tibvavy of Che trheolocjicai ^eminarp PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY FROM THE LIBRARY OF THE REVEREND JESSE HALSEY, D.D. J^Vttr (,[(4^ . ** t I .J \ > 1 \ THE BO COMMON WORSHIP > PREPARED BY THE COMMITTEE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA jFor Boluntarp Ose PHILADELPHIA THE PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION AND SABBATH-SCHOOL WORK 1921 COPYRIGHT 1905, 1906, BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PI BLICATION AND SABBATH-SCHOOL WORK. PREFACE Among those Churches of the Lord Jesus Christ which follow the Presbyterian rule and order, Liberty of Worship has been esteemed a most precious privilege and inherit- ance; and while they have been both fearless and faithful to uphold it, against the intrusion of superstitious and burdensome ceremonies, they have also been diligent to seek, in the Public Services of Religion, the golden mean between a too great laxity and a tyrannical uniformity. Such things as are of Divine Institution they have ob- served in every Ordinance ; and other things they have en- deavoured to set forth " according to the Rules of Christian Prudence, agreeable to the general Rules of the Word of God." Although the Books of Common Order, which were pre- pared for the Reformed Churches, at the beginning, in all countries, contained both prayers and other forms, yet w this day. Accordingly it seemed good to the General iv PREFACE. Assembly of L903, hearkening to tin- desire of man} pastors and churches, to appoint a Committee of Ministers and Ruling Elders who should prepare, " in harmony with the Directory for Worship, a Book of Simple Forms and Ber vices, propel and helpful for voluntary use in Presbyte rian churches, in the celebration of the Sacraments, in Marriages and Funerals, and in the Conduct of Public Worship.'' This work has been continued, in faithful obe- dience, and in humble reliance on the Holy Spirit, through nearly three years of patient labour, and has been submit- ted, in its progress, to two successive Assemble The principles by which the work has been guided were ap proved, and its completion was ordered. This having been done, so far as God enabled us, in the Book herewith presented, it is now published for the purpose contemplated by the General Assembly of 1905. This Book of Common Worship is. therefore, not to be taken in any wise as a lit urgy imposed by authority. Nor i^ it a Substitute for the Directory for Worship, but rather a supplement to it, wherein the instructions of the Standards are followed on all essential points, and aid is offered, to those who desire it, for the conduct of the Public Services of Religion with reverence and propriety. We have studied earnestly to embody i lie truths of our I loly Religion in I he language of orderly devotion, to the end that by the Sac raments. the stated Ordinances of the Lord's Day. and all the ordinary and occasional offices (^' the Church, men ma\ • be both instructed and confirmed in the faith of Jesus Christ We have searched the Holy Scriptures, the usage of the Reformed Churches, and the devotional treasures of early Christianity, for the most DOble, clear, and mov- ing expressions of the Spirit of Praise and Prayer; and we have added to these ancient and venerable tonus and models, such Others as might Berve, under the guidance of the same Spirit, to irive a voice to the present needs, the I* UK FACE. urgent desires, and the vital hopes of the Church living in these latter days and in the freedom of this Republic. Concerning the manner in which the different Services are ordered and arranged, and the best way in which they may be used to edification, a few suggestions are offered in the pages immediately following this Preface ; and throughout the Book, the careful reader will find that the words of guidance which precede the various parts of the services are designed, not only to mark their spiritual significance, but also to enable all the People to join in the Acts of Worship, that all things may be done decently and in order. The longer and more important rubrics are tran- scribed from the Directory for AVorship of this Church, which disapproves alike of "confining Ministers to set or fixed forms of prayer for public Worship." and of permit- ting that important service to be disgraced "by mean, ir- regular, or extravagant effusions." It is to be remembered, therefore, that the forms here offered are to be used only "if the Minister so please," as a help in Common Wor- ship, and not without a constant care and diligence, by "acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures, by meditation, by reading the best writers on the subject, and by a life of communion with God in secret, to endeavour to acquire both the spirit and the gift of Prayer." In the Treasury of Prayers many things have been gath- ered together which may be not only useful, from time to time, in the conduct of Public Bervices, but also profit able for reading and study, for use in private devotion. mid in that revival <>f Family Worship which is greatly needed in all our Church* 11 is hoped, therefore, that the whole Book, having been prepared with a sincere wish bo advance living knowledge and true piety, may be re- cta ved. studied, and used, by earnest members of this Church and by faithful Christians elsewhere, in the spirit of can dour, simplicity, and brotherly love; devoutly meditating VI PREFACE. upon the real meaning of the Christian faith, and endeav- ouring to adorn the Gospel of God our Saviour in all things. And to this end we pray that the Holy Spirit will accom- pany and bless this Book with His ever-present Grace ; that wherever it is used the hearts of men may be truly drawn and led to the Throne of the Divine Mercy; and that all the people may find comfort, joy, and strength as they unite in the Common Worship of God who is revealed in Jesus Christ our adorable Redeemer. THE ASSEMBLY'S COMMITTEE : Henry van Dyke, Chairman. Louis F. Benson, John De Witt, Charles Cuthbert Hall, John Clark Hill, W. Beatty Jennings, James D. Moffat, W. ROBSON NOTMAN, William R. Richards, Jambs H. Snowden, William R. Taylor, Ministers. Nolan R. Best, John H. Converse, Homer Lee, John E. Parsons, Robert N. Willson, Ruling Elders. CONCERNING THE USE OF THIS BOOK. If None of the Forms of Service in this Book are intended to be in any sense obligatory ; but where a given Order is voluntarily used it will promote unity and the general con- venience if the parts are followed as here arranged. ^f In order that all the People should take their part in the Public Worship of God, it is most earnestly recommended that, in those churches which choose to make use of the fol- lowing Orders and Forms of Service, every member of the Con- gregation should be supplied with a copy of this Book ; and, also, that the directions which precede each part of the differ- ent services should be studied beforehand both by Minister and People, so that confusion or uncertainty in the conduct of Worship may be avoided. If The ploying of a voluntary on the organ while the Con- gregation are assembling, the singing of o Psalm instead of the responsive reading from the Psalter, or of an Anthem after the Scripture reading, and other like observances, are left to the choice and usage of each church. But it should always be remembered that the Organist and the Choir are members of the Congregation, and that their cooperation will be of the greatest help to the Minister in conducting all the parts of Worship. ^f To attain the prompt and hearty participation of the Peopb -, it is necessary that they should know beforehand what is expecteql of them. Therefore, when any change is to hi made in tin order of o Service as given in the Book [as, for i cample, in the use of The Commandments at tJu Morning Service, The Beatitudes at tJu Evening Service, or in the time of making the Offering or of singing the last Hymn), the Minister should h, careful that the Congregation art viii CONCERNING THE USE OF THIS BOOK. duly notified. It is also desirable, in places when it is con- m nii nt, thai the numbers of the Hymns a n<\ of th< s, lection from the Psalter be posted where they can be seen by tin Congregation. If In connection with the General Prayer in the Lord's Day Services it is re.com m< nd\ d that the Ministi r makt faith ful preparation of his own heartand mind to lead the PeopL in their Adorations, Thanksgivings, Supplications, and Intercessions. If he should make any "si . in thus preparing himself of those which are given in the Treasury of Praters, this should h, dom with forethought and much care, in order not only to avoid injudicious length, but also that the prayer may be framed to express his own thought and feeling, and may also be suited to the occasion or flu special need of the congregation. If The use of this Book will be profitable only to those who ore careful not to make it a means of formal or restricted worship, cither public or private ; but who remember always their duty as Christians both to seek and to cherish the gift of Prayer, by which they shall be enabled to frame wise and earnest and reverent petitions, as well for others as far themselves. And in every service of tl>< Church it is fitting that tin Minister and every om of tin People should pray in silence, at tin beginning, for the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit, and at the dost of the st rvid . that all who have taken part in it may receive the blessing of Ood through Jesus Christ, TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Preface ... iii Concerning the Use Of this Book vii The Order op Morning Service 1 The Order of Evening Service 1<> A Brief Order of Worship 19 The Commandments 27 The Beatitudes 81 The Order for the Celebration of the Com- inmioN 34 The Order for the Administration of Baptism to Infants 40 The Order for the Administration of Baptism to Adults 43 The Order for the Confirmation of Baptismal Vows 47 An Order for the Reception of Communicants from Oth fr Churches 50 The Order for the Solemnization of Marriage 51 The Order for the Burial of the Dead ... 55 The Order for the Licensing of Candidates to Preach the Gospel .... .... 7:; The Order for the Ordination of Ministers . 77 Tm Order for the Installation of \ Pastob who has been Previously Ordained .... 83 The Order for the Ordination of Ruling Elders 87 Tm Ordeb for the Installation of Ruling Elders who have been Previously Ordained . 90 The Ordeb fob the Ordination of Deacons. . 92 x TABLE OF CONTENTS. The Order for Laying the Corner-Stone of a Church 96 The Order for the Dedication of a Church . 100 The Treasury of Prayers 107 T. General Prayers for Common Worship 109 II. Prayers for Certain Times and Seasons 117 III. Intercessions for Special Objects and Persons 129 IV. Brief Petitions 142 V. Ascriptions of Praise 151 Family Prayers 158 The Psalter 168 Ancient Hymns and Canticles 254 THE ORDER OF MORNING SERVICE ON THE LORD'S DAY. The Call to Worship. IT Let the Minister and all the People stand up and sing the fol- lowing, or some other Hymn or Psalm calling to Worship. Praise God, from whom all blessings How ; Praise Him, all creatures here below ; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host : Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. 1[ Let the Minister read one of the following Sentences, the Peo- ple standing. H If any church so desire the Service may begin with tfie Sentences. f^UR help is in the Name of the Lord, who made heaven " and earth. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear Him: He also will hear their cry, and will save them. (Psalm exxiv. 8 : cxlv. 18, 19.) O come, let us worship and bow down : let us kneel before the Lord our maker. Know ye that the Lord He is God : it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves ; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. (Psahn xcv. 6: c. 3.) Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near : Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts : and let him re- turn unto the Lord, and II< will have mercy upon him and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. (Ixaidh lv. 6, 7. I MORNING SERVICE. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (Psalm ciii. 8, 10: 1 St. Johni. 9.) Seeing that we have a great High Priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God: Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, thai we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. (Helm ws iv. U, 16.) 1 Then shall t/ir Mini sir,- % ay, Let us pray. IF Letthi People reverently bow down n-hi/ef/n Ministry leads them In the Invocation, using if he will one of the following Prayers. The Invocation. ALMIGHTY God, who of Thy great mercy hast gath- ■^*- ered us into Thy visible Church ; Grant that we may not swerve from the purity of Thy worship : but so honour Thee, both in spirit and in outward form, that Thy Name may be glorified in us, and we may be true members of Thine only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Am, n, INTERNAL God. our Maker and our Lord. Giver of all IJ grace, from whom every good prayer comet h. and who Dourest Thy Spirit upon ail who seek Thee; Deliver us. when we draw nigh to 'I nee, from coldness of heart and wanderings of mind; that with steadfast thoughts and pure affections we may worship Thee in spirit and in truth ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. " ORD God of heaven and earth, who bast made the ■-^.Church Thy dwelling-place, and chosen it as Th\ rest forever, and hast taught us inThj Word not to for ke the assembling of ourselves together; Regard us in Thy mercy, we beseech Thee, and send Thy l!<>!y spirit upon us; that our worship may prepare us both to serve MORNING SERVICE. Thee now, and to glorify Thee hereafter in Thine eternal kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Ann n. /^k GOD, who hast promised that in all places where ^ Thou dost record Thy Name, Thou wilt meet with Thy servants to bless them ; Fulfil now Thy promise, and make us joyful in Thy house of prayer ; that our wor- ship, being offered in the Name of Thy Son and by the guidance of Thy Spirit, may be acceptable unto Thee, and profitable unto ourselves ; through our only Mediator and Advocate, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A LMIGHTY Lord and everlasting God, whom the ^- heaven of heavens cannot contain, much less the temples which our hands have build ed, but who art ever nigh unto the humble and contrite ; Shed down Thy Holy Spirit, we beseech Thee, on all here assembled ; that, be- ing cleansed and illumined by His grace, we may worthily show forth Thy praise, meekly learn Thy Word, render due thanks for Thy mercies, and obtain a gracious answer to our prayers ; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Confession op Stns. T TJie People may say this Confession with the Minister : 1X/TOST holy and merciful Father ; We acknowledge ^*- and confess in Thy Presence: Our sinful nature prone to evil and slothful in good ; And all our shortcomings and offenses against Thee. Thou alone knowest how often we have sinned : In wandering from Thy ways ; In wasting Thy gifts ; In forgetting Thy love. But Thou. O Lord, have pity upon us; Who are ashamed and sorry for all wiierein w r e have displeased Thee. Teach us to hate our errors ; Cleanse us from our secret faults ; And forgive our sins ; For the sake of Thy dear Son our Saviour. And most holy and loving Father; Send Thy purifying grace into our hearts, we beseech Thee; That we may henceforth live in Thy light and w^alk in Thy ways ; According to the commandments of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. MORNING SEHVK E. The Assurance of Pardon. 1T To be said by the Minister, the People still bowing down. A LMIGHTY God, who doth freely pardon all who re- ^^ pent and turn to Him ; Now fulfil in every contrite heart the promise of redeeming grace; remitting all our sins, and cleansing us from an evil conscience; through the perfect sacrifice of Christ our Lord ; And keep us ever- more in the peace and joy of a holy life ; that we may love and serve llim always; In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen. H Or this : /^OI) so loved the world, that He gave His only-begot- ^ ten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Hear the gracious words of our Lord Jesus Christ unto all that truly repent and turn to Him : Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. H Then let the Minister and the People, standing, say, Minister, Now bless the Lord our God : Answer. And praise His glorious Name. Minister. O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good : Answer. For His rnerey endurethfor ever. The Ps alter. T[ Then let a portion of the PSALTXH be chanted , or read res]>on- sively by the Minister and the /'> <>j>/<\ aU standing, and at the end may be said or sung, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son . and to the Holy Ghost ; As it, was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen. MORNING SERVICE. 5 IT The People being seated shall attend devoutly to The Public Reading of the Holy Scriptures. % Let the Minister read from the Word of God as it is written in theO\<\ j» eternal life through Him. Supplications : for the supply of all our needs temporal and spiritual, and/or the aid and comfort of the Holy Ghost in all our duties a nd trials : [ntercessions : for the whole world of mankind; remembering especially our country and <