Mnvopolitm torarg READING ROOMS. 81 GREAT QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, LONDON. The leaves not to be turned down or written on. PRINCETON, N. J. *** Collection of Puritan Literature. Division Section Number Iu3D SEARCH FOR THE Englifh Sdiifmatick: By the CASE and CHARACTERS, I. Of the Diocefan Canoneers. II. Of the Prefent Meer Nonconflrmfts, Not as an Avcnfation of the former, but* Neceflafy Defence of the later, Co far as they are wrongfully Accufed and Persecuted -by them. ; 7 By Richard Baxter, One of the Accufed. ■»«*• LONDON: Printed for Ne Carlton,Chil- lingworth,JJ//% Morton, &c. HE that would know what is the New Church of Englandfince Bifhop Laud dif- fers from the Old, let him read , I. Dr. Heylin'j- Writings, Dr. Pocklingtons, -Mr.Dows, Sybthorps and Mainwarings. II. HeylinVLT/e^/JBLLaud, particularly his description of the deftgned-reconciliation with the Papifis. III. Mr. Thorndike s Jufi weights and meafures, and for- bear an ce of Penalties. IV. Archbifl?op BramhaH\f book^againfi me, explaining the new way in thefe particulars^ I. To abhor Popery. 2. That we all come under a Foreign Jurif- diUion, obeying the Pope as the Wejlern Patriarch, and alfo as\ the Principium unitatis to the univerfal Church, Govetning by [the Cations. 3. That Diff enters from this be accounted Schifma- ticks* 4. That we yield to what the Greeks have yielded, and be A - of X. The Writings agawft Bi+ Jhop Laud, viz. Bifiop Hall/ Epiftle to D. L. Archbifhop G. Abbots, and Bijkop R. Abbot V judgment of him, and kisTryal, with what was there charged agawft him. XI. The Harmony of Con- fejjions, and the Synod p/Dort. XI L King James'/ Works* i of their Religion. 5. ThatGro- tius was a Proteftant for the Church of England. V. Dr. Parkers Preface to that book^ and Dr. Pierce's de- fence of Grotim. VI. Grotius his Volume and Notes on Cafcn&er, jpeciaffphis^ Difcuffio Apologetici Rivefta- ni 5 in which he profeffetb, 1 .That Rome is the Mifiris-Church. 2. Sound in faith.^Thathe finds Protefiant s can never unite, but by uniting with Rome, 4. He owns the DoBrin* of she Councils, even that of Trent. 5. The Pope to govern by the Canons of the Councils, and not arbitrarily. 6. Nor mufi invade the rights of Kings or Bifhops. 7. That if the curiojiths of the School-men,andthe ill lives of the Clergy be difi owned and amended, this much is enough to fiber men. 8. And he faith that the Englith Bijhops were many of his mind, tho* the Separatifis were not. VII. The Earl ; S E A R C H FOR. THE ENQLISH SCHISMATIC^: O R, The True Chara&ers of the feveral Accufed Parties, by which they may be difcerned. • - CHAP. I. The Parties Accufed. The Parties queftioned are, I. the Papijis. II. The Diocefan-Militants, or Canoneers. III. The Pajjive peaceable Conformijis. IV. The Meer Non- conformijis. V. The SeBarian Chnrch-Appropriators^ and Caufelefs Separatijis and Dividers. H E R E is no Seft of Chriftians which maketh fo great ufe of their pretence to Unity, and crying down Herefie, Schifrn and Separa- tion, as the Papifts do 3 and yet are the greateft Schifmaticks and Dividers, as thus appeareth. 1. They have a felf-made humane univerfal Church, B feigning CO feigning the Pope to be the rightful Head of all the Chriftian World. 2. They exclude all from Chrifts Chuch, who are not the Popes Subje&s, though at the r Antipodes, where he never came nor fent. 3. They prefume to make univerfal Laws for all the World. 4. They Curfe mea from Chrift by Excommunicati- ons, who refute fuch fubjeftion and obedience to theft Laws. 5. They hav»e introduced many new Articles of Faith, on pretence of declaring and expounding Faith. 6. They have multiplied corrupting additions in the Chriftian Worfhip. 7. Their regular obje&ive Religion now confifteth in fo great a number of the Decrees of Councils, as no Chriftians can well underftand, while they accufe Cods Laws as unintelligible. 8. They can give us no certainty which of theft Councils are obligatory to us, while they contradift each other. 9. They agree not of the Effence of Chriftianity, or neceffary truths } but refolve all into the uncertainty of [_fnfickt7t Propofals*]* 10. They damn men as Hereticks that deny not all humane fenfe, believing there is no Bread and Wine, when they fee and tafte them. u. They burn fuch as Hereticks, and are for tor- menting Inquifitions to deftroy them. 12. They bind Temporal Lords to exterminate all fuch, and to fwear to do it } and this on pain of Excommuni- cation, Depofition and Damnation ^ So that a Proteftant Kingdom under a true Papifl: King, hath a King that is thus C 3 ) thus bound to exterminate his SubjeSs, if he be able ; and profeffeth to do it on theft three penalties, his Sal- vation lying on it. 13. They decree the giving of his Dominions to ano- ther, and abfolving his Subje&s from their Oaths of Fide- lity, if he obey not. 14. They decree, that it's Herefie to hold that a King hath the power of Invefting Bilhops, and that he is not thus fubje& to the Pope. 15. They tokrate their chief Dodors to write, that a Heretick is no King, at leaft if Excommunicate, and may lawfully be killed. 1 6. Their Canons exempt the Clergy from being Go- verned and Taxed by Kings. 1 7. They forbid the reading of the Scriptures tran£ lated, without a Licenfe. 1 8. They fay that we cannot well believe the Gofpel, but on the credit of their Church : As if we mud firft know that the Pope and Council are authorized by Chrift, before we believe in Chrift himfelf. 19. They renounce 'Repentance by pretending to In- fallibility. 20. They cherifh a numerous Clergy and Se&s, to carry on all this in the World, and perfwade high and low, that to promote their Church and Caufe, is merito- rious of Salvation. II. By the Pajjhe Conformiji, I mean both fuch as go on the grounds of Mr. Sprint, and think a Reformation very defirable, but Conformity lawful to efcape filen- cing and mine 5 and fuch as like Conformity for it Ctlf, and wi(h all others did Conform, but like not unchari- table cenfures, or (ilencings, or violence againft confcio- B 2 nable (4) nable Diffenters, nor the compulfions which have caufed our Church-convulfions. Though the Nonconformifts muft needs judge thefe to partake in Schifm, fo far as they own the Schifmaticat dividing terms of Communion, which are the greateft hinderance of our Concord, and will be ftill inconfiftent with it 3 yet as they reproach not Diffenters as Schifmaticks, fo neither are they ac- counted Schifmaticks by the Diffenters, foecaufe they are found and peaceable brethren, and defire to live as fuch with others, and Schifm is not their difpofition nor pre- dominant. We would live in greater Love and Concord with fuch as thefe, than the differing Cpnformifts have with one another. III. The names of Se&aries and Separates are of no fixed fignification, but vary according to the mind of the fpeaker. But I now ufe them for thofe, 1. Who appropriate the Church to fome narrow Seff or Party % which denieth alhothers to be true Churches, or to have true Minifters and Sacraments. 2. And next to thofe, that though they own others as true Churches or Minifters, yet hold their Communion unlawful, when it is not (b, and renounce Communion with them on thefe grounds. Such befidesPapifts, are too many Prelatifts, that deny the Miniftry, Sacraments and Communion of the Refor- med Churches, which are not fuch as they 5 yea of all Churches that have not anEpifcopacy by uninterrupted Succeffion of Epifcopal Ordination from the Apoftles, and that excommunicate all that do but fay that ther>e are any true Churches in Englatid. but. their own. And fuch are fome Anabaptifts y fome.called Brovwifts, or Se- parates heretofore, &c. And the Seekers are much worfe, that deny a!L Churches 5. aad the guah rs and Ranttrs^ who (5) who revile the foundeft 5 and all true Hereticks, who fe- parate by denying fome Effential of Chriftianity. All thefe are Schifmaticks in the judgment of all found and fober Chriftians. IV. By Active Canonical Conformifls, I mean thofe that are for the prefent frame of Ecclefialtical Govern- ment, with the Liturgy and Canons, and the Laws which enforce them (who call ufually for the Execution of thofe Laws-}. V. By the tneer prefent Nonconformijls, I mean fuch as are guilty of no other punifhable errors or fins, but fuch as the Aft of Uniformity doth ejeft and filence us for 5 and who declared openly their judgments about Doftrine^WorfhipandDifcipline,in 1660, after a Con> mon meeting at 5/^-Colledge, and another at the Savoy, which is publifhed in Print } That is, the Reconcilers, or Peacemakers, who then laboured and beg'd for Peace and Unity in vain 5 who tye the judgment of none called Nonconformifts heretofore, Presbyterians, Independents,^, but to the Word of God, and the ex- ample of the true Primitive Churches, and are not for Concord only with a Se&, or a dividing-party, High or Low r but for that Catholick_Church and Communion of Saint j, which are in our Creed. Schifm being a culpable rending of ChrifHans from each other, hath a great number of degrees (as it is by Apoftalie from the Univerfal Church totally, or by de- nying a fundamental, by Herefie 3 or as it is but by deny- , ing Integrals, or but Accidents 5 as it is but from a parti- cular Church, a Church of Gods forming, or of mans. 3 As it is from a Church, as if it were no Church, or a cor- rupt *r (.6) rupt Church falfly fa id, or only a lefs defirable $ as it is from a Parifh-Church, a Diocefan, a National, &c. As it is total or partial, or but in fbme accidents frot^ that particular Church, holding Communion in all the reft$ As it is mental, or but caufelefs local 5 As it is from a Church, or only from fome perfbns in a Church- Paftor, or others 3 As it is by driving men by finful Impofmons from a Church, or too eafie departing 5 with many the like differences elfewhere opened.) So that as all men have fbme degree of ignorance, pride, hypocrifie, &c. and yet are not to be denominated ignorant, proud hypocrites, where it is not predominant 3 fo all aredefeftive in Love and Union, and few Churches on earth are noway guilty of Schifm, and yet are not to be called Schifmaticks, where it is not predominant. Almoft all Churches on earth accufe each other of Schifm 5 the Papifls Co accufe the Creeks, Proteftants, and all others 5 the Greeks fo accufe the Papifts and Proteftants (as the Patriarch Jeremiah fliews usj, and both the Abajfines, Jacobins, Nejicrians, &c. The Luthe- rans fo call the Calvinijls, and they many Lutherans $ the Epilcopal,Presbyterians, and Independents fo accufe each other : Sober and peaceable men muft confefi that moft are guilty of fome degree. Laying by the reft, our Queftion now is of Two Par- ties here, the Canoneer Diocefan Conformifls, and the Prefent meer Conformijls , which are the ENGLISH SCHISMATICKS. CHAP. \ / s CHAP. II. The Cafe of the Diocefan-Canoneers, or Zealots for Impofition of Conformity. i.-*TT*Hey agree not of the Effentiating Head of their | own National Church 5 whether it be Lay, or Clergy, King or Bifhops (and fo are indeed of divers Churches), no nor whether it have any conjiitutive Head, or none. '2. Some hold Bijlwps neceffary to the Being of a Church, and fome only to the well-being of it 5 and fo agree not neither what a particular Church is. 3. The former unchurch the Parifh-Ckurckes, and make them only parts of a proper Church, the Diocefan being the loweft in a politick fenfe. 4. They make the Parifh-Priefts, but half Priefts or Paftors, denying them the Power of the Keys over their flock, fave in a little part. 5. Thefe deny the Reformed Churches, which have no Biftiops, to be true proper Churches, and their Miniftration and Sacraments to be valid : But others c£ them hold the contrary, and fo differ in their Commu- nion with the Proteftant Churches. 6. Some of them fay, that none are true Minifiers of Chrift that have not Epifcopal Ordination by uninter- rupted fucceffion from the Apoftles: And that their flocks have no title to Salvation, becaufe they have it hot by Oods Covenant feakd by fuch a Minijirj of the Sa- craments. 7. They i » ; 7. They hold twice Ordination finful 5 and yet Re- ordain thole who were ordained by meer Presbyters, or Redtors of Parith (City) Churches. 8. Some Leaders grant that there were no Subjeft- Presbyters in Scripture*times, nor Bilhops that had more than one ftated Aflfembly and Altar, which others are againft. .9. They agree not of the fenfe of the words [Presby- ter and Bifljops*] in the Scripture. 10. Some of them reproach the Reformation of other Churches, .as the Papifts do, as the effeft of fury and re- bellion i and feek to render it odious as a crime. 1 1. Yea and the Reformation of England by K. H. 8. as the produft of his filthy luftand cruelty : And reckon the death of K. Edv>. 6. for a mercy. Infomuch, that otit of Dr. Heylin, and fbme others, a Papift hath gathered in termink, the mod: odious defcription of our Reforma- tion, called Hiflorical Collections. 12. They dilagree about the points called Arminiatt. Whitgift the Mawl of the Nonconformifts, with others, drawing up the high Lambeth- Articles for abfolute Re- probation, &c. and others, with Laud, as hot againft them. 13. Thefe cenfure K. James for being againft Arminia- mjm, and fending men to that end to the Synod of Dort 9 though they were all moderating-men. 14. Though we had there fix excellent Divines, fbme think we are not obliged by that Synod, and fome that we are ("when we had not fo many in moft General Councils). 1 5. Thofe that followed Laud, being few, durft not long commit their Caufe to a Convocation : And Heylin tells u? 5 that the Convocations of England and Ireland were C9 J were againft them: and the Convocations are called The Re* prefentative-Church. 16. Thefe divided from the reft, drove who fhould prevail m Power: A. B. Grindall fir ft, and A. B. Abbot next being caft but, and both reproached by Dr. Utjlin (Land's Pen-man) as the Heads of one Party \n'E»gland 9 and B.Vfter'm Ireland: and Biftiop Land is praifedasthe Leader of the other fide, Re- forming the fpoiled Reformation, which the Univerfitks and Bifhops had fpoiled by Calvinifm. 1 7. Thefe two Parties differed in their2cal againft the Non- conformists : Grinduh 'being for Love and Lenity, and Lcftu're- Exercifes to breed up Preachers, and Abbot by Heylin made a Mifchief to the Church for being popular : but Laud's Party being for more feverity againft them, which was exercifed accordingly. 18. Thefe two Parties alfo differed in their way and defigns towards the Papifts. A.B. G. Abbot, E. Rob. Abbot, Halt and others fufpe&ing Laud as Poptfb, and being themfelves againft Toleration of Popery : But B. Laud (faith Dr. Heylin) at- tempting by alterations and abatements,and reconciling means to open our Church-door fo wide, that we might again all joyn together, as in the beginning of Queen Elizabeths Reign. 19. Thefetwo Partiesdiffered about Prerogative,Laws and Property \ A. B. Abbot writeth, that he was call: down for de- nying toLicenfe Sybthrop's Book for the Kings r'ower to raife money, and the peoples obligation to pay it. And his Narra- tive (which you may read in RuJIworth) intimateth that B. Lavd was the chief means of this Impofition on him, toLicenfe Sjbthrop's Book, and foof his Sufferings : The two greateft Writers for Prelacy and Conformity are Bifhop Bilfon and Hooker (to the reading of whom B. Morley referred me for inftruftion, when he forbid me Preaching in Wonejier Dioceli, and) whom we are ufually challenged to anfwer. Bifhop Bil- fon faith (Chrrf. Subjefr, pag. 520. Q " If a Prince (hould go C « about (10) " about to fub}e& hisKingdom to a Forreign Realro^ or change " the form of the Common Wealth from Impery to Tyranny, cc or negleftthe Laws eftablifhed by common confent of Prince u and People, to execute his own pleafure 5 In thefe and ** other fuch cafes which might be named, if the Nobles and u Commons joyn together to defend their ancient and accu- Cc ftomed Liberty, Regiment and Laws, they may not well be " counted Rebels.] See more pag. 381, 382. Grotius dejure . 21. And that in Kingdoms of this quality (as H ours) the HigheftGovernour hath indeed univerlal Domi- " nion, but with dependancy on that whole entire body over " the feveral parts whereof he hath dominion : So that it " ftandeth for an axiom in this cafe, The King is Singulis Ma- Ci jor, univerjis Minor, Lib. 8. p. 193. and p. 194. [Neither "can any man with Reafon think, but that the firft inftitution "of Kings (a fufficient confideration, wherefore their power hancls, to certifle them El THIS SION of thy favour and gracious goodnefs towards them?] 31. Though they will not tellus what the Church of En- gland is, that is, /// Effentiatingform and Head, Lay or Clergy,^ yet. vet every man mnft be ipfo faclo, excommunicate who faith, It is not an Apofioliial Church as cftablified by Law. 32. Every one is excommunicate^ fatlo, who faith, that [the form cf Worfhip ejiabli/hed by Law, contained in the Bool^of Common-prayer, is corrupt ; or unlawful , or containeth ANT THING in 7t that is repugnant to the Scriptures. 33. All are excommunicate ipfofaBo, who fay, That any of the 3 9 Articles are in any part, fuch as he may not with a good conference fuhferibe to \ though it be but that of the Churches power to impofe Ceremonies : And yet divers Conformifts are ogainft the Do&rine about Free- well, Heathens damnation,^-. 34. All are ipfo fatto excommunicate, who fay that [the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England are fitperfiitious, or fuch as godly men may not with a good confidence approve, ufe, and on occafion fubfcribe7\ See Can. 3,4, 5,6. So that not only Mini- fters, but all men and women that differ but of the Lawful- nefs of any one of their Ceremonies, and fay fo, are excommu- nicate already ipfo faff 0. 35. All are ipfo fatio excommunicate that fay, that the Go* vernment of the Church of England under his Majefly, by Arch* b?fi7J 5?. They muft declare Affent to a filfe rule For "finding E9) . •reFimjuifh their callings, and ufe themfelves as Lay-men. And yet thoufands muft do both, if the Biftiops filence them. 65 He that preacbeth to more than four, not of his fatal- ly, if he conform not, muft be fined 40 /. a Sermon (and he that owneth the ground 20/.) and the Preacher Imprifbncd Six months in the Common Jayl: and the Rearers fined, And if he fvvears not never to endeavour an) alteration (or amend- mentj of their Government, he muft be baniihcd Five miles from Cities, Corporations, and all places where he lately- preached 5 or lie Six months in Jayl if he come nearer 3 though the Law fay that the Pari(h muft keep him in his want. 66. The Parilh-Prieft muft publifti Excommunications, though againft hisconfcience,againft godly men for not Con- forming, &c . while thoufands that never come to Church or Sacraments, and Swearers and Atheifts, Hobbifts and wicked men are members of their Church,from year to year continued . 67. The Canon 139 excommunicateth all that fay, that the Synod of this Nation, in the name of Chrift^and by the Kings authority afiembled, is not the true Church of England by repre- fentatwn. By which they feem to make the King no part of the Church, nor any of the Laity, or elfe that they repre- sent King and Laity : and they intimate that all the Clergy is the Church-real, and the Synod the Reprefentative. 68. They brought in new Canons, and the et c&tera Oath in 1 640, without the Parliament, which were condemned. 6$. From the beginning of Queen Elizabeth, till now, they have profecuted and filenced Proteftants that durft not con- form : even their fellow Exiles in Queen Maries days were filenced, and multitudes after in King James's days, and even Conformiftsfufpended about the Dancing- book, and troubled about Altars, Bowing, Afternoon-Sermons and Leftures,which were forbidden } and about 2000 ejefted and filenced at once 1662 : And mult it udes of Families driven to Holland and Neve- England. Though we offer them our Oaths 3 that we will gladly D 2 COR* f 20j conform, if by any ftudy we can but fee that it will not involve us in the guilt of hying, erring the Perjury of mahitudes un- known to us, corrupt irg the C lurch ardQodsWcrft:)ip, Covenant- ing deliberaitly again fi needfulRefcrmation cfthe fturch-Gozerx- Kient by Lay fhancellows and uncapalle Diocejaj-s, and many other crimes, with dreadful aggravations recited in our firft Pica for Peace, 70. They feparate from us and our Congregations as un- lawful to be joyned with. 71. Though it was the judgment of the ancient Churches, expreft in many Canons, that he was ro Brficp that had not the peoples eleftion or confent, they make it Schifm not to obey fuch, and allow the people no fuch power. 72. They fuppofe that God hath entrufted the King to chufe for all his Subje&s whom they fhall commit theconduft of their Souls to as their Paftors and Bifhops^ though he be not trufted to chufe our Phyficians, our Wives, our Dyet,<^r. And fo they would make the King anfvverable for all ill-chofen Paftors. And if a Papift, Heretick, or a hater of Paftoral holi- nefe (hould ever be King,in how fad a cafe are the peoples fouls. 73. Yea, they hold that Patrons,be they never fo ignorant or ungodly, muft chufe all that (hall have the Parochial truft of Souls (As to the pofTeflion of Temples and Tythes, we yield it) 5 they fay, The people muft have no other,than what the Patrons chufe and impofe on them. 74. Excommunication ofDiffenters feemeth little to them, but they by the writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, lay them in Jayl till death, unlets they change their Judgment, which it is sot in their power to do. 7 5. Though we publifti our abhorrence of all Do&rines of Rebellion, and difown even fo much popularity, as their Richard Hoofer, and moft Politicks own, many of them go on to charge Nonconformifts with fulpicions of R.ebellion,and to provoke the King againft them, as difloyal. 76. They j 6. They frint and preach to provoke Mngiftrates to exe- cute the fjrefaid fevere Laws, to (ilence and ruinc them, and accufe them f >r not doing it. 77. They ftir up the people to take them for intolerable {editions Schifnaticks, to the deftru&ion of Chriftian Love, and ciufmg m:n to hate etch other. 78. By ihefe" means families are diftrafled 5 Husbands againft Wives, Parents againft Children:, feme cafting them ojt, if they do but hear a Nxiconfu-mift Pteacher, while fenfuality corrupteth youth, and needeth more reftraint. 79. When the Kings Clemency Licenfed our Meetings, they grudged at it, and neverthelfs feparatcd from us, though they defcribe Separation to be Meetings held againft autho- rity D * and thereby (hewed that it is fomewhat el(e than the Kings authority that they contend for, and fomething more than our want of Licenfe which caufeth their fervent oppo- fition. 80. Though we beg of them in vain to prevent thePapifts advantage by our divifions $ and though they (eem refolved to let Popery it felfcomein, rather than either reftore us or to- lerate us, and abate what we count fin, and they call Indiffer- ent 3 yet do they perfwade people that we are bringing in Po- pery, if we obey not all theirlmpofitions 5 and talk as if either no Drflenters were tollerable ( when all men differ, and they among themfelves in as great matters as from us) or All were tolerable : both which are abominable : And as if he that were unwuiing to bedeftroyed by PrelatifL, were introducing Po- pery : Should a manchufe rather to be faved by a Papift, than . hanged by a Prelatift, who were more to be fufpefted of Po- pery, He that made that choice, or he that put it upon him. 8 1. Befides the reconciling treaty with the Papifts,aflei ted by Dr. Berlin ; fome chief Doctors proR-fs that they would- have the Church in the fame ftate, as when i\\zGreehj and La- f///edid divide 3 and grant what the Greeks grant 5 not denying the ( 94 ) riif Pope to be Privapium uvitatk^ and pleading (otGrctiu* as a Protectant of our Churches mind, who was for the Coun- cil of Ireland all the reft} defiring no more for our Concord with the Church of JtWe, but that as by the Mifttfs Church they may rule by the Canons, and not abfolutely, fecuring the Rights of Rings and Bifhops, and reforming Scholaftick curio- fities, and the Clergies lives. 82. Under all the new Impofitions, we were never allowed to (peak for our felves,nor durft once Petition the Parliament that ejefted us, or any fince, for relief or audience, left fuch boldnefs (hould more incenfe our affii&ers, 83. There is no furer way to deftroy their own Church- pomp and grandure, and root out Epifcopacy more than we defire, than toufe it for Satan againft faithful Minifters, and againft the Souls of men, and againft thehonour and innocency of Princes, and againft the property and liberty of Subjects, even againft God and man, and fo to make it odious to man- kindly making it intolerable : Till they that cannot tolerate a differing-word do weary the world by their intolerable pride, and caft down themfelves, and then blame others. 84. To this day, while they accufe thole of Schifm that dare not iubfcri be, declare, fwear, and do the things aforefaid, and plead againft the enduring of them, to preach or folemn- ly worth? p God, they difagree in Do&rines, and many great matters among themfelves, and take not themfelves for Schi£ maticks : Of which fee our 2d Plea, pag. 158, 159. 85. Some of them are for Original fin, according to the fubferibed Articles : Bifhop Jcr. Taylor and others were againft it $ and Bifhop IVarxer hath writ againft him. 86. Some of them preach for the Imputation of Chrifts Righteoufnefs : Mr. Thorndiht, Mr. Sherlocliand others differ } and many of them fharply accufe and preach againft each other thereabout 5 yea with high accufations,,as heretical. 87. Some of them preach up Gods Eternal Decrees of Ele- ction (2 ?> ftion and Derele&ion, or Reprobation, in that fort, as others of them preach againft asblafphemy againft God, and deftru- ftive to the piety and peace of man. 88. Some of them preach for univerfal Redemption as a ne« ceffary point of faith, which others cry down as Armimamfm. 89. Some of them make Juftifying faith to contain Obedi- ence, and others cry it down as Popery and Socimanifm. 90. Some of them fay that God hath given to all men fijffi- cient grace to falvation (yea fay fome, and efficient), which others call Arminiatiifm. 91. Some of them fay that it is Gods Grace that maketh the faithful to differ from others, and others fay it is their own Wills: And about the parts of Grace and Free-will they preach and write againft each other. 92. Some of them preach that all the juftified perfevere. And others preach it down as a dangerous errour. I have try- ed to reconcile all thefe, but they go on. 93. Some of them are only for Bidding prayer in the Pulpit, as ifall other were forbidden by the Canon (as Heylin) :- others ufe prayer there. 94. Some there pray in their own words, and fbme only in> the words of the Liturgy : fome ufe the fame words,and others vary them. 95. Their Cathedral Worlhip much differeth from the Pa- rochial, and fbme Churches Ufe Organs, and others have none. 96. One writeth for the Religious ufe of Lcut (as Bifhop Gumng\ others as Bi(hop Taylor (and Dr. More\fkc. are a- gainft their principles and ufe ;- yea and againft many other things of Church- Government and (igniticant Ceremonies which the other party hold. See Taylor cited Q^Plea for Peace. 97. Some of them are for the Divine right of the Lords Day, and the Morality of the fourth Commandment : which Heylin and many others vehemently deny. 98. One is for Altars, and Rails, and others againft them, and others for indifferency. 99. In y$. Tn preaching they ufe very different Methods : And ; Tome Churches of them begin to ufe new Verfions of the fing- ing Pfalm?. ico. Some following Grctius de Jure Belli : and Dr. Tay* hrs Dutlor Dubitantium are for ufeful lying, which injureth not others (and therefore no doubt for doubtful Confor- mity ). But others are againft it. 10 r. But they no-where more differ, than in their Con for* -mity it (elf, one taking the words in one fenfe, and another in another^fo that their Conformity is not the fame thing^though the L etters and (bund of voice be the fame. One by his Affent andCorijent to all things in the three books meaneth plainly ^ and another meaneth, but that he may and will ufe fo much as con- ccrneth him: One by [Not refifling by Arms any Commifloned by the King] meaneth as he fpeaketh. Another limitei h in to [Lawfully Commijfioned] } One by (on any pretence what fever) meaneth as he faith: Another excepteth as Bilfon aforciaid, and fuch cafe as King Johns, who gave up his Kingdom to the Pope, and woulel have done to the Morocco -Mahometan \ and many other fuch inftances(as Killing the Parliament^City.^) One that fubferibeth never to endeavour any Alteration of Church-Government, meaneth as he fpeaketh : Another ex- cepteth Lay-Chancel!ours ufe of the Key?, Deans ar.dCi p- ters, Archdeacon?, &c* if the King would change thim. One by; any endeavour"] meaneth as he faith : Another mc ° *bonly [unlawful endeavour)^ one by [nothing contrary t >Qods a*>rd~] in Can. 36. meaneth plainly : Another meaneth (xot ling which maketh Communion unlawful]: One takeib ail the impofed fnbfcriptions to be but a promife of fubmiilion and peace, which others abhor, and are for the Truth of all that they fiibfcribe ailent to. In a word,forne are for the common Rule ok taking all the words in the ufual fenfe, except the Impofers declare a different fenfe : And others are for neceffary fuppo- fing, that the Impofers meant well, whatever they (aid , and there* (*5) therefore our Charity and honouring them bindeth us to put no fenfe on their words which is contrary to Gods Law, the Law of the Land, or Common Right $ and fuppofing them true and good, whatever they are, who can doubt but they may be fwornor fubferibed. 102. Dr. Hammond and his party thought that it doth not appear that there were any fubjeft Presbyters in Scripture- times, and fo that every fingle Congregation had a Bilhop prefent in worfhipping God. But Dr. Stillingfleet faith p. 269. While the Apo files livedo it is probable there were no fixed Bi/hops, or but few. And fo the world had but 1 2 or 13 indefinite Bi- (hops, who are not proved to have any peculiar determinate Dioceffes. 103. Mr.Dodwell^ndlthmk moft of them,take the Church of England to be a Political fbciety, and many think we over- throw Church and Order, if we deny Churches to be formed by a Conftitutive Government. But Dr. Stillingfleet not only holdeth that the Church of England is but the Paftors and people contenting by Parliaments to live under the fame Laws about Religion, without any Conftitutive Church-Head (one or many)} but alfo peremptorily concludeth, that to maintain fuch a Conftitutive Supreme Church-power -will neceffarily infer Popery 3 and fo maketh all the Conformifts neceffarily to lead in Popery, who are for fuch Political Churches, and Conftitutive Governours. J04. Mr. Cheny faith, That to make Churches by Cove- nants, confederacies or confent,befides baptifm,istobeguilty of blafphemy, impiety, irreligioufnefi, infidelity 5 and one fhould rather die than yield to it. But Dr. Stillingfleet faith •theChurch of England is one Church, made by fuch confent. But fuch Schifms among themfelves are too many to be here numbered. And no wonder when they differ fo much as they do with their own Sentiments, in one and the fame book, faying and unfaying, as the argument in hand requireth. (i6) E.g. Dr. StilliffgJJeet thinketh that the (even Churches of Afia, being Metropolitan, prove Diocefan or Metropolitan- Bithops, then in being : And yet, that while the Apoftles lived, it's probable there were no fixed Bifhops, or bat few. And (b either feven Apoftles were the Angek of the (kvGti Churches of Afia^ reproved fo much for their (in and back- fliding, or the Angels fignified not the Bifhops* While we are all Schifmaticks for difobeying, fay fbme, and holding Nonconforming Aflemblies, fay others, from the Church of England^ yet this Church is no proper Political Church, and hath no Conftitutive chief Government, faith Dr. St. and therefore hath no authority to make Canons to command us* He no lefs than threatneth us with damnation ("not in the retraced Iremcum, but in his late book againft Popijh Idola- try*) if we chufe not the purcft Church : and the Papift grant* ethit, and faith as he 5 And yet it is the fubftance of his % itrtreafonabk books to prove us Schifmaticks, if we depart from their Church, or fo much as preach to other Afiem- bltes* on the account of purer worflrip^ and greater edifica* tivn, 8cc. And he had the wit to pais by this citation in the Epiftte of a book againft him. As for Mr. Cheny^ and divers other fuch,, another book openeth their Contradi&ions* They often tell us of the Nullity of the Miniftry, or Power which is not received frorn Epifcopal Superiors } Efpecially Biftiop Gunning and Mr. Dodwell, hence draw difmal degra- ding- and unchurching Confequences. And yet thus they condemn both the Enghjh^ and R oman, and Univerfal Church, If Church-power be given by Inferiors, the Independents are not to be confuted : If from equals, as Generation is, as men generate men, and Phyficians make Phyficians, &c* then Presbyters may make Presbyters. If it mull be by Supe- rior Power , then who maketh Arehbifiops in England^ or jRopes> r 27 ■) Popes at Rome, who have no Superiors, and Co (by them) no authority ? So much for the Hiftorical Characters of the Canonical Conformifts. But afcer all this, we grant, that there is fome tye and uni- on among them 5 Thq^ all own Archbifhops, Bifhops, Deans and Chapters, Archdeacons, with an Et cetera 5 the rcji as the Canon fpeaketh : They all agree to declare and fub- (cribe the words impofed, and promife or Covenant accord- ingly, and fwear Obedience to their Ordinaries. E. g. Though fuch as Mr. Bull and Dr. Tutiy write againft each other, of Juftification as by Faith or Works $ though many are very much againft the Do&rine of Mr. Thorndikd Mr. Parser, Mr. Sherlock and fuch other, yet they all fub- fcribe the fame Articles about Juftification, Free-will, Pre- deftination. And I doubt not but there are very many not only Learned, but Pious men among them, who yet by ftrong prejudice and paffion, through education, converfe, crois interefts, and unacquaintedneis with Diffenters , and the many (candals that have rifen, and the extremes which many have run into, are poffeft with a conceit, that the ruine, imprifohment, banifhment or filencing of Non- conformifts, is neceflar'y to the prolperity of their party, called by them The Chitrck. And to do the Papifts right, they agree to be members of one fiurch, and to be for the Dignities, Wealth and Power of their Clergy, and take the fame Oaths, and are under the (am? Canjns, &c. though they differ about the Supre- macy it (elf, as between the Pope and the Prelates in Ge- neral Councils \> and about fwearing, forfwearing, lying, murder, depofin^ and killing Kings, fornication, and manv fuch as the Janfenifls have opened at large : Air thefe dif- ferences they can bear with, snd the many different Setts of E 2 Fryers, (*8) Fryers, fitted to the feveral humours- of men, a* long us they are for one Common fociety and intereft : And doubt- lefs many of ftri& lives do think it a fervice to the Church, and (b to God, to kill, burn and deltroy others that are againft them, as they d as re- nouncing all Schifmatical Sefts$ and Nonconforwijis, becaufe we dare not Conform to all that is impofed on us. 4. We hold that all Chriftians (hould Love each other as themfelves, and do them all the good they can, and no hurt. 5. We hold that all baptized in Infancy fhould folemnly at agereaewand own that Covenant, as adult members. 6. And that all that do fo, not nullifying their profeffion by inconfiftent herefie or fin, (bould be received in Commu- nion. 7. That fuch as renew it not, or are proved to fotfake it, or heinoufly fin againft it, (hould be reproved, and after fufficient admonition, if impenitent, be declared unfit for Church-Communion, and accordingly avoided; 8. That God hath appointed that there be ftated AfTem- bliesof Chriftians, efpeciaily on the Lords-days, where he (hall be worlhipped, Men iaftrufted, and Communion exerciled. 9. That thefe Congregations (hould have known ftated Paftors, Paftors, to be their Teachers and Guides in worCbipand holy living. 10. That thefe Paftors by Office have the power of the Church- keys, to judge whom to take in by Baptifm, and ■whom to "admonifh as Criminal, to reject as impenitent, and to abfolve and receive agaia as penitent in their proper charge. 1 1 . That Baptifm and the Eucharift being a Gift of a fealed pardon, and of Chrift, and life, no unbelieving nor unwilling perfon is capable of them: Therefore none but believing Con* [enters, or Volunteers and their Infants, (hould be baptized, and Volunteers only admitted to the Lords-Supper. 12. And though Magiftrates (hould promote the facred Work, and Rule the Churches, and keep peace and order by the Sword, and fee that all have competent Teacher?, and hinder the intollerable} yet may they not invade the Paftors office, or peoples right, nor force men to truft their Souls to the Paftoral Care of unable or -wit-nifty men, nor hinder them from chufing better for themielves, any more than they may confine them to untrufty Phyficians, Servants or Wives. 13. That becaufe the Paftoral Office cannot be exercifed either by, or on the unwilling ^ mutual confent is neceflfary to the Relation of Paftor and Flock. 14. That it is part of the Paftors Office to word his own Sermons and Prayers : But yet if to avoid difcord or errour fome common forms be agreed on, not overthrowing the Paftors office, they may be fitly ufed, till by accident they do more hurt than good. 15. The Laws of Magiftrates Circa Sacra, and the confent and cuftom of Churches fhould not in lawful things be crofted by humorous dividing Singularity. 16. .No-one Liturgy wasimpofedon any National Church, or any Patriarchate for many hundred years after the Apoftles days ( yea and after Co/tjlantine') : But every Bifhop or Paftor Paftor was the chufer o f his Words and Practice. 17. Chriftians (hould all live in Love, and walk peaceably by the Divine Scripture-Rule, fo far as they have atcained , fo waiting for increnfe of grace. 18. We muft receive the weak in the faith, and fuch as differ tolerably from us, even as drift rectiveth us; and no Cbriftian (bould be excommunicated, but for impenitency in fins, fubverting faith, or holy living. 19. Nor muft Chrifts Minifters be forbid to preach the Cofpel, becaufe of tollerable differences. 20. And thofe that through differences and fcruples can- not comfortably worfhip God under one Paftor, or in the Words or Ceremonies of one Church, fhould have leave to do it in another, keeping found Doctrine, Love and Peace. 21. The number and need of the people muft determine ^whether a particular Church (hall have one Paftor or more. 22. If one for Concord be Prefident to the reft, and the Senior Paftors be guides to the younger, we are not againft it. 23. Nor yet if the Magiftrate or Churches by confent ap- point fbme of the Graver to be vifitors of many Churches, and to inftruft and keep the younger in peace. 24. Nor will we quarrel againft the Names of Bifhops, or Archbifhops, or their Wealth and Honour, while Faith, Wor • ihip, Difcipline and Love are preferred. 25. If by a National Church, they mean either a C^rijlian .Kingdom] or\_aB the Churches of a Nation as under one Prince] or [as ajjcciated for QwcorcP\ we deny none fuch. 26. For we hold that all Chriftians (hould live in as much Concord as they can, and that Synods are ufeful to that end. 27. We muft honour our Rulers, though they affiift us. 28. We hold that we muft feparate from no Church or Chriftian farther than they feparate from Chiift, though we muft not fin againft God for communion with any. We take k for a great fin for any party to appropriate the Church only * to- the tryal, who they be that are of fcandalous lire*. 55. They have been thankful for bare connivence and opportunity to preach for nothing; fav& what they receive from the hearers charity* thefe 18 years : : Some that could live without it have preached freely 5 and the reft, could they have lived and their families without bread, had rather have been no burden to any } They are naturally no more in love with a beggarly fordid life than other*: The Confor- mists would be loth to live on Charity : Many hundreds have long had nothing, or next to nothing pf their own, and Wives and many Children to maintain, Houfe-rent to pay , Meat, Drink, Cloaths^v. to buy : and nothing but mens Charity to defray all this. And in the Countreys Money is fcarce, Charity too cold, and moft of the Rich are taught by the €lergy to condemn them : And ifohey come to great Towns, the Clergy reproach them. 56. Many have dyed in prifon* many eateht their death there ^ many had their goods and books taken away 5 and many endured long: imprisonments*, and the profecution go«? eth on. 57. The Magiftfates of Louden, and other places, have been vexed, and fued by Informers for not profecuting them. 58. They preached moftly privately to few about London^ for fear of -giving -offence, till the people in the dreadful Plague, which killed about 100000 were left as fheep with- out (hepherds, crouding into another world, and the Noncon- form! fts durft not forbear to teach them : And God fo great- ly bleft their labours, that the People and Preachers, who had been thus; awakened by devouring. death, refolved no more for fear of man to neglefl: the care and intereft *)f Souls.. O who - could be (ilent when thoulands that lookt for fpeedy death did Croud for help in their neceffary prepa- ration. This firft drew the London Nonconformifts into- more open exercift of their .office,.' which encouraged thofe ki C?7) in the Countrey to imitation. And it is not their judgment that they are bound to preach, when by oppofing violence, 4>r the offending of Rulers it is like to do more hurt than good, and once preaching~to deprive them of all the ufeful- nefs of their lives: The fpitit of the Prophets is fubjtft to the Prophets ("to Reafon and Prudence in the ufe of gift?, as Dr. Hammond expoundeth it) : But whatever it coft them, when there is true Neceffity and Opportunity, making the good like to be greater than the hurt, they judgthat they muft ufe the N4iniftry which they are vowed and ordained to. 59. When the Plague was over, fome thought once again to retire 5 and the fire burning down the Churches, and the people being deftitute; conftrained them ("though forbidden) to go on. O'what is man ! What were the Clergy that took upon them the Charge of Souls, that they durft be againft (iich mens Preaching of the Gofpel in fuch a City, when fuch a Plague, and fuch flames had declared the neceffity. 60. Even when the Plague was raging, and the Court and Parliament fled from' it to Oxford, they there were making the Oxford-Oath, and Aft of Confinement, to banifh the Non- conformifts from the defolate City, and all Corporations, &c. And they that before purpoftd to come to the Parifh* Chur- ches, durft not come, left the Congregation being witnefs of their being An the City,€^. they (hould be lent to the Jay].- 61. Moft that we hear of in the Countreys, and lome about London, preach not at the time of publick worfhipt, but go themfelves to the publick Churches, when they have honeft tolerablemen : I and others here, do ordinary hear and com- municate in our Parilh-Churches (when even the \zfcWhit- ftmdayl do not think there were above roc Communicants inaParitfc* that its thought hath 20000 'Souls-, 1 and yet all the reft are not hunted as Schifmaticks). And (chvht Sch'ifm is not for withdrawing from the Parifrt-ChurcheJ our Rule, and the Primitive Churcbwir patterfi. Some o£us have written againft the lawfulnefs of diihor.ouf ing Prii.. k and Rulers by proper excommunications, as being ^gauifc . fifth Command 5 and Rituals give place-to Morals.: And fomc of the greateft Church -men that have caft- us Qujr^havc been for Rulers Excommunication: We are not i: . -... Treafons and Domination not only the Pope but the Coun- cils of Bi(hops,(even without the Pope as in the cafe 0/ Ln- dovicusPitt*£n<\ , others)haveexercifed over Princes and King- doms by excommunications,and curled curjingpen fromCbrift. 76. We find that.w/aenm 'the ( cant^tio'i^ bctweeivthe Popes and the Emperours, the Clergy familiarly foore.ox foil} fides as intereft moved them } and as Albas ZJrjpergenfos faith, Perjury was the common brand qfPrkjl an4pej?ple^\t was far from PF,9Yi n g a cure ofSehifm, though it was pretended for that ufe. 77. As the Law iorbiddeth us, (b we profefs to intend nothing here written as an accufation of 'the Government, La<^, Liturgy, or Conformi(ls r but only as a defcription Cons of our own Nonconformity. But if it fhould prove true that Cities, Corporations,. Bifhops and I^riefts are guilty but of half the evil againit God, Trujh, Conscience, theGofpel, the Church, the fouls of men, the good of the King anp Subjects, which we fear We fhould, be; guilty of if we did conform, I had rather be a Gave than that Clergy- man that fhould encourage them in it. 78. And if it fliould prove that any of them are under Juch guilt, in the end it> will prove but an uneffeftual de- fence, to accufe the innocent and reprovers, and fo to divert them, by keeping them on the defenfive part 5 while they are accuifed of odious fin for not finning, and called intoler- able for refufmg to concur in wickednefs. 79-Ever fince we we;re caft outand fi!eheed,we have thank- fully accepted all motions ^nd overtures for concord.We h^ve been feveral times fince the firft Treaty, called to new Trea- ties, in one Dr. Manton and others offered thankfully to ac- cept leave to preach for nothing in the Parith Churches C\ whip re (40 where the Minifters defire it, and when the Common-Prayer is ufed. Another time being called by the Lord Keeper Bridg- man we agreed with Bifhop W likens and Dr. Burton, and it was drawn up in an Aft of Concord by Judg Hale, but vo- ted by the Commons not to be brought in. Since then we were invited to treat with Dr. Tillotfon and Dr. StiUivgfleet^ who deemed to confent to the terms of the form of an heal- ing Aft which we offered them} but they found that the Bi- Ihops would not confent. By all which we have (till fhewed, that we have never ceafed to feek for peace. 80. We have never (hunned to read or hear all that can be faid, to prove that we need not fear all the guilt of Lying, Perjury, falfe Covenanting againft duty, and all the other fins, with their many and heinous aggravations, which we fear be- ing guilty o£ if we (hould conform : Nor did we ever refute to give the. reafon of our fears, to the Learned'ft man that dotfTacCufe us. 81. As is aforefaid, we never to this day put up our Peti- tion to any Parliament, fince we were filenced for relief com- paflipn, or to be heard 5 which may fcem ftrange to thofe that know our long accufations and fufferings. 82. So far are we from loving Schifm, that we take Unity to be effential to the univerfal and particular Churches } and that divifion is- deftruftion, though every difference is not fuch divifion. And the chief of my ftudies and labours in the World j$,How to reconcile and unite divided Chriftians. And having fully proved in a Treatife of the only terms of com* mon concord, that it will never be attained but on the terms of Primitive fimplicity,prefcribed by Chrift,and praftifed by rhe firft Churches 5 it is becaufeour Conformity is inconfiftent with fuch terms of common concord, and fuch as we think but S^arixin fthifm ? thatwe are Nonconformifts. Let him that is fbr dividing thephild, betaken for no true mother of it* S3..; We are .not againft all Lttatrife#5 "tfur Litany hath not lefs but more than theirs t We hearfrty fay, From Atheifm, Infidelity and Popery front prophanenef^ ferfearihn and of- C4?) preffton, from all /edition, privy con/piracy and rebellion, from fal/e doSrine, herefie and/chi/m $ from an ignorant, proud, and worldly domineering Clergy, from malignant hatred of Gods holy Image andfervants, andferious worjbip, and from contempt of his word and commandments, Good Lord deliver us. Jam. 3. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Who is a wife man and en* dtted with knowhdg among yon, let him Jl)cw out of a good con- versation his works with meefyrefs of WiJ^cm.Bttt if ye have bit- ter envying and fir if e in your hearts (rtruch more fitencing per- (ecutton) glory not, and lye not againfl the truth. This wijdom defcendeth not from above, but is earthly, fenfual, devihfi. For where envying and ftrife is, there is confufwn, and every evil worl^ But thewifdom that is from above is fir jl pure, then peace- Me&entle and t a fie to be intreated,full of mercy and good fruits^ Without partiality, and without hypocrifte. And the fruit ofrigh- teoufntfs is fown in peace of them that make peace. I Thef 2. 15, 16. Who both killed the Lordjefus and their own Prophets, and have perfecuted us. And they pleaje not God, and are con- trary to all men, forbidding us to /peak, to the Gentiles that they might befaved, to fill up their Jin always. For the wrath is come upon them to the utmpit. \ determine not in all tht^ Who is the Schifmatic^ but make a pair of Spe&acles for the purblind to difcern it. But, Reader, I muft eameftly intreat thee, as thou loveft thy Soul, to remember, that as toys, and plays, and luft, and pride, and drunkennefi, and gluttony, and ambition, and co- vetoufhefs, are the Devils nets by which he taketh the moft of the world 5 fo he hath aiecond fort for thole that are above theft things, and that is, the delights of wit in the vain un- profitable part of Learning: And for thofe that yet are above this, one of his hftfadTesfc Religious wraigling 5 turning faith and godline(s into opinions, ftdwgs,formalilies and perverje dif pntings, efpecially with men of corrupt minds, that take gain for God 1 mete, and think that Reputation and Money will coin any thing that^k for them, into Truth and Goodnefs. I conclude therefore, That if thou would'ft efcape that Schifm C 44 J Schifm an^^nngcrous fin, which Contenders charge on one another*, the way is (hort and plain. I. Underftand,and ftand to thy Baptifmal-Vow,and fee that thy Beliefs Love and Practice of known Chriftianity, accord- ing to our Creed, Lords-Prayer and Decalogue, in Love to ,God, thy Soul and thy -Neighbour, in Codlbefi,CharityJufticc and Sobriety, be (erious and fincere^ and then thou art cer- tainly of that Catholick Church, which Chrift is the Head of, and will fove. II. Love all Chriftians as fuch, according to the meafures of • their goodnels^, and remembering thy own weaknefo, pity and bear with- the infirmities of the weak 5 and when others wran- gle againft them,and abuie them, ftudy thou to do them good, III. Look on all particular Churches as members of the univerfal afore defcribed^ and chufe the bell thou canft for thy ordinary communion and good, (bit be not to a greater hurt by accident : But deny not. occasional communion \vjth any (though acculed by others) further than they force thee to fin,orthan they feparate from Chrift: Thy preience maketh thee not guilty of the tolerable faults which thou canft not amend.Take them for Sectaries ' and Separatifis,who forbid thee communion with all that %re riot of their mind and way iij to- lerable differences. IV. Take heed of negle&ing any truth or duty, or living in any fin, which all good Chriftians,even the Contenders are agreed about : And in thefe thou wilt find enough for peace of Confcience and Salvation. V. Be fure that thou approve thy felf to God, and takehis Law for thy Rule, and his Love and the heavenly Glory for thy portion, hope and All } and let not the flefti, nor worldly intereft cheat thee into juftly fufpe&ed fin , nor the Threats, or Flatteries, or Bribes of men/ either Drive, Allure or Hire thcA. t£ be falfojip thy Confcience, thy Saviour and God} nor pvof^^^^Efau, to fell thy. Birthright for a niorfel, or hazard thy parslw Heaven for a trarfitory befooling dream . and fhadow of profit, honour or delight. v F I N I S.