FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Property cf 3RD CEURCH COVENANTERS, Philad j ia. THE PSAL OR BOOK OF PSALMS. A REVISION OF THE METRICAL VERSION OF THE BIBLE BSALMS WITH ADDITIONAL VERSIONS. Reformed Presbyterian Version. Price 35 cents, or 40 cents by mail, JAMES S. TIBBY Penn Building. P I T TSBUR'G-, P A . 1907. PRESS OF THE J. W. PRATT CO., NEW YORK. PREFACE. In this revision of the old Scotch metrical ver- sion of the Psalms the following rules have been applied : 1. To remove imperfections in the metre, as far as possible, by slight verbal changes. t. Transposing words, or slightly modifying the expression to secure the right accent. See for example Psalms 21:11: 25 : 2, C. M. and S. M.; 102: 18, L. M. 2. Supplying a wanting syllable, of which there is a multitude of instances. See for example, Ps. 22 : 27, 28, 30. In a large number of cases, it was thought best to leave the ending ed as a separate syllable, marking the e with a grave accent. II. To recast the entire stanza, where serious defect could not otherwise be remedied. 1. This has been done in eliminating awkward double rhymes, and other serious defects of metre. See e. g. Ps. 1:3; 2:6; 41 : 1. 2. In two instances, a single stanza of the old version has been expanded into two stanzas, to supply omissions. See Ps. 51:11, 12; and 135: 1, 2. 3. In many cases two stanzas of the old version have been condensed into one, or a number of consecutive stanzas have been recast in order to remove unnecessary additions. See e. g. Ps. 78 : 67, 68 ; and 106 : 28, 29. IV PREFACE. III. To secure greater accuracy in the use of the names of the Divine Being, and of the specific designations of the Law of God. i. The various terms found in Psalm 119, "law," " statutes," "precepts," "commandments," "tes- timonies," etc., are in both versions used with scrupulous accuracy. . No little difficulty was encountered in securing this desirable end, with the hampering limitations of metrical feet and rhyme. 2. The Divine Name has been inserted in every instance in which it was omitted — fifty in all. 3. The Divine Name has been omitted in all cases in which it had been inserted when not in the original. All the more careful attention has been given to this point as other versions — except the New England Psalter — seem to have disre- garded it altogether. Take a single Psalm for illustration : In the old version of Psalm 119, the name " God " is introduced twice, and the name " Lord " nineteen times. 4. The Divine Name is kept in its proper con- nection. In a few instances only was this change necessary. See Psalm 119 : 107, 108. 5. The exact name of the Divine Being is indi- cated in every instance. As far as possible, the name "Jehovah" is retained. When the intro- duction of the original word would weaken the line, it has been translated " Lord," and the word is printed in capitals, to indicate to the English reader that it represents the covenant name ; PREFACE. V " Lord " in small letters represents uniformly the Hebrew "Adonai"; and "God" stands for the Hebrew names "El," " Eloai " and "Elohim." The pronouns that represent the Divine Being are printed with an initial capital. In the preparation of this revision the original Hebrew was used throughout, together with the best commentaries, translations, and metrical ver- sions. Among the helps found specially valuable may be mentioned the revision of the New Eng- land or Bay State Psalter, by President Henry Dunstar, of Harvard College, a New Rendering of the Hebrew Psalms in English Verse, by Abraham Cole, M. D., LL.D., and the revisions of the Scotch Psalter, by the United Presbyterian Church of our own country and the Presbyterian Church of Ireland. Whenever the rules adopted permitted, the rendering which seemed to be the best among these versions was accepted. The committee would not fail to express thei:* indebtedness to the admirable work of Dr. John De Witt, of the Theological Seminary of the American Reformed Church, New Brunswick, N. J., entitled, " The Praise Songs of Israel ; a New Rendering of the Book of Psalms." Constant and careful use of this book only served to heighten the apprecia- tion of its fine Hebrew scholarship, and poetic spirit. Invaluable aid was rendered by this vol- ume in the difficult question of the Hebrew tenses. VI PREFACE. A part of the work assigned to the committee was the preparation of some additional metres. It was judged best to add only a few new ver- sions, and these mainly with a view to command the best church music, heretofore unavailable in the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Most of the versions adopted were taken from Dr. Horatius Bonar, Dr. Cole's New Rendering of the Hebrew Psalms in English Verse, the Revision of the Presbyterian Church of Ireland, and the Revis- ion of the United Presbyterian Church of our own land ; all of them were revised again, so far as it seemed necessary to the committee, accord- ing to the third rule mentioned above. New versions, affording the use of standard music not available by the Irish and U. P. revisions, were prepared by the committee, of thirteen Psalms. A new long metre version of Psalm 119 was also prepared. The expansion of each part into six common metre stanzas had led to the introduc- tion of much that is not in the Hebrew. Not being willing to change the number of verses in some of the parts, and not feeling themselves warranted to recast every part, yet deeply im- pressed with the importance of more closely har- monizing a metrical version of this most beautiful and instructive Psalm, so often employed in our Service of Praise, with the inspired original, the committee decided to prepare a new version throughout, with but four stanzas to each part. In all this work the aim has been to realize, as PREFACE. Vll far as possible under the rules given, and the inherent difficulties of versification, the idea of a good version as expressed in the report adopted by Synod in appointing this committee : " A Ver- sion, to be really good, should contain nothing more nor less than the original, and should be expressed in language at once smooth and ele- gant." At the meeting of the Reformed Presbyterian Synod, in Belle Center, O., June, 1889, the follow- ing action was taken : Resolved, That Synod au- thorize the use in families and churches of this Revision. The Committee. THE PSALTER; OR BOOK OF PSALMS Psalm I. CM. 1 '"THAT man hath perfect blessedness 1 Who walketh not astray In counsel of ungodly men, Nor stands in sinners' way, 2 Nor sitteth in the scorner's chair ; 2 But, placing his delight Upon the LORD'S law, meditates On His law day and 'night. 3 3 He shall be like a planted tree The water-course beside, Which in its season yields its fruit, And green its leaves abide. 4 And all he does shall prosper well. 4 The wicked are not so; But like they are unto the chaff, Which wind drives to and fro. 5 5 In judgment, therefore, shall not stand Such as ungodly are; Nor in th' assembly of the just Shall wicked men appear. G 6 Because the way of godly men Is to Jehovah known; Whereas the way of wicked men Shall quite be overthrown. 2 PSALM II. Psalm II. C. M. 1 \17HY rage the nations? and vain things VV Why do the peoples mind ? . 2 The kings of earth do set themselves, And princes are combined 2 Against Jehovah and His Christ; With one consent they say: 3 Let us asunder break Their bands, And cast Their cords away. 3 4 He that in heaven sits shall laugh ; The Lord shall scorn them all. 5 Then shall He speak to them in wrath. In rage He vex them shall. 4 6 Yet I My King appointed have Upon My holy hill ; On Zion Mount His throne is set, Established by My will. 5 7 The sure decree I will declare ; Jehovah said to Me, Thou art Mine only Son ; this day I have begotten Thee. 6 8 Ask Me, and for Thy heritage The nations I '11 make Thine ; And, for possession, I to Thee Will give earth's utmost line. 7 9 Thou shalt, as with a weighty rod Of iron, break them all ; Them, as a potter's vessel, Thou Shalt dash in pieces small. 8 io Now, therefore, kings, be wise ; be taught. Ye judges of the earth ; ii In holy fear Jehovah serve, And tremble in your mirth. PSALM II. 9 12 Kiss ye the Son, lest in His ire Ye perish in the way, If once His wrath begin to burn Blessed all that on Him stay. w Psalm II. 7s. HY do heathen nations rage ? Why vain things do peoples mind ? Kings of earth themselves engage, Rulers are in league combined. 2/ They against Jehovah speak, And against His Christ they say : 3 Let us join Their bands to break, Let us cast Their cords away. 3 4 He shall laugh who sits above, Scorn them all Jehovah shall ; 5 In His anger them reprove ; In displeasure vex them all. 4 6 Yet, according to My will, Have I set My King to reign ; Him on Zion's holy hill, Mine Anointed, I '11 maintain. 5 7 Thus hath said Jehovah High, I will publish the decree ; Thee I own My Son, for I Have this day begotten Thee. 6 8 Ask, for heritage I '11 make All the heathen nations Thine ; Thou shalt in possession take Earth to its remotest line. 7 9 Iron rod of Thine shall fall ; Break them shall Thy sceptre's sway , Dash them into pieces small, Like the potter's brittle clay. 4 PSALM lit. 8 10 Therefore, kings, be wise, give ear ; Hearken, judges of the earth ; ii Serve Jehovah with due fear, Mingle trembling with your mirth. 9 12 Worship ye, oh, kiss the Son, Lest ye perish in the way, When His wrath is but begun ; Blessed are all that on Him stay, Psalm III. C. M. JEHOVAH, how my foes increase ! Against me many rise. 2 Of my soul many say, For him In God no succor lies. 3 Thou, LORD, my shield and glory art Th' uplifter of my head. 4 I cried, and from His holy hill Jehovah answer made. 5 I laid me down and slept ; I waked ; The LORD supported me ; 6 I will not fear though thousands ten Set round against me be. 7 Jehovah, rise ; save me, my God ; Thou hast struck all my foes Upon the cheek ; the wicked's teeth Hast broken by Thy blows. 8 Salvation to Jeh©vah doth Forever appertain, And on Thy people evermore Thy blessing shall remain. G PSALM IV. 5 Psalm IV. C. M. IVE ear unto me when I call, God of my righteousness ; Have mercy, hear my prayer ; Thou hast Enlarged me in distress. 2, 2 O ye the sons of men, how long Will ye love vanities ? How long my glory turn to shame, And will ye follow lies ? 3 3 But know, Jehovah for Himself The godly man doth choose ; Jehovah, when on Him I call, To hear will not refuse. 4 4 Fear, and sin not ; talk with your heart On bed, and silent be. 5 Bring offerings of righteousness, And in the LORD trust ye. 5 6 O who will show us any good ? Is that which many say ; But of Thy countenance the light, LORD, lift on us alway. 6 7 Upon my heart, bestowed by Thee, More gladness I have found Than they, even then, when corn and wine Did most with them abound. 7 8 1 will both lay me down in peace, And quiet sleep will take ; Because Thou only me to dwell In safety, LORD, dost make. Psalm V. C. M. 1 JEHOVAH, to my words give ear, 3 Jehovah, in the morn To Thee my cry shall be , At morn I order will my prayer ; I will look up to Thee. 3 4 For Thou art not a God That doth in sin delight ; Sin cannot dwelt with Thee, nor stand 5 The foolish in Thy sight ; 4 Ill-doers all Thou hat'st ; 6 Cutt'st off who utter lies ; Jehovah loathes the bloody man, And those who frauds devise. 5 7 But to Thy house I '11 come In Thine abundant grace, And I will worship in Thy fear, Toward Thy holy place. 6 8 Jehovah, lead me on In righteousness, I pray ; Because of those who watch for me, To me make straight Thy way. 7 9 For their mouth speaks no truth, Their inward part is ill ; Their throat 's an open sepulchre, Their tongue doth flatter still 5 PSALM VI. 8 10 Judge them, O God, defeat By plans which they devise ; Them for their many sins cast out, For they against Thee rise. 9 ii Let all who trust Thee joy, In shouts their praise proclaim ; Thou savest them, let all rejoice, Who love Thy holy Name. 10 12 Jehovah, to the just Thou wilt Thy blessing yield ; With favor Thou wilt compass him About as with a shield. J Psalm VI. C. M. EHOVAH, in Thine anger great Do Thou rebuke me not ; Nor on me lay Thy chast'ning hand, In Thy displeasure hot. 2 2 Because I withered am away, Jehovah, pity me ; Jehovah, heal Thou me, because My bones vexed greatly be. 3 3 My soul is greatly vexed, but, LORD, How long stay wilt Thou make ? 4 Return, Jehovah, free my soul ; Save for Thy mercy's sake. 4 5 Because of Thee in death there shall No more remembrance be ; Of those that in the grave do lie, Who shall give thanks to Thee ? 5 6 I with my groaning weary am, All night, till morn appears, Through grief I make my bed to swim, My couch to flow with tears. PSALM VI. 6 7 By reason of my vexing grief, Mine eye consumed is ; It waxeth old, because of all That are mine enemies. 7 8 But now depart from me, all ye - That work iniquity ; Because Jehovah heard my voice ? When I did mourn and cry. 8 9 Unto my supplication's voice Jehovah lent His ear ; When I unto Jehovah pray, He graciously will hear. 9 io Let all be shamed and troubled sore, That en'mies are to me ; Let them turn back, and suddenly Ashamed let them be. L Psalm Vr. L. M. ORD, in Thy wrath rebuke me not, Nor in Thy hot rage chasten me. 2 LORD, pity me, for I am weak ; Heal, LORD, for my bones vexed be. 2 3 My soul is also sorely vexed, But, LORD, how long stay wilt thou 4 Return, Jehovah, free my soul ; [make ? O save me for Thy mercy's sake. 3 5 Because all those that are deceased, Of Thee shall no remembrance have ; And who is he that will to Thee Give praises lying in the grave ? 4 6 1 with my groaning weary am, And all the night, till morn appears, Through grief I make my bed to swim, And water all my couch with tears. IO PSALM VII. 5 7 Mine eye, consumed with grief, grows old, Because of all mine enemies. 8 Hence from me, wicked workers all ; Jehovah heard my weeping cries. 6 9 Jehovah heard my cry, my prayer Jehovah will hear graciously, io Shamed and sore vexed be all my foes ; Ashamed and turned back suddenly. Psalm VII. C M. IN Thee, Jehovah, O my God, I confidence repose ; Save and deliver me from all My persecuting foes ; 2 Lest that the enemy my soul Should like a lion tear, In pieces rending it, while there Is no deliverer. 3 Jehovah, O my God, if I Indeed committed this, If it be so that in my hands Iniquity there is ; 4 If I rewarded ill to him lhat was at peace with me, (Yea, even the man that without cajise My foe was, I did free ; ) 5 Then let the foe pursue and take My soul, and my life thrust Down to the earth and let him lay Mine honor in the dust. 6 Rise in Thy wrath, Jehovah, rise, For my foes raging be ; And to the judgment which Thou hast Commanded, wake for me. PSALM VII. II 7 7 Of peoples the assembled host Around Thee shall draw nigh ; And over them do Thou return Unto Thy place on high. 8 8 Jehovah shall the people judge ; My Judge, Jehovah, be, After my righteousness and mine Integrity in me. 9 9 O let the wicked's mischief end ! But 'stablish steadfastly The righteous, for the righteous God The hearts and reins doth try. 10 io In God, who saves th' upright in heart, Is my defence and stay. ii A righteous Judge is God, and God Is wrathful every day. 11 12 If one do not return again, Then He His sword will whet ; His bow He hath already bent, And hath it ready set ; 12 13 He also hath for him prepared The instruments of death ; Against the persecutors He His shafts ordained hath. 13 14 Behold, he with iniquity Doth travail, as in birth ; He also mischief hath conceived, And falsehood hath brought forth, 14 15 He made a pit and digged it deep, Another there to take ; But he is fallen into the ditch Which he himself did make. 12 PSALM VIII. 15 16 On his own head shall be returned The mischief he hath wrought ; The violence that he hath done Shall on himself be brought. 16 17 According to His righteousness Jehovah praise will I, And will to His Name sing, who is Jehovah the Most High. Psalm Villi C. M. 1 r\ LORD, our Lord, in all the earth, \J How excellent Thy Name ! Who hast Thy glory far advanced Above the starry frame. 2 2 From infants' and from sucklings' mouths Thou didest strength ordain In answer to Thy foes, hater And vengeful to restrain. 3 3 When I look up unto the heavens, Which Thine own fingers framed, Unto the moon and to the stars, Which were by Thee ordained ; 4 4 Then say I, What is man, that he Remembered is by Thee ? Or what the son of man, that Thou So kind to him shouldst be ? 5 5 For Thou a little lower hast Him than the angels made, With glory and. with dignity Thou crowned hast his head. 6 6 Of Thy hands' work Thou mad'st him lord, All under 's feet didst lay ; 7 All sheep and oxen, yea, and beasts That in the field do stray. PSALM VI] 13 7 8 Fowls of the air, fish of the sea, All that pass through the same. 9 O LORD, our Lord, in all the earth, How excellent Thy Name ! Psalm VIII. 8, 6, 8, 4. 1 /~\ LORD, our Lord, in all the earth, v_y How excellent Thy Name ! Who hast Th)^ glory set above The starry frame. 2 2 From infants' and from sucklings' mouths Is strength by Thee ordained, That so th' avenger may be quelled, The foe restrained. 3 3 When I behold Thy spacious heavens, The work of Thine own hand, The moon and stars in order set By Thy command ; 4 4 O what is man, that Thou shouldst him In kind remembrance bear? Or what the son of man, that Thou For him shouldst care ? 5 5 For Thou a little lower hast Him than the angels made ; With honor and with glory Thou Hast crowned his head. 6 6 Lord of Thy works Thou hast him made ; All unto him must yield ; 7 All sheep and oxen, yea, and beasts Which roam the field. 7 8 Fowls of the air, fish of the sea, All that pass through the same. 9 O LORD, our Lord, in all the earth, How great Thy Name. 14 PSALM IX. Psalm IX. C. Mi 1 [ ORD, Thee I '11 praise with all my lieart, L/ Thy wonders all proclaim. 2 O Thou Most High, in Thee I '11 joy, Exult and praise Thy Name. 2 3 When back my foes were turned, they fell, And perished at Thy sight 4 For Thou maintainedst my right and cause; On throne satst judging right. 3 5 The nations great Thou hast rebuked, The wicked overthrown ; Thou hast put out their names, that they May never more be known. 4 6 The desolations are complete, That fell the foe upon ; Their cities Thou hast overthrown, Their memory is gone. 5 7 Jehovah shall forever reign, For judgment sets His throne ; 8 In righteousness to judge the world, Justice to give each one. 6 9 Jehovah will a refuge be For those that are oppressed ; A refuge will He be, in times Of trouble, to distressed. 7 io And they that know Thy Name, in Thee Their confidence will place ; For Thou hast not forsaken them That truly seek Thy face. 8 ii The praises of Jehovah sing, That dwells on Zion hill ; Among the nations everywhere His deeds record ye still. PSALM IX. 15 9 12 When He doth search out bloody crimes, He then remembers them; The humble folk He not forgets That call upon His Name. 10 13 Jehovah, pity me ; the grief Which I from foes sustain, Behold, even Thou who from death's gates Dost raise me up again : 11 14 That I, in Zion's daughters' gates, May all Thy praise advance ; And that I always may rejoice In Thy deliverance. 12 15 The nations are sunk in the pit, Which they themselves prepared ; And in the net which they have hid, Their own feet fast are snared. 13 16 Jehovah is by judgment known, Which He Himself hath wrought; The sinners' hands do make the snares Wherewith themselves are caught. 14 17 The wicked .shall be backward turned, Into death's dark abode ; And all the nations that forget The great and mighty God. 15 18 For they that needy are shall not Forgotten be alway ; The expectation of the poor Shall not be lost for aye. 16 19 Arise, LORD, let not man prevail; Judge nations in Thy sight. 20 That' they may know themselves but men, The nations, LORD, affright. 1 6 PSALM X. Psalm X. CM J EHOVAH, wherefore standest Thou Away from us so far ? And wherefore hidest Thou Thyself, When times so troublous are ? 2 2 The wicked, in his loftiness, Doth persecute the poor ; In these devices they have framed, Let them be taken sure. 3 3 The wicked of his heart's desire Doth talk with boasting great ; The covetous renounceth, yea He doth Jehcvah hate. 4 4 The wicked, in his lofty pride, Doth say : He '11 not requite ; For in the counsels of his heart There is no God of might. 5 5 His ways at all times grievous are ; Thy judgments from his sight Are far removed ; at all his foes He puffeth with despite. 6 6 Within tiis heart he thus hath said : I moved shall never be ; And no adversity at all Shall ever come to me. 7 7 His mouth with cursing, fraud, deceit^ Is filled abundantly ; And mischief underneath his tongue There is, and vanity. 8 8 He closely sits in villages ; He slays the innocent ; Against the poor that pass him by His cruel eyes are bent. PSALM X. 17 9 9 He, lion-like, lurks in his den ; He waits the poor to take ; And when he draws him in his net, His prey he doth him make. 10 10 Himself he humbleth very low> He croucheth down withal, That so a multitude of poor May by his strong ones fall. 11 11 He thus hath said within his heart : God hath it quite forgot ; He hides His countenance, and He Forever sees it not. 12 12 O Thou Jehovah, rise ; lift up, O God, Thy hand on high ; Put not the meek afflicted ones Out of Thy memory. 13 13 Why is it that the wicked man Thus doth our God despise ? That Thou wilt ever it require, He in his heart denies. 14 14 Thou hast it seen; mischief and spite Thou seest to repay ; The poor commits himself to Thee ; Thou art the orphan's stay. 15 15 The arm break of the wicked man, And of the evil one ; Do Thou seek out his wickedness Until Thou findest none. 16 16 Jehovah 's King through ages all, Even to eternity ; The heathen nations from His land Are perished utterly. I 1 8 PSALM XI. 17 17 The humble ones' sincere desire, Jehovah, Thou didst hear ; Thou wilt prepare their heart, and Thou To hear wilt bend Thine ear ; 18 t8 To judge the fatherless and those That are oppressed so sore, That man, that is but sprung of earth, May them oppress no more. Psalm XI. c. M. IN Jehovah put my trust ; How is it, then, that ye Say to my soul, Swift as a bird. Unto your mountain flee ? 2 2 For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, Their shafts on strings they fit, That those who upright are in heart They privily may hit. 3 3 If the foundations be destroyed, What hath the righteous done ? 4 Jehovah in His temple is, In heaven, Jehovah's throne. 4 He sees ; His eyelids try men's sons. 5 The just Jehovah proves ; But His soul hates the wicked man, And him that vi'lence loves. 5 6 Snares, fire and brimstone, furious storms On sinners He shall rain ; This, as the portion of their cup, Doth unto them pertain. 6 7 For just Jehovah is, and doth In righteousness delight ; They shall His countenance behold, Who are in heart upright. J PSALM XII. 19 Psalm XII. C. M. EHOVAH, give salvation ; for The godly fades away ; And from among the sons of men The faithful do decay. S 2 Unto his neighbor every one Doth utter vanity ; They with a double heart do speak, And lips of flattery. 3 3 Jehovah shall false lips cut off, Tongue that speaks proudly thus : 4 We '11 with our tongues prevail, our lips Are ours ; who 's lord o'er us ? 4 5 For poor oppressed, and for the sighs Of needy, rise will I, Jehovah saith, and will him save From such as him defy. 5 6 Jehovah's words are words most pure, They are like silver tried In earthen furnace, seven times That hath been purified. 6 7 Jehovah, Thou shalt save and keep Them ever from this race. 8 On each side walk the wicked, when Vile men are high in place. Psalm XII. C. P. M. 1 T EHOVAH, help ; the go^ly cease ; J Among the sons of men decrease Those who uprightly live. 2 With flatt'ring Hps they falsehood speak, And with a double heart they seek Their neighbors to deceive. 20 PSALM XIII. 2 3 Jehovah shall false lips destroy, And tongues that boastful words employ That say with one accord : 4 Our tongues shall in our cause be strong, Our lips to us alone belong ; Who over us is lord ? 3 5 For those that are oppressed indeed For all the poor that sigh in need, Lo, now will I arise ; Thus saith Jehovah in His grace : And them I will in safety place From such as them despise. 4 6 Pure the LORD'S words, as silver tried In furnace seven times purified ; 7 O LORD, Thou from this race Wilt safety for Thy saints provide. 8 The wicked walk on every side, When vileness has high place. Psalm XIII. CM. OW long, Jehovah, me forget ? Shall it for ever be ? O how long shall it be that Thou Wilt hide Thy face from me ? 2 2 How long take counsel in my soul Still sad in heart shall I ? How long exalted over me Shall be mine enemy ? 3 3 Jehovah, O my God, regard, And answer to me make ; Mine eyes enlighten, lest the sleep Of death me overtake. 4 4 Lest that mine enemy should say, Against him I prevail ; And those that trouble me rejoice When I am moved and fail. H H PSALM XIII. ?\ 5 5 But I have all my confidence Upon Thy mercy set ; My heart within me shall rejoice In Thy salvation great. 6 6 Unto Jehovah then will I Sing praises cheerfully, Because He hath His bounty shown To me abundantly. Psalm XIII. 7s & 6s. OW long, O LORD ? Forget me Wilt Thou for evermore ? For ever wilt Thou let me Thy hidden face deplore ? 2 2 How long, my soul, take counsel Thus sad in heart all day ? How long shall foes exulting Subject me to their sway ? 3 3 O LORD, my God, consider And hear my earnest cries ; Lest I in death should slumber^ Enlighten Thou mine eyes. 4 4 Lest foe be heard exclaiming, Against him I prevailed ; And they that vex my spirit Rejoice when I have failed, 5 5 But on Thy tender mercy I ever have relied ; With joy in Thy salvation My heart shall still confide. • 6 6 And I '11 with voice of singing Jehovah praise alone ; Because to me His favor He hath so largely shown. 22 PSALM XIV. T Psalm XIV. C. M. 'HAT there Is not a God, the fool Doth in his heart conclude ; They are corrupt, their works are vile. Not one of them do'th good. 2 2 Jehovah on the sons of men From heaven did look abroad, To see if any understood And did seek after God. 3 3 They altogether filthy are ; They all aside are gone ; And there is none that doeth good. Yea, sure there is not one. 4 4 These workers of iniquity, Do they not know at all, That they my people eat as bread, Nor on Jehovah call ? 5 5 There feared they much ; for God is with The whole race of the just. 6 You shame the counsel of the poor, Because the LORD 's his trust. 6 7 Let Isr'el's help from Zion come ! When back the LORD shall bring His captives, Jacob shall rejoice, And Israel shall sing. TH 1 Psalm XIV. S. M. E fool in heart hath said : There 's no such thing as God ! They are corrupt, none doeth good. Their vile deeds are abroad. From heaven Jehovah looked, To see men's sons and try If any understanding had, Or sought his God on high. PSALM XV. 3 3 Together ail are vile ; All are apostate gone ; « Among them none is doing good, There is not even one. 4 4 Who work iniquity, Do they not know at all That they my people eat as bread, Nor on /ehovah call ? 5 5 There fear them seized, because God is with people just. 6 Ye shame the counsel of the poor, Who in Jehovah trust. 6 7 Let help from Zion come ! Back captive Isr'el bring, Jehovah ! Jacob then shall shout, And Israel shall sing. Psalm XV. C. M. ITHIN Thy tabernacle, LORD, Who shall abide with Thee ? And in Thy high and holy hill Who shall a dweller be ? W 2 2 The man that walketh uprightly, And worketh righteousness ; And as he thinketh in his heart So doth he truth express. 3 3 Who doth not slander with his tongu: Nor to his friend do'th hurt ; Nor yet against his neighbor doth Take up an ill report. 4 4 In whose eyes vile men are despised ,* But who Jehovah fear, He honoreth, and changeth not, Though to his hurt he swear. 24 PSALM XV. 5 5 His coin puts not to usury, Nor take reward will he Against the guiltless. Who do'th thus Shall never moved be. Psalm XV. 7s & 6s. ITHIN Thy tent, Jehovah, Who shall with Thee abide? And on Thy hill so holy, Who ever can reside ? w % 2 The man whose walk is upright, Whose works all righteous are ; And as in heart he thinketh, So doth he truth declare. 3 3 His tongue speaks not in slander, Nor harms a friend's good name, No tale of scandal spreadeth His neighbor to defame. 4- 4 His eyes frown on the sinner* He honors ; never changetx, Though to his hurt he swear. 5 5 He gains not by extortion, Nor take a bribe will he, 'Gainst guiltless ones. Thus doing He moved shall never be. Psalm XVI. C. M. KEEP me, O God ; I trust in Thee. 2 Jehovah, I confess : Thou art my Lord ; apart from Thee No good do I possess. PSALM XVI. 25 '$ 3 To saints on earth, the excellent Where my delight 's all placed : 4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied To idol gods that haste. 3 Of their drink-offerings of blood I will no off' ring make ; Yea, neither I their very names Up in my lips will take. 4z 5 Of mine inheritance and cup The LORD 's the portion sure \ The lot that fallen is to me Thou dost maintain secure, 5 6 Unto me happily the lines In pleasant places fell ; Yea, the inheritance I have, In beauty doth excel. 6 7 I bless Jehovah, Him who doth By counsel me conduct ; And in the seasons of the night My reins do me instruct. 7 8 1 always have Jehovah set Before my face ; for He Doth ever stand at my right hand ; I shall not moved be. 8 9 Because of this my heart is glad, And joy shall be expressed Even by my glory ; and my flesh In confidence shall rest. 9 10 Because my soul in grave to dwell Shall not be left by Thee ; Nor wilt Thou give Thy Holy One Corruption there to see. 26 PSALM XVII. 10 ii Thou wilt me show the path of life ; Of joys there is full store Before Thy face ; at Thy right hand Are pleasures evermore. Psalm XVII. C M. 1 IT EAR, LORD, the right, attend my cry, II Unto my prayer give heed, That doth not in hypocrisy From feigned lips proceed. 2 2 And from before Thy presence forth My judgment do Thou send ; And unto things that equal are, O let Thine eyes attend. 3 3 My heart Thou provest, and by night Dost visit me and try, But findest naught ; because my mouth Shall not sin, purposed I. 4 4 As for men's works, I by the word, That from Thy lips doth flow, Hath kept myself out of the paths Wherein destroyers go. 5 5 Hold up my goings and me guide In those Thy paths divine ; So that my footsteps may not slide Out of those ways of Thine. 6 6 1 called upon Thee have, O God, Because Thou wilt me hear ; That Thou mayst hearken to my speech, To me incline Thine ear. 7 7 Thy wondrous loving-kindness show, Thou that by Thy right hand Sav'st them that trust in Thee, from those That up against them stand. PSALM XVIIL 27 8 8 As apple of the eye me keep, In Thy wings' shade me hide 9 From wasting deadly foes, who me Beset on every side. 9 10 In their own pride they are inclosed, Their mouth speaks loftily. 11 Our steps they compass, and to earth Down bowing set their eye. 10 12 He like unto a lion is, That 's greedy of his prey, Or lion young, which, lurking, doth In secret places stay. 11 13 Arise, Jehovah, disappoint, Cast down mine enemy ; And from the wicked one, Thy sword, Do Thou deliver me. 12 14 From men, Thy hand, Jehovah — men That love the world, me save, Who only in this present life Their part and portion have ; 13 Whom with Thy treasures Thou dost fill : They many sons receive, And of their great abundance they Unto their children leave. 14 15 But as for me, I Thine own face In righteousness will see ; And with Thy likeness, when I wake, I satisfied shall be. Psalm XVIII. C. M. 1 JEHOVAH, Thee, my strength, I '11 love ; J 2 My fortress is the LORD ; My rock, and He that doth to me Deliverance afford ; 28 PSALM XVIII. 2 My God, my strength, whom I will trust, A buckler unto me ; Of my salvation the strong horn, And my high tower is He. 3 3 Unto Jehovah, who of praise Is worthy, I will cry ; And then shall I preserved be Safe from mine enemy. 4 4 The cords of death encompassed me, Sin's floods made me afraid ; 5 Bands of the grave were round me drawn Death's snares were on me laid. 5 6 In grief I on Jehovah called, Cry to my God did I ; He from His temple heard my voice, To His ears came my cry. 6 7 Earth, as affrighted, then did shake, Trembling upon it seized ; The hills' foundations then were moved, Because He was displeased. 7 8 Up from His nostrils came a smoke, And from His mouth there came Devouring fire, and coals by it Were turned to burning flame. 8 9 He also bowed down the heavens, And thence He did descend; And thickest clouds of darkness did Under His feet attend. 9 io And He upon a cherub rode, And thereon He did fly; Yea, on the swift wings of the wind His flight was from on high, PSALM XVIII. 29 10 11 He darkness made His secret place; About Him, for His tent, Dark waters were, and thickest clouds Of airy firmament. 11 12 And at the brightness of that light Which was before His eye, His thick clouds passed away, hail stones And coals of fire did fly. 12i3 Jehovah also in the heavens Did thunder in His ire; And there the Highest gave His voice; Hailstones and coals of fire. 13 14 Yea, He His arrows sent abroad, And them He scattered ; His lightnings also He shot out, And them discomfited. I415 The waters' channels then were seen, The world's foundations vast At Thy rebuke discovered were, And at Thy nostrils' blast. 15 16 And from above He did send down And take me from below ; From many waters He me drew, Which would me overflow. 16 17 From my strong foe He rescued me. And such as did me hate ; Because He saw that they for me Too strong were, and too great. I 7 18 They came upon me in the day Of my calamity ; But even then Jehovah was Himself a stay to me, 30 PSALM XVIII. 18 19 He to a place where liberty And room was hath me brought ; Because He took delight in me, He my deliv'rance wrought. 19 20 According to my righteousness The LORD did recompense ; He me repaid according to My hands' pure innocence. 20 21 Jehovah's ways I kept, nor from My God turned wickedly. 22 His judgments were before me, I His laws put not from me. 2\ 23 Sincere before Him was my heart, With Him upright was I ; And watchfully I kept myself From mine iniquity. 22 24 According to my righteousness Jehovah did requite, After the cleanness of my hands Appearing in His sight. 23 25 Thou to the gracious showest grace, To just men just Thou art ; 26 Pure to the pure, but froward still To men of froward heart. 24 27 For Thou wilt the afflicted save, In grief that low do lie ; But wilt bring down the countenance Of them whose looks are high. 25 28 For Thou wilt light my candle so That it shall shine full bright ; My God Jehovah also will My darkness turn to light. PSALM XVIII. 31 26 29 By Thee through troops of men I break, And them discomfit all ; And by my God assisting me I overleap a wall. 27 30 Yea, God is perfect in His way ; Jehovah's word is tried ; He is a buckler to all those Who do in Him confide. 28 31 Who but the LORD is God ? save God Who is a rock and stay ? 32 'T is God that girdeth me with strength And perfect makes my way. 29 t,t, He made my feet swift as the hind's ; On my heights made me stand. 34 My hands He taught to war, mine arms A bow of brass did bend. 30 35 The shield of Thy salvation Thou Upon me didst bestow ; Thy right hand held me up, and great Thy kindness made me grow. 31 36 And in my way my steps Thou hast Established under me, That I go safely, and my feet Are kept from sliding free. 32 37 Mine enemies I did pursue, And did them overtake, Nor did I turn again till I An end of them did make. 33 38 I wounded them, they could not rise, They at my feet did fall. 39 Thou me didst gird with strength for war; My foes thou brought'st down all. 32 PSALM XVIII. 34 40 And Thou hast given me the necks Of all mine enemies; That I might utterly destroy Those who against me rise. 35 41 They cried for help, but there was none Who would or could them save ; Yea, they unto Jehovah cried, But He no answer gave. 3642 Then did I beat them small as dust Before the wind that flies ; And I did cast them out like dirt Upon the street that lies. 37 43 Thou mad'st me free from people's strife, And nations' head to be ; A people whom I have not known Shall service do to me. 38 44 At hearing they shall me obey ; To me they shall submit; 45 Strangers for fear shall fade away Who in close places sit. 39 46 Jehovah lives, blessed be my Rock, My Saviour-God, praised be ; 47 God doth avenge me, and subdues The peoples under me. 40 48 He saves me from mine enemies ; Yea, Thou hast lifted me Above my foes, and from the man Of vi'lence set me free. 41 49 Therefore to Thee will I give thanks The nations all among, And to Thy Name, Jehovah, sing Loud praises in a song. PSALM XIX. 33 42 50 He great deliv'rance gives His king ; He mercy doth extend To David, His anointed one, And his seed without end. TH 1 Psalm XIX. C. M. E heavens God's glory do declare ; The skies His hand-works preach. 2 Day utters speech to day, and night To night doth knowledge teach. 2 3 There is no speech, nor tongue to which Their voice doth not extend. 4 Their line is gone through all the earth, Their words to the world's end. 3 In them He set the sun a tent, 5 Who, bridegroom-like, forth goes From 's chamber, as a strong man doth To run his race rejoice. 4 6 From heaven's end he goeth forth, Circling to th' end again ; And there is nothing from his heat That hidden doth remain. 5 7 The LORD'S law perfect is, and turns The soul in sin that lies. Jehovah's testimony 's sure, It makes the simple wise. 6 8 Jehovah's precepts righteous are ; They do rejoice the heart ; Jehovah's own commands are pure ; They light to eyes impart. 7 9 Unspotted is Jehovah's fear, It ever doth endure ; Jehovah's judgments are all truth, And righteousness most pure. 34 PSALM XX. 8 10 They more than gold, yea, much fine gold To be desired are ; Than honey, honey from the comb That droppeth, sweeter far. 9 ii Moreover, they Thy servant warn How he his life should frame ; A great reward provided is For them that keep the same. 10 12 Who can his errors understand? From secret faults me cleanse ; 13 Thy servant also keep Thou back From all presumptuous sins ; 11 And do not suffer them to have Dominion over me ; I shall be righteous then, and from The great transgression free. 12 14 The words which from my mouth proceed, The thoughts sent from my heart, Accept, Jehovah, who my Rock And my Redeemer art. Psalm XX. C, M 1 JEHOVAH hear thee in the day J When trouble He doth send ; And let the Name of Jacob's God Thee from all ill defend. 2 2 O let Him send His help to th^e ; Out from His holy place ; Let Him from Zion, His own hill, Sustain thee by His grace 3 3 Let Him remember all thy gifts, Accept thy sacrifice ; PSALM XXI. 35 4 Grant thee thy heart's wish, and fulfil Thy thoughts and counsel wise. 4 5 In thy salvation we will joy ; In our God's name we will Display our banner ; all thy prayers Jehovah doth fulfil. 5 6 1 know Jehovah saves His Christ ; He from His holy heaven Will hear Him, with the saving strength By His own right hand given. 6 7 In chariots some put confidence, Some horses trust upon ; But we will trust Jehovah's Name, Who is our God alone. 7 8 We rise, and upright stand, when they Are bowed down and fall. 9 Jehovah, save ; and let the King Us hear when we do call. J Psalm XXI. C. M. EHOVAH, in Thy strength the king Shall very joyful be ; And in Thy saving help ^.joice Exceedingly shall he. 2 For Thou upon him hast bestowed All that his heart would have ; And Thou from him hast not withheld Whate'er his lips did crave. 3 For Thou with blessings didst him meet Of goodness manifold ; And Thou hast set upon his head A crown of purest gold. $6 PSALM XXI. 4 4 When he desired life of Thee, Thou life to him didst give ; Even such a length of days, that he For evermore should live. 5 5 In that salvation wrought by Thee His glory is made great ; Honor and comely majesty Thou hast upon him set. G 6 Because that Thou for evermore Most blessed hast him made, And Thou hast with Thy countenance Made him exceeding glad. 7 7 Because the king his confidence Doth on Jehovah lay ; And through the grace of the Most High Shall not be moved away. 8 8 Thy hand shall all those men find out That en'mies are to Thee ; Even Thy right hand shall find out those Of Thee that haters be. 9 9 Like oven of fire Thou shalt them make, When kindled is Thine ire ; Jehovah's wrath shall swallow them, Devour them shall the fire. 10 io Their fruit from earth Thou shalt destroy, Their seed men from among ; ii For they beyond their might, 'gainst Thee Did mischief plot, and wrong. 11 12 For Thou shalt make them turn their back When arrows Thou shalt place Upon Thy strings, and ready make To fly against their face. PSALM xxi. 37 12 13 Jehovah, in Thy mighty power Do Thou exalted be ; So shall we sing with joyful hearts, And praise Thy power shall we ; Psalm XXI. 12S&9S. JEHOVAH, the king in Thy strength shall be glad, And shall in Thy salvation rejoice ; 2 For Thou freely didst give him each wish his heart had, And request of his suppliant voice. 3 All the blessings he craved Thou didst graciously give, With the purest of gold he is crowned. 4 When he asked of Thee life, Thou hast made him to live, While the ages shall circle around. 5 Through salvation from Thee is his fame widely spread, Thou didst glory and honor impart ; 6 Yea, most blessed for evermore Thou hast him made, And Thy presence has gladdened his heart. 7 For the king in the Name of Jehovah Most High Did unwavering confidence place ; Through His great loving-kindness he still will rely On the Highest, and stand by His grace. 3 8 PSALM XXII. 5 8 Thou wilt stretch forth Thy hand on the heads of Thy foes, n Th Vl y hatGr ? a ri ^ ht hand of Power ; 9 Then Thy wrath shall around them like furnace flames close ; Yea, Jehovah's own wrath shall devour. 6 io From the earth shall their race be con- sumed and destroyed An d their offspring forever shall fail • ii By the evil they plotted, the schemes thev employed, J They shall never against Thee prevail. 7 12 But their back Thou wilt make them to turn in swift flight, When Thine arrows are 'aimed at their face. 13 B w be T£ ou > ° J eh ovah, exalted in might ■ We will sing of Thy power and grace. ' Psalm XXII. c. M. 1 A/1 \ G ° d \ my Goci ' whv hast Th ou me 1T1 ^ orsaken ? why so far Art Thou from helping me, and from My words that roaring are ? 2 2 All day, my God, to Thee I cry Vet am not heard by Thee ; ' And in the season of the night I cannot silent be. PSALM XXII. 39 3 3 But Thou art holy, Thou that dost Inhabit Isr'el's praise. 4 Our fathers hoped in Thee ; they hoped, And Thou didst them release. 4 5 When unto Thee they sent their cry, To them deliv'rance came ; Because they put their trust in Thee, They were not put to shame. 5 6 But as for me, a worm I am, And as no man am prized ; Reproach of men I am, and by The people am despised. 6 7 All that me see laugh me to scorn ; Shoot out the lip do they ; They nod and shake their heads at me, And mocking, thus do say : *7 8 He did Jehovah trust, that He Would free him by His might ; Let Him deliver him, since he Had in Him such delight. 8 9 But Thou art He who gave me birth, From Thee I being had ; And I upon my mother's breast By Thee to hope was made. 9 io And I was cast upon Thy care, Even from my birth till now ; And from my childhood's dawn, my God And my support art Thou. 10 ii Be not far off, for grief is near, And none to help is found. 12 Bulls many compass me, strong bulls Of Bashan me surround. 4-0 PSALM XXII. 11 13 Their mouths the}' opened wide on me, Upon me gape did they, Like to a lion ravening, And roaring for his prey. 12 14 Like water I 'm poured out, my bones All out of joint do part ; Amidst my bowels, as the wax, So melted is my heart. 13 15 My strength is like a potsherd dried My tongue it cleaveth fast Unto my jaws ; and to the dust Of death Thou brought me hast. 14 16 For dogs have compassed me about ; The wicked that did meet In their assembly me inclosed ; They pierced my hands and feet. 15 17 I all my bones may tell ; my foes Upon me look and stare. 18 Upon my vesture lots they cast, And clothes among them share. 16 19 Jehovah, be not far ; my strength, Haste to give help to me. 20 From sword my soul, from power of dogs My precious life set free. 17 2i From the devouring lion's mouth My life do Thou defend ; To save from horns of unicorns Thou didst me answer send. 18 22 I will show forth Thy Name unto Those that my brethren are ; Amidst the congregation I Thy praises will declare. PSALM XXII. 41 19 23 Jehovah praise, who do Him fear; Him glorify, all ye The seed of Jacob ; fear Him, all That Isr'el's children be. 20 24 For He despised not, nor abhorred The meek one's misery; Nor from him hid His face, but heard When he to Him did cry. 21 25 Within the congregation great My praise shall be of Thee ; My vows before them that Him fear Shall be performed by me. 22 26 The meek shall eat, and shall be filled ; They also praise shall give Unto Jehovah, who Him seek ; Your heart shall ever live. 23 27 All ends of earth remember shall And turn Jehovah to ; The kindreds of the nations all To Him shall homage do ; 24 28 Because unto Jehovah doth The kingdom appertain ; And over all the nations, He, As Governor, doth reign. 25 29 Earth's fat ones eat, and worship shall; All who to dust descend Shall bow to Him ; none of them can His soul from death defend. 26 30 A seed shall service do to Him ; And to the Lord it shall A generation counted be Throughout the ages alL 42 PSALM XXIII. 27 31 They shall come, and they shall declare His truth and righteousness Unto a people yet unborn, Because He hath done this. Psalm XXIII. C. M. 1 ""THE LORD 's my Shepherd, I '11 not want I 2 He makes me down to lie In pastures green ; He leadeth me The quiet waters by. 2 3 My soul He doth restore again ; And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness Even for His own Name's sake. 3 4 Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale, Yet will I fear no ill ; For Thou art with me, and Thy rod And staff me comfort still. 4 5 A table Thou hast furnished me In presence of my foes ; My head Thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup overflows. 5 6 Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me : And ever in Jehovah's house My dwelling place shall be. Psalm XXIII. us. 1 "THE LORD is my Shepherd ; no want shall 1 come nigh. 2 In pastures of verdure He makes me to lie; Beside restful waters He leads me in peace ; 3 My soul to new life He restores by His grace, PSALM XXIV. 43 In right ways He leads me for His own Name's sake ; 4 So when in the valley of death-shade I walk, Since Thou wilt be with me, no ill shall I fear ; Thy rod and Thy staff give me comfort and cheer. 5 Thou spreadest my table in face of my foes ; My head Thou anointest, my cup over- flows. 6 Thy goodness and mercy pursue my life's ways ; At home with Jehovah T'll dwell endless days. T Psalm XXIV. C. M. HE earth unto the LORD belongs And all that it contains ; The world that is inhabited, And all that there remains. 2 For the foundations thereof He Upon the seas did lay, And He hath it established firm Upon the floods to stay. 3 Who is the man that shall ascend Into Jehovah's hill? Or who within His holy place Shall have a dwelling still ? 4 Whose hands are clean, whose heart is pure; And unto vanity Who hath not lifted up his soul, Nor sworn deceitfully 44 PSALM XXIV. 5 5 This is the man who shall receive The blessing from the LORD, The God of his salvation shall Him righteousness accord. 6 6 Lo ! this the generation is That after Him inquire, O Jacob, who do seek Thy face, With their whole heart's desire. 7 7 Ye gates, lift up your heads on high ; Ye doors that last for aye, Be lifted up, that so the King Of glory enter may. 8 8 But who of glory is the King? The mighty LORD is this ; Even that same LORD, that great in And strong in battle is. [might 9 9 Ye gates, lift up your heads ; ye doors, Doors that do last for aye, Be lifted up, that so the King Of glory enter may. 10 io But who is He that is the King Of glory ? who is this ? The LORD of Hosts, and none but He, The King of glory is. Psalm XXIV. us. 1 T^HE earth and the fulness with which it is 1 stored, The world and its dwellers belong to the LORD; 2 For He on the seas its foundation hath laid, And firm on the waters its pillars hath stayed. PSALM XXIV. 45 2> 3 What man shall the hill of Jehovah as- cend ? And who in the place of His Holiness stand ? 4 The man of pure heart, and of hands without stain, - Who swears not to falsehood, nor loves what is vain. 3 5 He shall from Jehovah the blessing re- ceive, The God of salvation shall righteousness give. 6 For this is the people, yea, this is the race Of those that in Jacob are seeking Thy face. 4L 7 Ye gates, lift your heads and an entrance display, Ye doors everlasting, wide open the way; The King of all glory high honors await, The King of all glory shall enter in state. 5 8 Who is King of glory? Jehovah the strong, Jehovah the mighty in war against wrong. 9 Ye gates, lift your heads and an entrance display, Ye doors everlasting, wide open the way ; 6 The King of all glory high honors await ; The King of all glory shall enter in state 46 ^ PSALM XXV, xo What King of all glory „ this that ye Jehovah of hosts, He of glory is King. Psaliu XXV. c. M. 1 T? M T !r ^ if r my souI - ° L ORD * a My God, I trust in Thee • Let me not be ashamed, nor'let My foes exult o'er me. •i 3 Let none of those that wait on Thee Be put to shame at all • Let s°h a e m h ° CaUSe ' esS, y transgress, Let shame upon them fall. 3 4 Thy W p a a ) ; S hs L0RD ' Sh ° W; teach ™ Thy 5 Lead me in truth, teach me; For of my safety Thou art God; All day I wait on Thee. 4 6 Thy mercies, that most tender are Jehovah, now recall And loving-kindnesses ; for they Have been through ages all. 5 7 Let not the errors of my youth, -Nor sins remembered be • m i o y Rn r Thy g° od "<^ : sake. u LUK U remember me. 6 8 Jehovah good and upright is, o thT w f y - He '" sinners show ; 9 The meek m judgment He will guide And make His path to know. ' 7 to The whole paths of Jehovah are Both truth and mercy sure PSALM XXV. 47 To such as keep His covenant And testimonies pure. 8 ii Jehovah, for Thine own Name's sake I humbly Thee entreat To pardon mine iniquity, For it is very great. 9 12 Who fears Jehovah, him He '11 teach The way that he shall choose. 13 His soul shall dwell at ease ; his seed The earth, as heirs, shall use. 10 14 The secret of Jehovah is With such as fear His Name ; And He His holy covenant Will manifest to them. 11 15 My waiting eyes are constantly Upon Jehovah set ; For He it is that shall bring forth My feet out of the net. 12 16 O turn Thee unto me ; do Thou To me Thy mercy show ; For I am lone and desolate, And am brought very low. 13 17 Enlarged the griefs are of my heart ; Me from distress relieve. 18 See mine affliction and my pain, And all my sins forgive. 14 19 Consider Thou mine enemies, Because they many are, And it a cruel hatred is, Which they against me bear. 15 20 Do Thou in safety keep my soul ; Do Thou deliver me : 48 PSALM XXV. Let me not be ashamed: fori "ave put my trust in Thee," I621O let integrity and truth 22Rii eepm ^'A VhoTheeatt end 22 ^ease, O God, to Israel From all his troubles send. Psalm XXV. s. M. 1 TO Thee I lift my soul, Mv r h R ? ; T trust f " Thee > n£ fn 1 T n0t be Earned, i\or foes exult o'er me. 2 3 Let none that wait on Thee Be put to shame at all • But those who causelessly transgress Let shame upon them fall. * 3 4 Thy ways, Jehovah, show • c ^ !* J P ^ hs ' ° teach Th o'u rie 5 A ?d 6 Thy tender mercies, LORD To mind do Thou recall ' And loving-kindnesses, for they Have been through ages all. 6 7 My sins and faults of youth Jehovah, do forget ; In tender mercy think on me And for Thy goodness great PSALM XXV. 49 I 8 Jehovah 's good and just ; The way He '11 sinners show ; 9 The meek in judgment He will guide And make His path to know. 8 io Jehovah's paths are all The truth and mercy sure To those that do His cov'nant keep, And testimonies pure. 9 ii Now for Thine own Name's sake, Jehovah, I entreat, O pardon mine iniquity ; For it is very great. 10 12 What man is he that fears The LORD, and doth Him serve? Him shall He teach the way that he Shall choose and still observe. II 13 His soul shall dwell at ease ; And his posterity Shall flourish still, and of the earth Inheritors shall be, 12 14 Jehovah's secret is With them that fear His Name, And He His holy covenant • Will manifest to them. 13 15 Mine eyes are constantly Upon Jehovah set ; For He it is that shall bring forth My feet out of the net. 14 16 Turn unto me Thy face, And to me mercy show ; Because that I am desolate, And am brought very low. 50 PSALM XXVI. 15 17 My heart's griefs are increased ; Me from distress relieve. 18 See mine affliction and my pain, And all my sins forgive. 16 19 Consider Thou my foes, Because they many are, And it a cruel hatred is Which they against me bear, 11 20 O do Thou keep my soul, Do Thou deliver me ; And let me never be ashamed Because I trust in Thee. 18 21 Let truth and right me keep, For I on Thee attend. 22 Release, O God, to Israel From all his troubles send. Psalm XXVI. C. M. UDGE me, Jehovah, for I walked mine integrity ; I in the LORD have put my trust. Slide therefore shall not I. TUD J In 2 Search me, Jehovah, and me try ; Prove heart and reins, I pray ; 3 For Thy love is before mine eyes ; Thy truth's paths are my way. 4 With persons vain I have not sat, Nor with dissemblers gone. 5 Tli' assembly of ill men I hate, To sit with such I shun. PSALM XXVII. 51 4 6 My hands in innocence I '11 wash, And them will purify; Jehovah, then, Thine altar pure Encompass round will I. 5 7 That I, with voice of grateful praise, May publish and declare, And tell of all Thy mighty works, That great and wondrous are. G 8 The habitation of Thy house, Jehovah, I love well ; Yea, in that place I do delight Where doth Thine honor dwell. 7 9 With sinners gather not my soul, And such as blood would spill ; 10 Whose hands devices mischievous, Whose right hand bribes do fill. 8 11 But as for me, I will walk on In mine integrity ; Do Thou redeem me, and do Thou Be merciful to me. 9 12 My foot upon an even place Doth stand with steadfastness- Within the congregations, I Jehovah's Name will bless. T Psalm XXVII. C. M. HE LORD 's my light and saving health ; Who shall make me dismayed ? My life's strength is the LORD ; of whom Then shall I be afraid ? 52 PSALM XXVII. 2 2 When as mine enemies and foes, Most wicked persons all, To eat my flesh against me rose, They stumbled and did fall. 3 3 Against me though a host encamp, My heart yet fearless is ; Though war against me rise, I will Be confident in this. 4 4 One thing I of the LORD desired, And will seek to obtain ; That all life's days I may within Jehovah's house remain. 5 That I the beauty of the LORD Behold may and admire, And that I in His holy place May rev'rently inquire. 6 5 For He in His pavilion shall Me hide in evil days ; In secret of His tent me hide And on a rock me raise. '4 6 And now, even at this present time. My head shall lifted be Above all those that are my foes, And round encompass me. 8 I therefore to His holy house Will joyous off'rings bring ; Jehovah I will praise, yea, I To Him will praises sing. 9 7 Do Thou, Jehovah, hear my voice When I do cry to Thee ; Upon me also mercy have, And do Thou answer me. PSALM XXVIII. 53 10 8 When Thou didst say, Seek ye My face, Then unto Thee reply Thus did my heart : Thy gracious face, Jehovah, seek will I. 11 9 Far from me hide not Thou Thy face ; Put not away from Thee Thy servant in Thy wrath ; Thou hast A helper been to me. 1£ O God who my salvation art, Leave me not nor forsake ; io Though father, mother, both me leave, Jehovah will up take. 13 ii Jehovah, teach me in Thy way, To me a Leader be In a plain path, because of those That hatred bear to me. 14 12 Give me not to mine en'mies' will ; For witnesses that lie Against me risen are, and such As breathe out cruelty. 15 13 I should have fainted had I not Believed that I would see Jehovah's goodness in the land Of them that living be. 16 14 Wait on Jehovah and be strong, And He shall strength afford Unto thy heart ; yea, do thou wait, I say, upon the LORD. Psalm XXVIII. C. M. 1 TO Thee I '11 pray, O LORD, my Rock ; 1 O answer Thou my cry ; Lest by Thy silence I become As those in grave that lie. 54 PSALM XXVIII. 2 2 The voice hear of my humble prayers, When unto Thee I cry ; When to Thy holy oracle I lift my hands on high. 3 3 With ill men draw me not away That work iniquity ; That speak peace to their friends, while in Their hearts doth mischief lie. 4 4 Give them according to their deeds, And evil of their way ; And, as the work of their own hands Deserve, do Thou repay. 5 5 He shall not build, but them destroy, Who would not understand Jehovah's works, nor did regard The doing of His hand. 6 6 Blessed be Jehovah evermore, For graciously He heard The voice of my petitions, and My prayers He did regard. 7 7 The LORD 's my strength and shield ; my Upon Him did rely ; [heart I have been helped, and hence my heart Doth joy exceedingly. 8 I '11 praise Him with my song. Their 8 Jehovah is alone ; [strength He also is the saving strength Of His anointed one. 9 9 O Thine own people do Thou save, Bless Thine inheritance ; Them also do Thou feed, and them For evermore advance. o PSALM XXIX. 55 Psalm XXIX. C. M. GIVE Jehovah praise, ye sons That of the mighty be, Yea, to Jehovah do ascribe All strength and majesty. 2 2 The glory due unto His Name Give to Jehovah now ; In beauty of His holiness Before Jehovah bow. 3 3 Jehovah's voice is on the floods ; The God of glory great Doth thunder ; on the waters vast Jehovah has His seat. 4 4 The voice is full of power, which sounds Forth from Jehovah high ; Jehovah's mighty voice is full Of glorious majesty. 5 5 Jehovah's voice asunder doth The shiv'ring cedars tear ; Jehovah doth the cedars break That Lebanon doth bear. G 6 He makes them like a calf to skip ; Even that great Lebanon, And, like the young of unicorns, The mountain Sirion. 7 7 Jehovah's voice cleaves flames of fire, 8 Jehovah's voice doth shake The wilds ; the Kadesh wilderness Jehovah makes to quake. 8 9 Jehovah's voice makes hinds to calve, It makes the forest bare ; And in His temple every one His glory doth declare. 56 PSALM XXIX. 9 10 The LORD sat on the flood ; sit King Jehovah ever shall. 11 The LORD His folk makes strong; with peace The LORD doth bless them all. Psalm XXIX. 12s & us. 1 r^ IVE ye to Jehovah, O sons of the vJ mighty, Give ye to Jehovah the glory and power ; 2 O give to the Name of Jehovah due glory ; In holy apparel, Jehovah adore. 2 3 The voice of Jehovah comes down on the waters, In thunder the God of the glory draws nigh ; Lo, over the waves of the wide-flowing waters Jehovah as King is enthroned on high. 3 4 The voice of Jehovah is mighty, is mighty, The voice of Jehovah in majesty speaks ; 5 The voice of Jehovah the cedars is break- ing, Jehovah the cedars of Lebanon breaks. 4 6 Like playful calves leaping, they skip v when He speaketh.; Lo, Lebanon leaps at the sound of His Name ! PSALM XXX. 57 Like son of the unicorn Sirion is skip- ping ; 7 The voice of Jehovah divideth the flame. 5 8 The voice of Jehovah — it shakcth the desert, The desert of Kadesh, it shaketh with fear ; 9 The hind of the field into travail-pangs casteth ; The voice of Jehovah the forest strips bare. 6 Each one in His temple, His glory pro- claimed, io JAH sat on the flood; JAH is King on His throne. n Jehovah all strength to His people im- parteth ; Jehovah with peace ever blesseth His own. J Psalm XXX. C. M. EHOVAH, Thee I '11 praise, for Thou Hast lifted me on high, And over me Thou to rejoice Mad'st not mine enemy. 2 2 Jehovah, Thou who art my God, I in distress to Thee With loud cries lifted up my voice, And Thou hast healed me. 3 3 Jehovah, Thou my soul hast brought And rescued from the grave ; That I to pit should not go down. Alive Thou didst me save. 58 PSALM XXX. 4 4 O ye that are His holy ones, Jehovah's praise proclaim, And unto Him give thanks when ye Record His holy Name. 5 5 For but a moment lasts His wrath ; Life in His favor lies ; Though weeping for a night endures. At morn doth joy arise. 6 6 In my prosperity I said That nothing shall me move. 7 Jehovah, Thou my mountain hast Established by Thy love. 7 When Thou Thy face didst hide, distressed Was I and sore dismayed ; 8 Jehovah, unto Thee I cried ; I to Jehovah prayed. 8 9 What profit is there in my blood When I to grave -go down ? Shall dust give praises unto Thee ? Shall it Thy truth make known ? 9 10 Hear, LORD, have mercy; help me, LORD; 11 Thou didst from sackcloth free ; My grief to dancing Thou hast turned, With gladness girded me ; 10 12 That sing Thy praise my glory may, And never silent be ; My God, Jehovah, evermore I will give thanks to Thee. T H F Psalm XXX. 7s. EE, Jehovah, will I praise ; From the depths Thou didst me raise, And mine adversaries, glad PSALM XXX. 59 Over me, Thou hast not made. 2 LORD, my God, I cried to Thee, And in love Thou healedst me. 2 3 Thou, Jehovah, didst me save ! And from the devouring grave, Sending down from heaven above, Broughtest up my soul in love ; And alive Thou keepest me, That the pit I should not see. 3 4 Sing unto Jehovah, sing ; Thanks His saints unto Him bring ; Call to mind His holiness ! 5 Truly, of His anger, less Than a moment is the bound ; In His favor life is found. 4 Weeping tarries for a night, Gladness comes with morning light. 6 Said I in prosperity, I shall never moved be ; 7 Strength, LORD, to my mountain now By Thy favor givest Thou. 5 Thou didst hide Thy face from me ; I was in perplexity ; 8 Unto Thee, Jehovah, I Lifted up my fervent cry ; To Jehovah, in my need, Supplication I have made. (5 9 O what profit can there be In this blood of mine to Thee, If I to corruption go ? Shall the dust Thy praises show ? Shall the silent dust express • All Thy truth and faithfulness? 60 PSALM XXXI. 7 10 Hear Thou, O Jehovah, hear, And in mercy draw Thou near; O Jehovah, in Thy love, Send me succor from above ; ii Thou my mourning from me hast Into dancing turned at last. 8 All my sackcloth loosedst Thou, Girdest me with gladness now; 12 Thus my glory praise shall Thee, And shall never silent be. Then, O LORD my God, will I Thee for ever glorify. Psalm XXXI. C. M. IN Thee, Jehovah, do I trust, Shamed let me never be ; According to Thy righteousness, Do Thou deliver me. 2 Bow down Thine ear to me, with speed Send me deliverance ; To save me, my strong rock be Thou, And my house of defence. 3 Because Thou art my rock, and Thee I for my fortress take ; Do Thou me therefore lead and guide, Even for Thine own Name's sake. 4 And since Thou art my saving strength, Pull me out of the net, Which they in subtlety for me So privily have set. 5 Into Thy hand I do commit My spirit; Thou art He, O Thou Jehovah, God of truth, Who hast redeemed me. PSALM XXXI. 6l 6 6 All those I have abhorred, that do Regard false vanities ; But as for me my confidence Upon Jehovah lies. 7 7 I '11 in Thy mercy greatly joy ; For Thou my miseries Considered hast ; Thou hast my soul Known in adversities ; 8 8 And Thou hast not inclosed me Within the en'my's hand ; And by Thee have my feet been made In open place to stand. 9 9 Jehovah, on me mercy have, For trouble is on me ; Mine eyes, my body, and my soul, With grief consumed be. 10 io Because my life with grief is spent, My years with sighs and groans ; My strength doth fail ; and for my sin Consumed are my bones. 11 ii I was a scorn to all my foes, And to my neighbors near A great reproach have I become, And to my friends a fear. 12 12 And when they saw me walk abroad, They from my presence fled ; I like a broken vessel am, Forgotten as one dead. 13 13 For slanders I of many heard ; Fear compassed me, while they Against me did consult and plot To take my life away. 62 PSALM XXXI. 14 14 But, O Jehovah, I on Thee My confidence did lay ; And I to Thee, Thou art my God, Did confidently say. 15i5 My times are wholly in Thy hand ; Do Thou deliver me From their hands, that mine enemies And persecutors be. 16 16 Thy countenance to shine do Thou Upon Thy servant make ; To me do Thou salvation give For Thy great mercies' sake. 1*7 17 Jehovah, let me not be shamed, For on Thee called I have ; Let wicked men be shamed, let them Be silent in the grave. 18 18 To silence put the lying lips, That grievous things do say, And hard reports in pride and scorn, On righteous men do lay. 19 19 How great 's the goodness Thou for them That fear Thee hast in store ; Wrought out for them that trust in Thee, The sons of men before. 20 20 In secret of Thy presence, Thou Shalt hide them from man's pride ; From strife of tongues Thou closely shalt As in a tent them hide. 21 21 All blessing to Jehovah give, For He hath magnified His wondrous love to me within A city fortified. o PSALM XXXII. 63 22 22 For from Thine eyes cut off I am, I in my haste had said ; My voice yet heard'st Thou, when to Thee With cries my moans I made. 23 23 O love Jehovah, all His saints, Because Jehovah guards The faithful ; and proud doers He Abundantly rewards. 24 24 Be of good courage, and He strength Unto your heart shall send, All ye who on Jehovah do With confidence depend. Psalm XXXII. C. M. BLESSED the man is unto whom Have freely pardoned been All the transgressions he hath done, Arid covered is his sin. 2 2 Blessed is the man to whom the LORD Imputeth not his sin, And in whose spirit is no guile, Nor fraud is found therein. 3 3 When as I did refrain my speech, And silent was my tongue, My bones then waxed old because I cried out all day long. 4 4 Because on me both day and night Thy hand did heavy lie And quickly was my moisture turned To summer's drought thereby. 5 5 My sin I have confessed, my guilt Have not concealed from Thee; I said, Jehovah, I have sinned ; And Thou forgavest me. 64 PSALM XXXIII. 6 6 For this shall every godly one His prayer direct to Thee ; In such a time he shall Thee seek As found Thou mayest be. 7 Surely when floods of waters great Do swell up to the brim, They shall not overwhelm his soul, Nor once come near to him. 8 7 Thou art my hiding-place, Thou shalt From trouble keep me free ; Thou, with songs of deliverance, About shalt compass me. 9 8 1 will instruct thee, and thee teach The way that thou shalt go ; And with Mine eyes upon thee set, I will direction show. 10 9 Then be not like the horse or mule Which do not understand ; Whose mouth, that they may come to thee, A bridle must command. 11 10 Unto the man that wicked is, His sorrow shall abound ; But him that in Jehovah trusts Shall mercy compass round. 12 11 Ye righteous, in the LORD be glad, In Him do ye rejoice ; All ye that upright are in heart, For joy lift up your voice. Psalm XXXIII. C. M. 1 VE righteous, in Jehovah sing I For joy and give Him praise ; A song of praise becoming is In men of upright ways. PSALM XXXIII. 65 & 2 Jehovah praise with harp ; to Him Sing with the psaltery ; Upon a ten-stringed instrument Make ye sweet melody. 3 3 A new song to Him sing, and play With loud noise skilfully ; 4 Jehovah's word is right ; His works All done in verity. 4 5 To judgment and to righteousness A love He beareth still ; Jehovah's loving-kindness great The earth throughout doth fill. 5 6 The heavens by Jehovah's word Did their beginning take ; And by the breathing of His mouth, He all their hosts did make. 6 7 The waters of the seas He brings Together as a heap ; . And in store-houses, as it were, He layeth up the deep. 7 8 Let all the earth with reverence Jehovah then adore ; Let all the world's inhabitants Tremble His face before. 8 9 For He did speak the word, and done It was without delay ; And it established firmly stood, Whatever He did say. 9 10 Jehovah surely brings to naught The counsel nations take, And what the peoples do devise Of no effect doth make. 66 PSALM XXXIII. 10 ii The counsel of Jehovah doth For evermore stand sure ; And of His heart the purposes From age to age endure. 11 12 That nation blessed is, whose God Jehovah is, and those A blessed people are, whom for His heritage He chose. 12 13 From heaven Jehovah looks ; He sees All sons of men full well ; 14 He views all from His dwelling-place, That in the earth do dwell. 13 15 He forms their hearts alike, and all Their doings He observes. 16 Great hosts save not a king ; much strength No mighty man preserves. 14 17 A horse for safety and defence Is a. deceitful thing ; And, by the greatness of his strength, Can no deliv'rance bring. 15 18 Behold, on those that do Him fear Jehovah sets His eye ; Even those who on His mercy do With confidence rely ; 16 19 From death to free their soul, in dearth Life unto them to yield. 20 Our soul upon Jehovah waits ; He is our help and shield. 1^21 Since in His Holy Name we trust, Our hearts shall joyful be. 22 LORD, let Thy mercy be on us, As we do hope in Thee. A PSALM XXXIV. 67 Psalm XXXIV. C. M. LL times Jehovah I will bless, His praise my mouth employ ; 2 My soul shall in Jehovah boast. The meek shall hear with joy. 2 3 With me Jehovah magnify ; Exalt His Name with me. 4 I sought Jehovah ; He me heard, And from all fears set free. 3 5 They looked to Him, and lightened were; Their faces were not shamed. 6 This poor man cried ; Jehovah heard Him from all straits redeemed. 4 7 The Angel of Jehovah camps, And round encompasseth All those about that do Him fear, And them delivereth. 5 8 O taste and see the LORD is good ; Who trusts in Him He'll bless. 9 Jehovah fear, His saints ; none that Him fear shall want oppress. 6 10 The lions young may hungry be, And they may lack their food ; But they that do Jehovah seek " Shall not lack any good. *7 11 O children, hither do ye come, And unto me give ear ; I unto you most carefully Will teach Jehovah's fear. 8 12 What man is he that life desires, To see good would live long? 13 Thy lips refrain from speaking guile, And from ill words thy tongue. 68 PSALM XXXIV. 9 14 Depart from ill, do good, seek peace, Pursue it earnestly ; 15 Jehovah's eyes are on the just, His ears attend their cry, 10 16 Jehovah's face is set against Those that do wickedly ; That He may quite out from the earth Cut off their memory. 11 17 The righteous to Jehovah cry, He unto them gives ear ; And they out of their troubles all By Him delivered are. 12 18 Jehovah unto them is nigh That are of broken heart ; To those of contrite spirit He Salvation doth impart. 13 19 The just man's troubles many are, Jehovah sets him free ; 20 He keepeth all his bones, not one Of them can broken be. 14 21 111 shall the wicked slay ; condemned Shall be who hate the just. 22 Jehovah saves His servants' souls ; None perish that Him trust. Psalm XXXIV. L. M. AT all times I '11 Jehovah bless, My mouth His praises still express. 2 My soul boasts in the LORD ; my voice Shall all the meek hear and rejoice. PSALM XXXIV. 69 % 3 Jehovah magnify with me, Let us to praise His Name agree. 4 I sought the LORD, He did me hear, And set me free from every fear. 3 5 They looked to Him and cheer received, Their faces were from shame relieved. 6 This poor man on the LORD did call ; He heard and saved from sorrows all. 4 7 Jehovah's angel camping near, Hath rescued all who did Him fear. 8 The LORD is good ; O taste and see, Who trusts in Him how blest is he ! 5 9 O fear Jehovah, His saints all, Who fear Him can no want befall. 10 Young lions hunger lacking food, Who seek the LORD shall want no good. G 11 Ye children, come, to me give ear, I will you teach Jehovah's fear. 12 Who is the man that life desires, And loving days to good aspires? 7 13 From evil let thy tongue refrain ; Thy lips from speaking guile restrain ; 14 Do good ; from wicked ways depart ; Seek peace, pursue with all thy heart. • 8 15 The LORD on just men keeps His eyes ; His ears are open to their cries ; 16 The LORD on vile men sets His face From earth their mem'ry to erase. 9 17 They cry for help, Jehovah hears, And saves them from all ills and fears ; 18 On broken hearts the LORD attends, To spirits crushed salvation sends. 70 PSALM XXXV. 10 19 Though many ills the righteous see, From all Jehovah sets him free ; 20 Preserves his bones in every fall, That none can broken be at all. 11 21 Their ills shall all the wicked slay ; Who hate the just condemned be they ; 22 The LORD His servants saves each one, Who trusts in Him condemned are none. Psalm XXXV. C. M. 1 OLE AD, LORD, with those that plead and 1 fight, With those that fight with me. 2 Of shield and buckler take Thou hold ; Stand up my help to be. 2 3 Draw also out the spear, and do Against them stop the way That me pursue ; unto my soul I 'm thy salvation, say. 3 4 Let them confounded be, and shamed, That for my soul have sought ; Who plot my hurt, turned back be they And to confusion brought. 4 5 Let them be like unto the chaff That flies before the wind ; And let the angel of the LORD Pursue them hard behind. 5 6 W r ith darkness cover Thou their way, And let it slipp'ry prove ; And let the angel of the LORD Pursue them from above. PSALM XXXV. 71 G 7 For they without a cause for me Have laid their secret snare ; And they a pit without a cause Did for my soul prepare. 7 8 At unawares shall ruin come, And then he shall be caught Within the net he hid for me, And to destruction brought. 8 9 I '11 in Jehovah joy, and glad In His salvation be; 10 And all my bones shall say, who is, Jehovah, like to Thee ? 9 Who dost the poor set free from him That is for him too strong, The poor and needy from the man That spoils and does him wrong ? 10 1 1 False witnesses against me rose, And unknown charges made, 12 They, to the spoiling of my soul, Me ill for good repaid. 11 13 But as for me, when they were sick, In sackcloth sad I mourned ; My humbled soul did fast ; my prayer Into my bosom turned. 12 14 I bore myself as for a friend, Or brother dear to me ; As one who for a mother mourns, I bowed down heavily. 13 15 But in my trouble they rejoiced, And they together met ; The abjects vile together did Themselves against me set. 72 PSALM XXXV. 14 I knew it not ; they did me tear, And quiet would not be. 16 With mocking hypocrites at feasts They gnashed their teeth at me. 15 17 How long, O Lord, wilt Thou look on ? From ruins they intend Preserve my soul, from lions young My precious life defend. 1G 18 I ever will give thanks to Thee, In the assembly great ; And where much people gathered are Thy praises forth will set. 17 19 Let not my wrongful enemies In pride rejoice o'er me ; Nor let them wink with scornful eye, Who hate me causelessly. 18 20 For peace they do not speak at all ; But crafty plots prepare Against all those within the land That meek and quiet are. 19 21 Their mouths they open wide at me ; They say, Ha, ha ! we see. 22 LORD, Thou hast seen, hold not Thy Lord, be not far from me. [peace ; 20 23 Stir up Thyself ; wake, that Thou mayst Judgment to me afford, Even to my cause, O Thou that art My only God and Lord. 21 24 Jehovah, O my God, judge me In Thine own righteousness ; And let them not their joy 'gainst me Triumphantly express. PSALM XXXVI. 73 22 25 Nor let them say within their hearts, Ah, we would have it thus ; Nor suffer them to say that he Is swallowed up by us. 23 26 Shamed and confounded shall they be That at my hurt are glad ; And those who 'gainst me boast shall all With shame and scorn be clad. 24z 27 Let them that love my righteous cause Be glad, and shout, nor cease To say, Jehovah be extolled, Who loves His servant's peace. 25 28 And with my tongue I will proclaim To all the world Thy praise, And of Thy righteousness to speak My voice each day I '11 raise. TH 1 Psalm XXXVI. C. M. E trespass of the wicked man To my heart testifies : Undoubtedly the fear of God Is not before his eyes. 2 2 Because himself he flattereth In his own blinded eyes The hatefulness shall not be found Of his iniquities. 3 3 Words from his mouth proceeding are, Fraud and iniquity ; He to be wise, and to do good, Hath left off utterly. 4 4 He mischief, lying on his bed, Most cunningly doth plot ; He sets himself in ways not good ; 111 he abhorrcth not. 74 PSALM XXXVII. 5 5 Thy mercy, LORD, is in the heavens ; Thy truth doth reach the clouds. 6 Thy justice is like mountains great ; Thy judgments deep as floods ; 6 LORD, Thou preservest man and beast, 7 How precious is Thy grace, O God ! in shadow of Thy wings Men's sons their trust shall place. 7 8 They with the fatness of Thy house Shall be well satisfied ; From rivers of Thy pleasures Thou Wilt drink to them provide. 8 9 Because of life the fountain pure Remains alone with Thee ; And in that purest light of Thine We clearly light shall see. 9 io Thy loving-kindness unto them Continue that Thee know ; And still on men upright in heart Thy righteousness bestow. 10 ii Let not the foot of cruel pride Come, and against me stand And let me never be removed By men of wicked hand. 11 12 There, fallen to the earth, are they That work iniquities ; Cast down they are, and never shall Be able to arise. F Psalm XXXVII. C M. OR evil-doers fret thou not Thyself unquietly ; Nor do thou envy bear to them That work iniquity. PSALM XXXVII. 75 2 2 For, as the grass that groweth up, Soon be cut down shall they ; And like the green and tender herb They wither shall away. 3 3 Upon Jehovah set thy trust, And be thou doing good, - And so thou in the land shalt dwell And verily have food. 4 4 Joy in Jehovah, and He '11 give Thy heart's desire to thee. 5 Thy way leave with the LORD, Him trust; It bring to pass shall He. 5 6 And like the morning light, He shall Thy righteousness display ; And He thy judgment shall bring forth, Like noon-tide of the day. 6 7 Rest in Jehovah, wait for Him With patience ; do not fret For him, who, prosp'ring in his way, Success in sin doth get. 7 8 Do thou from anger cease, and wrath See thou forsake also ; Fret not thyself in any wise, That evil thou shouldst do. 8 9 For those that evil-doers are Shall be cut off and fall ; But those that on Jehovah wait The earth inherit shall. 9 io For yet a little while, and then The wicked shall not be ; His place thou shalt consider well, But it thou shalt not see. 76 PSALM XXXVII. 10 11 But by inheritance the earth The meek ones shall possess , They also shall delight themselves In an abundant peace. 11 12 The wicked gnashes with his teeth, And plots the just to slay ; 13 The Lord shall laugh at him, because, At hand He sees his day. 12 14 The wicked have drawn out the sword, And bent their bow to slay The poor and needy and to kill The men of upright way. 13 15 Their sword shall enter their own heart ; Their bows shall broken be. 16 The just man's mite excels the wealth That many wicked see. 14 17 For sinners' arms shall broken be ; The LORD the just sustains. 18 Jehovah knows the upright's days ; Their heritage remains. 15 19 They shall not be ashamed when they The evil time do see ; And when the days of famine are, They satisfied shall be. 16 20 But wicked men, Jehovah's foes, As fat of lambs decay ; They shall consume, yea, into smoke They shall consume away. 17 21 The wicked borrows, but the same Again he doth not pay ; Whereas the righteous mercy shows, . And gives his own away. PSALM XXXVII. 77 18 22 For all such as be blessed of Him The earth inherit shall ; And they that are accursed of Him Shall to destruction fall. 19 23 Man's footsteps by Jehovah are Established all aright ; And in the way wherein he walks He greatly doth delight. 20 24 Although he fall, yet shall he not Be cast down utterly ; Because Jehovah with His hand Upholds him mightily. 21 25 I have been young and now am old, Yet have I never seen The just man left, nor that his seed For bread have beggars been. 22 26 He 's ever merciful, and lends ; His seed is blessed therefore. 27 Depart from evil, and do good, And dwell for evermore. 23 28 Jehovah judgment loves, His saints Leaves not in any case ; They are kept ever ; but cut off Shall be the sinner's race ; 24 29 The just inherit shall the land, And ever in it dwell. 30 The just man's mouth doth wisdom speak, His tongue doth judgment tell. 2031 Within his heart is his God's law ; His steps slide not away. 32 The wicked man doth watch the just And seeketh him to slay. 78 PSALM XXXVIII. 26 33 Jehovah will not him forsake, Nor leave him in his hands ; The righteous will He not condemn, When he in judgment stands. 27 34 Wait on Jehovah, keep His way, And thee exalt shall He Earth to inherit ; when cut off The wicked thou shalt see. 28 35 I saw the wicked great in power, Spread like a green bay-tree. 36 He passed, yea, was not ; him I sought, But found he could not be. 29 37 Mark thou the perfect, and behold The man of uprightness ; Because that surely of this man The latter end is peace. 30 38 But those that sinners are shall all Destroyed together be ; The wicked's end shall be cut off Throughout eternity. 31 39 But the salvation of the just Is from the LORD above ; And in the time of their distress Their stronghold He doth prove. 32 40 Jehovah helps and rescues them ; He doth them free and save From wicked men ; because in Him Their confidence they have. Psalm XXXVIII. C. M. 1 JEHOVAH, in Thine anger great, J Do Thou rebuke me not ; Nor on me lay Thy chast'ning hand, In Thy displeasure hot. PSALM XXXVIII. 79 2 2 For in me fast Thine arrows stick ; Thy hand doth press me sore ; 3 Because of Thy wrath, in my flesh No soundness have I more. 3 Nor in my bones is any rest, For sin that I have done ; 4 My sins, a burden, weigh me down, They 'bove my head are gone. 4 5 My wounds are putrid and corrupt, My folly makes it so. 6 I troubled am, and much bowed down. All day I mourning go. 5 7 For inflammation great so fills My loins with burning pain, That in my weak and weary flesh No soundness doth remain. 6 8 So very feeble and infirm And sorely crushed am I, That through disquiet of my heart I make loud moan and cry. 7 9 O Lord, before Thine eyes is all That is desired by me, And of my heart the secret groans Not hidden are from Thee. 8 io My heart doth pant incessantly, My strength doth quite decay ; As for mine eyes, their wonted light Is from me gone away. 9 ii My lovers and my friends do stand At distance from my sore ; And those do stand aloof that were Kinsmen and kind before. 80 PSALM XXXVIII. 10 12 Yea, they that seek my life lay snares ; Who seek to do me wrong Speak mischief, and deceitful things Imagine all day long. 11 13 But, as one deaf, that heareth not, I suffered all to pass ; I as a dumb man did become, Whose mouth not opened was ; 12 14 As one that hears not, in whose mouth Are no replies at all. 15 For, LORD, I hope in Thee ; O Lord My God, Thou 'It hear my call. 13 16 For I said, hear me, lest they should Rejoice o'er me with pride ; And o'er me magnify themselves, What time my foot doth slide. 14 17 Because I ready am to halt, My grief I ever see ; 18 For I '11 declare my sin, and grieve For mine iniquity. 15 19 But yet mine en'mies lively are, And strong are they beside ; And they that hate me wrongfully Are greatly multiplied. 16 20 And they for good that render ill, As en'mies, me withstood ; Yea, even for this, because that I Do follow what is good. I721 Jehovah, leave me not ; my God, Far from me never be. 22 O Lord, who my salvation art, Haste to give help to me. I PSALM XXXIX. Si Psalm XXXIX. C. U. SAID, My ways I '11 guard with care, Lest with my tongue I sin ; In sight of wicked men my mouth With bridle I '11 keep in. 2 2 With silence I as dumb became ; I did myself restrain From speaking good ; but then the more Increased was my pain. 3 3 My heart within me waxed hot ; And while I musing was, The fire did burn ; and from my tongue These words I did let pass : 4 4 Mine end, and measure of my days, Jehovah, to me show What is the same ; that I thereby My frailty well may know. 5 5 Lo, Thou my days a hand-breadth mad'st, Mine age is in Thine eye As nothing ; sure each man at best Is wholly vanity. G 6 Sure each man walks in a vain show ; They vex themselves in vain ; He heaps up wealth, and doth not know To whom it shall pertain. 7 7 And now, O Lord, what wait I for? My hope is fixed on Thee. 8 Free me from all my trespasses ; The fool's scorn make not me. 8 9 Dumb am I, op'ning not my mouth, Because this work is Thine. 10 Thy stroke take from me ; by the blow Of Thy hand I do pine. 82 PSALM XXXIX. 9 ti When with rebukes Thou dost correct Man for iniquity, Like moth Thou dost his beauty waste Each man is vanity. 10 12 Regard my cry, LORD, at my tears And prayers not silent be ; I sojourn as my fathers all, And stranger am with Thee. 11 13 O spare Thou me, that I my strength Recover may again, Before from hence I do depart, And here no more remain. I Psalm XXXIX. 8s & 7s. WILL of my ways be heedful, That I sin not with my tongue ; For my mouth a curb is needful, While the wicked round me throne. 2 2 Thus I said, and dumb remained ; From my lips no sound was heard ; From good words I even refrained, But my inmost soul was stirred. 3 3 Long my heart was in me burning, Ere the smothered flames outbrake, And, th' enkindled words returning, Thus impatiently I spake : 4 4 Teach me, LORD, the number meting Of my days, how brief it is ; Make me see and know how fleeting, Vain and sad a life is this. 5 5 Life a span is at the longest ; Mine is nothing unto Thee ; PSALM XL. 83 In his best estate and strongest Man is only vanity. 6 6 Yea, he fleeting past us goeth In a shadow brief and vain, Heaping riches ; but none knoweth Who shall gather them again. 7 7 And where, Lord, is my reliance? All my hope is fixed on Thee. 8 From my sin and the defiance Of the foolish, save Thou me. 8 9 I, because it was Thy pleasure, Murmured not, nor silence broke ; 10 Yet remove Thy plague ; o'er measure Is Thy hand's consuming stroke. 9 11 When for sin or slighted duty Man corrected is by Thee, But a moth-worn robe his beauty, And but vanity is he. 10 12 See my tears, regard my danger ; Hear, Jehovah, all my prayer ; For a sojourner and stranger, Am I, as my fathers were. 11 13 Spare me, yet a little spare me, To recover strength, before Thy dread summons hence shall bear me, To be seen on earth no more. • Psalm XL. C. M. 1 T TPON Jehovah I did wait, U And patiently did bear ; At length to me He did incline My voice and cry to hear. 84 PSALM XL. 2 2 He took me from a fearful pit, And from the miry clay, And on a rock He set my feet, Establishing my way. 3 3 He put a new song in my mouth, Our God to magnify ; Many shall see it, and shall fear, And on the LORD rely. 4 4 O blessed is the man who in Jehovah doth confide, Respecting not the proud, nor such As turn to lies aside. 5 5 My God, Jehovah, many are The wonders Thou hast done ; Thy gracious thoughts to us-ward far Above all thoughts are gone. 6 In order none can reckon them To Thee ; if them declare And speak of them I would, they more Than can be numbered are. 7 6 Mine ears Thou opened hast ; and Thou No off'ring hast desired ; Nor sacrifice ; sin-off'ring Thou And burnt, hast not required. 8 7 Then unto Thee these were my words : I come ; behold and see, Within the volume of the book It written is of me : 9 8 To do Thy will I take delight, Thou my God that art ; Yea, that most holy law of Thine 1 have within my heart. PSALM XL. 85 10 9 Within the congregation great I righteousness did preach ; Lo ! Thou dost know, O LORD, that I Did not refrain my speech. 1 1 10 I never did within my heart Conceal Thy righteousness ; -I Thy salvation have declared, And shown Thy faithfulness ; 12 Thy kindness, which most loving is, Concealed have not I, Nor from the congregation great Have hid Thy verity. 13 ti Thy tender mercies, LORD, from me, do Thou not restrain ; Thy loving kindness and Thy truth, Let them me still maintain. 14 12 For ills past reck'ning compass me, And mine iniquities Such hold upon me taken have, 1 cannot lift mine eyes. 15 They more than hairs are on my head, Thence is my heart dismayed. 13 Be pleased, O LORD, to rescue me ; LORD, hasten to mine aid. 16 14 Shamed and confounded shall they be That seek my soul to kill ; Yea, they shall backward driven be, Arid shamed, that wish me ill. 17 15 For a reward of this their shame, Confounded they shall be, That in this manner scoffing say, Aha, aha ! to me. 8b PSALM XLI. 18 16 In Thee let all be glad and joy, Who seeking Thee abide; Who Thy salvation love, say still, The LORD be magnified. 19 17 I 'm poor and needy, yet the Lord Of me a care doth take ; Thou who my help and Saviour art, My God, no tarrying make. Psalm XLI. C. M. 1 "DLESSED is the man that carefully D Considereth the poor ; Jehovah, in his day of ill, Deliv'rance will secure. 2 2 The LORD will guard, save him alive ; On earth he blessed shall live ; And to his enemies' desire Thou wilt him never give. 3 3 Upon his couch of languishing, The LORD will give him strength ; And in his sickness sore, Thou wilt Make all his bed at length. 4 4 I said, Jehovah, O do Thou Thy mercy show to me ; O do Thou heal my soul, because I have offended Thee. 5 5 Those that to me are enemies Of me do evil say ; When shall he die, that so his name May perish quite away ? 6 6 To see me if he comes, he speaks Vain words ; but then his heart PSALM XLII. 87 Heaps mischief to it, which he tells, When forth he doth depart. 7 7 My haters, jointly whispering, 'Gainst me my hurt devise. 8 Disease, say they, cleaves fast to him ; He lies, and shall not rise. 8 9 Yea, even mine own familiar friend, On whom I did rely, Who ate my bread, even he his heel Against me lifted high. 9 10 But Thou, Jehovah, pity me, And up again me raise, That I may justly them requite According to their ways. 10 11 By this I know that certainly I favored am by Thee ; Because my hateful enemy Triumphs not over me. 11 12 But as for me, Thou me uphold'st In mine integrity ; And me before Thy countenance Thou sett'st continually. 12 13 Jehovah, God of Israel, Be blessed for ever then, From age to age eternally. Amen, yea, and amen. Psalm XLII. C. M. A Doth pant exceedingly, So, in its longing, O my God, My soul pants after Thee. SS PSALM XLII. 2 2 My soul for God, the living God, Doth thirst ; when shall I near Before Thy countenance approach And in God's sight appear? 3 3 My tears have unto me been meat Both in the night and day, While unto me incessantly, Where is thy God ? they say. 4 My soul within me is poured out, When this I think upon ; Because that with the multitude I heretofore had gone ; 5 4 With them into God's house I went With voice of joy and praise ; Yea, with the multitude that kept The solemn holy days. 6 5 O why art thou cast down, my soul? Why in me so dismayed ? Trust God, for I shall praise Him yet, His count'nance is mine aid. 7 6 My God, my soul 's cast down in me ; Remember Thee I will, From Jordan-land, the Hermon-mounts, And from the Mizar-hill. 8 7 At sounding of Thy water-spouts Deep unto deep doth call ; Thy breaking waves pass over me, Yea, and Thy billows all. 9 8 Jehovah yet His tender love Command will in the day ; His song is with me in the night ; To God, my life, I '11 pray. PSALM XLII. 89 10 9 I '11 say to God, my rock, O why Dost Thou forget me so? And for oppression of my foes Why do I mourning go ? 11 10 'T is as a sword within my bones, When my foes me upbraid ; And when by them, Where is thy God ? Is daily to me said. 12 11 O why art thou cast down, my soul ? Why so disturbed in me ? Trust God, I '11 praise Him yet ■ my God, Health of my face is He. Psalm XLII. L M. 1 AS pants the hart for water-brooks, i\ So pants my soul, O God, for Thee ; 2 My soul for God has thirsty been, And longs the living God to see. 2 When shall I to God's presence come? 3 My tears have fed me night and day, While all the day in mockery, • where is now thy God ? they say. 3 When I with crowds to God's house go, 1 '11 this recall, my soul pour out ; 4 I '11 lead them on with voice of joy, In songs of praise and festal shout. 4 5 Why, O my soul, art thou cast down ? Why in me art thou so dismayed ? Wait thou for God, I will Him praise ; His countenance shall be mine aid. 5 6 My God, my soul is still cast down ; Remember Thee I therefore will In Jordan-land, in Herrnon-mounts, And when upon the Mizar-hill. 90 PSALM XLIII. 6 7 Deep calls to deep at Thy floods' voice ; Thy waves and billows pass o'er me. 8 By day Jehovah grace commands, His song by night shall with me be. 7 9 I '11 pray to God who is my life ; And unto God, my rock, I '11 say : Why me forget ? must I still mourn My foes' oppression every day ? 8 io My bones are pierced as by a sword, When enemies do me upbraid, And when to me, Where is thy God? By them in scorn is daily said. 9 n Why, O my soul, art thou cast down? And what should so disquiet thee ? Wait thou for God, I will Him praise ; My God and saving help is He. • Psalm XLIII. C. M. AGAINST a cruel nation plead My cause, O God ; judge me ; From man deceitful and unjust O do Thou set me free. 2 For Thou the God art of my strength ; Why thrust me then away? And for oppression of the foe Why mourn I all the day? 3 O send Thy light forth, and Thy truth ; Let them be guides to me, And bring me to Thy holy hill, Even where Thy dwellings be. PSALM XLIV. 91 4 Then will I to God's altar go, To God, my chiefest joy ; Yea, God, my God, Thy Name to praise My harp I will employ. 5 O why art thou cast down, my soul ? Why so disturbed in me? Trust God, I '11 praise Him yet ; my God, Health of my face is He. Psalm XLIV. C. M. GOD, w^e with our ears have heard, fathers have us told, The work that in their days Thou didst Even in the days of old. OGOD Our % 2 Thy hand did drive the nations out, And plant them in their place ; Thou didst afflict the peoples all, But them Thou didst increase. 3 3 For neither got their sword the land, Nor did their arm them save ; Thy right hand, arm, light of Thy face ; For Thy grace conquest gave. 4 4 Thou art my King ; O mighty God Deliv'rances command 5 For Jacob ; we through Thee shall crush Those that against us stand. 5 We, through Thy Name, shall tread down those That risen against us have ; 6 For in my bow I shall not trust, Nor shall my sword me save. 92 PSALM XLIV. 6 7 But from our foes Thou hast us saved, Our haters put to shame. 8 In God we all the day do boast, And ever praise Thy Name. 7 9 But now we are cast off by Thee, And us Thou putt'st to shame; And when our armies do go forth, Thou go'st not with the same. 8 io Thou mak'st us from the enemy, Faint-hearted, to turn back ; And they who hate us, for themselves Our spoils away do take^ 9 ii Like sheep for meat Thou gavest us ; 'Mong nations cast we be. 12 Thou didst for naught Thy people sell; Their price enriched not Thee. 10 13 Thou makest us a vile reproach To all our neighbors near ; Derision and a scorn to them That round about us are. 11 14 A by-word also Thou dost us Among the nations make ; The peoples, in contempt and spite, At us their heads do shake. 12 15 Before me my confusion doth Abide continually; And of my countenance the shame Doth wholly cover me. 13 16 For voice of him that doth reproach And speaketh blasphemy ; Because of the avenging foe, And cruel enemy. PSALM XLV. 93 14 17 All this is come on us, yet we Have not forgotten Thee ; Nor falsely in Thy covenant Behaved ourselves have we. 15 18 Our heart is not turned back, nor have Our steps from Thy way strayed ; 19 Though us Thou break'st in dragon's place, And cover'dst with death's shade. 16 20 If we God's Name forgot, or stretched To a strange god our hands, . 21 Shall not God search this out ? for He Heart's secrets understands. 11 22 Yea, for Thy sake we 're killed all day ; Counted as slaughter-sheep ; 23 Rise, Lord, cast us not ever off ; Awake, why dost Thou sleep ? 18 24 O wherefore hidest Thou Thy face, Forgett'st our case distressed, 25 And our oppression ? for our soul Is to the dust down pressed. 19 Our body also on the earth Fast cleaving, hold doth take. 26 Rise for our help, and us redeem, Even for Thy mercy's sake. M Psalm XLV. C. M. Y heart brings forth a goodly thing ; My words that I indite Concern the King ; my tongue 's a pen Of one that swift doth write. 94 PSALM XLV. 2 2 Thou fairer art than sons of men ; Into Thy lips is store Of grace infused ; God therefore Thee Hath blessed for evermore. 3 3 O Thou that art the Mighty One, Thy sword gird on Thy thigh ; Even with Thy glory excellent, And with Thy majesty. 4 4 For meekness, truth and righteousness, In state ride prosp'rously. And Thy right hand shall Thee instruct In things that fearful be. 5 5 Thine arrows sharply pierce the heart Of en'mies of the King ; And under Thy subjection they The peoples down do bring. 6 6 For ever and forever is, O God, Thy throne of might ; The sceptre of Thy kingdom is A sceptre that is right. 7 7 Thou lovest right, and hatest ill : For God, Thy God, even He Above Thy fellows hath with oil Of joy anointed Thee. 8 8 Of aloes, myrrh and cassia A smell Thy garments had ; Out of the iv'ry palaces, Harp strains have made Thee glad. 9 9 Among Thy women hon'rable, Kings 1 daughters are at hand ; Upon Thy right hand doth the queen In gold of Ophir stand. PSALM XLV. 95 10 ioO daughter, hearken and regard, And do thine ear incline ; Likewise forget thy father's house, And people that are thine ; 11 ii Then of the King desired shall be Thy beauty more and more ; Because He is thy Lord, do thou Him rev'rently adore. 12 12 The daughter there of Tyre shall be With gifts and off rings great ; Those of the people that are rich Thy favor shall entreat. - 13 13 Behold the daughter of the King All glorious is within ; And with embroideries of gold Her garments wrought have been. 14 14 She shall be brought before the King In robes with needle wrought ; Her fellow-virgins following Shall unto Thee be brought ; 15 15 They shall be brought with gladness great And mirth on every side, Into the palace of the King, And there they shall abide. 16 16 Instead of those thy fathers dear, Thy children thou mayst take, And in all places of the earth Them noble princes make. 17i7 Thy Name remembered I will make, Through ages all to be ; The peoples therefore evermore Shall praises give to Thee. M Y 96 PSALM XLV. Psalm XLV. S. M. heart inditing is Good matter in a song ; I speak the things that I have made, Which to the King belong. 2 My tongue shall be as quick His honor to indite, As is the pen of any scribe That useth fast to write. 3 2 Thou 'rt fairest of all men ; Grace in Thy lips doth flow ; And therefore blessings evermore On Thee doth God bestow. 4 3 Thy sword gird on Thy thigh, Thou that art most of might ; Appear in dreadful majesty, And in Thy glory bright. 5 4 For meekness, truth and right, Ride prosp'rously in state ; And Thy right hand shall teach to Thee Things terrible and great. 6 5 Thy shafts shall pierce their hearts That foes are to the King ; Whereby into subjection Thou The people down shall bring. 7 6 Thy royal seat, O God, For ever shall remain ; The sceptre of Thy kingdom doth All righteousness maintain. 8 7 Thou lovest right, hat'st ill ; For God, Thy God, even He, Above Thy fellows hath with oil Of joy anointed Thee. PSALM XLV. 97 9 8 Of myrrh and spices sweet A smell Thy garments had ; Out of the iv'ry palaces Harp strains have made Thee glad. 10 9 And in Thy glorious train Kings' daughters waiting stand ; And Thy fair queen, in Ophir gold, Doth stand at Thy right hand. 11 io O daughter, take good heed, Incline and give good ear ; Thou must forget thy kindred all, And father's house most dear. 12 ii Thy beauty to the King Shall then delightful be ; And do thou humbly worship Him, Because thy Lord is He. 13 12 The daughter then of Tyre There with a gift shall be ; And all the wealthy of the land Shall make their suit to thee. 14 13 The daughter of the King All glorious is within ; And with embroideries of gold Her garments wrought have been. 15 14 She cometh to the King In robes with needle wrought ; The virgins that do follow her Shall unto Thee be brought. 16 15 They shall be brought with joy And mirth on every side, Into the palace of the King, And there they shall abide. gS PSALM XLVI. 17 16 And in thy father's stead, Thy children thou mayst take, And in all places of the earth Them noble princes make. 18 17 I will show forth Thy Name To generations all ; The peoples therefore evermore To Thee give praises shall. Psalm XL VI. CM. 1 f^ OD is our refuge and our strength, v_J In straits a present aid ; 2 Therefore, although the earth remove, We will not be afraid ; 2 Though hills amidst the seas be cast, 3 Though waters roaring make, And troubled be ; yea, though the hills By swelling seas do shake. 3 4 A river is, whose streams make glad The city of our God ; The holy place, where the Most High Hath made His own abode. 4 5 God in the midst of her doth dwell ; Nothing shall her remove ; Yea, God to her a helper will, And that right early, prove. 5 6 The nations raged, the kingdoms moved ; His vcice came, earth did melt ; 7 The LORD of hosts, yea, Jacob's God, Our refuge, with us dwelt. 6 8 Come, and behold what wondrous works Jehovah here hath wrought ; PSALM XLVI. 99 Come, see what desolations He Upon the earth hath brought. 7 9 And to the ends of all the earth Wars into peace He turns ; The bow He breaks, the spear He cuts, In fire the chariot burns. 8 io Be still, and know that I am God ! Among the nations I Will be exalted ; I on earth Will be exalted high. 9 ii The mighty LORD of hosts with us Our safety doth maintain ; The God of Jacob doth for us A refuge high remain. Psalm XLVI. 8, 7; 8, 7; 8, 8, 7. 1 r^ OD is our Refuge and our Rock, V.J Our help in tribulation — 2 Therefore we will not fear the shock That moves the world's foundation. Let mountains be Sunk in the sea ; 3 Its waters roar, And shake the shore — Our hearts shall ne'er be shaken. 2 4 There is a river whose pure streams Make glad the Holy City ; Hard by the hill it glides and gleams, Where dwells the God of Pity. 5 Where God abides No danger hides ; Seems He withdrawn, At break of dawn His help will be extended. 100 PSALM XLVII. 3 6 The nations raged, the kingdoms were In turmoil and commotion ; He spake, earth melted ; ceased the stir And madness of the ocean. 7 The LORD of Hosts Defends our coasts ; In perils high To Him we fly, And Jacob's God protects us. 4 8 Come, see Jehovah's works of peace — Who wrought earth's desolations, 9 Now causing wars and strifes to cease Among all tribes and nations ; He breaks the bow, The spear also ; The chariot burns ; To ashes turns The engines of destruction. 5 io Be still, and know that I am God ! My Name shall be exalted — I '11 stretch My peace-restoring rod O'er nations that revolted. ii The LORD of Hosts Defends our coasts ; In perils high To Him we fly, And Jacob's God protects us. Psalm XLVII. C. M. 1 A LL peoples clap your hands ; to God A With voice of triumph shout ; 2 For dreadful is the LORDMost High, Great King the earth throughout. 2 3 He '11 peoples under us subdue, And nations 'neath our feet, PSALM XLVII. 1GI 4 Choose Jacob's glory, whom He loved, Our heritage most meet. 5 God is with shouts gone up, the LORD With trumpets sounding high. 6 Sing praise to God, sing praise, sing praise, Praise to our King, sing ye. 7 For God is King of all the earth ; With knowledge praise express. 8 God rules the nations, God sits on His throne of holiness. 9 The people's princes gathered are With Abram's God to be ; Because earth's shields to God belong Exalted high is He. Psalm XLVII. 7s & 6s. OCLAP the hand, all peoples ! Shout triumph's voice to God ; 2 The LORD Most High is dreadful. Great King o'er earth abroad. Because the earth's defenders Belong to God alone ; They all belong to Jesus ; He 's the Exalted One. 3 For us He '11 rule the peoples, Put nations under feet, 4 And choose loved Jacob's glory, Our heritage most meet. Because the earth's, etc. 102 PSALM XLV1II. 3 5 God has with shout ascended, The LORD with trumpet's sound ; 6 Praise God, sing praise, sing praises, To our King praise resound. Because the earth's, etc. 4 7 For God, earth's King, is reigning, In psalms His praise make known ; 8 God ever rules the nations, God sits on holy throne. Because the earth's, etc. 5 9 The people's chiefs assemble, Who Abram's God obey ; Earth's shields their God are owning, Exalt Him high do they. Because the earth's, etc. G Psalm XLVIII. C. M. REAT is Jehovah, worthy He Is to be praised still, Within the city of our God, Upon His holy hill. 2 2 Mount Zion is most beautiful, The joy of all the lands ; The city of the mighty King Upon the north side stands. 3 3 God in her palaces hath made Himself a refuge known. 4 For, lo, the kings assembled ; they Together by have gone. 4 5 But when they did behold the same, They, wond' ring, would not stay ; But being troubled at the sight They thence did haste away. PSALM XLIX. 103 5 6 Then, seized with fear, they were as one Whom travail-pain o'ertakes ; 7 As stricken by the eastern wind That ships of Tarshish breaks. 6 8 In city of the LORD of Hosts We see, as we were told ; In our God's city, that our God Will ever her uphold. 7 9 We on Thy goodness thought, O God, Within Thy holy place. 10 As is Thy Name, O God, so is To ends of earth Thy praise ; 8 Thy hand is full of righteousness. 11 Let Zion mount be glad ; Make Judah's daughters joy, because Thy judgments are displayed. 9 12 Walk about Zion, and go round ; The high towers thereof tell ; 13 Consider ye her palaces, And mark her bulwarks well ; 10 That ye may tell posterity. 14 For this God doth abide Our God for evermore ; He will Even unto death us guide. Psalm XLIX. C. M. 1 TTEAR this, all people, and give ear, Fl All in the world that dwell ; 2 Both low and high, both rich and poor, 3 My mouth shall wisdom tell ; 2 My heart shall knowledge meditate. 4 I will incline mine ear To parables ; and on the harp My sayings dark declare. 104 PSALM XLIX. 3 5 Amidst those days that evil be, Why should I fearing doubt, When crime of my supplanters doth Encompass me about ? 4 6 Whoe'er they be that in their wealth Their confidence do pitch, And boast themselves, because they are Become exceeding rich ; 5 7 Yet none of these his brother can Redeem in any way ; Nor can he unto God for him Sufficient ransom pay ; 6 8 For their soul's purchase costly is ; And it can never be 9 That still he should forever live, And not corruption see. *7 io Because he sees that wise men die, And brutish fools also Do perish, and their wealth, when dead, To others they let go. 8 ii Their inward thought is that their house And dwelling places shall Forever stand ; and they their lands By their own names do call, 9 12 But man in honor dwelleth not, He 's like the beasts that die ; 13 Their way their folly is, though praised By their posterity. 10 14 Like sheep they in the grave are laid, And death shall them devour ; And in the morning upright men Shall over them have power ; PSALM L. 105 11 Their beauty from their dwelling shall Consume within the grave. 15 But from death's hand God will me free, For He shall me receive. 12 16 Be not afraid when one gains wealth, Whose house in glory grows ; .17 For dying he takes nothing hence ; No glory with him goes. 13 18 Although he his own soul did bless, While he on earth did live, (And when thou to thyself do'st well, Men will thee praises give,) 14 19 He to his fathers' race shall go ; They never shall see light. 20 Man honored, wanting knowledge, is Like beasts that perish quite. J Psalm L. C. M. EHOVAH, God of gods, did speak, And called the earth upon, Even from the rising of the sun Unto the going down. 2 2 From out of Zion, His own hill, Where the perfection high Of beauty is, from thence hath God Shined forth most gloriously. 3 3 Our God assuredly shall come, Keep silent shall not He ; Before Him fire shall waste, great storms Shall round about Him be. 4 4 He to the heavens above shall call, And to the earth below ; That of His people He to all His judgment just may show. 106 PSALM L. 5 5 Now unto Me let all My saints Together gathered be ; Those that by sacrifice have made A covenant with Me. 6 6 And then the heavens shall declare His righteousness abroad, Because He judgment executes, None else is Judge but God. 7 7 Hear, O My people, and I '11 speak ; Israel, by name, Against thee I will testify ; God, thine own God, I am. 8 8 Not for thy sacrifices will 1 blame upon thee lay ; Nor for burnt-offerings of thine, Before Me every day. 9 9 I '11 take no bullock nor he-goats From house or folds of thine ; io For beasts of forests, cattle all On thousand hills are Mine. 10 ii The fowls are all to Me well known. That mountains high do yield ; And I do challenge as Mine own The wild beasts of the field. 11 12 If I were hungry, I would not To thee for need complain ; For earth, and all its fulness, doth To Me of right pertain. 12 13 Will I the flesh of bullocks eat ? Or goats' blood drink will I ? 14 Thanks offer thou to God, and pay Thy vows to the Most High. PSALM L. I07 13 15 And, in the day of trouble great, See that thou call on Me ; I will deliver thee and thou My Name shalt glorify. 14 16 But to the wicked man God saith, How is it thou dost dare - My cov'nant in thy mouth to take, My statutes to declare? 15 17 And yet all good instruction thou Perversely hated hast ; Likewise My words behind thy back Thou in contempt dost cast. 16 18 When thou a thief didst see, with him Thou didst consent to sin, And with the vile adulterers Thou hast partaker been. 17 19 Thy mouth to evil thou dost give, Thy tongue deceit doth frame. 20 Thou sitt'st thy brother to revile, Thy mother's son defame. 18 21 Because I silence have preserved, While thou these things hast wrought, That I was altogether like Thyself, hath been thy thought ; 19 Yet I will sharply thee reprove, And set before thine eyes, Arrayed in order, thy misdeeds, And thine iniquities. £0 22 O now consider this, all ye Who God forgotten have, Lest I should you in pieces tear And there be none to save. 108 PSALM L. 21 23 Who offers sacrifice of praise, Great glory yields to Me ; And he who orders right his way, Shall God's salvation see. Psalm L. S. M. EHOVAH, God of gods, ath spoken, and did call The earth, from rising of the sun, To where he hath his fall. TEH J H 2 2 From out of Zion hill, Where the perfection high Of beauty is, from thence hath God Shined forth most gloriously. 3 3 Our God shall surely come, Keep silence shall not He ; Before Him fire shall waste, great storms Shall round about Him be. 4 4 He to the heavens above Shall then send forth His call, And to the earth likewise, that He May judge His people all. 5 5 To Me let all My saints Together gathered be ; Those that by sacrifice have made A covenant with Me. 6 6 And then the heavens shall show His righteousness abroad, Because He judgment executes, None else is Judge but God. 7 7 My people Isr'el, hear, Speak will I from on high, Against thee I will testify ; God, thine own God am I. PSALM L. 109 8 8 1, for thy sacrifice, No blame will on thee lay, Nor for burnt-offerings of thine Before Me every day. 9 9 I '11 take no calf nor goats From house or folds of thine ; 10 For beasts of forest, cattle all On thousand hills, are Mine. 10 11 The fowls on mountains high Are all to Me well known ; Wild beasts which in the fields do lie, Even they are all Mine own. 11 12 Then, if I hungry were, I would not tell it thee ; Because the world, and fulness all Thereof belongs to Me. 12 13 Will I eat flesh of bulls ? Or goats' blood drink will I ? 14 Thanks offer thou to God, and pay Thy vows to the Most High. 13 15 And call upon Me when In trouble thou shalt be ; I will deliver thee, and thou My Name shalt glorify. 14 16 But to the wicked man God saith, How dost thou dare Take in thy mouth My covenant ? My statutes to declare ? 15 17 Yet thou instruction wise Perversely hated hast, Likewise My words behind thy back Thou in contempt dost cast. HO PSALM LI. 16 18 Thou didst to him consent, When thou a thief hast seen ; And with the vile adulterers Thou hast partaker been. 17 19 Thy mouth to ill is given, Thy tongue deceit doth frame ; 20 Thou sitt'st thy brother to revile, Thy mother's son defame. 18 21 Because I silence kept, While thou these things hast wrought That I was altogether like Thyself, hath been thy thought. 19 Yet I will thee reprove, And set before thine eyes, Arrayed in order, thy misdeeds, And thine iniquities. 20 22 Now ye that God forget, Consider this with care, Lest I, when there is none to save, Do you in pieces tear. 21 23 He honors Me who brings His sacrifice of praise ; I '11 God's salvation show to him Who orders right his ways. Psalm LI. C. M. GOD, according to Thy love, Be merciful to me ; For Thy compassions great, blot out All mine iniquity. Me cleanse from sin, wash thoroughly From mine iniquity ; For my transgressions I confess ; My sin I ever see. o PSALM LI. Ill 3 4 'Gainst Thee, Thee only have I sinned, In Thy sight done this ill ; That when Thou speak'st Thou mayst be And clear in judging still. [just, 4 5 Behold I in iniquity My being did receive ; Yea, me in guiltiness and sin My mother did conceive. 5 6 Behold, Thou in the inward parts With truth delighted art ; And wisdom Thou shalt make me know Within the hidden part. 6 7 Do Thou with hyssop sprinkle me, I shall be cleansed so ; Yea, wash Thou me, and then I shall Be whiter than the snow, 7 8 Of gladness and of joyfulness Make me to hear the voice ; That so these very bones which Thou Hast broken, may rejoice. 8 9 All mine iniquities blot out, Thy face hide from my sin, io Clean heart create, O God, .renew Right spirit me within. 9 ii And from before Thy gracious face, Cast Thou me not away ; Thy Holy Spirit utterly Take not from me, I pray. 10 12 The joy which Thy salvation brings Again to me restore ; 112 PSALM LI. With willing spirit do Thou me Uphold for evermore. 11 13 Then will I teach Thy ways unto Those that transgressors be ; And those that sinners are, shall then Converted be to Thee. 12 14 O God, of my salvation God, Me from blood-guiltiness Set free ; then shall my tongue aloud Sing of Thy righteousness. 13 15 My closed lips, O Lord, let them Be opened wide by Thee, And then Thy praises by my mouth Abroad shall published be. 14 16 For Thou desir'st not sacrifice, Else would I give it Thee ; Nor wilt Thou with burnt-offering At all delighted be. 15 17 A broken spirit is to God A pleasing sacrifice ; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou 'It not despise. 16 18 In Thy good pleasure kindness show To Zion, Thine own hill ; The walls of Thy Jerusalem Build up of Thy good will. 17 19 Then righteous off'rings shall Thee please, And off'rings burnt, which they With whole burnt-off rings and with calves Shall on Thine altar lay. 1 M PSALM LI. 113 Psalm LT. 7s. E, O God, compassion show, As Thy ter-der mercies flow ; In Thy vast ana boundless grace, My transgressions all erase ; 2 Wash me wholly from my sins, Cleanse me from my guilty stains. 2 3 For my great transgression lies Ever present to mine eyes ; 4 I have sinned 'gainst Thee alone, In Thy sight this evil done ; That Thy judgment may be clear, And Thy speaking just appear. 3 5 Lo, I came to birth unclean, Mother me conceived in sin ; 6 Lo, Thou dost desire to find Truth sincere within the mind ; And Thou wilt within my heart Wisdom unto me impart. 4: 7 Wash from every guilty stain, Cleanse with hyssop, make me clean ; Then, from all pollution free, Whiter than the snow I '11 be. 8 Let me hear joy's cheering tones, Making glad these broken bones. 5 9 From my sins hide Thou Thy face Blot them out in Thy rich grace ; 10 Free my heart, O God, from sin, Spirit right renew within. 11 Cast me not away from Thee, Nor Thy Spirit take from me. 6 12 Give salvation's joy again, With free spirit me sustain. 114 PSALM LII. 13 Then shall sinners, taught by me, Learn Thy ways and turn to Thee. 14 Free me from the guilt of blood, God, of my salvation God. 7 Freed from guilt, my tongue shall rais( Songs Thy righteousness to praise ; 15 Open Thou my lips, O Lord, Then my mouth shall praise accord ; 16 Sacrifice Thou wilt not take, Else would I the off'ring make. 8 Off' rings burnt in sacred rite Can to Thee bring no delight; 17 But a spirit crushed for sin, Contrite, broken heart within, God's accepted sacrifice, Thou, O God, wilt not despise. 9 18 Zion favor in Thy grace, Yea, Jerus'lem's ramparts raise ; 19 Then shall sacrifices right, Whole burnt-off'rings Thee delight ; So shall men, their vows to pay, Bullocks on Thine altar lav. w Psalm LII. C. M. HY dost thou boast, O mighty man, Of mischief and of ill ? The loving-kindness of our God Endureth ever still. 2 2 Thy tongue doth slanders mischievous Devise in subtlety, And like a razor, sharp to cut, It works deceitfully. 3 3 111 more than good, and more than truth Thou lovest to speak wrong ; PSaLM 1,111 115 4 Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue. 4 5 So God shall thee destroy for aye, Remove thee, pluck thee out Quite from thy house, out of the land Of life He shall thee root. 5 6 The righteous shall it see, and fear, And laugh at him they shall ; 7 Lo, this the man is that did not Make God his strength at all ; 6 But he in his abundant wealth His confidence did place ; And he took strength unto himself From his own wickedness. 7 8 But I am in the house of God Like to an olive green ; My confidence forever hath Upon God's mercy been. 8 9 And I forever will Thee praise, Because Thou hast done this ; I on Thy Name will wait ; for good Before Thy saints it is. T Psalm LI 1 1. CM. HAT there is not a God, the fool Doth in his heart conclude ; They are corrupt, their works are vile, Not one of them do'th good. 2 Upon the sons of men did God From heaven cast His eyes, To see if any one there was That sought God, and was wise. Il6 PSALM LIV. 3 3 They altogether filthy are, They all are backward gone ; And there is none that doeth good, No, not so much as one. 4 4 These workers of iniquity, Do they not know at all, That they My people eat as bread, And on God do not call ? 5 5 They had great fear, where no fear was ; His bones who camps 'gainst thee God scattered ; thou didst them defeat ; Despised of God they flee. 6 6 Let Isr'el's help from Zion come ! When God again shall bring His captives, Jacob shall rejoice, And Israel shall sing. Psalm LIV. C. M. 1 O AVE me, O God, by Thy great Name, O And judge me by Thy strength. 2 My prayer regard, O God ; give ear To all my words at length. 2 3 For strangers do against me rise ; My soul oppressors sought, Who set not God before their eyes, 4 But, lo, God help hath brought ; 3 The Lord is with them who uphold 5 My soul. He shall requite Their evil to mine enemies ; In Thy truth crush their might. 4 6 1 will a sacrifice to Thee Give with free willingness ; Thy Name, Jehovah, for 't is good, With praise I will confess. PSALM LV. 117 5 7 Because He hath delivered me From all adversities ; And its desire mine eye hath seen Upon mine enemies. Psalm LV. C. M. 1 /^\ GOD, my prayer hear ; hide Thee not U From my entreating voice. 2 Attend and hear me ; in my plaint I mourn and make a noise ; 2 3 For voice of foes, for wicked men In their oppression great, Who on me cast iniquity, And who in wrath me hate. 3 4 Sore pained within me is my heart ; Death's terrors on me fall ; 5 On me comes trembling, fear and dread Me overwhelmed withal. 4 6 O that I, like a dove, had wings, Said I, then would I flee Far hence, that I might find a place Where I at rest might be. 5 7 Lo, then far off I wander would, And in the desert stay ; 8 From windy storm and tempest I Would haste to 'scape away. 6 9 O Lord, on them destruction bring, And do their tongues divide ; For in the city, violence And strife I have espied. 7 10 They day and night go round her walls Vain rites and sorrow meet 11 In her, and crimes ; deceit and wrong Depart not from her street. Il8 PSALM LV. 8 12 He was no foe that me reproached ; Then that endure I could ; Nor hater that did 'gainst me boast ; From him me hide I would ; 9 13 But, thou, man, who mine equal, friend, And my companion wast. 14 We took sweet counsel, to God's house In company we passed. 10 15 Death shall them seize, and to the grave Alive they shall depart ; For wickedness is in their house, And also in their heart. 11 16 I '11 call on God ; Jehovah will 17 Me save ; I '11 grieve and sigh At ev'ning, morning, and at noon ; And He shall hear my cry. 12 18 He hath in love my soul redeemed, That it in peace might be From battle that against me was ; For many strove with me. 13 19 God shall them hear, and answer them, (Of old abideth He,) Even them who have no fear of God, And changes never see. 14 20 'Gainst those who were at peace with him He hath put forth his hand ; The covenant that he had made, By breaking he profaned. 15 2i More smooth than butter were his words, While in his heart was war ; His speeches were more soft than oil, And yet drawn swords they were. PSALM LVI. 119 16 22 Thy burden on Jehovah cast, And He shall thee sustain ; Yea, He shall cause the righteous man Unmoved to remain. 17 23 But Thou, God, shalt to ruin's pit Them cast ; the men of guile . And blood shall not live half their days ; But trust in Thee I will. o Psalm LVI. C. M. PITY me, my God, for man Would swallow me outright ; He me oppresseth, while he doth Against me daily fight. 2 2 They daily would me swallow up That en'mies are to me, For they that proudly 'gainst me fight In number many be. 3 3 When I 'm afraid, I '11 trust in Thee. 4 In God His word I '11 praise ; I will not fear what flesh can do, In God I '11 trust always. 4 5 Each day they wrest my words ; their 'Gainst me are all for ill. [thoughts 6 They meet, they lurk, they mark my steps, Who wait my soul to kill. 5 7 But shall they by iniquity Escape Thy judgments so? O God, with indignation down Do Thou the peoples throw. 6 8 Thou tellest all my wanderings, Not one dost overlook ; Into Thy bottle put my tears ; Are they not in Thy book ? 120 PSALM LVII. 7 9 What day I cry, my foes shall flee ; I know G'od for me is ; 10 In God His word I '11 praise ; His word I '11 in Jehovah praise. 8 ii In God I trusted ; I '11 not fear , What can man do to me ? 12 Thy vows upon me are, O God, I '11 render thanks to Thee. 9 13 Wilt Thou not, who from death me saved, My feet from falls keep free, To walk before God in the light Of those that living be ? B Psalm LVII. C. M. E merciful to me, O God ; Be merciful to me ; My soul Thee trusts ; to Thy wings' shade For refuge I will flee, 2 Until calamities be past. 2 I '11 cry to God Most High ; To God, who doth all things for me Perform most perfectly. 3 3 From heaven He shall send down, and me From his reproach defend That would devour me ; God His truth And mercy forth shall send. 4 4 My soul among fierce lions is ; I firebrands live among, Men's sons, whose teeth are spears and A sharp sword is their tongue. [darts, 5 5 Be Thou exalted very high Above the heavens, O God ; PSALM LVIII. 121 Let Thou Thy glory be advanced O'er all the earth abroad. 6 6 My soul 's bowed down ; for they a net Have laid, my steps to snare ; But in the pit which they have digged For me they fallen are. 7 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart Is fixed ; I '11 sing and praise. 8 My glory, wake ; wake, psalt'ry, harp ; Myself I '11 early raise. 8 9 I '11 praise Thee 'mcng the peoples, Lord, 'Mong nations sing will I ; io For great to heaven Thy mercy is, Thy truth is to the sky. 9 ii O God, exalted be Thy Name Above the heavens to stand ; Do Thou Thy glory far advance Above both sea and land. Psalm LVIII. C. M. DO ye, O congregation, now Indeed speak righteousness ? O ye that are the sons of men, Judge ye with uprightness ? 2 Yea, wrongs in heart ye work, your hands Weigh violence on earth. 3 The wicked, from their birth estranged, Speak lies and stray from birth. 4 And as the poison of a snake Their poison doth appear ; Yea, they are like the adder deaf, That closely stops her ea r ■ 122 PSALM LIX. 4 5 That so she may not hear the voice Of one that charm her would, No, not though he most cunning were, And charm most wisely could. 5 6 Their teeth, O God, within their mouth, Break Thou in pieces small ; The great teeth, O Jehovah, break Of those young lions all. 6 7 Let them like waters melt away, Which downward still do flow ; In pieces cut his arrows all, When he shall bend his bow. 7 8 And like a snail that melts away, Let each of them be gone ; That as a birth untimely, they May never see the sun. 8 9 He shall them take away before Your pots the thorns can heat, Both living, and in dreadful wrath As with a whirlwind great. 9 io The righteous, when he vengeance sees, Shall be most joyful then ; The righteous one shall wash his feet In blood of wicked men. 10 ii So men shall say, The righteous man Reward shall never miss ; And verily upon the earth A God to judge there is. Psalm LIX. C. M. M Y God, deliver me from those That are mine enemies ; And do Thou me defend from those That up against me rise, PSALM LIX. 123 2 Do Thou deliver me from them That work iniquity ; And give me safety from the men Of bloody cruelty. ■ 3 For, lo, they for my soul lay wait ; The mighty do combine Against me, LORD, and for no fault, Nor any sin of mine. 4 They run, and without fault in me, Themselves do ready make; Awake to meet me with Thy help, And do Thou notice take. 5 Awake, Jehovah, God of Hosts, Thou God of Israel, To visit nations all ; spare none That wickedly rebel. 6 6 At eve they turn, howl like a dog,' And round the city stray ; 7 Lo, they belch out, swords in their lips, For who doth hear ? they say. 7 8 Jehovah, Thou shalt laugh at them And all the nations mock. 9 O Thou my Strength, I '11 wait on Thee ; For God is my high rock. 8 10 He of my mercy that is God Will early succor me ; God my desire upon my foes Will cause mine eyes to see. 9 11 Them slay not, lest my people should Forget Thy favor soon ; But by Thy power, O Lord, our Shield, Disperse and bring them down. 124 PSALM LX. 10 12 For their mouth's sin, and for the words That from their lips do fly, Let them be taken in their pride, Because they curse and lie. 11 13 In wrath consume them, them consume, That so they may not be ; And that in Jacob God doth rule To earth's ends let them see. 12 14 At eve they '11 turn, howl like a dog, And round the city stray ; 15 Go to and fro for food, all night Unsatisfied shall stay. 13 16 But of Thy power I '11 sing aloud, At morn Thy mercy praise ; For Thou to me my refuge wast, And tower in troublous days. 14 17 O Thou who art my strength, I will Sing praises unto Thee ; For God is my defence, a God Of mercy unto me. Psalm KX. C. M. 1 /~\ GOD, Thou hast rejected us, v»y And scattered us afar ; Thou justly hast offended been ; Restore us to Thy care. 2 2 The earth to tremble Thou hast made, Therein didst breaches make ; Do Thou thereof the breaches heal, Because the land doth shake. 3 3 To Thine own people Thou hard things Hast showed, and on them sent ; PSALM LX. I25 Thou also hast caused us to drink Wine of astonishment. 4 4 And yet a banner Thou hast given To them who Thee do fear, That for the sake of truth by them Displayed it may appear. ,"> 5 In order that Thy saints beloved May all delivered be. Save with the power of Thy right hand And answer give to me. 6 6 God in His holiness hath said : In this exult I will ; I Shechem will divide, and I Will mete out Succoth's vale. 7 7 I Gilead claim as Mine by right ; Mannasseh Mine shall be ; Of My head Ephraim 's the strength, Judah gives laws for Me ; 8 8 Moab 's My washing pot ; My shoe I '11 over Edom throw ; And o'er Philistia My shout Of triumph forth shall go. i) 9 O who is he will bring me to The city fortified ? O who is he that to the land Of Edom will me guide ? 10io Is it not Thou, O God, who hast Cast us from Thee afar ? Yea, with our armies Thou dost not Go forth, O God, to war. T26 PSALM LXI. 11 ii Help us from trouble ; for the help Is vain which man bestows. 12 Through God we shall do valiantly ; He shall tread down our foes. Psalm I.XI. C. M. 1 /^\ GOD, give ear unto my cry, v_y And to my prayer attend. 2 From utmost corner of the land My cry to Thee I '11 send. 2, ■ What time my heart is overwhelmed, And in perplexity, Do Thou me lead unto the Rock That higher is than I. 3 3 For Thou hast for my refuge been A shelter by Thy power ; And for defence against my foes Thou hast been my strong tower. 4 4 Within Thy tabernacle I For ever will abide ; And under covert of Thy wings With confidence I '11 hide. 5 5 Because the vows that I did make, O Thou, my God, didst hear; Thou hast me given the heritage Of those Thy Name that fear. 6 6 A life prolonged for many days, Thou to the king shalt give ; Like many generations be The years which he shall live. 7 7 He in God's presence his abode For evermore shall have ; O do Thou truth and mercy both Prepare, that may him save. PSALM LXII. 127 8 8 And so will I for evermore Sing praises to Thy Name, That, having made my vows, I may Each day perform the same. Psalm L.XII. C. M. 1 J\ J\ Y soul waits only upon God ; i VI My saving strength is He ; 2 My only Saviour, Rock, High Tower ; Much moved I shall not be. 2 3 How long will ye assail a man, That all of you may slay One who is like a bowing wall, Or fence that giveth way ? 3 4 They only plot to cast him down From his high dignity ; They joy in lies ; with mouth they bless, But they curse inwardly. 4 5 My soul, wait thou on God alone ; Because my hope is He ; 6 My only Saviour, Rock, High Tower ; And moved I shall not be. 5 7 In God alone my glory is, And my salvation sure ; In God the Rock is of my strength, My refuge most secure. 6 8 On Him, ye people, evermore, With confidence rely ; Before Him pour ye out your heart ; God is our refuge high. 7 9 Surely mean men are vanity, And great men are a lie ; 128 PSALM LXIII. In balance laid, they wholly are More light than vanity. 8 10 Then do not in oppression trust, In robb'ry be not vain ; And if your riches are increased. Set not your hearts on gain. ii God hath it spoken once to me, Yea, this I heard again, That power to the mighty God Alone doth appertain. 10 12 Yea, mercy also unto Thee Belongs, O Lord, alone ; For Thou according to his work Rewardest every one. Psalm LXIII. C. M. EE, God, my God, I '11 early seek ; My soul doth thirst for Thee ; My flesh longs in a dry, parched land, Wherein no waters be ; TH ] 2 That I Thy power may behold, And brightness of Thy face, As I have seen Thee heretofore Within Thy holy place. 3 Since better is Thy love than life. My lips Thee praise shall give. 4 I in Thy Name will lift my hands, And bless Thee while I live. 5 Even as with marrow and with fat My soul supplied shall be ; Then shall my mouth with joyful lips Sing praises unto Thee ; PSALM LXI1I. I29 5 6 When I do Thee upon my bed Remember with delight, And when on Thee I meditate In watches of the night. G 7 In shadow of Thy wings I '11 joy ; For Thou my help hast been. 8 My soul Thee follows hard ; and me Thy right hand doth sustain. 1 9 Who seek my soul to spill shall sink Down to earth's lowest room. 10 They by the sword shall be cut off, And jackals' prey become. 8 11 Yet shall the king in God rejoice ; And each one glory shall That swears by Him ; but stopped shall be The mouth of liars all. o Psalm L.XIII. 6s & 4s. GOD, Thou art my God ; I '11 now seek Thee ; My soul and flesh desire With Thee to be. In thirsty land and dry, Where waters come not nigh, Thy glory and Thy power, O let me see. 2 2 As in Thy holy place Thee oft I 've seen, 3 And Thy dear love than life Has better been ; Thee praise my lips shall give, 4 I '11 bless Thee while I live, In Thy Name lift my hands With soul serene I30 PSALM LXIV. 3 5 As with fat meats my soul Well filled shall be ; My mouth with joyful lips Shall then praise Thee. 6 When I am on my bed, To Thee is mem'ry led ; And in night watch Thou giv'st Sweet thoughts to me. 4 7 Because Thou oftentimes Hast been mine aid, I therefore will be glad In Thy wings' shade ; 8 My soul cleaves after Thee ; Thy right hand holdeth me ; 9 Who would me kill shall in Earth's depths be laid. 5 10 By sword they '11 fall, a prey Of jackals be ; it And then the king in God Shall gladness see. And all who by Him swear, Shall glory in Him there ; But mouth of liars all Soon stop shall He. T Psalm LXIV. C. M. O voice of my complaint and cry^ O God, give Thou an ear ; My life save from the enemy Of whom I stand in fear. 2 Me from their secret counsel hide Who do live wickedly ; From insurrection of those men That work iniquity. PSALM LXV. I V : > 3 Who do their tongues with malice whet, And make them cut like swords ; In whose bent bows are arrows set, Even sharp and bitter words ; 4 4 That they may at the perfect man In secret aim their shot ; Yea, suddenly they dare at him To shoot, and fear it not. 5 5 In ill encourage they themselves, And their snares close do lay ; Together conference they have ; Who shall them see ? they say. 6 6 They have searched out iniquities, A perfect search they keep ; Of each of them the inward thought, And very heart, is deep. 7 7 God shall an arrow shoot at them, And wound them suddenly. 8 So their own tongues shall them confound; All who them see shall fly. 8 9 And on all men a fear shall fall, God's works they shall declare ; For they shall wisely notice take What these His doings are. 9 10 The just shall in Jehovah joy, And trust upon His might ; Yea, they shall greatly glory all In heart that are upright. Psalm LXV. C. M. 1 TN Zion, God, praise waits for Thee 1 To Thee vows paid shall be. 2 O Thou that Hearer art of prayer, All flesh shall come to Thee. I32 PSALM LXV. 2 3 Iniquities, I must confess, Prevail against me do ; But as for our transgressions all, Them purge away shalt Thou. 4 Blessed is the man whom Thou dost choose And bringest near to Thee, That he within Thy temple courts May still a dweller be. 4 We surely shall be satisfied With Thine abundant grace, And with the goodness of Thy house, Even of Thy holy place. 5 5 O God, our Saviour, by dread deeds In right Thou 'It answer prayer ; All ends cf earth shall trust in Thee, And those on seas afar. 6 6 Who, being girt with power, sets fast By His great strength the hills ; 7 Who noise of seas, noise of their waves, And peoples' tumult stills. 7 8 Those in the utmost parts that dwell Are at Thy signs afraid ; The goings out of morn and eve By Thee are joyful made. 8 9 Thou earth dost visit, wat'ring it ; Thou mak'st it rich to grow With God's full flood ; Thou givest corn, For Thou prepar'st it so. 9 10 Its ridges Thou dost water well, Its furrows down are pressed ; Thou dost with showers soften it, Its fruits by Thee are blessed. PSALM LXVI. 133 10 11 With goodness Thou dost crown the year ; Thy paths drop fatness still. 12 They drop on desert pastures so That gladness girds each hill. 11 13 The meadows all are clothed with flocks, The vales with corn are clad ; And now they shout and sing to Thee, For Thou hast made them glad. Psalm LXVI. C. M. 1 A LL lands to God, in joyful sounds, i~\ Aloft your voices raise ; 2 Sing forth the honor of His Name, Make glorious His praise. 2 3 Say unto God, How terrible In all Thy works art Thou ! Through Thy great power Thy foes to Thee Shall be constrained to bow. 3 4 All earth shall worship Thee, and sing ; Their songs Thy Name shall own. 5 Come, see God's works, His dealings dread, That are to men's sons known. 4 6 He into dry land turned the sea, And they a passage had, Even marching through the flood on foot ; There we in Him were glad. 5 7 He ruleth ever by His might ; His eyes the nations see ; O let not those that rebels are Exalt themselves on high. 134 PSALM LXVI. 6 8 Ye peoples, bless our God ; aloud The voice speak of His praise ; 9 Our soul in life who safe preserves. Our feet from sliding stays. 7 io For as men silver try, O God, Thou didst us prove and try ; ii Brought'st us into the net, and mad'st Bands on our loins to lie. 8 12 Thou hast made men ride o'er our heads ; Through fire and flood we passed ; But yet into abundance great Thou hast us brought at last. 9 13 I '11 bring burnt-off 'rings to Thy house ; To Thee my vows I '11 pay, 14 Which my lips uttered, my mouth spake, When trouble on me lay. 10 15 Fat sheep in sacrifices burnt, With incense, I will bring ; Of bullocks and of goats I will Present an offering. 11 16 All that fear God, come, hear, I '11 tell What He did for my soul. 17 I with my mouth cried unto Him, My tongue did Him extol. 12 18 If in my heart I sin regard, The Lord me will not hear ; 19 But surely God me heard, and did To my prayer's voice give ear. 13 20 I '11 therefore say with grateful heart, O let God blessed be, Who did not turn my prayer from Him, Nor yet His grace from me. o PSALM LXVII. 135 Psalm LXVII. C. M. GOD, be merciful, us bless ; Shine on us with Thy face ; 2 That earth Thy way and nations all May know Thy saving grace. 2 3 Let peoples give Thee praise, O God ; Let peoples all Thee praise. 4 O let the nations joyful be, In songs their voices raise ; 3 For Thou shalt justly peoples judge, On earth rule nations all. 5 Let peoples give Thee praise, O God ; All peoples praise Thee shall. 4 6 The earth her increase yielded hath ; God, our God, bless us shall. 7 God shall us bless ; and of the earth The ends shall fear Him all. Psalm LXVII. S. M. 1 r^ OD bless and pity us, V-J Shine on us with Thy face ; 2 That earth Thy way, and nations all May know Thy saving grace. 2 3 Let peoples praise, O God ; Let peoples all Thee praise. 4 O let the nations all be glad, In songs their voices raise ; 3 Thou 'It justly people judge, On earth rule nations all. 5 Let peoples give Thee praise, O God, All peoples praise Thee shall. 4 6 The earth her fruit did yield ; God, our God, bless us shall ; I36 PSALM LXVIII. 7 God shall us bless ; and of the earth The ends shall fear Him all. Psalm LXVIIT. C. M. 1 ET God arise, and let His foes L Abroad all scattered be ; And let all those that do Him hate, Before His presence flee. 2 2 As smoke is driven, so drive Thou them ; As fire melts wax away, Before God's face let wicked men So perish and decay. 3 3 But let the righteous all be glad ; Let them before God's sight Be very joyful ; yea, let them Exult with all their might. 4 4 To God sing, to His Name sing praise ; Extol Him with your voice, That rides on heaven, by His Name Jah, Before His face rejoice. 5 5 Because He is a Father kind To children fatherless ; God is the widow's Judge within His place of holiness. 6 6 God sets the solitary ones In families ; from bands He pris'ners frees ; but rebels do Inhabit desert lands. 7 7 O God, when Thou wast going forth Before Thy people's face, And when through the great wilderness Thy glorious marching was ; PSALM LXVIII. 137 8 8 Then shook the earth before God's face ; Great drops from heaven fell ; This Sinai at God's presence shook, The God of Israel. 9 9 O God, Thou to Thy heritage Didst send a plenteous rain, Whereby Thou, when it weary was, Didst it refresh again. 10 10 Thy congregation then did make Their habitation there ; Of Thine own goodness for the poor, O God, Thou didst prepare. 11 11 The Lord the word gives, a great host Of women it declare ; 12 Kings of hosts flee, they flee; their spoil At home the women share. 12 13 When ye shall lie among the folds, Like doves ye shall appear, Whose wings with silver, and with gold Whose feathers covered are. 13 14 When there th' Almighty scattered kings, Like Salmon's snow 't was white. 15 A mount of God is Bashan hill, Mount Bashan, peaks of height ! 14 16 Why look askance, ye mountains high ? This is the hill where God Desires to dwell ; Jehovah here Will ever make abode. 15 17 God's chariots twenty thousand are, Thousands of angels strong; Sinai is in the holy place, The Lord is them among. 138 PSALM LXVIII. 16 18 Thou didst ascend on high, and lead Captive captivity ; Take gifts for men, that God the LORD, Might dwell where rebels be. 17 19 Blessed be the Lord, who is to us Of our salvation God ; Who daily with His benefits Us plenteously doth load. 18 20 He of salvation is the God, Who is our God most strong ; And to the Lord Jehovah do Escapes from death belong. 19 2i But surely God shall wound the head Of those that are His foes ; The hairy scalp of him that still On in his trespass goes. 20 22 The Lord hath said, I will them bring Again from Bashan hill ; Yea, from the sea's devouring depths Them bring again I will ; 21 23 That in the blood of enemies Thy foot imbrued may be ; And of thy dogs dipped in the same The tongues thou mayest see. 22 24 Thy goings they have seen, O God ; The steps of majesty Of my God, and my mighty King, Into the sanctuary. 23 25 Before went singers, after them The minstrels took their way, Within the midst of damsels who Upon their timbrels play. PSALM LXVIII. 139 24 26 Within the congregations great Bless God with one accord ; From Isr'el's fountains do ye bless And praise the mighty Lord. 25 27 Their prince is there, young Benjamin, And Judah's princes high ; The chiefs of Zebulun are there, And chiefs of Naphtali. 26 28 Thy God commands thy strength ; O God, Make strong Thy work for us ; 29 For to Jerus'lem kings shall bring Rich presents for Thy house. 2H 30 The beast of reeds, the multitude Of bulls, which fiercely look, Those calves which people have in pride Sent forth do Thou rebuke, 28 Till all submit and tribute bring Of silver from afar ; He hath the people scattered, who Delight themselves in war. 29 3i Those that be princes great shall then Come out of Egypt lands ; And Ethiopia to God Shall soon stretch out her hands. 30 32 O all ye kingdoms of the earth, Sing praise to God, sing praise ; The praises of our sovereign Lord In sweet psalms do ye raise. 31 33 To Him who rides on heavens of heavens Which He of old did found ; Lo, He sends out His voice — a voice In might that doth abound. I40 PSALM LXIX. 32 34 Strength unto God do ye ascribe, Because His majesty Is over Israel, His strength Is in the clouds most high. 33 35 Thou, God, art dreadful from Thy house ; Isr'el's own God is He, Who gives His people strength and power; O let God blessed be. Psalm LXIX. CM. SAVE me, O God, because the floods Come in unto my soul ; 2 I sink in mire, no standing have ; In deeps, floods o'er me roil. 3 I weary with my crying am, My throat is also dried ; Mine eyes do fail, while for my God I waiting do abide. 4 My causeless haters are far more Than hairs upon my head ; False foes, who slay me, mighty are ; What I took not I paid. 5 Thou, God, dost know my faults ; my sins Not covered are from Thee ; 6 Lord, LORD of Hosts, let none who wait On Thee, be shamed through me ; O God of Israel, let none Of those who search do make, And seek Thee, be at any time Confounded for my sake. 7 For I have borne reproach for Thee ; My face is hid with shame. PSALM LXIX. 141 8 To brethren strange, to mother's sons, An alien I became. 7 9 Because the zeal did eat me up Which to Thy house I bear ; And the reproaches cast at Thee Upon me fallen are. 8 ro With tears and fasting mourned my soul, And that was made my shame. 11 I put on sackcloth, and to them A by-word I became. 9 12 The men who in the gate do sit Against me evil spake ; They also who vile drunkards were, Of me their song did make. 10 13 But in a time accepted, LORD, I make my prayer to Thee ; In Thy salvation's truth, O God, And mercy great, hear me. 11 14 Deliver me out of the mire, From sinking do me keep ; Free me from those that do me hate And from the waters deep. 12 15 Let not the flood on me prevail, Whose water overflows ; Nor deep me swallow ; nor the pit Her mouth upon me close. 13 16 Hear me, Jehovah ; for Thy love And kindness are most good ; Turn unto me, according to Thy mercies' multitude. 14 17 Nor from Thy servant hide Thy face ; I 'm troubled, soon attend. 142 PSALM LXIX. 18 Draw near my soul, and it redeem ; Me from my foes defend. 15 19 To Thee is my reproach well known, My shame and my disgrace. Those that mine adversaries be Are all before Thy face. 16 20 Reviling broke my heart ; I 'm full Of grief ; I looked for one To pity me, but none there was, To comfort me found none. 17 21 They also bitter gall to me Did give to be my meat ; They gave me vinegar to drink, When as my thirst was great. 18 22 Their table shall become a snare, A trap their joys attend ; 23 Their darkened eyes shall lose their sight ; Make Thou their loins to bend. 19 24 On them Thine indignation pour ; Them seize in anger great ; 25 And in their tents let no one dwell, Their homes be desolate. 20 26 Because they persecute the man Whom Thou didst smite before ; They talk unto the grief of those Whom Thou hast wounded sore. 21 27 Add sin unto their sin, let them Not share Thy righteousness ; 28 Blot from life's book, and write them not With men of uprightness. 22 29 But now become exceeding poor And sorrowful am I ; PSALM LXX. 143 By Thy salvation, O my God, Let me be set on high. 23 30 The Name of God I with a song Most cheerfully will praise ; And I, in giving thanks to Him, His Name shall highly raise. 24 31 This to Jehovah better far Than sacrifice shall prove, Than bullock, ox, or any beast That hath both horn and hoof. 25 32 When this the humble men shall see, It joy to them shall give ; All ye that after God do seek, Your hearts shall ever live. 26 $3 Jehovah hears the poor ; nor does His prisoners contemn. 34 Let heaven, and earth, and seas Him praise, And all that move in them. 27 35 For God will Judah's cities build, And He will Zion save ; That they may dwell therein, and it • In sure possession have. 28 36 And they that are His servants' seed Inherit shall the same ; So shall they have their dwelling there That love His blessed Name. Psalm L.XX. C. M. 1 |~\ELIVER me, O God ; make haste, LJ Jehovah, succor me. 2 And they that seek my soul shall all Shamed and confounded be ; • 144 PSALM LXX. 2 They shall be backward turned, and shamed That in my hurt delight. 3 Turned back shall be, Ha, ha ! that say, Their shaming to requite. 3 4 In Thee shall all be glad and joy Who truly seek for Thee ; Who Thy salvation love shall say, God praised for ever be. 4 5 But I both poor and needy am ; O God, come, haste, I pray ; Jehovah, who my Saviour art And help, make no delay. Psalm LXX. S. M. s AVE me, O God ; with speed, Jehovah, succor me. And they that seek my soul shall all Shamed and confounded be ; 2 Turned back shall be, and shamed, That in my hurt delight. 3 Turned back shall be, Ha, ha ! that say, Their shaming to requite. 3 4 In Thee shall all be glad And joy that seek for Thee; Who Thy salvation love shall say, God praised for ever be. 4 5 I poor and needy am, O God, come, haste, I pray ; Jehovah, who my Saviour art And help, make no delay. Psalm LXXI. C. M. J EHOVAH, all my confidence Is placed in Thee alone ; Then let Thy servant never be Into confusion thrown. PSALM LXXI. 145 2 2 And let me, in Thy righteousness, From Thee deliv'rance have ; Cause me escape, incline Thine ear To me, and do me save. 3 3 Be Thou my dwelling-rock, to which I ever may resort ; Thou gav'st commandment me to save, For Thou 'rt my rock and fort. 4 4 Free me, my God, from wicked hands, Hands cruel and unjust ; 5 For, Lord Jehovah, Thou 'rt my hope, ' And from my youth my trust. 5 6 Thou from my birth hast held me up ; Thou art the same that me Out of my mother's womb didst take ; I ever will praise Thee. 6 7 To many I a wonder am ; Thou art my refuge strong. 8 Filled let my mouth be with Thy praise And honor all day long. 7 9 O do not cast me off, when me Old age doth overtake ; And in the time of failing strength Do Thou not me forsake. 8 10 For those that are mine enemies Against me speak with hate ; And they together counsel take That for my soul lay wait. 9 11 They say, God leaves him ; him pursue, And take ; there 's none to save. 12 Be near to me, O God ; my God, Thy speedy help I crave. 146 PSALM LXXI. 10 13 They shall be shamed, consumed, that to My soul are enemies ; Clothed be they with reproach and shame That do my hurt devise. 11 14 But I will hope continually, And more and more Thee praise, 15 Thy justice and salvation shall My mouth tell all my days ; 12 16 For I know not the count ; but in The Lord Jehovah's might I '11 go and tell Thy righteousness, And Thine alone will write. 13 17 For even from my youth, O God, By Thee I have been taught ; And hitherto I have declared The wonders Thou hast wrought. 14 18 Now leave me not, O God, when I Old and gray-headed grow ; Till to this age Thy strength and power To all to come I show. 15 19 O God, Thy justice is most high, Thou, God, hast great things done. 20 Who is like Thee? Thou who sore ills And many hast me shown, 16 Thou shalt me quicken, and from depths Of earth bring up again ; 21 My greatness shalt increase, and turn To comfort me in pain. 1*7 22 Thee, even Thy truth, I '11 also praise, My God, with psaltery ; Thou Holy One of Israel, With harp I '11 sing to Thee. PSALM LXXI. 147 18 23 My lips shall much rejoice in Thee, When I Thy praises sound ; My soul, which is redeemed by Thee, In joy shall much abound. 19 24 My tongue Thy justice shall proclaim, Yea, utter all day long ; For they confounded are and shamed, That seek to do me wrong. Psalm LXXI. S. M. 1 JEHOVAH, Thee I trust, J Ashamed let me not be ; 2 But in Thy righteousness provide Escape ; O save Thou me. 2 Incline Thine ear, me save ; 3 My dwelling-rock be Thou, Where I may always come ; Thou hast My safety ordered now. 3 Since Thou 'rt my rock and fort, 4 My God, from wicked hand Me free, from hand of men perverse, Who vi'lent me withstand. 4 5 For, Lord Jehovah, Thou, From youth my hope and stay, 6 At birth did'st me uphold, bring forth ; Thee I will praise for aye. 5 7 Crowds me their wonder make ; But Thou 'rt my refuge strong. 8 Filled let my mouth be with Thy praise And honor all day long. 6 9 Cast me not off when old, Nor when strength fails forsake ; 10 For foes revile, who for my soul Lay wait and counsel take. I48 PSALM LXXI. 7 11 They cry: Pursue and take, God leaves him, none will save. 12 O God, be near to me ; my God, Thy speedy help I crave. 8 13 They shall be shamed, consumed, Who 'gainst my soul arise ; Be covered with reproach and shame. That do my hurt devise. 9 14 But I will ever hope, And add to all Thy praise. 15 Thy justice and salvation shall My mouth tell all my days, 10 For I know not the count. 16 In Lord Jehovah's might, I '11 go and tell Thy righteousness, And Thine alone will write. 11 17 O God, from early youth By Thee I have been taught ; And hitherto I have declared The wonders Thou hast wrought. 12 18 Now leave me not, O God, When old and gray I grow ; Till to this age Thine arm and power To all to come I show. 13 19 Thou art more just than all, O God ; what God has done 20 Great deeds like Thee ? Who many ills And sore to me hast shown, 14 Thou shalt revive, and me From earth's depths bring again ; 21 My greatness shalt increase, and turn To comfort me in pain. PSALM LXXII. 149 15 22 Thee, O my God, Thy truth, I '11 praise with psaltery ; Thou Holy One of Israel, With harp I '11 sing to Thee. 1G 23 My lips and soul shall joy To praise Thee, who redeemed ; 24 My tongue all day Thy justice tells ; Who wrong me blush, are shamed. Psalnv LXXII. C. M. 1 /~\ GOD, Thy judgments give the king, V_y His son Thy righteousness. 2 With right He shall Thy people judge, Thy poor with uprightness. 2 3 The lofty mountains shall bring forth To all the people peace ; The little hills shall also yield The same by righteousness. 3 4 The people's poor ones He shall judge, The needy's children save ; And those shall He in pieces break Who them oppressed have. 4 5 They shall Thee fear while sun and moon Do last through ages all. 6 Like rain on mown grass He '11 descend, Or showers on earth that fall. 5 7 The just shall flourish in His days, And prosper in His reign ; He shall, while doth the moon endure, Abundant peace maintain. 6 8 His large and great dominion shall From sea to sea extend ; It from the river shall reach forth To earth's remotest end. 150 PSALM LXXII. ? 9 They in the wilderness that dwell Bow down before Him must ; And they that are His enemies Shall lick the very dust. 8 10 The kings of Tarshish, and the isles, To Him shall presents bring ; And unto Him shall offer gifts Sheba's and Seba's king. 11 Yea, kings shall all before Him bow ; All nations serve Him shall. 12 He '11 save the poor who cries, the weak Who hath no help at all. 10 13 He shall the weak and needy spare, Save needy souls, and free 14 From violence and fraud ; to Him Their blood shall precious be. 11 15 Yea, He shall live, and given to Him Shall be of Sheba's gold ; For Him still shall they pray, and He Shall daily be extolled. 12 16 Of corn a handful in the earth On tops of mountains high, With prosp'rous fruit shall shake, like trees On Lebanon that be. 13 The city shall be flourishing ; Her citizens abound In number shall, like to the grass That grows upon the ground. 14 17 His Name for ever shall endure, Last like the sun it shall ; Men shall be blessed in Him, and blessed All nations shall Him call. PSALM LXXII. 151 15 18 O blessed be Jehovah, God, The God of Israel ; For He alone do'th wondrous works, In glory that excel. 16 19 And also let His glorious Name Be blessed for ever then ; The whole earth let His glory fill ; Amen, yea and Amen. Psalm LXXIT. L. M. OGOD, Thy judgments give the king, His royal son Thy righteousness ; 2 He to Thy people right shall bring, By justice shall Thy poor redress. 3 The mountains high shall peace secure, And little hills by means of right ; 4 He '11 save the needy, judge the poor, And crush the proud oppressor's might. 5 Till sun and moon no more are known, They shall Thee fear in ages all ; 6 He '11 come as rain on meadows mown. And showers upon the earth that fall. 7 The just shall flourish in His day, While lasts the moon shall peace extend; 8 From sea to sea shall be His sway, And from the river to earth's end. 9 To Him shall bow who dwell in wilds, Down to the dust His foes shall bend ; 10 The kings of Tarshish, and the isles, Sheba and Seba, gifts shall send. 152 PSALM LXXIII. 6 11 All kings before Him down shall fall ; All nations shall His laws obey ; 12 He'll save the needy when they call, The poor, and him who has no stay. 7 13 The poor and needy spare shall He, The needy's soul save by His might ; 14 From fraud and violence set free, Dear shall their blood be in His sight. 8 15 He'll live ; before Him shall be laid Of Sheba's gold an offering ; For Him shall constant prayer be made, His praises they shall daily sing. 9 16 On hill-tops sown a little corn, Like Lebanon with fruit shall bend ; New life the city shall adorn ; She shall like grass grow and extend. 10 17 Long as the sun His Name shall last, It shall endure through ages all ; And men shall still in Him be blessed. Blessed all the nations shall Him call. 11 18 Blessed be Jehovah, God, the One, Who is sole God of Israel, For He alone hath wonders done, His deeds in glory far excel. 12 19 And blessed be His all-glorious Name, Long as the ages shall endure. O'er all the earth extend His fame, Amen, amen, for evermore. Psalm LXXIII. C. M. 1 WEA, God is good to Israel, I To each pure-hearted one ; 2 But as for me, my steps near slipped, My feet were almost gone. PSALM LXXIII. 153 2 3 I envied foolish ones when I Saw wicked men succeed ; 4 Because their strength continues firm, Their death from bands is freed. 3 5 They are not troubled as men are, Nor plagued as men are they ; 6 So pride doth as a chain them gird, And violence array. 4 7 Their eyes stand out with fat; they have More than their heart could seek. 8 They mock, and loftily of wrong And of oppression speak. 5 9 They set their mouth against the heavens, Their tongue walks earth about ; 10 His people, therefore, hither turn, Full waters they wring out. 6 ii And thus they say, How can it be That God these things doth know ? Or, can there in the Highest be Knowledge of things below ? 7 12 Lo, these the wicked are, and yet They prosper at their will In worldly things ; they do increase In wealth and riches still. 8 13 I, verily, have sought in vain My heart to purify ; And vainly also washed my hands In innocence have I. 9 14 For daily, and all day throughout, Great plagues I suffered have ; Yea, every morning I of new Did chastisement receive. 154 PSALM LXXIII. 1(> 15 If in this manner foolishly To speak I would intend, The generation of Thy sons, Behold, I should offend. 11 16 When I this thought to know, it was Too hard a thing for me ; 17 Till to God's holy place I went ; Then I their end did see. 12 18 Upon a slipp'ry place them set Assuredly Thou hast ; And down into destruction deep Thou dost them quickly cast. 13 19 How in a moment suddenly To ruin brought are they ! With fearful terrors utterly They are consumed away. 14 20 Even like unto a dream, when one From sleeping doth arise ; So Thou, O Lord, when Thou awak'st, Their image shalt despise. 15 2i Thus grieved within me was my heart, And me my reins opprest ; 22 So rude was I, and ignorant, And in Thy sight a beast 16 23 But I am still with Thee ; Thou dost By my right hand me hold ; 24 Thy counsel guides me, and Thou wilt In glory me enfold. 17 25 Whom have I in the heavens but Thee, None else on earth beside. 26 Flesh fails and heart ; God, my heart's And portion will abide. [strength PSALM LXXIV. 155 18 27 For, lo, they that are far from Thee For ever perish shall ; Them that forsake Thee faithlessly Thou hast destroyed all. 19 28 But surely it is good for me That I to God draw near ; Jehovah, Lord, I trust that all Thy works I may declare. o Psalm LXXIV. C. M. GOD, why hast Thou cast us off ? Is it for evermore ? Against Thy pasture-sheep why doth Thine anger smoke so sore ? 2 2 The congregation of Thy choice In Thy remembrance hold ; The people who have purchased been By Thee in days of old ; 3 The rod of Thine inheritance, Which Thou redeemed hast; This Zion hill, wherein Thou hadst Thy dwelling in times past. 4 3 To these long desolations lift Thy feet, and tarry not, For all the ills Thy foes within Thy holy place have wrought. 5 4 In midst of Thine own meeting place Thine enemies do roar ; Their ensigns they set up for signs Of triumph Thee before. 6 5 They seemed as one who lifted up The axe thick trees upon ; te() PSALM LXXIV. 6 For now with axe and hammers they Do break the carved work down. 7 7 Thy holy place they set on fire, And have defiled the same, By casting down unto the ground The place where dwelt Thy Name. 8 8 Thus said they in their hearts, Let us Destroy them out of hand ; They burnt up all the synagogues Of God within the land. 9 9 Our signs we do not now behold ; There is not us among A prophet more, nor any one That knows the time how long. 10 io How long thus shall the foe, O God, Reproachfully exclaim ? And shall the adversary thus Always blaspheme Thy Name ? 11 ii Thy hand, even Thy right hand of might, To stretch forth why delay ? O from Thy bosom pluck it out, And sweep them quite away. 12 12 For certainly God is my King, Even from the times of old ; He works in midst of all the earth Salvation manifold. 13 13 The sea, by Thy great power, to part Asunder Thou didst make ; And Thou the great sea-monsters' heads, Didst in the waters break. PSALM LXXIV. 157 14 14 The heads of the leviathan Thou breakest and didst give Him to be meat unto the folk In wilderness that live. . 15 15 Thou clav'st the fountain and the flood, Didst dry the rivers great ; 16 Both day and night are Thine ; Thou didst The light and sun create. 16 17 By Thee the borders of the earth Were settled everywhere ; The summer and the winter both By Thee created were. 17 18 Remember that the enemy Jehovah did defame ; And that the foolish people have Blasphemed Thy holy Name. 18 19 O do not to the multitude Thy turtle's soul give o'er ; The congregation of Thy poor Forget not evermore. 19 20 Now to the cov'nant have respect ; For in the earth are found Dark places, full of shadowed homes, Where cruelties abound. 20 21 O let not those that be oppressed Return again with shame ; Let those that poor and needy are Give praises to Thy Name. 21 22 Do Thou, O God, arise and plead The cause that is Thine own ; Remember how Thou art reproached Still by the foolish one. 158 PSALM LXXV. 22 23 Do not forget the voice of those That are thine enemies ; Of those the tumult ever grows That do against Thee rise. T Psalm LXXV. C. M. O Thee, O God, we render thanks, We render thanks to Thee ; Because Thy wondrous works declare Thy great Name near to be. 2 2 When the appointed time I find, In righteousness I '11 reign ; 3 Earth and its dwellers are dissolved, The pillars I sustain. 3 4 I said to boastful fools, Boast not ; To sinners said, Your horn 5 Lift not ; lift not your horn on high, Nor speak with neck of scorn. 4 6 For not from east, nor west, nor south, Comes exaltation nigh ; 7 But God is Judge ; He puts down one, Another lifts on high. 5 8 A cup is in Jehovah's hand ; Red wine, full mixed withal, He pours ; earth's wicked all wring out Its dregs, and drink them shall. 6 9 But I forever will declare, I Jacob's God will praise. 10 All horns of lewd men I '11 cut off; But just men's horns will raise= PSALM LXXVI. 159 Psalm LXXVI. C. M. N Judah God is known ; His Name In Israel is great. In Salem His pavilion is, In Zion is His seat. 2 3 There arrows of the bow He brake, The shield, the sword, the war. 4 More glorious Thou than hills of prey, More excellent art far. 8 5 Those that were stout of heart are spoiled, They slept their sleep outright ; And none of those their hands did find That were the men of might. 4 6 When Thy rebuke, O Jacob's God, Had forth against them passed, Their horses and their chariots both Were in a dead sleep cast. 5 7 Thou, even Thou, art He that should Be feared ; and who is he That ma) 7 stand up before Thy sight, If once Thou angry be ? 6 8 From heaven Thou sentence didst pro- The earth was still with fear ; [claim, 9 When God to judgment rose, to save All meek on earth that were. 7 10 Because the very wrath of man Unto Thy praise redounds ; Thou to the remnant of his wrath Wilt set restraining bounds. 8 11 Vow to the LORD your God, and pay ; All ye that near Him be, l6o PSALM LXXVII. Bring gifts and presents unto Him, For to be feared is He. 9 12 For He the spirit shall cut off Of those that princes be ; To kings that are upon the earth Most terrible is He. I Psalm LXXVII. C. M. WITH my voice cried unto God, I unto God did cry, Even with my voice ; and unto me His ear He did apply. 2 2 In day of woe I sought the Lord ; My hand was stretched by night, And not withdrawn ; but yet my soul Refused the cheering light. 3 3 I to remembrance God do call, Yet trouble doth remain ; And overwhelmed my spirit is, Whilst I do sore complain. 4 4 Mine eyes debarred from rest and sleep Thou makest still to wake ; My trouble is so great, that I Unable am to speak. 5 5 I thought on days and years of old, Recalled my songs by night ; 6 I with my heart communed, my soul Made earnest search for light. 6 7 For ever will the Lord cast off, And gracious be no more ? 8 For ever is His mercy gone ? Fails His word evermore ? PSALM LXXVII. l6l 7 9 Oh, is it so, that all His grace Our God forgotten hath ? And that His tender mercies He Hath shut up in His wrath ? 8 io Then did I say, that surely this Is mine infirmity ; But oh, the years of the right hand Of Him that is Most High. 9 ii Jehovah's deeds I will recount ; Thy wonders old relate ; 12 On all Thy doings I will muse, On Thy works meditate. 10 13 O God, in holiness Thy way ! What god is great like God ? 14 Thou, wonder working God, Thy strength 'Mong peoples show'st abroad. 1 1 15 To Thine own people with Thine arm Thou didst redemption bring ; To Jacob's sons, and to the tribes Of Joseph that do spring. 12 16 The waters Thee perceived, O God, The_waters saw Thee well ; And they for fear aside did flee ; The depths on trembling fell. 13 17 The clouds in water forth were poured ; Sound loudly did the sky ; And swiftly through the world abroad Thine arrows fierce did fly. 14 18 Thy thunder's voice along the heaven A mighty noise did make ; By lightnings lightened was the world ; Earth trembled and did shake. l62 PSALM LXXVITI. 15 19 Thy way was in the sea, and in The waters great Thy path ; Yet there Thy footsteps hidden are ; None knowledge thereof hath. 16 20 Thy people Thou didst safely lead, Like to a flock of sheep ; By Moses' hand, and Aaron's, Thou Didst them conduct and keep. Psalm LXXVIII. C. M. 1 ATTEND, my people, to my law ; i\ Thereto give thou an ear ; The words that from my mouth proceed, Attentively do hear. 2 2 My mouth shall speak a parable, And sayings dark of old ; 3 The same which we have heard and known, And us our fathers told. 3 4 We will not from their children hide, But to their sons make known Jehovah's praises, and His strength, And wonders He hath done. 4 5 He Jacob testimony gave In Isr'el law did place, And charged our fathers them to show To their succeeding race ; 5 6 That so the race which was to come Might well them learn and know ; And sons unborn who should arise, Might to their sons them show ; G 7 That they might set theiv hope in God. And suffer not to fall PSALM LXXVI1I. 163 God's mighty works out of their mind, But keep His precepts all ; 7 8 And might not, like their fathers, be A stubborn rebel race ; A race not right in heart ; with God Whose spirit faithless was. 8 9 The sons of Ephr'im, armed, with bows, In day of battle fled ; 10 Kept not God's cov'nant, and refused By His law to be led. 9 11 His works and wonders, He them shewed They did forget outright ; ^ 12 Marvels in Egypt, Zoan's field, He did in fathers' sight. 10 13 He clave a pathway in the sea, He led them through the deep ; The waters on each side He raised, They stood up as a heap. 11 14 With cloud by day, with light of fire All night, He did them guide. 15 He in the desert clave the rocks, And drink as floods supplied. 12 16 He from the rock brought streams, as Made waters down to run. [floods 17 Yet, sinning more, in desert they Provoked the Highest One. 13 18 For in their heart they tempted God, And speaking with mistrust, They greedily did meat require To satisfy their lust. 164 PSALM LXXVIII. 14 19 Moreover they against God spake, And, murmuring, they said : Can God in such a wilderness For us a table spread ? 15 20 Behold, He smote the rock, and thence Came streams and waters great ; But can He give His people bread ? And send them flesh to eat? 16 21 Jehovah therefore heard, was wroth ; So kindled was a flame In Jacob, yea, on Israel His burning anger came. 17 22 For they believed not God, nor trust In His salvation had ; 23 Though clouds above He did command And heavens' doors open made ; 18 24 And manna rained on them, and gave Them corn of heaven to eat. 25 Man angels' food did eat ; to them He to the full sent meat. 19 26 He in the heaven also caused An eastern wind to blow, And by His power did direct The southern wind to go. 20 27 Then flesh He rained on them like dust, Winged fowl like sand of sea ; 28 Within their camp He made them fall, Around their tents to be. 21 29 So they did eat and were well filled ; For what they did require, 30 He brought to them ; yet unappeased Was their corrupt desire ; PSALM LXXVIII. 165 22 Then, while the meat was in their mouths 31 God's wrath upon them fell ; He slew their fat ones, yea, smote down The flower of Israel. 23 32 Yet still they sinned, did not believe His wondrous works ; so He ^^ With terror great consumed their years, Their days in vanity. 24 34 But when He slew them, then they did To seek Him show desire ; Yea, they returned, and after God Right early did inquire. 25 35 And that this God had been their Rock They did remember then ; That He who is the Most High God Had their Redeemer been. 26 36 Yet with their mouth they flattered Him, And with their tongues they lied ; 37 Their heart not steadfast was, they from His cov'nant turned aside. 27 38 But, full of pity, He forgave Their sin, them did not slay ; Nor stirred up all His wrath, but oft His anger turned away. 28 39 For that they were but fading flesh He did remember then ; A breath that passeth soon away, And cometh not again. 29 40 How oft in wilds they Him withstood ! Grieved Him in desert lone ! l66 PSALM LXXVIII. 41 Yea, turned and tempted God, provoked Isr'el's own Holy One. 30 42 They did not call to mind His power, Nor yet the day when He Delivered them out of the hand Of their fierce enemy. 31 43 How wonders He in Egypt wrought And signs in Zoan's field ; 44 Their rivers into blood He turned, Their streams no drink did yield. 32 45 He sent the fly which them devoured, The frog which did them spoil ; 46 He gave -the worm their increase all, The locust all their toil. 33 47 Their vines with hail, their sycamores He with the frost did blast. 48 Their beasts to hail He gave, their flocks Hot thunderbolts did waste. 34 49 Fierce anger He let loose on them, And indignation strong, Distress and trouble, angels sent Of evil them among. 35 5o He for His wrath made way, their soul From death He did not save ; But over to the pestilence .Their living ones He gave. 3651 In Egypt land the first-born all He smote down everywhere ; Among the tents of Ham, even these Chief of their strength that were. 37 52 But His own people, like to sheep, Thence to go forth He made ; PSALM LXXVIII. 167 And He, amidst the wilderness, Them as a flock did lead. 08 S3 And He them safely on did lead, So that they did not fear ; But by the sea's returning waves O'erwhelmed their en'mies were. 39 54 To borders of His holy place His people thus He brought ; To this same mountain which for them His own right hand had bought. 40 55 For them He nations did expel, Their lands by lot divide, That so the tribes of Israel Might in their tents abide. 41 56 Yet God Most High they did provoke And Him they tempted still ; His testimonies to observe Did not incline their will ; 42 57 But, like their fathers, they turned back, And dealt with treachery ; Aside they turned, like to a bow That shoots deceitfully. 43 58 For they to anger did provoke Him with their places high ; And with their graven images Moved Him to jealousy. 44 59 God heard, was wroth, and much abhorred His people Isr'el then ; 60 So Shiloh's tent He left, the tent Which He had placed with men. l68 PSALM LX XVIII. 45 61 And He His strength delivered up To sore captivity ; He left His glory in the hand Of His proud enemy. 46 62 His people also He gave o'er Unto the sword's fierce rage; And hotly did His anger burn Against His heritage. 4*7 63 The fire consumed their choice young Their maids no marriage had ; [men ; 64 And when their priests fell by the sword, Their wives no mourning made. 48 65 The Lord then woke, as one from sleep, Strong one whom wine doth cheer ; 66 He smote His en'mies' backs, and gave Them endless shame and fear. 49 67 And He rejected Joseph's tent, Ephr'im was not approved ; 68 But He selected Judah's tribe, The Zion mount He loved. 50 69 His Holy place He built like heights, Like earth to stand for aye ; 70 And He His servant David chose, From sheep folds took away. 51 71 From following the ewes with young. He brought Him forth to feed Isr'el, His own inheritance, His people, Jacob's seed. 52 72 And so in His integrity Of heart He did them feed ; And by His skilfulness of hand He did them safely lead. o PSALM LXXIX. 169 Psalm LXXIX. C. M. GOD, into Thy heritage The nations entrance made ; Thy Holy temple they defiled, On heaps Jerus'lem laid. 3 2 Thy servants' bodies they have thrown To fowls of heaven for meat ; And Thy saints' flesh they have cast out To beasts of earth to eat. 3 3 All round about Jerusalem Like water they have shed Their blood ; and there was none to give Them burial when dead. 4 4 Thus to our neighbors a reproach Most base become are we ; A scorn and laughing-stock to them That round about us be. 5 5 How long, Jehovah ? evermore Wilt Thou still keep Thine ire ? And shall Thy fervent jealousy Forever burn like fire ? 6 6 Thy wrath upon the nations pour, That have Thee never known, And on those kingdoms which Thy Name Have never called upon. 7 7 For these are they who have devoured Thy servant Jacob's race ; And they all waste and desolate Have made his dwelling place. 8 8 Against us count not former sins ; Thy tender mercies show, Let them relieve us speedily ; For we 're brought very low. 170 PSALM LXXX. 9 9 For Thy Name's glory help, O God, Who hast our Saviour been ; Yea, free us, and for Thy Name's sake, O cover Thou our sin. 10 10 Why say the nations, Where 's their God ? 'Mong nations in our sight Make known, for Thy saints' blood poured Thine own avenging might. [ out > 11 11 Before Thy presence, O do Thou Let come the pris'ner's sigh ; In greatness of Thy power preserve Those that are doomed to die. 12 12 And to our neighbors' bosom let Be seven-fold repaid, The same reviling which, O Lord, They have upon Thee laid. 13 13 So we, Thy folk, and pasture-sheep, Shall give Thee thanks always ; And unto generations all We will show forth Thy praise. Psalm LXXX. C. M. 1 TJEAR, Isr'el's Shepherd, like a flock n Thou that dost Joseph guide ; Shine forth, O Thou that dost above The cherubim abide. 2 2 In Ephraim's, and Benjamin's, And in Manasseh's sight, Come Thou., for our salvation come ; Stir up Thy strength and might. 3 3 O God, in Thine abundant grace Restore us unto Thee ; PSALM LXXX. 171 O cause Thy face to shine on us, And saved we then shall be. 4 4 O Thou, Jehovah, God of Hosts, How long shall kindled be Thy wrath against the earnest prayer Thy people make to Thee ? 5 5 Thou tears of sorrow givest them Instead of bread to eat ; Thou givest tears instead of drink To them in measure great. 6 6 Thou makest us to neighbors all A strife on every side ; Our enemies among themselves With laughter us deride. 7 7 O God of Hosts, in Thine own grace Restore us unto Thee ; O cause Thy face to shine on us, And saved we then shall be. 8 8 A vine from Egypt Thou hast brought, By Thine almighty hand ; And Thou didst cast the nations out To plant it in their land. 9 9 Before it Thou a place didst make, And give it room to stand ; Thou causedst it deep root to take, And it did fill the land. 10 10 It covered hills with shade, its boughs The goodly cedars hide ; 11 It sent its branches to the sea, Its shoots to river's side. 11 12 Why hast Thou broken down its hedge, So passers pluck at will ? 172 PSALM LXXXI. 13 The boar out of the wood it wastes, The field beasts eat their fill. 12 14 O God of hosts, we Thee beseech, Return now unto Thine; Look down from heaven in love ; behold, And visit this Thy vine ; 13i5 This vine-tree, w T hich Thine own right hand Hath planted us among; And that same branch, which for Thyself Thou hast made to be strong. 14 16 Burnt up it is with flaming fire, It also is cut down ; And perished utterly are they Because Thy face doth frown. 15 17 O let Thy hand be still upon The man of Thy right hand, The Son of man, whom for Thyself Thou hast made strong to stand. 16 18 So henceforth we will not go back, Nor turn from Thee at all ; O do Thou quicken us, and we Upon Thy Name will call. 17 19 Jehovah, God of hosts, in grace Restore us unto Thee ; O cause Thy face to shine on us > And saved we then shall be. Psalm LXXXI. C. M. 1 OING loud to God our strength ; with joy O To Jacob's God shout ye. 2 Take up a psalm, the timbrel bring, Sweet harp and psaltery. PSALM LXXXI. T73 *2 3 Blow trumpet at new moon, full moon, On our solemnities ; 4 For charge to Isr'el and a law Of Jacob's God was this. 3 5 In Joseph this an ordinance He made, when Egypt land . He travelled through, where speech I heard I did not understand. 4 6 His shoulder I from burdens took, His hands from pots did free. 7 Thou didst in trouble on Me call, And I delivered thee ; 5 In secret place of thunder I To thee did answer make ; And at the streams of Meribah Of thee a proof did take. 6 SO thou, My people, give an ear, I '11 testify to thee ; To thee, O Isr'el, if thou wilt But hearken unto Me. 7 9 In midst of thee there shall not be Any strange god at all ; Nor unto any god unknown Thou bowing down shalt fall. 8 io I am thy God, Jehovah, who From Egypt did thee guide ; I '11 fill thy mouth abundantly, Do thou it open wide. ii My people would not hear My voice, Isr'el My presence spurned ; 12 So I them left to their hard heart, To their own ways they turned. 174 PSALM LXXX1I. I O 13 O that My people would Me hear^ Isr'el My ways would choose ! 14 I would their en'mies soon subdue, My hand turn on their foes. II 15 Jehovah's haters unto Him Submission then should feign ; But as for them, their time should still For evermore remain. 12 16 He also should them ever feed With finest of the wheat ; Of honey from the rock, thy fill I still should make thee eat. Psalm LXXXII. C. M. GOD stands in council of the great, 'Mong gods the Judge is He ; 2 How long for persons vile, will ye The unjust judges be ? 3 Defend the weak and fatherless ; To poor oppressed do right. 4 The weak and needy ones set free ; Save them from ill men's might. 5 They know not, nor will understand ; In darkness they walk on ; All the foundations of the earth Out of their course are gone. 6 I said that ye are gods, and are Sons of the Highest all ; 7 But ye shall die like men, and as One of the princes fall. PSALM LXXXII. 175 O God, do Thou raise up Thyself, The earth to judgment call ; For Thou, as Thine inheritance, Shalt take the nations all. Psalm LXXXII. L. M. 1 /^ OD stands in council of the great ; VJ Among the gods the Judge is He ; 2 How long will ye unjustly judge? The face of wicked persons see ? 2 3 Judge for the fatherless and weak ; To sufferers and poor do right ; 4 Deliver weak and needy ones, And save them from the wicked's might. 3 5 They know not, will not learn, will walk In darkness, tho' earth's pillars shake. 6 I did exalt you, called you gods, Sons of the Highest did you make ; 4 7 But ye shall die like other men, Like any princes ye shall fall. 8 Arise, O God, and judge the earth ; For Thou shalt take the nations all. O Psalm LXXXIII. C. M. GOD, not silent be, nor mute ; Rest not, O God, we said ; For, lo, Thy foes a tumult make, Thy haters lift the head. They 'gainst Thy people, hidden ones, With crafty counsel plot ; They said, Come, we 11 their nation raze, Be Isr'el's name forgot. 176 PSALM LXXXIII. 3 5 For they with one consent conspire, In league 'gainst Thee combine. 6 The tents of Edom, Ishmaelites ; Moab and Hagar's line. 4 7 Gebal, and Ammon, Amalek, Philistines, those of Tyre ; 8 And Assur joined with them ; to help Lot's children they conspire. 5 9 To them do as to Midian ; Jabin at Kison strand ; 10 And Sis'ra who at Endor fell ; They fertilize the land. 6 11 Like Oreb, and like Zeeb, make Their noble men to fall ; To Zeba, and Zalmunna like Make Thou their princes all. 7 12 Who said, for our inheritance Let us God's dwellings take. 13 Like dust or chaff whirled by the blast, My God, do Thou them make. 8 14 As fire the forest burns, as flame The mountains sets on fire, 15 Chase and affright them with the storm And tempest of Thine ire. 9 16 Jehovah, fill with shame their face, That they may seek Thy Name. 17 They shall confounded be, and vexed, And perish in their shame ; 10 18 That men may know that Thou, to whom Alone doth appertain The Name Jehovah, dost Most High O'er all the earth remain. H PSALM LXXXIV. Psalm LXXXIV. CM. OW lovely is Thy dwelling-place, O LORD of hosts, to me ! The tabernacles of Thy grace How pleasant, LORD, they be ! / / 2 2 My thirsty soul longs veh'mently, Yea faints, Thy courts to see : My very heart and flesh cry out, O living God, for Thee. 3 3 Behold, the sparrow findeth out A house wherein to rest ; The swallow also for herself Hath purchased a nest ; 4 Even Thine own altars, where she safe Her voung ones forth may bring, O Thou almighty LORD of hosts, Who art my God and King. 5 4 Blessed are they in Thy house that dwell; They ever give Thee praise. 5 Blessed is the man whose strength Thou In whose heart art Thy ways. [art, 6 6 Who, passing through the vale of tears, Make it a place of springs ; Also the rain that falleth down Rich blessing to it brings. 7 7 So they from strength unwearied go Still forward unto strength, Until in Zion they appear Before God's face at length. 8 8 LORD, God of hosts, O hear my prayer ; O Jacob's God, give ear ; I78 PSALM LXXXIV. 9 See, God, our Shield, look on the face Of Thine Anointed dear. 9 10 For in Thy courts one day excels A thousand ; rather in My God's house will I keep a door, Than dwell in tents of sin. 10 1 1 For God the LORD 's a sun and shield Jehovah grace will give And glory ; good will not withhold From them who rightly live. 11 12 O Thou that art the LORD of hosts, That man is truly blest, Who, by a confidence assured, On Thee alone doth rest. Psalm LXXXIV. 7s & 6s. 1 /~\ LORD of hosts, most glorious, v_y How lovely are Thy tents ! 2 Jehovah's courts to enter, My soul with longing faints. £ My heart and flesh still crying For Thee, O Living God, 3 The sparrow found a dwelling, The swallow her abode, 3 Wherein are safely sheltered The young she forth may bring ; Thine altars, LORD of armies, Who art my God and King. 4 4 Blest who Thy house inhabit, They ever give Thee praise ; 5 Blest man whom Thou dost strengthen, In whose heart are Thy ways. PSALM LXXXV. 179 5 6 The vale of tears while passing They make a place of springs ; And there the rain descending Rich blessing to it brings. G 7 So they from strength unwearied Go forward unto strength, Till they appear in Zion Before God's face at length. 7 8 Hear me, LORD God of armies ; O Jacob's God, give ear ; 9 Thy Christ's own face beholding, See, God, our Shield, be near. 8 10 One day excels a thousand, If spent Thy courts within ; I '11 choose God's threshold rather Than dwell in tents of sin. 9 11 The LORD God 's Sun, Protector, The LORD will glory give And grace ; nor good deny them That uprightly do live. 10 12 O Thou, the LORD of armies, How blest is every one Who confidently places His trust in Thee alone! Psalm LXXXV. C. M. 1 JEHOVAH, Thou hast favor shown J To Thy beloved land ; And Jacob's captive state Thou hast Recalled with mighty hand. 2 2 Thou to Thy people all their sins Most freely pardoned hast ; lSo PSALM LXXXV. And over all their trespasses Thou hast a cov'ring cast. 3 3 Thou all Thine anger hast removed ; From wrath hast turned to peace ; 4 O God, our Saviour, turn Thou us, And make Thy wrath to cease. 4 5 Shall Thy displeasure thus endure Against us without end ? Wilt Thou to generations all Thine anger forth extend ? 5 6 That in Thee may Thy people joy, Wilt Thou not us revive ? 7 Jehovah, us Thy mercy show, And Thy salvation give. 6 8 I '11 hear what God, Jehovah speaks; To His folk He '11 speak peace, And to His saints ; but let them not Return to foolishness. 7 9 For His salvation surely is Nigh them" that do Him fear ; That as a dweller in our land True glory may appear. 8 io Truth meets with mercy, righteousness And peace kiss mutually ; ii Truth springs from earth, and righteous- Looks down from heaven high. [ness 9 12 Yea, good Jehovah shall bestow; Our land shall yield increase ; 13 Justice, to set us in His steps, Shall go before His face. PSALM LXXXV. l8l Paalm LXXXV. L. P. M. 1 HTHOU, LORD, hast favor shown ' Thy 1 land, And brought back Jacob's captive band ; 2 Thy people's sins Thou pardoned hast, And all their guilt has covered o'er. 3 Thou hast removed Thine anger sore, All Thy fierce wrath behind Thee cast. 2 4 Turn us, O God our Saviour, turn, Nor longer let Thine anger burn. 5 Wilt Thou for ever angry be ? Through ages shall Thy wrath survive ? 6 Wilt Thou not us again revive, That so we may rejoice in Thee? 3 7 Jehovah, us Thy mercy show, And Thy salvation now bestow ; 8 I '11 hear what God, the LORD, will say , Peace to His people He will speak, And to His saints, but let them seek No more in folly's path to stray. 4 9 His saving help is surely near To those His holy Name that fear ; Thus glory dwells in all our land, io Now heavenly truth unites with grace, And righteousness and peace embrace ; In full accord they ever stand. 5 ii Truth, springing forth, the earth shall crown, And righteousness from heaven look down. 12 Jehovah shall His goodness shed ; 1 82 PSALM LXXXVI. Our land shall then with plenty flow. 13 Before Him righteousness shall go, And cause us in His steps to tread. o Psalm LXXXYI. C. M. THOU, Jehovah, bow Thine ear, And hear me graciously ; Because I sore afflicted am, And am in poverty. 2 2 Because I 'm holy, let my soul By Thee delivered be ; O Thou my God, Thy servant save That puts his trust in Thee. 3 3 Since unto Thee I daily cry, Be gracious, Lord, to me. 4 Rejoice Thy servant's soul ; for, Lord, I lift my soul to Thee, 4 5 For Thou, O Lord, most gracious art, And ready to forgive ; And rich in mercy, all that call Upon Thee to relieve. 5 6 Jehovah, hear my prayer ; the voice Of my requests attend ; 7 In day of straits I '11 call on Thee ; For Thou wilt answer send. G 8 Among the many gods, O Lord, Like Thee there is not one ; Nor are their works to be compared With works which Thou hast done. 7 9 All nations Thou hast made shall come And worship rev'rently Before Thy face, O Lord ; and they T hy Name shall glorify. PSALM LXXXVI. 183 C 10 Because Thou art exceeding great, And works by Thee are done Which are to be admired ; and Thou Art God Thyself alone. 9 11 Jehovah, teach to me Thy way ; In Thy truth walk will I ; Unite my heart, that I Thy Name May fear continually. 10 12 O Lord my God, with all my heart I will Thy praise proclaim ; I also glory will ascribe Forever to Thy Name ; 11 13 Because Thy mercy unto me In greatness doth excel ; And Thou delivered hast my soul Out from the lowest hell. 12 14 O God, the proud against me rise ; The violent have met, That for my soul have sought ; and Thee Before them have not set. 13 15 But Thou, Lord, art a God of grace, In whom compassions flow ; Thy mercy and Thy truth abound, Thou art to anger slow. 14 16 O turn to me Thy countenance, And mercy on me have ; Thy servant strengthen, and the son Of Thine own handmaid save. 1 5 17 Show me a sign for good, which they Who do me hate may see, And be ashamed ; for Thou, O LORD, Didst help and comfort me. 184 PSALM LXXXVI. Psalm LXXXVI. S. M. 1 TEHOVAH, give Thine ear ; J I 'm poor, oppressed, hear me ; 2 Keep me, I 'm holy ; my God, save Thy servant trusting Thee. 2> 3 Be gracious, Lord, to me, All day to Thee I cry ; 4 Give joy unto Thy servant, Lord, My soul to Thee comes nigh. 3 5 For Thou, O Lord, art good And ready to forgive ; Art rich in mercy, all that call Upon Thee to relieve. 4 6 Jehovah, hear my prayer, My pleading voice attend ; 7 When in distress I '11 call on Thee, For Thou wilt answer send. 5 8 'Mong gods none is like Thee, Lord, nor works like Thine ; 9 All nations Thou hast made shall bow, Jehovah, at Thy shrine ; 6 They honor will Thy Name ; 10 For Thou 'rt the Greatest One v Who doest things most wonderful ; Thyself art God alone. 7 11 Teach me Thy way, O LORD, 1 '11 walk in Thy truth's way ; Unite my heart, that rev'rently Thy Name regard I may. 8 12 O Lord my God, Thee praise With all my heart will I ; And evermore Thy Holy Name I '11 seek to glorify. PSALM LXXXVII. 185 9 13 Because Thy grace to me In greatness doth excel, And Thou my soul delivered hast Out from the lowest hell. 10 14 O God, the proud 'gainst me Rose up ; in council met, "Oppressors sought my soul, and Thee Before them have not set. 11 15 But Thou, Lord, art a God, Compassionate, most good, Long suffering, of richest grace. Thy truth has ever stood. 12 16 O turn to me Thy face, Have mercy me upon ; Strength unto me, Thy servant, give, save Thy handmaid's son. 13 17 Good token to me show ; My haters then shall see With shame that Thou, Jehovah, still Dost help and comfort me. Psalm LXXXVII. C. M. 1 ' T TPON the hills of holiness LJ He His foundation sets, 2 Jehovah 'bove all Jacob's tents Delights in Zion's gates. 2 3 Things glorious are said of thee, Thou city of our God. 4 Rahab and Babel, knowing Me, 1 will proclaim abroad ; 3 Behold Philistia, and with it Land of the Tyrian, l86 PSALM LXXXVIII. And likewise Ethiopia ; This man was born therein. 4 5 Of Zion shall be said, This man And that man born was there ; And He that is Himself Most High, Shall surely stablish her. 5 6 Jehovah, when He peoples writes, Will count : This born was there. 7 The singers, as the players, say, My well-springs in thee are. Psalm LXXXVIII. C. M. 1 JEHOVAH, Saviour-God, to Thee, J Both day and night cried I. 2 My prayer let to Thy presence come ; Give ear unto my cry ; 2 3 For troubles great do fill my soul ; My life draws nigh the grave. I 'm counted with those that go down To death, and no strength have. 3 5 Set free among the dead, like slain That in the grave do lie ; Cut off from Thy hand, whom no more. Thou hast in memory. 4 6 Thou hast me laid in lowest pit, In deeps and darksome caves. 7 Thy wrath lies hard on me, Thou hast Me pressed with all Thy waves. 5 8 Thou hast put far from me my friends. Made me their scorn to know ; And I am so shut up, that I No longer forth can go. PSALM LXXXIX. 187 G 9 By reason of affliction sore, Mine eyes doth waste away ; Upon Jehovah I do call And stretch my hands each day. 7 10 Wilt Thou show wonders to the dead ? Shall they rise, and Thee bless ? 11 Shall in the grave Thy love be told ? In death Thy faithfulness ? 8 12 Shall Thy great wonders in the dark, Or shall Thy righteousness, Be known to any in the land Of deep forgetfulness ? 9 13 But I to Thee, Jehovah, cried ; At morn I '11 pray to Thee. 14 Jehovah, why cast off my soul ? Why hide Thy face from me ? 10 15 Distressed am I, and from my youth I ready am to die ; Thy terrors I have borne, and am Distracted fearfully. 11 16 By Thy fierce wrath I 'm overwhelmed, Cut off by dread of Thee ; 17 Like floods Thy terrors round me close, All day they compass me. 12 18 My friends Thou hast put far from me, And him that did me love ; And those that mine acquaintance were To darkness didst remove. J Psalm LXXXIX. C. M. EHOVAH'S mercies ever sing Will I ; with mouth I shall Thy faithfulness make to be known To generations all. 165 PSALM LXXXIX. 2 2 For mercy shall be built, said I, For ever to endure ; Thy faithfulness, even in the heavens Thou wilt establish sure. 3 3 I with my chosen one have made A cov'nant graciously ; And to my servant, whom I loved, To David sworn have I ; 4 4 That I thy seed establish shall For ever to remain ; And will to generations all Thy throne build and maintain. 5 5 Jehovah, of Thy wonders all The heavens shall praise express ; The congregation of Thy saints Shall praise Thy faithfulness. 6 6 For with Jehovah in the heavens Who can at all compare ? Who like Jehovah is 'mong sons Of those that mighty are ? 7 7 In council of the saints a God Most terrible is He ; And more than all that round Him are He ever feared should be. 8 8 Jehovah, God of hosts, who is A mighty LORD like Thee? 9 Truth girds Thee ; stilling all her waves, Thou rulest the proud sea. 9 io In pieces Thou didst Rahab break, Like one that slaughtered is ; And with Thy might}/' arm Thou hast Dispersed Thine enemies. PSALM LXXXIX. I 09 10 11 The heavens are Thine, Thou for Thine own The earth dost also take ; The world, and fulness of the same, Thy power did found, and make. 11 12 The north and south from Thee alone Their first beginning had ; Both Tabor mount and Hermon hill Shall in Thy Name be glad. 12 13 Thou hast an arm that 's full of power ; Thy hand is great in might, And Thy right hand exceedingly Exalted is in height. 13 14 Justice and judgment of Thy throne Are made the dwelling-place ; Yea, mercy in accord with truth Shall go before Thy face. 14 15 O greatly blessed the people are The joyful sound that know ; In light, Jehovah, of Thy face, They ever on shall go. 15 16 They in Thy Name shall all the day Rejoice exceedingly ; And in Thy righteousness shall they Exalted be on high. 16 17 Because the glory of their strength Doth only stand in Thee ; And in Thy favor shall our horn And power exalted be. 17 18 Because our covering shield belongs Unto the LORD alone ; And He who is our King belongs To Isr'el's Holy One. 190 PSALM LXXXIX. 18 19 In vision then Thou to Thy saints Didst speak, I '11 help impose On one that 's mighty, whom I raised, And from the people chose. 19 20 Even David, I have found him out A servant unto Me, And with My holy oil My King Anointed him to be ; 20 21 With whom My hand established is ; Mine arm shall make him strong. 22 On him the foe shall not exact, Nor son of mischief wrong. 21 23 I will beat down before his face All his malicious foes ; I will them greatly plague, who do With hatred him oppose. 22 24 My mercy and My faithfulness With him yet still shall be ; And in My name his horn and power Men shall exalted see. 23 25 His hand and power shall reach afar, I '11 set it in the sea ; And his right hand established shall Upon the rivers be. 24 26 Thou art my Father and my God, He unto Me shall cry ; Thou also art the Rock on which For safety I rely. 25 27 I '11 make him My first born, supreme O'er kings of every land, 28 My love I '11 ever keep for him, My cov'nant fast shall stand. PSALM LXXXIX. 191 26 29 His seed I by My power will make For ever to endure ; And, as the days of heaven, his throne Shall stable be and sure. 27 30 But if his children shall forsake My law and go astray, And in My judgments shall not walk, But wander from My way ; 28 31 If they My statutes break, and My Commands do not obey ; 32 I '11 visit then their sins with rods, Their guilt with stripes repay ; 20 S3 Yet I '11 not take My love from him, Nor false My promise make ; 34 My cov'nant I '11 not break, nor change What with My mouth I spake. 30 35 Once by My holiness I sware, To David I '11 not lie ; 36 His seed and throne shall, as the sun, Before Me last for aye. 31 37 It like the moon shall ever be, Established steadfastly ; And like to that which in the heaven Doth witness faithfully. 32 38 Yet Thou hast cast off and abhorred ; Art wroth with Christ, Thine own ; 39 Thy servant's cov'nant hast made void, To earth profaned his crown. 33 40 Thou all his hedges broken hast, His strongholds down hast torn ; 41 He to all passers-by a spoil, To neighbors is a scorn. I92 PSALM LXXXIX. 34 42 Thou hast set up his foes' right hand ; Made all his en'mies glad ; 43 Turned his sword's edge, and him to stand In battle hast not made. 35 44 His glory Thou hast made to cease, His throne to ground down cast ; 45 Shortened his days of youth, and him With shame Thou covered hast. 3646 How long, Jehovah, wilt Thou hide? For ever, in Thine ire ? And shall Thine indignation hot Burn like a flaming fire ? 37 47 Remember, Thou, how short a time I shall on earth remain ; O wherefore is it so that Thou Hast made all men in vain? 38 48 What man is he that liveth here, And death shall never see ? Or from the power of the grave What man his soul shall free ? 39 49 Thy former loving-kindnesses, O Lord, where be they now ? Those which in truth and faithfulness To David sworn hast Thou ? 40 50 Remember, Lord, Thy saint's reproach, What I in heart have borne 51 From mighty peoples all ; Thy foes, Jehovah, who Thee scorn ; 41 Yea, how the footsteps of Thy Christ Reproached by them have been. 52 Blessed be Jehovah evermore ; Amen, yea, and amen. PSALM XC. 193 Psalm XC. C. M. 1 THOU, Lord, hast been our dwelling-place 1 In generations all. 2 Before Thou ever hadst brought forth The mountains great or small ; 2 Ere ever Thou hadst formed the earth And all the world abroad ; Even Thou from everlasting art To everlasting God. 3 3 And yet Thou to destruction dost Man that is mortal turn ; Thou unto them dost say, Again, Ye sons of men return. 4 4 Because a thousand years appear No more before Thy sight Than yesterday, when it is past, Or than a watch by night. 5 5 As with an overflowing flood Thou sweepest them away ; They like a sleep are, like the grass That grows at morn are they. G 6 At morn it flourishes and grows, Cut down at eve doth fade. 7 For by Thine anger we 're consumed, Thy wrath makes us afraid. 7 8 All our iniquities Thou dost Before Thy presence place, And set our secret faults before The brightness of Thy face. 8 9 For in Thine anger all our days Do pass on to an end ; And as a tale that hath been told, So we our years do spend. 194 PSALM XC. 9 10 Threescore and ten years do sum up Our days and years, we see ; Or if, by reason of more strength, In some fourscore they be ; 10 Yet doth the strength of such old men But grief and labor prove ; For it is soon cut off, and we Fly hence, and soon remove. 11 ii Who knows Thine anger's power, and Thy fear before his eyes? [keeps 12 So teach Thou us to count our days That our hearts may be wise. 12 13 Return, Jehovah, unto us ; How long thus shall it be? Let it repent Thee now for Those That servants are to Thee. 13 14 O with Thy tender mercies, do Us early satisfy ; So we rejoice shall all our days, And still be glad in Thee. 14 15 According as the days have been Wherein we grief have had, And years wherein we ill have seen, So do Thou make us glad. 1 5 16 O let Thy work and power appear Thy servants' face before ; And unto their dear children show Thy glory evermore. 16 17 And let the beauty of the LORD Our God be us upon ; Our handy works establish Thou, Establish them each one. PSALM XC. 195 Psalm XC. 7s. 1 ' ORD, our dwelling Thou hast been, I— 4 In all ages men have seen. 2 Ere the mountains had their birth, Ere Thou mad'st the worlds or earthy Thou from dateless ages gone Art forever God alone. 2 3 Soon Thou turnest man to dust ; Say'st to all, Return ye must. 4 For a thousand years to Thee, Yesterday, a night-watch be. 5 Men, as floods, Thou sweep'st away ; Like a sleep, like grass, are they. 3 6 In the morn they grow and bloom, Mown at eve they fade in gloom ; 7 For Thine anger us devours, Thy wrath gives us fearful hours ; 8 All our guilt to Thee is known, Secret sins Thy light has shown. 4 9 In Thy wrath our days we spend ; Like a tale our years soon end. 10 Life is threescore years and ten, ' Fourscore years the strong may gain ; Yet their strength gives toil and sighs, Soon is gone, O quickly flies ! 5 11 Who knows all Thine anger's power? Duly fears thy wrathful hour ? 12 So teach us to count our days, We '11 our hearts to wisdom raise. 13 Turn, Jehovah, why delay? Now repent, Thy servants pray. 6 14 Satisfy us every morn With Thy mercy to us borne ; I96 PSALM XCI. So we shall exultant be All our days made glad in Thee. 15 Give glad days, as Thou hast grieved. Long as years we ill received. 7 16 To Thy servants Thy works show ; Make their sons Thy glory know. 17 Let Jehovah's beauty be, Our own God's, on us from Thee ; Stay our hands' work on us now, Our hands' work establish Thou. Psalm XCI. C. M. HE that doth in the secret place Of the Most High reside, Beneath the shade of Him that is Almighty shall abide. 2 I of Jehovah now will say, He is my refuge still ; He is my fortress, and my God, In whom confide I will. 3 Assuredly He shall thee save, And give deliverance Both from the fowler's snare and from The noisome pestilence. 4 His feathers shall thee hide ; thy trust Beneath His wings shall be ; His faithfulness shall be a shield And buckler unto thee. 5 Thou shalt not need to be afraid For terrors of the night ; Nor for the arrow that doth fly Bv dav while it is li^ht. PSALM XCI. 197 6 6 Nor for the pestilence that walks In darkness secretly ; Nor for destruction that doth waste At noon-day openly. 7 7 A thousand at thy side shall fall, On thy right hand shall lie Ten thousand dead ; yet unto thee It shall not once come nigh. 8 8 Thou with thine eyes shalt only look, And a beholder be ; And thou the merited reward Of wicked men shalt see. 9 9 For Thou, Jehovah, art alone A refuge unto me. Thou hast Him made, who is Most High, Thy dwelling place to be. 10 10 No plague shall near thy dwelling come ; No ill shall thee befall ; 11 For thee to keep in all thy ways His angels charge He shall. 11 12 They in their hands shall bear thee up, Still waiting thee upon ; Lest thou at any time shouldst dash Thy foot against a stone. 12 13 Upon the adder thou shalt tread, And on the lion strong ; Thy feet the dragon trample shall, Also the lion young. 13 14 Because on Me he set his love, Deliver him will I ; Because My great Name he hath known I will him set on high. I98 PSALM XCII. 14 15 He '11 call on Me, I '11 answer him ; I will be with him still In trouble, to deliver him, And honor him I will. 15 16 With length of days unto his mind I will him satisfy ; Moreover, My salvation I Will cause his eyes to see. Psalm XCII. C. M. 1 TO thank Jehovah every day 1 Is a becoming thing ; And to Thy Name, O Thou Most High, Due praise aloud to sing ; 2 2 Thy loving-kindness to show forth When shines the morning light ; And to declare Thy faithfulness With pleasure every night, o 3 Upon the ten-stringed instrument, And on the psaltery, Upon the harp with solemn sound And grave sweet melody. 4 4 For Thou, Jehovah, by Thy works, Hast gladness to me brought ; And I will triumph in the works Which by Thy hands are wrought. 5 5 How great, Jehovah, are Thy works, A deep Thine every thought. 6 A brutish person doth not know, Fools understand it not. 6 7 When quickly, like the growing grass : Springs up the wicked race, And workers of iniquity Do flourish all apace ; PSALM XCII. 199 7 Yet surely they for evermore Shall be destroyed and slain. 8 But Thou, Jehovah, art Most High For ever to remain. 8 9 For lo, Thy foes, Jehovah, lo, Thine en'mies perish shall. The workers of iniquity Shall soon be scattered all. 9 10 But like the unicorn's, my horn Exalted is by Thee ; Anointed also with fresh oil I am abundantly. 10 11 Mine eye shall also my desire See on mine enemies ; Mine ears shall of the wicked hear. That do against me rise. 11 12 But like the palm-tree flourishing Shall be the righteous one ; He shall like to the cedar grow That is in Lebanon. 12 13 Those that within Jehovah's house Are planted by His grace, Shall flourish all within the courts Of our God's holy place. 13 14 And in old age, when others fade, They fruit still forth shall bring ; They shall be fat and full of sap, And ever flourishing ; 14 15 To show Jehovah upright is, He is a Rock to me ; And He from all unrighteousness Is altogether free. 200 PSALM XCIII. Psalm XCIIT. C. M. 1 JEHOVAH reigns ; enrobed is He J With majesty most bright ; Jehovah is enrobed, Himself He girded hath with might. 2 Established also is the world, That it cannot depart. 2 Thy throne is fixed of old, and Thou From everlasting art. 3 3 The floods, Jehovah, lifted up, They lifted up their voice ; The floods have lifted up their waves And made a mighty noise. 4 4 Than noise of many waters is, Or great sea-billows are, Jehovah in His place on high Is mightier by far. 5 5 Thy testimonies every one In faithfulness excel ; And holiness for ever, LORD, Thy house becometh well. J Psalm XCIII. S. M. EHOVAH reigns ; He 's clothed With majesty most bright ; Jehovah is enrobed, and girds Himself about with might. 2 The world is firmly fixed, That it cannot depart. 2 Thy throne is fixed of old, and Thou From everlasting art. PSALM XCIV. 20I 3 3 O LORD, the floods lift up, The floods lift up their voice, The floods have lifted up their waves And made a mighty noise. 4 4 But yet the LORD on high Is mightier by far Than noise of many waters is Or great sea-billows are. 5 5 Thy testimonies all In faithfulness excel ; And holiness for ever, LORD, Thy house becometh well. J Psalm XCIV. C. M. EHOVAH, God to whom alone All vengeance doth belong ; Thou, who the God of vengeance art, Shine forth, avenging wrong. 2 Lift up Thyself, Thou of the earth The Judge supreme that art ; And unto those that haughty are A recompense impart. 3 How long, Jehovah, shall the men Who evil-doers be, How long shall they who wicked are Thus triumph haughtily ' 4 How long shall grievous things by them Still uttered be and told ? And all that work iniquity To boast themselves be bold ? 5 Jehovah, they Thy people smite, Thy heritage oppress ; 6 The widow and the stranger slay, And kill the fatherless ; 202 PSALM XCIV. 6 7 They say : Jehovah doth not see, Nor God of Jacob know. 8 Ye brutish people ! understand ; Fools ! when wise will ye grow. 7 9 He is the planter of the ear, And hear then shall not He . He is the former of the eye, And shall He then not see? 8 io He who the nations doth correct, Shall He reproof not show ? He that doth knowledge teach to man, Shall He Himself not know? 9 ii Man's thoughts to be but vanity Jehovah doth discern. 12 Blessed is the man Thou chast'nest, LORD, And mak'st Thy law to learn. 10 13 That Thou mayst give him rest from days Of sad adversity, Until the pit be digged for those That work iniquity. 11 14 Because the LORD will not cast off Those that His people be, Nor yet His own inheritance Forsake at all will He. 12 15 But judgment unto righteousness Shall yet return again ; And all shall follow after it That are right-hearted men. 13 16 Who will rise up for me against Those that do wickedly ? Who will stand up for me 'gainst those That work iniquity. PSALM XCV. 203 14 17 Had not Jehovah helped, my soul In silence had remained. 18 When I said, My foot slips, Thy love, Jehovah, me sustained. 15 19 Amidst the multitude of thoughts Which in my heart do fight, Thy consolations manifold Afford my soul delight. 16 20 Shall of iniquity the throne Have fellowship with Thee, Which mischief, cunningly contrived, Doth by a law decree ? 17 21 Against the righteous souls they join, They guiltless blood condemn. 22 Jehovah is my tower, my God, My refuge-rock from them. 18 23 On them their own iniquity He causeth back to fall ; In their sin cuts them off ; our God, Jehovah, slay them shall. Psalm XCV. CM. 1 |°OME, let us to Jehovah now v_> In songs our voices raise ; With joyful shout let us the rock Of our salvation praise. 2 2 Let us before His presence come With praise and thankful voice ; Let us sing psalms to Him with grace, And make a joyful noise. 3 3 A great God is the LORD ; great King Above all gods He is. 4 Depths of the earth are in His hand, m The strength of hills is His. 204 PSALM XCVI. 4 5 To Him the spacious sea belongs, For He the same did make ; The dry land also from His hands Its form at first did take. 5 6 O come and let us worship Him, Let us bow down withal, Before Jehovah on our knees, Before our Maker fall. 6 7 For He 's our God, the people we Of His own pasture are, And of His hand the sheep ; to-day, If ye His voice will hear : 7 8 give not, as at Meribah, Your hearts to stubbornness, Even as it was in Massah's day Within the wilderness. 8 9 When Me your fathers tempted, proved, And did My working see. io Even for the space of forty years This race hath grieved Me. 9 I said, This people errs in heart, My ways they do not know ; ii So in My wrath I sware that the)' To My rest should not go. Psalm XCVI. C. M. ANEW song to Jehovah sing, The LORD praise, all the earth. 2 The LORD praise, bless His name; each His saving power show forth. [day o Among the nations of the earth His glory do declare ; PSALM XCVI. 205 And unto all the peoples show His works that wondrous are. 3 4 For great Jehovah is, and He Is to be magnified ; Yea, worthy to be feared is He Above all gods beside. 4 5 For all the gods are idols dumb Which blinded nations fear; But by Jehovah's mighty hands The heavens created were. 5 6 Great honor is before His face, And majesty divine ; Strength is within His holy place 5 And there doth beauty shine. Q 7 O do ye to Jehovah give Of people every tribe, Yea, to Jehovah majesty And mighty power ascribe. 7 8 The glory to Jehovah give That to His name is due ; Come ye into His courts and bring An offering with you. 8 9 In beauty of His holiness Jehovah now adore ; Likewise let all the earth bow down With awe His face before. 9 10 'Mong nations say, Jehovah reigns ; The world shall steadfast be, So that it move not ; He shall judge The people righteously. 2o6 PSALM XCVII. 10 ii O let the heavens exultant be, And let the earth rejoice ; Let seas and all their fulness roar, And make a mighty noise. 11 12 Let fields rejoice, and everything That springeth of the earth ; Then of the forest all the trees Shall shout aloud with mirth — 12 13 Before Jehovah ; for He comes, To judge the earth comes He ; He '11 judge the world with righteousness, The people faithfully. Psalm XCVII. C M. JEHOVAH reigns, let earth be glad, And isles rejoice each one. 2 Dark clouds Him compass ; and on right And judgment rests His throne. 3 Fire goes before Him, and His foes It burns up round about ; 4 His lightnings lighten did the world ; Earth saw and shook throughout. 5 Before the LORD, earth's Lord, like wax The mountains melted are; 6 Skies show His righteousness, all men Behold His glory there. 7 Ye, who carved image serve, and boast Of idols, blush with shame ; To Him in humble worship bow, Ye gods of every name. 8 Mount Zion heard and joyful was, Glad Judah's daughters were ; PSALM XCVIII. 20; Jehovah, glad were they, because Thy judgments did appear. 6 9 For Thou, Jehovah, art Most High O'er all on earth that are ; Above all other gods Thou art Exalted very far. 7 10 Hate ill, ye who Jehovah love ; His saints' souls keepeth He ; And from the hands of wicked men He sets them safe and free. 8 11 For every one that righteous is Sown is a joyful light, And gladness sown is for all those That are in heart upright. 9 12 Ye righteous in Jehovah joy ; Your thankfulness express, When into memory again Ye call His holiness. Psalm XCVIII. C. M. ANEW song to Jehovah sing, For wonders He hath done ; His right hand and His holy arm Him victory have won. 2 Jehovah His salvation hath Made to be clearly known ; His justice in the nations' sight He openly hath shown. 3 He mindful of His grace and truth To Isr'el's house hath been ; The great salvation of our God All ends of earth have seen. 2o8 PSALM XCVIII. 4 4 O to Jehovah, all the earth, Send forth a joyful noise ; Lift up your voice aloud to Him, Sing praises, and rejoice. 5 5 With harp, with harp, and voice of psaims Sing to Jehovah, sing ; 6 With trumpets, cornets, gladly sound Before the LORD, the King. G 7 Let seas and all their fulness roar ; The world, and dwellers there ; 8 Let floods clap hands, and let the hills Together joy declare — 7 9 Before Jehovah ; for He comes, To judge the earth comes He ; He '11 judge the world with righteousness, The nations uprightly. Psalm XCVIII. 7s. 1 O ING a new song to the LORD ; O Mighty wonders He hath done ; His right hand and holy arm Him the victory have won. 2 2 Lo, Jehovah far and wide His salvation hath made known ; To the nations of the earth He His righteousness hath shown. 3 3 Mindful unto Isr'el He Of His love and truth hath been ; The salvation of our God All the ends of earth have seen. 4: 4 To Jehovah shout aloud, Let the earth with gladness ring : PSALM XCIX, 209 Break ye forth with mighty voice, Break ye forth, rejoice and sing. 5 5 Praise Jehovah with the harp, Harp and psalm together bring ; 6 With the trump and cornet sound, Shout ye to Jehovah, King. G 7 Sea and all its fulness, roar ; Earth and dwellers, lift the voice ; 8 Floods and rivers, clap your hands ; Hills, with one accord rejoice — *7 9 Now before Jehovah all ; For to judgment cometh He; Justly He the earth will judge, And the people uprightly. J Psalm XCIX. C. M EHOVAH is enthroned as King, Let all the nations quake ; He dwells between the cherubim, Let earth be moved and shake. 2 2 In Zion is Jehovah great, Above all people high ; 3 Thy great, dread Name, which holy is, O let them magnify. 3 4 The king's strength also judgment loves, Thou settlest equity ; Just judgment Thou dost execute In Jacob righteously. 4: 5 Exalt Jehovah, our own God, And rev'rently do ye Before His footstool bow yourselves ; The Holy One is He. 210 PSALM C. 5 6 Even Moses, Aaron, Samuel, His priests, with all who prayed ; These on Jehovah called, and He To them an answer made. 6 7 Within the pillar of the cloud He unto them did speak ; His testimonies they observed, His statute did not break. 7 8 O LORD our God, Thou wast a God, Who didst them answer send ; And punishing their deeds, to them Thou pardon didst extend. 8 9 Exalt Jehovah, our own God, And at His holy hill Do ye Him worship ; for the LORD Our God is holv still. Psalm C. C. M. UNTO Jehovah, all ye lands, O make a joyful noise ; 2 With joy Jehovah serve, before Him come with cheerful voice. 3 Know that Jehovah, He is God, Not we, but He us made ; We are His people, and the sheep Within His pasture fed. 4 O enter then His gates with thanks, His courts with voice of praise ; Give thanks to Him with joyfulness, And bless His name always. 5 Because Jehovah is most good, His mercy never ends ; PSALM C. 211 And unto generations all His faithfulness extends. Psalm C. L. M. 1 A LL people that on earth do dwell, i\ Sing to the LORD with cheerful voice. 2 Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell, Come ye before Him and rejoice. 2 3 Know that the Lord is God indeed ; Without our aid He did us make ; We are His flock, He doth us feed, And for His sheep He doth us take. 3 4 O enter then His gates with praise, Approach with joy His courts unto ; Praise, laud, and bless His Name always, For it is seemly so to do. 4 5 Because the LORD our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure ; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. Psalm C. L. M. ALL people that on earth do live, Jehovah praise with cheerful voice ; 2 Glad service to Jehovah give ; Come ye before Him and rejoice. 3 Know that Jehovah 's God indeed, Without our aid He did us make ; We are His flock, He doth us feed, And for His sheep He doth us take. 212 PSALM CI. 3 4 O enter then His gates with praise, His courts with songs of loud acclaim With grateful hearts your voices raise, To bless and magnify His Name. 4 5 Because Jehovah is most good, His mercy is for ever sure, ; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. Psalm C. 8s. 1 A LL people that dwell on the earth, i\ Your songs to Jehovah now raise ; 2 O worship Jehovah with mirth, Approach Him with anthems of praise 2 3 Know ye that Jehovah is God, We are His, our Maker is He ; His people who bow to His rod, And sheep of His pasture are we. 3 4 O enter His temple with praise, His portals with thankful acclaim ; Your voices in thanksgiving raise, And bless ye His glorious Name. 4 5 For ever Jehovah is good, His mercy to us never ends ; His faithfulness true to His word, Through ages unending extends= Psalm CI. C. M. 1 [ MERCY will and judgment sing. 1 LORD, I will sing to Thee ; 2 With wisdom in a perfect way Shall mv behavior be. PSALM CII. 213 2 O when in kindness unto me Wilt Thou be pleased to come ? I with a perfect heart will walk Within my house at home. 3 3 I will endure no wicked thing Before mine eyes to be ; I hate their work that turn aside, It shall not cleave to me. 4 4 A stubborn and a froward heart Depart quite from me shall ; A person given to wickedness I will not know at all. 5 5 I '11 cut him ofT that slandereth His neighbor privily ; The haughty heart I will not bear, Nor him whose look is high. 6 6 Upon the faithful of the land Mine eyes shall be, that they May dwell with me ; he shall me serve That walks in perfect way. 7 7 Who of deceit a worker is In my house shall not dwell ; And in my presence shall he not Remain that lies doth tell. 8 8 Yea, all the wicked of the land Each morn destroy I shall, From city of the LORD cut off The wicked workers all. J Psalm CII. C. M. EHOVAH, to my prayer attend. My cry let come to Thee ; ?I4 PSALM CII. 2 And in the day of my distress Hide not Thy face from me. 2 Give ear to me what time I call, To answer me make haste ; 3 For as a hearth my bones are burnt, My days, like smoke, do waste. 3 4 My smitten heart like grass doth fade, To eat bread I forget ; 5 From voice of endless groans, my bones Fast to my skin are set. 4 6 Like pelican in wilderness, Like desert owl, I moan ; 7 I watch, and like a sparrow am That sits on house-top lone. 5 8 All day my foes have taunted me ; Enraged they 'gainst me swear ; 9 For ashes I like bread did eat ; With drink tears mingled were. 6 io Thine indignation and Thy wrath Did cause this grief and pain ; For Thou hast lifted me on high, And cast me down again. 7 ii My days are like unto a shade Which doth declining pass ; And I am dry and withered am, Even like unto the grass. 8 12 But Thou, Jehovah, art enthroned To all eternity ; And unto generations all Shall Thy memorial be. 9 13 Thou shalt arise and mercy have Upon Thy Zion yet ; The time to favor her is come, The time that Thou hast set. PSALM CII. 215 10 14 For in her rubbish and her stones Thy servants pleasure take ; Yea, they the very dust thereof Do favor for her sake. 11 15 So shall the heathen people fear Jehovah's holy Name ; - And all the kings upon the earth Thy glory and Thy fame. 12 16 For Zion by Jehovah's might Built up again shall be. And in His glorious majesty To men appear shall He. 13 17 The prayer of those who are in need He surely will regard ; Their prayer He never will despise. By Him it shall be heard. 14 18 For generations yet to come Shall men these things record ; So shall a people yet to be Created praise the LORD. 15 19 For from His sanctuary's height He downward cast His eye, Jehovah on the earth beneath Did look from heaven high ; 16 20 That of the mournful prisoner The groanings He might hear, To set them free that unto death By men appointed are. * I721 That they in Zion may declare Jehovah's holy Name, And publish in Jerusalem The praises of the same ; 2l6 PSALM CII. 18 22 When all the people gathered are In troops with one accord, And kingdoms are assembled all To serve the highest LORD. 19 23 My strength He weakened in the way, My days a brief span made ; 24 My God, in mid-time of my days, Cut me not off, I said ; 20 Thy years through generations last ; 25 Of old-time Thou hast laid The firm foundation of the earth ; Thy hands the heavens arrayed. 21 26 Thou shalt endure ; they perish shall, Like garments soon decay ; Thou as a vesture shalt them change, And they shall pass away. 22 27 But Thou the same art, and Thy years Shall never ended be. 28 Thy servants' children shall abide, Their seed still dwell with Thee. Psalm CII. L. M. 1 IEHOVAH, hear my prayer in grace ; J And let my cry come unto Thee ; 2 In day of grief hide not Thy face, Thine ear incline Thou unto me. 2 Hear when I call to Thee ; that day An answer speedily return. 3 My days like smoke consume away, And as a hearth my bones do burn. 3 4 My smitten heart like grass is dried, To eat bread I 've forgetful been ; 5 Since with my groaning voice I cried, My bones are cleaving to my skin. PSALM CII. 217 4 6 The pelican of wilderness, The owl of ruins drear, I match ; 7 And, like a bird companionless Upon the housetops, I keep watch. 5 8 All day my foes with taunts me greet, And in mad rage against me swear ; 9 For I like bread did ashes eat And in my drink tears mingled were. 6 10 I by Thy wrath and anger pine, Thou hast me raised and cast away r 11 My days, a shadow, swift decline, Like grass I wither every day. 7 12 But Thou, Jehovah, shalt endure From age to age eternally '; And to all generations sure Shall Thy memorial ever be. 8 13 Thou shaLt arise and mercy yet Thou to Mount Zion shalt extend ; The time is come, the time that 's set, When Thou wilt favor to her send. 9 14 Thy saints take pleasure in her stones, Her very dust to them is dear ; 15 Earth's nations and all kingly thrones Jehovah's glorious Name shall fear. 10 16 The LORD in glory shall appear When Zion He builds and repairs ; 17 He shall regard and lend His ear To all the needy's humble prayers. 11 The needy's prayer He will not scorn, 18 On record this shall always be, And generations yet unborn The LORD shall praise and magnify. 218 PSALM cm. 12i9 He from His holy height looked down, Jehovah earth from heaven did see, 20 To hear the pris'ner's mourning groan, From death the doomed ones to set free. 13 2i That Zion may Jehovah's Name, Jerusalem His praise record, 22 When peoples and the kings of fame Assemble all to praise the LORD. 14 23 My strength He weakened in the way ; My days of life a span He made ; 24 My God, O take me not away In mid-time of my days, I said. 15 Thy years throughout all ages last ; 25 In the beginning Thou hast laid The earth's foundations firm and fast ; Thy mighty hands the heavens have made. 16 26 They perish shall as garments do, But Thou shalt evermore endure ; As vestures Thou shalt change them so, And they shall all be changed sure. 17 27 But from all changes Thou art free, Thy countless years do last for aye ; 28 Thy servants and their seed who be Established shall before Thee stay. Psalm CIII. C. M. BLESS thou Jehovah, O my soul, And all that in me is, Be lifted up His holy Name To magnify and praise. psalm cm. 219 3 2 Bless thou Jehovah, O my soul, And not forgetful be Of all His gracious benefits He hath bestowed on thee. 3 3 All thine iniquities who doth Most graciously forgive ; Who thy diseases all and pains Doth heal and thee relieve. 4 4 Who doth redeem thy life, that thou To death mayst not go down ; Who thee with loving kindness doth, And tender mercies, crown. 5 5 Who with abundance of good things Doth satisfy thy mouth, So that, even as the eagle's age, Renewed is thy youth. 6 6 Jehovah justice executes For all oppressed ones ; 7 His way to Moses He made known, . His acts to Isr'el's sons. 7 8 Jehovah is compassionate, And gracious He is found ; To anger is He very slow, In mercy doth abound. 8 9 He will not chide continually, Nor keep His anger still ; 10 With us He dealt not as we sinned, Nor did requite our ill. 1) 11 For as the heaven in its height The earth surmounteth far, So great to those that do Him fear His tender mercies are. 220 PSALM CIII. 10 12 As far as east is distant from The west, so far hath He From us removed in tender love All our iniquity. 11 13 Like as a father pity hath To his own children dear, Jehovah pity shows to those Who worship Him in fear. 12 14 For He remembers we are dust, And He our frame well knows. 15 Frail man, his days are like the grass, As flower in field he grows. 13 16 For over it the wind doth pass, And it away is gone ; And of the place where once it was It shall no more be known. 14 17 But unto them that do Him fear The LORD'S grace never ends. And to their children's children still His righteousness extends ; 15 18 To such as keep His covenant, With strict integrity, And His commandments bear in mind To do them faithfully. 16 19 Jehovah hath His throne prepared Firm in the heavens to stand ; And every thing that being hath His kingdom doth command. IT 20 O ye His angels, that excel In strength, bless ye the LORD, Ye who obey what He commands, And hearken to His word. PSALM CIII. 221 18 21 Jehovah bless and magnify, Ye glorious hosts of His ; Ye ministers that do fulfil Whate'er His pleasure is. 19 22 Jehovah bless, all ye His works Wherewith the world is stored In His dominions everywhere. My soul, bless thou the LORD. O Psalm CIII. 8s, 7s. MY soul, bless thou Jehovah, All within me bless His Name ; Bless Jehovah, and forget not All His mercies to proclaim. 2 3 Who forgives all thy transgressions, Thy diseases all who heals, 4 Who redeems thee from destruction, Who with thee so kindly deals. 3 Who with tender mercies crowns thee, 5 Who with good things fills thy mou*_h, So that even like the eagle Thou hast been restored to youth. 4 6 In His righteousness Jehovah Will deliver those distressed ; He will execute just judgment In the cause of all oppressed. 5 7 He made known His ways to Moses, And His acts to Isr'el's race ; 8 Tender, loving, is Jehovah, Slow to anger, rich in grace. 6 9 He will not for ever chide us, Nor keep anger in His mind ; io Hath not dealt as we offended, Nor rewarded as we sinned. 222 PSALM CIII. 7 ii For as high as is the heaven, Far above the earth below, Ever great to them that fear Him, Is the mercy He will show. 8 12 Far as east from west is distant He hath put away our sin ; 13 Like the pity of a father Hath Jehovah's pity been. 9 14 Well He knows our frame, rememb'ring We are dust, our days like grass. 15 Man is like the flower blooming, Till the hot winds o'er it pass ; 10 16 Then 't is gone, and is remembered No more by its former place ; 17 But on them that fear Jehovah Comes from age to age His grace. 11 Ever unto children's children Is His righteousness, if they 18 Keep His cov'nant and remember All His precepts to obey. 1 2 19 In the heavens high Jehovah For Himself prepared a throne, And throughout His vast dominion All His works His power shall own. 13 20 Bless Jehovah, ye His angels, Spirits that excel in might, Ye who hear what He commands you, Ye that do it with delight. 14 21 Bless and magnify Jehovah, All ye hosts that do His will; Ye His servants ever ready All His pleasure to fulfil. PSALM CIV. 223 15 22 Bless Jehovah all His creatures, Ever under His control, All throughout His vast dominion. Bless Jehovah, O my soul. Psalm CIV. C. M. 1 JV/IY soul, Jehovah bless. O LORD, 1 VI My God, Thou 'rt very great ; With honor and with majesty Thou clothed art in state. 2 2 With light, as with a robe, Thyself Thou coverest about ; And, like unto a curtain, Thou The heavens stretchiest out. 3 3 Who of His chambers doth the beams Within the waters lay ; Who doth the clouds His chariot make, On wings of wind make way. 4 4 Who flaming fire His ministers, His angels spirits doth make ; 5 Who earth's foundations firm did lay, That it should never shake. 5 6 Thou didst it cover with the deep, As with a garment spread ; The waters rising high did stand, Above the mountains' head. 6 7 But at the voice of Thy rebuke They fled and would not stay ; They at Thy thunder's dreadful voice Did haste them fast away. 7 8 O'er hills they rise, and by the vales Flow down to their fixed place ; 9 They shall not earth o'erflow, Thou hast Set bounds they cannot pass. 224 PSALM CIV. 8 io He through the valleys sendeth springs, 'Mong hills their course they take ; ii Beasts of the fields all drink of them, Their thirst wild asses slake. 9 12 Above them there the birds of heaven Do dwell, and from among The leafy branches of the trees Give voice to pleasant song. 10 13 He from His chambers watereth The hills when they are dried ; With fruit and increase of Thy works The earth is satisfied. 11 14 For cattle He makes grass to grow, He makes the herb to spring For use of man, that food to him He from the earth may bring, 12 15 And wine that to the heart of man Doth cheerfulness impart. Oil that his face makes shine, and bread That strengtheneth his heart. 13 16 Jehovah's trees are full of sap ; The cedars that do stand On Lebanon, which planted were By His almighty hand. 14 17 And here the sparrows build their nests ; Storks in the firs abide ; 18 The mountains high are for wild goats ; In rocks the conies hide. 15 19 He sets the moon in heaven, thereby The seasons to discern ; From Him the sun his certain time Of going down doth learn. PSALM CIV. 225 1 G 20 Thou darkness mak'st,'t is night, then beasts Of forests creep abroad, 21 The lions young roar for their prey, And seek their meat from God. 17 22 The sun doth rise, and home they flock, Down in their dens they lie ; 23 Man goes to work, his labor he Doth to the evening ply. 18 24 Jehovah, manifold Thy works ! In wisdom wonderful Thou every one of them hast made ; Earth 's of Thy riches full. 19 25 So is this great and spacious sea, Wherein things creeping are, Which^numbered cannot be ; and beasts Both great and small are there. 20 26 There ships go, there 's leviathan, Which Thou mad'st there to play ; 27 All wait on Thee, that in due time Their food receive they may. 21 28 That which Thou givest unto them They gather for their food ; Thy gracious hand Thou openest, And they are filled with good. 22 29 Thou hid'st Thy face, they troubled are, Their breath Thou tak'st away ; Then do they die, and to their dust Return again do they. 23 30 Thy Spirit then Thou sendest forth, And they created are ; The face of earth Thou dost revive, And all things new appear. 226 PSALM CV. 24 31 The glory of Jehovah shall Last to eternity ; Jehovah shall in His own works Rejoice exceedingly. 25 32 Earth, as affrighted, trembleth all, If He on it but look ; And if the mountains He but touch, They presently do smoke. 26 33 I '11 to Jehovah sing with joy, So long as I shall live ; And while I being have, I shall To my God praises give. 27 34 Of Him my meditation shall Sweet thoughts to me afford ; And as for me, I will rejoice And triumph in the LORD. 28 35 From earth let sinners be consumed, Let ill men no more be ; O thou my soul, Jehovah bless, Praise to the LORD give ye. Psalm CV. C. M. 1 JEHOVAH praise, call on His Name, For Thy commandments I believe. 34 67 Before affliction came I strayed ; But now I do Thy word obey. 68 Thou art good, and Thou doest good, Teach me Thy statutes' perfect way. 35 69 The proud against me forged a lie ; I *11 keep Thy precepts with whole heart 70 Their heart is fat and worldly grown ; Thy law to me doth joy impart. 36 71 I was afflicted for my good, That I might learn Thy statutes sure ; 72 Thy mouth's law I 'bove thousands prize Of silver and of gold most pure. part x. 37 73 Thy hands did make and fashion me ; To learn all Thy commands make wise. 74 Thy fearers shall me see and joy, For on Thy word my hope relies. 38 75 Jehovah, right Thy judgments are I know ; Thou justly chast'nest me ; 76 As Thy word to Thy servant came, O let Thy grace my comfort be. 280 PSALM CXIX. L. If. 39 77 Thy mercies send to me, I '11 live ; Thy law to me gives pleasure great. 78 The proud shame, who by lies me wrong ; I '11 in Thy precepts meditate. 40 79 Let them that fear Thee turn to me, And know Thy testimonies all. 80 Sound in Thy statutes make my heart, That shame may mot upon me fall. PART XI. 41 81 My soul for Thy salvation faints, But I upon Thy word believe ; 82 Mine eyes fail for Thy word, I say : O when wilt Thou me comfort give? 42 83 I 'm like a bottle in the smoke ; ' Thy statutes I do not forget, 84 How long Thy servant's days ? O when Wilt Thou judge those who me beset? 43 85 For me the proud have opened p;ts, They after Thy law will not do. 86 All Thy commandments faithful are ; Help me, whom falsely they pursue. 44 87 They me almost consumed on earth, Yet I to all Thy precepts clave. 88 In Thy grace quicken me, I '11 keep The testimony Thy mouth gave. PART XII. 45 89 Thy word, Jehovah, settled is In heaven for ever to endure ; 90 Thy faithfulness is to each age ; Earth fixed by Thee abideth sure. PSALM CXIX. L. M. 28] 46 91 By Thy decrees They stand this day, For all things serve Thee evermore. 92 Had I not loved Thy law, I should Have perished in affliction sore. 47 93 Thy precepts I will ne'er forget, For Thou didst quicken me thereby. 94 O save Thou me, for I am Thine, Because Thy precepts sought have L 48 95 The wicked watched to ruin me ; Thy testimonies shall me lead. 96 Of all perfection bounds I 've seen, But Thy commands all bounds exceed. PART XIII. 49 97 O how I love Thy law ! it is My meditation all the day ; 98 More wise than foes by Thy commands I 'm made ; they ever with me stay. 50 99 I know more than my teachers all ; My thought Thy testimonies are ; 100 Than old men more I understand, For I Thy precepts kept with care. 51 101 From each ill way I kept my feet, That so I might Thy word obey ; 102 I from Thy judgments did not swerve, Because Thou guidest all my way. 52 103 How sweet Thy sayings to my taste ! Than honey to my mouth more sweet ; 104 I from Thy precepts wisdom learn, And therefore every false way hate. 282 PSALM CXIX. L. M. PART XIV. 53 105 Thy word is to my feet a lamp, A shining light to show my way ; 106 I 've sworn, and will perform my oath, Thy righteous judgments to obey. 54 107 I 'm sore distressed ; Jehovah, me According to Thy word restore. 108 Accept my mouth's free off ring, LORD, Thy judgments teach me to adore. 55 109 My soul is ever in my hand, Yet I Thy law do not forget ; no Nor from Thy precepts did I stray, When snares for me the wicked set, 56 in Thy testimonies, my heart's joy, An endless heritage I find ; 112 To do Thy statutes to the end My heart I ever have inclined. PART xv. 57 113 All those that are of double mind I hate ; but love Thy law do I. 114 Thou art my hiding place and shield ; I do upon Thy word rely. 58 115 Ye evil doers, hence from me ; My God's commands I will obey. 116 That I may live in hope not shamed, According to Thy word me stay. 59 117 Uphold me, and I shall be safe, And to Thy statutes look alway ; 118 Who leave Thy statutes Thou dost scorn, For their deceit is falsehood's stay. PSALM CXIX. L. M. 283 60 119 Earth's wicked Thou putt'st off as dross ; Thy testimonies I hold dear ; 120 My flesh doth tremble, dreading Thee, And I Thy judgments greatly fear. PART XVI. 61 121 To my oppressors leave me not ; I justice do and righteousness ; 122 For good Thy servant's surety be, And let not proud ones me oppress. 6& 123 Mine eyes for Thy salvation fail, And for Thy word of equity. 124 In mercy with Thy servant deal ; And all Thy statutes teach to me. 63 125 I am Thy servant ; wisdom give Thy testimonies all to know ; 126 Jehovah, it is time to work, For men Thy law abolish now. 64 127 I therefore Thy commandments love Above all gold, yea, finest gold ; 128 And all Thy precepts right esteem. And each false way in hatred hold. PART XVII. 65 129 Thy testimonies wondrous are ; For this my soul to them gives heed. 130 The op'ning of Thy words gives light, And makes the simple wise indeed. 66 131 With open mouth I pant ; I long For Thy commands all things above. 284 PSALM CXIX. L. M. 132 Turn unto me and gracious be, As due to all Thy Name that love. 67 133 My steps establish in Thy word, Let no iniquity me sway. 134 From man's oppression me redeem ; And I Thy precepts will obey. 68 135 Thy face let on Thy servant shine, And me to know Thy statutes make. 136 In floods the tears run down mine eyes Because that men Thy law do break. PART XVIII. 69 137 Thou, O Jehovah, righteous art, And in Thy judgments Thou art just, 138 Thy testimonies righteously Appointed are, and claim my trust. 70 139 My zeal consumeth me, because Mine enemies Thy words forget ; 140 Thy word is very pure ; on it Thy servant's love is therefore set. 71 141 Though I am little and despised, My soul Thy precepts yet retains ; 142 Thy righteousness for ever lasts ; Thy law eternal truth remains. 72 143 Distress and anguish on me seize ; Yet Thy commands me solace give ; 144 Thy testimonies righteous are ; O make me wise, that I may live. PART XIX. 73 145 To Thee with all my heart I call ; LORD, hear ; Thy statutes I '11 obey ; PSALM CXIX. L. M. 285 146 To Thee I call ; save me, and I Will keep Thy testimonies' way. 74 147 I rise before the dawn to pray, And for Thy word devoutly wait. 148 Mine eyes anticipate night's watch, Upon Thy word to meditate. 75 149 In grace my voice hear ; quicken me, Jehovah, in Thy judgment's way. 150 Near me are those that crime pursue, That from Thy law go far astray. 76 151 But, O Jehovah, Thou art near ; All Thy commands are truth alway. 152 Long from Thy testimonies known Have I, Thou didst them found for aye. PART XX. 77 153 See mine affliction, and me save ; Thy law is in my memory ; 154 Plead Thou my cause and me redeem ; As Thou hast promised, quicken me. ?8 155 Salvation is from sinners far, Who for Thy statutes do not strive. 156 Jehovah, great Thy mercies are, By Thine own judgments me revive. 79 157 Foes many me pursue ; yet I Ne'er from Thy testimonies swerve, 158 The faithless I beheld, and grieved, For they Thy word do not observe. 286 PSALM CXIX. L. M. 80 159 Behold how I Thy precepts love ; In love, Jehovah, quicken me. 160 The substance of Thy word is truth, Thy judgments just eternally. PART XXI. 81 161 Without cause princes me pursued ; Thy words with awe do fill my mind ; 162 And yet I in Thy word rejoice, As they who store of riches find. 83 163 I falsehood hate and do abhor, But dearly love Thy law always. 164 And for Thy righteous judgments I Do seven times a day Thee praise. 83 165 Great peace have they who love Thy law; No stumbling-stone is in their way. 166 I hope for Thy salvation, LORD, And Thy commandments I obey. 84 167 My soul Thy testimonies keeps, And greatly love them all do I. 168 Thy precepts, testimonies, too, I keep ; my ways before Thee lie. PART XXII. 85 169 Jehovah, let my cry reach Thee ; And by Thy word me wisdom give ; 170 Let my request before Thee come ; As Thou hast promised, make me live. 86 171 My lips pour forth a song of praise, For Thou Thy statutes teachest me. PSALM CXX. 287 172 O let my tongue sing of Thy word, For Thy commands are verity. 87 173 O help me by Thy mighty hand ; For I Thy precepts made my choice. 174 I long for Thy salvation, LORD, And greatly in Thy law rejoice. 88 175 My soul shall live and Thee extol, Thy judgments surely aid me yet ; 176 A stray sheep, lost, Thy servant seek ; For Thy commands I '11 not forget. Psalm CXX. C. M. 1 IN grief I to Jehovah cried, 1 And He gave ear to me. 2 From lying lips and guileful tongue, My soul, Jehovah, free. 2 3 What shall be given Thee? what more Be done to thee, false tongue ? 4 With burning coals of juniper, Sharp arrows of the strong. 3 5 Alas ! that I in Meshech am A sojourner so long ; That I among the tents do dwell To Kedar that belong. 4t 6 My soul with him that hateth peace Hath long a dweller been. I am for peace ; but when I speak, For battle they are keen. Psalm CXXI. C. M. 1 T TO the hills will lift mine eyes, 1 From whence doth come mine aid. 2 My safety cometh from the LORD, Who heaven and earth hath made. 288 PSALM CXXII. 2 3 Thy foot He '11 not let slide, nor will He slumber that thee keeps. 4 Behold, He that keeps Israel, He slumbers not, nor sleeps. 3 5 The LORD thee keeps, the LORD thy shade On thy right hand doth stay ; 6 The moon by night thee shall not smite, Nor yet the sun by day. 4 7 The LORD shall keep thy soul ; He shall Preserve thee from all ill. 8 Henceforth thy going out and in The LORD keep ever will. I Psalm CXXII. C. M. JOYED, when unto me they said : Let us together go Into Jehovah's holy house, His meeting place below. 2 2 Jerusalem, within thy gates Our feet shall stand ; thou art, 3 Jerusalem, a city fair, Compact in every part. 3 4 Unto that place the tribes go up, A testimony there To Israel, before the LORD His chosen tribes appear. 4 To thank Jehovah's gracious Name In loud and grateful tones ; 5 For there are seats for judgment set, The house of David's thrones. 5 6 Pray that Jerusalem may have Peace and felicity ; PSALM CXXII. 289 Let them that love thee and thy peace Have still prosperity. 6 7 Therefore I wish that peace may still Within thy walls remain, And ever may thy palaces Prosperity retain. 7 8 Now, for my friends and brethren's sake. Peace be in thee, I '11 say. 9 And for our God Jehovah's house, I '11 seek thy good alway. Psalm CXXIT. 6s and 4s. 1 r^ LAD was I when to me, vj Jehovah's house to see, Let us go near, They said, with Him to meet. 2 Jerus'lem, now our feet Shall stand within thy street, Thy gates so dear. 2 3 Jerusalem, by none Surpassed, is built in one, A city great. 4 The tribes assemble here, Jehovah's tribes come near, To testimony dear To Isr'el's State. 3 Thanks ever they proclaim Unto Jehovah's Name ; 5 For there are set The thrones of judgment right. The royal thrones of might, Which David's house delight, Exalted yet. 290 PSALM CXXIII. 4 6 Pray for Jerus'lem's peace, Thy lovers ne'er shall cease To prosper well. 7 Peace be within thy walls, And in thy palace halls, Whatever thee befalls, Let quiet dwell. 5 8 For brethren's sake I pray, And for my friends I '11 say, Peace with thee be. 9 Thy good then seek will I ; For our God's house is nigh, And there Jehovah high Doth dwell in thee. Psalm CXXIII. C. M. 1 f~\ THOU that dwellest in the heavens, v>y I lift mine eyes to Thee. 2 Behold, as servants' eyes do look Their master's hand to see, 2 As handmaid's eyes her mistress' hand So do our eyes attend Upon the LORD our God, until To us He mercy send. 3 3 Jehovah, gracious be to us«, To us now gracious be ; Because replenished with contempt Exceedingly are we. 4 4 Our soul is filled with scorn of those That at their ease abide, And with the insolent contempt Of those that swell in pride. PSALM CXXIV. 291 Psalm CX'XIV. C. M. 1 TTAD not Jehovah been for us r ll May Israel now say ; 2 Had not Jehovah been for us When men rose us to slay ; 2 3 Alive they had us swallowed, when Their wrath 'gainst us did flame ; 4 Waters had whelmed us then ; our soul Had sunk beneath the stream. 3 5 Then had the waters swelling high Above our soul made way. 6 Blessed be the LORD, who to their teeth Us gave not for a prey. 4 7 Our soul escaped is as a bird Out of the fowler's snare ; The snare asunder broken is, And we escaped are. 5 8 Our sure and all-sufficient help Is in Jehovah's Name ; His Name who did the heaven create, And who the earth did frame. N Psallll CXXIV. 4s and 6s, or 10s. OW Israel May say and that truly, If that the LORD Had not our right maintained, If that the LORD Had not our cause sustained, When cruel men Who us desired to slay Rose up in wrath To make of us their prey ; 292 PSALM CXXV. 2 3 Then certainly They had devoured us all, And swallowed quick, For aught that we could deem ; Such was their rage, As we might well esteem. 4 And as fierce floods Before them all things drown, So had they brought Our soul to death quite down. 3 5 The raging streams, With their proud swelling waves s Had then our soul O'erwhelmed within the deep. 6 Blessed be the LORD, Who doth us safely keep, And gave us not A living prey to be Unto their teeth And bloody cruelty. 4 7 Even as a bird Out of the fowler's snare Escapes away, So is our soul set free ; Rent is their net, And thus escaped are we. 8 Therefore our help Is in Jehovah's Name, Who heaven and earth By His great power did frame T Psalm CXXV. C. M. HEY who Jehovah firmly trust Shall be like Zion hill, Which at no time can be removed, But stand for ever will. PSALM CXXV1. 293 2 As round about Jerusalem The mountains stand alway, Jehovah round His people is From henceforth and for aye. 3 For ill men's rod upon the lot Of just men shall not lie ; Lest righteous men stretch forth their To work iniquity. [hands 4 Do Thou, Jehovah, to the good Thy goodness now impart ; And also do Thou good to them Who upright are in heart. 5 But as for such as turn aside In their own crooked way, The LORD with ill men shall lead forth ; On Isr'el peace shall stay. Psalm CXXVI. C. M. WHEN Zion's bonds the LORD removed, As men that dreamed were we. 2 Then filled with laughter was our mouth, Our tongue with melody. Jehovah, they 'mong nations said, Great things for them hath wrought. 3 Jehovah did great things for us, Whence joy to us is brought. 4 As streams of water in the south, Our bondage, LORD, recall. 5 Who sow in tears, a reaping time Of joy enjoy they shall. 294 PSALM CXXV1I. 4 6 The man who, bearing precious seed, In going forth doth mourn, He doubtless, bringing back his sheaves, Rejoicing shall return. Psa!iu CXXVII. C M. 1 CXCEPT Jehovah build the house, Cj The builders lose their pain ; Except the LORD the city keep, The watchmen watch in vain. 2 2 'T is vain for you to rise betimes, Or late from rest to keep, To feed on sorrows' bread ; so gives He His beloved ones sleep. 3 3 Lo, children, the LORD'S heritage, Our offspring, His reward. 4 The sons of youth as arrows are. For strong men's hands prepared. 4 5 O happy is the man that hath His quiver filled with those ; For unashamed they in the gate Shall speak unto their foes. Psalm CXXVIIT. C. M. 1 .DLEST is each one that fears the LORD, D And walketh in His ways ; 2 For of thy labor thou shalt eat, And prosper all thy days. *2 3 Thy wife shall as a fruitful vine By thy house' sides be found ; Thy children like to olive-plants Thy table shall surround. PSALM CXXVIII. 295 4 Lo, he that doth Jehovah fear Thus blessed shall ever be. 5 Jehovah shall from Zion give His blessing unto thee ; Thou shalt Jerus'lem's good behold Whilst thou on earth dost dwell. 6 Thou shalt thy children's children see, And peace on Israel. Psalm CXXVIII. 8s and 7s. BLEST the man who fears Jehovah, Walking ever in His ways ; 2 Thou shalt eat of thy hands' labor, And be happy all thy days. 3 Like a vine in fruit abounding, In thy house thy wife is found ; And like olive-plants thy children Compassing thy table round 4 Lo, on him that fears Jehovah, Shall this blessedness attend ; 5 Thus Jehovah, out of Zion, Shall to thee His blessing send. Thou shalt see Jerus'lem prosper, Long as thou on earth shalt dwell ; 6 Thou shalt see thy children's children And the peace of Israel. Psalm CXXIX. C. M. OFT did they vex me from my youth, May Isr'el now declare ; 2 Oft did they vex me from my youth Yet not victorious were. 296 PSALM CXXX. 2 3 The ploughers ploughed upon my back ; They long their furrows drew ; 4 Jehovah righteous is, who did The wicked's cords cut through. 3 5 Let Zion's haters be turned back, And in confusion thrown ; 6 As grass on housetops let them be, Which fades ere it be grown ; 4 7 Whereof enough to fill his hand The mower cannot find ; Nor can the man his bosom fill Whose work is sheaves to bind. 5 8 Nor say the passers-by, On you Jehovah's blessing rest ; We in Jehovah's holy name Do wish you to be blest. Psalm CXXX. C. M. 1 r ORD, from the depths to Thee I cried. L/ 2 My voice, Lord, do Thou hear ; And to my supplication's voice Give an attentive ear. 2 3 Lord, who shall stand, if Thou, O LORD Shouldst mark iniquity ? 4 But yet with Thee forgiveness is, That feared Thou mayest be. 3 5 I wait, my soul waits on the LORD, My hope is in His word. 6 More than they that for morning watch, My soul waits for the Lord ; 4 Yea, even more than they that watch The morning light to see. PSALM CXXXI. 297 7 Let Isr'el trust the LORD, for with The LORD sure mercies be ; And plenteous redemption is For ever found with Him. 8 And from all his iniquities He Isr'el shall redeem. Psalm CXXX. L. M. FROM depths I on Jehovah call ; 2 Jehovah, hearken to my prayer ; Let me not unregarded sink In the deep waters of despair ! 3 If Thou, LORD, shouldst transgression mark, Who shall, O Lord, from guilt be cleared ? 4 Forgiveness is with Thee alone, To the intent Thou mayst be feared. 5 I wait, my soul waits for the LORD — * By hope in His own word upborne — 6 Waits for the coming of the Lord, As weary watchers for the morn. 7 Hope in the Lord, O Israel ! For with the LORD is grace supreme, 8 And plenteous redemption too. He Isr'el will from sins redeem. Psalm CXXXI. C. M. MY heart, Jehovah, is not proud, Mine eyes not lofty be ; Nor do I deal in matters great, Or things too high for me. 298 PSALM CXXXII. 2 2 I surely have myself behaved With spirit calm and mild, As child of mother weaned ; my soul Is like a weaned child. 3 3 Upon Jehovah let the hope Of Israel rely, Even from the time that present is To all eternity. Psalm CXXXI. 6s and 4s. 1 IW\ Y heart 's not haughty, LORD, 1 VI Nor proud mine eyes ; Nor do I seek myself To exercise In matters great that be, Or things too high for me. 2 At rest assuredly My stilled soul lies ; 2 Like weaned child that rests On mother's knee, So rests, like weaned child, My soul in me. 3 O Israel, trust thou Upon Jehovah now, From this time forth unto Eternity. Psalm CXXXII. C. M. 1 pvAVID, and his afflictions all, V-J Jehovah, think upon ; 2 How to the LORD he sware, and vowed To Jacob's Mighty One. 2 3 I will not come within my house, Nor rest in bed at all ; 4 Nor shall mine eyes take any sleep, Nor evelids slumber shall ; PSALM CXXXII. 299 3 5 Till for Jehovah I do find A place that He will own, A place of habitation meet For Jacob's Mighty One. 4z 6 Lo, at the place of Ephratah, Of it we understood ; And we did find it in the fields And city of the wood. 5 7 We '11 to His tabernacles go, And at His footstool bow. 8 Arise, Jehovah, to Thy rest, Thine ark of strength and Thou. 6 9 O let Thy priests appareled be With truth and righteousness ; And let all those that are Thy saints Shout forth for joyfulness. 7 10 For Thine own servant David's sake, Do not deny Thy grace ; Nor of Thine own anointed one Turn Thou away the face. 8 11 The LORD in truth to David sware. He will not turn from it ; I of thy body's fruit will make Upon thy throne to sit. 9 12 My cov'nant, if thy sons will keep, And laws to them made known, Their children then shall also sit For ever on thy throne. 10 13 For Zion is Jehovah's choice ; There He desires to dwell. 14 This is my rest, here still I '11 stay ; For I do like it well. 300 PSALM CXXXIII. 11 15 Her food I '11 greatly bless ; her poor With bread will satisfy. 16 Her priests I '11 clothe with health, her Shall shout aloud for joy. [saints 12i7 And there will I make David's horn To bud forth pleasantly ; For him that Mine anointed is A lamp ordained have I. 13 18 As with a garment I will clothe With shame his en'mies all ; But yet the crown that he doth wear Upon him flourish shall. Psalm CXXXIII. C. M. 1 OEHOLD how good a thing it is, D And how becoming well, Together such as brethren are In unity to dwell ! 2 2 Like precious ointment on the head, That down the beard did flow, Even Aaron's beard, and to the skirts Did of his garments go. 3 3 As Hermon's dew, the dew that doth On Zion hills descend ; Jehovah blessing there commands, Life that shall never end. Psalm CXXXIII. 7s and 6s. BEHOLD how good and pleasant, And how becoming well, Where brethren all united, In peace together dwell. PSALM CXXXIV. 3d 2 2 'T is like the precious ointment That on the head did flow, Which down the beard of Aaron, Did o'er his vesture go. 3 3 Like dews which on Mount Hermon And Zion hills descend ; The LORD commands the blessing, Life that, shall never end. Psalm CXXXIV. C. M. 1 OEHOLD, Jehovah bless, all who D Jehovah's servants are ; Who in Jehovah's temple stand, And praise Him nightly there. 2 2 Your hands in holiness lift up And bless Jehovah's Name. 3 From Zion thee Jehovah bless, Who heaven and earth did frame. Psalm CXXXIV. 8, 7, 4- LO, do ye ascribe due blessing To Jehovah in accord, All of you who faithful service To Jehovah do afford, Standing nightly In the dwelling of the LORD. 2 To His holy place of dwelling Let your hands be stretched forth, Bless the LORD. Jehovah blessing Give to thee, of priceless worth, 3 Out of Zion, He that made the heaven and earth. 302 PSALM CXXXV. Psalm CXXXY. C. M. 1 r\ PRAISE the LORD. Do ye unto v_y Jehovah's Name give praise ; Jehovah's servants, unto Him Your alleluias raise. 2 2 Ye that within Jehovah's house Do stand and make abode, Within the courts belonging to The temple of our God. 3 3 Praise ye the LORD; the LORD is good; And do ye praises sing To His most holy Name, because It is a pleasant thing. 4 4 The LORD of Jacob for Himself A final choice did make, For His peculiar treasure He Did Isr'el also take. 5 5 Because I know assuredly Jehovah 's very great, And that our Lord above all gods In glory hath His seat. 6 6 What thing soe'er Jehovah pleased That in the heavens did He, And in the earth, the seas, and all The places deep that be. 7 7 He from the ends of earth doth make The vapors to ascend ; For rain he lightnings makes, and wind Doth from His treasures send. 8 8 Egypt's first born, from man to beast, 9 Who smote. Strange tokens He On Phar'oh and his servants sent, Egypt, in midst of thee. PSALM CXXXV. 303 9 10 He smote great nations, slew great kings ; 11 Sihon, the Am'rite king, And Og of Bashan, and to naught Did Canaan's kingdoms bring: 10 12 And for a wealthy heritage Their pleasant land He gave, A heritage which Israel, His chosen folk, should have. 11 13 Thy Name, Jehovah, ever is ; And Thy memorial, Jehovah, shall continued be To generations all. 12 14 Because Jehovah govern will His people righteously ; Concerning those that do Him serve Himself repent will He. 13 15 The nations' gods are made by men, They silver are and gold ; 16 Mouths have they, but they do not speak , Their eyes can nought behold. 14 17 Ears have they, but they do not hear ; Their mouths no breath receive. 18 Their makers like them are ; and all Who do in them believe. 15 19 Bless ye Jehovah, Isr'el's house ; The LORD bless, Aaron's race ; 20 The LORD bless, Levi's tribe ; who fea; The LORD, the LORD'S Name bless, 16 21 From Zion, His own holy hill, Blessed let Jehovah be, Who dwelleth at Jerusalem. Praise to the LORD give ye. 304 PSALM CXXXVI. PsalRl CXXXVI. 8s and 7s. 1 JEHOVAH praise, for good is He ; J For mercy hath He ever. 2 Thanks to the God of gods give ye ; For His grace faileth never. 2 3 Thanks give the Lord of lords unto ; For mercy hath He ever ; 4 Who only wonders great can do ; For His grace faileth never. 3 5 Who by His wisdom made heavens high ; For mercy hath He ever ; 6 Who stretched the earth above the sea ; For His grace faileth never. 4 7 To Him that made great lights to shine ; For mere)'' hath He ever ; 8 The sun to rule till day decline ; For His grace faileth never. 5 9 The moon and stars to rule by night ; For mercy hath He ever ; 10 Who Egypt's first-born all did smite ; For His grace faileth never ; 6 11 And Isr'el brought out from their land ; For mercy hath He ever ; 12 With outstretched arm, and with strong For His grace faileth never. [hand ; 7 13 By whom the Red Sea parted was ; For mercy hath He ever ; 14 Who through its midst made Isr'el pass ; For His grace faileth never. 8 15 Pharaoh and host in Red Sea cast; For mercy hath He ever ; PSALM CXXXVI. 305 16 His people led through desert vast ; For His grace faileth never. 9 17 To Him great kings who overthrew ; For mercy hath He ever ; 18 Yea, famous kings in battle slew ; For His grace faileth never. 10 19 Even Sihon, king of Amorites ; For mercy hath He ever ; 20 And Og, the king of Bash^nites ; For His grace faileth never. 1 1 21 Their land as heritage to have ; For mercy hath He ever ; 22 His servant Isr'el right He gave ; For His grace faileth never. 12 23 In our low state who on us thought ; For mercy hath He ever ; 24 And from our foes our freedom wrought; For His grace faileth never. 13 25 Who doth all flesh with food relieve; For mercy hath He ever ; 26 Thanks to the God of heaven give ; For His grace faileth never. Psalm CXXXVI. H. M. JEHOVAH praise, He's kind ; J His mercy lasts for aye. 2 Give thanks with heart and mind To God of gods alway ; For certainly His mercies dure, Most firm and sure, Eternally. 306 PSALM CXXXVI. 2 3 The Lord of lords praise ye, Whose mercies ever stand. 4 Great wonders only He Doth work with mighty hand ; For certainly, &c. 3 5 Praise Him the heavens who made, Whose wisdom doth abide. 6 Praise Him who earth did spread Above the waters wide. For certainly, &c. 4 7 Great lights who made of old ; For His grace lasteth aye ; 8 The sun, which we behold, To rule the lightsome day ; For certainly, &c. 5 9 Who made the stars so clear, The moon to rule the night. io'Who Egypt's first-born dear Did in just anger smite. For certainly, &c. 6 ii Thence Isr'el out He brought ; His mercies ever stand ; 12 With outstretched arm He wrought, And with a mighty hand ; For certainly, &c. 7 13 The sea He clave in two ; For His grace lasteth still ; 14 And through its midst to go, Made His own Israel; For certainly, &c. 8 15 His host and Pharoah He Did in the Red Sea cast ; 16 His people thus set free, He led through desert vast. For certainly, &c. PSALM CXXXVII. 307 9 17 To Him great kings who smote : For His grace hath no bound ; 18 Who did to death devote Kings famous and renowned ; For certainly, &c. 10 19 Sihon, the Am'rites' prince ; For His grace lasteth aye ; 20 And mighty Og, who once In Bashan's land had sway; For certainly, &c. 11 21 Their land by lot He gave, For His grace lasts alway ; 22 That Isr'el might it have In heritage for aye. For certainly, &c. I223 Who thought on us when low. For His grace still endures ; 24 And from our evil foe Deliverance secures. For certainly, &c. 13 25 Who to all flesh gives food ; For His grace lasteth on ; 26 Give thanks, for this is good, To God of heaven alone. For certainly, &c. Psalm CXXXVII. C. M. BY Babel's streams we sat and wept When Zion we thought on. 2 In midst thereof we hung our harps The willow trees upon. 3 For there a song did they require, Who did us captive bring ; 308 PSALM CXXXVII. Our spoilers called for mirth, and saic A song of Zion sing. 3 4 How shall we sing Jehovah's song Within a foreign land ? 5 If thee, Jerus'lem, I forget, Skill part from my right hand. 4 6 My tongue to my mouth's roof let cleave If I do Thee forget, Jerusalem, and thee above My chief joy do not set. 5 7 Jehovah, Edom's sons recall, Who in Jerus'lem's day, Even unto its foundation, Raze, Yea, raze it quite, did say. 6 8 O thou unto destruction doomed, Daughter of' Babylon ; Happy the man that do'th to thee As thou to us hast done. 7 9 Yea, happy, surely shall he be, Thy tender little ones Who shall lay hold upon, and them Shall dash against the stones. Psalm CXXXVII. L. M. BY Babel's streams we sat and wept, For mem'ry still to Zion clung; 2 The winds alone our harp-strings swept 5 Which we upon the willows hung. 3 There cruel captors, flushed with pride, A song required to mock our wrongs ; Our spoilers called for mirth, and cried : Come, sing us one of Zion's songs. PSALM CXXXV1II. 309 3 4 O how can we, sad exiles yet, The LORD'S song sing in foreign land ? 5 If thee, Jerus'lem, I forget, Let skill depart from my right hand. 4 6 My mouth and tongue be parched and If I hold not thy mem'ry dear, [dumb - If loved Jerusalem shall come Below chief joys I cherish here. 5 7 Remember, LORD, 'gainst Edom's crowd Jerus'lem's day of bitter woe ; For they with anger shouted loud : Remove her walls, o'erthrow, o'erthrow. 6 8 O Babel's daughter, stern decree Dooms thee to cruel foes a prey ; Yea, glad shall tuat avenger be, Who shall to thee our wrongs repay. 7 9 Yea, truly shall that man be pleased, And with triumphal honor crowned, By whom thy children shall be seized, And dashed to death upon the ground. Psalm CXXXVIII. C. M. THEE will I praise with all my heart, I will sing praise to Thee 2 Before the gods ; and worship will Toward Thy sanctuary. I '11 praise Thy Name, even for Thy truth. And kindness of Thy love ; For Thou Thy word hast magnified All Thy great Name above. 3IO PSALM CXXXIX. 3 3 Thou didst me answer in the day When I did cry to Thee ; And Thou my fainting soul with strength Didst strengthen inwardly. 4 4 Jehovah, all the kings of earth To Thee shall thanks accord, What time they from Thy mouth shall hear Thy true and faithful word. 5 5 Yea, in Jehovah's righteous ways With gladness they shall sing; For great Jehovah's glory is, Who evermore is King. 6 6 Jehovah 's high, yet He regards All those that lowly be ; Whereas the proud and lofty ones Afar off knoweth He. 7 7 Though I in midst of trouble walk, I life from Thee shall have ; 'Gainst my foes' wrath Thou 'It stretch Thy Thy right hand shall me save. [hand ; 8 8 All that concerns me surely will Jehovah perfect make ; Jehovah, Thy grace lasts ; do not Thine own hands' works forsake. Psalm CXXXIX. C. M. OLORD, Thou hast me searched and known, 2 Thou know'st my sitting down And rising up ; yea, all my thoughts Afar to Thee are known. PSALM CXXXIX. 311 2 3 My footsteps and my lying down Thou compassest always ; Thou also most entirely art Acquaint with all my ways. 3 4 Because before a single word Upon my tongue can be, -Behold, Jehovah, it is known, Yea, all are known to Thee. 4 5 Behind, before, Thou hast beset, And laid on me Thy hand. 6 Such knowledge is too strange for me, Too high to understand. 5 7 Where from Thy Spirit shall I go ? Or from Thy presence fly ? 8 Ascend I heaven, lo, Thou art there ; There, if in grave I lie. 6 9 Take I the wings of morn and dwell In utmost parts of sea, 10 Thy hand shall even there me lead, Thy right hand hold shall me. 7 11 If I do say that darkness shall Me cover from Thy sight, Then surely shall the very night About me be as light. 8 12 Yea, darkness hideth not from Thee, But night doth shine as day ; To Thee the darkness and the light Are both alike alway. 9 13 For Thou my inmost being hast Possessed, and covered me Thou hast within my mother's womb. I will give praise to Thee. 312 PSALM CXXXIX. 10 14 Yea, Thee I '11 praise, for fearfully And strangely made I am ; Thy works are wondrous, and right well My soul doth know the same. 11 15 My substance was not hid from Thee When as in secret I Was made, and in earth's lowest parts Was wrought most curiously. 12 16 My unformed substance Thine eyes saw ; My days were every one In Thy book written, all ordained When of them there was none. 13 17 How precious also are Thy thoughts, gracious God, to me ! And in their sum how passing great And numberless they be ! 14 18 If I should count them, than the sand They more in number be ! What time soever I awake, 1 ever am with Thee. 15 19 Thou 'It sure the wicked slay, O God ; Hence from me, bloody men. 20 Thy foes against Thee loudly speak, And take Thy name in vain. 10 21 Jehovah, do not I hate those That hatred bear to Thee ? . With those that up against Thee rise Can I but grieved be ? 17 22 With perfect hatred them I hate, My foes I them do hold. 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart, Try me, my thoughts unfold ; PSALM CXL. 3*3 1 8 24 And see if any wicked way There be at all in me ; And in Thine everlasting way To me a leader be. Psalm CXL. C. M. 1 JEHOVAH, from the wicked man J Give me deliverance, And do Thou safe preserve me from The man of violence ; 2 2 Who in their heart things mischievous Do meditate alway ; And they for war together are Assembled every day. 3 3 For even like a serpent's tongue Their tongues they sharp do make ; And underneath their lips there lies The poison of a snake. 4 4 Jehovah, keep from bad man's hands, From vi'lent man. me save ; Who utterly to overthrow My goings purposed have. 5 5 The proud have hid a snare for me And cords ; for me a net Close by the wayside they have spread, And traps for me have set. 6 6 Then to Jehovah thus I said : My God alone art Thou ; Jehovah, hear my voice, when I In supplication bow. 7 7 Jehovah, Lord, Thou who the strength Of my salvation art, 314 PSALM CXLI. Thou to my head in day of war Protection dost impart. 8 8 Jehovah, to the wicked man His wishes do not grant ; Nor further Thou his ill device, Lest they themselves should vaunt. 9 9 As for the head of those that do About encompass me, Even by the mischief of their lips Let Thou them covered be. 10 10 Let burning coals upon them fall, Them throw in fiery flame, And in deep pits, that they no more May rise out of the same. 11 11 A man of evil tongue shall not On earth established be ; Mischief shall hunt the violent And waste him utterly. 12 12 The LORD, I know, will judge the poor, Maintain the suff rer's right. 13 The righteous shall extol Thy Name ; The just dwell in Thy sight. J Psalm CXLI. C. M. EHOVAH, I to Thee do cry, Do Thou make haste to me, And to my voice give Thou an ear When I cry unto Thee. 2 2 O let my prayer before Thy face As fragrant incense rise ; And the uplifting of my hands As evening sacrifice. PSALM CXLI. 315 3 3 Set watch, Jehovah, on my mouth ; Guard of my lips the door. 4 My heart incline Thou not unto The ills I should abhor, 4 To practise wicked works with men That work iniquity ; And of their dainties let me not With them partaker be. 5 5 Let him that righteous is me smite, It shall a kindness be ; Let him reprove, I shall it count A precious oil to me ; 6 Such oil my head shall not refuse ; For yet the time shall fall When I, in their calamities, Prayer offer for them shall. 7 6 When as their judges down shall be In stony places cast, Then shall they hear my words ; for they Shall sweet be to their taste. 8 7 About the grave's devouring mouth Our bones are scattered round, As wood, which men do cut and cleave, Lies scattered on the ground. 9 8 But unto Thee, Jehovah, Lord, Mine eyes uplifted be ; My soul do not leave destitute ■ My trust is set on Thee. 10 9 O keep me safely from the snares Which they for me prepare ; And from the subtle gins of those That wicked workers are. 3l6 PSALM CXLII. 11 10 Let workers of iniquity Down in their own nets fall, Whilst I do, by Thy help, escape The danger of them all. Psalm CXLII. C. M. 1 \\ 7ITH voice I to Jehovah cry ; VV With voice the LORD I pray ; 2 Pour out to Him my plaint, and all My grief before Him lay. 2 3 When faints my spirit me within, Then knowest Thou my way ; Where I did walk asnare for me They privily did lay. 3 4 Look on the right hand, and behold There 's none to know me there ; All refuge hath me failed, and none Doth for my soul take care. 4 5 I cried to Thee, Jehovah ; Thou, I said, my refuge art And in the land of those that live The portion of my heart. 5 6 Because I am brought very low, Do Thou attend my cry ; Me from my persecutors save, Who stronger are than I. 6 7 From prison bring my soul, that I Thy Name may glorify ; The just shall compass me, when Thou With me deal'st bounteously. PSALM CXLIII. 317 Psalm CXLIII. C. M. 1 r ORD, hear my prayer, regard my cries ; 1— / And in Thy faithfulness Give Thou an answer unto me, And in Thy righteousness. 2 2 Thy servant also bring Thou not In judgment to be tried ; Because no living man can be In Thy sight justified. 3 3 Because the foe pursues my soul, My life to earth doth tread ; In darkness he hath made me dwell, As those that are long dead. 4 4 My spirit then is overwhelmed With sore perplexity ; Within me also is my heart Amazed wondrously. 5 5 I call to mind the days of old, I think upon Thy deeds ; On all the work I meditate Which from Thy hand proceeds. 6 6 My hands to Thee I stretch ; my soul Thirsts as dry land for Thee. 7 Haste, LORD, to hear, my spirit fails ; Hide not Thy face from me ; 7 Lest like to them I do become That go down to the dust. 8 At morn let me Thy kindness hear ; For in Thee do I trust. 8 Teach me the way that I should walk ; I lift my soul to Thee. 9 LORD, free me from my foes ; I flee To Thee to cover me. 3l8 PSALM CXLIII. 9 io Because Thou art my God, to do Thy will do me instruct ; Good is Thy Spirit ; in a land That plain is me conduct. 10 ii Jehovah, do Thou quicken me, Even for Thine own Name's sake ; And do Thou, in Thy righteousness, My soul from trouble' take. 11 12 And of Thy mercy slay my foes ; Let all destroyed now be That do afflict my soul ; for I A servant am to Thee. J Psalm CXLIII. 6s. EHOVAH, hear my prayer, And to my suppliant cry In faithfulness give ear, In righteousness r^ply. 2 In judgment call not me Thy servant to be tried ; No living man can be In Thy sight justified 3 The foe my soul hath sought, My life to earth doth tread ; To darkness me hath brought, As those that long are dead. 4 My spirit therefore vexed. O'erwhelmed is me within ; My heart in me perplexed And desolate hath been. 5 The days of old I call Again unto my thought, Thy works I ponder all, Works which Thy hands have wrought. PSALM CXLIII. 319 6 And I spread forth my hands To Thee beseechingly ; My soul, like thirsty lands, Is longing after Thee. 4 7 LORD, let my prayer prevail, To answer it make speed ; My spirit quite doth fail ; Hide not Thy face in need ; Lest I be like to those That do in darkness sit, Or him that downward goes Into the dreadful pit. 5 8 Because I trust in Thee, Do Thou cause me to hear Thy loving-kindness free, When morning doth appear Make me to know the way Wherein my path should be Because my soul each day I do lift up to Thee. 9 Jehovah, rescue me From all who me oppose ; I unto Thee do flee To hide me from my foes: 10 No God have I but Thee, Teach me to do Thy will ; Thy Spirit 's good ; lead me On even pathway still. 7 11 Jehovah, for the sake Of Thy Name quicken me ; In righteousness O take My soul from misery. 12 In mercy cut off those That en'mies are to me, Slay of my soul the foes; I servant am to Thee. 20 PSALM CXLIV. Psalm CXLIV. C. M. o LET Jehovah blessed be, Who is my rock of might. Who doth instruct my hands to war, My fingers teach to fight. 2 2 My goodness, fortress, my high tower, Deliverer, and shield. In whom I trust ; who under me My people makes to yield. 3 3 Jehovah, what is man, that Thou Of him dost knowledge take ? Or son of man, that Thou of him So great account dost make ? 4 4 Man is like vanity ; his days, As shadows, pass away. 5 Jehovah, bow Thy heavens ; come down, Touch hills, and smoke shall they. 5 6 Cast forth Thy lightning, scatter them ; Thine arrows shoot, them rout. 7 Thy hand send from above ; me save; From great depths draw me out ; 6 And from the hand of children strange, 8 Whose mouth speaks vanity; And their right hand a right hand is That works deceitfully. 7 9 O God, a new song I will sing Assuredly to Thee ; I with a lute of ten strings will To Thee make melody. 8 io Even He it is that unto kings Doth His salvation send ; PSALM CXLV. 321 Who His own servant, David, doth From hurtful sword defend. 9 11 O free me from strange children's hand, Whose mouth speaks vanity ; And their right hand a right hand is That works deceitfully. IO12 That, as the plants, our sons may be In youth grown up that are ; Our daughters like to corner-stones, Carved like a palace fair ; J 1 13 That to afford all kind of store Our garners may be filled ; That our sheep thousands, in our fields, Ten thousands they may yield ; 12 14 That strong our oxen be for work, That no inbreaking be, Nor going forth ; and that our streets From outcry may be free. 13 15 Blessed is the people that is found In such a case as this : Yea, greatly is the people blessed, Whose God Jehovah is. Psalm CXLV. C M. 1 I 'LL Thee extol, my God. O King ; 1 I '11 bless Thy Name always. 2 Thee will I bless each day, and will Thy Name for ever praise. 2 3 Jehovah 's great, much to be praised ; His greatness search exceeds. 4 Race unto race shall praise Thy works, And show Thy mighty deeds. 322 PSALM CXLV. 3 5 Upon the splendor glorious, O let me meditate, Which to Thy majesty belongs, And works of wonder great. 4 6 Men of Thine acts the might shall show. Thine acts that dreadful are ; And I, Thy glory to advance, Thy greatness will declare. 5 7 The mem'ry of Thy goodness great They largely shall express ; With songs of praise they shall extol Thy perfect righteousness. 6 8 Jehovah very gracious is, In Him compassions flow ; In mercy He is plentiful, And unto anger slow. 7 9 The LORD is good to all, His works All mercy still express ; io Jehovah, Thee all creatures praise, Thy saints Thee thank and bless. 8 ii Thy kingdom's glory they proclaim, And tell Thy wondrous might ; 12 To show men's sons His deeds, who reigns In majesty most bright. 9 13 Thy kingdom everlasting is, Thy reign through ages all. 14 Jehovah all the prostrate lifts, Upholdeth all that fall. 10 15 The eyes of all look unto Thee, Thou giv'st them timely food ; 16 Thine open hand all things that live Doth satisfy with good. PSALM CXLV. 323 1 1 17 Jehovah 's just in all His ways, And kind in His works all. 18 Jehovah 's near to all that call, In truth that on Him call. 12 19 His fearers' wish He will perform, Their cry hear and them free ; ^20 Jehovah guards His friends, but all The wicked slay will He. 13 21 My mouth Jehovah's praises shall Assuredly express ; And let all flesh His holy Name Ever and ever bless. Psalm CXLV. L. M. I'LL Thee exalt, my God and King, I will Thy Name bless o'er and o'er ; 2 Each day I will Thee bless, and sing The praise of Thy Name ever more. 3 Jehovah 's great, He praise exceeds, His greatness duly search can none ; 4 Race shall to race extol Thy deeds, And tell Thy mighty acts each one. 5 Upon Thy majesty most bright, Thy grace and miracles I '11 muse; 6 Of Thy dread acts men tell the might, Thy storied greatness I '11 diffuse. 7 They utter shall abundantly The mem'ry of Thy goodness great ; And shall sing praises cheerfully. Whilst they Thy righteousness relate 324 PSALM CXLV. 5 8 Jehovah very gracious is, And He doth great compassion show ; Abundant mercy, too, is His, And unto anger He is slow. 6 9 Jehovah 's good to all that live ; O'er all His works His mercy is. io Thy works all praise to Thee shall give, Jehovah ; Thee Thy saints shall bless. *7 ii The glory of Thy kingdom show Shall they, and of Thy power tell, 12 That so men's sons His deeds may know His kingdom's glories that excel. 8 13 Thy kingdom hath no end at all, It doth through ages all remain. 14 Jehovah bears up all that fall, The prostrate lifteth up again. 9 15 The eyes of all upon Thee wait ; In season Thou their food dost give. 16 Thine open hand, with bounty great, Fills the desire of all that live. 10 17 Jehovah 's just in His ways all, And gracious in His works each one. 18 Jehovah 's near to all that call, Who call in truth on Him alone. 11 19 His fearers' wishes He will grant, Will hear and save them when they call; 20 Jehovah keeps His friends from want, But will destroy the wicked all. PSALM CXLVI. 325 12 21 O let me therefore my mouth frame Jehovah's praises to express ; And let all flesh His holy Name For ever and for ever bless. Psalm CXLVI. C. M. 1 THE LORD praise. Praise the LORD, 1 my soul. 2 Through life I '11 praise the LORD ; While I have being, to my God In songs I '11 praise accord. 2 3 Trust not in princes, nor man's son, In whom there is no stay ; 4 His breath departs, to 's earth he turns ; That day his thoughts decay. 3 5 O happy is that man, and blessed, Whom Jacob's God doth aid ; Whose hope upon Jehovah rests, And on his God is stayed ; 4 6 Who made the earth and heavens high, Who made the swelling deep, And all that is within the same ; Who truth doth ever keep ; 5 7 Who righteous judgment executes For those oppressed that be ; Who feeds the hungry, 't is the LORD Who sets the pris'ners free. 6 8 Jehovah gives the blind their sight ; Jehovah them doth. raise That are bowed down ; Jehovah loves The man of upright ways. 326 PSALM CXLVII. 7 9 Jehovah strangers doth preserve ; Orphan and widow He Sustains ; by Him the wicked's way Turned upside down shall be. 8 10 Jehovah reigns for evermore ; Thy God, O Zion, He Reigns unto generations all. Praise to the LORD give ye. Psalm CXLVII. C. M. 1 r\ PRAISE the LORD ; for it is good V^ Praise to our God to sing ; For it is pleasant, and to praise Is a becoming thing. 2 2 Jehovah builds Jerusalem, And He it is alone That the dispersed of Israel Doth gather into one. 3 3 Those that are broken in their heart And grieved in their minds He healeth, and their painful wounds He tenderly upbinds. 4 4 He counts the number of the stars-; He names them every one. 5 Great is our Lord, and of great power ; His wisdom search can none. 5 6 Jehovah lifts the meek, and casts The wicked to the ground. 7 With thanks Jehovah praise ; on harp Let our God's praise resound. 6 8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds, Who for the earth below Prepareth rain, who maketh grass Upon the mountains grow. PSALM CXLVII. 327 *7 9 He gives the beast its food, He feeds The ravens young that cry. 10 His pleasure not in horse's strength, Nor in man's legs doth lie. 8 11 But in all those that do fear Him The LORD doth pleasure take ; In those that to His mercy do In hope themselves betake. 9 12 Jehovah praise, Jerusalem ; Zion, Thy God confess ; 13 For Thy gates' bars He maketh strong ; Thy sons in thee doth bless. 10 14 He in thy borders maketh peace ; With fine wheat filleth thee. 15 He sends forth His command on earth, His word runs speedily. 11 16 Hoar-frost, like ashes, scatters He ; Like wool He snow doth give ; 17 Like morsels casteth forth His ice ; Who in His cold can live ? 12 18 Hesendeth forth His mighty word, And melteth them again ; His wind He makes to blow, and then The waters flow amain. 13 19 The doctrine of His holy word To Jacob He doth show ; His statutes and His judgments He Gives Israel to know. 14 20 With none of all the nations round So kindly dealt hath He ; For they His judgments have not known. Praise to the LORD give ye. 328 PSALM CXLVIII. Psalm CLXVIII. C. M. 1 r\ PRAISE the LORD ; Jehovah praise \~J From heavens' ; Him glorify 2 In heights ; praise Him, His angels all ; His hosts all, praise Him ye. 2 3 O praise ye Him, both sun and moon, Praise Him, all stars of light. 4 Ye heavens of heavens Him praise, and floods Above the heavens' height. 3 5 O let them all due praise unto Jehovah's name accord ; For He commanded, and they were Created by His word. 4 6 He also, for all times to come, Hath them established sure ; He hath appointed them a law, Which ever shall endure. 5 7 Praise ye Jehovah from the earth, Dragons, and every deep ; 8 Fire, hail, snow, vapor, stormy wind, His word that fully keep. 6 9 All hills and mountains, fruitful trees, And all ye cedars high ; 10 Beasts, and all cattle, creeping things, And all ye birds that fly ; 7 11 Kings of the earth, all nations, too, Earth's princes, judges all ; 12 Young men, and maidens everywhere, Old men and children small. PSALM CXLVIII. 329 8 13 O let them praise Jehovah's Name His Name alone on high Exalted is ; His glory shines ABove the earth and sky. 9 14 His people's horn, the praise of all His saints He high doth raise; Of Isr'el's sons, a people near To Him. Jehovah praise. Psalm CXLVIII. H. M, 1 THE LORD of heaven confess, I On high His glory raise. 2 Him let all angels bless, Him all His armies praise. 3 Him glorify Both moon and sun, And stars each one That lights the sky. 2 4 Ye heavens His power proclaim, And floods that heaven o'erspread ; 5 They praise Jehovah's Name, Who spake and they were made. 6 And in their place Firm fixed they be By His decree, Which cannot pass. 3 7 From earth extol the LORD, Ye dragons, depths below ; 8 Storm-wind that keeps His word, Fire, hail, the clouds, and snow. 9 Hills, mountains high, The cedars tall, Trees great and small That fruit supply. 33° PSALM CXLVI1I. 4 io Wild beasts, and cattle tame, Things creeping, fowls that fly, ii All peoples, kings of fame, Earth's judges, princes high, 12 Young men and maids, Both old and young, Let now be sung One Name's great deeds. 5 13 The LORD'S great Name be praised, Extolled 'bove earth and sky ; 14 His people's horn He raised, His saints did magnify. Even those that be Of Isr'el's race Near to His grace, The LORD praise ye. Psalm CXLVIII. 7s. 1 TJALLELUJAH ! Praise the LORD ! 11 From the heavens, with one accord, Praise be to Jehovah given ; Praise Him in the heights of heaven. 2 2 Praise Him, all His angel choir, Praise Him, ye, His hosts of fire ; 3 Praise Him, sun and moon so bright, Praise Him, all ye stars of light. 3 4 Praise Him, heaven of heavens so high, Praise Him, floods above the sky ; 5 In the LORD'S Name all be glad, For He spake, and they were made. 4 6 Them for ever 'stablished He By unchangeable decree ; 7 From the earth, praise, praise the LORD, Dragons, deeps, with one accord. PSALM CXLIX. 331 5 8 Hail and lightning, snow and mists, Storm-winds doing His behests, 9 Hills and mighty mountains all, Fruitful trees and cedars tall. G 10 Praise Him, all ye birds of wing, Beast and herd and creeping thing, - ] 1 Peoples on this earthly ball, Kings and princes, judges all. 7 12 Youths and maidens, old and young, 13 Praise Jehovah 's Name in song; For His Name alone is high, Glory His fills earth and sky. 8 14 He His people's horn doth raise, Of His holy ones the praise ; Sons of Isr'el, people nigh, Praise the LORD eternally. Psalm CXLIX. C. M. 1 DRAISE ye the LORD; Sing to the LORD 1 A new song; and His praise In the assembly of His saints In sweet psalms do ye raise. 2 2 Let Isr'el in his Maker joy, And to Him praises sing; Let all that Zion's children are Be joyful in their King. 3 3 O let them unto His great Name Give praises in the dance ; Let them with timbrel and with harp In songs His praise advance. 4 4 For in His people, whom He chose, Jehovah pleasure takes : 332 PSALM CL. And with salvation all the meek Most beautiful He makes. 5 5 In glory let the saints exult, On beds sing loud for joy ; 6 God's praises in their mouth, their hands A two-edged sword employ; 6 7 'Mong nations vengeance to inflict, 'Mong peoples punish wrong ; 8 To bind their kings with chains, their chiefs With iron fetters strong. 7 9 On them the judgment to perform Found written in His word ; This honor is to all His saints. O do ye praise the LORD. Psalm CL. C. M. 1 r\ PRAISE the LORD. God's praise \~J His sanctuary raise ; [within And to Him in the firmament Of His power give ye praise. 2> 2 Because of all His mighty acts, With praise Him magnify ; O praise Him, as He doth excel In glorious majesty. 3 3 Praise Him with trumpet's sound ; His With harp and lyre advance ; [praise 4 With timbrel, pipe, stringed instruments, Him praise ye in the dance. 4 5 Praise Him on cymbals loud ; Him praise On cymbals sounding high. 6 Let each thing breathing praise the LORD. Praise to the LORD give ye. Property of 3RD CHURCH COVENANTERS, Philadelphia.