FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY DMsion S<^£ 11 1932 ' CONCORDANCE TO THE METHODIST HYMNAL THE OFFICIAL HYMNAL OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH WITH HELPFUL INDEXES BY y/ OLIVER S. BAKETEL WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY Bishop DANIEL A. GOODSELL New York: Eaton h Mains Cincinnati: Jennings & Graham Copyright, 1907, by EATON & MAINS. TO MY WIFE AND TO MY CHILDREN THIS BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library CONTENTS Page Concordance 1 Consecutive Index of First Lines 159 Index of Scripture Texts 165 Index of Subjects 169 PREFACE #- Why another new book? There must be a reason or it would not have been written. For many years the compiler of this book was a pastor and sought to bo a diligent sermonizer. One of the difficulties he experienced after pre- paring the sermon was to find suitable hymns. Many times the search was long and not well rewarded. Sermons and hymns should be some- what closely related, and to "scrape up relationship" was not always easy. Many times he wished for "a more excellent way" to find the hymns that were really adapted. One day, when looking over the shelves of one of our Book Depositories, he found "A Concordance to the Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church," prepared by William J. Codville, of McKees- port, Pa. A glance at its pages indicated that this was just what he needed; so it was purchased and installed among the frequently used books of his study table. So helpful did it become that it was not only a great aid in selecting hymns for pulpit use, but was most valuable in the study of the sacred songs of the church. Appreciating its worth, he promised himself that if a new Hymnal should be given to the church in his lifetime, he would aim to do for others in the ministry and for the student of the hymnology of the church whal had been done for him. Every Bible student understands the value of the Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, and would not try to study the sacred book without its aid. What that book does in Bible study this book is intended to do in the study of the Hymnal. That is why this "Concordance to the Methodist Hymnal" is now offered to the ministry and membership of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church South. It is not claimed that the book is "complete and exhaustive." Every important word — and some not so important — is used, but not every time it occurs, for that would have made a book of too great size. For example, if the word kingdom is found two or three times in the same hymn, it is used but once. Sometimes there is more than one important word in a line; one of these is always used, and not infrequently all of them. Occasionally there is a line in which no word stood out with special promi- nence; even then some one is used, so that practically every line in the Hymnal is represented in the Concordance. But few explanations arc needed, as it is believed that the arrangement vii viu PREFACE is plain enough to speak for itself. Not only is the number of the hymn given, but the small figure at the upper right hand indicates the verse used. There are three indexes that follow the Concordance. One of first Lines shows in the left hand column, the number of the hymn in the new book, while the number in the old hymnal is in the right hand column. If the number is wanting in that column, it shows that it is one of the new hymns. A second Index is of Scripture Texts with hymns that are thought t<> be suitable. This has been enlarged so that almost every book in the Bible is represented. Then follows the Index of Subjects with hymns. This is based on the Index in the old Hymnal, with some additions and some eliminations. Nearly a thousand subjects are indicated. The use of the Hymnal ought to become more general in all the services. The children should be made familiar with the grand old hymns, and also the new ones that are now in use. It would be an aid to devotion to study and compare them. To this end it is hoped the Concordance will be an aid, and it is sent out with the wish and prayer that these solids of Zion may become richer and more helpful to us than they ever have been. INTRODUCTION It was characteristic of the earlier days of the Methodist Episcopal Church that its communicants knew the hymns of their day almost as well as they knew their Bibles. While not then exclusively used in their devotional meetings, the hymns of the Hymn Book were generally so used, and thus were imbedded in devout memories. They were quoted in praver, in religious testimonies, in sermons and exhortations. They were so widely known that the Hymn Book could often be dispensed with as not necessary to many who sought to praise through song. Ministers then, possibly more than now, searched for hymns appropriate and introductory to the sermon, by aid of the index of subjects, or by reading through all hymns gathered under particular heads. The Joint Commission which prepared the New Hymnal did not think it best to increase the bulk of the book by an index of subjects. It was confident that the church would be furnished by students of our hymnology with such indexes, concordance and history of particular hymns as would be helpful and necessary. This volume fulfills that hope in good measure. To me it seems exact, helpful, excellent. It is minute enough to include every word in any line which is likely to cling to memory. To those who read hymns in private devotions such an aid as this is beyond price. The large number of new hymns in the Hymnal make such a book a necessity to those who would read topically. To ministers this Concordance will be an invaluable aid in finding hymns which express and emphasize points of doctrine and religious experience, as well as enabling them to discover and recall stanzas which torm a fitting climax and close to discourse. For these reasons I anticipate a large welcome to this Concordance. D. A. Goodsell. Boston, Mass., July 12, 1907. CONCORDANCE TO THE METHODIST HYMNAL (The verse in each case is indicated by the small figure following the number of the hymn.] ABA ABO Abase 672 2 Thou didst thyself ". Abased 174 2 When he lived on earth a. Abate 94 1 So ready to a. Abba 301 s And, Father, A., Father, cry 345 3 Ceaseless may, A., Father, cry Abhorred .T77 3 I would be by myself ". Abide 40 2 Thus may we a. in union oO 4 I triumph still, if thou or. with me (il 4 With thee. . .forever to a. 121 4 O come to us, a. with us 171 3 There forever to a. 335 3 How blest are they who still a. 459 1 Come and with us, e'en us, a. 504° A. with us, a. with us 506 3 Come quickly and a. 592 s My church shall safe a. 717 4 In thy presence to a. Abidest 328? But thou a. strong and true Abideth 324 2 In thee my tru-f a. 384 4 Where our God a. Abiding 113 s Shepherds, in the field a. 4.52 1 In heavenly love a. 454 4 Yet God the same a. 459 3 We've no a. city here 477 2 Lord, it is good a. here 513 3 Star upon our path a. 525« A. I would be Abode I7 1 Fternal Power, whose high a. 360' Their soul is Christ's a. 405 4 We'll mount aloft, to his a. 432 2 The saints' secure a. 493 4 To his divine a. 623 2 Upward tends to his a. 663 1 On earth establish his a. 664 4 For thine a. low at thy feet Abound 4 4 And oil and wine a. 22 8 Then let our songs a. 29 2 Joy to a. 39 2 In our hearts and lives a. 649 3 And in works of love a. Abounding 246 4 Through his a. grace 589 1 And both. . -thy a. grace (if>6 4 Rejoice in thy a. grace 709 3 Thou hast mercy more a. Above 4 1 Who reigns enthroned a. 7 2 Like the blest hour, when from a. II 4 All honor and blessing, with angeL 13 5 And join the general church a. 15 3 These all are past, and now a. 19 1 Sung by flaming tongues a. 21 3 And saints on earth, with saints a. 22 4 To carry us a. 172 2 To him who rules a. 190 5 Blest as thy church a. 262 3 Live the life of heaven a. 30 1 2 He ever lives a. 313 1 O Thou, who earnest from a, 324* And nothing place a. thee 334 4 O bear me safe a. 339 1 Which lead me to his seat '/. 354 5 Come quickly from a. 356 2 Is fixed on things a. 363 3 Can win their way a. 365 1 It lifts me up to things a. 372 1 The wisdom coming from a. 379 1 Come, Saviour, Jesus, from a. 426 2 And learn that wisdom from a. 491 3 See me, Saviour, from a. 513 3 Cease from man, and look a. thee 524 4 Straight to my home a. 544' Of unseen things a. 554' Our wishes all a. 006 1 Is like to that a. 559 1 One Lord below, a. ABR ADO 609 1 "l'i> found a., in heaven <>l I-' One church, a., beneath 624 s And seeks the things a. 072 3 Help from a. 675* With the Go. I «. 68] 1 May we join ". To the realms a. 698* Pray to our God a. 702 2 Like that a. Abraham 4 1 The God of A. praise Abraham's 187 2 In A. breast, and sealed him thine Abroad 3 1 Come, sound his praise a. IV And publish a. his wonderful name 22 s May speak their joys a. 74- Peace is on the world a. lf)4« Earth, tell it out a. 461 a At home and a.; on the land 525 1 By day, by night, at home, a. Absolved 148- Fully a. through these I am Absolver 284° great A., grant my soul may wear Abundant 292 2 A., free, and clear Accents 164 2 And, listening to his a. 236 1 O shall not warmer a. tell 322 4 With what glad a. shall I rise 395 1 O still in a. sweet and >trong 469 3 I was lost; thy a. mild Accept 7 1 A. the tribute which we bring 31" Thou didst a. their praises Acceptance 12 3 To heaven, and find a. there 27 3 And for thine a. proffer 263 2 And let them now a. have Acclamation 109 4 Hark, those bursts of a. Accord 22 1 Join in a song of sweet n. 63 1 Tome, let us join with one n. 125 s To Bethlehem hasten, with joyful a. 569 1 And all, with one a. 635 3 With one a. (551 3 In full a., from land to land 069 2 In sweet a. of solemn praise 687 1 Almighty Lord, with one a. Account 388 3 A strict a. to give 599 3 Ere the dread a. be past 600 3 Who such a strict a. must give Accursed 380 2 Bleeding on the a. tree 488 1 From the a. load Accuser 28o 4 I may my fierce a. face Achinj; 21 7-' That mercy I n. (i42 5 Thee honor and a. 656 1 While temples stand and men '/. 715 4 And in those brighter courts a. Adored 10 1 By all thy works on earth a. 12 1 Whom kings a. in song sublime 77 1 By the heavens and earth a. 86 2 Incessantly a. Ill 2 Christ, by highest heaven a. 239 1 We keep the memory a. (>9V- So let the Saviour he a. 700 ! Who thy great name a. Adoring 500 1 Low we bend the n. knee 0G4 1 With our a. praise ADO ALL Adorn 70° .4. the heavenly plains Advancing G33 2 O'er armies a. to conquer Advent 239 4 With the last a. we unite Advocate 172 4 Our A. with God 547 : Christ our .4. is made Afar 15 4 Nations a. in ignorance deep 112 3 And that song from a. Affection 163 3 Who, with true a. Affections 154 3 Thee our best a. giving 28 1 2 How few a. there 314 4 Let warm a. rise 563* Let cordial, kind a. rise Affiance 44S 2 His truth be thine a. Afflicted 211 1 Comfortless, a., broken Affliction 104 3 In the midst of a. my table 530 1 On whom in a. I call 594 3 The mortal a. is past Affords 1G9 4 O what joy the sight a. Aflame 661 2 With hearts a. Afric's 655 1 Where A. sunny fountains Age 421 5 From youth to a., by night and day 45G 5 And heaven's long a. of bliss shall 461° "E'en down to old a. all my people" Aged 253 3 The a. and the young 509 5 When the a., weak and gray Ages 18 1 O God, the Rock of .4. 32 s Through a. all along 7G 2 In all the «., with the fire 112 3 Lie the a. impearled 1G0 3 Patriarchs from the distant a. 170 2 Through the a., as they change 279 1 Rock of .4., cleft for me 308 4 In Christ to endless a. mine 383 5 This through countless a. 44 j 4 Through a. without end 577 4 A thousand a., in thy sight 636 s Traveler, a. are its own 68G 1 His wondrous works, through a. long 708 5 Preserved by thee for a. past Age to Age 15 3 Slowly in type, from a. to a. 1G 4 And shall from a. to a. endure 161 4 From a. to a. 166 1 Welcome, happy morning! a. to a. 187 3 The Spirit which, from a. to a. 200 1 Shines on from a. t<> a. 378 1 Which shall from a. to a. endure Agitation 323 2 Nor life nor death, with all their a. Agonizing 171 1 Hail, thou a. Saviour Agony 234 3 Thine a. and bloody sweat 239 3 His fearful drops of a. 485 2 "O save us in our a." 500 4 By thine a. of prayer Agree 13 1 We now with all thy saints a. Aid 6 2 1G 2 97 1 134 s 193 2 218 1 271 1 295 3 359 3 4G1 3 4954 555 s 708 4 712 2 Aim 39S 4 The only end and a. of man 459 4 Our labor this, our only a. Aims 55G 2 Our fears, our hopes, our a. are one Air 106 3 It breathes in the a. 405 4 Swift as the eagle cuts the a. 477 4 The freshness of the upper a. Alarm 223 1 And take the a. they give 433 2 Fill thy weak spirit with a. Alarms 597 2 Tranquil amid a. G83 2 Safe from all a. 704 3 From war'so., from deadly pestilence Alien 530 3 O why should I wander an a. from Alive 5G0 1 And are we yet a. All 16 1 A. people that on earth do dwell I'D 1 .4. things are ours, for we have a. in G94 2 But a., give a. to Christ His sovereign power, without our a. Without our a. he did us make In trouble our unfailing a. He shall his pitying a. bestow Ever near thine a. to lend Behold him present with his a. Lost and undone, for a. I Hee Which comes to a. our strife Jesus, thy timely a. impart For I am t hy God , ... still give thee a. Ah! whither could we flee for a. Let each his friendly a. afford Led on by thine unerring a. Thou shalt not lack the old time a. ALL < I w., Allegiance Aloof 413 1 Thy high a. claim t2ti-' O that my heart might dwell a. Alleluia Aloud 123 2 Heavenly hosts sing, A. 10 2 Cherubs proclaim thy praise a. G13 1 A. Lord, to thee ll 3 Let all cry a., and honor the Son Alleluias Alpha 421 4 And a. lou.l! :;.">">-' .1. and Omega be All-glorious Altar 326 1 Lain)), a.-g. on thy throne -ft; 1 Now from the a. of my heart 113 4 Saints, before the a. bending All hail 197 5 My heart an a., and thy love the 1G4 2 His own, "A. h. " and, hearing L'li) ; Beside thy sacred (/. 180 1 A. h. the power of Jesus' name 313 1 On the mean a. of my heart 666 2 Where the heart is the a. whence All in All 132 4 Thou art a. in a. to me Altars 262 2 Find in Christ your a. in a. 82 5 Till all thy living a. claim 325 2 My A. in A. GO.V These a. welcome all alike 353 a Art a. in a. to me G70-' Be our domestic a. raised 36G 5 And feel that Christ is a. in a. 3G9 2 Lei Christ be a. in a. Alway 377 4 And feel that Christ is a. in a. 584 1 I would not live tt.; I ask not 409 4 That Christ is a. in a. to thee 4GG 3 Jesus, my a. in a. thou ar1 Amazing 557 s Our a. in a. is love 22° The thoughts of such a. bliss G46 3 Cod in Christ , is u. in n. 111 4 Love so «., so divine All-redeeming 242 s He saw, ami, <) f 2G3 1 Jesus, thou a.-r. Lord Ambition All-restoring 458 1 Perish every fond a. 331 1 Jesus, the a.-r. word Amen All-searching 15' Glory and praise; A., A. 359 1 O thou, to whose a.-s. sight 177' Hallelujah! .1. 408 2 The sweet A. of peace All-victorious 445 4 A., Lord Jesus, grant our prayer 241 1 Come, O thou a.-v. Lord 601 a Yea, A.! let all adore thee 625 1 A., so let it be Almighty 631 6 And earth repeat the loud A. 2 l Come, thou a. King Anchor ll 2 God ruleth on high, a. to save 78 4 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God A. 302 1 Sure my soul's a. may remain 84 1 The work of an a. hand 330 2 My a. holds within the veil 86 5 A. as thou art 253 3 Waken, by thine a. power Ancient 340 1 A. to renew 2 l A. of days 567 3 Where the one A. Father 4 1 A. of everlasting days 629 1 Thou, whose a. word 12 1 O thou to whom, in a. time G48 1 Watered by thy a. hand 54° Thy touch has still its a. power 706 2 Thy name we bless, A. God 76 1 A. of days, who. . .in glory 716 1 By God's a. hand 101 1 For still our a. foe ., 187 5 Remember, Lord, the a. days ll. 395 1 Sounds forth the a. word 694 4 Then for his sake thine a. impart 5G3 4 O let us find the a. way G95 3 Let a. bestowed, let kindness dnne 655 1 From many an a. river Alone 700 1 And in more a. years 6 1 Know that the Lord is God a. Archangel 17 2 Thee while the first o. sin^s 79* The first a. never saw 111) 1 The brightest a. in glory excelling 864* Thy a. veils his face Archangel's 178° We soon shall hear the a. voire S99 2 Shall the a. trumpet tone Archangels 77 1 Angels and a. sing Arches 108° And heaven's eternal a. ring 122 5 When heaven's a. ring Ardent 338 4 Would not mine a. spirit vie 556 2 We pour our a. prayers Ardor 455 4 It is that hope with a. glows Aright 18 3 Teach us a. to number 527 1 So shall I walk a. Arise 5 1 Let the Creator's praise a. 64 1 That saw the Lord a. 301 1 A., my soul, a. 382 1 Soldiers of Christ, a. 390 4 O sleep not, dream not, but a. 445 2 Salvation shall for you a. 584 2 There ... be my rest t ill he bid me a. G43 3 Saw ye not the cloud «/. Ark 674 1 Before the sacred a. Arm 81 3 Strong is his a., and shall fulfill 133 3 Proclaims thy conquering a. 154 2 When there was no a. to save us 237 4 Another a. save thine to lean upon 305 2 A. me with thy whole armor, Lord 418 4 And his holy a. spread o'er us 478 1 Since on thine a. thou bidd'st me 577 s Sufficient is thine a. alone 592 1 What though the a. at ...death 708 5 still thy sheltering a. extend Armies 287 2 While all the a. of the sky 418 1 And we put to flight the a. of ni^ht Armor 305 2 Arm me with thy whole a., Lord 382 1 And put your a. on 385 1 Seize your a., gird it on 'AHCP Put on the gospel a. 387 3 To lav thine a. by 397 1 In all the a. of his God 412 2 March in heavenly a. clad >413 4 In God's whole a. strong 493 3 Nor lay thine a. down 494 2 Gird thy heavenly a. on 49G 3 Prayer keeps the Christian's a. bright Arms 145 3 26S 5 271 1 302 2 319 4 409 4 508 3 512 4 564 3 595 1 6821 683 2 With outstretched a., in mortal \v>ie Into thy a. I fall Open thine a., and take me in Thine a. of love still open are Bid us in thine a. to net Faint not nor fear, his a. are near When his loving a. receive 11- Extend the a. of mighty prayer Put his a. unfailing round you To call them to his a. That his a. had been thrown around In those tender a. Army 383 s Like a mighty a. 61 1 2 One a. of the living God Around 17 2 And ranks of shining thrones a. 649 2 Of salvation all a. Array 421 6 Still march in firm a. Arrayed 148 1 'Midst flaming worlds, in these a. 172 1 In glorious strength a. 617 2 Sweet fields a. in living green Arrest 248 4 Lest swift death should t hee a. Arrive 19 2 Safely to a. at home Arrow 574 2 As the winged a. flies 597 1 A mortal a. pierced his frame Arrows 55 2 Though the a. past us fly Art 471 s Teach me the happy a. Ascend 4 3 To heaven a. 21 4 A. for him our cheerful strain 432 4 And you and In. at last 586* Shall then ti. to meet the Lord f)93 8 Ah! when shall \se . will make it whole 543 5 Thy coolness and thy b. 609 1 A 6. for every wounded breast 688 4 To find a b. for woe Band 209 2 One working &., one harvest song 261 4 Come then, and join this holy b. 416 3 A glorious b., a chosen few 557 2 A b. of love, a threefold cord G08 5 Will join the glorious b. G75 3 An unbroken b. Bands 90 4 And angel b. are waiting there 217 3 Shake off the b. of sad despair 264 3 Unloose the b. of wickedness 300 2 He bound me with the b. of love 647 1 God himself shall loose thy b. Bane 143 4 B. and blessing, pain and pleasure Banish 299 2 When wilt thou b. my complaints 604 1 Ami pleasures l>. pain Banished 250 5 Lest we be b. from thy face 547 3 O ye o. seed, be glad Banishment 3Uu> The road that leads from 6. 518 1 I pass my years of b. Banks G10 3 And on the b., on either side Banner 200 3 It float eth like a 6. 235 1 Jesus spreads his b. o'er us 387 1 Beneath his b. true 41G 1 His blood red b. streams afar 418 4 With the b. of Christ before us 421 1 Your glorious b. wave on high 5G4 4 Keep love's b. floating o'er you 633 1 God's b. exalted shall be 639 1 Fling out the b ! let it float 640 1 Wave the b. cross on high G81 1 Brightly gleams our b. 70G 3 Here freedom spreads her b. wide Banners 383 1 See, his b. go Banquet 235 1 He the b. spreads before us Baptismal 232 3 Once shared the blest b. rite 559 1 One sole 6. BigD Baptize 188 4 B. the nations; far and nigh 557 3 B. into thy name G39 3 B. their spirits in its light Baptized 413 2 Arise, and be b. Baptizer • "H B. of our spirits thou BAP EEC Baptizing 229 2 The inward, pure, b. grace Bar 254 3 Before his b. your spirits bring 283 3 In me is all the b. GOO 5 I at thy b. appear Bards 12 1 The lyre of Hebrew b. was strung HO 5 By prophet b. foretold Bare 688 3 And homes are b. and cold Barn 92 2 The birds, without b. or storehouse, Barren 546 1 In nature's b. soil 693 1 On these b. lives of ours Barrier 272 8 Hath broken every b. down Bars 15S 2 Loose all your b. of massy light JG.; 4 Who, triumphant, burst the />. Bathe 440 4 There I shall b. my weary soul Battle 156 2 Fought the fight, the b. won 350 1 I shall not fear the b. 383 1 Forward into b. 407 3 How hard the b. goes, the day, 408 1 We lift our b. song 412 2 Fight, nor think the b. long 493 2 The b. ne'er give o'er 567 4 Bear its shame, and fight its b. 597 1 The b. fought, the victory won G14 3 And now we fight the b. 61 6 3 Peace shall follow b. G26 2 And, life's long b. o'er 710 1 Lord of our far flung b. line Battlefield 3921 And in the darkest b. 442 1 Upon this 6. of earth Beacon 200 3 It shineth like a b. Beacons G73 4 Shine like b. on the strand Beam 113 3 Brighter visions b. afar 259 3 Tis the Spirit's glimmering b. 422 3 Work till the last b. i'adeth 582 1 How mildly 6. the closing eyes Beaming 573 2 Is b. from above Beams 9 2 His 6. are majesty and light 45 2 O let thy orient b. G8 3 With pure and radiant 6. 75 1 Their common b. unite 81 1 His glories shine with b. so bright 123 3 Radiant b. from thv holy face 184 3 Send forth thy b. divine 198 3 With b. of heavenly day 199 1 The gathered b. of ages shine 274 1 And thaw with b. of love divine 333 2 Where'er thy healing b. arise 367 1 That thy bright b. on rne 443 2 He sheds the b. of light divine G3G 2 Watchman, will its b. alone G38 2 Life and joy thy b. impart G40 1 Like the b. of morning fly The joyful tidings b. Grant us, dear Lord, our cross to b. And b. our harvest home Fain would we be, and b., and do Must Jesus b. the cross alone His strength shall b. thy spirit up But he will b. us through O what needless pain we b. And with him 6. a part With us the cross to b. Give of thy sons to b. the message Bear 157 3 326 5 395 4 41 4 2 428 1 433 2 454 3 5511 554 2 G35 3 G54 5 Bearing 195 4 Pressing on and b. up Bears 8G e B. and forbears, as thou hast done 253 2 And b. our life away 580 1 That b. us to the sea Beasts 114 2 Low lies his head with the b. of the Beat 415 1 O how our hearts b. high with joy 578 2 A few more storms shall b. Beatific 432* The &. sight G13 4 In the 6. vision Beauteous 345 1 I see from far thy 6. light G49 2 See how b. on the mountains Beauties 9 2 His &., how divinely bright Beautiful 86 1 How b. thy mercy seat 34S 1 Swift and b. for thee Beautify 20 1 And with salvation b. the meek Beauty 9 3 The b. of his holiness 18 4 With b. and with grace 28 1 For the b. of the earth 126 1 What grace, O Lord, and b. shone 324 3 My joy is in thy b. 520 6 Our gladness in their 6. raise 534 4 The b. of thv peace G33 2 His b. shall enter them in 681 4 Jesus in his b. Beckon G24 3 And angels b. me away BED l<) BES Bed 134° My painful b., for thou hast died 595 3 And softened every b. Beds 128 3 Is by our b. of pain 257 J Ye who, tossed on b. of pain 393 2 On flowery b. of ease Been 18 1 Who evermore hast b. 4.">3 :! All I have b. Befriend G77 2 We are thine, do thou b. us Begin 525 2 Each day returning to b. Beguile 424 4 Nor Satan's arts b. Begun 22 7 Glory b. below 251 2 Sinks ere thy morning i* b. 349 s Some work of love 6. Behavior 600 s For my b. here Beheld 15 2 Nations b. their coming Lord Behest GO 1 The darkness falls at thy b. 99 3 Without his high b. Behests 77 2 And, when thy b. are done Behold 4 3 I shall b. his face 170 3 Shall b. him as before Believe l 5 The humble poor b. 148 4 Lord, I b. thy precious blood 2b4i o that I could 6. 272 5 Because thy promise I b. 283 3 I now 6. in thee 303 s We who in Christ b. 35G 3 B., and enter in 409 4 Only &., and thou shalt see 447 4 Only b., in living faith G97 2 He will forgive if they only b. Believed 309 2 The hour I first b. 31 1 2 When my heart first b. Believer's 137 x In a b. ear Believers 42G 4 To bring b. home Believes 298 4 To him that in thy name b. Believing 139 1 B. what we cannot prove 151 3 For he who dies b. 354 3 B., true, and clean Bells G21 3 . . . , like b. at evening pealing Beloved 521 3 For friends b. no longer nigh G47 2 Zion still is well b. Beloved 108 5 With thy 6. name 129 3 Hear my b. Son 3o3 2 But thou, b. Saviour 541 1 He giveth his b. sleep Below 5 1 From all that dwell b. the skies 12 3 From every place b. the skies 17 4 God is in heaven, and men b. 22 7 Glory begun b. 31 1 3 'Twas a heaven b. 321 2 On all the world b. G28 4 Let others seek a home b. Bend 99 5 Ye nations, b., in reverence b. 453 1 B. I the knee G39 2 Fling out the banner! angels 6. 709 2 In thy holy place we b. Bending HO 1 From angels b. near the earth 129 3 From the low b. cloud above G53 2 See heathen nations b, Beneath Gil 2 One church, above, b. 646 2 Wakes above, &., around Benediction 295 1 It tells of b. GG2 2 And thy fullest b. Benefits 25G 5 His offered b. embrace Benighted 182 1 And on this poor, b. soul 443 2 O'er this b. soul of mine G38 2 Every poor, b. heart 044 1 B., in this land of light Goo 3 Shall we to men b. Bent 355 2 Take away our b. to sinning Bequeathed 189 1 A Guide, a Comforter b. Beseech 511 4 Tell me, I still b. thee Besprinkled Gil 4 And greet the blood &. bands Best 69 1 Day of all the week the b. 317 2 Give what is b. 435 5 What b. for each will prove 449 2 As b. may seem to thee 527 2 As 6. to thee may sppm 544 4 For those who know it b. Bestow 3. r ) 3 Till a blessing thou b. 261 a Rich blessings to 6. BES 11 BLE 265 3 Jesus, on me 6. 318- Now, now the further grace b. 514 1 Till a blessing thou b. 600 4 The watchful power b. Bestowed 51 7 2 Thy love the power of thought b. Bestud 121' The glittering hosts b. the sky Bethany 132* Gracious One of B. Bethel 315 4 Out of. . .griefs, B. I'll raise Bethlehem 111 1 Christ is born in B. 112 1 For the manger of B. cradles a King 121 1 O little town of B. 124 2 It is the Star of B. 125 1 To B. hasten, with joyful accord Bethlehem's 120 1 Long years ago o'er B. hills 122 1 But in B. home. . .no room 651 1 To B. manger led the way Betray 3S8 4 Assured, if I my trust b. Betrayal 230 4 And thus that dark b. night Better 259 4 If you tarry till you're b. Bewildered 131 3 That bids b. souls rejoice Beyond 17 1 Infinite lengths b. the bounds 450 3 I know not what b. may lie 627 3 B. remembering and forgetting Bid 507 1 He himself has b. thee pray Bidden 256 1 For God hath b. all mankind Biddcst 41 1-' And what thou b. we will do Bide 4ofi 3 And grief may 6. an evening guest G-59 2 Within these courts to 6. Bids 131 3 That b. bewildered souls rejoice 576 3 Thither he b. us rise 624 3 And Jesus b. me come Billows 485 3 The sullen b. ceased to leap Bind 19 3 B. my wandering heart to thee 120 3 Which b. all hearts in one 490 1 B. me closer, closer, Lord to thee Binding 323 5 .. .sense is all too 6. 662 1 B. all the church in one Binds 324 3 That b. my life in thine Birds 92 2 The b., without b;irn or storehouse 519 3 The lesson learn from b. and flowers 71G 2 By him the b. are fed Birth 84 2 Repeats the story of her b. Ill 3 Born to give them second b. 119 1 .... how lowlv his b. 125 4 To thee, then, . . . this day of thy 6. 23o 2 When the angels sang thy b. 280 1 By thy 6., and by thy tears 384 2 Spring to glorious b. 394 5 Then let us prove our heavenly b. 450 3 And find new b. in death Birthright 159 2 If tears were our b., and death Bitter 72 2 Our hearts' most b. sorrow 144 1 Here earth's b. things grow sweet 254 1 No God regard your b. prayer Bitterly 186 2 It grieves me b. Blade 389 3 The tender b., the stalk, the ear 717 2 First the b., and then the ear Blast 94 5 If one sharp b. sweep o'er the field Blaze 313 2 With inextinguishable b. 432 5 And wide diffuse the golden b. 481 2 That in thy sunshine's b. its day 642 5 With my. . .; and b. abroad 043 1 Sets the kingdoms on a b. Blazing 80 6 Who can behold the b. light 82 4 Before thy ever b. throne Bled 21 2 And when his creatures sinned, he b. 175 2 He who b. and died Bleed 142 1 To b. and die for me 2S5 8 O wondrous love ! to b. and die Bleeding 145 2 When we behold thy b. wounds 185 3 Heal my wounded, b. heart 256 5 That precious b. sacrifice 307 2 And, when b., healed thy wound 357 1 Close to thy b. side 491 4 O my b., loving Lord 640 3 Wide the b. cross display Blend 164 3 Their notes let all things 6. 383 5 B. with ours your voices BLE 12 BLI 396* Shall l>. in common dusl 39S-' The near and future b. in one 465 fi A mind t<> l>. with outward life 49."> 3 There is a. scene where spirits l>. 521° #. it with thine, and take away Bless 2 2 Come, and thy people b. 9 1 And b. his holy name 16 3 Praise, laud, and b. his name always 27 1 Thousands only live to b. thee H7 3 And b. the sacred hours 184 4 Come, all the faithful 6. 206 4 God b. his word 230- For 'twas to b. such souls as these 293 7 Is he sure to b. 325 2 As thou didst 6. the bread 4G8 1 Thou shalt soon have cause to /'. 505" Art blessing us, and wilt b. to the end 516 2 Engage the waiting soul to b. 029 1 Jesus alone can b. 572 s Then may we b. its precious things 633 2 His presence shall b. them 690' I last power to aid or b. 693 2 Those whom thou would'st have us b 700° And ever b. thy uarne Blessed 18 3 The hearts thyself hath b. Blessed 31 2 The King and B. one 43 4 So does this 6. consciousness awaking 138 2 Dear Son of God! thy b. will 175 3 In that 6. place 324 1 O b. Saviour mine 344 1 Saviour, b. Saviour 391 3 This 6. word be mine 404 4 And ne'er forsake the b. road 41 9 * O b. work for Jesus 434 2 The Rock's b. shadow, how sweet 447' God's b. word can part each cloud 4H7 :i O b. thought in dying 480 3 I have no cares, () 6, will 483 3 Then why, O 6. Jesus Christ 50(i 5 Thou 6. Son 509* Name the b. name 537 1 Thy b. face and mine 583 5 But thine is still a b. sleep 602 3 With that b. hope before us 605 2 O what a 6. hope is ours 612 2 The pastures of the b. 652 1 Tell the b. tidings 662 s With the b. to retain 680 2 Who love the b. Saviour 687 4 And when we find thy b. mind 692* And freely with that b. One Blessedness 492 2 Where is the b. I knew 549 2 That turns to b. my woe 630 2 Traveler, b. and light Blesses 286 4 And trusts and 6. e'en the rod Blessest G88 2 And gladly, as thou b. us Blessing ll 4 All bonor and />.. with angels above 19 1 Come, thou Fount of every b. 35 3 Till a h. thou bestow 39 l Lord, dismiss us with thy b. ^')U l Lei us now a b. seek 221* And sends the promised 6. down I',.").") 1 Thee we would be always b. 360 8 May ours this 6. be 365* With every b. blest 372 1 The b. of God's chosen race 37G 2 O make that b. mine 435° Thy every act pure b. i^ J9(i- Firings every b. from above 517 8 Each b. to my soul more dear 576 2 B. and thanks and love and might Blessings 20 3 Praise. . . ! Source of all our b. 33 1 Once more his b. ask 49 1 For all the b. of the light 9C> 3 In b. on your head 107 3 He comes to make his b. flow 121 3 The b. of his heaven 167 4 Be endless b. paid 465" Among my 6. be 472 2 I dimly guess, from b. known 502' The b. God designs to give 561 1 Jesus, from whom all b. flow 631 4 Their early b. on his name 669 s For all the b. life has brought 675 1 Thou hast heavenly b. shed 706 4 And heavenly b. round us spreads 714 3 . . .with b. manifold Blest With peace and plenty b. Like the b. hour, when from above Hath b. us on our way This is the day which God hath b. What joy the b. assurance gives The church our b. Redeemer saved Hasten, sinner, to be b. While God invites, how b. the day And b. in Jesus live I was perfectly b. And none more b. than I We awake among the b. Thrice b. w r ill all our blessings be Thou knowest that I am not />. Thrice b. is he to whom is given And, early called, how 6. are they Press onward to that 6. estate Lord, how secure and b. are they Deem not that they are b. alone So long thy power hath b. me My heart is light and b. O Spirit b., who from above How b. the righteous when h<- diet Whose walking is supremely b. Living or dying, none were b. They die in Jesus, and arc b. Or numbered with the b. And be forever b. Where they that loved are b. Where the 6. dwell evermore As thou hast b. our various store O be our land forever b. BLI 13 BOA 486 2 And our 6. choosing brings us grief 629- Sight to the inly b. 695 2 Redeemed, the b. receive their sight Blindfold 392 3 Wrong to man's b. eye Blinding 474 1 Smiles follow bitter b. tears Blindly 514 3 In rebellion b. bold Blindness 20 2 Praise him who pardons. . .our b. 655 2 The heathen in his b. Blinds 217 2 Shake off the dust that b. thy sight Bliss 22° The thoughts of such amazing 6. 32 5 Or fades my earthly 6. 130 2 Then conferring b. entrancing l43 3 When the sun of b. is beaming 151 1 What b. till now was thine 286 5 Our only fount and source of b. 324 5 O for the b. that by it 336 4 Such b. as crowns me at his side 362 4 To my eternal b. 444 1 I feel the 6. thy wounds impart 451 3 Far into 6. 455 5 My Saviour's 6. to share 505 3 My blessed Lord ! what b. to feel 523 1 Father, whate'er of earthly b. 535 3 With beams of sacred 6. 536 1 From the best b. that earth imparts 566° Now in the b. of endless day 579 3 Eternal b. to insure 643 1 All partake the glorious b. 649 2 That o'erfiow with b. divine Blissful 312 4 Fixed on this b. center, rest 501 8 Lord, till I reach that b. shore 583 4 May such a b. refuge be Blood l 4 19 2 26 2 98 2 148 1 153 2 156 2 171- 191 1 207 1 233 2 245 3 263 5 265 2 272 2 2791 284 4 291 3 301 2 302 3 303 3 30S 3 310 1 3H 2 His b. can make the foulest clean Interposed his precious b. Who bought them with his 6. There is healing in his b. Jesus, thy b. and righteousness Come, feel with me his b. applied Lo ! he sets in b. no more Through the virtue of thy b. 'Tia thine the b. to apply With his own b. he bought her Through the rich b. that Jesus shed A stranger to the b. which bought Ready thou art the 6. to apply Till sprinkled with thy b. To thee whose b. can cleanse Let the water and the b. And his the b. that can for all atone Dear dying Lamb ! thy precious &. His precious &., to plead While Jesus-' &., through earth And feel his b. applied When Jesus doth his b. apply An interest in the Saviour's b. I first found in the b. of the Lamb 320 3 And drive me to the b. again 32(i 5 Win through thy b. our pardon there 330 1 Than Jesus' b. and righteousness 335 1 To wash me in thy cleansing 6. 337 2 Thou hast bought me with thy b. 342 1 Purchased and saved by b. divine 346 5 B. of Christ, so rich, so free 351 4 Now I feel the b. applied 353 1 Thy precious b. must be 354 1 A heart that always feels thy b. 357 2 Sprinkle me ever with thy b. 453 4 Lord, let the cleansing b. 490 1 Let thy precious b. applied 540 2 I'd sing the precious 6. he spilt 569° To each the covenant 6. apply 619 2 In the b. of yonder Lamb 709 3 Jesus' b. can cleanse them all Blood-bought 495 2 It is the b.-b. mercy seat 507 3 There thy b.-b. right maintain Blood-washed 665 8 And when at last the b.-iv. throng Bloody 393 2 And sailed through b. seas Bloom 55 4 Clad in light and deathless 6. 462 3 B. the fair flowers the earth 489 2 Sometimes where Eden's bowers 6. 693 1 Till they b. and bear apace Blooming 627 2 Beyond the b. and the fading Blooms 678 3 The rose that b. beneath the hill Blossom 18 2 That b. but to die 642 4 Shall bud and b. then Blossoms 481 4 And from the ground there b. red Blot 272 2 To rid my soul of one dark b. Blow 161 3 B. the full trumpets, b. 278 2 The long-suspended b. Blue 680 s Above the bright b. sky Blush -1 13- Let evening b. to own a star Blushing 146 4 Thus might I hide my b. face Board 233 1 And blessings crown the 6. 240 4 Call us round his heavenly 6. 451 2 One ... I have on b. 715 3 Around thy &., around our own Boast 118 3 Than all the angels heaven can 6. 141 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should b. BOA 14 BOU 27.'5- No more her power let nature b. 308 1 Let not the wise their wisdom b. 560* Then let us make our b. .. the great Anointed 115* Is />., of David's line 117 2 A Saviour is b. today 121 4 Be b. in us today 299 3 That I am b. of God 301 4 And tells me 1 am b. of God 17 l 1 And peace 18 b. of pain .">29-' B. but for one brief day 552 s None who are truly b. of God 690 1 And am I 6. lu die G13 3 Tliev were b. and glorified 623? So a soul that's b. of God 039* And nations, crowding to be b. GG3 4 That crowds were b.. . .there Borrow 151 3 What language shall I b. Borrowed 321 1 And, bright with b. rays divine 481 2 My heart restores its b. ray Bosom 401° Like lambs. . .in my b. be borne 463 1 Let me to thy b. fly 5.34 4 Through every b. flow (i 1 7^ And in his b. rest G40 2 In the b. of the deep Bosoms 184 3 Our inmost b. fill G77 4 With thy love our b. fill Bottomless 302 3 O love, thou b. abyss Bought 153 3 Ye all are b. with Jesus' blood 161 4 For thou hast b. with tears 2G3 3 What thou hast b. so dear G07 3 O what hath Jesus b. for me G77 1 Thou hast b. us, thine we are Bound 3 2 He gave the seas their b. 2V B. every heart with rapturous joy 294 1 To earth's remotest b. 324 2 And then forever b. me G20 3 Nearer the b. of life Boundless 14 3 That b. love itself that gives 40 1 And the Father's b. love 86 3 Thine endless wisdom, b. power 89 1 And speak some 6. thing 295 4 Of love so free and />. 302 3 Mercy, free, b. mercy, cries 333 1 Jesus, thy b. love to me 3 KJ 2 How b. is thy store 34G 5 Grace of God, so strong and b. 'AM 1 Thy b. love can jrive 409 3 His 6. mercy will provide Bounds 13 4 To Canaan's b. point out the way 17 1 Infinite lengths beyond the b. 430 s From earth's wide b. 658 1 The b. of the eternal hills 713 4 Where'er our widening b. extend Bounteous HO- O may this b. God G78 fl Dependent on thy b. breath BOU IS BRE Bounties 406 1 Thy 6., how complete G88 2 May Ave thy b. thus 708 4 Thy first and noblest b. share Bountiful 104 4 Let goodness and mercy, my b. God Bounty ISo 3 Since from his b. I receive 224 1 How rich thy b., King of kings 259 2 God's free b. glorify Bow 3 3 Come, 6. before the Lord 6 1 Ye nations, b. with sacred joy 10 1 And b. our souls before thy throne 13 1 And b. our inmost souls before 34 1 And b. before his throne 131 3 We b. before the heavenly voice 178 4 And b. to his command 244 1 And b. myself before thy face 245 2 We b. before thy gracious throne 349 1 In love my soul would 6. 61 1 2 To his command we b. G42 3 To b. them low before thee, Lord 084 3 And angels in his presence b. Bow (Rainbow) 447 5 His b. of love and peace 464 5 God's b. is on the cloud Bowed 14 4 Of prophets at thy throne who b. 129 1 While Jesus b. in prayer 149 1 And meekly b. his head and died G66 3 . . .where thy chosen ones b. Bower 642 4 And justice, from her heavenly b. Bowers G08 4 There happier b. than Eden's bloom Bowing 508 4 At the name of Jesus b. Bows 142 3 See where he b. his sacred head 278 1 Which b. before the Lord Brain 414 1 The toil of b., or heart, or hand Branch 589 3 . . .no b. of palm I merit Brass 108- The gates of b. before him bur^t Brave 430 5 And hearts arc b. again GG8 2 Of patient hope. . .b. endurance Bravely 407 2 Stand up, . . . and b., in God's name Bread 134 3 By those who shared his daily 6. 176 3 Hallelujah! B. of heaven 205 2 B. of our souls, whereon we feed 234 2 My b. from heaven shall be 235 1 Precious banquet, b. of heaven 312 4 When called on angels' 6. to feast 325 1 Break thou the b. of life 387 1 He can with b. of heaven 41 2 1 Strengthened with the b. of life 438 1 Give me, Lord, my daily b. 454 3 Will give his children b. 524 2 Give me thy people's b. 52G 3 Here see the b. of life 53G 3 We taste thee, O thou Living B. 714 2 . . .to give thy children b. 716 2 He gives our daily b. Breadth 3G8 2 The length, the 6., the height Break 113 5 Mercy calls you, b. your chains 240 4 Drink the wine, and b. the bread 241 * And b. these hearts of stone 265 4 And b. this heart of stone 325 1 As thou didst b. the loaves 491 l And 6. my heart of stone 572 1 B., newborn vear, on glad eyes b. 605 3 And let the vessels b. 702 3 Let rocks their silence b. Breaketh 652 3 Lo, the morning b. Breakers 482 3 And the fearful b. roar Breaks l 4 He b. the power of canceled sin 511° The morning &., the shadows flee Breast 32 4 With this I shield my 6. 541 Welcome to this reviving b. 184 3 Dwell in each b. 302 4 I look into my Saviour's b. 304 1 Thy head upon my 6. 335 2 Seal thou my &., and let me wear 355 2 Into every troubled 6. 4G9 3 Lord of heaven and earth, my b. 482 3 Then, while leaning on thy b. 492 4 And drove thee from my b. 497 1 That trembles in the b. 531 4 Me, trembling, to thy b. 582 1 How gently heaves the expiring b. 593 2 In thy Redeemer's b. 607 1 In my Redeemer's b. 624 4 Receive me to thy b. Breastplate 397 2 With righteousness a b. meet Breath 21 2 Our souls are his immortal b. 137 5 With every fleeting b. 168 3 He lives, and grants me daily b. 189 4 Soft as the b. of even 196 1 Breathe on me, B. of God 222 8 Happy, if with my latest b. 277 2 Before I drew my b. 317 4 Then shall my latest 6. 459° Raised by the b. of love dn*ine 493 4 He'll take thee, at thy parting 6. 49G 4 Were half the b. that's vainly spent 503 1 B. of our b., in thee we live 534 4 I'll praise him while he lends mc b, 587 2 Where life. is not a b. G25 4 So when my latest b. BRE Hi BRO 641 3 Their latest living b. 678 1 How sweet the o., beneath the hill Breathe 43* B. each day nearness unto thee S5 1 Saviour, b. an evening blessing' 19b 1 B. on me. Breath of God 355 2 B., O b. thy loving Spirit 376 3 And b. that heavenly air 508 2 B. that holy name in prayer 521 7 Then, when on earth I b. no more 616 3 While I b. I pray H91 4 In whom we b. and move and live 702 3 Let all that b. partake Breathed 187 3 And 6. in David's hallowed lays Breeds 710 4 Or lesser b. without the law Breeze 390 1 Time hurries past thee like the b. Breezes 655 2 What though the spicy b. 716 1 The b. and the sunshine Brethren 126 5 In us, thy b., see 406 3 But thou hast b. here below 51 2 4 Your guides and b. bear 547 4 Fear not, b., joyful stand 584 4 Their Saviour and b. transported 624 3 For me my elder b. stay 689 1 And if our b. were not kind Bridal 237" The Lamb's great b. feast 667 2 Upon the b. pair look down Bride 207 1 To be his holy b. 626 1 Come down ... a b. adorned Bridegroom's 368 4 To hear the B. voice Brief 3942 For one b. hour of prayer 686 1 His hands build not for one b. day Bright 9 2 His beauties, how divinely b. 130 3 Looking for thy b. appearing 212 3 Thence to bring thee forth more b. 304 3 And all thy day be b. 384 3 Where the heaven is b. 413 5 O b. the conqueror's crown 424 3 A faith that shines more b. and clear 439 3 Their souls are ever b. as noon 572 4 Its 'lays with thee more b. 596 4 Faith sees the b., eternal doors 618 1 In sparkling raiment b. 628 1 My heavenly home is b. and fair 666 3 Which filled the b. courts 673 2 Yes, he will; for all things b. 680 1 Above the b. blue sky 716 3 For all things b. and good Brighten 18 3 And let thy Spirit b. Brightening 71 4 4 And lead us through the b. years Brightens 430 8 The golden evening b. in the west Brighter 118 3 Jesus shines b. 344 5 B. still, and b. 422 1 Work when the day grows b. 481 2 May b., fairer, be 490 3 In a b., b. world above Brightest 63 2 The b. of the seven Brightly 620 4 That b. the other side Brightness 56 2 When earth's b. disappears 61 1 O B. of thy Father's glory 62 2 The b. of (he coming night 8o 3 B. of the Father's glory 129 3 Whence radiant b. shone 166 5 Show thy face in b. Brimmed 618 3 That b with tears of late Brimming 18 4 A fountain b. o'er Bring 231 5 And b. them all to heaven at last 615 3 Christ b. us all to the Homeland 635 2 The world to Christ we b. 673 s Every little flower we 6. Brink 424 1 That will not tremble on the b. 579 2 And tremble on the b. of fate 620 5 Have almost gained the b. Broader 98 3 For the love of God is b. Broadcast 389 1 B. it o'er the land Broke 33 1 5 Never to be 6. off again 557 2 Which never can be b. Broken 102 3 High on the b. wave 108 4 He comes, the b. heart to bind 238 1 Bread of the world in mercy b. 239 2 His body, b. in our stead 266 1 A b. heart, my God, my King 329 3 Heal my wounded, b. spirit 418 3 For our Captain has b.. . .gates 456 4 ... a pierced and b. heart 502 3 Though thought be b., language lame Brook 205 1 B. by the traveler's way Brother 130 1 Lowly, Mighty! B. King 132 1 Kinsman, Friend, and rider B. 479 4 Our Friend, our B., and our Lord 513 1 Courage, 6/ do not stumble 54U 1 Then with my Saviour, B., Friend BRO 17 CAL T)47 3 B. to our souls becomes 567 1 B. clasps the hand of b. 594 1 Weep not for a b. deceased 624 4 Now, O my Saviour, B., Friend 699 1 He is our b. yet Brotherhood 585 1 And midst the b. on high Brotherly 195 2 And, with actions b. Brother's 554 2 When each can feel his b. sigh 555 3 And feel his b. care Brow 169 1 Crowns become the Victor's b. 282 2 And thorns thy 6. encircle 293 3 That his 6. adorns 414 1 Bound round man's b. for sin 439* Sit undisturbed upon their b. 550 5 Upon the faithful b. 690 1 Whose aching heart or burning b. Bruised 259 4 B. and mangled by the fall 688 3 O hearts are b. and dead Bruises 222 3 And b. Satan's head Bud 96 5 The b. may have a bitter taste Build 553 2 He bids us 6. each other up 555 4 Help us to b. each other up 686 1 His hands b. not for one brief day Builder 561 1 Great B. of thy church below Built 9 2 He framed the globe; he b. the sky 81 1 His throne is b. on high 330 1 My hope is b. on nothing less Bulwark 101 1 A 6. never failing Bulwarks 97 4 Firm as his throne the b. stand Burden 48 2 Lay down the b. and the care 72 2 And we would bring our b. 100 4 I'll drop my 6. at his feet 219 2 Content to bear the b. 270 3 Here on my heart the b. lies 292 3 Your every b. bring 306 2 My grief a b. long has been 381 4 Thy light and easy b. prove 450 2 No b. yet was on me laid 468 1 Cast thy b. on the Lord Burdened 126 2 For, ever on thy 6. heart 128 4 Are b. with his name 258 3 Ye laboring, b., sinsick souls 285 2 Thou callest b. souls to thee 509 2 When the b. brings his guilt Burdening 457 4 On thee we fling our b. woe Burdens 100 1 Come, cast your b. on the Lord 488 2 My b. and my cares 556 3 Our mutual 6. bear 620 3 When we lay our b. down 667 4 May make domestic 6. light 691 1 Each other's b. learn to bear Buried 697 3 Feelings lie b. that grace can restore 21 3 B. every breast with Jesus' love 82 5 And kindling hearts that b. for thee 84 2 While all the stars. . . b. 255 1 Those warm desires that in thee b. 375 2 B. up the dross of base desire Burning 95 4 A b. and a shining light 102 2 Through b. climes they pass unhurt 179 2 But downward bends his b. eye 375 3 Spirit of b., come 690 1 Whose aching heart or b. brow Burst 15 4 B. Satan's bonds, O God of might 163 2 Christ hath b. his prison 276 1 B. forth from every eye 418 3 And b. the bars of iron Bursts 636 2 See, it 6. o'er all the earth Business 222 5 'Tis all my b. here below 394 2 Of &., toil, and care 520 2 To other b. we belong 579 3 Be this my one great b. here Buy 258 1 Mercy and free salvation b. 259 2 Come to Jesus Christ and b. Call 191 122 3 414 1 453 4 4647 503* 5091 518 4 536 2 545 4 565 3 6751 Called 51 1 2 Thyself hast c. me by my name Calling 252i G d c . ye t t Shall I not hear 329 1 While on others thou art c. 346 3 Whilst thou'rt c, O call me 388 2 My c. to fulfill 402 1 Hark, the voice of Jesus c. 543 2 The gracious c. of the Lord 589 1 . . .voices out of darkness c. C. for songs of loudest praise Let thy voice c. me home He who God's c. can understand When poor ones c. I calmly wait his c. We wait thy will; on thee we c. On thy name shall c. But regions none remote I c. Thou savest those that on thee c. Saviour, may we hear thy c. On all the world to c. Still on thee we c. CAL 18 CAS (alls 246 1 He c. you by his saered word 39G 3 That c. thee from on high 525 s And C. me back to care 665* Who heed God's gracious c. Calm 48 3 Give deeper c. than night can bring 56 s Holy Saviour, c. our fears 7n ! This heavenly c. within the breast 123' All is c, all is bright 1til J May hear, so c. and plain 2:57-' Here taste . . . the c. of sin forgiven 324 s The holy c. and quiet 359* Where all is c, and joy, and peace 450* With happy heart and c. 178 4 So safe, so c, so satisfied 492 6 C. and serene my frame 528 1 On Jesus' bosom. . . c. is found •">.'^i 5 Make all our moments c. and bright 543 3 O c. of hills above 5491 Jesus, the c. that fills my breast 582 3 A c. which life nor death destroys Calming 027 3 Beyond the c. and the fretting Calmly 358 1 I c. wait for this 378 2 C. to thee my soul looks up Calmness 473 3 Thy c. bends serene above Calms 22 3 And c. the roaring sea^ 137 2 And c. the troubled breast Calvary 122* They bore thee to C. 234* And rest on C. 301 3 Received on C. 334 1 Thou Lamb of C. 339 2 Still let me turn to C. 351 1 Blest Lamb of C. 418 2 Our banner, the cross of C. 43 1 2 Cross-crowned C. Canaan 366 4 The C. of thy perfect love 604 2 So to the Jews old C. stood Canaan's 13* To C. bounds point out the way 91 3 Land me safe on ('. side 617 1 To C. fair and happy land G18 3 On C. happy shore Canceled V He breaks the power of c. sin Canticle 32 8 My c. divine Captain 384 1 By our C. led 387 2 Trust only Christ, thy C. 418 3 For our C. has broken the. . .gates 430-' Thou, Lord, their ('. in the. . .fight 44o+ Grout ('., now thine arm make bare 01 3 3 Thee, the C. of salvation Captain's 413« At our great C. feet Gil 5 And shout to see our C. :-icn Captive 158 1 The powers of hell are c. led 217 3 And God shall set the c. free 264 3 And let the c. go 208 1 And Satan binds our c. souls 647 1 Mourning c, God himself 050 1 To set the c. free Captives 652 2 Tell it to the c. Care 216 3 223 2 252 2 340 1 344 3 409 3 43 1 3 435 4 437 3 449 1 450 2 4701 472 4 509 4 510 2 518 2 525 2 502 1 575 3 G10 1 070 1 G75 2 077 1 G83 5 713 5 714 3 The anguish and distracting c. The pastor's c. demands And basely his kind c. repay On thee I cast my c. Toil, or c, is known Cast c. aside, lean on thy guide Cast my c. on thee By self-consuming c. And every c. be gone Entirely to thy c. Of trouble or of c. Lord, it belongs not to my c. Beyond his love and c. When the man of toil and c. I'll cast on him my every c. I can be calm and free from c. And calls me back to c. Kindly for thy people c. Thy still continued c No grief, no c, no toil Father of all, thy c. we bless Still thy constant c. bestow Much we need thy tenderest c. All thy love and c. Thy ceaseless c, thy signal grace . . . ; thy love, thy grace, thy c. Cares 70 3 The end of c, the end of pains 322 2 When anxious c. . . . break my re t 447 1 And worldly c. and worldly fears 480 3 For all my c. are thine 519 1 If we could leave our c. to thee 527 3 Choose thou my c. for me 545 3 Still he calls, in c. and pleasures 550 2 Our comforts and our c. 577 a With all their c. and fears Carmel's 129 9 With C. hoary prophet stood Carol 117 2 For they sang that Christmas c. Carried 393-' Must I be c. to the skies Carry 22 4 To c. us above 551 1 All because we do not c. Cast S 2 Before his feet they <'. their crowns 121 4 C. out our -in. and enter in 29.V T will not c. him out 340 1 On thee I c. my care CAT 19 CHA 51G 2 I'll c. on him my every care 518 4 Could I be c. where thou art not Catch 643 1 that all might c. the flame Cause 172 4 He undertakes our c. 223 2 'Tis not a c. of small import 247 1 He the fatal c. demands 336 2 And serve the c. of such a Friend 338 3 I fear thy c. to plead 373 3 And in thy c. expire 385 2 We cannot lose our c. 435 4 To him commend thy c. 441 J Or to defend his c. 487 1 Howe'er he orders now my c. 619 1 Sufferers in his righteous c. Cease 6 4 When rolling years shall c. to move 212 2 Mothers c. their own to cherish 356 3 And let me c. from sin 376 4 Then shall my soul her conflict c. 572 1 The Father c. to love Ceaseless 574 1 While, with c. course, the sun G48 3 Now then the c. shower Ceasing ll 4 And thanks never c. for infinite love 19 1 Streams of mercy, never c. 171 4 Loudest praises, without c. 355 3 Pray, and praise thee without c. Celebrate 99* To c. our God 565 1 To c. with me Celestial 22 7 C. fruit on earthly ground 72 3 C. peace indeed 75 5 The Father of c. powers 108 3 To pour c. day 13G 2 With food c. feedeth 157 4 Join, all ye bright c. choirs 261 4 To dwell in that c. land 292 3 A deep, c. spring 299 4 May thy blest wings, c. Dove 313 1 The pure c. fire to impart 432 1 To that c. hill 5G9 5 Present with the c. host 61 1 1 To joys c. rise 656 2 And spread c. joys around Cell 48 4 But in the spirit's secret c. G24 1 Confined to neither court nor c. Centuries 199 3 More glorious still, as c. roll 651 1 Yet still across the c. falls Ceylon's G.'j.j 2 Blow soft o'er C. isle Chain 594 1 And freed from its bodily c. 655* Their land from error's c. 70S 4 O bind us in that heavenly c. Chained 322 4 And I am c. to flesh no more 415 2 Our father's, c. in prisons dark Chains 99 2 And c. you to the shore 273 1 My wants I mourn, my c. I see 310 4 My c. fell off, my heart was free G37 2 Bound in c, shall hurt no more Challenge 75 4 And c. them to sing Chance 88 2 C. and change are busy ever 480 4 To him no c. is lost Change 80 3 From c. to c. the creatures run 88 2 Chance and c. are busy ever 131 2 Till we too c. from grace to grace 274 4 And melt and c. this heart of mine 319 1 Till our last great c. appears 452 1 No c. my heart shall fear 538 3 Would make any c. in my mind Changeful 53G 4 Where'er our c. lot is cast Changeless 334 2 Pure, warm, and c. be 34G 5 Love of God, so pure and c. 549 4 O Christ, through c. years my guide Changes 465 1 The c. that are sure to come G80 1 A Friend who never c. Changest 50 2 O thou, who c. not, abide with me Changeth 409 4 He c. not, and thou art dear Changing 478 1 Help me, throughout life's c. scene 490 2 Through this c. world below Chant 109 2 Which they c. in hymns of joy 158 1 And angels c. the solemn lay Chanting 421 5 Still c. as ye go G13 1 C. at the crystal sea Chaos G29 1 C. and darkness heard Characters 540 3 I'd sing the c. he bears Charge 148 2 For who aught to my c. can lay 223 1 Their solemn c. receive 388 1 A c. to keep I have Charged 226 4 C. his whole counsel to declare Chariot 15S 3 Lo, his triumphal c. waits CHA 20 Chariots 106 2 His c. of wrath the deep Charity 383 3 One in c. GG8 2 Of tender c. and. . .faith 696 4 Of c. and love Charm 141 2 All the vain things that c. me most 458 3 O 'twere not in joy to c. me 549 2 My weary soul has found a c. Charmed 312 3 C. to confers the voice divine Charming 254 2 How sweet the gospel's c. sound 532 1 No music's like thy c. name Charms l 3 Jesus! the name that c. our fears 177 2 Cheers, and r. thy saints on earth 230 1 With all-engaging c. 2sy 4 Ah, who against thy c. i> proof Chart 200 3 It is the c. and compass 205 2 Our guide and c, wherein we read 482 1 C. and compass came from thee Chase 31 6 1 When heated in the c. 337 3 C. these doublings from my hpart 640 2 C. away their dark despair Chastened 32G 3 In conquered sin and r. life Chastening 424 2 Beneath the c. rod 486 1 And the heart faint beneal h his c. rod Checks 17 4 A solemn reverence c. our songs Cheeks 276 1 And shall our c. be dry Cheer 56 1 Holy Father, c. our way 295 2 Which comes to c. the night 322 1 And c. the dark and silent night 359 3 And raise my head, and c. my heai I 4") }' To c. it after rain 501 3 Then dost thou c. my solitude f)72 5 If earthly c. should come G93 3 But our c. can cast a gleam Cheered 232 4 (7. by each promise thou hast given 4()o 4 And visited and c. Cheerful 5 4 In r. sounds all voices raise 1G 1 Sing to the Lord with c. voice 21 4 Ascend for him our c. strain 10o 3 Nor is the least a c. heart l.'»7 4 And strike each c. chord 4-T) 4 C. 1 live, and joyful die CHI 439 4 47G 2 A iid longing hopes, and c. smiles nd wait in c. hope content Cheering 242 1 Without one c. beam of hope 29o- 3 O c. voice of Jesus 333 2 O Love, how c. is thy ray 4G8 2 Thou shalt see his c. form G38 2 Chasing all our fears, and c. Cheers 20 1 Who c. the contrite 201 2 It sweetly c. our drooping hearts 235 1 C. our famished souls with food Cherish 118 1 Thee will I c. 195 5 Choose and c. all things good 212 2 Mothers cease their own to c. Cherubic 161 2 C. legions swell the. . .train 1G.5 3 C. legions guard him home Cherubim 77 3 C. and seraphim veil 78 2 C. and seraphim falling down Cherubs 10 2 C. proclaim thy praise aloud Chief 267 1 Me, the c. of sinners spare 269* Yet, O, the r. of sinners spare 307 8 Lord, it is my c. complaint Chiefest G93 2 C, Lord, today may we Child 90 2 C. of the dust 116 3 Born a c, and vet a King 121 4 O holy C. of Bethlehem 232 1 This c. we dedicate to thee 300 2 The Father sought his c. 301 5 He owns me for his c. 307 3 Cease toward the c. she hare 345 3 Make me thy duteous c. 374 3 Christ, the holy C, in me 4G5 3 I would be treated as a c. 482 2 As a mother stills her c. 485 3 Sank, like a little c, to sleep 509 5 When the c, with grave fre>h lip 605 1 How happy every c. of grace G57 2 Let thy holy C, who came 678 2 Lo ! such the c. whose early ieet G99 2 C. of the selfsame God Childhood 128 4 Our lips of c. frame Childhood's 423 3 From tender c. helple=?ne^ Childlike 20o 4 With simple, r. hearts %7& With a c. heart of love Children 59 3 Grant to little c. G2 1 Look on thy c from on high 90 & Then may hi- r. n-i-^ to -ing 94 B And children's c. ever find CHI 21 CHR 100 2 Shall guard his c. well 106 4 Frail c. of dust 175 3 Pleading for his c. 231 1 Our c. unto thee we bring 282 3 I died for you, my c. 295 2 Come unto me, dear c. 299 1 Why should the c. of a King 342 2 Among the c. of thy grace 410 1 Thy erring c. lost andlone 596 4 Unfold, to make his c. way 652 1 C. of the King 665 2 Vouchsafe to meet thy c. here 672 1 Hither our c. bring 673 2 C. come with flowers for him 675 1 Which the little c. raise 679 1 Let all the c. sing 680 2 There's a rest for little c. 681 2 See thy c. meet 682 2 And many dear c. . .with him there 684 1 There was a time when c. sang 694 3 For sorrows c. comfort find 708 3 Their children's c. long shall own 713 5 may our children's c. prove 716 2 Much more to us, his c. Children's 94° And c. children ever find 286 3 By faith the c. place we claim 415 2 How sweet. . .their c. fate 519 2 Will hear his c. cries 592* And this shall be our c. song 679* To Christ the c. King 683 1 Is the c. Saviour 685 1 Hear thy c. cry 708 3 Their c. children long shall own 713 5 O may our c. children prove Choice 3 4 Come, like the people of his c. 312 1 O happy day, that fixed mv c. 345 4 To taste thy love, be all my r. 368 4 Be this my happy c. 527 3 Not mine, not mine the c. Choicest 79° And try their c. strains 324 5 O for that c. blessing 575 1 Demands our c. songs Choir 10 2 Thee all the c. of angels sings 32 3 Of chanting with the c. 75 4 By faith the upper c. we meet 117 2 A gladder c. till then 593 2 Lodged by the ministerial c. Choirs 25 3 While the angel c. are crying 157 4 Join, all ve bright celestial c. 421 3 With all the angel c. Choose 195 5 C. and cherish all things good 437 5 To c. and to command 527 1 C. thou the path for me Choosing 1012 The Man of God's own c, 486 2 And our blind c. brings us grief Choral 99 s And bid the c. song ascend 71 1 2 Let us join the c. song Chord 157 4 And strike each cheerful c. Chords 169 4 Hark, those loud triumphant c. 240 1 Linger on the trembling c. G97 3 C. that were broken will vibrate Choristers 120 2 Angels are still the c. Chorus 124 2 Hark! Hark! to God the c. breaks 149 4 And swell the c. of the skies 159 1 Loud was the c. of angels on high 203 3 The radiant c. of the sky 445 4 A joyful c. to thy praise Chose 476 2 To him who c. us for his own Chosen 372 1 The blessing of God's c. race 416 3 A glorious band, the c. lew 427 3 Thy c. ones obtain 585 4 Thy c. cannot die Christ 21 1 36 1 39 3 40 1 70 2 120 2 123 2 128 1 141 2 143* 156 1 164 1 1751 184 4 200 3 239 1 243 1 256 2 2761 286 1 297 4 317 1 366 3 368 1 3725 373 2 377 3 387 3 409 1 419 3 42H 433 4 443° 470 5 475 1 546 1 5691 596 3 632 5 6351 672 3 6791 And raise to C. our joyful strain Come, let us who in C. believe Reign with C. in endless day May the ccrace of C. our Saviour And draw from C. that sweet repose Where'er the C. is known C, the Saviour, is born To bring the Lord (7. down Save in the death of C. my God In the cross of C. I glory C. the Lord is risen today Our C. hath brought us over C, the King of glory Let all who C. confess Still guides, O C, to thee By C. redeemed, in C. restored That which in C. is found All things in C. are ready now Did C. o'er sinners weep Fixed heartily on C. alone I shall in C, at that glad hour More love, O C, to thee Cause me to walk in C. my way The love of C. to me Wisdom, and C, and heaven, are one The Christian lives to C. alone All glory, be to C. my Lord Till C. himself shall call thee C. is thy strength, and C. thy right And C. in all The cross of C. your King Take up thy cross, and follow C. That ('. is not ashamed of me But 'tis enough that C. knows all Lead us through C, the. . .Way All we can boast, till C. we know Ourselves to C. the Lord When C. . . . from darkness sprang Be thou, O C, adored The world to C. we bring To C. our King To C, the children's King CHR 22 CLI 680* They know not C. as Saviour 687 2 May we to C. belong 094* But give to C. alone thy heart Christian 282 1 Shame on us, C. brethren 373 2 The C. lives to Christ alone 383 2 On, then, C. soldiers 387 2 Go forward, C. soldier 454 1 The C. while he sings 545 1 Saying, C, follow me 556 1 Our hearts in C. love 616 1 C.I dost thou see them 667 4 That they, with C. care Christian's 74 1 When the C. course is run 193 1 Ever near the C. side 232 4 We still may act the C. part 497 s The C. native air Christians 502 1 Long as they live should C. pray 552 4 See how true C. love 563 4 See how these C. love 656 4 Here C. join the song Christlike 688 s It is a C. thing Christmas 117 1 He sang, that first sweet C. 121* We hear the C. angels Church 13 5 28 5 32 2 60 2 65» 70 3 77 4 167 2 170 2 190 5 200 2 208 1 2092 383 3 445* 459« 592 3 Gil 2 657 1 662 1 672* Circle 344 3 . . .legions c. round thy throne G69 5 Our loving c. still embrace Circling 110 5 When with the ever r. years 573 3 Shall the c. glory glow Circuit 321 1 Their glorious c. run Cities 70 1 2 Our c. with prosperity City 97 3 The c. of our God remains 117 3 To you in the r. of David And join the general c. above For thy c, that evermore Whene'er the sweet c. bell We thank thee that thy c. unsleeping Within thy c. below Which for the c. of God remains Thee, the c. in every land The c. adore around World and c. must onward roll And let thy c. on earth become The c. from thee, her Master The c. our blest Redeemer saved One holy c, one army strong Moves the c. of God Thy c. with strength defend The c. of the firstborn to join My c. shall safe abide One c, above, beneath Let thy c. rise, strong and fair Binding all the c. in one Who to thy c. belong 209 5 The eternal e. stands 218 4 Supplies the c. of our God 384 4 Rise the c. towers 423° Shall come the c. of our God 459 s We've no abiding c. here 509 4 In the c. crowd G08 3 O when, thou c. of mv God G2G 1 I saw the holy c City's 423 5 O tread the c. streets again Claim 413 1 Thy high allegiance c. G24 4 And c. my heavenly rest Clarion 707 1 Thunder thy r., and . . . thy sword Clashing 408 2 For not with swords loud c. Clasp 489 3 Lord, I would c. thy hand in mine Clay 6 2 Made us of c, and formed us men o29 2 Perishing things of c. ."»:;."> 4 My soul would leave this heavy e. Clean l 4 His blood can make the foulest c. 204 1 To keep the conscience c. 219 3 In linen c. and white 270 3 And make my guilty conscience c. 357 2 And cleanse and keep me c. 358 2 I wait till he shall touch me c. 453 3 Lord, make me c. Cleanse 272 2 To thee whose blood can c. each spot 351 2 I will c. you from all sin 357 2 And c. and keep me clean 677 3 Grace to c, and power to free 709 3 Jesus' blood can c. them all Cleansing 490 1 Let me feel thy c. power Clearer 344 4 C. still, and c. 419 3 But heaven shines c. Clears 437 2 He gently c. thy way Cleave 103 3 Bid them to each other c. 2G4 1 The rock in sunder c. 3G6 1 And let mv spirit c. to thee 487 2 And so to him I c. Cleaving 315 5 C. the sky Climb 128 1 We may not r. the heavenly steeps Clime 12 4 To thee at la 4 And whosoever c. Comfort 32 s My c. still is this r.Vt 4 C. every sufferer GV) 4 Conquer sinners, c. saints 130 1 Friend to help us, c, save us 31 1 2 That sweet c. was mine 324 3 My c. in the duty 353 1 My only hope and c. 462 1 Seeking for c. from your. . .Father 463 2 Still support and c. me 487 3 Sweet c. yet shall fill my heart 489 1 O words with heavenly c. fraught 508 1 It will joy and c. give you 530 1 My c. by day, my song in the night o.S. 1 } 1 And c. of my nights 589 3 Be with me then to c. and uphold f)92 2 New c. to impart G88 4 To c. and to bless 690 3 Go thou and c. him G94 3 For sorrow's children c. find Comforter 2 3 Come, Holy C. 10 3 The saints' eternal C. 104 2 No harm. . .with my C. near 299 1 Great C, descend and bring ")26 2 Here speaks the C, tenderly saying 049 4 My C. in sorrow's night Comfortless ■"> ."jo- Leave us not c. Comforts 70 4 In holy c, pass away 339* And, dear as earthly r. be 425 4 Secure, when mortal r. flee 454 1 When r. are declining 515 3 When our earthly c. fail Coming 15 2 Nations beheld their c. Lord 188 3 Be darkness, at thy c, light 422 1 Work, for the night is c. 568 3 O that each in the day. . . c. may 602 1 Christ is c. 1 let creation Command 4 2 At whose supreme c. G 4 Wide as the world is thy c. 77 2 Speeding thence at thy c. 79 7 And love c. my tongue 102 4 At thy c. is still 178 4 And bow to his c. 194 3 Whose power does. . .earth c. 253 1 It shines by thy c. 254 3 Shall death c. you to the grave 341 1 O thou, who hast at thy < 437 5 To choose and to c. 5G3 2 And love c. our hearts Gil 2 To his c. we bow G48 1 Lord, if at thy c. Commanding 239^ And with the great c. word Commands 273 4 Father, all thy c. to do 4I55 1 Who earth and heaven r. Committed 441 3 What I've c. to hi^ hands Common 10 1 We worship thee, the r. Lord 557 2 Still let us own our c. Lord Commune 53 1 Lord, we would c. with thee Communion 40 2 And possess, in sweet c. 207 4 And mystic, sweet c. 430 4 O blest c, fellowship divine Companions 594 2 And left his c. behind Gil 4 Our old c. in distress Company 18G 1 But for thy c. 41 1 3 In closer, dearer c. 51 1 1 My c. before is gone Compare 680 3 Nor can with it c. Compass 200 3 It is the chart and r. 482 1 Chart and c. came from thee Compassion 2.V Moved by thy divine c. 35 2 In c. now descend 355 1 Jesus, thou art all c. 423 4 The sweet c. of thy face G38 3 Save us in thy great c. Compassions 94° By thy c, Lord Complaint 283 1 And pour out my c. 307° Lord, it is my chief c. ay COM COX Complaints 41 2 Our songs and our c. 167 3 Jesus is kind to our c. 218 1 Ere we can offer our c. Complete 135 4 And make my joys c. 343 5 The heaven where. . .stand c. 406 1 Thy bounties, how c. 593 3 To thy c. reward Comprehend 484 2 What heart can c. thy name Comrades 432 1 My c. through this wilderness Concealed 479 2 Flesh veiled, but not c. G05 2 Our life in Christ c. Concern 570 2 What is thy great c. Concert 613 2 Joined in holy c, singing Condemnation 310 5 No c. now I dread Condemned 266 2 And save the soul c. to die 270 4 I am c, but thou art clear 650 2 Whose souls, c. and dying Condescend 81 4 And will this. . .King of glory c. Condescending 593 3 In c. love Condition 570 2 Thy true c. learn Confer G48 4 On multitudes c. Conferred f>17 3 Because c. by thee Confess 8 1 The heavenly host with joy c. 9 3 Then shall the race of men c. 27 1 And c. the Lord of might 220 4 Let all with thankful hearts c. 260 3 And there my guilt c. 284 3 Repent, c, thou shalt be loosed 312 3 Charmed to c. the voice divine 336 5 And my last hour of life c. 453 3 Lord, I c. to thee 504 2 In weal, that while our lips c. 543 4 And let our ordered lives c. Confessed 430 1 Who thee by faith . . . c. Confesses 166 2 Earth with joy c. Confessing 55* Sin and want we come c. 653 2 While sinners, now c. Confession 138 1 Our common, glad c. be Confessor G13 2 King, apostle, saint, c. Confide 592 3 Whose souls in me c. Confidence 30 1 5 With c. I now draw nigh 303 2 With c. we tell 340 1 With humble c. look up 557 1 With c. we seek thy face 583 2 With holy c. to sing 662 1 And her c. alone Confident 51 1 5 But c. in self despair Confiding 452 1 And safe is such c. 4M 4 For while in him c. Confirm . r )")5 4 Increase our faith, c. our hope Conflict 134 s Through every c. but the last 234 3 Or there thy c. see 272 3 With many a c, many a doubt 280 1 By thy c. in the hour 386 2 Forth to the mighty <\ 5G7 3 One the c, one the pnil Conflicts 240 3 Clouds and c. round us press 382 2 And all your c. passed 432 4 Our c. here shall soon be pasl 560 3 What c. have we pa sed 647 4 All thy c. end in. . .rest Conflict's 322 4 But O, when that last c. o'er Conformed 127 5 Still more and more c. to thee 130 3 Be each thought, c. to Ihee Confound 448 1 What terror can c. me Confounding 709 3 Through our sins, our hearts c. Congregation ll 2 The great c. hi; 192 2 Rest upon this Congregat ions 608 3 Where c. ne'er break up Conquer 69 4 C. sinners, comfort saints 168 3 He lives, and I shall c. death 286 4 In love and hope that c. death 393 5 Shall c, though they die f)85 4 Like thee, they c. in the strife 633 2 To c. the kingdoms of sin G39 8 We c. only in that sign GG3 3 To c. foes, and cheer his friends triumph shall -ins- cox 26 COX Conquered 150 2 O'er captive death and c. sin 32o ! In c. sin and chastened life 361* For Christ hath c. there 380 4 Lord, thy love at last hath c. 385 s Jesus c. when he fell fill 8 Be c. by my instant prayer 612* Have c. in the fight Conquering 133' Proclaims thy c. arm 305 2 Gird on my thigh thy c. sword Conqueror 161 1 Rise, glorious C, rise 162 3 C. over death and sin 172 1 Jesus, the C, reigns 275 2 And own thee c. 'MY 1 C. through him, I soon shall seize 382 1 Is more than c. 535fi Would hear me r. through 632* Hide forth, victorious C, ride Conquerors 382" And take the c. home 41 2 4 More than c. ye shall prove G19 3 More than c. at last Conqueror's 158 2 And Jesus is the C. name Conquest 408 1 Henceforth in fields of r. GOG 3 Ascribe their c. to the Lamb 712 3 By fraud or c; rich in gold Conquests 227 2 To further c. go Conscience 204 > To keep the c. clean 2A7y' And bid his guilty r. rlread 2o9 3 Let not c. make you linger 270 3 And make my guilty c. clean 299 3 Assure my c. of her part 318 2 And let my sprinkled c. know 320 2 O God, my c. make 415 2 Were still in heart and r. free 534* He sends the laboring c. peace Consciousness 43 1 Dawns the sweet c, I am uiih thee Consecrate 342* And c. to thee mv all 352' I c. to thee Consecrated 3402 The c. cross 348 1 C, Lord, to thee 379^ Divide this c. soul 428 3 The c. cross I'll bear 517 1 And may this c. hour 575 5 And all our c. power: Consecration 573* And let our c. Consent 342 1 With full r. thine I would be Consolation 116 2 Israel's strength and c. 516 3 May I thy c. share Constant 22 B Should c. joys create 100 1 And trust hi- c. care 130 2 Faithful, tender, c, kind 383 4 C. will remain Constrain 154 3 Jesus, may thy love c. us 256 4 O let his love your hearts c. Constrained 19 3 Daily I'm c. to be Consume 3G2 2 Which shall my sins r. .';7-")' ! And all my sins c. 4(jl i Thy dross to c„ and thy gold to refine Consuming 80 8 Who can approach c. flame Contemplation 4o4 2 In holy c. C12 1 Beneath thy c. Contempt 141 1 And pour c. on all my pride Content 487 2 And take c. what he hath sent 489^ C, whatever lot I see 0I8 1 My Lord, how full of sweet c. Contentment 426 s Whence true c. springs Continent GO 3 As o'er each c. and island Continually G80 4 Though sung c. Contrite 20 1 Who cheers the c. , girds with st rengt h 265 1 A humble, c. heart 278 2 O for those humble, c. tears 354 3 A humble, lowlv, c. heart 491 2 The humble, c. heart 6G4 2 If humble, c. hearts be there 710 2 An humble and a c. heart Contrition 329 2 Kneeling there in deep c. 709 2 Lo ! with deep c. turning Contrived 288 2 Grace first c. a way Control 44 5 Direct, r., suggest, this day 18a 2 Long hath sin. without c. 341 a Our wishes, our de-ires, r . Controlled :!()()' I would not be c. Conversation 3 1 1 And all my r. prove cox 27 CRA Conversing 499- With thee c. we forget Gam ey 502 1 Prayer is appointed to c. Convince 211* C. u.s first of unbelief 245* C. him now of unbelief Convocations GS 3 To holy c. Copy 339 1 How shall I c. him I love 354* A c, Lord, of thine Cord 557-' A band of love, a threefold c. Cordial _ 1y >7 ; A c. for our fears Cords 324 2 With threefold c. to thee Corn 389> And the full c. at length 717- Then the full c. shall appear Corners 283 2 Into its darkest c. shine Corner Stone 657 1 Where we lay thi- c. s. 60S 2 Build on the preeious ( . S. 660 1 His fiat laid the c. s. 662 1 Christ the Head and C. S. Cost 353 1 At such tremendous c. 480 1 It triumphs at h 035- Redeemed at countless c. Costliest 694 1 Her c. present brought Costly 174 1 C, free, and knows no end Couch 55 4 And our c. become our tomb 122 3 But thy c. was the sod Counsel 226 4 Charged his whole c. to declare 437 6 His c. shall appear 579 s Thine utmost c. to fulfill Counselor 471- My c. thou art 549 4 My Lord, my C. my Light Counsels 505 1 Whose c. and commands bo gracious Count 339 s Ye-! I would c them all but loss 558 3 We for his sake c. all things I Counting 351 1 - I am c. all but dro;; Countless 42 3 New treasures ^-T ill at c. price 635 2 Redeemed at c. cost Country 3S4 4 Pilgrims to your c. 518 2 My c. is in every clime 612 4 O sweet and blessed c. 614 1 For thee, O dear, dear c. 700 2 That did their e. save 701 4 Our c. we commend 702 1 My c, 'tis of thee 703 1 Do thou our c. save 712 1 Dear c. of our love and prayer Courage 96 3 Ye fearful saints. fre>h c. take 393 4 Increase my c. Lord 405 1 And put a cheerful c. on 426 4 C, my soul, on God rely 442 4 And we lo-e c. then 445 1 What though your c. . . .faints 448 2 My soul, with c. wait 513 1 C, brother, do not stumble 006 5 Our c. by the way 700 2 'Twas not their c. nor their sword Course 74 1 When the Christian's c. is run 206 4 Onward .-hall be our c. 400 4 And run my c. with even joy 41 2 3 Let not fears your c. impede 623 2 Nor stay in all their c. 63d 2 Peace and truth, its c. portends Court 624 1 Confined to neither c. nor cell Courts 6 3 Shall fill thy c. with. . .prai-c 16 3 Approach with joy his c. unto 19 3 Seal it for thy c. above 66 2 Within thy c. we bend 09 1 Waiting in his r. today 157 3 Up to the c. of heaven, with speed 260 2 I know his c. I'll enter in 284° That in the Lather's c. my. . .dress 432 5 Shall fill the . . . c. with praise 60S 3 Shall I thy c. ascend 659 2 Within these c. to bide 664 4 These c. renewed. . .more neat 666 3 Which filled the bright c. ' 715 4 And in those brighter c. adore Covenant 231 2 Thy c. kindness did of old 330 3 His oath, his c, hi< blood 401 1 'Stablish with me the c. new 569 1 In a perpetual c. join 650 4 His c. remove Cover 633 1 As waters that c. the sea Cradle 112 s And we greet in his c. our. . .King 1M- Cold on his ft the. . .shining 117 3 And calmly o'er that rude c. Craft 101 1 His c. and power are great CB \ 28 CRO Crag 4G0 3 O'er moor and fen, o'er c Crave 2 37 ' No teaching do T c. Bave thine atone ;; );;' I c. l>ut to be thine 622 1 Who doth not c. for rest Create 6 1 He can c, and In- destroy 22" Should constant joys c. 340 1 On thee, almighty to c. Created 426 2 From all c. things 562 s Far above c. things Creation 24 4 The whole c. join in one 68 2 On thee, at the c. NV Sounded through the wide c. 102- Author of the new c. 207 1 She in his new c. 243 1 The whole c. round :;.").")' Finish then thy new r. 602 1 . . . ! let c. bid her groans . . . cca'-c (ilcS- O day, for which c. 645 1 Are by c. thine Creations 18 1 Before thy first c. Creation's 113 1 Ye who sang c. story Creator 166 1 Him (heir true C\, all. . .adore 194 1 C, Spirit ! by whose aid G38 1 The new heaven and earth's C. Creator's 5 1 Let the C. praise arise 23 1 Attempt the greal C. praise ■84 1 Does his C. power display Creature 79 s Nor dares a c. guess 90 2 Let every c. speak his praise 454 3 No c. but is fed Creature love 624 2 From every c.-l. Creatures 21 2 And when his c. sinned, he bled GO 4 Till all thy c. own thy sway 472 4 Thy c. as they be 658 3 Endue the c. with thy grace Creature's 85 1 Thou art every c. theme 146 3 For man the c. sin 363 3 God only is the c. home Creed 138 4 Thy cross our c. ! thy. . .love Crescent G40 1 Wave it till the c. set Tries • iiit,- And poured out r. and ■• G56 2 Our interceding c. Crimes 1 Hi- Was it for c. that I have done 2G8 4 From c. of deepest dye 270 2 My c. arc great, but don't aut Crimson 2G1 2 Plunge now into the c. flood 453 2 Ah! mine iniquity r. has been 488 1 To wash my c. stains Crooked 246 3 Why will you in the c. ways Cross 50 5 Hold thou thy c. before my. . .eyes 83 4 To bear for us the c. of shame 135 2 For me he bore the shameful c. 13G 4 Thy c. before to guide me 138 5 . . . ! his c. our creed 141 1 When I survey the wondrous c. 143 1 In the c. of Christ I glory 144 1 Never further than thy c. 145 1 And gaze upon thy holy c. 1 t(i ! When his dear c. appears 151 3 O show thy c. to me 153 4 Then let us sit beneath his r. 156 5 Ours the c, the grave, the skies 172 4 The victory of his c. 188 4 The triumphs of the c. record 225 3 The c. endured, my Lord, by thee 234 4 When to the c. I turn mine eye- 243 6 Then let us gather round the c. 247 1 Will ye c. his love, and die 279 2 Simply to thy c. I cling 285 5 To bear the c. and shame 315 1 E'en though it be a c. M2H- Our daily c, whate'er it be 342 4 Here, at the c. where flows the blood 319 2 Help me the c. to bear 351 1 I am coming to the c. 309 J Before the c. of him who died 383 1 With the c. of Jesus 385 1 Soldiers of the c, ari>c 408 3 Thy c. is lifted o'er us 416 1 Who patient bears his c. below 41 8 1 With the c. of the Lord before us 421 1 The c. of Christ your King 428 1 And there's a c. for me 432 3 The c, shall wear the crown 433 1 Take up thy c. , the Saviour said 44 1 1 The glory of his c. 458 1 Jesus, I my c. have taken 471 4 And hang upon thy c. 474 3 The crown succeeds the c. 481 4 O C. that lifte-t up my head 483 2 Upon the c. embrace 486 4 Our crown beyond the c. 542 5 I do not ask my c. to understand 555 3 Each other's c. to bear 558 3 And joyfully sustain the c. 560 6 Let us take up the c. 567 4 Onward, with the c. our aid G07 2 I now the c. sustain 613 1 Marching with thy c, their banner 616 1 By the holy e. 619' These are they that bore the r. 620 3 Nearer leaving the c. 639 1 The c, on which the Saviour died CRO 29 CUR G40 3 Preach the c. of Christ to all G93 3 Heavy is the c. they bear Crossing Gil 2 And part are c. now Crowd 6 3 We'll c. thy gates with. . .songs 169 3 Saints and angels c. around him 233 4 C. to your places at the feast 525 3 With thee amid the c. Crowding 039 3 And nations, c. to be born Crowds 6G3 4 That c. were born to glory there Crown 7 1 And wear our praises as thy c. 18 4 Lord, c. our faith's endeavor 20 1 Praise him . . . with glory c. the lowly 118 1 Thee, my. . .joy, and c. 141 3 Or thorns compose so rich a c. 151 1 With thorns, thine only c. 161 3 And take thy c. 1G9 2 C. the Saviour, angels, c. him 179 1 C. him with many crowns ISO 1 And c. him Lord of all 221 4 Their industry vouchsafes to c. 288 4 Grace all the work shall c. 293 3 Yea, a c, in very surety 310 5 And claim the c, through Christ 326 5 And through the cross attain the c. 367 4 Thee will I love, my joy, my c. 386 4 A c. of life shall be 399 3 . . .a kingdom and a c. 414 1 Toil is no thorny c. of pain 416 1 A kingly c. to gain 428 3 And then go home my c. to wear 430 3 . . .the victor's c. of gold 432 3 The cross, shall wear the c. 466 3 . . . my glory and my c. 474 3 The c. succeeds the cross 486 4 Our c. beyond the cross 493 3 Till thou obtain the c. 523 3 And c. my journey's end 541 2 The monarch's c, to light the brows 550 5 Then every thorny c. of care 558 3 Till we receive the c. 560° Till we the c. obtain 61 4 3 But then shall wear the c. 620 3 Nearer gaining the c. 656 1 And with thy favor c. G80 5 There's a c. for little children 694 1 To c. his head, or grace his name Crowned 4 4 With mercy c. 15 3 He reigns. . . ! Once c. with thorns 34- Behold your Lord, your Master, c. 119 2 . . .with joy everlasting are c. 169 3 Sinners in derision c. him 173 1 The head that once was c. with 175 2 Now is c. with glory 42 1 2 Bright youth, and snow-c. age 593* And thou art c. at last 61 1 5 Like theirs with glory c. 714 3 Hast c. our nation's life Crowns 8 2 Before his feet they cast their c. 144 5 Cast our c, before thy feet 322° Demands and c. eternity 336 4 Such bliss as c. me at his side 355 4 Till we cast our c. before thee 385 3 C. of glory you shall gain 404 3 Their c. of life they owe 495 5 While glory c. the mercy seat 517 4 In every joy that c. my days 573 2 C. every brightening day 576 3 With c. of joy upon our heads 715 1 Whose goodness c. the circling year Crucified 90 s The Man of Love, the C. 152 1 Jesus, our Lord, is c. 153 1 My Lord, my Love, is c. 262 1 Turn to Jesus c. 296 2 For guilty sinners c. 326 1 O Jesus, c. for man 335 5 My Lord, my Love is c. 351 4 I with Christ am c. 3G9 2 Let every sin be c. 449 4 Jesus, the c. 5G2 4 Jesus, and him c. 565 3 For all mv Lord was c. 639 5 Our only hope, the C. Crucify 247 2 C. your Lord again Crumbling 224 5 His hand, from c. dust, erects Crushing 110 4 And ye, beneath life's c. load Cry 4° 10 2 ll 3 15 4 17 3 317 4 5005 530 3 703 2 They ever c. And Holy, holy, holy, c. Let all c. aloud, and honor the Son They c. with us, send. . .light From sin ... to thee we c. This be the parting c. Listen, listen to the c. Or c. in the desert for bread To thee aloud we c. Crystal 91 2 Open now the c. fountain 17G 3 Sweep across the c. sea 620 2 Nearer the c. sea 626 1 The flood of c. waters Cultivate 465 4 To keep and c. Cumbering 498 1 From every c. care Cup 104 3 . . .my c. runneth o'er 416 1 Who best can drink his c. of woe 487 3 Though I the c. must drink 527 2 Take thou my c, and it 690 3 . . . He who drinks the c. Cure 279 1 Be of sin the double c. Curse 107 3 Far as the c. is found Curtained 660 2 And c. it with morning light DAI 30 DAW Dally ** 19 3 D. I'm constrained to be 42 4 To bring us d. nearer God 134 3 By those who shared his d. bread 438 1 Give me, Lord, my d. bread 450 8 And mingle with my d. care 465 5 I ask thee for the d. strength 520 3 We would not to our d. task Damned 590 3 Shall I be with the d. cast out Danger 10-' He. to rescue me from d. 386 2 Your courage rise with d. 424 3 That when in d. knows no fear Dangerous 134 2 Shall guard me in that d. hour 70G 3 In safety through their d. way Dangers 105 5 Through hidden d., toils, and deaths 204 3 And, through the d. of the night 309 3 Through many d., toils, and snares Dare 252 3 And shall I d. his Spirit grieve 284 2 So vile I am, how d. I hope to stand G35 3 With us reproach to d. G87 3 That love may d. thy work to share Dares 392 3 And d. to take the side that seems Dark 55 3 Though the night be d. and dreary 56 4 Darkness is not d. to thee 61 3 When all is d. may we behold thee 134 1 And days are d., and friends are few 184 3 On our d. souls to shine 322 1 And cheer the d. and silent night 417 5 When tempest clouds are d. on high 460 1 The night is d., and I. . .home 4G4 2 They d. and darker grow 527 1 However d. it be 584 1 Where storm. . .rises d. o'er the way 621 2 And through the d., its echoes Darkened 496 2 Prayer makes the d. cloud withdraw Darkening 62 1 Fall from the d. sky 422 3 Work while the night is d. 464 1 Slowly, slowly d. Darker 470 3 Christ leads me. . .d. rooms Darkest 14* Thy Spirit spake in d. night 29 2 That in the d. spot of earth 231 5 Shine. . .through the d. days 452 3 When d. clouds have been 484 5 That makes the d. way I go G29 3 And in earth's d. place Darkness lo 4 Isles of the sea, where d. lay 32° The powers of d. fear 3S 3 Turn. . .d. into light ■t_" Through. . .d. safely brought 50 1 The d. deepens ! Lord, with mc abide 56 4 D. is not dark to thee 58 1 The light and d. are of his disposing GO 1 The d. falls at thy behest 61 1 Where thou art. . . . d. cannot be 114 1 Dawn on our d., and lend. . .aid 146 3 Well might the sun in d. hide 166 4 Tread the path of d. 185 1 Turn my d. into day 188 3 Be d., at thy coming, light 193 2 Groping on in d. drear 200 4 Till, clouds and d. ended 240 3 Death and d., and the tomb 307 2 Turned thy d. into light 315 2 D. be over me 334 3 Bid d. turn to day 359 1 The d. shineth as the light 361 2 In whom no d. is 382 3 Tread all the powers of d. down 384 s Forward through the d. 430 2 Thou, in d. drear 525 5 With thee when d. brings 542 5 Better in d. just to feel thy hand 5G7 1 Clear before us through the d. 57G 2 Who turns our d. into light 589 1 . . . voices out of d. calling 596 3 When Christ,. . .from d. sprang 638 1 In our deepest d. rise 650 2 Their d. turn to light 653 1 The d. disappears G85 3 Through the earthly d. Darksome 475 3 . . .shadows of a d. nijrht 59G 2 Nor day star gild the d. skies 610 2 Nor gloom, nor d. night 621 4 . . .and d. night be past Darts 319 2 When temptation's d. assail us 440 2 And fiery d. be hurled David 117 2 To you in the city of D. G12 3 There is the throne of D. David's llo 3 Is born, of D. line 187 3 And breathed in D. hallowed lays 650 1 Great D. greater Son Dawn 60 3 The d. leads on another day 114 1 D. on our darkness and lend. . .aid 123 3 With the d. of redeeming grace 184 3 We know no d. but thine 487 3 With d. of day 525 2 With thee when d. comes in G09 4 Appears the d. of heaven 621 4 The day must d., and be past 636 3 For the morning seems to d. 651 2 Kingdom of heaven ! whose d. Dawning 43 3 As in the d. o'er the wavelets ocean 529 3 Lost in this d. light 535 2 My d. is begun 57 1 5 Another year is d. Dawns 344 1 D. the light from heaven DAY 31 DEB The gladness of that happy d. Come the great d., the. . .hour And live this short revolving d. Now the d. is over On this thy d., in this thy house They have their d. and cease to be Of an eternal d. That fountain in his d. And all thy d. be bright Hasten the joyful d. In this his glorious d. The d. will soon be gone Soon end in joyous d. And right the d. must win And light will come with d. And patiently I wait his 7 4 What though my flesh and heart d. 532" When all things else d. 61 4* The shadows shall d. 678 3 The lily must d. Decays 88 2 Man d., and ages move Deceit 476 3 And now art freed from all d. Deceitful 9o 3 To temper the d. ray 478 2 What though the world d. prove Deceive 143 2 Hopes d., and fears annoy 324 1 Though all the world d. me 458 2 Human hearts and looks d. me 487 2 He never will d. December's 538 1 D. as pleasant as May Decisive 663* And in that great '/. day Declare 10 3 And God the Holy Ghosl d. 23 3 D. the glory of his name 202 1 The heaven's d. thy glory, Lord 333 1 No thought no tongue d. 30 1 1 O when shall I d. Decline 7 3 Nor hope d., nor love grow cold 3H9 1 No more from thee d. 628 5 Then.. ., let stars d. Decreed 319 1 Through the change- thou'st d. us Decrees 81 3 His great d. and Bovereign will Dedicate 232 1 This child we d. to thee Deed 2251 Or, undismayed in d. or word 324 4 In d., or word, or thought Deeds 1 5 3 . . . , those d. of love 93-' .... thy d., outstrip the light 120 2 'Tis sung in words, and sung in d. 404 2 Their faith,. . .and mighty 1 4 And sanctify to thee thy d. distress 638 1 In our d. darkness rise Deeps 3 2 He formed the d. unknown 128 1 In vain we search the lowest d. Defeat 474 2 And victory from d. Defend 58 2 In soul and body. . .d. us 62 4 Our trembling hearts d. 104 2 Thy rod shall d. me 403 1 D. us, Lord, from every ill 441 1 Or to d. his cause 445 4 Thy church with strength d. 709 2 Hear us, Bpare us, and d. Defender 106 1 Our Shield and D. Defense 102 1 How sure is their d. 577 2 And our d. is sure 704 3 . . . , our ever sure d. Defy 514 3 Scorn thy grace, thy power d. Deign 673 1 Will our Father d. to own Deigned 243 3 Jesus. . ., d. to bear Deigncst 93 2 To hear thou ever d. Deity 79" 1 Here, the whole I), is known 111 2 Hail the incarnate D. 432 5 That great mysterious d. Delay 251 4 Look not behind, make no d. 261 3 Believe in him without d. 275 1 And can I yet d. 446 2 And rest d. to come Delight 233 1 Could such d. afford 31 1 5 Of that holy d. 336 1 And call it my supreme d. 368 4 My only care, d., and bli>s S79 5 Henceforth may no profane d. 517 4 My heart. . .d. in praise 554 1 In one another's peace d. 579 4 And hope in full, supreme d. 617 2 And rivers of d. Delightful .")40 4 Well, the d. day will come Delights Mr he now d. i" pare 535 1 The life of my d. DEL 33 DES Deliver 116 3 Born thy people to d. 355 3 Come, almighty to d. 652 2 Mighty to d. 655 1 They call us to d. Deliverance 426 4 D. soon will come 647 3 Great d send 700 4 To us d. bring 709 1 Now for their d. rise Delivered 307 2 I d. thee when bound Deliverer 91 2 Strong D., be thou my. . .shield 165 4 How high your great D. reigns 217 2 The great D. calls, Arise 607 2 Till my D. come Deluge 440 3 Let cares like a wild d. come Demand 461 2 Aa thy days may d. Demands 253* One thing d. our care 276 3 Each sin d. a tear 396 1 A heavenly race d. thy zeal Demolished 645 l And build on sin's d. throne Denial 43 1 1 Lest by base d. 51 4 7 I can no d. take Denied 134 3 At once betrayed, d., or fled 465 5 To none that ask d. Denies 523 1 Thy sovereign will d. Deny 42 4 Room to d. ourselves, a road 144 3 And, rejoicing, self d. Depart 2 3 And ne'er from us d. 36 2 Nor force him to d. 51 1 7 Nor wilt thou. . .d. 555 1 bid it all d. 665 2 Nor ever hence d. Departing 349 3 That each d. day 595 1 Why do we mourn d. friends Depend 4 3 I on his oath d. 471 5 In all things to d. on thee 502 4 D. on him; thou canst not fail 562 1 Who on thee alone d. 570 4 And on his grace d. Depths 86 1 In d. of burning light 128 1 For him no d. can drown 131 3 When darkling in the d. of night 307 4 Deeper than the d. beneath 310 2 To sound the d. of love divine 368 2 Desire. . .its d. to see 410 3 The hidden d. of many a heart 427 1 Out of the d. to thee I cry 646 2 From the d. unto the skies Deridings G49 2 Disregard the world's d. Derision 169 3 Sinners in d. crowned him Derive 692 9 To thee, from whom we all d. Descend 2 2 On us d. 13 3 And lo ! we see d. from high 62 4 Upon our souls d. 121 4 D. to us, we pray 191 3 Spirit of faith, d., and show 192 1 As a gracious shower d. 194 3 Plenteous of grace, d. from high 197 1 Spirit of God ! d. upon my heart 251 3 The rains d., the winds are high 382 3 Till Christ the Lord d. from high 661 1 E'en now d. Descending 113 4 Suddenly the Lord, d. 548 2 Angels d., bring from above 663 2 And thou, d., fill the place Desert 384 1 Forward through the d. 487 5 For me a d. land 530 3 Or cry in the d. for bread 681 l Journeying o'er the d. Desert (forsake) 461 7 ... I will not d. to his foes Deserts 300 2 O'er d. wa^te and wild 436 1 I shall not want; in d. wild Deserts (Forsakes) 442 3 Or he d. us in the hour Deserved 7 1 Accept thy well d. renown Deserves 8 4 Salvation well d. the praise Designs 23 3 In all our Maker's grand d. 80 3 And all thy vast d. are one 81 3 And all their dark d. 96 2 He treasures up his bright d. Desire 111 4 Come, D. of nations, come 113 3 Seek the great D. of nations 116 2 Dear D. of every nation 228 3 Nothing d., nothing esteem 314 4 And may I wait with strong d. 333 2 Nothing d.. or seek, but thee 375 2 Burn up the dross of base d. 525 1 I would d. to be 593 2 Of all thy heart's d. DES 31 DIE Desired 71 4 All I d. or wished below Desolate 239" Let not our hearts be d. 448 2 When faint and d. 49.5 4 When tempted, d., dismayed 526* Joy of the d., light of the straying 530 4 Bring joy to my d. heart Despair L'.'i t 1 In that lone land of deep '/. 270 5 Some sure support again.-t d. oOO 4 By thine hour of dire d. 514 4 Once a Burner, near d. 635 2 From dark d. Despairing 268 2 Ho ! ye d. sinners, come Despairingly 453 1 No, not d. Desperate 245 4 His d. state explain Despise ool 3 Do thy friends d., for.-ake thee Despised 151 1 Vet, though d. and gory 458 1 Destitute, c/., forsaken 694 2 And not the poor d. Despised 171 1 Hail, thou once d. Jesus Despite 269 1 Though I have done thee such d. Destroy 6 1 He can create, and he d. 159 2 The being. . .death cannot d. 178 5 And all our sin- d. 531 5 Which nothing can d. Destroyed ">98 3 By worlds on worlds d. Destruction 55 2 Though d. walk around us Destructive 246 1 From sin's d. sway Devils 101 3 And though this world, with d. filled Devious 319 2 When in d. paths we .-tray Devoid JIG 2 You live d. of peace Devote 182 3 And unto thee will I d. Devoted 691 4 To thee our all d. be Devotion 183* And our d. i 6o9 4 And pure d. ri.-e 707 4 So will thankful d. Devotion's 23 4 Raided on d . lofty wing Dew 106 3 And sweetly distills in the d. 422 1 Work, while the d. i- sparkling 541 4 More softly than the d. is shed G75 1 Like the d., upon each head Pcwdrops 114 2 Cold on his cradle the d. are shining Dews 47 2 When the soft d. of kindly deep (V2 l The d. of evening lie 541 4 His d. drop mutely on the hill Dewy 117 1 They lay on the d. ground Diadem 124 4 I'll sing first in night- /. .:.>_>- Kb thou ha-t d. for me 357 1 For me the Saviour d. DIE 35 DIS 453 1 Jesus hath d. 51 l 3 Art thou the Man that d. for me 565 3 In him who d. for all 613 3 Gladly, Lord, with thee they d. G54 2 Or of the life he d to win Dies 80 3 Still restless nature d. and grow? 155 5 In perfect love he d. 165 2 The Lord of Glory d. for man 373 2 To Christ alone he d. Diffuse 425 1 Saviour divine, d. thy light Dignity 10 3 The same in d. and power Dim 20 3 50 2 323 5 412 3 452 2 470 5 524 3 583 3 G88 8 G89 2 Before his gifts. . .boons wax d. Earth's joys grow d., its glories pass And heaven appears too d. Let not sorrow d. your eye His sight is never d. The eye of faith is d. Grow d. or disappear No fear, no woe, shall d. that hour Though d. our faith may be Of treading that d. path alone Dimly 327 5 Whom angels d. see 479 3 We faintly hear, we d. see 48G 2 Our eyes see d. till. . .anointed Dimmed 147 1 The Star is d., that lately shone 585 2 The eye long d. by tears Dimness 197 2 But take the d. of my soul away Direct 68 1 3 All our days d. us Disappear 328 2 Though all things d. Disburdened 303 4 D. of her load Discerning 340 3 A quick d. eye Disciple 147 2 E'en that d. whom he loved 433 1 If thou wouldst my d. he Disconsolate 526 1 Come, ye d., where'er ye languish Discouraged 551 2 We should never be d. Disdain 338 3 I would d. to feed G72 3 Help thou dost not d. Diseases 488 2 He healeth my d. Disembodied GU7 1 Shall join the d. saints Disgrace 483 2 And manifold d. Disloyalty 442 5 To doubt would be d. Dismal 193 3 Wading deep the d. flood Dismay 502 2 If cares distract, or fears d. Dismayed 452 1 And can I be d. 461 3 Fear not,. . . , O be not d. 495 4 When tempted, desolate, d. Disordered 181 3 On our d. spirits move Disperse . r >03 3 Our minds illume, d. our night 609 4 There rays divine d. the gloom Disperses 538 2 His presence d. my gloom Display 377 2 D. thy glory from above 512 1 In instant prayer d. Displayed 236 2 What love his latest words d. Displays 664 3 We sing the glorious d. G92 3 For all the blessings earth d. Dissipate 638 1 D. the clouds beneath Dissolve 309 6 The earth shall soon d. like snow 598 1 Let this earth d. , and blend Distills 106 3 And sweetly d. in the dew Distract 502 2 If cares d., or fears dismay Distress 73 3 No more fatigue, no more d. 187 1 Calm in d., in danger bold 218 1 When storms of sharp d. invade 278 3 The sensible d. 406 4 And in their accents of d. 458 3 Man may trouble and d. me 461 4 And sanctify. . .thy deepest d. 500 2 By thy days of sore d. 502 2 If guilt deject; if sin d. 516 1 In seasons of d. and grief 534 3 He helps the stranger in d. 594 2 Still tossed on a sea of d. 619 2 Out of great d. they came G89 4 Bore every form of life's d. Distressed 293 1 Art thou sore d. 609 1 There is a jov for souls d. G94 3 And help for all d. Distrust 334 4 Fear and d. remove DIS DRA Distrustingly 453 1 No, not d. Divided 383" We are not d. •tii, I I know no life d. Oil 2 Though now d. by the stream Divides 1345 D. for me a little while Divine 8 1 The work is all d. j 43 -yy e thank thee for the love d. 23 2 To form a robe of light d. 25 1 Moved by thy d. compassion 131 2 Irradiant with a light d. 153* O Love d., what hast thou done 181 4 The depths of love d. 185 4 Holy Spirit, all d. 196 3 Glows with thy fire d. 199 1 But makes its brightness more d. 200 2 Received the gift d. 201 1 How precious is the book d. 203 2 Its truths d. and precepts wise 218 4 And watering our d. abode 274 4 But power d. can do the deed 308 4 I triumph in the love d. 31 1 2 When the favor d. 312 3 Charmed to confess the voice d. :VA4 l Saviour d. 343 1 Of these desires d. 354* And full of love d. 368 1 O Love d., how sweel thou art 376 2 With gentleness d. 4143 Who made all life d. 417 4 The meanest work, d. 425 1 Saviour d., diffuse thy light 430 4 O blest communion, fellowship ., return 566 5 Cam'st gently gliding like a d. 629 s Life-giving, holy D. Dower 427 3 Is this the consecrated d. 614 2 And thine the golden d. G92 5 Thou giv'st the Spirit's holy d. Dowries 667 3 Of all rich d. best Drank 304 2 I came to Jesus, anil I d. DRA 37 DUN Draw 244 1 Wherewith,. . ., shall I d. near 344 2 Christ, we d. to thee 350 2 But, Jesus, d. thou nearer Drawings 318 2 Thy d. from above Drawn 678 2 Is upward d. to God Draws 66 1 And earth d. near to heaven 363 3 And d. the heart from earth Dread 49 3 Teach me to live, that I may d. 96 3 The clouds ye so much d. 455 2 And d. a Father's will 581 1 And yet we d. to enter there 603 2 . . .and yet more d. Dreadful 13 2 And how d. is this place 518 4 That were indeed a d. lot 603 1 The day of wrath, that d. day Dreading 627 2 Beyond the hoping and the d. Dream 18 2 A sleep, arf.,a story 197 2 I ask no d., no prophet ecstasies 384 1 Who shall d. of shrinking 390 4 O sleep not, d. not, but arise 537 3 Like some bright d. that comes 541 3 But never doleful d. again 568 2 Our life is a d.; our time, as a stream 577" They fly, forgotten, as a lain EXE 41 ETE Enemy 249 4 Turn out his e. and thine 646 3 Man's last e. shall fall Energy 1S2 1 With e. divine 187* And glow with e. divine Enjoy 70 1 Return my soul, e. thy rest Enjoyment 35G 1 A rest where pure e. reigns Enlighten G2G 2 God's glory did e. all Enlightened 471 3 That I may now e. be Enlightens 177- Lord of life, thy -mile e. Enmity "<52- Can live in e. Enrich 108* i'o e. the humble poor Enshrined 3G1 2 Who dwells in cloudless. . .light e. Enter 16 3 O e. then his gates with praise 332 3 May 1 e.. Lord, with thee 42G 3 But shall not e. there 581 1 And yet we dread t.» e. there Entering 39o 3 We, to their labors e. in Enters 121 3 The dear Christ e. in Enthrone 1G9 2 In the seat of power e. him Enthroned 4 1 Who reigns e. above 15 5 Worthy the Lamb, e. to reign 2.;-' E. amid the radiant spheres o93 4 With saints e. on high Entire 3S2 2 And stand e. at last Entrance G23 3 Happy e. will be given Entranced 131 2 E., enwrapt, alone with thee Entwine th SS 4 He with earthly cares e. Envy o54 3 When, free from e., scorn, and pride Equal 282» O sin that hath no e. Equity GoU 1 And rule in e. Err G42 1 His footsteps cannot e. Erring 697 1 Weep o'er the e. one 699 1 Think gently of the e. one Error 384* Forward, out of e. 057 2 Man from e. to reclaim Error's G35 4 Reclaimed from e. ways Espousals 7 2 Like our e., Lord, to thee Establish 663 1 On earth e. his abode Estate 039 2 He saved me from my lost e. Eternal 2 4 E. praise- be •J 2 E. are thy mercies Lord 10 3 The saints' e. Comforter 14 1 To thee. E. Soul, be prai-e 17 1 E. Power, whose high abode 21 2 To save us from e. death 32" In heaven's e. bliss 61 1 E. Light of Light, be with us now 63 4 To his e. joy G9 1 Emblem of e. rest 83 1 E., and yet ever new 85 1 Ancient of e. days 98 3 And the heart of the E. 11G 4 Bv thine own e. Spirit 133* Where joys e. flow 138 4 And crown thee their e. King 160 2 Christ has passed the e. gates 162 2 Lift your heads, e. gates 1G4 1 From death to life e. 178° To their e. home 201 3 Of an e. dav 209 5 The e. city stands 210 2 Springing from e. love 214 4 Unshaken as e. hills 227° Who meet on that e. shore 257 4 Rest e., sacred, sure 298 4 E. life with thee is given 3G3 2 To shun the e. fires 378 2 The seal of thy e. love 400 3 And still to things e. look 401 2 Fullness of life e. find 408 2 Lead on, O King E. 424 a Of an e. home 43 1 4 To e. life 458 4 Heaven's e. day's before thee And while e. ages run 601 3 High on thy e. throne G07 4 In that e. day G17 3 Shines one e. day GG1 3 Speak, O e. Lord 69S 2 E. life and light 714 4 . . .to heaven's e. day Eternally 3SG 4 Shall reicm e. 409 1 Thy joy and CTOWD e. 407 l From death e. 680 3 Shall rest e. ETE 42 EXC Eternity 2 4 And to e. 6 4 Vast as e. thy love 66* Of vast e. 87 5 And to e. will drink 97 3 Where, in e. of light ]()57 Through all e. to thee 327 6 To all e. 331 6 To all e. :U_' ; Be thine through all e. 3 MM Through all e. :\^ Light at e. time 4f>0 4 And every e. new 456 s And grief may bide an e. guest 577 4 Are like an e. gone Evening's 48 1 Again as e. shadow falls Eventide 50 1 Abide... fast falls the e. 54 2 Once more 'tis e., and we Gl 4 In that blest day. . .no e. Ever 348 :! E., only, all for thee :\r,u 2 The world is e. oear 357 a Sprinkle me e. with thy blood :i7(J l And e. prays for nit- Kverlasting 4 1 Ancient of e. days 7 1 Jesus, thou <-. King 10 1 The e. Father own 13 5 And sing thine e. love is 1 The e. Thou 8(J 2 O e. Lord 1 1 I-' Christ, the e. Lord 1 I't' . . . v. iil> joy e. are crowned 132 1 la lii^ <■. name 158 1 Ye e. doors, give way 1G0 1 Knows the e. peace 173 4 Their name, an e. name 180 5 We'll join the e. song 2123 God, thine e. light ' 221 1 High on his e. throne 288 4 Through e. days 29G 3 Held up from e. death 302 2 Father, thine e. grace 308 1 Which take their e. flight 332 1 Thou my e. portion 3443 True and e. 3G8 5 My e. rest 370 4 And e. rest 406 2 And joy, and e. love 505 4 Saviour, to thee our e. praise 540 3 I would to e. days 555 2 Of e. peace 577 3 From e. thou art God 601 3 E. God, come down 614 3 Of full and e. G71 e Thy e. home of peace and love 713 5 Thy sovereign, e. love Evermore 2 4 Hence, e. 4 3 For e. 18 1 Who e. hast been 176 2 I am with you e. 178 1 And triumph e. 337 4 One for e. with thee 351 3 Wholly thine for e. eek thy /. 17-' He hides his /. behind his wings 22 5 There we shall sec his /. 41 3 And plain before my /. 57 2 Gather us who seek thy /. 07 2 While saints address thy /. <>9-' Show thv reconciled /. 96 l He hides a smiling /. 123* Radiant beams from thy holy /. 131 2 Gazing on that transfigured /. 139 1 Whom we. that have not seen thv f. 146 4 Thus might I hide my blushing /. 215 3 And seek thy /,. . .thy praise 229 2 . . .for whom we seek thv /. 246 4 Of those that seek his f. .;i 5 And always Bee his /. 385 5 "ii Boon shall see his /. 406 3 Before thy Father's /. 409 2 ...and seek his /. 4 10" Intil thv blessed /. I sec 4 19 3 Before his /. I fall r.x- Show thy /., and all is bright 470 4 Thy blessed /. to see 499 4 Thou callest me to seek thy /. 509 s Stoops to seek thy /. 514 1 Do not turn away thy /. ol6 2 And since he bids inc seek his /. 533* But sweeter far thy /. to see 538 3 Content with beholding his /. 540< And I shall see his /. 553 1 Together seek his /. 560 1 And see each other's /. 575 4 To see thy /. above 593 5 Thou seest thy Saviour's /. t;20 3 Move o'er the water's /. (it>.")* This people and thy /. ()7ti 5 Singing, till thy /. I see 683 3 To behold his /. Faces ll 3 Fall down on their /.. and worship 52 1 F. I shall see no more Face to face 18 4 We see thee /. to f. 200 4 They see thee /. to /. 2M7 1 Here I see thee /. to f. 455 4 To see Him /. to /. Fade 61 4 . . . , its pageants /. away f>2 3 So /. within our heart 529 1 F., /.. each earthly joy 678 3 Must shortly /. away Fadeless . r i2<;~ Hope of the penitent, /. and pure til.")' Hut aye the /. morn Fades 74 1 Softly /. the twilight ray Fadeth 422 3 Work till the last beam /. Fading 328 2 The /. time is here 627 2 Beyond the blooming and the /. Fail IS 3 Our years before they /. 226* We /. not . . .nor >i ray 383* And that cannot /. (WO 1 Our earthly friends may /. us Faileth 136 1 Whose goodness /. never Failing 234° And when these /. lips grow dumb Failings 554* Each can his brother's /. hide Fails 130 2 Friend who never /. nor grieves us Failures 473 2 Shamed by its /. or its fears I a in 283 a Which thou wouldst /. remove 284 3 The whde I /. would tread o2() 5 There thee wc /. would sec Faint 37 4 To teach our /. desires to rise (51 1 Fainter and vet more /. the sunlight 183 4 Our love so /.. so cold to thee 210 2 Who can /., while such a river 226 3 We fail not. /. not, turn nor stray 300 2 Famished, and /., and lone 307 6 That my love is still so /. 339 4 To /., to grieve, to die for me 407 3 F. not, fight on 40"9 4 F. not nor fear, his arms are near 463 s Raise the fallen, cheer the /. 512 1 . . .pray, and never /. 035 1 The /. and overborne Fainter 61 1 F. and yet more faint Fainting lol 2 And should I /. be 295 3 Come unto me, ye /. 432 4 It lifts the /. spirits up 5215 L e t but my /. heart be blest 534 3 The Lord supports the /. mind 690 2 Thy neighbor? 'Tis the /. poor Fair 9 s His dwelling place, how /. 4G9 1 Yet amidst this scene so /. Fairer 22 s To /. worlds on high 43 6 .../. than daylight dawning Fa ircst 118 1 F. Lord Jesus Faith 7 3 22 7 37 4 72 3 139 1 145 4 lol 3 155 s 160 4 1911 211 2 231 1 28 1 1 283 3 286 1 291 4 297 3 305 1 307 5 313* 334 1 349 2 3552 :::,<;* 358 s 384 391 3 Nor let our /. forsake From /. and hope may grow To strengthen /. , and sweeten care A steadfast /., and sure By /., and /. alone, embrace Give us an everlasting /. These eyes, new /. receiving I cling by /. to thee Crowd on /.; what joy unknown Spirit of /., come down For the Lord, your /. rewarding And strong in /.. and hope, and love But still how weak my /. is found According to my /., to me F. is a living power from heaven E'er since, by /. , I saw the stream F., mighty /., the promise sees And with the arms of /. embrace When the work of /. is done My acts of /. and love repeat My /. looks up to thee My feeble /. looks up End of /.. as its beginning To me (lie re-t of /. impart Give me the /. that casts out sin Till our /. he sight I have the /. maintained FAI 45 FAT 393 5 By /. they bring it nigh 415 2 F. of our fathers ! holy /. 427 5 Let /. transcend the passing hour 446 4 To live by /. alone 450 5 As lean on /. I must 457 3 And trembling /. is changed to fear 461 J Is laid for your /. in his. . .word 470 5 The eye of /. is dim 472 1 Nor works my /. to prove 478 4 Though /. and hope are often tried 484 5 Is childlike /. to me 493 3 The work of /. will not be done 496 2 Gives exercise to /. and love 502 3 But pray with /. in Jesus' name 507 5 Let me live a life of /. 525° With thee, in thee, by /. 536 4 Blest, when our /. can hold thee fast 537 4 Must rest in /. alone 567 2 One, the /. which never tires 587 3 And /. beholds the dying here 605 1 Which yet by /. I see 651 1 And still with steadfast /. we cry 659* My /. grow firm, and love grow warm 67 1 2 In holy /. and blessed hope are one 672 4 Make our /. strong 674 5 A sweet, unmurmuring /. 686 5 To seek the God that /. hath found 688 8 Though dim our /. may be Faithful 103 2 Jesus, let our /. mind 119 2 How free to the /. he offers salvation 125 1 O come, all ye /., triumphantly sing 163 1 Come, ye /., raise the strain 166 4 Come then, true and /. . . .thy word 175 3 F. ones, for you 232 4 . . .with true and /. heart 459 1 Leader of /. souls, and Guide 510 2 Let me be /. to thy grace 551 2 Can we find a friend so /. 576 3 Thither our /. souls he leads 621 5 . . . ! your /. watches keeping 705 3 Where rest but on thy /. word Faithfully 476 4 But do thine own part /. 568 3 Well and /. done Faithfulness 89 2 Tell of his wondrous /. 297 4 And /. I give 468 1 His eternal /. 516 2 To Him, whose truth and /. 57 1 2 Of /. and grace Faith's 18 4 Lord crown our /. endeavor 432 2 On /. strong eagle pinions rise Fall ll 3 F. down on their faces, and worship 17 2 F. worshiping, and spread 31 1 3 Than to /. at his feet 377 4 Now let me into nothing /. 487 1 He holds me that I shall not /. 509 1 At thy feet shall /. Fallen 166 6 All that now is /. raise to life again 258 1 'Tis God invites the /. race 697 1 Lift up the /. Falls 60 1 The darkness /. at thy behest False 491 1 F. to thee, like Peter I Falter 442 5 To /. would be sin Faltering 427 4 Faint not, O /. feet 473 3 To nerve my /. will Fame 4 2 Its wisdom, /., and power 23 1 But O what tongue can speak his /. 332 2 Nor for /. my prayer shall be 509 4 Tired of earthly /. Families 670 1 Which crowns our /. with peace Family 61 1 2 One /. we dwell in him Famished 235 1 Cheers our /. souls with food Fancies 544 2 Than all the golden /. Far 251 1 And thou art /. from home and rest 639 3 Shall see from /. the glorious sight 716 2 Of all things near and /. Farewell 189 1 His tender last /. 252 5 Vain world, /., from thee I part 516 3 F., /., sweet hour of prayer Fasting 235 2 In thy /. and temptation Father (Divine) 2 1 F. all glorious 4° Hail, F., Son, and Holy Ghost 10 1 The everlasting F. own 20 4 Praise ye the F., God the Lord 22 4 Our F. and our love 66 2 Our F. and our friend 83 4 Sent by the F. from on high 86 7 F. of Jesus, love's reward 87° A F. all thine own 125 2 True Son of the F., he comes 133 1 And he who would the F. seek 163 4 God the F. praising 229 1 Come, F., Son, and Holy Ghost 301 4 The F. hears him pray 475 2 Lead us, O F., in the paths of peace 519 2 Sure that our F. who is nigh 543 1 Dear Lord and F. of mankind 569 6 Thee, F., Son, and Holy Ghost 589 3 I have but thee, my F. 612 4 Who art, with God the F. 664 4 Our F. and our King 666 3 OF., come in 680 2 And to the F. cry 716 3 We thank thee, then, O F. Father (Human) 86 s No earthly /. loves like thee Fatherhood 479- We know in thee the /. FAT 46 FEE 171 3 Seated at thy F. side 175 2 At his F. side Fatherless 534 3 The widow and the /. 688 4 To tend the lone and /. Father's (Divine) 90 3 And he is at the F. side 140 2 Such deference to thy F. will 148 3 Who from the F. bosom came 153 1 The F. coeterna! Son 167 1 Amidst his F. throne t thy '. side :* ) (H) 1 I did not love my F. voice 399 1 Thy joy to do the F. will 436 4 Shall to my F. child be sure 438 4 Not my own, my F. will 441 4 Before his F. face 449 s My F. hand will never cause 487 5 My F. care is round me there 509 2 To his F. love 516 1 And bids me, at my F. throne 617 5 When shall I see my /'. face 620 2 Nearer my F. house Fathers 415 1 Faith of our /. ! living still 580 2 Our /., where are they 700 1 O Lord, our /. oft have told 702 1 Land where my /. died 704 1 God of our /., whose almighty hand 708 3 Thy kindness to our /. shown 710 1 God of our /., known of old 712 4 God of our /. ! make it true Fatigue 73 3 No more /., no more distress Fault 53 2 Open /., and secret sin 189 4 That checks each /., that calm- Faultless 284 4 And set me /. there 330 4 F. to stand before the throne Favor 46 4 New time, new /., and new joys 76 5 Thy love and /., kept to us always 31 1 2 When the /. divine 346 3 I am longing for thy /. 43 1 1 Not for fear or /. 638 2 Come, and manifest the /. B75 2 And in /. while below 677 4 Early let us seek thy /. Favored 12 2 The /. worshiper may dwell G01 1 Once for /. sinners slain Favors 224 1 Thy /., how divine Fear 9 3 All nations /. his name 16 1 Him serve with /., his praise. . .toll (u 2 And learn to know and /. t he Lord 86 4 O how I /. thee, living God 91* To those that /. hi- name 101" We will not /., for God hath willed 137 1 And drives away his /. JIM- And all /. of want remove 22.")' Shall I, for /. of feeble man 296 1 And I am pres-cd by doubt and /. 301 5 I can no longer /. 318 2 If I have onlv known thy /. 340 3 I want a godly /. 440 1 I bid farewell to every /. 464° F. ends with death 482 3 F. not, I will pilot thee 538 2 Have nothing to wish or to /. 569 4 We never will throw off hi- /. Fearless 567 1 Stepping /. through the night Fears l 3 Jesus ! the name that charms our /. 91 3 Bid my anxious /. subside 143 2 Hopes deceive, and /. annoy 201 2 And quells our rising /. 272 3 Fightings within, and /. without 286 3 But wars without, and /. within 309 2 And grace my /. relieved 364 2 And still I seek, 'mid many /. 367 3 Give to my soul, with filial /. 408 3 We follow, not with /. 41 2 3 Let not /. your course impede 437 1 Give to the winds thy /. 438 2 Cast foreboding /. away 552 3 Our hopes and /. the same Feast 36 4 But sup with u*. and let the /. 69 3 Of our everlasting /. 163 3 With the roval /. of feasts 237 3 The /., though not the love 256 1 Come, sinners, to the gospel /. 379 s But night and day to /. on thee 526 3 Come to the /. of love 536 3 And long to /. upon thee still 61 2 3 The shout of them that /. 640 3 Spread the gospel's richest /. 672 3 Thou hast prepared the /. Feasted 233 3 Were fed and /. here Fed 239 2 And so our feeble love is /. 438 1 Still by constant mercy /. 652 2 Longing to be /. Feeble 94° He knows our /. frame 225 1 Shall I, for fear of /. man 239 2 And so our /. love is fed 281 2 How cold and /. is my love 349 2 My /. faith looks up 607 1 And let this /. body fail G43 2 Small and /. was hi- day 684 2 And blessed him with our /. tongues 689 1 The children of our /. race Feed lf>-' We are his flock, he doth us /. 91 1 F. me till I want no more 237 2 Here would I /. upon the bread 387 1 Thy fainting spirit /. 524 2 Let my soul /. upon I eel 9 3 When earth shall /. his savin:: 1 '.t : Prone to wander. Lord, I / i! 197* Teach me to /. that thou art. . .nigh FEE FIL Feels 245 3 Xor /. his need of thee Feet Before his /. they ea-t their crowns That lights. . .our wandering /. At thy /. we humbly bow Never higher than thy /. And fall beneath his /. Lamp of our /.. whereby we trace Should tempt my /. to leave thy door Go to his bleeding /. and learn Show my forgetful /. the way There humbly fall before his /. Till at thy /. we lay it down Saviour, at thy /. I fall Take my /.. and let them be Wash me, but not my /. alone Strengthen my /. with steady pace Then shall my /. bo longer rove At Jesus' /. to lay it down Under my /. at last- Keep thou my /. Cast thy burden at his /. As that which calls me to thy /. But guide our /. into the way Far beneath his /. he views That her /. are firmly set And laid them at her /. Are their /., whose grand decern Shall draw the nations to his /. 8 2 14- 35 1 144 1 17S* 205 1 213 2 255 3 281 4 2S5 1 326 5 337* 348 1 357 3 367 2 375 1 381 1 391 2 4601 46S 3 501 1 555 s 598 3 620« 626 1 649 2 65 12 Felicity 610 2 In his /. 61 l 4 And full /. Fellowship 331 4 The /. divine 361 ' That /. of love 427 3 Through /. of pain 430* O blest communion. /. divine 495 3 Where friend holds /. with friend 553 s And if our /. below Fen 460 3 O'er moor and /., o'er crag Fervent 12 3 The grateful song, the /. prayer 72 3 And love so deep and /. 635 2 With /. prayer Fervor 140 3 Witnessed the /. of thy prayer Festal 237° Giving sweet foretaste of the /. joy Fetter 19 3 Let thy goodness, like a /. 130 3 Break, Lord, every sinful /. Fetters 159 1 He burst from the /. of darkness 325 2 All /. fall Fever 627 4 Beyond the pulse's f. beating Feverish 543 1 Forgive our /. ways Few 17 4 Be short our tunc-; our words be /. 281 2 How /. affections there Fiat 660 1 His /. laid the corner stone Field 117 1 In the /. with their flocks abiding 392 2 That God is on the /.. when he 397 3 Undaunted to the /. he goes 597 2 It found him on the /. 71 7- All the world is God's own /. Fields 398 4 Better the toil of /. like these 4021 F. are white, and harvests waiting 504 5 In silence of the /. •538 1 The /. strive in vain 621 1 O'er earth's green /. 714- Thy hand has. . .our /. Fiends 513 2 F. can look like angels bright Fierce 295 3 The fight is /. and lone 430 5 And when the strife is /. Fiery 91 2 Let the /. . cloudy pillar 95 2 Returned the /. column's glow 476 3 When thou hast borne the /. test Fight 295 3 The /. is fierce and long 382 2 But take, to arm vou for the /. 384 1 Through the toil and /. 397 4 Fights the good /.. and wins at length 409 1 F. the good /. with all thy might 412 1 F. the /., maintain the strife 442 3 The /. is all but lost 448 1 Firm in the /. I stand 493 4 F. on, my soul, till death 496 3 Restraining prayer, we cease to /. 591 3 They fought the /.. the victory won 597 2 Still warm with recent /. Fightings 272 3 F. within, and fears without 560 3 F. without, and fears within Filial 320 2 The /. awe. the fleshly heart 367 3 Give to my soul, with /. fear- Fill 5 4 And /. the world with loudest praise 6 3 Shall /. thy courts with. . . prai>e 13 4 And all the house with glorv /. 33 1 4 F. me with all the life of love 492 3 The world can never /. 51 7 5 Thy love my thoughts shall /. 527 2 With joy or sorrow /. Fills 10-' Thy glory /. both earth and sky 351 5 Jesus comes ! he /. my soul FIL 48 FLO Films 187 1 O for that /. of living fire 108 3 He comes, from thickest /. of vice 189 2 He came. . .living /. 313 1 Kindle a /. of sacred love Final 333 1 Be thou. . .my constant /. 598 1 And hear her /. groan 717* To thy /. harvest-home 416 3 And mocked the cross and /. 120- And trim the golden /. 643 1 See how great a /. aspires Find 12 3 To heaven, and /. acceptance Flames 13 3 Tremble. . .to /. thee nigh 46 1 Let incense /. ari>e 35 s Grant that all may. . . /. 82 1 Thy glory /. from sun and star 400 2 In all . . . thy presence /. 598 2 Like /. o'er nature's funeral pyre 463 3 More than all. . .1 /. 536 2 To them that /. thee, all in all Flaming 607 4 But let me /. them all again 19 1 Sung by /. tongues above 24.V Thou Son of God, whose /. eyes Finished 590 2 And sec the /. skie> 149 1 'Tis /. ! so the Saviour cried 1.").V All, all is /. now Flashed 568 3 I have /. the work. . .to do 1 17- F. forth to join the lay 618 1 'Tis /., all is /. Flatter Fire 513 3 Some will /. , tonic will slight 13 3 The pillar and the flame of /. 112 1 And the star rains its /. Fled 210 3 See the cloud and /. appear 424 5 Till life's last hour is /. 497 1 The motion of a hidden /. 710 3 On dune and headland. . . /. Flee 71 7 3 In the /. the tares to cast 647 3 All thy foes shall /. before thee Fires 652 3 And the shadows /. 643 1 Jesus' love the nations /. Fleeting Firm 250 4 Outlasts the /. breath 279 3 While I draw this /. breath 6 4 F. as a rock thy truth shall stand 490 3 Till this /., /. life is o'er 703 1 F. may she ever stand 574 2 Swiftly thus our /. days Firmament Flesh 84 1 The spacious /. on high 51 4 My /. shall rest beneath the ground 160 4 See that glowing /. 203 1 The starry /. on high 75 5 But God made /. is wholly ours 228 5 Which shall our /. restore Firmly 235 1 Of his mvstic /. and blood 1»'. 4 His truth. . ./. Btood 620 B That her feet are /. set 243 3 Till /. and spirit fail 309 5 Yes, when this /. and heart shall fail 327 3 Didst. . .in our /. appear 367 2 My soul and /., O Lord of might First 18 l Before thy /. creations 386 3 The arm of /. will fail you 472 2 And if my heart and /. are weak First born 5048 While /. and soul agree lo 2 Hymned by the /. b. sons of light 547 3 Us to save our /. assumes 368 2 The /. 6. sons of light Flies First fruits 7 4 Let every moment, as it /. 688 2 To thee our /. /. give 253 2 The present moment /. Fit 455 2 'Tis not that meek submission /. 271 3 That I should /. myself for thee Flight 113 1 Wing your /. o'er all the earth Fitful 250 3 Unmeasured by the /. of years 332 3 Bear me o'er life's /. sea 269 1 Nor take thine everlasting /. 516 3 I'll view my home, and take my /. Fitness 587 2 Beyond the /. of time 259 3 Nor of /. fondly dream 594 1 With songs let us follow his /. 629 1 And took their /. Fixed 636 3 Traveler, darkness takes its /. 19 1 Praise the mount, I'm /. upon it Fling 302 5 F. on this ground will I remain 574 1 F. in an eternal state 585 3 It is not death to /. Flame 639* F. out the banner! sinsick souls 13 3 The pillar and the /. of fire Float 80 e Who can approach consuming /. 639* Fling out the banner! let it /. FLO 49 FOL Floated 541* Or cloud is /. overhead Flock 16 2 We are his /., he doth us feed 338 3 Hast thou a lamb in all thy /. 384 2 Forward ! /. of Jesus 419 2 Where Christ's /. enter in 445 1 Fear not, O little /., the foe 644 3 A scattered, homeless /. 669 1 Our gathered /. thine arms enfold G77 2 Keep thy /., from sin defend us Flocks 113 2 Watching o'er your /. by night 117 1 In the field with their /. abiding Flood 101 1 Our helper he, amid the /. 176 1 Thunder like a mighty /. 261 2 Plunge now into the crimson /. 330 3 Support me in the whelming /. 393 3 Must I not stem the /. 577 5 Are carried downward by the /. G2G 1 The /. of crystal waters Floods 359 3 When rising /. my soul o'erflow Flow 4 4 There milk and honey /. 18 4 An endless /. of pleasures 85 4 F., my praise, forever /. 573 5 Shall from his fullness /. Flowed 500 3 By the boding tears that /. 51 7 2 Thy mercy o'er my life has /. Flower 90 5 But sweet will be the /. 195 3 Shut my heart up like a /. G42 4 Truth. . .like to a /. 716 2 He paints the wayside /. Flowers 62 1 Upon the fragrance of the /. 422 1 Work 'mid springing /. 462 3 Bloom the fair /. the earth . . . pressed 542 2 I do not ask that /. . .spring 604 1 And never withering /. 609 4 There fragrant /. immortal bloom 650 3 And love and joy, like /. 673 1 Beauteous are the /. of earth Flowery 393 2 On /. beds of ease Flowing G8 3 And living water /, Flown 568 2 The arrow is /.; the moment is gone Flows 153 3 Pardon for all /. from his side 376 1 A life that like a river /. 384 1 Jordan /. before us 554 2 When sorrow /. from eye to eye 556 3 And often for each other /. Flung 04 1 1 F. to the heedless wind? Whereby no /. a hand can raise What /. can make our souls afraid The /. is stern and eager Hast thou a /. , before whose face Leads against the /. Till every /. is vanquished Fear not the secret /. And, dying, find my latest /. For thee, and not thy /. They conquered every /. Though opposed by many a /. Both friend and /. in all our strife Fear not, O little flock, the /. What /. have I to fear I'd break through every /. Death, the last /., was captive led Over every /. Fly 253 5 To Jesus may we /. 315 5 Upward I /. 405 4 On wings of love our souls shall 434 1 O then to the Rock let me /. 481 4 I dare not ask to /. from thee 5221 w e cou i a not /. to thee 640 1 Like the beams of morning /. Flying 163 2 Long and dark, is /. 422 2 Give every /. minute Foe 93 1 971 295 3 338 3 383 1 386 1 387 2 391 2 3945 404 3 41 2 4 415 3 445 1 448 1 535 5 596 3 681 3 Foes 73 4 No rude alarms of raging /. 126 3 Thy /. might hate, despise, revile 158 2 The Lord, that all our /. o'ercame 206 3 Lo, what embattled /. 212 1 All her /. shall be confounded 213 3 From /. without, and /. within 216 1 And cast thy /. with fury down 249 2 This. . .kindness to his /. 350-' My /. are ever near me 393 3 Are there no /. for me to face 493 1 Ten thousand /. arise 494 1 Thou art in the midst of /. 561 4 Mighty their envious /. to move 563 4 Our wondering /. to move 583 1 Unbroken by the last of /. 71 1 1 Kept by him no /. annoy Fold 6 2 He brought us to his /. again 19 2 Wandering from the /. of God 57 2 To the /. of thy embrace 161 1 And where in many a /. 300 1 I did not love the /. 500 3 Treachery lurked within tbv /. 5G4 1 With his sheep securely /. you 644 3 Be gathered to thy peaceful /. Folds 230 1 And /. them in his arms 677 1 For our use thy /. prepare Follies 51 2 But he forgives my /. past Follow 193 2 F. me, I'll guide thee home 293 4 If I find him, if I /. 350 3 To all who /. thee 359 4 Dauntless, untired. I /. thee FOL 50 FOB 385 3 V. where your leader trod Foreign 433 4 Take up thy cross, and /. Christ 458 1 All to reave, and /. thee 102- In /. realms, and lands remote 543- Rise up and /. thee Foretaste 547 d And we still will /. thee 548 1 <) what a /. of glory divine Followed 573 6 From glory's /. here 300 3 He /. me o'er vale and hill Foretells :;il> 1 I rose, went forth and /. thee 312 3 He drew nic and I /. on 387 1 His love /. thy trials Follower Forever 489 1 His faithful /. I would be 4 4 And trees of life /. grow 14 3 /''. through thy servants. Lord Followers 15 1 The song of praise /. rings 558 1 Ye /. of the Lamb 16 4 His mercy is /. sure 18 4 Till, clothed in light /. 21 1 Who reigns, and shall /. reign Following 162* F. thee beyond the skies 48 4 May hymn and prayer /. dwell 479 4 But simply /. thee 136 1 And he is mine /. 606 4 And, /. their incarnate God 151 s O make me thine /. 279 2 Could my tears /. flow Follows 318 3 F. in my heart 416 1 Who /. in his train 388 4 I shall /. die 594 3 F. and ever shall last Folly 625 1 F. with the Lord 24(i 3 Of sin and /. go Forfeit Fondly 551 1 what peace we often /. 706 2 This land we /. call our own Forget Font 596 1 Canst thou /. thy glorious work 683 1 Made him at the /. 710 1 Lest we /., lest we /. Food Forgetful 176 3 Thou on earth our /., our stay 307 3 Yes, she may /. be 436 4 Of daily bread, or angels' /. Forgive Foolishness 58 4 Keep us in life; /. our sins 255 3 How freely Jesus can /. 241 3 Our /. to mourn 301 3 F. him, O /., they cry Fools 380 2 Heard him pray, /. them, Father 491 4 My Saviour prayed, /. 486 3 And we are /. and blind Forgiven Foot 109 3 Souls redeemed and sins /. 163 1 Led them with unmoistened /. 171 2 All thy people are /. 299 2 And show my sins /. Footsteps 303 1 His sins on earth /. 96 1 He plants his /. in the sea 344 4 News of sins /. 228 2 And still in Jesus' /. tread 4S9 5 Freely and graciously /. 379"* In which my Saviour's /. shine 575° To saints on earth /. 425 1 To guide my doubtful /. right 580 4 May we the /. trace Forgiveness 606 4 They marked the /. that he trod 126 3 Unwearied in /. still 599 3 Grant /., Lord, at last Footstool 85* Leave thy /.. take thy throne Forgiving 6823 Yet still to his / go 94 3 And his /. love 318 2 Thy sweet /. love Forbear 453 J Faithful. . .art thou, /. all 267 1 Can my God his wrath /. Forlorn Force 257 2 Thou who. houseless, sole, /. 450 4 He will not leave my soul /. 206 4 Despite of fraud or /. Form 23-' To /. a robe of light divine Forebodings 124 3 It bids my dark /. cease 586 4 Restore thy trust; a glorious /. Forefathers Formal 104 4 I seek. . .which my /. trod 183 3 In vain we tune our /. song FOU 51 FRE Formed 3 2 He /. the deeps unknown 6 2 Made us of clay, and /. us men Former 1G0 1 To the /. days belong 574 1 Hasted through the /. year Forsake 4 2 I all on earth /. , 7' Now let our faith /. its hold 143 s Never shall the cross /. me 252* I wait, but he does not /. 275 3 Though late. I all /. 433 1 Denv thyself, the world /. 461 7 I'll never no never / 569 3 We will no more our God /. 592 3 For I will ne'er /. my own 673 5 And not one /. Forsaken 147 3 Is not /. by his God Forsakes 165* The rising God /. the tomb Forsook 47o 4 God never yet /. at need Forth 15* They ery with us, Send /. thy light 1G 1 Him serve with fear, hi< praise /. tell Fortress 101 1 A mighty /. is our God 430 2 Thou wast their rock, their /. Forty 176* When the /. days were o'er Forward °,s4 1 F ! be our watchword 387 s Go /.. Christian soldier ."(.:- One, the earnest looking /. Fought 170 1 All the battle /. and won 391 1 I the good fight have /. 568 3 I have /. my way through 591 3 They /. the fight, the victory won Foulest l 4 His blood can make the /. clean Found 22 7 The men of grace have /. 304 3 I looked to Jesus, and I /. 310 3 For, O my God, it /. out me 330* may I then. . .be /. _ 555' Whate'er of sin in us is /. :,«)7 3 His soul is /. in peace Foundation 207 1 The church's one /. 302 1 Before the world's /. slain 323? . . • the great rock /. 461 1 How firm a /., ye saints G08 2 Rejoicing this /. lay liU'i 1 Christ is made the sure I . Foundations 97* Yea, though the earth's /. rock iy4! The worlcFs /. first were laid _'14 2 And her /. strong 383 2 Hell's /. quiver Founder's 233 4 And bless the F. name Fount 19 1 Come, thou F. of every blessing 194* Thrice holy F.. thrice holy Fire 536 1 Thou F. of life ! thou Light of men Fountain 18 4 A /. brimming o'er 91 2 Open now the crystal f. 181 1 F. of life and love 258 3 See from the Rock a /. rise 268 4 To the blest /. of thy blood 291 1 There is a /. filled with blood 357 2 F. for guilt and sin 463 4 Thou of life the /. art 536 3 We drink of thee, the F. Head 614 2 Dear /. of refreshment Fountains G19 3 To the living /. lead G49 2 I- to guide us to the /. Foxes 122 3 The /. found re-t, and the birds | Fragments I G21 5 Sing us sweet /. of the -ongs above Fragrance 179 3 Their /. ever sweet 195 3 And hH love by /. own 522 3 Their /. from the wounded part G66 4 . . .with the /. of heaven Frail 587 1 Were this /. world our final re-t Frailty 4G 2 His care was on my /. shown Frame 23 3 ... through all this wondrous /. 64 4 In such a /. as this 330 1 I dare not trust the sweetest /. 469 1 Well thi- beauteous /. hath planned 492 1 A calm and heavenly /. 577 3 Or earth received her /. G42 3 Shall come, and all shall /. Framed 9 s He /. the globe; he built the sky Fraud 206 4 Despite of /. or force 3592 No /., while thou, my God, art near 712 3 By /. or conquest; rich in gold Free l 4 He sets the prisoner /. 15 4 Set all men /. 82 5 Grant us . . . to make us /. 85 3 For thy rich, thy /. redemption 1513 Come, Lord, and set me /. •?06 4 F. as the noonday sun 258 2 And find his trraep i- /. for all 310* 'Tis mercv all, immense and /. 349 4 Thy gifts'so /. FRE 52 FUN 354 1 A heart from sin set /. Friendship 370 2 His presence makes me /. indeed 381 3 And fully set my spirit /. 55G 6 And perfect love and /. reign 428 3 Till death shall set me /. Frost 452 3 My path to life is /. ■Iti.V That makes thy children /. 1 C>.V From the /. and gloom of death 514 4 Mercy heard, and set him /. Frost-chain .*>.~>ti tt And sin we shall ho /. 622 2 . . .be at rest and /. ti_'7"' Beyond the f.-r. and the fever G80 2 From sin and sorrow /. Frown Freeborn :'.t'»7 4 Thee will I love, beneath thy /. 615 1 The land of souls /. Frowning Freedom 440 2 And face a /. world 685 2 Give us holy /. Frozen 702 1 Let /. ring 182 2 melt this /. heart 71 1 1 Peace and /. we enjoy 274 1 This heart, this /. heart of mine Free ly Fruit 4G3 4 F. let me take of thee 570 3 In Christ so /. given 22 7 Celestial /. on earthly ground 454 4 Their wonted /. should bear f)4u' Joy is a /. that will not grow 691 4 F. may we rejoice to (five (IK) 4 Those trees. . .bear /. Frees 692 s Sweet flowers an. 1 /. thy love declare 467 1 Thy death it is which /. us 693 1 F. of prayer, and /. of praise 488 1 He bears them all and /. us Fruitful Freshness 050 3 Upon the /. earth 717 3 But the /. ears to store 42.* 4 Still holds the /. of thy grace Fruition Fretting .V>7 4 Till hope in full /. die G27 3 Beyond the calming and the /. 45K 4 Hope shall change to glad /. Friend 573° To glory's full /. 81 4 Mv Father and my F. Fruits 130 ] .le-us Christ, the sinner's F. 39 2 May the /. of thy salvation 151 2 To thank thee, dearest F. 69* May the /. of grace abound 165 1 He dies! the F. of sinners dies Fulfill 174 1 Well deserves the name of /'. 184 2 Come, tenderest F., and best 370 3 He surely shall /. 193- Fver present, truest /•'. 373* F. our heart's desire 249 3 The F. of sinners— yes, 'tis he 400- () let me cheerfully /. 27 1 1 Jesus, the sinner's F., to thee G25 3 E'en here to me /. 332 1 More than /. or life to me Fulfilled 350 3 My Master and my F. 353 4 No other /. can read 47G 4 So shall they be /. in thee 393 3 Is this vile world a /. to grace Fulfillment 505 2 . . .true F., my chief delight 509 3 And the poor a /. 138 1 Find their /., Lord, in thee 51 1 7 Jesus, the feeble sinner's F. Full 549 4 My F., when friendless — still abide 55 1 1 What a F. we have in Jesus 580 s Thou everlasting F. 20 4 With /. and perfect love G40 3 Jesus' love is /. and free 587 1 F. after /. departs Fullness G71 3 To thee their F of heaven 192 2 With the /. of thy grace (ISO 1 There's a F. for little children 311 5 As if filled with the /. of God 70l 4 Her everlasting /''. 324 3 Doth open to the /. Friendless 364? The /. which thv own redeemed 410 3 O (ill me with thv /., Lord 549 4 My Friend, when /.--still abide 488 2 All /. dwells in him Friends 503* Our souls with all thv /. fill 57:-!-' The /. of his bles-ing 92 1 Though /. should all fail 8 4 Frankly the g. of God receive 277 4 O let me now receive that g. 294 5 The g. of Jesus' love 298 2 And ask the g. unspeakable 308 3 One only g. can justify 313 3 And still stir up thy g. in me 343 2 Each g. but helps my soul to learn 553 3 The g. which he on one bestows 665 3 The rich man's g., the widow's mite 688 1 Whate'er that g. may be Gifts 20 3 Before his g. earth's richest boons 105 3 That tastes those g. with joy 114 4 Vainly with g. would his favor secure 166 2 All good g. returned with her. . . King 347 4 And still thy richer g. repeat 456 4 Though life its common g. deny 472 1 I can but give the g. he gave 655 2 The g. of God are strown 673 5 So our lowly g. to thee G92 9 Our life, our g., our power to give 716 3 Accept the g. we offer Gird 2 2 G. on thy mighty sword GIG 2 G. thee for the battle Girded 39"> 2 But g. for our Father's work Girdeth 445 2 He g. on his sword Girds 20 1 Who cheers the. . . , g. with strength Give 277 3 Till thou thy Spirit g. 402 2 And the least you g. for Jesus 424 8 Lord, g. me such a faith as this G92 s Then gladly will we <;. to thee Giver 129 2 The Q. of the law 54 GLO Gives 14 3 That boundless love itself that g. Glad 108 1 Hark, the g. sound! the Saviour 121 4 The great g. tidings tell 172 1 And bids the earth be g. 304 1 And he has made me g. 352 1 With a g. heart ami free 470 2 If life be long, I will be g. G73 4 How to make them g. 712 1 Our thought. . .is g. with hope Gladden 184 1 To g. each sad heart Gladly 326 2 And g. for thine own dear sake 692 s Then g. will we give to thee Gladness 7 3 The g. of that happy day 68 1 O day of rest and g. 163 1 Of triumphant g. l()4 l The passover of g. 216 4 With everlasting g. crowned 290 1 And joy and g. filled the place 344 3 Shedding all its g. 495 2 The oil of g. on our heads 571 2 Another year of g. Gladsome 5o0 2 For kind and g. ways Glance 54 5 Thy kind but searching g. can scan 80 4 A g. of thine runs through the globe 274 1 O for a g. of heav'nly day Glances 170 2 Forward are our g. cast Glancing 497 2 The upward g. of an eye Gleams 640 1 G. along the morning skies 681 x Brightly g. our banner Glimmering 117 1 And g. under the starlight 242 1 Or spark of g. day 259 3 'Tis the Spirit's g. beam Glistering 131 2 And watch thy g. raiment glow Globe 9 2 He framed the g.\ he built the sky 80 4 A glance of thine runs through the g. Gloom 50 5 Shines through the g. and. . .skies 88 3 From the g. his brightness streameth 21 1 3 Change to day the g. of night 321 3 The g. of hellish night 361 4 Glory shall chase away its g. 489 2 Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest g. 538 2 His presence disperses my g. 567 2 Chasing far the g. and terror 584 2 Since .lesus. ... I dread not its g. r>99 2 Through the deep and silent g. 609* There rays divine disperse the g. I. Hi- Nor hine The g. of his cross And O, may this my g. be In shame my g. and my crown What will thy g. be I lay in dust life's g. dead Till I thy g. see And seek thy g. there In thee be all our g. now Of Jesus and his g. More g., more delight From g. unto g. Soon they shall thy g. see With those to g. gone The mention of thy g. Our g., only in the cross Who to thy g. live Till, like a sea of a. Lord, from thine inmost g. G. and praises be And hereafter in thy g. The path to g. and to God 'end Glow 129 4 To prayer's transfiguring g. 375 2 Might now begin to a. 5521 With love to man will g. 554 5 His bosom g. with love OLO GOL Glowing 12 1 And prophets praised with g. tongue 68 3 Where gospel light is g. 312 1 Well may this g. heart rejoice 422 3 While their bright tints are g. Glows 344 5 G. the western sun Goading 616 2 G. into sin Goal 170 2 He is gone; toward their g. 344 7 Saviour, to its g. 434 1 And rough seems the path to the g. God l 1 The glories of my G. and King 3 4 And own your gracious G. 4 1 The G. of Abraham praise 6 1 Know that the Lord is G. alone 10 2 And seraphs shout the Triune (!. II 3 Salvation to G.,. . .on the throne lf> 4 Burst Satan's bonds, <) O. of might 16 2 The Lord, ye know, is G. indeed 17 4 G. is in heaven, and men below 18 l O G., the Rock of Ages 19 2 Wandering from the fold of G. 20 4 Praise ye. . . ! G. the Lord 22 3 The G. that rules on high 33 1 Once more we come before our G. 42 2 New thoughts of G.,. . .of heaven 49 1 Glory to thee, my G., this night (543 Where thou, my G., art seen 79 4 So much of G. before 87° When all this G. is all for thee 139 1 Strong Son of G., immortal Love 181 4 G., through himself, we. . .know 224 5 Such trophies G. can raise 272 4 O Lamb of G., I come 283 3 That G. is only love 289 3 He closed his eyes to show us G. 306 3 .... Behold the way to G. 309° But (?., who called me here below 315 1 Nearer, my G., to thee 316 2 For thee, my (?., the living G. 327 1 Or G. appear to me 33 1 2 Thou, O my G., thou only art 337 4 Thou my life, my G., my all 345 4 I am thy Love, thy G., thy All 360 1 For they shall see our G. 361 6 And G. himself is light 3(>3 l () how the thought of G. attracts 368 3 G. only knows the love of G. :570 4 When G. is mine, and I am his 37 1 5 Come, OmyG., my G. 374 2 Lamb of G., I look to thee 389 s The day of G., shall come 392 1 But learn what G. is like 393 3 To help me on to G. 417 1 Teach me, my G. and King 437 4 Proclaim, G. sitteth on the throne 441 2 Jesus, my G. ! we are his Own 442 2 As though there were no G. 445 3 G. is with us; we are his own 448 1 With G. at my right hand 449 1 My G., I wish them there 452 1 But G. is round about me 4f)9 3 Whose founder is the living G. 404° I nothing see but G. 407- If thou, my G. and teacher 4vS;{ J Solely because thou art m> (,'. 486 1 Still we trust in G. 487 1 Whate'er my G. ordains is right 493 4 Shall bring thee to thy G. 497 2 When none but G. is near 498 2 Where none but G. can hear 4992 If thou, my G., art here 500 5 Held in vain the rising G. 503 1 Lord of our life, G. whom we fear 509 4 Names the name of G. 515 2 If we look to G. in prayer 518 4 Secure of finding G. in all 525 1 Still with thee, O my G. 527 1 Choose thou for me, my G. 546 4 To know that G. is mine 651* Everything to G. in prayer 566 2 United to our G. in thee 591 * When G. recalls his own 61 9 1 Followers of the dying G. 626 4 O Lamb of G. who reignest 663 1 And will the great eternal G. 664 1 O Lord, our G., almighty King 6751 Glorious G. of all 686 4 Thou sovereign G., receive this gift 696 2 Yet still the mercy of our G. 699 4 As G. hath dealt with thee 700 4 As thee their G. our fathers owned 702 4 Our fathers' G., to thee 705 3 Give peace, G., give peace again 71 1 1 Praises to our G. belong 713 1 Our fathers' G., to thee we raise 717 3 For the Lord our G. shall come Godhead 77 5 G. one, and persons three 111 2 Veiled in flesh the G. see 166 3 Of the Father's G. true. . .Son 191 1 And make to us the G. knoti a Godly 314 3 Be joined with g. fear 320 1 Of jealous, g. fear God's 13 2 'Tis G. own house, 'tis heaven's gate 72 1 The dawn of G. dear Sabbath 567 2 One, the light of G. own presence Gold HO 5 Comes round the age of g. 161 1 Pass through the gates of g. 200 4 A lamp of burnished g. 224 2 Should g. and gems compare 348 2 Take my silver and my g. 372 3 And g. is dross compared to her 384 4 Shine the gates with (/. 714 3 . . .setting thy thoughts in g. Golden 78 2 Casting down their g. crowns HO 4 Look now! for glad and g. hours 200 2 It is the g. casket 253 5 Lest life's young g. beam should die 421° Till dawns the g. day 429 2 And trim the g. flame 439 s They scorn to seek earth's g. toys 505 4 And we. . .within heaven's g. door 544 2 Of all our g. dreams 545 2 Of the vain world's g. store 554 5 Love is the g. chain that binds 573 3 The g. bonds shall be 618 1 Fling open wide the g. gates 640 3 Where (lie g. gates of daj 655* Poll down I heir g. sand GOO 57 GRA Good 16 4 . . . ? the Lord our God is g. 131 1 O Master, it is g. to be 134 2 To fly the g. I would pursue 379 3 No other g. will I pursue 479 s The joy of doing g. 487 4 Who cannot will me aught hut g. 498 3 And future g. implore 504 1 Since without Thee we do no g. 539 4 His loving-kindness, O how g. 558 3 On earthly g. look down Goodly 4 4 The g. land I see Goodness 18 3 On us thy g. rest 19 3 Let thy g., like a fetter 76 5 Praise we the g. that. . .our days 88 3 Will his changeless g. prove 100 4 His g. stands approved 102 5 Thy g. we adore 105 8 Thy g. I'll pursue 136 5 Thy g. faileth never 2G9 3 Ten thousand times thy g. grieved 319 2 Let thy g. never fail vis 320 2 No more thy g. grieve 353 2 I have no strength or g. 509 1 To thy g. flee 548 3 Filled with his g., lost in his love Good will 15 2 Rang out the song, "(7. w." to men 110 1 Peace on earth, g. w. to men 115 6 G. w. henceforth from heaven to men 117 1 On earth g. w. and peace 120 1 To all mankind g. w. Gospel 202 4 Nor shall the spreading g. rest 206 1 O let the g. sound 224 1 The blessings which the g. brings 292 1 Are in the g. found 294 8 The g. trumpet hear 371 1 O joyful sound of g. grace 397 1 His feet are with the g. shod G21 2 The music of the g. leads us home 629 1 And where the g. day G38 2 Come, and bring the g. grace G45 2 Thy g. to mankind 648 3 Of g. blessings send 661 3 Thy g. bless Gospel's G9 4 May thy g. joyful sound 199 1 Upon the g. sacred page 290 1 How sweetly flowed the g. sound 70G 4 We praise thee that the g. light Government 314 2 His g. to own Grace l 1 The triumphs of his g. 4 3 And sing the wonders of his g. 8 1 How great the wisdom . . . g. 9 1 His saving g. proclaim 18 4 With beauty and with g. 19 1 Tune my heart to sing thy g. 22 5 There, from the rivers of his g. 30 2 And keep us in his g. 35 2 Fill our hearts with. . .g. 36 3 Through g. we hearken to thy voice 40 1 May the g. of Christ our Saviour 50 3 What but thy g. can foil 65 3 Spirit of g. ! O deign to dwell 69 4 Make the fruits of g. abound 7 1 3 When g. has purified my heart 80 5 To sing thy glory or thy g. 81 2 His truth. . .seals the g. 89 3 His very word of g. is strong 92 4 The word of his g. shall comfort 123 3 With the dawn of redeeming g. 126 5 That gentleness and g. that spring 130 1 Praise we most the g. which gave us 135 1 His lips with g. o'erflow 146 2 Amazing pity! g. unknown 173 4 With all its g., is given 191 3 The g. which all may find 194 3 Plenteous of g., descend from high 202 2 Reveals thy justice and thy g. 207 2 With every g. endued 210 2 G. which, like the Lord, the giver 222 4 The riches of his g. 224 4 Yet g. the victory gives 228 4 Partakes of the Saviour's g. 2441 What shall. . .gain thy g. 258 2 And find my g. is free for all 2G4 3 The double g. bestow 266 1 The God of g. will ne'er despise 2G7 2 I have long withstood his g. 2G9 3 Of all whoe'er thy g. received 27 1 4 What shall I say thy g. to move 285 6 My promised g. receive 28G 2 Receives the g. he sends us down 288 1 G. ! 'tis a charming sound 289 2 Ask but his g., and lo, 'tis given 290 1 From lips of gentleness and g. 294° The news of heavenly g. 295 1 Of pardon, g., and peace 296 3 If g. were bought, I could not buy 305 3 From faith to faith, from g. to y. 307* O for g. to love thee more 309 1 Amazing g. ! how sweet the sound 314 2 O may my heart, by g. renewed 316 1 And thy refreshing g. 318 1 Thy justifying g. 327 4 The heights and depths of g. 329 3 Save me by thy g. 334 2 May thy rich g. impart 343 4 The g. that mightily uplifts 347 1 Lord, thou hast promised g. for g. 350 3 O give me g. to follow 355 3 Let us all thy g. receive 3G1 5 For God, by g., shall dwell in thee 370 3 The counsel of his g. in me 372 1 Happy the man that finds the g. 379 1 Assist me with thy heavenly q. 389 2 G. keeps the precious germ alive 391 3 Kept by the power of g. divine 400 4 Whate'er thy. . .g. hath given 401 4 O'erwhelmed with thy. . .g. 416 4 O God, to us may g. be given 420 1 ... by thy g. we will be 423 4 Still holds., .thy g. 436 1 While g. . . .for thirsty souls 458 4 Haste thee on from g. to glory 461 5 My g., all sufficient, shall. . .supply 463 4 G. to cover all my sin 470 1 And this thy g. must give 491 1 Let me be by g. restored o09 2 To thy throne of g. 51 4 3 Scorn thy g., thy power defy 515* They who seek the throne of g. 520° Thy g. is still outpoured GRA .58 CUE 523 2 The blessings of thy q. impart 541 1 For gift or g. surpassing this 552 4 And seek that g. to prove 553 1 Who joins us by his g. 557 1 Jesus, united by thy g. 560 1 For his redeeming g. 5G5 2 O all redeeming g. 569 1 Come, let us use the g. divine 570 4 And on his g. depend 572 3 But pardoning g. still streams 573 6 While g. for g. abundantly 649 3 His abounding g. proclaim 65G 4 Rejoice in thy abounding g. 661 1 Come, O thou God of g. 666 3 . . . Spirit of glory and g. 676 3 Strong to follow in thy g. 678 6 We seek thy g. alone 692 6 For means of g. and . . . heaven 694 1 To crown his head, or g. his name 712 2 By God's g. only stronger made Graces fix 4 New g. ever gaining 98 2 And more g. tor the good 192 2 On our souls thy g. shower 663 s With all the g. of his train Gracious I 2 My g. Master and my God 3 4 And own your g. God 31" Thou good and g. King 3o 3 Thee, a g. God and kind 47 4 Now, Lord, the g. work begin IK) 1 From heaven's all g. King 195 1 I myself would g. be 232 3 We, too, before thy g. sight 234 1 According to thy g. word 241 3 In this our g. day 284 3 Yet on mine ears the g. tidings fal 303 1 How can my q. Saviour show :«0. r )i Into thy g. hands I fall 33G 1 My g. Lord, I own thy right 34G 2 Pass me not, O g. Father 377 1 Be mindful of thy g. word 47G 2 To take whate'er his g. will 506 1 Most g. Lord 637 4 Bless we, then, our g. Lord Grain 398 5 But life, though falling like our g. 71G 1 The warmth to swell the g. 717 2 Wholesome g. and pure may be Grand 15 2 G. in the poet's winged word 23 :i In all our Maker's g. designs 85 2 G. beyond a seraph's thought Grandeur 17 1 Becomes the g. of a God So- For the g. of thy nature Grasp 605* To g. the God we seek Gil 5 O that we now might g. our Guide Grasping 512 4 In g. all mankind Grasses 18 2 Or the g. in the meadows Grateful 12 3 The g. song, the fervent prayer 130 1 G. we thy praises sing 236 1 And owns the g. tie 245 1 Accept the g. sacrifice 44G 1 With g. hearts, O God, to thee 465° With g. love to thee Gratefully 10G 1 O g. sing his power and his love Gratitude 105 2 The g. declare 236 1 The g. we owe 249 4 Rise, touched with g. divine 341 3 Of love and g. and praise Grave (serious) 510 2 Let me in season, Lord, be g. Grave (a burial place) 49 3 The g. as little as my bed Gl 2 O Conqueror of the 8G 3 Passed through the g. and blessed 59G 1 Forever molcier in the g. Graves 239 5 Until the ancient g. be stirred 583 6 Thy kindred and their g. may be 595 s The g. of all his saints he blest Great 5 3 The g. salvation loud proclaim At the g. supper of the Lamb How g. the wisdom,. . . , and grace To sing the g. Jehovah's praise The g. congregation his triumph We come, g. God, to seek thy face The G„ the Holy, and the High How high your g. Deliverer reigns And make the g. salvation known In honor of my g. High Priest My crimes are g., but don't surpass G., and ever greater G. your strength; if g. your need Seeking for some g. thing to do Spare me for thine own g. name G., without seeking to be g. 8 1 9 1 ll 2 13 2 17 3 165 4 190 4 2G9 4 270 2 344 3 41 2 3 465 3 599 3 712 3 Greatest 243 1 What is the thing of g. price Greatness 708 2 Thy power we see, thy g. own Green G04 2 Stand dressed in living g. 61 3 Continually are g. 644" Shall grow with living waters g. G83 4 Beautiful and g. fireen land's G55 1 From G. icy mountains Greet 418 1 That the sons. . .may g. him Greeting G27 4 Beyond the farewell and the g. GRE 59 GUI Greetings G18 3 O then what raptured g. Grief 135 2 And carried all my g. 146 5 But drops of g. can ne'er repay 153 2 And say, was ever g. like his 155 3 All forms of human g. and care 165 2 Here's love and g. beyond degree 216 3 There sighing g. shall weep no more 218 5 Our g. allays, our fear controls 255 2 His pitying eyes thy g. discern 324 3 My g. is in the dullness 340 2 To hardship, g., and loss 349 4 In joy, in g., through life 356 2 Where fear, and sin, and g. expire 423 3 From woman's g., man's. . .toil 424 2 But, in the hour of g. or pain 427 2 Thou Man of g., who once apart 456 3 And g. may bide an evening guest 458 3 'tis not in g. to harm me 466 1 . . .from sin, and g., and shame 491 2 A portion of thy g. unknown 521 3 What though in lonely g. I sigh 607 4 Give joy or g., give ease or pain 637 3 Then be banished g. and pain 684 2 As he, the Man of g., went by Griefs 154 3 In thy g. may deeply grieve 21 1 3 But, your g. forever ending 280 1 By thy human g. and fears 322 2 And g. would tear my . . . breast 334 3 And g. around me spread 339 2 Nor heed my g., remembering thine 432 1 Awhile forget your g. and fears 435 1 Commit thou all thy g. 487 2 His hand can turn my g. away 488 2 I lay my g. on Jesus 500 3 By the sacred g. that wept 55 1 1 All our sins and g. to bear 580 2 Their joys and g., and. . .cares Grieve 126 4 Like thee, O Lord, to g. 154 3 In thy griefs may deeply g. 247 3 While ye g. your God, and die 320 2 No more thy goodness g. Grieved 186 2 I g. thee long, alas ! 265 2 For having g. my God 267 2 G. him by a thousand falls 269 3 Ten thousand times thy goodness g. 320 3 For having g. thy love 500 5 By the deep, expiring g. 598 1 And hear her final g. Groaned 146 2 He g. upon the tree Groans 142 2 Hark; how he g. ! while nature 581 2 The pains, the g., the dying strife Groping 193 2 G. on in darkness drear Ground 3 2 And all the solid g. 17 2 Fall worshiping, and spread the g. 22 7 Celestial fruit on earthly g. 115 1 All seated on the g. 302 1 Now I have found the g. wherein 330 1 All other g. is sinking sand Grovel 183 2 Look how we g. here below Grow 4 4 And trees of life forever q. 7 3 Nor hope decline, nor love g. cold 22 7 From faith and hope may g. 347 4 Help us, O Lord, that we may g. 464 2 They dark and darker g. Growing 4 5 And swell the g. fame 622 2 The world is g. old Grown 717 2 Unto joy or sorrow g. Grows 18 3 Whose light g. never pale 281 4 Where knowledge g. without decay 643 2 More and more it spreads and g. Grudge 312 4 With ashes who would g. to part Guard 100 2 Shall g. his children well 313 3 Still let me g. the holy fire 340 3 Forever standing on its g. 449 4 Is now my g. and guide 493 1 My soul, be on thy g. 507 4 As my guide, my g., my friend 710 5 . . .calls not thee to g. Guardian 104 2 Since thou art my g. 487 4 How faithful was our g. here 677 2 Be the g. of our way 704 2 Be thou. . ., g., guide, and stay 706 5 In danger still our g. be 70S 5 Great God, our G., Guide, and I riend Guarding 710 5 And g., calls not thee to guard Guerdon 293 4 What his g. here Guest 36 4 Come quickly in, thou heavenly G. 184 2 Our most delightful g. 189 3 A gracious, willing g. 256 1 Let every soul be Jesus' g. 372 5 Thrice happy who his g. retains 456 3 And grief may bide an evening g. Guests G71 1 And where among the g. Guide 29 3 So that earth's bliss . . . g. 50 3 Who, like thyself, my g. . . .can be 95 1 An awful g., in smoke and flame 193 1 Follow me, I'll g. thee home 20 1 1 To g. our souls to heaven 205 2 Our g. and chart, wherein we read 231 s G. thou their feet in holy ways 257 1 I will g. you to your home GUI 60 BAN 293 3 If he be my g. 333* In death. . .be thou my g. 334* Be thou my g. 350* If thou wilt be my g. 443 1 Is now my guard and g. 452 s Wherever he may g. me 4.")S l God's own hand shall g. thee there 4.">9 l Leader of faithful souls, and G. 463 1 Safe into the haven g. 471 1 Which thou wilt g. aright 505* And safely #., that every step o07 4 As my #., my guard, my friend olO 3 . . . , g. me, love me, Lord .518 3 But with a God to g our way o27 3 Be thou my g., my strength 564 1 By his counsels g.. uphold you ">,7 7 Be thou our g. while life shall last .">2 J Tender G. and Friend 672* Lver be thou our g. 704 3 Be thou our. . .a. and stay 70S 5 Great God,. . .G. and Friend Guided 45T) 1 He who hath g. me till now 465* And g. where 1 go (Guides 204 3 That g. us all the day Guiding 513* Simple rule and safest g. 567 1 Gleams and burns the g. light 675* By thy g. hand Guileless 485 1 But thou wast wrapped in g. sleep Guilt 94 3 Doth all our g. remove 147 3 'Tis midnight; and for other-' ». loo 4 Our bum in all their g. were laid 1MB 1 His mercy will the g. forgive 257 3 In remorse for g. who mourn L'60 1 Come, with your g. and fear 27S 2 That consciousness of g. which fear^ 306 2 I felt its weight and g. the more 334 1 Take all my g. away 443 5 AVhen I've no g. to wash away 488 1 I bring my g. to Jesus 599 3 Lo, my sighs, my g., my shame 709 4 Let that blood our g. efface Guilty 85 3 Break, my tongue, such g. silence 185 2 Cleanse this g. heart of mine 245 s And bid his g. conscience dread 270 3 And make my g. conscience clean 285 s That g. ednners, such a> I 289 1 Arise, yc g., he'll forgive 291 1 Lose all their g. stains 301 1 Shake off thy g. fears 342 4 That bought my g. soul for God Gulf 97 2 And. . .down the g. be hurled 562 3 Fix a mighty g. between Habitation ]92 J Make our hearts thy h. 210 3 Round each h. hovering Hail 4« //.. Father, Son and Holy Ghost <;.">i \\ ith joy we h. the sacred day 1H2 1 //. the day thai sec- him rise l(). 410 2 I mav stretch out a loving //. 414 3 Our skill of //.. and strength of limb 427 2 The trembling h., the fainting heart 431 3 Fail thy /(. to see 437 5 How wise, how strong his h. 449-' My times are in thy h. 451 1 And on its helm there rests a h. 468 3 He will lead thee by the h. 469 1 Lord of earth, thy forming h. 473 4 Thy h. in all things I behold 475 1 Without thv guiding /;. we gi> astray 489 1 Still 'tis God's h. that leadeth rue .■)17 3 Thv ruling h. I see 521' Into thy /'. of love 52 7 l Lead me by thine own h. HAN 61 HEA 550 3 That thou with loving ft. dost trace 553 2 We ft. in /). go on 642 s And h. in h. are set 643 3 Little as a human h Till Blessings from his liberal h. Handle 237 1 Here would I touch and h. things Hands 223* And filled a Saviour's ft. _ 226* While we uphold thy /<. with prayer 247 1 \sks the work of his own /;. 3S4- Yet there are ft. stretched out •>98- In his feet and h. are wound-prints 34S 1 Take my i, and let them move 374 1 In thy gracious /;. I am 435 1 And ways into thy /;. 47 1 4 Out of thy h. my cau>e _ oil- Look on thy a., and read it there S89 4 I find mvself by /;. familiar 658 5 The ft. that work preserve from ill 665° The house not made with h. G69 3 The ft. we cla-p 682 1 I wish that his /<■ had been placed Hangs 152 3 Ah! look how patiently he h. Haimah's 67 4- The Lord to H. son revealed Happier 316 3 I sigh to think of ft. days 456- Are promises of ft. years Happiness 491 3 Life, and ft., and love 518 3 The soul finds /;. in none 547 2 Soon their h. shall Bee 624 2 This /;. in part is mine Happy 7 3 The gladness of that h. day 311 1 O how h. are they 312 1 O ft. day that fixed my choice 372 3 H.. bevond description, he 519 1 O Lord! how h. should we be 538 1 But when I am ft. in him 562 5 Find our h. all in thee 680 3 For every one is ft. Harbinger 642 1 His royal h. Hard 231 4 In every /;. and trying hour Hardness 263* The h. of their hearts remove 356 4 Remove this h. from my heart Hardship 486 4 Accept the h., shrink . . . the loss Harm 458 3 O 'tis not in grief to h. me Harmonies 64^-' All c real ion" s h. 651 3 Break on thy heavenly h. Harmonious 242 4 And all h. human tongue> i 288 1 H. to the ear 715 4 O may our more ft. tongue Harp 71- Like David's /;. of -oleum >ound 541- The poet's star-tuned h.. to ^weep 602 3 Let no h. remain unstrung Harps 27 1 Angel h. forever ringing 109 3 Loud our golden h. shall sound HO 1 To touch their h. of gold 167- And /;. of sweetest sound 175 1 Golden ft. are sounding , 177 3 Then with golden h. we 11 sing 242^ Strike all your ft. of gold 462 2 Sweet are the h. in holy music | 618 2 With ringing of a thousand ft. Hart 316 1 As pants the ft. for cooling streams Harvest 219 1 Lord of the living h, 395 1 More reapers for white h. fields 308 5 Who wait in heaven, their /(. day 716 3 The seedtime and the /<. Harvest-home 389 s And heaven shout. "H.-h" 717 1 Raise the song of /;.-/(. Haste 100 3 H to vour heavenly Fathers throne 251 1 H., traveler, h. ! the night comes on 390 1 Make /(., O man, to live 61 1 4 We h. again to see 623 1 Rise, my soul, and /(. away Hasten 1 •>.-»! O ft. I h. ! to worship the Lord 228 J Then let u- h. to the day ■S44 e Mav we /;. on 400* And /(. to thy glorious day 637 1 //.. Lord, the glorious time Hastening 110 5 For lo! the days are /*. on Hate 15 3 That death . . . 'mid ft. and scorn 101 1 And, armed with cruel h. 126 3 Thv foes may ft., despise, revile 145- Make us to /i. the load of sin •> 1 5 4 Whose wrath or h. makes me afraid 513 3 Some will h. thee, some will love thee Haven 594- Our brother the h. hath gained Head 132 2 I will lay my h. on Jesus 141 3 See, from his h., his hands, his feet 143 1 Gathers round its ft. sublime 151 1 O Sacred H., now wounded 168 1 He lives, my everlasting H. 173 1 The h. that once was crowned 310 5 Alive in heaven, my living H. 370- I find him lifting up my ft. 384 1 At our army's h. 432 4 Triumphant with our h. HEA 62 iii:\ ; ...1 -hall lift up thy h. 463-' Cover my defenceless h. 559 s Unite thy people in their II. 595 a But with their dying H. 094 1 To crown his h., or grace his name Heads 15* Lift up your h., ye heavenly gates 159" With joy upon our /*. arise 658 s The h. that guide endue with skill Heal 54 6 And in thy mercy h. us all S3 2 To ft., to comfort, and to ble-- 195 1 And, with words that help and ft. 226 s The wounded ft., the lost bring in 255- His hand shall ft. thine inward -mart 305 1 O raise me, ft. me by thy grace 423 5 Make haste to ft. these hearts of pain 522 3 But thou wilt h. that broken heart 635 1 Whom Christ doth h. 644 4 And bind and ft. the broken heart Healed 307 2 And. when bleeding, h. thy wound 367 1 My foes, and ft. my wounded mind Healing 111 3 Risen with ft. in his wings 153 4 And gladly catch the ft. stream 380 3 H., helping, full and free 3842 Sick, they ask for ft. 454 1 With h. on his wings 463 4 Let the h. streams abound 696 3 And Christ was still the h. friend Health 515 2 In our sickness or our ft. 527* My sickness or my h. 716 3 Our life, our ft., our food Hear 1° II. him, ye deaf; his praise, ye dumb 89* might I ft. thy heavenly tongue 334 1 Now ft. me while I pray 645" Shall ft. the joyful sound o77- //•■ <> h. us, when we pray 682 2 I shall see him and h. him above 684 3 will he, can he, ft. them now Heard 117 2 And the heavens. . .had never ft. 384 3 Ear hath never ft. Hearken 21)7-' Would not ft. to his calls Heart 2 :i Now rule in every h. 12 3 The incense of the ft., may rise 19 1 Tune my /;. to sing thy grace 21 3 Bound every h. with rapturous joy 25 1 Who hast died my ft. to win 28 a For the ft. and mind's delight 32 6 When from the ft. we say 82 1 Yet to each loving ft. how near 87° little ft. of mine! shall pain 122 1 There is room in mv h. for thee 132 1 But his ft. is still the same 137 4 Weak is the effort of my h. 14B 1 Dissolve my h. in thankfu J7s' Lift up your ft., lift up your voice 1S5 1 Shine upon this ft. of mine 189 3 While he can find one humble h. 191 3 And speak in every h. 223 2 But what might fill an angel'.- h. 227 4 let our h. and mind 228 1 We still are one in ft. 252 3 And I my ft. the closer lock 273 2 Jesus, vouchsafe my ft. and will 274 3 And nothing moves this h. of mine 302 5 Though my h. fail, and flesh decay 309 2 'Twas grace. . .my h. to fear 31 42 O may my h., by grace renewed 316 3 When every //. was tuned to praise 318 2 And followed, with a h. sincere 324 4 for a h. to love thee 327 2 And speak it to my h. 335 2 Take my poor h., and let it be 337 1 Bid this struggling h. be still 338 1 Dead be my h. to every joy 345 2 That strives. . .my h. to share 346 2 Sinful though my h. may be 349 3 Give me a faithful h. 353 4 No human h. could enter 354 1 for a h. to praise my Cod 357* My hands, my head, my h. 358 3 W T hen Jesus makes my h. his home 360 1 Blest are the pure in h. 361 2 Thy h. made truly his 363 4 Down in your h. of hearts 364 3 I know no place in all my h. 366 1 Give me a new, a perfect h. 369 1 My God, accept my h. this day 373 1 And every loving h. 375 1 Shed in my h. abroad 376 1 for a h. of calm repose 380 2 And my. . .h. said faintly 381 2 And stamp thine image on my h. 410 3 Until my very h. o'erflow 41 1 2 Help me the slow of h. to move 419 2 In this poor h. of mine 421 8 Then on, ye pure in h. 427 2 The trembling hand, the fainting /*. 437 3 Still heavy is thy h. 442 1 And not sometimes lose /i. 444 1 I find thee, Saviour, in my //. 463 4 Spring thou up within my h. 472 4 My human h. on thee 473 2 And then new h. springs up in me 476 2 Only thy restless ft. keep still 481 3 I cannot close my ft. to thee 487 3 That bitter seems to my faint h. 494 4 Hide within thy h. his word 505 1 Lest my poor ft., forgetting, go astray 509 3 Lifts his ft. to thee 517 6 My. . .h. shall know no fear 519 1 And feel at h. that one above 521 1 O teach me from my ft. to say 523 2 Give me a calm, a thankful //. 525 4 With thee my h. would find S29 2 Pass from my h. away 533 a O hope of every contrite h. 541 2 The hero's ft. to be unmoved 549 1 No other h. than thine can give 554 2 And joy from h. to ft. 567 3 Lift as from the ft. of one 592 2 Still animates our h. 657 3 To the ft. by sin oppres>ed 661 3 Unto each waiting A. 665 2 And bless each longing ft. 678 2 Whose secret h.. with influence n eel (>91 3 Teach us, with glad, ungru9 4 Come, ve weary, h.-l. 509 1 When the h.-l. cast Hebrew 12 1 The lyre of //. bards was strung Hebrews 31 4 The people of the //. Heed 389 1 To doubt and fear give thou no h. 399 s Men h. thee,. . .praise thee not 600 4 So shall I to my ways take h. Heedless 105 4 With h. steps I ran Height 12 2 Not now on Zion's h. alone 377 4 Now let me gain perfection's h. Hcigbts 307 4 Higher than the h. above 327 4 The h. and depths of grace Heir 225 4 A man ! an h. of death ! a slave 284 5 That made me h. of heaven 554 5 And he's an /;. of heaven who finds C99 2 //. of the same inheritance Heirs 299 s And seal the h. of heaven Hell 73 3 81 3 133 3 156 3 158 1 166 1 289 2 302 4 383 4 385 2 397 4 433 3 445 3 461 7 483 3 495 4 5355 539 s 576 2 5791 590 3 632 2 643 2 Nor sin nor h., shall reach the place Confounds the powers of h. Nor death nor h. shall harm Christ has burst the gates of />. The powers of h. are captive led H. today is vanquished Ask, and he turns your h. to heaven Hither, when h. assails, I flee Gates of h. can never Though all earth and h. appear Sin, death, and h., lie tramples down To save thy soul from death and h. Not earth nor h. with all their bands That soul, though all h. . . .shake Nor of escaping h. Or how the hosts of h. defeat Fearless of h. and ghastly death Though earth and h. . . . oppose Who turns our h. to heaven Or shuts me up in h. Or else — depart to h. And all the powers of h. resign Shakes the. . .gates of h. Hell's 383 2 //. foundations quiver Helmet 397 2 Salvation's h. on his head Help 2i 19 2 128 2 168 2 195 1 277 1 280 1 448 1 4945 //. us thy name to sing Hither by thy h. I'm come A present h. is he He lives, to h. in time of need And, with words that h. and heal No other h. I know Saviour, h. me, or I die My light, my h., is near Pray that h. may be sent down 555" //. us to h. each other. Lord 5