*y^x. f^- is'>^'W^^ >¥f^: -^^^ m-% •-^^,/ %^. -t^^'--^ -i ^^ F, 472 ,j^"'M r574 d ^ OCT 1 loaa ^ WH OLE BOOKE OF PSALMES COLLECTED INTO ENGLISHEMETREBYTHOM. STERNH, lOHN HOPKINS AND OTHERS, CONFERRED with the Ebrue, with apt Notes to fing them withsU. C^ctfojt^anDalloVDCUto bcfong in nil C^urc^cs, of all the pco 'ic mtt\)cv bcfo;c anD after fl!9o?ntng ano ©ucntng mntcr: as alfo bdo^c anD after ^cni'.on0,f mo?eoucr in p^tuatc l)cuttaM their ttobb foiacc anD cotnfo;t,lai?ins apart all tongoMp fongs ana balaDes febich len?)ondgtotl;cnottri(l)tn20fi)icc,?co;iniptingofpoHt^. * ^ lAMES. V. t^II AifT BE Aff LICTED, LET JilM PRAT^ and if^ny he merj, let htmfin^ Pfalmei. CO LOSS. Ill, ^ Let the woord of God dwell pknteoufly in you , in all wifcdome^tcachyng andexhortyng one an other in Pfalmes^Hymnes and fpirituall fonges^and fmevnto; the Lordin your hartes. \^T LONDOK9 Printed by lohn Daye, dwelling ouer % Cum Piiuilegio Regiae Maicftaiis, pcrDecenniuro. j^hto the reader. Heujhdtvnderjiand (gentle Reader) that 1 haue(for hhe helpe ofthofe that Are defyrous to Uarne tofyng) caufedanerv Print ofl^te is he made with letters tg be ioyttedby euery Note : Whereby thou mayjl knorve hox9 to call ettery Note by his right name, fo that with d very little diligence (as thou art taught in the Intrtdu^ion frin* ted heretofore in the Pfalmes) thou mayf the more eaftly by the ve^ wyngof the fe letters come to the knowledge ofperfecfe Solfyng : rvherby thou mayftjing the Pfalmes the morefpedely andeaJlier.Thc letters be thefe , V.forYt^ K.for Rc^M. for My, ¥.for Fa, S.for Sol, L for La. Thus where you fee any letter ioynedby the note, you may eaftly call him by his right name, as by thefe tw$ examples you may tne better perceiue. T^r .,. ■ .. «.>— ^» -'^ O VA -^« — -g y— 1 .0* Vt Re My Fa Sol La La Sol Fa My Re Vt. Vt Re My Fa Sol La Fa Sol La U Sol Fa La Sol Fa My Re Vc Thus I commit thee vnto him that liuethfor euer, whograttnte .that we mayftng with our hartes andmyndes vnto4 he glory of hys holy name* Amen* '^^"•^^^-■r^«^ ^ ^;.tii -Xo'Xwukvria :±=i jCati^from^e CatijccatiOtt^e fimne. ^ t^ ^j "t"**! ^c 0ol> of peace ant) imte.z. lOt&teout; 1 ^? '^''^ ■I. ^l'AV'^ t^L^— I. ^ ,j» I.^ ^ mintie;^, anO fnto tw?,tl)^ ijcaucnlv gtacc 0tfic of i&oD mod i;^ vot)tct) no tontiue can ocp^e. CtK fonnt&vneanD ctjelttieiv fpiiuf)}, of io^ crtcftiall: d)c ftteft bjt^,t!)c lotic (b dea««, ano bncttcn Q)ttttuaU. CI)Ott in ti^ gtftetf att wan|>folt>, tDl^ecbv Ct;}t(te;Qf Ct)ucct) ^tj^ San&t 3n fav^f^fuU t?am;s iDjitctng t^^ ta\o, cl)e ftnget oi{bsititi ^ant>. SUco^tDtng to ti)v pjiom^fe mat>e, tt)ott ijeueQ QieacI; of grace: C^attt);u)ugljtl;if ^eivt^V^^ttit^a'by m«2 ^^^^xia in euecp i^Iace. C i)oIv <£>\)Q^ into otn; tt)itte0, fenD t)0U3nttn» \)tm\tr^ ijglXi: %int)le out i>actc;er totrl) feruent loue, to itxxse i&oD t)av ant) ntijl)!. Sttcngflj ant {labltfl) all our tt)e«!tmtf> fofcbleanDfofcavlci Cl;at ncti?er fl cO) ,t!7e tuo^U) no> Deuill agav)ta bj3 Doc pjeuavle. IDuttjacft out encmiei* fet from t»jtf, ant) gtannt \}& to obta^ne: f>eace tn our l^artc^f toitl) <&o5 ant> matt,< toit^oiit (jruDec p> iJtfoaync. jant)gcauntC>lJ)}£)ti;atti)ou being, • otn: tea&et anti our gu^e: ISPe msv efct)etD tl?c fnate^' of Cnnc, ant) from tl>cc ncucr fl^tie. %Q Wfnti) plcntv of t^v grace, ■iiiciiuiuuiciurc. ^I)af tf)ou ma^be our comfb;tcra at t^c !aa DjcatrfuU Def . ©fall (Irtfc ant) btflimion, © 2-o>b tittroluc ti>e bantiesr; ant) msUc ti^; Snot^ of peace anD Unie, tl?iu)ud^;out all cI?>tiJen laniciJ. ^ramtt bs? O iojd t^joug!) t|»ceto Knott)* tl?e fat!)et mofi of ni tgijt : trijat of fjis t)eatc bciciueD foraie» toe ma^ attafi) c tt)c fi5di)t. flnt) tijat tutti) perfect far ti) alto toe map acftnotDlcDjc t})ec: Clfe fptrite of tl;em botl) altoap, one i5oD in pecfonff ti»icc. lauD anb p;tat're be fco tlje i^t^tt, anb to titje Sonne CQuall; bel)olD vxi carefiillJ>stt, ant) U)l>e tt)V ttiill anb ^^^^^^^^ pleafure tsf^relcafe me of m? fmatt.tT^ou i .- ^>j 'J I X^ ^M: feeitm^fojitoteeia: ts^ tl)e.v ate, mp 8h fc:JIIl ^;^^::;3:%: i| ^ grietc x» ftnctanc totl;ee>anbtijcfcis( ^^^^ none ti^at can tenioue,0]k tabett^efame ^ from mc« ©ut onel)R tl^on toljofe at'bc 3 ctatiCb VDl;ofc mttc^ ftill is( pjcft, Co cafe all t^cfe tt)at tcmt to t^, fo> fticcout anb fo;i reS. finb fitlj t!)on fcea titt> relllcflc epesf, my tcatCiS anb grcuous; gronc; jRttenb bnto tnv fute (O 2-o?b) tn^t^c weU m]^ piatnt txCd monp> iJUi;. ^> venitcexQitemini. /Dli finnc Ijart) fo mtlorcD nw, ant) conf^iaQc about: CDat 3 am novu rcnicDitetf, tf mercy Delpc not out. fo} ttie>taU man cannot rcle.ift, o; mtttc»afctl)»af pa^nc: ©ut ci!cn tin' ClTita mv 2.o>l> ft«t> f©o6, tDl;td; foj mv UtmcH voajBf flavw* J3j)l^orcL)Ioul>?vi}ounI)W(att;?rt to fc«» tt)ougI) not wttl) montall cpc: yet Do t1)v SamtiS bcl)0R) tijem all, ftntjfa^tmftOjall?. tCI)ou2l)an!i8Dotl)ljinDcrmcato^ite, vu!)en rt;oii fljalt fee it gooD: 3 Ojall cntcv tlje fi8l;>t of l;im, anD fee i^uj tuounDe;ef anD bloub. iSnJ) ftflf tl)(n« aimgcW anD rt?? £iaintcief» t)o ncmj bei)olbcti)c ra»«e: JSo trtift 3 to pcfiefTc tljat place, yjitl) ti)Crtt to p;w|'& t!^ name. IPiit M)\)Hcss 3 Uuc tjctje in tl)vis bale, toljcTc flnncrjot Do fceqtumt; affta Kic cuct iDtt^j tl;v 8t««. mv (mne^attl to lament. Xcatt tljat 3 tte&t} (h flnnecsf tcao, an!) gcuetljcm mf coofent: Co Dtoell toitl; tl^cm in U) (dlm»;8( to tt>cc altoaveijaf. Venice cxultemus. pfal. xcv. Sing thitaf tht BinediSftu. f) Come ann let btfaotDcctuvcc, ^ ^nOGnabtttoti^eXojl): ilrtt) to one onclv Smivotn:, atfo CBttij one acco^ti. O ictbtf come bcfo;6c Wfatc, VDtti) tn\uatl) cenercnce: Conftffinc all ont former finned, Onb ti^at tultt) btitgcnce. To ttanfte \)im fo> ^ttf bcncStes?, flltoavbtfjrrbtitmg: VDljCKfo).?. to i)im tial)t iovfiJllV. 3npfatincflf nouj IctbtfGng. Sinn tl;at ti .aiife tljat 0^ alone, ^ij Xofi magiuftcent: JilnT) cSc abotic all ot^ iCobtf, aRV"2on»Ripctcnt« l^ttf people Bort) not Ijc fo^faRe, atRnvtimcojtvbe: Teueum. ©r fll! tfje tDojTD fo ttivbe. flnt) tDiti) ijtjo; '.omHij countenttwf, l^e lohetl) eiicrp taOcte: EnD botl; beljolti tljc toptf of all, Tl?c mountavncjaf facte anb neare. ZiK Sfca anb a!l tl)jW ttf tljertn. flte l) l)c tl)cm mabe: flnb rtjc l)ts ljan:)e0 ijaue faOjloneb, Zl}c eartt) tc'jttl; botg not fabc. O co>:tc t\}ctfoj£ m^ tooiUIjip b<}«. flnb bovnnc before l;mi wU: flnb let b6' tDccp bcfojic tlje 2-Oib, Xlft tBl)icl) I)att7 mabeb;a( all. t?i ttf our iBob.ouc iojbanbktoL an:) tucOiiOf people ere: t?Ui Qoch au£) Qjic\) cii)ifi paftut«, ©n ^Uoia Uc taHetfj care. ?ri;»e boc lyetixc ^ia bevct yet l^:^cbcB not vour !)att: jSfl' in tiK birtec mucfimting, Vi>\)en vc VDetc in befatt. 1XH)id) tljtnj toa«f of tijejc neglvflwwe; Commtttcb p;ouc:) :nc iXtifi frtvj .'nf tuo>*iCj9f, lll)l>*.t jf coiUb bc2 0} fav. tri^cfe fis jtv vcrivc^f 3 ';aue been jjrcn^ HDiti; tiiig sti-.-uVAon: i3Utb cucrKiojr 3 favb t;;cv ecj:cb, 2n tljcir imj'jmuijn. UDiKctoiri; ti;ci', Ij^tt^; tacrc foiic coicb;** Xon^i t^'j jis an'J r. jany bavc^X : lt)l;creh),-;e 3 r.notu aiTarcSlv, Tl;ep l;aue not tmo-ijn mv ^JRVC^a". tTo vol;oK! 3 i'- ?n"^t; an^r fwoyc, Tl?<3t ti;eviUouD not be y ;c£i ^0^ fee mv iov cdeai«a, Pojc«tejinmvtca. GlorU Patri. %All LutJif^Jprayft Ire t» thee Lerdtt O that af might art mofi : To G»Jtbe Father and the Stnn*, ^ndtothehtlyGheji, ^As It in the bepnning^ai. Far cmer heretsfore: ^nd'inowatthisprefiHttymet tAitdJhtUl be fHermtr*. CThe fong of S.Ambrofc called T« DeuTH. je f>jiavfetljee<&ob,uje hnowiebge if^>fl;eptwlv3U>>'>wbej jSnb«;Bfeter» TCJUJCum. N^ ,|_.JUl4--g ^^^ nallfiifljec «U , tt)e eartl) Dot^ toojOjip ^^^ tl)cc . Ze tl)ce all aimgeix cry,t^>; l;»iuc»yj . ana all tl)c potMCttf tDetcw: To tljce C^enib, anU SwapUtn , to ctp -yjt-Lfr^;: -tft^ticcnctltnnc. f ©T(^ol?,l^ol?,l©olv,1-o>», of Sabot!? iojot^c i8oD: t ^uglj ^caitrn gt catti? t^p pjalfc ig tntOi ant) gloiif all alnoat). T^^odlts qlo^fcns! comjwnf e, ^elD p^vfejiJ bnto t^ec: C^e p]ioyl/ctc,e gootilv fcloujflUn'* pjwjfe til?ec ccntinuallv. ^|>e nolle anS bicto;iouSt>oftc, of iX'^.nns fuun^ tl7j» pjav^ifJ "C^e Ijol? C^ircrt) ti;?ougt)2i« ttje toojlfc, tMjt^ ftnotDlctgctl^ec altDa^wf. IPatljcr of cn^^ltae ixx&itCye, ti;?vtioc MlinoivjlC'Ogefljec: \Ll)^ C ir^ r3 tlwnc i;ino>abIe ««€. a*iij ciiclv ujnnc to lj«. CJjc: i>o».f ^^o.lt ti)C cojnfojttcf , of /jlf i^ fJ^n att ft^ns* X) Cl;>if^,in5 of tl)c if atgcc att, rt>s C)r.nc ciiaUttir^ ^ l)cn finfatl man;? iccav c Ojacpc ani) tnicU mi?gl)t: jCl)Oul)eaucivSHfn^omcDiI>ftfetx»t>e, to ctl) bcleuv^S ^"iS^Jt* 5n (jlO)V of tt;^ if arDct tt)on, tjooftijtoii i5aD;a!;iil)tl)anD: fOctniftttjattljou Qjalt cctne ouciiibge, out tanfc to b«i)etftanfi. %op l>elpc tl|p fettiaimtMf, tol^om tljou ^ bcugljt tuttlj ti)"^ v^uioivs bloud; anT) in rtcmall qloy? fct, t^cm xoirt) t!^ Saintcaf fo gool>. O Xo;ti soc tl)ou tl)v people fauc, blcOc tl^vnc iidjcntwrncc : X gouccnc tljcm,ant) 2.ojfttO ti>0«, f 0? tttcc tl)a:i atinauncc. BDc magntfic tl)ctt>ar ''V ^^* ant) too^Ri tt)iti)pntcn enii: 9B>o>c tJ)v $olv najrtcO 1^^, boutt^fiifc t^to DeSmd* 1 nc iong ur cue turcc aiuutc. S?tom flnnc tl;wf ba^.tljanc tnetc^ lo>6, l)aucmcrcpcnb0all: 0nD cnb«r 80 toe tcirfi in ti^, 3U);b let tf?t mcrcp fall* © lo:ii> 3 iWMc tcpofci) all, m^ confltjcncc tn tl^ee: pm to confotmtiinga^ametl^etfo^e. Xo>t) let me neuccbce. C The fongof the three Chil- tireit f^tyfng God , preuokjng 4tU creature J to doe the fame. O fe^^tttzib ^^ 2X\ ve tDO)I{e0 of i&obtiDe tep, blelTc TC tl)e 2rO]it) : y>>avfe it^tm ant) tnagntfie l)im fo; «uet. ^O'ftti^t ilngcW of fte 1Lo;ib, blea«¥et^3Lo^t),p)atTe ijinf, and ma{|« niftcl)imfo)euet;. I Ovc t6eaatcvt)eauenjai^ie, blelXe ve t!)e X-o^D, p^atft ^im, ant) ma^ ntfiei)tmfo}cuer. 4 o^etoatcttfabouetl^efhvc, bte(&vet^c^)^>P^'^c ^im, aab mag* niftcl)imfojcuct. 5 O all^epouicttf of tI)eXj)»t), WcCrcYet^cXojb, pjaffe^pm ant>majj? ntfic I;t«n foj cucc. < t), pj««ft *)»"» a«o mag% niftel)tmfojciict. 7 (0 re tlje gltOting ftattcjaf of Ijcauen, blcirc^etljc3Lo;iO, p^fcl?r»nanD mag» nt6c^mfo>euct. I ©vctl)cP)otoec0anist)>opi)in§I)ctt5e, blcircvetl)eXo;t),P]iaffc ^iin anb majp niftc I)ini fo> cuec. 5 OrctJjcblovDingtutnttcsfofiSot), fclcflc vc tljc %o%Xi , pMtpfc Ijf m ant) mage niacl)unfoK«cr. xo © yc tl;e file ant) toaritiing l)cat, b!cfreretbcl4)>b, pjR^fc ijimanbmag^ ni6cl)Twfc>ci:et. II ye winter ant) tt)eiSonimettttie, bUCTc re tljc %c%-Q , pitarft lj»«« anD mag'. niSeljimfojcuet. ti eu3C0 anti bmtitnc? fcolleitf, blcirc?ct:^c2Lo;it), pjaffi^ ^^ anDmagj nfacljtmfojcucr. II O re tije freS r«n2 dj'tUng f cltic, bleflcrc^Xoitt), p;arfct?rst»anD maj-. ntftet>r»"fo3'f^C'^' 14 <[>re^JR"^''^^Vf^ ant)JHow, bicOc re tf?c %o^l> Pf'^'-fe i?i!".9f . » s O re ti)e ntgi^te;? wur* ligt/tamc t>arc^, Bcnediitus. blcffcyctbc ic;t)p>atfcJ>int.?tf. 17 © yc tt)c iu2l)tmngctf anD rt)c t\oviotg, bldfe re the lotb,p>aifcbtni.?(. (8 c cartl) rtc blcfrcri)cio?D, vca falcffc tUe 7Lojt),p>8vrc \}Ym.fc, I Q >t),pwfc l)tm.?c, »i orfti)ccuctrpjmjtngtDcnc;a(, blriTc vc tl;c Xoj5,p>atfc Ijtm.^t, as orctl)cfc8X(flni>rfrt7f fi""^**'' blcffc vc ti7C :Lcnli>p>aifc l)tm.^c. »t jo^nlca(ant)nlltt)RtintDatcrjafmoae, blcffc vc tl>c 2.oiiD,PVttfc Dtm.fr. »4 ©aUreflrt«3fo"l£'^of^''*W. blcffc re rljcXojD.watft IMtn.fc; » 5 C) all re bcailc£( anD tattcll efte, blcffc re tDc 2-o;t),pjatfcl)V*".?^ %6 C rctl)c cb!itjcn of manhmBe, . blcffc re rt)c 2-Oiit) p^arfc ^tm.f «♦ »7 X«t3fta£llehc blcffc ttjcXojt), ^•ca blcffe tl;e 2Lo>D p^itfc })im.^t, a8 O re tl)c lOjtcltoef of iSoD tl?c XojiD, blcffc re tl;c l,o>6.p>atle l;im.f c. »5 © V^^e fctuatmtf £( of tl)c 14)>D, bleffc re tl)C %o>T),p>aift l)tm.f c. JO yc ft)x»tct),p>aiCe l)tm.?c. ai yc l)£lr ant) re ntcchc of Ijatt, bleffcrc tl)C %,ojJ>,V}tiitetfim.^i J » © ananwjBf blcffc tljc 7.o;il), blcffc tljoH tl)c l.o^,p>atfc Ijtm.ft. C ShactaiS blcffc t^c }U^, blrffe t!;ou fl;c X.o;tt),p;w!>, bletiGc ti;ou tt)c Xofi),if}«iXc bii».f c. fjQThe fong of Zacharias called tfc oncl^ lojK of 3ftacU,bcpi«vreD |:=x^j;=4^^ ^--«---^Tp |^ mti) meter bspt in ft ok> U^ people now ' l)e l)3tl^ ccoecmDe , r^ long ^act) been in tl)i(iai : jSitD (i?}Ciif> ab^oaD |)t;ef Taurng AccojXiinq, to b«j3 ininD: flnt) alfo 6 w^ annorntct) htog, flS toe in Scrtprurc ftnDe. acf br tjtxy l;oir ?0;uipl)ct£r all ©ft trntee l)c DtD Declare; ^ l>c iDtjirij VDcTc Onrc t Oc toojB) bcaaa '^ijS ixt&xcg fo J to prepare, n;at toe migljt be DdniCTcD, 5FtOfn tl)ofc ti)at mahc Debate: ©ut cncnircc anD from tljc l^anDcjJ CfalldjntDobiKljate. ?rf)c meter tD^tri) l)c pjomvfeD, ©Htfattjct^toftilSll: SlnD tl}mhc bpon t;i£r couettdmnwM^ jacto;DtngtobtjCtt)Jll. JInD airo to pctfoutmc tijc othe VO\)i(i) l)e befc?^ tjoD (Vuovie Zo abjictjain cue fari?ecDcat«, ^0} Dfl' ti)at tDCf e fo;ilo?nc. Cljat i)c ujculD gene Dtmlelft fbihi 2nD b0 f cont bonDagc b;img : ©lit of tl)e IjanDctf of all out faeflf, Zo Cetue out^eaiienlr ^wq, flnD mt t« Wjotit all manct fewfc SIbD Che m tiq\)tcou(Uea: anD alfo fojto icaD ouciiue;af, 3n fteDfall l^olrncs'. ajiD tl)0ii(O ct)Hii)ya})i(^ novo uthftUL anD ofti;c2,o;D elect: ^ '^"^m, Sil)altbett;cp^pl)etoftbchfaii€« ©Wt>jarwfojto6itett. » f'o^ ti)on Ojalt goc before ^W fat*, ^o; to prepare 1)10 vcarcrf: jlnD alfo fo; to tesdj tjis tutU, anD plcafurc all tijv Darca'. Zo gene tljcm hnotoicDgc ^otD that tbtAu Saluatwn w neatc : anD tljat temtffton of tt^ctc dnttett, J0 tl»ong^ l}i!3 mettif meet*. np^etby «)c Day (p^inj ttom an btah, JjEf tome tg fb> to bilitc: anD ti^ofe fo)to tllumtnate, J©l)icf)Do inDatbeneflfit. ^ if^)cen el)oic t^at o^aDotsgD be> UDttt) Dead) anD c&e oppjcft: anD alfo fo} to guiDc ttjett fccte, C Os ttiap to peace anD ccS, The Tong of blcfled Mary caUeJ Magmficat. y fonle Dott) m«gnt&ctt)e Xo^D, ^^^^^^<^^^f4^g^ t)CA(t^, b^oR ^i;ef Uxwm$ m> m2 (i)tntceSccuetmo?c : Kctotfet^ intfyt ineiongot:>ymeofl T^mctmqueviut. i,3iaii'aifyl^bttan{ci)t t>t& i:es8tt),ant> lottQbefo^e : W^id)ttO'm igcomeinto fiftuctdiJcttbnto : SobafecSateof l??tf «^»ojn», of merer b^nsmgiaojc. K fc> ,^, '-^iii .< ^.»-4 ^0)1 noiD bd)olt> all nattotur, fUtb gcnetattotu^ all: ^tom ti)is time fojtlj fo? cuCTmoj*. iSljaU mc t(a^>t blcffcD call. aSecaufe ^eJ^ati) me maijntQcD, ))Dl9td) titf tije lofb of mi j^: llpi^ofe namcbe euet fr:iuttSe&, SlnD p;a^fe& bat* ^^ ntg^c* . 5Fo> tDftI) t)t)e; mercv anb f)ift §eit», flUmeni^ebot^enflame: ClnM>U(jl)out all qfinetationii, Co fticCi 6SI feare l}i;a^ name. l^e Ojctoet^ (hf gtt tDtti^ ^ 0teat acme flnb maticrt)cp?otit) to Satt: tOiti) all ttiiasmatton;ef, Cl)at fi;cf bate in rt;ctt ^arf ♦ t»c Ijat^ pirt botonc f^ mfgi^ oiwi^, iFtom t^eit fupetnall Teat: Stnb bib e;a^ t^e medt tn ^ar(» Stjer t)c ^ati) tt)ou^t it meete. ^ l)c Ijungcv 0c rcplcniOj^, HO^t; aUtlimges; tJjattDcrc ijotfb: £lnd tl7M>u<3!t) IjiiS^potDec \)s mabe til^ei^ic^, Oft t]pm00 to vsam tl^^cic foob. Sbib tMinqta remembrance t^ig mcccg cixercf Dcalc: ^atl) l)olpen bp afl)(tantl)p, J5ijaffcnjai!t3frscll. flccoTtiing to l)isf pjujmife mabe, B:oab>Ri)ambcfo;c: flnb to l)':^: fccb lUcccfiSuel?, Co aanbfo>ctievmo}c. The fong of Simeon, called Nunc ditnittit. 2,03ib bechufe m^ ijawesfbeflitc l;as<;U3uljJb;ien3t3fc£: 0f? onelrXcjb '.:i:zfk^t ^^'^~~^ - ?:ijoufnflfeccftt^fenHattBo» 3n peace f0> to b^att: aaojbiitg to t!)t> i^olv tDojb, SPi)tc^ llgbtcnetij m^ !»«. ®etau(tmin«cvea(tt)^iC'-'A ^iLLUL ui;uiidndiiui. but oncrt)c i5otl)fnt) vt: JLifcc glo]iv coctcmall ch« t])e maieftvc lihctuifc. jBurt) ajJ rt)c if artjcr ije( flid) i^ tl5c Sonne in cA) ficgtcc: flnD ftiri) alfi> tDC Do bclcuc, iDncccatc w tl)c iFartjcr,anD tnacatc ic tl)e Sonne: ^l>cl>olr /&l)ofttonaeatc,to tinaeftte tflf cdjont. 3 nf ompjcijcnfible ifart^t «, tnfOjnp;cl>rnfrt)lc Sonne; Slnt) co>n|i?d;cntibU' alfa wf, rt)c l70ly i5l?oft of none. ^Cl^e :f atl) ft IS rtcrr.all anO ti)c Sonne ct email fo 0nt) in Wit ton etcntaU ;;tf , ti;5l)olvi6l)oaalfo. flnt) vrt tljotigl) tDC belenc t^wt «^>, ofrijefcctcmallbc- yet t^cre but one ctcmall US, anD not ctcmnl0 tlneC' Sid ne tiicomp?el)fnablc Q3C , ncvctbntTeatctI;;icc: ^M one tnroni|)^;CnOble,onc bncrcatc IjolD to be, aittifaljtv fo rt>c iFatDct w, tl)c Sonne almfgl)tv To, anb in liUc fojt nUntgl^tv W, tl)c^olvi6l;o(lairo. Slnb albeit tl?at cucti? one, of tl^fc nlmtgl^tv be: ycttl)jccbut one almi3l)tv itt anD not almt!5l;t|'c$ tljicc. Zl)t if ati)ct iSob i anb no mo. So Ufecvoife 2-o;tb t\)c ifatljcr i0, anb jLo)b a'fo tljcSonnc: ant) 2.0JD tl>e Ijolv Bl)oft,VCt arc tljcte not tl;;;^ %djX)C0 but one* ^o> (!0 tuc ai c rojijpclb to gtaunt, byClj.uitianbci-ttic: jCcI; of tt;c ycrfotisf bv Ijimfelfe, b ort; {6ob anb 7ji%s^ to be. So €atl5oltt& KcUuion, fojO'bOetljbtf alrjav* Cl?at c>'ri;cc ibotis be t\)}cc o% tlwt, fi>ccc5L-ojt>ctffcetl»ccto fay, Cf none ti)c fcr ann tl;c Scnne; flc mftDc ne create no; begot, tPutboti;p^(ee^ atone. £)0 to e one if at tKt Ijoltrc tiot ttj^ oneSonncalfo nottt>jec: Onct)8lv 61)0(1 nlcnc, anb not tl)^ec l)olf {£>\)Q(ica to be. ^onc tn t\)iS5 ^rtnttje bcfoje; noj after otl;erttf: illc greater cn^' ti;cn tt}e reil, ne Icffcr be liUctovfc. IBM euetv one among ti;cm(elucjS(, of all tijepcrfontftljce; together roctctnall nil, fuiballcoequnllbce. QO bnttic in ^Trinuie, Off farb it iff before*. En) tTtmitte in bnitie, tn all tfy^tiQts U)c aboje. ITMetfo^e tul)at man Toeuer tifst, raluatton vo^ll atta^ne: Zl)i0 favtl) toud;mg t^c Twnttle, of fo^(e Ije mitfl rctaync. Enb necbcfiill to etemall ipfe, itifftljatCTicrvvuigtK: ©f tlje incamattng of (C^jtft, out ;Lo>b beleue exi^. f(n fl)e fonnc of i5$^» i;af<5obanbmanairo. i5ob of i)(^ fatt)etff fitbaatmrcgot, befojfttlje toonltie began: flnb of t)tff motUerff fubttaunce bo^, mtso^lOeaber^man. ^oti) perfect {&ob anb perfect man, in one one 7efnff Cf7>tft: Cl)atbotl> of roafonabic foule, anb l)umane Scfl) ftd)0a. Toiid)ing Ijf ff i^obljeab equall tofC^ |?>>ff ifatljer iSob iff Ijee: ^oud)f ng Ijpff nianljoOe lotDCt t^Kii, \yi» if at'cer in bcgree. |U>1)0 tt)oiv^) I>c be botl) bett j5ot, anbbervmanalfo: yet iff l;c but on; ClTjiU alone, anb iff not perfcnff ttuo. ©tu>m;tbv turnf ng cf i5ob^eab, mtott^cficfljofman: JSutbv tah^s manljobe to iSoD, t^fS bctng one began. au onenotb^ confbunbfngof, ti)2 fid^Hr.unce i.tto one; 55ut onclv by rtjc bnrtie. tt)atiffotoneperron, Sfoi^ ass tt^c teafonable foiile, anb fleO^btit one man i^: So in one perfon i&ob mo mm, iff but one C^tSt litieaiile. W^o ftiffceb foi to faiiet'0 all, tot)^tt)ebibbercenb: C^ tt)irb Dap tore ogitpne ftom beollis to l)eauen t)e bib afcenb. I^e fitff at ti;e ri^;t l)anb of iSoI), fD«irtmis^iFaty«tti?ete; ^^ jPtwo The Lamentation. ftom t])mce to tuDgt ttje quwH ano tWI*. at \Dl)(i(c teturnc all men PjaU tyf'^ tDiti;i)o2sciSitcto KrCeyt);?: SlnD of ti;ctc ottittc tnoj^.e^ titjq? OJrtl gf»€, at compt tinto ri?c lejD. jBnD t!)eF tntc ctcuiall life, Ojall goe tl>at !;aue Done toeH: tO^o l)aue Done ill 0;aU goe into, etemaUdtcti^fitoeU. ^ist iti ti^ Cati)Olicli faettcfe, ttlje iiot^ not fayt^)fta»v : ^ticaeti)c Came tuitt)0ut allDottb^ l)efawti(armotbe. Co if artjecSonnc an&ljolv iBiJOft, aUglo;iVbctl?ctfoK*. Sift in bcgtnntnij toajs;, ijai tu>\» SRft a;aUbe cuemtoK. ^The Lamentation of a Jmner, M. -i--^— I. X^D tutne not atoa^ t|^ i&uMota g TheLordcspwyef. tri)o« ftnottica; toljat H^tngcja; tnctc tI)M 2a; all ^)in»s£is t\a ti^at tjatl; been fcwe, amonj tt)c romtejo; of men. ant) can tl;c tl)«nsetf t\)$t J ^mttom 2Sc tjiDbcn ftom tljee tljcHt"' /lavnar.tl^ou hnouieft ti)em aU((0 3LOJ6) UPljcrc t^e^ njcrc TJonc anb tDl>cn. na^)erft(A« tDitlj tcatc0 3 comt to *(k»s Co beg ant) to enttcate: tf uen agf t^ d^jt iBc tljat l^jat^ bon« eua?, Slnt) foaccti) to be beate. So come 3 to tf)^ mccc^ gate, tOfjctc mcrcv Hoti? abounb: Kf Quittng metc^ foj m^ finnc, C locale mv t)c«t)lv tuourtb, O ;U>^ 3 neeD not to repeat, 5U9t>at 3 bscbeg o? craue: Cf)ou finotuett © XotX> befoje 3 n(he," C^tt^ingttjat 3 tsotilDl^aue. 5e^etcf goob 5Lo>b,mercv J adte Zf)iisl 10 tl)e totali firnmte: if o> mctcy 2u»>b 10 all m^ fute, irOjb let tijv wctcp come. 5" The Lordes Prayer, or Pater nejier» ^9im. tcfoi, l^etit; ^oCttate: X>amentf ng fo^c \)\& OnnefuU lvfe,befo}<^ tt^ mete? )Dr fatitjet: U3t)td; tn ijeauen a(t,}Lo>T> t a ^^^^ v^ -R'Ot- gate z. DD^tcljgatc A)ou openeft^t^e to tl)o(e t^ bo lan;ent t^ctc s»ne:SI)tit ^aloto^ betl;;^ name : CI;? ittngbome come. Ct)? toil be bone in eacc^,eiKn a^ nottt^at^ate aga?n(t me X^ojb.butUt tf)e (ame in i)eaue i;ef.z i5eue btf O 2^;a> •necttrectn. Slnb call me not i^ moto btle 3 Q)all appeace. 3 neeb not to conf eSe m? life^ IT am fuee t^ou canit tell: Q)l)at jli)aue been anb tc^ 3 am, 3 bno\u tt)OU tinotDeft it toeiU geue one betters: lue p^f . 3 3nto temptation leab b;ertiot jcom '^'0 M^ '^ -^Zr ^g—^i-^ l^—i^ - cuillma!ieb;i3;hvc: ifo>tttns]fbcme,potDec L± 7^^. -«^ T^ -i^ ^raftr^^r iffi^ SlP>? ti;me,l?8tl; noi(v,an& euet be, B.jV The The x^Comaundcmentesr The x.commaiindemcntcs. ^udi Ifrttetl. Exadusio. N. aihc JfcacU, anD voljnt 3 f a^, gcuc ^^^^^P !KCt)c to bnDctftanfi : 3 am tl)e lojt tij? iCot> tl^at b;oust)t tI)ce$utof i^stpt tmti.2.i£ncnUot^el)Otttetol)ttin ti)ou ^f — 't *'^ ^ ^ ^ f ' * ^ t>tDa mtl^lcDome Iti^c a fl jue : jHone otl^eci5ot)0 at 9II before, mp pitefcnce ^alttI)oub{iue 5110 manecgcatten ^magc, fljaK tljoti mahc at all to tljcc: ^0% anp figure lihe b^ tl)ce, Ojall countetfaytcD be, ©f anv tijtnj; in i)caiicn abouc, HoMn tl;e cacti) bclotu: 5!>o> in tuatccs bcncatl) ti)c caw^, . to tl)ctKtl)oii Q)A\t not botu. jllo; QjfAt tl)cm fci'tie.trije iojiB t^?" i5o5 atcltotisi&oDam^ ITijat puniO) parcntciJ faultcsf bnto tl)c tl)irD anil fonnh Dcjcec. IDpon ttjcir c!)tiD;icn tljat mc Ijatc, anD mcccv De D:fpla:j>; Co tljctifaoDcflf of fuel) atf incloae, ant} ttif p^cccpt^ Ob ay, ^^c txame tl)ou of tljc Xoxb tfyp <5oD, in toii^nc Qjrtlt n:!icc bfc: 5Po>t)inj tliat taacs: l)uBf name tnbavne, tljc XotX) Q)M not cmUc. •Ucmcmbcr t^attfjou !)olf Ucrp, tljefacrcT) Sabacti; Dnv; Sk oavc;3(tl)omaboui:0)ait anbboe tfyt iwcttf uU w o;i' ic;3( alwav- C:i;cfciicntl)T)avt5fctb{' tl?c2-0iil) tl)v<5ot)toicntbuon: . ^0 ujo>hc tfjin fi.uit ti)ou Do in it, nc tljou no J ^pct tf)y fonnc: tt ^ Danjljf ccfetuant noj hani3Kta)?6, ' t')?ne yet djinc 3fic: po? Owrn jet tJ?8t xu'jijm x'^ gatc^o The c6mplaint ofa Cmncrl ^atl; 1t)i;9( abvt>tng plate. 5f 0) in tt/: trpas ^oh i)cauea ant> zsxtb, anb alltl)crin bib mahc: 3[nb4»ftertl)ofG l)uar tcft tjc bfi>, bpon f I)c fctienfo bay tahc. lt)l)crfoje be blcft tbc bay tl>at \)e, fo; rcft«ngbi~Q ojb;>.vnc: 5nb facrcb to l)ini fclfc alone, appotnteb to retnat*nc. 7ealb 1)0110} to tlrj» patcntca( t^at Piiolongbtljftiavc^S map be: JOpontbc lant> t!)c vul)idi tlje 2.0 jb tlrp i6ob ^atl) gctJcn t\)te. ^l)onajaltnot:m;ttt)erXl;otiajaltnof (ommttabtiUctr: Tljoii 0)alf notftealc./rio;tVDttncs(falfe agaynft tl;vnttijl;bOHrbe, ;r^)ou OjiTilt not couct I)oufc tl)at to, tl;y nettjljboucbotJ) belong: /ic couct Oja'.t tn liaumo; of, Ijl-tf ujj»fc to boe l)pjtj 'CD;tong. Sloj. \)i0 maiifcmaant.ne; l)i^ ma?be, noji OtcMO} aOl- of OVflf: /iltJii anv otl)ct tbing tl)at to, tl;v neigl^buoc proper U. IE The Complaint ofa finner. T^ctetiiljtcourrtetf bptl) ra^.^o^b ^?ii ^^TS^^r^ =i^ fa? m^ finnefall parte: 3n tci>ftt!)c.t^ou ^^^^^^ ^jouibcamcpav, bepscsnc cfj;t myi>c fect.5 can tt notbcnp,but neoejs 3 roiifl confcCTe.^otiJtljat continuaUv,tljp latcej* :ii^ JJioe ctanfgrcsf.t ^v laiueiS 3 boe trafgrcaf, I5utffftbetl)piuin, lOt^dnnctSto contcnbt ^l)cn all tt)p flocH QiaUQJill. Slnb be loll tottl)out ejr?). ^tt? tul)o ivttctb iKcc fo rt3t;t.. Z^nt ttg!)tlf l)aim3Ccoftl;?ta;atlj,. ^l)cn m tljccafc OttanDctf. «!)at ciwn tl)c manttgftnutfc: :ffallrti) oft tn flnneftiU baxm^i aj))T)3ti)atamt)mu(f, 3nD tigi^tcoufncjs none l)atw SiDI)mo ti^cn fljall 3 tnift, «3f anncfuUfoutcM fane* 15ut tmelv to tljat poOv IK)l)ctto "3 clcauc ana QjalU SD^td^ t3t tl;v metcitfi tnoa, %o^ let ti>v mCTCV feU anb tnttttgatc tl?]? moo^e, OjelafiDCpetiCDaU: Tt)c Wtcc of tl)wf tt)v bloUB - UPtjetcmtnctct^tall. tClje Scttptntc Dot^ Dcrtarc, 5(lo t)>op of blonX) in tl)ee 25iit ^at tt)ou t)tDft norfpatc, CoOicbcrijDwipfoiime. 5^o\xi let tl)ofc tijopsf moft uDCrt; So moift mv l)att To Dj?: C!)8t3 tuttlj fianctcplcat, lQ|av line ant> Qnne mat t>t<« ^!)at facmg mo|ttf8c6, C^<0 finne of mine in met 3mavbefancti6e0, 35V S'^ot^ of tl)inc in tl)ce», 3o^at3ncuetfaU, 3nto fuel) mojtaU finne: ttljat m? foes infccnaU SKeiovce m? ficatl; H)ctcia» 55utbourt)fafc me to feecp ■ ^om tl)ofi^mfccnaUfoci* SlnD fcom tljat laSe fo tiecp, Jlp Ijercatf no mctcv q^oxoeg, ant) 3 OjallfingtDe fongcjaf ConfitmcD tottl) t^c tuft: Ct)at bnto tt)ec belongest itpbicb act mvne onl? tcud Pfatmes of Dauid>, inMeteru. Eftttui ^ir. Vfal.i . T.S. Cte^«t6etittoa«iECiiiafl «? an? otl)«r, tljat 8atl|er«> i^t pfalme* into aboofce, it Uetast^ \)9 siaftt t^p;3 JOfalmeScft in manct of ap}Cface,tocr^oj{ aUsoBll^ men to ftuaie ana me&itat* the i^eaiwnlfi toyftomr. *oj t^«eflfecrijj , t^att^cpfaebleffco t^acgeiw t^cm* Mues tD^olpalltl)Mt:lT>f(! tottf care: jtio; lea \}i& Vgic &0 finnctjsf t>oe,noii fate in Uoy. El,»._,»--^r^^p4=£g ncr^afrijftVJP'^' a8ttttntljcJa^»9fi5ob tlje Xc^b , Dotl; fct l;t;£ tt>I;ol« Deligt^: atti> in tijat latD Dotf) c^ciTc , l)tm fetfe % v^ JusV 3- l|?c Oialbc Iftc tl)e ttcetJjaf grotDC^ faft b? rtjc tvtictiaf fific: IK}i)tc^ b;iingeti> fo>ti) moft pleafiaimc frmt^ in l;ect)ue t^ne anb t^bc, XO^aft leafe (Dall neuet fabe no; fnll, but ^oviQi Otll anb ftanb. ^nea To alt tl)in^j3f a)alip>oQ)ei; tueU, tl;at tt)t;et man talteis in ^anb. 4 So Q)aHnottl)cbngobl? men, ti)ef Ojalbe notl)tng To : 1£>\xt &IS tt)ebua: vut)td) fcom tl)c eactl;, t^c tombc b;itae;8^ to anb fro. 5 tc6ccfbKOjaUnotti^e\picb6bmen, m iubgement Ctanb bpiitgljt: jjloj ret t^c finnecfl tDitl) tljc mft, 0}aU come tn place 0} ii^. ^o)tDl)t^tl)etDavofgobltmcnj, bntd tl)c 2.o;ib i^ ftnotun: Stttb cfte tt)c toai? of tDicheb men 0;all quite be oiteccl;)oV9ne; Q^Arefremuetunt, Pfal,^. TS, Cj ataSce itf«Mit»> tbefactbcftcnOoftljitoQjlD. aoD t%ncfo-{C\t tt^ojs Ut^ hptije^ (J tiileM (t^at Cettpng bapne glojp apart) t^cp tooiila bi"n'>lp fubmittbC^)*& Alto ^ijr btngDomr. SXng this »s the firfiTfalme, 717 1}"^ ^^ t^c^enttle;^ timtultctf xv^ *y ttiljattage tuas( ix tijcic bjatne^ B3)Iw "iiiti tl)c 3etDtQj people mufe feeing all i^ but barncf- , ._! J i:l)e hinges anb tulcciB of ttjc eatflj ■ ■ , I — f—Eterirfcrf confpite anb ate allbcnt: :=pSip5E3^i:ri:i^ aaayna ri;c 2.oitb r.nb Ci?>tft t>WSotmr> 2. Pfalme,. uj. Pfalme. iilj. }^l)all toe be bount) to H)e«t fap t^ef ' lcttxjcllcfl|, ti)crt Doynge^ tDiUDetiDe: SltiD maftc tl)em all aaf mocking ttocftier, t^!iougl;out tl;e "(ao^XQ fo \i)tOc. jiFo> in l)tjef tojatl) ttjc Xop tom fc?, totl)embponat>av: 5fnD in l)t0 fucv trouble tijctn, anD tt)en ti)c l.o;(b will fay: 6 3 Dauc otino^ntcD t)ini mp h onrt? Sonne, tot>av3t^)ccb^30t. « ailpcoplc3 U)iUgcuctotI)ee, an l)eiceja( at tl)^' rcqucft: Ci)eent)«ei anD coaftcis of alltljc cart|> bpttjecOjaUbepoCfeft, S T^ou Ojalt ti)em b^'fc cuc» totti; a mace afif snen bnDcr f ootc tctiD : %tib 00 tijc potters; Ojecis! 0;alt bjicafte ti)em \utti; an icon tci). 10 jllatD re © hmae^if ana ci»lcc;8f all be toirc ttjecfojc anti icsrnt): JBy tt)l)om t^e mattCviS of ti)Z ujojltt, be iui>3c& anD Difcemd. SI Scti)at|'crecucfl)c2-o>t>aboue in trcmblina anti m feare: Se tl)at tuitl) rcacrcsirc vc teio^ce, to Ij im in ivhcmaner. « I Se tifjat von UiCfc anD e'rtc imb^ace, l)iaf blctTcD fonnf 3 fav : 3LcIl in l)ig3 tu^atl) ^c foSenlp per^QjinttjcmiDma?. 3f once \i\0 tDjatl) ncucc fo fmall, QjaU hint)l5 in l)S3 b;*f*: a?Ij ti)cn al? tljep tl^at triiain Cl)jtflt, , fijall ijappv be ano blcif. Domine quid, rfalme.iij. T.5, 0r93mbbiyn-j pjtfemtes'aiiS 6;ittm eut of ^ysliing*-' Soinsbff ^i3 otoitc fo.ine .Ifarolou, tosSgrcstlp toj< roctitcS in iij;«5« foT ^y » Snne aga^mft <5p»j atva t^n* pjoinifiuJ a3«p.tfttl)« grear tsctotirflof Ijti* encmpf Si Maans a.„m).iil &wt^ itlclff, Vulpic^ lierato i)?«i"''"' hefi>;e^issfeg. /ftnall^b^ecciopft-tl; fbf ttje (jooa fur* ccftcaii) i>(cti)ip,rt|at iSeti 0auc I^im^aiiii al tlj^e C^t>, 3 aiD botl) call ana crv : ant> l)c out of l;)ts; ijoiv i^tu, DfD !}cat:c me bv anb b^. 5 3 la^b mc bottinc anb quietly. 3 dcpt anb rofcaga^nc: ^o> tol)v:'3 hnoiD aCTurcblv, tl;e X.ojX> tx>tU me firaavne. < 3ftcntt)onranbl)at)^cmbme tljon act (Is il niv 2-o;iti tnv ^oB, mt fauiouc mi m^at avbe. 7 Ktfc bp ti)ccfojc fauc me m? fBob, fo> noiD to t^ec 3 call; fo} tl)ou i)aft b joiic tl)c cljcchcjS anb tect^, of tl)cfe totcHea men all. S Sdluattononc'.vtJort) belong, to t^P I) ?^c;ib <7boiic: Cljwi boc;l- btao\M t'jdti t!>v foltee, ttJV blctring anb tt^V lo"c« Cum tnuocAfcm . l'falmf.iiij. T. S. fii.tsmoQ eiiiiccolriit i)vs f}omiCe,9tl)tvc(3?etioiit IpcepjoHCtl) f)?g tiicmp/s; ,tti^obp toilfiul mtAite^eti^ filira bis bomio'Cii . ana S'ljilj-c y^eft trrr^ t/jc fa« uouc of OoB farfjje all toojIMne ttcdiurrj; . Xttti^i libetoilc IcatnitotuiS ttuSoas "p?o'"?ffJ'» 'ai^eiiijjef *te atlictiO topt^ atiphmb ofctbffr.aua To U;«c*all myt^ec f^aw out cnempcg, noj petbeoticteometaptji ttir.ftaciaii^'. 5/»^ fhu AS the firs} F/hlme. i5ob tl;at art mf ci^tcoufnc* , ■ ^ 3L.o]ib!>carc.'Jt?Uji;cn3c8ll: ^ H;ou l)a(l fct me at Ubccjj', Mi\)zn 3 voas bonn J asTu tljjal!. a :^?auc i-4«rf^ 7vO?T5tl7ertj;tcon me, an') grauitt ms mv rtqi"^; 5Fc?bnto tljcc onii-aantlf , tocc^3V!.nilnccrea. J ©mo;itpu^mljou)!onijvotnv'» mv gionV* t'>-»3f oerpv*^ ^Ijt* toau:)cif e in banii-^^e, Plalme. v. 4 Imdtt) ^c :l)&t ^0":) «mt) guiilf men, tl)c 2.op t)crl) taSc ant) cl)ufc: jSnD U]i)en to l/V>^ 3 matte mf iilatitt^ ^e £)ott) me iTot tefitfe. 5 Sinne net but li.int) in atcc t!?ctfi)je, cyamtnc tuell VO"^ ')««: flnS in ^our cbajtibcr qufet!)?, fee i?ou vonc fcVues? comtcvf, Utib loohc;l}at in tijc liit^-ngitjjli;, 7 Tri}cgtefitetfo>tct«nett)OjB>I?800titf, ftnD ctcljcirDiJccmbjafc: aguti^t) graiint b5^ tljv ccimtcnaunce, tl;^ fatiouc anDtf)? grace. I IFoji ti)ou ti;ct ebv Cjalt maftc mp I;a«, mmc tovft'ti •*'»!5 mojc glaD: C^cn tjjcv tljat oftljcic co^nc ant) tof ne, f ull gteat mctcafc ijaue tjaa, J 3npeaccti)erfo?clvcI)QU)nc\»tll3, t8i«)mg mi? ccft anD Qeqjc: jFo;t tl)w» onclv ttitU me 0t«at calatnrtic, a» toelt&i» 1Do« eg ana ac^ttojitjrll Ssuks flMtowru j as by oi^txim finite cnem.'fs , eUlitlj'to >Soo foj rticccurc j^e'ujjpBse ^dtti rcquifite it 13 tbaf <3o3 rocul&v>"'"'^et!)f mal» ttous eniiD 3f ^ps a6aetraric£. after bcpnj alTi'trs of Jijo ptt^nsrucctiTe, ^t ccnreiitcf!) romfojtc, concliu &vnjr^artu]ei:<3ao&all s>cuuctt)imjOt^ei;SalC9l^dl iie pattfiliers of ct)C uinc nterc^cic. 5/>j| thii as fhe thirdTfalme, Jficlintfl)fr.c tivc0tnto k'-v too^Bejaf, •* © Xojti ni^ pb^fnt confitct: 3 an5 ticOTe mp bovr c m^ fevng mv <5oI^ to ti)cc 3 mflhe mv p;u»vet. J Ti^carcititbctimcfl(?-c>otatvnot, fo> 3 toyll t)ane tcfpccti toti;ccfo>toCK5Ct. 4 arto 3 tDtiltctril t^vJiuj^) patience, tn tite?. m? iSot) atcnc; Cl;at art not plcafcD vjvtijtDicfteOncflfi en^) til vi^fU) ti)ee tiujcllctl) none. 5 ano m tfjv £ijl)t Wall ncurt aatiD, tt)cfe futtcuff fooico; O iLejD; SDa^nc tuojftees of tntquitic, ti;ou Ijail aitnapc^a; aHl)o>&, 4 TCtjelratjaiAnlttije flattccct^f, t6ou Qjait aaniyp tijem rt)cn: 5lnD iSot) Oja'.l l)atc tl;e bloiiliti) refl^, arts ti)c Ojcettttill man, 7 !til^ecfojctDiU3fi'metoti7^l>ouf(P, tniftingbpontf)^' grace, Jlna wuerentlf VDVll toojQjip tijcci totDatDtl?vt)olVPWc waj* ttjat 3 ojali walftc* l^^^e mv f A(c t^ircioCe* PiClIme. vj. 5 /F<^ tn t^rir mouttjc^g tfjsrc is no tni^, tfjctc l}art iiJ fuulc ano toavnc: C^ett ti7?oat an open rcpnlci;jc, tljcit toimges Doc gU-fe anofavtw. 10 fcedcot'tijeirfaircccnlpiractcjaf, tl)at tj)cf :iiav come to nougljt: Subuevtti)Cin tn tt;ctt!)cape;ff of Cmtf, tijat l)me tcbclUon tti;.oagl)t. 11 aeutttjofc rtjat ptirttxtrtnitt in tl)c«, let ti)cm be g!a3 aivoavcsc SnD tcttDct t!;aniie0 ft);i tJ)? defence, ant) gene rtj^ name tl?c pisapfc. 12 iFo;iti>outotti?fano«rt»atenn:cafe5 tt)e tiiftnnt) tigttcctis (ItU: sum wttl) tl)v grace as; tD^tit) a (ljieC», HefenD tjtm fiom all ill. D amine ne in fur ore, Ffil.^i. T.S, Ctoljen D^MtB.br ^t?Grtne<^» pjoitoketi «oD* tt>?aA, «nO nato felte not oijc!» hp«^ans asainft^tm.biiral* fo tonccsucor^c^ojtaiicof BMt^niftUl}|.ng, ije an Bret^ fojgcuenc* J bctnjplwg tijatif 5oo t.ohe 5)p« atDaptn^tsmDignarion, ^e QioulD latjte otta-fion t« pjaiirc l)iin:a? be vuas taontto soevo^ilea ^e teas a: mort3:t mm , urijcn foDenlj. fceli,ns •*-' tl)ciiyf) 3 Uefrctje tljine tre: jtic yet co^ect me in ti)v rage, 3rt)ecticQre » ifo? 3 am vycahe tl3CTfo;ic (© lojl*) of mcrcp mc fp;ibeare: ani) Ijea'.e me Xoio fo j tijl)p tfjou bnetoetfi, m^ bones toe quabe fo^i feare. J 5^yfoulets'trciibleDbet^C)?e, ant) be^ret) bd)cmcnn? : 56ut l,o^t) t)otti long totlt tI>ou telaf , to ntte m^ mtfery:' 4 loiDtHtnc^t'cc to tt)? tootttea )^^(e» mv fill? fotiletop taliei Of? feiie me not fo> my Cefcttejef} ijitt fo) t^ metcteja: fa^e. 5 iFojttDljv^no man among tljcDeaD, tememb;iett) tl)ec one tBi;tt: ©ji tDl)o fljall tDojQjjp ti)ce (D 2.uj*», in t^emfcmallptt;' 6 SogrenoitaftsmvplavntanUmonet tl)at 3 tuajce ujcn'D^ous faiHt: flu tl)c nts^t long 3 tuafl) my bet), tt)Vt^teace0oftnv complafnl^ 7 3f^V OslJt <^ ^'f" ^^ tDa:cct!j oKic, toytij angntfl) of nr? l)art: ^«j fcarc of ti)ofe tl;at be my foe^f, an3 tociito my foulc fttbncrt. S ffiut nott) avDa^ftom me all ye, tijatu^ojibcimquitve: ^o;i tclj)?:'tJ)e l-ojD Uatl) l)catt) ttje tjo^rti ofmf complavntaBt)ccv. ^ tit Ijearb tu)t oncl? tije rcquett, 8n5p?8?et(?fmfi;att: ^.tij. 3DH* ^i Pfalmc.vii.' Pfalme. vii). ann toohc tt in inf, tt)c '^Lojo tD^U fooae Bctomc: D$m'ine Dent mem. Vftl.^ij, T.S, ]((iN3e«18p«(curea bpC^utf on«orSaul(« huiOnl, 4f wllrt^ t»<933 tofc«l)l«»fr«n6«r,fotal)omticoaiml* kit^ 1)18 innotJcriQjft ftttoinj H)«t ^iis tenrcunteilKa liickcs-.aijororntrinjiiito t^t t»nati»trttiQn pf U?ftwm(»H)(ftwfllti ana ^^flt^ mp c«Hfctcffp, 5 «benlctmYfoffl(}H»tntcmrfiJUW, anB Che niT* l?t'c oovonc ti^iiud; IDtiW ttie WW) mti alfo lav, )C ;©tatt bp o 1. OX'S noto m tl)v ^>«rtJi jot6 PJ« inv fi3<;)iy fq psvo?: fOetfOMpmc tl)f hr»S'H)n»pp»omtf«^» 7 CUw (am gxm nat(0tti3f tflftw to t^, «nD hrww ttjcc br tW t^ng: 3f tljou lirclarc m lOU* of tJ)Cni, t S(nt)tOoutt)»A»of^Umfnti nato iti^etboutiie: AifD be t^fc uid itwn.9' gut^ipj 10 9v toijotn t{)« ftfrf f wr of aWf;wt(#, 1 1 1 uiVtt m^ lytWttQ tome of i^o^, h HU my $}rw»tt, wen cn:tv unv unt) Ixju«. !fl^t)»t^eM^tfnoo;til)(0b8t&i^¥(t0(t. fl7m(i>8Wil?crc l)c w«? Ijtt. 14 £(nDEiott)p^areOifl'mo>(aUt>««tctf, tTVjY acroVQca Uenc «ii> (toacpc ^o> ft?cm rt}«t noc me atrCwitc, i»l)acft ^e Dortj mtrdjtefif aaepe. I) i5i(t(o»tt)pii^t)emn:aucUbe. of t;r«( J)a«lt(»c foKWO: jJlni of i)W miftoiefc amc cQtucm^, Xet \>hw^0 fo^ noti^ijt at (aft. u l^em8tfati(tctKar.tit>eUu!j(ttM«p«» ro ijope to l)uw Ijto tj;!Otl?er: ■jS>\\t \)t ftian fan mto tOc pit, tJjat Of P«s^ ^>v foj i.tt".)et, 17 ^t)wavo?ong>:e«irnctDtotlKtJUtt, oftjymtnttjSjomttbiKa*. ftnD att tl;e mifftjrcfc tbat i)c wjoiis^t, ^^^{tf^bpon^flijCBi). 1 8 3 wiU getic ti^-infte;J to i5 ot t^trfo?*, jlnio TOifij n»r fi3g wyi; p;rt?rp ti}? www, oftj^mtl^fttwitipftyvf' Kfi9llt{i«r>(«of ^a»tol«arD« man, (Bliom ^t A6mt»ii9!i ort^ont)Frfti«, ^ acefijvnjojilf'eociwrftpijcrct Wljofp t^iMe fi rmoiintei* ».i ot^ijrtw* ^oj«i tDeCe Volj?^ «l}r wu'|i;t gf ft cnc, ^)tgi:?ff»t<;ffPiftiorc, J gltT^' \fiV.;ep 3 fee t5)c UMiwncf l?re, tl)a 'vo^hc^x of pDrw o\3nc i/atiD: ?;i;e Bmm (•>■ «|oow: ann ail ttjc 8*t0, uon^ tljinhe 3 ti)«ri, tl.Mtt tijou Poofl ijym tcm^fypff f^Wt ti;0Hi?i^eft »t ttf nftoet/ f ^o»tt}(mlja«»tiauc:!;onUttleWi^ t!7i?n,uif^l*mi3e^fei flirt) t^oM ir^ ttowneD ijyni ow, wyf^8to»Vrtnn'j<.jnUv. 1 1 ijOM Oiift p;?fcrt) ^im t» &e lo;:^, ftn? 8t Jjiff wtf t)jTft fci j\U rtn'ngce^, t^ t7« Q)w\^ HevT? t(;ea! \?n9<7» 7 SVtf.llwpf ft«ttin?.^tenflt)aUl»w(JwfcWi . tJMt0>Hc^ f5WM«V ft?C Wv^ilitK!, 1 Ccn^tek*r tHi. I'ftljx. t.S, _ CSftet ^e \»b stVLtti t\ankt$ to rent ^im isainft ^p;« cnem^ «aa alfo p;aueO bfi nunifoltie rrpectcnce ^obs tMbp tfoa tsa5 at bann in all tjis rrotU)le;» : i)e bcpnp noUi . librcuirr in Daimjecof ntta encmvc*, &d{c(t^uj3 wo}be;ef, anD rtjcm Declare altDavcsf. a 3 uivll be glaD anb miict) teto^ce, fl)atm^focflfatcl)jfucnbackc, anSturmSi bnto aigl)ti tl?ey fall DovDnc flat anD ate ticfltoYCb, bp tl)y gtjat fo^e anD m^gi)t. 4 C 6ou l)a(l reueiiijeD all m^ ir<;iong, m^ gctcfcanij allmv gruDge, Ct^ou Doefi tutrl; tttQtcc ^acc m^ caufe, •noil Itlte a itigtjtcoim: tuDge. 9 Tri)ou bdoft tcbultc tt)c Ueat^en folHc, anD totcfteD fo confcimD: %,\fiA aftcrtDarD ti)e mtm^vf, of tt^em cannot be faimD, 4 -GSV foca^ tl?oit Ijall niaDe gooD DfQiatc^, anD 8Utl)crt tovuncj^ DdSiovc^ '• C^>ou I) aft tljsit; fame luvt^ tl)cm DcfaccD, t^;ieug^ all tl;c vdo;iID fo votDe. 7 iinoiDtl)outl)atl)etDl)tdDttfabouet fo; eiiecmojelDailrai^sne: Slttb to tlje fefite of equtti^e, true luDgcment toyll ma^aifne. I SDi^iufttceljevsvUhccpcanDjjuax^ tt)c tDo;lD anD cuct^ tuij^t: 5JbD fo \&i\\ tclDc w^ cqattyc to ettccv man \Ji% xi^t, « Tj?coftl)epoo;c, ^\fht rymc tl)CY be opp^eft; «ets(inallaDuet6ttc, tl)cn: refuge anD tljeir reft. 10 ail tl;q?t})at((notDtt)fi)oli? name, tt^erfo^e Oiall tcuS m tt)ee: fVi, tI>o'i f o^fahefl not t^ett fute, mtljctrneccflittie. ThefeetndfMt. %\ Sin9ldfalme«itl)ctfo;iebnto^e3U^, tt)atD^t>el^ in 3ton t)til: publtQ) among all nattontf, ^tjBf noble actcjgf anD ttitil. »a ^o»!)ct9fnrpnDcfullofti)el>loul>, of t^ofeti^atbe opp^ed: ^OMPetttns nottt)e afflictcb I)ate, ^>8t feebejsr to \)tm io} reft. 13 i]?aucmet(fX4))Donmepoo;e\t)Kt<^ tDi)ofe enemvesf (ttll rema^ne: I|)l)<^ftom tlje ^t!S of fiea^ art >»oitt, to raf fe me bp aga^ ne. «!7PPja)pfcttitt^^artaiti)bot«» flttD t^at trt VcTf Cilaatwn l,o>D. «n? fonlc migljt Oin teioyce. »J £l;el)C2?tljcnOtchfiriJwtfjep«, n)attl)«^tl)emrcmefl'p;tcp8tbc: a«D m t^ net tlMt t\)ef Dft fct, «jeic otoae fecte faC are (batDc. 1 6 ^oD QjrojciS 1)1;* hiDgemcm* tohtdj toert fojcuctfmantamathc: (aea*. HPJjcnatfVoufcctljetotcJieDmait. tr^ ttapt in I)i3; ownc uaatlie. 1 7 tr Ik to icftcD anD rtje flnfmi mm, goc Doajnc to !?cii foj euet: anD all tlje people oUfye vwjjiDe, ti)at \»^!i not <5oD rcmcmbct. » 8 'i£>\it fiirc tl?c XojD tuyii not fo««r. tl)c poojc m^nis gtiefic a»D paync; It ijc patient people netiet loohe, foj i)e^3c of iBoD in baync, »^ O io^D attic icaft men p^teua^, rt)at be of ttJOjlDly mygi^t : anD let tl)e l;c«tl)en foikc receaue, ttjctr mDsjemcnt in ti)p fig^. , ao x,o:iD (Icthc fuel) ten;o;i,fearc «iD ^utm, tntotl)cl)artcfl(oftl;ci»: ltl)at tl^cj* may hncto afTarcDly , t^cy be but mojtall men, Vt ^ufd doming^ Pftt.x, T^S. *5)e compUptictlfof tljrfraiiB, captwe.tiramtp, «nbalt ltpaSefUj?oi»g«tol)tc^ IdojIbIk mm bfe , affigmng tb«. taufc thereof , to^ic^ toss : t^at tDt*e,3 f^neloft fett;inj a{iat:t« all fraceanb teuermtttoioaTitg tSob, t^inbf tl)tpma»Boanr]^m(ie» toit^iOMt tonttollpnj, ff ^ctfoje ^e talitti) upon <0oa to frne fom« rcmtSp a* Saindjtl^ereocfperat* rtiiU . an& at Irngt^ eomUfc t(t^ ^imfelfeVaptfi ^o|ie of deltuecaunce. 5 Z.o>bi ''^^ art notD fo f atrc from ti)pKi , anD ftecpeft clofetbv fountcnauncc^ from \>si t\yis troublous^ tf>me. 2 irtje poo^c Dot!) pcartO) by ttje p>outii», anD to i cftcD mcnfl Dcfire : let tl)c»n betaHen in tt)c: craft, tl;atti^et t^emfcluciSf contrite. ; 5Fo^tott)cluae;efof^otDnelt)»t> rt?iE biigoDlT? Dotl)Delt^)£. SoDotijt&etDtckeDp^avfeiJVWi 'cUc, anD Dot^ tt)e 1,0)D DefpigDt. 4 H^e id fo P70uD tt)at rt^t anD xoionqi t)cfcttetb all apart: ^ffp,nRV=f')fw is^ no jBoD fa^ }jc f6}, i^vm \)t tt)tones in \)an. 5 15ccau^ef)ysf\x)aT'fjtf^oep;oQ^etftflJ? !)e Dot!) tl)^ lattie;o; neglect: anD 'ooi^t a bleStDott) puffeagaynit, fuel; k^ tuouID t)i^tn co;cea : 6 ^ua),tuQ)(fa|tt)l)e;3l)auenob»caZ>> leaft mvne cuate fljouib tXywn^,, a«D U)l)vt'f o> all aDuerCtie, tp l;^ ijef bcf? fttawnge. € Pfalme. xj. 7 •tyfslittmtt)itifa\\ofcitt(e'bttt/t, of ftaHl>,DetfefcfSf, anD traiiell alUl)c \xil)lle. i t)c Ircti) l^tTi in ujapc* ant) l)o)«fl(, to flat* tl)t innocent: aguTCnft t^ poo^c tl;Rt paflSt ^?m bi', l;t;a( cntelle^Ciai ace bent. 5 flKD li?lte a l^on pjinriv, lyctt) lOThtng m ^'ff ticn: 3f l)c mar f"«te tl)cm in \)ys net, te (povle poo^c fimplemcn. 10 ant) f8;tl)c nonce fulUcafrclf, i)e ctoud)ctl) tiotonc 3 far : 11 iSo arc great l)CApc^ of poo]t« men mabe, bp i^^jQt ftcong power \)isi p^a^. Thefictiitl l^dTt. t X trnOj i5oD fojigcttctl) tiers' (favtl? Ije) tI)crcfo;c mar 3 be bolDei ftttf coiuitcnaiincc iiof cad aODc, l)ct)otl)itnotbet)olt)c. I ) cma»arljopcDotl)tcft; JLtft \)P t!)^ tjanD forget net "LQp, rl)e poo]ic tt)at be epp^ica, J4 llDljatblafpljcmri^tftWfiftfltljc^ 3Lo;t» 308(1 tfjotJ not abl)3;tc Itr Co l)earctbc U)icftc3 tn t!>:tr l^atteflf, far tuQj rl)ou catett not fo> It- s 5 25at tl;ou fcell all tlj^a' UJtcKcSnetf, ant) VDcU Doocfl bnD^cftanl): E « TT^at fren!)le;tf ant) peojte fatljerle;^, ate left into tl;r l>ant). 17 (DftDtclid)ant)maUctotrafmcn, t^en bjieaUc ti)e potoer fo^ii^t^* tCl)tt tl?er lortl) tl^ctc mtqiutve. mar pctiaj all togctl)ec. 18 Tl)c3Lo;it)Ojal!ca)gncfo;icuccmejf, aja; hrng ant) iSot) alone: ^nt) ^c tj9ill cl)are tl)e l)etcit p^r^^'^ ^^^ requcft : i'^^iwt, Z\)tit Ijattej; then wilt conftrmc bntiU, tt)rnc cares' to locate be 9%tn. 10 tTo {U(jgctl)c poo:ic ant) fatljcrlcffc, an^ l;clpe ti)c.n to tl)ct> tigi^t; Ct^at tijer mar i>^ nc ^^1-^ opp;^ft> toitl) men of tuojlbir mi ji)t, /» Domino. I'fal.xi. 7*» 5. tito l^eVDCc^ ^00) ^tirD alTaiiltrtf of (nnptahone ^e fur< Qspnejii ann in l^oto great angut()>fo(mpn5el)e loaf ts^rn SawU aia pcrfeciitc I^vm : tljcn nevt t)( ceiopctt^ t^.at 3oa fciit ^iin nicceiit m i;t« nccelHttc, ticrlattns ^ta iu(lic« , a9 Voell in gourrngms (()( 0oe9 $»i t^ toidif!) mtitjaf t^e tol)olc ioojlD. ^Sjug this 4U the iij.Tfalme, T ^rud in igoli Ijou) tar c rc tl)en, * fartfj'.uafmrfou'.ctontiH:' 5Flrf Ijcocc ac faftT.jy anr faulc, ant) t^rbc roil in routl)rU. » ;^el;Q|t>;i;e vut(Uedb$n0tt^ipb9\»r^« Pralme. xlj*. ftt^ maHc tiKic atTOtoe^f p;eS: 1^0 CDoote in feccet anb to ^nrt, tl)c fonnt) anb parmrteCTc b^eft. J ©fttiojiblr hope all aarcfftiJereffJiwnfte, ant) clcarclr b;iou«l)tto nougljt: aia3tl)c mil ant) tigbtcouflf man, tDl)nt emu Ijatl) Ijc uj^oug^t . 4 15ut l)ctl)at in l>r9' temple j;af, mod l)oIr axt) moft l^rc: ftnt) in t^:; l)caucjitf l)atl? \y(fi featc, ofrovallmaw)il>'e. Z\)t poojc anb Omp'.e manrf cOate, confioctctl) in Xjya mrnCc: jln!) fcarcljct^ out full nactovolr, t\tt manecfl; of manhrnbe. 5 ant) VDrHj a cOearefiiU c3untcnaiincc, tl)5 tigljtcon* man vurll bfc: 25ut in \)!s t;.m lycbotl) ab^3;re, all fut^ aaf mtfcfjicfe mafe, € ant) on tl;c finnettf ta3ctlj Tnare^, ao tijichc aflf anr larnc: :JFiP? anu biiir Jjnc an^ vtiljirtetainbflf ti^icttc, sp?oin?^j faj tl)er? par«:e. 7 ye fee rf)?n 1)013 «ticrtjtcoutf^3b, Dot>) rfj^'jiCjuf-'ca cnb-.^cc: Bnb to tlje iti* a-.i ) l):';i^'K i:ia«t, SalMum mcfac. rf^il.xtj. T.S. KlZ^e P;9^})et Unnii.ig tftc miCerMe :Vt&te ott])t pt»s pic, aa; t'^eOft-.v 3' all joaa 0. fts, ticltrctl) mc betitie ti)3t<3att obrcctitc:) t.ikei:p:ng bie' p$cuii:V3, eaadiciipnrj rljac to^en alla;a(t5 ate mo3 tojcuptea, t^cn tsiUOok : Minn t)t5. ^j'n 7 f A/; xs tbt third P/alme. , 117iSlpclo?D fojigoobanbgoblr men, •*^ DopcriOjeanobccar: ant) fartb ant) tcu^l) from toojlblr "»cn, isl pactct) clcaiic atnar. i npl)o fo t)oti) 'lUitl) !)ts n3tgl)bouctalhCe t)tj3(talhe tfl; ailbtitbaine: ifo} ciieiy Jnan bct!)tn;^ctl) ijotn, to flattcc,lvc,ant) farne. J igntasttcinganbbeccjtfuU.ltp^Bf, ant) tonga;>3f tl)vit be fo Sout: ^0 fpca^c p;out) U)o;i?>af,ft lnn^.c grcijt btaj* tl)c i.o>b foonc tntttjcm out. 4 iFojitljer far fttii, we will p^ensrle, owttoniiMSl (iMl^Si CitcU: Oar tonguea; arc oitrsj'.tuc ong'ot to fpealte,' U)l)at 3Lo;ib Qjall bflf controU. 5 35ntfo;ttl)cgtcatcomplarntanbci:f, cf pccje nnt) mcnopp^fl: atifc wrll 3 nou3 farti^ tt)e 2.ojt», artti tljcm rc(lo;c f reft. (S /5nt)jy xua;it)ctJ Ivheto filiicrpnre, ti>3t fco::» t!)c e.irtl) tiytritjc: an^ l)atl) BO leH": r ben fcucnt^mctf, in &« bene jputi&^e*" ^o» Pialine. xu;. xmj. 7 jflo\» Srue tir? PTiOtnife ig to ^rtpe, 2.o;!i hecpe ti)^ p;iomiTe t^en : 0nt> fatie bs notu and euemtojte, ftom fopaf Jll btitDe of ijien. 8 iFo> neto tlje VD ichefi viJo;l& ur ftiH, of mtrd^iefeie^ man^oUie: V0l)ai banftr toM; mojitaU men. Pialme. XV. ^^^^ rEftrs: raccof manftint): anfi fato not one tijat DfliiiD (as ir tnerO otutcometttByt^) fiinbjp «nb nd» r ] -» - "v ■ ^ I ' l l CTiDautt) (asirtoerO etuecomentsiyt^Ainb;i> «nb nd» afltmenSiSpet^ to<&o& as \ie oaAv teCugt, anb To at ^t ttHCtiuhtjfthottCutetonitttnttasa^ntt t^tefttttat ^Oitoutg otbtatl). Sin^thts at the third TJalme. ZTibtaVinitoilfi^oH fojigrt mciJjjW "■ -^ fijall J ncucr be tcmtmbucD:' ^Ott) Tong votlt tt)9u rt)^ bifeje l)vJ>c, aiff tijcug^ tljoii xnete offsni>cD. a 5n l^'trt anfi m^ntic i>4)\t3 long Ojjan J, ttj^tij carctovfientcD be:* t^ota long chc Cb'^.U my ticailf focflf, 3 &d)ol& me noti) m^ %o;i]} anti i5ol>, ant) fjcar c me fc je oppjlrtl ; i^;tcn m^ne ci^cg ieaftti)at 3 Oecpe, as' one bp tieatf) polTeft. 4 Xcail tl).*t mv memy fa)? to me, faci)oltic3t)ocp;icuavle: 3^aft H)ep aub tl;at Ijatc m^ foule, rrtoyccto fee me qnaple. 5 ® ut fo J tljv mttcieg ant) jooDntflf, mv l)ope Qjall netict dart: 3b tt)y> vclicce anU faumg Ijcaltlj, tts^t g'at OjJill be mv l)art. >, 2, ^^c i^?i8 fougl^t in &eede,ti^e Ituyng i5ot) to forbe. ) Ti^eytoentaUtofboanbtuetecojirupt, anb trucly tl^eretBaflf none: Z^atintije tDo;i4be bib any goob, 3 fay rtjcte toasf not one, 4 3ia( alt tl)eoX>et totll. 5 lt)l7C«tIjeyrt;tMfcagctf)enfob£nIy, great feacc on tljem Ojall fell: jfoj iSob butb louc tl)c ttgI)teonef men, anb vnyll maintayne ti)cm all. <5 yemortetl)cbomges'oft^cpoo?«, to tt^etctepitoci^ anbi^ame: 95ecaufe tl)ey put tl^etc ttuft in i^ob, anb rallbpon l>w name. 7 ffiut tolbo Oja'.l geuc tl)y people l^jealt^ji, anb tsljen toilttt)ou fui&U: 5rijypjom«(e mabcto ^fcaejl, from out of XSton ^tU. S iEuenU)i)cntt)oua)dit teSoiie agayne, furt) &si voetc capttuc^; lab : S^cn Jacob C^all rl^crctn tetoyce, anb 3fcacU Ujall be glab, Damine^uis hahitahit. f>ftl.x^ .y.^,," Cl^ts pCalme ttat^ni) on ts^a'c contitMit <&oo'b(» c^ure t^e 3'^(^^ f°? ^lr,ant) la]|)etfo;( })t placeB ^pS ccmplr among t^em, to^ic^ teas to (^r cnrentt^ac t^et>bp Itumgbpjig^tlpanti go<.migtit tuiMfltc tfjar t^tptoeteljisf^ectallanl) ^olp people* L> j»j » thts *: thf third \P films, 1.0iibtuttl)mtl)ytabetnar!c, ^ \Xi\)0 QjaU mtjabite fttll:' t, tuljofc VDojl?csf ate taf^ itnb ftretre: I0l)ofc Dart boti) tSjinhc tl>c bccy trutl?, tt}l)ore tongue rpe.%He^ no becette . 3 jfiojitDljyflinetgi^ourbotljnoncill, in boby goob;8( c> name : /lO)i ti3 lUmgly bor^ monc falfc talejtf , tD^tcl; Kit jj)t tmpax^e tlJf fairc. 4 iri)attBl)i's!&arttc3tl5Ji3'!y: cl0 puclotne. 7 \K)l)o fo uotb all rtvngc iD( aH yoH tet, tl)at^crci43(tobJt)one: ^i)all nnicr pcttflic tn tl)t0 tDO)B)«, no^ m tl)e ti}o>lt> to come. Canferua me. Pfa/x^i. T.S. CIPaoio pjafftl; ra<2aa fO} rii(C9},net Ta; ^ts U)0}li«, but foj^csfipii^t'S Tahr: p;otr(>))n3t))vU^(t)at(tl)«ll 30»,ti)btin3 i5oD onfl;) for ^i« (omfojt % f(Uan« tDtjo OiScac^ ^iis to lackr nocking. A»>i» r/)e: CljOH art mv i£>ot anb of mi? goob, © iojb tbou l>aft no nccbc. » 3 gcue mr goocncfTc to tl)V Satntctf, t0at tn tl)c vcojlb bocbwjcll: 2Uib nsMtclv to tl'c fa>tl)fuH flecht, mbcctuct^at (retell. 3 Tr!)cr Q)all l;capc OjtoVbcrf on t!)cft ^abflf, tut)t: J VDtll not toud) no} vet thereof. mp itp^et O^all malie report. 5 iFo>to]^^tl)eXo;btftcpo)tlo«tf, of mvne tnl^ecttaunce: £nb tl)Ott artt)cti^atbooamaint8i^r, ntf rcnt,mv lot,niv rt)auncc. 4Zf)e place to^erem m^ loc l>Ci CftBe tn beauty btbejc cell: ^^mc l)erttaac aOTignbc to me, botl; pleaic trn tuonb^oujo! tbClU 7 3tl)anhctl)cXo>btl)8tcaiiftbme, to bnbetttanb t^c ti^: iFo> bt* l)T'# mcancfl nt^ fcctet tljoug^eit, boe tcacl) mc enerp ni8l)t. 8 3 fct tl)c 7Lo;t; fttU in m? Qgljt, anb truft l)V«» oucc all: ^0% \)c ootl) ff anb on mv tigf^ l^anb, t^etfo^e 3 Q^all not foil. 5 rjl)ctfoK m)p l)art anb tounije aXG>, bott) botb tciovcc toactljct: il^V flcOj anb bobv tcft in l)opc, tDbcn 3 tI)VO( t^f ng conflbcr. I o Z.l)on tt)tlt not Icaiie mv foulc tn grmtt> fo> I'O^t) tbou toiicft mcc: /lo> vet iDtlt 4CUC tlrene fjolv one, cojvttptton fe> to fee. ti aSuttafittcad)»netI)cvt)avtolfft, f o;i all trcariire^ anb fto;ic: ©f perfect tojj ate :n tl^v f^e, dnb potDcc fo) cuecntoite. ExMudi domitte, Pptl.x^ij^ T.S. €^ttt ^(camplavttft^ (« ^ob of t^t criwll ft^t ant •rrojandcoffMilr.entrlje rcftaf ^Kcncmpctf, ts^a t^ugtKcteb luic^oiit anp tatiCe grti? on ^tgpatt.l^^eti Ui* if* itiktt}) ^$Ptotu\mi*^iffiRtmttttttVi*^v p^aIm^ xvh. Mtitt^im.iVIjUpralmtetig^ttUi^mHy t« (< •f CnclftV rtuaut cutU fo; Uxll boing. Sin^ thiids the xii^. Pfalmf, lo>b gene eare to ntf e p javf f tbat 3 put fo;it^ vuftl) lip0 ti?«t t)oc not fa^'nc. a ilnb let t".)c tuD jenteut of mv r8uf(^ pjocccDe alttif.ve0 from tl)cc: flnb let iAfine e^cg bel^lD anb deare, ttf^m my (tmpUcitve, ) 7Cl)OUl)aC>McUtrvrbHic(ntl)cn(8l)Ci anb vet cnuina notl^vn j 6nDc: ^l>at 3 t)»Hie fpohcn VD^^ mv toung, tf)At \o&si not in mv mvnbe. 4 30fromtt)ctDO}he0ottDtchebnie«, anbpati>e0penjetfcanb ill: ^o> loue of tl)v moC l>9lv ttjope, 3i>aucreftavnebatu, 5 ?r!)en tn tljv P«tt)e0 tijat be moa pitct. Car mc 2-o^b anb p;cfctuc: trijatfrsin tljc tonv U)l)etcin 3 toalbc, mv ftci^0 »»av ncuec (Voanie. * iFoj 3 boe call to tbce (© 3Lo^b) ftitclv tljou VDf It me avbe: CI)en l)eate mv p^av^t anb tucv t^t t»dl* tl)Cb)0>bc«fti)at31;nueravb. J Ottfou t1)C Xsiautouc of al! Q^em, ct)«t put tt)ett tntft m tl)ec: iDeclare tl)v ttrsngtl; on t^ t^ fytmrn^ agavnlltbvmatellv. S O heepe mc X4);b a^ tl>ou toouibft bte^ tl;e apple of tl>vtie eve: £|nb bnbee coucrt of tljV ^?11S<^ bcfcnbmefecectlv. The fectnef fart. 9 jTtomtDklteb men ti)at trouble m^ anbbavlvnteannov: ^t front mv foes ti^ftt goe abotif . mv fotxlc (0% to beftrov. 10 n!)t)tct)VunliotDtntt)ctcwo>lt>ivVDealt^ foftillanbchefofat: tCl)at in tljnr piiiDc tljcv bee not fpare, to fpeahe tl)ey care not \ult)*;(. 1 1 lt;i)ev Ift in tu afte tolKrc 3 Of duTt paffi, tovtb craft me to confounbe: 0nb muSng mtfct^teft tn tlmv mfntitgt to cn& tiie to tt)e grounbe. 11 ^uil>lvlieaX.v~on!jreb«Iv, tt)at tDOulb t)V0 Pl^ cmb;tace: ft ten nit-. PftlSeT^vH/T itD^t^ plearut«0 to ttfcit mtnbe: ^itKic ci)!^^^^^! lam moitfl^ «tt6 ittmt jffut? O^all xaft^j puce con(ciaue» Wyovoe ^ qaitiouxt facet SSom^nJ toake 3 QftAl be fult. xo^l) t%n€ Ml fi^e 8«d 0c«ce« ^ili^Mtn te, Jfftl^x'^iij, T. S. ffiC^i«pCaIm(i«'t|e Icl bfahwinj of Csuiti;* faf N fartotis anb t^ankcfgwiiitj in *b; fnttins into l^ptf Ifij^l]) t^e maruriloiif m^ccpnrnnD gr/s^fS o( <9os, tti^foit^ r^eimdjje ofC(i;(ii" hingbom*, pavntrb in I)psfcii«sbom« , c^at t\)t tavt^iM m»v b( oinir*^ f^atCbM^'^'il' nitpavctf conqucce anb OMccem* b|^ rbi!bt«r9«aii;ab rpeVa^iisf b>4' fAC^n, (^o(40^aUtp( to^oU ta3;l3 fap t^(t( ajpa«nS. mtH«i; of f»y\»«U!?: i^? t^fUijc, t>wclie'xc, f m? PjjpD j t^etjojin^ I tWIjen 3 0ns isuD tjnto tfiic loj^, moft \90>trbv to be femeti: i|;i)eflW9a6crfetttiet)ft;omaboiie, ani botoai tl)c l^eatien;af twc: flnD tjnuemeati) fjiaf fmc fte ca«, tt)e6atHnc0oftl)efftt», 10 ©ncijcrubs an^ onCI?eti**rt, SI anDiaeanenmoUDarhe^emafe*, l)W Dm 8»6f(Fcret place; Wtttj warprflf blaffte an5 awv clottle^ef, «3ljttif»'ajal!8ppc8te: c^en cloueefl: conftimcanK m tfjcn: (l^, icmf })HTle0 an© coalesf of 6ce. ij trOefeSeiTbarteflfanDtDJmTJCTboltwf, mi^jpfT? t2)?m i>ere fott tl)eTe: »»J> tost!) t;ts^ oft:j:rt Ui^eniogcsf, l^e PHt,^ t!)?m m m^t fpa?e. 14 irO>l»aft&^\o;8^at«>ti)jeamwa«f, anl) at tiif c^ftrnj ttjeat^j ^l!7e Wmcsf m^ tlje foundational, ofaUt$9\oo;iK) appears. 15 :^t>froma{;puetijeXo)T>(lmtDott)tie> to frtci) me ftom belot* s flnt> plHfftt me out of watet^f gee at, tljat V00UI6 me ouetflow, i< ^nDmedeltueteDftommrfoe^e^. tt)ac toou(t> l^aur mat)e me tit»allt ]rea ftom ftici) fo^ a« toece to atonj, fo>metot>(!aleVDitt^a((. «7 ^fttypifimencntweeooppKire, in time or m? jteat gtiefe: ^ut ^tt ^e 2rO|iti voa0 m? D$fttt(«, mp Aicfoutanl) reliefs, t^ i^e Mus<)t ute fo;tti) hept me fafe becaufe \)t l)t(&» afauoutt)ntome» f 9 SUiB n!$ J wasf an innocent, fooifei^mptcaat^: a»6 to ttjc f lea«nea of my Oanbi^, f;cgaue»ti0mvtrtDat^» i© 1*01 ti?«i« 3 tDaiheiB in ijitf icosyetf » ana i« i^i^ pa^») bcf OK \)ii3 face : an^tiit tr'rnvnc fcom vutcftcDnc;*, aniD fi;tne in anv caft. 2 3 'Ci;c 1.0^^ tl)ctfo>e trnll mc retoart, ajB3!)n;icl>cncanel)t: SLnO t J I ?)c clcp.nncfl: of'»n^ \)U(iefi, , nFPca»:nv5;nl)t;a(68;)t. >4 iFc> Xop vottl) bun tl;at l;ol^ V loi'.c rOoii ui tit rcfctruc; flnt) tljoti vuj't bfc tl)c tutchcC men, ac ttMdirt men Dcfctuc. 36 jjfo; tl)ou Doo8 fpitc rt5c (ifttpic foHie, tn trouble tul;cn tljc^ l|>c: Jlnt) Dobft bjim8t>ou3netI)c cotmtenaunce, of tfjcm ttjat looftc fttll l)ve. 27 trj)ci(i;il)tDtUlt(^)tm^canWeC>, tl)at it O^all Q)mc fttil b;t(]^;t: t l;c lo>t> mv i5ot) totll mahe alfo, mv Bathcncfli to be ligtjt, »8 iFo]tbytl)mcl;clpcanl^oftcifmctl» tifcoinfttc iojO 3 O^all: ;^V ^>^'^ 1) ^(^''"i^ '^^^ oticclcape, rt)c ftrcnstl) of an^ loatu i$ 50nfpottGl)arctl)ctt)avcflfof<5oft, l):jS uiojij t0 piitclv tttCc: "t^e in a furc Defence to fiiclj, 80 in I) 10 f avtl) abrDe. JO iFo;itDl)oi0^6oDcj«cpttlje2u)?&, foj otl)et: tl)ei;e itf none: Oel^tDl^o itfomntpotenc, fautng out i&oD atone. The fourth part. ?i ttl)cj6oDtl;atgttDetl)mctDVrtjllre«jjtlK i0l5etDat3Domeanc: jtljat all tl)c voa^es toJjectn 5 tnalhtc, DiD euermoK bcevp cteane. 32 ^t)atmai3emvfecteliUetort)el]^artcj8t, inftD:ftac0cfmvpace: janD fo;i mv Tiireti? b;oiig\jt mc fojtili, mto an open place. j^T^eiiao in ojDet pnt m^ f)anDe^, tobattaileanDtoflg!;t: Co b^al^e tn fimDer barrctf of bitaTTe, })e yaiic mvnc t^vmcs tl)e migl)t. j4 iri)cuteacl>eftmetlji?fduaTsl)ealtlfe tbV rt ijeipc but none gauc eat^ no; fjolue tt>ctn U)!tt) reliefer 7ca to tOc lojD ri;ev toiD fc;i i;c!pe, vet IjeatD ije not tl/Ett grtcfe. Thefifrpart. 4 1 anD Oill Ifte Dull before tl;e tBinDe, 3 >?tue tl)em bnDet f eete: an:s t\rcepe tt;cm out itltc ftlrt)v tlav, ! tljot ttif herl) in tl)c (hrcet. 4 2 TD t)ou ftcepcft Mje frcm fcDittouo! f0lHi>, tl^atfttlltnOnfcbctcD: janD tt)ou Doeft of rt;c f)eatljen folhe, appovntmctobctjeaD. 4J Slpcoplcfltangctomebnhnotocnt anD vcttl;cvQ)allme rctiic: flnD at tt)c 6ta obev mv tDc^etf, tuljeceaffmv otunetDoulD (banie* 44 3 Ojaibe trhcfomc to mine ottnc, tljev tutli not fee inv Ugtrt: a^ut ujanDer toiDe out of ttje tuavejg* anD l;iDc tijcm out of figi^t. 4 J 2Sttt blcfTcD be tljc Ivuing LojJ*, mott ttiojttjv of all pjwv"^' tCi;r.t 10 mv rochc ano rf.uingt)calti^, p^arfcDbcl^ce a'.tuavfs^ 46 iFoMt 10 i5cD tl;iU g«ue mc pomet^ tcacnepDfojtobe: janD tD itl) t^iif 1)01)" tt)o>D fubDuDc, tt}e people bnto me. 47 anD from mvfocmeDflvuetct»» anD fet mc \)i^)ct r!>en tl;ofc; trijat cniell anD tongovlv tcete, anD bp ayivnft mc rofc. 48 anD fo]i ti;t0 caufc( name, among tlj;<5cnnie0 all, 4^ ttjatgaueUgtcatpiusftietttve, bntotl)eftmgc3fav: to JDaiitD tt;tr,c annovnteD fcinu, anDtoi3i0fccDfo>avc. C celt ennarr ant. Pfal.xix, T.S. •TiCo tlje intJt ^c mtjijt moiw t^ fayHjfiiH to a bttptt (SSarrarioit of goasglojrjije frtcct^ befoje ttcitc^Mt r^emolterqiiifitetuojlKmanf^ipofc^e^iuiucn* \»pt^, t^ei; pjojiojtioiJaiiD ejnamfnta. flnS aftcrtoatD Ml* Itcl) ttftux t3 r^e IdVo, toljercm <5oO ^rtf ^ cenclts ^laut rdfe ma;e familuclp to \)i0 c^oCen people, ^l^rtci^ic^ fC(ulur grace bp commenDpns t^elAU] , ^e fatet^ fojt^m»}catli<.csr,anoint^e(nae conUtiOtc^ tvtt)^ Sin^ thn 4i tke fdfjj, Pfitfue* Pialme. xiM. •*■ DoctnonDctouflpfieclate; %\it gloirp of iSoD omtttpotent, l^t;Qf tt)0}!te;ef ant) tDl)attl;e? ate, t Tb6ttont7.oit;e«tx)O)ltc;a!of0ot>dpt»0&£e, |C|)e ni^ttsi tut^td) itbeto ift tl)eft tace ntti ] CI)Otei;e^ no Ifttfguage,tongtw,no>Q)etu|| tD^eretfjeic fount) i^nott)eai:t>: 4 7n all t^c eatti) and co&Stes c^etof, tl)etcltnott)let)ge i';e? confecb. Jh ti)em tf)e lojD maDc fo> tljc Simne, a place of great renotone: 5 n>i)o liDeabiitDcgtomereati^tctmDe t>ott) ftoKt t>t^ ci^ambet come* flttti a^'abaltant d^amp^on, tDl)ofo;ttogetap;ice: lt>tt^ to? ^tt) ^ait to talte in Ijand. fome noble entecpytce. < 2lnD all ttjefK^fcomenl) to enD, t;e compalTetf) aboitt: lllod^tog canl)a>e it fcotn lyig Ijeate. but i[?e totli SnDe it out. 7 D^otD perfect ijaf rt)c lato of iSob, t»o\D is t?t£( coiicnsmt (Iwe J" Conuerting fouled^ anD malting VDife, ri}c fimpte ant) obfcute. 8 ?u(l are tbe Lo^e/af commantiemctiMf, anb gl^t) bo^ ^act ant> mini^e: t}iS pjcf cptflf pure ant) gcwet^ lt3l;t, to eFe;Qf tt^at be titu bliaDe. 5 t!:i)c featc of iSoD xfi excellent, ant) Dotit) enDuce fo]i euer: ;t:i;c tu&gcmcnte^ txi tt;e 2.o;t) are ttaitt nt(b rtgJjtcoujsf altogctl)c«;. 20 ^t) ttTo;c to be tmb^aceDaltua^, tijen8rtci)goK)c3fa^; 1Cl)c Ijon? ant) tSje Ipn-^ combe, ace not fo (loeete a;s' tt;ev> s 1 55t» tijciij ti)v fmiant ct»atnb, to {;a;ie iSoD in tcgato: Slnt) in p;cft)?maicc of £1)2 Tame, tljctc Ojalb^ great rctoatt'. t a ^ufc iojtt! \092t catti;li' man'tJfltJj Snoto tI;cccco?a;ofJj';iltfc: Cl)cn clcanfc niv faulc from fccrct CaRCSf, tol; id; ace in mt taoSk rife. 1 3 ant! ncep me tl; u yjiefumptttousl Smw^af, Piiraavii; Jfot oiict inc: Slat) tl;cn.U;al! i fe ^ innocent, ant) gcc^-rt offenrc^' flee. 1 4 iirccpt «tv r,ti)VKf.) aiio elie mv ijart, mv iwo;it)e5' ant) tt;ou3^tei3 ccl)OHet if c> 13^ rci)f E^ttci; anU m? fts«ngcl;, O 2.0!it5 lOou art alone, ExttudUt te Dommm^ Pfttt.xx.T^S. f£it«j,»scljti!is^ata t^at t>e()fav^cii put t^scr ttuS in ^oji'e^ aiiii cl)aiii:ii'5,l.iu f;?? ftiitt r.\\v i« t^e nai»e bt ^eAe^at^wf ^9;t»i)»f^«(^«e(^<^^Uf«n- , but pralme. xx. xx/. n Siagthisasthextiij.P/almtt ffi trouble anb atiuei^tie, ■* tljetojbiSobljcatct^ecOiU: tC^ maiedie of Jacobjor j6ot), fieftnt) i\ite from all ill . % jSnt) fent) tt)ee from i)i;$ ^olf place, I)is; i)elpe at euer^ neebe: flnb fo in Sion ttabliO) tl)ee, ant) mahe tl)e€ ilrong in bee&t. J Kcmcmbjingwcllttjefactiaee, tl)at notu to ^im i;af bonet 2nb fo ceceiuc rigijt tljanftfullp, tl)^ burnt offtingc;ff ed)one, 4 Slccojbmg to t!)^ tjartes: befitc, ttje "LoiSi graunt bnto tijee: 0nb all tl)^ counfcll ant) beutfc, full vpell pcrfojme may ^ce, 5 JtJcOjall rciof cc tuljen tljoti btf ratted, ant) our banncrja; bifplay : )Dnto ti)e l.o;A,ts!)tci) tl;v reque(tes( fuiftucbharijaitya^. < iri)e2.o;t)ttiiHQi£^annointafaue, 3 ft^tu tDcll by l)tsf grace: iSnb fenT) Ijtm Ijealtl; by fjtjBf ttgljt ^anb, out oftj^8fl?oiy place, 7 Jn djmrioti^ fomc put confibcnce, ant) fomc in Ijo^fcs' tru5, 36ut ujc tcmcmber iSoti cue iOi©, tlj It hepctl) piiomifc iuC, 8 ?Ei)Cvf8(!bo^mcflatbutwebocttre, anJ) Jcant) bp OeDfattly : iHovD (hue ant) ijeipe to;^ LOfSi anb hinj* on tljcc isljen we bo cry, Dsrninein^irtute. Vfal.xxi, T.S, CX>aut!>int^e pcrfon of t^e l^eapl« ^javra^ <3oa fit{^ t^« i)icto;5) to5>tc!) ^e gatie t^ein agaynft t^e ^icia «nda!ta (tniincntc«j3.i.S^au<.McH.r.ri.&D^cccin (e Ijatt t^ietJf^e coanteofc^ebrnijoCkTmmoii retti{ipon^iff (le^iS.ii.SainuiU.i'i.anotDas jiiiuei tnicl; c^e maiti^ f D:ce blefUngKjr of tSati^ anO contMrtlvifc ^i;f citiinie*. %Oiiv l)0VD to^^caill iflf tjjc Hing, in t^yiJrcngt'ganDtl;? power : il>o\o — 4- bc!)s;»:istIybo£l;«j5rc!cyv-c , in t!jcc :ra-r2$n-s ^i^^auyour r .:fFo'*ti;Oii l)a»l ^cucn :^i^^^=^^ imto ^iMi W aoo^ ^awcjQi ccCtc : to 12 Pralme. XXI)' l)lmnoti)tngl)aatl)OHt)cnfbe , oft^)ac (inD btcrrmurjf mantfolDc: £lnT) rl)ou tx.fi m tjpon l5, tl)fln ijall topon IjtJtt lay''' 6 ^t)uu XDilt gcis !)t(n fcUcitvc tl)at ncticvftf.il tccat»: flnO ttittl) tl)v d)carfuil cotintctuoMe, U)tU comfojt Ijim alvuav. 7 jro> tol)f rt)e Uing Uoti) fttcngl^ truft m i5o6fo> tc p;c2isine: Cl)cicfo?c Ijw goo0nc5( ant) IjW gwK^ tDill not tint »)c Qjall qiiaylc. 8 2£utlctrt)mccncmJCAy fcclct^fDjcc, anti tl;orc tijat t!)cc ttitljihmO.: JFrnlJC out to V focie? ant) let tljcn» fcele, tl;cpotocc of tt)v ngt^tljanD. 9 Sinn U^e an ouenbtitne tl)cm Xo^D, in ficty flame ant) fiime: ITljine anger Qjali Criltov rt)em all, ant) fire Ojall ti)cin tonfumc. 10 Slntitl;ou.tDilt roots cut of rt)ccatrtj, tf}ett foitte tl)at Ujoult) cnrreaTei Ant) from t^e number of tl)v floche, tl)en fccD Ojall enD ant) ccafc, 11 5ro)\Dl)Vj'miid)mifc]^tcfct>ir»rt)cvttiMfe, agavnft tljv lioly name: yetDio ri)cv {avie.anti !;aD no potuct fouo pnf ojmct!;c fame. > a asut aflr a mavrt* ti;cii Q)aitti)em fcC, in a moft open place:, flna cl;atgc tl)v bowfttmgctf rcabclv agavnft tljmc cnemtco facci 1 J i6c ti)ou cjcaltcb iojt) tl)erfoj*; m tl)v fttcngtl; cuct^> Ijoutc: So Ojnli voe nn^ ttijJ)t folcmnclr pja^On^ tl)y mt#}t ano potoct. DeusDeusmeus. I'fal.xxij. T.S. «1Daiii» comjjlavna^^pmfdfc to bebjotig^t infoftit^ tTncminc8iti)inti)cisUkeaman 6«fpfrate, anbpaS ■lHopf.afKcbcelacft^ to^ccsf 1)« wcouctet^ ^vms ftlfe from t^« bottomlcffe pitte of tcmptrttiott*. anS I>rt»tt ^i«oU)nep«.-fonb« rctt«t'9 fojtl) t^c figiit* •f Cftjift , to^eiu^ssytifojerfeintbt fpitit of pjtp^fs »1>. SotJfWjcralmcnftcrtVoofoftM Bot^ ttcUre t^c j)?opb«p o£ lE&p : ^c tea? »aJi«n fojtb of piifon mi» iiiD0em«nt. 5/»ij r/)3> tsthtii. P/alme Q faHcm?bttcrtf; Pfalmtf. xxii. 3nt) !)c!pefl not ttl7cn "< t)o maft e, inv great coir-pluynt r.nD n^:' » ^0 tl)cc niv i5oD cuca all Cay lonj^ 3t)oebotl)trvanDfnlt; 3 ccaircn6talltl;eniijl)t anbfef, ttpou^csitcRnotatall. 3 tije faytl) tt;n> ijati in ^ce, tl;cT' tucvc not put to 07amc. 6 18ut3amnott)bccomcatoo>me, ifrojtc \\^z tijcn anv man: an outcafl tBfjofn tlje people Tco^ne, toitl) alUljc fpttc tt)CY can. 7 ant) mc t)crpifc «sf tl)ev be^otte, me toalhing on tt)c toavt. tljcf grin S^ mott),t}jcv nob t^cft iKftbrf; anti in ttjis' \ajfe tljcv fay: 8 ^^i^manCiDgioj^mtijeio;!), \)\!i fauour ant) l)tje; loue: Xet l)t«» tcbceme antj Ijcipe })m notoi J?t;tfpOt»CT ifl)e\»tUp3lOUCj ^ JSiit aLo>b out of my motl^erjS toombe^ 3camebptl)vtcque(l: iri;ou DiDll pjcfetue me ftill in Ijope, tD!):le3 fitDfiicfteljetbjiea. 10 Jtuatftommtttcbftommpbictfa, toTtl) tt)ce to l)aue abobe • Since 3 tuajof in my mot^er^attoombc. (tjon t)aa bene cuer mv &o^. The fcctnii part. XI tfjen i,o>b Depart not notu from me» in tijig m? p^cfcnt gttcfe: Since 3 l)auenoncto be my Ijclpe, my fuccour anb reliefe. li SomanyffiuljSboecompaiTenie, tl)at be full ftcong-of l)cab: yea ffiuia fo fat a^ tt)ougI) t^cy ^)at>, tn 33aran 66U) bene fcb.. ij tl)cygapebponme8tcbc!y, n;s t^ougl; tljey loouit) me flea: 595uf J) iTf'c a 2.yon roaring out, ant) ramptng fo; Ijia'p^ay, 14 25ut3t):iopt)otuncUhcaatctfl!jd)i my totntcflf in fimDcr b^ahc: iSJy l)art ftotl; m my boby mett, lyhe xnnxc agayntt tlje Ijeatc. I J anb itHc a potOjearD bjicrtj my Otmoltk my tong it tleauctl) faft: IDnto my tatucjtf,ant) 3 amb^ugi)t, tobuaoftcarijatlaa. i6 anL many Cogs boccompaflc me, anb toichcb coitnfell ehc; Confpirc agatnO mo curfebly, tl>«r P«8W€ »nv ^«nbe^ imb fccte. Pfalme. xxif. :: mt{^t all tn? boneg l)mie tame J yet (till bpon me tl^c? tw lootie, attO fttll tl)C7 me bcl;oll>, ;»8 5^V8at^»nfntetftl?r^Deurt)etiel«, m parte jEf among cl^em all: ^D fo;i m^ coated tl)e\' DtD caS lot^T, towiyomitmis^btfatt, z$ Z^e^tnt 3 p?a^ tl)cc hi not fetcc, from mc at m^ great nccDc ; aSut tatljet firijtl)ou ntt mv ftrengtf). to Ijclpc mc 2.o>t) nwhe IpccDc. 30 anD fr5 rt)e ftooiit) j.o;iQ fane m^ feule, b]p t^f mtjljt ant) tl)? potDcr: Slnl) ftcepc m? foule tl;v Dcaclmg Deatc, from SogS t^at woult) bciicur* ' 21 aoliftomtl)elfon;e^moittl)tI)at\DOun), tne all in fiinlictfljiucr: ^l) front tl;c l)o;ncs ofiionicojnesf, 3Lo;il3 fafel? mc tocluict. *a 2ntJ 3 Ojall to mv b^ct^n all, tU^mateftYrcconB: ant) tntl;p Cl)iitcl)a7allp;a?fetl)c«ame, $ft^eetl)e liumgX.o>d. Thethirdpirt^ »} aUfeti)atfcatcl;imp;taifc^3U>&. t^oii 5acob l)ono> Ijtm: ana all t^c fccbc of 3ft8ell, tattij tciictcncetDo^ip !)im. 34 iFo>l)ci3cfptfctl)nottl)cpoo?e, l)ctnmctl)notatD?v: fj^id coimtcnaunce toi^en tlje^Doe can, but grauRtctt) to t^etr cry. ■35 among tl)cflocftcti)atfcatetI;elojl>, 3 tDill t})crftj?c p:u)clav«»c: ^I)^ pjaffc anD ftecpe tljp pitomtTc ma5c, fo> fcfting fojttl) tl)v name. a<5 iTlje popjciDall catc ana be fufftcea, ajja tl)ofe ttjatcoc tljeir aciict: ^0 bnbvD tl)c 3Lojaoiau pjav^c l)»;0f name, tt)etc \)9xtt!S O^aQ Uuc foji ctttx »7 au foaflefif of cartl) Qjall pjtatfc tlje iojfi, ana turuc to ^tm f o> grace : Cl)c ljeatl)cn folftc Ojall tto^ajip l))?m, befo;clt>«ja' blcffca face. *8 Tl)c Umgaomc sf tl;e l)eatl;cn fellte, tl)C Xo^ti OinJl Ijanc tl)crfo;(e:; ana l)c fliall be ti)2tr goitcnw?, ena htng fo? cucrmojc. sp tri)ettci)mfnofl)ougl) all mv life tl)vf««*oi«»^ " fu franhlv ajctueb to me: ^l)stintl)vt)oufefo]i cuecmo^, mvatDClltng place Qjalbc. Domini eji^erru, fftl.xxft^. 7.ff> *:52caiife t^<0tace of <5os inaj t^enta bcc tjtt«»b ta tlje tcmptc , mojc jlo:xoii3 tljai farfoje itbatsbciictn t^e tafcern9cJe.©aitiO gctict^ it a may; g'.ajiciu tirlr, an& loit^ Mtlanwnoa fettcrlj fc;tlj tlje^ono^rljctefj ftp^tpng b3 19 t^ie confioeration of t^c rrcrnaU man* Sons pj(pacc» fo{°o» in t^f ycMir;}« U)|)cto£ tt)i j: luajj J4 Pfalme.xxiiij* Si»gthu4itht»fxi.T/alme. > n-*"^ catti) ig all tt)c lint)c0,wt^)«H J- iftt tto%e ant) iatnitatz: yea \)iSS i!i «U t^e uiojlt) nnti all, t^at tl)ctc(n Hoc ?nt>urc. » jfo>l)cl)fttl)faait»foimDcDtt, abouctl)cfcati)ftarfD: flnD mvi" alotM rt)C ItqufD tiovCt>ejt, CO aotB bcncatl; tl;e lanti. > fo>ttDoW!)efOio>t))t!)atOjall, afcciiBmtotl)vl)fll^ ©> palTe into tljv l)olf Plac«. tl)etc to contmuftflUl. 4 lK)^ofcl)an6cjB(awl)atmcl«tfiw^tt)ljofe no (i)ottl)crcDotl) Defile: 0)txU t^iis foulc not ret on banttie, tDl)o l)atl7 net Ccooine no gufle. 5 T^im tl;at ijs rud) a o«e tljc iojl>, Q)M place in bliffull pUgljt: anD i5ot) 1)10 iSot) anU Sainour, 0)811 vclD to lytm W ctgl)f . tf lUt^tflftijcbjooticofttaiieUct;;*, in fcehtng of l)ts grace: Sift 38C0b bit) tDe 3frneUte, in tl)at tvme of\)i0 race* 7 ye p^tncesf open vout gatCjEf, Oa»6 open, tVceiictlf.ftmggate: Jf o> ttjetc Q;a} ci.tct in tl)et^f, ti)e hr«3 of gloMoujs ftatei' 8 noijat t;Ef tl;c hvng of glojitoujBf Oftte, ti)c ftrons aBD niigl)ti? 2Lo>b : irt)e mi3l)t^ Xo^ib in battatle (tout, anb ci:vRll of tl^e (\])o;^. 5 yc lOytnccjaf open ^ouc gi^ififiatCii open, tl)cetteclailtn3i3ate: ^011 tl^crc Qiall C: .ret iatljecbp, tljc hY"8 cf alojioutf ftKtc, 10 npl;ct in tl)e t^ingof ijlo>ioti/a( (tat<, tl)e 5Lo?b of ijoftetf it i^:; ^^btngbotitc anb tbetofaltie, of glo^ioii^ ttatc 10 l)iii,, ^dte Demine. r/^l,xx9. T.S. Ciines,3iia oiro gceciicD tQit^ t^t ccudl maltt* tf ^ftf «neinpt3,pjap(tt) to >S(>D maft ferii(tttly,co ^aui! i)ptf finns;0fo;3eiun, (fptciallp Ciic^ ajl l)(C but commitcrB in ^i0{ioiit^.I>)ceb(3tinn(t^ citccp t)«rf< accoiOpiig la tl)( ]j}cbcit« lectet0,ttoo ojt^jet c^»]^t. Xr ft niv«c Ijart to tl?c« mv <5oa a rcojmc of me: ^ let tf>em not beotiefc ^ JOJC nSErrrT^T^ ^ ifc :iiS: i^^^E^ anbguibcmofttiifl: jjlotDniffitcme •— *« '*' : to ta!{e no Ojame , fo;i in ttyu ^o J tnUt 3. ^ct not m; foe;9( rctoj^tf^ no} ttiaHe ti^tone, tiyat put tl>e:c trull m tH)ct, } 35ut aianj||K}7a,Iuf)mi befall, tDl5irt)l)atn;t;rf:cfn to^cngfnllv, ttljerfo^c tl;v pntl)C9: ant) tl)^ ti^t ttftycjl; bnto mc to^ti Cefctv. 4 fcircct me in tin: trutl), anb tcacl) mc 3 tl;cep>av' C^ou act m^ i5ob anb £»autour> on ttiee 3 toaitc altoaf * 5 trijpmctcictf mantfolbe, 3 pja^tljec 2.o;b tcmembet : flnbchctl)VPttteplcnttfuU, . fo; tljcv Oaue bene fo> aiet, € Semembet not ti;e fsultejS, anb fcailtv of mv ^outfj: Hemcmber not Ijoto ignovitmt, 3 tyttic bene of t^ tni^, 7irto> after my befcttejBf, let me t^p met:cF ftnbe: Tbvt of tf)ine otune benignitf . l,o;ib l^aue me in t^ ntfnbe* S t^i0mecct>i;tffulin»eete, l)ig tcutl) a pet&ct guibet ITi^crfo^e ^e }Lo>b miitameeftttiiffit anbfitc^a^goe aObc. 5 tl)e fumble l)eVDtlltca(l|,- l)i)3 p>ecepte0 fo> to Hecpe: t}e ttillbtcect in all l;t^ toa^^ tl)c lovDif> anb tt)e meebe. 10 fcj. all t^c toa^cjat of i&ob, are tcutl) anb mctcv bott): Co tt)zm (fm Iteepe "^ig ZeOmtttt, . t^t tsttne^ of[}ig ttot\). Thefecoadf4Tt. 11 j;)otDfo>tl)^^olvname» t)orobott)feacet%2j)}I>, ^e yLo>b botl; Xyim btrect : Co leab t)is( life in fiul) a ttCf > «0 ^c bot^ belt accept. 1} t^tjoifoulea^alleuermo^e, in goobnejs btoell anb flanb: t>i0 fcei)c anb \)ig poileritie, inticcitc Ojall tl)e lanb. 1 4 ail tiyoii ttysx f eare tl)c toi^ hnoVD t)iflf Tecret intent : jSUib bnto tt)ent ^c boti) beclace, ^i;ff will anb teftament. 1 5 03i?ne cfta anb ehe my Ijatf , to i^im 3 will abitaunce: C|)at pUicht itvf feete out of tl^e tM^, of Qnne anb tgno^aiince. 1 6 13Pit^mecci^mebei)oU>> to t^e ? mdUr m; oipm; 4 . Pfalme. xxvj. j(Fo> 3 am poo^c ant) tcColatc, ant) comfo^tleSe alone. 17 Zlyettoiiblemofnrp ^att, arc mnltiplxct in tcciic: :$;itng me out of ti^ifi mtfwti ncfcfftttc anD nec^e. jS ffieljolOe ntv potierttc, mine angutOjc anl) mv payn*: Hemic mv finne ana rnvnccffcnce, anD maHeme clcane agaifnc. jp C>lo?t>bd)o!t)emvfoc^, 60VD tl)cp Doe ftt It enctcafe: jOutfmng metoitl) Dc^lv l^ntc, rt73t fa^nc VDO'.ilti line in peace. 20 pjcfccue ant) heepc mp foule, ant) elte tJClmcc mce: ant) let me not be onewi^jotneii., faecauic3tn»fttnt!)ee. 2 1 %tt mv fimplc purcnefle, me from m^nc enemies' QjenI): 35e?canfc 3 lool^e ag one of tijinc, t^at ti)on O^oulDft mcfiefcnD. 31 S>eliuec Xo^ n;p fottte, ant) fcnt) t^em fomc teltefe: 31 mcanc tl)^ cbo en 3 ftaell, from all ti^ett pa^ne anD sttefe. ludteame Domine. rfdLxx^i. I^H, I m t^ctoo?lB, callctb fojayOcfrS iSoD 61 affureD of ^W intejritp totoaros Sauic.Driiret^ ^oD to be ^is iiiSae anB to Srfen^ ^is isnocencf catiflw afTlictrt. jfinallp |>e inaii«ti) nw.ition of^is facrificeUi^ic^ ^etoillof^ fwfoi^taoeltttetanntfj ana BeOcct!) to be int^t cairn ■janp »ftbcfaj)t!)fuUin t^e tonacegatioH of DD t»^«tEr^£toa5banin^cDbi>Spla^e; 3 tniO in <&ot) anti Ijope tljat lje». tDillftccngti) me to icniayne. a lOjouemcmf :^ot) 3 tijcc'oeSte, mf ujavos to frarcb ant) rtv: a;9f men Doe p>one tl)ctc gblDe teytl) ftw, tn^ cavneie? ant) l;att efpv. 3 ^l)f gooDncffc la^te before nvf fate, 3 t)tH:(tbd)olt)c altoavejff: fo). of tl)V tent!) 3 treat) ti)c trace, an5 tDvUttoe all m»y Waves'. 4 3 tioe net Mi to l)aunt o^ bfe, ttiri) men tDl5ofet)cct)etf arebatne: ^0 come in l>oufe 3 t>oc rcfitfe, totti) ti)e tieccitfJrtl tta^nc. 5 3 mud^ abljojte t^e vjjicSel) fojt, tl)ctt; t)ect)c;0? 3 t)ce t)cfv <^e: 5 Doc not on(t to tl)cm refb;it, t^at l)urtfuU tl^mge^' Demfe. i ^f t)anue»3 toafljeanD Doep;u)ce^, m tDo;*e)ei tl)at toalSebpjiijijt: S'ljen to rt)tne altar 3 mahc fpeetic, to offer t^ete in Rgljt. P/alme. xxvi;. 25 ftstDot J) belong to tl)cc: 0nD fo Declare i)ou) ttonD;ioiiaf toaretf, fl;o« I>aa bene ooo'^ to met. % © ZjjjD tl>? {)oiirc 3 lone moft Dcatc. tomeitDotijeACH: 3 {)«ue Deltgbt anD tconID be neatc, U)l)etaj9f 3 fl;^ grace Dctt? D«cU, ^ ©ij Qiin not bp mv foulc toitb tljcitt. in 8nns Dnt taSM tl;et c fin : fimetm^ Syfc among fijofe men, tl?at feeHc mnc|j blouD to fpiH. 1 lotjofc i)"anDs are brapt tcvth craft anb tljctc life rijcreof!;S full: fgmic anD t^eit tic, Dom'tnuiillHmtnatio. Vfal.xxK'ij. I.H\ •TDaiitb maket^ t^i4 pfalme bepnj bcliufrcB from fireat p«;jlg,as appeaceti; bp t^epjapfcy, 5 tganbff* aeupnjj aiiiMTcB . tob««it kne vxat tte tb« tonftant fept^ ofJOauiOagaoriS t|f aflanlrM of all enemfca ana alfot^e eno baSicifoji! ^c Dfgrctt) to ItiicaiiBte bt beUuercBonclptotoojeivp <5oB tn ttie consregatiow. Bjetfbp bcpjomifctb ktmCcUe altiicaunce, t^ousl) fat tljet enB motljet fojl'ohc l)tm, b? tMcljetij t^iB tote t^« ; ondp toap to fef tbe gosBtbwi^w in tbr iana oftbe Imi»3,anB aft«t bis cjraHiple l^e ep^oiuc^ to faith on^ to otreitB bpon c^e 3,o;B. Sin^this ai the it.TJalme. 'T't}c lojD im botl; my i?elpc anD l!gf>t, ■*• Gjai: man maSe me DifmayDi' S>iti) i5oD Doti) getie me ftrcngrt; ^ mi0!;r, ttl)v OjonlD 3 bo affra^Dc:' s Tt)l)jle tl^at mvfoea^ tu it!) alltl^citflrengtlti^ bCiiitK voyti) mcto l';iau!e: JJnD d)mhe to catc me bp at lengtl), ti^emfelttcjO' i)auc cm^\)t tl;e fall, J t:i)Ottgl)tl)ev>incainpeasarPttmeIpe, nrp Ijart 15 not aftaf Dc: 3n battall pigl)t it tljet* toifU tt^^e; 3 truft tn i5oD fo? a^Dc. 4 Onctljfngpfi5oD3Doetequtce. tl>at!)evuilt not Deny*: fo} tctjicl) 3 pjav anD toiU Defitc, t«lll?ctomeapplf. 5 T^at 3 tDitl)in lj&S(joly plate, mv ltfeti)?ong^oiit mai» DtocllJ ?ro fee the bcaiitf of l)f s fate, anDbtctti lji0 temple tocU, £ 3n tfmc of Dje^ l)c Qiall me Ijibe- tDit^':n l;iflf place tnoft pnte: flnDfteeyemcfctretebv l^igffiDe, a^ on a rocHe moft fnre. 7 iat lenstl) 3 ftnotD ti)c io>Djef gooD gtac^ fljall malkc me fttong anD ttowt: jffiv fytg to 6>vlej8nD cieaneDefece, :Jr • -^^', i& Pflilme. ijcxviij. tijat foinpaffc me abmit. gciiciacttSiC of n>ftvfc: to laiDc tl)e ?,flgiJ3 atoaycw . The fccond furt. 5 Xo;t) I)carc tl)c bov« of '«V wqtJcO> fo>tDl)tii)totl)cc3ran: I^auc maq» iXoi^) on mc optfjcfl, ant) Ctnl) mc Ijelpc VDttijaiU 10 i¥lv Ijatt Botl) ftnoujleOjc tonto tlj«, 3fiictol)auctI)vgrarc: ?CI^en fccHc in>' fare : Uivri* tljou to rncc) 5Lo>t) J U)«U fceUc t!?v face. 1 1 3n tujfrtl) tttmc not tl)p fclfc atoav, no^fitffctMietoflrtc: tt^ou art mv licipc fttll to t\)isi t)a^, bcfttU m^^on antigiuDe. 1 2 j^v patentee botl) t^cit fonnc fojfoohc, anD can mc of at tatge: 0nt> t^cn tl)c Xo)it) Ijtmrclfe ^et tooHc. of me tl>c cute ano cl)atge. a 3 TcatijMcOiSolitljctDavtotljw, ant) leat) me on fo;itbt<8't5t ; JFoji fcatc of futtj ajQf uiatttj fo> mc, to trappc mc ff tl)cv migtjt. S4 Sjocnotbctahe mctotljctortl, of tl)cm that be m^ focsf : ■JFo> t^c? fuvmifc againft me ttill, falfe tDttncjS to Depofe. 1 5 fj|p Ijatt tDouit) faint but fljat in mc, t^t0l)opcis;ft?;ct)faa: ^c Xo>t) i5oD.3( goot) grace Ojall it fee, . in life tljat a^c Qjall lad. J 6 ITttrttftillmifioBtDljofetDljoletijouatt, ^i0 tDtll abttietljoii miia : anfi Mc (Datl cafe ano ftrengtt) ^? I)att, j tfti)oitint)tmi>Ott;uft. Aite Domine. Pftl.xx^iij, I.H. BO?et)bv (^c totchcB m;n, t)tSeQcL-t^ roberia 9f t!)cm> an) ccvttt) fat txngrauncc ajdinSl rbem, ano at Icngti; afliictt^ ^mrdfc t^ac 003 ^atb bfocO ^i$ piafrr.bnt* te^oCe tuition ^e commoiset^ all t^e fait^ full. Sing this AS the 2 l,PJalme. 'T*t?ou art o Xo}t nrf dtenqtl) anb dav, ■*• t|9cf«ccoi»ittl)tclj3£raiw: jlcglcct mc not Icaft 3 be Itftc, to tlxm foat go to graiic. » ^l)c toc^cc of tor fi'.ppl^ant^eare, t^ bnto tl)cc t)ot J) ct^; %)i)cn 3 lift bp m^ l)antiC)Sbnt0, tf)? ijolv acUc mod tjic . 5 Kcpiitc mc net among ti;e toft, of xutcUtt) ant) pccueit: Cl^at fpcasc rii^ijt f*nne tonto ti;ctc ffcntic^tf, ar.a ti>mhc fall tU in t)'a,a«o iijy compUuirt, ti;at tjcasti To vui'.lut^lv 7 l^ei9(m?Qjtcn)nnDfo;tfitm)e, m^ bacltlcc tn ftKlrcflc: 0JV Ijopc, mv t):altl;,nif I)attcrftdirfe, my fonijfliaUljtm confcff:, 8 I^c tsf our ftrengti) anb cujbcfcnfC, ourcrtcmtcistoteflfl: H;c l?eaUl) ant) tljc n^luittoti, ofOjfl; elect by Ci>)>ia. 5 Ttljv people anD tl;inc I'crttagc, T-ojbblcCrcgutocRnt) p^rfenie: Jncrcafc tipcm CLojtD) anD rulctljett Ifmcig, tl>« tlje^ mav "cucic fojatuc. Ajferte Ptm/no. PftLxxix. t.S. Can(F(eilratpfalm«,b]^erdn tljc JOjop^tt «^oftet^ t\ft^trf p;iiic(jr ano cuUrtf of ti;e tiio;lb(tol)tc^ ot^«c< totrcfo; t^cmaSpact c^inl;et^etei5uo iSob) att^« leoff tofrac(^im,f»! t^ctl)uii»et3 « tipeScjg fa^are tD^etofalt cctjtur£ j ccembU , j t^oug^ tlitrcfap >Sob t^^eatnet^ &\nfc0,vtt is htaXxaavte mertifullto ^tfj and tnouctip t^cm t^ccciiy to p;a{>fe^i;( ttamc. 5<»j t/j/* tsHieti .Tfilmt. /^t0 inateilte, tt»»tl;in i}ig t^oly tt)}07.c, J T^ttf boyce botl) rule tlje toatctfll all, eiicn as IjimfclfcCotlj pleafe: t}e i>oti) p>eparc toetl;iU5t)cc clap;af, anb goucrns all tt)c fcatf . 4 i;Mcbovccofi&oi)iaf of great fojte, anb ti;ontp]ioufl; c^cccUcnt: 3ft i0 moft tniiji)t? tn effect, anb muct; i!jaijni6ccnc, 5 tri)c bofcc of {Sob botl) rent anb b;eahe, tl;e Cebct tvec0 fo long: tCije CcDer trees of i-ibanntf , xot)ici) arc moft D-pc ani Oton^. 6 2lnb malted tpcm Icape line &ss a calfc, ojeltftljciDnicoM'c: ^ot onclv trecfl; but moimtayne;* great, txJtJcrcori ti;c trccjB ate bo;tnc. 7 t^?yjborccbcujbctf tl)e flamctf of fttc, anb tbaUcff tl;e ujslbemcd: S 3t Jjiahcs rl;c bcfcit qualw io% fcate, t^atcnllcDtsCatciJ. j3t inahrstljcDjmbciS fojfearc to calue, anb mzXxca ti-c ccticrt plaync; ^l)cn in 1)10 rer;tptc cucr^^ ;nan, iyifi glofv b^ p]io(la^iae« Pfalme. xxx. %& TH)C £o)t) wag fee sAouc t^e flonbe^, nil?ngtl)crflg(ngfcn: So 0) .III i^c tatgne asf 2-o?l» ant) fting, fot cttCT anD fo,i a^e- X I tr^e 2.o>zi totu gciie f)id! people potoec, tntietTtte to encccafe: H)e i.o;t) tntU bJcfifi; i)tjB! d^ofcn folfee, tuttl) euet'laSmg peace. F.xalrah te Domine.. Ffal.xxx. I.H. C&>^mK>atiiaft)ouIa tiaiie bealcateb ^p£( ijeure trnta iift %0}r>,\it Cell fo ertreme Gcke tbat l|)e tnas tutHjout oll^ope ofli^e, artft t^etfojeaftct^t3retouecj>,lje tens WIS taUarne bp ^is eFa'"p'«itl)at goD tstaHjec mtrcts full, tijen ftitcre ana rtgojoue toUiaracs^ ^ie tbiibjen, nnb aifa t^at trefoil from pjofpentie ro a&iiecficic ii foaainr. '^IjisDon^^creciicnet^ te {ijaperj pjomiSnj (o {);a;re ^o» fo; eu«r. 3LlIatii>(u^ p^avfetuftf) i;att aiti) K.^ ^ — - - ZttDS not ma1$e mv foctf teiopce, but : I^JF- ijf^ i^^ ^- 4 ~tQ ^ ijaftc^alteDme. 2. o X>o;it)m^i5o&t0 tljee 3 ctfac »« aU m? paync anD gnefc ; Ci^ou gauedancareanD t>a>S p;ioutDe, ^^=^^ to cafe Rie vd^ rcltefc. 3 Cf tijp gooti tDtU tI)oii Ijad calfce bacfte, m^ faule from l)cll to fauc: Cl)o:tliti)ft rciUBe ■a>l)cn ftcengtl) DiS lacbe, anD hcptt mc ftOMi ri)c gtauc. 4 Stng piaifc ve fatmc» tl)at pjoue anH fee, ti;cgcotm"'s^ of tl;c Le^D:. 3n mcmo^v of l)'*' nwtefttc, tciOY'c VDitij one accojDc* 5 JFo;ittiI)vl5irf anger biitsfpace, Coti) tad ant) flahe aaaync: 35nt in i)iis faiiotic anD biS' grace, alvi5i«vciSDotl) Ufc rcmavne. ttljougJ) gtif eiJ of grtcfe ano pangesf fijll ft)?e Ojall loOge TOtti)l)i) all ntgijt: Zl)e 1,07.^ to tov QM\ b/Bf tefto^ie, before tt)e tav be ltgl)t. « tUljen^ cnrof cD tljctoo^K) attDill, tV>f^up'iU> 7 bor4l( onio fs^; Pfalme. xxxj. 17 CuOj a am ftitc to fccle none til, t^i0 ttieaitt; Ojall not tcca^. 7 JFo> tljon (O iojCj of tbv goob gtarc. i)al)ftfcntmcftrcmjtl)anDavij: »ut U)l)cn t!;on turnct)ft atjjav tfjr face, «ir niynJJe toa^f fojc DtOnayB. 8 JWIjerfoiic agamc vet DtD 3 ctv, totljceOiojaofmtgfjt; 3t^V tol)vajSftonc£ftt)vl5rcngrij(/af'ti:t5e, tl)on art mp fo;it anb toicei;: ;fFo>t}5V names faSc be tl;ou :jiv guibe, anb icab me \\\ t!)>' potuer. 4 pU:cfecfo;iti) mv fectc sut of tljcfnarc, tDljtfi) tljc^' toy, mt Ijaiic lavb : Ctjoii art mv Ovcngtl? anb all mv cace, tp fo> tl)v n«!il;t anb avb. 5 3ntot!)vl)anbc3(l-c;tb 3 commit, mv fyifitc tcbJfi) t0 tijv btie; f,oy tDt;{';'tl)0» "c^ti^ rebcc:ncb it, O i,o>b mv ^00 mofttruc. 6 3 ijntc iitct) fcJHc asf toJU not patf, from tl)ingc.O to be abl>ajb*^ Wi)tn tl?cv orj tnfics fct tljcis; Ijarf, inv truil t^ w t;e ;Lcjb. 7 Jf <>? 3 win. in tljf '"«^t^«V w?. iS Pfaimc. x'xxj. 5fw: mv tDombc fon vdoc Dotlj aftc. mi? ^carc^f in tooc ittc pad: legv ftrcn^I) ta ^oncsn D ti);u)ii3l) ttilbainc, mp bonc# co>cityt urd luafte. 1 1 among mv ftcnBed 3 am a fcojnc, tnf ftenbeH arc all DifitiavDe: ftj^nctg^boiicaf anD mf hmfmcnboiine, to fee nte ate aftaf Dc. I » Slflf men once Beat) ate out of ttt^nDe, To amJnoiDfoitgof. >t»IetiticnetbcpttttolIamc, fo^ x\i)at on t!j^i 3 Cail: a&ut let t()c xoichta bcasc tljctr 0)ame> aJiD i»t?)c grnuc ro fa'.i. 1 8 »D1) Ijou) great ;;ooo ijaf tl)ou in ftojtc, layDv Ijjl ttJll r-ifc -o; t:jc;ti: ^l)at fcare anD tcu3: in ji)re tl)etcfoiic. bc&iic tt?e ionncs of :nen. X 5 tr^ p^cfcnrc njaU tl)cm fence ^ gufiie, fiom alt pjotio }j;a^3ff ati^ vu;iong(j: 11i)itJ;tn t{)sJ pl.ice •• Ijo.i Uj.v.t tlje^n tjiDe, ffom alJ t!jcfurctt)c Xo)iBty:UtaHevootpcte, 6tU re on ^t**i ^oc tnta« Seatitjuorum. pftl.xxxtj. T.S. (ounuc^ t^cm (jappf tB\>j^om tot^ notttnpntc tljeit tratifjccITian*. 9nB atcrt t^at l;c baS cSfclTca ^*# fiwiM , anD obtAvnet) par&on, ^e ([^o;cct() t^t UHdHM mm to line Qo&If, anb ciye goob to cno; u. Sing tbuas thi 30. T/alme, 'T'iQt man ttf bled tuljofc ujicheBncflTc, -*• tt)c i»o;iB l)atl) cicane temirte:), anb 1)2 vu!)ofc Qnne anB vo)ietcl;eDneCre, t;af i)iB an^ alfo coucieo. % , utipMctl) not l)ig( ^nm: XO\)if^) in \)is »)art Ijatl) IjtB no guiU, tuj; fcaiiB 10 founB tisercin. J if o> VDl)ae(l tljat 3 ftcpt do re mp Cmw, m filcnce anB conUca'nt: !E9v boneafBiD vacarc ajio voaU atoap, tciitl) BavlV ^oi^ snB plavnt. 4 5fo>m3l)tanBBavti)v6anBo«nie, fo greiujutf voas; anB Tnatt: Iljat all m? blouB anB tjtimojflf mo^ to BjuteOc BtB conucit. J 3 BtB tl)ercfo;ic torCcttCe mv fault, anB all m-f Snneaf BilV oucc: Tljcntl)ouC) 2.o;iBBiDam^tbj3«je, anB all m? Snrtc^ paffe oue^. 5 ^Ije !).jinblc man ajall p;i>« t\)zxdo}e, anB fccUc ti)cc in Bue xpnc, Zo tl)« rt)e flouB<5' of vuatcia' great, (ijalU;auenopotuecon Ov^u- 7 UDI)ctt trouble anB aBuci'Ette, Boc compafic me aboitt: «tljou art 3tiv re.iigc anB mj' toy , anB tl;ou Booa c»:) mc out. 8 ComcJ)ttl)ccanB3QjaUtl;eetea(^, - Ijoto tl)ou Ojslt ttialKe arigljt:' anB to til ti)ce , Vc tuft lift bp Youc bopcc: anB vc of pure anB perfect l^act, be glaB anD eite tetO{>ce. Exult*teiujH. Pftl.xxxiij. T.S. II4C Pfalme. xxxiij. ntt otit^ ct«af«d all t^nge,ani bv ^i« pfouibttttt goi maaett) t^tl'ame, butal(btsCait^ri(liN^isp;3mireff. ]h« fnUecSaH&ct^ itvantf ^ai:r,anD CcAttntti) t^tcoiin* Rtl ef c^e toidieo.fo t^at na man cnn be jfttCerueO bf »nv cteatute , of mane Brengt^ , bur tt)cp t^atipiit t^tic confitw^Miti ^uniet(p,^4Uicp;trt[n(0froinall Mucrfitk. iJ/bj this ds the JO. .1'filme, •• itiga feemel? C^-t : eJ>at *p*atreti)e j5oti of mtgtjt. 3 )0;iatre ve tt)e X«;U> tu^rt^ Untpc antt (bng, m p(a}medf an£> plcafau?^ tb^n^jej?: Ii>ftt> Xnce anl> inftmmem nmong, c^ ComtDett) on ten Ctttngtjs:. 3^ iSing to tf)c %6jJi a fong mod n'm>, \DVrt} coucajc gcue i^V"* Pjavfc; 4 iFo> tDiJV^ l)W( tDO)t) tj* ciict true, l)iist tDO>he0 aa& all h'tg wst^e^ar. 5 TomI>gentent,equttte,anDti2l;t, t)e ^tb a great gooD tD I II : |btf2 uittt) t)<;er atftcjaf ^e botl) Deltgi^c, ct)ee8tt})tt)iU)U($l)sutto ftu. < /f^ 1>? tt)e roo^ of i5o& alone, t^e l)eaucn^ all tsece tD^)ugt)t: Ci)etc ^oil6;ef anti ^otoec^af cuetp d)one> i)ViK b>eati) to pafli; i^ati) b^ugi)t. 7 ^t)e tuatcr^sf great 3atl)ece&^at^t>e, ott i)caprs( tuttl)ut t^eOjo^ie: ;fltiIi>i)iD tjjctn m tl)e Dc^ to be, ft$ tn an i;oufe of llo;ie- S ^11 men on earti)bot}p lead ant) mod, feare £oD asD ^cepc t)tfl? laxo: ^e t^t tn^abitc in ect) coaO, b^eat) t)vm anD ftanD in atoe. 5 Dpt>at ^c commdun:}eD tB^>ugl;t ifojinit at once >s)it^ pj^i'^nt QieeDe: n>t)at t)e :>otl; totU ig b^itg^t to pafiD;, tottb full effect in DaHe. »o Tl)e connfcLsf of tl)c natiotTi* rutie, 1^ 3Lo>D Dotlj bjmg to noii3l;t: ll^ebott) feefcatc tl>c miiltttuiic, of t^ir l>cuire atii) tt>ougi)t. ■I ^nt ^10 Decree? ccntmueftilU t^ neuer QaKc nc; Anage: 1 1 trbe motions o{i}is mvnDe onb totU, take place in eucr^ age. Thepcondf>art. 1 } 9Utb bled are t^ep to \a\)om t|)e Xoitb, » a/e^i&obantiguiDeisrtinotuen: -^ |QI)om t)e bort) cl)ufc of meere accojb, to tatJc rt)e;n as t>i0 ovonc. «4 ^i^ %otX> ttom;^caiicn call \)i}.i fi^, on men mo;tall bv birti): Conftberingfroin t;t0 feat of mtgiTt, t^e btiieUer;e( of tlje eartl). 1 5 TCl)c Xofii 3 fnv tuljofc fjSQ Ijstlj to joiig^* mans l>art ani3 LoU) ttftame: ^o> l)c alofis borl) hnoto tl^a t^oit^jc, anD VDPjhvng of ttjc fame. %4 a fefng tl),^t tcuOctl; m l^is: l;oft, fl;au wiHjgtjj jjjcHJvie 6t lengths Pfalmc. xxxliij. 77 0)m fall foj all t)t8 fhingrt;. ti)cir Gurti)j (JecDea Ojall fterne: iLDtaten^fy Of tjo^fc OjaU not pjcuavlc, tticttDccto.p7crenic. i« ®"tlccti;ccvc;sofigobcn$en&, wiD vufitd) to ay&c fl)c tttft: VPtti) fud) as fcarc Ijun to cOcnb, anb on lyigt goobne;s ttuft. ip ^l?at!)cofbc?.tl)nnba»btftre(re, "iaFfctri;ftrfouic;ffftomti;cali: anb tf ti)at beactt; tt)c lanb opp^eOc, m Ijimger tljem to fccbc. jc tt>i;erfc;«otitfouiebotl>ftilibepenl>j oniBoboutftrcn^janbOav; S^e itf otn- fljieiti bs to icienU, anb b;iiMe all batte;8f atua?, 41 ' gooDnctrc O 5Lojb, iliUpjcfent tcttJ-; bs bee: S[;ff U)e atoaf c0 tn ytl,* one actojib 6oconelpttuiiintl?ee. Benedicam Dom. f'fal xxxiiij. TSi ••afttt©aju6l>«6 ercapc63t^t8,as,tti8 hiMtKrimfJ*' i.Saro.rti.ti.tB^om in t^is tttle ^£ tMet\f AbtmiUc^g (tai^tc^ hjas a gt uciall name ta all r^e hiingc* of t^e piili&incB)^epjairei^5oB fa? •'jia ai-Uiifcaimcr,p}Os Itoiipn^all others b» ^iseraroplf, to trii!ii:i «eotj,.t9 fcaceana ftrue ^pra.to^o scfenset^ t^egoMp toii()' kt»an3«Is,an9 tottedp ftcfttopet^) t^ctoickeo int^ew- Sing this 4i the j 0'.T/a,!me, J VO ill gctic laub anb l)ono; bot^, ■*' bntoti)c1.D?b8lU)atfs: , S^viSi ebe tti^ mciiti) fo; eucrmoje, Qjall fpcabcbnto ^t» ^i&^fe, a 3 bee Dcltgbt to lault tiyc yLc)b, in foiile anb cftc m bo^cc: ^\)ox i^umble nten anb mojtifieb, mav tjcate anb fo teiovf £• 3 Ttl)ecfo^efcetl)atvema^t8c, totti) tnc tl)e liuing XojD : %tiSi let \>s novo e^alt l;t0 name, togctl)ct tt^tij one afcc;ib. 4 5Fo> 3 tnv felfe beibii^t tl;e lojb, , l)e aimftDereb me aga^nc : ana mebcUucrcb inccntincnt, Uom all mv feareanu pa^^ne. 5 l5»)l)o Cj tfif r be tljat f)mi beljelbe, » Ojallfec l)ig ItglK mod clcare: Cl^ett rotmtcnaimce (!?aU not be baO^, tijtv neebe it not to feare. iZ'^yig felF tDjctcSj foil fome ecliefe, tmtotl^cXcjbbtit.^U; J© 1)0 bib Xyfm, l;carc toit^cjttbela^, anb rib l;tin out of tl)??.U. 7 ^l)cfllnscUoftI}clx3?Ai!5ct?)pttcI;, i3is tent cjj m tucrv 9^-^^ ; 9 20 Pfalme. xxxifij, Co faue all fitc!) nsl ienve ti)c t.o;iD, t^at tx3tl)mg ttjein Defac?, 8 1taftant)conftr>crvi3cUcl)ecfO)i*, t{)at iSo:) t^ q.oo'b sns ma-. © tjappv man tt>.u mahcrt) t):m, l)fS( enel^ fta? anD ttiiS. 9 iFeareT?ctl)ciort)lrptfl)ol?oneX aboiicall?artl)lvri)t»n|: #o; tl)cv tt).it fc?.cc tlic lyutng tojO, ate fwcc ti) larhe notl)vng. I o Z\)t i^Dttsf Ojall b2 l/imaerttt, anD puioc vovf'J ii^^n^e mud): il3i«t ntf foj tl)tnt ti)^t k^rt t'^e Xo},ti, no UcUeU^all be to fuel). • The feconet fart, I I Come ncare tf;ctfa;ic mv tl)tl->]icn Dcatg, ant> t J tnp tDOjDfflf griic c:^tc: 3 Oja'.l voi« tc^ci) rtjc pccfcct vonv, t^D^JJ f cu ti)C ,Lc>>I> Qjou','5 fc^cc 1 1 upijo itf tl^nt m.iatt).« vuoiiiD Uur !anj, anii IcaD a UlcTeo \ftc i Si See tboii rcf Wivne tl)v toung an^5 Uptf , from all Deceit anD ftcffc. J14 rm-nc faacftc tijy face fcom fiof itg ill, anD Do ti)e g-iDi*^ Dcc3e: ^nqtticc fn j peace anD quletncffc, iinD fallou) tt u>i?fi) fpccDc. « 5 iFo> U)t)v r!)c cycsi of iSoD abouc, l»pon$i)etit;iai:ebent: S^tef eai-etf Ufecmirc to l)carc tl;cpla^(, of ti^epooiic (mijcenr. x6 ISatljcDotljfiMVtjnef bettDIj(;9'lj;iot(jctf, bpott tye VDkfteD tcavnc: JlnD ciita; aoja^ tbe sjtejno^^, tl)Rt QjoulD of tl)2m tcmavncj »7 1BKtVDl;entt)CHUi;Doti) call anD ccp, tl)c 2.0JD Dort; l)eat:et!)CJii tb, C^at out of paipnc AnD mtfecp, fo;ti)tDvtl) 1;: letflf ti;cai goe, 1 8 true X,o jD t;9( h v'nDe anD (ttai^^lyt at I;a»ift, ♦ to fiifl) as be contcstc: •fyt Caiiea a'.fa f I)c f j;»ou;fim. tl)c mciftc anD poo?c tit fp;iitc. 1 9 irisU niriH^bctlK mitcdtff, tljat rialjteone men Do fuffcrt 75m out of all pDnecetJCiJf , ttje Xop ootl) ti)un Dcliitet. ao Zl)t 2Lo]iD tioti; To pnefenie anD hecpe, \)tsi bCEV boncflfaittin)? : Xf)at not fo miict) aa; cue of tl)cm. Do pettO) 0(1 Dccaip. ai Zl}c ar.nc LlhiV. «:»\> iljc U)icUcD man, t:)l):ct) f)c })imtblfe Ijatl) wjougljt: anD fiitl) 33 t3are rije tsguteoiui rjian, OjiHl foone be b;ioit55;t co noiigl^t. 21 18utt?)cpt!.;.w rcru2tl)cUamgX4jjD. tl)c XoiiD Dottj fiiue tljeni founD: ^nD \x>i)o tl;at iiiittiycjt ttuft in l;rni. notJ>?»»3j t^aii toem confoHno. Jitdic4ttki!J)9mi»e. Pfal.xxx^, l.H. Pfaline, xxxvi •m> aittljorihc UKber ^im.fo fUutrt tJide JtyN*. kft cf} Co luoU crsullv pftfftittciDama: rtjnimli loija ^e p!*r« rf^ ^ae ts pIcHBt aiib to aiunse 5)i5r.>i»r<;, tijat rkra mavbce toScn in t',vic nmtaani Cniuca lufjnb* rbrr* larb* fo; 179m, t^ at!) is tnit-jcnici* m.i-^ Of f bi-clrtrca 8n» t^at t^ciunotp)«f«'l»ar.X;i9rol)«pj9mU-(T^ tnra,.,[„ foitlj tiK iMilict of tbe aojb.rtui to HtiBiuSi hi« „,«,c nil c^( bayrif of ^18 l)>fe. 6"««j «A/« lU tht L/vnenta!iin. J ©>D piciD i*tv cmife agtrnfl nt'^ focrf, •^ confoimD tijctr foitr an,) mvaht: 5F<3l)t OT my parr a^avn'l m tljofc," tS)a: fccMe lurti) nie t j ft^rct. » 7-ayl)anDljpontl)crpcnrciinDatca>, t\rf fclfc m ac-nour D^cfic: jotanD top foj me ano S jtn f Ou ficlD, to Ijclpc »nc fconi DtfirclTe. J <5stD on tin' fa^ojD.anD Cop tl;ctuay mT'ne encmycs to vottiTa^no: ' tCbat tr)o;ibnto mv fou'.cma^' fay, loe 3 rl5y "oclyc at OanD. 4 Confoitno ti)em ujjtl} ccbuhc anD blame t'oat fecl'ie \rv7 fonlcto iV'i!: 3Let t\)tn\ tivcnc btiche anD are xaiH) Qjajno^ t!;attl;inMctotco;i!icmetiL 5 Xet tJpcm Dtfperfe anD Arc abjoaD, zs mm :)eDafc) rijmc t!)eDiril: anD tl)at t!;c an2cll of our ^od, rt)cii: «uil)t aiuay mav rtJVJft. < ict all tljeic tt)2vc0 b«: bopDc of Hafjt anDatap;,j»!;tI;cto^!: ' flnD icnDti;tnc .lnJ[?'.!tuftfjt^tmgf* topctlcciitetJjema't. 7 iFo> n)I)y>r ujttTjottt mT» fault tl>cp hatw. tnfccictrctftjeitgcin: anD fo; no Ciiiifc l)tl)cma?l; ' ictrtjcni be tsapt in rl;cir otonc fnace anD in tijcic mift l;iefe fail. 9 anD let itry fo«lc,mv ^ntt. anD borce m i5oD Ijaiip jop anD ujcalrlj; ;ri?8t m ti;e lop 3 juav' cciopcc, anD m J;y3 fauing Ijealt/). 10 anD tl;cn nr; bones' Qjall fpeaftc anD fav mypaitc£J07cHl'.a!l?ii5tee: © 3L0>D t J)OUgl) tf)tr? Co ICCJitC full ga? U3l>at man iflf Uftc to tf?cc. ThefictHdpatt. 1 1 trijou tooft DffciiD tl)e t!3cal»c hom tlwm tlyat arcbot!) ffio:it anD flrong: 3nD liD t\/C poo?c froiii totchco :iie,i, tijat fi'oylc anD Doetl^c.n uj^oii^, f J f?^v ccueli fccfj a^apn ttfscHe^ fiiUltout 17 Tr!xb(;Uvi5ot)fi(anJ)33ttcmt3taiyne, tlja^ all goes tl)\nig',our eve oeti? fee, t^e fl^mg tijat tac Bcfiie. a J ©ut2.o;iati)onri:cGtDl)3tn)a^e)6itl)ef ccafc nor tijisi gcare to ment : (tafic, 35c not facte cf ne;i ac fo^faSc, ntf men ti)at faf Is tljcir f cent). 34 atc.ThcactrcsiHti fljne^ab^oJtD, iefen^ me m m? tigl)tr' Keiicn^e JH? caufc m]> jL.jj5 m^ jSolt, »5 iXctoySin^tot'jjp ctjI)teourncsf, iiif 7wOjt) ^Ot) fct JMC f fee: - ant lei not tljcsji t?5j:f s;tDc rA^eOfc, ttc?ttinm{j^ otia' me: 35 l,etnottl7c(tl)actf^reiofccant)ccf, t>jccc,tl)cir,tOf^ Sca'cc goctlj tctm: ^c;t 2CIIC tijjrm caufe to fay on Ijic, toeljRue o«t tout en fjlm. «7 ConfountJ fi)cm tovtJ) tcbulie f Ojamc, tijat tov tu^'cn 3 l-o mournc: gUiD p^r ti^ern tjcmc xopi) fpKc anti blame, tljat b?:i(j at nre VDyrt) fcor^c. a? 2-cc ti)cm bz glaS anij cue ccic^ce, '(Dl)iti) lone m-?iie\)pii^ji luavi gW& tl)cv a'.i t^niea; uo itl) yact ant) boftc, gjsil P?8vfe,«^e ;2,oj5 an5 fa^. Pjfalme. xxxvj. 21 a> fttnt is! tije lo)t!) ant botl) c«cU, fonri)?f)ci)crt;ticlcr rV SHfpcariatlr goaons^ of (Sos totuarbes all rtetf oeurw.bitt iVcciaU? to'uart.r?lji.' c^itb2e;cl)atbp faith t^ctof be m;? b5comfcjteSartt>a(riit«& of Ijiabcluie* rauricf b? t9is o;tii.iarp tourfc of <3oD» VoojW, biho in tje cua Bf 3to,p«t^ t9< toicbeb^ano fmtet^ t^c iuft. 'T"i^f to:t}5c:3 '^vfl) ^af w c;iltctf ftnfwft, •^ totSpttja^perfiaaDeijiflitjnvt: trijat of t^e 2Lc?t) ^e ijart) no ttiift, l)tjsfcatcis(fctapnct. » yctiDott; i)eiG^ml}i!3cUste, to tijxiue Si? i)e began: 00 long tW !)c ^sfw rue t^je I;ate, otj^oti ana ehc of man. J^t^' ttio?t!tf are totcltct) .btle.anD nottd^e, . l;t3^tcn3nDtntt{ji3ct^tcI!: >*et at no Ij.mt) tutu l;e fee tm^t, vo^tci) sr-a? fjcaiat Do \kci!. 4 nj)j)Cit t!5 ajcuia accpc tl)CR Detlj fjc mufc, t)j;ef KJtfcljirtesf to fuiail: JlO UJtcUCi U,V.pC3 Dot!) i)C ttfuCci noj nc^ijtng tfjat tss ill. 5 15ut 2.o?D tl)v gocDncflf Botl; a&cB5, abouc tl)c l)CRuensf ^tc: So Boti; tJ;v tt"tt) it fclfe e>fenD, abciuetl)ecloao^fHv. ( CQuctj n:c?c tbcn tjtltf fo l>tgl; cnD ftccpe, t^-^tuSttetffc;cp;iea:: CJJF lutigemcnc itftc to (eaa( incft Decpc, t!}ou faueS: boti; man ana beaft. -7 tr!}t5nerctetfts^aboucaUtJ)in3etf, ©iSoDttDocDeyccll: 3n truft KBljcrcof as: in tl)V toy ngetf, tije ftinncs of men Q)ai: avocll. 8 Witi)in ti)f l;oufc tl)ep GjaU be fCD, tij^tl) plenty attOcec lo^ i!;- ©f an ijcliglji tJje? OjRil be ipcD, an'o taxe tl;ek;f of ti;ctr fill. 5 iFo?ttilT''rtJ!^^e'-!of Iffefo piac; Dott; oueiflcit) ftom tocc: Sinti in tl/i? Ugljt wc ate full fuce, tOe laiJing Itsljt to fee. . 10 iFrojn fur^ a0 ti^ccDdiircto ftnotp, let not t\ff scacc licpart: "CXyf tig^teonfnc^ "ocf iate anD OjeMj, to men of t)pjtgi)t i;avt, 11 Xet no ttljepiioui on mcpjcuai'le, 5II0) let £5)c \utfl-:6D me. nil&Ylc, to tl)?0VD mz ovx of place. li ;3^i«ti;c^mtt>cwCf«"fcp;Ri}fa«, " - ' ^ Cutj. ti)m= 12 Pralmc.'xxxviJ. fljat tDichcD tBO>hejr matntalne: tljevQJ^lbc oue«l)jotDcntuJrt>all, ittiD neuet nCe ag&vne. UoU*mmUri. Ffil.xxx^j. T.S. CSftaufttlje g«6lj> ftonlB not hion»rt to f«» V»itk«i men pufpet inttjiatoojlD, t^«P;op»)ft fljrtott^ tijae •il t^v>»3* *^" '" gt'un"" acc3j9ing to tljflt )>att« ttStr.to tIjfHi ttjat loiie anb fMtt ■SoO , annljrp tl>»t »a t^t tontrarf , .ilt^an jl» t^rp f»«nc to 8ojiI^« foj a tputc^allat length pcttl^. y 5in^ r/)« »t the xnx.TJUm*. i^KuDge not to fee tbc votrtcD men, '-' in toeaUt) to flo;iiaic am : S!tO).fet enuy fuel) ajar to ill, »)auc bf nt anD frt tljett toTll. a ^oj w( grccHC graCTc ant) fl oiiSt^in^ !)etbcill ate ojr anD VDtttjct atoay : fi»0 Qjall tJ)eic great p jofpentfe, foonc paffciaDcanD Bct«V« 3 TCcttft rl)outi)crfo>e In <5o0 fllotw, to Doc toeH 3cae rXrf m^niJc: So (halt tl)ou tjauc t\}t lanD ajaf tl)me, ant» tl)ctc iUrc fooDcOwltftnDc. 4 3n i5oD fet all tbr Ijattca DcUjj!^, anD loohc U)l)at tl)ou tooulDa Daue: Cy els rand VDiO? in all t^e uio^lOe, c^ou nes&ft tr not to ctaue. 5 Caft botl) tl)? fclfc anD t!)ti« vXfCt^tft, on ^ot) tr>£f t) perfect mi^: SnD ti)OH Qjnit fee tuftl) patience, tl)c effect botl) fitie anD iutt. tf tt)v perfect life anO goOlv name, l)c U3VII clearc as t^e l|»ijl)t : joo tt^at t^e funne euen at noone Da^^, O^all not O^mc l^alfe fo b;^tijt;t. 7 ffieftilltl)erfo>cant>fteDfaIll^, on ^05 fee fit)0" uiavtc tljcn: jilot OTjitnlting fo^ tl)s p^ofpctou^ ftate, of Icuic dnD tuktict) men. S St>aftcofDcfptgl)t,cnute>snt>.I)ate, atleaataanvvutfe: X\)cit tDicheD Srpaf auo^ticanJ) fl^«, anD follovD ncit tl;cic gutfe. 9 fPo> euerv tt)<£t«ct) man toiil ^oD, tcdrop botl) mo%9 aat) Icflc: 3Sut fnch as ttvSt in ^im arc fute, . ttje laitD foji to poflf flc. ^ lOatd) bitt a tufjtle anD t^ou O^alt fee, no inoKtljevoicftctitra^: Klo not fo mud) aa l)oufe o? place, u>tjere onc$ lyttaa tcmaf ne. The ffcond fart, n l&ttt metctftiU anD bumble mett, cntoi? Ojall fca ant lanto: 3n ted anD peace tljcp Qjall ccioyce. Cm mmi^ 0)all t^.n tu^tl^iJO* » 1 ^be tcuD men ant) jn^Uciou.aJ, agaynd ttje (ufi confpii'c : ¥l)e? gnsO) tt>etc tect^ ac \)im^nfi men »t)ttt> doe ^itf bane t^eacc. Pfalme. x^vlj.' ftc io>5 laugitjcflf tl)ctn to fconncj JPo> tDl)r :T)c fectl^ ti)ctt tnwc app^octi, tobtn tl)ev Ojall &gl) ant) moiime. 1 1 ^t)e tDtcHet) t)aue ti)rtr (bint) oiu D^U)M» tbcic bovD Che l)3uc rt)ev'-bent; X,o owtxtXno'oi ant) hill tl)e pooje, tfS tlje^ t^e cigl)t way tucnt. I J ffiutt!)cfamc(\DotDQ)alIpe8Kcti)cft tDl)tfi)watftoUiHtI;cm(l: (l)nctej| ^Lttiexoiie ti)e boD (Dall bKahcta Qiiuttft, VDl)erein tlvcv put ti)cic tntft. i« S?oiilnic(fetl)etu:iman0poo>eo(lat«, (s better a great Deals mojc: ^i)cn all ct)e(e (eut) anD U)o>lD'.f mcnSt ncl) pompc ant) l)capeD fto;e. 1 7 iTo} be ti)cir potocr neuer fo dton^ t^Q)i\bt claD anD ftO, 30 iP«> tDt)ofoeiiec toicHeD tjgr, anD enmy to tl)e X>o;iD: ;&l>all quaile^vea melt eiicn &st X^mb^ o}£>notictOatflyctOab;u)aD. (fiteaft, ThtthsrJpart. il l5e\)olb tl)2 tDlthcD bojuj'ajctlj muc^, anD ncMcc payct^ agaync; IPljercaiff tl)e tu3 bf liberal' qihest, mahe« raitiy glaD anD faync. »i jpo>tI)cyvD;)omi5oDDotl)blcacajirfI tt)c lanD fu; t)rrit33c: (l)a!ie, anD tljev tDl)om l)c Dotl) cinrflTe ltfteu)tfe, (^aU pecttl^e m i)tg ca je. » J trOe %o)D tbe (ltd miiflf tnayetf boti) suitw anD geucflf bvm gooD fucrcflc, ■Co ciiery rtXng be tahcd^ m t)anD, l)t fcnDctl) gooD aDD^cffe. a 4 t:i)oitg() tl)st Ipe fall yet itf l)e futc, noftortctlv to quavlc: ©ccaufc tl>c 2-0^ (lc«c})ctf outtjuaf l)aaD, atnecDcanDDot^ not fayle. 3 *; 3( ^titebene young anD novo ant olDe, yctDtD^ncucrfee: d>c iitft man left o> cl0 ^i0 (beDc, tobcgfojmifctv. i6 TdmqfiiKH alxDoy mott ifljctally, aiiD icnDcd tDS>erc asf trf necDe, ^ig cl)ilDjen anD pollcrettc, receaiw of i5oD tt)etc mcebe. 37 jPleebicetl)etto;eanDtD(ctteDneil^ anD bcttuc Doe embrace : So i&oD O^atl graunt ti)ee lottg to l)tsag, in earti) a Dtselling pUce. tt fd} <&oD fo loueti) cqiiitte, and Qjmc» to W W) at«(€t Pfalme.jcxxviii.^ C^ f)t ^ff nice tHjem e««wte je, bttt fttoveje^ ti)c wtdteD tate, if VOltetttiie ti?e ^oD nnD sotil? meN. irt)cme Qjall tl)c !ant): S^ittitng asr l^nDe^ all tt)mge9r tijcteM, in tl^eit oxone powet antt 1)rjO, 30 {Tt^eiufttnantfrnoiiiijOotiljcuei: QiMkr, of mattetiS tDifeanDIjte: l^fjsr cons bot^ talbe to etXfie, to^ m^ ai^ equttie, }t iFo]ttol)i0^artt})8latooff6ofe, ^ l.o>t> Dotl) fiiti At^: So rtjas tDljetc ciict Ijc gocitf o> toalifteiar, biQf foote Colt neuet fli^ie. 1 1 iri)e VDtctted i^tte a tauenmg tooIfe» ^e iufl man Do^ befet: 3^p all meaner Teetitnu t^^m eo btll, tft)efalUn^i;ernet. ThefiurthparK I J tr^otml^^eaioulDfalltncolKjtf|>antejer, ?ee i&oti toill fuccouc fcnO: C^ougi) men agavnH ^im Tentence gene, /6ot> tuouID ll)(m vet DefenD. 14 nDa^etI)ouond^ottant>&eette ^iM'aief, 1)6 Ojall p^efcruc ti)te t^jen: IT^ eaitf) to tuie anD tl)ou Oialt (ee, Deftro^D t^cfe totcKeo men. 15 TTIjc totcltet) ^aue ;? Teene moftfttons, ant) placet) in t^tgx) fie^rec: ^lomiQjmq m all tucalrt; anD fio^e, asf Dotl^ tl;e Lauteti tree- 3< l&ut roOenlv ^c palTeD atoaip, ana loe Ijc tuaar qii'te g:!ne: ,Cl)en 3 Ijim foui^t feiit roitia Tcatce ftntf, t^ place w^cte DtDclc fuc^ one. 37 ^atfteantii)e^olt)etl)epetfcctmatt, t)otD i5oD Qoti) \)m mrceafe: ^0} tt>^ ittH man a^all ^aiie at lengti; , gteat io^ vott^ tdt auD peace. j8 asf fojtranf jccffoiis' vuoc to t^jem, KeflttovO t!)EV Ojall all be: i&ot>tu(Ilcutoftl/eitbu&t)tni3race, anot;tcl)poaetttte- 3? TBttt tbc faltiaticn of ti)c (nft, Dot^ come from (Boti f.bouc: 5K)l)o m tl)cic treuble fentifcs tljcm a^c, of l)wr mcrcgcace anD lone. 40 <&oOt)ot3)ti)cm'ocipe fdue,8nbt)cluier, from letoD men anU bniuft: ' iJnb fttU totll fane tt)cm tnijilca t^at tl)ep, tn l^un bo put tljetc tm*(. Dom/nene in, Pfal.xxx^iij. 'it.H, ^IDauia l|)in(j fidwof fom» srcitnia ♦iOtafif, ariutate* lebgetH Ij^m r(D«fo; ^ftf (!nr»3,an9 t^cctfofc p^apct^iSoB tc (lu-nc atoa;) 4i>< 1n;atl): ^extttatti) t^c sttaMes pf^i? jjct^f tDictseb botn^e^o^ %o^, aboue m^ l)eab ace gone: Si0 greater UiDe tl)en 3 can beate. tt)ev l^e me foite bppon. $ ^^ tDounbe^f ftinche anb atefdhvb fa. ajs lotljfome t£i to fee: !S}i)icf) all tinon0) m^ne ovone faoltClijne;if, betibetl) bnto mee. « 0nd3incarefiUltuvreamb}OUj3^, tn trouble anb biftrcITe: ^fytt 3 goe tuafltng all tl)e Bay, mf bole^uU ^eautnelTc, 7 ajV lOT^ctf ate Slbe tu^tl) fo^ bifcafe, mr flefl) l)atl) no tDboIepaet: 8 3 feeble am anb b^oliea fojie, 3 to;ie fo> grief e of Dart, f TljoulinotDea l.o>b m^ befire.m^ groncrfs areopeninttjvfig^t: so jQ^p t)att botl) pant i»v Qtettgfi) \)&ti) mine vttg l;aue loft t^etc lig^t. (fatlb 1 1 i^^ looetjEf anb nvg ttonteb ftenbes^, ftanb I "VjHyng on mf wee; flnb ehc i.. f ft infmcn farre atnav, aremebepaitc^fro. s J ^t;ev ti)at cio feese m\ ife,la?b fnatcA anb tl)ev tbat fougt)t tDe tuav: tto Xiot tnt \ysxt (^afte ifCff anb tt)0U8l;t, ontrearcinallt^ebav. The ficsnd part. I J 25atatfabcafcman3bccame, ti}at catmot l)eare at alt: s 4 ^nb a;Q^ one bumme tl)at opcn;af not, \)ig moutlj to fpeafte toitl^all. 1 5 ^ojaUmrconStcncc(OZ.o>b) i0tDl)olvfrtontl)ce: s « © 2jcjO rljou lojib tUat art mv ^Ob, tl;ou Ojalt aeue eatc to mee. Xtl?i0 bt"b 3 ccaue tl)at tl)cf m? fbe^f, triimjp^ not ouccmee: 17 fFoj VDljcn my foote bib aip tljcn t\)Zft bOibf miffaUtafcc. anb truclv 3 poojc \i3;ietd; am fct, in plague a tnoful'; tutgljt; anb cKe mv sc"^^''^' l)c«uu^fc:;8f, \g euer iu my &!i^t. 1 8 :f o;tvu^';i€tl)at3 mTJ ysicfecbncjsf, m Ijumble tuifs confeiTc: anb tDl)ile 3 fo]i mv tinuUl bccbcflf, mv fo>ovDWbo C)q?>cff*« 15 0|7 foc5bocSil!rc«!«v>waUac, anb mt^l)Cv «it* ^^fo ; flnb tbcp tljat l)5te meto^ongfitUp, in niimb£i;t?U88lV8«w» ..7ri„« 24 Plalmc.xxxix. o ^l)cvftiint)aaaTmttmet^atmi?goo>, 1 tDftbeutiiDoecfpfiT- 35 ccaufc t\)tx aooD ant) t)cncft t^mgcjEf, 3 Do oifuc altnav. ai iFo?fr.heincjiot(©lc>Dmf iScl)) Ijc ti)ou not facte avua^; »i i^aamcto!)clpcfmv5Lojt»m?}Sot)) jtip fafetv JinD m? Cay . Dixicufted/am. PfaLxxxix. T.M. CTDaii'S »ttf ret% Voitti \Dl>«t gteat g.tcfwiS bitt«rn«« of mmPf.lje Voa« 6?tul to t^ifc outragtcus ciplaintrf cli)\g tiifiriuitif « : fo} l)f « confeffa!) that tobf n ^e l)"" *rtf tmiiico P.Unf fjtijjt I)C< bjaS fojt^ put tnto tuoi6t» fi)atbeU)ciiilt>not , tljjoiig^ t^egreatucs of bys grwf. (Tbint bf rdjcarfct'^ ccrfatiic r.qutu«Vob"l} tad of t^e inSunitic of ir.aii,aitB mitet^ tait'j t\)S\n man;) pjaf ct» lintall rofljr'uca inpn&ctJJonciccfMllp rroiiblca tliatit mtgbt plajinlp a^peace Ijovo ^cc Oj>0 lltiti*mig^t«l)> a< gaptttt Sf(\)attenotDO)tit but ftcpt nic rtefc anb fttll: ycfl from gooD tame 3 1>«> tcfravne, but foK ngavnft «nv mvH* 4 i^t" ^)^^ ^^"A't Of t tu«tl;m nj^ bjcft, tu^tJ} timfini3i,tl;ougljt:nnD Doubt: jJJpljtci) Did cncrcafc anD ttttvc tl;c ficc, at laft tJ;f fc vdcjDcs; bjaftc cut. 5 Xofiitwmhct out m^ life tivS>J>»iCji, XDi)id) vet 3 l)aue not pafi : So ti)at 3 inav be ccrnftcD, l)o\a lone; ijiv Itfc Qjalllaft. < ioj^t! tijou l;nitn 0'nte^ out mv Itft, tn Imott) miicl) Ultc n fpan: j^rnc ace :0 notiyir.^ Vnto tl)C8, Cj ba^ne tjj euerv tuau. 7 f^sn wa'l^etl; Ul. c a Ojatie anb bot^), rnba^nf l^smffjfe annov: 3n getting ciooD^ ?J'iO cmmottcll, tul)o I'oali ti)c fr.tuc cr.iov. S /lou) 3LC-?:) ntl; t^)tnojs.'t^t^ totftbo frame u;tati;cipeDc 3 'ot^uc: Oitvxiil) my l;rlpc Dorij tjeng ont^ee, 3 notljisael^ lecinirc. The ficond part. 9 iFtom nil t?;e ftnnep tl,-at 3 Ijnuc bone, 2.o;D quite mt cui of ^an'o: flnb inRhc iv.t not a fce^nc to foolcfli, tl;at nptJjuiB bncccif an^. I o 3 wacao Duoiinc iinb to compla^nc, BO tujMbSc t}ii^l)t mc moiie: 35cct;i!fc3 UtiotD tt vj?^ rt)v toojibc, n«VP£\ticnce fo> to i^jioiie. I I lc;ib tahc front jjic tt^v fcoutge ^f jJlacuc, 3 tan rljem net ujithftfUib: Pfalme. xl. 6f tT)r tttofi ijcftij^ ijaiTb. i» lt)i)cntl>o»fo?rinncDoc(l;mantd)tifte, l)c ttJajfctl? luo nno ti; ^n: ajtf Dot!) a dotli tt)at ntotfjcaf ^aue fret, fo bavnc fl ^n% yj man. I J Xoit \)CMc p.iy futc anb ijcuc goob Ije^j tcgatljr mytcarco tl;at fall: 3 foiournc lylsc a diangn: l;ere, cjjbfijmyffttbcroaii. 14 (Dl) pj.-.rc a lttt'.r,8Crtettic(|J8ce, tnv Ib-cngt?) fo? to rrifojc: JCcfoite 3 gocauiay from l;cnce, anuOjallbc fcnc no im);ic. Expect ansex^eflaui. fftl.xl. I.H. CDaiiia briiitrtrt ft»ngr»at baimgcr, bot^i m«jnifl« % pjayf* t^e grate of Coe fo; bia ecliiicraiir.cf, anb toni« itwnsct^ \)ie p?oittacnce tohiiicDei; all manhpnD.mCT 6ot^ ijtt p;«inir.' togriir ^piiilVlft U-^pIv to<3oa8r(TS iitte, J fo btdarttbboui ^os 13 tuUf tDojSjippuo.afrrM toatD be iu\tt\i tbikea ana piapri-tb 3»s, ana ^aiipnj complainca o( ^iscnnncf0,vt>it^gooo ceutagr^ecab I(C^ foj af :ieaiia fuccouc. J VSt&^^tb long anb fougljt tlje Jlejb, ■* anb patiently bt'bbeacc: Sit Icngtl) to me l)e btb atco;b, tny boyre ant) cry to l)eare. » t5« plucht mc friHi tl;c lalie fo bcep«, out of tl;c tntte ant; tiny: 2lnb on a tccae l>c fct n;y fccte, anb ^e btb quiHc tny tua^. 3 tCo me l)e tm(^)t a lOfsliiic of pjiay ft, \Bl)tc^3 mnnajtmo ab^oab: flnb fing ncoj fi-ngca: otti)m\MiS altoat^^. tnto tl)c 2.0)b out i5ot). 4 T©l)cnalltl)efolHctl)cfcti)tngetf OjaUfcft, as peo";ilc niiid) aftavb: ^^cn tl)cy bato tljc %C)b tovUflcc, anb truH bpen i)iis af be. 5 O b!d!i te l)c tBljofe l)cpc nnXj l}&tt, . botl? fn tl)c Xojb rcma^nc: ^Ijat vuttl) tl;c {3JCI5U borf> tahe tw part, noji fuel; ao tf c ai"»i fayne. « iroxyLojb jrjy iSob)r})>' W30ttb;toiit(bccbfA t» grcatncsj faivc to paSc: ttijjV fauctt towavbca? \>e f^ccbesf, all H;ingcs t^at eucr toa;6 . 7 U3l;cn3entenbfinbboebcui(f, tl>v tocjficsr nb?oab to Ojctu : ?Do fud; a tccUoningti;cv Doc rtft, ttjcrof no cnb 3 hnou). 8 a5un« otfrji'^c^ t!}3U bclt3l)tfll noC («», 3 hnou) tl)v 'Cu\yj\z ccftcc: JD ttl) factifitc to pHvgc ttjctt Cmic, ti;ou bocH TiO :r:nn requite. ^ fitcatoffnngctfpaabfactJSa, ttjoii VDCuioii not Datie at all: OEtit tl)ou «D Xop t;aft open inabc, mtnc caicii to l}cavc U)ttt)al!. lo T^vx tl)cn uarb 3) bctjolbcanb looW;, 3 cornea meanc to i«: ;(r»jtn{l;fboiuji:;Joftf)f boobc fi;«;»ttiie(fi;t'b.vfi;w. Pialme. jrf, to^tc^ tlnng 5or(i Ufte me tDcU: fatt plsccc ti)ctc to Dwell. 1 1 ^^ fiHliic anti rt'ic' c 3 tt?tJ> mtfdXefetf man? one, anifojcbcfetaJjoitt: 5^y flnnetf encreafcanD fo come ott, 3 cannot i\iv ttjem out. 15 ^o>tu|5T^m number tbc^cjrcccDe, tl;c f)C3i?;e( topon *jiv Ijcu: £Q^ l)3vt r-otJ) fatnr foji bet? DjicaO, tljat 3 am alrncfl: DeaD. I tf ttDat t!;orc t^at \omtiyf fatung l^ealti), ma? fay to iSoD be ppv^* ao lSi;t atf fc^i tne 3 a'm but poojic, cpp?eft anD bjougtjt full loto : yetttjoii (O uoiXi) luiitmcicHojie, to I;c3ltl5fv Iiuiell 3 Imctu. ii irc;tBJ)ffh)ouartmv'.)opeanDt«t{l, mv lef :igei belpc an'j iiav : HPl?evfo>e mv <5o^ as; ti)::!u art tuft, tDtttj me no t^-me Dela?, Beatus qui inteUigit . Tfal.xli. T.S. CTDaiii* bciuj gctiiouSi) rJtlitttS ^6I»!T«t^ t^e t^at pJrf« ^ys caff, au3 Mmplapnrt^ of t^« tceaton of ^13 otnue Ckow (J fn.niliata,a3 cc-nt ro paflj: in liiBa*. Joij.r*. 0€tcc ^e fcelyitff t?j« gte.ic mcrtira ef nSt)pro,;7eu;c^ molt ^actp t^fttilieevnte <&oo. t}z man iaf bleS tljat cercfutl t^, t^s ncw-j to (ctiSDo: ; ^c? tH ti;c fwfo» |)c«loutf,tDc3Lojtie tuvu fjpm CeUuer. ^l?c lOiiDe toyii mafte ly^pn fafc and f otmD,^t?ap t»pmtl?e lanb:fiiiD lye tutii uot De: 'uct lYtm into ijttf encmtc;s f)an6, J Stnbtol)t5fbe!)tol)eni)c{?ct^eclie, tl)e iajD VDvU !)ym rcfto?,ct ;anD fijou (© i,o>D) tutii rarne to l)eattlj,- t}jii9 ficltne^ and \)isi fo;e. 4 trijf n tn mv fichne^ tt)utf fa? 3, I;aue metcv 2.o;D en mee: anD i)csic mv fon!e ti;at tfl; full sx>ot, tljat 3 offenDeD t^ee. 5 i^r»w C!temve«f totOjea me m ta batt anDtlja'^ofmcDtDfa?: XO\)sn a)&\i {)c D^-e ti^at all lyig name, ma? lianjQj qutte auiay:' < anD iDl)cn tJjcv come to biCte me, tl;epan tooulD mc t^arme: :anD cad tl^ctc fctfl;cjff fjota to trap, mcvcrti) romcmi!;italH;atine. 8 Some plaync: t)t i0 fo law tDr.t Uistljouc Doubt, ttfe can \)t not agavnc. 5 Tlje man alfo tljat 3 t)tt> ttuft, tovtl) nic DiD bfe cecctt: W\)o acmf table catc my bjeaD, tl;e fame xo} mc laj'D vuaj'te. 10 A^auc metfv Xci'n os me tljetcfojf , anD let mc be p;iefcrucD: C!;at3 «'av reniictbnto tl)cm, ti;e ti>ing£» c^c? l;aHc Defetttcb, ■ 1 1 iSv tJ??>^ 3 ftnow afltrtcDlv, to be bc!ou«a) of t^ce: Jt5l)e.»T tl)at mvnc cne.r.vcsi fjauc no caufe, tot«ur?rpl;ot;cT}«ec. I a :i5 tst in mv tigljt tl>ou l;a(l me ftcjit, anD jnaintavneD attoap: janD ivi rt;V pjerenccplafc aOVgnDe, . tuljcte 3 0?aU ivceU fs> avc. ij tti)elo?Dti)ei6ot>of3rf8clI, be p^avfeD euccmo. e: jigtten fo be it lx»;.t) tuvlt 3 fa?, cue.'. fobeitti;cifijjie. Q^emadmoduvr. Pftl.xU. T.S, ^6 PCalmcxVij. PfMme. xliij. t«t) b» l)l3 ufrfctutof* , ^ef £«ulo net b( pjeCfnf In t^t k«VDas fi'.'arate inboftji from tb^m , pet IjiS barttaus rb^tljcraff'.tttott**. anSUSofall IjeHtVoctb tljat b« bio* net Co Utrt oimcoinr^ui-tl) tbcfe ro;c9U3»5«n» lrboii5Stc!', tiittbat^f ti)nti; tt)tri>cn VDkhct) mm cry out fo f^ft, VDbcrc novu foulc as; at ptttf b;tinclte, . 1Wl)en 3 tfl) maul) in goot» arra?, f iimtOjcD Witl) mv ttavne: jDBto tl)c temple votteuecbell. 35 1? J)urt l)AHc 7 fucfout atnecBe. ajainft all p&^ne ant) grtcft: l^c is; ni-p iSot) ujfeid) VDtri) all (^eetie, *a)tll l)all to fcnt> rcliefe. 6 ^nt) tOifl mf foulc tuttljin me ;L0}2>» Dotl) faint to foinUc tyon, It^c lant) of 3o>i>an anD tctojD, ti>e little ^tU i^ccmon. Theftctndfart . 7 tDnc gricfc an ort>ct in Cot^ call, ajs tiouQctf buta out tljctt toopccj ;ri)e flout)c£^ of eutu tt^at t>oe fall, timne ouct me tottl; no^fc. 8 yet 3 bv Day felt \)\& gooDnctf, ant) I>clpc at all affai'CjBC 3L»l»etDtfe by "tS^K 3 vuill not ceafe, t^ linmg i&ot to p^tavfe. 5 3»H»petriuat)et)tl)Hsfto(ai^, to l)im tDtrt) pure pretence; © XojD tl)ou art my guile ant) Itef, mf cofftc ant) my fcefcnfc. J©l)|' ooc 3 t^n tn pcnfiucnc*. twanging ttjcljciit) ttiiisvoalfte: ]K>!>ils tijiat muie cneiuf c;Qf me cppitdTe, nnDbc-AC mcvcttl; tl)citt<»mt/ ao iPo>tt)!>prtJ)CYPcr««nincimDati)«atfctf tottl; pangca to be abbc>J3: »)ben tijcv civ cut tof ttj aubbutnebaitetf , voJ^cre ifi tlnJ l5ob tJ)p Xo;iti/ » I. Go fonc ffiOv fioofl- tijou faint anb quailc wy fduie ttiri> patnes: cj p^cft;' J?>»tl) tJjmijljte^ tul/i' booa ti;v fclfc afTarlfc TtniU fet tl)e lojb fljv iSob aliajtye^. ant) tl)ou tt)c rpmc Qjalt fee: ^0 gene t)tm tt)anUe0 nitt) laub anb v^i^t, Vi% t;caltl) teao>De to ti;ec. ludtca me Deus. Pftl xliu. T.S, 4r!}(p;arrrbtsb(britufrcbrrem tbrmta^ic^ lonfpiit toir^ abfolow.ro tbf tun tijat ^« mig ^|t tof fuUp pwft tfo&ia^if ijolp conQtrgation. ■iVrt^ this as the j J , Pfalme . J iObgc ant) rcnenge my caufe (O lj}}b) -^ fro)ntl)fmtJ)Rteiullbc: ^com ttiirticb anb bctcitftjU men, ofmTQT:cngtf)tl)Cuatttl)e<5o9i, tDlw putft tl)ou »nc tl)cc fta; flnt)tDl)vtij«lhe 3 fo l;caiiely, oppjefliS) iDt'tb nr)7 foe. J Scnboutt^UgJ)tanbdtctl)t»ttitft^ ant) icab me tovti) tl^* grace: n}^td) may conbuct me to t^ \)i\\, anbto ti)vb\i)clltngpiaoe. 4 ^l;en Qjall 3 to ttjc alter goe, of <&ob wf iof anb d^care: 9j\X> on ntt* l)«tpc geue tl>anftC3af to fl)t^ O £ob mr i5ob moftbeatc. 5 W^n? a« tl)ou tijen fo fab my> (bule, anb fretfi tt}!^? in m^ b;iell/ £till tcuft in i5ob fo; ^im to pita^fl^ 3 l)olb it alu)af>e0 beO. J5V *?•»" t)awc 3 beliiierannfe, agavnft all papne anb gtiefe: Jjc i3 mv <&ob U)i)icij bo^ alwav, ' at neebe fcnb me teltefe. Deus4turtb»i. I'ftl.xliiij^ l,}i. C«moa<«rn«apjay«rnvsiir in t^e iwunt oftbe f4»A# luH,»«bm tb«P are affltctea Oi»tl,m ninni<« foj futtaw wpnj tb€ qudccae& am; jFa* \oonb;u)u;B( tco?heje^ t^ tl)oii4|)a0 bone , \n albcr time ( Oiojb. ) i^to ti^oit bioft caa tOe iSentilsy out , anb ttrpybft t^cKi wit^j Utons i>nnb; joian-. ^ Tfalme. xKiij7 ttnq om^atiittg in t^cit place , an?> Pfalme. xlv. -4_, j ^f -I ip 03»cS to ti)em tiffin lMX>, } Tl)c^ coQUCTsD not far fmojU no> Scetigtl), ti)e lant) of tl^t* br^cll: JBat bv rt;^ l)anB tl)t>ne atmc anti grace, bccauic tjjou loucM ti)em beH. 4 Z^ou artmv hmg (© i6oO) tljat |>oIpe, jHCOb in fiinltjp lopfe: 5 Xtb tutti) t^y potoec toe ti^iicU) t>ov»nc fttc^ ««; bo sgitvn^ b0 rife. tf 3tcu(leDnotiieoucfoc;8f, anD fo tcewe cucrtcoDc: Omc enemtcjf toba ana fpaf Iti otn: gooDjjf, tDljtlc tDj vuecc fpatft ab;oat>c. 1 1 ^1)011 t)att b0 geticn to oat foe^af, ag accept f o> to be fla^*ne: ^mongft t^e l7eatt)cn euerf to^ete, ftattteb tuc Doe remapnc. Si tci^i? people ttjsuijaaifon) use flattest ant) ajaf a ttjvng of nougljt: if 0? p>oSt noncti)ou ^aStt tljeccbp, no ga|)ne at all toa^ fought. 1} 2lnt)tooin:net3l)boin0t^oul)a(tmat>e, of btf a langl)inijftotftc: Slnbtt)o&tl)attotmt) about bs^tttDeil, t^htSDo sctn ant) moctte. The fec0nt/piirt. z 4 TI)«jEf toe fctue foi none ot^t bfe, but fo> a f omtnon tal^e: t^e^mr At^fcojuictlje^noBt^Git^^s;, VDl^etccnccjLcp qoe o> tuaUie. « J 3 am aDjawS continnallv, to ^carct^cfe tmcfteD men: yea fo 3 blnOj tl)at all mf face, tuttl) tcD 10 cciiercti tljsn. 1^ ifoj M3^?:'tBe ])ente ftid; aatjeton^ \»o>DjBr fucD falfc tcpo]itc«f ant) i^efif : Zl)at XttaO) it iis to (ee tl)etc mxsn^tg, it}eit tl);icatntngcaf ant) tJjctc cc^tf ■> a? iFojtalltl)ij3'UDcfo;igctHotti;ee, noji ^cttl)? coucmmm b]w*cttI)oulja(itro6V)0t)otDnctobaft, ajl)fetc t)cnncaf of JDjauonsf be : ant) coiictct) bsf tDttI) 0)at)c of &eatl), ant) great aDwerfltte. to ^i \»c |?8t> din; 0^0 tmm fot^t. 27 aiib i)d[pc of 9liolef fctjglHt ji nDoult)not)6) altoa^cflf arc tnc Qa^'ne t^uff : SL0 Ojeepcbnto tljc Ojamb'cff fent, ti^t fo ttjcv tcalc VDitij b^'. J J 50pio^tuI;yflcepeSt!)oufoU>««, a»tilcaiiebjafnotfn>aU: »4 ^^?^iOeat^ou^{>countcnaRttce, ant) Doeft forget our tit);wtll. 3 J iFojbottnetobnOourfoulcwfbiwnaW, anbtuenotoattaacaft: Our bellp Ifee aaf It «3crc glaci), bnto rtjc grounDc clcauctf f aa. - aif Ktfc bp tlierfo^ foj our iJcfcnce, ant) Ijclpc ts 2-o^D at neese: Jlpe ttjec bcfcccl) foj t^ gooDntjaf, to tefnic b0 xoiti) (jpeece. Erua^tuit. Pftl.xl'v. r H. MC^CflairtipotocrarepjapCco , an» alfo Jjpsmariaj* tnit^ tl)c <£(iiipri4n,bfpn J an ^car^entoomon.isbUfc Gn.iftljat^ecan ccnatmce tjcpeoiilt, anattje lotieof ^ercoutttrep,8n&3«uc^rtftlfc*B^olpro^:t litifbanS, JDnBcrtbeto^icbR.jitcc t^et90B!)etfuUmstcttie, j tije eocteare of tlje hmjaonw of Cb^ift flnS t^e Cfentc^« ^i# r}iourr,nab) taiicn ott\)tat 3 ©all ojcto rtjetcio, partapnetl) to tljefevng. 2 305v tong Qjall be atf quicKe, l)tfl;i)onojtocnt)tte: Sljtf taf tl)c pot of anv fc tibc, tl;atbfeti)faatotD»{te. I O^vi^eftofaHmen, tljf^ead) i«(plcafaittttpt«c: jFo> <5ot) ijatl) bieCTco tljcc votil) gtfte^f, fo;cucctoent)urc. 4 about tl)ce girt) ri;v fuJojD, © pjtncc of migijt elect; Witij l)ono?,glo>v ant) renoionc, tl^ pcr{bnpurets;t)cc(be0 of Djcabfuii mfgljt. 5 ^l)mcatrots)ca;0)a>-yeanDbcnej tljeit i^atte^ fo fojc Q?aU ftmg: tni)at folUeOjall fall an^ ttncle to tt^, ?ca all tljv foeg (O ft^ns*) 7 f:^ rofall feat (© TLojti) fc? cucr C;all remavn?: ffiecaufc t^e fccpter cf t^ tealme, Dotljrt^tcoufneia; tnttfntayne* i ®ccaufet^cu loi»c8tl)crtsl)t,i anb t)ooil tl)c ill t)etcft: ^ot> cuentl)? {5ot> ijatl) pointii tl;e«, tottij iov aboHC t^e reft. yVOit]) mttl) ant) fauourjsf l\»eete, ti;^ ctotl?c;5; ere all be^pjeab ;, 18 Pralme.xlvj. H>l)cn ti)ou toea ftom ti)^ psllace paCTe, tljeccmto inahcri)cc glaD. 10 lungcfltiangtitfrc Doc attend, inftncajxtinrijatar: ^ ^ tn 30 DC anD gactncntcflf ga^. Thf ftcondpATt . 11 |j bcaut>' fai^c ant) mm : ^ej tDl)v:'t)c 10 tl)e 2.o>n tlTt* <5oD, anti ri;ou wnifl tuojOjtp l)v»«' I J t:i)ctianfl!!)trrfl(tl7cnofTr*«3 tDiti) (jiftVs full cicl) to fee: Slnt) all ri;r tocirljv cf tl)c lant), (Dnll rtJflUc tl)cir futc to tf)ce» 14 tri)ct)an3'.)rccoftl)rftVR3, ijS glojitous to bc^olt)c: J©ttl)m liuS clofet 0)c t)otl) fit, allDecUt in beaten golt)c. 15 5n robes/ tDdltojottgl^ttoptljncblCi RUti inanv a plcafaimt tov^S* UDttl) toitginst fafjc on l)Ct to ttiaite, Oje commcti) to tl)e hvng. 16 Tri)iitfaretl)erbjougl)ttuitt)iof, ant) rmrtl) on euerv flt)e: 31U0 t^c pallace of tl)c Uvn^i anD tl?erc ttjc? Do abiDc- 17 3n flciDc of partnf c^f left, CO dticcnc) tl)e cafe fo ftanbaaf: Cljou aalt l)aHe fonnc0 toi^om tljoumaytt afflOM"cc;a;tnalllanDcfl(. (fet, 18 aDl)crfo]ietl)vl)olV name, allageiCOjalltcco^D: I'lji' people 0)au gene tljanftctf to tljcc, iof eiicctaojkc o %9}i)^ Deus nofirii ref, Tfai xl'vi. I.H» C a Tons oftijanhcr^cning fc; r^c beliimaiinccof 7mt< o; Cunic atl^rr like foSarnc ana matiieloiis bdiiicrAitce bp t\)C iai;jl|ti> ^anS of »f oD.toljecbpt^cPjopljrt com* mciismj ttjis great bcnfSr.Sot^ crljojt tlje farttjful to gctutbcrt'IiirsUiboU intet^e ^anDSof i&ob,!>oiibttH3 jjorljing hut t^at Sttoct ti« pjotrrtion tbev UJallbc faf* aj4^nl} all r^c aCCatil tes of t^eit enemies. ti)cftrengtt;ttil;etb^ tuc ftan^e: IPfjm tociaritlrtDoaccmuci) Difma^Dc;, ijc W Pfalme. xlilj. J:7-»^=.1:r ^jHi^tirzrfl^: :ifei^ ^ temouc, me tpqi not fcare, tt)ou^ l)iitf fol;«g^anD ft«pc : ffict^^uaanDInit; ^^=i^ij^i^ Icb iKre anb ttjccc , tottl^tn tf>c j©r« p w |;?it'e (it ^nD, » -. i\)w^} t^wtri^ fo t)ccpe« 3 j1iot^oiigl)ti)cVDaucfl(Doraaefofou;. tt)atalltl)cbanhcfif it fptte: aob tOoiigl) tt oucrflou) tl)c Qjo^, ant) b;caHc Dotonc mtgl)t>' ^iltf. ^^01. one fdr;ic fl onb Dot J; fcnb abjeafi, 1)10 plcafaiint Otcameaf apace; ?ro fccQj tl)c citv of out iSob, anb voafl) t)i0 tjolf place. 5 3ntmbaoff;crtJ)cio?bbotI)btDcIL Ojccannotul;:tbecaf: ail tl)mgefl againa tjcc tl)at tcbell, tl;e 2.i);D VD til tcuclp Oa^'. f ^^c Deaf Dai flocftc,tl)e h«iigbomc;^fc«e tpe people mnljc a nopcc: C^e cartl) botl) melt anb not appcate tt)l;cn i&ob pnt0 fo;itl; j^i^ bovce. ' 7 ^lKio;bofl)oac0botl;talieoucparf, to bffl;ef5att) an eve: Out tjoyc of ^;calti; mitl) all out hatt, on 38cob0 <5oD Dotl; lye. 8 Come l)eace anb fee vnttJ; mtnbc ff tI)0U3l)f . ri;ca30jUingofouci&o!D: W)i;at tDonber^ l;c Otmfrtfc i;at!) toiougix. tf);ou2i;out toc caiti^ abjoab, ? 25v l)tm all voarrcfif arc fjuOjt anb goHe, tubicl) counrrT'cs' btD confptce: ?Cl)eit botDCff t)c b;iakc,anb fpcarca' ccl^one. tl;ett cljactotc faiimt ujrtl) fire. 10 2.eaueottl)crfo?c(favti)lje) anbUnoa. 3 am a i5oD mod ttont. among tl)c l)catl;cn Ijye anb loto, anb all tVjz cuvti) tt);iougl;out. 1 1 Tl;c iMp of fjoScflf bori) bflf bcfcjift, \)2 10 out ittcngtij anb t oidot; On Jatobsi ^ob \uc Doc bcpcnb, nxin on t)t0 rai3l;£ aiib potoa. Omnesgentes. Ffal.xl'vij. I,H. J Cbf Pjop^f t ffljojtcf^ «n jjfoplir , to too^flitp t\t txJk *n(>etietliiipng.3aD, coin:He«3?na t^rm«afsof ^o» towatb tlje poftmric of Jjcob.anB after pjop^etict^ oi r9tk»i3a9me of C^;il},intl>w t|)m< of tja anD t);eaDfuU wf, luttt) taonDci-flf mantfoioc; in all tljc cattij e;ctoloc. I ^l?c people Ojall Ijc maltc to be, bnto our bondage ti)j,s.U'. gn3 ton^cmeatl) ous fccti^Jje Q)aU, tlje nattontf maftc to fall. 4 iFen bfitlje IjctttsgctK rijofe, tDi)uk) tucpoHeGe alone: iri;c Soucm^ tuo;ie)tp of 3acofe, ^t;afuielbe{oit€£)one. 5 Out 4S>ciii afccnbcB bp on Ijte, totf^ to]? an5 plcafaimt nonces ?r Jje 2- oiit) go etlj bp aboue tl)c f avc, ' totti) mimpctflf wfall bo^ce. < Singpjwvfeflfto out <8o5,fingpja^fe, fini pjat'fcfi; to oat \i\m%: ^0? i5cD is ftmij of all tljc eatti;, allfbtlfuUp;iavfc3iiBa. 7 j5ob on ^c l)cat!;en tatgn^ anb 0t^, bpon l)ts' l;olf tl;>one; sCljc ^Ojtnceat of tlje people ijauc, tt)etti io^eo euetv cue, $ To ab^nljamtf pcoplc:foj ouc iSoBj tDl)ici) iff c^calteS l)te: jKsf tDJti? a buchleK bot^ befcnb, the c&vti) (onttnuallv* Magnfts Dotftwus^Pjal.xI^i^ , l,H. Ca notable bdiuetaimteof IfjittKfalem from H)f ^anfi* of manp hpnges i» meittxoneB , faj t^e toljtcl) tljanbts «te jeueit to ^oB , ana t^e cftate o f rtjat C ttie t8 pjap^ feOjt^at ^atl) <£oB fo pjtfentlp at all timeffceaBiJ to Bee f»» t^cm.iUljiS pfalrae fcinet^ to be maBe in tlje time of a^aj.Jefap^ Jt, afa, ojCjcc^iaS , fo? tnt^cir tpme* t|)teBp Vo'a;$ t^e Citie bp fojotiie ^;inc«9 aOaitlteb. Stng this 4S the 4^. Tfalmr /^Kcat tof tlje t-c jb,anti tottl) gteat pjayfe, ^ to be abuaunccb fttll, Jjptt^tnti^e CttttI)tnt^epaUacefft^ete0f, j&ob iff a tcfage bHOtone: fsi% loc tl)e htngcff arc gatl>cccb,anb togetljer cfte arc ^nc. 4 T5\\t tDt)en t^cv btij be^olbe it fo, t^ev toonojct. ana t^cp tocrc: ^tftonici mud) anD Ibiicnlv, tsete i)>tucn bacfee tDttl) fcare. 5 iEaactnc toinbc t^je fljipflfj bpontOc Scabooa b;icafec: ^^ ti)ev were aa'^b^finXs cuen aff, t»e ^eatb one f«itl;ei:;a; fpeslf c. Flaimc. xltx. 2P , yfBoiti fl)c Citie of tlje 1Lo>5, tuc fatti aff It Uiaff tcDc: yea in t^c Cttic i»l)ici) cut io^b, fo> c»Jct toiu bpoolbe. % ©ioirtJttievDaytanbbooattenb, on tl)v goob Oelpe ana gcare: ^0} toljtcl? toe i!oe aj : t^itfi attenb, tutt^tn tl^v '(Jo'V place. J (O%o»batto;tbingtotl)^name, fo? cucr iff ti)Y Piravrc; Slnb fW t«Si3t f)aB3 ( ti)at aftec Ojail be ^cte. 1 1 iFo? tljtff iSoblff cut <5i>b,oat: j5ob, foj cucww j8 iff ^e: yea anb bnto tl^e bcatlj alfo, ouvguibecQ;aUl?cbc. uiudite hdcomnes, PfaLxlix. T.S, CC^e ^otp <5l)oa MHeti^ aU men n t^e coitSiietation of man^tife>l^etein0t^emnott«beinait Ijajijip t^atatc tnofi Vnealt!^); , ana t^ecf fo;e not to be feac(&:kut con^ ttati'ix>iCe,f)e Itftet-^ bp out mpHBe;^ to (onftBet ^oln alt t^pnije^ ate cHleB bp <3oBf pjoiiiBcncc , ts^o, as^et iuositl) t^fe toojlolp inifets to euetlathng tsjinjie?, fo Bott) ^e pjefetue ^is , anB biiU ceU>ack t^n in tl;e tapoft^e ceruccection.i.fC^er.i: Si»g this Its the 4 J. PJalmtt jfXl people I^atften anD gene eatc, *^ toti)attl)at3Q)alltell: a 30otl) lji|^)anblovti,tictl)«ci;anbpoo?c, ti)ilt ill tt)C VDOillO borl? OVDCll . 5 ifo? to^v ot^ «»outl) Q) all mafte bifto wtfc, of man^t^ingeff rtgl)tujife: 3n bnbecfianimg Ujall m^ ^att, ^iffttubve;:ei:cife. 4 J tbiU incline istvnc careff to ftnovo, tl)eparabieff fo bathe: jjnb open all mv CoubtfiiU fpcad;, in meter on mpl)arpe. ^ VDl)'^ Q)on\i> 3 fcare aff Itcticnflf, O|ianttarefullto?»lc: ©> elff mv fceff toijiri) at m^ l)ecle;sf , ate p^eflt m? life to fpovle. 6 iFo> aj3f fo? fudtj,aff ttdjcff l;auc, tt'ljercin tl)eit trad iff mcft : jlnb tbcv tDl)icl) of tl)cir trcafuteff gteat, t^cmfelueff Hoc b?ag ano tioad. 7 T^crc Iff not one of t6cm tl^at tan, l^iff in.ot\)tt0 hcatl) xci:)tctnci ©jtijat can gaie a p?tccto i^oH, fnftctcncfo/il)i>m, 8 3t iff to ateat a p jw to^&2> Pfalme. xllx. none cim rtjetcto nttaynr : J tl)at ^?. miii\)t i)isi ivfc prolong, ojinotingtaurt.'tnavnc. 10 TCl)cy fee vaifc tnai atf tocll atf fooiw, fi:bicrtbntu Dcafoca l)snt)cj0(; flnZ) bctngt)ciit),(h:ftimacr0po(rrire, tljrtc gc>oT)0;tl)cir tentctf.tljcu lanli«l. 1 1 Zi)zit care W to biiaD Ijoufefl fa!7«. ant) fo Sefcrmine fare: ^0 tn.'.V.c t:;cf r name r»^l;t gccat m catt^ fo> eiict to crtt)mc. 1 1 yet Oj^.ll no Jtun alvnavcs: cniov> l;t VO i)or.oj,'a»ealtl).an5 reft: 25wt Qjall at Irngti) tatt ofoeiiiA)eg cup, ajQ( ttiell a^ ttie bjutc bead. T he fecsnd ^art . 1} SlntJtljoagljtljey ttvtOeitfooliOj tobemottleuDnnDbar'nc: (tt)0U3l}tC!S, ;ri;etc c5)tlt>>cn yet app;.ouc tljctc talbc, ant) m ItUc finne t cniaYnc. 14 as Ojccpc into t'oc folo ate b?ou^;t, fofljcUtbcvtntograuc: jDcati) Ojall tt)cm cate,ant) mtljatDai?, t\)t \\s& Q^aU a.o>i)Q)tp t)aue. H)ctt image anT) tljeic recall pojt, Qiall falDc awB qutte ttccov: * tt)l)cnajfffroml)oufetopittl)Ci?paffc, toiti) tooe ann tucale atoav. s 5 I5irt i&oD tDiU finrclf pjcfccue mz^ ftom t)eatl) anl> enDlcfi paync: 9&etanfc l;c to til of Jji^ gooO grace, mv foule tcccaue agayne. ^£ 3fanrmanvsa7:etDonbv)u)9^ttc^> fcatcnctO fav)tl)ctfcje: 5lltt50ucjl; ti?e glo^v of !)t5^ tjouft, mcreafctl) jHoie anJ) mtic. »7 iFo>tDl>cn ijet)v«l) of alltl>€fed)tnc l^apptell bnlJct fiume: Znti oti?ct0 Uhctutfe flatter l) 2na p]ictuppofc,l)c liuc ii/af long, ajaf Did t)tjE( fatl)ets( oVDc : yet niuft l)c nceDetf at lengtl) gcue place, jmb be uitou^t to beatt;e;a; folbc, ^t)U)et man to l)ono^ i5ob l)atl) calbe, VCtbotl) \)t not confiiet; :©ut lihc bjiitc faeaftcjB fo boti) l)e line, u>i;tcl) tucne to buft anb poubec. Det4i Desrum. l'fal,L. I.H. ■ff^e )>;«p'^eci(t^^atd tiHt conffLTian of ^LS bfi6obwj3ut)gc, of alltl^tnges mo>eanb leCD^, 7 $?cavc my people, io% J totii notD ceiieale: 3Ltft3fraeU, 3 voiM ti)cenongl)t tonccale, « '5:i)y<&obtl;y<5oD, am 3 anb XDtll not blame tixe: ^o> geiimg not, all mancr offcingc;ef to me* 5 J l)aue no necbe, totaHcofttjeeataUt i&oate^ of tljy folbe, 0} Calfe out of tDy &tAl 10 ifo>allti)cbeaftc0, arc mrnc tuitljtn tt)c ttjoobe^ ©Btl)oi!f.mDl)it», ciitteU ace mync ovsne goob^. 1 1 3 J^noKD fojmync, all btrbcjs tl)at are on motmtaincitf, •^Hbeafl«0 are myne, x&ijicif ^aiHit rtjc ficlbcjjf apb f«mtafttcii> ? •^ r ui 111 L. i<<. 3 tDOHlo not ri)ee it tcU: tl)xt tn tt)e tDO>n) boti) Dwell, of great ® nlte;e( O) jlStUIocbe^elf O^D^mttetl^eblottD, of iBoate* wiD of tijc flotfte*^ «4 OffCt to i50D, P>a?re ant) l)att^ ^anhefseuuis. Unfipa^.ti^fcotDoaf, bnto 0O& euecltuing. 1 5 Calltpetitne, tDl^en ttoiAIeT) tI;ott fl^alt bet C:ii)cntutU'31^elpe, ant) tl;on (Datt ^ono) me, s< TLott^etrulteD, ti)u0 fa^ t^c etetnaU 1606, DPbV Dood t^ou t);ead). mr Xxmciei ant) i^cftejef ab^aD^ Seeing tl)ou^aft, tl;em tD^ti) ^ mouti) ^u&D« cy SlKt)l)atefttobc, b^ Difcfpline tefojmeti* tijou D0OS tetect fino f)iittt %i 3ft^attt}oufee, a t^eef, ag uj^t^ t^? mate. Cljou ttmncC tDi?ti) Jjfm, ant) f ^ouc pja? ''^J i""^*' JlntJattallone, tBit^ bautcflf anti tuffiantf di«» 1^ '5;i)ouseucCtt)vftlfc, to bacUbtte ant) to (lauti&ecs Jinaijowti^^toung, tiemuet^,tt i0 a won&et. toTCljoufittcftmoeng, ^V b>otl)Ct; {)0U3 to blamei lint) ^o\o to put, t!>f mtft?jfts( fonne to tftame. »i ^l)cfctt)m3cja(t^outitt)ft. ant) tK^tica 3 t?el^ m^ tcnj, t^outJiDajnctutisc, (bccaufeiaaYtofolons) vet tt)oug!? 3 Kept long f«e«c«, CnceOj^tti^oufeclc, oftiyg ujfongciS tufttecompcntt* ai €onCS3CttI)«. te t^t fc>-2Ct tljc Xo)t>, JlnBfcaccnctto^en, ^t tl)>eatnet59 tovt^ ^W xoofiiei l^aftwrtjoutljclpc, 31^oY'.cvo"as;apjiai?, 33 I5iu:l)ett)atrt)anhe0 tSavti) tlx O-ojt) ^oD) anH \)t tDat ujalUctlj titj^iS t««ft 3t»im)Yrt»tcart), i&oDjj fantns^saU^ to embjace, fAn other of the fame. t^e i6ot) of jSofijg «)e iojii l;8tij <80eti)ccat^ byname: ^tomU3l;cre ^^^^^^^m ei)efannebofl; ttfe^bntot^e fettingof m J±: -»♦- -i,^ i?-^-<^ f^c fame. a. iFwm Sion Ijvsf faT;ie place, ^ttf ijlo^v b; tjcuifc. 5 55jingfo?tl)mYfsmtesf(ravtftilje) my faitl;fuli flocftc fo Deatei X0^i(h ate tn band anD league toyt^ mc^ tny latD to louc ant) fcatc. t anD nsticn t^efe ti)in^0 arcttOe, ti)c l?caucnja? QjaUwco)ti*. Cl^at ^at> 10 tutt,ant> all mudbOe, t^e iutjgcment of t^ l43>t>. 7 30^y people © geuc Ijeebe, 3ftaeUtotl)ce3cry: 3f am tSjv <5ot) t^V l)elpe at necfi^ tI;oucanftitnottieny,3 t'3Bonotfaytotijec, ti^yfacftftcet^aacftej Z^ou offccS tiaylv bnto me, mutt) moje tljcn 3 t>o iw^^' 5 ^l)m!».efitl)oatI)at3tw)«etf»«» ti)y tattle young o> oH>c; ©1 eW fo mud) Dcflteto fecfic, oni5oatc0OutofttjyfolDe. 10 €l^v all ttjc bcaftc? arc mine, in tDOot^t^r-t eatcttjetrftllCiSJ: 0nti tl)ourriit£e;6i mo;c of neatc ant) fttne, rijattimwcxefttie in t^et;«»esf. 3* nuiiTu;. j-». in ^tUea nut) out of fig^: anD beaded ttjat m tlje &clt>CiSl)0 1?*. arc rubicct to «»p migl)t. I a Z\)m tboisa-) 3 IjungtcD foje, tol).xt nccac ji ougl)t of tl)tne:' Siti) tO'U t\)€ cartl) u)ttl; i)ctitcAt fto?#, wiDalltt)etctnw(mvnc. » » tCo ® uW acOi i)anc 3 mrntie. to CMC tt Dooft tljou tl)tnhc^ O fuel) a fojcctneffc Do 3 Sn^c tl)c bloiit) of i5oatc0 to DjtnUe/ 14 o^ eri) Da?: flnD vet tt)C5c tuo;hc«; arc fouu anD ba^e, to t^cm tlje io^D toiU fa^. tjVDiti) vo\)it a face tateil tl;ou, • mp tDo;iD onrc fpeabe oj name/ 1^^ Dotl) tl;r taUie m? Into alloxo/ tl)? Dce^cx^Dcnv tl)e fame. 1 B IDDcrcaja; fo; to mttnti tJ)v tife=tl?ou atr fo OaciJc: 9^7 U)o;Dct6c tDt)td)tt)oueooap;ietctd» Ui (aS bii)ixOe tfyg bacKe, The third part. If 1t)!)«it^ouatljcefc5ooftfce, b|» tJ)cft ta line in tuc a!tl) : VStit\) i^mt tOou timncfi anD Doo(t agree* ItHctDifc to tl)>!Uf bv ftealtl). so lUl)fntt}Ou Dooft tl)embcl)OlDe, tljat 'idimsi anD jnavDcs? Dcftlc: Z.\)i\i Ithcd tt toell anD toaiccft bolDc, to bfe tl;at life moS bile» ai TljvlJPiStl)on Dooft apply, to fl.iunDcc anD Defame; 1C5)v tom%8 i^ ta!igl)t to craft anb l^e, RttD Dotl9 ftitl tife rt;c fame. %\ ^{)oii (htDtdl to temli, tl>v frct-Dcs' to tl;ec fo neate: IDtti; a^tmriet: tl)ou tDoitlDil ncebejaf DeSId, t^ moti?cr;C5: fonnc fo Deatc. »j lD?erc?rt:tu!)i?e3DotDtncbe, «fl( tt)ougl; 3 DsD not ff e: CI;ou goeft en fttu anD fo Doottti^inUf. rt)it3a«»ltftctoti)cc. i4 i5utfiitc3«tiinojl(rt, toftriUetDljen3bcijtn: %\rf faulted in onDcr 3 toiii fef, anDepcn8llti;^fimic, 8 J s^atfte t!)is( 3 ?ou requite, tbatljsac not iSoD in jnpnDct ;LeaC tulKn 3 piague ^oti in mpnc to, ^ov; V^P$ ;i)e ^i;;( to &DDe. «« l^ctljatbofl^ acue to mce, tl)cfactiftccofp;tarfc: 3&ot^ plcafc mc \ucll,anD be (^all fee, to toaiue m coDly ujap ejf. \ MtfereremeiDeut. I'ftlXi. W.JV. tfto^ctt Daultitoatf t«biiiieDbp tl)e Pieptiet'iDu^«n fog ^td gteat oStnttt, l;e Mt> not ortelp dc!;iio\oUag( t^« C«m«c«<3«D« ko^oU cbutcb fo; \)i3 fatilr.bc re^uirct^ tbac i>sulfe tat^i'c inutiU ^U s^awf cotaiuaed tt|c faint, Xo;^ toaKatt mv biCtrefie, anD no^ to^ fpccDc feme pitv tahc : ^^ finncsr Deface, mt* faiilte;a( reDjefTc , goob iojtt foi tl)? great mescte;tf fntte. i. llPaflje gr| =H^ =3^^ me( © i,o>b) anD mafte mz clcane, ||rrr^r;!^^i±rr^y^ ■-^r-^ from ti)i;afbmuS anD Gnfnll act : anD Pf^ ^^4=7^ ^»^ ^^'»^ putiScfet once aga^ne, mp tJay nouje( ci:ime anD blonD^ fact. } Kcmo^fe anD fo:ieotu "bo conffta^nc* 1 • me to achnotoleDgcmvncficceffir: fijt* ^^^^ RIm: Dot!) am rcmavnc, befojie my face u)»tl)oitt teicafc. 4 /Fo;itl)ccalcne3l)aHcoffcnDcD, • committuig cmll m t^ 03l)t: flnD if 3 ^riGreti)ercfo;te conDemn^, {>et vptre t\)i iuDgcmentes iaXt f rig^ 5 3t ifif to mantfca alatf, tl)8t ficiT; 3 uiaflf conceaucb in flnnc: yea of n;v mjtljsc fo bo;nc tijatf , anD vet btle tD;ictcl) rfmavncfl)cti»# ( 3lfob<-l)9iD2.o)Dtt)oiiDoo(lloue. rtjc incDaCD triitO of a putc l)art: t^crfoje 11)? vuifcDojne ftom aboue, tiipu 1)00; i^urap mc t0 cowuit. 7Jf Pfalmc. L). 3 a?aU be cic«nct t Jjen t!je glaGe: Sn& if tt)ou vonOjc awai' my fpot, tl)e fnoto tn tuOitnesn^i.ll 3 paife, I ^l)etfo^e (D lojt) fiJri) tov» meff«t>, t^at m\Datt>iv 3 mav finlic grace: JUtt) tt)at oi|> fttengti) mav "o^ amcnS, xul^t(i)tt}oii l;att fmag&c fo;; »«y tccQiam^* 5 Zttxnc bacHc ti^y face anb frotDning ttc, fo? 3 Ijntie felt UT0113I) ttjp fjanb: SUiti pjirgc my Clinch 3 tpcc tscOt c, tD^tc^ Do tn number paffe tl)c fanB, 10 i^ahcnetomf I)a«\ottl;miJivb?eIlp ani) frame it to t!)Y l)olV ttitU: C^V conftant fpti tt m mc let red, ujljtc^ may tljefc caging cnemie;ai &ill» Thfficfndpdrt. I I Cad me not io?J) out fcom tl)v face, but (\? etielv m? to>!ncntes CHtJ : CaSc net from me tfy^ fpiritc ant) gtace, tui^icl) mav ^^^^ i)SHnger;a( mc HcfenD, I » Keftojc me to tl;ofc iov^^s agavne, toJjic^ 3 ^ajj tuont in fl;cc to KnDe; janD let mc t^>v ftcc fpitit rctavne, VDljid) bnto tljee mav ^''^^ "jV »«?«5«» I J Xl)»!i xolycn 3 Ojall tijv ntercfeja? Rnoto, 3 0;all infltuct otl)er0 therein: ftnli men tl)D, fojgcue mc ti)i0 inv blouliv \}icei 10|V l;attant) tcngOjall tl)cn accost), to &ng tl)V mercies anD tuHiice. S5 'JCoucl)tl)oumvlip5?:mvtongbntte, . l,o>t) tDi)icl) art tljc onclv ftav, StnB t^cn mv moutl; i^aU tciltftc, tl)v tBontJ]EOuaf tsojftcsf ? pjayfc alxuftf . 1^ anB afl^ foj outtuarD facriftce, 3 tcotUO Ijauc o6i'ct> manv one: J&ut t^ou cacmett tl)em of no p^irc, ani>ti;eretn pieafute taHeSt tt;ou none. «7 vri)el)caiivi)ar{,tl)cmvnticopp^cflt, ) aftec, t^V !3-cat abounfiing grate: lifted tl)^ mercies uHtltitucc, 330 tljou mv finnctf Scface. s yet tv^ me moj« from mine o9>mte, P/alme. Lj. 53 teib clenfe mcftcm mv Qnne: Jr«3? 3 t>o fenou) mv faulted an^ QUI, mv &nne is in mvne cvne. J againll tl^ce tljcc aIonc,3 l;aiie, offences mtl)!jscalc: anb cuili Dane 3 cone befot*, tf?c piscfcnce cf ti;f face. 4 ^l)at m t{)c tl)i?tge;S tijst tfiou bcdS far, bp;ttgl5ttI;oumavabetrir:e: janD efec in iutvjing tl)atfljc Berne, mav PJiflc 5jpoB tijiv iitt. 5 ©eljolBc in toicftetiiea' mp UvnBe. ant>0jape3t!iDrsce£Uf: an5 lo mv finfuu motfjpv cfte, tn finne Did me conccaitc. 6 ©ut lo tlje tn!tl) of intuab partcjer, ifS pleaGumt bnto tljee: 0nD fectet*( of tl;v toifDome tboti, renealeD IjaO to njce. 7 ^m :6?vfope (lc?D ) benjjmnic mc. 30jaibcclciifc5ffl: yea ttiaaj tijou me anD fo 3 fi;sH, be it)l)Jtcc then tl;c fno^. 8 ©fiovanDyiaDneSmahctljoume, ro l)earc tlje plcafmg bcvcc: tCfjat fo tlje b;toofeD faonc^ to^jjci; tI?ou Ijaa b?oUcn,mavretovce. $ iFtom tl)e bcl^olDing cf mv Cmie^^ 2.o?D turne atuav tJ;v fate : !3UiD all mv DccDcflf of uiwlicDnc^, Do bttetlv Deface. " I o © i6oD create in mc a !)art, bnfpottcD in tl)v QgOt: 0nD Che tDitljin mv bovDc!^ >!.o;tD, ' tenueaaabiefpjjte. I I 'iHe catt me from tt)v fi3l)t,no> talis, tljvtjolvfp^tcattiav: ;CJje comfo;t of tJ?v fauingljealt^, gcirc mt aaavnc 3 p?av. I a tt^ iti) tl>v f ccc fp? iie efiabUQj me, anD 3 VDtuteacl) tl)erfo?e: ;©innec;& tt;v tcavetf.anD tuicU^ ajall. be turnDe tmo ti;v ls?^« ThefectndpMrt, « J © v riSOtcouftreflr,,: mv tcung mav fing ro tijce. 14 5K}v5iP^rt)stvetf«ftclor(iDbe, Do rl;c(i © 7«c?Di3nlcfc: 5:!?c p^ayfes cf tijv maicfttc, mv moutl; fljall Co Difclofe. 15 3tr>OHlD!)aueoffreDfacti8cr, tf tl)at l)aD plcafcD tl;cc; 75\\t pleafcD w^tl; butnt ofemjs", 3 J?notytl)c«utDtltnotbe. s6 atcoiibJcDfpiritifffacciace, Delia^tfnU ia iSoDsf q'csf: Slb;cl$cnar.D aui)!5mbl£iDl)art, *&oD t!;ou '0) tit not Defptfe. 17 3ntIJV20P5Vcili6cale3etiitlv2r<»A 34 Pfalmc.LIj. i6 taunt tljat of tljv 3enifalcm, tpjicatD mav be tl)c toall. il ffiumt offrmgs S«fte0,an6ractmcc, of(ii(ltcetnt6<»tDa^: C^ou Ojalt acccpt,anD caliiCjS tljej Qjall, bpontl;fncalteclai?. QjiidglortAr'ts. rftl.Lij. /.//. ClTfluiD Btfttifcet^ t^« «tt»3«ijt tyjannp •t\)ia Kbuttt r«rp D»f3 .Sanies ct)ief« <^:jiel)earS,Vat)o bn UXCt fur* miftS wufcb abimH»tl) , luptb tlj« teS of t^e p^irOa (•beOaDnt.lDaiua piopt)efi;tI}'^tsB(&riia(cii.an& rn' (0iii:.i!}(t1) c^( rapt^fiil to put t^cir confiBrntr (it >2o!)< l»^«r( tuDjcmmtfCacc mfOfbacpfagamd^isabim' ratie0.(titBa4.ilii;j^cr(n»;et^ tb.inhts to C;os f*t%-i »»liuctan«. In t^iflpfdlxj* ip IpUtly ftt f0«tj| tj« kinjbome ari3iitic^;ta. Pfalmc/Lili. iii^i^^^ -I-^ — »^ )DooS tI;ou not KnotD tl^erc is; a i5ob. ? ^, jzr: J^ — r^ir^jIT^-, > »=g^ botlj ri)p mfti^t f ct. fliUbciufc , fud) iDifhcD VDpicjJto toatpc;' TIjf toungc bntnie oii I).^n; mo;ic luft f^.lfc talcijf to finbe, rtjen byrng; t'^c tciitl) to ttij^t. 4 Tl)an booa Dcli^ijt m fraubc anb guiJc, m m'.fcl)trfc,bIo'.ib anb Wjiona: STOP I'-PO l)aitc Icamb tl;c flatttrng (Itlc, tti(rccibetl) t^ecroobcb nahirr.tbc ctiirif tte.anb puMin^mcrit of t^tlmcl(eB,to^cn tijm laobcnoc fa; It : anD bcScet^Ci^ebcliunautue of t^(g«»lj>t^a( t^rp map tdopcc tojcc^n;. Stnirth:s4s the ^t- Pfilme. 'T*li}c fooUQ) tnaH in tftat tDl)iri) l)e, •'■ U3itl)tn l):0 l)3rt 1) Jtl) fa^b; ?C!)at tl)ecc in anv iSob. 4 trijev ate all gone oitt of tl;? lusf , tl)cv ace cojriiptcb all: tCljerc tg; not onebotl) an^goob, tl)3tciflf not one at all. 5 3DonotaUU)iclicbtt30>ftcrtflinotD, tl?at tl)5^ bo fccbc bpon: 0JV people as tl>cp fccbe on b^eab, tijc 1.0),X> tl)c? call not on. 6 igiien ti)tte tljc^ tuete affcayb anb ftoob, tutti) tccmbling all bifma^b: )^l;ece ajer ti)ete Mi&s no caufe at all, vol?? tl;ev QjoulbbeaftaYb. 7 iro;ii5ob,l)!tfboncflftl;attl;ecbcffC3bc, !;.oab : ^i)on l>aJl confoimbcb tl)c»n fo;t tijey, vciectcb are of {6ob. t (D2.o;ibgciJcti7ontt)? people ^calt^), anb rbou O iLo>b fuiⅈ Z))^ Piicmirc m^c to Jfraell, fcomoucofj9tont)ill. p UDljfn <3obl)iflf people QjalltelloK. tl;.U cvii luajj captinc Ub: Cl;cn Jacob Qjaii tl)cccm relo^ce, anb3fcacllO;alibeglab. Deus in nomine. Pfal^Liitj. t.H. C I>attidi)ioii(j^tiiit« QCMtDairgrrbprearonof ?ipV mi» , Cillfci) Dpoii tiji; name of ^ob to Beftrof \i9 ctie< mvcs.pjoimrmge f4tc»fi(« iw& Uu 9ia\n%ts foj t^(p| Sini thii M th* xlvi.P/klmt, ri^t fatw mt foj ^ l)olv name, ^^ nn'D i'o;i t!)V gooi^neffe fahe : JOnto ti)C atett^) JLcji) oi tl)c fiwie, s Kejai^(OjLop)ant>geite«nMce to itif ,rt>!)en J do pjay: T&o'Oi Do^oinc r!?7 felff to me.anID ffom ttje tcojtie;? rtjac 3 Do faf . J iF6> ftt^attngerflf t>p aga^nft »ne rtfe, ant) typuntetf toe^rc mc fffll: XO^id) \)mt not j5ot) bjfc;ctl)cit'cyej8f, . 4 ©ittIoe,mj>i5o^i)oti)3CucmeafDC, tl)2 iop 15? ftrat3!;t r.tljnnty: UPttU tl)Cjn bv VDijont mv foiilc ig (Ja^De, tl)c XojT) iotl; cucc llanJ). 5 )l0:tl;plagiici3frep.n^a3ft^ncaUt^ft* fo> nie tl;.it lye in iBaptc: flnD in tl;^ mitlj DcHtov itvf fbcjaf, to?tl; t1)cjr oiunc fnarc an^ ba^tc. < anoffangoffcfcJ^ai-tRnavDiU, ri)an 3 to ti;cc Ojall iiiahe: jSnt) ii;iavrc tl)^ namcf oj tisercin fttlf, gteat comfa^t 3 fio taSe. 7 (D Xd>D at Icngt!) Do (et mc free. ftom tljcm tl)at ccaft confpirc; iln& notD mjjnc eve ujpto jo^ Dotl; fee, ExaudiDeui. I'ftl.L^. I,H^ (r©atiibbcinji in jrcat I)«auin«,an»6iftc<;*comp1ai»« ntt\f of tl)e truelcpe of SaiiU, at»t> of tlje faU'^oBc of ^ttf familiac«cqn8tiitati£c,i)tcftinij mod atbeiitaffifctiona ' to moiie tl)c iloih to pitt# Ijtm. after bevn^ afliitcs of iieliUftaiiucc,l)eerercetI)'fa;tb(t^e3cac«vfiS*&4 a^- S^ou0t) i)« ^AB alw3t>]> obteineo ^U ceqtifS, iSj'n^ this at thtxhi.'Tfaltni. 0<5ot) gciic cate,ant> tioe appl?, to l)catc me voljen 3 PJ^V' flnn tDl)en to tl)ec 3 call ant) c«T, i)(iie net rt)V fcifc atoa?; » ^aftc ^)cct)e to mc,graunt m^ t«|«»cft» anD aun{\»crc mc aga^nc: HPitJ) plaintcja; 3 p^av,ftiU. fo;c opp;iell, gteat gttefcuoti; mc conftraf ne. 3 55ccaufc nvf foc«f tottl) tincate* ^ t t^e;*, opP!ieCremctt)jougl)De^iol)t; Unt) fo tlje vt)trt;ca fo»t Whetutfe, to toc^cc m e l)auc licltgDt. 4 ^o;itl)cvintounfcUt)o^onl^tt<, to cI)aiscmcti3itl?fom6 ill: jSo in tljcit l)afl:v tojiat!) anD ite, t^evDo pucfttc medilU 9 ^^l)atttiotl) faint fo;itoant of bi^ftt^, ttpantctl)tnmvb?cft: ITlje tecco^s' anD ti)t Cjcat) of Dcatlj, t)otue^ftcmcmi:ri)t)nrcft. r. ^ Sud) :)i> caiifutl fcave on mc Sotl; fall, t]^at 3 tl)etujitl;Do quabc: ieuci)l)o>toj tDl)clmctl) me tott^all. y t5ut3l>ofat>,tt)l)o%til3cuemec, rtjs fiMtft ana plc3fant tutngetf , ©ffomcfiiv;ic JDoue,tl)r.c3 niavflie, anD tea me fcotn tijcrc i^mq,tsii % l4}ert;cn 3 tuouio go farce stoa?, to avc 3 U)ou!t) not ccafr: flnt) 3 tuoui:) l)iDc KIT? fclfc ant) Cay, m fomc gceat XDUDcrncAJ. 5 3 tooult) be gone in all tl)e l;a(l, anB not cbi^e bdjmtic: tri)at3 ttcrc quit ant) ciicrpaft, tf)efebUi(lc3 of bovOtoiiif vo^nCc. JO iDtaitic tDem l,o;it),ant) from tl)em puU, t^cicDciicliajc Double towt§: , ^0>3l>aucfptDctI)ciccitjefuU, ' of tapincftcifcan!) tujong. iinDljic{)tI)mga:botl)ni30t?Daytl»oug!>» Do rlofc l)ec atf a teall: (otit, 3fn mioft of J)cc is mtrdjicfe ftout, anD fojcotD e«cvDtt!)a!!. 1 1 t}z^ pjiuv paitcsf ate vottHcD plaync, i Ijcc DceDe0 ace maci; ta btlc: SlnD ia l)cc flccetc^ tlycxc Dot!) cemay ne, all ccaftp,ffaut)e.anD guile. The ficmd part, »j 3ftl)atm^foe3'D£Dfcehempbarte,] 3 m!gl)t it torn abDe: iTf om open cncmiejs tljscfte anti blames fomc tD^cce 3 ccnlt) me tjioe, 14 IDutti^ouittDajymrfJ'loujDcAtc, \Ml)tcl) frcntifljip DiDO; p;ctmD: J3nD DtDft mv feccct counfell I;earc, tig m^familiac fcente. 1 5 HD vt!) tt)l)cm 3 tiaD Deligi;t to tall^e.. in feccet ant abjcaD: iatnD toe togcri):c oft DiD ttatSc, tDitljm tlje Ijoufc of «&oti. 1 6 Xct Deatl) in l)ntt tpon t!)em fall, . anDfenD tl)cm quttHeto l;cU: JFaj mifcDicfe caignettj in tljcic tjall, asD patlpnt U)i;ece ti)e? DtseU. 17 55ut3bntom^<5oDDoccp, tol)vmfoj!)clpc3flic: ICl)c %oiXi Dotl) Ijcate inr by anD by, anD ije Dotl) fuccouc mc. 1 8 nin8,noonc,«nD eiientna tT^ff' t)ntotl)c2.op3PW: 5©l)cn 3 fo mOantlv banc ctiDe, Ije Dot^ not fay mz nay. tp To peace l)cO)alltefto?cntcyce, ti)Ou^) aatte be nc\xi at Ijnna : SHti)ongl) t'oc niimbcc be ftjlt great, tl)at vcoiUD agair.ll mc CanD. JO i:^e5Lo;iDti).-;tfttaanDiaaDotIjtafu!:eri;crci;e(neljopctipttl?cy, to tumeiMiUonccacccjD: ^oj VDl?y^tl)cy \rill nat i^oD obey, no> Do notfcarctljc 2Lo>D. 1 1 jppo tbetv ftcnDcjEt tljcy layD tijtit ijanDtf, Ca 56 naime. lv), \vi])it\)'mctt in foiienaimthnttt D, anD I)e Qiall nounO^ ti)ce'. iro> m no uitfe will ^e acco;iD, tt)etufttnti)^alltoree. »j JSitf iSobajftiicftfttljcmDecpeiitptf, tl;at tbtcft Soi bloiib alujavcC: tpefCiil no giitlcfull man pccttut, to isiic out Oflifc f»'« Cayc a** Bf ^^oiiy[{j fuel) be quite DeflcopD ? gont, -itni)ee (O Xo}ii) J tcuft: ythali Dq)enD tl)^ gtacc bpon, tt)(tO all inf i)att anb luft. Mifereremei. Pftl.L'vi. /.//. jVlDaiiitibrtii;^ bjoiigl^t to Stljitf tt^e'tiins o! <8ar^ (9, ^ain.fji.rg. )comf!«nctiof ^t«cnsmu#, tutn&itbi;c^ niccour>niicut^ bps cciitt iHiSoa Ant ^is {);amirf;», $ {>;«inirct() topctfojiue^fl'B«Uj««, totjic^ ^C'^aDttihfn bpen l)im, tu^ROf tl^ps Wa« t^e (lF«(t top;apr« Ce» ..iS'/h^ /6 man tuouib mc betioin:; XS?t figljtcti? toitl) me Day bp bsf , nnD troiiblctl^ me ccJ) ^owte. » a^ me enemies oarlvcntecpjife, to fmaUott) mc outright: %o ftgi^t ajaynft mc many ttfe, O tl;ou moft I)tgl; of HMstJt, I HDIjcnrtjcvtuoHlbmaUcmemottafcafl), tortl) boaft ano bi«ija of p^ttCe: 3 truft m tljee alone fo; av^c, b^ti)eetottl3abvDe. ,4 iScDfi pjomtfc 3 bo ntinbe anb piaffe, O 2.o]ib 3 ftiche to tl)ce : 3 Do not care at all aaavc;af, U)l)at fleO) can so to mc. $ XO\)iA t^t^c^ea^ 3 eitl>ct: btb o; fpafte, tlje? \d;c3 t^em at t^cic wril: anb all ti)z ccimfell tl}at tl;cp taftc, i3;i)ototatuo;iheMicill. C T\)ff all ronfrtit tijcmfeluea'to ijtbe, clofc vuatcf) to;i v.xc to Itiy: tt!?er fpve mv pat l?c0 nnb fnarc^ Ijatic tibt, %D taftc m? life avua?. 7 Sl)all t{)ct> tl)nsf fcapc on mtfdjicfe fct, tijou ^ob on tl)cm U)iitfcon)nc: zJpo; in {)!5r tujatl; l)c :)orh not let, to tI)>o\t) «Bl)oleUf n^vDomcs^aotonc. 8 ^l)oufe<>.10otooftri)cv»maUem<;fli?e, nnD on my teaicir boo3 loolic; jUcteciietljc n in a glaffc bv rtjee, anb tujtte f:l;cm in tl;? booftc, s IO^cn3 boeoUbpontl)vn8tt}f. ^fo^8\MJivOoil««r PialmcLvii. 5 t»en pcttcaue it bp tijat fa«r.«. fljat l5obbotl)f«Ucmyp9tt, «o 3 glo^v in tl)c tuo;b of ^db, top;inpfcrt3nccojb: XOit\) iope tDill 3 berlacc ab^att, tljc pMimifc of tlK 'Ko}Xi. II 5tniam<5ob,aitbf0t3faf, ajD(3bcfo;icbc3an: C^c 2.o;b l;c 10 mp Ijclpc anb ttay , 5 bo not catc foji man. ti 3tDiUperfo)mctDtt{)l)att foftee, to i5ob mvbo«3rs'alvDapc0: flnb 3 f o ?wOjbj all ti'mc0 to tfjcc. tDill o9tct!i)Miiicsi anb pjapfc. I J ^v foulc fco beat!) ttjou bood bcfct;5» ant 'rtccpc mp fcctc bpugjjt: Cl;at 3 before tl;cc map nfcrnb, ttttj^ Atci; a^ luie m ltii;t;t. Mfferere, Pfat.L^-'ij, l.H. ♦©aiitO bepnj in t^c befart of JTip^, to^iere t^e in\i(Ckft tautttexr6iDbetta)> t)iin,anDat Im^r^ int^criunc cbhc tattl) 2aui.fallct;> moQtacnir&lptinto iSpttopt^ full canSaencc tljat ()c '.ciU pcrfojme ()t>3 pfomi>f« , ans takc^v5(aureiiJb3ijS:alfo tijrat ^cvnill^fU) t)ttfgloj» in t^e^tciunjff ana t^ceact^ , agaynS ^i>5 ctttcU coa* wyejj: e^wfoje Oot^ tje tcuatt lauo «n6 pjapfe, J/n^ /*« <«j the 4 4. Tfalmt. 'T*aftc pitte fo? t^p jnomffe faftc, -*• f) sue mcccy 1.o;b on mc ; fOT. tt»l)r ^mr fo!Mc '>ot !; l;c.- bettli», into tlje bc'.pc of tbrc. 3 TOttljin tije QDabovo of tijp toinacjef, 3fctmvfeifefullfaft: Cill mifcljtcfc jtta'.tfc,ii:;b irdct^injc;^?, be gone anD oiircpai?, 3 3callbpontI)Ci5obmofll)ic, to tcljom 3 fticUe anb aartb; 3 mewic t^e i5ob tl>at lutU ttanb bf , tt)c taufe 3 l)auc in Ijanb. 4 ^tom Ocauen t)c l)afl) fcnt feijef apbf, fo fauc me f toui tljctr fj.; tgi)t; iri,)atto beu:3ut mc {;auc affafbc, \)\0 mttt'g.ttutl) anb tni^yt, 5 3lcab«»v)[ifctt3ttl)i;pon,tffcll, all fct on yjjatl) nnb ire; Jlnb toitl) fuel) tutcScD men 3 btucH, ti;at fret line flames of Are. ^ U)cir tcctl) arc fpcacci? anb awotue^ loaj as ajarpc as 3 6auc fecnc: ■ ^^cp toounb ? cut vpit^) tljctr quicSc tonje, line rii}o;be;8;anb toeapon^ Keenc. 7 Set bp anb O^.c.b t\)f fclfc : O jSob) iibouctl)c l;f rtucns bjtgi)t: sCjralt tl)p pjapfc on eartl) abjoab, tbpwatcfticanb mtg'ot. 8 ;ri;cp lap ti)e»r net anb bo p;icprtte, apjtupcaucanbptt; HP^ectnr^cptljinhc mp foulc to (hfttc, bnttlpcpacefaSnetnit. J 5C*^plj art tjg fct to lnubtl)clo;iD, to (ing !)t£: laiiD atti) p»af fc. lo a'ivaKe mv tov. a\uaUc 3 fa'?. VDill rtfe.ccjsy cc anD Mi* » » amon^ t!)c people 3 totU tcU, ti}c '^oy>ie0 of mv j$oD: SlnD Qjcro) l)!3( p;citfctt)at DotI) fjetclf, in !)catl;en lanBw' ab^oao. » a •£!;> vaf mere f' Dotl) e>tcnD a jj fatxc» afl( l)eRucn0 nil are {)tc : ^t!S ttini; as' Ijtjl) atf anv ftartc, lJ;atan«3etJ; tntl?c ftipe. » J Set fo^tl) anb Ojeto tljp Telfc abjoat), abouctlje Ijcauenffbjn^: jf jctj II ttyf pja^fc on cdtti> AbjioaD, tt^V maieiiie an^ mtgi;t. Si^ere^tftifue. PftCL'viif. I.fi, •r)e3tfcnb«tli tbe malice sfljis ftieiftiM,tl)e flarter\u^i-nt^c? fee t{^« pimi(^mcutof c^ctnic]:ea>to c^e^lojpof ^va* Sing this *s the.j^^.Pfalmti Vic mlerg tDl)trt) atepwt in trntf, •* tc tii^c of tDiujn^ anD rigDt: a5e all your iuiigcjnsntcs true anD iwff, not Brtottitnij ncc5 oji m«gl;t:' »• /lay m your ijartca ye marftc ans mure» in .ntfcbtCfe to confent: Jjn^ tuljece yc Oroulti true iufticebrc,. \Oi\x IjianDes to b;ibc9 ace bent. 3 Tri)i^ tDiclict) fojt ftom tljeiE btit^ 5a^, ^Aue crrei; on tl)t£; voifc: Slnt) fconi tijcic Ktotl)crstoolnbcalt»8^^ l)auc bftD craft ant) Iv?^' 4 3n tl)cm tl)c povfon anH if)ebjcati!>, of Setpente;9( oott) appcarc: yea ttttc tt)c ilDDer tl)at xg ocafe, anO feft Qotl) fiop fji0 eate. 5 iSccaitfc^c tuill not1)eatefl)ebo?fe, of one tl)rtt tljarmctl; uiell: ^0 t%o\\%\) t)c tuere ti}e cl)tcfcof d^fei, ani) 610 ti)cr£in cv'ccll. < O ^ oa b^cafte ti)c u tljcit tcctl) at one e- tutM;mtl)ctf Kioirtt, rl;-joiwl?out: Cl)c tuCae^ ci)at ixitcMt gcsfX rtjato boacje!^ use 2.?s5G;a VD^f lp£» l)«n3 out. 7 iett!)em confimie atoav «»^ tDart*. a« xuatcr nmnes* foul) tiaijt : Z.\}t ajaftcs tl)at tl)tv to Ojootc ia Ijad, let rt5cm be b?oSc m aasi)t. 8 aix Snai'-ca i>o voaftc tuirt)intt;e(^cl!, antJbnto atitie Co tunne: jas one farffjiic IJtj^s tj'»e tl>at&ll, anD neiicr favo ti)c funnc. 5 ecfo]ie t\^ t5)0>iieji t»)arnoto ate^oi^ t3 biiQjca: bia GraU gcotp •/- %^ ^o^mta^l m^ wai»n^ons» Pfalme. lix. ■ 37 (Hall faftc ti>cjn ere tljq^ ftnste), «* Tl5c iua Qjali tov.tt cori) ri)eH4 gooD, tl;ar-^oooorl)toc5RgcaHncctal?c: MnD tl)c^ ajall vuaOj riKir fcac in biouO, of tljcju tl?at iyiixx fojfahe. «i ^DezT Qjan tl)c ujoitD a;cto fojtl) sn5 tcit ftjat 200D aicn l;aue retuarD: jatnl)tl;atafiSoSoncarfl)l;of^fitDeU> rt^at itriljcc Dctt? rcjaci. Ertfeme. Pfkt.Lh. J.H. tftf>aiij&fecpn3 in gtMt &att!i5fr of S.-.iilf , tolje CmfM noi{ci-,?.B J tb tir fmr^,^f5rlDpjefcnic ^ ^p|g tnc from tl)ofc men, tnljofe totnga arc not gooD : 2lnD fct nic furc f fafc from tt)cm , tijat ti)trlfeti) after biouD. 3 iFojloetijcvttavtcinvfouletotaSe;, tl)c7 rage agamil me ftdl: yea fo;! no fault t5)Rt 3 DiD mafec, 3ncucrDtDt^emiU. 4 ^Ijcv tuimc anD Do tl>ctr.fe!ue;o(p?cpatfe ttiijcn 3 nc iii)tt offcnD: j^nfc an^ fane «ic ftojst rl;e fnare, anD fee xuMas tl;cv £nt£BD, 5 O iojb of l)ofte;£( of JftitcH: anfc nnD llrifee all lanDe^ : anD pitte none tljat Doti) rci>eiJ, anD intDcit injfc!5itfc5?.nDC)Ef. £ S: nig}?t ti;r/ ftitre anu fecUMlotrf, • ■si IjotinDcs tl>e)» l)o u'e eu® ttmncj'- iJnD all tl)c ftru; cisenc tJ^jci^i^out, 55 Pralme. Lx, 7 Tljcr rpanc of mc ujftl) motttb «lto«p, but in tl)Cit Upfl( voere fvun;fic«: Cljcv 8t«i3 m^ticart),«nB tl)cn vdouID fa^, tDl)at:'nohc Dotij Uen« out toe^Dc*. t 3&ut 7.o>D ti)ou t)aa tl)cic VDavc0 crptDe* anD laugtjt tl)ctcac apace: Cl)e IjeatiKn folftc rJ)ou Ojalt Dettte, and moctte tOem to t);ea face. 9 ^!)c fttengt!) tljat Dot^j my foctf Wit^atitt, Dot!) comeof ttjec: £|$y i&oD l)e 10 m^ i)clpe at ^anD, a fo>t of fence tome. 10 Tljc1-o?t.tomcDott)0)etD} Icaft It rcom nt^ntie Do fall: ffiiit tDirt) t!)p ttrcngtl) t^iuc t^)cm ab^oaD, ant) fo confHitie tljem all. t » 5ro;i Et)cn; til xuojDcaf ana tmtl^leffc totig, confound t^ejtt m tifzit p;t^e: C^^cU)iclteD oti)e0 tuitt; l^e0 ant> tojiottg, UtaUtt)e \uo;iit> tiectoie. t} Connimctl)cmtntlrt>U)>stl)() ti78t nouql^t of ti}em tcmatne: CI)at men mav hnoto ti);ougl^dut ti^e U)0];U), tl)at 3acobtf i5ot>i3ott) catgne. a 4 at eiuntnj tl^ev rettirnc apace, a0 ttOJSi tt)e]p gt-ut ana ctV : ^l)V3ugl)outfl)careeteflf in cMccvplace, (^ev trunne about and fpf . < s ^l)ey fecftc about fo; meate 3 fay, but let tt)em not be fcD; I^Oji ftnDe an t)oufc toljccin tl;cf map, bcboDcto puttt)ciei)eab. i< I5ut 3 totliajciD tl)vftccnjtlj abjoaO, tijvsoodneflc 3 totllpjaifc: |po> tl;0n att tii^ Defence and i5od, at nee!)c tn all tiiX&feg. 17 iri;ou artm'?arcgtl9,tl;ou^a(lmea8Vl), ©5Lojt)3I»n!3totl;ee: d;ou art mp io%t,m'i imte and a?5e, aloumgi^odtomc. Pfalme. Lxj. } WvtiJ Ijcaur cljatmrc ttjouplagtiefl t^j^, tl)cpeoplcrl7at ate ttjine: 0ttd t{)ou l)n(l g;ucn bnto to;er, a dKfnhc of deadly votne. 4 15 ut ret to ftic^ «fif fcatc tijjy tume. atolfenQjaUenrue: Z\)ex riicy mav tciun^lj in tftc fame, becaufe tt)v U)o>d 19 tnic. 5 So tljat tl)v mtgljt may fteepe anb faui;* tt)T? folhc tljat fauouc tl)ce: Cl)at tl)ey tljy l)elpc at ^3Rd may fjaue, © 2-o^d gcaunt tljijar to tnc. 4 Z])c Loj.'H did fpeaKc fro t)t;arotDne place, tJ)isf ttiatf 1)10 toffull tale: 3 tuilldcuttc Sicljcm by pace, and meete out Succoti)efS bale, 7 i5ileadi0geuenC0myl)anb, ftJanairctfmyncbeCidc: tf plrvitni tl)e Hxextqttf of all my latst, my laio dot^ 3uDa guide. 8 3nfqoab3u3illtDaQ)myfecte, ouec igdom ti^^otu my ayoo ; And tl^ou fOateftine ou^tft to fedbe^ fo^fauourmebnto. 9 l&uttul)otDillb;ingme8ttt)(8Ftid(. bRtotOcctticftrong: O) tul)o to iCdom tDtU me guide, fo tl)at 3 goe not to jong. 10 HDiitcljou my 6odtD»)icl;didOf0;f8l«, ti?y foihc,ti;c',i: lan^.aod coaile^: Our tuaccc;s^ ui t):md tl;cu tuouldlt not tabc; tiof tuaiHcamong aut^ottcg. 11 i5cucaydc,(Dl.o;d,artdto0tclte»te, from t\)e:ii tt)fit baf dtfoatnc: ?ri)c Ijclisc dm tjoOcfl; onnen can gcue, it i« out all mbaync. 12 iguttljjaiigljoutiBodtDcajallljaue to taftc grCfct tljingesf in tjand: (mij^t, J?e tDill tread dotune anu put to flight, alItl)ofcti9atb0U;itt?(land, ExAudt Deut. tfaUxi.. I.H, •tol^etljct t^at ^3^; DtdU taftc, cetutnc to bff \0 Xo)Xt. » 'Cljy mi«l)t dotl) n juue tljc land Co fOM; t^at it in futidetlr;;: Clt>e l^uct tfjerof (L» iojd t«ao>e, ^ It dotV bow ano qualK. iggatd (O 3Lc;id) fo> 3 complayne. and malte my futc to tljee: 2.et not my t)}o>be;Q; retume inbayne , but gcue an wtumt,*, /from of t^e coaOc^ and btitioii L lalillL. JLAlJJt JngricfaKisanguifljofm^ l)tM, J cry to ttitz (O <5ot).) ) )Dpon tljc co(he of ri)^ great potoet, mv tnoftill m^nDetcpofe: tpoti act m]f t)opc m^ fojt ant) tower, mf fence agavnd: mv foc0. 4 tJOtttjmrljvtcntJliriltatituell, foj cucc to cnDucc: ^tdet tl)V toingca 3 hnoto ttgljt toeW, '3 Ojall be fafe anD fute. 5 T\)t iojt) t)otl) mv beSte cegatb, anb botl) ftJlSU tl)c fame: lOtt^ go^lV stftcff tutU \)z tccoatb, all tl)em tl) m feacc ^'H name. « r^ehin3Q)BlHjcmt)ealtl)maint6jn«, anb C> pjoiong t)^^ ba^es : C|)at l)e from age to a je Qjall tatgne. f T!}atl)smapI)aueabtDeUitigplac^ bcfojet^e l^jjb fo; a^c: O lrttl)j>mctcv tcuti),anb grace, bcf enbljym fion bctAi?. t ttt)enQ)!^lt 3fing&);euccatll, tD^ti) pjsvfebnto «i)\' namct d)at all mp i)o\DC0 3 nitef fulftlW anb bayl? pa]f tl)c TAine. l^enne Deopth. pftl.Lxtj. I H» fflDatiiS Bedar«tb b* \vS c^amplt • iWa bp t^e aaturc of ^eSiC^at ^emiilimiiftn iSo& al«ne , anst^munt* «ct)o;(ecb all peofilcreyns t^at aU is ttantty, ftau);* •uc 3oaaUs>((\) conou3^t,3\scatra)U)ati(St3tt3l^t t;)at<&0B enclv usoCpjuieccafaiij, (t^acl^cc rcteac (et^ man accoiirpiij t* ^is VB0;fce5. ^^'K *''" '" '*' 6i.TJalme, v/ y fonlcto i&cb Ojall geue £Oot) Ijcebe, **^ anbljtmalonetiTtCiib: 5f 0^ tDl)?':'m? l;caltl) atib »;opc to fpeebe, botU tt)l)0'.c Oft l)?m bepenb, i j^oj. i)c alcnc ijsi my bctcnce, mv rocftc mv !>caltl),anD avbe: t^c iiS »i»v ftav tl)at no piictcnce, Ojall n»afec me mud; Dtfrnavbc. ) O VDtcUcb foI?*c \)o-3i long ttitll Y«. bfe ccaftc0:'fure ve nuta fall; ^0} an a rotten Ije^s^c yc be, anb Itlie a tottering vd?.11* 4 UDljom iSob botl) louc fc fee^e altuavcsf, to pirt 5)«jtt to tpi xico}(e: ye lone to ivf .ujytl; mont'? v^ Pjaffe, anb vet vouc i;art 5o'0 tu^fc. 5 yetilillmv fou'-ebot'ottk^ole bcgwbi 9tf /&0b nt; tV^f'? '^>^*f if torn aUfelfcfeatetf me to befettb, none but f)tm 3 requttc. < ??ctj6;mvrotftc,mf arengtlj,iwtOtiJ«r, mv ^calt^ isi of i)ia grace: JD^c boti) fuppo;t me tfjst no pottet, ran moue me out of place. 7 i5ob irf mv gU);V>««b mv tjeal^, mv faulejff beOrc anblutt; 3^V fo>t,mv ftrengttj.mv Oav.mv Wealth, iSob iflf m^ne onclv tcuft, t Ot)l)auevout!)opr m i)im altoay, Ve folfee tortl) one accejb : tOoure out vour barter to i)im anb fav. oin; tcitO: t«f in tt^c l,o}^. 9 ^ije fonncs? of men beceitfull are, on ballaunccbut a fletgi^t: UPttl) tbmgcfl; moft toavnc to tljcm compstf , fo? tl)ev can hcjpe no tocts^t. 10 TTruft not m to^ong tohbet^.o} Sealt^, let ba>nic bcltgljte* be gone: Ct?ougl> qoaDis toell got fioto in \Dit\) \otnVllif Ut not vouc ^«tte^ tij^eron. 1 1 Ti)e toin long Ct^ one t^ingbot!) tell, tDl)tci) l;ccc to mtnbe 3 call: t}t f^alie It oft 3 Ucarb rt toell, t^3t iSob alone botl) all. > 1 Siriii tt)at tijou :Loxb art goob anb ltinbe« tDv mctcv bott) cjicet'SiC'. SBo Vc)sx all fortes ujtti^ ttjee O^all faiQe» acco^ibtng to tt;2tt 'Qzin e. DeuiDeHsmeus. V/at.Lxi>j. T S. CiDauiii afcvc ^( })a^ kottiH jtcat aaimjcrbp Saul* ftt r^e ieCitt of Zipl)tmiie t'^tj pralmcj Xo^etein i)e st* iietb tbanbcs to oi fofljis Uionl«rfi(U acliuecanccs iniD^erd mrrciefcic ttohca etun in tt)cv*iboeHoCtfiS miCeviea : ffo^lfctvinj t^e o«lh;iKtioit of <5at>9 cat* tt)i)\'T mv fo ule anb faot)v betlj;, bot^ toxtfi of tljce to tall, anb in tbi* bavccrt toiibctncsf, ttjljew tuatecfl tl)crc arc none: ^VficQ) t8(parcT)tfo^tl)ougl;toftlt)ce, fo^ti)ee3uira;alone« > ^ijat 3 migl5t fee vet once agavne, tl)V g!Oiiv,arcngtl),anb mtg^t; flW 3 vcaiJ U)unt i: to be!)olb, xaii'Qxa ti)!? fcj:jple b^tgljr. J ^cj tDJ)>': ti)p m ;tcie6 far furmomrt, tij«0 ivt'c anb vu^ctctycb oavctf: •I^V itpsf ti)crfo]ic O^all gene to tijcc, bue i;onoj,laub,anb i-ixn^le. 4 ^xd ido?>tie8 3 l««c 3 Will not favlf , to ^o>fi)»P ti)f c aluiavj ^ab tn tI)V ^^^<^ 3 fljalt itff bp, mv l)anjC3t roDm 3 bvepjat*, 5 f^V foule :0 Sio a0 vi)vt5) marow, U)l)icl)i0U-t^;f.'tanofu)CCte: &j avv fwf tt;ec moil ni«rf. ^■. 4" riaimc. L.X11IJ. y TlDljeit tisi fnbcD 3 t!)(nhc on tlyee* ant) ehc aU tijc nigijt rtDet ^o> tonccc couctt cf rtjv wmgcrf, t{)oit nvt HIV ia)'fiil guiDc. 8 jc?,t to flav. » jDcfcnD tnc f com ti)at fo;itx)f niwi, , tDi;iri) tn Deccitcs ho liiche: flnD from t})e frotDntnafare of tl;citt, tl)at alt tU fcate^ Do too]ihe. J tJi)l)o t'ljet t!)ctt: tongaf atf \mc Ijaite ftene, men velvet aiiD ajarj-'c tbeic AbcjiDc^: Tri)ef 0)ootc ab;ioaD tl;cir aiTouictf ftene, 3 means mod bitter U)o;iDes', 4 ISDttl) PMitV flctgOt fijootc t\)e^ ti;«c (baft, tl)c topitsgljt jjfon to l)it: ?t:i)c 'iifl; bntuare to fttjhc b^ craft, tl)ev care ot fcare no U3l;it. 5 a U)tclt)atttiarc^to!)tirttbcvtailJeanDinnaL all tv'mcjS U)ttl;tn tiject luxtt: Zl)c-i> alt f onfiilt vol>f.t fcrttftff to bfe, eel) totl; imicnti)i!s patt, . 7 aeutvcf all tijts: Ojall net »ui»lc, , vol)t;i fj)ev tl)mSc Icaft bpon: attaja!lfin-caaiirle, . &nh ujouaCtljem c.icrponc. S Z\)sitadtc3 anD rijcic Jii toniitf ttiithalt.' Ojall «Jc?.>.etOcTjta-lue3; fiici) t'inmr- Cl;at tlsep ttljtrt) tl;e«. bd}olD tijcic foil flj«;i itaenaec at ti;c lAinc, j> tf)r.i al! tfjat fee OjaU hnoto rtoht teeH. tl?ati6cDtOc tiding i;att)tD?0!it'l;t: SlnD p^iv.rc j„3 ^.f j^, U3i)^„f^ aiiMcll ttiOat l)e to paffc Oatl) b?oiial)t. ' xo >'c:0)ali tije iuft m Ooo rctoi'd* _ ftmttuffingmfjwmtgbt: ^h^ir'!'"'' '^^ ^'^'^ '"'"^c anb borc«. • te^ofc i;iitt tj9 gutc flnl) tig^t. ^ ' Tnn-mrrwr Jr-^'lVmTc alojte (o ]Lo;iD) DotI) c«(8t«, "»SfontDmco«;r;cl;in: ^^ ^l;eir boujctf to tDsctijep Do maintavtte ant. tDctc bcDcftcs ftiinic. "•*"^"^^» » iro;ti)attl)oiiDorfttf)cicpiat>et heart. anDDooatl;ctfo.73rcf: *^^'^^''^'^ Cl)jJ people all bot!; far anDncare tuvtt) two Ojnt! tomt to rtjcc. ' } ©lit VDickeD iffc To far errceDe^, tljat xnc QjoiilD fall t\)cicxnx 35ut 2.0;:) fo^gcuc otic great miit!ec5e^, anD purge \)tffrQ:jtoiirflmic 4 ^)cjnanijybicfltoOoutrt5oii borilcbtife tDirijrnri,^' coitrtciJ to DU3ctl: xLtj^ Doiifc anD temple f?e njnu ufc tuitljpicafutefltt).itcj;fctt. ' 5 of tl;v great mfltcc Dearc btf <5ob, our l;caltl)oftlKeDotO rife: TTljc Ijopc of all ti;e eatt'} afc;>oab, anD tt;c fea roaftcs UCcojifc. 6 nDitOaten^tlj fi:o:i a;tbefetabatrt, anD CO 'iipaS \>n:\} t[yv pouien Ttt^oti mahca d;cinoinitamc^ ihroiTS? aoa|- to a.inD in euci-^djaujcr. ' 7 ttOe (Voelling feaijr tI;ou Doefl aflP^n-Jc. anD malic tDe ic ftica-nei? full cTli- ?ri)ou Doen reft;arne tl)e p^oplr* v«a? anDcuietl)emattOj»vuiii. 8 «n;e foiuc tlMt DU3CU niu fat on cartb Oall D^icaD fljcfc SgncAJ ro fee : VS>iyx\) moT.r\tmii etienmj ujit.; aceat mtrt& DO paOe U)tti; pna^fe to tijee, «» i\DIjen tljnt tl;e eiJtrtj tfl( ctjopt aBb hw, ano tl)ii-ftctl; mo?e anD mo;c: ^J;cn tijitij f i>v cjopft tl)ou DoaC aonlv anDmticl) urneafetjcrftojc j« Ci?eaoiiDof i&oa 5orl;oaei-flotij BnoroDotl)ca!!fcfoO.»jtng: ^i)cfceasanD co>.te tDl)trt) .nen Do foin. fOf;eDoti;giiiDettjerOtng. 1 1 mxt\) ti3ct?tl:o.! Doca ^er futtotoctf fiVL UJOerbp l;ec cloDtf Do fall: ^ ^I^V t^p« to l;er tt;o(i Doeft Dtmu, anD bleiTc Ijct fciatcsr ujirf^iH. I a fJja't.^chcJJttjeeiUTDotfijpgoobacact. ujirl; ta vjc anD pieafo.it aop: ^^ Cin' cioii5es Di!!-itttfjeic Dctu apace gi-cat piesti' tl;.»7 Do D;iop. I J Jli'I;ctbyti,cj)cfertOTaHbc3Uf. fulLgrcatinacafctobima; ^Ije Uttie l;ilff tJjall tovtljctcui inuci) ftriitc m rt>cm a)aua)itna, »4 3« Placcij piavHe ti;crfocfteOj£Ufcet«, anDcouecaiitDceactO- V**'»=^"^ t:i)e bait^e^ ttirtl) comic m\ fo e^cecbc HAitmenO^allungfojmr.tl; lHb,Ut,Deo. rftl.Lx^,, LH. '■ «??«J?iP«#«S «ll„«a »o«ayfcf6r»o,t.,ah6 fic«u berftill. *)?« fettttl) fojt^ tt)e pototr of «BoB to affcait t^« tcfcelg.flnB ftrtoct^ J)0\o m,«n6 1» pjaK* ^ii namr. 5/«^ f *«V 4/ the 6i. Tfalme, Vif tttttt on catrtj in i6o6 tcto^a, * tDttl) pjavfc fet fo;itl) t)isf narn« iC]ttOll t)ts mt3t)t tDtrt) f)att anO bof «, gcuc glOAV to tljc fame. to nil tl)^ tooAhcflf tljon attt* CI)? foesi f oj fcarc tioe ftcftc td tl;ec, fttll fojie agatna tl^et c ];arc. ^ 311 men tl)ftt DtocUtibe eartt) tl);toH3ljoiit, doe p;ta^fet|)e name of&otyi X,\)t lutA) tt)ecrof tt)e ti}o;ilD about. in fif^t'^ arm fet ab;ioa]). 4 aufiJlBe come fo;tI) bri)olDc anU fee, toJ)att^tn3etf ti)cXo%^ Ijatt) tojeugljt: .legartc tuell t^e tDon!)iiou0 tDo;ihe^ t^jat ^e, fo> man to paCTe i;arl) b;iuii jt)C. 5 t^c la^t" tf;e fea liSe ^eape^ on l)fe, tijecefn a ttiaf tl)ef ^al): ©nfooteto pafle botlj fa^'jtc anl) 5j)r, tDljerof rtjeir Ijattfa toctc glat). < t?ti3 !!!"2l)t tiotlj tiilc tljc tDo;lD altoaj, l)!Sie?ctf s!l t^'ngeiff bei&oR): Sill fuci) 00 twoulo l)tm Dtfobe?, i)f })im (^albe controlbe. y yc people gene bnto out ftre anD tuatcc re», of bcTf gcicfe anD pafnc. IX yet furct^ou Do oft oftpi'goo!) grace, Dttpofc it to ti)c beS : gnDbjiingtos! out into a plate, CO litfe in tuealti; anD rell. sj lOtttotlT^^otirercfojtlutll J, to offer anD to p;iav' ilnDtl?erc J tnil' m'^ felfc appl?, my tootoes to tljcc to pav. X4 ^1)e\JotDC£rtl)at tiii^ m^ mouf!^ j fpfttte m all m^ giiefe anD fmatt: 5l;cbotDC5( t3 far) vyljicl; 3 UiJ Kiftlie, |»tolojo{m|yart,,^^^ii^ii^r.f. v Plalme. Lxvij. 4F « J IBxwnt ofltingctf 5 \i3iU gcuc to tijcc, of (Drcn fat anD Kammc^t Slio ottjet fafttScc Ojaibc. of 2Sulioc1^ea', ^eoatctf ,anD iambc^. i« Comcfo;itl) anDljathcn t)crcfullfoone» anvctl?atfcaretl)c2.ojl): «)ljatl)efoMnvPoo;c foulc batb Done, ' toyeuJtolHtetojt), «7 iFmit)ft3f callbpon l)ttf gtarc, ti)is tnoutl) to \)im Dot!) err: flUiD t^oti m^ toung mshe fpccDe apace. to piiavfc l)^rt b^ anD bf . i8 ffiitt if 3 fccle my i)art tuition. in tutcfecD tt)o?hc5 reio^te: ©? if 3 tjauebeligtjt to iinne, iSob mm not bcarc mv bo^ce. I j) ffititfutelv <5oi) ttt^ ^(t Ijatb ?Wit6, anb tul)at 3 Doc require: ;f^ pjta^cr l;e Dotb toell ccgatb, anD graimtetlj m^ Defirc. 30 ail pjarlt to !)tm tl)at batlj not p«f, no;i can me out of itif nDe: iHojtrt l)is mcrcv fcoui mc O^ut,! tt)^ici)3DoecictAnDe. Dens mffert*tur. Pj^l^Lx^ij. T.$, CaftoMte p?ap«: foi-aH t^< faltljiftill to ibtatne r^e fM uour of vSoB,^ to be lig^tctttB tnit^ ^i;? couiitdianci^ to ttft emiet^at })i$ toay atto ittBgenwntce tnaybce fcnstoen tl);oU3l)OMt tl)e eact^ . S cciopCtis t^ac ^al) ig t^egauemonc oCaU nattontf. J/»/ /<^« as tijt lyTfilmt. TJSLw mtttf on W (5lO]ib) ■* •*• anD gtaunt to fegf tl)p gtace, Co QjcttJ to b3 Doc ti)ou accojD, tt)cb;itgt)tne5' of tt)^ face, a ^ijat all ti)c cartb ma^ Know, tbc ma? to goDiiptDcaltl): anD all tl)c nattong; on arow» ntav (re tifY fauing i;ealtlj. 3 %et aU tbc ti3o>!D«D <5ol») geue piia^fe bnto t\rt name! © let tbe people all ab;oaD, cytoll anD lauD t\)e fame. 4 ^b?ouQ!)out ti)c \uo)ID iO iDiDg, let alUeicvre tuJtb mirtl); ^? tljou iDttlj rruti) anD rtgljt BooH guftc, tbcnation^f of tl;e eattl?. 5 ict aU ti)c ujo>lD (O ^ot) gcuc p?ayfc tntc tl)f najticj; © Ict-tljc people all abjoaD, fttou anD ifidD tbe fame. 6 ^bcn Ojall tl)c cartl; e.ncrcaft, grcatftojic of ftuitc P;aU fall: ilnDttjcn our (&oDtl)c <6cD of pcacCo Ojall bl?ae b^ esc U) ttl;all, y ^oD ftall \>0 bleflc 3 fa?, anD tben botl) farre anD ncare: Cljs folhe tbjiuuaDout tljc carti; atoap, ofb'-*ttC}7ailCian:> infeare. Exurgat D?us. I'fal.Lx^iij T.S. €Jrt tiVPfdWf S>8«J6 frt«f?» «0i'^ W '" a.fflnfr tl6» 41 PfalmcLxviij. bv allmeuiifsaiis'msfl firtUiiije lo .j^ OitlaKtVt»»m ff'./TOChciu ■Vi&tfeScDS IljaiC^) b^rcalou of I)ig oioiiir^s , 3r.i5^3 a'lD »tcro:tti, Oor!) ftcell tairl)< ou. ctoHtirsHar. Vjoo:l-lp tl»wn8-»-^« n^oj'"^ 'fl"' tait all ;nrn to piApft OoD fo} cii«r. 3(Et <&oD attfe, ati£> ti^n l;vs( foe0 -^>♦ =1^: ■^ » fi> - tnmxc0 tl)cn toill nm ab^oalDe , anD fcarter out ofa3l)t. i. SlnD aisftlje 6te 5otI;mrttt!;cvua5:e , an^ totntic blow finohf aVDav* : So in tljc pretence of ^ ^^^iiy asfe^ tijc lo;it):ti;c tDtchct) OjallDcM^. } oSittt tig!)tcoii<5fm«tfecfojcrt;cXo>l>, Ojall Oattclv teto^ce: Z^c^ ajaU be glat) anD mccv all, anU ctjcarfitu in tijctc bof ce. 4 Sing p^nvfcfingpynvft bnro tl;c Z.o>^ tDl)o ttDcri) on tljc fR^c: > place: tl)ar fari)!:t ts of f ati;crldre, anD mcgc of vuiiotucxsf cafe. 6 l^ourcfl;i)egciic0ant)t(ruebot^>, tontatt)ecoMjfo>tletf: t)c bMngftl; bunDmcn out of tl^jiaU, anCwbclstociOtcfl'- 7 I\i)!)CB rt)otj btlia marrt) befojie fl^ follfc, tt)c i£g!pttnn0 from among: ant) bptjijtjt tl5<-m tf^ougl) tOc tDilbcrncflf, tD!)trt) tuas botJ) VD jtic ana long. i ^!)ccat*t!;DiD quaftc ti)c raznc poucbbottm i)enrD vjcre great clap0 of tbimOct: Z\)e mount Sma Qjokc m fiicf) fojt, 80 K aonlD clcanc a fimliCT. ^ ^bmcl)critagettittl)lijoptf oftoine, abotini)anrir WMf vonojt: jjlnt> if ft) be it batten tuntt, bvrtjccitxuotfrcfteQK. Plalme. Lxviij. t!)ou !)nfl pjepat5 tl)at pl^cc: dllt) fo> tl)C poo)ic fDcti Cjoft pvJHYutll(;citeu)om;ncaurc0 fl)all *lvc i'^^ tahc rl)c foylc: art!) tDo::ien tul)id) te.navne at l;0Jtic, a7all!}clpeto patttl;c fpovlc I J ClnT) tijoiigl) ron tuerc a0 blacfce atf potA l>ouc l)ett) C37oult> paflc tiic &oue: TOl)ofe tptngcs anl) fctl5:r0 fccmc to l)aue, ftUicc anD goltic abotie. 14 !)Dt)cntn tl)t0 lan^ &oXi Q)^\\tti\WV^i oufthm2c0bjtl)l)ieanDlovtj: ^*^ %\)en 3)aU it be Ithc t^^almon l;iU, y^'l 80 \ul)itc a0 anv fnoto. I J tri)ougli ISafan be a fcuttfitll l;ill, anD in I;eigl)totl9ct0 paffc: yet Sion 1&OD0 moft \)o\f l)ill, Bctl) facte ctccll in gcace. 1 6 t©l)vb]iag \e tlyna ve Ijtlfl? tno^ l;(f, anD icape foj pM^c togirtljcr: ^Iji0l)ill of Sion <5oD uotl) lone, anb tt;ete tovH Dtuell foji ettet. 1 7 ^oD0 ntmv i0 ttDO million^af. of \i}an;touc0 gooD anD ittong: 5Cl)e 3Lo>D alio in Sinai, i0p;ercnt tljcm amon?. » 8 ^^OM DiDll (0 2-o?D afccnD on Ijrt, anD captiiie0 IcD tl)cni oil: UPljicl) in tvmc0 paft tt)v c!)ore« flothe, in p^ifon liept anD t[))all. ti:i)ou maDell tl)em tcftiitc fo;i to 9«^% anD fttrl) 30 DtD rq)tnc: Z\)Q\\ DiDft fabDiic tJjat tl;cv mt^ Dwelt in tl)yr temple Dcnme, I ^ jaou) p;iavfeD be tljc Xoifi foj t^jaj, Ijcpoiircrt) onb0 fuel) gcace: ptom Dav to Da^ l;e t0 ttje iSob, of outl;caltt; anD folate, TA-' third part, JO Ibc t0 tlje i5oDfcom voljom alone, faluatton cominctljpla^ne: K^e i0 ti)c ^oD,bi> tutjom tec fcape, all Daungec0 Deatlj anD pavne. 31 ^i)u0i&oDtDilivootinDl)!0cmttt<0^eA)' anD b;icaU5 tl)c f)ear>> fcalpc: Of tl;ofc tl)at in ti;eic tDrcheDne;ar, continuallvDocwalhe. %i ftom ipafan xoiHJ bjting (fa^D tye.) mv people anD mpftecpc: anD ell m>>ne otonc as J oisncDonc, fromDaun^ctoftljeoccpc. , >j anDmahctl)cmDiptl)citfeetc inWoid, of tl)(3fc ti}at ijatc my name: jSnD DO30 Oja! I Oauc tl;cjc r^ngc emb^nbe, t»itl;lichinijoftl;cfame. »4 M nmt max ^ ^ov> t^ou o 0ob. Pfalrae. IxviiJ.' f^int tntmieisiidttttieUce'. %tib t)au) t{)ou ijoett ajtf i&oD «tiD tiing, 2$ 7i)e fingers; go befoitetDttljiof, tbc mmfHeis! folloto aftet: tuttlj ttmb;icU anl) U}ttt) tabsc. 3< jllotDintl)?con3W8ationief, (© ^ftacll ) wapf&t^je 3LojD, Slnfi :jacob3' tu^ Die poacctttc, teueoanhcjff vuttt) one acco?b» r^cic ri;:cfc tDaaf itttle zSentamiif, but 3u^a maoc tl;etc 1)011, PiPtti) ZabulonanD jncptalin, tb^tc^ btoett about t^fsiv coal?. ftl f St gob ^att) s$uen potoer to tl)tt, to XojXt matte 6rme ano fure: Cix t^tng tl;at ti)on Ijaft vt);touj3i^t in b;tf, foj, euec ro cnDute. 3j anb in tl;^ temple giftcsf totlltbe, jcitcbnto tt)cc «:> 2.0)ib: ^o;itl;mc bnto Jernfalem, fute p;iomt(e mabe b^ tDo;tbe* The f earth t>a>t. 30 yea attbdraunge Kin jsr to 1»;9rfubbu])r, Qjall bo Ulte in iijofe Dape^r : (J meane to tlpee ttjep Q)(Al parent, ttjcic iitteg of taub anb pjtapft. 2^e(^aUbeato)p tl)c fpcatemcnje; tanUejefe tl)cre calucflf nnj bullc;a( of migtjt: finb caiife tiytm uibntt puf anb baunt, liWiwtiy&fiXoiictonjfyt. |i ^ijcnQjaUt^eloj^sfofjJfgfptcomc, anb pjcfcntc^; totti) tQcm b;iuig:? Cl)C iSSloixg mod oUchz a;atl atctd) tljctc Dnto tijeic iojib ano hpng. (Uanb^af, 3 1 IJjctfojie tl)c hing'jcmcjs of tl;c eaitl; , geuep>a?fe "onto tijc %oiS)x gingpfalinetf to i5ob tuiti) one tonfcnt, tt;eftolctaUacco)b. 3 J nDljot^ou3i)i)et(bean5eittt^at^>, abouc ti)c ^cauens b;ttgljt: yet bp ijt? tcatc&iu tl^uniStTf laptf, men map vtjcll nnotu tjyx rnvgljC- 14 tCtjerfo^c tl)8 ftiettgtl; of Jfcaell, afcttbeto i5ob on0te; fS0\)o(e mtgt)t anb potucf botl^ fat e$tmt>i (AoiietipecloubpfHp. jj © iSob t^p Ijolpncffc anb pouice, t0b^eabfo;teuetmo;ie: tijc i5ob of 3fMcil gcuc0b;s(fttengti;, p;iaprtb b; idon tt;ecfo;te. SalMMmmefa.c. Pfal.Lxix. I.H. SUtl^ of JDauiO is in fojt^ as a 6giicc of Cl)jift> aiiS aU ^ia membcc3:ti)eroaliH0ti»ttitcl:j« of t^ecncmtt"*,* t\)cit pwnttljroetu nlfo , to^cre Jtisas ano liir^ traitors «ce accutfeo . (ST^eHsacij^cetlj^c coucageiit^isafaui tioii,« offi-et^ ^lAvUg suto <3oi), Ujbic^c are mo;c a(3 teptabU t!>e aU fatctRces.VDl^ereof all f Ije iifatct£B,maif taSeron-.five./fitiaUp^e oot^ pjoiiukcall creatures to ■jjiyfcs , pjop^:cpi»3 9ftl>£hi'naf6omcoEC^;ia',3na , *^ebiHlB)»n2Bf3uaa,t39(s:,«airt^efapt^l«ilanO tljcit J3ue tnc «0 i5ob , iiOi t^at ttpt^j fpeeSJc, tljctoatetfliflotu ftiUfafl;So tiiemvfoulcbo ti^ep wotecbc, tl)at 3 ^^^^ f^^ Ei filti; anb clap , tb^creast 3 feele no iL,.^_j^ 4 ^j^-^^l=^l=^ gcounb: 3faUint0ruci)floub;Qf3 fap. lUi0.xU-,i_M| t^at 3 am liKe be b;ii9tmb. I HDpt^ ctfing oft 5 faint anb quaile, m'^ tlnoat ijtf !)oatfc anb Xiv?' XOta> looHingbp mp flgl^t botlj faple. fojljclpcto iSob on ijiic. 4 ia?p focfl( t^at gtltlcsf ^0 oppjicflit, mp foule taitl) Ijatc arc leO: Jn numbctfurc tl)cp arc no leiTc, tijen tje«rc0 arc on xnx l)cab. 5 ^oug^ fo> no catife t^cf ^ejce mefpje, t^cp pjo^cr anb are glab ; Tl;cpbo tompetl nic to rcfteje. tl)c tl)tngcj( 3 ncutr Mab. « nD!;atJl;auebonefo!i\Bantoftort, tl;ou %oiXi aUtpmcfl( canfttcU: ianb all t^z fame t^at 3 commit, to t^ce iji Rnowne full vocll. 7 © jgob of ^oftesf bcfcnb anb da?, alltljofct^attrua intljec: 2.ct no man boubt 0% Ojjinfec atoap, fo;i ougljt t^^&t cl)aunceti^ mce. S 3[t is fo; tl):c anb f o> tl)p fafte, ti)at3 bo bcarctl)t3; blame: Jn (iji£l>t of tl)cet"ocp voouib me malte, to 0ioc mp face fo> Ojame. 5 ftif motljer^ fonncS mp bjet!^^ all, fojfaliemconaroto: v- flnb asi a araungec tljcp me call, % mp face tl)cp vDtll not hnom. 10 ©nto tl)p Ijonfe facl) jcale 3 beare, ttjat it botl> pine me mucl) : 5:i)f tr d)cc'ries( anb tau«te£( at tljce to tyeate» mp beep l)ait Dotl; grutci;. The fecund l>.trt. 44 Pralme. Lxlx, yea if 7 ttecpe anT) morw: yet in ijtr f cert) tijiijf geaw 10 caft, twrppafTciiott'ocmpon. in fncnc!?tl)tofe to tualfte. C^)en tl)n> anonc toiU it peniett, 5l;ctof tl>cv tea anU tnlhc. I } ffiorti !)!C anti latn attt) aU t^c tlnotii, tl).« fit \Dfrt)iinftart)Cfl( VDl)Jri) intoineDdfj^, it tB( ti>c(c tl)!efc pa^imc: to fecJtc tol)irt) luav to toojihc me fptte, of ine tl;cv fing ant) tune. 15 aenttl)cc tl)ctt)l)iicOt-o?t)3pjav. t^at tt>l)cn it plcafcrt) t^ce: ^0; tl)v great tcutl) tl)8U tutlt aVcosf, fcnD D9VDne ti)mc aytic to nic. 16 plachetl)ou m? fcctc out of tt)e mite, ffoinDjevontng Do me hcepc: ^tom fuel) afl( ouje me to>atl) anD ite, anS ft oat tlje uiatet/S See pc, 1 7 Xeft ttittl) tlje ujaucs 3 Q) oulD be D^md, ant) Dcptl) jnv foulcDeuotit. Jlttt) tl)at tl)e pit CDoulO me confounb, anti Qjiit MIC m bee power. 18 ©^Lo^tDof^ofictftomcgcticcate, 80 tbou act gooD antifttnie0 to cafe mv fmart, CO comfort mc not one. 5 } ©ut in m^ mcate tl;<^ ganc mc gall, toctuelUo)tot])inhe: jSni gaue jne in tnv tljicft ttiitbaU, acong birtc^ei to D^tnl^e. 3 4 2-!);]D tut.ie tljctr table to a fnat e, to tDi{re cut t1)v to>?.tl; ne l)ou a$ 8te, tt;at tt Oil ti^cm n>«ivfiiiu Pfalme. LxxT 5U< ft? btrpleafiicc t.i tbinc tte, taUe l;olb bpon tijein all. jBtf bcfctt b;v tf)cic I) oufc bifgcace, tl)etc offcing Che ecpcll : »7 Ttf)at njnc tOjrof poncfletbete platt, no> intf)cictcntc0tOi)U3ell. 3f tl)ou bo ft riftc tf)c jTinn to tame, onl)imtt)ev lycfHllfOK- ii Enb if ti)attbott bo toounbtbefamt, tl;ev (eehe to i)wt ^im mo^» ^\)cn let tl5cm beapebp m TEljatoftlJt'fattoirtanbgoobujill, tl)cv nciiec l>aiic no part. Slnb XioO) tt)cm cleane out of ti;ebooHe» of Ijope of life,ofttuft: Z bat fo; tl;etc namc0 tl^c^ neuct loolte* in number of tbe iud. The faurth part. 30 itbouiTb 3 (© io^b)tt)itl) too anb gttefe, banc faCBC full fojc oppjeU: ^bP btlpe Qjall geue mc fUrtj tejicfic, tbatallOjallbercb^eft. J I tTbat 3 mav gcut tl^ name tbcfpjay fej anb (beto it toitb a fong: 3 toill a:toU tbc fame altoat'cif , tovtb b^tt^ tbanHe;sf among. J 1 J©b!tb itf moje plcafant bnto tljet, fud) mvnbc tb^f grace batb bo?nc: ITben eitbcr ©jcc o;i Calfe ran be. tbat batb botb boofe anb bojme* J} npbenfimp'cmcabotbitfbebolbf, itOjallreiovce tbem ilire: flU Ve tbat fcehc tbc 2.0 jb bcI)olb, Vouc life i-oi aye flaall butc. j4 JFo^tobV^rijc2,o;ibofboaetfbotb \)t9X%» tbcpoo;ietr>bentbcy tojnplavne: Jl^i0 PMfoncrs: arc to bim fultbcate, be botb t!;em r.ot btfbaf ne. J J it)betfo;ietbefRva"^ eartb bclobj,* tbc fca lovti; flouo anb ereamc: t^ig p?sV''ctbeF Qiail bcclatc anb QjeU), toptb all tbat U\ic m il;ein. 3 6 jFi)]i fare ou; ^ob toill Sioue ftue, anb 3ubae0 cittcsbutlb: 37 dc^uci) foiuc poacfftoH tbctc fljaii bawe, bci: Qcc2tc0 Qjall all be filD. •$}tii fcruantca fcc5 il)atl ftccpc tbc fame, all ages' out ol mf ntie: 3S flnb tbere alt tbc^" tbnt lotic tbe %oiSi, « bU}eUmg plate tl^all Siibe. Deus in adffiterittm. Pfal.Lxx, I.H^ fft^e lijapet^ t« be rigbt (\srrhdv ticlittnrrti , lu; in t^( V» pr«lin«.'7^CK fat brficct^ c^of^ameof ^15 enrm)>r0, n rl;« iopfiiU comfort of all tljolj; t^at r««&c t^t Uoi>. ^S-jm^'this 411 the 1 ^.T/klxse, i5obtomctcftcbcebe, ^ of belpc 3 tUcc reciuicet 1-ojb of boitca toftb baft anb fpe^e, l>elpc bclpc,3 tbccbcftre. X ;\pttb Ois^mi (onfoimbtbem all, i-Taime. lxxu f^ht fccfec ttif foule to fptll. HebvAe xi}em bacHc \aft]f blame to falt» t^at tfyinbe an& tutO; me ill. f Confmnt>H)gmtl)ntnpplt, ant) fcehe to ao>lte me O^amet Unt) at m? batme Doe lat^i^ ant) ccf , foXo tl}cce gortf) t\)e game. 4 ISiitlettljcnitoffullbce, intftcctDitl) jo^anOtDcalt^: fK)))i(H) oneli? ttitft anD Teelte to Cli^ec* anD to tiyi fautng ^ealt^. 5 Tri?atH)c?m3ffa?altDavcA in mtctt) anD one accojD: nil elo;T>Uono;. lauD anD pjia^Cs, be gciien to tljee (© 3Lo?D.) < 55ut5smtDeahcanDpoo;w, tome }Lo?D i^ine avDc 3 lacftet C^jou att mv day anD 6elpe tijeccfoje, mabe (peeDe fin^ be not aacke. fjt fe Dtmifte. J'fal.Lxxi. I.H^ liefOeficet^ noU) CO bee Sdiucceo from c^e lnicjte& an» (ciiell man(tnMi9, atiD ciD me out of D^eaD: l&eue eate anD to m? fate acco;De, anD TcnD me t;e!pe at tteeDe. } ©etljoum «ip fouie lajD tuayte. Thtfiemdf^rt. ij lav ftan^ awt" caftc ftim note tije? fapft, ioi iSoD fcom l)jm tflf gone: ft>trpatd; l)tm quite fo> to f)i«( a^De, itoisf tljcte cammeti) none. I > iDoe not afafent t5;v ftlfc avuav, © 2.o;iDtcl)ennceDea)allbe: J5uttt)at in tvmc of gcicfe t^ou may, tuftij^att gcue t^clpc to me, 1 1 tt)vt^fbamc confottnD anD ouetti!j)o\j», all tftofc tl;at fceftc mv Ivfc: ©pp^elTe tl)em tovtl) ccbuhc^a alfo , tJjat favne tooulD tDo;iltc me Sttfe* 1 4 ^ut 3 tuill patientiv abi&c, ti)v i)elpe at all alTave^sf: iStill tnovi anD mojie edj vgme anb t^De, 3 toill fet fo}i^ tt)v Piiavfe. 1 5 £9v mouti^ tl)v iufticefl}aH teto^be; t^at Davlv i>clpe Dot!) fenbt ©ut of tl)v bencftfcit © 2.o>b. 3 hnoto no cornet no% enb. I < yet tuill 3 goe anD fee&e fo;itI) ont; XDitJ) tl)v gooD ^clpe © ^oD; tl;e fauing l)ca irt) of tfjce alone, toODetOiutDfetab^oaD. »7 /Fo> of mv vouti) ti)ou tooftea tilje caee* anD ^ooii inlhruct mc dill: ^Ijecetbjc t^v ttonDecfl to Dsclate, 3 ^aue great mynDc anD toill. i8 ant) ajjtB^ouTt) from VDantentage, tl)au DiDft mt hecpe anD ftavJ ^ojfaftc mz not bnto mine age, miD till mv i^eaD be gtap. T*« third part. \9 tijat 3 «)V tttengtl^ f migl)t mav ADoti. to ttjem tljat noyj be !?cce: SlnD tljat our fceDc t!) v poujcc may Imoto, ^)crcaftcc maitv a fcarc. »o © 2,0 jD t^ iuiltce Dotl; c?ceeDc, tl)V "iioin^ta allmav fee: i;^V tuojhejtf arc voonDcrfull in DeCbe, oi),U)I)oijSlihetott)ce/ J I Tl)o« maDcCt mc feelc afRirttonjaf fo>e, anD fat tI)ou DiDil mc fsue: yea tljonbjbSIielpe anU.mcreaoje, anD tooUft mc ftom tl)6! gtaue. %i !3nDtl)oumt'ne^ono)Dooftincreare, mv Dtgujtjcmavntavne: yea tl)ou DiDft snaftc all gttrfc to ceafe, anD comfo^tCl me &qffine* %l 'V:^.onx\f'^i9.tt\\f\mzfitoil^t^«» 3 Will bot^ iMtc 8»iiJ engi 45 Pfhimc. Lxxii. laltne. Lvxij. 14 fit?? noiul) Oia'.U:^ wJ!t'0p!c3rantbi3?« VDi)cn3ffi;;'.l&nBtJtl;cc: an^ cite iiij' foulc U3111 muco tciovcc, fo> ti;ou l)3ik nnxHi nit free. anT) flpeaiic it Da^l? ftsll; go} gac fc an:) Qjanic 5o tSjcrti confuun^, tt?at fou3l;t to vaofiis :nc ill. /f/. D'uituJiciufn. Pftt.Lxxtj. lome toiiDet tlje p«cfoit of Salomon : briber tari)«m (pall btrtj^tfoiiriiefTc, peace anDWicitif, unto Wljom all fcrn j«i ana na:4»ii« fi)dU BO 5)oma3»,te!)Of« na«R« «»» fo\attti 11 «nt>iue fo; (uet. ©j5 getie rt;¥'*u*5^*"^*^^ *^ t\)z fttng, tl;etem mftt utt \)im \»cU: ani> *=2 ^^^^ -r^ , -?♦— ;^ tnav8onCTnci>PM3i?tI? , anHttile ti)? eauitte, ti)e poojic ti)at Ijauc no tntsrtjt, ; Qxia let ti)r mountavRetf t^at ate ^te» tonto tl)cir folfec geuc peace; flnft cftc let little t)tl0 applf , mtaftttetoencrcafc. 4 Z-W \yt mav hclpe tl;e tucaftc anb pooje, totrt) a^Dc anu mabc tijem fttong: finD Che Ddlrov fo j eitctmoje, All tl)ore tl)at &0S tl)cm \xi>ong. 5 ant) tljctt from age to a jic Ojall tlje?, tcgart) ant> fcate tl)f tniqSyt: So lon<$ ass Bxmne tiotl) ftinc bp liap , o;t cl^ ri)e ft? one by ntgljt. tf 2-o;it)jnahctl)eiifngbntott)eiu(l, ItUc tavnc to Gclt-efl neto mottines flnl) Ithc to tijopsf tl)3t lap ri)c lull, anb UeQ) ti)c Uaiti bnfotuHe. anli all Ojallbc at peace: Jpntiii tt)e ftloonc Ojall icaijcto pjtme, tt}aSe,cl;aun3e,Mtb to cncccafc. I t>c Qjall I; loib of Sc.i anb !art&, from aiO}C t J Qjoic tI)iou5l>OMt: 0nb f,;on» tl5c aoubfeS vottl)tn tl;e lanD, tl;;ioiijJ) 3Utl)c carty about. 9 TI)ct\"o?letoattnbcrectbUjclI, Ojaii hneclc tj l)tm fill rt)tcbe: anb all i)ig encnitctf tl)at tebell, tl)c eattl) nm tiuJ Cbaii Mc^e. 10 ^f):tc -jLoji^iCflf of all tfje 3lcjaf tl>ctd>f, great aifteaf to f)int Ojall bjtng: ^l)chingcfltofSabcanb acabte, geue manp a codlv ti^intj. T'nefec*Hip4rt. 11 ailhm2e;aia7alireeftetDrt^oneaMOA tn t))v goob grace to (tanb: anb all tt)c people of t^ ttiojlb, (Dall feme i)im at I)tsr oanb. xi iFojl)ctl)enebpro;itbotl)raur, t^at bnto \)im boe call: anb elte tt)e fitnpte foihettjat ^atM. not)eipeofmanatall I) Hi^etahed^picp on ti)epoo;te, t^at ate tott^ neebe opp^ed: ^ebotl^p^efecue t^em euermo^e, anb b;btnge)tf t^ett (bulejat to red. 1 4 t^e Q^all cebertnc tijetc life fcom bjtenK^ from ftaub,fcom tD>on8,ftoni mtgW. anb ette t^e biotib tt^at tt)ep Q^all bleebe. ifi p>eoou;9t in t)t;a( ttgl^t. 1 5 IBut l)e CDall lute anb ti)ep (QaU b)tn2. to t^m of ^abaejar golbe: t}t 0)4)1 be ijonoureb &g « Hpng, anbbapivbe^ejrtolbc. t^ TC^je mtgiitp mountapneaf of IjW lan6» of co;uie OraU beate fuc^ tt^^ong : Tijat it I ihc Cebec twtsi 0;aU ftanb, in SLtbami^Qf full long. 17 T^jett Ctticflf eftc fiill toell (JjaUii?ceb«i, tl?c :iittejstt)cccof fltjall paffe; Jn p lentv it 'J?«U facte cjcceebc, anb IJi^mg ua gcccnc a;» gcaflfe. il Sro} vxct ttjrr Ojali pjapfe i^ig name, uj^tlc tljm' Oe funnc 10 lig^t: anb tbinfte t'ortn Oappv t^;ougi) tijc fame» all folUc 0?aU bleflc W mtgtjt. »5P?apfevctf)c2,o>b offtoOciJanbOng. to 3ftacW i&ob ecijonc: ^o> ^c bott? ciwry tuonDvJu;af tl^tng, pea Ijc ?^wifclfc alone. 30 anb bicffeb be 1)10 Ijolp name, all tpmc^ctccnallv: i:i>at all tlJc cact^ map pjapfc t^e famr, amcn,3nien,(apj. Q« gati slide. 3 iPo;i U3l)cn jT Tatu fitri) fooltflj tticrt, 3 gEu^l3t(c antilitD fiiCo^.fnc: ^^at vo tcKeD men all t!) tiigcs; fljouID Ijauc, tDitl)out ttirmo^le oji pavnc. 4 trijcy ncitct fufifer pangcs^ o;i gnefe, 6 ftoiit anH llcong, ant) cucc in gooD ptigf)t. 5 anlb ftcc from all anuetfitte, tDljcn oti)ecmcn befljcnt: flint) tDvtt) tl)c reft tl)q> taftc no patt, of plague o> ptmtUjincnt. i iri)crfo;rp?cCmnpttonl)otl)cmb>ate:i tl;eit: ncchcfl as Dort) a djamc: Ant) are cuen tn^iapt a^ in a tobe, tbttt) capinc ant) Dtfoa^ne. 7 TCl)cv ate to f eD,ri)at cuen fo;t fat, tljcit e^e0 oft tt^uJCfi out ftart: Sint a0 fojnjojlDlv gcoBiX ti)cvl)auc, mojte tben can tutOi tt)eir l)att. S ^Ijcic life iB mod Itccnttouaf, boaOing mud) of tOett vo^ong: XO^iti) ti?ev ^auc Done to ample meit, ant) euet pjiit)c among. f Z\)e l)caucnjS ant) tljc Ituing 2.o>6, tl;ev rparc not to blafpljemc: flbtt) p;iatc tljcv ho on ttojimi' tljinjjc^, no xoiql)t tbcv Do cftccme, I o tCi^c people of iSoD oft tvmetf tntne bacit, to fee tl)eit p>orpctou0 date: 9lnt) alnioft D^inHc tl;e felfe fame cap, anb f llotD ti;e fame rate. Thefscsnd^art. II t^otD tan it be tl)at iSob fav djcpi (boulbhnovu anObnt)ctftant>: t^tjcfeiDOjlblv tl)tngefl( (incctDtthcb men, be 2.o;it;cs' of fca ant) lanD;' i> ifo? toe mav fee l)otDtt)tchct) men, in ticljesf ftiU inctcafe; Jvctoatlict) vuelltDitl) tcojlDl^ goob;?, ant) line in tell anb peace. J 3 ^l)cnttil)vl>o3fromtoic]tcbnc;af, mv fantaftc tcfraine: anb toaOj mv tjanb^s toitl) innoceittetf, ant) rlcnfc «nv ijatt in bavnc:' 14 jlnt) fiifi-ct fcourgcs ewetv fiav, asfubiccttoaUblnme: Snt) cuctv mojJiing from mv Vbutl), fuftaine rcbuScanb Qjajue. 15 2lnb3ljnb3lmciJf3«batftl)e^, mifltftv"3 »^V!tc eflfitc: fS>\xt tl;ar 3 O;ouiti rt)v people iubge, a^follfet;info;itunate. Pfalme. Ixxiiij. 47 I* TCI)cn3 bct!?ot!e^tmcOotu 3 m«glj«, tijiisf mattcrbnDcrttanb: SSutvet tljc laboucwa^ to great, foj me t3 tahe in tjanb. 17 lomiil tl)c time J rucntbnto, tl)v I50IV place anb ri)en: 3 bnbetCDcfic riiji}t pctfcctiv, ti)e cnt of all tljcfe men. 1 8 anb najnclv ^ovo tl)ou fcttcft t!)cm, bpon a Qtppctv place: Stub at tov plcafurc anb tl)v tnJH, tl)ou booC tOein allbcfece. 1 s Ttf^cn all men mufc at tljat Ifraungc tu^ tofceDouifobenlv: Ctjcv are beftrovb,btrpattl)t:Confumbe, anb bcab fo Ijojinblv. 30 ^ttr^ lil^e a b;ieame tot^en one atoaltCiS, fo fljall tljcit tuealtt) becav : ^l)etr famou;ef namcjg in allmensi Gg^t, a;all ebbe anb paffe atnav. The thirdpart. ri yettlju^mvljattttiaflfgreuebtljcn, mv minbe ttiasi mud) opp>eft: 12 So fonb toasf 3 anb ignojaunt, • anb in tljis point a bead. 3 J yctncucrttjcicScbvmvttgl)tl)anb, ttjcH J)olbcft me Kltuaves fall: 34 ^b u)itl) tt)v cbunfell booft me gtitbe^ toglo;vattt)elail. 35 QDl)at tiding ijStl)etetl)at 3 can VDtd^c, but tl;ee in 6eauen aboue : flinb in tljc eart^ tl)cre iB notljvng, litie tt)ce tl)at 3 can loue. i6 30f{vflcWa»^chcmvl;artbotljfatT«, but i5oC botl) favlc me ncuct; iFo; of mv l;att j5ob us tl;e fttcngtJ), mvpo>tton e}tcfo]i euec. 3 7 Slnb loe all fitcH) atf fl)ee fcjfafce, ti)oi\ Ojalt befttov eri^onc: flinb tl;ofe tljat ttua m anv rt;mg, fainng in tt)ce alone. 28 '(i:i)ct&)?etoill3 b]ia\a5 nearcto iSob, anb euct VDitl) l)im biDcll: 3n jjDOb alone 3 put mv trir3, i^iB vbOHbct^s tuill 3 tell. VtcjutdDeui? rfa.1 Lxxi'tij^ l,H. ffiC^e fayt^fuU compldvne of r^e befhtitrton of tift C^urclj iMa true t^li^ieibVnSe); t\)e name of 2ien,an9 t^u altuM Be&copE£i : smD rtuBtitjin the mtg^t iu nt plcnfurc rob «nT» idaII, totrtjin tljv l)olV Plaf c. J flmfiJtbvccngccgationafaH. tHmc cne.'rticflf roarcfO iBoti:) tl)c<' fct ajs Battesf on cutcv wall, tbeir faanitcrat fplny^ nb^ooo. t Qis men UJV'I) '^?-fl l-P'^ iioujnc trecjEf, tbat on ti)c t)ils t)r? gtau): So Qjtne ti)c biio anD fa3o;itic;af of rtjcfe, tutt!)tn tljv temple noto. 7 ^l)c feeling fatuDe tl)e ramcD booji6«f, t1)e c?ooDlV'3taucn ftonc^: W)ttl; aictf .Dainmcttf biljs anti ftuo^nctf, tl)ev bc«t tijcnt Doronc nt onre. 8 tCl)r platc>Jtl)c)? confiimcvottl; flame, ati^ ehcm all tij^'tftoylc: 1Ct)e ^oiife appomteDto tt)p name. tl)ev taccDotDHcto tijc fa^le. 5 ant) rt)iifl( t\}c^ favi5 vutfl)in tljctc l^ftrte^. tii.f;vatf !) l)im out of l;anr): Z^cn bamt tl)q' ^p m cucrv place, <5ot)tf Ijnuica tl);o;iglj tljc Im^), 10 >-cttl)oitno agncof t)!:ipcOooafenD, out p>opl)cr3 all ate tjone: ITo tell ujljm tl)!a our plague i^ouio etii>, antotts bflf t'^ere igl none. 1 1 tt)l)£ tuilt tbou lo>b one c enb tt) i^ CJ;anic juit) ceafe Cl)vne cmmitS (Icong: Sljall ti;ev filvoay blafpljcmc tiji? name, ant) cay le r n ttcc fo lo ng:' EJ «9l)?«oo(rs;«jtipv«'>Dtl>vtjant)abat>te, mo i)(bc It ui il)\' iitp .-' C pluchc It out anti be not flacfte, .to gcue iljv tacfi a cap, ThefeeoHdpdrt, J 3 Oi^otttl^otiartm^hinganDionb, anb enecn»o;ic Ijatt bene: yea tl)v 3000 .2cacc tI»ongl)e«t tijc U30>lb, fo;t or.c a^ob Ijpipc ijarl; kcaz, 1 4 trtjc kMi tl)at arc fo aecpe anij beab, tl)V sa^gljt bib Kuhe tljcm b;-': anb tljon btbft bjcaSc tijc fccpcntes; <)cab , tl;at l)e t'oecetn bib b^'c. 1 5 yea tijou b jb{J bjcaftc tljc ^jcabejg fo great, of 5©l)>iL'a tijat arc fo fell: anb gatieft tl)cjn to tlje fotUc« to catc, t^r.t iii ttjc bcfcctcfl btucli. i6 Tl)ou jjiaoft a fpiiMig ttittlj Utteamen to fcom rccUe boti) liarD anb ijv'e: (vpfe gnb ehc t!)i> \}mx> l?ati) mabc uneujifc, becpcviuec^tobcenV. 17 l5otl? bav anb chc fl)e nigl^r ate tbins, b'.' tljcc t\)tf mrcc bcgtwne: I^oa fcril to fcnic bC lujtl? tljcir fliinc. ti)cltgf7tanbeHct(;c(unnc. }. % ^you DootJ appftjur ti)c enbcfl;.^ coaac/j. Pralme. Lxxv. flf all tl)cearttj about: Kotl?ftimmerl)Mtciy,Rnbtuintccft3(!e|f, tt)p l;anb i;atfj founb tljem out. 19 Tl;inhc on © toib no tpmc forget, tl))> foes' that tl)cc Defame: anb l)otD tl)c tooltOi folhe ace fet, to raylc bpon tl)^ name. JO OlrnocriicUbcaftbcuour, t^pTTiirtlctO.-'.tiarcttc: JFoiigctnof alWft? in tl))? potoer, tljc pooje tljat mutfj bo rue. ji Kcgacbet!);>coucHaunt.anbbri)ofD, t\Y9 iota poOcffc ttje lanb: au fab anb barXc,fojtDOiinc anb olbe, out realme as noxT) bott) Uano, »i 2-ct not tijcCiniplc go atoay, tuitl) btfappomtco Qjame: 35ut let tl;c pooxe anb nceby s;pc, gene pjiavfe bnto t tiv name. 1 J Eife 2.o>b,iet be bi' fl}2c mxi>n«ainb«, tf;c caufc tljat isf tijin^ouinc: Kcmembec l;ou) ti)3ct not of tl?\' foeaf, fojitl)ep?eruii»in3i;ic: 30 moK r.nb inoje faacafl of tl)ofe, tl)at Ijijte t^ec J^itcfnUy. CoKpehimurt'thi^ I'ful.Lxx^, 2^, CTI^c fai)tl)fiin 60 p^avfetlfentitie oft^t Eo^s, Vd?)JA« fl)aU:o!«to iuBjtutrlje twmeapnomtl^ onetf, fct not VQ\K l;o?ncs fo l)VC. 4 3 fav'b bnto tiA*m fct not bp, Vou'r ra^'^crl fi.o?netf en l>vc: anb fee tljat ^e bo Miix\) ftiffij necke, not fpeafecp;cfiimptuoiifl?. J Jro; neither fcosn tbc caftccneynrteflf, no;i from t i)c tu^fJccnc (ibe, jHo J rtom fo;ifahcn vuilberncGe, pjotcft'onbotl; pjoccebc. 6 Sfoj, ujl)V"tJ?c ?,o,vo out i5ob ^c ift^ tl)e u^ljrcoiuj iubgc alone: "^c puttcu) bovjne tijc onc,aab fetrf an o:i;ec in tl;ctI;?onc. 7 iro? tDl)v:'a cup of migJjtf toine, ijytnti;ci;anbofiCob: anb all tl;c mtgl;t^ wine tljerein. '.^1 Plalme.LxxVj. tn'mfelfiSot^ pours atitjoati. . ■ i S'st foi t'oc lam anD fiiti)^ sojegaf, tl)nt Do rcmr.^nc of it: anD ftjciie tijcm ciccv ^f? it* 5 ^tit 3 tDtlltalftc of jSoD 3 fa?. of 3«fcbtf iBob tJjcrfoic: flni a)Hi not cc.«fc to cclebjiate, I)?'flfp)WVft fo;i cnstsnoj.t. 10 3nfiint)2tb)u;alict!)el)o>neflfofaW, bn^otipwcnvDili^: 35ut ti)en ti)e ^ojxits ofti^jteouiS men, Cloriapatri, T$ lather, Sonne , and holy Gho ff, all ^lorjf he therefore: ^it in beg inning Wtttji novf^ andjhttlbe enermore, Inlttddtt. Ffat.Lxx'vi. I,H. CffljiB pfalme fcttst^ fojtb t^iir potoer of <5oo,a*it> ttttt fot t".je6cfeiiceofl)i3pf8i3lf ill leriifslan, in t^c im firuccton oft^eannDof^riiac^crib , ouo e^!;0}*n^ tl^c (af t^ftiU to be t^anltcfuU fe; ttje iaxa,t, Sng this as the C^.P/ilme. 'T'O all ti)at trotD in ^fttt^ ttncU, ■*■ ti)c Xo^b i3( ctcarclv Snoujnc: T^iH ttamc t*? great m JftacU, a people ofljtjsotDne. 2 at Saltm f)c 1^13 tcntcsf i;ati? pi^, tot3t^t\)eic&Cpace: 3[n Sion cUc l)e ^at^ DcUg^t, to msftc ^i0 aiDellmg place. 3 antirijcrcijcbjafeebotljQjaftanbbotD, ttjeftDoj^, tl)c rpcai'CRJtt) OjtclD: Stnti b;ial^c tljc rav to o»cttl)?otD, tn battav'.e on tljc fieiric. 4 TCl)ou ait fno;tc too -tJj^ ijonouc (Xop) mo?c migJjt intlxcuetl) ipe: ^l)en in t\)c ikcon^di af tt;c wojtb, tt)at I'ob on tiiountai?nc;6' i^ie. 5 ISnt uotD tljc p?on!) jste (povl^ finoit0 attattje^iircfalnccnfiecjje: (ti^cc, ^l^yougl) men of toat no l7f!pe can be, tl)emfclues t})cy couio nat ftccpe, < ilttJ)?rrin'.!^s O Jscoba iScD, ttil)cn:tjout)«c(lrl)£m enoi^^ fljS l)ti\rt on 3^^pc tijeit cD.ic:o'';a( aocBc, no 1)5? "eman encc Hi's mcue, 7 fot tljoi! art t;cat)full 1 c;!) in BeeDe, ■Uibat man tJ)c coucagc IjatJ) ; Xo biBc t'.;f G::;!)t ?.i;2i tioti) not ijf.cati, tol'sn tysit stt tn t\)-p ttrjtar!). f Ijcarn, S XO\)cti t\)on uDcS ma'?cti)v ustJgcjnentCia' frotii ixatien tl^r.cnigljtfjc gceunSc: Tri)eii all it}cmm)Jcn[\ ic?e afcaco, ina'cnfcfijii'illic: fouutic. 9 ant) tl)«f wijen tfjou (© <6oi))5ooS fta«3), tjitiUogc)K2ntfa)i to fpea^e: ^0 fsuc :i;c f-ff: jct?3 oVri;; Janb., on avttj) tt?(^t a!;c iiUl xvJcaHe* nalme. Lxxvij. 49 »o Tbe ftirv tl)st m man notD taigne, Ojali fume hma ti)y p%ii:nc: I&cccaftcr {X^].yj'to ti)Qu teStavnc, » I jRJaSetJotuca? antvpa^tfjcmto ^onr iB^ V'e f Jinc c;;at utj;; ijiat be: je?ing giftea all ^e t!;at hxocll abjioab, foj iiitcafjfuU fitrc is t)c . 1 1 iFo? i;c tiotl) taijc botl) Uic anb mtjsljt, ftom lOrncciX great oi btwi;: anb fiju Of tcti.ojrt.0 {jj;e fistjt, to ail ti;e iiin^eis on catt^. Vocemeattd. PfalJxx'^ij. J.H. Cdfcc pjopl^ct in tV name of tJjcCiiHtthjre^eatrrtt) tft«- flrcariic5ef t)?3 affltctisa ana ^15 gieicsus teinptati* ontla^jcrrfjyljctaJs Djiiifntotliis cii6,to con.larr^i* foiiiier conut-rfation ij t^e cantinitail csutfcof C5oM tDOjliea in tt)c pjEa-tuatios of ^ia iVcuaiintj.ano fo tgs (onSt-mctl) ^i;j lijprljagapuiit^erc tcmjwtisujr. VDVtl) Ijatte anb Ijattp cljcate : i^? bopce to i5ob3ltfteonl;ie , anb tjc wi]? futcCort) \)t$xt\. 3n ti''atc of giief 3 ...^ -tO^L.»- yjyV^ foii2l)t to <3ob, bv nv!jl)tno tdl 3 m ~ HVi^ -I,<^- ^$^^^11:52 tooHe: 35ut {lrct;!;t my l^antieis' to l)v«i 13= ab^jabc invfonle co:«fo;tfo;ifDcfte. 3 BT'bf n 3 to tlifnftc tn iSeb cntcftb, ttiv trouble tt)cn t«,' mo?c : , 3 fpalie I'lstfouVo net niaSc tn enb, tny»bjrnf») "^XiJiS ftopt fo fojij. 4 botlj mc fojfeKe. 5 ■^Jlje 5rve;a; or f. trie s r. m^nte 3 t«I?. ant; off iv^ tl>ir:«;c tspoi-i: ^f;e tf mf^ii anb rigsct'^ut arc p?.;?;, .ftill::ianr v? »^^ w a^otfc. 6 OiJ? u!!2,l;: Ki't' rj^wja 3 frulto riv^nte, »fiv ip?ite;$ Oy fp«icS; to Uns j» sCij. 7«Atiii 50 Pfalnoc.Lxxvij. ^ BDfll l5ot) fai?t) 5 flt ontc f o> all, wtt of t)t0 people tDuff:' J5o tl)at bcncefoxtb no tyme \)C Q)&\\, befccnt>iVt)nto\3flf. fo> euct nnD a Da^:" ©1 tjB 1)10 pjomtrc notD bclaf D^ anD Tioti)i)t0 trurl; Dccayj' « a«T, tDtll tl)e t,0}t) oiic ^oS fo?3ce, Ijjtf tmtcieU manifolDc: (D) Qjall l)t2( tDjatl) cnctcafc (b w^of, !)t0 metaca to \uirWolt):' lo flt lad 3 ravn »«V MJcahnclTe ig^ tljccaiifcoftbtflfmtftrud: <^oti0 niigbtf l)nn5 can l)f ipe aUtI)t^, «nO ct^nac « toijcn ^ luO. Th*f*c*ndfttrt. * I 5 tuffl tcgart) «nt) t!)tnftc tjpon, t^e tDOjUma of tt)c XojiD: Of jai ln0 \DonDcr0 paft anD gone, 3glat)lv^»lttcco;iD. B> yea flUD«0 TOojUctf 3 \ut« Deflate, ana XDljat l)e Dotl) Dciiife: Co tcui)i0 factcfi 3 toili not (jpare, anD euel)t0 counrcll totrc. s J TDf toojhctf o iojD ate all tjpjtgljt, anDl)olf allab!toaD; lOl^at one »)atl) attgtlj to matclj tl;e mig^i, of tl)ce (O 2.o;D out jBoD:') J4 Tl)0H8tt a <6a:)tl)at oft Doottt^jcw. tljT «onDcc0 cuccf l)0U3ct: jjnD fo Dooll mahc t!)c people hnoto, tl>y bcctuc anD tl;? potocr. J 5 anD tl)(nc otoncfolKe tI)oti Dooft DcfcnD, tDttl) tttcngtl) anD (lrctd)sD atme: Cl>e fonnc0 of 3afob rt^'Jt DifcenD, anD 3isrcpl)c^ fcetic f com ijacmc. /< ^l>e toatcctf 2.011D petteiucDtljee, tl)c xuatergf fatu tljcc toell: J[nD tljet* f»J> feare aCiDc Dio flic, tl)c Dc^t^rflf on trembling fcH, 17 T^c cloiiDflf tljat tuecc botlj tijicft gt blficlt^ DtD ravnc full plcnteouQ^ : 1t]!)Ctl)tmDcc tn t6c avic DiD ctacb, ti)V Qjaftctf abjioaD DiD five. xi ^l)etl)imD«cmt!}efltctoas;i)e8tD, t\)t it^tntn^ fiom abouc: tJpitl) flaUjes gtcat ni?.Dc men afcacD, 4ritt)e cart^ Dto qiiaHc anD moue. 19 tr^^ toavesf tuitUttt tl)c fea Detlj lye, tl)F ^-011)00 in\uatcc0Dccpc: yet noHCCantl)eicti;vftcp0efp?, nojhnotDtl)'? patt)c0to bcepc. »o TTDott icaDca t\)\> folfte bpon ti)e lanD, 80 Ojscpc on ciicrj' ODc: jjtJ[jjou3») tHflofc0 $ tUjtouglj aatonsi ^anD, tl;oii DtDa t^em iaitV^ giuDe. Attendifepopuli. Pftl.Lxx^fij, T.S. t^(pon[>a;i(«. TTtenDmf people to m^lato, anD to mvtuo]iDc0 incline: )(SJv moutl) Ojall fpeahefttaitnge parable^, anD fcntcm t i^=^i^sl ^4-.i-/ fetf&ciuoc. tt)l)!cl)tDcouc fcl«c0 Ijaue t)cacDanDicacnD, eucn ofouriFat^etjaf olDe : SlnD tul^ici) fo} one inGri]Ct:on, out f?.tl)er0 l)ane bs tolDc. 4 iSecaufc \dc QjottlD not hecpc tt clofc, from tl)CJJi tljat OjoalD comc^ftcc: X0\)o 0)oiU5 goD0 poujcr to tljcic cacc pjaiff, anD fill i)t0 U)o;iUca of vuonDct. 5 «ro 3accti i)c commaiinDemcnt gaue, l)OUJ 3fcacll QjoiilD ifue: H^iiltng otic.fati)rc0 O^oulDtljefame* bnto tDett: cl)ilD;en geue. 6 trijattljef anDtl)eitpo3ctttfc, tDi)icl; ujcce not rp;iong bp tt)o: S^ouiD t)aiic ti)t iirto^ulcDgc of tDy latu, anD tcad) tl)C!t fccDe alfo. 7 ^ l)at tl)cf Miav l)auc f l)c bcttcc ljap«, in iSoD tl)at is aboiic: anD not iii}q,ct to iiccpe i)ie laxotg, anD l)i0pKcept0 in loue. 8 jllot being a0tl;eicfatl)2t0tucfe, rcbelltng m <5oD0 figlit: anD toouio not frame rtjeictBicftcD \)mte0, to hnoVD tljcit <&oD atigl)!. 9 T^oyj toent tljc people ofx£pl)>atfti, tljeit neigf)boitt0 fo;tto fpof ic: Sl)'3unq tl)ctc Dattetf tbe Dav of vuatce, anD vcf tljcp toobc ti)e fof Ic ;' 10 iFo;itDl)V».-'tl)c^Dt"DnothfepetDit^ <5ob, tbe coucitant tl)at tDa0 maDe: fioj, vet tuoulD vonlltc o; leaD tl^eit Ititeier, ^(MjiDmg to tpctp (caDp, It ]3ut Plalme. ixxviij. II Output into ohMuiott, l)i0 toimfell anD i)i0 \aiVl: flnt) all t)isi too>fte5f moU masnf Rqtt^ to^tcl) i)eQeciat:ct) (itlU The fecoHd parr, 1 1 nDl)at \uont)et;;Bf to oire fo^dsi^txiS, t>a be I)tm ftlfie Dtfclofc: 3n iE3?pt UnO uitti)m ti)c 6cR)e, tl)at rallcti tg; ^ijancos". ij ^^e 5115 BcuiDe ant) cut tljcfea, tl)at ti^cr »»«Sl)t PafEe at once: jant) matic tljc tuatet^ ftana as; fttU, a;B( tiott) an Ijeape of Clones'. 14 i^c let) t^cm react in a clout), bv ta^xcl^en itVDasTbjvsl^tJ ant) in tije tti-^jt tolxn oarft tt voajf, tt)ttit> 6re l)C gaue tl;cm Itgljt. 15 l^ebjaf.e tl;c ccche^ in tDitncttWjtf, an^ gaue ti)e people t)>innc: ;v «"o 1?^*^^ • ©f fuel) abounOauacc r;)at no fioiiDtf, to tl)em mi%\)t be comparoe, J7 yetfojalltljtiJagawlltljelojD, tl)eti: Cnne tl;ev t)iD cncteaft ; ant) fttu-et) l)?m tt)at ttf molt 1)^3, to tDja.tl;tn totiDevneffe. j8 Z\)e^ tcmptet) Ijtm vottijin ttjetc Ijattesf, Itfte people of miftcuft: Kcquttmg fuel) a UtnDc of mcate, BiSfetueDtottjeirUiS. in tljcic unfaYttjfulnes:: IPl^at jcan tl)t0 i6oD pjepaic foj \>g. a feaft m totitevneffe. 30 55eljolBc ije ataKe tl)e Hon? tech«, anti fiouicis f o^tl)tu ttt) 5)tb fiuui : 36 ut can De note geuc tc i)T0 foUie, botl) biteaB anx) tieO) alfo. a I wi)cn &oT^ ijeato ti;t3 ^e toajcet) tJjjotJ), tDVtl) 3a£6u ani:' l)?S( feeoe; So t»i£»})i^ irtoisn8tit.11, on3fi;aeup;iotce'5e. IhethirdpArt. a J 55crautctDei?5tti not favtljfitU?, bc\cuc any ijope ti)at i;c: ecull) alujave? l5ci?e ant) fuccouc tljcm, in«i}eirnetefftttc. 3 ^ XO^'tdo%t \)t Diti commatmti tl;c clont)g?, ^ foi'^VDUi) tDevb'fafee in funfec: - . anD taint) ooicn a^anna fojitljcto eats, afoocccfjntt«C'UU)ont)Ci;. a< l*D})ccattW53'cn^««i) SngeLsfoiiSc, ttccefctiticattDctcrcqurif: s6 Ttoc bat) tl)e i£aft tDtnoe biovu avoaf , ano bjoagl?t m ttje .Souttjaieft. i7 an'o tatnDtfiVon ficQ? a;3 tl;itfee ajtf tinU, ant f cu'es fip; tt)'.£l?c ajs far.ti : a8 »i;l)irtv i;e otD cp.'3; amicft tl)c place, »^esc sll t^c «ente;5 tsio J^ant» , P/alme. Lxxvii;. 51 »^ Tljcntittitljc^' catc eiccecbing!^, anD all men \}iii> tljcic fiilctf: yet mojie ana jnoje tijcv t)tD ticfire, to feme tljcit itiae;^ anti tDtllrs?. 3 o ©ut as; t!)c mtiit 03ajs in tijetr moutI;e;3';, l)ifl/ tojatl) bpon tl)cm fell: J I anD Qeto rt)c Qoxucc of all tljcit voutlj, anDcl)ovfcof3ftaeU. 3 1 yet fell tl)q> to tljcit wsntct) Cnnc, anD fftUtfjcp Dit! \)im gcctic: fo% all tljc tDonticrs; tijat ijz \2i%t\v:^)t, tl)cv ttJoulD !>im not bcICMC. 3 3 S:i;etc Daves tJjcif e ?e tje 0?cttcnet), anD mate tijcsf l5onc;i bavnc: 34 ^f)eitvearcs;BiDy)aa r.nD palTcauiaf, vbytl) tcrtejs^ ant) us^tlj yavnc. 35 :©uteuec\B!5enljcplagttctstI;ejn, tl)cv fougl)t f Jim bv ant* bv : jRcmembjtng tl;cn !)c vonisf ttjcic Stcnstl), tljcit Ijelpe anD iSoD moS Ijsc. 3<; Ojonglj in tljcit moMtijc^JtiJcvtJtD but anDflsttcftjOttijt'ccioj^^: (glofc, flBD tt)ttlj tljcii- tonge3,g^ in tl;ett t;attesf, biiTembleD tnzz'^ voajD. The fourth part. 37 5Fo) ttjljv^tljeic Ijartcflf ti)erc notljinsbeaJ to hi»n no; to ijifl? traDe: ipoj ifct to Ueepc o? to pcrfowitc, tljc coiicnaunt tljat tBSs; niaDc. 3 8 yet teas Ijc iliU fo nteccihiU, ttiljcn tSjcv DcfcnieD to t Jc: ?rijarljefo?gaue tijem tljeic snirDecSc/ef,. anD tuoulD not tljcm Drilcc^, yea man^ a tfmc he turneD Ijitf tojatl?, anD DiD Ijimfclfc aDiiife: anD ttioulD not CuWst all W tt)ijole bil^lcafr.re to atife. 39 ConaDreingtljc^ajerebutfleQj, anDcuenaafavuiuDe: tCljat paflctlj att)av,anD cannot \ucU, tettimc bv l)tisi otDnefetnDc. 40 "i^otD off entimcsf intLiilDerncfrc, Uh tljc\' tljcit lo;tD p;ottoHc;' :i^otti DiD tljcf moue ant) (Jiive tljei 2.00), to olaguc tljcjii \x>vt'J l)«g; ftfoSc. 41 y2i DiD t5jc\' tmne iiga^r c to annc, anD tcmptea i5oD cftujonc; ^ jefcttbing to tljc Ijoli' 3LojD, toijat t\)itt^t0 tljcv tuoulD Ijaue Done. 42 /flcttljtniungof IjjjSljantianD potoct, no;t of tljc Da^i tyl:en ijc : jDcUuereD ttjcm out of tije IjantCiS, of tljc 6eif c enemy. 43 ipioj Ijo^^ Jjc \r;icngljt Ijia' miracle^ , $.3 ttjcv tijcsnfelucs bcsjelDc: 3n iEgipt^anD tije vcont»etA tijat, IjcDiDmZoanftelD. 44 iTion W^ 'SJs tiirncD bv l)'^ potoct, tijcit «:atcrs; iitti) blGuD: tCijiit no mm nstgljr reccatic Ijtjs tjinftc, attjtictnojatiicuD. ^ 4< ipoj i50i» ijefenttijcm fcDatmc^ of fiicsf^ ^ ^1 Pfalmc* Lxxvii'j. tubtdjt)iti fljcm (b:ic annoy: flnD filtc tbctc (ountfvca full of fcojgf. ttil)ul) Q^ottlD tlpctc lant) £i;li;ov> T he/if t part. 46 /tiojljoto l)cT)iD commit tt)eitftmteg, tontotljcCntccpiUct: Slnt) alUbc labouc oitl'xit IjnnliMf, 1}C entic to ti)c i&tnOjoppcc. 47 UPttf; ijatitlonca l)c DcHrovU tljeictjinc.s, fo rl)at tl)fv ^crc all loft: iStiD not fo itiitd) Asi tDtlDc S ^ge trees', but ^e confiitnDc tuvtt) fcuft. 4S anl> vet tDttl) batlftonetf once aga^ne, tije "LoTiQ ti)etc cisttlc fmotc: ant) all tljric fl orhctf ant) l>cntt)Cflf Itftcwifc, tDVrt) tbunOetboltf fif full Ijotc. 45 t^c cad bpon t^cn m l)irf ire, ant) m 1)^0 ftirv ftroug: 3t>t^lcarurc vu;iatt),ani3 cutll (^jiite;8^. to trouble t^em among. 50 TCljcn to I; w( tt) jati) l)c mafic a toap, anD fpatcD nottlje lead: 5But gaue bnto t^c pcftilcncc, tl)c man anD eke tl^e bcalt. 51 15catahcalfotl)c6L'fl;bo;ncaU, t^tbp m i£gypt cume: ^nb a!t t\)e ri;tcfc of men anb bcafte^gr, tDttl?mtl)etcntcfl( of i^am. $1 'But dft fox all Ijtflf otonc bcarc foBte, l)j[;btb p;M:rcciie anb fteepc: Slnb cacpcb tijcm tojouj!) to Jlbcmcaf, cucn Uftc a fiocUc of flicepe. .5 J lDitl)oiital>fcarcbotl)f.ifcanbfounb, l)c b^ougljt ri)cm ut of tl);iall : UPljetc as tl)eic foc« vuvtl) rage of fea, ujcce oucttol;c!mcb all. 54 ^nb h^oug^iyt t\)tm out into tl)c toafkeiS, of tjvtf otunc l)oli' lanb: i(Eiicntotl;c mount tDl;icI) l;c^)ab got, bv Ijiflf fttong ar me anb l)anb. 5 J ahbtbctccaftcuttbc^catljcnfome, anb Bio tt)cv;i lanb bcuibc; Slab in ti}cit tcutcsf l;e fct rt;c ttibetf, ofJftacUtoabtOc. j\r,s\jjiii. 57 i5ut ,13 tl)5tc tiwi;ct3 tuttien batfte, citcn fo tl)'::\» vucnt aftrav : C^v.tti iiUc a botu tt) It tDouio not bcnb, but flip an :> liatt atbap. Thevi.part. " ^ 8 anb gccncb I;(jn ujttl? tbctt fjtU altar;*, tuui) offcm^'j ano xoytl) ftcc: anb tottl; tl;;jf 3bcl0 bcijcmcntlv, t>>oi»nftcol)fmtoiic. 59 T^i)2i'U)irt; Oiflf vDjciri) began agavnc, tohmbicir< l5:flffa;cn: S:t;c nau;^l)tmctrc 0; jftacir, ^et)tbi'umH(^i>(tcft. Pfalme. Lxxix. io T^cnljcfojtroohctijetabemarte, of Stlo voJ/crc ijc tuaje: Ktgl)t tonucrfant toitl) eaitf)lj> men, cucn aa l)ifi( btoelttng p lace. ^i Z:i)cxi ftifiFccb l)c Ijiflf migtjt anb poujf t, mbonbagcfojtoftanb: anb gauc tl)c bonour of l)pjf flrbc, into l)ig cnemUss l;anb. ii anbbtbcomm*t?5cmtorl)cf\»ojb, Mototl) iDvrtj Dig fjcritagc: ri)iEmrobfl( mtljcl^inbcr patted, l)e ftcahe \)ts cncniicflf all: anb put tijcm ti;cn bnto a (t)mtc, tljot voas pctpctuflJi, -. -'«.^ <7 trf)cnl^eftl)e>tentanb;Cabcnwcte,5 of Jofcpl) bib tcfufc: asi fo;i tl)c tiibc of i5pl);taim, l)c vcoulb in no tctrc chnTc, €Z 23ut cljofc tl;c tribe of 3cl)uba. tuljcrc as l)c tljougljt to btoclU i^uen ti)c ncble mount j3 ion, tuljtcl) Ije bib louc fo ujcll. <5 U2)l;crc ag !;c tib DiH temple buiR>, bofl? fumptuouflv anb fute: Xil^e asf tl)c eml) tuljicl; \)e \)at\) mabc, foj cucc CO cnburc. 70 ?:ijcn cl)ofc i)c iDaujb Ijim to fcrue, l)vs people fo; to ncepc: HPl;tclj l)e toofte bp ano bjougljt atoa^, cuen from tl;c foltttg of a?cepc. 71 atfl?cbibfoIlotDtl)eigttietftuiti?vo«9. tl)e io;b run Dim abuauncc; tofcebcJ)t0 people 3 ftacll, anb f)t0 inl)cri:tauncc. 71 ^f;en JDauto tavtO a f.irtljfwll fjatt, l>is flocj'.c anD charge bJb fccbe: anb p;iubent!t ^btrt) all l)ts power, bid goitcmc tlycm m bcebt. Deus^enerttnt. Pfal.Lxxix\ l.H, ^m)t ]rr.irlifM tomplainc to <5e6'fof t^e great tnl*; m«tic,(j oppjflTioii tijat t^cp fiilFrrcDtolieiiautiocl)H# 6(!lhopcD tlior rcmple aua Citie ^cnualcin : Sfrirru j <5o33ai>se ajsynS ^rs rajrng tj>;an ii? , Icaft >5»o« namegreiijtonPjoiila bceconrrmntB among tbc brv t^ftijto^ul) fl)oiilo I"btl)c oai> ■ae ymwt iJim. i*joab to bttbctf rt)et caft: Clje ficOj of tf)em t^at fio tl;cc fcaw, ^cbeaftc;a: z>euout ant) >:uafle- 3 ^I)et'rblout>tl^)ougl)oue3£m(aletn, aflf U)«tet Qjflttl)S7 l;auc: So tl>ftt tJjctc tfi^ not one of d)cm, to la^ rt)ctr teaD in gratie. 4 ^^jtyjatetuctnatica laitjljingftodie, alrtioft ri)c t»o?It)s tl);ioiJgl)oiit: ?tJ;c cncMitetf at b5( teft anD mocbc, to^id) DtDcIl out coaSe^ about. 5 HD tit tf)ou (D %oib t\)ivg m t^ittc ite, agavna biS met fnmcf SnT) mcco tl)^ \D^at!) aff l)otc niS 8te, t\)y folfte foj to conrumg . tf lDpontl)ofepcoplepotn;et{)efame, tBljicl) bit) tl)cc netict hnovij : SUit:eatmc;sf tDljicI) call noton tl)^ name, (onfume ant) oumi>;toto. 7 JFo> ^ei? &auc got t!)c bppct fjanb, ant) Jacobs; fecSc Dr (Ito^bc: 1^t;Qi Ijabitatwn anb i)i0 lanb, tt)ft;^aue left toaftc ant-botbe. 8 IBe&H not in mtnbe one fo;mcc fmltefi, vujtl) (Vcebe fomcpitic Qjoto: <8nb ayDc b0 lo>b m ail affanltcflf, lo;i tec ate toealtc anb loto. Thefiondfart. f Oi&obtl)atseueaalll)ealtl)attbgca(e, on fas' bcdare tije fame: X0e9 not out tuo)ttej6t,ottt finnejei bcface, to; I)ono;i of t^V n^i^C' 10 tt)I^^Q7ailtI)eu)tcttcb(hllalicD«f, to bgf a£f people bunitnc: Jntt)^ rep>ocl) tetovce anb faf , to^ete ifi tl)ett i&ob become^ Hequtte tl)e cla»!uin:jO',i$nefe,aHbtJD;ion2V Of fnd) 80 ate in pjitfon cad, fulia)?nins icon;e' (Itong* tT!)? f ojcc anb Orcngtlj to cclcb;ate, ionb (ct tl)Cin out of banb: XO})i&) bnte beati) ace befitnatc, anb intljctcmenufo Ijanb; J a ?Ct)cnatiomJ tnljtri) Ijaur bcncfobolbe, as^ to blafpljcmc tl)Y name; 3nto tl^cic lapp tottS) fcucn folbc, tcpaj" aga^ne t^c iamt. 1 ) So tDc tl)^ folfte mb palhire Ojcc^c, \t)ill p?8Tfe tl)cc eucrmo^c: Sinbtcart; all age» fo> to bcepc fo;i t!)ce Utte pita^fe in fto;ie. . Sjti regis ifrAsl. rftl.Lxxx. l.H\ C£tUmmt«i)Ic});apn t» (2io&> to ^rtpe t^emirecie^ of r^(C^>trC9e,0ei(cpn3^iim to conliaer t^«tt fit&cSatt, la^en^piS faucutOiinet) toteatses t^rm > to t^tfntflit r^at $(m>0^t Sn(4 t^o^^ojbc ^« ^H^beges, llJ|!ilfflt!. Ji!!S. !5 'Ttfou l»?eacb tljat aiVacll Do oft Rccpc, •^ GeHCcaccanBtahC300bJ)ecbc; JU)l)fd) icabcnt lofrp!) if Uc a Qjccpe, anb bood \}im uiatcl; anb fcebc. a ?Cljou %,o%-<3 3 r^v xoljoic fcatc is Cet, on Clymihins MlbUilyt: Si)c-^ fom tfyf fclfc anb bo tiot let, fcnb botonc tl?v bcamcsf of ltgl)t, 3 IScfoiw icpln^Mn anb iScniamiti, a'Janaffejff cSe liftctatfc: JZo Q)rtB tljr povoec bo tI;DH begin, come l;rl^e be 2-o?b nttfc. 4 SMrcctmicljartcsbntotlj^gtatc, conucrt \)S t>Q}X) to tl)cc; SljW) bs; tl)c b;tgiKncflc of tl)? face, anb t!)en full lafc ate tnec. 5 gUj;iD<5obofl)oftetf of^fraell, i)otD longtDi!tdjou3 fa?: flgapnC tJjt' fol^c in anger ftoel!, anb tDtlt not l)carctl)?m pyat*. * ^l;oubooatl)cfccb tttrli fo^tottJCjsfbccpe, tljcitbjcab tDitlHcarcs tbc? cat: anb b>inKc t\)e teavssi t\)at tJ)e^ Ho xoeep, in meafute full anb gteat. 7 T^dutjaltbjBfmabeabetirfttife, to tl)ofe tljat btuctl about: anb tljat out foejs bo Iohc of life, tt)CT' latig^ anb ted it out, S Otal{ebjSLo;tbbntotl)^gta», conuctt out mvnbtflfto tljec: Sl^eto fatti) to bjaf tl)p topfull face, anb toe full fafc Ojall be. 5 ^tom 3(Egfpt xolyett it gt eto not 'oysJX, tl)o\\ bjougljtft a bvne fiill bcatc: Clje l)cati)cn fblHe tl)ou tHUtt cjcpcll, anbti)enbibft plant it ^ete. 10 1ICl)oubtbftp;irp3rcfo;«tapl«e, anb frt l)ct tootes full faft: tljat it th grotD anb fpvng agace, (oiQ ftlbe t^e lanb at lad . XI Tri)e \)il\c0 toete rouetcb tounb about, tDitl) Qj^tic tljflt from it came: anb eh c n)c Cebcrtf l)igl) anb (iovt, xoft\) b>auncl)Citf of the fame. I s VOl)f tijen hii>a tl)ou l)cc tnall bcdcoi^f JDcc bcf gc Plutht bpjtijou l)ad: 5;i)at all tl}e felftc tl)at paffc rijctb^, tl)v bVHC maf Ijpovlc anb voaftc, Thefecondp*rt. IJ 1CI)Cl50>COUtOftl5CtDOObjSffOtDai)C, Oot^ big anb tootc it out: ^\)e furious; bcf-detf out of tljc ficlb, bcjiouc It all about. /4 >tk louc fo voeft, C2.03i&&onci;fo?gct, ?4 PralSc. Lxxxi. '6 Cl)cplovan^c«rouu5l) tl)c feotortm J of tlJt face, 17 5Let tl)T» ngl)t l)ant> be tov^ ) ')?»" no«> toljoin tl)Oti i)aft Jicpr fo lonj; flnti vottl) tl)c fonnc of ma:i \u^o:n tl)OU, to tUcc Ijaft matic fo avonj. 1 i Clnt) fo VDi)en rijoti l^afl frt toii fi'cc, cnD fauc^ totf fcoin Oiamc: Zl)in will U)c ncucc fall fcojti tl)ec, but call bpontl;^ name. 1 5> o %o%Ti of tjoftcflf of tf)^ goot» grace, connect to3tontott)cc: j^c^oioc \j0 tovtl) a plcafaunt face, anD ti;en fttll fafe ace \»cc. Exfiltxte deo. Pftl. Lxxxi. /.//. ffSn n^s;taci«it'ta {);aprc(^'.<{) hviitoKcl^. «Saa con: Seatner^ t^(y>;iiijraticiiac,nno S)et«ett) taiiiRt gccat kcncSces tl)C^ ^aite lo.t.tl^i^Kj^ t^fic oUinc mdtue. PfalmcXxxxj. S VO\)tn <5oD 3 fav l)at) fo pjcpartj, to b)tn^ 1)1(11 fcotn tl)at UnD: JlDl)cccac tl)e fpeaclj vu^iclj Ijc i;at) l;catD. t)c QtD not bnDetQand. 7 3 from bW QjouWcttf tooltc (fa/tl) l>c) tl)e bucijcn cleane aaay ; S[jtt) fiom tl>c fijtnacc qutt !)tm fccc, frota bnintng b;tf «c of (Up. S XO \}tn t\)on tn gticfc DilaS tcv an^i call, 3l)0lpctI;ccbvanDfaf: ant) 3 t)ili aitnfcucrc fl)cc\i>ttI;aU, mtl^tmDcLfectctlp. BSjJ^fsgg^ lute fo fuDecfc.on cuctf pleafant Sctng, 3 35!ow8sfc fame. ^j> >-cr. at tl>c toatets; of t)tfco;fte, 3 tsit) tl)5:ctemptanD pjoiic: • JDljcrcasj; tl)e goolmc^ of tt)c Xoi!^, \uvtl) mittf crtng tOoii DtDd mouc. 10 locate <0 w>- /oiUc *D 3fcacU, anD3afirureittl;ce: KcscTiD m^ ninrhe mv tnojttics: fnll^cU, If rl)cti txitlt clentic to tnpc. ThffscondpM-t, 11 ;r]jmta)a!tnoi5ot>tntI;eercferue, cfanv'.ant>afa;ioai): /lo> in Mi tuifc to boa) oji ferae, a ftraunge anu fojicaine :5od* 1 4 3 am tlje io^D tljv i6oD,an!) 3, fcojn iEgfpt fet tl)ec fccc: ^Ijcn aflic of me abountiaunt!?, nnt)3VDill!5aietftl?cc. I } ani> fet nvf people ksoiiID not l;eare, mvbofcc U)l)cn tljat 3 fpaSc; ^0% ? fraell tuoulo not obcp, butltttj me luticfoita^te. 14 Z\)tn DtD 3 tcanetOesn to tl^eit U)ill, in garur.eis of tljtir oa« : tto vualhe in tt)cir ovuuc r otinfe'.l (lill, tl^cmfclitcsf t!)c^ iny};t perwrt. 1 5 © tljat m)' people tuoun) l)auc l;cat6, rl)c woiiDes tt/at 3 tiD fay: ianti Che tt)at 3aaclt U)onlD rcgact), to tuante ujitl)in my uja)?. 1 6 ij?oU3 foone luculD 3 confounti tl)e(ef0e;tf anD b^tng tijem DotDne full loto : ianti tncne m^ l;ant> topon all tl)ofe, tljat tuoulD tl;cw oucctt);iotu;' 1 7 atnti tl)?^ tl)Rt at tl)c 2.o>b bo rage, as naucff ajotilt) feehe l)f m till: 33 lit of IjiiS folUc tl;c tvmc anU age, n^oiti^ ao;itajc cuccftai. 1 8 3 vDonlo l;p.uc fob tl;c.-« tBitl) tljc ceop, anb ftncfi of tl;e ^sljeatc: 21«D mr.tic ti)c sr jchc tuttl) l>onv bjop, tf;at tl;ev tUcir &y OjoulD eate. Deusfleut in, lfal,Lxxxij. I.H. C''tri)< {):o)il)rt ^t-c{arinQ^oa to be pK''''"' amoiigD t}ft 311^3(8 a:iOtT}nQil}t3tcjTcq);ourt$ tl)cir {taccialitu 4 iincis^tcciifucf , ana rr^o^cct^ t^m to a« iiiflicf :but r^vng n««mcnarmcnc,{;eraclirft^ tl}e Piicafc tuttl) men ofmi<^)t, *^ tl>e ]Lo;D l)tmrclri tif & ftan!): 7o plca^ tt)c catifc of tcittt) anD tigl)C, tuttO «uo J-'sy oit\)t !an5. falfc uiDgcmettt to atoarS:' 3ni> l}auc terpcct fo> lottc of meeDe, tl)ctutcl»e3 to ccjjarD;' J XDl)sccajf of Due \>3u0jotil6liefent), tlje fatftcclcsf anl) toeaftc: Shm VDl)en t!)c i)!)o;ie raan Dotf) contend, tn ttitjgcmcnt iudly fpcaftc. 4 5fvebctDirc;5cfcnDtl;ccaufe, ofpoo?c men in tljctrttijljt: Sln^ ttD tljc ttco^ from tl)c ciatDeaf. oftfjamcja; foitccanDmtjtjt. 5 ae«t notljtng toJlltljc? ftnoto cj Ie«me, m ba^ncto ti)em j talhe; tri)tfv ^'11 "ot^ '"^'^ 0^ ougtjt Dtfccme, but Hill in 5arc5?ncs' loalftc, ifoT. lot enm nota ti)t tpmc i0 come, tljat all it)itt!ics faUto Roug{)t: Stnt) UHetDtre latocsf botl) all ani) fome, fo> ga^ne ave foio and bougitjt. 4 3 Ijat) Dcrtect) it tn tnv Ggl)t, as i5oDtf to talic ^ou all: ^nh cl;t!iD?cn to tl)c mod of iniqfyt, foj 'ouc 3 t)iD ^ou call. 7 ©utnoPwttl)llantiin3^cQ3all6fc, as? men an^ fo iJccaip: © ti';tanf ctf 3 djall vou "ocUro?, and plucRe vou quite atua^.' 5 IDp 2-ojt) ant) let tljp ftrengd) be hnoujnc, anO iuSgctljc Ujoitltittiitf) migljt: :f o; VDljv^all nations arc tl;vnc ovune, to tA^e t^em mi tl)? tpg^t. Deusf»rj/im//fsf PfaLLxxxiij. I,H. •d^e people of JfcacU p?ai» buto tbc lojlie tobdiucc t^em fcom t^cpj eueinpcs batl; at ^omc ana fairc of, tn^ic^e im^gmea iiottjpng but tljepvoeftturttoB : ana t})iv Delicc.tyat aU fuel) VtiicUea pceplemau (accotopitg as 58as toj.it^ , tliat f^ep map fctiobiC't^at tt)eX.O{at9moS|)p«tipon t^e carr^. ff/'iz^ f^iV as the 75. T/alrne. (jTsOxiQiO i5oD rcfra^ne tl)^ touna, -'^ in filencc 50 not tl^av : ?C>it!)licil?3 ndt io;iti tl;j» fclfc fo long, no-), msftc no wof,z aclap. » iFo?vpl)i?;'bcl)o!i3tI)?foc3(ant) fee, t)otu tljcy Lo tagc ano a^ : Sittt) ttjofc tljat besrc an Jjstc to tl)cc, Ijoio tp tJjcis; \}tz^io on l)i'e. 5 agat'natl)vfolftetI)cvbfe Deceit, anDcraftcl^enquitc: ^0% tl^EHC cicrt to lye in toaitc, tl)c;j: counjcl! T3otf) confpirc. 4 CoJt'.r on fay tl5cp,tct \>;s e,:pell, anD p'ucijctljefc fcl^.c aujav: So tl)at tlje name of Jfcacll, mavl9ttetl^Dccav. 'iZ\)tt all ccnfpif e icitljin Upctr l?ate. i^iaime. Ixxxif;. 5'^ fjdto tl)C^ mav tl)ee tuitljftanDt agntndttjc 1.o>D to tchc a patt. tljef arc in league anD banD. 6 ^t)etcntcs:ofaiitl)C3CDomitetf, tl)c3[rmalitctfalC3. 1CI;e ic^aggatcnsf anD 5^oabitetf , voitl^DiuecflfDtljctmo. 7 <5cbaH voi?tl) ammon anD lihctDifee Dotl; Slmelcchconrpttc: %\)c ptjiltfttncaf agavnft tl^cc rvfc, tijitl) tfjem tljatDtoell atrr;c. > SlnDaaureHci^tDcUapavD, tDj^) tl)em in league to be: anD Dotl) become a fence anD avDe, to2.ot5;poftcritie. s a^ tI)ou DiDQ; to t\)t iX^aDtanttc;*, fo fe?ue tl)ejn ]LojD erijone: asf to Cifcc anD to 3abin. betlDs tf)c b;ioofte Sifon. 10 «Dijosjul)ou in €nDo;tDiDftDdh;o?, anD taafi: tl)cm tI);iougl) tl)y migljt; Cljat tljcv libe Dung on eattl> tsD Ive, anDtl)attnopcn>t. The fecand fart, 11 sR^dfec t!)em notu ?f tl)clc iojiDjEf ajpjseatc, lifte Zeb anD Ojeb tljen: 3fl( Zebatlj anD Zalmanatrcte, tlje hingesf of i^aDtan. li nDl)tcl) fsvDlet b;3f tfjjoiigljouttljclanb, tn alltlje coafiesi abj^aD: ^oCTeOe anD taUe into out IjanDcsi, ttjc fe^jie ^^vXt^ of <&oD . 1 3 ^nmc tljcm etl;ecl;a£FetDl)tcl)mcnDoca(t, ' tDttl? luinDej^ to fltc avoav. 1 4 Xtftc as; tlje fire toiW) tage anD fiim^ tl;c iJiigljt? fojrcfteo fpiiles;: anD 80 tit)e flame Dotl) quite confttme, tl;e ntountavncsj anD tlje l>i;ies;. 15 Solettl)etejiipeflc^oftI)vtti?atl>, bpon tl)cir nccScc be la^D : a«Dof cl)c(lo?mf tBinDc auDOjoiDCt, Zo>D iijaUetljem all aBra^D. \€ 2.oiDb;iingtl)emall3t^ccDefite, to liic!) tebuhc auD Gjame: trijat it mar caufe tl)e.ii to cnquttc, atiD leatnctc hnotuti;v name. l^ anDicttijem ctiecjnoiieDavi^, to ftame anD aannDerfaU; anD in rebuftc an:) obloquy, to peiiQj clic tutt!;all. jS tCl;attl;evmavSn6\uanD feclcfuUtticll, ti)at tljou ait callcD 2.opt SlnD ti;at alone tljou Docfl qtcell, anii tatgnc tl;jiousl)out tijc tocjlD, Q^am dileSa, I'ftl, Lxxxiiij. I. H. CiDamaSjitienfpjt^of ^i$ toittitrep, bcRrrt^ mosaic aeticl^ to tome ajjsvtit to t'^c t.-.faeritacle of t^elLojae ana tijc anVinbiv of i\)i (aintcs ro pjajjfc <5o65p?oiic£« ityng/^em blcffeft tliarin.ip fo ■&oe -. (Tfieiitjepjapfft^ t^cccuftJjjeof t^e f cojU fjiMpsffc t^jcttjj^ t^e toHs ttintsta ttfffinble tl;«n CtUtesin^ion- f iiisUptoilJ |i;«j>f«ofi^i)jmatt«, (][ confiOtnc«of <5oMgoo6nea« Stiig thistiS the 78. Pfilme. HOVD plcafatmt is? tl)t» DtuclUnj plate, O Xoyo of Uottetf tOitne:* Chctabccnnclc^ of tt)p guace, l)otD plcafatmt Xof.'b tV)CV be. ^ 5ffi| V fonic Dorl) long full fojc to goc, into rt;v courteaf abjoaD: CQp l;3« Ootl) luft.mv flcOj alfo, in ti^cc tl)cltiun!3 ^ot). iZl)c SpatotDctf 8nDc a roomc to teft, anD fane tljcmrelitcfli ftom vujtong: anl) cHc tije SvuallovD !) atJ; a ncaft, toljcrin to \icevc lict ^oung. 4 ZWe b iioc0 hill nrjl) tl>mc altat m«{, Ijauc place to fit auti fcng; C 2.o;it> of l)olle» tl;uu art 3 fa?, m^ i5oD ant) eUc rny hinj. 5 ©l)t')cvbcblc3ct)t!)atmat'titDeU, VDitl)tR ti)? tjoiifc Rlitiarcs;: i^oj. tl)c? all r^mciJ tl)V factw 60 tcM, anD cuCT gcuc tfjcc p;ia^fe. tf >-ca l)a?pv fucc Utictotfc stc't\)ty, toljofc ftay anD tlrengtl) t^oii attt 1(iiH)icl) to tl)i? l)onre Bo wipnDc tl;e toap, ant> fcehe tt tn ti;eic ^att. 7 dsi tl)ct go tl?>ougl) tl)ctjale of tcat;c;af, t\}e\^ Dig tp foimtavnejQ^ (Itll; 5:i)at a}2f a fp>tng it all appeared, anD tijoii tl)cic pitaf aooft Sll S JFwMt atcngrt) to Occngtlj tljc^J toalftc fiiH no famtncQc tljccc Ojall bcc; (fad, ant) fo tl)c ib oCi ofii6oDfl( at Uft, inStonttfc^Dofcc. 5 O iojt) oiljoHtfi to mc gctic l)cet>e. taiHi l)eatc xnl^cn 3 Doe p}tf: iant> let it tl)^ougl) tl)vnc cates: p>occct>e, cate. 1 1 foj, ti)l)|»f ti)itl;in tl)v couttctf one bay, in; bcttcc to abi&e: ?tl}cn otijft ujl)ctc to itecpeo|t((8|*, a tl)oiifant) M\'e8 befiDc. ti ft^uc!)ratl)cctDoult>3Uccpeabt«)?e, \Diel>:n tl;c t^onfc of i5ot) : TCl;cn tn fyctcntcs of iaicJiCt5itC3', to fettle ntfac abottc. 5 J jFoj ^ ot) tf>c :to?t) !tgl)t anb ^cfence, tDtll gifirc ano wojiQ^ip gciic; ilnt) no gooti tijsns fljall Uc tuitl)l)8lt), fcoMi t\ytm tl)at pucclj' line. J 4 © 2.o>t) of IjioHes tl>at man iH felcfJ, ^l>at i0 pc4:fiuat)c5 m i^ia b^ctt, to tend all f^ meg in tt;ec. Benedtx$ntDe. Pfal.Lxxx'i. LH^ CJCtMMff })U(^)rtnla m^nbt of t^cji; Deliu«catmte , to t^e Intent t^at ^n fijoiilbenot leane r^r too^Iuof ^ps grace bnyrtfcct. iDcrt t^rp cSpIaf ne ef c^c(7 lanj affliction'. (tnD r^irtir Iv t^cprrtoj^ce in ^opeorfclintir, pjomircafoj t^f?} tdiitcraimce U)!)icl) lua^a ftgur>! ofvC^jilicf ttiMjjOomf Vn&ft tS)(|U^ Qfoiilo b« perfect fcliuti*. iS/«j r/j/* dttlie ii, Tfalme, 'T't^otiljaftbcne mctcifiill inbcebe, -*• (Dio^bbntctl^vlanlJ' 5po> ti)ou rdloiicDft jlarobflf fccbc, fiom tlnaltiomc out of bnnb. a ^l)cVDjfhct)VDayes:tl)attl)cvxuetcto, tl)oii BtbU tl;cm clcanc ccinit: 3nb t^ou bioa l;itic t!;v pcoplejtf Bnne, fultclofct!;ou coueccttft it. jTljinc angct che tl)ou bi^bft afltDage, tl)at all tl)v to^atl) voao gone: anb fo biiift tumc tljcc from tljf t«fle, tuitl) tt)em to be at one. 4 Oi&obotn;f)eaitt) bo notDConttect, tl)V people tontotljcc: put all tl)v tJi^atl) from btf apart, anb angc? ceafc to bee. 5 ur>^ip:'a)aU tl)inc anger neuet enb, but (lillp>ocecl!C onbja;;' fllnb Qjall tl)^ tt)]witl) it felfe c^^tenb, bpon all agc;8; t^ujC^ 6 llPilttl)ounottatt)et!tNtnet|)etfo}£, anb quichen bg tljat tDcc : 7rt)at all ti>y folhe muf eiietmofe, be glat) anb iov in tl;ee. 7 Ol.o]tb on bsi bo tVoubectete, tl^ goobne/Qf to o\xt wealth : SljetD fojtl) to b5f anb bo not fpate, tl)f nc a^be anb fau^ng t)ealtl). t 3 tuill Ijatftc tDl)at iSob (aytt) ,fo) i)e fpeaHc;^ to l)t;£j people peace: <9Utb to i)i0 fainte^ef tl>at ncuet tl;e?, tetutne to fooliO^nejaf. 9 iFojttil)V:'l)itfl)ealtl)itfftilUtl)anb, to fuel; as Do \)ut\ featc: UPljerbf great 3lo;iv m our lanb, Ojall DMjcll nnO flo;naj tl)ccc. 10 ifo; rrutl) anb mercv> tl;ere Ojall tneetc, in one to taUc tl)ctr place: 2iV^ peace Q^all iutttce wttl) \ufXc gme, anb tt)ctc tljep ())au emb;iace. 1 1 0s: tcuti) from eattb O^all ^rxxiq apatf, anbflo;ttD) plcafaantlip: So tigl)tcoufnejEf OjaU tDcvu l)cc face, anb loohcfcom l)cauen Htc. I J yea i&ob tjunfclfcOjalltabc in l;anb, to geue W cci) goob tl;:ng: 3lnb tl);oui5l) U;r coallcflf r.f ail ouc lanb, t\)t cactO l;n' f ruice;;^ Q^all b^ing. t} i6efo;et)i;e:fateaiaUiuStcesoe, mucl)ithcagutbcoj(lav: t^t Ojall biccrt \)\!S flcpjo; alfo, nnb hccpc ri;:m m tlje voay. Jncltn* Domine. rfal.Lxxx^i. LH. it % ■Jl-JHT-n- Pfalme. LxxxvJ, {bl btUiicuuncc : (Hmttvmea te^tai^tg ^paanUueiia £omztiin«i(c^( intuies tteeaiiet), bedtins nlft> to b( in* (hitccca of tl^e X.a2&,tt)fir 1)6 tmv Ceate ifim tACo, $ qIos tiS^^iB name i 1^)^ camplapnec^ atfo ol^ie aiuuCv tieji,anO cgqutwt^ to be oeiiuet«a fcom t^m%» fSyg this at the ii .Tfalme» J O;it>botut^tneeatetom?t:equcil, *^ anD ^catc mt b^ anD b^ • UDiti) igrcttotiia^ pa^nc ant) gctcfe opp;^, ftUlfo;ieanQtocaltcam 5. z )0;^fctucmv(buiebecaurem^tt)a^» aniiDomgc0l)(5lvbe: ant) fauc tl)^ fcniattnt (<0 wb^ ;{.o;ti)> tl;ac 9Kt0 \)i!i tntS in ti;ce. J tr^^mci:(v2.o>&xmmee;i(p;eire, Defent) me eKe tottliall; ^o> fljjouglj t})c Da^ 3 Do not ccafc, ont^eccoccpanDcall. 4 Comfort (© 2.o?D) tljv fcmaimttf foule, tl)at notD vuiti) pa^ne tsa pmOc: jpojtbntotljec (l-ojO) 3 cctoU, ant) lift inv (bttlc ant) mvnUe. 5 if oj tijou art gooD anti botmttfull, t]yf gtftcsf of grace ate free: SUtD clic t^ metcv p IcntifuIJ, toaUtl)atc3llontl)ee. 6 O XoP Uhcujifc tDl)cn J Do pja^, tegatO anD gene an.eace: jggatiic toell ti)c ujojDca; el^at 3 Doc fap, anD alt my pjaycc^ ijeacc. 7 3[ntV'"^^'J''"^'"*''^^otljmcmoiie, to tt)cc 3 Do compiavnc; ^0} ti)l)V^3 ftnoto anD vdcU Do p;(0U8, ttjou aimttocreft mt agayne. S amoug t\)t &ai>si at it tl)V name ma^ trieaD, 1 i r tljcc tnp iSsD tDill 3 gcuc pja^fc, VD^tl) all mv t)att (tO 3U»?D) jlnD glo^tftetJj^ nanicaltoa^es', iof. cuec t^iiongl) tljc toojlD. I J jfoji^33l)V^t!)?tnerq?fl5etDcDComCi x^ gseat anD Dotl^ e^ccll: ^Ijoa fcttca mv foulc at Ifbcct^c, ottt from ti?c loiucr l)cl!. J4 2.ojDtl;ep?onDagainS;mctire, anDl)eapc3 of men of niislxi "Cljcv fccftc mv foule anD in no lo^fej ^ \8iU ^auc ti;ce in ti^y Sgi^t. -X iviiujr Pfalnic.LxxxviJ. y/ I s tr^otilojD art mcrcifuii anD meeltr, full flatUc anD floto to yj;tatl) : ^:^V gooDncflf <0 ftm great,anD CMC, tlj^ ttut^ no mcafute i>at!^. 1 6 o tutne to me anD metc^ gramtf , tfyg 0tengtl? to me appi^: © l)elpc anD fauc t^c otonc fctuattnt, tl?v l?anDmavDcflf fonnc am 3. rj t^ou act alone ta me ; 3 mil anD 58 Pfalme. Lxxxviij. erg tlnoixgfjoiit rt)c Da? , atiD all tljc ntgljt to tl;ec.». O let mv pjaycc/ef Toone afccnt), bnto tl;v Og^)* on ^)VC • <5ncUnc tlTvnc carc(*D Xojtij cntcnb, anH Ijarhm to mv or. J 5ro; tDljv^mv foule to^t^ woe «;0( filte, antitoti) in trouble iJUjell-.' iXiV l«fc «"^ bjeati) almoft Uotl) vmR>. ant) Djinyjctl) ntc to IjcII. 4 3 am* cilccmct) aij one of tljem, tl;at in t;;c pit ao fall: flnt) inaBe atf one among tl)ofc mm, tijatl^anenoOcengti^at all. 5 3ltfo«ecmongtl)c beat) art) free, ftom ti;tnacs tl)at ^crcreniavne: 3t ttictc itiojc cafe foj me to be, \ti\tl) rt)e)n rl)c tDl)td) are flavne. c Jljii tI;ofe tf) jt l;'c in gcaue (3 fav,) vuljcfu ti;ou l^afl cleanc forgot: Zl)cxa\;\cl) tl)? l)anD l;atl; cut atuav, anb tljou tcgarbft tljcm not. 7 yea liUc to one Ojut top full futc, tt)tti)mtl?clotuccptt: 3n places batbe anD all obfcnre, imt!intl)cbeptl)oftt. 3 •^rt)tne angct ant tl)^ tniiatl) Uftc^bifc, fuurojic on :neE>oti) l^e: glnb an tl)[' ftojiiica agaf aft me ttfc, mp fcuic to bc/cc anb tty. 5> TO. uputtdl mf iccnlca farre of fcojti an:) m.%ii(i tJjejn f)-,te me fo;ic: (me, 3 am Q)iu bp in pjifoii fafl, aai) can cor.;e fo;t'; no «io;ie. I o ift^i' ijgtt Dtto faytc tJ;;oHgl; griefc anb 3 cal5 to ii)cc O i&ob ; {\x)oc, ^■Ojo>.i5t;a-«t ti;cb.iv mf Oanbc;^: alfo, to (i)z: J iicct(l) nb?oab. The ficoHd part. I I &oo?J tl)on bnto tl)c b?ab be riaro, ty? 10 jn'tfiOtja ».oo.;Ue5of im\z: SilyM Xitii^ to ivfi' aii 3 S!;4!iti?ci- t:;ac l^c (trbatUc full lo\o, Pfalme. Lxxxix. of all ri)v tdonbettf toot:* <0> tf}etc Ojaii tt)ev tt)^ infttce ftnottJ, toljcrc all tl)mgejB( are forgot/ M ffiut3 (© lo;D) to tl)ccaltu8f, bocciy anb call «p.icc: ftjv P»a>"cr e'^c ere it be bap, 0)all come btio^e. x\)f fate, I J tt>l)v booff tijou Xo>b abljojrc m? fottle, in griefc t!)at fcehcfl) tl)ce: flnb nou) © ]Lo>D u)l)v bootttfjoul)©*, tl)v face axoay from me. 1 6 3 ant afflict as bptng ftili, ftont voutl^ njiq* rnanv a vcare: Zlrp terrojfif iDJ)tcl) boebcj:e me ill, toitl; troufaleb mvnbc3 beare. 1 7 Tl)e furtetf oftiyp vo^atljftm rage, fiiUfojcbponmcfaU: ^l;v terrors chc boe not affroage, but me opp^eOc tutti)all. 1 8 an bav tl)c^ compaffe me aboitf , aa;tDstcrattJ;et>'be. anb all St once U) to {ktcamcHfuMitoitt, ' befctmconccOfibc. 19 trOoti rertcrd farrefrom me m? fcenbe^ef, ant) loncTij eitcrp one: yea anb myne olbc acqiiaintaunce all, out of mp figOt arc gone. Miferictrdia^ PftLLxxxix* t.H. «fc>«t^inatti»too?b3bot^ t^ep^pdetpjapf* t^« jao&j nesof v3oa, faj fjis tcfldiiimt attotaiirnaunc tbat ^e ^aamaoebetloene t)r« ant>l)»«el«t bp lefiia Cfc?tll t^c f8iin« ef ©«tno : r^cn Bo't^ i^e tomplapnt of t^« BteatrKi«,an»aefo!atioij oft^je ftinaoomeof iDaiti» Co tijat to tlje oiKioacD appcaraiince, tljt p^gmife toax b;i«hen. tfiiiallp, ^e pjaytt^ to be Oriiiietcu from \)\a afHtction« , inaKiiig mention of tlje ^o;tnes of mart/( lifftSiib coufirmtng I^j^mfclfe bp >3o9i7 p^oroifc;;. iJ/nf ^i»V <»> the j8. P/a/wi*. 'T'O fing tOc mcrcietf of tOc Xvffi, ■*■ mv'tonngQjallncacrfuarc: anb tuvtO mr motitl; from age to age, tOytnitI)3tuillCcclare. a Jro> 3 Oaue faro tOat mcrcf Ojall, fo; C'tcrmwercmavne: 3ii tO<« tOon toofl t!)c Ocanesfl: ftapj tOr trutO pppcatct!; plavnc. J To mi'ne elect r^vtOiSob 3 mabe, a concnaunt anb bcOcit: ^]r fcniaimt E>aniD to pcrfVoabc, 3 ftDo^c Mi!j btb pjorefl. 4 TOv^c^^'f'C fo> cncc 3 VDillfiap, aubftabliajttfitiifaa: <3nb nm bpOoDc fl)v tO;ionc atosf J ftomagctoagctolatt. 5 TOc Ocauenitf fijci^i ujitO toi" anb mtrttt, tO)' U)on5;ionif Wojiftcjs o 2-o;ib: TOP Civntcs witOin tOr COurci; en catfh, tOv favrO anb ttutO cecojtb. ot> of !)o»c^ in allttJCtDO>n), tDljnt one is Itftc to tl)ce:' cite t)etmon, cciopcc anti pja^fc tl)f name. I } Tt)tne acme ig (Icons ^^ full of potDcr, all mtglrt tljettn Dotl; Ifc: C!)c Occnatl) of tljv cigtjt l)m'b eel) ^ouce, t^ou lifted b? on Ijte. 14 3n rtjlitcoufnca; anU cijitttte, tl)0» Ijnft tl)v feat ano place: t^ecc? an:) tmtl) ate fttii toitl? tl;ec, finU3obefo;ctl)pfece. 15 'Cljatfolhctisiblcfttljat hnotoct^j arijj^, t^Y p?cfcnt pottier (0 i5o0; ^oj in tl)c fauonc oitii^fiil)t, tijcv toalHc full fafc ab;icak). i6 SrO} m tl)t name ti»ougt)outtl)Cl5ap,' tl)cv iov a»i5> »""tl) tciovtc: ant> tl;>otiijl) tl)? rtgl)tcoufne;tf Ijaue tlje?, a plcafant fame anD no^'ce. 17 ;f o; toljrrtbctc glo JT* ftccnjjtti anK aytie, tntl)ce,alonc3otl)lvc: 1Cl)f goo^"C3 ehc tl)at l)at]^ baf Oattie, QjiiW lift our l)c;nc on b't'C- i3 Out tttcngtl) tl)Et Qotl) DefcnD W U)cU, t^c XojD w bsf tsti) bjitng: djel)olvoaeDf3fc8Cll, ^e tiS our QUiat anD Hvng. »5 Somcti?mc tl)^ tuvUbnto tl)^ Safntctf, to biOonja; tl)ou UiM Qjoio : Sliiti tl)ud tl)en iitM djou fa^ to ti)cm, tl^f inmOeto maftc tl;em Itnotu, JO a man of migt)t l)auc 7 etcct, ^out liv^S ''"^ QuDe to be; jjln^) fct l)tmbp vul)oti» 3 elect, among ti)c folftc to mc. The third part. *i !a?^fecuaunt?DautD3appctiTt, tu^om 3.l)auc fenccl^cD out: jgU»t> toitt) mv ^ol^ o^lc anna^rtf , 4)tmHtnsof«Uti)ct:out* pfalme. Ixxxix. ^p 2 J iFo>ti)l)^;'m^!)anli?ftrtl, \uiti) t)tm fo) to cema^net anb VDVft) mync acme alfo 3 vufll, t)em xo^ti) ntf mtgl)t. » 5 505^ tcutlj anD mete? efte tut tijall, Ojall Sill bponl)tm lie: anb in m^ name Ijtfi Ijojne ebe Ojall, beltfteDbpont)ie. it t^iis fttngbome 3 totii fet to be, bpon tl)c fea anD fanD : anD ehc ti;c tunnmg flouDcs" Qjall !je, emb^^etDit^ l)i8 cigi^^anD. 17 t?e Ojall DepenD toitt) all t)ijs l^jate, on me anD ti)i\si Ojall 'ay: 305^ fatljcr anD wip ^oD tl)9ii act, mv roctic of Ocaltl; anD day. a 8 a^Bf one ftrft bc;tne 3 toill i^im ttibe, of all on eartl) tl^at fp^tngCjaf : J^t;8( mvgl)t anD l)ono> 3 Wall maftc, aboue &lltDo;tlDlv ttingejs. »5 5^V metcv Qjall be toytl) ^«m Oill, 00 3 "Jv fclfe l)aue tolDc: !l^y fatti)ftill couenaunt to fiii&ll, m? mercy 3 will t)OlDc. JO anD eKcl)tfl( feeDctnill 3 fitOaine, fo> euec ftrong anD futc: So tl>at l)ts feat ©all ftiUcematnc, tootle tjeauen Dort) enDuce. The fourth part. }T 3ftl^Qtl)i0fonnedfo^faltem7lat9. anD fo begm to ftoarue: anD of mv tiiDgc.itcntjS Ijaue none atoe, no>U)tll nortl)cm cbfctue. J I ©> if t5)cv Do not bfe angljt, mvftatute^J to tljem mace: anD fet all my commaiusDemente;Gf M^t, anD wilt not beepe my tcaDe. J J Z^tn toytl) tl)c coD ttiill 3 begin, tljett Dotngcsf to amcnDe: anD fo vuttl) fcoucgtng fo;i ti^etc Iiinne» tuben t^at t'ocy Do oSitnD. J 4 fflv mercy v« ^^ »"t* gooDnetf, 3 ttiill nottaHel)tm fro. . jfloj l)anDle Ijim tuy tl) ctaftinCiBf, BnDfomytciit^fo>90. J 5 55ut fare my coucnant 3 Will I)0l6, totti) alltljat 3 Ijaue (pofee: 5!lo tuo;D ti)c tui)id) my itpjer l?aae WWli (hall alter Oil be bjoftc- 3 « Once frDo;e 3 by my l)0lync;8f, anD tljat perfo;ime toill 3 : lUit^ iDautD 3 Qjallhcepcp^omtrc, ti>l^tm3VDtiini3(lye« J7 :(5t^rccDcfo]ic«ccmo>cCi^8llw^e, fo Q)M \)igi ainafiomc laft, 3«) t5t:tno'a3 (0 1,0(1^) ttjou boo Jltcrtrt, an'D HOU) d;oH cl;aimiiea rijcarc: yea rl;oti f»rt voiiotf; u;T?tJ) t!)Jne elect, tl) tf)V fcmnunt tnftSe, i,o;Dt"oc;iJ l);V.l quite bnt)onc: SltO liotDnc bpon ti)c jjcoimt) alfo, fjaft call l)i>i wyallctomnc. Thefift parr. 41 Ttott pluchft l;iiBf l)ct)gcfl( bp \BftI) mi^t, loys tDiil!c0 Cooft ti;ou ceufount): TCl)o«i beatefl ehe 1)J0 bulwarhcsf tiotDnc, anti btcalift rl)cm to tl>c groimb. 41 Tl)r.t V,c iis fo; e ticilrovcCi ant) tojne, of commccflr bv tl)iou|^!)C(it: ) to ist tnnt;c a tnothc anH fco?ne, to all tljatUVDcll about. 4 3 '^1)011 t];ctt t!i2l)t I)ant> i)a(i lifteD bp, ti)p.t l)itjj fo fc?e anncy: taxib all liis xoeH ttjat I;im CcMom:, Ice tljoii l;r.ft t!iaiDc to top. 44 T3?ii3fa;o;Dc3 c"ogcfI>3UDooCtaUc m«2> tijat f^nliD !)t0 foetf a>tf bffanB; ?Co l)tnt in vcacrc no bjctojit'* tljoii gctictt ¥K)} bppcc !)3r,a. 45 •fijtrfglojf ti)OUt)oo(5alCbtD«Qr, t;ifl( t6ionc,l)i3 iopani* mtrrt): 05^ tl)cc is oue«i)ioiyne atjtt caft, fijU i.otD bpon t!)(? eattl). 46 iiljcu i)aa ait ox^nj maDe fiitU 3jo>t, flntj tavfco of l)Vin an til report, ta jn1> C^aisi? anD gvcnt Djfpjapfc, 47 "Tjott) inngaway ftciii nsc (© iojD) fnj et;e; iyi!tt!)ou turnc:' lanD 0;,=iU tljrnc au^cc ftill nVcoti'^, a^i fire conRjjiie ant) burned 48 rt; njall neacr fee:" ©; f -o;r» tiyt l;a:it. of t;c;n;i;df foulc, 0)i'ai l;c Scliitci; free:' JO t^imc iz o ioji) tf)tnc oDe sootincfif, fo oft DcrtateX) bcfojinc: VD\v:l) b^ tl)? rruti) mh bpjtaljtncfl:, to>DaHb:>tI)oui?a(l dooitne. 5 1 '3:i)c 3''c:;t tcbtihefl ta invntic 3 call, that on r?)f f^ctisnrcAif \\y'e: Zih' cev'.n^ of rl)5pcr»pl«?.;t, t'Ojncin my b^^ fj.iuc 3 . 5x n^i;enui>tl)'OXoii:)tJnTicmcjnycj8f, t>i»fy:;cw>ci:> i^AiKtl;^ name; Pfalmc. Xc; Tljellcpff of tljine anoointcb one, ti)ev ceafe not to liefame. 5} ailpjtavfctortjccbiojDoffjoftcA bott>notD onD eUe fo> aye: Trt)?ou3i; fhye nnb cattt; in allt^c coeSfl, S^ucn,2^tien,J fay. Domine refugtum . Pftt Xc. I^H, %K^oUa in \rje puivrt Tetrtt^ beFa;r b5 r^e lerrnrd ta* iioiir of3oB ro tiirnc tbcic I)ar«i},aTt& cotttiiiii: ^is tn«tci(;» (0lO4r9r;> t^«Q» «na c^ftr pof^eirrie fo; t iirr. iS»/i^ f/;(/ 4/ the 77. Tfdmt, 'T^l^ou Xo?t) Ipsft beenc otre fure befenc*, -*■ one plnrc of eafv ant) tell: 3n aUtTJticii paftjVC'i fo len:j 6ncc, as; can not bj crpjeft. a O; tljcrc ujaaf laatse nroimtavnc oj I?ttt, tl}e cutl; 0? «3o?Hif abjoaDc: iptojn age to age ant) altoavcs^ ft«l'., fojicuett^ouactiBoO. J tri)ou grtntiell man tbjiongl) grief? pattte, to tiuft ojclay ,aaD tlxn: ant) tljen tljou fa*»cft aeayne tctucKC, agavuc yc fonncij of «jcn. 4 Cl)c '.ifttng of a th oi'.fant) ycarc, ttiDc.tfafitmnivftijljtf iasf yciTccDay it not'o ai:pcacc, oj Rfl; a \x)atci) one nig!;t. 5 Sofoonea5fft!efti)cut)oo(lfcatte»;tI)cnt, tl)en i3f tl)cir life anti trace: fliU ajaf a Qcepc, cino iise tOc araiTc, tDl)ofc beauty foonctiatl) faHe. £ Ui)t);cl) in tJjt mo^nijig G5t.Tetf full bjitg^ butfa^crl)byant)by: jant) i& cut t(0\i)ne ere it be nig^, aP. tDitljcte5,l)cat),an5 t>;iy. 7 ^Lcp o> blaS, aiib arc not caltsc agaync. 10 Our time ijcf ttJ^ce (■co;*c y carets? anb ten, tljftttDe uoc imsonjnolQ: 3f one feefourc r:o?e furcly tljen, wc fount f}i>nuionojou;e( oW» The ficond part. 1 1 yet of tl)Vfl( ty:nc Wk atcngtb anb cljicfe; tl;e «!){cl) U3C count boon: 3)£y notl)ini3 clo out pay ncfuu grtefe, anb \x)e as blt^ftciJ are gone. u u*)t/ocu(;ebotijf?nou)vjOatt^)ingijBf wl;atnMgi^J;il;mcangcfi;atl;; (tljcrt^ 0» Plaime.^cT; €>> in Ijitf Ijart tDljo Doti^ tbcc feate, atco;ii)in3 to ttj? vojiRtl?^ 1 J 5nftt»rt bg (5Lojti) to ftnottt anO tty, ^oti) long o?n: twpes^ ccmavnc: Z'iftit tl;en wc map out iintteg applf , true t'oirooiuc to attvivnc. 14 Hcminc O i.o;iti-i;otti long VDilttI;<}U« fo;tfl) on in \ii;iati) pjoceeDc:' Sljeu) faiiotieta ti;? (enmnte0 noto, anD i;elpe ti)ent ac i^cit nc^e, 15 Ke^tcOj tjtf tufti) fji* mcf cf O)one, anD tljcii our rev ajal'jc: aUtvRtc fo 'jrng as l^fe JiotU lad, in l?srj rciof tc Gjnil ujc itf 2l3ftJ;ouijaflp!a3uet)tflfbrfoite, novu aifo mahe 'otf glafi: iBtiD fo} tt}t ^eate^ vut^cttn full fojtc, aS'liction tuc ijaiie i)aD. ■«7 © let t!>v tijojftc mh potoet ^|icat«, ant) on tlyv fcniantes itgljt; Jinli Gic'a3 hnto tl}? cI;)Mt>Kn Oeavc, ti?^ 3I07V a«Jl3 tl)^ iij^'gl)f . J 8 2-o>i> l?t J};iP gcaic ant) g!o>? ftanS, on t)?o tl)v (cruanteff tiju^ ; ^onfttmc tl)? wo^Ucfi toe talic in IjaiiD, %o^a pfo^ec tl^m to \>0. ^ish«ly to I;t« p;atc(ttoi)in all tcmprarions.a p;omir(i of<&BB to tt) jfe t^at loue^im^notD ^im, ana trtiQ: in ^iutjto D«lintr tt^em^HiD ijeut t\ftm tiam»}t«U sl«}f • Sing thu*t the 6^. T Jaime, Hi£. t!)at vuit^m tJie fecret place, of i5ot) moft l?'c t>9t{) otoetl: JnOjaDoo) cttl)c migUttcft grace, at tell Ojali hccpc Ijittn tocU. « 'Sl)o(iactmvl)opeanDmp aronjIjolDi. 3 to t!)c 2-oiQ totll fav- J0g^ i&oD 10 1)c in Ijtm tatll 3, m? toljole afl^ancc da?. J t^c Qjall tiefaiD tijec from tlje (hatt, ti)c tD'oidjtljc l)untec la-^t)c: lint) f com t!)st ncaaiv tare an^ fcaw, tDl^crof tl)9it act sftav^. 4 2nt) tDVtl) \)is VDVngfB QjaU cotter t^jce, anD feccpe tl)f s fafc anti fitcc; S^^iSJ faf tl? ant! trut!? ti)v imte 0?aU be, a^; furc a;e Qjtcio ant) fpcaie. 5 So ti)attl)ou Ojatt not nse^c 3 fay, to featc 0?, \it affltgi>t: Of all t!)e Qiaftesf tl)3t fl^^ iJ? t>a?, nojtcrvouc of t^e ntji)!;. < jjloj of tl)£ plaguctO.it pjuii!^, Botlj •ais'Sic in Dacue fo wft: ^o> TCt of t?)at tul;icl) fcot*? t.cSi:oy , anD at no jnc Daycs Dc;l; vasS. 7 yeaattl^vfiticfitftijDuDocaCanD, at>oufani3Deaia).iU htc: ITcn d^oufanD cht at £!;f ciaijtljans, anli V't t'>OH Qjslt tc free. S JDutt^outi/altfteitfojitljVPS^ laimeTxci). tDl5j»^o io;tt) 3 onelp ttuft, to ftap mp Ijopc on ti^cc: 3nD in tDc !)«o;l5ca 3 pnt my tcuU, my fntc Defence iflfl)ce. 10 ^f)uti Qijlt not ncc^ie no til to feare, toJtlj ttjcc tt fijali Kot mell: fi,o% vet t^e piagtrc Ojail once come neare, tIJV tjoufe w^ccc tl;o« DooU avoeiu 11 iFojiia)l)v:'t)ntol)tflfarat3elsfall, wytl) cljargc commaunflcii Ijee: t^at Sm in all tt)y tuayesf t^»ev C^alf, pjtefettic ano p^ofppi; tljee. ti ant)tntl5cicl)in^etfQ)aUbcatet!;ecljfL, fttll flua^^ing tl)?c bpon : SBtt tljat tl;y foots t^all ncucc t^atmce, CO (putne at any ilone. 1 3 iDpon tlje l.yon tl)on Ojalt gee, ti)c antict fell ani) Song: JSlnD tceaD bpon tgc i-vonje; yong, tottl) 5>;agon3; ftout anO ftronj« 14 iFo> tl)at l)c tiuClctO tonto me, 3 V3tll tittpstf I) l)rm quite: flnt) Iji.n DcfcnD hccanfc t^at l)c, t>ot^ Knots my name acig^t. * 5 HDIjctt \}t fo> Ijcaltl) on mcUot^ cep, an atmftDcre 3 tDill geuc: 2nD from l)W gctcfc tabe i)im vaill 3, inglojytojwitue. it »Dit!)i2gti)ofyeatriff?tl)ay«fliof\30caltlr, 3 tt)illful6in)i0 tyme: C^c goobncjai of my fauing^caltll), 3 tQtU Declare to ^im. Bonum e^ canfiteri. Pfal,Xcij^l.M, Citrt)t9 pCiIme ina0 mab« (• bee Cons on C^( Sabbottie ts Strte bpt^e people to ncbnoUHcOge ^ti , axCO tm pii^tt ^pmitt ^15 tDojbs. iD moft l;ooiI; ratgnc tl)Ctfo>c; 3n cucrv tymc eternally, botl) novu onD c:tcniio;ie. The fecend part. 9 iFojk tuljp (*D ionO) bcl)olD anti fee, bcl)oli5tl)^foc03faf: J?o\u all tt)at ttio^hetf tmqurtie, OiallpctiQ) anD Cccav. »o 16utft)ouUiicns?nnionico;ine, Ojait iJft mv t?o jnc on Ofc: JiDitf; frcfl) ant) ncoi pjcparen oflc, tI;V"c novntci) hv"8 a*" 3» 11 anD ofmv foes; before mine efetf, Ojall fee tl;c fall ant) Qjamc: ©f all tJ)at bp aaavnft nte cifc, mtne cave Ojall t)cate tljc fame* 1 2 tri^c mft Qiall flojiQi bp on l^te, aaf 5Datctrces' but) anD bloto; ^t) atf tl)c CcUcrtf muittplv, in l^bajuitf tljat gtovo. I J iFo> tl)C|> ace plantct) in tl;c place, anti Dvucllsna of outiSoD: WitiyM i;is tonttc;s tl)c{' fpiimg apace, ant)flo;tQ)aUab;oat). 14 an^ IB tl)ctt aftc mf je fcutted^aU bM»3> bot!) facte ant> vuelibefcenc: ant) plcafantl^ botl) buo anD fp^tng, tDiri) fecujjljc;? ant) bjiRuncl;c0 grcene. 1 5 "Co Ojctu tl)at ^ofi t>^ gooD anti iuXky anti bpiUfiiji: tjs l}i0 VDiU: 3^c ifi mv rocUe my Ijopcant) ttwll, in i)pn tiytte iff no t!l. Dom/nusregKautr. l'fal,JCdij. I.H. C;^f pjapTftt) t!j« ?oto«c»f 1S0& in t^e creation oit\t ta»!lD,a iBbcHtct^Botancall people is^ic^ Ipft t^cm Sip a{(din(l ^(3 iHa>eaie,ana {?;oualiai; to coiiltOfc ^x$ StngthisM the 78. Vfalma. 'ytje %0}X> nsl fting aloft Doti; taignc, -*• tnglo>vgoct)ivctgl>t: Hint) \)c to a;evD i;t» tUcngti) ? mavnc, l)atl) girt I)tmfeD t;ef (tcong anD mo;teof mtgi)t, fo]t l)e on l)ye Dotl) Dwell. tf anD 'oohe toljat p^omvfe l)c Dotlj m&Ke> 1)10 tioutDolDctoDefcnt): :lf o;t tuft anD tt uc tljey Ojall it tahc, alirpme^ tDttl?outcn cnD, Deus'vltionum. Pftl.JCciiij. I.H, C^« pjapct^ tonto iSotagjiinft tt>c biflencc 3 artogan* tie of t)>;aHntc5. iC^cn botl) ^e comfort t^eafflictta bpt^e goeaifTiK oftbritof&ctionfijadlje felt in ^pnw Cclfr, ant> &ia fee in ott)Ct0, (E bp t^e tuinc of t^c 'aitf kcD, toljom t^e ]llo;» toiU iihof. Sing this AS the •j'j.Pfalme, f) lo>Dt!)ouDooftrcuengcalltD>ong, ^ tl)at office longer to tljcc: Sitt) bengcaimcc Doti^ to tijce belong. Declare tljat all may fee. a Set fojtl) tl)v fclfefej tl;oit of cig!;C tl)e eattt) Dooft tuDge anD gtuDe: KetoatD t^e p;(OitD anD men oitni^j/tt acco^Dtng to rl)ett pjiiDe. J t^otD long Qjall ■^it^ct^ men bcatc ftoft?, toit^ lifting top tljeictoovce: J?otu long Qjall toicfteD men 3 fav, tl)U0 tctumplj anD rctoycer' 4 T(5otulongQ)alltl|)Cvtuttl)b]iagtfbutfttIdft; ' anD ftratmgerje; tt)eV Dcfttov '- Z\)vi Qav t^e ct)ilD;tcn fatljeclcOc, anD monz Dot!; put tOem bp. 7 anDtDl;6ri)evtahctl)cretl)ingciafmI^«n5, t\)iff talhc tl)cv l)aue of t^ce: Can Jacobs; iboD ti)i3 bnDccftanb, tutJj no Ijc can sot fee. 8 OfolhctonvutfcauD people cuD«, fomc ImoVDlcDge notu Dtfccme; ye fooicsi^ among tlje multituDc, at Icngtl; begin to learne. <) ^l)c %op tl)ac maDe tl)e care of man, l;e neeDeaf of ctgt)t mua Ijcate: t^c maDe tl)c c^ne all t^tng mull tl;eii, bcfo^ic I;i5^ Ggljt appcatc. I o Tljc 2-0]iD Dotl) all t!)c tDo;ilD co?tetf, anD maHc t^CHi bnDcriianD: 31>Ul J;c not ti)cn Vour DccDeflt Detect, l;otu can ^c (cape Ijitf l;anDf The ficiiidp.irt. I I t\)c %otX> Dotl) unotu tf)c tljougljteiBi of ^ifii)m^f(mi)mvifiYmi (man, m PGlme. Xcv. anQ ftntirth rtjcm but \jaf r.s: / a ©nt hop tl^u itian itf l;.ipin> fuw, toI)c«5e rijouDcoft l^cepc 4 iFo> fare tijcXcjDtDiU not tcfufe, 6^8' people fo? to t«he: 3(^t;Bfl)crrtagctD!;oin IjcDt&d^ufe, t)e tuill no tvtnefo^falie. tj r>«tmt^t, agatntt tl;^ "'t^^ct) ttarnei' ©J vv^o Qjall ttD itic ftoKi t^eit IjanB, tl;at tDtcftcl) tDO]tSes: maintavnef «7 iStcppt tDc lojt) t)f.ti been wyne af Be, mine snctjiics to tcpelt: l^f fcule ani life Ijaa ncvD been layi, nlmoaa0lovDas;l)elU I i Vi>\}fA 3 1)i0 faV: *^1> footc tWJtl) fliDft anO netD am \tMe to fall: Ci)]? gooanrffe 2.o;i3 DiD (b p?oni&J, toKa^mcbpttrtljaU. t9 »ui)cn tti^) mv fclfc 3 mtifcl) mutlj, anti toi'.lD no cc mfcjtfenDc: fCljcn %oiXi tl)v gooDnciTc Dto mctowd;, an:> t^at Ot o cefc mv n»vnDc. »o ?©tlt t^ia: cn^aunt tl)r felfe,attt) l^em, totti; tcicfeca siren to Ct: VP'^id) tcfti; pjtecencc in Ocat) eflato, muc^> mjld;:cfe Bo comm it. »i :fFfljtf)evccnfultagarnfttI)cI?fe, of tigi^teous men ant pooD: an& in t^cit connfeliB tl)cv are «fe, to Ojeti tUe gilttcff btcui. >a ©ntvett!jclo)it) be v» tome, aCtongiJctcnccoj loche: J^c i;e mv tfiot to l)V»n 3 fi^c, i)e 10 mv Orcngrt; anB coc6e» SlnB !)e Cjan csufc tijcit mifcl)iefcjs{ all, t!)e:nfelue« foj to anno^ : SkB tn tijeir inaUceitijc^' Qjall fall, out ^on Qjali t^cm celStov. Venhe exttUemus. PfuLXc^^ I.H. tS^Zn sarneft pUbjfanon to ^sjarftiSoS fo; fS« soitrtn* met oftijetDDjlar, ft the cliif.one£^i{tCbiitt!>3riaarj monieia not to foloVo i'-sje rtbclhen of t^e ola (ti'^ets, t^dt teinpte3>3eDin tij'-tai.Uci'nes.ro; tijc \a\u\) t^ep Mig^tnot enter inre t^e]»it> of pjoimfe,. if;'*^ thitas theBenedi^iU, O Come let t);0f lift ttp our bo^te, *^ ant) ling bnto tljc Xc%\i : 3nlj:m ow toc«e9t i)ealt^ teioHce, lett/Si»itl;oneacco?B, Pfalme; Xcvi. 6$ a yea let b»r come be fo;tc !;ifl: face, to gene l)vm tljanUcs; anQ pja^fc: Jn finging ^Ofdif..tes; tonto i)is grate, let b;a; be glrkO atoa^c^f. J iFo>tof;ii»:'tbcXo;iB!;cttfnoBcaW, a gtcat snli mtgljt^ i&oB: St Sing abDuc all eol>s tf5;c::3l>out, in all t{)e VDc;ilo nbjoaO. 4 'Cijc rea-ctc3?cf tl;e cartt) fo tecpe, anO coimi^ of cl; e laniD : ^Ijetopiaf cf fttUj ttjat arc fo ^^c&^e, t)t \)nt\) t!;cm in tj 10 l;aati. 5 Zl)t fea anti watcrjf ci» arc btflf, fo> 15c rt)c fame l)ati) tyjoueljt : tt?c eartt) ano all ttjut t2)t rsin to', Ij^flf ijnnt) l)ati; mate of nougl^t, * Come M \>s botD nr.D pjaife tj;c Xofi^t befoje bim let \>0 fall: flnti tincele to l)vm toiti) one accc;tD, tlje tiji;td) Jjatl; mate tjtf all. 7 ^o>tt!lj7:'t)eisftf)eie?t)o«t<&oI>, fortes' l;e totl) pjomCs: J©e8i:cl;t;s( folfeeljc totljbjefccDe, l)f0 Ojccpc anb Ijc onr guiocr S tTo Bav if ve Iji;af tor ce tcill l)cate, tl|en Oartten not ^our Dart: iQ[;af Vou tDttl) grudging man^ a ideate* PiWUoHt me m Dcfcrt. 5 tt)l;ctc8sf vonc faJljct jS temptcb we, mf poujer fo?to pjouc: Sj^y tooHD^ous tBo;iftcs tuijcn ttjcvliit> fe«;» Vcf ftill tt^q' uiouli) mc mcue. 10 U:tD:r?ttucat^'veatcstljc?BiD «tcgcea«» anl3 3totijc:nt)tt>fav: d;ey errc in l;Rrr anH not belene, tl;eY ijaue not hnctucn nvt xoay . 11 UD^erfojcJlbarctcDentljat mxtD;at|>» waie hinCIeD in Kiy bjefl: Cljat tl;cv Q)OUl'i nencctccaD t^c patlj, to enter to m^ red. Caatate Domino. P/al.xc^i. Iff. fitter^ortartou'iotl) to.tl)e 3*isjcs , ano 3o!i fo? ^iis m?t£? . anO t^ts rpccpallp otig^ tobec«rccc(ti to t^eb)>n0&o>neofC^;tft. iS/nj^ tht] as the jj.P/klmt. C3ng ve ^it^ PJSVf'C^ttto t^c lojD, ^ nctD UnQtiS of icv ant>tnirti); «;ing bnto lypm vottti one acco;^ al; people en tije cattlj. s yea fcng Dtstc tl>c Xc%t) 3 fap, V^a^fc \'eW l?olv name: 3D«lace ano Qjcto from Dav to taf, faluatiOn 5?p tpc fame. ; among tl)el>c?.tljcn eSeBccrate, !;i» ijonojroi^uO about: tTo fijcto l)V0 VLicHucrs?i5o BOtfpate, in all tijc xtojVO tl^jonsfcot't. 4 5Fd> "^^iV^t'oc iot) is; tnucl) of mig^t;. anti Mif.-4tl)'^ p;at>fe auyay : oW tol)tcl) tntll f.it)c: ©ut ^ct out i5ol5 <)c ta tiyc 2.o;t), ttjat l)nrt) tl)c iKancner maDe. (» 311 p^AfCe atib t)ono;i cite Do DtucU, foj a^c bcfo>c l)7>0 fate: 7 afcttbct)tttofl)cJ.O]il)altD«f, f Vc people of tl)c wo? ID: ail mig!)t anD vuo^Ojtp cuc (3 fyf) afvibc bnto tl;c Xo%t). - 1 afcctljc bnto t\)c Xo}X> alCfl, tfjcgloj7ofl)V£fn'i'»'c: Snb Che into l}iss couttcsi Do q$, Viitl) glfcc;ff bnto ti;c fame. The/ectnt/part. 5 if all DotDHc anD tDo;Qj

> be feaccfull at l)isi fiqt)t, lo ^dl all «()e tuojilD be not agall, rtje l,o;D Dotl; tatgnc aboiic: yea l)e i)atl) fet ti;c eatrt) fo fatt, t\)3t It DtD ncuee mouc. c I SLtib tifttt it lis t\)e Xoj.'^ alone; tl;at ttiic^' u)irt) pjtnccl^ mitfift: Co uiDge tl)e nations ciizt^ one, xu'iti) eqiiitte anD tijJjt. . i» t^e Ijcancntf Qjallgtcat toy b^n, tl)c «artl) Coc fljall rcto j'cc: Clje fea xoiti) all tl)at t0 ti)ctctn, O^all 0;oute anD maUc a no^fb. I J C^cficlDOjallto^anDenetfttjing, tl)at fpjtnsetl) o f rijc carrl^ : JCtJc toooDanD cucrp tree Ojaii Bng, tuttl) glaD ncffc anD I'jtti) m:nl), 14 t^efojc tl)c V ;efcncc of tljc i-ojiD, anD comnimj of l)is' m'p.jiljt: lU!)cn Ijc fljall iiuiiv "''>3e tfjc tuo;Ui, anD rule \)tg folUe vuit^ tigljt. Deminutregnauit. Tftl.JCc^ij, .l.H.^ U)ttJ;piearauntbov«. a»D e5ieti)c 3lejfftt):tt^ iovfuil mitil), mnv ttmmpO anD leiovcc. 1 T5otl) clouDc;* ? ocrchnctf cUc Do fujcll, anD toimD about !)tm bcatc: yea t«gf;t anD itifticc cucc Dvucll, anD biDc about !;t3f fcate, I ytn Src anD J;caf at okcc Do ttmne, anD 30 before 0?sj face: XOW^ (Dai I i7iff fcci:f nnD enemies bitme ab;o8D tn caerv place . ' 4 H^iS ItgOtnmg cfte fiiii \iiia\)t 50 uiafe irnDtof^ctoojiDappcawT * Pralme. XcviiJ. IDljttftt t!)c eartl) bib loohe ft«a (jaft, tDitt) D;eaD anD DeaDi^ fcatc. 5 Z\it biWUTtc toaiccDiD melt to figl^, anDp^crcnceof tI)e5Lo>D: Hjey flcD before djat tulccs mig^t, ttil)icl) giuDett) all tfje tooiilD. < The l)caucHtf chc Declare anD fljoto, l)ViJtuatccfo>tl)abjoaD: ^l;at all tt)c tuo;lD may fee anb Rnott, t!)c gaoDnctf of out at tl;v i«Dgemmtcstl)cv fljall Cng, anD maUc a plcafant t:oii?ce. I* T\)M tbou o io;D att fct on I?rc, onD;icttfl^, aboue ccl) otljcc ^oD, II 2Hrctl)atloiic«)c5Lo)bJbo«jW, \)ate all tl)fng tf^at in til : lFo> IjeDotlj Uccpc t!5c (oulcsi o(l)f fl, from fuel) as vooulD ti)cm fptll, II anb iigl)tDc.tI^ fpjtngbpto tijchtU, tDttl) plcaflitc fo;i l)iB part: ^5teat jo^ \D!t») glabncffc inizti) anD lull, to tl;eni of bp^fsDtijart. «j yctigl)tcourfintl)clo?Drcio^ce, l)VS Oolrncspjtoclaf me: ^e t!;»anftf u!i efte tostl; l)art anb bovcc, anD mpnbfuli of tl;e feme. Cant Ate Dtmino. Pftl, Xe^i!^. 1,H. can MmeSr«j:!|9Jtation to all tceatnrrs to pjaire t^« S.o?a fo; l)iji poloec , metcv, anS RDditpe , in ^p» j);o^ miCcbp vCtijift.bii taboin Jje I)8t^ wminumMteO ^*tf faliiation to all nation;. iJ/n^ /Am tu the 78. Pfitlme. Q Stng vc notu bnto tlic io;ib, ^ a ncu) anD picnfant fcng: ^01 \)t l)at1) U3jcugl)t ti)?oii3l)out«jc VDOjlb, i)iss tuonDcfS great ana ttcong. 3 UDtti? \)is cto!5)t HanD full tuo;ttl)cl?, f)cDott;I;i7s&)?SDcuour: ^ anDg£tiji!tjfi:ifctbcbtcto;^, tuttlj i;ts otonc atmcanDpotBct. J Tfjc io;D Dotf) malic tljc people Hnow, !)VS^ fiunng Ijcaltl) anD !titgl;t: ?ri)c 7^o;D Dotl) tUc Ijts tuflicc OjOtD, tn all t\)t Ocntljcnij fi&ljt. 4 ft)is grace anD frittl) to 3[fracll, tninvj:Dl)etotljrcco;iD: ^1;i-it all x\)c cartl? Dart^ fccne ctghe tbdf, tiJcgooDncjorof^jcio^D. 5^t 1 iaiiiic.ji.LiAi" 5 35e glat) in ty^ xoiH) toyfuU tjoj'ce, fill people on tl;c cattl): tf cue tl)an{5 eg! to ^oo>finganIitcioYce, to l)f m VDitl) tov anD miitl). i )Opontf)cljatpctntoi;>V"»'in3» gene tl)aiilje0 to i)ttn tuitt) )OralmejSf: JKew^cc bcfojc tl;c iojo our fttns. totflj ttumpetsi anti t»)?ti; Ojalme^sf. 7 yea let t!}« fca m^ all tijetitt, io% tov fecrt; roue ant tocll; ?ri)c earttj UUcujvf^ ictttbegdi, turti; all tl)at tl)etm Dtuell. I ant) let tijc floiilijS teio^cc rtjcit tW, anD clap tljctt Oantiea; apace: jKnD cftc tl)c mountamcsf anb tlje ^»W, before tl)e iojD l)t^ fate. f Jfoi l)c Ojall come to tutigc anH tiTf » tl)c wo;ilD anD euet^' tuigl)t : ^t> rule the people jiitgljtclv, to^ti? tutttce an& xiititt) (tgi;t. DomiKUi regnauit. Vj^LXcix. /.^« CBji* commenbeti) t^e jioturt, eqiiitp.ij e;cfrUene» of tt)« hinjliome of Cl)jift,oiicc tlje 3»tBf3 » <5«»itil* anb {>)aiio{ictl) t^cm to wajnttic tlj« fame, j to fctue ll»«B.oja, foUoitimj c^eejcampleof t'4e atmcitnr l«fi tier$,n}atV9/^acon,an!>^amiuU,.to^O MiUns»yoM ^oOfVoete ^cat&in c^nc]p{a;cc;»r «S/>«^ f^i/ 4J tht •j'jiPJalmt, ^t)e l,o;i5 t)0tl) ra(3nc,altl)otigJ(> at tt, •*■ tl)c people rage full fc;c: yea !)e on vCljcnibins; tsotl) fct, tljflugl} p,iitl)e tDojin cotl) to^e. % Trt5ei0;titi;atDotl;mStoni3tueU, cell, anD l)c aloft t^o; ret. J Xet all men pja^fc ri?f ntig^ name? fcjiiti^feaceftmfurc: jint) let tt;e5n magntfte tljc fame, tl;atl)olv«0ani5ptrte. 4 ^ijcpjimcciypotuccof onth^ng, tioti) lotic iiiogetr.ent anO «gl)t; Itljou tii^fAlV "'l^ cus'^ tlivng, in 3acob tljjioug^tl?? migl^t. ) ;Cop;avfetl)ei.o;iDout:i5ol5l)etU(5?, , 6Ut;onourtol5mi5o: Jpig; footfcoolc tuo^iQjtp Ijim befoiie, fojtl)st05)olvw« 4 56ffofesf,»latoa:an]5SamMCll, a;a! p;itdl8' on i)^m W^ call: leO'^m tt;cv lui* F?av> i)e l)ttitii tljem toeU» anil gauc tl;em aimfxseEe all, y VD iii)in ti)t tliiiit to t\)cm l)c fpafte, tl)enDit)tl;e?lalJout;atUi ' Zo bccfc far!) latDf^sfasf l;c tiiO mafee, anT3 pc inteo rijcm bnuU, 5 oXcj^ouciDoDtljouDioittljeniljcarc, ant (jimftueccDil ti)«n agave's: 5 ^l)v tiJeicv ijtii on. tJjcM! appeal 2, tl^ctc EecDtjOf iiii>ft not mamtarne. ^o (DlautianDp;avreout;3i,o}s)ant>j£ot>, tDftf)fttf5tail?o!vl?iU: ;Fo^ trljVT'otii- iSot) tI;>ougl?out tfjc \«o:lft, ttff?o!?euecftiU, %.lHt>iUte Deo omnes. I'fal C. C^c tr^a%ttt}) all me to r«ii,t»l)o ^attj ma»c 1*5, ait!> to eittccinto ijis £out£«3 ana n.TcmbljW, »• pjapfe \)is name. •A^ii3Ei^i "-♦t^-VV 11 people rtjat on c«r«?.t)ol)tDeU, 'I^-L^-L MMf^ ::Ba!=r;»: aSiTizf Sfng to tlje Xojti to^tlj cljerefuU tjovce: f ;^i ii = i fe,ij>_,|. s.l^^m feme tti^tl) fear e, l)vs( p^a^fe fojtlj tell. Come ve before i^^m anD tetovce» J tr!)eX4);iD^cftnotBtfl(^oDinDeeDe, toitijont out a^Dc i;e &rD b0 mahe: JOc ate ^10 flocftc tje Dotl) tjfl( fecDc, anD fo^ t)V;cc Ojeepe t)e Dott) b;9; talte* 4 ©I) enter tljen ln'0 satctf tovtl) p^a^fc, app?od) tDtri) toy 1)16 couwe^ai bnto: iO?avfe,lauD,anD bleffe ^vs name al\oayeflf« atf it tsf fcemel? fo to Do. 5 iFo>tul)vtl)el03iDoutiSoDf;*gooD, l)Vs; mctcv tfli fo;i euct fare: t^fg ttixtl) at all tfmejs Rtmelv ftooD^. anD Ojall from age to age enDute. An other of the fame. Sng till) 4S the 6S,P/klme. JfL ^oD tl)c lejD be glaD a»D l^gljt, ■* p;affei)?mtl);tOttgt)outri)eeattl)j ' Sifac l)V«* an^ f ""'c before l)ta( Cgljt, tDitl) finding anD vuv^l) mtrtl;. » iino\x) tljat rljc Xc%0 ouc^goD Jje ig, i)e DtD b;a( mahc unD ftecpc: jflot'toe oat feUiejoi f oj^ tuc are \rf0, ownc folHe anD paKirec Ojeepe. 3 tl)t)<;9 pjav^^ cnD '.fiat, l;vs' Ijo'-V name. 4 5Fcj tti;v^t'oe goot'ne.s of tl>c X.o?D, hi eiicrmoac Dctl) rafsr.e: , iFrojsn agctc agt- rt;?ini3l;crtt tl)C vbcjID, ijj'jtf t:utl) iotl; ftitl rcmavne. Mifericordi^.m f^ tKd.Pful.CL JV» C!Datii6 0r'.".ribrr'^ta;;at sotwrfimcnt.^cc VsiU obr^rit^ ■ i!it):3l?icf-n« l)C Qjall not, «tBarnecl)a«lvc0t)Ot^ tell. S ISetitntai 3 votilDcftcoi^cuenaU, ii)c wuHct) of tl)c lanii: !p!)at 3 !:iav f ^om f&oW cttic tut, tlK toifftcD txiojU.?!;^ l;an5. PemineexAudi. tfaLCij. N, CJtftmrt') t^at tliitf pjapettoafl appoints ro t^c f«tt^ full top:>tvin tpecaytitiir? »!2.ibiloti.3 co.ifnl.itlo for t^ebutlBiiigof ti)t iZ';urc^,Wi)Cii}( 'ollo\xsit^ the f jaff? of <3oo to be piiiliiicb mu* ail j)<>(lirritui;.'«r()e (Sufcfiottof t!>e 3ntpmccftcoui'le:)ocno£lji5c, tl)V face arjcv ttom mcc I 3nclpnc tl;in? eacc^s to mc mahe i)^ to t>catc m2 VDl;cni 3 call: ^o> a^ t>;e!rnto!ie t>ott; fauie.fo Doe mv DayciJf consume ant) fell. 4 Slni) {10 a l)attO m|> bone^ ace bttcnt, mf ijstt E3 fni'tvcn teat): JlnD xoitl)e!:^ :.sl tl; c jm Jj, tijat 3 fo^ct ta catcjnv bycaQ. 5 23? rcarcti oitu^ gconing bopcc, »!t? bonc;s f!.-auc to «t? Hun; 6 aX^ y:>eliciin tn tuiiocmesf, iutl; cafe novo am 3 tit. Slnt) asf an owie in ticfctt W, Joe j[ am fun; a one: 7 3 tuatci) anD a^; a Sp acotB oh, i tl>e l>bufetop sni nloac. 8 X-o uuflv -n icp]iori;full tiJife, mvne c-'cmtea? Da ine fco^te: {Jn5 ti)e? ti)at Do againft «ic rage, agaiall mc t:;cv ^aue (luoMte. ;y 3ttuel^ &tt!) aajcjot a^ey voiti; bjieAt>> in^t)iinger3i;Aii€6ll>c; Plalme. Cii. flnb mfnglcD Ijaue m'? I>jmfte to it!) tttctt0, ti)'»t from mvne cvcflf I)3iu ttiDc, lo iBccaafcoftlpyDtf^lcafurei^p, tl;p U);iart) anD tijv Dii'oavns: ipo^ tl;dti l)aa IttteD me aloft, an^ crtft me bourne aga^nc. It ICl)cbtxfefl»\n!)CEcm3pa(rcm^lif?- atc Ittec tlie fleeting Qjabe; ant) 3 am tofttjerco itRe tije graffe, tt)3tfoancatDayt)otI) fsbe. i» }5utci)Du0 2.oiDfo;ea:cbdol^ temftvnc in de'DDv place: an!) tl)j» ttinciiib}i\unce eu« botJ), abiDefcom race ro race. I J ^!)on tDtlt artfcant) mecc^ t^ott toSionujUtcrcen): TCljc tv"Hie of mctcY, no.B tbc t^mc, f ojefet iss come to cni. 14 jf 0; ciicn in tl)e ftonci? tl)ctof, ti)|> fccttauntcflt Doe Dclig'vti flab on ti)c bull t ijerof tJjej' tjaue, compalTton mtl;ctc fp>ite. I J tri^en Oiall tlje Ijeafijcn people fcare, tl)c i,o;it)C;af mod l)©l^ nantex anb all tl)c atnges 011 cati!; Q;allt>^cad, ti)? glo;? ano t:)v fame. 1 6 ?i:t;en toij;n tOe 2.o;iu tl;c mtglTt^ l5&0» aga^n : W.^tll S ;on tcsrc: flnb t{jcn,VD!)cn Ijc moft ncbl^ (n, ^V^ glojf 0;3Jl ftppcate. 17 tTo pjat'ft of tl)e bcfol-rte, xu^c.i 6e ^iprnfiirc Ojallbcnb: 3SD!;?n IjcOj.^IlnotSifbavncbnto, ti>fv^ p;avct4to attcnb. if^iy.'^ 0/aibc Vj.vtitca fa;i tfjc age, t^iit nficc Oif.l- fafcjcte: tC l)c veopls v? t; faKtwat.'t) , tl;c 2-0 jte^ leuo vune OjpM fpucal). 19 ifcjiI;cfMmi)ts!)teCanftiwtp, l)a.tl) looScubowne cciots: flnb iirt of l)eaiicr. {>ati; ti;e 2.0^, bcljciot;7cc'miKlfJ» 30 ;i;i;rit oitDe moiimtng captiuef^ mtg"t)t i^earc tl)c tDofiill ct^: Anb t().^t \}c n\V4i)t Delitiei; t^oft, tt^at bamncb ac^ to bve. 21 t:i)at tl)e)p in 3ton may bcclace, t\)c %o},'Uc!£ mod l)alv name; Jlnb in 3ccufalcm fet fo;itl), t!)c pjni'fetf of tljc frtittc. %i TH)m U]l)ca tl)s people of tljclartJ, anb htn'jcomcjffUiitt) actop; • Sl;aU h: nOl-inblcb fo? to bo, tl^ctr f^i'tucc to tt}e Xojib. Tb* thirdp*rt. *i P(i^fo}metfotceofBxcKgfy^)ei)atl}, abarcb mtljcvuaf: anb 0)c?tc;c J)e bib tut m^ bafcjaf, t\)u3 3 tbcKo;c bib fap. 34 39^? <6ob tn mtDft of all nip ts^tjS, PlalmeTUnjT from agg to age fo> a^c. 2J tri)outi;cfofm6attontfofri)ccatt^, bcfO!t«'alUvKtci;aft lavte: SMb Xo%t tl)c fjcaucnfi' ate tfjc ttjonftc, tDl;jcl) tljjnc o\i3Kel)antcfl;i;aue«i86e# atf yea tfjei? aji>ii pcriajc ant) fictav, oat tUcti fljalttatv tttlJ: 2nt> ti)ep 6)ail all tn time \ua;ce oit>c, cucn a^ a garment tuttU tCJ)oii ajtf a garment 8) alt rtjem ri)aunge, ant) rfjaiingct) Q^all tlje^ bee: i? Bnr e^oH Dooft tttu abiDcttjefamc, ti)? V^arcs Do nence flee. a8 rijcci)tii);enofti)^rctnauntCiefajail, contmuaUvcnDurc: iSnD tn «)? figi5ttl)ctrl)app? rceDc, fo^ cuet Qtall (lant) futc. l.Benedie anima mea.Pfal.Ciij, T.S, •"(rpr.te fljallDo tlje fame : SUxD all i ^ f-^f -^4 ..CI_.^-£k ti)c Ctctttujoi m? Ijatt , p>av& ve 1)^0 " |)olt name. <6euc tl)anhes; to <6ot) fo> ^ feg^EJir^-i-l- aj: all l^tflf giftesi,QjciD not djv ftlfe bnntna : SlnDfitfiernot t^igi benefttejattoaip out Ei|"4=^ff oftl^pm^ntie, 3 ^Dat gaue tijec parDon fo^tl?^ fmUe^, anD tl;c£ tcUope aga^ne: ^ojtalttljf'tDcaHissnDfravlefiireafe, aa^ Ijcalt! tl)ce of tl)v pavne. 4 ttljat t)!D viDecmc ti)v Ufcfcam fccat^, from tDljid) t})0t« roulfctt not flee; ^ig meccv ano compaCfton boti?, l)ct»»ijCj:tcn'Dtotl)cc. 5 T]Sj8t8l5ett)itl?sco5nep'tl)jt)cRre, Plalme.L'liJ. ?7 ant) t)rt pjclong tljv TfOut^Ji Ithe axTtDdiEayic caKlcrl) Ijec btU, tDljcrbv Ocrnsemujcti). (J tri)e 7.o;a tutti) luftUc Dot!) tepa^, all faci) tt)at be opp;teft: So tl;at ti;cic {i\v?cinqc0 ant) tl)ere Myj,omeiS, ace turncD to tJ;c bed. 7 t?i0 ■m3.r'c0 ant) l)j;tf com«tauttt)emcnte;S, to jft^ofea l)c Citt) Ojcoj :.« 5^tflf counfcia ant) J)s to*?.itaunt atte^Bf, tljc JftHcUtCfi t):t) hnoto. 8 it^c iojt) 10 H:Ht)e ant) merciftill, tD{)en finncraf to l)im qmxe: ^tfc floxDcft to conrrauc n tujtatl;, ant) tealijca to f ojigaic. 5» ll?c cl);t)ctf not bs" contmHall?, tljcugl) toe be fuil of fttifc: /lo;i ftecpctf our fnultes^ in Jitcmo w, fo;iall0ucfmfulUvfc. J o jTio> ^et acco;it)tng to oirc Cnne;af, tfjc I.o;t) Dotl) b0 redact): illo; aftct our mjciutttfc?, l;c t)otl) \}is not rein art), 1 1 iSut asl tljc rpatc i0 toont)jtottjB? grcaf, fmtjct eartl) ant) ijeauen abouc: So tg l)i0 gootincjs muri) moje large, to tl;em tJ;at Ho l;ym loue. I J i5oDt)otl)remoneourfiimefl(ftoml)j6f, ant) our o9ence;s: all: S10 f arre as? iis tlje funnc rtSng, full Dtftant from tjig fall. T he ficind part . X J ant) loohc tDl)at pttie parenteji bcare, bnto ti)cir cl)ilti|icn beare: l»heptt!ebcarctl)i5ot)to fuclt)» asfVBOiifljip l)im mfcarc. 1 4 ?Ci^c 2.0?!) tljat maDe bs Knotuetlj out our tttoKlt) ant) faO^tun tuft: (Oiapt j^otD VDcaftc anb fraplc our nature is, a»t) t)otD toe be but buft. 1 5 anb l)otD t^c t'^mt of mojtall men, ts' ime tl)c tt)ttl;ertng l)av: criiilJ, IjC 3 juccncs alitor ia)c>;lb. ao yc angels to^jtrl) arc great tn pctDCTj way fe re ano Wiit tije iLojb ; ^ "VS" TTaTTTTCr .l¥f1, |n>I)tct>to obcr anD Do Uv^^ ^^ll> tmmet)iatlvac(0]kO. » I yc ncble hoftctf antJ mmtflctjBl, ccafe not to lano l)vm ftill: tt)b«f^ reaOyarcto ccccute, (7p;tf plcafuce anD ^le; to ill. »» yea all ^tsttDojUcjgmcuery place, pjavfc VC '^'J'J '^'^•T' nnmc: I6gpl;att tnv mtttiic.anD efec mv fo«U, Plta^rc vcalfo tt)c fame. X.BenedicMmmA, Pftl.Ciiij . W.K.- CanercrlUncpralraeto p^vfc fa;tl)e cteotiM «f t^e taa;lb,anb c^c jouernitiince ef clj.: fjiiu bp brd macKclous pjouiO«itcf,tD^ettm tljr Pf opbet p?«prt^ Ml "♦-»^ =£i: ■^'^ — r?r ^F^*^ yfoule p^vC^ tl)e Xoitti, (peabe i=7|=4^xir-'-«^'-« — ^^^ ^ i» /• QOoDof 11)^ name. OX.o;iOe out great 1 ' n-^-jrrzi: i&oI),l)oti) Dood tt)ou appearc,So paf? fing in glo^i^ tt)at gceat i^at tt}v fame:^ H^OROut: f matcdteiiin tl)ec Q^mc ntoft «♦ cleace. VD^ti) lt'Sl)t a;^Ji tobe,tl^ou^ t^ee bectaD, UPljeccbv aUtJt)e eatt^ tl;? geeatne^ tna^ fee, d;e \)tW8tifS ia (Ud) ^ tb;it tl)ou alfo Ijatt t^jjieab , t.W it to a cuttfti^ne compaccD ma^ bee. f t)i& rijambet beamctf Ipc, in tl;e c\ovS>t& full flite, {9)^ici)a0l)t£rct)atet, are maDe t)pm to beatv. I^D tl;ecc VDtttj mucl) ftoiftneirfc jhi£:e0u«rf$ott)£at)uc9& ridiiuL. v^uij. irpon tl)c toingejtf ctDtng. of clouDc0 in t'oc a^^e- 4 l^cmaUctl; l)(S fpittte;^, a2't)cratt>c;3C0Soc; 0nt) i(!jl)cntuijc£i t-j Tecue. tue fee alto p»ea. T^tjStotUto actompltOj, tl)c>' nmnc to ant) fro : Co fauc i>i coufutnc tt^ittge^f. ajaffeemet{)t;imbefi. 5 t^e gcounDctl) tl)c eattt). fofttmelv ant) fail; trijatrtonrctojnoue, none l)aueO)aU fitct; poYoec < ^L^ec Deep r fa^Jc f oueting, fo>rtmat>cti;oii{)aIt: H3l)tct) bf l)w omnc nature, tt)e t)iUe0 tvoult) beuoHt* ylSutatt^Vi^cbuhc, tl)etDatccfl(t)oflve: Sln^fogeueDucplAce, ti)i' tnojt) to obff . at tl)V bovce of H)unDet, fo fer.ccfuU tl)ev' be, 1Cl)at in tl)etr great raging, tljc^ Ijaftfoo ne atuay. 2 ^l)cmotint8^ctffulll)je, t^ev tl^cn bp nfrenb: 3f ti)Oii Do but fpeaUe, tl)V tt'o;iD tljc^ fulfil!, So tiTietutfe tl)c \>a\WSy wtoft quiclil^ ficficnii: VSi\)zvc ti)ou ii);m aup jmtell, temavncti)c>'bo ftttl. 5 ^^eit bonuc0 tjatt ti>ou fct, l;ota farce ti;evioalitunne2 So a0 in tbcir rate, not i^i\iSz t\)txt ti;ct> can, ■'ifojt ^ci) ijviti) aypounco, tlKV 0)all net ictiirnc: cue cacii? to oellvo\' mo;ic, U)^td) utaDe toa^j foji matt* T6tf (ectndpart- io ll^efenDet^tl)cfp;ungetf, to flrong ftrcainc^ o> laKe;ef; ]II)l)tcU runnc Do full fisift, amon;? tl)c Ijuge l^tiiejer. 1 1 ftDljcrc botl) tbe voilDc SKTc/^, tl>eit tl)tttt ofttimca flabejer, anD bcaftcB of tbc mountaiuMf, tl)eroc D;tnhc tljcit fiUctf. 1 X TE>^ ti)cfe pleafant fp^ngetfi of fountapnc^ fiill fap^w, Cl)c foules of tlje a?;e, abiiseO^aUanDDtDClI. I J JO 1)0 moiicDb? natute, to pope l)ete anb tl^ere, dmong ti^e greene b^aunc^, t^eic ronge;S fltnall e;c(ell. 14 Citye mountaineer to movd, tt)eclotiDe;sf^e Dott)bre: V^z earti) \a^t\) \)\a tso)be;ai> «cetDl)ol?teplcat. li Sa A|9(t^b;tit«(«tt«i^ I ..... 4 Pfalme. Ciili,' ^et)otl)nottcfiifc, 55 lit gcaflc Dot!) pjtoutDc tl)em, ant) ijctbe io% mang meate* yea bjc3D,tDVMe.anl» ovie, i)e n%&jc fo} matut falf e, J^tja'facetotcfteOj, anti Oitrt to maUc ftf onj. 1^ T5)cCc5cr;s'ofitT3aH, tl)jfl great ifiaD did mafte. ID^tri) tvced J)e Dotl) nourtflj, tl)at8tctDbpfolon!i. «7 3n tijofc ma^ bicDctf butlb, anD make ti)etct^cicne(tt 3n ftrrc ttecis tljc Stojftetf , ccmaf ne anD abtDc, fon tDtiDc <5oatCiEf to cell; flnD cfte tf)c tocftcjs aonv> fo]iComcflftoi)iDe. 15 'JCije ^ooactijjB i0 TeC, i)et reafong to tunne: trijc Dave;g ftom tl)c ntgljtcjsf, tijccb^' to Difcctnc» £nD bv tl>e DcfcetiDtng, aifooftl^eSmitie, C^e colDe from Ideate altoai?, no ItD^enDacdtnefTcDotl^rome* b^ ^oD;Bf tr tii anD pottict; Ci)cti cteep^e fo^ti) Do all, ., tljcbcaJlejaoftljcvDoob. Si 7i\-)t Xt9 n^ catigc toacuig^ tl)C!rp;ta^toDcuout;: JI0ut ^ct tt fsi titiott (i-ojD) t»i}>cl) gsucft tlicm fooBe* Si 9flfCoonca»;tt)cSimnc» ifl;t3p,tOc^rctv;te, Co coucS) in tt^cic Dcnne;ef, thza ate tl}c\' fr.U faf nc. » 3 ^t)p.t sttriH to \)f0 luojhcsfmaf 6 as( tii^l) r DPtl) trqmr e, Ctll ntgijt lonxi anD caUI)f m, totatteceftajsavne. The third part, t4 l^ott) fimD;if (O l,o>D) ate all tl)v ^ajojftejs f outtbt IU)tt!> \a iTeDomc frili gceat, tt)e^ ate m DccDe iu;iougljt» £0 tl)at tJ)e VDhole V3o;iID, of tl)i' p^avfe Dotl) fiiunO, iauDa0fo!itt)vttri)C3'. tljev psffc all tnens; t!)0Uj3^t* J J So a0 tl)e gtsat £5ca, to^tcl) large isi anD b;ioaD: }lPl)ere tl^ingje/ tljat cteepe foiacm* enD facades; cf eel) fojt: »6 i:i)CKcbotl) nitgt)tv OJtpsf fatte, anD feme Vfc at toaDe: 1 C^e Qi)l)aie l)uge anD monih^ouje^ tl)eteairoDoti)fp6^t. »7 Sllltl)tngeSontl)eetDa««, t^ouDooft tt)em telteue: jSnD t^ou in Ductfme, Pfalmc. Cv. 6^ «8 jfloVB tD!)cn ft Doti^ pieafc tl;ce» tijcranicfotogcue, 5:i)ergatf)crfttllglaDlt>, ttjofc tl)inqc3 valjicl) ti)e^ nccDe* TCl?ou opetteft tl)?* IjanD, anD t\)ev finDc fud) grace, tC^jat tljef wm gooD tljingesf, atcftiicDttefee. *9 55ut rc?c arc r^cv ttoufaicD, tf tl)ou tarnc ti)/facc: iFo> if tt)ots tl)cic b^atl) tafto, bile Duil tl)Ctt tl)cp be. JO 3gat»Be aibcn rt)^ Qjtntd, from tfjee Dotl) pjo ceebc, flu tl)ingcfl; to appoint, anD tDbat Oiall enfuc. tCljen are t!)c^ cceatcD, 80 tl)ou l)aft DccceeD, SLtib Dcoil bp tl)!-' gooDncA tl)cD)if eattl)i;enue. J I ^l)c PK'V H: 01 ti)c iojb, fojeuccOjaUlaa*^ l©l)o Jitap tn 1)10 ttJojReiSf, bpngl)tVDellrcio?ce' J 1 t?iis louhc can tl)c eattt) mah^ to tsemble full fail: jJinD tinetDire tl)c mountatnejart td fmohe at l)t0 b o^ce. , i 5 J ^ot^t0X,o;tDanD<5o&» fingyjill^altoaveflit So long 30 3 Iwe, inti6oDp;iavfcvo^ll7. .' 34 Zl)cn am 3 moft certain*, f.ff nrf U)O)De0 (Dall i)2m pleafet 3 tDtll rciovf e in l)fm, } to !))?m tmll 3 ctp. ' J 5 T^c fmnet0 ( tuttt) tl)efaT^fitll, piiavfe ve tit)e }Lo)DeiS name. CiufitemsntDomine, Pfil.C^. Jtf", aUt4c))eopleof t^eUia;lD,(^oft'ttap(niIi«rpcopUtB I) ivglelUami} t^auing c^orcK c^cm, neuet (ear« tfi t»d0 ' t\ft\n 0oa>,etten fo; i)iK {tiomire C^e. f\i£}xt pitavfetf bnto <5oD t6c Xo;i&» ^ 8bD call bpon t)^0 name: Slmong t^e people elte Declare, t)v^ too)ite0 tn Tp^aD 1)10 fame* » Stngvebnto t!)c i.O]iD 3 fa?, anD fing tonto Ijvm pja^fc: fltiD talfee of all tl)e iDonD^outf tt)0]ift^#. t^at^e l)at!) VDjoiig^t alttiaf ejsf. } 3« i)onoj of 1)10 l)olv t»at«e, tetovcetDVti) one accojDt attD let tt)e i^art alfo tm^ct, of tfjem t^at fecfteti)e :Z.oikD, 4 S8eH8tet^io)6,f ftcKctDeOtetig^i Pfalme* Cv. jJUi^ fce\ic l)i« fate continnaUi?, anO 9}cicnce of Ijiflf fifll)t. 5 TTl^c tttont>>otw:wojhfflftl)at Ijc Ijatl) bone hccpc lltll in mmtifulll)art : fie let tl)c iHDgcmcnteff of ^Vi* ««oiit9, out of tljv mynDc depart. 4 yctl)at of fattl)fnll ilowt)8m, 1)10 fcruaimtGB ate tl)c fccDc: Tcl)«; elect tl)c clnlo]icHtl)at, of Jacob t)opjotecDc. 7 iFo? l)eJbc onrir isi 5 far. tlie n!!i5')ty t.c'fi out i6oD: ^D 1)13 jnoft ttgt)ffiill luDgcmcntc;^ ate, tl);oiig-.) all tlr: cartl) ab>oaD. 5 1^10 pjomtfc an:* i)i!S couenaunt, tDl)tcl)l)cl)atl) ttiaijcto In'S: f)c })Ml) temcinb;ct> cuctmoje, to t^ottfatiDes? of Dcgiccsr. The fecond part, 9 Tri)Cfonenatmt\Dl)tci)»)cl)ati)ttiat»c, totti) abjal)atn long ago: anb favtl)fiUl otD tDljitl; ije ijatl) (\Do;inc, tojifaacalfo. 10 Snb Dtb tonStme tl)e fame fo) latD, tljnt 3acob OjottlO obev; flnt) fo? cternall couenaunt, to3ftaeUfojat'c. 1, HPDcntl)iie(l)cfart> loc 3 to tou, all Canaan lanb totll gcue: C1)C lot of voar mljccttauncc, toljctein vout fcctic %a.\ Hue. 1 1 aitl)ougl6 tl)ctt number at tljat tpnt, bit) bcct> Onall appeare: ycabctv fmall antj in fi)c lanb, t^cv tljen but aisungcrs; toerc. I J tt)i)rlc "ftt tl)fp walht f com lanD to lanb, tajtljoutafuc^abobc: anb turtle from funDjv hmgiDomes; tijc^, biQ vudiiticr nil ab;ioab. ■4 anb VDjonj at none cppjcffo?i6( ^>anb, ^c fuffteti tl)cm to taUc : OPut cucn tl)c gi:cat ano mtgl)tv ft^ngciflf, tcp;wjueb fo? tl;cic fa'sc. J 5 anb tl;u0 l?c favb>toufl) ve not tljofe, i t^at mync annomtcb be: 5;ie bo ti)c p?cpl)ete;£> an^ljatme, tl)«t bo pcttainc to me. i6 Thecal!) nieattljbpontijclanb, of b}ctiii I):; xito^l) tlje ftojc: OSut l>c agavnft t\)civ tunc of nccbe, i;ab fent a inan bcfoj^. Thf third part, 17 <5ucn 5ofepl) U)l)tcl) Ijab oncebecn folb, toliucaUwicin'ojoc; i8 lUbofc feet tl)cv' !}iirt in aoclJc;s(>VDl)orc tl)e iron pcatft alfo. ffouie, jp JDnttU t'.je tv-'uc came tDl)cn t)t;S taufc, toa^r linoiune appatantly: Srije mit i}tpifmitieG2ttiit^t)f^ tty. Pfalme. Cv. ao TC!)cWng fent anb bcliuctebiji'itt, from p;tfon tDl)ctc l)c tnaflf: ?ri)c nilct of ti)e people tljen, bib fceclv let !))'m paCTc. 11 anb oner all l)isl)oufct)cmabc, l)Vm ionb to bcare tUc ftouy : anb of l)i0 fubftanre mabe ij^vn Ijauc, tt)e tule anb all tl)e {tay. J2 Tl)at l)e migbtto l)?2f vuillinftmtt, tl)cpMn?cflrof t)t0 lanb: anb tDjfooii^ea l9ie \)ia aunricnt men, migl)t teacl) to bnberftanb. 1 J TCl)cn into tl)e €ougl;t f icg0 cnf to tl)C place tiii)crc tljcic fting ptjacao lay. } I i^r fpafte anb at \)i& bovcc tljcre came, grc«t rLDar?nea' of ncyfomc fives?; anb nlltDc q-iacters of tlicic lanb, xnzcc aib ujjti) ccauling lice: I J» t^cgauctljemcolbRnbftonyljavIc, ■in (IcaO of milDcc taync: anb ftcty flames mti)m tljcir lanb, \yc fcntbnto tljcic paync. J } t}e fmotc t\)eit \)\neg f all tljeie ttec;af, tr)l;e>on tl)eic flga' bib gicto: anb all tl)G trees tDitfttn tl;cir coaH, bovuncbib l)c oucrtljjtoto. j4 l^erpaUet'.jenCatccptllecsfbflJ, anb iSrafljoppccs; abounb: 3 5 nj)l)icl) cate t!je gtaffc in all t^jctt I8«b, anb finite of all tl;ctt gtounb. Thefiftp^rt. 16 tCljcfttll begotten in tl)cir lanb, Che bcabiy btb l)c ^mite". yea t^c beginning anb &t(lfruttc, of all t^ctt tttcngti) atib »iigl)t« j-tt3yt^> 1 1 PTalmerCvT 57 XOiA) csoBc anD filiiet \jc rt)cm byougfrf, from igj^tpt lant) to palTc: 3nt> m tlje numbct of H;ett: tctbe^ef, no feblc one ti)cce toa^s . 38 i£qipt ■mn^ glali anB tovfiilltljctt, uj^cn tijcv' CiiB tljcnce Depart: ffo> tcn:o> anb f l)c fcare of t^em, tutus fallen bpon ti)ctt it)att. 35 ToOj;toutitl)emft:omt^epacc|jcig tjeat, acl0»oi)cDtot)tfpla)7: flnft Sceljc rent to qenc tljcm Hgijt, tD^enm3^tl;aD l^tDt^edav. 40 tri)e^ adtet) anti ^e raureD qiut^leU, to ta^nc at tljetc tequcft: SlnDfuUv w^tu tl)e bjtcafiof Ijeaucn, tijetr tjuntjcc l;c ccp;ieft. 4 1 lj?c opcncD tljcn tljc ttonf tocfce, ana 'ojatcr ijiuJjeli out; flnl) in ttjc Djt anu parrtjcD gcounficief, l^Hc t:tuec;8r tanne about. 42 iFo!tofl)v»£i!)ol^cottenaant, a^e m^nbfnll toa^ei i)e ti;o : VS>i)icy) to hin fccuauiit ^b;iai)am, licpJtgl)te3 long ago. 4 J t?c bjongl)t l)is people fo;itit) tott^j mit^, anU t)tsf elect vottlj toy: Out of tl;e tnijll lan:) toljcce tlje?, t)a:D l]^ue!> in great anno^. 44 anti of tl>c Ijeatijen men l)C gatte, to tljcm ti)e f nntfiiU lanCcS: ?CIje labours of tlic people cfte, ^c gaue into tt)ctc l)m'ii0, 45 ^l)ttttftevl)t0l;o(vftatuteia(mtg^, obfcme fo; cuccnioiie: ant) fattl;fuHv obvf i)i0 latnctf , PKiffe ve toe 2-o;ii ttjetfo;ic. Confitemfxi Pomino. I'fil.C^i. JSt. KfVi t people bif^ftrfHtrntictantioc^u;?! bo magntfis tl){ %ooDatS oidoly amsng t%t lufl ant) tepcncaiiiit: lieSrtnj tobebious^caga^aeinto t^cLana b <2otsa tntfcdfuU otIiCrttioQ. aiiD afcectljemaniCelDmatuel;! of<3oatDji)u^!;ttit tljnciiciiuccancc fO}t| of (Ejppt, Ccl^c gre.1t ingcatituaeofc^c peojiUrc^earrcD, t^ep t)0 ^;a|> $ acucc to be gat^eccD from among t!;e tfcai ttien,to tl)e cHtent t^q* ma; {i^apfe c^e naia« ef t^e etaofJftaclU 5/»f r/jif«f the loj. Tfilme. (p^nffe fc tl)e lo;i^ fojt I;c ts( gooD, * l)i!o mcrq? Durcs' fo^ a^ e: a 3*)l)o can evpjcCfe 1)15 noble actetf, o> all l)ts; pnavfc Iitiplav:' f Tl;c? bleffco ate ttjat mDg?nent hccpe, anDtuai^DoealtDa-^; 4 1M)iri)fauotn:oftl)i?peoplci,o;ta, temembcr me 3 p;av. 5 ana tnitl) tljv fautngl)caUi) , t)OUfl)fafe to biBte me: ?tl;at 3 tlje great feUritte, of tljtnc elect may fee. anD toitl) tl)v peoples: iof J ma^, a tcvfull mvnUc polTeife: jam* maf tDttJ) tfev»c miiecrtauncc, e gloiit^ng l;att c;cpjeirc. i'Mim. Lvj. 71 « J6otl) tDc ant) cfec out fat!;etflf alt, Ijauc finncD citet^ one: IVe^atie committcti tDtci?clincflf, anD leuDi^ toe Ijauc bone. 7 ?rt)i'toonberflf great tDl)icl)tl)0U(0 lojtti, Jjaft Hone in iEgtpt lanb: €>i\t iFart)CLS tljougf) tlje? fauj t^cm aU, pet biD not bnUctftanb. illoii tijer tl)v metcveiEf multttube. DtD ftecpe m tljanftfuii mpnbe: I5nt at tl?c fea vea t\ft tcb fca, rebelleb mo'& bnbtnoc. 8 iileuertljcleffcljefaucotijem, fo> l)ono> of !??«; name : 1C^)atf)c mtgl)tmatic^tfl(potDctftnot»»c- anb fp^eab ab^oab tuiti) fame. 9 T^c tcb fea Ije brt> tljen ccbuftc. anb fo/it{-;tDttlj it ©as? Djtbe: anb ti0 in tDtlt)ctneflf,fo t^jougft, tlje ^tcfc l;e btb rt)em guit)e. 10 l^cfaucbtl)emfromtl)cctMcni)antt, oftt)ettDerpigl)tfuiifo: anb from tlje ene.nvea^ l^anb ^e "bOi, beltuertt^emalfo. Thefieendfdrt. 1 1 tCl)c ttjater^g ttjctc opp;ie(roj;S totjclmbe, not one toa^ left altue: I a ^i)cn tt^ev beleueb l)tsf tDojb«f,5t p^aiffe, tn fong ttje^ biD t)tm geuc. jj ©at b? anb bv bnrt)anhfullf , 1)10 ao;l»c0 tl)ep cieane foygat: anb foit ^td totmrell anb \)\s \ai\X, tt)vt ^iSi neglect to tua^te. 14 I5ut lullcb tn tl)e tijtlbcmctf, tDitl) font) anb gtceb^ lull: anb m tl)c bcfert tcmptcb <5ob, tl)e ftav of all tl)ctt truU. / 5 2nb tl)en tt)ctr voanton mtnbeflf befice, l)e fuffrcb ti)eni to ^aue: ]&ut tuaatng leannefife t^ertott^aU, tnto ti)etc foule ^e gaue. 16 ^t)enVDl)cntl)cvlobgcb mt^etcntsf, at sajofts tl)er bib gntttl) : aaron t^e l)olp of ttje 2.ojb, fo bib tl)cj> cnuf rtiucl). 17 tCl)erfo?etl)c eartl)btt) opentulbc, anb jcatljan bib Deuout: anb all abtrams' company?, btb pertO) in tt;ati)om'e. 1 8 3n tl)ett aflcmblv ftinbleb towJ, ti)e t)otc confuming 6rc: anb toafimg flante bit) tl)cn faumc t>p, tl)e tuicheb in ^f0 ire. 15 lopontl)cl)Uloft^crcbtl)ev, an ibole CalfebtU frame: anb t^ere tl)c molten image t^jc^, bib tuojQ)ip of tl)C fame. 5nto tl)e libcncs/ of a calfc, tl)at febctt; ontS)c gr«Uc: 30 ^l)i:S tl)cv ti)eir qic;iv turnb,aHb all t^ett YfQWf. "iiih Deface. »i Q,m ^ob ti^ctr encii' fautoitc, jMjtettbif la 5] -o - C/1 p 'I M 71 T^rilinc.Cvi. Ui)l)u!) i:w>n' great atitt mtzUf lA)ittf)^» The third pirr. a I a«ti in rtjc lanD of l^nm fo> tbctti, moll "-uonD^oiuB tocj^exJ !)at) Done: JBni) bv tt)c ret) fc;i t);caT)full tljingejat, pccfo;mcl) long agonc. »j tri;ccfo;ief(?>t'oct'Jro OjctDUigtijctii, fojgctiiiU anO bnhmOc: Co b;img tcflturtion on tt)cm alU ^ put:pofo tn l)ts/ m^nDe. DS^ali notf)to cfjofcn i3Sorc2f ftool)C, bcfo^rtjcm in tl)c b^cahc: Co tucnc l/Jfl; tojatl) lead l)c on tl)cm, tof tl) Qnugljrcr Qioiilt) 1)T"i» tt);icahe» «4 lljcrDiCDcfpifc tl)c plcafantlauD, tl^at \)c bcljtgt^t to gaic: yea ant tt)c U)0 jDes rljat l)e l)aD (^otte, tt^e^ Did no VD^tt bcleuc. 35 }&uttntl)ctct€nt£(t]}fti;3mt>ginj}^fttt«l, rtjcv tD ichcDJv ifcpVHDc : ijtlojt to tl)c toovce df iBoD t^c X4))il>,'! tl)ev gaue a tjatRenm^ m^nDe. %t iCt)etfo;(e8!3afn{lltl)emItfteD^e» I)tje; fttong rcueiigtng ^anti: Cl|)em to ficftrov m totlDctnejer, eteti)et> QjoulD fee tt)e lanD* a7 ant) to Defttov ttjcfr fectc among, t^e nation^ tutt^ l)ts: toD: flnb tl)]ioiigl) ti)e countt)?cj8 of ttje t90}Xb» to fcattec tiiem ab;ioaD. a8 ii:oi3aalpC0>t!)cntl)ef 6tt», aosoync t^cmfcliica alfo: JlnD catc il)e offnngc£f of t\)z DcaB, fo tt)ev fo!troo!tel;ttn i^o, i9 ZDtn tuttl)tl)cit otonc inncnttonjsf, ins U);iatl) t'Dcy DtD p^oHohc: SLi0 tn l)ts fo cnUtnt)lct3 toxGH), t!5c plague bpo n ti)cm b;ioftc. }o 75ut pi;inee;S ftooBc bp vottt} 5eale» tlje finnerjs to Uc to flaf : flinD tiitjgcnjent l)c DtD q:ccute, anD tt;en t^e plague DtD dav*^ T^ff fourth part, p 3ttt>n0t?nputet)l)nto!)t'«i, fcj tigljtcoufncja; rljat Davt $[nDfroit)t!)enccfo;ti) fo counted i;Q^». ftom race to rate fo; a^c. ji attuatcrflfcfteoff^crftatfi, tljev ftv'' *)'•" angtv niahc: yea fo fp.t foni) tl;at ja^ofcjtf toa;*, tl)en puntOjt fo;i ti)e\t fabe. }j ]6ccaiifeti)e¥toe)i;ti)t9((picitfofoj;^ ti)at tn impatient i)cat: 1^:» itps fpahc tonafintfcDlp, Ijvsf fcattcc toa^ fo great« |4 ilioj n0 tl)c 2-o>t> commatmbrt) rijcm, r»)cv Owe tl)e people tl)o: IJ 15 ntwctc among tt)e i^catljcn m<^, an& teacnD ti)ctc tuo^ttesf alfo. 16 flat) did ^cir jfDol^ef fccue^to^i^ v^vctt P/!aIme. Cvi. rtetc viiincanD Detaf: }7 ToftcnDartjcttfonncafflwugfttWtftiKf DiooffcibpanDflav. j8 yea voitlj bnUmUiv niirctijing bnife, tl;c gtlriejB bloiiD tljev fptlt: yea tljietcotnn fonnctf anD Daiigt}tcr;a( blouO* iDttI;out all (atire of silt. l;)t)om tlK^ tQ Canaan T^olg tl;eit. offccD VDrtI) ttittheO l)anT): anb fo tottljbloiit) of 3nnoccntej8f, t)efllcDtDatftl)clanb. J J U:i)iii£i; toccc tl)cv^ Sa^ncft ttiit^tfje ttio>ftl< of tljcv; ownc ftltl)^ toa^: anb tDVtt) tl)etc otonc tnuentfotDBl> a tDl)o;itn3 tl)cv bib fttav. 40 ;tt)ctfo;ca8ainftt)tfl; people tnaj*, t!)c 5Lo;best tojat^ htnbicb foje; anb ctien ifis ou)ne int^etitatmce, ttjcrfoje l)c bib abl)o>te. 41 3ntotf)cl)ant)c0ofl;cati)cnmcn, Ijc gaitc ttjeni fo; a p;ap: Sbib mabe ti)eic foe0 t^cic Xo>b;ef, U>^om toete fo;ccb to obcf . C^^» The v.part. 41 yea anb tl^etc tjatefiUI mzmieg, opp;ea t^em in ti)c lanb : Jlnb t^cy toetc l)timblv mabe to QooPt atf fubicttcs to tlicic IjanBeaf . 4 J iFull oftcnt^rticfl from tl);allljab Ijr, b eliucceb tljcm before: jButvoitl) tt)e^ counfclfl tlje^ to tDjatij;, p;auoUt t)im cuccmo^e. Ctjecfo;crt)c^ by tt)cfi tDttltcbncffe, tuece b;ou jl)t full lou3 to lye: 44 yet vobcH Oc faro tl)cm in bjfttcCfc, l)c l)acbencb to tljey; cry. 45 i)?c f alb to mynbe h'^H coucmmnt, tDljicl) l:e to tl)6m l).ib (\uo;e; anb by l)i!S metcicfi miiltitube, tepcntcb l)im tl;crfo;e. 46 ^nXi fntiouc l)e ti)cm mabe to finb^ bcfo;c tl)c Ggljt cftlpfc: Cl)at Ic'o cl;ent capttuc^ from ti)Ctr latd» toljen ecft tt)ey were rljeyjt focsf. 47 Sattc tojtf ay : flnb itom among tl)e l)eatl)en folbe, :Lo;b qfitl)tv^0 atuay. Cl)at IDC may fp;eab tl)c noble pjayfi^ of tljy moil t)oly name: C!)attt)c mayglo;y tn tl)y p;ayfc» anbfoimbtngofti)v fame. 48 Tme 2Lo]ibfl)c i5ob of jIftacU, be blctl fo; cucrmo;c : 3Ut all ti;c people fay.Olmeti, p;8yfe ve t^e J^cti^ ttjetfoK* Confitemim Do, rfal.C» ^^ fojgratioustdljce: £n& tbar i)td ittectv i)att) none end, aU mo^tail men utav fee. 3 Siicl) aiS tl)e Tlo^h tctcemetii)atlj, xiyiti) tijanheaf ojotiio wa^fc Ijv** name: Xnt> O^cVD l)OtD ti)qp from focjs^ toece fceeO, ant) i)otD l;e tojioujjtjt t\)c rame> J l&cgari)ctci>ti)cmfo!itl)ofti)elattIieiBf, tt)at la^' fo fture about: ^totn i£aft to lDe(l,fto«i illo;itt)to Sout^i, \rfS t)anD Dit) ante t^tm out, 4 Zi)e^ ttant>;tci3 m tljc tujlCccncjS, anD ftta^cS from tljc tuap: Slnl) f oiOTl) no litit vuJjcce to DtoeU, tljat fctae mtgJjt fo j ti)cf> lla^, 5 VOi)ok t\)it(t ant) l)unqet xoug (o 0t«ae» m tl)cfc Defcrtcflf fo bovlie: C^at famtnc;Q; DiD tf)em fo>e aOauIt, ani3 eke ti)c^ toulegi anno^Dc, t Zi)en tifo tl)q? of in tljevii t'tJlt'elTc, . bnto ttje i.o;il! fo; avtic: IK>!)o tiD cemouct^en; tcoubloii;e^aate, accc^Titng tig ti;ev Pita^te. 7 flnt) by tljat vn&f \xil)ici) wasf mod rtgl^, t)c ICi) tljcin Uhc a gutDc: tCljat ti;cf mtjjljt to a citie 30, anD tl)itc aifo abtt>e« 2 Xtt men tljerfojc before t!|C tOfXi, tonf cffc l)ts h mQnetf tl)en : jRnD fljcuj ttje tDOttwCrs; rtjat l)cl)ot^, l)efo^e tt)e fanned of men. 9 if 0? l)c tl)e cmptf Toule rufta^nbe, tDt?om ti)tcii 1)3^ jnaDe to faynt: ltl;c ij'ingrv foulc loitl) gooDnciS feft, ant) Cto tl;cm eKc acquaint. 10 Sucl) as Do DtticU m Datchneflf Decpe, ttit;cce tijcy of ccatij Co toa^t: ^aft boiinD to tad fiici) teoubiouief iio;tniejef, afi tton cl)8vne^ do tl)]teat. The ficond part, CI iFo;tl)ata8amfttijeXo?t);tfoto«ett>e>b;tf, tl)cv fong^t fo to tcbclt: KEftcmmg Ugljt l)tsf counfcts Ijie, tD!)icl) Do fo fatt'e cjtccii. g I ©ut tuUcn J)e l)iuitblcD tljcm fnU lon)» tl)cv f^cn fell Dotune tuftt) gticfc: flnD none toa^s f ounD fo mnc^ to ^el^e, to^ecbv to get tcliefe. s J trijcn Did tljcv ctt in t!)e a^Dc: HP^o DtD ttmouc tl)ctr tcoublou^af date, acco;kDtng as: ti)ev p^a^D. 14 ifo>i)eft:omDatciinej8foutt^emb;u)ug^ anb from be«tl)eje DjeaDfuU QjaDe: S&tttStng tottl) f o^ce ti)e icon banbe^ef. tD^tc^ bib befcike t^em labe. tj J.tt»nent^eifo>cbefo>ctf;cl03A, I confeiIet)i;ef}{tnDne^$l)en; lUib fljeto fi)e ^onDet;e: ti)at l)c bo^|« J»£o}e t^e ((inne;8 0f twtu 7J- «< :^d>!)e tI»ctD botdnc tt)ecmte^ of bxafffe anb b^aKe tljcm xom aUm SS: * Tbe icon battejtf \)e ftnote m tSo, «otl)vn8toulb fygm tuit^jOanb. fj T!)cfooIia>folhcgreatplagne;tf bo fecle. anb cannot from tijemaenb: ^ 25ut tjeapc on moe to ttjofe tbev bane. bccaufctfjcrDooffcnb. ^''*^^*"**» »S ^tjeic foules; fo miicf) biD lotballmealL • ft)a««wnetijcfcou!Dabtbe: ^^ npfjcrfcy Deatt) ^aD ti)em almott caiiabt. a^BftDcvfiilittuclrttibe. i J Tfjcn bib ti)cv ctp in ttjett biOreflc. bntotljcXojbfoMf'De: »)i;o bib ccmouc t|)cu;ttoiibIontf ftate. accojbing as! ttje^ pjayb* ao iFo? J)c tt)cn fcnt to rt)cm J) (tf tootb, tDl)ic}j Jjcaltl) bib foonr relToje: flub b^ougtjt rt)cm fed tl>*jfc Daimacttf bees* VD^cteint^eru)etcbcfo>e. ^^ T/jf third part, sx lctment!jcrfo;cbcfo;iefl)clo)bi, tonfcCc Ijjs' hmbnes t1;cn: flnb WCQ} tl)c tDonDrrg! ttjat ^e t>o^t before ttjc fonnes of men, ix anb let tljcjn offer faccific?, tDitl} ttjankes anb alfo fearc: iJnb fpeafte of all \)XiS tDonbjot«f ttoAc* tDvt^) glab anb iopfmi tijeatc. *j SHci)a)Bf in fljtp^o;tb>tttlcbatljecf. intottjcfeas'DifcenD: Ct)Cit maitl/anDifc tijjougf) featefnll floubA to compafle anD to enD. 54 ^bofe men ace fojccD to bd)oIb, tlKXojDcstDojftejStuijatti^ej' bee? flnb tn tljc Daimgecou0 Secpc t\)t feme, mott njatueUon^ t^ev ftc. 85 iFo>att)isftoo3»bti?eftcr>mytDi«b«^ snfctljinarage: jSlnD ftictcrt) b9 tl)e furgesf (b, 80 nougiK tan ttjcm afltoage, 26 ^i^cnatcttje^IifteDfcpon^te, tljc tlouDcst^cf' fcemcto ga^mct jSnb plunging botisnc t^c bcprt) bntilf, t^cit foulc;e^ confume toitij pa^ne* »7 Snb lilJC a Djnnhatb to anb fee, BotD bete notu tbete tbev tcclcj Sl^ men to ttb feare of tott beteft: o; bab of fenfe no fecle. 2S Tben DtD tbep cr^ m tbeic btftceO^, bnto tbe 7.o>Dfo;iavbe: ItP^o tib temouc tbeir ttoublonsf iiaCf, acco]tbing ajs tt;cT> p^a^b. »9 iFo)ttt3itbbifl'tt'ojiDtl)eiLo0)bo^ mfitte^ tbe (JucDv Oo?mc0to rcafc: So tbat tbc gteat toaucs from tljeii; tagej ave bitougbtto reft anD peace. }o ^ben ate men glaD toben reft ig tomt^ tDbtcbtbevfo «nid).Do ttauc: SllO) are bip \)im in baitrn b^oiigbt, Xi\fv^ t^ev fo favne tuonio ^aue* glhtlwth^ait. 74 Pfalme. Cvij. confcffc htfl hintincjBf tl;cn ; anD OictD tljc tuonDcrff tl)at t)e Doq), befoictl)Gfonn''£; of men. jj i,ctt!)cmtnvtcrcntcoftbc ftilhe, tufrti vv^vff moll Ijtrt name: SLti^ \n\)evc t!)r clt)crfi( Doc ♦'onucnt, tl)crc let tl)cm Doc t\)e fa«ic. 33 5fo;tn!nntn'jfloaDtftoD)vDefertcs(, l)c Dotl) oft tbaimgc anD tiitnc: anD DjVCt') top as It tDCCC Duft, tbc fpMnytn^ ^cU anDboutnc. 3 4 a f rmtfiiU lant) vjttl) p^cafiircfii DCf M, full bancii l)c Dotl) mahc: Jji)l)cn on tDetc finncsf tl)at DtucM t^ctm, IjcDotl) mlltocnucaimcctaftc. 35 agavnetbctDilDCTncjBifiilltuDc, ^emaftcfl) fnutcto bcarc: HD(fl)plcaf.;imt fo^ngcja of vuatcc clcare, tl)0H8l) none bcfoje ujctc tl)cre. 3 6 HDl)crcEn fuel) \)unq,vp foulcflt ate fet, nsf l)c totl) ffcclv rfjiifc: tri?at tl)cv a title mav tljcm bnilDe, f DtDcll m foil tljctt bfc. 37 ^l)atrt)e^ wia^foto ttjefcplcafantlartb, aiibbmcf atDctf alfo plant: Co velD tljcm fcmtcsj^ of fiitl) mcrcafe) as none may fceme to tuant. 38 ^l)cv miiltiplv caccDmglv, tl)C %0),t) Dotl) blcffe t\)cm fo: »Dl)o Dotl) alfo t\)cit b;utc beaftcjaf mahc, bV numbct;^ gteatto gcoto, 3 5> aeut U5l)en tl)c fevt')f«ll aw '^^ b>0U8l)t, bp tl)c opp;ieCro?0 ftout: SnD mtniQj Do tl)?oiigl) manvplagucfl!, tijat csmpnlTc tljem about. 40 lljcn Dotl) Ije V>;tncc0 b^tngto Q)amt, xd\)U\) DtD ti)Ctn fo oppucflc: jJlnD unctutfc canfctl) tljem to ccte, tuttl)tn tijc tutlDctncsf. 41 l5utrctt!)cpoojcl)cravfctl)|jp, out of l;t«( troubles Decpc: anD ofi times Dotl; i)X0 tra^ne augment, mud) Uiic a aocftc of Qjccpe. 42 ^i)e ctijt)tcou;9: CDaUbcl^olD ti)ig Ugfyt, anD alfo mm]) cciovf c : JlDl)cta9? t\)e VDicftcD anD pet ucrfe, tDttl) gciefc Qjall ftop tl)etc bopce. 05 ut tDljo ig totfe tl)at nou) full tDCll, i}C map tl)ere ti)mc,cis tccojDe: fo} cettenlf fud)QjaUpectcauc, i^c liinDne^ of tl^e :2«o;tD, Pttratumcormeum. Pjal.C^iij^ N. C^ispriilmei^compofcaofttDO ot^er pfnlmes hes fojc, tljclsg anD tljelr.'irhc matter ticrc coiit.iuseaifl t^atlDami) gcH.-t^ \)imfMt toptl) itatt ana uopcc to |>:atfrtljc1toja,,'.nOnirurctl) ^iitifclfc of tijc jjjsmifctf of iSsacoiufc.iuip^pafimjbomeoiict jrtacll, nna \)\a f oMjtrMjapnRlr^etnatioiijst: taljo tt^oitgi) ^c (tcmt «»ra;rdhcodro;a t|>:ne,pet ]^« alone in t^e«ntigtt)fU Mli totouc our cnemif^. ;_^ , fSp^ thu 41 the 81 .T/klmtt Pfalme. Cviij. /) i$ob mv l)att p^cpateD t;a(, ^ anD chc «t^ tong tiS fo : J «Ul aDuauncc m^ boyrc in fonj, anD gnimgp;iavfcalfo. a a'iifl'itcmv"btolc.inDmvl)atpe, ftncctemcloD^Jto mahei anD in tl)e tnoM"«X8 3 «»V ftlfc, ttg^t catl^tutllavDahe. ■3 15^ mc among tftc people 7Lojl>, fttll pjnvfeD Oialt tl)OH bee: anD 3 among tl)c l)catl)en'folhc, ttiiil ling anD^atltenbntome. 7 fSoD m l)tfl( IjolmcjS fjattj fpolte, tDfjctfoje my tovctf abounD: S^c))em 3 (bfill DcuiDcanD mcetc tl)c bale of Succotl) gcoimD. 8 anD iStlcaD Q)albcnr^;il>,an& of aU t^t Iilte cnciiuc? of x\ft c^iU t)2cnof>3o9,atit>Bcr(rctI) cabc&cUucr(D,tI)at9i0(n«< mpe5 inaphnotu tl)cti>0;'l5oD.«II)( 6ot^ ^c piM mire te grtie p^apfes tinta t^at Ait, \ m ^s ^oQ of all mv p^tepte. » ^l)etDtcitet>motttt}an^gutle^Uittoutl;, cnmeO Iplngtowg, i)aucfyohen\}nta ine, 1 ^!)e^tfi>bcfctmctoinibnbotrt, tDJtf) tDOjiDcsf of Oatemii (^igfyt: ppitt)outnll canfc of t?n?i>efttt, ajamtt mc tl)cv Df D Sgfjt. 4 ;foj»tn>goo^»3iiltljeptDeccnt^foeiaf, butttjan gan 3 to {>;iav: tD^ ^ate ti}e( btD c^a^. < Set tljou t^c vof cfteD ouct fy^, to l)3uc tl}e bpp« l)AtO: 2Ui)tS ttgt^ t)anD elie fu9«c tI;oi^ I) ist tjatcfuU foe to (lanD. y ?t[)t/fntcf;afiut)scr);lctl)(«itt)eif, contcmncl) be tpztin: gtnl) !ct t\)c v^nytt r.>tJt Ijc maftefif, be tumcD mto &nne. S ^ett)be^i;Qftiapes(^«tfri)ai;gC8lfij, let t!^oii an oti?cc tahc: yt^t^ d;!t^;cn let L-c fatljcclelfe, l)<,i3f U3tfc a ^jsiDotD tnahe. 10 2.et !;i,sf ofip>mgci3( be oagabonBe;*, to bjgnnt) feclicti^etcbjcat: lIpan&Mngout Df tl;e loaftci place, tBl;etc e^ft tl;ep tjaac bene feO. ■1 ietccuetongfryro^ttonet, cfttd) al5 ijtsf goc:>» ano Ro?e: gtiy let toe avaijngcf fpo^'lt ttje fcuftjir, cf All l)itf tovle before. • } 2-ct rtjtrc b: noneto pttic lt)t«», let «betf be none at all: ^&ton ;it3 rO»'-^if nfatl;crlcsf, tvtU let tt;2:c mei:r^ fall. The ftctncl part, ij jBltibfoletl)f3;poacntfe, ioienecuctJcft'o^b: Cljct c Heme out blctf ct) in tijc age, tl)«it ffter 0)811 fitfcecDe. (4 T.ctmtl)!ofati/crflitDKftctine)S, from i&otitf tcmct-.ibjr.imce fall: flnt) let tl)ou not l^iiS nictl;ecj3 fimi^, bebonestus^atalU 1$ ISitt in tljcpjcfcnre of ti)cio;fi, let tl)cin rctnainc io% ave: Cl)at ftom tl)c eattl) tteit rt\cmo%tt l)c mat* fit tlcanc att^af . 1 6 Sitl) mcic>' 1)6 fo; ojat to Qjcto, biitDiD piiifuc ujytl) fpite: Hl^z tcoublcD man anb fougljt to fla?, tljc tDofuU ^.-itteb tDtg^Jt. 17 2s' l>c Bib eutGng loue.it (^a'.f^ betJ&cbr.tol)Vinfo: 21k:> aa; 1)2 Csb not blcfS ng loue, it Qjall be fatce Ijun frc. i8 3a( i)c«iiti) cHtfing daD Ijimfclfc, fottlfftcvuatecejau: 3^to ^tAJ bowels c;nt5 IvUe ople, tmoi^i/Sibane/sfbefall. l-'ialme.L'jf. ^ 15 Stfeamient let it be to Ijrw, to touct i)v->n fo; ape: lanb asf a gfcS'.c voljenciti; ^e, 0)a!l girbeti be altoap. »o Xo let tbe fame be fcom tbe ioajL ttjc guetbon of ni^ fo : yea ant) of tDofe tl;.it euill toeafee. aga^nHmpIbuieairo. n 25uttI;ou(D2j)U)tbatartmyfioiL bealet})0B3fa7tt)ttl)me: attcs: tJ),? name bcltuet me: fo;i goob f l;p mercieaf be. »s ©ecatifc in bcptij of great biftccfli, 3 ne2>p am ani poo^et anb ehc toitljin m-f pa^ncb bjeH, mp ^att is ajounbeb fo^e. The third fart. >j iEuen tQtio3 bepart atuay, aff botl) bcclining Ojabe : Slnb ac flje iSvaiftoppec fo J, am 0)a}>en of anb fabe. 24 UDitl) fafttng long fcom neebfull fbo^ cnfeableb ace m^ ftttces: 0nb all l?ec fatncj* ^atl) m^ flc^)i, enfoiiccb bene to leefe. a 5 Sin* 3r alfo a bile tep;u)d)e, to tbcm toafif msbe to be: flni tT;ev tljat Xiib bpon mc looKc, bii5 Qjafte tljevj JjeaStf at me. i6 l&utt^ou©3LoitDtl;atartm^i6o6, txvfm avbe anb fuccouc be: accojbing to tijv mcccy i-Ojb, faueanbbeltuecme. ay anb tl;e^ Ojall taroto tljetb^ t^at t^;8f, 2.0 jb 10' ff)^ migl)tv l)anb: SJiXiii tl)at tl)8u,tl^ou ^aa bone it lojb, fo Ojali tl)cv bnbcrftanb. a8 airljongl) ti;c? cncffc toitt) fpite.^et t^otl Ojclt blcOc tattl) lolling bo^cc: tCDey Oja!! actfc ano ccmc to Ojame, tXjri fcruaunt fljall teioi'ce. ap 3Let t^em be clotbeb all txjttl) Octant, tbat enemiesf ace to me: f!^tiX> xoixt) confufion ajj a rlolte, eUc couersb let ti)em be. JO 2&utgtcatl^3tDilltDitl)mvmou^, geuc tljanhcs bato t^c Xojb: Slnb 3 among tije multttnbe, l^iss p^avfc^ ttiill tecojib, } I if o;i tic \Bitlj ^elpe at l)itf tig^t IjanD, tof SI ftanb ti)e poo;ic men bv : ^0 fauc ^tm fcom tl)c mtn ti>at XDonK), (onbemnc i)i0 foule to b^e. Dixit Dominus, Pftl^ Cat, A''.' potticctl)CvOjaurcc: 1 Z\)tn i;crcbp ftcc\ntll offtinijej* ftalU tDf people offct tliec- yea tD?rt; a t)olp vuo>0)tppmg, tl)enOwllti)cr offer all: I!;^ birtl;c;ij dcvd tfl tl)c Dctu ttat fiotp, fcom voonibc oc mojintng foil. 4 ^l)c io>x> l)atl) (\MO]inc anti nciiet tDill, repent tuVjat l)c Dotl) fay: aev tl)c oji^cc of ftTcUbtfcUerf), fl)ou art a p^tcft fo; ^^e. 5 Tl)c lojiD ti)v iSo^ on tDv' ri3l)t fjant), tl)at ftanDctl) fox tl)V fta? : /Sljall vooiint) fon tl)ec tOc ttatcli? Hingctf, bpon l)wi vujatljfiil? fiav- < ttl)c ljcatl)cn l;c ftall iut)qc anD 6U, t6c place voit!) booyeei t)caD: anD oucr liiwcrigi cowntt^cs 0;all, in flmDet fmitctUc l)caD. 7 anu l)c 05?.Ut):inUc out of tljcbjoofce, tijat rimnctl) in tl;c wav: ?r Ijcrfoiic Ijc Qjall lift tp on l)xe, ^i0 ro?all l;caD tl)at Dav. Confitebortilji. Pfal.Cxi. N. C J)e geitcrl) tlirtiikeS to tlje Jlop ;fo? I)i5 mcrcifiill too?he;StoijaraMl)i3Cl)"cc^ «ijn Oectatetti to^cceiit ttue U}iri«oiuc,anOri3!;c hnptDlcbgc conCliet^. P&L me ^Uxji. 3tl) Ijatt 3 Do accojDc, to pjtavfe l^^^=Eii^^^ ant)iaut)ctl;c3Lo>i) , in pjcfcnceof tlje iuate: iFo; jrcat Ij^J* toojihesf are fonnD, Ll^5f=|l== :;z^ to Tearcl) tljem fucl)e are boimtie , *^ j^^f ziS: '-T^~ R.0.— y^-, Doij^mloueanDttiia. t)isi'^o%^efiwc gloMcjis?, alfol)itf rtgi>tcou(hefl(, itSotJ) entiiicc fo> ciicc, \)\^ tconDjouja; wojhcsf l^evuoupc, vuc aiU ventctnb^' (^ou(d l)f jet mcrqf fa^ lett) ncttec. J Sud) ajB( to l)f m louc bcare, a potion full fav»e: i^t l)at1) top fo>tl)citi Inv^c, Stoi. ti)ts tl)ei? njall voell ftnOc, t)e tDilltljcm l)auc m Jiif nUc, anD heepe tt)cm a;a[ t)c faipD; ^ ^0 J l}e DiD not Dtfoaj^nc, ie?ifl( tuo;Ue0 to OjctD tt)em pla^Rt, ©V itai^tntngc^f anD by ttjimDcrflf: JDl)en l;c ti)c f jeati)cnsy lanD, SDiD gene into tl)eic i)anD, m)l)ere ti)ev bel;clD t)t;et tDonDec;sr* 7 ©fall \i\0 tDojUctf cnructt), :]Sotl) iuDgententrigl)t anD truti); {U)l)crto l)t;s ftatutejBi tend; ^l)e?are tetrccDfuic, 8 irojeuec to enDure, UPt)icl) equity Dotl) cnD: KcDeniption l)c gnuc, t^Xfi people foji to fauc. 9 anb ^atl) alfo rcquitcD; ts)\fi p>omi(e not to fayle: ;i^ut altDave0to p;euav(e, t}iS t)olv ^Mmt be rcareD< 10 V0\)o To tsiti) l)att full fayne. ItuevDifDomc tuouD attavnc: tCt)c 7Lo>D feare anD cbey: Slid) 30 Oi0 la\rc0 Doc hecpc, Sljall l»nou3lcD3cl>iucfu''.Dcepc 1^10 p^avfe i^all latt fo^ a^ c. Beafus^ir. Pfil.Cxij. tV.K.. C]t)ep;aprec^t[)cf«licit(«oft^eint^at fcate anfr c«ndf mnet^ tlje cttciVb Qate of t^e cStcmnets ofiSoB. iS;j)g //)» <»; f/;e Tater nofier. TTi^c man t0 bldl «;at i5oD Dotl> featc, •*■ anD ti;at l)i0 l-^xue^ Dod) louc tnDcd>i l^i* fecD on eart!) tooD toill \>i^^c%it, anD blcfic fuel; a0 from Oym pjocccDe. I£^t0 Ijoiifc tuttl) gooD l;c vutll fiilftll, l^i0 ri3l;teoufne0 cnDurc OjaU fttlU 2 IDnto d)c rigl)teou;ai Dot^ attC?, 5n trouble toy in DarcUnc0 ligljt, CompaffjOM i0 in l)V-S Cj'e0, anD mcccy alu)avc0 in I)i0 agt)t: J yea pitie mouett) fud) to Icnb, Jje Dort; bv iuDgcmcnt tljingefli r/tpetd* 4 anD furcly fuel) e^allnetierfavU, if o;( in rcme:nb;aunce t)aD i0 tjet: 5 flo tiDingc0 til can matte \yfm qua^Itfa UPDo in tt)c :Lo;iD furc <)oye Dott) fee. 6 t)iss Dart »s fituic>l)t0 feare i0 paH, iffo) t)e 0)aU fee \)i0 fotfi Dovonc cad. : 7 l^e DiD VDcll f o;i tljc poc;c p^)niDe, t?is rigl)teoufnr0 Dod; fttU ronafnc: anD l)<0 citntc void) ■^}^y(c ;ibioc: t:i)3ugl) tljat d)c voulicb jnan Difbaynf , 8 yea gnaOjc l)i0 tcctl) d)erat Ojall ^Cj anD fo (onf umc l;tj3 date to fee. PfaJme.Cxiij. Lsud^tefueri. PfAt.Cxi^. IV. K,' V3n ec^ojtation to piwU t^e X.O}b te% })it {i;oui&eHM in c^atjt^accontratp to t^ecoutfc of n«tiiM ^e ttO}( 3C ^trD;u3i t0l)ul) boefetuct^ ^fci±^_iU.4= ^ r^H*^ «0^: ^eabl${r^ bealtoavejBf \)i0 name. 101)0 from t^e rifmg of ti^e rutmc^tU it -1^- «etutttc\D^>ctctt he^^, 3^ to be pjsv- f^ VD^t]^ great fantc. tT^e Xo>t> all peo« ; jt,j_.j. ^ -.^^^^^ pie t>ot^fu»nount, 0;^ fo^ \)Ui^ovi ^^ f^ ^ ^^-T^^\=Ar^ tue tnaf cutmt , aboue t^ll^cmien;^ ^ rj> tj^ ^^ . ,, ^ ^il lE -^:n 4 -7 i ^igtjto be. JDytl;i5o5tt)c3-optD^o ixj ... . '',=^f=^ m «|a^ compare: lt)l)orcl)U3CUmgjs( mtl)0 l^?caurna(ate, of fucljgre«tpottiet: anD ^S •IS fo;iCCt;0!l)C. 6 ii^ct)otI)abafel)t'»TfdfcTOefenoU), ^C^mgcsf to bd;OlD boti) J^crc.belo oj : anc alfo t» tjcaucn aboue. 7 tCl)cncct>voutcft>!ifstoi>jati3, SlttD cftc ti;c poo;c \DWci) Jiclpc none fato, tl?t5^ onclv «»ctcv OfO i)f «' tnoue. 8 anH fo ^m fct in ijtjl; Ceijicc, 3;;erf, *^'^ from loyataosf lanD tuasf bent: anD 5acobtf i^oufc tt>e ftcaungctiaf left, ano in tl)e fame tca^nc went. » 5n Julia ^oD Ijttf g!o)it fljeujeo, 1)13' Uolvncs moft bjtgljt: So DtD tl)c JftaeUtcjS Declare, i^t^i Um^Dome potuec anb mij^t. 3 ^t)efcaftfau3,ant>fot>cnl^, aje: all amafeBDiD flee: 3:^e roaring ftreames; of ?o^an;affioub, rcculeD bachtBsrDlv. 4 as( Karnes; aftarbtt^-^monnta^e/Sfbtpt, tl^eir Orengti) bit) ti;em feiifake : Slnti a;e; tt;e fetl^ trembling }Lambei9r, tl)eit top0 Did beate anD O^ali e. $ J^ijata^lsbtijefeaa^altamafDc, fofoDcnlvtofiee:' ye roalmg waiic;^; of Jo^fiansf fiouD. tDbv rannc^cbachtoarW^if ff JlDl)T' Ojoofte vc l)«llcjff as Kam^Bf afta^De? tDl;v DiD vour ftrcngtl; fo iDahc:' XO\)t Dili veur topjS asttcmbltng lambejBf. fo? fcare quiiier anB quaftcJ^ 7 © eart!) confcffe tl)v fotieraignc 3U>>b, ant) t);icaD \)i& mighty IjanD ; 38efo;e tl;c face of Jacobsf <5ob, fcarc fc botl) fca ant) lanD. 5 3meanetl)ciBot)VDl)td) from Ijai^ tocfeiS fioti) caufc mavne flouCflf appearc; SlnBfrom tlje ftony flint Dotl) mahc, guQ? out tl)c fountat'Wia' tleare. Uonnahis Domine. Pfal.Cx^. N. ffa }>?3i!Ct of t^« faut^fitU opp?eflJeB bp Jaolattous ( tl)c mert^ anD tl)e tnitl;, tl)at arc in tijcc altrarc*'* J tt)l)V Q)! bccoKic •■' 1 (Ditr ^ot) in Dcaucn ts(,ant) tt)l;at, l)c tDiU,tl)8t ijsttj l)e Done. 4 1l)cir3t)o!sJCiU:rtarecnDgon)c, vaojlic of MtcHS l)antJS tl)c^' be: 5 ;ci)c^t)aucamo-ot!)anDi3cnotfpeaTw, an:) cf csf ant) Do not (ec. .5 anirtijCY l^fiuccarejjiojnDto tl)cirS)cat3Sf, Arte 7^ Pfalme. Cxvi. anD bo ntft hrw? f.t sll: flat) nofc£f chctbev ftijntcD ftaue, atiD DOC not fmcll toir ijall. 7 an^ Ijanticsf tl)0' l)«i"C ii«^ IjanMc not, a.ii f^i^r anE toe net goc; SL tl?ptc tbcv ftaiic vet tinougt) rt)c fame, ti)c>» Kta^^c no fount) to bloiue. f Tl)ofctl)-t :nn'^c fl)cm be Ufecto t\)em, . tm:> ti;nfc trfjcfc tcuft tt)cV be; 5 (D3ftac!'.t«ifttntt;clo>li, tSjctc l)cl¥C aiTt) OjtcltJ-tf !)C. 10 O dntcnsf l)onfe tttift in tfjc loj&» tl^CJrOclpc onD Welb ttf Ije: 11 irnillvcrt)c3Lo>t)ti;ntftacc«)el.ft, rtcit l5clpe a;jt) OjicID tst l)c. »i ^!;c Xj)>t) t)?'.rt) niiuDfmi bene of W, nnti\:ombsfblcfrcalfo: ©n Iftacll ant) on aaionjg l)0ttG^ j?t;Qi b leatn;! \)e ttttil Qjotoe. 13 tn?cmtl)atbefca'"ctd'oftljcl4);J>, t!)e 3-0?t) toil! b'.cnb t'ocm all: j^ncn J;s vy til b'.cCs t\)cm nicrv one, tijc gveat r.nis f be tl)c Onali, 14 '«Ep vou (3 fay; tl)c UiimaiojJ), _ , tu:!l multqjlv ijttf grate: Co vo« anb to t Jje t^iiD^n tftat, Ojall folloto of vouciatc. » 5 y c ate tl)c blcffct) of tlje 3U))I), fucnoftl)e1_o;it)3far: JlDljid) bott) vl)c ^eattcn anb tljc eatt^, l^ntl; mabe anb fct in flav« 16 Z\)c J;cancn3;,vea tlje Ijcaucnsf ^?c, belong bnto tl)c l.o;tO: ti\)c cmi) bnto tlje fonncs; of men, i)c gaue of tccc actojib, 17 tri)cr tl)at be bcab boc not totti) pjaift, fct fo^tl) tl)c 2.ojbes rcnotonc; ^ojt anv tl)at into ti;e place, offilcncc bo troe Co'^iie* 1? 7£>ixt vue tuiii pjuifcttje lojtb ouc<&ob, ftoni tjcnccEo^tl) anb foj avc: iSounb vet?)cpjai>fcif of :i>c JLojb, l>:iavfc vc »i)e 2.o^D 3 fav. DtUxi jMoniam. Pfal.Cx^i. jSt, Cpiura bcinc '" Jteat Oaunjet of ^aiileintbebcfert ofiTJaJn.prrceiuinj r^egrcatanb iitcHimnble loiic of iUb« t^ankt'itll t'p; cl^etaiac. J :toncrt)c X-oitb bccanfc m^ bovce, * sir'.b i)iavet tjearb Ijatlj he : 1 W\):n m niv bafCiif 3 calo on IJV'". l)c JO a)eb !)i3f oave to t;»c . 3 iEu«i n)i;cn t'./C fn^lrca of crucll bcat^, atiuiit tcfct >ne coimb: U3J>rn payncsf pift;cll nic caugljt^anb tnljcti 3 tuoc aiTi fu^cotjo founb, 4 IDpon tljs name of f5 ct »nv 2.0)b, ti^cit bJ3 3 f'lll anb fav- jDcUiler ti)Gii nrf fo iilc © iojb, ;j bee tl/cc l^utiiblv ifti'i* Pralmc. Cxvij. J trbeXcjtb'fErbrrpnrcntftiH, wib tuft l)cia( alio: Snb in out i5t?b compalTion. botl; filemifituv floto. < ^l)e Xxt%ti in fafetf botl) pjcfctw, a(lt!)oret<)atttmpUbc: 3 tufis in VDofull mifct^, anbl)erelici!ebrtic. 7 anb novo mv fonlc fit!) tfjoit Uttatt, tctnmebntdtljpveO: fot larijclv lof ttK- %o}ti to tljce, I)VS^ boiintv l)at^ c/pitcft. S ©ecaufet!)oul)a(lbflt«cre&, tnv foulc from bcabif tij^nll: I05v tno^ftcb eycflf ftom moiicnftiUte»t!eif » mv fltbing fcetc fconi fal!. 5 53cfo;ictV;clo!ib3tntl)clanb, of life tDill tL«alUc tl;ci-CiOje: 10 3 bib bclcMctl)evfo]ic 3 ftJafte, foj3 tBajfftronblcb fojc. The ficoHd part. 1 1 5 fav^ b0 name 3 ttiiU call, tuljcn 3 mv P^aYetmaRc. 14 3 to t^ Xojb tijtll pa^ tlje bottcjaf, ti)8t 3 l?aiie l)im belji8l)t: yea cuen at tiyis p^cfcnt tpmc, tn all J)t;a( peoples agl?t. 1 5 Kis^t bcaic anb p;tc«onj^ m ))ig dg^ tl;ci.ojb bot^ avc eftccmc: tljcbcatl) of ?.ll l;t;S l>oIv one^f, xa\)nt cucc men bo bctme. i6Z\y^ fcntaunt Xojib tl)v fentaunt Iot» 3 bo mp felfc tonicffc: £onne of tl;V t;at:bm.^vb tI)on XfuSt \)vAt» t\)t bonbesf of my biOtcffc. 17 anb 3 vmll offer bp to tijec, a faaifecc of pjiavfe; anb 3 \y ill tail bpon t!)c name, of i5ob tl)c 2-o;ib aluiaye^. 1 8 3 to tlje t.cn'^ VD ill pav tljc botoctf, ttjat 3 t;a«c l)«n bcl)igOt: yea eiicn at t^is p^efcnt tvmc, tn ail \)isi people^? fiijl)t. /5» yea tn tl;c couvtcfli 1 i5obfl( otDtrc !jottilp» ' anb m tl?c mioa of ti;cc: e cc^ojtft^ rl)f <5cnriic;9 to ]?;iipfc> a;j tcetl to. t^emai! to t^< jicVsnf t^C{);omircoflire«ua:la:}ui3bp3;r:( vC^tUt. •Vi«^T this as the 9 r . '7'filme. f) ail venations of tl;ctto:lb, p Wft f c tljc Z^;ib alvnav ctf : anb all v« people eiici:^ U}i;ctc, 1, 'Plalme.CxViij. s ^o> great ifisi fewaneffc is( to Ijtf » hmtmttfet(t>wxiSfo%a^e: apljecfdK P>a1?tc ■?£ t^c i.o>6 otic ipdo, Ctnfffemini D$. pftl, Cx^i^. N. «p»oiitte» obM?n«Bt^« hfH30eme, foj r^eVDt)tt* J* biBSetb aUthemt^atfraMt^eaojSto fct tljankWl, •nt) tiirter ^t? pttfon, ia allt^i* toa« «i;i»?tft liurfj* ftt «a!t4»b>|o ^oul» of l}i» > wpUbe teitttti. Singthit ds rhe f[.T/alme, fOgtactoutfWfijcc: ©etaufe l^* mm^ Oot^) cnt>Hte, foji cuet to^atucjaf rtjcc. » 5Ut 3 ftacU conicfXe an» fa^, ftW mettv tmtcjtf fo j ii^'c: J flow let tl^e l)oufe of aaton fay, ^ig mcK^ Dnrcj* f o j ar^* 4 5Lrt all tijst fcacc ti)e to??) out i&oD, cuen noM3 confeiTc ant) fav*. Itl?c Ktctq? of tl)c i^;it) out i&oD, cttUutctl) aiU fo? a^f. 5 3n trouble attv) in l)eamncfle,, t)ntotl)c,Lo?t)3ccvt>c; IJP^icS) 'loutnglv IjcatD me at latge, iitV fute u>a/3' not Drnttic. < ;i:i;e2.ojt) l)im(cKeiiionmf1^, jf tDtll not ftant) in Doubt: i!5o>fearc toljat man can to to tne, wi^m ^oD fi;ant!cj8f mc about. 7 ^l)e X.o>t) Betl) taHc my vatt, VOit\) t^tm tl>fit l)elpc to fuccouc me: Zl)ttio}C 3 0)all fee mv DeQte, bponmmc enemy. 8 Settee ft 10 to tcHft m jBob, t^cn m mang; moitail fceDe: f Oito put conSDencc in Hingejtf, o;i PiiintejS m out ncct«. 10 ail nations Dsitc tnciofeQ mc, ant) tompafleli me rounl): 3Bat m ti^enamc of fSoio Qjall 3. mine enemteja^ confound. 11 lEljcyhcptmcmoseiieryCfic, tl)ey Hcpt tne in 3 fay: 2P»t,tl)jou2l) tt)c iojDjff moS mtgl;ty4Tftmf, 5 Ojall ituojhc tl)C!r Decay. «"j ^l'ieyca»neab3«tmcallUSe55eesBi, . . bntyctin rl)c Loiitie^namc: 3 qucnctjt tljctic r.l)o?inca; t^at tsjctcooftfe, ant) totucearoy tl;e fame. The ficond part, 1 } ^tott ijaff wjttl; fo;cetl?zu(lfojeattnc, t{)fiC 3 m ticc&c iHigl)t fniU S£utt5);oiigJ;tt;s LofXi 3 fount) futfj |;e!pc, tljartljcy tDcicteonqatajt all. 14 ^l)c 2,0^1) (s; my Defence anOfttcngtl?, niy jpy,mvmictl) myfong: "^c (a/ become foj mc in Decuc, a Saujour wo^i Sjong. 3 5 T^etfjS;t]^8nt)cf*l;cio?Dout^o95 |>«t1) b;img to paffe gtcat tl^tngcjaf : H^ fmtfett) boy cc of toy anD ijealtjd, tnrtgi;teaii^men£^DU)elling;e^. . i6li\)e ti^)t i)mt> of tl)e Xop noti)bj,iti^ inoa mts;t)ty t^e p^liemfnence, l)t;ef f o;ce tfimiU^ tofUS, 17 3*otllnot6yc,buteuctlftie, to totter anDCeclate: JL^Xc}'!il)isi mi^)ttaiti\oct(b^ttftpofoaiet, !iyf0 xiiO},'bt0,atiii tol^at t^ey ate. 18 it^c iojD l^ymfelfe tjatl) cfjatteneD, anD ^atl; co^vcctet) mee: 3&Ut ^ati) not geiien me ouec yet. .to Deatl) as; ye may fee. 19 iSet open bnto met\)t gatejf, of trtit^ anD tt2l)teoufne;e(: tri;at 3 «nay entec into tljem, tl)e Xo}t>e0 pjayfe to confeffe. io'd)iii ift ti)t gate euen of tt)e Xe;^. tut>td) i^all not (b be O^ttt: jCitt s(ooi) anD ct<}^teottjtf men altssy, (l!;aUftitetints)tt. Jh§ thirdpdrt, * I 5 tofll gene tljanhesf to t^t O 5Lc?6, Wcaufe tl)Ott t)aa i)eatt) me: Snt) att become moft loutnijly. «:Sant0t)cbntome. SI ?r^eftoneu)^tcl) ere tl)i;et time amons, t^ butlDetjf toa/ai tefufeb : ^St no\o become ti;e cornet ftone, anb chiefly to be bfeb. 2j r!)itftuaflitIjemt8it)tytDo?hcof, tt) anb ccnbcu tljanlvcsf to tl)ee: 1CI;ou art my <£4jD anb 3 u;tU pjiayfe, tt)y mercy totnarbc^r mee. ay b, fbji gractou^ t,'^ i)ec: 3&«cauvc l>ts:m€vcy botOentnte, fo;i euer totoarbcjattljee. Beati smmWBs*in»ic^rscrinanp notabU cousjilatutt ^6 Plalmc. Cxik- M» (OHfiiUHcnf . to*ier«fe:( ie M mcate t^at alf t>( Ciift^ruU^aaeit alteavboti) intact one Iftttc •ft^e alphabet. XttCti} art tt)cv tl)flt perfect ate. ^^^^^^ -R^- fiRt) pure in minDe ant> l;3rte , tsf^ofe ltiTc$MiQ coniiertanon , ivrnt £>OTig IatDe;&neucrfiart. i. ::5ldlel> arett)e? rt;at geue t\)ctn Macs , i)ig ftatute^r to ebCctut:BeehinQt^t%0}'tif Mait^ all H)eit l7art,anD netier from \)m (Voenie* J ^nubtlcITe Htc^ men go not aOra^, noj 60 no vuichcD tl)mg: ^^toiS^opitttttaI)tt^ceplearf, my ttarciS Co to ato&;ieCrc: ?:i)nt 3 mtg»)j botl; tn l)att anDt^o^ce, ti;p iatDcfl; Uccp anD tonfcfle. p grace ant) m:(jl?t, BEl H. The ij. part, 5 /J>]r Wjnt mean? jb mnv a fotmg mS bcft *-* l/iAJf Itfc icarnc to amcnt);' 3i tl>r.t I)c mathc c!;D !iccp rl;? U3o;i!), ani tljcccm {):js tt ;:'.c fpcnt). I o iDnfiritc^l? 3 l^aiie tijce f jiis^C, > . ant) tQ;i0 tccHina ebiae: 0i) ncucq fufifec me O 2.o?D, f stfni ti;p p?cf cpte^ ta fl(5«. Pialme. Cxi*. If tt>ft!)e. i J fi^y Itptf !)aue neiier read to p;ieiicl|, anD pnbliflj Day anD nigljt: Z.\jff iiiDgementfl alixcljicl) oi3 pjujcctx, from x\)r mom\) full ot'mtgt)t. 14 ^l?yteftimcmcjyanDt1jyti)8ye;8f, plcafc me no (effe mDcDc: TCl>cn all t!)c treafutcflf of tl?c carfl), iwOid) tDojlDltngef malic tl)cic mc^t I J Of tDy pKtept;!^ 3 » ill ttiii tnufe, anD rt)etto frame m^ talhc: iUiRt«marHefotoiH3dvme. t!)y wares fyox^i 3 may ttalUe, I < )KJy only loy Qjall be fb fi;ct, anD on ft>y latDca fo fct: ^l)at notl)in;5 can me fo facte blinfit, ^at 3 tl;y XDo>D$fl fo«ct. CI MEL, The t^. part. «7 /^Kaunt to rijy fcmant noto ftic|j gMet ^^ a^may my life prolong: tVy ^>oly ttiojD tben ttiil 3 bepc, botl) in my \)tixt anD tong. iS f»5tnceycja(tDt)ic!j toereDtrnf Ojiitlin, fo open anD maUc b;iignt: C^at of n)y laru anD mcnietlQn0tDO>i»A 3 may ijauc tlje clcarc OsOt. 19 3amaatan£(erintl)t;ateart1), toanDiiingnovu l)cce nototljcrct ^l)y tuo^ t!;crfo>e tomcDtfclofe, my f eotc3cpfl foj to clcacc. 30 fi?y fonlc iff rauiftt toitl) Oefice, anDncitertjofctccft: aSut fchc0 to ]Mxo'm tl?y iuDgemcntrfl^e* anD tuljat may plcafc tljce bed* 91 trijep^ouD men anD maltctoittf, tl;ou l)a<> DefltoyD cclje one: 0nD curfcD nee fuel) asf Do not, tljy Ijcftcsf attcno bpon. ai 7.o>Dtucncfi;ommc cebulte anDMme,. ifl3})iri;tyi£hcDmencon(pire: ■ ^o> 3 Ijaue kept; tljy cowcn«ote*^j£^ to iti; jcale aflf Ijote atf 6re, ^pf W , a J t:f)c p jince^ great in councrtlfirtif* anDDiD agamft tnc fpcahc: ©iitt!7;ntb?fcmaiittl)o;i3!)tl)o«)I)e. tl)ey Cafntei> migl)t not bjcafte. J4 iFo? U3l)y:'t^>y ccuenantes arc my toy, anD my great \)anc}S fclarc: tri)cy ferue m ftcDe cfcwmlcUcraf, my mattery fo j to patfc. DjiLETH. The uij. pmrt, »j rilmn!afifaflfb;iougl)tti)graue, '■ ano almorituinDc to Dull; • i\efio%t tijrrfor.c my Wx ag&yne, afl'tl)yp?omjrew'ii=.S. ti 2en/ ajsyciJ vDtiTij 3 acSnotolcDgcl*, t»itf) mercf tVon w^H hiave: * |?cat» ^. ^t^eatt notD eftronttf atnime titfNttct> tifif UixaeiB to lotte ant) fcace. Ci^ tDo^lted tt)en totu 3 tmottdte. «nD Uv tl?c»t b^ m Sine . s| ^v foul( 3 fccic fo fc;te opt>)€0, Ct)at It meltctl) fo;t gttcfe: flcco^Dms to c^ taoitnt^etfo^^ i>aa :Lo}D to fenJD rcdefe. »5 iTccm l?tog anD Ucccttfull lipit, let'tl)^ gtecc mcDcftnO; gte& tl)at 3 ma^ learne tl^ee to lout, i9 Ct)etDa? of trtiti)bot!) (tratg^ $ fure, jl ijaue ci^orcn ant) foiinD: } ret tt)f tubgementjar me befoK. litc^ltepeme fafe anDfotmd. J f Swce tl)cn(0 2-0)t)) 3 fo;ict)e mf fttfc, tl)'e* coiicmnteg to e»ib^a(e: X^nic t!5erfc;c I)3uc no rcbuS?, tio} c^cchc in anv cafp. Jl TCi;cnVDiU 3 w;nvDtrt3 topfull c^jare, t»l;ctc rl)^ too?^Dort) me call: V!)t)en tboH 6aft fct mv tjact at latjc, AltD tD ittc out of t^jiaU. ^ £. rhefftpart. J J r)|iCtuctmi;(X4)jD)(Rtt)et<3!)ttMl», •*■ oft!)Vvweccpttf, 3iiiocnie(2.o?Dj3 requite: ^nc otl;cs plcafurc Do 3 tutSj, no? srcatcf tl;ms tcSre. jtf incline m?})aittljvlatuc5f to kcpe. an'c coucnanted to embjtace: 2Uti3fiom aiiait'o? aiiattcc, iO!ib Cjiclb mc VDitt) ti)v grace. j7 iff om barnc bcOrctf ? tsoojltHv lufle^Sj tun|icbatUcmmc cvftf anSfl'iljt: ^bmR mctljc fp; tec uf Ufc nn'c povuec, ^ voalfec tlw ttiareflf aEigljt. *j8 ConftrmcrOv qractoiis pjomifciOiib, tuljic!; t^ou tjail ma5e to meet iV^l^id) am tf)v reciianr anb to loue^, and fearc notj^tng but tl;cc. j9 Kep?otl) ant) Qjame tDljtcl) 3 fo fcare, fKom v^z{0 %4J>i))cypetl: ^0) tl)ou t)ooJl utDgc tDir^ e^uitte, anii tl)etm ftocft eycctl. 40 iecl;olD ui^ l)Arte0 Dcfire \& bent, t'vv laaetf to r.fpc fo? nv^) 11AUUU,I^AIA. W Cl)ffimt'ng))eaid^ let meentor . nccejbdia to tt^ wo^b. ^ 4s So (bai 3 aop tl^e flauttbei:ouj;4iMH»^ of letib mm anbbniull: 5foy tn t!>v fa«tl)ful pjcmtfcsf, fianbcjtf mv comfort win tniff . 4 J ^!)ctDO?boftw«ljti)ttljuimv itMJttrtfe letcuetatibcpjeft: ^Oj in ti)? uibgemcntfli tDOttbetfuU, m? Ijopc botl; aanb anb tea, 44 anb xsm.t& tijat b?c<:tl) vott^uj my bje* botl) naturall itfc pjcfcnie: yea ttUtljiflr tocjlb QjalbebiOdlucb, tl)? latu tyil 3 obfcruc. 4 J Sotoalhcvcm3aafettitiar3c, anb mabc free from all bjeab: ©ecaufe 3 foisgl^t Ijotu foj to Ucpe, ti^f p?cccpte3' anb rl;^ rcnbe . 4t anb my toy, tol)cn troublesi me alTaile: jpo> tDCtc mv life not by tljy tuojib, itiyUteu^ouib fooncmefatle. ji ;ri)ep3U)iibanb furijatfiSobcontemne fttll mabe of tne a fcc^ne: y«t tooulb 3 not tl;v lauj fojfahc, atf one t^at lucce fc>io)ine. 52 ogntcalb to mmb(2.o;D)tJ)y great tod?fesf fljctocb, to one fnti)cr0 oltc i VOWb^ 3 felt ti)v toy futmcimf , my grfefc an ^Kttbjctl) folte. 5 3 55nt yet alas? fo? fcatc 3 quabc, fclngbotutctcliebiucn: ' a:H)ylaXDfo?fohc anb btb procure, tljy tubeement3 toljo hnotucti) 'x'hcn^ 54 anb as fo? mc 3 fian;bc my fcug;ar, tljyftatutcfl( towc-lt: XO'^m 3 among tljeCcangersfbtDclt, anb tljougi;tctf gan mc slT^ult. 5 J 3tl)oa2l)tbpoBtl)ynamc(^ toljid) art ni^ pact cnO lof, *^ mi? comfort anDtn^Oav; 3 i)aue Decreet) ant) p>onti(iA, t^p tatu to bepc a'.tU37 . }8 £^tne earned t)att DO) l)un^fftie, eftn(r of tt)r face: S;3i tt)ou t^rfo)e tjatt piomffeD, l,o>ti dpraunt me of t^ gratCt j9 3ft?t Ufc3 tjaiic oMtntineD, ana trOc mf fcctet l)art: lOOtct) to ti;v ftatitfesf taufcD me, my fcctc ftrat8^>c to conuert. to J Did not fta^ no) Unger long, a^ tl>q' tt>at aoutt^f lUl ace : J5ut fjattctp tl)7laVDC(ef t» hepe, ■ J DiD mr felfc betoace. ti tCDe cruel! DanDfKf of ujfcftcDmwi, !)aiic maoe of mc tifcit pja^: yet U)oiilD 3 not tl)v latu fojgct, no>fcom tJjec go aftrav- f aatiitc;S anD tt>v ^>U. TETH. Thsix. fart, 6 5 JCiopins, to tf)? p^omtfc lojl), ■" foi^afttvOUttntijmcDctt: 5fo? of t^v S'^att »" fiin:)^v fo>tea(, Dane 3 tl)v truant felt. i6 Zcz^ mc to tuD-2C altuateiaf atig^, anDgeiiemehnovolcDge fuce: ^c% ccit.'itnlv bclaic 3 Ko, tl;3t tyy pjccept^a; ace pure. ^7 iErctl)otsDtBtttouc^mcwtti!jfi)tt^ 3 crrcD anD tucnt atttaf : If) tit nora 3 ttcpe tt)V Ijolp tBOjD, aniD mahe tt all m^ Oa^. £8 \E!)oiJnttbotl)30oDanDg[cactoujBf, au:) geiiefi mod Uberallv : tri;inc DjDjnancca Ijoto to Hepc , tljccf o;c,(D 5Lo>D teacl) mc, €9 »r^ep?ouDanDay lau),3 Do Deligtye, a«D notf)ing fche but t^at. 7 1 © l)nppv *?'"* "'^P 3 wcl fa^, vol)en tljotittiSft me correct : iFd> as n tjMi^e ta irtuictbp UU3e;9f , tl)? roMt^^cic Direct. 7» So ro* totnt e'jf u>0]A anT> latB , tC!)ent})ottQmDetf oMxt of Oliie««nO|Dii\, ' o> ougl)C tl)«c can be tolD. 10 D, The X. fart. 71 Cj(£ingt^l)anDcfl:l)8uem«Demr '-' tobetl)vcteatuce: iXofii, iCratmt hnotoieDge Itttetuile ^oto to leamc, to put tt)f latter in b]te. 74 Sott)e7ti>atfearetl)ec(l)alceiof>ce, \o\)zn tusx tl)ep me fee : a^ecatifc 3 l)&ue tcarnD bp tt)^ tDo;iD, to p at mp trtift in ttjce, 7 J lUl)CrttDitl)tl)ptoDtftl)CtDOJllD isf 3 hnotD tl)e caufe is mil: (pla^bt; ^0 VDl)en tt;eu Dacft correct me Xofii, ti)c ttM^c ill 3 neeDext be mttH. 7^ iilotDofti)vgooineCrc3t')ay, fomc comfo;it to wt fcnD: 23l;tf tl)ou to mc tt^ fcniaunt t)etc(l. fo fcom all ill me OjenD. 77 ^l)vtcnDecmerc^c3'pouteonmt, anD3 0jalintrcU'luie; ;f o> iop anD confolation bot^, tl)v latDctf to me Do geuc. 78 ConfounDtl)ep^mD-d)l;ore felfe pjictSce, iflfmcfojtoDcttcov: 36iit a0 f o> mc ff)p IjcCtctf to ItnotD, 3 tuill m;? fclfectiplo^. 79 ID^orotDtt^reuerenceDoc^efearc to mz let tl)COT tcti?je: gnD (ucl) a^f Do ti)? couenauntc^ linota» anD tl;em alone DeSre. So iXit ^«^ tDttijotit all vDauctinj, let on t^ lavoe^a: be bent: C^at no conAiQon come to me. utl^er cbi^3 Q}ou'«b be C^ent. C AP H. The xi. fart. % I v/y foulc DotD faint, anD ccafttlj not, ^•^ t^? fatimg Ijcaltpto ccauc: jSnD fo» tl)r VDOJDC0 fafec Hill 3 tmtt, mv tjartcflf DcQce to Ijaiic. 8 J 3p^tnce?cs(Da favlctottljlooltmgfo? tl)v tDOjDc anD tt)utf 3 fa^: Ol) VD^cn VDilt t\)ai\ mc comtojt l,o)D f ttil)? DocG tl)Ott tt)»s( Delav^ 8 j 3;$ a rttinne bottle in tl;e Onobe, fo ant 3 patent anD Hf.'^Tit'. yet tDill 3 not out of JrtV l;art, let t^? cotnmaimDcmcntaf fliDe. 84 ata;sl)ovu long QfA\ 3 "get liue, >■ before 3 fee tl>c l)oure^j tl)at on .11? (oesB to^ttl) me tojment, tijt bcngeanc e t^ou \13ilt poured 8 5 ^Ojefiunptuouflf men Ijatte DiggeD pit;ef, tljmftvng to mafte me furc: tri)U8f conttarp agavna t{:\' latn, mv Ijuct tijc? Do pjonire, H i^ut tl)v continaiinDcmcntetf arealltruCi anD caiifelec tOq> mc gccuc: To tS)ee toccCiOje 3 Do comvlainc, tlyat ttjou migl;teft me tc'ceiic. 1; ;2llmo(i tii^et ija^ mc clcanc l>caro?D, anD Pfalme. Cxijf* Mb lnoti^)t mt quite to gronnDS yet bf 1H)V (tatutcg 3 abotis, anfi rl^ecein (Uccour fottnt). S8 Keftojte tne Xofit aq&i^netti liiHe, foj t^ tnctcteiaf cjcccll: JSnti fo O^ail 3 t^v coucnzimteg Iteepe, WlCeati? m^ life c;:peU, LAMED. Tbex^.p/trt, *9 TS^ l}eat(S X>o>& tD^ere t3)m t>oo(t t)tDeI, ^ tl)^tD0^i)tfl!Oal»ltQjf fute: SHrib Qftill foj. all eternltte, fa(t gcauen ti)cce enBitce. 90 jFtom age to age tt)f ttuti) abfl)e;tf, aje? tori) tl)e eatti) witneflTe: KPi^ofe gcoimttDo^be tl)4tt Ijatt lavt fo fttce, a^tnotoungenp^eire. 91 ifuen to tl)t0 ta^ we ttta? toeU fee. l)otD aU ttj^qeg petfeuctc : Slicco}t)iiig to ^n oji>imttnce, f 0) alt ti; tnge;ef ti^ce ceuere. 9 1 l^aD it n ct bene tl>at in t^ law, tnv foitle Dat) comfoiitfougl^t: 3Long tv»ic ere noto in nt^ titttefXit 3 i^aD bene b>ougt^ to nougljjt. 5 J itljetfo?c\DrtI3t!w»w«ept«tf aye, to memo>i? Iteepe raft: 3^^ tljent ^ou |)aft mif life tetto)^, tut)en 5 tDa0 at laft caft. 94 ^0 tDi^ to me can title malte, fo>3ainonclvtl)?ne: , &me tne tl)etfo;c fo^.to tt)Y latoe/af, mine eatciJ an£i !?att incline. 95 TTi^etoidtetimenDofeeltentybane, ' antitl)ctctoi^e in tna^e; 85ut3 tljcwijilc tonfiDctet), tl)t' noble tDo^ftcfl! flnD great. 9C 3 fee nort)tng in tl)ijet uiiDctoojtD, at lengtl) tui^trl) ^ati^ not ent) : 25ut tl)f cotnmaunCiement;G? anb t|)v tDO>t, bet*on£i all enb e^ctenb. MEM. The xtij.fArt. 97 rx^l^at great befireanbfctuent lone, '^'^ bo 3 bcare to t^^ law : flllitl^eba? long my toljolebeinfe, itfcttelvcntl)]pfatB. 98 Z\yf wo>b l)atl) tangt)t me fotteto paCTe, rnvfocs^inpolUcte: fQ% ftiU 3 Hcepc tt 80 a tlj^ng, ofniofte^cellcncie. 99 fiSy tcadjcts; toljid) x>iSi mt infftuct, in ftnowlcTJgc 3 cjccell: J5ecatife 3 bo t\y^ touenaunte;6f heepe, anb t}?em to ortjcts: tell. 100 3n \xitfcDomc 3 bo paiTe alfo, t!)e atmc tent men in be^e: Snb all bccaufe to bcepe tl)^ latvejtf, J^elbitat'ebefttcbe. 8 01 ?05^feete3 tjanercfraipncb elie, from ciiety cnilltDa^: ®ecauretl;at3 contiMuall?, (tyg toojiti mig^t Uccye 3 fay. (02 3 Vane not ^uamcb fsom t^y tubgon^ Halmc. Cm. ^ tiO)^cta)itonlieanr»bcli: :ffo? toi^:'tDom)aft me tmigl)t t^crdjp, toliuegoblpanbujell. i o] OXo]ib Ijotti f}(oette bnto mv tad, finbe 3 tl}!* VDOnDeiJ altuav^: JDoubtlcflc na bon^J in mv moirti), feels ourjl)t (b fxxecte 1 may, 1 04 Zl)y h'ojee i)me mc fuci>ta ifebome tt)at btte-iy 3 ijatc: (leatatK ail tDicftcb ann bngobly tcavetf, tneueryhinbc Citrate. NrN, rhexii^.part, » o 5 pyoen tifS a lantcmc to my feet e, ^-" fobotDt!)vttc;ibO)mcb;6tgljt? anb to my patljf jaf tuijcrc cuer 3 goe, it itf a ftrimtnglygj^t. io« 3 Ijaue bott) ftuo^ne ? ttiyllperfojmei mod cectainely boubtlcfle: Cl>at 3 Will heepe toy iubgement^i itUl, anb tljcm w life e]ep?effe. s 07 Slffltction ^fitl) me fo^tc opp?cft, anb b;toitgl)t me to bcatibcfl' boje: O 2L0)ib aj5 ttjon Ijaft piiomifeb, fometol!fere(lo;e. loS Cl)C0gtinga;tdl)ict>tt)itljl)8rt$boyfei moftfranchly3 t^ecgcuc: iSccept anb teatlj mc Ijotu 3 m8|!, after tt)^ iubgement;ef line, 1 05 5^y fotilc isf aye fo m my Ijanb, ti)at batmsers; it aOayle: yetbo 3 not tlrp law fo;igct, no]i it to ncepcwmfayle. I I o aitljougl) ti)c wtchcb layb tljcie net;?,. tocatrt)mc«tab;ay: yet bib 3 not from t\}x p;isccptetf, once (Voarue 0^ go aftray. II I ITIjy law 3 banc fo claymcb always & t6c com»naKnbcjncm;S will 3 heepe,, of i6cb my 2-c?b alone. 1 1 625? ti>ou l)aft pjomifcb fo perfbjme, tl)8t beatl) ir.t not sffatlc: jlloj let my Oope abiifc me fo, ttjat tijjongl) btansft 3 quaile, 117 )ppl;olBm6anb30)aiiibefafe, i&.ttj. fojp 84 Pfaline. CxiJC. SUib in tljj> Qatutcss ^leafutc ttike. to til 3 bori) ntgl)t nnD Da^. ti 8 ^J)oti Ijatl trot) fuel) bttDcctl;? (ceie, uff^otht ftatiucfi fe^ea^c: fo} naiijlK anarlc^f tDetrfubtlct^, t1)Cii: coiinrcU t;Q; bttt \»e4)ie. tif lmet>;o(Ieri)9ti c«(te;3f t^stoicbe^out, tCljerfo^c can 3 as tl)r dnttitc^, loiic not'omg tjalfc fo tocll. 1 10 (i^y flcft? aUfif o tl)t tljing tljat latijfttll cir migl)*. »ai iSiif fo> ti)V ftrnaimt fucctp be, in tl}{\t tljmg tljat iisi goo^ : . C^at p)ouD men gcue iiic nott^e fpf te, tDi)<^ caije ajBf tl)8V ^^^ toooD. I » J fifjitic ciccflf xaitl) toattmg ate notD bUnS, tl)T Ijcaltl) ro;mticl) 3 ccauc: Slnt) Che tl)V tiglj'reoutf pjomvfc Xofi), tDl)ctbv rt)ou tutlt mc fauc. S24 3ntccate(^p fctuaiint loutngl]^, ant)fAuosnD. 811$ 3t ijf nato tpnio Xoj.ti to begin, foji tiittl; ttf qmtc Dcta^D: TDtf lavD ukcujtic tDc'f Jjaue.ttanfgtcft, and none ag(>mQ; ttjem f^D. 1 17 ?ri>tfi? i0 tlfe f aufc vDl)erfo;ie 3 lone, tl)V lavDcs; bettet tljen gulDc: Ojt tetocia &nc tDl)tcl) nt; edeemb, moRcoul^tobcfolOc. 118 3tt)oa3i)ttljVp;cccpteitfaUmoftutfl, anD fo tt^em lapo m ila}z: ^M crafty anD maitrtoujer tua;c#, 3 Do ab'^0}Xg tt;ecfo)e. Pralme.Cxix. PE, The x^v'ij.part. ii^T^l^ptoucnauntjaface mofttDonbctftiU fQV fonlo tljcif OK Dotl) \izt3^t tljcm fuce, yxs^za t\)v^ ace trtoc anD fouiiD. 130 U39cn men ftt3 cntcc into c{)f,'tDo;iDc;af, t\)ey &RDe a Itgljt mofX cicate; ^nD bcq' totot0 bnDccflanb, VDl)cn t}?c^ It cefiD o> l)c«w» iji iFoMov3t)«-iueboti;gaytattDb?Mt?)b, to Unou) tl)][> commaimDemcnt: tlO^^c 3 ratgijr ijiii^c >ny life tbccby, 3 fou^l^i: ojijat tiding tt nm\t, i; a Pptf ij mcctp a»D towjpaffwn io?0, brijolbmcfromabouc: :; «flftl)oiitDaatuonrtobcl;olt>cfufr;,' ' aj» tt>p jiamc feacc anD lone. 1 J J !D f eert rwf footftepaf b^ t\)^ UjojO, tbat 3 t^p tDill ma^ hnott); flnDnfiiftfctrntqutftc, tl;>' ffmintoiifttb^otB. XJ4 jlrromflaimD^oitfl'tongucrfanDDrtDff P»cfcctic5thcqjemerure: (bacmerf. CI;i?PiCcepfjortf7cn U)iU 3 obfetuc anDpnttpcmcbcinb?c: I J 5 Tl>)» tountenauncc vul?ifl> bot^) fiirmofil tt}c uwnc m tjtaf bjtgljt fjcu): Xct Qjtnr on tnt anD by t\)f laiu, tear!) me mtjat to cfc^cto. ij6 Out cfmvncq'etf great flouDjef DoanOl of DjcatT tzp.xca anD fell: tt)ljca 3 beijolD Ijotu w.ciicD men, tV^ law hccpe neiter a DcU. Z A D E, The x'viij.fart, mj^ cuccp point(2-o;iD)tl)ou art tuff, -^ tljetuicHeDt^ou^tljcifgcuDger 13nDU)l;cntl)ouDDoftfentcnccp?onoimce, tl)ou art a tt^ljtcoiiis mDge. xj8 tTorenDcctigijt anD flee fcom guile, arc two cl)tcfcpotnteflf mjflljie: D) ifi metk i\x%, fojeucttocnDuce: flllfo ctr^' latD ic; tcuti} it felfe, moQ: conSant auD mod pure. 1 4 J Trouble anD gtiefc l)aue feafeb on «»«, anD b;)ougl)t mctoonD^oud lotu: yet Do 3 0»U of t^y p?eccptc;8f, Dclivjl;t to Ijcace anD hnoto. 1 44 ZXjc ng!)tcoufnc0 of t^y tnDgemsnMT, Dotl) laft fo> euctmo je ; t:ijcn teacl) tljem me,fo; txxtn in t^cni^ my life lietlj bp in tk^TJC. KiO P H. The.xtx.parf. 1 4 5 ^f/^ftlJ ferucRt Ijatt 3 caiD f crybe, '^''^ notu aunHocre mc [O Xxip) ^I;.« tijy commaunDemcntc^efto obfccwr, 3 may fitUy ncco;iD. 1 46 tTo tl)ce my i&oD 3 mahc my fitte, tuitlp mod Ijimible reqited: /Sauc me tljcrfojie anD 3 voill Uecpc, tl;y piicccptciff anD tljy Ijcft. 147 ^0 tycc^ 3 (i^ (ucn efoi; SPecaufetf)at 3 l)auc m tl)f U)OjQ, mr confttcnce tuDolc pU'^^t . 148 f^Ytic cvcjef pucuent tl)e tuatcl) e? n«2y* flrttJ ew rtjev call 3 uialtc. Cl?at bt DctJtfing of tiff too^t), 3 mtgj^ fomc comfojit taHc, nniiptticonmctaUe: S10 ti)ou tuaft vuont fo iii^gc we l.op>, icaft life roc ©oulD fojOsftc. 1 50 3ff5[v foeJS Djaw neatc ant> 60 p^JC^*' mrticp.tljmaltciouav: . _ _. HP^tcl) f lortt ti)V latD ace f atrc gone oacne, an5 ttca^o f com it icxDi*!?. B 5 1 «!jerfo>e O lo>6 app>otl) tl;ou neate, fo; ncetJc t»otl) To tcqiitte: JUtt) all tfy^v^ccevtcm true tljef a«e. tljcn l;clpc Irttc DeBce. » 5 » aSf rtjv f o»mi«nT3cmentitf 3 *)»»« waww. notnoxD but long agoe: Cljat ti)c^ temavne f o> cucrmo>e» ' t^oHl;afttl)cmgtount>et>fo. RES, thexx.fAfU \S\\/C^ ttouble anD affliction, •"M/ conftDetanDbcljoU); jDcl'ucc me foj of tl)? lato, 3 euce tahe faft l^olDe. J 54 EicfcnD mv gooD anD rigljteoa^ came. tpitl) Qicefcc me fuccout fertD: *f 0M» Dcatij a^ tl)0H Ijaft momifcD, jLojD ftcepe me anB fiefenO. 1 5 5 30 foj tljc aiclicB fatte ^t^ ate, from Ijauina i^calti^ anB gtace: RDibetbv tijer nJtaftt tl^v ttatntesf ftttottj, tbcvcntctnott^etcacc. i3fi iStcat aict^ mcccieS (X4)jt»)3 flwunt, toljat tongue ranti;cmattafne: artB Rjy ttjoii l)aa me tiftgeD etc «otM, foietmelifeobtavtte, I j7 Tljoiigl) manf men aft trotikle we, ant) pccfecute mod fcjc: yet fccm tl)Y la\DC;a( 3 ncuct (^junRe, no;i toent atDjvttJcrefojie,- / 58 ant. tcutl) tt i» f 0? gctcfc 3 t>re. tDl)en 3 t;)cfc trartour^ fee: aSecanfc ttjev ftecpe i^o vul)rt tl)V '<^^* xmt^ feeheto hnoto tl)cc. » 55> 15!?l)olit) fc? 3 f Icuc d)^ lawefif, tDitijl)att mail; glat) nno ratm^* ajStl)ou act soot) ant> gratioivs 2.o?t), tcCo:ic mv Itfe agatne. »($o x*i)D«tti)vt«3ojt)i)ctl)t!CcreC:muabc anD fo itijatl) bmc cucc: ^brttrt^tccue itiiigcmentst ace alfo, moft tcue ana Deca^ neucc . S cm N. The xxi.f^rf. itf i^Ktnce^ljaucfaugDt br ccacltie, ■I catifdc^Tc to mahe me ctoucl^; 35ut nil m fcamcfo? of tin' «5C>a, tl^c tcf.ve Uv mt ^art ta«t)» 8 tu^v^tlJT' ftolv layjcflf Do 3. abotic all ti)inqe0 lone beft. 164 Setien times aaav 3 pjavfetI;ceXo;i5, CngingiDitl) l)an:anabovce: Z\)v ctgljtcoujtf actes' ana vuonaetfuU, fo cattfe me to cctovre. i6s iSccatpeaccanatcdOjallaU fudjljaue, (10 Ho tf)Vliatute;Qf loue: flo aaunget Oiall tl)etr quiet date, cmpci^c 0? oncetcmouc. i66 0iuK onelp \)c<i) nna comfo;^ %ofb, 3 loohe foji ex tt) ? l;ana : ana ti)eifo>e ^atic 3 aonc tljofc tljingesf, tt)at tl)ou aftft me commaunae. 1 6y Z^ latDCtf I?aue bene mf c?:etcifc tD^icl) fttv foulc moll acCcea: So mud) mi' loue to tljcm toagf betrt, tbat nougljt CIS 3 ccqiurca. i6i Tl^^jlatutesfanacommaunaemcntjei;,. 3 ftcpt t^ou hnotoeft atigljt; if 0) all tl^e tt^ingetf tl)at 3 ijaue aone, are p>efcnt m tf)v fiujljt. TAy, The xxij.part. 169 n 2.0>a let mf complaint ana cvf, ^ before rtjt face nppcace: iXnt) n0 tl)ou l)aft mc p^omil'e maae< fo tcad? mc tt)cc to fearc. J70 5^vncljitmblc(Uppltcatio«, to^jara rtjce let ftnac accelfc: flna gtaunrme %ofi) aeliuetaiwce, fo>fot0tl)VP>omife. J 7 1 ttl)en Ojall mv lipflf tl?^ p^ta^fe^ ftjcahe, aftcc mod asiple fo;t: jJDl)cntl)Outt>vft8"»<^c0l)a(l metans^, tBl)ecein ftanacsf all comfort. 17 J £Qr tong ajall 6ns ^ PJ^acl) ^ aoji>e, ana on tljt^ voife fcv Ojall: ^oa;ff famous actcjS ana noble latoetf; ate tuft ana pctfcct all. 173 strctri)outtl)^l)8na3tl)eebefced^ anafpcBelf mcfaue: 4fojtl)? commaunaemcntefl! to obrcnie, ci)ofen©Xoiia3l)aue. 174 C'ftl?eealoncio>a3 ctsucljealtl?, fo>otl)ct3Hnott)nOKC: ana tn tUr lato ana notljing el^, 3aoaciiii;ttiione. 1 75 ig taunt me tfterfoxc longSatcsf to lt"^a tlwnanictomagBific: ana of tljv iuagcmcntes metatiill, let mc tl)e f auouc try. 176 fo]i3vcasloftanaraentaar8v, mucij ItSe a ^ijanav.ng Qiccpc: ©b fecl?c tnc fo> 3 l)?i»c "ct fa^lca, rijv (omtnawnBcmcnteis to ftcepe. ^d Demtffum.fftl, Cxx. T,S, MK^t p>fl»ctof!DaiiiB htfn% n»lB btirpfl^rt anwwff «^« barbarous p«{iU of at»bp« ,bp tijc falfet«poft«of «itu?ou«fl.ieterer«,.inti tljftfoje^t lamcntetlpttslonj abase amoitg tl>or«7nnOfl» , Voljotocie gceutu to all .kf noe ef toicfctBKC* an9 contention. /a trouble ant» in tt^all, tnto t^e iojt)? call, a»^ ^jcDotl) mc comfort: DcUiut m£3 fay, ftom Ifctjaf liptf aU ^^Tiaim^TUxxij, E3^ SBfeiifeE;= tuav^antitoimg of falfc tepo^* 4 tt)!)at baunta^e oji voljat tljyng, ^cttt rt)oii tlpuflf fo> to fting. ^l)onfaUe anD Qnttecmg Ip^r/ 5 Tl)v tongue Dotl) outt 3 vocnc, ^0 lefle tOcn attotcctf Hctie, Of ^otc confumins 9xz, 4 aifttftolong^flacftc, 3»)ifl)iu tijcfj rentes; fo b!afhc, nDl)id; acBct^ arc b^ n«n«. flna all of 3 faacuc3 feet, £t;e put to open O^ame. 7 nDtt^tI)emtl)at peace DO) l^^atc. 3 came a peace to maHe, aniofetaqutctltfe: 35nt djl^cn m^ vuo?I> U)atf tolDe, ^aufcicfli 3 ttjajS conttolDe, ;i&f* t^em tl;at wouio it)aue fttife. Leudttti oculot. fftl Cxxi. IV. IV ^ jC^^cPjopljft Q|(te(t^ bp ^itf otnnc (Mniple tl;«tt|« fapt^fiil OHsbt tolssiufai all tl;ett fiiccour of iSob \* loNf, to^« ti]tll3auern<,an9gxii> goooruccel&fo a!| (^ txx 0Otlp (iit«rp})i Tcf. Xrft »"?ne c^ffl' to Sio« ijtl!. fcameD,ant> alirl^ingcjsf ti)ecem nameb. J Tri)vfootefcomat) b Che ootl) tlKC coucC; a.4 at tl)f ti3t)t tjanD cuec. < TCOe SimneOj.^U not tijcc partcbbfbaf, jllojtiie fi^oonc not Ij^lfc fo bjijJjt , jS^alltsitl) colo tl;ec ijitn by ntg^t. 7 ;n)e io;iO torn Kcn^e aiiibcnopr(tf) tntbtnameoft])efapt1)FuU,r^«C, anOp;ape(^ fO} t^cp^orpeiitpcotc^e Cl^iicc^. lDc m»2l)tp iSob we fl«€Otti:wm,wVifcaw«ianbcait^ ofWBOtcUw^c«, fe;^.ytf!f_;^^=^ g fet, muc^ Ulte « cicte neat, tl^t liketD^s 4Tft« 1' J .UIUtr.^^SH^^ViVl^**; 5 4 Tljctttbcaf tu^fl) one nccopt), iljetctbcs of ;6oii tl)c i-'Jji), ace ti)ti\)ct bent tiyzit tea? C9 tiilie» SSo iSoO bciofs DiD tell, J ifo;»tl)cce ace tI)?oncAf erect, llttD tl;ac fo) tl;:0 cefpsct, 7Co fct tojti) tudtccojtteciv: DOl^if^ tl);on8jS ctgljt to msmtapne, Co JDautDjQf i)»u(c pcttatne, ]^t;S folHe to tuiijie accoptnjjl^. < ^0 pjAf let bjtf not ccafe, ^0} Jmifulcms peate: tCtj? f ccnDe^a; ^od p;iolJ)ec mtgljtelvs 7 Peacebetl>f>tiiaUed about, SlnD p)olpet tl)ee tljjotJjD&ut, C^f place;9' cSe wntiitaa!'?, J 3 tDiCJj tijp p^oftwoutf Cate, ^0? mp poo?e bjet^itenrf faHc, ^0at cQmioj.t i)?.iic b-^ niemeg of t^ec. 9 iSoS^-Tjoufe Dotj) mc aiJuce, Cl^y U3caltl) fojto pjocutc, £[;Qf mn^ al\03^e^ &0 l^ctl) m trn, At te ieuatti, Pfal.Cxxiij. T.S, iBicbtO taipjlslin^ey ana conc^inncc^ »f <&oO. Sing thil 4J /^« 1 1 5> Pfalme. f) XoiXif^st I)eaucnt)oeQ:poire(r^ ^ 3 lift m^nc cvejS to tt)cc: itvtn 83 tijc fecuaunt liftcti) l)iflf, ^t;af mataecsi i;ant)e;ai to Tee. ft flisi t)ant>iitatDc;6^ toatcl) cl;etc matftceflf. Came gcace foib to atd^tciie: (ijan!)^, jSo tue bct)o{o tl)e Xo;il> out i^oD, tmi)et)ot);3to;ijjeue. I Xo^t) gcaunt b^ t\f^ compalTiotf , ana mccc^ m t^ v ^9^)^ • iron toe bt fillet) anO oucccome,* tuttt) ^attet) ant) Defptsl^t. 4 OucmvnDe^afbefiudieDtutt^gcejttte&tdte. tl^c ctc^ ant) tDOjilDl? tDtfe: S>o maUe of b^ tl)etc mocHtnjj (lotRejtf, t^e p;oitl> Do b;8 Derptfe. Nifi^uU Do. I'fal.Cxxitij. IV.Jf^. ■9 K.\)tftof\t of <5oo be^tijj DcliuercB out ofa guat taunjec, acbnotDlragc not to \)mu ercapcB b^ t^eir otxmepotutr,biittb;siiQt) t^efatioueef<9eis,4f S)etii« iit lioin Qre.ii pecill t^ep tone. ©to 3fcacU ma^ fa^? ant) tl>at ^^^^^^^ tnie!^, 3'fti^att^cl.0;it> ^atmot otic twt ouctygDt ftiaapnb. WDljenalltlje too^lbaaamd^^^ictona)?, mabe tljclc bp?o>e0,att6 fayb toe mowio all a^c. J illotdlongagoe, tlje^' l)aa DcKoucb 6jef all, ann ftDaiiotucli qutctie, fo;i ciigljt tl)at tue couia bccme: jSucI) tuaii ri)eit cage, 80 \ye migfti; toctl eOccttte. 4 ansafftbefloutiflf, tutrt; miijtjrp fo?cel>o fall; So t)al)t^c? nolo, out Itue^ cxxzti b;iougl;t to t^lU 5 ^I}ecagmg(h;eatnejtf> mod p)ouD m coarioj] no^fe. l^aaiongagoe, ouencijelmeb bat ia t^e beepe« 6'&\xt\a\xtiibt<£>ob, \a\i\c\) fiotl) bfS fafelf itcepe, iFtomblout)yteetl), ana tljcir moO ctucll bo^ce, UPl)((t)«sfap;ai?, to cate b!t tuouia teto^ce. 7 i£uenaja!tt)ebtcb, out of tl)c iFoulctjBf gtinnc, icSfcapetl) atoap, tigl)t fo it fatetl) toitl) bjef , 25>oJic ace tljctc ncta, anfi tDc l)8iie fcapcD t!)w;ef. S j&ot)tl)atmat)el)eauen, anb cactfj x0 ouc l)elpc tljen, t^i^ name ^att) faueb bg, fcom ti)cre wtclieb men. Qmeonfidunt. Pfal.Cxx'v. IV. K^. C&)eaercribeti)t9(aajiraMnce of tlje faithful! in tbric affltcrtaair,stt& Deficet^ ti^eitVocalt^^anD tlje bf&tntt tioij of t^e^taiicbCft. )Orl) a;e( tn iSob tt)e ^.o^be bo tens , a^ 38Qoimt Ston (^all fitmel? ftanb , anb be cemoucb at no i;anbi "tijc " ^ M A .-~-?^»=^^^»^ 3$ icfiujc ntat»t«mb . J.f t^at t^c %tf}^ ^^ ^^fc^^^'gj gglj ;Lo;^b ttiUl couut t^e t;tal;£ g tuS/o ci;ac , oo ntTmn, . \:>' A A V . meg 0)A\\ he Cute , fo> enet to cnl)uce. » astmtg])trmount&inc£(^u3canD2CC{K, ^erufalcmahotitao (lofe: So VDtU rtc :Lo;T) be bnte rt)orc, |)pi)a on i)ifl( 80&l)» VDiUDo xa&^c, S5nc\) ate to Jjtm fo l)carc, Cljcp ncucc nccsc to fcarc- 3 :fPo>tl)ou3l)t!)ctigl)tcoujSCFrt»otJ;!>c 55)(» ttmhmg tu(chct) men l)tfl( roD: 5Lcaft fl)cv tlwongl) gtjcf fojfaUe i\)tit <6«D 3t Qjall not afl ttjcir lotCill be. 4 iSeiic2.o;it)tott)i3fctJ)ply8t)t, U3l;ofc l)ait;o( are true ant) tV8^« 5 iSntajoffojfudjasitumcariic, 35v ccooheD vaaf C0 \n!)tri) tl)cv out roimt)(, 5t:!)c XoT.'b tDtU fin civ bjtng'to noiigljt, ppitl) ujoiiha mofl;\)ilctl;c>'ajallftb«l'C. ffiut ycacetuttl) 3fiiacll, 5f oji eiiecmo^e QjaUDwell. AnotherofthefamCjby R.W. Sinj^ this dt the x^C tmrrtJim dement es. Tt>oit tljat tio put tfjeic conftDcn«, ©pon Il)e lo;it) our f&ob onlv J flni flee to ^tm foj t[)m iJcfencc, 3n all tDetr ntdt anD mtfctv* C^eir f aiti) its futc ftcntc to enl>Mr«, ^rounDct) on vC^Jft tl)c conncr flonc: £t)oitcD tu ttt) none yll but aantctt) ftiU, ^ccDfad Uhcto tl^e motmt S>ion, 2nt> atf about 3cruralem, irtjc mtgi)tv l)«US Do it compalTet So t})at BO encxue0 tamt to tijcni, t:ot)urtetl)attoronc (nan?taf«: So i&oD in tictc MJ cuer|> ncebe, l^itffaittifu'.l people Cotl) CcfcnDc, StanDingc ti;em hf afTutcUlv: ;ff rom ajxa time fojicij xuo?lo tatrtjoirt mW Ki3i)ttutre ant) ijoot) tsf our Xo^D ^oD, flnti vorll not fuffa' certamlv: ^ l)c fmncrs; anD bngoui^j-e^e; tot»; to tarv tjpon Jjis f amtlv* 7»caft ttjCt' alfo tcom i5oi) fljoulD go, JFalUng to fmnc anT) tDtchcDncsf, © XajXi ScfcnD tD0>O xcitl^out cnt), Z\Ti Ctj?:(tta« EotU tl>?8ugl; tljv gootinejef* © 5Lojt) t'O 2001) to Cl)Mfttan0 all, Zri)?.t ItcDfAft in ti)y tDO?D abitoc: Sucf) n« tutlltngl^ from iSoD fall, 3nD ta falfcoortrme D,i.vlv fii&e. SjkI) \t;tlt ti;c iojli fcottcf abjioaD: Wttt) J;tpocrits tIjfjotDncDotune to Ijelh ^oi luJil ti;;.n fciiD pains ujitOout enD, 8&ut Xe;t> graunt peace to ^rraell. j5!c^V to 45oS tlje iFatbcr almtgl)t, !Glttt)totOc Sonne our Saujont: jlna to x\)t i)oiv 4&i;oC vui)ofc Ugftt, St)tne in our Oart;ai anD )30 fucrouc. ^J)at rl)s tii^bt tuatc from fiaf to Dwf, IPC t»a^ mAi^c aiP ^im % lo^iftet iWttbt)arteffDe6rcalltl)atarel)cte, ' UOojajjtp t^c iojD anfi fa? amen. Inctnttertenio. t'fil.Cxx'vi. iV.Kj' CCbitf pralmc h>«;f ma&e«rc(c tbc trtiitne 6f t^( pi t>,agatn \)iit Sion -H^fjr^-^»-r '•»37 | I 'i^ t)aD fo;itt) b^ottg^t, fed bontiage great. gi^pl l*Jt_F^__t_iS7 anD alfo feniitube r^tcente-.'S^tjEr too^ttc tDa;af fact?, tkH dtB rucmaunt manst tjatc -t^j ana tI)oug^,Go tl)at toe tocte »iuct) iRte a a 1,^^—r-J.^ f^ !■ » y * I to tt^e c^at bfe to DKsnte: Ourmoiitt^etf -L^ were tottt) lsug!)ter filled tt)cn,anb ebe ^^m auc tonn8ejer,t> Qjeto b;Qr topfull tneiu a Tt!)c T^catljcn folhe, toetc fojiceo tl)en t\)iftto confcflir, 1^ovi}tl)3tti)eio;D, f 0^ tl;cm alfo great t^tngest l)aD Done* J 3&utmucl) mojieta^e, ano tt)crfo>e can confdTe no telTei 5B)l;crfojctatov, vue t)aue gooii eaufe a0 toe bcgimne* 4 © l,o]iD go fojt^, tl)ou t^nii. oucbonHage end, ia^tofccfertcflf, ri^efloxoingtiuer^ rent)» 5 ^uUtTHertwf, tt)nr fi)c^ tD^tcI) foto m teatetf t'n ficcDet ^ time VDill come, tDljcn ti^ev Ojall rcape in mirtl) anD tof* 6 Tbefvucntantivuept, m bearmg of tl)eic p;ec6bcrt)ctt:fafc2acD, I TCl)oagI)vc''if«cwlfmtl;emo]wte, SlnD & at ntct^t 33 Jnte to bcD : jf ccDing full ^arDi^ tortlj bjomnc b;icaD. yctxnccc ^oin: labour ioa nnD tDo;in«, ^o> tl)£t' tol?om iSoD Dot^ loue anD Keep^, Kcccauf all ttptnge;e'tuitl) quiet flecpe. 3 Tl)ex(o%e mathc tocU to^en cucc ^ c fee, Cbat men ^aue Jjev^^^ to ento? toetc lanD, Jt i0t\)e qiftof^o-Jfi otunc l;anD: SFo} {5o"i btrnfclfeDotl; multiply, n*. (7yLcKet> att t^ou tftat feareft i5ob, ■*-' anD tuaWca in l?iS tua^; » ^o> of tl)V labout tl?ou Ojalt cate, t)appvfl^rt)ou3fav. } l_the fruitfiiU binrisf on t\)x Ijonfe SDe;*, fo Dotl) t^v ^ifc rpjtng out: irijv t^tlD;cn ftsnD lihe Oltiie vlmte0, tfyi tabic tounD about, 4 ^IjiiU att tl)ou blcft tljatf catcft <6oD, anD DcOjaU Ut tl)ce fee: 5 t^v pjomifcD 3ccufelem , anD 1)13 fencitjc. 1$ ^ijou Qjait ti)^ cljiiDjcn^ cbtlb^cn fee, to tl)V great io^eiS incccafe; gtnD UfecuDJfe grace on 3fcacU, pjofpecttte anD peace. StPe exj>u£ncr,tliaii)}^ i6{)ait« bcncaffli«eainallagcjr, foj leD me from my f oitfl;, vet ncucr djcv p^cuapieD. J >OpoHmvbAcfteti';eplotccrtfpiot»e&, anD fo?totuf lonij DtD caft: 4 CljetigljteoHS' 2.011D Ijati^ catt^i ml^ ofVDicfteDfocflfatlaft, 5 T\)ev tt)tt Ijate ^tm Ojalbe O^ameD, anDturneDbachalfo: S anD rttaDc as? gtaffe bpon tl)c !)o«fe, \Dl)ic]) tDitl)etctb ere it grotij. 7 U9J)crof tbe moxucf can not 8nDe, taougl^tofiUtjiixi^anD: S^C} i)t can fill b?« lap tljat qoetl), to gleanc bpon t^e UinD. 8 /loj paffetjS b? p;wv <5 oD on t^em, tolet^isfblcffingfall: jflon fay vuc bleOc you in tije name, ofi&oDti;e;Lo;(Dat8lu DefrofuKdu. Pftl.Cxxx. W.W. ffttn (ff^ctuatitf pjaofi: of bim t^at fo; \vi fmntf l^at niaaj»n«a great aftlictions, anftnottait^Sanajng ^ fulb tcu»ttb anti alTucett) b"" felfe.to obrainc mercf «nD foi^ciicnes af bis Qnne;?, ana at Un^tl; adww zatince fcaoi all euil5. C;iD to tl;ec 3 malte mv mone. tDl)en Danngeta: me opp^eOie , ^f call , "} telcITc. 1. Ideate not»,0 2-oiiD mpre* ffi"i?i=-^^^-^U4^ ;i="^^ qiteit, fo; it fs^ full Due time: SnDIet tl)tne earetf aye be p?ea , bnto t^<£( ftes '^-^-T^ ) Xe?Doiit<5oDiftl50utoay, Qxxt fmtic£f anD tl)em pctufe; |©l)o fl)all tl;cn efcapc anD fay, 5 can mv fe'.fe etnife?' 4 lSut5Lo!iDtl5ouattmctcifitlI, anD tumcRto b^tljv grace: Cl;attuc vDitt) Oactc;* moil cavefitH, i^oulD f ewe befojie ti;y face* j:3« ^o Pfalme, Cxxxi.Cxxxii. < 5n<5ot)1putmvwljolctt«(l, my fdulc inaftctl) on \)isi "OJtU: 4f 0) W V>omifc i;a( mod uitt, an!)3l)opctl)et;uifttll. < ffJV ^ou\c to <&ot) t)ntl) tcijatD, tDi3)m3f£)>!)t'nalU)«V* ^ _^ 0To;ic tben tDn' that watcJ) RttD t»«m, tu fcctl)cOatDnmat>a^ m :Lct 3ftartl tl)cn bolDl^', tntJ)2 3-o>T)»)utt)tfftntO: *)c ts(ti)at <&ot) of metct. tDatDwDeliuetmiia. S iFo>t)c it tjB tt)at mitft laiw, 3n:3Cllffoml)tjQf&ntte: flnD all fiKl) a£f fiKclv l)a"e. tljcw con&Dciicc tn i)fm. Dominenenefi. ffulCxxxK M. CJDaius t^arjrt toti? ambitie.s gtrtp bcBm to caigM, njeftSet^ l)i« ^mniUtic, nnBmoseau btfojt botDba bo\» to 3acob,t iSoT),to hcepe fo; eiicc- moxc. 3 tofll not cemc \uttljtn mp Ijoufe , no> cli«ic bp to iiif brt, noji let nvtcijiplca taUctljeitrcll, ojtbc cfctf PIaImc.Cx3Kiij. J r ni 3 l)atte fount) out foj tlje 1^^ a place to fitte tOccon: an !) ju'^c foj 3acobfi( <5oC to be; an Dqbitation. < DDc tjcacD of It at i£apl))nta, tljctc tib tDc locate ti)ifl( fotmb: flnb tn tljeftcPJcaf anDfojteftctf tl;et», tljcHe bov«fl( ftttl vuei c founb. 7 tD e VD ill aCTa^ anb goe in noto. ^itftabrtmaclctljece, ©efo>c l)<«f footftoolGto fallboujne, bpon out hncetf in fcarc, 8 attfe O Xo-fi aiifc 3 fav. into tl>ptcQing place: aSotl) tt)ou anb tl)e atttc of tf)v fttengt^, tl)e p^efcnce of tt>i? gtacs. ^ X^a«t1)|»pjieactfbJrtotl)ebi4>>b, tDtt!) triitl) anb i:t3l)tcoufnc«( . let all tl) p famtcjef anb Ijolv men, finjj all tDiil) tnvft»lncsf» 10 anb foil tl>ffeniant2Dauibjai fake, refufc net 1-o>b (3 faf) Ci)cfaceof tt)ine annomtebl4>;ib, 0) tucneit^{> face atoa^. Theficondfitrt. 11 Tl)cio»b to lDautbftDO>e in tttttU; anb xutll not OjjinHc fcom it; Saving tljc fciiitc r tl)v bobp, t>pontt)v(eAfeO)allQt. 11 anb if tl)vronnejtfmf(Ouenautt(ftcet»ep tl)at 3 O^ail Icame eci) onet ^t)en Q^all tl;ctt fonncd fo;i euet tit, bpon t)t^ p^tncclv tt^^onc. 1 J l^eXoiib ^imfclfcl;atl) cljofc Siflit, anb lotted tl)etinto btoell: 1 4 Saving t\)xs in m^ teaing place, 3 lone anb itlie tt vuell. 15 anb3tGtiibleacvDirt)9reatincceaft, l)er bittav ic0 citccf vdI)ccc ; anb 3 tntll fatttV vottl) b;u;ab. tt?enebvtl)atbctl;ece. i< 7ca3tt)iUbccfecanbrtott)ljetp;ieOcjR, tDitt)inr'''*l»''tton: anb all l)cc rtobab: ^o;i 3 *?aue ttjcic ojioa^nbc fo) nvfnt, a lantt)0)neb;itgl/tanbgciOb. 18 as fo? l)isi enemieisi J tutll clot^, tu r i) Q) atiie foji enccmD;ic : jl3ut3 tctii caufe l)t0 ctotone to Ojine, mojw: (uH) tl>cn l)erctofo>c. Ecce fjUttm.^ftl.Cxxxtij. IV, W . C(C^itr pfalme conrauwr^ tbecommen&arivnafsftbt^ otia b^oc^irlp aimtp, VD(;ic^ fo; t!)e rrcdicncy tt)tt»l ■ t0 pinpaccato t^ema(}})r'c?ou9 0pU>U]brttDit^ t^* fumtg ontlve oat) i.iiicumtntes of t^t fiabesa»At \aete tuioinub.tifotus.rti. itnj; this Ai the I J7. Tfilmt, f) tpa\x3 Ijappy a t^tng it iH , ^ anb to i'tuli to; to fee: 3e>rti)jen togctl;cc fall to i?Otte, »7t I ^ PfalmC* CJxxxiiij. anD ti)« coftly orntmcnt: 5U)l) alone, btitt)>cn(l)tl)«l>«art>tl»o»«S»)OUt : 5nt> finalit rt t»iD i;«n towne D Sion tuttt) l)ta filucc DM)P|. tt)c ftcia^iS VDttl) ftnttMftiot^ »»♦ 5 5Cucnr0t^cXo>Dt)ott)pouwont!)cm, l)is;bleffmgSfnantfott>: H)l)ofc Ijartc^ anb mmDetf txittI)ou« «l jutw ti^tjj Unot bo fecpc anb l)olb. Ectenunc.fftl.CxxMit^^ JV.K.* *^ v<^ — X— — — — — — e^olDc anb l^aue tegatb, ^t fcr-. uauntcsfoftljcXojbc: tt)^t^to^_ !)oufc bY «b DtS p>aT?fc)« bu«, ^tsbcncficcsf cntbjiacc. 3 5Fo> VDi;r f /£ 2.o>b ^Oo^tT) bori) catti) snt) l;caue» frame: l&ortj StcnblrfTeanbtDiUconfetBe, foj cttctmcjc tJ;c fasnc. Laudate ntmen, Fftl. Cxxx^.N, hat^B«la«6 ^"'»"»"'<*P*" rije'tonfuTiom o£al J»»la« pjavrcl)tm,pja^rcljtmVBitl)onc ac-. «>)b; =nalm^.LfflV. 5^0 rtje fcnwntflf of tije Xoj* . © p;atfe J;ta» te fl;at Sanb anb be, in rtjc i)Oufc of t^ ib^sifcg^ 5Lo>b: ve of \)i& coutt anb of l) ti)isf 3 hnoto anb am tbWbetVSTeat: jl^c tjf ^?el)atl)mtl)ceajctDbtbonbci:flf8wac, © i£gttbovb of baimtc«(: Cn ^Ijarao tt)p airfebkvng, anb ^i0 fctiere ferucntcff. lo i^c fmotc tl)enmanvnatfonjBf, anb bfi) gt eat arte^ anti tljtngsf : •fyc^txo tljc gtwt anb migbttcC, anb cl>icfefl;oftl)ewl»mgesf. n SeDonUtagoft^eamoiittejat. 6nbOghtngof25Rfan: tit Vxxo alfo ft t liingtomcjtf all. tl)at«ercofCanaan» ij anb gatictbettlanb to 3u:acU, anljctttagctDC fee: tro 3fraell)i^ otcncpcople, anljcuitagetobee. I I ;ri)f name © 1 o;b (^all ftfll cnbntc, anb tl)^ Kiemc;iialt: ;rij;on?»icKt all gencrattontf, ti)atareoTCuecOiall. 14 TT i)c ^cJl^ vutu futcir not!) aucR$c, l;ii9; people fiU 10 iecfcc; ^^ 7}0ittl;cs ant) cannot unit cfca.mt) Ijauc no OgDt: (fjjeaha, «7 Zljcv \)Aue the c.itps; rtjat ijtuvt HOtijing, rte:{: inoutt)e0 be b^e^tl^tcffe quite. i8 lt3f)stfoitcalltl;q'ateUStetotl;em, tl7«t Co Bo frt fljean fojt^: anH uhctDjfe tl;ofr tJjat tcuft in t\)em, 0} tUinhe tl)ev be ougljt vuojtU. If Or.llrcljoufcfifJftartI, fee tijnt ve p^avfcrtK Xo;I): Slnl) f c ct^at be of ^lanuui Ooufe, p>>ivre ()i>'n tDitlj one accoikO, 20 anD vc tljat be cf l,citir,tf l;onf«, pjiavfc fc UHetujQ; t\)e ^.ojiD: An]) all t^at SatiD m atue of l)im, p>ayre Oim tDtt!) otic acco}Q. » I itoo our of Sion fount) l)iii piai^e, ti)t great p;af fc of tl)e %,o>0: Hplt)ittjDVDcr.ctl) in 3ciiifilesi. pjai^fe t?ini tDttl) one acco;it). Confiremim. Pfal.C.xxx'ii. N. 4rSm«tt(arM(S cr^ejeahan togrKc t^anfct;; unto £•» f«;tl;(Ctt> fo> l;e tVar ° ' goot),foiW"icccr , cnDurctt) foji cucc i5eucpjavfe bato tljc ^oXk of «5otW PlUiifl^LHRVij. fo> iji0 mercp cnBureti; fo;ieiicf.i&CHe ' gjafftbhtof^c iojDe of 3Lo;tscffr^7o^ ^iX nieic?"cn&utcciyfo;cuer. "uPtTicljc fo> !lW Mieecp enbutetlj'fbjt eucc* 7 oD^irt) maDc great lig^^t to Qjtne abjdtfj.'l foj Ijjflf metcf enDureti; fo> eucc. I asr Suirne to rule tftc ligfjtfamcbay, fo>Uiffmc«j»ent)utctt) fox eixet, $ ^t>e^oone?(!dratogu(6ct^entolie. foj tils' meccj?entiiitcti)fo>eutc. ^^ 10 npl;tfl) fmotc U« rncrcf cnDnrct^) fo;i cucr. ' J tt>,l)ictj cut tl?c rcD fca (n tojo partctf . foj \)X3 mcvc\ i^nDurcti) foj catt, M 3nB gfcacj rn.iDc pafTc tljetc «;;oug!j, foj bs« msscc; ettiDiirrr'.; fo> tutz. i; ant D;iotxjnci Pi;atc9 anD \)Us l^oft, fp;!j:«f incccvcnCurcrt) fc; ciicr. x< tll^jiougi) taiiocrncff l;tB people leD, fo> tjtflf mcct^ cntaretl; fo» eiter, 17 |?cu)l)icl} DO finite great noble hinge;*. foj \}\0 tnctcf entiuvctl) fj j cner. it ObD tufjjflj l;atl; aain tl;c mteljrp hinotf, foil ^a( mere? cnDutcti;foKticr. 15 ^tiD Scljon King of tl)c amo;ittc^, fo> IJ iSl mctcv cBouictij f j;i cucc. ao an^ <0g rt)e tun^ of iSafan lanb, fo).W «»cwp fft^iiitettj «>» cuen » I anti 3a«« t!)cir lani to l;eritage, fo> l)i» mcvcp cnturct!) fo; eucc » } iEucn to l;jflf fcrucmt 3 frscll, fo) t)is jjtcccv cntJutcr!) fe? euer, 33 !teincmb;cD b^; in bafe crtate, fo; W wicrtp encuictl; foji ciicr. 34 ani)fcomopp?cai)?sfvefruca tjBf, fojijto mercy cuCmtti; fo) euer* as UJ)l;icI)gejJct^foot)bnto8HflcQj fo? Ijtflf mercp CciiJurcrl; foj eucc. 3 i ^?apfe vc tf)c iSoD of l}cauc»i abone,- fo^ !;i;a; in«cp cnturcrt; fo> eiier. »7 iSenc tljsnhcjBf \mto ttpe 3Lo?D of iojDcflf lo> iptA? incrcp cnbiucrtj foj eucc. Super flumimt. PfaJ.Cxxx^. JV.yV, triierelicriOM iiccnv. liiica in tfCfaconsutCi knu laiout ^l^j^rft otirlVDo:^ great voonocrflfujoja^e: fo> li^cn a;ef toe fat in ]&abtlon. ?i43tner:penDurc:l) fo^ mn. S UPl)iri)l>fDWtutroorim,tt>ctl)et)cattenj)f fa; l}!0 rtir*cp cntarct^ fcj cucr. :^jf^^ jzr"= ^^^^'^ ^ t ^^"^ ti;c rtucijaf tounD about: anD te cemenn g5^^ifeS^5* i^uncc of ^ton, t^c tcate^ fo> Pfalme. Cxxxviij. ^±±:M butftout. We ^jan^bottr ^atptf art) <«» Onwtcntctf ttjc wtttotn ttCfS(t)poit:iFo? in ti^at place men foj t^cit bfe, tjaB piantfiO man? one. t «!)cntt)ertfltol)omtDc pjifoncc^ujerc, favototetftennttngly: ^ «T5?^M»e wngw, ant! plcafaitt mcloDr* , 4 aiajeV^vccwDoe;aicncefeame, t«fff(J>totcfiilU)attto6nj: tbc mavfce of out Wutefl ^oo, tijustonDcc 8 Cwuttjc bmj ^ 5 jeutvcttfl^etnfaUf, ' omofntvl)a«^Qr^f*v„^ «ljcn let mi? OnsWf «uttc f owet. the warWtng Datpe to guttc. « aK n:T tongue tDttlita m? mout^ bctv^e&ieiietfaft: 5ftt)Mt3«"r'lJ'^'^»*3fce, tlrp i'M Dcimctauntc pall. * ^betefojc O )Lo>i>. wmembctnattH ' tfec nrefclinorftanlictv: Ihat tl5Vloi«;n3htj^«es;faac, attJ) fo}ti;it tf I'rt; u>;tJ;aUi Pfalme. Cxxxix. p^ ^o> t!)ou fl)p name Ijaft b? t^?¥ wo;B, aDuaurccD c net all. } jwijcn 3 atb call tijou ftcaiiwll «ne, antt tljou IjaJl niatic airo: Clje po^ct of . cncteafeti (irengtlj, tottljm mv Ibulc to ijtou). 4 yea all tljehin;e5 on eattb tb«t OjaI*> gcuepjavCttotl)e« O%o%ti: 5Fo> ttjef of tt)>' mott Ijolr mouri), t)aiic ^cort) ti)c mtg'otr tjjojU. 5 trijcvoftte'ajavc^fof i6oOtijeXoj», (nangtngOraU entreat: ©ecaiire rtjc gloj? of tl)e 2-o>t>, itijefcjtceHinggtcat. pon tl)c tD>atl) of all mv foe**, ant) faucD OjaU 3 bcc: ^ ^ ^ ^ _ 36Vt5)VttS^t*)^"^ ^^ ^ojD<&oo\»«» pcrfojime \)tfS voojl^e to mc. S ^t;y mcrc^ 5lo;iO entut^iet fo> a^e, Xoj.'a Jioe mt not f o jilafte: ^f jfafte mc net t^at am tlje tsorYit. njljicij tl;i«e oxone Ijana ftiD maue» DtmineprohMffi.PfMl.Cxxx'tx^ W. C JDfln.ft to cUnfe \ye ^atre ft.m aU *??"'«^f?''^«''f ttfieth to ke «n«mp to Ml t^f m t^at tonttinnt <5«6. Sing f his »ttht i-Ji-Tfilmt. r\%oiii tUou Ijaff me f ii&e ant) ftnownt, ^ mrfcttm^ttoatooftlmoto: > ai»I>nfin3ChemvtijO'.t3l)tc*fawr. tl)out)ntietannl>ea«lfo. ^^^,^^ , ««v Pfitl)e0 vc« anD m? if m8Do>33ne. tl)ouconip?ilfcaaVmarc»'i flnti bv familiar ciUlomc r.rt. acquaimcDtu«l)Mivvi3a?cfl;. 4 e l)olt.tt,nnt>bcfb^- thoulavefttlTpljantionme. < S Set&lUboue^mTteftcl;, (l-oit))tstD?cunninsaiiU: 3tiiKol)vetl)at3tDcf8me, canaotattainctnttU. ^ 4rramfi3lyt cf tDvaUfccinsltittte, ^'?^p"crcncetofcaP^fj^ Vtl50uattvjcfc«tfl)c«. „„ Ipii tf 3 we Dovwic below, ^"euent^eStDouBooft appear , TcalctmetafectDemcjning^tBtnsciS, tl;p tcMtjm^ ^^^^ '"c giuDc: ant) caufe me ro fubiHe. 1 1 ya tf 5 faf tljc IiatfttwjBf 0)«n, ^et Qnouo me from tlrp flgtjt: Xocxnm airo tl7Ct>achcll nigbtt about me OiallbcligiK. I a 7sai>acBnc0t)toccl)notfi;omtlt;ee,^ but nigl): Corl) tJjiiie as Day: ^0 t'DcctBcKathnca ant) t\)c lt3!)t, ace boti; 'i i'i^c aliuaf . Thefecanit p,irt. I ) iFcji tljoupoDrcflTcO l?aft mf tayncjif, ant> ti)oti l)aQ coueceb mc : JWtjcnJf vottl)m nvf mot\)et0Xoom}i9, cnclofcJ) iDa^r bp ri)ce: t4 Tl)ectutU3p^svft maDcfcacefiill?, ant) u)ont)jouflv 3 am: Ct;p vuo)hc0 ace mctutxKouS xi^t toell m^ foalc Doclj hnouj rtjc fame. 1 5 £^v bsnc^ef tl7e\> ate not t)n> ftom tl^ce, altt;oug^ mfcctct place: 3 !)auc bene mat-canD m ti^c catt^ beneatl) J O^apcD vtaier. « < SPi^en J tua0 fd^meleflfe ti;cn tbtnc ef e, fatt) mc,fo> m f(,»v boohe: lUece tD^tcen at!, non{;t)ttDa^ befo^. tt^ae aftet fat^ton toohe. »7 d)c t^jongljtcsf t-jctfoK of tijce O iCoD, IjotD Deatc fice t^ep to me:" j3lnD of tl;?ni all lpou> pa0:ng gtett, tl)c ^cn^lejj nmnbcc be:* 1% 3f 3 ujouu) count tljemJoe tljfic fiimmr, mo^c tljcn t{)c ff.nD 3 fee; 2^nIiU)I;onroeuet 3 a\uafte 19 ^l)eujtcfte5ant)t^cbIont)f men, ol) tt)at tt)ou tDouloed Qar: Kguen t^ofci © iBoD)to mfjowi Dcpatt, depart from «ic,3 f«p. ao i£ucntt)ofeoft!;ec(©3Lo;it)mv<5»>D) tl)at fpcatJefuu VDtchcaiy: ^l^ofc ti)at ace lifted bp in ba^c, besngcneinjetftotpcc. ^ a I l^atc 3 nor tl)cm t^at bats t^ec 2.0^-- anDtt)atinratneftxDtfe:' ' * Content) 3 not agamft tJjem all, ag-iinft to.ce ttjat atifc:' ft 1 3 i)atc fgcm loid; 'onfainct) ^at», t\i£i\ agnyf bsrct foc^ : l^Zvf mz{ inim iiijjsfijiseucmpeu.ajatiiaujijtt^ ^repj-iet^Dnro-rlie 1.020, ana aiiitce;^ bV^'Vlf.; ofpriJ ^clpc auo rtKcoiic. toljerfoje^cp^OHokcr^rljeiiiaf tBp}8jf«^im,aMt» T ©>5 fane me from tlje emii tnatt, snD from t!}e nucU tutglpt: » JDeUnetmc,U)i)tft)einni>oe wwjmc m tl;etc (]p;:re. I09«cl) mahe en me commua!! vow, t^etc tonaneflf loetljep banc xofjet: i iinc fccpcntejar tonDctneat^ t^eit iiptf WflPiDccjB'popfonfjt. ' 4 ^Pfc me(0 iojt):fcom tuicbct) tjanDejaf, pwtetiiemetoabiic: S^eetcom tijc ami man t^at meanc^j, tocaufcm'{'Bc}^0to flvDc. 5 Il)e wouD i;«iK! lapD a fnate foj me, «dD tl)cp l}a«e ip;ieat) a net: VDHl) tojbffl; ui mp pat}) toar, auD atnjw« fo;i me che Ijauc tJjev let. < ^l)er«o?e 3 fafD bnto tt)e iojft, Cl)ou art mp (5o0 alsne: X^care mt'O Xo;tt))(D beatc tljebayre. ttf)cctDtrt) 3 p;a^ ant) inonc. 7 © i.8tb mv j5ct) tl;.ou onclp art, tbe ftrcngtl) tljar fanctt) mc: «1P beat) in bap of battel! batl), bene toucceD tttll bv tl)ee. 8 5Lctnot(©lo^t))tbcto(chetit>aue, tt^eenDofbisfbeQce: lOecfoucme not biflf ill tbo"sbttf4cft bfe tDitb p^pDebefetonficc. f ©ftl)emtf)atcompaffc me about, tbc cbtcfcaoffi)emall: 5Lo;t) let fl;e mifrt;»cfc of tbefcUptf, bpon tbcm felucflf befall. 1 Xet toalf tf fall on tljcm let Ijim ta«, tl)ctn ill confuming flame: ant) in fieepe ptt;Bf fo as tl)cv muf, notcifeout oftl)c fame. " 1 1 fo% no bachbifcc Ojall on esrtb, be fetm liable pUgljt: ant) euilt to Deftiuction (It'.l, (ball bunt tbe cruel uitgl)!. I a 3 hnotD tbc 2.0/11) tl)csffactcl> wfll, ccuengc ant) iuDgc die poo^c: I j ^bc n«H ft all I'^ayfc tl)^ name, tuft 0)Hli t>u)eU vu:cb tbe cuciRtoiie. Dom/ne cUmaui. Pful. Cxli, N, C Tallin bcin^ grrcuottfl; pfriVmtfft biiAerSaiil, anrif fipet^iinro <3o3ta IjaTietuccotiriDcfinns t)ic>« Ic \iis aiFccttonSit^at ^e .mil)) {tacitutl)) ii&r9cnU>9ek 2-o;l)bpon tbeet)o3c8ll%0(il> 1 ^4=^ bafifbec bnto mc:£nl)b?ath«»2-oi'l> ips^^^^g^^ t»ntd 1W2 bsyce.tobfn 3 Do n^ to t^ec j.Pif p/jIme.Cxli. Cxlij ag-T^.?- i.sifi tnfcnce let mp p^a^ec be, ttttected M^-^i}^ -jnra!-T^-'|-5 g m tl)mecTe;«:anbtI)ebpltfcf«g of mv £ -'-<> 4'^^^^"? ^^ t)anDes?,a;af euetttngfacciftre. 3 505^ l.o>D,fo» gatliing of m^ ttioutl;, fet rijou a tnatcij before: 0^ al(bofmt>moutngtt»kect)tf?oHt$eDoij?c. 4 ti^at 3 OjoiUD tDtcften toojhcif commit, mcUne c^ou not m^ l)art: ltE>iti) tit men of ct)etc DeUcatej8 , 3U>;A tet mt eat no pact. 5 JtBut let t^e ctg^ottfi^ finite me 1,0>D, '£(i]Lt^ tsr gooti foit me: ; JLa^imtep^oueme.anDti^efame a piiectou^ ovle (Dau be. i[ jSuti^ (mtting G^aUnotb;ieakemv9eaI), tDetime Sj.iU Qjojtlv fall: J8)^en 3 OjaU m tJ)c«t; mtfcFf, mabepitav^'^ fo^ tliem all. C trijm ti)l)cn }cti) U)oot},o) i^e tt)at M^cti) in tl)e geounD. i ffintOmyi^jDHTp^Soli^mmce^eief I bolooltebpbntotI;ec: t 3[ntt)cea beep me from ti)t fnarc: ^ SInti feotn tl>s fiibtile fnatc£ of t\)em t^ct tDKHia) vuoiiUej;;* arc. 10 ^^c\ti»ct5«3)tntotl)ereou)n nctjsl tos£tl)cclcttl)c»«faU: XOl)ilc J to b^ tl^y iKipc cfcag^, tl>s5aKngcroft^em all, ^#r(f mea ad. I'fkl. Cxlif, ' lif. C S^aItib nepc^cc aQonieb toic^ fent;c,Ro; tactcb ate«r toit!> (Uigrt , no? fojceO bp nefpctatioii , taotilb* Wl [- ^aule, but topt^a qttirt inpnOc Mrcetes.^f)»e»v«e* ' 9;af n bnte i3oti,Vu^fl bib ^;erccu( brm. iSj;;^ this At the 141. Tfalme. (t5 tDttl) m? \i&itt, "*-' 3 l)tt) fenti out imp n:y> : jSlnt) tDit^ mv ftravncD bov^ e bnto tl)e XoiiU ^ot) pja^cB 3 . a fiS'P met)ifattoninl)vsfiiS)t, to ponte 3 mi5 not fpace: jainb in tl;c p;cfc«rc of tlje 2.o;I), mv trouble 6ii3 t)cclate. } aittJousVpcrpiejtetitucrcmvflpintc, Pfalme. Cxiiij. pj *rtf patlj voa^ hnotuen t(x tXyztx 3n toav wl^ce 3 D«b tuaifte>« fnate tljc^ QilV laf ^ fo> me. 4 3 looht anb bietueb on m? tlgl)t Qanb, but none tl>ere tuouib me ttnoto : %\X refuge fa^leb tne, anb fo^ vxi (bulcnonecacebtl)o. J ^IjeKct^bcJionbtoiijecattafavb m^ l^opetl)ou onelv art: ^l^ou in tl)e lanb of ttuing act mf poi^ton anb m^ part. < l^achc to vxf cc^,foj 3 am b?ougl>t fuIllototbeUuecme Jf com tljem tJjat bo me pecfenite, fo? me to itrong tljc^ be. 7 ^^)at 3 may pjavfe tl)v namc.my fotile ftompMCon 2-o»bb)ing out: «Dl;entt)ou artgoobto metljetull Ojali p^eafe me cotmb idiout. DemineexttHdi. Pjal, Cxlii*. N. f[an MBttcft p?ap«r fej temiffion of ffttn«, aclinet«leB« ijinj t^at t^c enempe* bit> tricrilye ifttUtute l)pm b; ojib in t})v natinc trut^ anb tn tl)f iuflice amiftoccc me. 2 3n iubgemcnt toit^ tlj? fttuatmt>U>3ib, ol),enternotataU: 5Fo? infttfteb in tljv 6gl)t, not one tl;at \w&- \y Ojall. 3 T^e cncmic l)a{ilj pucfiieb my foale, my life to gcounbl)at^ tl^otocn: anb laybe mc tntlje barftc Itftetljem tl;iat Scab are long agone. 4 199 ttl)ttt me in pecplc^itte, \aag mine accomb;ieb fpicitet 3U»b in fs^toas: my troubleb ^art, am^(fb^nb affltgl;t. 5 yet3"cc^iEb^imepaft,tnali t^tDojhcs'3 mebttatc: yea in t^ voe^ftes; 3 mebttatc, tDl)tt^ tby l)anbcsf ^uc create. 6 To tl^ce tljce. 10 Zef.c\:) mt to bo tl)TC tuill fn? t^ou tl)Ouart ni^ j5oD j'ft?': Xet tb^ goob rp(t»tc bnto tiK lanD ofmcrcf me fonucp. 1 1 ^0% t()r names' Tahe totti) qutdttttng^ situe tin tI)oti itie niahe: flint) otic of tcoubic bMns m^ foiile, ciicn fo^ tbv lufiice Talte. li anbfojtijv'tncrcf flaT>mvfoe;e<, O %0-iXi bcfiiop rtjem nil Cl)at t)o opp;c(re mv foule.foj 3 ti)p rertiaiint ant,anli Q^alU BenedtiiHS DiJminut, Pfatm. Cxliiij. ^ T'aui* i«jay fetl> t^t Mot* tolrl> ffrtat afff ction anft ^«i# militie To; l)»flkinjDom« tufioj»ti,an» foj V >''"?* ofctapiieft , y«t calling f«i ^tlpe/.atta t^e DtBruction of tbctaichea : pjomifing to ackn»toUBg» t^« fametDit'* a ftingof p,:«i>rc» , anO &«d«cet^ to^cwi* t^* feUtiti* •FanvpeepUconriScc^. 5xnj f/ji> 4/ the r^i.P/alme, ff^Ua he H)c %oii> nvf ttten^t tl)at ftotft -*-' cnftturt m^ t)ant)c0 to ftgljt: Cl)C io>t> tl)at botl) mr finger^ frame tobattcUbv^i£(migi^. » 5!jctflfmv8oobndrc,fo)it,anBt0U)ee» beUuct;cc,nnb Qjiclb: 3n l)im JtmQ.mf people Ije fid>bue;8'to me to velbe. 3 ©io>b,tDl)attl)in3Wfman.tl^fttl?at out; ronne;ai mttf be ajor t1)e pUnte^, >»^4om g^wing eattt) boti) teste; Pralmc. Cxiv. ere be no gomg out,no cry toittim one ftteete^et be mabe. 15 ^J)P pcoplebleffcb ace, ft)at with fuel; biecrmgsf are fo fto?be: yea blcffeb an roe people are, tu^ofe j^ob 10 00b tl)e 3Lo?b. Ex^ltatit te Dem. Pfal.CxK. N. jl-,but fpctiall^ fo} ^p« lotipns kpnanta totaiatOfl t|>ofc t^c tall j>poa^pm,t^)at f«dt< xs^^^^^^^^= m t)te VDttl J taub mif i&obmv hmg anb bleCTet!)? name £o>8fe:>.iroi) euer tuill 3 pya^fe ti)?name>anbblefl^ :^^^^^^ tl)ee bav bg bay. j.' iStcat i0 rtje 3Lo;b moS tDO;ti)p p>8?fe , t}i;er greatne;ef non^ can teafl^: 4. i?tom race to tacet^ (Dall tt^U)0]ihej9'p>avre, anb iiripoxtn m e« p^acl;. 5 3 oft!)? 8lo;toiM{ maieOie, t^ebfautvMJiU tefo>b: ^nb mebttatc bpon tfyf vuo jftctf moftVDonbctfiill© 2Lo;b. 6 anbtl)cvOjall oft!)vpotuet,onb tl;v fearcfull actc0 Declare; j3nb 3 to publitDc all ab^oab, tl;vgtcatncffe voill not fpate, 7 anb tl;ET into tl;e tnerxion Qjall bjcahc of t!)V goobneflc great; ^nb 3 aloub tbr rig^tconftieOe, mftngingOpaUtepeat. tVt^ 1 ^- i^Ialme. Cxivi.' f t:^tXofi> out 4&ob i«( gcaatou;er. | anDtiteccifuiUiro: Of great abountttng metc^, atiD to anjsec ^e t^ floto. '■ f yea gooD to aU,(ml> all t)i;ef too^ke;tf. It)*;* mctqc Dort) cjcccbc: •a 3Lo «lltl)5>U30^heflfl>oiJ?Rifctljw J-ojb, anDUo tl?v i)o»*"t (p>ct>. f / tDI)f fattttec Da blcOe tl;cs and tl^e? t>o tl)^ htngijoiiics glojv Qjotu; 1 % anD blafe tl)p poiuet to caufc tije foiwe;* 0f tneni^is potoetto hnow. The ficond part. I J ielnD of l)t;6f tnigl)tp ktnuDomc Che, to fpneal) 1)13' glojion0 pitapfe: CI)? ftm^omc J-ojO a htngDome ifi, tijatDotl) entiitcaltunvc^'. anb tl)v Domtnton tl7;ou3b ccl; age. enaucctf tuttijow Decay. 14 ^^c3Lo>t)topi)olt)ctl)tt)cmttjatf8W, tijcic fliDtnij {)c tott) tta^. 15 ttJjccrejtfofallDottia^tcont^, ti)ou Doc& tl)eni all ceKeuc; UnDt^outoccl^fufftcmjfoQb, -,:. in fcafon Diic Cecil gcuc. /, ■ - i6 ^l)ouopeneafI)f botmtcott;s(^8tit>, ani) bontcoitflp Doott ftU: flU ti)m3f0 VDt?atfoci{ft Dotl; liue, tDirt? jJiftCflf of «)? gOOb XBtlU 17 ;ri)c Lo^biafiuftm all Ijw' waves?, t)tjefU}o;|{e;ffatt i)olf all: 1 3 i|leaccaUi;ct;0t^atcallon&tm, tn ttutl^ t^at on l)im call. 1 5) ft^e tljc bcflice^ tDOtcl) tl)ev require, tl)at feate l)tni VDtll fttlfttl ; 9nb t)e tDtlt t)eate tl)em tuljen t{)ev ctf , anb fatie n;em all ^e mU. so Tri)e 3Lo)b p^cfetuetf all tl)ore,to I)itn t^at bcate a loutnij ^art: Idut ije t])tm all tl)at totctteb ate, tDillbtterlyfubncrt. 21 ^e^yt^anftfulimoutf; Qjalljjlabl^Ctealw tl)e pj8yfc5;offf)c3Lo)b: 2U flefl' to Piuipfe ^10 \)o\^ name, fo;ieitet;(^altacco;ib. LituJa a»/mx me4 .P/a/.Cxl^i, l.H. ClDautb Ofiaiing tti« great ticGtf ^(^ati to piaffe (0«k tMc^tr^ t)ar nanel>euU put t^ctre triitt in men: teiia 4aa(dan:: ib^^o id almig^tpeaaD »diiin:ct|| t^<;yronettf «tUbc:t7« ,c0info;tct^ t^e fat^eiUOJe.totBobie^, anb C^«ih:an5i;t0, anftcAignct^ binj fajcuer. vyi)!^ this at tht I J 7, T Jaime. "Xrj fetilc pjavft tl)0u tijc loitb altoa^e/af, ^*-* m? ^ob 3 VDtll tflnfcffc: 2 nptjilc b;cati) anb life piolong mp bave;Jf, mv tong no t^nic Umil ceafe. J ^tuft not in U3o;lblv ^O^incetf tl?en, tljougl) t^cv aboimb inyoeltl): flOiiati)e funnes of mojtall men, in tDt)om tljeic i;tf no l)cUl). 4 fo} tt)l}?ti)e«c b;tetl)b8tl) foonebepatt, to e&ttx) anone tl;cv fall: ^b tl?en tMc coimfeigt of t^eiti;att, befa^anbycvtO^all. Pralme. CxIvi;T pj $ C^app^uftbatttMin^iflif. toi^om J&cobg i^ob boti) ftf be t o&^opebott)natbec«if. but en tipe Xo^ i;er da? b. 4 &)l)f, tl)el}e8ue]};of t^iettttljaU: XO^id)r>ott) 6t;9ftt;o^banbp^mtre6e(ie> tntnitit? anb eaccl^alt. 7 «Pttl)ngl;taltDayciffbot^>Ijcpjocebe, fo^ fuel; a^tf fuffec toeing: Z\)e poo]te anb l)ungt? \)e botl; fcbe« anb lofe i^e fettetis Orong. 8 Tf)e 2.011b bort) fenb tlje blinb tljeft Bgtt. t^clameto lints tettojc: Cl^c 3Lo^ (3 fa?) botlj loue tl)e tigljt, anb tua man cuetmo;.c» 9 8?ebotl;bcfcnbt!;cfetl;ctletf, tljcllKnger«f fab in ^att: 0nb qutt tl;e toibouj from bilttefiTe, anb ill men0 vo&'^eis fubuett. 10 tCi^pi,o?banbi5obctemallf, oti to 6ng : fo; tt i0 plea '. fant,anbto p^ayfe, it V^ -R^ — - tl) f)e butlbetl) bp alone : f tl)c bifgctft ^^^^^^^ of 3IftacU,botl) gatf)ec into one. J l^c l)t&\c0 tftf b?ohcn in tljcir fjatf, tl)eir fo;ic fep bott) «)c bmbc : 4 jf^c conntejff t!)e nmnbct of tl)c ttar^,. anb names tbcm in tl^cichinb?. 5 i&r cat is tijc iojb.gtcat i0 W potoce, l)tS tDifbome infinite: 6 ^l>e 1,01b reltct»c»tl)cjnel?e, ^tl^jottjeiCf, to i;^tounX> ti;c toicbcb tcigDt, 7 ©«ns bnto iSob tl)e %o}^ \Bitl; p?atre, ~bnto ii,e ^ojb reiov^e: pS Pfalmc.Clxviij. artb to out ^oD bpon tl)c t)«pe, atiuaunte font Unqtaq tw^c S l^etouctjtfl)eaucntDirt)ciouD)a(,ant)fo)l t^c eactl) pucpaml) tame: iSlnD an ti)e inmunam;a i)e Dotl; mabe tl)e grnffc to gcovu agapnc. 9 l^t geueff to beaded tt)cic foot),anD to VOimg Uauensf \xi\)cn tl;ev ctf • 10 :^tjQ(plea('titcnot macciujl^tof bo>fe, no> in mancf Icgfif Dotl) lye. 11 iBut in all tl)ofctl)atfcatctl;c3Lo>to, . t^c 2-o>t) ijatl) l)i«; Dsligljt: ant) flicb atf Do attcnU bpon l)isf mctcf ea( Ojmtng Ugl;t. The fic0>i(i part. /» (DpM»Tf'5t!)cZo>I»3[ccMral£m, tl)v <&o^ ^cnl)el)atl)blctttntl;cc, anO in tl)v bo>t)cr0 tw, X>otl) fettle pearc: a nO mti)t])eEiOXact, of VDt)cat 1)2 duett) tl)ce. 1 5 anb l)i0 commatm^cment bpon ti)c eattl) be fcniictl) out: ant) Che l)ij5 tDo;t) tutt6 fpectt coittfc Dot!) froiftlv nmne about. 1(5 i^e gcucti) fnoto utfctDol(,i)0]iefiro(l, Itftc nQ)cS Dort) t)c fp>cat): 1 7 iiUc niojfels; cdttcs tjig ifc, tljctof tt)c colDc tt)l)o can abitie/ 18 t^cfcntictl)fo>tl)0«S^»n«al)t?\MO>b, ant) mdtcti) tl)cm againc: fpi0 tutnDe i)e maUe0 to b(oto,anli t<>D, to 3acob Dot]) t)e Qjctu : l^tfi:IlatutCie(anD l^ttf lutgcmcntjS I)C geuc0 3fraeU to hnoto. a o Uj> itl) cuciv nc-ticn i)at^ l)c not, foDelt,ni^>tl)Ci' l)a»c hnottinc: T^ifi fettct tuDgcment^B vc ttjcrtojc, pj^fi: ^c tl)e 2.0^ alone. Lau^Afe Dominnm. pfal,CxK>iij,T.P^ tf lj>«!t^aicett)8Uccciiture< to {sjapfe t^c X.o;be> in pifixiet: t^ac t|c t)3tV 0^i ^(^ac^ t4itm To iicdce knto ^iiu. G^^^^^^^^ -~^tf iRxxe laut) bnto t^c Xo;t>, fcom l)ediien tOat t^ Ci t)tc : p^aife ^tm m l-eOc ano tDo;iDc,aboue tt)e '> ttatrp ffcV. !ino alfa ye l)ifi( awiflcw all atmiegs Pfalme. CxUx. « I 10)kA^fe!)FinbotI)meone»runtie. IOl)igi)t, ^l)c fame of ^ou be Done, ycglifttnig ttatffof UgW, 4 anD ctie xui leflfe, yc l)eaiicnj!( faf>c, 5 ant)tiouDefl(oftl)eay>«, t)\!i lauD ctpjctTc. (5 iro)i at l)j0 tDoji) tl)cv tucte/ ailfo^meDatf tocfcc: at tn^at bof ce Dtt) appeace, ai( tl)tngs in tbeic beQtce. »i)l)itl)l)efctfaft, ^0 tl)cm«t)e maDe atavuanDtraDe. iFojayctolaO. 7 tnce;j( anD all iuDge^, tri)at in ti)t ido>id remavne. aC^calt J)i0 nawie, 12 yong men anb maiDe0, OlD men anD babcjff, jDovctljefame. 1} ^o:tl)tjernameQ)alU)ep!teue> tobemoftorccllent, lDl)ofc p^a^fc itffarabouc, trt)c earti) anD firmament. 14 ifof facel)ca)al, iE)ealttt)ttl)bUai:, ;tl)eboj«eofl)is<, anD^clpctl)em all. t)i6 faintfl( all rtjal foK^ tell, t)iS p^ia^'fc aiiD u)0>tl)tnes(, tri)C c^ilDjcn of JfcacU, iCcl) one boti) mo}.z anD letlb. 15 anD alfo tl)ev. ^I)at tDtt^ gooD iDill, :^i5ftt)o>Dc;B(fiilftll, anD l)im obev* Cant ate D amino. ffal.Cxltx. A*. ff an ci;l)o;tncionco t^(>I^iit(l)t*pia)*f(t^(l.otti fo^ ^15 Bictoip ano conqucQ , c^ac ^t 0eii(t4 ^ta (^ntM Asaiitii all man^i^poUiei:. ^ :i±: ro)?flll,p;iaife ^im vuiti; glee, ^ iSj^^ f/;/i tu the \y]. Pfdline, CJng ye bnto tl)c iJjjD out iBoD, ^ a ncu) reiovcmg fong: anO iPttt^e Bav^c of ^tm )>e i)c»tb, i|^ Pfalmei Cxlix. CL ' 1)10 1)0l^ ratnttffli amonij. s Xetjtt&ellttioigcc m\)igm, tl)at maDe i)im of notf)iag: jftnD let tt)e reeD of Sion eHe, be toiffiiU in r^tkins. ) Xet t!^ founD p>a^e ttitf; bo^ce of %,ute, tt(to})i0 1)011^ tiHtnei Slnt) tuitl) ti)cZimb}ell and tt^et^acpe, fiHg Piiavftjs^ of ci)C Tame. 4 ^o;(tu6^:'ti)el.o)Di)tiQ:pieafttreaU, ^)m^ts(pcopiefet: Slnt> bv Dcltitecaunce l)e tutll ca^&, tt)e meebe to ijlo^v tivcat. 5 llDttI)glojivanDtDttl)f)onojnovD, let alltl)c famtcjar tetof cc: 6 ^t) nou) alouD tipon t^ett bfD;a(, fttjuaimce tijctc fingmgbovte. ant) m tJ)cic mouttjejef let be tljc actejer, of jgoDtijc itug^l,o^t>; ant) tn tl)ctc Ijanoe^ efee let tl;cm bcatc, a Double eDgciilVDO^t). 7 1o plagite tlje l)cart)enjanl) cojtcrt, tl)c people tuttl) tljeic ijanfiesc g 'Cobmuctljcitaatclvkmastncljamesf, tt)cit %OTXitg tn icon banDcs". 5 ^0 cjccccutcontl^cmtljeDojiw, t^attoM«cn is before: Zl)iis l)onoj all \)i0 faintc;tf Ojall Ijawc, pjavlc ve tlJe 3Loiil> fl)etfo?e. Laudate Dominum. t'ftl.CL, 27 ^ C3rt ei:l| O!t.<»t(on to fiayCe f^e Hofti tsit^oiit ctAfingfif allinaitnrv otioiftg, foi »H ^ts mis^cieaHOknanocts ruUioojke;^. Sing this as the Cxlvij.Tjalme. yicitjc bnto ^5o^t) tl?c migljtv Xoi3>, •* pjiavfc in ^10 fanctiiatf : Sinfi p^^vt'e l)»»» 'tt tl;e fttmament, tl)at (tjcvoes i)i!3 poiuec on Ijpe. a iaDuaunte l)isf namc>ana p>avfe 0"" <«> l)i0 mig^tv actcs? alujavcgc Jlcco jDmg to 1)15; cjcccllcnc}^, of gtcatnctre gcHC Ijtm p?avft. 3 ]^!0 pjavfts; VDitl) ti)c piiinf cl^ novft, of foiiniJmg tnut)pct0 blotti ; lO^avfc l)im tpon tl)e toie ic,ant), t)pontl)ct)atpcalfo. 4 p)UiYfc l;im xuitl)^tmb;icU* voitl) jFlute, (Djigans? ant) 55icstnalsf: 5 lUttl) founding Cv'ubalc^ pjavft f e ^ittt , pjavfcljtm txtiO) lout) CvinbaW. ^ llD^atcuetljfitljtljcbcnditc, of b;teatl)ing p;iavfctl7C 2-o;t): ;Copjaffctl)c na!i!Cofi&oDtl;ei,o>t», agree uxti) one accofli. Theeitdof the PptlmesofDauid, \)ic\} \)iA\) b;ougl;t vou into \)ifi \i^)t O pjavfc l)v«» <^l'- people nuntall, 11^ it i^ mod t)^0]itt;ip and xi^jt. Thex.Comaandementcs. pp if 0) i)e i;tf full betetrntneb, on \>s to poute out t)i0 merest SUrtJ tl)e iojbeiB tcui* be vc affutcb, d>fbet^pecpetuall]f. Glory te to God the Father. KAudtt lefui Chri(l his truefinne: With the holy Ghoft in like mamet, Ntff Mid at euery fiafip, ^An exhortation vnto the prayfc of \ God^te hfiitg before Eueninr Trayer. T.B. SsH^this as the £. Pfalme. rt3<5?jolbHOtDfleHclbecticfucl)a^bc, ^ -'^Iljc lobbed fcruantsf fa^tUfull f tcuc, Comepw'fetl)cXo;t)cucc^t)cgtec, _ lOttl) fuel; fongcflf a^f to l)im ate bue. © Tpc tljat Rant) in tl)e TLojibctf l)oufe, iSuen moutotoni^obatmanSon: V>?a?fe ye tljc 2.0 jb fo bounteous;, DPt^ict) tDO^Uetl) outfaIuation» l^iftbp ^out banbefif tti l^itf !)olp place, yeaant)rt;attn tl)C time of nigljt: JOjavfi^ V^ ^^^ 2.o>b tBl)icl) geuctl) all grace, iFo> i)c ifif a i-ejib of great mi^)t, Z\)en OntW tlje iojb out of Sie«, T^\)i^ mabe i^eauen f eartl) b^ l)i0 potoer. i5eue to ^ou anb vour nation, t}ifi ble(rtng,meccv,anb fauour. Glory to Gadthefathtr. ^0 afo;te, ^The X.Commaandementcs of al mighty God. Ex-od.xx. VV.VV» t^tenb tn? people, anb gene care, offerl^titjingejafj ujiUtljectcU : Sec tl)at m'i xoonnefi in minbe tl^ou beate. -L^ %^ xpi=^ ^0=ii anb to tav p;icccpt5i Itften tocli. « 3 am tl)v foucratgn iojb anb fSob, JDt)tcl)l)atl) tl)eb>ou3l)t ftont carefuH t^^all, Slub eftc reclaimct) from pl)ocacsi rob, <^aftctl>ecno ^ob^^ontljemto call. a i!io? fsQjioneb fo?mc of an^ t!)tng, 3n Ijeaucn o? eattl; to VDc;tfljtp it: 5Foj 3 1^ <5ob bt reuenging, JOit^ greuou/ff plaguesf ti;is; finne totll fmitc. 3 ^ahcnottnbainel)tsiJ)olpnamc, abufc it not after tt)Vttiill: jf o> fo t^ou migijtft foonc purcijafe blame, anb in l)ts tDjatt) !;c \DOulb tljce (i)tll. 4 ^l)c iojb fro VDo?l?c tlje fcuctl) ba^ ceatt, anb b;ou3i;t all tl)ing0 to perfect enb; 'The lordcs Prayer. ;SotI)oit(int)tI)inetDatT)it^tatte trll. Zl)at to il^otia ^cftctf ifi mttf ntttnt, S X>ttto tl)? patmf erf !)ono> getic, flaf <5ot)jaf commauntifnicntcrf Ho p^rtcrtb! ^\)tit tl)ou long t)rtvej* anD goa^ mstft liiic, Jn CMt^ tDljcce <6cD a place Dart) le«»). < ISetDate of tnutti)et anQ rtiicU ^«tc. 7 ail6ltl)rfo>mcat«onfe«c: S £ectl)ouftealenotiniinii>rat?. 9 fm(e tDttncffe ngamtt no man bcate. 10 ;ri)t>inc<(3t)bo;rf !)oufcVDiOj«otto ^>aM, t}i0'(xiift o}6u^)tt\)(it.l)c taUUnitne: ^trf ftclD »)ij8( «nj tljtnj tDl)iri7 irf not tl)me. A prayer. TTIjctiJicttofgtnccgtaunt ttfO Xo0, Co lieep rt^cfe latueaf ouc l;aiterf tettoic: flnD caiire bx( all xioitl) one acco^O, Co magnt^ tlyf name tI)crcfo;e. :JPo> of ont Ce\ue0 no atcn^tvjtlfiue, Co hccpe ttjefc lavoerf after tlrp M)«ll: cup mtgl)t tl)etf o;ie © Cl);tft toc crane, C^at toe tn ti;cc maf tljem f iil&U. t^o^tifo) tl)^namerfral{cscauntb0t|)(tf» Ci)ou art our Orengtl; oi) Bamout CiTitft: Oftt)eetofpcct>l)o>u OjoulDtsemtflc, Jn toii^Qin our trcafuce Dott) confift. Co tl)ee fo;i eucrmejc be tntnite, Ktiti) tp^ fatl;er in al) te({)cct : flnt) tDtcl) tl)^ {)olv fptcite attoai^e^if, C^ comforter of ci^ine elect. f TheLordes Prayer D. Cox. Off^»» -ii^-_i»: l±siSz iW^_ m IDr fattier ml^ici) (nl)eaucn act. anD ^-rgr -F^ F.0_ii^. -'•g— '•a^ — ^ ma^Du^ aUonei9;ot02ri;oao:CocaU bpon (oee toitt^ one oatr. Ouc Qcauel? ^i:r^ The xij. Articles. IW tuo: %jet not flea7,blout>,o} an^ til, P;ctwtlc agatnd tljf l;olv 'OiW, €>cue brf tl)trf Dav ouc Da^lf b^cab, flnt) all otbcc 200t) 8«ftcrf of tl;mc, t(crpe tijs^ f com toacce anD from bloii^A, fllfo fiom 6rhneflrc,&cactl).ant)ptne: CO^^wc mav line in qutrtncDfe, HDtti^sutallgccc&V cticc&ilneirc. irOTgeuc tJ5 our offenrerf all, Kelieue our cacefull confcienrc, Slrf toe f o^setie boti) fccat ant} fmall, 1K>\)it\) bnto brf l)aueDone offimce: V)Kparc tjfl( Xo}t> fo> to fetue tt>f», 3n pecfcct loue anD bnttie. O Xo^D into tptiptattoif , :LejA bisr not tDl7«n tt)c feenD DotI; tag^ Co tDtt^ffanD l)i0 tniiafion, ^cuepoajcr anD (hengt^to oiecy age: flLcmeanDmaUeOrongtl;^ feblc^oH, J©it^fa^;anli U)itljtljcl;olv <5Ijwl*. O :(.0)t) from etui! tieltucc bst, Cbctoavc^ant) times atctangccouy^, :JFcom cucclafttng Dcatlj faue W, JSnD tn ouc laft nccb co:rtfo;tbrf: fl blcfleti cnD to to« bequcatl), 3nto tl;p l;anl>e;ff ouc (oalcs rerentie. ^0? rtjou ou l)aft poajct: otier all, CI)V 5'o;ir fttnctl; in all ct^itnge;?, 3ntl>ewtDc'a)o;tD bmuccfall; SimcnMt tt be Done © Xo}X>, Ct)atU)ei;aucp;u>fDetDttt; oneacce^b* ^ Tie xj. ArticUi of the Chri/!iM» Fay til. 33e: f.itf)«c anO aucj5oD: fi>rau'ic«)ep^ap -F^ ^» — »•»- not tDttH iifS atone , Sut \a\t\) toe t— >> — ^£lX-r<>- S^ ^ tjatts Deep Qgt) anD gcijnc. %\rf bleflfeb name be fanctiSeb, CI)? 1)01? ujojo tnoual)t b5^ cnftame, Jn l)alv J'fc f'i't to abiDe, Co magniftc tl)vl)Ol? nasne. irtoui all etro>fi( DcfcnD ant> heep, Ci)e little QocDe of 1 1;? poo^e Qjeep. Cfj? Ju«g')ome come cttcn atiti^jt/el I^OttVe, flnti f)Crtccfn?t()crtccla(ltn3lp, C^me i;olv i^l^od into b^ ^ouxt. "LX m? bchcfeanb confibence,t£r Ik M-'-^^ -»o-i "T^r i iiS=jcl in tl)e jLojD of mt3ljt:Ctc father tD^jittji !±±rcBzrrE5E ^i^^^^'^g^ 8lltOtng0i)atl)mabe,tt)etia? anb eke tnomenc, anb siro moiiif a(lan:e:Ct)e caft^ «nd alt tVat is t^crin, tuDtci) '"\l The Creede. paOe manef ceafon fatcr. and to libe mantt J beleue, 3n C!>jift oirc Xoy^W Pontic: Cocquall t»ttl) tlyettitie, SUiti man m fleO) anD hont, Conccauea b? tljc l)ol? {&'40ft» l^ijBf taoul) DotI) me aUutc: flnD of J)r^ mot!)Ct«Jai:?ba>iw, yettljcabti'smfpmc. ® ecaufc manStntic to SatJ)an toatf, ^oj finnc in bont)c ant> rt)?all: %)t came ana offreB top \)im fclfc, Co tet^f.) tr, fane W all. ant) fiiffcrtng tiioft grcttontf pa fo ^e^TC* «" tl^efleOj. ©ttt quicbncD m tt)e fpiritc; t}iS bobv ti)cn wa0 burvcD, a;Sififou\;\:)fcan:jmc. ... :(^tfi( fpttitc DID after tijffilierceni), 3nto t\)e loujct partcjff: tDo '"^ctH f i)3t long in Darfeneuc tocte, t^etcnciigUt ofrt;eicl;aitc^. pcv«P' , afcenuing to tl)c l)caiicn^ W«» V!fl fit in Qlojiv ittll: ©n SobI t«3»)t{)ant) JjijJ fatl?ej:t>eat«, fl«ojbinstol)i3ttiiU. tDntill ti)c tiav of iuTsgcment come , UPDen DC aall come agavn/ BDttl) angclfl! poiucctvct of tijatbaf , nDeoUbctonccttarns. ^0 mbge all people tigljtcouav, ^Dom IjcDatl) ccartvbougDt: Cbc luung anD tl;CDcab alto, UP^tcl) l)c Ijr.tt) mate of noug^. g nb in ti)C Doli? fpititc of iSob, ^Yfa^tDtofattffxe: ^Ijc ti)ir5 pccfon m ttinitic, ^bc l)civ a»i^ iftl)rs^|a«)v - iRclcafc anb patbon of mv Cnne*, flrtb tbat oncl? b? fayti). iSuat time all flcOj fljall tjft agatne, ©cfc?c tl)c %.cp of mi3|jt: anb fcel;?n» vottl) tl)c»t:bobclv e^tfi^ ^^!Ct; notD bo gcue tljem ligljt. anb tl)m Ojall C\n^ cut Sautout;, C'e Sljcrp anb iSoatoS beuibc: flnb gctic Itff ptictlnftinglV Co tl)ofe tt)lom l)c ijatl; tnbe. HpT)»ci; i}5 V'iie' tealmc teleftiflU, 3»glojvfo)tol»(l: })0ici)autt7et>ol? companvt Cf iSatttte;^ anb angela! bled. ttDl^id) fenied)eX4}}b omntpotent, Ob^ientlr ed) i)om;e: C tD!)om be all bominfoti, jSnb p;iav(e fo^ enetmojic. ^fr^jer ^Mtc the hsh Gkt^/ft if fing beftre the Sermon. Sin^thisasthe 119, Pfalme. /^b ftccp out Ciuccne anb !)et counftU, anb gene tljem tofll anb migl^t: Co petfcuctc in tl)^ i&ofpcll, VD^icl) tan put finne to fligljt. © 5Lo;ib tljat gcuea tl)t t)Oli? too^b, feabp^ac$ctja( plentcouflv: ,Ci)at in ti;e fame t»c mtf accojb, anb tl^etein Mw anb b)^e. b cmreafe one favtl) inbflf, anb louc fo to f o;mb: Chat man anb \D:fe be boybe of Otm, m^ nei4!)boui;s( about bsf tounb . -Jn oin; time gcue tl;? peace © ;Lo)b, ■ tonattonfiffatrc anbnre: flnb tcari)tl)cm all tl?Y »Jolv wcjbc. tl^atvacmavfingtotSjre. ^UglorytotheTnttrte. that it ofmightes moU: Theliuingfttherandth* Sonne, MdeketheboljGh»ll. ^s it hath bene in all the tjmt, that hath bene here to fere: ^s ttis new and fif hall bee, henceforth fcr euermore. Da pacemDomine. igue peace in tWe otwbftfc^ m jja p3c?lTi Domjne.THeXamentation. A thankcfgculng. K4i^ 3E lS? O l^ope , gceac taanieca «te Nom at 'cncmitf ffiirt) one acco;i5, ^anD, ti)mc d;;it{tc;ofnamcmcuecv lant), (et\^e to ?^a: 3tt: •'-» i» '•fi-^ -T H >-C^ Bcfeco , toorc otit anD race , ttjv true ;x— Mgr^.» : g _^^>^ ^ ^r!^ tx$ 't;tgt)t tDOjiCDip in DccDe : be ti)ou ti)e vC -FSJ- -«^^ £i^-P^ SB- 3«: :^ (lr>v, XQ>^vDectl)ee p;uiv, tljou t)eipetl : !is==5*£ir^Lisi ; ; alone in alinceDe, incite tisf tl;at peace tdtd) tDet>o lacft, Tl);ious5) tnifbclicfc ant) tl life: t:!)? too^t) to offectt)ou Dooft notflacK^ )U)I)tct) vue bnbtnDI^ ijatnOtiiie, IDttl)ftrcant)fiDo;iD. tl)ifl( l)eaW;fiill \330}'t>, Somepcrfcnitc anDoppjcCfe: Some tMitl) tl)t moutl), CoHfctrctI)ctEnt!). 5©ittjont fincctc goDHneffe. iScuc pcacc=^ bs( tt)^ Aiitrtc Doton fenl>, 10 iti) gttcfe ant) rcpcntauncc ttite: 3D0 pcntcc one l)atte0 out UwH to amenO. Qrio bf f a^rt) Ci^tft cenue, tEljat fcate anD t>jea&, UDacce ant) bloubOjeO, ;t!)joHi5!) tl)v fujcct mwcg ant) grace, ftJftVftomto^flitie, TCijv ttutl) m&f btHe, 3nt) 0; im in euer^ place. ^The Lamentation. C^(?toiijl)piTfcct r(penr«tmce r^ finnrt ^at^ a Curt (cuaiit v3o&, tl;ae^isrmnc;>Q|a1bc bial^t ateap in %oii> in t!)ec tjs a\i mv ttaXt , gene eave tontomvtoofntl cryc :Kcfi»fenic offenb : © 2-o>befoj tl)cm Ojall J^be j j-'-fl — »• ^^^^^^^ l;ottl)at ambniud but botmngj botunc g^;JF;^=i^^^^^=;n= ^-^"f -^^ ^ButfeatetDeXojO tl)p J^caaenl^e c?c.i5el?olDe ifs'ca 3 Do a7ent,Sft!)tt)ee toplearc 3 bouncnO. /Ilo, no, not fo ^ totll ttf bent, to bcale tuitl) finnet^r tn rDine tte: 35uttDl)cn tnt)att tljqnDalltcpcnt, t^ou granted tuifl) fpeet) t I)cic luQ; beOre. Zo ti)ce tiierf o>c ftttl Qjal J tr^, to toaOj atunv mp ftnfull crime: tri)V blout) (D i,o?b iflf not vet bjy, but tl)at it ma? I)elpe me in time. l^?aft tl)ce (D loiibjjaft tl)cc 3 fav, to poutc on me tl)e qtftcst of grace: ^l)attul)cntl)ttf life mud flitatuav, in Ijeaucn VDJ)ttb tJ)ce 3 may banc place. 3)2)l)ere tl^ou Hooft ratgnc etccnallf*, tDicl) ^oD tubtct) once t)tt> Dotun tl)ee fenft t^b^re Angels Qng continually, to tl;ee be pTHc^ie too^lD tottDout enb. ^*A thankefgeuing after the rccca- uin^ of the L*rde$ Supper. Sini this oj the i 57. Pfalmt, 'T'tfe Xo?b be tl)anhcb fo) })t0 jiftCitf, •*• anb meccv euermo>e: ^})kt l)e bot^ Ojetu bnto bijei •SatotCjtf* to t)irti be laub t^erfo^e . Our toim^ can not fo p^^e tl)e f.a]>K as l)e botl) rigijt beferne: Our \)ncttg tan not of ^tm fo ti^tnket ^ i)ebotl) b;a( p^efente. t}i0 benefitoB? t^ev be fb great, CO \)g tt)at be but Otme: Cl)at at our banbeist fb^ recompence, tljere in no l)ope to votnne. C finfitU ft CO) tl?attt)on o^oulbft Ijaue. fnri) mcFcvejg isf tl)C iojib: H^ou boott bcfcruc moje tnojitljeli?, ofi;vmtobeabl)o>b. i|lougl)t eia butQnne anb to^cl)^ieflie, bot6 reft tDit^tn our barter: 2nt ftnbburnlv ags^nft H)e :Lo>b, tDcbayli? plav outpartcjBf. Zlje i2imne abouc in firmament. t^atiflf to b0 alight: jDotb OjetD it fclf mo}e cleane anb pure. tbentDCbeint)v*0^t. ■ tri)el)eauen£( abone anb all tljerin, mo jc IjolY ate tljcn vdc : TTljey feme tl)e ionb in t^ctt cflatc, eel) one in \)iii Degree, trijcv bo not ftriuc fo» maftcrfljip, no> flacUe tl)ciE oiFtcc fct: anbbol)itf toill, no let. aifo tbc eartl) anb all therein, of i5ob it tjaima\t)e: 3t botl) obfctuc tlje fotmcrsl will, \rs fttimm imwcis law, .^ .. A thanlcefgeulng. V^e fea ant) all t^at i0 ^ettn, Dot^ bent) tDl;en i&od Dot^ bedte: tTi^e {fij,ittg benttn^ to tremble all. anb fcate l^ tojatl^ill d^eclte. iBut toe 61&I8 fo> \sl)om all Hjefe, tDcre inaDe,tl)cin fo]i to tulct 3D0 not fo hnotD 0^ loae t^e Xo]ib, a0 fcotl; f.)e O'/ce o> ja^ulc. Si in'w l)t matte f ejt t0 to linovo, tut^at \ua;3f i)i0 l)olv totllt t^tiaoult \)!S goob but ■we V60uVt> not, aH0?btl)etl)tn8is(tll. jilot one of b;ef tljat fchctlj ont, rt;e 2-o;t) of ivfc to plcafc: illoj bo tf)e t!jmg tijat migt)t b?f iovtie, to Ci);ttfl anb qmct eafe. Cl)ii;ff toe are all lyiji enemiegy tDCcanrtnotbenv: anb Ije agarnc of \)i0 goob tutll, tooitlb not tl)at tue Q)ouV> Hie, Ci^erfo^e utl^en remebv toa^ none, to b;itng b0 bnto life: Il}c fonne of <5ob out fleO) ijetofte, to mcnb our mo;ital (Irife. jOnb all tt?e inxo of i&ob tt^e Xo;b, l^e bib tt full obcv: flnb fo> ottr Cnne0 btion t^e ttoflir, t)ifi bloub oucbebtiBi btb pa^* 0nb tfjat toe (Doulb not ^et forget, ttl^ftf goob l)ete b0 tD>ougl)t: m Cgfxe ^ left our e^esf to tell, tll^iijeotnibobtejet bouj^)r. Jn b^ab anb tome t)cre btltble, tmto t^fne e^ejef anb taft: ^ig tnetciesi great tl)ou mafli tero}b» f f tl)at 1)19 (^>ttc tl)ou l)aa. a^S once tljc tf?Bc btb itue anb gtoto^ anb toa^ cut botcne faiti) Ct^: iSUtb t^efljeb out totti) man^ tttifeg^ outfcoml)t;sfl;ufKeto b^tue. flnb ftje^ tl)e Mttll tottl) btolence, " bibtcate ttoutfofmall: 0nb mate tt Itlte to eattl)lv buO, notfpatmgttatall. iJnb iis ti)c otien tDtti) fire Ijote: btbclofettbpmljeatc: flnb all tl)t0 bone ti;at 3 i)a«c fa^b, tl)at it Oiottlb be t)tir mcsrc. i5o teas' tl)c2.ojb ini)istttpe age, cut botunc bv ctucll bcatl) : t)i0 feule Ijc gaue in tojtmmtcjS great, anb vclieD tp bJS bjcatl). JSccaiifc tf)at J;c to tg mtgl)t be, ancuctl3fi:mgb;icab: K>iti) mud) repjoci) anb trouble great, on cattl) l)t0 life i)c leb. anb ajs tl)t grapc0 m plcafant t^me , arcp>cft"ebbervfo]ic; . 5tab plitdicb bctunc vcljen tljev be t^r, no;i let tc groiD no nsc^c. J5ecm(e ti;c tutcc tljat ir, tl^em 0, %■ aff comfcittable t'i.itfAe: .l]ii;^»:fgl>ticfeu«e anbtoyftrti be, »l;en rQ?orwej»nialteb;e:n;}tnlte^ . Althan^efgcuing. So Cljiitac/Bf — f.^ -1^ f O '<^ ^<» ^^=7^ oft)t9tt)!U)ne, outXo^b 3efu0 C^)tftc i j^^^^Ei5 tJ^^Dcacefonnc. Xojb 3efufi( Cl»tft OjetD fb?tl> tiyf miglje, tri)attf)ouart 2uJjb of lo^bcsf by rigi^: V^f poo^e affi icteb fiocHc bcfenb, ■c6attlje?>mayp?ayfctl)eeU)tti)o«it cnb. j5ob l)oly gi;oll out comfiojtcr, 2Scourpattcn :i)elpcanb futcour: i&CiJC bflf one nnnDe anb perfect peace, ail gtfreflf cf grace in bjat increafe. ^l)oa Uutng i5ob in perfons: tl;?ee, Tl)v name be p;iavfeD in bnitie: 5nal out nebe(ob0 bcfenb: , t:ijat tDC mav p>af fet^iec tuojlb tritljout enb» ^ A forme of prayer to be v- fcdiapjijuatehoureseiiery Mor- ning and Euening M$tnifigprayer. AXmtgl)tf <6ob f fttoCl mcrtifull Jpa* t^etjl, U)cbocnot;pKfcntour fetued Ijcre facfojc tl;v CQaieftie ttuOvng tnoni;o\;(^ii(i}ici;(te^ 0)Woj:ti;tn^j3f , butm to JjJfirc one piof ct0 wiD ijrafit ouc tjcquea^er ttljic^ujc^OjaU >naUctott)CctntI)e tuiticof tDl)o !).nt}) alfo fomtnmmCct) YitftoafTcitiblc ouc fclnc2(togctl)CC nil our, offences m tDi)om onclv tljou art tMcafrt, an^ tJjjoii?!) to^om tl;oa canft not i»c eiffcnTift) tDttl)l'2f.5lna feyns tljnt ofti)p ^rcat mcrctcfl roe l)we quictlv paffcD tljvflf nig[l)t , gvaut((D Ijcawenlv fatl)ct;tl)at vdc ina]? ijcftouj tl)t0 Dav tuljol? in tl)|» tctiUcc , fo ti)tit nil one ti;ou4l)tc9(. M)o;itictf. anb Dcctic/af, «*»? tcbounb to tyc glojfoftljy name anDgoob cnfartiplsto all incn,tijI;o fccmg ouc gooD l3Dc;Uw3. K»av jtls^fiV tl)Ccouc t^caucnlyfa-- t^er.ani fo? armucl) afifoftljv «ictcf«uoin; «ib loue,tl)ou Oaftnot oncl^ ccpatcbbja: to ^ine oton Omttttubc anb liUcneg, but alio Ijatt tl)ofcn btf to bel)er>cfl: tuttljtljv I»erc Sonne 3cfns Ctjiiift of t^at immortal hing-: DSctulitd) tl)oup!(cpaccbftfi3]i bjybcfo;t«tl)C ijegtnnm3oftl)eVDO?lb,XDcbcfctl)tl)cctoen-. cwafc O'.ir infti) anb buovolcbge anb to Itgljte ouc l)»vtcs( tD.itl) tijv ^ol? fpttttc,tl;at tue mav Intljcnieattctrmc , line in goblyc tonuctfg'- tjon anb intc^rt}' of (vfc hnotoing tl)at Jbo-. latccaf.abultcfct^, tomtonfi men , wntcntt- oatf pcifonaf, bjunftacisf, gUitt0ns(,anb fuel) liSc.Ojall not inljcttrc tl>c hing^omcof f5eb. a,ub becmiic tl)oii Ijaft ccmmaunbcb tos( toji^if one fcjanotl^ec, weboc not onclv niH'^i tcQxrctl;D X,o>b)foj ouc fclucflf anbfuj t^cm t'ort il/ou t}a{l filreabv cuV.cii to t!;e ttiic tjr.becftiiU^MrfgoftiJV IjcRiicnlv voiil , butfo; r.ll pcoplcai:ti nutio.-\s ai tl)e too^lb , vdI;o aft tl^ep Rnoro b/ fi)p yjontserfulJ 'a)0>Ucs tl)at tijca «rt ^cb cucr alUKJtljct^ mav ^c inStuc-- te:i ov rt»' i)o{Y fpfeitt,to beleuc m tl)ec tl;cic onf Iv fdutouc 3nb''tcbemcc.iSut fonafmuc^ aoTucvtaKnot bclciie e:cqfttl)cf^)e»te,no} cannor Oc^fcbift b^ pjcacljuig anb none tan picad; except l)e be feat: tijecfoiiciO 2-0?b) s.it'i-top fatrt)tuU btftclbuter^S of tlJi' miUtr. tte(^t^i'Oo fcttunjapait al tuo:ilb-lf ccipCLTC^r inav bottj m tl)cit \fic 9 bortcine onclv fcclw tl>? g*o?V'ContrdCilp tonfoimb ^atljai;, an-- ttrl)jcrt>Mttl)R:i Ijiceltngctf, m!)om tljonljaO; eltcabv coS of into atcpiobatc fcnfc rtjat ti)CY may not bv izctcsl, fci)ifincs^ l;'Crcacsf:5 f ctautji btfquiet t^y U»tlcfloch . ZnH bccaufc (0;*o;iO)'a)cbe :a!lai tntotf;-; lattsc Unfos &v.i' biumjeccujj t^njc^ , vuijcrm ignojaHCc l)ft:l; gorrcnrljcbppcc l^anb , .inb Satan b? piffvMvJistfitt^c b]?aU KicalwiSSto qucnc^ Prayers. tljeWgljt of tl;v iBorpcll, «)e bcfecljtljce td • iiMtntafnctUp cniifc ngatnft tljcfc tmeninq ttjolucjff fltfltcngfi)cn autl)v fccua&tejBf \^\)om ■ tl)Cf hccpcinpMfonanb bonbage. ictnct tl)V long fuSruigbe an otcaOon, evtUctto en- ttcafe tl;cic titnnny , o) to biffojogc tlr? ; tl)tlD^cn , ncitbec fct let eur fmncflf anb toicncbnc^f bean IjinDetanfc tn thr mrcctca, bufvutt!) fucbc'O 2-ojb) CcmGOec tt)c:c great nttfeiteij. f 01 tl)V people 5fcae'.'. maav t'suci* bv tl)cicftnnc0 pjouoSeb t'oice anger , xriQ tl)onpimUJjcWl tJicmbv tlj^iuS tabgcmmt vet tl)oiigij tijcir iinren tuetc neuet fo gtie-. • uou-J tf ti)cv 08CC retuineT) from tl^cir int- qiiifc , am\ receiueDft tl)cm to mercy . XOe tbctfcK njoft tDitctrijcb (insets bciiiaylc ouc tnantfolb finneaf,anb carncaiv repent btf fo* our fo;imec uncKc^ncnc.anb bngcbly bci^auu ouc totuarbcaf tr)c%anb VDl;eta«f me cannot of oucfelHCiypurci)afc tlj^parbon ^et trclja-. b!r bcfcclj tl)cc ft3;3eruff €l)?iSe0falie, to QyeMi ti)^ meuies bpon b0,nnb recew Ittf agstne to tl;v f auoiic.iScaunt M0 ceaw fat^c ttjcfcour requcftcja , anb all otljer tljingctf neccDTar]? fo; tod anb tljr tt)l)olc COuccl) atco;* bmg to tl)v p;omtfe in ^cfuff Ct)jift ouc Xoib.3n tDl)8fcnam,e vucbcfcec^|rt;cca;8( ^e Ijatl) ratigbt bjj facing. Ouc fatOcc wl)t(i7 arc.^. A prayer to be fiid before nicales.' ^Wtl)t>ngpetf bepVnbbpon ti)y p)tm»"bettce '■* (nifc cnDurcrl) fo; euec. \Ot rcnoec tlianUcj: bnro tl)cc(<0 %0)Xi) <5ob fo? tl;c timnifolb benc&tec; volncl) toe fonttmiailv tcrcttic at tljv boaritlfuU Ijartb r.ot onelv to; tl)at it Ijatl) pleafeo toec to fceiS \>fi inti;;pf pjcfcnt ivfe, gcuvng bnto bn all t^insc^- Prayers.' fljftigffif tiweffatf fo> tl)z famcTjut tf\?etMlf becauft t!)otil)aaof tl)^ fccc MictctcsffaOjio- neD t0 a nevu , into an aSTureD l)ope of a fac better Itfc, tl)e tDl)trt) ti)ou 1)80 t)e bnto bflf by rt)f !)olv <5ofpcll. ^]^cccfo;ic tue I>um-. blv befccrfj tt)cei O Ijcaticl^ iFatl)cc)ti)at rtjott toflcnotfufitroutaSiEttton^ tJ be fomtati'- BlcDoxrootcD mt^recartl)ly ? cojtupttble fl)V«sca;.butti)attt)emav atoa^csf l)atic out mutt)eigt)itcttcb«ott)Ccon ly^Cy contmaaH? tDatd;ingfojitl)ec5mmg of outiojD? Sa-. Mtom- Ci)iitft,tDl)8ti^e^c Qjall appcarc fo> • oiir full tcDcmption, tCo "oilydtn witi)ti)ee UTia t^e Ijolv i^oS, be all ^oaouc , anb i\o}t> got eun t ciitrJSo be tt. An other thankesgeuing before meate, ETTefnall anb euccltuteg i6obiFat!)er of . out lojb ^efnfl Cl)?ttt,tt3l)0 of tt)^ moO fegular louc ttii):ci;c tl)ou beatcft to man* tfnDcljaft appotntcii to t)ia fuJtenauce , not melif tt)c fniitess of t^c cattlj.but alfo tl;c fon iis cf tljeaice.tijcbeaftjEf of tijteeat^ anb tf)e fl7Cjgoftl>efea,anblj8a commau6cbtl)vbc^ «fitcjgtobe tccetucb , taiftom tl)Vl)anDCi8< ittl; ti)m}\etiiminq affuting tijy OfiVn^n b^ 9e moutl)Of'tl)f apo(llc,ti)at to ttjc clean all linger arc tUancasf ti}e ctcatiitefi vo\)id) be Inctt&eb bt> tl;v too^teanb byp}»xtt:{bt&nt tto tfS grace Co mobetatel^ to bfe tl;e(e tt)^ ^e^rpjefenttl^at out btibicg hemq tef^. feb our foulcQ mfiv iJC moje able to pjorcbe toll goo^ xDOiiis to tl;e pjayfe of t6? ^ol^ nttc ^]iougt;3eriu3!Ct)}taoutxo^. Id be it. OurFtHhfrfi>hick*rr,&t. An other. 'Itljc c^fflf of all tijine* boloohcbpanb •*ttuft tn ti)ee (O 3Lo?b ) tljou gcuca tl>«rti Mice in t)uc CtaCon , ti)ou opened tl;v Uanbj aniueft toitl) tl>v iJlcffmg cucr^ Ivf.^ng crca cut?oobixj?tcbleflrcbjBanl) allti)^ giftctf tolji toe tccetiie of tljy large liJJcrnirtte, tt»^j3crufl(Cl;?taout2Lop. So be it. Our Father rvhtch art. ire. An her thankefgeuing after meate. fllif , pjavfc , anbtjcnoutbcbntoiljec ^ tft mcrctfuU anD omntpotct fatl;cr who cf tl) mftntrc geobnc^fba;! creates wan to ftincinc imager CmilttuDc ttljo alfo ijaft fcb ,b Baflv fecbcftof tl)vinoftbounti« fuUlJf all liiung creatures : gtavit bnto tig, fljat R>ou Ijaft nourtOjet) tJ)cfc out mo>tall bot)!f%l) jBjponal fceBc fo tf)o» \r oulCcll teplcn^tr foulest ujttl)tl)8 pctfert inoMo-. kbge 0^ ituci^ tDo;t) of tl)v beloueti Tonne 5c£bft yjtjom be p;iavfc glo>^an6 l)onoj So be it. /^© She ti)c Cl)tirc^ bmucrfall, out '^O.uecnD Kcalinc , tc increnfe otu: iFavt^- ® t> fo;t Cinift tDv fonnesf fafte be mcwtfuUtc conuucn toealtl;csf.tel)erc tb? . 0orvel »;&»iy pjcaci?e5,a85 i;«b«ai: grau-. Prayers. fdfotlje alRtctebmeinberjEfofCtjjiffierf bo* bf.ant) illuminete acco;it>tna to tl)v gooD plea futc , all nations; tDttbtl;cbj{V;!)tnc;9( of tb» too^. So be it. An other. 'T'l^e tfob of glo>? ant) peace . tirfja Ijarti ■* createCrebcmcb, ani)p;tcrentl?febb5; be blclTeBfojieuccauDeucr, So be it. ^i)c iSobof allpotuer.toijo Ijatb calktifrff beatlj ti)at great pafto^i pf tDc rdcepe,csjr2.o?a 3eCnst , cofojtanb brfcnt) ti)c>floct:t\sl)id) tfe baD rciiemcti bv tl;e blouii cf tl)s ctri-ncll tc(Iamcnt:incrc<"'.fcti;emmil£t of ta'.c p?fK* cbcr^; ; rcpiieirc tlje rage c-f oba tnatc trr-Hutc*, wittigatc ani) l!gl)ten ti)e l^ams cf tl)e tq-. no;auHt: KcUciietbe payuen of tiul; r^ be aft flictet) : but fpcciaU>» of tf;oc ti)kt fitSfec fc^ rtje tedimoBvc of t!)c ttutl;-.? finals^ co founb Satban , by tljepovocr ofouciojO Jcfutf C^tQ Sitnen, Eucning Prayer. r\ Xo?b <5o6 i?ct!)er cttcclRatnganb full of ^-^ pitte.vcie achnoxulcDgc anScenfeiTc t^at UJCbenottDo;itl)^toUftbpour e\ce tobea? uenmucljleaeto ^efent ouicfelues? brfo^c tbymaiettie , xo^t^ confiucnce tl)at tljoii ttJiltbeareoutp^afee«f , »>nb graunt outrci qiiefte;Bf,if toe tonODet our otDnc&eferujngc s: fc? our confcicced i)oc sccufe b;S anb out bn-. ncg Hoc toitneffc aga^ntt bsf^anlj tocc fenotac tl;attbouattJ5nbp;tygbt JuCgc, toljtcb tccil itotiuftifict{)cCmicr0antiVjtfhcDTncn : but punSftefl tlje faultcjs of nil fuctj r.^ trsSjrcflis tl)v CemjnaunDctwcntesf. Vettnofjincict- fiiU if atbcr fincc tt tjatl) plcafeb ti;ec to com-. waunb \30to call on tbcc in all otictroublc;* anD nt)«er(»ticB.pjomtf;ngcucnti';cuto l)plpe \>0 XD\)cn tuc fccic our feluc£(;^0 tt tDerc)fuia- lotDcD bp of ticatl) 8nbticfpcrati5:lDcbttcc-. If renounce al toojlblf conSCcncc ani Ayr to tby foueraignc botmtie ; ptf irnc enclv Q&f anbreftige : tcfcccbing tr)ee net re call to rcrtif mbyaute cur njamfoltv iinv.css eHb mc-. ftel)nGflc:tDbctcl;v tree continuiillvcp:JCucI^e ttyf \a;inti-)e anb inaignatson ngprnft be: iiey- tljer ourc nc3l^g?nce ant bnHti5?M:c3f,tDt?!Ct;c banc nc^tlje E tDC,tti.)elv cfltnicBnoii uj cue lyue^af fuffincittlv ejcpjicifcb tbc {^ccte ccfcj-- tc of tJ/V^ofpelTeuealcObntobfl : I5ur tin tberto accept tl;cob«)Jcnrc,tno DentOcof ti)V fonne Jcfiw? COjtfte , tcDo bj? ctfevin3 bp fjtjs botif c isx Staidce once foj all, ^tif };c maDe a fuatcicnt rccompcncc foj all cure fintteA i^aue ntcrcyc tijetcfoje bpon bjaf e , ant) fojgjue b0 ouic o6m; ces(. X[:eacbbjafbvtl)v*)olvfpitttc, ttjattnec wave rigbtlv vuc? t^cm tiuh er.rncf'lt' rev- pent fo? tbc fatae. 3nb fo uutcl; t^c ra^ tbet O 2.o?t)e , bccaufc tbat tijc tcpiobate anb fucb a? tljou baftfo^faUenca not p^ffe tljecno^icaU bpponitb? nanjc : 23i:t tlja eventing tjart , tijc fo^tctDfulilnivnticttje wnffictwc 0|>pj5Eeb, ijiwiflrtns a«t> ti3?>' fiini Prayers Sln^) oil be it,xoe be but VDOjmcrf ant) Dttft, f rt rt)oti art oiu- cccaroj.'* toce be tl)c V8o;ih«pi of tl)vl)ant>cs(.vcntl)o» nrtaiti: irr.tl)cc, ant) *»ctl)y» Ct)tlti;cn -.t!)!?!! att out Sl)!rp'.)cort»e , «nt)\»ectl;vflcicUe: rl)3ttartoi»c Kcijccitjcc, ant) tuectUc people U}t)om t1)out)aftbau!2l)t: ttioii arc out i50D,anb ujc tl^tnt tnljerttaitncc. Coiiccctc btf not tl)ctfo;ic tntl)>>nc an6-;«;(-0 3L.o;t)) ncytl)cc acco>t)mgto.ouc Dcfcttcsfpu- niOjc btf^biit KicrcifiiU)? rljnftycc bfi , x»vti) a fatl)crl|> affection , t\)iit all tljc tDo;tlt) ma? ftnoU)c,tl)af at iaol)at tpmcfo cuct n'Onnct Docti^ repent l)v»n of Ijiflf fi'nncfrom tl)c bot-. come of l)ia( Ijartc ,tl)oi:tt)itt put auiayljtflf tDicltcbncCrc o«t of tl)^ rcmcbjiaucc ag tljoii ftaftpjomtfea byt')? !)oli' W^opljet. ifinallf fo; as? mud) aa it l)«l) plealfcb t(KC to maHc tl;e ntg'ot fo;i man to reft in> mh ttjoii ^aft o>t)avnet> jjj'ui tijc bay to traucll m : ^raunt((Dibearc JFatI;cc )tl)at U)cc tnaffo taUc one bot)cip reft,tl;at out foiileiJ may con^ timiallv tuatd) fo;i ti)e t^mc tljatouc Xo}X)e Jcfiiflf Cl);tft Q^r.ll appcarc fo;i one beliue-- «annccontoftljt3( mo^tall lyfc, miD int\)e meane feafon, ti)at uie not oticrcotne bp an^ ftyinte&eii, t)]teamc;sf,o;i otl;ei: rcmptatton;^, tnapfnnv fctourmfnDctfbppon tl>ec, lone ;tc,tt)atouraeepebeenot netefTtue, o^ o- iicrmndX, after t,J)cinfatiablct)earc9; of tl)c 9eajc , bnt onclf fnffttvcnt to content one tDcahc natncc tljat ujc may be better Difpo-. fcb to ivnc in all goDl^i connetfation , to tl;c ?lo^r of tIjvl;olv name, anbp^oetc of one |b}etl)]i(n. ;8obett, % A godly prayer to be fayd atall cymes. JJTOno} «pwrfcbc gcncnto ti)e(?C © l^jb ■^-^-iSubalmiglKrc ,mo(l Dcatc iFatljcc of Ucancn)fo>alltl)vnicrctc0 anb loningfttnD-. ncfleaje^cbbnro bstn tljatttl^atlj picafrb ti)v gcnttons goobnes fcecl^; anb of tl)vae otonc'ftfcojb to elect anbcljnfcbafto falua-. (Ion before tl)c bcgmn«ng oft^c toojilbianb cucn lihc continnalV tljnnhcflf be gcnen to Vjee fo; cjcnting; btf after tljir.c otunc limagc fo»;rebcmingbtf tt)Ul)tl)ep7Cccon3f blonoof ti)^bcarc fennc,U3l)m toctucrc cttetlvloft, fovfanrtjrnna )asS to Jtl) tl)f l)olv {\?it:iu m tl)c wnelation a hnotolcbge of tl>y l)olv U)o;bc, foiljclping^ rncco;tmg bsf in allonrnccbcff anD neccrrittes'. fo; fX (o fatl;crlp in all out ct:ibnlnt(on0 anb peifc- ciittonjyfojfpatmg fcflffo long, anb^gcuing ftffo'lacga tpmcof tepentanntc. DcaieSonjic3crnff CJ)iiiftc0 faUe^to •jraiitbtf aituayca' tl;?J)oiv fpinte vwljerbf toe mRT cottnnaiivgrouj V«i:a.'canbl)olvfp,riteoJ O Lard increafi OUT fayfh. A confefTion for all clhres and tym\ QiZttxnta\ <5ob anbmoJ? tncrrifnllfat U»c confeffc an>) nclmotD'f ogc bcf c b- tljvbmmc matcftyc >t!)atu;cate mife' finncraf ccnccaticb anb bonne w finnc ^ qnittcfo tJjat m bs tljcrc i;g no goobneal tDeacflje cncmojr- rebelKt:) agavnfttlffi ritc.tuljerbv ujc conttijjtnilv tianfgreOW? Ijolyc p;icc;ptetf anb romMianntemcnf ? f pnrri;n(c to om- felucx^ th;iotigl) t!)*J» iutigr!ncnt,te.-\ty,anbba>nnarion.jTto/d>-- aanbing(0 l;caucnly fatljct.jfoii atWa^ lue arc bifpltiiftb uiid; our fcliietf', finnci' to;« vuc l;r,uc tom.»ittcb agait ant) bocl'nf.ivncbiy tepctbo ofrt)e fa inc.aijiDnbivbcfccdjtijcc foj 3cfij^tft fahc to Qjenj ti;y tsctcybpon b^trfgcnc bjsiall onr finncflf,anb inccearc tl) Wy fpi- r.te in be:tl;« \uc acKnoujlebgyngJin ttyt bottomcof our i;arte;a, ontovDnc/'iJ'Kc-. onfnctf,nja>> uetn l;cncefo;icc not ^' ^^oy. ttftc oncfinrtm litffejtfanD afifectiorf'it alfo b;nng fo?tl)fud) ftuttcsaofmnpttltcablc totl^rmoft faictteb xutll.not totJ^ov^-. \\t0 tOercof,biit fo;i tl)e f ncritesf of bearcl? belouco fonnc3efnfl^Cl;jnO onc/P Santi onnai^om t!)on{)aft alreabpgrf an obla- tion 5 ofivryng f o» one finnc0 m toljofc f^Kcwcnrc rcttaindv pcrfwif i;at d;ou tyitt Prayd r§ tefltlxttv W «otl)<«g, fljat tee fljrtl n^tin f)VQfn8me, itcco^btngto t^tttll.^oj tfypfyu xtte i)oil) affutx our conrciencc^.tijat ti)oti an oiittnetctfiiU fot^et:,f fo loucObjB' tl;v rtjil- i>;wn tt)?ougf) ^v»"' t^Rt notljing tflf able to temoiiet\)^i)cauenlTf gtaccanD faijoutfrom btf.Tortjct tt)crfo^(©fatl)et)tDtti) t^fJnc flnD rt)c t)oly ^eabt alllwno; anl> glojp, tuo;ilt) tuttljouteiit). So be it« A prayer to be fayd before a m/t» beginne hts works. • Oloji5 i5ot)mott mcrctfiiii iFartjct,? Sau(out,fems it IjartjplcafeDtljccto comtnaimDc b^ to tratiell , tl;attDC mri tcUeiic out iiceD , tocbcfccri? tijec of tt)^ gcacefotoblelTeout labo^/af tl)at n^v^Ic^tns ma^ cjrtctit) bnto b;af , toWjout t^c toJjicl) tse are not able fo rommue : ata> ti)at ti)i8 great f8tjo;i ma^ be a tDitncflc bnto \>si, of rijp boumougl; tl)V boimttftUlUbcraUt^'ttjat tec be - nctfotcmpteb tljat toe fall mtobiftruttibut tl)attDcma? patiently tt!a?t till tijou fillbjff, net cnlv \B:tl) cojpo^aU graces auD bcncfitej?, but tl)!cfl?c tuttl) ti)!nc f csuenlv anC fptcttu. ' alUrcafarcij , tot^eenccnt tijat tec inayal-. \Da?csf i}aue mojc atRplc ocrnftfi to gcuc tt)ce tl)enhes ant) fo tuijoi? to teftbpon tljvmcr'. cic& , t?citt bjffO iojb of mercve tfj^cuofi 3cfu3 Ci)},ia ti;v fonne cur lojbe^amcn. Aprayerforihe Whole ftate of Ghriltes church. AX mi^tf igob anb mcft mcrrffiiU jraii)cr,ttic ttibl? ftsbuut ctir felucs^ falbouiR befojc tt)v »iatcCt-> bcfedjtng tt)ccfr6tl)e faattomcofour l^srtes'.t^attl)!* ff cbc of tt)? too)ib nc\D foujcn aincngft bje: tnar tahc fuel) bccpccootc, tl?atnc!tl5ettl;c bucRuig ijefetcof pcrfcouijincjjureitto \&u Prayers. tjjee, ttettfjct t^ie tt)d%tire caresf of tl)tf Wfif cyohc it but tl)at »# rccbc fotucn in geob grounbc, tt mnx b;itngfojrt; tlittt^fiv-tvanb anwnb^ebfotb, a0tl>v Ijeaucniy vuifbomc ijatf)appomtcb. aiib becaufetoel^aurncr-^c, continuall? to rrauc man? ri;jU5ec( at tt;v pmtbetf.lOc l)umblvbfied) ti)f e(0 i^c auen-- IV /rstljerjto graimt bfi tl)r Ijolv ^«fKc to btt rcrt eur petitions tl)Rt rijc? mav pjccrere fro fucoafctticntntintc. as may ber.gtcfblcto pV'"oli b'.cffcb ttiillanbfctngtl;?.tourm'. nnnitte W able toboe notl)8ng unSjouttt)? oclpcanb t!?attl)oti attRot ignojaunt totti? DOtiJ man? nnb great ccr'.ptntifitts.tticpoc^c tt)jctd;es ate on euccv fetic endcfeti ? compaf- feb :t.ct tire lliengtix-ne ouv tneaftencS.t^attDc be mg befcn:icb tuttl;t?)c fo;ce of tl^ grace , «in? be fafcl? p^cferueb agapnftaliaiTauitcflf ofSatijan : tuljogoefij about ccntmuaii? itiiea roatmg2.Uin, fc'> fttng to beuoute bs. jencreafe out fs?tb(0 metctfuliiFatljcoti^stvuc bee not ftoerutat an? t?me from rtj? :t;cratcnlv tyouc, but aug^ mentm baf ijope anb Icncuittl) a carcftui ftecping of alltl?? cojnmaunbcmentejff tlj/>» no ^arbnesof l}Ertc, no 3pocrtfie, no concu? pifcencc of tl)c e?eg no? cntifcmentcs oftljc tDo?lb bsfcbjanj bsf atoa? frem tt)? cbcDteucc. Sinb feeing tee Ituc nn'oj in ti)efc moft pen- loustmies, letti)? ifnrfjerl? pjoiubcnccbc-. fenb i)g againS tl)c biolence of our cnr mtrs', t»I)ttl; bo feckc b? all meanes to oppjieffe ti)? ttutlj.iFuttljcrmo^e fo; afmutl) ti» b? rt)? l)o^ l?aipo(llc ttie be tau^jt to mabc our pja?-- ers^anb fuppUcations; fo;all mcn.We p;a? rotonel?fo? out fclucs l)erc p?cfent,but be^ fcecl) tljec alfo to xeUxcc all Cuci) as be ?et tgnoiiant from tl;c miferablc captuutte of blinbnes aub errours, to tl;c parebnbetftsn-- btnganb hnotalcbgc cf tij? Ueauenl?trut^: tyattoc alltoitijoue confcnt anb bnittcof minbesf,ma?tE)o?a;iptl5cs cur oncl?-»eob f Saiueirc.!3nb tl)at aUpaacjjaf , ti;c{jl;eacbes( anb nuntacrs to tDl)Dm tl)ou IjaS ccmtttcU t^c btfpcnfation of ti)? l)ol? toe^b^aub (l}ttg^ oftl;? ct)ofen pccple,«ia? boti-> m t{5sitl?f« anb Loctrmcbc fomib fattl)fuU fettjng onel? before t^etr e?es; tl;? cto;t? :anD tl;at b? ttjctn nllpooje Ojccpe vuljtcl) tuanber nxit) gee a< flTa?,ma?bc g&tl;eicb anb b;iouj|f;cJ3£3»ccto tt)?f9lbC. I^ojcsuer.becaufe tl)e Ijattesf of rulers arc tn tl)? ^abes : toec befeecl) tljce to btrcct anbgoueme tljeljartcsofalt U?ngf;a,p]un-. CCS anb maetSvatcS. to vul^m t'ooui^a'^cc'. mtttcD tt)cfa)o>bc: efpcruUlv(cD Xcjbjaccoj-. bmg to out bounbcn bi!ct?,tcie faefecttj ti):c to «ta?ntamc anb cnccafe tt)e l)ot!cjnile cftat cf t^e (aucenes iXlsiefticmD all i;et moft noble (Counfcllcts, anb j^agtflratcs, tBttij all tl)e fpttttuastpaflcjis anb ie^miftersf anb alltijc bDl;ole bob?c of tlyis conimcn tocaJc. %tt tl)? far5;ctl? frviout fo p?cfctue tl)e,f tl)? l)ol?fvuiffo gouetnc tlieutjartesf tJjat ti^q' ma? m fuel; fojt c-^ccute :l?ctr office tijattt;? Kcltgton ma? bcpnrcl? ma?nta?< neb, mfr^ner^ tcfojwcb, snb fjraie fuxixm cc , acco^ ^Thc Tlicconfcilion otfuytU: a«o>I>«nfl to tl)c tner D. anD io} tl).u vuc be all mcmberst of t^« m: -- fttcaUbobv of Jcfiitf Cl);ift,Vioc mal»e out tc- quedejaf Ijnto tl)sy O l;cau£nlj> fatljcr, fo> all Jljf 1) a« aie affactcU tijttl) nnv ftitiDe of ctoffc o> tnbulattijn. e* ujarrcplagii^.fa.'nmcftch-. n2fl(,po:JcrrtJ,t;np;i!(onmcnt,petfctution, ba-. ntiSjinent ojatrp ctl);c Kyat* ofil>p tosccc U)tjctl?ci'tJbc Cti[p.mitic$f boDyoj bcvatton of muU'C : tf)at tt UJOuR) plcftfc tl)tc to gcuc tljem pst'.cncc anD coBftanr?, ttUtl)Oiifc«t) tl)CtijfiiU tchuec^Hncc cf a'.! tl;cirtroiiblefif. Jlootont fcom i)cnfe(0 l^ojD^all tatjcning JV)o!iieawl)ico to8U tljcic bciltes fecbeto ScStuyc t()v flocfep.'^ltii) Qjcw ti)p great nice-, ctcsbpon t!)t»fcont bKtljjcnirt otHcrcoum icctcfif u)t){ri) ate pctfcciitcD tart mro p>f fon anb ba^i? totibcmncb fo; tl)c teftiinonv of tl)v tcutlj . anis t^oiigl) tUcf be bttctly bcfti-. t«j;c of all man;tf apDcvf f let rl;v fu)cctc tojn-. Ifo^tnettcv^cpatt ftoni tl)etn: but fo inflame t\)eit ijji^ttiytiT tt)y t>olrfptctt, tijattljcv may boWrfl^b rijcrcftillp abylic fuel) cciall, WtbyS'-Jblv ujifoonienjatlappotnf.Sotljw atlcn«ti)aflftt)ellbv t^eis bcat^ atf bytljctt: lVfe,tt)e hingbomeiof tl)v Jdcarc foimc JcUiH Cl)}i& ntap ituttareatiD O^inetlj^oug^ alitor tuoUb.3n \iii)oCe name we made out l^utnble petitiansi imxot])69,gi0l)e\)titi) tav(%\jt tss. Our Father tthtch *rt in hmuen , heUfftd be :hj. n»mt.yyc. leconfexlionof Chrirtian faith. I^elciic anb confdTe nvf Xoib i5o& ctetnaU, tnSntte, bnmerncabo, tncORt'^ p^cben&blc, anb mutnctble one m Tub-. aaunce j( tlnec in pecfan.ifarl)ct,Sdnc, aab l;olp U3l)en tt);toU|5i) out fatl)ct at>arf tranf^teffjon, u-.c were become cl;ilbjcn 9f pctoaion cl)ctc wa^no meaner: to b^irngb;* fcomri)evo!)ii;of Onn:anb banmation, but nnc?:' Icfutf Ci);ttft oat 1-ojb, toljo gsuina ^fi^xt by grace uil^ifl) M3a«;t)iiJby nntiirc, ritui; Dc(ti)ioii4l) faytl))tl;e cl)cn oti5ob, \Dl)o xrA)en tljat fulnctf of c*iae wa0 come, toaa cocctuc^ by tl)e poijl^ of t!)c Ijoly i5t)oa boujc of tl)c bw^in i^at)? (nccoiibtng to tl)c flctDc; ?• pjeact>cb in cattl) tjje jSofpeU of faUut«on,till anetijr^ by ttfanny of fljc 3jC^>:f;Jco J)cy)3C( %V{i\c0 canDwnneD bnbcc ponciHsr iOtliicc , tl)c.t p-vcUbcnt of 3iiiY. iuiD lit', ft aatmbetouavc t^a^co on \t\)9 ctoffe bs:u:ne tvoo tl^eeuc^ a^a.notojsoitjs! trefs The confenion of £iy th. pair«:,tel>ecc tahtna b^on f)ym rtjjpuntflji »nmt of oat Cnne;or l^ebeliaacb \ts from the nirfeoffl)cIffa). anb fo; afmud; atf fje being ^nely <5oB, couibcnot fcclc beatl;, nettOet bang ohcIv man cculboncccomebcatl): \)c iofntXi botli togctljct: anb fuffetcb bijaf i;umantttc to be punu7i)cb luitl; moft ciuellbcati), feelmj in l;«mrdfctl;cang«:anb fciierc uibgemcntof <5ot) cucn ecu Ijab bene in pccfcanfe to;-. iiientcof of i)cu anb tl;ecfojccrieb tnirt) a oab teoycjrmy , y:t tl;c fctipturco iwe coHtuionly atm^ute our tcgg- neiatton to l)i^ tcfucrccti6:iFo]t a» by tiling agarnc from t!;c giauc tl;ctl)ivb bayf^cco:;-. qucrco Deati; : eucn fotl)c btcto;iy of ouc fayflySsnbctlj tn Ijjaf tcfKnection: anbtl;er-. iiipi xo\i\)ont ti)t one , VDC cannot fcelc tbe bfncftfc of ti)c ctl;ec . ^o? ajaf bp Ijyaf benrl; finnc toatf tahcn otoay.fooutngljtc- oufnf s( waff rcpo?alp>crcncc, ttil)crc tl;c fatl;ct Ijatli no\orctl)(«jatI;ts; ngl;t i)anb, committrnj bnto t)iin tljc abmmtttratiou of all ttjingc* tji tucll m i^taui aboKcas' m eattt? beneatl^, yet in \)€ pjefcnt toitlj bff l)yflf mcmbetsf ciien to tf)C cnb of tl)c ttiojb.tn p;efct»tin8 anb gouccning ba; ujitO bii* cffecruall potoet anb gcatc, valjo voljen alltMiugcff ace ful-, micb , ioljirl? ibon IjrtJ) fpo'.ven by t?)« moutI)ofalll)isf P;»opt)etc2' tincc tl)eU)o;ilDc bcgfJi toyli ton:c in t'oc (hinc bifiblc fojme, inti)cu)l):cJ)i)carccRbebt!jyt|) an tenfpeaho* b:c»i»aicilsc po\3cc, anb company, to fq)»-- tatc t^fyUmbjp from tl;e iSoatcflf :tl)c elect fcom ti)t icpjob;^tc, So tOat none, loljetljee i}^bcaltuct:)c»,o;iDeab bcfojie, O^atl eCcape Vn;ai iuogjitent. 5l.^0]w;ouec,3bclencanbcottfcff3 tl)c l^o< ly <5^oft <5ob, cqiiall tttytl) t^cjfatl^ce anb toe Sonne , ti)l)o tcgcnecatctt; anb (hncttlV: ct.)baf, riUcti) anbgutoctl) bs nitoallttutl), prcf'.uabyng inoft nCTittcbly in one confcien-. tcS. t!)at toe be tl^e tljilbjcn of i&ob, bjetl);cn xojeiwfs Cw«ft,anUcllou3f)cuc toitl) Ijtm of Jtjfc Jcucilalling yet nottuitt)ftanbing , if ig not ru^^ictent to beleiie ti)at i5ob isi omnit potent . anb ntetcyfuti , tt;at Cl))ii(l t)a^e mate ffttiGvictfon o? tl;at t^c l^olj'c i5l)0ftc t;at')l)tff poujcr anb cttcct,c;cccptU)c bo ap- ply ri^e fa:ne benc^te^ to cut feUieje, VDl;tc4. fite 3obj8( eic«. The confcfsion offayth. The confcfsion 6f^th. , J htleta ftcrfoje anb confcffc oneljoli? Wiurrf) ,tul5Jcl) asf mtmbniS of 3cfiwf CI)M0 I Ac onclf ^caB tljctcof , confcnt in faj-tiSJ. 5opc ana cl)atttte , bfinjt^c gifted of i&c»0 I wi)ett?etti)c^ be tempo%nll o; fpttittiail, to K)t p)0&te atto fitttl^eraunce of ti)e (^mc, t»l)td)Cf)utd)tjE( not fgenc to manned eye, but4nclT>hnottinc to tflf mcKtc.to befstieT): tl)eu)^icl)tn&uctime, i)e t&tteH) *\to tntcgtttteoflvficmiD goW^ conuctfatton to mahe tljc a glojitoojaf cljutri) in l)im felfe, I5nttl)at contettus) m tl)e oIDe anD neto ^c ftamttrt , tDl^iWa* «« «* at»ouc tlje autl;e>t- cie sf t)]l fame Clnitcl) , anD onelv fuffictem totnftwtt Wtn cntljtngjBf, concccnins fal-: uatton : fo iS it left fo? all Dcgrcr jar of men to tcaO&nDtinDcrffanl). iFo^tDitt)outt^;Br tD0lit)encvtl)etC^utd;e Coupfatle , o) 3De-. cnt , cm effabltO^e an^ po)rnt toucf)^ng fat itttionXl)t fctonb wf tl;e Ool? fatramentjo;, ro tDttte of bapttfme, andt^e 'Loj.tieg fup-. pet , tDl)ttl; Sactamcnte;cf Cl)>tft l;at^ icftc tnto \>0, a^ ^olf flgne;af and feales of ^oD^r pjomtfesf. :l?o>8«(tj^:»aptirmeoncetc(ev-. ttei) , 10 it8ni8e& t\)&t toe ( asf tscli tnfantjo: a^r otl)ct;jofage anfi Dtfctction ) being Htnath Qtt0ftom i5ot> bvdjtginall flinnc , are tcceti \\&iixto^i0 familv ant> congregation toitl) full arntanncc, tijat altl)ongl) tl;t* toote of finneTCl)itt in te, fette tl;c elect it ftal not ' be imiutcJ) : So tl)e fnppct toe clawtf) tl)at l5ot) !tf a moft pjonitient fatl^er , Cotl) not onelpfcetie out belitc;^ : but alfo JpirituRiiv noutitjctl) out fculcs; -taitl} tljc graces anD beneflfjtf of ferns' C^tft, ( tct»tci;tl)c fcrtpi turccdlctl) eating of l)is(flfOje;9C;iinSmg of l)iSblout) ) ne|>rtjec mut)CfttD , fo mutt tljef be miniOret) , anD by fuel) Cjfljv o;{t)inarie bocation arc tl^crunto callct). Cijnfoje wt)ofo cucr referuett) and troMJ^iipcrt) t\)eTe faccamcntcfl! o> contra- citDifc tonterrmcrb tt)em mt^pme f place VfO(Ufti)t0 t)tni felfe bamnatiou. ^l)ctl)ttbmatbcoftl)itf Cljutd) in i^t-. eUfiafticallDircipiiiw ,tt)l)td)fitintetl)m ab-- monitian ano cojtccttcn of faultesf. Ti)e fiv nail cntJc xcl)creof ii ercommimication b? tl;econfent of ttjcdjurchDitctminca.iffl^c offcn&cc be obftinntc. ar.D befltcfi tl)tiJ <£c- clcfiailicall Uifcipiine. J atKncrulctigctobcc long to the Ctiutclie a poltt!bef3?agi(lrate; tDbo mintfttcti) to cucrv man iafticc tcftn- bing rfje goofi .anDpuniaj'ir.g tljeeuiU. 'Co tDl)omc tee mua icnDer l)ono> f cbcC'rncc tn all tilings whid) are not conttnrj" to the tDO)t) of got). Sno a;a; g?,ot(c0:i£jcci;ja0, 3o- Caflftjot^ergoDiv njlccffputgct) tl)c cDurrt) of goD fcom fupecflition anb 3DolRtti?c , fo tl;c Defence of Cljvttcs; Cljuctl) npprcfcincH} to ti)e c^jiflcn magiilcatcjef ag^iinftall 3^o^ latctflf anD Ijetettltctf , &e papjOjs , Snal-ajJ'-' ttCefftDitlj fuel) itfte limmcsf of anrccl;j,i(t, to tote out nil Doctctne cf JdcujIs; an'otncn, Q0 tl)e mutCc , tOntgato^ie , -J-'mbuj r«rruw, P>avecto rayntcjB anD fo» tire bcsDcfrecVBil, Difttnctionofmcatcsf, apparcU anb bayca", botoetf of angle life , p^cfcncc at 3Dole fer^ nice, man* nuxite0 tuui) fKdjliUe , toljicl) bjatu \}0 from tl)c focict'i' of Cl;>if;s Cijutct?, tDl)etin (lanDetl) onclvrcmtffton of finned, purct)afeb bp (ri;;iSe;B:biouDto aUrl;c,ti)at belciie, tb^ctijct rt)e? be Jcosee o} iS>ttxtile0, anb leabc btf to bavnc ccnfiDcncc in cicai ttxtt0 , anl»(ruft in out otonc miagination^e;. tCl^e puniOijment toljcrof altDongl; <5oD of- tentimes DjfFcrctl) in tljija: lrf< , yet aftec tl)c generall refurrecticn , ttiljen our fenlc^i • anD boDicjff ©all nfc agaync to imtnejtalv- tie , tl;ev Qjallbc DamneD to bnqtscncbnble fttc , anDtljCH tticc, ttl^trl? l)anr fojfahcn all manfl( toifcDom, toclcKuc tjnto Chityfi ftallbearct^at tcrfuUbovce: Ccswvcblcfi feD of my jFatl;cc , inljettrc tl)j oingDcmc pjeparfb foj you from tljebcgmning of the teojiD,anOfofliallgo tnuj?!pl)tng xciti) iymt tnboDvanb fuule ta rcmfii-ne cuctLnfiingiy in glo?f , \i)l)erc tee ©ell fee i&oD fece to face, anDfttaii nomoic neDcts tnftritctone an otl)cc , vuc ftaU all Unotn fitm , from tlje t)Vi^tik to tt)e lotDeft; Tou!f)on)tutt;) tl'e fonnc aiiD ri;e i)Qlf £>l)etk , be all p;af ic l)C no? anb q\o}^ uotu anb enct. So be rt. FINIS. ^ A Table for the number of the vvholp ^ and alfo in vrhat Icafc yo»' euery of t^*' Pfifmf. 30 ^liiatiDanD, 1 iimttitlH'Pffafe CO an people tlr' foL Tfalme. 17 \i jeclE'si^f -«^^ I) j^oMJ long Wilt. 7 J » tb<"'c ttietcv on . j j . 56 t^at:cmcccv2.o>t), jtf ,4f7 l^>auc mcrcf on bfl(. 41 ■ '71 i^ou)Cuecitbc,vct.47 84 Hjoujplcafantjtf. s^ pi i^c tl)atu)it!>m. 3ttjSot)tl)c2.ojD. 6(S iQ,^ 3,mcrn'V05lianOr. 66 lOj) JnfpccUlcCrcfilcc^ 7> 116 3 louc tl)e Xo;iD. 78 no 3n trouble anD. 86 J 21 3itftmtnecvcjB(. 86 i2» 3m&ml)actrc. S; L 6 Xo>l>mtI)?tu>atl;. J 16 Xojbftecpc mc. t a6 i,o;l)bcm?(nbge« ij 35 2.o>DpleaDm? ao 49 %iHc agf\)cl)at% 16 ^8 TLet^oDacifc. »4 7» 5Lojt»8cuctl)V. 4"' 4^ 36 2-ojt)toVDtl)mc»' 57 5i8 3U))b <&ot) of t'cftf). j'7 I JO XojBta tl)ec3. ^9 140 iojibfaiie. 5,*!, 143 jLojD locate m^. f'9i ¥ 45 fVJvljattbot^) title. »7 61 fVi(f fOUlCtoiBo53. 19 71 50-1 V i'Oiit) m^ {5ot. 4 5 1-0 3 ii^v ftiiilc gene. 67 104 in O fjoto {)ftpp? a. 61 ■ '>35 © p>aifc tl;e top, 5»i (33 (pluptt^oui^att. Pi 141 (Dlo^ibbpontljce- 3^4 3 8 0ntm( not tote. 13 106 iO>a!fevcrt;clo;il). 71 1 36 p?a^fc vc tljc lo)D. j^r 147 iO;iavfcvcrt)clo;ib. 27 ;? - 6i KcfjattxD XtnD. {3' i|,>'Kcincbct3DauU)3f. yo V.'. ^■ 59 Sent) ayt) 5 fauc. 37 69 Saucmc oi5ol). 43 60 Single ^'tO- 64 115 SucUaflfin^ot). S8 i4<) Sing vc bnto tl;c. >i8 M a? 2« 124 /!toto3fracU. 78 o 3 © Xo?bl)o\D ate. a 4 O i5ot) tljat att. 2 7 Oi,o;bmpi5ob, 4 8 O i5oD out Lo;^). 4 1 5 O i,ojL) tDttl;in. 7 17 © 1.0 jo gcuc catc. 8 18 © <&(;D inv fttcngtl). 9 »i © l,o;i5 l)otD tovfuitu 11 ©i&oDm^i&uD. 12 31 ©iO]iD3p"t. 17 44 ©uc carei? ^auc. 26 51 © 5L0;it) fonQt)cc. 51 55 ©<5ov)gfuccarc. 35 60 ©IdAbt^outiioa. 38 £3 ©i6obm]?{6oD. 3i) 64 © l0;it) buto mv». 40 70 O <&oD to mc taftc. 44 79 © lo>D tl)c i6enttlj8f. 5 2 i>4 ©l0)lDtl)0U000ft, 6 J ^5 © come tct iyy, 65 >8 ©fingvcnoa. 65 102 ©Ijeacemvpwcr. 66 108 © ^00 mv t)art. ._ 7 5 117 ©allycnattontf. 79 118 ©gcuevctljanHejtf. 79 ^i^einattts^bteS' ^J)creij3fnoi5ab. .ItjeljaiicJTjsanP. ^i)eio>t)i;8(onlf. t;t)ccatt^i3 all. ^t)e2-o)ibc0bat!j «ri)ouarto2.o;t). 3 V' '?t:6cmanj;Bble{J. H^. (rt)eU)icl{rbU)^;. ?T r!)cmanmblca. tDlje 2.0 jD is out. ^l>etntgl)f^;i5oO- i< il ^^)cjBoootiSotjo(. 5 ^Ijcfdliftman. tTalic pit}' fo; tl;?. ^1;^ pvitfc aloni;. ^0 all ti;at novo. ^l)ou^ent5tl;ec. ^l;au6Rttbene. ^OatcittcU^ali. ^nCingtljemcc. . ^t;oiilo;iO'^aa. ^i^elojitiajatting. ^tjciojDDotl). H J* !^ 50 60 62 64 8<; ^J y7 iiy Cljc 3-. Dptl) tatgn. 6 5 no ^l)c Icji&jbiO fai'- 76 •wi ZCl^cman wfblcfl. 77 »25 l[:t)ofctl)att)oput. 8^ 158 ^^ee\uU3Pwfc. ^3 145 ir^e\utU3 taUDi. yr 75 iDntot^)ccf5oD» 48 vv i JUl3vtitit^ciSciilj8(. I 9 iUitl;!)att?mo^l;. 5 10 lUi)at tjat tl)c caui:. % 52 lUi;vt>ociitl)OU^ 34 , 74 lOl)^ att tl;ou icjiD. 47 ill lU9;};!)art3t)0( - 114 lDl)ctt3ftaclb^ ij6 Ui)l;cr.tl)nttl;c., »37 lUijeu a^ujcfci:. r I 1 3 yc tt3l)tcotv^ inj 47 >-c people alluf 58 >-c nUcrjo; tt;at 6(^ Vcmcnoncati) 1 1 3 yc cl)iib>ciuu{;|ci> 150 yctcbnto. Thelcyefliall haucin thebc- "1^ effhe Bcol>e, ^ Thefc follow after Pfalmes. •"■us, J<3 9} ^9 37 41 77 99 be 5» fC>jayfc ti)c lo^D . T if'Cl)olt)noU3geiic. ' ^ ntrcuDiMv people. anD y ©itr iruil;cc lolMtl) in . "* fll! i,'^ fccltcfcanti con86cRc<. ^T.yerbnto tlKljolvslJOft. •icace in tijefe. he tt)anbcb fo;i Ifigt qifu. \o%'{i b>>. ^all. r J wmmmmmmft . > * ^^ rj¥tJfSnrj' i^-: '^ ' '^ >^.V''