. 4,9, 24, 2. 25. 1. 27. 8. 28. l4a.—— xvii. 1, 9. 2 Ist. τς 2 2nd. 15. 9 1st (om. 1, T TrARW.) µ 15. 15. 3] Ist 20. 34, 15.— xviii. 3. 2. ᾿ 2. 9, marg. (with εἰσί) as being. 2. ip 24. 12. 1. —— 15. 24. 22, 2. ——— 37. 1 39, 41 2nd 15.— xix. 4. 2. 7 Ist. 1. 15 2nd. ο, ——— 22 lst, 90 1st. 2. 40 (om. Tr»,) 148 43, Ε1, —— xx. 10, 14 15. 18. 2. 19. 1. —— 20 111. 2, ——- 21. i; 28. 15.——— 35. 2. 37. 2. —— xxi. 3, 20, 30, 31. 15. 84, 1, 36 Ist 1. —— xxii. 8. 15. 22. ἊΣ 30, 2. 37 Ast, 70. 2. —— xxiii. 7 1st. 18. $3 2nd. 2.— xxiv. 2l, 39, 44. 1. John i. 7, : 2 ist, 41. 34. 15. ρα. 39. 2. — ii. 17, 18, 22, 1. ——— 25. 2. —— iii. 2 Ist, 7, δ, ———- 16 lst. rt 16 2nd. 1. —— 17. 2. 19, 1, —— 2] 304, [ 771 Ἱ 2, John iii. 21 3rd, 28 twice. 16. 32 (om. G - Ν.) 2. 33 2nd. 2. —— iv. 1. 16. 18. 2. 19, 20, 25, 27 1. ———- 96 Ind. 1 oe 2. ——— 42, 44, 47 1s 1. 47 2nd. 2. 53. 2. —vV, 6 Ist, 15 1. 20 2nd, 23 Ist 9, 32 2nd. 1, —— 84, 2, —— 96 ard 1. 40, 2. 42, 45 15. 1. — vi. 5, 7. 2. 15, 22 1st. 15. 22 2nd (ap.) 2, ——— 22 3rd, 24, 1. —— 28, 29, 30. 2. —— 36. τσ 40 2nd. 2. —— 46. 1. —— 50 2, —— 61; 65, 69. 1, — vii. 3. 2, —— 26, 35, 42. 1, — viii. 6 (ap. ) τ 17, 24 twice, 27, 28 1st, 37, 48, 52, 54. 1. —— ix. 2, 3. 2. 5 Ist, 17, 18 Ist, 20 twice. τ 22 Ist. 2. 24 2nd, 25, 29, 30, 91, 32 1st, 35. i: 36, 39 Ist. 1. — x. 1018, 17, 38 15. 2. 38 2n 24, 4]. 1. —— xi. 4 2nd 2. 6. 16.——— 7, 11 1st. 1. ll 2nd. 2. 15, 15. 1. 16. 2. 20, 22, 24, 27, 31, 40, 41, 42 Ist. 1 42 2nd, 2. 42 3rd, 50 Ist. Ἵ; 50 ond, 15,——— 51 1st. 2. 5] 2nd. 1. 52 2nd. 15.——-_ 53. 2. — 1, 57 “Ist. 3. 57 2nd. 2, —— xii. 9 1st 1. 9 2nd, 10, 2, —— 12, 16 Ist. Ἂς 23. 2, —— 54. 1, —— ry 38, 46. 9 2,— si Ἵ lst. Ls ] 2nd ολ 3 twice. 1. 15, 18 Ist, 19 Ist. Ὁ .......... 19᾽ 2nd, οἷ, 90 Ist. 1, ——— 20 3rd, 34 ‘twice, 2. 35. 1, —— xiv. 3. 2, ——— 10 Ist, 11. 10. 13 Ist 1. ——— 18 2nd, 10. 15,———. 20 It. 2, — 20 2nd, ο, 1. ---- 29, 31 ση 3. 81 "end. 1. — xv. 2 2nd, 8, 11 1st, , 13, 16 lst ἃ 3rd, 17. 2. 18, ἜΣ 95 Ist. 1, —— xvi. 2 1st, 4 118. THA 1, | 2. John ΜΡ 4 2nd. 24. 15 Ist. 2. —— 15 2nd, 19 lst. 19, 19 2nd. 2. ——— 20, 21. 15.———- 23. 1. —— 15. 26 Ist. 2. -- a= 27, 30 1st. 1, —— 30 2n 2. —— 30 3r ‘. 1. 32, 33. 1. — xvii. 1. 1, 2 (No. la, δώσει, he shall give, A.) (δώ- ow, I ΔῸΣ give, 89.) ἐν 2. ; 8 twice. μα 11, 12 2nd, 13, 15 twice, 19. i oy Ist, 2nd, & 3rd. [ο 21 4th. | 1. ——— 22, 23 Ist ἃ 2nd, 3, ———— BB ᾿δτά. 1. ——— 24 2nd. 2. —— 25. 1 26. | 2, —— xviii. 8. | 1. 9. 2. 14 2nd. bik oe | 1. —— 28 (om. L T Tr AR.) 1, —— 32. | 2, ——— 37 lst. Wa δὰ 37 2nd, 39 111. Uy, See 2. 4 2nd. | 17. 8. 2. —— 10. | 17. 13 1 (τῶν λόγων τούτων, these words, | instead of τοῦτον τὸν H λόγον, that saying, | ᾱ ο LTTranr) ο 21. μα. 24, | 15. 27 Ist | 2. 28 Ist 11. 28 2nd, 31 Ist. | 15, 81 2nd. j 1. 3] 3rd. 2. 35 2nd. | af 35 3rd, 36, 38. | 2. —— xx. 9, 14, 18 2nd. io 31 ist. 2. 81 2nd πι 31 ara 1 15.—— xxi. 3 | 3. η | 15,7 Ist. 2. 7 2nd, 12, 15, 16, 17, 23 Ist. 15.—— 23 2nd. 2. 24. 15.Acts i. τα Ist. 2, ——ii. 29, 30 lst, $1, 36 1st. 17. 36 2nd. 2. —— iii. 10 1st, 17, 15. 23 Ind. 11.—— iv. 2. 2, 10, 18 twice, 16 Ist. 3. ----τ 9. i. 15 2nd. 2. 41. 2, —— vi. 14. 2. —— vii. 6 1st. 15.—— viii. 1, 8. 2. 14. 3. 15. 2. 18. 1. 19. 3. 24. 3. — ix. 3, 12, 17 2ad. 1. Acts i ix. 31 ath. 2. 22, 26, 27, 38 1st. 2. ——x. 34, 42. 2. —— xi. 1 2nd 15.— xii. 1. 2. ——— 9,11 2, —— xiii. 38 5. —— xiv. 1 2nd 2. 9. 6. ——18. 15. 21. 2. 22. 2. ——xv. 5. da. 17. 6. 20 2nd. 2. 24, 5. —— 39. 2. —— xvi. 3, 10 20. 12 2nd. 2. 19, 38. 2. —— xvii. 3 twice, 19 4. —— 22. 4. —— xix. 4 Ist. 15. 16 2nd. 9 25, 26 twice, 34. 10.— xx. 18. 2. 23 twice, 25, 26, 29, 31, 34 1st, 38. | 2. —— xxi. 21, 22. 18 24 Ist. | 2. 24 2nd, 29, 91. 2. —— xxii. 2. 15. 11 1st. 2. 19 Ist. - " 94. 2nd. 2. 29. 2. —— xxili. 5, 6 3. 15, 20 2, 22. 1. ——— 24. 2. 27, 34. 2. — xxiv. 11 Ist, 14, | 26 ist. 8. 26 2nd (ap.) 3. —— xxv. 3, 26. 2, κο 5. 9. 93 [st ἃ 2nd, 2, ὅν 2. —— xxvii. 10, 25. 2. —— xxviii. 1. 4. 19. 9, 22, 98 1st. 2. Rom.i. 8. 4. 9. 1, 1: 10. 12 1st. 2. 13 1st. 1. —— 18 2nd. 2, $2. 2. —— ii. 2, 3 2nd, 4, 2, — iii. 2. 3a. 4. : 8 2nd 2. —— 19 Ist i 19 2nd | 2. — iv. 9 (om, ΤΌΤ Tr | R.) 1. 16 1st. 2, 21, 23. 2. —-v. 3. jb 20, 21 1. —— vi. 1. 25. 2, 2. 8. | εἶ 4. ΒΡ 6 Ist. 1 6 2nd. 2. 8, 9, 16, 17 1st. 7. —— vii. 41st. iL. 4 2nd, 13 twice. 2. ——14. 16.—— 15 1st fom. G-) 16,—— 15 2nd 16. 16 lst. 2. 16 2nd, 18 1st. 16. 19 2nd, 20 1st. 2. 21, 1. —— viii. 4, μ.ο ιο — iv. 2, 3, 61st, 8, 2. Rom. viii. 16. π, 17 2nd. 2. 18, 22. 2. 27, marg. (text, because. ) 2. oe 38. > ieee 1. = Ist. 3. 1. ——— 53. 2. 30. 2. —— x. 2, 5, 9 twice. 19,— xi. 7 ος 16, α τς Αι) 1 11, 19. 2. 25 2nd. 1. —— 91, 32. 16.— xiii. 11 1st. Ὁ, ——_ 11 2nd. 1. — xiv. 9. 2. 1415: 1. —— xv. 4,6 2. 14. Lr fs 16 150 1. —— 16 2nd 2. 29. ifs 91 Ast. 1 91 3rd (om. ΟἹ ΠΡ ΑΜ) UG 32. 1. — xvi, 21st. 2. 1 Cor ο, oa 1 10 Ist. 2. σπα 12, 14, 15. 3. if ή ‘Ist. ue ii. 12 1st, 2. iii. 16 1st 18 18. 2. 20. 1. 2. 9 (om GsLT 34 Ist, TrA ὅν 1; —— v. 21st, 5, 2. 6. π. SH 2, 2, 9 Ast. 16. ee 2. 9, 15, 16 29, 18 lst. 2. 19. 1. —— vii. 5 1st. 2. 26 2nd. 1. 29 Ist, 35 1st. 2, ——viii, 1, 42nd ἃ 3rd. 1, — ix. 3. 2. 10 1st, 13. iB 15 Ist. ue toe bo et τὰ role 5 rope 1, 15 2nd (οὐδείς, no one, instead of ἵνα τις, that any man, L T Tr Α” 8.) —— 18 lst. 18 2nd, 22 twice, 23. 24 Ist, 24 2nd. 19. 23: 2nd. — xii. 2, 31st. 9 19, 20twice, 2]2nd, — xiy. 1, 52nd & διὰ, 12, 13 2nd, 19, 23 2nd, 95, — 83. 37 lst. eee ΕΟ 12twice, 15 1st, 2 28 2nd. 4 twice - ὅ, ie Pres 62nd, 10, 11. 15 Ist. 16 Ist, Cor. i. 7, 81st. 0 (om, Lb Trb,) 12, 14. as. 17 2nd. 23. ο] 6. —— 10 1st, 19. --ς-ςςς- Δ; 15 2nd, 21, — Vii. 3, 8, 9 1st ἃ 2nd. 9 3rd, 14, 16. —— Viii. 6 2nd, 7, 9 Ist. 9 2nd. 11 Ist. 13, 14 1st, 14 2nd. —— ee 3, 5 Ist, 8, — x. 72nd, Tt — xi. 7. 12 Ist. 192314 & 3rd, 16, 91, — xii. 8, 9. 18, 19. —— xiii. 2, 6 twice. 7 2nd & 3rd, . Gal. i. 4. 61st, 11, 16. — 23. — ii. 42nd (No. 1b, LTTrA®.) —-7, 92nd, 10, — 14, 16 1st. 16 2nd, 19. ποπ ο) 14 twice, 24, — iy. 5 2nd, 15. PN PNP DEDEDE DED MPD EE br blor bor . ete SOLS) i 2 Rb be τὸ μὰ PNR NORD NE NEE αλ. 92 Ist, 2. —v. 2, 3 lst, 10 Ist. 23. 17 2nd. 2, 21. 16.—— vi. 7. ΗΕ 13. | 10. Eph. i, ee 1. — ii. 11 ‘Ist, 12 1st. | 19 2nd, | 15, a 16 (No. 1, L.) 17 2nd, 19, —iv.9 2nd. 10a, 14, 2 a: 1. 9 πε 1 1, y 14, Ls 26, 27 twice, 33, 1, —— vi. 8 (2nd verb, indic. mood.) | 8, 9. 15, 1915, 20, 21, 29 1st. . Phil, i. 6. Ἢ 2 1, Phils 359: 7 10 Ist. BR 10 3rd. 2, —— 12, 17, 19, 20 1st, 25. 1, ——— 26, 27 Ist. 2. 97 2nd. 16. 28. — ii. 2, 10. 11’ 2nd. 15. ——_. ]16 2nd. — 19. —— 22, 24, 26 2nd. 98 Ist. SEL, Ἐν —— iv. 10, 11, 15. . Col. i. 9, 28, 28, -,-τ--- ii, — iii. OA. —— iv. 1 2nd. 3, 4, 8, 12. 10 Ist. 16 twice, ay. Fal Thes. ii. 1. 16. — iii. 32nd, 4, 6, —-iy. 1, 12 Ast. Ἡ, 15. αν 10. Thes. i. 10 2nd. 11. 12. —— ii, 2 Ist. 22nd, 44th, 5, - Rie eel χε haa ra red aed ap bel τος, 5. bo 122nd, 142na. 1 Tim, i, 31st. —— 8, 9, 15. 16, 18, 20. — ii, 22nd. — ii, 15 Ope πὶ πότε κλπ τὶ epee em — iv.1. 15. 6.—— v. 4. ik Cf 162nd, 20 2nd, 1. vi. 19. 4, 2 Tim. 1. 8. 1. 4. 2. 5 2nd. 2. 12 Ist. = 12 2nd, see Com- mitted. 15. 12 3rd. 2. 15. 15. 18 2na. 1. — ii. 42nd, 10, 2. 23. 2. — iii. 1, 15. 1 ασ. 15.— iv. 8 Ist. Ι ΡῈ 17 lst. 1. Titus 1, 5 1st, 9, 13, 1, — ii. 4, 8 2nd, 10, 12, 14. 1, —— iii. 7, 8 2nd. 2. -- 11 1st. Ls 13. 3. Philem. 6 iV. ΤᾺ ‘Lb. 16. 18. 2, 21, 29, . Heb. ii. 6 twice. 9. : 1411 17, 7.— iii. 10 2. 19. 7.— iv. 11, 16. --- ν. 1. 12, — vi. 18. . —vii. 82nd, 14, 7.— Viii. 7. THA [ 773 ] THA 3. Heb. ix. 15 1st ι 2. 1 John iv. 10 twice, 13, i ἐς 25. 14, 15. ως hy ie 17, 21. 2. 1, 6 lst, 13, 142nd. ' 2, —— vy, 1] 1st, 2 is ΝΣ 3. 2. 18, 19. { 2. 53rd, 11, 1. —— 35. { -- 19 Ist (ap.) 1. —— xii. 27 3rd 1. —— 132nd. 1. —— xiii. 12 2. 13 3rd. 8 17 3rd 1. 134th (οἱ πισ- 16. 17 4th τεύοντες, you that 1, —— 19. believe, instead ΟΕ καὶ 2, Jas. i. 3. ἵνα πιστεύητε, and that 1, 4, ye may believe, G Τὰ 15. 7 Ist. TTrA®.) 2. 7 2nd. ΠΕ 14 5π4 10 Ist ἃ 2nd. 2. —— ii. 19, 20, 1. —— 16. 2. — iii. 1. 2. 18 Ist, 19, 20 1st. 1. — iv. 3. 1: 20 2nd. 2. 4, 5 1st 2. 2 John 4. 17. 15 3rd. ale 5 2nd, 6 twice, 12. 2, ——v. 11. 1. 3 John 8. 3. 16. | 2. 12. 1. 1 Pet. i. 7 1st. 25.Rev. i. 19. 2. 12 1st, 18. 2, — ii. 6. 1. — ii. 2. ς 10, 2. ———3. 2. 28; 1. 12, 91, 24 | 2. — ili. 1nd δᾶ, 9 1. — iii. 1 (No. la, Gw | iM 11 2nd ἜΤΕΑ N: 2 15, 17. (TB | 1; ——— 18 lst, 2nd, ᾱ 4th. 2, —— 9 lst. 1. —— vi. 43rd (No. la, 1, ——— 92nd. T Tr A.) 6. 10 2nd. τ 11 Ist. 1. 1611. 18. 1. — viii. 3 (No. la, L 1, — iv. 62nd, 11, 13, TAN) 1, — v. 6. 1, — ix. 51st (No. la, 1. 2 Pet. i. 41st. LTTrA κ) 2. 14, 20. 2, -— x. 63rd. 2. —— iii. 3,5,8 1, —— xii. 6 lst. 1. 1 John i. 3 2nd, 4 2. 12 2nd, 13. 2. — 5, 6, 8, 10. 1. —— 14, 15. 2, ii. 3, 5, 18 twice. 1. — xin. 15 1st 1. πριν 1, ——- 152nd (om. T A 2. 19 2nd, 21, 22 2nd. &.) 1. —— 27, 28. 1, —— xiv. 13 (No. la, L 2. 29’ twice TTrARn.) 1. — iii. 1. 1. —— xvi. 12 2. 2, 5. 15. 14 (om. G-L 1. 2nd, 11 σπα. T Trb ) 2. 14 Ist, 15, 19. 25.—— xvii. 8 3rd (Νο. 2, ue 23. α1ἰ τ Έτ Α κα.) 2. 24 2nd 1. —— xviii. 4 1st. 2. —— iv. 33rd 1. — xix. 8, 15, 18 1st. 1 9 3rd la,—— xxii. 14 2nd, ( ( THAT...COULD. πρὸς τό, with the inf., in order to, in order that. 2 Cor. iti. 19. THAT...EVER. 24, John iv. 29 9. 4, 39 ( 24, 8, THAT. 1 eis, unto, for (a, which, T Tr™ Α 8.) Tr™), (a4, which, T Tr A 8.) MAY REJOICE καυχήμα, a subject or theme of re- joicing, ἐμοί, to me. Phil. ii. 16, | LL τ᾽ THAT IS. pee this thing (this here) } ἐστέ, is. Acts xix. 4, Heb. ii. 14. Rom, vii. 18, — vii. 5. — ix. 8. — xi. 16. — x. 6,7, 8, — xiii. 15. Philem, 12. 1 Pet. iii. 20. THAT IS AFAR OFF. δι, those eis, unto μακραν, a distance. Acts ii. 39. THAT IS OF POWER. δύναμαι, to be able, to have power. Here, part. Rom. xvi. 25. THAT IS TO SAY. { τοῦτο, this thing (this here) ( ἐστί, is. Matt. xxvii. 46, | Acts i. 19. Mark vii. 11. Heb. ix. 11. Heb. x 20. THAT MAN. οὗτος, this, this one here. 2 Thes. iii. 14. THAT MAY OPEN (ἐν, in ( ἄνοιξις, an opening. Eph. vi. 19. THAT...MAY. | 1. εἰς τὰ, with inf., see “τῆλτ," No. 7. 2. τοῦ, with inf., see “ THAT,” No. 6. 3. πρὸς τό, with inf., in order to, in order that. 6, Luke xxi. 22 6. 1 Cor, x. 13. 6. xxii. 81. 7. 2 Cor. i. 4. 7. Acts iii. 19. 7. Eph. i. 18. 6. xxvi. 18. [so that.) | 3. —— vi. 11. 7. Rom. i. 20 marg.(text, | 7. Phil. i. 10. 0. —— vi. 10. 6. —— iii. 10. ἡ. —— xii. 2. ai 21. 7. — xv. 15. 7. ἃ Thes. i. 5. 8, Jas. iii. 3 (Νο. 7, 1, Τ Tr AW.) ἕνεκα, with inf., for the sake of. 5. ὥστε, with inf., so that, so as that, (expressive of event, result, or con- sequence.) THAT νο ΜΑΝ. ἵνα, in order that, (see “THAT, Nas) 12 THA [ 774 ] THA THAT WHICH IS COMELY, AND THAT NONE. ἀπε ἃ ONE MAY ATTEND | μή, not, lest ἌΧ: τις, any. πρὸς, with a view to, with a 1 ‘Thes. v. 15. τὸ, the thing, view to εὔσχημων, comely, seemly, J what is THAT NOT. kal, and, seemly ᾿ ; 2 ευπροσεδρος, devotedness, pand de- | wa μη, see “THAT NO. (εὐπάρεδρος, setting dili- voted to, Matt. vii. 1. 1 Cor. oe 5 : αι. ἘΠΕ] ΞΘ τ NG. — xi. 32, 54 gently by, 1.6. assidu (ο wait πας Tere ous, devoted, G L T ]/ing on) | — xxiv. 6, 20. Ser - xxvi. 4]. — vi. 3 Tr A x) Lind] Mark iii. 12. ix. 5 ora. — v. 7,10. — x. 9. 1 Cor. vii. 35. — xiii. 18. Gal. v. 15. 3 Luke viii. 10, 31. 1 ihe: iv. τη —— ix. 45. 2 es. iv. 16. THAT MIGHT —— ΧΧΙ. 8. ay ἯΙ: 1. . | — xxii. 32. it. ii. 5. : [ John iii. 15, 16. — iii. 14, 1. εἰς τό, with the inf., see “THAT,” | — iv. 15. Philem. 14. No Υ͂ — vi. 50. re Heb. ze. al — Vil. 23, marg. with- | —— xi. 40. 2. τοῦ, with the inf., see “tHat,” No. 6. a ἢ ὧν ae ποια ᾿ , Ξ : . | —- xvi. 1. 2 John 8. 3. πρὸς τό, with the inf., in order to, | — xviii. 86. Rev. vii. 1. 5 Acts ii. 25. —— ix. 4, 20. in order that. | ο ώρες η, ης | 1 Cor. ii. 5. | —_. xviii, 4 twice. 2. Matt. xxi. 32. 1. Rom. viii. 29. 1. Luke iv. 29(No,5, GJL | 4. 2 Cor. vii. 12. T Tr A &.) 1. 1 Thes. iii. 10. 2, — xxiv. 45, 1. 2 Thes. ii. 6, 10. 1. Rom. iii. 26. ES 1. — iv. 11 twice, 18, 1. Heb. xii. 10, 2, —vi. 6. | 2. Jas. v. 17. 5. 1 Pet. i. 21. THAT...MIGHT BE. 1. εἷς, unto, for. for salvation.) ee 50 oa so that...might 4, (Here, εἰς σωτηρίαν, εἶναι, to be, be, so that...are | [turned ], that...should be. 1. Rom. x. 1. | 2. 2 Pet. i. 21. “= THAT MUST. | τοῦ, with inf., (see “tuat”- No. 6) 1 Pet. iv. 17. PEAT, πο, ge in order that, (see) “Hat,” Wo. 1) [2.) (μή, no, not, (see “No,” Vo. Acts iv. 17. 1 Cor. iv. 6. in order that... not. 1 Cor. xii. 25. | — xvi, 2. Rev. xx. 3. μὴ, not (see “no,” Wo. 2) τίς, any one. iva μή, see “THAT NO.” 2, Matt. xxiv. 4. | 2. 2 Cor. viii. 20, 1, Rev. xiii. 17. THAT NOTHING. ( ἵνα, in order that μὴ, not (τι, anything. 2. ἵνα μὴ, in order that not. 1. John vi. 12.) 1 2 John vi. 39. THAT SHOULD. 1. cis τὸ, with inf., see “THAT,” No. 7. 2. τοῦ, with inf., see “THAT,” Wo. 6. | 8. ὥστε, with inf., see “THAT,” No. 5. οὗτος, this one, this same, ἤμελλεν, was about to be. re" 2, Luke i. 57. 4. John vi. 71. 2. —— ii. 6. . Acts x. 47. 2, —— iv. 42, 2. —— xiii. 47. 2. ——v. 7. 2. xxvii. 1, 20. 2, —— xxiv. 16. 1. Rom. vi. 12, THA [ 775 ] THA 1. Bom. vit. 4. 1 Gol 7. THAT VERY. mae face ἐκεῖνος, see “THAT,” No. 15. 8. 1 Cor. v. 1. τα. = Heb, xi. 5 Matt. xv. 28. Matt. xvii. 15. THAT...SHOULD BE RECEIVED THAT WAY. τῆς, of the ἀναλήψεως, taking [him] Luke ix. 51. ceiving up. THAT...SHOULD BE SAVED. σωτηρία, salvation, deliverance. Luke i. 71. THAT SAME. 1. ἐκεῖνος, that one, that one there. 2. οὗτος, this one, this one here. Σ Matt. x ο (oe) 1. John xi. 49. —— xviii. 2. Acts ii. 36. THAT SAME DAY. ἐν, 2D αὐτῇ, the same, (in the self-same τῇ, the day. ἡμέρᾳ, day, Luke xxiv. 13, THAT SO...MIGHT. εἰς τό, with the inf., see “THAT,” No. 7. Luke xx. 20 (ὥστε, so that, L T Tr AN.) THAT THING. τοῦτο, that thing. Luke ix. 21, THAT GOOD THING WHICH IS COMMITTED UNTO ME. 6, the κάλος, good, (see ‘ Goon,” ha No. 2) j . good, παρακαταθήκη, something ly delivered down to one’s ae ys charge. (παραθήκη, ble something committed ο αμα to one’s charge, G L T Tr Α κ), 2 Tim, i. 14, ἐν, in 2. ὁ τῇ, the ἐκεῖκος, that [way. ] Lap; of [his] re- A pe through or by ὁδῷ, way, road. 2, Luke x. 31. Ι 1. Luke xix, 4. THAT WHICH IS COMMITTED TO ONE’S TRUST. παρακαθήκη, something delivered down to one’s charge. 1 Tim. vi. 30 (G 99), (παραθήκη, ΜΕΝΑ ie sage AR to one’s gharge, deposit, ἃ 1, T Tr THAT WHICH IS EVIL. 6, the πονηρός, evil. Luke vi. 45. Ι THAT WHICH IS EQUAL. 6, the ἰσότης, equal thing. Col. iv. 1. Rom, xii. 9. THAT WICKED ONE. 6, the πονηρός, evil one. 1 Cor. v. 13. THAT...WILL. τοῦ, with inf., see “tHat,” No. 6. Luke xvii. 1. THAT WOULD. τοῦ, with inf., see “tuat,” Wo. 6. Acts xxiii, 20, THAT (anv) καί, and. 1 Cor. xiv. 27. THA THAT IS WITH (ΠΕ, THEY, etc.) ὃ, the, the one, (orin 1. 4 pera, with, (772 asso- > pl., those who ciation with) are) with. . ὅς, he who. Matt. x. 38. 1. Luke vi. 4. 1. —— viii. 45 (σύν, incon- junction with, instead of μετά, in association with, GL T Tr A.) 1, Tit. iii. 15. rN N per [le aptly Be; THAT (Now) but this. Eph. iv. 9, ( τὸ, this, ὶ δέ, but. THAT (save) ; except. Mark vi. 5. { εἰ, if μή, not, THAT (save ONLY THAT) εἰ μή, see above. Acts xxi. 25 (ap.) THAT (THE sAME) ὅστις, whatever. John viii. 25. THAT (το wit) (ὥς, as, so as, how, how { ὅτι, that, (see “Hat,” Wo. 2) ) that. 2 Cor. v. 19. See also, ACCORDING, AFTER, BECAUSE, BEFORE, CONCERNING, FOAM, FOR, HOW, IF, IN, INSOMUCH, LEST, MUST, PLACE, SEEING, 80, TIME, WAY. THE. The English word “rue” is general] the translation of the definite article (6, 7,76) in the Greek. But. }———— not necessarily so. Frequently (partly arising from difference of idiom) the word της) equivalent in the Greek. 1. Indicates the absence of the article in the Greek in the few selected ’ has no [ 776 } passages given. word is that which the word “THE’ In each case such Eng- lish word should have a or an pre- Jjixed, or be left indefinite.) 2. ταύτην, (Ace. fem. sing. of οὗτος) this, this here. 3. αὑτῶν, (Gen. pl. of αὑτοῦ) their. precedes. 4. ταῦτα, (neut. pl. of οὗτος) these, or these things here. that, that there. 5. ἐκεῖνος, 1: Matt ας 13,” } angel. 1. Romi: 20 eae 15 ΞΞΞ τῆ; 8, voice. Ἴ 21, without... 1. —— viii. 8, word. law. 1. —— xv. 9, command- | 1. 27, ments. i 28 twice, Jews, 5. — xxii. 7(om.GeTr Gentiles. AS): il 31, ue 30, angels. 1. —— iv. 13, righteous- 1. —— xxviii. 2, angel. ness. 1, Mark i. 45, city. uk 14, 1. — ii.1, house. 1. —— ix. 22, vessels. 1, — vii. 7, command- | 1. 23, vessels. ments. 1. —— xi. 5, election. 1, —— xii. 25, angels. 1. —— xiii. 4, minister. 1. Luke i. 78, dayspring. 1. 1 Cor. ii. 14, natural. 1. — ii. 9, angel. 1. —— iii. 16, temple. 1. 12, babe. 1. —— vi. 15 twice, mem- 1. —— vii. 3, elders. bers, member. 1, —— xxii. 17, cup (in- | 1. 19, temple. sert art. L.) 1, —x. 4, that rock 37, transgres- (lit. a spiritual, fol- sors. lowing rock.) a Ferra 21. 1. —— 16 twice, commu- 1. Acts v. 19, nion. 1. — vii. 35, angel. 1, — xii. 15 twice, hand, Ἱ, 98 Ἰϊνο]γοχαο1θβ. eye. 3. 54, heart. 1. —— xv. 47, earth. 1, —— viii. 6, angel. 1. 2 Cor. iii. 3, epistle. 1. — ix. 5, pricks (αρ.) | 1. —vi. 16twice, temple. 1. —— x. 22, centurion. + 17, unclean. 1. —— xii. bp 23, ? . — xi. 13, apostles. 1. — xxvii. 23, ᾿ g angel. 1 15, ministers. 1. Rom. ii, 12 twice, law. | 4. Gal. ii. 18, things. i 14 4 times, gen- | 4, —— v.17, things. tiles, law 1st, law 3rd, | 1. 1 Tim. v. 11, younger. law 4th. 1. Heb. i. 6, angels. THE (The English 1. 3 John 3, brethren. The Greek article is sometimes translated by a or AN (which, see.) Generally it is translated by THE or some Other word. Frequently it is un- translated. It was intended to present in the Appendix a list of these passages (as mentioned on page 17), but the use of Rotherham’s New Testament Critically Emphasised (Bagster’s) or Newberry’s New Testament (Bagster’s) will in- dicate every such occurrence by special sign used in the text. See also, HEART, SAME, etc., SELFSAME, SAID. THEATRE. θέατρον, place of public spectacles ; hence, theatre, the place where dramatic performances took place, and where the public assembled on other. occasions to hear har- THE E ay angues and hold public consul- tations, (οσο. 1 Cor. iv. 9.) Acts xix. 19, 31. THEE. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. σοῦ, (Gen. of σύ, thou) of thee, but translated thee, (the Gen. case being governed by some verb or pre- position.) 2. σοί, (Dat. of σύ, thou) to or for thee, (see above.) έ, (Ace. of σύ, thee) thee, (see se No. 1.) Followed by inf., thee...that those. 4. σεαυτοῦ, thyself. 1. Matt. ii. 6. 1. Matt. xxvi. 62. 2. 13. 3. 63, 68, 73. 1. — iii. 14. 1. — xxvii. 13. 1. —— iv. 6 1st. 1 Mark i. 2 (om. ἔμπρο- 3. 6 2nd. σθεν ae before thee, 2. 9. α 1, τ Έτ Α οἱ) 1. --- ν. 23. 2. 24 1st, andsee T 3. 25 Ist. (what have we to do 3. 25 2nd (om. σε with) παραδῷ, deliver thee, | 3. 24. 2nd, 37, LT Tr δ) 2. —ii. 5(G ο), (om. μὰ 29 Ist. GTTrAR.) Ἵ. 29 2nd. 2, ———9(No.1,G TTr 2. ——— 29 3rd. A 8.) 3. ——— 30 1st. 3. —— iii. 32. 1. ——— 30 2nd. 3. —— Vv. 7, 19, 31, 34. 2. 30 3rd. 2. — vi. 22, 23. 3. —— 39, 3. — ix. 17. 2. ——— 40. 2. 25. 5. ——— 41, 42 Ist. 3. 43, 45, 47 laa ἥκω | 2. ——x., 28. 1,— | 3. 49, 52 2 "4, 6,18, 23. 1. —— xi. 14. 2. —— viii. 19 2. 28. 2. ——ix. 2 (om.G 1, T | 3. —— xiv. 31 1st, ΤτΑ 3. ——— 31 2nd, Ts ie 1, Gd 2 1ὸ 60. TrAR. 1. —— xv. 4. 3. 22. 2, Luke i. 13. 1. —— xi. 10. 3. 19 1st, 2. 23, 25 2. 19 2nd 1. —— xii. 38. 1, ——— 28. 2. 47. 3. ——— 35 Ist 3. —— xiv. 28. 2. 35 2nd, 1. —— xvii. 27. 1, 35 3rd (619), 3. —— xviii. 8 1st (om. ἐκ σου, fof thee, τὰ 8 2nd, S'T Tr AN) 2. 8 3rd, 3. —— ii. 48, 3. ——— 9 Ist 2. —— iii. 22, 1, ——— 9 2nd, 2. —— iv. 6. 2. 9 3rd, . 10 Ist, 3. 15 Ist(om. ο 7 8. 10 2nd, 11, 34, against thee, 2. —— v. 20, 23. Trmb Ab XX.) "8 wa 1s 15 2nd Me ara, ὃ. —— vii. 7, 20. 1, ——16(No.4,7T.) |1. 27. 2. 26, 29, 82, | 8. 50. 3,--- 33. 8. —— viii. 20. 2. —— xix. 27. 1, 28, 3. —— xx. 13. 3. 45, 48. 1. —— xxi. 19. | 1, —— ix. 88. 2. 23. | 2, 57, 61 3. —— xxv. 21, 23, 24,87, | 2. —— x. 21, 35 38, 39 twice, 44, | 2, —— xi. 7. 2. —— xxvi. 33, 35 Ist. 1 3. 27. 3. 35 2nd, a 35. 3 1 3 2 2 3. 2. 3 2 8 1 2 x 3. 3. 99 99 SOLS Pops SLO PPPS GS Ge LOGO PACS τῷ CSTD Καθ TOSS COND 99 ROO GO LON Φ9 ONO 90 PAPO Go ga RO 99 ΒΟ 90 NO Go ΦΥ 9 90 RO ΒΘ γα 99 99 ΙΟΣ «ΙΟ geno ge ge to 99 J THE . Luke xi. 36. . — xii. 20. 58 3 times, 59. . —— xiii. 31. —— xiv. 9, 10 1st, . ——— 10 2nd, —- xvii. 3 (om. εἰς a against thee, ἃ — TTrAR®.) 4, 1st, A.) 18. — xviii. 11, 28. 42. — xix. 2, 22, 43 lst, 43 2nd, 44 2nd, — xx. 2. — xxii. 32, 33. 34. 64 John i. 48 twice, 50 twice. — iii. 26. — iv. 10. — vi. 30. —- vii. 20. ——~ Vili, 10 (αρ.), 11 (ap.) — ix. 37. — x. 33. 25 twice. — xviii. 26. --ὄ 34. 35. —— xix. 10 twice, ap —— xxi. 5 15, δι, 17,18, 20, Acts iii. 6. — x. 6 (ap.) 19, 22 Ist. ο -- ae $9 8, ——— 38 Ist. 38 2nd. —- xi. 14. —- xiii. 11, 33, 47. — xvi, 18. — xvii. 32. —— xviii. 10 1st. 10 2nd, 4 2nd (om, ἐπὶ σε, to thee, G), (πρὸς | Hs towards thee, T 433rd ἃ 4th, 44 1st, 8. Acts xxii. 19, 21. 3. —— xxiii. 18, 20. 1, 21. 3. —— 30 Ist. 1, ——— 30 2nd, 35 1, —— xxiv. 2. 3a. 4. 3. 8 (ap.) pe ale 3. —— 25. | 1. —— xxv. 26 1. —— xxvi. 2. 3. 3 lst. 1, 32nd (om. G2L TTrAR®.) | 3. 16, 17 twice, 24. ᾿ 2. —— xxvii. 24 1st. nis 24 2nd. 1. — xxviii. 21, 22. 8. Rom. ii. 4, 27 | 3, —— iv. 17. 3. —— ix. 17 1st | 3, 17 2nd 1, —x. 8. , 3. —— xi. 18. jae 21. | 8. 22. 3. —— xv. 3. | 3. 1 Cor. iv. 7. | 8. —— viii, 10 (om. L.) 1, 2 Cor. vi. 2 1st. 2. 2 2nd. | 2. Gal. iii. 8. | 2. Eph. ν. 14: | 2. — vi. 3. 3. Phil. iv. 3. 3. 1 Tim. i. 3, 18 3. —— iii. 14. 2. — iv. 14. 1, 16. 2. — vi. 13. Ur 21 (ὑμῶν, you, L T Tr®.) 1, 2 Tim. i. 3. 3. ——4. > 5 twice 3. 6 Ist, 3 6 2nd 2. —— ii. 7. 3. — iii. 15 4, — iv. 11 3. 21. 3. Tit. i.5 1st, rt 5 2nd 1. — ii. 15. 3. — iii. 12, 15. 1. Philem. 7. 2. 8 3. 10, 18, 23 3. Heb. i. 5, 9. 3. ii. 12. 3. —v. 5. 3. —— vi. l4twice, 3. a 5 twice. 2. Jas. ii. 18. Ι 3. 2 John 5, 18. 1. 3John3. 3. 14 twice, 2. Jude 9. 1. Rev. ii. 4, 2. 10. hy 14, 20. 3. iii. 31st (om, ἐπὶ ΕΕ... σε, on ἔ]ιος, -- 1, Τ Tr> A.) 3 2nd, 8. —— 9, 10, 16. 18. — iv. 1. — xii. 17. —— xv. 41st (om. G = LT Tr A.) 4 2nd, — xvii. 7. — xviii. 14. 22 3 times, 23 twice, — xxi. 9. THE THEE (88 IT FAR FROM) ἵλεως, propitious, merciful, piti- ἔστω (or εἴη) ὃ θεός, may God be, ful, must be understood cot, to thee, [in accordance with the Heb. idiom; (Ixx. for) nn, 2 Sam. xx. 20; xxiii. 17; 1 Chron. xi. 19.) God be pitiful to thee, God forbid. ] Matt. xvi. 22. THEE (For) ot, (Dat. of σύ, thee) to or for thee. (I passages not quoted, “FoR” is the translation of a preposition in the Greek.) Matt. v. 29, 30. | Mark ix. 45 (ce (Acc.), —— xi. 24. | thee, L T Tr Α δ.) —— xiv. 4. 47 (σε, thee, T Tr —— xvii. 4. Luke ix. 33. [A &.) — xviii. 8. 9. John v. 10. —— xxvi. 17. Acts ix. 5 τὸν ) Mark v. 19. — xxii. — vi. oe —— xxvi. MA. — ix. 2 Cor. xii. 9. 8 {σε (τ ), thee, | Rev. χῖν. 15 (om.G L Τ LTTrAR&.) TrAR.) THEE (or) σοῦ, (Gen. of σύ, thee) of thee. 1 Cor. xii. 21. | Philem. 20, THEE (το) σοί, (Dat. of σύ, thee) to or τ thee, (in passages not quoted, “to” (or “unto” is the τη of a preposition in the Greek.) Rom. a 4, —— xv. Philem. Ἵ twice, 19, Heb. viii. 5. 3 John 14. Luke xiv. 9. John iv. 10. —— ix. 26. Acts xxi. 23. THEE (σντο) cot, see above. Matt. v. 26. — viii. 13. —— xi, 91 twice. — xv. 18. — xvi. 17, 18, 19, 22. v. 12, 14, — xviii. 17, 22. xi. 40. — xx. 141. xiii. 928, — xxi. 5. xviii. 90, — xxv. 44. — xix. 1]. — xxvi. 34. xxi. 18. Mark ii. 11. ts ix. 17. αν — x. 32 (ap.) xxiii. 18, xxiv. 14. xxvi. 16 twice, 1 Tim. i. 18. —— iii. 14. Philem. 16, 21, 2 John 5. 8 John 13. ' Rev. ii. 5, 16. Rev. xvii. 1, Luke xxiii. 43, see To- John i. 50, {day. iii. 3, 5, 7, 11. iv. 26. aa ta 40, 47. — viii. 36 -ὦ 15 twice, — xviii. 41. —- xxii. 11. [ 778 1 THE THEE (wuat HAVEI TO DO WITH) τί, what ἐμοὶ, to me καὶ, and σοί, to thee. Mark v. 7. | Luke viii. 28. John ii. 4, THEE (wHAt HAVE WE TO DO WITH) τί, what ἡμῖν, to us καὶ, and / σοί, to thee. Matt. viii. 29. Mark i, 24, | ‘Luke iv. 34. THEFT (-s.) 1. κλόπή, theft, by stealth, (as dis- tinguished from force); (1xx. for inf. of 133, Gen. xl. 15), (non oce.) 2. κλέμμα, the thing stolen; a theft, (non occ.) 1, Matt. xv. 19. | 1. Mark vii. 22. 2. Rev. ix. 21. THEIR, THEIRS. “HEIR” is generally the translation of αὐτός in those passages not given below. . ἑαυτῶν, of or belonging to them- selves. ἴδιος, OWN, One’s own, private, par- ticular. τούτων, (Gen. pl. of otros) of or belonging to these, (of these here). ἐκεἵνων, (Gen. pl. of ἐκείνος) of or belcaging to those, (of those there). . τ -- xxii. 66 . Matt. viii. 22. . — xxi. 8. .—xxv. 38 (αὐτῶν, their, G L Τ' Tr A), (om. &.) . Luke ix. 60, xii. 36. ΕΝ, τ τὴ 8, .— xix. 35 (αὐτῶν, their, L Tr A &.) (αὐτῶν, their, G ~ Tr AR.) . — xxiii. 48 (om.G + TTr AR.) . Rom, xi. 30. Here ppp 1, —— xvii. 1 Cor. xiv. 35, 2 Cor. viii. 14 twice, Eph. v. 28, 1 ἘΠῊΝ iv. 19 (αὐτῶν, their,G~ LT TrAn.) 1 Tim. iv. 2. 2 Tim. iii, 9. Jude 6. Rev. x. 3. 4 (om, τὰς φωνὰς ἑαυτῶν, uttered their voices,GLTTrAR), i.e. sounded. 18 (αὐτῶν, their, Ge LT Tr AN.) THEIR OWN. 1. Matt. ii. 12. 1, — xvii. 25. 1. Mark viii. 3. 1. αὐτῶν, of them their. 2. ἑαυτῶν, of or belonging to themselves. 1. Luke ii. 39. 1. Acts vii. 41. 1. — xiv. 16. 2. Rom. xvi. 4, 18. 1. Heb. xii. 10, 5. Eph. v. 28. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 12, 18, 2. Phil. ii. 21. 2. Jude 13. 2, 2 Thes. iii. 12. ὮΝ 16. 2. Jude 18. THEIR OWN PLEASURE. τὸ, the, that which δοκοῦν, to seem ¢ seemed [ good] αὐτοῖς, to them, to them. Heb. xii. 10. THEIR OWN SELVES. ἑαυτοῦς, themselves. 2 Cor. viii. 5. THEIR OWN HOME (vyr0) ἢ : πρὸς, towards, unto their ἑαυτούς, themselves, ἡ own [/odging.] John xx. 10 (πρὸς αὑτούς, unto them, T Tr 8.) THEIR WAYS (went) ἀπέρχομαι, to go away from one place to another, to go away, depart. Here, ἀπῆλθον, went oft. Matt. xxii. 5. THEM. “Tem” is generally the translation of αὐτός, (and is always emphatic) in those passages which are not quoted below. ἐκεῖνος, that, that one those, those there. ἑαυτῶν, themselves. Here, ph. 8. τούτους, (Acc. pl. of οὗτος) these, these (persons) here. ταῦτα, (neut. pl. of οὗτος) these, these (things) here. 5. τούτοις, (mase. and neut. Dat. pl. of οὗτος) to or for these, these here. ταύταις, (fem. Dat. pl. of οὗτος) to or for or in these, these here. 1, Matt. xiii. 11. 1. Acts xviii. 19, 2. —— xv. 30. 2. —— xxi. 23. 1. —— xx. 4. 3. 24. 2. —— xxv. 3. 8. Rom. viii. 30 3 times, 2. Mark ii. 19 (ap.) 3. 1 Cor. vi. 4. 1. — iv. ll. 4. 18. 2, —— viii. 14, 1. ——x. 11. 1, —— xvi. 19. 3. —— xvi. 3. 1. Luke x, 35. 5. 1 Tim. iv. 15. 6, —— xiii. 14 (αὑταῖς, in | 3. Heb. ii. 15. theses, L TTr AN.) ie iv. 2 twice, 4, John x. 25, ie ον ϕ Ke 35. 4, Rev. x, 4 (αὑτά, these, LT ‘lr A ®.) [ 779 ] THE THEM ALSO, 2 John x. 16. THEM (amonea) ἑαυτοῖς, among themselves. Matt. xxvii. 35 (ap.) | John xix. 24. THEMSELVES. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) ἑαυτοῦς, (Acc. pl.) themselves, their own selves. ἑαυτῶν, (pl. Gen.) themselves, their own selves. ἑαυτοῖς, (pl. Dat.) to or for them- selves. 1; 2. 4, ἀλλήλων, each other, one another. 5. αὐτοί, (pl.) them. G. αὐτά, (Ace. sing.) them. 7. αὐτοῖς, (Dat. pl.) to or for them. 8. αὐτούς, (Ace. pl.) them. 3. Matt. ix. 3. 4. John xi. 54, — xiv. 15. 1, —— xii. 19. 3. —— xvi. 7. 4, —— xvi. 17. 1, — xix. 12. 7. —— xvii. 13. 3. —— xxi. 25, 38. 4, —— xix. 24. 3. Mark ii. 8 4, Acts iv. 15. 3. — iv. 17. — — xi. 26, see Assem- — — vi. 30, see Gather. ble. 3. —— 30, 51. δ. —— xv. 32 4 —— ΗΠ} If, 5. —— xvi. 37 2, — ix. 8. 1. —— xxiii. 12, 21 1, —— 10. 4, —— xxvi. 31 8. 16, marg. (text, | 4. —— xxviii, 4, 25, them.) | 3. 29. 4, 84. | 3. Rom, i. 24 (No. 7, L ΤΌ oe T Tr A.) 1. —— xi. 51. 3. 27. 1, —— xii. 7. 4. —— ii. 15, marg. (text, 1, — xiv. 4. one another.) 4. —— xv. 5]. $. 1 Cor. x. 12. 1, —— xvi. 3. 1. — xvi. 15. 4, Luke iv. 36. 1. 2 Cor. κ. 12 3 times. 1. — vii. 30. 1, Eph. iv. 19. 3. 49. 2. Phil. ii. 3. 3. —— xviii. 9. 1. Ὁ Tims. 9, 1, —— xx. 5. 1, —— vi. 10. L, 14 (No. 4, T Tr | 6. Heb. ix. 23. AR.) 1. 1 Pet. iii. δ. i 20. 1. Jude 19, 1. —— xxii. 23. 1. ——19 (om. Βὲ αὶ τὸ 1, 1, —— xxiii. 12 (Νο. 8, T | TTrAn.) TrARN.) | 1. Rev. vi, 15. 4. John vi, 52. , 1, —viii. 6 (Νο. 8, L 1. —— vii. 35. | TR.) 1. — xi. 55. | —— xix. 17, see Gather THEY THEMSELVES. 1. αὐτοί, they, them. αὐτοί, them, these, these these themselves. a 2. οὗτοι, here, 1. John xviii. 28. | 1. Gal, vi. 18. 2. Acts xxiv. 15. 1. 1 Thos. i 9. 1, 2 Pet, ii. 19. τι --- ----- THE THEMSELVES (mone) ἑαυτοῖς, (Dat. pl.) to, for, unto, among or upon, themselves. 2 Cor. x. 12. THEMSELVES (ror) 1 Tim. vi. 19. THEMSELVES (ro) 2 Tim. iv. 3. Rom. xiii. 2. Heb. vi. 6. 1 Tim. iii. 13. THEMSELVES (unto) Rom. ii. 14. Ι 2 Cor. v. 15. 1 Pet. i. 12. THEMSELVES (cron) Pet. ii. 1. THEN. [adv. and conj.] Adverbs :— 1. τότε, then, at that time. 2. εἶτα, then, afterwards, after that. 3. ἔπειτα, (Wo. 2, with ἐπί, upon, pre- jixed) thereupon, afterwards, next. Conjunctions :— 4. οὖν, therefore, then, marking the formal or logical inference ; ; used m arguing, exhortation, interro- gation, to resume an interrupted subject, and to indicate mere tran- sition from one thing to another. (a) with μέν, (indeed) ; therefore in- deed, then truly. 5. apa, accordingly, therefore, con- sequently thence, since, (accord- ing to nature and custom) marking a correspondence in point of fact (ergo); and a transition to what naturally follows from the words preceding ; still further, beyond that. 6. ἄραγε, (No. 5, with ye, indeed, suf- Jixed accordingly indeed (more em- phatic than No. 5); since at least, well then; [γε strengthens the as- sertion, while dpa sums up the premisses on which it is made. ] [ 780 ] THE 7. καί, and, also, even. te, and, both, (semply annexing) : καί, and, also, even, and...also: (uniting) 9. re, and, (simply annexing.) . δέ, but ; although δέ may be some- times translated and, then, now, or so, yet there is always a degree of opposition and interruption. πα. 12. λοιπόν, henceforward, finally. οὐκοῦν, not so then, therefore then. Here, “and yet thow (emph.) art not a King?” or “thow art then a King?” (non occ.) 13. τοίνυν, indeed now, (drawing an inference, and used where one pro- ceeds with an inference.) 1. Matt. i. 7, 16, 17. 1. Mark ii. 20. 1. — iii. Hs 19, 15. 1. —— iii. 27. 1. —— iv. 1, 5, 10, 11. 4. $1 (No.7, ΤΠ 1. —v. 24. TrAR®.) 1. — vii. 5. 2. —— iv. 28. 4. η. 3. — vii. 5 (No.7,G@xL als 23. TT ATES) 1. —— viii. 26. — —x. 8, see So. 1, —— ix. 6, 14, 15, 29, | 4. —— xi. 81 (om. L T Tr 97. A.) 1. —— xi. 20. 1. —— xiv. 14, 21, 26, 27. 4, —— xii. 12. 4. —— xv. 12. 1 13, 22. SS 19, see So. 4. 26. 4. Luke iii. 7, 10. 5. 28. 1. — v.35. 1. —— 29, 38, 44, 45 4, —vi.9 (No. 10,LT 1. —— xiii. 26. Tr 8.) 4. 27, 28. 1A 42. 1; 36, 43. 4, —— vii. 31. -- 52, see T he 2. —— viii. 12. 4, iF, 4, ——x. 37 (Gx), (N 1. —— xv. 1, 12, 28. 10,GLTTr Aw.) 1. —— xvi. 12, 20, 24, 4, —— xi. 13. 4. —— xvii. 10 1. 26. Ty 13, 19. 4. —— xii. 26. 6. 26. 5. 2. 1. —— xviii. 21, 32. 4, —— xiii. 15 (No. 10, L 4, —— xix. 7. ΧΆ ο) a be 13. 1. 26. δ. 25. 1. —— xiv. 10, 21. iL 27. 3. —— xvi. 7. 1. —— xx. 20 7. — xix. 15. 1. —— xxi. 1. 4. —— xx.5 (om. G - Lb 4, 25. T Tr A &.) 1. —— xxii. 8, 18, 15, 21. | 4. 17. 4. 43, 45. 1. —— xxi. 10, 20, 21, 27. 1: -- ee, 4. —— xxii. 36 (No. 10, Ah 1, —— xxiv. 9, 10, 14, 16, Tr δ.) 21, 23, 30 twice, 40, 4, 70. 5. 45. 1. —— xxiii. 30. 1, —— xxv. 1, 7. 1. —— xxiv. 45. 8. 24, 4, John i. 21, η, 31, 34, 37, 41, | 4. 22 (om. L.) 44, 45. 4. 25, 1, — xxvi. 3, 14, 31, 36, | 1. —— ii. 10 (om. Lb T 38, 45, 50, 52. Trb Ab &.) 4. 5A 4, 18, 20. Ls 56, 65, 67, 74. 4. —— iii. 25. 1. —— xxvii. 3, 9, 13, 16. | 4. —— iv. 5, 9, 11, 28. 4, 22. 4. 30 (om. GL T 1. 26, 27, 88, 58. Tr A.) 1, —— xxviii. 10. -- —— 35, see T (and) THE [μας η ΤΗΕ; 4. John iv. 45, 48, 52. 10.Acts xii. 3. 4, Heb. ii. 14. 7. Jas. ii.4 (om.G = LT 4. ——v.4 (ap.) 1, — xiii. 12 4, —iv.l4 TrAR. 4. 19 (om. G+LbT | 1, —— xy. 22 3. — vii. 27. 13. — 24 (om. GL Τ ᾿ Trb AD ) 1, — a 14, τα ag δ — iii. = (Tr AX.) Β κ ΐ . π-- χ. 7,9. . —— iv. 14. 4, —— vi. 5, 14, 21, 28, 90. | 4. —— xix. 3, 36. 5. —— xii. 8. 4. 1 Pet. iv. 1. ους σα (om. Ga) 1. — xxi. 26, 33, ie 26. — 2 Pet. iii. 6, see T was 4. 34, 41. 4, —— xxii. 29, 2. Jas. i. 15. (that) 4, 42 (νῦν, now,T Tr | 1. —— xxiii. 3, 13.— ii. 2. 4, Ὁ bs A), i.e. that henow,in- | 9. 5. i seat a that he. ay ee --- ΧΧΥ. . ΕΞ 4. 68 (om. GLTTr | 1. — xxvi. 1. THEN HE. AR.) 11.— xxvii. 20. ε hi 4. σσ 6 (om. G= 8.) 9. 29. | ὃ. he, ; hat he 1. ——-10. 4 4, —— ll, 25, 28, 30,33, | 1: — xxviii. 1. δέ, but, ig ie 35, 45. 4, Rom. iii. Ἢ 3 27, 81. γρ νο 4 47 (om. TAN.) | 4. νὰ πε: 4 = ee 12, 19, 21, ri — v. 9. , 20, 28 Ist, — vi. 1, 15. ου το TEL one THEN WAS (tHat) 4. —— 31. — — vii. 3, see So. ς 4, 41 (om.G->LT | 4. ——7, 5: the, Tr AR.) 5. 21. τότε, then. 4, —— 48 (om. GLT | — 25, see So, 2 Pet. iii. 6. TrAR®.) 7, —— viii. 17. ο (om, L T Tr = 31. x. — ix. 14, 19, 30. 4. 57, 59. 4. x, 14. THEN (Ανν) 4, —— ix. 12 (om. LT , 1 πτΑ ο, 4, — xi. 1, 5, 7, 11, 19. και, and. : 4, 15, 19, 24. 4. —— xiv. 16. John iv. 35. 4. fa (om. α 1, Tr | 4. 1 Cor. ἣν 5. m ... 3 5. - , see So 4. x. 7, 24. 1. — iv. 5. THENCE. 4, 31 (om. T Trb | ———y. 10, see For. ᾿ τ ΣΕ ο ἢ ἐτρεεωλλοῖσ ἐκεῖθεν, thence, from that place. 1&4. 14 (om. Lb.) | — — vii. 38, see So. Matt. v. 26. Mark vi. 11. 4. 16, 17, 20, 21, 31, | 4. ——ix. 18. | —— ix. 27. — ix. 30. 32, 36, 4, 45, 47, 53, 4, ——x. 19. — xi. 1 —— x. 11, see Go. 56. 2, —— xii. 28 (No.3, LT | —— xii.9 Luke ix. 4. 4. —— xii. 1, 3, 4, 7 TrAR®.) — xiii. 53. — wii. 59 1. 16. 1. —— xiii. 10 (om. G3 — xiv. 13 John iy. 48, 4, 28, 35. Τι TT AON) — xv. 21. — xi. 4, —— xiii. 6, 14. ' 4, —— xiv. 15, 26. — xix. 15. [τὸ A.) | Acts xviii. Te 3 4. 22 (om. G = Ἡ | 2. —xv.5 Mark i. 19 (om. G2 LT | 18, see Sail. Tr> A.) 2 7 (No. 3, L™ T 4. ο. TrA τ 4, —— xvi. 17. -- 3, see Not. = ἜΤ τ» νο | 2 1, Not. ο eel Rhea: — ——— 16, see No 5 4. 28 (oot)... jibe te: κἀκεῖθεν, and thence, from that place - -ΚΒ Ὁ 4, me 24. also. 4. —— aL (om. 10.) ile 28. 4. 33. | 7. 29. Acts xiv. 26. | Acts xx. 15. 12. 37. al 54, 4. 40. 4. 3 Cor. iii 12. Se 1. — xix. 1]. τς iv. 12, see So. 4. δ 5. —v. 14 THENCE (anp From) 4, 10 (οπ. ἃ Ξ Τ -- 20, see Now. αλα ; ΑΝ). 8 — vi. 1 κἀκεῖθεν, see above. 4. 20, 21, 23. 3. Gal. 1.18, - Mark κ. 1. Acts xxi. 1. 2. ——— 27. | 8. ——ii. 1, Acts vii. 4. ο σαν. 4, 4, 82, 40. 5. 21. Acts xxviii. 15, 4, —— xx. 2, 6. — — iii. 9, see So. ry 10, 19, 20, 21 5. Aas +. ο, ών, . ν 29. ἢ ἃ ο a "σοι, THENCE ALSO. 4, -- 6, ._—— bs, A 4 τὸ ἊΝ» (om. GL Τ' : ὯΝ κἀκεῖθεν, see above. "9 29. ris 19 (ἐκεῖθε a 93. τ 81, nea Bo, Acts xxvii. 12 (ἐκεῖθεν, thence, L T Tr A 8.) 1. Acts i. 12. 3. -—v. 4a. ii. 41. 1. —— vi. 4 πῇ . — iv. 8. | 4. Eph. ν. 15. THENCE (FROM). 1. ——v. 26. — Phil. i. 18, see What. σσ αν 4. Col. iii. 1. 1. ἐκεῖθεν, see “ THENCE.” 1, — vii. 4. ie 4. Ἑ ν a τὰ + ppeemac ge 2. rape whence. —— ol. oo. dé 4, —— x. 23. 1. —v. 3. . Matt. iv. 21, 1, Mark vii. 24. 1 46, 48. 1. 2 Thes. ii. 8. Ἢ — ix.9 1. Luke xvi. 26, 4. —— xi. 17. 2. 1 Tim. ii, 18. 1, — xii. 15. 1. Acts xiii. 4. 6, 18 (No. 5, L T | 1. — iii. 2. 1, —— xv. 29. ας xvi. 12. ‘Tr ὃ), (dpa [γε] A.) 1 2, —— 10. ἱ 1, Mark vi. 1. 9. — xxviii. 18. THE THE THENCE FORTH. 1. Acts xxv. 9, 14. 1. Jas. ii, 3. -- 20, i sak ᾿ τ Ξ . xxvii. 6, $ (an - — iv. 19 ἔτι, yet, still: any longer. 1. Rom. ix. 26, 1. Rev. ii, 14, 1. 2 Cor. iii. 17(om.GSL | 1, —— xii. 6. Matt. v. 13. τ Ίντα ͵) 1. — xxi. 25, — Gal. iii. 283times,y see | 1) — xxii. 5 (ἔτι, ΟῚ, Τ' τέστ — Col. iii. 11, Tis Trb A WN, ie. more 1, Tit. iii, 12. night, instead of, THENCEFORTH (From) 1. Heb. vii. 8. wight there.) ἐκ, from | πας ( τούτου, this. THERE (Ανν) John xix. 12. κἀκεῖ, and there, there also. Matt. v. ae Acts xiv. ΗΝ . . κ. xxii. THERE. Mark i. 35. —— xxv. 20. ΠΑΝ Ξ ohn xi. 54, —— xxvii. 6. 1. ἐκεῖ, there, in that place. 2. ik thither, to that place, (non THERE ALSO. οσς. A ἜΣ h ¢ 7 1 κἀκεῖ, see above. De εκει εν, πι ence, rom Ῥ at Ῥ ace. | Mark i. 38. 4. ἐν, in, in zt, therein. | κ ΜΕΝ 5. ἐνθάδε, here, in this place. THERE (8) a 9 / ο) 6. ας ee a) See ᾿ ere, m aia ο he avers πα own this or that place; (xx. for ma, people, to be at home. ere, 50- Ex. xxiv. 14; Numb. xxii. 19, 15, journing Soreigners, or strangers Numb. xxx. 6; Deut. v. 31; sojourning there. 2 Sam. xx. 4), (οσο. Matt. xxvi. 36.) Acts xvii, 21. 7. κεῖμαι, to lie, to be laid. Here THERE Is. 9 4 part., laid. 8. ὧδε, hither, here, in this place. ἔνι, ( for εἰ ait εὐ ee of é EVEL ILL, to be in an ace) there is in, among or 1, Matt. ii. 13, 15. 1. Luke xiii. 28, YP ) oy, 83, eee T (and) | Ἱ. —— xv, 18. with. ibe 24, 1, — xvii. 21, 23. τ inter! ‘ii ae epee ry Gal. iii, 28 3 times. | Col. iii. 11. 1. ---- πα, 1. —— xxiii. 33. ‘ . — xii. 45. 4. —— xxiv. 18, 1, — xiii. 42, 50, 58. 1. John ii, 1, 6, 12. THEREABOUT. 1. — xiv. 23. 1, —— iii, 22, 23. \ RO 1. — xv. 20. 1. — iv. 6, 40. { περὶ, concerning . — xviii. 20, . --- ν. 5. , ] 1, — xix. 2. 1. — vi. 3, 22, 24, τούτου, this. Ls xxi. 17. 1. —— x. 40, 42. Luke xxiv. 4, tp eet, ιν, 1. xi, 15, SI, ᾿ --- ay. τ a pA s20 2 (and) 4 28, 51. — xii. 2,9 : πο XV η 1 — xix. 42, THEREAT. . — xxvi. ΤΙ. xxi. 9. ‘ 1, — xxvii. 36, 47, 55, | 1. Acts ix. 33, Sb πόνο f 4, 8. αὐτῆς, 10. 1. — xxviii. 7. 5. ——x. 18, C Ts Matt. vii. 13. -- 10, see T (and) | — —— xii. 19, marg. see uf πα κ (om. α LT Hearken. ἢ A — — xiv. 7, see T (and oa 35, see T (and) A; 28 (om. G Τῷ ον THEREBY. -- 38, see T also. Tr A bX.) : aly 6. τὰ --- xv. i, see Tarry. 1. ( διὰ, through . — iii. 1. 1. - — 5, it. τῇ v. 1]. 1, ey, ἢν | ( αὐτῆς, i 1, — vi. 5, 10. 1. — xvii. 14, 1. — ai 5, ΞῚ 21, see ο) ἐ | 9. { διὰ, ae eed . . . = ο) NO, 1 xiv. 15, Ta 8) το , | ταύτης, this. το... -- 23, see ig > (4 3 ᾿, Luke ii. te ἡ mm cle, 1, ή | 9 ΐ ev, 10 Ἢ by — vi. ὃ. —— xx. 19. Ἵ αὐτῷ, it. 1. ---τὐ νὴ, 82. 4, 22, | ον 1, — ix. 4, 2, —— xxi. 8, | 1. John xi. 4. 1. Heb, xii. 11, | 1. —— iii. 29. τὸ T Tr> A &.) 1. —— iv. 1, 6, 33 8. Mark i. 38. 1. ——v. 10. 7. ——ii. 28 2. 16, 18. 8. — vi. 14 1. —vi. 13, 15, 24, 30. 14,—— viii. 38 ἘΣ 43 (om. ἃ Lb T 1,—x.9 Tris; 2. xi. 24, i= (om GLT 1, —— xii. 6 (om. Lb T Tr AN.) Α 8.) 1. 52, 60. 1. —— 9 (om. T A.) 2. 65. 1 95 (om. G > τι 1. — vi.8. Tr AN.) 2. 22, 2. 24. 1. 40, 1. 27 (om. T Trd A 1. — ie? 18, 24, 86. . “-- de 1. 37 (om.G - Lb | 1. —— ix. 7, 8, 10, 16. TTrAR®.) 2. 28. 1. —— xiii. 35. 1, 41 (om. G = Lb 8. Luke i. 85, ΤᾺ.) 1. -- 11]. 8, 9. 2. —x. 17. 1. —— iv. 7. 1. 19 (οπι. ἃ -- 1, Τ 8. 43 (ἐπὶ τοῦτο, for Tr AR.) this, L T Tr A δ.) 1: 39 (om. Τὺ" Ab_) 1, vi. 36 (om. αὶ = L | 1. — xi. 8, 6, 33, 38, T Tr A 8.) δή. 1, —— vii. 42, 1. —— xii. 9, 17, 19, 21. 1, —— viii. 18. 1. 29 (om, LY Tr,) 1. ——x. 2 1 (No. 15, | 2. 39. GoLTTr AX®.) Ss 50. 2 2nd, 40, 2. — xiii. 11. 2. —— xi. 19. ae 24, 31 (om. St - 3t(om.G—+LT : ΣᾺ ἢ) ἰ 1, -- -- αν. 18. THE 784 1 THE poeebn αν το, Po eee THEREFORE (ann) 2. — xvi. 15. = 13 1st, see T 3. 2 Cor. iv. 13. 1. — xviii. 4, 8, 25. (and) i 1. Se 91 (om. L T Tr i 13 2nd A - —— Vv. 6, 11. : 1. —— 37, 39. 7. ——17. THEREFORE (xow) 1, —— xix og 1. —— vii. 1. if 4 (om.G LTTr | 2, ——13. 6. Eph. ii. 19. ἢ 1. 16 (om. stLT 1. A ἜΣ TrAN τὺ - 2, . --- νι = 2 a a THEREIN. la. 24 2nd, 1, —— ix. 5. πως 1, —— 26, 30, 31, 38, 42, mma ih ears 1, —— xx, 3, 20. . — xii. 9, ο SST 1. — xxi. 6,7. 3. —— 10. αὐτῷ, it. la. Acts i. 6. . — wii. 10. 2 . 2. 98, ba. Gal. ii, 17 (No. 5, | ο, 4. €és, unto, into, 1. 30, 38, 96. Τι αὐτήν (αὐτό) it. 1. — iii. 19. 1. — iii. 5. la.—— ΤῊΣ 4, Ἢ: ἫΝ 3 ἐν, 10 1 2. | 7. —— iv. 16. > - Ρ ποτ ο κο 1 τῇ 1 (ap.) τούτῳ, this, this here. 3. 29 ist. 6. — vi. 10, ’ : 1, ——— 29 2nd, 82, --- Eph. ii, 19, see T 4. τούτοις, 1M these. 33 κο. (now) 1Δ.------ xii. 5. Sieh eel ale 2. Mark x. 15. 1, Eph. vi. 20, marg: 1. —— xiii. 38, 40. Ἱο ον αν. 1. Luke x. 9. thereof. la.—— xiv. 3. 1. — vi. 14. Ὡς —— xviii. 17. 3. Phil. i, 18. Ἱ. ——=xy. α (Νο. 15, τι 12.------ 24. 1. — xix. 45 (ap.) 1. Col. ii. is (om. G>T Tr σὲ.) Tee bil πα, 1. Acts i. 20. Tr Ab &.) 1. ——— 10, 27. la, 23. 1. — xiv. 15 2. Heb. iv. 6. 1, — xvi. 11 (No. 15, T | 1. —— 28, 29, 1, — xvii. 24 4, 2 Pet. ii. 20. AR.) aio, 2. —— xxvii. 6, and see | 1. —— iii. 10. se. σα SSS Ἔτι T (put) 1. Rey. i. 3. la.— xvii. 12, 17 1. Col. ii. 6, 16 1. Rom. i. 17. 1, —— x. 63 times. nts 20, 23 1. — iii. 5, 12. 1. — vi. 2. 1. — xi. 1. la.— xix. 32. 2. 1 Thes. iii. 7, 8. 1 Cor. vii. 24. ης πα ο 1, —— xx. 28 (om. L> T | 11.— iv. 8. 1. Rev, xxi, 22. Tr &.) 6. —v. 6. 3. —— 91. 5 6. 2 anes. ee 1, — xxi. 22, 23 1. 1 Tim. ii. 1, 8. 1, — xxiii. 15 8; — iv. 10. THEREIN (201) 1. —— xxv. 5, 17 1, —-v. 14 1, —xxvi 22, 1, 2 Tim. i. 8 ἐπιβιβάζω, to make go) to make 1. — xxviii. 20, 2 1. — ii. 1. asks 3. Rom. ii. 1. iF 8 (συγκακοπάθη- StS; into [upon, 80 on 1. 21, 26. σον, take thy share in αυτο, it, board. 4. —— iii. 20. suffering hardship, in- πᾷ ie 28 (No. 14,GL stead of σὺ οὖν κακο- Acts xxvii. 6. EEA ΝΣ.) , ώς, thow μιάς | 2. — iv. 16 ore endure hardness. 3. 22, GoLTTrAN) Ὁ THEREINTO. 1, —-v.1. 2. = “eae sie at 6. 18. 1. - εἰς αυτην, into It. L —— +i, 412 1 a ie σι oe ανα 5. — viii. 1 TrAR.) Luke xxi. 21. 6. 12. 2. ba 5 - 6. —— ix. 18. Ls 3 1, ——xi. 22 2. Heb. i. 9. THEREOF. 1, —— xii. 1. 2. —ii. 1. ΠΣ 20(G~),(No.12, | 1. — iv. 1, 6. ἐν LT Τς Αα.) 5. : 1: ,ἶ 7. —— xiii. 2. ite 11, 16, αὐτῳ, san ib, 7, 10, 13 3. — vi. 1. 1, — xiv. 8, 13 la.— vii. 11 ών about, concerning 6. 19. 1, —— ix. 23. 1. —— xy. 17, 58. 1, ——x. 19, 35 αὐτοῦ, it. 1, —— xvi. 19. 3. —— xi. 12. 7. 1 Cor. iii, 21. 10,— xiii. 13 3. ἐξ, out of αντι [1 15. αὐτοῦ, it. 1. —v.7 (om. G 1, Τ 1. Jas. iv. 4, 7, 17 5 TrAR.) 1 ἘΞ γ. 2. es xii. ΤΣ Ee John “ap 7, 8, 1. 1 Pet. ii. 7. 3, Luke xxii. 3. — vi. 50. la,—— vi. 7 1. —— iv. 7. 1. Eph. vi. 20, marg. (text, therein.) 16. 20, 1, —v. 8, εν. ee 15. vii. 8. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 17. τῇ 96, 1, 1 John ii. 24 (om,G3L THEREON. 1 vill, ἃ T Tr A'S.) . >, 9 ς ᾿ ος = SL. 2 te 1 { ἐπὶ, upon ᾿ (a) with the Dat., there- 1, —— xi. 20. 1, 3 John 8. : ὑτός 1 n, (with idea of simple 9, —— xii. 15, 16. 1. Rev. ii. 5. αὐτὸς it, i ( "ἃ Ἴ 1, —— xiv. 11, 23, 1, —— iii, 3 twice, 19, rest.) # a cee ear a (b) with the Acc., thereon, (with 1, — xvi. 11, 18, 2, — xviii. 8, idea of downward pressure.) THE [ 785 1 THE ἐπάνω, above, upon, αὐτοῦ, it. ἐν, in αὐτῷ, it. 2. Matt. _ vf 3. Mark xi. 23. 3. 3. Luke xiii. 6. 2, — μὲ ἢ 20, 22. 1b. John xii. 14. la. Rev. vi. 4 (No. 15,41, τ Έτ Α κ.) See also, BUILD, LAID, LOOK, THINK, WRITE. THEREOUT. See, coME. THERETO. See, ADD, AGREE. THEREUNTO. εἰς, unto, for, if αὐτὸ, it, τοῦτο, this (om. ᾱ- sh T Tr Aw.) 2. ἡ δῶ 1. 2, — Heb. x. 1, see Comers. 2. 1 Pet. iii. 9. THEREUPON. See, BUILD. THEREWITH. ( év, in or with ( αὐτῷ, it. ἐπὶ, on, upon, τούτοις, these. 3. τούτοις, with these, with these here. 3. 1 Tim. vi. 8. | 1. Jas. iii, 9 twice, 2. 3 John 10. THESE. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. οὗτοι, (mase. pl. of otros) these persons, these here, (the nearer.) 2. αὗται, (fem. pl. of οὗτος) these, these here. 3. ταῦτα, (neut. pl. of otros) tkese things, these things here. 4. τούτων, (Gen. pl. of otros) of these, of these here. ‘ 5. τούτοις, (Dat. pl. of otros) to or for these, (these here.) 6. ταύταις, (Dat. pl. fem. of otros) to or for these. 7. τούτους, (Acc. pl. of otros) these, these here. 8. ταύτας, (Ace. pl. fem. of οὗτος) these, these here. 4, Matt. iii. 9. 1. John xvil. 25. 1. —— iv. 3. 7. — xviii. 8. 4, —vv. 19. 3. — xx. 31. 7. ——vii. 24 (om. L>| 1. Acts i. 14. b A.) 4. 21. ba 26, 28. 1, — ii. 7, 15 3. —x. 2. a 23. ce 5. 8. — iii. 24 4. 2. 5, — iv. 16 8. —— xiii. 53. 7. —v.5, 24 3. ——xv. 20. 4, 32. 4. —— xviii. 6, 10, 14. 5. 35. 7. —xix. 1. 4. 36, 38, 1. — xx. 12. 3. —x. 4. le 21 (om, L».) 7, 47. 1. — xxi. 16. | 1. —— xi. 12 6. —— xxii. 40 1 6. τον 3. — xxiii. 23 3. —— xiii. 42 (om. 6 - 8. —— xxiv. 8 4. — xiv. 15. 1. —— xxv. 46 4, —— xv. 28 (om. GS) 7. — xxvi.l 1. —— xvi. 17, 20. 1. —— 62. 3. —— 38. 1. Mark iv. 15, 16. 1. — xvii. 6, 7, 11. iB 18 άλλοι, G L | 3, —— xix. 37. T Tr AR, ive. there | 1, —— xx. 5. are others, instead of | 2. 34. these are they. ) 4, —— xxi. 38 15 20 (ἐκεῖνοι, those, | 1, —— xxv. ll TTrAR®.) 4, —— xxvi. 29 3. — vii. 23. 1, — xxvii. 31, 3. —x. 20. 1. Rom, ii. 14 (οἱ τοιοῦτοι, 1. — xii. 40. |” “such, 8. —— xiii. 2 3. —— ix. 8. 3. 8. | 1. — xi. 24, 31, 1. —— xiv. 60. 5. —— xv. 23. 3. —— xvi. 17 (ap.) 8. 1 Cor. xii. 11, 3. Luke i. 19, 65 8, —— xiii. 18. 3. ——ii. 19. 8. 2 Cor. vii. 1. 3. 51 (om. Lb T | 2. Gal. iv. 24 Trmb Ab.) 8, — v.17 4. —— iii. 8. 1; Cok iv, 11. 1, — viii. 13, 21 6, 1 Thes. iii. 3, 7. — ix. 28, 5. — iv. 18. 3. —— xi. 42. 1. 1 Tim. iii. 10. 1. —— xiii. 2 4. 2 Tim. ii. 21. 4. —— xvii. 2 1. — iii. 8. 3, —— xviii. 21, 4. Heb. i. 2. 7. — xix. 15. 8. —— ix. 23. ι 40. Ὥς xi. 13, 39. 1, —— xxi. 4, 4, 2 Pet. i. 4. 4, 12. im ii. μεν 17. 2. 22. 1. 1 John 1. —— xxiv. 17. 1, Jude 8, Yo. 12. 6. ———18. 5. 14. iy 44. 1, 16, 19. 3. John iii. 2 1, Rev. vii. 13, 14, 6. —v. 3. 4. —— ix. 18, 3. 19, 6, ν 1, — vi. 5. 1, ——xi. 4, 6, 10. 3. —— vii. 9. 1. —— xiv. ae 3. —— viii. 20, 30. 8. — xvi. 7. —x. 19. 1. — xviii 18, 14, 16, 3. 21, 1. —— xix. 9. 1. —— xvii. 11, 1. —— xxi. 5. 4. 20, 1. —— xxii. 6. THESE MANY. τοσοῦτος, so great,so much. Here, pl., so many. Luke xy. 29. CCC THE THESE MATTERS (oF) περὶ, concerning τούτων, these things. Acts xxv. 20. THESE MEN. 7. Mark viii. 4, THESE THINGS. 1. ταῦτα, (neut. pl. of οὗτος) these things, (these here.) | 2. τούτων, (Gen. pl. of οὗτος) of these things. 3. τούτοις, (Dat. pl. of οὗτος) to or for these things. 4. τάδε, this, this here, (marking a closer relation than either of the above.) . Heb. vii. 13, —— ix. 6, . Jas. iii. 10. —— xiii. 17. — xiv. 25. 1, Matt. i. 20. 1. Acts i. 9. 1. —— iv. 9. 1. —vyv.5(om.Gs LT 1. — vi. 32, 33. TrAR®.) 1, — ix. 18. 1. 11. 1. —— xi. 25. 1. — vii. 1, 50, 54. 1. —— xiii. 34, 51, 56. 1. —— xi. 18, 1, —— xxiv. 2, 3, 33, 34. | 1. —— xii. 17. 1. Mark ii. .8. 1. — xiv. 15. 1. ——vi. 1. — xv. 17. 1, — xi. 38 twice, 29, 33. | 1. —— xvii. 8, 20. 1, —— xiii. 4 twice, 29,30, | 1. —— xviii. 1. 1. xvi. 17 (ap.) 1. —— xix. 21. 1, Luke i. 20. 2. 36. 1, —— iv. 28 1, —— xxi. 12. 1. —— v. 27. 1. — xxiii. 22. 1, —— vii. 9. 2. —— xxiv. 8. 2. 18. 1, : 1, —— viii. 8. 1. 22 (om. ἀκούσας 1. —— x. 1, 21. ταῦτα, heard these 1, —— xi. 25, 53 (ap.) things, GL Τ ΤΥ Α &.) 1. — xii. 30, 31. | 2, —— xxv. 9. 1‘ = ent ΠΣ | 2. —— xxvi. 26. 1, —— xiv. 6, 15, 21. j 1. Rom. viii. 51. 1, —— xv. 26. | 3. 37. 1. —— xvi. 14. 8. —xiv. 18 (τοῦτῳ, 1. —— xviii. 22 (om. L T this thing, α 1, T Tr Tr Α 8.) AR.) 1, —— xix. 11. 1. 1 Cor. iv. 6, 14. ey he | 1. —— ix. 8, 15. iM xxi, 6,7 που, | 1. ——x, 6,11, 2. 28, 1. 2 Cor. ii. 16. . 31, 36. 1. -— xiii, 10. 1. — xxiii. 31, 49. 1, Eph. τ. 6. 1. — xxiv. 9, 10. 1. Phil. iv. 8. 2. 14. 8. Col. iii, 14, 1, 21, 26. 1. 2 Thes, ii. 5. 1. John i. 2 1. 1 Tim. iii, 14. i ii. 16, 18. 1, —— iv. 6, 11, 15. 1. —— iii. 9, 10, 22, 1, ——v.7, 21. 1, ——v. 16, 34. 1, vi, 2, 11. 1. —— vi. 1, 59. 1, 2 Tim. i. 12, 1. —— vii. 1, 4, 1. ii. 14, 1. —— viii. 28, 1. Tit, ii. 15. 1. —— xi. 11. | 2. —— iii. 8 1st. 1. —— xii. 16 3 times, 26, | 1, 8 2nd. 3 1 1. — xv. 11, 17, 21. 2 Pet. i. 8, 9, 10. —— xvi. 1, 3, 4 twice, | 2, 12, 15. 6, 25, 33 . — iii. 11, 16. . 1 Johniz, 4. . — ii. 1, 26, .— v.13, . Rev. ii, 1, 8, 12, 18, με μι μι μι μαμα μ μι Ξ τὸ = a) et OE μ ans to > THE . Rev. iii. 1, 7, 14. 4 1. Rev. xxii. 8 twice, 16, 1. — vii. 1 (τοῦτο, this, | 1. 1 1 18 (αὐτά, them, GLTTr A), (αντόν, this, &.) 20. GoLTTraRr.) . — xviii. 1. . — xix. 1. THESE THINGS (or) τούτων, of these things, of these things here. Matt. vi. 32. Luke xii. 30. — xviii, 34. Luke xxiv. 48. Acts xxvi. 26, 1 Cor. ix. 15. Rev. xviii. 15. THESE WORDS. ταῦτα, these things. John ix, 22, 40, | —- xvii. 1. John xviii. 1. Acts xxviii. 29 (ap.) THESE CAUSES (ror) ἕνεκα, because of, by reason of, on account of, for the sake of, τούτων, these things. Acts xxvi. 21. THESE (oF) τούτων, of these, of these here. Matt. vi. 29. Luke xii. 27. xxy. 40, 45. Acts 1, 24, Luke x. 36, 1 Cor, xiii. 13. Heb. x. 18, THESE (rHay) τούτων, (after a comparative) than these things, than these here. Matt. v. 37. John vii. 31 (om. αὶ = Τι Mark xii. 31. Tr ACR.) John 1, 50, —- xiv. 12. — τ. 20. —- xxi. 15. THESE (vron) τούτοις, to, for, or on these. 1 Cor. xii. 23. THESE (wirn) τούτοις, to, for, o7 with these. Heb. ix. 23. See also, NONE, SAME, SAYINGS. — | THEY. “Try” is frequently part of the translation of the 3rd pers. pl. of the verb. --.--.- THE Also of the plural of αὐτός, or of the article 6, 7, τό. In all other passages it is the trans- lation of one of these words fol- lowing. ἐκείνος, that, that one there. In pl., those, those there. κἀκεῖνος, (Wo. 1, with καί, and, also, | preficed) and those, even those, those also. οὗτοι, (mase. pl.) these, these here. . ταῦτα, (neut. pl.) these things, these things here. τούτων, (Gen. pl.) of these; of these here. ἑαυτούς (ἑαυτάς), (pl. Ace.) they themselves. ὅστις, any one who, some one who. Pl., every one who, all who, who- soever, whatsoever. 5. Matt. xi. 7. 3. Acts xiii. 4 1st (αὐτοί, 1. Mark xvi. 20 (ap.) ων ο Tie A 3. Luke viii. 14, 15. nr. 1, — ix. 34 2d (αὐτοί, | 2, —— xv. 11. they, ἃ T Tr &.) 1, ---- χχὶ, 6, 3. — xiii. 4 (αὐτοί, they, | 7. —— xxiii. 14. LTTrAR&.) 3. Rom. viii. 14. 1. John ν. 39 1s: 3. —— ix. 6. 4. — vi. 9. 1. — xi. 23 Ist. 4. ——x. 25. 1. 1 Cor: ix. 25, cl 6 Ist. 1. — xv. 11. 1. — xi. 13. 3. —— xvi. 17 (αὐτοί, they, 3. —— xviii. 21. LT Tr A.) 7. Acts v.16. [G ο 8) | 3. Gal. vi. 12 1st, 1, ——x. 9 (αὐτοί, they, | 1. Heb. xii. 25. i, 10 (αὐτοί, they, | 6. Rev. ii. 9. GeLTTraAn,) 6, —— iii. 9. THEY OF. 1. ἀπό, from, (here, lit., whom they | valued from Israel's sons.) 2. ἐκ, from among. 1, Matt. xxvii. 9. | 2. Rev. xi. 9, CELE DREAD. αἵτινες, nom. pl. fem. of No. 7, above. ἽΝ Tr AR.) THEY THEMSELVES. αὐτοί, they. ( αὐτοὶ, they, } even these, these “ἃ οὗτοι, these, themselves. z John xviii. 28, | 1. Gal. vi. 18, . Acts xxiv. 15. 1. 1 Thes, i. 9. 1, 2 Pet. ii. 19. i, rare [ 787 1 THI THEY (ανν) 1. κἀκεῖνοι, and those (those there); those also. 2. airwes, pl. fem. nom. of “THEY,” 2 ie 1, 1, No. 7 Matt. xv. 18. (op) 2. Acts v. 16. Mark xvi. 11 (ap.), 13 | 2. —— xxiii. 14. John xvii. 24. 1, 1 Cor. x. 6. THEY (τν ΤΗΑΤ) αιτιγες, see “ THEY,” No. 7. Acts xvii. 11. THICK. See, GATIMERED. THIE Ἢ 1. κλεπτης, a thief, one who steals by fraud or in secret, (Lat., fur.) 2. ληστής, a robber, one who robs openly and by violence, a plun- derer, (Zat., latro.) 1, Matt. vi. 19, 20. 2. Luke xix. 46. 2. —— xxi. 13. 2. —— xxii. 52. 1, — xxiv. 43. 1. John x. 1, 8, 10, 2. —— xxvi. 55. 1, — xii. 6. 2. —— xxvii. 38, 44 1. 1 Cor. vi. 10. 2. Mark xi. 17. 1. 1 Thes. v. 2, 4. 2. — xiv. 48. 1. 1 Pet. iv. 15. 2. —— xv. 27. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 10. 2. Luke x. 30, 36. 1. Rev. iii. 3. 1, —— xii. 33, 89, 1. — xvi. 15. THIGH. μήρος, the thigh; (κκ. for 7y, Gen. xxiv. 2, 9), (non oce.) Rev. xix. 16. THINE. See, ΤΗΥ. THING, THINGS. | Turne is frequently the translation Matt. xxv. 3 (ai Be the L), (ai yap, for the, | of the neuter gender of the article ὁ (τό.) | Tunas generally represents the neuter pl. of adjectives without nouns, (most of which are referred to in list of words below.) When ΤΗΙΧα is represented by a sepa- rate word in the Greek, it is one of these following. THI [ 788 ] THI 1. πρᾶγμα, a thing done or to be done; deed, act, fact, matter. 2. Adyos, a word (spoken, not written) ; the thing spoken; a word, a say- ing, an account, (with reference to what is in the speaker’s mind.) 3. ῥῆμα, that which is spoken, a word as uttered by the living voice and considered by itself; including more than No. 2, the matter, the whole transaction, discourse, say- ing. 4. τι, a certain thing, some thing. 1. Matt. xviii. 19. 2. Luke xx. 3. 2. —— xxi. 24 2nd, 1. Acts v. 4. 1. Lukei. 1. 9. 24, 2. 4, [saying.) | 3. 82. 3. 65, marg. text, | 1. —— xxv. 26. 3. —— ii. 15, 19. 1. Heb. vi. 18. 2, —— ix. 28,marg.(text, | 1. ——x. 1 2nd. saying.) 1. —xi.1. THINGS (tHE) 1. ταῦτα, these things, these things here. 2. αὐτά, them. 1. Gal. v. 17. 1. Gal. ii. 18. | 2. 1 Pet. i. 12. THINGS THAT BE (ΤΠΕ) τά, the things. Matt. xvi. 23. | THINGS THAT BELONG TO (rue) τά, the things. 1 Cor. vii. 32. Mark viii. 33 twice. THINGS THAT BE (tuHose) τά, the things. Matt. avi. 23. THINGS WHICH ARE (tHe) τά, the things. Matt. xxii. 21. Mark xii. 17 twice. 1 Cor. vii. 33. Phil, 11, 21. THINGS WHICH ARE CON- TAINED IN (tHE) τά, the things. Rom, ii. 14, THINGS WHICH BE (tHe) τά, the things. Luke xx. 25 twice. THINGS WHICH CONCERN (την) τά, the things, (lit., the things of my weakness.) 2 Cor. xi. 30. THINGS WHICH MAKE FOR (THE) τά, the things, (lit., the things of peace.) Rom. xiv. 19. See also, ALL, ANY, APPEAR, BASE, BE- FALL, BEHIND, BELONG, BETTER, BOAST, CARNAL, CERTAIN, CHARGE, COME, CONCERN, CONCERNING, CON- TAINED, CONVENIENT, CORRUPT- IBLE, CREEPING, DEADLY, DEEP, EARTHLY, EDIFY, EVERY, EVII, EXCELLENT, FEARFUL, FEW, FOOL- ISH, FORMED, GIVE, GIVEN, GOOD, GREAT, GREATER, GREEN, HAPPEN, HAVE, HEAVENLY, HIDDEN, HIGH, HOLY, HONEST, HOPED, IDOL, IN- CREDIBLE, INVISIBLE, LEAST, LIFE, LIKE, MADE, MAKE, MANY, MAR- VELLOUS, MEAN, MEASURE, NECES- SARY, NEEDFUL, NEITHER, NEW, NO, NONE, OFFEND, OLD, ONE, OTHER, OUGHT, PERTAIN, PERTAIN- ING, PLEASE, PLEASING, POSSESS, PRESENT, READY, REMAIN, SAME, SAY, SEA, SELFSAME, SHAKEN, SMALL, SOME, SPIRITUAL, SPOKEN, STRANGE, STRANGLED, SUCH, THAT, THESE, THIS, THOSE, UNHOLY, UN- LAWFUL, VAIN, VERY, WEAK, WHAT, WHATSOEVER, WHICH, WONDERFUL, WORSE, YOUR. THINK (-kst, ΕΤΗ, THOUGHT.) 1. δοκέω, to seem, to appear, to have the appearance ; then, to seem to one’s self, be of opinion, to hold for, believe; to form an estimate or opinion, which may be right, (John v. 39; Acts xv. 28; 1 Cor. [7 THI iv. 9; vil. 40) but which may be wrong, (Matt. vi. 7; Mark vi. 49 John xvi. 2.) (a) See “srarcu,” Wo. la. κρίνω, to divide, separate; make a distinction, come to a decision, to judge. νομίζω, to regard or acknowledge as custom, to have or hold as customary ; to regard or acknow- ledge as anything, i.e. in its cus- tomary character, or in its custom- ary manner ; hence, gen., to regard, think, suppose. . φρονέω, to have mind, have intellect, to think, think out; to mind, be minded, have in mind. ἡγέομαι, to lead, to go before, go first, lead the way; then, to lead out before the mind, to view, re- gard as being so and so, to esteem, account, reckon. . λογίζομαι, to occupy one’s self with reckonings or calculations ; hence, to reckon or count, to reason, (use the reason) to think, con- sider, conclude. διαλογίζομαι, (No.6, with διά, throu oiced) to reckon through, com- pute; deliberate, debate. . ἐνθυμέομαι, to have in one’s emo- tions, to revolve in one’s mind, think upon, (οσο. Mark i. 20.) . νοέω, to perceive, observe, (the men- tal correlative of sensational percep- tion, the conscious action of the mind); hence, to perceive, observe, as distinct from mere sensation or feeling; to understand, apprehend, discern. . trovoew, (No. 9, with ὑπό, under, prefixed) to suspect, surmise, conjecture. . οἴομαι, to suppose, (always of some- thing yet doubtful.) . φαίνομαι, to appear, (expressive of how a matter phenomenally shows 89 | and presents itself) to show one’s | J THI self, to show itself, to appear to be. Here, lit., “ How does it ap- pear to you?” Matt.i.20,seeTon. | 4. Rom, xii. 32nd ἃ 3rd, 1. — iii. 9. 4. 1 Cor.iv.6 (om. φρονεῖν, 8, —— ν. 17. to think of men above, 1. — vi. 7. | LT TrAhW, i.e.“ learn 8. — ix. 4, in us the “motto,” or 3. — x. 34, lesson—‘‘ Not above 1, —— xxiv. 44 what things have been 1, —— xxvi. 53. written.’’) — Mark x. 42,seeT good, 1 i 12.—— xiv. | 3. —— vii. 36. - 72, see T there- | 1. 40. on. 1. —— viii. 2. — Luke vii. 7, see Wor- | 1. —— x. 12. thy. ΠῚ, —— xii. 23. 1, — viii. 18, marg. | 2. — xiii. 5. (text, seem.) 4, 11, 7. — xii. 17. 2. 11, marg. (text, 1. 40, reason. 1. —— xiii. 4 ια, xiv. 37. 1, — xix. 11 2. 2 Cor. iii. 5. la. John ν. 39. 5. ix. 5. 1, 2, —— x. 21st, i. si 18. | — 2 2nd, see T of. 1. —— xiii. 29. 2. ds 11. 1. —— xvi. 2. | 1, —— xi. 16. 3. Acts viii. 20. | 2. —— xii. 6, 8. x. 19, part, (διενθυ- | 1. 19. μέομαι, to ponder | 1. Gal, vi. 3. through, α L T Tr | 9, Eph. iii. 20. AR.) 4, Phil. i. 7. 1. — xii. 9. | 5. ——ii. 6. 10.— xiii. 25. 1. — iii. 4. — —— xv. 38,566 Tgood, | — —— iv. 8, see T on. 3. —— xvii. 19 —1 Thes. iii. 1, see 5. — xxvi. 2. T good. 2. ——8. — Heb.x.29,seeWorthy. 1, 9, 11.088. i. 7. 4, —— xxviii. 22. 1. — iv. 5. 2. Rom. ii, 3. | —1 Pet. iv. 4, 12, see — — xii, 3 Ist, see T | Strange. highly. 5. 2 Pet. i. 19. THINK GOOD. 1. δοκεω, see above, No. 1. 2. εὐδοκέω, (No. 1, with εὖ, well or good, 1. ὑπερφρονέω, (“ THINK,” prefixed.) ἀξιόω, to regard as deserving, hold worthy of ; deem proper, regard as suitable, think goo Mark x. 42, marg.(text, | 3. Acts xv. 38. be accounted.) | 2. 1 Thes. iii. 1. THINK HIGHLY. No. 4, with ὑπέρ, over, prefixed) to think over much of one’s self, be high-minded, (non oce.) Rom. xii. 3, THINK OF. λογίζομαι, sce “"τπϊνκ, No. 6. 2 Cor.’ x. 3 FEE [ THINK ON. 1. μογίζομαι, see “ THINK,” Wo. 6. 9. ἐνθυμέομαι, see “THINK,” Vo. 8. 2. Matt. i. 20 part. : | 1. Phil. iv. 8. — - THINK THEREON. ἐπιβάλλω, to cast upon, cast over, as in the mind. Here (part.) re- Jferring to Peter, casting the mat- ter over in his mind, going over the past step by step. Mark xiv. 72 part. THIRD. τρίτος, the third. (or typical meaning, see under “ THREE.’’) [(α) The expression “ the third day,” used of Christ’s being in the grave “three days and three nights,” is explained by a Jewish idiom or custom, of which there are two examples in the Ο.Τ, viz. Esth. iv. 16, comp. with v. 1; and 1 - Sam. xxx. 12, comp. with verse 13. (b) The expression “the third heaven” is explained under the words “PARADISE” and “HEAVEN.” | a. Matt. xvi. 21. | a. Luke xxiv. 7. | a. xvii. 23. -- 2 46. — — xx. ὃ. a. a. 19. — John ii. 1. — — xxii. 26. — Acts ii, 15. a. —— xxvii. 64. a. ——x. 40, a. Markix.31, } μετὰ τρεῖς | — —— xx. 9, see Loft. — — x, 34, § ἡμέρας, ᾿ | — — xxiii. 23. after three days, in- | a, 1 Cor, xv. 4, stead of τῇ τρίτῃ ἡμέ- | Ὁ. 2 Cor. xii. 2, pa, the third day, Ges | — Rev. iv. 7. LTTrAwW.) — — vi. 5twice, — — xii. 21. — — viii. 10 1st. — — xv. 25. -- 102nd, 566 past: a. Luke ix. 22. — — xi. 14. {(the) — — xii. 38. — — xiv. 9 (om. ἃ -- a. —— xviii. 33. — — xvi. 4. CN*.) — — xx, 12,31. — — xxi. 19 THIRD DAY (rune) (When not separate words in the Greek.) τῇ τρίτῃ, on the third. } Luke xiii. 32. | Acts xxvii. 19, THIRD PART (της) τὸ τρίτον, the third of a whole, the third part. Rev. viii. 7 twice, 8, 9 twice, 10, 11, 125 times, Rev. ix. 16, 18, — xii. 4. 790 1 | THI THIRD TIME (rue) τὸ τρίτον, (as adv.) the third. Mark xiv. 41. John xxi. 14, 17 twice, Luke xxiii. 22. 2 Cor, xii. 14. 2 Cor. xiii. 1. THIRDLY. τὸ τρίτον (as adv.), the third. 1 Cor, xii. 28. THIRST. [noun. ] δίψος, thirst ; (Ixx. for sox, Ex. xvii. 3.) 2 Cor. xi. 27. THIRST. [verb.] διψάω, to thirst, to be athirst ; (Ixx. for nov, Judg. xv. 18; Prov. xxv. 22) metaph. to thirst after, long for. Matt. v. 6. John xix. 28. John iv. 13, 14 (ap.) Rom. xii. 20. — vi. 35. 1 Cor. iv. 11. — \vii. 37. Rev. vii. 16. THIRSTY (se) Matt. xxv. 35. 37 part., 42. ΠΈΣ τριάκοντα, thirty. Matt. xiii. 23. Luke iii. 29, — xxvi. 15. John ν. 5. ---- xivii. 3, 9. — vi. 19. Mark iv. 8. Gal. iii. 17. THIRTY-FOLD. Matt. xiii. 8. Ι Mark iv. 20. THIS. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. οὗτος, (nom. sing. masc.) this, this here, this one here, (the nearer, connected with the 2nd pers.) αὗτη, nom. sing. fem. of No. 1. τοῦτο, nom. and Acc. sing. neut. of AV Oy ahs τούτου, Gen. sing. masc. and neut. of No. 1. . ταύτης, Gen. sing. fem. of No. 1. σι 6. τούτῳ, Dat. sing. ππαδο. and neut. of No. 1. ταύτῃ, Dat. sing. fem. of No. 1. TH? { 791 ] THI 8. τούτοις, Dat. pl. mase. and fem, of | 10-Luke vii. 44 ο μρκ No. 1. 2. — viii. 9, 11. 4. 23 twice 2 Ε τ 95. πα an 9. τοῦτον, Ace. sing. masc. of No. 1 1. — ix, 9. 1. ἘΠ ix, 8, 9, 16, 19, 20, , . re 35. 9, —— 39, 10. ταύτην, Ace. sing. fem. of No. 1 ὃ τ, 4. τὸ, Ξ 6. πὸ ZX. Os . le 11. τούτους, Acc. mase. pl. of No. 1. 8. η. 10. 18. 6. 0. , —— xi, 4. 12. ταῦτα, nom. and Ace. pl. mase. of 3. — ge πας. No. 1. τ. ad Ae 1. eT = 19. ὃ, ἡ, τό, the, (see under “ΔΑ. 3.—nxi. 18.’ ° "| 3, — xii. 5,6, 7. 20, 15,7, ο re 14. ἐκείνος, that, that there, that one or | Ὅν. i. μὰ τὶ that thing there, (the more remote, | 9. 56. 5. ——— 27 lst. . 10.— xiii. 6, 10.——— 27 2nd. connected with the 3rd person.) 7, 7, δν 3. 8. 4. 31 1st (om, G+) 15. αὐτός, self, very ; he, she, it; him- Ἢ 16, pees τ self, herself, itself. 1. ———~ 54, 30, 92, 1:- πε 8. Matt. i. 22. 1. Matt. xxviii. 15, μονά ο. ieee 1. — iii. 3, 17. 3. Mark 1, 27 1st (ap.) - Be ἐς ἘΞ Ἔν | ο 12 (οὕτω, thus, Ἢ a να (ap. ) 8. 26. 4 xiv. 30 (om. α LT ~ ——— 1V ν ως. ὴ 8, — viii. 9 4, Τὸ (om αὐτὴ δ See ΠΣ toy Fr) hen τῇ 27. TrA 8 Le. the.) τ; = iy na 7. —— ix.26, marg.(text, | 1. ——— 5, 25. 6. 30. a Cee τ 3. — xviii. 5, 9. 2. — xvii. 2, 8 . “Ὁ, τ cor i 11. 4. -- xviii, 17, 29, 1. —— x, 23. προς ο 19 23 36 twice. 1. — xi. 10. 2. — viii. 12 1st 6. 30, 3 38 15. " Lf ae ες 9. — xix. 90 10. i ΞΞΞΞΕ: : δα, . ΓΝ 1, — xii. 28, 24, 3, 21, 29, oe ΤΠ Ξ ΣΙ 6, ——— 82. 10.— x. 5 10.— xx. 2, 9. 8. —— xx. 22, Pre ele δ. 3 ( ) 1 1 Sak — 45. . — xi ap. i Ὶ ἃ 4, — xiii, 15 10, 28, πι ο eee ο. : πὰ ar απ τη, 6. Acts i. 6. 4. 22 (om. ge ον 2, —— xxi. 3 10. 16 (om. G=LT A, i.e. the.) 10,—— 10. 6. ο Tr AP Ν᾿, i.e. the.p 3. —— 28. 2, —— 11, 16, 30 (ap.) 3. 32. 5 17,25 4, —— 40 (om. G> LT | 2, —— 31(No. 16, ἀ.91, 8.“ Ἐπ nS is = ah δ᾽ ὦ Tr AP &, ie. the.) 9 Tr.) ye Ser ο” οὐ, 87, 42, "3 12, 14, 16, oe | ea -ὁ 3. 58, 6 29, i 55. 2, —— xiii. 30. eae τ .ν ἢ 6. —— xxiii. 4 9 32. 1, —xiv. 2. 2. —— xiv. 4. 9 14 Ist 3 33 tS eS 3 91st (om. Lb T δ᾽ 14 2nd 5 an 8 1 ας πα 1. 88 (ap.) 6, — iii. 12. ο ο ο peal ay 8, — xxiv. 21 10 is AR, 1.6. the.) 3 22, od. Η 3 1 Jain ee 3. ἐν 7. 7,— xvi. 18 τῷ 97 oh ἐν τ ο) 19 Ἱ ΓΝ 8. 22. νυκτὶταύ is nig Ἀ 9 : ¥ 1. — xvii. 5. Gob bt Tr ΑΝ.) i ae ή ᾿ς 20. 7, .—— ii. 11. ὃ μὰς 6. 2 oe 38. —v. 4. 3. 21 (ap. ) 3. -—— oo - 4 ΠῚ =. αν 9, ——— 19, 5. 20, 8. xviii. 9. oy 1 20 ee 1} 9. — xix. in ἴσην. Lb) | 1. 3 eg 6. 98 Ist. Ἢ — ag’ 8. Luke ΚΗ 2. — iii, 19, 20, 4, 28. ας. τς σης Ἱ 39." 4, — iv. 13, 2, 38 Ist (om. 6.) fe Lup τας . 3 38 2nd. 13 ΟἹ Ist. 8. 34 8. 15. } “____ 9] 2nd 1 oR 6. 20, 21, 27. $2 =e 6. 9] 2nd. —— 9. ly 29. 42 1 19 Ist. 10.------- 2. δαν κ κα. οἱ 3. δὲ, 4, —— 132d (om. ΟΣ ΤΙ ος ἐν a [ντα τ Tr ΑΣ, ie. the.) 3: 42, ——— 66, | 3 28 Τι ta i 9. 14 (ap.) 2,— ii. a τ΄ —— v4 14 9 14 2nd. 2. —— xxii. 20, 38, 8, 12, 15. 3) 7 10.— vil. 4 10.—— xxiii. 36. 4, πο 17. ο 34. 6 = ο 3. — xxiv. 14. 8. —— iii. 20, | 3 πο 40 9 35. a 34. 6. —— iv. 3, ft 42. 1 37, 38, 40. 14. 43. 10. 6. οσον, τὸ ΡΞ onion 2.— soe ἐς 2. 21. Ἢ ΒΩ Ist. 3. 60 2nd. eer ον Ἐπ poor: 9. 58 and, 60, 10.—— viii. 19, 1. —— 21. 10 23. 3. ο, = 6. 9]. "ἢ Sa an 28. τ Ey. = 10,— vii. 81 (om. GaL | 5. 22. η ee 4 “oT. T Tr A, i.e, the.) 6, ——— 29. z 1, 34 1. : ὦ ἸῺΝ = το 3. ~ 59, 42, 56, 3. —— vi. 3. 1 5 25, 26, 36 3 St. ‘ — 57g ᾿ ah * ον 3. 39° ae 49. ri ix. 13 ᾽ 37, 54 a » ἂν ge: ΄ σεν τ τὰ 3. — xxviii. 14. 5. ——31. 1 40, 41, 46(ap.), | 1. παλ ie 8. Acts ix. 21 2nd. i 22. 3. —x. 16. 5. 30. 3. —— xi. 10. 4, —— xiii. 17 5. 26. 4, —— xy. 2,6. 12. 16. 8. —— xvi. 18. 11. 36 (om. L Tr.) —— xvii. 3, 18. rigs —— xviii. 10. —— xix. 10, 17. —— 25. —— 27. 40, — xx. 29 (om. Gs 1, T Tr AR, 1.6, the.) — xxi. 11. . Seite stir) Gb A eal ο laa: S we 10.— 13. — xxiy. 20 twice, —— 22. 26. 27. . Rom. ii. 3. — iv. 9. 0. — v. 2. 3. — vi. 6. 4, ——vii. 24. 1, —— ix. 9 lst, 9. 9 2nd, 3 2 6 . —— xi. 25. ; 27. , —— xii, 2. 13,—— xiii. 9 1st, 9 2nd, a sity, ΤΆ, —— xv. 28 lst, 28 2nd, 41 Cor. i. 12, 20 11, 20 2nd (om.G = L T Έτ Α WN, 1.6. the.) 4, — ji. 6 twice, 8, 9. —— iii. 12 (om. G-LT Tr Ab δ, i.e. the.) 6. 3. 3. 9. 3 4, 4. — vii. 6, 26, 29. 3] 1st, 31 2nd (τὸν κόσ- pov, the world, instead of τῷ κόσμῳ τούτῳ, this world, L T ΤΥ Α 6. 4, 3. 4. 3. 4, 6, ΤΗΙ 3. 1 Cor. ix. 23 (πάντα, all ἜΝΙ, GeLTTrAa 3. ——x. 28. 2. ——xi. 10. 3. VBE 6. —— 22. 3. ——— 24 twice, 25 twice, 9. 26 Ast ὃ, —— 262nd(om. (ἃ Ξ: Τι Τ Ττ Α αν, ice. the.) 9. —— 27 (οπι. α LTTr AR, 1.6. the.) 6. —— xiv. 21. 7. —— xv. 19 3. —— 50, 58 twice 54 twice, 2. 2 Cor. i. 12. we 15. 3. —ii.1. 2. 6. 6. —— iii. 10. 10.— iv. 1. 4. 4. 9. 7. 6. --- ν. 2. 7. — viii. 7. 3. 10. Ζ 19. 3. 20 1st 7, 90) 2nd 6. —— ix. 3. st 6. Fe 12, 13 3. —x. 7,11 7. —xi.17. 10.— xii. 13 8. —— xiii. 1, 9 8. Gal. iii. 2, 17 13.—— v. 14. 6. —— vi. 16. 6. Eph. i. 21. 4, —ii. 2. 2. —— iii. 8. 3. —— iv. 17 3. —v. 33. 3. — vi. 1 4, 12. 3. Phil. i. 7: 9, 19, 22, 25, 3. — ii. 3. — ili. δ. 4. Col. i. 27. 3. — ii. 4. 3. —— iii. 20. 3. 1 Thes. iv. 3, 15. 3. —v. 18. 2. 2 Thes. iii. 10. 3. 1 Tim. i. 9. 10. 18. 3. — ii. 3. 3. —— iv. 16 8. 2 Tim. i. 15. 10,—— ii. 19 3. ——iii. 1 2. Tit. i. 18 1. Heb. iii. 3. 3. — vi. 3. 1. —— vii. 1. 13. 21. | 8. 27. 2. —— viii. 10. 3. —— ix. 8. δ; 11. 8. 20, 27 2. —x. 16. 13.—— xii. 2 3. — ἘΠ 19 2. Jas. i. 4, — ii. a (τῷ κόσμῷ, as | regards the world, in- stead of τοῦ κόσμου τούτου, of this world, GLTTrAR.) 2, —— iii. 15. 3. ——iv. 15. 8. 1 Pet. i. 25. 3. —— ii. 19, 20, 6. —— iv. 16. [ 792 1 THI 10.1 Pet. v. 12. 1, 1 John v. 20. 6. 2 Pet. i. 18. 1. 2 John 7. at 1: 10. 10. 10. 18. 2. 3 John 6 twice. 3. ——— 20. | 3. Jude Sart 10.— iii. 1 se 5 (πάντα, 5, 8. things, L T Tr A δ), 2.1 John i. 5. (om. Ges - — ii. 25. 3. Rev. ii. 6. 10.— iii. 3. 10. 24, 6. 10. 12.— iv. 1. 2. 11, 23. 2. vii. 9. 3. — iv. 3. 2. — xx. 5. 6. 9,7 1. 14. 10, - 21. 4. —— xxii. 7, 9, 10: 6. —v. 2. 4. ——_18 Ist. 2. S84) 6. 18 2nd. Le 6. | 5. 19 Ist. 2. ——— 9, 11 twice, 14, ' 6. —— 19 2nd. THIS CHILD. 1. Luke ii. 34. THIS DEED. 8. 1 Cor. v. 3. THIS FELLOW. ς9 THIS MAN. 1. Matt. ix. 3. 1. Johni = Ἢ 8, 33. 6. —— xiii. 54, 56, 4, —— κ. 41. 1. —— xxvii. 47. 1. —— xi. eae 1. Mark ii. κ. 9, —— xviii. 40. 6. vi. 2. 9. —— xix. 12. 1. —— xv. 39. 1, — xxi. 21. 1. Luke vii. 39. 1. Acts i. 18. 6. —— xiv. 9. 9, —— iii. 16. ale 30. 1, —— iv. 10. 1. —— xv. 2. 9, ——v. 37. 1. —— xviii. 14. 1. —— viii. 10. 9, —— xix. 14. 15.—— xiii. 12. 1. —— xxii. 56. 4, 38. 9, -——— xxiii. 18. 1. — xviii. 25. il 41, 52, 9. —— xxv. 24. 1. John vi. 52. 1. Heb. vii. 4. 1. — vii. 15. 9, —— viii. 3. 9, 27. 15. x. 12 (No. 1, AV., 1, —— 91. 491, τ TrA κα.) 1. Jas. i. 25. . Luke xxiii. 2. | 9. John ix, 29. THIS MAN’S. 4, Acts xiii. 23. | 4, Jas. i. 26. -ἕ- THIS MATTER. 4, Acts xvii. 32. THIS PLACE. 6. Heb. iv. 5. THIS SELF-SAME THING. psa: very, self, τοῦτο, this, this same, this very. 2 Cor, vii. 11, 8, John xviii. 34. 4, 2 Cor. xii. 8. THIS VERY THING. (αὐτὸ, self, very, }ὶ this very ( τοῦτο, this, thing. Philem. 16. THIS VERY THING (upon) {ce unto, ) αὐτὸ, self, very, ἢ : τούτο, this, unto this very thing. Rom. xiii. 6. THIS WISE (ον) οὕτως, in this manner, so, thus, on this wise. Matt. i. 18. Acts xiii. 34, John xxi. 1. Rom. x. 6. Acts vii. 6. Heb. iv. 4. THIS WOMAN. 15. Matt. xxvi. 13. | 10. Luke xiii. 16. 15. Luke vii. 45, 46. 15. Acts ix. 36. See also, CAUSE, DAY, DEED, END, FASHION, HOUR, INSCRIPTION, LIFE, MANNER, MIND, NAMELY, PLACE, PRESENT, SAME, TIME, WORLD. THISTLE. τρίβολος, three-pointed, three-pronged. In N.T. tribulus, land-caltrop, a low, thorny shrub, so called from its resemblance to the ὃ τρίβολος, or military caltrop, z.e. an instru- ment composed of three or more ‘ees or prongs, and thrown on the ground to impede cavalry. [τὰ τρίβολα is a threshing-machine, so the Lat., tribulum; whence, Eng., (tribulation, which is a divine threshing to winnow the chaff from the wheat. ] (αχ. for tH, Gen. iii. 18; Dy, Proy. xxii. 5), (οσο. Heb. vi. 8.) Matt. vii. 16, EEE Eee THI EY eee] THO THIS SORT. THITHER. ούτων, Gen. pl. masc. and neut. of | ἐκεῖ, there, in that place. No. 1. Matt. ii. 22. Luke xxi. 2, 2 Tim. iii. 6. Mark vi. 33. John xi. 8. Luke xvii. 37. — xviii. 2, 3. THIS THING. i 3. Mark v. 32. 8. Acts xxvi. 26, THITHER ALSO. 3, Luke xxii. 23. | 3. 1 Cor. ix. 17. κἀκεῖ, and there, there also. Acts xvii. 13, THITHER (wHenre...) ὅπου, where, in which or what place. John vii. 34, 36, See also, 6ΟΜΕ, RUN. THITHERWARD ἐκεῖ, there, in that place. Rom, xy. 24, THOMAS. Θωμᾶς, Thomas, (Heb. oxn, twir) one of the twelve apostles. In all passages, except— John xx. 29 (om. GL T Tr A), (καί, even δ.) THONG. ἱμάς, a thong or strap of leather. Acts xxii. 25, THORN (-s.) 1. ἄκανθα, (from ἀκή, a point) thorn ; (Ixx. for yp, Gen. 11. 18; Is. xxxil. 13; Jer. iv. 3; mn, Song 11. 2), (non occ.) 2. σκόλοψ, anything pointed or sharp, esp. a pale or stake for fixing heads on, or for impaling ; then, a thorn, splinter, which when in the flesh excites severe pain; (Ixx. for ο, Hos. ii. 6), (non oce.) [Prob. Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was some infirmity of the eyes, see Acts ix. 9; xxiii. 1-5, (and see under “EARNESTLY BEHOLD”’) ; Gal. iv. 14, 15, and vi. 11, (see“ How LARGE,” page 388.) | 1. Matt. vii. 16. 1. Luke vi. 44. 1. —— xiii. 7 twice, 22, 1. -— viii. 7 twice, 14, 1. —— xxvii. 29. 1. John xix. 2. 1. Mark iv. 7 twice, 18, - 5, seo T (of) — — xv. 17, see T (of) | 2. 2 Cor. xii. 7, — Heb. vi. 8, see T (of) THO THORNS (or) ἀνάνθινος, made of or with thorns, (non occ.) Mark xv. 17. | John xix. 5. THOROUGHLY. See, THROUGHLY. THOSE. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. ἐκείνος, that, that there. those, those there. 2. ταύτα, (neut. pl. of οὗτος) these things, these here. 3. τούτων, (Gen. pl. of οὗτος) of these, of these here. 4. ταύταις, (Dat. pl. of οὗτος) to or for those here. Here, pl., σι ταύτας, (Ace. pl. of οὗτος) these, these here. 6. αὐτοι, they. ε 7. οἱ, (masc. pl.) the. 1. Matt. iii. 1. 1, Lukexx.1l(om.G3 LT 6. —— xxi. 4]. TrA RW.) 1, —— xxii. 7, 10. Us xxi. 23. 1, —— xxiv. 19, 22twice, | 1. Johni. 99. 29, 1. —— viii. 10 (ap.) ie xxv. 7, 19. 0, —— xvii. 11. 1. Mark i. oA 4, Acts i. 15. 1. —— ii. οί 1, ——ii. 18. 1, — vii. 15(om. Tr>&.) | 4. — vi. 1. 1. ——viii. τ 1, — vii. 41. ἐμ τ ες 1. — ix. 37. 1, —— xiii. 17, 19, 241st, | 1, —— xvi. 3, 35. 5. Luke i. 24, 1, — xx. 2. 4. 39. δ. —— xxi. 15. 1. — ii. 1. 1. Rom. vi. 21. 1. —— iv. 2. 2, Phil. iii. 7. 1, —v. 35. 7. Heb. vii. 21. 4, —— vi. 12. 1 viii. 10. 1. — ix. 36. 6. —x.1. 1. —— xii. 37, 38 1 16. 1, — siii. 4, 24 | 3, —— xiii. 11. 1. Rev. ix. 6. THOSE BY...SIDE. οἵ, the persons παρά, beside or near. Luke viii. 12. THOSE THINGS. 1. ταύτα, these things, these things here. 2. τούτοις, Dat. pl. of above. ( τὰ, the things Cpe, indeed. [ 794 1 THO tots, the things δὲ, but. 1. John viii. 26. 1. Acts xvii. 11. 1. —— iv. 9. 8. Phil. iii. 13 1st, 2. Jude 10 2nd, THOSE THINGS WHICH. doa, as many things pev, indeed. 4, Phil. iii. 13 2nd, Jude 10 1st, THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE COMING ON. τᾶ, the things ἐπερχομένα, coming upon, overtaking. Luke xxi. 26. THOSE THINGS (or) τούτων, of these things, (these here.) Acts xviii. 17. See also, BEHIND, BELIEVED, CONCERN, PLEASE, SHAKEN. LHOU: ΤΉΟΤ is very frequently part of the inflection of the verb; and some- times 18 represented by the article, as in Matt. xxvii. 40. For “tHov art” and “art THOU,” see under “ anv.” 1. σύ, thou, (always emphatic, never used unless for marked emphasis.) 2. σοί, Dat. sing. of No. 1. 3. σέ Acc. sing. of No. 1. 1. Matt. ii. 6. 1. Luke iii. 22 1. — iii. 14. 1. —— iv. 7, 41. 1. — vi. 3, 61st, 17 1st. — —-vi. 422nd, see T 1. — xi. 3, 25. thyself. 1. — xiv. 28. 1, —— vii. 19, 20 1, —— xvi. 16, 18. 1. —— ix. 60. 2, — xvii. 25. 1, — x. 15. 8, —— xviii. 33. 2. 36. 1, —— xix. 2] 2nd. a 37. 2. —— xxii. 162nd, 17, 2. 40. 8, —— xxv. 27. 1, —— xiv. 8 2nd. 1, — mag 25, 39, 632nd, | 2, 10 2nd, 14 2nd, 64, 69, 7 1, — xv. a! 1, — oo 4, 11 twice. 1, — xvi. 1. Mark i. 11. ip δν it (om. GT 1. — iii. 11. Tr AN.) 2, —— iv. 38. ii. 25 2nd, 1. — viii. 29. 1. —— xvii. 8. 2. —— x. 211% (Νο. 3, T | 2. —— xviii. 22 1st, AR.) 1. —— xix. 19, 42 1st, 1. —xiv. 80 (α 1, T/ 1. —— xxii. 32, 58, 67, 70. Tr A.) 1. xxiii, 3 twice, 37, jt 36, 61, 67, 68. 39, 40) lst, 1, —— xv. 2 twice. μά xxiv. 18. 2, Luke i. 14. [76 1st. | 1, John i. 19, 2 twice, 25, 1. —-— 282nd (ap.), 42, 42 twice, 49 twice, THO [ 795 1 THO |. John ii. 10, 20. 1. Acts xxv. 10. 24 8 ορ | a ee 6. ὁ εἰ if with emphasis on the 1. — iv. 9,10, 12,19. | 1. 15. καί, even, ) fact referred to,ifeven, 1, — vi. 301 st, 69. 29. t κό th h. ” 2. — vii 8. 8. —— xxvii. 24, (no ough.”) έ ; . Rom, ii, 3 2nd, Ν ἢ ὃ τ -- μα 5 (ap.), 13,5 ,25, ὃ, 4. ῆ { ee: with emphasis on the , 48, 52 ind, 53 Ist . 17. : “ἧς. « 1. 532nd (om. G L | — 19, see T thy- Pilg τ hypoth vetical “if, > T Tr AS.) self. even if, 1, — ix. 17, 28, 34twice, | 1, —— ix, 20 Ist, <4 κ : 1. — xi. 17, 1824, 20, | 9 § εἰ, if assuming the suppo- 1, —— x. 24200. 88. ssl πω ‘ ( wep, indeed, § sition to be true 1, — xi. 27, 42 2nd, 1, — xiv. 4, 10 twice, Ps ᾿ ος rue, 1, — xii, 34. 22 Ist. whether justly or not. 1: — xiii. μμ, 1 1 Cor. xiv. 17. 9 \ ἃ . — xiv. 9 2nd, si ae 36 2nd, . Kab, 2 . 1, —— xvii, δν es 1. Gal. ii, 14 1st, Pri ἀν mare: 2 twice, 23 twice, 25, 1. —vi. 1. f j ο... es’ τπ σα 10. καίπερ, even indeed, (occ. Rev. 34, 37 twice. 3. 14. xvi. 8.) 1. — xix. 9. 1. 2 Tim. i. 18. 3 , 1. — xx. 15 ϑτὰ, 15, σα 1, = ἢν 11. καίτοιγε, though indeed. .— xxi. 12, ny Bis 3 κακοπάθη- 16 2nd, 17 twice, 22, ᾿ gov, pd evils θη: 6, Matt. xxvi. 88 (om. καί, | ge Cor. xiii. 3 twice. 1. Acts i. 24 1st. hardness, instead of even, ἃ 1, T Tr A), | 6. 2 Cor. iv. 16. 1. -------ᾱγ. 24. σὺ οὖν κακοπάθησον, (om, εἰ, if &.) 6. —— v. 16. 3 1. —— vii. 28 lst, thou therefore endwre - 35. 6. —— vii. 8 5 times. 2. — viii. 21. hardness,G © LT Tr | 6. Luke xi. 8. = 9, see Tit was. 3. 23, AR.) 1b.— xvi. 31. 6. 2. 1, —— ix. 5 2nd, 1, — iii. 10, 14 1s, 6. —— xviii. 4. 3. —— x, 8. 3. ὃ ond, 1 ν 5, 55, 9. 7. 6. —— xi. 6. τι 6 (ap.) 1. Tit. ii. 1. 11. John iy. 2. — — 21, see As. τὰ 15, 33 1st eer ae 4, — viii. 14. 1b.— xii. 6. ἘΞ. οὐ 9 σας 1, Philem. 12 (No. 2, L | 4 ----Σ. 88. θ. τ τ : 1, — xiii. 33 T Tr AS.) 4. —— xi. 25. 6. 15(om. καί, even, 3. 1. 1. Heb. i. 5, 10, 11,1220a, | 1a. Acts xiii, 41. , ἘΤΤΕΑ δ) 1::..ὄἕ τ το Ἱ Sy δ, ἣ 11.— xvii. 27 (καίγε, αὐτιὰ | 7. —— xiii. 4 (No. 6, Tr), ο ο Το. 1. — vii. 17, 2 at least (not that He (on, Lb 8), (om. εἰ, if, — — xxi. 24, seeT thy- | 1. Jas. ii. 3twice, 1, 19 1st, is distant, butweare ΤΑ.) self. Liv ον ignorant), (GeLT | 2. Gal. i. 8. ’ 1. Ἷ 8 3 John &. Tr A.) ᾿ — — iii. 15, see T it be 1, — xxii. 8 2nd, 27, 1. 3. — Rom. iv. 11, see Cir- but. 1, — xxiii. 3 2nd, 1. Rev. ii. 15. cumcised. aa iv. 1, see 3. 11 2nd, 1, — iii. 17 2nd, -- 17, see T they 10. Phil. iii. < τῷ 21. 1, — iv. 11 2nd, were (as) 12, see As. 8, — xxiv. 4, 10. 1, — vii. 14, ~~ —— ix. 6, see As. 6. Col. ii. 5. A ees 1]. ο να la. 27. 10. Heb. v. 8, and see la. 1 Cor. iv. 15. T...were. τ —- viii. 5. 10.—— vii. 5. a.— ix. 16. 10,—— xii. 17. THOU THYSELF. -- 19, see | la. Jas. ii. 14. la.— _ xiii. 1, 2 twice. -- iii. 4, see 1. αὐτός, self, very, he, she, it; with 2nd pers., thou. 2. σεαυτοῦ, thou thyself. 1, Luke vi. 42. | 1. Acts xxi. 24. 2. Rom. ii. 19. THOUGH. 1. ἐάν, if haply, if so be that, (see “tr,” No. 1 and No. 1b.) (a) subj. pres., (see “ur,” Wo. 1b*.) (0) subj. aor., (see “18,” No. 191.) 9 καὶ, even ἐάν, if haply, (see Wo. 1a.) ἐάν, if ogee and if per- 8. τε, and (om. L? chance, Tr AY), (see No. 1b.) 4. κἄν, (No. 1, with καί, and, also, even, prefixed) and if, if also. 5. εἰ, if, (simply putting the condition’ (see “τε, Νο. 2a.) 10. 2 Pet. i. 12. THOUGH...BE. ὦν, (part. of εἰμί, to be) being. 1 Cor, ix. 19. Gal. iv, 1. Jas. iii. 4. THOUGH IT BE BUT. ὅμως, at the same time, nevertheless, notwithstanding. Gal. iii. 15. THOUGH THEY WERE (as) ὥς, as, ὄντα, things that are, (neut. pl. part. of εἰμί, to be.) Rom, iv. 17, THOUGH...WAS. ὧν, being. 2 Cor. viii. 9. [ 796 1 THO THOUGH...WERE. καίπερ, even in-) even though deed, [he was] ov, being, indeed. Heb. v. 8. THOUGHT (-s.) 1. λογισμός, reckoning, (1.6. the art of arithmetic) ; hence, reasonings of the mind, (οσο. 2 Cor. x. 5.) 2. διαλογισμός, (Wo. 1, εοἱέλ διά, through, prefixed) reckoning through or throughout, computation; hence, cogitations, reflections. 3. ἐνθύμησις, a revolving of the mind, (as regards the emotions); revolv- ings of mind, thought, as being the result of a commotion of the mind, secret motives, (occ. Acts xvii. 29.) 4. νόημα, what is thought out or ex- cogitated ; hence, purpose, design, project, device. 5. διανόημα, (No. 4, with διά, through or throughout, prefixed) οχ- cogitating through, a thinking through, (non occ.) 6. ἐπίνοια, thought upon, serious pur- pose or intent, (not necessarily executed afterwards), (non occ.) 8. Matt. ix. 4, | 5. Luke xi. 17. 3. —— xii. 25. 2. —— xxiv. 38. 2. —— xv. 19. 6. Acts viii. 22. 2. Mark vii. 21. 1, Rom. ii. 15. 2. Luke ii. 35, 2, ——xiv.1, marg. (text, 2. —— v. 22. | doubtful.) 2. —vi. 8. 2. 1 Cor. iii. 20. 2, —— ix. 47. | 4. 2 Cor. x. 5. 2. Jas. ii. 4, THOUGHT (rake) μεριμνάω, to be full of anxiety which divides up and distracts the mind, to be full of cares, anxious; be full of anxious or distracting care. Matt. vi. 25, 27, 28, 31, | Matt. x, 19. 94 twice. Luke xii, 11, 22, 26, THOUGHT (wirn raxrya) Luke xii. 25, THOUGHT BEFOREHAND (rake) προμεριμνάω, (the above, with πρό, be- fore, prefized) to be full of care or distracting thought before- hand, (non occ.) Mark xiii. 11. ο --ΞΞ:---:-----.----------------------- --:::-:--|͵,2,'.Π THO THOUSAND (-s.) 1. χίλιοι, (nwm. adj.) a thousand. 2. χιλιάς, (subst.) a thousand in num- ber. (a) plural. 3. μυριάς, a myriad, z.e. ten thousand. (Here, plural.) [As a symbolical number it probably denotes the perfection of God’s testimony to man in grace and judgment, and of man’s responsi- bility to God. See under “TEN ” and “THREE.” 2. Luke xiv. 31 twice. 2. Rev.vii. 7 3times,8 3 times. 2. Acts iv. 4 1. — xi. 3. 3. —— xxi. 20. 2. 13. 2 iL Ofoy p> etsy 1. — xii. 6. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 8 twice. 2. —— xiv. 1, 3. 2a.Rev. v. 11 twice. 1, —— 20. 2. —— vii. 4, 53 times, | 1], —— xx. 2,3, 4,5, 6,7. 6 3 times, | 2, —— 16. THOUSAND (f1Frr) enn (pl. of No. 3) tens of thousands, , πένε, five. Acts xix. 19. THOUSAND (frve) πεντακισχίλιοι, five times one thousand: Matt. xiv. 21. Mark viii. 19, —— xvi. 9. Luke ix, 14. Mark vi. 44. John vi. 10. THOUSAND (four) τετρακισχίλιοι, four times one thousand. Matt. xv. 38, Mark viii. 9, 20. —— xvi. 10. Acts xxi, 38. THOUSAND (srven) ἐπτακισχίλιοι, seven thousand, (quoted from 1 Kings xix. 18, where Ixx. ἐπτὰ χιδιάδες for Heb., DDS NYAw.) Rom, xi. 4. THOUSAND (rex) 1. μυριάς, a myriad, 1,6. ten thousand. 9 μύριοι, τ ¢ μυρίοι, 2. Matt. xviii. 24, | 2. 1 Cor. iv. 15. (pl. φγμυρίος, numberless’ an indefinite number. 2. 1 Cor. xiv. 19. 1, Jude 14, THO [ 797 THOUSAND (ren tHovusaND TIMES TEN) μυριάδες, (pl. of No. 1, above) myriads ἐμ ηράδων, (Gen. pl. of No. 1, above) of myriads. Rev. ν. 11 (ap.) THOUSAND (rupee) τρισ ίλιοι three thousand. ρισχ 2 Acts ii. 41. THOUSAND (two) δισχίλιοι, two thousand. Mark v. 13. THOUSAND (two HUNDRED THOU- SAND) δύο, two μυριάδες, myriads μυριάδων, of myriads, Rey. ix. 16. THREATEN (-rp.) ἀπελέω, to hold out promises o7 threats ; to threaten, to menace. 1 Pet. ii. 23. THREATEN (rurtHer) προσαπειλέω, to threaten further. Here put. Acts iv. 21. THREATEN (srrarrty) ἀπειλή, witha threat, ) to threaten ἀπειλέω, to threaten, ἡ with a threat. Acts iv. 17. THREATENING. ἀπειλή, threatening, a threatening. Acts iv. 29. | Acts ix. 1. Eph. vi. 9. ποντοι ονομα» —— —— THREE. τρεῖς, (newt., τρία) three. [Turer, as a symbolical number, represents heavenly things, as Four does the things relating to the earth, (see wnder “ FoUR.” Onze is wnity, and shows us the unity of God (Deut. vi. 4; Mark xii. 32); of His attributes, (1 Kings vi. 25); of Christ and His Church (1 Cor. xii. 12, 18); of divine a τι μμ --.͵.ΐ.......--ὲ.ὲ-------...--.ὲ--.--ὲ.ὲ.--- J THR things upon earth, (Eph. iv. 4-6): and of millenial glory and bless- ing, (Ezek. xxxiv.23; John x. 16; xvii. 23; Eph. i. 10.) It is also the expression of the Church’s worship of God now, (Rom. xv. 6) and of the divine work on which we rest for salvation, (Heb. x. 12, 14, etc.) Two is symbolical of the fulness of Testimony, whether divine or hu- man, (see Deut. xvii. 6; Matt. xvii. 19; xxii. 40; Mark vi. 7; xl. 1; Luke x. 35; John viii. 17; 1 Cor. xiv. 27; Gal. iv.24; 1 Tim. v. 19; Heb. vi. 18; x. 28; Rev. x1. 3, 4.) THREE represents Trinity, the divine and heavenly things in nature and grace, (see Gen. xviii. 2; xlviil. 15,16; Numb. vi. 23-27; Is. vi. 3; Matt. xxviii. 19; 1 Cor. xiii. 18; Rev. 1. 4, ete.) Four is (8+1) unity and Trinity, “Let us make ;” hence, the num- ber of creation, of earth and earthly things, (see under “FouR.” Five is (4+1), and is therefore sym bolical of human weakness, but per fected by divine strength. God brought Israel out of Egypt in fives, (Ex. xiii. 18, marg.) while the enemy who pursued were 600 chariots, (Ex. xiv. 7.) Faith- ful Israel, though small, should prevail, (Lev. xxvi.8; Is. xxx. 17.) David's five stones were in har- mony with his faith, but victorious through divine strength, (1 Sam. xvii. 40.) The feeding of the mul- titudes with five loaves was like- wise symbolical, (Matt. xiv. 19, etc.) as were St. Paul's five words, (1 Cor. xiv. 19.) Srx is (7—1) the number of Jnper- “ection, Gen. i.; Job v. 19; Prov. vi. 16; John ii. 6.) It was the day of the crucifixion. (See under ‘“‘stx”’), and note the six thousand years and the 7th chiliad. Seven is the combination of the divine (the Trinity) with creation, the application or addition (3 +4) of the one to the other in nature -- —— THR [ and grace, God’s connection with the world in merey; hence, the number of perfection in earthly things, (see under “ SEVEN.” Erenr is (7+1) symbolical of a new commencement. It was the day on which Circumcision was to take place, (Lev. xii. 3); the leper cleansed, (Lev. xiv. 10); the sacri- fice accepted, (Lev. xxii. 27); the sheaf of first-fruits presented, (Lev. xxiii. 11); feast of taber- nacles held, (Lev. xxiii. 96-- 99). And as the eighth day of the Feasts of the Lord pointed toa new future millenial feast; so, the eighth day, at the Resurrection became the “rst, and hence the connection of this number with Resurrection, (comp. Lev. xiv. 23 ; xxv. 22; Matt. xxviii. 1; Luke ii. 21; John vii. 37; 1 Pet. i. 20.) ΝΙΧΕ is (3 x 8), and is the product of or perfection in divine things, (Matt. xxvii. 45, 46; Mark xv. 989, 94; Numb. xxix. 26; Lev. xxv. 22; Lukexvii.17; Acts ας τς οι 50.) Τεν, thenumber of divine testimonyin grace and judgment, and of human responsibility, (see under ΤΕΝ.) ELEVEN is (12—1) symbolical of Jn- completeness, (as six is of imper- fection), (see Gen. xxxli. 22; Exod. xxvi. 7, 8; xxxvi. 14, 15; Matt. xxviii. 16; Mark xvi. 14; Acts i. 26; ii.14.) Also the eve of perfection, (see under “ TWELVE’), (Matt. xx. 6, 9.) TwELvE is (8 χ 4), three times four, and symbolises a multiplication, or product, as it were, of the divine and human. It expresses the perfection and universality of Administration. Twelve patriarchs head the Ο.Τ. and twelve apostles the ΑΠ. Combined in the mil- lenium, (Matt. xix. 28). The number of the sealed election of the Jewish Remnant, (Rev. vii. compare with Numb. xxxi. See also Ley. xxiv. 5; Numb. 1. 44; vii. 84; xvii. 2; 1 Kings vii. 25, 44; Luke xxii. 30; John vi. 9.) 798 ] THR Forty is the number of Probation, οἵο., (see under “ FORTY.”’) Comprnations of numbers have a corresponding value, (addition implying union or connection, and multiplication product or inten- sity) 6.7. TWENTY-FOUR, (2 * 12) expresses the product of testimony and admin- istration, (see wader “ ELDERS.’’) ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR, (12*12) the product of adminis- trative fulness. SIx HUNDRED AND SIXTY-stx, (6+60 +600) the combined perfection of imperfection. It was the sum of the world’s riches, (1 Kings x. 14-29.) The power of Egypt was 600, (Ex. xiv. 7) in pursuit of Israel, who went out by fives, (i.e. in weakness) led by God, (Ex. xiii. 18, margin.) It has rela- tion to Nebuchadnezzar’s image, (Dan. i. 1.) (See p. 391°} ΈΤΕΤΥ seems to be a new commence- ment from 77, (1.6. from the perfection of perfection) as the Pentecost and Jubilee were. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY AND THREE. 150 was a great number, “ yet for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.” “ All that the Father giveth me shall come to me.” “This is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which He hath given me, I should lose nothing,” not one will be overlooked, “not a hoof shall be left behind.” Down to the THREE which exceed, the number- ing proceeds. Srventy ΗΠΡΡΟΜΑΤΑ, (7 Χ 70) the product of divine perfection and testimony as applied to earthly things, as in the 70 Hebdomads, (490 years). (See pp.390 and 687.) So with other numbers. In each ease the symbolism arises from the fitness of divine things; not from any virtue in the numbers themselves, but from the simple fact that when they are used by the Spirit they are used with de- sign, purpose, and harmony. | THR Matt. xii. 40 4 times, ii. 4, — xviii. 16, 20. i. 61. — xxvii. 40, 63, Mark viii. 2, 31. — ix. 5. — xiv. 5,see Hundred. 58. — xiii. 7, 21. John ii. 6, 19, 20. — xii. 5, see Hundred. — xxi. ll. Acts ii. 41, see Thou- sand, -- ν. 7. — vii. 20. — ix. 9. ---------------------------- Acts x. 19 (om. G = T Trmb A.) —— xi. 10, see T times, — xvii, 2, — xix. 8, — xx. 3. —— 31, see Years. — xxv. 1. — xxviii. 7, 11, 12. 15, see Taverns. 1 Cor. x. 8. — xiii. 13. — xiv. 27, 29, 2 Cor, xiii. 1, Gal. i. 18. 1 Tim, v. 19. Heb. x. 28. —— xi, 23, see Months. Jas. v. 17. 1 John ν. 71st, 7 2nd'(ap.), § twice, Rey. vi. 6. —- viii. 13. — ix. 18, — xi. 9,11. — xvi. 13, 19, Rey, xxi. 13 4 times, THREE TIMES. { ἐπὶ, upon, up to tpis, thrice, three times. Acts xi. 10. THREESCORE. ἑξήκοντα, six tens, sixty. Luke xxiv. 13. Acts vii.14,see“‘FIFTEEN”’ (and note, p. 283.) — xxiii. 23, see “ΤΕΝ. — xxvii. 37, see ‘‘ SIx- TEEN.” — xiii. 18, see 1 Tim. v. 9. Rey. xi. 3. — xii. 6. ‘Six HUNDRED THREESCORE AND SIX.” THRESE. ἀλοάω, to beat, to thresh; hence, to drive round in a circle, esp. oxen, ete., upon grain, in order to thresh it; (1xx. for wns, 18. xli. 15 ; wn, Deut. xxv. 4; J, Jer. li. 53.) 1 Cor. ix. 10. THRICE. 1. τρίς, thrice, three times. ἐπὶ, upon, up to, τρίς, three times. 1. Matt. xxvi. 34, 75. 1. Mark xiv. 30, 72. 1, Luke xxii. 34, 61. 1. John xiii, 38, 2. Acts x. 16. 1. 2 Cor. xi, 25 twice. 1, 2 Cor. xii. 8. THROAT. λάρυγξ, larynx, the throat, (quoted from Ps. v. 10, where lxx. for 72), (non occ.) Rom. iii. 18, [ 799 1 ————— THR ------. rey THROAT (ΤΑΚΕ BY TEE) πνίγω, to choke, strangle by sto ing the breath, (οσο. Mark v. 18. Matt. xviii. 28, THRONE (-s.) 1. θρόνος, a seat, (prop. a high seat with a footstool); later, and in N.T.,a throne as the emblem of regal authority. bo elevated place . βῆμα, a pace, a footstep ; then, any approached by steps; hence, a tribunal, seat of a judge or magistrate. . Matt. v. 34. . — xix. 28 twice. . — xxiii. 22. . — xxv. 81. . Luke i. 32. . — xxii. 30. . Acts ii. 30. . — Vii. 49, . — xii. 21, . Cola. 16. Heb. i. 8. — iv. 16. . — Viii. 1. . — xii. 2, . Rev. i. 4. et et et μι tt Dt et St μὴ μ ed cel a ak cl al cel γα el el cd σα τὰ . Rev. iii. 21 twice, iv. 2 twice, 8, _ 5twice 68 times 9,1 0twice. v. 1, 6, 7, 11, 13, . — vi. 16. — vii. 9, 10 ᾿ 11 twice, 1δίσίοο, (» » — viii. 3. — xii. 5. —— xiv, 3, 5 (ap.) — xvi. 17. . — xix. 4, 5. THRONG (-£p, -1N@.) 1. θλίβω, to press, press upon, com- press ; oppress, distress. 2. συνθλίβω, (No. 1, with σύν, together with, prefized) to press together, press closely on all sides, as a crowd upon a person. 3. συμπνίγνω, to choke together, to throttle ; suffocate ; then, to suffo- cate as by crowding. 4. συνέχω, to hold together, press to- gether, hold fast, shut up. 1. Mark iii. 9. 2. —v. 24, 31. 3. Luke viii. 49, 4, 45. THROUGH. (For words used with it in various con- nections, see below.) 1. διά, through. (a) with Gen., through, (as proceed- ing from) through, by means of marking the agency or instrument of an action. (Ὁ) with Ace., through, (as tending towards) through, owing to, on ———— SS θν5.5555..................5.......»..55......5....55.5.9955. οὁ,ἘΞ υ ος Κα τ τ τ τὺ τ τ -----“ἥΓΠὀ ὃ THR [ 800 ] THR la, 2 Pet. 1. 3. 2. 2 Pet. ii. 90. account of, because of, for the | } i πο. sake of, marking the reason or 2; — ii. 2. Rev. viii. 13. motive of an action. 2 8 (om. ἃ &.) 3. —— xviii. 3. 2. év,in; in the power of, by or through; υπ. 3. ἐκ, out of, from; then, of anything originating in and proceeding out cause, or occasion, of, as source, from, by, of. 4. ἐπί, upon. (a) with Gen., upon and proceeding Srom. (b) with Dat., Upon ; upon and resting on, as the groundwork of any fact, occasion, cause, or cir- cumstance. (ο) with Ace., upon, direction to- wards. 2. Matt. ix. 34. la.— xii. 1, 49. la.— xix. 24. la. Mark ii. 23. la.—— ix. 30. la.— x. 25 la.— xi. 16. lb. Luke i. 78. la.— iv. 30 la, v. 19. la.— vi. 1. 2, ——x. 17. 2. —— xi. 15, 18 la. 24. la,— xvii. 1, ll. la.—— xviii. 25. la. John i. 7. la.—— iii. 17 la.—— iv. 4 la.—— viii. 59. 1b.—— xv. 3. 2, —— xvii. 11, 17. 2. 19, marg. truly, (with ἀλήθεια, truth.) la. 20. 2. — xx. 31. la. Acts i. 2. 4b.—— iii. 16 2. —— iv. 2. la.—— viii. 18, la,——- x. 43. la.— xiii. 38. la,—— xiv. 22 la.—— xv. 11 la.—— xviii. 27 la.—— xx. 3. la.—— xxi. 4 la. Rom. i. 8 2. 24 la.—— ii. 23 1b. 24 2. —— iii. 7. la. 24, 25 lst, 2. 25 2ud. la. 30, 31. la.—_ iv. 13 twice la.—— v. 1, 9, 11, 2] 2. —— vi. 11, 23 la.—— vii. 25. la.—— viii. 3, 37. la,—— xi. 36. la.— xii. 3. la.—— xv. 4. 2. 13, 17, 19, la,— xvi. 27. la, 1 Cor, i, 1. la. 1 Cor. iv. 15. 4b.— viii. 11, ἀπόλλυται ὃ ἀσθενῶν ἐν τῇ σῇ γνώσει, ὃ ἀδελφός, 18 the weak one perishing, with your knowledge, the brother, instead of ἀπολεῖται ὃ «ἀσθενῶν ἀδελφὸς ἐπὶ τῇ σῇ γνώ- σει, through thy know- ledge shall the weak brother perish, ον Τι Tt Tx Α ΝΜ) la,—_ x. 1. la,.—— xiii. 12. la. xv. 57. 18. 2 Cor. iii. 4. 3. 8. 2. 14 Ist. la. 14314, la.— iv. 7 (ap.) 1b. 13. 2, v. 10. la. Eph. i. 7. 2. —— ii. 7. la. 8, 18. 2. 22. la.—— iv. 6. 1b. 18. la. Phil. i. 19. la. — iii. 9. 2. — iv. 7, 13. la. Col. i. 14 ( (ap.), 20, 22. la. ii. 8, 12. 2. 2 Thes. ii. 13, 16. la. 2 Tim. i. 10, la.— iii. 15. 2. Tit..i. 3. la. 11, 6. la. Philem, 22 la. Heb. ii. 10, 14, la,—— vi. 12. la,—— ix. 14. la,—— x. 10, 20. la. —— xi. 33, 39. 2. —— xiii. 20. la. 21. 2, 1 Pet. i. 2 la. 5. | 2. 6. la. 22 (om, διὰ πνεύ- patos, through the Spirit,G - L T Tr Α 8.) la. Vols 2. 2 Pet. 1.1, 2. See also, BREAK, CARRY, GO, MIDST, PASS, PIERCE, RUN, THRUST, WALK. THROUGHLY. ἐν, 10 παντί, every [way |. 2 Cor. xi. 6. See also, FURNISH, PURGE. THROUGHOUT. 1. eis, unto, into. 2. ἐν, in. 3. dua, through. (a) with Gen., through, as proceed- ing from. (b) with σοι, through, as tending towards. διὰ, through ὅλου, the whole. , 5. κατά, down, (a) with Gen., down from. (b) with Acc., down along, through, throughout. 6. ἐπί, upon. (a) with Gen., upon, and proceeding Srom. (b) with Dat., upon, and resting on. (ο) with σοι upon, by direction towards, (marking motion ο). ac- tivity.) 1. Matt. iv. 24. 8a.Acts ix. 32,and see T 1, Mark i. 28, 39. all quarters. 1, —— xiv 6c.—— xi. 28. 2. Luke i. 65 8a.—— xiii. 49. 6¢c.— iv. 25, 5b.—— xxiv. 5. 2, vii. 17 1st, 1, —— xxvi. 20 (Trmb), 2. τ 2nd (om. Lb (om, L T Tr A> &.) Tr? κ, 2. Rom. i. 8. 5b. Viii. 39. 2, —— ix. 17. 8a.2 Cor. viii. 18. | 1. Eph, iii, 2 3a.John xix. 25. 5b. Acts viii. 1. THROUGHOUT ALL QUARTERS. διὰ, through πάντων, wl, (places, churches.) Acts ix, 32, or αἱ the See also, Go, Pass. THR THROW (THREW, THROWN.) 1. βάλλω, to throw, to cast; throw down. ------ 2. ῥίπτω, to throw or cast with a sudden motion, to hurl, jerk. 1. Mark xii. 42. | 2. Luke iv. 35 part. 1. Acts xxii. 23 part. THROW DOWN. 1. καταλύω, to loosen down, disunite the parts of anything; hence, of buildings, to throw down, destroy. 2. βάλλω, see No. 1, above. 1. Luke xxi. 6. 1. Matt. xxiv. 2. 2. Rev. xviii. 21. 1. Mark xiii. 2. THRUST. βάλλω, to throw, to cast. John xx. 25, 27. Ι Acts xvi. 24. Rev. xiv. 16, 19. THRUST AWAY. ἀπωθέομαι, to repulse, reject. In N.T7. mid., to thrust away from one’s self. Acts vii. 27. THRUST DOWN. καταβιβάζω, to cause to descend, bring down, (occ. Matt. xi. 23.) Luke x. 15. THRUST FROM. ἀπωθέομαι, see “ THRUST AWAY.” Acts vii. 39. THRUST IN. 1. ἐξωθέω, to thrust out, drive out from. Here, to thrust out from the water, and drive the ship ashore. τὸ . πέμπω, to send, (esp. as messengers or agents.) 1. Acts xxvii. 39. | THRUST OUT. 1. ἐκβάλλω, to throw or cast out. (a) with ἔξω, without. 2. Rev. xiv. 15, 18. DDD [οι ἢ 2. THRUST OUT MEN (they that) THU ἐπανάγω, to lead up upon, as a ship up or out upon the sea; hence, to put to sea. 2. Luke v. 3. la. Luke xiii. 28, | 1, Acts xvi. 37. THRUST OUT OF. ἐκβάλλω, to throw or cast out. ἔξω, without. Luke iv. 29. [margin. ] Matt. xi. 12, see “ vioLENT.”’ THRUST THROUGH. κατατοξεύω, to shoot down with an arrow or dart; (1xx. for >, Ex. xix. 13), (non occ.) Heb. xii. 20 (ap.) THUNDER. [noun. | βροντή, thunder; (lxx. for oy, Job xxvi. 14; Ps. lxxvii. 19.) Mark iii. 17. Rev. x. 3, 4 twice. Rev. vi. 1. i ο... Rev. xvi. 18. THUNDER (-xp.) [verb.] γίνομαι, to bring {ϊέ., thunder had about, cause, been caused, or βροντή, thunder, ) there wasthunder. John xii, 29. THUNDERING (-s.) βροντή, see “ THUNDER.” Rev. xi. 19, Rey. iv. 5. i xix. 6. —- viii. 5. | THUS. . οὕτω, in this manner, on this wise, i.e. so, thus. ταῦτα, (neut. pl. of οὗτος) these things, these here. τοῦτο, (neut. sing. of οὗτος) this, this here. ὅδε, this, this here, (more emphatic than Nos. 2 and 3.) ος. τ 1. Matt. ii. 5. 1, — iii. 15. 1. — xxvi. 54 1. Mark ii. 7. 1. Luke i. 25. 1. —— ii. 48. Ὡς — ix. 34, 2. —xi. 45. — — xvii. 30, see T (even) 2. —— xviii. 1 2. — xix. 28 1. 51. — — xxii, 51, see T far. 2. xxiil. 2, —— xxiv. 36. ΠΣ 46 Ist, ΕἸΣ 40 2nd (om. καὶ οὕτως ἔδει, α -- Lb Τ' Tr A WN, 1.6. that the Christ should suffer, instead of ‘‘and thus it behoved Christ to suf- Που.) 1. John iv. 6 2. —— ix. 6. 2, — xi. 43. i: 48. 2. —— xiii. 21 2. —— xviii. 22 2. — xx. 14. 2. Acts xix. 41. 2. —— xx. 36. 4, —— xxi. 11. 2. ——xxvi. 24, 30 (ap.) 2. —— xxvii. 35. 1. Rom. ix. 20. 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 25 (om. καὶ . bo μα μα oo 09 09 οὕτω, and thus, ἃ Τῷ T Trak.) . 2 Cor. 1. 17. 4. ---Υ. Phil. iii. 15. Heb. vi. 9. —— ix. 6. - Rev. ix. 17. — xvi. 5. —— xviii. 21. THUS (εν εν) ἱ κατὰ, according to ταῦτα, these things. Luke xvii. 80, THUS FAR. ἕως, 48 long as } : τούτου, this. ἱ Luke xxii. 51. THY, ΤΗΙΝΗΕ. 1. σοῦ, (Gen. sing. of σύ, thou) of thee, i.e. thine, (but not so emphatic as No. 3.) 2. σοί, (Dat. sing. of σύ, thou) to thee, i.e. to or belonging to thee. 3. σός, (poss. pron.) thy, thine, (more emphatic than Nos. 1 and 2, and de- noting actual possession, power over, authorship, right, etc.) 4, σεαυτοῦ, of thyself. 1. Matt. i. 20. 1, —— iv. 6, 7, 10. 1, —— ν. 23 twice, 243times, 25, 29 Stimes, 303 times, 33, 36, 39, 40, 43 twice. 1, — vi. 3 twice, 4 twice, 64 times, 9, 10 twice, 18 (ap.), 17 twice, 18twice, 22 twice, 23 twice. 1. — vii. 3 1st. 32nd, see Town. 4 Ist ἃ 2nd. 4 3rd,) see T — —— 51, § own. 1, 5 2nd. 92 3 times. ix. 2,6 twice, 14, 18, Ἵ, . — xii. 2, 18, 37 twice, 47 twice, 3 1 1. — xi. 10 twice, 96, 1 3. —— xiii, 27. = 1 1. 1, Matt. xv. 2. 4(om.G LTTr Rr. 19. — — xx. 14, see T (that ας οι "μὰ αν εδ | es Gos δ is) 15. 21 πὰ (om. LR.) — xxi. δ, — xxii, 37 4 times, 39, 44 twice. — xxiii. 37. — xxiv. 3. — xxv, 21, 23, 25 1st. 2nd ‘see T(that 18, see T ΟΝ f s02 ἢ 1. Mark ii. 9, 11 twice. 3. 18. 1. —iii.5(om. T Tr? A.) 1 82 twice. 2. —v.9. if 19, and see T frien η 34 twice, 35. 1. — vi. 18. 1, — vii. 5, 10 twice, 29. 1, — ix. 18, 88, 43, 45, 47. 1. —— x. 19, 37 1st. πι 97 bud (om. Lb Tr A.) if 37 3rd, 52. 1. —— xii. 30 5 times, 91, 836 twice. 1. —— xiv. 70 (ap.) 1. Luke i. 13 twice, 36, 38, 42, 44, 61. 1. ii. 29 twice, 30, 32, 35, 48. 1. —— iv. 7, 8, 11, 12, 23. 1. —-v. 5, 14, 20, 23, 24, twice. 3. 33. 1. —— vi. 10, 29. — —— 30, see T goods. ΤΙΣ 41, 42 Ist ἃ 2nd. -- 42 3rd, gee T own. 1, —— vii. 27 twice, 44, 48, 50. 1. —— viii. 20 twice. 2. 90. - 39, see T own. 1 48, 49. 1. —— ix. 40, 41, 49. 1. ——x. 17, 21, 27 times. 1 xi, 2 Ist & 2nd, 2 3rd (ap.), 34 twice, 36, 1 xii. 20, 58. 1. —— xiii. 12, 26, 34. 1. ——xiv. 12 1st ἃ 2nd, 12 3rd (ap.) 1. —vxv.19 twice, 21 twice, 27 twice, 29, 30 twice, 3. 81. IE 32. 1, —— xvi. 2 (cm. α 3), 6, 7, 25 twice. 1. —— xvii, 3, 19. 1. —— xviii. 20 Ist. Ἰ; 20 2nd (om. GS L Tr A.) 1 42, 1. — xix. 5, 16, 18, 20. -- 22, see 'T own. 1. —— 39. 1 42 1st (om. @-L Tr APR.) 42 2nd (om, Lb Trb Ab &.) 1. -- 42 3rd, 43, 44. twice, 1. —— xx. 40 twice. 1. —— xxii. 32 twice. 3. 42. 1. —— xxiii. 42, 46, 1. John ii. 17. 1. —— iv. 16, 18. 8. 42. 1; 50. 1 51 (αὐτοῦ, his, L T Tr AR.) 1. 53. 1. —v.8, 11. Li 12 (om. τὸν κρα- βατόν σου, thy bed, T Trb A Ὁ) 1. —— vii. 3 3B ἘΠῚ viii. 0 (ap.), 18, 1. —— ix. 10(Νο, 2, L™), 17; 20. I xi. 23. 1. —— xii. 15, 28. 1, —— xiii. 37, 38. μ.ο ba et μὰ μὰ 1. John xvii. 1 1st. 1. 12nd (om, T Tr AR. _ 5, see T own self i: 6 1st. 2. 6 2nd. ΠΝ 2. 9. 3. —— 10 twice. — —— 11, see T own. 1. —— 12, 14. 115 17 1st (om. GaL TrAN*,ie.thetruth.) 3.---.-.- 17 2nd. 1. —— 26. 1. — xviii. 11 (om. GL T Tr ARN, 1.6. the.) 35, see T own, 1. — xix. 26, 27. 1. —— xx. 27 twice. 1. — xxi. 18. 1. Acts ii. 27, 28, 35 twice. 1. — iii. 25. 1. —— iv. 25, 27, 28 1st. ils 28 2nd (om. Τῷ Tr.) i. 29 twice. ἿΣ 30 1st (om. Τῷ T if. 30 2nd. up v. 3. (be) 41st, see Town ο 42nd, see T own, if 4 3rd, 9, 1. —— vii. 3 twice, 32, 33, 1. —— viii. 20, 21, "92 twice. 1. — ix. 13, 14 4. 34. 1. ——x. 4 twice, 31 twice. 1, —— xi. 14. 1. —— xii. 8 twice. 1. —— xiii. 35. 1. — xiv. 10. 1. — xvi. 31. 1. —— xxii. 16, 18, 20, 1. — xxiii. 5, 35, 8. —— xxiv. 2, 4, 1. — xxvi. oe 1. Rom, ii. 5, 2 1. ——iii. 4. 1. —— iv. 18. 1. — viii. 36. 2. —— ix. 7. 1. —x.6,8 twice, 9 twice, 1. — xi. 8 twice, 1. — xii. 20. 1. — xiii. 9, 1. —xiv. 10 twice 15 twice, 1. — xv. 9. A 8. 1 Cor. viii. 11. — — x. 29, see T own. 3. —— xiv. 16. ue xv. 55 twice, 1. Gal. iii. 16. 1. —v. 14. 1, Eph. vi. 2. . 1 Tim. iv. 12, 15. — ν. 23 1st (om. LT Tr A XR.) 93 2nd, 2 Tim. i. 4, 5 twice, iv. 5, 52. : Philem. 2, ὃ, 6,7) 18. 41 ee 14 2nd, 19, see T own self. Heb. i. 8 twice, 9 twice, 10, 12, 13 twice, cane dh; (op. yy 19, -- χ. 7,9 — xi. is, Jas. ii. 8, 18 1st, 18 2nd (om. Ga3L T Tr AR, 1.9. the.) i μα THI [ 803 ] TID 1. 2 John 4, 13. 1. Rev. v. 9. τ ο. 2, 9, ᾿ —x.9 οφ ἑαυτοῦ, of thyself. Ga) | é 1. Acts xvi. 28, “Sian 1. Lokexix 33. | Τ' Mark 4d. Τ' Bom, i i, 2 1: Luke vit 43 twice, να... 1, — xi. 31. 3, ak) (No.1,LT 1. —— viii, 39. 2. Acts v, 4 2nd, Τ᾽ ἘΠ 9, 93. ρω ες, ras eS ee δ᾽ Gal. v 1 (No. 1, 1, Poon T Tr AN.) 1. —— xxiii. 37, 99. | 1. —— vi. 1, THINE OWN (BE) τ ως τ | 1. 1 Tim. iv. 7, 16. : . — Vil. [1- - v. 22, ΕΠ ΟΣ δη ως δ πο πο τὲ σοί, to thee. 1. Jas. ii. 8. Acts ν. 4 1st, See also, THOU. THINE OWN SELF. σεαυτοῦ, see “ Tay,” No. 4. TIDINGS. ene αρα, 10. (For various combinations with other Te τὰ words, see below.) THINE (rmar 18) 1. Adyos, the word (spoken, not written) ; 70, the thing, that which is spoken or told; an σόν, thy, (see “τησ, Wo. 3.) exposition ov account which one Matt. xx, 14, | Matt. xxv. 55. gives by word of mouth. ee 2. φάσις, report, information, light THY FRIENDS. shed on anything by speech (non οἱ, the, (mase. pl.) occ.) Ἢ 4 ἢ σοί, to thee, belonging to thee. 1, Acts xi. 22. Ι 8. Acts xxi, 81. Mark v. 19. TIDINGS OF (srine 6140) THY GOODS. εὐαγγελίζω, to bring a joyful message, τὰ, the things, ee good Lee Here, desc ή pro- σα, thy, thine, (see “uy,” No. 3.) claim something to somebody, as a Risk divine message of salvation, to proclaim the “divine message of salvation ; bring some one into re- THY HOUSE. lation to it, to evangelise him. πρὸς, toward, hither, with Rom. x. 15. σέ, thee. me iia TIDINGS UNTO (vxctare ata) THYINE. Acts xiii. 32. θύϊνος, thyine, an evergreen African tree of aromatic wood. TIDINGS (snow e@Lap) Rev. xviii. 12, marg. sweet. Luke i. 19. ---------Ἱἧυ--ὉἁἁλὐἎ ἉἈ--ἈἈ-Ἀµἱἱἱ- OEE DDD* TID [ 804 1 TIM TIDINGS OF (Ῥηπτκα goon) a certain point, during ; or the point Luke ii. 10. | 1 Thes. iii. 6. itself as the object or aim of some _purpose, up to, for. TIE, TIED. 1b. Matt. i. 25. . 1, Luke xvii. 8. 7 . Β 1. — ii. 9. 1, — xix. 13 (ἐν 6, in δέω, to bind, tie, fasten. ja.— v. 18twice, 26, which while, Go LT Ades Η la.— x. 11, 23. Tr AN, i.e. while I Matt. xxi. 2. ᾿ Ξ Mark xi. 2, 4. la.— xii. 20. go and return.) Luke xix. 30. 1b.— xiii. 33. la.— xx, 43. - | la.— xvi. 28. la.— xxi. 32. TILING. 1, — xviii. i ae ας 1b.—— 30 (No. 1, . —— xxi. 22, 28, TrARN.) 2a.Acts vii. 18. κέραμος, bien élay; then, any earthen) | Go. Lo κατ ΠΕΣ vessel o7 tile, εέο., maile of clay. | 1a.— xxiii. 39. 1, —xxi.5. ἢ Hi 1. 7 E /, la.— xxiv. 94. 1b.— xxiii. 12, 21. ere, pl., (w hence mg. word, | ja. Mark vi. 10. 1b.— xxv. 21. la.— ix. 1. 1d.— xxviii. 23. ceramic), (non occ.) " * 1 or Ἢ an 1b.— xii. 36. 2a. Gal. 111. 19. Soe ο 3a.—— xiii. 30. 3, Eph. iv. 13. 14, Luke i. 80. 5. Phil. i. 10. a.—— ix. 27. 13 im. iv. 13. TILL. 1b.— xii. 50, 59. 1. Heb. x. 13. 1e.— xiii. 8. 28. Rev. vii.3 (No. 2, LT 1. éws, as adv., until, as long as, marking | 15. 21 Tr AX.) 1le.—— xv. 8. 9. —xv.8. the continuance of an ‘action up to | the time of another action. (a) with ἄν (and sub. aor.), where the later action is only probable. (b) with οὗ, until what time. (ο) with ὅτου, until when. (d) with the Gen., (as a prep.) until, unto, marking the “terminus ad quem,” and spoken both of time and place. | 2. ὄχρι, of time, continuedly, marking duration, continuedly until, during, (see No. 3.) (a) with οὗ, (witha noun) (without until the time when; ( implying | (with a verb in the pre- { the ces- sent) so long as, while, the duration then.) 3. μέχρι, until, referring solely to the limit, impl ying that the action there up to. the limit, but leaving the Surther continuance undetermined. (a) with οὗ, until what time, (cm- plying that the action then termi- nates.) ( εἰ, if, except 4. < μὴ, not, Pt, κ ( ὅταν, when, whensoever. εἰς, unto, when referring to tine, denoting either the interval up to Cr sation of terminates, while No. 2 fixes the | attention upon the whole duration | 2. Rev. xx. 3. TILLAGE. [margin. | 1 Cor. iii. 9, see ‘* HUSBANDRY.” TIME (-s.) (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. καιρός, the right measure and rela- tion, esp. as “regards time and place, (gen. of time); hence, the right time, suitable or convenient time ; the opportune point of time at which a thing sHOULD BE done, (a certain limited portion of Vo. 2.) 2. χρόνος, time, duration, time in gene- ral, any time, (while No. 1 is ΤΗΝ time); the time in which anything Ts done. 3. ὥρα, a portion of time, (Lat., hora ; Eing., hour) season, time of blos- soming, (ὡραῖος, blossoming ; ἄωρος, unseasonable). Orig., the season of the year; then, the time of the day, and when reckoning by hours was practised, the hour; hence, a definite, limited, and determined time, (thus differing from No. 1, which 1s tue definite opportune time), (see “ season,” Λο. 3.) 4, ἡμέρα, day, 1.6. the time from one sunrise 07 sunset to another; also. day, z.e. daylight, from sunrise to TIM sunset ; then, sometimes, time in general ; ; in sing., ἃ period or point of time; in pl., days, 1.6. time. 5. yeved, a generation, the period of time occupied by a generation. 2. Matt. ii. 7, 16. — — iv. 17, see T (from hat) — viii. 29. —— xi. 25. — xii. 1. — xiii. 30. — xiv. 1. ——— 15, «το κά τὸ ἡτ ag — xvi. 3. — — 21, see T (from 8. ——xviii. 1 (No. 4, 491.) 1, --- ἧ αχ. 84. — — xxiv. 21, see T (to this) 2, —— xxv. 19. —— xxvi. 16, see T om peat) i Mark i Py as. — — iv. 17, see T (en- dureth but for a) 8, — vi. 35. 1. ——x. 30. 1. ——xi.. 18. ——-xiii. 19, see T " ere this) 3. Luke i. io. 2. 57, and see T come (full) 2. ——iv. 5. σα 27, see T of (in the) 1. — ae 13. T (long) -- , see on 4, —— ix. 51, pl. a 1. —— xii. 56 3. —— xiv. 17. — — xv. 29, see T (nei- ther at any) ——xvi. 16, see T (since that) — xviii. 1, —— xix. “a — — xx. 9, see T (fora long) 1, —— xsi. 8, 24. — — xxiii. 7, see T (at that) — John i. 18, see T (at 87, see T (at any) — — vi. 66, see T (from that) 1. —— vii. 6 twice, 8, hs) ου see T (by 2. —— xiv. 9. (this) 3. —— xvi. 2, 4, 25. 2. Acts i. Ὁ 7. - see T that (all th he} 1. —— iii. 19. 2, 21. 2. —— vii. 17. 1. —— 20. 4, —— viii. 1. -- ll, see T (οἵ long) — — xi. 8, see T (no- thing at any) 1, — xii. 1. 2, —— xiii. 18. — — xiv. 3, see T(long) 5. Acts xiv. 16. 2. 28. 5. — xv. 21, to —— xvii. 21, see T μυ one’s) 2 30. 2, —— xviii. 20. -- 23, see T there (spend some) 1. —— xix. 23. —— xx. 16, (spend the) “- 5- -ἔῖχχῖν, 98, see T 2. — xxvii. 9. 1. Rom. iii. 26, and see T (this) 1. —— v. 6, marg. (text, due time.) 1. —— viii. 18, and see T (this present) 1. —— ix. 9. 1, — xi. 5, 1, —— xiii. 11 1#t. — 11 2nd, (high) 1 1 Cor: a1v..5. 1. —— vii. 5, 29. -- — xvi. 12, see T (at this) 1. 2 Cor. vi. 2 twice. 1, —— viii. 14, and see T (now at gia present) 2. Gal. iv. is 10. —— Vv. 21, see T past (tell in) . Eph. i. 10. — ii. 12. —-v. 16. Col. iv. 5. . 1 Thes. ii. 17. —-v. 2 Thes. ii. 6. . 1 Tim, ii. 6, pl. — iv.l. — vi. 15. 19, see T to come (against the) 1, 2 Tim. ili, i 1, —— iv. 3, 6. 1. Tit. i. 8. — Heb. i. 118, see T (at sundry) 22nd, see T past (in) 2, —— iv. 7. 16, see T of need (in) see T bet et μὰ μὰ τὸ μὶ ett et μὰ ξ rte mr * 4 τς . — xi. 32. . 1 Pet. i. 5, 11. 17, 20. με νων. -- — νυν. 6, “see T (due) 3. 1 Jobn ii. 18 twice. ——- iv. 12, see T (at any) 2. Jude 18. 1. Rev. i. 3. 2, —— x. 6. 1. —— xi. 18. 1. —— xii. 12, 143 times, 3. —— xiv. 15 1, — xxii. 10, [ 805 ] TIM TIME TO COME (acarys? THE) eis, unto, with a view to τὸ, the μέλλον, impending future. 1 Tim. vi. 19. TIME THAT (ati της) ἐν, in, during παντὶ, a χρόνῳ, [the] time ἐν, in ᾧ, which. Acts i. 21, TIME (at any) πώποτε, yet, ever, at any time. In 3.1. only after a negative, not yet ever, not at any time, never. John i. 18, | John v. 37. 1 John iv, 12. TIME (av THAT) ἐν, in ταύταις, these, ταῖς, the ἡμέραις, days, Luke xxiii. 7. in these days. TIME (ar tuts) 1. νῦν, now, just now, even now, the present. ἐν, in in the ο ) τῷ, the now existing “ἢ viv, present present season kaipo, season, ) (see “TIME,” Vo. 1) 2. Rom, iii. 26. | 1. 1Cor. xvi. 12. TIMES (at sunprRy) πολυμερῶς, consisting of many parts, manifold, in many portions; by many fragments in and through many persons, and therefore neces- sarily imperfect compared with the Son, by whom God has now spoken. Heb. i. 1. TIME (sy ruts) ἤδη, even now, already. John xi. 39, TIM TIME (οτε) καιρός, see “TIME,” Vo. 1. 1 Pet. v. 6. Rom. v. 6 marg. time. | TIME (£NDURE BUT FOR A) ἀλλὰ, but are but προσκαιροί, for a season fora εἶσιν, are, season. Mark iv. 17. TIME (For A LONG) χρόνοι, times, a suffi- ἵκανοι, coming to, reach- ( cient or ing to; hence, suffi- long cing, sufficient, time. Luke xx. 9. TIME (For THIS) τὸ, the ὭΣ present, ἔχον, having. Acts xxiv. 25. TIME (From THAT) 1. Matt. xxvi. 16. 2. John vi. 66. ἀπὸ, from, away) from then, 1, from, [time, ¢ from that τότε, then, at that time. éx, out of, from, b Σ ae) ecause 2. < τούτου, of this [ cirewm- - ς of this. stance or time] 1 re Matt. iv. 17. | — xvi. 21. TIME COME (ervtt) πίμπλημι, to fill, ful- oe ία os - beth| the time APs Χρ ο ) was fuliilled. Luke i. 57. TIME (ren) wpa, (see “ time,” No. 3) an hour. Rom. xiii. 11. TIME OF (τν tHe) ἐπί, upon. time of, at the time of. Luke iv. 27. [ 806 ] lit. [to Elisa- Here, with Gen., in the TIM TIME OF NEED (ry) eis, for | asp, well timed, opportune help or succour. Heb. iv. 16. TIME PAST (τ) πάλαι, of old, formerly. Heb. i. 1. TIME (Lone) ἐκ, out of, from, 1. 4 χρονῶν, times, ἱκανῶν, sufficient [-ly long] ἱκανὸν, sufficient χρόνον, time. 1. Luke viii. 27. | 2. Acts xiv. 3. TIME (NorHING Απ ANY) οὐδέποτε, not ever, at no πᾶν, everything, anything, ἡ time. Acts xi. 8 (om. πᾶν, GL T Tr A 8.) TIME (NEITHER AT ANY) οὐδέποτε, not ever, at no time. Luke xv. 29. TIME (ΚΟΥ͂ at THIS) ἐν, in τῷ, the νῦν, now present καιρῷ, season, (see “ΤΙΜΗ, Wo. 1.) 2 Cor. viii. 14. TIME (or tone) διὰ, through τῷ, the / ἱκανῷ, sufficient xpove, time, (see No. 2.) Acts viii. 11. ~ TIME (since THAT) ἀπὸ, from τότε, then. Luke xvi. 16. —<——$_ $$ TIM [ 807 ] TIT TIME (sPenD ΟΝΕ 5) εὐκαιρέω, to have a good season, to have and enjoy the opportunity, (“trmr,” Wo. 1, and εὖ, good, prefixed.) (κκ. for Josh. vi. 20.) Hence, to make a loud ery or shout, (Ixx. for yon, Ps. xlvii. 2; Ixvi. 1); to wail, (Ixx. for >>n, Jer. xxv. 34, xlvii. 2.) Of cymbals, to clang, to give a clanging sound. 1Cor. xiii. 1. Acts xvii. 21. TIME (sPpenp THE) χρονοτριβέω, to wear away the time, (Wo. 2) spend the time, delay, (non oce.) Acts xx, 16. TLE; ἄκρον, pointed; hence, neut., with art.’ τὸ ἄκρον, as subst., a point, end, extremity. Luke xvi. 24. TIME THERE (sprenp some) ποιέω, to make ) to spend or stay xpovos, time, some time. Acts xviii. 23 part. TIRED (be) [margin.] Matt. ix. 36, see “‘ FAINT (T0)”’ TITHE (-s.) [noun.] δεκάτη, a tenth part. Here, see Gen. xiv. 20, where lxx. for win; and Lev. xxvii. 30, 31, 32. Heb. vii. 8, 9. TIME PAST (τετ, τν) προεῖπον, to tell before, (see “say,” No. 2, with πρό, betore, prefixed.) Gal. ν. 21. TITHES (αττε) ἀποδεκατόω, to tithe off; levy tithes; (so xx. for wy, 1 Sam. viii. 15,17; also, to pay or give tithes of; so also \xx. for \wy, Gen. xxviii. 22 ; Deut. xiv. 22.) Luke xviii. 12. TIME (ruts PRESENT) ὃ, the δὴν present, now, καιρός, Season, opportunity. Rom. viii. 18. TIME (το ruts) TITHES (Pay) πὸ until, unto, a 1. ἀποδεκατόω, see above. τοῦ, the, νῦν, now, present. Matt. xxiv. 21. 2. δεκατόω, to tithe. Here, pass., to be tithed; hence, to pay tithes; (here, |xx. for wy, Neh. x. 88.) 1, Matt. xxiii. 23, | 2. Heb, vii. 9. TITHES OF (Recetve) δεκατόω, to tithe; trans., to receive tithes from. Heb. vii. 6. TIME (unto tuts) éws, until, unto, tov, the, viv, now, present. Mark xiii. 19. See also, ABOUT, ANY, APPOINTED, | . BORN, CONVENIENT, GIVE, LIFE, | TITHES (TaKe) NEITHER, OLD, PAST, SECOND, SEVEN, ἀποδεκατόω, see “ TITHES (GIVE)” SEVENTY, SINCE, SOME, THIRD, Heb. vii. 5. THOUSAND, THREE, UNTIL. Pare TITHE. [verb.] ; TINKLE. ἀποδεκατόω, see “TITHES (GIVE)” ἀλαλάζω, to raise the cry of battle; Luke xi. 42. TIT [ 808 ] TO TITLE. (b) with Dat., upon and resting on, τίτλος, (Lat., titulus, 1.6.) a title, super- on or at, as the groundwork of any scription. John xix, 19, 20. —_— SS τς ῆἜθ ΠΠΠπτ͵ ΄ἷ“ἷἕ“ἕ“-- τ τ TITTLE. κεραια, a little horn, apex or point of a letter, (i 6. the differences between Ἵ and 5, 3 and 5, etc.) Matt. v. 18. Ι Luke xvi. 17, TO: “To” is frequently either the trans- lation of the infinitive of the verb, or of the Dative case of the noun. It forms also sometimes part of a phrase. A list of words will be found at the foot, in connection with which it is also found. When it 1s the translation of a separate Greek word, it is one of these following. 1. eis, unto, (tmplying motion to the interior); into, towards, with a view to; implying immediate pur- pose. 2. εἰς τὸ, with the inf., to the end that, with a view to doing, being, or suffering whatever the verb may mean. 3. πρός, towards, in the direction of. (a) with Gen., hitherwards, in fa- vour of, in consideration of, as a motive. (b) with Dat., resting in a direction towards, at, close by, in addition to, as an act. (c) with Acc., hitherwards, towards, to, with a view to, as an end, im- plying ultimate purpose. 4. ἵνα, that, in order that, to the end that, with the emphasis on the purpose, design, and result. Here, followed by the inf. mood, (and consequently often represented by wo “ to's.” 5. ἐπί, upon. (a) with Gen., upon and proceeding from, on, upon, before. a Ὁ ΘθῸθῸθῸθῸὉΠὉπΠ5ΠπΠπΠ1..-ΨΠΠθππ11.ὉΝᾳ..0...........Πθ11......-ΠΠΠπΠπΠΠππ|ππ|15΄᾽΄:...-. ὄ.ὕ.Ψὄὦὦἔ μαι ος fact or cirewmstance. Here, we must understand the words “but practised,” retaining the force of ἐπί, upon, the ruin being the neces- sary consequence of that which was the groundwork of tt. (ο) with Ace., upon, (by direction towards) ; (with motion implied) up to; to, (émplying intention) ; for. 6. év, in; of place, within, among; in or with ; in, 2.6. the sphere in which the subject is contained or con- cerned. 7. ἕως, (as prep.) until, unto, marking the “terminus ad quem,” and spoken both of time and place. 8. κατά, down. (a) with Gen., down from. (b) with Ace., down towards, down to, «implying destination. 9. ὅπως, in order that, (with emphasis on the manner and method); in such manner that, to the end that, so that. ὥστε, so as that, so that, so as to, (expressing event, result, or con- sequence.) διά, through. (a) with Gen., through and pro- ceeding from, through, by means of, (marking the instrument of an action.) 10. 1; (Ὁ) with Acc., through and tending towards, because of, for the sake of, (marking the ground of an action.) ἐνώπιον, in the sight of, in the presence of, 13. μέχρι, until, (referring solely to the limit, end, or close of the time or space within which any thing is done, and implying that what is spoken of then terminates.) 14, ὑπέρ, over. (a) with Gen., over and separate from. (Ὁ) with Acc., over and towards, beyond. TO [809 1 Το 15. παρά, beside. (a) with Gen., beside and proceed- ing from, from beside. (b) with Dat., beside and at, at the side of, near, with. (c) with Acc., to or along the side of, beside, in comparison with. 7. Matt. i. 17. 1.— ii. 1,8 86. 19. 8ce.— iii. 5. 5ο, 7 Ist, 13 1st. 80. 14 2nd, 5e.— v. 23. 1. — vii. 13. 80, 15. 1, —— viii. 28. 1. —— ix. 7. i 13 (om, εἰς μετά- νοιαν, to repentance, GLTTrAR.) 10.— x. 1 1st. 5ο, 6, 19. is 17, 21 Ast, 22. 7. — xi. 28. 50.---α xiii. 48 1. — xiv. 19 3c. 29. 1, — xvi. 51st 38e,—— xvii. 14 1st. 1. 24 1st, 27 1. —— xx. 17, 18 1st 2. 19 and. 1, — xxi.l. 5¢e.—— 19. 80.--....οΘ 34 1. — xxii. 32nd, 5 Ist, 5 2nd (No. 56, 41, TTrA Rk.) Ϊ ἜΣ 9. 1, — xxiii. 34 7. —— xxiv. 31 38c.— xxv. 9. an 10 2nd. 2. — xxvi. 2, 4, —— 16. 80. 18 1st, 45, 57. Ὁ μα ἰδ 10.— xxvii. ] 1st. 3c,——— 4 1st, 14, 4. 26. 2, ——31. 4, ——— 32. 3c. Mark i. 40 1st, 45 3rd. 1. —— ii. 1724 (om. eis μετάνοιαν, to repent- ance,G LT Tr A &.) 8¢e.— iii. 7 (No. 1, α 1, 4. ——iyv. 2ltwice. [T,) 86. 41, 8¢e.— v. 15, 19. 1 38. 1. — vi. 41 1st. 41 3rd. < = 8 | Ε: ϱο πὰ πα δὰ νι rg -Mark xi. 27 2nd, 28. 38¢e.—— xii. 2. 4, 13, ᾿ —— xiii, 9, 19 18, 14, 4, —— 343ra. 1, —— xiv. 8 2nd. 4, —— 10. a he 82 Ist. 3e.—— 53. 2, 55 Ist. 4, —— xv. 15 2nd, 20, 21. σο, Luke i. 16, 17 2nd. 3 17 ae »marg. by. 8e. — Fe, 432nd, 55 1st. if. 80: ἜΣΕΙ μὰ 80.--- li. 15 Ist. 1, 22 2nd, 80 πα 41, als 42 (om. eis Ἱερο- σόλυμα, to Jerusalem, αξ TIP AN.) εἰ 45, 51. 1. — iv. 9, 16, 31. 5¢.—— v. ii, 2, 17 2nd. 1 25, 32 2nd. | 4. —— vi. 344th, | 86. 47 Ast, | 3c.—— vii. 4, 6. 1. ------ 10. 86. 19, 44, 50 38c¢e.— viii. 19, 25. 5e. 27. 80. 35 2nd 1. —— 39. 3e.—— ix. 14 he 16 1st 30, 28. 4. —— 40. nie 51 3rd, | τες τ 52 (ὡς, as if, τὸν αν 56 st ἃ 2nd (q τς 56 3rd. ap.) 5e. 65, 5c.— x. 6. iF vie ve 15 twice, 1, 30, 34 2nd, 3ce.— xi. 6 1st 9. 37. 5¢e.—— xii. 25 86. 41. 50. 5815 80. 58 2nd. 8ce.—— xiv. 6, 7. 1, 8. ὃς, 26, 1. —— xv. 17 1st, 86. 18, 20, 22 8c.— xvi. 26 twice, ι ὦ 27. 5c,—— xvii. 4 (No. 3c, L Tr ih &), (om, a. ) 1. —— xviii. 14, 31. 4, —— xix. 4 lst, 5ο, 5 lst. 1 28, 29 2nd, 86, 85, | 3c.—— xx. 9 2nd, 10, 1, — xxi. 12, 1, 80. 98 lat, 1, Luke xxii. 33 2nd, 39. 5e. 44 (ap.) 80. 45. 5e. 5ο, 8c¢e.—— xxiii. 41st, 7, 15. 5ο, 33, 48. 1. —— xxiv. 5 12. 11, i 13. ὃς, 17. 5e. 24. 1, —— 33. 1, —— 50 (No. ὃς, L T Tr AR.) nie 52, 4, John i. 7, 8, 19. 2. 27. 80, 42, 47. 1. — ii. 2, 12, 13. 8c¢.—— iii. 2. ας 13. 4, ——17. 80. 20, 21, 26 1, — iv. 5 1st. 4. 8. 80. 33. 4. 34 1st, 9ο, 35. 1. —-v.1. 4, 7, 36. 8ο, 40, 45, 4. — vi. 15. 80, 17. 1. —— 24. 9ο, 35, 87 twice 4, 3e. 44, 68. 4, —— vii. 32. 80. 45, 50 1. — viii. 26 3rd 36 81. 4, ——— 56, 59 1. — ix. ll. 80. 18. 4, ——x. 51. 3. —— xi. 19 1st, 4, 19 2nd, 31, 1, —— 98, 90. 45, 46. 1. —— 55 lst. 4. ὍΣ 2nd 1.——_ 1, — xi i, 12 twice, 4, "20, 47 Ist. 4. —— xili. 2. 80. 3, 6. 6. 35. 38c.— xiv. 18. 3c.— xvi. 5, 10, 16 (ap.), > 28. is 2. 1. —— xvii. 1. 4. 4, 80. 11. 18. 80.------ xviii. 18 lst, 4, —— xix. 16. 50. 33. 80. 39... 8c.—— xx. 2 twice, τς 3, 4, 8 80. 17 twice, 1. — xxi. 9. 5a. 11 (No.1,L T ΤΣ 7 Σ 22, 2 1. Acts i. 25 8ce.— ii. 7 (om. πρὸς ἀλ- λήλους, one to another, LT ΤΑ κ.) 19, 8ο, — iv. 23, 24. 1. ——v. 21 Ist, 96 3rd, 1. —— vi. 12. 1. —— viii. 3, 5. .. 10 2nd, 86, 24. be. -- a 1. Acts viii. 40. 1. —— ix. 2115, Se. 22nd, 5c.—— 4. 3ce,——- 10 9, —— 24. 1. 26 Ist (No, 6, 6. 1,.. 96, 27 Ist. te 80 twice 38e.— 32 2nd 5e. 35. ve 98 3rd, 3c. 40. 3ce.—— x. 3. a 5, 8. 5a. 11. 38ce.—— 138, 21. 1. —— 32. 8c.—— 33 1st, 1. — xi.2, 38ce.———- 3. — —— 5, see T (even) 1, —— 13, 2 20, 25. 50.----- 30. 6. —— xii. 11, 5e. 12. Ae 19 2nd, 86, 20. 1. —— xiii. 4, 13 twice, 14, 31, 34 2nd, 46 2nd, 18, Gas xiv. Py i ie 20, ‘21 2nd, 24, 96 1st. 1. —— xv. 2,4 5e. 19: 1. 22 2nd, 30, 38 2nd, 1. — xvi. 1. Sb. 7 ist. De 8, 11 twice, 12, 16 4, —— 30. 3 36 Ist. 4. 36 2nd. 1. — xvii. 1, 5 2nd. 5ο, 14 oud 4. 15 15. Se. 15 2nd. 1 20. 1. — xviii. 1, 56. 12. 1. 19, 22, 24. 1. —— xix. ht 3] 2nd. 1. —— xx. 6. bo ———— 15 1 1. 14, 15, 17 3c. 18. 1, —— xxi. 4 2nd, 7, 12 2nd, 15, 17. 1. —— xxii. 5 1st, 17 2nd. 8ce.—— xxiii. 18 1st, 22, 9, 93 Ist. 7. 23 2nd. 8ο, 30 Ist. 1, —— 51, 82 214, 33 1st 1, —— xxiv, 17 2nd. 1, —— xxv. 1, 31st, 9 2nd. 80. 16 1st, 91 3rd. 8e,—— xxvi. 9 2nd. 1 12, 141st, 18 3rd. Be 20 2nd, 1. —— xxvii. δ. 80. 12 ist. 1. 12 8rd. 4. 42. 50. 43 2nd, 44. Ind. 1, —— xxviii. 6. Se. 8 2nd. 1. ---- 118 twice, 16 lst, 86. 23 Ist. 1, Rom. i. 5, marg. (text, Jor.) ve Ate 6. 19, marg. (text, in.) 1. 24, 28 2nd 1. — ii. 4. 13.— ν. 14. i 16, 18, ΓΒ 1 Lio al TO τ ως - xiii, 12, 16. 4 ων 4. Te ae ‘V4.2nd. Be. xxii. 14, 1. Phil. ay a — xx, 83rd. Los = 9 2. Rom. vil. 5. ae 30. 1. vi. 15. η meek TO...-WARD. iia , ὦ 80 11, 4, oes a ο το τ: Ι 80: 2 Cor. i a i= πα, ο. ih ο ο 86. 2 Cor. i. <7 1 Thes. i. 8. 1. — xi. og δ ὃ. iii. 9 τς. ag ρω ο ο lit. εἰς | 1, — | i, 8lst, Ἢ ay Reg oe οι ee ΤΟ (4s ΕΑΠ As) : ὀργήν, wnta wr ea Q lst . dl marking 1. 14. giana me, continuedly, Ἱ due — xiv. 1. ele Q1st. 5 ¥ of tin ? ς ] unti ᾽ = 22. 2. re past 45. aN ation, continued cbs: cessation : Ὡς SSS" 4, Ur ? . , 6 παρα Τ 2 Thee. ii, 1839, ι ing, (without implying int may be 1. i, Seth Bi BEN conde 1) 16. πὰ. 2. ; πο 16 lst. when a = 29, 24 1st (ap.), ‘i ο. reached.) 2 Cor. x. 14. μας Sa ie — τ. a ‘Veneers aaa ντ. κ δν - . ds ir πἰντι mis eas TO (evEN) a τ Ἵ. ΞΘ 80:----- a Ist. iv. 10, 12. ve. £ Le = 38, 19, πα Tit. iii. a ἄχρι, 866 abo | Heb. iv. 12. ΣΙ vi. 5 lst. τ ἐπ 1. 1 -" Acts xi. ὅ. = arg. i. eh Wa 6. —— vii. and, 3e. He sala gt 7,marg. (text, ER APPEAL, vais 15ο, ING, ANSWER, ΤΌΣΕΣ met yaa. See also, AccoRD μ᾽ NDANCE, BOTTOM, 5 cae xi. _ 20, 88, — anv ee pa leven) AS, ATTAIN, ΑΤΤΕ CARRY, CHARGE, —— xiii, 32nd, πε δα CALL, IE, CON- παρ ον 2. — vii CHARGEABLE, FORMED, CONSENT, ὃς. xr, #4200 πο 13. | 98 DESCEND, ind: FALL, FOR, ee avi eve 2, πλ CONTRARY, aos GIVEN, 60, 15. 1, ——x. 39. ? Ἐπ Cor. 1. 12, sec Τ.., 1:.-- -- ΞΕ marg. (text, cae Waa aes HEARKEN, 7a saci 3e. δῇ GRIND, GROU 7 JOIN, KNEEL, 2, ΞΕ ΞΞ ag “ts 2. xiii. ο να HOME, INTENT, οκ MINISTER, Se. 12 twice, 2. Jas. i. 191s LAW, LO 3 LACE iL — iii, 1 2nd, ἃ 1. 19: a LAUGH, NT, PERTAIN, Ῥ ? 9ο.--- 4, seeT.,.-ward, ὅ0.----- ἢ. SS ae. with NEAR, OBEDIE πὶ PURPOSE, PUT, — iv Ἢ τ Bet Φθόνος, σαν PRIVY, aie Gi ” RESPECT, ROLL, 1, —— 1 MEER READY, rag AK SUBJECT, SUB- 86,---- reo 3 1. ie UN, SEE, SPEAK, UFFICIENT, 6. 15. ο ο τα τ marg. (text, R ἘΣ SUBMIT, 5 TURN, “4 ip sade on. 9, 10. JECT ᾽ SSING, TRY, 10 lst. — iv. 4, b > TO 1, ὃν 8 1. 2 Pet. i. 3, marg. y TAKE, 8b. — vil. me isla Baby" η UTTERMOST. , 7 by his own f διὰ 6. a instead ο 19 2n virtue, site FRO. a ee Fr ο TO AND 11: ory haa Tr pap See, Toss. 5. 5¢.— li. 22 2nd, ἜΣ T (as far 99 3rd. 14, see 1) Ὃ 2nd — 9 snd, ao xd 4: 1John i, 91% TO-DAY. 7 Ξ:-- τῇ ἃ ee sd ἥμερον, to-day, this day. ry 5 ists So. 2 Jona 12 3rd. ο. after a verb, . τὰ 14 2nd. 4. poche 74 [When it comes b. unless it is Be.— xiii, 1,7. i: pasa yak tk belongs to that verb, nd thrown 1 Gali ag too τοὺς, toy ντ, | separated from it Ἢ the pre- Σ , 2nd. εἰς τοὺς, to, se τ 181s. Tr A ΜΑ into the next clau iam ἄλλη Ε ὅτι, (that) eg. τ 11 2nd. 1. Jude 4. ο] sence o Ἐππκὰ ree th ὅτι a : gis τς 1 οτι. ᾿ 7 vo ‘a Grille 2 ὧν . “Εἶπε δὲ πρὸς αὐτὸ 1. vi. ria a 15. 4, — viii 6. Luke xix. 9. ; v.” “© But Jesus ο ο τε όσα, ἐγ Ἰησοῦς ὅτι a tee ἐδ day” (or this oe. 29 rs x. 5. f Η κ Ms “19. | 1. a. 63rd, 12, said unto him, me ete.) 1. Phil. i. 231s, see Note | η δεί ορ, is salvation co ? τυ Borait (be ia | 1. j dra. day a)” 1, — xiii, 3! 26. 86. TO Luke iv. 21. “ἤρξατο δὲ λέγειν. πρὸς ' αὐτούς ὅτι᾽᾽.. σήμερον. “ But He began to say unto them that this day,” (or to-day is this scrip- ture fulfilled, "ὦ Mark xiv. 80. “καὶ λέγει αὐτῷ ὁ ἼἸησους᾿Αμὴν λέγω σοι ὅτι σήµερον,᾽ ete. “And Jesus saith unto him, Verily I say unto thee, that this day,” (i.e. to-day before the cock crow, etc.) Without ὅτι. Matt. xxi. 28. “ καὶ, προσελθὼν τῷ πρώτῳ εἶπε, τέκνον, ὕπαγε σήμερον ἐργαζου ἐν τῷ ἀμπελῶνι prov,” ete. “And coming to the first He said, Son, go to-day, work in my vineyard. » Luke xxii. 84. “λέγω σοι, Πέτρε, οὐ μὴ φωνήσει σήμερον ἀλέκτωρ,᾽ ete. “T tell thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow this be before,” ete. Luke xxiii. 48. “καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ ὃ Ἰησοῦς, Άμην σοι λέγω * σήμερον, μετ᾽ ἐμοῦ ἔση ἐν τῷ παρα είσῳ.) “ And Jesus said to him, Verily, to thee I say this day, with Me shalt thou be in the Paradise.” The words to-day being made solemn and emphatic. Thus, in- stead of a remembrance, when He shall come in (ἐν, ver. 22) His kingdom, He promises a presence then in association (μετά) with Himself. And this promise He makes on that very day when He was dying, but when the faith of the dying robber read aright the inscription above Him and the signs around Him. Thus we are saved (1) the trouble of explaining why Jesus did not answer the question in its own terms; and (2) the inconvenience of endorsing the punctuation of the Auth. Vers. as inspired ; and we also place this passage in harmony with numberless pas- sages in the O.7., such as “ Verily * T Tr A prefer σοι λέγω, to thee I say, withe empha- sis on the pronoun, “to thee I say this day”’ μὲ of λέγω σοι, “1 say to thee,” as in the ) as a TOG I say unto you, this day,” etc. ; “T testify unto you this day,” ete. Deut. vi. 6; vii. 11; να. 1: x.13; ΧΙ 5, 19. 285 xiii. 15: xix. 9; ΧΧΥΙΙ. 4; χχχὶ, 2, οἵο., where the Septuagint corresponds to Luke xxiii. 43. | Matt. vi. 30. Luke xxiii. 43, see NOTE — xvi. 3. above. ΑΝ .) — xxi. 28, —— xxiv. 21 (om. T Trb Luke v. 36, Heb. iii. 7, 15, 15. —— xii. 28. —— iv. 7 twice. — xiii. 32, — v. 5. 33. — xiii. 8. — xx. 5, Jas. iv. 18. See ee ee under DAY. ος OGETHER =” ἐπὶ, upon, (spok I spoken of place, 1. ἘΣ the, object. or time.) αὐτό, same. τὸ, the κατὰ, down upon, at. 2 αὐτό, same, (time or place.) 3. ὁμοῦ, (Gen. neut. of duos, one and the same) at one and the same place or time, together, at once. . ἅμα, at once, uniting two different actions, persons, or things. (a) Here uniting two different sets of persons, viz. those who “are alive and remain, ” and “the dead in Christ,” raised first, (6. not merely before “the rest of the dead,” but before the living are changed, ) in order that we may not “prevent” or get before them,* and that they may not get before us, but that both, both parties, united in one, may be caught up “together,” (ἅμα) pera, with, in association with, ἀλλήλων, each other, one another. πρὸς, towards, to ἀλλήλων, each other, one another. " ie 1. 1 5 6 3 3 3 1 Matt. xxii. 84, 1, Acts ii. 44, . Luke xvii. 85, 1. —— iii. 1. . — xxiii. 12, 1, —— iv. 26. . —— xxiv. 14. 2. —— xiv. 1. . John iv. 36, 4. Rom. iii. 12. . — Xxx. 4. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 5. . — xxi. 4a.1 Thes. iv, 17. Tote LIB 4. —v. 10. * How could the living possibly get to glory before those who, many say, have been there for cen- turies! And yet this was written that we should vot be “ignorant ” (1 Thes. iv. 13.) TOI | See also, AGREE, ASSEMBLE, ASSEMB- LING, BAND, BOWED, BRING, BUILD, CALL, COME, COMFORTED, COM- MUNE, COUNSEL, EAT, ELECTED, FOL- LOWER, FRAME, GATHER, GATHER- ING, GLORIFY, GROAN, GROW, HEIR, HELP, JOIN, KNIT, LABOURER, PLANTED, QUICKEN, RAISE, REASON, RISE, ROLL, RUN, SHAKE, SHUT, SIT, STRIVE, TEMPER, TRAVAIL, TREA- SURE, WORK, WORKER, WRAP, YOKED, YOURSELVES. TOIL (-59, -1NG.) 1. κοπιάω, to beat out, 1.9. to be weary. Then, to weary one’s self, beat one’s self out as with labour. 2. βασανίζω, to apply a touchstone ; metaph., to examine, test, scru- tinise, either by words or torture ; | then, pass., as here, to be afflicted | with pain, be tortured or tor- | mented, be vexed or harassed. | 1. Matt. vi. 28. 1. Luke v. 5. 2. 48. 1. —— xii. 27 (ap.) | Ὁ Άν TOKEN. 1. σημεῖον, a sign, signal, (see under “ sTGN.”’) 2. σύσσημον, a concerted sign, ἃ sign or signal agreed upon in con- junction with others, (non occ.) 2, Mark xiv. 44. | 1. 2 Thes. iii. 17. TOKEN (Εντρεντ) ἔνδειξις, a pointing out with the finger, an indicating. Phil. i. 28. TOKEN (tanIrest) ἔνδειγμα, the thing pointed out with the finger, a proof, an instance, (non occ.) 2 Thes. i. 5. TOLERABLE. | ἀνεκτός, bearable, endurable, support- able. In N.T., only in the com- parative, more endurable, ete., (non occ.) | Matt. x. 15. | — xi, 22, 24. Mark vi. 11 (ap.) Luke x, 12, 14, ο ορ ) κ, 32, 38. [ΤτΑ Ν.) ΤΟΝ ee TOMB (9) 1. μνημεῖον, a memorial, a mcnument ; hence, a sepulchral monument. 2. μνῆμα, a memorial, memory, remem- brance or record of a person or thing; esp. a memorial of one dead, tribute of respect ; a mound or building in honour of the dead, a monument. 3. τάφος, a burial, sepulture; esp., a funeral-feast; then, the grave itself, (Ixx. for “ap, (the word for a single grave, as 3ΝΙ zs for grave- dom) Gen. xxii. 4, 20": 2 Sam: i. 91.) 1, Matt. viii. 28. 3. —— xxili. 29. 1. —— xxvii. 60. 1. Mark v. 2. 2. 5. 1: 29. 2. Luke viii. 27. TO-MORROW. αὔριον, to-morrow, (from αὔρα, morning- air, from aw, αὔω); (Ixx. for Ἴπο, Ex. viii. 10, 283 ix.5,19; 2 Sam. xi. 12, etc.) Matt. vi. 30. Luke xii. 28. Acts xxiii. 20, —— xxv. 22. 1 Cor. xv. 32. Jas, iv. 32. Acts xxiii. 15 (om. GL 1 TONGUE (-s.) 1. γλῶσσα, the tongue, as part of the body; also, personified, (as in Phil. 1. 11) πᾶσα γλῶσσα, 1.6. every person; comp. Is. xlv. 29, where \xx. for ath, (non occ.); and also, a tongue, a language, a gift of language. 2. διάλεκτος, a speaking through, οὗ to and fro; hence, language spoken by a people or province, esp., ἃ dialect, peculiar idiom, (οσο. Acts il. 6.) 1. Mark vii. 33, 35. —1 Cor. xiv. 21, see T 1, —— xvi. 17 (ap.) (of another) 1. Luke i. 64. 1. 22, 23, 26, 27, 89. 1. xvi. 24. 1. Phil. ii, 11, see note — John ix. 11, see He- above. brew. 1. Jas, i. 26. 2. Acts i. 19. 1, —— iii, 5, 6 twizo, 8, 1. — ii. 5, 4. 1. 1 Pet. iii. 10. 2. 8. 1,1 John iii, 18. a; 11, 26. 1. Rev. v. 9. 1. —— x. 46. 1. —— vii. 9. 1. —— xix. 6. —-—— ix. 11, see He- 2, —— xxi. 40. brew. 2. —— xxii. 2. 1. —x. 11. 2. —— xxvi. 14. 1, —— xi. 9. 1. Rom. iii. 13. 1. —— xiii. 7. 1, —— xiv. 11. (30. | 1. —— xiv. 6. 1. 1 Cor. xii. 10 twice, 28, | 1. —— xvi. 10. 1. —— xiii. 1, 8. -- 16, 806 1718. 1. —— xiv. 2, 4, 5 twice, 6, brew. 9, 13, 14, 18, 19. 1, —— xvii. 15. TON { 813 ] TOR ——— ὦ - πότνα - TONGUE (or anoruer) (b) Spoken of the future punish- ἑτερόγλωσσος, other-tongued, of an- ρα, of Babylon. : other (1.6. a different) language, | 3. βάσανος, a touchstone, the ancient (non oce.) lapis Lydius for trying metals, ete., τά, xiv. αι (on which when gold is rubbed it _—— leaves a peculiar mark); hence, TOO. examination, trial, enquiry by tor- ture ; also, torture, pain; (ἰχχ. ου m2, Ezek. xii. 18.) Spoken of the pains of parturition, (Anthol. Gr. ed. Jac. ii, p. 205) and of the pains of disease, (Matt. iv. 24), (non occ.) See, SUPERSTITIOUS. TOOTH, TEETH. ὁδούς, a tooth; (Ixx. for jw, Lev. xxiv. 30; Job. xvi. 9.) Matt, τ. 88, Matt. καν. 30. am 3. κόλασις, a pruning; hence, in N.T. πα 42; 50. ο βαρ ο. punishment, 6.6. a cutting off, the =~ eal. 15. Luke xiii. 28 double result of which is, (like that — xxiv. 51 Acts vii. 54 Ζ ° Rev. ix. 8, of pruning a plant) viz. that he Ξ who is so cut off or punished, is TOP. destroyed, and those who are saved are the better for the ab- sence of those who are so cut off, (οσο. Matt. xxv. 46.) axpov, pomted ; hence, neut. as subst., TO ἄκρον, a point, end, extremity. Heb. xi. 21. 2. Matt. iv. 24, 1. Rev. ix. 5, Tenn | Wea 7 . 18, ο XV. 7, 10.15. TOP (from THE) eae 1. eae from, away from, TORMENT (-zp.) [verb.] ἄνωθεν, from above. βασανίζω, to rub upon the βάσανος, or ἐκ, out of, from, touchstone, (see Wo. 2, above); 2. < τῶν, the (pl.) hence, to put to the test, prove, ἄνωθεν, from above. toexamine closely, cross-question ; 1. Matt. xxvii. 51. 1. Mark xv. 38, later, to question by applying 3. John xix. 28. torture, to torture, rack. TOPAZ. (*) Spoken of those who worship the Beast and his image, and who τοπάζιον, the topaz, a transparent gem receive the mark of his name. of a golden or orange colour; (Ixx. for mus, Ex. xxviii. 17; (1) ἀμ η of the future punish- Ezek. xxviii. 18), (non occ.) ment ΟΣ the Devil. ing Matt. viii. 6, 29. Rev. ix. 5. Rev. xxi. 20. Mark v. 7. — xi. 10. - ---- ὁ Luke viii. 28. — xiv. 105, TORCH Rev. xx. 101, λαμπάς, a torch, (see “ tiant,” No. 6, NV T ας TORMENTED (vz) 1. κακουχέω, to hold or treat ill, to αμ. | maltreat. In N.T. only pass. part., “a. τ ee ok evilly entreated; (Ixx. for my TORMENT (-s.) [noun.] 1 Kings ii. 26; xi. 39), (οσο. Heb. 1. βασανισμός, examination, as by a xiii. 3.) touchstone; scrutiny, either by 2 words or torture; hence, torture, torment, (non occ.) . ὀδυνάω, to pain, distress. In ΝΤ only mid. or pass., to be pained or distressed ; (Ixx. for nn, Zech. (9) Spoken of those who worship ix. 5; sn, Zech. xii. 10), (οσο. the Beast and his image, and who Luke ii. 48; Acts xx. 38.) receive the mark of his name. 2. Luke xvi. 24.25, | 1. Heb. xi. 87. TOR { 814 1 TOW TORMENTOR (-s.) βασανιστής, an examiner, an inquisitor ; hence, one who applies the torture ; a prison keeper, gaoler, (non occ.) Matt. xviii. 84. TORTURE (-zp.) 1. τυμπανίζω, to beat on a τύμπανον, (a tympanum, which was either a drum or an instrument of torture, being a wooden frame resembling a drum, on which criminals were bound to be beaten to death. (See 2 Mace. vi. 19, 28, 30; vii. 9.) Hence, to tympanize, to beat the drum ; or to scourge upon a tym- panum or rack, to torture, drum to death. 2. ἀνετάζω, to examine thoroughly, to enquire strictly; (xx. for wn, Judg. vi. 29.) 2. Acts xxii. 29, marg. (text, examine.) 1. Heb. xi. 35. TOSS. 1. βασανίζω, see the verb “ TORMENT.” 2. ῥιπίζω, to fan, to blow, (as a fire or fuel); hence, to move to and fro, to toss, agitate, (non occ.) 1. Matt. xiv. 24. | — Acts xxvii. 18, seeTem- 2. Jas. 1. 6. [ pest. TOSSED TO AND FRO (55) κλυδωνίζομαι, to surge, to be tossed in billows; (σσ. Γον ws, Is. lvii. 20), (non occ.) Eph. iv. 14. TOSSING TO AND FRO. [margin.] 2 Cor. vi. 5, see “‘ TUMULT.” TOUCH (-ED, -ETH.) 1. ἄπτομαι, to apply one’s self to, 1.6. to touch, so in the sense of to eat in a Levitical sense, Lev. v. 2, 3, where \xx. for and Ley. vii. 18-21.) 2. θιγγάνω, to touch lightly, just touch, (less emphatic than No. 1.) gas 220 3. κατάγω, to lead down, bring or con- duct down; of a ship, to bring down to land, to come to land. ...»..»........ -. -.-.. ..- | 4. προσψαύω, to touch to or upon, touch, handle, feel upon, (non oce.) 1. Matt. viii. 3, 15. 1. Luke viii.44,451st,452nd 1. —— ix. 20, 21, 29, (ap.), 46, 47. 1. —— xiv. 36 twice, 4, —— xi. 46. 1. — xvii. 7. 1. — xviii. 15 1. — xx. 34. 1. —— xxii. 51. 1. Mark i. 41. 1. John xx. 17. 1. ——iii. 10. 3. Acts xxvii. 3. 1. — v. 27, 28, 30, 31. LeliCor yi 1, —— vi. 56 twice. 1. 2 Cor. vi. 17. 1. — vii. 33. 1. Col. ii. 21. 1. — viii. 22. — Heb. iv. 15, see Feel- 1. ——x. 19. ing. 1. Luke v. 13. 2. —— xi. 28. 1. — vi. 19. — — xii. 18, see T (that 1. ——vii. 14, 39. might be) 2. Heb. xii. 20. TOUCHED (rHat micur BE) ψηλαφάω, to touch, to feel, to handle. Here, pass. Heb. xii. 18. TOUCHING. 1. περί, around. (a) with Gen., around and separate from, about, concerning. (Ὁ) with Acc., around and towards, about, in reference to. 2. ἐπί, upon. (a) with Gen., upon and springing from, on, upon. (b) with Dat., wpon, on, resting on, on account of, (c) with Acc., upon by direction towards, upon, with motion implied, in the direction of. 3. κατά, down. (a) with Gen., down from. (b) with Acc., down towards, accord- ing to, as to. la. Acts xxiv. 21. 8b. Phil. iii. 16, la. —— xxvi. 2. la. Col. iv. 10. 2c, 2 Thes. iii. 4. TOUCHING (as) la.Matt. xviii. 19. 3b.Rom. xi. 28. la, — xxii. 31. la.1 Cor. viii. 1, la.Mark xii. 26. la. xvi. 12. 2b. Acts v. 35. 18.9 Cor, ix. 1. la,—— xxi. 25. 3b. Phil. iii. 5. la. 1 Thes. iv. 9. TOWARD (-s.) 1. εἰς, unto, to, towards. 2. πρός, towards, in the direction of. * translated to...-ward. TOW (a) with Gen., hitherwards. (b) with Dat., resting in a direction towards, at, close by. (c) with Acc., hitherwards, to, to- wards. ἐπί, see “ roucnHING,” Wo. 2 (a), (Ὁ), and (6), see “TroucHINe,” No. 2, (a), (b), and (c.) ἐν, in, denoting the sphere in which the subject is concerned as dwelling or acting m. 5. xara, see “ TOUCHING,” Wo. 3. (a), (b), and (c.) see “TOUCHING,” No. 2, (a), (Ὁ), and (c.) 3. 4. 6. ὑπέρ, over. (a) with Gen., over, on behalf of, for the sake of, in reference to. (b) beh Acc., over and towards. 3c.Matt. xii 2ο. 2 Cor. vii. 4. 38ce.—— xiv. reid (No. 3b, G | 6a. ve LT Tr ον πο 15. 1. ------ iil 1. —— ix. 8. 3b.Mark vi. ay (No. 8c, | 1. ——x. 1. LTTrA®&.) . — xiii. 3, 4 4, Luke ii. 14. 1. Gal. ii. 8. 1. — sii. 21 1. Eph. i. 8, 19 1. —— xiii. 22 38c.— ii. 7 2c.—— xxiv. 29. 1, — iii. 2. 1, John vi. 17. 2c.Phil. ii. 30. 1. Acts i. 10. 5b.-—— iii. 14. 5b.—— viii. 26. 2c.Col. iv. 5. 1, —— xx. 21 2c.1 Thes. i. 83. 1, — xxiv. 15 1. — iii, 123times. 20. 16. 1. —— iv. 10. 5b.—— xxvii. 12 2c. 12. 1, —— xxviii. 14 2c.— v. 14, 1. Rom. i. 27. 1. 2 Thes. i. 3. 1. —-v. 8. 2ο. ο η "5 Ist (No. 1, 30.--- xi. 22 1, Tr A.) 1, — xii. 16. Δ. 2nd. 1. —— xiv.19 | 3b.Heb. vi. 1. 4, —— xv. 5. 18 10. 8e.1 Cor. vii. 36. 1. 1 Pet. iii. 21. 29.2 Cor. i. 12* ΠΣ ρε ii. νο. ie 16. (διά, through, ἃ L Trm 20. 18, ἐξ, 1. — ii. 8. | 29.1 John iii. 21. 2c,—— iii. 4* 4, —~iv.9. See also, MAKE, MAN, PRESS. TOWEL. λέντιον, (Lat., lenteum) a linen cloth, eg. a towel, apron worn by ser- vants and persons in waiting. Tohn xiii. 4, 5. en TOWER. πύργος, a tower, esp. the watchtower or turret of a vineyard ; (so, Ixx. for 2n, Is. v. 2.) Matt. xxi. 33, | Luke xiii. 4. Mark xii, 1. i — xiv, 28 [ 815 1 TRA TOWN (-s.) 1, κώμή, a village, hamlet, in the country and without walls; (κκ. for 752, 1 Ch. xxvii. 25; Song vii. 12; m2, Josh. xv. 45; xvi. 11; ἽὝΠ, Josh. xy. 31, etc.; xix. 6, etc.) 2. κωμόπολις, a village city, {.ε. a large village or town like a city, but without walls, (non occ.) τ Matt. ix. 35. 1. Mark viii. 23, 26 twice, — xiv. 15. 1. Luke ν. 17. [27: r — xxi. 2. 1. —— ix. 6, 12. 2. Mark i. 98. 1. John vii. 45, 1, John xi. 1, 30. TOWN-CLERK. γραμματεύς, a writer, a scribe. In the Greek sense, a public officer in the cities of Asia Minor who presided in the senate, had charge of the laws and decrees, and read what was to be made known to the people, a public clerk, (elsewhere translated, in Jewish Church, “ SCRIBE.”’) Acts xix. 35, TRADE: (margin. | Tit. iii. 14, see ‘‘ woRK.”’ TRADE (-εν.) [verb.] Ι ἐργάζομαι, to work, to labour. Matt. xxv. 16. TRADE ΒΥ. Rev. xviii. 17. TRADING (Gary By) διαπραγματεύομαι, to work through or out, to go through with; to do or effect in business, to accomplish by traflick, gain by trade,(non oce.) Luke xix. 15, TRADITION. παράδοσις, delivery, 1.6. the act of de- livering over from one to another. Matt. xv. 2, 3, 6. Gal. i, 14. Mark vii. 3, 5, 8, 9, 18, Col. ii. 8. 1 Cor. xi. 2, marg. (text, | 2 Thes. ii. 15. ordinance.) — iii. 6. Pet. i. 18, see Fathers, TRA | 816 | TRA TRAITOR (-s.) προδότης, ὃν betrayer. a traitor. Luke vi. 16, Ι ~ Tim, 111, 4 eternal TRAMPLH#H. καταπατέω, to tread down, to trample down; (xx. for Ὁ, 2 Chron. xxv. 18; Ezek. xxuv. 18.) Matt, vii. ὃς TRANCE. ἔκστασις, a standing out ot, removal, a standmg out of one’s usual mind; the state of a person out of his senses, ecstasy. Acts x. 10. Acts x1. 5. Acts xxii. 17, TRANSFER IN A FIGURE. μετασχηματίζω, to change the outward figure; to transfer a thing in its application, to transfer the thoughts as to one object to an- other which 1s an image of it. 1 Cor, iv. 6. ——$ ὦ“ TRANSFIGURED (zr) μεταμορφοόμαι, to change one’s form, fashion, or appearance, to trans- form, alter one’s form; (hence the Eng., metamorphosis.) [Used here of the Transfiguration of Christ; which seems to have been the inauguration of His office as Priest, as the Baptism was of His office as Prophet, (the same form of words being used by the Father from heaven, Matt. iii. 17; xvii. 5, on both occasions ; as similar words will yet be used at His inauguration as King, Ps.ii.7.) It seems to be connected with His approach- ing priestly work, from the follow- ing considerations. (1) It is dated by all three Evan- gelists, from circumstances con- nected with the first mention of | His sufferings. (2) Those sufferings formed the subject of the conversation with Moses and Elijah, and also imme- diately afterwards again with His disciples. (3) Peter tells us (2 Pet. 1. 17) that it was on “the Holy Mount” that Jesus received from the Father “honour απά glory;” while Heb. ii. 9 tells us that He was crowned with “glory and honour,” “onaccount of (διά, with Acc., see ‘¥or’) the suffering of death.” (4) In Rom. xii. 1, 2, we are ex- horted to be “ transformed” (the same word) in our minds, by pre- senting owr “bodies as a living sacrifice, (as Jesus did His, when He was transfigured) holy, accept- able unto God.” The Transfiguration was also a show- ing of “the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,” (2 Pet. i. 16) an event which shows that though about to suffer and die, He will yet come “with power and great glory,” and that until He does so come, His church will try τῇ vain to heal a demoniac world, (Matt. xvii. 14-21; Mark ix. 14-29; Luke ix. 37-45]. (oce. Rom. xii. 2; 2 Cor. iii. 18, and the event recorded also in Luke ix. 28-36.) Matt. xvii. 2. | Mark ix. 20. TRANSFORM ONE'S SELF. μετασχηματίζω, (here, mid.) to change the outward figure, alter the shape or mien, alter one’s bearing, look, or air. 2 Cor. xi. 19. TRANSFORMED (ar) 1. perapoppodpat, see “ TRANSFIGURED (BE)” and note (1.) . μετασχηματίζω, see ONE'S SELF.” 1, Rom. xii. 2. | “ TRANSFORM to 2. 2 Cor. xi. 14, 15. TRANSGRESS (-rp, -ΕΤΗ.) 1. παραβαίνω, to step on one side, go aside from, transgress; (Ixx. for Ὁ Ὢδ, Ex. xxxii. 8; Ὢν, Numb. TRA [ 817 ] TRA xiv. 41; Josh vii. 11, 15), (oce. TRANSPARENT. Acts i. 25.) διαφανής, diaphanous, transparent, 2. παρέρχομαι, to come or go by, to able to be seen through; (Ixx. for pass beside or by, pass over, | τι, Ex. xxx. 34), (non oce.) transgress ; (so, Ixx. Jor 73, Deut. | poy κει, δὶ (διαυγής, chining through, G L'T Tr AN.) xxvi. 13; Jer. xxxiv. 18.) — 1. Matt. xv. 2, 3. — 1 John iii. 4, see Law. AP 2. ake “ioe ak 1. ος lead TR j — Rom. ii. 27,see T (who orward, to go in ad- Ἃ ν doth) ‘ vance, LT Ir A) | θήρα, hunting, the chase; hence, cause ay of destruction, (non ους.) TRANSGRESS (ππο porn) Rom. xi. 9. παραβάτης, one who steps aside, a TRAVAIL. [noun.] transgressor; (Ixx. for yp, Ps. : 2 : xvii. 4; Ezek. xviii. 10.) 1. μόχθος, wearisome labour, travail, including the idea of painful effort, sorrow ; (lxx. for 22», Deut. xxv1. 7; Ece. ii. 18), (ους. 2 Cor. xi. 27.) 2. ὠδίν, a throe, a pang, as of a woman Rom. ii. 27. TRANSGRESSION (-s.) παράβασις, a stepping aside, as from in travail; (so, xx. for >an, Is. right; hence, transgression ; (Ixx. xxii. 23; Hos. xiii. 3, cf Is. for nnn, Ps. ci. 3.) XXxvil. 3.) Acts i. 25, see T (fall by) 1 Tim. ii. 14. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 9. | 2. 1 Thes. v. 3. Rom. iv. 15, Heb. ii. 2. 1. 2 Thes. iii. 8. el Lae — ix. 15. Gal. iii. 19. 1 John iii. 4, seo Law. — TRAVAIL (ΒΕ τκ) TRANSGRESSION (Έλα, ΒΥ) τίκτω, to bring forth, to bear. παραβαίνω, see “TRANSGRESS,” Λο. 1. John xvi. 21. Acts i. 25. TRAVAIL (ust, -ΕΤΗ, -κα.) [verb.] TRANSGRESSOR (-s.) ὠδίνω, to be in the throes, to travail 1. παραβάτης, see “ TRANSGRESS (WHO in child-birth, (non occ.) DOTH)” Gal. iv. 27. 2. ἄνομος, without law, lawless, not subject to law; a violator of the TRAVAIL IN BIRTH. divine law. Rev. xii. 2. 2. Mark xy. 28. | 1. Gal. 11, 18. 2. Luke xxii. 37. 1. Jas ii. 9,11. - TRAVAIL IN BIRTH OF. TRANSLATE (-rp.) Gal. iv. 19. 1. μεθίστημι, to stand or set in another place, to transfer. TRAVAIL IN BIRTH TOGETHER. 2. μετατίθημι, to put or place in an- συνωδίνω, to jointly travail in the other place, to transport. throes of birth, (non occ.) 1. Col, 1. 13. | 2. Heb. xi. 5twice, Rom. viii. 22. TRANSLATION. TRAVEL (companton IN) μετάθεσις, metathesis, a standing, | συνέκδημος, absent together from one’s setting m another place. people, (occ. 2 Cor. viii. 19.) Heb. xi. 5. Acts xix. 29. REE TRA Ε΄ 8151 TRE TRAVEL (-xp, -τκα) [verb] |} Matt siuL,, 1. Τα νε δὲ δι. διέρχομαι, to come, go, or pass through | Στ xi, ὃν orem, 1 τ {τς any country or place; hence, to | 1. ——xix. 21. 1. 9 Cor. iv. 7. travel through. 1: Luke vi. asim, Ghd | 1. Heb, si νο. πι πὶ. 19 — —— xii. 21, see T (lay | — Jas. v. 3, (see T toge- Shae up) ther (heap) eee _ | TREASURE TOGETHER (near) συνέκδημος, absent together from one’s | θησαυρίζω, to lay up in store, treasure ; people. Rael der (Ixx. for cys, 2 Kings xx. 17; a ae Am, iii. 10; Ὢν, Zech. ix. 3.) Jas, v. 3. See also, COUNTRY. TREASURE (aay vp TREAD (-ETH, TRODE, TRODDEN.) Js i ) [verb.] uke X11, <1, 1. πατέω, to tread with the feet, trample TREASURE UP (-zsr.) [verb.] on, press by treading, (non occ.) 6 ζ 5 ὶ 2. καταπατέω, (Wo. 1, with κατά, down, σον ή prefixed) to tread down, trample itil down, (occ. Matt. vii. 6.) 1. Luke x. 19. 1. Rev. xiv. 20. τοσο 1. Rev. xix. 15. { Bruise. under guard the public treasure. Among the Jews, the sacred trea- sury in one of the courts of the Temple; see Neh. xiii. 7; x. 37, 38; xii. 4, 5, 8, where lxx. for naw, and for 1331, Esth. iii. 9, (non oce.) 2. κορβανᾶς, the Heb., }25), 1.6. a gift, offering or oblation to God, (Ley. Π. 1, 4, 12,13) ; then, some- thing devoted to God, (κορβᾶν, occ. Mark vii. 11); then, spoken of money offered to God in the Temple, the sacred treasure. 2. Matt. xxvii. 6. 1. Luke xxi. 1. 1. John viii. 20. TREAD DOWN. 9, Luke viii. 5. Ι 1, Luke xxi, 24. TREAD UNDER FOOT. 2, Matt. v. 13. | 2. Heb. x. 29. 1, Rev. xi. 2. TREAD OUT THE CORN. ἀλοάω, to beat, to thresh; then, to drive round in a circle, esp. oxen upon grain to thresh it, to thresh with oxen; (Ixx. for un, Is. xli. 15; wh, Deut. xxv. 4; J, Jer. li. 68), (οσο. 1 Cor. ix. 10.) 1 Cor. ix. 9. ] 1 Tim. v. 18. 1. Mark xii, 41 twice, 43, TREATISE. λόγος, a word, as forming part of what is spoken, an exposition or account which one gives, (see the noun, “aCcouNT,” p. 25.) Acts i. 1. 1. θησαυρός, anything laid up in store ; hence, treasure, wealth; (Ixx. for yionn, mammon, Gen. xliii. 23; Prov. ii. 4; ax, 1 Kings xiv. 26; Proy. xv. 17), (non occ.) | 2. — xii. 1. — — xvi. 20, marg. see | 1. γαζοφυλάκιον, a place for keeping TREE (-s.) 1. δένδρον, a tree, a living, growing tree; (Ixx. for py, Gen. xviii. 4, 8.) 2. γάζα, the royal treasure ; then, as in Lat., gaza, riches; (a word of | Persian origin); (χχ. for 133, | 2. ξύλον, wood, 1.6. for fuel, timber; then, anything made of wood; here, a piece of timber, a wooden stake Ezra v. 17; vi. 1; Esth. iv. 7), (non occ.) TRE —-. -—-——_ (a) | Used here for the σταυρός on which Jesus was crucified. Both words disagree with the modern idea of a cross, with which we have become familiarised by pic- tures. The σταυρός was simpl an upright pale or stake to iach the Romans nailed those who were thus said to be crucified, Σταυρόω, merely means to drive stakes. It never means two pieces of wood joining each other at any angle. Even the Latin word crw2 means a mere stake. The initial letter X, (chi) of Χριστός, (Christ) was anciently used for His name,* until it was displaced by the T, the initial of the Pagan God Tammuz, about the end of cent. iv. ] * Just sol H Σ (the first three letters of the word JESus) were used for that name until made by the Romish Church (which repudiates the know- ledge of the sacred languages) into IhS, the long mark over the Greek H (being turned into a eross running through the h); and made to stand as the initials of three Latin words. 1 Matt. iii. 10 twice. 1. Luke xiii. 19. 1, — vii.17 twice,]8twice, | 1, —— xxi. 29. 19. 2. —— xxiii. 91. J. —— xii. 33 3 times. 2a.Acts v. 30. 1. —— xiii. 32. 2a,— x. 39. 1. —— xxi. 8. 2a,—— xiii. 29, 1, Mark viii. 24. 2a.Gal., iii. 13. 1. ——xi. 8 (ἀγρῶν, out of | 2a.1 Pet. ii. 24, the fields, instead of | 1. Jude 12. δένδρων, off the trees, | 2. Rev. ii. 7. ΕΡΕ ΑΙ) 1. — vii. 1, 3. 1. Luke iii. 9 twice. 1. — viii. 7. *, — vi. 43twice, 44, ΕΓ ix. 4. 2. Rev. xxii, 2 twice, 14, See also, FIG, OLIVE, PALM, SYCAMINE, SYCAMORE. TREMBLE (-πν, -1NG.) 1. τρέμω, to tremble, quake, quiver, flutter; then, to tremble at, as Srom fear, (occ. 2 Pet. ii. 10.) ο. (ἔχω, to have “* ἃ τρόμος, a trembling. γίνομαι, to become ἔντρομος, in a tremble. 4 ( γίνομαι, to become " ( ἔμφοβος, in fear. 5. φρίσσω, to be rough, uneven, jagged as with bristling points, to bristle, stand on end; to shudder so that Γ δι j TRI the skin becomes rough and pimpled and the hair stands on end; (Ἰχχ. Dan. vii. 15; Judith xvi. 8.) 1. Mark ν. 33. 8, Acts vii. 32. 9. —— xvi. 8. 1. —— ix. 6 (ap.) 1. Luke viii. 47. 4, —— xxiv. 25. 5. Jas. 11, 19. TREMBLING. — 1. τρόμος, a trembling, quaking, shiver- ing with fear. 2. ἔντρομος, (Wo. 1, with ἔν, in, pre- jixed) in trembling. 2. Acts xvi. 29. 1, 2 Cor. vii. 15. 1. 1 Cor. ii. 3. 1. Eph. vi. 5. 1, Phil. ii. 12. TRENCH. χάραξ, a pointed stake or pale; a palisade ; (Lat., vallus, in fortifi- cation); a place paled in, a pali- saded camp, (707 occ.) Luke xix. 43, TRESPASS (-xs.) [noun.] παράπτωμα, a falling aside from right truth or duty, lapse. Matt. vi. 14. 15 lst (om. παραπ- τώματα αὐτῶν, their trespasses, ἃ = Τ δ.) πτώματα αὐτῶν, their trespasses, G L T Tr A.) Mark xi. 25, 26 (ap.) 15 2nd. 2 Cor. τν. 19. —— xviii. 35 (om τὰ παρα- | Eph. ii. 1. Col. ii. 13. TRESPASS. [verb.] ἁμαρτάνω, to miss, err from, as from a mark, to err, swerve from truth and right, go wrong ; to sin. Matt. xviii. 15. | Luke xvii. 3, 4. TRIAL. 1. δοκιμή, proof, test, trial, assay, a putting to the proof, as metals, etc., by fire; the state of being tried, a trying, the state of having been tried. bo . δοκίμιον, a proof, a test; (Ixx. for ΤΌ, a crucible, Prov. xxvii. 21.) 3. πεῖρα, ἃ making trial, attempt, essay ; then,a receiving of trial, an attempt on or against one, an assault, attack, an attempt on one’s life or property. 1. 2 Cor. viii. 2. 2. 1 Ῥος. 1.7, 3. Heb. xi. 36, — —~— iv, 12, see Fiery. EEE* ---- TRI TRIBE. φυλή, a union of individuals into a | community o7 state; a union of men according to ties of blood and descent; aclan,a tribe; (Ixx. for qo, Gx. αι ο. 6; jaw, Bx, xxiv. 4; Deut. 1. 18, etc.) Matt. xix. 28. Phil. iii. 5. —— xxiv. 30. Heb. vii. 13, 14. Luke ii. 36. Jas. i. 1. — xxii. 30. Rev. v. 5. Acts xiii. 21. ——vii.4, 5 3times, §3times, Rom. xi. 1. 7 3times, 8 3 times. Rev. xxi. 19. TRIBES (twWetve) δωδεκάφυλον, the twelve tribes as of Israel, (non occ.) Acts xxvi. 7. TRIBULATION (-s.) θλῖψις, pressure, compression, strait- ness; hence, pressure from evils, affliction, distress; (ἰχχ. for 4s, Deut. iv. 80: Ps. exix. 148; mos, Web: jini ο 1Sam: κ. 19: 1. vill. 22.) [ 820 1 TRO | 3. δίδραχμον, a didrachm, a double drachma, a silver coin equal to the Jewish half-shekel, the yearly tribute paid by every Jew to the Temple treasury at Jerusalem; (see Exod. xxx. 19” xxxviii. 26); (Ixx. everywhere for dpw, Gen. xxiii. 15, 16; Neh. x. 99), (oce. Matt. xvii. 24, pl.) 8. Matt. xvii. 24, pl. 2. Mark xii. 14. 2. 25. 1. Luke xx. 22. 2. —— xsii. 17. ale xxiii. 2. 1. Rom. xii. 6, 7 twice. a a. ττὸὃ ὃ TRIBUTE. [adj.] κῆνσος, see No. 2, above; here the Geni- tive. Matt. xxii. 19. TRIBUTE-MONEY. δίδραχμον, see the noun, “TRIBUTE,” No. 3. Matt. xvii. 24, pl. TRIM (-ερ.) κοσµέω, to put in order, adjust. Matt. xxv. 7. Matt. xiii. 21. | Rom, xii. 12. i | — xxiv. 21, 29. 2 Cor. i. 4. Mark xiii. 24. vii. 4. John xvi. 33. Eph. iii. 13. Acts xiv. 22. 2 Thes. i. 4, 6. Rom. ii. 9. | Rev. i. 9. — v. 3 twice. τε τα 8) 10, 22. — viii. 35. ata: TRIBULATION (surrer) θλίβω, to press, press upon; hence, pass., as here., to be oppressed with evils, to be distressed. 1 Thes. iii. 4. TRIBUTE. [noun. | | 1. φόρος, what is borne, brought ; hence, | a tax or tribute brought by persons as imposed on their persons and property, (as distinct from τέλος, the toll levied on merchandise, | etc.); lxx. for po, Judg. 1. 30; 2 Sam. xx. 24; in, Ezra iv. 20), | (non oce.) | 2. κῆσος, (Lat.,census) an enumeration of the people and valuation of | property ; hence, a poll-tax paid by each person whose name was taken in the census, (οσο. Matt. xxxili. 19.) | | 2, Mark xiii. 8 (om. καὶ TRIUMPH (cause το) θριαμβεύω, to triumph, to hold a tri- umph; to make to triumph; to lead in triumph, esp. with tri- umphal hymns, (non occ.) 2 Cor. ii. 14. TRIUMPH OVER. Col. ii. 15. TROGYLLIUM. Τρωγύλλιον, Trogyllium, the proper name of a town and promontory on the W. coast of Asia Minor, opp. Samos, at the foot of Mount Mycale. Acts xx. 15 (ap.) TROUBLE. [noun. ] 1. θλῖψις, see “ TRIBULATION.” 2. ταραχή, a stirring up, agitation, as of water or people, commotion, tumult, (οσο. John v. 1 (ap.).) 1, 1 Cor. vii. 28. 1. 2 Cor. i. 4, 8. — 2 Tim. ii. 9, see Suffer. LTTr ταραχαί, G -- AY N°.) eet = TRO TROUBLE (-ἘΡ, -ΕΑ1, -ΕΤΗ.) [verb] (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. ταράσσω, to stir up, to agitate, as water in a pool; of the mind, to stir up,*trouble, disturb with various emotions. . Statrapdocow,( No. 1, with διά, through- out, prefixed) to stir up through- out; spoken of the mind, etc., to disturb, agitate, (non occ.) κόπος, a beating, (as of | bo the breast); hence, wailing; also, the sere 3. being beat out, ais weariness, 8 trouble. παρέχω, to hold out, present, offer, 4, θλίβω, to press, press upon ; hence, to oppress as with evils, distress. 5. ἐνοχλέω, to excite tumult in; hence, to disturb, annoy, (ποπ occ.) 6. παρενοχλέω, (No. 5, with παρά, beside, prefixed) to disturb alongside of something else, to trouble besides, (non occ.) 7. σκύλλω, to strip off the skin, to flay, lacerate ; to harass, wound, rend. 8. ἀναστατόω, to unsettle, stir to se- dition, throw into confusion. 1, Matt. ii. 3. 1. John xiii. 21. 1. —— xiv. 26. ιο xiv. 1, 27. 3. —— xxvi. 10 6. Acts xv. 19. 7. Mark v. 35. 1. 24. 1. —— vi. 50. 1, —— xvii. 8 3. —— xiv. 6. 4. 2 Cor. iv. 8 1. Luke i. 12. 4. — vii. 5. 2. 29 1. Gal. 2.7. 7. — viii. 49 3. —— iii. 17. 3. —— xi. 7 1. ——v. 10. 3. —— xviii. 5 8. 12, 1. —— xxiv. 38. 4. 2 Thes. i. 6, 7. 1. John v. 4 (ap.), 7. 5. Heb. xii. 15. 1. —— xii. 27. 1. 1 Pet. iii. 14. TROUBLE EXCEEDINGLY. ἐκταράσσω, (No. 1, with ἐκ, out of, pre- σοι, intensifying it) to stir up wholly, disturb greatly, (non occ.) Acts xvi. 2). TROUBLE IN MIND. [margin.] Acts ii. 6, see ‘‘ conFOUND.” [ 821 1 TRU TROUBLE ONE'S SELF. 1. σκύλλω, (see No. 7, above. Here, mid.) 2. θορυβέω, to make’ a noise, uproar, clamour. Here, mid., to make a noise together, wail together. 1, Luke vii. 6. | 2. Acts xx. 10. TROUBLED (ser) 1. θροέω, to ery aloud, to make ἃ clamour. Here, pass., to be frightened so as to be made to ery aloud or make a clamour, (non occ.) 2. τυρβάζω, to make turbid. Pass. as here, to be in disorder, jumbled or crowded together, as of the mind with cares, etc., (non 0600.) 3 ἐτάραξεν, he troubled “αὶ ἑαυτόν, himself. . Matt. xxiv. 6. Mark xtii. 7. {4 &.) . Luke x. 41 (θορυβάζω, to confuse by noise, L T Tr . John xi. 33, marg. troubled himself. 2 Thes. ii. 2. μα ος BO et μα TROUBLING. ταραχή, see the noun, “ TROUBLE.” ραχΏη, ’ : John v. 4 (ap.) TROW. δοκέω, see “ THINK,” No. 1. Luke xvii. 9 (om. οὐ δοκῶ, I trow not, Lb T Tr A ΝΜ) TRUCE-BREAKER. ἄσπονδος, without treaty, libation, league, or compact, (occ. Rom. i. 31.) 2 Tim. iii. 3. TRUE. 1. ἀληθής, (true), unconcealed, mani- fest, open; hence, real, actual; that is ἀληθής, whose appearance is not mere show, but is the reality it appears to be; that is ἀληθής, whose utterance agrees with the reality and does not conceal it. True, as opposed to what is false; thus, “God is ἀληθής, (John iii. 33) inasmuch as TRU [ -----.--οΘ.ὄ. He cannot [16---α He is ἀψευδής," (Tit, i..-2), (oce. John ‘iv. 18; 1 John ii. 27.) 2. ἀληθινός, (very), (the ending, -ιγός, denoting that the quality as a fundamental idea exists in abund- ance) ; hence ἀληθινός ts that which has truth for its base, is all which it pretends to be; genuine, real; true as opposed to what is apparent or fictitious; thus, “God is ἀληθινός, (1 Thes. i. 9) inasmuch as other gods are no gods.” “Very” God, as distinguished fom idols and all false gods. Hence the expression “the true vine,” ete., all others being inferior and subordinate realisations, only what the shadow is to the substance, (non occ.) 8. γνήσιος, legitimate, genuine, (spoken of children.) 4. πιστός, (prob. a verbal adj., from πείθειν, to persuade, win by words, influence ; hence it may le taken either actively or passively, as the verb is.) Pass., taithful, trusty, worthy of confidence ; ef persons, on whom we may rely; of things, trustworthy, sure, firm, certain. Act., trusting, believing. 1. Matt. xxii. 16. | 4, 2 Cor. i. 18. 1. Mark xii. 14. 1. —— vi. 8. 2. Luke xvi. 11. 1S. Phil. iv. 3. 2. Johni. 9. 1. 8. 1. — iii. 33. 2. 1 Thes. i. 9. 2. —— iv. 23, 37 4. 1 Tim. iii. 1. 1. — v. 51, 32. eR wtp ia ty, 2. ——vi. 32 2. Heb. viii. 2. 1. — vii. 18 2. ix, 24. 2. 28, 2. ——x. 22. 1. —— viii. 13, 14. | 1. 1 Pet. v. 12. 1. 16 (Νο. 2, 1, T | 1. 2 Pet. ii. 22. Tr A.) | 1, 1 John ii. 8 Ist. Vy 17, 26. 2. § 2nd. 1. —x. 41. 2. ν, 20 3 times, 2. xv. 1. 1. 3 John 12. 2. —— xvii. 3. 2. Rev. iii. 7, 14. 2. —— xix. 35 15 2. —— vi. 10, iF 35 2nd 2, —— xv. 3. 1, —— xxi. 24 2. —— xvi. 7. 1. Acts xii. 9. 2. —— xix. 2,9, 11. 1. Rom, iii. 4. 2. —— xxi. 5. 2. Rev. xxii. 6. TRULY. 1. μέν, indeed, truly, implying affirma- tion or concession, and at the same time pointing forward to something antithetic, (which gen. takes the particle δὲ, but.) (a) with οὖν, therefore, then. 805 1 TRU 2. ἀληθῶς, truly, really; 1.6. in truth, in very deed, certainly, (adv. of ἀληθής, see “TRUE,” Νο. 1.) ἐν, 1D, 3. 4 ἀλήθεια, truth, (see “TRUTH,” Λο. 1.) ἐπί, upon, (as the basis on which 4. the truth rested.) ἀλήθεια, truth. 5. dpa, accordingly. 6. de, but. 1. Matt. ix. 37. la. John xx. 30. 1. — xvii. 11. 1. Acts i. 5. 2. —— xxvii, 54. 1, —— iii. 22. 1. Mark xiv. 38. . — v.23 (om, L T Tr 2. —— xv. 39. AR.) 1. Luke x. 2. 1. 2 Cor. xii. 12. 5. —— xi. 48. [truth. | 1. Heb. vii. 23. 4, —— xx. 21, marg. of a | 1. —— xi. 15. 1. — xxii. 22 6. 1 Johni. 3. 3. John xvii. 19, marg. | 3. 3 John 1, marg. (text, (text, truth.) TRUMP. σάλπιγξ, a trump, trumpet; (Ixx. for saw, 1 Sam. xu. 3; πώς 2 Kings xii. 14.) 1. Cor. xv. 52. | 1 Thes. iv. 16. TRUMPET. σάλπιγξ, seeabove. * See under“ VIAL.” Matt. xxiv. 31. Rev. i. 10. 1 Cor. xiv. 8. — iv. 1. Heb. xii. 19. —— viii. 2*, 6*, 13". Rev. ix. 14". TRUMPET TO BE SOUNDED (cause a) [margin. | Matt. vi. 2, see “ rRuMPET (SOUND A)” TRUMPET (sounp 4) σαλπίζω, to trumpet, sound a trumpet ; (Ixx. for ypn, Numb. x. 3, ete.; 15. xxvii. 18; Joel ii. 1.) Matt. vi. 2. TRUMPET SOUNDETH (a) σαλπίζω, see above. 1 Cor. xv. 52. a TRUMPETER (-5.) σαλπιστής, a trumpeter, (non oce.) Rev, xviii. 22. TRU TRUST. [noun.] πεποίθησις, confidence, trust, boldness ; (ixx. pmva, 2 Kings xviii. 20.) 2 Cor. iii. 4. | TRUST (commit το ONE’s) πιστεύω, to rely upon, to trust; to have a fully convinced persuasion of a thing as true. With the Dat. of person and Ace. of the thing, to entrust anything to anyone. Luke xvi. 11. TRUST (ΒΕ COMMITTED TO My) 6, with which with which ἐπιστεύθην, Was en- > entrusted | eyo, I. [trusted, was I. 1 Tim. 1, 11. TRUST WITH (88 Pour τν) “RUST (COMMIT TO (Here, pass.) 1 Thes. ii. 4. πιστεύω, 5866 ONE'S)” TRUST (eur one’s) πείθω, see the verb below, “Trust,” No. 2a. Heb. ii. 18 See also, COMMITTED. | TRUST (-xp.) [verb.] 1. ἐλπιζω, to expect, to hope. With an object, to long for and expect a thing with real or fancied proba- bility ; without an object, to set one’s hope upon something. 2. πείθω, (a) trans., to persuade, win by words, to influence. (b) intrans., to suffer one’s self to be persuaded or convinced; to be persuaded in fayour of any one, to yield assent to, obey him or trust him; to be convinced of, to have an assurance concerning, to confide or trust to. 1. Matt. xii. 21. 1. Rom. xv. 12, 24. 2b.— xxvii. 43. απ COP. Vis 7, 2b.Mark x. 24. 2b.2 Cor. i. 9. 2b.Luke xi. 22. if 10, 13. 2b.— xviii. 9. 1. —v. 11. 1, —— xxiv. 21. 2b,—— x. 7. 1. John v. 45. 1. —— xiii. 6. [ 823 ] -- ἘΠ: 1.15, seeT (first) Nee il. ii. 1 2b. 24, TRU 1, 1 Tim. vi. 17. — 2 Tim. i. 12, marg. see Believe. — — iii. 4, see T (have | 1. Philem. 22. whereof one might) 2b.Heb. xiii. 18. 1, 1 Tim. iv. 10, 1. 1 Pet. iii. 5. 1, ——v. 5. 1. 2 John 12. 1. 3 John 14. TRUST (First) προελπίζω, No. 1, above, with πρό, be- fore, prefixed, (non occ.) Eph. i. 12, marg. hope first. TRUST (HAVE WHEREOF ONE MIGHT) πείθω, see above, No. 2b. Phil. iii. 4. TRUTH. 1. ἀλήθεια, truth, as the revealed reality lying at the basis of, and agreeing with, an appearance; the mani- fested, veritable essence of a matter; hence, the reality apper- taining to an appearance or mani- Sestation, truth. ἐπὶ, upon, (as a basis and ground- ἀλήθεια, truth. 2. | [work.) 3. ἀληθής, see “ TRUTH,” Λο. 1. 4. ναι, yea, yes, certainly, (in assent and strong affirmation.) 1. — xiii. 6. — — xiv. 25, see T (of a) 1. 2 Cor. iv. 2. — Matt. xiv. 33, see T.1.1Cor. ν. 8. (of a) 4. —— xv. 27. 1, — xxii. 16 1, Mark v. 33. 1, —— xii. 14, 32 1. Luke iv. 25. — — ix. 27, see T (of a) — — xii. 44, see T (of a) 2. ——xx.21,marg. (text, truly.) 1, —— xxi. 3, see T (of a) 1, —— xxii. 59. 1. John i. 14, 17. 1. —— iii. 21. 1 - 1 1. —— viii. 32 twice, 40, 44 twice, 45, 46, 1, —— xiv. 6, 17. 1, —— xv. 26. — xvi. ‘ta 13 twice, . —— xvii. 17 twice, 19 (with ἐν, in), (marg. truly.) —— xviii. 37 twice, 38, . Acts iv. 27. — x. 34, —— xxvi. 25, ee γκ μὰ μὰ άμα μ μὰ μὰ ess ee Se Η . . 1, —— vi. 7. 1. —— vii. 14 twice, 1. —— xi. 10. 1. —— xii. 6. 1. —— xiii. 8 twice, 1, Gal. ii. 5, 14. 1. —— iii. 1 (ap.) — — iv. 16, see T (tell the) 1. —-v.7. 1. Eph. i. 13. — — iv. 15, see T (speak the) 1 21, 1 24, marg. (text, true.) 1 25. 1. —v. 9. 1. —— vi. 14. 1, Phil. i, 18. 1. Col. i. 5, 6. — 1 Thes, ii. 18, see T (in) . 2 Thes. ii. 10, 12, 19. ~ Ὁ Tim. Ἡ, ὦ 7. — iii. 15. —- iv. 3. — vi. δ. . 2 Tim. ii. 15, 18, 25, — iii. 7, 8. -— iv. 4. « Tit. 17%, 14, . Heb. x. 26. aul al sl onl al al μὰ μα μα μα Η : 1. Jas. i. 18. | 2. 1 John ii. 27. 1 — μή, 1, —— iii. 18, 19. Πατ 1, Ξ--- ον, 6: 1. 1 Pet. i, 22. hoe 1. 2 Pet. 1. 19. 1. 2 John 1 twice, 2, 3, 4. ae | 1, 3 John 1 (with ἐν, in), 1. 1 John i. 6, 8. \ (marg. truly.) 1, — ii. 4, 21 twice, [ας 3 twice, 4, 8, 19, TRUTH (τν) ἀληθῶς, see “ TRULY,” Wo. 2. 1 Thes. ii. 13. TRUTH (or 4) 1. ἀληθῶς, see “TRULY,” Wo. 2. 2. ὄντως, really, truly, in very deed, as being so. 1. Matt. xiv. 33. 1. Luke xxi. 3. 1. Luke ix, 27. 1. John vi. 14. 1. — xii. 44, [Troly.|1. —— vii. 40. — — xx, 21, marg. see | 2. 1 Cor. xiv. 25. TRUTH (speak THE) ἀληθεύω, to be ἀληθής, (see “TRUE,” No. 1) and being so, to act truly, to speak or tell the truth. Eph. iv. 15. TRUTH (τεῖ, ΤΗΕ) Gal. iv. 16 part. TRY (-IED, -ETH.) 1. δοκιμάζω, assay, to make trial of, put to the proof, examine, as metals by fire, etc., to prove, try. 2. πειράζω, essay, to make an attempt ; make proof or trial of ; of actions, to attempt; of persons, to tempt, to put to the test. 3 πρὸς, for, in order to, πειρασμός, putting to the test, trial, proof. — Rom. ii. 18, marg. see | — Jas. i. 12, see Tried Approve. 1. 1 Pet. i. 7 part. 1. 1 Cor. iii. 13. 3. —— iv. 12. — Phil. i. 10, marg. see | 1. 1 John iv. 1 Approve. 2. Rev. ii. 2, 10 1. 1 Thes. ii. 4. 2. — iii 2. Heb. xi. 17 part. TRIED. δόκιμος, assayed, tried, proved, ap- proved, Jas. i. 12, — [ 824 1 TUR TRIED (15) πυρόω, to set on fire; here, pass., be fired, be burned ; hence, of metals, to be tried by fire, be purified ; (ixx. for 5n2, Prov. x. 203535 Zech. xiii. 9; Ps. xi. 7.) Rev. iii. 18. TRYING. δοκίμιον, a proof, a test; (Ixx. for ἢ, a crucible, Prov. xxvu. 21), (οσο. 1 Pet. i. 7.) Jas. i. 3. TUMULT (-s.) 1. θορυβος, noise, uproar, clamour as of a multitude; then, a popular commotion, tumult. 2. ἀκαταστασία, instability ; hence, dis- order, sedition. 1. Matt. xxvii. 24. 1. Λας xxi. 84. —Luke xxii. 6, marg. | 1. —— xxiv. 18. see Multitude. 2.2 Cor. vi. 5, marg. 1. Mark v. 38. tossing to and fro. 2. 2 Cor. xii. 20. TUNE. [margin. ] 1 Cor. xiv. 7, see “" souND.” TURN (-ED, -1NG.) (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. στρέφω, to turn, turn about. (a) md., to turn one’s self, change, to turn to. ἐπιστρέφω, (No. 1, with ἐπί, upon, prefived) to turn upon, turn to- wards ; hence, to turn back again upon. (a) Mid., to turn one’s self back upon. μεταστρέφω, (No. 1, with μετά, in association with, prefiwed) to turn into something else, to change. 4, ἀποβαίνω, to step away from, step off; to go away, depart; hence, of events, to issue or result from, to turn out, end or issue in a certain way. . μετατίθημι, to put in another place ; hence, to transfer, to change. TUR [ 825 ] TUR 1, Matt. v. 89. 2. Acts xi. 21. , τὸ ταν κώμη 4, µεθίστηµι, to stand or set over from Luke 1 16, 17. | 2. —xv. 19. one place to another, to transfer, ee at 2. —— xvi. 18. ποσα la.— ix. 55. 2. a xxvi. 18, 20. remove. la.— xiv. 25. . 2 Cor. iii. 16. 2 Tim. i 4, — xxi. 13. la. Phil. i. 19. i Acts xii, 8 νε κάμαν Hie ο 1α.----- xxii. 61. 2. 1 Thes. i. 9. ἄν a et 58. la. Tit. i. 14. la.—— xxiii. 28. ; 3. Jas. iv. 9. la. Heb. xii. 25 part la. John i. 38. — 2 Pet. ii. 6, see Ashes, 3. Acts ii. ot 2 ἘΞ 21 (ap. --- - 1. — vii. 42. ude 4, 2. —— ix. 35, 40. ; 2. Rev. i. 12 twice. TURN AWAY FROM. 1. Rev. xi. 6. In. Matt. v. 42. | ia Tit ia. la. 2 Tim. i. 15. la. Heb. xii, 25 part. TURN ABOUT. — 1. ἐπιστρέφω, see No. 2a, above. TURN BACK. 2. μετάγω, to lead over from one place to another; to move about from one side to ‘another, (non occ.) 1. Matt. ix. 22 (No. 1,| 1. Mark viii. 33, part. LT Tr Α Ν.) 1. John xxi. 20. 1, Mark v. 30. 2. Jas. iii. 3, 4. TURN ONE ABOUT. στρέφω, see “ TURN,” No. la. Luke vii. 9. TURN AGAIN. 1. ἐπιστρέφω, see “TURN,” No. 2. στρέφω, see “TURN,” Wo. la. 8. ἀνακάμπτω, to bend or turn up or back, turn back, return. ο 2. Matt. vii. 6. 1. Luke xvii. 4. 1. Mark xiii. 16. 1. Gal. iv. 9, marg. turn 3. Luke x. 6. 1, 2 Pet. ii. 22. [back. TURN ASIDE. 1. ἐκτρέπομαι, to turn out of, as out of α way or course, to turn aside from. 2. ἀναχωρέω, to give place, go back, retire, withdraw, spoken of those who flee. 2, Matt. ii. 5, | 1 Tim. v πο. TURN AWAY. 1. ἀποστρέφω, to turn away from, turn right away. (a) Mid. or pass., to turn one's self away from. 2. διαστρέφω, to turn throughout, to distort, turn away, seduce, per- vert. 3. ἀποτρέπομαι, to turn right away from. In N.T., mid., to turn one’s self away from, av oid, shun. ὑποστρέφω, to turn under, turn behind, implying stealth, without noise or notice. Luke xvii. 15. TURN BACK AGAIN. 1. ὑποστρέφω, see above. 2. στρέφω, (see “ TURN,” No. 1a.) 1. Luke ii. 45. | 2. Acts vii. 39, TURN ONE. στρέφω, here, mid. of “tuRN,” No. 1. Luke x. 23 (ap.) TURN ONE'S SELF. John xx. 14, 16, TURN TO FLIGHT. κλίνω, to incline, bend anything down. In military language, like Lat., inclinare aciem, to make give way, rout. Heb. xi. 34. TURN UPSIDE DOWN. ἀναστατόω, to unsettle, stir to sedition, put in commotion. Acts xvii. 6. TURNED (zr) 1. γίνομαι, to become. 2. ἐκτρέπομαι, to be turned out of the way to somewhere else. 1, John xvi. 20. | 2. 2 Tim. iv. 4. BE TURNED OUT OF THE WAY. 2, Heb, xii, 13, TWO TWENTY. εἴκοσι, twenty, (as a symbolical number it would denote an intensity of divine testimony and of human responsibility. See Norm wnder “THREE,” “TEN,” and “Two.” TUR TURNING. τροπή, a turning, a turning back, as of the heavenly bodies in their courses ; (ixx. Job xxxviii. 33; Deut. Xxxill. 14), (non occ.) Γ ae] Jas. i. 17. ΖΗ ake xiv. 31. Rev. v. 8. i = ohn vi. 19. 14 (om. εικοσιτέσ- TURTLE-DOVE ( 8.) Acts i. 15. capes, four and twenty, τρυγών, a turtle-dove, (from τρύζω, to Tio a AR.) murmur, to coo); (Ixx. for ‘“h, | Rev. iv, 4 twice, 10, — xix. 4. Lev. v. 7, 11), (non occ.) Luke ii. 24. TWICE. δίς, twice. TUTOR (-s.) Mark xiv. 30, 72. | Luke xviii. 12. a, . Jude 12. ἐπίτροπος, one to whom a charge is committed, a steward, manager, | TWINKLING agent; a tutor, guardian, curator, (see “ STEWARD.) Gal. iv. 2. ῥιπή, a throw, jerk, cast, as of a stone or weapon; of the wind,a gust; of the eye, a wink, a movement of the eyelid. 1 Cor. xv. 52 (ῥοπή, a sinking, a falling, L™.) TWAIN. δύο, two. Matt. v. 41. ae xxvii. 21, 51. — xix. 5, 6. ark x. 8 twice. — xxi. 81. at , —— xv. 38. πο, Wiis dos . ΚΡ δύο, two, (as a symbolical number, see note under “ THREE.” TWELFTH. ς ) rt Matt. iv. 18, 21. Luke xviii. 10. , — vi. 24. — xix. 29. δωδέκατος, the twelfth. nee | ——xxi. 2 :ο —— ix. 27. — xxii. 38 sons τε ην. —— x, 10, 29. | xxiii, 83, — xi. 2 (διά, through, | —— xxiv. 4, 18, instead of δύο, two of, | John i. 35, 37, 40. TWELVE. 61, TTr AR.) — iv. 40, 43, . . —— xiv. 17, 19. —-vi 9. 1. δώδεκα, twelve; for symbolical sig- | — xviii. s'ewice,g,1¢twice, | — viii, 17. nificance, see under “ THREE.” εὐ ΟΜΛΡΩ ελ —— xXx. 41, <4, ὧν, ome πχ τς. 19 . —— xxi. υ 28. — xx. 12. (a) of δώδεκα, the twelve, 2.6. the | — xxii. 40, Ste. " > —— xxiv. 40, 41. Acts i. 10, 23, 24. twelve apostles. —— xxv. 15, 17 twioe, — vii, 99, 22 3 times. — ix. ἧ 2. δεκαδύο, a less usual form of No.1. | τον 2, 57, 60. ef one ᾿ “a —— xxvii. 38. —— xii. 6 twice. 1. Matt. ix. 20. la.Luke xxii. 3. Mark vi. 9, 38, 41 twiee, — xix. 10, 22, 34. la.—— x. 1, 2, 5. la. 14 (om. L T Tr ix 43. 45 47 μος ety 588) la.—— xi. 1. AR.) πια τες — xxiii. 23. 1, —— xiv. 20. ο — xii. 42. 1 Cor. vi. 16. 1. — xix, 28 twice. la. 47. xiv. 1,18 — xiv. 27, 29. la.—— xx. 17. 1, John vi. 13. Sais xv. 27 . 9 Cor. xiii. 1) la.—— xxvi. 14, 20, 47. la. - 67, 70, 71. xvi, 19 (ap.) Gal. iv. 22, 24. 1. ES. Neato Luke ii. 24. Eph. ν. 31. la.Mark iii. 14. la,—— xx. 24. a 11 Phil. i. 23. la. iv. 10. la.Acts vi. 2. τὰ Ὁ, 1 Tim. v. 19. ἅν -Ὑ 26, 82 αλ — vii. 19, 41. Heb. vi. 18. la.—- vi. 7. 2. —— xix. 7 ? (No. .. L ix. 13, 16, 30, 32. x. 28. 1, 43. 2. ——xxiv.115 TTrA*s) x. 35 has da ag of | Rev. ix. 12. 1, —— viii. 19. — —— xxvi.7,see Tribes. — xii. 6, 52 twice. | 16. la.—— ix. 50. 14.1 Cor. xv. 5, xv. 11. —— xi. 2, 8,4 twico, 10, la.—— x. 32. 1, Jas.i.1. xvi. 18 ee 14 la.— xi. 11. 1. Rev.vii.5 3 times, 63 times, ——'xyil, οἱ —— xifi, 5, 11. la.— xiv. 10, 17, 20, 43. 7 3times, § 3 times. ors ae | i; Luke ii. 42. 1. — xii. 1. 192 ----- 2.— vi. 13. 1, —— xxi. 12 1st nd Ja.— viii. 1. (αρ.), 123ra. * TWO AND TWO. a 2, 48, 14 lst, la,— ix. 1, 12. la. 14 204, ϑνὼ , Ἢ ἣν ᾿ ΠῚ ἀνὰ δυο, by twos. la.— xviii. 31. 1. —— xxii. 2. Luke x. 1, UNB TWO TWO AND TWO (sx) See also, EDGE, HUNDRED, SEAS, THOU- τὰ two [and] | SAND, WAYS, YEARS. δύο, two. Pp Ses eer ee Bete’ ΤΟΙ aise iy TWO-EDGED. at. δίστομος, double-mouthed, (of a river); TWO APIECE. of a sword, two-edged. Heb. iv. 12. | Rev. i. 16. ἀνὰ δύο, by twos. Luke ix. 3. | John ii. 6. TWOFOLD MORE. TWO MEN. διπλοῦς, twofold, double. Here, com- δύο, two. parative, διπλότερον as adv., two- Luke xvii. 36 (ap.) fold more. ----- Matt, xxiii. 15. TWO WOMEN. TYPE. (margin.] dvo, two. Luke xvii. 35. 1 Cor. x. 11, see “ ENSAMPLE.” U UNAWARES. | UNBELIEVER. 1. αἰφνίδιος, uirforeseen, sudden. ἄπιστος, disbelieving, distrustful, faith- 2. λανθάνω, to lie hid, be concealed, be less, unkown. When joined with the Ye ἢ ο | ea rg participle of another verb it has the | . ὁ. Sorce of an adverb, unknowingly, UNBELIEVING. age: eerie 1. ἄπιστος, (see above) unbelieving, 1, Luke xxi. 34. | 2. Heb, xiii. 2, simply, (without reference to oppor- = tunities of hearing and knowing.) See also, BROUGHT, CREEP. 2. ἀπειθέω, (here part.) unbelieving in the active opposition of disobe- UNBELIEF. dience. Used of those who will not 1. ἀπιστία, faithlessness, untrustiness ; be persuaded. a distrust, unbelief, applying to all, | {1 Gor. vii is once, 15, |1! Rov. χα] Β, without regard to their cirewm- stances, or opportunities of knowing UNBLAMEABLE. the truth. 1. ἄμεμπτος, not blamed, without re- 2. ἀπείθεια, unwillingness to be_per- proach. suaded, wilful unbelief which op- poses itself; hence, unbelief in action, disobedience, restricted to those who have heard and know the truth, (a stronger term, therefore, 2. ἄμωμος, spotless, without stain or blemish, (the Levitical requirement Sor all victims); (Ixx. for on, Lev. i. 10; xxii. 19-22. ee πὐσνίνο..................ὍΘὍὃὍϑὅυνννν,. πρωι ͵ 2. Col. i, 22. | 1, 1 Thes. iii. 13, than No. 1, and denoting an actual manifestation of it.) UNBLAMEABLY. 1. Matt. xiii. 58. 1. Rom. iv. 20. 2 id ἢ 7, . 1. — xvii. 20 (ὀλιγοπισ- | 1) — xi, 20, 23. ἀμέμπτως, (adv. of No. 1, above) blame- ria, little faith, L T| 2. 80, 82. lessly, faultlessly, so as to merit 1. Mark vin ου... ἶ ΠΟ ame, so that ae can be 1. ix. 24. 1. 1 Tim. i. 13, said against, (οσο. hes, v. 23. 1. xvi. 14 (αρ.) 1. Heb. iii. 12, 19. 8 » (occ. 1 8. v. 23.) 1, Rom. iii. 3. 2, —— iv. 6, 11. 1 Thes. ii. 10. UNC [8281 UNC UNCERTAIN. 1. ἄδηλος, to the eye, not manifest, not obvious; {ο the ear, not distinct, (οσο. Luke xi. 44.) 2. ἀδηλότης, non-evidentness, indis- tinctness. [Here, ἐπὶ πλούτου ἀδηλότητι, upon, (z.e. counting on, reckoning on, eaning on) riches’ uncertainty, (not “the uncertainty of riches,” but “resting upon that which to the eye is non-evident and to the ear indistinct,” 2.6. uncertainty. ] (non occ.) 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 8. 2. 1 Tim. vi. 17, marg. uncertainty. UNCERTAINLY. ἀδήλως, not openly; of mind or will, irresolutely, (non occ.) 1 Cor. ix. 26. UNCERTAINTY. [margin.] 1 Tim. vi. 17, see “‘ UNCERTAIN.” UNCHANGEABLE. ἀπαράβατος, not passing from beside, 2.6. not passing away; hence, un- changeable, (non occ.) Heb. vii. 24, marg. not passing from one to another. UNCIRCUMCISED. ἔχω, to have, 1. 2 ἀκροβυστία, the prepuce, the fore- skin, (from ἄκρον and βύω.) év, in 2. 4 ἀκροβυστία, the prepuce, the fore- skin, (see above.) 3. ἀπερίτμητος, not circumcised ; (Ixx. for doy, Gen. xvii. 14; Ex. xii. 48.) 3, Acts vii. 51. | 1. Acts xi. 3, 2. Rom. iv. 11, 12. UNCIRCUMCISED (xzecome) ἐπισπάομαι, to draw upon, draw over, as the prepuce, (an allusion to the mode of removing the mark of circumcision practised by Jews who apostatized, 1 Mace. i. 15; | Josephus, Ant. xii. 5, 17, (non occ.) | 1, Cor, vii. 18, DNCIRCUMCISION. ἀκροβυστία, the prepuce, the foreskin, (from ἄκρον and βύω); (Ixx. for my, Gen. xvii. 11, 14; Lev. xii. 18); hence, the state of uncireum- cision. Rom. ii. 25, 26 twice, 27, Gal. v. 6. Sen a0 yi a — iv. 9, 10 twice. Eph. ii. 11. 1 Cor. vii. 18, 19. Col. ii. 13. Gal. ii. 7. ται UNCLEAN. 1. ἀκάθαρτος, unpurified; in a Levitical sense, unatoned; then, as trans- Serred to the moral sphere, impure, embracing impurity of all kinds, (occ. Mark ix. 18; xviii. 2.) 2. κοινός, common, pertaining to all, what comes into contact with everything, unholy, unsanctified ; hence, the opposite of ἅγιος, (“HOLY,” No. 1.) 3. κοινόω, to make κοινός (3ο. 2), make common; hence, to render unholy, unlawful ; to defile. Here, pass. part. pl., the profaned, the defiled. 1. Matt. x. 1. 1. Acts v. 16. 1, — xii. 43. 1. — viii. 7. 1. Mark i. 23, 26, 27. 1. —— x. 14, 28. 1. — iii. 11, 30. 1, — xi. 8. 1. —— v. 2, 8, 13. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 14. 1. —— vi. 7. 1. 2 Cor. vi. 17. 1. — vii. 25. 1. Eph. v. 5. 1. Luke iv. 33, 36. 3. Heb. ix. 13. 1. —— vi. 18. 2. Rev. xiv. 14 Ist & 2nd, 1. — viii. 29. marg. common. 1. —— ix. 42. 1, — xvi. 13. 1. — xi. 24. 1. —— xviii. 2. UNCLEANNESS. 1. ἀκαθαρσία, in a ritual sense, im- purity ; also in an ethical sense, impurity in general, as opposed to ἁγιασμός, (see “ HOLINESS.) ἀκα- θαρσία is comprehensive ; hence, it ἐς the genus, of which πορνεία, (lewdness) and ἀσέλγεια, (disso- luteness) efc., are only species, (non occ.) 2. μιασμός, a dyeing ; hence, pollution, stain, taint, im a moral sense, (non occ.) 1, Matt. xxiii. 27. 1. Eph. iv. 19. 1. Rom. i. 24. 1. —-v. 3. ΙΝ vi. 19. 1, Col. iii. 5. 1. 2 Cor. xii. 21. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 3. 1. Gal. ν. 19. 1. —— iv. 7. 2, 2 Pet. ii. 10: UNC UNCLOTHED (πε) ἐκδύω, to go or come out of; hence, of clothes, to get out of them, to put off, strip one of his clothes, to unclothe, Here, mid., to strip or put off one’s clothes from one’s self. { Here, prob. referring to the state of death, of the body in the grave, which is emphatically the “naked” state, see Job i. 21 and Ecce. v. 15. In 2 Cor. vy. our present state is characterised by “our earthly house” or body, (ver. 1) in which we “groan,” (ver. 2 and 4.) But we “groan” for two reasons. [ 829 1 (1) We “groan,” (ver. 4) because | we do not wish to die, to be “un- | clothed,” (Job i. 21; Ecce. v. 15) | and lie naked in the grave, while mortality is swallowed up of death. (2) We also “groan,” (ver. 2) because we “earnestly desire” the Lord’s coming, when He shall “ change” our bodies of humiliation and make them like His own body of glory, (Phil. iii. 21) when we shall be “clothed upon with our house which is from heaven,” (ver. 1, 2) “that mortality might be swallowed up of life” (ver. 4). We earnestly desire this, because, being thus clothed, we shall not be found naked, z.e. shall not die, for ‘‘ we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,” (1 Cor. xv. 51) “for this mortal must put on immortality” (1 Cor. xv. 53). Therefore we dread the “ being | unclothed,” and we long for the “putting on,” (1 Cor. xv. 53, 54) and “clothing upon,” (2 Cor. v. 2, 4). The whole passage is founded on, treats of, and is written in the spirit of “ Resur- rection,” with τὰ Πάν it begins in 2 Cor. iv. 14. To be “absent” from the Lord is to be here, or in the grave; to be “present” with Him, is to be “raised” or “changed.” For this latter we are “willingrather.”] (οσο. Matt. xxvii. 28,31; Mark xv. 20; Luke x. 30.) 2 Cor, v, 4, | | UNC UNCOMELY. ἀσχήμων, uncomely in outward figure, shape, and mien; hence, unseemly, (non occ.) 1 Cor, xii. 23, | UNCOMELY (ΒΕΠΑΥΕ ονε΄5 SELF) ἀσχημονέω, to be ἀσχήμων, (see above) to behave m unseemly guise; (Ixx. for rmy, Ezek. xvi. 7, 22; and also πῦρ), Deut. xxv. 9), (οσο. 1 Cor. xiii. 5.) 1 Cor. vii. 36. UNCONDEMNED. ἀκατάκριτος, not under condemnation, (non occ.) Acts xvi. 37. | Acts xxii. 25. UNCORRUPTIBLE. ἄφθαρτος, not liable to corruption, in- capable of decay. Spoken of God only, and of the future bodies of the saints ‘‘risen” or “ changed,” (oce. 1 Cor. ix. 25; xv, 52; 1 Tim. 1117; 1 Vet, 1, 4, ο) ni. 4.) Rom. i. 23. UNCORRUPTNESS. ἀδιαφθορία, incorruptibleness ; incorruption, purity. "Tit. 1, 7 “ἀφθορία, incorrwptness, integrity, G ~ L T Tr ΑΝ.) then, UNCOVER (-Ep.) ἀποστεγάζω, to remove the roof, (non ους.) Mark ii. 4, UNCOVERED. ἀκατακάλυπτος, without the veil down, unveiled, (non occ.) 1 Cor. xi. 5, 18. UNCTION. χρίσμα, something rubbed in, an anointing; (Ixx. for nnwn, Ex. xxix. 7; xxx. 25.) Spoken of the anointing of saints now, as holy and royal priests, (1 Pet. ii. 9), (οσο. 1 John ii. 27.) 1 John ii. 20, UND [ 830 1 UND UNDEFILED. ἀμίαντος, unstained, unsoiled, (non occ.) Heb. vii. 26. | Jas. i. 27. — ΧΙ]. 4. 1 Pet. i. 4. UNDER. (For list of words with which it is else- where combined, see below.) 1. ὑπό, under. (a) with Gen., beneath and separate from, by. (Ὁ) with σοι, under and towards, under, (actually or figuratively) ; in the power of, close upon, (occ. Acts v.21; Jas. v. 12.) 2. ὑποκάτω, down under, underneath. 8. ἐπί, upon. (a) with Gen., from. (b) with Dat., upon or resting on; on, as the groundwork of any fact or circumstance. (ο) with σοι upon by direction towards. upon and springing 4. év, in, of time, place, or element ; with; in, of the sphere in which a subject is concerned. 5. κατωτέρω, lower. 6. ἐλάσσων, less, minor; of quality, inferior ; of age, younger. Here, neut., as adv., less than. 5. Matt. ii. 16. 1b.1 Cor. ix. 20 3 times. 1b.—- v. 15. lb. > oe 4, ——vii. 6, 1b.— xv, 25, 27. 1b. Vili. 8, 9 twice. 1b.Gal. iii. 10, 22, 23, 25. 1b.— xxiii. 37. 1b.— iv. 2, 3, 4, 5, 21. 1b. Mark iv, 31 twice, 32, 1b.— v. 18. 2. vi. 11. 1b.Eph. i. 22 2 — vii. 28. 19.091, i. 23 1b. Luke vii, 6, 8 twice. 6, 1 Tim. v. 9. 2. —— viii. 16, 3a. 19, marg. (text, 1b. xi. 33. before. ) 1b.—— xiii. 94, ο, Ls lb. xvii. 24 twice. 2. Heb. ii. 8. 1b. John i. 48, 3b.— vii. 11 (No. 3a, 2. 50. GwLTTraAn.) 1b. Acts ii. 5. 8b.—— ix. 15. 10, iv. 12. 3b.—— x. 28, 1lb.Rom. 111, 9, 13. 10.745. ii. 3. > 19. 1b.1 Pet. ν. 6, 1b.—- vi. 14 twice, 15 twice. | 1b. Jude 6 1b,— vii. 14. 2. Rey. v. , 8, 13. 1b,—— xvi. 20. 2, — vi. 9. 2. Rev, xii. 1. See also, BONDAGE, CURSE, EARTH, KEEP, LAW, OBEDIENCE, POWER, PUT, RUN, SAIL, SUBJECTION, TREAD. UNDERGIRD (να) ὑποζώννυμι, to put a girdle under, to undergird. Here, to put chains or cables right under and so around the ship, (non oce.) Acts xxvii. 17. UNDERSTAND. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. συνίημι, to bring together, as foes in battle; to collect together the single features of an object into a whole; hence, to collect, appre- hend, grasp, comprehend, under- stand, to be earnestly occupied with the object, to reflect morally, ponder, lay to heart, (¢mplying mental activity, knowledge acquired by reflection and consideration, while No. 3 implies an immediate knowledge.) 2. νοέω, to perceive, observe, the mental correlative of perception by the senses; to perceive, ob- serve, as distinct from mere sensa- tion or feeling. νοέω refers to the object of knowledge, while No. 3 emphasises the fact of knowing. 3. γινώσκω, to perceive, obtain a know- ledge of or insight into ; hence, to know, (spoken of immediate or actual knowledge) to know so as to be influenced by one’s knowledge, (see “ know,” No. 2.) 4. οἶδα, I have perceived or scen, (see “know,” Λο. 1.) ἐπίσταμαι, to fix one’s mind upon, z.e. to understand, to know how to do anything, to know well, to have knowledge. σπ 6. μανθάνω, to learn, esp., by enquiry, also, to learn by experience. 7. πυνθάνομαι, to ask, enquire; to en- quire out, to find out by enquiry; to learn, to hear. 8. φρονέω, to have mind, intellect, to think; to mind, be minded, have in mind. UND 1, Matt. xiii. 13, 14, 15, | 1. Acts vii. 25 twice. , 28, 51. 3. —— viii. 30. 1, —— xv. 10. 6. —— xxiii. 27. 2. 17. 7. 34 part. 2. — xvi. 9, 11 3. xxiv. 11 (ἐπιγινώ- 1. -- -ὄ 12, σκω, to understand 1, — xvii. 13. july, LT Tr A &.) 2, —— xxiv. 15. 1. —— xxviii. 26, 27. 3. —— xxvi. 10 part 2. Rom. i. 20. 1. Mark iv. 12, 1. — iii. 11 1. — vii. 14. 1. — xv. 21 1. —— viii. 17, 21 4, 1 Cor. xiii. 2. 2. —— xiii. 8. 1. 5. — xiv. 68 9. ——xiv. 2, marg. hear. 1, Luke ii. 50 4, 16. 1. —— viii. 10 1. 2 Cor. x. 12, marg. 1. — xviii. 34. (text, be wise.) 1. — xxiv. 45. 2, Eph. iii. 4. 8. John viii. 27, 43 1, —-v. 3. —x. 6. 8. Phil. i. 12 3. —— xii. 16 Se ἜΤ ἢν 7 2, 40. 2, Heb. xi. 8 UNDERSTAND (erve το) γνωρίζω, to make known, declare, re- veal. 1 Cor. xii. 3. UNDERSTOOD NOT. ἀγνοέω, (No. 2, with a, not, prefixed) not to know, to be ignorant of, unacquainted with. Mark ix, 32. | 2 Pet. ii. 12. Luke ix. 45. UNDERSTOOD (λος τὸ 88) εὔσημος, well marked, distinguishable by distinct marks; of speech, easy to be understood, (non occ.) 1 Cor. xiv. 9, marg. significant. UNDERSTOOD (inp ΤῸ BE) δυσνόητος, (νοητός, from No. 2, with dus, a participle implying difficulty, etc., prefixed) hard to be under- stood. 2 Pet. iii. 16. UNDERSTANDING. 1. σύνεσις, intelligence, insight into anything, understanding, clever- ness as shown in quickness of apprehension ; acuteness, the in- telligent penetrating considera- tion which precedes decision and action. σύνεσις is used of reflective thought, σοφία, (wisdom) of pro- ductive thought. { 881 ] UNF 2. νοῦς, the organ of mental perception and apprehension, the organ of reflective consciousness preceding the act, or recognising and judg- ing the fact ; the organ of think- ing and knowledge; the under- standing, esp. of moral thinking or contemplation. 3. διάνοια, a thinking through, medita- tion or musing upon; the faculty of moral reflection, consciousness ealled into exercise by the moral affections. 4. φρήν, the diaphragm, midriff, pre- cordia; hence, as the supposed seat of all mental emotions and faculties, the mind, including the intellect, disposition, feelings, ete. —Matt.xv.16 see U 2. 1Cor.xiv.14,15 twice, 19, —Mark vii.18 § (without) | 4. 20 twice (pl.) 1. — xii. 33. 3. Ἔνι. i. 18 (καρδία, — Luke i. 3, see U of rt, α 1, Τ Έτ Α δὲ) (have perfect) 3. —— iv. 1S. 1. —— ii. 47. 2. Phil. iv. 7. 2. —— xxiv. 45. 1. Col. i. 9. — Rom.i.31, see U(with- | 1. —— ii. 2. out) 1 2 tim. ασ 1. 1 Cor. i. 19. | 3. 1 John ν. 20. 2. Rev. xiii. 18, UNDERSTANDING OF (Have PERFECT) παρακολουθέω, to accompany side by side, to follow closely; then, to follow out closely im mind, trace out, examine. Luke i. 3. UNDERSTANDING (wirnovr) ἀσύνετος, void of understanding, dull of apprehension, foolish; (lxx. for bp, Ps. xcii. 7.) Matt. xv. 16. | Rom, i. 31. Mark vii. 18, UNDONE (be left) {margin.] Tit. i. 5, see ‘* WANTING (BE)”’ UNEQUALLY. See, YOKED. UNFEIGNED. ἀνυπόκριτος, Without dissimulation, not playing a part. 2 Cor. vi. 6. 1 Tim. i. δ. UNF [ 855 ] UNL UNFRUITFUL. ἄκαρπος, without fruit, yielding no fruit, (occ. Jude 12.) Matt. xiii. 22, Eph. ν. 11. Mark iy. 19. Tit. iii. 14. 1 Cor. xiv. 14, 2 Pet. i. 8. UNGODLINESS. ἀσέβεια, impiety directed against what should be held sacred ; hence, god- lessness, practical impiety. (Zhe only word in \xx. for pws, see Jer. v. 6; Ezek. xxi. 24, Also used for mt, Ezek. xvi. 57 ; pu, Prov.iv. 17 ; Ece. viii. 8), (oce. Jude 15, 18.) Rom. i. 18. — xi. 26. 2 Tim. ii. 16, Tit. ii. 12. UNGODLY. [adj-] . ἀσέβεια, see above. . ἀσεβής, one who has no reverence for sacred things, godless, with- out fear and reverence before God; not merely irreligious, but he who actually practises the op- posite of what God demands. 2. Rom. iv. 5, ΙΪ 2. Jude 15 1st (om. αὐτῶν, 2. — v. 6. among them, G3 LT 2. 1 Tim.i. 9. TrA 2. 1 Pet. iv. 18. 15 2nd, (om. 2. 2 Pet. ii. 5. Gx. 2, —— iii. 7. Jude 18. UNGODLY MAN. 2. Jude 4. UNGODLY (rar 18) 2. Jude 15, with art. UNGODLY COMMIT. ἀσεβέω, to act impiously concerning what we should account sacred ; (κκ. for yw, Zeph. iii. 12; yw, Dan. ix. 5), (non occ.) Jude 15. UNHOLY THING. κοινόν, & common thing. Heb. x. 29. UNITED WITH (be) [margin.] Heb. iv. 2, see “‘ MIXED (BE)” UNITY. ἑνότης, Oneness, unity, (on occ.) Eph. iv. 3, 13. UNJUST. 1. ἄδικος, not in conformity with δίκη (right); not as it should and ought to be; hence, unjust, un- righteous. 2. ἀδικία, what is not conformable with δικη (right); what ought not to be, wrong; here, lit., of injus- tice, of unrighteousness. 1. Matt. v. 45. 1. Luke xviii. 11. 2. Luke xvi. 8. 1, Acts xxiv. 15. ΤῈ 10 twice. 1. 1 Cor. vi, 1. 2, —— xviii. 6. 1. 1 Pet. iii. 18. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 9. UNJUST (BE) ἀδικέω, to be an ἄδικος, (see Λο. 1, above) and to act as one, to be and do wrong, to be and act un- righteously. Rev. xxii, 11 twice. UNKNOWN. 1. ἀγνοέω, (the opp. of ‘ UNDERSTAND,” No. 2) not to know, to be ignorant of, unacquainted with, (referring to the absence of the object of knowledge.) 2. ἄγνωστος, what is unknown, what withdraws itself from being known, (referring to the absence of actual knowledge), (non occ.) 2. Acts xvii. 23. | 1. 2 Cor. vi. 9. 1. Gal, i, 22. UNGODLY (rive) ἀσεβέω, see above. 2 Pet. ii. 6. UNHOLY. ἀνόσιος, unholy, (the opp. of “moxy,” No. 2), (non occ.) 1 Tim. i. 9. | 2 Tim. iii. 2. UNLADE. ἀποφορτίζομαι, to unlade, spoken only of a ship, (non occ.) Acts xxi. 3. UNLAWFUL. ἄνομος, without law, lawless; what 15 not in harmony with law, what UNL | UNP contradicts the law. (ἄνομος 18 negative, while παράνομος is posi- tive lawlessness.) 2 Pet. ii. 8, UNLAWFUL THING. ἀθέμιτος, lawless, without law or government, godless. at., nefa- rious; forbidden by law, crimi- nal, (occ. 1 Pet. iv. 3.) Acts x. 28. UNLEARNED. 1. ἰδιώτης, a private citizen as opposed to one in a public station; an individual opp. to the many; then, one who has πο professional knowledge, whether of politics, law, or any other subject, as we say, a layman; then, gen., an ill- informed as opp. to a trained and learned man, (occ. Acts iv. 19: 2 Cor. xi. 6.) 2. ἀγράμματος, unlettered, illiterate, (non occ.) 3. ἀμαθής, untaught, uninstructed, (non occ.) 4. ἀπαίδευτος, untrained, undisciplined, uneducated; hence, ignorant, stupid, foolish; (Ixx. for 53), Prov. xvii. 22; 993, Prov. viii. 5; xv. 15), (non oce.) 2. Acts iv. 13. | 4. 2 Tim. ii. 23. 1. 1 Cor, xiv.16, 23, 24. 8. 2 Pet. iii. 16. UNLEAVENED. ἄζυμος, without leaven, unleavened ; hence, unmixed, unadulterated, uncorrupted. Spoken of bread, unleavened bread. 1 Cor. v. 7. UNLEAVENED BREAD. Matt. xxvi. 17. Acts xii. 3. Mark xiv. 1, 12. —- xx. 6. Luke xxii. 1, 7. 1 Cor. v. 8. UNLESS. nevertheless ir out of, without, except. εἰ, if, unless, ( μή, not, } except, 1 Cor. xv. 2. UNLOOSE. λύω, to loose, to loosen what is fast bound; to unbind, untie. Mark i. 7. Ι Luke iii, 16, John i. 27. UNMARRIED. ἄγαμος, without nuptials, 2.6. un- married. 1 Cor. vii. 8, 11, 32, 34. UNMERCIFUL. ἀνελεήμων, not actively compassionate, not desirous of relieving the ills of others, not applying beneficent aid ; then, uncompassionate, cruel; (π᾿ for 1198, Prov. τ. 9; xi. 17), non Occ. ( ) Rom. i. 81. UNMOVEABLE. 1. ἀσάλευτος, without vibration, un- shaken, immoveable, (occ. Heb. xii. 28.) 2. ἀμετακίνητος, without moving from one place to another, not moving away ; unmoved, firm, (non occ.) 1. Acts xxvii. 41. ] 2. 1 Cor. xv. 58. UNPREPARED. ἀπαρασκεύαστος, not made ready or prepared for, unprepared, (non ους.) 2 Cor. ix. 4. UNPROFITABLE. 1. ἀχρεῖος, of no use, no use for, use- less; not needed, not wanted, (non occ.) 2. ἄχρηστος, not well disposed ; hence, not useful, not fit ον good for any | thing, (non occ.) 8. ἀλυσιτελής, not paying or making good the expense incurred, yield- ing no gain, unprofitable, (non oce.) 4, ἀνωφελές, no help, serving no pur- pose, no furtherance, no advan- tage, (occ. Heb. vii. 18.) 1. Matt. xxv. 30. 4, Tit. iii. 9. 1. Luke xvii.10. [come) 2. Philem. 11. — Rom. iii.12,see U(be- | 8. Heb. xiii. 17. FFF UNP UNPROFITABLE (Become) ἀχρειόομαι, to become ἀχρεῖος, (see No.1, ~~ above) to become of no use, etc., (non occ.) Rom. iii. 12. UNPROFITABLENESS. ἀνωφελής, see above, No.4. Here, with art. Heb. vii. 18. UNQUENCHABLE. ἄσβεστος, unquenched ; used of fire, that which cannot be put out, not neces- sarily that which will never go out. fin Homer the word is applied to undying fame, prolonged laughter, the incessant roar of the ocean, and indefatigable strength. Soin the Prophets, it is used of a fire that has gone out, but which could not be put out until it had con- sumed all that on which it fed, thus denoting the inevitable de- struction and the eternal result of such an awful punishment. See 2 Kings xxii. 17; Is. xxxiv. 8-10; Jer. vii. 20; xvii. 27; Ezek. xx. 47, 48; and Jude 7. With this agrees the solemn declaration of the Lord Jesus here (Matt. iu. 12; Luke iii. 17) that “He will BURN UP the chaff with unquench- able fire.” ] (οσο. Mark ix. 43, 45.) Matt. iii. 12. Ι Luke iii, 17. UNREASONABLE. 1. «ἄλογος, unreasonable, as manifesting itself in a speech or address, irra- tional. 2. ἄτοπος, out of place, out of the way ; hence, strange; then, unnatural, monstrous; (lxx. for px, Job iv. 8; xi. 11.) 1, Acts xxv. 27. 2, 2 Thes. iii, 2, marg. absurd. UNREBUKABLE. ἀνεπίληπτος, not open to be attacked, taken, or apprehended, 1.6. irre- prehensible. 1 Tim. vi, 14 [ 884° 1 UNS UNREPROVEABLE. ἀνέγκλητος, not accused, with nothing laid to one’s charge (as the result of public investigation); though blamed, yet undeserving of blame. Col. i. 22, UNRIGHTEOUS. ἄδικος, not in conformity with δίκη (right), not as one should and ought to be; hence, unrighteous. Luke xvi. 11. | 1 Cor. vi. 9. Rom. iii. 5. Heb. vi. 10. UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. 1. ἀδικία, what is not conformable to δίκη (right), what ought not to be; that which ought not to be because of revealed truth; hence, wrong, unrighteousness. 2. ἀνομία, lawlessness, contempt of law; hence, sin in relation to God’s will and law. 1. Luke xvi. 9. 1. Rom ix. 14. 1, John vii. 18. 2. 2 Cor. vi. 14. 1. Rom. i. 18 twice, 29, 1. 2 Thes. ii. 10, 12. 1, — ii. 8. 1. Heb. viii. 12. 1. — iii. 5. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 13, 15. 1, — vi. 13. 1, 1 Johni. 9. 1. 1 John v. 17. UNRULY. 1, ἄτακτος, out of rank, not keeping the ranks, (as soldiers do); hence, irregular, out of order, disorderly. 2. ἀνυπότακτος, not ranged or pvt in order, not subordinated, unsub- jected ; hence, insubordinate, re- fractory. 3. ἀκατάσχετος, not coercible, untame- able, not to be restrained, (non ους.) 1. 1 Thes. ν. disorderly. 2. Tit. i. 6, 10. 8. Jas. iii. 8 (ἀκατάστατος, restless or inconstant, LT TrAR&.) 14, marg. UNSEARCHABLE. 1. ἀνεξερεύνητος, which cannot be traced or searched out, inscrutable, (the opp. of “srarcu,” No. 1), (non occ.) 2. ἀνεξιχνίαστος, which cannot be ex- plored, which cannot be tracked or UNS followed out; (Ixx. for pn PS, Job v. 9; ix. 10; xxxiv. 24), (oce. Rom. xi. 33.) 1. Rom. xi. 33. | 2, Eph. iii. 8. UNSEEMLY (Har ΥΗΙΟΗ 18) ἀσχημοσύνη, without fashion, figure, mien, or deportment of body or person; hence, deformity, then, of moral deformity, indecency, (οσο. Rey. xvi. 15.) Rom. i. 27. UNSEEMLY (BEHAVE ONE’s SELF) ἀσχημονέω, to be ἀσχήμων, 1.6. to be- have in unseemly guise, be void of proper deportment, to act with moral deformity; (Ixx. for my, Ezek. xvi. 7, 22; and also Πορ», Deut. xxv. 8), (οσο. 1 Cor. vil. 36.) 1 Cor. xiii. 5. UNSKILFUL. ἄπειρος, Without making trial or attempt; without experience, in- experienced ; (Ixx. for ix, Zech. xi. 15; που #5, 1 Sam. xvii. 99), (non occ.) Heb. v. 19, marg. having no experience. UNSOCIABLE. Rom. i. 31, see ‘‘ AFFECTION (WITHOUT NATURAL)” UNSPEAKABLE. 1. ἀνεκδιήγητος, what cannot be told out to the end; what cannot be told in detail, ov related, (non οσο.) ᾿ 2. ἀνεκλάλητος, what cannot be spoken out, what cannot be divulged, un- speaxable, (non occ.) 3. ἄρρητος, what cannot be specified or enunciated in express words. (In profane Greek it is used for unspoken, wrong to be spoken, secret), (non occ.) 1. 2 Cor. ix. 15. | 8, 2 Cor. xii. 4. 2. 1 Pet. i. 8. UNSPOTTED. ἄσπιλος, without spot, blemish. stain, or Jas, i, 27. FFF* [ $35 1 UNT UNSTABLE. 1. ἀστηρίκτος, not set fast, not firmly set or fixed, not established, (non oce.) 2. ἀκατάστατος, not settled, not stand- ing fixed, not steady, inconstant ; (κκ. for qy0, Is. liv. 11), (non occ.) 2. Jas. i. 8. | 1, 2 Pet. ii. 14, 1. 2 Pet. iii. 16. UNTAKEN AWAY. ΕἼ) ποῦ η the veil not ἀνακαλυπτάμενον, uu- πόλη ὀυ veiled, ᾿ 2 Cor. iii. 14. UNTHANKFUL. ἀχάριστος, unpleasant, unpleasing, with- out grace or charms; hence, un- gracious, ungrateful, (non occ.) Luke vi. 35. | 2 Tim. idi. 2. UNTIL. 1. ἕως, until, as long as, marking the continuance of an action up to the time of another action. (a) with ἄν, perhaps, perchance, implying uncertainty, and indicat- ing a dependence on circumstances, used where the later action is only probable. (b) with the Gen., until, unto, mark- ing the terminus ad quem, and spoken both of time and place. (ο) with οὗ, until what time. (d) with ὅτου, until when. 2. ἄχρι, continuedly, continuedly until, Jjixing the attention on the whole duration up to a certain time, but leaving the further continuance undetermined. (a) with οὗ, continuedly until what time. 3. μέχρι, until, referring to the limit, and implying that the action there terminates, enduring up to a cer- tain point of time and then having an end. 4, εἰς, unto; implying purpose, to the end that; when referring to time, marking either the interval, during ; or the point itself as the object of the aim or purpose, up to, for. UNT [ 836 1 UNT 1b.Matt. i. 17. la.Acts ii. 35. 1.2 ἢ . in ἢ ie A the point itselfas an object of 1b,—— 15, 8. — x, 30, the aim or purpose, up to, for, tb. - rage Pe ae (marking the immediate purpose.) 3, — xiii. 30 (No. 1, Tr | 1e— xxi, 26 ike τ, 2), (ἴο, 3, 8) 2, — xxili. 1 9. ἐπί, upon, c.—— xvii. 9. ο. 4, Ξ wear 1. — xviii, 22 twice 2. Rom. ν 18. (a) with Gen., upon as springing 1. 505. Εν. 2a,— xi. 95, from. 1b.— xxvi, 29. la.1 Cor. iv. 5. . . 1b.—— xxvii. 64. if ease (b) with Dat., upon and resting on, ASE ag ge a Ὁ Coe σε (of rest simply) in addition to, on 1b.—— xv. 88. 2a,—— 19. account of. 2. Luke i. 20. 4. Eph. 1. 14. 5 ° 1. ἀνά og πο σι δι (ο) with Acc., upon and resting on, ΕΝ ΤΊ ag eae (of the downward pressure) upon, 2. στ ανα. 27. la. Heb, i. 19. by direction towards, up to, to, 1d.— xxii, 16, 18, 1: Jas. v. 7 (No. la,T.) (emplying intention.) ΤΡ — xxl. ‘ae ΤΟΣ tet πας A 4 - til 1 h c.— xxiv. 49, . Rev. vi. ο. 1c, St. . εως. UNT1 ο } 1. John ii. 10 ο ο. ο ας Ἢ Μαν ΣΝ πα παρα. πο σος τ (No.2, GL continuance of an action up to 9, Acts i. 2. Tr A), (om. 3.) UNTIL THE TIME. la, Luke xiii. 35. See also, Now (UNTIL) UNTIMELY. See, FIG. UNTO. Όντο is frequently the translation of the Dative case of nouns, pro- nouns, ete., and is often part of a phrase, or is combined in trans- lation with other words, a list of which will be found below. When Ὄνττ, is represented by a separate Greek word, it is one of the following : 1. πρός, towards, in the direction of. (a) with Gen., hitherwards, in favour of, (only in Acts καν. 34) in consideration of, as a motive. (b) with Dat., resting in the direc- tion towards, at, close by, in addition to, as an act. (ο) with Ace., towards, of literal and mental direction, in reference to, in order to, with a view to, as an end, (marking the ultimate pur- pose). 2. εἰς, unto; implying purpose, to the end that; when referring to time it marks either the interval during ; | the time of another action. Here, followed by the Gen., until, unto, marking the terminus ad quem, and spoken both of time and place. ἄχρι, continuedly, continuedly until, jixing the attention on the whole duration up to a certain point, but leaving the further duration undetermined. μέχρι, until, referring to the limit, and implying that the action there terminates ; enduring up to a cer- tain point of time and then having an end. 7. ἐν, in, within, upon, at, of place; in, of the sphere in which the sub- jectis concerned ; of persons, with or by, (like Heb. 3.) perd, with, in association with. (a) with Gen., with, together with, 8. 9. ws, as, like as. 10. ἐκ, out of, from, of. 4. Matt. i. 17. 2. Matt. xiv. 22. le. —— iii. 10. 1e,——- 25, 28 2. 11, 2. —— xv. 24 le. 13, 15 (om. Τι.) 2, —— xvi, 21 2nd 38¢e.—— vi. 27. 7. —— xvii. 122nd 2. —— vii. 14. le.—— xix. 14 2, —— viii. 4 2nd, 18, 4, —— xx. 82nd 2. —— ix. 6. 2, —— xxi. 11st. 3b. 16. le. 12nd (Νο, 2, L 4, —— xi. 23. ΤΥ...) 10. 28. le. 32, 37. 2, —— xii. 20, 2, —— xxii. 4. 3e. 28. 4, 26. le.—— xiii. 2. le,—— xxiii. 34. 2. 522nd (No. 7, L), | 4. 35. τῇ βασιλεία, for the | le. 37. kingdom, instead of | 2, —— xxiv. 13. εἰς τῆν βασιλείαν, unto | — 27, see U (even) the kingdom, GT Tr | 1e.—— xxv. 36, 39. AR.) | 2, —— xxvi. 3. 9/5 N UNT L 881 1 le.Matt. xxvi. 14, 96 1st. 1e.Luke xvii. 1 lst, 22, 2. Acts ix oe 382nd, see U 24, le. 6 (eo. ), 11, 15. (sven) le.— xviii. 3. 5ο, 21. te. 40 Ist le. 7 (om. T Tr 8.) le. 38. 4. 58. 10. 9. 9ο, x. 11 (om. én’ av- le.—— xxvii. 19. 2. 13. τόν, unto him, GLT 3e. 27. le. 31 2nd. TrARn.) ο ——— 88, ο ος le. 15, 21 (ap.), 28 4, —— 45. le. 4), 3e.—— xi. 11 15, le. 62. | le. —— xix. 5, 8, 9, 13, 38, | Ίο. 11 2nd. 4, —— xxviii. 20. | 39. 2. 18. 2. Mark i. 4, marg. (text, | 1e.—— xx. 2, 3, 23, 41. le. 20. for.) le.— xxii. 15, 52, 70. 8ο. 21. le. 5, 32. 38¢.— xxiii. 1. 2. —— 22, 26, 27. Ἱο i; 3, 13. 10. 76 le.— xii. 5, 8 1st 1ο.----- iii. ὃ, 19 2nd, 31, le. 14 1st, 22, 28. 8ce.—— 10 lst. le.—— iv. 1. 38e.— xxiv. 1. 2. 10 2nd. 2. 35 2nd. le. 5, 10. le. 15, 21. 2, ——v. 1, 211#, 86. 12 (ap. 2. —— xiii. 4. 3e.—— 21 2nd, le. 17, 18, 25. 5. —— 6. 4, —— vi. 23 24. 9. —— 28. le. 15,31, 32 2nd, 36, le. 25, 80, 33. | le. 44 2nd, πμ le. 45, marg. over : 2. Jolmi. 11. 2. ——5l against. | le. 29. 2, —— xiv. 6. le. 48 2nd, 51. ‘ le.—— ii. 3. 86. 13, 15 2nd. 1le.— vii. 1. | le.—— iii. 4, 26 1st, le.—— xv. 2, 7, 25 2nd, 33, le. 81 (No. 2, α L | 2. —— iv. 8. TTrA®.) | 1ο 15, 30 2. 39. 1e.— ix. 17, 19, 20. | 3. 86. 3e.— xvi. 19 le.— x. 1, 14 2nd, le. 40, le. 37. ο —— 51.1, 11, 2: 45, 47, 48, 49, le.— xvi. 2. le.—— xii. ra 6, 18, 18. 2. —— v. 24, 29 twice. 9ο. 6. 2. — xiii. 13. le. 33 ist. 2. 10. le.— xiv. 10 Ast, 1le.— vi. 5 twice, 4, ——— 15 lsta 4, 34 2nd, 80. 10, le. 15 2nd. 8ce.—— xv. 22. 2. 27 Ist. Se. 19. α- 4] 2nd, le. — 28, 34,45, 65 2nd. le.—— xviii. 6 1st. le. 48, le.—— vii. 3. 2. 6 2nd, 14, 21. 3e.—— 46. 2. S twice, 10, 1c.-— xix, 2 twice. 3¢.—— xvi. 2. le. 33 2nd. 10. 3 Ist (om. πρὸς le. Luke i ἃ: 213, 18, 19 2nd. 2. 35. αὑτούς, G2 LTTrA 2. — 26. le. 37, 50. le. = 34, 61, 80. 2. 53 (ap.) 2: 3 2nd ἃ 8rd. 2. —ii. 4 2. viii. 1. 8e. 12. 4, 15 Ist. le. 2 (ap.), 3 (ap.), le. 31. le. 20, 34, 48, 49. 7 (ap.) 1e.——xx. 6. 3¢,.— iii. 2. 4, 9 (apy) 2, —— 13 (No. 8c, LT le. 9, 12, 18. le. 57. TrAR®.) le. 14 (om. L T Tr | le.—— x. 35, 41. 2, —— 22, 38. 4 Je.—— xi. 3, 4, 15, 21, 29, 2. —— xxi. Ἴ 3 times, 2, 8, le. iv. 21, 23 1st, 26 Ist. | 2. 31, δά, 16. 11, 18. 2. 26 2nd, 2, —— xii. 25, 27. 96. 32. le. 26 3rd, le.— viii. 11st, le. 37 2nd, 39, 4, —— 29. 2. —— 1 2nd. le.—— xxii. 1. le. 40. le. xiv. 3, 62nd, 12 2nd, 5. 4. rt 42. 93, 2nd, 28 2nd & 3rd, le. 5 Ist. le. 43. 1e,—— xvi. 7 twice. 2, ——— 5 2nd. le.—- v. 4, 10, 22. le.— xviii, 24. 2, —— 7 lst. 9, 24 3rd, 2. 28. le. 8, 10, 13 1st, 15, le. 81; 88, 34, 36. le. 29, 38 2nd, 21 Ist. 1c.— vi. 9. 2. —— xix. 27. Ὡς ——— 2] 2nd, 80.------ 39. 2. —— xx. 1. 5. 22. le.—— vii. 3, 7, 20 twice, | 16, 10, 17 3rd, le. 25. 24, 40 Ist, 1c, Acts i. 7. le.——- xxiii. 3. 1e.— viii. { 21 (om. L.) 4, 2nd, le. 15 γ80, ΡΤ le. 22 Ist, 2, 12, ARN.) 2. 22 2nd, 4. 22. le. 17 2nd, 18 2nd, 24, 1e.—— ix. 3, 13, 33, 43, 50, | 1e.—— ii. 29 Ist, 3e.— xxiv. 8 (ap.) 57, 59, 62. 5. 29 2nd. 2. —— xxv. 6. eee le. 37, 38 8e. 12 2nd. 80. G2nd, le.—— iii. ἸΙ, 12, 22 18 | 9, 18, 21. 86. 11 (om. ἐφ᾽ ὑμᾶς, (ap), 223rd, 25. le.—— xxvi. 1. unto you, α 1, T Tr | le.— iv. 1. lo; 6 (No. 2, α ὦ AR.) | 2. 3. TTrAR.) le. 28, 26, 29. le. 8, 19 1st, 23, 2. ——7. le.—— xi. 1, 5 1st ἃ 2nd, 1ο.------ ν. 9. -- --- -- 1, see U (even) 2. 24, 2. 16 (om. GaLT | le. le. 89, TrARn.) 2.— 7. 4. 51 1st. le. 35. 38e.——— 18. le. 53 αρ. ) le.—— vii. 3 ri 20, le.— xii. 1 le. 31 (om. πρός | 5. 22. Se. ΤΙ Ist. αὐτόν, untohim,G3L | le. 28. le. 15, 16, 221st TT πσα Ni} le.—— xxvii. 8. 41 2nd, | 4. 45. 2. 8, 40, lo.—— xiii. 7, 232nd, 84, | 1e.—— viii. 14, 20, 26 1st. le.—— xxviii. 17, 21, 25, le.— xiv. 3, 7, 28,25. | 80. 26 2nd. 26, 30. 1ο.----- xv. 3. 2. 26 3rd, | 2. Rom. i. 1. le,.— xvi. 1 Ist, 30, 80. 36. } le. 10, 18, UN? 2, Rom, i. 16, 26, 2— Ge - 2, —v. 15, 16, 18, . 91 ist. 2. 21 2nd, 2. —— vi. 16 15ὺ (om.G=) 2, ——— 16 2nd, 19 twice, 22. 2. — vii. 10. 2. —— ix, 9] twice, 23. 9. Β 2. —— x. 10 twice, 12, 18, le 21. 4. —— x1. 8. 6. —— xv. 19, le. 23. 8. 25 Ist. le 29, 32. 2. —— xvi. 5, 19 1st. 4, 1 Cor. i. 8. 2. 9. 2. —— ii. 7. 5. αν. 11, le 21. 7. —ix. 15. 2. ——x. 2. 2. — xi. 34. 1le.—— xn. 2 1le.—— xiv. 6. 7. ——ll. le. 26. 2. ——— 36. 2. —— xvi. 3. le 5, 11, 12. τ 2 Cor ae 16, 20, 2, —— ii. 4 2nd, 16 twice, 2. — iv. Bs . 7. —v. rd, marge, 21), le.—— vi. 11. εκ. le, —— vii. 12 2nd. 2. —— viii. 2. le. ΤΣ 2. —— ix. 5, 18 8 times. 5. —x. 19. 2. 14. | le.—— xii. 17. | 2. Gal. i. 6, 17. ο 9 2nd & 3rd, 2. —— iii. 23, 24, 3b.—_ v. 13. le. vi. 10 twice. 2. Eph. i. δ 14, 15. 3b. — ii. le. 1. 2. 21. le.—— iii. 14, 2. —— iv. 15 twice, 16, 30. le.—— v. 81 (om. L T Tr nr. 1le.—— vi. 9, 22. 2. Phil. i. 2, 12 2nd. 6. — ii. 8, 80. 2, —— iii. 11, le.—— iv. 6. 2. 16 (om. L>.) 2. Col. i. 6, 10, 11, 20, 5 --- ii. 2. loj+— iv. 8, 10. 9 11 ist. 2.1 Thes. i. ὅ (No. 1, 6. 1.. le. να le. — iil ν᾿ Ἡ goad, 12, le. 18. le.—— iii. 6, 11. 3b.—— iv, 7 1st. 9, 8, 15 2nd. 7. —v. 23. 8c.2 Thes. ii. 1, 2. 1 Tim. i. 6. 2. — ii. 4. le.— iii, 14 2nd. 16, le,— iv. 7, & 6, 2 Tim, ii, 9, UNT [ 838 ] UPB 86.9 Tim. ii. 16. 2. 1 Pet. ΠΠ. 12, τν ai ee ἜΣ ΑΙ ; UNWISE. 2. Ξ i. Ib Te iil 1. iB aaa Μα τρ not think or OF 3 . 1 John iii. 14. 1 ὃ 8ο.----- iv. 4 χι ο. 16 ered 17. a le. ο John 10, 122nd »” . . . ο Ἢ 10twice, 18, 2. Jude 6, 21. 2. ἄφρων, without mind, simple, igno- le. Tit. i. 16. 2. Rey. i. 11 2nd, ara, 4th, rant. 1e.— iii. 2, 12 twice. 2. 11 5th, 6th, 7th, 5 le.Heb.i. 8. 5. —— iii. 10, 26. 1. Rom. i. 14. | 5. ΕΡΗ. ν. 17. 9, —— ii. 3, 10. 2. — vi. 13. ον — iii. ο πὴρα, δο.------ vii. 17 3 ο ΞΕ 2, —ix.1, 72 80. vd. μον UNWORTHILY. i le. st ὃ Ξ 5. ic 1e.— xii. 5. ἀναξίως, not suitably, improperly. As 1: ἘΠΕ ΎΠΣ eae ο, an adverb, it properly refers, not 28 2nd, 2, 13. to condition, but to manner, not in ἡ a. αντ ae a becoming manner, i i 2. eras xi, 26. Se. = xvi, 14. Ξ' anner, in an as) . — xii. 2. . — xviii. 5. roper manner m 6. 4, 2. —— xix, 92nd, 17. Per AG be cameo ον 1e.— xiii. 13. 1¢.— xxi.9 (om. πρὸς µε, corresponding to. ’ 2. Jas. 11. 2. unto me, GLT Tr 4,——v.7. [10, 22, 25. AR®.) 1 Cor. xi. 27. 2.1 Pet.i. 915, 3, 5, 7, | 1e.— xxii. 1818 (No. 3c, 29 (om GsLTTrA®.) 3e.— ii, 95, GLTTrA®) 3c. Rey. xxii. 18 2nd. UNTO (EVEN) 1. ἕως, see above, No. 4. ἕως, (see above, No. 4) as far as. UP. 2. «καὶ, even avw, up, above. εἰς, Into. Tok τα δ, | Hob. xii, 15, 1. Matt. xxiv. 27. | 1. Matt. xxvi. 38. 2. Acts xxvi. 11. UP (BE) See also, ADD, APPEAL, APPROACH, AT- TAIN, ATTEND, AUTHORITY, BECKON, BELONG, BRING, CALL, CHARGE- ABLE, CLEAVE, COME, COMMIT, COMMITTED, CONFORMABLE, CON- Matt, xiii. 6. | Mark iv. 6. SENT, DAY, DESPITE, FALL, FASHION- 4 ED, GIRD, GO, GOSPEL, HAPPEN, | See also, ARISE, ASCEND, BEAR, BIND, HASTE, HEARKEN, HEED, HOUR, IN, UNWROUGHT. [margin.] Matt. ix. 16, and Mark ii. 21, see ‘‘ NEw.” | ἀνατέλλω, to cause to rise up; to rise up; of α cloud, the morning star, the sun, ete. ; here, pert., arising. BREAK, BRIM, BRING, BROUGHT, JOINED, LAY, LIKE, LOOK, ME, BUILD, BURN, CARRY, CATCH, CHILD, MINISTER, NIGH, OBEDIENT, PER- CLIMB, COME, DELIVER, DEVOUR, TAIN, PREACH, PRESENT, PROVOKE, DRAW, DRIVE, DRY, EAT, FILL, PUT, REACH, ROLL, SPEAK, SUBDUE, FOLD, FROM, GATHER, GAZE, GIRD, SUBJECT, SUBJECTION, SUBMIT, GIVE, GO, GROW, HOISE, HOLDEN, TAKE, TEDIOUS, TESTIMONY, THEM, LAID, LAY, LEAD, LEAP, LIFT, LOOK, THEBES ERIS, HORE, ΡΟ ΒΝ, “UP, MAKE, NOURISH, OFFER, OFFERING, νεα PUFF, PUT, RAISE, REAR, RECEIVE, UN ΤΟΎ ΑΠΌ. αν RISE, ROOT, SEAL, SET, SHUT, SIT, σκολιός, crooked, bent from dryness. UNWASHEN. ἄνιπτος, unwashed, (spoken only of the hands, face, feet, or of a part of the body only.) Matt. xv. 20. | Mark vii. 5 (κοίνος, defiled, GL T Tr AR.) SPRING, STAND, STEADFASTLY, STIR, STORE, SWALLOW, TAKE, TREASURE, Acts ii. 40. WIND, YIELD. UPBRAID (-rp, -ΕΤΗ.) ὀνειδίζω, to reproach, to reproach with anything, wpbraid, chide. Matt. xi. 20. | Mark xvi. 14 (ap.) Jas, i, 5. Mark vii. 2. UPH UPHOLD (τκα.) φέρω, to bear, bear up, as a burden, bear up and along. Heb. i. 3 UPON. (for list of words used with “upon,” in various connections, see below.) Upon is sometimes the translation of the case of a noun, pronoun, or adjective ; sometimes also part of a verb. When it is the transla- tion of a separate Greek word, it is one of these followmg. ἐπί, upon. (a) with Gen., upon and proceeding from, upon and springing from. (b) with Dat., upon and resting on, resting upon, (of rest simply) rest upon, as hope or faith, upon a fact, (see 2 Cor. 1. 9, and 1 Tim. iv. 10.) (0) with «σοι, upon by direction towards, upon, with motion implied, rest upon, (marking the downward pressure); placed upon, as by an act, (see 2 Cor. ii. 3; 1 Tim. v. 5.) εἰς, unto, into, implying motion to an object ; unto, implying object and purpose ; into, union and com- munion with. ἐν, in, with. 3 , ἐπάνω, above, upon. > ld , . ἀπό, from, away from, implying separation from a certain source or point. κατά, down. (a) with Gen., down upon, marking the object to which the object 18 directed. (b) with Ace., down along, marking the course along which it proceeds. perd, with, association with. (a) with Gen., together with. (b) with Ace., after. ΕΓ sas] le.Matt. iii. 16. la.— vi. 19. 1c.— vii. 24, ence 26, 4. — xxiii. 18. la. 9. le. 35 Ist. la. 35 2nd. le. 36. le.—— xxiv. 2. la. la.— vii. 30 (No. le, L TTrAR.) 1e.—— viii. 25, le.—— x. 16. 1b.— xi. 7 (No. 1c, GeoL TTrAR.) 1b.— xiii. 2 (No. 16, Tr Rr. ) le.—— xv. 24. 1e.Luke i. 12, 35, Τα. 58. 1le.— ii. 25, 40, 1le.— iii. 22, + 1le.— iy. 18. 1e.—-_ v. 19. 5. 24. 1ο. 36. 1c,— vi. 48 2nd, 49 (ap.) 1le.—— viii. 6. 2. 40 (om α 1 Τ | Tr ALN) 1le.— ix. 38. 1le.—- x. 6. le.—_ xi. 20. la.— xii. 3. 1le.—— xiii. 4. la.— xvii. οἱ. 2, xviii. 13 (om.G3L T Tr Ab.) le.— xix. 35, 43. 1b. 44 (No. le, TTr AR.) le.—— xx. 18. 1b. xxi. 6, 3. 23 (m GLT Tr Aw.) 25. le. 94, le.—— xxiv. 49. le. John i. 32, 33, 51. 1b.—— iv. 27. 1le.— ix. 15. 1lb.— xi. 38. le.—— xviii. 4. la.— xix. 81, 1c. Acts i. 8, 26. le.—— ii. 3, Ji. 2, —— iii. ὃς le, — iv. 33. 1e.—— y. 11 twice, 28, le.—— vii. 57. 1b.—— viii. 16. | i 1 la. UPO .Acts xiii. 11. x 40 (om. το ὑμᾶς, upon you, L 2. —— xxii. 13. le.—— xxvi. 16. 2. —— xxvii. 26. 2. 29 (No. 6b,G3L TTrAR.) 1c.Rom. ii. 9. le.—— iii. 22 (ap.) 1le.—— iv. a twice, le.— iii. 15, 1e.— xii. 9. 2. Gal. iv. 11. le. ΑΓ 10. ῬΆ]). i. 3. 1b.— ii. 17. 1b. 67 AGC 16, GL Τ Έτ Α αἱ) 1α.0ο]. iii. 5. 1c.1 Thes. ii. 16, la.Heb. vi. 7. 1b.— viii. 6. [in.) la. 10, ra (text, le.— xi. 21 le.Jas. ii. a 3. — iv. 3. 19.1 Pet. iv. 14. | le.—- ν. 7. 6a.Jude 15. le.Rev. i. 17. le.—— ii. 24. le.—— iii. 3. 10 twiee, le. 12 1st. le.—— iv. 4. la.— ν. 7 1a. 13 (No. 1b, LT A) la.— vii. 10 (No. 1b, GxrLTTrAR.) le.— viii. 3. 2. 7. le. 10 twice. 2. —— ix. 3. la.— x. 1 (Νο. le, LT Tr A, le. la. 5 twice, 8 twice, la.— xi. 10. le. 11 twice, 16, la.—- xii. 1. le. 3. le.—— xiii. 1 1st, la. 1 2nd, le. 1 3rd. la. 8. le.— xiv. 14. 2. —— xvi. 1. le. 21st (No. 2, GeL TTrA RW.) 2 %d (No. le, G-L ταν Α 8.) la.—— xvii. Al. 10. 3, 5. UBE Γ 840 J US et le. Rev. xvii. 16 (καί, and, GLTTrAr.) la.— xviii. 24, 1e.— xix. 11. 1b.—— 14. Ι la.Rev. xix. 21. 4, —— xx. 3. le. 4 twice. la,— xxi. 5 (No. 1b, G LTTrAR®.) See also, ATTEND, AUTHORITY, BEAT, BESTOW, BRING, BUILD, CALL, CAST, CLOTHED, COME, EARNESTLY, FALL, GO, HOLD, LAID, LIE, LOOK, MEDI- TATE, MERCY, PRESS, PUT, REST, SEA, SIT, SPIT, SPREAD, STONE, TAKE, US. UPPER. ἀνωτερικός, upper, higher, (non 060.) Acts xix, 1. See also, CHAMBER, ROOM. UPRIGHT. ὀρθός, vertically, upright, erect; but also, horizontally, straight, right ; (so lxx. for ww, Prov. xii. 16; xvi. 25), (occ. Heb. xii. 19.) Acts xiv. 10. See also, STAND. UPRIGHTLY. See, WALK. UPROAR. 1. θόρυβος, noise, uproar, clamour, as | of a multitude; hence, popular commotion, tumult. 2. στάσις, a setting up, a standing ; an upstand, an upstanding. 1. Matt. xxvi. 5. 2. Acts xix. 40, 1, Mark xiv. 2. 1, — χχ, 1, UPROAR (BE IN Αν) συγχέω, to pour together; hence, con- fuse. Here, pass., to be thrown into confusion. Acts xxi. 31, UPROAR (MAKE AN) ἀναστατόω, to unsettle, agitate, stir to sedition ; (Aguila and Symmachus for Heb. 3, Ps. xi. 1; and yn, Ps. lix. 12; and in the sense of | | devastate, destroy, as cities, by Josephus, Ant. viti. 12, 2, and x. 6, 2.) Acts xxi. 28. UPROAR (sET ON AN) θορυβέω, to make a noise, clamour or uproar, spoken of a multitude as applauding or dissenting. Acts xvii. 5. eee eee eee ΕΘ ΕΞΕΕΒΒΒΕΕΕΣ UPSIDE DOWN. See, TURN. μονο as. Ὁ 8 eee URGE. ἐγέχω, to have in anything, to hold or keep fast within; to entangle, hem in. Luke xi. 53. | ses ο μια ee ὁ US. ’ (For “or vs,” “τὸ Us,” “UNTO US,” etc., etc., see below.) | 1. ἡμεῖς, (nom. pl. of ἐγώ, 1) we, (always emphatic.) 2. ἡμῶν, (Gen. pl. of No. 1) of us, or simply, us, (the “ot” being frequently the consequence of a pre- ceding verb or preposition.) 3. ἡμῖν, (Dat. pl. of No. 1) to, for, unto, on o7 upon us, (or simply, us; see note after No. 2.) 4. ἡμᾶς, (Acc. pl. of No. 1) us. ψυχὴν, the soul, (see our 5. “souL”) ay eT: selves. ημων, OL Us, 2. Matt. i. 23. , 2. Mark ix. 40 (ὑμῶν, you, 3. —— iii. 15. St G L.) 3. —— vi. 11, 12. 3, —— xiii. 4. 4, 13 twice, 38. —— xvi. 3. 4, —— viii. 25 (om. LT | 3. Luke i. 1. Tr AR.) 4, 71, 78. 4, 29, 31 1st, 4, —— iv. 84 2nd, 3. 91 314 (64 ο9)(Νο, | 3. vii. 5, 16. 4,G LT TrARn.) 4, 20. 4, —— ix. 27. 4, —— ix. 88 lst, 4, —— xiii. 56. 2. 49. Ὡ, —— xv. 23. 2. 50 twice (ὑμῶν, 4, Xvii. 4 Ist you,GLT Tr AR.) 4, —— xx, 7, 30, 31 4, —— xi. 1. 3. —— xxii. 17, 25. 8. 8, 4 1st & 2nd. 3. —— xxiv. 3. 4, 43rd, 44th (αρ) 5, —— xxv. 8. 4, —— xii. 41. 3. —— xxvi. 63. 2, —— xvi. 26 1st, 4, —— xxvii. 4, 25, 4, 26 2nd. 4, Mark i, 24 2nd. 4, —— xvii. 13. 4. —v. 12 4. —— xix. 14, 4, —— vi. 3. 8, —— xx. 2. 4, ——ix, 51st, 221st, Γ(αρ.) | 4. 6. 9. 22 2nd, 88 ἱνίοο | $, —— xxii, 8, 67. US [ 841 ] US 4, Luke xxiii. 30 twice, 39, | 4. 1 Cor. viii. 8, | 2. 1 Pet. ii, 9111. (ὑμῶν, | 4. 1 John i, 92nd 4, —— xxiv. 22 3. σον 57. τα AV™GLTTrA | 3. — 10. 3. » 4, 2 Cor. i. 4, 5, 10 1st. 2, —— ii. 19 5 times. 2. 29. 2. 11 ist.” 8. 2] 2nd να. you, | 3. — 25. 3. 32 156 (om. ἐν | 4. 11 2nd, 14, GLTTrAn) 4, —— iii, 1 1st. ἡμῖν, within us, Trb | 2. 19, 20. 4. —— iii. 18. 2. ——— 16, 20, 21. Ab, 4, 21 twice, 22 4. ort (ὑμᾶν, you, | 3. 23, 24. twice, 3. 82 2nd 4, —— ii. 14 1st. LT Tr Ar.) 2, —— iv. Gtwice. | 3. John i. 14, 2. 14 2nd. 2. —— iv. 4 (om. ὑπὲρ | 3. 9. 4, 22, 2, — iii. 3. ἡμῶν, for us, G=L 4, 10, 11. Π16, 3. —— iv. 12, 25 4. 6. Tr A), (ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν, for | 3. 12 twice, 13 twice, 3. — vi. 34, 52. 2, —— iv. 7. you, &.) 4, 19. δι μα, 5 (ap.) 3. 12, 8 8 (om. G>L T | 2. ---Οπν, 14, 15. 4, —— ix. 84. 4, 14. 1st. Tr A), (ὑμῖν, you, &.) | 3. 20. Bie ah Ist, and see | 4. —— ν. 5 lst, 14, 19 1st. 2 17. 3. 2 John 2 Ist. “* DOUBT.” 3. 19, 4. —— v. 10 (ὑμᾶς, you, | 2. 22nd. 3. 24 Ind. 2. 20. GeLTTrA 4, 3 John 9, 10. 1. —— xi. 16. 3. — vi. 12. 4, 2 Pet. 1. 32nd, 4, Rev. 1. 5 twice. 3. —— xiv, 8 twice, 9, 4, ——vii. 2, 6. 4, —— iii. 9 (ὑμᾶς, you, | 4. 6 (No. 2, L.) 3. — xvii. 21, 3. ——7. GeLTTrAr. 4. —v. 9 (om. Go>LT 3. Acts i. 17, 2 ae 2, 1 John i. 8, A. ; 4. 21 2. — viii, 41st 4. 7. 4. 10 (αὐτοὺς, them, 2. 22 Ist. er 3. 8. GLTTrA®N) 3. 22 2nd. 2, —— 19 twice. 9, Q Ist. 4, —— vi, 16 twice. 3. — ii, 29, 4. 20 1st. εκ η 5 ΣΝ: Ὰ 1 --- = ἊΣ ——~y, 95, (ig (The followmg combinations are in the » 27 (No. 2, LT AN) Greek only one word; in other oc: 4. Gal. i, 4, 98. passages there is a preposition in . —— 40 2n 4, ——ii. 4, 4 40 3rd. 4. — ii iste the original.) 3. — x. 42. ὃ 3 2nd. US 3, —— xi. 13. -- iv. 17, marg. (see (For) πουν ref του.) 3. Matt. xxv. 9, [we.” | 8. John xi. 50 (ὑμῖν, you, με ° a; 4, Mark ix. 5, Mit. “that TTr A), (om. ἡμῖν, for 4, — xiv. 11. 4, Eph. i. 3,4, δ,6,18,19. | 9° κ 85 αι evils Ly) fe, ἘΞ] 8, ———_ 17 (ὑμῶν, you,G | 4. —— iit, 7. 3, — xiv. 15, | 3. Acts xvi. 51. i eae A 8.) ᾿ ἜΤΟΣ 20. (buds, you, | 3 Dukei. 69. [A δν) | 3. 2 Cor. iv. 17, πι “ἜΣ ’ ? —— δ᾽ ὁ, 24. TTrAN 3. xx. 22 (No. 4, T Tr | 3. Heb. x. 20. 3. —— xvi. 9. ἌΝ, ση he (ὁμῶν, you, 4, —— 10,15 3. 16, 17 lst. 4, Phil. iii. 17. US (OF) 4, 37 3 επιος. 4, Col. i. 12, 1818ὲ. ᾿ 4, — πχ. 5. ᾱ- -- --- Ὁ. 14 1st, 2. Acts xvii. 27. 2. 1 Thes. i. 6, 3. —— 14. 2, —— iv. 3 lst. 2. Rom. iv. 16. 2. —— iii. 6. oy Ἢ — xxi 5, 11, 3, 1 mi 9. 2. — xiv. 7, 2. 2 ca τὶ ων of ο —— 16. 5 js —— Xv. 2. you, » 1.6, 4, ——17. 2. —— ii. 13. 2. Gal. iv. 26, ee apostles, that, in- 3. —— 18. 4, ade ΒΕ, ) | 2. Eph. iv. 7. stead of us theapostles) 2, —— xxiv. 4 4, 6, 18. 3. eet 2. =n 3. — xxvii. 4. 2nd & 3r Η 6, 7. ee 2, — ae US (on) .. —— xxviii. 2 1st, 4, 4. Qind, 71, 10 1st, | 4. 8 (ὑμᾶς, you, eee 9, 15 1st, eoLTTrA®) 3. 15 2nd, τς -- St 4, Rom. iv. 24, . fe 4, — v. 81η. 2. 10. US (ao) 2. nes we =e os hg 8, Matt. xxv. 11. 3. 1 Cor. viii. 6, ὃ. ——~ Vidi, & ας, 3. Luke xi. 4 8. 2 Cor. i. 8 (om. G3L αν 4. 161%. 8. —— xxiv. 82, T Tr A δ) 2, 26 (om. ὑπὲρ | 2, — iii. 1, 6, a kale ΑἹ ee ἡμῶν, for us, ο LT | 4. 7, 8, 3. —— xv. 28. 8. ----- κ. 18, ΊτΑ Ν 3. 1 Tim. vi, 17. 8. Rom. xii. 6. 8. Col. ii. 14, 2. BL tne, ΤΟΝ ἘΠΕ Ύ ΘΕ. ΗΝ 8, 1 Cor. ii. 12 | 8. Heb, x. 15 3. —— 32 . —_— ° i ψ tet τ ΞΕ τὴ βαν) 8. 1 John ν. 11. re ο) 99, by — ii. i . — ix. 24, ΤΣ; 12, 3. ———29. ΓᾺ 14 Ist. US (σκτο) 4, — xv. 7 (ὑμᾶς, you, | 4. 14 2nd. : GLTTrAR. 4. ——iii. 5, 6, 15, 3. Matt. xiii. 36. 3. John ii. 18, 4, —— xvi. 6 (ὑμᾶς, you, | 4. Heb. ii. 3. 8, — xv. 15 — xiv, 22. GoLT ἌΝ, 2. —— vi. 20. 3. —— xx. 12 3. —— xvi. 17. 4, 1 Cor. iv. 1, 3. — vii. 26. 3, —— xxi. 25 3, Acts vi. 14. 3. 6. 2, —— ix, 94, 3. —— xxvi. 68, 3. —— vii. 58, 2. 8, 2, —— xi. 20 twice. 3, Mark x. 37. 3. —— xi, 17. 4, 9, 8. —— xii. 1 4th 3. —— xii. 19 3, —— xiii. 33 (ἡμῶν, for ὦ, ——_v. 7 (om. ὑπὲρ | 2, — xiii. 18. 3. Luke i. 2, 74, our, instead of αὐτῶν ἡμῶν, for us, GL if 4, Jas. i. 18 3. —— ii. 15. ΨΥ rege + their, L Tr Α 8.) 8, — iii. 8 3, ——x. 17. 4, —— vi, 14, 2. ——iv.5 3. —— xiii. 25 λες τα 8, ΕΝ r 4, — vii. 15 (ὑμᾶς, you, | 4. 1 Pet.i.8. [xou.” | 3. —— xx. 28, 3. — xvi. 17 (ὑμῖν, unto TR.) me 4, marg. (see 3. —— xxiii. 18, you, BE T Tr Rn.) [ 842 ] SSS . Rom. v. 5. . iv. 8. 1. Acts xix. 19. il . 1 Cor. i. 18, 30. ii 1, —— xxvii. 17. 3. ——ii. 10. ο ο 1. 1 Cor. vii. 21, 31. 3. 2 Cor. v. 5, Πα 2 (6), 1, — ix. 12, 15. . — viii. 5. (ὑμῖν, you,G LT Tr | 1. 2 Cor. i. 17. 3. Eph. i. 9, A®.) 1, —— iii. 12. . Col. i. 8. 3. 2 Pet. i. 3, 4. 1. —— xiii. 10. have. USED (88) ἀναστρέφω, to turn up. Here, mid., to turn one’s self, move about in a place, sojourn, dwell, live in. US (ιτ) Here, lit., “ were thus living.” 3. Luke xxiv. 32, | & 2 Pet. :. 1. Heb. x. 33. US (upon) 3, 1 John iii 1. USE [noun. [ | See also, AUTHORITY, DEACON, DECEIT, 1. wae use, eee employ ας 1-6. DESPITEFULLY, FAST, HOSPITABLY, the act af using; use, advantage, REPETITIONS, SORCERY. service; hence, need, necessity, want. (a) 7t., for the edification or build- ing up of the need. USING. ἀπόχρησις, a using up, consumption by use, (ποπ ὁ60.} 2. χρῆσις, a using, use made of a thing, οι. power or means of using, useful- ness, (on 006.) USURP. 3. ἕξις, a having possession; a being See, AUTHORITY. in a certain state, esp. as produced by practice, a habit; skill, as the result of practice, (non occ.) 1. Rom. i. 26, 27. 2a.Eph. iv. 29, marg. projitablyxmotews, of the faith, 1. Tit. iii. 14. [ἃ ὦ) 3. Heb. ν. 14, marg. habit or perfection. USURY. τόκος, a bringing forth as children, off- spring ; metaph., the produce or offspring of money lent out; hence, interest, (non occ.) USE (er ror) ; 33 Matt. xxv. 27. | Luke xix, 23, εὔχρηστος, very useful. 2. Tim. ii. 91. USE (ΕΡ, -ΕΤΗ, -1NG.) [verb.] 1. χράω, to furnish what is needful ; hence, to give the needful answer. Here, mid., and from the sense of consulting or using an oracle comes the common signification of simply to use, always to use for a purpose, to use means fo an end. UTMOST PART. πέρας, end, extremity, as of the earth; (so lxx. for γα ΒΝ, Ps. ii. 8; yun mypo, Ps. χι. 3; xix. 5.) Luke xi. 31. UTTER (-r.) 1. λέγω, to lay, lay together, collect ; then, to lay before, relate, referring to the purport or sentiment of what is said, and the connection of the words; (see further under "say evo. 1) 2. λαλέω, to speak, employ the organ of utterance, to utter words in any language, independently of any reason why they are uttered ; to talk. 2. πράσσω, to do, expressing an action as continued or not yet completed ; hence, to practise, carry on. 3. μετέχω, to have with another, to partake of, share in, partake of as food. 4, ἔχω, to have and hold. , 5. { γίνομαι, to become, ἜΝ ἐν, in. UTT 8. ἐρεύγομαι, to eject through the mouth, to vomit; hence, in N.T. and Alexandrine usage, of the voice and words, to bring up, to speak forth; (Ixx. for yan, Ps. xix. 2; exix. 171; cxlv. 7.) 4, δίδωμι, to give. 8. Matt. xiii, 35. — Rom. viii. 26, see U (which cannot be) 4, 1 Cor. xiv. 9. 2. 2 Cor. xii. 4. 1. Heb. v. 11, and see U (hard to be) 2. Rev. x. 3, 4 twice. UTTERED (aarp το ΡΕ) δυσερμηνεύτος, of difficult interpre- tation, λέγειν, to relate, (see Wo. 1) Heb. v. 11. UTTERED (wutcH cannot BE) ἀλάλητος, unutterable, not to be ex- pressed in words, (non occ.) Rom, viii. 26. UTTERANCE. 1. λόγος, the word spoken, and connected with the thought expressed. 2. ἀπόφθεγγομαι, to speak one’s opinion plainly, to speak out, utter aloud, to utter solemn, weighty, or pithy sayings, to utter an apothegm. 2. Acts ii. 4. 1. 2 Cor. viii. 7. 1. 1 Cor. i. 5. 1, Eph. vi. 19. 1. Col. iv. 3. UTTERLY. ὅλως, wholly, altogether, in every part or sense. 1 Cor. vi. 7. V VAGABOND. περιέρχομαι, to go about, wander around. Here, part., wandering. Acts xix, 13. VAIL. See, VEIn. { 848 Ἱ VAI ---.. See also, BURN, PERISH. UTTERMOST. ἔσχατος, the last, the extreme, utter. most. Matt. ν. 26. UTTERMOST PART. . πέρας, see “UTMOST PART.” no "μ . ἔσχατος, the last, the extreme or remotest part. 3. ἄκρον, the point, end or extremity. 1. Matt. xii. 42. | 2. Acts i. 8. 8, Mark xiii, 27 twice. UTTERMOST OF YOUR MATTER (I WILL KNOW THE) διαγνώσομαι, I will know through τὰ, the things κατά, as to ὑμᾶς, you. Acts xxiv. 22, UTTERMOST (πο tHe) eis, unto a the, to the 1. ς παντελές, the ve Ὃ πο end; adv., wholly, portion o time. entir ely, τέλος, a fulfilment or accomplish- ment, end. 2, 1 Thes. ii. 16. 1. Heb. vii. 25, marg. evermore. τὸ unto, with a view to, VAIN. 1. κενός, empty, referring to the contents of anything, (opp. of πλήρης, full.) 2. μάταιος, foolish, idle, useless, empty, referring to results, (οσο. Acts xiv. 15.) 2. 1 Cor. iii. 20. 1. Col. ii. 8. 1, —— xv. 14 twice, 2. Tit. iii. 9. 2. 17. 1. Jas. i, 20. 1, Eph. v. 6. 26, 2. 1 Pet. i. 18. VAT VAN VAIN (ΣῈ IN) κενόω, here, pass., to be empty, as to contents. 2 Cor. ix: 8. VAIN (BEcoME) ματαιόω, here, pass., to become foolish, useless, empty, as to results. Rom. i. 21. VAIN (ay) . κενός, empty, (as to contents.) . εἰς κενόν, IN vain. . εἰκῆ, without purpose, to no purpose. . μάτην, foolishly, 2.6. fruitlessly, idly. . δωρεάν, gratuitously ; hence, without just cause, groundlessly. . Gal. ii, 21. ar WON μα 4, . xv. 9. 5 4, Mark vii. 7. 3. —— iii. 4 twice, 3. Rom. xiii. 4. 3. —— iv. 11. 3. 1 Cor. xv. 2. 2. Phil. 11. 16 twice. if 10. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 1. if 58. 2. — iii. 5. 2, 2 Cor. vi. 1. —1 aioe see V 2. Gal, ii, 2 ( —2 Tim. ii. 16 § babblings VAIN BABBLINGS. κενοφωνία, empty sounds, sounds con- taining nothing. 1 Tim. vi. 20. | VAIN THINGS. κενός, here, πιει. pl., empty things, (as to their contents.) Acts iv, 25, 2 Tim, ii. 16, See also, GLORY, JANGLING, REPETI- TIONS, TALKER. VAINGLORY. κενοδοξία, empty glory, empty as to glory, (marking the contents.) Phil. ii. 3, VAINLY. εἰκῆ, without purpose, to no purpose. Col. ii. 18. VALIANT. ἰσχυρός, strong, mighty, powerful, of persons and things. Heb, xi, 34, [ 844 ] VALLEY. φάραγξ, a gorge, ravine, a narrow and deep pass between high rocks. Here, quoted from Is. xl. 4, where Ixx. for 1; as also xxii.1; Josh. xv. 8. lxx. also for pax, Is. viii. 7; bm, Gen. xxvi. 17; Deut. ii. 24, (non occ.) Luke iii. 5. VALUE (ΒῈ ΟΕ MoRE) διαφέρω, to bear or carry through; to bear apart; hence, to differ, be different from, be other than. Matt. x. 31. H Luke xii. 7. VALUE (-zp.) [verb.] τιμάω, to hold worth, to estimate ; to price, fix a value or price upon anything. Matt. xxvii. 9 1st. 9 2nd, marg. buy. VANISH AWAY (-ν, -ΕτΠ.) 1. ἀφανίζω, become unseen; to put out of sight. Here, pass., to disappear, to be out of sight, to vanish away. 2. καταργέω, to render inactive; make useless, make void, abolish, put anend to. Here, pass., to cease, to be done away. — Heb. viii. 13, see V 2, 1 Cor. xiii. 8. | 1. Jas. iv. 14. [ (ready to) VANISH AWAY (meapy το) ἐγγὺς, near, ἀφανισμοῦ, a disappearing. Heb. viii. 13. VANISH OUT OF SIGHT. γίνομαι, to become ἄφαντος, invisible, not seen. Luke xxiv. 31. VANITY (-1£s.) 1. ματαιότης, folly, vanity, emptiness as to results, (non occ.) —_——<——————— eee VAP 2. μάταιος, vain, empty as to results, fruitless; here, τὰ μάταια, these empty things, or these meaning- less things. 2. Acts xiv. 15. | 1. Rom. viii. 20. VAPOUR. ατµίς, vapour, 1.6. an exhalation; (xx. for moron, Joel ii. 30; pry, Lev. xvi. 18; Ezek. viii. 11; ‘nw, Gen. xix. 28), (non occ.) Acts ii. 19. Ι Jas. iv. 14, VARIABLENESS. παραλλαγή, a passing from side to side, vicissitude, alternation, vari- ation, (non occ.) Jas. i. 17. VARIANCE. ἔρις, strife, quarrel, esp., rivalry, con- tention, wrangling. Gal. v. 20. VARIANCE (ser ar) διχάζω, to divide in two, part asunder, disunite, (non occ.) Matt. x. 35. VAUNT ONE'S SELF. περπερεύομαι, to show one’s self a boaster or braggart, (non occ.) 1 Cor, xiii, 4, marg. be rash. VEHEMENT. See, DESIRE. VEHEMENTLY. 1. δεινῶς, unusually, terribly, vill. 6.) 2. εὐτόνως, intensely, with main strength, | violently, zealously, (οσο. Acts Xxviil. 28.) ex, out of, 80 8, ) περισσοῦ, over and above, { much ; morethanenough,abun- ( the dant, more, 8, Mark xiv. 31 (ἐκπερισ- | — Luke vi. 48, 49, see σῶς, very abundantly, | 1. —— xi. 53. [ Beat. GuLT TrA®) 2, — xxiii, 10, [ 846 ] (like |. Enq. slang, “ awfully) ,” (occ. Matt. 1. ἀμήν, amen. VER VEIL. 1, καταπέτασμα, a covering which hangs down or spreads out over, a curtain ; (κκ. for the outer covering, Ἴ53, Ex. xxvi. 37; xl. 6; and, for the inner veil, now», Ex. xxvi. 31; xxvii. 21; xl. 3), (non occ.) 2. κάλυμμα, a covering, esp. the head covering of women, a hood or veil, hiding all the face, except the eyes, and falling upon the shoulders ; (σσ. for mon, Ex. xxxiv. 33, etc.), (non occ.) 3. περιβόλαιον, something thrown around, a covering or garment ; (Ixx. for wad, Ps. cii. 27, ete.) then, by impl., a covering for the head, a head-dress, ete. 2. 2 Cor. iii, 13, 14 1st. 14 2nd, see V 15, 16. [(which) 1, Matt. xxvii. 51. 1. Mark xv. 38. -- 1. Luke xxiii. 45. 2. 8.1 Cor. xi. 15, marg. | 1. Heb. vi. 19. (text, covering.) 1, —— ix. 8, 1, Heb. x. 20. VEIL (wutcnr) 6, which τι, one. 2 Cor. iii. 14 (ὅτι, because, α 1, T Tr A.) VENGEANCE. 1. ἐκδίκησις, execution of right and justice, maintenance of right. 2. δίκη, right, justice; hence, judgment, sentence. 3. ὀργή, wrath, the active dutgo of wrath, (not the affection itself, which is θυμός); indignation, anger con- joined with the desire of revenge. 1. 2 Thes. i. 8. 1. Heb. x. 80. 2. Jude 7. VENERABLE. Phil. iv. 8, see “‘ HONEST.” VENOMOUS. See, BEAST. VERILY. Heb. yx, strictly adj., true, certain, faithful ; but also as adv., truly, certainly, surely. «4ὲ VER [ 846 ] VES the beginning of a sentence, truly, assuredly, certainly, verily ; at the end, so be it, amen. * In John's Gospel always twice, verily, verily. 2. μέν, indeed, truly, zmplying affirma- tion ov concession, and at the same time pointing forward to something antithetic, which ts then commonly (a) subjoined with dé, but, or (b) with οὖν, therefore, 2.6. indeed therefore. 3. γάρ, (composed of ye, verily, and dpa, accordingly) the fact is, in fact, as the case stands. 4, ἀληθῶς, in truth, truly. 5. δήπου, a particle equivalent tol wot, and you allow ; δή giving the asser- tion, decision, and confidence; που generalizing this decision, and im- plying the success of an appeal Sor the truth of what is said, indeed, truly, verily. 6. ναί, yea, yes, certainly. 7. ὄντως, really, in very deed; for ον, Numb. xxii. 37.) 1. Matt. v. 18, 26. | 1. Luke xxiii. 43. (xx, 1. —— vi. 2, 5, 16. 1* John i. 51 twice. 1. —— viii. 10. 1* —— iii. 3, 5, 11. 1, —— x. 15, 23, 42, ike v. 19, 24, 25. 1, — xi. 11. 1* —— vi. 26, 32, 47, 53. 1. —— xiii. 17. ue viii. 34, 51, 58. 1. —— xvi. 28. 1» πο ἢ,» 1. ----- xvii. 20. εἰ xii. 24. 1. —— xviii. 3, 13, 18, πο xiii. 16, 20, 21, 38, 1, —— xix. 23, 28. ἣν xiv. 12, 1. —— xxi. 21, 31. αν xvi. 20, 23. 1, —— xxiii. 36. 1 xxi. 18. 1. —— xxiv. 2, 34, 47. 3. Acts xvi. 37. 1. —— xxv. 12, 40, 45. 2a,— xix. 4 (om. G LT 1. —— xxvi. 13, 21, 94. Tr A.) 1. Mark iii, 28. 2. —— xxii, 3 (om. G2 1, 1, —— vi. 11 (ap.) ἘΠῚ ἈΝ) 1. — viii. 1 τ Fy Xxvi. 9. 1. --- ἰχ. 1. . Rom. ii. 25, 2a. 12 ἢ (om TTrb.) | ———rx. 18, see Yes, 1, 3. —— xv. 2 1. —x. ᾿ξ, 29. 2. 1 Cor. v. 8, ο ο κου 2. —— xiv. 17 1, — xii. 43. 7. Gal. iii, 21 1, — xiii. 30. 4, 1 Tim. 11, 5. 1, —— xiv. 9, 18, 25, 30. 5. Heb. 11, 16. 1, Luke iv. 24. 2, —— iii. 5. 6, xi. 51. 2a,— vi. 16 (om. L T Tr 1. —— xii. 37. ΑΝ &.) 1, —— xiii. 35 (om. G L | 2. —— vii. 5, 18, TTrAR®.) 2b.— ix. 1. 1. — xviii. i 29, 2, —— xii. 10. 1. —— xxi. 32, | 2, 1 Pet. i. 1, 20. VERITY. ἀλήθεια, truth as the revealed reality lying at the basis of, and agree- ing with an appearance; truth as the representation of what is and the realisation of what ought to be. 1 Tim. ii. 7. VERY. (For list of other words used in various connections with it, see below.) 1. σφόδρα, very, very much, exceed- ingly, excessively. 2. αὐτός, self, same. 3. αὐτήν, (Acc. fem. sing. of No. 2.) 4. αὐτά, (Acc. neut. pl. of No. 2.) 5. καί, and, also, even. 6 . ἀληθῶς, (adv. of ἀλήθεια, see “veRITY ”) in truth, truly, really. 5. Matt. x. 30. 6. John vii. 26 (om. ἃ Τὶ 1. — xviii. 31. TTrARW.) 5. — xxiv. 24, 3. — xiv. 11. 1. Mark xvi. 4. — Rom. xiii. 6, see V 5. Luke ix. 5 (om, Lb Tr thing (upon this) AR.) — Phil. i. 6, see V thing 5. — xii. 59. (this) 1. — xviii. 23, 2. 1 Thes. ν. 23, 4, Heb, xi. 1. VERY THING (ruts) αὐτὸ, same, ) this same thing, τοῦτο, this, ἡ or this very thing. Phil. i. 6. VERY THING (σρον rms) eis, unto, αὐτὸ, same, τοῦτο, this, unto this same, or very thing, (this one that we are speaking of.) Rom. xiii. 6. See also, ACT, ATTENTIVE, BOLD, CHIEFEST, COSTLY, DILIGENTLY, EARLY, EVEN, FIRST, GLADLY, GREAT, HEAVY, HIGHLY, HUNGRY, LITTLE, MANY, MORNING, PITIFUL, PRECIOUS, SMALL, SORROWFUL, THAT, WORTHY, WELL. VESSEL (-s.) 1. σκεῦος, a vessel, or implement of any kind, utensil, instrument ; (hence, in pl. it denotes all that belongs to a complete outfit; moveables as opp. to fixtures.) 2. ayytiov, (dim. of ἄγγος) a small vessel, reservoir, receptacle, (ε.φ. a blood-vessel); esp. a small vessel in which oil was carried to replenish torches and lamps, (80 Ixx. for >, (Numb. iv. 9), (non occ.) See “tiaur,” No, 6. 2, Matt. xiii. 48 (ἄγγος, | 1. Acts x. 11, 16. a larger vessel, a jar, | 1. —— xi. 5. pan, pail, T Tr AS.) | 1. Rom. ix. 21, 22, 23, 2, — xxv. 4. 1. 2 Cor. iv. 7. — Mark vii. 4,560 Brazen. | 1. 1 Thes. iv. 4. 1, —— xi. 16. | 1. 2 Tim. ii. 20, 21. 1. Luke viii. 16. | 1. Heb. ix. 21. 1. John xix. 29 | 1. 1 Pet. iii, 7, 1. Acts ix. 15 | 1. Rev. ii. 27. 1. Rev. xviii. 12 twice. VESTURE. 1. ἱματισμός, clothing, raiment, gar- ments; here, quoted from Ps. xxii. 19, where lxx. for Ὁ; also for 032, 1 Kings xxi. 80; 2 Kings vii. 8.) ἱμάτιον, a garment, esp. the outer garment or mantle, (as opp. to χιτών, the inner vest.) περιβόλαιον, something thrown around, 1.6. a covering. Here, in allusion to Ps. cii. 27, where Ixx. for wind; so for ΠΟ», Ex. xxii. 27; mp20, Ezek. xxvii. 7. 1. Matt. xxvii. 35 (ap.) | 3. Heb. i. 12. 1, John xix, 24, 2, Rev. xix. 13, 16." VEX (εν. 1. ὀχλέω, to harass, with crowds or tumults ; then, gen., to trouble, or importune. Jn N.7., only pass., to harass, (non occ.) 2. βασανίζω, to apply a touchstone, to examine or scrutinise by words or by torture ; then, gen., to torture, afflict with pain. . κακόω, to affect with evil; to do evil to any one, esp. physically, to maltreat, harm. . καταπονέω, to wear down by hard labour. Here, pass., to get worn out, (Acts vii. 24.) — Matt. 22, Devil. — — xvii. xv. see to excite tumult in, 1, TTraAn.) 1, Acts v. 16. (be) . —— xii. 1. 1, Luke vi. 18 (ἐνοχλέω, | 4. 2 Pet. ii. 7. ὰ 2 Pet. ii. 8, 15, see V [ 847 1 SE EE GS Sa RETR VEXED (πε) πάσχω, to suffer, to be subjected to evil or calamity. Matt. xvii. 15 (ἔχω, to have, L Tr A* &, Le. lit. is ina grievous, condition. ) VIAL (-s.) φιάλη, a bowl, goblet having more breadth than depth; (xx. for pr, Ex. xxvii. 3; Numb. vii. 19, etc.) [Here, the “vials” are the drink- offering belonging to the sacrifice, Lev. xxiii. 15: Numb. xv. 1-11; Xxviil. 11-14.) The seven Seals had unfolded the mystery; the seven Trumpets proclaim and open the war; now seven “ Vials” prepare the sacrifice for the last great slaughter, and are signifi- cant of plagues which cannot be escaped. Men cannot reach the height from whence they are poured, nor slay those who pour them. It is submitted that in the seven seals we have the comprehensive aspect of the history of Daniel’s last week, (yet future) a summary rehearsal of judgment, covering the whole period in broad outline, while in the seven trumpets we have the woes that relate specially to the apostate Jews, and in the seven vials the woes that are to come upon their oppressors, the Gentiles, (Deut. xxxii. 43; Is. li. 21-28; Jer. xxv. 28,29; Rom. ii. 5-10.) The seals are thus parallel to the two series, of trumpets and vials combined. At the seventh seal there is silence, (vii. 1) a turning-point, while we go back again to begin the other parallel (but two-fold series). The seventh trumpet celebrates the accomplishment of God’s pur- poses regarding His own people, (x. 7; xi. 15) while it initiates the seven vials, the anger of the “nations,” and proclaims that for them, “Thy wrath is come.” Whereas in the seventh vial, there is no transition, but instead, the angel who pours it declares “ It is done,” (xvi. 17-21).] (non οσο.) Rev. v. 8. RAs TGs Bate, 8.10, — xv. 7. — xvii. (12; 17. Rev. xxi. 9. VICTORY. 1. νίκη, conquest, victory, esp. victory in battle, (non occ.) 2. νῖκος, a later form of No. 1, (non occ.) 2. Matt. xii. 20. Le ct ἜΤΟΣ, xv. 54, 55, 57. 1. 1 John v VICTORY (Grr tHe) vixdw, to conquer, get the upper hand, prevail, be victorious. Rev. xv. 2. VICTUALS. 1. βρῶμα, that which is eaten, food, z.e. solid food, as opp. to liquid; hence, sustenance, nourishmert, (here, pl.) 2. ἐπισιτισμός, a furnishing one’s self with provisions, a stock ov store of provisions, (non occ.) 1. Matt.xiv.15. | 2 Luke ix. 12. VIGILANT. νηφάλιος, sober, temperate, esp. respect to wine, abstinent; hence, sober in mind, watchful, circum- spect, (οσο. 1 Tim. iii. πο 1 Tim, iii. 2. Tit. ii. 2, marg. (text, sober.) VIGILANT (88) γρηγορέω, to wake, keep awake, watch ; (Ixx. for toy, Neh. vil. 3; “pw, Jer. 1.12; v. 6.) 1 Pet. v. 8. VILE. 1. ἀτιμία, dishonour; here, gen., of dishonour, of vileness. 2. ῥυπαρός, filthy, dirty, foul; (Ixx. Sor wx, Zech. ui. 3, 4), (non occ.) ταπείνωσις, humiliation; here, gen., of humiliation. 1. Rom. i. 26. | 2. Jas. ii. 2. 8. Phil, iii, 21. Ls esses eesti in . VILLAGE (-s.) κώμη, a village or hamlet in the open country and without walls. Matt. ix. 35. Luke ix. 52, 56. —— xiv. 15. — x. 38. —- xxi. 2. — xiii. 22. ---- ἘΠῚ πα Mark rt Ge 36, 56. Acts viii. 25. VINE. ἄμπελος, & Vine, (non 060.) Matt. xxvi. 29. John xv. 1, 4, 5. Mark xiv. 25. Jas. iii. 19’ Luke xxii. 18. Rev. xiv. 18, 19. VINEGAR. ὄξος, sharp wine, sour wine, a cheap, common kind of wine, which, mixed with water, constituted the common drink of the poorer classes and soldiers. Matt. xxvii. 34(olvos, wine, | Mark xv. 36. GeoLT Tr.) Luke xxiii. 36. 48. John xix, 29 twice, 30, VINEYARD. ἀμπελών, a vine-yard, (non occ.) Matt. xx. 1, 2, τ , 8. Luke xiii. 6. —- xxi. 98° 33, 3 9, 40, 41. Mark xii. i. 2, 8, 9. twice. 1. Cor. ix. 7." VINEYARD (presser OF ONE’s) ἀμπελουργός, a worker in a vineyard, a vine-dresser; (Ixx. for 09, 2 Ch. xxvi. 10; Tax: dxf) (non oce.) Luke xiii. 7. VIOLENCE. 1. βία, strength, esp., a violent or un- just exertion of strength or power, compulsion, constraint. 2. δύναμις, the being able, z.e. ability, the inherent or natural power or capacity. 3. ὅρμημα, impetus, a rush, main force, (non it — Matt. xi. 12, see V]1. Acts xxi. 35. (suffer) { (do) I — xxiv, κο, — Luke iii, 14, see V {ο | 1. —— xxvii. 1, Acts v. 26, 2. Heb. xi. 84. 3. Rev. xviii. 21. ——————— eee EEE VIO VIOLENCE TO (πο) διασείω, to shake throughout, shake vehemently; hence, to imspire terror, (non occ.) Luke iii, 14, marg. put in fear. VIOLENCE (svrrer) βιάζομαι, to force, compel, to use force, to carry a point by obstinate perseverance, (occ. Luke xvi. 16.) Matt. xi. 12, marg. begotten by force. VIOLENT. βιαστής, one who commits violence, one who unjustly exerts strength or power ; here, pl. Matt. xi. 13. VIOLENTLY. See, RUN. VIPER. ἔχιδνα, ἃ viper, (non oce.) Matt. iii. 7. — xii. 94, Luk Acts xxviii. 3. Matt. xxiii, 33. Θ 1, 7. VIRGIN (-s.) παρθένος, (adj.) virgin, (fem. as subst.) a virgin. * masc., chaste, pure, 07) unmarried, as for the sake of greater devoted- ness for Christ. + quoted from Is. vii., where 1xx. for maby, of. Is. viii. 8, 4; vii. 8: x.21; thus fulfilling in a strict and literal sense that which the Prophet spoke in a wider sense, and on α different occasion. Matt. i. 23+. 1 Cor. vii. 25, 28. —— xxv. 1, 7, 11. 34 (om. GeL.,) Luke i. 27 twice. B, 37. Acts xxi. 9. 2 Cor. xi. 3, Rev. xiv. 4". VIRGINITY. παρθενία, virginity, virgin age; (Ixx. Sor anys, Jer. iii. 4), (non occ.) Luke ii. 36. VIRTUE. 1. ἀρετή, superiority in every respect ; thus, spoken of God; (and Ἰχχ. for ΠΠ, Is. ΧΙ. 8, 12 ; xiii. 21; [ 849 1 VIS Ixiii. 7; and nn, Hab. iii. 8); then, in a moral sense, that which gives man his worth, his efficiency, his moral excellence; hence, good quality, excellence ef any kind, (non occ.) 2. δύναμις, the being able, 1.6. ability, inherent power, natural capacity, moral as well as physical ability. 2. Mark v. 30. 1. Phil. iv. 8. 2. Luke vi. 19. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 9, marg, (text, 2. —— viii. 46. praise.) 1. 2 Pet. i. 3, 5 twice. VISIBLE. ὁρατός, seen, visible; (Ixx. Job xxxiy. 26; xxxvii. 21), (non occ.) Col. i. 16. VISION (-s.) 1. ὅραμα, thing seen, a sight, spectacle; (xx. for mn, Gen. xlvi.2; Ex. ii. 3; Deut. xxviii. 34; prin, Dan. viii. 2; mnn, Gen. xv. 1), (οσο. Acts vii. 31.) 2. ὀπτασία; a sight, an appearance ; (Ixx. for m0, Dan. ix. 23; x. 1, 7, 8), (non oce.) 3. ὅρασις, seeing, the sense of sight; then, that which is seen. (a) quoted from Joel ii. 28, 29, where lxx. for in; and for pin, Is.i.1; Jer. xiv. 14. 1. Matt. xvii. 9. 1. Acts x. ὃ, 17, 19. 2. Luke i, 22. 1. —xi. 2. —— xxiv. 23 1, — xii. ο. 8a.Acts ii. 17. 1. —— xvi. 9, 10. 1, —— ix. 10. 1. —— xviii. 9. ἐξ 12 (om. ἐν ὁρά- | 2 xxvi. 19. part, ly a vision, L T | 2. 2 Cor. xii. 1. Trb AR.) 3. Rev. ix. 17. VISIT (-Ep, -EstT.) ἐπισκέπτομαι, to look upon, to look at. view; to go to see, go to look after; hence, to visit, with a view to help, relieve, or deliver ; but alss with a view to punish; (so lxx for app, Ps. Ixxxix. 88; Jer. xiv. 10), (oce. Acts vi. 3.) * here quoted from Ps, viii. 5, where Ixx. for 775, as also Gen. 1. 24, 25; Ps. ον]. 4. Matt. xxv. 36, 43. Acts vii. 23. Luke i. > 78. — xv. 14, 36. — vii. Heb, ii. 05. Jas, 1, 27. GGG VIS ee SSS [ 850 ] VISITATION. ἐπισκοπή, a looking upon, for help, relief, deliverance, or punishment ; hence, visitation. Luke xix. 44. Ι 1 Pet. ii. 12. VOCATION. κλῆσις, a call, a summons, invitation, a calling. Eph. iv. 1. VOICE (-s.) 1. φωνή, a sound, atone, as given forth or uttered ; hence, a voice, a cry. 2. ψῆφος, a small stone worn smooth by water, a pebble, (Lat., calculus); then, because small black and white pebbles were voting (viz. the anciently used in white for approval, the black for disapproval), a vote. 1. Matt. ii. 18. — Acts xix. 34, see V 1. —— iii. 3, 17. cried out (all with 1. —— xii. 19. one) 1. — xvii. 5. 1. — xxii.7,9,14, 22, pl. 1. —— xxiv. 31, marg. | 1. —— xxiv. 21. (text, sound.) 2. —— xxvi. 10. 1. —— xxvii. 46, 50. als 14, 24. 1. Mark i. 3, 11, 26 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 10, 11. 1. —-v.7 1. Gal. iv. 20. 1, —— ix. 7. 1. 1 Thes. iv. 16. τ 84,97, | 1. Heb. iii. 7, 15. 1. Luke i. 42 (κραυγή, ex- | 1. —— iv. 7. clamation, L Tr A.) 1. —— xii. 19, 26. 1. 44, 1. 2 Pet. i. 17, 18. 1. — iii. 4, 22. 1, —— ii. 16. 1. —— iv. 33. 1. Rev. i. 10, 12, 15. 1. — viii. 28. 1. —— iii. 20. 1 Say S566: i, ενα, 1. — xi. 27. 1. ——v. 2, 11, 12. 1. — xvii. 13 pl., 15. 1, —— vi. 6, 1. — xix. 37. ης 7 (om. φωνήν, 1. —— xxiii. 23 twice, 46, the voice of, G.) 1. John i. 23. | 1. 10. 1. — iii. 29. 1. — vii. 2, 10. 1. — v. 25, 28, 37. | 1, —— viii. 5, 13 twice. 1, — x. 3, 4,5, 16,27. | 1. — ix. 13. 1, — xi. 43. 1. —— x. 3 twice. 1, — xii. 28, 30. 1. 4 Ist (om. τὰς 1. — xviii. 37. φωνὰς ἑαυτῶν, their 1. Acts ii. 14. voices, GL T Tr AR.) 1. —— iv. 24. ΤΡ 4 πα 7,8. 1, —— vii. 31, 57, 60. 1, —L= 34/19, 15, 19. 1. —— viii. 7. 1. —— xii. 10. 1. — ix. 4, 7. 1, —— xiv. 2 4times, 7, 9, 1. —x. 13, 15. 13, 15. 1. —— xi. 7, 9. 1. —— xvi. 1, 17, 18. 1. —— xii. 14, 22. 1, —— xviii. 2 (ap.), 4, 1. — xiii. 27. 22, 23. 1. —— xiv. 10, 11, pl. ul xix. 1, 5, 6 3 times, 1, —— xvi. 28, (1, —— xxi. 3. (17. VOICE CRIED OUT (att wirn ΟΝΕ) φωνὴ, voice, μία, one, | ἐκ, out of, πάντων, all, ἐγένετο, became, one voice arose out of all. Acts xix. 34, VOY VOID (ΑΚ) 1. κενόω, to empty, to make empty, as to the contents, make in vain. 2. καταργέω, to render useless, put an end to, do away with, abolish. 2. Rom. iii. 31. Ι 1. Rom. iv. 14. 121 Cor; ἐσ. 15. See also, JUDGMENT, OFFENCE. VOLUME. κεφαλίς, a little head, (Lat. capitulum) chapter, the summary ο) contents of a chapter; here, lit., “in the heading of a scroll,’ and quoted from Ps. xl. 8, where Ixx. for spp-nbin, (non occ.) Heb. x. 7. VOLUNTARY. θέλω, to will, to wish, to desire, imply- ing active volition and purpose; to purpose, intend; here part., lit., “let no one fraudulently de- fraud you of your prize, though doing it of purpose in humility,” etc. Col. ii. 18, marg. being a voluntary. ——~-_— VOMIT. ἐξέραμα, that which is vomit, (non 066.) vomited out, 2 Pet, ii. 22. VOUCHSAFE. [margin.] 2 Thes. i. 11, see ‘‘ worTHY (coUNT)”’ VOW: εὐχή, prayer, prayer {ο God; then, a vow made in prayer; esp. the vow | of the Nazarite; (so lxx. for 1), Numb. vi. 2, 21), (οσο. Jas. v. 15.) Acts xviii. 18. ] Acts xxi, 23, VOYAGE. - ---.-.. | } | πλόος, sailing, navigation, voyage, (οσο. | Acts xxi. 7; xxvii. 9.) Acts xxvii. 10, WAG (-πνα.) [verb.] WAIT (-Ep, -ΕΤΗ, 1NG.) [verb.] κινέω, to move, put in motion, esp. of ἐκδέχομαι, to receive from any quarter, the head, to shake; (Ixx. for yn to be about to receive from any wr, 2 Kings xix. 21; Job xvi. 4; | quarter, 1.6. to wait for, look for, Ps. xxii. 8.) expect. Matt. xxvii. 39. | Mark xv. 29. 1 Pet. iii. 20 (ἀπεκδέχετο, instead of ἅπαξ ἐξεδέχετο, Ee SE Ee ΚΘ το i.e. the longsuffering of God was waiting long for, instead of once the longsuffering of God waited, WAGES. GLTTrAR®,) 1, ὀψώνιον, whatever is bought to be sil WAIT AT. eaten with bread, as meat, fish, etc. Hired soldiers were paid partly in meat, fruit, etc.; hence, a stipend, wages, esp., of soldiers, (oce. 1 Cor. ix. 7.) (a) plural. προσεδρεύω, to sit towards, sit by; hence, to wait near, to attend, (non occ.) ..------ὄ....΄΄΄ὦὃἢᾧὌ;3»νἝ ; ..΄΄΄ὦἝὦἝὦἝἾ 1 Cor. ix. 18 (παρεδρεύω, sit beside, wait near, GeLT TrAN. WAIT FOR. 2. μισθός, hire; wages, pay; recom- pense, reward. la. Luke iii. 14, marg. al- | la.Rom. vi. 23. 2 Nf ες ο” lowance. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 8. 1. ἐκδέχομαι, see ~ WAIT. 2. John iv. 36. 2. 2 Pet. ii. 15. 2. ἀπεκδέχομαι, (No. 1, with ἀπό, from, prefixed) to wait out, wait long for, await ardently. WALL (-Ε0, -1nG.) [verb.] 1. ἀλαλάζω, to utter a loud ery; ο) 9 mournful cries, to lament aloud, wail; (so Ιχχ. “for bon, Jer. xxv. 34; xlvil. 2), (oce. 1 Cor. xiii. 1.) | 4. προσδοκάω, to watch toward or for anything, to look for. . προσδέχομαι, to receive to one’s self, admit ; to wait for, await, expect. 2. κόπτω, to beat, to cut, as by a blow. Here, mid., to beat or cut one’s ἀναμένω, to remain firm, hold out, self, e.g. the breast in loud ex- to wait for as the coming of the pression of grief; hence, put for morn, etc., (non occ.) to wail, bewail; (Ixx. for ἼῬο, 2 Sam. i. 12.) 3. πενθέω, to mourn, lament, to grieve, σι for) . περιμένω, to wait around or about anything, to remain for, (non occ.) 8, Mark xv. 43. 6. Acts x. 7, see Conti- mourn for. 4. Luke i. 21. nually. σε 4. 24, 1. Mark v. 38. | 2. Rev. i. 7. 4, —— viii. 40. 1. —— xvii. 16 part. 3. Rev. xviii. 15, 19. 3. —— xii. 36. 2. Rom. viii. 19, 23, 25. (2 Soe PP aad b 3. xxiii. 51. ἃ, ΤΟ ΟΣ δ, ή 1. John v. 3 (ap.) | 2. Gal. v. 5. WAILIN G. 6. Acts i. 4. | 5. 1 Thes. i. 10. κλαυθμός, weeping, implying not only tears, but every outward ex- WAIT ON pression of grief. Matt. xiii, 42, 50. προσκαρτερέω, to be strong or firm to- 7 wards anything, to endure or persevere in or with, to be con- WAIT. . τὰ ; Ἕ [noun.] tinually with any person or thing. See, LAY, LIF, LYING. Mark iii. 9. GGG* WALK (εν, -EDsT, -EST, -ETH, -ING.) [verb. | to tread about, walk about, and gen., iB ue 1. AB --.. ..... απ, Bee BRR Re πας 27, see Walk- 1, . ——— 24, see W or- . — xiv. 25, 26, 29. 91. ek Pet ped el et bet μὰ μα τῷ μὰ 2 Thes. iii. 5, marg. patience. WAKE. γρηγορέω, to keep awake; (spoken of | beingalive,as “to sleep” is of death.) 1 Thes. v. 10. , περίπατεω, walking. πορεύω, to cause to pass over by land or water, to transport ; pass, to go, having regard, not to the point of departure, but to the end to be reached. . στοιχέω, to stand advance in rows or ranks; hence, to walk orderly, walk according | to any rule ο) order, (non occ.) Matt. iv. 18. — ix. 5. xi. 5. 43, see W through. —— xv. . Mark i. 16 part. (παρά- ω, to pass near, GeoL Tt AR.) — ii. 9. — v. 42. — vi. 48, 49. — vii. 5. —— viii. 24. through. 41. —- xiii. 33. — xx. 46. — xxiv. 17 part. : John i. 36 pi ut. | — v.8, 9, 11, — vi. 19, 66. vii. 1 twice, — viii. 12. — x. 23. —- xi. 9, 10, 54. — xii. 35 twice, | xxi. 18, (derly. | . — Vii. 17. . 2 Pet. 11. 10. . 1 John i. 6, 7. ποπ er Eee | AAR ES ST ee gs SM ee ee) WAI [352 ἢ WAL WAITING (ΡΑΤΙΕΝΤ) WALK ABOUT. ὑπομονή, a remaining under, a bearing 1. 1 Pet. v. 8. up under; patient endurance of evils, etc., while remaiming or waiting. WALK IN. ἐμπεριπατέω, (No.1, with ἐν, 1π, prefixed) to walk about i in, (non occ.) 2 Cor. vi. 16. | WALK ORDERLY. 8. Acts xxi. 24. WALK THROUGH. διέρχομαι, to come or go through, to pass through. to walk, to be Matt. xii. 43. | Luke xi. 24, WALK UPRIGHTLY. ὀρθοποδέω, to foot it straight, to walk straight, 1.6. in a straight course ; metaph., to walk or live uprightly, (non oce.) Gal. ii. 14. to or go in order, WALKING (πε) Rom. iv. 12. 1. Mark xi. 27 part. — vi. 4. .- ος --. ο ο WALL (.5) 1. τεῖχος, a city wall, fortification; (Ixx. for non, Deut. 111. 5; Josh. vi. 5, . —Viii. 1 (ap.), 4. . — xiii. 13. ΕΞ Ξ 15, 1 Cor. iii. 3. 2 Cor. iv. 2. .- —v.7. —— vi. 16, see W in. 20), (non occ.) — x. 2 part., 3 part. n : pact Pert ος, τοῖχος, the wall of a house ο) court, Gal μι τά “τ the inside wall of a dwelling, a aie | partition; (xx. for yp, Ex. xxx. 3; eon i en | Ley. xiv. 87), (non occ.) — iv. 1, 17 twice, 1. Acts ix. 25. — Eph. ii. 14, see W —— vy. 2, 8, 19. 2. —— xxiii. 3. between (middle) . Phil. iii. 16. | 1. 2Cor. xi. 83. 1. Heb. xi. 30. — 17, 18. | 1. Rev. xxi. 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19. ἘΝ Coli, 103 es δ᾽ [aaa ee — iv. 5. y Ὁ παω WALL BETWEEN (appre) . — iv. 1, 12. μεσότοιχον, a middle partition. Eph. ii. 14, 2 Thes. ili. 6, 11. . 1 Pet. iv. 3 part. WALLOW (αν, ING.) — iij. 3. ii, 6 twice, 11, . 2 John 4, 6 twice. : 8 John 3, 4. | κυλίω, to roll, roll on or along. Here, hag i ae mid., to roll one’s self, wallow ; — it 4. (Ixx. for 92.1, Josh. x. 18), (nom — xvi. 15. occ.) xxi, 24, Mark ix. 20. WAL [ 853 ] WAR WALLOWING. [noun.] WANTING (55) κύλισμα, something rolled, a wheel; 2. Tit. i. 5, marg. be left undone. then, a rolling ov wallowing, (non |——_——_ a - oce.) WANTON AGAINST (ΒΕΘῚΝ το 2 Pet. ii. 22. WAX) WANDER καταστρηνιάω, (κατά, against, and στρη- νιάω, to live strenuously, rudely, as Eng., “to live hard,” revel, run riot); to run riot against, lead a life of luxury and gaiety, to the neglect of another or in opposition to him. πλανάω, to make wander, lead astray ; here, pass., to wander, go astray ; (Ixx. for nyn, 2 Kings xxi. 9; Ezek. xliv. 10, 15.) Heb. xi. 38. 1 Tim. v. 11. WANDER ABOUT. , WANTONNESS. περιέρχομαι, to go 07) come around, or ) ‘ up and down; hence, to wander | ἀσέλγεια, excess, licentiousness ; later, about. asciviousness, lewdness. 1 Tim. ν. 13. Heb. xi. 87. Rom. xiii. 13. WANDERING. [adj.] WANTONNESS (atvcn) πλανήτης, one wandering about, a 2 Pet. ii. 18, plural. wanderer, whence Engq., planet, for a star, which, as opp. to the fixed WAR (-s.) [noun.] stars, wanders or moves in a course of its own, (non occ.) Jude 13, WANT. [noun.] πόλεμος, the agitation and tumult of battle, (Zat., pello, bellum) ; hence, fight, battle, war; (Ixx. for monn, Ex. i. 10; 2 Kings iii. 7.) aoe Xxiv. hag = iv. 1 corre, Ϊ Ἱ ark xiii, 7 twice. ev. xi. 7. 1. ὑστέρησις, the being last, the coming Duke sty SL. ato. short; hence, the being in want, — xxi. 9. — xiii. 7 (ap.) (non occ.) Rey. xix. 19. 2. ὑστέρημα, that which comes short, that which is wanting, lack, defi- ciency, want. 3. χρεία, use, advantage, service ; then, WAR WITH (intend) [mergin.} Acts zii. 20, see ‘ DISPLEASED WITH (BE HIGHLY)” what is needed for use or service ; WAR (ike) want, need. πολεμέω, to war, make war, to fight. 1. Mark xii. 44. 2. 2 Cor. ix. 12, pl. Ay : ὡ 2 2Cor. τῆι νεῖν | ΗΝ ἡ gs > τ ee tet δρ Ce τ τος WANT (BE τν) ὑστερέω, to be last, behind; to lack, come short of; to be without, to want, suffer need. Luke xv. 14, pass. WAR (en ΟΕ) στράτευμα, an army, forces, troops, | soldiery. Luke xxiii. 11, plural. WAR (ΤῊ, -rnG.) [verb.] 1. στρατεύω, to serve in war; then, to = rg απ = δι μ.. a ~ πι -Φ -ὔ-ἷὐἥἧἃιἾ. ““ὔ---------------------- WANT (-rp, -1na.) [verb.] 1. ὑστερέω, see above. wage war. In N.T. only mid., to 2. λείπω, to leave, forsake. serve in war, to war, be a soldier. (a) pass., to be left, forsaken of any 2: πολεμέω, to war, make war, fight. thing, to be destitute of, to lack. 1. 2 Cor. x. 8. ne Jaa. iv, le 1. 1 Tim, i, 18. 2 9 1. John ii, 3 part. | 2a, Jas. i. 4, 1, 2 Tim, ii. 4, 1. 1 Pet. ii, 11. S υ σ ἀὑἀἄ.-- GT WAR [ 854 1 WAS WAR AGAINST. WARN (εν, -ππα.) ἀντιστρατεύομαι, to lead out an army | 1. νουθετέο, to put in mind; hence, to against, to oppose, war against, warn, admonish, exhort ; (Ixx. for (non occ.) 40, Job iv. 3.) Rom. vii. 23. 2, ὑποδείκνυμι, to point out privately WARD. with the finger, to give to under- stand as it were by stealth, to sig- φυλακή, the act of keeping watch; nify, let be known; (1xx. for 73m, then, the watch itself, watch, Est. ii. 20.) guard. 2. Matt. iii. 7 1. 1 Cor. iv. 14 ss a att. 111. {. . or. 10. sets xi 20: 2. Luke iii. 7. 1. Col. i. 28. 1. Acts xx. 31. 1. 1 Thes. v. 14 WARE OF (1) net 1. γινώσκω, to perceive, observe, obtain | WARNED OF [or rrom] GOD (az) a knowledge of or insight into, [ : to learn, recognise, to be influ- χρηματίζω, to do or carry on business, enced by one’s knowledge of the have dealings, esp. im money mat- object, to suffer one’s self to be ters, to negotiate, transact busi- determined thereby. ness ; of kings and magistrates, to do business publicly, 1.6. to give audience and answer as to am- bassadors or petitioners, to give response or decision. Then, spoken 8. φυλάσσω, to watch, not to sleep, to of a divine response, to give re- keep watch by night; here, mid., sponse, to speak as an oracle, to keep one’s self from or as to speak or warn from God ; (so Ixx. anything, to be ware of, avoid. for πα, dev. πα. 2 5 (xxx, Ἦν 2. συνεῖδον, to see into ο) understand with one’s self; or with one’s senses, to be aware. 1. Matt. xxiv. 50,2 in AV. 1611, but altered in edition | XXXVl. 4.) 1. Luke xii. 46, of 1762, to ‘‘ be aware.” μα 2. Acts xiv. 6. Matt. ii. 12, 22. | Acts x. 22. 8. 2 Tim. iv. 15. Heb. xi. 7. WARFARE. WARY (be) στρατεία, military service, warfare; a military expedition, campaign, (non occ.) 2 Cor. x. 4. | 1 Tim. i. 18. Heb. xi. 7, see ‘‘ MOVED WITH FEAR (88) WAS (HE, SHE, IT, THERE) AS, AS SOON AS, FORASMUCH AS, 80, THAT, THOUGH, WHEN, WHEREAS VARFARE (Go a 2 : % e V (Go a) WHICH, WHILE, WHO. ; ; στρατεύω, to serve in war, to be ἃ sol- dier ; here, mid., to serve in war, | When not part of another verb, or take the field, go on active ser- phrase, it is the translation of vice, one of these following. 1 Cor. ix. 7. 1. εἰμι, I am, (the ordinary state of existence.) WARM ONE'S SELF (-εΡ, -ra.) θερµαίνω, to warm, heat ; here, mid., to warm one’s self, as bya fire; (Ixx. * with pronoun eyo, I. (a) ἐστί, he, she, ov it is, (8rd pers. for oon, Is. xliv. 15,16; 1 Kings sing. pres. ind. ’ i. 1, 2), (non oce.) (b) Optative, εἴη, etc., might be. Mark xiv. 54,67. 1 John xviii, 18 twice, 25, (c) εἶναι, to be, (inf) * with Ace. of noun, that is, είο., WARMED (98) (“that” being sometimes under- Jas. ii. 16. stood.) WAS [ 855 1 WAS + with διὰ τὸ, on account of, for the sake of, because of...being. 1 with ἐν τῷ, in the being, ete. (4) ὦν οὖσα, ὄν, being, (participle). * with Acc. before it,, ete. (ο) ἦν or ἤμην, he, she, or it was. γίνομαι, to come into being, to begin to be, to become, to arise, to happen. ὑπάρχω, to begin, to start ; to begin to be, (referring to original state or existence.) ἔχω, to have. ἀπέχω, to keep off or away from. μέλλω, to delay, to be on the point of, to be about to. συμβαίνω, to stand with the feet to- gether; hence, to stand with or beside (so as to assist); to come together, meet. κατά, (with Ace. as here) according to, (in reference to some standard of comparison implied or expressed.) le. Matt. i. 18 1st. | la,Mark x. 47. le.— ii. 9, 15 1st. Ι le.—— xi. 15 80, 82. le.— iii. 4. 2. —— xiii. le.— vii. 27. ε 10: — xiv. i 2, —— viii. 26. 1 66, as... W. le. 30. τὰ —— xv. 7, 25, 26. 6. —— xi. 14. 2. ——— 33, was come. le.—— xii. 4. le. 39. le. 10 (om. Go Τ | 19. 40 (om. Tr> &.) Tr A.) le. 41, 42, 46. le.— xii. 40. le.—— xvi. 4 rs xiv. 15, when... W. | 2. Luke i. 5. le. 98, | le. 7, 66, 80. le. 24 Ist (ap.) 2. ——ii. 2. le.— 24 2nd. let 4, la.— xvi. 20. 2. 6. 2. xvii, 2 2nd. le. 7, ο, xix, 8. 2. 13. (40. Je.— xxi. 25, le. oe 26, 36 1st, 2, —— xxiv. es 2. —— 2. —— xxvi. 6, when...W. | le. SL 19. 71 2nd. le.—— iv. 17. 2. —— xxvii. 45. 2. 25. le. - 54, 56, 61. le. 32, 33, 38 2. —— xxviii. 2. Ic* 41. le. 8. (83. | 2. 42, when... W. le.Mark i. 6, 13 twice, 23, | le. v. 3, 17 twice, 18, le. - 45 (om. Lb, ) 29. la.— ii. 1. le. vi. 6 twice. le. 4, 2. 13, 16, 49. le.— iii. 1 (om. L Tr.) | le.—— vii. 2 2d. le.— iv. 1 2nd. la. 4, 2. 10. 5. ——— 6, when... W. le. 98, le. 12314 (om. GT.) 2. 39. le. 12 3rd (om. St le.—— v. 5, 11 G3TTr> A.) la. 14. le. 37, 39 le. 21 2nd, 40, 42 2. viii. 24 2. —— vi. 26. le. 32. 2. 35, when...W. 8. 41. le. 47, 48, 52 1ος--ὶ ix. 18, as...W. la. 55. 2. 29 twice, not in le.— vii. 26. Greek. 2. —— ix. 7, 26 le. 45, 53. 2. Luke x. 32, when...W | 16, John xi. 41 (ap.) 55. (om, Tr.) 36. eee 1, 2, 6. 9. let xi. 1, when...W. | la. le. 14 twice. 145 - 17, that...W. 2. 30. le. xiii. 5, 23, 30. le.— xiii. 10. 1c* xe 5. le. 11 1st (om. L Τ | le. xviii. 1, 10, 13twice, le. 11 2nd. prey 14, 15, 16, 18, 40. le.—— xiv. 2. le.—— xix. 14, 19, 20 twice, 5. —— xv. 20, when...W. 23, 31 twice, 41, 42. le. 24 Ist. 1d.—— xx. 1, when.. ιν 16. 24314 (οπη.ᾱ -- 8) | le. η. 16. 25, 82 2nd. la. 14, le. 323ra (om.GsL | le. 24, ihe τ la.— xxi. 4 le.— xvi. 1 1st, 19. la. 7 15. le. 20 (om, L>T Tr | le. 7 2nd. le.— xvii. 16. CR.) | la. 12. 2. 26. 2. Acts i. 16, which...W. le.—- xviii. 2, 3. | le. 17. 9. 23 Ist. 2. 19, le. 23 2nd. 2. 26, when... W. 2. 24 (om. T Trb le. — ii. 24. Α 8.) le.— iii. 10, le. 34. le.— iv. 3. le.—— xix. 2 2nd. 2. 4. 16. 2 3ra (om.Lb>Tr.) | 16. 22. la. 3 Ist. 163 82. le. 32nd. le. 33. 6. 4, 3. 8 (No. 16, 1, 8.) let oe 3. —v. 1* 22. 2. 7 is, le. xx. 4, 1d.— vii. 2, when...W. 1c* 6. le. 9. 16. xxi. 37. 143 19. 1b.— xxii. 23. le. 20 2nd, 22 2. 24,40,when...W. | 2. 29, 38. 2. 4 (ap.) le.—— viii. 1 1st, 1d.——53, when... W. 2. ] 2nd, le. 56, 59. 2. 8. 2. ——— 66. 1c* 92nd, 1d+—— xxiii. 7, who...W. | le. 16, 28, 32. le. 8 ind, 19, 38, | le.-—— ix. 9, 10. 44 Ist, 2. 19. 2. 44. 2nd, la. 26. le. 47 2nd, 53, 54. le. 28, 33, 36 2nd, 1d.— xxiv. 6,when...W. | 14. 381st,forasmuch le. 10 (ἦν, it was, as...W. for ἦσαν, they were, | la. 38 2nd, GesT), (om. ἦσαν, they | 1d. Ἔ were, GwTr?,) 2. —— ix. 42. ΕΗ: 5. 13. fa x: " (om, All.) 2. 19. 2. 4, 25. le.John i. 1 3 times, 2, le. 38. le. 41st (No. la, | le.—— xi. 21, 24, y | le.—— xii. 5, 6. le. 4 2n la. g Ist, 2 6. 2. 9 2nd, Was done. le. 8, 9, 10, 15 twice, | 4, 15. 28, 30, 40, 44. 2. 18 1st, as soon 2, —— ii. 1 Ist. as it W. le. 1 2nd le. 18 2nd, 20, la. 9. 2. 23. le. 13. 1» xiii. 1 1st (with la. 17. xara), lit. in Antioch, le. 23, 25. (26. throughout theexisting le.— iii. 1, 23 twice, 24, Church, le.—— iv. 6 twice, 46 1st. le. 7, 46. le.— v. 1, 5, 9. le. xiv. 12. la. 18, 15. 185. 18, which...W. le. 35. 2. xv. 39. le.— vi. 4, 10. le xvi. 1. 2. 17, 21 3. 3. le. 22. 2. 26. la. 24, 2) 35, when... W. le. 62. le.—— xvii. 1. 6. ια let—— xviii. 3. le.— vii. 2, 12, 39, 42. le. 25. 9, 43 3. 1." 28. le.-— viii. 44, let xix. 1, while... W. 2. 58. le. 16. le.— ix. 8, 14, 16, 24. 2. ibe 14. 25,whereas...W. | le. 82. 2. —— x. 19, 22 1st. | la. 34. le. 22 2nd. | le. xxi. 3 le.—— xi. 1,2, 62nd, 18, | 1b. 33. 30, 32, 38. we 35, 80 it W. Le WAS [ 856 ] WAS ------- 6. Acts xxi. 37. 2. 1 Thes. ii. 1. . i ee Ὃ πο a hen nets, but esp. clothes, to rinse; 2. 17. ΑΝ. (Ixx. for p25, Gen. xlix. 11; Ex, * . . . eae ee xix. 10; Lev. xiv. 9; Numb. xix. 2. 12, when... W. 2 2Tim. i when... W. a 10.) la. 27, 34. — iii —— 1d*—— xxiv. 24, which Sree oe [These words are to be carefully 2, —— xxv, 15,when...W. | —- 2 2nd (καὶ, also.) distinguished, esp. in John xiii. 3 Blarry ων maar Ὁ 10, where the Lord’s teaching la. 26. le.— xii. 21. ν 4 τν ορ) ποσα, entirely turns upon their mean 1d. απ WW. | Mea ete Ue ings. One verse (in Ixx.) Lev. τω ο aoe aL ae xv. 11, gives, and contains, all ὩΣ bat ap δα three words. “And whomsoever idiomas lo when, |S iv. λα he toucheth that hath the issue, A 2 σου and hath not rinsed (Wo. 1) his le. 13. le.— v, 11. hands in water, he shall wash pve os at oie ee aeons, aM (No. 5) his clothes, and bathe Ίο x. ᾧ e— x, 101s, (No. 8) himself in water and be Je — avi 12 ar, EE τ Ἂ unclean until οφ ee με 2. 2 Cor. i. 18 (No. la, | 6. —— xii. 5. Ἶ “11 is } ο πω ἢ John xiii. 10, e that is washed 2. 19 Ist ἃ 2nd. e.— xiii. 2. (No. 3) needeth not save to wash i αν, | le. v. 19. ° πο ο η τς bathed, needs only the washing of le.Gal. i, μι 2 sath ie xvii. ‘Bimie, 1. his ri and so in ἌΣ ἜΣ 2, — iii. whic Ja,.— ras ῃ 5 a eee fom, LA) truths Jesus ibe eaching, he 8, — iv. 28, as...W. le. that has tasted the enjoyment of | | | : | ανω” | (No. 1) his feet”; ae. he that is the provision of the atonement of the brazen altar, needs only the sanctification of the brazen laver, which was “for the priests to wash in.” In other words, our atonement can never be repeated, our cleansing must be a daily work, as the feet (our “walk”’) need a constant washing. | WASH (-ευ, -1NG.) 1. νίπτω, to wash some part of the | body, as the face, hands, or feet ; (so Ixx. for ym, Gen. xvii. 4, | xliii, 31; Ex. xxx. 20; Deut. xxi. | 6 sid. Sam. XXV. 41), (see under | No. 5.) 2. ἀπονίπτω, (No. 1, with ἀπό, away | 6. ἀποπλύνω, (No. 5, with ἀπό, away from, prefixed) to wash off. In from, prefixed) to wash off or N.T., mid., to wash off from and out, spoken only of washing inani- for one’s self, (a symbolical action mate things, to wash thoroughly ; of innocence. See Deut. xxi. 6, 7; (Ixx. for 835, 1 Sam. xix. 24; Fw, and Josephus, Ant. ivy. 8, 16), Ezek. xvi. 9), (non occ.) (non oce.) ή Ἢ ) απτίζω, to dip or immerse, spoken 8. λούω, to bathe, used only of the πο ος σας, np ὡς by whole body ἢ (Ixx. fi vs tA , Lev. washing. id. and aor. pass., as viii, 7; Ruth 1. 8); hence, to here, to wash one’s self, perform cleanse, purify ; (κκ. for ym, Is. 1. ablution; (Ixx. for ὅπ, 2 Kings 16), (see under No. 5.) v. 14, of verse 10, where it is 4. ἀπολούω, (No. 5, with ἀπό, away 7m, and λούω, (No. 3) of also from, ‘orefied) to wash off by Lev. xi. 25, 28, 40; Numb. xix. bathing. In «Ν.Τ:, mid., to wash 18.) off or from one’s self by bathing, cleanse from, wash away; (Ixx. for 8. βρέχω, trans., to wet, wet on the : surface, to moisten; hence, in- 7 i ΣΧ, 9 . . ] . 2, 5 4 . ᾿ J 1 μυβυνοαν ὡς ως Ps. li, 2, 7; trans., to rain; (κκ. for monn, Bs. 1.16; Jer. iv. 14, Ps. vi. 7; pon, Is. xxxiv. 3; 372, 5. πλύνω, to wash inanimate things, as Ezek. xxii. 24.) WAS 1, Matt. vi. 17. 1, John xiii, 10 2nd. 1. — xv. 2. | 8. Acts xiii. 10 Ist. 2. —— xxvii. 24, if 102nd, 12, 14twice. 1, Mark vii. 8, 8. Acts ix. 87 pat. ie 4, 8, — xvi. 6, Lukev. rat a 853,6 ΟἹ, Se sees aE 16, see W Ti Tr A: 58.) away. 8, — vii. tay 44, 4. 1 Cor. vi. 11. 7. —xi 1, 1 Tim. v. 10, 1. John i ix. ot (om; L».) | 8. Heb. x. 22, 7 2nd, 1] twice, 15, | 8, 2 Pet. ii. 22, es — xiii. δ, 6, 8 twice. 3. Rev. i. 5. 8. 10 lst. 5, —— vii. 14, WASH AWAY. 4, Acts xxii. 16. WASHING. 1. βαπτισμός, the act of washing, ablution, with special reference to purification. 2. λουτρόν, a bath; a vessel or water for bathing; (Ixx. for nyn5, Song iv. 2), (non occ.) 1. Matt. vii. 4, 8 (ap.) | 2. Eph. v. 26. WAST. When not part of another verb or phrase, it is the translation of > ἧς, or ἦσθα, thou wast, (2nd pers. sing. pres. ind. of εἰμί, the ordinary verb of existence) ; 1. * with personal pronoun σύ, thou. to nv, imperfect, he, she, or it was ; * with article, the one who was. 8. ὦν, είο., part., being. 1* Matt. xxvi. 69. 1. John xxi. 18, 1* Mark xiv. 67. 2* Rev. xi. 17. 3. John i. 48, 2* — xvi. 5, WASTE. [noun.} ἀπώλεια, trans., the losing or loss; intrans., destruction, ruin. Matt. xxvi. 8. | Mark xiv. 4. WASTE (-zp.) [verb.] | 1. διασκορπίζω, to scatter throughout, scatter abroad, disperse. 2. πορθέω, Το lay waste, ravage, destroy, | as α city or country. 1, Luke xy. 18, | 2. Gal. i. 15. 1, Luke xvi. 1. 2. Tit. iii. 5. 1. Heb. ix. 10. | [ 857 ] WAT WATCH. [noun.] 1. φυλακή, the act of keeping watch; watch, guards ; the place of keep- ing guard; also, the time of a watch. Gen., among the Hebrews, a division of ‘the night into three watches of four hours each; (Ixx. for mows, Judg. vi. 19; Ps. xe.6) ; among the "Romans, into four watches of three hours each, and either num- bered 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, or called ὀψέ (evening), μεσονύκτιον (midnight), ἀλεκτοροφωνία (cock- crowing), πρωΐ (morning). (a) Prob. the 1st watch not named because the marriage itself occurs on it; and the 4th not named because the return not likely to be so long delayed. | 2. κουστωδία, custody, (the Latin mili- tary word “ custodia,” guard.) . Matt. xiv. 25. in the second and if, — xxiv. 43. instead of καὶ ἐὰν —— xxvii. 65, 66. ἔλθῃ ἐν τῇ δευτέρᾳ φυ- . — xxviii. 11. κ καὶ, and uf he shall come in the se- cond watch, or, T Tr . Luke ii. 8, pl., marg. night watches. . — xii. 38 τὸ (κὰν ἐν | AS.) τῇ δευτέρᾳ κἂν, and if | 1. Luke xii. 38 2nd. τὰ RRP μα 1, 1, | 1. | 2. ' 3. 4. 1. 1, 3 1 3 3. ~ WATCH (-kp, -ΕΤΗ, -1NG.) [verb.] 1. γρηγορέω, to keep awake, Ἢ watch ; (ixx. for toy, Neh. vii. 3; 4p wy, Jer. v. 6.) 2. τηρέω, to keep an eye upon, to watch or observe attentively, keep the eyes fixed upon. 3. παρατηρέω, (3ο. 2, with παρά, beside, prefixed) to have an eye near, pith ie closely, esp. with sinister intent, (οσο. Cal. iv. 10.) 4, ἀγρυπνέω, to be sleepless, lie awake, (through care or anxiety); hence, to be watchful of or very intent upon a thing, (non occ.) 5. νήφω, to be sober, abstinent, esp. as {ο wine. Matt. xxiv. 42, 43 4. Luke xxi. 36. — xxv. 13. 3. Acts ix. 24. — xxvi. 38, 40, 41. 1, —— xx. 31. — xxvii. 96, δε, 1. 1 Cor. xvi. 18. Mark iii. 4. Eph. vi. 18. —- xiii. 33. 1. Col. iv. 2. 34, 35, 37. 1. 1 Thes. v. 6. — xiv. 34, 37, 88, 5. 2 Tim. iv. 5. . Luke vi. 7. | 4, Heb. xiii. 17, . — xii. 37, 39, 5. 1 Pet. iv. 7. . — xiv. 1. τς Rev. iii. 3. — xx. 20. x xvi. 15. WAT WATCHFUL. γρηγορέω, see above, No.1. Here, part., watching. Rev. iii. 2. WATCHING (-s.) ἀγρυπνία, sleeplessness, watching, ἔπι- plying care and anxiety, (non occ.) 2 Cor. vi. 5. | 2 Cor. xi. 27. WATER. [noun.] 1. ὕδωρ, water, used of standing or flow- ing water. (a) ὕδωρ ζῶν, living water, 7.e. spring- ing water. (b) ὕδατα πολλά, many waters, (pl.) (c) Used of the watery fluid found in the pericardium. 9. ποταμός, a river, a stream. 1. Matt. iii. 11, 16. 1. Acts i. 5. 1. — viii. 32. 1. —— viii. 36 twice, 38, 39. — — x. 42, see Cold. 1. —— x. 47. 1. — xiv. 28, 29. 1. —— xi. 16 1. — xvii. 15. 2. 2 Cor. xi. 26. 1, — xxvii. 24, 1. Eph. v. 26. 1. Mark i. 8, 10. —1 Tim. v. 23, see W 1, — ix. 22, 41. (drink) 1. — xiv. 13. 1. Heb. ix. 19. 1. Luke iii. 16. 1. — x. 22. 1. — vii. 44. 1. Jas. iii. 12. 1, — viii. 24, 25. 1, 1 Pet. iii. 20. 1. —— xvi. 24. —2 Pet. ii. 17, see W il xxii. 10. (without) 1. John i. 26, 31, 33. 1. —— iii. 5 twice, 6, 1. li. 7, 9 twice. 1. 1 John v. 6 3times, 8, 1, — iii. 5. — Jude 12, see W (with- lb. 23; 1. Rev. i. 15. {out) 1. —— iv. 7. 1. —— vii. 17. la. 10, 11. 1. —— viii. 11 twice. ls 13, 14 Ist, 14 2nd | 1. —— xi. 6. (ap.), 14 3rd, 15, 46. 1. — xii. 15. ile v. 3 (αρ.), 4twice | 1, —— xiv. 2, 7. (ap.), 7. 1. —— xvi. 4, 5, 12. la,—— vii. 38. 1. —— xvii. 1, 15. 1, —— xiii. 5. 1. —— xix. 6. le.—— xix. 34. 1 xxi. 6. 1. Rev. xxii. 1, 17. WATER (pring) ὑδροποτέω, to drink water, be a water- drinker, (non occ.) 1 Tim. ν. 23. WATER (wirnovr) ἄνυδρος, waterless, dry 2 Pet. ii. 17. | Jude 12. WATER (-Εν, -Ern.) [verb.] 1. ποτίζω, to let drink, to give to drink ; of plants, είο., to water, irrigate. 1 Cor. iii. 6, 7, 8. [ 858 1 WAX WATERING (tEaD away το) ἀπαγαγὼ, to lead or conduct away, ποτίζω, to give to drink, here, lit., lead- ing [76] away, give [14] drink. Luke xiii. 15. WATER-POT (-s.) ὑδρία, a water-pot, z.e. a vessel for drawing, carrying, or containing water; (κκ. for 13, Gen. xxiv. 14, etc.; Judg. vil. 16, 19), (non occ.) John ii. 6, 7. | John iv. 28. WAVE (-s.) 1. κῦμα, a wave, a billow; (Ixx. for 53, Job xxxvill. 11: Is. αἶπῃ, δι (non occ.) 2. κλύδων, adashing of the sea, surge ; (Ixx. for yp, Josh, i. 4, 11, 12.) 3. σάλος, motion to and fro, tossing ; the rolling sea; (xx. for Ἐν), Jonah i. 15; wi, Is. xxiv. 20), (non 066.) 1. Matt. viii. 24. 1. Acts xxvii. 41 (om. τῶν 1. — xiv. 24. κυμάτων, of the waves, 1. Mark iv. 37. LT Tr AY &.) 8. Luke xxi. 25. 2. Jas. i. 6. 1. Jude 13. WAVER (τη, -1NG.) διακρίνω, to separate throughout ; here, mid., to separate one’s self en- tirely ; also, to be in separation within one’s self, be in strife with one’s self, hesitate, waver. Jas. 1. 6 twice. WAVERING (wrrnovr) ἀκλινής, not inclining, without bend- ing, not giving way. Heb. x. 23. WAX (-Ep.) [verb.] 1. γίνομαι, to begin to be, to become. 2. προκόπτω, to drive forwards as if with repeated strokes, beat for- ward, beat ahead, push forward, advance. 1. Luke xiii. 19. | 2. 2 Tim. iii. 13. 1. Heb. xi. 54, WAY [ 359 1 WAY See also, BOLD, COLD, CONFIDENT, GROSS, OLD, RICH, STRONG, WAN- TON. WAY (-s.) (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. ὁδός, a way, highway, road ; a going, progress; metaph., manner of action, method of proceeding ; access. πάροδος, (No. 1, with παρά, beside, prefixed), a way beside, a by-way, a passing by, (non occ.) τρόπος, a turning, turn; hence, manner, mode. πορεία, a going, way, journey; (Ixx. Sor πο, Jonah iii. 3, 4); hence, goings, ways, journey of life ; (Ixx. for on, Prov. ii. 7), (οσο, Luke xiii. 22.) 5. τόπος, place, spot, space; also me- taph., place, 1.6. opportunity, oc- casion. 1. Matt. ii. 12,and see W { — Luke xix. 4, see W (another (that) 1. — iii. 3 ae 36. 1, — iv. 15. 1. — xx. 21. 1. —— v. 25. 1. — xxiv. 32, 35. 1. — vii. 13, 14. 1. John i. 23. 1. —— viii. 28. 1. —— xiv. 4, 5, 6. -- 30, see W off (a | 1. Acts ii. 28. good) 1. —— viii. 26, 36, 39. 1, ——x. 5. 1. —— ix. 2, 17, 27. 1, —— xi. 10. 1. — xiii. 10. — — xiii. 4, 19, see W | 1. —— xiv. 16. side (by the) | 1. —— xvi. 17. 1. — xv. 32. 1. —— xviii. 25, 26, 1. — xx. 17. 1, —— xix. 9, 23, -- 30, see W side | 1. —— xxii. 4. (by the) 1. —— xxiv. 14, 22 1, —— xxi. 8 twice, 19, 32. | 1. —— xxv. 3. eG, 1. — xxvi. 18, 1. Mark i. 2, 3. 3. Rom. iii. 2. ——-iv. 4, 15, see W | 1. 16, 17. side (by the) 1. —— xi. 33. 1. —— viii. 3, 27. 1. 1 σε νι 17. 1. — ix. 35. 1. — xii. 31. Le 34 (om. L>.) 2. —— xvi. 7. 1. ——x. 17, 32, 52. 8. Phil. i, 18. — — xi. 4, see W meet — Col. ii. 14, see W (out (in a place where of the) two) 1. 1 Thes. iii. 11. 8 Ist, 8 2nd (ap.) | —2 Thes. ii. 7, see W +, == sl. 14 (out of the) 1. Luke i. 76, 79. 1. Heb. iii. 10. 1, — iii. 4, 5. -- ---ν. 2, see W (be 1. —— vii. 27. out of the) — — viii. δ, 12, see W | 1. —— ix. 8. side (by the) 1, —— x. 20. 1. —— ix. 57. 5. —— xii. 17 marg. (text, 1. ---σκ. 4. place.) τον 51,366 W (that) | 1. Jas. i. 8. 1. —— xi. 6, marg, (text, | 4 11, jowrney. Ἶ 1. —— ii, 25. 1, — xii. 58. 1. —— v. 20. — — xiv. 32, ) see Woff | 1. 2 Pet. ii. 2, 15 twice, 21, — — xv. 20, 5 (a great) | 1. Jude 11. — — xviii. 35, see W |1. Rev. xv. 3. side (by the) 1, —— xvi. 12. WAY OFF (4 coop) μακράν, long, (strictly, for μακρὰν ὃδόν, a long way, a great way, far, far off ; (Ixx. for pm; Josh. ix. 22; J πα xviii. 7 ) Matt. viii. 30, WAY OFF (a Great) 1. μακράν, see above. 2. πόρρω, forwards, far forwards. 2, Luke xiv. 32. Ι 1. Luke xv. 20 WAY (ΑΝΟΤΗΕΕ) διὰ, through ἄλλης, another ὁδοῦ, way. Matt. ii. 19. WAY (BE OUT OF THE) πλανάω, here, pass., to wander, go as- tray; here, part. with art., ot πλανώ- μενοι, those led astray. Heb. v. 2 WAY (ovr ος THE) ἐκ, from out of, away out of, μέσου, the midst. Col. ii. 14. | WAY SIDE (ay tHe) παρά, along the side of τὴν, the ὁδόν, way. Matt. xiii, 4, 19. Mark iv. 4, 15. — xx, 30. | Luke viii. 5, 12. Luke xviii. 35. 2 Thes. ii. 7. WAYS MEET (in ἃ PLACE WHERE TWO) ( ἐπὶ, upon τοῦ, the at the ἄμφοδον, bivium, an open > cross- | place where two or more ἢ way. ways meet, (non occ.) Mark xi. 4. WAY (rar) 1 ( διὰ, through "ἡ ἐκείνης, that [way. | WE | 860 7 WE 4. 1Cor. x. 6. (1. Gal. v. 5. év, in he 1. ---- χί, 16. 4- Eph. i. 4, 19, 2. ὁ τῇ, the his 1. — xii, 1 a 1 sees Se ES le ὁδῷ, way, way. 4. 2 Cor. i. 4 μι. 8. ae ὦ (ὑμῖν, you, if 6 2nd. ‘ym ος ss ὑνὰ ες (om. διὰ, through, GLTTrAN.) | + Sart 1. Phil. iii. 3. 3 ᾿ 1, — ili, 18, 1. Col. i, 9 1st, 98 Ist. 1, — iv. 11, 13 2nd 4. 1 Thes. i. 8. 1 2. 18. Ἐξ παπα, ; iy. η. 1, — iii. 6, 12. See also, BRING, BY, ESCAPE, GO, τ Τὸ “ ἘΠ Ἡ LASCIVIOUS, MANY, OTHER, PER- | 9° τῇ 518. 4 2Thes i 4. 4, viii.4(om. δέξασθαι | 1. —— ii. 19. NICIOUS, THAT, TURNED, WHAT. ἡμᾶς, GL TTrA αν, | 1. Tit. iii, 5. 1.6. of us with aan τ Heb. gtr sy intreaty the gift and, | 1. 5 WE. instead of us with 1. — iii. age : much intreaty that we | 3. —— iv. 13. We, is frequently part of the trans- would receive the gift | 8. —v. 1]. lation of a verb or of a phrase. ο ο ο ο ο το ο. — Ist. — xii When it is represented by a separate | 1’ ix sa πό te word in the Greek it is always | 1. --- κί, 15,51 | 4 —— σοι 1: xiii, 41st,6,7 twice, | 4. Jas. i. 18. emphatic, and is one of these 9 2nd, ης, following. 1. Gal. i. ee a 1. 2 Pet. i, 18 20 οἷν 1. — ii, 9, 15, 16 lst. Σ 1 John iii, 14 1st, 16 2nd. (For “ we ΑΕΕ, “ ARE WE,” and various | }: —™,3 ὧν : ἜΠΗ: τ i Sis 10, 11, 14, sgriete ’ 5 ὑμεῖς, YOU, 9 nd, 19, combinations, see below.) T Tr A.) 1. 3 John 8, 12. 1. ἡμεῖς, we. 2. ἡμῶν, (Gen.) of or from us, (trans- lated “we” by being in the “genitive absolute.’’) 3. ἡμῖν, (Dat.) to or for us, (generally after a verb of possession, ‘there is to us,” efc., 1.6. we have, etc.) 4. ἡμᾶς, (Ace.) us, (generally before an infinitive, “ that we,” or governed by another verb.) 1, Matt. vi. 12. | 1. Acts xiii. 32, 1. — ix. 14. | 1. —— xiv. 15. 3, —— xv. 33. | 4. 22. 1. —— xvii. 19. 1, — xv. 10. 1. —— xix. 27 1st, 2, —— xvi. 16. 3. 27 3rd, 1, —— xx. 6 lst, 13. 2. —— xxviii. 13. 4, —— xxi, 1 Ist, 5 2nd. 1; 14. 1. 7 Ast. 1. Mark ix. 28. 2. 10 (om. L T Tr 1, —x. 28. A), (αὐτῶν, they, &.) 1. — xiv. 58. 1. —— 12 2nd. 1, Luke iii. 14. 2. —— 17. 8, —— ix. 13 1st. 3. 23 2nd. 1, 13 2nd, Up 25, 1. —— xviii. 28. 1. —— xxiii. 15, 1. —— xxiii. 41 111. 1. —— xxiv. 8 1. —— xxiv. 21. | 2. —— xxvi. 14 1. John i. 16. | 4. —— xxvii. 1 1, —— iv, 22 lst. ' 2. 18. 1, —— vi. 42, 69, | 4, ——— 20, 26. 1, — vii. 35. 2. 27. 1. —— viii. 41 1st, 48, 1. —— xxviii, 21, 1. —— ix. 21 2nd? 24, 28, | 8. oS. 29 1st, 40 | 4. Rom. iii, 8 2nd. 1, —— xii. 34, | 2. ——v. 6, 8. 1. — xvii. 11, 22, i; vi. 42nd. Δ, “τις τ" | 4. ; 1. — xxi 4. —— vii. 63rd (om, Lb 1. Acts ii. ἫΝ 32, Tr.) 1. — iii. 15. 1, ——viii. 23 (om. L 1, — iv. 9. Tr &.) 4, 12. Μ' xv. 1. 1. 20 2nd. | 1. 1 Cor. i. 23. 1. v. 32. ae ii, 12 1st, 16, 4, vi. 2. 1, —— iv. 8, 10 3 times. 11} 4. 1, —— viii. 6 twice. 1. —— x. 33, 39, 47. | 1, —— ix. 11 twice, 121st 25, WE...ARE and ARE WE. ἐσμέν, (Ist pers. pl. pres. ind. of εἰμί, to be) we are, are we. * with the pronoun ἡμεῖς, we, (emph.) Mark v. 9. 1 Cor. xv. 19. Luke ix, 12. 2 Cor. i. 14, 24. — xvii. 10. il John ix. 28, 40". — iii. 5, —— xvii. 22* (om. ἐσμέν, | —— x. 11 110. are, T Tr A.) —— xiii. 63, Acts ii. 32*. Gal. iii. 25. — iii. 153. — iv. 285 Comms ye are, —— v. 993. LT tr A —— x. 39* (οηι.ἐσμέν, are, 91, GLTTrAnk.) Eph. ii. 10. — xiv. 153. — iv. 25 — xvi. 28. — v. 30. — xvii. 28. Phil. iii. 3*. —— xxiii. 153. 1 Thes. v. 5. Rom. vi. 15. Heb. iii. 6*. — viii. 12, 16. — x. 10, 39*. — xii. 5 1 John ii. 5. — xiv. 8. — iii. 2,19. 1 Cor. iii. 9. —— x. 17 1st, 22, —— iv. 6*, 175. 19, 20. παν ὦ WE BE. ἐσμέν, We are, (see above.) John viii, 33. WE CAN NOT. ς οὐκ, not, it is not ἑ ἐστί, it is, ἡ [needful, etc.] Heb. ix. 5 WE HAVE OUR BEING. | ἐσμέν, We are. | Acts xvii. 28. WE [ 861 ] WEA WE HAVE TO DO. WEAK (ΒΕ ΜΑΡῈ) ε,.α 2. . xiv. 21 . ἢ σκα ἔζεται ἢ ἀσθενεῖ, ἱ . us, 7s our ο. bei made ot η rao) Nae ? ? λόγος, account, a Heb. iv. 18. | WEAK THINGS. πὰ, the things, the weak WE KNOW. ἀσθενῆ, see No. 1, above,) things. γνωστόν, known 1 Cor. i. 27 (ap.) ἐστίν, it is iv ἡμῖν, to us. WEAKER. Acts xxviii. 22 ἀσθενεστέρος, comp. of No.1, above. WE OURSELVES. Αάσκω 1. αὐτοί, selves, our selves. WEAKNESS. 2. ἠμείς, we. 1. ἀσθένεια, want of strength, infirmity, Τρ (No. 1) } we weakness, feebleness. ἡμεῖς, (No. 2) § ourselves. 9 τὸ, the } that which 1. Luke xxii. 71. | 1, 2 Cor. i, 4. αὶ ἀσθενές, weak, ) is weak. 1. Jobn iv. 42. 1. Gal. ii. 17. 3. Rom. viii, 28. ἱ 2. Wits dit. δὲ 2. 1 Cor, 1. 25. 1. 3 Cor. xii. 9, 1, — ii. 3. 1, —— xiii, 4, — 1, —— xv. 49. 2. Heb. vii. 18. 1. Heb. xi. 34. WE TO DO WITH THEE (wuar ; HAVE) | WEALTH. Seong εὐπορία, prosperity, well-living, (from ἼΜΕΝ, a εὐπορέω, to live well, be prosper- Sn an ous), (207 occ.) σοί, to thee. Ὃ αμ Acts xix. 25 Matt. viii. 29. | Mark 1. 24. Luke iv. 34 Se a ae WEALTH (anoruer’s) WEAK. | τὸ, the thing which 1. ἀσθενής, without strength, infirm, τοῦ, of the ( 15 the feeble, weak ; hence, sick, wanting ἑτέρου, other, (different) ) other's strength or power. 1 Cor. x. 24. WEAPON (-s.) | ὅπλον, an instrument, implement of an artisan. In Ν.Τ' only pl., τὰ ὅπλα, . ἀσθενέω, to be weak or ill, 2.6. be usually so, to be feeble. 3. ἀδύνατος, not able, not powerful, not strong; deficient in strength : and used of a soldier, instruments, OT Pn oh. ete.,of war » Weapons, arms, armour, 1, Matt. xxvi. 41. | 2. 1 Cor. viii. 12 part. (oce. Rom. xii. 12; 2 Cor. vi. 7. ) 1, Mark xiv. 38. | 1, —— ix, 22 3times. 2. Acts xx. 35 part. | 1, —— xi. 30. John xviii. 3. | Rom. vi. 13, marg. (text, 5. Rom. xv. 1. 1. 2 Cor. x. 10. 2 Cor. x. 4. [instrwment.) 1. 1 Cor. iv. 10. 1. Gal. iv. 9. - af τα αὐ. 1. — viii. 7, 10. | 1: 1 Thes. v. 14, CELE oon agi κ 11 part. ne 1 Pet. 111, ἐ. | τν EB AR (- ETH, -ING G; Ww ANE.) 1. Φορέω, (a frequentative form of φέρω, WEAK (πε) to bear, implying the repetition and 2. Rom. iv. 19. 2. 2 Cor. xi. 21. continuance of the simple action of 2, — viii. 8, 9, 29 twice, bearing) to bear about as with or 2. — xiv. 1,2. [GeLTN) | 2. — xii. 10. 2 2 . 1Cor.viii. 9part. (No.1, | 2. —— xiii. 3, 4, 9. on one’s self ; hence, to wear, WEA [ 862 ] WEE 2. ἐνδιδύσκω, to clothe in a garment ; here, mid., to clothe one’s self in. 1. Matt. xi. 8. | 1. John xix. 5. 2. Luke viii. 27. 1. Jas. ii. 3. — 1 Pet. iii. 3, see Wearing. WEAR AWAY. κλίνω, to incline, bend down; spoken of the day, or the sun, to decline ; (so lxx. for 1, Judg. xix. 11; πο}, Judg. xix. 8; ΠΒ, Jer. vi. 4.) Luke ix. 12. WEARINESS. κόπος, a beating; the being beat out, weariness. 2 Cor. xi. 27. WEARING. περίθεσις, a putting round, as of orna- ments, chains, etc., (non occ.) 1 Pet. iii. 3. WEARY (-IeED.) ὑπωπιάζω, to give a blow under the eyes, to beat the face black and blue; hence, to beat out, make succumb, make give in through being beaten, (οσο. 1 Cor. ix. 27.) Luke xviii. 5. WEARY (se) Matt. xxii. 8, 8, 10, 11, 12. | WEATHER (rout) χειμών, rain; storm with rain; rainy weather. Matt. xvi. 3. WEDDING. γάμος, a wedding, nuptials, 2.6. the nuptial solemnities; (Ixx. jor mnwn, Gen. xxix. 22; Esth. 11. 18.) Luke xii. 36. Luke xiv. 8. WEEK. σάββατον, rest, a lying by from labour. Heb. naw, Sabbath. “The first of the sabbath” is the first day after the sabbath, (the title for “ Sunday” in most languages) 1.6. the first day of the week ; “ twice in the week,” (Luke xviii. 12) és twice of the sabbath, 1.6. twice im the days after the sabbath. * denotes the pl. rendered by the singular. Matt. xxviii. 1*. Mark xvi. 2*, 9 (ap.) Luke xviii. 12. Luke xxiv. 1". Jobn xx, 11ος, Acts xx. 7*. 1 Cor. xvi. 2*. WEEP (-Est, -ING; WEPT.) 1. κλαίω, to lament, not only by shed- ding tears, but also by every out- ward expression of grief, bewail, mourn for, (occ. Rey. xviii. 9.) 2. δακρύω, to shed tears, weep, (non . οσο. ἐκκακέω, to turn out a coward, 1.6. to ; ) b lose one’s courage; to despond, 4 YA weds to ecome, ) lit., wailing lose heart in view of trial or evils. . ΠΣ ἢ ib ae { νε 3 | αυ Ὶ Gal. vi. 9. [LT Tr A &.) πο», ) 2 Thes. iii. 13, marg. faint (ἐγκακέω, toactasacoward, | 1. Matt. 11. 18. | 1. John xi. 31, 33 twice. | 1, ——xxvi 78 | 2. ———#36. 1. Mark v. 38, 39. | 1. —— xvi. 20. 4 1. —— xiv. 72, marg. | Ἱ. xx, 11 twice, 13, 15, WEARIED (BE) (with i aad 1. Acts ix. 39. ς abundantly, or begin | 38. —— xx. 37. 1. κοπιάω, to be beat out; here, perf., | to weep. 1, eet as, ” x ο 1. —— xvi. 10 (ap. 1. Rom. xii. 15 twice. having become beaten out. 1. Luke vi. 21, 25. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 30 twice. 3 : 1, Ἐξ σα, 18 Ρ8, 1. Phil. iii. 18. 2. κάμνω, to work one’s self weary, be | 1. — viii. 52 ewice, 1. Jas. iv, 9. 3 is η. = ν 1, — xix 41. 1, —v.1; weary (ο even sick), (οσο. Jas. v. | 7° __ 2563. απο ος 15; Rev. 11. 3.) 1. — xxiii. 28 twice. | 1, —— xviii. 11, 15, 19. 2, Heb. xii. 3. | 1, John iv. 6. Ἢ ι ΤῊΣ “π΄ WEEPING. WEATHER (ratr) εὐδία, serene sky, fair in the heavens, fine weather, (non occ.) Matt, xvi. 2. κλαυθμός, a wailing, not merely with tears, but with every outward ex- pression of grief. Matt. ii. 18. Matt. xxiv. 51. viii. 12, — xxv. 30. — xxii. 13, Luke xiii. 28. WEI [ 863 ] WEL 1. Matt. xii. 12. 1. Rom. xi. 20. WEIGHT. το. > τν 1 pla ο. 38. . P δ . Ma . 6, 87. . — xiv. 17. 1. βάρος, weight, in reference to its τὶ xii. 28,39, πο pressure; not the load that has to | }. Luke vi. 26. , | 1 Gal. iv. 17. . δ τ ,. —— xix. 17 (εὖγε, good! | 1. —— ν. 7. ve borne, but the weight, in refer- or well done! 1, Τ Tr | 2, —vi. 9. ence to its cause, i.e. greatness, | 1 Δ) κα 99. ον... fulness, abundance. 1. John iv. 17. 1. 1 Tim. iii. 4, 12, 13. 1. — vii. 48. 1. — vy. 17. ΝΜ 7 ΧΕΙ . Jas. 11. δ, 2. ὄγκος, a prominence, protuberance, 1. αν, 28 ΤΣ marg. (text, swelling ; hence, incumbrance, (non ο. ; ΑΝ ΦΟΟΘΒΜΒΙΙ. ee δ . . οσο.) 1. —— xxvili. 25. [1.2 Pet. i. 19. 1. 2 Cor. iv. 17. Ι 2. Heb, xii. 1. ar ae aby ra: Rev. xvi. 21, see Talent. iy WELL (vo) WEIGHTIER MATTER. 1. ἀγαθοποιέω, to do good, (see “Goon,” , oh gs : βαρύτερα, weightier, more weighty ; No.1) not merely to work good, hence, more important. but. actually to do and perform Matt. xxiii. 33. some good thing or work. 2. σώζω, (here, pass.) to be safe, be WEIGHTY. safe from danger, loss, or destruc- βορύς, heavy, weighty ; hence, impor- ως tant. 2, John xi. 12. |. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 20 part. ο τόνε 10; 1. 1 Pet. iii. 6 part. WELL (-s.) [noun.] 1. πηγή, a fountain, source, spring. 2. φρέαρ, a well or pit dug in the earth. [No.1 need not be No. 2, and No. 2 may be No.1. Though both are distinct, they may be combined. ] 1, John iv. 6 twice, | 1. John iv. 14. 2. - 11, 12. 1. 2 Pet. ii.17. WELL. [adverb. ] (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. καλῶς, (adv. of καλός, beautiful, see “Goon,” No.2) handsomely, beauti- fully ; as to manner, well, z.e. be- comingly, suitably, properly; as to duty, well, z.e. excellently ; as to effect, είο., aptly. bo καλός, beautiful, becoming, well- suited, (see “ goon,” Λο. 2.) 8. εὖ, well, (opp. to κακῶς, evilly) ; happily, fortunately, well off; with care and diligence implied, properly, cleverly, rightly. 4. ἀγαθός, worthy of admiration, ad- mirable ; hence, good, good of its kind, (see “ Goon,” ο. 1.) WELL (rat DOETH) ἀγαθοποιός, doing good, beneficent, (non occ.) 1 Pet. ii. 14. WELL DOING. ἀγαθοποιΐα, well doing, (non occ.) 1 Pet. iv. 19. WELL DOING (for) ἀγαθοποιέω, (see “WELL (Ρο), Wo. 1) here part., lit., as doers of good. 1 Pet. iii. 17. WELL DOING (τν) καλοποιέω, to do well, do excellently, i.e. properly, aptly, thoroughly, etc., (non occ.) 2 Thes. iii. 13 part. WELL DOING (wirn) ἀγαθοποιέω, see “ WELL DOING (FOR)” 1 Pet. ii. 15 part. WELL DONE. ev, see “ WELL,” No. 3. Matt. xxv. 21, 23. WEL “--«-........-.ὄ..ἕ- ὦ. ΄΄΄΄ἷἝ... ἠ ἠ ὀὀἑ.,.. WELL (Fut) καλῶς, see “ WELL,” Λο. 1 Mark vii. 9. WELL (verry) 1. κάλλιων, better, z.e. more excellently, (comp. of “wut,” No. 1.) 2. βελτίων, better, comp. ef ἀγαθός, (see “wet,” ο. 4), (non occ.) 1. Acts xxv. 10. | 2. 2 Tim. i. 18. See also, DRUNK, KNOW, PLEASE, RE- PORT, STRICKEN. WELL BELOVED. beloved, dear; dearly-be- ἀγαπητός, loved. Mark xii. 6. | 8 John 1. Rom. xvi. 5. WELL PLEASING. acceptable. Col. iii. 20. εὐάρεστος, well-pleasing, Phil. iv. 18, | WELL PLEASING (τΗλτ wuicu Is) τὸ, the thing, εὐάρεστον, well-pleasing. Heb. xiii. 21. WENT, WENTEST. See, Go. WERE. (FOR ALL THERE W., THAT W., THEN W., WHICH W., WHILE...W., WHO W., ALMOST (W).) When not part of another word or phrase it is the translation of one | of these following. 1. εἰμί, 1 am, (the ordinary state of existence.) (a) ἐστί, he, she, it, is, (8rd pers. sing. pres. ind.) (b) εἰσί, they are, (8rd pers. pl. pres. ind.) (c) subjunctive, may be. (d) optative, might he. + “Ἐ » > - ὧν, οὔσα, ον, (ὃ infinitive, εἶναι, to be. with Acc., that.. with ἐν τῳ, in the.. is, ete. .being, ete. with διὰ τὸ, on account of the .. being, ete. being, (participle.) (g) imperfect, ἦσαν, etc., they were, ete. 2. γίνομαι, to come into being, to be born, to become, to arise, to hap- pen. 3. ὑπάρχω, to begin, to start; to begin to be, (referring to original state or existence.) 4. ἔχω, to have. 5. μέλλω, to be on the point of, to be about to. 6. linked with; σύνειμι, to be with, be joined or of persons, to live with, have intercourse with. 7. οὕτω, so, thus, under these circum- stances or conditions. lg.Matt. iv. 18. 1lg.—— xiv. 21. 1lg.—— xv. 38. 1g. xxii, 8 2nd, 25, 1g.—— xxiv. 38 Ist. 1g. — XXV. 9 Ist. 1g.—— xxvi. “43. 1g.Mark i. 10. lg. Ἦν ἦν; 1f.—— 26, which W. lg.—— iv. 36. 1g.—— v.13 1st (om. GST Tr A.) lg.— vi. 31, 34, 44. 1lg.—— viii. 9. lg. ix. 4. lg. 6 (No. 2,Ge0L TTrAR.) lg.—- x. 32 1st, lg.—— xii. 20. lg. xiv. 4. lg. 21 (om, Lb T Trb A.) lg. 40. lg.—— xv. AO. 2. Luke i. 2, which W. lg. 6, 7. let—— ii. 6 1t,,while W. lg. 8. 1d,—— iii. 15. lg. iv. 20 2nd, 25, 27. 2. 36. 1lg.— ν. 10, 17 twice. 1lf.—— vi. 3, which W (om. L Tr &.) 1lg.—— vii. 39. | 1g.— viii. 40. | 1lg.—— ix. 14. 6. 18. lg. 30, 32 2nd. 2. —— xiii. 2, a | 3. —— xvi. 14, who W. | 1b,—— xviii. 9 (marg. as being.) 1g.Luke xx. 29. 2. —— xxiv. 5, 22, 87. 1g. 53. 1g.John 1. 24 2nd. 1lg.—— ii. 6. lg.— iii. 19. 1b.— vi. 64. le. 65. lg.— viii. 39 (ἐστέ, ye are, ἃ L Tr Ax.) Τρ. 2. 1g.—— ix. 33. lf. 40, which W. lg. 41. lg.— x. 6 (ἢ, it may be, πο lg. 41. 1f.— xi. 31, which W. lg.—— xii. 16, 20. lg.—— xv. 19. lg.—— xvii. 6. lg.— xviii. 30, 36. lg.—— xix. 11. 1g.—— xx. 19, 26. pas xxi, 2, 8 Ist. 1 11, for all there lg.Acts i. 15. Ww. lg.—— ii. 1, 2, 5, 44. g.—— iv, 6 Ist. 10. 13. lg. 31 Ist, 92, 3. 34. 2, ——v. 12 1st Ig. 12 2nd. 3. —— viii. 16. 3. —— x, 12. 1f.—— xi. 1, that. Ig. 20) Ist. lg.— xii. 3, 12. 1lg.—— xiii. 1. 2. 5. lg. AS 2nd, ΙΝ ---- xvi. 3, which W. 1g. 12, Tb.Acts xvi. 38. 1g.1 Cor. x. 1. 1g.—— xvii. 11 1st. 2. 6. 4. 11 2nd. lg.m— xii. 2 1st, 19 1st. 1g.— xviii. 3 (ap.), 14. | lg.Gal. ii. 6. lg.—— xix. 7, 14. a iv, 3 twice. 2. is 1f.Eph. ii. 1, who W. 1, 31, which W. ig. $, 12. 1. — xx. 8 twice. lf. 13, who W. 1g. 16 (εἴη, it might | 1g.—— v. 8. be, L ΤΥ Α αἱ.) 1g.Phil. iii. 7. : 34. 1f.Col. i. 21. 1f.—— xxi. 8. 2, 1 Thes. i. 5, 7. 5. 27, almost (W) | 2. ——ii. 7, 8 2nd. 1f.— xxii. 5, which W. | 1g.— iii. 4. lf. 9 1st, that W. lg.2 Thes. iii. 10. 2. 9 2nd (om. “ and | 1g.Tit. iii. 3. were afraid,’ G=L Τ | 1g.Heb. ii. 15. Tr A> &.) lg — vii. 11. 6. 11. 1b. 21. Γπιαᾶο. la.—— xxiii. 6. lb & 2, 28, lit. are lg.—— 13. lg.— viii. 4. 4, —— xxiv. 9. 1b.— xi. 13 2nd. 2. — xxvi. 29. 1g.1 Pet. ii. 25. let—— xxvii. 4. 2. 2 Pet. i. 16. 2, ——— 36, then W. 18, 18. lg. 37 (ἤμεθα, we | 2. —ii. 1. were, L T Tr A.) 7. — iii. 4. 8. —— xxviii. 7. lg. 5. 1f.Rom. iv. 17 (ὥς ὀντά, as | 1g.1 John ii. 19 1st. though they were.) 1b. 19 2nd. 1f.—— v. 6, 8, 10 1st. lg.— iii. 12. . 1g.— vi. 17, 20 twice. 2. Rev. viii. 5. lg. vii. 5 Ist. lg.—— ix. 8, 10 (κάι, and, le* ix. 3, that W. Τρ T TrA WN), (om. 2. xvi. 7. Ge) 1g.1 Cor. vi. 11. 2. — xi. 13 1st, 15, 19. le* vii. 7, that W. 2. —— xvi. 13 twice. la.— vi. 14 (neut. pl.) | 1g.— xviii, 98 1st. See also, As, BE. WERT. When not part of another verb or phrase, it is the translation of εἴης, thou mightest be, (27d pers. sing. pres. opt. of εἰμί, to be.) Rev. iii. 15 (ἧς, thou mayest be, GL T Tr A κ.) WEST. δυσμή, (usually only pl.) the going down, the setting as of the sun; (Ixx. for 3, Gen. xv. 12, etc.; 2D, Deut. xi. 30.) Hence, used of the west; (so, Ιχχ. for 9, Ps. Ixxv. 6; Is. xliii. 4; lix. 19; 10, Ps.1.2; exiii.3;, Mal. i. 11), (non occ.) Matt. viii. 11. Luke xii. 54. — xxiv. 27. — xiii. 29. Rey. xxi. 13. See also, NORTH, SOUTH. WHALE. κῆτος, any large fish; hence, Eng., ce- tacea; (Ixx. for 972 21, Jon. ii. 1), (non occ.) Matt. xii, 40, HHH { 866 Ί WHA WHAT, WHAT? “Waar” is frequently part of some phrase, and very generally the | translation of the relative pro- noun, ὅς, 7, 6, who, which, what, that, ete. In all other cases, wHaT is the trans- lation of one of these words fol- lowing. (For various combinations with other words and phrases, see below.) 1. τίς, τί, who? which? what? (αἱ. quis, que, quid?); (κκ. τίς for Ὢ, τί for πο.) (a) with the Indicative mood, relating to some actual matter of fact. (b) with the Subjunctive, expressing something objectively possible, some- thing which may or should take place. (c) with the Optative, expressing some- thing subjectively possible, some- thing simply conceived in the mind. (d) with ἄρα, what then? 2. otos, of what kind or sort. what, such as. 3. ποῖος, What? of what kind or sort ? 4, ὅσος, how great, how much, how many; as great as, as much as. πόσος, how great? how much ? τίνι, with what λόγῳ, discourse. nr 5» 7. οὕτω, in this manner, on this wise ; so! thus! 8. ποταπός, of what kind, sort, ο) man- ner? a later corruption of ποδαπός, from what country? whence ἢ 9. 7, OF. 10. ydp, for. 1, Matt. v. 46, 47. 1. Matt. xvi. 26 twice. la.— vi. 3. 1. —— xvii. 25. 1b. 25 1st. 1. —— xix. 16, 20, 27. 1b. 25 3πά(οηι Οὐ 8) | 1. —— xx. 21, 10. 25 ὅτά, 81 twice. | la, 22. 1. — vii. 9 1, —— 382. 1. —— viii. 29 la.—— xxi. 16. la.—— ix. 18. 3. 23, 24, 27 1b.—— x. 19 1st. 1, ——— 28, 40. la. 19 2nd (ap.) 1, —— xxii. 17, 42 1. —— xi. 7, 8, 9. 1. —— xxiv. 3. la.—— xii. 3, 7. 8. 42, 43. 1. 11, 1. — xxvi, 15. WHA [ 866 1 WHA 7. Matt. xxvi. 40. | 3. John xviii. 32, | 18.1 John iii. 2. la.Rev. iii. 6, 18, 22. ΤᾺ 65, 66. ib 35, 38. la. Rev. ii. i 11, 17, 29. 1. ἘΞ vil, 19 18. 70. 3, — xxi. 19. 8, — iii. . — xviii, 18, 1. — xxvii. 4, 22, 23. iB 21. 1. Mark i, 24. [thing 16: .Acts = a = 27 Ist, see . ι. 27 2nd (αρ.) 3. — iv, 7 twice, WHAT (sur) ta iv, DE τ 33 ἐάν, if la,— iv. 24 1st, &.—— VS: ἢ 3. 30 (No, 1b, L T | 1. — vii. 40. 1. ἡ μὴ Ἢ except perchance. Tre AX.) τ 49 Ist. . ᾽ 1. —v.7, 9. τ 49 2nd. τι, anything. la. 14. a ? -- hag ee ) 1. —vi. 2, . —— ix. 61st (ap. ΤῈ 80 twice. 18. 62nd (sors, what- ὅσα, as many things, 1. —— viii. 36, 37. soever, GwLT Tr A δέ, but, howbeit. 1b.—— ix. 6. af x. 4, 6 (ap.) [,) la. 10, le, 17. 1. John ν. 19. Ι 2. Jude 10. 1 16, ὌΝ 1. 21, 29. 1, —x. 3, 17, 36. — xi. 17. _— la. i lad.—— xii. 18, τ᾿ δι. 4, xv. 12. WHAT EVERY MAN. 1, —— xi. 1. —— xvi. 30. 3. 28, 29,33. EER τίς, who, ) who [should take] what 1. —— xii. δ, 18. 19. , —— xiii, 11s, see W | 10. Bee τί, what, § (or anything); followed manner of, "ἐς τ 0 Ὡς Ὄ 1 2nd. Τ᾽ οσα 523, 99. here by indicative. See No. la. ΠΡ 4. 1, — xxii. 10 κα τη 1. — xxiii, 19. Mark xv. 24. la.— xiv. 36 twice. 3. 34, 1b.—— 40. 1. Rom, iii. 1 twice, 3, 5, 9, Lj; 68,06 3. > 27. WHAT MANNER. pa ANT 1 90 1,45, 21 1: — xv aca τα, Lote e “ ” ‘ Luke iii, 10, 12, 14 τ — vii 7, οἷος, see “ wHAT,” ο. 2. — «84, 36, . - 1. 26. 2 : — = 22 la. 27. Luke ix. 55 (ap.) πο vie Τὴν tok — 31. ᾿ Ἔα Be ος, ely Soe — vii ae eg ee το vil, Ἢ | τω, x3, ‘. WHAT MANNER OF. Ἡ, 2 , . 9 ᾽ ᾿ 1, —— ix. 35. πω ΝΗ 1. ποταπός, see “ wat,” Λο. 8. 1. —— x. 25, 26, 1. 1 Cor. ii. 1 — — xii. 11 1st, see W | 1. —— iv. 7, 21. αν « ” Pee ο tL 13, τὰ 2. ποῖος, see “ wHaT,” Λο. 3. 1 22 twice . —— Vi. , . ε A 5 ie 39." [29 twice. | 1. —— vii. 16, 3. ὁποῖος, what, of what kind or sort. 1. 49. 1. ----- χ, 18, β 1, — xiii. 18. 1. — x. 19. (τίς, what 1. τιν, η 10.— xi, 22 1st. re Pcie: Wiss. 1, — xv. 4, 8, 1b. 22 2na. ( dpa, en, therefore, ο) now. le. 26. 1, — xiv. 6, 15. ie: 9 1. — xvi. 8, la. 16. 1. Matt. viii. 27. 1. Luke vii. 39, 10. 4, 9, ——— 36. 1, Mark xiii. 1. 3. 1 Ther. i. 9, la.— xviii. 6. 6. —— xv. 2, marg. by 1. Luke i. 29. 2, Jas. 1. 24. 3 18, |“ awhat speech. 4. 66. .. ὩΣ ΜΠ Pet. 1, le. 36. a 29, 32. 1. 1 John iii, 1. ib 41. 8. 85, 1b,— xix. 48, 12 rt itis, Πιό 3. — xx. 2,8. 5. —— vii. 11 1st. 16, 1 19, 15, 17 1, — xii. 19, WHAT MANNER OF MAN. 1. —— xxi. 7. 1. Gal. cil ie ἘΠΕῚ Gent ( ; 1, —— xxii. 71. Ls when τις 1, — xxiii. 22. la.Eph. i. 18 twice, 19, 1 BP re see above, No. 4. lb. ση (αρ) ἄς ---- δον, ἢ la. 34 (ap. a, ᾿ | a 1. John i. 21, 22, 38, Ls ie 2. οἷος, see “ wHat,” Λο. 2. 1. —— ii. 4, is, 25. la.—— vy. 10, 17. 1, — iv. 27. 1. Phil. 1, 18, 22 1, Mark iv. 41. | 2. 1 Thea, i. 5. 1, ——v, 12, 14,091. i. 27. 1. — vi. 6, 9 | J. 1 Thes. ii. 19. ——— 1b. 28, | 1. — i. 9. 1; 30 twice. | 1, —— iv. 2. 1. —— viii. 5 (ap. | 1. Heb. ii. 6. } 1. —— ix. 17, 36, (1, — vii. 11. ποταπός, see “ wHaT,” Λο. 8. 1. — xi. 47, 56 | 1. —— xi. 32, ἕω 1b.—— xii. 27, | 1, —— xii. 7. 2 Pet. iii, 11, 3. 33. 1, — xiii. 6. Ib. 49 — | 1. Jas. ii, 14, 16. la.—— xiii. 12. 3. —— iv. 14, la — αν δ. ος | 1. 1 Pet. i. 1] re a WHAT SORT (or) 1. —— xvi. 17, st. — 11 2n see ae ὃ 18. 18 “πὰ. manner of.’ ὁποῖος, what, of what kind or sort. la.— xviii, 21 3. — ii, 20, 1, 29. 1, —— iv, 17, 1 Cor, iii, 13, WHA [ 867 1 WHA WHAT THINGS. | WHAT HAVE I TO DO WITH . ὅστις, (here, πει. pl.) whatsoever THEE? things. τί, what ἐμοὶ, to me καὶ, and 2, Luke xxiv. 19, [ Me ῬΙΗΙΗΙ, ἃ aol, to thee. . ποῖος, (here, neut. pl.) what things ? Mark v. 7. | Luke viii, 98. WHAT THINGS SOEVER. John ii. 4. εν tie ἱ Neen WHAT HAVE WE TO DO WITH THEE? . ὅσα, as many things as. τί, what c -“ ὅσα, as many things as, Mes a ΒΒ ἄν, perchance. eae col, thee. 3. Mark = .. (οπι. ἄν, | 1. John v. 19 (om. av, L GsLTTrARr.) 2. Rom. iii.19. . [Tr>.) Matt. viii. 29, | Mark i. 24, Luke iv. 34. WHAT WAS BEFALLEN TO. See also, BEFALLEN, GREAT, INTENT ? τὰ, the things, (Jit. the things of [i.e. MANNER, MEANS, PLACE, PURPOSE? relating to| the demoniz zed men.) wy 2 Matt. viii. 33. Na a ΞΕ ΣῊΝ WHATSOEVER. WHAT WAY. 1. ὅς, who, which, what, that, ἐπίγο- what way? ie. by what means. marking its close relation to the ΠΕ leading preposition. (a) with dv, perhaps, perchance, WHAT IS IT WHICH? giving the stamp of uncertainty and ς mere possibility, and indicating τί, what Ὁ a dependence on circumstances ; Matt. xxvi.62, | Mark xiv. 60, hence, ὅς ἄν, what...perchanee, #.e. oo ee. whatsoever. WHAT IS THAT? (b) with ἐάν, implying objective possi- τί, what ? if pe of decision, or a condition which my John xxi. 22, 23. experience must determine. WHAT MANNER OF? 2. ὅσος, how great, how much, how motos, what? of what kind or sort? ducing a dependent clause, and | | many; as “great 38, as much “as, | | bility, and expressing the prospect τί, what? as many as. Here, neut. pl., ὅσα, Luke xxiv.17. | John vii. 36, how many and great things. Per (a) with av, perhaps, perchance, | WHAT THEN? (see (a) above.) | (τί, what ? what for? (Ὁ) with ἐάν, implying a condition ὶ γάρ, for, because, Uk then ? which experience must decide, i.e. ult & 18: an objective future possibility, (see τς (b) above.) ‘ITN 3. πᾶς, all, the whole, every kind of ; | WHAT THING? κω every thing, (see “ ALL,’ τί, what ὃ ἣν Ἧι ) Mark i, 27. τὰ ἰ cua 11, sub, (Tr>.) a FS ὅς, W ‘ies Ἱ. «ας ΤΕ ΚΑ παν which. ου gg ο ον WHA [ ὅστις, (here, neut.) which, whatever. ἄν, perchance, perhaps, implying a dependence on circumstances. anything 5. τι, something, a certain thing, any- thing. ( ὁποῖος, of What kind a what- : ever at one time. sort, ᾿ ΣῊΝ at one time, eves time or other, 7 : : * ( δήποτε, in fine, in short. 2a.Matt. vii. 12. | 4, Luke x. 35. la.— x. ll. | 2, —— xii. 3. 1b.— xiv. 7 (No. 18, L | ἊΣ John ii. 5. Tr A.) | 7. ——v. 4 Ge) 1b.— xv. 5. | 2a,— xi. 8. 17. | 4, —— xiv. ἜΣ 1b.— xvi. 1915: (No. la, | 2. xv. 14 (a, what L Tr A), (No. 2, L™.) things, L T Tr A 8.) 16. ὅς, which, what, 10. 19 2nd (No. la, | 4. τσ) Ἴ9α,---πνῖ. 13 (om. ἄν, L 2. —— xvii. 12. | τς NS) 2b.—— xviii. 18 15: (Νο. 28. 23 (ἄν τι, per- 2a, L Tr A.) chance anything, L T 2b. 18 2nd | Tr A), (ὃ τι ἄν, L»), 1b.— xx. 4, 7 (ap.) Peles (6 ἄν R) . 22 2 2. Xvii. 7. στ τε) τ | 2a. Acts iii. 22, προ 3 (No. 2b, | 2. τ iv. ay : | 3a.Rom. xiv 2. — xxviii. 29. | ——— xy.4, »see W things 1b. Mark vi. 22, 23. | la.— xvi. 2. 1b.— vii. 12. | 3. 1 Cor. x. 25. -- 18, see W thing. | 3. 27. 2. — ix. 13. | 5. 81. 5 κ 21. | 6. Gal. ii. 6. ( Tr.) 5 AGS) 7 (No. la, L 1b. xi. 23 (om. 6 ἐάν | 3. ‘Eph. v. 13. ak σας he | ——— vi. 8, see W good saith, Gs" r Ab | things, ete. ΔΝ | — Phil.iv.8,seeW things. ος xiii. os 1b.1 John iii, 22, 2. Luke iv. 23. 3. —v. 4. la.—— ix. 4. la. 15 (No. 1b, TR.) la.— x. 5, 8, 10. | 1b.3 John 5, 3. Rev. xviii. 22 WHATSOEVER...THING. 1. 6 ἐάν τι, here, lit., whatsoever [ good | thing [each man shall have done). (Received text.) but, 6 ἄν, whatsoever [good each man, είς.] G~Tr. ἐάν τι, if, [he shall have done] any [good thing] L™ T A. ἐάν, if, [he shall have done any good |x. 2. ὅσα, how great things, as many things as. 3. Mark vii. 18. 2. Rom. xv. 4. 1. Eph. vi. 8. 2. Phil. iv. 8 6 times. 808 1 τς -- == a WHE WHEAT. σῖτος, wheat; and gen. for grain, corn ; (ας. for 42, Gen. xli. 49; xl. 3; pa, Gen. xxv: 28, 37. Is. xxxvi. 17), (occ. Mark iv. 28; Acts vu. 12.) Matt. iii. 12. John xii. 24. —— xiii. 25, 29, 30. Acts xxvii. 38. Luke iii. 17, 1 Cor. xv. 37. —— xvi. 7 Rev. vi. 6. —— xxii. 31. — xviii. 13. WHEN (or WHEN?) WueEn is frequently part of the trans- lation of a participle or of a phrase. When it is the trans- lation of a separate Greek word it is one of those below. combinations, such as (For various etc., see below.) “WHEN...WAS,” 1. ὅταν, when, with the accessory idea of uncertainty or possibility, 1.6. whensoever, if ever, in case that ; gen. with the subjunctive, referring to un oft-repeated or possible action an the present or future time. (a) with the indicative, in narration of an actual event, past or future. to ὅτε, when, relating to an actual event, to ‘something actually taking place, (correlative with No. 6.) 8. ὥς, ἴῃ which way, in what way ; and hence, as, so as, how; before a clause implying time, in which time, at what time, when. ἔν am during 4. < τῷ, the, ὩΣ μ : while. with the inf. ἐν, in 5. { in which ¢ime. ᾧ, which, 6. ποτέ, when, whenever, at some time, once, of time past or future. πότε, When? at what time? wsed in direct questions. (a) in an indirect question. 8. ἐάν, if, implying a condition which experience must determine, 1.6. an objective possibility, and referring therefore always to something future; here, with subj. pres., im- plying probability, which the future will show whether it is really so or not. WHE ie 12. καθώς, according as. 13 καὶ, even even ὅταν, when, (see No. 1) } when. 4 Le * 14. pera, with; here, with Acc., after. cd 15. ov, (Gen. of ὅς, used as adv.) where. 16. τότε, then, at that time. 17. ὁπότε, when, at what time, (used of what actually took place at a certain time, (non occ.) 9, Matt. ii. 8 3. Luke i. 41. 1. —-v. 11. 2, — ii. 21, 22. 1. — vi. 2, 5, 6, 16 4, 27. 2. — vii. 28. 3. —— 39. 1. —— ix. 15. ie 42. 2. 25. 4, —— iii. 21. 1, —x. 19, 23. 2. —— iv. 25 lst, 2, —xi. 1. 3. 25 2nd. 2. —— xii. 3. 3. —v. 4. 1, —— 43. 4, 12. 4, — xiii. 4, 13. 35. ch.) 2. —— 26. 17.— vi. 3 (No. 2, L Tr 1, 32. 2. 13. 2. 48, 53. vn ἐμ 22 twice, 26. 1. —— xv. 2. 10.— vii. 1 (ἐπειδή, be- 2. xvii. 25 (ἐλθόντα cause now, instead of εἰς, coming into, in- ἐπεί δέ, now when, L stead of ὅτε εἰσῆλθεν, T Tr A.) when he was come, L | 3. 12. Tir Α 5) 1. — viii. 13. 2, —— xix. 1. 4, 40. 1, —— 28. 1, —— ix. 26. 2. —— xxi. 1, 34. 4, 36, 51. 1. 40. 4. —— x. 35. 1, — xxiii. 15. 3. —— xi. 1. 7a.—— xxiv. 3. 1, 2, ο]. 1. 15, 32, 33. 9. 22. 1, — xxv. 31. A 24, 34 1st. ia 37, 38, 39, 44. 9. 34 2nd. 2. — xxvi. 1. 1, 36. ie 29. 1. — xii. 11. 4, — xxvii. 12. Τα 36 2nd, 2. Mark i. 32. κ 54, 55. 1. —— ii. 20. | 3. 58. 2. 25. 1. —— ΧΙ]. 28. | la,— iii. 11. 2, 35 (om. ἥξει ὅτε, 2. —— iv. 10. the time come when, t 15, 16, 29, 31, 32, Trb Ab 8) 2. —— vii. 17. | 1. —— xiv. 8, 10 twice, 12, 2. —— viii. 19, 20. 1. — xvi. 4, 9. {13.} 1, 38, 1. —— xvii. 10, 2, —— xi. 1. νὰ) | 7a, 20 and. 2. ἜΣ "τοῦθ (No. 1, 2, 22, ke 3. — xix. 5. 1, — xii, "23 (om. ὅταν 4. 15. ἀναστῶσι, when they | 3. 29, 41. shall rise, G=L> Tr | 3. —— xx. 37. nN.) 7.——xxi7it. [8], Ἂν 25. 1. 7 2nd, 9, 20, 30, 7. —— xiii. 41st, 5. —— xxii. 7, λα 42nd, 7, 11. 2. 14, 2. — 12 6. 9ο, 1, ----ᾱ--1 a πὰ 2. 35. 7a. 33, 35. 2, —— xxiii. 33, 2. —— xv. 20, 41. 1, 42, ἡνίκα, when, whenever ; here, with perchance, time the thing may happen. ἐπάν, whenever, so soon as. ἐπεί, as, spoken of time and motive ; of time, as, when, after that; of motive, as, since. ἷ.ο. at whatever [ 869 1 2. John i. 19. 3. — ii. 9. 1. 10, 2. 22. 3. — iv. 1. 2. 21, 28. 1. 25. 3. —— 40. 2. —— 45. 5. 52. 1. —-v. 7. 2. 25. 3. — vi. 12, 16. 9. —— 24. 7. 25 2nd 3. —— vii. 10. nile 27, 31. 3. —— viii. 7 (ap.) 1. 28, 2, —— ix. 4. 2. 14 (ἐν ᾗ ἡμέρᾳ, on the day when, in- | stead of ore, daywken, | LTTrARN.) 1. —x. 4. 3. —— xi. 6, 32, 33. 2. —— xii. 16. 2. 17 (ὅτι, because, GLT Tr.) 2. 41 (ὅτι, because, LTTrAR®N 1. — xiii. 19. 2. 31. 1. — xiv. 29, 1. —— xv. 26. 1. — xvi. 4, 13, 21. 2. 25. 2. —— xix. 6, 8, 23, 30. 3. —— 33. 2. —— xx. 24. 2. —— xxi. 15, 18 1st. 1; 18 2nd, 2. Acts i. 13. 4. —ii.l. 4. ——iii. 19. 3. —v. 24. 14.— vii. 4. 12. 17. 3. 23. 2. — viii. 12, 39 3. ——x. 7. 2. —— xi. 2. 2. —— xii. 6. 16.— xiii. 3. 3. 29, 3. —— xiv. 5. 3. —— xvi. 15. 3. — xvii. 13. 3. — xviii. 5. 3. —— xix. 9. 3. —— xx. 14, 18 2. -— xxi. 5. 8. 12, 27. 2. 35. 3. —— xxii. 11, 2. 20. 1. —— xwiii. 35. 1. —— xxiv. 22 2nd. 8, —— xxv. 14, WHE Acts xxvii. 1, 27. 39 ΕΡΕ. — xxviii. 4, 16. Rom. ii. 14. 16 ὃν in which, 1, Trm A.) — iii. 4. a xv. BA twice, 27, 28, 54. xvi. 2, 8, 5, 12. 1.2 Cor. See 15, 16. — xii, 10. — xiii. 9. Gal. i. 15. — ii. 11, 12, 14, — iv. 3, 4. ο ον πο ο. ἰ πὸ ορια ορ» — 2 Thes. i. 7, see W the Lord Jesus shall be revealed. i Ue 10. 2. —— iii. 10. 1. 1 Tim, v. ΠΝ 2, 2 Tim. iv. 1 Ἡ als 1 it. iii. i. Heb. i 5.— iii. ς 3. τὰ. 10, 1. Jas. i 2. 1 Pot, ἧι 20. 1. 1 John ii. 28 (No. 8, L ee 8. —— iii. κ 2. 2. 1 ory Jude 9 (No. 16, L.) Rev. i. 17. a.— iv. 9. 2. —-v. 8. 2. — vi. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12. No. pe LT ας η ΤΠ — xviii. 9. — Xx. 7 (μετά, after, inst. of ὅταν τελεσθῇ, when... are eapired, Ge) . — xxii. 8, Perera ~I WHEN AS YET HE HAD NO.. οὐκ, ποῦ ὄντος, being > Lal s αὐτῷ, to him, Acts [there] not being to him, 1.6. he not having. vii. 5. WHEN...IS. ov, being, John iii. 4, Gal. | Rom. vy, 13. vi. 3. WHE Ie WHE WHEN ONCE. Lv eal ( ἐς , 1rom . ου . ‘ i “ἢ ᾿ whatsoever [time. | ay, ο. (ποτέ, when, “ ( ἅπαξ, one time. 1. Luke xiii. 25. | 2. 1 Pet. iii. 20, see Once. WHEN THE DAY WAS FAR SPENT. ὥρας, hours, πολλῇς, many, γενομένης, having taken place, 1.6. ( arrived, elapsed. Mark vi. 35. WHEN THE LORD JESUS SHALL BE REVEALED. ἐν, in τῇ; the ἀποκαλύψει, unveiling, appearing, £ revelation, τοῦ, of the Κυρίου, Lord . Ἰησοῦ, Jesus. 2 Thes. i. 7. WHEN THEY DWELT AS STRANGERS. ev, in [thezr] παροικία, sojourning. Acts xiii. 17, WHEN...WAS (or were) ὦν, being. Luke xxii. 53. Acts xxvii. 9. —- xxiv. 6. Rom. iv. 10. John i. 48. — v. 6, 10. — xx. 1. Eph. ii. 5. Acts vii. 2. 2 Thes. ii. 5. 2 Pet. i. 18. See also, ALONE, DEAD, LOOK. WHENCE. 1. πόθεν, (interrog. adv.) whence? from whence? (of place, source, author, cause, or manner.) 2. ὅθεν, whence, (relat. adv.) whence, from whence, (of place, source, ground, motive, etc.) 9 ἐξ, out of * (ob, which [ place. ] 1. Matt. xiii. 54, 56. 1. John i. 48, 1. — xv. 33. 1. — ii. 9. 1. — xxi. 25. 1. —— iii. 8. 1. Mark xii. 37. 1. —— vi. 5. 1. Luke i. 43. 1, —— vii. 25 twice, 28, 2, —— xi. 24. 1. —— viii. 14 twice. 1. —— xiii. 25, 27. 1. —— xix. 9. 1. — xx. 7. 1. Rev. vii. 13. WHENCE (From) 2. Matt. xii. 44. 1. John ix. 29, 30. 1. —— xiii. 27. 2. Acts xiv. 26, 1. Mark vi. 2. 3. Phil. iii. 20. 1, —— viii. 4. 2. Heb. xi. 19, 1. Jobn iv. 11. 1, Jas. iv. 1. 1. Rev. ii. 5. WHENSOEVER. 1. ὅταν, when, (see “ wueEn,” No. 1.) ὡς, as, (see “ WHEN,” >) whenever 9 No. 3) (¢mplying " ) ἐάν, if, (see “ wHEN,” ( possibility ο. 8) and entention.) 1. Mark xiv. 7. 2. Rom. xv. 24 (ὡς ἄν, when perchance, L T Tr A &.) WHERE (or WHERE?) 1. ὅπου, where, in which or what place. 2. ob, (Gen. of ὅς, used as adv.) where. 3. mod? where? in what place? gen. in a direct question. (a) in an indirect question. 4 ( ἐν, in τς ᾧ, which. ὅπου, where, ( ἐκεῖ, there. σπ (a) lit., where they were hearing— “There He is.” (b) lit. where she zs to be nourished, there, ete. ὅθεν, whence, from whence. 6. 7. τίς, what ἢ 3. Matt. ii. 2. j 1. Matt. xxvi. 57. 3a. 4. | 1. —— xxviii, 6. 2. 9. 1 2, 16. 1. —— vi. 19 twice, 20 twice, | 1. Mark ii. 4. 3a.— viii. 20. (21. | 1. —— iv. 5, 15. 1. —— xiii. 5 | 1. —— ν. 40. 2, xviii. 20 5a.— vi. 55 (om. ἐκεί, 1. —— xxv. 24 1st | there, L ΤῪΡ κ 6. 24 2nd. 1, —— ix. 44 (ap.), 46 1, 26 lst. | (ap.), 48. 6. 26 2nd. | 1, —— xiii. 14, 3. xxvi. 17. | 3. —— xiv, 12, 14 1st. WHE .------. -- 1. Mark xiv. 14 2nd. 2. Acts vii. 29. Ῥ 3a. 47. 4. 33 (ἐπὶ ᾧ, wpon 1. ——xvi. 6. which, L T Tr A δ.) 9, Luke iv. 16, 17. | 4. —— xi. 11. 3. — viii. 25. | 2, —— xii, 12. fa ἃς 58: | 4. —— xv. 36. 3a.— xii. 17. | 2. — xvi. 18. 1. 33, 34. | 1, a0 1, 3, — xvii. 17, 37. 4. —— xx. 6, 8. 3. —— xxii. 9. 2. —— xxv, 10. 9, 10 (εἰς ἥν, into | 2. —— xxviii. 14. which, L Ὁ Tr AN.) | 3. Rom. iii. 27. 8. 11 11. 2. — iv. 15. Τ' ΤΊ 2nd. 2, —v. 20. 1. John i. 28. 2. —— ix. 26. 8. 5 1. —— xv. 20. 1. — iii. 8. 3. 1 Cor. i. 20 3 times. 1, — iv. 20, 46. 3. —— xii. 17 twice, 19, 1, ——vi. 23, 62. 3. —— xv. 55 twice. 8. — vii. 11, 2. Ὁ Cor. iii. 17. 1. 42. 7. Gal. iv. 15, marg. what? 1. ——viii. 10 (ap.), 19. (Νο. 3, LT Tr AR.) 3, —— ix. 12. 2. Col. 1. 1. 1. —— x. 40. le ali 1. — xi. 30, 32 1. Heb. ix. 16. 3. 34. 1, —x. 18. 2. 41 (ap.) 1. Jas. iii. 16. 8a.—— 57. 3. 1 Pet. iv. 18. 1. — xii. 1, 26 8. 2 Pet. iii. 4. 1. — xvii. 24 3. Rev. ii. 13 1st, 1. — xviii. 1. uF 18 2nd & 3rd. 1, —— xix. 18, 20, 41. 151. Εν 3a,— xx. 2. 1, —— xii. 6. 1. ——12. 5b. 14(ὅπως, so that, 8a. 13, 15. instead of drov,where, 1. 19. Gx) | 2. Acts i. 13. 9, —— xvii. 15 2, — ii, 2. 1, — xx. 10 See also, EVERY, SEAS, WAYS. WHEREAS. 1 ἐν, 10 * (0, which. 2. ὅποῦ, where, in which or what place. 2.1 Cor. iii. 3. [wherein. | 1. 1 Pet. iii. 16. 1.1 Pet. ii. 12, marg. | 2. 2 Pet. ii. 11. WHEREAS...WAS. ὦν, being. John ix. 25, WHEREAS YE KNOW NOT WHAT SHALL BE ON THE MORROW. οἵτινες, Who are such as οὐκ, not, 7 ς᾽ Ὡς + have not knowledge of ἑπίστασθε, } τὸ, the thing τῆς, of the αὔριον, morrow. Jas. iv. 14. WHEREBY. év, in or by ᾧ which. 1 [ 871 ] WHE ο § διά, through, by means of, τ (ob, of which. (περὶ, concerning ὶ οὗ, which. 4. § πρὸς, respecting ) /it., respecting * (6, which, which ye are able [by] reading to perceive, ete. 5, { κατὰ, according to “ὁ τί which. 6. ὅθεν, whence, from whence. 3 τοῦ, of the. Here, lit., “according to the working (or energy) of the power which He has also,” ete 7. Luke i. 18, 4. Eph. iii. 4. 1 78. — —— iv. 14, see W one 1. Acts iv. 12. lieth in wait. 1, —— xi. 14. i. 30. 3. —— xix. 40. 7. Phil. iii. 21. 1. Rom. viii. 15. 2. Heb. xii. 28. 1. —— xiv. 21. 6. 1 Jobn ii. 18, 2. Gal. vi. 14, marg.(text, | 2. 2 Pet. i. 4. by.) . — iii. 6. WHEREBY ONE LIETH IN WAIT TO DECEIVE. ᾿ πρὸς, towards, suited to, τὴν, the μεθοδείαν, artifice τῆς, of πλάνης, error. Eph. iy. 14. WHEREFORE (orW HEREFORE?) 1. διό, on which account, wherefore. 2. ὥστε, 80 as that, marking the result ; with the indicative, representing the result as a fact; with the inf., representing it as a necessary and logical consequence. διὰ, through 7 for the sake of this, τοῦτο, this, on this account. forthesake of which, on which account. διὰ, for the sake of ἦν, which αἰτίαν, cause, 1.6. reason, motive, or ground. 95 διὰ, through 4. | ne 6. οὖν, thereupon, ¢.e. now, then, there- fore, not implying a logical infer- ence, like Nos. 15 and 16, but merely confirming what has gone before. WHE Γι Ὁ ἢ WHE Lin ii 9 Cor. vii. 12, (a) with μέν, indeed; the οὖν look. | 18.Matt, vil. 20. ΤΡ ΟΣ η. ing back to the line of reasoning, 2. — xii 12, Ἢ a xi. η. the μέν looking forward to the com- | 1 xiv. 31. κώνο ae ] oo) ο a (δ᾽ ee ΠΕΣ of the statement or argu ea ἜΝΙ ment. 8; ----- BE 1 ξεῖν ἯΙΣ 6. — xxiv. 26. es tf ὅθ th nee from thence 17b.— xxvi. 50 (No. 176, 1. — iv. 8, 25 «Ὅθεν, thence, 5 ΘΙ ΤΣ ΑἩ) ντα δν eg ο — XXVll. ὍΣ . Ade 8. διατί, wherefore? on what account? | 1. Luke vii. 7. 3, — vi. 13. why? 19, ΚΩ͂Ν 1. Phil. ii, 9. ” Fy bh SS ο 8 ο Σ 10.Jobn ix. 27. 6. Col. ii, 20 (om. G LT 5 ] 6. Acts i. 21. : 9. διόπερ, (Δ᾽ 0.1, with περ, very, affiaed) 6. τς η (δή, indeed, | 1. 1 Thes. ii. 18 (Νο. 8, on which very account; where- L), (δέ, but, or now, T GxLT TrAnN) fore, more emphatic than No. 1.) Pe ος ame Ὶ 1, — xiii 35 No. 8, L | 1..—v. 11. 10. τί, (Ace.) which? what? also, for ες A.) ; "43 Thes, i, 11; ο ΚΕ . . 1m, 1. what cause? why? 11.— xix. 32. 5. Tit. i. 13. 6a. 38. 1. Philem. 8. τίνος, of what?) on account of 1. — xx, η 7. Heb. ii. 17 11. « ἕνεκεν, on ac- what? for 10. 30. 1 7, 10. count of, what cause ? 1. ee τ: = ey 5 ° i xxv. 26, 1, — x. 5. 12 χάριν, in favour of, in behalf of, | 1. — xxvii. 95, 34. 1. — xi, 16. ᾿ ὁ τίνος, of what? qe aE 1: oes ‘ £ Νὰ h 2, — vii. 4, 12. 1. τς : 8. — ix. 32. . Jas. 1. tote, ye know, 19. ο, ος ΟΣ ΟΥ̓ yi oS ΠΝ 1: 1. —— xiii. 5. instead of ware, where- τι, what Ξ reason: hee ary fore, GL T Tr A), : Ἶ 6. 1 Cor. iv. 16. (ἔστω, know ye, &.) 14 εἰς, unto, for, ) for which, in ας σον “αὶ ὃς which, order to which. 9. a 1. 1 Pet, 1.18, 2. —— xi. 27,33. . —i.l. ee te 1. 6 (No. 8, AV. 15. dpa, therefore, then, consequently ; | 9° — xiv. 13 (πο, 1,1, 1611, GNLT Tr A δ) still further, beyond that, (draw- | , TTrAN) ree ας ing a logical conclusion.) 1. 2 Cor. ii. 8. κας τί η, ' 1, —v.9. 12.1 John ii. 12. 4 if : : 2. 16. 3. 3 John 10. 16. ἄραγε, (No. 15, with ye, at least, eee ο. suffized) therefore indeed, conse- 3 quently then. Tae aes WHEREIN. . επι, lf . (a) with Gen., upon and springing rom. (b) with Dat., upon and resting on, on account of, (marking the ground of the act.) (c) with Acc., upon by direction towards, to, for, (marking the in- tention of the act.) 18. ἱνατί, in order that what, to what end, (marking the final end or | purpose.) οὗ, of which, χάριν, in favour of, in behalf of, for which cause. 19. 20. τοιγαροῦν, by certain consequence, consequently. ἐν, in, -- eis, into, and in, 7, Which. ὃ va, through, on ἦν, which. σι 99 πλην λα μι tt TE Ea ov, which. 6. ov, where. . Matt. xi. 20. . —— xxv. 13 (ap.) . Mark ii. 4 (ὅπου, where, GxwLT TrARn.) . Luke i. 4. — xi. 22, . — xxiii. 53. . John xix, 41, ὦ ὧι τὸ μὸ μὰ Leos ᾧ, (, ots or ats) which, (or whom). περὶ, about, concerning, ο ο ολ account of, . 1 Cor. vii. 20, 94, xv. 1. . 2 Cor. xi. 12. 5. ov, of which. 5. Acts ii. 32. 5. —— iii. 15. —— xvii. 19, see W | thou speakest. 1 | — 2 Cor. ix.5, see Notice. μα 1. —— xxiv. 18. | 2. —— vi. 4, 1 [9 hil. iii. ‘4 see Trust. ae 3. Rom. vi. 21. — —— xv. 17, see Glory. WHEREOF THOU SPEAKEST. ὑπὸ, [that] by cov, thee λαλουμένη, is being spoken. Acts xvii. 19, WHEREON. _ fel, upon ) (Gen.) marking the "ἃ οὗ, which, § basis, or local situation. 9. ς ἐπὶ, upon ᾿ (Dat.) marking the ἰ ᾧ, which, simple act of rest. 3 ( ἐπὶ, upon 7 (Ace.) marking the ὅν, which, § downward pressure. 8, Mark xi. 2. 2. Luke v. 25 (No.3, τ 1. Luke iy. 29, AR.) uke xix. 30. WHE [ 873 ] WHE 1, 6 (ἧς, he «11. Heb. ix. 2, 4. 3 5 πας WHERESOEVER μα, . whereas. ? i 5 ν τ Phil. iv. 10. Cin.) | 1: 2 Pet. iit’ 18. * with ἄν, perchance, implying un- 1. Col. ii. 3 marg. (text, | 1. ρον τ (ape, Gs certainty and dependence on cir- eo Ab ,) 1.6. tn the i ο πα. ii 9, | πο ας cumstances. 1. Heb. vi. 17. (1, —— ‘xviii. 19, Zz Τ with ἐάν, if, implying an objective hy, othetical ossibilit WHEREINSOEVER. WP 2 7. ΝΕ Matt. xxiv. 28f. Mark xiv. 9* (4, . a 8.) εν, 1Π στο παπι 187. τ 147 (", Α.) ᾧ, what Mark ix. 18". uke xvii. 37. av, perchance. 8 Cor: xi 21, W HERETO. 1 eis, unto 0, What. WHEREINTO. : Phil. iii. 16. { eis, into 6, which. WHEREUNTO. John vi. 22. ς 1 { eis, unto WHEREOF. Ὧν, which or what. 2 : 1. περὶ, about, concerning, 2. ὦ, to which. ov, which. John vi. 22 (ap.) 1 Tim. iv. 6, see Attain, ἁ ας 2, see Call. ae τ ole οὗ. 9. ἐξ, out οὗ 2 'Thes. ii. 14. | 1 Pet. is. ov, which. 1 Tim. ii. 7. | 2 Pet. i, 19. 3. ἐπὶ, upon ς ᾧ, which. WHEREUNTO THIS WOULD i περὶ, about, concerning, : GROW. τίνων, what. τί, what ἢ {έ., what per- chance this might come to. ἂν, perchance γίνομαι, to become τοῦτο, this, (opt.) Acts v. 24. W HEREUNTO. τίνι, to what ? Matt.xi.16. [L™TTrAwn.) Mark iv. 90 (πῶς, how? Gx) Luke vii. 31. — xiii. 18, 20. ---.-- -ὄ-.. WHEREUPON. 1. ὅθεν, whence, from whence: also. as referring to α cause, wherefore, whereupon. (e ἐν, in, among, “οὶ οἷς, w ‘hich things. 1, Matt. xiv. 7. 2. Acts xxiv, 18. | 1 1. Heb, ix. 18. Acts xxvi. 19, 19. πὶ WHEREWITH. 1. (ἐν, in, or with, ὶ ᾧ, which, WHE [ 874 ] WHI ἐν, in, or with, two. τίνι, what. 7. πότερος, which of two, whether of 2. Matt. v. 13. — Rom. xiv. 19,see Edify. , perce Ee Lhe νν g {τε and here lit., men and also 2. Luke xiv. 34. 1. Heb. x. 99. και, also, women. 8. Matt. ix. 5. 4a.Rom. ay. 8 Ist. Ἐπ 3. — xxi. 51. 4a. 82nd (No. 4b, L. WHEREWITH SOEVER. 3 seit 17, 19, A, ) a 2a,—— xxvi. 63. la.1 Cor. iii. 22. οσα, as many as many 3. —— xxvii. οἱ. 2a.— vii. 16 twice. ἄν, perchance, ἡ soever ay ἘΣ πια ο » Ῥ ᾽ . 3. Mark ii. 9. 2a,— x, 81. Mark iii. 28 (ἐάν, implying less uncertainty, T Tr A.) iam =a 36. ος =e ος — Luke iii. 15, see W | la.— xiv fe ᾿ς or not. la.— xv. 11. WHEREWITH ¥ 1 3. ——v. 23. —2 Cor. i. 6, see W... thi hich 1 2a.—— vi. oo ὴ ο. or ο τι. somethin on which. 2a, xiv. 28, 31. 8..---- li. : 51 κ | 3, —— xsii. 27. la.— v. 9, 10. Luke xvii. 8. 2a.—— xxiii. 6. -- 13,see W...orW. 7. John vii. 17. la.— viii. 23. ~~~} 2a,— ix. 25. —— xii. 2, see W... Ὁ WHEREWITHAL. Ree oe 2a.— v. 8. 28. ΧΙΙ. 5. See, CLOTHED. Hse) 1a.Eph. vi. 8. ee 2a.— x. 18. la.Phil. i. 18, 20, 27. 2c.— xvii. 11. a i i. 16, 20. 2a,— xix. 2. 1b.1 Thes. v. 10. WHETHER. 2c.-—— xxv. 20. la.2 Thes. ii. 15. τ 2 ; 6. Rom. vi. 16. la.1 Pet. ii. 13, 14. 1. εἴτε, whether; gen foltowed by | ἢ, Rom. 6, 7, 8, 2a.1 John iv. 1. another εἴτε, which 2 translated or, or or whether. (a) with indicative, (b) with subjunctive, (ο) with optative, see Λο. 2. 2. εἰ, if, eapressing a merely hypothetical condition apart from all experience. (a) with the indicateve, implying a condition or contingency as to which there is no doubt. (b) with the subjunctive, where an action, etc., depends on something Suture, τῇ so be, supposing that. | (c) with the optative, implying that the thing, though assumed as probable, 18 uncertain and pro- blematical. 3. tis, τί, who? which? what? 4. ἐάν, if, expressing a condition which experience must determine, i.e. an objective possibility. (a) with subj., implying uncertainty, with prospect of decision. (Ὁ) with indicatwwe, used of a thing certain as if it were uncertain. Here, with re, if it be, if perchance. 5. 6s, who, which. 6. ἤτοι, whether indeed. WHETHER...OR WHETHER. la. 2 Cor. i. 6. | la, 2 Cor. v. 19. la. 2 Cor. xii. 2. WHETHER OR NOT. μήποτε, lest perhaps, whether perhaps. Luke iii, 15. WHICH, WHICH? Wuricu is frequently the translation of the article with nouns, adjec- tives, numerals, or participles, “he which, ete.,” “that which.” It is also the translation of the rela- tive ὅς, “who” or “which,” re- lating to nouns, sentences, or clauses. The occurrences are not given below. (For various combinations with other words, see at the end of the first body of references.) 1. ὅστις, any one who, some one who, whoever; (differing from ὅς, in referring to a sulject only generally, not definitely, as one of a class.) 2. τίς, τί, who? which? what? (a) with the indicative mood, relating to some actual matter of fuct. WHI (b) with the subjunctive, expressing something objectively possible, some- thing which may or should take place. (c) with the optative, expressing some- thing subjectively possible, some- thing simply conceived in the mind. * with dpa, what then? which then? 3. οἷος, of what kind or sort, what, such as. 4. ποῖος, what? of what kind or sort ἢ which ? 5. ὅσος, how great, how much, how many ; as great as, as much as, as many as. ( Kal, and ‘ ( αὗτός, he. 7. αὕτη, the same. 2. Matt. vi. 27. 1, Acts xi. 20, 28. 1. -— vii. 15, 24, 26. 1, —— xii. 10. 1. — xiii. δὲ 2nd. 1, —— xvi. 12, 16, 17. 1. — xvi. 28. 1. —— xxiii. 21. 6. —— xix 1. Rom. ii. 15. 1 12 ο times, 1, —— xvi. 12 (ap.) 4 18. 1. 1 Cor. iii. 17. 1, — xx.1 1. —— vi. 20 (ap.) 1, — xxi. 33, 41. 1. — vii. 18. 1. —— xxii. 2 — 2 Cor. iii. 14, see Veil. 4 36. 1. — ix. 11. : 1. —— xxiii. 27. 1. Gal. iv. 24 twice, 26 2nd. 1, — xxv. 1 1, —-v. 19. 1, —— xxvii. 55 1. Eph. i. 23 1. Mark ix. 1 1, — iii. 13. 1, —— xii. 18 1. — vi. 2. 4, 28. 1. Phil. 1. 28. 1, Luke i. 20. 3. 30. 1. —— ii. 4, 10. 1. —— iy. 3. 1 Recs ane i Col. iii. 5 (3, which, 2. 91, TTr ) 3 3 yi: 3, 15, 26, 40. 1) iv. 11 ἐδ 1. —— ix. 30, 1. 1 Tim. 1, 4. 20 46. 1. — iii. 15, 2. ——x. 36. 1. ——vi. 9. Ra 42, he Le te, ὧν 2. —— xi. 5. 3. — iii. 11 1. — xii. 1. 2. Heb. i. 5, 13 2. 25. 1, — ii. 3. 2, —— xiv. 5, 28 2a,—— v. 12. 1, — xv. 7. 1, —— viii. 6. 2. xvii. 7. 1, —— ix. 2, 9 1st 2c* xxii. 23 1. ——x. 8, 11, 35 2a. 24. 1, — xii. δ. 1. — xxiii. 55. 1. —— xiii. 7. 2. John viii. 46. 1 Poet. 1.18, i! 53. 1.1 John i. 2 4, — x. 32. 1. Rev. ii. 24 2. —— xxi. 20 2nd. | 1. ——ix. 4 5. 25 Ist. 1, — xi. 8. 2. Acts vii. 52 1st. { 1. —— xii. 13. 7. — viii. 26. — 1. —— xvii. 12 2nd. δ. —— ix. 39. 1. —— xix. 2. 1. — κ. 47. 1, —— xx. 4. WHICH AM, ART, erc. (Generally the translation of the par- ticiple (dv) of εἰμί, to be.) [ 875 1 WHI WHICH ARE [or BE] OF ONE'S HOUSEHOLD (tury) ot, the one’s ἐκ, out of, τῶν, of the, Rom. xvi. 10, 11. 5 those of the. WHICH ARE [or BE] (tHe THres) τά, the things, lit., the things of Cesar, etc.; of Jesus, etc. Matt. xxii. 21. | Luke xx, 25. Phil. ii. 21. WHICH ART, AND WAST, AND ART TO COME. 6, the one ὧν, being, who art και, and and , ὃ, the one [who] who wast ἦν, we and the καὶ, an min ἢ fa coming one. ἐρχόμενος, coming one, Rey. xi. 17 (om, καὶ ὁ ἐρχόμογος; and the coming one, GLTTrAR.) WHICH ART, AND WAST, AND SHALT BE. 5, the one \ ὧν, being, who art kal, and and δ, the one [who] who wast ac πέπον 2 rth holy one. ὅσιος, the holy one, Rev. xvi. 5 (om. καὶ ὁ, and the before '' holy,” GL T Tr A RW, 1.6. who art and wast the holy one.) WHICH CAUSE (For) διό, wherefore. Rev. xv. 22, | 2 Cor. iv. 16. WHICH CONCERN (rue tures) τὰ, the things; here, with Gen., follow- ing, lit., the things of. 2 Cor, xi. 30. WHICH (every...) ( πᾶς, every [soul], ὅστις, whatsoever, ( ἄν, perchance. Acts iii. 23, WHI WHICH IS, AND WHICH WAS, AND WHICH IS TO COME. 6, the one Le 5 ὦν, being, ζ who art, καὶ, and a 6, the one [who] an oo an who wast, ΠΕ ; and the καὶ, ond coming one ὃ, the ales ἐρχόμενος, coming one, Rev. i. 4, 8. WHICH IS SPOKEN, τὸ, the tning ῥηθέν, spoken. Matt. ii. 17. | WHICH IS TO TRY. πρὸς, for, with a view to, πειρασμόν, trying. 1 Pet. iv. 12, Matt. xxii. 31. WHICH IS WITH (ae) 6, the one pera, with, in association with. Matt. xii. 4, Ι Matt. xxvi. 51. WHICH MAKE FOR (rue rurnes) τὰ, the things; lit., the things of or belonging to. Rom. xiv. 19, WHICH (on) ὅπου, where,... ἐπὶ, upon αὐτῶν, them, Rev. xvii. 9, WHICH (ruar) εἰ, if τίς, τί, anything. Epk. iv. 29. WHICH (rue rire) 6, which ; Zit., in what respect. Gal, ii, 20. WHICH (rue) 1, John xxi, 25, [ 876 ] WHI WHICH (τπτ) 1. Rev. i. 7, pl. WHICH (ruose ΤΗΙΝΟΒ) { ὅσα, as many things μέν, indeed. Jude 10, WHICH THING (-s.) 1. ἅτινα, which, (pl., see No.1, above.) 2. 6 or ἅ, which things. 2. Acts xxvi. 10. | 1. Col. ii, 23. WHICH WAS, AND IS, AND IS TO COME. 6, the one [who] ὶ ἣν, Was, which kal, and Ca and art, τ : ὧν, bein 3 δ; and art the καὶ, and coming one 6, the = ᾿ ἐρχόμενος, coming one, Rev. iv. 8. WHICH? (wuar 18 17) τί, what? Matt. xxvi. 62. | Mark xiv. 60. WHILE. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) ἐν, in in, during, while 1. «τῷ, the, (what the verb re- with inf. ) lates to is going on.) 2. ἕως, until, as long as, marking the continuance of an action up to the time of another action. (a) with οὗ, until what time, until when. 3. ὥς, in which way, in what way ; and hence, gen., as, 80 as, how. 4. dxpis, continuedly until, marking the duration but not determining it. (a) with οὗ, so long as, while. τα ᾧ, which [time.] 6. χρόνος, time, 1.6. in the abstract, time as measured by the succession of objects and events. WHI (a) χρόνον τινά, some time, a certain time. 7. καιρός, & season, opportunity, occa- sion. 8. ὅταν, when, whensoever, so often as, with the accessory idea of un- certainty or possibility. . ὅτε, when, as relating to an actual event, to something actually taking place. 10. ὀλίγον, little, (opp. of πολύς, much.) li. μικρόν, little, (opp. of μέγας, great.) | 1, Matt. xiii. 25, , 2. John ix, 4. | 2, —— xiv. 22. 6. —— xii. 35 lst. 2a.—— xxvi. 36. 2. 35 2nd (Νο, 3, Τὸ 11.------ 73. τ τς A.) 5. Mark ii. 19. 2, (No. 3, L T 10.— vi. 31. Tr Αι) ae 45, 9. —— xvii. 12. 2, — xiv. 32 3. Acts i. 10, 1, Luke i. 8. 3. —x.17. 1. —— ii. 6. 1. —— xix. 1. 5, — v. 34. 4a,— xxvii. 33. 7. — viii. 13. 8. 1 Cor. iii. 4. Ι 6. —— xviii. 4. 6a.— xvi. 7. 1, — xxiv. 15 4a,Heb. iii. 19. 3. 32 twice. 1. 15. 1. 15, 51. 9, —— ix. 17. 5. John v. 7. 10.1 Pet. v.10. [Clean. 6. —— vii. 33. — 2 Pet. ii. 18, marg. see WHILES. ᾿ ΜΠΕ Matt. v. 25. ἕως, until ὅτου, when, WHILE (a goon) ἡμέρας, days, ἱκανάς, sufficient. Acts xviii. 19. { ( WHILE (a Great) Acts xxviii. 6. for long, Jit., were long looking. ( ἐπὶ, upon, (woAvs, much, WHILE BEFORE DAY (a απΕντ) ἔννυχον, in the night, λίαν, very, exceedingly. Mark i. 35, WHILE (any) πάλαι, long ago. Mark xv. 44 (ἤδη, already, L Tr A.) [ 877 ] WHI Ξε ἐς : WHILE (pure ror Δ) { εἰμί, to be i πρόσκαιρος, for a season. Matt. xiii. 21, WHILE...IS, ὦν, being. Luke xiv, 32. WHILE...WAS. ὦν, being. Luke xxiv. 44, Ι WHILE...WERE., ὦν. bemg. Acts 1x, 39. Bom. v. 8. See also, AGO, LITTLE, LONG, MEAN, WORLD. WHISPERER. ψιθυριστής, 2 whisperer ; hence, a slan- derer, (non 066.) Rom. i. 19. WHISPERING. ψιθυρισμός, a whispering, (from ψιθυρίζω, to whisper, say in the ear, esp., to whisper what one dares not speak out); hence, a secret slandering, (207 occ.) 2 Cor. xii. 20. WHIT. See, EVERY, NOT A. WHITE. [adj.] 1. λευκός, light, 1.6. emitting light, bright, brilliant, shining, glitter- ing; and hence, radiant white ; (κκ. for πι, Dan. vii. 9; and 132, Ley. χι. 3, 4), (ποπ occ.) 2. λαμπρός, radiant, splendid ; of rai: ment, sumptuous, magnificent. 1. Matt. v. 36. 1, Mark xvi. 5. 1. —— xvii. 2. 1. Luke ix, 29. — — xxiii. 27, see the | 1. Jobn iv. 35. verb, below. 1, —— xx. 12. 1. —— xxviii. 3, 1. Acts i. 10. 1. Mark ix. 31, — — xxiii. 4, see the -- 32nd, see the verb, below. verb, below. | Ll. Rev, i, 14twice WHI [8.05 WHO 1. Rev. ii. 17. — Rev. vii. 14, see W οὗ. where wheresoever επ ον ο ο. τι xiv. 14. [(make BD. ἘΝ x ? as ae 2, — xv. 6. ἜΝ ἐάν, τῇ (see No.1b) ἡ whithersoever. 1. — vi. 2, 11. 2, —— xix. 8, το ς Ἱι τα ο 5. if 11, 14 twice. 1b.Matt. viii. 19. 2. 1Cor. xvi. 6. 1. Rev. xx. 11. la.Mark vi. 56. [T Tr A.) | la.Jas. iii. 4. la. Rev. xiv. 4. la.Luke ix. 57 (No. 1b, L θα) WHO, or WHO? (wHose? wuom Ὁ) λευκαίνω, to make white, whiten, bleach; (Ixx. for prdn, Ps. li. 9; Is. i. 18.) “Wo,” ete., is generally the trans- το τι. lation of the relative ὅς, who, which. WHITE (-rp.) [verb.] It is also frequently the translation of the article with nouns, adjectives, οἱο., and of participles, “he who,” “they who,” ete. 1. κονιάω, to whitewash, to wash with slacked lime, (implying fairness without, but foulness within); (1xx. for tw, Deut. xxvii. 2, 4), (non Tt is often (in 792 instances) the ace.) translation of the article repeated ϱ ἃ ; ce “WHITE (MAKE)” after nouns with defining words ase ας following, and rendered “ who is,” 1. Matt. xxiii. 27. | 2, Mark ix. 3. ete. 1. Acts xxiii. 3. The following are exceptions to the WHITHER, or WHITHER? above :— 1. ποῦ, where? in what place? after | 1. τίς, τί, who? which ὃ what ἢ (Lat., verbs of motion, where? to what quis, que, quid; lxx. τίς for Ὁ; place? whither? τί for πο.) (a) in a direct question followed by (a) with the indicative mood, relating the indicative. to some actual matter of fact. (b) with the subjunctive, expressing something objectively possible, some- thing which may or should take 2. ὅπου, (correl. of No. 1) where, in which or what place; after verbs of motion, whither. | place. ι οἱ 4 . hd . . . 3. οὗ, (Gen. of τε ane) after verbs (c) with the optative, expressing of motion, whither. something subjectively possible, but oes σέ . δ Σ 3 ᾿ ( εἰς, unto something simply conceived in the η ἦν, which. mind. 3. Luke x. 1. la.John xiii, 36 1st th ἃ tho then ? προς a pd (d) with apa, who then la. John iii. 8. 2, — xiv. 4. | ἈΠ Figen FB la. 5. 2. ὅστις, any one who, some one who, | oe πως ο whoever, (di ering JSrom ὅς, in re- 2, 21, 22. 2, —— xxi, 18twice, Serring to a subject only generally, la.— xii. 35. 2. Heb. vi. 20, . ο xiii, 33, | ghee een as one of a class, and not definitely.) la, 1 John ii. 11. js τ a | 3. ὅσος, how many, as many as. W HITHERSOEVER. 4. οὗτος, this, this one, this one here. 1. ὅπου, where, in which or what place. | 1. Matt. ii 7. ppsaany Sari Α 1. —— xii. 27, 48 twice, 1. — viii. 27, 29. (a) with ἄν, perhaps, perchance, | 1; — xvi. 13,15. 1a; oh η] , η 1. —— xvii. 25. 1, ——x. 20. στο a stamp of uncer tainty, and FR Hf Ἢ xi. 28, implying a dependence on circum- | 1, — xix. 95. 1, — xii. 16, 23. stances 1. —— xxi. 10, 23. 2, —— xv. 7. - 1. —— xxii. 20, 28, 42, 1, — xvi. 3. , 9 ° . — xxiv. 45 lst. ; iii. 7. (Ὁ) with ἐάν, if, expressing a possible 1: — XX 2 ο ΤῊΝ conditionwhich experience or results | 1. xxvii. 17. ντ vil tele: 11 decid, la, Mark i. 24, la.— vi. 47. wilt decide, 1, — ii. 7. la.— vii. 39. WHO [ 879 J WHO 1. Luke vii. 49. 2. Acts xxiv. 1. 1. — viii. 451st, 45 2nd 1. --- xxvi. ἸδΊω, 8. ἅπας, quite all, all together, all, a — xxviii ἢ ae Ἢ 9, 18, 20. 2. Rom, i, 25st, 32, (No. 1, strengthened by ἅμα, at er ο. sa W (in) once, at the same time. . — vii. = — xt 19. 1, — viii. 31, 33, 341, | 4. ὁλόκληρος, whole in every part er 1b.— xii. 5. 35. : Τὰ 20, 46 νει. ο η portion, (No. 1, with, κλῆρος, a lot 1, — xvi. 11, 12. 1. 19, 20, or portion), complete, entire. — cA bg i 26. S == 7, 16. 5. ὑγιής, sound, healthy, well, in good at iy δα, 33. 1: μη] η health, (oce. Tit. Π. 8.) . — xxii. 64. — — xi bes ΠΗ 19, W (to) 6. ὑγιαίνω, to be sound, healthy,well, be 1. John i. 19, 22. 1, —— xiv. 4. es. Ὃ ο τα, in good health. "Here, participle. la,—— v. 13. 1. 1 Cor. ii. 16. 1. Matt. v. 29, 30. 2. Luke xxi. 35. . 1. — vi. 60. 1. — iii. 5 1st. 1. — vi. 22, 93. 3. — xxiii. 1. ¢ la. 64 twice, 68, 1. —— iv. 7. 2. —— viii. 92, 34. 1. John iv. 53. 1. — vii, 20. 1, —— ix. 73 times, 5. — xii. 13. 5. ——~ v.4 (ap.), 6, 9, ἐς ΒΞ 4 i — viii. 25, 53. Ὶ — Σὶν. 8. 2, —— xiii. 2. 14, 15. 1. —ikx. 2. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 2, 16. 1. ---' 33. 5. — vii. 23. la. ἀν τῇ 2. —— viii. 10, 5. —— xv. 31. 1, —— xi. 50. 1, ——— 36. 1, — xi, 29 twice 1, —— xvi. 26. 5. Acts iv. 10. x; xii. 34, 38 twice, 2, Gal. ii. 4 1. —— xxvi. 13. 2, — vi. 5. iat xiii. 22. 1. — iii. 1. 1. — xxvii. 27. 1. —— xi. 26. le. 24. 1. ——v. 7. 5. ara iii. δ (om. ὑγιης | 2. —— xiii. 44. is 25. 2. ten iv. 19. ὡς ἡ ἄλλη, whole as | 1. —— xv. 22. 1, — xviii. 4, 7. 2. Phil. ii. 20. re other, @ 1, T Tr 1. — xix. 29 (om. LT la,— xix, 24. 2. 2 Thes. i. 9. AR.) Tr AR.) 1. — xx. 15 2. 2 Tim. ii. 2, 18. ὦ, —iv.l 1, — xxviii. 30. Ὧν — xxi. 12. la,— iii. 14. 5. —— v. 34 1. Rom. i. 8. 1. Acts vii. 27, 35. 2, Tit. i. 11. 1. — vi. 55. 2, ——viii.22,marg.every 2. ——_! 3. Heb. ii. 15. 1. — viii. 36. 1, — xvi. 23. ty yi. 15, 1, — iii. 17, 18. — — xii. 33,see Burnt | 1. 1 Cor. v. 6. 1. 33, 34. 2. — viii. 5. offering. 1, —— xii. 17 twice 1. —— ix. 5. 1. Jas. 1. 13. 1. — xiv. 9, 1. — xiv. 28, 2, —x. 4. 1, — iv. 12 2nd, 1s os ayy ip 1th Os 1. Gal. v. 8, 9. 4, — xiii. 7. 1. 1 Pet. iii. 13. 2. Luke i. 10. 2, Eph. iii. 15. 1 25. la,—— v. 8. 5. —— vi. 10 (ap.) 2. —— iv. 16. 2. ——— 31, 43. 2. 2 Pet. ii. 1. 2. 19, 4. 1 Thes. v. 23. 2. — xvii. 10. 1. 1 John ii. 22. 6. —— vii. 10 part Ἱ του a0 1. —— xix. 15. 1. —-v. 5. Άν —— viii. 37. 1. Jas. ii. 10. 2. —— xxi. 4. 1. Rev. v. 2. 1. 39, 1, —— iii. 2, 3, 6. le. ἓ 1. —vi. 17. 1. ------ ix. 25. 1. 1 John ii. 2. 1, —— xxii. 8 1st. 1. —— xiii. 4 twice, 1, — xi. 34, 36 twice. 1. ——'v, 19 2. xxiii. 33. 1lb.—— xv. 4. 1. —— xiii. 21, 1. Rev. xii. 9. 8, —— xix. 37. 1. —— xvi. 14, WHOM (in in. Ga) [margin] WHOLE (sr) ἐπὶ, upon? on ground of, on*con- πὰ which, {μον that, (implying | 1- ἰσχύω, to be strong, robust. close juxtaposition, the argument | 9, σώζω, here, pass., to be saved, de- resting upon it.) livered, or preserved from danger, Rom, v. 12 (text, for that.) loss, or destruction, be healed, ‘recover from sickness to health. WHOM (το) 8. ὑγιαίνω, to be sound, healthy, or a : well, to be in good health. τῷ, to whom. Ficus τῆν σὰ tame : Matt. Ἐν 12. Ἢ passe hg a τοι τὰς te Ἐν ΝΟ. μα. 3. Luke v. 31. WHOLE. (For various combinations with other ΒΟ words, see below.) 1. σώζω, to save, deliver, ο» preserve 1. ὅλος, the whole, all, including every po οπών part. a ο 2. ἱάομαι, to heal, to cure. 2. was, all; of one only, all of him; of REN: μ᾿ ᾿ ‘ ο... . : . att. 1x. 22 twice. ar ma sav one ina Ὧι ΔΩΥ͂; of eh 2, —— xv. 28. 1, Luke vii ὁ κὺ ΠῚ eve in pl., ἃ ing. with art. - Mark v. 34, 1, ——- xvii. 10 Ty; ply J > | 1, —vi, 56. 1. Acts iv, 9. the whole. 2, Acts ix, 34, - στ -----θθθ-------------------------------- WHO [ 880 1 WHO WHOLE (ΜΑΚΕ PERFECTLY) ᾿ + with ἐάν, if, expressing an objective διασώζω, (No. 1, above, with διά, δήμος tmp ον... ος through, prefiaed) to save through, tion which experience or results to bring safely through, (ef dan- ο ο ας ger, sickness, etc.) πο ο ES | 1 Jobn ii. ὅδ. iii. 17 Matt. xiv. 36. WHOSOEVER, WHOMSOEVER. See also, ARMOUR, BURNT-OFFERING. : ΐ 1. ὅς, who, which. WHOLESOME. (a) with av, perchance, perhaps, giving a stamp of uncertainty, and ὑγιαίνω, see “ WHOLE,” Vo. 6. implying a dependence on circum- 1 Tim. vi. 3 part. stances. (b) with ἐάν, if, expressing an objective WHOLLY. possibility, and implying a condition which experience or results must ὁλοτελής, Whole to the end, wholly determine. complete, (non occ.) πι os! 2. was, all; of one only, all of him; of one ina number, any ; of several, every ; 2m pl., all. See also, GIVE, IDOLATRY. (a) with ὅς, (No.1) all who, eve ry ae one who. πᾶς, all, every one, every one See, ΗΟ. 3. 4 ὅς, who (see whoso- ἄν, perchance, ἡ WVo.1a) ever. WHOMSOEVER. 4. ὅστις, any one who, some one who, See, WHOSOEVER. whoever, (referring to a subject only generally, as one of a class, WHORE and not definitely, like No. 1.) a) with av, perchance, No. 1a. ° πόρνη, (fem. of πόρνος, from περνάω, to (a) ae vee P qhanee, (see Daria sell, because among the Greeks | (b) with ἐάν, if, (see No. 1b.) these were usually bought slaves) a harlot or whore, (elsewhere { translated “ harlot.’’) Rev. xvii. 1, 15, 16. | Rev. xix. 2. ὅσοι, aS MANy as av, perchance, (see No. 1a.) σι 5» ὥσπερ, (No. 1, strengthened by περ, indeed) who indeed, who namely, WHOREMONGER (-s.) (non occ.) πόρνος, a sodomite, a catamite. εἰ, if (expressing a hypotheticu Eph. v. 5. Heb, xiii. 4. τί condition) 1 Tim. i. 10. Rev xxi. 8, Rev. xxii. 15. τις, ally. WHOSE. ἐάν, if (expressing a possible con- dition which experience must See, ΠΟ. 8. determine) WHOSO. | τις, any. 3s, who, which. ἄν, perhaps, perchance, (¢mplying ( uncertainty, or a dependence on ᾿Π — eirewmstances) bag. any. * with dv, perhaps, perchance, (see below, No. 1a.) 1b.Matt. ν. 19 1st. 1b.Luke iv. 6 (No. la, L la. 19 2nd, 21. Tr A.) 2. 22 Ast. 2. —— vi. 47 la. 22 2nd & 3rd. 1b.— vii. 23 2. —— 28. la,— viii. 18 la. 91: 5. —— ix. 5. (T &.) la. 32 Ist (No. 2, | la. 24 Ist (No. lb, GvLT Tr ARN.) la. 24 2nd, 26, 1b. 32 2nd. 10}: 48 ist (No. 1a, 4, 39, ak ᾿ 4, —— vii. 1b,——- 48 2nd 1b.— x. η (No. la, LT | 3. —— xii. 8. Έτ Α κ.) 2a. 10. 4. 82. 2. 48. 4a.—— 33 (om. av, L | 2. xiv. 11 A.) 4. 27. Ib. 42 (Νο. la, LTr | 2a. 33. 2. —— xvi. 18 lst “Seats 6(No.1la, LTr.) 1b.—— 27. la,—— xii. 32 1st (No. 1b, 18 2nd (6, with part., i.e. he who, in- stead of No. 2,G3L LTTrAw&,) T Tr A.) la. 32 2nd. 1b.— xvii. 33 twice. 44 .------ ὅ0. 1b.— xviii. 17 (No. la, 4, — xiii. 12 twice. LTTrAR&.) la,— xv. 5. 2. —— xx. 18 lst. la.— xvi. 25 1st (No. 1b, | la. 18 2nd. LTTr A.) 2. John iii. 15, 16 la. 25 2nd. 2. — iv. 13. 4, —— xviii. 4 la. 14. la.— xix. 9. 2. —— viii. 34, 1b.— xx. 26 (No. la, L | 2. —— xi. 26 T Tr. | 2. —— xii, 46. 1b. 27 (No. la, L T | 8. —— xiii. 20 (Νο. 9, L TrAWN.) τ Έτ Α κα) la,—— xxi. 44. 2. —— xvi. 2. 4. —— xxiii. 12. 2. —— xix. 12. la. 16 twice. 9, ——xx. 23 1st (No. 8,L.) 1b.— 18 1s (No. la, | 9. 23 nd (No. 8, 1, Τ Ττ Α κ.) 1, 8.) la. 18 2nd. 8. Acts 11. 21. la,— xxvi. 48 (No. 1}, | la.— viii. 19 (No. 1b, TAR.) GLTTrARk.) la.Mark iii. 35. 2, —— x. 48, 6. —— vi. 11 (ap.) 2. Rom. ii. 1. —viii. 34 (No. 7, 2. ——ix. 33 (ὁ, with 491, Tr &.) part., i.e. he that, in- la. 35 lst (No. 1b stead of No. 2 ,Gs L Thr AS.) Tr ACN) la. 35 2nd. 2. ——x. 11. la. 38 (No. 1b, L T | ο. 18. Tr A.) 18.1 Cor. xi. 27. 1b.— ix. 37 1st (No. la, | 1b.—— xvi. 3 (No. 1a, L.) LTTrAR.) 4. Gal. v. 4. 1b.— 37 2nd (No. la, | 4a. 10 (No. 4b, T LTTrA.) ‘Tr A δ) la. 41, 42. 4. Jas. ii. 10. 1b.— x. 11,} (No. la, Τὶ 2. 1 John ii. 23. 1b. TTrAW.) | 2. ——iii. 4, 6 twice, 9, 1b. 43 (No. la, L T 10, 15. ἀξ) la,— iv. 15 la. 44 (No. 1b, α Τ | 2. —v. 1,18 Tr A.) 2. 2 John 9. la.— xi. 23. 7. Rev. xiv. 11. la,—— xiv. 44, 7. —— xx. 15. 6. —— xv. 6, 2. —— xxii, 15. WHY, WHY? 1, ri, (neut. of τίς, who? what? as adv.) wherefore? why? 9. διατί, on account of what? for the sake of what ? 3. ἱνατί, ἵπ order to what? for what purpose? (οσο. Mark ix. 4.) εἰς, unto τί, what, ἢ ἷ to what end ? with a view to what ? [881 ] WIC 5. ὅτι, because ; after a pronoun, as in- terrog., for what cause, for what reason. 6. γάρ, verily then, in fact; in questions, γάρ is used with reference to the words or thoughts of the other party. 1. Matt. vi. 28. 1. Luke xix, 33 1. —— vii. 3 2. —— xx. 5. 1. —— viii. 26. 1, 25 (αρ.) 9, —— ix. 11, 14. 1. —— xxii. 46. 2. —— xiii. 10. —— xxiii. 22, see W 2, — xv. 2,3. what ? ; 1, —— xvi. 8. 1. —— xxiv. 5, 38 1st, 1. — xvii. 10 2. 38 2nd 2. 19. 1. John i. 25. 1, —— xix. 7,17. 1. —— iv. 27. 1, —— xx. 6. 1. —— vii. 19. 2. —— xxi. 25. 2. ὃ 1. —— xxii. 18. 2. —— viii. 43, 46. 1. — xxvi. 10. 6. —— ix. 20. — — xxvii. 23, see W | 1. ——x. 20. what ? 2. —— xii. 5. 3. 46. 2. —— xiii. 37. 1. Mark ii. 7, 8. 1. — xviii. 21, 23. 2. 18. 1, —— xx. 13, 15. ab 24. 1. Acts i. 11. 1. —— iv. 40. 1. —— iii. 12 twice, 1. —— v. 35, 39. 8. — iv. 25. 2, — vii. 5. 2, —v.3. 1. —— viii. 12, 17. ne ᾿ ὅ. — ix. 11, 28, 8. —— vii. 26. 1, —-x. 18. 1, — ix. 4. 1, —— xi. 3. 1. — xiv. 15. 2. 31. 1. — xv. 10. 1. — xii. 15. 1. — xxii. 7, 16. 4, ——xiv. 4, 1. —— xxvi. 8, 14, 1, —— 6. 1. Rom. iii. 7. —— xv. 14, see W | 1. — viii. 24. what ? 1. — ix. 19, 20. 4, 1. — xiv. 10 twice, 1. Luke ii. 48, 1. 1 Cor. iv. 7. 2, ——v. 30. 2. —— vi. 7 twice. 2. 33 (om. διατί, | 3. —— x. 29. why do, T Τὴν A.) 1 90. 1, — vi. 2, 41, 46. 1. — xv. 29, 30. 1. —— xii. 26, 57, 1. Gal. ii. 14 (πῶς, how? | 3. — xiii. 7. GLTTrARW.) 1. —— xviii. 19 1, —v.11. 2. — xix. 51 1, Col. ii. 20. WHY WHAT? τί, what γάρ, for, then, in fact, Matt. xxvii. 23. ᾿ lit., what [evzl] in fact. Mark xv. 14. Luke xxiii. 22. WICKED. 1. πονηρός, causing or having labour, sorrow, pain; hence as causing evil to ot posed, malignant, malevolent : ; gen, ; actively, ers, evil-dis- ov passively, as made evil, evil in nature or quality, bad, ill, vicious. (a) with the article, the evil one, the malignant one. 2. ἄνομος, without law, not subject to law, lawless ; then, a violator of the divine law. 111 WIC [ 882 ] WIF 3. ἄθεσμος, a violator of established Gen. xxxvili. 11; Ex. xx. 22, etc.; ordinances, rules, ov institutions, 2 Sam. xiv. 5; 1 Kings vii. 14), (divine or human), (non occ.) (non oce.) : xxiii. 14 Luke xxi. 2, 3. 4. κακός, bad, (generically) worthless, Mey at ao aS. ‘Acta vi. 1. i including every form of evil, | Luke ii. 37. ieee P — iv. 25, 1 Cor. vii. 8. physical and moral. — vii. 15. 1 Tim. v. 3 twiee, 4, 5, 9, — xviii. 3, 5. 11, 16 twive, 1. Matt. xii, 45 1st. 1. Luke xix. 22. — xx, 47, Jas. i. 27. its 45nd (compa- | 2. Acts ii. 23. Rey. xviii. 7. rative.) 1. — xviii. 14. Se ea his mig ην ee marg. see Via ας 1¢ eaness, 1. — xviii. 32. 1. Col. i. 51. WIDOW (rHart was 4A) —_— j 9 ee ἂν ieee iia Luke iv. 26. 1. Luke xi. 26. ate: 3. eee ii, 7. . 2 Pet. iii. 1 WIFE, WIVES. WICKED (THE) η. γυνή, a woman, one of the JSemale sex; used of a maiden; (Ixx. for la. Eph. vi. 16. m3, Esth. ii. 4) and of. an adult ; also, with a Genitive, or ἔχειν (to WICKED ONE (raat) have), or the adj., ὕπανδρος, (under a husband) zt ὑπρίίες betrothed, a bride, but not yet married; also used of a married woman, a wife; la. 1 John ν. 18. WICKED ONE (rue) (so Ixx. for πῶς, Gen. xxiv. 3, ete.) τα. Matt, ti 10. σα nda | 2. ηναικεος, womanly, “womanisheaes male; here, Dat. with art., the female, (non οσο.) 3. ἡ, the. Here, with Gen. following, WICKED PERSON (rHat) la. 1 Cor. v. 13. Ξ the of, 1.6. the as of. — Matt. i. 6, see W (her | 1. Luke viii. 3. WICKEDNESS. the)” με 20, 96, " ἜΝ τὶ: η η 20, 24. 11, —— xvi. 18. 3 ῄ ur 1 im evil 1. — v. 31, 32. 1, —— xvii. 32. 1. πονηρία, evil nature, delig : »|-΄ viii.’14, see W’s | 1. — xviii. 29, malignity, malevolence, the wicked ο hee 8 ee =; ἐδ, cae . 111 1. — xiv. 3. . — xx. 28 twice, 2) act of the mind, (οσο. Acts ΠΠ. 26.) ρα ον (apy Beira eee , 1. —— xix. 3, 5, 8, 9, 10. 1. Acts v. 1, 2, 7. 2. πονηρός, δέ6 No. la, above. τ 29(om. ἤγυναῖκα, 1. —— xviii. 2. : . : LT Tr A. 1: 3. κακία, badness, the evil habit, malice. | 4,” ™/@ Tee ee pees ον ; ᾧ - Ξ 1, —— xxvii. 19. 1. 1Cor. v. 1. 4, τούτῳ, in this, lit., if there be any | - Mark i. 30, see W’s | 1. ——vii.2,3twice, 4twice, thing in this man. Pe η αν Wer Ὁ . . ’ . . ο -- 1. Matt. xxii. 18, of wae, StLTTr A), te ώς μας : 33, 34, τα [man. 1. Mark vii. 22, pl. om. ἃ. - ὠϑ(οην, ἢ γυναικα. ~— 1x. marg. wo- akan, * (te do, or wife, G>L T Tr A | 1, Eph. ν. 22, 23, 24, 25, 3. Acts viii. 22. 1,1Cor.v. 8. [kedness. μμ 28 twice, 31, 33 twice, 4, —— xxv. 5 (ἄτοπος, out | 1. Eph. vi.12, marg. wic- | 1. —— xii. 19twice, 20, | 1. Col. iii. 18, 19. 2. 1 John v. 19. ; a bg αρα 1 1 Tim. iii, 2, 11, 12. . Luke 1, » LO, oe, ae Ὅς 1. i. 5 (om. LT Tr 1 Tit. 1.6. a WIDE AR.) . 1 Pet. iii, 1 twice. « 1. —— iii. 19. 2. ᾿ 4 η Ξ — — iv. 38, see 8 | 1. Rev. xix. 7. πλατύς, broad, wide; (xx. Jor am, ἀν Raven hy Judg. xix. 15, 20; Neh. ix. 35; Zech. viii. 4, 5; yin, Is. xv. 3) -- τ 7 ᾽ 7 = 4 ᾽ al (non oce.) WIFE (Πεν... ΤΠΕ) Matt. vii. 13, 8, Matt. i. 6. WIDOW (5. WIFE’S MOTHER. χήρα, bereaved ; then, bereaved of one’s | πενθερά, ἃ mother-in-law, e.g. a wife’s husband, a widow ; (Ixx. for ΠΣΟΣΝ, | mother; (also the © husband’s WIL [ 883 1 mother, Matt. x. 35; Luke xii. | 53); (xx. for Ποπ, Ruth i. 14; 1|. 11; ink.) Matt. viii. 14. Ι Luke iv. 38. Mark i. 30. WILD. ἄγριος, living in the fields, living wild; hence, used of animals, trees, ete., wild, and of things having the qualities incident to a wild or natural state, (occ. Jude 13.) Matt. iii. 4. | Mark i. 6. See also, BEAST, OLIVE-TREE. WILDERNESS. 1. ἔρημος, (adj.) lonely, desolate, soli- tary, desert, used of persons, ete. ; also as subst., a lonely place, a desert place, a place or region uninhabited and uncultivated. 2. ἐρημία, (subst.) a solitude, a desert, a wilderness, (occ. Heb. xi. 38.) 1. Matt, iii. 1, 3. 1. John i. 28. 1. — iv. 1. 1. —— iii. 14. συ 1. —— vi. 49. 2. v. 88, iN xi. 54. [{. ι Mark i. 3,4, 12, 13. 1. Acts vii. 30, 36, 38, 42, 2, —— viii. 1. — xiii. 18. 1. Luke iii. 2, 2 4, 1. —— xxi. 38, 1. — iv. 1. 1. LiCor, xo. 1. ——v. 16. 2. 2 Cor. xi. 26. 1. — vii. 24. 1, Ἠου. iis, 1, 1. —— viii. 29. 1. Rev. xii. 6, 14. 1. — xv. 4. 1. — xvii. 3. WILE (5. μεθοδεία, (μετά, with, and ddos, a vey method, art, artifice, cunning vice, contrivance, craft, wiles, (occ. Eph. iv. 14.) Eph. vi. 11. WILFULLY. ἑκουσίως, willingly, of free-will, volun- tarily; (πχ. for nana, Neh. xv. 3), (occ. 1 Pet. v. 2.) Heb. x. 26. WILL. [noun. ] (For the verb “vo ΝΤ, see below; also for various combinations with other words.) 1. θέλημα, will, active volition, wish, desire. 1» WIL 2. θέλησις, a willing, a wishing, (non 000) 3. γνώμη, a means of knowing; that by which one knows, the mind ; and then the various ways in which the mind exerts itself, as opinion, judgment, consent, inclination, desire, ete. 4, βουλή, determination, decision, de- cree, counsel. βουλημα, deliberate intention, that which 5. is purposed, designed, planned ov intended, (occ. Acts Xxvil. 43.) 1. Matt. vi. 10. | 1. 1 Cor. vii. 37. 1. —— vii. 21. μ᾿ xvi. 12. 1, —— xii. 50. 1. 2 Cor. 1.1. 1, —— xviii. 14. 18 ar 5. 1. —— xxi. 31. 1. Gal. i 1. —— xxvi. 42. | 1. Eph. i. ᾿, ὅ,9, 11. 1, — xxvii. 43. | 1. ——ii. 3 marg. (text, 1. Mark iii. 35. | 1. —v.17 (desire. ) 1. Luke xi. 2 (ap.) | 1. —— vi. 6. 1. —— xii. 47 twice. πα σα” θὲ 1. —— xxii. 42. | 1. ——iv. 12. 1, —— xxiii. 35. 1. 1 Thes. iv. 3. 1. John i. 13 twice. i 1. — iv. 34. 1d 2 Tim. 1 1, —— v. 0 υνίοο. ἘΠ . 26 1. —— vi. 38twice, 39, 40, | 2. Heb. ii. 4. πι ΤΠ | 1. ——x. 7, 9, 10, 36. 1. —— ix. 31. 1. —— xiii. 21. 1. Acts xiii. 22, pl. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 15. 4. 36. 1. — iii. 17. : 1, — xxi. 14. 1. —iv.2. [TrAR®.) 1. Rom, i. 10. Ἱ. 3(No.5, α ΟἹ Τ' 1. -- ii. 18. 1; 19. 5. —— ix. 19, 1, 2 Pet. i. 21. 1. — xii. 2. 1, 1 John ii. 17. 1, — xv. 32, 1. ——v. 14. 1. 1 Cor.i.1. 3. Rev. xvii. 17. WILL (Δ4ΛΙΝΑΤ ΟΝΕ 8) ἄκων, unwilling, against one’s will, per- force, (non occ.) 1 Cor. ix. 17, WILL (coop) 1. εὐδοκία, the deeming good, a free- willing pleasure whose object is something good, good pleasure, gracious purpose; not “good will” in a moral sense, nor a pur- pose morally good, but a resolve, with emphasis on the willingness or freedom with which it is taken, at the same time denoting that it is good. 2. εὔνοια, willing mind, good will, (oce 1 Cor, viii. 3.) 1, Luke ii. 14 (εὐδοκίας (gen.), i.e. among men of [God’ 8] good plea- sure, instead of good will toward men, L T Tr AW.) 2. Eph. vi. 7. 1. Phil. i. 15. WIL WILL (oF oneE’s own) βούλομαι, to purpose, to will. part. Here, Jas. i. 18. WILL WORSHIP. ἐθελοθρησκεία, a self-devised external form of ceremonial service, a mode of ceremonial worship cho- sen for one’s self, (ποπ occ.) Col. ii, 98. WILL (-reru, -1ve, witt.) [verb ] Witt is frequently part of the trans- lation of the future tense of verbs. When it is the translation of a separate Greek work it 1s one of these following. 1. θέλω, to will, to wish, to desire, implying the simple act of volition ; to have a natural impulse or desire, without regard to the de- liberation or consideration ; (No.1 may thus be stronger in some sense than No. 2, because a natural im- pulse is more violent than a reason- able resolve). θέλω is therefore used of cases where the wisdom and qustice, etc., are not apparent, but where the will is arbitrary or abso- lute. 2. βούλομαι, to wish, to desire, to have that desire from which No. 1 sometimes eyrungs, to have a wish, intention, o7 purpose, formed after mature deliberation; to deliberately purpose after careful consideration. (Hor ώς difference between Nos. 1 and 2, compare Mark xv. 9 and 12, (Wo. 1) with 15, (Wo. 2.) 3. μέλλω, to be about to, to be on the point of ; wsed of some act or event in the future as the result of present determination, to be going to do anything. 1, Matt. i. 19. — Matt. xii. 7, see W 8. — ii, 18. | 1, —— xiii. 28, [have. ; . 40. 1, —— xv. 28, 90. iE viii. 2, 3. | 1. —— xvi. 24, 25 Ist — —— ix. 10, see W have. | 1. —— xvii. 4 1. —— xi. 14. 1, —— xix. 17, 21. 2. 27 (ἄποκαλυψῃ, | 1. — 26, xx. 14, 15, 21, 2 may reveal, instead of | 32 βούληται ἀποκαλύφας, | 5 purposes to reveal, L™.-) 1 xxi. 29. xxiii, 4, | | WIL a) 1. Matt. xxvi. 15 1st, 17, ; 1. Acts xvii. 18, 89 Ist (πὰ not in | 3. 81. Greek.) 2. —— xviii. 15. 1. — xxvii. 17, 21. 1: 21 2nd part. - 43, see W have. | 3. —— xxiii. 20 part. 1. Mark i. 40, 41. 1. —— xxiv. 27. 1. — vi. 22 ‘ist. 1. —— xxv. 9 twice. 1. — viii. 34, 85 3. —— xxvii. 10. Ἱ πο ο ο οι 2. : πμ xiv. 7, 19, 361st 1. Rom. ix. 18 18 twice 22, (2nd not in Greek.) 1. —— xiii. is xv. 9. 1. 1 Cor. iv. ἘΝ 2nd, 21, ἜΣ 12 (om. θέλετε, | 1. —— vii. 86, 89. will ye that, Tr? 3.) 1. —— x. 20. 2. 15. 2. —— xii. 11. 1. Luke iv. 6 2nd. 1. — xiv. 35. 1. —— y. 12, 15. 1. xvi. 7. 1, — ix. 98, 241st,54, [1. 2 Cor. viii. 11. 2. — x. 22. 1. Phil. ii. 19. 1. 29, — 1 Tim.ii.4,seeW have, 1, —— xii. 49. 2. : 1. — xiii. 31. 1. —-v. 11. 1. — xviii. 41. 2. 14. 1. —— xix. 14. 2. vi. 9. 1. — xxii. 9. 1. 2 Tim. iii, 12. 1. — xxiii. 20. 2. Tit. iii. 8. 1. John v. 6, 21, 40. 2. Heb. vi. 17. 1. —— vi. 67. 1. —— xiii. 18. 1. — vii. 17 1st. 1. Jas. ii. 20. 3. 95 twice, 2. —— iv. 4. 1. —— viii. 44. il! 15; 3. —— xiv. 22. Ἵ..1 Pets 111. 10; 1. -- xv. 7. 2. 2 Pet. iii. 9. 1. —— xvii. 24. 1. 3 John 19. 2. —— xviii. 39. 2. Jude 5. 1, —— xxi. 22, 23. 3. Rev. iii. 16. 1. Acts vii. 28. 1. —— xi. 5 twice, 6, — — ix. 6, see W have. ! 1. —— xxii. 17 WILL HAVE. 1. Matt. xxvii. 43. 1. Acts ix. 6 (ap.) ii. 4. 1. Matt. ix. 13. 1. — xii. 7. πν παπα, | | WILLING. πρόθυμος, predisposed, having a mind (as regards the passions) before- See (Ixx. for 23, 1 Ch. xxviii. 21; 2 Ch. xxix, 31.) Matt. xxvi, 41. WILLING (sr) 1. θέλω, see above, No. 1. 2. βούλομαι, see above, No, 2. . εὐδοκέω,. to deem good, to take pleasure in; when followed by ὑπ], to determine, to will, with stress on the willingness of the cause and the goodness of the purpose. 2. Luke xxii. 42, 8. 2 Cor. v. 8, 1. John v. 35. 3. 1 Thes. 11, 8. — 1 Tim. vi. 18, see Communicate, (Ju WILLING MIND. προθυμία, predisposition, the having a mind (as regards the passions) be- forehand. 2 Cor. viii, 12, WIL WILLING OF ONE'S SELF. αὐθαίρετος, self chosen for one’s self, spontaneously acting from one’s own choice. 2 Cor. viii. 3. WILLINGLY. 1. ἑκών, out of free will, willing, voluntary ; wittingly, purposely. κατὰ, according to, ) (1xx. for2722, 2. < Exovovov,free-will, > Neh. xv. 3), voluntary, (non oce.) 8. ἑκουσίως, willingly, of free-will, voluntarily ; (xx. for 13:1, Ps. liv. 8), (οσο. Heb. x. 26.) 4, θέλω, see “ wit,” No. 1. (a) lit., willed to. (b) η lit., this is unknown to them, wishing it, 1.6. they are naturally desirous of ignorance on the subject. as John vi. 21. 2. Philem. 14, : . Rom, viii. 20, 8. 1 Pet. v. 2. ~ . Cor ix, 17. 4b.2 Pet. iii. 5. WIN, WON. κερδαίνω, to gain, acquire as gain, win. Phil. iii. 8. Ι 1 Pet. iii. 1. WIND (-s.) [noun.] 1. ἄνεμος, a stream of air, air in motion, (from aw, ἄημι, to breathe, to blow); (Ixx. for nv, Job xxi. 18 ; Is. xli. 16, etc.; and nim yD, 1 Ch. ix. 24; Jer. xlix. 36; Dan. xi. 4), (non occ.) 2. πνέω, to blow, breathe, (of the wind or air); to breathe, send forth an odour ; gen., of men, etc., to draw breath, breathe; of the air, to blow. Here, part., blowing. 3. πνοή, a blowing, blast; (κκ. for mows, Job xxxvil. 10), (occ. Acts xvii. 25.) -- . πνεῦμα, the air we breathe, wind, (see “ sPIRIT.’’) 1. Matt, vii. 25, 27. 1, Luke vii. 24, 1. —— viii. 26, 27. 1, —— viii. 23, 24, 25. 1. — xi. 7. — — xii. 55, see South. 1. —— xiv. 24, 30, 32. 4, John iii. 8, 1. —— xxiv. 31. 1. —— vi. 18 1. Mark iv. 37, 39 twice, 41, | 3. Acts ii. 2 1. —— vi. 48, 51. . —— xxvii. 4, 7. 1, - 19, see South. [ 885 J WIN 1, Acts xxvii. 14, 15. — Jas. i. 6, see W (be 2, —— 40. driven with the) — xxviii. 13, see — iii. South. . Jude 12, 1, Eph. iv. 14. ᾿ Rev. vi. 13. 1. Rev. vii. 1 twice. WIND (ΒΕ DRIVEN WITH THE) ἀνεμίζομαι, to be driven by the wind, (No. 1); (a verb, not occurring in the lxx., nor im classic writers.) Jas. i. 6. WIND, WOUND. [verb.] δέω, to bind, fasten. John xix. 40, WIND UP. συστέλλω, to wrap together, to enve- lope, to wind in a garment, (occ. 1 Cor. vii. 29.) Acts v. 6. WINDOW. θυρίς, a little door, an aperture. In Bi Ad Aa window ; (Ixx. for γὺπ, Josh. ii. 15, 18, 21; Judg. v. 28), (non occ.) Acts xx, 9. ] 2 Cor. xi. 33. WINE. οἶνος, wine, the fermented juice of the grape; (Ixx. for 7», Gen. ix. 21, 24; xiv. 18; win, Gen. xxvii. 28; Judg. ix. 18; Joel i. 10.) Matt, ix. 17 3 times. 1 Tim. τε 3, see W (given Mark ii, 22 3 times, 22 (ap.) (to) — xv. 28. στ v. 23, Luke i. 15. Tit. ii. 3. — v. 37 twice, 38. 1 Pet. iv. 3, see W (ex- 39, see Old. cess of) αλ. = 33 (om. G—) Rev. vi. 6. Εἰ ἐκ δ — xiv. 8, 10. John i ii. 8 twice, 9, 10 twice. | —— xvi, 19. — iv. 40. | —— xvii, 2. Acts ii. 13, see W (new) [ΞΞ XViii. 8 (om. τοῦ οἴνου, Rom. xiv. 21, of the wine, L Tr A.) Eph. ν. 18. 13. Rev, xix. 15, see W press. WINE (EXCESS OF) οἰνοφλυγία, overflowing with wine, (non ουσ.) 1 Pet, iv. 3. | a WIN [ 896 Ἱ WIS τ eee WINE (GIvEN το) πάροινος, beside wine, sitting long be- side wine: also implying that which goes on or takes place beside or over wine, (occ. Tit. 1. 3.) 1 Tim. iii. 3. WINE (καπ) γλεῦκος, must, sweet or new wine, (non occ.) Acts ii. 13. WINE-BIBBER. οἰνοπότης, a wine-drinker; (Ixx. for pap, Prov. xxiii. 20), (non occ.) Matt. xi. 19. | Luke vii. 34. WINE-FAT. ὑπολήνιον, the under-vat of a wine-press, -into which the juice of the grapes flowed, gen. dug im the rock, (not that inwhich the grapes were pressed, which was the upper vat or press, see below); \xx. for 1, Is. xvi. 10; Joel iii. 18; Hag. 1]. 17), (non occ.) Mark xii. 1. WINE-PRESS. 1. ληνό, a trough for drinking or watering; (1xx. for 077, Gen. xxx. 39,42.) Hence, a wine trough or wine vat; the upper vat or press into which the grapes were cast or trodden; (Ίκκ. for ni, Neh. xiii. 15; Is. lxiii. 2), (non 900.) ἵ οἶνος, wine “ἃ ληνός, press, (see above.) 1. Matt. xxi. 33. | 1. Rev. xiv. 19, 20 twice. 2. Rev. xix. 15. WING (-s.) πτέρυξ, a pinion, a wing; (Ixx. for 528, Ps. lv. 7; 79, Ex. xix. 4), (non ace.) Matt. xxiii. 37. Rev. iv. 8. Luke xiii. 34. — ix. 9. Rev. xii. 14. WINK AT. ὑπερεῖδον, to see or look out over, to overlook, not to regard; (Ixx. for p>yn, Lev. xx. 4), (non occ.) Acts xvii. 00, WINTER. [noun.] χειμών, rain, storm, tempest; then, used of the season of rains and storms, the rainy season. Matt. xxiv. 20. John x. 22. Mark xiii. 18. 2 Tim. iv. 21. WINTER (-Ep.) [verb.] παραχειμάζω, to winter near or at ὦ place, (non occ.) Acts xxvii. 12. | — xxviii. 11. 1 Cor. xvi. 6. Tit. iii. 12, WINTER IN. παραχειμασία, a wintering near or at, (non occ.) τω for, Acts xxvii. 12. WIPE (εν. ἐκμάσσω, to wipe out, 7.6. to wipe dry, (non occ.) Luke vii. 38, 44. John xi. 2. WIPE AWAY. ἐξαλείφω, to smear out, blot out, obliterate. Jobn xii. 3. — xiii. 5. Rev. vii. 17. | Rev. xxi. 4. WIPE OFF. ἀπομασσομαι, to wipe away from off one’s self, (non occ.) Luke x. 11. WIS. See, wIst. WISDOM. 1. σοφία, wisdom, cleverness, skill, ete.; a right application of (γνώσις) knowledge; wisdom regarded as residing in the mind, (non occ.) 2. φρόνησις, a fruit of No.1; No. 1 in action; the faculty which applies the principles of wisdom; a minding to do so and so, purpose, intention, practical wisdom, pru- dence, (occ. Eph. 1. 8.) Wis WIT τη eet νὰ ο ών 19. ment; xx. for Chald. Fw, en- 1. a il δὶ 1. 2 Cor. τ 12, chanter, magician, Dan. i. 20; rx Vil. ὦ. 2 is ae ο eee 9. Luke i. 17. 1 iii. 10. i. 2, 27; v. 7), (οσο. Acts xiii. 6, eo i, 40, 52. 1. Col. i. 9, 28. 8.) 1. — vii. 35. . — ii. 3, 2 1. — xii. 31, 49 1 228 16 3. Matt. ii. 1, J 16 twice, | 1. 1 Cor. vi. δ. 1. — xxi. 15. 1, --ατ ἸἾΝ, δ. 1, —— xxiii. 2. —x. 15. 1. Acts vi. 3, 10. 1. Jas. i. 5. 1. Jas. iii, 13, 1, —— vii. 10, 22. 1. — iii. 13, 15, 17. rae ia ae 19, 20, 7 pbk ii, 15. ‘ a} rice, 32, 34, 30° [19 Ἢ — vii, 18, WISE (TEACH TO BE) [margin.] 1. ii, 1, 4,5, eee: ἘΝ i, 9. mili. 18. Tit. ii. 4, see “‘SOBER (TEACH TO ΡΕ)” WISE. WISE. [adj.] [adj See, ANY, NO, THIs. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) WISELY. φρονίμως, with mind, thinkingly, ze. prudently, (non οσο.) Luke xvi. 8, 1. σοφός, wise, 1.6. clever, skilled, skil- ul, esp., one who has natural abilities, (as opp. to ὃ μαθών, one _ who owes all to teaching.) 2. φρόνιμος, understanding, thoughtful, practically wise, sensible, prudent, (οσο. 1 Cor. κ. 19.) WISER. Included in “ wrsr.” 2. Matt. vii. 24. 1. Rom xvi. 19, 27. = 2. —x. 16. ολ ο oo 20, 25, 26, WISH b. 1. — xi. 25. ap ED. r Ξ — xxiv. 45. ἘΠ 1. —— iii. 10, 18 twice 130" ( ) [ve ] . —— xxv. 2, 4, 8, 9. @ ty, 16) 20 aes 2, 2 Cor αἱ 9 εὔχομαι, to speak out, to utter aloud; 2, — xii, 42. 1: Eph. v. hence, to pray, pray for. 2. — xvi. 8. 1. 1 Tim. i. My (om. GL 1. Rom. i. 14, 22. TrA κα. Acts xxvii. 29. Ι 2 Cor. xiii. 9, 9, =— xi. 25. 1. Jude 25 (om. G L T Tr 3 John 2, marg. pray. 2, — xii. 16. Α Ν.) WISE (sr) συνίημι, to send or bring together; bring or put together in the mind; hence, to discern, perceive, under- stand, comprehend. WISH (cay) Rom, ix. 3. WIST, WIS. οἶδα, see “ KNOW,” No. 1. ay δὶ Mark ix. 6. John ν. 13, 2 Cor. x. 12, marg. wnder- | Tit. ii. 4, marg., see — xiv. 40, Acts xii. 9, stand. ober. Luke ii. 49. —- xxiii. 5. WISE (ake) WIT (2ο το) σοφίζω, to make wise, 1.6. skilful, ex- | γνωρίζω, to make known, declare, re. pert; (ἰχχ. for ponn, Ps. xix. 8; veal. 22), (occ. 2 Pet. i. 16.) 2 Cor. viii. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 15. ὅκα ἐν, WIT, THAT (το) WISE MAN. ὡς, in which way, as, so as, how, indicating that the proposition following it, { how 2. φρόνιμος, see above, No. 2. introduced by that. drt, that, zs -.. of in- direct reference, 1. σοφός, see above, No. 1. 3. μάγος, great, powerful; magus, pi. magi, the name for priests and wise men among the Medes, Persians, 2 Cor, ν. 19, and Babylonians, whose learning was chiefly astrology and enchant- ‘See also, wor. wit WITCHCRAFT. φαρμακεία, see “sorceRY,” Λο. 1. Gal. v. 20. WITH. “ Wirn ” is frequently the translation of a case of a noun, or part of some phrase in combination with other words; for a list of the latter, see below. When wit is represented by a sepa- rate word (preposition) in the Greek, it is one of these follow- ing. 1. μετά, with, in association with, in proximity with. Here, with Gen., with, together with, in company with. (Hence, with the Acc., to- gether or near, so as to be after.) σύν, with, in conjunction with, united with, together in, some- thing common to both, implying fellowship, union, ov agreement with. 9. éev,in; then, it is used of what accom- panies or characterises, with, in the power of, (not marking the origin or source of the power, but only the character of it.) When it refers to an action, it is not (like No. 7) the effective instrument of it, but that which characterises tt. 4, παρά, beside, by the side of. (a) with Gen., from beside, beside and proceeding from. (b) with Dat., beside and at, with or near a person; with, 1.6. in the estimation or power of. (c) with Acc., to or along the side of, beyond, outside of. . πρός, towards. σι (a) with Gen., hitherwards, gen., with the idea of something imparted, in favour of, as a motive. (b) with Dat., at the side of, at, with, near, of persons only. (c) with «σοι, towards, implying an object, up to, with a view to, as an object to be attained; then, with, but as distinct from, over against, | See 1 WIT in direction towards; not like παρά, (along with) du¢ directed towards, implying intimate and closest inter- communion, together with distinet independence. 6. ἐκ, out of, from, (calling attention to the source, origin, or principle.) 7. διά, through. (a) with Gen., through as proceed- ing from, denoting the means or instrument of an action, by means of, by, the effective instrument of activity. (b) with Acc., through, on account of, because of, for the sake of, denoting the reason or motive of the action, by reason of. 8. ὑπό, under. (a) with Gen., motion from beneath, as denoting that from which the fact, event, or action springs, and marking theagent or efficient cause ; hence, with, by. 9. ἐπί, upon. (a) with Gen., upon, as springing Srom. (b) with Dat., resting upon, marking the condition, occasion, cause, or circumstance by reason of which the act takes place. (c) with «σοι upon, by direction towards, marking the mental direc- tion with a view to the act. 10. ἀπό, from, away from, marking the point of departure; hence, trom, on account of, occasioned by. 11. κατά, down. (a) with Gen., down from. (b) with σαι down along, over against; hence, in reference to some standard of comparison expressed or implied, according to, corres- ponding to. . ἅμα, at the same time with, to- gether with, in company with. . εἰς, into, implying either motion to a place, or arrival at a place by motion; up to, as the object of some aim or purpose. WIT 14. περί, around. (a) with Gen., about, concerning, as the object of thought, emotion, ete. (b) with Acc., about, round about. 15. ἔχω, to have; having. 1. Matt. i, 23 2nd. 1. — ii. 3, tL 1 —— iil, ΤΙ twice, 3. beh, 2 twice, 1, —— viii. 11. 8a. 24, -- 29, see W thee a have we to ο 1, —— ix. 11, 15. 8a.—— xi. 7. 1, — xii. 3, 4, 30 twice, 41, 42, 1, —— xiii. οι ; 12.------ 29. 5e. 56. 1. — xiv. 7. δα. 24, 1. —— xv. 80 1, —— xvi. 27 1, —— xvii. 3, 17. 1, —— xviii. 16. 9b. 26 (No. 96, Tr.) 9b. 29 (No. 9c, L Tr A*. 1. — xix. 10 4tb.—— 26 twice, 1. — xx. 2. 38. —— 15. 1. —— 20. 1, —— xxi. 2. 4b. 2 (No. 8, L πε) 1. — xxii. 16 4b. 25. 3. 37 3 times. 1, —— xxiv. 30, 31, 49, 51. 1. —— xxv. 3, 4, 10 3. 16. 1, 19. 2. —— 27. Ἧς 31. a ΕΞ xxvi. 11, 18, 20, 29, 2. 35. 1. ——— 36,38, 40, 47 twice, | 51. 3. 52. 1. —— 55 lst. 5c. 55 2nd (om. πρὸς ὑμᾶς, withyou,a—Tr> | AR.) 58, 69, 71, 72. 1. 6. —— xxvii. 7. 5 34, 2. 38. iF 41, 54. 1. — xxviii. 8, 12, 20. 3. Mark i. 818¢ (om, T ΤΡ A.) 8. 8 2nd (om, Lb T τον) 5 Ἐ 13, 20. 8. 23, --- 24, see W thee (what have we to do) lie. 27. ds 29, 36. 1, — ii. 16 twice, 19 Ist, 19 2nd (αν. iP 25. κ. 4 6, 7, 14, here, participle, τ Mark iv. 10. 3. 24, 30. 1, 36. 3. —v. 2 72nd, see W thee (what have I to do with) 18 2nd, 24, 40, one ὃ: < -_ 9 ο pee τοῦ eee » ----- Ἢ marg. among. 24 (om, μετὰ δακρύων, with tears, Τὰ Pins ἮΝ Ror oe Sa x ρα 2nd, : 27 3rd age ) ο. κ 86. δι. 6. —— _ xii. 30 4 times, 83 1st ἃ 2nd 33 3rd eh: (ap.), 1. —— xiii. 26. 1, —— xiv. 7, 14, 17, 18, 20, 33, 43 twice, 48 lst. 5e. 49, ἢ δ 54, 67 1. — xv. 1, 715 2. 27. a 28 (ap.), 31. ἣν xvi. 10 (ap.) ie 20 2nd (ap. ) 1. Luke i. 28, 4b, 90, 4b. 37 (No. 4a, Lm TTrAR.) 1; 39, 8. 5]. | 2. 56. 1. ——— 66. 2. ——ii. 51st, 13, 1, —— 36, δι. 4b.———- 2. 3. —— iii. 16 2nd, 3. ——iv. 32. - 34, see W thee (what have we to do) 36. 2, —v. 19. ie 29, 30, 34, 1. —— vi. 3, 4. δο, 11 2nd- 1. 17. 8a, 18 (No. 10, @L T Tr AR.) 2. —— vii. 6, 12. 8a. 94, τι 36, 2. —— viii. 1. le 13. Sa.——— 14. i 15. 28 2nd, see W thee (what have I to do) 2. 38, [8891 2. —— ix. 32 1st. 27 ond, 3rd, ἃ 4th ἘΠῚ T Tr Ν.) σα, 91, 32. 1 a, is, 46, 58. eee ΧΙ Ξ' Ἔ — xvi. 21.” 1. —— xvii. 15, 20. 9b.—— xviii. 7. 15 2nd, 21, 28, 33. τ — xxiii. 1 fi 32, 35 (οπι,σὺν αὐτοῖς, with them, G>L> T PON POR Cob PoP cope ος 3. — xxiv. 1 (α 10, Fi (ap.), a a Sa 985 26, 31, 90 twice. =e ry see W thee oe have I to μα 1, —— viii. 29, αχ, 37, 40, 18 (om. Tr A.) | 33. . — xiv. 9, 16, 4b.— xvii. 5 lst ἃ 3rd. ; ae ae 18, 40. -—— xx. 7, 24, 20. 1, Acts i. 4 (Beza), (om. GLTTrARn.) 3. 5 2nd. -- 1415, see Ac- cord, 2. 14 2nd, 2. 14 3rd (om. G3L Τὰν AR.) 2. 17 (No. 3,G L TTrAR.) 6. 18. 2. 22. 1. —— 26. 2. ——ii. 14. 1. —— 28. 3. 29, 46 2nd. σα, 47. 2. iii. 4, 8. 5e. 25. 2. iv. 13, 14, 27 i 29, 31 2ad 2. τα. 8a. 16. 2. 17 Ist, 3. —— = 2. L — tik 4) 20a, 38 Ist, 45 2. — viii. 20 lst. Τα. 20 2nd. 6. 37 (ap.) 1. —— ix. 19, 28, 39 2nd 4b. 43, 2. ——x. 2. 4b. 6. 2. 20, 23. 5e.— xi. 2. 8, 16 2nd. io οι, 3. 26, marg. in. 2. —— xiii. 7. 1, —— 17. 2. —— xiv. 4 twice, 5, 13, -- is. see aoe ------- see Sayin ο eee 90° ying. 1. 23, 27. 2. 28. 50.----- xv. 2. 1, 4. 9 22 twice, 25 2nd. Τα. 82. 1 85, 2. —— xvi. 3. 1. —— xvii. 11. δα. 17 3rd | 8a. 25. 2. 34. 4b.—— xviii. 3. 2. Ξ, ry 10, 2. —— 18, 4b. 20 (om. παῤ αὖ- rots, with them, L T Tr A &.) 7a.—— xix. 26. = 34, see Voice. 2. 38. 10.— xx. 9. ie 18, 19 1st. 24 (om. μετὰ pas, with joy, G=L Ἕ Tr AR.) Τα. 29, iP 31, 34 2, 56, 2. —— xxi. 5. 4b.—— 7, 8. 3. ———- 16 2nd. 40.-------- 16 3rd. 2. 18, 24 lst 9b, 94 2nd, 2. 26, 29. 2. —— xxii. 9. 2, —— xxiii. 15, 27, 32. 1, —— xxiv. 11s, 8, 7 50. 12, Γ(αρ.) ι ἰ 18 twloe. 2. 24, WIT 5 ου Ἱ WIT 1. Acts xxv. 12, 23 Ist. 5c.Gal. iv. 18, 20. 1. Heb. ix. 19. 1. Rev. iii. 4, 20 twice. 2. 23 2nd. i 25, 30. 5 a 1, — iv. 1. ΓΝ 4b.—— xxvi. 8. 2. ——v. 34. 5e.— x. 16. 1, — vi. 81st (om. Go 1, —— 12. 1, ——vi. 18. iff 22 Ist, 3. 8 2nd, 3rd, 4th. 2. 13. 3. Eph. i. 3. 1, —— xi, 9 Ist, 81 2na. 8a 9 5th. 2. Xxvii. 2. 3. — iii. 12. 3. 37. 6. —— viii. 5. τ 10, 24. B! 18. 7a,— xii, ] 2nd. 3. — ix. 19: 15. 39. 13. 19. ike 14, 17, 28. 3, — xii. 5 8a. 41. 1, —— iv. 2 twice. 7a.— xiii. 12. nf 9. 9b.— xxviii. 14 (No. 4b, | 3. 19. 13 17 1st, 23, 25, 9b. 17 Ist (om. L.) LTTrA®) τε 25. 2. Jas. i. 11. 1 ———— 17 and: 2, —— 16. 2. 31. 4b. ive 1. — xiii. 4, 7 (ap.) uf 31. | 3. ——-v. 18 2nd. 3. 21. 3. —— 10 twice. 8. Rom. i. 4, 3. ami 2. 8. — ii. 1. 1, — xiv. 1. 3. 9, - ὃ a.—— iii. 4, 3. ——2. 3. 12, $ we ON Mh he 6. 3. 13 2nd. i 3. 27. 1. 7. 78.1 Pet. i. 7. Tr. A.) | 3. 7 (om. L.) 4b.— ii. 11. 4b. 9. 12 (om. GL T | 3. 9, 10, 15. πο τη 8. 14, 15. 6, 99, 3. —— xvi. 8. 2 vi. Ist 7a. 18 Ist. 3, — ii. 18. 1, —— xvii. 1, 2 lst. — — vii. 21, see Me. 3. ——— 18 2nd. 4b. 20. 6. 2 2nd, 6 twice. 7a.— viii. 25. 1. 28, 24. 3. —— iii. 2. i 12, 14 twice. 2. 82. 3. 24, marg. (text, Ὁ, ——v. 14 lst, 3. 16. 4b,—— ix. 14. 2. Phil. 1,1. [in.) | 2. 2 Pet. i. 18. 6. —— xviii. 1. 3. 22. 1, ——4. gi 1, —— 3. 3. —x. 9. — — 7, marg. see Me. 8a. 8. 3. ——8. 8. —— xii. 8 3 times. 3. 20. 5: τ --Ξ 18 et 18. 1,——9. [Τὺ Ab) 1. 18. 1, —— ii) 12. 8a. 17. 3. —— 16 (om. GaL 3. 21, 5) 99 3ηὰ. 4b.— iii. 8. 3. —— xix. 2, 15 twice. 7b.— xiv. 15 1st. — — 23, see Go. 5e.1 John i. 2, if 20 Ist. 7a. 20. il. 29. ot i 3. ——— 20 2nd &3rd, 91 1st. eat) 1, — iv. 32nd, 6,9, 99. | 1. 2John2,3 6. 21 2nd. 9, 32 Ast 2. 21. 7a. 12. 1, — xx. 4, if 33. 3. Col. 1. 11 1st. 7a.3 John 13. ip 6 (μετὰ ταῦτα, 2. —— xvi. 14 1: — 11 2nd. 3. Jude 14, 23, 24, after these things, in- 3; 16. 3. —— ii. 4, 1. Rev. i. 7, 12. stead of μετ᾽ αὐτοῦ, if 20, 24 (ap.) 2. 5: 3. — ii. 16, with him, Ges) 2. 1 Cor. i. 2. 3. —— 7. if 22, 1. —— xxi. 3 3 times, 9, 15, 3. 17. 2. — 13, 20. 3 23, 27. ) 1, —— xxii. 12, 21. 1le.— ii. 1. 2. ——iii. 3, 4, 9. 5e. 2 3. — 16, 22. a ΝᾺ 3. — iv. 2, 6 ist, See also, ACCORD, AFFLICTION, AGREE, ae Gaba ag ass Me, Ξ: 18, ASSEMBLE, AWAY, BE, BEAR, BEAT, Ξ ση as 1 ee 2B BIND, BOUND, BROUGHT, BURY, πας i κά CARRY, CHILD, CLOTHE, COME, ay 8 3 times, Ls 18. IND 7 ¥ egy, μερα ον, COMMUNE, COMMUNICATE, COM 6. — vii. 5. 3. 16 3 times. PANY, COMPARE, COMPASS, COM- graben ee ας ΜΗ, PASSION, CONFER, CONSENT, CON- 3. —x, 5. 4 -- ν. 20. SORT, CONTENTED, CONTINUE, 2. —xi. 32, [TrAN,) | 1. 28, COVENANT, CRUCIFY, DEAD, DEAL, τα, xiv. 19 (om. GL 40. ae ἢ i. 6. DEALINGS, DEVIL, DIE, DISPUTE, 2. — xvi. 4. 3. 11. DISSEMBLE, DRAW, DRINK, DWELL, ας 6, 7, 10. ga as ο EAT, ELECTED, ENDURED, EN- aes δο.------ 1.1. TANGLE, FEAR, FEAST, FEED, FEEL- τ a re at ING, FELLOWSHIP, FILL, G@NASH, if 23, 24, 1. —— 16, 18 GO, GRIEF, GRIEVE, HAND, HASTE, ”, ΟΣ, 1... 1. 1 Tim. i. 14 3 3. 1ο, 1: Ξ 5 ται ο ΜΝ HAVE, HEIR, HELP, INSCRIPTION, 4b. a τρ an INSURRECTION, JOURNEY, LABOUR, πα πα, ΡΕ LABOURER, LADE, LEAD, LIVE, ΜΕ, 2. — iv. 14 155 ; a eal ται MEET, MIND, MIXED, NOISE, 5¢e.— vi. ή 1611. | 1, —iv. 8, 4, 14 NUMBER, PARTAKE, PARTAKER, OD RE φις κ 1; — vi 6,21 PERISH, PLEASE, POSSESS, PRE- 1. 15. 3. 2 Tim. i. 5. SENT, QUESTION, QUICKEN, RANK, 1. —— viii. 4, 18. 1. —— ii. 10, 22. ὁ 7 2, 19 2nd (Νο, 3, | 3. — iv. 2. REASON, REIGN, REJOICE, RISE, νους ας ρα RUN, SEAR, SEND, SHOD, SIT, 5c.— xi. 9. ne Q2ist, 2934 (ap. ) SMITE, SPEAK, SPEED, SPRING, eee i feed A λῆεα STAND, STRIKE, STRIVE, SUBTILE- 3 +e Kor Philem. 13. LY, SUFFER, TAKE, TAKEN, TALK, ϱ Gal. 1.32. Be. Heb. iv. 13. TEMPEST, THEE, TRAVEL, TRUST, τ "8. τ ΞΞΞΣ ALS UNITED, US, VOICE, WHAT, WIND, Ὡς τς Hi 9. 9¢,— viii, 8 2nd ἃ 3rd. WITNESS, WORK. fener τι a ——____===—=E OOo WIT f Sor” 1 WIT WITHAL. WITHER AWAY. 1. ἅμα, together with, at the same mabe k ος hat time. παπα αυτη 2. καί, and, also, even. 1. Acts xxv. 27. — 1Tim. v.13, seeW(and) — 1 Cor. xii. 7, see Profit. | 1. Philem. 22. —_—— WITHAL (anv) ἅμα, at the same time, ) but at the δὲ, but same time καί, also, also. τ Tira, v.17. WITHDRAW (πεν, -DRAWN.) . ἀποσπάω, to draw away from, to draw away from others. ὑποστέλλω, to send ov draw under. In N.T., mid., to draw one’s self back, 1.6. under cover, out of sight, privately or by stealth. 1. Luke xxii.41. {| 2. Gal. ii. 12, WITHDRAW ONP’S SELF. . ἀναχωρέω, to give place, give way, recede, retire. 2. . troxwpéw, to give place covertly, to recede or retire under cover, with- out noise or notice. . ἀφίστημι, to place away from, sepa- rate, remove, cause to depart. Here, mid., to separate one’s self. . στέλλω, to set, to place, make stand in order; hence, with the idea of motion comes the usual signification, to send, despatch, implying a pre- vious fitting owt. Pass. or mid., to be sent, to go. Then, from the idea of motion back to a former place, to draw in, contract, to repress or restrain one’s self, (οσο. 2 Cor. viii. 20.) 1, Matt. xii, 15. 1. Mark iii. 7. was retiring. 2. Luke v. 16, here part., | 3. 1 Tim. vi. 5 (ap.) 4. 2 Thes. iii. 6. with εἰμί, to be, lit., WITHER (-Εν, -rrn.) ξηραίνω, to dry, make dry. Here, pass., to be dried up, become dry, wither away. 1 Pet. i. 24. WITHERETH (wuose Frvir) φθινοπωρινός, autumnal failing, per- taining to the decay of autumn, (from φθίνω, to fail, and ὀπώρα, autumnal.) Jude 12, WITHERED. ξηρός, dry, withered. Matt. xii. 10. | John v. 3. Luke vi. 6, 8. WITHERED (nr) Enpaivw, see “ WITHER.” Mark iii. 1. 3 part. (ξηρός, dry, L TTr A.) Jobn xy. 6. WITHHOLD. κατέχω, to have and hold down, hold fast, restrain. [Here prob. it refers to the pre- sence of the Holy Ghost in the Church, as the restraining in- fluence, hindering the manitesta- tion of “the man of sin,” the Antichrist, until He is removed with the Church when she is caught up to meet the Lord in the air. } 2 Thes. ii. 6, marg. hoid. WITHIN. . ἐν, in, of place, time, or element ; also of the sphere or element in which the subject is concerned as dwelling or acting. ἔσωθεν, from within. 99 ἔσω, Within. . ἐντός, within. [ Here, with ὑμῶν, within you, i.e. within your midst, within your borders or country. Certainly || the Kingdom of God was not within the Pharisees individually, but within their midst, as shown by the presence of Jesus, the King, if they would haye Him to reign over them. | ο i SS ——— EE 5. 6. | eee 1: σι 0. 7, [ s92 1 WIT πρός, towards; here, with Acc., in reference to, towards, against. dua, through; here, with Gen., in reference to time, marking the passage through an interval, during, or after the lapse of. Matt. xxiii. 25. 4. Luke xvii. 21, marg. 26. among. 27, 28. 3. John xx. 26. . Mark xiv. 4. 3. Acts v. 23. 58. 3. 1 Cor. ν. 12. ~ Luke vii. 30, marg. see | 2. 2 Cor. vii. 5. Against. 2. Bey, iv. 8. 2. Rev. v.1 WITHIN (From) 2, Mark vii. 21,23. | 2, Luke xi. 7. -----.-. WITHIN (rHat) 6, the ἐσώτερος, inner, interior. Heb. vi. 19. WITHIN (THAT WHICH 18) 6, the, that, ἔσωθεν, from within. Luke xi. 40. WITHOUT. [adv. and prep. ] (for various combinations, and list of other words used in connection, see below.) χωρίς, apart, asunder, apart from. ἔξω, out of, without, outside, out of doors. ἔξωθεν, from without, 6.ο. outwardly, externally. ἄνευ, without, apart from, far from, (the opp. of σύν, together, in con- junction with, and denoting dis- tance) ; without, 1.6. without the aid of the will or consent of, the instigation of, etc., (non occ.) ἄτερ, without, 2.6. not with, either, not having, or in the absence of, (non occ.) ἐκτός, out of, without, outside. ov, not, (see “No,” Vo. 1) μετά, with, (see “wirn,” 3ο. 1) = 2, Matt. vii. 23, marg. | 1. Rom. iv. 6 see That not. 1. — vii. 8, 9 4, —— x. 29. 1, —prx, 14 2. —— xii. 46, 47. 1. 1 Cor. iv. 8 1. —— xiii. 34 6. — vi. 18 2. —— xxvi. 69 Ἰ; xi. 11 twice. 2. Mark i. 45. 3. 2 Cor. vii. 5. 2. —— iii. 31, 32. 1. Eph. ii. 12, 1. — iv. 84. 1. Phil. ii. 14, 2. —— xi. 4. 1. 1 Tim. ii. 8. 2. Luke i. 10. 1, ——v. 21. 1. — vi. 49. 1. Philem. 14. 2. —— viii. 20. 1. Heb. iv. 15. 2. —— xiii. 25. 1, ——vii. 7, nh 21. 5. —— xxii.6marg. (text, | 1. —— ix. 7, 18, 22, 28. in the absence of.) 1. ----α 98. 5. 35. 1, —— xi. 6, 40 1. John i. 3. 1. —— xii. 8, 14. 1. —— xv. 5, marg. se- | 2, —— xiii. il, 12, 13. vered from. 1. Jas. ii. 18 ές, out of 2, —— xviii. 16. StAV™ ἘΣ, marg. by.) 2. ——xx.ll(om.L&.) | 1. 20, 26 twice. 2. Acts v. 23 (οπι. α LT | 4. 1 Pet. iii. 1. Tr A.) 4. —— iv. 9. 7, 26. 2. Rev. xiv. 20 (Νο. 8, 1. Rom. iii. 21, 28. GLT Tr.) 2. Rev. xxii. 15. WITHOUT (rrom) 3. Mark. vii. 15, 18. WITHOUT (one ruat [or ΨΕΙΟΗ 18) 6, the one 1. ὁ ἔξωθεν, from without, (see Vo. 3, above.) 6, the one 2. 4 ἔξω, out of, without, (see Wo. 2, above.) 2, Mark iv. 11. 2. 1 Thes, iv. 19. 1. Luke xi. 40. 1. 1 Tim. iii. 7. 2. 1 Cor. v. 12, 19. 1. Rev. xi. 2 (ὃ ἔσωθεν, 2. Col. iv. 5. which is within, St &.) WITHOUT (tHOosE THINGS THAT ARE) τὰ, the things παρεκτός, near by without, out near 2 Cor. xi. 28. WITHOUT ANY. μηδεμίαν, not even one, not any, ποιησάμενος, making. Acts xxv. 17. See also, AFFECTION, BLAME, BLEMISTI, CAREFULNESS, CAUSE, CEASING, CHARGE, CHILDREN, CONTROVERSY, COVETOUSNESS, DESCENT, DISSIMU- LATION, DISTRACTION, EFFECT, EX- CUSE, FATHER, FAULT, FEAR, FRUIT, GAINSAYING, GOD, HANDS, HELP, HONOUR, HYPOCRISY, LAW, LIFE, MEASURE, MERCY, MIXTURE, MO- THER, OFFENCE, PARTIALITY, PER- “WIT [ 893 ] SONS, REBUKE, REPENTANCE, SEAM, | 1- Heb. x. 28. τ SIGHT, SIGNIFICATION, SIN, SPOT, | 3: Jas. v.3 1. STRENGTH, UNDERSTANDING, wa- ο } fet y : TER, WAVERING, WITNESS, WORLD, WRANGLING. WITHSTAND, WITHSTOOD. 1. ἀνθίστημι, to stand against. In N.T. only mid., to set one’s self against, 1.6. to withstand, oppose, resist. 2. κωλύω, to cut off; hence, to impede, hinder, prevent, restrain. 2. Acts xi. 17. 1. Eph. vi. 13. 1. — xiii. 8. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 8. 1. Gal. ii. 11. 1, —— iv. 15. WITNESS (-Ε5.) [noun.] (For the verb, and for various combina- tions with other words, see below.) 1. μάρτυς, (from the Sanser. root, smri, smarami, toremember; smrtis, re- membrance; Lat., memor) ; hence, lit. one who remembers, 7.e. one who has information or knowledge of a thing, and can therefore give information concerning, bring to light or confirm anything. Also, it sometimes implies that the wit- ness avers something and sup- ports his statement on the strength of his own authority. And after- wards was applied to one who bore witness to the truth by his death, Sor such is the Eng. word martyr. 2. μαρτυρία, a bearing witness, certify- ing, witnessing to. 3. μαρτύριον, testimony, as borne or given; the declaration which con- firms or makes known anything ; witness, or testimony stated from direct knowledge and as an actual declaration of facts. 1. Matt. xviii. 16. 1. Acts v. 32. 3. —— xxiv. 14. 1, —— vi. 13. 1, —— xxvi. 65. 3. — vii. 44, 2. Mark xiv. 55, 56, 59. ἃ. 58. ι 65, 1, —— x. 39, 41 — Luke i. 2, see Eye. 1, —— xiii. 3 2, —— xxii. 71. 1, — xxii. 15 1. —— xxiv. 48. | 1, —— xxvi. 16 2, John i, 7. | 1. Rom. i. 9 2. —— iii, 11. 1. 2 Cor. xiii. 1. 2. v. 31, 32, 1. 1 Thes, ii. 5, 10. 1, Acts i. 8, 22. 1. 1 Tim. v. 19. iL ii. 32. 1, —— vi. 12. 1. —— iii. 15, 1. 2 Tim. ii. 2. 8. —— iv. 33, 2. Tit. 1. 12; μαρτυρέω, to be a μάρτυς, (see No. 1, above), to be a witness, bear wit- ness, 7.6, to attest anything that one knows, and therefore to state with a certain degree of authority, usually for something; and hence, to confirm or prove. Matt. xxiii. 31. | Heb. x. 15. «--ο-. . WITNESS (sear) 1. μαρτυρέω, see above. 2. συμμαρτυρέω, (No. 1, with σύν, to- gether with, in conjunction with, prefixed) to bear witness with another, 1.6. to the same end or pur- DOSe. 1, Luke iv, 22 1. John x, 25. ri xi. 48 (μάρτυρές 1. —— xv. 27. ἐστε, witnesses are ye, | 1. —— xviii. 23, 37. instead of μαρτυρεῖτε, | 1. Acts xv. 8. TTrAR.) 1, —— xxii. 5. 1, John i. 7, 8, 15 1, —— xxiii. 11. 1. — iii. 26, 28. 2. Rom. ix. 1. 1. ——v.S1, 32, 33, 96, 97. | 1. 1 Johni. 2. 1. — viii. 18 twice. 1, —— v. 6, 8 (ap.) 1. 3 John 6. WITNESS ALSO (ear) 1. συμμαρτυρέω, see No. 2, above. 2. συνεπιµαρτυρέω, (Wo. 1, with ἐπί, upon, prefixed after the σύν) to bear conjoint additional decided witness, to bear further or em- phatic witness with, (non occ.) 1. Rom. ii. 15, marg. witness with. 2. Heb. ii. 4. WITNESS WITH (sear) συμμαρτυρέω, see “WITNESS (BEAR)” No. 2 Rom. viii. 16, WITNESS (pear FAtsE) ψευδομαρτυρέω, (“WITNESS (ΒΕ) ψευδής, false, prefixed.) with Matt. xix. 18. Rom. xiii. 9 (om. οὐ Wev- Mark x. 19. δομαρτυρήσεις, thou — xiv. 56, 57. shalt not bear false | Luke xviii. 20. witness, GL T Tr A.) | wit 1 John ν. 9 3times, 10, 1 Rev. i. 5. ᾿ — iii. 14. oi Ls . — xi. 3. 16, see Eye. . — xx. 4, WITNESS (zr) with ψευδής, false, prefixed.) 2. ψευδομαρτυρία, (“ witness,” Wo. 2, with ψευδής, false, prefixed.) 1. Matt. xxvi. 60224 (om, GLTTrA.,) 1. 1 Cor. xv. 15. 2. Matt. xv. 19. 2. —— xxvi. 59. de 60 1st (ap.) WITNESS (αττε) μαρτυρέω, see “WITNESS (BE)” Acts x. 43. WITNESS (opraty) µαρτυρέω, see “WITNESS (ΒΕ) Here, pass., to be witnessed to, to have good witness, to obtain attestation. Heb. xi. 4. WITNESS (wirnott) ἀμάρτυρος, without testimony, (707) occ.) Acts xiv. 17. WITNESS (-ΕΡ, -ΕΤΗ, -Ίνα.) [verb.] | 1. μαρτυρέω, see “ WITNESS (ΒΕ) 2. διαμαρτύρομαι, to witness through- ut, to call throughout to witness; to assert, attest, or affirm a truth with emphasis, testify through and through, bear full and complete witness. 1. John v. 32. 2. Acts xx. 23. 1. Rom, iii. 21, 1. 1 Tim. vi. 13. 1. Heb. vii. 8. WITNESS AGAINST. καταμαρτυρέω, (“WITNESS (BE)” with κατά, against, prefixed), (non occ.) Matt. xxvi. 62. Mark xv. 4 (κατηγορέω, — xxvii. 13. lay a charge agavast, Mark xiv. 60. LTTrAR.) WITNESS WITH. (margin. ] Rom. ii. 15, see *‘ WITNESS ALSO (ΒΕΛΗ) WIVES. See, ΟΙ), WOE (-s.) wo! alas! (Heb. Ν, or 7) uttered in grief or indignation, (οσο. Rey. xviii. 10, 16, 19.) > / oval, [ 894 Ί WIT WITNESS (-Es) (FALSE) 1. ψευδομάρτυρ, (“ witness,” No. 1, WwoMm Matt. x. 21 twice. ; Luke xi. 3, 43, 44, 46, a — xviii. 7 twice. — xvii. {52 —— xxiii. 13, 14 (ap.),15, | —— xxi. 98, 16, 23, 25, 27, 29. — xxii, 22. — xxiv. 19. 1 Cor. ix. 16. — xxvi. 24. | Jude 11. Mark xiii. 17. | Rev. viii. 13 3 times. — xiv. 21. [στι ix. 12 twice, Luke vi. 24, 25 twice, 26, —— xi. 14 twice. — x, 13 twice. — xii, 12. WOLF, WOLVES. λύκος, a wolf; (Ixx. for 11, Is. xi. 6) metaph. used of ἃ rapacious, violent, ov wolf-like person; (so Ixx. for as, Zeph. 11. 4), (non oce.) Luke x. 3. John κ. 12 twice. Matt. vii. 15. | — x. 10. Acts xx. 29. WOMAN, WOMEN. (For words used in various combinations, see below.) 1. γυνή, a woman, (1xx. for ΠΩΝ, Gen. 11. 22, 28); used also of a maiden, damsel, (ixx. for m3, Esth. 11. 4), (non oce.) 9. θήλεια, a female; (Ixx. for 3p), Gen. i. 27; vi. 19; Lev. xxvii. 4, etc.) 1. Matt. v. 28. { 1. John viii. 3 (ap.), 4 1. —— ix. 20, 22. Ἐπὶ 9 (ap.), 10 twice 1, —xi. ll. (ap. 1. —— xiii. 33. 1. —— xvi. 21 1. —— xiv. 21. 1. — xix. 26 1. —— xv. 22, 28, 38. 1, — xx. 13, 15. 1. —— xxii. 27. 1. Acts i. 14. 1. —— xxvi. 7, 10. 1. —v. 14.! -- 13, see This. 1. — viii. 3, 12. 1. —— xxvii. 55. 1, —— ix. 2. 1, —— xxviii. 5. = 36, see This. 1. Mark v. 25, 33. 1. —— xiii. 50. 1. —— vii. 25, 26. 1, —— xvi. 1, 13, 14. 1, ——x. 12 (αὐτή, she, T | 1. —— xvii. 4, 12, 34, Tr A Μὴ 1, —— xxii. 4. 1, —— xii. 22 2. Rom. i. 26, 27. 1. —— xiv. 3. 1, — vii. 2. iB xv. 40. 1. 1 Cor. vii. at 1. Luke i. 28 (ap.), 42. τες 2, see Every. 1. iv.26. [44 twice. | 1, 13. 1, ——vii. 28, 37, 39, | 1. ——xi. 3, 5, 6 twice, 7, -- 45, 46, see This. 8 twice, 9 twice, 10, Ἵ; 50. 11 twice, 12 twice, 13, 15. 1. —— viii. 2, 43, 47. 1. —— xiv. 34, 35. 1,— x. 38. 1. Gal. iv, 4. (14. 1. —— xi. 27. 1. 1 Tim. ii. 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, —— xiii. 11, 12, 21. —2 Tim. iii. 6, see 1, —— xv. 8. (silly) 1, —— xx. 32. 1. Heb. xi. 55. 1, —— xxii. 57. 1. 1 Pet. iii. 5. 1, —— xxiii. 27, 49, 55. 1. Rev. ii. ae 1, —— xxiv. 22) 24. 1, —— ix. 1. John ii, 4. 1, — xii. at 4, 6, 13, 14, 1. —— iv. 7, 9 twice, 11, 15, 15, 16, 17, 17, 19, 51, 25, 27, 28, | 1. — xiv. 4. (18, 99, 42, 1, —— xvii. 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, wom WOMAN (sttty) γυναικάριον, a little woman; then, in contempt, a weak, silly woman, (non oce.) 2 Tim. iii. 6. See also, AGED, ELDER, EVERY, FREE, HOLY, THIS, TWO, YOUNG. WOMB (-s.) 1. κοιλία, (from κοῖλος, hollow) the belly, the bowels, as the receptacle of food, put as often in Eng. for the stomach, either in men or animals. Then, from the Heb., put for the womb, and, as personified, put for the woman herself, Lev. xi. 27; Xxiili. 29; (so lxx. for 193, Gen. xxv. 24; Is. xliv. 2; pyn, Gen. xxv. 23; Ruth 1.11; jor om, Job i. 11; x. 18.) 2. μήτρα, matrix, womb; (Ixx. for om, Numb. 11. 12; 1 Sam.i. 5, 6; Jer. i. 5), (non oce.) 3. γαστήρ, the belly ; also the womb ; Gxx for ο Gen. xxv. 23; Numb. v. 22; Ps. lviii. 4.) 1, Matt. xix. 12. Luke xi. 27. 1. Luke i. 15. 1. —— xxiii. 29 3. 31. 1. John iii. 4. 1, 41, 42, 44. 1. Acts iii. 2. 1. —— ii. 21. 1. —— xiv. 8. 2. 23. 2. Rom. iv. 19. 1. Gal. i. 15. WON. See, WIN. [ 895 ] ΜΟΝ. 8. θάμβος, astonishment, amazement ; awe, surprise at a strange or un- usual deed or occurrence. 1. Matt. xxiv. 24. 1. Acts xiv. 3. 1. Mark xiii. 22. 1, —— xv. 12. 1. John iv. 48. 1. Rom. xv. 19. 1. Acts ii. 19, 22, 43. 1. 2 Cor. xii. 12. 3. —— iii. 10. 1. 2 Thes. ii. 9. 1, —— iv. 30. { 1. Heb. ii. 4, 1, ——v. 12. 2, Rev. xii. 1, } marg. 1. — vi. 8. 2. -3, καὶ sign. 1. —— vii. 36. 2. —— xiii. 13. WONDER (-kp, -rN@.) [verb.] . θαυμάζω, to wonder, marvel, be astonished ov amazed; to wonder at ; hence, to admire. . ἐξίστημι, to put out of place. In the 2 aor. and mid., as here, to be beside one’s self, be confused, filled with astonishment. μι 1. Matt. xv. 31. 1. Luke ix. 40. 1. Mark vi. 51 (om. καὶ | 1. —— xi. 14, ἐθαύμαζον, and won- | 1. —— xxiv. 12 (ap.), 41. dered, ἃ Τὺ Τ Tr A | 2. Acts viii. 13. 55.) 1. —— xiii. 41. 1. Luke ii. 18. 1. Rev. xiii. 3. 1. —— iv. 22. 1. —— xvii. 6. 1. — viii. 25. 1 8, mid. WONDER AT. 1. Acts vii. 31. Deen μυ μμ μυυμμιμμυμμμω ο ς«ς,᾽, ᾽λἅπ---...--οτκκκα WONDERING (Greartty) ἔκθαμβος, (“ WONDER,” (noun) Vo. 3, with ἐκ, out of, prefixed) greatly amazed, awe-struck, (non oce.) Acts iii. 11. WONDERFUL THING. WONDER (-s.) [noun.] 1. τέρας, a supernatural prodigy, a wonder, with ref. to the excitement of surprise, esp. as portending something future rather than as arising from anything in the past. As used of Christ's miracles it has special reference to their super- natural character. 2. σημεῖον, a sign or token by which anything is — designated, dis- tinguished, or known. As used of Christ's miracles it has special reference to their object as the credentials of His mission and of His fulfilment of the O.T. pro- phecies. τὸ, the, θαυμάσιον, a wonderful, admirable thing, (non oce.) Matt. xxi. 15. § ( WONDERFUL WORK. | 1. δύναμις, the being able, ability, power. As used of Christ's miracles it has special reference to the divine power by which they were wrought; hence, a work with reference to the power required Sor its performance. 2. μεγαλεῖος, great, grand, magnificent; Ixx. for τσ), Ps. Ixxi. 9), (οσο. Luke i. 49.) 1, Matt. vii. 22. ] 2. Acts ii. 11. oe - - ------ ----- - - -- - ῖ- WON WONT (as onze Is) κατὰ, according to 70, the » ἔθος, custom, usage. Luke xxii. 39. WONT (55) 1. ἔθω, to be accustomed, to be wont. 2. νομίζω, to regard or acknowledge as custom, to have and hold as cus- tomary. Here, pass., to be accus- tomed, be wont. 1, Matt. xxvii.15. | 1. Mark x. 1. 2. Acts xvi. 13. WOOD. 1. ξύλον, wood, timber; wood for fuel or any other use. 2. ὕλη, a wood, a forest, (non occ.) 1. 1 Cor. iii. 5. | 2. Jas. iii. 5, marg. mat- 1. Rev. xviii. 12 twice. ter. WOOL. ἔριον, wool; (ἴχχ. for ox, Is. 1. 18; Proy. xxxi. 18), (ποπ occ.) Heb. ix. 19. | Rev. i. 14. WORD (-s.) (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. λόγος, the word, (not iw the gram- matical sense like No. 2, but) the spoken word ; the word, not in its outward form, but as connected with the inward thought; the word, not written, but spoken ; the word, not as a part of speech, but as part of what is uttered. (a) Hence, used of the 2nd person of the blessed Trinity, because as the word spoken manifests the invisible thought, so He manifests to us the invisible Deity and God- head. [As λόγος is the embodiment and outward expression of the in- visible thought, so the 2nd _ per- son manifests the invisible Deity, and is said to be “God manifest wn the flesh,” (1 Tim. iii. 16); “the express image of His Ῥει- [ 896 ] WOR son,” (Heb. i. 3); “the image of the invisible God,” (Col. i. 15.) The Godhead is “ Spirit,” (John iv. 24) and as spirit has no like- ness to matter, God himself took some creature form, (not human) before He created any- thing, in order that creation might have a mediator, or a means of communion with Deity. Hence, Christ is said to have been, “ In the beginning,” (John i. 1); “be- fore all things,” (Col. i. 17.) “The first-born of every creature,” (Col. i. 15) “the beginning of the creation of God,” (Rey. 1]. 14) ; and hence, “In Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily,” (Col. ii. 9.) The λόγος is therefore God, i.e. DDR, Elohim. The work of creation is predicated of both, (Gen. i. 1; John i. 8; Col. i. 16; Heb. i. 2.) Elohim is not the title of Deity, but the title of God as the Crea- tor, and always has reference to creation, power, and glory, (while the title “Jehovah” sets forth the self-existent one, and His covenant relationships.) Elohim is the one who was set apart by Deity (so to speak) by an oath for His office in relation to crea- tion. For Alah means to take an oath, and thus the term Elohim is not the title of Deity, but is applied to any who are set apart with the solemnity of an oath to be the representative of another, to carry out certain acts; hence, it is applied not only to the 2nd person of the Trinity, but also to magistrates, (Ex. xxi. 6; xxii. 8, 9, 28, quoted Acts xxiii. 5), to Moses (Ex. vii. 1), and even to Idols, (Ex. xii. 12; Numb. xxv. 2; Gen. xxxi. 30, cf. 19) because they were used for representing God. Plural, because Elohim represents the Godhead. Elohim, therefore, is the Adyos or “worp,” who took creaturehood, to create, (as He afterwards took humanity, to redeem.) As such ας ee WOR His mission He is the F'ather’s “Servant,” “ Angel,” or “ Messenger,” (Zlo- him, denotes His being set apart to the office with an oath; Messiah, or Christ, His anointing to the work of Redem tion; Angel, or Messenger, referring to His actual dispatch ; Servant, ‘with reference to the service actually to be done). He appeared to Adam and the Patriarchs, (Gen. xvi., xvii., xviii., πε ο πι ὃς UL, Vi; Josh. v. 19-15 (cf. Ex. xxiii. 23) ; Judg. xii., etc., ete.). This view only makes permanent that which most commentators assume as being only temporary. in connection with creation was to manifest Deity to His creatures, (Prov. viii. 22-31.) His work was begun with Adam (made in His likeness and image), but the fall interrupted that mis- sion, and it was necessarily sus- pended. Then “the Word (λόγος) was made flesh,” (John i. 14) in order that He might redeem the creation from the curse. Made flesh in order that He might suffer and die, (see Heb. x. 5; Pe. ναι Tsnxin: by: Plol. i. 7.) As the Adyos, He was “the everlast- ing Son of the Father,” “the only- begotten Son,” who was GIVEN. Given to become a human child. Hence, He was “the Son’”’ before He was “a gift,” but could not be a human “child” before He was “born.” “God of the substance of His Father, begotten before the worlds,” but “Man of the substance of His mother, born in the world.”’* But further, inasmuch as the λόγος, as the Living Word, became so to η st and reveal Deity to us, “the written Word” was given witli the same object and for the same purpose. Hence, it is some- times difficult to know which is * The author is indebted to his friend the Rev. H. 5. Warleigh, Rector of Ashchurch, for most of the ideas developed above. KKK a [1897 ] WOR intended, as the same things are predicated of each. Both are “the truth,” (John xiv. 6; xvii. 17.) Both are “ everlasting,” (Ps. exix. 89; Matt. xxiv. 34, 35; 1 Pet. i. 25.) Both are “ life, χὰ (John xi. 25; xiv. 6; 1 Pet. i. 22; 1 John i. 1. ) Both “ save,” (Acts xvi. 31; 1 Cor. xv. 2.) Both “ purify,” (Tit. ii. 14; 1 Pet.i. 22.) Both “ sanctify,” (John xvii.17.) Both “beget to new life,” (1 Pet. i. 23; Jas. i. 18.) Both “shall judge,” (John vi. 26, 27; xii. 48.) Both are “ glorified,” (Rom. xv. 9;. Acts mii. 48.) ] (Ὁ) Plural, or translated by the plural, discourse, the word as spoken, and as forming the subject matter of discourse. . ῥῆμα, that which is spoken, a sen- tence ; saying, speech, discourse, a declaration, command, or promise. Then, the thin spoken of, the matter, affair, thing. (ds distin- guished from No. Τ it isa part of what is spoken, a word as part of a sentence, a sentence as part of α discourse, a portion as part of a whole.) — Matt. ii. 8, see Ww 1. Luke Hs again (bring) 2. -- ρα 13, seeW (bring) 1, —— vii. 7. 2. — iv. 4, 1, —— viii. 11, 12, 15, 15, 1. — viii. 8, 16 1. —— ix. 26. {21. 1. — x. 14. 1. — x. 39. 1. — xii. 32. 1. — xi. 28. 2. 36. 1. —— xii. 10 3 37 twice, 1b.— xx. 20. 1. —— xiii. 19, 20, 21, | 2. 26. 2 twice, 23, 1, —— xxi. 33 1. —— xv. 23 1. — xxii. 61 2. —— xviii. 16 1. —— xxiii. 9 1. — xxii. 46 2, —— xxiv. 8, ll 1. — xxiv. 35 ibs 19, 44. 1lb.—— xxvi. 44 la. John i. 13 times, 14, 2. 75. 1, —— ii. 22. 2. —— xxvii. 14 2. —— iii. 94, — —— xxviii. 8, see W | 1. —— iv. 41, 50 1. Markii.2. [(bring) | 1. —— v. 24, 58 1. —— iv. 14, 15 twice, 16, | 2. 47. 17, 18, 19, 20, 33. 2. —— vi. 63, 68. 15 μα 2, — viii. 20. 1. —— vii. 13 a 31, 37, 43. 1, —— viii. 38 2. 47 1. —x. 24 2, —— x. 21. 1b.—— xii. 13 a 35. 1. —— xiii. 31 2. —— xii. 47, 48 1st 1b.— xiv. 39 1, ——— 48 2n 2. 72. 2. ——xiv. 10 1. —— xvi. 20 (ap.) 1b. 23. 1. Luke i. 2, 20. 1, —— 24. 2. Ἢ 1, --- xv. 8. 2. —— ii. 29. 2. Ἧι 2, —— iii. 2. is 20, 25 η 4. 1. —— xvii. 6 2. —— iv. ὁ (αρ.) 2. 8, 13 22, 32, 30. ie 14, 17, 20, WOR 985: Ἡ WOR ο σον νο A a ener WORD AGAIN (zrrva) 1 — iv, 4 89, 810 ΣΕ —— τς στ πε 1. Phil. i. 14, ἀπαγγέλλω, see above, No. 1. 2. 20. πια Ἱ παπι. 1. Col. i. 5, 25. Matt. ii. 18, 2, —— 11, 13. te, 10h 7: Sa “ἢ ο. 11 Thes 2 5, 6, 8. Be bE 9 ἔππσπσ ο —— x. 22 1, ——~ 18 twice. WORD (or τη) 1. 36. 1. —— iy. 15, 18. δ᾽ 37, 44 1st | 1. 2'Thes. ii. 2, 15, 17. λογικός, pertaining to speech, pertain- Ἵ: πο Ξ ὩΣ 1: τ τ" τὰ . ing to reason; reasonable, united 2. Ἡ, 16, 1. —v. 17. tne the rational faculties with an aa gg oa Seen all wsion to the word λόγος, (see 1. — xiii, 5, 7, 15,26. | 1. —ii. 9. 15, 17. ἐ “worp,”’ No. 1) gifted with “ae ο απ ἂς, ng. 1 τς 46,48, 49, | 1. — is, ἔπ ee ἐξ milk to be found in A xiv. 3, 25. ἘΠῚ ink an Oe 1. — xv. 7, 15, 24. τ ἘΞ ys the Word of God. - =, , see W (with ὃ: Heb. i. ob 1 Pet. ii. 2. many . — ii. 2. ΓΕ 35, 86. " = iv. 2, 12, 1. —— xvi. 6, 32. .—v. 2. 38. 1, —— vi. 1, marg. (text, WORDS (Goop) πας 9 doctrine.) χρηστολογία, useful or profitable dis 1. —— xviii. 1. ὲ Ρ̓ 2 - 1b. 15. 1. — vii. 98. Mei. τας τή σιν 2, —— xi. 3, 19 lst, course, good-natured or kind 1, — xx. 89, 35, 1. — xii, 19 2nd, words, (0η occ.) 7 τς 1, — xiii. 7, 22. : 1, — xxii. 22 1. Jas. i. 18, 21, 22, 23, Rom. xvi. 18, ως Τ᾿ ρου i. 55, , — xxviii. 25. 5 et. 1. 1. Rom. ix. 6, 9. 2. 25. d 2 gine Senn 17, 18. 1 aa Ἢ | WORDS (witr many) — Xv πι ill. Wice, Ν ο ο ο ος 2 Pet. i, 19. διὰ, through, by means by means of ‘00 1. ——ii.3. ο τον ΟἿΣ; τα τ έως, λόγου discourse much speech, ᾽ 2 5 τ ie ἀν 49), 18. “te 1 John i 1. πολλοῦ, much, j discourse. 1. — xii. ‘gt twice. ih — ii, 5, 7,14 Acts xv. 32. 1b.— xiv. 9. στα. a bs 19 twice, 36. la.—— v. 7 (ap.) 1,2 Cor. i. 18, marg. | 1. 3 John 10, S ] preaching. 2, Jude 17. : [ See also, ENTICING, FEW, STRIFE, 1, — i. 17. 1. Rev. i. 2, 3, 9. 7 Ar τ . ~ : ind ᾿ Rev. ΤῊ to. STRIVE, SWELLING, THESE. ο αρ ia pom Rh te OE a ek ς = ae ΤΟΣ αι ο ης στα τἩ ira ἜΝ τὸ WORK (-s.) [noun.] τ Gal, a Pg ae =r me, τον 1. ἔργον, work, deed, the result or 1. Gal. v. 14. — xx. 4. . ᾽ 1, —— vi. 6. 1. — xxi. 5. + ooh ιά tr ie ag object of emplo yment ; work as a single act; then, that which is brought into being or accom- plished by labour, the thing WORD (srrv@a) wrought. 1. ἀπαγγέλλω, to announce or report from some place or person ; then, gen., to announce, report, or pub- lish something that has happened, been experienced, or heard. 2. Adyos, the word, (spoken, not written, see “ WORD,” No. 1). Ina formal sense, ἃ word as forming part of what is spoken; as a means or in- strument (not as a product) the κε In a material sense, 2. εἶπον, to utter definite words, to the word as that which is spoken, enunciate words and things to auditors and commune respecting them, to speak or utter words successively, communicate words. 2. Matt. ii. 13. | 1, Matt, xxviii. 8. an exposition or account which one gives; hence, an account, a reckoning. by 3. πρᾶγμα, the thing done or to be done, any deed, act, fact, matter ; business, affair. 4. πρᾶξις, a doing, action; practice ; conduct. 4 Matt. a 16. τς Phil. i. ο . — xi. 2. . — ii. 4, —— xvi. 27. 1. Col. i. 10, 21. 1. — xxiii. ο. 5. τὰ 1 πας 3. 1. — xxvi. 10. _—v 1. Mark xiii. 34. τν 2 Thes. ie. 11. 1. — xiv. 6. .— ii. 1. John 0, ὃς « 1: 1 Tim. κ 10. 1.—v wice. . — iii 1, — vi, 28, 29. 1, ——v. 10 twice, 25, 1, — vii. 3, 7, 21 1. —— vi. 18. 1. — viii. 39. 1. 2 Tim. i. 9. 1. —ix.3,4. (37, 58. | 1. —— ii, 21. er tig ο fe 5 1618 8... . — ἦν. 5, Ἶ ᾿ — Sex 94, 1: Tit. i. 16 twice. 1. — svii. 4 | i — ii. ( soa 1. Acts v. 38. . — iii. 1, 5, 8. 1. — vii. 41 1 ἘΠῚ marg. trade. 1, — ix. 36. 1. Heb. i. 1. — xiii. 2, 41 1st. | 1. — ii. 7 "hips ) af 4} 2nd (om. G—) | 1. —— iii. 9. 1. — xiv. 26. 1, —— iv. 3, 4, 10. 1, — xv. 18 (ap.), 38 υπ ας 1. — xxvi. 20. 1. —— ix. 14, —— xxvii. 16, see W | 1. ——x. 24 peeve pen > i a τὰ aaa ΠΝ α 1 Td, 18 ims, η ἐξ «---. iV, 2, 6. 20, 2 23 twice, 24, 2 25, 1. — ix. 11. 1, Revit: 13. [20. 2 28 Ist, 3. 16. 2 apd, μα 1. 1 Pet. i. 17 (ap.) “| 1. —— Ἡ, 12. 1, 32. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 10. 1. —— xi. 6 1st, 6 2nd, 1. 1 John iii. 8, 12. ε θ ὯΝ ἊΣ (ap.) a: Rev. τς fe 5. « . — xiii. * om. ἔργα Kat, 1, —— xiv. 20. [15 iol works and, G32L T 1. 1 Cor. ui, 13 twice, 14, : Tr τὸ Ἢ ᾿ | 1, — ix. 1. ¢ 13 (ap. 1. — xv. 58. 1. 19 lt (om. τὰ | 1, —— xvi. 10. Epyakat,thy worksand, “aire ci 1. ——— 19 2nd, 93, 26, 1. Gal. ii. 16 3 times. 1, —— iii. 1, 2, 8, 15. 1. — iii. 2, 5, 10. 11: — ix. 20, ἘΣ τ ea 1. Eph. ii 9,10. | 1. — xviii. 6, . — iv. 12. | 1, —— xx. 12, 13, 1. —-v. 11. 1, — xxii. 12. WORK (nave mucn) μόλις, with difficulty, Ἢ lit., we were hardly, scarcely able; ἰσχύω, to be able, ( or we pre- prevail, vailed with difficulty, Acts xxvii. 16. See also, GREATER, MIGHTY, WONDER- | FUL. WORK (ἔτη, -1NG, Ὑποσαμτ.) [verb. ] 1. ἐργάζομαι, to work, to labour; to ἔνα by labour, produce, bring to pass. 2. κατεργάζομαι, (No. 1, with xara, down, prefixed) to work down, effect, ΑΟ KKK* --΄... 3. ἐνεργέω, to be in work, to be effec- tive, active, operative. to energize or be energized. 4, ποιέω, to make, z.e. to form, bring about, cause; also, to do, .6. of actions continued and not yet com- pleted, to do. εἰς, unto, with a view to, ) unto 5 ἐργασία, work, labour; ( making : practice, performance; ( a trade occupation,trade,craft, of. 1. Matt. vii. 23. 2, Rom. xv. 15. 4, —— xx. 12, marg. con- | 1. 1 Cor. iv. 12. a eg Ὁ 3, — xii, 6, 11. {e510 98. 1, —— xvi. 10. 1. —— xxvi. 10. 3. 2 Cor. iv. 12. — Markvi.2 x aie) ee wig 1. — xiv. 6 (be — — xvi. 20,seeWwith. 2, — vii, “1018 (No. 1, 1. Luke xiii. 14. 1, Τ Έτ Α. 1.) —John iii. 21, see | 2 10 2nd, 11. Wrought (be) — —xii. 12,see Wroncht 1. John ν. 17 twice. | 3. Gal. iii. 5. [(be) 1. — vi. 28, 30. | 3. ——v. 1. —— ix. 4 twice. 3, Eph. i. ΤΙ, 20, — — xix. 23, marg. see | 3. —— ii. 2. Woven. 5. —— iv. 19. — Actsv.12,seeWrought | 1. 28. 1. —— κ. 35. (be) | — Phii. ii. 12, see W out. 1. — xiii. 41. 3. 13. 4. — xv. 12. 1. 1 Thes. iv. 11. 1. —- xviii. 3. | 1. 2 Thes. iii. 8, 10,11, 12. 4, — xix. 11. | 1. Heb. xi. 23. 4, —— xxi. 19. 4, —— xiii. 21, marg. do. 2. Rom. i. 27. | 2, Jas. i. 3. 1. — ii. 10. 2. 20 (No. 1, 1, T 1. — iv. 4, 5. Tr A.) 2. τὸ — — ii. 22, see W with. 2. τιν. 2. 1 Pet. iv. 3. oe vies 8, 15. 1, 2 John 8, marg. gain. — — viii. 28, see W to- | 4. Rev. xvi. 14. gether. 4, —— xix. 20. 1. —— xiii. 10. 4, —— xxi. 27. WORK EFFECTUALLY. | 3. 1 Thes. ii. 13, mid. WORK EFFECTUALLY IN. | 3. Gal. ii. 8. | 2. Phil. ii. 12. | | WORK OUT. | WORK TOGETHER. συνεργέω, (No. 3, with σύν, together in| conjunction with, prefixed.) Rom. viii. 28. —— WORK WITH. συνεργέω, see above. Mark xvi. 20 (ap.) | Jas. ii, 22, WOR WRO [ 900 ] WROUGHT (ee) 1. ἐργάζομαι, see No. 1, above. Here, pass. 2. κατεργάζομαι, see No. 2, above. 3. γίνομαι, to begin to be, to become, come to pass, arise; of works, to be wrought or performed. 8. Mark vi. 2. — 2Cor.i. 6, marg. see 1. John iii. 21. Etfectual (be) 3. Acts v. 12. 2. 2 Cor. xii. 12. WORKER (-s.) ἐργάτης, a worker, a labourer; a worker or doer of anything. Luke xiii. 27. qe: 2 Cor. xi. 13. ira- 1 Cor. xii. 29, see Phil. iii. 2. WORKER (retiow) WORKMAN (εν) ἐονάτης, see “ WORKER.” Matt. x. 10. Acts xix. 25. 2 Tim. ii. 15. WORKMANSHIP. ποίημα, a thing made, a thing produced, as with effort, object, and design, (οσο. Rom. i. 20.) Eph. ii. 10. WORLD (-s.) 1. κόσμος, order, 1.6. regular disposition συνεργός, a working together with, 1.6. with the same motives and objects, co-operating, fellow-helper. Col. iv. 11. WORKER TOGETHER. participle. 2 Cor. vi. 1. WORK-FELLOW. συνεργός, see “ WORKER (FELLOW)” Rom. xvi. 21. : ovvepyéw, see “WORK TOGETHER.” Here, WORKING. [noun.] 1. ἐνέργεια, the being in work, energy, power in action, ze. effectual operation, efficiency, active power. 2. ἐνέργημα, what is wrought, 1.6. effect produced ; a work wrought by us and in us, (oce. 1 Cor, xii. 6.) 2. 1Cor. xii. 10. 1. Phil. iii. 21. 1. Eph. i. 19. 1. Col, i, 29. 1. 2 Thes. ii. 9. WORKING (errecruat) 1. Eph. iii. 7. WORKING (rorpear) 1. Eph. iv. 16. and arrangement; hence, ormna- ment, decoration; (Ixx. for Ἣν, Ex, xxx. 4, 5, 6; Is. πι ΠΤ Jer.iv.30; Ezek. vii.20; and mxpn, Prov. xx. 29; Is. iii. 18), (prob. Jrom the root καδ, as it occurs ο. q. im καίνυμαι, to polish. The same is found in the Heb. word x2, create, which means lit. to οιξ, cut out, carve, to cut or pare down, to plane and polish. «4 which implies that the creation was a perfect work, in perfect and beautiful order. Not achaosas is usually conceived. Gen. i. 1 says, nwa, in former times, of old, God created (in perfect order) the heavens and the earth. “And the earth became (η being very Srequently so translated) contusion andemptiness.” Seethe expression in 15. xxxiv. 11, and Jer. iv. 23; but how and when it became so prior to fitting it up for man is not re- vealed. The \xx. never use κόσμος to denote the world: it is first used in the apocryphal books of Wisdom and 2 Mace. to denote the universe ; and in the N.T. is used with a new force. Thus, κόσμος denotes the order of cone (see “No,” No.2) ) nottowork, ἐργάζομαι, to work, (see > to forbear ι “work,” Λο. 1) working. 1 Cor. ix. 6. the world, the ordered universe, the ordered entirety of God’s creation, but considered as separated Srom God. Then, the abode of humanity, or that order of things in which humanity moves or of which man is the centre; then, mankind as it manifests itself in and through such an order; then, WOR that order of things which, in con- sequence of and since the Fall, is alienated from God, as manifested in and through the human race. [The Scriptures are taken up with the histories and destinies of three worlds: I. “The world that then was,” 2 Pet. iii. 5, 6, z.e. before the flood. ΤΙ. “The heavens and the earth which now are,” 2 Pet. iii. 7; and Ill. “The new heavens and the new earth,’ 2 Pet. iii. 13; Rev. au, tsb; Ui. 16 5:/lny. 173. xvi. 22. See also: under “ HEAVEN,” (oce. 1 Pet. iii. 3.) (a) with οὗτος, this; z.e. this world —the world that now is, as dis- tinguished “from the world that then was,” or the “ new earth” that is yet to be. . αἰών, (from aw, ἄημι, to blow, to breathe). αἰών denoted originally the life which hastes away in the breathing of our breath, life as transitory ; then,the course of life, time of life, life in its temporal form. Then, the space of a hu- man life, an age, or generation in respect of duration, (as γένεα ts a generation in respect of race). The time lived or to be lived by men, time as moving, historical time as well as eternity. ᾿Αιών always includes a reference to the filling of time, (as the Lat. secu- lum does to the time in which life passes). Accordingly, αἰών de- notes the unbounded time, past or future, in which the history of the world is accomplished. Hence, an age, end, or dispensation, designed, adjusted, and fitted out by God, (Heb. xi. 3) according to what is called in Eph. iii. 11 πρό- θεσις τῶν αἰώνιων, the purpose of | the ages ov dispensations. (a) plural, ages. 3. οἰκουμένη, (the pres. part. of οἰκέω, to inhabit; hence) the inhabited world. Jn a more restricted sense used by the Greeks and Romans [ 901 1 | la. WOR to designate their portions of the world, in contrast with barbarian lands, (οσο. Luke xxi. 26.) 4. γῆ, the earth, the dry land, (as opp. to water or the sea); the earth, as contrasted with heaven, naturally and morally. J . Matt. iv. 8. — v. 14. — xii. 32. — xiii. 22. 35 (om. τοῦ κόσ- of the world, LT 38. (Tr A.) 39, 40, 49. —— xvi. 26. — xviii. 7. — xxiv. 3. 14. ο]. —— xxv. 34. — xxvi. 13. . — xxviii. 20. . Mark iv. 19. — viii. 36. — x. 30. — xiv. 9. —— xvi. 15 (ap.) . Luke ii. 1. μου, - vi. — vii. 4, 7. — viii. 12. 23 twice, Ρ εμας ορ ασ ου σώος ος μαι 1. —— xii. 19. la. 25, 31 twice, i. 46, 47 twice, la.—— xiii. 1 1st. ἘΣ 1 2nd. 1. —— xiv. 17, 19, 22, 27. 30 (om. οὗτος, this, α Τῷ Τ ΤΥ Α δ), i.e. the. 31. 99 9 i Ι 1. ——xv. 18,19, Stimes. 20, 21, 28 twice, 30 twice. 1. —— xvii. 5,6, 9, 11 twice. 1. 12 (om, ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ, in the world, G-LTTrAR®.) 1. 18, 143 times, 15, 16 twice, 18 twice, 21, 23, 24, 25. Es xviii. 20. la. 36 twice, 37. 1. —— xxi. 25. 3. Acts xi. 28. 3. —— xvii. 6 Ae 24. 3. SL. 8. —— xix. 27. 3. —— xxiv. 5. 1. Rom. i. 8, 20. 1, —— iii. 6, 19. 1. Rom. iv. 19 1. — v. 12, 13. 3. —— x. 18. 1, —— xi. 12, 15. 2, —— xii. 2. 2. 1 Cor. i. 20 1st, la. 20 2nd, 1 21, 271s, 27 2nd (ap.), 28. 2. —— ii. 6 twice. 2a.—— 7. 2. ——-8. 1. ——12. 2. —— iii. 18. la. 19. 1. 22. 1. — iv. 9, 13. la.—— v. 10 1st iG 10 2nd, 1. —— vi. 2 twice. la,— Vii. 31 twice. y 33, 34. 1. —— viii. 4, 2a.— x. 11. 1. —— xi. 82. 1. —— xiv. 10. 1. 2 Cor. i. 12. 2. — iv. 4. 1. —-v.19. 1. —— vii. 10. 2. Gal. i. 4. 1. — iv. 3. 1, — vi. 14 twice. 1. Eph. i. 4, 2. 21. la.— ii, 2. η 12. τῷ . —— Vi. 12 (om. τοῦ aia- vos, 1.6. world-rulers of this darkness, in- stead of rulers of the darkness of this world, GLTTrAWN) 1. Phil. ii. 15. 1. Col. i. 6. 1. —— ii. 8, 20 twice. he τσ αν 1. —— iii. 16, 1. —— vi. 7. with 6 2. 17 νῦν, i.e. 2. 2Tim. iv. 10,4 the now, 3. Tit, 11. 13, "| actually meas present age. 2. Heb. i. 2: 3. 6. 3. ——ii. δ. 1. —— iv. 3. 2. —vi.5 1. —— ix, 26 lst 2a. 26 2nd 1. —x. 5. 2a. xi. 3. 1. 7, 58. 1. Jas. i, 27. la,—— il. 5 (rw κόσμῳ, as regards the world, in- stead of τοῦ κόσμον τούτον, of this world, GLTTrARn.) 1, iii. 6. iv, 4 twice. 1. 1 Pet. i. 20. 1, --- ν. 9. WOR [ 902 1. 2 Pet. 1. 4. 1. 1 John v. 4 twice, 5, 19, 1, —— ii. 5 twice, 20, 1. 2 John 7, 1. —— iii. 6. 3. Rev. iii. 10, 1. 1 John ii, 2, 16 3 times, | 1, —— xi, 15. 16 twice, 17, 3. —— xii. 9. 1. —— ii. 1, 18, 17. 4, —— xiii. 3, 1. —— iv. 1, 3, 4, 5 3times, [1 8. 9, 14. 3. —— Xvi. 14. 18. 17. 1. ----- xvii, 8. WORLD BEGAN (serore THE) πρὸ, before χρόνων, the times αἰωνίων, of theages, (see No. 2a, above.) 2 Tim. i. 9. Ι Tit, i, 2, WORLD (From THE BEGINNING OF THE) ο, away ) from antiquity, Bours ΤΩΣ No. ο ¢ irom the age, Heep be ΝΎ Enom eternity. above. * plural, from the ages. Actsxv.18. | Eph. iii, 9», WORLD BEGAN (since τη) 1 μμ, ” αἰώνος, Ἑ out of out of antiquity, 2 ; see above. tov, the since the beginning’ αἰώνος, age, ) of the age, (see No. 2, above.) ( χρόνοις, in times, } in the times of 3. < αἰωνίοις, in ae the ages, (see (ages, No. 2, above.) 1. Acts iii. 21 (om. Gs) 3. Rom. xvi. 25, 1. Luke 1, 70. 2. John ix, 92. WORLD STANDETH (wuts tue) eis, unto τὸν, the for ever. αἰῶνα, age, 1 Cor, vii, 13. WORLD WITHOUT END. τοῦ, of the ο kom, 615) i the age τῶν, of the (pl.) A the ages. αἰώνων, ages, Eph, iii, 21, ( χεῖρον, Worse, WOR WORLDLY. κοσμικός, relating to the κόσμος, (see No. 1, above) ; what belong to this present order of things, (non occ.) Tit. ii. 19, | Heb. ix. 1. WORM. σκώληξ, & Worm. [Ixx. for νῃ Isa. Ixvi. 24, from the root to lick up, swallow wp, con- sume, hence used of the worm which feeds upon the carcases or dead bodies. See Devt. xxvii. 31; Job v. 7, vii. 5, xvii. 14, xix. 26, xxi. 26, xxiv. 20; Isa. xiv. 11; Ecclus. κ. 13. There is no need to take the word figuratively in the N.T., while in the Ο.Τ. it is used literally. The natural meaning of the word is to exclude all hope of restoration, and to declare that the punishment is eternal and without hope.| (non occ.) Mark ix. 44 (ap.), 46 (ap.), 48. WORMS (aren oF) σκωληκόβρωτος, worm-eaten, devoured by worms, spoken of the disease Φθειρίασις, (non occ.) Acts xii, 23, SE WORMWOOD. ἄψινθος, Lat., artemisia absinthium, i.e. wormwood, as the emblem of poisonous bitterness ; (Heb. my, Prov. ν. 4, where lxx. χολή, bile, gall), (on occ.) Rev. viii, 11. WORSE. 1. χείρων, worse, spoken of state, condi- tion, or quality. ay Hing lit., intothe worse dc Saas state [came. | WOR [ 908 1 WOR 1. Matt. ix. 16. 2, Mark. v. 26. ζ imi Fame ge ee ae 2. σέβομαι, to be shy or timid, to shame 1, — xxvii. 64, 1. 1 Tim. v. 8. one’s self, be abashed ; hence, to 1, Mark ii. 21. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 90, WORSE (ΒΕ tHe) ὑστερέω, to get behind ; to come short, suffer need. Here, pass. 1 Cor. viii. 8 (ap.), marg. have the less, WORSE (τής) τὸ, the ἧττον, inferior, worse. 1 Cor. xi. 17. WORSE AND WORSE. ἐπὶ, upon (¢mply- ing motion or di- upon the road to the worse; rection) or in the diree- τὸ, the tion of the χεῖρον, 0156, worse. 2 Tim, iii. 13. WORSE THING (a) χειρόν, & worse, τι, a certain thing. John v. 14. WORSHIP. [noun.] δόξα, opinion; a seeming, an appear- ance ; reputation. Luke xiv. 10. See also, WInu. WORSHIP (Εν, -Eeru, -τνα.) [verb.] 1. προσκυνέω, to crouch, crawl, ov fawn, like a dog at his master's feet ; hence, to prostrate one’s self, after the eastern custom, to do reverence or homage to any one, by kneeling or prostrating one’s self before him; (Ixx. everywhere for Mnnwn, to bow down, to prostrate one’s self in reverence.) Used therefore of the act of worship. (a) with ἐνώπιον, in the presence of, before. cherish or to pay devotion, and used of the religious feeling, (as No. 1 is of the act.) σεβάζομαι, to be shy of doing any thing; to stand in awe of any one, 1.6. to reverence or venerate, (non occ.) λατρεύω, to serve, esp. for hire; hence, spoken in respect to God, to serve Him, esp. with external or official service. 5. εὐσεβέω, to be pious or devout to- wards any one, to be or act reli- giously towards, respect, honour. θεραπεύω, to wait upon, minister unto, z.e. to render voluntary ser- vice and attendance ; hence, to take care of, tend, ete. 6. 1. Matt. ii. 2, 8, 11. 5. Acts xvii. 23. 1. —— iv. 9, 10. 6. 25. 1. ——vyill. 2. . — xviii. 7, 13. — xix. 27. . — xxiv. 11. 14. . Rom, 1, 25. . 1 Cor. xiv. 25. . Phil. 1.1.5; ree | Ξ: . — xviii. beseech. — xx. 20. —— xxviii. 9, 17. Mark v. 6. — vii. 7. — xv. 19. a,Luke iv. 7, marg. fall down before. 8 26, marg. a μὰ tome a site —— xxiv. 52 (ap.) John iv. 20 twice, 21, 2Q2twice, Wewice, 24 twice. —- ix. 38. — xii. 20. Acts vii. 42. ΞΘ AS: . — xiii, 4 twice, 8, 19, . 15. — xiv. 7, 9, 11. — xv. 4. — xvi. 2. — xix. 4, 10 twice, 90, . —— xx. 4. « — xxii. 8, 9. — viii. 27. . οι Ες. Fak — — xvii. see devotion. aul cant soul sl anol el πρὶ ae μα μὰ . να a ho WORSHIPPED (ruar 18) σέβασμα, an object of veneration, (οσο. Acts xvii. 23.) 2 Thes. ii. 4. WORSHIPPER (-s.) 1. προσκυνητής, a worshipper, (the noun JSrom “worsutp,” No. 1), (non oce.) 2.. λατρεύω, (see No. 4, above.) Here, part., those who are rendering divine service. | WOR 3. vewkdpos, temple-sweeper; hence, temple-keeper, (non occ.) 1, John iv. 23. | 3. Acts xix. 35, marg. tem- 2. Heb. x. 2. [ple-keeper. WORSHIPPER OF GOD. θεοσεβής, reverencing God; (Ixx. for ods κ), Ex. xviii. 21; Jobi.l , 8.) John ix. 31. WORSHIPPING. θρησκεία, the ceremonial or external service of religion, the external form of worship. Col. ii. 18. WORTHY. ἄξιος, worth, worthy; of equal value or like worth ; then, worthy of. ἀξίως, (adv. of we 1) suitably, 1 ma becoming manner; in a manner of equal value with the thing re- ferred to. 3. ἵκανος, coming to, reaching to; hence, sufficing, sufficient ; adequate, com- petent. 4. καλός, beautiful, excellent, noble, (see “ Goon,” Wo. 2.) 3. Matt. iii. 11. 1. Acts xxv. 11, 25. 3. — viii. 8. 1. —— xxvi. 31. 1, —— x. 10, 11, 19 twice, | 1. Rom. i. 32. 37 twice, 33, 1. —— viii. 18. 1. — xxii. 8, 2. Eph. iv. 1. 9. Mark i. 7. οσο. τ 10; 1. Lukeiii. 8, marg. meet. 2. 1 Thes. ii. 19. 3. 16. 1. 1 Tim. i. 15; 1. —— vii. 4. | 1. —iv. 9. 3. ; {ΠῚ Sp 1. ——x. 7. 1. —vi.1. 1, —— xii. 48. | 1. Heb. xi. 38. 1, —— xv. 19, 21. 4. Jas. ii. 7. 1. —— xxiii. 15. 1. Rev. iii. 4. 1. John i. 27. [1. ——iv. 11. 1. Acts xiii. 25. 1. ——v. 2, 4, 9, 12. ile xxiii. 29, 1, —— xvi. 6. WORTHY (account) καταξιόω, to count ἄξιος, (see No. 1, above.) In N.T. only pass., to be ee worthy. Luke xx, { —— xxi. 36 (κατισχύω, to be in full vigowr, T Tr Α Ν,) WORTHY (count) 1. ἀξιόω, to regard as deserving, hold worthy of, regard as suitable or proper. [ 904 j wou 2. καταξιόω, (No. 1, with κατά, down, prefixed ) see“ WORTHY (ACCOUNT)” 2. Acts v. 41. 1. 2 Thes. i. 11, marg. 2. 2 Thes. i. 5. 1. 1Tim. v.17. [vouchsafe. 1. Heb. iii. 3. WORTHY (τητκκ) | ἀξιόω, see No. 1, above. Luke vii. 7. | Heb. x. 29. WORTHY DEED (very) κατόρθωμα, (from κατορθόω, to set up- right, establish; (Ixx.,2 Ch. xxiii. 16; 1 Ch. xxviii. 7, to direct suc- cessfully, achieve prosperously); hence, in N.T., anything happily achieved; here, such as national reforms, excellent measures, (ron occ.) Acts xxiv. 2 WOT: 1. οἶδα, I have perceived or seen; hence, to have knowledge of, to know, (see “Know,” No. 1.) 2. γνωρίζω, to make known; declare, reveal. 1. Acts iii. 17. 1. Rom, xi. 2. 1. — vii. 40. 2. Phil. i. 22 WOULD. ‘““Woutp ” is very frequently the trans- lation of various inflections of the Greek verb. When it is the translation of ἃ sepa- rate word it is always emphatic, and is one of these following. 1. θέλω, to will, to wish, to desire, implying the simple act of volition, (see ντ,” Νο. 1.) 2. βούλομαι, to have a wish, intention, or purpose, formed after mature deliberation, (see “ wit,” No. 2.) | 3. μέλλω, to be about to, to be on the point of, wsed of some act or event un the future as the result of present determination, to be going to do anything. 1. Matt. ii. 18. 1, Matt. xxii. 3. 1. ——v. 42. 1, —— xxiii. 37 twice. 1, —— vii. 12. 1, —— xxvii. 15, 34. 1. —— xii. 38. 1, Mark iii. 18, 1, —— xiv. 5 part. Ms vi. 19 (ζητέω, to 1, — xviii. 23, 30. seek, L.) Νου [ 905 1 WRA 1. Mark vi. 26, 48. 1. —— vii. 24. 1, — ix. 30. 1. —— x. 35, 36. 1. Luke i. 62. 1. — vi. 31. 3. —x. 1. 1, —— xiii. 34 twice. 1, —— xv. 28. 1. — xvi. 26 1st. 1. —— xviii. 4, 13. 1. —— xix. 27. 1. John i. 43. 3. ——vi. 6. ie EE 3. 15. 1, — vii. 1, 44. 1. —— ix. 27. 1, — xii. 21. 1, —— xxi. 18 twice. 1. Acts vii. 39. τα “ἢ le 3. —— xii. 6. 1. — xiv. 13. — — xvi.3, see W have. 3. 27. 2. —— xvii. 20. 2, — xix. 30 part. ΤΩ 98, 2. —— xxii. 30 part. 8, —— xxiii. 15 part. 2. 28 part. 1, —— xxiv. 6. 3. —— xxv. 4. 2. ——— 20, 22. 1, — xxvi. 5. — Acts xxvi. 29, see W (I) 3. —— xxvii. 30 part. 2. —— xxviii. 18. — Rom. i. 13, seeW have. 1. —— vii. 15, 16, 19 twice, 20, 21 part. 1. —— xi. 25. 1, —— xvi. 19. [God (1) —1Cor. iv. 8, see W to 1. —— vii. 7, 32. 1. —x.1. — — xi. 3, see W — — xii. 1, have. 1, —— xiv. 5. 1, 2 Cor. i. 8. 1. —v. 4. — —— xi.],see WtoGod 1. —— xii. 20 twice. Δ GAs Te ao 1. — iii. 2. 1. —— iv Ἢ - v. 12, see W (1) 2. Phil. i. 12. 1. Colin 27. 1, — ii. 1. 1. 1 Thes. ii. 18. — — iv. 13,seeW have. . 2 Thes. iii. 10. . Philem. 13. Ρ be DDH μα Η. Bie μ᾿ -α κό =) + | — Rev. iii. 15, see W (I) WOULD HAVE. 1. Acts xvi. 3. 1. Rom. 1, 19. 1. 1 Cor. xi. 8. 1. — xii. 1. 1. 1 Thes. iv. 13. WOULD (1) 1. ὄφελον, (aor. 2 of ὀφείλω, to owe) I ought, but used only in the im- plied sense of wishing, O that! would that! εὔχομαι, to speak) 7, εὐξαί aloud, pray for, re ας 2. earnestly desire, Serchanis av, perchance, per- | ο pray [to God. ] 2. Acts xxvi. 29. 1. Gal. v. 12. 1. Rev. iii. 15. WOULD TO GOD. ὄφελον, see No. 1, above. 2 Cor. xi. 1. WOULD TO GOD (1) 1 Cor, iv. 8. ---᾿ WOUND. [noun.] See also, BECAUSE, FAIN, REASON, WILL. 1. πλεγή, a stroke, a stripe, a blow; then, a wound caused by a stripe or blow. 2. τραῦμα, a wound, a hurt, a damage, (non oce.) 2. Luke x. 34. | 1. Rev. xiii. 3, 12, 14. WOUND (-ep.) [verb.] 1. τραυματίζω, to wound, hurt, damage, (non oce.) 2. σφάζω, to slaughter, slay, as animals in sacrifice, but of persons also ἐπιτίθημι, to place, put, or lay upon, πληγή, ἃ stroke, a stripe, a blow, — Mark xii. 4, see Head. | 1. Luke xx. 12. 3. Luke x, 30. 1. Acts xix. 16. 2. Rev. xiii. 3, marg. slay. to inflict wounds, esp. by blows. WOVEN. ὑφαντός, woven ; (Ixx. for 08, Ex.xxxix. 21, 26; 2wn, Ex. xxvi. 32; xxviil. 6), (non occ.) John xix. 23, marg. wrought. _ WRANGLING (without) [margin.]} Jas. 111. 17, see “‘ PARTIALITY (WITHOUT) ”” WRAP (-Ep) IN. 1. ἐντυλίττω, to roll up in, to inwrap; also to roll up or wrap together, (non occ.) 2. ἐνειλέω, to roll in, involve in,inwrap, (non oce.) 1. Matt. xxvii. 59. | — Lukeii.7,12,see Swadd- 2. Mark. xv. 46. 1. — xxiii. 53. Πίῃρ. WRAP TOGETHER. 1. John xx. 7. WRATH (-s). 1. ὀργή, the native character, disposi- tion, temper of mind; anger {ο- gether with the desire for revenge, (from Heb, 255, to kill, and all the tumults of passion which termi- nate in killing. ZLhis is traced in the German, kreig, war; French, or- gueil ; and Eng., rage.) The idea of sanguinary revenge belongs etymologically to ὀργή, (see note, below.) 2. θυμός, the mind, the spirit that is breathed out, an intense passion of WRA the mind. θυμός is from ΠΟ], and is the animus, the working and fermenting of the mind, the de- monstration of strong passion, which may issue im anger or re- venge, though it does not necessarily include τέ. [Norr.—Wo. 1 is the abiding, set- tled habit of mind, the settled purpose of wrath. Wo. 2 is the turbulent commotion of the mind, rage. Vo. 1 is, as it were, the heat of the fire; Vo. 2 the burst- ing forth of the flame. Wo. 1 is less sudden in its rise, but more lasting. | 8. παροργισμός, the provocation of anger, chafing, exasperation, the working into a passion. . Matt. iii. 7. . Col. iii. 6. Luke iii. 7. 8 — iv. 28. 1 Thes. i. 10. —— xxi. 23. . — ii. 16. John iii. 36. —-v.9. Acts xix. 28. 1 Tim. ii. 8. Rom. i. 18. Heb. iii. 11. . —— ii. 5twice, 8, — iv. 3. . — iv. 1. —— xi. 27. v. 9. - 188. 1. 19, 20. —— ix, 22twice. . Rev. vi. 16, 17. — xii. 19. — xi. 18. xili. 4 (om.G—), 5. — xii. 12. 2 Cor. xii. 20. — xiv. 8 (om. G>*) Gal. v. 20, pl. το ee I πεὰ τὶ γεὰ χεὶ γοὶ τα πὸ Sd el ol Dba πα Αλ σερ πι ral el τι πᾷ ae Eph. ii. 3. — xv. 1, 7. —— iv. 26. — xvi. 1. 91. 19. --- ν. 6. [voke to) — xviii. 3. — — vi. 4, see W (pro- — xix, 15. WRATH (Provoke το) παροργίζω, to chafe, to work into a passion, exasperate. Eph. vi. 4. WREST. στρεβλόω, (from στρεβλή, a windlass, winch, or instrument of torture); to wrench, torture by twisting or turning ; hence to wrest, pervert, (non occ.) 2 Pet. iii. 16. WRESTLE NOT (we) οὐκ, not, (see “no,” Λο. 1,) the ἔστιν, 15, wrest- ἡμῖν, to us, ling (or ἡ, the, strug- πάλη, ἃ wrestling, (from ἃ gling) πάλλω, to vibrate) a }for us is struggling, not. Eph. vi. 12. [ 906 1 | | WRI WRETCHED. ταλαίπωρος, enduring toil and hard- ship, as from severe bodily effort ; then, the state arising from this, wretched, miserable, (non occ.) Rom. vii. 24, Ι Rev. iii. 17. WRINKLE. ῥυτίς, a fold which draws together, a wrinkle, esp. in the face, (non oce.) Eph. v. 27. WRITE, WRITTEN, WROTE. 1. γράφω, to grave, or cutin; (lxx. for pp, 1 Kings vi. 28) to sketch, to picture. Jn N.7.,to form letters with a stylus in the ancient man- ner, so that the letters were cut or graven upon the material; hence, gen., to write. 2. προγράφω, (No. 1, with πρό, before prefixed) to write before. In ref to time past, to have written be- Tore at a former time. Jn ref. to time future, to write beforehand, announce. 3. ἐπιστέλλω, to send upon, 1.6. to send word to any one verbally or by letter. 1. Matt. ii. 5. 1. Luke xxiii. 58 (om. TA 1. —— iv. 4, 6, 7, 10. 89), (ἐπιγράφω, to write 1, —— xi. 10. over, L Tr, 1, — xxi. 13. 1. —— xxiv. 44, 46. 1. —— xxvi. 24, 31. 1, John 1, 45 1. —— xxvii. 31. 1. — ii. 17 1. Mark i. 2. 1. —— v. 46. 1. —— vii. 6. 1, —— vi. 31, 35. 1. —— ix. 12, 13. 1. — viii. 6(ap.), 8(ap.). 1, ——x. 4, 6. 17. 1. —— xi. 17. 1. —x. 34, 1, —— xii. 19. 1, —— xii. 14, 16. 1. —— xiv. 21, 27. 1. —— xv. 25. --- - xv. 26, see W over. | 1. xix. 19, 20, 2h 1. Luke i. 3, 63. 22, 1 ii. 23. ΠΣ χχ. 80, 81. 1. —— iii. 4. 1, —— xxi. 24, 25 twice. 1. — iv. 4, 8, 10, 17. 1. Acts i. 20. 1. —— vii. 27. 1, —— vii. 42. 1, —— x. 20 (ἐγγεγράπται, | 1. —— xiii. 29, 33. have been inscribed, in- | 1, —— xv. 15, stead of ἐγράφη, are | — 20, see W unto. writin, Tite At) ΠΗ͂Σ 93, is - 26, 1. —— xviii. 27. 1, —— xvi. 6, 7. 8, —— xxi.25(aroordAAw, 1. —— xviii. 31. to send off, L Tr.) 1, —— xix. 40, 1. — xxiii. 5, 25. 1, —— xx. 17, 28, 1. —— xxiv. 14. 1. —— xxi. 22. 1, —— xxv. 26 twice. 1, —— xxii. 37. 1. Rom, i. 17. WRI [ 907 ἢ WRO =,90eWritten. 1. Gal. iv. 22, 27. WRITE A LETTER UNTO. ἘΠ iti, 4, 10. 1. Phil. iii. 1. > / ν 9 προ πα ἘΝῚ ἐπιστέλλω, see No. 3, above 1, — viii. 36 1. ν. 1. Heb. xiii. 22, 1. — ix. 13, 33 1. 2 Thes. iii. 17. κ 15, τι Tim. iii. M4 ὩΣ 1, —— xi. 8, 26 1, Philem. 19, 21. i —— xii, 19 — Heb. viii. 10, see W WRITTEN. 1. — xiv. 11. in. ᾿ δ — — xv. 4 Ist, see W | 1. —x.7. : 1. γραπτός, written, (non oce.) aforetime. τος 16, seo W in. ς ; ΔΉ 4 2nd (No. 1, | ——— xii, 38, see W (be) ἐν, in in writing, ΟΣ, TTrA®.) — — xiii, 22, see W a ᾿ ; : 5 τῇ 15, 21. lotter unto. 2. 4 γράμμασιν, written in manu- 1. — xvi. 22. 1. 1 Pet: 1. 16. : 1. 1 Cor, 1. 19, 51. ξεν, Δ characters, script. 1. — ii. . 2 Pet. iii. : Ἡ αι τς. ’ μασ. Ἱ — ii. 19. 1. 1Johni.4. 1. Rom.ii.15. | 2.2 Cor. iii. 7 1. — iv. 6, 14. Ὁ rei i: κι 8, 12, | poy, 9, 11. 8 Btimes, 14 twice, 2 etn 1. 26. ’| WRITTEN (accorpine as 17 Is) 1. — ix. 9, 10, 15. 1. 2 John 5,12. _ Ὺ : ς ox, ΕΝ : 1. 8 John 9, 13 twice. κατὰ, according to according to 1. — xiv. 21, 37. 1, Jude 3 twice. x ° . 1, — xv. 45, 54. 1. Rev. i. 8, 11, 19. τὸ, the thing that which has 1, 2 Cor, i. 13. 1, —— ii, 1, 8, 12, 17, 18. γεγραμμένον, written, ) been written. i=l. 8, 4, 9. 1. — iii. 1, 7, 12, 14. — — iii. 2, 3, see W in. | 1. —v. 1. 2 Cor. iv. 18. -- 7, see Written. | 1. —— x. 4 twice. ——iv. 18, see W | 1. —— xiii. as νιν τοι according as it is) 1. —— xiv. 1, 13. 1, rt 12. ων κα WRITTEN (sr) 1. — viii. 15 1. — xix. 9, 12, 16. 5 3 ν 1, — ix. 1, 9. ᾿ 1, —— xx. 12, 15. ἀπογράφω, to write off, copy; hence, tate GLE Te rey : ως μον to enrol, inscribe as in a register. 1, ~ 10. on. Here, pass. 1, Gal. i. 20. Ae 27. 1, — iii, 10 twice, 13, 1. — xxii. 18, 19. Heb. xii. 23, marg. enrolled. WRITE AFORETIME. 2, Rom. xv. 4 (Νο. 1, L™.) WRITE IN. 1. ἐπιγράφω, No.1, with ἐπί, upon, pre- jived. 2. ἐγγράφω, No. 1, with ἐν, in, pre- fixed, (non occ.) 2, 2 Cor. iii. 2, 3. 1. Heb. viii. 10, 1. Heb. x. 10, WRITE OVER. ἐπιγράφω, see No. 1, above. Mark xv. 26, WRITE THEREON. ἐπιγράφω, see above. Rev. xxi, 12, WRITE UNTO. επιστέλλω, see No. 8, above. WRITING. 1. βιβλίον, a roll, a volume, a scroll, such being the form of ancient books. 2. γράμμα, the written, 1.6. something written or cut in with the stylus in the ancient manner of writing ; then, anything written. — Matt. v.31,see Divorce- | 2. John ν. 47. [(the) 1, —— xix. 7. {ment. | — —— xix. 19, see was WRITING WAS (tue) ἦν, it was it had been γεγραμέμνον, written, written. John xix. 19. WRITING-TABLE. πινακίδιον, ἃν small tablet, writing tab- let, (non occ.) Luke i. 63. WRONG. [noun.] ἀδικία, what is not in conformity with δίκη, right; what it ought not to be, 1.6. wrong. 2 Cor. xii. 13, WRO [ 908 | WRONG (πο) ἀδικέω, to do wrong, to act not in con- formity with δίκη, right; to be an ἄδικος, and act like one. Matt. xx. 13. 1 Cor. vi. 8. Acts vii. 26, 27. 2 Cor. vii. 12. - xxv. 10. Col, iii, 25 twice. WRONG (arrer ΟΕ) ἀδίκημα, wrong, the wrong done. Acts xviii. 14, WRONG AS ONE IN WINE|1 (ready to quarrel and offer) [margin. } 1 Tim. iii. 3, see “ WINE (GIVEN TO)” WRONG (sUFFER) ἀδικέω, see “WRONG (DO)” Acts vii. 24. | WRONG (TAKE) ἀδικέω, see “WRONG (DO)” 1 ΟΣ, ὙἹ.- 7. ; here, pass. 2 Cor. vii. 19, ; here, mid. Y YE. Ye is generally the translation of various inflections of the Greek verb, (2nd pers. pl.) It is also sometimes the translation of the article before a nominative used as a vocative. When it is the translation of a sepa- rate pronoun in the Greek, it is always emphatic, and is one of these following. 1, (For “yr ΑΠΕ” and “ARE YE,” see | 4. below.) rc 1. 1, ὑμεῖς, (nom. pl. of σύ, thou) ye, you. : It is generally omitted, except where | 3 ἢ some : ΙΝ a special emphasis is required. ἯΙ (a) In the edition of a.v. 1611, it js, was translated you in passages thus 1. miurked. [8 Β ] YE WRONG (-xp.) [verb.] ἀδικέω, see ““ WRONG (DO)” 2 Cor. vii. 2. | Philem. 18. WRONGFULLY. ἀδίκως, wrongly, unjustly. 1 Pet. ii. 19. WROTH (15) ὀργίζω, to make ὀργή, (see “WRATH,” No. 1) to be or become wroth. θυμόω, to make θυμός, (see “WRATH,” No. 2) to provoke. Here, pass., to be stirred up intoa tumultuous state of mind, (ποπ occ.) 2. Matt. ii. 16. | 1. Matt. xxii. 7. 1. —— xviii. 34, 1. Rev. xii. 17. WROUGHT. See, work, and WOVEN. ὑμῶν, (Gen. pl. of σύ, When trans- thou) of ye, of you, ἡ lated you, (a) “you,” in edition these casesare an 1611. “mr on ste ; result ο . ὑμῖν, (Dat. pl. of σύ, government, thou) to you, to ye, (a) “you,” in edition of a.p. 1611. or required by construc- tion. ὑμᾶς, (Ace. pl. of σύ, thou) you, ye, (a) “you,” in edition of Δ.Ὀ. 1611. Matt. v. 18, 14, 48, 1. Matt. xix, 28 1st. — vi. 282nd(avroi,your- 9, 26. selves, T Tr &.) —— vii. 11, 12 2nd. 1. —— xx. 4, 7 1st. — ix. 4 (om. LT Tr | 1. —— xxi. 13, AR.) δα, 28. — x. 20, and see Y | 1. 32 2nd (it is not) 3. —— xxii. 42. 31 2nd. 1. —— xxiii. 8 twice, 13 2nd, . — xiii. 18. 28 1st, 32, — xiv. 16. 1, — xxiv. 33 lst, 44 Ist, — xv. 3. 1. —— xxvi. 31 5, 16. 3. 66. — xvi. 15. 1, —— xxvii. 24. — xviii. 12. 1, —— xxviii, 5 1st. YE [ 909 ] YE 1. Mark vi. 31, 37. | 3. Acts xiii. 15 2nd. 1. Col. iv. 16. i 1. — vii. ll, "1g ist. | 1. — xv. 7. y 4 iss, Σ == - io — viii. 29. | 4, —— xvii. 22 2nd 4. a: . — iy, 2 Sth. — __ ix. 41, see Ye be- | 1. — xix. 15 κα ΕΞ ~14, see Ye long to. 4, —— 36. 4. 12. j ᾿ ] (whereas) 1. — xi. 17. 1. —— xx. 18, 25. if 14 twice, 19, 90, | 4. 15. ἴα, 26 (ap.) | 1, — xxii. 8, =a & 1, —=v. 8 3. i 4th. | 1, —— xxiii. 15 1st 4. — iv. 1 1s, 3. 1. 1 Pet. ii, 9 1st 1, —— xii. 27 (om. ὑμεῖς | 1, — xxvii. 31. - 9 2nd, see Y | 2a.— iv. 4. +o ye therefore, T Tr | hes Rom. cs ; yourselves 4a.2 Pet. i. 15. ος ο τρ . — v. 4, 5. es 1. — xi*:. 114th, andsee | 1. —— vi. 11. 4, 2 Thes. 1. 5 15. η aos Ye (it is not) 1, — vii. 4 με. cH 12. 1. 1 John i. 3. i. σεν 4, 4 2nd. 4, — ii. 2. 1. —— ii. 20, 24 1st, 243rd 3. | 1. —— viii. 9. 4. — iii. 6. 271s. τ 2 πο "sit (om LY) 1, —— ix. 26. - 13. 1. — iv. 4. 3. τ a 33 2nd, | ᾿ — 1st — Heb. xii. 81st, see Ye | 4. Jude 5 (om.GxLT Tr 1. — ix. 18, 20, 55 2d | 4. —— xii. 2 nd i ᾽ πας : 1. — x. 23, 241s. [(αρ.) | 4: —— xv. 18 _—_ δ΄ τ" ες YE...ARE, and AR Ἱ. a or. 1. 7 νῶν = 46 3rd, see Ye 1. — iii. 17, 23 Je. E YE. Ἢ . — iv. times. > 3 9 ο ο υρμων ανοι ἑάνωο τν, ἐστέ, (2nd pers. pl. ind. of εἰμί, to be) = 52 2nd, see Ye 2. 4. ye are, are ye. i yourselves. Ἔ Bo * with th , . — xii. a.— vi. 8. “- ' - 36, see Ye your- | 15.---- ὅν τι with ὁ δ pronoun υμας, ye (very selves. 1. 2 emphatic.) 1 a τὰ 4, —x.1. 1, — xvi. 15 4 13 2nd (om.GL | Matt. ν. 11, 13*, 14*. Rom. xv. 14, 1. — xvii. 10 1st TTrAN.) | — viii. 26. 1 Cor. i. 30*. 1. —— xix. 46 1, 15. —— xv. 10”. —— iii. 3 twice, 4, 1. —— xxi. δὲ 1st 4, —— 20. — xxiii. 5", 28, 31. 9, lit., God’s hus- 2, —— xxii. 10. 4, —— xi. 18, 20. Mark iv. 40. bandry, God’s building Ἵν 26, 28, 70 1, — sii. 27. ᾿Ξ. are ye. 1, —— xxiv. 48, 49. 4, — xiv. 5 1st. Luke vi. 22. 16, 17". 1. John i. 26. la. 9 Ast, 12 Ist. — ix. 55*, (ap.) — iv. 81st. 4, — iii. 7. 2a. 18. — xi, 44. ---τ 3,7, 1. 1. — xvi. 1, 6, 16 —— xin. 25, 27. — vi. 2. 19. 1. — iv. 20,22 1st, 32,35, | 2a.2 Cor. i. 11. — xvi. 15*. —— ix. 1", ο". 38 twice 1, 14 2nd — xxi. 28. —— xii. 27*. vy. 20,39; 94. 85.) 4. —— ii. 7. — xxiv. 17 (ἐστάθησαν, | | —— xiv. 12. 38 2nd, 39 1st, 44, 45. — 9, see Y be they came to a stand, | —— xv. 17. 1. — vi. ’ 67. 1. — iii. 2. LT Ταῦ A>.) 2 Cor. i. 7. 1. —vii. 8, 28 3rd, 34, | 4. ——vi. 1. = — iii. 2 36 2nd, 47. Ly 1. 48° (οι. ἐστέ, are, | —— Vi. 16* (ἐσμέν (with 1. —— viii. 14, 15, 21 274, | 1. 16 (ἡμεῖς, we, L db ἡμεῖς) we are, L T Tr 22, 23 twice, 31 Ist, T Tr κ.) John viii. aye Ast, 23 2nd, δ) 38 1st, 41, 4, 45, 47, cs 18. 31, 37, 44, 47. — vii. 3. 49, 54. 4. ——vii. 11 Ist (om — x. 26, 34. Gal. iii. 3 1st, 26, 28*, 29. 1. —— ix. 19, 27 24, 30. G-LT Tr AP RY — xiii. 10, 11, 17, 35. — iv. 6. 1. — x. 26 1st, 36. 1. — viii. 9 2nd. — xv. 3*, 14*, 19. — σ. 18. 1. -.--- xi. 40. 3a. 13. Acts iii. 25". Eph. ii. 5, 8, 19. απ 56. la.—_ ix. 4. —— vii. 26*. Col. ii. 10. 1, ——xiii. 10, 1815, 14, | la—— xi. 7 — xix. 15. 1 Thes. ii. 20*. 15, 33, 34 314. τ ae Τ᾿ — xxii. 3". — iv. 9. 1. — xiv. 3, 17, 19 twice. | — —— xiii. 5, see Υ be. Rom. i. 6*. — ν. 4, 5*. = οὐ 1st (om, Lb.) | 4. 7 Ast. — vi. 14, 16. Heb, xii. 8. lo. 20 2nd. ds 7 2nd, 9, — viii. 95. 1 John ii. 14. 1. —xv. 3, 4 Ist, 5 1st, | 1. Gal. 11.28, 9 Ist. 1 John iv. 4. 14, 16 1st. 1. —— iv. 12 1s. - ἐπὶ ἘΣ | - τ 15 ia see Ye st 5 Θ οἵ. -- 27 2nd, see Ye , ee 13. YE BE. have been. 1. ——vi. 1. νά» 1. — xvi. 20twiee, 22,27, | 1. Eph. 1. 13 1st. ἐστέ, ye are, (see above.) 1. — xviii. 31. 4. 18. 3. 39 1st. 1. — ii. 11, 13. 2 Cor. ii. 9. 2 Cor. xiii, 5 twice. 1. — xix. 6, 35. la. 22. Heb. xii. 8. 1. Acts i. 5. 4. —— iv. 17. 1. — ii. ae 4, τ = ἐτῷ -- 22 2nd, see XO 2. yourselves. — — v. 5, see Ye know. YE BELONG TO. 1 33, 36. 4. — vill. 7 H 1. — iii. 13, 14, 25. 1, 21. see above Ἰ 1. — iv. 7, 10. 4. Phil. i. 7, 10 1st, 12. ἐστέ, ye are, ( ). ere, with arate, ἢ δράσεις με Gen. case, ye are of. a 30. 1, —— iv. 15 twice. Mar 1. ——vii. 4. 4. Col. i. ἂν ἔχω: αττ k ix. 41. 1 26 Ist (om. GeoL|} TrA ͵ ο phos - πω) er twice, 1, —— iii. 4, 7 1st . pe αν ει. — 8 YE HAVE BEEN. — x. 28. ae pats; η μμ re 7 ἐστέ ye are, (see above.) 1. —— xi. 16. 4a. 6. John xv. 2Y. YE [ 910 ἢ YEA - —2 Cor. v. 16, see Y } 2. Phil. iii. 2 ‘om. Lb, YE (ττ Is ποτ) 2 thon “Pham. 20 ( ) > Exo” 2, —— Vil times, 2. Jas. ii. 18. ο ποῦ (see NO, — — viii. 3, see Y...and | 1. —— v. 12 twice No. 1) ye are not, 2 Gal. iv. aA as —3 ἘΞ 12, see Y... ο — 1. see x... an ὑμεῖς, ye, (emphatic) { 19 15 ποῦ γθ. | T=" yi17 Sana. 1 ποτ ἐστέ, ye are, Matt. x. 20. I Mark xiii. 11. YEA...ALSO. YE KNOW ( καὶ, also, but also (om. δέ, but, a ‘ : ὶ δέ, but, ipl ἐστέ, ye are [ἴστε, ye know, (of in- 2 Luke ii. 35. ternal conscious knowledge) GL T Tr A x.] γινώσοντες, knowing, (implying objec- YEA...AND. tive acquaintance) taking note. 1. καί, and, also, even. Eph. v. 5, lit., “‘ye know—taking note,” or “‘ ye are 3 srell informed.” , 2 τὲ, and, and * ( καί, and, also, even, ἡ even. YE SPAKE OF. 3 ( ἀλλὰ, but ος even, . ’ ὑμῶν, of you, your, (του, in edition ὶ καί, also, even, § moreover. of A.D. 1611.) 4 ἢ, or, or Gal. iv. 15. * ( καί, also, even, ἡ even. = Luke xxiv. 22. 1. 2 Cor. viii. 8. . 1 Cor. xv. 15. 3. Phil. 1. 18, YE (wHEreEas) 4, —— xvi. 6. 3. — ii. 17. ὅστις, whoever, z.e. ye who, who indeed, lit., ye who do not know, ete. Jas. iv. 14. YE YOURSELVES. 1. (ὃ ὑμεῖς, ye, you, (emphatic) “αὶ αὐτοί, selves. 2. αὐτοί, your selves. 1, Mark vi. 31. 1. John iii. 28, 1. Luke xi. 36. 2. Acts ii. 22. 2. 46, 52. 1. 1 Thes. iv. 9. YEA. 1. vai, yea, yes, certainly, expressing assent and affirmation. 2. ἀλλά, but, indicating a reference to something else, either in direct antithesis, or, as here, continuative, but, z.e. but further, moreover. 3. καί, and, also, even. 1, Matt. ν. 37 twice. 3. John xvi. 32, ν 1. —— ix. 28. | 1, —— xxi. 15, 16 1, —— xi. 9. 1. Acts v. 8. 1, — xiii. 51. 3. —— vii. 43. 1, ——xxi. 16. | 1. —— xxii. 27. 8, — xxvi. 60 (om. GL | 2. Rom. iii. 31. TTrARN. — — viii. 34, see Y — Lukeii. 35, seeY...also | rather. 1. —— vii. 26. _ 8. 1 Cor. ii. 10, — ——xi. 28,seeYrather. | 2, —— iv. 3. 1 Se. 6 | — —— xv. aie — — xxiv. 22, see Y... ραπ. ἜΤ. and. 1. John xi. 27. {and. | 1. 2 Cor. i. 7 twice, 18, 2. —— xvi. 2. 19 twice, 20, 2. 3 John 12. YEA RATHER. 1. μενοῦνγε, yea indeed, yea verily. μᾶλλον, more, rather, 2. < δὲ, but, ’ καί, and, also, even, 1. Luke xi. 28, | YEA THOUGH. but rather even. 2. Rom. viii. 34. | ζει but | < δὲ, but, if καί, and, also, even, ) even. 2 Cor. v. 16. YEAR (-s.) (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. ἔτος, a year; (Ixx. for mow, 1 Kings xv. 1; Jer. i. 2, 3, ete.) ; (like ἔνος, it is connected with the Για. vetus, old), (non occ.) 2. ἐνιαυτός, a year, so called because ἐν ἑαυτῷ εἶσι, it goes or returns upon itself; (Ixx. for mw, mean- ing to iterate, to repeat), (non οσο.) [ 911 ] YET — Matt. ii. 16, see Y old | 1. Acts xxiv. 10, 17. (two 27, see 1. —— ix. 20. ——— xxviii 90, § (two) 1. Mark v. 25, 42. 1. Rom. xv. —Luke i. ¥, 18, see | — 2 Cor. viii. 10, see Y Stricken. —— ix. 2, ago(a) 1. —— ii. 36, 37. 1, — xii. 2. is 41, and see Y = Gal. i, = ev . — ii. iL ( =) 1. —— iii. 17, and see 1. — iii. 1, 23 Hundred and thirty 2. — iv. 19. years (from) it 25. 2. —— iv. 10. 1, — viii. 42, 43 1. 1 Tim. v. 9. 1, — xii. 19. 1. Heb. i. 12. 1. — xiii. 7, 3, 11, 16 1. — iii. 9,17 1. — xv. 29. 1, —— ix. 7. 1. John ii. 20. ZS. 25, and see Y 1, —-v. 5. oo 1, —— viii. 57. 1, —— x. 1, andsee Y by 2, —— xi. 49, 51. ‘2. — xviii. 13. a2 3, and see Y 1. Acts iv, 22. (every) 1, —— vii. 6, 30, 36, 42, — — xi, 24,see Y (come 1, —— ix. 33. to) 2, —— xi. 26. 2. Jas. iv. 18, 2 —— xi, ed 21. 1, —v.17. aq —— XVI. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 8 twice. 1. —rxix. 10. "tof three) | 2 2. Rev. ix. 15. — — xx.3l,see Y(space | 1. ee 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. YEAR BY YEAR. κατὰ, according to, (here distributively) es ἐνιαυτός, a year, (see No. ο κ 2 above) eac year. Heb. x. 1. YEAR AGO (a) ἀπὸ, from, since πέρυσι, the past, the past >a year year, ago. 2 Cor. viii. 10. ] 2 Cor, ix. 2. YEARS (come το) when he had be- come great, ov being grown up. Heb. xi. 24, γίνομαι, to be- come μέγας, great, YEAR (every) κατὰ, according to, (here>) year by 1 distributively) year, "1 ἔτος, a year, (see No. 1,( each above) year κατὰ, according to, (here>) year by 9 distributively) year, ᾿} ἐνιαυτός, a year, (see Vo. { each 2, above) year 1. Luke ii. 41. | 2. Heb. ix. 25. 2. Heb. x. 3. YEARS (space OF THREE) τριετία, the space of three years, (non occ.) Acts xx. 31. YEARS (two) διετία, the space of two years, (non occ.) Acts xxiv. 27. | Acts xxviii. 30. YEARS OLD (two) διετής, of two years, 7.6. two years old, (non occ.) Matt. ii. 16. See also, FORTY, HUNDRED. YES. vat, yea, yes, certainly, expressing assent or affirmation. Matt. xvii. 25. | Mark vii. 28. Rom. iii. 29. YES VERILY. μενοῦνγε, yes indeed, yea verily. Rom. x. 18. YESTERDAY. χθές, yesterday; (Ixx. for dion, Gen. xxxi. 2; 2 Sam. ii. 17), (non occ.) John iv. 52. Ι Acts vii. 28, Heb. xiii. 8. YET. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. ἔτι, yet, still, implying duration, hitherto ; alsoas implying accession or addition, etc., yet, further, be- sides. ἀλλά, but, marking an antithesis; also as marking a transition, but, but now, but further, moreover. Sd 9» καί, and, even, also. ‘ καὶ, and, even, also, yap, for, i ; for even. On κἄν, (for καὶ ἐάν) and if, also if, even if, although. 6. μέντοι, indeed, truly, certainly, for- sooth ; though, yet, nevertheless. --------.--.----- ----- - --- ο-.----- YET 7. γέ, at least, indeed, even. 8. ἀκμήν, (prop., Ace. of ἀκμή, a point, as of a weapon; Eng., acme.) In later writers and in N.T., for κατ᾽ ἀκμήν χρόνου, at this point of time, yet still, even now, to this mc- ment, (non occ.) 9. οὐκέτι,( No.1, with οὐκ, not, prefixed ) no more, no further, no longer. 10. οὐδέπω, also not ever, not ever yet, not yet. 11. ἤδη, now, even now, already. 1. Matt. xii. 46, 1. John xiv. 19. 8, —— xv. 16. 1, —— xvi. 12. 4. 27. 1. — xx.1. 1. —— xvii. 5 6. 5. 1. —— xix. 20. 1. Acts ix. 1. 11.— xxiv. 32. 1. — x. 44. 1, — xxvi. 47. 1. — xviii. 18. 1. — xxvii. 63 1. Rom. iii. 7. 1. Mark v. 35. 1. —-v.6,8 4. —— vii. 28 (om γάρ, | 1. ——ix. 19. for, Lb T Tr &.) 1. 1 Cor. iii. 2 (om. L».) 1. — viii. 17 (om. GL | 1. 3. ΠΡ AS) 2. iv. 4, 15. 1. —— xii. 6. 10.— viii. 2 (οὕπω, not 11.— xiii, 28. even yet, L TTr AN.) 2. xiv. 29. 2, — ix. 2. ie 43. 1. —— xii. 31. 9, —— xv. 5. 2. —— xiv. 19. 3. Luke iii. 20. 1. — xv. 17. 1, —— viii. 49, 1. 2 Cor. i. 10 (om. L™.) 1. —— ix. 42, 2. —— iv. 8, 16. 7. —— xi. 8. 2. —v. 16. 1. —— xiv. 22, 99. 2. —— xi. 6. 1. —— xv. 20. Ds 16. 7. —— xvii. 5. 2. —— xiii. 4 1. —— xviii. 22. 1. Gal. i. 10 1, — xxii. 37 (om.G—+L | 3. —— iii. 4 TTrArw.) 1. — v. 11 twice. iF 47, 60. 1. Phil ὁ. 9: 1, —— xxiv. 6, 41, 44. 2. Col. ii. 5. 6. John iy. 27. 1. 2 Thes. ii. 5. τι 35 (om. ἃ -») 1. Heb. vii. 10, 15. 1, — vii. 33. 1. —— ix. 8. 3. —— viii. 16. 1, ——x. 37. 1, —— xii. 35. 1. —— xi. 4. 1. — xiii. 33. 1. Rev; τι, Ll: YET (Αντ) A (καὶ, and also, even, “ ἰ δὲ but, but even. John viii. 16. YET...NOT (as) 10. John xx. 9. YET (£ver) ποτέ, at any time. Eph. v. 29. YET (τε) εἴγε, if at least, if even, καί, and also, even, Gal. iii. 4. if indeed also, since, although. Γ 519 3 YIE YET (NEVER) 10. John xix, 41. YET (ποτ) 10. John vii. 39 (οὔπω, not yet, L Tr A &.) YET (wor as) 9. 2 Cor. i. 23. YET NEVER. 1. οὐδέποτε, not ever, not at any time. οὐδεὶς, NO One, lit., n0 one , 9 ) πώποτε, at any Lof men] time, not yet ( at any time, or even, even yet. 1. Matt. xxvi. 33. | 2, Luke xix. 30. YELL BOUT. ov, not πλείους, more ἢ, than. Acts xxiv. 11 (om. ή, than, GL TTr A δ) YET DOUBTLESS. ἀλλά, but, more- over, γε, at least, certainly, at least, αὖ any rate. 1 Cor. ix. 2. YET MORE. ἔτι, see “τετ Νο. 1. Heb. xii. 26, 27, YET NOT: 1. οὐκέτι, see No. 9, above. 2. οὔτε, and not, not even. 1. Gal. ii. 20. 2. Rey. ix. 20 (οὐ, not, G T Tr A), (οὐδέ, &.) See also, AND, AS, BE, NEVER, NOR, NOT. YIELD (-£p, -ΕΤΗ.) 1. δίδωμι, to give; render, yield. to give forth, 2. ἀποδίδωμι, (No. 1, with ἀπό, from, prefixed) to give away from, to deliver over, bestow, to give in full, render ; of trees, to yield. YIE [ 913 ] YOU 8. παρίστημι, here, trans., to cause to stand near, to place near by; hence, to place or present before, to place at hand, to furnish. 4. παριστάνω, a later form used as the present of No. 3. 5. ποιέω, to make, to produce. 1. Mark iv. 7, 8. 1. 1 Thes.i.8, marg.(text, 4. Rom. vi. 13 1st. 2. Heb. xii. 11. —[take.) 3. 13 2nd, 19 twice. | 5. Jas. iii. 12. — Acts v. 10, see Ghost. | 2. Rev. xxi. 2. YIELD UNTO. πείθω, trans., to persuade; here, in- trans., to be persuaded, to be won by words, to suffer one’s self to be convinced. Acts xxiii. 21, YIELD UP. ἀφίημι, to send forth or away, to let go from one’s self, dismiss, let escape. Matt. xxvii. 50. YOKE. [noun. | 1. ζυγός, a yoke, serving to couple any two things together, as cattle or scales, etc., (occ. Rev. vi. 5.) 2. ζεῦγος, a yoke, 1.6. two or more animals yoked or working to- gether; hence, a pair, a couple, (οσο. Luke ii. 24.) 1. Matt. xi. 29, 30. | 1. Acts xv. 10. 2. Luke xiv. 19. 1. ανα, 1. 1 Tim. vi. 1. YOKE-FELLOW. σύζυγος, adj., yoked together ; as subst., a yoke-fellow, a fellow-labovrer, a colleague, (non occ.) Phil. iv. 3. YOKED TOGFTHER WITH (er NOT UNEQuauLY) (pm, not (see “No,” No. 2))\ do not γίνεσθε, become become ἑτεροζυγοῦντες, diversely | diversely yoked, z.e. yoked with yoked ; another who is differ- | (lxx. for ent, (not merely an-{ owdo, other, numerically ; | Lev. xix. 19, which is here re- Serredto), nor, unequally, which is only a consequence of being so yoked), 2 Cor. vi. 14, | | | ] (non occ.) YONDER. ἐκεῖ, there, in that place. Matt. xxvi. 36. YONDER PLACE (1ο) Matt. xvii. 20. τοῦ, “You,” is very frequently the trans- lation of the inflection of the Greek verb. When it is represented by a separate pronoun in the Greek it is always emphatic, and is one of these following. (See below for του (oF), του (FoR), τοῦ (το), είς.) 1. ὑμῶν, (Gen. pl. of \ when trans- σύ, thou) of you, ) lated “του” 2. ὑμῖν, (Dat. pl. of | tt is the result σύ, thou) to, of govern- unto, for, in, or ment or with you, construction. 3. ὑμᾶς, (Ace. pl. of ov, thou) you. τῶν, of the 4 ψυχῶν, souls, (see ὶ “ΒΟ, ) to the Heb. ὑμῶν, of you, idiom, your- selves, (see Numb. xxiii. 10; «πάρ. xvi. 80; 1 Kings xx. 32; Ps. lix. 3; xxxv. 18; exxxi.2; Jer. xvii. 20, and ¢f. xxxviii. 6.) of your souls, 1.6. according . ἑαυτῶν, yourselves. σπ G. ἑαυτοῖς, masc., (ἑαυταῖς, fem.) to, unto, for, in, ov with yourselves. 2. Matt. iii. 7. 3. Matt. xi. 28, 29. 3. 11 twice. 1. — xii. 11. 3. — iv. 19. 3. 28. 3. — v. 11 1st. 1, —— xv. 7. 1. 11 3rd, 12, | 1; — xvii. 17 twice. - 44. 1st, see Y | 2, — xix. 8. (unto) 9. —— xx, 4, 26 twice, 27, = 44 2nd, 3rd) ἃ 4th | 1, —— xxi, 2 3. 44 5th, 46, {(ap.) | 8. 24 Ist. 2. ——vi. 14. 2. 24 2nd, 27, ile 27. 3. 3. 8. 30. -- 48 ist, see Y 3. —— vii. 6. (unto) 2. 7 list. 43 2nd is 7 2nd, see Ὁ (un- | 2, —— xviii. 3 1. —— 9. ὃ [το) [1. δώ 3. 15, 23. ; 34, 35. ὃ. —x. 13, 14, 16, | 3. —— xxiv. 4, 9 twice. 17 twice, 19 Ist. | 2. 25. 2. 19 2nd, 20, — — xxv, 12 Ist, see Y 3. 23 Ast. unto) -- 23 2nd, see Y 3. 12 2nd. 4 (ay | 5. — ας η ¥ 2. 2. -- ol 4s, see 3. 40. (unto) 2. —— xi. οἱ ία, 21 2nd. LLL YOU ΓΘ Ἡ YOU — Matt. xxvi. 29 1st, see | 2. Luke xvii. 10. 3. John xvi. 7 3rd ἃ 4th, | 3. 1 Cor. ii. 3. Y (unto) fats 2]. 2. 13 3πᾶ. [13 Ist! | 8, —— iii, 2. il 29 2nd. 2. 34. 3. 22 150. 2. 3, 16, 18. 3. 82. 2. —— xviii. 8, 14. ΤΕ 22 2nd. 3, — iv. 3, 8. ὩΣ 55 (om. πρὸς ὑμ- | 3. —— xix. 8 2, 23 2nd, 25 3rd, | 8 14 "Ist, 15, 16, Gs, with you,G—+T Tre | 2. 40 26 180. 17 2nd, 18, 19, 21. ΑΝ.) 9, — xx. 3 1, —— 26 2nd αν. τ 5} 8, —— xxviii. 7 lst. 2, ——— 8. 3. —— 27. ue 2. 2, —— 7 2nd 3. —— xxi. 12 1st. 2. —— xviii. 8 2. — vi. 2,.5, 7, 19. 3, —— 14. 2, —— 16. 3. —— xx. 2] 2nd 3. — vii. 5. 2. 20 180. 1, —— 16. 1. Acts i. 7. 1k 28. ΠΣ 20 2nd. 3. 34. 3. 3. 32. 3. Mark i. 8 twice, 17, 2, —— xxii. 10, 12. 1: 11. 2. —— 35. 3. —— vi. 11 1st. 1, —— 15, 19, 20. 3. —— ii. 22 1st, 29, 1. —— ix. 12. στ 11 2nd 2, ——— 26. 1. —— iii. 16. 3. —— x. 19 twice, 27 lst. -- 11 ὅτὰ, gee Y 1. ----ὸ 8. 22 2nd. 2 27 2nd (unto) 3. ——— 31 Ist, 35. 3. 26 2nd (lit., from | 3. —— xi. 2st, 8, 14, 1, —— vii. 6. 1, —— 53. your iniquitics.) 2, —— 18, 19 twice. 3. —— ix. 19 Ist 2, —— 67. 1. — iv. 10 214. 11,19. | 3 22 2nd. 1 19 2nd. 1, —— xxiii. 14. 9. —— Vv. 28. 1: 24, 3. 41 1st 3. 15 (ap.) avis oe 2, —— 30. - 41 2nd, see Y 8. ----- xxiv. 44 lst. 3. — 3, —— xii. 1. (ΟΣ 2. 44 2nd. 2. — xiii, ἊΣ ist. 2. ---Ξ-ὄ 5. 9. ——x. 3, 5, 43 twice, 3. 49. 3. 8. —— xiv. 6 1st ἃ 2nd. 1, — xi. 2 1, John i. 26. 2. oh 2 25. 2. 25. 2, —— iii. 12 twice. Bh 40 (om. ἐφ᾽ ὑμᾶς, | 1. 36 Ist. 8: 29 15. 3. — iv. 38. upon you, Τ, T Tr Ab | 3. 36 2nd. 2. 29 2nd, 33. 2. —v. 38. 3. —— xv. 24, 25, ΓΝ} 2.) —— xv, 13, 51. 8. —— xiii. 5, 9, 11 1st 3: 42 Ist 2. 28. 8, — xvi. 6, 7 twice, 2. 11 3rd, 23, 6. 42 2nd 1. — xviii. 14: 10, 12, 1 19 twice, 20. 3. 36. 1, —— 45 twice. 3. 21. 1: 53, 94 2 5. —— xiv. 7. 2. —— vi. 32 2nd ἃ 3rd. 3. —— xix. 18 1, οσους ἢ ἡ 2, 13, 15 6. ——— 53 2nd. 1, — xx. 18 3. 8, 12, 15. - 18 1st, see Y | 3. ———6l. Ὡς ——— 20 lst. ils 16 Ist. (unto) 1. —— 64. 3. —— 20 2nd 3. 16 2nd : 18 2nd. 3. 70 1st. 2. ——— 26. uF 16 3rd 3. 28, 49. 1. 70 2nd. 8, ——— 28, 29. 8. —— 18. 3. —— xvi. 7 1st 3. —— vii. 7. 3. 32 Ist. 2, ——19, 21. -- 7 2nd, see Y (un- | 2, 19 Ist. 2. 82 3π4 (om. L Τ | 1. 23. 2, Luke ii. 10. το) | 1. 19 2nd, 33, Tr δ) 8, — ii. 1, 2, 3 2nd, 2. — iii. 7, 13. 1, —— viii. 7 (ap. ), 26. 2, —— 35. 43rd, 5, 8, 8. 16 twice. 3. —— 382, 36. 3. —— xxii. 1. 8, —— iii. 1 1st 2, —— iv. 25. 3. —— 37, 40 3, —— xxiii. 15. al 1 2nd 3, — vi. 9, 22 1st ἃ 2nd, | 1, 46. 1, —— xxiv. 21. 2. — iv. 12, 14. 26 2nd, 27 2nd. 1, —— 55 (Νο. 2,1, Tr | 2. — xxv. 5. 3. —— vi. 11, 17. 2. 28 1st (No. 3, G A*) 1, —— 26. 3. — vii. 41st. LTTrARk.) 9, —— ix. 27. 2. —— xxvi. 8. 1. 42nd. 8, 28 2nd, 82, 33. 2, ——x. 25, 32 3. —— xxvii. 22 1st. 2. 2, —— 47. 5. —— xii. 8. 1. —— 22 2nd. 3. 8 twice. 3. — ix. 5. 1 35 Ist (evipiv,in | 3. 84. 1st. 2. ——11. [to) 2, —— 27. or among you, instead 3. —— xxviii. 20 2nd. - 12 1st, see Y(un- 8, —— 41 1st. of μεθ᾽ ὑμῶν, with you, | 1. Rom. i. 8. ils 122nd (ὑμῶν ὑπὲρ it 4] 2nd. GLT Έτ Α ος) 5 10, 11 1st. ἡμῶν your care e for us, 2. 48. 3. 35 2nd. 2. 12 1580. instead of ἡμῶν ὑπὲρ 3. —— x. 3, 6, 8 15, 2. —— xiii. 15 lt. 3. ——— 18 180 ἃ 2nd, ὑμῶν, our care for 2. 8 2nd. 1: 18. 2. 13 3rd. you, St L T Tr A.) 3. 9, 10. 9, 19. 3. ——ii. 24, 3. 12 8rd τς 11 το pee) ο τς 21 Ist, 33 Ist. 1. — vi. 14. Ls 13, 14 1st. (against) 8, 84 2πὰ 2. —— viii. 9, 10, 11 twice. | 3. 15 1st. 3. 11 2nd (om. ἐφ᾽ | 2, —— xiv. 2 Ist. 3. —— x. 19 twice. 2. 16. ὑμᾶς, unto you, G L - 2 2nd,) see Y 3. — xii. 1. 2. — viii. 1. Tr AR.) — —— 3 lst, § (for) 2. 3. 3. 6. 2, 19. 3, —— 3 2n 3. 14. a 16. πε 16 1st. 1. ——9. τς 18. 8, 17, 22, 28, 3. 16 2nd, 19 2nd 2, ——— 16 1st 2, —— xv. 5. 1. —— ix. 2, 3. 2. 24, ale 16 2nd 3. 13, 3. 4, 5, 8. 1. — xi. 5. 2. ———17 twice. is 14, up 14 1st. 2, 9 2nd. 9, ———. 18 twice. 8. 152nd, 22, 28, 3. 14 2nd, 3. 20. 2, ——— 20, 25 2nd. 24 1st (ap.) 2. 14 3rd. 2, —— xii. 5 lst. 3. 26 Ast, 28 2nd. 3. 24 2nd. 3, ——x, 1 1st. 3. 11, 12, 14, 2, —— 29. i 24 3rd, 28, 2. 1 2nd. 1, 25. 1. 30. 3. ——— 29, 80, 32 1st. 8. 1 3rd, 9, 3. 28, 2. —— xv. 4, 7 lat 2. 32 2nd (αρ.) 1, ——— 18, 2. 32, 51 3. -——9. 16 33. 3, —— 14 lst. 2, — xiii. 3, 5 2. 11 2nd 1. — xvi. 2. 1. —— 14314, 3. —— 25 2nd 3. —— 12. 8. 16, 17, 19. 2, —— 15. 2, 27 1st, 2, ——— 14. 1g 20. 1, —— 16. 8. 27 2nd (om, LOT | 3. 15 Ist ἃ 2nd. 3. 21, 22, 23 twice, 3, —— xi. 22nd &3rd, 6, Tr A.) 3, —— 16 1st ἃ 2nd, 1: 24 (ap.) Ι; 8. 3. 28. 2, ——— 16 3rd, 17. 8. 25. 8. Q1st,11,201st ἃ 4th, 1, — xiv. 28, 33 3. 18 1st. 2. 1 Cor. i. 4, 6 1. —— xii. 11. 1. — xv. 4. 1, ——— 18 2nd. 3, 10 Ist 2, 12. 3. —— xvi. 9 2nd 3. 19 twice, 20 2nd. 2. 10 2nd τν 19. 2, 12, 3, —— xvi. 2 twice. 1, —— 11 1. 3, —— 14150. iB 26 lst 9, 4 1st, 2nd, ἃ 3rd, 2. 11 2nd nL 14 2nd. 3. 26 2nd 1. 4 4th, 5 τῇ 13. 8. 14 3rd, 2, —— xvii. 6 2. 7 ist. 3. —— 11, 1 1st 4, 15 1st, marg.your L. Ms — —— 7344, see Y(for) ' 2, 2, souls. YOU 3. 2 Cor. xii.152nd, 16twice, | 3. 1 Thes. i. 5 lst. 17 twice, 18, 20 1st, 21. | 2. 5 2nd. 8. —— xiii. 1. 1, 8. = 3 ist, sseoY-ward. 3. 9. 2. 3 2nd 3. —ii.1, 2. 3. —— 4. ία, 6, 7, 8 ist. 2, —— 5. | 3. g 2nd, 1. ——11. 2, ——— 10. 3. 18, 3. —— 11, 12. τν 14, 2, —— 15. 8. Gal. i. 6, 7, 9. 1. ——-17. 2. 1. 3. 18. 3. — ii. 5. 3. —— iii. 2 1st 3. —— iii. 1 1s 3. 22nd (om. G>L 2, 1 2nd ως ἐν T Tr A 5) ο you,GsL | 3. 4, Ist. πσρα κ} 2, —— 42nd, Ls 2. 3. ——5. 3. —— iv. 11 twice. 1, ——— 61st x. : 3. 6 2nd 2. 15, 16. 2. —— 7. 3. —— 17 1st. 1. 9. 3. τ να and (ἡμᾶς, us, δ᾽ riers twice and margin.) . ——iv. 1 1st. 3. —— 18. 2. 2, 6. 2, ——-19. 3. 10. 3. 20 1st 2. π, 2. 20 2nd. 3. 13. 3.—vv. 2 2d, 7, 8, | 3. —v. 4, 12 1st. 10 twice, 12. 2. 19 2nd. 2. Q] Ist. ule 23rd. Γ24, 27. 8, — vi. 19,18. 3. 12 4th, 14, 18, 23, 1. Eph. i, 16 1st. ¥ 28, 8. ---- 1. 1. 2 Thes, 1, 31st. 1. — iii. 1. 2. 4, 3. 2 3. 6, 10. ας 15. 1, —— 111. 2. 16. 3. 11 2nd. 3. — iv. 1. 2. 12. 2. 6 (om. G2L _T | 3. — ii 1, 3, 51st. TrA Rs (ἡμῖν, us, G.) | 2. 5 2nd. 1. 1. 13 Ist. 2. 3 (ἡμῖν, us, | 8. ——— 132nd. GoxL Trm A*) 3. —— 14 (ἡμᾶς, us, Τι 2, —v.3. Trm,) : 9. 6. 8. 17 (om. G3L Τ' 8. — vi. 22. AR. 1, Phil. i. 4. 3. —— iii. 1, 31st, 4 Ist. 2. 6. 2. 42nd, 6,7 πε - νει, Ἢ 10 1st. 3. ——7 2nd, 8, 24 2, ——— 10 2nd, 11, 16 1st. 2. 25. 1. 162nd, 18. 3. 26, 27. 1. 2 Tim. iv. 23 (ap.) 2. — ii. 5, 13, 17 1. Titus ii. 8 (ἡμῶν, of us, 3. , 26. ΟἿ ΤΎΣΑ αν.) 2. —— iii. 18 Ist. 1. — iii. 15. 1. — iv. 9, 18. 2. Philem. 6 ΠΣ Civ, 3. 21, 22, uy GLT 8) a. 23. | 1. Heb. iii. a 1: Col. 3, 5, 11, --- ἵν.1 8, 6 Ist. 3. —v. 12 2. 6 2nd. | 1, — vi. 9 ι γ(ἡμῶν,υ8, ΟἹ, | 3. —— ix. 20 Tr AS.) 3, ——xil, 7. 1. ——9. 1. —— xiii, 7 1st, 17 Ist. 3. ——2l, 22. 3. 21 1st. 1. —— 24. 2. 2] 2nd. 3. 25. 3. ——— 22 Ist, 23. 2. 27. 1. ——— 24 lst. 1. —ii.l. 3. —— 24 511 3. 4, 1.——2 2. 5. 2, Jas. 1, 26 (Gr), (om. 3. —— 8, 15 let. ἐν ὑμῖν, among you, G 2. —— 13 2nd (ἡμῖν, us, | LT Tr A RW.) StGLT Trax.) 1. —— ii. 6 lst, 3. 16, 18. 3. G 2nd. 2. —— iii. 13, 16 Ἵν 16, 3. — iv. 8. 2. —— iii. 13. 1 9 Ist. 2. — iv.1. 3. 10 twice 1; ts 1. —— 12 15 3. 10. 3. 12 2nd. 2. —-v. ὃ. 1, —— 12 3rd, 19 A 4. 8. —— 14. 2. 6, 13, 14, 19. 2. 16, 3, 1 Pet. i. 4, marg. us, ihe 18, (ἦμας, us, St.) 2. 1 Thes. i. 1. | 5. 10, 121st, 15, 20, x ἐᾷ 2 lst | 25. [ιδ YOU 3. 1 Pet. ii. 9. 3. 1 John iii. 7, 13, ἹΕ 12. 2, — iv. 4. 3. —— iii. 13, 15 1st. 1. 2 John 3 (ἡμῶν, us, St 2. 15 2nd. ἐξ, Ἱ; 10 (ap.) 3. Psy 12 2nd, 2, —— iv. 12 150. 3. Jude 3. 14. 2. Pig (om. St &.) 2. —v.1,2. 2. 18. 8, 6. 3. 24. 1st (αὑτοῦς, 1, ὥς them, St.) 3. ——— 101δὲ (om. G->L | 1. Rev. ii. 10. τ ΤΑ ν.) 2. 13. 3. 13 2nd. 3. 24 2nd. 2. 14. 3. —— xii. 12. 2. 2 Pet. i. 8 1st. 2. —— xviii. 6 (om. G L 3. 12, 13 1st. T Tr A 2. — iil. 1, 20. 3. ὃ. 1— - xxii. 21 (πάντων τῶν 2. -----.-.ὄ 13, ἁγίων, all the saints, 2. 1 John 11. 82nd, 12 2nd, instead of πάντων 142nd, 24 twice, ὑμῶν ΚΎΩΝ iy all 5, 26 2nd. amen, 5), 2, 27 Ast. (ον. ἃ -- Ὦ, δὰ i, x with δ 27 2nd, 3rd, ἃ 4th. all.) YOU (agearsst) 2. Luke x. 11. YOU (For) 2. Matt. xi. 22. 2. John xvi. 7. 2. —— xxv. 9, 94, 2. Acts xxii. 25. 2. Mark x. 86. 2. 2 Cor. viii. 10. 2. Luke x. 14. 2. Phil. 15.1. 2. John xiv. 2,3. 2. . Heb. xiii. 17. YOU (πο ονΏ OF) μή, not; 14έ., that ye might not be puff- ing yourselves up, ete. 1 Cor. iv. 6. Col. i. 5. | | YOU (ος) 1. ὑμῶν, see No. 1, above. 2. ὑμῖν, see No. 2, above. 3. ὑμεῖς, (nom. pl. of σύ, thou) you. 1. Matt. xviii. 19. | 1. 2 Cor. ii. 8, 9. 1, Mark x. 44 (ἐν ὑμῖν, 1. — vii. 15. among you, L &.) 1 epi i. 16 (om. LTTr 1. Luke xi. 11. 1. —— xiii. 15. 3. Rak 1. —— xiv. 5. 1. Phils i 8. Ϊ 1. Acts ii. 22, 38. 1. 1 Thes.i. 2 (om. L T | 1. — iii. 26 (αὑτῶν, of | Tr Ab δ.) them, L.) 1. — ii. 9, 11. 1. —- xxvii. 34. 1, —— iv. 4. 1. Bom. i. 9, 12. 1. 2 Thes. i. 8, 1. 1 Cor. i, 19, 14. 1. — iii. 8. 1, ——vi. 1. 1. Heb. iii. 12. 1. —— xii. 21. ΕἼ, —— vi. 11. 1. — xiv. 26 (om. L T | 1. Jas, i. 5. Tr Ab &.) | 1. 1 Pet. iv. 18. 1. —— xvi. 2 2. Rev. ii. 23. YOU (πο) ὑμῖν, (Dat. pl. of σύ, thou) to, unto, 27 for you. YOU Γ 816 1 You . Vil. 2, 12. 2 Cor. i. 9 Gal. vi. 11. 1 Pet: 1. 7. εκ ώς 1. —- vii. 14. Eph. i. 17. — iv. 12. Mark iv. 24. — ix.l. Phil. i. 2, 29. -- ν. 12. — xiii. 21. —— xi. 7. — ii. 19. 2 Pet. i. 2, 11, 16. Luke vi. 31, 38. Gal. i. 3. — iii. 15 — iii. 1, 15. —— vii. 32 (om. T Tr.) | — iii. 5. Col. i. 2. 1 John i. 2, 3. — xvii. 23. Eph. i. 2. — iv. 7, 9 4 (ἡμεῖς, we, St LT — xxi. 18. — ii. 17. 1 Thos 1 e N;ie. we write.) κ, 12, 15, 33. — vi. 21. — ii. 8. ᾿ ᾿ fie 4, 3 Phil. i. 28 (ὑμῶν, of you, — iv. 9, 15 —— ii. 1, 7, 8, 12, 133 times, Acts xiii. 26, 46 1.6. of your salvation, | ——v.1. 14 twice, 21, 26. Rom. i. 7, 15 GxrL T Tre.) 2 Thes. i. 2 — v.13. — xi. 13 iii. 1. — iii. 9 2 John 12 1st, 1 Cor. ix. 2 2 Thes. i. 7. Philem. 22 Jude 2, 3 twice. —— xi. 2, 22 Philem. 3. Heb. xii. 5, Rev. i. 4. —— xiv. 6 Heb. xiii. 19. —— xiii. 7, 22. — ii, 24: Jas. iv. 8. 1 Pet. i. 2, 12 2nd, 18, — xxii. 16. YOU (σντο) ὑμῖν, (Dat. pl. of σύ, thou) to, unto, or for you. 34, 89, 4 πο Ξ κ 25, 99, 98. - Vii. — viii. 10, 11. — ix. 29. κ. 15, 23, 42. —— xi. 9, 11, 17 199. 17 2. (om. LT Tr AR.) 22, 24. ΞΘ 6.91. 50. — xiii. ae 17. — xvi. 28. xvii. 12, 20 twice. — xviii. 8, 10, 13, 18, ας. 92, — xxi. a ‘a 31, 45. —— xxii. — xxiii. a8, 14 (ap.), 15, 16, 23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 33, 39. ο πεῖν ὦ, Ὁ, 28; 34, 47. —— xxv. 12, 40, ———£XVi.\ τσ, is, 21, 29, ceri. 17, at (64. Mark iii. 28. — iv. 11, 24 (ap.) — vi. 11 (ap.) — viii. 12. ne iL, 13, 41, — xiii. 30, 37. EV, 18.) 25, — xv. 9. —— xvi. 7. Luke αμ ba — iii. 8. τον ons os gt SA 95, 11. 25204 (om. GoT Tr A ἐξ, ie. ye who are laughing.) 26 (om. ἃ L 'f Tr ἐξ, a ο, — vii. 9, 26, 28, 32. — viii. 10. os, 19, 10, Ἢ, — xi. 8, 9 twice, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 51, 52. — xii. 4, 5, 8, 22, 27, 81, 37, 44. — xiii. 24, 25, 35 twice. — xiv. 24. — xv. 7, 10. — xvi. 9. Luke xviii. 17, 29. — xix. 26. --- xxi. 3, 32. —— xxii. 16, 18, 29, 37. —— xxiv. 6, 36 (ap.) John i. 51. —— ii. 5. —— iy. 35. —— v. 19, 24, 25. — vi. 26, 27, 32, 36, 47, 53, 63, 65. — vii. 22. —— viii. 24, 25, 34,51, 58. — x. 1, 7, 26 (αρ.) —— xii. on —— xiii. 16, 20, 21, 34. — xiv. 10, 12, 25, 26, 27 twice, 28 1st, — xv. 3, 7, 11, 15, 20. 1 (εἰς ὑμᾶς, wnto you, G&L T Tr), (om. 26. ἔκ — xvi. 1. 3(om.G LTTr A.) 4, 6, 12, 14, 15, 20, 23, 25 twice, 96, 33, — xviii. 39 twice. — xx. 19, 21, 26. Acts ii. 14, 39. —— iii. 14, 20, 22 Ist, 26. —— iv. 10. — v. 38. — vii. 37. —— xiii. 38 twice, 41, —- xvii. 3, 23. — xx. 27. XXviii. 28. Rom. i. 11. xv. 15. — xvi. 1. 1 Cor. i. 8. iis 1; — iii. 1. — iv. 17. — v.9, 11. — ix. ll. — x. 28. — xi. 23. — xii. 31. — xiv. 37. —— xv, 1 twice, 2, 6, 2 Cor. i. 18. — ii. 3(om. G3L T Tr 4 lst. ΓΑ &.) — v.12. — vi. 18. —— vii. 12 1st. — xi. 9. —— xii. 19, 20. Gal. i. 8 twice, 20, — iv. 13. ° met (ἢ YOU (wirx) ὑμῖν, (Dat. pl. of σύ, thou) to, unto, for, or with you. John xiv. 27. | Acts xiv. 15. YOUR Va: ὑμᾶς, (Ace. pl. of σύ, thou) you, lit., you to be turning, ete. Acts xiv. 15. YOU-WARD (το) ( εἰς, unto, towards, ( ὑμᾶς, you. 2 Cor. xiii. 3. YOU YOURSELVES. αὐτοί, yourselves. Acts xx. 34, YOUNG. 1. νεώτερος, (comp. of νέος, new, recent, young) younger, of two or more ; (Ixx. for jop, Gen. ix. 24; xxvii. 15; xiii. 180 2. νεοσσός, youngling, the young of ani- mals, but esp. of birds ; (Ixx. for ja, Lev. v. 7; Prov. xxx. 17; and omar, Deut. xxi. 6), (non oce.) 2, Luke 11, 24. | 1 John xxi. 18, YOUNG MAN (ey) 1. νεανίσκος, a youth, a young man until forty, (often in Greek prose, for a ee (Ixx. for “y3, 1 Sam. xvii. 7 ite, iii. 3; ο, Ezra ο ἢ) YOU 9. νεανίας, a youth, a young man ; esp. a youth in character, either as brave or active, wilful or head- strong ; (1xx. for Ὁ), Judg. xvi. 26; | sna, 2 Sam. vi. 1; 1 Ch. xix. 10.) 3. νεώτερος, see “xyouna,” Wo. 1. 4. παῖς, a child, male or female, a boy, a youth; a girl, a maiden; (τσ. | gen. for 1, 2 Kings ii. 24; 73, Prov. iv. 1; ὧν, Ruth τ. 6; my3, Gen. xxiv. 28, 57 ; xxxiv.12.) | 1. Matt. xix. 20, 22. 1. Acts v. 10. 1. Mark xiv. 511s. 2, — vii. 58. -- 512nd (om. οἱ | 2. ----- xx. 9. νεανίσκοι, the young | 4. 12. men, GLTTrA δὲ, | 2. — xxiii. 17. 1, —— xvi. 5. [1.6. they.) | 2 18,2 (Νο. 1,1, Τ 1, Luke vii. 14. 2. 22,5 Tr ARN.) 1, Acts ii. 17. 8. Tit. ii. 6. 3. — τ. 6. 1. 1 John ii. 13, 14. YOUNG WOMAN (-ν.) | Here, fem. | veds, new, recent, young. Tit. ii. 4. See also, ASS, CHILD, DAUGHTER. YOUNGER. 1. νεώτερος, see “τοῦνα,' Wo. 1. 2. ἐλάσσων, less, minor; in quality, inferior ; im age, younger; (Ixy. for yys, Gen. xxv. 23.) 1. Luke xv. 12, 13. 2. Rom. ix. 12, marg. 1, —— xxii. 26. 1. 1 Tim.v.2,11,14. [lesser. 1. 1 Pet. v. 5. YOUNGER MAN. 1, ο πας val. YOUR. (For “yours,” and various combinations with other words, see below.) 1. ὑμῶν, (Gen. pl. of σύ, thou) of you, P ( bf yours ; (not so emphatic as No.6.) 9 | ἐκ, of, ὑμῶν, of you, ᾿ 3. ὑμῖν, (Dat. pl. of σύ, μοι) to, unto, for, or with you. 4. ὑμᾶς, (Ace. pl. of σύ, thou) you; here lit., put you in mind, of or belonging to you. κατὰ, in accordance with, ) which 5. according to, 7ο | ὑμᾶς, you, have. | [ οι 1 a 660€C0 I --- ῇ - 6. ὑμέτερος, your, YOU as belonging to or proceeding from, more emphatic than any of the 1. Matt. v. 12, 16 3 times, | 20, 37, 44, 45, 47, 48. 1, —— vi. 1 twice, 8, 14, 15 twice, | ο 2] twice (σοῦ, thy, | 41, τ Tr A δ) | 25 twice, 26, 32. — vii. 6, 11 twice. — ix. 4, 11, 29. ἜΤ x.9,13 twice 14 twice, 20, 29, 30. —— xi. 29. —— xii. 27 twice. —— xiii, 16 1st. 162nd (om. Τὶ Trb Ab,) — xv. 3, 6. — xvii. 20, 24. —— xviii. 14 (μού, my, οτε 35. —- xix, 8 twice, | —— xx. 26, 27. —— xxiii. 8, 9 twice, 10 (om. ἄν), 11, 32, 34, 38. Η . . ὃ ee eee 1. —— xxiv. 20, 42 1, —— xxv. 8. 1. Mark ii. 8. 1. — vi. 1 1. — vii. 13 1. — viii. 17 1. —x. 5, 45. 1, —— xi, 25 twice, 26 twice | (ap.) ος 1. —— xiii. 18(οπι. ἡ φυγὴ | ὑμῶν, your jlight,G= L Tr AN; 1.6. it.) 1. Luke iii. 14. 1. — iv. 21. 1. ——v. 4, 22. 1. ——vi. 22, 23, 24, 27, 35 twice, 36, 38. 1. —— viii. 25. 1. —— ix. 5, 44. 1. ——x. 6, 11, 20. 1. — xi. 13, 19 twice, 39, 46, 47, 48. 1. — xil. i 22 (om. GaLT Tr AWN.) Ἱ. 30, 32, S4twice, 35. 1. — xiii. 35 3. — xvi. 11 1. 15. 1. —— xxi. 14. 3. —— 15. 1. 18,19twice 28twice, 1, —— xxii. 53. 1, —— xxiii. 28. 1. —— xxiv. 38. 1. John iv. 35. 1. —— vi. 49. ue 58 (om. G3 L T Tr AR, Le. the.) 6. —— vii. 6. 6. —— viii. 17. ths 21, 24 twice, go 38 (om. G2LT Tr A, i.e. the father, their father.) 1 ἃ 41, 42, 44. 1. δι, (ἡμῶν, our, : GeT Tr A.) 1. —— ix. 19, 41. 1. —— x. 34. | 1, —— xiii. 14, 1, —— xiv. 1. 5. 26. 1, —— 27. above. 1. John xv. 11, 16. | 1, —— xvi. 6, 20, 22 twice, 24, 1, —— xviii. 31. 1. —— xix. 14, 15. 1. —— xx, 17 twice, 1. Acts ii. 17 4 times, 39. 1. —— iii. 17,19, 22 twice. 1. —— ν. 28. 1, —vii. 37 1% (om. Κύριος, and ὑμῶν, i.e. od, instead of the Lord your God, ἃ L T Tr A N.) ts 37 2nd. a 43 (om. L T Tr A, i.e. the.) ut 51, 52. 1. —— xiii. 41. 1. —— xv. 24. 1. —— xvii. 23 1. —— xviii. 6. 4, 15. 1. —— xix. 37 6. —— xxvii. 34 1. Rom. i. 8. 1. —— vi. 12, 13 twice, 19 3 times, 22. 1. — viii. 11. | 6. —— xi. 31. | 1, —— xii. 1 twice. 1. ——2 (om. Ga3L T Tr A, i.e. the.) 1, —— xiv. 16. 1. —— xv. 24, marg. you. 1, —— xvi. 19, 20. 1. 1 Cor. i. 4, 26. 1, — ii. 5. 1. —-v. 6. 3. — vi. 5. 1, 15, 19, 20 Ist, 2 2nd (ap.) 1, —— vii. 5, 14. 1, —— ix. ll. 1. — xiv. 34 (om. G-L T Tr AR, Le. the.) 1. —— xv. 14, 17. 6. 31 (ἡμέτερος, our, St AV™ Go), marg. our. 3. 34, lL 58. 1, — xvi. 3. 1, 2Cor. i. 6 twice, 14, 24 twice. 1. —— iv. 5. 1. —-v. 1]. 1. —— vii. 7 3 times. 1. 13 (δὲ τῇ παρα- κλήσει ἡμῶν...δε, and on our comfort, in- stead of τῇ παρακλήσει ὑμῶν, in your comfort yea and, L T TrAR.) 2. —— viii. 7. 6. e 3 14 twice. 1. 19 (Gx), (ἡμῶν, ουν, α LT TrAn.) 1. 24 twice. 1. —— ix, 2 Ist. 2. 2 2nd (om. ἐκ, L TTr AN. 1, δ, 10 twice, 13, 1. ——x. 6, 8, 15. 1, —— xi. 3. 1, — xii. 19. 1. — xiii. 9. 1. Gal. iv. 6 (Gx), (ἡμῶν, our, G LT Tr 1, 15, 16, θ. —— vi. 13. 1. —— 18. YOU psig 1 YOU .----... 1. Eph. i. 18, | 1. Heb. vi. 10. 4, 15. | 1. ix. 14 (ἡμῶν, Go YOUR OWN. 1, 18. Trm A.) daahitep (he 1, — x. 84, 35. 1. ὑμῶν, of you, your. Ἱ ον 4, 23, 26, 29. ο Ὁ — τι 8,18, . . πα σε ή (14, 1, — xiii. 17. ἢ 1. ——vi.1, 4, 5, ς (ap.), | 1. Jas. i. 3, 21. > We ee Se OU, Foe 1. Phil. i. 5, 9, 19, 25, 26. | 1. —ii. 2. αὐτῶν, selves. i 1), BS, δ, ; 1 Ὁ iii 14 (16. : ἀν 0. SCR, : 1. —— iv. Ltwice, 3, 9, 14, 1. Col. i. 4, 8. ge Cs κατὰ, amongst 1, — ii, 5 twice, 13, 4, 5,8, 12. υμᾶς, you. 1. — 1. 8, 5, ὃ, 8,15, 16. | 1. 1 Bet i. 7, 9,13, 14,17, ; : . — iv. 18, 21, 22. | ῶ ing rOUr- 1 thes i's 4,8 ο ῃ 4. ἑαυτῶν, of or belonging to your i πτστ. = 20, see Faulty. selves. 1. --- ni. ο 5. 6, 7, | ie 25. 10 twice, 13. | 1, —— iii. 2, 7, 15, 16. 1. Mark vii. 9. 4. 1 Cor. vi. 19. fia Ti ee A 3. Acts xvii. 28. 2, —-— 35. Cy. 55) | 1. 2 Pet. 1,5, 10, 19. 1. — xviii. 6. 1. 2 Cor. vi. 12. 1. 2'Thes, 1. 8, 4 twice, = | 1, —— ΠῚ. 4, Phil. ii. 12. Έτ ση 1. 1 John i. 4 (ἡμῶν, our, ο τη StL T Tr A σι) 1. Philem. 22, 25. | 1, Tude 12, 20. τοῦτ 0 eee YOUR OWN CONCEITS (τν) Fy ΟΝ A see κο mapa, beside, with, among ἑαυτοῖς, yourselves, YOUR AFFAIRS. φρονιμοι, prudent. τὰ, the things Rom. xi. 25. | Rom. xii, 16, περὶ, around ov concerning sae ε al πυημων, YOU. ae) a YOUR OWN SELVES. Phil. i. 27. 1. ἑαυτῶν, yourselves, (Gen.) YOUR BEHALF (oy) 2. ἑαυτοῖς, yourselves, (Dat.) ε lal 70, the matter 9, { υμων, of you your ἐπὶ, upon over you. αὐτῶν, selves. ὑμῖν, you, ουσ 6518 Cor, xiii, 5 twice. 3. Acts xx. 30. 2. Jas. 1. 22. Rom. xvi. 19, YOUR OWN (rat wuHicu 8. τὸ, the thing ὑμέτερων, yours, your own, (emphatic.) YOUR CAUSE (ror) ὑμῖν, for you. 2 Cor. v. 19. Take wide YOUR ESTATE. YOUR PART (ον) (τὰ, the things 1. ὑμῶν, of you, your. ee around or concerning Piha be ὑμῶν, you. 2. εἰ "ἢ Gol. iv. 8 (τὰ περὶ ἡμῶν, the things concerning us, ΕΣ ἄς LT Tr) 5 . 1Cor. xvi. 17 (ὑμετερόν, your (emphatic), L Τ ΤΥ A.) . 1 Pet. iv. 14 (ap.) YOUR MATTER (rue vUrrerMost | YOUR SAKE (-s.) or) ὰ [ἢ : διὰ, through, for the sake of, on τὰ μὴ ή °” \ ἴῃ accordance ὁ account of, αλά with, according (Bude! you. κατα, 1n accord- ᾿ t % ance with to, or as 0, John xi. 10. 2 Cor. ii. 10. ; your affair. —— xii, 30. — iv, 15. δῦ ὑμᾶς, you, Rom. xi. 28. — viii. 9. 1 Cor. iv. 6. 1 Thes, i. 5. Acts xxiv. 22. 1 Thes. iii. 9. YOu [ 919 ] YOU YOUR STATE δ, 1 Cor. v. 18. 2.1 Thes.v. ο ayes ὰ δι — ey . ἢ selves, α ΟἿ Tr 18) ν . . — xi. ἐ Ἰδ. τὰ, the things 8. — xiii. 5 4, 2 Thes. iii. 7. περὶ, around or concerning 8: 2 Cor. vii. 11 2. Heb. x. 34. ra 8, —— xiii. δ. 4. —— xiii. 3. ύμων, you. rh oh ii. 8, ὃς 2. Jas. ii. 4, os ᾿ es. ii. 3. 1 Pet. iv. 8. Phil. ii. 19, 20. 4. σε δ 8. 1 John v. 91. 4, —v. 2. 8. πα YOUR THINGS. ὑμῶν, of you, your. 1 Cor. xvi. 14, YOURS. 1, ὑμῶν, of you, yours. 2. ὑμέτερος, yours, of or belonging to you, (more emphatic than No. 1 or 0. 3.) ‘ 3. ἊΞ the [spirit] ὑμῶν, of you. 2. Luke vi. 20. 1. 1 Cor. iii. 21, 22. 2. John xv. 20. 3. —— xvi. 18. 8. 2 Cor. xii. 14, YOURS (or) ὑμῶν, of you, yours. 1 Cor. viii. 9. YOURSELVES. (For various combinations with other words, see below.) . ἑαυτῶν, (Gen. pl.) . ἑαυτοῖς, (Dat. pl.) > yourselves. . ἑαυτοῦς, (Ace. pl.) . αὐτοί, selves, yourselves. ὑμῶν, of you, your αὐτῶν, -selves. δι FOND μ- 6 ὑμῖν, to or for you, } to bia * ( αυτοῖς, -selves, selves. 7. ὑμῶν, of you, your. 8. ἀλλήλων, each other, one another. 2. Matt. iii. 9. 2. Luke xvii. 3. 2, —— xvi. 8. 3. 14, 7. — xxiii. 15. 2, —— xxi. 34 3. Mark ix. 33 (om. πρὸς | 3. —— xxiii. 28 ἑαυτοῦς, among your- | 8, John vi. 48 selves, ΟΞ ΠῚ rA | 8, — xvi. 19 Ν.) 2. Acts v. 35. 2. 50. 8, —— xiii. 46 2. Luke iii. 8. 3. —— xv. 29. 2, —- xii. 33 8, —— xx. 28. 1. 57. 8, Rom. vi. 11, 13, 16. 8, —— xvi. 16 8. —— xii. 19. YOURSELVES (amone) 2, Luke xxii. 17 (eis ἑαυτοῦς, unto or for yourselves, LT Tr A), (ἀλλήλοις, with each other; No. 8, Ν.) YOURSELVES (For) 1. ἑαυτοῖς, (Wo. 2, above) to or for yourselves. 2. ὑμῖν, to or for you. 2, Matt. vi.19,20, | YOURSELVES (το) ἑαυτοῖς, to or for yourselves. Luke xvi. 9. | Eph. ν. 19. YOURSELVES TOGETHER. 8. 1 Thes. v. 11. 1, Matt. xxv. 9. YOURSELVES (σκτο) ἑαυτοῖς, to ov for yourselves. Matt. xxiii. 31. YOURSELVES (τε) See, YE. YOURSELVES (του) αὐτοί, your-selves. Acts xx. 34. YOUTH. νεότης, newness, recentness; hence, youth, youthful age; (lxx. for po, Gen. viii. 21; Num. xxx. 17; ny, Ece. xi. 9, 10), (non occ.) Matt. xix. 20 (om. ἐκ νεό- | Mark x. 20. τητός μοῦ, prom. my | Luke xviii. 21. youth up, G+L T Tr | Acts xxvi. 4. AR.) 1 Tim. iv. 12. YOUTHFUL. γεωτερικός, pertaining or belonging to youth, (non oce.) 2 Tim, ii. 22. Z Acts xxi. 20. 1 Cor. xiv. 12. ZEAL. ὶ — xxii. 3, Τὴ d Gal. i. 14. oop . 1t. 11, . ζήλος, zeal, (from ζέω, to boil, seethe) gen., any eager, vehement passion ; esp. jealousy. ZEALOUS (sr) John ii. 17. Phil iii. 6. tab ζηλόω, to make zeaious towards, 1.6. 3 Cor. vite 1]. Pe ace te A for or against any person or thing; ix. 2. R.) to rival, vie with. ἢ Rev. iii. 19 (ζηλεύω, to be zealous, α «91, T Tr A.) ZEALOUS. ζηλωτής, one zealous for anything, a ZEALOUSLY AFFECT. zealot, esp. from jealousy, (non | ζηλόω, see “ ZEALOUS (BE)” occ.) Gal. iv. 17, 18. o—_ ΝΕ) E26. GREEK ann ENGLISH. As one Greek word is found under several English words in the body of the work, this Index is designed to enable the student to trace out for himself any particular Greek word, through all its renderings, and in all its occurrences. This Index, therefore, combined with the work itself, contains all the elements of a Greek and English Concordance. For example, the student is referring to the word “ Hoty” to ascertaia the meaning of the word in a particular passage; he finds there three Greek words, ἅγιος, ὅσιος, and ἱερός ; if now he wishes to see how these words are translated elsewhere he has only to refer to them in this Index, and there he will find under each a list of English words with a figure against each showing the number of times such word occurs. These may again be referred to, and traced back to see what other Greek words are used to represent them. Thus the full Scripture use of any word may easily be found, a matter ofttimes of no small importance when we are dealing with “words which the Holy Ghost speaketh.” The following observations are necessary for a full explanation of the plan and design of this Index :— 1. Each Greek word is placed in its alphabetical order. 2. Greek words not occurring in the “Received Text,” (i.e. the text from which the Authorized Version was made, 1611—see the Preface), but inserted or substituted for others in MS. and other critical authorities, have an asterisk (*) prefixed to them. 3. After each Greek word is placed every English word which is used as the translation of it, with a figure showing the number of times such.a translation is found. The arrangement of the English words is determined by the order in which they most correctly represent the Greek word. This will materially help INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. the student in tracing any particular word, and almost serve the purpose of a Lexicon. 4... Τὰ the case of Greek words not occurring in the “ Received Text,” (see above, No. 2), the Greek word is given, for which it is proposed to be sub- stituted, with the passage where it occurs; and also the English word of which it is the translation. On referring to this word in the body of the work, full particulars as to the meaning of the word and the editorial authorities for it will be found. 5. English renderings occurring as marginal readings in the Authorized Version are printed in italic type, and placed immediately after the word for which they are the alternative renderings in the margin. 6. No reference is given to pages, as the words themselves can readily be found in their alphabetical order in the body of the work. Where the translation consists of more than one word, each will generally be found in its place, or referred to by a cross reference from the other. In the case of phrases, however, the more important word should be referred to. 7. Besides the Greek word itself, every combination with it, of other Greek words, is given where an important or peculiar translation is the result. For an example of what is meant, see below under ἅγιος. A, Alpha, 4. 3 ΄ ἀβαρής, from being burden- some, l. ἀββᾶ, abba, 3. ἄββυσσος, bottomless pit, 5. bottomless, 2. ἀγαπητός, eloved, 47. dearly beloved, 9. well beloved, 3. dear, 3. ἀγαθουργέω, see ἀγαθοεργέω. ε / ἁγιάζω, sanctify, 26. hallow, 2. — passive, > ’ ἀγαθωσύνη, be holy, 1. goodness, 4. ἀγγαρεύω, compel to go, 1. compel, 2. ἁγιασμός, oliness, 5. sanctification, 5. μι αγιος, οὶ , 68. Holy One, 4. saint, 1. — neuter, ἀγαλλίασις, gladness, 3. ποσα, ir exceeding joy, 1. ἀγγεῖον, ὰ αλλιάω, vessel, 2. e glad, 1. be exceeding glad, 1. rejoice, 7. 3 ‘ig ἀγγελία, message, 1. commandment, 1. do good, 1. > ’ ἀγαθοποιέω, do good, 7. do well, 2. with well doing, 1. for well doing, 1. > A ἀγαθοποιΐα, well doing, 1. ἀγαθοποιός, that doeth well, 1. > ἆγαθος, good, 63. good, 12 (subst.) good thing, 14. goods, 2. benefit, 1. well, 1. — with art., that which is good, 9. the thing which good, 1. deep, 2. ἀγαθοεργέω, greatly rejoice, 1. with exceeding joy, 1. ” ἄγαμος, unmarried, 4, 4 ἀγανακτέω, ave indignation, 2. with indignation, 1. be moved with indig- nation, 1. be much displeased, 2. be sore displeased, 1. ἀγανάκτησις, indignation, 1. ἀγαπάω, to love, 135, beloved, 7. > , α απΉη, ove, 86. charity, 27. feast of charity, 1. dear, 1. with κατά, charitably, 1. * ἀγγέλλω, [for ἁπαγγέλλω, John xx. 18, see Tell. ] ” ἄγγελος, messenger, 7. angel, 181. * ἄγγος, [for ἀγγεῖον, Matt. xiii. 48, see Vessel. ] aye, (imperative of ” ἄγω) ή go to, 2. ἀγέλη erd, 8. ἀγενεαλόγητος, without descent, 1. without pedigree, 1. ἀγενής, ase thing, 1. holy thing, 1. holy place, 3. sanctuary, 3. holy things, 1. holy, 1. — ἅγια, holiest, 1. holiest of all, 1. — ἅγια ἅγιων, Holiest of all, 1. — with πνεῦμα, Holy Ghost, 89, Holy Spirit, 4. — plural, saints, 61. / ἁγιότης, oliness, 1. ἁγιωσύνη, oliness, 3. ἀγκάλαι, arms, 1. ἄγκιστρον, ook, 1. eat De εν τς ee ee a eee ἄ ἀγρό ἀδιαλείπτως ἄθεσμος κυρα aypos a 7 , ' ; Roches, 4. εἰ ΒΝ 8. : without ceasing, wicked, 2. ao , / ἄγναφος H en ἀδιαφθορία, ἀθετέω, , oan a land, 4. uncorruptness, 1. pwede, 2. raw or unwrought, 2. piece of ground, 1. ἁλικέω, cast off, 1 ἁγνεία, ἀγρυπνέω, wrong, 2. reject, 1. 4, do wrong, 8. δ purity, 2. to watch, suffer οὐ 9 (pass, ) bring te nothing, 1, a ise bomajuse. =) | frustrate, 1 Beet, 7. . he be an offender, ς ἀδέτησες, ἄγω injure, 1. ΠΥ". ead, 13. hurt, 10. μας, ο ο” lead away, 1. hi at ἀγνοέω bring, 45. GOLKY AG, ἀθλέω, ow not, 4 bring soca, © a pep ot i x strive, 2. unknown, 2. carry, ο ea = understand not, 3. δ 7 (mid.) ἜΜΕΝ ri. ἄθλησις, be =. 7. keep, 1. ἀδικία, fight, τς οὐ be oot - wrong, 1. * ἀθροίζω, ne A κιλό. bit a Be [for συναθροίζω, Luke a Ὁ a. 9 , unrighteousness, 16. xxiv. 33, see Gather jie inp ? ἀγωγή, iniquity, 6. Ὃ Δ ΤᾺ, — manner of life, 1. χὸ ᾿ F ἄγνοια, τ τ α τος τ ἀθυμέω, ἀγὼν unjust, 8. : - ignorance, 4. 4. nflict, 2. unrighteous, 4. by discouraged, 1 ἆ 5 " 1. / ῶος ayvos, Fear or care, ἀδίκως a A ontention, 1. ’ 3 5 .. εἶ fight, 2. wrongfully, 1. λεν, 2 chaste, 3. a ο. ἀδόκιμος, πα... ἁγνότης LD heel Ai reprolete, 6. 4 Ss Wow 5 ple void of judgment, 2. pureness, 1, cic mp of no | Epo 1 at ate he ἀγωνίζομαι, rejected, 1. Ας. ayvns, 1y,1 tht 3. castaway, 1. ἀΐδιος, sincerely, 1. ht νι ι , sea fervently, 1. ἄδολος, te ayVvaold, strive, i ΡΒ sincere, 1. ο. not knowledge, Ἱ. ΜΑΗ «δρό αἰδώς, aanarence, 1. ΒΡ ΟΊΓαΡΟΣ, αοροτήΣ, shamefacedness, 1. ὁ without charge, 1. abundance, 1. reverence, 1. ἄγνωστος, ᾿δελφή Ἡ unknown, 1. aoe 7, ἀδυνατέω, αἷμα, ἀγορά κκ be impossible, 2. blood, 99. 7 10 λ , market, 6. ade dos, "δύ αἱ ματεκχυσία, ς brother ἀδύνατος, 1. τρέχα place, 4. Ὃ ας (wh) 1359. weak, αἱ ͵ inode of blood, impo ν 1. sia ἀδελφότης, not possible, 1. αἱμορροέω, 4 impossible, 6. diseased with an issue ἀγόράξω, brotherhood, 1. Ρ , f blood, 1 brethren, 1. what...could not do, 1 of blood, 1. νὸς εκῶ 8 (see Law.) " Ομ ἄδηλος, “δ αἴνεσις, ἀνοραῖος | which appears ποῖ,1. | ἄθώ, praise, 1. Ὁ ; ' wuneertain, 1. sing, 5. er sort (ofthe),1. | rae ὦ law, 1 | ἀδηλότης ἀεί ο pte ’ κ court-days, 1 | uncertai ἢ, 1. ever, 1 to praise, 9. ἄγρα, ' ee - pr abe dy 3. αἴνιγμα, with ἐν, draught, 2 ἀδήλως, ἀν Ἐν ΓΕ ἢ : ἁ uncertainly, 1. zap, : ina τὶ ὦ P eagle, 4. γρώμματ νὰ ς ἀδημονέω, ν αἶνος, , be very heavy, 2. ἄξυμος, of 1 praise, 2. i afl. unleavened, 1. ἀγραυλέω, | bear unleavened bread, 8. αἱρέομαι abide in the field, 1. | ἄδης, ορ Φ ΟῚ ἀγρεύω | δν” ἊΝ 7 y Ν ἵ ae ἐξ αἵρεσις, catch, 1 pon τ ἀθανασία, sect, 5. ἀγριέλαιος ο immortality, 3. heresy, 4. πα olive tree L ἀδιάκριτος, θέ sect, 1. sa gee whan ος ο | OGM aoe 1 | alpen γώ ἐν | : νε να saci ἀνὰ abominable, 1. Ὶ Ε choose, 1. αγριος ἀδιαλειπτος, ν ἑ ετικός ἄγρια 2, without ceasing, 1. ἄθεος, | ap ἢ raging, 1 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. continual, 1. without God, 1. that is an heretic, 1. 924 αἴρω, take up, 32. lift up, 4. bear, 3. bear up, 3. carry, 1. take away, 25. bear, 1. away with, 5. put away, 1. remove, 2. take, 25. loose, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ts Se a pe Re ee Ee Lh = a i SL. ne αἰφνίδιος, sudden, 1. unawares, 1. > ΄ αἰχμαλωσία, captivity, 3. multitude of captives, 1. > ’ αἰχμαλωτεύω, lead captive, 2. αἰχμαλωτίζω, lead away captive, 1. ἄκακος, harmless, 1. simple, 1. Μ ἄκανθα, thorns, 14. > ’ ἀκάνθινος, of thorns, 2. ἄκαρπος, unfruitful, 6. without fruit, 1. hearken, 6. give audience, 8, in the audience of, 1, understand, 1. hear, 1. — Passive, be noised, 1. be reported, 1. come to...ears, 1. —— with λόγος, tidings come, 1. — with βαρέως, be dull of hearing, 1. — with ψυχή, bring into captivity, 2. 3 , make to doubt, 1. ee og gre ἀκατάγνωστος, ἀκρασία, hold in suspense, 1. αἰχμάλωτος, that cannot be con- incontinency, 1, ive, l. 7 excess, 1. αἰσθάνομαι, eapeyes ή, ο. 1 : : perceive, 1. αἰών, | ἀκατακάλυπτος, ἄκρατης, ν age, 2. uncovered, 2. incontinent, 1. αἴσθησις, course, 1. : 5 f " judgment, 1. world, 32. ἀκατακριτος, ακρατογν, sense, 1. eternal, 2. uncondemned, 2. without mixture, 1. Ane? — with ἀπό, Ih. Α κο αισύητηριον, since the world began, | ἀκατάλυπτος, ἀκρίβεια, senses, 1. 2. ἃ endless, 1. perfect manner, 1. Ξ , from the beginning of 5 i 5 Σ αἰσχροκερδής, the world, 2. * AKATATAOTOS, ἀκριβής, greedy of filthy lucre,2. | —— with ἐκ, [for ἀκατάπαυστος, 2 most straitest, 1. given to lucre, 1. since the world began,1. Pet. ii. 14, see that | 5 ρ 9 δῷ — with 7 | cannot Cease. | ἀκριβόω, ; αισχροκερόως, for ever, 27. inquire diligently, 2. 9 > ΄ ᾽ for filthy lucre, 1. for ata να, ἀκατάπαυστος, Ἰκριβῶ see that cannot cease, 1. ακριρως, αἰσχρολογία, πας one world stand- ᾿ κ i perfectly, 4. filthy communication, εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ | “ΚατΤαστασιία, perfect, 2. | ᾿ αἰῶνος, ἘΞ ο circumspéctiy, 1 umult, 2. ate αἰσχρός, for grerand ever]. | ο | ἀκρίς ’ . 9 ae forever μή οσα. ολο. ο wietness, 2 locusts, 4. filthy, 1. εἰς τοῦς αἰῶνας τῶν τ. ἜΤΙ 9.59 i ᾿ 2 4 αἰώνων 2 ΄ ἀκροατήηριον αισχροτης, for ever and ever, 19. | ἀκαταστατος, ἐν ἘΞ ΠΣ begin 1 filthiness, ης for evermore, 1. unstable, 1. Ῥ δρ”. 5, τρ -- τὸυ αἰῶνος τῶν αἰώνων, | 9» ΄ ἀκροατής αισχυνη, world without end, ἵν" ακαταάσχετος, ΓΟ ΕΣ μας, a ἢ εἰς πάντας τοὺς αἰῶνας, unruly, 1. Aart shonesty, 1. ever, l. 2 ἀκροβυστία shame, 1. els ἡμέραν αἰῶνος, ἀκέραιος, κ ΠΡ στι. ee > , for ever, 1 simple, 1. = : ee λος”, αἰσχύνομαι, —— with οὐκ εἰς, harmless, 1. — with ἔχω, be ashamed, 5, never, l. harmless, 2. uncircumcised, 1. . — with οὐ μή εἰς, simple, 1. —— with ἐν, αιτεω, never, 6. sincere, 1. uncircumcised, 1. ask, 48 9) 9 ΄ & , crave, if αἰώνιος, ἀκλινής, ' an ee Pree beg, 2. everlasting, 11. without wavering, 1. cine ἢ desire, 17. eternal, 12, 9 , ese call for, 1. for ever, 1. ἀκμάζω, ; ἀκρογωνιᾶιος, require, 2. — with ζωή, be fully ripe, 1. chief corner, 2 » everlasting life, 10. > 5 a αιτημα, life everlasting, 4. ἀκμὴν, ἀκροθίνιον, request, 1. eternal life, 26. yet, 1. spoils, 1 require, 1. life eternal, 4. πώ ον λα petition, 1. —— χρόνοις αἰωνίος, | ἀκοὴ, ἄκρον, og since the world began, hearing, 9. top i αἰτία, Ey asl hearing, 1 (participle). tip, 1. cause, 9. —— πρὸ χρόνων αἰωνίων, which...hear, 1. fi ο case, 1. before the world began, | audience, 1.’ sed set! part, 2. accusation, 3. 2. ears, 4. — an’ ἄκρων ἕως ἄκραν, crime, 1. Tae ; preached, 1. from one end to the fault, 3. ακασαρσίια, of hearing, 1. other, 1 — with δι ἥν, uncleanness, 10, report, 1, > ΄ wherefore, 3, abi preaching, 1. ακύυροω, ay akalapTyns, hearing, 1. make of none effect, 2. αιτιαμα, filthiness, 1. rumour, 1, disannul, 1. int, 1. fame, 3. ή το ἀκάθαρτος, κ ὩΣ ἀκωλύτως, αιτιον, unclean, 28. ἀκολουθέω, no man forbidding, 1. cause, 2. foul, 2. follow, 90. ” fault, 2. “ 4; go with, 1. οσο, t 's will, 1 Ξ ἀκαιρεομαι, reach, 1. against ones will, 1. gare 1 τ ον ἀκούω, ἀλάβαστρον, ἐὰν ο ιό ἀκαίρως, hear, 415. alabaster box, 2 ALTLW LG, SCE αἰτίαμα. out of season, 1. hearer, 2. box, 1. SS nee ee υμυμυ-- SS nnennssbansannnsssroasanansnassasaasnsnasaeeanesnaa=aaeeearae=ent anaes ἀλαζονεία, boasting, 1. pride, 1. ἀλαζών, boaster, 2. ἀλαλάζω, wail, 1. tinkle, 1. ἀλάλητος, which cannot be utter- ed, 1. ἄλαλος, dumb, 3. ἅλας, salt, 8. ἀλείφω, anoint, 9. ἀλεκτοροφωνία, cock-crowing, 1. ἀλέκτωρ, cock, 12. ἄλευρον, meal, 2. ἀλήθεια, truth, 107. verity, 1. — Genitive, true, 1. of truth, 1. — with ἐπί, truly, 1. of a truth, 1. — witheév, truly, 2. ἀληθεύω, tell the truth, 1. speak the truth, 1, ἁληθής, true, 23. truth, 1. truly, 1. ἀληθινός, true, 27. ἀλήθω, grind, 2. ἀληθῶς, truly, 2. in truth, 1. of a truth, 6, verily, 1. very, 1. surely, 3. of a surety, 1. indeed, 6. ἀλιεύς, fisher, 4. fisherman, 1. ἀλιεύω, a fishing, 1. ἀλίζω, to salt, 3. ἀλίσγημα, pollution, 1. ἀλλά, but, 572. save, 2. 925 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ον. ἀλλόφυλος, ἄμαχος, ο παπα 10. one of another nation, not a brawler, 1. notwithstanding, 1. , a3 brawler, 1. ΜΝ > res ἴω ἄλλως, ἁμάω, indeed, 1 otherwise, 1. reap down, 1. wey alae 1. ἀλοάω, ἀμέθυστος, therefore, 3. ! . ΄ | —— with καί, moreover, 1. also, 1. — with γέ, and, 1. — with οὐδέ, not so much as, 1. neither, 1. — with ἡ, than, 1. ἀλλάσσω, change, 6. ἀλλαχόθεν, some other way, 1. * ἀλλαχοῦ, [add, after ἄγωμεν, Ματ]ς i. 38, ‘‘let us go else- where,” T Tr A ἐς. ἀλληγορέω (pass.), be an allegory, 1. ἀλληλούία, alleluia, 4. ἀλλήλων, one another, 76. themselves, 1. one the other, 3. each other, 2. yourselves, 3. yourselves together, 1. themselves, 12. — with ἐν, mutual, 1. — with μετά, together, 1. — with πρός, together, 1. ἀλλογενής, stranger, 1. ἄλλομαι, leap, 2. spring up, 1, other, 74. another, 56. otherwise, 1. another man’s, 1, other man, 4. other things, 3. more, 1. some, 9. —— ἄλλος τις, another, 1. — ἄλλος,. ἄλλος, one...another, 4. —— ἄλλοι ἄλλο τι, some one thing, some another, 2. ο yy See ee ee Se = ἀλλοτριοεπίσκοπος, busybody in other | men’s matters, 1. ἀλλότριος, another man’s, 6. of others, 1. . stranger, 4. strange, 2. alien, 1. | tread out the corn, 2. thresh, 1. ἄλογος, unreasonable, 1. brute, 2. ἀλόη, aloes, 1. aXs, Salt, 1 (subst.) ἁλυκός, salt, 1 (adj.) ἄλυπος, less sorrowful, 1. a ἅλυσις, chain, 10, bonds, 1. chain, 1. ἀλυσιτελής, unprofitable, 1. ἄλφα, see A. ἅλων, floor, 2. ἀλώπηξ, fox, 3. ἅλωσις, with εἰς, to be taken, 1. ἅμα, together, 3. withal, 3. with, 1. and, 1. — with και, also, 1. — with πρωί, early in the moraing 1 ἀμαθής, unlearned, 1. ἀμαράντινος, that fadeth not away,1. ἀμάραντος, ὑπ fadeth not away. ἁμαρτάνω, to sin, 39. to trespass, 3. offend, 1. for your faults, 1. « ή ἁμάρτημα, sin, 4, ἁμαρτία, sin, 71. sinful, 1. offence, 1, ἀμάρτυρος, without witness, 1. ε , ἁμαρτωλός, sinner, 43. sinful, 4. amethyst, 1. > / ἀμελέω, regard not, 1. negligent, 1. neglect, 2. make light of, 1. ἄμεμπτος, blameless, 3. unblameable, 1. faultless, 1. ᾿ἀμέμπτως, unblameably, 1. blameless, 1. ἀμέριμνος, without carefuiness, 1. — with ποιέω, to secure, 1. ἀμετακίνητος, unmoveable, 1. ἀμεταμέλητος, without repentance, 1. not to be repented of, 1. ἀμετανόητος, impenitent, 1. apetpos,witharticle, things without mea- sure, 2. > ιά αμην, verily, 100. amen, 50. ἀμήτωρ, without mother, 1. ἀμίαντος, undefiled, 4. ἄμμος, sand, 5. ἀμνός, lamb, 4. ἀμοιβή, with ἁποδί- ὅωμε, requite, 1, ἄμπελος, vine, 9. ἀμπελουργός, ᾿ dresser of one’s vine- yard, 1. ἀμπελών, vineyard, 23. ἀμύνομαι, defend, 1. * ἀμφιάζω, [for ἀμφιέννυμι, Luke xii, 28, see Clothe. ] * ἀμφιβάλλω, [for βάλλω, Mark i. 16, see Cast. } 926 ἀμφίβληστρον, net, 2. 3 , ἀμφιέννυμι, clothe, 4. »” ἄμφοδον, place where two ways meet, 1. 3 / ἀμφότεροι, both, 14, ἀμώμητος, without rebuke, 1 blameless, 1 ” * ἅμωμον, [add after κινάμωμον, cinnamon, Rev. xVili. 13, ‘‘and amomum,”’ G τ TTrAn.] ΕἿΣ αμωμος, without blemish, 2. without spot, 1. without fault, 1. without fault, 1. faultless, 1. without blame, 1. unblameable, 1. ἄν, [not apparent in tians- lation, used gen. in the apodosis of conditional sentences. | 5 , ava, — with μέρος, by course, 1. — with μέσον, through the midst, 1. in the midst, 1. among, 1. between, 1. — used distributively, apiece, 2. each, 1. every man, 2. ἀνὰ εἰς ἔκαστος, every, several, 1. — ἀνὰ δύο, two and two, 1. ἀνὰ πεντήκοντα, by fifties, 2. ἀνὰ ἑκατόν. by hundreds, 1. rise up, 2. come up, 10. come up again, 1. ascend, 10. ascend up, 8. climb up, 2. grow up, 2. spring up, 2. enter, 1. come, 2. — with ἐπὶ, go upon, 1. ἀναβάλλομαι, defer, 1. ο, drav7, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ἀναβλέπω, look up, 9. look, 1. see, iB receive sight, 15. ἀνάβλεψις, recovering of sight, 1. > 3 ἀναβοάω, ery aloud, 1. ery out, 1 Cry; Ls ἀναβολή, delay, 1. Bh ΟΕ ννα ἄναγειον, 866 ἄνω- γεον. ἀναγγέλλω, tell, 6. rehearse, 1. report, 1. declare, 3. show, 4. speak of, 1. ἀναγεννάω, beget again, 1. —— passive, be born again, 1. ἀναγινώσκω, read, 33. > / ἀναγκάζω, compel, 5. constrain, 4, ἀναγκαῖος, necessary, 5. of πο 1, needful, near, 1. ἀναγκαστῶς, by constraint, 1, ἀναγκή, necessity, 7. must of necessity, 1 necessary, 1. distress, 3. necessity, 1. — with ἐστίν, it must needs be, 1 — with ἔχω, must needs, 1. must of necessity, 1. to need, 1 be ede 1. ἀναγκή ὑποτάσσεσθαι ἦ ας i needs be subject, ἀναγνωρίζομαι, be made known, 1. ἀνάγνωσις, reading, 3. ἀνάγω, lead up, 1. bring again, 1. bring up again, 1. bring forth, 1. take up, 1. lead, 1. bring, 3. offer, 1. mid, or pass, launch forth, 1, launch, 3. set forth, 1. depart, 3. loose, 3. sail, 3 5 / ἀναδείκνυμι, show, 1. appoint, 1. ἀνάδειξις, showing, 1. 5 / ἀναδέ χομαι, receive, 2. ἀναδίδωμι, deliver, 1. τς ’ ἀναζάω, live again, 1. be alive again, 2. revive, 2. 3 ἀναζητέω, seek, 2, ἀναζώννυμι, gird up, 1 (mid.) > ΄ ἀναζωπυρέω, stir up, 1. ἀναθάλλω, flourish again, 1. be revived, 1. “ ’ ἀνάθεμα, accursed, 4, separated, 1. anathema, 2. anathema, 1. — with ἀναθεματίζω, bind under ἃ great | curse, 1. 5 / ἀναθεματίζω, . to curse, 1. bind under a curse, 1. bind with an oath, 1. bind with an oath of exe- cration, 1. — with ἀνάθεμα, bind under ἃ great curse, 1 ἀναθεωρέω, behold, 1. consider, 1. ἀνάθημα, gift, 1 > /' ἀναίδεια, importunity, 1. ἀναίρεσις, death, 2. ἀναιρέω, take up, 1. take away, 1. put to death, 2. slay, 8. kill, 11. > ’ GAVQALTLOS, guiltless, 1. blameless, 1. ἀνακαθίζω, sit up, 2. > / ἀνακαινίζω, renew, l. / ἀνακαινόω, renew, 2. ’ὔ ἀνακαίνωσις, renewing, 2. ἀνακαλύπτω (pass.), open, 1. — with μή, untaken away, ἀνακάμπτω, to return, 3. turn again, 1. ἀνάκειμαι, 116,1. lean, 1. sit down, 1. be set down, 1. sit, 2. sit at meat, 5. sit together, 1. at the table, 1. guest, 1. 5 / ἀνακεφαλαιόομαι, be briefly comprehend- ed, 1, — middle, eather together in one, > / ἀνακλίνω, make sit down, 3. lay, 1. — middle, sit down, 4. ἀνακόπτω, hinder, 1. drive back, 1. > / ἀνακράζω, ery out, 5. ἀνακρίνω, examine, 6. search, 1. ask question, 2. discern, 1. judge, 6. discern, 1. ἀνάκρισις, examination, 1. * ἀνακυλίω, (for ἀποκυλίω, Mark xvi. 4, see Roll away. ] ἀνακύπτω, lift up one’s self, 3. look up, 1. ἀναλαμβάνω, take up, 4 receive up, 3. take, 3. take unto, 1. take in, 2. ἀνάληψις, that...should ceived up, ] be re- > ’ ἀναλίσκω, consume, 3. ἀναλογία, proportion, 1. ἀναλογικομαῖς consider, 1 ’ dvados,with γίνομαι, lose saltness, 1. > ’ ἀνάλυσις, departure, 1, > ’ ἀναλύω, return, 1. depart, 1. Deere eee ἀναμάρτητος, without sin, 1. ἀναμένω, wait for, 1. . / ἀναμιμνήσκω, bring into brance, 1. put in remembrance, 1. call to remembrance, 1. call to mind, 1. remember, 1. remem- ἀνάμνησις, remembrance, 8. remembrance again, 1. ἀνανεόομαι, be renewed, 1. > ΄ ἀνανήφω, recover one’s self, 1. awake, 1. ἀναντίρρητος, with εἰμί, cannot be against, 1. ἀναντιρρήτως, without gainsaying, 1. spoken > ) ἀνάξιος, unworthy, 1. > , ἀναξίως, unworthily, 2. ἀνάπαυσις, rest, 4. — with ἔχω, to rest, 1. have rest, 1. ἀνάπαύω, give rest, 1. refresh, 4, — middle, take rest, 2. rest, 4. take ease, 1. ἀναπείθω, pereuade, ]. . δὲ ἀνάπειρος, 866 ava- πηρος. ἀναπέμπω, send again, 2. send, 2. * ἀναπηδάω, [for ἀνίστημι, Mark x. 50, see Rise. } ἀνάπηρος, maimed, 2. ἀναπίπτω, sit down, 7. sit down to meat, 2 be set down, 1. lean, 1. > ,ὕ ἀναπληρόω, fill up, 1. fulfil, 2. supply, 2. occupy, l. ἀναπολόγητος, without excuse, 1. inexcusable, L INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ἀναπτύσσω, open, 1. ἀνάπτω, kindle, 3. > 4 ἀναρίθμητος, innumerable, 1. ἀνασείω, stir up, 1. move, 1, 3 / ἀνασκευάζω, subvert, 1. ἀνασπάω, draw up, 1. pull out, 1. ἀνάστασις, resurrection, 39. rising again, 1 —— with ἐκ, raised to life again, 1. —— πρῶτος ἐξ ἀναστάσεως, the first that should rise, 1. ἀναστατόω, turn upside down, 1. make an uproar, 1. trouble, 1. ἀνασταυρόω, erucify afresh, 1. ἀναστενάζω, sigh deeply, 1. > ΄ ἀναστρέφω, overthrow, 1. return, 2. —— pass. or nvid., be used, 1. have one’s conversa- tion, 2. behave one’s self, 1. live, 2. abide, 1. pass, 1. 3 , ἀναστροφὴή, conversation, 13, ἀνατάσσομαι, set forth in order, 1. spring up, 1. spring, 1. > ’ ἀνατίθεμαι, declare, 1. communicate, 1. > , ἀνατολή, dayspring, 1. sun-rising or branch, 1. east, 7. — with ἡλίου, east, 2, ἀνατρέπω, overthrow, 1. subvert, 1. ἀνατρέφω, nourish up, 1. nourish, 1. bring up, 1. > / ἀναφαίνομαι, appear, 1, discover, 1. ἀναφέρω, carry up, 1. bring up, 1. up, 1. > ή ἀναφωνέω, speak out, 1. ’ ἀνάχυσις, excess, l. ἀναχωρέω, give place, 1. withdraw one’s self, 2. depart, 8. go aside, 2. turn aside, 1. ἀνάψυξις, refreshing, 1. > , ἀναψύχω, refresh, 1. 3 , ἀνδραποδιστής, menstealer, 1. > ’ ἀνδρίζομαι, quit you like men, 1 (avdpiceade.) ἀνδροφόνος, manslayer, 1. ἀνέγκλητος, unreprovable, 1, blameless, 4. ἀνεκδιήγητος, unspeakable, 1. > / ἀνεκλάλητος, unspeakable, 1. ἀνέκλειπτος, that faileth not, 1. ἀνεκτός, tolerable, 6. ἀνελεήμων, unmerciful, 1. ἀνέλεος, see ἀνίλεως. ἀνεμίζομαι, be driven with the wind, 1. ἄνεμος, wind, 31. ea, ἀνένδεκτος, impossible, 1. ἀνεξερεύνητος, unsearchable, 1. > , ἀνεξίκσκος, patient, 1. Jorbearing, 1. ἀνεξιχνίαστος, unsearchable, 1. past finding out, 1. > , ανέπαισ that ne ashamed, 1. ντος, eth not to be ἀνεπίληπτος, unrebukable, 1. blameless, 2. ἀνέρχομαι, go up, 8. return, 1. ἄνεσις, rest, 3. liberty, 1. be eased, 1. > , averalw, examine, 5, torture, 1. ἄνευ, without, 3. ἀνεύθετος, not commodious, 1, ἀνευρίσκω, find, 2. , ἀνέχομαι, forbear, 2, bear with, 4. suffer, 7. endure, 2, > / ἀνεψιὸς, sister’s son, 1. be fit, 1. be convenient, 2. ἄνημερος, fierce, 1. ΕἸ ΄ ΕΊΣ man, 156. husband, 50. sir, 6. fellow, ie —— ἀνὴρ προφήτης, a prophet, 1. —— ἀνήρ φονεύς, a murderer, 1. ἀνθίστημι, resist, 9. withstand, 5. > / ἀνθομολογέομαι, give thanks, 1. » ἄνθος, flower, 4. ἀνθρακιά, fire of coals, 2. ἄνθραξ, coal, 1. ἀνθρωπάρεσκος, menpleasers, 2. > ’ ἀνθρώπινος, man’s, 3. of man, 1. after the manner of men, 1, common to man, 1. moderate, 1. — with φύσις, mankind, 1. nature, 1. ἀνθρωποκτόνος, murderer, 3. 928 34 ἄνθρωπος, man, 457. with υἱός, Son of man, 88, ἄνθρωπος βασιλεύς, a certain king, 2. ἄνθρωπος εὐγενής, nobleman, 1. ἐχθρὸς ἄνθρωπος, an enemy, 1. ἄνθρωπος οἰκοδεσπό- τῆς, a certain householder, il —— οἱ ἄνθρωποι οἱ ποιμέ- γης, the shepherds, 1. ἄνθρωποι, Ῥωμαῖοι, Romans, 1 κατὰ ἄνθρωπον, aiter man, 1. after the manner of men, 2. as a man, 2. as men, 1. according to man, 2. 3 , ἀνθυπατεύω, be deputy, 1. > , ἀνθύπατος, deputy, 4. / ἀνίημι, to loose, 2. leave, 1. forbear, 1. moderate, 1. > 7 ἀγίλεως, without mercy, 1. ἄνιπτος, unwashed, 3. > ΄ ἀνιστημι, raise, 1. raise up, 11. raise up again, 2, lift up, 1. stand up, 8. stand upright, 1. rise, 19. rising, 1. rise up, 15, rise again, 13. arise, 38. arise up, 1. ἀνόητος, unwise, 1. foolish, 4. fool, 1. ἄνοια, folly, 1. madness, 1, yy ἀνοίγω, to open, 70. open, 6. > / ἀνοικοδομέω, build again, 2. ἄνοιξις, with ἐν, that...may open, 1. , ἀνομία, transgression law, 1 iniquity, 12. unrighteousness, 1. — with ποιέω, transgress the law, 1. of the INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ἄνομος, without law, 4. unlawful, 1. lawless, 1. transgressor, 2. wicked, 2. ἀνόμως, without law, 2. 5 ’ ἀνορθόω, make straight, 1. set up, 1. lift up, 1. ἀνόσιος, unholy, 2. ἀνοχή, forbearance, 2. ἀνταγωνίζομαι, strive against, 1. /, ἀντάλλαγμα, in exchange, 2. ἀνταναπληρόω, fill up, 1. Ξ ἀγταποδίδωμι, repay, 1. recompense, 4. recompense again, 1. render, 1. 3 / ἀνταπόδομα, recompense, 2. > 4 ἀνταπόδοσις, reward, 1. ἀνταποκρίνομαι, answer again, 1. reply against, 1. answer again or dispute with, 1. ἀντεῖπον, say against, 1. gainsay, 1. / ἀντέχομαι, hold to, 2. hold fast, 1. support, 1. 5» ΄ αντι, in the room of, 1. for, 14. ἀντὶ τούτου, for this cause, 1. — ἀνθ᾽ ὧν, because, 4. therefore, 1. ἀντὶ τοῦ λέγειν, τον that...cught to say, ἀντιβάλλω, have, 1. > / ἀντιδιατίθεμαι, oppose one’s self, 1. > / ἀντίδικος, adversary, 5. > / ἀντίθεσις, opposition, 1. ’ ἀντικαθίστημι, resist, 1. > , ἀντικαλέω, bid again, 1. ἀντίκειμαι, be contrary, 2. oppose, 1. adversary, 5. 4 ἀντικρύ, over against, 1. > » ἀντιλαμβάνομαι, to support, 1. help, 1 partaker, 1. > / ἀντιλέγω, speak against, 5. gainsay, 1. gainsayer, 1. answer again, 1, gainsay, 1. contradict, 1. — with μή, deny, 1. ἀντίληψις, help, 1. > / ἀντιλογία, gainsaying, 1. contradiction, 2. strife, 1. ἀντιλοιδορέω, revile again, 1. > δ, ἀντίλυτρον, ransom, 1. ἄντιμετρεω, measure again, 2. > 4 ἀντιμισθία, recompense, 2. ἀντιπαρέρχομαι, pass by on the other side, 2. > / ἀντιπέραν, over against, 1. 4 ἀντιπίπτω, resist, 1. ἀντιστρατεύομαι, war against, 1. ἀντιτάσσομαι, oppose one’s self, 1. resist, 4. ἀντίτυπον, like figure, 1. figure, 1. ἀντίχριστος, antichrist, 5, ἀντλέω, draw out, 1. draw, 3. ἄντλημα, with οὔτε, nothing to draw with, 1. ἀντοφθαλμέω, bear up into, 1. | ἄννδρος, without water, 2. dry, 2. ἀνυπόκριτος, without hypocrisy, «. without dissimulation, 1 unfeigned, 4, τπ-------------------------ο'''''ὙὙὙ'' ἀνυπότακτος, thatis not put under, 1. disobedient, 1. unruly, 1. » ανω, up, 2. above, 5. high, 1. — with ἕως, up to the brim, 1. ’ ἀνώγεον, upper room, 2. ” ἄνωθεν, from above, 5. from the beginning, 1. from the very first, 1. again, 1. from above, 1. — ἀπὸ ἄνωθεν, from the top, 2. ἐκ τῶν ἄνωθεν, from the top, 1. —— πάλιν ἄνωθεν, again, 1. ἀνωτερικός, upper, 1. ἀνώτερον, higher, 1. above, 1. ἀνωφελής, unprofitable, 1. — with art., unprofitableness, 1. ἄξινη, axe, 2. ΜᾺ αξιος, worthy, 35. meet, 1. meet, 4. answerable, 1. — neut. pl., due reward, 1. — with οὐ, unworthy, 1. ἀξιόω, count worthy, 3. wouchsafe, 1. think worthy think good, 1. desire, 1. 2¢ / αξιως, as becometh, 2. worthy, 3. — ἀξίως τοῦ θεοῦ, after a godly sort, 1, / ἀόρατος, invisible, 4. τὰ ἀόρατα, the invisible things, 1, ἀπαγγέλλω, bring word, 1. bring word again, 1. report, 2. tell, 26. declare, 3. show, 10. show again, 1. > ’ὔ ἀπάγχομαι, hang one’s self, 1. 4 ἀπάγω, 1 away, 10. lead, 2. take away, 1. put to death, 1. carry away, l. bring, 1 ἀπαίδευτος, unlearned, 1 ἀπαίρω, take away, 2 take, 1. ἊΣ ἀπαιτέω, be required, 1. do they require, 1. ask again, 1. ἀπαλγέω, be past feeling, 1. ἀπαλλάσσω, deliver, 2. depart, 1 (mid.) ἀπολλοτριόομαι, alienated, 1. — with εἰμί be alienated, ας be an alien, 1 > , ἀπαλύός, tender, 2. ἀπαντάω, to meet, 7. ἀπάντησις, with εἰς, to meet, 4. a Εξ απας, once, 15. ἀπαράβατος, unchangeable, 1. not passing from one to another, 1. ἀπαρασκεύαστος, unprepared, 1. ἀπαρνέομαι, deny, 12. — with μή, deny, 1. ἀπάρτι, from henceforth, 1. > ΄ 5 > draptic.0s,with εἰς, to finish, 1 ἀπαρχή, first fruit, 1, first fruits, 7. ἅπας, every man, 1. every one, 1. all, 4 whole, 3 ----- ἜΝ all, 3 all nites, 4. * ἀπασπάζομαι, Lfor ἀσπάζομαι, Acts ee ee xxi. 6, see Take leave | οὗ] ἀπατάω, deceive, 4. MMM INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ἀπατη, deceit, 1. deceiving, 1. deceitfulness, 3. deceitful, 1. deceivableness, 1. ἀπάτωρ, without father, 1, ἀπαύγασμα, brightness, 1. 3 ι ἀπείθεια, unbelief, 4, disobedience, 1. disobedience, 3. unbelief, 1 > , ἀπειθέω, believe not, 8. obey not, 1, be disobedient, 2. unbelieving, 1. obey not, 3. be disobedient, 3. disobedient, 1. ἀπειθής, disobedient, 0, > , ἀπειλέω, threaten, 2. ἀπειλή, threatening, 3. straitly, 1 ἄπειμι, be absent, 6. absent, 1. ἄπειμι, go, 1. ἀπεῖπον, renounce, 1. > / Ν ἀπείραστος, with εἰμί, can not be tempted, 1. ἄπειρος, unskilfal, 1. having no experience, 1. ἀπεκδέχομαι, wait for, 5 look for, 2. > ’ ἀπεκδύομαι, put off, 1. spoil, 1. ἀπέκδυσις, putting off, 1. > ΄ ἀπελαύνω, drive, 1. > ἀπελεγμός, with εἰς, at naught, 1. ἀπελεύθερος, freeman, τ made free, 1 ἀπελπίζω, hope for again, 1. ἀπέναντι, over against, 2. before, 2. in the presence of, 1, contrary to, 1. ἀπέραντος, endless, 1. ἀπερισπάστως, without distraction, 1. ἀπερίτμητος, uncircumcised, 1. ἀπέρχομαι, go away, 14. go one’s way, 16. Ὁ, 54. epart, 27. go aside, 1, go out, 1. pass away, 1. pass, 1 come, 4, ἀπέχω, have, 4. have received, 1. receive, 2, be, 5. — impers., it is enough, 1, — middle, abstain, 6. ἀπιστέω, believe not, 7. ἀπιστία, unbelief, 19, ἄπιστος, unbelieving, 5. that believeth not, 6. which believeth not, 1. unbeliever, 4. faithless, 4. infidel, 2. thing incredible, 1. c / ἁπλόος, single, 2. ἁπλότης, singleness, 2 simplicity, 3. liberally, 1 oe ἐν), liberality, 1. . liberal, 1. bountifulness, srs ε x ἁπλῶς, liberally, 1 > ’ απο, from, 370. of, 128. Jrom, 1. from among, 1. they of, 1. out of, 47. because of, 1. — ad’ ἧς, since the time, 1. since, 2, that, 1. ΄ ἀποβαίνω, go out, 1. turn, 2. come, 1. ἀποβάλλω, cast away, 2. ἀποβλέπω, have respect, 1. ἀπόβλητος, to be refused, 1. ἀποβολή, casting away, 1. loss, 1. > ,ὕ ἀπογίνομαι, be dead, 1. ἀπογραφή, taxing, 2. ἀπογράφω, ( pass.) be written, 1. enrolled, 1. be taxed, 3. be enrolled, 1. ἀποδείκνυμι, show, 1. set forth, 1. prove, 1. approve, 1. > ΄ - ἀπόδειξ τς, demonstration, 1. ἀποδεκατόω, pay tithe, 1. give tithes, 1. tithe, 1 take tithes, 1. > / ἀπόδεκτος, acceptable, 2. ἀποδέχομαι, be received, 1. — middle, gladly receiv ϱ, 2. receive, 2. accept, 1. ἀποδημέω, go into afar country, 3. travel into a far coun- try, : take one’s journey, 2. ἀπόδημος, taking a far journey, 1. a ἀποδίδωμι, give, 9. ΓΒΕ again, 1, eliver, 1. deliver again, 1. sell, 3. pay, 9. payment be made, 1 repay, 1. recompense, 1. ΤΟΥ . 6. restore, 1. render, 9. yield, 2. perform, 1. with ὁμοιβάς, requite, 1, ἀποδιορίζω, to separate, 1. ἀποδοκιμάζω, disallow, 2. reject, 7. ἀποδοχή, acceptation, 2. > / ἀπόθεσις, putting away, 1. — with ἐστί, must put off, 1. 3 , ἀποθήκη, garner, 2. > 5 / ἀποθησαυρίζω 6 lay up in store, 1. 3 ’ ἀποθνήσκω, die, 76. be a dying, 1. lie a dying, 1. be dead, 27. dead, 1. perish, 1. — with μέλλω, be at the point of death, 1. — with φόνῳ, be slain, 1. μετὰ τὸ ἀποθανειν, when...was dead, 1. ἀποκαθιστάνω, restore again, 1. ἀποκαθίστημι, restore, 7. > , ἀποκαλύπτω, reveal, 26. ἀποκάλυψις, revelation, 12. manifestation, 1. appearing, 1. coming, 1. revelation, 1. — with εἰς, to enlighten, 1. — with ἐν, when...shall be vealed, 2. re- , ἀποκαραδοκία, earnest expectation, 2, ἀποκαταλλάττω, reconcile, 3. ἀποκατάστασις, restitution, 1. ἀπόκειμει, be laid up, 3. be appointed, 1. ἀποκεφαλίζω, behead, 4. > ΄ ἀποκλείω, shut, 1. , ἀποκόπτω, cut off, 6. , ἀπόκριμα, sentence, 1, answer, 1. > ’ ἀποκρίνομαι, to answer, 250, ’ ἀπόκρισις, auswer, 4. ἀποκρύπτω, hide, 6, | INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH, ποῦν συν νν.»..."..».5.».-"».55555 ἀπόκρυφος, hid, 2. kept secret, 1. ’ ἀποκτείνω, kill, 55. slay, 14. put to death, 5. θέλων...ἀποκτειναι, when he would have death, 1. ἀποκυέω, bring forth, 1. beget, 1. 3 , ἀποκυλίω, roll away, 3. roll back, 1. ἀπολαμβάνω, receive, 10. | receive again, 1. take, 1. ἀπόλαυσις, with εἰς, to enjoy, 1. — with ἔχω, enjoy the pleasure, 1. 3 7 ἀπολείπω, to leave, 3. remain, 3 (pass.) > lA ἀπολείχω, lick, 1. ἀπόλλυμι, destroy, 23. lose, 28. — mid., be destroyed, 3. be marred, 1. ἀπολλύων, Apollyon, 1. destroyer, 1. 3 / ἀπολογέομαι, speak for one’s self, 1. answer for one’s self, 3. answer, 3. excuse one’s self, 1. excuse, 1. make defence, 1. 3 / ἀπολογία, answer for one’s self, 1. answer, 1. clearing of one’s self, 1. defence, 3. > , ἀπολούω, wash away, 1. wash, 1. > , | ἀπολύτρωσις, redemption, 9. deliverance, 1. ἀπολύω, loose, 2, release, 17. forgive, 2. let go, 13. let depart, 2. set at liberty, 2. send away, 13. dismiss, 2. ut away, 14. Ίνοτοθν 1. — middle, depart, 1. ἀπομάσσομαι, wipe off, 1. / ἀπονέμω, give, 1. ἀπονίπτομαι, wash, 1. ἀποπίπτω, fall from, 1. s / ἀποπλανάω, seduce, 1. | —— passive, err, 1. be seduced, 1. > / ἀποπλέω, to sail, 4. 5 ἀποπλύνω, wash, 1. ’ | ἀποπνίγω, choke, 3. ἀπορέομαι, be perplexed, 1. stand in doubt, 1. be perplexed, 1. doubt, 2. be doubtful, 1. ἀπορία, perplexity, 1. ,ὔ ἀπορρίπτω, cast one’s self, 1. 5 / ἀπορφανίζομαι, be taken from, 1. ἀποσκευάζομαι, take up one’scarriage,1, ἀποσκίασμα, shadow, 1. ἀποσπάω, draw away, 1. withdraw, 1. draw, 1. —— passive, be gotten from, 1. / ἀποστασία, falling away, 1. — with ἀπό, to forsake, 1. ἀποστάσιον, divorcement, 2. writing of divorcement, 1. > / ἀποστεγάζω, uncover, 1. / ἀποστέλλω, send away, 3. send forth, 15. send out, 2. send, 111. put in, 1. set, 1]. ἀποστερέω, defraud, 4. keep back by fraud, 1. — passive, destitute, 1. > / ἀποστολή, apostleship, 4 ἀπόστολος, he that is sent, 1. messenger, 2. apostle, 78. ἀποστοματίζω, provoke to speak, 1. > / ἀποστρέφω, turn away, 3, pervert, 1. Fy up again, 1. ring again, 1. — mid. and pass. aor, turn away from, 4, ἀποστυγέω, abhor, 1. 5 ᾿. . ἀποσυνάγωγος, with ποιέω, put out of the syna. gogue, 1 γίνομαι, be put out of the syna- gogue, 2. ἀποτάσσομαι, take leave of, 2. bid farewell, 2. forsake, 1. send away, 1. 3 , ἀποτελέω, finish, 1. 5 id ἀποτίθεμαι, put off, 2. put away, 1. cast off, 1. lay aside, 2. lay apart, 1. lay down, 1. ἀποτινάσσω, shake off, 2. ἀποτίω, repay, 1. ᾿ / ἀποτολμάι, be very bold, 1, 4 ἀποτομία, severity, 2. ἀποτόμως, sharply, 1. sharpness, 1. ἀποτρέπομαι, turn away, 1. ἀπουσία, absence, 1. 5 / ἀποφέρω, carry away, 3. carry, 1. bring, 1. ἀποφεύγω, to escape, 3. ἀποφθέγγομαι, speak forth, 1. utterance, 1. say, 1 ἀποφορτίζομαι, unlade, 1. ἀπόχρησις, using, 1. ἀποχωρέω, depart, 3. ἀποχωρίζομαι, depart, 1. depart asunder, 1. ἀποψύχω, with ἀν- θρώπων, men’s hearts failing them, 1. ἀπρόσιτος, INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. dpa, (unterrogative) therefore, 1. — with εὑρίσκω, Luke xviii. 8. — dpayé with γινώσκω, Acts viii. 90, ἀραβών, see ἀρρα- βών. which no man can ἄραφος,ϑοδἄρραφος. approach unto, 1. > ΄ ἀργέω, ἀπρόσκοτος, linger, 1 without offence, 1. void of offence, 1. ἀρ ός, — with γίνομαι, idle, 6. give none offence, 1. slow, 1. barren, 1. ἀπροσωπολήπτως, |, , without respect of per- @pyuplov, sons, l. ] με δαὶ 3. i A) ver piece, 1. ἄπταιστος, with φυ- piece of silver, 5 λάσσω, | money, 11. keep from falling,1. | ἀρ υροκόπος, ἅπτω, | silversmith, 1. kindle, 1. ” light, 3. ἄργυρος, : silver, 5. — mid, J ¥ touch, 35. ἀργυροῦς, ἀπωθέομαι, pe Ae 2. thrast from, 1. silver, 1. rust away, l. ΒΕ, put from, 1. oF -.. put away, a pleasing, 1. cast away, 2 ἀρέσκω, ἀπώλεια, please, 17. πας > ἀρεστός, with art. waste, 2." those things that are rnicious way, 1. pleasing, 1. civious way, 1 | those things that damnation, 1. please, 1. damnable, 1. reason, 1. — with εἰς, — with εἰμι, to die, 1. please, 1. —— with εἰμί eis, ἀρετή ; > ea virtue, 4. dpa, praise, 1. cursing, 1 virtue, 1. Μ ἴ | > , apa, αρην. Ot then, 12. lamb, 1 (gen. ἀρνός). so then, 2. > , therefore, 4. | ἀριθμέω, wherefore, 1. | to number, 3. no doubt, 1. ΤΥ , truly, 1. | αριῦμος, ; dpaye, a number, 18. . ἜΡΈΣΤΟΝ ᾽ wherefore, p dine, 3 —— apa οὗν, so then, 4. ἀριστερός now therefore, ha Nett, μὴ ς therefore, 7. on the left, 1. —— ἐπεὶ ἄρα, Ἂ for then, l. σριστον, else, 1. | dinner, 3. πὰ δι ᾱ > , if haply, 1. | άρκετος, if perhaps, 1. | enough, 1. — εἰ ἄραγε, if haply, 1. —— εἴπερ dpa, if so be, 1. — τίς dpa, what manner of man, 2. what manner of, 1. MMM* sufficient, 1. suffice, 1 (with εἰμί, un- derstood. ) ἀρκέω, | be enough, 1, suffice. 1. | be sufficient, 2. — middle, be content, 3. content, 2: ισα bear, 1. ἅρμα, chariot, 4. ἁρμόζομαι, espouse, 1. ἁρμός, joint, 1. ἀρνέομαι, deny, 28. refuse, 2. 3 ΄ ἄρνιον, lamb, 1. Lamb, 29 (said of Clurist in Rev.) > / > ἊΣ apvos, 866 ἀρὴν. ἀροτριάω, to plow, 2. ἄροτρον, plow, 1. ε ’ ἁρπαγή, spoiling, 1. ravening, 1. extortion, 1. ή ΄ αρπαγµος, robbery, 1. e , ἁρπάζω, take by force, 3. catch away, 2. catch, 1 catch up, 4 pluck, 2. pull, 1 αφ ἅρπαξ, ravening, 1. extortioner, 4. ἀρραβών. earnest, 8, ἄρραφος, without seam, 1. appyy, man, 2. man child, 1. ἄρρητος, | unspeakable, 1. ἄρρωστος, sick, 2. that is sick, 1. sickly, 1. sick folk, 1 (pl.) ἀρσενοκοίτης, abuser of one’s self with mankind, 1. that defileth one’s self with mankind, 1. ἄρσην, male, 4. man, 2. ἀρτέμων, mainsail, 1. ἄρτι, even now, 1. now, 20. — with ἀπό, henceforth, 2. from henceforth, hereafter, 2. now, 1. Jrom henceforth, 1. — with ἕως, until now, 2. even until now, 1. hitherto, 2. --- ἄχρι τῆς ἄρτι ὥρας, even ae this present hour, 1. ἀρτιγέννητοῦ, new-born, 1. ἄρτιος, perfect, 1. ἄρτος, bread, 72. loaf, 23. —— ἄρτοι τῆς προθέσεως show-bread, 3 ᾿ —— πρόθεσις τῶν ἄρτων, show-bread, 1, ἀρτύω, to season, 3. ἀρχάγγελος, pl μοῖρ ἀρχαῖος, of τ time, 2. old, 6 τοσα with πα old things, 1 — ἀφ᾽ ἡμερῶν Pi ας a good while ago, 1 ἐκ γενεῶν ἀρχαίων, of old time, 1. τ , αρχη, beginning, 40. first, 1. corner, 2, first estate, 1. pr μμ 1, το... οφ ἰππίπφ, 1 principality, 8. rule, 1. power, 1. magistrate, 1. — with ἀπό, at the first, 1. with λαμβάνω, begin at the first, 1, » , ap OS, Prince, 1. author, 1. captain, 1. author, 1. beginner, 1. ἀρχιερακτικός, high priest, 1. ἀρχιερεύς, chief priest, 64. chief of the priests, 1 . high priest, 59. ἀρχιποί (µην, chief shepherd, 1, _ NS ὁ ἀρχισυνάγωγος, ruler of the synagogue, 7. chief ruler of the syna- gogue, 2 ἀρχιτέκτων, master builder, 1. ἀρχιτελώνης, chief among the publi- cans, 1 ἀρχιτρίκλινος, governor of the feast, 2 ruler of the feast, 1. ” πρκων rule over, 1. reign over, 1. — middle, begin, 82. — with εἰμί, begin, 1 ae from the be- ginning, 1. ἄρχων, prince, 11, chief, 2. ruler, 22. chief ruler, 1. magistrate, 1 ἄρωμα, spices, 3. sweet spices, 1. / ἀσαίνομαι, sce σαί- γοµαι. 3 ἣν ἀσάλευτος, unmoveable, 1 which can not be moved, 1. ἄσβεστος, unquenchable, 2. that never shall be quenched, 2 ’ ἀσέβεια, ungodliness, 4. ungodly, 2. > , ἀσεβέω, live ungodly, 1 commit ungodly, 1. 3 ,ὔ ἀσεβής, ungodly, 7. ungodly man, 1. — with art., that is ungodly, 1 3 , ἀσέλγεια, lasciviousness, 6, wantonness, 1. filthy, 1 — plural, much wantouness, 1. ἄσημος, mean, 1. > , ἀσθένεια, weakness, 5. infirmity, 17. sickness, 1. disease, 1. ἀσθενέω, be weak, 12. be made weak, 1, weak, 3. impotent man, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. παω Sees impotent folk, 1 (pl.) be sick, 10. sick, 7. diseased, 1. ἀσθένημα, infirmity, 1. ἀσθενής, without strength, 1. weak, 13. feeble, 1. impotent, 1. sick, 5. sick folks, 1. — with art., weakness, 2. weak things, 1 ἀσιτία, abstinence, 1. ἄσιτος, fasting, 1. > , ἄσκεω," to exercise, 1. ἀσκός, bottle, 12. ἀσμένως, gladly, 2. ἄσοφος, fool, 1. 3 / ἀσπάζομαι, greet, 15. salute, 42. embrace, 2. take leave of, 1. ἀσπασμός, greeting, 3. salutation, 7. ΕἿΣ ἄσπιλος, without spot, 3. unspotted, 1. > ΄ ἄσπις, asp, 1 Μ ἄσπονδος, implacable, 1 truce-bearer, 1. ἀσσάριον, farthing, 2. - ἄσσον, close by, 1. / ἀστατέω, have no certain dwell- ing-place, 1 ἀστεῖος, fair, 1. proper, 1. ἀστήρ, star, 24. ἀστήρικτος, unstable, 2. ἄστοργος, without natural affec- tion, 2. unsociable, 1 5 , αστοχεω, swerve from, 1, not aim at, 1. err, 2. ἀστραπή, lightning, 8. bright-shining, 1. ἀστράπτω, lighten, 1 shine, 1. ἄστρον, star, 4. ἀσύμφωνος, with εἰμί. agree not, 1. ἀσύνετος, without understand- ing, 3. foolish, 2. ἀσύνθετος, covenant breaker, 1 ἀσφάλεια, safety, 2 certainty, 1, ἀσφαλής, safe, 1. sure, 1. certain, 1. — with art., certainty, 2 ἀσφαλίζω, make sure, 1, — middle, make fast, 1. make sure, 2, ἀσφαλῶς, safely, 2. assuredly, 1. ἀσχημονέω, behave one’s self un- seemly, 1. behave one’s self un- comely, 1 ἀσχημοσύνη, unseemly, 1. shame, 1. 5 ’ὔ ἀσχήμων, uncomely, 1. ΄ ἀσωτία, riot, 2. excess, 1. > ’ ασώτως, riotous, 1. / ἀτακτέω, behave one’s self dis- orderly, 1 ἄτακτος, unruly, 1, disorderly, 1 ἀτάκτως, disorderly, 1, ἄτεκνος, without children, 2. childless, 1. > “” ἀτεγίζω, look steadfastly, 3 (with εἰμί). look up steadfastly, 1 look earnestly on, 1. look earnestly upon, 1. look on, 1. behold steadfastly, 2 (with eis). behold earnestly, le fasten one’s eyes, 2. be fastened on, 1 (with εἰμί). set one’s eyes, 1. ἄτερ, without, 1. in the absence of, 1. without, 1. > / ἀτιμάζω, to dishonour, 2. despise, 1. entreat shamefully, 1 —— middle, dishonour, 1. —— passive, suffer shame, 1. ἀτιμάω, SCE ἀτιμόω. ΄ ἀτιμία, dishonour, 4, reproach, 1. shame, 1. vile, 1 ἄτιμος, without honour, 2. less honourable, 1 despised, 1. ἀτιμόω, handle shamefully, 1, ἀτμίς, vapour, 2. ἄτομος, moment, 1, » ἄτοπος, amiss, 1. unreasonable, 1. absurd, 1. wickedness, ile ανα μα. 2 av η break of day, 1 αὐθάδης, self-willed, 2. 5 ’ αὐθαίρετος, willing of one’s self, 1. of one’s own accord, i αὐθεντέω, usurp authority over, 1. αὐλεώ, to pipe, 8, αὐλή, fold, 1. court, 1, hall, 2. palace, 7. — with τῶν προβάτων, sheepfold, 1. αὐλητής, piper, 1. minstrel, 1, αὐλίζομαι, to lodge, 1. abide, 1 αὐλός, pipe, 1. αὐξάνω, or αὔξω. — transitive, increase, 1. give the increase, 2. intrans., grow, 10. grow up, 18 increase, 3 — passive, ow, 2. increase, 3. αὔξησις, increase, 2. αὔριον, to-morrow, 9. morrow, 5. next day, 1, αὐστηρός, austere, 2. — 1 αὗται, see οὗτος. αὐτάρκεια, sufficiency, 1. contentment, 1. αὐτάρκης, content, 1. αὕτη, 866 οὗτος. αὐτοκατάκριτος, condemned of one’s self, 1. αὐτόματος, of one’s self, 1. of one’s own accord, 1, αὐτόπτης, eye-witness, 1. αὐτός, --- nom.sing.masc, αὐτός, I myself, 4. thou thyself, 2. thyself, 1, he himself, 13. his own self, 1. himself, 27. he, 101. this, 1. this man, 1. the same, 5. that same, 2. very, 1 it). a: — with ἐγώ, I myself, 7 — with καί, which, 1. — nom. pl., αὐτοί, we ourselves, 1. ourselves, 1. ye yourselves, 3. you yourselves, 1. yourselves, 5. they themselves (in italics, Matt. xxiii. 4). themselves, 2. they, 48. these same, 1. — with ἡμεις, we ourselves, 1. — with ὑμεῖς, ye yourselves, 3. —— with οὗτοι, they beg pe 1. — nom. sing. fem,,avry, herself, 1. τὰ she, 3. itself, 2. a . | ἑ«..ο ο------..ιυ.------ ----ᾱ---αὐ-ο-κ--ε ee INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. — nom. sing. neut., αὐτό, itself, 2, 11. the same, 1 (pl.) — Ace. sing. masc., them, 1. themselves, 1. — Ace. sing. fem., αὐτήν, very, l. thee, 1. — Ace. sing. neut., αὐτό. {not rendered, Heb. ix. 18, after book. ] ea with cars this very thing, 1. this selfsame πω, 1 this same, 1. the same, 1. besides this, 1. εἰς αὐτό τοῦτο, upon this very thing, 1. a the selfsame thing, even for this same pur- pose, 1. for the same purpose,2. thereunto, 1. —Ace. pl. neut., αὐτά very, 1. themselves, 1. them, 1. — Gen. αὐτου, of himself, 1. of him, 1. his; 1. same, 1. his own, 23. —— with τούτου, he himeelf, 1. —— Gen. pl., αὐτῶν, their own, 11. —— Gen. sing. fem., αὐτῆς, itself, 1. the said, 1. — Dat. sing. masc., αὐτῷ, himself, 1. even him, 1, that, 1. —— Dat. pl., αὐτοῖς, themselves, 1. them, 2 (see Mark xvi. 14, ap.) —— Dat. sing. fem., αυτῇ, her, 1. same,l. —— ἐν αὐτῇ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ, that same day, 1. the same day, 2. ἐν αὐτῇ τῃ ὥρᾳ, in that same hour, 1 in that hour, 1. in the same hour, 1. the same hour, 1, αὐτῇ τῆ ὥρᾳ, the same hour, 2. in that instant, 1. — with the art., 6 αὐτός, ete. the same, 45. the selfsame, 1. the same thing, 5. the same matter, 1. for the same cause, 1. those, 1. —— ταὐτά, like things, 1. ἐπί τὸ αὐτό, in one place, 1. together, 7. κατὰ τὸ αὐτό, together, 1. sing. Ἠπιαδ»., —— thv αὐτὴν ἀντιμισθίαν, for a recompense in the same, 1 —— with ἐν καὶ, even all one as if, 1. — with μεριμνάω, have the same care, 1. — with φρονέω, : mind the same thing, 1. be, of the same mind, be of one mind, 1. be likeminded, 2. as a simple pronoun . (in the oblique cases), he she μὰ their in- it jlected forms. they —— with διά, thereat, 1. thereby, 2. —— with eis, therein, 2. thereinto, 1. —— with ἐν, therein, 15. thereof, 1. thereon, 2. thereby, 1. therewith, 2. — with ἐπί, thereupon, 2. —— with περί, thereof, 1. —— Redundant, 37. αὐτοῦ, there, 3. here, 1. αὐτόφωρος, see ἐπαυ- τοφώρῳ. αὐτύχειρ, with one’s own hand, 1. > /΄ αὐχέω, see µεγαλαυ- XE, Hey χέω. αὐχμηρός, dark, 1. ἀφαιρέω, take away, 7. cut off, 2. smite off, 1. ἀφανής, that is not manifest, 1. ἀφανίζω, disfigare, 1. corrupt, 2. — passe, vanish away, 1. perish, 1. ἀφανισμός, to vanish away, 1. ἄφαντος, with γίνο- μαι, vanish out of sight, 1. cease to be seen, 1. ἀφεδρών, draught, 2. ἀφειδία, neglecting, 1. punishing or not sparing, 1. -.....-. υ μυ ο μή ο μμ οι αμα τὺ αν το πλω ο π Ξ Ξ- Ὅν 933 ἀφελότης, singleness, 1. » ἄφεσις, deliverance, 1. liberty, 1. remission, 9. forgiveness, 6. ἁφή, joint, 2. ἀφθαρσία, incorruption, 4. immortality, 2. sincerity, 1. incorruption, 1. ” ἄφθαρτος, not corruptible, 1. incorruptible, 4. uncorruptible, 1. immortal, 1. ’ * αφθορσία, [for ἀδιαφθορία, Tit. ii. 7,see Uncorruptness. } ’ὕ ’ ἀφίημι, ἀφέω, > ’ ἀφίω, send away, 2. ut away, 2. ay aside, 1. let go, 1. let be, 1. let alone, 6. let have, 1. yield up, 1. leave, 52. forsake, 6. forgive, 47. remit, 2. omit, 1, let, 8. suifer, 13. suffer it to beso now, 1. or > / ἀφικνέομαι, come abroad, 1. ἀφιλάγαθος, despiser of these that are good, 1 ἀφιλάργυρος, without covetousness, 1 not greedy of filthy lucre, 1. ἄφιξις, departing, 1. ἀφίστημι, draw away, 1. depart from, 8. refrain from, 1. fall away, 1. — middle, depart from, 3. withdraw one’s self, 1. ἄφνω, suddenly, 8, ἀφόβως, without fear, 4. ἀφομοιόομαι, be made like, 1. ἀφοράω, or ἀπεῖδον, look, 1. see, 1. 934 ἀφορίζω, to separate, 7. divide, 1. sever, 1. — passive, be separate, 1. ἀφορμή, occasion, 7. ἀφρίζω, to foam, 2. ἀφρός, with μετά, that one foameth again, > , ἀφροσύνη, foolishness, 1. — with ἐν, foolishly, 2. folly, 1. ἄφρων, unwise, 1. foolish, 2. fool, 8. 3 / ἀφυπνόω, fall asleep, 1 ἄφωνος, dumb, 3. without signification, 1. ἀχάριστος, unthankful, 2. ἀχειροποίητος, made without hands, 2. not made with hands, 1. ἀχλύς, mist, 1. ἀχρειόομαι, become unprofitable, 1. εἴος, unprofitable, 2. INTTOS, unprofitable, 1. ” ἄχρι, or αχρις, until, 14. till, 3. as far as, 1. as far as to, 1. unto, 13. even to, 2. into, 1. in, 1. for, 2. —— ἄχρις οὗ ἄν, till, 2 — ἄχρι τοῦ δεῦρο, hitherto, 1. ἄχυρον, chaff, 2 ἀψευδής, that cannot lie, 1. ἄψινθος, wormwood, 1. ἄψυχος, with art., things without life, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. * βαθέως, Lfor ὄρθρου βαθεος, Luke xxiv. 1, see Morning (very early in the). | βαθμός, degree, 1. βάθος, depth, 5. deepness, 1. deep, 1 (subst.) deep things, | (pl.) —— with κατὰ, deep, 1 * βαθύνω, [for σκάπτω καὶ βαθύνω, Luke vi. 48, see Dig. | βαθύς, deep, 2. ὄρθρον βαθεος, very early in morning, IP βαΐον, branch, 1. ή βαλάντιον, bag, 1. purse, 3. βάλλω, cast, 86. throw, 2. cast out, 4. throw down, 1. send, 3. thrust, 5. strike, 1. put, 15. put up, 1. our, 2. ay, 3. arise, 1. beat, 1 —— passive, lie, 2. — with κόπρια, dung, 1 a βαπτίζω, baptize, 74. Baptist, 1. —— mid. and pass, aorist, wash, 2. be baptized, 2. β άπτισµα, baptism, 22. βαπτισµός, washing, 3. baptism, 1. βαπτιστής, Baptist, 14, βάπτω, dip, 3. Bap, Bar, 1. βάρβαρος, barbarian, 5. barbarous, 1. βαρέομαι, heavy, 3. be burdened, 1. be pressed, 1. be charged, 1. βαρέως, with ἀκούω, be dull of hearing, 2. / βάρος, weight, 1. burden, 4. ἐν βάρει εἶναι, be burdensome, 1. use authority, 1. βαρύνομαι, overcharged, 1. βαρύς, heavy, 1. weighty, 1. grievous, 1. — comparative, weightier matter, - βαρύτιμος, very precious, 1. / βασανίζω, to torment, 8. pain, 1. vex, l. toss, 1. —— passive, toil, 1. βασανισμός, torment, 5. ΑΦ βασαγιστής, tormentor, 1. βάσανος, torment, 3. 4 βασιλεία, kingdom, 57. — with τοῦ Θεοῦ, kingdom | of God, 72. —— with τῶν οὐρανῶν, kingdom of heaven, 32. — with ἔχω, to reign, 1. 4 βασίλειος, royal, 1. — with art., king’s court, 1, βασιλε US 9 king, 118. 4 βασιλεύω, to reign, 20, king, 1 ΄ βασιλικός, royal, 2 nobleman, 2 courtier or ruler, 1, — with art., king's country, 1. / βασίλισσα, queen, 4, βάσις, toot, 1. / βασκαίνω, bewitch, 1. βαστάζω, bear, 22. carry, 3. take up, 1. βάτος, ( fem.) bramble bush, 1, bush, 4. , | βάτος, (masc.) measure, 1. βάτραχος, frog, 1. / βαττολογέω, use vain repetitions, 1 βδέλυγμα, abomination, 6. βδελυκτός, abhor, 1. abominable, 1. / βέβαιος, steadfast, 4. firm, 1. sure, 3. of force, 1. βεβαιόω, establish, 1. stablish, 2 contirm, 5 Achaia confirmation, 2. βέβηλος, profane, 4. profane person, 1. βεβηλόω, profane, 2. | * βελόνη, [1ογράφις, Luke xviii.25 see Needle. ] βέλος, dart, 1. βελτίων, (neut.) very well, 1. βῆμα, throne, 1. judgment seat, 10, — βῆμα ποδός, to set one’s foot on, 1, βήρυλλος, beryl, 1. βία, violence, 4. βιάζομαι, sulfer violence, 1. be gotten by force, 1 press, 1 βίαιος, mighty, 1. βιαστής, violent, 1, they that thrust mon, 1, βιβλαρίδιον, little book, 4. βιβλίον, scroll, 1. book, ΕΝ bill, i. writing, 1. βίβλος, book, 13. βιβρώσκω, eat, 1. βίος, a livin Good. Ἶ ὙΕΙ͂Ν ) βιόω, live, 1. βίωσις, manner of life, 1. βιωτικός, of this life, 1. of things κών το this life, 1. things at pertain to this life, 1 βλαβερός, hurtful, 1. βλάπτω, to hurt, 2. βλαστάνω, to bud, 1. spring up, 2. bring forth, 1 βλασφημέω, speak evil of, 10, revile, 1. rail on, 2. report ’slanderously, 1 defame, 1. blaspheme, 17. speak πρ ay, ἘΣ Foc, 1 Ἡ blasphemer, 1, βλασφημία, evil speaking, 1. ᾿ railing, 2. blasphemy, 16. Parents, Trailing, 1. blasphemous, 2, blasphemer, 2. βλέμμα, βϑοϊην, 1. behold, 10. take heed, 12. take heed’ to, 2, beware, 4. beware of, 3. see, 90. sight, 1. perceive, 1. — witheis, regard, 2 — μὴ βλέπων, without sight, 1. understood) must be put, 2. βοάω, to ery, 11. Bon, ery, 1 βλητέος, (with εἰμί INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ee eS |) a Lee σα τα. / βοήθεια, help, 1. — with x 4 to help, 1. ΄ , βοήθέω, to help, 6. succour, 2, οηθός, helper, 1. βόθυνος, 0,1, ἄπο, 2. βολή, cast, 1. βολίζω, to sound, 2. βολίς, dart, 1. βόρβορος, mire, 1. βορρᾶς, north, 2. βόσκω, feed, 5. keep, 1. — middle, feed, 3. βοτάνη, herbs, 1, βότρυς, cluster, 1. βουλεύομαι, take counsel, 1. consult, 2. be minded, 2. determine, 1. purpose, 2. βουλευτής, counsellor, 2, βουλή, counsel, 10. — with τίθεμαι, advise, 1. of one’ 8 ΟἿΣ will, 1. be willing, 1 be minded, 2, be disposed, 1, intend, 2, list, 1. βουνός, hill, 2. βοῦς, ox, 8. βραβεῖον, prize, 2. βρεβεύω, to rule, 1. βραδύνω, tarry, 1. be slack, 1. βραδυπλοέω, sail slowly, 1. βραδύς, slow, 3. βραδυτής, slackness, 1. βραχίων, arm, 3. βραχύς, neut., a little while, 1. —— Bpax 7, a little, ὃ a little while, 1. a little space, |. — βραχύ διΐστημι, go a little further, 1. — διὰ βραχέων, in few words, 1.} βρέφος, babe, 5. infant, 1. young child, 1. chiid, 1. , βρέχω, send rain, 1. rain, 1 (trans.) rain, 2 (intrans.) wash, 2. — with ὑετός, rain, 1 (intrans.) rd βροντή, thunder, 7. thundering, 4. — with γίνομαι, to thunder, 1. βροχή, rain, 2. βρόχος, snare, 1. βρυγμός, gnashing, 7. βρύχω, gnash, 1. βρύω, send forth, 1. βρῶμα, meat, 16. victuals, 1. βρώσιμος, (neut.) meat, 1. βρῶσις, eating, 1. rust, 2. food, 1. meat, 6. cating, 1. morsel of meat, 1. βρώσκω, see βιβρώ- σκω. βυθίζω, drown, 1. — passive, begin to sink, 1. βυθός, deep, 1 (subst.) 935 βυρσεύς. tanner, 3. βύσσινος, fine linen, 4. βύσσος, fine linen, 2. βωμός, γάγγραινα, canker, 1. gangrene, 1. γάζα, treasure, 1. γαζοφυλάκιον, treasury, 5. άλα, δν δ. γαλήνη, caln, 3. άμω, ife, 2. γαμέω, or marry a marry, 26. married, 1, * γαμίζω, yor ἐγγαμίζω, Matt. ταὶ 868 riage —— xx, 35 ) (givein) for γαμίσκω, Mark xii. 25, see Marriage. ] γαμίσκω, give in marriage, 1 (see above). γάμος, wedding, 7. marriage, 9, ΄ γάρ, for, 992. because, 3. because that, 2. therefore, 1. seeing, 1 indeed, 1. verily, 2. no doubt, 1, and, 3. even, 1. but, 2. yet, 1. why, 1. what? 1. —— καὶ yap, for, 23. for also, 7. for even, 5. for indeed, 1, for verily, 1. and indeed, 1. yet, 2. yap ort, because that, 1. “ao τί γ why, bs 4 ἐγγίζω, μα near, 5. draw nigh, 12. come near, 5. come nigh, 8. approach, 2. be nigh, 2. be at bund, 9. | ἐγγράφω, write in, 2. ἔγγυος, surety, 1. 3 ’ ᾿ ἐγγὺς, ΙΪ near, 3. near to, 2. nigh, 7. nigh to, 3. nigh unto, 4. from, 1. at hand, 6. nigh at hand, 4, ready, 1. / ἐγείρω, awake, 1. raise, 28. raise up, 23. raise again, 4. rear up, 1. lift up, 3. lift out, 1. take up, 1. —— mid. and pass. aor, awake, 2. arise, 27. rise, 36. rise up, 8. rise again, 5. ἔγειραι εἰς TO μέσον, stand forth, 1. | ἔγερσις, resurrection, 1. » (0 ἐγκαῦετος, ΒΡΥ, 1. 942 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ἐγκαίνια, τε εν of the dedication, Φ. ’ ἐγκαινίζω, consecrate, 1. make new, 1. dedicate, 1. purify, 1 * ἐγκακέω, Lfo ανα πε , 866 Faint. ] Oe call in question, 1. implead, 1. accuse, 4. — with κατά, lay a thing to the charge of, 1. ἐγκαταλείπω, leave, 2. ape ie εγκαυχάομαι, cn κόυχάοµαι, 2 Thes. 1, 4, see Glory. ] ἐγκατο: κέω, dwell among, 1. ἐγκεντρίζω, graff in, 4. graif into, 2. ἔγκλημα, crime laid against one, 1, laid to one’s charge, 1. ἐγκομβόομαι, be clothed with, 1. ἐγκοπή, with δίδωμι, hinder, 1. ἐγκόπτω, hinder, 2. be tedious unto, 1. ἐγκράτεια, temperance, 4, ἐγκρατεύομαι, can contain, 1. be temperate, 1. ἐγκρατής, temperate, 1. , ἐγκρινω, make of the number, 1. | 4 ἐγκρύπτω, hide, 2. ἔγκυος, great with child, 1. , ἐγχρίω, anoint, 1. >. , ey, nominative, ἐγώ, 1, 364, me, 1, — with αὐτός, myself, 1. — with καὶ = κἀγώ, and I, 34. 1 also, 15. also I,1. even I, 3. even I also, 2 even so I, 2 so I, 4. even 501 also, 1. 1 in like wise, 1. τ 4. — Genitive (a), ἐμοῦ, of me, 1 my, 9 mine, l. me, 96. — with αὐτός, of myself, 1 — with παρά, my, l. —— (b) μοῦ, of me, 7. with me, 1. my, 502. miue, 16. mine own, 4. of mine, 3. me, 43. to me, 1. unto me, 2. ene — Dative (a), ἐμοί, to me, 9 unto me, 8, for me, 1. with me, 2. at me, 1. me, 605. my, l. mine, 1. ζ >= κἀμοΐ, to me also, 1. of me also, 1. me also, 1. τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σοί, what have I todo with thee, 3. —— (b) μοί, to me, 21. unto me, 60. for me, 8, with me, 3. in me, l, me, 127. my, ll. mine, 1. — Accusative (a) ἐμέ, myself, 1. me, 81. myself, 1. Ι, 2. --- κἀμέ, both me, 1. 1 also, 1. τὰ κατ’ ἐμέ, my affairs, 1. my state, 1, the things which hap- pened unto me, 1, τὰ περὶ ἐμέ, how it will go with me, 1 —_ (b) μέ, me, 262. I, 38. me, 1. κἀμέ, both me, l. Lalso, 1. ἐδαφίζω, lay even with the ground, 1, ἔδαφος, ground, 1. ἑδραῖος, steadfast, 2. settled, 1. ε ’ ἑδραίωμα, ground, 1. stay, 1 ἐθελοθρησκεία, will worship, 1. ἐθέλω, see θέλω. ἐθίζω, ( pass.) custom, 1. ἐθνάρχης, governor, 1. ἐθνικός, heathen man, 1. —— with art. (pl. ) the heathen, 1 ἐθνικῶς, after the manner of Gentiles, 1 ” ἔθνος, nation, 64, people, 2. — plural, Gentiles, 93. heathen, 5. ” ἔθος, custom, 7. rite, 1. manner, 4. κατὰ τὸ ἔθος, as one is wont, 1, 5” ΕΣ ἔθω, εἴωθα, be wont, 2. —— κατὰ τὸ είωθός, as his custom was, 1. as his manner was, 1. > 3 εἰ, see εἰμι. εἰ (with indicative* ; with optativet; with sub- junctive 1). ens if, 237*, 87. whether, 27. that, 5*. for that, 1*. forasmuch as, 13. though, 1*, whether ἢ 18*. ερ ον εἴγε, ΟΥ εἰ γε, if so be that, 2* 1 ο. εἴγε καὶ, if yet, 1". — εἰ δὲ μή, or else, 3*. else, 2". εἰ δὲ μήγε, and if not, 1”. if not, 2*. if otherwise, 28. otherwise, 1”. or else, 1", else, 2* εἰ καί, if also, 1". now if, 1*. if that, 11. though, 11", —— εἰ δὲ καί, if also, 1". but if, 1*. yea though, 15, but though, 15, —— αλλ’ εἰ καί, but if, 13, but and if, 1*. yea and if, 1*. but though, ab καὶ εἰ, although, es εἰ μή, if not, 5*. except, ΘῈ, except that, 13. but, 53*. gave, 16*. saving, ο8, save that, 1*. save only that, 1*. more than, pe εἰ μὴ ὅταν, till, 1 εἰ μὴ τιν except, If, 2*. ἐκτὸς εἰ μή, unless, 1*. except, 1*. but, 13, εἴ περ, ΟΥ εἴπερ, if so be that, 3*. \ if so be, 13, seeing, 13. though, 11 δ εἴ πως, ΟΥ̓ εἴπως, if by any means, 3", lf. εἴ τε (or εἴτε)...εἴτε, whether, 1”. or, 113. whether...or, 213, 11. whether...or whether, 3 whether, 93. if τα. εἰ τις (newt. εἰ τι), if any, 20* if some, 1 (pl.) if any man, 33*, 27. if a man, 83, if any thing, ο if aught, 23, 11. whether any, 1*. whosoever, 2*. he that, 2*. that which, 1*. εἰδέα, see ἰδέα. εἶδον and οἶδα. (a) εἶδον, (for pres, tense, see ὁράω see, 316. perceive, 5. behold, 16. look, 6. look on, 2. consider, 1. know, 1. (Ὁ) οἶδα, know, 291. know "of, 15 have knowledge, 1, wis [imp. wist], 6. wot, 3. understand, 2. perceive, 1. see, l. be aware, 1. be sure, 3. can tell, 9. can, 2. “ εἶδος, sight, 1. appearance, 1. shape, 2. fashion, 1. ”9 εἴδω, 566 εἴδον, εἴδωλεῖον, idol’s temple, 1. εἰδαλόθυτον, thing sacrificed unto idols, 2. offered i is sacrifice unto idols, 1 that which is offered in sacrifice to idols, 1. thing that is offered in sacrifice unto idols, 1. thing offered unto an idol, 1. thing Offered to idols, 1. mes offered unto idols, thine which is offered to idols, 1. meat offered to idols, 1. εἰδωλολατρεία, idolatry, 4 εἰδωλαλάτρης, idolator, 7. εἴδωλον, idol, 11. » αν εἰὴν, είσ., SEE εἰμι. εἰκῇ, without a cause, 1. in vain, 5. vainly, 1. εἰκόναν, image, 1. εἴκοσι, twenty, 13. εἴκω, give place, 1. εἴκω, ἔοικα, be like, 2. > ’ὔ εἰκών, image, 23. εἰλικρίνεια, sincerity, 3. εἰλικρινής, sincere, 1. pure, l. ε , εἱλίσσω, roll together, 1. εἰ μή, see under εἷ. > ’ εἰμι, [In all the tenses, with pronouns marked * PRESENT: Indicative, εἶμι, (ist person sing.) ] Iam, or am I, 58, 713. it is I, 6*. have I been ? 1, I was, 1*. -- - are conj., if I be, 1. hI be, 1. el (2nd pers. sing.), thou art, or art thou, 49, 33°. — with ei, it thou be, 5, 4", if it be thou, 1". whether thou be, 1", ἐστί, ἐστίν (3rd pers. sing. is, 752. can, 1. be, 1 (imperat.) INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. meaneth, 2. should mean, 1, he on tage 1 cometh, 1. belongeth to, 1. —— with con)., be, 18, were, 3. — with ὅτι, to be, 1. —— with ἐκ, belonged unto, i ith ev, have, 1. — with neut. pl, are, 47. —— οὐκ ἐστί, we can not, 1. —— τοῦτ᾽ ἐστι, that is, 12. that is to say, 5. — with genitive, owneth, 1 (AV. 1611, have, 1. —— with Dative, have, 9. — ἐσμέν (lst ners. pl. pres. ind.), we are (are we), 31, 15”. we be, 1. we have our being, 1. — ἐστέ (2nd pers. pl. pres. ind.), ΤΙ are (are ye), 55, £7*. it is ye, 2. ye have been, 1. —— with conjunctive, ye be, 4. — with Genitive, ye belong to, 1. ——with yrsaxe (part. ), ye know, 1 εἰσί, ᾿εἰσίν pl. pres, ind are, 135. be, 14. were, 8. — with eis, agree in, 1. — with Dative, have, 2. — oe ἧς, ἢ, etc. (pres. a pers. might be, 2. should be, 6, were, 1. am, 1, is, 5. are, 1. should stand, 1, εἴην, eins, εἴη, ete. (pres. opt.) might be, 1. should be, 3. wert, 1. — ἴσθι (imp, 2nd pers, sing.) be thou, 1. = δεν wholly to, ἔστω, ἔστωσαν (im Ps 3rd pers. sing. and pl.) — ἤτω (imp. 3rd pers. sing.) let be, 2. εἶναι (pres. injinit.) to be, 33. that.. cH (art, is, are, be), 2 that.. oe (were), 10. had been, 1. that ... may should) be, 6, to be made, 1. come, 1. —— τοῦ εἴναι, that shouldest be, 1. — with διά, μας .is(was, were), (might, ---- ~ with εἰς br nig night (should) 80 we. 819, 1. so that...may be, 1. — with ἐν, as...was, 2. when...was, 1. while...was ( were), 2. — with ὥστε, that...might be, 1. — ὦν, οὖσα, ov (pres. part.), being, 36. to be, 1 (is, was, hast been), 4. who (which, that), am (art, ete.), 43. bi (etc.), was (ete.), as...was, 1. for all there were, 1. forasmuch as...was, 1. inasmuch as...are, 1. seeing...are, 1. seeing that there are, 1., 3. though...was, 1. though...were, 1., 3. when...was, 12. whereas.. λύκῳ Le, 1 while, was (were), 3. and was come, 1. —— ovons ὀψίας, at evening, Ai ὧν ὄντα, as though they were, 1. οὐκ ὄντος a’ ben as yet he had no, οὖσα ἐν, having, 1. which had, 1. ὁ ὧν καὶ ὁ ἦν καὶ ὁ ἐρχόμενος, which is, and which was, and which is to come, Rev. i. 4, 8. which art, and wast, and art to come, Rev. xi. 17. ὁ ἦν καὶ ὁ ὧν καὶ ὁ ἐρχόμενος, which was, and is, and is to come, Rev. iv. 8. | 943 — 6 ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν καὶ ὃ ἐσόμενος, which art, and wast, and shalt be, Rev. xvi. 5. Im PERFECT: ———— Trin σθα), μεν, σαν, was πα were), 381 i bg hast been, 2. a (hadst) been, 12. Wn fe, 1. — with d ay, would have been, 1. should have been, 1. should be, 1. ---- with ἀκούω (part.), had heard, 1. — with ἀτενίξω (part. ᾽ looked steadfastly, 1. — with βαπτίζω (part.), baptized. — with δέω (part.), had bound, 1. — with διανυκτερεύω (part.), continued all night, 1. — with ἐγγίζω (part.), drew near, 1. — ἥμην, (imp. ind, 1st sv mg.), I was, 19, 2*, — ἂν ἤμην, I should be, 1. Furure: — ἔσομαι, ἔσῃ, ἔσται, ἐσό- μεθα, ἔσεσθε, ἔσονται, shall be, 153. should be, 2 ἦν, shall come to pass, 4. will come, 1. — with eis, shall be made, 1 — with Genitive, may have, 1 — with Dative, shall have, 6. — ἔσεσθαι (future in- jinitive), with μέλλειν, that there shall be, 1 that there should be, 1. that...will be, 1. μέλλοντος ἔσεσθαι, to come, 1. — éodpeos (future part.), with art., which shalt be, 1. what would follow, 1. εἵνεκεν, 866 ἕνεκα. ” > εἴπερ, 866 εἰ. εἶπον, say, 765 (of these 85 are ἀποκριθεὶς εἶπε, and 32 ἀπεκρίθη καὶ εἶπε, the latter all in John's bid, δ. grant, 1. ---.-.. τοπ τσ ΏὪ7 σπα ος κο να. τ πὐπππὰ στ πττπ ςτὸ ς΄0«-τὐπὐὐπ δ ΠΝ 944 ΕΣ > είπως, 866 EL. εἰρηνεύω, have peace, 1. be at peace, 1. live in peace, 1. leave peaceably, 1 είρηνη, peace, 88. rest, 1. quietness, 1, —— with εἰς, at one, 1. εἰρηνικός, peaceable, 2. εἰρηνοποιέω, make peace, 1. > , εἰρηνοποιος, peacemaker, 1. εἴρω, 866 ἐρῶ. εἰς, into, 571. to, 280. unto, 203. in unto, 2. toward, 32. towards, 1, in at, 1. at, 20. before, 2. on, 57. upon, 25. in, 131. for, 1 into, 1. among, 16. in among, 2. throughout, 6. by, 2. unto, 1. to, 1. at, 1, concerning, 6. of, 8. against, 25. within, 1. till, 1. until, 1. to be, 1 - εἰς αὐτήν, thereunto, 1. therein, 4. ---. εἰς αὐτὸ τοῦτο, for this same purpose, 1 forthe same purpose, 1, thereunto, iB εἰς NV, whereto, 1. whereunto, hs whither, 1 wherein, 3. wherefore, 1. εἰς τί, to what purpose ἢ 1. wherefore ? 1. why, 2. εἰς τοῦτο, hereunto, 1. thereunto, 2. to this end, 3. for this cause, 2. for this purpose, 2. for that intent, 1. therefore, 8, το be, 2 2. — els ἀθέτησιν, to put away, ls Ἢ 76, with an infin., to, 24 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. for to, 1. to the end... may (might), 4. cs the intent...should, ne μῶν (might), 18. that so...might, 1. that...should, 8. insomuch that, 1. so that, 1. that may, 1. that, 3. εἰς TO μή, lest...should, 1. εἷς, and neut. ἕν, one, 116. one man, 1. one, 1. one thing, 5. only, 1 a certain, 2 a (an), 12. any of them, 1. any thing, 1 some, 6. εἷς.. εἷς, oue...other, 6. one...another, 1. εἷς τὸν ἕνα, one another, 1. ὅν ἕνα, whether, 1. καθ᾽ ἕνα, one by one, 1. καθ᾽ ἕν, every one, 1. ἕν καθ᾽ ἕν, each, 1. εἷς ἕκαστος, every man, 2 every, 2 each, 1 καθ᾽ ἕνα ἕκαστος, every one in particular, 1 καθ᾽ ἕν ος particularly, 1 ᾿ ἀνὰ εἷς ἕκαστος, every several, 1, καθεῖς, every one, 1. els καθ᾽ cis, one by one, 2. —— μῖα (fem.), one, 60. a, 3. a ‘certain, 4, first, 2 first day, 6. —— μία... μία, one...other, 1 —— ἀπὸ μιᾶς, with one consent, 1. ’ εἰσάγω, lead into, 1, ) (with es eats 4, § εἰς). bring in, 5» ,ὔ €LOAKOVW, hear, 5 > , εἰσδέχομαι, receive, 1. Μ) Γεισειµι, go in, Ἱ. go into, enter, 1. 2 (with εἰς). εἰσέρχομαι, come in, 19. go in, 19, enter, 107. enter in, 17. come, 2 go, 1. arise, 1. — with eis. come into, 9. come to, 2. come unto, 1. go into, 17. — with ἔσω, goin, 1. — with διά, go through, 2. eet Spee εἰσί, 866 εἰμι. 3 / εἰσκαλέω, call in, 1. » εἴσοδος, entrance, 1. entrance in, 1. entering in, 1. coming, 1. — with εἰς, to enter into, 1. 3 / εἰσπηδάω, spring in, 1. run, l. εἰσπορεύομαι, enter, 8. enter in, 5. come in, 3. — with εἰς, go into, 1. εἰστρέχω, run in, 1. 5 / elo Pepa, bring in, 2 ——- with εἰς, bring into, 2. bring to, 1. lead into, 2. εἶτα, then, 11. afterward, 1. after that, 3. furthermore, 1. ” > ELTE, 866 El. εἰ τις, see εἰ. εἴωθα, see Ow. ἐκ, or ἐξ. out of, 165. from, 181. from...up, 2. from ος, 3. among, 5. off, 1 (of in AV. 1611.) of, 368. one of, 8. some of, 6. they (them) of, 2. by the means of, 1. through, 2. with, 25. by, 55. by reason pf, 5, because of, : unto, 1. between some of, 1. betwixt, 1. ἐξ αὐτοῦ, thereof, 3. ---- μὴ ἐξ αὐτοῦ, nothing of, 1. ἐξ οὗ, whereof, 2 2. ἐκ τούτου, from that time, 1. from henceforth, 1. hereby, 1 4 τὸ ἐξ ὑμῶν, as ΤΠ ΠΟ as lieth in you, ἕκασ. τος, every, 14. every one, 20. every man, 39, every woman, ἢ. each one, 1. any man, 1. —— καθ᾽ ἕν ἕκαστον, particularly, 1. ἕκαστος τῶν, both, 1. ἑκάστοτε, always, 1. ἑκατόν, hundred, 14. hundredfold, 2. ava ἑκατόν, by hundreds, 1. ἑκατονταέτης, an hundred years old, 1. ἑκατονταπλασίων, hundredfold, 3. ἑκατοντάρχης, centurion, 4. / ἑκατόνταρχος, centurion, 16. *® εκβαίνω, [ for ἐξέρχομαι, Heb. xi. 15, see Come out. | ἐκβάλλω, cast out, 47. excommunicate, 1. east forth, 1, cast, 2. thrust out, 1, expel, 1. drive, 1. put out, 2. put forth, 3. pluck out, 1. pull out, 3. send out, 1. send forth, 3. send away, 1. take ont, 1. bring forth, 8, — middle, cast out, 1. — with ἀπό, cast out of, 1, — with ἐκ, cast out of, 1. drive out of, 1. — with ἔξω, cast out of, 3. cast out, 1. thrust out of, 1. thrust out, 1. leave out, 1. cast out, 1. ἔκβασις, end, 1. way of escape, 1. ἐκβολή, with ποιέω (mid.) lighten the ship, 1, ἐκγαμίζω, give in marriage, 5. ἐκγαμίσκω, give in marriage, 2. ἔκγονα, nephews, 1. ἐκδαπανάομαι, be spent, 1. ἐκδέχομαι, wait for, 3. wait, 1. expect, 1. tarry for, 1. look for, 2 ἔκδηλος, manifest, 1. ἐκδημέω, be absent, 3, absent, 1. ἐκδίδωμι, let out, 3. let forth, 1. ἐκδιηγέομαι, declare, 2 ἐκδικέω, avenge, 5. revenge, 1. > , ἐκδίκησις, vengeance, 4. revenge, 1. punishment, 1. — with ποιέω, revenge, 3. ΝΜ ἔκδικος, avenger, 1. revenger, 1. > , ἐκδιώκω, persecute, 2, chase out, 1 ἔκδοτος, being delivered, 1. ἐκδοχή η, οοκιρ for, 1. ἐκδύω, take off from, 2. strip, 2 — middle, be unclothed, 1. ἐκεῖ, there, 86. thither, 7. thitherward, 1. yonder, 1. to yonder place, 1 — κακει, and there, 9. there also, 1. thither also, 1. όπου εκεί, where, 2. ἐκεῖθεν, thence, 16. from thence, 9. from that place, 1. there, 1 — κἀκεῖθεν, and thence, 2. thence also, 1 and from thence, 5. and afterward, 1. NNN INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. a a eS Oe La. τ Σ Σ ἐκεῖνος, that (or those), 137. cy ae it, they, etc.), that very, 2. that way, l. that same, 4. same, 19. self-same, 1. the ο 1 this, 1. Peter, 1 (John xiii. 6). —— κἀκεῖνος, and he (ete.), 11. he (etce.) also, 7. even he, 1, ἐκεῖσε, there, 2. 3 / ἐκζητέω, seek after, 2. seek diligently, 1. seek carefully, 1 inquire diligently, 1. require, 2. ἐκθαμβέομαι, be greatly amazed, 1. be sore amazed, 1 be affrighted, 2 ἔκθαμβος, greatly wondering, 1. cast out, 1- > , ἐκκαθαίρω, purge out, 1. purge, 1 ΄ , ἐκκαίω, ἐκκαίομαι, burn, 1. 3 / EKKAKEW, to faint, 4. be weary, 2. faint, 1. ’ ἐκκεντέω, pierce, 2. ἐκκλάω, ἐκκλάζω, break off, 3. / ἐκκλείω, exclude, 2. | ἔκθετος, with ποιέω, | | | ἐκκλησία, assembly, 3. church, 112. 4 ἐκκλίνω, βὸ out δὰ the way, 1. avoid, pants ἫΣ swim out, 1, | ἐκκολυμβάω, > ΄ ἐκκομίζω, | | ξὴ carry out, 1. , ἐκκόπτω, cut out, 1. cut off, 4. cut down, 2. hew down, 3. hinder, 1, Thy ἐκκράζω, [for κράζω, Acts xxiv. 21, see Cry. | ἐκκρέμαμαι, be very attentive, 1. hang on, 1. ἐκλαλέω, tell, 1. ἐκλάμπω, shine forth, 1. ἐκλανθάνομαι, forget, 1. > , ἐκλέγω, choose, 2, — middle, choose, 17. choose out, 1. make choice, 1 > ’ ἐκλείπω, fail, 3. 5 ΄ ἐκλεκτός, chosen, 7. elect, 16. >. ΄ ἐκλογή, election, 6. chosen, 1. ἐκλύω, ( pass.) to faint, 4. — with εἰμί, to faint, 1. be tired and lie down, 1 ἐκμάσσω, wipe, 5. ἐκμυκτηρίζω, deride, 2. 3 , EKTEVW, convey one’s self away, 1. > ’ ἐκνήφω, awake, 1. ἐκούσιος, (newt. with κατά) willingly, 1 ἐκουσίως, willingly, 1 wilfully, 1. ” | ἔκπαλαι, of old, 1. of a long time, 1. ἐκπειράζω, tempt, 4. ἐκπέμπω, send forth, 1. send away, 1. * > a ἐκπερισσῶς, [for ἐκ περισσοῦ, Mark see Vehe- xiv. 31, mently. | ἐκπετάννυμι, stretch forth, 1. * ἐκπηδάω, [for εἰσπηδάω, 3 ’ | €KTLTTW, fall from, 2. fall off, 2. fall away, 1. Acts | xiv. 14, sce Run in, ] 945 fall, 4. be cast, 1. Pe take none effect, 1. — with εἰμί, ἐκπλέω, sail away, 1. sail thence, 1. sail, 1. > , ἐκπληρόω, fulfil, 1 ἐκπλήρωσις, accomplishment, 1. ἐκπλήσσω, astonish, 10, amaze, 3. ἐκπνέω, give up the ghost, 3. ἐκπορεύομαι, go out, 6. go forth, 2. dere 10, issue, 1 come forth, 2. — with ἀπό, go out of, 1. come out of, 1. — with ἐξ, go out of, 3. come out of, 2. — with ἔσωθεν, come from within, 1. ἐκπορνεύω, give one’s self over to fornication, 1. ἐκπτύω, reject, 1. > 4 ἐκριζόω, root up, 2. pluck up by the root, 2. ἔκστασις, astonishment, 1. amazement, 1. trance, 3. — with ἔχω, be amazed, 1. — with λαμβάνω, be amazed, 1 > ΄ ἐκστρέφω, subvert, 1. ἐκταράσσω, trouble exceedingly, 1. εκτείνω, stretch out, 2. stretch forth, 10, put forth, 3. cast out, 1. ἐκτελέω, finish, 2 ἐκτένεια, with ἐν, instantly, 1 ἐκτενέστερον, more earnestly, 1 ἐκτενής, fervent, 1. without ceasing, 1. instant and earnest, 1, 946 ἐκτενῶς, fervently, 1. 5 , ἐκτίθημι, east out, 1. expound, 3. ἐκτινάσσω, shake off, 3. shake, 1. σ εκτος, sixth, 14. 7) ’ €KTOS, out of, 2. without, 1. other than, 1. be excepted, 1. — with art., the outside, 1. ἐκτρέπομαι, turn aside, 2. be turned out of the way, l. be turned, 1. avoid, 1. 3 , ἐκτρέφω, nourish, 1. bring up, 1. ἔκτρωμα, one born out of due time, 1. an abortive, 1. 3 js ἐκφέρω, carry out, 3. carry forth, 1. bring forth, 2. bear, 1. ἐκφεύγω, flee, 1. escape, 5. — with ἐκ, flee out of, 1. ἐκφοβέω, terrify, 1. ἔκφοβος, sore afraid, 1. —— with εἰμί, fear exceedingly, 1. ἐκφύω, put forth, 2. ἐκχέω, pour out, 11. shed forth, 1. shed, 4. spill, 1. —— passive, run out, 1. ἐκχύνω, pour out, 1, shed abroad, 1. shed, 5. spill, 1. — passive, gush out, 1. run greedily, 1. ἐκχωρέω, depart out, 1. ἐκψύχω, give up the ghost, 2. yield up the ghost, 1. ἑκών, willingly, 2, INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ἐλαία, olive tree, 3. olive berry, 1. — plural, Olives, 11. ἔλαιον, oil, 11. ἐλαιών, Olivet, 1. ΕἸ 4 ἐλάσσων, less, 1. younger, 1. lesser, 1. — neuter, under, 1. — with art., that which is worse, 1. ἐλαττονέω, have lack, 1. 3 ’ ἐλαττόω, make lower, 2. make inferior, 1. —— passive, decrease, 1. ἐλαύνω, ἐλάω, drive, 2, row, 2. carry, l. ἐλαφρία, lightness, 1. ἐλαφρός, light, 2. ἐλάχιστος, least, 7. that which is least, 1. that thing which is least, 1. very little, 1. smallest, 1. very small, 1. very small thing, 1. — ἐλαχιστότερος, less than the least, 1. ἐλάω, see ελαυνω. * ἐλεγμός, [for ἔλεγχος, 2 Tim. iii, 16, see Reproof. ] ” έλεγχος, reproof, 1. evidence, 1. > / ἐλέγχω, convince, 4. convict, 1. tell one’s fault, 1. reprove, 5. discover, 2. convince, 1. rebuke, 5. , ἐλεεινὸς, miserable, 1. comparative, most miserable, 1. ἐλεέω, have pity on, 1. have compassion on, 2, have compassion of, 1, have mercy on, 15. have mercy upon, 1. show mercy, 2. — passive, receive mercy, 1. obtain mercy, 8. ἐλεημοσύνη, alms, 13. alms-deed, 1. ἐλεήμων, merciful, 2. ἔλεος, mercy, 28. ἐλευθερία, liberty, 11. ἐλεύθερος, free, 18. freeman, 1. free woman, 3. at liberty, 1. ἐλευθερόω, make free, 6. deliver, 1. »” ἔλευσις, coming, 1. ἐλεφάντινος, of ivory, 1. ἑλίσσω, fold up, 1. roll together, 1. ἕλκος, sore, 3. ἑλκόω, ( pass.) full of sores, 1. ἑλκύω, draw, 6. ἕλκω, draw, 2. ἐλλογέω, put to one’s account, 1 impute, 1. 5 ’ὔ ἐλπίζω, to hope, 9. hope for, 2. thing hoped Του, 1. trust, 18. — with εἰμί, have hope, 1. ἐλπίς, hope, 53. faith, 1. Ἔλωΐ, Eloi, 2. ἐμαυτοῦ, myself, 29. I myself, 1. mine own self, 2. mine own, 1. me, 4. » yd ἐμβαίνω, step in, 1. enter, 8. —— with εἰς, go into, 2. go up into, 1, come into, 2. get into, 2. take, 2. ἐμβάλλω, with εἰς, cast into, 1. ἐμβάπτω, dip, 3. 5 ’ὕ ἐμβαπτεύω, intrude into, 1. ἐμβιβάζω, with εἰς αὐτό, put therein, 1. ἐμβλέπω, look upon, 4. behold, 4. gaze up, l. see, 1. can see, 1. — with εἰς, behold, 1. τὶ / ἐμβριμάομαι, murmur against, 1. charge straitly, 2. groan, 2. 3 / > / > ’ εμε, εμοι, 866 εγω. ἐμέω, spue, 1. ἐμμαίνομαι, be mad against, 1. ἐμμένω, continue in, 1. — with ἐν, continue in, 2. ἐμμέσω, 566 μέσος. > , εμος, my (mine), 62. mine own, 11. that I have, 1. of me, 4. ἐμοῦ, see ἐγώ. * ἐμπαιγμονή, [add after ‘‘days,” 2 Pet. iii. 3, ἐν ἐμπαιγ- µονή, GL TTrAR.] ἐμπαιγμός, mocking, 1. 3 / ἐμπαίζω, mock, 19. ἐμπαίκτης, mocker, 1. scoffer, 1. ἐμπεριπατέω, walk in, 1. ἐμπίπλημι, -πλαω, fill, 4. — passive, be full, 1. ἐμπίπτω, with eis, fall into, 6. fall among, 1. 3 / ἐμπλέκω, entangle in, 1. — middle, entangle with, 1. ἐμπλήθω, see ἐμπί- πλημι. > , ἐμπλοκή, plaiting, 1. one’s self ἐμπνέω, breathe out, 1, ἐμπορεύομαι, buy and sell, 1. makemerchandise of, ibs ἐμπορία, ᾿ merc handise, 1 ἐμπόριον, merchandise, 1 ἔμπορος, merchant, 5, ἐμπρήθω, burn up, 1. » ἔμπροσθεν, before, 41. in the presence of, 1. in the sight of, 1. in one’s sight, 2. at, 1. against, 1. σε]. ἐμπτύω, spit on, 2. spit upon, 2, — with εἰς, spit in, 1. spit upon, 1. ἐμφανής, manifest, 1. - δίδωμι ἐμφανῆ γενέσ- αι, show openly, 1. ἐμφανίζω, to manifest, 2. show, 1. declare plainly, 1 inform, 3 signify, 1 —— passive, appear, 2. ” ἔμφοβος, atraid, 3. atfrighted, 4, — with γίνομαι, tremble, 1, ἐμφυσάω, breathe on, 1. μὴ ἐμῴυτος, ingrafted, 1, among, 1. amongst, 1. wherein (ἐν ᾧ), 1. for, 1. with, 2. within, 13. between, 1. among, 14. as much as in you is (τὸ ἐν ὑμῖν), 1, of, 11. jor, 1. am, 1. at, 106. on, 45. upon, 4, over, 1. under, 2, before, 1, about, 1. into, 11, to, 15. in, 1. by, 1. toward, 3, unto, 9. ainst, 1, ter, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. 947 ο..." ---.. ------------------- ἑνδέκατος, | with, 138. by, 112. eleventh, 3. in, τι δέ ( 5 ) for, 1 ἐνδέχομαι, (vnpers. by way of, 1. it pa Ἴ: » enc εἰν αρ ᾿ throughout, ὅ, : 4 for, 6. ’ ἐνδημέω, be at home, 1, be present, 1. present, 1. for one’s sake, 1 because of, 3. ----:ν αὐτῶ[αύτῇ αὐταῖς), ona Ακ ἐνδιδύσκω, (mid.) | thereof, 1 ; thereon, 3. be clothed in, 1. Pye η wear, 1. in himse " therewith, 2. ἔνδικος, there, ὃν just, 2. —— ἐν τούτῳ 2 97 herein, 7. ᾿ ἐνδόμησις, here building, 1 hereby, 8. ἢ — ἐν Φ(ῇ, οἷς, als), ἐνδοξάζομαι, wherein, 25. be glorified, 2 therein, 1. 13 where, 4. εν οξος, whereby, 6. wherewith, 2. whereupon, 2 glorious, 2. honourable, 1. ΕΣ when, 2 ἔνδυμα, while, 3 clothing, 1 whereas, 2. raiment, 5. wherein, 1. garment, 2. ἐν ὦ av, χ , whereinsoever, 1. ἐνδυναμόω, ἐν τῷ, strengthen, 2. namely, if enable, 1. ἐν τῷ (with aninf.), | —— pass. or mid., as, 22. be made strong, 1, that, 1. be strong, 3. | when, 13, increase in strength, 1. while, 7. ον : 5 ἐν τίνι, ἐνδύνω, with εἰς, wherewith, 3. by what means, 1. a / ἐναγκαλίζομαι, take in one’s arms, 1. take up inone’sarms, 1. ἐνάλιος, ( plural) _things in the sea, 1. creep into, 1. ” ἔνδυσις, putting on, 1. ἐνδύω, put on, 3. clothe with, 1. —— mid, or pass., ἔναντι, ut on, 16, before, 1. ve on, l. > ΄ be clothed in, 2. ενάντίον, be clothed with, 2. before, 4. be clothed, 1. in the sight of, 1. be endued with, 1. ἐναντίος, be arrayed in, 1. contrary, 6, ἐνέγκω, 866 φέρω. against, Ὥ ἐν, " Ρ — ἐξ ἐναντίας, over against, 1. ἐνάρχομαι, begin, 2. ἐνέδρα, with ποιέω, lay wait, 1. > , ἐνεδρεύω, τ 7 lie in wait for, 1. ενατος, δ66 EVVATOS. lay wait for, 1. > , Ν ἐνδεής, ἔνεδρον, that lacketh, 1 lying in wait, 1, ἔνδειγμα, | ἐνειλέω, manifest token, 1. wrap up, 1. 4. 4 ἐνὸδείκνυμι, ἔνειμι, show forth, 1, th a show, 9. | = is, 4. do, 1 is,1. San eet τα ἐνόντα, | EVOELELS, such things as ye have, evident token, 1, 1. proof, 1. as ye are able, 1, with εἰς, lw “ ια to declare, 2. ένεκα, EVEKEV, ELVEKEV, | +8 | for.,.sake, 14, ενθεκα, | for...cause, 5, eleven, 6, , for,2 | by reason of, 1. — with infinitive, that.. might, 1. ss ov ἕνεκεν, because, 1. — τινος ένεκεν, wherefore, 1. ἐνενήκοντα, 866 ἐν- / νενηκονταεννέα. > ΄ > ’ ἐνεός, SCE EVVEOS. > , ἐνέργεια, working, 4. effectual working, 2. operation, 1, strong, 1. ἐνεργέω, {ο work, 7. work elfectually in, 1. be mighty in, 1. do, 1 ae forth one’s self, 2. — middle, work, 5. work effectually, 1. be etfectual, 1. be wrought, 1. effectual fervent, 1. ἐνέργμα, working, 1. operation, 1, ἐνεργής, etfectual, 2. powerful, pis - δ ἐνεστῶτα, 866 ἐνί- στημι. ἐνευλογέομαι, be blessed, 2. ἐνέχω, have a quarrel against, 1 have an inward grudge against, 1. urge, l. —— passive, be entangled with, 1, ἐνθάδε, hither, 4, here, 3. there, l. * ἔγθεν, [for ἐντεῦθεν, Matt. xvii. 20, see Hence; and Luke xvi. 26, see From hence, } ἐνθυμέομαι, think on, 1. think, 2. > , ἐνθύμησις, thought, 3. device, 1. ” ” EVL, 886 ενειµι. ἐνιαυτός, year, 14, ἐνίστημι, be at hand, 1, come, 1. participle, present, 3. bea present, 2 (neut, 948 ἐνισχύω, be strengthened, 1. strengthen, 1. 4 ἐνκακέω, 866 ἐγκακέω. 3) ” έννατος, OF ένατος, ninth, 10. 3 / ἐννέα, nine, 1. / ἐννενήηκονταεννεα, ninety and nine, 4. , ἐννεός, speechless, 1. ἐννεύω, make sigus to, 1. ἔννοια, intent, 1. mind, 1. ἔννομος, lawful, 1. ordinary, 1. under the law, 1. ἔννυχον, eo while before day, , EVOLKEW, dwell in, 5. ΄ ” ἐνόντα, 866 ἔνειμ.. ἑνότης, unity, 2. * ἐνορκίζω, [for dpxigw, 1 Thes. v. 27, see Charge. | > / ἐνοχλέω, to trouble, 1 ἔνοχος, subject to, 1. in danger of, 5. guilty of, +. ” ένταλμα, commandment, 5. Ke ἐνταφιάζω, bury, 1. — infinitive, burial, 1. ἐνταφιασμός, burying, 2. ἐντέλλομαι, to command, 10. give commandment, 3. charge, 1. give charge, 2. enjoin, 1. ἐντεῦθεν, hence, 6. from hence, 3. — ἐντεῦθεν καὶ ἐντεῦθεν, on either side, 1. of either side, 1 either side, ed. 1762, etc.) || ἐντεξις, intercession, 1. prayer, 1. (on INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. 3 ’ ἔντιμος, ἐξάγω, honourable, 1. lead out, 6. dear, 1. bring out, 5. precious, 2. bring forth, 1. —— with ἔχω, fetch out, 1. hold in reputation, 1. 5 / honowr, 1. ἐξαιρέω, 9 , pluck out, 2. ἐντολή, -- middle, commandment, 09, rescue, 1. precept, 2. deliver, 5. | 5» / 5 / ἐντόπιος, ἐξαίρω, of that place, 1. take away, 1. ikon put away, 1. ἐντος, - ᾿ within, 2. ἐξαιτέομαι, among, 1. to desire, 1. > > / ἐντρέπω, ἐξαίφνης, to shame, 1. suddenly, 5. —— 7) ρ / honahared: 9, ἐξακολουθέω, — middle, follow, 3. regard, 2. > / reverence, 4. ἐξακόσιοι, 5 A Φ six hundred, 2. ἐντρεφομαι, . ᾿ be nourished up in, 1. ἐξαλείφω, blot out, 3. 35. εντρομος. wipe away, 2. t bling 1 rembling, 1. 547 — with γίνομαι, ἐξάλλομαι, tremble, 1. leap up, 1. —— with εἰμί, 3 ΄ quake, 1. ἐξανάστασις, ἐντροπή resurrection, 1. ? shame, 2. ἐξανατέλλω, > / spring up, 2. evTpupaw, ravi to sport one’s self, 1. € ο μα fa > , raise up, 2. TV Y XU, rise up, 1. deal with, 1. Η ᾿ make intercession, 4. ἐξαπατάω, > ΄ deceive, 4. ἐντυλίττω, beguile, 1. wrap in, 2. ᾿ξ wrap together, 1. ἐξάπινα, ΟΝ suddenly, 1. 7 , engrave, 1. ἐξαπορέομαι, > 4 in despair, 1. ἐνυβρίζω, eS! do despite unto, 1. ἐνυπνιάζομαι, to dream, 1. filthy dreamer, 1. > ’ ενυπνιον, send away, 4. dream, 1. send, 2. ΄ 9. 1% ἐνώπιον, | ἐξαρτίζω, | in the presence of, 7. in one’s presence, 2. in the sight of, 10, in one’s sight, 5. before, 63. 2é ΄ to, 1. Γεξαστράπτω, to glister, 1. | > /ς | | ἐνωτίζομαι, hearkeu to, 1. 2£ opp ἐκ ες, δέό εκ. altogether without help | of means, 1. ] to despair, 1. | ἐξαποστέλλω, ] | send out, 1. send forth, 4. furnish throughly, 1. | perfect, 1. |; —— with γίνομαι, accomplish, 1. | ἐξαυτῆς, immediately, 3. straightway, 1. | presently, 1. Zé, by and by, 1. six, 12 ἐξεγείρω, | 9 | raise up, 2. ἐξαγγέλλω, he es Ps shew forth, 1. ἔξειμι, 6 ry go out, 1. εξαγοράζω, | depart, 2. redeem, 4. i - get, 1. | Se ἐξελέγχω, convince, 1. ἐξέλκομαι, be drawn away, 1. ἐξέλω, see ἐξαιρέω. ἐξέραμα, vomit, 1. ἐξερευνάω, search diligently, 1. > / ἐξέρχομαι, go out, 64. go forth, 25. go abroad, 2. go away, l. go, 7. proceed, 2. proceed forth, 1. spread abroad, 2. depart, 27. depart out of, 2. get out, 1. escape, 1. come out, 21. come thereout, 1. come out of, 1. come forth, 9. come, 4. —— with ἀπό, go out of, 9. depart out of, 1. come out of, 8. — with ἐκ, go out of, 6. get out of, 2. come out of, 21. —— with ἔξω, go out of, 2. come forth, 1. — with παρά, go out of, 1. ΕΙΣ ἔξεστι, it is lawful, 19. it is possible, 1. is (are) lawful, 9. may, 2. — part. ἐξόν, lawful, 1. let, 1. may, 1. - ΄ ἐξετάζω, to search, 1. ask, 1. inquire, 1. ἐξηγέομαι, declare, 5. tell, 1. 3 ΄ ἐξήκοντα, sixty, 3. sixty-fold, 1. three-score, 5. εξης, next, 1. with τῇ, the next day, 1. the day following, 1. the day after, 1. on the morrow, 1. - / | ἐξηχέομαι, sound out, 1. ἕξις, 156,1. habit or perfection, 1. af’ ἐξίστημι, make astonished, 1. bewitch, 2. —— 2nd aor. and mid., be beside one’s self, 2. wonder, 1. be astonished, 5. be amazed, 6. ἐξισχύω, be aple, 1. ἔξοδος, departing, 1. decease, 2. ἐξολοθρεύω, destroy, k ἐξομολογέω, to promise, 1. — middle, confess, 8. ἐξόν, see ἔξεστι. ἐξορκίζω, adjure, 1. > , ἐξορκισ THS, exorcist, 1. ἐξορύσσω, luck out, 1. reak up, l. * ἐξουδενέω, [ for ἐξουδενόω, Mark ix. 12, see Naught. for ἐξουθενέω, 2 Cor. x. 10, see Contemptible. } ε / ἑξουδενόω, set at nought, 1. > / ἐξουθενέω, set at nought, 3. despise, 6. —— passive, be least esteemed, 1. contemptible, 1. > / ἐξ ουσια, authority, 29. power, 69. right or privilege, 1. strength, 1. liberty, 1. power, 1. right, 2. jurisdiction, 1. ἐξουσιάζω, exercise authority up- on, 1. have power of, 2. bring under power, 1. > [ή ἐξοχή, ---- κατ᾽ ἐξοχήν ὧν, principle, 1 (Acts xxv. 23). > , ἐξυπνίζω, awake out of sleep, 1. ἔξυπνος, with γίνο- μαι, awake out of sleep, 1. » ἔξω, without, 18. out, 16. outward, 1. INDEX.—GREEK . strange, 1. out of, 15. forth, 8. away, 1. — with art., one that is without, 5. ἔξωθεν, from without, 2. without, 1. outward, 2. outwardly, 1, — with art., one that (which) is without, 3. the outside, 2. ἐξωθέω, drive out, 1. thrust in, 1. 2&7 εξώτερος, outer, 3. ἑορτάζω, keep the feast, 1. holiday, 1 ἑορτή, feast, 24. feast-day, 2. holyday, 1. ἐπαγγελία, message, 1. promise, 52. ἐπαγγέλλομαι, ——mid.and pass.perf., to promise, 11. make promise, 1. profess, 2. —— pass. impers., promise is made, 1. ἐπάγγελμα, promise, 2. ἐπάγω, bring upon, 2. bring in upon, 1. ἐπαγωνίζομαι, earnestly contend for, 1. ἐπαθροίζομαι, be gathered thick to- gether, 1. ἐπαινέω, to praise, 4. laud, 1 commend, 1. ἔπαινος, praise, 11. ἐπαίρω, take up, 1. lift up, 15. hoise up, 1. — middle, exalt one’s self, 2. ἐπαισχύνομαι, be ashamed of, 8. be ashamed, 3, ἐπαιτέω, beg, 1. ἐπακολουθέω, follow after, 1. follow, 3. ἐπακούω, hear, 1. AND ENGLISH, ἐπακροάομαι, hear, 1. > / επαν, when, 3. / ἐπάναγκες, necessary, 1. ἐπανάγω, το return, 1, thrust out, 1. launch out, L. | ἐπαναμιμνήσκω, put in mina, 1. ἐπαναπαύομαι, rest in, 1. —— with ἐπί, rest upon, 1. ἐπανέρχομαι, come again, 1. return, 1. , ἐπανίσταμαι, rise up against, 2, ἐπανόρθωσις, correction, 1. ἐπάνω, above, 3. more than, 1. over, 6. upon, 3. on, 4. ἐπ᾽ αὐτοῦ, thereon, 3. > , ἐπάρατος, [for ἐπικατάρατος, John vii. 49, see Cursed. | / ἐπαρκέω, relieve, 3. 7 ἐπαρχία, province, 2. ” ἔπαυλις, habitation, 1. > , 9 ἐπαύριον, with art. on the morrow, 7. the morrow after, 1. on the next day, 1. the next day, 5. the next day after, 1. the day following, 2. ἐπαυτοφώρω, in the very act, 1. ἐπαφρίζω, foam out, 1. ’ ἐπεγείρω, stir up, 1. raise, 1. > ’ ἐπεί, since, 1. seeing, 3. seeing that, 1. for then, 4. when, 1. for that, 1. forasmuch as, 2. because, 7. otherwise, 4. else, 3. 949 > ΄ ἐπειδή, since, . seeing, 2. after that, 1 for that, 1. forasmuch as, 1. for, 3. because, 2. ἐπειδήπερ, forasmuch ἃ5,1. ἐπεῖδον, look on, 1. — with ἐπί, behold, 1. ἔπειμι,(ραγέ., ἐπιών, ἐπιοῦσα) following, 1. next, 1. —— with art. (τῇ), the day following, 1. the next day, 1. / ἐπείπερ, seeing, 1. ἐπεισαγωγή, bringing in, 1. * ἐπεισέρχομαι, [for ἐπέρχομαι, Luke xxi. 35, see Come on. } ἔπειτα, afterward, 2. afterwards, 1. after that, 4. then, 9. ἐπέκεινα, beyond, 1. ἐπεκτείνομαι, reach forth unto, 1. ἐπενδύομαι, be clothed upon, 2. ἐπενδύτης, fisher’s coat, 1. ἐπέρχομαι, come upon, 6. come on, 1. come thither, 1. come, 1. — with art., those things which aro coming on, ]. ἐπερωτάω, ask of, 2. ask, 47. ask a question, 3. ask questions, 2. question with, 1. ask after, 1. desire, 1. demand of, 1. demand, 1. ἐπερώτημα, answer, 1. ἐπέχω, hold forth, 1. take heed unto, 1. give heed unto, 1. mark, 1. stay, 1. ἐπηρεάζω, use despitefally, .. accuse falsely, 1. 950 3 ’ ἐπι, —— with the Genitive, upon, 37. on, 71. over, 11. above; 1. before, 14. under, 1. about, 2. at, 6. in, 50. upon, 1. in the time of, 1. in the days of, 2. to, 2. into, 2. of, 8. ἐφ᾽ οὗ, whereon, 1. — with εἰμί, have the charge of, 1. ἐπὶ τοῦ ἀμφόδου, in a place where two ways meet, 1. ἐπὶ ἀρχιερέως “Avva καὶ Καΐαφα, Annas and Caiaphas being the high priests, 1. — with the Dative, upon, 16. on, 10. over, 11. above, 3. beside, 3. at, 29. unto, 4. to, 1. toward, 1. against, 6. before, 1. about, 1. as touching, 1. for, 19. on one’s behalf, 1. of, 9. ἐπ᾽ αὑτῷ, thereon, 1. ἐφ᾽ ᾧ (ἢ, οἷς), whereon, 1. wherein, 3. wherefore, 1. for that, 1. in whom, 1. whereof, 1. ἐπὶ τούτοις, therewith, 1. — with the Accusative, upon, 105. on, 114. to, 1. over, 27. above, 1. unto, 41. to, 38. toward, 6. after, 1. against, 33. wpon, 1. at, 9. into, 13. in, 13. among, 4. before, 3. about, 1. with, 2. touching, 1. of, 3. because of, 1, for, 9. SSS θθθθθθ---- INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. throughout, 2. for the space of, 1. by the space of, 1. the space of, 1. ἐπ᾽ αὐτό, thereon, 1. ἐφ᾽ ov, whereon, 2. ἐπί τὸ αὐτό, into one place, 2. 5 ,ὔ ἐπιβαίνω, come into, 2. enter into, 1. go aboard, 1. take ship, 1. —— perf., with εἰμί, sit upon, 1]. ἐπιβάλλω, cast upon, 1. cast, 1. lay on, l. stretch forth, 1. begin, 1(marg. with veip). fall to, 1. think thereon, 1. — with ἐπί, put upon, 1. put unto, 1. put to, 1. lay on, 8. — with εἰς, beat into, 1. 3 / ἐπιβαρέω, be chargeable unto, 1. be chargeable to, 1. overcharge, 1. ἐπιβιβάζω, set on, 3. ἐπιβλέπω, with ἐπί, look upon, 1. have respect to, 1. regard, 1. ἐπίβλημα, piece, +. ἐπιβοάω, to cry, 1. ἐπιβουλή, laying await, 1. lying in wait, 1. — with γίνομαι, lay wait for, 1. — with μέλλειν ἔσεσθαι, lay wait, 1. ἐπιγαμβρεύω, marry, 1. 3 ΄ ἐπίγειος, in earth, 1. earthy, 2. terrestrial, 2. — plural, with art., earthly things, 2. ἐπιγίνομαι, to blow, 1. ἐπιγινώσκω, know well, 1. know, 30. perceive, 3. take knowledge of, 2. have knowledge of, 1. acknowledge, 5. > Ἂν ἐπίγνωσις, knowledge, 16. απο As acknowledgment, 1. acknowledging, 3. acknowledgment, 1. 3 lA ἐπιγραφή, superscription, 5. inscription, 1. | ἐπιγράφω, write thereon, 1, write over, 1. write in, 2. ἐν ᾧ ἐπεγέγραπτο, with this inscription, 1. 3 / ἐπιδείκνυμι, to show, 8. — middle, show, 1. 5 / ἐπιδέχομαι, receive, 2. 5 NJ [ή ἐπιδημέω, be there, 1. stranger, 1. ἐπιδιατάσσομαι, add thereto, 1. 5 /. ἐπιδίδωμι, deliver, 2. give, 7. offer, 1. — part., with φέρω (pass.), let drive, 1. ἐπιδιορθόω, (med.) set in order, 1. ἐπιδύω, with ἐπί, go down upon, 1. , ἐπιείκεια, gentleness, 1. clemency, 1. ἐπιεικής, gentle, 3. patient, 1. — with art., moderation, 1. 5 ΄’ὔ ἐπιζητέω, seek after, 5. seek for, 2. seek, 3. desire, 3. inquire, 1. ἐπιθανάτιος, appointed (approved, ed. 1611, in error) to death, 1. > , ἐπίθεσις, utting on, 1. aying on, 3. > / ἐπιθυμέω, to desire, 8, would fain, 1. covet, 3. lust after, 1. lust, 3. ἐπιθυμητής, with εἰμί, lust after, 1. > , ἐπιθυμία, desire, 3. heartily, 1 (Dat.) lust, 31. concupiscence, 1. that...lusteth after, 1. concupiscence, 3. ἐπικαθίζω, with ἐπά- vo, set on, 1. 3 / ἐπικαλέω, — middle, eall upon, 4. 081] on, 7. call, 1. appeal unto, 4. appeal to, 1. appeal, 1. —— passive, be called upon, 1. be called by, 1. be called, 1. be surnamed, 5. be one’s surname, 6. ἐπικάλυμμα, cloak, 1. 3 / ἐπικαλύπτω, to cover, 1. ἐπικατάρατος, cursed, 2. > / ἐπίκειμαι, lie upon, 1. lie on, 1. be laid upon, 1, be laid thereon, 1. be imposed on, 1. press upon, |. be instant, 1. * ἐπικέλλω, [for ἐποκέλλω, xxvii, 41, aground ]. Acts see Run ἐπικουρία, help, 1. / ἐπικρίνω, give sentence, 1. assent, 1. > / ἐπιλαμβάνομαι, take hold of, 2. take on, 2. take hold of, 2. take by, 3. take, 7. lay hold upon, 1. lay hold on, 2. catch, 2. ἐπιλανθάνομαι, forget, 7. be forgetful, 1. > / ἐπιλέγω, to call, 1. choose, 1 (mid.) ἐπιλείπω, fail, 1. * ἐπιλείχω, [for ἀπολείχω, Luke xvi. 21, 208 Liok.} > Ἄ ἐπιλησμονή, forgetful, 1. ἐπίλοιπος, rest οἵ, 1. » ’ ἐπίλυσις, interpretation, 1. ἐπιλύω, expound, 1. determine, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ἐπιμαρτυρέω, testify, 1. = , Φ ἐπιμέλεια - με , with τυγ άνω, refresh one’s self, 1. > / ἐπιμελέομαι, take care of, 3. ἐπιμελῶς, diligently, 1. ἐπιμένω, abide in, 1. abide still in, 1. abide still, 1. abide, 1. tarry, 7. continue in, 5. continue, 2. ἐπινεύω, to consent, 1. ἐπίνοια, thought, 1. ἐπιορκέω, forswear one’s self, 1. ἐπίορκος, perjured person, 1. ἐπιοῦσα, 866 ἔπειμι. ἐπιούσιος, daily, 2. ’ ἐπιπίπτω, fall on, 1. press upon, 1, rush upon, 1. — with ἐπί, fall upon, 2. fall on, 7. fall into, 1. lie on, 1. ἐπιπλήσσω, to rebuke, 1. ἐπιποθέω, desire earnestly, 1. | desire greatly, 2. desire, 1. long after, 2. long after greatly, 1. long, 1. lust, 1. » ’ὔ ἐπιπόθησις, earnest desire, 1. vehement desire, l. ἐπιπόθητος, longed for, 1. > ,ὔ ἐπιποθία η great desire, 1. > ’ « ἐπιπορεύομαι, with | πρός, come to, 1. > , Φ » / ἐπιρράπτω, with ἐπί, sew on, 1. ἐπιρρίπτω, with ἐπί, cast upon, 2. ἐπίσημος, of note, 1. notable, 1, ἐπισιτισμός, ee a victuals, 1. turn ο Ἐ > , — with πρός ἐπισκέπτομαι, turn ἕο, 8. look out, 1. — mid. and pass, aor., visit, 10. turn about, 4. 3 > , ζ return, 2. επισκευαςοµαι, be converted, 1. [for arockevagoua, Acts | > , xxi. 15, see Carriage ἐπιστροφή, (take up one’s). } conversion, 1. ἐπισκηνόω, with ἐπί, | ἐπισυνάγω, rest upon, 1. gather together, 6. ? gather, 1. ἐπισκιάζω, αρ ase overshadow, 5. . deed baad dd ( x gathering together, 1. ἐπισκοπέω, assembling together, 1. take the oversight, 1. ἐπισυντρέχω “y: ᾽ look diligently, 1. comerunning together, , ἐπισκοπή, τς visitation, 2. ETLOVOTACLS, office of bishop, 1. that which cometh up- bishopric, 1. on, 1. office or charge, 1. ἐπισύστασις ποιέω Ἂν, ὄχλου, επισκοπος, raise up the people, 1. overseer, 1. > ΄ bishop, 4. ἐπισφαλής, ώ . dangerous, 1. επίσπαομαι, > , becomeuncircumcised, | £747 XV, τς be the more fierce, 1. x 9 , > , ἐπισπείρω, μυς [for σπείρω, Matt, xiii, | ἴθ heap, 1. 25, see Sow. ] ἐπιταγή, ἐπίστα μαι, commandment, 6. understand, 1. ε Ὃ ον 7 know, 13. επιτασσω, * ἐπίστασις, ee [for ἐπισύστασις, Acts | ¢ommand, 8. xxiv. 12, see People i ο raise up the); απᾶ | ἐπιτελέω, Cor. xi. 28, see finish, 1. Cometh upon (that accomplish, 9, which). ] perfect, 1. > ΄ make perfect, 1, ἐπιστάτης, ὃν, 8 Master, 7. Jinish, 1. ἐπιστέλλω, ο. Τ᾽ write a letter unto,1. | —— infinitive, write unto, 1. performance, 1. write, 1. < BS > , ἐπιτήδειος, - ἐπιστήμων, — pl., with art., endued with know- those things which ledge, 1. are needful to, 1. 3 ΄ ἐπιστηρίζω, ἐπιτίθημι, confirm, 3. put upon, 2. strengthen, 1, put on, 8, > , set on, 1. ἐπιστολή, set up, 1. epistle, 15. lay upon, 4, letter, 9., lay on, 12, > , — with ἐπί, ἐπιστομίζω, put upon, 4, stop the mouth of, 1, put on, 1 4 , set on, 2. ἐπιστρέφω, lay upon, 2. turn again, 4, lay on, 4. turn back, 1. d unto, 2. return, 4. — with ἐπάνω, turn, 4. put on, 1. convert, 2. —— with ὄνομα, be converted, 5, surname, 2. come again, 1. — with πληγή, go again, 1. wound, 1. — with ἐπί, — middle, turn unto, 2, lade with, 1. 951 ἐπιτιμάω, to rebuke, Ἐξ: - charge straitly, 1. charge, 4. ; ἐπιτιμία, punishment, 1. censure, 1. ‘ ἐπιτοαυτό, 866 ἐπὶ TO αὐτό. ἐπιτρέπω, permit, 4. give leave, 2. give liberty, 1. give license, 1. let, 1. sutfer, 10. ἐπιτροπή, commission, 1. ἐπίτροπος, : steward, 2. tutor, 1. ἐπιτυγχάνω, obtain, 5. ἐπιφαίνω, give light to, 1. appear, 1. —— passive, appear, 2. 3 / ἐπιφάνεια, -appearing, 5. brightness, 1. ἐπιφανής, notable, 1. 5 , , ἐπιφαύω, -αὐσκω, give light, 1. ἐπιφέρω, bring against, 1, bring, 2. add, 1. take, 1. > , ἐπιφωνέω, cry against, 1. ery, 1. give a shout, 1. > ’ ἐπιφώσκω, begin to dawn, 1, draw on, 1. ἐπιχειρέω, take in hand, 1, take upon, 1. go about, 1. ἐπιχέω, pour in, 1. ’ ἐπιχορηγέω, minister unto, 1, minister to, 2. add, 1. — passive, have nourishment min- istered, 1. ἐπιχορηγία, supply, 1. to supply, 1. ἐπιχρίω, with ἐπί, anoint, 1. spread upon, 1. 952 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ἐποικοδομέω, build thereupon, 2. build thereon, 1. build up on, 1. build up, 1. — with ἐπί, build upon, 2. ἐποκέλλω, run aground, 1. ἐπονομάζω, to call, 1. ἐποπτεύω, behold, 2. ἐπόπτης, eye-witness, 1. 34 επος, —— ds ἔπος εἰπεῖν, as I may so say, l. ἐπουράνιος, in heaven, 1. heavenly, 9. celestial, 2. — pl. masc., with art., ane that are heavenly, — pl. neut., with art., heavenly things, 3. heavenly places, 3. heavenly things, 1. high places, 1, heavenly places, 1. ε ’ επτα, seven, 86. seventh, 1. ἑπτάκις, seven times, 4. ἑπτακισχίλιοι, seven thousand, 1. ” 3 έπω, SEC εἴπον. 9 [ή > / ἐραυνάω, 866 ἐρευνάω. ’ ἐργάζομαι, to work, 28. gain, 1. labour, 1. labour for, 1. do, 3. commit, 1. trade by, 1. trade, 1. minister about, 1. — with μή, forbear working, 1. / ἐργασία, diligence, 1. craft, 1. gain, 2. gains, 1. with eis, to work, 1. ’ὔ ἐργάτης, worker, 3. workman, 3. labourer, 9. » epyov, work, 152. trade, 1, deed, 22. doing, 1. labour, 1. ἐρεθίζω, provoke, 1. provoke to anger, 1. ἐρείδω, stick fast, 1. ἐρεύγομαι, utter, 1. ἐρευνάω, to search, 6. ὌΝ Nat! έρεω, SCE ερω. 3 / ἐρημία, desert, 1. wilderness, 3. ” τ ἔρημος, (α(7.) desert, 10. desolate, 4. solitary, 1. ἔρημος, (subst.) desert, 3. wilderness, 95, 3 / ἐρημόω, bring to desolation, 2. make desolate, 1. desolate, 1. —- passive, come to naught, 1. ἐρήμωσις, desolation, 3. » , ἐρίζω, strive, 1. ἐριθεία, strife, 5. contention, 1. — ot ἐξ ἐριθέιας, they that are conten- tious, 1. ” εριον, wool, 2. ΝΜ strife, 4. contention, 2. debate, 2. variance, 1. ἐρίφων, goat, 1. . ἔριφος, kid, 1. goat, 1. ἑρμηνεία, interpretation, 2. [ή Ἡ ἑρμηνευτής, [ for διερµηνευτής, 1 Cor. xiv. 28, sce Interpre- ter. | ἑρμηνεύω, interpret, 1. —— passive, be by interpretation, 3. ἑρπετόν, creeping thing, 3. serpent, ]. ἐρυθρός, with θάλασ- σα, Red sea, 2. ἔρχομαι, come, 582. be coming, 7. coming, 6. light, 1. be brought, 1. go, 13. resort, 2. pass by, 1. fall out, 1. grow, 1. appear, 1. next, 1. ὃ ἐρχόμενος (said of Christ). that cometh, 2. he that cometh, 6. who coming, 1. he that shall come, 1. that should come, 1. which should come, 1. he that should come, 3. ne witiah should come, which is to come, 3. which art to come, 1. ὁ ἐλθων, κ he that came, 1. —— with εἰς, enter into, 2. — with σύν, accompany, 1. ἐρῶ, εἴρηκα, say, 57. speak, 7. speak of, 2. tell, 4. call, 1. ἐρωτάω, ask, 23. desire, 6. ray, 14. eseech, 14, entreat, 1. 3 > , ἔσεσθαι, see εἰμί. 3 ’ ἐσθής, robe, 1. raiment, 1. clothing, 2. apparel, 3. ” ἔσθησις, garment, 1. , ἐσθίω, eat, 61. be eating, 1. live, 1. feed of, 1. devour, 1. 3 / ἐσμέν, ἔσομαι, ἐσόμενος, 806 εἰμί. ΝΜ εσοπτρον, glass, 2. ε / έσπερα, evening, 2. eventide, 1, » , έστε, » / ἐστί, ἔστω, > / SCE εἰμι. ἔσχατος, last, 46. uttermost, 1. uttermost part, 1. ends, 1. lowest, 2. —— τὰ ἔσχατα, the last state, 2. the latter end, 1. ἐσχάτως, with ἔχω, lie at the point of death, 1. ols within, 3. inward, 1, inner, 1. ἔσωθεν, from within, 3. within, 6. inwardly, 1. — with art., the inward man, 1, that which is within, 1. inward part, 1. ἐσώτερος, inner, 1. — with art., that within, 1. ἐταῖρος, fellow, 1. friend, 3. ἑτερόγλωσσος, of another tongue, 1. ἑτεροδιδασκαλέω, teach otherwise, 1. teach another doctrine, ἑτεροζυγέω, with γί- νομαι, be unequally yoked to gether with, 1. €TEpos, other, 41. other thing, 3. other matter, 1. strange, 1. other, 1. else, 1. . another, 42. another place, 1. another psalm, 1. next day, 2. —— ἕτερος.. ἕτερος, some...other, 3. one,,.another, 1. — with γίνομαι, be altered, 1. ἑτέρως, otherwise, 1. ἔτι, yet, 51. still, 4. longer, 1. any longer, 1. more, 17. yet more, 2. any more, 5. moreover, 2, further, 3. any further, 3. thenceforth, 1. also, 1. even, 1. e / ἑτοιμάζω, make ready, 10. prepare, 2. provide, 1, — 4 ἑτοιμασία, preparation, 1. ἕτοιμασια, ready, 14. readiness, 1. prepared, 1 —— τα έτοιμα, things made ready to our hand, 1. ἑτοίμως, with ἔχω, be ready, 3. ἔτος, year, 49. εὖ, well, 8. well done, 2. good, 1. ¢ εὐαγγελίζω, --- active, declare to, 1. preach unto, 1. — middle, bring good tidings of, 2. bring glad tidings of, 1. declare glad tidings unto, 1. show glad tidings, 1. oy ae glad tidings of, 1. preach the gospel, 11. preach...gospel, 2. preach the gospel of, 1. preach the gospel to, 2. preach the gospel un- preach the gospel in, 1. preach, 17. preach unto, 2. — passive, be preached by the gos- pel, 1. a gospel is preached, have the gospel preached to one’s self, 1. the gospel is preached to it is preached to, 1. the gospel is preached unto, 1. be preached, 2, > la εὐαγγέλιον, gospel, 76. εὐαγγελιστής, evangelist, 3. εὐαρεστέω, please, 2. —— passive, be well pleased with, 1. / εὐάρεστος. well-pleasing, 2. acceptable, 4. — with art., that which pleasing, 1. — with εἰμί, agreed well, 1. e accepted of, 1. is well- εὐαρέστως, acceptably, 1. > * εὖγε, [for εὖ, Luke xix. 17, seo Well. } INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. , εὐγενής. noble, 2. —— with ἄνθρωπος, nobleman, 1. 297 εὐδία, fair weather, 1. 3 , εὐδοκέω, be well pleased, 7. have pleasure, 4. take pleasure, 1. it pleaseth, 5. a aa good pleasure, think good, 1. be willing, 2. > 4 εὐδοκία, good-will, 2. ood pleasure, 4. esire, 1. — with γίνομαι, seem good, 2. εὐεργεσία, good deed done to, benefit, 1. εὐεργετέω, do good, 1. εὐεργέτης, benefactor, 1. » εὔθετος, fit, 2. meet, 1. 3 / εὐθέως, straightway, 32. immediately, 35. forthwith, 7. as soon as, 2. anon, 1, by and by, 2. shortly, 1. > / εὐθυδρομέω, come with a straight course, l. wi a straight course, εὐθυμέω, be of good cheer, 2. be merry, 1. εὔθυμος, of good cheer, 1. εὐθυμότερον, more cheerfully, 1, * εὐθύμως, [for εὐθυμότερον, Acts xxiv. 10, see Cheer- fully (more). ] > , εὐθύνω, make straight, 1. governor, l. εὐθύς, (adj.) straight, 5. | right, 3. εὐθύς, (adv.) straightway, 2. immediately, 3. forthwith, 1. anon, l, by and by, 1. 0 ld | εὐθύτης, righteousness, 1. rightness or straightness, ἂν ---”-ὖ----------------εααοοασασακωκααααααααααααααασαασασασασα-----σσσσυ-ᾱ------ ’ εὐκαιρέω, haveconvenient time,1. have leisure, 1. spend one’s time, 1, εὐκαιρία, opportunity, 2. ” εὐκαιρος, in time of need, 1. convenient, 1. > ’΄ εὐκαίρως, in season, Ἱ. conveniently, 1. εὐκοπώτερος, easier, 7. εὐλάβεια, godly fear, 1. — with ἀπό, in that he feareth, 1. Sor one’s piety, 1. εὐλαβέομαι, be moved with fear, 1. be wary, 1. fear, 1. εὐλαβής, devout, 3. 3 / εὐλογέω, bless, 43. praise, 1. > / εὐλογητός, blessed, 8, > , εὐλογία, fair speeches, 1. blessing, 11. bounty, 1. blessing, 1. matter of bounty, 1. — pl., with ἐπί, bountifully, 2. εὐμετάδοτος, ready to distribute, 1. > / εὐνοεω, agree, Ἱ. ΕΣ εὔνοια, good will, 1. benevolence, 1. > ,’ εὐνουχίζω, make eunuch, 2. εὐνοῦχος, eunuch, 8, , εὐοδόομαι, have a prosperous jour- ney, 1. prosper, 3. * 3 / ὃ εὐπάρεὂρος, Lfor εὐπρόσεδρος, 1 Cor. vii. 35, see Attend. ] εὐπειθής, easy to be entreated, 1. , εὐπερίστατος, which doth so easily beset us, 1. εὐποιΐα, to do good, 1. 953 εὐπορέομαι, with κα- θώς, according to ability, 1. εὐπορία, wealth, 1. εὐπρέπεια, grace, 1. εὐπρόσδεκτος, acceptable, 2. accepted, 3. > , εὐπρόσεδρος, that one may attend upon, 1. one’s , εὐπροσωπέω, make a fair show, 1. εὐρίσκω, find, 174. can find, 1. obtain, 1. get, 1. εὐρύχωρος, broad, 1. εὐσέβεια, godliness, 14. holiness, 1. > / εὐσεβέω, show piety at, 1. show kindness at, 1. worship, 1. > [ή εὐσεβής, devout, 3. godly, 1. > “ εὐσεβῶς, godly, 2. εὔσημος, easy to be understood, 1 significant, αι: πώ tender-hearted, 1, pitiful, 1. εὐσχημόνως, decently, 1. honestly, 2. decently, 1. εὐσχημοσύνη, comeliness, 1. εὐσχήμων, comely, 1. honourable, — with art., that which is comely, 1. εὐτόνως, mightily, 1. vehemently, 1. εὐτραπελία, jesting, 1. εὐφημία, good report, 1. εὔφημος, of good report, 1. εὐφορεω, bring forth pientifully, 1, ee ee 954 3 ’ὔ εὐφραίνω, make glad, 1. — mid. and pass. aor., rejoice, 6. be merry, 3. make merry, 3. fare, 1. > ,ὔ εὐφροσύνη, gladness, 1. joy, 1. / εὐχαριστέω, give thanks, 25. thank, 12. be thankful, 1. — passive, : thanks are given, 1. εὐχαριστία, thankfulness, 1. thanksgiving, 9. giving of thanks, 3. thanks, 2. εὐχάριστος, thankful, 1. εὐχή, prayer, 1. vow, 2. εὔχομαι, pray, 2. wish, 3. pray, 1. can wish, 1. εὐξαίμην av, I would, 1. εὔχρηστος, meet for use, 1. profitable, 2. εὐψυχέω, be of good comfort, 1. > ΄ ε ὑωδία, sweet smell, 1. sweet smelling, 1. sweet savour, 1. εὐώνυμος, on the left hand, 1. left foot, 1. ἐξ εὐωνύμων, on the (one’s) left, 5. on the (one’s) left hand, 3. ἐφάλλομαι, with ἐπί, leap on, 1. ἐφάπαξ, once for all, 1. at once, 1. once, 3. ἐφεῖδον, see ἐπεῖδον. > , ἐφευρετής, inventor, 1. ἐφημερία, course, 2. ἐφήμερος, daily, 1. ἔφιδε, see ἐπεῖδον. > , ἐφικνέομαι, reach unto, 2. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ἐφίστημι, stand by, 3. stand over, 1 (with ἐπάνω). stand before, 1 (with . ἐπί). stand, 1. come upon, 7. come unto, 1 (with ἐπί). come to, 1. come in, 1. come, l, assault, 1. be instant, 1. be at hand, 1. present, 1. -ἐφοράω, see ἐπεῖδον. ᾿ἐφφαθά, ephphatha, 1. ἐχθές, see χθές. ἔχθρα, enmity, 5. hatred, 1. ἐχθρός, enemy, 30. foe, 2. have, 607. have sufficient, 1. can have, 1. can, 4. be able, 1, be possessed with, 2, be in that case, 1. hold, 5. hold fast, 1. keep. 1. retain, 1. with, 1. count, 4. take for, 1. use, 1. be old, 1. — middle, accompany, 1. next, 2. next day, 1. day following, 1. — μὴ ἔχω, have not, 1. be poor, us lack, 1. ἷ΄᾿ εως, —— with a verb, till, 7. until, 5. while, 6. —— with ἄν, till, 15. until, 5. until the time, 1. — with οὗ, till, 11. until, 5. while, 1. — with ὅτου, till, 2. until, 3. whiles, 1. — with a Genitive, till, 3. until, 11." to, 12. unto, 23. even unto, 2. as far as, 2. ἕως Kal εἰς, even unto, 1. ἕως τούτου, thus far, 1. οὐκ ἔστιν ἕως ἐνός, no, not one, 1. — with other particles, till, 2. unto, 1. even unto, 1. as far 88,1. ἕως ἔσω εἰς, even into, 1. ἕως τοῦ νῦν, to this time, 1. unto this time, 1. ἕως πότε; how long? 7. ἕως ὧδε, to this place, 1. Caw, to live, 117. be alive, 9. — participle, alive, 7. lively, 3. quick, 4. — infinitive, life, 1. life-time, 1. — ζῶν ἀσώτως, with riotous living, 1. ζβέννυμι, see σβέν- νυμι. ζεστός, hot, 3. ζεῦγος, yoke, 1. pair, 1. ζευκτηρία, band, 1. ζέω, be fervent, 1. fervent, 1. * ζηλεύω, [for ζηλόω, Rev. iii, 19, see Be zealous. | ζήλος, zeal, 6. fervent mind, 1, emulation, 1. envy, 1. envying, 5. jealousy, 1. indignation, '2. envy, 1. ξηλόω, be zealous, 1. zealously affect, 2. affect, 1. desire, 1. desire to have, 1. covet earnestly, 1. covet, 1. be jealous over, 1. envy, l. be moved with envy, 1. ζηλωτής, zealous, 5. ζημία, loss, 3. damage, 1. ζημιόω, (mid. or pass.) lose, 2. suffer loss, 1. suffer the loss of, 1. receive damage, 1. be cast away, 1. ζητέω, seek, 98. seek for, 6. seek after, 1. seek means, 1. go about, 4. be about, 1. endeavour, 1, desire, 3. inquire for, 1. inquire, 1, require, 2. ζήτημα, question, 5. »} ζήτησις, question, 5. εἰς τὴν περὶ τούτου ζήτησιν, such manner of questions, 1. how to inquire hereof, 1. ζιζάνιον, ( pl.) tares, 8. / ζόφος, darkness, 2. blackness, 1. mist, 1. ζυγός, yoke, 5. pair of balances, 1. ζύμη, leaven, 13. ζυμόω, to leaven, 4. ζωγρέω, take captive, 1. take alive, 1. eatch, 1. ζωή, life, 90. life-time, 1. ’ ζώνη, girdle, 6. purse, 2. of ζώννυμι, ζωννύω, gird, 2. , ζωογονέω, preserve, Ἱ. —— passive, live, 1. ζῶον, beast, 23. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. Cee Tee enn een ee a ee / ζωοποιέω, make alive, 1, give life, Ἰ quicken, 1. quicken, 9. ’ —— disjunctive, except it be, 1. neither, 3. nor, 5. — in contrast peated, Π...ἤ, either...or else, 3. either...or, 1. 7 καί, or else, 1. yea and, 1. — ἤτοι. ..ἥ, whether...or, 1. — interrogative, or, 82. or else, 1. or of, 1. what ? 3. either, 3. — comparative, than, 35 more than,.1. rather than, 3. but either, 1. but, 1. re- η, but rather, 1 but, 1. than, Da — οὐ πλείους ἤ, ἦρι but, 1. * ἢ μήν, [for εἰ μήν, Heb. vi. 14, see Surely. | ἡγεμονεύω, be governour, 2. ἡγεμονία, reign, 1. ἡγεμών, governour, 19, ruler, 2 π΄ ε ὦ έομαι, αλα, chief, 1 chief, 1. bag ag 2. ve the rule over, 3. be the guide, 1 guide, 1 count, 10. account, 1. judge, 1. esteem, 3. think, 4. suppose, 1. ἡγοῦμενος τοῦ λόγου, chief speaker; 1. most gladly, 1. very gladly, 1, ἤδη ” now, 37. ; even a i already, 17. by this time, 1. yet, 2 2. καὶ ἤδη, now already, 1. ἥδιστα, see ἡδέως. id Ί]κω, stature, 5. age, 2. — with € ἔχω, be of age, 2. ἡλίκος, how great, 1. what great, 1. ἥλιος, sun, 30. ἧλος, nail, 2. 48 -“ ἡμεις, —— nominative, we, 123. we ourselves, 1. us, 2. — Genitive, ἡμῶν, of us, 10. our, 304, ours, 4. our company, 1. us, we, 12. μεθ’ ἡμῶν, our, 1. with us, 1. — ψυχὴν ἡμῶν, us, 1. —— Dative, ἡμῖν, to us, 14. unto us, 39. for us, 10. on us, 1. upon us, 1, with us, 2 us, 94. our, 2. we, 10, --- τὶ ἡμῖν κα σόι, what have we to do with thee, 3 — Accusative, ἡμᾶς, us, 151. we, 25. — with διά, for our sakes, 2, c ’ Ίμερα, day, 350. time, 2. judgment, 1. day, 1. — μία τῶν ἡμερῶν, a certain day, 2. — ἡμέρᾳ καὶ ἥμερα, day by day, 1 — —— ἐξ ἡμέρας, from day to day, 1 — καθ᾽ ἡμέραν, daily, 15. day by day, 1. for this day, .1. every day, 1 καθ᾽ Ὁ ἡμέραν, daily, 1. καθ᾽ πᾶσαν ἡμέραν, daily, 1 F —— ἡμέρας μέσης, at mid-day, 1. -- τὰς ἡμέρας, ~ in the ar time, 1. ἐνταύταις ταῖς ἡμέραις, at that time, 1. —— ἡμέρας ἱκανάς, ag while, 1. —— πᾶσαν ἡμέραν, δν —— πάσας τὰς ἡμέρας, alway, 1. — τη ἡμέρα τῶν σαββά. on ithe sabbath, 1. [4 / ἡμέτερος, our, 6. ., with art. ours, 2. ἥμην, see εἰμί. ἡμιθανής, half dead, 1. ἥμισυ, half, 5. ἡμιώριον, the space of half an hour, 1. ἦν, ἧς, ἦσθα, sce εἰμί. ec , op Μ) ἡνίκα, with ἄν, when, 2. » » ἥπερ, 866 ἡ. ΝΜ ἤπιος, gentle, 2. > ἤρεμος, quiet, 1. » / ἠσυχάζω, be quiet, 1. rest, 1. hold one’s peace, 2. cease, ]. [2 ’ ησυχία, quietness, 1. silence, 3. ἡσύχιος, quiet, 1. peaceable, 1 ἤτοι, 866 η. ἡττάομαι, -ὥμαι, be inferior, 1. be overcome, 2. ἥττημα, diminishing, 1. decay or loss, 1. fault, 1. ἥττων, ἧσσων, the worse, 1 (neut., with art.), the less, 1 (adv.) ἤτω, see εἰμί. » , ἤχεω, to sound, 1. roar, 1. > XS, sound, 2. fame, 1. sf os, or ore eer Luke xxi. 25, θάλασσα, sea, 91. θάλπω, cherish, 2. θαμβέω, be astonished, 1. —— passive, be astonished, 1, be amazed, 2. θάμβος, wonder, 1. — with περιέχω, be astonished, 1. — with γίνομαι ἐπί, be amazed, 1. θανάσιμος, deadly thing, 1. θανατηφόρος, deadly, 1. θάνατος, death, 115. Death, 1. deadly, 2. —— θανάτου γενομένου, by means of death, 1 θανατόω, put to death, 4. mortify, 1. kill, 2. — passive, become dead, 1. θάπτω, bury, 11. θαρρέω, be bold, 2. boldly, 1. be confident, 1, confident, 1. have confidence, 1. θαρσέω, be of good cheer, 5. be of good comfort, 3, θάρσος, courage, 1, θαῦμα, admiration, 1. 956 θαυμάζω, to wonder, 12. wonder at, l. marvel, 28. marvel at, 2. admire, 1. have in admiration, 1. — middle, wonder, 1. θαυμάσιος, wonderful thing, 1. / θαυμαστός, marvellous, 5. — neuter, marvellous thing, 1. marvel, 1. θεά, goddess, 3 θεάομαι, see, 17. | behold, 2. look on, 1. look upon, 1. — passive, be seen, 3. θεατρίζω, make a gazing stock, 1. θέατρον, theatre, 1. spectacle, 1. theatre, 1. θεῖον, brimstone, 7. θεῖος, divine, 2. --- neut., with art., the godhead, 1. θειότης, godhead, 1. θειώδης, of brimstone, 1. / θέλημα, well, 61. pleasure, 1 5 esire, 1 will, 1. --- plural, will, 1. θέλησις, will, 1. θέλω, will, 98. would, 70. be willing, 1. willingly, 2. voluntary, 1. being a voluntary, 1. will have, 5. would have, 5. list, 3. be disposed, 1. desire, 13. be desirous, 1. desirous, 2. be forward, 1. be willing, 1 lease, 2. ad rather, 1. intend, 1. so be, 1, love, 1 — with εἴναι, mean, 2 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. θεμέλιος, θεμέλιον, foundation, 15. θεμελιόω, lay the foundation of, 1. found, 2. ground, 2, settle, 1. θεοδίδακτος, taught of God, 1. θεομαχέω, fight against God, 1. θεομάχος, to fight against God, 1. θεόπνευστος, given by inspiration of God, 1. cos, God, 1326. god, 12. — Genitive, godly, 3. — Dative, exceeding, 1. to God, 1. κατὰ Θεόν, after a godly manner, 1. according to God, 1 after a polly sort, 1. godly, — a be a Θεοῦ, after a godly sort, 1. θεοσέβεια, godliness, 1. θεοσεβής, worshipper of God, 1. θεοστυγής, hater of God, 1. θεότης, Godhead, 1. θεραπεία, healing, 2. household, 2. θεραπεύω, to worship, 1. cure, 5. heal, 38. θεράπων, servant, 1. , θερίζω, reap, 21. θερισμός, harvest, 13. θεριστής, reaper, 2 θερμαίνω, (mid.) warm one’s self, 5. be warmed, 1. θέρμη, heat, 1, θέρος, summer, 3. θεωρέω, look on, 1. behold, 11. consicer, 1. see, 40. perceive, 4. θεωρία, sight, 1. θήκη, sheath, 1. θηλάζω, to suck, 1. suckling, 1. give suck, 4. θῆλυς, θήλειαν, O7- λυ, woman, 23. female, 3f. θήρα, trap, 1. θηρεύω, to catch, 1. θηριομαχέω, fight with beasts, 1. θηρίον, wild beast, 3. venomous beast, 1. beast, 42. θησαυρίζω, treasure up, 1. lay up treasure, 1. heap treasure together, 1 lay up, 3. keep in store, 1. in store, 1. θησαυρός, treasure, 18. θιγγάνω, to touch, 2. handle, 1. ¢ θλίβω, narrow, 1. suffer tribulation, 1. throng, 1. afflict, 3. trouble, 4. θλῖψις, burdened, 1. anguish, 1 affliction, 17. tribulation, 21. persecution, 1. trouble, 3. — with εἰς, to be afflicted, 1, θνήσκω, to die, 1. be dead, 9. dead, 3. ’ θνητός, mortal, 5. — with art., mortality, 1. * θορυβάζω, | [for τυρβάζω, Luke x. 41, see Troubled (be). | θορυβέω, set on an uproar, 1. — middle, make a noise, 1. make this ado, 1. trouble one’s self, 1. θόρυβος, uproar, 3. tumult, 4. θραύω, to bruise, 1. θρέμμα, cattle, 1. θρηνέω, mourn, 2. lament, 2. θρῆνος, lamentation, 1. θρησκεία, worshipping, 1. religion, 3. θρῆσκος, religious, 1. θριαμβεύω, triumph over, 1. cause to triumph, 1. θρίξ, τρίχος, hair, 15. θροέω, ( pass.) be troubled, 3. θρόμβος, great drop, 1. θρόνος, seat, 7. throne, 54. θυγάτηρ, daughter, 29. θυγάτριον, little daughter, 1. young daughter, 1. θύελλα, tempest, 1. Ovivos, thyme, 1. sweet, 1. θυμίαμα, incense, 4. odour, 2. incense, 1. θυμιατήριον, censer, l. / θυµιάω, burn incense, 1. θυμομαχέω, with εἰμί, be highly displeased with, 1. bear απ hostile mind, intending war with, 1 θυμόω, ( pass.) be wroth, 1. θυμός, wrath, 15. indignation, 1, fierceness, 2. θύρα, door, 38, gate, 1. θυρεός, shield, 1. θυρίς, window, 2. / θυρωρός, porter, 2, — with art., re keepeth the door, | θυσία, sacrifice, 29. θυσιαστήριον, θύω, to sacrifice, 3 slay, 1. do sacrifice, 2 sacrifice, 1 slay, 1. ; θώραξ, breastplate, 5 ἴαμα, healing, 3. ἰάομαι, heal, 26. make whole, 2. ἴασις, healing, 1 cure, 1. — with εἰς, to heal, 1. ἴασπις, jasper, 4, ἰατρός, physician, 7. ἴδε, (ἱππρεγαί. of εἷ- ov) behold, 23. ἰδέα, countenance, 1. ”. ἴδιος, one’s own, 72. his, 5 there, 2. private, 1. his several, 1. one’s proper, 2. due, 3 --- plural, one’s Own company, 1. one’ 8 acquaintance, |. ---- τὰ ἴδια, one’s own, 2. one’s own home, 1. one’s own home, 1. oue’s own business, 1. eis τὰ ἴδια, home, 1, ὁ ἴδιος οἶκος, home, 1. κατ᾽ ἰδίαν, privately, 8 severally, 1. apart, 7 aside, 1 we they were alore, — ida, severally, 1. " ’ ἰδιώτης, unlearned, 3. ignorant, 1. rude, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ἰδού, (imper. of εἷ- dov, aor. mid.) see, 3. lo, 29 behold, 181. ἱδρώς, sweat, 1. ἱερατεία, priest’s office, 1. office of the priesthood, ἱεράτευμα, priesthood, 2. ἱερατεύω, execute the priest’s office, 1. ἱερεύς, priest, 31. ΕἸ ε 10 ιερούῦυτος, [for εἰδωλόθυτος, 1 Cor. x. 28, see ** Offered in sacrifice to 14918.” | ἱερόν, temple, 71. ἱεροπρεπής, as becometh holiness,1. as becometh holy women, ἘΝ ἱερός, holy, 1. -- τὰ ἱερά, holy things, 1 ε ’ ἱεροσυλέω, commit sacrilege, 1 ἱερόσυλος, robber of churches, 1. ἱερουργέω, to minister, 1. ἱερωσύνη, priesthood, 4. ε ’ ἱκανὸς, enough, 1. sufficient, 3. able, 1 meet, 1, worthy, 5. large, 1 sore, 1. great, 1. μτουῦ number of, 1. much, 6, — plural, many, 10. many of, 1. — τὸ ἱκανόν, security, 1 τὸ ἱκανόν ποιέω, to Faas: ἃς οἵ . long se son, 1. ἐφ᾽ ἱκανόν, a long while, |. ἱκανότης, sufficiency, 1. ἱκανόω, make able, 1 make meet, 1. ε , ἱκετρία, supplication, 1. ἰκμάς, moisture, 1. ἱλαρός, cheerful, 1. ἱλαρότης, cheerfulness, 1 ἱλάσκομαι, ση ereconciliation for, — passive, be merciful, 1. ἱλασμός, propitiation, 2. ἱλαστήριον, (neut.) propitiation, 1. mercy-seat, 1 σ ἵλεως, merciful, 1. — irews σοι, be it far from thee, 1 ἱμάς, latchet, 3. thong, 1. ε / ἱματίζω, clothe, 2. ec ’ ἐματίιον, garment, 31. clothes, 1. vesture, 2. cloak, 2 robe, 2. — plural, clothes, 11. raiment, 12, apparel, 1. e 4 ιματισμος, raiment, 1. vesture, 2. apparel, 1. array, 1. ---- οἱ ἐν ἱματισμῷ ἐνδόξῳ, | ] they which are gor- | geously apparelled, 1. ἱμείρω, -ομαι, be affectionately de- sirous of, 1. - ινα, to the intent that, 1. to the intent, 1. that, 484. to, 70 (with inf.) for to, 8 (with inj.) so as, 1 so that, 1. because, 1. must, 1. — ἵνα μή, that not, 50. that no, 5 that nothing, 1. albeit not, 1. lest, 43. so that not, 1. — ἵνα μή τις, that no man, 1. —— iva μή τι, that nothing, 1. ἱναντί, or iva τί, wherefore ? 1, why ? 5. Ἣν Los, rust, 1. poison, 2. 957 Ἰουδαίζω, to live as do the Jews, ? . .. / Ἰουδαϊσμός, Jews’ religion, 2. ἱππεύς, horseman, 2, ἱππικόν, horsemen, 1. ἵππος, horse, 16. ἶρις, rainbow, 2. > ΄ ἰσάγγελος, equal to the αν” 1, ἴσημι, ἴστε, ἴσασι, 866 εἶδον, οἶδα. ” ἴσθι, see εἰμί. ἶσος, or ἴσος, equal, 4. like, 1 — τὰ ἴσα, as much, 1. — with εἰμί, agree, 2. ἰσότης, equality, 2. — with art., that which is equal, 1. ἰσότιμος, like precious, 1. ἰσόψυχος, like-minded, 1. so dear to me, 1. σ ἵστημι, —— trans. (pres. Sut.), make stand, 1. set, 11. |, ποσο de | establish, 3. | | 1 aor, present, 1. appoint, 2. covenant with for, 1 lay to one’s charge, 1. — (pass., aor.,and fut., mid, fut. i stand, 17. stand up, 2. stand forth, 1 be holden up, 1. be established, 2. be brought, 1. — intrans, (perf., plup., and 2 aor.), stand, 99. stand ‘forth, 2. stand by, 3 stand still, 4. abide, 1. continue, 1. stanch, 1, | ΄ ιστορεω, to see, ]. , ἰσχυρός, strong, 9. strong man, 5. mighty, 10. powerful, 1. valiant, 1. boisterous, 1. | strong, |. nnn 958 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. , ἰσχύς, strength, 4, might, 2. mighty, 1. power, 2. ability, 1. — with ἐν, mightily, 1. ἰσχύω, be of strength, 1. be able, 6. can, 10. ean do, 1. may, 1. avail, 3. prevail, 3. be good, 1. be whole, 2. —— with μόλις, have much work, 1. ἴσως, it may be, 1. ἰχθύδιον, little fish, 1. small fish, 1. ἰχθύς, tish, 20. ἴχνος, step, 3. ἰῶτα, jot, 1. > ’ 3 , 5 / κἀγώ, κἀμοί, κάμε, i. 866 ἐγώ. καθά, as, 1. ,ὔ καθαίρεσις, pulling down, 1, destruction, 2. καθαιρέω, take down, 4. puil down, 1. put down, 1. cast down, 1. destroy, 2. / καθαίρω, purge, 2. /΄ καθάπερ, as, 7. even as, 5. as well as, 1. ΄ καθάπτω, fasten on, 1. / καθαρίζω, make clean, 5. cleanse, 16. purify, 3. purge, 3. —— passive, be clean, 3. ’ὔ καθαρισμός, cleansing, 2. purifying, 2. purification, 1. — with ποιέω, to purge, 1. —— - λήθην λαμβάνω τοῦ καθαρισμου, forget that one was purged, 1, * κάθαρμα, [for περικάθαρμα, 1 Cor. iv. 13, see “ Filth,” ] καθαρός, clean, 10. clear, 1. pure, 17. καθαρότης, purifying, 1. καθέδρα, seat, 3. καθέζομαι, sit, 6. καθεῖς, or καθ εἷς, 866 εἷς. καθεξῆς, in order, 2. by order, 1. afterward, 1. οἱ καθ., those that follow after, καθεύδω, to sleep, 17. be asleep, 1. asleep, 4. καθηγητής, master, 3. ιά καθήκω, fit, 1. τὰ μὴ καθήκοντα, those things which are not convenient, 1, κάθημαι, sit down, 3. be set down, 1. sit, 82. sit by, 2. dwell, 1. καθημερινός, daily, 1. ἥν καθίζω, set, 2. sit down, 14. be set down, 2. sit, 25. be set, 2. tarry, 1. continue, 1. sit, 1. middle, sit, 1. καθίημι, let down, 4. make, 8, make ruler, 6, appoint, 1, ordain, 3. conduct, 1. — passive, be, 2. καθό, according to that, 1. as, 1. inasmuch 88,1. — with ἄν, according to that, 1. Ἠκαβόλον, at all, 1. καθοπλίζω, to arm, 1. καθοράω, see clearly, 1. ’ καθότι, because that, 1, because, 1, forsomuch as, 1. — with ἄν, according as, 1. καθώς, according as, 4, as, 151. even as, 24, how, 1. when, 1. — καθώς καί, as well as, 1. * καθώσπερ, [ for καθάπερ, Heb. v. 4, see ** As,” ] ΄ και, [a word occurring too frequently for dis- crimination, and va- viously rendered and. also. even. and also. withal. moreover, else. yet. 50. likewise. in like manner. both. even also. also even. and even. even very. very. the same, indeed. yea. yea and. etc., etc., etc. | καίγε, 866 γέ. / καινὸς, new, 44. — neut. pl., new things, 1. , καινοτῆς, newness, 2. καίπερ, and yet, 1. though, 5. καιρός, due season, 2. convenient season, 1. season, 11. opportunity, 2, due time, 2. time, 63. while, 1. κατὰ Karpov, | at a certain season, 1. —— παρὰ καιρὸν ἡλικίας, pastage,l. ἐν παντὶ καιρῳ, | always, 2. καίτοι, although, 1. καίτοιγε, though, 2. nevertheless, 1. καίω, to light, 1. —— passive, be burned, 2. burn, 9. κἀκεῖ, 866 ἐκεῖ. κἀκεῖθεν, 866 ἐκεῖθεν. κἀκεῖνος, 866 ἐκεῖνος. ’ κακία, evil, 1. naughtiness, 1. malice, 6. maliciousness, 2. wickedness, 1. κακοήθεια, mulignity, 1. / κακολογέω, speak evil of, 2. curse, 2. κακοπάθεια, suffering affliction, 1. / κακοπαθέω. sulfer trouble, 1. endure afflictions, 1. be afflicted, 1. endure hardness, 1. κακοποιέω, do evil, 3. for evil doing, 1, , κακοποιὸς, evil-doer, 4. malefactor, 1. κακός, evil, 8. bad, 1. noisome, 1. wicked, 1. —- plural, they which are evil, 1. neuter, evil, 31. evils, 1. να, harm, 2. — with art., that which is evil, 2. — ποι, pl., evil things, 3. κακοῦργος, evil-doer, 1. malefactor, 3. κακουχέω, ( pass.) suffer adversity, 1. be tormented, 1, κακόω, evil entreat, 2. hurt, 1. harm, 1. vex, Ἱ. make evil affected, 1, κακῶς, evil, 2. amiss, 1, grievously, 1 “ἘΞ, INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. 959 sore, 1. miserably, 1 " — with ἔχω, be diseased, 2, be sick, 7. sick people, 1, κάκωσις, affliction, 1. καλάμη, stubble, 1. so name, 1. —— passive, be one’s name, 1. be one’s surname, 1. καλλιέλαιος, good olive tree, 1. κάλλιον, see καλῶς. καλοδιδάσκαλος, a of good things, καλοποιέω, in well doing, 1. / καλός, goodly, 2. good, 76. better, 7. well, 1. honest, 2, meet, 2. worthy, 1. — neuter, honest thing, 2. good thing, 2. good, 3. —— τὸ καλόν, that which is honest, 1. that which is good, 2 κάλυμμα, ἱ veil, 4. καλύπτω, | to cover, 5. { hide, 3. καλῶς, well, 30. full well, 1. good, 2. in a good ο. 1. well or ο. honestly, 1. — comp. κάλλιον, very well, 1. — with ἔχω, recover, 1 κἀμέ, 866 κἀγώ. κάμηλος, camel, 6, κάμινος, furnace, 4, Kap pv, to close, 2, κάμνω, be wearied, 1. faint, 1. sick, 1. κἀμοί, see κἀγώ. κάμπτω, to bow, 4. καν, and if, 3. and if so much as, 1. also if, 1. if but, 2. though, 4. yet, 1. at the least, 1; Ϊ κανών, rule, 1. ] line, 1. line, 1. ] rule, 1. καπηλεύω πη . to corrupt, 1. deal deceitfully with, 1. καπνός, smoke, 13. καρδία, heart, 158, καρδιογνώστης, | which knoweth the. hearts, 2, καρπός, fruit, 66, καρποφορέω, bear fruit, 1. bring forth fruit, 5. | be fruitful, 1. ] — mid., with εἰμί, | bring forth fruit, 1. καρποφόρος, fruitful, 1 καρτερέω, endure, 1. κάρφος, mote, 6. * καρχηδών, ] [for χαλκηδών, Rev. xxi. | 19,see“‘Chalcedony.”’ | κατά, —— with Genitive, down, 3. on, 1. upon, 1. covered, 1. against, 58, of, 1. through, 1. throughout, 4. y, 4. — with Accusative, through, 4. throughout, 3. over — 2. before, 2 toward, ὃ 3. according to, 2. upon, 1. on, l. according to, 108. after, 59. after the manner of, 1. in "respect οἷ 1, concerning, 2 as concerning, 3. as pertaining to, 2. touching, 1 as touching, 2. on one’s’part, 2. for, 1. κατ’ αὐτόν, where he was, 1. — κατὰ πόλιν, in every city, 3. rg every city, ο οἳ every city, 1. — κατ᾽ ἐκκλησίαν, in every church, 1. κατὰ τόπους, in divers places, 3. κατ᾽ ἐνιαυτόν, year by year, 1. every year, 2. κατ ἔτος, every year, 1. —— κατὰ ταῦτα, in the like manner, 1. so, 1. even thus, 1. —— κατὰ τὸ διατεταγμέ- vov, a was commanded, κατὰ τὸν καλέσαντα, apie which hath called, — κατὰ ᾿Ισαάκ, as Isaac was; 1. - τὸ κατ᾽ ἐμέ, as much as in me is, 1. Kara tet reason would, 1 —— κατὰ τί, whereby ἢ 1. —— τὰ κατὰ τὸν Παῦλον, Paul's cause, 1. 4 καταβαίνω, go down, 17. came down, 41. step down, 1. descend, 18. get down, 1 fall down, 1. fall, 1. καταβάλλω, cast down, 2. — middle, lay, 1. καταβαρέω, to burden, 1. | * καταβαρύνω, [for βαρέω, Mark xiv. | 40, see Heavy, | , κατάβασις, descent, 1. καταβιβάζω, bring down, 1. thrust down, 1. καταβολή, foundation, 10, with εἰς, to conceive, 1. καταβραβεύω, beguile of one’s reward, ἐν judge against, 1. καταγγελεύς, setter forth, 1. καταγγέλλω, declare, 2. show, 3. speak of, 1. preach, 10. teach, 1. κκ laugh to scorn, 3. καταγινώσκω, condemn, 2. —— passive, to be blamed, 1, κατάγνυμι, ως κατάγω, bring down, 5. bring forth, 1. bring, 1. —— passive, touch, 1. pare ὠνίζομαι, ue, 1, ο bind up, 1, κατάδηλος, evident, 1. καταδικάζω, condemn, 5. * καταδίκη, [ for δίκη, Acts xxv. 15, see “ Judgment.””] καταδιώκω, follow after, 1. καταδουλόω, bring into bondage, 5, καταδρέμω, 866 κατα- τρέχω. καταδυναστεω, oppress, 2 ΕἾ κατάθεμα, [for κατανάθεμα, Rev. xxii. 3, see ‘* Curse.’"] * καταθεματίζω, [for καταναθεματίζω, Matt. xxvi. 74, see “ Curse (to).’"] καταίσχύνω, to shame, 1. make ashamed, 1, — passive, be ashamed, 16, be confounded, 1. confound, 3 dishonour, 2. κατακαίω, burn up, 4 burn utterly, 1, burn, 7. --..-.-.----.- -τς-ς- Ὁ a ee ee SSS See INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. 960 κατακαλύπτω, — middle, be covered, 2. cover, l. , κατακαύχαομαι, boast against, 1. boast, 1. rejoice agaiust, 1. glory against, 1. glory, 1. κατάκειμαι, to lie, 6. sit down, 1, sit at meat, 3. — with ἐπί, keep, 1. κατακλάω, Or κατα- κλάζω, to break, 2. iA κατακλείω, shut up, 2. κατακληροδοτέω, divide by lot, 1. * κατακληρονομέω, [for κατακληροδοτέω, Acts xiii. 19, see Di- vide by lot. | 4 κατακλίνω, make sit down, 1. — middle, sit down, 1. sit at meat, 1. κατακλύζω, overflow, 1. κατακλυσμός, flood, 4. κατακολουθέω, follow after, 1. follow, 1. / κατακοπτω, to cut, 1. κατακρημνίζω, cast down headlong, 1. κατάκριμα, condemnation, 3. ’ὔ κατακρινω, condemn, 17, damn, 2. , κατάκρισις, condemnation, i. — with πρός, to condemn, 1. 4 κατακνριευω, exercise lordship over, 1 be lord over, 1. overrule, 1. exercise dominion over, overcome, 1. ΄ καταλαλέω, speak against, 1, speak evil of, 4, καταλαλία, evil speaking, 1. backbiting, 1. κατάλαλος, backbiter, 1. , καταλαμβάνω, overtake, 1. take, 8. apprehend, 3. attain to, 1. obtain, 1. come upon, 1. comprehend, 1. — middle, comprehend, 1. perceive, 2. find, 1. καταλέγω, take into the number, 1 choose, ἆσ., Ἱ. κατάλειμμα, remnant, 1. / καταλείπω, to leave, 22. forsake, 2. reserve, 1. καταλιθάζω, to stone, 1. ἮΝ καταλλαγή, reconciliation, 2. reconciling, 1. atonement, 1. καταλάσσω, reconcile, 6. κατάλοιπος, ( pl.) residue, 1. / κατάλυμα, inn, 1. guest-chamber, 2. | καταλύω, dissolve, 1. throw down, 3. overthrow, 1. destroy, 9. lodge, 1. be guest, 1. —— passive, come to nought, 1. καταμανθάνω, consider, 1. ’ καταμαρτυρεω, witness against, 4. abide, 1. | ΄ | καταμόνας, alone, 2. / κατανάθεµα, curse, 1. Ms καταναθεματίζω, to curse, 1. 4 καταναλίσκω, consume, 1. ’ καταναρκαω, be burdensome to, 2. be chargeable to, 1. κατανεύω, beckon unto, 1. ’ὔ κατανοέω, perceive, 2. discover, 1. behold, 4. consider, 7. , καταγταω, — with εἰς, attain to, 1. attain unto, 1. come to, 5. come unto, 4. come upon, 1. —— with ἀντικρύ, come over against, 1. | , κατάνυξις, slumber, 1. remorse, 1. κατανύσσω, to prick, 1. καταξιόω, count worthy, 2. account worthy, 2. καταπατέω, tread down, 1. tread under foot, 2. tread, 1. trample, 1. κατάπαυσις, rest, 9. , καταπαυω, give rest, 1. restrain, 1, rest, 1. cease, 1. / καταπέτασμα, veil, 6. ΄ καταπίνω, swallow up, 4. swallow, 1. drown, 1. devour, 1. 4 καταπιπτω, fall down, 1. : fall, 1. , καταπλέω, arrive, 1. κατάπονεω, oppress, 1. vex, 1. or pass.) sink, 1. be drowned, 1. ΄ καταρα, cursing, 2. curse, 3. — Genitive, cursed, 1, / καταραομαι, to curse, 5. — passive, be cursed, 1. , καταργεω, make without effect, 1. make of none effect, 2. make void, 1. cumber, 1. deliver, 1. | loose, 1. : 4 , καταποντίζω, (mid. | καταμένω, with cipi, | | / | κατάσκοπος, | καταστέλλω, | κατάστημα, | | $$$ $n do away, 3. put away, 1. put down, 1. abolish, 3. destroy, 5. bring to nought, 1. —— passive, become of none effect, come to nought, 1. be to be done away, 1. fail, 1. cease, 1. vanish away, 1. καταριθµέω, with ἐν, number with, 1. restore, 1. make perfect, 2. perfect, 2. fit, 1. make wp, 1. prepare, 1, yl frame, 1. —— passive, be perfect, 1. be perfected, 1. be perfectly joined to- together, 1. κατάρτισις, perfection, 1. καταρτισμός, perfecting, 1. ’ κατασείω, beckon, 4. κατασκάπτω, dig down, 1. — κατασκαμμένα, ruins, 1. κατασκευάζω, prepare, 5. build, 3. make, 1. ordain, 1. —— passive, bea preparing, 1. κατασκηνόω, to lodge, 3. rest, 1, κατασκήνωσις, nest, 2. κατασκιάζω, to shadow, 1. κατασκοπέω, spy out, 1. spy, 1. ᾿ κατασοφίζομαι, deal subtilely with, 1. appease, 1. —— passvwe, quiet, 1, behaviour, 1. , καταστολή, apparel, 1, rs) ——— ὀ͵ -ς-ς.---- -ς,-. . --- 6ὅ--ὄ-Ἠ καταστρέφω, to overthrow, 2. καταστρηνιάω, begin to wax wanton against, 1. καταστροφή, overthrow, 1. subverting, 1. καταστρώννυμι, to overthrow, 1. κατασύρω, to hale, 1 κατασφάζω, slay, 1. κατασφραγίζω, to seal, 1 κατάσχεσις, possession, 2. κατατίθημι, a κατατομῆ, concision, 1. κατατοξεύω, thrust through, 1. κατατρέχω, run down, 1. * καταυγάζω, [for αὐγάσω, 2 2 Cor. iv. 4, see ** Shine.” καταφάγω, see κα- τεσθίω. , καταφέρω, give against, 1. —— passive, sink down, 1. fall, 1. καταφεύγω flee, 2, καταφθείρω, ( pass.) perish utterly, 1 corrupt, 1. καταφιλέω, to kiss, 6. | καταφονέω, despise, 9. ’ καταφρονητής, despiser, 1. καταχέω, pour, 2. καταχθόνιος, under the earth, 1. καταχράομαι, to abuse, 2. καταψύ χω, to cool, 1. | κατείδωλος, 5 wholly given to idol- atry, 1. 7ιμὶ of idols, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. 961 a κατέναντι, κατήφεια, | καύχημα, over against, 4. heaviness, 1. boasting, 1. before, 1. glorying, 2. like unto, 1. κατηχεω, to glory, 2 , teach, 3 rejoicing, 4. κατενώπιον, instruct, 3. — with ov, in the sight of, 1. inform, 2. nothing to glory of, 1. in one’s sight, 1. before the presence of, before, 2. / κατεξουσιάζω, exercise authority up- on, 2. / κατεργάζοµαι, work out, 1. work, 14. be wrought, 1. perform, 1. do, 5. overcome, 1, cause, 1. — with τοῦτο, do this deed, 1. d κατερχοµαι, come down, 5. go down, 2. come, 3. descend, 1. depart, 1. land, 1. κατεσθίω, (2nd aor., κατέφαγον) eat up, 3. devour up, 2. devour, 10. ο... to direct, 2 guide, 1. * [ή κατευλογέω, [for εὐλογέω, Mark x. 16, see "' Bless.” } κατεφίστημι, make insurrection against, 1. κατέχω, hold fast, 3. withhold, 1. hold, 1. hold, 3. retain, 1. stay, 1. let, 1. keep, 2 keep in memory, 1. hold fast, 1. take, 1. seize on, l. possess, 2, make toward, 1. | —— passive, have, 1 κατηγορέω, accuse, 2], object, 1. κατηγορία, accusation, 8, —- with ΓΝ accused, 1 κατήγορος, accuser, 7. * κατήγωρ, Sor κατήγορος, Rev. xii. 10, see “ Accuser,’’ } Sa π΄ -ᾱ- ο Ὁααωμιπωιαμωμµἱμυμμω... —— eis καύχημα ἐμοί, κατ᾽ ἰδίαν, 866 ἴδιος. that I may rejoice, 1. κατιόω, καύχησις, to canker, 1. boasting, 6. , glorying, 1. κατισχύω, whereof I mas glory, 1. revail against, 1. rejoicing, μετά 1, Ἱ glorying, 1. κατοικέω, | κεῖμαι, dwell in, 4. to lie, 9. dweller in, 1. there, 1. dwell at, 4 be laid, 6. dweller at, 1. be laid up, 1. dwell, 35. be set, 6. inhabiter of, 1. be appointed, 1, inhabitant, 1 be ae 3 inhabiter, 1 be, 1 κατοίκησις, κειρίαι, dwelling, 1. grave-clothes, 1. κατοικητήριον, κείρω, habitation, 2. to shear, 3. ΄ shearer, 1. κατοικία, Ὰ habitation, 1. κέλευσμα, shout, 1. * κατοικίζω, ii [for κατοικέω, Jas. iv. 5, κελεύω, see “ Dwell.’ ] to command, 24. ᾿ ιά give commandment, 1. κατοπτρίζω, (mic .) at one’s commandment, 1 behold as in a glass, 1 / bid, 1. κατόρθωμα, . very worthy deed, 1. κενοδοξία, . vain-glory, 1. κάτω, 5 aaa κενόδοξος, beneath, 2. desirous of vain glory, ἕως κάτω, 1. to the bottom, 2 / — τὰ κάτω, κενος, beneath, 1. empty, 4 ; vain, 5. κατωτερος5, in ary ai lower, 1. vain things: L D —— εἰς κενόν, πα. in vain, 5. ’ καυματίζω, ον (Gen.) scorch, 4. ἊΣ burn, 1. κεγόω, “ τ ? make void, 2. κανσι»; (with εἰς) make of none effect, 1. to be burned, 1. make of no reputation, 1 καυσόω, ( pass.) with fervent heat, 2. σποτ passive, be in vain, 1. | καύσων, | κέντρον, burning heat, 1. | prick, 2. heat, 2. sting, 3. καυτηριάζω, | κεντυρίων, sear with a hot iron, 1, centurion, 3. καυχάομαι, κεγως, to boast, 7. in vain, 1. boast one’ s self, 2, i , lory, 22. κεραία, in glorying, 1 tittle, 2 rejoice, 4. / glory, τω κεράμευς, joy, 1. potter, 3. O00 962 κεραμικός, οὗ a potter, 1. κεράμιον, pitcher, 2. κέραμος, tiling, 1. κεράννυμι, κεραννύω, ΤοῦΣ out, 1. Il, 2. κέρας, ΠΌΣΗ; 11. κεράτιον, husk, 1. κερδαίνω, to gain, 13. get gain, 1. win, 2. κέρδος, gain, 2. lucre, 1. κέρμα, money, 1. κερματιστής, changer of money, 1, κεφάλαιον, sum, 2. κεφαλαιόω, eres in the head, κεφαλή, head, 75. Head, 1. κεφαλίς, volume, 1. * κημόω, [for φιμόω, 1 Cor. ix. 9, see ** Muzzle.’’} κηνσος, tribute, 3. Genitive, tribute, 1. κῆπος, garden, 5. κηπουρός, gardener, 1. κηρίον, with μελίσ- σιος, honey-comb, 1. κήρυγμα, preaching, 8. κήρυξ, preacher, 3, κηρύσσω, proclaim, 2, publish, 5. preach, 53. preacher, 1, κῆτος, whale, 1, κιβωτός, ark, 6, INDEX.— GREEK AND ENGLISH. κιθάρα, harp, 4. κιθαρίζω, to harp, 2. κιθαρωδός, harper, 2. κινάμωμον, cinnamon, 1. κινδυνεύω, be in danger, 2. be in jeopardy, 1. stand in jeopardy, 1. 4 κίνδυνος, peril, 9. κινέω, move, 3. mover of, 1. remove, l. wag, 2. — middle, move, l. κίνησις, moving, 1. κίχρημι, 866 χράω. κλάδος, branch, 11. κλάζω, see κλάω. κλαίω, weep, 39. weep abund- antly, 1, beginto weep,1 bewail, 1. with ἐπι- βάλλω, κλάσις, breaking, 2. κλάσμα, fragment, 7. — plural, broken meat, 2. / κλαυθμός, weeping, 6. wailing, 2. — with γίνομαι, weep, 1. κλάω, break, 15. κλείς, key, 6. κλείω, shut, 12, shut up, 4. κλέμμα, theft, 1, κλέος, glory, 1. κλέπτης, thief, 16, / κλέπτω, steal, 13. κλῆμα, branch, 4, | κληρονομέω, inherit, 15. obtain by inheritance,1. be heir of, 1, be heir, 1. κληρονομία, inheritance, 14, | κληρονόμος, heir, 15. inheritance, 2. heritage, 1. κληρόω, ( pass.) obtainan inheritance, 1. κλῆσις, calling, 10. vocation, 1. κλητός, called, 10. which is called, 1. ᾿ καλίβανος, oven, 2. κλίμα, region, 2. part, 1. * κλινάριον, [for κλίνη, Acts v. see Bed. ] κλίνη, bed, 9. table, 1. bed, 1. κλινίδιον, couch, 2. 15, κλίνω, to bow, 1. bow down, l. lay, 2. turn to flight, 1. — with ἡμέρα, wear away, l. be far spent, 1. κλισία, (Ace. pl.) in a company, 1. κλοπή, theft, 2. κλύδων, wave, 1. raging, 1. κλυδωνίζομαι, be tossed to and fro, 1. κνήθω, (pass., with τὴν ἀκοήν) have itching ears, 1, κοδράντης, farthing, 2, κοιλία, belly, 11, womb, 12, κοιμάω, fall asleep, 4. fall on sleep, 1, sleep, 10. be asleep, 2. be dead, 1. κοίμησις, taking of rest, 1. κοινός, common, 7. unclean, 2. defiled, 1. unholy thing, 1. κοινόω, call common, 2. defile, 11. pollute, 1. —— passive, unclean, 1. κοινωνέω, be partaker οἵ, 5. communicate, 2. distribute, 1. κοινωνία 5 communion, 4. communication, 1. to communicate, 1. fellowship, 12. contribution, 1. distribution, 1. KOLVWVLKOS, willing to communi- cate, 1. sociable, 1. κοινωνός, partaker, 5. partner, 3. companion, 1: — with γίνομαι, nave fellowship with, κοίτη, bed, 2. — with ἔχω, conceive, 1. — plural, chambering, 1. κοιτών, — with ἐπί, chamberlain, 1. κόκκινος, scarlet coloured, 1, scarlet, 2. — neuter, scarlet colour, 1, scarlet, 2, KOKKOS, grain, 6. corn, 1. κολάζω, punish, 2, κολακεία, flattering, 1, ig κόλασις, punishment, 1, torment, 1, κολαφίζω, buffet, 5, κολλάω, cleave, 3, {ots one’s self, 4, 6 joined, 2. keep company, 1, κολλούριον, eye-slave, 1. κολλυβιστής, money-changer, 2. changer, 1. κολοβόω, shorten, 4. κόλπος, bosom, 5. creek, 1. κολυμβάω, swim, 1. κολυμβήθρα, pool, 5. κολωνία, colony, 1. κομάω, have long hair, 2. ΄ , κόμή, hair, 1. ’ κομίζω, bring, 1. — middle, receive, 9. receive for, 1. κομψότερον, — with ἔχω, begin to amend, 1. κονιάω, to white, 2. κονιορτός, dust, 5. κοπάζω, cease, 3. κοπετός, lamentation, 1, ’ κοπη, slaughter, 1. κοπιάω, be wearied, 1. toil, 3. labour, 16. bestow labour, 3. bestow labour on, 1, κόπος, weariness, 1. —-— pl. with παρέχω, to trouble, 5, labour, 13. κοπρία, dunghill, 1. — with βάλλω, to dung, 1. * κόπριος, (for κοπρία, Luke xiii, 8, see * to dung.’’] ’ κόπτω, cut down, 2, — middle, lament, 2. wail, 1. bewail, 2. mourn, 1], κόραξ, raven, 1, O00* | ' Ϊ INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. κοράσιον, damsel, 6, maid, 2. κορβᾶν, κορβανᾶς, Corban, 1. | κορέννυμι, (pass. or mid.) eat enough, 1. full, 1. κόρος, measure, 1. κοσμικός, worldly, 2. κόσμιος, of good behaviour, 1. modest, 1. modest, 1. κοσμοκράτωρ, ruler, 1. κόσμος, adorning, 1. world, 187. κοῦμι, cuni, 1. ’ κουστωδία, watch, 3. κουφίζω, lighten, 1. 4 κόφινος, basket, 6, κράββατος, couch, 1, bed, 11. κράζω, to ery, 40. κραιπάλη, surfeiting, 1. κρανιον, skull, 3. Calvary the pine af a skull, 1. κράσπεδον, border, 3. hem, 2. κραταιός, mighty, 1. κραταιόω, strengthen, 1. —— passive, wax strong, 2, be strong, 1. κρατέω, a“ au on, 8, 9 ὌΝ old upon, 2, πὶ τον hands on, 2, ta 8. take’ by, 5, obtain, 1. hold, 12, hold fast, 5. | hold by, 1. keep, 1. retain, 2. κράτιστος, most excellent, 2. most noble, 2. ’ κράτος, strength, 1. ower, 6. ominion, 4. — with κατά, mightily, 1. κραυγάζω, to ery, 4. ery out, 3. προς ery, 3 crying, 2 2. clamour, 1. κρέας, flesh, 2 , κρεισσων, better, 14. better country, 1. best, 1 — neuter, better thing, 1. κρεμάννυμι, hang, 4. — middle, hang, 3. κρημνό 5, steep place, 3. κριθή, barley, 1. ͵ κρίθινος, barley, 2. κρίμα, judgment, 13. condemnation, 5. judgment, 2. damnation, 7. judgment, 1. — pl., with é Xs go to law, 1. — with κρίνω, avenge, 1. — with eis, to be condemned, 1. κρίνον, lily, 2. ’ κρίνω, to esteem, 2. think, 1, determine, 7. conclude, 1, judge, 87. determine, 1, decree, 1. ordain, 1. condemn, 5. damn, 1. call in question, 2. —— ¢yw κρίνω, my sentence is, 1. — with κρίμα, avenge, 1. mid, or pass., sue at the law, 1. go to law, 2. κρίσις, judgment, 41. condemnation, 3, damnation, 3, accusation, 2, 963 κριτήριον, Nor meses 1, judgment, 1. —— Genitive, to judge, 1. κριτής, judge, 17. κριτικός, discerner, 1. κρούω, to knock, 9. κρυπτός, hid, 3. hidden, 1. secret, 1 (ad secret, 2 pen ok ) —_— neuter, hidden thing, 2. — with ἐν, in secret, 9. inwardly, 1. —— els κρυπτῆν, in a secret place, 1, κρύπτω, to hide, 12 keep secret, 1. secretly, 1. —— passive, hide one’s self, 2. κρυσταλλίζω, clear as crystal, 1. κρύσταλλος, erystal, 2 * κρυφαῖος, (for κρυπτός, Matt. vi. 18, 866 “in secret.’’] κρυφῆ, in secret, 1, KT Copa, obtain, 1 provide, 1. get, 1. purchase, 2, possess, 3. κτῆμα, possession, 4, κτῆνος, beast, 4, κτήτωρ, possessor, 1, ΄ κτίζω, create, 12. Creator, 1. make, 1, κτίσις, creation, 8, creature, 11, building, 1, ordinance, 1, κτίσμα, creature, 4. κτίστης, Creator, 1, κυβεία, sleight, 1, κυβέρνησις, government, 1, 964 κυβερνήτης, ship-master, 1, master, 1. * κυκλεύω, | [for κυκλόω, Rev. xx. 9, see‘Compass about.’ | κυκλόθεν, round about, 3. | about, 1. κύκλος, (Dat.) round about, 7. κυκλόω, keep from, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. i withstand, 1. | ΄ suffer not, 1. λαμπάς, forbid, 16. torch, 1. — with ἀπό, light, 1. forbid to take, 1. lamp, 7. κώμη, λαμπρός, ος τ ote τῇ clear, 1. κωμόπολις, gorgeous, 1. town, 38. ο... 9. gn λαμπρότης, revelling, 2. rioting, 1. | brightness, 1. λᾶμμα, see Napa. ὌΠ tg | [κόνωφς ple ee 3. sumptuously, 1. come round about, 1. | gnat, 1. Σ Ἰ : stand round about, 1. κωφός, | λάμπω, ΄ shine, 6. κύλισμα dumb, 8. hine, ϐ ο ings 1 speechless, 1. | give light, 1. 5 ee deaf, 5. λα ο” ο ο να ώς πο ο | unawares, 1. κυλλός , | be ignoraut of, 2. ο, Γλανχάνω, | : ο παρκ ή | be ore lot, 1. | λαξευτός, @ cast lots, 1. hewn in stone, 1. η. obtain, 2. λαό ᾿ κε. aos, ’ κύμβαλον λάθρα, | people, 143. ῬῺ 1 4 secretly, 1. ᾿ Fe lag De privily, 3. λάρυγξ, ή Ξ throat, 1. κύμινον, λαῖλαψ, Ne cumin, 1. storm, 2. λάσκω, κυνάριον, tempest, 1. burst asunder, 1. dog, 4. λακέω, see λάσκω. | λατοµέω, κύπτω ; hew, 2. stoo "down, 1 λακτίζω, ΓΝ i ee to kick, 2. | “aaa Γ᾽ service, +. — κυρία, λαλέω, divine service, 1. lady, 1. | speak, 241. λατρεύω, say, 2. πὸ κυριακός, be spoken of, 1. serve, 16. Ἶ Lord’s, 2 speak of, 2 πας μας speak with, 2. οι ΣΝ κυριευω, nares a ; worshipper, 4. talk with, 1. 4 y Lake ο]. pay, 16, λάχανον Ν exercise lordship over tell, 11. heh, 4. 1 s utter, 4. eget have dominion over, 4. preach, U. ως eh κύριος, λαλιά, Legion, 2. lord, 56. speech, 3. λέγω, master, 12. saying, 1. put forth, 1 owner, 1. , : “κι ο) λαμά, ο. Lord, 663. lama, 2. He Master, 2 describe, 1. des tell, 33 λαμβάνω η 4 ᾽ utter, 1. κυριοτήης, take, 104. say, 1180. dominion, 3. take to one's self, 1. say on, 1. overnment, 1. take upon one’s self, 1. speak, 56. minion, 1. take up, 2. ‘ speak of, 1. 1 , take away, 1. boast, 1. κυροω, catch, 3. ask, 1. confirm, 2. come on, 1. bid, 2. , | receive, 199, call, 47. κυων, take unto one’s self, 1. name, 2. dog, 5. | obtain, 2 — with ταῦτα, = | attain, 1. with these sayings, 1. κῶλον, accept, 2. — passive, carcass, l, | have, 3. be to say, 2. 7 | hold, 1. to 880,1. κωλύω, | take, 1. —— τὰ λεγομένα, to hinder, 2. | bring, 1. the things which were forbid, 1. call to, 1. spoken, 2. let, 1. | those things were spoken, 2, those things which... spake, 1. the things which... hath spoken, 1. λεῖμμα, remnant, 1. λεῖος, smooth, 1. λείπω, to lack, 1. be wanting, 2. be left wndone, 1. —— passive, destitute, 1. lack, 1. —— with ἐν, want, 1. λειτουργέω, to minister, 3. λειτουργία, service, 3. ministration, 1. ministry, 2. λειτουργικός, ministering, 1. λειτουργός, minister, 4. he that ministereth, 1. λέντιον, towel, 2. λεπίς, 50816, 1. λέπρα, leprosy, 4. λευκαίνω, to white, 1. make white, 1. λευκός, white, 25. λέων, lion, 8, Lion, 1. λήθη, with λαμβάνω, forget, 1. ληκέω, see λάσκω. ληνός, wine-press, 5. λῆρος, idle tales, 1. ληστής, robber, 4. thief, 11. λήψις, receiving, 1. ,ὔ λίαν, greatly, 4. sore, 1. exceeding, 5. ὑπὲρ λίαν, very chiefest, 2. λί B avos, frankincense, %. λιβανωτός, censer, 2. λιθάζω, to stone, 8. λίθινος, of stone, 3. λιθοβολέω, cast stones, 1. stone, 8. - - λίθος ἐπὶ λίθῳ, one stone upon an- other, 3. — λίθος ἐπὶ λίθον, orga uponanother, —— λίθος ae mill-stone, 1. —— λίθος προσκόμματος, stumbling-stone, 2. λικμάω, grind to powder, 2, λιμήν, haven, 2. — καλοὶ λιμένες, the fair havens, 1, λιπαρός, dainty, 1. λίτρα, pound, 2. dup, south-west, 1. λ ογία, gathering, 1. collection, 1. , λογίζομαι, — mid, and pe oF to number, 1. account, 3. impute, i account of, 1. count, 5 lay to one’s charge, 1 reckon, 6. impute, 8, reason, 1. think, 8 reason, 1. think of, 1. reckon, 1 think on, 1. suppose, 2. esteem, 1. conclude, 1, with eis οὐδέν, despise, 1. να γονὴν of the word, 1. reasonable, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. 968 | oe oracle, 4. λόγιος, eloquent, 1. λογισμός, thought, 1. imagination, 1. reasoning, 1. λογομαχέω, ἐν ας about words, 1, λογομαχία, strife of words, 1, / λόγος, word, 208. preaclving, 2. words, 11. speech, 1. Word, 7. saying, 50. thing, 1. things to say, 1. speech, 8, talk, 1. utterance, 4. mouth, 1 show, 1. tidings, 1. preaching, 1. rumour, 1. fame, 1 communication, 3. treatise, 1. question, 1. thing, 1. account, 8. work, 2 account, 2. thing, 4 matter, 4. doctrine, 1. word, 1. reason, 1. intent, 1. cause, 1. τίνι λόγῳ, what, 1. by what speech, 1, — with συναίρω, reckon, 1. — with eis, as concerning, ἄς —— ὑμῖν 0 λόγος, we have to ἅο,1. — with κατά, reason would, 1, λόγχη, spear, 1. λοιδορέω, revile, 4. λοιδορία, railing, 2. —— λοιδορία χάριν, to ‘eae reproachfully, ee ‘railing, 1. λοίδορος, railer, 1. reviler, 1. λοιμός, pestilence, 2. pestilent fellow, 1. λοιπός, the remnant, 4, the residue, 1, the rest, 10. the other, 5. others, 7. % 1. — τὰ λοιπά (neut. pl.), the things which re- main, 1. the rest, 2. other things, 1. other, 2. —— τὸ λοιπόν, είο., besides, 1. moreover, 1. furthermore, 1. henceforth, 1. from henceforth, 1. finally, 5. now, 2. then, 1. — with ἐστί, it remaineth, 1. —— Genitive, from henceforth, 1. λουτρόν, washing, 2. Aovw, wash, 6. ΄ λύκος, wolf, 6. λυμαίνομαι, make havoc of, 1. λυπέω, grieve, 2. cause grief, 1. make sorry, 3. — mid. or pass., be grieved, 4. be made sorry, 3. be sorry, 3. sorrow, 3. be sorrowful, 4, sorrowful, 2. be in heaviness, 1. heaviness, 2. — Genitive, grievous. with ἐκ, grudgingly. λύσις, to be loosed, 1. λυσιτελέω, (impers.) it is better, 1. λύτρωσις, redemption, 2. — with ποιέω, redeem, 1. λυτρωτής, deliverer, 1, ’ λυχνία, candlestick, 12. ’ λύχνος, light, 6 candle, 8. break up, 1. destroy, 2. sive, melt, 1. μαγεία, sorcery, l. μαγεύω, use sorcery, 1. μάγος, wise man, 4. sorcerer, 2. * 4 patos, [ for μαστός, Rev. i. 13, see “ Pap.” ] μαθητεύω, be a disciple, 1. teach, 2. make disciples or Chris- tians of, 1. instruct, 1. μαθητής, disciple, 269. μαθητρία, disciple, 1. μαίνομαι, be mad, 4. be beside one’s self, 1. μακαρίζω, count happy, 1. call blessed, 1. μακάριος, happy, 6. blessed, 43. μακαρισμός, blessedness, 3. μάκελλον, shambles, 1, | μακράν, a great way off, 1. a good way off, 1. far off, 1. far, 4. far’ hence, 1. — with art., that is afar off, 1, which is afar off, 1, μακρόθεν, from far, 1. afar off, 4. | —— with ἀπό, afar off, 9. μακροθυμέω, be long a ei 1, bear long, 1 suffer long, 1. have long patience, I. have patience, 2. pe tient, 3. ‘ong patient or suffer * with long να, Be endure patiently, 1, μακροθυμία, long-suffering, 11, patience, 2, 966 μακροθύμως, patiently, 1. μακρός, far, 2. Pe , μακροχρόνιος, with εἰμί, live long, 1. / μαλακία, disease, 3. "ὁ μαλακός, soft, 2. effeminate, 1. τὰ μαλακά, soft clothing, 1. μάλιστα, most of all, 1. chiefly, 2. specially, 6. especially, 4. μᾶλλον, more, 90, the more, 8. so much the more, 1. rather, 28. the rather, 1. — πολλώ μαλλον, the more a great 468],1. so much the more, 1. far, — with διαφέρω, be much better, 1. — - μᾶλλον δέ, but rather, 2. yea rather, 1. or rather, 1. _ andthe more, 1. —— μᾶλλον δὲ καί, but rather, 1. μάμμη, grandmother, 1. μαμμωνᾶς, mammon, 4. riches, 2. μανθάνω, learn, 24. understand, 1. μανία, with περιτρέ- πω, make mad, 1. pavva, manna, 5. μαντεύομαι, by soothsaying, 1. μαραίνω, ( pass.) fade away, 1. papav ἀθὰ, Maran-atha, 1. μαργαρίτης, pearl, 9. μάρμαρος, marble, 1. μάρτυρ, 866 μάρτυς. , µαρτυρεω, be witness, 2. witness, 4. give witness, 1. bear witness, 25. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. testify, 19. give testimony, 2. bear record, 13. give, l. —— pass, or mid., obtain witness, 1. have testimony, 1. have good report, 2. of good report, 1. be well reported of, 2. obtain good report, 2. of honest report, 1. witness, 1. charge, 1. , µαρτυρια, witness, 15, testimony, 14. record, 7. report, 1. μαρτύριον, witness, 4. testimony, 15. to be testified, 1. _ testimony, 1. μαρτύρομαι, take to record, 1. testify, 2. ‘4 μάρτυς, witness, 29. martyr, 3. record, 2. μασσάομαι, gnaw, 1. 4, µαστιγόω, to scourge, 7. , μαστίζω, to scourge, 1. μάστιξ, scourging, 2. plague, 4. / µαστος, pap, ὃ. / ματαιολογία, vain jangling, 1. | ματαιολόγος, | vain talker, 1. | μάταιος, vain, 5. — neuter, vanity, 1. µαταιότης, vanity, 3. ματαιόω, ( pass.) become vain, 1, μάτην, in vain, 2. μάχαιρα, sword, 29. ΄ μαχη, fighting, 2. brawling, 1. strife, 1. striving, 1. | μάχομαι, to fight, 1. strive, 3. μέ, 866 ἐγώ. μεγαλαυχέω, boast great things, 1. μεγαλεῖος, (neut.) great thing, 1. wonderful work, 1. μεγαλειότης, magnificence, 1. majesty, 1. mighty power, 1, μεγαλοπρεπής, excellent, 1. μεγαλύνω, enlarge, 2, magmfy, 1. magnify, 5, show great, 1. μεγάλως, greatly, 1. μεγαλωσύνη, majesty, 1. Majesty, 2. EVES great, 145. greatest, 2. large, 2. mighty, 1. strong, 1. loud, 33. high, 2. to years, 1. οἱ μεγάλοι, they that are great, 1. great ones, 1 neuter, great thing, 3. φόβον μέγαν, exceedingly, 1. sore, l. —— comp. (μείζων), greater, 32. greatest, 9. more, 1 elder, 1. greater, 1. — neuler, greater thing, 1. greater work, 1. —— adverb, the more, 1. —— superl. (μέγιστος), exceeding great, 1. μέγεθος, greatness, 1. μεγιστῶνες, great men, 2, lords, 1. μέγιστος, see μέγας. μεθερμηνεύω, interpret, 5. — passive, be by interpretation, 2. μέθη, drunkenness, 3. | | μεθίστημι, μεθιστά- νω, | | µεθοδεία, wile, 1. —-~ with πρός, whereby one lieth in wait, 1. μεθόριος, (neut.) border, 1. μεθύσκω, (mid.) be drunk, 1. be drunken, 2. / μέθυσος, drunkard, 2. μεθύω, be drunken, — middle, have well drunk, 1. be made drunk, 1, μεῖζων, 566 μέγας. μέλαν, ink, 3. μέλας, black, 3. μέλει, see μέλω. μελετάω, meditate upon, 1, premeditate, 1. imagine, 1. μέλι, honey, 4. μελίσσιος, with κη- ρίον, honey-comb, 1. μέλλω, be about, 4. about, 1. be yet, 1. tarry, 1. be ready, 3. be almost, 1. be, 4. be to come, 3. begin, 1. should hereafter, 1. should afterwards, 1. should after, 2. shall, 25. should, 20. will, 8. would, 8. — participle, to come, 9. thing to come, 4. time to come, 1. — with γίνεσθαι, be coming on, 1, εἰς TO μέλλον, after that, 1. —— τὰ μέλλοντα, what things should, 1, | μέλος, member, 34. remove, 1. can remove, 1. translate, 1. put out of, 1. turn away, 1. μέλω, (impers., with a Dat.) to care, 9. take care, 1. μεμβράνα, parchment, 1, έμφομαι, find fault, 3. μεμψίμοιρος, complainer, 1. —— ὃς μὲν.» «ὃς δέ. —— ἄλλος μὲν... ἄλλος δέ, the one...the other, 3. one...the other, 1. one...another, 10. one man...another, 1. some...others, 4. some...some, 15. rt...part, 1. e(they,ete. )..-he(ete.), . this, 1. those ae see things, 1 τοῦτο μὲν... τοῦτο δέ, partly...partly, 1. ὅσα μὲν.. ὅσα δέ, those things which... but what, 1. μενουνγε, yea rather, 1. yea doubtless, 1. yes verily, 1. nay but, 1 2. nevertheless, 1. howbeit, 1. but, 1. Όμως μέντοι, nevertheless, 1. —— μέντοι καί, also, 1 be present, 1. continue, 11. endure, 3. stand, 1 μένω gol, be thine own, 1. 4 μερίζω, divide, 8 ive part, 1. istribute, 2. deal, 1. — middle, divide, — passive, be difference between, ας μέριμνα, care, 6. μεριμνάω, be careful, 2. κο ο. Ἄς fake ‘Take 10. with taking thought, iB these | INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. μερίς, part, 4. — with εἰς, to be partaker, 1 μερισμός, ps ig asunder, 1, t, 1. νο, µεριστής, divider, 1. µέρος, part piece, 1. portion, 3. coast, 3. craft, 1. behalf, 2. respect, 2. part, 1. —— with ἀπό, in part, 3. in some sort, 1. somewhat, 1. —— with ἐκ, in part, 4. in particular, 1, — with ava, by course, 1. — with κατά, particularly, a i μέρος Abe partly, 1. τὰ δεξιὰ μέρη, on the right side, 1 μεσημβρία, noon, 1. south, 1. μεσιτεύω, confirm, 1. interpose one’s self, 1. μεσίτης, mediator, 6. μεσονύκτιον, midnight, 2. — Genitive, at midnight, 2. / μέσος, in the midst, J. among, 1. μέσον, in the midst, 3. ava μέσον, through the midst, 1. in the midst, 1. among, 1. between, 1. — ἐν μέσῳ, among, 5. before, 1. ἐκ μέσου, from among, 5. out of the way, 2. — with διά, eis, or ἐν, ...midst, 35. μεσότοιχον, middle wall between, 1. μεσουράνημα, midst of heaven, 3. perdu, about the midst, 1. μεστός, full, 8. μεστόω, ( pass.) f μετά, —— with a Genitive, with, 337. among, 5. in, 2. on, 1. upon, 1, unto, 1. against, 4. promised to, 1 On, ke and setting, 1. ἐκ τῶν. μετά, between some οἵ, πᾷ, -- with art., he that is with, 6. he which is with, 2. that is with, 1. —— ov μετά, without, 1. — with an Accusative, after, 87. since, 1. hence, 1. when, 2. — with ταῦτα, hereafter, 4. afterward, 4, that should follow, 1. —— with εἰμί, follow, 1. , μεταβαίνω, remove, 2. pass, 2. depart, 7. go, 1. μεταβάλλω, (mid.) change one’s mind, 1, μετάγω, turn about, 2. μεταδίδωμε, impart, 3. give, 2. impart, 1. distribute, 1. μετάθεσις, removing, 1. translation, 1. change, 1. μεταίρω, depart, 2. , ; μετακαλέω, (mid.) eall for, 1 call to one’s self, 1. eall hither, 1. call, 1. , μετακινεω, move away, 1. μεταλαμβάνω, be partaker of, 2. receive, 1. take, 1 eat, 1. have, 1. μετάληψις, with εἰς. to be received, 1. μεταλλάσσω, to change, 2. μεταμέλομαι, repent, 5. repent one’s self, 1. 967 μεταμορφόωυ, (mid.) be transformed, 1. μετανοεω, repent, 34. μετάνοια, repentance, 24. amendment of li ife, 1. to change one’s mind, 1. μεταξύ, between, 6. meanwhile, 2. next, 1. between, 2. μεταπέμπω, send for, 6. call for, 2. μεταστρέφω, 2 μετασχηματίζω, - middle, transform one’s self, 1. be transformed, 2. transfer in a figure, 1, change, 1. 4 μετ aT: ίθηµι, translate, 2. carry over, l. remove, 1. change, 1. turn, 1. μετέπειτα, afterward, 1. μετεωρίζω, (mid. or ass.) be of doubtful mind, 1. live in careful suspense,1l. μετοικεσία, carrying away into, 2. — with ἐπί, about the time they τας carried away to, — with μετά, after they were brought » 1. μετοικίζω, carry away, 1. remove into, 1, μετοχή, fellowship, 1. μέτοχος, ο ο 3 —, ἴν . ellow, 1. μετρέω, to measure, 7. mete, 3. μετρητής, firkin 968 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. / µετριοπαθέω, have compassion on, 1. reasonably bear with, 1. μετρίως, a little, 1. μέτρον, measure, 19, μέτωπον, forehead, 8. μέχρι, μέχρις, unto, 8. μα τη μέχρις οὗ, ΄ no, 41. neither, 7. nor, 2. that not, 2. no man, 1. no one of you, 1. none, 3. nothing, 1. never, 1. but, 3. any, l. —— εἰς τὸ μή, lest, 1. — μὴ τις, none, 1. no man, 5. — pnt, nothing, 1. no, 2 ----- Μη τί, nothing, 1. — μὴ οὐκ, not? 5. —— οὐ μή, not in any wise, 1. in no wise, 6. in no case, 1. ς by no means, 1. by any means, 1. not at all, 1. at all, 1. no, 2. neither, 2. never, 2. —— οὐ μὴ ἔτι, no more at all, 5. no more, l. —— πᾶς οὐ μὴ ἔτι, no more, 1. —— οὐδ᾽ ov μή, no, nor ever, 1. —— as a conjunction, that not, 6. lest, 15. —— μή THs, that none, 1. that no man, 2. μήτις, OF μή τις, any man? 1. any? 3. μήτι, OF μή τι, notP 2, — with ye, how much more? 1. μήγε, 866 εἰ δὲ μήγε. μηδαμῶς, not 580, 2. ’ μήδε, neither, 32. nor, 17. nor yet, 2. no, not, 1. not, 3. not once, 1. no, not so much as, 1. , μηδείς, ete. no man, 32. not any man, 1. any man, 1. not a whit, 1. not at all, 1. — μηδεμίαν ποιησάμε- vos, without any, 1. / μηδέποτε ; never, 1. μηδέπω, not as yet, 1. / µηκετι, no longer, 4. any longer, 1. no more, 7. not any more, 1. not henceforth, 1. henceforth not, 2. henceforth no more, 1. henceforth, 1. hereafter, 1. no...henceforward, 1. no, 1 μῆκος, length, 3. μηκύνω, (mid.) grow up, l. λ ’ μηλωτη, sheepskin, 1. μήν, (adv.) see %. μήν, (subst.) month, 17. , μηνύω, show, 3. tell, 1. μήποτε, lest at any time, 7. lest haply, 2. lest, 12. if peradventure, 1, all, 1. whether or not, 1. * μήπου, [for μήπας, Acts xxvii. 29, see “ Lest.’’] ’ μήπω, not yet, 2. μήπως, lest by any means, 3. lest that by any means, 1 lest by ος means, 1. est perhaps, 1. lest fasly, 1. lest, 5, , μήρος, thigh, 1. ’ὕ μητε, neither, 20. nor, 14. or, 1. so much 88,1. μήτηρ, mother, 85. μήτις, see under μή. μήτρα, womb, 2. μητραλώας, murderer of a mother, i μία, see εἷς. defile, 5. ίασμα 2 pollution, 1. μιασμός, uncleanness, 1, μίγμα, mixture, 1. μίγνυμι, mingle, 4. , μικρὸς, little, 10. little one, 6. little one, 6. less, 1. least, 2. small, 6. —— comp., μικρότερος, less, 1. least, 4. —— adv., μικρόν, a little, 5. a little while, 10. a while, 1. μίλιον, mite, 1. μιμέομαι, follow, 4. 4 μιμητής, follower, 7. is ΄ μιμνήσκω, (mid.) be mindful of, 1. remember, 1. —— ἐμνήσθην (1staor.), be mindful of, 2. remember, 16. in remembrance, l. —— passive, come in remembrance, 1 be had inremembrance, ie μισέω, to hate, 40. — pass. part., hateful, 1. / µισθαποδοσία, recompense of reward, 3 μισθαποδότης, rewarder, 1. / µίσθιος, hired servant, 2. μισθός, hire, 3. wages, 2. reward, 24, μισθόω, (mid.) to hire, 2. μίσθωμα, hired house, 1. μισθωτός, hired servant, 1. hireling, 3. μνᾶ, pound, 9. μνάομαι, 866 μιμνή- σκω. , μνεια, remembrance, 3. mention, 1. mention, 4. ης tomb, 2. sepulchre, 4. grave, l. μνημεῖον, tomb, 5. sepulchre, 29. grave, 8, μνήμη, remembrance, 1. ’ μνημονευω, remember, 19. be mindful of, 1. make mention, 1. remember, 1. μνημόσυνον, memorial, 3. μνηστεύω, ( pass.) be espoused, 3. * μογγιλάλος, [for μογιλάλος, Mark vii. 32, see ‘‘ Having an impediment in one’s speech.” } μογιλάλος, having an impediment in one’s speech, 1. μόγις, hardly, 1. μόδιος, bushel, 3. μοί, see ἐγώ. μοιχαλίς, adulteress, 3. adulterous, 3. adultery, 1. adultevess, 1. μοιχάω, (mid.) commit adultery, 6. μοιχεία, adultery, 4. μοιχεύω, commit adultery, 12. commit adultery with, 1, — pass. as mid., in adultery, 1. μοιχός, ulterer, 4. μολυσμός, filthiness, 1. ta poppy, quarrel, 1. complaint, 1, μονή, abode, 1. mansion, 1. μονογενής, αλα, 2: ο m son, only child, eS only, 2. ΄ μόνος, only, 24. alone, 21. by one’s self, 2. —— adv., μόνον, only, 62. alone, 3. but, 1. μονόφθαλμος, with one eye, 2. μονόω, ( pass.) desolate, 1. μορφή, form, 3. µορφόω, to form, 1. μόρφωσις, form, 2. / µοσχοποιεω, make a calf, 1. ’ μόσχος, calf, 6. μοῦ, 866 ἐγώ. μουσικός, musician, 1. μόχθος, travail, 2. painfulness, 1. μυελός, marrow, 1. µυέω, instruct, 1, μῦθος, fable, 5. μυκάομαι, to roar, 1. μυκτηρίζω, to mock, 1. μυλικός, with λίθος, millstone, 1. = oe 9 INDEX.—GREEK oa ύλ. μυ ινος, Lfor μύλος, Rev. xviii. | 21, see “‘ Millstone.” } μύλος, millstone, 4. μύλων, mill, 1. / μυριάς, ten thousand, 1. —— μυριάδες μυριάδων, ten thousand times ten | thousand, 1. | -- μυριάδες πέντε, | fifty thousand, 1. | — δυομυριάδες μυριάδων, two hundred thousand | thousand, 1. — plural, thousands, 1. 9 an innumerable multi- com- μυρίζω, anoint, 1. Ι μύριοι, μυρίοι, | ten thousand, 3. μύρον, ointment, 14. μυστήριον, mystery, 27. μυωπάζω, can not see afar off, 1, μωμάομαι, μωμέο- μαι, to blame, 2. μῶμος, blemish, 1. μωραίνω, make foolish, 1. —— passive, lose savour, 2. Ι become a fool, 1. μωρία, Ι foolishness, 5. μωρολογία, | foolish talking, 1. 4 μῶρος, foolish, 6. fool, 5. — neuter, foolish thing, 1. foolishness, 1. AND ENGLISH, νάρδος, spikenard, 2. γαναγέω, suffer shipwreck, 1. make shipwreck, 1, ναύκληρος, owner of a ship, 1. vavs, ship, 1. ναύτης, shipman, 2, sailor, 1. νεανίας, young man, 5. νεανίσκος, young man, 10, νεκρός, dead, 105 με, one dead, 1. dead man, 3. he that is dead, 2. dead, 21 (adj.) —— ἐπί νεκροῖς, after men are dead, 1. νεκρόω, mortify, 1, —— passive, dead, 2. νέκρωσις, dying, 1. deadness, 1. νεομηνία, 866 νουμη- νία. νέος, new, 11. new man, 1. —— feminine, young woman, 1. —— comp., νεώτερος, younger, 7. younger man, 1. young, 1. young man, 2. νεοσσός, young, 1. ᾿ ψεότης, youth, 5. νεόφυτος, novice, 1, one newly come to the Jaith, 1. νεύω, beckon, 2. νεφέλη, cloud, 26, νέφος, cloud, 1, νεφρός, ( pl.) reins, 1. νεωκόρος, worshipper, 1, temple-keeper, 1. νεωτερικός, youthful, 1, 969 νεώτερος, 866 νέος. ’ | ΄ pure nard or liquid nard, | V7), 1 I protest by, 1. νήθω, spin, 2. νημιάζω, be a child, 1. νήπιος, babe, 6. child, 7. — Genitive, childish, 1, νησίον, island, 1. νῆσος, island, 6. isle, 3. νηστεία, fasting, 7. fast, 1. νηστεύω, to fast, 20. — with ἦν, used to fast, 1. νῆστις, fasting, 2. / / γηφάλιος, νηφάλεος, sober, 2. vigilant, 1. vigilant, 1. , νήφω, be sober, 3. sober, 1. watch, 2. νικάω, get the victory, 1. prevail, 1. overcome, 24 conquer, νίκη, victory, 1. νῖκος, victory, 4. νιπτήρ, basin, 1. νίπτω, to wash, 17. voew, perceive, 2. understand, 10. think, 1. consider, 1, vonpa, thought, 1. device, 1. mind, 4, 7 νόθος, bastard, 1. νομή, pasture, 1. — with έχω, eat, 1. 970 4 νομίζω, think, 5. suppose, 9, —— passive, be wont, 1. νομικός, about the law, 1 lawyer, 8. νομίμως, lawfully, 2 νόμισμα, money, 1. νομοδιδάσκαλος, teacher of the law, 1. doctor of the law, 2 νομοθεσία, giving of the law, 1. νομοθετέω, establish, 1. — passive, receive the law, 1 νομοθ έ τη», lawgiver, 1 νόμος, law, 195. νοσέω, dote, 1. sick, 1. ’ νόσημα, disease, 1. νόσος, sicknegs, 5. disease, 6, infirmity, 1. νοσσιά, broad, 1. νοσσίον, chicken, 1. νοσσός, 866 νεοσσός. νοσφίζω, — middle, keep back, 2. purloin, 1. νότος, south wind, 8, south, 4 ΄ νουθεσία, admonition, 3. νουθετέω, admonish, 4. warn, 4. ΄ γουμµηνια, new moon, l. νουνεχῶς, discreetly, 1. vous, mind, 15, minds, 2 2. understanding, 7 νύμφη, bride, 5. daughter-in-law, 3. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. νυμφίος, bridegroom, 16. νυμφών, bride-chamber, 3. νυν, now, 116. at this time, 1. this time, 2. of late, 1. | —— with art., that now is, 1, which 1 make now, l. τὸ νῦν ἔχον, for this time, 1. ὃ νῦν καιρός, this time, 1. this present time, 1. —— with ἐν, now at this time, 1. ὃ νῦν αἰών, this world, 1. this present world, 2. —— ἀπό τοῦ νῦν, from henceforth, 4. henceforth, 1. hereafter, 1 νῦν οὐκέτι, now henceforth more, 1. — τὰ νῦν, now, 4. but now, 1. no , νυνι, now, 21. ’ὔ΄ νύξ, night, 52. — Genitive, by night, 9. in the night, 2. —— μέσης νυκτός, at midnight, 1. μέσον τῆς νυκτός, about midnight, 1, νύσσω, pierce, l. ,ὔ νυστάζω, to slumber, 2. νυχθήμερον, a night and a day, 1 , νωθρός, slothful, 1. dull, 1. νῶτος, back, 1. ἑν lodging, 2. ΄ ξενίζω, entertain, 1. lodge, 4 strange thing, 1. —— passive, lodge, 2 — middle, think strange concern- ing, 1. think strange, 1. < a , ξενούοχεω, lodge strangers, 1. ξένος, stranger, 10. strange, 2. strange thing, 1. host, 1 ἑέστης, pot, 2. / ξηραίνω, dry up, 3 wither, 1. —— passive, be ripe, 1. be dried, 1. be withered, 3. wither, 1. wither away, 6. pine away, 1. ξηρός fee rae if land, 1. withered, 4. ξύλινος, of wood, 2. ξύλον, wood, 3. staff, 5. stocks, 1. tree, 10. [the def. art., frequently unty anslated, generally translated the, and often in various ways, e.g. before nouns, etc., “he that.’ ] a ΄“ 0, 866 ὅς. ὀγδοήκοντα, fourscore, 2. ὄγδοος, ο, 5. ὄγκος, weight, 1. ὅδε, he, 1. —— Dey she, 1. such, 1. — τάδε, these things, 7. thus, 1. after this manner, 1. « , ὁδεύω, to journey, 1. c , ὁδηγέω, to lead, 3. guide, 2 « / ὁδηγός, leader, 1: guide, 4 « / ὁδοιπορέω, go on one’s journey, 1. « 4 ὁδοιπορία, journeying, 1. journey, 1 * ὁδοποιέω, [for ὁδὸν ποιέω, Mark ii. 23, see “ Go.””] — with παρά, by the way-side, 8. by the highway-side, 1 — with ποιέω, go, 1. ὁδούς, tooth, 11. ddvvaw, (mid.) be tormented, 2. sorrow, 2. whence, 1. from thence, 1. from whence, 3. where, 2 wherefore, 4. whereby, 1. whereupon, 3. ty , ὀθόνη, sheet, 2. 5 / ὀθόνιον, linen cloth, 5. οἶδα, see εἶδον. οἰκεῖος, of the household, 2 of one’s own home, 1. kindred, 1. ον οἰκετία, [for θεραπεία, Matt. xxiv. 45, sce “ House- hold.’’} οἰκέτης, household servant, 1. servant, 3. οἰκέω, dwell, 9. οἴκημα, prison, 1. » ’ οἰκητήριον, habitation, 1. house, 1. » ΄ οἰκία, house, 92. household, ἊΝ —— τὰς οἰκίας, from house to house, — with ἐν, at home, 1, οἰκιακός, of one’s household, 2. οἰκοδεσποτέω, guide the house, 1. > ΄ οἰκοδεσπότης, master of the house, 3. householder, 4. oe of the house, goodman, 1. οἰκοδομέω, edify, 1. —— passive, be in building, 1. ΄ οἰκοδομή, building, 6. edifying, 7. edify, 1. edification, 4. —— τὰ τῆς οικοδομῆς, the things wherewith one may edify, 1. > ΄ὕ οἰκοδομία, edifying, 1. * οἰκοδόμος, [for οἰκοδομέω, Acts iv. 11, see ‘* Builder.’’} οἰκονομέω, be steward, 1. οἰκονομία, stewardship, 3. dispensation, 4. ’ οἰκονόμος, steward, 8. chamberlain, 1. governour, 1. οἶκος, house, 101. household, 3. temple, 1. —— with κατά, from house to house, 1, at home, 1. in every house, 1. into every house, 1, — with eis, home, 2. — with ἐν, at home, 2. — with ἴδιος, home, 1. οἰκουμένη, earth, 1. world, 14. / * οἰκουργός, [for οἰκουρός, Tit. ii. 5, see ‘Home (keeper at).””] ΄ οἰκουρός, keeper at home, 1. ΄ οἰκτείρω, have compassion on, 2. ΄ οἰκτίρμων, merciful, 2. of tender mercy, 1, INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. οἶμαι, 866 οἴομαι. οἰνοπότης, wine-bibber, 2. οἴνος, wine, 32. — with ληνός, wine-press, 1. οἰνοφλυγία: ο excess of wine, 1, οἴομαι, suppose, 2. think, 1 οἷος, what manner, 1. what manner of man, 1. what, 1. which, 2. such as, 6. as, 2. ola, so as, 1, οἷον ὅτι, as though, 1. ” / οἴω, see φέρω. ὀκνέω, to delay, 1. be grieved, 1. ὀκνηρός, slothful, 2. grievous, 1, ὀκταήμερος, the eighth day ὀκτώ, eight, 6. ὀλεθρεύω, see ὀλο- θρεύω. * ὀλέθριος, (for ὄλεθρος, 2 Thes. i. 9,860" Destruction.” } ὄλεθρος, destruction, 4. ’ * ὀλιγοπιστία, (for ἀπιστία, Matt. xvii, 20, see ‘‘ Unbelief.’’} ὀλιγόπιστος, of little faith, 5, ὀλίγος, little, 4. small, 5. short, 1. — with ἐν, almost, 2. in few words, 1. a little, 1. —— with ov, long, 1. —— with πρός, for a little time, 1. little, 1. Jor a little time, 1. — plural, few, 14. few stripes, 1. — nout, pl., a few things, 4, δι΄ ὀλίγων briefly, 1. ὀλίγον as adv., a little, 2. little, 1. a short space, 1. for a season, 1, a while, 2. ὀλιγόψυχος, feeble-minded, 1. ὀλιγωρέω, despise, 1. Ἐ ὀλίγως, [for ὄντως, 2 Pet. ii, 18, ” see “ Clean.’”’} ὀλοθρευτής, destroyer, 1. ὀλοθρεύω, destroy, 1. ε ’ ὁλοκαύτωμα, whole burnt-offering,1, burnt-offering, 1. ὁλοκληρία, perfect soundness, 1. ὁλόκληρος, whole, 1. entire, 1. ὀλολύζω, to howl, 1. ὅλος, whole, 49, all, 63. all...long, 2. altogether, 1. every whit, 2, — with διά, throughout, 1. ὁλοτελής. wholly, 1. ὄλυνθος, untimely fig green jig, 1. ὅλως, utterly, 1. at all, 2. commonly, 1, ὄμβρος, shower, 1. * ὁμείρομαι, [Jor ἱμείρομαι, 1 Thes. ll. 8, see ‘* Affection- atel desirous of (be).’"] ὁμιλέω, commune together, 1, commune with, 1. talk, 2. ὁμιλία, communication, 1, A ὅμιλος, company, 1. * ὁμίχλη, [Jor νεφέλη, 2 Pet. ti. 17, see ** Cloud,’"} ὄμμα, eye, 1. ν » , ὄμνυμι, ὀμνύω, swear, 27, ντι - ε ’ ὁμοθυμαδόν, with one accord, 11. with one mind, 1. ὁμιάζω, agree thereto, 1. ὁμοιοπαθης, of like passions, 1. subject tolike passions, ὅμοιος, like, 47 ’ ὁμοιότης, similitude, 1, — with κατά, like as, 1. ὁμοιόω, liken, 9. made like, 2. resemble, 1. — passive, be like, 2. in the likeness of, 1, ὁμοίωμα, likeness, 3. made like to, 1. similitude, 1. shape, 1. ὁμοίως, likewise, 18. so, l. —— καὶ... ὁμοίως, moreover, 1, ὁμοίωσις, similitude, 1. ε ή ὁμολογέω, confess, 13. give thanks, 1. confess, 1. profess, 3. promise, 1. — with ἐν, confess, 4. — passive, confession is made, 1, c ΄ ὁμολογία, confession, 1. profession, 1. profession, 4. — Genitive, professed, 1. | ὁμολογουμένως, without controversy, 1, ὁμότεχνος, of the same craft, 1, ὁμοῦ, together, 8, ec , ὀμόφρων, of one mind, 1. ὀμόω, See ὄμνυμι. ὅμως, and even, 1. though it be but, 1, ὅμως μέντοι, nevertheless, 1, ὄναρ, dream, 6, ὀνάριον, young ass, 1 972 ’ ὀνειδίζω, revile, 2. upbraid, 3. cast in one’s teeth, 1. reproach, 3. — passive, suffer reproach, 1. 9 ΄ ὀνειδισμός, reproach, 5. »” ὄνειδος, reproach, 1. »” Φ- 9 ὄνημι, SEE ὀνίημι. ὀνικός, with μύλος, millstone, 2. ὀνίνημι, (mid.) have joy, l. ὄνομα, name, 193. Dat., or with αὐτῷ, or οὗ, or ᾧ, named, 28. called, 4. τοὔνομα for τὸ ὄνομα, named, 1 ὀνομάζω, to name, 8. call, 2. ofa truth, 1. clean, 1. behind, 4. on the backside, 1. after, 2. ὀπίσω, behind, 5. back, 1. after, 22. — τὰ ὀπίσω, those things which are behind, 1. εἰς τὰ ὀπίσω, backward, 1. back, 5. ὁπλίζω, (mid.) arm one’s self with, 1. α΄“ ὅπλον, instrument, 2. arms or weapons, 1. weapon, 2. —- plural, armour, 2. | INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ὁποῖος, of what sort, 1. what manner of, 2. such as, Ἱ. — with πότε, whatsoever, 1. ὁπότε, when, 1, σ οπου, where, 53. wheresoever, 1. where...there, 1. where...thither, 2. whither, 9. whereas, 2. ὅπου... ἐκεῖ, where, 2. ὅπου...ἐπ᾽ αὐτῶν, on which, 1. — with ἄν, wheresoever, 2. whithersoever, 4. — with ἐάν, wheresoever, 3. whithersoever, 1. in what place soever, 1. CA ὀπτάνω, 866,1. 5 / ὀπτασία, vision, 4. 5 / οπτόὀς, broiled, 1. ” OTTO, ” ὀψομαι, ” ὤφθην, c ’ oTwpa, fruits, 1. εν 866 Opa. eo οπως, that, 41. so that, 1. to, 4. because, 1. how, 4. — with av, that, 4. when, 1. ὅραμα, sight, 1. vision, 11. ὅρασις, sight, 1, to look upon, 1, vision, 2. ’ ὁρατός, visible, 1. c ’ οραω, see, 86. see to, 2. erceive, 1, ook to, 1. look, 1, behold, 1. take heed, 5. — passive, appear, i show one’s self, 1. > ’ οργἨ, anger, 3. indignation, 1. wrath, 31. vengeance, 1. ὀργίζω, (pass. or mid.) be angry, 5. be wroth, 3. > , ὀργίλος, soon angry, 1. ὀργυιά, fathom, 2. 5 / ὀρεγω, to desire, 2. covet after, 1. ὀρεινός, (ad). pares (adj.) ” ὄρεξις, lust, 1. > / ᾿ ὀρθοποδέω, walk uprightly, 1. ὀρθός, straight, 1. even, 1. upright, 1. ὀρθοτομέω, divide rightly, 1. 5 /΄ ὀρθρίζω I come early inthe morn- ing, 1. 5 / ὀρθρινός, morning, 1. ὄρθριος, early, 1. ὄρθρος, (Gen. or Acc.) early in the morning, 2. > » ὀρθῶς, rightly, 2. right, 1. plain, 1. ε ἽΝ. ὁρίζω, to limit, 1. determine, 3. ordain, 2. declare, 1. determine, 1. — pass. part., determinate, 1. ὅριον, border, 1. coast, 10. « / ὁρκίζω, adjure, 2. charge, 1. adjure, 1. ὅρκος, oath, 10. | | épkwpooia, oath, 4. swearing of an oath, 1. ὁρμάω, to rush, 1, run violently, 3. | Yun, 1. ΄ ’ ορµἩ, assault, 1. Se ος ὅρμημα, violence, 1. ὄρνεον, bird, 1. fowl, 2. ε / ὁροθεσία, bound, 1. ” Ορος, mountain, 41. mount, 21. hill, 3. ὀρύσσω, dig, 3. 9 ’ ὀρφανός, fatherless, 1. comfortless, 1. orphan, 1. ὀρχέω, (mid.) to dance, 4. a Ὁ σ OS, ἢ, 90, [the relative pronoun, translated who,which, that, etc.; with ds μέν, etc., the one, some, etc.; with av or ἐάν, whosoever, whoso, whatsoever, etc, ] ὁσάκις, — with av, as often as, 1. as oft as, 1. —— with ἐάν, as often as, 1. ooye, he that, 1. σ οσιος, holy, 4. Holy One, 2. — τὰ ὅσια, mercies, 1. | holy or just things, 1. | 2. savour, 4. ὅσος, how much, 8, as much as, 1. as large as, 1. as, 2. the more, 1. as many as, 24, so many as, 1. who, 1. how great things, 5. how many things, 1. what great things, 1. whatsoever, 9. whatsoever things, 7. what things soever, 1, all that, 3. all things that, 2. that ever, 8, all, 1. that, 9. what, 3. which, 2. ἐφ᾽ ὅσον, | inasmuch as, 3, as, 2. ὅσον, inasmuch as, 2. as lon as, 1. —— pl., with ἄν, as many as, 4. whosoever, 2. whatsoever, 7. what things soever, 1. wherewith soever, 1. — pl., with ἐάν, as many as, l. whatsoever, 2. ὕσπερ, whosoever, 1. ὀστέον, bone, ὅ. ὅστις, whosoever, 12. such as, 2. who, 32. which, 75. the which, 1. which things, ι the same that, 1. he that, 1. they that, 1. that which, 1. in that they, 2. and they, 2. and, 1. whereas ye, 1. — with ἄν, whosoever, 3. whatsoever, 4. as, 1. — πᾶς ὅστις ἄν, every...which, 1. whatsoever, 2. ὀστράκινος, earthen, 1. of earth, 1. ὄσφρησις, smelling, 1. ὀσφύς, loins, 8. -” οταν, — with subjunctive, whensoever, 1, when, 112. while, 1. as soon as, 2. as long as, 1. that, 1. — εἰ μὴ ὅταν. ἂν — with indicative, when, 2. “ OTE, a ’ ὃ τε, 866 τέ. οτι, that, 613. as being, 1. as though, 1. how that, 20. ἐμοὶ Deh that, 4, because, 170, that, 2. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. for that, 3. for, 265. in that, 1. as concerning that, 1. —— ὡς ὅτι, to wit that, yb as though, αν --- οἷον ὃ ὅτε, as though, 1. ὅ τι, 866 ὅστις. ὅτου, with ἕως, whiles, 1. ob, (Gen. of ὅς, as adv.) —— of place, where, 22 wherein, 1. whither, 1. when, 1. —— οὗ ἐάν, whithersoever, 1. --.-.ὄ ἐξ οὗ, from whence, 1. — of time, —— ἀφ᾽ ov, since, l. φ᾽ οὗ ἄν, when ounce, 1. > ov, οὐκ, οὐχ, ποῦ, 1,270. no, 18. nay, 11. no (adj.), 133. no such,1, none, 20. no man, l. nothing, ὃ neither, 14. never, 4. — with οὐδείς, etc., all, 2 nothing at a, ue — with καί, neither, 16. — with δέ, neither, 1. η -- αἱ Si ova, ah, 1. > 4 ovat, woe, 41. alas, 6. > οὐδαμῶς, not, 1. ΄ οὐδέ, also not, 1. not even, 1. even not, 2. then not, 2. neither, 68. neither indeed, 1. nor, 81. no, nor, 1. nor yet, 1. no not, 8, not, 10. not so much as, 3. no.,..80 much as, 1. so much as, l, never, 1. no, 2. οὕτως οὐδέ, no more, 1. οὐδείς, no man, 9ὅ, not a, l. not any, 1. not any at all, 1. any, 3. any man, 3. none, 26. none of these things, 1. no, 20. no.,.at all, 1. not at all, 1. nothing, 67. nought, 1. aught, 1. — οὐδεὶς ἀνθρώπων, never man, l. — with καί, neither any man, 2. neither any thing, 1 — with οὐδέπω, never man yet, 1. never man — with πώποτε, never man, 1. never...any man, 1. οὐδέποτε, neither at any time, never, 13. yet never, 1. — with πᾶν, efore, 1. 973 οὐρά, tail, 4. οὐράνιος, heavenly, 6. οὐρανόθεν, from heaven, 2. pe οὐρανός, heaven, 268. sky, 5. uir, 10. | — with ἐκ, 1 | nothing at any time, 1, > ’ οὐδέπω, not yet, 1. as, 1. yet, 1. never yet, 1. never before, 1. οὐθείς, οὐθέν, nothing, 1 ’ οὐκέτι, no more, 28. any more, 4. no longer, 1. hereafter...not, 1. henceforth not, 1. after that, 2 not as yet, 1. yet not, 1. yet, 1. now...not, 3. not now, 1. — with οὐ μή, no more at all, 1. οὐκοῦν, then? 1. οὐ μή, 866 μή. οὖν, then, 192. 80, ll. now then, 1. now, 7. therefore, 245. wherefore, 7. and, 5. but, 4. — with μέν, then, 5. so then, 1. 80, 3. now, 3. therefore, 11. wherefore, 1 truly, 1 — οὕτως οὖν, so likewise, 1. ουπω, not yet, 20. hitherto,..not, 2. no, yet, 1. — with a negative, as yet, 1. | | | | heavenly, 1. > ους, ear, 37. οὖσα, see ὧν (from εἰμί.) » ’ οὐσία, substance, 1. goods, 1. οὔτε, neither, 19. nor, 25. nor yet, 2. yet not, 1. no, not, l. not, 1. none, 1. — οὔτε... οὔτε, neither...nor, 13, neither...nor yet, 3. nor...neither, 1 neither.. ee 3 —— ἀλλ’ οὔτε, neither, 1. οὗτος, this, 97. this man, 26. this fellow, 3. this child, 1. this same, 1. — with ἤμελλεν (from μέλλω), heit was that should, 1. —— τοῦτον (Acc. πιαδο, sing.) this, 30. this man, 9 this fellow, 2 ΟΣ that same, 1. — οὗτοι (mase. pl.), these, 64 they, 9 the same, 3, — αὐτοὶ οὗτοι, they themselves, 1. these same here, 1. — τούτους (masc, Acc. pl), — αὕτη (nom, fom. sing.), this woman, 4, hereof, 1. this, 1. she, 12. 974: INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. τούτου (Gen. sing., for all that, 1. people, 82. the same, 1. unto this, 1. be bound, 2. 4 which, 1. this, 50. be guilty, 1. ο peut (Ace. fem. to this man, 1. a debtor or bound, 1. cone e, 1. sing.), this man, 4. —— with γίνεσθαι παγίς this, 48. this place, 1. ἘΝ nS» this woman, 1, of the same, 1, ο οὐ το ie 4 ae 5. oe her, 1. the same, 1. ἘΠ es ig πάγος, with ”Apevos, ae Ὥ στον 4. ἍΤΙΣ; 1. Areopagus, 1. Oss ἜΤΙ ἘΣ: debt, 1 Mars’ hill, 1. Bue aan, 3 unto one, 1. a Mars’ hill. 1 at, 1. ͵ αν η αὗται (nom. fem. pl.), fe ic κ pls ὄφελον, Gre of the Areopagites, these, 3. upon these, 1. I would, 2. ᾿ ταύτας (Acc. fem. pl.), with these, 1. I would to God, 1. πάθημα, these, A these, 4. would to God, 1. suffering, 11. those, 2. κ Ἢ these things, 3. is affliction, 3. ie πολλὰς ταῦτας, 1 thig, 2. ὄφελος, affection, 1. ᾿ them, 1. τὸ profiteth, 2. motion, 1. many days hence, 1. therewith, 1. it νο τ 1. passion, 1. — τοῦτο (nom. neut. therein, 1. > θητό sing.), those things, 1. > f TAUYTOS, this, 180. such, 1. ὀφθαλμ οδουλεία, should suffer, 1. this thing, 5. σα εἰ eye-service, 2. ; this deed, 1. this of (Dat. sing.fem.), φθαλμό πάθος, it, 5. sealers) ὀφύαλμός affection, 1. the same, 1, this same, 1. $ fs τ : inordinate affection, 1. that, 20. ὑπο aed 1. y. chia lust, 1. that thing, 1. τ τ 3 sight ὯΝ , thus, 4. at, 3. : παιδαγωγός, so, 5. a ταύταις (Dat. pl. ὄφις schoolmaster, 2. — ταῦτα (neut. pl., Acc. fem.), ’ instructor, 1. and πιο.) these, 6. serpent, 14. 2 these, 28 them, 1 παιδάριον. these things, 158. those, 4. ὀφρύς, lad ἐᾷ ἳ these words, 5. that, 1. brow, 1. child, πι, this, 6. . é, edge, 1. they, 1. OUTW, ούτως, παιδεία, ως thus, 17. ὀχλέω, nurture, 1. να in this manner, 1. σος. ΤΕ instruction, 1. such things, 2 50, 158, chastening, 3. the things, 2. πιο ο ὀχλοποιέω, μμαυσς κ. same, 2, after this manner, 2. gather a company, 1. παιδευτής, awe dean 3 in like manner, 1. Ἢ instructor, 1. that, 7 Lake on this fashion, 1. ὄχλος, which correcteth, 1. τος 17 on this wise, 6. press, 5. δεῖ aa. likewise, 4. multitude, 79. παιοευω, ὃ as they were, 1, company, 7. instruct, 1, teach, 2. Seat a neut.), what, 1. number of people, 1. chasten, 6. this man’s, ΟΣ οὕτως.. οὕτως, number, 1. chastise, 2, this man, 2. after this manner...| , , παπα this thing, 1. after that, 1. ὄχυρωμα, ri. this matter, 1. fe οὕτως ὡς, stronghold, 1. be learned, 1. ο. Pe tae προ, παιδιόθεν, ard οψα : that, 2. ovx, 866 οὐ. Ae ri of a child, 1. with ἕνεκα, | παιδίον, for thi > παιδίον, εἶτα oy pase OUND eta | little child, 12. he himself,1. ’ not, 50, owe, young child, 10, ταύτης (Gen. sing, | απο 80, 1. at even, 1. | child, 25. fem.), nay, o. even, 1. damsel, 4. this, 31 in the end, 1, , same, 1. ὀφειλέτης, Ν | παιδίσκη, —— with διά, debtor, 5. οψιμος, damsel, 4. hereby, 1. which oweth, 1. later, 1. maiden, 1. ᾿ maid, 3. τούτων (Gen, plural, sinner, 1. bondmaid, 1. masc. and neut.), debtor, 1. ὄψιος, with ὥρα, bondwoman, 4, of these, 8. Fa δν eventide, 1. , of these things, 7. ὀφειλή, ὀψία (subst.), παίζω, than these, 7. debt, 1. evening, 3. | to play, 1. these, 22. due, 1, even, 8. | a . these things, 14. ae — with γίνομαι, παις, these matters, 1, ὀφείλημα, in the evening, 1. child, 7. this sort, 1, debt, 2 at even, 1. son, 1 their, 1. er Son, 2. ἐς Ἀ δν ὀφείλω, ὄψα ο... of those things, 1. be indebted, 1. ried nce, 1 rt i ich. Ὁ, be a debtor, 1, countenance, 1, | maid, 1. appearance, 1. servant, 10. of such matters, 1. owe, 7. 1 — with ἕνεκα, ought, 15. ἐν AB SVs for these causes, 1. should, 1. | ὀψώνιον, , τούτῳ (Dat. sing., be one’s duty, 2. | wages, 3. παιω, masc, and neut.), must needs, 1, | allowance, 1. smite, 4. this, 1. it behoveth one,1. | charges, 1. strike, 1, ee eo long ago, 1. a great while ago, 1. in time past, 1. any while, 1. παλαιός, old, 17. old wine, 1. —— παλαιά, old things, 1. παλαιότης, oldness, 1. παλαιόω, make old, 1, —— passive, wax old, 2, decay, 1. πάλη, wrestle, 1, παλιγγενεσία, regeneration, 2. εἰς TO πάλιν again, 1. -ς-- Por ἄνωθεν, again, 1, παμπληθεί, all at once, 1. πάμπολυς, very great, 1. πανδοχεῖον, inn, 1. πανδοχεύς, host, 1. πανήγυρις, general assembly, 1. πανοικί, with all one’s house, 1. πανοπλία, whole armour, 2, all...armour, 1. πανουργία, craftiness, 8, cunning bmn die subtilty, 1. Ἐσχοῦργου, crafty, 1 * παντα Lfor ας Acts xxi. TNDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. πάντη, always, 1. ΄ πάντοθεν, on every side, 1, round about, 1. παντοκράτωρ, Almighty, 9. omnipotent, 1, πάντοτε, always, 290, alway, 5. ever, 6. evermore, 2. πάντως, = ether, 2. all epee μ᾿ all, 1 surely, 1 ὰ no doubt, 1. —— ov πάντως, in no wise, 1. — with δεῖ, needs, 1. παρά, —— with Genitive, from, 24. — with art., one’s friends, 1. kinsmen, 1. that one hath, 1. such things as one giveth, 1. —— παρ᾽ ἐμοῦ, my, 1. παρὰ Κυρίου, the Lord’s, 2. —— παρὰ τινος, any man’s, 1. — with ἀκούω, hear one speak, 1. — with the Dative, before, 3. in the sight of, 1. among, 3. of, 2. with, 1. — with the Accusative, by...side, 14. by 5. at, 12. nigh unto, 2. above, 4. past, 1. more than, 2 than, 11. contrary to, 3. against, 2, save, 1. — with art., those by...side, 1, —— παρὰ — therefore, 2. 28, see ““Everywhere,’’] | ον, πανταχόθεν, from every quarter, 1. πανταχοῦ, everywhere, 6. in all places, 1. ΄ παντελής, —— εἰς τὸ παντελές, to the uttermost, 1. evermore, 1. — μὴ εἰς τὸ παντελές, in no wise, 1. transgress, 3, fall by transgression, 1. παραβάλλω, compare, 1, [ή παράβασις, transgression, 6, breaking, 1, | παραβάτης, tranegressor, 3. who doth transgress, 1. κας 1 παραβιάζομαι, constrain, 2. * παραβολεύομαι, [for re cee Phil. ii. see “' Re- | gard not. δ παραβολή, comparison, 1, ble, 46. gure, 2. proverb, 1. παραβουλεύομαι, regard not, 1. / παραγγελία, commandment, 2. charge, 2. -- - ang | straitly, 1 Ξ παραγγέλλω, ἰδ εἾ Ἵν command, 20, give ο aaa 1. charge, 6 give charge, 1. give in charge, 1. , παραγίνομαι, come, 34, come thither, 1. go, 1 — aorist, be present, 1. παράγω, pass by, 5. pass away, 1. pass forth, 1. epart, 1. — middle, pass, 1. pass away, 1. παραδειγματίζω, make a public example, put to an open shame, he παράδεισος, paradise, 8, παραδέχομαι, receive, 5. παραδιατριβή, ( pl.) perverse disputings, 1. gallings one of another, 1, ‘4 παραδίδωμι, give up, 4. give over, 2. give, 4. be brought forth, 1, be ripe, 1. deliver, 54. deliver up, 9 cast into prison, 1, deliver up, 1. put in prison, 1, commit, 1 betray, 40, hazard, 1. recommend, 2. — mid. or pass., commit one’s self, 1, commit one’s cause, 1, παράδοξος, (neut.) strange thing, 1. 975 παράδοσις, tradition, 12, ordinance, 1. tradition, 1. παραζηλόω, provoke to jealousy, 3. provoke to emulation, παραθαλάσσιος, —- with art., which is upon the sea coast, 1. παραθεωρέω, to neglect, 1. ΄ παραθήκη, ---- ἡ π. μοῦ, that which I have com- mitted unto him, 1. παραινέω, exhort, 1. admonish, 1, παραιτέομαι, — middle, entreat, 1. make excuse, 1, refuse, 5. reject, 1, avoid, 1. —— passive, be excused, 2, παρακαθίζω, —— with παρά, sit at, 1. , παρακαλέω, call for, 1. entreat, 3. beseech, 43, desire, 8, pray, 6. exhort, 19, beseech, 1. desire, 1. exhort one another, 1. in one’s exhortation, 1. comfort, 23. exhort, 1. with λόγῳ πολλῷ, a much exhortation, —— passi be of pace. comfort, 1, παρακαλύπτω, to hide, 1, παρακαταθήκη, that thing which is a unto one, that which is com- mitted to one’s trust, παράκειμαι, be present with, 2, ΄ παράκλησις, entreaty, 1. exhortation, 8, comfort, 6. consolation, 14, παράκλητος, advocate, 1. Comforter, 4, —_— 976 παρακοή, disobedience, 3. παρακολουθέω, follow, 1 know fully, 1 bea diligent ‘follower of, 1. perfect under- | have standing of, 1. — with ἡ attain σα. Le παρακούω, neglect to hear, 2. παρακύπτω, stoop down, 3. — with εἰς, look into, 2. παραλαμβάνω, take with, 1. take unto, 2 take, 32. receive, 15. ἘΠ ΒΒ εγὼ, (mid.) by, 1. ae ass, 1. παράλιος, sea coast, 1. παραλλαγή, variableness, 1. παραλογίζομαι, beguile, 1. deceive, 1. παραλύω, —— pass. perf. part., taken with a palsy, 2. sick of a palsy, 2. feeble, 1. / παραλυτικός, that hath the palsy, 1 sick of the palsy, 9 / παραμένω, abide, 1 continue, 2. παραμυθέομαι, to comfort, 4. παραμυθία, comfort, 1. παραμύθιον, comfort, 1. ΄ παραγοµεω, contrary to the law, 1. ’ παρανομία, iniquity, 1 / παραπικραινω, provoke, 1. ’ παραπικρασμµος, provocation, 2, ’ παραπίπτω, fall away, 1. παραπλέω, sail by, 1 παραπλήσιον, nigh unto, 1. παραπλησίως, likewise, 1. . INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. πμ Irs ffi cos ath oS oS PUES bl Le LS eee παραπορεύομαι, pass by, 3 pass, 1. go, 1. παράπτωμα, fall, 2. fault, 2. offence, 7. trespass, 9. sin, 3. παραῤῥέω, let slip, 1 run out as leaking vessels, παράσημος, whose sign was, 1. παρασκευάζω, make ready, 1. — middle, prepare one’s self, 1. be ready, 1. ready, 1 παρασκευή, preparation, 6. 4 παρατεινω, continue, iis / παρατΉρεω, observe, 1. watch, 5 ” παρατήρησις, observation, 1. outward show, 1. / παρατίθημι, set before, 8. put forth, 2. allege, 1 τὰ παρατιθέμενα, such things as are set before, 1 — middle, comumnit, 3. commit the keeping of, 1 commend, 3. παρατυγχάνω, meet with, 1. παραυτίκα, but for a moment, 1. / παραφέρω, take away, 1. remove, l. , παραφρονέω, as a fool, 1. παραφρονία, madness, 1. παραχειμάζω, to winter, 4. παραχειμασία, with πρός, to winter in, 1. παραχρῆμα, immediately, 13. forthwith, 1. straightway, 3 presently, 1 soon, 1. πάρδαλις, leopard, 1. * παρεδρεύω, Lfor προσεδρεύω, 1 Cor. ix. 13, see * Waitat.’”’] πάρειμι, be present, 9. present, 3. be here present, 1. be here, 1. come, 10. τὰ πάροντα, such things as one ee ---ᾧ ἢ πάρεστι, he that lacketh, 1. παρεισάγω, bring in privily, 1 4 παρείσακτος, brought in unawares,1. παρεισδύνω, creep in unawares, 1. παρεισέρχομαι, come in privily, 1. euter, 1. » παρεισφέρω, give, 1. παρεκτός, except, 1. saving, 1. — with art., those things that are without, ei army, 1. camp, 3. castle, 6. παρενοχλέω, to trouble, 1 παρεπίδημος, pilgrim, 2. stranger, 1. ΄ παρερχοµαι, pass by, 3 pass over, 1. transgress, 1. pass away, 12. pass, 10. past, 1. go, 1. come forth, 1. come, 1. , παρεσις, remission, 1. passing over, L. παρέχω, offer, 1. minister, 1. give, 2 offer, 1. do for, 1. bring, 1. show, 1. keep, 1. — middle, ive, 1. pring, 1. show, l. παρη ορία, comfort, 1. ΄ παρθενία, virginity, 1. / παρθένος, virgin, 14, παρίημι, ( pass.) hang down 118 παριστάνω, yield, 2. 4 παρισ τημι ’ — trans. (pres., aor. 1, and fut.), to present, 9. give presently, 1. yield, provide, 1. commend, us show, 2. prove, 1. — intrans, Apert. ν plup., and aor, 2), stand by, 12. assist, 1. stand with, 1. stand here, 1 stand up, 1. stand, 2. be brought before, 1. come, 1. — mid. (fut.), stand before, 1. / πάροδο 5, way, 1. / παροικεω, Έο sojourn, 1. be a sojourner, 1. παροικία, sojourning here, — with ἐν, when they dwelt as strangers, 1. , πάροικος, stranger, 2. foreigner, 1. — with εἰμί, to sojourn, 1. παροιμία, proverb, 4 parable, 1 parable, 1 πάροινος, given to wine, 2. ready to quarrel and offer wrong as one in wine, 1. παροίχομαι, past, 1 παρομοιάζω, be like unto, 1. παρόμοιος κ pl.) like things, 2 παροξύνω, Μπα or pass.) be stirred, 1. be easily provoked, 1, παροξυσμός, contention, 1. — with εἰς, to provoke unto, 1 παροργίζω, to anger, 1, provoke to wrath, 1. παροργισμός, wrath, 1. παροτρυνω, stir up, 1 /΄ παρουσία, presence, 2. coming, 22. ’΄ παροψίς, platter, 2 παρρησία, boldness of speech, 1. ο. of speech, 1. boldness, 8. liberty, 1. confidence, 6. —— πολλὴν πα; πᾶν ἔχω, be much bold, 1 openly, 2. — with μετά, boldly, 1. freely, 1. παρρησιάζομαι, speak boldly, 1 preach boldly, 1 wax bold, 1. be bold, 1. boldly, 1. freely, 1. πας, — singular, every, 115. every one, 24. every man, 10. every thing, 6 every branch, 1. any, 7. any one, 1. any thing, 2. whosoever, 30. whatsoever, 6. whatsoever thing, 1. all, 195. all things, 4. all manner of, 10. all manner, 2. whole, 12. ἐν παντί, on every side, 2. every where, 1. throughly, 1. — with ὃς, every one, 1. whosoever, 5. whatsoever, 1. as many as, l. — with ὅστις, every, 1. — with ov, no, 10. — with μή, no, 2. —— οὐ πᾶν ῥῆμα, nothing, 1 —- plural, all, 541. all things, 1. all men, 36. all they, 1. all things, 150. all, 1. as many as, 1. all manuer of, 1. every, 1. every one, 3. every one of you, 1, every man, 1, every thing, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. —— τὰ πάντα, all these things, 1. — διὰ πάντων throughout all quar- ters, 1. — κατὰ πάντα, in all a 1. — with é ὩΣ all thin, — wit ot 13. all things, 9. | ver, 28, | Taster, p πάσχω, suffer, 39. ion, 1. eel, 1. be vexed, 1. πο ον strike, 1 ο smite, 9. πατέω, tread down, 1. tread under foot, 1. tread, 3. πατήρ, father, 151. parent, 1. ather, 265. TaTpadwas, murderer of a father, 1. πατρία, | | ἐσοΐ, lineage, 1. family, 1. kindred, 1. πατριάρχης, patriarch, 4. πατρικός, of one’s fathers, 1. πατρίς, one’s own country, 5. country, 3. πατροπαράδοτος, received by tradition from one’s fathers, 1 πατρῷος, of one’s fathers, 2. of the fathers, 1 παύω, (mid. ΝΑ cease, 12. refrain, As leave, 2. παχύνω, ( pase. ) wax gross, 2. πέδη, fetter, 3. πεδινός, with τόπος, plain, 1. πεζεύω, go afoot, 1. πεζῃ, afoot, As on foot, la πειθαρχέω, obey a magistrate, 1. obey heacken unto, 1. ᾿πειθός, (pl.) enticing, 1. persuasible, 1. * πειθώ, [for πειθός, 1 Cor. ii. 4, see “ Enticing.’’} πι. είθω, — trans. (pres., aor. 1, and fut.), persuade, 10, assure, 1. persuade, 1. make one’s friend, 1. —intrans. (perf. and ut one’s trust, 1. ve whereof one might trust, 1, have confidence, 6. be confident, 2. wax confident, 1. — pass. and mid., be persuaded, 11. believe, 3. agree to, 1. yield unto, L obey, 7. believe, 1. πεινάω, Ke ἩΠΣΙΘῈΣ, 10. hun 3. ine oe ty be δὰ σαν 9, — with λαμβάνω, assay, 1. ’ πειράζω, try, 4 assay, 1. go about, 1. examine, 1. prove, 1. tempt, 29. tempter, 1. πειρασμός, temptation, 19. temptations, 1. — with πρός, to try, 1. πειράω, to assay, 1. go about, 1. πεισμονή, persuasion, 1. πέλαγος, sea, 1. depth, 1 πελεκίζω, behead, 1. πέμπτος, fifth, 4. πέμπω, send, 79. thrust in, 2. πενθερά, mother-in-law, 3. wife’s mother, 3. --- Enema πενθερός, father-in-law, 1. πενθέω, mourn, 7. wail, 2. bewail, 1. ΄ πένθος, mourning, 2, sorrow, 3. πενιχρός, poor, 1. πεντάκις, five times, 1. πεντακισχίλιοι, five thousand, 6. πεντακόσιοι, five hundred, 2. πέντε, five, 36. πεντεκαιδέκατος, fifteenth, 1. πεντήκοντα, fifty, 5. πεντηκοστή, Pentecost, 8. , , πέποιθα, 866 πείθω. πεποίθησις, trast, 1. confidence, 5. περ, {a particle used in va- rious combinations with other words for emphasis, see εἄν, εἰ, ἐπειδήπερ, έπειπερ, ἥπερ, καθάπερ, καίπερ, ὅσπερ, ὥσπερ.) Ἔ περαιτέρω, [for περὶ ἑτέρων, Acts xix. 39, see “ Other matters,’’] πέραν, beyond, 7. over, 2. on the other side of, 2. — with art., the other side, 10. over, 1. the farther side, 1. περας, end, 2. utmost part, 1. uttermost part, 1. περι, — with the Genitive, about, 6. concerning, 81. as concerning, 2. of, 145. for, 59. bya pkey for, 1. for.. sake, 1. for the sins of, 1. on,. behalf, 1. on, 2. touching, 3. as touching, 8. at, 3. with, 1. Per 978 against, 2. over, 2. above, 1. i περὶ τούτου, thereabout, 1. περὶ αὐτοῦ, thereof, 1. περὶ τίνων, whereof, 1. ----- περὶ οὗ (ἧς OF ὧν), whereof, 3. whereby, 1 wherein, 1. — with art., ο things concerning, which those things concern, 1. concerning, 1. the things pertaining to, 1. one’s affairs, 2. one’s state, 2. one’s estate, 1. — ᾽ ith Accusative, about, 23. concerning, 4, they about, 1. they that were about, 1. they which were about, 1 how it will go with, 1. —— οἱ περὶ τὸν Παῦλον, we that were of Paul’s company, 1. Paul and his company, 1. περιάγω, lead about, 1. go about, 3. go round about, 1 compass, 1. περαιρέω, take away, 8, take up, 1. cut, 1. 3 ή περιάπτω, [for ἅπτω, Luke xxii, 55, see “ Kindle.” } περιαστράπτω, shine round, 1. shine round about, 1. / περιβάλλω, cast about, 1. put on, 1. clothe, 3. array in, 1. — mid. and pass., cast about, 1. have...cast about, 1. be clothed, 3. be clothed in, 3. be clothed with, 4. be arrayed, 3. be arrayed in, 2, — with τί, be clothed (wherewith- al), 1. περιβλέπω, (mid.) look round about, 3. look about on, 1. look round about on, 1, ο η round about upon, περιβόλαιον, vesture, 1, INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. covering, 1. veil, 1. περιδέω, bind about, 1. περιδρέμω, SEE περι- τρέχω. περιεργάζομαι, be a busy-body, 1. περίεργος, busy- body, 1. τὰ περίεργα, curious arts, 1. περιέρχομαι, wander about, 2. vagabond, 1. fetch a compass, 1. περιέχω, be contained, 1. after, 1. ’ περιζώννυμι, —— mid. or pass., gird one’s self, 3. have...girt about, 1. be girded about, ἢ! be girt, 1. — with περί, have...girded, 1. περίθεσις, wearing, 1. περιΐστημι, stand round about, 1. stand by, 1 — middle, avoid, 1. shun, 1. περικάθαρμα, filth, 1. περικαθίζω, [for συγκαθίζω, Luke xxii. 55, see “ Be set down together.”’ ] * , περικαλύπτω, to cover, 1. overlay, 1. blindfold, 1. περίκειμαι, be hanged about, 2. be compassed with, 1. be bound with, 1. — with ἔχω, be compassed about with, 1 περικεφαλαία, helmet, 2. ’ ° ’ περικρατής, with γί- νομαι, to come by, 1, περικρύπτω, hide, 1. περικυκλόω, compass round, 1, περιλάμπω, shine round about, 2, περιλείπω, ( pass.) remain, 2, περίλυπος, exceeding scree wen, 2, exceeding sorry, 1 very sorrowful, 2. περιμένω, wait for, 1. περίξ, round about, 1. περιοικέω, dwell round about, 1. , περιοικος, neighbour, περιούσιος, peculiar, 1, περιοχή, hae τ περιπατέω, walk about, 1. walk, 92. be walking, 1. be occupied, 1. go, 1. περιπείρω, pierce through, 1, περιπίπτω, fall into, 2. fall among, 1. περιποιέω, (mid.) purchase, 2 περιποίησις, obtaining, 1. purchaned possession, saving, 1. —— with εἰς, to obtain, 1, peculiar, 1. purchased, 1. PEEP υμη rend off, 1 περισπάω, cunber, 1 περισσεία, superfluity, 1. abundance, 2. εἰς ών. abundantly, 1 περίσσευμα, abundance, 4, that was left, 1. ’ περισσεύω, remain over and above, 1 remain, 3, be left, 1. redound, 1, exceed, 2 excel, 1. be the better, 1, have the move, 1. abound, 15. abound. more, 1, abundant, 1. abundance, 3. be more abundant, 1. increase, 1, -----------ηΏθθ------------------ο... make abound, 2 have enough and to spare, 1, —— passive, have abundance, 1. mere more abun dance — with μᾶλλον, abound more and more, increase and more, 1 more πι. ερισ σ ός, superfluous, 1. more, 2. more abundantly, 1. advantage, 1. — with ἐκ, beyond measure, 1, vehemently, 1. —— ὑπὲρ ἐκ περισσοῦ, πας abundantly above, 1 exceedingly, 1. very highly, 1 ἡ περισσότερος (comp.), more abundant, more abundantly, 2. far more, 1. much more, 1, the more, 1. more, 3. overmuch, 1. greater, 3. —— μᾶλλον πεσισσότερος ΒΟ much the more ἃ great deal, 1. περισσως, exceedingly, 1. out of measure, 1. the more, 1, — περισσοτέρως (comp.), He more exceedingly, ee σε exceedingly, 1. the moreabundantly, 2. more abundant, 2, much more, 1. the rather, 1. more frequent, 1. — with προσέχω, give the more earnest heed to, 1 περιστερά, dove, 9. pigeon, 1. περιτέμνω, circumcise, 16. — passive, have...circuncised, 1. — infinitive, circunicising, 1. ne περιτίθημι, set about, 1. put about, 1. put on, 3. pat upon, 1. estow upon, 1, put on, 1. περιτομή, circumcision, 35, — Dative, circumcised, 1. ᾿ ; περιτρέπω, with μανίαν, make mad, 1, περιτρέχω, run through, 1. εἰς carry about, 4. περιφρονέω, despise, 1. περίχωρος, ex that lieth round about, 1. region round about, 5. country about, 1. country round’ about, 3. περίψημα, offscouring, 1. περπερεύομαι, vaunt one’s self, 1. be rash, 1. πέρυσι, with ἀπό, a year ago, 2. πετάομαι, to fly, 4 πετεινόν, bird, 5, fowl, 9. πέτομαι, to fly, 1. Peter, 8 πετρώδης, — τὰ πετ., stony places, 2. stony ground, 1. —— τὸ πετ., stony ground, 1, πήγανον, rue, Ἴς πηγή, fountain, 8, well, 4. ’ πη]γνυμι, to pitch, 1. πηδάλιον, helm, 1 rudder, 1. , πηλίκος, how great, 1, how 5 ike πηλός, clay, 6 πήρα, scrip, 6. πῆχυς, cupit, 4. πιάζω, take, 7. lay hands on, 1, apprehend, 2. catch, 2, πιέζω, press down, 1, PPP* πιθανολογία, | —— passive, INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. enticing words, 1. πικραίνω, make bitter, 2. rreeen ~ be itter, 2 πικρία, bitterness, 4. πικρός, bitter, 2, πικρῶς, bitterly, τίρκλήμο (πλήθω) πας 4. Ϊ furnish, 1. —— pass., with χρόνος, full time cometh, 1. sil π. ( pass.) swell Sa! πινακίδιον, writing table, 1. ’ πι ναξ, platter, 1. charger, 4. πίνω, to drink, 68. drink of, 7. πιότης, fatness, 1. πιπράσκω, sell, 9. πίπτω, to fall, 68, fall down, 19, light, 1. fail, 1 σας believe, 233, trust, 1. believer, 1. cominit toone’s tuust, 1. commit unto, 4. witheis(1John v.10), believe, 1, — with ἐν (Mark i. 15), believe, 1: —— with ἐπί (Luke xxiv. 25), believe, 1. — injinitive, believing, 1. be put in trust with, 1. — with ἐγώ, be committed to my trust, 1. ey unto me, | πιστικός, 866 νάρδος. πίστις, faith, 239 belief, 1. fidelity, 1. assurance, 1, faith, 1, — Genitive, of them that believe, 1. ὃ ἐκ πίστεως, he which believeth, 1, TLOTOS, faithful, 52. believing, 1. Faithful, 1. believing, 2. that believeth, 3. which believeth, 3. believer, 1. sure, 1. true, 2. — neuter, faithfully, 1 πιστόω, ( pass. be se A ny 3 πλανάω, ( pass.) wander, 1 go astray, 5 e oa of the way, 1, err, 6. seduce, 2. deceive, 24, πλάνη, error, 7. delusion, 1. deceit, 1. — Genitive, to deceive, 1. _ πλανήτης, wandering, 1, πλάνος, ~ seducing, 1. deceiver, 4. πλάξ, table, 3. πλάσμα, thing formed, 1. , πλάσσω, to rorm, 2. πλαστός, feigned, 1 πλατεῖα, street, 9. — pl., with κατά, in every street, 1. πλάτος, breadth, 4. πλατύνω, make broad, 1. enlarge, 2, πλατύς, wide, 1. πλέγμα, braided hair, 1 plaited hair, 1. , = πλείων, πλεῖον, more, 13, more excellent, 1, most, 1. longer, 1. greater, 5. — with art, most, 1. very many, 1, — with ἐπί, further, 3, long, 1. — plural, more, 9. many, 7. many things, 1, Ι | | Ι | 979 —— with οὐ, yet but, 1. — pl., with art., the more, 1 the more part, 2. many, 5. very many, 1. the greater part, 1. —— πλεῖστος (superl., with art. at the ‘most, 1. very great, 1. —— plural, most, 1. | πλέκω, to plait, 3. πλεονάζω, abound, 6. abundant, 1. make to increase, 1. — with οὐ, have nothing over, 1. | πλεονεκτέω, get an advantage of, 1. make a gain of, 2. defraud, 2. oppress or overreach, 1, ή πλεονέκτης, covetous man, 1, covetous, 3. ΄ πλεονεξία, covetousness, 8. covetous practice, 1. greediness, 1. , πλευρά, side, ὃ πλέω, ἴο 581], 4. sail by, 1 πληγή, stripe, 5. wound, 3. plague, 12. —— with ἐπιτίθημι, to wound, 1. πλῆθος, multitude, 80, company, 1. bunale, 1. πληθύνω, multiply, 7. be muitiplied, 1, passive, multiply, 3. abound, 1. TANOw, see πίμπλημι, ps ar striker, πλήρμομ flood, 1, πλήν, than, 1. except, 1. save, 1, but, 14. but rather, 2. nevertheless, 8, notw ithstanding, 4, πλήρης, full, 17. πληροφορέω, Τιμ, 1. — passive, be fully assured, 1. — part., with art., be ας. known, 1 πληροφορία, full assurance, 3. assurance, l. πληρόω, make iull, 1. fulfil, 51. preach fully, 1. accomplish, 1 : end, 2. — passive, be full 3. full, 3 be filled with, 1. fill, 1 be ‘ail come, 1. expire, l. after, 1 complete, 2. jilled, 1. pertect, 1. πλήρωμα, fulness, 13. fulfilling, 1 full, 1. τ is put in to fill | piece that filleth up, 1. lA πλησίον, near, 1. ---- with art., neighbour, 10, πλησμονή, satisfying, 1. πλήσσω, smite, 1. πλοιάριον, small ship, 1. little ship, 2 boat, 3. πλοῖον, ship, 66. — plural, shipping, 1. πλόος, sailing, 1. voyage, 1, course, 1. | πλούσιος, rich, 17. rich man, 11. νά πλουσίως, richly, 2. abundantly, 2 richly, 1. πλουτέω, be rich, 7. rich, 1 wax rich, 1. be made rich, 2. be increased with goods, 1. make full proof of, 1. be fully persuaded, 2. those things which are ΩΝ surely believed, | πλουτίζω, make rich, 1. enrich, 2 πλοῦτος, riches, 22. πλύνω, to wash, 1. πνευμα, wind, 1. life, 1 breath, 1 spirit, 151. breath, 1. spiritual, 1. spirit, 1. ghost, 2. πρ, 133. — Genitive, spiritually, 1 ο) the spr at, 1. —— with ἅγιος, Holy Ghost, 89. Holy Spirit, 4. πνευματικός, spiritual, 18. spirit, 1. — with art., he that is spiritual, 1 he which is spiritual, 1. that which is spiritual, —- mn eut. pl., spiritual things 3. spiritual gifts, 1. πνευματικῶς, spiritually, 2. πνέω, to blow, 6. πνίγω, choke, 1. take by the throat, 1. πνικτός, strangled, 1. things strangled, its πνοή, breath, 1. wind, 1. ποδήρης, garment down to the foot, 1. . ” 'πόθεν, whence, 20. from whence, 8. ποιέω, to make, 102. | cause, 8. cause to be, 1. bring forth, 14, bring, 1. shoot out, 1. bear, 4. yield, 1. give, 1 put, 1. show, 5. purpose, l. | mean, 1 | appoint, 1. make, 1. ordain, 1. gain, 1. provide, 1; work, 8. continue, 1. do, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. do, 355. in doing, 2. can do, 1. commit, 9. execute, 2. exercise, 1. perform, 2. fulfil, 3. keep, 4 observe, 1. hold, 1. take, 1 abide, 1. continue, 2. be, 1. — middle, make, 12. give, 1. — with μνήμη, have inremembrance, 1. | — with λόγος, move, l. —— injinitive, doing, 1. —— with a Dative, deal with, 2. ποίημα, thing that is made, 1. workmanship, 1 ποίησις, deed, 1. doing, 1. ποιητής, doer, 5. poet, 1. ποικίλος, divers, 8. manifold, 2. ποιμαίνω, feed cattle, 1 feed, 6. rule, 4 Jeed, "8 ’ ποιμὴν, shepherd, 15. Shepherd, 2 pastor, 1. fold, ἡ ποίμνιον, flock, 5. ποῖος, what, 27. what way, 1. which, 4 ποῖα, what things, 1. / πολεµέω, make war, 3. war, 1. fight, 3. ΄ πόλεμος, war, 12. battle, 5 fight, 1 πόλις, city, 159. πολιτάρχης, ruler of the city, 2. πολίτεία, freedom, 1 what manner of, 1. commonwealth, 1. | : : πολίτευμα, conversation, 1. πολιτεύω, (mid.) one’s conversation is, 1. live, 1. πολίτης, citizen, 3. πολλά, see πολύς. oftentimes, 3. ofttimes, 3. πολιπλασίων, manifold more, 1. * πολυεύσπλαγχνος, [for πολύσπλαγχνος, Jas. 4 res see ** Very piti- Ἵ 2) ] | 1 | πολλάκις, i | | πολυλογία, ; much οί πμ. πολυμερῶς, at sundry times, 1. πολυποίκιλος, manifoid, 10. πολύς, much, 54. plenteous, 1. many, 2. far passed, 1. long, 3 great, 47. greatly. 1. — with art., abundant, 1 much, 1. the common, 1. great, 1. —— ὥρας πολλῇς γενομένης when the day was far spent, 1. —— μετὰ πολύ, long after, 1. ἐπί πολύ, a great w hile, 1 ἐν πολλῷ, altogether, 1. — plural, many, 173. many things, 23. many stripes, 15. much, 15. great, 11. greatly, 3. sore. 1. straitly, 2. oft, 1. — with art., many, 10. much, 2 many ways, or often times, 1 πολύ σον very pitifu πολυτελής, of great price, 1, very ος i costly, 1 πολύτιμος, of great price, 1, very costly, 1 , πολυτρόπως, in divers manners, 1. έθνη πα τ συ πόμα, drink, 2. πονηρία, wickedness, 6. wicked, 1. iniquity, 1. / πονηρὸς, evil, 38 (adj.) evil, 4 (subst.) bad, 1. harm, 1. erievous, 1. malicious, 1. wicked, 11, — with art., that which is evil, 2. the evil, 1. evil, 5 (subst.) that wicked person, 1 the wicked one, 5. the wicked, 1. that wicked one 1 wickedness, 1 3 —— πονηρὸν ῥῆμα, evil, 1. —— neut. pl., evil things, 2. πόνος, pain, 8. πορεία, way, 1. —— with ποιέω (mid.), to journey, 1. πορεύομαι, go away, 1. go one’s way, go forth, 1. Ὁ, 119. going, 1. go up, 1. depart, 11. journey, 2. make one’ 8 poner. take one’s journey, 1. walk, 9. πορθέω, to waste, 1. destroy, 2. πορισμός, gain, 2. πορνεία. fornication, 26. πορνεύω, commit fornication, 7. commit, 1. πόρνη, harlot, 8, Jornication, 1. whore, 4. πόρνος ᾽ fornicator, 5. whoremonger, 5. a great way off, 1. comparative, further, 1. πόρρωθεν, afar off, 2. πορφύρα, purple, ὅ. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ποῤφύρεον, urple, 2 ( ία Ἔ oie ) πορφυρόπωλις, seller of purple, 1, ποσάκις, how often ? 2, how oft ? 1. πόσις, drink, 3. drinking, 1. ποσος, how great? 1. how much? 13. what? 1. -- plural, how many? 9. — neuter, how many things? 2. | πόσος χρόνος, | how long ago? 1 ποταμός, river, 9. stream, 2. flood, 4. water, 1. ποταμοφόρητος, carried away of the | flood, 1. ποταπό ς, what manner of? 5. ΠΕ manner of person, what, 1. ποτέ, when, 1. sometime, 2. sometimes, 3. some time, 1. once, 2 in time past, 5. in times past, 3. aforetime, 1. in old time, 1. | at any time, 1. in the old time, 1. at length, 1. at the last, 1. at any time, 4. any time, 1. ever yet, Ls ov μὴ ποτέ, never, 1. | πότε, when? 12. —— ἕως πότε, how long? 7. πότερος, (neut.) whether, 1 ποτήριον, | cup, 33. | ποτίζω, sive to drink, 4. sive drink, 4. make...drink, 1. make to drink, 1, water, 3. feed with, τ etme a παγαγὼ v ποτίζω " lead away to watering, Ie πότος, banqueting, 1. ee -θ-- που, in ἃ certain place, 2, about, 1. ποῦ, where? 37. whither? 10. πούς, foot, 85. — ὑποπόδιον τῶν ποδῶν, footstool, 8, πραγμα, business, 1. work, 1. matter, 3. thing, 6 πραγματεία, affair, 1. πραγματεύομαι, occupy, 1. πραιτώριον, Pretorium, 1. palace, 1. Cusar’s court, 1. common hall, 1. Pilate’s house, 1. judgment hall, 4, πράκτωρ, officer, 2. πρᾶξις, deed, 4. works, 1. office, 1. πρᾷος, meek, 1. πρᾷότης, meekness, 9. , πρασία, —— πρασιαὶ πρασιαΐ, in ranks, 1, πράσσω, do, 28. commit, 5. use, 1. keep, 1. require, 1, exact, 1. —— ἃ ἐπράξαμεν, our deeds, 1 3 .. / * πραὐπάθεια, { for πρᾳότης, 1 Tim. vi. 11, see ‘*‘ Meekness.’’ } πραΐῦς, meek, 3. πραύτης, meekness, 3. πρεπω, become, 3. —— impers., it becometh, 2. becometh, ia it is comely, iL , πρεσβεία, ambassage, 1. message, 1. πρεσβεύω, be an ambassador, 2, —— eee ow 981 πρεσβυτέριον, estate of elders, 1, elders, 1. presbytery, 1. πρεσβύτερος, elder, 2 (adj.) eldest, 1. old man, 1. elder woman, 1, elder, 62 (subst.) πρεσβύτης, ΟΡ man, = aged man, 1. aged, 1. ν πρεσβύτις, aged woman, 1. πρηνής, with yivo- μαι, fall headlong, 1. , ’ πρίζω, πρίω, saw asunder, 1. ’ὔ πριν, before, 6. —— πρὶν ἢ before that, 2. before, 5. ere, 1. πρό, before, 36. before, 9 (adv.) or ever, 1. above, 1. above...ago, 1, προάγω, bring forth, 2. bring out, 1. go before, 15. προαιρέω, (mid.) to purpose, 1. προαιτιάομαι, prove before, 1. charge, 1. προακούω, hear before, 1. προαμαρτάνω, sin heretofore, 1, sin already, 1 προαύλιον, porch, 1. Ϊ ΄ ᾿ προβαίνω, go on, 1. go farther, 1. — προβεβηκὼς ἡμέραις αὐτοῦ, well stricken in years, 2. ἐν ταῖς —— προβεβηκὼς ἐν ἡμέραις πολλαις, of a great age, 1. προβάλλω, put forward, 1. shoot forth, 1. προβατικός, sheep [market], 1. ή gate, 1. 7 * προβάτιον, ων. πρόβάτον, John xxi. 6, 17, see ‘* Sheep.’’] 982 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ewe οι πρόβατον, | go ος, 1. πρόκριµα, ο eh τς sheep, 40. Bae De preferring one before | joninst, 24 / 5 ee | another, 1. before, cee προβιβάζω, προετοιμάζω, prejudice, τς by, 4. fuses beter, 1 prepare afore, 1. προκυρ ό ω, with, <7 ο ος ordain, 1. ν among, 1. draw out of, 1. een before, 1. confirm before, 1. to‘be αν with, 1, πόλον: «- , within, 1. προβλέπω, (mid.) προευαγγ ελίζοµαι, προλαµβάνω, in, 3. provide, 1 Joresee, 1. προγίνομαι, be past, 1. προγινώσκω, know before, 1G foreknow, 2. know, 1. foreordain, 1. πρόγνωσις, foreknowledge, 2 πρόγονος, ee) forefathers, 1 parents, 1. προγράφω, write aforetime, 1. write afore, 1 write, 1. set forth evidently, 1. ordain before, 1. πρόδηλος, manifest beforehand, 1. open beforehand, 1. evident, 1. προδίδωμι, give first, 1. προδότης, betrayer, 1. traitor, 2. προδρέμω, 866 προ- τρέχω. πρόδρομος, forerunner, 1. κῷ προεῖδον, see before, 1. foresee, 1. προειπον, προερῶ, προείρηκα, speak before, 3. say before, 4. tell before, 2. foretell, 1. tell in time past, 1, forewarn, 1. προελπίζω, trust first, 1. hope, 1. προενάρχομαι, begin before, 1. begin, 1. προεπα ieee — middl promise afore, 1 προέπω, -ερῶ, 866 προεῖπον. προέρχομαι, go before, 5. go forward, 1. | | take before, 1. overtake, 1. come aforehand, 1. preach eS gospel be- fore, 1. προέχω, (mid.) be better, 1. προηγέομαι, προλέγω, till before, 2. foretell, 1. prefer, 1. προμαρτύρομαι, πρόθεσις, (see also testify beforehand, 1. ἄρτος) προμελετάω, purpose, 8. meditate before, 1. προθέσμιος, ( fem.) προμεριμνάω, time appointed, 1 take thought before- , hand, 1. προθυμία, 5 forwardness of mind, | TPOVOEW, 1. provide for, 1. readiness of mind, 1. —— middle, provide, 1 readiness, 1. | 1 provide for, 1. ready mind, 1. willing mind, 1. , πρόνοια, πρόθυμος, providence, 1. ready, 2. provision for, 1. willing, 1. ae | προοράω, προθύμῶς, | see before, 1. of a ready mind, 1. — middle, fe ΓΞ i foresee, 1. προιμος, πρω- - ἵμος. προορίζω, determine before, 1. predestinate, 4. προϊνος, see mpwivds. | PTS oh προΐστημι, προπάσχω, be over, 1. sutfer before, 1. rule, 5. 5 maintain, 1. * προπατωρ, projess, 1. [jor πατήρ, Rom. iv. 1, προκαλέω, (mid.) sve “ Father.” ] provoke, 1 προπέμπω, conduct forth, 1 bring forward on one’s journey, 1. bring on one’s journey, 2 προκαταγγέλλω, foretell, 1. show before, 2. — pass. part., with art., whereot ye had notice before, 1 which hath been so much spoken of before, 1. bring on one’s way, 4. | accompany, tle προπετής, heady, 1. rashly, 1. / προκαταρτίζω, make up beforehand, 1. πρόκειμαι, be set before, 3 be set forth, 1. , προπορένομαι, go before, 2. be first, 1. πρός, ὡ BES ass ; προκηρύσσω, δε νά Oita preach before, 1. — with Dat., preach first, 1. at, 4. , about, 1. προκοπ], — with Ace., furtherance, 2. toward, 10. profiting, 1. to...ward, 3. , to, 174. προκοπτω, to do, 1. proceed, 1. to give, 1. increase, 2. to answer, 1 (in italics, wax, 1. 2 Cor. v. 12). prolit, 1. unto, 338. be far spent, 1. over against, 1. concerning, 1. between, 2 among, 20. according to, 3. for, 23 because of, 1. of, 2. to, 1. ---- πρὸς μα, which is to try, 1 —— πρὸς τό, with inf., to, 4. for to, 1. to this end, that, 1. that may, 2. that might, 1 that...could, 1 because.. ‘would, 1. —— πρὸς ὅ, whereby, τὸ — τὰ Tp the ος "which be- long unto, 1. those thes which per- tain to, 1 things that pertain un- to, 1. in things pertaining to, 1 in things pertaining to, 1 about, 1. conditions of, 1, sufficient to, 1. what one ΠΡ against, —— πρὸς τί, for what intent, 1. προσάββατον, the day before the sabbath, 1. προσαγορεύω, to call, 1. προσάγω, bring, 3. draw near, 1. προσαγωγή, access, 3. προσαιτέω, beg, 3 * προσαίτης, [ for προσαιτέω, Mark x, 46, see “ Beg.” for τυφλος, John ix, 8, see ** Blind.” ] / προσαναβαίνω, go up, 1. ’ προσαναλίσκω, spend, 1. προσαναπληρόω, to supply, 2. /, προσανατίθημι, — middle, add in conference, 1. confer, 1 προσαπειλέω, (mid.) threaten further, 1. _——_——————— ο ο τἨτ7ἀἀἠρὄυο οςς Γξ;τᾺΡόῊσσ προσδαπανάω, spend more, 1. προσδέομαι, to need, 1. / προσδέχοµαι, receive, 3. accept, 1. take, 1. » allow, 1. look for, 4. wait for, 4. προσδοκάω, look for, 8. look when, 1. look, 1. expect, 1. be in expectation, 1. be in suspense, 1, wait for, 3. tarry, 1. προσδοκία, looking after, 1. expectation, 1. προσδρέμω, see προστρέχω. προσεάω, suffer, 1. προσεγγίζω, come nigh unto, 1, προσεδρεύω, wait at, 1. προσεργάζομαι, to gain, 1. / προσέρχομαι, come to, 24, come unto, 19. come thereunto, 1, come, 32. be a coming, 1. go to, 2. go unto, 2. go, 1. go near, 1. draw near, 2. consent to, 1. προσευχή, prayer, 36. — Dative, earnestly, 1. in his prayer, 1. προσεύχομαι, pray, 33. pray for, 1. — with μακρά, make long prayer, 1. make long prayers, 2. προσέχω, give heed unto, 1. give heed to, 4. take heed unto, 1. take heed to, 3. take heed, 1, beware, 7. attend unto, 1. give attendance to, 1. ive attendance at, 1. ave regard to, 1. be given to, 1. — with ὦ, take heed whereunto, 1. προσηλόω, nail to, 1. $$$ ———————— σσὍ...Ὁ-ππὐππσδδδαααααδδααααααδδδαδαασασ “συ υυσπαππνυννσπνσπψθθονον INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH, προσήλυτος, proselyte, 4. πρόσκαιρος, for a season, 1. temporal, 1. — with εἰμί, dure for a while, 1. endure but for atime, 1. - : προσκαλέω, (mid.) call unto one, 20. call to one, 1. call for, 2. call, 6. — with 6, call whereunto, 1. προσκαρτερέω, continue steadfastly in, continue instant in, 1. continue in, 3. continue with, 1. attend continnally up- οσα. give one’s self con- tinually to, 1. wait on continually, 1. wait on, 1. προσκαρτέρησις, perseverance, 1, προσκεφάλαιον, pillow, 1. προσκληρόω, ( pass.) consort with, 1. * πρόσκλησις, [ for πρόσκλισις, 1 Tim. v. 21, see “ Partial- ity.” ] * προσκλίνω, [for προσκολλάω, Acts v. 36, see ‘* Join one’s self to.’’] πρόσκλισις, partiality, 1. ’ προσκολλάω,( pass.) be joined unto, 1. join one’s self to, 1. cleave to, 2. ΄ πρόσκομμα, stumbling, 1. stumbling-block, 2. offence, 1. προσκοπή, offence, 1. ’ προσκόπτω, beat upon, 1. stumble at, 2. stumble, 3. — with πρός, dash against, 2. προσκυλίω, roll to, 1. roll unto, 1. , προσκυγεω, worship, 59. beseech, 1. — with ἐνώπιον, to worship, 1. fall down before, 1. προσκυνητής, worshipper, 1. | προσλαλέω, speak to, 1. speak with, 1. , προσλαμβάνω, — middle, take unto one, 2, take, 5. receive, 7. προσληψις, receiving, 1. /΄ προσμένω, continue with, 1 continue in, 1. abide still, 1. tarry there, 1. cleave unto, 1, be with, 1. ; : προσορμίζω, (mid.) draw to the shore, 1. προσοφείλω, owe besides, 1. προσοχθίζω, be grieved with, 2. * προσπαίω, [for προσπίπτω, Matt. vii. 25, see upon.,”’ | πρόσπεινος, very hungry, 1. προσπήγνυμι 2 crucify, 1. 4 προσπίπτω, fall at, 1. fall down at, 1. fall down before, 5. beat upon, 1. Ἱπροσποιέω, (mid.) make as though, 1. — with μή, as though he heard them not, 1. προσπορεύομαι, come unto, 1. προσρήγνυμι, beat vehemently upon, ie beat vehemently against, 1. , προστάσσω, te command, 6. bid, 1. προστάτις, succourer, 1. / προστίθημι, ἋΣ unto, 1. add, 11. again, 2. rive more, 1. increase, 1. speak any more, 1. proceed further, 1. προστρεέχω, run to, 1. run thither to, 1. run, 1, προσφάγιον, meat, 1, “ Beat , πρόσφατος, new, 1. ry προσφάτως, lately, 1. / προσφέρω, bring unto, 10. bring to, 5. bring, 2. put to, 1. present unto, 1. offer, 1. deal with, 1. προσφιλής, lovely, 1. προσφορά, offering up, 1, sacrificing, 1. offering, 8. προσφωνέω, speak unto, 1, speak to, 2. call unto, 1. call to, 1. call unto one, 1. call to one, 1. πρόσχυσις, sprinkling, 1, προσψαύω, to touch, 1. προσωπληπτέω, have respect to pers sons, 1 προσωπολήπτης, respecter of persons, 1. προσωποληψία, respect of persons, 4, / προσωπον, face, 54, countenance, 3. appearance, 1. the face, 1. outward appearance, 1, fashion, 1. presence, 7. outward appearance, 1. person, 6, sight, 1. man’s person, 1, κατὰ πρόσωπον, face to face, 1. —— πρὸ πρόσωπου, before, 1. — εἰς πρόσωπον, before, 1. προτάσσω, appoint before, 1. προτείνω, bind, 1. πρότερος, former, 1. —— πρότερον, or τὸ πρότι (adv.), before, αν. €av wy) pov, before, 1, et former, 2. first, 2. at the first, 1. 984 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. προτίθημι, (mid.) set forth, 1. foreordain, 1. purpose, 2. προτρέπω, (mid.) exhort, . προτρέχω, run before, 1. -—— with τάχιον, outrun, 1 προὐπάρχω, be before, 1. be... beforetime, 1. / πρόφασις, show, 1 pretence, 3. cloak, 2 evcuse, 1. colour, 1. προφέρω, bring forth, 2. , προφητεία, prophecy, 15. the gift of prophecy, 1 prophesying, 3. προφητεύω, to prophesy, 28. ,ἷ προφήτης, prophet, 149. προφητικός, of the prophets, 1. of prophecy, 1. προφῆτις, prophetess, 2. προφθάνω, prevent, 1. PRSXe PLO, make, 1 choose, 1. pe προχειροτονεω, choose before, 1, πρύμνα, hinder part of a ship, 1. hinder part, 1. stern, 1. πρωΐ, early, 2, in the morning, 4, morning, 2. — ἅμα πρωΐ, early in the morning, 1. | —— Atay πρωΐ, very early in the morn- ing, 1. πρώϊμος, early, 1. πρωϊγός, morning, Ἱ. πρωΐος, early, 1 in the morning, 1, morning, 2, πρώρα, foreship, 1. forepart, 1. , TPWTEVH, have the pre-eminence, Ἧς πρωτοκαθεδρία, chief seat, 2. highest seat, 1. uppermost seats, 1. πρωτοκλισία, chief room, 2. highest room, 1. uppermost room, 1. uppermost rooms, 1. πρῶτος, ---- τὰ η first, that : Ἂς: ‘first, 1 (pl.) first day, 2. ας. 3. before, 2. beginning, 1, chief, 7. jirst, 1 chief man, 2. chief estate, 1. chiefest, 1. best, 1. ἐν πρώτοις, first of all, 1. — adverb, first, 51. at first, 1. at the first, 3. first of all, 2. it first beginneth, 1. at the beginning, 1. before, 1. chiefly, 1. πρωτοστάτης, ringleader, 1 πρωτοτόκια, birthright, 1. πρωτότοκος, firstborn, 7. first-begotten, 2. ’ πταίω, stumble, 1 fall, 1. ofiend, 3. ο heel, 1. itn fiat a pinnacle, 2. | / ἕ | TTEpvE, | wing, 5. | πτηνόν, bird, 1. πτοέω, terrify, 2. | πτόησις, amazement, 1, πτύον, | fan, 2. πτύρω, terrify, 1 πτύσμα, spittle, 1. ’ πτυσσω, to close, 1. πτύω, spit, 3. πτῶμα, dead body, 3. earcase, 1. corpse, 1. | πτῶσις, fall, 2. πτωχεία, poverty, 3. πτωχεύω, become poor, 3. πτωχός, poor, 30. poor man, 1, beggarly, 1. beggar, 2. πο η, oft, 1 diligently, ΠΣ with the fist, 1. wp to the elbow, 1. πυκνός, often, 1. —— πυκνά, often, 1. —— πυκνότερον, the oftener, 1. πυκτεύω, to fight, 1. πύλη, gate, 10. πυλών, gate, 17. porch, 1, πυνθάνομαι, inquire, 2. ask, 7. demand, 2. understand, 1. πῦρ, fire, 73. — Genitive, fiery, 1 πυρά, fire, 2. πύργος, tower, 4. / πυρέσσω, sick of a fever, 2. πυρετός, fever, 6. πύρινος, of fire, 1 πυρόω, ( pass.) be on fire, 1. fiery, 1. burn, 3. be tried, 1. πυρράζω, be red, 2. πυρρός, red, 1, that is red, 1. πύρωσις, burning, 2. fiery trial, 1. / πω, 866 μήπω, μηδέ- πω, οὔπω, οὐδέπω. πωλέω, sell, 21. — pass. part., with art., whatsoever is sold, 1. πῶλος, colt, 12. πώποτε, at any time, 3. — with οὐ μή, never, 1, —— with οὐδείς, never, 2. πωρόω, harden, 3. blind, 2. harden, 1. πώρωσις, hardness, 1. blindness, 1. blindness, 2. hardness, 2. πως, by any means, 8. by some means, 1. haply, 1 perhaps, 1. πως, how? 49. how is it that P 6. how, 25 after what manner, 1, by what means, 2. that, 1. how! 6. —— with subj., how? 2. how, 7. — with opt., how? 1. “Pa Bi, Rabbi, 8. master, 9. ῥαββονί, ῥαββουνί, Rabboni, 2 lord, 1. ῥαβδίζω, beat with rods, 1, beat, 1. ἊΣ ῥάβδος, rod, 6. Βα, 4. sceptre, 2. ῥαβδοῦχος, serjeant, 2. ῥαδιούου μαι lewdness, 1. ῥαδιουργία, mischief, 1. e , | paka, racha, 1 (ed. 1611). raca, 1 (ed, 1638). ῥάκος, cloth, 2. 8 ᾿ ῥαντίζω, sprinkle, 4. / ῥαντισμός, sprinkling, 2. ῥαπίζω, smite with the palm of one’s hand, 1. ..a vod, 1 smite, 1. ῥάπισμα, — with βαλλω, strike with ἐπ palm of one’s hand, 1 — with δίδωμι, strike with the palm of one’s hand, 1. -..a@ rod, 1. aa with one’s hand, , éda, chariot, 1. ε/ peo, to flow, 1. ῥέω, ἐρρήθην, ἐρρέ- - oop ate, δὲ it) which was spoken, 12. πο. of, 2. ῥηθέν, he ‘ Ὁ was spoken of, ῥῆγμα, ruin, 1. ῥήγνυμι, ῥήσ σω, ren break τὰς 1, burst, 2. tear, 2. dash, 1. —— passive, break, 1. βημα, word, 56. saying, 9. thing, 1. thing, 3. ῥήσσω, 866 ῥήγνυμι. ῥιζόω,( ο or mid.) | be rooted, 2. ῥιπή, twinkling, 1. ῥιπίζω, toss, 1. INDEX ῥιπτέω, cast off, 1. ῥίπτω, throw, 1. cast, 2. cast down, 2. cast out, 1. —— passive, be scattered abroad, 1. lie down, 1. ῥοιζηδόν, with a great noise, 1. ῥομφαία, sword, 7. ε ’ 7 ne 1C 52, or ΩΡΑ Or. XV. see ** Twinkling.”’] pu υμη, street, 3. lane, 1. ῥύομαι, deliver, 13. eee 1, (aor.), deliv ered, 4, * ῥυπαίνω, or ῥυπόω, Rev. xxii. 11, see ‘‘ be ΕἸ ΒΥ." * ῥυπαρεύομαι, [for ρυπόω, Rev. xxii. 11, see ‘‘ be Filthy.’’] ῥυπαρία, filthiness, 1, ῥυπαρός, vile, 1. ae 4 βύπος, filth, 1. ε , pv7row, be filthy, 2. ῥύσις, issue, 3. purts, wrinkle, 1. ῥώννυμι, —— pass. imper., farewell, 2. σαβαχθαναΐ, sabachthani, 2. σαβαώθ, Sabaoth, 1. sabaoth, 1. σαββατισμός, rest, 1, keeping of a sabbath, 1 σάββατον, sabbath, 16. sabbath day, 34, week, 9. — Gen, (as adj.) sabbath, 7. σαγήνη, net, 1. -—GREEK AND ENGLISH. σαινω, move, l. σάκκος, sackcloth, 4. σαλεύω, shake, 10. shake together, 1. stir up, 1. move, 1. —— τα σαλεύοµενα, those things that are shaken, 1. ..-may be..., 1. — τὰ μὴ σαλευόμενα, those things which cannot be shaken, 1. trumpet, 9, σαλπίζω, sound a trumpet, 1. cause a trumpet to be sounded, 1. a trumpet soundeth, 1, sound, 10 σαλπιστής, trumpeter, 1. σανδάλιον, sandal, 2. σανΐίς, board, 1. campos, corrupt, 7. bad, 1. σάπφειρος, sapphire, 1. σαργάνη, basket, 1 σάρδινος, sardine, 1. σάρδιος, sardius, 3. σαρδόνυξ, sardonyx, 1. σαρκικός, fleshly, 2. carnal, 7. —— τὰ σαρκικά, carnal things, 2. σάρκινος, fleshy, 1. ή σάρξ, flesh, 147. | —— Genitive, flesh carnally, 1. of the flesh, 1. σαρόω, sweep, 3. , σατον, measure, 2 σαυτοῦ, SCE σεαυτοῦ. σβνέννυμι quench, 7. —— passive, go out, 1. ὁ going out, 1. σέ, see ov. σεαυτοῦ, ete. thyself, 33. thine own self, 2. thou thyself, 1. thy, 1. unto thyself, 2. thee, 1. σεβάζομαι, to worship, 1. σέβασμα, that is worshipped, 1. devotion, 1. ik thatone worshippeth, “πὰ oq ᾿ Augustus’s, 1 σέβω, ( ae to worship, 6. devout, 2. devout person, 1. religious, 1. σειρά, chain, 1. * σειρός, Lfor σειρά, 2 Pet. ii. 4, see oe Pe in.’”] σεισμός, tempest, 1. earthquake, 13. σείω, shake, 2. move, 1. —— passive, shake, 1. quake, 1. σελήνη, moon, 9. σεληνιάζομαι, be lunatic, 2. σεμίδαλις, fine flour, 1. σεμνός, honest, 1. venerable, 1. grave, 3. σεμνότης, honesty, 1. gravity, 2. | σημαίνων signify, 6. | σημεῖον, sign, 51. token, 1. wonder, 8, sign, 2, miracle, 22. σημειόω, (mid.) note, 1. signify, 1. 956 σήμερον, to-day, 18. this day, 22. —— σήμερον ἡμέρα, this day, 1 σήπω, to corrupt, 1. σηρικός, (neut.) silk, 1. , σης, moth, 3. / σητόβρωτος, moth-eaten, 1. ’ὔ σθενόω, strengthen, 1. σιαγών, cheek, 2. σιγάω, keep silence, 3. hold one’s peace, 4. keep secret, 1. keep close, 1. 4 ory) silence, 2. σιδήρεος, of iron, 4. iron, 1 (adj.) σίδηρος, iron, 1. σικάριος, that is a murderer, 1. σίκερα, strong drink, 1, 4 σιμικίνθιον, apron, 1. 4 σίναπι, mustard seed, 5. σινδών, fine linen, 1. linen, 2. linen cloth, 3. ἧς σινιάζω, sift, 1. σιρικός, 866 σηρικός. σιτευτός͵, fatted, 3. 4 * σιτίον, [ for otros, Acts vii. 12, see ‘Corn.’ | σιτιστός, (neut.) fatling, 1. σιτομέτριον, portion of meat, 1, σιτος, wheat, 12. corn, 2. , σιωπαω, hold one’s peace, 9. dumb, 1. —— impers., peace, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ᾿ σκανδαλίζω, offend, 28. cause to offend, 2. make to offend, 2. / σκάνδαλον, re of stumbling, stumbling block, 3. occasion to fall, 1. thing that offendeth, 1. scandal, 2. offence, 9. σκάπτω, dig, 3. σκάφη, boat, 3. σκέλος, leg, 3. σκέπασμα, ( pl.) raiment, 1. σκευή, tackling, 1. σκεῦος, vessel, 19. sail, 1. — plural, stuff, 1. goods, 5. σκηνή, tabernacle, 19. habitation, 1. σκηνοπηγία, οὗ tabernacles, 1. σκηνοποιός, tent-maker, 1. σκῆνος, tabernacle, 1. σκηνόω, dwell, 5. σκήνωμα, tabernacle, 3. , σκια, shadow, 7. σκιρτάω, leap, 2. leap for joy, 1. σκληροκαρδία, hardness of heart, 3. / σκληρός, hard, 5. fierce, 1. σκληρότης, hardness, 1. σκληροτράχηλος, stiff-necked, 1. 4 σκληρύνω, harden, 4. pass. or mid., be hardened, 2, σκολιός, crooked, 2. untoward, 1. froward, 1. σκολοψ, thorn, 1. σκοπέω, look at, 1. look on, 1. mark, 2. take heed, 1. consider, 1. σκοπό ὩΣ mark, 1. σκορπίζω, scatter, 3. scatter abroad, 1. disperse abroad, 1. ΄ σκορπιος, scorpion, 5. σκοτεινός, dark, 1. full of darkness, 2, 7 σκοτία, darkness, 14, dark, 2. / σκοτίζω, darken, 8. σκότος, darkness, 32. σκοτόω, ( pass.) full of darkness, 1. σκύβαλον, ( pl.) ung, 1. σκυθρωπός, of asad countenance, 1. sad, 1. σκύλλω, to trouble, 2. — middle, trouble one’s self, 1. σκῦλον, spoil, 1. σκωληκόβρωτος, eaten of worms, 1. σκώληξ, worm, 3. ’ σμαράγδινος, emerald, 1. σμαρα δος, emerald, 1. ΄ σμύρνα, myrrh, 2. σμυρνίζω, mingle with myrrh, 1, col, 866 σύ. / σορος, bier, 1. coffin, 1. σός, thy or thine, 18. thine own, 3. τὸ σόν, that is thine, 2. οἱ σοί, thy friends, 1. τὰ σοί, thy goods, 1. σοῦ, see σύ. σουδάριον, handkerchief, 1. napkin, 3. σοφία, wisdom, 51. σοφίζω, make wise, 1. — middle, devise cunningly, 1. σοφός, wise, 19. wise man, 3. σπαράσσω, to tear, 3. rend, 1. σπαργανόω, wrap in swaddling clothes, 2. σπάω, (mid.) draw out, 1. draw, 1. σπαταλάω, live in pleasure, 1. live delicately, 1. σπεῖρα, band, 6. band of men, 1. / σπείρω, to sow, 43. sower, 6. — passive, receive seed, 4, 4 σπεκουλάτωρ, executioner, 1. one of his guard, 1, σπένδω, (mid.) be offered, 1. poured forth, 1. be ready to be offered,1, σπέρμα, seed, 43. issue, l. σπερμολόγος, babbler, 1. base fellow, 1. σπεύδω, haste unto, 1. haste, 1. haste, 1. make haste, 3. with haste, 1. σπήλαιον, cave, 1. den, 5. σπιλάς, spot, 1. σπῖλος, spot, 2. σπιλόω, to spot, 1. defile, 1. σπλάγχνα, bowels, 7. 4 bowels of compassion, 1; inward affection, 1. tender, 1. bowels, 2. σπλαγχνίζομαι, be moved ἘΌΝ com- passion, 5. have compassion, 7. σπόγγος, sponge, 3 σποδός, ashes, 3. σπορά, seed, 1, σπόριμος, (neut. pl.) corn fields, 2. corn, 1. σπόρος, seed, 4. seed sown, 1. σπουδάζω, be forward, 1, be diligent, 2 do diligence, 2. give diligence, 1: endeavour, 3, labour, 1. study, 1 σπουδαῖος, forward, 1, diligent, 2 ΄ σπουδαίως, diligently, 1 instantly, 1. — comparative, the more carefully, 1. very diligently, 1 [ή σπουδή, haste, 2. forwardness, 1]. diligence, 5. business, 1. earnest care, 1. care, 1. carefulness, 1. σπυρίς, basket, 5. στάδιος, furlong, 5. race, 1 στάμνος, pot, 1. ΕἼ / στασιαστής, [for συστασιαστής, Mk. xv. 7, see “ That had , στάσις, insurrection, 1, sedition, 3. uproar, 1. dissension, 8, — with ἔχω, be standing, 1 στατήρ, piece of money, 1. stater, 1. σταυρός, cross, 28. σταυρόω, crucify, 46 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. | σταφυλή, grapes, 3. στάχυς, ear of corn, 3. ear, 1. can forbear, 2, στεῖρος, barren, 4. | στέλλω, — mid. or pass., withdraw one’s self, 1. avoid, 1. στέμμα, garland, 1. στεναγμός, groaning, 2. ’ στενάζω, to sigh, 1. groan, 3. with grief, 1. grudge, 1. groan or grieve, 1. στενός, strait, 3. στενοχωρέω, straiten, 2. distress, 1. στενοχωρία, distress, 3. anguish, 1. στερεὸς, steadfast, 1. sure, l. steady, 1. strong, 2. ’ στερεοω, establish, 1. make strong, ult —— passive, receive strength, uP στερέωμα, steadfastness, 1. , στέφανος, crown, 18, insurrection | στεφανόω, to crown, 4. στῆθος, breast, 5. στήκω, to stand, 2. stand fast, 6. στηριγμός, steadfastness, 1. στηρίζω, set steadfastly, 1. fis το κα establish, 3 stablish, 6. strengthen, 2. * ori Bas, [for στοιβάς, Mark xi. 8, see “ Branch.’’] στίγμα, mark, 1, στιγμή, moment, 1. στίλβω, shine, 1. στοά, poreb, 4, ΄ στοιβάς, branch, 1. στοιχεῖον, element, 4. rudiment, 2. rudiment, 3. element, 1. principle, 1 στοιχέω, walk orderly, 1. walk, 4. στολή, robe, 5. long robe, 1. long garment, 1. long clothing, 1. στόμα, mouth, 72. edge, 2 —— στ. πρὸς στ.» face to face, 2. mouth to mouth, 1. στόμαχος, stomach, 1. στρατεία, warfare, 2. στράτευμα, army, 6. men of war, 1. soldiers, 1 στρατεύω, (mid.) go a warfare, 1. war, 5. soldier, 1. ’ στρατηγὸς, captain, 5. ruler, 1. magistrate, 5. στρατιά, host, 2 στρατιώτης, soldier, 26. , στρατολογέω, choose,,.to be ἃ soldier, στρατοπεδάρχης, captain of the guard, 1. στρατόπεδον, army, 1. στρεβλόω, wrest, 1, 957 στρέφω, to turn, 3. -οςς middle, turn one’s self, 2. turn again, 1. turn back again, 1. turn one about, i — with worn be onnxtel : στρηνιάω, live deliciously, 2. στρῆνος, delicacy, 1. στρουθίον, sparrow, 4. ’ ᾿στρωννυμι, νυω, strew, 2. spread, 2. furnish, 2. — with σεαυτῷ, make thy bed, 1. és, hateful, 1. στυγνάζω, be sad, 1. lower, ἜΣ στρων- , στύλος, pillar, 4, σύ, thou, 178. — σοῦ (Gen.), of thee, 2. thy or thine, 407. thine own, 7. thee, 74. thon, 4. τὰ σοῦ, that thou doest, 1. —— ὑπὸ σοῦ λαλουμένη, bic ap thou speakest, — cai (Dat.), to thee, 11. unto thee, 59. for thee, 21. thee, 103. thy, 4. thine, 2 thine own, 4. thou, 13. —— μηδέν σοὶ καί, have thou nothing do with, 1. σέ Λοο.), thee, {πε thee...thou, 2. thou, 16, omens 7 pos σέ, at thy: house, i ένεια, kindred, 3. συ ενής, ἈΝ’ ἐξα kinsman, 7. cousin, 2. — plural, kinsfolk, 1. | kinsfolks, 1. | # συγγενίς, Uy carrie ἢ ——— 988 eee συγγνώμη, permission, 1, συγκάθημαι, sit with, 2. συγκαθίζω, make sit together, 1. be set down together, 1. συγκακοπαθέω, be partaker οἵ δίῆϊο- tions, 1. / συγκακουχέω, —— passive, suffer affliction with, 1. συγκαλέω, call together, 2. — middle, call together, 6 συγκαλύπτω, to cover, 1. συγκάμπτω, bow down, 1. συγκαταβαίνω, go down with, 1. συγκατάθεσις, agreement, 1. συγκατατίθεμαι, with εἰμί, consent to, 1. συγκαταψηφίζω, number with, 1. συγκεράννυμι, temper together, 1. ---- passive, be mixed with, 1. .. .united..., 1. / συγκινεω, stir up, 1. / συγκλείω, conclude, 2. shut up together, 1. shut up, 1 inclose, 1. / συγκληρονόµος, heir with, 1. heir together, 1. joint heir, 1. fellow heir, 1. / συγκοινωνέω, communicate with, 1. have fellowship with, 1. be partaker of, 1. / TVYKOLVWVOS, partaker, 1. companion, 1. — with γίνομαι, partake with, 2. συγκομίζω, carry to one’s burial, 1. συγκρίνω, compare with, 2. compare among, 1. συγκύπτω, be bowed together, 1, συγκυρία, chance, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. συγχαίρω, rejoice with, 6. rejoice in, 1. ... with, 1. συγχέω, συγχύνω, confuse, 1. confound, 2. trouble in ‘mind, 1; stir up, 1. —— passive, be in an uproar, 1. συγχράομαι, have dealings with, 1. / συ - ου see συγ χεω. ’ σύυγχνυσις, confusion, 1.' 4 συζάω, live with, 3. συζεύγνυμι, συζευγ- νύω, join together, 2. συζητέω, question with, 2. question one with an- other, 1 question, 2. inquire, 1. dispute with, 1. dispute, 1, reason together, 1 reason, 1. oT TULYTHCLS, disputation, 1 disputing, 1. reasoning, 1. συζητητής, disputer, 1. σύζυγ os, yoke Yalow: ue συζωοποιέω, quicken together with, 2, συκάμινος, sycamine tree, 1. συκέα, συκῆ, fig-tree, 16, ’ὔ συκοµωσαια, sycamore tree, 1. σῦκον, fig, 4. ή συκοφαντέω, accuse falsely, 1. take by false accusa- tion, 1, συλαγωγέω, with εἰμί, to spoil, 1. συλάω, rob, 1. συλλαλέω, talk with, 3 commune with, 1, confer with, 1 with πρός, speak among, 1. | | συλλαμβάνω, catch, 1. take, 8. conceive, 5. --- maa, help, 2 συλλέγω, gather together, 1. gather up, 2 gather, 5. συλλογίζομαι, with | πρός, season with, 1. συλλυπέω, grieve, 1. ’ συμβαίνω, happen, 6, befal, 1. —— συνέβη, so it was, 1. συμβάλλω, confer, 1. ponder, 1 meet with, 1. encounter, 1. | —— middle, help, 1 — with εἰς, make, 1. συμβασιλεύω, reign with, 2. συμβιβάζω, knit together, 1. gather assuredly, 1. prove, 1. instruct, 1. passive, be compacted, 1. συμβουλεύω, to counsel, 1. give counsel, 1. — middle, take counsel together, 1 take counsel, 1. consult, 1. συμβούλιον, council, 2. counsel, 5. consultation, 1. σύμβουλος, counsellor, 1 συμμαθατής, fellow disciple, 1. | συμμαρτυρέω, bear witness with, 1. bear witness also, 1 witness with, 1. bear witness, 1. | — middle, testify unto, 1. συμμερίζω, (mid.) be partaker with, 1. συμμέτοχος, partaker with, 1. partaker, 1. συμμιμητής, follow together, 1. * συμμορφίζω, [Jor συμμορφόω, Phil. 11, 10, see ‘‘ Make conformable unto.’’ | , σύμμορφος, conformed to, 1. fashioned like unto, 1. συμμορφόω, make conformable un- το, 1. συµπαθέω, have compassion of, 1. be touched with the feeling of, 1. / συμπαθής, ( pl.) having compassion one of another, 1 συμπαραγίνομαι, come together, 1. stand with, 1. συμπαρακαλέω, — passive, be comforted together, 1. συμπαραλαμβάνω, take with one, 4. συμπαραμένω, continue with, 1. συμπάρειμι, be herepresent with, 1. συμπάσχω, suffer with, 2. συμπέμπω, send with, 2. συμπεριλαμβάνω, to embrace, 1, συμπίνω, drink with, 1. * συμπίπτω, [ for πίπτω, Luke vi. 49, see ** to Fall.’’] / συµπληρόω, Bas —— passive, be fully come, 1. come, 1, συμπνίγω, choke, 4 throng, 1. συμπολίτης, fellow-citizen, 1. οσο κο oe resort, 1 συμπόσιον, σομπόσια συμπόσια, by companies, 1. συμπρεσβύτερος, also an elder, 1. συμφάγω, sce συνεσ- ίω. ’ συμφέρω, bring together, 1. — intransitive, be profitable, 1. be expedient, 2. be projitable, 1. — participle, profit, 2. —— impersonal, be profitable, 2. be expedient, 5. be good, 1. be better, 1. ---- - πρὸ ὃς τὸ σ., to profit withal, 1. σύμφημι, consent unto, 1. * συµφορος, [for συμφέρω, 1 Cor. vii. 35, and x, 33, see “«Ῥτοβυ.”] συµφυλέτης, countryman, |. σύμφυτος, planted together, 1. συμφύω, ( pass.) spring up with, 1. συμφωνέω, agree with, 2. agree together, 1, agree, 3. συμφώνησις, concord, 1. ΄ συμφωνία, music, 1. σύμφωνος, with ἐκ, with consent, 1. συμψηφίζω, to count, 1. σύμψυχος, of one accord, 1. συν, with, 109. besiue, 1. ὁ σύν. who was with, 1. which was with, 1. — οἱ σύν, they that are they which with, or that which 12, συνάγω, lead into, 1. gather together, 8. gather up, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. oats ΄. ο. iN synagogue, 1. congregation, 1. synagogue, 53. — pl., with κατά, in every syuagogue, 2. συναγωνίζομαι, strive together with, 1. συναθλέω, strive together for, 1. labour with, 1. συναθροίζω, gather together, 2. call together, 1. / συναίρω, take, 1. reckon, 1. — with λόγος, reckon, 1. συναιχμάλωτος. fellow prisoner, 3. συνακολουθέω, follow, 2. συναλίζω, —— pass. or mid., be assembled together with, 1. eat,.., 1. * συναλλάσσω, [for συνελαύνω, Acts vii. 26, see ‘Set at one again.’’] 7 συναναβαίνω, 20116 uy with, 2. συνανάκειμαι, sit at the table with, 1. sit down with, 1. sit together with, 1, sit with, 2. sit at meat with, 4. , συναναμιίγνυμι —— pass. ΟΥ̓ mid., have company with, 1. company with, 1. keep company, 1. συναναπαύω, (mid.) be refreshed, 1, συναντάω, to meet, 5. | —— τὰ συναντήσοντα, the things that shall befal, 1. συνάντησις, with εἰς, συναπόλλυμι, — mid. or pass., perish with, 1. συναποστέλλω, send with, 1. συναρμολογέω, join fitly together, 1. frame fitly together, 1. συναρπάζω, catch, 4. συναυξάνω, (mid.) grow together, 1. σύνδεσμος, band, 1. bond, 3. συνδέω, bind with, 1. σύνδοξάζω, glorify together, 1. σύνδουλος, fellow-servant, 10. συνδρομή, with γί- VOGAL, run together, 1. συνεγείρω, raise up together, 1. — passive, rise with, 2. 4 συνέδριον, council, 22, > συνείδησις, conscience, 32. ἷ“ συνεῖδον, be ware of, 1. consider, 1. — σύνοιδα, know by, 1. be privy to, 1. σύνειμι, be with, 2. σύνειμι, be gathered together, 1. συνεισέρχομαι, go into with, 1. go in with, 1. συνέκδημος, companion in travel, 1. to travel with, 1. ’ συνεκλεκτός, | | 959 / συνεργεω, work with, 2. work together, 1. worker together, 1. help with, 1. 4 συνεργός, fellow worker, 1. work fellow, 1. fellow labourer, 3. labourer together with, 1 companion in labour, 1. fellow helper, 2. helper, 3. / συνέρχοµαι, come with, 5. come together, 18. come, 2. company with, 1. accompany, 1. assemble with, i. go with, 4. resort, 2. συνεσθίω. eat with, 5. σύνεσις, understanding, 6. knowledge, 1. συνετός, prudent, 4. συνευδοκέω, have pleasure in, l. consent with, 1. be pleased, 2. consent unto, 2. allow, 1. : ο συνευωχέω, (mid.) feast with, 2. συνεφίστηµι, rise up together, 1. ’ συνέχω, keep in, 1. man that holdeth, 1, stop, 1. constrain, 1. press, 1. throng, 1. —— passive, be straitened, 1. . pained, 1. be in a strait, 1. be taken with, 3. lie sick of, 1. συνήδομαι, delight in, 1. συνήθεια, \ ἼἼἼἼἾ-ἌἌἊ,ἌἍ------------ ὐΥΤἝ“ ΎΓὝὙὕ͵. ͵Ῥ͵Ῥ͵͵͵ ͵ῬἩΒῈῬΘ͵ςἘωςἘςο.-ς. gather, 4 to meet, 1. a Wea together with, custom, 2. estow, 2. , ΄ take in, 3. συναντιλαμβάνω, συνελαύνω, with εἰς συνηλικιώτης, — pass. or mid., — middle, > ) equal, ie be gathered together, to help, 2. εἰρηνὴν, equal in years, 1. 12. , set at one again, 1. , be gathered, 4. συναπαάγο, . συνθάπτω, gather, 1. lead away with, 1. συνεπιµαρτυρεω, bury with, 2. gather...selves togeth- carry away with, 1. bear witness also, 1. , er, 2. —— passive, * ᾿ συνθλάω, be assembled together, | condescend to, 1. συνεπιτίθημι, break, 2. a be contented with, 1. [for συντίθημι, Acts , be assembled, 3. , xxiv. 9, see “ As- συνθλίβω, assemble together, 1. συναποθ γησκω, sent,””] to throng, 2. assemble themselves, 1. die with, 2. , Ἢ come together, 6. — aorist, συνέπομαι, συνθρύπτω, resort, 1. be dead with, 1. accompany, 1. break, 1. |-------------------------------“--͵Ο οὔτε 990 / σ υνιημι ῃ consider, 1. understand, 24. be wise, l. understand, 1. ’ , συνίστηµι.-άω, -άνω, — transitive, make, 1. commend, 10. approve, 2. commend, 1. — intransitive, stand with, 1. stand, 1. consist, 1. consist, 1. συνοδεύω, journey with, 1. , συνοδία, company, 1. / συνοικεω, dwell with, 1. συνοικοδομέω, build together, 1. συνομιλέω, talk with, 1. cvvopopew,with εἰμί, join hard to, 1. συνοχή; distress, 1. anguish, 1. συντάσσω, appoint, 2. συντέλεια, end, 6. / συντελέω, to end, 4. finish, 1. fulfil, 1. make, 1. συντέμνω, cut short, 1. — pass. part., short, 1. ΄ συντηρεω, keep, 1. observe, 1. keep or save, 1. preserve, 2. * : συντίθηµι, (mid.) to covenant, 1. agree, 2. assent, 1. / συντόμως, a few words, 1. / συντρέχω, run with, 1. run together, 1. run, l. / συντρίβω, break in pieces, 1. break to shivers, 1. break, 2. bruise, 3. tread, 1. —— συντετριμμένοσ καρδίαν, broken-hearted, 1. σύντριμμα, destruction, 1. τὴν INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. σύντροφος, which had been brought up with, 1. foster-brother, 1. συντυγχάνω, come at, 1. συνυποκρίνομαι, dissemble with, 1. συνυπουργέω, help together, 1. συνωδίνω, travailin pain together, uf / συνωμοσία, conspiracy, 1. σύρτις, quicksands, 1. συσπαράσσω, to bear, 1. σύσσημον, token, 1, σύσσωμος, of the same body, 1. συστασιαστής, that had made insur- rection with, 1. / συστατικος, of commendation, 3, συσταυρόω, erucify with, ὅ. συστέλλω, wind up, 1. —— pass. part., short, 1. συστενάζω, groan together, 1. / συστοιχεω, answer to, 1. be in the same rankwith, συστρατιώτης, fellow-soldier, 2. 4 συστρέφω, gather, 1. [ή συστροφή, concourse, 1. — with ποιέω, band together, 1. συσχηματίζω, —— mid. or pass., fashion one’s self ac- cording to, 1. be conformed to, 1. σφαγὴ, slaughter, 3. σφάγιον, slain beast, 1. , ή σφάζω, pb άττω, slay, 8. kill, 1. wound, 1, slay, 1. ΄ σφόδρα, greatly, 2. very, 3. sore, 1. exceedingly, 1. exceeding, 4. σφοδρῶς, exceedingly, 1. / σφραγίζω, seal up, 1. set a seal, 1. set to one’s seal, 1, seal, 22. ’ σφραγίς, seal, 16. / / σφυρίς, 566 σπυρίς. σφυρόν, ankle-bone, / σχεδόν, almost, 3. σχῆμα, fashion, 2. make a rent, 1. divide, 2. open, l. cleave or rend, 1. break, 1. ’ σχίσμα, rent, 2. division, 5. schism, 1. schism, 1. division, 1. σχοινίον, small cord, 1. rope, l. σχολάζω, give one’s self to, 1. empty, 1 σχολή, school, 1. 1; σώζω, to save, 92. preserve, 1. make whole, 9. save, 1. heal, 3. — passive, save one’s self, 1. be whole, 2. do well, 1. —— οἱ σωζόμενοι, such saved, 1. σῶμα, body, 145. slave, 1. body, 1. Genitive, bodily, 1. σωματικός, bodily, 2. | σωματικῶς, bodily, 1. , σωρεύω, to heap, 1. lade, 1. as should be | σωτήρ, saviour, 1. Saviour, 23. Ψ σωτήρια, saving, 1. that we should be saved, 1. salvation, 40, health, 1. — with εἰς, that they might be saved, 1. — with δίδωμι, deliver, 1. σωτήριος, that bringeth salva- tion, 1. — neuter, salvation, 4. σωφρονέω, in one’s right mind, 2. be sober minded, 1. be discreet, 1. be sober, 2. cis TO σωφρονείν, soberly, 1. to sobriety, 1. ΄ σωφρονίζω, teach to be sober, 1. ...wise, 1. , σωφρονισμός, sound mind, 1. / σωφρόνως, soberly, 1. σωφροσύνη, soberness, 1. sobriety, 2. , σώφρων, sober, 2, temperate, 1. discreet, 1. / -“ ταβέρναι, 866 τρεῖς. τάγμα, order, 1. τακτός, set, 1. ταλαιπωρέω, be afflicted, 1. ΄ ταλαιπωρία, misery, 2. | , ᾿ ταλαίπωρος, wretched, 2. ταλαντιαῖος, me weight of a talent, τάλαντον, talent, 15. ταλιθά, talitha, 1. ταμεῖον, store house, 1. secret chamber, 1, closet, 2. τανῦν, 866 νῦν. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. τάξις, order, 10. ταπεινός, — pl., with art., men οἵ low estate, 1. mean things, 1. ταπεινοφροσύνη, lowliness of mind, 1. lowliness, 1. humbleness of mind, 1. humility of mind, 1. humility, 3. * ’ὔ ταπεινόφρον, [for φιλόφρων, 1 Pet. iii, 8, see ““Οουτ- teous.’’]} / ταπειγόω, humble one’s self, 2. ταπείνωσις, low estate, 1. humiliation, 1, — — = ἢ ταπεινώσει, ἴῃ ‘ha he is made low, ταράσσω, to trouble, 16. -- ἐτάραξεν ἑαυτόν, was troubled, 1. troubled himself, 1 , ταραχὴ, τως τ a trouble, 1 τάραχος, stir, 2. ταρταρόω, cast down to hell, 1. τάσσω, ordain, 2. order, 1. set, 1. appoint, 1. determine, 1. addict, 1. — middle, appoint, 2. ταῦρος, bull, 2. ox, 2. > [ή > , ταὐτά, 866 AUTOS. ταῦτα, 866 οὗτος. ταφή, with εἰς, to bury in, 1. ή ἄφος, sepulchre, 6, tomb, 1. τάχα, peradventure, 1, peruaps, 1, .---...... ng sss ns ss... = ss sQ°0=—= SS ’ TAXEWS, quickly, 2. shortly, 4. soon, 2. hastily, 1. suddenly, 1. ταχινός, swift, 1. shortly, 1. τάχιον, τάχιστα, 866 ταχύς. , τάχος, — Dative, quickly, 1. - with ἐν, quickly, 2. quickly, 11 lightly, ἃ; ---- τάχιον, the (acne ϑα 1 ρωτάς Β ortly, 2 —— ὡς τάχιστα, with all speed, 1, τε, and, 128. both, 1. then, 2, — with καί, and, 30. also, 1. both, 35. whether...or, 1. — with δέ, and, 3. both, 1 —— with γάρ, even, 1. ---- ἐάν τε... ἐάν τε, whether...and whether, whether...or, ibs TELXOS, wall, 9. τεκμήριον, infallible proof, 1. τεκνίον, little child, 9, τεκνογονέω, bear children, 1. τεκνογονία, child-bearing, 1 τέκνον, child, 77. ate 21. hter, 1. ond iia τεκνοτροφέω, bring up children, 1. τέκτων, carpenter, 2. , τέλειος, perfect, 15, of full age, 1. perfect, 1 man, 1. perfect, or of aripe age, 1. —— oi τελ., they that are perfect, 1. — τὸ τελ that which is perfect, 1, τελειότης, perfectness, 1, perfection, 1. τελειόω, finish, 4. fulfil, 2. make perfect, 12. perfect, 4. consecrate, 1. perfect, 1. — passive, be perfect, 1. τελείως, to the end, 1. perfectly, 1. τελείωσις, per ge ια perfection, 1. τελειωτής, finisher, 1. / τελεσφορέω, bring fruit to perfec- tion, 1. τελαυτάω, to die, 8. be dead, 3. decease, 1. , τελευτή, death, 1. τελέω, make an end, 1, finish, 8 ualfil, 7. fill up, 1. accomplish, 4, perform, 1. pay, 2. — passive, expire, 1. go over, l. end or finish, 1, τέλος, end, 35, ending, 1. finally, 1. custom, 3. — with εἰς, to the uttermost, 1. continual, 1. τελώνης, publican, 21, ’ τελώνιον, receipt of custom, 3. place where custom was received, 1. τέρας, wonder, 16, τεσσαράκοντα, forty, 21. τεσσαρακονταετής, of forty years, 1, στ —T αὐτῷ τεσσ. he was 3 full forty years old, 1. τέσσαρες, four, 43. τεσσαρεσκαιδέκατος fourteenth, 2, τεσσεράκοντα, 866 τεσσαράκοντα. τέσσερες, SCE τέσσα ρες. τεταρταῖος, ἐστί, hath been dead four days, 1. τέταρτος, fourth, 8. fourth’ part, 1. —— ἀπὸ τετάρτης ἡμέρας, four days ago, 1. with τετράγωνος, foursquare, 1. τετράδιον, quaternion, 1. τετρακισχίλιοι, four thousand, 5. τετρακύσιοι, four hundred, 4. τετράμηνος, four months, 1. τετραπλόος, fourfold, 1. τετράπους, (neut.) four-footed beast, 3. τετράρχης, tetrarch, 4. τετραρχέω, tetrarch, 2 be tetrarch, 1, τεφρόω, turn into ashes, 1, τέχνη, ως ἢ Ἢ occupation, 1. τεχνίτης, ο po Πν 3. builder, 1. τήκω, ( pass.) melt, 1. πο clearly, 1. τηλικοῦτος, so great, 3. so mighty, 1 τηρέω, to watch, 2. observe, 4. keep, 57. keeper, 1. hold fast, 1. preserve, 2. reserve, 8, ρησις, eeping, 1. hold, 1 prison, 1, ————— 992 /, τίθημι, to set, 2. put, 11. lay, 28. lay down, 12, lay aside, 1. bow, 1. set forth, 1. give, 1. appoint, 5. ordain, 2 make, 10. — middle, set, 2. put, 7. lay up, 1. let sink down, 1. settle, 1. commit, 1. put, 1. appoint, 1. purpose, 1. conceive, 1. τίκτω, bring forth, 9. be delivered, 4. be delivered of, 1. bear, 1 be born, 1 be in travail, 1, —— passive, be born, 2. τίλλω, to pluck, 3. τιμάω, to honour, 19, esteem, 1. value, 2. buy, 1 , τιμὴ, honour, 32. price, 8. precious, 1. honour, 1. sum, 1. τίμιος, honourable, 1. had in reputation, 1. precious, 11. dear, 1. τιμιότης, costliness, 1. τιμωρέω, punish, 2. τιμωρία, punishment, 1, / ’ τίνω, 866 τίω. TLS, Th, one, 34. one thing, 1. a, 11. a kind of, 1. a man, 30. a certain man, 7. a certain thing, 2. certain, 104, certain others, 1. divers, 2. some man, 2. somebody, 2. some, 74. something, 5. somewhat, 6. any man, 55. any, 39. anything, 24. anything at all, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. thing, 1. aught, 5. whatsoever, 1. he, 2 his, 1. — with ov, no man, 1. none, 1. nothing, 2 with οὐδέ, nothing, 1 τις μέγας, some great one, 1. ἄν τις, whosoever, 2. every man, 1. ἐάν τις, whosoever, 1. ἐάν μὴ τι, but what, 1. τι TOV, broken piece, 1. / / τίσ, τί, who? whose? or wkom ὃ 135. what? 253. what is it which P 2 what is that ? 2. what thing ? 3. what manner of, 2. which ? 17. whether? 8. any, l. where ? 1. what? 1. τίς τί, what every man, 1. howmuch every man, 1, — with ov, nothing, 4 τί γίνομαι, grow whereunto, 1 — Dative, whereunto ἢ 4, — Accusative, wherefore? 3. why? 66. how is it that? 1. how is it? 4. how, 5. wherewith ? 1. / τίτλος, title, 2. / / τίω, see δίκη. / τοι, τοίγε, [see καιτοίγε. μέντοι, τοι- γαροῦν, τοίνυν. ] τοιγαροῦν, therefore, 1. wherefore, 1 τοίνυν, therefore, 3 then, 1 / τοιόσδε, such, 1, τοίουτος, such, 41. such an one, 8. such a man, 1, such a fellow, 1. such thing, 9 περὶ τὰ τοιαῦτα, of like occupation, 1, τοῖχος, all, 1. ή TOKOS, usury, 2. τολμάω, be bold, 4. boldly, 1 dare, 11. τολμηρότερον, the more boldly, 1. ᾿ τολμητής, presumptuous, 1, τομώτερος, sharper, 1. room, 5. license, 1. ἐν παντὶ τόπῳ, every where, 1. —— τὰ περὶ τὸν τόπον ἐικεῖ- vor, the same quarters, 1 τοσοῦτος, so great, 5. so much, Ke | so long, 2 | ππτ plur ah. so many, 4. | 50 να things, 1. «great..., 1. these many, 1. TOTE, then, 148. when, 1 ὁ τότε, | that then was, 1. ---- ἀπὸ τότε, from that time, 3. since that time, 1. | , | τοὐναντίον, | contrariwise, 3. 3 ” τοὔνομα, SCE ὄνομα. / | τουτέστι, 866 ἐστί. τοῦτο, 6ίο.,8εΕ οὗτος. τράγος, goat, 4. "4 τράπεζα, table, 13. meat, 1. bank, 1. τραπεζίτης, exchanger, 1. τραῦμα, wound, 1. 4 τραυματίζω, to wound, 2. τραχηλίζω, to open, 1. , τράχηλος, neck, 7. τραχύς, rough, 1. τραχεῖς τόποι, rocks, 1 ----.ὄρ.ὄ.- ἡ τρεῖς, τρία, three, 67. — Tpets Ταβέρναι The Three Taverns, i Le τρέμω, tremble, 3. be afraid, 1. τρέφω, to feed, 4. nourish, 3. bring up, 1. τρέχω, to run, 18. liave course, 1, run, 1. * τρῆμα, . [for τρυμαλιά, Luke Xviii. 25, see “ Eye.’’] κο thirty, ΠΩΣ fla, 9, τριακόσιοι, three hundred, 2. τρίβολος, thistle, 1 brier, 1. τρίβος, path, 3. τριετία, space of three years, 1. τρίζω, gnash with, 1. τρίμηνος, (neut.) three months, 1. ΄ τρις, thrice, 10. ἐπὶ τρίς, thrice, 1 three times, 1. / τρίστεγος, (neut.) third loft, 1. / ‘ τρισχίλιοι, three thousand, 1. / τρίτος, third, 32. —— Τὴ ΤρΙΤῃ, the ni day, 2 τὸ τρίτον, the third part, 15. ἐκ τρίτον, the third time, 1. (τό) τρίτον (as adv.), the third time, 7 thirdly, 1. τρί νος, of hair, 1. / τρομος, trembling, 4. with ἔχω, tremble, 1 τροπή, turning, 1. τρόπος, manner, i. way, 2. means, 2. ----Ἅ conversation, 1. —— ὅν τρόπον, in like manner 88,1. as, 3. even 88,1. — with κατά, even as, 2. / τροποφορέω, suffer one’s manners, 1. bear, or feed one, as αἱ nurse beareth or feedeth her child, 1. ΄ τροφή, food, 2. meat, 11. — Genitive, some meat, 2. τροφός, nurse, l. * τροφοφορέω, [for τροποφορέω, Acts xiii. 18, see “ Suffer one’s manners.” | τροχιά, path, 1. τροχός, course, 1. τρύβλιον, dish, 2. τρυγάω, gather, 3. , τρυγῶν, turtle-dove, 1. πρυµαλιά, eye, 2. τρύπημα, 6Υ6,1. τρυφάω, live in pleasure, 1. τρυφή, to riot, 1. — with ἐν, delicately, 1. [ή τρώγω, eat, 6. χάνω, obtain, 5. enjoy, 1. - εἰ τύχοι, it may chance, 1. it may be, 1. —— τυχόν, it may be, 1. — part., with ov, no little, 1. special, 1. τυμπανίζω, to torture, 1, * τυπικῶς, [for τύπος, 1 Cor. x. 11, see “‘ Ensample.”’ } τύπος, rint, 2. gure, 2. form, 1. fashion, 1. manner, 1. pattern, 2. ensample, 5. type, 1. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. τυφλός, blind, 40. which was blind, 1. blind man, 10. — with art., he that was blind, 1. that was blind, 1. τυφλόω, to blind, 3. τυφόω, ( pass.) bide up with pride, be proud, 1. be a fool, 1. be high-minded, 1. τύφω, ( pass.) to smoke, 1. τυφωγικός, tempestuous, 1. τυχόν, 866 τυγχάνω. ε ’ ὑακίνθινος ’ of jacinth, 1. ε/ ὑάκινθος, jacinth, 1. ὑάλινος, of glass, 3. ὕαλος, glass, 2. ε / ὑβρίζω, entreat spitefully, 2. use rer hssring ty Ls entreat shamefully, 1. reproach, 1. ὕβρις, reproach, 1. hurt, 1. injury, 1. harm, 1. e ΄ὔ ὑβριστής, despiteful, 1, injurious, 1, ὑγιαίνω, in health, 1. be whole, 1. whole, 1. wholesome, 1. be sound, 1. sound, 6. safe and sound, 1. ε ’ ὑγιὴς, [ei 13. sound, 1. « / ὑγρός, green, Ἱ. « ΄ ὑδρία, water-pot, 3. ὑδροποτέω, drink water, 1. ὑδρωπικός, — had the dropsy, A ὕδωρ, water, 74. 4 ΄ νετος, rain, 5. ὑιοθεσία, adoption of sons, 1. adoption of children, 1. adoption, 3. ε/ νιος, son, 120. Son, 210. child, 50, foal, 1. ὕλη, matter, 1. wood, 1. ὑμεῖς, ye, 242. ye yourselves, 1. of you, 1. —— ὑμῶν (Gen.), of you, 32. your, 350. your own, 3. yours, 4. of yours, 1. your things, 1. on your part, 1. yourselves, 2. you, 171. ye, 7. ye spake of, 1. — with ἐκ, your, 2. —— τὰ περὶ ὑμῶν, your affairs, 1. your state, 2. your estate, 1 —— ὑμῶν αὐτῶν, your own selves, 1. yourselves, 1. your own, 1. — Tav ψυχῶν ὑμῶν, | —— ὑμῖν (Dat.), to you, 38. unto you, 318. for you, 13. for yourselves, 2. for your cause, 1, against you, 1. with you, 2. of you, 1. you, 224. your, 4, ye, 14. τὸ ἐφ᾽ ὑμῖν, on your behalf, 1, —— ὑμῖν αὐτοῖς, yourselves, 1. — ὑμᾶς (Ace.), you, 379. your, 1., 1. ye, 41. —— δι ὑμᾶς, for your sake, 1. for your sakes, 8, ἐφ᾽ ὑμᾶς, on your part, 1, xa’ ὑμᾶς, your, 2. 993 your own, 1. —— τὸ καθ᾽ ὑμᾶς, the uttermost of your : matter, 1. Όμετερος, your, 7. yours, 2. —— τὸ ὑμέτερον, that which is your own, 1. υμνέω, sing an hymn, 2. .. psalm, 2. sing praise unto, 1. sing praises unto, 1. ὕμνος, hymn, 2. ὑπάγω, go away, 8. go one’s way, 17. 5ο, 55. epart, 2. — ὕπαγε, get thee hence, 1. get thee, 3. , ὑπακοή, obedience, 11. obeying, 1. — with eis, to obey, 1. to make obedient, 1. — Genitive, obedient, 1. ὑπακούω, hearken, 1. ask who was there, 1, obey, 18. be obedient to, 2. ὕπανδρος, which hath an hus- band, 1. ὑπαντάω, to meet, 4. go and meet, 1. ὑπάντησις, with εἰς, to meet, 1. ὕπαρξις, substance, 1. goods, 1. ὑπάρχω, to be, 42. after, 1. live, 1. have, 3, —— τὰ ὑπάρχοντα the things which ene possesseth, 2. that one hath, 4, substance, 1. goods, 7. ὑπείκω, submit one’s self, 1, ὑπεναντίος, contrary, 1. adversary, 1. ὑπέρ, — with Gen., for, 105. on one’s behalf, 3. in the behalf of, 1. | on one’s part, 1. for one’s sake, 8. in one’s stead, 2. } concerning, 1, QQQ ΄ by, 1. with Acc., over, 1. above, 12. beyond, 1. more than, 3. than, 2, to, 1. —-asadv., more, 1. ὑπεραίρω, (mid.)} exalt one’s self, 1. be exalted above mea- sure, 2. e / ιν ὑπέρακμος, with εἰμί, pass the flower of one’s age, 1. δ ’ UTEPAVW, far above, 2, over, l. ὑπεραυξάνω, grow exceedingly, 1. 4 , ὑπερβαίνω, go beyond, 1. ὑπερβαλλόντως, above measure, 1. ὑπερβάλλω, exceed, 3. excel, 1. pass, 1. ὑπερβολή, excellency, 1. abundance, 1. — with κατά, exceeding, 1. far more exceeding, 1. beyond measure, 1, out of measure, 1, more excellent, 1. ὑπερεῖδον, wink at, 1. ὑπερέκεινα, with τὰ, the regions beyond, 1. ὑπερεκτείνω, stretch beyond one’s measure, 1 ὑπερεκχύνω, ( pass.) run over, 1. ὑπερεντυγχάνω, make intercession for, i ὑπερέχω, pass, 1. — participle, higher, 1. supreme, Ἱ. better, 1. ΄ / ὑπερηφανία, pride, 1. J , ὑπερήφανος, proud, 5. ή / ὑπερλίαν, see λίαν. ὑπερνικάω, be more than conquer- OF, 1: TNDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ὑπέρογκος, — neut. pl., great swelling words, 2. ὑπεροχή, excellency, 1. authority, 1. eminent place, 1. ὑπερπερισσεύω, abound much more, 1. —— pass., with τῇ χαρᾷ, be exceeding joytul, 1. ὑπερπερισσῶς, beyond measure, 1. ὑπερπλεονάζω, pe ees abundant, ε / ὑπερυψόω, exalt highly, 1. ὑπερφρονέω, think highly, 1. ὑπερῴος, (neut.) upper room, 1. upper chamber, 3. e / υπεχω, suffer, 1. e / υπΊηχοος, obedient, 2. — with γίνομαι; obey, 1. / ὑπηρετέω, serve, 1. minister, 2. ε , UT PETS, servant, 4. minister, 5. officer, 11. ὕπνος, sleep, 6. Sa σπου εθεξοος το σθυ ποῦν υυευνθυρθυ συ στ ο ως oe se eres ων... ε ΄ Όπο, — with Gen., of, 116. — with Acc., under, 48. into, 1. in, 1. ὑποβάλλω, suborn, 1. ὑπογραμμός, example, 1. « / ὑπόδειγμα, pattern, 1. ensample, 1. example, 4. | ὑποδεί UTrO ELKVUJLL, to show, 3. warn, 2. forewarn, 1. ε ,ὔ ὑποδέχομαι, receive, 4. ὑποδέω, (mid. ) bind on, 1. be shod with, 1 | have ..shod, 1. | ὑπόδημα, shoe, 10. e / ὑπόδικος, guilty, 1. subject to judgment, 1. ε ΄ ὑποζύγιον, ass, 2. "2 , ὑποζώννυμι, undergird, 1. ὑποκάτω, | under, 9. ὑποκρίνομαι, | to feign, 1. ὑπόκρισις, dissimulation, 1. hypocrisy, 5. ὑποκριτής, ‘hypocrite, 20. ὑπολαμβάνω, receive, 1. answer, 1. suppose, 2. * Sor X υπ λειμμα, [for κατάλειμμα, Rom. ix. 27, see ‘“‘Rem- nant.” } ε ’ὕ ὑπολείπω, to leave, 1, ε 2 ὑπολήνιον, wine-fat, 1. ε ή ὑπολιμπάνω, to leave, 1. ὑπομένω, abide, 1. tarry behind, 1. endure, 11, take patiently, 2. patient, 1. suffer, 1. [ή ὑπομιμνήσκω, put in remembrance, 2. | put inremembrance of, | 1 | bring to remembrance, | 1 put in mind, 1, remember, 1. — middle, remember, 1, ὑπόμνησις, remembrance, 3. [ή ὑπομονή, enduring, 1. patient waiting, 1. patience, 1. patient continuance, 1. patience, 29. | / ὑπονοέω, suppose, Ἱ. deem, 1. think, 1. ὑπόνοια, surmising, 1. « , ΄ ὑποπιάζω, see ὑπω- πιάζω. --.--- eee ε ΄ ὑποπλέω, sail under, 2. ὑποπνέω, blow softly, 1. e / ὑποπόδιον, footstool, 9. ὑπόστασις, substance, 1. ground or confidence, 1, person, 1. confidence, 2. confident, 1. ὑποστέλλω, withdraw, 1. | —— middle, draw back, 1. shun, 1. keep back, 1. ὑποστολή, ( Gen.) of them who draw back, 1. ε , ὑποστρέφω, turn back, 1. turn back again, 1. return, 27. return again, 4. return back again, 1. come again, 1, ὑποστρωννύμι, -νύω, spread, 1. ὑποταγή, subjection, 4. ὑποτάσσω, put under, 6. put in subjection, 1. put in subjection un- der, 1. put in subjection unto, subject, 1. subdue unto, 1, —— mid. or pass., submit one’s self to, 8, submit one’s self unto, 5 be subject, 1. be subject to, 5. be subject unto, 6. be in subjection to, 1. be in subjection unto, be made subject to, 1. be made subject unto, 1 obedient to, 1. be obedient unto, 1. be under obedience, 1, be subdued unto, 1. ε 7 ὑποτίθημι, lay down, 1. — middle, put in remembrance, 1, 4 ὑποτρέχω, run under, 1. ’ ὑποτύπωσις, pattern, 1. form, 1. ΄« ὕποφερω, to bear, 1. endure, 2. ε / υποχωρέω, withdraw one’s self, | σο aside, 1. NR a IE SS SSS Ἡ 995 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ———— er eee , i η Φύθινοπωρινός, ὑπωπιάζω, ὕψωμα | φάσις, whose fruit wi der, 1 high thing, 1. | tidings, 1 L. nt el height, 1. ; ; weary, i. | Ι φάσκω, φθόγγος, ὗς πι ὁ... 1 sound, 2, η 1 say, 2. time, 1. oy. profess, l. . ὕσσωπος, sel φάτνη, pr , hyssop, 2. ea manger, 3 envy, 1. --- infinitive, i ad θονό ὑστερέω, eating, 1. stall, 1. φθονός, be behind, 2. er ee 1. φαῦλος, οί λα . γρμας ae oie Lean engin, part which lacked, 1. | φαιλόνης, αν. θορά want, 1. cloak. evil thing, 1. φ ει ο co πο. ἔσο φαίνω, φέγγος, .- — wit city om, hine, 7. ' ; eris Hes os, ἳ ph pass. or mid., light, 5 to pea destroyed, . come behind, 1. shive, 3. φείδομαι, én come short of, 1. be seen, 2. to spare, φι adn, be τα 1. κ νο 16. forbear, 1. vial, 12. i aaa | think, 1. φειδομένως, φιλάγαθος, suffer need, 1. —— φαινόμενα, sparingly, 2. lover of πουᾶ men, 1. be the worse, 1. = πο do ap- obit ... things, 1 : have the less, 1. Ῥ i ΠΣ μ φιλαδελφία, ς , ν Ὁ. τερημα αγερος endure, 2. brotherly love, 3. ΑΝ behind, 1. Peter, 9. uphold, 1. ome hes ipa el ich i ing, 3. known, 3. carry, 1. ove of the thre ο. 1. eked. κο, | ἐν τῷ φανερῷ, mee, ie brotherly kindness, 2. enly, 2. bring, 33. ΄ bic oe a8 μπας Ἂν ] ασε ο if φιλάδελφος, ‘ é y : -- dis | Ὃ ‘hither, 1 Ἔ σσ ser εἰμί, under- — with εἰμί, | a, 1. stood, οκ ανά - appear, 1. | lay, 1; love as brethren, 1. eer ee | — with eis, | _bring forth, 5. loving to the brethren, 1. ὕστερος abroad, 2. — passive, / ‘ater, 1 : — with γίνομαι, be to be brought, 1. φίλανδρος, a ty (adv.), be spread abroad, 1. come, 3. —— with εἰμί, afterward,7 . be, 1. love one’s husband, 1. ards, 1. avepow be brought in, 1. , ere 1, ες κος 19. let drive, 1. φιλανθροπία, last, 2. manifest, 9. be driven, 1. love toward man, 1. last of all, 1. manifest forth, 1. | —— middle, pity..., 1. κ € , declare manifestly, 1. go on, l. kindness, 1. " ὑφαίνω, show, 3. | rush, 1, θ ΄ {see Luke xii. 27 (αρ.)] | --- pass. or mid., | / φιλαν ρωπως, ‘ . | be manifest, 3 ᾿ φεύγω, courteously, 1. ὑφαντός, show one’s self, 2. flee, 26. ᾿ woven, 1. | appear, 12. | flee away, 2. φιλαργυρία, wrought, 1. Ϊ νά 3 | ο τὴ 1 love of money, 1. ε ΄ ανερως, bas aoe , ὑψηλός, | evidently, if | φή φιλάργυρος, high, ed openly, 2. | ἡμὴ), 9 covetous, 2, — τὰ ὑ a, | 4. Ἐ high things, 1. | φανέρωσις, φ ἢ φίλαυτος, τ apr | “ manifestation, 2. η ἘΣ lover of one’s own self, on hig dele 1. — τὸ ὑψηλόν, | φανός | affirm, 1. 5 that which is highly , ᾿ ιλέω esteemed, 1. νε 1. κο Σ τ love, 22. ὑψηλοφορέω, ᾿ φαντάζω, attain, 1. kiss, 3. ich-minded, 2 ss. part., / come, 4. er AS (cote ) be high-minded, 2. eight, 1 ον. φί n, (fe Nf i friend, 1. ὕψιστος, φαντασία, attain εἰσορᾶν, 1. most high, 4. pomp, 1. φθαρτός, φιλήδονος, Most High, 1. ore | corraptible, δ lover of pleasures, 1, an α | ώ, ae Me Re things, 1 φίλημα, in the highest, 4. : ΜᾺ | ᾿ Ρ , kiss, 72 5 apays, φθέγγομαι, λί ύψος φ ᾿ φιλία, gh 2. ] valley, of | [θα speak, ὃ, friendship, 1. betel abe αρμακεία είρω, , on high, 1. eee ο, to corrupt, 4. ues, a1 στὰ, ο 9 witchcraft, 1. | destroy, 1. lover of God, 1. i τῷ ὕψει αὐνοῦ, | φα ακεύς | ανν φιλονεικία, in that he 18 exalted, 1. ?° pase A ΝΣ strife, 1. διγό : corrupt one’s self, 1. , cath us ᾿ φαρμακός, — passive, ΣΝ , lift ap, 8. | sorcerer, 1. be corrupt, 1, contentious, 1. ιο 996 --- φιλοξενία, hospitality, 1. to ἀπολο μὲ strangers, τ ένας, lover of hospitality, 1 given to ee ee use hospitality, 1 φιλοπρωτεύω, love to have the pre- eminence, 1. φίλος, friend, 29. φιλοσοφία, philosophy, 1. φιλόσοφος, philosopher, 1. φιλόστοργος, kindly affectioned, 1. , φιλότεκνος, — with εἰμί, love one’s children, 1 φιλοτιμέομαι, strive, 1. study, 1 labour, 1. endeavour, 1. φιλοφρόνως, courteously, 1. φιλόφρων, courteous, 1. / φιμόω, to muzzle, 2 put to silence, 2. —— passive, be speechless, 1. hold one’s peace, 2. be still, 1. φλογίζω, set on fire, 2, φλόξ, flame, 6. — Genitive, flaming, 1. φλυαρέω, prate against, 1. φλύαρος, tattler, 1. φοβέω, — mid. and | nae ο be afraid, 2 be afraid oe ὦ fear, 63. reverence, 1. ’ φοβερός, fearful, 1. terrible, 1. —— neuter, fearful thing, 1 φόβητρον, fearful sight, ". / φόβος, fear, 41. reverence, 1. terror, 3. — with ἕ xs to fear, INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. φοίινιξ, palm- πο ik palm, 1 φονεύς, murderer, 7. φονεύω, do murder, 1. kill, 10. | φόνος, | murder, 8 | slaughter, 1. | | | | φορέω, to wear, 3. bear, 3 φόρος, tribute, 5 / φορτίζω, to lade, 1 —— passive, heavy laden, 1. φορτίον, burden, 5. φόρτος, lading, 1 φραγέλλιον, scourge, 1. φραγελλόω, to scourge, 2. / φραγμός, hedge, 2. partition, 1. — with περιτίθημι, hedge round about, 1. φράζω, declare, 2 ppacow, to stop, 2 — with eis, stop of, 1. φρέαρ, well, 2 pit, 5. / φρεναπατέω, deceive, 1. φρεναπάτης, deceiver, 1. | φρήν, ( pl.) understanding, 2 φρίσσω, | tremble, 1. , φρονέω, understand, 1. think, 2. be minded, 3. mind, 4. savour, 2, regard, 4. set one’s affection on,|. .mind,.., 1. be careful, 1, — with τὸ αὐτό, | be of the same mind, 2. | | | be of one mind, 1. be like-minded, 2. —— with τὸ ἐν, be of one mind, 1. — pres. ‘imper. with τοῦτο, let this mind be, 1 — infinitive, care, 1 φρόνημα, mind, 2. to be ‘minded, 2 minding, 2. φρόνησις, prudence, 1. wisdom, 1. φρόνιμος, wise, 13. wise man, 1. φρονίμως, wisely, 1 φροντίζω, be careful, 1. keep witha garrison, 1. | φρυάσσω, to rage, 1. φρύγανον, stick, 1. φυγή, flight, 2. | φυλακή, watch, 6, ward, 1. imprisonment, 2 prison, 35. hold, 1. cage, 1. φυλακίζω, imprison, 1, φυλακτήριον, phylactery, 1. φύλαξ, keeper, 3. / φυλάσσω, keep, 21. observe, 1. save, 1. — middle, keep one’s self, 1. keep, 2 beware, 2. be ware of, 1. observe, 1. φυλή, tribe, 25. kindred, 6, φύλλον, leaf, 6. φύραμα, lump, 5. _ puotkos, natural, 3. | φυσικῶς, naturally, 1 pass., φυσιόω, puff up, 1 —— pass. or mid., be puffed up. 6. φύσις, nature, 10. kind, 1. nature, 1. — with κατά, natural, 2. φυσίωσις, swelling, 1 φυτεία, plant, 1, φυτεύω, to plant, 11. φύω, spring up, 3. | φωλεός, | hole, 2 ᾿φωνέω, to crow, 12. ery, 5. call,.23. eall for, 2. | φωνή, ία, 8. voice, 127. voices, 3. noise, 1. —— φωνὴ μία ἐγένετο ἐκ πάντων, all with one voice cried out, 1. — with γίνομαι, be noised abroad, 1. voice be made, 1, φῶς, light, 63. Light, 4. fire, 2. φωστήρ, light, 2. φωσφόρος, day-star, 1. φωτεινός, full of light, 4. | bright, 1 φωτίζω, give light, 2. light, 1. lighten, 2. enlighten, 2 illuminate, 1. bring to light, 2 make see, 1. φωτισμός, light, 1. —— πρὸς φωτ., to give light, 1, αίρω, x rejoice, 42, joy, 5. joyfully, 1. e glad, 14, —— imperative, hail! 5 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. 997 all hail! 1. farewell, 1. — infinitive, greeting, 1. send greeting, 2. God speed, 2. λαζα λα. : αλάω, let down, 5. strike, 1. χαλεπός, ἘΣ: ᾿ erce, 1 χαλιναγωγέω, as bridle κ) αλιγός πι) bridle, 1. χάλκεος, ο ο of brass, 1. χαλκεύς, coppersmith, 1. χαλκηδών, chalcedony, 1. , αλκίον, brazen vessel, 1. χαλκολίβανον, fine brass, 2. χαλκός, brass, 3. money, 2. χαμαί, to the ground, 1. on the ground, 1. χαρά, joy, 53. joyfulness, 1. gladness, 3. — hg a joyous, 1. --- Dative, greatly, i μετὰ χαρᾶς joyfully, 1. - Χάραγμα; mark, 8. — Dative, graven, ]. χαρακτήρ, express image, 1. χάραξ, trench, 1. χαρίζομαι P give freely, 1. eliver, 2. forgive frankly, 1. forgive, 1. —Ta αρισθέντα, the things that are freely given, 1, thanksgiving, 1. favour, 6. pleasure, 2. liberality, 1. t, 1. ΣΝ ὑφ thankworthy, 1. ντ κα ei 1, thank, 1. — Genitive, gracious, 1. — with ἔχω, to thank, 3. apis τῷ Θεῴ, Gen ἊΣ thanked, 1. — Acc. (χᾶριν), for...sake, 1. because of, 2. τούτο χόριν, for this cause, 2, — ov χάριν, wherefore, 1. — χάριν τίνος, wherefore ? 1, χάρισμα, free gift, 2. gift, 15. χαριτόω, make accepted, 1. —— pass. part., highly favoured, 1. graciously accepted or much graced, 1, shore, 1. χειμάζω, ( pass.) be tossed with a tem- pest, 1. χείμαρος, brook, 1. χειμών, tempest, 1, foul weather, 1. winter, 4. xelp hand, 178. / χειραγωγέω, lead by the hand, 5, χειραγωγός, ( pl.) some to lead by the hand, 1. χειρόγραφον, handwriting, 1. χειροποίητος, made with hands, 4, made by hands, 1. — with art., that is hands, 1 made with / χειροτονεω, choose, 1, ordain, 1, χείρων, χέρον, worse, sorer, —— εἰς τὸ χεῖρον, worse, 1 —— ἐπὶ τὸ χεῖρον, worse and worse, 1, — χειρον τι, a worse thing, 1. pa x widow, 26. that was a widow, 1. χθές, yesterday, 8, χιλίαρχος, chief captain, 19. high captain, 1. captain, 2. χιλιάς, ( pl. ) pitino 2. thousand, 2 χίλιοι, thousand, 11. [4 χίτων, coat, 9. garment, 1. — plural, clothes, 1. χιών, snow, 3. χλαμύς, robe, 2. χλευάζω, mock, 2. χλιαρός, lukewarm, 1, χλωρός, pale, 1. green, 2. — neuter, green thing, 1. NEE, six hundred threescore and six, 1. χοϊκός, earthy, 3. πο οἱ κού, they t ae are earthy, 1. χοῖνιξ, measure, 1, χοῖρος, swine, 14. χολάω, be angry, 1. χορηγέω, to minister, 1. give, 1. χορός, dancing, 1. χορτάζω, to feed, 1. fill, 13. satisfy, 1. χόρτασμα, sustenance, 1, ρω, — κίχρηµι lend, 1. ‘ a eT ig (mad.), _ entreaé, i fe 1% (impers. y ~ ong χρεία, use, 2. profitably, 1. business, ΓΗ need, 25. needful, bb necessity, 3. want, 1. lack, 1. — with ἔχω, to need, 14, — τὰπ ὃς τὴν χρ., such things as are ne- cessary, 1. εωφειλέτης, να. 2, χρή, 866 χράω. ἤζω ΧΙ need, 2. have need of, 3, χρημα, money, 1. — plural, riches, 3. money, 3. / χρηµατίζω, reveal, 1. call, 2. speak, 1. —— passive, be te ap of (or from) χρηματισμός, answer of God, 1. χρήσιμος, (neut.) profit, χρῆσις, 1.86, 2. χρηστεύομαι, be kind, 1 χρηστολογία, good words, 1. / χρηστός, ‘ood, 1. ind, 2. gracious, 1, easy, 1. — neuter, goodness, 1. — he ata better, χρηστότης, goodness, 3, good, 1 (subst.), indness, 4. gentleness, ly χρίσμα, anointing, 2 unction, 1, 998 INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. SSS aS τι ὃ ’ χρίω, anoint, 5. / χρονίζω, delay, 2. tarry, 3. χρόνος, time, 17. while, 3. season, 4. space, 1. — with ἱκανός, long time, 1. of long time, 1. — plural, for a long time, 1. —— with ἐκ, Ι long time, 1. πολλοῖς χρ., oftentimes, 1. ἐν παντὶ χρόνῳ ev all the time that, 1. — with ποιέω, spend some time there, | 1 . ῳ, tarry there a space, 1. —— ὅσον χρόνον, as long as, 1. — with ἐπί, as long as, 3. χρονοτριβέω, spend the time, 1. a | χρύσεος, χρυσοῦς, οἳ σο]ᾶ, 3. golden, 15. χρυσίον, gold, 9. χρυσοδακτύλιος, with a gold ring, 1. χρυσόλιθος, chrysolite, 1. χρυσόπρασος, chrysoprasus, 1. χρυσός, gold, 13. χρυσόω, to deck, 2, gild, 1. χρώς, body, 1. χωλός, lame, 7. that is lame, 1. lame man, 1. being a cripple, 1. halt, 4, ; τὸ χω., that which is lame, 1. χωρα, country, 14, region, 5. lands, 3. coasts, 1, field, 2. ground, 1. χωρέω, be room to receive, 1. | can receive, 1, receive, 3. can contain, 1, contain, 1, have place, 1, | go, 1. come, 1. / [ή χωρίζω, ψευδώνυμος, put asunder, 2. falsely so called, 1. separate, 1. a — pass. part., ψεῦσμα, separate, 1. lie, 1 —— middle, ν΄ κ, 8. ψεύστης, χωρίον, liar, 10 lace, 2. feld, 2. ψηλαφάω, peed of ground, 1. handle, 2 nd, 3. feel after, 1. possessions, 1. —— pass. part., . that might be touched, χωρίς, 1: by itself, 1. without, 36. ψηφίζω, bebe η, πι. to count, 2, eside, 3. a χῶρος, | ee 2 north-west, 1. voice, 1. ψιθυρισμός, whispering, 1. ψάλλω ψιθυριστής, a 3 whisperer, 1. sing psalms, ue a make melody, 1. ψιχίον, crumb, 3. ψαλμός, , psalm, 5. Ψυχή, τα ας Psalms, 2. ie τ ἣν mind, 3. ψευδάδελφος, ( pl.) false brethren, 2. — with ἐκ, heartily, 1. ψευδαπόστολος, ἠυχικός — plural, Ὃ ’ 3 πως i sensual a ial natural, 1. | emmys, τὸ Ψυκικόν, ΤᾺΣ fie that which is natural, 1. , ψευδοδιδάσκαλος, ψύχος, - plural, cold, 8, false teachers, 1. / ο, ψυχρός, ψευδολόγος, cold, 8. speaking lies, 1. cold water, 1. ΄ , ψεύδομαι, see ψεύδω. ψύχω, ( pass.) 5 ν wax cold, 1. ψευδομάρτυρ, , false witness, 3. ψωμίζω, ψ bestow to feed, 1. ψευδομαρτυρέω, feed, 1. bear false bl aa 6. ψωμίον, ψευδομαρτυρία, sop, 4. false witness, 2. morsel, 1. ψευδοπροφήτη, | ψώχω, | false prophet, 11. to rub, 1. ψεῦδος, | 116,7. lying, 1. Gen. (adj.), Q, lying, 1. | Omega, 4 ψευδόχριστος, (pl.) | ὦ, false Christs, 1. i O,15 ‘a . π ελ αν . ψεύδω, (mid.) ὦ, ῃ5, ἢ» 866 εἰμί. to lie, 10, δὲ to lie to, 1. Woe, falsely, 1. hither. 12, lying, 1. here, 44. Ϊ η in this place, 1. ὧδε.. ὧδε, here...there, 1. - ἔως ὧδε, to this place, 1. travail, 1. pain, 1. sorrow, 2. pain of a woman im travail, 1. ὠδίνω, to travail in birth, 1. to travail in birth of, 1, travail, 1. ὦμος, shoulder, 2. 3 ᾽ν» ὦν, οὖσα, ὃν, 866 εἰμί, hour, 89, time, 11, high time, 1. season, 3. instant, 1. — Genitive, short, 1. ὡραῖος, beautiful, 2. Beautiful, 2, ὠρύομαι, to roar, 1. ιά ως, 88, 342, 88...85,1. according as, 3. even as, 6, like as, 1. like, 7. even like, 1. like unto, 3. as, 1. unto, 1. for, 2. us it were (or had been), 20. as soon as, 7. when, 41. while, 4. after, 3. ΜΙ so that, 1. that, 5. —— ὡς ἄν, even as, 1, as, 2. as soon as, 1, when, 1. —— ὡς ἐάν, whensoever, 1. ΄ ’ woavva, Hosanna, 6. « , WOAUTWS, after the same manner, ἊΣ even 60, 1, in like mauner, 2, likewise, 12. INDEX.—GREEK AND ENGLISH. ΄ ιά ΄ | ὡσεί, | ὡσπερεί, Benny sight 7 as We (or had} 88,1. that...should, 2. ὥστε, * ὠτάριον, so that, 25. [for ὠτίον, Mark xiv. insomuch that,16, ) 47, see “ ἘΠ." pr a Αν ο. mt ὠτίον, so then, 5. ear, 5. therefore, 9. ber wherefore, 17. ὠφέλεια, profitable, 3, — with infinitive, profit, 1. | —— with epi, to, 3. advantage, 1 ; to profit, 1. t Fs Ol τον ὅρον οὐδε ay νὰ ἐλ (A) ΟΕ” VARIOUS READINGS, wert WORDS in τῆς BODY or tor WORK arr INVOLVED IN LARGER CLAUSES, REFERRED TO IN THE WORK BY (Ap.) | MATTHEW : ν. 44, Bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you—omit, G= LT Tr An. | Despitefully use you and—omit, G- L T Tr Ar. | vi. 13. For thine is the kingdom, the power,’ and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen—omit, All. x. 19. It shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak—G- ΤΡ, xiii. 51. Jesus saith unto them—omit, G2 LT Tr Ax. xiv. 24. Was now in the midst of the sea—substitute, was now many stadii | distant from the land—Tr. | | xv. 5. Or his mother—omit, L x. | Ϊ 8, Draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and—omit, All. | xvii. 21. Omit the verse—Tr® η. | 26. Peter saith unto Him—substitute, now when he said—L Tr; now he | said—x ; omit, Peter—G= L A. '| xviii, 11. Omit the verse—G2 LT Tr x. | xix. 9, Except it be for fornication, (εἰ μὴ ἐπὶ ropveiu)—substitute, (παρεκτὸς || λόγου ropve‘as)—substitute, except on the ground of fornication— || ῃ GLT Ἐν Α κι; (except, instead of not—L.) | | And whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery | —omit, Tr x. b | | il. MATTHEW: XIX. XX. Noa XXiil. SRV ΧΧΥ. XXVI. XXVIi. XXVIii. MARK: ο. ill. vi. 17. 9. - APPENDIX A. Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God— substitute, Why askest thou me concerning that which is good ? He who is good is One—G L T Tr Ακ; add, God—Gx. . Or wife—omit, T Tr A. . And whatsoever is right that shall ye receive—omit, Gs LT Tr Ar. . For many be called but few chosen—omit, T Tr? . And to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with—omit, All. 3. And be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with—omut, All. . Omit the verse—G> ΤΡ T Tr™. . Omit the verse—Gs LT ΤῊ Α η. . After of heaven—add, nor the Son—L T x. . Wherein the Son of man cometh—omit, All. . Prepared—substitute, which my Father hath prepared—Gw». . Yea, though many false witnesses came—omit, G-~. Yet found they none—omit, G LT Ar. . That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, they parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots—omit, G L T Tr Ax. As they went to tell His disciples—omit, Gs LT Tr Α κ. What is this ~—omit, Gx. What new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth Πρ ον tute, a new doctrine! with authority He commandeth—L Tr; a new doctrine with authority ! He commandeth—T A x. . As long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast— omit, πο . But new wine must be put into new bottles—omit, T Tr? A; must be put—omit, Ἡ. After known, add, because they knew that He was the Christ—L?. After brethren, add, and thy sisters—G+ LT Tr'™ A. . In their hearts—swbstitute, in them (ἐν avrots)—G~ L &; in them (ets αυτοῦς, into them)—T Tr A. . And unto you that hear shall more be given—omit, G; that hear—omit, Gb Fir ΑΝ, That be upon the earth—L”. . Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith ’—substitute, Why are ye fearful? Have ye yet no faith—G~ L Tr rx. . And whosoever shall not receive you—substitute, and what place soever shall not receive you—T Tr A x. Verily I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gom- orrha in the day of judgment than for that city—omit, G ΤΡ T Tr Ax. . After afoot, and before thither, insert and came—G~; and outwent them —omit, G A; and came together unto Him—omit, GL Tr Α η. . They knew Him—swbstitute, the men of that place knew Him—L?. VARIOUS READINGS IN LONGER CLAUSES. ili. . The first of all the commandments is—substitute, the first is—G~ T Tr | . As the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things they do—omit, T Tr x. . Omit the verse—Tr® ΑΝ x. . I see men as trees walking—substitute, I see men, for I see them walking as it were trees—S' G~ L T ΤΥ Α η. . And he followeth not us—omit, Gs; because he followeth not us— Get Terre . Into the fire that never shall be quenched—omit, G-. . Omit the verse—G- T Tr? x. . Into the fire that never shall be quenched—omit, Gs L? T Tr A® η, . Omit the verse—G- T Tr? x. . And every sacrifice shall be salted with salt—omit, T Tr? x. . For with God all things are possible—omit, G-. 3. Why do ye this—substitute, why loose ye the colt—L”. . And strawed them in the way—omit, T Tr Ax. . In the name of the Lord—omut, All. . Omit the verse—T Tr κ. . Before is it lawful, insert, tell me therefore—L. . For, neither left he (οὐδὲ αὐτὸς adpijxe)—substitute, not leaving behind (μὴ KatadAurov)—L™ Tr A κ. Ax; the first commandment of all—G; the first of all—G~ ; the first commandment is—L?. . This is the first commandment—omit, T A S. . And with all the soul—omit, ΤΡ T ΤΥ x. . Spoken of by Daniel the prophet—omit, G ΤΡ T Tr A x. . And another said, Is it I1’—omit, G+ T Tr x. . And when He returned He found them asleep again—substitute, and again He came and found them asleep—L Tr A x ; omit, again—G= Tr. . And thy speech agreeth thereto—omit, G2 LT Tr Α η. . Omit the verse—Gs T Tr? Α η. . Omit all these verses—G= T Tr? A? x* and B (The Vatican,.MS. cent. iv.) They are not cited by Justin Martyr (A.D. 140), Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 194), or by Origen the critic of his time (A.D. 230). Spoken of as wanting by Victor of Antioch (A.D. 401), Severus of Antioch (A.D. 513), Eusebius (A.D. 318), and Jerome (A.D, 392), Its absence in all the more accurate copies asserted by Eusebius and Gregory Nyssen (A.D. 371), nor is it reckoned in “the sections” of Ammonius (A.D, 220), or Eusebius. The verses are retained by G Land in most of the ancient MSS. now extant, including A (the Alexandrian, cent. v.), C (Ephremi, cent. v.), and D (Bez, or Cantabrigiensis, cent. vi.) They are also cited as genuine by Ireneus (A.D. 167), Hippolytus (A.D. 220), Cyril of Jerusalem (A.D. 350), Ambrose (A.D. 374), Augustine (A.D. 396), and Nestorius (A.D, 428.) ; Vi. Vil. Viii. APPENDIX A. Modern critics are likewise divided :—It is retained by Simon, Mill, Bengel, Mattheei, Storr, Eichorn, Kuinoel, Gueriche, Scholz, Feilmoser, Knapp, Vater, Rinck, Olshausen, Ebrard, De Wette, Bloomfield, Scrivener, Stuart, and others. I. D. Michaelis and Hug regard it as a later addition by Mark himself. Tregelles thinks it canonical (ἱ.ε. inspired), but not written by Mark. It is omitted also by Rosenmiiller, Bertholdt, Gratz, Schott, Schulz, Fritzsche, Credner, Wieseler, Neudecker, Theile, Reuss, Meyer, Davidson, Green, Norton, and others. . After He was risen, add, from the dead—L. . Between take up and serpents, wmsert also, in their hands—Tr. . Blessed art thou among women—omit, G- T Tr’ A x. . Joseph and his mother knew not of it—substitute, the parents knew not of it—G~ LT TrAr. . After baptize you, add, unto repentance—L. . But by every word of God—omit, T Tr? A x. . Into an high mountain—omit, ΤΡ T Tr A x. . Get thee behind me Satan—omit, Gs ΤΡ T Tr Α η. . To heal the broken-hearted—omit, G 1) T Tr A x. . As the other—omit, G~ L> T Tr Ax. . After great, add, in the heavens—L?. . Evil treasure of his heart—omit, treasure of his heart—G-s L> T Tr Ax. . For it was founded upon a rock—substitute, because it was well built— ΤΠ oy: ES . And the Lord said—omit, All. . But as He went (ἐν δὲ τῷ trayewv)—substitute, and it came to pass as He departed (καὶ ἐγένετο ἐν τῷ πορεύεσθαι)---ἴ, A. . And Jesus said, who touched me—omit, G- T Tr? x. . After go in, add, with Him—L T Tr A. . Put them all out and—omit, G> LT Tr Ax. . Into a desert place belonging to the city—substitute, to a city—G» T Tr Ar. . And take up his cross—omit, G-. Daily—omit, G= L. . Even as Elias did—omit, G+ T Tr ΑΡ x. . And said, ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of—omit, Ga L T Ἐν Δ η. . For the son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them—omit, GL T Tr AP η, . After on us, add, to our feet-—L T Tr A x. Unto you—omit, G L T Tr A. . Before all things, insert, and turning to His disciples He said—St AV™ LTA ee ED VARIOUS READINGS IN LONGER CLAUSES. xi. 2. Our Father which art in heaven—swbstitute, Father—G T Tr A x. Thy will be done—omit, G T Tr A. As in heaven so in earth—omit, ἃ L T Tr A. 4. But deliver us from evil—omit, G T Tr A x. 43, After markets, add, and the chief couches at feasts—L». 44. Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites—omit, G ΤΡ T Tr A x. 53. Said these things unto them—substitute, went out from thence— T Ἐτ Α κ. 54. That they might accuse Him—omit, Gs T Tr? A x. xii, 27. They grow, they toil not, they spin not—substitute, they spin not, they weave not—T A. xiv. 12. Neither thy kinsmen—omit, G-. xvii. 24, In his day—omit, L. 36. Omit the verse—S'G LT Tr Ax. xix. 40. Therein, and them that bought—omit, Gs T Tr Ax. xx, 23. Why tempt ye me—omit, Gz T Tr Ax. 24. After a penny, add, and they showed it (to Him x) and He said—L? x. 30. Took her to wife, and he died childless—omit, (ἐς T Tr A x. 45. To His disciples (τοῖς μαθηταῖς adtod)—substitute, to them (πρὸς αὐτοῦς) A. | | | 43, 44. Omit the verses—L” »°* Vatican and Alexandrian MSS. 64. Struck Him on the face, and—omit, L? T Tr A x. Ξ xxiii. 15. For I sent you to him—substitute, for he sent him to us—G~» καὶ and Vatican MS. xxii. 31, And the Lord said—omit, T Tr? A. | | 17. Omit the verse—G=s 1)» T Tr. | 34, And Jesus said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do— |, omit, ΤΡ x** and Vatican MS. | 38. Written—omit, T Τὰν A x». | In letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew—omit, L? T Tr A”. xxiv. 1. And certain others with them—omit, G- LT Tr Ax. | 12. Omit the verse—L? T Tr”. | Laid by themselves—omit, Tr x. | 36. And saith unto them, peace be unto you-——omit, ‘I’; add, [ am he, fear not—L», 40. Omit the verse—T Tr’. 42. And of an honeycomb—omit, G+ L T Tr? x. ῃ 51. And carried up into heaven—omit, G- T κ. ῃ 52. Worshipping Him—omit, G- Τὶ | 53. Praising and—omit, Tr? x. || And blessing—omit, T. | | | * ie. corrected by an ancient Copyist. Ι! SS ταις πραιοα σα, απο. αν. ται. ταῖς ας. ας. ππστας. ταις os} APPENDIX» A. . He it is who coming after me, is preferred before me—substitute, who comes after me—-G L? T Tr Ax. . After God, add, which taketh away the sin of the world—L}. . Which is in heaven—omit, G- Ν. . Not perish, but—omit, G= L? T Tr A x. . Is above all and—omit, G= T x. . Shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give him—omut Τμ». . Waiting for the moving of the water—omit, Gs? T Tr Α κ. . Omit the verse—Gs” T Tr Α η. . And sought to slay Him—omit, G Τὸ T Tr A x. . To the disciples, and the disciples—omit, G2 LT Tr Ar. 2. That one whereunto His (Jesu’s κ) disciples were entered—substitute, one—G 1, T Tr A. . Which I will give—omit, G- L T Tr x. 69. vii. 46. The Christ the Son of—swbstitute, the holy One of—AIl. Like this man—swbstitute, thus—G- L Tr. 53 to viii. 11. Omit the whole passage, Gs LT Tr Ax. Also omitted by MSS. A (Alexandrian, cent. v.), B (Vatican, cent. iv.), C (Ephreemi, cent. v.), T (Borgianus, cent. v.), L (Regius, cent. ix.), X (Monacenses, cent. x.), A (Sangallensis, cent. ix.), and by more than fifty cursives. Also by the following versions, Old Latin, Peshito, and Harclean Syriac, the good MSS. of the Memphitic, and the Thebaic, Gothic, and Ar- menian. Also by the following in their commentaries, Origen and Chrysostom (A.D. 398), Theodore of Mopsuestia (A.D. 407), Theo- phylact (A.D. 1077), Nonnus (A.D. 400) in his paraphrase, Apollinaris and Basil (A.D. 370), Cyril of Alexandria (A.D. 412), and Cosmas (A.D. 535.) It is not used by Tertullian (A.D. 200), Cyprian (A.D. 248), and Juvencus (A.D. 330.) Also by the following modern critics it is questioned or omitted, Erasmus, Beza, Calvin, Grotius, . Wetstein, Lemler, Paulus, Tittmann, De Wette, Briickner, Knapp, Theile, Liicke, Tholuck, Baumgarten, Bleek, Olshausen, Hitzig, Baur, Luthardt, Ewald, Hengstenberg, Meyer, Porter, Davidson, Scrivener, Green, Norton, and others. It is retained by Griesbach and Scholtz, also in the uncials, D (Bez, cent. vi.), F (Boreelii, cent. x.), G (Seidelii I., cent. x.), H (Seidelii IL., cent. ix.), K (Cyprius, cent. ix.), U (Nanianus, cent. x.), and in more than three hundred cursives. Of Versions, it 7s also found in some copies of the old Latin, the Vulgate, Ethiopic, Jerusalem Syriac Lec- tionary, and the Arabic. Jt is cited of the Fathers, by Euthymus (A.D. 1116), but with the remark that accurate copies omit it or mark it as doubtful. /¢ is recognised by the Latin Fathers, Ambrose, Jerome, and Augustine, with note of its omission in some early copies. And by others since cent. iv. Jt is also retained by the modern critics Mill, Whitby, Lampe, Michaelis, Herrmann, Stindlin, Storr, Kuinoel, Hug, Halin, Maier, Ebrard, Hilgenfeld, Stier, Lange, Bloomfield, Stuart, and others. Marked as doubtful by wocials E (Basileenis, cent. viii.), Μ (Campianus, cent. x.), and by about sixty cursives. More than fifteen cursives place it at the end of the gospel; one after vii, 36, and four after VARIOUS READINGS IN LONGER CLAUSES. Vii. JOHN : Luke xxi. In D (Bez, cent. vi.) it differs widely from the received text and other MSS. vary from this and from each other. Dr. Tregelles regards it as a true narrative, but not as a genuine part of St. John, nor as a Divine record. viii. 59. Going through the midst of them and so passed by—omut, All. x. 13. The hireling fleeth—omit, Ga ΠΡ T Tr x. 14. And am known of mine (γινώσκομαι ὑπὸ τῶν éuGv)—substitute, Aud mine know me (γινώσκουσίν pe τὰ ἐμα)----Ἰ, T Tr κ. 26. As I said unto you—omit, α-- L® T Tr x. xi. 41, From the place where the dead was laid—omit, All. xiii. 24. That he should ask, who it should be of whom He spake—substitute, and says to him, Tell, who is it of whom He speaks—L T Tr A. 32. If God be glorified in him—omit, L? Tr x. xvi. 16. Because I (om. ἐγώ, I—G L), go to the Father—omit, G- L? T Tr A x. xix. 2. After the word robe, add, and came to Him—L T Tr Ax. 16. And led Him away—omit, L T Tr A. 29. And they filled a sponge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to His mouth—swhstitute, having then put a sponge full of vinegar | upon hyssop, they put it to His mouth—L T Tr A x. ii. 30. According to the flesh that He would raise up Christ to sit—substitute, that He would seat—All. iii. 22. For (om. G), unto the Fathers—omit, Ga LT Tr A x. iv. 12. Neither is there salvation in any other—omuit, G-. 5. Mouth of Thy servant David—swhstitute, Holy Ghost by the mouth of | David our Father—L T Tr A x. | 27. After together, add, in this city—All. viii. 37. Omit the verse—All. ix. 5, 6. It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. And he trembling and astonished, said, Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him—omut, All. x. 6. He shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do—omut, All. 21. Which were sent unto him from Cornelius—omit, All. 32. Who when he cometh shall speak unto thee—omi/, (ἡ -- LT Tr s. xiii, 20. And after that He gave unto them judges about the space of four hundred and fifty years (G A)—substitute, about the space of four hundred and fifty years. And after that He gave them Πιάσος-- ον L T Tr κ. 42. And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue the Gentiles besought—substitute, and as they went out they besought—aAll. | xiv. 10. After voice, add, I say unto thee in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ—L. xv. 17,18. Doeth all these things. Known unto God are all His works, from the beginning of the world—substitute, maketh things known from the beginning—G Ὁ Tr A; Known from the beginning to the Lord is His work—L. ! 24. Saying, ye must be circumcised and keep the law—omit, Ga LT Tr Ax. | 34. Omit the verse—G= L T Ἐν Α κ. —— | viii. Acts: xvii. 18. Xvili. 3. 2 21 πα Ἢ 18 xxi. 8 25 Xxili. 9 Xxiv. 6 ΧΧΥ, 90 10 ΧΧΥΙ. xxvul. 16. 29 RoMANs: 111, 22, vi. 12 vii. 1 ix. 28 T Tr A. And our fellow labourer—omit, All. After God, add, as also ye are walking—G» L T Tr A x. 2 THESSALONIANS : il. 4. That ye both do and will do—substitute, that ye will do, and do—L? A. 1 ΤΙΜΟΤΗΥ : Vie 5: From such withdraw thyself—omit, G= L T Tr A x. 2 TIMOTHY : ἵν. 0. HEBREWS : - il. 7. iii. 6. . Proved me—substitute, by way of triaL—G~w L T Tr A x. vii. 21. xii. 20. JAMES : 111. 12. 1 PETER: iii. 16. 2 PETER: 1 Jonny: | | * A correction of δὲ in the margin. iv. 14. ιτ | 10. ee Grace be with you—omt, G-. And didst set Him over the works of Thy hands—omit, α L? T Tr A. Firm unto the end—omit, A. After the order of Melchisedee—omit, G+ T Tr A x*. Or thrust through with a dart—omut, All. So can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh—substitute, neither can salt water produce sweet—All. x COLOSSIANS : ii. 2. And of the Father, and of Christ—omzt, ἃ A*; God which is Christ— | They speak evil of you, as of evil doers—substitute, ye are spoken evil of—T A. On their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified— omit, G2 L T Tr Ax. ἡμῶν, our, not rendered with θεδυ, God, in A.V. But Beza and Elzevir add it after σωτῆρος, Saviour. After give diligence, add, by your (om. your 8) good works-—L κα (and A (Alexandrian, cent. v.), the only other uncial MS.) To turn from (ἐπιστρέψαι €x)—substitute, to turn back from (ὑποστρέψαι aro)—L; to turn back out of (ὑποστρέψαι €x)—Tr A ; to bend back- wards from (εἰς τὰ ὀπίσω ἀνακάμψαι ἀπὸ)---", . [But] he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. These words though given as doubtful (in italics) in the A.V. and omitted in some MSS., are restored to the text by G LT Tr As, and are also contained in A (the Alexandrian, cent. v.), B (the Vatican, cent. iv.), and C (Ephreemi, cent. v.), (omitted in G and K, cents. ix. and x., but the omission plainly arose from the similar ending of the previous clause.) VARIOUS READINGS IN LONGER CLAUSES. Doeth not righteousness (ποιῶν dixacootvn)—substitute, is not righteous (ὦν dikacos)—L, . In heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth—omit, All. (These words are found in no Greek Manuscript before the xv. or xvi. cents., and in no ancient Version.) . That believe on the name of the Son of God—omut, All. 22. Of some* have compassion (€A¢ire)—substitute, some convict (ἐλέγχετε) —Ge LT Tr A. Making a difference—substitute, when they are disputing—G~ LT TrAr. 23. And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire—substitute, and others save snatching them from the fire—G L T Tr Ax. Τ 25. After Saviour, add, by Jesus Christ our Lord—Ge L T Tr Α η. After power, add, before all time—G~ L T Tr A η. REVELATION : i. 11. 1 am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last—omit, All. ii, 2. Which say (φάσκοντας, assert, boast) that they are apostles—substitute, calling themselves apostles—All. 3. Hast borne, and hast patience and—substitute, thou hast patience, and barest—All. 13. Thy works, and—omit, ᾱ-- LT Tr An. 21. After space to repent, add, and she will not (would not L™) repent of | her fornication (of this fornication x)—AIL | And she repented not—omi, x. iii. 3. And heard, and hold fast—omit, G=. iv. 3. And He that sat—omit, G= Tr”. 8. Each of them (ἕν καθ᾽ ἑαυτό) αὐτῶν)--α LT Ἐν ΑΜ. (Κ-- ἔν ἕκαστον ἀυτῶν, each one of them)— (omit, ἀυτῶν, of them—G-.) 11. O Lord—substitute, O Lord and our God—L T Tr A x. Ἱ substitute, one by one of them (ἕν καθ’ v. 9. Us—omit, G+ L T A. | 10. Us—substitute, them-—All. Unto our God—omit, G L Tr A x. 11. After elders, add, and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand. hese words are omitted in the Greek of the Received Text, (Stephens), but are inserted by BEG LT Ἐν Α κ. 14. Him that liveth for ever and ever—omit, All. | vii. 10. Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne. Zhe Greek of the | Received Text reads, Salvation to Him that sitteth upon the throne of | our God. | viii. 7. After earth, add, and the third of the earth was burnt up—All. / ix. 2. And he opened the bottomless pit—onit, G+ Tr? x. | | * Some who waver Ν. | xii. APPENDIX A. REVELATION : ix. 19. Received Text has ἐξουσίαι, powers, for ἐξουσία, power, and omits, and in their tails, which is inserted by BG Τ Tr Ar. Their power—substitute, the power of the horses—All. . And the sea and the things which are therein—omit, L> Tr? x. . And the angel stood—omit, All (including 51.) . And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them—omut, L. . After having, add, his name, and—aAl1. . Before the throne of God—omut, ΑἸ]. . And to agree—omit, L A». . Mightily, with a strong voice—substitute, with a mighty voice—All. . And all the company in ships—substitute, and every passenger*—AII. xix. 12. After He had, add, names written, and—T Tr ΑΝ. xx. 14. After second death, add, the lake of fire—Gw~ 1, Τ Tr Ax. xxi. 12, And at the gates twelve angels—omit, L. xxii. 14. Do his commandments——substitute, wash their robes—G» LT Tr Ax. * ** Every one who saileth any whither.”—Alford. Ἡ Α B ἢ Δ E Z H 8 1 κ A M N ο II |. Σ T Y Φ Χ Ψ 2 eGo = ο» ο ὦ ~ 86. ἘΞ ¢ <= ὁ ὁ δ δ» τ Ἔ Ρ ἃ ΠΝ ον dag I ὦ δι De « Β. THE GREEK ALPHABET. Names. Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega Pronunciation (English method.) as in English as in English always hard ; before y, κ, or x like mg in song as in English like e in net: final, like 6 in be as in English like e in me like th in thin as in English: final, like ὁ long always hard as in English as in English as in English at the beginning of a word as 2, elsewhere as in English like ο in not: final, like ο in go as in English as in English as in English as in English like τὸ in ewbe: before ¢, like ἡ as in English always hard as in English like o in note. ΧΙΥ. APPENDIX Β, DIPHTHONGS. Character. Roman. Pronunciation. αι αἱ like our affirmative ay | αυ au like au in aught | evand yv οἱ like ew in Europe | οι οἱ like οἱ in toil ovand wv ou like ow in thou | ve ui like we in qutet υἱ hui like whz in whale. The rough breathing, ‘, has the power of h. | The smooth breathing, ᾽, has no sound. | Every word beginning with a vowel has one of these. Final a, ε, τι, and ο, in prepositions and some other particles, are dropped before a word commencing with a vowel, thus for ἀπὸ ἐμοῦ, we have dm’ ἐμοῦ. And π, κ, and τ, thus brought before a rough breathing, are changed, π to 4, ie to x, τ to 8, thus, ἀφ᾽ ov. PRONUNCIATION OF WORDS. Two syllables, accent on first syllable. More than two, accent on last syllable but one if long vowel. sy » on last but two if short. VERBS Formed from Nouns or Adjectives, imply to be or to have that which the noun or adjective signifies, and may be thus classified. On referring a verb to this table, a shade of meaning may be discovered, which it may be difficult or impossible to express in translation. STATE or ACTION. The having, being, or becoming that which the noun denotes. | Endings. 4 ; Examples. Ἴ Root Noun. || τάω τολμάω, to have daring τόλμη, daring. | -€o πολεμεω, to be at war πόλεμος, War. -εύω δουλεύω, to be a slave (of another) δοῦλος, a slave. - μαθητεύω, to be a disciple* μαθητής, a disciple. || -d{w νηπιάξω, to be childish, play like a child νήπιος, a child. || κίζω Ἰουδαῖζω, to be or act the Jew (Gal. ii. 14) Ἰουδαῖος, a Jew. * This is with a Dative following. But where an Accusative follows, it is transitive and '| therefore expresses some action implied in, or consequent upon the state or quality. Compare μαθητεύω with Dative, Matt. xxvii. 57 (be a disciple) ; and with Accusative, Matt. xxviii. 19 (make a disciple.) | | VERBS AND SUBSTANTIVES. CAUSATIVE. Carrying out the act which is proper to the noun. Examples. Root Noun. δουλόω, to make a slave (of another), enslave δοῦλος, a slave. πολεμόω, to make hostile πόλεμος, War. πολεμίζω, to make war ᾿Ξ" -- πληθύνω, to make full, multiply πλῆθος, ἃ great number. λευκαίνω, to make white, whiten λευκός, white. ποιμαίνω, to tend as a shepherd ποιμήν, a shepherd. Verbs from simpler verbal stems, are FREQUENTATIVE.* -άζω στενάζω, to groan frequently στένω, to groan. έω ἀφορέω, to bear frequently, {,6., to wear φέρω, to bear. INCHOATIVE. i.e., denoting the beginning or progress of an action. ἡβάσκω, to grow young ἡβάω, to be young. μεθύσκω, to grow tipsy μεθύω, to be drunken. γαμίσκω, to give in marriage yapéw, to marry. DESIDERATIVE. πολεμησείω, to desire to be at war πολεμέω, to be at war. γελασείω, to desire to laugh γελάω, to laugh. SUBSTANTIVES are to a large extent derived from or connected with verbs, and may be classified according to their endings or affixes, to each of which a particular meaning is attached. THE MALE AGENT or DOER. Nom. Examples. σωτήρ, Saviour. κριτής, Judge. ῥήτωρ, orator. βασιλεύς, King. τροφος, nurturer. ποιμήν, Shepherd. ἡγεμών, leader. FEMALE AGENT or DOER, σώτειρα, she that saves. βασιλεία, kingdom. -ἰσσα -ἧς βασίλισσα, Queen. | * Sometimes in -ἰζω only emphatic as βαπτίζω. | Xvi. APPENDIX B. ACTION as incomplete and in progress. Nom. Gen. Examples. -σία -ας θυσία, sacrifice. ed » δοκιμασία, scrutiny. -σις εως τάξις, arranging ; πρᾶξις, doing. ACTION of the verb proceeding from the subject, the action and its result. -pos* -μοῦ διωγμός, pursuing, or being pursuing. σεισμός, shaking, earthquake. σταθμος, standing, station. -oist -σεως δόσις, giving, gift (compare Eng. “ dose.”) κρίσις, the act or time of pronouncing sentence. καύχησις, the act of glorying. βρῶσις, the act of eating. RESULT, the thing done, or the passive object ; the result or product of an act. -μα -ματος πρᾶγμα, thing done. Bpwpa, the substance eaten, food. σπέρμα, thing sown. κρίμα, the sentence pronounced. καύχημα, the subject matter or theme of glorying, -ος -ους κῆδος, SOrrow. πένθος, grief. ΑΟΤΙΟΝ of the root, actively or passively. -μή ᾿ -ἧς μνήμη, memory, that which remembers. -η γραμμή, line (which has been drawn.) διδα χή, process of teaching; thing taught. QUALITY. These are derived from adjectives, and correspond to our Eng. terminations -dom, -hood, -ness. -ία -ίας ἀλήθεια, truthfulness. -οσύνη, -οσύνης δικαιοσύνη, righteousness. σωφροσύνη, sound-mindedness, ἁγιωσύνη, sanctity (the condition.) -της -TNTOS ἁγιότης, holiness (the abstract quality. ) ἱσότης, equality. τα χυτής, (habitual) speed. -ος -εος τάχος, (temporary) swiftness. * Frequently θµος and σμος. + Some Nouns. t ἁγιωσύνη differs from ἁγιότης, the former marking the condition, the latter the abstract quality, ἁγιωσύνη = the state or holy frame of mind in which the action of the verb is evidenced and exemplified.—(See 1 Thes. iv. 3, 4; 1 Pet. 1, 2.) .........-----..-....σ....-..-.---....---.-- ὦ. .. . . ....... Oe ---.-- ------ --ρ.-.. .. »-ῤ-.-. .-.-----ὄ.. .. ... SUBSTANTIVES AND ADJZCTIVES. : XVii. INSTRUMENT with which the agent acts, or place of action. Nom. Gen. Examples. -τρον -τρου ἄροτρον, plough. 24 λύτρον, ransom. -τήριον -τηρίου ποτήριον, Cup. ε , e,e . δι - ἱλαστήριον, means or place of propitiation. -ρα -ας καλύπτρα, veil. -εἴον -εἴου τελωνεῖον, toll-house. εἰδωλεῖον, seat of an idol. τιον τίου γυμνάσιον, school for exercise. DIMINUTIVES belong to the class of Gentile nouns, or Patronymics. -iov* -ίου παιδίον, a little child (from παῖς). τισκος του παιδίσκος, ἃ youth (fem, παιδίσκη, a young girl), Many of these forms are used without any Diminutive meaning, as βιβλίον, a book ; φορτίον, a burden ; just as puella is the only Latin word for gir/. ADJECTIVES are of two or three terminations, masc., fem., and neuter; and like the nouns, their endings (in nom., sing., mase.,) indicate particular shades of meaning. ATTRIBUTE or LOCALITY. ENDINGS. EXAMPLES. Mas, Fem. Neut. ος. -uat τιον οὐράνιος, of or belonging to heayen, heavenly. δίκαιος, of or belonging to δίκη (justice), just. Ἐφέσιος, Ephesian, (and so gen., of cities or countries). PROPERTY, marking ability or fitness. -ικός -ική -ικόν διδακτικός, apt to teach, skilled in teaching. κριτκός, capable of judging. σαρκικός, fleshly, of the nature of flesh, the bent of the mind. * To tov- is sometimes prefixed αρ”, or τὃ- as παιδάριον, (from παῖς) and κλινίδιον, a little bed, (from κλίνη, a couch.) + Some of these are of two terminations. τε See σάρκινος, below. - ee -΄--.--.-. ---- «ου -- | ———$———$— a | σ XVlil. APPENDIX B. MATERIAL. ENDINGS. EXAMPLES. Mas. Fem. Nent. -εος -εὰ -εον χάλκεος, made of bronze or copper. > , 8 ἀργύρεος, of silver. τινος -ινή τινον ἀληθινός, of genuine or true materials. ἢ σάρκινος, fleshy, made of flesh, indicates the nature of the person. λίθινος, of stone. QUALITY, the full expression and complete possession, expressed in English by the termina- tions -ful and -able. «ρός -ρα -ρόν ἰσχυρός, powerful (from ἰσχύς, strength.) φθονερός, full of envy. - -εἰς -€0 0. -εν χαρίεις, graceful. -άλεος -άλια -άλεον θαρσάλεος, full of confidence. FITNESS, ν expressing suitableness or capability for the action of the verb. “μος -ιμον δόκιμος, receivable (of current coin), (from δέχομαι, to receive.) χρήσιμος, useful (from χράομαι, to use.) ἐδώδιμος, eatable. ATTRIBUTE, making the action of the verb the prominent attribute of the person. -pwv -μον ἐλεήμων, compassionate (from ἐλεέω, to pity.) TEMPORAL anv LOCAL. τινος -ἰνον ὀρθινός, at the dawn. > / . . ᾿ὀρεινός, in the mountain, θερινος, in the summer. πρωινός, early. POSSIBILITY. Gerundial adjectives formed from second Aorist tense of the verb convey the idea of capability or adaptation, both actively and passively. -τός -τή -τόν λυτός, 1 capable of being loosened (from λύω, to loose.) αἱρετός, an eligible man, adapted for choice, and one actually chosen. μεμπτός, capable of blaming, and deserving blame, * Compare John xy. 1 and 1 Thes. i. 9 (ἀλήθης, true as opposed to false. ) + Sometimes σιµος. + See λυτέος, below. PREPOSITIONS. πια. | se OBLIGATION, Verbal adjectives conveying the idea of necessity or duty. ENDINGS. EXAMPLES. Mas. Fem. Nent. . -τέος -τέα τέον _— Avréos, that ought to be loosened (from λύω, to loose.) βλητέος, that ought to be put (from βάλλω, to cast.) PREPOSITIONS. The various meanings of these have been given more or less fully wherever they occur in the body of the work. But the following scheme may be presented of their primary significations, and also of their force in composition, 7.¢., when pre- fixed to a verb or noun. . “ Prepositions represent primarily the local relation of one object to another.” The Geometrical parts of an object are three, a solid, a super, ficies, and a line, Examine first, the six Geometrical parts of A SOLID or CUBE. The upper plane ..« ὑπέρ, over. The under plane ... ὑπό, under. The front - ... ἀντί, over against, opposite. The side ... παρά, beside: Both sides ὦν ἀμφί," about. The rear (out of sight) ... ὄπισθεν, behind. THE SUPERFICIES. The plane on which it stands ἐπε ἐπί, Upon. The boundary line round it εως περί, around. Inside of it see! “ele Outside of it ... ἐκ, from, out of. A VERTICAL LINE. The top αν dvd, αρ. The bottom ... κατά, down. A HORIZONTAL LINE. The front ... πρό, in front of, before. The hinder extremity ... ἐπί, upon, or ὑπό, under. The middle (if of the same sub- stance as the extremities) ... μετά, with, after (implying association). ’ The middle (if a diferent substance from the extremities, as when a | rope connects two trees) ... σύν, with (implying co-operation). | If the line is imaginary (as that which connects two stars) ... ἀπό, from. * Not used in New Testament. xX. APPENDIX B. If the particle σε be added to πρό, before, it becomes πρός towards, to the point of an object. If σε be added to ἐν, in, it becomes εἰς, into. The Preposition does not really govern a case in the sense of determining it ; it only adds a more precise geometrical view of the relation in which two objects stand to one another.* The Cases are determined not by the preposition, but by the idea to be expressed. The Genitive, implies motion from, whence ? The Dative, vest in, or connection with, where 1 The Accusative, motion towards, whither 4 PREPOSITIONS AS USED IN COMPOSITION. ἀμφι-, round about. ἀνά-, up, back again. ἀντί-, instead of, against, in return for. ἀπό-, away from, dismission, completeness. δια-, through, thorough, between. eis, into. ex, out of, forth, utterly. ἐν, in, upon, intrinsically. ἐπι-, upon, to, in addition. κατα-, down, downright, against. µετα-, with, implying association or participation, change. παρα-, beside, beyond, along. περι-, around, over and above, excess. προ-, before, forward. προς-, towards, in addition to. συν-, with, implying co-operation, compression. ὑπερ-, above, excess. ὑπο-, under, concealment, repression. COMPOUND WORDS. It will be seen from the body of the work that the two languages do not exactly answer to each other, word for word ; one Greek word may often require several English words to express it and vice versa. parallel lines, thus :—(each stroke representing a word) Greek English The words do not run in equal COMPOUND WORDS. This would have made the work much more simple both in its preparation and in its use. Rather do the languages run thus— Greek ----------- — ————. — ----- —- ——— — — — — English --- — — --- - There are many other particles used in composition besides the Prepositions above given: 6.0.» ADVERBS. a-, (from ἅμα) together, us ἅπας, all together. ἀρτι-, lately, (only in 1 Pet. ii. 2, ἀρτιγέννητος, new-born.) ev-, well, prosperously. παλιν-, again, (only in Matt. xix. 28 and“Vitus iii, 5, παλινγγενεσία, regeneration. ) παν-, all, (from neuter of πᾶς.) | τηλε-, afar off, (only in Mark viii. 25, τηλαυγῶς, shining afar, or to a distance, clearly, distinctly. ) oo ee ——————————— OTHER PARTICLES. ἡ or av, not, usually called ἆ privitive, like our wn-. d, (from avd, up,) intensive. dus-, hardly, answering to English dis-, mis-, or un | ο ἡμι-, half, (like Latin, semi), only in ἡμιώριον, half an hour, ent ἡμιθανής, half dead. As a rule the prepositions* are used with verbs, and the above with nouns and adjectives. Compounds may be of two kinds— Parathetic, (παράθεσις, juxta-position) where the several parts of a word may exist distinct .from each other; the former part of the word being always a preposition, adverb, or particle (never a γον 4 Synthetic, (συνθεσις, set together, or composed) where the former word is a noun or verb (never a particle.) Illustration, showing how, in the New Testament + one word may be varied, by being compounded with a number of other verbs. κρίνω, to separate, hence, to judge. IL—SUBSTANTIVES (AccoRDING ΤῸ THE TABLE GIVEN ABOVE.) (-σις) κρίσις, judgment, the process of separation, the act or time of judgment. (-μα)ὴ κρίμα, sentence pronounced, the result or product of judgment. (-τηριον) κριτήριον, tribunal, the instrument or place of judgment. Τ (πη) κριτής, a judge, the male agent. IIl.—ADJECTIVE. ' (-tkos) κριτικός, able or fit to judge of separate, (oce. Heb. iv. 12.) * Sometimes two are used, each with their characteristic force. | + There are many other compounds of this verb existing in Greek literature, but not in the New Testament. ERT: APPENDIX B. . III.—VERB anp PREPOSITIONS. 5 / - . > ἀνα-κρίνω, Separate up, investigate. δια-κρίνω, separate throughout, distinguish. Jn middle to separate oneself. ἐγ-κρίνω, to reckon in or among, admit, (2 Cor. x. 12.) ἐπι κρίνω, to judge upon, to confirm by a like judgment, adjudge, (Luke xxiii. 24.) κατα-κρίνω, to give judgment against, condemn. συγ-κρίνω, (to separate distinct things and then bring them near unto one) hence, to judge together, compare (opposite to δια-κρίνω.) ἀπο-κρίνομαι, (in Middle) to give a judicial answer, hence, gen., to answer, ‘respond. ἀντ-απο-κρίνομαι, to do the above again, to answer again, or to answer against. tro-xpivopat,* to give judgment under a cause 07" matter, gen., to answer, reply ; then to answer upon the stage, to play a part; to represent another person by acting under a mask, to personate ; to be thought somebody different by being under a mask ; hence, to dissemble, (Luke xx. 20.) συν-υπο-κρίνομαι, to do the above with any one, (Gal. ii. 13.) IV.—SUBSTANTIVES anp PREPOSITIONS.+ ἀνά-κρισις, examination, (occ, Acts xxv. 26.) ἀπό-κρισις, answer, reply. διά-κρισις, the act of distinguishing, discernment. κατά κρισις, condemnation, censure. - ὑπό-κρισις, the-act of stage playing or personating under ὦ mask, hence, dissimula- tion, (whence the wor rd, hypocrisy), (occ. Matt. xxiii. 28; Mark xii. 15; Luke κι σαι. i135 1 Tim. iv. 2; pa ρου. 1) ἀπό κριμα, the result of judicial το ον ; sentence of death, and the result of tt, fear and exposure to death, despair of life. κατά-κριμα, sentence against, condemnation. πρό rages fore-judging, pre-judging, ¢.¢., prejudice, prepossession, (occ. 1 Tim. μήνα a stage player, one who personates under a mask ; hence, a hypocrite. V.—NEGATIVE COMPOUNDS. ἆ διά-κριτος, not capable of separating, impartial or sincere, (James 11]. 17.) ἀ-κατά-κριτος, not subject to condemnation, uncondemned. ἀν-υπό-κριτο», not capable of dissimulation, unfeigned. VI.—WITH NOUNS anp PRONOUNS. αὐτο-κατά κριτος, self condemned, (occ. Titus iii. 12.) εἰλι-κρινής, judged of in the sunlight, then, by implication clear as light, manifest, sincere, (occ. Phil. i. 10; 2 Pet. iii. 1), from εἴλη, sunshine, cognate with ἥλιος, the sun.) εἰλι-κρίνεια, having the quality of the above,—clearness ; hence, pureness, sincerity. 5 4 ᾽ ᾽ ’ * Anciently synonymors with ἀποκρίνομαι, + Compare these with the corresponding verbs given above. ACP EN Όσα σ VARIATIONS. IN «ΤΗΣ READINGS OF THE CODEX SINAITICUS (x). According to Professor Tischendorf the Codex Sinaiticus has been corrected (or rather, altered) by various copyists, whose variations he classifies as having been made respectively by Scribe A,* Scribe B,t and Scribe C. Ὁ § In the body of this work and in the appendix of longer clauses, on/y the readings of the Original Manuscript have been given, and these are complete. In the following list all the corrections of the different Scribes that are of any importance and likely to be referred to or required by the Student, are noticed. Scribe A, is quoted as x"; Scribe B, as x”; and Scribe C, as x°; the original MS. is always quoted as x. Where these corrections accord with the Authorised Version, the signs are placed in the column so headed; and where they differ, but agree with the Critical Readings they are placed in the column headed “ Critical Readings.” When the reading of the original MS. is doubtful it is expressed thus (x). , Found through all the New Testament except the Revelation. + Found in the Gospels only. + Found throughout the whole of the New Testament. § There are further subdivisions made by Prof. Tischendorf, which in a work for popular use like this are not specified. APPENDIX ο. LUKE: viii. ΧΙ], xvi. 21. . 14. «19. 28. ibe OE ΠῚ: σι 11: ὍΣ vili. 22. xiii. 18. XV. ὃ, XXIV. References. MATTHEW : Wes vi. 12. | | | ] | rae, ap ib eo OP 50. xi. 34. Xvii. 9. 90. AUTHORIZED VERSION. Without cause We forgive Because strait Them Gergesenes Among the people Jesus All From my youth up Let him be Which say Bid you observe, that observe and do Anything And they of Jerusalem, and were all baptised Thence _ Let us alone Unwashen He cometh Your flight be not Crying aloud Into an high mountain Gadarenes Into a desert place belonging to the city Against us is for us The eye All The crumbs which 1 trow not The verse ee and observe.” CRITICAL READINGS. Omit - We forgave How strait Him Gadarenes Omit Omit Omit Omit Shall be Saying Bid you, do and observe The things And all they of Jerusalem, and were baptised Omit Omit Defiled They come It be not Having gone up Omit Gerasenes To a city Against you is for you Thine eye Omit That which Omit 1 δὲ reads literally ‘‘ Gazerenes,” which scems like a mistake for Gadarenes. * § omits 3 8 reads ‘‘ that which.” 4 Ν reads ‘‘ and they of Jerusalem all were baptized.” 5 The original reading of δὲ is ‘‘ Gergesenes.” ® & omits ‘‘ of a city called Bethsaida.” 7 & reads ‘‘ against you is for us.” ® & is defective here, omitting from ‘‘ commanded him,” to ‘‘ commanded you.” A Le Nips “Ree τὰν ΡΟΣ. - -- VARIATIONS OF THE CODEX SINAITICUS. - XXV. a Ss ee References, AUTHORIZED VERSION. * CRITICAL READINGS. LUKE: xviii. 28. Have left all, and followed x Having left all our own, have followed n° xix. 26. From him 358 time n° Omit x 46. My house is the house sx And my house shall be a house &° xxi. 8. Therefore 1 Omit ne xxii. 14, Twelve n° Omit 8 xxiv. 51. And carried up into heaven Ν Omit x JOHN : iii, 25. The Jews x Omit x x. 36. The word which God sent s Πο sent the word x“ ΠΣ is defective from ‘‘I am,” to ‘‘ go ye not.” * § is defective. 3 Νο reads ‘‘ my flesh is true meat, and my blood is truly drink.” ἘΝ omits ‘that came to him formerly.” 5 Ν reads “his own.” ® §& combines the two readings. ΤΝ omits ‘‘ that Thou hast given me.” 8 ἘΣ omits from ‘‘ truth,” to ‘‘ truth.” ® & “into his hand.” 10 § reads Romphan, Xe Raiphan. ΧΧΥΙ. References. ACTS: πι, 90, Riv. ο. XV. XVI. οἱ. RoMANS: Lo. in. 22. ου vill. 1. η, ΧΙ]. xi, 7, xv. 9, xv. 94, ον ow lo ot to APPENDIX C. AUTHORIZED VERSION. Grecians Our After this manner Elders and brethren And he sailed Implacable And upon all We have Who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit For us He will finish the work, and cut it short in righteous- ness : because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth Of righteousness “μα time The works of the law For Preachthe gospelof peace, and Saying And 1+ But if ὦ be of works, then is it no more grace: other- wise work is no more work Be not conformed—be ye transformed Therefore Both died Rose and revived Christ These things I will come to you Of the Gospel BE Ro And may with you be refreshed δ“ CRITICAL READINGS. Greeks? Your Omit Elders, brethren Omit Omit Omit Let us have Omit Omit For the Lord will finally and promptly execute L/is work upon the earth Onit Works Omit Omit Omit Omit Omit . Not to be conformed—to. be transformed Omit Died (omit “ both”) Lived God This Omit Omit Omit ' ® reads ‘‘ evangelists,” which is evidently a mistake. * i.e, Gentile converts, not Jewish Proselytes of Greek extraction. 3 R reads oe + Nc reads ‘‘ rose.” > & reads ‘‘ that coming to you with joy by the will of Jesus Christ, 1 may be refreshed with you.” and be ye not conformed, but to be transformed. ” G z% oie ὧν ὡς: αν ο δι “ep αι οι - References. li, 4. ill. iv. vi. 5. viii. 4. 10, χι, 24. Alford. —_ S Se ee ΤΕΣ ΗΝ μ- = * 8 combines both readings, VARIATIONS OF THE CODEX AUTHORISED VERSION. 1 CoRINTHIANS: i, 20. 28. This world Yea, and things Man’s His Carnal This Moreover To think of men So much as named Christ—Christ Therefore For us Yet Or extortioners Fasting and Him By the husband But By the law None other And he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope Yea woe As Moreover For me twice Broken This cup Unworthily Lord’s And if That one body But Women Then is ΔΝ reads simply ‘ here.” 5 & omits the second only. * “Covetous and extortioners,” are joined by ‘‘and” as belonging to the same category. — SINAITICUS. CRITICAL READINGS. The world Omit Omit The As men The Moreover here Omit Omit Omit both Omit Omit Omit And® extortioners Ont : Her husband By the brother And Omit | No And he that thresheth should thresh in hope of parta- king For woe Omit For Omit both times Omit The cup Omit Omit If, omit “and ” The body Omit A woman Then zs both XXVii. a ee Ee Sa δι δα - ἃ ἃ ο ο» Ti ο ο κο ο ο ια. “a Pee ee ΕΟ ἀκ ee Se ᾱ XXVill. APPENDIX 6. References. AUTHORIZED VERSION. 1 CORINTHIANS : xv. 47. The Lord κ. 55. Grave 1 xvi. 22. Jesus Christ oe 2 CORINTHIANS : i. 6, 7. Or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation, and our hope of you is steadfast knowing that 13. Simplicity x 18. Was x ii, 3. Unto you ae iii. 17, There n° v. ὅ. Also ne 14. If ae οἱ. Hor Ne vii. 12. Our care for you ix, 4, In thissameconfident boasting 8° 10. Minister, multiply, increase δ" | ο 8, Us κ | xi. 3. Simplicity 5 6. We have been throughly made manifest among you in all things κ΄ xii. 1. It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory (8) 9, ΜΥ strength n° 19. Again, think ye that we excuse ourselves unto you ? κ΄ ΧΙ], 14. Amen ne GALATIANS : i. 18. Peter Re iv. 7. Of God through Christ τ 14. My temptation ΤῸΝ omits ae verse, 5 & reads, CRITICAL READINGS. Ont Death Omit And our hope ts steadfast on your behalf; or whether we be comforted, ἐξ es for your consolation and sal- vation knowing that Holiness Is Omit Omit Omit Omit 5 Omit Your care for us Of this confidence Shall minister, shall multiply, shall increase Omit Simplicity and chastity To every matter we made things manifest before all men unto you Boast I must. It is no ad- vantage Omit, my Ye ο have been sometime think- ing that we are excusing ourselves unto you Omit Kephas Through God Your trial enduring of ‘the same sufferings which we also suffer, and our hope of you,” ete. 3 Denotes ‘‘ that one died for all, therefore all died.” 4 ἋΣ reads, ‘‘ your care for yourselves.” 5 Se *fand chastity ” only. Νε reads, ‘ the trial” (i.¢., omits the pronoun.) | | | | 6 Χο reads, ‘‘if it is not expedient.” ae ee εν οι pel νά ‘‘whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation which i is effectual by the VARIATIONS OF THE CODEX SINAITICUS. References, εν AUTHORIZED VERSION, CRITICAL READINGS. GALATIANS : iv. 24. Thetwo . sx Omit n° 26. All x Omit x. v.19. Adultery x Omit | x vi. 15. Cireumcision avyaileth Is circumcision EPHESIANS : i. 1. Which are at Ephesus and to Who are also faithful x the faithful x 10. Both x Omit x 18. And x Omit 8 iii. 14, Of our Lord Jesus Christ πὸ Omit ΝῚ iv. 9. First x Omit x ἘΠ Other x Omit x v. 22. Submit yourselves Ont 3 23. And He is s° Himself 8 30. Of His flesh and of His bones s& Omit x vi. 10. My brethren x Omit x PHILIPPIANS : i. 23. Which is far s For it is far ν᾿ iii. 3. Worship God in the Spirit ν΄ Worship by the Spirit of God κ 16. Let us walk by the same rule x° Let us walk uniformly κ Let us mind the same thing πὸ Omit Ν iv. 13. Christ x" Him x 23. You all x - Your spirit x CoLossIANs : i. 7. For you x For us κ 10. In the knowledge x° = By the knowledge Ν 28. Jesus x" Omit Ν iii 2. AndoftheFatherandofChrist 2 Omit 11. The sins of κ Omit x 13. Flesh x" Add, even you x 18. Not x Omit Ν 20. Wherefore s Omit x“ iii. 13. Christ f _ ΤΟ Lord 3 22. ‘God x The Lord x iv. 18. Amen x" Omit Ν ] THESSALONIANS : ii 7. Gentle x Simple 4 Ν iv. 8, Hath also given x Gives ΕΝ ΤῸΝ reads ‘‘ Let the wives be in subjection.” 2 Ν reads ‘‘The Father of Christ ;’ ο ‘‘ God and Father.” 3 8 reads ‘‘ God.” + With this reading a comma should be placed after ‘‘children,” and a colon after ‘“you.’” XXX, APPENDIX 6, References. AUTHORIZED VERSION. CRITICAL READINGS. 1 THESSALONIANS : iv. 9. Ye need not that I s We have no need to κ΄ ν ο τα u Omit s 21. Prove x But prove n° 27. Holy x Omit x 2 THESSALONIANS: iii, 18. Amen x Omit x 1 ΤΙΜΟΤΗΥ : i. 2. Our Father κ The Father κ 17. Wise πὸ Omit x i ¥. InoChrist sx = Omit re 14. Being deceived x° Having been seduced by deceit αὶ iii. 16. God κ΄ Who x iv. 10. Suffer reproach x° Strive 8 vi. 7. And τί is certain x° Because neither 8 2 TIMOTHY : ii, 12. We deny © We shall deny x 13. He cannot n° For He cannot x 25. Will give Ν΄ May give 8 im, 1" Αἱ x" Both by Ν 22. Christ κό Omit 9 Amen x Omit 5 TITUS : ii, 5. Keepers at home x" Workers at home κ iii. 15. Amen x Omit x PHILEMCN : 10. My bonds x Omit, my κ 19. Again: thou x° Again to thee x Receive Ν΄ Omits s HEBREWS : iii. 9. Tempted me x = Omit, me RY Proved me x By way of trial NY viii. 12, And their iniquities x Omit s ix. 10. Washings and x = Omit, and Ny x. 9. O God κό Omit 8 34, In yourselves For yourselves : In heaven x Omit NS xi. 5. His translation κό ΤΠ translation Ns 11. And was deliveredofa child καὶ Even NS 1 δῆς reads ‘‘ ye received.” 2 Νὰ reads ‘‘the Lord.” 3. The sense is completed in verse 17, ‘‘ Receive him as myself.” 4 8 reads ‘‘ yourselves ” only. | VARIATIONS OF THE CODEX SINAITICUS. XXXi. | References, AUTHORIZED VERSION. CRITICAL READINGS. | HEBREWS: xi. 15. Came out x° Went out x xiii, 18. We trust x We are persuaded . - JAMES : iii, 12. So can no fountain both yield Neither can salt water pro- salt water and fresh duce sweet 3 iv. 4. Adulterers x Omit 14. It is Ye are 8 π.δ. ΑΒ x Omit x 1 PETER: i. 34. The glory of man n° Its glory 4 iii. 21. The like figure whereunto 5 Which® the antitype [of that] πῇ iv. 1. For us x Omit x 19. Zo him in well doing as unto 7 [ἢ well-doings unto μ΄ vy. 8. Because x Omit SS 2 PETER: Π, 18. Clean sx In some degree ΝῊ 22. But x Omit . Ν 1 JonN: ii. 27. The same anointing δ΄ His anointing Se 3 JOHN: 9. I wrote x" I wrote something x JUDE: 15. Among them Omit 9 REVELATION : i. 9. Testimony of Jesus Christ x° Omit, Christ κ 18. Amen x Omit © s ii 7. The midst of x Omit s 10. Shall have (8) May have 13. Wherein x Omit 10 20. A few things Omit 11 21. ΟΥ̓ her fornication; and she And she willeth not to repent repented not i? of her fornication x iii. 5. The same shall κ΄ Shall thus Ν 10 11 13 κ is defective here. ἘΣ reads ‘‘so neither,” etc., as Critical Readings. ἘΣ omits from ‘ life,” to *‘ that.” ἘΣ reads ‘‘ his glory.” ἘΣ omits the pronoun. i.e., water, not baptism (A /ford.) ® reads ‘‘ in well doing unto.” ® reads ‘‘ spirit” for ‘‘ anointing.” 9 Ν reads ‘‘every soul” for ‘all that are ungodly among them.” ® has a manifest mistake here. ® reads ‘‘ much.” ἘΣ reads “‘ this fornication,” and omits ‘and she repented not.” XXXIi. References. APPENDIX ο. AUTHORIZED VERSION. REVELATION : iv. 2. Wiss 2s a 5, ip 15; vii. 5-8, Ex, 18. ΣΝ ΚΣ 8. xii. 17. ΕἸ: I bo 0 SD MOMS xv,. 3. Xvi. 2. Di 6. We xvii. 4. 8. xviii. 13. xix, Ἵν xx; 9, και; ὅ,. 19. αι Ὁ, 1 νκΝ" να And And see And see And see And see Every free man Were sealed 1° times Three And the angel stood Our — Christ And them And that And the third angel Saints Upon the earth Angel Died in the sea And shalt be For they are Angel Of heaven Her fornication And yet is Cinnamon Salvation, and glory, and hon- our, and power, unto the Lord our God From God It is done And the foundations On either side omits ‘‘ and every free man.” omits ‘‘ of the tribe of Gad,” ‘of the tribe of Simeon.” 3 4 Ἡ 5 Ν 6 x 7 8 καὶ 9 by 10 omits ‘‘ three.’ omits the pronoun. reads ‘* God.” omits the whole verse. reads ‘‘ another, a second.” reads ‘‘ of ages.” omits from ‘‘the first,” to ‘‘the earth.” ἘΣ omits ‘‘and thesecond angel poured out.” | ’ CRITICAL READINGS. (x°) Omit κ (8). Omit (x) Omit (3) Omit (1) Omit κ΄ Omit, every 1 2 Omit each time s 8. Three plagues x x” Omit κ 4 Their x 5 Omit τὰ x” Those NY x° Omit, and x 6 7 And another, a third angel 8 The nations τὰ 9. Τηΐο the earth n& 10. Omit n° ανν». ya π ae Died—as respects the things in the sea Holy 11 Omit, for Omit | ᾿ς Omit The fornication of the earth 18 And shall be present ἣν Cinnamon and amonium 15 x The salvation, and glory, and power of our God 18 at Omit 7 They are done 18 Omit, and n° On this side and on that reads ‘‘the holy one,” reads ‘‘God” for ‘‘ heaven.” combines both readings. reads ‘‘and again shall be present.” precious ointment used for. the hair, and made from an Asiatie Shrub. omits ‘‘and the ghory.” omits from ‘‘fire” to ‘‘of fire” in v. 10. reads “1 have done, I am the Alpha,” is defective here. ADDITIONS AND FOR FOURT CORRECTIONS H EDITION, PAGINATION, pages 368 and 369 have been cancelled, ABHOR, p. 18, in line 2 of No. 1, “aon,” should be ἀπό. ABIDE, p. 18, texts omitted, No. 1, 1 Cor. iii. 14; vii. 8, 20, 24, 40; xiii. 13; Phil. i. 25; 2 Tim. | ii. 13; iv. 20; Heb. vii. 3: 1 Pet. i. 23; 1 John | ii, 6, 10, 14, 17, 24, 27twice, 98, iii, 6, 14, 15, 24; 2 John 9 twice, AGES, p. 36, in line 2 of No. 1, “‘ wastes,’’ should be | hastes; for “1 Eph. iii. 5,” put 2 Eph. iii. δ. AND I. p. 82, '' Matt. xxvi. 5,’’ should be Matt. xxvi. 16. ANOTHER, p 54. “2 Cor, xi. 42"d,” should be 2 Cor. xi. Homa ἃ Srd. AT, pp. 74 and 75, add 2c, Mark ii. 14 2a, Luke xxii 30, 40. 3. John vii. 26. 1, 29. 3. —xx. 14, 15. And for “ 2, Acts xxvii. 3,” read 3. Acts xxvii. 3. BE, p. 82, add 1b. Matt. xxvi. 39. 2, BEEN, p. 88, add le. Matt. xxvii. 54, had B. BEFORE, p. 89, insert No. 15, κατέναντι, down over | against, i.e., in the sight and estimation of. BEHOLD, p. 94, add 9. John xvii. 24. BLESS, p. 104, add Luke i. 42 twice. CALL, p. 129, for “18. John xy. 15 24,” read 14, John xy, 15 2nd. ΑΒΕ, p. 133, for “1 Heb. iii. 7,᾽᾽ read 1. Heb. 11, 17. CHAIN, p. 142, add 2. Jude 6. CHILD-BEARING, p. 150, after 1 Tim. ii. 15, add διά, through, or by means of the (with art.). CHRIST, p. 151, add, with the article it is Τε | Christ’? who was offered to Israel as the hope and blessing of the nation; without the article it is ‘‘ Christ,” as the one exalted now to God’s vight hand as marking the blessing, portion, and econ His Churcao. See further under COME, p. 159, in line 4 of No. 1, for '' No. 16,’”’ read | No. 17. COMFORT, p. 168, No. 3, ‘‘ παραμύθιαν,᾽᾽ should be No. 3. παραμύθιον. CONSUME, p. 183, add 1. 2 Thes. ii. 8. DEDICATE, p. 211, for ‘‘ marg. purity,’ read marg. purify. DELIVER, p. 214, add the references for No. 7, which have been omitted, viz. :—Matt. vi. 13; xxvii. 43; Luke xi. 4 (ap.) ; Rom. vii. 24; 2 Cor. | i, 105 times; Col. i, 13; 1 Thes, i. 10; 2 Tim, fii. 11; iv. 18; 2 Pet. ii. 7, 9. DEPART, p’ 216, substitute for No. 16— els, unto, with a view to, see under 16. τὸ, the, “STRAIT (ng ἀναλῦσαι, return (occ, Luke tN),” xii. 36.) pp. 739 and 740. | PERFKCT (ne), 579, add 2, 2 DEVIL, p. 222, under 2, δαιμόνιον (line 2), for "οσους, Acts xviii. 18), read occ, Acts xvii. 18). DRAW, p. 236, for “4 John iy. 5,’ read 4 John iv. 10 EAR, p. 210, before Matt. xxvi. ο EVEN, p. 257, for ‘‘ [adj.]”” read Γαᾶυ.] 51, read 2 instead | EVEN AS, p. 258, for “44. Matt. xxiii. 37,” read 5a, etc. EVEN I, p. 258, es «ἐγώ, read xayw, and I, EVEN so 1, p- "259, or even 1. EXCEED, p. 265, for ‘2 Cor. iii. 9,” read 2. 2 Cor. iii. 9. FAST (make), p. 276, add Acts xvi. 24, FILL, p. 285, for “4. Rev. xviii. 6,” read7. Rev. xvill, 6 twice, FIND, p. 286, add refs. for Νο. 1. Acts Xvii. 6, 23, 27; xix. 1, 19; and xxi, 2. | FORERUNNER, πρόδροµος, one who comes in ad- vance to a place whither the rest are to follow (non occ.), Heb. vi. 20. FRIEND, page 308, add refs. for No. 1, Luke xi. 5 twice, 6, 8; xii. 4; xiv. 10, 12. FRUITFUI, 17, p. 311. FIVE, p. 290, add (see under ‘‘ THREE” for sym- bolical meaning). GENERATION, p. 316, add 1, Luke xxi, 32. GO UP, p. 330, for ** Acts xii. 15,” read — 12, 15. GODLY, p. 335, add 3. 2 Pet. ii. 9. GREAT, p. 342, for “2. Luke xxii. 27, ” read 2. Luke xxiii. 27. GROW, p. 347, add refs. for No. 1, Matt. vi. 28; Luke i. 80; ii. 40; χι. 27 (ap.) ; xiii. 19; Acts vii. 17; xii. 24; xiii. 20; Eph, ii. 21; 2 Pet. iii. 18. HAVE, p. 356, insert 1. before Heb. iv. 14, and 2 Pet, 1. 19, καρποφόρος, fruit-bearing, Acts xiv. IF, p. 398, 1 Thes, iii. 14, should be iy. 14. MESSENGER, 1. ἄγγελος, see under ‘‘ ANGEL.” 2. ἀπόστολος, με: ** APOSTLE,” 1, Matt. xi. 10, 2. 2 Cor. viii. 23. 1, Mark i. 2. — xii. 7. 1. Luke vii. 24, 27. | 2. Phil. ii, 25. 1. —— ix. 52. 1. Jas. ii, 25. Cor, xiii. 11. PURPLE (ΕΕ or), p. 014, πορφυρόπωλις, a Seller of purple cloth, a purple- desler (see under “ purrLE’’), Acts xvi. 14 TEACH, p. 761, add 2 Titus ii, 12. TILL, Ip. 804, add 2b. ἄχρίς οὗ ἄν, until the time whensoever, 2b. 1. Cor. xv. 25 (Νο. 2, AL Τ Tr Α 8), 2b. Rey. ii, 25 ἢ Εν tegtink ed ο. BS2305 .B93 A critical lexicon and concordance to e cal Ser il i "4101