, ,' , ! FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Brent (S.) Hymns sung at the General Baptist Meeting House, Deptford, in 1801- 4 fall original], 2s 1805 tfMT HYMNS, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/sungenerOObren && HYMNS, __ SEP 21 N/ S^frf^Ut the ^A GENERAL BAPTIST MEETING-HOUSE, CHURCH-STREET, DEPTFOIiD* IN THE YEARS 180], I80a 3 1803, 1804. euHntten for tf?e different 2Dcca«ion0 f BY A MEMBER OF THE SAID CONGREGATION, " What I have written, I have written." John, xix. 22, " Is any merry ? let him sing psalms." James, v. 13. ilontson : PRINTED BT C.STOWER, Pater-noster Row. 1805, 3 * *t;i 9&J To the Members of the General Baptist Church 9 which, in the Year 1698, met for Religious Worship in Fair Street?. Horslydown, now assembling in the Old Meeting-House, Church Street?, Deplford, Kent. CHRISTIAN BRETHREN:— XjlAVING not only from my infancy attended in your congregation, and for some years been a member of your church, (of which church also were my forefathers, and of the same persuasion for ages) but as nearly all the following Hymns have, by your indulgence, been publicly sung in your religious services, as a token of respect I now dedicate them to vou a 3 VI It is of little consequence to me what may be the general opinion of them ; for they were written for a particular class of Christians, and on particular subjects discussed in their congre- gation. My chief intention, indeed, was to awaken in you, my fellow Christians, some pious thoughts relative to those different topics on which they are written ; and I shall be gra- tified, and even fully repaid for the trouble which has been taken, provided this my primary object should be in the smallest degree attained. " Now, unto him that is able to keep us from " falling, and to present us faultless before the " presence of his glory with exceeding joy — to " the only wise God, our Saviour, be glory and " majesty, dominion and power, both now and '* for ever, through Christ Jesus our Lord. " Amen." S. BRENT. Rotherhithe, Nov. 1st, 1805. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF THE FIRST LINE OF EACH HYMN, A. Hymn Metre ALL earthly joys will surely fail LXX1IL L. M. All ye that stand around this place XV. L. M. Around their folds in prudent care VII. C. M. Arise Almighty God XXXIV. P. M. Around the social board we meet LXXXV1II. C. M. Awake our souls, aloud proclaim L. C. M. Awake our souls, exert each thought,... ,.,,. LXVL C. M. Vlll A TABLE TO FIND EVERY HYMN. B. Hymn Begone all earthly fleeting joys XCVIII. Behold thy waiting servants, Lord I, Behold the great, the appointed day XXXIII. C. Cheerful our days, our hours pass XIX. L. M. Christ came commissioned from on high XLI. C. M. Come sound, the praise abroad XCIII. S. M. D. Delightful are thy precepts, Lord LXV. C. M. E. Ere worlds were fashion'd, or ere time began LXXVIIL Eternal God of grace and truth (Psalm civ.) LXVIII. G. Give thanks unto our God XI. Give us a portion, O our God XXXV. Give thanks unto our God XXXIX. God is our help^ should foes invade LIV. IT. Hail, Christians, the auspicious day VIII. Hail, charity, thou glorious theme LXXIX. Hail, Christians, hail the Saviour's name XCIX. Hark ! hark ! the trumpet's solemn sound ., LXXVIL He rose, the holy Jesus rose XXX. How glorious is our God Xli. A TABLE TO FIND EVERY HYMN. « IX Hymn Metre How pleasant is thine house XCVII. S. M. How various is our road thro 1 life LXXXIII. C. M. How vain is life, frail mortal life C. C. M. I. In divers ways at sundry times XXXVII. C. M. [n dread array our num'rous foes LIII. C. M; [n peace, in purity, and love LXXXVI. L. M. [nspire thy servants, mighty God II. C. M« [3 God a being of revenge LXXX. C. M. J. Jesus our holy Lord XXXII. S. M. Jesus our Lord's the promis'd seed ....XLV. C. M. Jesus the seed of Abraham LXXVI. L. M. Jesus the Christian's hope XC. S. M. Join all ye saints in one accord LX. C. M» L. Lend, mighty God, a gracious ear XXVII. C. M. Let not those mercies thou hast given VI. C. M. Let love inspire our souls XCVI. S. M. Lord 'tis a glorious sight to see LXIV. L. M, Long by the prophets was foretold LXXXV. P. M. Look down in pity, O our God LII. C. M, M. Messiah is come, by prophets foretold LVL P. M. Mild and serene the beams of light (Psalm civ.) XXL C. M, X A TABLE TO FIND EVERY HYMN. N. Hymn Nature stupendous in her works XL. No pompous rite did usher in XLII. No eye hath seen, no ear hath heard LXXX1I. O. Oft as we eat the bread LXXXIX. O God, thy mercies are displayed XCI. Oh ! all ye saints that dwell around Ill, Oh ! let us trust thy pow'r V. Oh! great, eternal, mighty God X. Oh ! holy, holy, Lord, our God XXXVI. Oh ! let thy grace prevail XXXVIII. Oh ! thou immortal King XL1X. On thee our God through faith we calPd XVIIL On Sinai's mount a ritual law LXXXIV. Our God who clothes the smiling fields LXXXI. Once more, Almighty God LXIII. P. Praise God from whom all blessings flow XVII. Praise God ye men who dwell on earth XXIX. Praise to th' Almighty source LXIX. Praise to the great Almighty God LXXXVIL R. Raise high your thoughts to God above XXV. Raise high your thoughts above the skies XCV. Rejoice ye righteous in your God XXXI. Rejoice ye saints in holy fear LVIII. A TABLE TO FIND EVERY HYMN. XJ S. Hymn Sing praises to our God . XXIII. Soft zephyrs play'd the trees among LV. T. The holy gospel of our God XLIII. There is a God, all nature proves XLVI. The wide, the glorious universe XLVIII. The sun, that wondrous orb of light LIX. Th' Almighty reigns on high supreme LXVII. Thy mercies, Oh! Almighty God XXIV. The goodness of our God we'll sing XXVI. Tho' in the heav'ns, eternal God XCII. Thy mercies, O our God XCIV. *Tis God that quiets all our fears XX. 'Tis a delightful service, Lord , LXX. To thee, our great eternal God LXI. To God, the great, the ever wise LXXII. To thee, the great, th' eternal God IX. ^Twas God's benevolence „. XLVIL W. We see as holy Abraham did ,-. XIV, We now around this sacred place XVI. When God thro' his almighty power XIII. What shall we render to our God XXVlII. What have we done for our great God XLIV. Where shall the man find perfect peace LXXIII. When Noah sought the living God LXXI. Why droop God's saints when sins abound „#..„..... LL Metre S. M. L. M. L, M. C. M. P. M. L.M. P. M. C. M. C. M, c. M. p, M. c. M. c. M, c. M, L, M. c. M, s. M.- c, M; c. M, c, M. L . M. L. M, C .M. L, M. P . M, Xii A TABLE TO FIND EVERY HYMN. Hymn Metre Wisdom more precious is than gold LXXV. C. M. Within thine ancient house,, O Lord IV, C. M. Y. Ye saints that love our holy God XXIL L. M. Ye angelic host exalted high LVII. L. M. Ye saints with joy attend .«,„,„,...,........,„,.,.. »..»..,. LXII. S. M. The Six following Hymns were sung at the Re-opening of the General Baptist Meeting House, Church Street, Deptford, on the Mth of May, 1801, after it had been shut up for Repairs. B 15 HYMN L C. M. I. Jjehold thy waiting servants, Lord, Oh ! deign with us to dwell ; Assist us in the holy work, Whilst we thy wonders tell. II. One hundred years have roll'd away, Since first this building rose ; Protect thine ancient house, O Lord, From all Religion's foes. . III. When time had shook this building strong, Disorder spread around, And silence, dismal silence, then Within these walls was found, IV. Revive our drooping spirits, Lord ; Fill us with holy joy : And let thy mercies, mighty God, Our noblest thoughts employ. B 2 16 V. To thee, our God ! all honour's due, Through Christ, our glor'ous King Let heav'n and earth repeat the joy, And praises that we sing ! HYMN II. C. M. I. Inspire thy servants, mighty God, Thy sacred truths to tell ; Bid Charity and holy Zeal, Within these walls to dwell. II. Let Discord never enter here, Religion's deadly foe : May Peace, and Love, and Harmony, " Like milk and honey" flow. 111. Here may the aged comfort find, Thy humble servants peace ; The young grow up in holy fear, And in thy word increase ; IV. Backsliders tremble and return, Struck by the sharp reproof: 17 May sinners fly to God through Christ, And trust thy word of truth : V. May thousands shout redeeming love, And glory in the Lord ; Ten thousands here their voices raise, And join in sweet accord. VI. Here did thy saints of old resort, We here rejoice and sing ; May future ages loud proclaim The praise of Isr'el's King ! HYMN III. L. M. I. Oh ! all ye saints that dwell around, That serve our God, and love his name, That fear his pow'r, confess his love, Ye servants of the Holy Lamb : II. Ye men that dwell in Britain's land, That often see God's pow'r display 'd, Be witness to our holy joys, And lend your voices for our aid : b 3 18 III. Join all your songs of holy joy, Let grateful praises spread around, Shake all the air with solemn peals, Loud let your shouts of praise resound ! IV. Oh ! that our strength of voice could reach, The earth's most distant tribes of men : Oh ! that our joys the world might teach To glory in our Maker's name ! V. Jesus, the great, the holy Son, Came down from God our souls to save, From sin and Satan's dreadful pow'r, And give us hopes beyond the grave. VI. Let young and old their voices raise, Let God's great love our minds employ; Let ev'ry voice join in his praise, Join, heav'n and earth, the gea'ral joy ! 10 HYMN IV. C. M. W ithin thine ancient house, O Lord, We once again do meet, Thy heav'nly mercies to implore, And worship at thy feet ; II. To sing thy great Almighty pow'r, And glory in thy word ; To hear thy heav'nly truths proclaim'd, Thy praises sound abroad ; III. To meditate upon thy love, From earth our thoughts to raise ; To join in social worship here, In prayer or in praise. IV. Oh ! let us feel thy presence, Lord, To dwell upon each mind ; And may each soul refreshment feel, And joy and comfort find. 20 V. When from thy house we shall depart, Attend us with thy care ; Keep us thro' all the maze of life, From ev'ry sin and snare. VI. And when we reach life's final hour, Then may we know no fear, But trust in thy Almighty pow'r, For thou art ever near ! HYMN V. S. M. Oh ! let us trust that pow'r, And of that love partake, That will not quench the smoking flax, Nor bruised reed will break : II. But unto humble soals, Pardon thro' Christ will give ; Who calls the sinner through his love, Bids him repent and live : 21 III. Who bids our doubts remove, Our fears to flee awav ; Who gives us hopes through Jesus Christ, At the great judgment day. IT; Oh ! never let us cast Such heav'nly joys away; But let us do his sacred will, His great commands obey. HYMN VI. C. M. I. i^ET not those mercies thou hast giv n, O God ! be giv'n in vain ; But let us taste thy heav'nly love, And glory in thy name. II. May faith, true faith, inspire our souls, True love our voices raise ; Long may those ancient walls resound With grateful songs of praise ; 22 III. And when these frail materials waste By Time's destroying hand, Oh ! let another building rise, FilFd with an holy band. IV. Oh ! let them taste those pious joys, When we shall be remov'd ; Oh ! let them trust the God we serv'd, The Saviour that we lov'd ! V. And when the last loud trumpet sounds, That bids the dead arise, Oh ! let us form one glorious host, And mount above the skies. VI. Before thy throne, Almighty God, May we our voices raise, And join the heav'nly choir, and sing The holy hymn of praise ! The Two following Hymns were sung Christmas- Day, 1801, 25 HYMN VII. C. M. Hepzibeth Tune. I. Around their folds, in prudent care, A band of shepherds stand, To watch them through the shades of night, In Judah's holy land. II. Sudden a great, a shining light, The shepherds did surprise ; Behold a grand angelic form Appears before their eyes ! III. Subdue your fears, the angel cries, Good tidings now I bring, For there is born in Bethlehem The Christ, the heav'nly King ! IV. A multitude of heav'nly forms, Straight did their voices raise, And sung a loud, a glorious strain^ To God Almighty's praise ! 26 V. j^t us repeat the angel's song, And peace on earth proclaim, Jood will to men, to angels joy, In the Redeemer's name! HYMN VIII. L. IVL I. JtIail ! Christians, the auspicious day, When Christ, your Lord, your King was born; When God his wonders did display, His Son this lower world adorn. II. He is a King, the King of Kings, Though in a humble manger laid; He reigns o'er all created things That by the pow'r of God was made ! III. With mercy, truth, and power, and love, He came triumphant from on high, Commissioned from the realms above, To bring our great salvation nigh. 27 IV. He went about dispensing good, His wond'rous power he did employ, To fill the poor with heav'nly food, To heal the sick and give them joy ! V. Let no vain views your wishes raise, By superstition falsely fir'd, But thankful joys and holy praise, By gratitude and love inspired. VI. How good and gracious is our God, That sent his well-beloved Son, To be the true, th' appointed road, To his Almighty, gracious throne ! C 2 The Three following Hymns were sung on the \6th Day of May, 1802, being the Anniversary of the Meeting House. C 3 31 HYMN IX. C. M; I. JL o thee, the great, th' eternal God, Who reigns above the skies, Let songs of joy and holy praise In grateful accents rise. IL The sun has roll'd around the spheres, And mark'd another year, Since in thy courts, Almighty God, We did with joy appear ; III. To celebrate that day's return, Which saw this building rise, That saints of old with joy behe.d, That we revere and prize. IV. Seasons may roll, and tempests roar, Disorders may prevail ; But God is still our strength and hope, Nor shall our courage fail. 32 V. Still mercy shines with wonted grace, Still doth his love endure ; Still he's a God of pow'r and might, His ways are just and pure. VI. "We yield our thanks to thee, our God, For all thy mercies giv'n ; Oh ! may those thanks acceptance find Before the throne of heav'n ! VII. And when the seasons cease to roll, And time is known no more, May we before the mercy seat Th' eternal God adore ! HYMN X. L. M, I. Oh ! great, eternal, mighty God, Send down thy spirit from above, T' assist us in our Christian course, Thro' thy great mercy and thy love. 33 II. Let strangers view our walk of faith, And praises to our God proclaim, For the good works that they behold, Give glory to our Father's name ! III. With joy our duty we'll perform, And practise virtue all our days ; But God, through Christ, shall crown our joys, To him be glory, honour, praise ! IV. And when the great, the final day, Shall with its awful glories come, Christ shall present, and God receive, Bearing our joyful spirits home ! V. There in the presence of our God, His love and mercy to proclaim, Before the throne with pure delight, With joy for ever to remain ! VI. There songs of honour will we raise, And loud hosannas shout and sing, Give glory to the Lamb of God, And praises to th' eternal King ! 34 HYMN XL S. M. L (jive thanks unto our God, Let hallelujahs rise; Let loud hosannas fill the air, And shake surrounding skies ! II. Praise ye th' eternal God, Let love your voices raise ; Repeat the song of holy joy In the Almighty's praise ! III. Let hallelujahs rise, Let praise your tongues employ ; Let hallelujahs still resound In strains of holy joy! Chorus. Praise ye the Lord, hallelujah ! Praise ye the Lord, hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! hallelujah ! Praise ye the Lord ! The Three following Hymns were sung on the c ld Day of June, 1802, being a Day appointed for a General Thanksgiving, on account of the late Peace, 37 HYMN XII. S. M. On Peace, L Jlxow glorious is our God, Who, through his wond'rous grace^ Hath bless'd our highly favour'd isle With the return of Peace ! II. Commerce may spread its sails, To distant lands may steer ; Its sons may traverse ocean's bounds, No hostile foe to fear. III. Shepherds with perfect ease May wander o'er the plain, Their sheep in safety play and feed In Peace's gentle reign ! D 38 IV. O holy, holy God, Give us through grace to know, That all our blessings from thee spring, From thy great mercy flow ! V. Let justice bless our land, Religion spread around ; May faith, and truth, and holiness. In ev'rv heart be found ! VI. Oh ! let us view this Peace, That thou, O God, hath given, As a faint semblance of that state We shall enjoy in heaven. VII. There war shall ne'er prevail, Nor sin our hopes destroy; But God shall give us perfect peace, His praise be our employ. VIII. Give thanks unto our God, Through whose almighty grace, The British isles again are bless'd With the return of Peace! 39 Chorus. Praise ye the Lord, hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord, hallelujah Hallelujah: hallelujah' hallelujah Praise ye the Lord ! HYMN XIII. C, M. On Rex L \V hex God, through his Almigl Unto his holy So::. Has ltiv'ii the earth from sea to sea. His wond'rous pow'r to own ; II. Then Revelation all divine. Thy glories will appear ; Atheist and Deist own thy truths, Our God adore and rear. III. A stumbling block unco the Jews, No longer thou shalt be ; And Greeks that styled thee foolishness, Thy wisdom then shall see, d 2 40 IV. Jesus the Christ, the Nazarene, Whose cross they did despise, Will then be holy in their thoughts, Delightful in their eyes. V. On types and symbols that they scorn'd, They'll meditate with joy ; And in the praise of him they slew Their tongues they will employ ! VI. Ye saints, that love the holy book, And read and trust the same, Sound high the praise of our great God- And glory in his name ! Chorus. " Glory, honour, praise, and power, " Be unto the Lamb for ever, " Jesus Christ is our Redeemer! Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Praise ye the Lord ! 41 HYMN XIV. C. M. On the Reign of Christ. I. W e see as holy Abraham did, Through faith, that glorious day, When Christ shall reign in ev'ry heart, The world his will obey. II. The horrid din of bloody war Shall then be heard no more, Nor drum's nor trumpet's martial sound, Nor cannon's dreadful roar, III. Instead of glitt'ring warlike spears, The pruninghook be found ; And swords be into ploughshares beat, To cultivate the ground. IV. Children shall play with writhing snakes, Be pleas'd to count each fold, And view with joy each glossy scale Of changing light and gold. D 3 42 V. The lion, freed from savage rage, Down with the lamb shall lay ; Leopards and kids together feed, And gambol, sport, and play. VI. They shall not hurt nor yet destroy, Through all the earth around ; But perfect peace, and holy joy, Prevail, and love abound. VII. Tyrants no more be known on earth, Their threats no more be heard; But God, our God, thro' Jesus Christ, Be lov'd, ador'd, and fear'd. VIII. Praise ye our God, ye heav'nly host, Praise him, ye sons of men : Let heav'n and earth with joy repeat Hallelujah's loud Amen ! Chorus. Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Amen, Amen I Hallelujah ! Amen, Amen ! The Three following Hymns were sung at the public Administration of Baptism, on Sunday, August %Zd } 1802, 45 HYMN XV. L, M. z\ll ye that stand around this place, And view the rite we now perform ; Consider well our pious act, Let charity your minds adorn, II. Search holy writ of truth divine, Examine well the sacred word ; Attend to the express command Of Christ, our ever blessed Lord, III. Go * through the world, the Saviour said, And preach, and teach my holy word ; To the believer once f baptiz'd, It shall a saving health afford. c iS TJK. u^i. M~/f f 4bid> m i * 16 . M**{ 46 IV. Though we may have our different views, And not the same our duty see, Yet yield us credit for our hopes, For truth, and for sincerity, V. Keep far away th' unholy scoff, Or wily, sinful, haughty, sneer : Know that we wish to follow Cm hist, Our God to worship, serve, and fear ! VI. Join in our cheerful songs of praise To God, and to the holy Lamb ! In concert all your voices raise, And love and mercy loud proclaim ! HYMN XVI. C. M. L W e now around this sacred place, O God of truth and love, Meet to perform a holy rite, And our obedience prove. 47 II. We look, thro' faith, to Jordan's * bank, Where John th' Immerser f stood, View Christ, our now ascended Lord, Descend into the flood. III. We J see him rising from the stream, The heav'ns the act approve, An emblem of the Christian scheme, Thro' God's eternal love ! IV. We add no pompous, gaudy, rite, But simple, pure, and plain; We're § buried in the Father's, Son's, And Spirit's holy name ! * Matt. iii. 13. f The name translated John the Baptist, should be John the Immerser, or Plunger, \ Matt.4 u . 16 , L 7 c Zfr£ — /J " § Coloss. ii. 12. Rom. vi. 4. 48 V. Hereby we shew to Christ our love, Under his banner fight ; Oh ! may his word our bulwark prove, To put each foe to flight. VI. To life * anew we now arise, With joy pursue our way; Looking thro' hope above the skies To a more perfect day ! HYMN XVII. P. M. 6 Eights. I. i raise God, from whom all blessings flow;" Praise him ye men that dwell below ; Praise him ye host that dwell on high, Above the azure vaulted sky : Let all created beings raise To him a song of holy praise ! * Rom. vi. 4. Matti wmm% 19m 49 II. Give glory to th' eternal God, Let our warm praises sound abroad, And to the Lamb your voices raise, In glory, honour, pow'r, and praise : Let all created beings raise A song of joy and holy praise ! III. Let hallelujahs spread around, And heav'n and earth with joy resound, For God's great love to sinful men, Sound hallelujah's loud Amen : Let all created beings raise A song of joy and holy praise ! The Three following Hymns were sung on September 5th, 1802. i . 2 53 HYMN XVIIL L. M. I. \Jn thee, our God, thro' faith we call'd, When troubles rose and sorrows came ; Thy mercy gave us sweet relief, And glory's due unto thy name. II. A heavy gloom spread o'er our minds, In grief we pass'd each changing day ; But hope shot thro' into our souls A bright, a glorious, cheering, ray. III. It sooth'd our minds, with sorrows fill'd, And bid us turn our weeping eyes O'er the bless'd volume of thy word ; From thence did joy and comfort rise. IV. For thro' this wilderness of life, To Canaan's happy wish'd-for shore, The roads are devious, and the paths With thorns and brambles cover' d o'er; E 3 54 V. Deceit and darkness spread around, And mists, and gloom, and doubts arise ; But mists, and gloom, and doubts will cease, When we shall mount above the skies. VI. Bless'd in the presence of our God, Jesus our Loud for ever nigh; His honours we shall sound abroad, And with God's glory fill the sky ! HYMN XIX. L. M, I. VyHEERFUL our days and hours Tkt pass, When health, and strength, and vigour flow ; But all our joys are fled, alas ! When we do sad afflictions know : II. Our God is then our only trust, Our help, our hope for ever nigh ; Our God is good, is true, and just, Upon his love we may rely. 55 III. Hope buoys our drooping spirits up, Thro' Christ, our King, our heav'nly Lord And tho' we drain the bitter cup, There's comfort in his holy word. IV. For God doth ne'er afflictions send, Nor we experience scenes of woe ; But as a father, or a friend, To wean us from this world below : V. To bid us look to scenes above, To heav'n our thoughts, our wishes raise, To fear his pow'r, to trust his love, To own his name, to sing his praise ! HYMN XX. C. M. I. X is God that quiets all our fears, And bids our sorrows cease, With pleasure crowns our foil' wing years, And bids our joys increase. 56 IL Death, cruel tyrant, intervenes, And deals his shafts around; But jet amidst these trying scenes, God's mercy still is found. III. He sends fair Hope, serene and calm, Our troubl'd minds to heal; We court its mild, its soothing balm, And its bless'd influence feel. IV. Love bids us look to realms above, Thro' Christ our heav'nly Lord ; Faith joins fair Hope to trust his love, And glory in his word ! V. Let Faith, and Hope, and Love sincere, Jointly their efforts raise, To fill our souls with holy fear, Inspire our tongues with praise ! The Three following Hymns were sung on Christmas- Day, 1802. 69 HYMN XXL C. M. Missionary Tune, I. IVliLD and serene the beams of light Proclaim the new-born day ; And zephyrs soft, and balmy dews, Their fragrance wide display. II. In order due the shepherds stand, And keep their watch around ; When, lo ! all glorious forms appear, And notes angelic sound. III. Celestial music charms the ear, The seraphs loud proclaim, * Glad tidings of great joy and peace I" The shepherds heard the strain . Oo IV, " Seek Bethl'hem's town/' the angel cries, u The holy babe is born, " That shall his Father's sceptre sway, " His throne in peace adorn !" V. Rapture then seiz'd the heav'nly choir, With praise the air resounds, u Good-will to men, and peace on earth," In sweet harmonious sounds ! VI. In bursts of joy the choir repeat The glorious heav'nly strain, " Glory to God — to angels joy, Good- will and peace to men !" HYMN XXII. L. M. Reading Tunc. I; Y e saints that love our holy God, That own his name, and trust his word, Join all your pow'rs, your voices raise, To sing the great Redeemer's praise. 61 II. God so this sinful world did love,* He sent his Son from heav'n above, f Who took the mortal frame of man, T' accomplish the Almighty's plan. III. The serpent, though it bruise his heel, J Yet sin a lasting wound shall feel ; No more a dreadful foe remain To those that own the Saviour's name. IV. Jesus shall reign with sov' reign sway,§ Till all the world his will obey ; Till then his kingdom shall remain, Then all in all our God shall reign. |{ V. Ye saints, your drooping spirits raise, And sing the great Redeemer's praise ; In faith and love his word believe, Ye shall a glorious crown receive ! * i John, iv. 10. John, iii. 13, 16, *YI xytf t John, *»t 27, 28, 30. xwi* 5,8, 18, 23,24. vin.42, 58. X Gen. iii. 15. § 1 Cor. xv. 24, 25. | 1 Cor. Jh^SS, 02 VI. And when the great, the final day, Its awful glories shall display, -Christ shall present you for his own/* And God shall safely bear you home ! HYMN XXIII. S. M. Henly Tune. I. Oing praises to our God, The universal Lord ; Let loud hosannas sound abroad, O be his name ador'd ! II. Jesus, the holy child, Is born to sinful men ; Let hallelujah's shake the air, Repeat the loud Amen ! III. Praise ye the living God, Ye host above the skies ; " To God, our God," for his great lave, Let hallelujahs rise ! * See 4-8th chapter of John. 63 IV. Praise him, ye men on earth, Let joy each passion move ; Sound praises to his holy name For his almighty love ! V. Sound high to God your praise, And loud his love proclaim ; Joyful your voices to him raise, In honour to his name ! V 2 The Six following Hymns were sung on the 16th of May, 1 803, being the Anniversary of the Meeting- House. f 3 67 HYMN XXIV. C. M. I. 1 hy mercies, O Almighty God, That roll around the year, Now bid the holy tribe again, Within thy courts appear ; IL Once more to sing thy wond'rous love, Thy mercies to proclaim, To celebrate once more that day That's sacred to thy name. III. To thy great mercy we ascribe Our present happy state ; O teach our tongues to sing thy praise, Thy wonders to relate ! IV. Still let thy mercies crown our lives, Zion increase and grow In thy most holy fear and love, And all thy precepts know. 68 V. To us, thy servants, thro' thy love, Let ev'ry grace be giv'n, T' assist us thro' our pilgrimage, And fit our souls for heav'n ! HYMN XXV. L. M. I. XVaise high your thoughts to God above, The fountain of eternal love ; In pow'r he o'er this world doth reign, The universe — is his domain* II. In heav'n's immortal glorious height, Far from the reach of human sight, The seraph and the angel own His pow'r, and bow before his throne ! III. This earth was by his wisdom form'd, With all its beauties well adorn'd ; He spread the heav'ns from pole to pole, And bid the planets where to roll ! 69 IV- This mighty, glorious, God above, Is ours, thro' mercy, truth, and love : We read this truth in his bless'd word, And own his mercy thro' our Lord ! V. Jesus, our Lord, is gone before, To open heav'n's celestial door, And in its mansions to prepare Places for saints to worship there ! VI. The ages shall in order roll, And bring new glories to each soul ; There shall they dwell in glorious state, Their joy and happiness complete ! VII. Hosannas loud let mortals raise ; Ye heav'nly host join in the praise : Thro' Christ our King, our heav'nly Lord, Oh ! be God's holy name ador'd ! 70 HYMN XXVI. C. M. I. A he goodness of our God we'll sing, In his great name rejoice; And sound his praises round the land With an exalted voice ! II. We'll glory in his sovereign pow'r, His mercy we'll proclaim ; And shake the air with songs of praise, To his most holy name ! III. Jehovah is a mighty God, He rules the world thro' grace ; Let songs of honour still resound In strains of holy praise ! IV. His love, ye saints, attends your lives, His bounty crowns your days ; O ne'er forget the homage due, Nor cease to sing his praise ! 71 V. Sing praises to God's holy name, Your honours to him raise, That sits upon th' eternal throne, Give to the Lamb your praise ! Common Mode. " Glory, honour, praise, and power, " Be unto the Lamb for ever, " Jesus Christ is our Redeemer ! Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Praise ye the Lord ! HYMN XXVII. CM. I. JLrfEXD, mighty God, a gracious ear, Send thy good spirit down ; Fill us with pious holy fear, And all our wishes crown, II. Bid joy, eternal mighty King, Each thought and action move ; Assist us here again to sing Thy mercy and thy love ! 72 III. Bid ev'ry thought of carnal view Fly from our minds away ; Oh ! let us all thy love review, To thee our homage pay. IV. Oh ! may we ne'er forget thy love, Thy Gospel ne'er despise ; But let each precept ever prove Delightful in our eyes. V. Then shall our lives glide gently on,, Our doubts flee all away, Mistrusts and fears for ever gone> And hope our griefs repay. HYMN XXVIII. L. M, I. W hat shall we render, O our God, To thee, for all thy mercies giv'n, For joys and hopes thro 1 Jesus Christ, Of immortality and heav'n ! 73 II. Prostrate we lie before thy throne, By merit ne er salvation claim ; But thy almighty grace we own, * Thro' our Redeemer's holy name. III. But yet good works we will perform, And serve our God with heart and voice ; Let holiness our lives adorn, And in each virtuous deed rejoice. IV. For Gods great day we know will come, And Christ in awful judgment standi The wicked meet a dreadful doom, The virtuous joy at his right hand ! V, The righteous shall join saints of old, Meet Moses and the holy Lamb, And sing their song to harps of gold, And loud redeeming love proclaim I VI. Then lofty strains shall we repeat, And joy and glory in the same, Dur happiness be all complete, In God, thro' Jesus holy name ! G 74 HYMN XXIX. P. M. 6 Eights. L x raise God, ye men who dwell on earth, For he to all things gave a birth, And his great pow'r and mercy own, And bow in homage to his throne : Give glory to tlri eternal God, Let his high honours sound abroad! II. Ye heav'ns, by his great wisdom formal, Thou earth, by his great love adorn d, Ye clouds, that in due order roll, And fly thro' air, from pole to pole ; Ye do your Makers pow'r proclaim, Let praises rise to his great narrte ! III. Thou sun, the glorious lamp of day, Thou moon, that shin'st with borrow'd ray, Ye winds and tempests as ye roar, Bow to your God, his pow'r adore : Ye do your Makers pow'r proclaim, y Let praises rise to his great name ! IV. Oh ! earth, with mountains, fields, and woods, Thou ocean, rivers, springs, and floods, Ye fishes, and ye insect train, Ye flow'ry tribes that cheer the plain ; Ye do your Makers powY proclaim, Let praises rise to his great name! V. Ye peaceful flocks, ye lowing herds, Ye savage tribes of beasts and birds, Ye gentle warblers of the shade, That praise him in your serenade ; Ye do your Makers powr proclaim, Let praises sound to his great name ! VI. Ye saints who feel his love divine, And read that love in ev'ry line Of his reveal' d and gracious word, Rejoice and praise in one accord : Give glory to tli eternal God, Let his high honours sound abroad! g 2 The Three following Hymns were sung on Raster Sunday, 1803. G 3 79 HYMN XXX. L. M. Derby Tune. He rose, the holy Jesus rose Triumphant from the silent tomb ; He from the grave first-fruits * became : u Trust him, ye saints, revere his name!" II. The pow'rs of sin and darkness fell ; Ye saints, his pow'r and wonders tell ; The temple's veil was rent in twain f : 94 Trust him, ye saints, revere his name !" III. He enter'd in within the veil J, And did o'er sin and death prevail ; No sacrifice doth now remain § : 44 Trust him, ye saints, revere his name !" * 1 Cor. xv. 20, 23. t Luke, xxiii. 45. t Heb. ix. 12. § Heb. x. 12, 26. 80 IV. Christians, with joy your voices raise, To sing the great Redeemer's praise, Loud strains of praise with joy proclaim, In honour to his holy name ! V. In heav'n let strains of joy arise, And echo waft it round the skies ; Ye men on earth join to proclaim, Loud sounding honours to his name ! HYMN XXXI. P. M. 6 Eights. St. Martin's Lane Tune. I. jlvejoice, ye righteous, in your God, Proclaim his matchless love abroad : His love is boundless as his might, But mercy is his chief delight : Eternal praises to his name, From him our great salvation came I 81 II. Salvation came from God above, Form'd on the basis of his love ; That love his Son came to reveal, And with his blood his mission seal : Eternal praises to God's name, Thro 9 Christ our great salvation came! III. Our God is good — our God is great, He knows our wretched sinful state : Our mortal frame he knows is dust, But in his mercy bids us trust : Eternal praises to God's name, From him our great salvation came I IV. In God our joys shall never end, Thro' Christ, our Saviour and our friend : Praise ye our God, 'tis good to raise Unto his name eternal praise : Eternal praise to God is due, For he is holy, just, and true ! 82 HYMN XXXII. S.M. Henly Tune. I. J esijs, our holy Lord, Hath triumph'd o'er the grave, Subdu'd the pow'r of sin and death, Hath soy reign powr to save. II. The well-attested truths, We do believe and trust ; We feel their influence on our minds, To prove th' Almighty just. III. The great eternal God Contrive! the glorious plan, Thro' his Almighty gracious love, To save rebellious man. IV. A willing sacrifice, Jesus our Saviour came, Thus to fulfil his Father's love, And magnify his name ! 83 V. Let grief be ever gone, Let sorrow flee away, And faith and truth thro' mercv come, And hope our toils repay. VI. Let joy prevail around, " Let ev'ry tear be dry ; " We're marching thro' this lower world " To fairer worlds on high !" The Three following Hymns were sung on Whit* Sunday, 1803. H 87 HYMN XXXIIL C. M. Newington Tunc. I. Xjehold the great, th' appointed day Of Pentecost was come ; The holy tribe with one accord *, Assembled in a room. II. Sudden a mighty noise was heard, Like to a rushing wind f , And cloven tongues on each appear'd, The spirit fill'd each mind. III. Led J by its influence and its pow'r, The holy men proclaim, The mercies God had wrought thro' Christ, For wretched sinful men. * Acts, ii. l. f Acts, ii, 2. % Acts, ii. 17, 13, 33. H 2 IV. Tn the glad tidings we rejoice, And glory in the same ; Thro' faith believe the true report In Jesu's holy name. V. The Lord is good, his pow'r is great, His mercy ever sure ; From age to age he's still the same, " Still doth his love endure ! VI. To this great God, our strength and hope, We raise our songs of joy ; Let his great mercies be our theme. His praises our employ ! 8Q HYMN XXXIV- P. M. 6. 6. 8. 0. 0. 8. Dalston Tune. I. Arise, almighty God, Thy pow'r proclaim abroad, Spread thy great name from pole to pole ; Messiah's mission prove, In mercy and in love, And fill with joy each pious soul ! II. With joyful heart and voice, Let Christian lands rejoice, And Indian tribes his power own ; Barbarian, Greek, and Jew, In praises great and new, Approach and bow before his throne ! III. Let all the world in praise, Their joyful accents raise, To God and his anointed King; His love is ever sure, His mercy will endure, Then let your tongues his glory sing ! h 3 IV. Seraphic hosts on high, His presence ever nigh, Your loftiest strains of praise employ : Joyful your voices raise, And join the gen'ral praise, And aid the song of perfect joy ! HYMN XXXV, L. M. Truro Tune. I. VTive us a portion, O our God, Of thy good spirit for our need; That we in faith may run our course, With joy, and with redoubled speed ! II. Miraculous gifts we ne'er expect, No pow'r to heal or to restore ; Nor yet to speak with divers tongues, But trust its influence and pow'r, 91 HI. To guide us thro' this wilderness, To teach us holy, heav'nly ways, T' assist us in the narrow path, Thro' the remainder of our days ; IV. That we may walk our course in love, With joyful prospects in our view, That hope may reach beyond the grave, Thro' faith to bid this world adieu. V. Oh ! may it raise our spirits high, Thro' faith in Christ, our Lord, our King, That we may ne'er forget our God, Or cease his glorious praise to sing ! The Four following Hymns were sung on Whit 'Wednes- day, 1 803, at the Ordination of three Messengers — John Evans, Robert Pi/all, and Benjamin Marten. 1 . Reading ORDER OF SERVICE. by Mr. William Moon, 2. Hymn Ditto. 3. General Prayer Mr. William Vidler. 4. Hymn William Moon. 5. Sermon S. Kingsford. 6. Hymn William Moon. 7. Ordination Messrs. Dobel and Kingsford, S. Hymn Mr. William Moon. 9, Concluding Prayer S. Philpot. SERVICE BEGUN AT 11 O'CLOCK, 05 HYMN XXXVL L. M. Old Hundred Tune. Address to the Divine Being. I. Oh ! holy, holy Lord our God, Our pious supplications hear ; Smile now propitious on this deed, And let thy love and grace appear. II. We own thy laws are just and true, We gladly thy commands obey : Let not base pride nor bigotry, Our minds with superstition sway. III. Oh ! let it be in truth divine, The gospel's precepts to fulfil, Thro' love, and peace, and charity, In pure and holy pious zeah OS HTMNXXXVII. CM. Weston Favel Tun Progress of Revelation. I. J.N divers ways, at sundry times, Our God, in ancient days, His spirit to the people gave, To teach them all his ways. II. But in those latter days of joy, Sent his beloved Son, To teach mankind a purer faith. And make his mercy known. III. He gave a written word of truth, To be the Christian's guide ; And, to maintain our holy faith, Did offices provide ! IV. Then sound with joy his love abroad, In strains of holy praise ; To him that sits upon the throne, Thro' Christ your honours raise! 97 HYMN XXXVIII. S.M. Mansfield Tune. Blessings implored on the Messengers, I. Oh ! let thy grace prevail, O God their hearts enlarge, That they may joyfully perform The duties of their charge. II. Give them a holy joy, * Thro' their Redeemer's name, That when he comes to judge the earth, Their works he may proclaim ; III; Before the heav'nly host, And our almighty God, And the assembled risen world, Their faith pronounce abroad I IV. Then ail the praise be thine, Thou great eternal King; Let the whole earth their voices raise, Thy wond'rous love to sing ! i 98 HYMN XXXIX. S. M. Falcon Street Tune. Gratitude for temporal and spiritual Favours, I. \jtive thanks unto our God, The universal Lord ; Oh ! let his holy glorious name For ever be ador'd. II. He form'd the spacious earth, The heav'ns exalted frame; But gave to man immortal joys, Thro' our Redeemer's name* III. Shake the surrounding air, With songs of joy and praise ; Thro' him who died on Calvary, Your loud hosannas raise ! Praise ye the Lord, hallelujah ! Praise ye the Lord, hallelujah! Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! praise ye the Lord ! The Ticelve following Hymns were sung at the Sunday Evening Lecture, 1803. ORDER OF PREACHERS AND SUBJECTS. Time. 1 803 . Preachers. Subjects. Jan. 9. Mr. Evans. Existence of the Supreme Being* Vidler. Mission of Jesus Christ. Marsom. Nature and Design of the Gospel. Evans. Great practical Uses of Christianity, Vidler. Nature and Necessity of Repentance. Marsom. Importance of Faith in Jesus Christ. Evans. Nature &c Foundation of Christian Hope, Vidler. Benevolence of the Divine Beins\ Marsom. Wisdom of the Divine Being. Evans. Power of the Divine Being. Vidler. Mercy of God in Jesus Christ. Marsom. Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Feb. 13. Mar. 13. April 10. May 8. June 12. July 10. Aug. 14. Sep. 11. Oct. 9. Nov. 13. Dec. 11. l 2 101 HYMN XL. C. M. On the Existence and Perfections of the Supreme Being* JN ature stupendous in her works, Sublime in different forms-, Of beasts and birds of various tribes, With reptiles, insects, worms ; II. The lofty mountain's tow'ring brow, The billows white with foam, And springs and rivers as they flow, Or in meanders roam ; til. The orchard's mellow beauteous show, The fields all crown' d with corn, The lowing herds, the peaceful flocks, That hill and vale adorn ; I 3 102 IV. Volcano's horrid fiery rage, Storms, tempests, earthquakes, prove The pow'r of the eternal God, Of majesty and love ; V. Sun, moon, and all the starry host, The changing night and day, Frost, snow, mist, hail, refreshing show'rs, His great commands obey ; VI. Myriads of insects past our ken, Or microscopic view, Tho' more minute yet ne'er the less His pow*r and wonders shew ! VII. He form'd the mortal frame of man, His noble godlike mind, His tongue to praise his holy name, And prove him just and kind ; VIII. The wisdom, majesty, and pow'r, Combin'd in all we view, Th' Almighty God's existence prove, And his perfections shew : 103 IX. Then let your voices loud proclaim His praise the world around ; Let hallelujahs shake the air, And heav'n and earth resound ! HYMN XLI. C. M. On the Mission of Jesus Christ, I. V^hrist came commission'd from on high,. To bring salvation down, To reconcile our minds to God, Our hopes and wishes crown ! II. "We claim no merit to ourselves, Thro' grace sincere and pure — Benevolent our gracious God, Made our salvation sure ! III. For not that we did love our God, Was first his love thus shewn, But out of pure benevolence He sent the Saviour down ! 104 IV. He came to do his Father's will, And make his love appear, A true example for his friends, Kind, virtuous, and sincere. V. With strongest proofs of pow'r and might*, He did his mission prove, And gave his life t' attest the truth, Thro' God's eternal love ! VI. 'Twas he fulfill' d the holy law That God by Moses gave, A willing sacrifice f became, To free us from the grave ! VII. No time th' effect of God's great love One jot shall e'er deface; And ev'ry soul shall feel its pow'r, Its universal grace ! * John, xv. 24. t John, x. 17, IS, 105 VIII. Ye ransom'd tribes your voices raise, To God and Christ your King; Your praises high with joy proclaim, And loud hosannas sing ! HYMN XLII. L, M. On the Nature and Design of the Gospel. I. JN o pompous rite did usher in The holy gospels joyful sound; No earthquake shook the mountain's base *, Lightnings nor thunders spread around [ II. No earthly pow r, no kingly pride, No trumpet its approach proclaim, Noble nor priest attends its shrine, To spread abroad its boundless fame, * Exodus, xix. 18-. 106 III. The blessings long by God foretold, At the appointed season came, Serene and peaceful in its course, Pure in its precepts, mild, and plain. IV. To wake our souls from gross pursuits, To seek for holy, heav'nly joys, To raise our mind above the world, With all its vain delusive toys ; V. To bid us soar beyond the bounds Of time s and sense s narrow sphere, To check the savage rage of man, Teach him to love, adore, and fear : VI. To prove the soul shall live and reign, Tho' this frail body drop and die, Enjoy a glorious perfect state Thro' ages of eternity ! VII. Oh ! let such prospects cheer our minds, Such hopes our joyful tongues inspire, And fill our souls with joy complete, With pure delight, with strong desire. VIII. Then let us march triumphant on, Elate with joy, thro Christ our King, In faith — in hope — in charity- — And loud hosannas shout and sing ! HYMN XLIII. L. M. On the great practical uses of Christianity, I. JL he holy gospel of our God, Brought by the great Redeemer down, To teach mankind a perfect rule, Insure a bright immortal crown ; II. Bids Reason use her sovereign right, And search the scripture's pure record *, And study its contents aright, Attend to joys its truths afford; * John, v. 39. 108 HI. It marks a glorious holy path, And shews where our regards are due,, Directs our thoughts to God supreme, A God benevolent and true ! IV. Bids us not bow to idol shrines, To stocks or stones our homage pay, Nor worship the celestial orbs That govern by the night or day ; V. But seek a perfect course of life, To follow Christ in all his ways, To trust in God's great promises, And practise virtue all our days. VI. Let charity with us prevail, And universal peace and love Guide all our actions thro' this life, M^id our great bulwark ever prove ! VII. Give glory to the holy name Of our almighty gracious God, For all his mercies and his love, And sound his praise with joy abroad ! loo HYMN XLIV. L. M. On the Nature and Necessity of Repentance. I. \V hat have we done for our great God, That he should deign to set us free From death — a true desert for sin, Give hopes of true felicity ? II. 1^0 hecatomb * doth he require, No human victim e'er to bleed ; No children to pass through the fire f , A horrid, barVrous, savage deed! III. Rivers of oil, nor floods of wine, Nor goats, nor lambs, nor bullocks' blood, Nor sacred groves, nor temple rites, Can do the haughty sinner good : * A hecatomb was a sacrifice amongst the Heathens, of 100 •beasts, at 100 altars, by 100 priests or sacrificers. t 2 Kings, xvi. 3. — Ahaz made his son pass through the fire, according to the custom of the Heathens, K 110 IV. But godly sorrow for our sins, A contrite heart with holy fear, A humble mind with love inspir'd, In actions and in truth sincere, V. Will with our God acceptance find, Our former sins be all forgiv'n ; Then virtue, and a faith in Christ, Shall guide our joyful souls to heav'n ! VL Arise, oh ! sinner, and enjoy, Before the awful time arrives; The mercies God in love holds out, The true asylum he provides ! VII. Consider vour eternal soul, The dreadful loss you will sustain, Should you attain the universe, And not the heav'nly mansions gain ! VIIL Then flee from sin — shake off the world, With all its vain delusive tovs — Join saints to sing redeeming love, And seek for holv heav'nly joys ! Ill IX. Give glory to Almighty God, Rejoice in Christ, your heav'nly King; Let loud hosannas sound abroad, And hallelujahs shout and sing ! HYMN XLV. C. M. On the Importance of Faith in Jesus Chris! . I. J esus our Lord 's the promised seed Which was so long foretold, Whose day, kings, prophets, holy men, Desired to behold ! IL Our God has giv'n a firm decree, That all in him believe ; Then, through his glorious ministry, They shall a crown receive ! III. He that believes, shall saved be, Thus freed from ev'ry sin, But he that will not own him Lord, His sins shall him condemn. K 2 112 IV. How needful is a pious faith, Our God in love ordains, Which teaches us to hate our sins, And God's acceptance gains. y. Oh ! blessed souls that did believe The mission of the Lord, The miracles they did behold, And preachings of the word : VI. More blessed they in large degree *, Who never having seen, But through a strong and lively faith, Rejoice and trust in him. VII. We trust in God's great promises As certain, firm, and sure, Believe that Jesus is the Christ, And worship and adore ! * John, *mt 29. 113 VIII. Then let hosannas loud proclaim The mercies of our God ; Let him, through Jesu's holy name, For ever be ador'd ! HYMN XLVI. C, M. The Nature, Foundation, and Tendency, of Christian Hope. I. 1 here is a God, all nature proves, Of mercy, truth, and love, The ground-work of the Christian's hope, Through Jesu's dying blood : IT. A strong foundation for our faith, As rocks and mountains sure, Establish'd on God's promises, For ever to endure ! III. Hope springs within the human breast, And from our wishes-lise ; Christians, through hope, despise the world, And soar above the skies ! k 3 114 IV. They seek for pure and noble joys, That earth can ne'er bestow, And look to heav'n to join the saints, And with true ardour glow ! V. Those holy joys, those pure delights, See hope anticipate, Increasing with the Christian course, Nor in the least abate : VI. But lead us on, with joy supreme, To look for Canaan's shore, To join the host who worship God*, And his great love adore. VII. Then leave the world with all its joys, And mount on hope's glad wing, To glory in th' eternal God, Thro' Christ, our heav'nly King ! 115 HYMN XLVII. S. M. The Benevolence of the Divine Being* I. JL was God's benevolence, Glorious and uniform, In wisdom built the lofty skies, And did the earth adorn ! IL 'Twas God's eternal love Contriv'd the gracious plan, And sent his Son commission'd down, To save rebellious man. III. The gracious love of God, Benevolent, divine, Thro' ev'ry age in pow'r appear'd, Doth still with lustre shine ! 116 IV. 'Twas love in Jesus Christ, With God the Father's join d, That gave the gospel for a rule To regulate the mind. V. What shall we in return Give to our gracious God, For true benevolence and love, For mercies spread abroad ? VI. A humble contrite heart, With pray'r and praise combin'd, A true, a faithful pious soul, A perfect virtuous mind. VIL Let love inspire our songs, In strains of heav'nly sound, T' exalt th' Almighty's glorious name, And spread his praises round ! 117 HYMN XLVIII. P. M. 6 Eights. On the Wisdom of the Divine Being. I. JL he wide, the glorious universe, The work of the eternal God, His pow'r and wisdom fully prove, And spread its perfect love abroad : It shines refulgent in our eyes, We gaze with rapture and surprize ! IX. Collected in one grand design, Majestic its great wonders rise ; It loses nought in pow'r or love, When single objects meet our eyes : In all its shapes its wonders shine, And prove Gods wisdom all divine ! III. Wisdom we trace in each event, Our mortal wond'ring eyes behold, We read the wisdom of our God, In deeds perform'd in days of old: Our God is still in love the same, Let praises rise to his great name i 118 IV. Long series of true prophecies, Age after age in truth foretold, Proves the great wisdom of our God. In the fulfilment we behold How glorious is the love of God, By powr and wisdom spread abroad ! Y. To those that ]ove the Saviour's name, And keep his holy, heav'nly word, lie is the wisdom and the pow'r Of our almighty glorious God : Let praise arise unto that God Whose love and mercy s spread abroad! HYMN XLIX. P. M. 6. 0. 3. 6. 6. 8. On the Power of the Divine Being. I. * Oh ! thou immortal King, Assist th' attempt to sing Thy wond'rous pow'r' beyond controul ! Pow'r, great, supreme, divine, That round the world doth shine, And fill with awe each pious soul ! 119 II. The sun, vast lamp of day, The moon, of fainter raj, The stars, that in due order roll, The clouds, that fly in air, Gods wond'rous pow'r declare, That regulates and guides the whole, III. The frost, and hail, and snow, From him their seasons know ; The zephyr's soft and cooling gales, The dreadful thunder's roar, Or boist'rous ocean's shore, Shew how his mighty pow'r prevails. IV. Thro' nature's grand design, We trace a pow'r divine, A pow'r beyond our mortal view. Oh ! glorious pow'r of God, Spread far and wide abroad, For ever changing, ever new ! 120 V. That great and glorious pow'r, At the appointed hour, Sent Jesus, the kind Saviour down, To save our souls from death, And give us a new birth, Bestow a glorious, heav'nly crown ! VI. Oh ! let our praise arise To God above the skies, Thro' Jesus, our ascended Lord ; Who died to gain renown *, Who brought salvation down, Oh ! be God's holy name ador'd ! HYMN L. C. M. On the Mercy of God in Christ Jesus, I. Awake our souls — aloud proclaim The goodness of the Lord ; In strains of joy his mercies sing, And spread his praise abroad. * John, xii. 32. 121 II. The length, the breadth, the mighty depth,, Who can with truth recount, - Of God's eternal, glorious love«> And tell the large amount ? III. Whilst earth lay buried, bound in sin. Our God contriv'd the plan, Thro' mercy and benevolence, To save rebellious man ! IV. In Christ we view a noble ray, A ray of love combined, Of universal large extent, From the eternal mind. V. Th' extent shall reach creation's bounds^ For ever to endure, To all the human race th' effect, The promise strong and sure ! VL Then let us raise our wishes high, To joys above aspire ; Let adoration fill our souls With love and with desire ! L 122 VII. Hosannas loud with joy repeat, Trusting in Christ, our Lord; Let hallelujahs loud proclaim The mercies of our God ! HYMN LI. P. M. 6 Eights. On the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. L W iiy droop God's saints, when sins abound, Or sore afflictions press them downi ; Let them not fear, but trust their God, For he'll bestow a heav'nly crown : The time, the glorious time will come, When Christ, their Lord, shall bear them home ! II. War shall increase, and troubles rise, And dreadful famines spread around, The savage rage of man prevail. And earthquakes shake the solid ground ; Bat fear not saints, the time will come, When Christ, your Lord, will bear you home! 123 \ III. The stars shall fall, the sea shall roar, With lightnings, thuncT rings, fire, and hail, God's saints meet persecution sore, The hearts of all men sink and fail, Before our Lord, the Christy shall come, To bless his saints, and bear them home ! IV. In rev'rence ev'ry knee shall bow, And ev'ry tongue in praise confess, That Jesus is the Lord, the Christ, In glory to God's holiness : Then come, Lord Jesus, quickly come, - To bless thy saints, and bear them home ! V. Lift up your heads — See gathering clouds, Jesus, the holy Lord appears ! A host of angels in his train, Rejoice, ye saints, dismiss your fears ! The trumpet sounds — the Lord is come, To bless the saints, and bear them home! l 2 The Three following Hymns were sung on the \9th of October, 1803, being a Day appointed for a General Fast, on Account of the Threatened Invasion. L 3 r 4 127 HYMN LII. CM. Inter cession for Britain* I. JLrfOOK down in pity, O our God, Attend our suppliant call ; Hear when we cry, eternal King, Thou sovereign Lord of all. II. Guard us from foes on ev'ry side, Alas ! they are not few ; Give confidence in thy great name, Most holy, just, and true. III. When foes have oft beset us round, And fill'd our hearts with fear, Thy arm supreme hath been our guard, We thy peculiar care. 128 IV. Still be our help, Almighty God, Teach us to fear thy name — Then will we sing thy wond'rous grace, Thy honours loud proclaim. V. Then Britain, know the living God, And serve th' eternal King ; Honour his great and holy name, A grateful tribute bring ! HYMN LIIL C. M. Encouragement in the Divine Mercy. I. In dread array, our numerous foes, A furious warlike band ; See how they threaten all our lives, To crush our native land. II. But vain, O God, is all their rage, If thou our help will prove ; Tyrants may boast, and armies come. But thou wilt shew thy love ! 12Q III; Thy pow'r is great, thou Lord of all, And man may proudly boast, Thou art the King of Kings supreme, Th' eternal Lord of Hosts ! IV. When Israel, thy chosen tribe, Rebell'd against thy word, Thou did'st chastise the sinful race, With the devouring sword ; V. But when, with broken contrite hearts, Their sad transgressions mourn' d, Then thou forgav'st and bless'd their land, Thy love again return'd ! VI. Cast us not off, O God of love, Diffuse thy grace around ; Let peace return, and joy prevail, And harmony abound ! VII. Then will we own thy wond'rous love, With joy we'll sing thy praise ; And hymns of thankfulness proclaim, And hallelujahs raise ! 130 HYMN LV. L. M. Confidence in the Divine Assistance. I. vjtod is our help, should foes invade. All great and pow'rful is his aid : Ye warlike men your voices raise, Princes and rulers sing his praise. II. Revere his name, and trust his word, He'll be your helmet, shield, and sword, A bulwark strong, when troubles rise, A friend, all merciful and wise. III. Trust not in navies large and great, Nor well-train'd armies' martial state ; Improve the means that God has giv'n, But let your hopes devolve on Heav n ! IV. Ye aged sires, ye matrons raise, Your voices in Jehovah's praise; Ye oft have seen his pow'r display'd, Oft has he been your sov 1 reign aid. 131 V. Ye virgin tribes, the praise prolong, Ye infants, lisp the thankful song ; Let the whole land with praise resound, And not one tongue be silent found ! VI. Join ev'ry voice, and loudly raise, A solemn hymn of holy praise : God is our help should foes invade, All great and pow'rful is his aid ! The Three following Hymns were sung on Christmas- Day, 1803. M 135 HYMN LV. L. M. Newport Tune. I. Ooft zephyrs play'd the trees among, The early warblers chaunt their song, And morning beams their light display, To usher in the new-born day. II. Sweet music floats the air around, The shepherds hear the heav'nly sound ; Lo ! now they raise their wond'ring eyes, Angelic forms their souls surprise ! III. But soon the chearing sound they hear, Peace — shepherds — peace — dismiss each fear- In Beth'lem's town, this glorious morn, To you a child — a Kixg is born ! IV. He shall his Father's sceptre sway, And the whole earth his pow'r obey ; Exalted reign on Judah's throne, 'Till all the nations are his own ! M 2 136 V. Th' angelic choir their voices raise, In sounds of honour and of praise ; Let evry tongue those praises join, In holy joys and strains divine ! HYMN LVI. P. M. Old civ. Psalm Tunc. I. iVlEssiAH is come, by prophets foretold, Rejoice, O thou earth! ye heav'ns rejoice ; He comes that mankind may God's wonders be- hold, Then loud sing his praises with heart and with voice. II. To calm all our doubts, to save us from woe, To prove God is love, exalt his great name, To teach moral precepts, his blessings bestow, With joy sing his praises, his love loud pro- claim. 137 III. Exalted to reign on David's high throne, For ever a Priest, for ever a King ; Immortal and heav'nly joys to make known, Raise Christians your voices, his praises to sing ! IV. Sing praises to God, in heaven above, To whom all our honours and praises are due ; He sent the child Jesus, commission'd thro' love, His grace and his mercy to bring to our view ! V. With heart and with voice let praises arise Unto his great name, for mercies bestow'd : He sent a pure gospel to make mankind wise, And mark out the way to the heav'nly abode ! HYMN LVIL L. M. Derby Tune. I. Y e angelic host exalted high,. Thou sun and moon and starry sky, And all that on the earth do dwell, God's pow'r and wonders ever* tell ! M 3 138 II. Christians, the spacious earth around, In joyous accents catch the sound, And glories loud thro' love proclaim, In honour to God's holy name ! III. Let gratitude inspire each tongue, And aid the holy pious song, And praise in ev'ry heart be found, And heavn and earth with joy resound ! IV. Sing hallelujahs to our God, For all his mercies spread abroad ; Thro' Christ, your King, your voices raise, In glory, honour, pow'r, and praise ! The Sir following Hymns zcere sung on the 13th Day of May \ 1804, being the Anniversary of the Meeting House. 141 HYMN LVIII. L. M. I. He jo ice, ye saints, in holy fear, The wondrous love of God declare ; Unchangeable are all his ways, And to his name be all our praise. II. The glorious sun, without delay, Hath mark'd the changing night and day ; The seasons pass in order sure, But still God's mercy doth endure. III. No time impedes his pow'r and love, And he for ever kind will prove ; Unchangeable are all his ways, And to his name be endless praise. IV. Tune all your harps, ye saints above, To sing his great eternal love ; His mercy's ever firm and sure. For ever will his love endure. 142 V. Ye heav ns and earth, his praise prolong. Sun, moon, and stars join in the song ; Unchangeable are all his ways, And to his name be endless praise. VI. Ye mortals, his great pow'r proclaim, Raise sounding honours to his name; His mercy's ever firm and sure, For ever will his love endure. HYMN LIX. L. M; I. JL he sun, that wond'rous orb of light, Springs from the deep with cheering ray ; With joy we view the glorious sight, And w elcome in the new-born day ! II. We see him reach the southern sky, Glow in meridian light and heat ; Now down the western main he sinks, And the fair day is all complete ! 143 III. Behold, ye saints, the orb of day, Pursue the Christian course with joy ; Let virtue guide you all the way, Let pious acts your minds employ. IV. Let mists of doubt, thro' faith divine, Fly far away, be quite remov'd, Religion's hopes with splendour shine, And God, thro' Christ, ador'd and lov'di V. Raise high your hopes to realms above, Let heav'nly views your souls rejoice, Sound forth the great Almighty's love, With an exalted joyful voice ! HYMN LX, C. M. J oin all ye saints with one accord, Your tuneful voices raise, Sing the great mercies of the Lord, His love demands your praise. 144 II. Sing to the Lord a song of joy, His goodness now proclaim ; Let everlasting hymns employ Your tongues to bless his name, III. When we survey his heav'nly word, How bright his glories shine ; "The grace and mercy of the Lord Appear with love divine. IY. The Lord hath oft display'd his might, How wond'rous are his ways, He cheers his saints with heav'nly light, To him be all our praise, V. Praise everlasting is his due, Ye saints, adore your King ; Thro' Christ his wond'rous love review, And loud his praises sing ! 145 HYMN LXI. C. M. JL o thee, our great eternal God, We would ascribe the praise, That we can sound thy name abroad, And songs of honour raise, II. The den's and cavern's dark abode, We need not seek to find, No tyrant's sword have we to fear, No shackles of the mind : III. False zeal and superstition dire, Stern, cruel, and severe, No Pagan pow'r, no Popish rage, Can give us cause of fear. IV. The Bible's holy word we have, Our duty to explain ; And in the open face of day We can his love proclaim ! 140 V. Unto our rulers praise is due, For mild and wholesome laws, But highest honour's due to God, The great supreme first cause. VL Thou art a King, O Lord of all, Thy will no pow'rs controul; From thee those mercies we receive, Thy love commands the whole. VIL Then sound with joy Jus praise abroad. Your adorations bring ; Thro' Christ to him hosannas raise, The sov reign Lord and Kixg! HYMN LXII. S. M. Y e saints with joy attend, To hear the gracious word. Come bow with fev'rence and delight, And fear the holy Lord ? 147 II. Collect your wand'ring thoughts, Bid carnal joys begone, Contemplate the Redeemer's love, God's wondrous mercy own, III. He sent his only Son, To free from death's dark chain, To bring salvation down for men, And pardon sure proclaim. IV. He God's great love reveal "d, And mark'd the glorious road To realms of light and perfect bliss, In heav ns divine abode ! V. To those delightful scenes, Ye saints direct your eyes, And as ye march triumphant on, Let gratitude arise. W2 148 VI. To our Almighty God, Let loud hosannas raise, Thro" Christ, your glorious advocate, In strains of holy praise ! HYMN LXI1I. P. M. 6. 6. 8. 6. G. 8, vJnce more, Almighty God, Thy praise well sound abroad, Our ev'niag sacrifice we'll bring; fn sounds of joy and praise, We will our voices raise, To thee the great eternal King ! II. Thy promises are sure, Thy mercies will endure, Though times may pass and seasons roll Who s like our glor ous God, He's mindful of his word, With holy joy hell crown each soul ! 149 III. We own his powY is great, His mercies well repeat, With holy joy his love proclaim ; Well shake the air with praise, And loud hosannas raise, To his almighty glorious name ! IV. To him all praise is due, His mercies ever new Shine forth with splendour in our eyes Then loud hosannas sing, A grateful tribute bring, Through Christ let hallelujahs rise ! N 3 The Three following Hymns were sung on Whit-Wed- nesday, 1 804, being the Day appointed for the An- nual Meeting of the Members of the Congregation and their Friends. 153 HYMN LXIV. L. M, I. JLord, 'tis a glorious sight to see, A hand of friends in harmony ; Their noblest pow'rs of mind employ, Join heart and soul in social joy. II. When thus we meet, let praises rise In joyful accents to the skies ; For " God our God" will e'er approve, Assemblies met in perfect love. III. A strict command did Jesus give, To those that would his followers live ; Thro' love divine they must declare Unto the world — their faith sincere ! 154 IV. As thro' this mortal life we go, Our path is strew'd with care and woe ; But friendship sends a healing balm, That doth our troubled spirits calm. V. With joy we'll raise our voices high, Thro' him who died on Calvary, To praise Jehovah's holy name, And honours loud with joy proclaim ! HYMN LXV. C. M. I. .Delightful are thy precepts, Lord, All holy and divine ; Within thy courts what pleasure reigns, How bright thy glories shine ! II. We meet to contemplate thy grace, And friendship s joys renew, To cheer our souls, confirm our faith. And all thy love review* IIL Let pure and holy joys prevail, And spread a lustre round ; Let peace, and Christian charity, And harmony abound. IV. In lofty strains your voices raise, To praise the Saviour's name, To magnify God's wondrous love. His glories still proclaim ! HYMN LXVL C. M. Awake our souls, exert each thought, And march triumphant on ; Mark the swift moments as they pass, For time will ne'er return. II. As a strong tide it rolls along, And bears our lives away ; Let us improve each fleeting hour, Enjoy each passing day : 156 III. But not in joys of outward show, That leave a sting behind ; But those that from religion flow, And from a virtuous mind. IT. Then let life's sea tempestuous prove, Or adverse winds arise, We'll look to Canaan's peaceful shore, And press to gain the prize, V. The precepts of our holy faith, Shall stand like landmarks sure, Or beacons in the darksome night, Along the wishd-for shore. VI. Then when we reach the farthest bank Of Jordan s dreary flood, In joy we shall our Saviour meet. And dwell before our God I The Sir following Hymns were sung on the c 26th of August, 1804, being a Day set apart as a Day of Thanksgivings for the glorious Prospect of the Har* -rest. O ]5Q HYMN LXYII. P. M. G Eights. St. Martin's Lane Tune. I. Jl h' Almighty reigns on high supreme, The sov'reign Lord, th' eternal King^ His bounty clothes the smiling year, And makes his perfect love appear : Nature in all her varied wavs, His wisdom and his poiu r displays ! II. When earthquakes rise, or storms prevail, With lightnings, thunder, rain, and hail ; When ocean's mighty billows roar, And lash with rage the trembling shore ; Nature in all her varied wavs, His wisdom and his pow'r displays ! o 2 l6o III. The stately horse of warlike mien,, The noble ox calm and serene, The lion roaring for his food, The prowling wolf that haunts the wc In all their various forms and ways, His wisdom and his pow'r displays! IV. Th' majestic oak and lofty pine, Prove his almighty pow'r divine; His goodness and his love's displayed, In ev'r}' leaf — in ev ry blade : Nature in all her varied ways, Ins wisdom and his pow'r displays ! V, The peaceful flocks spread o'er the lawn, The wanton kid, the bounding fawn, The dewy meads bespangled o'er, With many a sweet delightful flow'r : Nature in all her varied ways, His wisdom and his pow'r displays / 161 VI. The yellow corn, a glorious sight, Fills ev'ry soul with pure delight; The hedgerows spread their fragrance rounds With melody the woods resound: Nature in all her varied ways, His wisdom and his pow'r displays ! VII. All nature loud proclaims a God,~ Whose love and mercy's spread abroad : Let all mankind their voices join, To praise the Lord of pow'r divine; For nature in her varied ways, His wisdom, love, and powr displays! HYMN LXVIII. P. M. 8. 6. 8. 6. 8. 6. Internal God of grace and truths How bright thy glories shine ; Thy mercy will for ever reign, And thy existence prove ; All nature doth thy powr proclaim, And marks thy boundless love ! o 3 102 II. Where'er we turn our wond'ring eyes, With joy this truth we view : Thy greatness we behold in all The works thine hands hath made ; In ev'ry being great or small, Thy goodness is displayed ! III. Wide as the earth's remotest bounds, Thy wisdom doth extend : Nor time nor space thy love confines, To all thy bounty 's giv n, But Christians read " in fairer lines/' The road that leads to hcav'n ! IV. Hope leads us on with thought sublime. And faith directs our sight To God's right hand — to scenes of joy, In heav'ns celestial plains ; Where praises shall our souls employ, Where Christ for ever reigns ! 163 HYMN LXIX. S. M. I. JL raise to th' Almighty source, The great eternal cause, Who bids the changing seasons ro\\ T By wise unerring laws : II. Whose bounty clothes the land, Whose goodness ever reigns, Whose wisdom sets the ocean bounds, And decorates the plains ! III. By him the flocks and herds, The mountain and the field, The vineyard and the olive groves, Their various comforts yield. IV. With grateful hearts rejoice, Let joy prevail around; And as a holy sacrifice, Let praises loud resound ! 104 Praise ye the Lord, hallelujah ! Praise ye the Lord, hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Praise ye the Lord ! HYMN LXX. C. M. I. JL is a delightful service, Lord, To meet to sing thy praise ; To join thy saints within thine house, And songs of honour raise : II. To meditate upon thy love, To hear thy truths explain'd, To manifest our faith and hope,. Our confidence maintain'd* III. No earthly joys such pleasures give,. Such pure delights produce ; Nor corn nor wine in large increase, Nor olive's shining juice. 165 IV. Those joys extend beyond this world, And soar above the skies, And teach our souls to rise sublime, All earthly joys despise. V. Praise to the radiant source divine, Who sent the Saviour down, To manifest such glorious hopes, And with such glory crown ! HYMN LXXI. L. AL I. W hen Noah sought the living God, The bow was fixed in the cloud — A glorious token to remain, That floods should ne'er prevail again. II. The raging deep shall know its bound, And day and night shall spread around ; The seasons shall in order be Fix'd on th' Almighty's firm decree, 160 III. Spring clothes the fields so gay and green, And grassy food and flow'rs are seen ; The Summer's clouds and storms arise, And thunder shakes the nether skies. IV. The corn is ripe, the season's come, Joyful the reapers cut it down ; The shocks appear a beauteous sight, Which fill our souls with pure delight! V. The mellow fruit, a pleasing train, Shew Autumn's mild and gentle reign; Sharp frost's congealing pow'r, and snow, Stern Winter's sullen season show. VI. AH these God's wond'rous pow'r fulfill, And mark his great almighty will, And answer all the ends design'd, Of the etera&l soy'reign mind ! m? HYMN LXXIL L. M. I. Jl o God, the great, the ever wise, Let songs of holy praise arise ; Nature's fair frame his hand hath rais'd, His name is worthy to be prais'd ! II. Ye vallies spread his praises round, Ye mountains echo back the sound, Ye spacious floods rehearse the song, Ye caverns vast the sounds prolong : III. Ye forests and ye fruitful plains, In joy proclaim your Maker reigns ; Ye cornfields nodding as ye grow, His goodness and his mercy show ! IV. Lightnings and thunders as ye roll, Proclaim his pow'r from pole to pole ; Sun, moon, and stars in lustre shine, To sing his glories all divine ! 163 Ye heav'nly host your anthems raise, To aid this song of gen'ral praise : Ye men on earth in sweet accord, Join all your pow'rs to praise the Lord ! The Twelve following Hymns were sung at the Sunday Evening Lecture, 1 804, Time. Jan. 8. Feb. 12. Mar. 11. April 8. May 13. June 10. July 8. Alio*. 12. Sep. 9. Oct. 14. Nov. 11. Dec. 9, ORDER OF PREACHERS AND SUBJECTS. Preachers. Subjects. Mr. Evans. Pleasures of a Religious Life, Vidler. Wretchedness of an Irreligious Life. Marsom. Religion the only true Wisdom. Evans. Christ the Light of the World, Vidler. Christ the Judge of the World. Marsom. Christ the Saviour of the World. Evans. Nature and Extent of Christian Charity. Vidler. Design of Future Punishment. Marsom. Universality of Providence. Evans. Glories of a Future State. Vidler. Patience under Afflictions. Marsom, Practical Religion the Sum and Sub- stance of Christianity. 171 HYMN LXXIIL L.M. On the Pleasures of a Religious Life. I. All earthly joys will surely fail, Their pow'rs decay, their pleasures cloy ; But joys reveal' d by Christ prevail O'er worldly pomp, o'er sensual joy. II. Religion's pleasures are divine, Substantial, holy, just and pure ; They shall remain, increase, and shine, Through all eternity endure. III. Thousands of years shall ne'er deceive, Those hopes the holy gospel gives ; No time shall check their large increase, The solace of true Christians' lives ! P 2 172 IV. And when we reach the heav'nly state, And dwell before th' eternal throne, Their pleasures we shall contemplate, Their wond'rous beauties all be known ! V. Those joys are lasting as the soul, Full and extensive as God's love; No pow'r their force can e'er controul, Holy and great they'll ever prove. VI. Elate with joy your praises sing, Prospects sublime you have in view, Reveal'd by God, thro' Christ our King, Delightful — glorious — ever new ! VII. O let them buoy your spirits up, As thro' this mortal life we go ; For ever be our joy and hope, Our trusty our comfort here below ! 173 HYMN LXXIV. C. M. On the Wretchedness of an Irreligious Life, L W here shall the man find perfect peace, Whose sins are not forgiv'n ? He who despises proffer'd grace, Feels no desire for heav'n. II. Absorb'd in trilling carnal joys, He runs the giddy round ; Sinful allurements, empty toys, Have all his senses drown'd. III. When troubles rise and sickness come, His terrors Death displays ; Dreading a just, a righteous doom, He's fill'd with dire amaze* IV. Terrific thoughts and grievous fears Distress his tortur'd mind ; No holy balm his spirit cheers, With faith and hope combin'd. p 3 174 V. O sinner, view thy wretched state, And thro' the Saviour's name, Behold a safe, a sure retreat From sorrow, sin, and shame. VI. Draw near to God, each dreadful fear Shall flee like chaff away ; A glorious ray of light appear, To cheer the lonely day. VII. Thro' grace, by the great Saviour's death. Shall heav'nly prospects rise; And true contrition mark the path, To mansions in the skies ! HYMN LXXV. C. M. JStligton the only true Wisdom. I. YV isdom more precious is than gold, Than pearls and rubies rare ; Riches in large abundance told, Cannot with her compare ! 175 II. The purest pleasures earth can give, Receive a large increase, When brethren in true friendship live, In harmony and peace. III. When pious minds just acts perform, And charity dispense, Or noble deeds our senses charm, Thro' pure benevolence ; IV. Those deeds our purest passions raise, With pleasure fill the soul ; But wisdom in her perfect ways, Doth far exceed the whole. V. True wisdom in religion dwells, Her precepts all divine ; Her joys all other joys excels — Mark how her glories shine ! VI. " Her ways are ways of pleasantness, " And all her paths are peace ;" She leads to perfect righteousness, To joys that never cease ! 176 HYMN LXXVI. L. M. Christ the Light of the World. I. J esus, the seed of Abraham, The " branch of Jesse's" holy stem, Promised by God to saints of old, By prophets long to Jews foretold, IL Is come. — He brought God's high commands: Shout loud in joy ye Gentile lands ; Ye Jewish tribes exalt each voice, And in him glory and rejoice. III. Where ignorance with slav'ry reigns, He heav'nly light and joy proclaims ; He sets the mental pris'ner free, From sorrow, death, and misery ! IV. The mists of error he expels, And cheers the soul where darkness dwells ; He's the true light from heav'n above, Commission'd thro' Almighty love. 177 V. Awake, ye sinners, and receive The holy light that Christ will give; His precepts with pure lustre shine, Possessd of glories all divine ! VI. Sound forth in joy exalted praise, Your highest honours to him raise ; And through his name to God be givn, Eternal praise on earth — in heav n ! HYMN LXXVII. C. H. Christ the Judge of the World. I. Hark ! hark ! the trumpet's solemn sound, The judgment day is come; The risen world assembled stand, To hear a righteous doom, 1L Arrayed in majesty and light, The holy Judge appears ; Christians rejoice — 'tis Jesus comes, Allay your rising fears ! 178 III. A second time in pow'r he comes, Triumphant is his reign ; Thousands of saints with him appear, And victory proclaim ! He bore our sins upon the cross, His life a ransom gave, Obtain'd a pow'r thro' grace and love, O'er darkness and the grave* V. Each stubborn foe shall he subdue, 'Till all his pow'r shall own ; And ev ry knee in homage bow, Before his holy throne. VI. His pow'r from God is all supreme, To judge in righteousness ; Ye saints in joy your voices raise, Your highest hopes express. VII. To Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, Be praise and glory giv n : Ye men on earth sound praise abroad, Join all ye host of heav'n ! 17Q HYMN LXXVIII. P.M. 10,10.11.11. Old civ. Tune, Christ the Saviour of the JVerld. I. ilrfRE worlds were fashionM, or ere time began, Or God thro' love had form'd the human race ; The Almighty Father laid the glorious plan Of man s redemption thro' his eternal grace. II, Jesus, thro' love, the eonq'ring hero came, To do his great, his boundless so v ? reign will, To establish firm his love, his pow'r proclaim, His grace and his mercy freely to fulfil. III. Great pow'r by God to Christ is ever givn, And he triumphant shall for ever reign ; Subdue his foes, direct his friends to heaven, And full redemption for th' vilest sinner gain. 180 IV. Arise, O sinners, and receive thro 9 grace, The sure, the certain pledge of sins forgiv'nj Enjoy thro' Christ a glorious holy peace, With contrite hearts pursue the road to heav n. ' V. There shall ye sing the Saviour's love in joy, The full effects of his great powr be known ; Your holy pleasures sin shall no more destroy, Exalted shall ye dwell before th* sacred throne ! HYMN LXXIX. C. M. The Nature and Extent of Christian Charitij* I. JtIail ! charity, thou glorious theme, Fountain of earthly good ; Sprung from a great eternal source, Benevolence and love. II. By thee we all the law fulfil, And keep from envy free ; And virtue, grace, and truth, and love, Are all summ'd up in thee ! 181 III. Thy joys surpass both faith and hope, More holy and divine ; A ray thou art of Deity, Exalted and sublime. IV. Not Lebanon such sweets exhale, Such beauties e er disclose ; Like the soft dews on Hermon s * plains, Or Sharon's f blooming rose. V. Far as Creation's utmost bounds, Thy empire doth extend ; Eternal thy great precepts are, Thy joys shall never end. * Mount Hermon was in the North of Judea, and its plains were famous for fertility, occasioned by its dews. See Psalm, exxxiii. 35. f Sharon was three cantons in Palestine, proverbial for the fragrance of their roses and other flowers ; and the rose w; s highly esteemed in the Eastern parts of the world. The et - sential oil of roses, called ottar of roses, is much esteemed at present by the females of India. 182 m VI. The sun shall fail, the waning moon No more her course shall know ; Nourished in heav 'ns divine abodes, Thy glories spread and grow. VII. Hail, Christians, your great Saviour's name, God's harbinger divine ; In whom pure Godlike charity Did in full lustre shine ! HYMN LXXX. C. M. The Design of Future Punishment. I. Is God a being of revenge, Who deals destruction round ; With whom forgiveness never reigns, Or pardon s never found ? II. Mercy, his darling attribute, He in his pow'r displays; Kindness, benevolence, and love, Shine forth in all his ways ! 183 III. Age after age may roll along, All nature sink and fail ; But mercy, goodness, faith, and love, Eternally prevail. IV. Sin, the fell tyrants pow'r, shall cease ; For Christ, the Lord, the Lamb, Thro' God's eternal love divine, Shall pardon free proclaim ; V. Shall loose the stubborn bands of guilt. And set the pris'ners free, From foul pollution's direful chain, From sin and misery ! VI. What tho' strict judgments will await, A just and righteous doom ; Those dreadful punishments at last Shall bring the sinner home. VII. Surpassing wonder, holy God, Thy heav'nly mercies are ; Teach us, thro' Christ, to do thy will, And thy just judgments fear ! Q 2 184 HYMN LXXXI. P. M. The Universality of Providence. I. Uur God, who clothes the smiling fields, And hears the ravens when they cry, Whose bounty fills the earth with good, Will all our needful wants supply. His providence for ever reigns, Order and, beauty still maintains ! 11. Nature in all her goodly forms, That pow'r divine supports— sustains, Thro' Jrue benevolence and love, Form'd all at first, and still retains. Jlis providence for ever reigns, Order and beauty still maintains f III. No length of time or space confines, This universal boundless love ; Beast, bird, fish, insect, tlow'ry tribes, All feel its pow'r, its influence prove. His providence for ever reigns, Order and beauty still maintains ! 185 IV. But man his greatest blessings share, Made like his God a soul divine; Superior to all below, In energy of thought sublime. God's providence for ever reigns, Order and beauty still maintains ! V. Should dreadful earthquakes shake the ground, And thunders roar and lightnings fly, Some great event is thence design'd By the great Ruler of the sky. His providence for ever reigns, Order and beauty still maintains ! VI. In him we'll place true confidence, And he thro' Christ shall be our aid ; His pow'r shall scatter all our fears, And perfect joy our souls pervade. His providence for ever reigns, Order and beauty still maintains ! Q 3 186 HYMN LXXXII. C. M. The Glories of a Future State. I. iN o eye hath seen, no ear hath heard, No thought will e'er conceive, The joys th' Almighty hath in store, For those that do believe. II. His love hath not as yet made known, How great those joys will be ; But this we know that we shall dwell In true felicity ! III. \n knowledge go progressive on, With Moses and the Lamb ; Tuning our harps to solemn sounds, Redeeming love proclaim. IV. Grief shall no more our minds assail, Troubles nor doubts arise ; No more shall streams of sorrow flow, From our enraptur'd eyes. 187 Thousands of thousands we shall join, To sing th' Almighty's praise; And glory in th' exalted theme, And holy anthems raise. HYMN LXXXIIL C. M. Patience tinder Afflictions, I. Xjlow various is our road thro' life, How chequer' d is each scene ; In mirth and joy some moments pass, All gaiety we're seen. II. Next fell despair, grim tyrant, comes, And horrors seize our frame ; Sickness and death beset us round, And dreadful sorrows reign. III. But let not sin nor envy dare To teach us to repine : Doth not our God -Almighty rule In love and pow'r divine ? 188 IV. He sent his Son to cheer our souls, His heav nly will to show ; He'll with that great and royal boon, Each needful good bestow. V. Rejoice, ye holy Christian tribes, And glory in his name ; In patience still possess your souls, In joy his love proclaim ! HYMN LXXXIV. C. M. Practical Religion, the Sum and Substance of Christianity , I. \Jn Sinai's mount, a ritual law By God to Jews was giv'n ; But Christ reveal' d a purer faith, And mark'd the road to heav'n ! II. Upon Mount Olives Jesus sat, In love and povv'r divine ; And gave a law of love and peace, Pure, simple, yet sublime. 189 Ill- Enforced a life of holiness, From vice and envy free; Without revenge or violence, In true humility. IV. The sum and substance of true faith, Explain'd in his great word, Is love your neighbour, practise truth, And love and serve the Lord. V. Keep free from vanity and pride, In virtue e'er abound ; Let true benevolence and love In all your ways be found ! VI. Christ lov'd his friends, his enemies, And for his murd'rers pray'd — Oh ! may his perfect rule of love, Our mortal lives pervade ! The Three following Hymns were sung on Christmas- Day, 1804. 193 HYMN LXXXV. P. M. Eights, On the Coming of Christ. I. JLong by the prophets was foretold, Messiah's peaceful holy reign; The messenger at length appears, Gladly his coming to proclaim : Loud let the joyful trumpet sound, And spread the glorious tidings round ' II. " I am the voice," the Baptist cried, " Prepare, make straight his heav nly way ; Repent all ye, and be baptiz'd, He comes, he comes, without delay :" Loud let the joyful trumpet sound, And spread the glorious tidings round ! R 1Q4 III. The gospel trumpet loudly sounds, Proclaims the holy jubilee; Freedom and joy dispenses round, And sets the mental pris'ners free : Loud let the joyful trumpet sound, And spread the glorious tidings round! HYMN LXXXYI. L. M. I. l_x peace, in purity, and love, Commission'd from the realms above, Jesus, the great Redeemer, came, God's wond'rous mercy to proclaim! II. No where to lay his weary head, No earthly pow'r, no grand parade, Nor servile slaves their homage pay, But works of love employ each day. 1Q5 III. The sick, the weary, the distress'd, He with true health and vigour bless'd ; He fill'd their mouths with earthly food, And cheer 'd their souls with heav'nly good, IV. Where darkness and death's shadow reign'd, He heav'nly light and joy proclaimed ; Pronounced the sinner's crimes forgiv'n, And pointed out the road to heav'n ! V. What shall we render to our God, For all his mercies spread abroad ? Or how our gratitude express, Or prove our perfect thankfulness ? VI. By walking steadfast in the road, That leads to heav'n's divine abode ; To copy Jesus thro' his ways, And in his name give all our praise ! r 2 WORDS FOR THE ANTHEM- HYMN LXXXVIL 8. 6. 5. 5. 8. Praise to the great Almighty God, To us his love is shewn ; The Saviour's sent down, To gain great renown, And make God's wond'rous mercy known ! II. Behold the East — his star appears, Lift up your heads in joy ; The magi behold, The sign long foretold, And ev'ry pow'r in praise employ ! III. Let hallelujahs sound abroad, To join the holy train, Who glad tidings bring, Of Israel's King, A holy, joyful, heav'nly, strain^ 197 IV. Kings, prophets, holy men desir'd, This joyful day to see ; Loud your voices raise, God's great mercy praise, And join in cheerful harmony ! V. Let ev'ry voice be loudly rais'd, For Christ the King is come, The prisoners to free, Proclaim jubilee, And make God's wond'rous mercy known ! k 3 The Twelve following Hymns were written for the Sacrament of the Lord's Sapper. 201 HYMN LXXXVIIL C. M. Around the social board we meet, In pleasure and in joy ; Delightful is the exercise, And glorious the employ, II. In charity we break the bread, Or drink symbolic wine ; We recollect the Saviour's death, Contemplate the design. III. " Immortal life and joys unknown," Were by his death made sure ; Th' effect shall reach creation's bounds, For ever to endure. 202 IV. Glory to thee, O holy God ! How wond'rous are thy ways ; We'll sound thro' Christ thy love abroad, And hallelujahs raise ! HYMN LXXXIX. S. M. L Oft as we eat the bread, And drink the wine, we shew The holy Saviour's perfect love^ And keep his death in view. IL The wond'rous grace of God, Was by th' event made known ; And love and pure benevolence, Combin'd therewith we own. III. We recollect the pains, The sorrows he endur'd ; But thro' his rising from the grave, Immortal life's insur'd ! 203 IV. Trust in your God, ye saints, In sorrows ne'er complain ; Subdue each rising doubtful fear, Thro' Jesu's holy name ! HYMN XC. S. M, Whilst he on earth abode, Gave surety of immortal life, And mark'd the heavnly road ! IL This pious pure repast, He to his followers gave, To be a strong memorial Of triumph o'er the grave. III. Then eat the bread with joy, In love partake the %vine ; Let gratitude your souls possess, And charity divine* 204 IV. Let perfect love prevail, Thro' Christ repeat the song, To sing the mercy of our God, Let joy inspire each tongue ! HYMN XCL C. M. \ I. KJ God, thy mercies are display 'd, Before our wond'ring eyes ; Thy works proclaim thee kind and good, Benevolent and wise. II. Thy bounty gives a large increase, Thy mercy fills our store ; We taste those blessings with delight, And thy great love adore. III. But when we view thy gospel, Lord, ' Mark the great truths explain d ; Thy greatest good is there reveal'd, Thy perfect love proclaim'd. 205 IV. The love of Christ therewith combind, Such love is seldom shown,, Shall reach creation's utmost bounds, And all the nations own. V. Christians proclaim that love abroad, And raise your voices high, And sing the praises of our God, Thro' him who died on Calvary ! HYMN XCIL CM. I. ± ho' in the heav'ns, eternal God, Thy wond'rous glories dwell ; Yet round the earth diffusive love Thy wonders ever tell. II. Thy name is love, thy nature love, Love in the first extreme ; Essence of good, of pow'r divine, Fountain of life supreme ; 200 III. 'Twas thro' thy glorious grace and love Thou send'st the Saviour down; A * willing sacrifice he came, To ensure a heav'nly crown, IV. With joy we'll raise our voices high, To praise the Saviour's name ; And to our God who sent him down, Loud honours we'll proclaim. V. Praise everlasting is his due, From all below the skies ; But, Christians, let your holy praise Thro' gratitude arise. * Matt, xx. 28. Mark, x« 4*. John, x. 15, 17, 18, 207 HYMN XCIIL S. M. I. Lome sound the praise abroad, Of our eternal King ; Thro' perfect love and thankfulness, Your songs of honour sing. II. With joy exalt each voice, Thro 5 " the Redeemer's name ; Oh ! trust his glorious promises, His wond'rous love proclaim. III. He died upon the cross, Obtain' d a pow'r to save ; Fulfill' d the ceremonial law, And triumph' d o'er the grave. IV. With thankful hearts rejoice, Your highest honours raise ; Let gratitude your tongues inspire, In streams of holy praise. S 2 208 HYMN XCIV, P. M. 6. 6. 8. 6. 6. a. I. Ihy mercies, O our God, Explained within thy word, We own are great, each precept right ; Our hopes we now proclaim, Thro' the Redeemer's name, With thankfulness and pure delight ! II. The holy bread and wine, We take thro' love divine, And heav'nly joys anticipate ; And thro' the Saviour's death, We look for a new birth, To crown our souls with joy complete. 209 III. In gratitude we'll raise, Our songs of highest praise, To him that sits upon the throne ; And glory to the Lamb, With joy aloud proclaim, And all his wond'rous love make known ! IV. Strangers who hear the joy, That doth our souls employ, Join in those strains to praise God's name ; With hope and with desire, Unto those joys aspire, God's love thro' Christ is all supreme ! HYMN XCY, L. M I. Xlaise high your thoughts above the skies Let gratitude your voices raise ; Lift to the heav'ns your wond'ring eyes,, And sound in joy your Saviour's praise ! s 3 210 II. He 9 s left this lower world, and gone To realms of never-ending bliss ; He '11 thence return, his folio w'rs own, And crown their souls with righteousness ! III. Heed not when carnal joys invite, But meet around the Christian board; The bread and wine in pure delight Receive, and trust his holy word ! IV. Say what he did for ev'ry soul, His precepts how divinely fair ; And loud God's wond'rous love extol. His mercy and his grace declare ! HYMN XCVI. S. U. jUet love inspire our souls, Let joy our voices raise ; Oh ! be our noblest pow'rs employed, To sing the Saviour's praise ! 211 II. The holy Lamb of God, Who did o'er death prevail, Whose gospel gives delightful joys, Whose love will never fail ! III. Then keep his death in view, Each sad transgression mourn ; Be watchful in your Christian course, Till he again return. IV* In love to bear us home, To heav'n's celestial plains ; To mansions of eternal bliss, Where God for ever reigns ! HYMN XCVII. S. M I. JLAow pleasant is thine house, Thy precepts how sublime ; Each ordinance, O God of love, All holy and divine. 212 II. Around the sacred board, With brethren thus to meet, Oh ! how refreshing to our souls, Oh ! most divinely sweet ! III. Thy Sabbaths, Lord, delight, E'en in this earthly state : But Sabbaths of eternal rest, With joy we contemplate ; IV. Where we with Christ, our King, Our God for ever nigh, Shall drink new wine of holiness, From springs that never dry ! HYMN XCVIII. C. M- L JDegone all earthly fleeting joys, Sublimer joys invite ; Joys pure, immortal, holy, true, Of glory and delight. 213 II. The love of God thro' Jesus Christ, Our highest rev'rence claims ; Jesus, our Lord, demands our praise, In notes of highest strains. ITL He the great Father's glorious Son, With full commission came, To teach mankind sublimer truth$ Than nature could proclaim* IV. Thro' Jesus Christ, with joy repeat Your highest sounds of praise ; Unto our Father and our God, Immortal honours raise ! HOIN XCIX. L. M. I. JriAiL, Christians, hail the Saviour's name And loud his love with joy proclaim ; His death has set the pris'ners free, To dwell in immortality. 214 II. Ho ! all ye weary, ye distressed, Enjoy his favours and be bless'd ; Come and partake the rich repast* An emblem of the heav'nly feast. III. Where round the throne in joys sublime, We shall the holy chorus join ; In gratitude our voices raise, And sing, thro' Christ, th' Almighty's praise ! HYMN C. C. M. On Human Life. I. How vain is life, frail mortal life* A shadow and a span ; A few, but evil days in grief Mark out the time of man. II. In helpless state his life begins, Trifling he spends his youth ; If not in open wanton sins, Yet void of perfect truth* 215 III. The middle age is full of cares, Sorrows and troubles rise ; Afflictions sore his soul prepares For mansions in the skies ! IV. Should he be spar'd to length of days, Childhood returns again ; Weakness and sorrow croud his ways, His life is full of pain. V. Has God thus plac' d us here on earth, Our faith and love to try ? Let 's strive to gain the Christian's birth, Above the lofty sky ; VI. There in the presence of our God, Free'd from each sin and pain, Before the throne our bless'd abode For ever to remain! FINIS. Printed by C, Stowcr, Pater-nojtcr Row; London, * V '!'W .«Mj& "JC^ik*