Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/sacpositoryOOcant MAY 12 1936 SACRED REPOSITORY OF ANTHEMS AND HYMNS, FOR DEVOTIONAL WORSHIP AND PRAISE. I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving. Psalms, Ixix. 30. Canterbury, N. H. 1852. PREFACE. We are happy in the consideration of being able to present our kind gospel friends, a collection of sacred Anthems and Hymns, feeling assured that they will be cordially received by all who have embraced the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ and blessed Moth- er Ann. They have been selected from among the multiplicity of An- thems and Hymns with which we have been so bountifully favored. Many of these have been communicated to us by the holy gift of inspiration, from our Heavenly Parents, and also from saints and angels whose abode is in the region of perfect felicity; having been received at the different societies of Believers, while others have been composed by mortals sojourning to a more blissful home. As the gift of songs has ever been esteemed one of the most precious blessings with which the people of God have been favored in this day, — holding a prominent place in the order of divine wor- ship, in which every true Believer takes a deep interest, we consid- er, that the time devoted to this service will be promoting the in- crease of the Zion of God's likeness, and aid in the perfecting of his only true Church. We are also enabled in this work, to furnish the tunes, printed in musical form, which is the first of the kind ever issued among Believers. It will be observed that the music is placed on three lines, — viz : the intermediate or medium note occupies exclusively the middle line, while those above, are placed in a line above, and those below, in a line below. As this work was not intended to be a treatise on music, a full explanation of the musical characters and rules cannot be expected; but as the method of placing the notes upon the staff is varied, in some respects, from the system generally adopted among us, it was considered necessary briefly to illustrate the principle in some few points, for the better understanding of those not thoroughly versed in reading music ; for we suppose that by a skillful annotator, the tunes can be as accurately and easily sung as those which rise and fall alternately. IV Some of the musical characters used in this work are as follows : A semibreve, or whole note, is represented by a capital letter— Al IB IC ID IE IF IG A minim, or half note- ai lb ic dl A crotchet, or quarter note- abed A quaver, or eighth note- abed A semiquaver, or sixteenth note- abed Those who write notes, generally place them according to their respective order in the gamut or music scale, thus: d e b c a But in this work, the intermediate note occupies the center line through the tune, (unless when a change in the mi is made,) and all those notes contained in an octave, counting from the medium to the eighth note above it, are placed on a line above the center as follows, — e tdfg° Medium note, c which may be considered the same as if they were in their ascend- ing order, thus; b c g a f * e e d Medium note, c c If the tune ascend beyond the limits of one octave, those notes so ascending, will be considrred as occupying a second line above the center, thus ; a c a a c e g g Medium note, g g The same explanation may be considered as applying to those notes which descend from the center or medium note. As another example, we will take the anthem entitled, "Faithful Witness," Page 2, commencing at the repeat in the seventh line. But I will confess his name before my Father and before ic e a e Q c g* g g ej e his angels, his angels, be - fore my Father and his angels. e |g a g J2 e d le a a •J g |g Him that o - vercom - eth will I make a pil - lar in the temple ic ic c" ed e le B a or |g g f e dl We believe the foregoing remarks concerning the order of the notes, may be sufficient for all to understand. And that the publi- cation of this collection of sacred Anthems and Hymns, may be the means of promoting that beautiful and divine gift, with which the true heirs of the kingdom of Christ are particularly noticed, is the ardent desire of the publisher. Canterbury, N. H. May, 1852. H. C. B. CONTENTS ANTHEMS. r*<«. Acknowledgement and Prayer, 28 Address to Spectators, 66 A Sure Promise, 98 A Father's Encouragement, 108 Army of the Lord, 129 A Glorious Reward, 134 Angel of Peace, 141 Be ye Holy, 79 Blessed Heirs, 137 Covenant of the Lord, 185 Divine Mercy, 120 Father William's Compassion, 201 Gift of Union, 42 Glory of faithful Souls, 97 Glory of Zion, 154 Glory of the Faithful, 157 Goodness shall be Requited, 207 Holy Faith, 19 Holy Angel, 100 Heavenly Purity, 145 Holy Candle, ' 150 Holy Ascension, 161 Harmony of Angels, \&& Important Question, £7 Joyful Messenger, . $8 Mount Zion, 56 My Holy Work, 170 Mother Ann's Welcome into Heaven, 218 Power of Faith, |6 Paradise, 64 Purity, 92 Spund of Salvation, 176 VIII Page. The Faithful Witness, I The Children of Zion, 4 The Blessings of Peace, 9 The Cherubim, 12 The Night Vision, 23 The New Year's Gift, 36 The Law in Zion, 51 The Vine and the Lily, 75 The Glory of Mount Zion, 87 Trumpet of Peace, 105 The Comforting Angel, 110 The Savior, 112 The Fair City, 131 The Armies of Israel, 192 The Savior's Word to his Disciples, 196 The Savior's Welcome into Heaven, 214 Voice of Truth, 167 Wisdom's Roll, 123 Word of the Lord, 124 Western Trumpeter, 135 Ye are Remembered, 1 15 Zion's Watchmen, 76 HYMNS. An Offering of Praise, 104 Bond of Union, 85 Blessed Gospel, 95 Celestial Praises, 132 Celestial Choir, 195 Devoted Worship, 102 Father James' Prayer, 156 Farewell Earthly Glory, 179 Gospel Liberty, 7 Gospel Treasure, 63 Good Believer's Life, 127 Good Resolution, 149 Holy Habitation, 18 IX Page. Humble Vale, 33 Heavenly Comfort, 47 Heavenly Display, 128 Holy Mother's Protecting Chain,. 155 Holy and Divine Faith, 174 Hour of Prayer, 199 Heavenly Breezes, 213 Jerusalem Descending, 22 Joyful Praises, • 72 Living Wine, 1 17 Mortifying Gospel, 94 Precious Faith, 61 Prayer of Hope, 106 Purity and Freedom, 118 Precious Counsel, 143 Spirit of Prayer, 35 Sweet Peace, 73 Self-denial, 165 Song to New Lebanon, 169 Silent Vale, 204 Solemn Prophecy, 211 The Soldiers of Christ, 6 The Earthquake, 14 The Temple, 30 The Holy Watcher, 31 The Cord of Oneness, 45 The Valley, 53 The Trying Furnace, 55 The Request, 70 The Healing Balm, 84 Temple of Freedom, 133 The Prize to the Faithful, 140 Thanksgiving, 148 The Pilgrim's Song, 160 The Charms of my Mother, 177 The Blessed, 190 The New Kingdom, 205 Voice of the Angel of Mercy, 221 Index lo the first line of each anthem. Page. Awake, awake, he clothed with thy strength 48 Arise, break forth into songs 108 Behold, I am a prophet of the Lord 167 Come lovely children of Zion 36 Come let us arise and go 56 Come, and I will lead you on 98 Come, let us praise 112 Come, come all ye holy angels 161 For Zion's sake I will not keep silent 76 Fear not, fear not, be not faint 110 Gird on your aimor faithful souls 145 Hi-w lovely are the children of Zion 4 How great and glorious is the gift of union 42 Holy angels are sounding salvation 176 I saw in a night vision 23 In songs of everlasting praises 87 1 am the holy, holy angel 100 I have come in love and godly fear 124 I will renew my covenant 185 I have hrought unto you 201 Know ye not that I am 105 Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle 57 Lo, lo the hand of the Lord 120 Look ye and behold a roll 123 Lo se qiia' se neen behold and see my little company 157 Mighty power sweepeth 154 My mouth is full of praise 192 O come let us sing, let us sing unto the Lord 12 O come all ye that seek salvation 16 O blessed gospel thou art eternal 19 O come all ye beloved children 79 O the glory, the glory 97 O the joys, the joys of the faithful 115 O see, O see the city above 131 O my blessing says Mother 134 O my people be joyful 135 O niske vane, niske vane, I am an angel of peace 14 L O the holy, holy candle of the Lord 150 O ho ho ho I have come with 170 O ye my beloved ones, ye whom 196 XII Page. O come, come unto me ye blessed 214 O come saitti the Father 218 Rejoice, rejoice O my soul 51 Rejoice with me ye children 04 Sound, sound, sound aloud your 180 These things saith the Son of God 1 These are the chosen of the Lord 137 Unto thee, O my God 28 What millions from sequestered valleys 9 What honor and glory and heauty are 75 We have assembled 92 With blessing upon blessing, yea 207 Ye who have assembled in the presence 66 Ye are my lovely 129 Index to the first line of each hymn, A meek, humble spirit's a heavenly grace 53 All faithful souls are truly blest 118 All those who live to God's acceptance 148 Almighty God do hear my prayer 156 Blessed gospel of salvation 95 Blow, blow ye heavenly breezes 213 Come sweet peace and consolation 73 Farewell all earthly glory 55 Father grant me thy protection 63 Farewt II earthly glory, 1 bid you adieu 179 Fear not, fear not, my beloved 221 How easy the cord that unites us in one 45 Hail thou mortifying gospel 94 How blest is the season 199 I love our faith, our precious faith 61 I have received that holy faith 4 74 In meditation's silent vale 204 Lift your heads ye once afflicted 14 Lord, thy name shall be exalted 18 Lord fill my soul with solemn fear 33 Lord give me the spirit of prayer 35 XIII Page. Lord I am in thy presence 70 Lord what am I while in thy 6ight 106 Living wine I love to feel 117 Let all the new creation 132 Lord what am I that thou shouldst 160 My soul is delighted with flowers of peace 149 No more 'of guilt 64 O the sound of sweet salvation 22 O the good believer's life 127 O hail thou sacred temple freedom 133 O may we be faithful while here 140 O Lebanon, Lebanon ! land of the blest 169 Sing ye, Mother's sons and daughters 72 Sweet spirits do surround us now 195 The King of kings and Lord of hosts 6 The Lord hath again in his temple appeared 30 Thou holy Watcher, God most high 31 The gospel's lovely treasure 85 To the altar of truth 104 The waves of the ocean 12b There is joy in self-denial 165 Though sweet is the scent of the dew-blushing lily 177 The poor in the spirit are blest 190 There is a silent lowly spot 205 We read of a people in ages long past 7 What heavenly comfort Jehovah's allotted 47 Within the ark of peace and grace 102 What can be more precious 143 With my blessing I have blessed you 155 While spring reurns with vernal bloom 211 THE FAITHFUL WITNESS. These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like un- c c e de d| ef g ga g ef g to a flame of fi-r-e; the Faithful and True Witness; the c c f ga |g |g c c i b g... C IC lg beginning of the New Creation the New Creation, the New gag g ab c c c c e f g g gf Creation, the New Cre - a - tion, the beginning of the New Cre- d ef g g ef |g . |g gf — — ■ c c — 1 - e d d ef g ed a - tion of God ; To him that over - cometh will I give to eat of ded^ c c — b IC IS a g |g lg e g a g ic c the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God : e de d |g lg fed! ic c e f g ga 18 and he shall not be hurt of the second death. To him that over- a b ai g f le g g ic c © g g ag a com-eth will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give d e f g If e d dl d c b a I c c |g him a white 6tone, and a n-e-w name, a new name, a new name, * r 1 IS b ag |g gab a* ai (b)e f f e dl a new name written, which no man knoweth saving him that g g ic c'd ic IS |g f If gag f— |g g receiveth it. And he that over-cometh and keepeth my words e d ic c'd e d4c e a i ag age unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations; and I IS g d de f le cede f fedef g g will give him the morning star. He that over - com - eth, the c de f e d cb ic t g c cd [ e d |f c e same shall be clothed in white rai - ment, and I will not blot out a gc ddde fe dldcbgab cd his name, out of the book of life; But I will confess his name ^ g c egg g f ic d e dee before my Father and before his angels, his an-gels, before my ^ g g g^ ^ IS Q ^ ^ c le ed e dc — ed le dc a g Father and his angels. Him that o-ver - com - eth will I make a a c ag a g |g ic c'd ed c le |g a g g a pil - lar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out; ic IS s |g IC d| ic |g g'a f f — le d| e le And I will write up - on him the name of my God, and the g c d le If le d| d'c lb |g a'b ic ic c*d name of the Cit- y of my God, which is New Je - ru - sa- lem. ic |g IS le |g |g ic ic c |g If le |g g To him that o-ver-com-eth will I grant to sit with me in my |g — e d d g g de 1 c c c c c eg g throne, even as I also o - ver - came and am set down with my c c g a f f f g g c c c cd Father in his throne, with my Father in his throne, with my cccdc ic cde fedef Father in his throne, even as I al-so o - ver - came and am set c c eg g lg g g g g f — e d f... d d de g ed down with my Father in his throne. c e c c cd ed ic Alfred, Me. THE CHILDREN OF ZION. 4 How lovely are the children of Zion! clothed with garments of ie ed ic a g e'dd ie d ie e beauty and holiness, having palms in their hands, having palms in ic ai ic a ga g |g e g |g a g their hands, and on their heads a crown of glory. In love and IS g*a g ef |g a g a submission they come and bow down, in love and submission e g g g g g ag g they come and bow down ; and worship before the throne of God e g r e d ef g* f e de f in his holy temple. And when they bring offerings unto his altar, dldl /■s • /"N d| e dl e de c IC ic: C C S~\ ~ ~ b i g — ba- |g their spirits are blessed with the resurrection power of life, with dl e'd d de dl f g g g f ed' e f |g g the resurrection power of life. Their hearts are filled with joy fed c c -g- IC a b c g- and gladness, their hearts are filled with joy and gladness, and |g g aga g g ed their mouths with thanksgiving and praise. O how I love to live ed ic ag a s*\ /~\ /~\ ag* ag ab ic |g a i unto the Lord! and sing loud hal-le-lu-ias, and sing loud hal-le- g ed dl e d ic ag a ag* |g g g d e ic lu - ias un-to him, for this precious gift of salvation from sin, for g lg ged d| e d ag a i le ed dl e this precious gift of salvation from sin. I will always love the ag a I d ie ed d c c a a g blessed gospel, yea, I will, yea, I will, yea, I will, and be faith- d e ie e'd d a i d e'd ef g ai age ful in my call - - ing. d d: ab c ,_ ; IC i : 2 |:i Eiifichl, N. H. THE SOLDIERS OF CHRIST. m The King of kings and Lord of hosts, Has blown his trumpet c c IC g g g ef g g g g e in our coasts, And round his standard now appears A valiant f d e'f g ef g f e c c band of volunteers; Their loins are girt, their feet are shod d ed c c IC ed ef g g d de f With the unerring truth of God, And by the truth they now be- f ed ef g b g |g gin To overthrow the man of sin f ed ef g g d de f f e ed ic 2 Against the foe they now advance, Each with his bow and glitt'ring lance, And though they're friends to all mankind, They crucify a carnal mind ; They spare no idol, great nor small, But pass one sentence on them all, And cut and slash on every hand, To purge all evil from the land. 3 They're well equipt with gospel arms; And make no peace on any terms, Nor with the flesh will stand to treat, But strike at every lust they meet ; They will admit no vain excuse, To let one vile affection loose, But bind the captive fast in chains, While one flesh-pleasing tie remains. 4 Now every soul that would do right, Ts welcome to enlist and fight ; These weapons of victorious truth, Are for the aged and the youth ; No soul of man does God exclude From hating sin and doing good ; And in such souls, we do maintain, The God of truth will ever reign. 5 While living truth, like burning coals, Is purging evil from our souls, We know we are in him that's true, And what he says we freely do : The empire of eternal bliss, Has its foundation laid in this, And all who gain this holy ground, With everlasting life are crowivd. New Lebanon GOSPEL LIBERTY. o We read of a people in ages long past, Who wished their cd a g g e e e e d c neighbors no ill; Yet were persecuted and daily harrassed, And a c e d c d* cd e e e e d c g g driven from mountain to hill : These innocent souls had no law- cd e e e e d c g g g e d c c* 8 ful defence, But if persecutors now say "Abandon your faith d e c a a g c . • a b a or we'll banish you hence," In reason we answer them, Nay a g g dee e d 2 The Lord was not deaf to his people's complaints, When in former ages oppressed, But graciously promised his innocent saints, A day of salvation and rest. When this blessed season has truly begun, And God puts an end to the fray, Must peaceable men to the wilderness run? Each promise of God answers, Nay. 3 We have not the laws of a Nero to face, Nor the horrid edicts of Rome ; This new dispensation has altered the case, And fix'd us a peaceable home. While men of sound reason are widely awake, Asserting the rights of the day, Must harmless believers their country forsake? The good constitution says, Nay. 4 The righteous for their indispensable right, May lawfully enter their plea, Yet they are not bound for their interest to fight, Nor are they obliged to flee. The laws of the country the wicked must meet, And can their strong pillars give way? Must all civil rulers before them retreat? The voice of the nation is, Nay. 5 The law and the gospel do now harmonize, And each has its work to perform ; To root out the gospel if wicked men rise, The law has to scatter the storm : 9 The gospel does honor the laws of the land, The law does the gospel survey; Then ask if this gospel may lawfully stand, The law has to answer us, Yea. 6 If all the transactions in heaven and earth, For almost these two thousand years, Have been to give virtuous liberty birth, How solid her standing appears! Then come, ye afflicted and scatter'd abroad, You ask, if in peace you may stay; From all the extensive dominions of God, The answer is pointedly, Yea. Union Village, Ohio. THE BLESSINGS OF PEACE. 4 What millions from sequestered valleys and desolate moun- ic e dl Cd e e d c ag a c d"-d d d tains, from lonely cot-ta-ges and silent groves, from torture rooms g g a i c'a a ? a cd d d d dx ic c'd and racks, and devouring flames, have look-ed and wept, and g a r g |g dl ie ie4 d cajj. |g prayed toward this latter day of lib-er-ty and peace. How have C" dc I 3 - g* f f g e e ^ — d 4 IC 10 they talked of the rights of man, and labored to describe in lg g g a g f |g a g /-\ e e e ,-J^ e e — ~ , i dc cd d words what our eyes be- hold, and our souls dai - ly enjoy ; name- /"\ /-\ /~s ^ e-f e -f e e " e /-s e d| c d -d* J d— d l g g c'~ dc ic }y : the blessings, the blessings, the blessings of peace and salva- 4 /*"\ /-N /-s e e e dl :g ■ «c c dc a g cd d c dl J r c d tion, in a land sacred to freedom. Then how unspeakably great |g a g rs e /"\ •" ITS dec ag a ic*.(j; ac c c a g a c* is our privilege ! seeing the eyes of all, seeing the eyes of all, e e A » — /-N /■> e d c c" c' c a aor a [ g* a* aa a c d who have ever suffered in the cause of vir-tue, have earnestly /-s g* g' a * a g c e e e e d d " d* d* c d d look-ed, have earnestly look-ec [ towards the blessings we enjoy, g' g' a ' a g /^ e* e* e* e e /-n dec d c dc ic and have justly expected with us to receive a crown of never fad- f g a l ga ■ ne e e a cj-a g ab c a ga lg c d 11 wig glory, and with us to drink freely of the river of the wa- f e Prize the day that she was born. 3 Blessed way of free sarvation ! Blessed cross that we maintain ! Prize the holy habitation, Where these gifts of God remain. 19 Blessed food, how sweet and pleasant! Blessed is our heavenly fare ; When the love of God is present, It is heaven every where. Can I ever fret or murmur, Or; be lifeless, dull or cold, Where an everlasting Summer Such fine beauties does unfold 1 Here's the oil and, wine inviting, Here the milk and honey flow ; Many precious gifts uniting, Here the blooming lilies grow. Here the tender vine and myrtle Spread sweet odors all around; Lovely virgins dance in circles To the harp's melodious sound. Holy angels, guard my spirit In the path my Savior trod, That I may a right inherit On the. holy mount of God. New Lebanon, N. Y. HOLY FAITH. 3 O blessed gospel, thou art e ter nal ; thou wilt endure e* d c b ai g c d le le a*b c d when time shall be no more: thou wilt endure when t-i-m-e e g le e e e e* e d le 20 shall be no more. O my soul! O my soul, keep thy faith most a g e le d ca ho-ly, for-ev-er and ever. What though grief and sorrow fill in le c f e " e c b a ab thy way, and an-gry billows on thee r-o-1-1; yet God is just e d a c* d e e e' e |ie d a 4 d | L and truth shall stand to bear thee safely home. Be ye of good f e e d c e* ai d* d ba d c ba cheer, be ye of good cheer dear Brethren and Sisters, for be - a l (c)a- g© g e g e d* d though the wicked flourish as a green tree, yet I know saith cd ef |g S eg a i a i the Lord, it shall be well with the righteous. Then never ed dl 18 c dl c b a ai ai look to Sodom's dismal plains, to find a hiding place, but keep d* c e d c a g |g e*g c d c 21 your course on Zion-ward, and God will be your guide. Heart /- c a it a " g g e d' e d d c dl e-d rending thoughts ! Awful ! awful ! awful ! ! ! for those who sell c a ^ a a d* c e S d d ic "g- |g e'g their ho-ly birthright, and sink their souls for - ev- er ! Draw a a g e dc* c d d c dl dl |g near, O Lord, we crave thy strength, we need thy saving power, a l c dl c'd e d a ai g O grant it Lord, we humbly pray ; O let thy heavenly gifts |g a a' g — «C a a a g e flow down, Like a fountain of waters ; Grant the pure in heart c c* d d d e f g- g a crown, — Zion's Sens and Daughters. d (d)a ba g Union Village, Ohio, 22 JERUSALEM DESCENDING. 4 O the sound of sweet salvation! O howprecious to my soul, g- f e d e c c c d de d| e g a g May it sound through every nation, And extend from pole to e' d 1 1 ~ c g a gf e d | e g g g c c pole. Here the gospel church is founded, And for-ev-er firm : P e de" f e d f- e£f g IC _ — c — — - b g will stand; Let the gospel trump be sounded, And proclaimed IS g f e g g g g throughout the land. c ic 2 See Jerusalem descending, All adorned like a bride; Lovely virgins are attending, Who the flesh have crucified. See God's glory in the center, View her walls extended high; Surely nothing here can enter, That defiles or makes a lie. 3 Look and see her twelve foundations, Each is formed of pre- cious stone ; In this holy habitation, Nothing sinful can be done. O how boundless are her treasures! Every gate's a precious gem; Twelve times twelve complete the measure, Of the new Jerusa- lem. 4 See the living waters flowing, Like a river pure and wide; See the tree of life a growing, Wisely placed on either side. View her street that shines so clearly., Like the pure transparent glass; 23 Those who keep the truth sincerely, In this golden street shall pass. 5 O the love and condescension, Christ the Lamb doth here display, In this day of full redemption, In this new and living way. Come ye souls who have been praying, For this bright millenni- um day ; No excuses, no delaying, Come and enter while you may. 6 Who shall gain this habitation? Who shall dwell within this wall? Those who quit the old creation, And obey the gospel call. They shall safely be conducted Through her gates that shine so clear ; But the filthy and corrupted, Shall in no wise enter here. Canterbury , N. H. THE NIGHT VISION. 3 I saw in a night vision, and behold one like to the Son of tt c'd dl d'"C a g c d dcd man, come with the clouds of heav - en and come to the ancient e* ic d c'd-. e>" a ag e 4 d d of days; and they brought him near before him, and they dc IC 0' g ab c'g a g ag brought him near before him, and there was given him dominion dc a *§ 18 sr'a c cd dc cd -" 24 and glory and a kingdom, that all nations, people and language g g ab e a ga e e 4 ' d d d c should serve him. His dominion is an ev - er - last - ing a ga g g ab .^ r a g g ic c d dominion which shall not pass a -way, and his kingdom that a b ie dc d IC which shall not be de-stroyed, and his kingdom that which e e c d d c g shall not be de-stroyed. And judgment was given to the dc ag ac ic ic i g g e e a c d saints, to the saints of the Most High; and the time, and e e dl IS e e d d| c a'b the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom, and a g g' a c-d IS- le d c the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom a a g e d d c a c a g g 25 under the whole heaven, shall be given, shall be given to the a g v~s e e d ic ic a* g c* a i a* g a' people of the saints, shall be given to the people of the saints d- - dl g c * a a g a* g le of the M-o-s-t High, whose kingdom is an ev-er-last-ing le dl dcd* ic -■- le d c a ag g a c d kingdom, and all dominion shall serve and o — bey Him, g g c' d c ag ic . ic I ag g a — e ~ |g and all dominion shall serve and o — bey Him. Then I heard c* d c ag ic a'or e* d d' e * d ic c cd one saint speak -ing, and another saint said un-to that cer« g ic (g)e ef g a g*f le I g a tain saint which spake, How long shall be the vis - ion con- le If +■ a b ai ai le cern-ing the dai-ly sac-ri-fice and the trans- gression of e'd d d d c c d ef ie If e ag a des-o-la-tion, to give both the sanctu-a-ry and the host a ag le le e'd d d a ag e g c" a ab to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two e* d ba a ba a i e ef cr'a g f 4, ai g a thousand and three hundred days; Then shall the sanctuary, 4 c c a b b ai a b c b a* a then shall the sanctuary, then shall the sanctu-a-ry be cleansed; g c c g* g 8 b c b a g then shall the sanc-tu-a-ry, then shall the sanc-tu-a-ry, then shall d e f g e d c c d* d the sanc-tu-a-ry be cleansed. And it shall come to pass in d d c c c c d e* ed c* i 5 b- a* a* b the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be e ed d e — c f fe de — c — (f)a'b c es-tab-lish-ed in the top of the mountain; and it shall be ex- dc a ga c cb ic a'b c f e* or* C C C b o 27 alted above the hills, above the hills, it shall be ex-alted above a a dc a' g g ga g g C d a a g the hills ; and people shall flow, and people shall flow unto it. ic c'd g e e d — ai c'a c a ag le e d d ic And many people shall go and say, Come ye, come ye and e c - e e e d c .g g a- c'g ai g'a ,c* a let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of g c d c c d e c dec .c a .a 4 I - I g the God of Jacob, and He will teach us of his ways, and e d d c* c c'd a g a a .ic ag we'll walk in his paths, He'll teach us of his ways and we'll iff asr ■ ■■ dl d d dc ai walk in his paths. For out of Zi-on shall go forth the law, 2 |g c dc ic If ;c fg ai • c g g g a |g and the word of the Lord from Je-ru-sa-lem, and the word 3 /^ /^ |g a g ic c* g of the Lord from Je-ru-sa-lem. ag g ga e — ... e d c-'-ai c a g ac ic Canterbury, N. H« 28 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND PRAYER. 3 Un-to thee O my God, my soul shall bow in sub-miss- |g g e |g a S a |g g c d'c ag ac ic ion. On my bend-ed knees I will ac - knowl-edge thy mercy IS lg ic c* c dc a g g c d e'd and thy goodness to my nee-dy soul O precious Savior. It a g a g /-N — e d g g g a ;lg g' • 1 e /*s c ac ic ic*. a'c is through Mother and her faithful children that my soul has g e d d dc a e e c d c dl d ic received these blessings; Yea it is, yea it is, and I will be ic ic g g a |g c cd ic c'g ai 4 g thank - ful, yea I will be grateful to God the giver, and Moth- /-\ |g e e d IC IC c fg g a g • lg a g lg g g ai er the dis -pen-ser of Eternal Life. O my God hear my prayer, ag a ic lg a g dc ic g g r |g ic and grant unto us a greater portion of hu-mil-i-a-tion and re- le ic g c d a g ; |g % g ^ a ag ic a i g ga 29 pentance, for this we need. In -spire us with an in -creasing \g |g -|g • II g a g • dc le c c zeal and energy to persevere, to persevere in the way of g g g a ga g g — e g c |g g" f righteousness of righteousness and peace. The sal - vation we e e d d d " dc g a c a have found, the victory we have gained, to us is a pearl of dc ag c g a le cd great price, yea it is an in-ex - press - i - ble treasure. O dc d a i c d * g g cd le dc IC IC e c*~ may thanks - giv - ing and gratitude a - bound in us; Thy will g a g ... — d a a a ca ai e e — d g g be done O God. Hence -forth we will drink at no fountain, cd dc ic aor' ac ic g a |g g save that which flows from our Heavenly Fa - ther, save that a I a ag a i eg a g which flows from our Heavenly Father. c dc* dc IC IC 30 THE TEMPLE. 4 The Lord hath a -gain in his temple appear'd, The sound d g'ab 4 e' f ed c ef c ff b ic of re-joicing and gladness is heard; The Bridegroom and g g g g c" |g Bride have now utter'd their voice, And all their companions e d c c in union re -joice. If ed cd ef g g :IS 2 They've come to Mount Zion, an ark for the mind, A mountain that's flowing with milk and new wine; This hill of salvation their spirits renews, Where sweet consolation descends like the dew. 3 For thus saith the Lord, I've returned to be A comfort to all who will call upon me, A lamp to the wand'ring, a couch to the frail, A certain protection that never will fail. 4 The desert of Zion begins to be seen Like Eden, a garden delightfully green, With fruits and with flowers of various kinds, And beautiful branches composing the vine. 5 Break forth into singing ye heavens above, Ye mountains rejoice in a sonnet of love; The hills and the valleys in rapture may tell, Jehovah hath comforted all that do well. 31 6 As dew saith the Lord, unto Israel I'll be, And he shall grow up as a young Olive tree, His branches shall spread, and his beauty increase, His name shall be called the Arbor of Peace. 7 The children of Israel their voices shall raise, In songs of thanksgiving and anthems of praise, To heaven's Protector, and Zion's great friend, From whom all true blessings to mortals descend. Harvard, Mass. THE HOLY WATCHER. 4 Thou Holy Watcher, God most high, Who does not sleep d e ic a a nor slumber, But always keeps a Father's eye Upon thy chos- d ic c g g e en number ; Be - fore thy throne I humbly pray, Beseeching ic ic ■■■ c* e ed ef g ab c thou wouldst hear me, Since often I'm compelled to say, Pro- a a IS S d d e g » e tect the flock that fear thee. d e r c ic 2 Thy chosen people, Lord, assist, In mercy, love and pity, And form in them the mind of Christ, Throughout the holy City. 32 Lord, let thy gifts and glory shine Upon thy holy building, And form the lily and the vine Within thy chosen children. 3 O God, thou savv'st the suffering Lamb Upon the cross extended ; Thou art our Father still the same, Who hast the seed descended. Thou saw'st his sorrow and his grief, And gave him consolation ; For through thy strength and thy relief He overcame temptation. 4 What sufTrings did our Mother bear, In labor for her children! When like her Lord she did prepare To found this glorious building. Her life was a continual death, To bruise the old deceiver, Until she found that heavenly birth The Lord Jehovah gave her. 5 Since God did call our Lord to bear Such deep humiliation, Then let each member take their share, With patient resignation. Our present sufTrings feel like toys, And life when 'tis compared Unto the everlasting joys, Our Father has prepared. 6 Our precious Parents in this place, Great suff'rings have endured, To find that pure and spotless dress, By righteousness procured. Let's fill the measure that's behind, And follow their example; This is the way that God designed, To purify his temple. 33 7 Now let us imitate the word, Like Mother do our duty, That we may reap a full reward, The glory and the beauty. Here are the virgins, shown to John, By holy revelation, Who stand around Jehovah's throne, In his pure habitation. 8 And here are they who have come out Of bitter tribulation, Have wash'd their robes and made them white, In deep humiliation. And God will wipe their tears away, And comfort their affliction; They will, in everlasting day, Possess the resurrection. Harvard, Mass, HUMBLE VALE. Q Lord fill my soul with solemn fear, A tender heart be- ef a g stow, And let a sym-pa- thet-ic tear For suffering mor- ris /*-\ /~\ b c cd e e dc b i ai g tals flow. How precious was the crystal tear, Our humble d dc b b c* d ai c'd e ed c c 34 pa-rents shedf What comfort in their grief appears, While ed e lb a a g e ed e d ef in the vale we tread. c b g a g ai 2 Lord make me humble, pure and good, Enrobed with charity, To do to others as I would Have others do to me. The way appears[exceeding straifi, More plain and yet more pure ; My former life I truly hate, Myself I can't endure. 3 Lord blot the things that are behind, While I in sin remained ; Let grateful thanks employ my mind, For what I have obtained. Though tribulation rend my heart, And melt it soft as wax, May I with zeal perform the part That God of me exacts. I will forget the things behind, And in the truth increase ; That righteousness may clothe my mind With an abiding peace. The work is short the Lord will make. Among the faFlen race ; Now every band I'll strive to break, That Christ may have a place. 35 SPIRIT OF PRAYER. * Lord give me the spirit of prayer, And wisdom to pray e e e J g a g g a \g ic ... a g ab c as I ought; En-dow me with patience to bear Whatever e d le d ab g g a g IS e e may fall to my lot. Lord clothe me with meekness and love, ed d — c c IC e e c ai And let me seem just what I am; De-scend thou ce-les- g a g ed le ed ti-al dove, And make me as mild as a lamb. g g e e g e "d ic 2 Lord help me to purge out the dross, And cleanse me from all that is wrong, And let me not shrink at the cross That does to thy chosen belong. Let praise and thanksgiving abound, And flow from my heart and my breath, That I in the way may be found, Which leads from the regions of death. 3 Let honesty, virtue and peace, Be printed so deep in my heart, That when earthly comforts do cease. My treasure can never depart.; 36 Let mercy and truth be my guide, And let me be faithful and just, In oneness with Christ to abide, And share in the heavenly rest. 4 O Lord keep me simple and low, To walk in humility's vale, Where peace, love and union do flow, And blessings that never will fail. Thy favor O Lord I entreat, My spirit completely refine ; Lord let me be wise and discreet, Let peace and submission be mine. New Lebanon, N. Y THE NEW YEAR'S GIFT. A Come lovely chil-dren of Zi - on, let us remember, let ic b a c ba b'a g a i a a b'a ff'a b'a usremem-ber that time is swiftly pass-ing a- way. And why ga ba a I &I e db g e* ai d have w r e been preserv-ed un-to this day? Is it not that we lb a b'a e * ai d c ded a g le g might o-vertake the pu-ri-fy-ing gift in Zi-on, that we ba gf g a a ba gf ai IP 37 might be pre-pared to meet with our God, that we might be b a b* a cr ff a i a ie pre-pared to meet with our God? O let us be thank -ful; let |g g g a i ai c'd ie e e -d* d us bow be -fore the Lord our God, for his mercy, yea be- g f e 2 a b cb a I sa ba a i a dc fore the holy God of Zion; let us of-fer the sac -ri - fice of b a g ^ e e ^ d cd ie ie ie ie IC lb ai lb |C dl If thanksgiving and praise due to his ho -ly name, upon the ho |g ai Ipr I I ic b ^a ba a i ai ly al - tar, upon the ho-ly al - tar, the pu-ri-fi-ed mind of the g-f b cb a I a i g a b cb a I ga ba soul, the pu- ri - fi- ed mind of the soul. May we set out this ~ e ed ai ai c b a f ie e ir f f g day to pu - ri - fy our souls in -deed, and walk worthy of our a b c b ba g ab cb a i Cb ai a e d 38 call -ing ; that we may be a fit temple, that the Holy Ghost i e a I le c j|c c c J] b a c d d d may dwell in us. Then we shall see God, the pure God, then g a gf — — le le ■ ■■a a a g g g cb we shall see God, the pure God, and he will meet with us in ee.ee I l- r le ■ jag ab cd mercy; yea he will dwell with us, and we shall be his people, a c a ef g a* c* i a g ef g a* a a g g* g and he will be our God ; and we shall be his people, and he b a 2a b c c dc b a a will be our God; and the spirit of e-ter-nal life re-vealed O 4 f g ai ^ e ed e — c4b a d d d through Christ and the holy Bride, shall reign in our souls, f cd ■ ■■e ed c*d d dc d le Then shall we be able to worship God and rejoice in the beau- ai c*b a b ic d b le c d ie c d f S a 39 ty of ho-li-ness, in the beauty of holiness. From the womb f S l a b ic d c c'b of the morn-ing we shall have the dew of our youth, the a b c'd f S e"~ e g a 'g ef g ai a'b blessings, the blessings of God will dis-till upon us, like the e e g g ga |g a * b ag f e e dew of heaven up -on the tender plant; our souls shall be ^ f ab ca...g e cd e e e d le c'b ai a'b c'd as a watered garden, yea, they shall grow in -to the res- f g c — d f le a'b ca ur-rec-tion power of life. Come let us be thank-ful for 3 c'd e d cb a b cb ai f le e -d' d| another privilege to worship God in the height of Zi-on, for g ab c a g a' lb c b c'a a' g ^ f le le c'd time rolls a-way. But they that have their treasure in the r\ 4 rs -■ *-+. f g ai ai d d e (e)c c c c c "" a g "" 40 word of God and are planted in the pu-ri-ty of the gospel, edlodeedlled ded d e e d || ed tt b g~ c c g shall never die, shall never die, saith the Son of God; the ded isr Iff a g \g g a g ic ic world shall pass a-way, but they shall abide for - ev -er, for- d ed c ~ c g' c c g IS c b ev - er, they shall a-bide for-ev-er. Come brethren and sis- a g |g ic ffa g a g< d C C IC c c ed ters, this day we will cov-e-nant to-geth-er faithfully to le e (e)a* b c ag g ai a ag a b bear the cross of Christ, and cru-ci-fy ev' - ry carnal passion. c d e dc dl e'd c b c*a ag e e d ai ai And those that o-ver-come, shall find their union with the #e* d f gf ^ e e — e — d e* e* d d a * g heavenly Bridegroom and Bride ; they shall drink freely of the be ab a I (d)g dc X 41 water of life, and shall eat of the hidden man-na, which is c e S ed II ic ic dc a a |l g g| ^ IC | ic a a A- g I the true union, the true union of the spir-it, which is the true c dc c d g a cr ef |g|| g a g ed union of the spir-it and shall re-ceive a white stone, and ic eg ic c dc g eg ic e-f||g j the stone a new name, which no man know-eth saving they g g ef |g |g a g ed" d| e f ge that re-ceive it even their order and place in the house of c ef IS IS a " g ed ic iced e dc God. And the Son of God will con-fess them before his ic (d)a b ag a g a Heavenly Father and the ho--ly an --gels; and clothed in g Sf* ab || c d 1 e'd dc b*a ai a i a i ai ic 42 ev-etf-last-ing right -eous-ness, they shall dwell in the par-a- 1 lg lg is ^ ; e* d ^ e C'd "d* g ie a* b ie agr dise of God for-ev-er and ever for-ev-er and ever. ab a I as e e e d cb e e a a ag ai ai -■ New Lebanon, N. Y. GIFT OF UNfi)& * Ifow great and glo-ri-ous is the gift of un-ion! how strong" ic a g a* c ic d d e ^ ie dc e' d d and' powerful is the gift of un-ion ! how blessed and happy is dc i C c'a a g a dc ic--- ic a a dc a g c the gift of un-ion ! The union of the spir-it is the bond of /-\ |g |g a £ gf e d cd cd dc tojf ic peace, which binds the souls of the right-eous in ever -lasting ie , i r I ag ag' g g g ^ g dd love; as Christ is one with the Fath-er, so are his faithful ic : ■ /~\ /-\ If f f /-\ e* e' e /-v \g' c d d d 4 c d dl | dc 43 foHowers one with our Lord and Sav-ior. O may this oa€- dc a'b e aor g able ic g'ab ness grow in us, O may this one--ness grow in us; may dl c acr f f f e* d IC lg this heavenly un-ion increase m our souls, till ev-er-yop- g g a |g g g it 8 dc ic ic(J c d posite feeling shall die and every contrary spirit be ban- rs rs e* e d d c ic c'd g g g a |g g ished, be ban-ished from our habi-ta-tion. The union of the e IS g ic c'd g e e d dc ic flesh will fail, the af- fections of nature will dissolve and die |g |g e d d| 4 ft c d a- way; but the union of the spirit is e-ter-nal, and heavenly a* g f ~ e dc ic c* d c g c d c d dc ic ic c'd e e d af-fec-tions will abide for-ev-er, and heavenly af-fec-tions will IS f\ e e 16 |g B d c ba* g #c I 44 abide for-ev-er. There is a heavenly lead, let us follow it g ab ic icQ c* a c e e c d ie and we shall be wise; there is a center of union, let us gather a g g dc(JJc* ag a c" e e c d d to it and we shall be happy. He that would lead himself is i d'jfdl dc(jc* ag a c* c* If f e e d 2 a unwise, for he will fall; he that with-draws from the center of g ic c dc I c e e d |g c" bjfc g g union is un-hap-py, for he walks a-lone; he is like a wan- s~\ ^\ r\ |g |g g gf e e d c c dc (g>* g IC a a c dering star that can find no rest, but must fi-nal - ly be lost in a I c ag as ed ie c d ed c a I d e the re- gions of darkness. Our own ways lead to death; let us ie .e dc ic ic ^s g e ed e a i c ag shun them, let us shun them, and our union shall be our sup-port, ai a *I g ed ie ie c d ie ed e* a i 45 shall be our support. The way of God leads to life, let us a* e d le le e d e a b g walk in it, and our un-ion shall be our strength, and our a i IS ai (?)c d ie e d c /~\ /-n c'd ie d c un - ion shall be our strength. e*2 g ed' THE CORD OP ONEWfESS. 4 How easy the cord that unites us in one! How lovely c'd — e e ed c a cd e d e c a this oneness of mind ! For one precious treasure thus jointly c a ef a g i 1 a a ab g e e we run, This u-ni-ty Christ has en -joined. Oar heavenly a a dc a I ace e dc ic g parents possess but one throne, One kingdom we strive to ob- c c cd ic ca a a g e dc c a 46 tain, One seed has been planted, and when fully grown, (II c a There will be no break in the chain. a c a g e c d ic 2 And as we may travel in true faithfulness, Partake of one bread that is pure, Through much tribulation we're called to progress, According as we can endure. This is a great blessing that God does bestow, This deep tribulation we feel, It leads to the valley that's humble and low, Remote from a hi^h minded zeal. 3 For down in this valley our Savior is found, Christ walks in this humble retreat; Though sorrow and suffering may often abound, Here grows the true genuine wheat. We find here that fountain whose waters are sure, The soil is not barren or dry; How fresh that repentance which makes the soul pure, Unseen and unknown by the high. 4 In humiliation is comfort and peace Unfelt by the great and the high ; A sweet consolation that finds an increase, Because the true Comforter's nigh. Now let this true union increase and abound, Let nothing our spirits divide; But patiently travel quite through this low ground, To reign with the Bridegroom and Bride. 47 HEAVENLY COMFORT. 4 What heavenly comfort Je- ho -van's allotted For those* a a g i e e ed § g who will faithfully bear the full cross; Enrobed with sal-va-tion/ d d cd c ed dl ed c ca g — a a a conscience unspotted, Here's heavenly comfort de-void of a e d a C d ed re -morse. They've comfort in sorrow, in weeping and sighing r\ /-\ /-n /-s ca ai ; c'd eeedddedc ca a And comfort in singmg, in dancing and mirth; They've com- g g d d cd e d dc ai g fort in living and comfort in dying, They've comfort in heav- a e ed g d c cd en, and comfort on earth. ai try c c dc a s * g e d e 2 'Tis heavenly comfort to follow our Savior, There's heavenly comfort in doing his will; 48 There's heavenly comfort in Christ's love and favor, 'Tis comfort and blessing the foe to repel. 'Tis heavenly comfort to imitate Mother, Sweet comfort we find to be little and low, 'Tis heavenly comfort to love one another, In union there's heavenly comfort we know. 3 There's comfort attached to deep tribulation, Because the true Comforter then will be nigh; There's heavenly comfort in regeneration, To live in the spirit and let the flesh die. With comfort we feast on the heavenly manna, Though some tribulation is mixed therein; With heavenly comfort we'll shout the hosanna, When we are redeemed from the nature of sin. JOYFUL MESSENGER. 4 Awake, awake, be clothed with thy strength O Zi-on; ' c lg f f g k e d d — clothe thyself with thy glorious garments O Je-rusalem, thou f f le e d d c c g g IC IC holy city, thou holy city; for no more shall enter into thee *■ g c g g ic c gfta |g ic c g a g c g the uncircum-cised and the polluted, for no more shall enter in- g g * g e f 2 a ic. 49 to thee, the uncircum-cised and the polluted. How beauti-ful I e g ic c or a 4 ic b c g e f the fe If e a ic ic t appear on the mountains, the feet of the joy - ful messen - ger of |g ^e g Q |g If d d- dl — IS him that an-nounceth peace, of the joyful messenger of good e ef g e e e g d d d d|... ic c" ~ be ti-dings, of him that an-nounceth sal - vation, of him that II If tt b |g|| |t le ef g ic ic g g sayeth unto Zi-on, Thy God reigneth; all thy watchmen e g A A A^ d d tt b |, g e ic ic (c)a a g lift up their voice; 'Ley shout to-gether; for face to face shall g ai le d c dl c a ag ie they see, shall they see, when Je-hovah, when Je-hovah re-turn- g ai ef g a d c d b g ec eth to Zion. Burst forth into joy, shout to-gether, shout to- a* a* a g e* cd ge c cd 7 50 getherye ruins of Je-rusalem; for Jehovah, for Jehovah hath g* g a e e dc g a g c d e g comfort - ed his peo-ple; He hath redeem -ed, he hath redeem- e d cd ed ic ic ic cd e c a g' cd e ge ed, he hath redeem - ed Israel. Je-hovah hath made bare his c e c* c # cd e g'Qg ed- c g a a g g holy arm,, in sight of all the nations; And all the ends, and dd d| ,IS ed c c d ! ed c c c ed c c d b : ed |g g all the ends of the earth, shall see the sal - vation of our g g |g d dc ef g f d g c b a g God. De-part, de-part ye, go ye out from thence, touch no r IC #1 c'cd e c* g c d e c" polluted thing; go ye out from the midst of her. Be ye clean, d c d e" c d e* .e e I d c g g |g be ye clean, ye that bear the vessels of Je-hovah. Ver-i-ly d c ef g dc Ic* c* ; e f !g | eg g d'ell f e 51 not in haste shall ye go forth, and not by flight shall ye march d e If dc — h dl S f |g LI 18 18 dc c — b a -long; for Je-hovah, for Jeho-vah shall march in your front, de d| b ai a' c d le a ic g ai and the God of Is-ra-el, and the God of Is-ra-el, and the b lb a 8 God of Is-ra-el shall bring up the rear. b a ai e g ai ic *g ai Canterbury, N, H. THEIAWINZION. 4 Re-joice, re-joice, O my soul! Thou art favored with the le g' 12 e ic g a mercy of God, and called by his grace. Thy salvation is put le d d d e'f g g e d ic d e d in -to thy right hand, and the promise of glory in thy left, Thy efff g g * g * g \g )g d de f e d sal-vation is put into thy right hand, and the promise of glory in ab c a g a g e ed e d e d e thy left. On-ly yield o-be-di-ence and it shall become thy crown, ic e d ic | c d e d e f |g yea, thy glo-ry; it shall become thy crown, yea thy glory. /•S /""\ /-N /"\ a ag IS |g |g ed f e de tt c ic — b IC The law is in Zi-on and the standard in Jerusalem; the pre- |g |g g ab IG IC a* g c* a g* e d* e d| |g cepjs and instructions of the way of life, in Mount Zi-on : and e e dl dl e f g |g e d ic ic If power and victory over all sin, is freely given to every faith-ful e d e g|g a g e |g c cc D a gabca ag soul, is free-ly given to every faithful soul. I will make these 3 |g ic g ge g e f e dl d IC e or my delight; yea, Twill: I will delight, both day and night in g g' a b c cd c a | g d e 53 serving God and doing good. I will delight both day and night f d g a g a c c in serving God and doing good. I will never cease to be thank- 4 e e f d c c* b f d e f |g e d ic ful for these precious gifts and blessings, for these precious ic f d e f |g al IS |g g e gifts and blessings which the gos-pel does afford us. f.g a'b ic ic e If d| e d ic ic Canterbury ', N. H. THE VALLEY. A A meek humble spir - it's a heav-en-ly grace, — O may ef |g a g g c-df M, d dC IC I be little and low, For here 1 find comfort re-joicing in ^s »**s /-n /-s /^ a c a g ag |g f e g g g ; g f f a f f — e peace, In this pleasant Valley I'll go. 'Twas here our dear \S ;lg -c d f : ,g e rs — d cb IC g g g 54 Savior de-light-ed to walk, And Mother this path did pur- ab ic ag g g a IS e e d d sue, And here are the footsteps of Christ's little flock, Here e d| d par-a-dise opens to view. a c g c d g *'g a g g — e d c IC 2 A meek humble spirit is riches indeed, A treasure that God does bestow ; On heavenly manna I always shall feed, As long as I'm humble and low. The soul that is humble can bear a full cross, The burden so light he can run; No turbulent tempest this vessel can toss, All dangers they're careful to shun. 3 From those who are humble, vile passions are fled, Love enters, their bosoms to warm ; Bright glorified spirits encamp round their head, In Mother's angelical form. The heavenly harpers awake a new song, Bright angels their music resound ; What comfort and blessing to children belong, Where Christ's humble spirit is found. 55 THE TRYING FURNACE. Farewell all earthly glory, I bid you all adieu; Farewell S e d c ef IS g c d e IS all earthly treasures, I want no more of you; I want my union ab ic c d e d c ac ic c'd e d d c grounded on the eternal soil, Beyond the power of Sa-tan, d| e d c" a g a /-\ fg g ef. ~ ^~ e d c ef at> |g ~ where sin cannot defile. c g' fed ic 2 I want my name engraved among the righteous found, Crying, holy, holy Father, and win the glorious crown. For the sake of such pure riches I'm willing to pass througby And every thing that's for me I'll count it my just due. 3 I'm willing to be purged, and bear a daily cross, Until my soul is cleansed from every kind of dross. I've felt a trying furnace, and felt its piercing pain; The fruits of it are holy, the gold doth still remain. 4 All earthly tribulation is but a moment here, And then if we are faithful, a Crown of life shall wear. We shall be called holy, and feed on angels' food Rejoicing in bright glory, before the throne of God. West Gloucester, Me. 56 MOUNT ZION. , Come, let us arise, and go up to the top of the Mount Zi- ai a g a i le a; e a d ef le on and view her tow-er. Behold her mighty walls, and her bul- le d le & ai le a a a g ic c warks of everlasting strength! Here we will ex-ult and sing; g e d g Le ai d a a le What hill or mountain is like thee! What hill or moun- le a g a ed d — c le le ge d le tain is like thee! O thou ce - les-ti-al Light ! View from her e'd ef g a i ag eg a g a bg ai : ,, — IC 1 a g brilliant top, the hills and moun- tains round about her, cov- le d| d le 8" ai ai ■" ic ered with des-o-la-tion! Re -turn mine eyes; Come home! d de le cr e ■f |g a ai ai come home! Once more explore this holy Hill! This is le ic ag e e c d e c 57 the hill of God's abode: this is the hill of God's abode — his e a g e d c ■"! ev-erlasting throne. No noxious air can reach me here. No e d e' d a ! c a e sickness pain nor death I fear. This is the hill I will adore; e* e" acr e acr e e" c d I'll tarry here forever -more. d- e d e d a* Ohio. IMPORTANT QUESTION. . Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell rs rs c cd c* ,4 rs S e dc rs c*d e d a a-" IS in thy holy hill? He that walketh up -right -ly and worketh rs rs a a g g e d ic c d de d| e'd cd e righteousness, and speaketh truth in his heart. He that back- d c ai e'd ed c ic c cd-^ e 8 58 biteth not with his tongue, nor speaketh evil of his neigh- c d eg a* a a g g a i a a g e dc cd e bor, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor. O a# ic g g ed- egg |C g ~ d " d ic g earth ! earth ! earth ! hear the word of the Lord ! O earth fg ic . le 1 ii c d de d| g*e earth ! earth ! hear the word of the Lord ! Then may ye al- 3 |g ic g 4te d dc^ B« a g - g so do good, who are accustomed to do evil : then may ye also e g c d d c d e d e d de d c do good who are accustomed to do evil. For thus saith, the 8 c* g e c .e d I dec cd Lord of hosts, Behold, I set before you the way of life, and a g g U |g g ■ ■■a g... b c a a ai g the way of death. Seek ye me ,and ye shall live ; Cease, a ti- ed c g \S tt lg r\ c a a g |g ~~ g ed ic^jj 59 cease to do evil: and learn to do well, well : cease, cease to do c* d e d c d e d c d* d* e* e* d c evil and learn to do well. He that covereth his sins shall not g g e d ic c cd e d e f bd id prosper; but whoso confesseth and for-sak-eth them shall have c ic c'd e c de f e d c be d g... mercy. This is the way : this is the way, walk ye in it. For ©s- f f g b r c c g f If e d ic behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about e c d e I f ed e d| g with sparks! walk in the light of your fire, and in the spark 1g f e de c bd |g ic d'e f e which ye have kin -died. But this shall ye re-ceive of my b g b ic f e dc a |g g g hand : ye shall lie down in sorrow : Yet as I live, saith the ic c'd e ed dl d |g g f g e.-d ic 60 Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but dl e c c c dl || d d .e dl e that the wicked turn and live. Turn ye, turn ye, turn ye, a a g "g a*b ic turn ye from your evil way, for why will ye die. If ye be d cd d c d| d'c a a a -g- g — ic willing and o-be-di-ent ye shall eat the good of the land. And to ic ic c d c* c ic cd ed dlddedl c b him that overcometh, and to him that overcometh will I give a a g g |g |g g e 2 c d ic| ic c d to eat of the hidden manna, and a white stone, and in the ic fe d c c IC g IC :cd a g g g g— g ef stone a new name, written, which no man knoweth, which no d de |g dl d*e dl ef g ec dl man knoweth saving him that receiveth it. |g |g e f ge* d c a g — ic New Lebanon, N. Y. 61 PRECIOUS FAITH. I love our faith, our precious faith, The agent of sal -va- g' a c c a g ab C C a g g /~s S\ f"\ d e ed c c e"d tion, So bright a mine did never shine Up -on the old cre- d ed g g e g d e g g ag e d ation. This diamond bright, this brilliant light, The bos- ic ic g e g a a g g om friend of Mother, This heavenly grace our souls pos- /~\ /~\ g ed e-d d d ~ c g e g sess, O bless the sacred author. e g g ag e d — c IC IC 2 Within the breast this pearl is placed, Well set and deeply rooted, And virgins wise secure the prize And keep it unpolluted. We will not mar the radiant star, But thank the heavenly Donor And unto him that gave the gem, Give glory, praise and honor. 3 Come let us now with reverence bow To him who gave this blessing; No earthly kings have seen such things As we are here possessing. 62 This pearl we hold more rich than gold, And none can take it from us; The lowly mind this gift will find, And be an heir of promise. 4 This heavenly grace gives us a place Beside the pleasant river, Whose crystal stream shall be the theme Of every true believer. Let's join in thanks upon the banks Of this celestial fountain, And spend our days in songs of praise On Zion's holy mountain. 5 Here we can see the living tree, Whose leaves will heal the nation, And virgins chaste its fruits can taste Here in the new creation. This gospel wall encloses all Who do this pearl inherit, And in her street the virgins meet, In union of the spirit. 6 With-in this wall we cannot fall, Her streets are paved completely ; Here we can pass on shining glass, Where virgins sing so sweetly. Here we will sing to Zion's King, Here we will flow together, Here we'll unite in Zion's height, And praise the Lamb forever. Harvard, Mass. 63 GOSPEL TREASURE. . Father grant me thy protection, Be my guide both night d b aj 2 ab a a c c and day, Let me walk in circumspection In the selfdenying d re e d ag e ed b a ef g way; Fill my soul with Moth-er's spir-it, Let thy love be c c ef g ed eg a ed my support, That I may a right inherit In the mansions of thy d le e e ba g b ba e g ab court. ai 2 Through this valley safely bear me, Let thy mercy me attend, Let no evil thought ensnare me, Be my Father and my friend; Clothe my soul with Mother's spirit, Make me peaceful as a dove, That I may a right inherit In the mansions of thy love. 3 In this dreadful day of trouble, Bitter vengeance to repay, Let my watchfulness be double, In this great eventful day. 64 Let our blessed Mother's spirit Find in me a resting place, That I may a right inherit In the mansions of thy grace. 4 Let thy judgments be a warning Unto all who seek the light; Though it is so bright a morning, After morning comes the night. Shield my soul with Mother's spirit; Every evil to destroy, That I may a right inherit In the mansions of thy joy. 5 This kind promise thou hast given, Like a father and a friend, To continue with thy chosen, Till the world shall have an end. Come ihou sin-destroying spirit, Let my soul be thine abode, That I may a right inherit In the mansions of thy God. Harvard , Mass. PARADISE. * Re - joice with me ye children of t-h-e kingdom, who see c'd e ed d ef g ^s /^ ed c ded ic ic e'f the brightness of a gospel day; and a-gain I say re -joice, for ab c c g g e dc d| /^ g c* d ef e ed ic e-f 63 un-to us is paradise opened, for unto us is paradise opened, ic ic ab II c c I! a ab II I c g — II i n a g g .2 fjfe def IS md we have entered in, and we have entered in, to go no |g f e d'e f'd ed c cd ef |g c*d e more out. The tree of life is planted, and our souls daily feast dc IC a ab g g — c ic c ai g |g on the fruit of it: we drink freely, we drink freely of the river c e dc ic g S ef c g g e c of the water of life : we bathe in the fountain of love, which d' d c cb ab ic g a ab g ~~ ic brings us to God : and at his right hand are pleasures for-ev-er dl d c C d lg dc a ac d d e dc more. A ci - ty is builded, we dwell in the palace thereof; and ic If f e dl de f c II b ab ic ic rest is allowed, yea perfect goodness and wisdom. In this our dl d c ic e dc ab ic ic g' e c 9 66 souls re-joice, yea, we feel thankful, for unto us is the gospef ^v ai e dc 18 IC g g e a ab c a a g gl |e d of sal-va-tion freely proclaimed : for the Lord hath redeemed Zi- de f g |g le d dc ic c* d le d e dc ic on, for the Lord hath redeemed Zi-on, and made her wilderness C e ic ic d c b ab ic c d* e deb like Eden, and her des-ert like the garden of the Lord. |g Ig g /-n ed ic e c« , a 1 IS s e dc ic I Canterbury N. H :| ADDRESS TO SPECTATORS. Ye who have assembled in the presence of God ; fear and ■+ c'a ea c d ic g g ic g tremble, fear and tremble be -fore him ! Hearken, and give ear,' ab ic g ... c c |g ic c c C g for he hath come to judge the world in righteousness, to o-ver- ue e c in ic cd d d c ' \S g g 67 throw, and put down the haughtiness of man, and to lay waste g ag c ija ca c d ic e c* ~4* 2 $ and stain the p;iJeof all flesh. He hath come to con - found. •al ca ga cd g ic e tt c d d IC and break in pieces the strong holds of the wicked, and break cd g a £ g e d dl ic c in pieces the strong holds of the wicked; and to consume, and de- c dc b or g g rs e e — d ic ic Cd stroy that which he hath not planted. The Lord God of hosts g e e d IS |g g \z c c will humble the lof-ty looks of the highminded, and bring to ca tt a » g C( * e c dc c cd |g |g g'a as ab nought the im- ag-i-na-tions of the proud; that he alone maybe c ca g aa g |g g g lg s a g /^ • — e d d- ■ dl c exalted. And he will make known his mer-cy in a wonderful ic d c b a ag j g c ic ic IS f d s f~ e d GS manner; and he will make known his mercy in a wonderful C g gf ^N dl d| " f f v e (1 c c manner, unto all those who are waiting for, and seeking af-ter ' gc d ! d ed dc || c g g £ ,y ^ d - d IC IC - the gift of e-ter-nal life, out of all people, kindreds, tongues |g g g a g a d | c d d || d dc ic and nations. Come and let us reason tc-geth-er, for why will |g c" d|i e d || e d cl ic ic ] |g || a ag li tt i # ye die? ye who are as good by nature rs we, ye who are as IS g aa ""tt c 4 c d c 'd || e e de I "T ic ft needy of the mercy of God as we. O then repent, and turn deed d d de | dl ed I! d c ag g t e IS from the e-vil of your doings! Prepare to meet your God! c ba |! bd d e dc ic ic c*a g gf /~\ t e e d — l- T O then repent, and turn from the e-vil of your doings ! Pre- ic d cb a ar e e — d l g I? ic ic 69 pire to meet your God! Neolect not this, your final dny of c g gf e f e l! d4ic —|| g a g e *■ f l ! |g c -I visitation, for the sake of mo-ment-a-ry and vain pleasures, for g f g e c an ac c e e c ca cd |g IS the sake of mo-ment-a-ry and vain pleasures; with a false ab c eld dc b ba g g a |g |g /-n .e* f ' died hope to shun the cross of Christ, with a false hope to shun the g||ca g c e g g e ^ d c d dc 44 ic cross of Christ; spare the enmity, and find salvation: for all g ca c g e e d-d - d c c ca Cd ic such hope will fail, and the time soon arrive when those who /-s Ak a c dc ic g g a g f |g — e c'd ce build on it, will find the harvest past, the summer ended, and c ag II 10 f f g a g II i c H c " c g tt II I © a* d e they not saved. For all such hope v ! i fail and * K e time soon c c ; ic ca g f ~ f e e e c d 70 arrive when tho«e who build on it will find the harvest past, the eld* c • I die •summer ended, and they not saved. ca || g a r i a g ic ic New Lebanon, N. Y. THE REQUEST. Lord, I am in thy presence now; I've come to do thy will! s ai a g ef g ed cd eg b c a ai Be-fore thy sceptre I will bow, My duty to fulfill. Lord, I re- 's b c c c* g e ef g ed c b|c c ^ a | a ai d efg-| - a ' turn my thanks to thee, For thy protecting hand; And, for c d d cd e e cd | le ed a place where I can be One of thy chosen band. c ^ a a a a g g ai g g 2 Lord, still protect me night and day That I turn not aside, Guide me 'n the self-denying way, Where sin cannot abide. 71 Lord, wilt thou grant me my desire, And answer my request? O, cleinse me with thy gospel fire, And give my spirit rest. 3 May sweet repentance wash me clean, And make my garments white ; May joys eternal close the scene And make me thy delight. O feed my soul from day to day With true and living bread, And lead me in the narrow way Unto the fountain head. 4 Lord, clothe me with a spirit meek And fill my soul with love, That I m ly learn to act and speak As harmless as a dove. O Lord, be merciful, I pray, Give me a broken heart, may the royal sceptre sway, Till safe I'm in the Ark. 6 All those who're in the sacred Ark Do hear the blessed sound, All ye that do from sin depart, Come now and gather round. Here's righteous robes prepared for all, Who've borne their daily cross, Who have obeyed their gospel call, And labored out of loss. 6 I've seen your works, and heard your prayers, I've answered your request; I've helped you out of Satan's snares, Come now and take your rest. I've clothed you with a spirit meek, And made your garments white: 1 gave you bread of Life to eat And you are my delight. 72 JOYFUL PRAISES. j Sing, ye Mother's sons and daughters, Who in love togeth- c gee d d e c g c c c c .g er dwell, All who drink the liv-ing waters Out of the celestial g g' d d e c g e d c c well ; Praise the God of our saf-va-t?dn. Who hath made our g g d d c c c e d d c feet to stand In the midst of des-o-la-tion, — O the bless-ed c c g promised land. c c c* S g d d c c c e e d d - c 2 See the milk and honey flowing, Taste the clusters of the vine; Precious love and union growing, Here we have the choicest wine. We shall no more be ashamed, Pride has to be overthrown: Here he calls the poor and maimed, All the humble God will own. 3 Fear not, says the God of Zion, Neither let thy hand be slack: Though the scenes are often trying, Strength the city shall not lack. 73 For the Lord thy God is holy, Mighty in the midst of thee; In his love shall rest the lowly, In his spirit they'll be free. 4 Though the fields should all be dried, Trying scenes afflict the fold, All that's in the furnace tried, Never can affect the gold. God has brought the restoration, We are fixed on the rock ; Strength and glory of the nation, — Praises sing, ye little flock. SWEET PEACE. 3 Come sweet peace and consolation, Sovereign of e-ter-naJ e e c c f f e e .d d a ' | t r rest ; Bless thy children's habitation, Come and reign among e* c d d d e g r g ab the just. Come sweet peace and march before us, Bind us g S g a a ge g' S g |g in thy golden chain, While we join the heavenly chorus, a a d g g |g g f e d e de f Peace on earth good will to man. g* *■ G C d e lc 10 74 2 Come sweet peace and guard around me, Watching every rising thought ; Every one that would confound thee, Crush the viper into nought. Come sweet peace and fill my bosom, Let all jarring sounds be mute, Let the Olive spread and blossom, Fill us with the heavenly fruit. 3 Come sweet peace, for thee I'm calling, Come thy sacred banner spread ; Where all discord is a falling, Boldly rear thy lovely head. Come sweet peace, thou art prevailing, Surely thou hast gained the palm, Bitter envy, strife and railing, Flee before the peaceful Lamb. 4 Come sweet peace and take possession, Bear the sceptre in thy hand ; Feast the nations with thy blessing, Ride triumphant through the land. Come sweet peace and reign forever, Never more thy subjects leave ; Lovely pledge of Christ the Savior, Precious pearl that Mother gave. 5 Come sweet peace thou God-like spirit, Thou art humble meek and mild ; Who can clearly show thy merit? Thou art Heaven's lovely child. Come sweet peace thou lovely sister Of pure love and charity ; Every feature, every gesture, Shows that heaven's found in thee. 6 Come sweet peace so mild and placid, Come sweet peace possess my mind ; 75 Let all evil be erased That I may thy blessings find. Come sweet peace and put behind me All contention war and strife; Come sweet peace in mercy join me To the blooming tree of Life. i THE VINE AND THE LILY. , What hon-or and glo-ry and beau- ty are treasured for e* d c a ai g g g ag a cd e le d d all that o-ver-come, that o-ver-corae and conquer all e - vil. f g e e d - e d- cd — le e cb a b cb a I These shall receive a new name; Mother's children, Mother's g a ab c a gf le c dcd e e ac b children. These beau - ti -- fy the house of God; these beau- l.ba c'd dc f g f cd — le ti-fy Mount Zi -on. O the heavenly dove, the vine, the lily,- dc d c #d c a g g the heavenly dove, the vine, the lily. Praise the Savior, praise c a d b b a a a g e ag 76 the Savior, praise the Savior ! The heavens of heavens shall ab f e e e le a g e e c d be our abode, and all our relation shall center in God ! the a a a a a e e d d d c a g e conquest is ours, we'll have our abode with all our relation that a a a a a c d g e e e center to God. Praise the Sav-ior ! On my beautiful Father c baa* c* ba e* g rs e e d cd rests the heavenly Dove ; in my beau-ti-ful Moth--er bloom a# g ie ■ ■fd c d the Vine and the Li - ly. d c b cb ag ai a g /-s e e d Cd Harvard, Mass. ZION'S WATCHMEN. For Z ion's sake I will not keep silent: and for the sake ie e e e a a a c -b b a dc 77 of Jerusalem I will not rest, until her righteousness break forth g d c e e b a b ba a i le e e ba c'd as a strong light, and her salvation like a blazing torch. And e e d le le e e c'd a c b b a g ai the nations shall see thy righteousness ; and all the kings thy c b g g a a ai c'd e e ba glory; and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the ai ai e e c'd f gf e e d - le mouth of Jehovah shall fix upon thee : and thou shalt be abeau- a c b a g g ai : aI g g e e tiful crown in the hand of Jehovah, and a royal diadem in the g e e a c d d le le d* c b cd b c ba g *g f e e g a ing balm; No more of tempests, O rejoice ! How sweet, how ie ie dc b a c a a c e e d still the calm! Surrounded here with trees of life, Here heav- c ba a i S\ a g g a — e dc a 85 enly virtues bloom, Hero, far from Edom's land of strife, g e e ai le We've found a peaceful home. cd e e ^ d c ba ai S a dc a Here everlasting streams of love Flow gently through the vale, And here the little harmless dove No vultures dare assail. The tree of peace unfolds its leaves, And spreads its branches wide; Beneath the lovely shade it gives, The gentle lambs abide. O what a lovely paradise ! This shall be my abode; For this all else we'll sacrifice, And spend our lives to God. For this we leave old Egypt's shore, Brave every wind and tide ; Though Pharaoh's host against us roar, In Zion we'll abide. bond or UNION. . The gospel's lovely treasure, O how it feeds my soul! e d ic a g ef a g 18 86 It is the bread of heaven, 'Tis flowing free for all; Come ic g a g ef g g e d c c g IC d c*_ let us all en - joy it, In union here be-low, For nothing can e d d ef c |g g g g de - - stroy it, 'Tis heaven itself we know. ef g g d ^ c c or IC e'd c c 2 How sweet, and how refreshing Our bonds of union feel ! While we are all progressing In living faith and zeal. Oar union in the spirit 11 carefully maintain; For heaven to inherit Is our devoted aim. 3 Then all my dear relation, Let all your hearts be one, Since our eternal parents The living way have shown. It saves the meek and lowly, Redeems them from the earth, Where-with the pure and holy They find the second birth. Pleasant Hill, Ky. 87 THE GLORY OF MOUNT ZION. r. In songs of ev-er -last-ing praises I will sound, I will /* II /"\ -p r\ ) tt g' c lc a S g a c dl d dc ic t sound the glo-ry of the holy cit-y Zi -on. Be- ■ hold how IS a glj *\ - 1 e e ^ + c a ag a c dc IC to ic||g c • ic d glorious and beau-ti-ful is this ev-er-last -ing ci-ty ! where f cb a a ca g ac c'd e* e d d dc ic the Lord de-licrhteth to dwell, where the blest Immanu-el and dc ag H a c cd I c 4+ f c dc a a ab c e* dl d lovely an-gels dwell, where saints are gathered round, with heav- c c cd a* g g le a i en-ly glo-ry crowned, with heavenly glo-ry crowned. The I d cd c ag a I ic a a g ga c ic df faithful soul who has confessed and for-saken all sin, shall en- c ca-'-ai g g g e e dc le c*a a g ter through the gates, shall en-'' j ca cdft ic ag a i •■• - 88 walk the golden street; and share the boundless glories which f g a e e e e ai c'd g a |g a* c a ag the Lord has treasured there, and share the boundless glories g a g e e ie c'a a g e e ie | ie — d which the Lord has treasured there. They shall be clad •r d b ba ie e with a beautiful robe of righteousness, clean and white, pure (e)a- c b be a c b b a ai I 8 ' and unstained, and dwell in ev-er-last-ing joy, and dwell gf c'e ie d c c b a a b be |b | lb ef in ev - er - last - ing joy ; for sor - row and sigh - ing have ed b b ef 8 ai ai 18 a ai ai fled a - way, have fled a - way. There's nothing on this ef ie ic ... dl ef ie IS © ebb a ~ a globe will e - qual this bright robe, No joys that will e ed c a ^ ge 6 ed c 89 compare with those that are found there, No joys that will ge f dc c g g g compare with those that are found there. O ye in-hab-i c a /-n ed e d g'e c ef g ge tants of the earth, come and see, come and see the glo - ry le e dc d f IS ge |g ic cb g of Mount Zi - on! O ye in - - hab --i - - tants of the earth, eg a a ai — g I ge tt ic g fe bd ic ic come, come and see, come, come and see the glory of Mount ic dc b g dc a g — jc ic g Se c Zion! No night is there, but endless day; no night is there, c ^ IC IC |g e g... If g g |g c'd e dc d| but end - less day. Its walls are sal-va-tion, its gates are a* g ge dc ic g ge dc I cd eftlS g |g e filled with praise ; and none shall ev-er en-ter, who are sin- dc l c c ' d eggS ge dc c cd 12 90 ful and un-clean. Here the vir-gin souls both old and young, d do ic c* e ©ge d c ef u-nite and praise the Lord in beautiful songs, and praise the c* c a a Cd e g Lord in beautiful songs and dances; and rejoice in their g e d c a ac ic ic cd e |g ed c King, who hath de-liv-ered them from the bondage and ties i. 16 cd a e g g g \g g # f tt ed c -* cd of na-ture. Be --fore their King they dance and sing, and of- d i NS fcg© g " g e c a a ferings bring that please him well ; before their King they c c d* d* d dance and sing, and offerings bring that please him well. All b be d g g a g dl c-d the blest sons and daughters of Zi - - on do freely par- g g g \g g f e-d ic g 91 take of the sweet manna, of the sweet man-na, of the sweet \s e d d d dl c* a a a ai c* e \S man - na of hea- ven; in pu-ri-ty and innocence they u- O a* g e dc ic ic |g e g. D ai a c /^ a g |g a g g nite in love, and re-ceive that ev-er-last-ing com-fort which b c c c cd c c* {• IS ge dl g a g ai ai the proud and haughty sons of nature nev-er tast-ed; nor ge dc c cd a a eg g e ed d*c ic c'd hath it en-tered in-to the heart of natural man to conceive of g |g c c c g e g lg g IC IC the bright glo - ry, of the bright glo - ry which the children /*\ c a ai ai a g ' ■■ ■ — g ed ic ic e • I. g g of Zi -on do re - ceive in this mansion, in this man - sion of a g e dc c d* e -.'dc ai c* d ef |g g e - ter - nal glo - ry. Zi - - on, thou ho - - ly city, fair haven a e dc ic ic c'e g S g g re ic c g 92 of the soul ; by God's hand thou shalt stand, when ages I ! £ |g g g e di ca>)| .ai g I cease to roll, when ages cease to roll, c* a g |g ' c f* d e* dc |c Canterbury, N. H, PURITY. 4 We have assembled, breth - ren and sis - ters, for the 4 ' ^ * ^ rs c'd e* d c e g g g s \g tt e c ca worship of our God, who hath called us, who hath call - ed us a c g ed ic c* d e dc g g ab c a I from a world of in-iq-ui-ty ; and we must be pre -par -ed c* d ie e" d c d ic d e f |g 18 with pure hearts and clean hands, to worship to his ac-cept- g.M /-"\ f*\ |g g ef4 — ab c a ef ance, and to worship him in spir - it and in truth. Therefore C d e f — 1 e d dc ic ie df 93 let us dai - ly strive for the pure union of the spir - it, ab g g H fe d le .1. c a a g g |g |g c d for that pure union which will u-nite our souls with those ic ic g g e ic c g a c ai ab c pure virgins who stand with the Lamb on Mount Zi-on. a g'- |g g f ... e ef dc ic ic And we shall re - ceive a recompense for our la-bor; and ic 1 4 f ejfdl cd J ai g g IS |g the effects of our fer-vent prayers will flow upon us, and c d g g e d c — ■-■ |g g e ed ic c cause us to re -joice and be thankful for our calling, and be le e d c ic c e ce |g thankful for our call - - ing, in this bless-ed day of God's a g r< Jf ed d| d|(Q} c ' c cd e g g' vis-it-a-tion to our needy souls. And this sound will ech - - o e d c" ic e e d dc ic ef g 94 through our hab-i-ta-tion, Come ye blessed of my Father, ed | c d ic ic e d e in-her-it the kingdom pre - pared for you ; come ye blessed of e d ef |g f e d ef c b my Fa - ther, in - her-it the king - dom pre - pared for |g g ef IC B g 4 cd e dc you. ic Canterbury N. H. MORTIFYING GOSPEL. . Hail! thou mor-ti- fy-ing gospel, Which the cruel tempt- e e c c a a 2 e e er binds ; Let thy gifts pos - sess my bosom, Let thy blessings c ic d ef g ga g e g g fill my mind. Grant me overcoming power, To be hourly on d d d ef g g a g ed d e g ic c c 95 my guard, In thy sweet victorious bower, Give me life to ef g gf_ 18 a S ed c d c a ag g serve the Lord. d r : c |C \ \ ~" — ' 2 Grant thy power and quickening spirit, That in truth I may proceed ; Then my works shall surely merit Blessed Jesus' love indeed. O thou loving, holy Savior ! In thy self-denying road May I run, and keep forever Every blessed gift of God. BLESSED GOSPEL. . Blessed gospel of salvation ! How 1 love thy sa - - virrg cd e g a a e e ed c .b b • a power! Fill my soul with consolation, Guard me in each g ed c d • g e ed try - ing hour. Clothe my spirit with thy blessing, And pro- cd ef g ed ! a a b b S 96 tect me with thy grace, While thy union I'm pos-sess-ing, /-\ c c M a a a ed le e dc b While I run the heavenly race. b b a a g a a a I ' 2 Zion's treasures, how inviting! O my soul secure a share Of these precious gifts delighting, Make thyself a worthy heir ; Zealous be to keep thy union, And thy duty to perform; Strive to join that strong communion, Which will stand the rudest storm. 3 See the Lambs in love uniting, Fervent in the works of God ; In their motions how delighting! Freed from every sluggish clod. See each faithful soul engaged, Breaking every band away ; Joyful that the war is waged, Zealous every foe to slay. 4 See them clothed in robes of beauty, See them armed with zeal and love, All engaged in their duty, Pressing on to realms above. Hear them sing celestial praises, See them join the hosts of bliss, See them sit in heavenly places, Filled with goodness, joy and peace. 5 O my soul awake, be joyful, Labor for more life and zeal ; Gospel zeal I know is lawful, — O what transports I do feel ! 97 What a prize is set before me ! Life eternal, to my soul, — O my God I will adore thee, While unnumbered ages roll. New Lebanon, N. Y. GLORY OF FAITHFUL SOULS. ~ O the glory, the glory, the glory ! a crown of glo - - ry, ai g i g g a b c b a c a a g a glorious garment, a robe of beau - - ty, which are laid up ba 8 g e e ai c b a ai .ai I a ba — g for all the faithful. We will be alive and be faithful build- i a ai c a a a a /-sTT g ed I e 4+ ers in the kingdom of Christ. How often has our Mother a c d b e e d g g ai ;"\ e c d c b said, Be faithful children, be wise and keep the way of ai c d d a a God; and again she has said, O never be dis - cqur - aged "• le e c d e e e b a a a g 13 9a nor think the way is hard; but keep your love and union* b a I lb a b c b pure, keep your love and union pure, pure, p-u-r-e; and a b b a a b b c b a ai g then you will gain a treas-ure, a never fading treasure. e- ed ie lb ie c b a I ai Harvard^ Mass. A SURE PROMISE. * Come, and I will lead you on, and I will lead you on g g g d e e e d dec by flow-ing streams of ho- - ly wa-ters, by sure and /-s e e c'd d dl e e B" g g g liv - ing streams that never more will fail, by sure and liv -ing g g e a g g g g d: c d e e e d c streams that never more will fail. For I AM, is a bright and I r g e e dec e e c- d d dl ie 99 shin-ing light, and be-fore my ho - - - ly chos - • - - en peo- d dc f g g g a g If dl pie I will ev -, er walk. Vevivoviv-e vuui va van, ve vi to a a .a e e d dc ic e e e c d d c d| viv-e vum va van;* for I will lead you to that home I have g g |g e g f ic ic fg a ,g |g S prepared for you, my ho-ly, ho-ly people. I am that God e c dd d e e d dc I c i c • /^ e e c'd d dl of whom ye read, a God that ye have known, a God f /-s e e d — f |g IS g e e c d dl d d that has known you. I am the Almighty, Je-ho-vah is my :-g* £ g dc ic© e e e d c g rs e e - d c name; and ye are my lin se len vo-lent and ye are my sa g lC d e e e g g' e e g g g e leen len vo. | I am your Heavenly Father; be ye my /*"N e • /~\ d c c* :cd e e e " Lebanon, N: V 115 YE ARE REMEMBERED. O the joys, the joys of the faithful ! who have forsaken g g .e* - e e || I — -H- d lc c a a g all, forsaken all for the kingdom of heaven ; who in the days of g 2* a C C dc d IC IC e e c c d their vouth earthly pleasures forsook, and hearkened to the a c c a e e d sound of the gospel trumpet. These, these are the glo-ry ic c H ag |g a g'l «CN e e - d ic J ic of par-a-dise, the beautiful gems of the heavenly king-dom; a * g g e +f a g g a e dec ic they shall receive an hundred fold, an hundred fold in time g' a | c ag g e c c c d' ~ d and in the world to come e-ter -nal life; their abode shall be a c as g t l V ^iUi: c 116 in the mansions of peace, where the heavenly dove delighteth d c g g g ' c c* a gag g e* ~ e to dwell. And, says Mother, ho ho ho vin ce ka ne O v: c ac c c ga a g g ic d* ~ ftdc ic o le va ne, ho ho ho vi O ka na ne ve. Yea, press on, be ye a g f ai ai d d d e d c ic • |g al |g c * brave and val- iant, travel with patience the Vi o le vinda ; a g j|g IS d d d e e e - d d d I g then O lin ce va len I'll take you home to mjj happy man-sion, g g g gag e e dc icft ic where the angels e-ter-nal-ly Js - o -^u - n - d praises to God /-N i ^ 1? c a g g* e e e e e e w • j — — fo a c . g I g c d revermore. e /-s B gg ee e cca .cca gac cag ~ — ee c dc ic d d =- d — — - — — = e I g e acca gag .ee e dc c", ; c acca gag accc — I d dc — = — = z=. — ess zessse — = — = Given by inspiration, 1340. •1 New Lebanon, N. Y. C •1 117 LIVING WINE. - Living wine I love to feel, For it does my soul set free; ai g e le c* d e d ef g It does lib-er-ate and bring Heavenly gifts and love to me. O g e c d le cb g e- d ai g the love-ly, lov-ely vine ! Whence this liv-ing juice is pressed ; d e g e c ai g e le Sure t'is by my Mother's care, That this lit-tle vine is c* e* d c e dressed. ai g e |g g e 2 This's the lovely precious wine That good Mother's children drink ; It will nourish, and 'twill bend All who join the golden link, That is made by Mother dear, So her children all may be Joined in heart and hand as one, Living, loving, simple, free. 3 How I love to be released, By the living power of God; 118 Free from bondage, Ah! I'm free, And I'll join with one accord Mother's lovely pretty band, In the songs of endless joy; — 1 am limber, I am free, I love this sweet employ. In each little simple gift 1 will strive to have a part, For by faith my soul is led, And I'll join with love at heart. Blessed Mother will me own, If I prove her worthy child, By obedience to my lead, And my soul keep undefiled. Given by inspiration, Jan. 10 > 1841. Canterbury , N. H. PURITY AND FREEDOM. All faithful souls are truly blest, A clean white robe - /-\ d de d* IG g g*_ fg' 'g g' g shall be their dress, They'll dwell with saints and angels ed ef g g a g bright, Whce all is joy and pure delight. God's chosen heirs e" d c* g I g g g a |g Q I e" ic c c 119 of truth di-vine Will sound his word from clime to clime,. e de g g a g; g ed V,n ev-e-fy one the same shall hear, And 'fore his maj- f c c c - a a c ' a g ge es- ty ap - pear. g - e d IC 2 He has begun his work in time, He's set the plummet and the line, And every one that will obey Must walk the strait and narrow way. His work is hoh . just and pure. And all who in it would endure. Must lay aside impurity, And keep their spirits bright and free. 3 A host of angels daily stand Around his chosen, holy band, And satan cannot overthrow The work which he's begun below. Christ was the first through whom this way- He did reveal in mortal clay; The second heir was Mother Ann, Who now revived the gospel plan. 4 Ye children hear, and all ot^y, O serve the Lord and love his way, Unto his holy altar bring A hearty and free offering. Repeat his praise with heart and tongue, Give honor where it doth belong, Receive from heaven daily food, Which freely flows to all the good. 120 5 O all ye saints in heaven, on earth, Your voices raise in shouts of mirth, In thanks and praise for this bright day, This ever new and living way. Praise Christ, your blessed Lord and king, To Mother Ann sweet praises sing, For this great glorious Jubilee, Which sets the soul completely free. Given by inspiration, 1841. Canterbury , N. H. DIVINE MERCY. Lo lo ! the hand of the Lord is now stretched forth to- a g — e g f g c ca g g° lg lg g wards the children of men. O raise a shout of joy and thanks- e d c ic c'e giving, all ye children of Zion; for his mer--cy is un-bound- d c e* d dc a c ic ic c' d I "g' /-s ed c dl ed, and his loving kindness great. Yea, yea, saith the Lord dl e* d dc ac ac ic ic ic f of hosts, my promise shall not f-a-i-1, but I will hear the c' d ed ca A |g 18 ef g" |g g* c c e 121 hum -ble soul that crieth to me; unto the contrite heart will g g g /~\ g' f ec t e d c ic c c c j IS _J I show mercy, and to the poor in spir-it will I lend a listen- c c c d dc IC IC g g g f f d ing ear. And my holy chosen people shall be the glory of c ic tt * e Q c c g g fe d d g g c .e I the earth; I will, adorn thee, O thou Zi - on of my likeness, s~\ II dc || >c C IC g g g g /-vfg f ef J e .dl d| with that brightness which shall cause all nations to fear and c d c C e g c g* g g df e tremble be-fore thee, and bow and confess, the Lord Almighty d e d l c c e f g g g |g |g dwelleth in thee, O thou most ho - ly- ci-ty. But heark- e e e c c ef d dc i c i c ; c*e lg en, O hearken ye my be - loved ; for though the day com- a a c ic L8 g g e d ic g ic ic-T c* e d'c 16 122 eth when my vengeance shall be up-on the wick - ed, and the ic /~S /-s g cd ef f e .d| d f e d .dl i dl c en-e-my shall rise in great fu - ry a - gainst you, fear ye not ; a c g g g g ic .c c I ... T e f e e for I will stretch forth my mighty hand and stay their furious a c c c •IS 1 — e f "' f g © d. f e d c wrath ; they shall in no wise prosper against my ho - - ly cho- c c c ic le fe* d ef IS g g S g ic sen. For I am Lord of heaven and earth ; and above all ic 16 c* d IS ic c e g g power is mine, and above all glo - - ry is and shall ic d'c S g |g be, that of the work of my hand, c c c dc I ic IS f fe S e d ic !l" Received of Father William, 1840. New Lebanon,} N. Y. 123 WISDOM'S ROLL. Look ye and behold a roll roll ^/-N f g' a g e f ed d 1 ed e g'age ■ 1 ~~ c c ic c'~. if~ c ■" ~~ g* © g a -1 I have brought unto you from the Ho - ly Se - Ian. It was g f e d e g a g e* d C C b IC W-i-s-d-o-m that r-o-l-l-e-d g g t e f ge d d ef d def ed ef g'a gf e it says Mother. It is a reward for your faithful la - bors d d ie le IC ic; ■ ' g a e d |g c |g in the vineyard of God, a re - ward for your faithful labors e d e d e d| e f |g a g g g in the vineyard of God. And when upon earth your work is e d d ic ie d g done, and in - to the heavenly world you do come, a crown d ed e c* c gage d e d| ef gg \g shining bright with precious gems, a robe pure lily white, and g g e d e g" e g g g 124 a royal diadem, I will give to you. So now saith Wisdom, d e f e — c d a g e .d 1 IC*. e*. e c* ;c t~ : 2~ I- f e d go ye on rejoicing e f e d e , walking in my p g f e de == i easant paths. B C C* * '. c c g{ f efed de de c c gg = = dde def gg g ef gaga g'a g c efe c d c c* • i.TYi Received of Mother Ann, 1839. New Lebanon, N. Y. WORD OF THE LORD. o I have Gome in love and godly fear to visit you, to address c c c " a "~ e* e es a a ai *\ g g you, and speak for the Lord to his people. Know ye not that e e le d I ai ... ag my righteous laws and holy fear ye must keep, or never in-her-it a a a a a g e e e e e e a a 125 ■e-ter-nal life? For strait, strait and holy holy is the high-wiy of a £>■■ ai e ai a a a a a e e e heaven, and no entrance can ye find into the ho-ly cit - y with- e e d a a e d le a e e f ed le e" d out redemption. O hear, hear ye and know, that in righteous ba a i ic a ! i e e | . le e g i ness ye are judged, in mercy ye are visited and warned. My e e f e e b a e e a g fj. ai de - crees are per- ma- nent, and the powers of earth cannot e " g a gtt |g g g c c ic c c stop nor overthrow them; my work is strong and mighty, and e c a or — I or ef c g d ed d* d ef will be cut short in righteousness. My voice and power shall g e g e d d c c c ef g g g f e roar, roar and r o 1---1 through the deep, the heavens If I IS e e d| ef gf |g- d e de - I c c 12G and earth shall shake, till the works of unrighteousness end, the f lg f e If g e e d g dead from their slumbers a-wake, come forth and live. There- c c d c c — I) b ... IC fore letZion be a-wake, and not suffer ease to remain in her c c c c g b 41 dl e b g b dwellings; let her children be ho - ly, lowly and thankful, that c ic a* b cb a b cb ai % g f le the blessings of heaven may con-tin-ue to pour, pour in their g g g a |b a b c b a g ai .ai e d I souls, to strengthen and support them on their journey to the e e a a le e e e Ian sa li van da ven vo len, Ian sa li van da ven vo len; for soon e e f g e d le ? ai a tr •H-ai will be sounded me na ve non ve ne va. Ae le ai le f.g le a g ai Enfield, N. H. 1838. 127 GOOD BELIEVER'S LIFE. O the crood Believer's life Ts the best of any! 'Tis full of a a © e b b' c c b S' S comfort, void of strife, Well beloved by many. Other joys are b b' c b d e foolish toys, No abiding treasure; Only this leads to bliss, ggg- ffed e'e* ccc* d de Pure delight and pleasure. c b a g a a 2 In the morning we arise, Soul and body waking, Banish slumber from our eyes, Ere the dawn is breaking; Then we all, both great and small, All as one cemented, Work away every day, Happy and contented. 3 All our duties through the day, 'Tis our calculation, To perform them every way, — Thus we find salvation. These we will well fulfill, Show, by our profession, We partake, wide awake, Mother's purest blessing. 128 4 While we labor in the dance,. Seeking full salvation, On to heaven we advance, Fill'd with consolation; Sweet employ ! peace and joy, Flowing like a river, At the brink we may drink, One and all together. o Harvard, Mass.\837„ EVENLY DISPLAY. . The waves of the ocean imitate the rolls of the heavenly Pe a a c a e c S S music that rolls in heaven. O leuliumul la, O le ul lum f'de dc ic ic |j 1 a c * e | g or 6 C a a c ul la, O glory to God for this heavenly display. ec g g e c f" d e de ic :| 2 The wheels of a time-piece imitate the flows of the heavenly love love that flows in heaven. Chorus. 3 The wings of an eagle imitate the seraphim that soar in the heavens of heavenly love. Chorus. Given by inspiration, 1838. New Lebanon, N. Y. 129 ARMY OF THE LORD. Ye are my lovely Ha van, to sound the everlasting gos- ly ye hare ic c cdjj-e c ef pel through the land ; yea, free ab c'b ic- | |g S ■ - 1 —- 4 c'd dc ic If e' c ic ab S- = e'f ic e enlist-ed under a g-- 1 o d e ic c g e c ic e ab c rious banner e ic never to re - treat. Yea, ye are my mighty ar-my; stand, ic : a . ic g |g |g c d e c ab stand, never flinch in the hour of battle ; be bold and valiant, ic d e ic c c b d g # 8 and ye shall obtain the vie - to - ry. Come on, come on, Zion's d d| Tbllc f e d e ■• 1 f| e dffic c de dl c c army come on; come up to the help of the Lord against the cru- d c b c ebb c* deb a g g g 17 130 el en-e-my of your souls; for lo! I have come with my sword g- g ™ e d e 4ic g g g g# c c c d e drawn, and will make the final separation between the righteous ic c* c d c b b ic c* d c b a and wick - ed. I will draw, I will draw the di - viding line, g... |g |g e tt 00* e e e e e a f — d ... le and bring to light the hidden works of darkness. Thus saith g a a c e deb a ai ie<.> ai the Lord of hosts,, my work is of force, it will break down the f g le e g f g le e lof- ty hearts of the sel£exalted, and bring into subjection the ba g f le e a a* b atr f e e kingdoms of the earth. O hearken and believe, and be not de- f deb ai le e d d d c b b ceived; take hold of the prize while offered in mercy, while of- ■ " ai a a a a* a a a ba a a "■e 131 fered in mercy ; or judgment will come with your fi - nal e e f e le ^4. — cd| ai c c dc ag doom. ai Enfield, N. H. 1839. THE FAIR CITY. A O see, O see the city a - bove, in the regions of bright a d e c c cd ic c a a a a purity. My spirit doth long to be clothed up- on with a spirit a c c c cd e e ed c c cd c c a a of love and true char - i - ty. The streets, O how pure ! and g |g c'df^ c e |g g the mansions how fair ! My soul O don't linger, but haste and r\ /"\ ^"N /*n ca ai a g g g g g be there. See the cit - y, see the city ! Far above in purity, dc c c cd e c c c a a ab c a c g 132 Where the angels, filled with love, Dwell in peace and harmony; a a c' a g - e d c See the streets, how bright they sparkle ! And the mansions how a a g - g c c cd e .c c c e I divine! Hear the love - ly angels singing, O the music, how c c ac a a g g g sublime ! d c Given by inspiration, 1838. Canterbury, N. II. CELESTIAL PRAISES. A Let all the new cre-a-tion Their sweet hosannas sound, |g d e df e e g a g a |g I Ce-les-tial praises fl-o-w around, ce-les-tial praises flow around, cr a ab d e fe d| g f ed d d Celestial praises flow around, In one perpetual song. d e f gf ed e e f ef g e a ga |g '. . 133 2 Sing praises to our Savior, Eternal praises sing: Rejoice ye saints in heavenly light, — Let music sweetly ring. 3 Ye shining worlds above, In heavenly order stand, Where Mother's children gather round, — United heart and hand. Given by inspiration, Jan. 10, 1841. Canterbury , N. H. TEMPLE 0E FREEDOM. O hail thou sacred temple freedom! Thou affordest peace- c c a g c c ful ports; Holy are thy walls and portals, O how goodly are g a |g c 2 a c a • a g l ed thy courts ! Blessed be the hand that formed thee, And g a C a I .a" g placed in thee the name of Mother, Blessed be thy holy ic g a * g eg a g' ...c order, O blest abode ! I want no other. l ff e e d e dl 134 2 A beacon thou shalt be to'nations, Monument of fame divine ; O unfurl'thy glorious banner, Let it wave in every clime; Gently blow celestial breezes, And waft this truth to dale and mountain, Let it be to the afflicted A permanent redeeming fountain. 3 Divine reflection, deep and searching, Lay thy mighty strong arm bare, Sweep the earth and rule the waters, May all feel thy wondrous power. Gracious Father, may conviction Arrest the course of every creature, And in glowing colors contrast The halls of freedom and of nature. Enfield, N. H. 1839. a:glorious reward. . O my blessing, says Mother, shall rest on the faithful ; d| c c d| d c [ de dl yea glorious and heavenly is the re-ward of my true^ and up- d c c e d d| e f |g a S right first-born children, ye that have labored and toiled, tha< • |g e c* " IC g a g e f f tt IS 135 have suffered and kept my pure gos - pel ; for you have pass- d d C ga cr ed through deep scenes of trib - u -la - tion. And now a d d| dl f g* i c h air ef |g c g a g ho - ly crown and a seamless robe you d* ■"■ > c ab g" g c c ab c a ai a 5 g' e d ef IS a shall wear in my hap- py mansion, and there, says Mother, d d d |g( ) g a g^; c* c '. c "" c ye may s--h--o--u--t e-ter-nal praises to God de f S e (J 1 a S f IS f || f d| tt II +t .f e' d l d* forev -er - more. d dl d* d de f |g fd d| • r c c c ( c c b c c b g IS il New Lebanon, N Y. 1840. WESTERN TRUMPETER. „ O my people be joyful, and glorify your God ; bless # ic ba e e a g b c •■• ai ab 136 Christ the Sav -ior, bless Mother, bless Mother, the dis-pen-ser c d e le e d — e le e ajr ai c d e le of e-ter-nal life. Shout ho - ly songs of vic-to-ry, Heaven's d c ^N II b ba ai(j le e' loudly proclaiming freedom, freedom, freedom is free free 8 e e e e e le c b a free, for the true seeker after purity. a ca a a || ■l . le e ' d e e ic b a Ij a g ai .c d I - e" c d Glo-ri-fy your God; Holy, fg e e a i g fg e e © ai c c dc ag a ) .c ba holy, ho-li-ness to God belongs. Sound ho - li - ness with e e f e e e d .cd ($ d' o. freedom through the earth, free, free from the bondage of II II igl a I le ic a a a c d d death, free from the bands of earth. O burst the bands of e e e d c a i a'b-" c d 137 earth and sonr on the win^s of freedom to mansions of rest, a i c a a a u a of e e e . le I on the wings of freedom to mansions of rest, endless'rest. c a a a a a g — ' — ' ifc a a I Given by inspiration, 1839. Enfield, N. H. BLESSED HEIRS. These are the chosen of the Lord, a - domed 1 II b IC b c aU ed e c cd e gl ai a with ho - ly power from God their Heavenly Father ; they do c b b c a a I a ai ai a - g tt - e e f g e keep his holy statutes and obey his sacred word ; in hu-mil-i-ty IT'S c b 1 /rs d cd a a eg g a a — g ^ ai ef g a a | d d| e of soul and lowliness of mind they bow around God's 1 /-\ b c g ■ ai 1 g | a e d d d ■ a — ge d c ho ly throne, and worship in his ho ly c |b /~\ IC - \ b — ■ T a ai a a a .ai a d- e e* I" " g' g g e I — g 18 138 mountain. O comfort, comfort and strengthen my Sac a ai at lg g e ... Ian voo, my ho »c c |f ly chosen, my faithful heirs of /-\ r - \ c c a g |g ge c* d te- a . — g 1 ^\ g le eg II) eternal love. O come ye blessed heirs of Christ's kingdom, a g g f le .|g g g c c | d{ d f fy ed dl pure and peaceable kingdom, blessed heirs of God's mer - cy g e d ic dc e* d ic J c de If and love, free, free volunteers who have enlisted to fight the ic g e 4 ic e b ic |g a a f g f £ battle of the Lord. Christ is their captain and their guide; gf e d ic b c ai a a .a a g e " g these do walk and keep in the straight and narrow path of self- c d e* def e c ef g g e de-ni-al and the cross; Yea they follow the Lamb whith-er-so- a' d c d b c g e ef g 139 ev-er he go - eth, hav-ing the ev - er - lasting substance of the g e cd e c b g e 6' ge ef g gospel which en-dur-eth for - ev - er, for -ev-er more. With c d e c* g ef g pure hearts and clean hands they a - dore God their Heavenly le lb e* g e g Father, Christ the blessed Son of God, and good Mother Ann. ai ai deb cb g' These are the true worshipers of God, the blessed heirs of ev-er ai g e eg a i a a a g- - b c durable happiness. Praise, O praise God's ho-ly name. Ho! S ai e g b I a l g e lb a g ai ho ho ho, Lo ! lo lo lo ; I vin' ce van' de ho ho ho, ic IC g e'd c'd c ic e g e-, |g c" c ic si 7 - na Lon vo ho ho. b'c d ic f* d ic Given by inspiration, 1840. Canterbury, N. H. 140 THE PRIZE TO THE FAITHFUL. « O may we be faithful while here on this earth, That we c c g g g d e may obtain the rich prize Of heavenly comfort, surpassing the g g d d e a g g e d ef worth Of every thing else here in time. For blessings are c [ g f e f d d g flowing from heaven above, On those who are true and up- cde fddd* e* e dc dc a right; In union and order together we move, The gospel's c* c g g a 6 f e d ef c a our only delight. g g e d c* ;l 2 To God we have given our talents and time, Our life we do freely lay down, To spend and be spent we our all do resign, To win to our souls a bright crown. A precious reward is for those who endure, Who firmly hold out to the end ; Their comfort is steadfast, redemption is sure, Jehovah's their Father and Friend. 141 3 Secure from the reach of all robbers and thieves, Our treasure in heaven shall be, Where Satan, the tempter, our souls cannot grieve, From sorrows we there shall be free. So let us rejoice while together we move Towards this pure peaceful abode, Where happified spirits are dwelling in love, — O this is the city of God. A}; GEL OF PEACE. a O nis'ke va'-ne, niske va'-ne, I am an an-gel of I e e r ic c a £ a if i c era peace, an an-gel of peace from the ho g g a a g or C C a'T c * d ca g a ly, ho - ly y ai d| d Se lin' ce ka ne; I have come to bring glad tidings of joy to d c ic c c* a g g c c ;|g g the house of Is-rael. And sayeth Je-ho-vah, Fear not fear d c i ic ;20 e e d... ic ;|g ;g g not, for my holy angels guard you, and bring from your dwell- er I, g * g g e a a | g cd d c ca 142 ing a spirit of peace, of meekness and love; Their lovely a a e«" c c c d d IC g a II c c graces form a beautiful robe that will never fade. I love, e e 1 e e d 4 I? a g e dc ic I love, saith the holy spir - - - it, to bless and comfort the peace- ic c* S a -18 IS e*" a a g a g ma - ker, the peace-maker, the peace-maker. O the glo-ri-ous g e e e* r a *g | .c a L g g dc c* d crown for the pretty peace-maker! the angels surround them a i a g g e e c d c -■e e e ITS dc c with thousands of blessings, and their sweet - est praises sound. g g — cd dc IC O Sa sis'ke va'na ve', shout, s--h--o--u--t with the an- < * ,c* d « a g a !£ jc ic c* a g gels, for re - joic - ing belongeth to thy house O Israel. Thy ai a- g g g' a g ag g g e e — d e e d ic ic ;lg 143 en-e-mies shall no more prevail against thee, thy walls shall g g \S ai ic g g .g g ic lc \g stand, thy children shall call thee blessed, and rejoice with thee B g a a a g ac lc ic c* d c ag | .|g I in the ho--ly song of redemption. a * g g" a g g .e e ' d ic ic Given by inspiration, 1840. New Lebanon, N. Y. PRECIOUS COUNSEL. o What can be more precious to souls here below, Than © cd c d a g e e pure love and union which freely do flow? My children, this e e e d c d d c d e e e treasure is gained through your lead, And this do remember'll d c c .c — i a g g a c your needy souls feed ; Yea, in strict obedience a blessing c c S c* 144 you'll find, Which is for the upright, the lowly in mind ; In a a or e e d c d d d d this holy angels your souls will attend, And I too will help you, e e e d d c e e e d d " e e d c d and will you befriend. 2 I'll help you, dear children, if you will be free, Yea comfort and strengthen, says Mother Ann Lee; Bow down in submission to your holy lead, By this you inherit my love when in need. My holy Anointed will help you along To mansions of glory, where the holy throng Will sing endless praises of glory and love, If while on the earth you your time well improve, 3 O brethren and sisters, be humble and low, O live in sweet union where ever you go; Then my love and blessing shall rest upon you, Yea happified spirits shall dwell amidst you. So press on with courage, yea press on with zeal, My true healing balsam your souls shall yet heal, True faith and obedience your strength e'er will be, And guide you through time unto eternity. Received by inspiration of Father Job Bishop, A. D. 1840. Canterbury , N. H. 145 HEAVENLY PURITY. .» Gird on your armor, faithful souls, of h-e-a-v-e-n-ly purity, III sl£ © c*|dded|cc d dfffef O Sal vo van, O sal vo ve, ye are my lin ce len vo ne. Dro ef g g " f a g e f 1 ~ | c c f e d fa e c c : ef Taco von de milanse, O blessed gos - pel liberty! Shine a b c a ab c a a g g g - ¥ fe. f = - g g — f e d g on se lin-da van ce lee, in ho ho ho, ho ho Ian cee. Wi lin c c dc d g g e f g g de f 9 d c c ef g ce wan do wiren ve, my chosen heirs, you're blessed by me a .a a a l " de.ee l - And clothed in robes of wisdom pure, Yea, sac va len-ne e ed c e .e g a e ed c c c e e will endure. In heavenly or - der now you stand, la sanda a a d b a !ef g ed c d e ■ .e e I 19 146 o ne a g a g f hn - a e e d b ne ve, Seraphs and angels guard thee with ft f e e e e a c d ly sac na ree. Joined to the ho - - - ly Selan, to ft c a a c a c c ft d b a' the hlessed Se la Yan, U s - a - c' - a-ne', and protected by God's dee fe d e e a a b g e .e' - I c d e fed right hand. Saith Wisdom, Come my Lin' ce ve, Taste the joys a ft b a 6 f ef g g f ef that are for thee. Ho ho, Lo lo, Ho ho vo ce lo Ion 4 ^ e 1 c b a (g)ic ic de ag ab ic cen vo, The righteous are adorned with wisdom, love and beau* c a c* c g a g g ab ic eg a* a ty, and heavenly pu - ri - ty; Yea, they shall shine in ev - er- d e c* c IC le d d g lasting glory, Ce lo ; la van' to the h o ly Ark'sa ren'da. g ab ic c g g i e c c c cc d c c b g a IC lt r 147 For by his m - i - g - h-ty power he hath IC c c* c c d d d c* d d g-u-i-d-ed you, And hath sent his h - - - o ly angels to as' ka Jen 7 e e or e d g g g g c c c c d" d d e e ed da loo 7 . Blessed are the souls who keep their armor bright, c 4 ic e" d d d d e e gf e dl who worship God in heavenly pu - ri - ty. Give thanks and c c c d e f e ef ic g' g ever - lasting praise to your Heavenly Father, for the blessings a a a g f |g e f g f e dl dl d| g dl he has bestowed on the faithful. Low, low, O Heavenly Fa- 2 d de f g d e ic ic . le le le g f e ther to thee in grat-i - tude we bow our souls and come upon our d- d e" e ed d* d g g c c c a ag knees; And may thy blessings still continue to f - 1 - o - w |g :ef g f ed c c c e a a g V I 148 upon thy Lin' ce Ien Vone', the C-h-o-s-en of the Lord efSS" edef g ef g c a g f e def for-evennore ; amen. ef 6 .If c ic :| Given by inspiration, 1840. Canterbury, N. H. THANKSGIVING. o All those who live to God's acceptance, Take ye com- .a tt c e d d c fort on the earth; Sound your cymbals of rejoicing, With r\ ca : a c.ecaa l g |g a holy love and heavenly mirth. .*! 1 i j| e d ic d e 2 For Christ doth truly reign in Zion, Prince and Princes now are seen; Take ye comfort, be ye joyful, With our heavenly King and Queen. 3 Not earth with all her gorgeous splendor, Can produce a bride so fair, 149 Or glittering ornaments 50 lovely. As those frho in the Groom appear. 4 Fair sons of Zion, sound your cymbals, Let your righteousness increase, Praise the God of your salvation, With hearts of love and thankfulness. 5 Ye daughters, join the heavenly chorus, Let your thanks to God abound, Let each soul which God hath called, In works of righteousness be found. Enfield, N. II. 1841. GOOD RESOLUTION. o My soul is delighted with flowers of peace, Which in C ,g £ e c c ab Mother's garden grow, flourish and bloom; I now have c d d b c or cr d c a or or nr resolved my plants to increase With - in my own garden, for c (V e c f f f a f f here I find room. Ch e d I will imitate Mother in all 11 d f £ £ c* d 150 that I do, I will imitate Mother in all that I do. I will have |g c* d 6 I e d|ic([J:e 8 g my garden both pretty and neat, I'll wall it with order, and fix c c a a g g e e g f f f e e it complete; And should Satan come here one vile seed to sow, g g d ef c c c c g g f f f I'll use my bright weapon and give him a blow. g g g g g 2 I'll place heaven's virtues on every side, Love, purity, union, humility, peace, Truth, meekness and wisdom, to keep away pride; Then order and beauty will in it increase. Chorus. I will follow my Leaders, be honest and true; I will &-C. I will be more humble, and look very low, Yea, search well my garden that no weeds may grow; Then it will yield lilies and bright roses too, Sweet fruit, precious flowers, rich plums ever new. Given by inspiration, 1840. Canterbury , N. H. HOLY CANDLE. Q O the holy ho - ly candle of the Lord is in the hands of # ic ba e e c d — g g c ba 151 the Holy Anointed upon earth; and it will burn, and-it will c b b-b a a g a burn, and it will s-e-a-r-c-h the hearts of the children of the le aba e e a* e e ^ d c ba house of Is - ra - el. Yea with this searching candle, my holy c" ~ dc ba ai e'g a a a ag ie eg _ a * g Vi len se ne Voo, ye shall search, ye shall search, and ef g ^[a g ai le 4f e c cd d| c by the light there- of ye shall sweep, sweep and pu-ri-fy my ^ f © d d d ho le a ag le g ff a S e e ly, ho ly temple, and make it pure and C d — \ r -n rs g e ^ e e e d cd e e e g e f 2 clean. And this bright and shining light shall not be ex - tin- a' b c c c a g a g e e g ttg guished, un - til all nations have embraced the everlasting ag ab c d f d c* d"> a a 152 gospel. For though they slumber in their sins, and sleep in ai a i .c*jg .a* g i - I ag e .g ga |g g wick-ed-ness, yet the Lord of heaven and earth will awaken f e 1c b 44- ic f f g e e g g their souls, by the s-o-u-n-dof the everlasting trumpet, f g r !i ,,g e e d d'c ic through his ho - ly ho ly an - gels. But my dear a* b a d cd — dc a'g ai | r Cd children, you must g - - o, you must pass through d-e-e-p d c g ga g d dc ac C a ic tribula - tion, you must bow in humble submission, in low e e c ic II ic([p g a c c d c a r low humil - i - a - tion bow, bow, to the ho - ly, ho - ly An ~ e e d d g g gf $ a 'g g f ^ e "~ cd d - ||d- cee voo nee, before my g - o - s - pel trumpet can sound g dc ic ic c c c cc c g ag M 153 a loud, before the nations of the earth shall hear the g a d ca d — ... [g g c* Ml I everlasting trumpet of life and salvation. Ye must be valiant a g d c d *ai g 1 e ^ — dc tc ic(£ c cd e soldiers; if ye desire to obtain the victory, ye must fight the d c b a g- e ~~ g a g enemy within. I will send my ho - - ly angels to strength- g f c* g g a f .g g a g g' f e d en and to comfort you, my be-lov-ed children, saith your heav- /"\ /-\ /*\ /-n c cd /~s f g /-n e e e d — d i.c ic , g g enly and merciful Father ; ye shall not suffer violence from c c be d c ic ic ic© c g g a g r e the hands of the wick - ed ; De le san ban vi no shall not d c c* .e e .e e I I. ab ca d c injure those who are truly faith - fuL He is seeking for han g g g cd d c d dc ic ic 2a 154 da len see, but he shall not have power to harm the faith - ful e dldl ab ca g d d .a a g — dc few; for I will protect my ho----ly Ar se ne and van ... ic a cd e d| e d* c ed d \~~ ) c a g g g IS ce ne v-o-o, from all e - vil. d c a*c c ag 13 18 Given by inspiration, 1840. Canterbury , N. H. GLORY OF ZION. Mighty power sweepeth through the holy Wan se na vo, e e fe d a ag ag e a a le le mighty power sweepeth through the holy Wan se na vo, and it a ag ag f e ed ba a d e a g ai ai a* b will go on to the finishing of the work of the God of Israel. b"»ai e e ai a g e d d eg ai a Ho Ion ho vac, I ne vo; For sure destruction does await the 3 lb c b b a a a g g .fed I - a* a* 155 i a ' f wicked son3 of Teman, and a blessing will be unsheathed 4 S e g a a .If to the souls of my people; and all the nations of the earth d d d d c le le a c g e f d d e shall seethe glory of Zion, And they shall come with their 4 d e f e b a a a g e treasures, with their honors, and bow low low, to the feet d le ai ai ft — of the Savior, e e ai ai le g ai a g c C |li J ,e Given by inspiration, Enfield, N. H. 1842. HOLY MOTHER'S PROTECTING CHAD'. With my blessing I have blessed you, O my children! With g B a c c d d dl c* e dl dl c 156 my comfort I have comforted you; Yea, with my love I have e d c ed dl ftje d e l a g g loved you. Vo o' vo nee; O liar' ka e' on a se'. I ai a g ca* ie d c ai e d| 2 With my union I have joined you, O my children, With my courage I've encouraged you, Yea with my strength I have strengthened you. Qua on, qua o; O lar ka ree anna so. 3 With my power I've inspired you, O my children! With jny glory I have glorified you, Yea, from my store I have nourished you. Vo o, vo nee &c. 4 By my wisdom I have guided you, O my children! With my beauty I have beautified you, Yea, with my grace I have clothed you. Qua on, qua o &a Given by inspiration, 1841. Canterbury , N. H. FATHER JAMES' PRAYER. Q Almighty God do hear my prayer, In mercy O draw near; ai d ie ed /~\ ef 18 e |g ; b c ""~~ c* "~~ 1 T e aj — a b ai 157 O spare O spare thy chos - en ones, From judgments ^ O O ie ed le d ie ed f s*e ,ai asr l — most .se - vere. ic a«r a i 2 O Holy Mother lend thy hand, Thy wisdom's needed here; O may this little chosen band Learn more true godly fear. 3 Do Holy Savior be their prop, Support them by thy arm ; And may they by thy teaching walk, O keep them from all harm. 4 O blessed Mother do not leave Thy needy children here; Help them to keep God's holy way, And all his laws revere. Enfield N. H. 1842. GLORY OF THE FAITHFUL. Lo ! se qua se neen ! Be - h-o-l-d and see my little I c * b{jjc d f g a g f g 158 company, they're marching to the promised land. With gg g c d d d c |g o y behold them se va ne ve. I in ne vin c b a* g fgff |g ic C c be d ic c c d e ne van na ho ho h o ho ho. The blessings of d c d e g ga g f f g d'e ic IMP ■ d heaven now can flow unto every faithful soul. Sweet consola- g f d d d C f tion can vi sa la vee, and rest in each heart. L - o - o - k f f f g- f I d d | ...e d d ill ic c e ic \ — ye, and see the glory of the faithful shining forth far brighter gf e e d' - |g e e - d |g g g f than the sun, their garments ho - ly and pure. No one can mar 3 d d C g c d e' c d d ic . g c c c their diamonds bright, Nor soil their shining robes so white. f f f a d c g g g e 159 In holy order moving on, While heavenly hosts around them S £ C C g d c throng. Press on, press on my little flock, For you I'll lead, c c c dc b a g before you walk; Though trying scenes you'll have to bear, A e c c c e f g e e g g ■ e d d crown of glo f g e d ~ --ry g d you shall wea dec; r. If you'll •*g g be OP o faithful c c while here be - low, [ will gather yo u to my fold in Christ's d d c c a f g e e e d d ga g g kingdom, to dwell with me, and s--h--o-- u - - t holy g f g gg g e — dc ba 1 g g ~" 1 e g g c d d 4 ■ — ~ praises to God eternally. .a I g f .e » d c c ; ;] Given by inspiration, 1840. New Lebanon, N. Y. 100 THE PILGRIM'S SONG. Q Lord what am I, that thou shouldst bless me And thine IC an dc d c c a g Angels guard my ways? While unnumbered worlds address d g g a g ab g thee, And a - dor - ing millions praise. What am I, that e g ga thou shouldst pity? What am I that thou shouldst love? Here, ab g ed de a i with no abiding City, Thou hast fixed my home above. c c g a d e g g a g e d c c IC 2 What am T that I should enter Into courts of Zion's King? What, that I should ever venture Thine eternal praise to sing? What am I that I should ever Dare thy holy words proclaim? O my God, may I forever Reverence thee, thy hallowed name. 3 O with them that serve and love thee I rejoice beneath thy wings ; 161 Holy One! there's none above thee ; "Lord of Lords, and King of Kings." .All thy children thou wilt honor, This thy holy word foretells: Blest is Zion, for upon her Thine eternal brightness dwells. Harvard, Mass. HOLY ASCENSION. Come come, all ye ho - ly, ho ly angels, IG Al le dl c e dc g d| e g g f e dc ic ic ye seraphs bright, ye s- a-i-n-t-s of the ever living, ever ic e f g# g g e ettic c d i e e d cd e e merciful God . Come, come and meet Christ with loud ,e d c ic © hosannas, with songs of everlasting joy and triumph, with c b a i a a g g a a a b - g g- g g s-h-o-u-t-s of eternal praise. a c a c* l e d II dl ID FC •21 162 For saith the Lord of heaven and earth, he is my b - e- 4 r M.g e dc c e d c i' ic d e d e f 1-o-v-e-d S--o--n, he is my faithful, yea, ho Jy g g e |g e d"- ic d IS e d e c cc c — g h - o - - ly and heavenly messen - ger of peace, of life and a a ab c b a a ,,, g tf IS a i salva-tion, to the lost children of men; he has f-a-i-t-h- r ^ IC IC g f le d e d ic e' d d d g g g e e fully executed the will of Him that hath pow - er o ver rs /-n , ^ a a g g e e e d c - df c I e'd c e g g e ed e'd e all nations. Sing and rejoice, sing and re-j-o-i-c-e, let dc ic ic g g IS a ac cd g ic lusic ring and re-e-c-h-o through the heaven of a a . ic I c* a a a ac cd c c a a g g heavens of glo-ry. Be-h-o-l-d your holy and di - vine Si a eeee* f fedc d'e e d'c ic Cd 163 len' ce van' ce ro/ for he has returned to his holy, h - o - - ly g d c d eftdl cd e e e e* f fe d cd r -n e'd e* d Se' la voo.' O come all ye h o -ly an-gels, a aaa aabca IS IS g g g — e dc ic g li IS l* *j come all ye spirits in glory bright, come and a - dorn him with a .g* ' f g e e f e g d ef .S' "fed c'e g' glory and love, with h - -o- - ly jew - els and diamonds, pre- g c cc c a a'b ic 1 g cious and fair. O make him welcome, welcome, welcome a a g g d e ed ic I ! c'e ' g S' c c mourning attire, and in low hu-mil-i-a- tion bow down low, very c d c ic c d c'd led c d I dl c d le d dc 1G8 low, that per-ad-ven-ture with a lightened hand the Lr>rd thy ic II r\ s-\ g g c c c ^ec ef a — ef g a g g God may pass thee over; for with judgments, yea, with g i s 11 tC IC e e 4+ d ic heavy judgments, doth he purpose the earth shall be fill - ed. g |g I e de d ic ic Des-o-la-tion shall follow my sword, whithersoever I go, sayeth c- e©~ ^ r e c e S-+- e c e e e the Lord, till the children of men shall learn righteousness, a d -■> ic c e g g g e d ic For the abomination of their un - clean - ness hath provoked me g g g g e g g 4.18 I' tt c a g c c c e to an - ger, and my fierce in-dig-na-tion is kindled against a ic !C g a g e d'e 1 e e d ic them. I will not always strive with man; but will visit, in ic c c c c d a g g g g g c a g 169 my vengeance, ev-e-ry nation on the face of the earth, in a ic ic a ^^ g .£>* S de I ~ e e d d I the fury of my wrath and indignation saith the Lord; for I am a g g . . IS IS ^ ^ ggg a 2" f e e de e ed c'e the Lord, and the in-hab- itants of the earth shall k n g |g g g ca a c — g g tt c cd e le o w and fear my name r\ _ /si .rs ed c .d| c c r— g ic Given by inspiration, 1840. New Lebanon, N. Y. SONG TO NEW LEBANON. o O Lebanon, Lebanon! land of the blest ! No language e d e e d dec © cd thy glory hath ever expressed; The mountain of Zion, so love- a g g c d ed d cd e e e e c a c 170 ly and pure, Thy name shall for ages on ages endure. Th /■> a a ; c g g : g- d e e d a joy and delight of the angelic throng, The breeze from thy cccdcdeddd edc cc mountains flows gently along, For thou art the Eden of Is-ra« c a c a a g g g g f f f f edc c d el's band, And in thee the ark of Jehovah shall stand. g a a c g g g 2 Thou home of the just, thou abode of the meek, Thy children, so happy, thine honor bespeak; The true light of Zion in thee shall appear, Thy fame and thy glory shall spread far and near. All nations and kingdoms their treasures shall bring, And thy lovely mansions with triumph shall ring; The great and the wise for thy favor shall plead, And own that Jehovah is with thee indeed. Harvard, Mass. MY HOLY WORK. O ho ho ho ! I have come with a se lo ven da of c'd e ic* a ■ «. le d de d c d 171 too - ly angels, and they bear in their w-i-n-g-s liberty and e ed d ic c ec e c'a . ic f e freedom to poor lost souls. I am, I am Je-sus the Savior, a f dl ef 4f f e dl g c ic fe g g ^ dltt— f ed dl and I will do my work upon earth, yea, that work which my a e f ■W-g d c d d e Heavenly Father hath de - signed for me. I wan' se ren' vo ab c b Kf e d c+. ic c* b a vack' o nis'ka to my Heavenly Fa - ther, and hear, hear ye, O ab c |g c a g. ■ Ig lg . ef 1 g f |g g ef i ■ ef I ~e " o dc ic the flaming herald of truth is passing through the land, and dec g g d dc.dl ef those that se' len voo' val' - le don ca' dra, and rev - el in /-\ a g g .g g a |g g e d ab .g |g — c a their cal' - a von' de, will yet feel the just judgments of g -. g g g |g 4g f e f e .If dc" b God: For saith the Lord Almighty, I will reward ev - ery ic c a a g g g g |g a i fe f g g one ac - cording to their works ; yea the haughtiness of |g g g g ^ — ed ic e e d 173 man I will lay low, and of their works of in-iq-ui - ty will 4 ie ef e ie ie© a a* a a e* ef I make them a - shamed. My work I have begun upon a* ai g e*~4 ^ 6 e-f f earth, and my ho - ly, ho ly power shall lead my ie e e ca ai ce dc b cb a g f ie e c - h - o - s-en people; by wisdom they shall be guided un- ai ai g - ef c d e dc b ie c a a g f e abed ef e d c d a a til they reach my ho ly City, the New Je - ru - sa - lem g shout where se le' ne ven, sa ver lis' ka o leen,' will a g e e .e e f g# e d c# ie — c d e - ternal praises to their King and Queen. Fear not, fear a a ai ; \ c ^g K e d ef a g g g g not, my Sa' ca van Veen', for I will pro - tect you, and I d d de" d| ef g g g g ie c 174 will g-u-a-r-d you through sa' la van voo'. ry 5 ^ |g d d g d' f ed ef le d dc ic And when done with time, ye shall re - ceive the re - ward of [g dl de dl ef i g g I & e tic f jg ''Well done! good and faithful servant ; en - ter thou in - to the /-\ ef g d dc be d /~\ c de a If f g g f ef joy of thy Lord." Jg d dc" ic : ' :| Given by inspiration, 1840. Canterbury, N. H. HOLY AND DIVINE FAITH. - I have received that holy faith, The vital spark of life, d d Q |g e g g ab g g dl By which my soul must sink or rise, Before it ends the strife. de f e d !C a ag 175 The silent moni - tor within Can never, never die; Though g g .g g .e d e :l§ c c I should roam to distant lands, From this I could not fly. g gf ed g g d e ic 2 Then Lord in mercy do draw near, And calm the swelling tide; Forlo! the waves of death do foam, And beat on every side. O can this spark of holy faith My little bark defend, Without a tender Mother's aid, My ever constant friend? 3 I hear her gentle whispers, say, Press on in love, press on ; By faith pursue the narrow way, 'Tis so the prize is won. Then why should I delay one hour, To 'ncrease this precious gem? To labor for that holy power, Which will my soul redeem? 4 Come love and holy quickening power, Do help me on my way ; Simplicity come flow around, Thy beauties now display. Though Satan strive, with all his skill, To turn my feet aside, Yet I will cleave unto my Lead, And steadfast will abide. Enfield, N. H, 1845, 176 SOUND OF SALVATION. ~ Holy angels are sounding salvation aloud, and say - ing- I g g j a a ab "'g'a ge © g ' ce lo' ce vo co', O a - wake, a - wake, ye souls that e' d| | || " + ' C >M I ^tt |g g II a S sleep in sin, for we are proclaiming our gospel trumpets to all dll le d c c IC a ab g g g e d who will come, both far and near. Holy angels, holy angels e d| g a c ic g c* a T-a |g I fl- are pro - claim - ing sweet peace through the land na ka le d d 'e IS IS .dl l d ic na'. With their harps and their organs they do play, as they 5" C C C a© g b a g g g march around on Zion's ground, and a full sal-va-tion they ic e .e did c c e de g ed 177 have found. We've received in our right hands a bright shin- ic d e d e c* 1 g - e c ing sceptre of truth, to keep in re - membrance God's ho - ly c ic tc^fc g [g d c c way. ic THE CHARMS OF MY MOTHER. Though sweet is the scent of the dew-blushing lily, b eH g e f a g g fWe e And sweet be the fragrance of the myrtle at noon, Yet c c a a g e d eg sweeter by far is the love of my Mother, Than the myr- c c d e e d d c d e' tie and lily, in the pride of their bloom. c b a a a ed ef g U ai H 178 2 Though bright is the diamond, the pure gold of Ophir, And brilliant the beams of the noon-risen sun ; Yet, brighter by far is the name of my Mother, Than those in their splendor, united in one. 3 Though bright is the comet, and brilliant the meteor, That blazes and shines in the bright rolling spheres, Yet, brighter by far is the face of my Mother, And sweeter the smitSes in which she appears. 4 Then tell me no longer of brightness and beauty, Since diamonds, and beauties, are rusty and wan, And fade like the mist mid the charms of my Mother, And vanish away in the presence of Ann. 5 Her store-house is treasured with raiment of jasper, With sapphire, and jewels, far finer than gold, And richer, and fairer, than earth's every kingdom, Or all the bright glories the heavens unfold. 6 Yea, faint are the charms, and dim' are the beauties, That glow in the diamond, and flush in the rose; And feeble the glories that sparkle the heavens, Compared with the treasures that Mother bestows. 7 All hail! blessed Mother, the pearl of creation, The daughter of Zion, loved child of I AM ; The ever dear Mother of peace and salvation, The Queen af fair Zion,, the Bride of the Lamb. White Water Village, Ohio. 179 FAREWELL EARTHLY GLORY. j Fare - well earthly glory, I bid you a - dieu, And e 1 d ic a ge S S g att- ic all the vain pleasures that earth ever knew; My soul has e e c g g e c f dl g a g in prospect a far greater theme, com - pared with which, & g g c c a a g « g thine's a bubble or dream. d- e | ic 2 Farewell, yea forever, thy pleasures, I find, Have nought in them real, a sting leave behind; When these I pursued, remorse, O how keen! Would pierce my poor soul, as no mortal can pen, 3 Your vain siren charms can no longer allure, Nor carnal delights, which my soul does abhor; I'll turn from your pleasure, so worthless a«d vaiw, And seek for those riches that ever remain. V i a 4 In Zion are pleasures eternail and sure, For all who their robes keep unspotted and pure; My soul does possess them, O this shall be mine, — A conscience unspotted all others outshines. West Gloucester, Me. 180 HARMONY OF ANGELS. - Sound, sound, sound aloud your holy trumpets of praise c ic .IS 16 g- g e e c a e e d ic ic S-o-u-n-d, s-o-u-n-d, sound ye your holy trumpets new, .IS IS ic ic IC IC c c b a c c - g e f c songs of joy and glad - ness, unto Him who was, and 2 g g cd e IS le d is, and is to come. Yea, unto Him who liv - eth for - ev - er 4 IS le d ic g g le f edjje .^ r and ev - er, even the great I AM, the E - ternal Two in ic c c b ic* e c c e One, unto whom be - longeth hon - or, praise and glory for- - IS <$ f ed e ever and ev - er g e d c IS IS dl dl © f e d e IC IC IC IS le MS IC IC IC IC \ fedc' f I f IS IS ic ic 181 Let the sound of praise and thanks - giv - ing roll, ic .ai I 1 g |g ic ic |g IS roll. |g lg IC IC 1 through the heaven of c* d e d ic e d ic lg ic le heavens, to the eternal throne of the most High G - o - d IS IS e e d e e d IC |C g L / d 'ic ic for his mercy en - dureth for-ev - er and ev - er. d' ell b ab g tt dc ic c |g gft fe dl. |g g ic ic cd ef IC lg IC le dl |g |g IC IC IC IC Bow before his holy throne, all ye |g c e a g* " ho 1 )- saints and an - gels, Come and sound his praise a - loud. |g IS ic Join the concert all ye seraphs, Join in one har - monious c c' e d dc b a g- g g g g IS — i7 e f g c* c c e ■ e ic c* d e d c sound; Let the eternal realms of glo - ry Echo, and re - echo |g 4G e d c c del b I l8 g g- c* d e* e dc 82 round. Lo the voice of the Almigh - ly Is pro-claimed .e* e If ed c IC IC v ; C\ IC IC IC c- d e d c'e |g l - © un - to all ; Hear, O hear, ye hosts of heaven, Hear, O 1 2 ed c i ic c ! - g' ! ! |g lg e* c* hear the solemn call. For behold! the great Je - ho - vah g g f If e ' • 1 IC |C . - V- > \ °l ic ic : d ic ic Hath sent forth unto the earth, His everlasting proclamation, a* a a |g ic(fjd fed ed e By his two Anointed Ones. Sound a - loud your ho - ly trum- g f e c e dc g- g ic g f ed f e'd .pets, Tune your heavenly harps of praise ; For behold the c* c c* d ic a g* - g lg Lord Al - mighty Hath declared the latter days. The ed ic ic •g- e ed ic f ed c Bride and Groom feave now descended, And on earth be - gin lg 14 c e c le ic lg. g |g. |g IC e ■ ■ e IC c e le 183 to reiorn ; And the kingdom of their Father In true right- ec ic e ic r 11 d f ed ic g g eousness proclaim. The glo - ry of the two A - nointed e ' dc ic ic IC e* d I c a I Now begins to shine a - broad ; Living truth rolls on like c ec c b g ic dl |g re le ic ic e c i e g e ic dl IS e d thunder, To a - wake the sleeping crowd. The veil of death g IS* ed c ic ce c c IS le |g g r§r ic b a | |g is rent asunder, And the dead be-gin to rise ; And the true c le e d dl g g \Z le re d e lg and faithful number Now press onward for the prize. If e d4 e? f e c e dc l c ic ic ic ic Shout aloud in songs of glory, The millennial day has come,' e c cd e dc b g g e e d c b a h Saints on earth and saints in heaven Now combine in praise g g' f e c* dc b g g cd e dc g g 184 as o-n-e. Join the cho-rus bright arch-Angels, Join g - g' ed c aphs, swell the sound, Join in one harmonious concert, - r\ ed c _ g g e e c c g g e e e g g ed c cd e the heavens all a- round. Honor, praise and true than! ba b a b cd e cd To Jehovah doth belong ; Praise him, all ye hosts of a a ,e* c e a ca g g' l - — g c c cb a ye ser- c ca ed through d d sgiving, g- g- heaven, c" c* Praise the e - ternal Two in One. Ho - ly, ho - ly is c a a g " e c* I IC IC ; c- ^ ; IC IC ■If ie .dl ic I the Lord God Al - migh - ty, who was, and is, and is to lg lg ic-" ic e g g' de c e |g e ic e dl do lg — e come ; and holy is his name for - evermore, for - ev - er - more, ic ic If e d e f«" g rg If If e d g e ! A - men. dc ic ic ic ic :l Given by inspiration, 1843. Watervliet, N. Y. 185 ■ THE COVENANT OF THE LORD. I will re - new my cov-e-nant, saith the Lord, with c'd e de ic I? a ga \g e g a |g my people Is - ra - el, yea, that league which I formed with d ef rs I ~ .edc i c | c e .|g| e ? g a ' my ancient servants, the seed of Abra - ham, will' I make S an |g g' - e f g a tt |g g IIS a strong with you, O ye people of this gen-er-a-tion who are 3 ic - ag I g e d c d e d c c e called by my name, and greatly de - sire my pro - tection. c g f dc d e ic ic e e e Thus, thus and thus shall it be. Ye shall be my faithful ser- d e nra |g e dc d I e e e c # ~ c vants, my ho-ly, pure and righteous people; my statutes dl || e c ic tt I I c I ic ic I g a | . | cr e c 24 186 ye shall keep, and the least of my say - ings o-bey. Ye e g a |g IC g ah a g .e'd I - d dc Ic shall bow and give me honor for all good things, per-form- g a tt LC tt - a a# g g g ing my holy will at all times. More - o - ver, ye shall : d e de IC *.c*~ C IC" g a g a tt g e £° worship me in all your goings forth, serving no other God 4 a _g g' a g S l__^ |g .g" a g e qjtlg but me, Je - hovah Jah. Acceptable offerings ye shall 1 c 4>d d i (jje fc e d c d- d" (I e f bring un-to me in hu-mil-i - ty, the first and best of all rip< tt g g *g g' g a a g'ttl te le a a and wholesome things ye shall dedicate un - to my name, g 1 a 4+ a g e d c ce-ft without grudges or covetous feel-ings; a - - men. And my g g • a a * g ajj e e dl dc ic c'd 187 g .g g gg 2 return shall be, I will be your God, your guide, your com- /~\ e c c c c |g© = | e forter and powerful de-liv-er-er; of all unforeseen dangers e b a f e f 8' g'a will I warn you, and through the midst of the Red Sea I'll d c . ic I g f Jg lg a b .g'f© e c g safely lead you, while angry billows foam and beat on either g f g" g f e d gag a b side; and while your enemies appear in front and rear to g- g e f g g' f a- d' d 51 C e c c ab oppose and harm you, I, whose strength never fal-ter- OOjig g^ eth, will bear you through and ye shall know no harm. But ic g g de ic © Wg # on the fair soil of Canaan I'll plant your feet; your little ones, g g S e c cd e e cd e ^s £ g f 183 your herds, your flecks, shall know of blessings grent and sure, c c ec e ed dc .a g and my protection ev -er-more. In the hollow of mine band 3 dc b c e d ye shall rest, midst trib -u - la -tion, love and mercy, and none g |g cd e dc c g (1C |g ^s — f shall make you afraid, none shall scatter you abroad, or destroy e e e ' tt g g g le e* c d your confidence in me, saith Im-man-u-el. In deep and d c g g a - |j ,e dcjic d dark days of af - fliction, O my heritage, I'll swerve not from de fl ' • g g d| e e c d e i-dl e rs* g g g a f you; but will pro - tect, di - rect and lead you a - right. I |g ab c cd ic ga e d dc ic c* will comfort, and forget you not; but will multiply unto your d(IJ e d d e c d* J e* ft e e || e e I e d 1S9 lands, your store houses, your line of merchandise, and all - dl e g g g g e d e - things whereunto ye place your hands, peace, love, blessing and a i bag IS d| ai g g a pros-per - i - ty for - ev - er. O my own be -loved, blessed and g g e d e dc ic© c c c c cd .c c c c I - anointed few, this will I your God, your Father Je - ho- vah, g /-s B d' d* lie IS g° c csr a 'g /■n g f do unto you his own e - lect. This is my covenant, and g g a g ec c d dc b ic le e these are the seals, Wisdom, Love, Mercy and Eq-ui-ty, for- c c d jg cd ie g g ev - er and for - ev - er. Un - alterable shall it stand for my g d c4 c ic I e -■■ d c c d d e dl c d 190 heritage to be - hold throughout the whole earth, for - ev-er and e e d cd f e | forever: Amen. c< ■ e d dc IC* \s g a e « ai g I e e Given by inspiration, 1844. Canterbury t N. H. THE BLESSED. Q The poor in the spirit are blessed of the Lord, For IS ,c-g ... Cd f e e d c cd f e d — theirs is the kingdom of heaven ; They're joined to the Head, g f f s- e " IC Cd { f to the Truth and the Word, They've tasted the pure holy c c IS ic g leaven. The mourner is blessed, the Savior hath said, For ie gab IC d'C IC IC' ■: 191 they shall be comforted tru - ly ; And they that do hunger and b g a g' e " dl c'd{ e e d f f e thirst shall be fed, For they shall be filled most surely. g a b ic dc g IC IC 2 The meek and the humble inherit the earth; The merciful shall obtain mercy; The perfect in heart can rejoice in sweet mirth, For they are the ones that are worthy. The blessings of heaven are surely pronounced On all who are truly peace-makers ; Such certainly are the true children of God, With Christ they are made true partakers; 3 The sufferings of our blessed Lord were severe, He passed through great tribulation; He felt our infirmity, weakness and care, And bore them with great resignation : Therefore, he hath said unto those who endure, And suffer like him in the spirit, Will find that his promise is ever secure, The kingdom they sure shall inherit. 4 When men shall revile you, declare of you false, And let loose upon you their slander And speak of you evil without a just cause, Christ's blessing will keep you from danger. Rejoice, and be glad, your reward will be great, The prophets were so persecuted : And all who endure it for righteousness' sake, With Christ will be self-executed. 192 5 Tis such that he calleth the "salt of the earth," The "light of the world" — of all nations, A "City set up," that can never be hid, But endureth to aft generations; Such are an example of faith and good works; They follow their Savior to glory ; With him they will rise above all earthly sports, To heavenly mansions that's holy. Watervliet, N. Y. THE ARMIES OF ISRAEL. . My mouth is full of praise, and my heart is enlarged, be- l ic d d d d ■■- le e IS g ttie e cause of the righteousness which is, and which is to r o a a b c c c c a a g c c c g gg - 1, r - o - 1 - 1 in the earth. O Zion rejoice, for ic ab | ic | "I I a a ai d d ic ©C* d d d e c the time of thy vintage appeareth ; The ripe gatherer cometh f d d deb c c C IC g dc b a |g |g with his sickle, he is clad in meek and lowly at- tire; s o c cbccica a g f* e d d ic c* d ec 193 u n d ing, s--o u--n--d ing on a sublime b* c dc lb |g c cl) crl || ic | ic e e 4 d d harp, the song of love. The lamb that was slain is risen up TT f b || ic c g || g tt c c c c* g to reio-n, and take do - minion; the beast is fallen to rise no /-S e d " d [I e more. c ic || .a II l © f e e c d ed c J ■« c cb a g — ff Beat upon your Q g g g e drums, and let your cannon roar, O Israel, is the word of your | e d I ace gf § — i ie d God. March on in holy order, On songs of music sweet, 3 ic d* c e d c a* g* g g For Christ and blessed Mother Have marked well your feet. g e- d c ic 1 2 Turn to the East, West, North and South, and gather my lambs .|g g g| ie d d- c c c — g. 25 194 to rest from their trouble. For when desolation shall be full ...g g ic ic a I ... I a*c c a g g in the earth, then shall my wings be healing balsam, and my |g d d d ed c ic !C banner glorious through all the land. O Zion! turn thy eyes a c de tc 1: di |e d c c g g |g g — \- 1 f f — ■ , — — I: tt a I and be - hold the glory of God ; for as the day springeth forth a* b c a ggg |g ,e c f f f from midnight slumber, so doth beauty increase in the house of d c c d| d| c- g 4 cb c c dl e c Is-ra-el, and the heritage of the Lord shall walk lowly, and a a |g g e fed e ic e e dl dl e'd dwell safely. /-N * Cb ic ic ic le io ; . 10 :| Given by inspiration, 1846. Canterbury , N. H. 195 CELESTIAL CHOIR. g Sweet spirits do surround us now, I feel them gathering /-\ g I e e ^ © c "ccaccgg near ; I can perceive them low - ly bow, And hear their 4 d > — © s g g heavenly cheer, I can perceive them low- ly bow, And hear g g — o ac c g their heavenly cheer. IS 2 With rapturous strains they swell the harp,, And strike the pleasant lyre, With animation all take part, While forward moves the choir, With animation &,c. '3 This living zeal they shower around, While moving in the dance ; With nimble steps now time the tune, As onward we advance, With nimble steps &c. 4 To bow and bend be not ashamed, For angels bow low down ; To 'freedom's right you can lay claim, Sweet freedom, 'tis your own, To freedom's right &,c. g i 196 5 O sweet the notes, their dance is fleet, While lively moves the band: Come raise a shout ;md union keep, While traveling to that land, Come raise a shout &,c. G With halleluiahs loud and clear, Make earthly temples ring, And louder shouts shall fill the air, While we pure offerings bring, And louder shouts &,c. Canterbury, N. IF. THE SAVIOR'S WORD TO HIS DISCIPLES. . O ye my be - lov - ed ones, ye whom I delight to be- jc c e f g g I g e i c c e e c a a h - o - 1 - d, lo I have indeed come a -gain un-to you, clad c a a — e d 3 in a b e a u t i f u 1 g a r m e n t, yea a white f dje fdje d |,ce 4' S b e of my Mother's pre-par-ing. O c | ic 4 ed ca g e g g g e d d jc ic 197 ye my be-lov-ed, behdd me once more, and hearken un-to my b b e d word; fori am your Al fa ri an and Rab-bi, your blessed ic g g S g /~N g g g e ce Lord and mas-ter, even he who has so lon 1 e'd d d d e dl e*j > 1 — c c c c — )l g a a a balmy breezes to inhale, And there with angels talk. There g g g c g a ag d e c g IC |: e-f I: " I: heavenly stillness does preside, True godly fear is there, The g g g a f gf e c ga c ba g 1 g al chastened soul can there abide, And breathe celestial air. f gf e Se d d d d e :|. — — c ic :|: g or o : ' 2 How solemn and serene the place, To which we may retreat, In calm reflection there to trace The windings of our feet, To see if daily we are in The holy heavenly way, And far from passion's restless din, In Mother's fold we stay. 3 How often we should call to mind The shortness of our days; That more and more we'll be inclined To walk in Wisdom's ways. O time! how swift thy moments roll ! Thy years glide swiftly on, Like shades and shadows, O my - >ul So soon forever gone. 205 4 Oar life on earth of shortest date Seems like a morning dream ; Eternal is our future state, And solemn is the theme. All earthly pleasures, when they're past. Leave but a sting behind, And hopeless pain and grief at last Must seize the guilty mind. O let us then be wise in time, And gain a heavenly store; Flee vanity and every crime, And follow those before. Those blessed saints who pav'd the way, And walk'd in sorrow deep, We'll follow, to the realms of day, And all their counsel keep. Union Village, Ohio, 1850. THE NEW KINGDOM. There is a silent lowly spot, Where pleasures seem to e e 1 d d c c c ef c c g .e ed center; Destructive gales here trouble not, Discord this vale dl d dec d ef ef g g can't enter. The !owly soul that seeks for peace, Will find d : ef ef ic c 206 it here to flourish. It buds and blooms and shows increase; g f d Jg g ef Sweet waters will it nourish. e d ic c • 2 Proud haughty man this low retreat, Must seek or never find it; True happiness is not complete, Till self-will we resign it. Then count the cost ye noble, wise, Trust not the tide of nature; Beneath a haughty spirit lies This all important matter. 3 How cold the streams with icy chills, The highest mountains cover ; Unlike the pretty gentle rills, We in this vale discover. Then will it not the cost defray To lower the gallant topsail, And seek for rest in milder day Where sweet repose cannot fail ? 4 Consider well, 'tis worth your time, The path ere you pursue it ; The way marked by the Son divine,' O will you step into it? The invitation's strong, come, come, Come volunteers and enter; The way's well trodden by the Son, You need not fear to venture. 207 5 Here is a lovely Daughter too, Kind Wisdom has provided — These have declared all things anew, The Kingdom's now divided. The old and new are here displayed And set in proper order; The old no longer can degrade * The new, nor mar her border. 6 The new creation now does shine, Enrobed in clean white linen, Here's Power and Wisdom's law divine ; The rock on which we're building. With Father, Mother in their place, The household is completed ; With sons and daughters filled with grace, Around their parents seated. 7 What joy and pleasure here do reign, All through this happy kingdom; Who would not give all to obtain A right in this dominion 1 O raise your voices, shout with joy, Ye worthy sons of Mother ; Proclaim aloud this sweet employ, 5 Tis ours, we want no other. Enfield, N. H. 1851. GOODNESS SHALL BE REQUITED. o With blessing upon blessing-, yea, with unbounded bless- e * g g c c c c c c c 208 ings, my people I have noticed you, snith the Lord; with my d d .(!• d d d e d d c /~\ c a a tt \s s own liand have fed you, from my law have I in - structed you, 4 .c c ,, precept on precept and law upon law. I have given to fullness, a Of or d' d d e • g e d c a or a ff e d d e d c* g g a g a g e yea, more than ye then could need, say - ing, treasure up, store d d e d d d c c d .C C |C a ifj_ |g away, I shall call yet for my own. And. how shall my recom- e |g g g |g e d ic g a c a pense be, how will ye requite me for my coin lied goodness and g ai .a* a a a e* d II e" e e e i tt a g my forbearance toward you? Shall I not demand mine from a a e d 1 1 e d le ef g a g le . ie ' c your hands, from your hearts, even your whole faculties? Yea, I d e lie ic ai g ! e d ie - is 209 yea, I shall meet you with my call, I shall rouse you from your ff a c ic c a J! e d " le . ve who now seek to slumber under my pro-tection, under ' \zQ -g - I 2* g ' a 4 II' " ' G a* 2 g a c C ICC - my wide spread hand of richness, blessing and mercy. Thorns in a cr g e .e e e e ea a ai - your sides, and thistles in your ears, shall these my riches be 2 e d e c c c a? unto you ; ye shall feel my heavy hand of justice on your 3 I C [[ . c c c c I d e c c c c — c souls to rest; my decrees will be fulfilled, my promises wil 2 c c* a or a d c - c a 2 a a; not fail. And ye who now heed my word, treasure my in-struc- 3 r< |g ic g al c ca ai g g g a 87 210 tion and bend to my will, T will still lead you on, I will drop c c dl e c* ai tt le e g down blessings from my throne a- bove; ye shall not languish, a g e e e e le g ye sh ill not faint. While ye continue in my pleasure ye are d e le e g age e e d eg mine, and I will hold you in my right hand, Jewels of my love ai c c c dee c c le a a a and objects of my choice. Therefore be ye mine for-ev-er, g a c c c le ef g ai .ai l g stand for my cause, keep my commands ; and though the hcsts a a a ai d ie c c © ed c c of Satan may pursue you with, their might, and with their arm- c | .c c c a a a ' ~ c ed forces seek to sever and to rend, I will lift you up, none e d g g g 4 ie e c g a ic 211 shall have power to prevail. This is my word, and this hear caagie;.eee g g a 1 c c ye, I will your friend and helper be. I? a g g e d Given by inspiration, 1852. Canterbury, N. H. SOLEMN PROPHECY. n While spring returns with vernal bloom, Or winter reigns r\ g g Q c'cagg- dec with silent gloom, While sun and stars majestic roll And e e d cd dc d g lightnings flash from pole to pole, While rain and dews de- e d c cd or (T or a a aor scend to man, And heaven's bow the clouds shall span, While .g g *S ' " e d a a ^ e cd f cr d == grass and trees and fruits -shall grow, The flowers bloom and c 2 ab 21-2 rivers flow, So long will man with scornful eye, Jehovah's « r> V e e .e -de d d i c judgments still I ab g shout - ing go to glo - ry. f * e f d | 2 Soon, son; the angelic harpers Will tune their heavenly lyres, While we, while we ascend the golden streets, They'll welcome us to join their choir. All hail the land of pure delight! Thy lovely shores are just in sight; With courage we'll renew our flight, And wear a crown in glory. 214 3 Bright, bright the throng in heaven, And sweet the music rolls; Pure love, pure love, O c;itch the treasure sweet, It freely flows for every soul. Soon, soon we'll meet on that bright shore, Where parting will be known no more, Then heavenly beauties we'll explore, And range the fields of glory. Canterbury , N. H. THE SAVIOR'S WELCOME INTO HEAVEN. « O come, come unto me ye blessed, saith the ho - ly o lg lg c*d le g e d c e e d dc d e an - - gel of love; for the Heavenly Fa-ther hath sent me o a .g g g e e dc ic _ '*-© B de d c un - to thee, to bear thy spir-it a * way. For lo, the 3 cd e -■• d| e dc e d4 Jc e g B trumpeters are loudly sounding, Ho Ho Ho! f f ' g ^ g f ef e'e |g le le |g lg ic ic IC Come and welcome, come and welcome, saith the Father IS ic d c 21 un - - to thee; come and welcome Holy Sav-ior, come to e ed i . i ic d ie me thou Ho - ly One ; for thou art the blessed Redeem - er a II !•• g .fe d c (J.e e d e g thou my well be-)ov-ed Son. Come and wel- a • g ft.- ! fe d ic g d e come to my mansion, which I have prepar-ed for \\me. a a ca — |g tt a c a* Lo! the trum-pet - ers are s -- o - - u - - n - - d - - ing,. :c- d i s | e 1 i IC ie d |g e c b a g I .a* ' g Lg — Come O come ye un-to me, for lo 3 my ho ly .IC d| i IC lg e d IC ; e'd e* g /-N a a ca g g # — e — i~- ^j an - gels now are waiting to receive you. Lo, they stanch e g |gi ie .c* d e-d ic : i g" with o ^ pen arms to welcome thy ar - ri - val. So be c .e ed ic c ic g lg tt is 4:.|g c e 216 thou comforted, thou Ho - ly One, and re I c c d c a g f e f G g g f e — > joice ye with me saith the Father; for lo I am callincr d' e f e d l| .ic II' J i le ic a b unto thee, Come and welcome, come and welcome, O my well 4 ^ c a II c c c e e c c a c c e beloved Son, Come and wel come to my mansion, for r — \ c c cde a c e e g thy work on earth is done. Ho ho ho 3 g ic ic le le 18 f e d e ic ho! Hark! hark and hear the oice of Wisdom, . ic IC 1 • 1 ic 1 1 IC 1 e e' de g J ■ e re sweet - - - lv calling un-to thee, Welcome, wel - come, g f ef c g 1.. I 1 . ^ | .a c a a \ |i " g le j — ■ IS 4 l I IC | ic ic e 1 holy Savior, Co me thou blessed un-to me ; Lo all things are | d c .b 1 1 g |c- 1 c a c | h i I a g |g e * e d d s 217 now made ready, Ho ly Wisdom loud doth say. O • ■• e ic c* dd c a ic IS e de • l come, O coroe, come and welcome, come and welcome, fg ic . le 1 l> ic ic IC IC hasten quickly, hasten quickly, on your way. Lo I have c cb f e d e ef |g c e c for thee prepared, in my heavenly mansion bright, A crown c d d a c c d c ^ a C — • - g g g g e C* C of glory pure and holy, for in thee I take de - light. Come ^ a a a c c a c IC g g g g : g e e ~ e ye then, O come and welcome, welcome to my ho - ly /"\ f\ „/"N /*"\ c le e'd c e ca — |g ed e c c de d ( * throne ; for the Father now is calling, Come, O come, •~S C* C d ca . \e ic .dl .18 — ~ IS I I ' e d ic i 1 I bid thee come. ic : g g • e Gives by inspiration, 1842. Wate rvlie t , n. : Y. 28 218 MOTHER ANN'S WELCOME INTO HEAVEN. 2 O c-o-m-e saith the Father, come unto me thou bless- c'e IS g ^ g e de 1 s 4+ d tt e ed; O come, I bid thee come. I will guide you s - a - f-e a c I * .g- g i C dQ e ~ ed c c aba g a \y on to the kingdom of thy Lord, O thou lovely and g g jj |g g ald| telle 3 6#|S well be - loved one of his love, pleasure and delight; for d de a dc' a -g- . ie |g ie thou hast done thy work complete and finished here be -low, dca ca .icca acic — g |g ' g and now come, come a - way with me, for I am the c*d g ie IS a d| g c'd h ----ly an-gel that has guarded you through perse- »c .ai e'd ed c .c a — i g a a c g g g IS e* d 219 cution and through heavy sufferings, yea ihrough deep, deep ■» de IS" sorrow. And now I have come in the glo-ry of thy God, to .a ' IS ab c a g ic dl rs le d'c ic le guide you to the eternal throne of his Everlasting Brightness. c d e d d le a g g |g gg Yea the ho-ly hosts of heaven sur - round thee, singing loud- e c c c d dll edl dl e e |g ly, come, come and welcome, come and welcome O 4 Ok /""n |g le g ±. it r a ic t thou daughter of the new ere - a - ticn, take the kingdom d*e c c rs f\ ca .a a |g |g|| » g g g © thou hast won; for the heavens are o - - pen to re - c-e-i-v-e e dc C . .c c c a I - S lig- thee, and the h ic * IC d f e" c e* d ly an -gels that sur- g |g# - e a* g ! © 220 round the ho - - - ly throne of God shall bow down and g g c d e d a . ie g 18 I .IS — i ic . ie I worship thee, for thou hast done wonderful things. Now dl a g — ic de f e dl a c a g g ic the angels with their harps sing a -loud the heavenly march, ed c — g g e IS to welcome thee, Van se lah, to the kingdom thou hast ie d c IS ie a g — ic c e a ic g — won. So on wings of the seraph come soar, soar far away ic ab g — iced e d ic . ie . ie I i c* d ed with me to thy Heavenly Father's kingdom. Come hasten /-\ c c a c ic e' |g g g |g g e — e a - way with me, for the joyful trumpeters with their trum- dc a ic c* d ed c IS c e pets loudly s-o-u-n-d, Ho! ho! O come quickly, - ... g IS IS ie ie ic ic # ic .e I d ic 221 O come quickly thou blessed one of God; for lo we lg • |g d- c a a -g* g ic ; :de now are read-y, and we wait for thy coming. 18 d dJl de ab ic d iz Given by inspiration, 1842. Watervliet, N. Y. YOICF OF THE ANGEL OF MERCY. . Fear not fear not, my be-loved few, Though the trump a b g g g c c e c c c of war may sound, And destruction may roll from the center c a ab g ic c a b c c c „c — I to the pole, And devastation lie all a -round; For surely I, e d d c d f e d d ic c g- g e for surely I, Who have brought you from Egyptian darkness, ab c' d ed ab g g lg g 222 Will your souls protect while you do respect And follow my d e e e laws with ex - actness. d d d cd g g g d d |C c 2 I'll cause the mountains of earth to descend, And the humble valleys to arise, And the fabricks of man as the dust I will fan, For his systems I do despise. And surely I, and surely I, Who established the earth's foundation, Will spread o'er her face the knowledge of grace, And the kingdom of full salvation. 3 And ye unto whom I have given my will, And have called my cause to maintain, If you are not true, from my mouth I will spew, And your offerings I will disdain. But surely know, but surely know, If you are thus heaven-daring, In deep regret you shall mourn, till the debt You have paid to the uttermost farthing. 4 Then in mercy be warned, O my people, to walk In the strictness of my holy spirit; And thus ye shall stand, when afflictions fill the land, And my holy blessing inherit. Yea surely know, yea surely know, Though thousands arise to oppose you, I will conquer the foe, turn inward the blow, And my house shall remain unscathed. Given by inspiration, 1850. Canterbury, N. H. ERRATA. Page 29, line third; the crotchet notes ed, under the word roll, should be quavers. 23, line sixth, for millennium read millennial. 40, lower line, the crotchet g, under the word they should be a minim. 52, line third, the notes under the word crown should be a pointed crotchet d, and quaver e. 53, line fifth, the d, under humble should be placed in the lower line. 56, line first, the notes under the words Come let should be transposed ; and seventh line repeat marks should be inserted before Return, and in eighth line after Hill. 58, line sixth, the dc, under the word evil should be a quaver d, and pointed crotchet c. 60, line second, a under and should be placed on the center line, and line sixth the notes under eat should be a quaver f, and pointed crotchet d. 64, first line of the anthem, the notes under the word of should be quavers cd, and under Me quaver ed. 83, line fourth, repeat marks should be inserted be- fore the word But. " 112, line fifth, the e under and should be placed in the upper line. " 121, line second, f under /should be e. " 135, line fifth, the e under shout should be a. " 197, line fifth, the g under lo should be in the middle line. " 201, line fifth, thee under is should be in the upper line.