FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY s^ "> { 1^ C/- THE eiUE b: ^N Or PS//V^ MAR L 9 1933 ,A A CHOICE COLLECTION ^^mtt ^mm^ rOR CHOIES, PEAIER-ilEEnXGS, COXGREGATIOXS, AND EAillLT rSE. BY J. M. AEMSTEONG. " For the Lord shall comfort Zioa : he will comfort all her waste places ; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her deserts like the garden of the Lord ; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and THE VOICE OF MELODY."— /saia/l li. 3. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY LEE & WALKER. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 1860. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by LEE & WALKER, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. ELECTROTYPED BY L. JOHNSON & CO. PHILADELPHIA. PREFACE. In adding, to the number of church-music books already published, a new claimant for popular favor, a few words of explanation may not be out of place. Although many collections of sacred music have been recently issued, in but few instances has the convenience of the purchaser been consulted. Ordi- narily, the volumes are too large to be conveniently carried from place to place, and generally contain much matter that is seldom of any practical use. Let the reader ask any one who is a member of a choir or is in the habit of using some particular collection, and he will find him familiar with perhaps one-tenth of the tunes in the book. A few new airs in each col- lection may command attention and secure popular regard, but the universal taste will be found to fix on the same old favorites. The remainder might almost as well be so much blank paper. The present work, it is believed, is not liable to this objection. With a few exceptions, the airs it contains are such as have proved themselves well adapted for use in devotional singing. The public must decide on the merits of the rest. While not claiming much originality in perform- ing his work, the editor must assume the merit of having, in many cases, restored the compositions to the state in which they came from the pens of 3 4 PREFACE. their authors. Those who desire to hear every author speak for himself will, he believes, thank him for this. The same rule has been adopted with regard to the stanzas accompanying the airs. I^To practice is more reprehensible than that of al- tering the words of a sterling old hymn to suit the whim of an editor, — the author of a hymn alone having the right to alter it. In this work, therefore, the endeavor has been to give the stanzas in their original state, — it may be, however, with partial success. A valuable feature of the book is its portability. During the Kevival Season of 1858-59, many must have felt the need of a tune-book containing all the music requisite in prayer-meeting singing, and yet small in bulk. Such a want it is hoped this volume will supply. The fine quality of the paper, and the extraordinary beauty and legibility of the type, will certainly enhance its value as a pocket-companion. The thanks of the editor are due to Dr. Lowell Mason, Mr. W. B. Bradbury, Mr. Horace Waters, and Firth, Pond & Co. for the privilege of using several copyrighted airs, and to others for original contribu- tions. With this acknowledgment, the editor sub- mits The Voice of jyiELODy to the public. J. M. A. THE Voice of Melody. Anvera. l. m. Arr. Dr. L. Mason. fe^^ff^^7Jt^^^^^=^ Triumph-ant Zi ■ on, Lift tiiy head From dust, and dark-ness, and the ^ »=# i^ dead: Though humbled long, a -wake at length, And gird thee ^m ^'^ic:c :cEa^ w ^^^^^^ ift ¥ith thy Sa - Tiour's strength, And gird thee with thy Saviour's strength. ^... p;f f r^^ffifpf:^ 2 Put all thy beauteous garments on, And let thy excellence be known ; Deck'd in the robes of righteousness, The world thy glories shall confess. Arietta, l. m. Arr. Y. C. Tatlor. With God he \vas ; the Word was God, And must divinely be a-dored. mm •^ \ I I ^^FTs^^gg 2 By his own power were all things made ; By him supported, all things stand I ^ ^ 11^-* II.. is the whole ere - a - tion's head, And angels fly at his com-mand. r r rfl ^ ^^^F^ i—r-n Arnon. or Gratitude, l. m. BOST. Come, gra • cions Spi - rit, hearen - ly Dore, ") n - 1, Withlight and com -fort from a-bove;/^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^aft--F-H^fe ^ ff rf^ Arnon. Guar - dian, thou our Guide, O'er ev' - rj thought and step pre - side. s^=k= :^=^ :^2=:^ :t= m Beethovea. l. m. Beethovex. ^^= i^^^4N==^4y=y^{#^ ffl^ As when the wea - ry trav' - ler gains The height of ^^ ^rf^ ^ ± ^— t f^ ^^m m ¥=§' some o'er - look - ing hill, His heart re - vifes if gE r-^rt-^ o'er the plains sees his home, though dis - tant m ^ ^ m 1^ — ijii ^±=^= --f^ i=t I 2 So wlien the Christian pilgrim viewa By faith his mansion in the skies, The sight his fainting strength renews, And wings his speed to reach the skies. BrownelL l. m e unes. When gath' - ring clonds a - round I liew, And dajg are ±=?= r=T n ■i »<^^ w * ■ f V- " ' ' -si ' V ^ » "#:-*■ F5* dark and friends are few, On Eim I lean who not in rain e^J L ^ J5:a -^ r I I :*=5t si ;S^ ^=^ p^ ^ ' I& I El - pe - rienced er' - ry hn - man pain : He sees my wants, al- ' tr'-r^ ^ . - '\ - ^' i t=tt i ^ t=^ W ^ f^ sas: f lays lays my lea fears. And counts and trea - gures np my tears. 2 If aught should tempt my eoul to stray From heavenly virtue's narrow way, To fly the good I would pursue. Or do the sin I would not do ; Still He who felt temptation's power Shall guard me in that dangerous hour. Blendon. l. m. GlAEBINI. %^ P -U 4=t :^r=l t4-^=^ ^ =*e^^ 3=^ Je-sus, my all, to heaven is gone; He vhom I fix mj kpe^up-on: His track I see, and I'll pur - sue The narrow way till Him I view. m vm r c\t m Captivity. l.m. w.b.bea.b™t. ffheu ve, our wea - ried limbs to rest, Sat dowa by ^\■}^^\ \} lf-;=^ ^ i=£ ^=f= ^^ N^-^^^^^^^ E ^J^^ proud Ett - phra - tes' stream. We wept, — with dole - ftil ^^V^^r^ m f=^^ ^=^nr ^^EEtEil ^^^ thoughts op - press'd; And Zi - on was our mourn-fiil theme. Creation, l.m. ennes. Hatbx. ^^^M s J-asi-*- =^^^ S^3 ?^=t^ ^^ J I "Til From all that dwell be - low the skies, let the Cre - ^ J_3l£X. ^^ rf m r ^ p^ I -b — ^- s •!3ji a - tor's praise a - rise ; let the Re-deem - er's name be /7S ^ ^^^^ -^^^ T snng, Through ev' r ^ ^p=?=^ t^= ^tU?-^ ^ #^^ ^ tongue, let the Ke - deem ^^m be ±=t: ^R cJ I 111 rj To*- sun?:. Through er' I 1 rJ I _. ry land, by ev' - ry tongue, ^ f-rf s Tf^^ r- -^-H r 11 L z^ESEgg P st f ?ff= g i 10 Crosbie. l. m. J. A. P. Shultz. otli -er six days' work is done, An - otii - er Sab-bath is bepn : J Mil! M. - - - -^ -*^ -. > ^^^^^^ r^ Re - turn, my soul, en -joy the rest ; Improve the day thy God hath blest. Darley. l. m. W. H. W. Daeuet. ^ s— f» ^ Sweet is the work. my God! my King! To praise tny name, give 4L_^^ =t*=;^ ^^#E p r=F -t»-k- g^^t rlti=^#fe^3=j ^tH ^^ thanks, and sing; To show thy love by morn - ing light, And ^^ fefe^pe I u ^ f=tfi=Pzztf: % ^^m talk of all thy truth at night. And talk of all thy truth at night. S a^m^pt :g=tt^=t^ 11 Dnane Street, l. m. s lines. p^ M Rev. G. Coles. 33^ jtit P^^^ Fare-well, farewell to all be- low, ly Je- sus calls, and I must go; ^ » 4 — H,> k k I* l| ^^ ^ k=k: }=t: ^^ launclimyboatup-on the sea: This land is not the land for me. g^ :^i^^ 11 =^ m ?^ I I I :Sg 2 I've found the winding path of sin A rnggedpathto tra-Tel in; ^^ ^^ i S± ^ ^ Be-yondthe chil-lywavesl m *=«: ^T fi ^ ^ I I I 3 Farewell, dear friends, I may not stay: The home I seek is far away ; Where Christ is not, I cannot he : This land is not the land for me. 4 My hope, my heart, is now on high : There all my joys and treasures lie. "Where seraphs bow and bend the knee, Oh, that's the land, the land for me 1 12 Dnke Street, l. m. pp ±=1 3E3i =S=*E atis: Oh, hap - pj day, that stays my choice On thee, my -m—^ m J \j m =^=i: i ^ EE t=i= 3 s=s= 5=^^^ i^ 8a - yiour and my God! Well may this glow - ing ^ 4=2- *— ^ 3£ a 1 r W, heart re - joice And tell thy good - ness all a - broad. ^»£j ^ «— ^ £Bfc« 4* iU ^ G^ Effen. L. M. Arr. Dr. L. Mason. m 1 -I I -I A ^=«=r W=9=9=^==^ ^ /Sweet peace of con-science, heavenly guest. Come, fix thyman-sion \ Dis - pel my doubts, my fears con - trol, [OMIT, ■■.,■■..■.,,..,., r ^- ^ i ::2 — ^ — ^ . (^ — ^ ^ ^ — ^ 6=g^ *=c ff^ Si in my breast; ..,,.,,■,.] And heal the an-gnish of ray sonl. -£2 m. tm (S L ■Y ^ — h ?- 1 1- -h> ^ k b :=g: ^- — ^ S"- I 13 Effingham, l.m. ^^T^I-L^il l rJI^ M The Lord pro - claims his power a - loud Through e?' - ry gg fefeS ^J-l $ j,^ ^ '^ -^^ — '^c^ " 1 1 ' I -*«a i ' ^ ^ — — S - cean, ev' ■ ry land; His voice di ■ rides the wa -fry 1_J ^^ '. I I ^ J . f- f mm i « 4-.i^ UJ^ F^^ 3t±^ ^ cloud, And light - nings blaze ^ com-mand. r Evening Hyrni. l.m. Talli.s. ^*isi Glo - ry to thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light II ^1 _ ! C:^ sp^ J L Keep me. oh. keep me. King of kings, Beneath thine own al - migh-ty wings. m i — ^ Federal Street, l. m. H.K.Oliyee. Re-turn, wan-derer I eow re - turn, And seek thine injured Father's face : -^^ -d-\ -fS- -^^ _-^ -ig-|g-fg- -1^ -f^ - f^ -^g - Those new desires that in thee burn ^ ere kindled by re - claim-in^ grace. (^: p g ^sSasSESESa p Season. L. M. SCHTJBEET. ^^M g3E This day the lord hatkeaBeii his o\ni;-Oh! let us then his praise de • clare. P- .^ . a . , -i . -|*T^ .- f^ - I =^ m ^-kN r^^^"4^ i— rt i 3=q: 55^ps^ ?yt-^-h^ Fix OUT de-sires on b a - lone, And seek his face with fer - vent prayer. 2 Lord I in thy love -would we rejoice, That bids the burdened soul be fre And, with united heart and voice, Devote these sacred hoiirs to thee. 15 Golan. L. M. :p^ a^ ^ aaffi spi - rit looks to God a - lone ; My rock and re - fuge Ms throne; In all my fears, in -^m. I J €: P gg ^ ^M=J=jjE ^^^i^^^ all my straits, My soul on his sal - ra - tion waits, i :S=e: :P=^ j^^ ^^^p: :t=f: Hamburg, l. m. Arr. Dr. L. Mason. What sinners val-ue I re - sign; Lord, 'tis enough that thou art mine: ^g£g ^^ i &te g 1 shall be-holdtby bliss-M face And stand complete mriffht-eousness. ^:S -P-^- -,&- p-g-r t= = lS^»-*--^S=r ^=^ 16 Happy Day. l. m. V r - - I — I Oh, kp-py day, that stays my choice On thee, my Sa - viour and my God ! Well may this glow-ing heart re-joice, And tell thy good - ness all a - broad. ^^afffagt^aHfii^ ^==^Tn Chorus. :S- 4—+ m^m^^ I Fine. ^ ^ I py Qay, Hap-py day. When Je-suswash'd my sins a-vayl S m t=^ T=X r=t I D. C. S: &: He taught me how to watch and pray. And live re -joi - cing ev-ry day. :S=^ m. S k g iF • ff g-^T^-^-g-g^ t=x tzz^ I I t=^ I I r-r Hebron, l. m. Dr. L. Mason. ^jQ^j^jijJ^E^^-^IJ^^ Je - sus, engrare it on my heart, That thou the one thing needful art : #-f= — <=i- y~s\ I — r. r ^ I f"^ — r^ 1 - ^ i ~ — — i — -^ ;^ f^g: m p'-tt-i :^ I could from all things parted be, But nev-er,ne7-er, lord, from thee. Ilia. L. M. He who hath made Ms re - fuge God Shall find a m i *^;: ^^ ^ fe^ ^ =1 * =N^ -P- most se - cure a - bode; ShaU walk all Jay be - ®F=p- -^ r^- -fS*- -^ 1^ -^ ^ f^ ^^ neath his v- j_n ^^^=?==F^ And there at night shall rest his ?^ =g= ^s: Lonvan. l. m. ^ V. C. Taylor, I This life's a dream, — an emp - ty show; But the bright B^ i^^ E rr f ^^^ a ^ 5E ^=* 3=^ world to which I go Hath P5^ 18 jojs. ■ stan - tial \J. -f: -^ fe Lonvan. ^^^^^^^g^g ss and sin - cere : When shall I wake and find me there ? # g^ i = ^-r~ 4=F :^ 2 Oh, glorious hour ! — oh, blest abode ! I shall be near and like my God, And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul. Loving Kindness, l. m. A-wake, my soul, in joy-M lays, And sing thy great Redeemer's praise ; jnst-jy claims a song from me: His lev- ing kindness, oh, how free!, I I \ \ ^\ Mendon. l. m. Awake, my sodI, and with the sun Thy dai-lj course of du - ty run; Shake off dull sloth, and ear -ly rise Topaythy morn-ing sac - ri-fiee. ^ «^ ^ h h I- w- ■3t^ '^m ^ ^E t-t 2 Wake, and lift up thj'sel^ my heart, And with the angels bear thy part, Who all night long unwearied sing, " Glory to thee, eternal King." 3 Glory to thee, who safe hast kept. And hast refresh'd me while I slept ; Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, I may of endless life partake. Missionary Chant. L. M. Chas. Zeunee. # £9^ dE 1 [- ■t=*l= lO 3E^E^ 2 J J J- -^ s :g=^ ^m Ye Christian her - aids, go, pro-claim Sal - va- tion in Im • -I — I — I — xzz=q= — »— 1»- -^ K=^ =F=F= F i =f^ E^^^SE^ at=^ 1 — r iStii^ ^3^ *=r ^ 20 man - uel's name ; a r To dis- tant climes the ti-dings bear, r r f k k i* ? g Missionary Chant. i 'S=i=s r=f=f And plant the Rose of Sha - ron there. ^=^:=Mt^ ^ ^ ^=:=^ Migdol. L. M. Dr. L. Mason. ^^^^^^^ Soon may the last glad song a - rise Through all the ^ -p f r m ^ ^ ' )* w rr I i 1 0^fU ^ ^E ^^m^^^ mil = lions of the skies -That song of tri-umph which re ^ v g"C r i r r ^i>:nii=ej^ mm ^ TT ^^^^^^^ r — '^ — • -«_; - r ,r ^; That all the earth is now the lord's, uj . _ . J J. it ^. ^** 2 Let thrones, and powers, and kingdoms, be Obedient, mighty God, to thee; And over land, and stream, and main, Now wave the sceptre of thy reign. 21 Old Hnndred. l. m. p^^^^z^dii^^ ^ With one con - sent let all the earth To God their i± i=a^^N^^S ^^ cheer - fill Toi - ces raise, Glad hom - age pay with §=^|^-|)=fe^bW f 1=itt i i± ^ 1 ^S ^=^ I ^ aw - fal mirth, And sing be - fore him songs of praise. m ^ r Omicron. J 7 ^> , . |J _JI L. M. J. Macleak. I I Up to the lord, who reigns on high, And views the nations from a - far, Let ev - er praises fly. And tell how large his bounties ^S Park Street, l. m. Venua. Haiklhovthecho - ral song ofheayen Swells full of peace and joy a- bove; Hark! how they strike their golden harps And raise the ^m tune-ful notes of love, And raise the tune -M notes of love, §=^ mm m ^: rFT Peekskill. l. m, Alt. from Cheetman. (^PP A - wake, my soul, in joy - fid lays, And sing thy great Redeemer's praise ; He just - ly claims a song from me ;-His lov- ing kindness,-oh ! howfree ! Reliance, l. m. I. B. Woodbury. I lay my bo -dy down to rest; Peace is the pil-low of my head, While well- ap-point-ed an -gels keep Their watchful stations round my bed. g^^ ^zpgi^mprrTr^pp Rest. L. M. ^ W. B. Bralburt. I ^t =a=3^ty533^: IS Asleep in Je-sns^! blessed sleep I From ¥bich Done ever wakes to ireep ! 33^ =^^^-*^ iiWil i m^cz^ ^ A calm and un-dis-turb'd repose, Unbroken by the last of ^^ ^PP ^ H=t fP 24 1! I i 2 Asleep in Jesus ! oh, how sweet To be for such a slumber meet ! With holy confidence to sing That death hath lost its venom'd sting ! 3 Asleep in Jesus ! peaceful rest ! Whose waking is supremely blest; No fear, no woe, shall dim that hour. That manifests the Saviour's power. Rockingham, l. m. Dr. L. Mason. i^ ^==1= m TTT^ ^=3-^ # Come, Christian bretliren, ere we part, Join ev' - ry voice and ev' - ry heart ; It^ ^m^^^^ One so-lemnhymnto God ¥e raise, One fi- nal song of grate-ful praise. Rothwell. L. M. Arr. Dr. L. Mason. A -wake, my soul, in joy-ful lays. And sing thy great Re-deemer'f praise: He jast - ly claims a song from thee; Hisloring kind-ness,- m^^W& M k=^:lt{z±t P I 1=4 e^^ J^ i^^S^^^ *=^ r - - r - 1 oh, how free! His lov - ing kind - ness, — oh, how free' s ^ Seasons, l. m. PlETEL. ^:g=g~Fg- The flow' - ry spring, at God's com - mand, Per - fiiines the gj ^i-r f I p- F :?E3*=P= I I 1 ^ SE^fe i ^ rzn=^ air and paints the land ; The sum - mer rays with ^ m § t=3- =s^^ ^ iE^^ES 3t=]: *rt-^ 5 *^S: S Yi - gor shine, To raise lAfl J J corn and cheer the vine. g^# -r- ^ ^ 3 1=ti Sterling, l. m. Hareison'. ^-l ^-ij-gfc^j^ ^^ ^d^ 1 I I I I I 'Jx I I Oh, come, loud anthems let as sing, Loud thanks to oar al - migh-ty King ! For we our voices high should raise When our sal-va-tion's Rock we praise. St. Lonis. L. M. Come, gra - cious Spirit, heavenly DoTe,¥ith light and comfort from above ; ^^^m Be thou our guardian, thou our guide. O'er every thought and step preside. -w- -i»-i (•-)•- i^-1® [• — -- -* »- — » I i — I ,» Stonefield. l. m. STA^^J:T. ^^^^^^^^^^ Stand up, my soul, shake off thy fears, And gird the gos - pel ar - mor on; March to the gates of ^s=^- end - less joy, ffhere Je ■ sus, thy great C ap_- tain's gone. Uxbridge. l. m. PI s^^ From all that dwell below the skies, let the Cre-a- tor's praise a ■ rise fL:iliiii\^^S^=M^ Ui ^ s Let the Redeemer's name be sung Throngh er'ry land, by ei'- ry tongue i7'ryland,byeT'-ry 1 m^ ^n^w f ff^ ^- ^ Villenova. l. m. L. Marshall. the Tile race of flesh and blood Contend with their Crea- tor, God? f^Jl^M ^^^^ Shall mor-tal worms presume to be More ho - ly, wise, or just than he? Ward. L. M. Dr. L. Mason. 1 1 I i [=g ^^^ E^ U ^^:fcp+: :t=f=l: i^zir'^: Je-sus, where'er thy people meet, There they be - hold thy mer-cy - seat ; m i i— '^m ^ 28 i=tt P Ward. Where'er they seek thee thou art found, And ey'ry place is hal-low'd ground. mLZVMw m^ w^ * I Ware. l. m. a^s Geo. Kingslet. 4- g !g #f ^ ^ ^^ Thus far the Lord hath led me on, Thus far his power pro-longs my d w-m- iS— IS-— F-» -»^-fg- ^ 4-J — V P And ev'ry eve - ning shall make known Some fresh memorial of his afrace ^ -^ Wells. L. M. Israel Holdrotd. y God, and is thy ta - ble spread. And does thy cup with love o'erflow ? ^^^^^^^ ^=^3^- Thith-er be all thy chil-dren led, And let them thy sweet raer-cies know. '^^^m =P2= ^^^ ^?^ m Welton. L. M. Arr. Dr. L. Mason. Happy the meek, whose gentle breast, Clear as the summer's evening ray ^mwf mm Q , p f f ^ s= m ■^s> m m g? m I I 1 ig Calm as the re- gions of the blest, Enjoys on earth ce - les-tial rest. & S:^ fe^ElE ^ b )g ^ «:=t S[ Williams, l. m. English. ^^^^^^m ^ s Dangh-tersof Zi - on, come, be -hold The crown of hon - or -^ ^- _. _. -^ -f==- -p- ' ^ ^ £ff ^^ ^± i hi 1 = ^— ^- ^ i^:^ and of gold IVhichthe glad church, with joys un Windham, l. m. D. Read. -±S^: 1*^=*= Stay, thou in - suit - ed Spi - rit, stay, Though I have done thee such de-spite 1^ ^ -eTfzgZ gEE ^ ^^^^^^m m 1^- Dlor cast the sin - ner quite a - vay, \or take thine e - rer - last-ing flight. ^ ^ s i^i^zzs: 1 — f^ r-^ :^ Zarephath. l. m. J. Maclean. -U- Je - sus shall reign vher-e'er the sun Does his sue - r-^ r^ I r^ f ^ cess - ive jour - neys run :^ .fa- king - dom stretch from ^^ :^ &=r^=^^A ?^ II III I shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. S ¥ -^-^-g- -^g—r^ ^&^^ i ' i 1 1 31 Acnsfinet. c. m. lord, thofl wilt hear me when I pray : I am for - ev - er thine ; -»-' -»-m- -m- -tm-' -f^m- -m- -m- ^^^gff^ i tirftp s^ I fear before thee all the day, Nor would I dare to sin, ^^ the day, 1 I m pf^ 1 — I- ^m Agnes, c. m. AiT. from Thompson. -g g ^r~ ^ lift up to God the voice of praise, Whose breath our souls inspired; loud and more lond the an-them raise, With grate-M ar-dor fired. r^i — r—r Antiocfi. c. M. Air from Handel. 1- Joy to the world, the lord is come ; Let earth re-ceire her Antioch. Let er' - ry heart pre -pare him m%=^ m^ room, And heaven and nature sing, tfeS And heaven and ua-ture ^ ^ rt: > U U- P And heaven and nature sins:. And ^ P^ ^ ^ ^^ And heaven, and heaven and na = ture sing. sa; s f= — i_i 1^_ heaven and nature sing, And Arlington, c. m. Dr. Arne. Approach, my soul, the mer - ey-seat,Where Je-sns an - swers prayer : There hum-bly fall be -fore his feet; For none can per- ish there. SLSiBz AsMey. c. m. Dr, Madan. ■^ Sal - ya-tion! oh, the joy - ful sound I Glad ti ■ ^^-€l#- ■^ I p r i ^ ^EM to our cars; A sore - reign balm for ^ rv — r - ^ ^ t=^:^ ^^ ^ J - -J ^^3^ -t~n Chorus. wound, A cor -dial for our fears. Glo-ry,hon- or, praise, and m 1 — r-1^^^^ — = f-^ — ^ — E= I — t — T^^ ' T " ^ 1^=^ ^^« 4^ ^r-1- 5^=* ^33 S pev-er Be un-to the Lambfor-ey-erl Je-susChristisour Be-deemer! ^l=t S t=t rr -t-n g-rSH^^s-rrj--] rfj =r- ^FgR ^ Hal-le ■ lu-jahlHal-le -In - jahlHal-Ie-Ia -jahlprJusetheLord! Athens, c. m. s lines. GlARDIM. XT I -^-^ -m- ^^^ I 4 ^-— £^ i ]i ^ 1^=^ m D C.# ^^ ^ ^ Oh, that will be joy - ful, To meet to part nc more ! ^•^^ ^ ^=^ f %^4 ^ Cazenovia. cm. s lines. German. There is a land of pure de -light, Where saints im - mcr - tal " -— - -■«- --»- -^- ^ -&' -IB- -(S- ! ^ 1 ' i I I ^ i g :5=^ fi - nite daj ex - eludes the night, And W ^U^ j*) g' i^lgj:^i^^^ * '-g- ^-5- =*' g plea-sureskn -ish pain. There, ey - er-Iast - ing spring a-bides, And ^ [ * r^- ^^rczz g ] I J plt^Q »is! ^ S Be - rer-ffithering flowers, Deatb, like a nar-row sea, ii-vides Ibis ■r-i^ -r.-p- f-g: g J=^ ' y ^ I r-^-r - r Tig rr"P'r hr r'r ^ t=|: r^ heaven - ly land from onrs, This heaven - ly land from ours. Cbina. CM. Swan. ^^ Why do we mourn de-part- ing Mends, Or shake at gj ^ ^ r $ i^ MJJ4^-a U p^ s death's a - larms? 'Tis but the voice that 4. ^ ^^ rt: ^^ :g= Je - sns se To call them to — f=^ f Christmas, c. m. ^ Attributed to Handel. =2^ =S= soul, stretch ev' - ry ^^^ r A - wake, my nerre, i r And I i^g I Ea35 S 42 press with ri - gor on; :g: ^i— ^ T^ Christinas. p^ i iii =s=g= ? mor - tal an im - mor - tal crown. ^ Aid P Clarendon, c. m. (^ ^^^^^ ^ TrCKER. What shall I ren - der W %^. -r to my God For ^ ? ^ il P I— ^- m ^ -^=M. *^ E^ ^ rr=r m all his kind-ness shown? J1^ ^ feet shall vis - it J- i i seS I ^3 ^ ^^ ^s^ ::^ m T_ thine a - bode, My songs ad dress thy throne. 43 Coronation, cm. Olivee Holben. hail the power of Je - m name ! Let an-gels prostrate -^- — ^^s rn — i Bring forth the roj - al di - a - dem, And crown him lord of all. :^ -^ ^ i ^ < n I /^ ' P^ ^^J-^^ p=^ Brmg forth the roy-al di - a - dem, And crown him Lord of aD. I ^ :e --«: qt -«^5i^^ -^ _ . O ^=g >^^ 9 m ]»■ Coventry, cm. 1^ i-^ m ^ •* ~ Km i--i — I \ '■ :r±^ ^^ Oh, could our thoughts and wish-es fly A - bove these gloom-y shades, S -^-^ Iff: -^— h :?c:ff i# ^ 1-^ je: (Z> #_ Icff: r"i — r rr-r t-i- i —4- ^ g^'.^^ f^g= ^i-'^.r gg^ i ^ 1 i To those bright worlds beyond the sky, Which sor - row ne'er in-raides. ^ Pj^ i^ ^ ii -,- -^J V -- -(•- S>' i .^ <«^= — r- -s ?~l& ff- -£ ?- -s 3 ^t^ 1 i —^ H 1 i 1 i Y l:±=fc:t^^ ^^ 1 * ' ■ '^"'l "^ 44 Dedfiani. c. m. Gakdxee. 3^^^E^==^ H=^ 1 — ' — 'n N"^ *^ Sweet was the tbe when first I ■ i j— felt The Sa - viour's ^^ f V, h 1 1 b=i:^ -J M 41: ^^M^±^ ffi ^i^ ^ ,J *=r pard'- ning blood Ap - plied to cleanse my soul from ^^g^ ^ guilt And bring me rr home p -fr i g God. nt' i - r'r^ ip^ Downs, c. M. Dr. L. MASon. ^^^^g^^ Je - sus, this mid - day hour of prayer We con - se-crate to thee ^ itfrf-Tir^ s^ -p- -^- For-get-fiil of each earthly care, We would thy glo - ry see. Dnndee. c. m. When, ri - sing from the bed of death, O'erwhelm'd with guilt and fear, -1 ^ I i J, -(^--g- .-p-p-.-^*' i ^ T=c=S^-^ FT^ i P s •t 2iS±3 ^zgip^SzS g I see my Ma-ker,face to face, Oh, how shall I M-pear? e i b •g-r^ t---^ — f^g- gr l f^^ -r^ i — t- Ennnons. CM. From BrRGircLLEE. • P as To God ad-dress the joy- fd psalm. Who won- drous things hath J. /J ^.J ; , j,r-.^>^ 4-±: ^P done ; Whose own right hand and ho - ly arm ^ p-nL IL.-^ ^^-J^-^ -i 1- ^ h - h r^ JX4^ ^ffl ^^ *^ i Tie - to - ry hath won. The nc - to - ry hath won. W-M mi I J- f=^ £^ f Evan. c. m. 13 "^'i--3 -^ '^v g-J - W^-^- Arr. Pr. L. Masox. Hear what the voice from heaven declares To those in Christ who die m r r' \ f ■ ' \ \ P i Ss ^z^ Pf i ^MfiN ^S s ^^^ Released from all their earthly cares, They '11 reign with him on high. ^'-.,^M'r'^^^^ Fletcher, c. m. 5f^ W. Arnold. jfe |J ^^M= 4 j Fa-ther,wliate'er of earth -]y bliss Thy sore -reign will de-nieS: 'rfffl 1»-ai-H F- p = n FP ' 4 l I i r rr g Ac-eept-ed at thy throne of grace, let this pe-ti-tion rise:- r ^fF^fiJ^|g^£g f?f[^%f F^F 2 " Give me a calm, a thankful heart, From every murmur free ; The blessings of thy grace impart, And make me live to thee." 47 Fonntain. c. m. Br. L. Mason. There is a fom- tain fill'd with blood Drawn from Im-man-neri J, pg a-J^^^fS ^ ^ — (^ #=& iE=^ r~i^r ^ J. h I KE iEi=^ :i=:^= =i ^-^^- reins, -C2 And sin - ners plnnged be - neath that flood lose 5C4: i -r f^ gL Ed2^ -k-^^-^g^ ^^^=g =^- 1 — r S S their guil - ty stains, lose all their guil - ty stains. liT-ff- A. ^ T^ ^P^^fc- Eg r f=TT Garland. aM. W. Aexold. How vain are all things here be -low! How felse, and yet how fair! :^i^fi 1^ ^ ^ ^ ■f^^jg- 1 — r -Hi^^^-sf ^ son too. And e?'- SE sweet its snare ^ 1 — r 48 Geneva, c. m. Jno. Cole. ri - sing soul sur - leys, Trans-port - ed vritli the riew, I'm m In won - der, love, =?^ W^ s- m Gibson, c. m. J. Maclean. ::^^ ^^ ^ V g -is^-^ — \ — ^^ Fa-ther of mer-cies, in thy word What end-less glo - ry ]*i^ ^•-M — 1- shines! For-ev - er be thy name a -dored For these ce - les - tial lines. -m- -^ -^ -^-^ j^^-^:^ ^ jg--^ J ri— rl i — li 1 r^**— r*H ri g I L» •>- Heber. c. m. Geo. KiNGStET. m The Sa-viour calls: let er'-ryear At -tend the heaven-lj sound; ^ Ep P i: ^ ^i:mi ^- m Ye douttingsonls, dis-missyoarfear, Hopesmilesrc-viv - ing roHDd, ^* ft^^ :^= PP r Henry, c. m. m S B. POXD. I I :^ m^ — g-Fg Oh, hap - py is the man vho hears :«=r i ^=^ li - gion's ^^=^ ^ M warn - ing voice, And who ee - les tial ^t --^=- u ^^ -^ u SES itCSE S ¥is - dom makes His ear ly, on ^=^ ly choice. 50 Howard, c. m. Mrs. CUTHBERT. Eg=^=g=g= :^=i: I lord, liear the Toice of my com - plaint; Ac Pf fe^^ i=^ i^ ^^ 4=^ * -^ ^= eept my cret prayer; To tliee ( ^=^fe^^^ - lone, my $ ^ ^ 5g -^-w-r ^s^ King, my God, TTill I for kip ?=S^ pair. w -^1 g:^=^ t==i ^ ^3: S= t- 1— ^^ I Do Believe, c. m. ^^ mm 4-a 2!^ gj- r^g-^ s :i^=^ How sweet the name of ife-sus sounds In a be - lie - rer's ear ! CHORUS. I do be-lieve, I now be - Here, That Je - sus died for me. ^^ -^—(^ ^ — I- L-4— J — !— ^ ^^a^g^g^ ^^ It soothes his sor - rows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. And through his blood, his precious blood, I shall from sin be free. ^ Jordan, cm. A. JoxES. -^=- '^ W J I I "r- I 1 II I On Jor-dan'sstorm-y banks! stand, And cast a vish - fill eye !■-• r' I #- i :ptt To Ca-naan'sfair and hap -py land, Where my pos - ses - sions lie. -r-r £:f^ ^ E^ ^4 r Lanesboro'. c. m. p .. I I Ml I _1| I ■ . 1 n -j— ^ J i _! — f U Once more, my son], the ris - in^ day Sa-lutes thy ffak-ing ^. ^^ -g— g- £e |V ^ -J fi n i ^=± ?=s :^=g= «::^- i** 5S::y ''^^^ eyes; Once more, my voice, thy tri - kte pay, Once more, my &=^ It-m- M m 4S?S s=?^ $ -4-U voice, thy tri - bate pay To Him ¥ho rules the skies. ^ "i Laona, or Washington Sqnare. c. m. C. Everest. When I can read my ti - tie clear To man-sionsin the skies, m^im M^-U? IE 33 I'll bid fare-well to er' - ry fear. And wipe my weep - ing eyes. Lanrel, or Everest, c. m. C. Everest. P i i=± -*r-^-gr- ^ ^ faH-g^-^ ^^ mi ■ J Come, Ho - ly Spi - rit, heaven -ly Dove, With ^ -J p- - k • ^ r r -k • r p =F =2:=^ — i^ 1 u ' ' ' I ^ r /!/ ^ 1 =^ r-t—! =^M= =#=3f an % (^•^^ — e — ff- quick' - ning powers. Kin - die a flame of ^^ r =M^ -[^ M ^ — Lee CM. - 1 J|J J. J. CAMPBELt. -^1 ^^^ ^ Oh ^ i^^ — 1 — -1^ — ^ c =^- a clo - -^-^ ^-^ ^: ser walk with God, A -4^^ f=--^^ \- — ^^^=^^=N= =^4=F^ -[ ^ — ^ ^^^i j^ \ J|-1 -4-J-4-J- ^ =^=t g calm and heaven - ly frame, A light 3 f=^ # i^4d 4 ^ ^3^5 ^ ^ ^=^ on the road That leads me to W the lamb! ^ ■^ srzszrrss 1^ r- ^ I (^ I 54 2 Where is the blessedness I knew "When first I saw the Lord ? Wliere is the soul-refreshing view Of Jesus and his word ? Leronx. c. m. Arr. by V. C. Taylor, from Bellini. A- wake, my soul, to sound his praise, A-wake, my harp, to sing; Join all my powers the song to raise, And morn-ing in - cense bring. [ I ^ Little, c. M. L. Thompson. Lord, in the morn-ing thou skit hear My voice as- cend - ing high; ^m rg-f^- 1^ ^m nf r=^ II . !! - To thee will I di - rect my prayer. To thee lift np mine eye. ^E =^ ^k-k" 4— I— ML^ ^ I 1 1 I 1 2 Up to the hills, where Christ is gone To plead for ail his saints, Presenting, at his Father's throne, Our songs and our complaints. 55 Lncius. c. M. thou who driest the mouni-er'stear, How dark this world would be, ^^ =^ J-^iCr-g-sW ^^ i S i s f— 1— r ^^^^^^^ If, pierced by sins and sor-rows here, We could not fly to thee! ' ' -0- -f=^ r Marlow. c. m. i ^j=#=s=ri^ ^ { let all the lands, with shouts of joy, To Sing psalms in hon - or of his name, (OMIT, _L I _1 1 ^ ^ m ^^ ^ ^i=f^ #= ^^ ^hp-^=^= ^ ^^ p^-J^ S^=^^p ^ God their voi - ces raise; ^ g^^i#f^g^ ) And spread his glo-rious praise, Massillon. c. m. From Mozart. ^^^^^^^. Fa-ther,whate'er of earthly bliss Thy sovereign will de-nies, Massillon. Ac- cept-ed at thy throne of grace, Let this pe - ti - tion rise. m^^ Stf: ^=^ Hear. c. m. ^ d t ^ n , d =g^ : l-^--^4r^^r te g4^-7:; n^ ^ S flow oft, al-as! thiswretched heart Has wander'd from the lord! =^ ^ f^lo g ( ^ I ^is: ^ p^EEE^ PS ^^ How oft my rov -ing thoughts depart, For -get- ful of his word! S=^ ^ ^^ ^ Mede. c. m. ft... .-— - ' "We'll stand the storm.'' ^^^^^^ :^ We'll stand the storm, it won't be long, The heav'nly port is nigh. ^Wi We'll stand the storm, it won't be long, We'll an- chor by - and -by. Medfield. c. m. W. Mather, Ear - ly, my God, with - out de - lay, I iP~~F=p ite to seek thy face: My thirs-ty spi - rit 1 J J,- .^J M^ gr '-^^ i i^ s ^^ $^^- faints a - way With - out thy cheer - ing grace. g ^^^Pf^ . J r Metropolis, cm. simes. Je - ru - sa - lem, my hap - py home, Name ev-er dear to me^ ^ re- fl hen shall my la-borshaTe an end In joy, and peace, and thee? B.C. Where con - gre -ga-tions ne'er breakup, And Sab-baths have no end. ^^ ui^ C t V ^~ tt \ y^ ^ ^ ^^^ 58 m Metropolis. D.C.# Oh, when, thou ci - ty of my God, Shall I thy conrts as-cend ? l^^/g.f^g.^ my boa. ^ ^ m ^ % CT=^e=f Meriden. c. m. Thy good - ness, lord, our souls con - fess. Thy j^ ^^fe¥P^a f^^ f=W r^^^^^F=^ w ;N^ m ^m. ^iS 3tl^ ^* dore; A sprino; whose bless - ings ^ good- ^ I M ^ ^^ ^^ s*^ tail. A sea ffith - out shore. !S 2 Siin, moon, and stars thy love declare In every golden ray ; Love draws the curtains of the night, And love brings back the day. Moravian, c. m. s imes. 11 ,1 Fine.^ I / I'm not ashamed to own my lord, Nor to de - fend his cause, ■ \ Main-tain the hon - or of his word, The glo - ry of his cross. D. C. Nor will He put my soul to shame, Nor let my hope be lost. /-yo M j ^ S^ ^ r^ 2. Je - sus, my God, I know his name, His name is all my trust ; Mount Pisgafi. c. m. Old Melodt. #%feNafe^ fl'hen I can read my ti - tie clear To man-sions in the ^m '^m t=i; 1 — r - mMu^ - paSS^^^Sga^^^ jkies^ I'll bid farewell to ey'- ry fear. And wipe my weeping eyes, Monnt Pisgafi. wipe my weep-ing eyes, Audwipe my ^ eyes. I'll bid farewell to ev'-ry fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. I WY^ i^ m^ mm^ Oatlands. c. m. T. Clark. :fi=ft In all my Lord's ap - point - ed ways, My jour - nev I'll pur ^m^^^ ney J !^-b 22 sue: Hin-der me not, ye much-lored saints, For I must go with P=at I PTF^F f-f^"J JS^^^p ^ :t==^ =«=tF m yon, Fori must go with you. For I must go with you, m. ^ Ortonville. c. m. Dr. T. Hastings. Majeslie sweetness sits enthron'd Upon the Saviour's brow ; His head with radiant f ^z^ =* g ^^ gJ ' g? !•■ 1 — h l-t I I glories crown'd, His lips with grace o'erflow, His lips with grace o'erflow. ^ ^ '-' a I J I I I ss <=2^<=. 3=C P^ f i ^ I I Piety, c. M. T. Clark. ^^ r M Frombu-sy toil and hea-vy care We turn the weary mind, ^M^ ^g i P F=t turn the weary mind; And in the place of noon -tide prayer, And in the -i=2. .,a ^ jyf-r- i=^i f i — t- I :i ^*S ^ ^^ -5-5-*-^=^ are their tongues, But all their joys are one. Swanwick. c. m. Come, Ho - ly Spi - rit, heay'n-ly Dove, With all thy ^ iiici ^^ ^ r I I i i#: ! , 1 f =!=F ^ ^§^^5^ «* J -3- ' -3-J ^ quiek'ning powers; Kin- die a flame of sa - cred love ^ S^ 1 1 1 In these cold hearts of ours, In these cold heirts of onrs. J ^^S Tappan. c. m. Geo. Kingslet. fl g ., , 1 1 I , , r j ! I I As o'er the past my mem'-ry strays. Why heaves these - cret ^^m *^_jrr^-j =^= r 11 ^m mmfm f ^^ I I ligh? 'Tis that I mourn de - part-ed 'Tis that I 1 I Tappan monra de - part - ed days, Still un - pre - pared to die. Varina. cm. s lines. From Rink. There is aland of pure delight, Where saints immor-tal reign; E- ter - nal day excludes the night. And plea-sures ban - ish pain. There ev - er-last -ing spring a-bides. And nev - er-fa - ding flowers; g & ^ m^^^^^^tH Death, like a nar - row sea, di-vides This heav'nly land from curs. m^ J=^ M j-^ *i* 1 g 3 Bright fields, beyond the swelling flood, Stand dress'd in living green ; So to the Jews fair Canaan stood, While Jordan roU'd between. 4 But timorous mortals start, and shrink To cross the narrow sea, And linger, trembling, on the brink, And fear to launch away. 67 Warwick, c. m. Stanley. -P g B4-l And miist I be to judgment brought, And answer in that day L^ ^ i ' i i 1 f»'[^ [* 1 1 'i 1 ^^^ j^.^. s r ^^^^^^^ ^^ For ev' - ry vain and i • die thought, And ev' - ry word I say -^m :&=FP: ^ ^ P^ WMtfieH. c. M. Arr. Geo. Kingslet. ther of mer - cies ! send thy grace. All power - fill from I - \ - r hove, To form in our o - be-dient souls The im-age of thy love. To ^^ -^j^^Em form in our o - be - dlent souls The im - age of thy love, Woodstock, c. M. DUTTON. How oft, al-as! this fetched heart Has wander'd from the Lord! ^^ -^ jg_^ » I ■rsz^. I^ l gL^^ g r^ ^=?=^ ^P rr* N 1 f- C i|g U^ Fr^ ^-> Prs How oft my roT - ingthonghts depart, For- get -fal of Ms word! -(=^ -^ ^ -f^ j^ -m^ -m- -f^ ^^ Zerah. c. m. N b I - Br. L. Masox. ^^^^1 ^^=s, ^"^^ Once more, my soul, the ri- sing day Sa- lutes thy vak-ing eyes: ^N ZE Pf^ ^^^J^^=J4^=#=d#i^^^ Si Once more, my Foice, thy tri - bute pay To Him who rules the skies. ^Trr i C:;:f i rr =B^ J^ J J i Jll Ii LLLH ^ g Once more, my Toice, thy tri-bute pay To Him who rules the skies. ^ J. . i f-yTfig i fe S^ : ^_^_k i^ fen::^ Adello. S.M. 8 lines, w. tillinghast. r- I Je-sus, my strength, my ho£e. On thee I cast my care, ^ "S" " F A ^ .^. rp: ^ ^ f=t fe^ Li i g c 3 "JH - II ' I 1 With hum -hie con- fi-dence look up, And know thou hear'st my prayer: S Give me on thee to wait. Till I can all things do : *=^ : (^-1 : f ^ii^ ¥^ s m^- On thee, Al-migh-ty to cre-ate, Al - migh - ty to re - new. -1 1 &= H 1 1«- -^ i= h-|— l i T ^ =P=i=^ t-rr Ain. s. M. COKELLI. *" -I- W^ Come, we that love the lord. And let our ioys e known; 553E tesi r r ^cr Ain. Join in a song with sweet ac-cord, And thus surround the throne. fpl J'-r^jg E ^lp'-r J I §1: ^i^^^^^g^^ JJ: Let those re-fuse to sing Who nev-er knew our let those refuse to sing Who nev-er knew our God: But God: But children of the hear n-lj King May speak theirjoys a -broad. i ^S- i^^^g^^ ^ dren of the heavnly King May speak their joys a-broad. 71 Aylesbnry. s. m. Dr. Green. I saw, be - yond the tomb, The aw - ful Judge ap - pear, m^ H 1— 1 ^ .* r=^ m te->- 5 g : 1 T Pre-pared to scan with strict ac-count The bless-ingswast -ed here. ^^^^^^ f g f^ f=2- ( f '^ r^ — f=^ ti=t rf=r i I i 1 1 1 i 1 1 2 His wrath, like flaming fire, In hell forever burns ; And from that hopeless world of woa No fugitive returns. 3 Ye sinners, fear the Lord While yet 'tis caird to-day : Soon will the awful voice of death Ctommand your souls away. Barre, or Meade, s. m. C. HOMMAJW. f^-rhf^Ht^ ^ Be -hold the morn -ing sun Be-gins his glo-rions wa^ s&^ JXJ IJ U g^^ i^ -m- * w : r His beams through all the na-tions run, And life and light con-rey. gp=^i^ =t»=^ F=? S3: I- I Bertrand. s. m. G. Paesiello. Arr. by Y. C. Taylor. Oh, bless the Lord, my sod. grace to thee pro -claim, And all that is with -in me join To bless his ho - ly 2 Oh, bless the Lord, my soul ! Nor let his mercies lie Forgotten in unthankful ness And without praises die. 3 'Tis he forgives thy sins, 'Tis he relieves thy pain, 'Tis he who heals thy sicknesses And makes thee young again. Beverly, s. m. I ^^m n. G. Nageu. _J s -^ =S=^I let songs of end - less praise From er' - ry na - tion rise ; <&i^\f^ -F- T- -^^ let all the lands their tri-bnte raise To God, who rules the skies. Blanveltville. s. m. ^^ I I ^ ij=jd ^ 1 ! atr^ J=i: Sr^^^^3 ^=^^ ?2= let we re - joice to hear his name, Yet we m joiee to hear his name, And lore him in his word. ? 7=|3 ^B r BoylstoH. s. M. Dr. L. Masojt. Oh, where shall rest be found. Rest for the wea - ry g^^ ere shall rest^ be found, Rest for the wea - ry soul? 1 '^ ^^ I ^^^^^ a^s 3=^ 'Twere vain the o - cean's depths to sound, Or pierce to ei - ther feHfeg^^gg ["T-f 74 Browne, s. m. Words by Mrs. Hemans. ^^^^^^^ The break-ing waves dash'd high On a stern and rock-bound coast, ^ J- t ^ u Fine. tfp-fg 1 ^ - ^^5;=s ^itz:^ And the woods against a storm-y sky Their gi- ant branches toss'd, D. C. When a band of ex- ilesmoor'd their bark On the wild New England shore. And the hea - vy night hung dark The hills and wa-ters o'er, S 2 Not as the conqueror comes, They, the true-hearted, came: Not with the roll of the stirring drums, And the trumpet that sings of fame ; Not as the flying come, In silence and in fear ; — They shook the depths of the desert gloom With their hymns of lofty cheer. 3 Amidst the storm they sang, And the stars heard, and the sea! And the sounding aisles of the dim woods rang To the anthem of the free. The ocean eagle soar'd From his nest by the white waA'es' foam, And the i-ocking pines of the forest roar'd, — This was their welcome home! 4 What sought they thus afar? Bright jewels of the miue? The wealth of seas, the spoils of war ? — They sought a faith's pure shrine! Ay, call it holy ground. The soil where first they trod! They have left unstain'd what there they found, — Freedom to worship God. 75 Charity Hymn. s. m. T. B. White. ^^m^ -^ hear a bro - ther's sigh: ^: i=t: f i ^ ffi = ^=S: ^ ^ Then let my heart vith pi - tj flow,With tears of lore my eye. ^^ ^ ^ jgy^ ti=t ^ l=tt Clapton, s. M. ^^- Jones. P^¥^^g^^ ^ Thy name, Al-migh - ty lord, SklT sound through dis - tant lands; ^ ^ ■J , -r r ^^ ^ ?z: e :?2r T. ^. rmtit^wfi ^^M Great is thy grac«, and sure thy ¥ord, Thy truth for - er - er stands. W ^ r^ -^M^ f-r t^ f^ 3 r. ^r. Corelli. s. m. CORELLI. ^^^^^^^^ ;S ^^Tien, o-yer-vhelm'd^ith grief, My heart vith-in me dies, ^-^— t fczS -■^ r 3=^ ^ ^=^ Corelli. ESESigEg^HE ^^ Help-less and far from all re - lief, To heaven I lift my eyes. e i — ^ I* - p ^ F^ Dennis, s. m. I Kageu. (^ M P =t===c==I Come, we who love the lord, And let onr joys be known; T] ^T\ ^.Pi ^.j^i ^T\..T^- ^ r gj2 !■ , ii , i— rn i i M- 4-i i?:ac:i? ^ Join in a song with sweet ae - cord, And thns snr - round the throne :^=e l^-^ ^=t w &=r ^ tt==t p=^ ^ i i Dover, s. m. ;^f*--s=fc=4- I 1 ^^ rpr =^ — 1- -^i \^y f> j g -e — z\ ^ Oh, where shaU rest be found, 1 Rest for 1 the wea - — 1 SODl? ^^^i';/! r r ' -! H — 1 --F= -^ — ubiz -^\ i 4 — ^ ffiE -:^_^ =^ ^s f ^-^^^ s^^ s=s=^=g=t^ -2P s |*^r, Twere rain the o-eean's depths to sound. Or pierce to ei Eglinton. s. m. Scottish. Did Christ o'er sin - ners weep F-And shall our cheeks be dry? £^^^? let floods of pen - i-ten- tial grief Burst forth from ev' - ry eye. S a»=fc S=,t=^^fc£ jggigL ^ ^g^fe ap "y^~g' ^ p Golden Hill. ^p V4- S — W_L- —M ^ — ^- f y= :^ J r^ :^ L^ h- rites ns aU 1 our griefs to tell. To pray and ne - Fer faint. :^q I =gq r^ "^ FS^ FF ^ y^ ■:lr- -^ — 1 4-- -^ -1 — 1= U^ =f^ =fJ LpJ Tbatcfier. s. m. Handel, ^^^^y?^tH^ T^ :S3t GiYe jo the winds thy^ fears, Bope, and be nn - dis-maj'd wninhf 4#4 i — I — ^ n ^ - I r 1 to^ rr-r ^^g^ ^e * ''P — ^"^ — *~^s~(*j ■ '^ — 'i — j — "^ — !• ^ ' (^ God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears, God shall lift up thy head. S Watcfiman. s. m sin - gle soul es - cape His all - dis - cern - ing eyes. I 90 2 How will my heart endure The terrors of that day, ■When eatth and heaven before his face Astonish'd shrmk away ? Bethnne. h.m. ^"t'^T^T^r' :^-K^§5 N-J^ -!V-H p^ To God I lift mine eyes, From him is all my aid; Tlie U i<^ U § te^ ^^r-'^I^fe^J^ N N N K ■*i *l ^ -gr God who built the skies, And earth and nature made: God is the tower To ^^ 'gr- \ ^\ U-li^ ^ U-ti^ rr i e ^ 34=«j=Sf ^-^-rJ JV-r-4 J=^^ V=^^ :^ii=z^=z:i=gz ^^ which I fly; His grace is nigh In ev' - ry hour. :?B=^ r x ;^ — ^ '±± Ui^ ^ ' f Kev. TV. Dar"Weil. Darwell. h. m. We give immortal praise To God the Father's lore. For all our comforts here, And all our 1 ^- w i rrT^-H -f^Tr P^ hopes a-hore : He sent his own Eternal Son, To die for sins that men had done. Haddam. h. m. English. § ^3E^ i^ffiE ^ The Lord Je - ho - rah reigns; His throne is built on high; The gar - ments he as - sumes [OMIT ] -jg — jS^ -M 1 , _i ! J , 1 ! , Are light and ma - jes - tj. His glo - ries shine with gp;-°n F^=rf^ s r ^^^^^^ ^ - - - *^T bright, Ac mor - tal eye can bear the sight. ^^ 5^^^^ ss *=-t Harraonia. h. m. tJ TT_ 1 , 1.-1.1 .L. _. Prof. J. C. B. Standbridge. i J-h ' — J H 4 ^ i^izrt Hark ! hark !-the notes of joj Roll o'er the heaven -ly ^i^ ^ 1 i- ^sE^N=e lains, Andser-aphs find era-ploy For their sub-li-mest strains; Some ^^«- je-j«-^=2- j^ -^ -m- Harraonia. =t P^ g; ^J I Ik* >* The type of heaven's - ter - nal rest. v^^ ^ P J-5., The type of heaven's Newbnry. h. m. M. Hatdn. m g ^^ :*=tit "r^ Up -ward I lift my eyes, From God aU my ESbf: ^^ -N — N- ;brp= g g u :: -1^ =c^ =rt3 aid,- The God that built the skies And earth and na - ture ^ f f -^ k j*^ '^ - PP I fe=± m Bt ^ 1^=^ ^ —at- made; I ' I God is the tower to which I ^rf-^ r^ 3i fly; ^=^ ref^S ^— «- ^ ^^ fei^ His grace is nigh I J-J" J... -:«:* J ry hour. ^ =^ r^^-^ Trinmph. h. m. isa^fe^y^-te a A -rise, mj soni, a- rise; Shake off thy goil-tj tean; m^^J^ f p^mm The bieed-ing Sae - ri - fice In my be - half ap-pears: ■ — -r^^ ^^ m m t=^ r ^' k :^ m ^^ Before the throne my Surety stands, ly name is writ - ten on his hands. Warsaw, h. m. T. Clark. prrj-flTjit^f^ ^ ^=^^i33^^?^^±-zzj- Join all the glo ■ rious names Of vis - dom, love, and power, That ey - er m5r - tals knew Or an - gels ev - er bore; All are too -J^ Warsaw. te=?B=P?:^=J^: — t^^T — r mean to speak his Avorth, To mean to set my Sa ■ viour forth, i fc^ Hareison. Weymontli. h. m. The Lord of heaven confess, On high his glorj raise ; Him let all an - gels & '^S all his armies praise. Him glo • ri - fy, ^ m m r m moon, and stars, Ye higher spheres, and cloudy sky. Him glo - ri - fy, snn moon, and stars, Ye high - er spheres, and clou - dy sky. Ariel c.p.m. Dr. L, Mason, ^^^E#tj^=^S^^J|EEJEE^ Oh, could I speak the match - less worth, Oh, ^ :*=«: £ m^. s ^s fai could I sound the glo-ries forth, Which in my Sa-viour shine, ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^m ^ ^■•y: ^- ^^^ ^^ 1^ ' 1^ I I'd soar, and touch the hearenly strings, And vie with Ga ■ briel, - gl* g i ^ i2=l? ^ ^^^^^ -J — ^-^-liJ ^^ while he sings, In notes al-most di - vine, In notes al-most di -Tine. W ^^^^^^^ Edenton. c.p.m. ^^^ eb: e-gin, my soul, th'ex-alt- ed lay; let each en-rap-tured lo! heaven, and earth, and seas, and skies, In one me - lo - dious -!^^^~5^^^^^^^W Edenton. 1st time, 2(i time. I I thought obey, And praise th' Almighty's name ; concert rise, [OUT ,,,,,,, ^,,,, ■,,.■] To swell th'in-spi-ring theme. Ganges, c.p. m. A -waked by Si - nai's aw- ful m — ^ - ^-jg^ :^^az ^S^ ^ ^^^^» J J 'J - guilt I found, And knew not where to go : One so - lemn truth in- m ^s=^ ^ ^ i :^:^ P T-^ t— n ^1 — r creased my pain, The sinner "mustbeboma-gain,"Or sink to endless woe. I ^ n 2 I heard the law Its thunders roll, While guilt lay heavy on my soul,. — A vast, oppressive load : All creature-aid I saw was vain : The sinner " must be born again," Or drink the wrath of God. 99 Nashville. l.p.m. ^'-Tnfrr^^^'"'^ 4 1- I love the to - lame of thy word ;Tniat light and joy those ws^^^m -^^r—.^. m^ leaves af - ford To souls be - night - ed and dis-tress'd ! / Thy gjvj:4£- - ; >l g s # flhy I Thy rr 4:^ j«-^.|=2. ^ ^ ^-n» J-^^- a "^i i i t T r Dalston. s. p. m rf A. VTiLLiAMg. p 45=3t ^ N -*! — S- ^^-^^i^ ^^S :^f=rx: bless'd was I, To hear the peo - pie ery, "Come let us seek onr God to-day!"Yes,\rith a cheer -fnl zeal W( 100 Dalston. m haste to Zi - on's hill, And there our tows and ho - nors pay. ^—r :^^ »=3E Peters, s.p.m. I 1 1 The Lord Je - ho -yah reigns, And roj-al state maintains,-His head \rith ■ • 1 1 ! .J I. I J J J -^ ^ ^ ;i^=^=!^ $ -g-g-SH^ aw - ful glo - ries crown'd ; Ar-ray'd in rohes of light, ^ P J— 4- '4m= w^ ^= m ^=^ girt with soTe-reign might, And rays of ma - jes - ty a - roimd. -. /- ■^-' f^ -p^-n 2 Upheld by thy commands, The -world securely stands, And skies and stars obey thy -word ; Thy throne was fix'd on high Before the starry sky : Eternal is thy kingdom, Lord. 101 America, es & 4s. National Hymn. -^ *- My conn - try, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of lib - er - ty, -r , ^ » -r -^ ^ ^ ^ Of thee I sing: land where my fa - thersdied; Land of the I ^ 1 pilgrims' pride; From ev' - ry moun-tain-side let free-dom ring. ^.^^4t- & L-L-. jg-^i*- ^ I * * £ t=fc =F=>^ Arno. 6s, 4s. Dr. L. Mason, ^ #^^^=^^ ^^ ^^N^ To- day the Sa - rionr calls, Ye wand'- rers, come! - - -r -r -r -^ - ' :?=s: =t=t ye be - night - ed sonis, Why long - er roam 1 Ava. 6s, 4s. ~~1 \~ 1 ^- Dr. T. Hastings. Ciiild of Wait not D.C. Ciiild of ^^^9-^ -- sin and fur to - sin and 10 * sor - mor sor - — ^- 2^— J row, row, row, Fiil'd with dis - may, \ Yield ye to - day. j Hear and o - bey. ^9 -1 U -»- -P-H 1 ^^ m is D.C. ,il Heaven bids thee come, While yet there's room. - J J . . . r! J J 'j.« i^ :S: 1 — r ^^^=T Italian Hymn, es, 4s. Gl.iEBINI. m ^ ^^ * ^ g ' J ^ . " g — i^ — w ' ~ Come, thott Al - inigh - f j King, Help ns % name to :^ ^^1*- e±^F*:^=4 y » 'i A 1- i =g-^tfe =i r sing; Help ns to ^ J ! sraise! Fa-therall glo - ri - ous, O'er aU ric- ^^ — ^A h» - •- _^_ ^ ,»_ _ .^±=—=1 1 ■ - H — ' 1-; ^^ IT ! fl n — V - ■( » • ^ ^ ^ — g— g-h^ I 1 ^ i _ i to - ri - ons. Come and reign o - rer ns, An - eient of days. J=^ :& SE e 1 1 i 103 Olivet. 6s, 4s. Dr. L. Mason. My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine: Now hear me ■while I pray, Take all my guilt away ; Oh, let me from this day Be wholly thine, m #^s^g ^ ^ m •^\ ^\F 1 I Joy. 6s, 9s. How hap -py are they Who the Sa-viour o - bey And have --r -f- m i ^ ^^^^^^N^ s laid up their trea-sure a- bovel Oh, what tongue can ex- press S3: -W — ^- s=t^ i^ The sweet com-fort and peace Of a soul in its ear - li - est love I ;>»— >'-H ig*— >»- 104 Balaena. 7s. Modern Harp. Now be ■ gia tlie hearen-Iy tlieme, Sing a - loud in Je - bus' name P^EE^ m *fct a^g^^s 1==^ WTf^ - ^ ^ ^ '^f=f^ ^ le who his sal - ra-tion prove, Triumph in re - deem-in^ love, R=l= r Benevento. 7s. snnes. S. Webbe. V-5--^-*^ -ar. While with ceaseless course the sun Hasted thro' the former year, Ma-ny souls their ^ ^ im ^»,- race hare run, Never more to meet us here: Fix'd in an e -ter-nal state i «i t=[ They have done with all below :¥e a little longer wait, But how little, none can know. 1"^ — *■<>- i=t TT " l if ^^ * ^ -s4 k i^k Easter Hymn. 7s. DeWorgax. 3^S= Christ the lord is risen U • ^^^3 1 — r-^i — r 1 I ^m^&^m^^^ m In - jah! Sons of men and an -gels say, Hal-le - lu-jah, 1 ^ ! : I „__ ^ 1-+ 1 ^ f I 1 f—H— 1=^=1; ^ 2:^=221 2:^=122: zs: -5^ hal-le - lu - jah! Raise your joys and triumphs high, •le-k-jah, hal - le - lu • Jah! Sing, ye heavens, :^ fed^^^^^J^^ earth, re - ply, Hal-la -la-Jili, hal - le - Id jah! 106 Hendon. 7s. Dr. Maian. Chil - dren of the hearen-ly King! As ye jour - ney, S¥eet - ly sing ; Sing your Sa - yiour's wor - thy praise, Glo - rious m " I -. 1 ^-^ -^ — ^' '^ 1 I ' I s_ — I I I ia his works and ways, Glo - rious in his works and ways, S^==fe <^ )^^- -^ Hessville. 7s. T. Loro. j-^^ Songs of praise the an -gels sang, Heaven with hal - le - la- jahs rang, lit^ AYhen Je - ho-vah's work be - gun,- TVhen he spake, and it was done. i^^S ^VfJ =g4f=^ ^^?5^ t-"r lT 107 Horton. 7s. Wartexsee, '-^i-^-n S i ! Si I .1 i— U > i ^ r-3 r— Come I said Je - sas' sa-cred Toic«, Come, and make my paths your choice ; s I will guide yoa to your home ; 'iVea-ry pilgrims ! hith-er come. gigJClCT ^ ^ Indiana. 7s. sunes. DOJnZBTTI. ly LOW the light of day Fades np - oi: my sight a - way. SI ft-:^ ^ -<*- .- !*- ^ =: r- \- m ' ** c _c:- ■;^^^^^ Free from care, from la - bor free, lord, I would commune with thee: Soon forme the light of day Shall for-er-er pass a - way; m 108 Indiana, ^^m^^. Then, from sk and sor-rowfree, Take me, lord, to dwell with thee, m «-^-W — ffl- 'l^±±: 1 — r i Ives. 7s. 8 lines. E. Iyes, Jr. ^ ^± ^^^ S=e: S g ig T^S^^ Who are these in bright ar-raj ? This in - nu - mer - a - ble throng, -^^r4r i =?^=^ -f?^^— P5- ^ K^ r r^- ^ I r- J^: q=^^ Eonndthe al -tar night and I I rr I i-ing one tri - umph-ant song? m=i f= suL.^^s i ±s ;i 5^ " Worthy is the Lamb once slaia, Bless-ing, hon - or, glo - rv. power. :^ Hortny is tne -je_j© ,_«_ :^:e, ■fir 1 11" rr r" -dom, rich-es, to ob-tain, New do -min-ion ev'- ry honr/ J^.D,> ^ Martyn 7s. 8 lines. Ma - ry to the Saviour's tomb Hast-ed at the ear - \j dawn, \ Spice she brought, and sweet perfume, But the Lord she loved had gone: J D.C. Trembling, while a crys-tal flood Is -sued from her weep -ing eyes. For a while she Ikig'ring stood, Fill'd with sorrow and sur ■ prise, m Nnreratarg. 7s. fe4--g^4t^^^.ajj:^j ^g^^ Chil-dren of theheaven-lj King!As ye jour -ney, sweet -ly siDg ^tfe^z: F-gTF^ ^ g^E^pE^ =P=f ^^^^^^^^^ Sing your Saviour's worth-y praise, Glorious in his works and ways, ,11 .^ ^.^ ^ j-4-i^ U-J ^ e ^ r Pleyel's Hymn. 7s. Pletel. vionr, at thy feet we bow; Oh, vouch-safe to meet us now; Pleyel's Hyraa. At thy peo-ple's earn - est cry, Bring thy lov - ing - mer - cy nigh. h Rock of Ages. 7s. e lines. Dr.T. Hastings. ^^^^ ^^m Rock of a - ges, cleft for me, Let me hide my - self in thee ; D. C. Be of sin the doii - ble cure, Sare from wrath, and make me pure. -^ ^ "^*--C: ^^-•• -'^ -^ -^ m D. C. :=t^ let the ¥a - ter and the blood From thyvound-ed side that flo^v'd Rosefield. 7s. Dr. Malan. lord ! the open - ing year To the souls as - sem - bled here ; Clothe thy word with power di- Tine, Make ns will -ing to be thine. Ul Roslyn. 7s. 4-hrH^ Arr. from Naumann. ^^^^^^^ Who, Lord, wlien life is o'er, Sh; all to heaven's blest §m i I rr ^ i j ^^^ , ,@ ^Upi rf r man - sions soar; pr\vlio,an ev - - - er- •\Ia thy ho^ - • ^' ly PS 1st time. 2d time. vcl - come guest, 1 j^ j.. j^^ . j j^^^ gjiaH jg^t p place shall rest r J •' T Royalton. 7s. e lines. PATiBRmio. thou God who hear-est prayer, Ev'-ry hour and ef - ry- where, :Bm Royalton. ^m tr ( I I > I I I Lis -ten to my fee - Me breath, Kow I touch the gates of death; -1^ rD ^ ^ -(S- -r>. Jj 'T^^-T^^^-r^^- t=t= # *^ III II cA-Jr -^ III III For His sake whose blood I plead, Hear me in the hour of need. gLg_»U I „ II glj ^ L^ g 1 f^ J Sidmontfi. 7s. eunes. Dr. Madait. ! -Ij through an-oth • er week God has brought us on our way ^^. \ -t Let us now a bless -ing seek. Wait- ing in his courts to-day, — P » f f , ft— (=2 r^' ^ g ^ .g Gg r? r ! ^ ^^^m TTTT P 1 1 ^ Pay of all the week the best, Em-blera of e - ter - nal rest. n. J -V»M* ^-^-fcj ^=^^ t=t ^^^5^ 113 Amsterdam. 7s, es. Dr. NAUE3. m Rise, my soul, and stretcli thy wings, Thy bet - ter por - tion trace ; \ Rise from tran-si - to - ry things TVard heaven, thy native place; / i 1^ Sun, and moon, and stars de- cay, Time shall soon this earth remove; e, my ^B^ J3^ and haste a -way To seats prepared a -hove. ^«=t: f^ ^^ i^:^ Attila or Power. 7s, es MoDEKX Harp. Fine. Lamb of God, whose bleed-ing love We now re - call to mind, D. C. Oh, re - mem - ber Cal - va ■ rv, And bid us go in peace. k i* I - t: t«=4=t: ^ 1 1- f -1 \- =^=g^i^: g _ — ^ ., .^ Send the an - swer from a - bove, And let us mer - ey find. -J- u;*. '^i^U i i i L jgg - e iE=^ 114 Attila or Power. ijEidigi ^^i; j ^ riJ , J I— J — V Thiak on us vho think on thee ; Er'-ry bur-den'd soul re - lease : -^ ■^^^ ■^' -^ ■f^^M- Missionary Hymn. 7s, es. Dr. L. Mason. ^^S From Greenland's i - cy moun-tains, From h - dia's co - ral strand I==l4 i iA ^^^1^^^^ lYhere Af - ric's sun - ny foun - tains Roll doM their gold ■ en sand ; ^ Ep| f-1'^ =g t ^r^ i^§ 0EE^ 1111 ''^^^^^^^m- r From many aa an-cieat ri - ver, From many a palm-y plain, l8-gTlS - ^,-^ i p F' p prr~^ r^=T They call us to de - li - ver Their land from er -ror's chain -r J ^^;=^i=g: ^=:J=g4g P 115 Webb. 7s, 6s. 8 lines. Geo. James Webb. The morning light is breaking, The darkness disappears ; The sons of earth are wa-king To pen-i-tential tears , Each breeze that sweeps the ocean Brings tidings from a - far Of nations in commotion, Prepared for Zion's war. ^m^^m^^ Abba. 8s, 7s. 8 lines. §B5ggg^ Je-sus, I my cross have ta-ken, All to leave and fol-low thee; N ^^^^^^^ @^^ -^^-jr ■ ked, poor, despised, for • sa • ken. Thou from hence my all shalt be. iff — 5r:^!?^^ziki 116 ■^^_- ff ^ , » 4> , A ^ ^ V \^ V V w=w^ ^ Abba. Per-ish ev'-ry fond am-bi-tion, All I've sought, or hoped, or known ! I tt^^^ ^^m 3 I > t- u u Ict-howriehis my con di-tion .'-God and hea-ven are still my own! ^^^^^g Antumn. Ss, 7s. S lines. Gently, Lord, oh, gently lead us Through this lonely lale of tears,- ■^Ew^^m ftTT^ ^ Fine. Through the changes thou'st decreed us, Till our last great change ap-pears: D. C. Let thy good-ness ney-er fail as, Lead us in thy per - feet way. When temp-tation's darts as-sail us, When in devious paths we stray, ^^ Bartimeus. ss, 7s. Mer cy, thou Son of Da-vidT Thus the blind Bar-ti. mens prayed "0-thers by thy word are sav-ed; Now to me af • ford thine aid." w^m^s^^f^^^^^ Betafi. 8s, 7s. C. M. VON "Weber. ^^^-^-^Hrfef^ Cirr^^ • vionr, source of ey' ry bless - ing, I 1 i :i^=^S ri ^ ^^^ ^ ' J^^ — * ^ — ^ — ! I ' Tune my heart to_ grate - ful layl; ^ :* e ^ Efc I 1^ Si rEgEE^ er ceas * m, Streams of mer - cy, nev Si ^^Pp^^^^ t£ 118 Sffeet the mo-ments, rich in bless-ing, Which be-fore the cross I spend; ^i^ff lf ^u -^-^ jg: " p~'^~i |y life and health and ta — La I k-"3 — F"^- PsfT^g -ing, From the sinner's dy - ing Friend. fg p "i""r"i"i" s 1^ fC ? , f S' P ^-^f-Ffff :t=t: fc::t=t: =P Come, ye Sinners, ss, 7s. ^_p ii^me. Come, ye sin-ners, poor and need-y, Weak and wounded, sick and sore; \ Je - sus read-y stands to save you. Full of mer-cy, love, and power. J D. C. Glo-ry, honor, and sal - ration! Christ the Lord is come to reign. Turnto the lord, and seek sal- va-tion, Sound the praise of his dear name, ,-m- ^. ^ - r^ r^ > ! D.c. Greenville, ss, 7s. J. J. ROTJSSEATJ. I I r — ^ I I Come, thou fount of ey' - ry blessing ! Tune my heart to sing thy grace ; Streams of mer-cy, nev - er ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. B.C. Fill my soul with sa-ered pleasure, While I sing re - deeming love. Teach me some me -lo-dious measure, Sung by raptured saints above; D. C. m ^ 2 Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God ; He, to save my soul from danger, Interposed his precious blood. Oh ! to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrain'd to be ! Let thy grace, Lord, like a fetter Bind my wandering heart to thee. Harwell. Ss, 7s. S lines. ^^ ^ Fine., Hark! ten thousand harps and yoi- ces Sound the note of prsise above; \ Je - sus reigns, and heaven rejoi - ces ; Je - sus reigns, the God of love : J D. C. Hal - le - k - jah ! Hal-le - lu - jah ! Hal • le - lu - jah ! A^ - mei. m m *s^ iriirp v=r I _^D.C. ^^^^^^ ^^^^ See, he sits on yonder throne, Je - sus rules the world a - lone, ^ Nettleton. ss, 7s. Fine., May the grace of Christ our Sa - viour, And the Fa - ther's boundless Iotc, \ With the Ho - ly Spirit's fa - vor, Rest up -on us from a-bore! / D. C, And pos-sess, in sweet com-mu - nion, Thus may we a -bide in u -nion With each o-ther and the lord, D.C. a:ztrrc-:trT--c^rrrg=gr 8s, 7s D.C. lord, with glowing heart I'd praise thee For the bliss thy love bestows, For the pard'ning grace that saves me, And the peace that from it flows: Thou must light the flame, or never Can my love be warm'd to praise. ?^ • pFr r i frf m ^ '^rv^Y; ^^i^^^^ D.C. Help, God, my weak en-deavor; This duU soul to rap-tnre raise: 2 Praise, my soul, the God that sought thee, Wretched wanderer, far astray, Found thee lost, and kindly brought thee From the paths of death away ; Praise, with love's devoutest feeling, Him -who saw thy guilt-born fear And, the light of hope revealing, Bade the blood-stain'd cross appear. 121 Saxony, ss, 7s. Natuia^tn. Hail! tktt long-ex -pect-ed Je-sus, Corito set thy peo-ple free; From OUT sins and fears re -lease us; let us find our rest in thee. ^ :&& ;^^^^J^^^^^ J t=t=4 ^ Sicilian Hymn, ss, 7s. ^f^EE^^^ ^ joy I ! and peace; let us eaeh, thy love pos- Oh, re - fresh us, Oh, re- ^ * jg-ff^- fegE ^=t £=E r£ S^- IP — !S^ I r ^A: -1— ^ fEi=i=[S=i^^ ^ - 1 r _ umph in re - deem - ing grace, r'lling through this wil ■ der - ness. ^ ^ -^ ^ J_J >;^S fresh ing, us. Tri Tra ^=^ 122 Smyrna. 8s,7s. s lines. j,,,,,,. t=^ ^^^ Gently, Lord, oh, gently lead ns Through this lonely rale of tears,- ^ m-^ ^i >-f*^ rrr^ I ■■ i 1 I 1-9 1 1 \ II . I X — ' /■.h r . •: J Ji~ l ~jj t Through the chaa-ges thou'st de- creed us, Till our last great S ■^— «L r r - g: ^^ U ^ ^ I T i -+-n» n ^ g 9 SSE #f# ap - pears '.IVhen temp - ta - tion's darts as - sail us, ^=«: i ^^=e T T ^^ ^=* ^ *i *!*] SJ-JS E^ f^ i*1 fq ^ :3t^:^at-tij *:*^^^ When in de - vious paths ue stray, Let thy good - ness W ney - er fail us, Lead us in thy per - feet way. ^2E Mi r > — y : 123 StockwelL 8s, 7s. D. E. Jones. i^^* lent -ly the shades of eye-ning Gather roand my lone-lydoor; $ afea T * fs ^ E^ i^=g-3 3" ^ ■^ ee no m Si-lent -ly they bring be -fore me Fa-ces I shall see no more, -m-4^ ^?=*fe ^ b [g I p I jj \f0 — ^ -^^ i^ i r-^f-t -i^ t^ ^ I I Switzer. ss, 7s. Arr. from Swiss Melody. thou Sun of glorious splendor, Shine vith healing in thy ^ -U U U-v— U-^ U» l^ > t^ l^ ^^^^^^s ving ; Chase away these shades of darkness ; Holy light and corn-fort r * I* !Hi= -v-t^— k-v^ I 1 ^ B Fi g ,::^ Ho - ly light and com -fort bring. =£=£: 124 > ^ > Thornton, ss, 7s. Modern Harp. God is love: his mer-cy brightens All the path in which we rove; liss he wakes and woe he lightens : wis-doffl, God is love. ^^^61^ 1 — r Wilmot. 8s, 7s. C. M. VON Weber. Hark ! what mean those ho - ly voi - ces, Sweetly sounding through the skies ^bi^-p-^-& gEgEf- 1 I lo ! th'an-ge - lie host re - joi - ces-Heavenly hal - le - In - jahs rise S=& i ^^ i^P^ -f— T 2 Listen to the wondrous story Which they chant in hymns of joy : — "Glory in the highest, glory — Glory be to God on high !" 125 Maclean. 8s,7s,&4s. n 1 , g-^qjS- NOTELLO. Zi ■ on stands with hills snr-ronnd-ed, — Zi - on, kept by power di - Tine All her foes shall be con - found - ed, Thouofh the world in arms com - bine : py Zi - on! m ^^ ■«•- ■» P^^ m w Hap - py Zi - on ! What ^=^ ^ fa - Tor'd lot is thine! s I * m). Olipliant. 8s, 7s, & 4s. 1=^=: I I j-L ^^^^1^^=^=^ Guide me, thou great Je - ho - vah, Pilgrim through this bar - ren land ; s ?2= r-t g? g? — 1^ £? f^"~1^ — r^^ i <: !^ 126 Oliphaiit. ^^^^- I am weak, but thou art miglit-y; Hold me with thy powerful hand; H=2- Tx^^ -f=2- _ _ q^ -(=2- -(=2- S £: S £=£ -feS* — S? — 1S>- ^=^ \^ T^^ x ^ i 1 i M 1 — \ ^=^ i=^=^^^^^^=^ Bread of hea - ren, Bread of hea - ven, Feed me m. -g %1^ -^ (=> 5Ji u^ A J.JHJJ N , 1 I jJHJ' J J l 1 I want no more, Feed me till I want no more. Ill m -( ^ g' f g- =f=T I r 1 f rr ZiOH. 8s, 7s, & 4s. Dr. T. Hastings. I I I Hark! theroiceof love and mercy Sounds aloud from Cal-va-ry : 'I ^t. See, it rends the rocks asunder, Shakes the earth, and veils the sky ! J ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ gi'i i >» g ^^ ^^^S finish'd !" Hear the dying Sariour cry ! " It is finish'd !" Hear the dying Saviour cry ! Brace. 8s, 7s, & 5s. pl£^ Hast thon, 'midst life's empty noi-ses, Heard the so-lemn steps of Time, ^ p r - ^ ^ xp y i r^ ^ft^ 1 r r r r I i \ i* ' ' ' '' ^ s=t ^^^^^^m ^-- -i=t J:^: the low myg - te-rious voi - ces Of i^ •0 - ther clime? I S ^^E Ear -ly hath life's mighty qaestion Thrill'd \rithin thy heart of yoath € "->^ P2=PE=^=^ ^^ 1—1 — r ? 1 1 i i f-r 11 deep and strong be-seech - ing, What and where With ^e ^ truth? I i P «? 128 2 Not to ease and aimless quiet Doth the inward answer tend; But to works of love and duty, As our being's end. Earnest toil, and strong endeavor Of a spirit which within Wrestles with familiar evil And besetting sin. Christian Victor. lOs. Joy -ful-ly, joy - ful-ly onward I move, Bonnd to the land of bright An - gel-ie chor - is-ters sing, as I come, Joy - ful-ly, joy - M-ly f-f-r spi - rits a-boTe ; \ Soon, with my pil-grim-age end - ed be - low, haste to thy home ! j Home to the land of bright spi-rits I go ; ^^ --^^^-^ Tfjl ^ ^ fe££ I ^ 1*^ T=r J^ ^^^^«^^i Pilgrim and stranger no more shall I roam. Joyfully, joyfully resting at home. Savannah, los. PLETEIu See heaven its sparkling portals wide display And break upon thee in a flood of day. ^ r ^ I _r. L^ ' i-l- .J.^JJ l -11 Edintargh. iis. Father Almight-y, to thee be address'd, With Christ anMe Spirit, one ^^^^^^s i ^ i^j^tj #^ God erer bless'd, All glory and worship from earth and from heaven, As was, and i m now, and shall ev-er be given. Hal-Ie-h -jah, A -men! Hal -le ^ m^^^- tSz Eal-lelu- jah, I'j-jali, A ' men, Hal-Ie - la-jah, halle - lu-jah, hal-Ie - la-jab, A ■ tfv. - c iF-ffiW*FPt^ fm i ^ Frederick, iis. 3 Geo. KiNasLET. ^m ^-U j- g i '^ -> g ^= ^ ^^- ^y i I would not live al - way : I ask not to stay Where storm af-ter ^ --m^ i ^ 130 K^r^ '^^^ Frederick, 4- ^j^dd^jj^^^fe ^fem^^ storm ri-ses dark o'er the way ; The few lu-rid mornings that I- m Goshen, or Hinton. iis ^^m Be - lay not,de - lay not, sin-ner! draw ear, The wa-ters of ^ :^ t-r ^^^^^^m life are now flow-ing for thee; No price is de-mand-ed, the -rionr is here, Ee-demp-tion is purchased, sal -jra-tion is free. m^^ ISl r Gnardian. iis. Arr. from G laser. want he will kiad-ly pro -vide; To sheep of his pas -tore his ^^m ^ES ^^ P ^ r i i ii^ ■=*: -1-n f^MJ^id^M mer-cies a -bound, His care and pro-tec-tion his flock will surround. S &=M-- m^ rrp^ ^^ t=t Horae. lis. :ri7^' — r 'Mid scenes of con - fu - sion and crea - ture complaints, \ sweet to my soul is com-mu - nion with saints;) - P ,( s — ^ ^ ,r=? ^ P - To find at the banquet of mer-cy there's room, And feel in the D.C. Pre-pare me, dear 132 Home. Fine. D.C.:6f- q=t ~ I ^ — . ^=^ presence of Je - sus at home. Home, home, sweet, sweet home ! Saviour, for glo - ry at home. n o -cf -(S>- _ u, CtCi: ^m 1)*=^ 1=?^:^ ff Portnguese Hymn. iis. f^^JiiN%l -P^4>- i r^^-^-n ^^^ =it3t s How firm a foun - da-tion, ye saints of the lord, Is laid foryonr ^ 1 i^ 1^ faSJ^fe^ fe^ H-rM^ i faith in his ex - eel - lent word ! What more can he say than to -ff-^ 1^*1 ' 1 ^ r^cra: ^EE U U 1 1 1>^ -U- yon he hath said, You who un - to Je - sus for re - fnge have ^/#Pf[f^ m^ You who un - to Je -^- J for re - fuge have fledi 'fi- ^ -1 k. :^^=fe Brightness, iis&ios. " Hail to the BrigMness.' Mozart. r Hail to the brightness of Zi - on's glad morn-ing ! Joy to the iHush'd be the ac- cents of sor -row and mourn-ing; Zi - on in D. C. loud from the mountain-top e - ehoes are ring - ing, Wastes rise in ^ -4-s:-^ 3^ -w=w- ^cz=^=^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ 1 — r 1-^ J. J ^ -^- i J i.n^'^r-j J iJ . ^ ' W lands that in dark-ness hare lain! tri - umph be - gins her mild reign. rer - dure, and min - gle in song. 5 lo! in the de - sert rich -^^^Eyg^g^ % n ^^ ^ I ! II ] 11 rit. D.C. ^^^^^^ i=i:r^E^z=:il: flow-ers are spring-ing, Streams ever copious are glid-ing a - long; ^ I Canopns. ^^ ERE I SLEEP.'' i W=t: 53 ^ 3- -^ -^- 'J- -5- -5- -^- Ere I sleep, for ev' - ry fa - yor This day show'd ^ g — t-iS^- ^=^ 8 I y — h Ife!?=t i ^ :a g" g ^-^ By my God, I do bless my_ Sa ^ ^ 134 Come, ye Disconsolate, iis&ios. Webbe. Come, ye dis-con - solate, xvher-e'erjonlan-guish, Come, at the ^ ^PP 3 m rJ-J^4J^.^.^=HI-F-fl4J^ mercy-seat fer * Tent - ly kneel : Here bring your woanded hearts, ]=:?2: ^ *=st f^ here tell your an - gui Earth has no sor - row :?^: m r — X s heaven cannot heal. Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your fc j -jr4rHif^r^n"-if=&= g I g??--5 ?=^ ^ t n can-noi heal. S au - gnish ; Earth has no sor - row that heay' E^pEE^ Folsom. iis&ios. Mozart. Briffht-est and best of the sons of the morn-inff, Dawn on our ^^^^^m dark-ness and lend ns thine aid; Star of the East, the ho- m f " d^;jij jig#^ ^^^ ri - zon a-dorn-ing, Guide where our in-fant Re - deem-er is laid. ^ £ u jr ^ T i'^-H^ Lyons, iis & los. Hatdx. f^ -j- ^^UiJ ^ ^ ri^ ^ Ye ser-vants of God, your Mas - ter , And pnb-lish a- wirj T^ m -^^m ^ y-^Pffi-di ^^g^ won- der ■ ful name: The name all - Tie - to -rious of Lyons. ex-tol; His kingdom is dorions, and rules o-rer all. 4^^^^ 2 God ruleth on high, almighty to save ; And still he is nigh ; his presence we have; The great congregation his triumph shall sing, Ascribing salvation to Jesus our King. Peoria, or Eden. 12s, iis. l-r-l- f How sweet to re-flect on the joys that a- wait me In yon bliss-fal joys mat a-wait me in yon \ TVhere glo-ri - fied spi - rits with welcome shall greet me And lead me to region, the ha - Ten of rest, \ En-cir - cled with Ught, and with glory en- mansions prepared for the blest ! j I'll bathe in the o-cean of plea-sure un- fi5^ ^^??\u:\fw ^ ££^ n*^ f=4=t 1 ui 1st time. 2d time. ^m^^m^ shrouded, My hap-pi-ness perfect, my mind's sky unclouded, bounded. And range with delight thro' the [OMIT. , ] E-den of love,. Mil ' i = >r'i 1 I 'f""g^f ' 1 i y -gt" 137 Scotland. 12s. Dr. Clakke. 1 9=q==F=5=F^ raJ; i ;lj u Zg=gi The Toice of free grace cries, Es-cape to the moun-tain ! For m ^^ ^ i 3a s Christ hath o - pen'd a fonn - tain; me± =; A - dam's lost race For sin and nn - cleanness, and ev'- ry trans-gres-sion, Hii Halle - lu - jah to the Lamb, who hath pnr-chased our par-don ! We'll blood flows most free - ly in streams of sal ■ va - tion. His praise him a - gain when we pass o - rer Jor ■ dan, We'll blood flows most free - ly in streams of sal - va - tion. praise him a - gain when we pass o - Ter Jor - dan. I 138 Bnrlington. 12s, iis & ss. The Prince of Salvation." ^^ . ' ' 1 ' The Prince of salvation in triumph is riding, And glory attends him along his bright ..I I I 1 way ; The news of his grace on the breezes are gliding,And nations are owning his sway, ^ Come to Jesus. ^^^^^^^^^ ^ Come to Je - sus, come to Je - sus, come to Je - sus, come to -y^-g err— y- irrr ^. t^t ^=^ -^—^ r^g- 1 ^ j J — it^ "^ ^^ J ^=j^ 3?^ Je - sus, come to Je - sus, come to Je come to S ^S= zM±^. -^^-^ ^E^ S^ 3t=^: ^ Je ■ sns, just now, just now, Come to Je 4.^ — ^.r^ ^gP t^^ ^^ ^^ 139 De Flenry. ss. ^^P f> > h _ _ — ^— N ^^^^^ =^ ^M Ye angels, \^-lio stand round the throne And view my Im-man - u - el's face, <* (* ^ I . 1^ ^ ^ ' — — rp f-fijt^^^^mtrm^ In rapturous songs make him known ; Tune, tune your soft harps to his praise. m » ^ ^ -^-79 9 I ^ gi k i . ^ k 1^ ^— ^ 5E^f^^^ , r Tf hen others sunk down in de-spair, Confirm'd by his pow-er, ye stood. 2 Ye saints, who stand nearer than they, And cast your bright crowns at his feet, His grace and his glory display, And all his rich mercy repeat : He snatch'd you from hell and the grave, He ransom'd from death and despair, For you he was mighty to save, Almighty to bring you safe there. 140 Dove. Fine. D. C. Help me to praise thy name Wliile I am young ; ) Angels from the skies Will look let me thy truth proclaim With my infant tongne : 3 down with gladsome eyes. D.C. When thy prais-es rise, By in - fants sung. D. C. Felton. 9s & ss. Bread of the world, in mer-ey broken! Wine of the soul, in mer-eyshed; ^ f ^ ^ ^«?-^*■ 0> ^ . ^ |g l# i* i* :jBJE 1 > '^- 2 Look on the heart by sorrow broken ! Look on the tears by sinners shed! And be thy feast to ns the token That by thy grace our souls are fed. Happy Voices, ss, ss, & es. f^^^iuii m ^p^^^ ^ Hark I those happy Yoices, saying, " Yet there's room, Heaven's call obeying.' Sin-ner! come, Homeward Bonnd."^ Arr. by J. W. Dadmtjx. ^^^^^^S^ Out on an o- cean all - bound-less ^^■e ride, We're homeward 'd on the wares of a rough, rest - less tide, We're, etc. D. C. Pro • mise of which on ns each he bestow'd. We're, etc. i Jjz Fine. I =it=if Nfe 1 h > f =i^=* bound, homeward bound. Far from the safe, qui - et har - bor we've 142 2 Wildly the storm sweeps us on as it roars, We're homeward bound; Look! yonder lie the bright heavenly shores, We're homeward bound ; Steady, pilot ! stand fiim at the wheel, Steady! we soon shall outweather the gale, Oh, how we fly 'neath the loud-creaking sail ! We're homeward bound. 3 We'll tell the world, as we journey along, We're homeward bound; Try to persuade them to enter our throng, We're homeward bound ; Come, trembling sinner, forlorn and oppress'd. Join in our number, oh, come, and be blest ; Journey with us to the mansions of rest. We're homeward bound. 4 Into the harbor of heaven now we glide, We're home at last : Softly we drift on its bright silver tide. We're home at last ; Glory to God ! all our dangers are o'er ; We stand secure on the glorified shore, Glory to Gcd ! we will shout evermore. We're home at last. » From the" SabbathrScliool Bell," by permission of B. Water*. I'm a Pilgriin. p. m. Fine, -N K N V ^^^^^^^^ W-^ I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger; I can tar-ry, I can tar-rj but aniglit. ^ Do not detain me, for I am go - ing To \riiere the rivers are ever flov-ing. ^" U^ [^ y ^ -»-!g^^g»-g;-ia 11 ^ ; ^ ;^ Kenaz. vs, ss. z^ ^-F=M 1 1 r' — " =— 1 1 -, " j_j I- : 1 - D. C. He sns shaU lives, raise — *- and me so Avith shaU the 'i "^-^ Death, Je - thy SOS -A. — *-r ^ ^i:^^— H 1 ^rft — i»- ¥ — a '~ ^F=F- 1 ^i^ sting is gone for-ev - er; He who deign'd for me to is my hope and trust. Sr&: ^€-^S-fg— S \jd. £L^ ^ •■* * ^ -— ^ i — I ' v I i*p " i i D.C, ^=g=g = =Fg= ^^^^ die Lives, the bands of death to sev-er. i A A ^ D.C, li3 Land of Promise. ^ aasg?^ have a Fa-ther in the promised land, I have a Fa-ther in the 9J I k U ' "^ I promised land ; Mj Father calls me, I must go To meet him in the promised land. Chorus. ^^^^^^^^m rila-way, I'll a-way to the promised land, I'll a -way, I'll a- way to "I; f?q^.^,f £h> ^ — g g t~ th == - ^ ^ ,1— -l— [g— ^ ^ , ^ ^ p ^ f f promised land ; My Father calls me, I must go To meet him in the promised land. 144 2 I have a Saviour in the promised land ; My'Saviour calls me, I must go To meet him in the promised land. I'll away, I'll away to the promised land ; My Saviour calls me, I must go To meet him in the promised land. 3 I hope to meet you in the promised land ; At Jesus' feet, a joyous band, We'll praise him in the promised land. We'll away to the promised land ; At Jesus' feet, a joyous band, We'll praise him in the promised land. Lncas. ., , w .. ,.. ^ h. 1 N .. rrr> ^f:iH^li=d?AH^^-^^H^4^ Come, let us a -new Our journey pur-sue, Roll round with the ^i^-^trrfc^fc '" P FF Ffri^^H^: ucrnrt^ "^r-^ — t*^ l^ M "U k '*^g-g-^ year, And nev - cr stand still till the Mas - ter ap-pear; f Jj i jjj i jj|j;. i j ii j i%i a - dor - a - ble will Let us gladly ful - CI, And our tal-ents im- #^ y-i — k > ■ ' 1 — KV-'i — k— ^'-' — " k^ k M — ^ prove. By the pa - tience of hope and the la - bor of ^ ^ ^^ ^^^^P \^ ^ \ love, By the pa -tience of hope and the la - bor of love. ^'-VS= z^zzzUi- '-f—f- -« — ^- fS 145 No Night in Heaven. W. B. Bradbury. No night shall be in heaven ! no gathering gloom Shall o er that glorions mt ff H=k^-^ ^m^fi^ landscape ev-er come; No tears shall fall in wu^n ^^& ^m ness o'er those flow'rs That I ^^^g^ W U U k I ^^^ breathe their fragrance thro' ce ■ les - tial bowers. No night shall be in heaven. _ _ h ^ hi" 2 No night shall be in heaven ! no dreadful hour Of mental darkness, or the tempter's power ; Across those skies no envious cloud shall roll, To dim the sunlight of the raptured soul. No night shall be in heaven. 3 No night shall be in heaven. Forbid to sleep, These eyes no more their mournful vigils keep ; Their fountains dried, their tears all wiped away, They gaze undazzled on eternal day. No night shall be in heaven. 4 No night shall be in heaven, — no sorrow's reign. No secret anguish, no corporeal pain ; No shivering limbs, no burning fever, there ; No soul's eclipse, no winter of despair. No night shall be in heaven. 146 -f-4-J- Olga — ^ [. 8s & 4s. — 4- — 1 f=- -^d-n- -r-i God of eve-ning and While our hearts with lore of are — >- 1 Dorn burn 4- ■mg. ■ing. 4--^ ^- -^- *.: Great Source Pros - trate 7^ ^-^ of all! we faU } ^4~^ - - — k— — Hr- =ts= -J — =t ^ — ^ -^ ^ -I H =rF3= — N — r -^-n--r !S — 1 7-\ ^ Now thy sa-( red throne ad-dress — \ -ing. And our fol-lies aU con - fess-ing, ^^^ — =ii^ ■-::: L_3- 1 is MJM- s ^ " J ■^-..^ "' ^ We en-treat a Fa-ther*s bless-ing: Lord, hear our call. w= M ^ f iZ s^^.^^ =t==F 1 — \ — r Pomeroy. 7s, ss. 0S:2SfS;}«^^e.Tea-cher,to^ Jesus, hear and save. ^ £^ ^ P i=±=|: tt 2 Strong Creator, Saviour mild, Humbled to a little child, Captive, beaten, bound, reviled,- Jesus, hear and save. 147 Shining Shore.*^ G. F. Root. My days are gliding swiftly by, And I, a pilgrim stranger.Wonld not detain them J K =;^:S ^ S' ^^ they fly, Those hours of toil and danger ! For oh ! we stand on Jordan's strand, Our friends are passing over, And just before, the shining shore We may almost discover. m Jg-l>^l— p: ^ ■^ ' From the " Sablath-School Bell," by permission ofH. Waters. Shrub Oak. Words and Music by C. Dcntbae. " A Home Beyond the Tide." N N ■ ^ V- We are out on the o-cean,sail-ing ; Homeward bound we sweetly glide; t^,g-k^igT fag=;g ^iir>->~T?^ >, -1 ^^^ III .F=fF k ^ > " " ' -5-:-*- " ' "" !_ We are oat on the o - cean, sail-ing To a home beyond the tide. 148 k ^ 1 k k Shrnb Oak. Chorus. All the storms will soon be -rer, Then we'll an-ehor in the har-bor; k k -,1 50*: ^ 1^ ^ ^ 1^ *■- - - - I ^Ve are out on the o-cean, m m' M m ^ sail-ing To a home beyond the tide ^►tHt — ^7^^ g g ^ „ i i ^ — i r i T'A - ^? 1-^ !; g~ — L* ig Lf* >~ -4—).- r ^ ^> H - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ k k ^ 2 Millions now are safely landed OTer on the golden shore ; Millions more are on their journey, Yet there's room for millions more. AU the storms, &c. 3 Come on board, and " ship" for glory, Be in haste — make up yoxir mindl For our yesseFs weighing anchor ; You will soon be left behind. All the storms, &c. 4 You have kindred over yonder, On that bright and happy shore ; By-and-by we'll swell the number, . When the toils of life are o'er. All the storms, D.C. 1 Hark! hark! it seems to say, As melt those sounds a -way, '' D.C. 151 Unity. When shall we meet a - gain, Meet ne'er to ser - er? When vill peace wreathe her chain Round us for-ev-er! i^^^ l^ 1*=Rt ^=^^ fe=£ 4=±± Our hearts will ne'er re-pose, Safe from each hlast that blows, In ijg::^ ig: Jg: rg: -J^-^ ig: ig: q-t m h ifc b b b P ^^^^ feljjirjite this dark Tale of woes, ^ Nev-er, no, ner-er. r7\ n\ m ii^^ 2 When shall love freely flo-vv, Pure as life's river? When shall sweet friendship glow Changeless forever ? Where joys celestial thrill, Where bliss each heart shall fill, And fears of parting chill, Never, no, never. 152 Violet. 8s & 7s. 1st time. ■u- ^^ ^abijijz: Je- SQsClirist,myLord and SaTionr,Once became a child like me: \ Oh that in my whole be-ha - vior [OMIT ]j D. C. Cat the Lord was meek and lowly, .glg^J V - . St^J l g&arrF^ i r^^^^^^ ^^ 2d & 3d time JJ^me. He my pat - tern still might be ! AH my na - tnre And was nev - er known to ^f p ' =1^ r^o^j un - ho - ly ; Pride and m s *■■ i Will yoH go ? ** We're trav'lling home to hear'n abore, Will you go ? Will you go ? \ «., To sing the Saviour's dying love, Will you go ? Will you go ? J D. C. And millions more are on the road, Will you go r Will you go ? lions have reach'd that blest a- bode, A - noint-ed kings and priests to God, ^-0. D.C f-r-r — ,-r -r -r r- .-r- -r ----- Wings of a Dove. Oh, had I wings like a dove, I would fly Away from this world of U i i^ U care : My soul would mount to the realms on high And seek for a re-fug;e ggXL^tt^t.aav^ j^tti^i g^ fMM^Mm ^M there. But is there no ha-venhercon earth, No hope for the wound-ed ,-m fayor'd spot where content has birth. In which I may find a rest i tJ=^: 154 2 Oh, is it not written, " Believe and live" ? The heart, by bright hope allured. Shall find the comfort these words can give, And be by its faith assured. Then why should we fear the cold world's frown, When truth to the heart has given The light of religion to guide us on In joy to the paths of heaven ? 8 There is, there is, in thy holy word, Thy word which can ne'er depart, There is a promise of mercy stored, For the lowly and meek at heart. "My yoke is easy, my biirden light; Then come unto me for rest ;" These, these are the words of promise stored For the wounded and weary breast. AsMoH. 7s & es =f Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings. Thy better por - tion trace I iVJ t J ' S"^~^^ ^y-^-J-^ES=g^E^ W m Rise, from tran - si - to - ry things, Towards heaven, thy native place ; i ^ m i»--ts>— =- t=^ j=j^ [: g'-^_gLJ-Jl^ ^^ hg'iiij^gzi gz'E^I Sun and moon and stars de - cay, Time shall soon this earth re - move ; (2Mr=£ 4i=t ^^ ^^ 5-^~^^;ryT^ haste a -way To seats pre-parcd a - hove. t^ ^ ZaM. ss&es. ^^|:^U=^ -1— 4— J- -J-*L-J- *< ^ Sin-ner, come,'fflid thy gloom, All thy gnilt con - fess - ing, \ Trembling now, Contrite bow. Take the offer'd ,,,,,,,... J ^%^f=f= ^^ mg. The Lord is my Shepherd. m ^m iS g~ g " r^ m ^ A - men. ^ P ( The Lord is my shepherd ; \ I I shall not | -want. ( He maketh me to lie down in green pastures ; \ He leadeth me beside the still | wa | ters. f He restoreth my soul ; he leadeth me I In the paths of righteousness for his | name's — [ sake. TYea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, < I will fear no evil : for thou art with me ; (Thy rod and thy staff, they | p comfort [ me. J Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies, I Thou anointest my head with oU;V my | cup . . runneth | over, f Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; \ And I will dwell in the house of the Lord for- [ ev 1 er. || A- 1 men. Father, I know. ^^^^^^m- ^i^s I ^ s 1 / Father. I know thy ways are just, Al- | though to me un- 1 known. || (Oh, grant me grace thy love to trust. And cry, | "Thy will be | done." rif thou shouldst hedge with thorns my path, Should [ wealth and 2 -< friends be- | gone, || Still, with a firm and lively faith, I'll cry, ] ("Thy will be | done." o /Although thy steps I cannot trace, Thy [sovereign right I'll | own ; [[ ( And, as instructed by thy grace, I'll cry, | " Thy will be [ done." J f 'Tis sweet thus passively to lie Be- | fore thy gracious | throne, |[ \ Concerning every thing to cry, " My Father's | will be | done." I will Arise. ^ 2^2:^ ^^ 2:i2i 1 I will arise, and go unto my Father, and will . . | say unto [ him, || 2 Father, I have sinned against heav'n and be- | fore ] thee, || 3 And am no more worthy to be called . . . | thy | son. || A - . . j men 156 » ^b — ■^^- I will lift np mine eyes. A , / 1 will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, \ From whence | cometli . . my | help. t) J My help cometh from the Lord, '' (Which made | heaven . . and | earth, o f He will not suffer thy foot to he moved. \ He that keepeth thee | will not | slumber. . /Behold, he that keepeth Israel \ Shall neither | slumber . . nor | sleep, c r The Lord is thy keeper ; \ The sun is thy shade upon thy | right — | hand, g . f The sun shall not smite thee by day, I Nor the | x> moon by | night. m /The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: ( He shall pre- | serve thy | soul, g / The Lord shall preserve thy going out, and thy coming in, \rrom this timu forth, and even for evermore. | A- | men. i Gloria Patri * M. Walker. £g EE :^ f PT =S— Lg-^jp-C3 w. ^^ m ^ --\=^ 1 Glory be to the Father, and | to the | Son, || and | to the | Holy | Ghost. 2 As it was in the beginning, | is | now, || and ever | shall be, | world without end. A- | men. || This chant is adapted to the Benedictos. 157 GEI Tunes marked thu3(*) are Copij Abba lYe Acushnet* 32 ^ERAL INDEX. tors. PACK . 18 . 143 . 108 . 80 . 81 . 103 . 109 . 93 . 52 . 104 . 143 . 81 . 82 . 144 . 52 . 53 . 53 . 54 . 94 . 55 . 82 . 94 . 55 . 83 . 18 . 19 . 145 . 56 . 136 . 126 . 56 . no . 35 . 56 '. Ti . 57 . 57 . 58 . 20 . 59 . 58 . 21 . 10 . 115 . 60 . 84 . 60 . 87 . 100 . 121 ; 95 . 146 . 110 . 61 . 22 . 147 . l:;6 . 104 . 84 right ; and are used ii Crosbie* Dalston* Barley* Darwell* DePleury Dedham this work by 11 100 11 91 140 .. 45 permission of their proprie lUa* I'm a Pilgrim Indiana* Inverness Agnes Ain 32 Iowa Italian Hymn America .... 102 .... 114 Antioch* Anvern* Ariel* .... 32 5 Dove 141 Jedburgh* Jordan* Joy Kenaz Kennet* Downs* Duane Street*.. 45 12 13 6 Arlington Arno .... 33 .... 102 .... 6 Dundee Easter Hymn . . . Edenton* Edinburgh E£fen* 46 106 98 130 13 Ashley* Ashton* Athens* Attila* Autumn* Ava* .... 34 .... 155 35 .... 114 .... 117 ... 103 Land of Promise 78 Laurel* Lee Avon Aylesbury .... 35 72 36 Emmons Evan* Evening Hymn. . Everest Federal Street*. Felton 46 47 14 53 15 141 Lenox . 105 Lisbon Lisher Balerma Barby Barre Bartimeus Beethoven Benevento Bertrand* Betah Bethune* Beverly Blauveltville*... Blendon Boylston Bradford .... 36 .... 37 .... 72 118 .... 7 .... 105 .... 73 118 .... 91 .... 73 .... 74 .... 9 .... 74 37 Little Marlborough... Louvan* Loving Kindness Lucas Lucius Lyons Maclean Marlow* Folsom 136 130 Ganges 99 Garland Geneva Gibson* Gleason* Golan Golden Hill 48 49 49 15 16 78 Martyn MassiUon* Mazzaroth* Meade* Mear Mede Medfield . 38 Gorton . 78 Breck* Brightness* Browne Brownell* Bruce Burlington* Cambridge .... 38 .... 134 .... 75 .... 8 .... 128 .... 139 .... 39 Goshen Gratitude Greenville 131 6 120 . 132 Sfendon* Meriden* Metropolis Migdol* Missionary Chant*. . . Missionary Hymn*.. Moravian Mornington Mount Pisgah Haddam 92 16 . 17 141 Canopus 134 Captivity* 9 Cazenovia 41 Charity Hymn 76 Chester 119 China 42 Christian Victory 129 Christmas 42 Clapton* 76 Clarendon 43 Come to Jesus 139 Come, ye Disconsolate 135 Come, ye Sinners 119 Corelli 76 ... 92 Harwell* Haverhill* 120 . 79 Heber Hebron 50 17 107 Nashville* Ncttlcton* Kewbury No Night in Heaven*. Nuremburg Oatlands Old Hundred Henry Hereford Herrick 50 79 . 80 Hessville* 107 . 131 132 Homeward Bound* ... 142 Horton 108 Howard 51 T rln Rplipvp Rl Olga* Oliphant* Olivet* Olmutz Coventry Creation 168 .... 44 .... 10 METRICAL INDEX. PACE Olney 85 Omicron* 22 Ortonville* 62 Otto* 1^1 Park Street 23 Peekskill* 23 Pentonville 85 Peoria, or Edeu 137 Peters 101 Piety* 62 Pleyel's Hymn 110 Plymouth 86 Po'meroy 117 Portuguese Hymn 133 Power lU Reliance* 24 Eemember Me 63 Best* 24 Eockingham* 25 Kockof Ages* Ill Rosefield* Ill Eoslyn 112 Eothwell 25 Eoyalton 112 Savannah 129 Saxony 122 Scotland 138 Seasons 26 PAGE Selr* 86 Selma 87 Shining Sliore* 148 Siiirlaiid 87 Shrub Oak* (A Home beyond the tide) 148 Sibleyville* (Sorrow come again no more) 15C Sicilian Hymn 122 Sidmouth 113 Siloam* 63 Silver Street 88 Smyrna 123 Southwell 88 Spanish Hymn 151 St. Ann's 64 State Street 89 Stephens 64 Sterling 26 St. John's 64 St. Louis 27 St. Martin's 65 Stockwell* 124 Stonefield 27 St. Thomas 89 Swan wick 66 Switzer 124 Tappan* 66 Thatcher 90 Thornton 125 Triumph 96 Unity 152 Uxbridge 28 Varina 67 Villenova 28 Violet 153 "Ward* 28 Ware* 29 "Warsaw 96 "Warwick 68 "Washington Square... 53 "Watchman 90 "R- ebb* 116 "Wells 29 W'elton 80 "Weymouth 97 "WhUefield 68 Williams 30 "R'illTou Go 153 "Wilniot 125 "Windham 81 "Wings of a Oove 154 "Woodstock 69 Zalah 154 Zarephath* 31 Zerah* 69 Zion* 127 METRICAL INDEX. L. M. Anvern 5 Arietta 6 Arnon 6 Beethoven 7 Blendon 9 Brownell 8 Captivity j9 Creation. 10 Crosbie 11 Darley 11 Duane Street 12 Duke Street 13 Efifen 13 Effingham 14 Evening Hvmn 14 Federal Street 15 Gleason 15 Golan 16 Gratitude 6 Hamburg 16 Happy Day 17 Hebron 17 Ilia 18 Louvan 18 Loving Kindness 19 Mendon 20 Migdol 21 Missionary Chant 20 Old Hundred 22 Omicron 22 Park Street 23 Peekskill 23 Eeliance 24 Eest 24 Eockingham 25 Eothwell 25 Seasons 26 Sterling 26 St.Louis 27 Stonefield '. 27 Uxbridge 28 Villenova £8 "Ward 28 "Ware 29 "Wells 29 "Welton 30 "Williams 30 "U'indham 31 Zarephath 31 C. M. Acushnet 32 Agnes 32 Antioch 32 Arlington 33 Ashley 34 Athens 35 Avon 35 Azmon 36 Balerma 36 Barby 37 Bradford 37 Brattle Street 38 Breok 38 Cambridge 39 Canaan 40 Cazenovia 41 China 42 Christmas 42 Clarendon 43 Coronation 44 Coventry 44 Dedham 45 Downs 45 Dundee 46 Kmmons 46 Evan 47 Everest 53 Fletcher 47 Fountain 48 Garland 48 Geneva 49 Gibson 49 Hcber 50 Henry 50 Howard 51 I do Believe 51 Jordan 52 Lanesboro' 52 Laona 53 Laurel 53 Lee 54 Leroux 55 Little 55 Lucius 56 Marlow 56 Martyrdom 35 159 METRICAL INDEX. Massillon PAOI . 56 . 57 . 57 . 58 . 58 . 59 .. 60 . 60 . 61 . 62 .. 62 . 63 . 63 :S . 64 . 65 . 66 . 66 . 67 . 68 . 53 . 68 . 69 . 69 . 70 . 70 .. 72 . 72 . 73 . 73 . 74 . 74 : S .. 76 . 76 . 77 . 77 . 78 . 78 : S . 79 . 80 .. 80 .. 81 . 81 .. 82 .. 82 .. 83 .. 83 .. 72 . 84 .. 87 .. 84 '.*. 85 .. 86 .. 86 .. 87 . 87 Darwell PAGE .. 91 Mede . 92 Sledfield Metropolis Meriden Jedburgh, Lenox Lisher .. 93 .. 94 . 94 Newbury Triumph Warsaw "Weymouth C. p. Iff. .. 95 .. 96 .. 96 .. 97 Mount Pisgah Oatlands Ortonville Pietv Eemember Me St. Ann's Stephens St John's Kdenton Ganges I..P.M. Nashville .. 98 .. 99 . 100 St. Martin's Tappan S. P. M. Dalston .. 100 ■Warwick Whitefield . . es, 4s. America Arno Ava .. 102 .. 102 .. 103 "Woodstock S. M. Adello Olivet 6s. 9s. Joy 7s. Balaena Benevento Easter Hymn Hendon Hessville Horton Indiana Ives Martyn Kuremburg Plevel's Hymn Eock of Ages .. 104 .. 104 .. 105 .. 105 .. 106 ... 1U7 .. 107 .. 108 .. 108 .. 109 .. 110 .. 110 .. 110 .. Ill .. Ill Aylesbury Charity Hymn Clapton Corelli i; Eglinton Haverhill Roslyn ■: Hi .. 113 ... lit . 155 Iowa Kennet Sidmouth 7s. 6s. Amsterdam Lisbon Little Marlborough . .. lit Meade Mornington Missionai-y Hymn.. Power Webb 8s,7s. Abba .. 115 .. 114 .. 116 .. 116 Olney Autumn .. 117 Bartimeus Bctah .. 118 .. 118 Chester Come, ye Sinners.. .. 119 .. 119 ... 120 .. 88 '.'. 89 Harwell Nettleton ... 1-0 ... 121 Thatcher .. 90 .. 90 .. 91 Otto ... i:i ... 122 H.M. Betlinne Sicilian Hymn Smyrna Stockwell ... 122 ... 123 .. 124 PAGX Switzer 124 Thornton l.:5 Violet 153 Wilmot 125 8s, 7s, & 4b. Maclean 156 Oliphant I'i6 Zion 127 8b, 7s, & 5s. Bruce 128 10s. Christian Victory 129 Savannah 1^9 lis. Edinburgh 130 Frederick 130 Goshen 131 Guardian 132 Hinton..- 131 Home 132 Portuguese Hymn 133 lis, 10s. Brightness 134 Come, ye Disconsolate 135 Folsom 136 Lyons 136 12s. Scotland 138 12s, lis. Peoria, or Eden 137 12s, lis. & Bs. Burlington 139 PECUIilAB. Canopus (Ere I sleep), 134 Come to Jesus 139 DeFleurv 140 Dove 141 Felton 141 Happy Voices 141 Homeward Bound 142 I'm a Pilgrim 143 Kenaz 143 Land of Promise 144 Lucas 145 No Night in Heaven... 146 Olga 147 Pomero}- 147 Shining Shore 148 Shrub Oak ^A Home beyond the tide) 148 Sibleyville (Sorrow come again no more) 150 Spanish Hymn 151 Unity 1^2 "Will you Go l33 Wings of a Dove .. 154 Zalah lo5 CHANTS. Father I Know ... 156 Gloria Patri* 157 I will An.=e 156 I will lift up miue Eyes 157 The Lord is my Shep- herd 156 160