^^f.'i Of ."ft,*^,^ NOV 11 ,967 A N HISTORICAL REGISTER OF ALL THE AUTHORS In the SERIES alphabetically difpofed, WITH Their Titles, Degrees, and Preferments^ EXHIBITING IN Chronological Order a fuccin<5t View of their feveral Works, As alfo a Reference, for the Ufe of YOUNG STUDENTS IN DIVINITY, To mofb Public Libraries where they are to be found, TO which are added An APPENDIX to each Volume, An INDEX of Occasional Sermons mentioned in the Series, and Two Lists of the ARCH-BISHOPS and BISHOPS of England and Ireland from the Year 1660 to the prefent Time, By JOHN COOKE, M. A. LATE CHAPLAIN OF CHRI ST - CHURCH, OXFORD, AND RECTOR OF WENTNOR, SALOP. S7rauo«s-e» o-ixurh doKi^o* "au^xrHa-uj tw ©£», ioyci-rluj atiTTtil^ti/jTcyf epB-OTOfiicvtTX Tev hoyov t?? u^ij^dtc;. S''. Pauli li.Epift. ad Tim. V O L. II. OXFORD: Printed for the E DITOR, at the Clarendon-Prefs — and Sold by Meff. Fletchers, Dani el Prince and J. Cooke, R. Bliss, and S.Arnold, Oxford — MelT. Merrills and Deighton, Ctf»- ^n^f — and by moil of the BookfclJers in London. M DCC LXXX III, /t^^rv of hin^ I3. 4° 1680. Fall. December 22. *Amosiii.3. 8"i7i2. Farewell. [John Swynfcn.] * iv. 12. 8° 1 666. A Welcome to the Plague. [S.S.] *Jonah iii. 9. 4^1777. Fall. R/iicahvi. 5. 4" 1689. Nov. 5. Advice to the Englifh. Projeftans. Nahum iii i. 8^1720. Againil Gaming and Stock-jobbing. Brit.M. Ecclcfiaf viii. 10. 8'^ 1709, Labour in vain. Univ. Line. Oxon. *Ecclefiaf. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 15 *Ecclefiaf. x. 27. 8° 1706. On the Union. *Matth. iv. 3. 4° 1663. On a perfon offering to cut his Throat, [R.J.] * . 21. 8° 1664. *, V. 5. 8° 1733. Beauty and BlefTednefs of a calm and quiet Difpofition. — — — vi. 16. 1704. Fall. 22,23. ^°'734* Chriftian Liberty fet forth in 2 Difc» [and Luke xi.52.] vii. I. 1674. A Treatife. * X. 16. 4° 1752. A Caution to Free-Mafons. ■ xi. 1,2. 1670. Bed. x\-i. 18. 4° 1687. On St, Petcr's-day. [Bp. Patrick.] Ch.Cb. All S. Magd. Jef. Oxon. Brit. M. *— — — xix. 8. 4" 1663. Catholic way. Jef. Oxon. . 29. 8° 1749. A Differtation. * XX. 30. 8° 1666. [S.S.] * — xxi. 33. I2°i703. The Duty of Hufbandmen. * xxii. 37. 4° 1686. [P. E. a Benediftine Monk.] before their Majellies at Windfor. JUS. Oxon. *■ xxiii. 8. 8°i774. 2 Difc. Human Authority in matters of Faith. ■ xxiv. 44. Eton» X* xxvi.39. 8° 1737. ^rit.M. * xxvii. 21-23. ^°'753' T^^ candid Determination of the Jews in preferring a Thief and a Robber before Chrift. .^ * • xxviii. 19. 8" I 71 5. 3 Serm. on Water-baptifm and the bap; tifmal Covenant, [and Luke xviii. 1 5, 1 6, 1 7.] Mark iii. 28, 29. J 74 • 3 '^pt. 21. Sin againfl the Holy Ghoit. X. 1 4. I2°i737. Infant Baptifm. [Jof. Trapp, DD] xii. 41,42. 8" 1742. 2 f. A Perfuafion to Charity. [Doughty] * Luke vii. 41. 42. 8° 1734. 3 Difcourfes. * 41,42. 8° 1743. Relative Duty of Debtors and Creditors. ——7,47. 8" 171 2. Lent. The thankful Penitent. [Edm. Bromc] Linr, Oxon. Si. Join's. Camb. - ix. 55, 56. 8" 1715. Nov. 5. By a Shroplhire Clergyman. "1722. Farewel. [Sir Rich. Cocks.] ! » 56. 8° 1778. 2 Fait. f. LaftWar. ^•36»37« i2°i698. Fun of Tho Firmin. Jef. Oxon. — 42. 8° 1752. — -52. 8°i734. See above Matt. vi. 22, 23. ■xii. I. 4° 1683. Eflay on Hypocrify and Pharifalfm. — 57. 8°i7i4. (or8°i720. p. i. Reaf&n&c.) [Dan. Whitby. DD.] ^eeii'sy Camb, • xiii. 3-5. or xxiii. 3,5, 8° 1670. On one found dead in a Pit, Bod. — 5. 8° 1756. Faft. Edrthciuake. -*Luke i6 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER ♦Lukexvi.2. 8°i753. The falfe Accufers. A Sermon lately preached in a Chapel near St. James, Wellminfter. * xvi. 5. 8° I 767. At a Quakers Annual Meeting at Briftol. xviii. 15-17. 8°i7i5. p. 59. Of Infant-baptifm. [and Matt. xxviii. 19.] ♦ xxi.19. 1732. 3.Difc. 1 Pofleflion of our own Souls. 2 Chrif- tian Patience. 3 Direftions to attain Happincfs. X* 26. 8° 1716. Brit.M. xxii. 19. 4*^ 1680. TJie great Idol of the Mafs overthrow, by a Proteftant. Johni.19. S''i7o8. On Predominant Paffion. zC. (and I Tim. i. 12.) ' iii. 3. 8" I 7 19. The Nature and Neceffity of the New -birth. By a Country Clergyman. » iv. 14. 8° 1666. [S. S.] ■ xi. 25. 8° 1732. Eafter. 26. 8° 1712. Fun. of a Day-labourer. [Bryars. ] 49,1:0. 8° 17 1 6. Jan. 30. Eton, xiii.34, 35. 8° 1679. ■^^^' XV. 8. 17 I 2. Charity f. * xviii.40. 4° 1 77 1. Releafe of Barabbas — or CauFes of popular Clamour. By a Quaker. * XX. 21,22. 8° 1718. A Vindication of the Chriftian Priefthood. ■ xxi. 15. 4° 1706. Charity f. Tork. [John Bradley.] 21,22. 8° 1708. June 10. Triu. Camb. Ails ii. 24, 32,36. 8°i7io. Againll Quakerifm. Of theRefurreftlon, and Afcenfion of the Body of Holy Jefus. U/iiv. Line. Ox. l^eefi's, Camb. n— 41,42. 12° 1688. The true Mother Church. * vii.26. 4° 1778, Faft. % *— — xiii. 2, 3. 4° 1697. Brit. M. 22. 8°i7i5. Acceffion. By a Clergyman in the Country, ' xvi. 30,31. 8° 1700. and 12° 1726. Xns way to Heaven. Bad, xvi. 30, 31. 8" 1707. Eton. XX, 28. 8° 1684. Oxon. Bod. xxvi. 23. 8° 1770. Looking-glafs of the Almoft-Chriftian. *Rom- i. 1 6. 8° 1 771. 2 f. Sufficiency of riie Scriptures, and the Right of private Judgment.' * iv. 8. 4° 1699. Fun. for an Infant. * viii.6. 8° 1739. By a Mcthodifl. xii. 1 . 4° 1670. [Jofeph GlanvilL] xii. 12. 4° 1693. Rejoicing in Hope. Bod. Pub. L. Camb, xii. 18. 4° 1678. The peaceable Chrillian. ■ ■ xii. 21. 4" 1683. c. m. e. p. 553. How we ought to do our Duty towards others, when they do not theirs towards us. * xii. 12. 8° 1780. On the Pomp and Vanities of the World, by a Lady, * xiii. 2. 4" 1667. Anniverfary Sermon. A loyal Fear dropt on the Vault of our late martyred Sovereign. S^ueen^s, Oxon. Rom. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 17 *Rom.xiii. 4. 8° 1779. To Magiftratcs, * xiv. 15. 4° 1679. Minillers obliged to preach the Gofpel. Cb. Ch. Oxon. ■ 19. 4" May 29. o * 19. 1675. Cone, ad CI. [S. T.] I Cor. i. 20. 8° 1725. The Jewifh Philofophers encountred and con- fated. Wore. Oxo-n. [Tho. Collins,] 5° 1688. b. Sons of the Clergy. Neceflity of Herefies; I 2° 1673. Ch.Ch. Or. Oxon. ^1693. "1693. Bod. Pub. L. dmh. [G T.] r 1692. Serm, or Treatife. Bod. 1718. [Will. Law.] 8° 1773. Laticajler. To two Soldiers condemned. 8° 1 731. 8° 1667. A Glympfe of Eternity. [A. C] 1739. New year's -day. Tranflated from Monfieur Superville. V.I. 8° 1678. Fun. of Lady Mary Armyne. [T.D. M.A.] — 6. 8° 1667. Farewell to Life. [S. S.] — 17. I 2° 171 1. Nature of Grace. Eton, 8'' 1739. Refurredion. Brit. M. ■ vi. 3. 4° 1691. Officium Cleri Defiderium Populi. .vii.9. 1 2° 1 720. Norzvich. Before the Execution of J. Mar- ketman. xiii. II. 4° 1704. Farewell. [Rawfon. ] 14. 4°i77i. Love and Unity. Gal.ii.c. 8"i7i6. Comprehenfion and Toleration confidered. Linei Wore. Oxon. JeJ. Camb. iv. 4,5. 1739. vi. 10. 1 2° 1 7 1 2. Doing good to all men &c. \^ohn BiUlngJIej,'\ * 15. 8° 1753. Norzvich. 2 Difcourfes. *Ephef.v. 15. 8° 1664. [R. A.] * 16. 8° 1690. Bod. * 33. 8° 1709. Norfolk. Wedding S, Line. Oxon. [C.H.'\ vi. 4. 4° 1 742 On Education. * 11. 4° 1685. Chrillian's Spiritual Armour. *Phil.ii. 2. 12° 1753. On the New Style. »Col.i. 12. 4" 1 68 1. [W. W] * iii. 19. 4° 1698. V. Difc. on Conjugal Duty. v. i. p. 140. iTim. i. 5. 8° 1719. The Law of Laws, or the golden Rule of the Gofpel, by a correfponding Member of the Society for propagating Xn. Knowledge. 12. 8° 1708. On Xtian. Patience, (and John i. 19. 2 f.) •— — — ii. 1,2. 4° 1679. Jan. 30. [John Cave.] 1,2,3. I2°i7i3. AcceiT. By a Prefbyter of the Church of England. Vol. II. C iTim. i8 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER * I Tim. ii. 9. 4° 1747. Dangerous Confeqaences of Luxury, Excels of Apparel Sec. . iv.6. 8" 1 701. [Cone, ad CI.] Eton. — 7. 8° 1673. Npnconformift. Bod. Tit.ii. 15. 8° 1728. 2 Difc. Duties between Pallor and People. [John Howard.] I'ii.i. 4°i684 Th. Sep. 9. 1683. [J.Clapham.] 8° 17 10. Jan. 30. [Bp. Fleetwood.] 4-7. 12° 1 708. Baptifmal and fpiritual Regeneration. Heb. ii.4. 8° 1753. p. 41. See 3 DUc. above Ifai, xi. 6-9. *■ ■ ix. 27. 8° 1668. Tiie Sinncr'3 Arraignment. Ch.Cb. Oxon, *James iii. 17. 4° 1781. Preached at St. Clement's, Lombard-ftreet. * V. II. 12° I 710. Happinefs of Afflictions. [John Howard.] iPet.iii.lv 4° 1683. c. m.e. p. 33. — 21. 8" 1672. (and Exod.xii. 26, 27.) 2 f . Bod. * iv. 12-19. 8° 1723. * V. 6. 4° 1778. Fall. Dedicated to the Duke of Richmond. ■ S. 8" 173 I. The Xtian cautioned againll his fpiritual Ad- vcrfary. ^seifi. Camb. 2pet.i. 16-iQ. 8° 1751. A Critical DifTertation. iii- 3. 8"" 1716. Ag. Scoffing at Religion. * I John V. 7. 8° 1 7 1 1 . before the Univeriity of Oxford. Bal. Oxon. i^ieeu^s. Camb. -v. 14. 4° 1670. Bod. *Rev. iii. 19,20. 8^*1779. Fall. Eton. * xi. 3-14. 8^ 1667. On the two Witnellcs. [K. H.] * 13. 4° 1692. 2 Serin. On the Witneiles and Earthquake. [C.W.] *. 15. 8° 1667. On the feven Dials. * xvi. I &c. 8° 1667. Kingdom of Chrill and Antichrift. * xvii. 5. 8° I 768. Mafonry way to Hell. * xviii. 13 8" 1732. Ellay on the Merchandize of Slaves and Souls of Men. ARCHER Andrew, M. A. Preacher at the Chap. Tunbridgc-Wells, Kent. Pf. lx\iii. 1-4. 4-° 1704. Th. for the Viftory at Blenheim. ARCHER Edmond,'B.D. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Oxon. Zech. vii.4, 5. 8° 1710. Jan. 30. BoJ. Vniv. Magd. Line. Hertf. Oxon. Sion. ^een''s. Camb. ARCHER Edmund, DD. Arch-Deacon of Taunton and Canon-refi- dentiary of Wells. 2Cor.viii.9. 8^1712. Oxoj;. Ch. f. Jef. Camb. Sion. ARCHER John I Kings ii. 15. 8° 1714. Acceff. The Kingdom turned about, ARDERNE James DD. Dean of Chefler, and Chapl. in Ord. . Rev.i. 10. 4** 1 67 1. 2Tim.iv. 5. 4" 1677. Vif. f. Bod. Cb, Cb, keen's , Oxon. ARMJND Janau MiaiUcr at Hanau. *Cant, OF AUTHORS, &c. 19 *Cant.ii.4. 8°i;^62. On the Peace. Tranflated by Tho. Davey of Norwich. S>ueeHs. Camb. ARMSTRONG John, B.D. (of St. John's Coll. Camb.) R. of Aft- wick, Bedfordf. and Cur. of Cartmall. Lancafh. Matt, xvi 26. I 2° 1 704. The Soul's Worth and Danger. ARNALD Richard, B.D. ( Fell, of Eman. Coll. Camb.) R. of Thurcafton, Leicellerf. Col.ii. 8, 4° 1726. Leicefter School -feaft. Deut. xxxiii. 8. 4° 1737 Leiceji. Vifit. f, zKingsxiv 8,9. Th. after Reb. 4° 1746. The Parable of the C«dar and Thiftle exemplified in the great Vidlory of Culloden. ARNOLD Edmond, LL.B. Fell, of New Coll. Oxon. 1 Kings viii. 44,45. 4" 1740. Fall. National Humiliation the beft Atonement for Sins. Prov. xxiv 21. 8° I 745. Rebellion. The Folly and Danger of a Revolution in Religion and Government. ARNOLD Thomas Dan.vi. 10. 4° 1660. Th. June 28. ARROWSMITH Edward, M. A. R. of St. Olave, Hart-flreet, Lond. Pf. cxxvi 3. 4° 1724. May 29. Slueetis. Camb. Rom xiii.i. 4° 1735. Acceffion. The Reafonablenefs and Ori- gin of Government, and what ought to be the Behaviour of every Chrillian under it. Brit. M. Rom.xiv. 19. 4° 1737. Jan. 30. The Duty of following after the Things that make for Peace, ^teen's. Camb 2Sam.x.i2. 4°i744. Fait. April 11. for the Spanilh and French War. Ifai.xxvi.9. 8^1745. Faft. Dec. 18. ARROWSMITH John, DD. Mafter of Trin. Coll. Camb. *Johni. 1-18. 4° 1660. 3Serm. in 8° 1668. Bed. ARWAKER Edmund, R. of Drumglafs in Ireland, and Chaplain to the Duke of Ormond. 2 Chron. ix. 8. 4° 1698. Dublin. Trinity f. ASH St. George, Bilhop of Derry. Matt.xxvi. 13. 4° 1694, Dublin. Commemoration. Magd. Ox. Ifai.xxiv. 16. 8° 171 2. Th. b. Irilh Proteftants. Magd. Bal.Worc, Oxon. keen's. Camb. Brit. M. zPet. iii. II. 4" 1714. 2 f. At Tunbridge. Brit. M. Pf.lxvii.2. 4° 1715. Prop. Gofpel. Cb.Ch. Oxon. Pf. V. 6. 8° I 716. Jan. 30. * Pf. XC.16. 4° I 716. Ref. Manners. Ch.Ch. Oxon. ASHBURNHAM Sir William, Bilhop of Chichcfter. Matt. vii. 15. 4^ '7'45' Nov. 5. b. Commons. Job xxix. 14-16. 4° 1749. Affize for Smugglers. * I Sam. xii. 24. 4° 1759. May 29. b. Lords, * Rom. 1.16. 4° 1 760. Prop. Gofpel. *Pf. ciii 7, 4° 1764. b. Govern, of the Load. Hofpital. C 2 ASHE 20 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER JSHE :}:* Sermons in 8° 1741. ASHENDEN Thomas, R. of Dingley, Northamptonf. Judgesvii. 6. 4° 1682. Affize. No Penalty, no Peace. ASHKTON William, DD. R. of Beckenham, Kent, and Chaplarn to the Duke of Ormond. Matt.vii. 21, 4° 1673. Bod.Ch.Cb. Oxon. Irin. Camb. jCor. X. 31. 4° 1700. County -feaft. Bod. ^aen's, St. John's. Camb. Ecclef. ix. 10. 8" 1700. b. Sons of the Clergy. Wadh. Oxon. ASHTON John, M. A. (Fell, of Trin. Coll, Camb.) and R. of AI- dingham, Lancafli. Tit. ii. 15. 4° 1749. Vifit. f. ASHTON Thomas, DD. Fell of Eton-College. Tii.iii. 1. 4° 1745. Rebellion. zPet. i. 19. 8" 1750. Dillertation. Braz. N. Oxon, *Lukevii.4, 5. 4" 1754. On opening a Church. *Pfal.h-xviii. 34. 4°i758 Faft. f. * Sermons in 8° 1770. Wadh. Oxon. 'JISHV/OOD Johi *Dircourres in 8° 1707. 'JSHJVORTH Caleb, DD. Daventry, Northamptonf. * 2 Sam iii. 38. 8° 1749. ^""« of the Rev. Jfaac Watts, DD. * I Theff. iv. 13. 8° I 759. 'Fan. oi James Floyd, l^ucn's. Camb. - - - - - 1769. Fun. of the Rev. *Heb.xiii.7. 8° 1770. Fun. of the Rev. Mr. Clark, keen's. Camb. A SPIN William, DD. R. of Emberton, Bucks. Ecclef. iv. 4. 4° 1684. Camb. Of Envy. ASPLIN Samuel, M. A. R. of Burthrop, Glocefterihire, and Cur. o£ Woolwich in Kent. aCor. iv. (J. 8°i7ii. Farewell. Brit, M. zSam. xix. II. 8° 1715. May 29. ------- The Divine Rights and Duties of Chriftian Priefthood. ASTON Henry Hervey, Hon. M. A. R. of Sh-ttley, Suffolk. Heb.xiii.xvi. 4" 1745. b. the Sons of the Clergy. ASTON Thomas, M. A. Ifai.lvii. 21. 4° 1685. b. the loving Society. St. Jobfi's. Camb. 4° 1685. July 5. The Day before the Battle and Vidlory over the Rebels. Pf. li.vi. 4" 1 69 1. M:tgd. Oxon. ASTRY Francis, DD. Treafurer of St. Paul's, and R. of St. Mar- tin's Ludgate, Lond. iCor.iv 7. 4"i7i6. Humility recommended. Trin. Camb. Prov. iii.27. 4° 1733. Spilt. W. Sio//. ATKET Jnthony Jerem.xii. I. 8° 1732. Fun. of S. Brocvne. The Reftitude of Providence under the fevereil Difpenfations. keen's, Camb. ATKINS OF AUTHORS, &c. 21 ATKINS Robert, M. A. (Fell, of Wadh. Coll. Oxon.) V. of St. John's. Exon. 6 Sermons in 12" 171 2. Exoti. The Sin and Danger of Popery, 2 Cor. xiii. 1 1. 8''i7i5. Exon. Farewel. JTKINS Samuel *Pf. xxvii. 13. 8° 1703. Fun. f. jTKiNSON B Andrew, Miniller of the Gofpel. * I Cor.x. 15. 8° 1734. * 2 Tim.iii. 15. 8" 1734. *Ifai.xlix.23. 8°i736. On the Marriage of the Prince of Wales. *4 Difcourfes in 8° 1737. On the Decay of Practical Religion. ATKINSON Chriftopher, R. of Yelden, Bedfordf. *Pf. cxix. 71.4° 1766. A Poetical f. Benefit of Affli6lion. * 2 Sermons in 8° 1767. Faith, Hope, and Charity. * 20 Difcourfes in 8° 1775. On the molt intereiting and impor- tant Subjedls. ATKINSON Miles, B. A. of Leeds, Yorkf. * 2 Chron. xii. 7. 8° 1779. Faft. The Neceffity of National Reformation. ATTERBURY Francis, Bp. of Rochefter. Sermons and Difcourfes in 2 Vol. 8° 1730. On feveral Subjefts and Occafions. Bod.Ch. Ch. AllS. £/;«V. Magd. New Coll. Oriel^ Wore. Line. Pemb. Bal. Oxon. Irin. CI. H. Camb. ATTERBURY Lewis, DD. R. of Milton, Bucks, and formerly Chaplain to the Duke of Glocefter. Prov.xxlv. 21,22. 4° 1684. Allize. A good Subjcdl — or the Telt of Religion and Loyalty. Ch. Ch. Oxon. iCor.v. 8. 4^1686. County-feail. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Rev.xviii.2. 4°i6qi. Babylon's Downfall — or England's happy Deliverance from Popery and Slavery. ATTERBURY Lewis, L.L.D. and Chapl. to his Majefty at White- hall. Pf. xc. 12. 4° 1687. Fun. of Lady Compton. Ch. Ch. Oxon. 10 Serm, in 8° 1699. Preached b. her Royal Highnefs Priacefs Ann of Denmark. Bod. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Another Vol. in 8° 1703. Ch.Ch. Oxon. 1 Sam. xii. 23,24 4°i705. Th. Aug. 23. Ch.Ch. Oy.ox\. Pf. xxxvii. 37. 4" 1713. Fun. of Lady Gould. The perfe6l and upright man's Charader and Encouragement. .Rom. xiii. I. 4° 1716. Th. after Rebellion. Sermons in 2V0I. 8° 1743. On fclcft Subjefts. ATTON V. of Wellon with Sutton, Leicefterf. * Mark iv. 9. 8° 1 767. On Beautifying a Church. ATWOOD » B.D. Preb. of Wells. Matt. vii. 12. 8° 1723. Allize. ATWOOD George % B. D. Arch-D. of Taunton. Pf.cxlvi.2,3. O.T. 4° 175 I. On the Death of the Pr. of Wales. - The Mortality of Princes, the great Difappointmenc of Hum. ■^ Confidence. AVERT 22 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER ylVERT Benjamin *Micahvi. q. 8° 1773. AUDLEY Matthew, M. A. Cur. of St. Mary Abb. Church, and St. La\vrenc;&.Pountney, Lond. Rom. xii. 18. 4° 1705. Of Chriftian Moderation and Peace. H^'ore. Oxon. AUDLEY Matthew, Cur. and Lefl. of St. Mary Rotherhithe and Chatl. to the Lond. HofpitaL 1 Sam. XX. 19. 4° 1739. The Duties and OiBces of Friendfhip. * Mart. iv. 24, 25. 4" 1742. The Duty of Benevolence and Cha- rity. Wadh. Oxon. Ifai.xxxi. I. 4° 1750. b. Antigallicans. •Luktxiv, 14. 4° 1752. On the Death of the Duke of Rich- mond, * Lukcxvi. 27, 28. 4" 1757. b. the Governors of the London HofpitaL Wadh. Oxon, * 2 Cor. ix. I 2. 4° I 775. b. the Gov. of the Lond. Hofp. AWBREY Timothy. DD Ifai xxviii. 29. 4''i7l5. May 29. b. C Sheen's. Camb. Matt, xxii 21. 8° 171 3. Vi!. f. Advice to the Clergy. AYCRLGG Be>rjamin, S. S. T. M. * I Cor. vii. 23. 8° I 71 5. Wedding f. AYERST William, (M. A. of Univ. Coll. Oxon.) DD. and Preb. of Canterbury. Pf. 122.6-9. ^° 1712. The Duty and Motives of praying for Peace. Trin. Sliieens. Camb. AYLEWORTH William. 2 Kings ii 12, 8° 1662. Coron. f. Bod. AYLMER Juftin, B. D. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. and R. of St. Clement's Ipfwich, SufF. I Pet. ii. 7. 4° 1704. AfTize. AYLMER William, A Convert from Popery. zPetii.i. 8°i7i3. Oxon. Recantation. Bod. Sion. Cb.Cb. Magd. Line. Oxon. JTRJT James X * John i. 19, 8° 1689. At the Spanifh Ambaflador's Chappel. Brit M. AYSCOUGH Francis, DD. Fell. C. C. C. Oxon. and R. of North Church, Herts, and Chap, to the Prince of Wales. Rom. xii. 3. 4° 1736. Jan. 30. b. C. Wore, Oxon. *Rev.iii,i7. 4° 1752. Vifit. f. Eton. ♦Jobxiv. 14, 4° 1755. Againft Self-murder. AYSCOUGH Philip, M. A. R. of St. Olave's, Southw. Rom. i. 19. 8" 1729. l»ent. 1 Pet.iv. 4. 17. B. A. Gen. xlviii. 21. 4° 1665. Fun, B. R. <»_ Pf. xxxvii. 37. 4" 1677, Bod, BABINGTON OF AUTHORS, &c. 23 BABINGTON Humfrey, DD. R. of Boothby-Painell, Lincolnf. Pf. ci. I. 4° 1678. Aff, frin. St. John's. Camb. BACKHOUSE James, M. A. Fell, of Trin, Coll. Carab. * 2 Cor iv. 5. 4''i758. Confecr. oi h^. Yongc. ^leens. Camb. BACKHOUSE William, M.A. Fell, of Chri it's Coll. and V. of Meldrcth, Camb. * I Kings xiii. i. 4° 1763. Vifit. f. Caution againfl: religious De- lufion. ^ecTis. Camb. BACON James * Exod. xxiii. ii. 8° 1660. The Sinfulnefs of Compliance with a Multitude in finning. BACON Thomas, R. of St. Peter's in Talbot Country, Maryland. Ephef. vi. 8. I2°I749. ^ f • A Chriliian flave's Duty. Col.iv. I. 1 2° 1 750. 4 r. The Duties of Mailers. Gal.vj.io. 4° 1 75 I. Opening of a Charity Ichool. BADDELLEY George, DD. R. of Markfield, Leiceitcrf. and Car.; of St. James's, Weftminfter. 12 Sermons in I2°I7S2. On feveral Subjefls. * 12 Difcourles in 8° 1766. BADLAND Thomas 2 Cor. iv. 1 8. I2"i676. BAGNAL Thomas, B.A. *Heb. iii.4. 8° 1767. b. Free-Mafons. The Excellency and Ufefulnefs of Mafonry. BAGNALL Gibbons, M.A. Preb. of Hereford Cathedral. * Exod XV. 20. 8° 1762. At the Meeting of the three Choirs. BAGNOLD Jofeph, M.A. R. of Creton, Lincolnf. Matt. X. 16. 8^1709. Wifdom and Innocency, Line. Oxon. BAGOTT Lewis, Bp. of Briltol and Dean of Ch. Ch. Oxon. *Matt. 1x4,5. ^'^11^' Oxon. b. the Governors of the RadclifFc Infirmary, Oxon. * 12 Difcourfes in 8° 1780. On the Prophecies, preached in Lincoln's Inn Chapel at the Ledlure of the late Bp. of Gloceiler (Warburton.) Ch.Ch. Oxon. Trin. Camb. BAGSHAW Edward, Student of Ch. Ch. Oxon. * I Cor. xi. 19. 4° 1 66 1. Pub. L. Camb, . Matt. xvi. 3. 4" 1662. John iv. 24. 4° 1662. The fpiritual Nature of God, and his Worihip. Zech.xiv. 5,9. 4° 1669. The Doftrine of the Kingdom, and perfonal Right of Chrift. BAGSHAW Henry, DD. Student of Ch.Ch. Oxon. and R. of St. Botolph's Bilhopgate-ftreet, Lond. and afterwards Preb. of Durham. Heb.xii. 11.4° 1667. Fun. The Excellency of primitive Go- vernment. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Pub. L. St. John's. Camb. Si:7i. Ifai. i.26. 4° 1673. Eledl. of Lord Mayor. Ch. Ch. Oxon, Sion. Pr. xxxvii. 3;. 4^1676. Jan. 30. Eod. 4 Sermons io S" i63o, Againfl Papifls and Socinians. Sioa. Trin. Camb, BAGSHAW 24 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER BAGSHAW Henry, M.A. Matt.xxi. 13. 4° 1698. BAGSHAW John, DD. 2Sam.xix .i4-?^o^66o. Th. BAINE James *Rom.iv. 6. 8^1758. At an Evening Leclurc. *Difc. in 8° 1778. BAKER Aaron, M.' A. late of Wadh. Coll. Oxon. zSam. XV. 31. 4° 1678. Nov. 5. Bod. BAKER George, M.A, Arch-D. of Totnes, Devon, and Preb. of St. Peter's, Exon. I Cor, xi. 22. 8° 1733. Conf. Ch. The Refpedl due to a Church of God. BAKER Richard, M, A. R. of Cawfton-Norf. and lately Fellow of Pemb.-Hall, Camb. * Johnvii. 17. 4° 1782. Vifit. f. How the Knowledge of Salva- tion is attainable. BAKER Samuel *Deut. xxviii. 7. 8° 1710. Th. for Viftory. Prov. xiv. 34. 8° 1729. AfTize. BAKER Samuel, DD. Chancellor and Refidentiary of the Church of York, Markvii. 13. 8°i745. Reb. f. BAKER William, Bp. of Norwich. I Cor. XV. 16.4'' 1709. The Mifery of Chriftians without a fu- ture ftate, and their Happinefs with it. Wadh. Oxon. BAKER William, DD. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. Aclsi.8. 8"i7i6. The Authority of the Church in Contrcver*- fies of Faith. Magd. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Judexi. 4° 1726. Jan. 30. b. C. JUS. Wore. Oxon, ^eens. Camb. Exod, xxxiii. 21-23. 8° 1728. Cmib. The Credibility of My f- teries Sec. BALDWIN James, M. A. R. of Icklingham St. James's, Suff. *Rom.xii. 1. 8° 171 8. Norzvich. Cor. f. The prefent Govern- ment, the Ordinance of God. BALDWIN William, M.A. R. of St. Mary, Rothcrhithe. Ecclcf. iii. 12. 4°i70i. b. Corp. of Trinity-houfe. BALGUY John, M. A. V. of North-Allcrton, Yorkf. and Prcb, of Sarum. A Colled^ion of Praflical Difcourfcs with 6 others before printed in 8° 1748. 20 Sermons in 8° 1750, Vol. 2. Pofth. ^leeiCs. Camb. ' 5 Sermons in 8" 1739. (2d. Edit.) to which is added one on Rom.xii.io. Affize. AUS. Oxon. BALGUY Thomas, DD. Arch-D. of Winchcfter. *Heb.xiii. 7. 4" 1769, Conf. of Bp. Shipley, keen's. Camb. * 1 Pet. ii. 13- 8° 1775. Confecration of Bp. North. BALL O F A U T H O R S, &c. 25 BALL Nathaniel, M. A. Paftor of Barley, Herts. John viii. 36. S° 1683. The fubjeft of fev. Sermons. *Col.i.27. 8° 1692. Sev. Sermons. Xt the Hope of Glory. BALL Nathaniel, (late Mafter of the Free-School, Chelmsford, Ef- I'cx.) R. of Wifley, and. affiflant Preacher at Berwick, and King's Street Chapel, 5: t. James's 8 Sermons in 8" 1745. ^^ feveral important Subjefts. Jolhua xxiv. I 5. 8'^i;'45. Reb Jofhuah's Refolution to fcrve the Lord applied to the prefent times. Pf. cvii, 1,2. 8° 1746. Th. after Rebellion. Pf.xlvi.9. 8° 1749. Th. for Peace. The evil EiFefts of War, and the BlefTings of Peace. *2 Tim. iii, 16.17. 8°r755. ^-'i- f- * I 3 Serm. in 8° 1756. 8 republ. with the Addition of 5 z'iz» * I Their. 5. 17 8° 1/^6. Rational account of Prayer. *Matt. vi.g&c. %°\-!^6. Brief Expofition of the L's Prayer. *Rom. viii. 28. 8° 1756. Perfeverance in the Love of God, the bell Comfort under xAfBidions. *Prcv. xxiii.23. 8° 1756. The Nature and Importance of Truth. * I Cor. xi, 29. 8° 1756. The true Nature of the Lord's Supper, and the Danger of receiving it unworthily. ♦Pf. xliv. 4, 5. 8° 1756. Fait. True Religion, Loyalty, and U- nion &c. *Pf. xcvi. 8. 12" 1759. Th. f. \ *Job. V. 12. 8° 1763. Nov. ^. BALL Richard, DD. Chap, in Ord. Mafter of the Temple, and Preb. of Line. Matt.xxii. 21, 4° 1682. The true Chriftian Man's Duty both to God and King. Pul?. L. Camb. BALLARD Edward, DD. (Fell, of Trin. Coll. Oxon.) V. of Old Wlndfor, Berks. lC0r.xl.19. 8° 1734. There muft be Herefies. Were. Ox. Brit.M. 1 Pet. ii,i6. 8° 1734. Matt. X.I 6. 4° 1 746. Confec. of Bp Beauclerk. Etcn.^effi's.'ZAm., BALLARD Reave, M.A. (of Ch. Ch. Oxon.) V. of Great Bloxham, Surry. Ezra vii. 25, 26. 4° 174c. Affize. Tit. iii. I. 4° 1746. Aihze. The Rule of Obedience. BALLWARD John, R. of Burgh-CaLle, SulF. * Prov. xxiv. 21. 8° 177A. Vifit. f. BAMPTON John, LL.B. of New ColL Oxon. Mark x. 14. 16 BANKS Robert Pf.cxix. J 36, 8° 1700. Ref. Manners. BANDINELL James, DD. (late Fell, of Jef. Coll. Oxon.) R. of Wiggington, Oxon. and Pub. Orator of the Univ. of Oxon. * 8 Sermons in 8° 17 80. Preached b. the Univ. at the Lecl. founded by the late Rev. and pious J, Hampton, M.A Canon of Sarum. To which is added a Sermon on Rom. ix. 3. A Vindication of Vo L. n. ' D St. ft6 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER St. Paul from the Charge of wifhing himfelf accurfed. Bod. Trin. Camb. BANNER Richard, DD. of Univ. Coll. Oxon. James V. [3. 8° 1737- Mufick at Worcefter. Wore. Oxon. BANSON John, M. A. V. of St. Bartholomew the lefs, and Chapl. to the Lord Mayor. Ifai. ix. iz, 13. 4" 1730. Fall. Sept. 2. The Dcfign of God's Vifitations. BANYER Edward, DD. Afternoon-Preacher at Gray's Tnn. Numb. xi. 29. 4°i739. bef. the Sons of the Clergy. ^^f«V. Cam, Amos iii. 2. 4° 1747. Jan. 30, BANYER Jofiah Heb. xi. 29. 8° i666. BARBER lames, M. A. of Ch. Ch. Oxon. Pf. cvii. 23, 24. 8° 1 73;. 'I'he Navy, the folc Def. of the Nation. BARBER Jcjeph *6 Sermons in 12° 1770. On Regeneration. BARCLAY James, Cur. of Edmonton, and Mafler of the Academy at Tottenham, H. Crofs Road. *Heb. vii.z5. 8° 1763. Coming unto Chrift SiC. Reafons of mens' refufing confidered. * 20 Sermons in 8° 1777. on divers interefting Subjedls. HARFORD William, M. A. Chapl. to the Hon, Houfe of Commons, and V, of Fordcnbridge, Hants. *Pf. Ixxvi. 10. 4° 1770. Jan. 30. before Commons. BARKER Edmund, R. ofBuriton, Hants. Luke xix. 27. 4° 1660. Plea for Ca;far. Sion. Trin. Camb. Pf. xc. 12. 4" 1 66 I. Fun. of Lady Eliz. Capel. Trin. Camb. BARKER George, B. D. R. of Danby upon Wisk, Yorkf. Mal.ii. 7. 8° 1697. York. Vifit. f. Sermons in 8° 1697. York. BARKER James Col. iii. 12. 4° 1661. BARKER Job?: *Johnxvii. 20,21. 4** 1683. CafuilL m. Ex. p. 965. BARKER John *Amos iv. 12. 8° 1720. Fall, for Plague. *Jobxxii.io. 8" 1721. Ref. Manners. *Num. xxiii. 23. 8" 1722. Nov. ;. * Johft XV. 16. 8° 1723. Converfiou the ACt of Chrift, an Obli- gation to S. kc. Rom. vi. 4. S'' 1735. ^^^- School. To walk in Newnefs of life, the great Duty of Chrillians. Pf. cix. 96. 8° 1735. Fun. of S/im. Nezvman. 2 Cor. xi. 3. 8° 1735. Popsry the Corruption of Chrillianity. V. Vol. I, ag. Popery. Braz.N. Oxon. J* Job vii. I. 8° 1738. Fun. of Rev. J. Netvman. *Matt. XXV. 40. 8" 1739. Ch. SchooL *Johnxviii.i I. 8"i74i, Fun. ^eeiis. Cam, «Ifai. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 27 •Ifai.xlvii. 8. 8° 17 V. Prot. Syflcm, vol. 2. 13 Serm. in 8° 1748. on feveral SubjcAs. Brit. M. *Pf.xxiii. 4. 8° 1758. Fun. of B. Gro/fenor, DD. * Sermons in 2 vol. 8° 1764. BARKER Mattheto Mark ii. 10. 4° 1676. f. m. c, C. p. 247. A religious Faft, Bod* Magd. Camb. Matt. xi. 24. 4° 1690. Caf. m. e. v, 4. p. 33. Bod. BARKER Ralph, DD. Fell of Gonvil and Caius Coll. Camb. R. of Bialted, Kent, and Chaplain to Abp. Tiilotfon. Johnxxi. 17. 4°i69i. Conf. Abp. Tiilotfon. Bod. Magd. Oxon. Trin. Camb. S^ion, BARKER Richard, M. A. Fell, of Winchefter Coll. and R. of St. Maui ice Winchefter. Gal. i, 10. 4° 1707. The Danger of pleafing Men. ^een^s.Qx. St Johns. Camb. BARKER Samuel, M. A. V. of Chippenham, Camb. 1 Their, iv. 13. 4° 1 702. Fun. of the Countefs of Orford. T/'/Ar.vC. BARKER Thomas *iPet,iii. 4. 8°I7I2. Fun. f. BARKSDALE Clement, M. A. R. of Naunton, Glocefterf. 2 Sam. XV. 25. 4° 1660. May 24. James V. 7. 8° 1667. Bod. Pf. cxxii. 6. 4° 1679. Nov. 5. Sion. BARLOW William, R. of Chalgrave, Oxon. Johnviii. II. 8° 1690. Penitentiary Sermon. Bod. iCor. vi.ii. 8° 1690. A Treatife of Fornication. Bod. BARNARD Francis, DD. R. of St. Bartholomew near the Royal Exchange and Preb. of Norwich. Pf. xc. 12. 4° 1735. Fun. of Mrs. FuUerton. BARN.-iRD Jonathan * Sermons in 8'*i727. 2 Tim.ii. 14. 8° 1742. BARNARD Jonathan, M. A. V. of Ofpringe, Kent. Pf. cxxvii. I. 4° 1 707. Affize. BARNARD Nicholas, Dean of Ardagh, Ireland. Aftsxxvi. 17,18. 8''i709. Fun. of Bp. Atherton, BARNARD Tho. M.A. Maiter of the Gram, fchool at Leeds, YorM". Prov. xiv. 3,4. 4° 1 7 10. Affize. Pfxxxv. 14. 8° 1718. York. Fun. A forrowful Refpea paid to the dead vindicated, and proper Limits fet to it. St. John's. C, BARNARD William, Bp. of Derry. *Matt iii. 9. 4° 1752. Dublin. Ir. Prot. fchools. BARNARDISTON J. DD. Maiter of Corp. Chrifti Coll. Camb. * ?/Iatt. xxii. 21.4° 1766. Jan. 30. b. Commons. BAP.NE Miles, DD. Maiter of Peterhoufe, Cam. and Chapl. in Ord. I John.v.4. 4° 1670. Camb. Faith's Vidory. Univ. Ox. Trin.C sPet. iii. x6. 4° 1675. Th. Oft. 17. Bod. Ch.Cb. Univ. ^een's, Magd, Oxon. Pub,L. Camb. Sion. D 2 John 28 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Johnxviii. 36. 4° 1682. Camb. 2 (. A Difcoiirfe concerning the Nature of Chrilt's Kingdom. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Irin. St. Johns. Camb. Sion. Lukexix. 14. 4° 1683. dmb. Th. Sept. 9. Univ. ^eeti's. Line. Wotc. Oxon. Trin.^een'sjSt.Jobns. Camb. zCor. vii. 2. 4° 1684 Affizc 1 riji. St. John's. Ca^mh. BARNES Jolhua, ,B. D. King's Profeffor of Greek in Camb. Matt, ix 9. 4°i703. St. Matthew's-day b. Gov. Lond. Hcfpita!, Bod. St. Johns. Camb. BARNES Ralph, B. A. *Rom.xiii. 3. 8" 1759. AfTize. BARNES William George, M. A- Left, of St. Bride's, London. A Selefl Number of Sermons and Difcourfcs in 2 Vol. 8° 1752. ( n moral, theological and praftical Subjccls. BARNET A. Pf ii. 3.4. 8° 1694. Fun. BARNOUiN Francis James, CI. *Job xix. 23-27. 8° 1767. EfTay. BARON John, DD. Mailer of Baliol Coll. Oxon. Gal.vi. 10. 4° 1699. Oxo?i. Ch. f. Bod. Bui. Oxon. BARON Uilliam, Chapl. in Ord. and R. of HamUcad-Marfhal and Enborne, Berks. Aftsxix 38. 4° 1683. Affize at Abingdon, Berks. Ch.Ch, Ox. BARR John, R. of Ourabv near Lincoln. Exod XV 6. 8° 1 746. 'Line. Th. f. after Rebellion. BARRET 'Jsh7i *?hil.ii. 12. I 2° 169. Farw. f. * 1 Kings xviii. 21. 12° 169 Farw. f, * Amos V. 25. I 2° 1 699, Ref. Manners. ^ BARRET John, at Afhfield, Nottingham. * 8° 1777. Fun. f. BARRETT Serenus, Cur. of New-Fiflibourne, Suffex. *Ecclef. ix. 10. 4° 1 71 5. Fun. f. I ThefT. V. 21. 4° 1722. BARRINGTON Lord Mil'ccllanea Sacra, in which are the following DifTertations in v. 3. *Gen.iii.&c. Fall of Man. ") *— — iv. 16. God's Prelence. j » Gal. iii. 16. )^8"i770- ^//5. Wore. O. Trin. C. * Heb xii. 22-25. | * I Pet. iii 17-22. J BARRINGTON Shute, Hon. Bp. of Salifbury. *Prov.i.32. 4° I 772 Jan. 30. b. Lords. *Pf ii. 8. 8° 1775. Pi op. Gofp. in foreign pa'-ts. BARROW John, Can. of Windfor and V. of New-W^indfor, Berks. Phil.i. 15-18. 4^1683. Vif f. Cb.Cb, Ox. St. John's. Cam. Sion. BARRO ^^/ Ifaac, DD. Mailer of Trin. Coll. Camb. His Works in 3 Vol. fo. 1716. Eod. Cb.Cb. AllS. Univ. New C. St. John's, Mett. Wore. Wadh. Or. Trin. Oxon. Puh. L. Kind's, Trin. CI. H. ^een's. Camb. Sioa. Dr. Ws'j. L. Lond. OF AUTHORS, &c. 29 •Matt.xvi 19. fo.1687. Cone Lat. Dc Potef. Clav. V. 4vol. Bod. *Joelii 12. foi687. Cone, ad Cl. V. 4 Vol. Bod. BARTHOLOMEW William, M. A. V. of Campden, Glouceflerf. Lukcxi. 21, 22. 4° 1660. On proclaiming K. Charles 2. Or. Ox. BJRTLET IFil/iam * Ecclef xi. 9. 8° I 714. Fun. f. * Matt xi 23. 8° 1714. Barnabas's Charafler and Suceefs. *Pf. cxxxii. 18. 8°i7i8. Acceflion. EARTON Cuns, DD. R. of St. Andrew's, Holborn, Lond. *Pf. civ. 24. 4° 1 754. b. Coll. Phyficians. *Matt XXV. 39, 36. 4° 1758. b. Gov, of the Sm.Pox Hofp. Lond. BARTON David, M.A. R. of St. Margaret's, New-fiih-ftreet, Lond. Hag. 1.9. 4" 1670. Mercy in the midil of Judgm. Univ. Oxon. BARTON Henry, DD. Warden of Mert. Coll. Oxon. *I(ai.v. 3,4 4° I 762. Fall. f. b. C. IVorc. Ox. ^leeiis. Camb. BARTON Fhilip, L.LD. Canon of Ch.Ch. Oxon. and Fell, of Winch. Coll. 1 Cor.xiii. 13. 4" 1735. b. the Sons of the Clergy. The fupe- rior Excellency of Charity. Wore. Oxon. Slueens. Camb. 2 Chron.xx 3. 4° 1740. FalL f. b. C. The Nature and Advan- tages of a religious Fait. Wore Oxon. ^eetts. Camb. J Cor. xiv. 12. 4° 1750. The Edification of the Ch. of Chrill. Wore. Oxon. feet's. Camb. BARTON Philip, L.L.D. V. of Portfea and Chapl. in Ord. *Lukevii.5. 8° 1754. Conf. Chapel. Bod. Wore. Oxon. *2Pct.i. 19. 8° 1757. Cone. Lat. Firmitas Prophetici Scrmo- nis. Bod. BARTON Phi. B.D. Can. Refid. of Exon. and R. of Buriton, Hants. *i I'im. iii.7. 4° 1766. Confec, of Bp. Lowth. Wore. Oxon. ^eer^s. Camb. BARTON Richard, B. D. 3 Difcourfes in 8° 1737. On the Analogy of Divine Wifdom. BARTON Samuel, DD. Preb. of Weftminlter. Phil.ii.2. 8° 1689. Amos iv. 12. 4° I 690. Faft. Pf, cxliv. 10. 4° 1692. Th. Bod.Magd. Oxon. Pf.Jxxv.i. 4°i696. Th. b.C. C.C.C. Ox. Trin.^een's.Qz\a!o. Prov. 21.15. 4° 1698. £1. Lord Mayor. C.C.C. Oxon. Ephef. v. II. 12° 1699, Ref. Manners. John v. 14. 4° 1701. F'aft. Fire at Lond. C.C.C. Oxon. Lukexvi. g. 4° 1705 Spittal W. BARWICK John, DD. Dean of St. Paul's and Chapl. in Ord. 2 Tim iv. 7, 8. 4° 1660. Fun. of Bp. Morton. Bod, Ch. Ch. i^sen's, St. John's. Ox. PuL L. Trhi. St. John's. Ca. Brit. M, Prov. xiv. 8. 4° 1 661 ■ BASJRE Ifaac, DD. Arch-D. of Northumb. and Chapl. in Ord. Rom. ii. 22. 8° 1 668. Sacrilege arraigned and condem. Bod. Sioa, YU\i. xi. 4. 8° 1673. Fun. of BpCofin. Bod. BASSET J. Luke vi. 22,23. 8° 1734. BASSET 30 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER BASSET Will. R. of Brinklow, Warw. and of St. Swithin, Lond. I Cor. vi. 19,20. 4° 1670. BoJ. Trin. Camb. Rom. xii.i. 4°i679. County-feaft. Pub. L. Trin. Q^mh. Brit. M. Pf. cxxxiii. 1 . 4° 1683. Comp. Fcaft. Of Unity. i>io?i. 1 Pet. ii. 13. 4° 1684. On Catechifing. Magd. Oxon. BATE Edward, V. of Leighford and Cur. of Ellenhall, StafFordf. Rom. i. 20. 7 8" 1748. 2. f. The Speculative and praftical 20,21. 5 Athciil, BATE James, M. A, R of St. Paul's Deptford, Kent. Deut.iv. 6. 4° 1754. Affize. The Advantages of a national Ob- fervance of Divine and human Laws, ^u-ins. Camb. 2 Kings X. 15. 4° 1738. b. Ubiquarians. The pradlice of Reli- gion and Virtue the only fure Foundation of f riendfliip. Pf. cxii.3,4. 4° 1742 2 f . Johnviii. 36. 4° 1740. b. Ubiquarians. The Faich and Praflice of a Chriflian the only True foundation of rational Liberty. Ads vii. 2. 4° I 740. b. Ubiquarians. Human Learning ufcful to true Religion. Prov. ii. 3-5. 4°i7;3. Sch. Fcaft. Canterbury. BATEMAN Edmund, DD, Arch-Deacon of Lewes, and R. of St. Dunllan's in the Eall Lond. 1 John iv. 7. 4° 1738. Spitt. W. ^{eeri's. Camb. Brit. M. 2 Kings iv. 1,2. 4" 1740. b. the Sons of the Clergy. Recti's. Camb. Si(/H. Deut. xxxiii. 1 S, 19. 4°i74i. Col. of Georgia. JUS. Oxon. Ecclef. vii. i6. 4° 1743, May 29. Trin. Sund. ^eeris. Camb. BATEMAN Richard Tho. R. of St. Bartholomew the Great, Lond. Johniii.5. 8° 1747. The Nature and Neceffity of Regeneration. BATEMAN Thomas, M. A. Chapl. to his Grace the Duke of Gor- don, and V. of Whaplode, Line. * 2 Chron.xv. 1,2. 4'^ 1778. Military f. * I Cor. XV. 35. 8° 1780. The Refurredion of the Body. * Lukexxiii.42,43. 8°i78o. The Intermediate State of the Soul. BATEMAN Wynne, M. A. Fell, of St. John's. Camb. Rom.i. 20, 21. 4° 1746. Cone, ad Clerum. i^.een''s. Camb. [BATES J.] * Ecclef. iv. Q-i 2. 8° 1 707. BATES John, M. A. Jonah iv. 11. 8° 1714. On the Mortality of the Cattle. Sicn. * Johnxiv. 28. 8° 1 71 4. Fun. of Matt. Henry, ^icens. Camb. *Heb,xiii. 7. 8° 17 14. Fun. BATES J. * 1756. BATES William, DD. His Works fo. 1700, Cb.Ch.Jef.St,Jobii's,^eeTh. Oxon, Trin. Magd. Camb. X* I 1 heff. iv. 17. 8° 1678. Fun. of T. Manton, DD. %* Rev. xxii. 12. 8" 167S. Fun. of Benj. Apurji. Sermons in 8° 1693. on feveral Occafions. Pemb, Oxon. BATT O F A U T H O R S, &c. 31 BATT Michael, M. A. Preacher at St. James's, Edm. Bury. SufF. I Cor.iv. 21. 4^^1686. Vif.f. BATT William, M.A. R. of Wraxhall, Somerfetf. * Mat. xii. 2j. 4" 1754. Eleft. Mayor. Union and Loyalty. BATTEL7 John, DD. Arch-D. of Canterbury. I lohn V.4. 4'^ 1694. Bod. C.C.C. Magd. Or. Oxon. BATTELL Ralph, M A. Sub-Dean of the Royal Chapl. and R. of Edwath, Bedfordf. Matt. vii. 12. 4° 1684. Affize. The civil Magift. coercive Power. Pf. c 1 , 2. 4° 1 694. The Lawfulnefs and Expediency of Church- mufick. Piib.L. Cainb. Sion. BATTIE William, Chapl. in Ord. iPet ii. 15. 4° 1678. b Lord Mayor. Bod. MIS. Oxon. Sion. Gal.iii. I. 4° 1680. Ag. Popery. J/l S. Oxon. Sion, BATTY Adam, M. A. R. of Clerkenwell, Lond. Prov. i.9. 4° 1728. Brit. M. 26 Sermons in 2 Vol, 8° 1739. All S. Oxon. [BATTY Jofeph] t*Gal.i. I. BJXrER Benjamin *EccIef. viii. 12. 8° 1662. A pofing Queflion. BAXTER Richard, Chapl, in Ord. * Ezek. xxxiii. 11. 1 2° 1 660. Ezek. xxxvi. 31. 4° 1660. Fall. 7"r/V;. Camb. Brit. M. Luke X. 20. 4° 1660. Heb. xi. I, 4° 1660. b. King. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Pub. L. Trim Slaeen^i. Camb. *Il"ai.i. 10. 8° 1662. * Luke X. 41, 42. 4° 1662. Saint or Brute. *Cor.xiii. 5. 8° 1662. * Johniii. 17. 4° 1663. * 2Cor.xii. I. 4° 1 6 Fun. of J. Ccrbert. Were. Oxon. Brit.M. Hab.iii. 17,18. 12° 1666. I Cor. xii. 27, 28. 4°i675. m.e.P. p. 25. Chrift, and not the Pope, the univerfal Head of the Church. Matt. V. 16. 4° 1676. f. m, e. C. p. 545. What Light mall fhine in our Works. Bod. X *Pf. cxi.K. in. I 2° 1 680. Fun. of Mar^ Coxe. * John xii. 26. 4°j68o. Fun. of Henry Alhhurfl, Efq. Faithful Souls fhall be with Xt. Cb. Ch. Oxon. PuI>,L. Cam^b. 2Cor. ii. 7. 4"i683. c. m. e. p. 263. The Cure of Melancholy and over-much Sorrow by Faith and Phyfick. *Difcourfes in 4V0I. fo.1707. Dr.IVj's. L. Lond. BAYES Jofiua I Cor.xiv. 9. 8° 1 735. Of the Worfhip of God in an unknown Tongue. V. 2 Vol, ag. Popery. Braz.N. Oxon. BAYLEY Fr.^ncis, Chapl. to Sir William Button. I Their iv. 14. 4° 1660. Fun.f. BAYLY Anfelm, L.L.D Sub-Dean of his Majefty's ChapL Royal. sDif- 32 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER 3 Difcourfes in 8° 1751. The Antiquity, Evidence and Cer- tainty of Chrillianity. *2Difc. Pf cxix. 48. 8° 1778. On the Commandments of God. BAYLY Benjamin, M.A, R. of St. James's, Briftol. Sermons in 2 Vol. 8° 1721. On various Subjedls. SioH. BAYLY Edward, R. * Luke x\ i. 9. 8° 1 749. Bath-Infirmary. *Dan,iv. 35. 4° I 756 Faft. BAYLY Thomas, Bp. of Killala. GaLv. 12. 8° 1 709, EoJ. BAYLYE Thomas, B. A. of Braz. N. CoIL Oxon. iCorii.Q. 8° 1 7 10. A Glymufe of Paradife. BJTNE Janus, M. A. Minifter of the Gofpel, Edinburgh. * DifcourJes in 8°i77S. On various Subjedls. BEACH John, M A. Miffionary at Conne(5licut. *John iii. 9. 8° 1760. Annual Conv. of the Clergy at Newhavcn. BEAN Charles, M.A. Fell, of Mert. Coll. Oxon. V. of Lidd, and Protlor of the Clergy of Cant. A£ls vii. 26,27,28. 4° 1707. Th. for the Union. BoJ. Magd, Ox. Num.xiv.4. 8° 1 7 16. Th. June 7. Tit. iii. 1,2. 8° 1716. Vif. f. BEAR John, B.D. R. of Shermanbury in the Diocefe of Chicheller. zTini.ii.z. 8°i7ueens. Camb. Sion. 1 Tim iv. 16. 4° 1742. Cone, adder. Lond. ^eenu Camb. * I Tim. iii. 16. 8° 1741. Diff. Critical being the Subitance of 8 Sermons preached at Moyer's Left. 'Trin. St. 'John's, Bal. Oxon. keen's Camb. *i Cor. xi. 19. 8° 17 Aftf. Chriftian Doftrines and Duties explained and recomniended in 3 Vol. 8° 1 75 1. Bod. Ch.Ch. Alls. Netv.C. 7nn. Jef, Magd. Femb. Oxon. Pub,L.. Cl.H, Trin. Camb. Sicn, * 3 Vol. 38 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER *3VoI. in 8° 1763. Bod. Braz.N. Oriel. Oxon. Eton. BERROW Cape), Left, of St. Bennet's Paul's Warf, Lond. 2 Chron. xxxii. 8. 4° 1746. Rebell. zChron. xvi. 9. 4° 1746. Th. after Reb. The Providence of God over Xtian Kingdoms and States confidercd and applied. BERRY Richard, M.A. Matt. ii. 10, 1 1. 4° 1672. Dublin. Epiphany. Bod. keen's. Ox. BERWICK John, DD. Dean of St. Paul's, London. Prov.xiv. 8. 4°i66i. Oft. 20. Deceivers deceived, or the Mif- takes of Wickednefs. BESOMBE Robert, Chapl. to Lord Baltimore. Judg i. 19. 8° 1734.. BEST William, DD. Miniflerof St. Lawrence-Jewry, and St. Mary Magdalen, Milk-ftreet, Lond. Aftsxi. 29, 30. 8° 1734. Char. f. for the Relief of the Saltz- burgers. U^orc. Oxon. 2 Cor. viii. 12. 4° 1742. Col. of Georgia. JUS. Wore. Oxon. keen's. Camb. Phil. ii. 25. 8° 1746. The royal Soldier. Bal. Ox. ^leen's. Cam. BETHAM John *Lukei. 31. 4° 1686. Annunciation. Trin.St.John^s. Camb. BETHAM Rob. M. A. of Queen's Coll. Ox. Cur. of Ware, Herts. Rev, ii. 5. 4° 1744. Fait, National Vices the Bane of Society. [BETHUNE Angus,] M.A. *------ 1774. Chrillian Fortitude. BETTESWORTH Charles, M.A. R. of Kingfton-Bowfey, Suflex. Aftsviii. 17. 8° 1712. Conf. BETTY Jofeph, M.A, Fell, of Exeter Coll. Oxon. Gal.i.i. 8° 1729. Oxo}}. The divine Inllitution of the Miniftry, and the Ablblute NccelTity of Ch-Governmcnt. Wore. Oxon. ^eeris. Camb. BEVAN Thomas, M. A. * An Expofition of the Lord's Prayer in 12° 1673. BEVERIDGE William, Bp. of St. Afaph. iCor. xi. 16. 4° 1689. Cone, ad Syn. Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. St. Johii's. Oxon. Sion. 2 Cor. ix. 2. 4° 1707. Prop. Gofpel. Aftsiii.i. 8° 1708. The great Neceffity and Advantage of pub. Prayer. Pub L. Camb. I Cor. xi. 26, 8° 1 708. Of frequent Communion. Pub.L. Cam. Matt. viii. 34. 8" 17 Thefaurus Theologicus, 8°i7ii. 4V. Bod. Univ. Dr W's. L. L. His whole Works containing all his Sermons in 2 Vol. fo. 1720, Bod. Cb. Ch. Magd. Mert. Wore. Pub.L. Camb. BEVERL FA" Thomas Lukexxiii, 39-43. 4° 1670. Of a death-bed Repentance. Sion. Matt, xxvi.26. 4° it)87. Of the true Spiritual Tranfubftantia- tion. Bal. Oxon. Sion. Deut.xxxiii. 25. 4° 1693. The Bleffing of Mofes on the Tribe of Afher, 5/(?/;. Matt, O F A U T H O R S, &c. 39 Matt. xvi. 26. 4° 1694. Of the lofs of the Soul Sion. Heb. ii.4, 5. 4° 1694. On Miracles. Bod. Pub. L. Camb. Hab. iii. 2. 4°i6g;. Roy. Fun. A Perfuafion to Prayer. Trin. Camb. Sicn. Johnxvii.7,8. 4°i695. Of the great Gofp. Grace of Faith. 6'?(?/f. * I Cor. XV. 24-28. 4"i698. Kingdom of God all in all. Pub.L, Trin. Camb. BEVERLEY Thomis, R. of Lully, Harts. * Difcourfes in 4" 1683. On the Principles of Proteftant Truth and Peace. [BEVERTON Simon,] Minifler of Perihore, Worceft. Matt. V. 4. S^iyij. Jan. 30. BILLINGS LEY John * Judexxii. 23. S'ljoo. Ref. Manners. Gal.vi.io. 12° 1712. Doing Good to all Men. * I Kings X. 9. 8"" 1714. *2Cor. V. 1,2. 8° 1 717. Ordin.f. *Phil.i.xviii. 8°i7i7. Char. f. 24 Sermons in 8° 1723. Againlt Popery. Ifai. xlii. 3. 8° 1727. BILLINGSLEY S. M.A. V. of Horley, andR. of Newdigate,Surry. Pf. xviii. 49, 50. 8°i7i6. Th. *2Cor.iv. 5. 8° 1 741. Ord.f. BILSTONE John, M.A. Chapl. of All Soul's Coll. Oxon. and V. of Hannington, Wilts. 13 Sermons in 8" 1749. preached before the Univerfity of Oxon* Bod. Alls. Oxon. *iCor. XV. lo. 8^^1756. Operation of Grace. *Joel ii. I 2, 13. 8° 1758. Fall. Solemn and fincere Repentance the bell Expedient for Succefs in tirae of War. Exon, Oxon. * 1 Chron.xxix. 15. 8° 1759. Fun. of Thomas Rowney, Efcj ; Wore. Oxon. * Gal. iv. 18. 8° 1 761. Chriftian Zeal. * John x. 22,23. ^"^Z^S- Conf. cf a Church. *Gal.iv. 3-5. 8° 1763. Ignorance of Jewifli Church to the In- tent of their Inltitutions. Exon. Oxon. BINCKES William, DD. Dean of Litchfield. Luke xxiii. 34. 4°i702. Jan. 30. ( cenfured by the Houfe of Lords.) Ch.Cb.Mngd, Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Pf.cxxiv. 6,7. 4^1704. Nov. 5. b. Commons. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Magd. Were. Jef. Oxon. St. 'Johti's. Camb. Lukevii. 4,5. 8°i7io. Conf. Ch. Of Parochial Churches. Ch, Ch. Magd. Bal. Lir.c, Ox. Pub.L. Trin. ^/eens. Camb. Sien. BINGHAM Jofeph, M.A. R. of Havant, Hants. Pf.ciii. 13. 8" 1714. Of the Mercy of God to penitent Sinners, or fo. 1725. V.I. p. 835. Bod. St. John's. Oxon. " Johnxx. 23. fo. 1726. V. 2. p. 257. 2. f. On Abfolution. Bod. St,Joh?i'i. Oxon, Sion, BINGLEY 40 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER BINNELL Robert, M. A. Minifter of Newport, Salop. Heb. X 24. 8" 1751. Salop-rnfirinary. The Chriftian Strife—* or Emulation in good Works recommended. BIRCH Peier, DD. Preb. of Weftminfter and Chapl. in Ord. Johnxvi. 3. 4° 1689. Nov. 5. b. Commons. Cb.Ch. Magd. U^'ort', Oxon. Trin. Camb. 2 Sam. i. 21, 4° 1694. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Cb. Ch. Magd. Jef, Oxon. Trin. CL H. St. John's. Camb. Rev. xiv. 13, 4° 1700. Fun. of Lady Gething, Bod. BIRCH Tho. B.A. Cur. of Redgrave, and R. of BiJlingford, Norf. Rom.xii. 21. 8° 17 20. 2 f. The Unreafonablcnefs of Revenge, and the great Duty of Chriftian Charity. Rom. V. I. 8° 1729. Faith the Condition of Juilification. BIRCH Thomas, M. A. F.R. S. R. oi St. Margaret's Fatten's, and St. Gabriel, Fenchurch, Lond. Pf. cxxxix. 14. 4° 1749. b. Phyficians. The Wifdom and Good- nefs of God proved from the Frame and Confiitution of Man. ^^leens. Oxon. Brit. M. BIRD John, B.D. (Stud, of Ch.Ch. Ox.) R.of Cheddington, Bucks, 2Cor. V. 20. 4° 1663. Vif. f. The Divine Ambaflador. EIRKITT Edward, Clerk, Cur. of Greenwich. * I Tim. iii. 16. 4° 1770. Chriilmas-day. * 2 Kingsxix. 19. 4° 1780. Fall. BISBIE Nathaniel, DD. R. of Long Melford, SufF. Phil i. 29. 4" 1 682. Affize. Bod. Pub. L. Trin. St.John's. dmh. Matt, xxiii. 15. 4° 1683. The modern Pharifee. MIS. Oxon, Brit. M. Judgesxvii. 6. 4° 1684. Affize. Anarchy. Pub. L» Camb. Numb.xxvi.9. 4" 1684. Affi2e. Sedition. [BISCOE John] * Difcouries in 8° 1665. BISCOE Rich, M. A. Chapl. in Ord. R. of St. Martin Outwich, L. I Pet. i.8. Boyle's Left. 2 Vol. 8° 1742. New C Ox. Brit. M. BISHOP Hawlcy, DD. (Fell, of St, John's Coll. Oxon.) R, of Creek, Northamptonf. Ifai.xxix. 19. 8° 1747. Nortbavip. Infirmary, ^teen's. Camb. BISHOP Charles, M. A. R. of Rudford, and Under Matter of the Coll. School at Glocefter. *Pf Ixviii. 4,5. 4° 1769. An. meet. 3 Choirs. BISHOP Thomas, DD. Miniller of St. Mary at Tower- Church in Ipfwich, Suff. 8 Serm. at Lady Meyer's Left, and 7 Bod. Ch.Ch. NezoC. Ox. iCor.xv. 28. 8°i726. Cone, ad Cler. J i^^^/A. Camb. Siori. BISSE A Nonjuror. Ezek. xxi. 25-27. BISSE Philip, Bp. of Hereford. Nehem. xiii. 13,14. 4°i70i. b. Sons of the Clergy. Ch.Ch, C. C. C. Magd. Wadh. Oxon. Trin. ^eens. Camb. Sio?}. Ilai. OF AUTHORS, &c. 41 Ifahlxii.6,7. 4" 1 710. Faft. C.C.C. line. Oxon. Pab.L.Trin. St. Johns. Camb. Zech. viii. 10,11. 4° 1 7 1 1 . May 29. Ch. Ch. C. C. C. Wore. Line. Oxon. Pul/. L. Camb. Matt.v. 16. 4" 1 71 7. Prop. Gofpel. Ch. Cb. C.C.C. Magd.Wore. Oxon. Pub.L. i^ieeri's. Camb. EISSE Thomas, DD. Fell, of C.C.C. Oxon. and Chancellor of Hereford. Heb. V. 4. 4" 1708. Trin. f. A Defence of Epifcopacy. Bod. Ch. Ch. Magd. Or. Oxon. Trin. Slueeti's. St. John's. Camb. ■ 2Chron.xix.6. 8° 1711. Oxon. Affize. Jehofaphat's Charge. ^<>^. C.C.C. Magd. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Sio/i. * Pfal.cxliv. 14. 8° 1711. Acceffion. Sion. I Kings viii. 1 8. 8°i7i2. Open. Church. The Merit and Ufe- fulnefs of building Churches. Bod. C.C.C. Magd. Oxon. I Thefl". V. 19. 4'' 1712. Oxon. Whitfunday. Bod. C.C.C. Magd. Bal. Line. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Sion. I Cor. iii. 10,11. 8° 1 71 3. Oxon. Aft. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Magd. Or. Bal. Were. Oxon. Pf. Ixxi. 20. 4° 1714. May 29. b. Commons. Magd. Line. Oxon. Pab, L. Camb. Sion. I Tim. vi. 3,4. 8° 1 7 16. Vif. f. Pride and Ignorance the Ground of Errojs in Religion. C.C.C. Oxon. PubL. Camb. Ifai.li. 1,2. 8° 1716. b. Sons of Clergy. J//S. Wadh. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Sion. 1 Cor. vii. 31. 8° 1 7 17. The Xtian Ufe of the World. C.C.C. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. I Chron. xvi. 29. 8°i7i7 4 f. The Beauty of Holinefs in the Common Prayer. Bod. Univ. Magd. Ch. Ch C. C. C. Line. Ox, Pub.L. St. John's. Camb. 1 Chron. xvi. 4, 5,6. 8° 1720. A Rationale on Cathedral Wor- fhip or Choir Service. Bod, I Cor.xiv.40. 8°i723. 3 f . Decency and Order in public Worfh, Pf.cxliv. 12. 8° 1725. Open. Char. Sch. JUS. Ox. ^teen's. C. Rom.xiii. 3,4. 8°I726. The Ord, and Office of the Magillrate. Ecclef. ii. 8. 8° 1726. Mufick the Delight of the Sons of Men. BaL Oxon. Pf. cxxxiii. 1,2. 8° 1727. County Feaft. Society recommended. JUS. Oxon. ^u£en''s. Camb. Zech. iv. 10. 8° 1729 Mufick. JUS. Oxon. ^een's. Camb. A Courfc of Sermons in 8° i 740. Oxon. On the Lord's Prayer. JUS. Wore. Line. Oxon. BISSET Will, one of the Minillers of St. Catherine's by the Tower. Pf. xciv. 15. 8° 1704. Ref. Manners. Plain Englifh. Or. Oxon. ^een's. Camb. Brit. M. Prov. xxix. 24. 8° 1704. Ref. Manners, } ri, • t? in, u • 00 n f A/r J. more Plain Englilh. Prov. XIV. 9. 8 1704. Ref. A^anners. J ° Rev.xiv. 13. 8° 1727. Fun. ^een's. Camb. Eton. Vol.11. F BLACKALL 4* AN HISTORICAL REGISTER BLACKALL Anthony, M A. V. of Elvafton, Nottingham. *Prov. xxiv. 21.4° 1704. Aflize. Duty to God and the Queen. St. Johri s Camb. BLACKALL Offspring, Bp. of Exon. His Works in 2 VoL io. lyz^. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Jl/S. Neto.C. St. John's, Trin. Wore. Pemb. Oxon. Pub.L. Trin. Camb. His Serm. on the Lord's Prayer. 8° 1727. Wadb. Oxon. Serm. at Boyle's Lcftures 8° 1708. CI. H. Camb. BLACKALL Theophilus, M.A. R. of Monkhampton, Devonf. Johnxii. 37. 4° ij^o.^ Exon. Vif. f. BLACKBURN ]. *Pf. xxxiii."io-i2. 8°i74g. Th.f. BLACKBURNE Francis, M. A. Arch-Deacon of Cleveland. * I Tim. i. 5-g. 8° 1742. Affize. Tork. * Gal.iv. q, 1 1. 8°i753. On old Xmas-day. i^een's. Camb. * zTim. iii. 16, 17. 8° 175-^. Ordination, ^een's. Camb. BLACKBURNE Lancelot. Abp. of York. Ephef. iv. 31, 32. 4° i6q4. The Unreafonablenefs of Anger. Johniii. 16. /\.°\6qj. Advent, b. Lord Mayor. 1 Tim. iii. 16. 4" 1705. The Myftery of Godlincfs. Ch.C Ox. Tri?!. Camb. Matt. V. 10, 1 1, Tz. 4°i7o8. On St. Stephens-day. The Blef- fednefs of fuffering Perfecution for Righteoufncfs Sake. Ch.Ch. Univ. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Tit.i.5. 4°i7i4. Cone ad Synod. Bod. Ch.Ch. Ox, ^leen's.Q. Matt V. 3. 4° 1715. Spitt. f. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Ifai. 1. 10, 1 1 . 4° I 716. Jan. 30. Sion. ELACKETT Bridges Edward, LLD. R. of Stoke Damerel, Devon. * 2 Kings viii. I i-i 3. 4° 1753. Jan. 30. b Commons. * John xiii.34,35. 4° 1760. b. Gov. of Exon, and Devon, Hofp. * John iv. 21. 4°i77i. Conf. St.Aubyn's Chap. Plymouth, Dev, BLACkWELL Samuel, B. D. R. of Brompton, Yorkfhire. 2 Sam. XX. ig. 4° 1705. Afilze. John ix. 4. 8" 1705. Fun. of Lady Annabella Norwich. Aiflsxvi. 30. 8° 1719. BLACKWELL Thomas, M.A. R. of St. Clement Danes, Lond. Pf. cxxix. 5. 4° 1746. Th. after Reb. The Dangers of the late Rebellion, and our happy Deliverance confidered ; and a fuit- able confequent Behaviour recommended. BLADEN Thomas, DD. Dean of Ardfert. zCor. V. I. 1 7P'^' fortes Sick. Rev. XV. 3. >4°i695. Bo.L Of Divin. J- nTh. f. many Del. Ezek.xxxiii. 8. J J 17 a troubled Conf. BLAGRAVE Jonathan, DD. Sub-Almoner, Chaplain in Ord. and R. of Longworth Berks. Lukexii.4, 5. 4° 1691. b. Queen. .^11 S. Ox. Trin keen's. C. Prov. xxvii. 4. 4° 1693, The Nature and Milchicf of Envy, Pub.L. Camb. BL.4IR OF AUTHORS, &c. 43 BLAIR Hugh, DD. Minifter of High Church, and ProfefTor of Rhe- torick and Belles Letters in the Univerfity of Edinburgh. * I Vol. of Sermons, 8° 1777. Bed. Sion. * 2 Vol. of Sermons, 8° 1780. BoJ. *Ifai.xi. 9. 8° 1750. Prop. Xn. Know. V, Scotch Preacher v.i. p. 73. The Importance of religious Knowledge to mankind. BLAIR James, M.A. CommilTary of Virginia, Prefident of William and Mary Coll. and R. of Williamfburg. Our Saviours divine Sermon on the Mount explained in 4 Vol. 8° 1720. Bod Cb Ch. Oxon. Sion. 5 Vol. 8° 1723. On the whole Chapter. Bod. BLJKE Malachi * - - - - 1735. On the Fire at Blanford, Dorfetf. BLAKE Martin, B. D Pf.cxxii. 8,9. 4°i66i. BLAKE Edward, DD. late Fell, of Oriel Coll. Oxon. * Matt. vi. xxxiii. 8° 1756. Aft. f. Religion and it's temporal Promifes connedled, AWS. Jfadh. Oxon. SLAKES jun. of Leeds, Yorkfhire. * 8^1769. BLAKEWAY Rob. Chap to Ld Herbert, and R. of Little IlfordjEff. Rom. xiii. 1,2, 8° 1716. 2 f. An Exhortation to Obedience and faithful Adherence to King George. BLAMFORD Samuel * Difcourfes in 8° 1660, BLANE John, Preacher in the French Churches. Gal.i. 7-9. 8° 1708. The Anathema of the falfe Prophets. BLAYNEY Benjamin, B.D. late of Hertford Coll. Oxon. * Dan. ix. 20. to end. 4" 1775. 2 Differtations on Daniel's 70 Weeks, ^eeni. Camb. BLENNERHAYSETT Thomas, R. of Patching, Suffex. Pf.xxi.3. 8° 1715. Th. Jan. 30. ^een't, Camb. Ecclef. viii. 2. 4° 1716. Jan. 30. Sion. BLIGH Michael *Deut.xxxii.9, 8° 1 765. Church of God his peculiar Portion &c, BLISS Anthony, M.A. V. of Portfmouth. Zech. vii. 5. 8° 1725. Jan. 30. BLISS Thomas, B. A. late Student of Ch. Ch. Oxon. V. of Afhford and Yarnefcombe, Devon. * Gen. xlv. 4, 5. 8° 1769. Jofeph a Type of Chrift. BLOMER Ralph, DD. Can. of Cant, and R. of All-hallows, Lom- bard-llreet, Lond." Tit. iii.i. 8° I 710. Ace. b. Conv. Line. Ox, Trin. Si. John's. C. John ix. 41. 4° 1 71 2. Cor. Acad. Ctf»/. June 28. Brit.M, Ephef. iv. 3. 4° 1712. Aasix.15.16. 4°i7i6. At the Enthronement of Abp. Wake. £/cff. 1 John iii. 20,21. 8° 1730. Fun. of Dr. Grandorge. BLOMFIELD Barrington, DD. R. of Bedingham, SuiF. Judej. 8'' 1728. Caml;, St. John's. Camb. f 2 BLOWER 4+ AN HISTORICAL REGISTER BLOWER John, M. A. R. of St. Martin and Preb. of York. Heb. xiii. 7. } 8° 1714. 2 Fun. f. \ ""^ ^^^ ^^l'^ I St Jehu's, C. Pf. xcvn.i, 5 ' ^ ( of Queen Ann ) -^ BLOWER Samuel, Paftor of the Church at Abingdon. * Pf. xviii. 46. 8° 1697. Fun.f. BlYTH S. * 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8. 8° 1754. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Bourn, ^cen's. C, BODINGTON John, M. A. of Sidney Coll. Camb. and R. of Blof- fomvile, Bucks. Canr.iii. 11. 12° 1662. BOEHM Anthony William, Chapl. to Prince George of Denmark. Several Difc. &c. 8° 1717. Femh. Oxon. * Rev. xviii, 4. 8° 171 8, Duty of Reformation. 2 Cor.vii.9-1 1. 8°i72i. Fail. The Dodlrine of godly Sorrow, BOLDE Samuel, R. of Steeple, and V. of Shapwick, Dorfetf. I Pet. i. 15. 4° 1675. Man's great Duty. Bod. Gal.iv. 29. 4° 1682. Ch. for French Refugees, ag. Perfecution, Bod. ^een^s. Camb. * Rev. iii. 20. 12° 1687. Bod. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Rom.viii. 18. 4° 1689. An Exhortation to Charity &c. Brii.M, * Phil. iii. 8. 8° 1697. On the true Knowledge of Jcf. Chrift, ^eens. Camb. Pf. cxxxvi. 23. 8°I7I5. Acceffion. Deut. xxxiii. 29. 8°i7i6. Acceflion. BOLDERO John, R. of Clipfum and Dingley, Northamptonf. Deut. i. 16, 17. 8° 1722. AlTize. Northampton. BOLTON Robert, LLD. Dean of Carlifle. *Gen.vi.8, 9. 8° 17 Walking with God. Gal.vi. 10. 4** 1739- Spitt.T. St. John's. Camb, Brit. M. Luke vi. 26. 8°i74i. Vif. The Woe denounced by Xt to them, of whom all men fpeak well confidcred. JI/S. Oxon. [BOLTON Samuel] *Lev. X. 3. 8° 1660, A facramental Difc. on the Tree of life. BOLTON Theophilus, Arch-Bp. of Calhel. Tit. iii. i. 8°i72i. Anniv. of Irifli. Rcb. BOLTON William, one of the School-maflers at the Charter-houfe. Numbxvi.26. 4°i683. Th. Sep. 9. Core redivivus. 6'/.7''^«'-f" Camb. Sicn. Gen.xliii.34. 4° 1684. Co. Fcaft. Wore. Oxon. St. Jehi's. Ca.m. BONJR John, M. A. *Pf. cxxii.9. I 2*^ 1779. Nature and Tendency of the Ecclefiaf- tical Conllit. in Scotland. V. Scot's Pr. v.i. p.i. ^eerCs. C. BONAR John, B. A. Chapl. of his Majelly's Ship the Cerberus. * Neh. iii. 8. 4° 1773. The Advantages of the infular Situation of Great Britain. BOND Daniel, B. A. V. of Lye, Gloucefterf. 1 Chron. v. 6, 7. 8° 1729. Affize. 2 Chron, xix. 15-7. 8° 1729. Aflizc. 5OND OF AUTHORS, &c. 45 BOND Henry, LLB. V. of Cowley, Glouceft. * 3 Difc. in 8° 171 1. Hirtf. Oxon. Ecclef. xi. 10. 12°17 2 Sermons. BONHOME Jolhua, R. of Suddington, Leiceft. and Chapl. in Ord. Rev. i. 16. 4" 1675. Vif.f A new Conllellation. Ch.Ch. Ox, Trin, Camb. Sion. EONNEY Thomas, M. A. R. of St. Andrew, Underfhaft, Lond. *Pf.xxix. 10. 4° 1763. Th.f. BOOKER More, M.A. V. of Delvin, Ireland. *Pf. xix. II. 8° 1756. Fun. of the Countefs of Droghede. BOOKEY Sacheverell, LLB. V. of Wickingham, Norf. 1 Thefl. iv, 13,14. 4" 1739. ^<>rzvich, Ag. the Fear of Death. BOOTH ABRAHAM *GaI.ii. 19, 8° 1770. EfTay. The Death of legal Hope, the Life of evangelical Obedience. * 8° 1772. Fun. * 1 Cor XV. 55-57. 8° 1773. Fun. BOOTH Penifton, DD. Dean of Windfor. Gal.iii. 27. 8° 1718. Of Baptifm. BORASTON George, M.A. R. of Hever, Kent. Matt.vii. 12. 4° 1684. Co. Feaft. The royal Law. 5/. 7c/^«'s. C. BOREMAN Rich. DD. R. of St. Giles's in the Fields, Lond. Matt. V. 34. 8° 1662. Antidote ag. Swearing. Bod. Siov. Phil.ii. 5. 4° 1663. Vif. The Pattern of Xnity. ^eetis. Ox. Phil. iii. 20. 4° 1669. Fun. of the Dutchefs of Dudley, Ch. Ch. C.C.C. Oxon. Tri/i. Camb. Phil. iii. 15. 4° 1669. BORFET Abiel, Minilter of Richmond, Surry. Pf. XX. 5. 4° 1696. Th, April j6. Ch.Ch. PForc. Oxon. BOSSUET Benigne James, Bp. of Meaux. *Rev.xiv. 5. 4° 1686. Fun. Magd. Oxon. BOSTON Thomas X * I Txheff. 5. 20,21. 8° 1694. Edingburgh, Brit.M. BOSTON Thomas, Minifter of the Gofpel at Ettrick. *Difcourfes in 2 Vol. 8° 1753. four fold State. Pub.L. Camb. * Sermons in 3 Vol, 8° 1773. -^^ Illuftration of the Dodrines of the Xtian Religion with refpeft to Faith and Pradtice. Bod, * I J Difcourfes in 8"" 1773. On the diltinguilhing Characters of true Believers, Bod. * 10 Fall Sermons in 8° 1773. Bod. *4Sermonsin 8° 1773. On facramental Occafions. Bod. * 2 Difcourfes in 8° 1775. The Xtian Life delineated. Bod. ^ 8 Difc. in 8° 1775. A View of this and the other World. Bod. * 10 Sermons in Chiefly relating to the Grounds of the Lord's Controverfy with this Generation. * Sermons in The Method of Recovery from the Ruins of the Fall of Jefus Chrift &c. BQSTWICK David, M. A. late Minifter of the Prefbyterian Church, New York, * 2 Cor. 46 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER *2Cor. iv. 5. 8° 1759. b. Synod. New Tor k. Self-dirdaimed and Chrift exalted. *A£lsii. 39. 8° 1765. A fair and rational Vindication of the Right of infants to Baptifm. EOSWELL John, B.A. V. of St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton. *Pf. xvi.7. 8° 1730. May 29. BOTELER Edward, M.A. Chapl. in Ord. and R. of Wintringham, Lincoln/. Pf. lxxii,4, 12° 1661. Affize. Pf. xxi. 3. 8^1662 Matt, XXV. 21. 8" 1662. Fun. Jcr. xxxi. 33. 8° 1664. Hebxiii. 14. 8° 1664. Fun. Lukexix. 42. 12" 1666. Open. gen. Affize. Trin. Camb. BOTT Thomas, M. A. R. of Spixwbrth near NorwicJi. Lukeix. 56. 8° 1724. A Difcourfe. The Peace and Happinefs of this World the immediate Defign of Xy.iC^vf^/;'i. C. Brit.M. Phil. i. 10. 8° 1730. Vif. Morality founded in the Reafon of things, and the Ground of Revelation, ^leefi's. Camb. Matt. vii. I 2. 8° 1738. Jan. 30. Ai Norwich. BOUGHEN Edward, Parfon of Wood Church, Kent. I Cor. i. 10. 8°i7i4. Vif. April 18. BOULTER Hugh, Abp. of Armagh. Lukexii. 42-41. 4°! 714. Dublin. Vif. Wadh. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Eton. 1 Pet. ii. 13, 14. 8° 1 71 5. Affize. The Foundation of Subinif- fion to our Governors. Eton, zTim.i. 6, 7. 8° 17 16. Conf. of Bp. Gibfon. Prov.xxi. II. 8° 1 716. Ref Manners. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Eton. Heb. X. 24. 8° 1716. Spitt. W. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Ecclef. vlii.2. 4° 1 716. Affize. The Obligation of Oaths to the Government, and the Pretences of breaking them confidcred. Ch. Ch. Oxon. 2 Pet. ii. 10. 8° 1719. Affize. The Chara61cr and evil Con. fcquenccs of Seditioufnefs. Trin. Camb. Ifai.lv. 6,7. 4° 1720. Fall b. Lords for the Plague. Ch.Ch. Line, Wore Oxon. Brit. M. Lukexxiv.47. 4°i72i. Prop. Gofpel. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Zion, Gen. xviii. 19. 8" 1722, An. meet Char. Schools. 2 Cor. xiii. 1 1. 4° 1722. Farewell. Ch.Ch. Oxon. BOUNCHER Samuel, M.A. R. of Eaa-Horlely, Surry. 2Sam.xxii.4. 4° 1693. Faft. EOURDALOUF, * Sermons in 4 Vol. 1 2° i 776. TranH. from the French by A. C. EOURKE Dean Jofeph, Abp. of Tuam. *2 Theff.i.3. 4"i776. Jr. Prot. Schools. BOURN Saf/iue/, of Bolton, Lancaf. * I Johniii.2. 8° 1722, The transforming Vifion of Chrift in the future State. * I John O F A U T H O R S, &c. 47 •ijohnili.3. 8° 1722. The Believers Hope of the fame. N. B. At the end his Fun. Serm. by his Son S. Bourn. * Kingsii. 3. 8" 1722. BOURN i)^;/2UiJ, of Birmingham. *Adsxix. 25. 8" 1735. Nov. 5. •Phil i. 27,28. 8" 1738. b. DiiTent. Minifters. H'"aS. Oxon. * Ezek.xxxiii. 2. I2"i754. 4 f . A new Call to the unconverted. * 20 Sermons in 8° 1755. ^" ^^^ "^°^^ ferious and pradical Subjeds of the Chrillian Religion. BOURN Samuel, of Norwich. * Markiv. 30. 4° 1752. b. DilT. Minifters. The Rife, Progrefs Sec. of the Chrillian Religion. *Diic. in 2 Vol. 8" 1760. On the Principles and Evidences of Nat. Religion and Xtian Revelation, i'^/e.'u's. Camb. » Difc. in 2 \^ol. 8" 1763. and 1764. On leleft Parables. Ba/, Slueens. Camb. * Diic. in 2 Vol. 8° 1777. On various Subjeds Critical, Philo- fophical and Moral. Bod. . [BO WATER John] John i. 12. 8" 1694. Bod. BOWBER Thomas, M'. A. formerly of Wadh. Coll. Oxon. 2Chron.xxxv, 24. 4° 1705. Royal Fun. Pub L. St.John^s. Cam. BOWCHIER Richard, B.D. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. and Chapl. to the Bifhop of Chicheller. Gal. V. 25. 4° 1692. b. Lord Mayor. Bod. Univ. Line. Oxon. BOJf'DEN John * I Tim.iv. 16. 8° 1704. BOWEN Samuel Pr. xviii. 46. 8° Fun. BOWERS Thomas, Bp of Chicheller. Prov. xxiv. 21. 8" 1722. Jan. 30. b. Lords. ^ecTis* Camb, EOWICK William, B. A. Phil. i. 1,2. 8° 1716. BOWLES Thomas, DD. (late Fell, of Magd. Coll. Oxon.) and V.of Brackley, Northamptonfhirc. Heb. i. 1,2. 8° 1728. Chriltmas. *Rom.xiii. 1. 4° 1741. Aflize. Northamp.. The End and De- fign of civil Government. BOWMAN Thomas, M.A. V. of Martham, Norfolk. *Rom X. 3. 8° 1762. * 7 Difcourfes in 12" 1766. on the Princioles of Xnity. BOWMAN William, M. A. V. of Dewsbury, YorKfhire. Matt. XV. 6. 8"i73i. Vif. Traditions of the Clergy deftructivc of Religion. IVudh. Wore. Oxon. ^eens. Camb. Brii.M. BOWTELL John, DD. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. Rom xvi. 17. 8" 171 1. DifTenters impofed on by thdn Teachers. Ch.Ch. Line. Oxon, St.-^Jobns, ^eens. Camb. BOWYER Thomas, M.A. V. of Martock, Somerfetiliir-e. Neh. xiii. 14. 4° 1734. Augment, of a Chapelrv. 1 Cor. 4S AN HISTORICAL REGISTER I Cor. j:vi.2. 4° 1735. Ch. f. The meafure of Xn. Beneficence, and Ufefulnefs and Neceffity of charitable Uics. BOYDELL John *Pf.cl.4. 8°i727. Erea.anOrg.inSt.Ofwald'sCh.Derb. Brit.M. BOYS Edward, DD. R. of Mautby, Norf. and fometime Fell, of C. C. C. Camb i6Serm. in 8° 1672. preached on fev. Occafions. Sicn Pub.L. C. BOYS James, M.A. V. of Coggefhall, Eflbx. A pradlical Expofition on the 39 Art. &c. to which is added a Scrm. on i John v. 7. fo.i7i6. p. 271. Bod. Sion. [BOYSE Chrillopher] * Ads ii. 24. 4° 1707. Eafler. BOrSE Jofeph, of Dublin. J * iThelTv.ig. 4° 1691. 2 f . The Sin and Danger of quenching the Spirit. * - - - - 4° '^95' Royal Fun. * - - - - 4° 1698. Ref. Manners. * - - - - 4° 1705. Fun. of Rev. Mr. T/vrz/^rj. * Pf. cxxii. 7,8. 8° 1 7 14. Acceflion. 38 Serm. on particular Occ. V. 1 Vol. of his Works in fo. 1728, BRACKENRIDGE William, DD. R. of St. Michael- Boffifhaw, Librarian of Sion. Coll. and F. R.S. and A. S. * 17 Scrm. in 8° 1764. On feveral Subjects. Sion. BRADBURY Thomas *Ezravi.i4. 8" 1708. Ref. Manners. *Phil.iv. 6. 12° I 71 1. On Prayer. *4Serm, in I2°1713. Chrillian's Joy. *Nehem.v. 13. 8" 1715. Th. f. * I Kingsii. 46. 8°i7i6. N0V.5. Wadh, Oxon. J*Jude2. 8^^1717. Jan. 30. Brit.M. Jude5. 8° 1719. Jan. 30. Brit.M. * Sermons in 8° 1723. Concerning offences. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Heb.i. 3. 8° 1729. Eton. * Sermons in 2 Vol. 8° 1726. Myftery of Godlinefs. * I Cor. xi. 24. 8° 1 737. Lord's fupper. * Phil.iii. 8,9. 8° 1738. 2 f. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Braoge. * 3 Sermons in 8° 1732. on Exod.xx. 7. The Sin and Danger of profane Swearing. * Rom. viii. 32. 8° 1732. Xt's Suff. V. Lime-ftreet. S. v. 2. p. 3. * 6 Sermons in 8° 1737. on Heb. vi. i 2. * 3 Sermons in 8° 1749 On the Duty and Dodrine of Baptifm. Braz. N. Oxon. * Sermons in 8° 1749. Revilings and Confeffion of a Faith. * 10 Sermons in 8° 1752. The Power of Chriftians over Plagues and Health, and his Name as the God of Ifrael conlidered as Arguments of his fupremc Deity. * 54 Sermons in 3 Vol. 8° 1772. BRADFORD John, M.A. Pf.cvii.4"i746. Th. f. Oa.9. BRADFORD O F A U T H O R S, &c. 49 BRADFORD Samuel, Bp. of Rochcfter. Rom. iii. 8. 4" 1696. 4" 1696. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. Sion. Ezrax. 3,4. 8° 1697. Ref. Manners. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Epher.iv.3. 4°(i698. b. L .May. Perfuafive to Peace and Unity. Prov.xxiv. zi. 4*" 1692. Jan. 30. b.K. All S. Ox. Trin. Lamb. 2 Tim. iii. 14, 15. 4° 1700. School Fealt. Ifai. i. 26. 4" 1700. El. Lord Mayor. Pf. xi. 3,4. 4° 1 700. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. Eton. John vi. 45. — I Tim. i. 15. — John iii. 16, 17. At Boyle's Left. 4° 1700 or fo. 1739. Vol. I. Bod. Ch Ch. St. Johr^s. Oxon. '7r?>/. S>ueen^s. Camb. Eflher ix. 20-22. 4" 1704. Nov. 5. b. Ld M.iyor. Ptib.L. Cam. Ephef. iv. 1 1 -I 3. 4° 1708. Conf. of Bps Trimnel and BlackalL Ch. Ch. Oxon. Trin. St. Johns, ^jieeris. Camb. Tit. iii. 4-7. I 2° 1 709. 2 f. on baptifmal and fpir. Regeneration, Ads iv. 32. 8° 1709. Ann. Meet. Ch. Sch. Trin. Camb. James iii. 17. 8° 1710. An Exhortation .to Puriiy and Peace. Line. Oxon. Trin. St. John's, -^neens. Camb. Sion Prov. iv. 25-27. 4"" 1710. Jan. 30. b. Ld Mayor. Ch. Ch. Line, Oxon. Sion. Gal. v. I. 4°i7i3. Nov. i;. b. Lord Mayor. The Reafonable- nefs of ftanding fail in finglifli and Xtian Liberty. Wadh. Ox. i^teens. Camb. Sion. I Cor. X. 10. 8° I 71 5. The Sin and Danger of murmuring ag. God and our Governors. Rom. ii 28,29. 4°i7i6. The Unprofitablenefs of external with- out internal Religion. Trin- ^een^s. Camb. Lukexii.5i. 8°i7i6. Chriilian Religion the Occafion, not the Caufe of Divifion. Eton. Johnxvii. 20, 21. 8° 1 7 18. The Nature of Xtian Union, and the Method of reltoring it. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Trin. ^leen's. Cl.H. C. Matt. xii. 25. 4° 171 9. Jan, 30. b. Lords, ^leens. CI. H. Cam. Matt, xxviii. 19, 20. 4° 1719. Prop. Gofpel. Ch.Ch. Wore. Ox. S^een^s. Camb. Sion. Prov.xiii.il. 4^1720. The honeft and difhoneft Ways of getting Wealth. Ch. Ch. Oxon. ^eens. Camb. Heb. vi. 1,2. 8° 1724. The Defign and Ufe of Confirmation; Slueens. Camb. BRADLEY Chriilopher, M. A. of Peter-houfe, Qamb. and R. of Thornton, York. 2 Cor. iv. 17,18. 4''i666. York. The Eye of Faith looking at Eternity. BRADLEY John, M. A. R. of St. Mary Bilhop the Elder. York. John xxi. 1 5. 4° 1706. Turk. Ch. f. b. Lord Mayor of York, on St. Stephen's-day. Ifai. xlv. 7. 4° 1713. Th. for Peace. BRADLEY Thomas, DD. Chapl. in Ord. and Preb. of York. Numb. xxiii.2i. 4°i66i. York. The Day of the King's Coronat. Tob xxix. 14-17. 4° 1663. York, Aflize. * ^ VoL.IL ' ^ ' G Matt. 50 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Matt. xxii. 21. 4° 1663. York. Aflize. Rev. ii. I. 4° 1663. York. Cone, ad Cler. Univ. Oxon. Aasxv. 28. 4° 1663. York. Vif. Rom.v. 19. 4° 1667. Air. 2 f. Of the fiift and fecond Adam, Univ. Oxon. Sion. BRADLEY Thomas * I Kingsxix. 4. 4" 1670. Elijah's Epitaph. The Author*s owa Fun. r. Ujiiv. Oxon. BRADSHAIGH Thomas, M.A. Chapl. in Ord. and R. of Stratford, Suff. and of Langham, Eflex. Pf. Ixxiii. 13, 14. 8° 1715. Vif. Lukex.25. 8° 1720. Vif. I Cor. xi. I. 8" 1747. Jan. 30. BRADSHAW William, Bp. of Briaol. 2Cor. i. 9, 10. 8° 1 714. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. Bod. Rom.xiii. 5. 4° 1730. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Bod. All S. Oxon. BRADSHAW William, Fell, of Sidney Coll. Camb. * John ii. i-i 2. V. Difc. on Conj. Duty. Vol. 2. p. 395. ' BRADY Nich. DD. Chap, in Ord. and Minif. of Richmond, Surry. J * Matt, xvi.26. 4° 1693. Nov. 26. b. King. Brit.M. Rev. xiv. 13. 4° 1693. Fun. of Shadwell. Bod. Pub. L. Camb. J * Ff. cxxxiii. 1,2. 4°i695,. b. Apothecaries. Brit.M. Ads XX. 32. 4° 1696. Farewel. Eton. :{;* 2 Chron. v. I 3, 14. 4"i697. On St. Cecilia's day. Brit.M. 14 Serra. in 8' 1704. V. i, preached on fev. Occafions. Trin. C. 15 Sermons in 8** 1706. V. 2. preached on fev. Occafions Wore. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Luke X. 41,42. 8" 1707. b. Queen. Univ. Hert. Oxon. Irin. Camb. El on. Sion. John X. 16. 8^1707. Th. Union. Si^n. Adlsviii. 14-1 7. 8° 1708. Confirmation. Heb.xiii. 14. 4° 1708. Fun. f. Aftsxv.41. 4° 1705. The End of Confirmation, and the due EfFefts of it. zSam. xix. 14. 4° 171c. May 29. At Richmond. R0m.vi.21. 4^1724. Affize. ■ 14 Seleft Serm. in 8"i730. Vol. 3. On pradlical Subjefls. .A^^?^ C St. Johns. Oxon. Pub.L. ^een's. Camb. Scrm, in 3 Vol. 8° 1730. Bod. St.Jobn^s. Oxon. Sion. BRADY Nich. LLB. R. of Footing, and Led. of Clapham. Middl. Pf cxviii. 23, 24. 4° 1738. May 29. b. Lord Mayor. ERAGGE Francis, B. D. V. of Hicchin and Prcb. of Line. Practical Difcourfes in 2V0I. 8" On the Parables. V.I. 1702. V. 2. 1704. Bed. Ch. Ch. All S. Univ. Pemb. Oxon, Pub. L. Trin. Slueen^s. Camb. Sion. Pradlical Obfervations in 2 Vol. 8° On the Miracles. V. 1. 1702. V. 2. 1726. Univ. Ch.Ch. AllS. Pemb. Ox. Slueen's. Camb. 13 Sermons in S°.i7i3, Of UndiiTembkd and perfcvering Reli- gion, Ain, Oxon. BRAGGE O F A U T H O R S, &c. 51 BRJGGE Robert Matt. ix. 31. 4° 1 674. Fun. A Cry for Labourers in God's Vine- yard. Bod. * JfaiJix. 19. V. Lime-f. S. Vol.1, p. i. Holy Spirit's Standard again il Error. * Gal. ii. i&. V. Lime-f. S. V. IL p. 87. 4 f . Sinn, tuftif. by G. BRAILSFORD J. M. A. V. of North-Wheaticy, Nottingham, and Chaplain to the Right Hon. Lord Middlcton. *Rom.iii. 18. 4" 1761, Affize. The Nature and efficacy of the Fear of God in fpiritual and public Life .ic. * 13 Scrm. in 8° 1776. J/IS. Oxon. BRALESFORD Humphry, IVI. A. R. of Hawklworth, and Preb. of Southwell, Nottingham. Rom.x iq. 8" 1724. Nottingham. Vif. f. BRAMHALL John, Abp. of Armagh. His Works fo. 1677. Dublin. Bod. Univ. Mert. St. John's, Tri?i. Or. Bal. Oxon. "Trin. ^eens. Camb. Sion. BRAMSTON Rom. x. 2. 8° Nov. 5. BRAMSTON John, M. A, R. of Theydon Garnon, EiTex. Ecclef vii. 10. 8° 1724. Affize. ^eens. Camb. Eton. Pf. i. 2. 4° 1724. Afiize. BRAMSTON William, DD. Chap, in Ord. R. of St. Chriflopher's, and Preb. of Wore. Prov. xxvii. i. 4° 1695. b. Lord Mayor. The Neceffity of a prefent Repentance. Pub.L. Camb. Aftsxxiv.14. 4''i697. Open. Left, at Maldon. f*/z^.L.7'r;;/.C.6'/V;v. 1 Tim. vi. 6. 4° 1702. Acceffion. Pf. XX. 7. 4° 1706. Th. ^eetii. Camb. John vii. 15. 4^1708. Sch. F. Hu. Learning not prejud. to Xnity. Rev. iii. 1 5, 16. 4° i 71 3. 2 f . The great Sin ot Lukewarmnefs in Religion. Bod. Line. Oxon. Recti's. St. Johns. Camb. I Tim.ii. 1,2. 4°i7i4. At the Temple. Trin. ^een^s. Si. John's. Camb. Sion. BRANDON John. R. of Finchamfted, Berks. 1 Theff. iv. 7. 169 . A pradfical Difcourfe. BRAY Thomas, DD. Miniller of St. Botolph, Aldgate, London. Dan. xii. 3. 4" 1699. Ord. of MifTionaries. Ch.Ch. C. C. C. Magd. Oxon. T'rin. l^een^s. Camb, * Ecclef. xii. 1. 8° 1704. Early Religion. 1 John iii. S. 8° 1708. Ref. M. For God or for Satan. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Pub. L. keen's. Camb. 1 Tim. vi. 12. 4° I 709. Fun. of Mr. Dent. The good fight of faith in the Cauie of God &c. Ch .Ch. Univ. Ox. 7ri/t. Sluee?t''s. Cam. * Prov. xxxi. 10-28. V. Bellamy's Fam. Pr. 8° 1754. (ill Edit.) Vol. n. p. 266. The virtuous Wife defcribed. BRAY Tho. DD. R. of Ex. Coll. Oxon. and Canon of Windfor &c. * 2 Pet. i. 1 9. 8°i76i. The more fure word of prophecy. Wor. Ox, * 1 Pet.ii. 16. 4° 1763. Jan, 30. b. Com. Braz.N. Were. Oxon. G z BRAY 52 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER BREKELL John, Liverpool. • * - - - 8° 1744. The Dangers of the Sea. * John iii. 3-5. 8°i76i. Regeneration. *20 Difcourfes in 8° 1765. On the Grounds and Principles of the Chriilian Religion. Bod. Pub.L. Camb. Sio7i. *Jobxxi.i2. 8° I 766. Open, an Organ at St. Peter's, Liverp. * Jer. xxxi.29. 8° I 767. DilTertation. ^lueen's. Camb. *Phil. i. II. 8° 1769. Liverpool. Infirmary. BRENT Charles, M. A. R. of Ch.Ch. Briftol, and Can. of St. David's. 1 Cor. X. 24. 4° 1704. Ch. Perfuafions to a public Spirit. Prov. iii.9. 4° I 708. b. Comp. of Merchants. 1 Cor. XV. 41. 8° 1721. Fun. of Mr. Colllon. Ecclef.x.19. 8°i728. b. Comp. of Merchants, Money elTaycd. BRETON John Ephef.iv. 3. 8° 1 7 14. BRETT Jofeph, M. A. R. of St. Clement'?, and St. Auftin's, Norw. Prov.xvi. 12. 4° 1 704. Norzvich. Acceflion. St. "Johns, Camb. 6Serm. in 8°i7i5. Bod. AllS. Ch.Ch. Line. Were. Oxon. Pab.L. ^eens. St. John's. Camb. Sion. Eton. BRETT Thomas, LL. D. R. oi Bettelhanger, Kent. 6Dirc.in 8"i 7 1 2, 13, and 14. On various Subjeds. 5(?^. ^// 5. Ci'. Ch. Line. Wore. Jef. O. Pub. L. ^eejis. St. John's. C. Sion. Eton, Difc. in 8° 1720. Concerning the ever-bleiled Trinity. BREVAL Frank Durant de, DD. Preb. of Weftminller. 1 John v 4. 4" 1670. French, and tranflated into Englilh by Dr. Peter du Moulin. Bod. ^eens. Magd. Oxon. Rev. ii, 10. 4° 1670. Faith in the jult vidtorious over the world. Bod. Slueen's. Oxon. BRIDEOAKE Ralph, B. D. Arch-Deacon of Winchefter. 2 Kings iv. 7. 4" 1730. b. Sons of the Clergy. Wadh. Oxon. BRIDGE Francis, "DY^. R. of St. Mildred, Bread-llreet, London. Pf Iviii. 10, II. 4° 1684. Nov. 5. b Lord Mayor. Ch.Ch. JUS.. Ma^d. Oxon, Trin. St.Johti's. Camb. BRIDGEN Will. DD R. of Folkingcon and Weft-Dean, SufTex. iTira.ii.i. 8" 17 12. Aflize. St.Johds. Camb. BRIDGES Ralph, DD. V. of South Weald, Efiex. 2 Cor. v. 7. 4° I 7 24. Adl. f. I Kings iii, 9 4" 1727. b. Lord Mayor. The Wife King's Con- cern for his People. Bod. * 1 Kings i. 9. 4° 1 7 Rom. V. 13. 4°i738, Alllze. BRIDGES William X * Jlai. ix. I. 8° 1667. Fuinefs of Chrift. * Johnxiv. 18. 8" 1667. *Rom. vii. 33. 8" 1667. James i. 24. 4° 1667. p. 51. ERIGGS Jofeph, M. A. V. of Kirkburton, York/hire. Sound Confiderations in 8*^1671;. For tender Confcienccs. I Cor. i. 10. S°i675. p. I. The Obligatiqa of Confcience to Union and Communion with Fellow-Chrillians, OF AUTHORS, &c. 53 Heb. X.25. 8° 167;. The Obligation of Confcience not to for- fake publick AfTemblies. BRIGHT George, DD, Dean of St. Afaph and Chapl. in Ord. 6Serm.in 8° 1695. M^:gd. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Brit.M. * Several Difc. in 8" 1699. BRINGHURST J. M.A. R. of St. Peter Ail St's in Stamford, Berks. I Cor.x.xxxi. 4° 1749. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. The Glory of God, the beft Principle of Adion in Man, ^eejis. Camb. BRINGHURST Ifaac, DD. R. of Toddington, Herts. Matt, xi 30. 4° 1689. b. Lord Mayor. The Eafinefs and Diffi- culty of the Chrillian Religion. Bod. Zmu BRINSLET John, Miniltcr of the Gofpel at Yarmouth. * John xviii. 1 1. 8° 1660. Drinking the bitter Cup. Pf. Ixxii. 15. 4° 1 66 1. 2f. Heb. ii. 1. 8" 1662. 1 Tim.i. 15. 8° 1662. 2 Cor. xii. 9. 8° 1663. Pf. xxxix. I. 8° 1664. BRINSLET William *Difc. in 12° 1667. BRISTED Ezekiel, R. of Meeching, alias Newhaven, SufTcx. Ifai.lx. 10. 8° 1715. BRISTED John, M.A. R. of St. Peter's and St. Mary Wellcut in Lewes, Sufl'ex. *----- 1743. Nature and Ufe of Prophecy. Pf.cvi.17. 4°' 750* On the Earthq. Admonitions to Repentance. BROAD Thomas Pf. ix. 16. 1696. On the AiTociation. BROD HURST Edward * Sermons in 8° 1733. EROGRAVE Robert, M.A. R. of Gatefide, Durh. & Chapl. inOrd. Matt. V. 16. 4° 1689. b. King and Queen. Of Example. Ch.Cb. Oxon. Eton. BROME Edmond, B.D. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. ^ q • fjohnxvi.7. The glo. Defc. of the H. G. p.i. 15. 33. r.Q ' < John XX. 20. On Eafter. p. 73. 83. 1 AllS. Oxon. ' ^' C John i. 14. On the Nativity, p. 95. ^ Pub.L. Camb. Mark ii. 20."^ p. i. Matt. 6. >6. > 2 Dif. 8° I 71 1. Cfunb. The Ufe and Meafures, and 3 p. 39- Man. of Xtian Fafting. To v/hich is added / A'Serm. on Acfis xvii. 34. Rarenefs, but Bleilings of Faith, p. 21 1. Lukevii.47. 8°i7i2. The thankful Penitent. BROME James, M.A. R. of Chariton, Kent. Amosviii, II, 12. 4° 1678. Fall, The Famine of the Word threatened to Ifrael. Sion. Ifai. 22.1 2-14. 4° 1679. Fall. God's Call to weeping and mourn- ing. Sion. Prov. xxix. 2. 4° 1 694. * Joeliii. 19. 8° 17 Fall 2 Cor. 54 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER 2 Cor V. 1 1. 8° 1702. Gal vi 7. 8° 1702. Cant. V I. 8° 1707. BROMESGROVE Samuel, M.A. Preacher at the Tabernacle in Spittal Fifelus. Judges V. 21. 4° 1704. Th. f. BROMLEY Robert Anthony, Preacher at the Foundling-Horpital and Left, of St. John's, Hackney. * Job xxix. 13. 4° 1 770. At the Foundling Hofp. *Pf. cxxii. 1. 4" 1 77 1. On open. Ch. and Organ. * 8" 1772. Latter End. *EccIer"Mv. 10. 4** i774. At the Foundling Hofp. t *Luke viii. 52, 8° 1782. Humane Society. EROMWICH * Luke xi. 24. 8° 1770. B'uin'.ngham. On Charity. BROOKBANK Jofeph, B. A. Rom xiij, 2, 12° I 661. 3f Rebels tried and call. BROOKE Henry, M.A. Fell of Lhiiil's Coll. in Manchefter. ----- Manchejler, 2 f . Th. f. Od;. 9. 1746. iPet. ii. 13. 8° 1747. Alf. Refpef! and Submiffion due to the Conftitution both in Church and State, BROOKE James, M.A. R. of Hill Croome and V. of Hanley Callle, WorcelK Prov. X. 7. 4° 1706. Fun. of Sir Francis Ruffel, Bart. Col.iii. 16. 8° 1728. Mufick. The Duty and Advantage of fing- ing to the Lord. Wore. Oxon. BROOKE John, M.A. R. of Great Ycldham, Effex. Rev.xiv^. 13. 4° 1693. Fun of John Symmons, Efq ; BROOKE Thomas, LLD. R. of Nantwich, and Dean of Cheller^ Pf. cxlv. 10. 8" 1732. Florills-meeling. ^cens. Camb. Adlsxxiv. 25. 4° 1732. AfTize. Pf.cxxxiii. I. 4° 1746. Aff. The Pleafure and Advan. of Unity. BROOKE Z. DD. Fell, of St. John's Camb, and Chapl. in Oid. *ii Difcourfes in 8° 1764. Pub.L. Camb. BROOKER Daniel, V. of St. Peter.*, and Minor Can. of Wore, Pf xxxiii. 1-5. 4° 1743. Mufic at Worceftcr. John xviii. 38. 4" 1745. Jan. 30. * Pf xxi. I i-i 3. 4" 1 746, Th. for Vidory. BROOKES Henry Deut. xxiii. 9. 8° 1707. Falh BROOKS Hen, M.A. R. of Camerton, and Henton Blevvet, Somerf. Pf.xlvi. I. 8°i732. Fun. God a good mans prefent Help and Comfort &c. * Lukevii. 13-15 8" 1734. Raifing the Widow's Son of Nain. BROOKS Tkornas, Preacher at Fini-ilreet-Hill. London. Pf. xxxix. 9. 8" 1660. Fun. The Mute Xtian under the fmarting Rod. Bod. Sicn. 2 Cor. ii. 11.8° 1661. Remedies ag. Satan's Devices. Bod. Sion. Lam.iii 24. 8° 1662. Sion, Heb. . O F A U T H O R S, &c. 55 Heb. xii. 14. 8° 1662. Holinefs the only way to Happinefs. 5zcAf. Rom. viii. 32-34. 8° 1664, Matt. vi. 6. 8" 1665. Two arguments for clofct-prayer. Bod. 1 Pet. 1.4. 8° 1668. Fun. Bod. Ifai. xlii. 24,25, 4''i670. Fire of London. Bod. BROOME William, LLD. R. of Patham, and V. of Eye, ^Wolk. 1 Tim. ii. 1,2. 8" 17 Cor. Brit. M. Pf. cxxii.6. 4° 1737. Aflize, Brit. M. [BROUGH William, DD.] *Dirc. in 8° 1660. BROUGHTON John, DD. V. of Kinrfton upon Thames. Jadgesv. 3. 4° 1705. Th. Sep. 7. 1704 CI. H. Camb. Ecclef.viii.il. 4° 1707. b. Queen. Bod. Ch.Ch. M^igd. Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. Camb. Sion. 2 Sam. xii. 5. 8° 171 3. On the Execution of Mr. Noble. Sion. Mark xi. 17. 4° i 7 1 4. Conf. of Kew Chapel. Of the Houfe of Prayer. iTim.ii. 2. 4° 1722. Aflize. BROUGHTON Thomas, B. A. Fell, of Ex. Coll. Oxon, and Cur. of the Tower. Ads X. 1,2. 8° 1737. The Chriftian Soldier. BROUGHTON Thomas, M. A. V. of St. Mary RedclifFe, Briflol, and Preb. of Sarum. 1 Sam xii. 23-25. 4^1745. Jan. 30. Col. iii. 14. 4° 1752. Briflol Infirmary.. The Perfeiflion of the Chrillian Morality ailerted. t2j^efns. Camb. * 1 5 ( Pofth. ) Sermons in 8° 1 779. On feleft Subjefts. BROUGHTON Will. M.A. R. of Worcefterf. * Matt. XX. 6,^, 8*^ 1726. Idlenefs in fpjritual affairs confidered, BROUSTON. M.^' Ifai. xii. 14. 4° 1699. Believer's Support under Perfecution CI. Hall. Camb. BROWN Edward, M A. R. of Langley, Kent. 2 Pet. 1.7. 4*^ 1699. Co. Feaft. BROWN James, M. A. V. of Kingfton near Taunton, Somcrfetf. *Pf. xxiii. 4. 8° 1756. Fun. f. BROWN John, DT>. (of St. John's Coll. Camb.) V. of Newcaftle. John viii. 32. 4° 1746. 2 Aff. f. Ephef. iv. 3. 17 Vifir. Prov. iii. 17. S'' i 750. B.ith Hofp. On the Purfuit of falfe Plea- fure and the Mifchief of immoderate Gaming. * I 2 Sermons in 8° i 764. On various Subjefts. * Pf. cxliv. 12, 4^1765. b. Gov. of Afylum. BROWN John *Rom. viii. 28,39. 8" 1758. Fun. f. * Ads viii. 36-38. 8" 1764. Baptifm. BROWN Richard, DD. Can- of Ch. Ch. and Reg. Prof, of Heb. &c. Oxibrd. » Ihii Perfcn was broke upon the Wheel at Mortpellcr, Nov, 6. 1698. 2 Kings 56 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Job xix. 25,26. 8° 1747. Oxon. 3 f. Job's Expeflation of a Re- furredlion. Were. Oxon.. 2 Kings V. 18,19. ^° '75°' Oxsn. The Cafe of Naaman confi- dered. JVorc. Oxon. BROWN Simon *Jer. vii. 10. 8°i7io. Utiiv. Oxon. * Difc. in 2 Vol. 8° 1 7 2 2. Brit. M. BROWNE Charles, M. A. * I Pet. ii. 16. 4° 1740. 2 f . Aflize at Hertford. BROWNE Francis, DD." Chapl. in Ord. and Can. of Windfor. Prov. xxix. 25. 4° 1712. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. Ch.Ch. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Brit.M. 2 Cor. V. 10. 4° 1724. Spitt. W. BROWNE John, M. A. R. of Beeby, Lcicefterfliire, and Chaplain to the Prince of Wales. 6Serm.in 8"i72i. The Neceffity and Benefits of duly obferving the holy feafon of Lent. Wimdjworth. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Brit.M* Aftsxxiv.14. 4" 1725. The Reafons for adhering lledfaftly to the eftablifhed Religion, though the Papifts call it Herefy. Prov xiv. 34. 4° 1729. AfT. Advantages of Righteoufaefs to a Nation. 8 Serm. in 8° 1730,1 731, and 1732. At L. Moyer's Lee. NetoC. O. John ix. 41, 4° 1735. 2 f . The Obligation to believe the divine Miifion of Jefus Chrift. BROWNE Moles, V . of Olney, Bucks. *Lukeii 7. 8° 1754. Xtmas. The Nativity and Humility of Jefus Chrift particularly conlldered. * I Pet. v. I. 8"i76i. Vif. f. The Xn's glorious Coronation-day. * Nehem.iv. 10. 8° 1765. Rcf. Manners. The Caufes that ob- ftruft the Prcgrefs of Reformation, iScc. BROWNE Peter, Bp. o( Corke and Rofs. Numxxv. 21. 8° 1698. Dublin. Ref. Manners. Sermons in 2 Vol, 8" 1749. On various Subjcfls. BROWNE Philip, V. of Halftead, EITex, and Chaplain to the Duke of Albermarle. Rom.xiii i. 4*" 1682. Vif. f. Sovereign's Authority and the Sub- jed's. Duty Ads XX. 16. 4° 1684. On the obfervation of Holy-days. C.C.C. Oxon. Sion. BROWNE Theophilus, M.A. R. of Thwaitc, Norf. Exod. xxiii. 16. 4" 1708. Norwich. Harvell-lermon. BROWNE Thomas, DD. Fell of St. John's Coll. Camb. Rom.x. 15. 4° 1688. Cone. Lat. Cdtit. Pro. Grad. Bacc. Cant. BoJ. Bill. Oxon. Pub.L. St. John's, ^eens. Camb. Eton. Sion. Rom.x. 15. 4° 1688. Latin fcrm. Cant. Cor Acad. Cant. De Ordinat'ione. Bod. Bal. C.C.C. Or. Pub.L. St. John's, ^ecn'i. Camb. Eton. Siun. BROWNE W. M.A. V. of Wing, and Minif. of Burton upon Trent. Rom. xiv. iQ. 8" 1716. Tork. Th. BROWNRIG OF AUTHORS, &c. 57 BROWNRIG Ralph, Bp. of Exeter, 40 Scrm. Vol.1. fo.i66i. U?iw. Ch. Ch. ^eer^s. Oxon. ^leen^s. Camb. Siojt. 25 Serm. Vol. 2. fo.1664. Bod. C. C. C. Magd. Mert. Wadh. Ox. Viih. L. Trill. Camb. Sion. BROWNSWORD John, B. A. Cur. of Nuthuril, Suflex. Matt, xix, 20, 21 . 4° 1739. Ag. the Mechodilts. BROWNSWORD William, Cur, of Steyning, Suffcx. Col. iii, 2. 4° 1704. b. Candidates in SiifTcx. BRUCE Lew. DD. Preac. of his Majeily's Chap. Somcrfethoufe, Lend. iCor. X. 31. 4° 1743. Col. Georgia. The Happinefs of Man the Glory of God. JllS. Oxon. Brit.M. Matt.vii. 20. 4° 1745. Rcb. The Fruits of Popery. Luke X. 37. 4° 1752, b. Gov. Weftm. Inf. good Samar. Brit.M, * Rom. xiii. 8. 4° 1762, b. Gov. Lond, Holp. BRUCE Michael Rom. XV. 7. 8°i725. Belfafl. b. Sub-Synod. Rel. Communion. "BRUCE Titus, Prelbyter of the Church of England Rom. xiii. 2. 4° 1682. Monarchy maintained. Trin. Camb. Sion. BRUMHALL . Lukexii. I. 4°i677. m. e.C. p. 520. How is Hypocrify dif- coverable and curable. BRUNNING Benjamin James iii. 17. 4" 1660. The bell Wifdom. BRUNSELL Samuel, DD. R. of Bingham, and Preb. of Southwell, Notting. Ecclef. X. 17. 4° 1660. May 29. Solomon's blelled Land. Bod. Wore. Oxon. BRYAN Auguftine Exod.xviii. 21. 8° 1718. Eledl. Lord. Mayor. Sion. BRYAN John, DD. late Pailor in Coventry. Pf. xci. 9, 10, 8° 1670. 8 f . Dwelling with God the Intereft and Duty of Believers. Trin. Camb. &ion. BRYAN Matt. LLD. Left, of St. Michael's, Crooked-Lane, Lond. 2 Cor.v.i I. 4"l684. Certainly of a fut. Judgm. ^eens.. C. 5/e», Exod. XX. 8. 4° 1686. On the Lord's-day. C.C.C. Oxon. Ephef. ir. i. 4° 1692. BRYANT Henry, M. A. * Jolhuavii. 8. 4° 1758. Faft. BRYARS John, M. A. R. of Billingford, Norfolk. Phil.iv, 17. 8° 171 1. Ch.f. John ii. 26, 8° I 71 2. Fun. of a Day-labourer. BRTDEN Will. DD. Minilter at Dolton, County of Dumfries* *Prov. xxiv. 21. 8° 1778. Faft. Piety and Loyalty. BRYDGES Henry, Hon. M.A. R. of Broadwell, Gloceft. Matt. xiii. 45,46, 4° 1701. b. Lev, Co. Ch.Ch. Ox. St. John's. C Aftsvii, 60. 8° 1 709. Jain. 30. b. Queen. Ch.Ch. Univ. Wore, Hert. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Sion. Ecclef. viii. 14. 8° 171 Jan. 30, b. Commons. Vox, IL H ERYSON 58 AN HISTORICAL' REGISTER BRYSON James, M.A. * I 3 Sermons in 8° 1778. On feveral important Subjefts, Belfaji. BUCHANAN Charles, R. of Ditchingham, Norfolk. iCor. i. 10. 4° 1710. Norwich. V'if. f. 1 Cor. xi. 27-29. 8° 1712. Nortvicb. On the Sacrament. BUCK James, DD. V. of Stradbrook, SuiFolI:, and Chaplain to the Earl of Lincoln. Rom. vii. 25. 4° 1660. Th. b. L. St. Paul's Thankfg. JVorc. Ox. BUCK Maximilian, M.A. V. of Kemping and Scale, Cant. Pf. 11.17. 8° 1703. Jan. 30. Univ, Oxon. Trin, !^een's. Camb. I Kings xviii. 12. 8° 1704. 2Pet. ii.6. 8° 1718. BUCK Robert Matt.vi. 13. 8° BUCKLER Benjamin, DD. Fell, of All Sours Coll. and Cuflos Ar- chivorum, Oxon. V. of Cumner, and R. of Inckpen, Berks. * Ephef. ii. 21. 4°i759. Aft f. The Alliance of Religion and Learning confidered. Bal. Wore Oxon. Slueen^s. Camb. *Kingsiv. 38. 8° 1759. Commem. of Founder. JUS. Oxon. BUCKRIDGR Thomas, M.A. Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. Chapl. to Lord Onflow, V. of Send, and R. of Merrow, Surry. * 6 Sermons in 8° i 767. BUDGELL Gilbert, M.A. R. of Siraonfbury, Dorfetf. James iv. 3. 4*^ 1690. On Prayer. Bod. Cb.Ch. Oxon. BUDWORTH William, M.A. (Fell, of Wadh. Coll. Oxon.) Mi- nifter of St. Michael'.s Southampton. Matt. xii. 25. 8° 1732. Winton. Jan. 30. Pf. XXXV. 20. 8^1745. Reb. f. The Confeqnences of the prcf. Rebellion recommended to the Confider. of all Proteftants. BUERDSELL James, M. A. Fell, of Kraz. Nofe. Coll. Oxon. 6 Difc. and Eflays in 12° 1700. On ftveral Subjefts. Oxjord. •BULKELEY Benj. DD. (of Pemb. Coll. Ox.) R. of Chinkford, Eff. 1 Tim. ii. 1,2. 4° 1722. At the Mayor's Entr. into his Office, jofh.v. xiii. 8°i73i. Oxon. Aft. Inlu'Hciency of human^Rcafon in matters of Religion. Line. Oxon. ' BTJIKELEY Charles, Minifter of the Gofpel, London. * 15 Difc. in 8" 1752. i^eehs. Camb. * John V. 35, 8° 1753. On the Death of Y)r. James Fofter. keen's, Camb. *Johniii.5. 8° 1754. 2 Difc. On catholic Communion. * Ezek. xxvi. 17, 18. 8" 1756. On the Earthquake at Lifijon. ^een^s. Camb. * Zech. viii. 16, 17. S"i756. Fail The Nature and Necefiity of national Repentance, Recti's. Camb. *Pf.cii 13-15- 8° 1759. The Surren. of Quebeck. keen's. C. *Difc. in 2 Vol. 8° 1761. On public Occalions. *Eftherii. 17. 8^*1 761. Royal Marriage. * 2 Tim. i. I 2. 8" 1 766. On the Death of the Rev. Mr. 5. 7';rtfri^&. Cb. Alls. Magd. Or. Wore. Wadb. Oxon. St, John's. CI. H. Camb. Sion. Pf. cxliv. iq. 4° i68g. Coron. Bod. Cb.Cb. MS. Wadb. Orie!^ C.C.C. Line. Oxon. FuLL. Trin. St. John Sy ^een's. Cl.H. C. * 2 Sam. i. 14. 4° 1689. 2 Sam. xxiii. 3,4. 4°i6S9 Fun- Mich, vi. 5. 4" 1689. Nov. 5. Bod. Alls. Magd. Wadb. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. A6ts vii.xxvi. 4° 1689. An Exhortation to Pe-ace and Union. Bod. Magd. Jef. Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. Camb. 1 Tim. iii. 16. 4° 1689. Xtmas. Bod. AllS. Cb. Cb. Magd. Wadb, Oxon. Pub.L. Trin. St. John's. Camb. Aftsxvii. 26. 8" 1690. Bod. Wadb. Oxon. J^ukexix. 41,42. 4" 1690. Faft. Bod. Cb.Cb. AllS. Magd. OrieU Oxon. Trin. ^een's, St. John's, Cl.H. Camb. Pf.lxxxv.8. 4° 1690. Fall. July 16. AllS. Magd. Or. Jef. Wadb. Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. St. John's. Camb. Sion. Pf. cxliv. 10, 1 1, 4° 1690. Th. OcT:. 19. b. King and Queen. Bod. Alls. Or. Wudh. Oxon. Cl.H. St. John's. Camb. Prov.xxxi. 30,31. 4°i69i. Fun, of Lady Brook, Magd. Or. Jef. Wadb. Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. St. John's. Camb. Brit.M. Pf.xii. 1. 4° 1691. Fait. April 29. Bod.Or. Wadb. Oxon. Pub.L. Trin. St. John's. Camb. Sion. Prov.xx. 28. 4° 1 69 1, Th. Nov. 26. Bod, Magd. Oriel, Wadb, Qxon. Pub L. Trin. Camb. Ecclef. 62 AN HISTORICAL REGLSTEK. Ecclef.ii.26. 4° 1692. Fun. of Mr. Boyle. Bod. Ch. Ch. Vniv, JUS. Magd. Or. Wadh. Oxbn. Puk.L. Tnn. St. John's. Camb. I Cor. i. 26. 4° 1 694. Lent. b. Queen. Bod. .US. Oriel, Wadh. Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. St 'John^s Camb. Pf. cv. 5. 4° 1694. May 29. b, Qaeen. Bod. Magd. Oriel, Wadh. Oxon. Trin Camb. 2Tim.iv. 7. 4° 1694. Fun. Abp. Tillotfon. Ch. Ch. Vniv. AllS. Magd. Or. W.uih. Ox. Pub. I. Trin. ^eens, St John's. Cam. 2Cor.vi. I. 4''i'95. Lent. b. King. Magd. Or. I'Vadh. Oxon. PuLL. St. John's, Oueen's. Qimh Brit. M. zChron.ix. 8. 4° 1697. Th. for the Peace. Magd. Bai Or. Wadh, Oxon. Pul?. L. 'Prin. Camb. Brit. M. Gal.iv.4. 4° 1697. Chrillmas. The time when Chriftianity was made known. Univ. Magd. Or. Wadh. Oxon. Pui-.L. St.ych/i's. Camb. Brit, M. Ephef.v. 2. 4° 1 697. Lent. Magd. Or. Wadh. Ox Trin. C. Eton. Gal. vi.io, 4° 1698. Spict.M. Magd. Or,. Wadb. Ox. Trin. C. Prov. xxvii. 5,6. 4° 1700. Ref. Manners. Charitable Reproof. Or. Wadh. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Mal.i. IT. 4° 1704. Prop. Gofpel. Bod. Ch.Ch. Or. Wadh. Ox. Pub.L. St. John's, Sheen's. Camb. Sicn. 1 Cor. xii. 26,27. 4° 1704. Char. On a Brief for the Exiles of Orange. Or. Wadh. Oxon. ^mfi's, St. John's. Camb. Brit.M. Phil. ii. 1,2. 4° 1704. Vif. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb, Pf. xlix. 20. 4° 1706. Lent. Matt, xxiv, 12. 4° I 706. Spittal M. Deut.iv. 6,7,8. 4^1706. Th. June 27. Ch.Ch Line. Ox. ^een's. Camb. Sion. Pf.lxxii.4. 4° 1706. Th. Dec. 31. Ch.Ch. Magd. Were. Oriel, Hert. Oxen. Pub.L. Trin. ^een's. Camb. Siott. Mat.xxii. 21. 8°i7io. May 29. Magd. Bah' Wore. Oriel, Lin:. Oxon. Trin. Si. John's. Camb. - V{. cxliv. 15. 8" 1710. Th. 2I". Or. Wore. Ox. Pub L. C. Sion. Pf. cxxii. 6-9. 4°i7ii. Spitt. M. Or. Line. Oxon. 14 Sermons preached on feveral Occafions — and an Efiay towards a new Book of Homilies in 7 f . 8° 171 3. Bod. Ch.Ch. NeivC, St. John's. Wadh. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. Pan.iv. 27. 8° I 71 4. Spiital M. Bod. Were. Wadh. Ox. Pub. L. Trin. ^eeen's. Camb. ^ Aasxx.32. 4° 1714. Vif. Ch.Ch. Or. Wore. Wadh. Ox. Pub.L. St. John's. ^eens.Cl.H. Camb. Brit. AL Pf. ii i o, 1 1 . 4° 1 7 1 4. b. King. Bsd. Wadh. Oxon. Trin. fern's, Camb. Sicn. BURNET Gilbert, a M.A. Heb. i. vi. 8° 171 . Trinity. BURNET Gilbert, » V. of Coggeflial, Effex, and Miniftcr of Clerk- enwcll, London. Deut. i\'. 6-8. S° 1725. Accefiion, ^egris, CaniB. 1 % The fan-.c. 48 Praaical O F A U T H O R S, &c. 63 48Pra(f\kal Serm. in 2V0I. 8° 1747. On various Subjefls. Wadh, Hert. Oxon. Brit.M BURNETT John, of Hull, Yorkfhire. * I Sam. XXX. vi. 8'^ 1774- 2 T. The goodman's Duty and Prad. BURNETT Tho. DD. R. of Weftkington Wilts, and Preb. of §arum. * 16 Sermons at Boyle's Ledl V, p.401. Ephef. V. 2. 8°i72z. Brijhl. Rom.xiii 5. 8° 1726. Nov. 5. ^eins. Camb. BURNEY Richard, M. A. R. of St. Peter's, Canterbury, Prov.viii. 15. 4° i66o. 8 f ■ Etmi. BURRELL Alexander, M. A. R. of Addeftock, Backs. ; Micahvi.8. 8° 172^. Affizc. •EURRELL John, R. of Eulton, -Suffolk. Rev. ii. 9. 4° 1683. Jan. 30. Camb. The diving .Right of Kings. St. John's. Camb. EURRELL William, M.A^ R. of Brightling, Suffex. 2 Pet. ii. 10. 8"i7i2. Affize. A61sxxiv.i6. 8°i7i2. Affi/e. .. BURROUGH Henry, LLD. Preb. of Peterborough. *Ledures in 8"" 1773. ^" ^^^^ Church Catechifm, Confirmation, and the Nat. and Obligation of relig. Vows. ^eens. Camb. BURROUGH John, R. of Gittifham, DevonlhiTe. Gal.iv.i8. 8" 17181 Vif. Eton. BURROUGHS Jams * Difcourfcs in 8° 1733. ^ec?i's. Camb. BURROUGHS Jeremy * Difcourfcs in 4° 1660. *Pf. xxxii. I. 4° 1668. Gorpd-Remiffioir. * Rev. xviii. 4. 8" 17)5. Nov. 5. BURROUGHS John, R. of Trcfliara, Devonfhire. Pf, xlvii.7. 12" 1712. 2f. The devout Pfalmodift.. BURROUGHS Jofepb, Pallor in London. * Pf. xxxvit. 7. 4° 1713. Th. for Victory, *Jerem.x. 2. 8" 1715. Total Eclipfe of the Sun. iTim.iii. 13. 8° 1730. Ordination of Deacons. Brit,M. * Prov. xiv. 34. 8° 1731. Rcf. Manners, ^een s. Camb. John XX. 21-23. S°^73?' Of Auricular Confcffion and Abfo» lution. V. Vol.2. Ag. Popery. Brax.N. Oxon. Brit.M, ..*---- - 1737. New Year's^day. * Sermons in 8° 1741. X * I Cor. XV. 57. 8° i 752.' Fun. of Rev. Mr. Weaiherly. Brit.M. * - - - - 1754. Fan, oi' Rev. Mr. I/aac Kimier. *iThefr.iv.i3-i8! 8°i755. Fnn. of KqV. Mr. Morris, ^eea's. C. [BURROUGHS Thomas] *Pfxxxix.9. 4° 1662. A Remedy for Griefs. B€JRROW Robert, LLD. V. of Darrington, Yorklhire. 2 Chron. xix, 5. 8° 1723. . Eleft. Lord. Mayor. Civil Govern- ment and Society vindicated from the Charge of being founded on, and prcfcrvcd by diHioncll Arts. Britr M. 64 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Pf. Ixxxv. lo. 8^1729. Affize. Brit.M. BURSCOUGH William, Bp. of Limerick Sec. I Thell". iv. 18. 8" 1 7 1 1 . Fun. of the Dutchefs of Rutland. BoJ, Bal. Line. Hert. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb, I Cor.iv. I. 8°i7i5. Conf. of Bp, St.Jobn's. Camb. Pf.cxlvii. I. 4° 171 5. May 29. The Duty of Praife and Thankf- giving. Ch. Ch. Oxon. * Pf, Ixxvi. 10. 4" 1 7 Nov. 5. Pf. Ixxviii, 42. 4°i7i5, Nov. 5, The Revolution recommended to our Memories, iilueai's. Camb, Brit. M. Ephcf, V. 20. 4° 1 716, May 29. b. Commons. Ch.Ch. Magd. Bal, Line. Oxon. iPet.ii. 16. 4°i722. N0V.5. The Abufe of Liberty, Wadh. Oxon. S>u£e7i's. Camb. Brit.M. BURTON B. V. of Ravenftone, * Phil, ii. 6, 7. 8° 1756. Vif, Jefus Chrift God and Man. * Jercm. xxiii. 6, 12" 1763. 3 f . Adive and palhve Righteoufncfs of Chrifl &c. BURTON Henry, B.D, Minifter of Friday-flreet, London. Jofh.vii. 16. 4° 1665. Faft, BURTON Hezekiah, DD. R. of Barnes near Lond. and Preb. of Norwich-^ • Several Difc, in 8° 1684, Ck.Ch. AllS. C.C.C. Uniz>'. keen's. Pemb. Oxon, ^leeri's. Camb, Dr,lVss.L. Lond, 5ion A fecond Vol, of Dil'c. 8° 1685. Ch.Ch. A/IS. C.C.C. Univ. keen's. Pemb. Oxon, keen's. Camb, Dr. U^sL. Lond, SioH» BURTON John, DD. Fell, of CC.C. Ox. and Fell, of Eton-Coll. iSam. ii. 17, 4° 1729. Oxon. Hophni ct Phinees — five hnpietas Sacerdotum publicas Impietatis Caufa. Wore. Oxon. 1 Sam. iii. 12, 1 3. 4°i729, Oxon. Heli — five Exemplum Magif- tratus intempeftiva Lenitate peccanlis. Wore Oxon. Gen. xviii. 19. 4° 1733. Col. of Georgia. Wore. Oxon. Eton. Prov. xxiv. 21, 8°i734, Oxon. Jan, 30, The Principles of Xtian Loyalty, Wore. Oxon, Deut,xxiii.8. 8°i74i, Oxon. Faft. Were. Oxon. Jer. ix. 23, 24. 8° 1744. Ojco/?. Fait. The Folly and Wickednefs of mifplacing our Truil and Confidence. Wore. Ox. Brit.M. Gen.xxxix.9, 8° 1746. Oxon. Affize, Principles of Religion the only fufficient Rellraint from Wickednefs, Wore. Oxon. iSam.xii. 7. 8° 1746. Oxen. Th, after Reb. The Expoftulation and Advice of Samuel to the Men of Ifrael applied. Wore. Ox. *i Cor.xiii.io,! 1 . 8"' 17^6, Cone, ad Cler, De Fundamentalibus. * I Kings xii. 2,3. l^'^i'j^g Oacw. Dux Conciones coram Bacc. *i Kings xix, 20, yi^ct^'"""' Braz.N. Oxon, iilueeni. Camb. * I Ccr. iii. 12-15. 8° 1760. Oxon. Cone. Acad. *Matt.xv. 1-6, 8°i766, Papifts and Pharifees compared, keen's, C^ib, Eton. * Sermons public and occafional bef, the Univerfity of Oxon. ia 2V0I, 8° 1 Vol, 1764. 2 Vol, 1766, Bod. C.C.C. Braz.N. U'adh. Oxon, ^een's. Camb. Eton. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 65 BURTON Thomas, M.A. V. of Hallifax, Yorkfliirc; Pf. xlvi. 10. 8°17I3. Th. for the Peace. BURY Arrhur, DD. R. of Exeter Coll. Oxen, and Preb. of St. Peter's, Exon. James iii. I 5, 16. 4*^1660. 2Sam.i.i8. 4° 1662. Jan. 30. The Ufe of the Bow. Bal.Or.Ox. Rom. X. 15. 8° 1682. b. Sons of Clergy. VVudh. Oxon. Exod. iv. 24-26. 4° 1692. Danger of delay. Repentance. Bod. BURT Samuel * Matt.. XXV. 21. 8° 1707. Fun. BUSH William 1 Cor.ix, 24. 8° 1692. The celeftial Race. Bod. BUSH William, at Enfield, Middlefex. * I Tim. V. 22. 8°i746. Faft The Inadventencies and Indif- cretipns of good Men, a great Caufe of general Corruption in Society. BUSHEL Seth, DD. V. of Lancafter.' • iThelT.v. 14. 4° 1673. 2Viff. St. John's. Camb. 2 Cor. V. ii. 4° 1678. Fun. of Sir H. Houghton. Brit,M. Lukexvi.25. I2°i682. Subftance of fev. Sermons. BUTLER D. A minifter of the Church of England. 2 Cor, X. 1 7. 8° 1707. Fun. of Sir Cloud. Shovel. BUTLER James, of Royfton, Herts. * Rom. xiii. i . 8° 1 747. Jan. 30. Extent and Limits of Subjec- tion due to -Princes. BUTLER John, DD. Canon of Windfor and Chapl. in Ord. Gal.v, I. 4° 1678. Chriftian Liberty afferted in oppofition to the Roman Yoke. Bod. Qh. Ch. Magd. keen's. Oxon. Pub. L. St.John^s. Camb. Luke xxi. 25, 26. 4." 1684. Jan. 30. Ch.Ch. Oxon. BUTLER lohh, Bp. of Oxon. Luke xvii. 17,18, 8° 1746. Th. after Rebellion. Brit.M. * John 1.47. 4°i753. Fun. of Dr. Kcnrick. ^een's.Q. Brit.M. * I Cor. ix. 11'. 4° 1754. b. Sons of the Clergy. * Matt. xi. 4,5. 4°i754. b. Gov. Wellmin. Infirmary. *Lukexix.4i. 4°1758. Faft. b. Commons. *Pf. xxix. 2. 4° 1763. Hutchin's Led. Liturgy. ^een*s. Cam. * I Kings'viii. 59.- 4° 1776- Faft. b. Commons. * Deut. 15,11. 4° 1 778. b. Gov. of RadcJiffe Inf. Oxon. *Ecclel.vli. 14. 4''i778. Faft. b. Lords. BUTLER Jofeph, Bp. of Durham. 15 Serm. &c. in 8°i749. to which are added 6 preached on pub. Occafions. Bod. AllS. Univ. NexvC Or. Wore. Oxon. ^leens. Camb.' Brit.M. * 8 Sernlohs at Boyle's Left.' V. p. 409. BUTLER Lilly, DD. Minifter of St. Mary Aldermanbury, Preb. of Cant, and Chaplain in Ord. Ifai. Ivii. 21. 4° 1691. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Rev. xiv. 13. 4'^ 1694. Fun. V L. II. I Neh. 66 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Neh.ix. 26, 27. 4° 1696, Faft. June 26. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Prov. xxix. 2. 4" 1696. Eled. Lord. Mayor. Ch.Ch. Oxen. Gal.iv. 18. 8° 1697. Kti. Manners. Bod. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Eton. James iv. 9, 10. 4" 1697, Faft. Jer. V. 29. 4*1698. Jan. 30. Ch.Ch. Oxon, Hof. X. 12. 4° 1701. Faft. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Phil. i. 21. 4° 1702. Fun. of Clopton Havers, M. D. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. Brit. M. . James i. 27. 4° 1704. b. Sons of Clergy. Ch.Ch. AllS. Wadh. Oxon. Triti. t^een's. Camb. Rom. X. II. 8° 1709. Boyle's Led. or fo. 1739. Vol. 2. p- 433. Religion no matter of Shame. I Sam. xii. 23, 24. 4" 1710.- Nov. 5. b. Ld May, Line. Ox. Sion, Pf. cxxii. 3. 4'^ I 71 4' iiled. Lord Mayor. Eton. Phil. ii. 21. 4" 1716. Ag. Self-love, BUTLER William, LLB. R. of St. Ann's within Aldcrfgatc, and Preb. of St. Paul's, London. Efther iv. 14. 4° 1704. Th. for V'idory. Prov. xxi. 30. 4° I 71 2. Fall. Tit. iii. I. 4° 1 71 5. Aflize. Matt.viii. 22. 4° 1 7 19. Vice the Deflrudion of the Soul. Brit.M, Ephef.v.ii. 8°i722. Rcf. Manners. Exod XX. 7. 4° 1723. Vif. Et(?n. Neh.v. 19. 4° I 724. Eleft. Lord Mayor. Exod.xviii. 21 . 4^1729. Eleft. Lord Mayor. BUTLEY John, B.A. Student of Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pf.cvii 2. 4** 1746. Th. after Rebellion. Heb. xiii. I. 4° 1748. b. Antigallicans, at Greenwich, * 2 Maccab. iv. 8. 8^' 1754. b. Antigallicans. BUTT George, M. A. (late Student of Ch Ch. Oxon.) R. of Stan- ford, V. of Clifton upon Tame Worcefterlhirc, and Chapl. to the Earl of Finlater and Seaheld. *Phil.iv. 5, 8° 1775. ^^^■ *2Tim.i. 10. 4.° 1776. Fun. of Bp. Johnfon. BUTTS Robert, Bp^ of Ely. Rom. xiii. 4. 4" 171 2. Norwich. Acceffion. Pfc.vxii. 6. 4° 1737. AccclT. b. Lords, Brit.M. BY AM Henry, DD. Chapl. in Ord. Can. of Exon, and R. of Luck- ham, Somerlctf. 13 Sermons in 8° 1675. ^^^' BTLES Mather, M. A. Paftor of a Church in Bofton, New England. *i Sam.xvii. 45. 8" 1740. The Glories of the Lord of Holts, and the Fortitude of the religious Hero. BYNNS Richard, DD. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. Chapl. to the Duke of Somerfct, and R. of Cheadle, and Preb. of Litchfield. Ifai.lvii. I. 4° it93. Jan. 30. b. Commons, Bod, iCor.iv. 1,2. 4°i70i. Vif. The Office of the Miniftry ac- counted for. F.ton. Adsx.^iv. 16, 8° 1710. Affizc. triny Camb. I Cor, O F A U T H O R S, &c. 67 iCor. XV. 33, 8°i7i2. Affize. Evil Communication. Line. Ox. Trin. Camb. BVRCH William, M. A. Minifter of St. Mary's in Dover, Kent. * Pf. Ixxxii. 6-8. 8° 1737. Death of Queen Caroline. BYRCHE William, DD. Chapl. to the Abp. of Canterbury and Chanc. of Worcefter. iTim.iii.7. 8°i7i7. Conf of Bp. Chandler. St. John's. C Sion. ^TRDALL Thomas Luke xiii. 6-8 12° 1666. 7 f. The Parable of the barren Fig- tree. BoJ. I Tim. iv. 8. 12° 1 666. 5 f. The Profit of Godlinefs. Bod. Mark.viii.36,37. i2°i666. 4f. The Unprofitablenefs of worldly Gain. Bod. Matt. xi. 12. i2°i666. 2 f . Vidorious Violence. Bod. BYROM John, M. A. R. of Stanton Quintin, Wilts. Rom. xiii. I. 4° 1 68 1. Affize. The Neceffity of Subjedion. C. G. M. A. Johnxviii. 36. 8° 1717. C. N. Tit.i.5. 4° 1 68 1. Bod. Sion. C. T. :|:* 2 Sam. xxiv. 14. 4° 1704. Fall, for Storm at York. CADE Anthony, B. D. Rom.ii. 15. 4° 1661. On Confcience. Bod. CADE William, M. A. and Prieft of the Church of England. Matt. xvi. 18,19. 4° ^678. Ag. the Pope's Supremacy. Bod.Trin, St. John's. Camb. Sion. CADOGAN Bromley Will. M.A. R. of St. Luke's Chelfea, and St. Giles's Reading, Berks, and Chapl. to theRtHon.Ld Cadogan. ♦zChron. XX. 20. 8° 1780. The Power of Faith. Preached for the Benefit of a Society initituted for the purpofe of diftri- buting Bibles amongil his Majefty's Forces by Sea and Land. CiESAR J. James, DD. Chapl. to the King of Pruffia, and Minifter of the Pruflian Chuich, London. Aftsxiii. 36. 4° 1702. Royal Fun. Pf. Ixxvi. II, 12. 4'' 1702. Th. f. * Ezek.xvii. 19. 4° 1704. Th. f. Johnxi. 25,26. 4° 1705. Fun. of the Queen of Pruffia, Brit.M. Pf. Ixxi. 5,6. 4° 1713. Fun. of King of Pruflia. I Kings i. 39. 8°I7I4. Th. f. I Tim.ii. 15. 4° 1716. Pf.cxxvii. 3. 4° 1 71 7. On the Birth of a Prince. Ch.Ch. Oxon. C^SAR John, V. of Croydon, in Surry. Jer. xxiii. 10. 4° 1708. Affize. Ads xxiv. 16. 4" 1708. Affize. CALAMY Benjamin, DD. V. of St. Lawrence-Jewry, Preb. of St. Paul's, and Chapl. in Ord. * 2 Sam. xxiv. 14. 4° 1663. V. Coll. Far. f. Magd. Camb. Tit.iii. 8,g. 4°i673. Sios. C/.H. Cumh. I 2 John 68 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Johnv, i4i 4.° 1682. May 29. Cb. Ch. Magd. Oxon. Pub.L* ^eens, St. John^s, CI. H. Camb. Lukexi.41. 4'' 1683. Of a fcrupulous Confcience. Bod. Wore'. Oxon. Pub.L. Cl.H. Trin. Camb. Sion. Ecclef. X. 20, 4° 1683. Th. Sept. 9. Ma^d. Oxon. Pub, L. St, Jobn's. CI. H, Camb. Rom.iii.8. 4.° 1683. Sept. 30. Of paffive Obedience. Ch. Ch. Mngd. Bal. Or. Line. Oxon. Irin. CI. H. ^eens. Camb. Ifai.lvii. 21. 4° 1684. Sept. 3. b.. Lord Mayor. Ch. Ch. Mcgd. Oxon. St.Jobns,Cl.H. Camb. Matt.xxvi. 52, 4" 1684. Artillery Co. Ch.Ch.Worc. Or. Oxon. Pub. L. ^eerii, CI. H. Camb. 13 Serm. in 8" 1726. Preached upon Several Occafions. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Bed. Univ. Bal. Mert. St. John's, Wore. Oxon. Pub.L. peer's. Trin. Camb. Brit. M. CALAMT Edmur.dy Paftor of Aldermanbury Cliurch, London. *Pf. cxxii.6. 4° 1660. *Pf.cxix. 92. 8° 1661. Fun. 1 Sam. iv. 13. 4° 1662. Oxon. The godly Man's ark in the day of Diflrefs, Ch.Cb.BaL Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. * I Their, iv. 14. 4° 1662. *GaLv. 13. - - - - Doubtful Confcience. *Ifai. Ivii. I. 4'*i663. V. Coll. Fare w. f. *Rom. xii. 1. 4" 1670. Reafon in matters of Religion. Bal. Ox. *A£lsxxvi.8. 4°i676. m.e.G. p. 423. Refurre6tion. CALAMT Edmund, DD, Pailor in Weftminller. Johnixi4. 4° 1694. "Enn. oi Mr. Stephens. Bod. Pub.L. Camb. Gen. iv. ix. 8° 1699. Ref. Manners. Eton. * Rom. ix. 16. 8° 1702. Divine Mercy exalted. X * Pf.xxxvii. 37. 8° 1708. Fun. of Mich, Watts. Brit.M. I *Matt xxiv. 44. 8" 1708. Fun. of Rev. Mr. S-jlvefter. Brit.M. X * Prcv. xix. 8. 8° i 708. Fun. of Francif Lezvis. Brit. M. *Jer.xiv.4. 8°i7o8. 2 f. Caveat ag. New Prophets. 6"/.y«j,^«'i. C. * I Tim. vi. 9 8'^ 1709' On frequent Bankrupcies. *Ifai.lxvi. 5. 8° 1712. 2 f. * Matt. X. 16. 8° I 71 3. b. Difl'. Minivers. Excn. iihieens. Camb. Mal.iii.i6. 8°l7i4. Seafonablenefs of rel. Societies, £^f^/;'j. C. *Matt.xvi. 18. 8°i7i5. *Ifai. Ixvi. 19. 8° 1 71 5. 3f. *Tit. ii.6. 8° 1 71 7. Sobermindednefs. Ads XX. 28. 8° 1716. Ord. Eton, St. John's. Camb. . Ecclef. vii. 10. S''i720. Coronat. Eton, St. Johjis. Camb. 13 Serra. in 8° 1722. On the Doftrine of the Trinity. Cb. Cb. Trin. Dr. Ws's. L. Lond, Brit. M. Rom. X.I 5. 8° 1724, Ord. }obv. 26, 8° 1726. Fun. CALDER Jrbn, DD. * Gal. vi. 10. 8° 1772. Ch. School. CALDER Of authors, &c. 69 CALDER R. X * Pf. xc. 12. 8° 1 701 . Aberdeen. Schola Sepulchri. Brit. M. CJLDJVELL 7. 1 John iv. 1 . 1741. CALTHROP John, M. A. V. of Bofton, Lincolnfhire. *Lukc xii. 4, 5, 8° 1759. b. Line. Militia. A religious Fear, the Principle of true Fortitude. CALVERT Thomas Matt. xiii. 45,46. i2°i66o. Brit.M. CAMELL Robert, LLD. R. of Bracwell, Suffolk. c ■) Pf. cxxxvii. p. ic. The Benefit of Affliftion. a berm. 1 , • o l^ r 17-6 f Jer.vi. 8. bept. 29. p. 41. ^7-0. J Gal. iv. 16. Aprils, p. 67. CAMFIELD Benjamin, R. of Ailefton near Leicelkr. Matt. vii. 12. 4" 1 671. A pradical Difcourfe on the Rxile of Righteoufneis. Pf. x^iii. 2. 4° 1678. Fall. Nov. 13. Bod.^eeiCs. Oxon. Heb. i. 14. 8° 1678. A theological Difcourfe of Angels and their Miniftries. Bod. Deut. xxvii. I 5. 4° 1680. Commination-ofHce vindicated. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. Heb. vi. 2. 7 4° 1 682. p. i . Of Epifcopal Confirmation. Bod, Adlsxi. 23,5 2 Difc. p. 72. Pemb. Oxon. Sion. Pf.cxlvii. 15-18. 4°i684. On the Great Froft. Bod.Ch.Cb. Ox.' ^eeTis. Camb. Sicn. 2 Chron. xiii .5. 4° 1685. On proclaiming King James. Pub.L,. Camb. CAMPBELL George, DD. Principal of Marifhal Coll. Aberdeen. *Matt. V. 13,14. 8" 1752. The Charafter of a Miniilcr of the Gofpel as a Teacher and Pattern. *2Tim.i.7. 8°i77i. b. Synod. The Spirit of the, Gofpel, neither a Spirit of Superflition nor of Enthuliafm. ^een's. C. *Prov. xxiv. 21.8° 1776. Fall. The Nature, Extent and Impor- tance of Allegiance, * - - - - 1777. Prop. ChrilVian Knowledge. * I Cor. i. 25. 12° 1779. 2 f. The Succe's of the firft Publifheri of the Gofpel, a Proof of its Truth. V. Scotch Preacher, v. 3. p. 156. CAMPBELL Thomas, LLD. *Matt.v.48. 4° 1780. Duhli?:. Ch. School. CAMPBELL William, of Armagh. *Matt.xxviii. 20. 8° 1774. b. Synod. Chrift's prefence with his Church &c. CAMPION Abraham, DD. Dean pf Lincoln, and Chapl. in Ord. Pf. cxxvii. I. 4^1694. Oxon. AlTize. Of National Providence, Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. Sion. Col. i. 12. 4'' 1700. The Inheritance of the Saints in Light. Ain, Oxon, CAMPLIN 70 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER CAMPLIN John, M. A. Precentor of Briftol. * Matt. xiv. 7. 4° 1 766. b. ! Ag. Envy. . V „ Ephef. vi. 2,3 V.2. Prov xviii. 21 Ecdef. xi. 3. I Cor. XV. 22. _ 0-. Children Duty to Parents. Sin and Folly of prophane Swearing. I jx," A LefTon on Death. cq The Refurreiflion of univerfal mankind. -J > CARRINGTON James, jun. LL.B. Preb. of Exeter and R. of Dod- defcombleigh and St. Martin's, Devon. * Ifai. ii. Ixxviii. } AStricft.on the Land of Luxury, ? v p c p *Ephef.v. 15. JTheApoltolical Caution. ^ V.ii.i'.l'r. CARSWELL Francis, DD. V. of Bray, Berks, and Chapl. in Ord. 2Sam.xv. 3,4. 4°i684, Affize. Ifai. i. 26, 27. 4°i689. Affize. England's Relloration parallelled in Judah's. Lb. Ch. Magd. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Hon. CARTE Sam. M.A. V, of St. Mary's in Leicef. & Preb. of Litchfield. I Cor. X. 10. 4° 1694. Prov. iii. 7, 4° 1705. El, M. of Pari. Self-conceit. Ch.Ch. Ox. CARTER Benjamin, M.A. R. of St. Martin's Outwich, Lond. and V. of Weftham, EfTex, and Chapl. in Ord, Pf, xxxiii. 12. 8° 17 Tit. iii. I. 8°i7iz, Affize. Col. 72 AN HISTORICAL REOr^TER Col. iii. 14. 4° I 71 2. EI. Lord Mayor. Prov. 24. 2I-. 8° 171 5. ]an. 30. Deut.xi. 26. 8°i7i6. th. June 7. • .'i-H ' t.:> 1 Tim. ii. 2. 4" 171 7. AHize. £fcn. -~~i"8 .. Gal. V. 1 3. 8° 17 1 7. Affize. The Ufc and AbWe of Xn. UWerty>. Pr6v. xviii. 24. 4" 17 18. Sch. Feaft. Th.t Exceileney of Fricnd- Ihip. Brit. M. ■ - -■ - '-^:-'/ H^l.-^ ':",: ' Prov. xxix. 2. 4'' 1 721. Etofi. . "^ . ' ' Pf.cxxix. I, 2, 4" 1722. Nov. 5. Erit.M.: ' Rom. ii. 14, 15. 8° 1726. Afiize. ' , ". ' -i6Dirc. in 8° 1729. on pradl:. SubjedFs. G^.C-^VQjtv ^een*s. C, CARTER Edmund, M. A. R. of Goadby, Leieefte/.- Ecclcf. iii. 7. 8^ 171Z, Affir.e. •" • '■ CARTER jchn, R. of Eaffon, Stiff, and Chap!-. tolheE. of Rochford. Sermons in 8" 1722 On fevcral texts of Scripture, with an Ap- pendix of 4 Sermons. / . ,. CARTER Nicholas, M. A,_ Minifter of Dorchfefter,- Dorfetfliire. '- Pf. cxviii. 6. 8" r7i5';- "Ori Rebellion. ^ieeii*L Camb. Matt. xii. 25. 8° 1716. ]zn. T^o. Brit.My • • Ecclcl". viii. 2. 8" 1 7 16. , Affize, Brit. M./' ■ ''^ » -'^ ' ]' '^"^ '\ CARTER Nicholas, DD.- Cur.- -of' St. Gcorge^s (jQp. ih'f^c^ly ir\d V. of Tilmanlton, Kent. i7Serro. in 8" 1738. on divers- Subjefls. ^leen^s. Camb. ' Pf.-xxxiii. 2C-22. 8° 1740. Faft. Brit.M. *Matt. xxiii. 8-10. 8°i752. On St. Athanafius's Creed. *N'ehem.ix. 28.-4° 1757. Fall. CARTWRIGHT Thomas, Bp. of Ghefter. 2 Chron. vii. 8,9. 4^^ 16 Rev. xiv. I 3. 4" 16 Matt, xix.24. 4° 1662. b. Ld. Mayor. The Danger of Riches. Judc 22. 23. 4° 1676. Afiize. Bod. Ch.Ch. Univ. GXon. Sicn. Judges xvii. 6. 4° 1676. Affize. ^een's. Oxori. 7V/». Camb. Aftsvii.6o. 4° 1682. Edini). Jan. 30. Brit.M. Prov. xxiv. 21, 22. 4" 1684. County Feaft. Ch.Ch. Oxon. St: 'Johns Camb. I kings viii. 66. 4° 1686. Accefiion. Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oriel, Jef. Oxon. Sion. CARVER Marmaduke, R. of Harthill, Yorkfhire. Ifai.i. 26. 8" 1662. Afiize. GARY Mordecai, Bp. of Killala. James i. 27. 4° 1 744. Dublin. Ir. Prot. School. Ch.Ch. AllS. Wore. Oxon. Brit.M. GARY Thomas. M.A. V. of St, Philipand Jude, and Preb. of Briftol. Ezraix. 13,14. 4° 1691. Monthly Feaft. * Luke xii, 15. 4° 1691. CARTL Jc'Jcpb * Rev. iii. 4. 4° 1662. Magd. Camb. CASAUBON Mciick, DD. Can. of Cant, and R. of Ickham, Itent. Hofea iii. 4, 5. 4° 1660. CASE OF AUTHORS, &c. 73 CJSE Charles, M. A. * I 3 Serm. in i 2° 1 774. On primitive Xnity and Ch. Fellowfhip. CASE Thomas Rev. ii. 5. 8° 1662. Farvvel. Ifailviii 13,14. 4° 1674. f. m. e. C. p. 132. Of Sabbath Sane- tification. BoJ. 2 Tim. i. I 3. 4''i676. m.e.G. p.l. sDifc. Religion ufeful and profitable tor MiniTters and People. CASTELL Abraham, B. A. L. A. P. Mal.iii. I. 4°i73i. Advent. CASTLE Abraham Markiv 24. 8° \j Vif. Ag. falfe Swearing, ll'orc. Oxen. CASTLEMAN John, M. A. Preb. of Brillol, and V. of South-Pe- therton, Somerfetf. Lukexvi. 9. ^° 1744^ Charity f. Briftol Infirmary. CATCOTT Alex.' Stopford, M. A. (fometime Fell, of St. John's, Coll. Oxon.) and R. of St. Stephens, Briftol. Pf. lxxxii.6. 4° I 736. Affize. The lupreme and inferior Elohim. Brit.M. Jfai.xxiii. 8, 4° 1745. Briftol. b. Merchants. The Honourable- neis and Antiquity of Merchandize. * 18 Serm. in 8''i752. St. Johns. Oxon. Dr.lVs''s.L. London. CATHERALL Samuel, ^M. A. Chapl. to Lord Cholmondeley. Num. xxiii. 10. 4° 1692. Fun. of Lady Cholmondeley. Bod, Pub. L. Camb. CATTELL Jofeph, M. A. V. of Rothvvell, Yorkf. Exod. xiv. 15. S° 171 1. * 2 Sam. xxiv. 16, 8° 171 5, CATTELL Thomas, M. A. Chapl. of ChriR's Coll. Mancheftcr. Rom.xiii.5, 4*'i734. Aff. Hum. Laws oblig. on the Coniciences. CAVE John, R. of Cold Orton, Leicefterlhire. iT'im. ii. 5 2. 4° 1678. Jan. 30. Bod. St.Johtis. Camb. Sion» Wic.iv. 5. 4° 1679. AffizG. Rom. i. 15. 8° 1681. 4 f . Nov 5. and Jan. 30. The Gofpcl preached to the Romans. Bal. Oxon. St.Joh/i's. Camb. Sion. Heb.xii. 9. 4° 1682. 2 f. Submiffion to the Will of G. Bod, Sion. Pf. xviii. 48. 7 4° 1683, Sept. 2, David's Deliverance. |^ ^. Y — 49, J Th. Sept. 9 and Thankfgiving. 1 Cor. vii. 30. 4° 1685. Fun. of F. Woilatfon. C.C.C. Ox. Trin. Camb. Sicfi. CAVE Will. DD. Can. of Windfor, and V. of Mington, Middlefeji. 2 Cor. ii, II. 4° 1676. b. King. Bod. Ch. Ch, Univ, Slueens, Oxon. Sion. A6ls xvii. 6. 4" 1680. b. Lord Mayor. Chriftianity and Popery compared. Magd. Jef. Oxon. Sion. Pf. iv. 7. 4° 1684. b.kine. Ch Ch. AUS. C.C.C Magd. Oxon» CAV/DREY Zachary, R. of Bathumley, Chefhire. Rev. xiv. 13. 4° 1684. Fun. of Lord Delamere. Vol. IL K CAWTHORN 74 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER CAWTHORN James, M. A. Mailer of the Grammar School at Tun- bridge, Kent. Job. xxix. 14-17. 8° 173;. Eleifl. of Burgeffes. Ifai. Iviii. 12. 4° 1748. b. Co. of Skinners. Benevolence, the Source and Ornament of civil Diftinflion. CAPFTON I'homas, Miniller of the Gofpel at St. Bartholomew's be- hind the Royal Exchange, London. Phil.i 27. 8''i662. God's Rule for a Godly life. Bod. Num.xxiii. 10. 8° 1675. Balaam's With — or the Vanity of de- firing without endeavouring to obtain the Death of the upright. CENNICK John, late of Reading, Berks. * Sermons in 2 Vol. 12° 1762. CHADWICK Daniel, V. of Arnall, Nottinghamf. Pf.cxliv. 15. 8° 1698. Ref. Manners. CHAFY John, M.A. V. of Broad Chalk, Wilts. * Jon.iii,4,5. 8° 17^7- Faft. CHALMERS James, DD. V. of Fingringho, EfFex. John XX. 21. 4° 1 71 4. Vif. The divine Inftitiition, and Model of the chriftian Priellhood. CHAMBERLAIN Thomas, DD. Dean of Briftol. Pror. sxix. 2. 8° 1730. Affize. CHAMBRE Richard, M.A. 1 Sam xii. 24. 8" 1710. Th. b. Lord Mayor. 1 Cor. X. 24. 4" 1710, Sch. Fealt. Phil.i. 27. 4° 171 1, b. Lord Mayor. On St Simon and Jude. The Duty and Neceffity of Xn Converfation. Fub. L. Camb. CHAMBRE Rowland, M. A. *Ephcf. vi. 10. 4*" 1759. b. a Reg. of Volunteers on receiving their Colours. , CHAMBRES Charles, U. A. V. of Dartford, Kent. Prov, iii. 4. 4" 171 5. Sch. Feail. Religion and Virtue, the fure way to human Favor and Eilecm. Aflsxii. 5. 8° 1722. On Bp. Atterbury's Imprifonment. The facrcd Authority of Bps, and the Piety of praying for them in Prifon. Bod. Pf. xc. 17. 8" 1729. On opening a Workhoufe. 1 Sam. xii. 22-24. 8°I733. May 29. b. Lord Mayor. CHANDLER Edward, Bp. of Durham. Pf. cxxxiii. I. 4° 1707. Th. for Union. Cb.Ch. Magd. Oxon. Pf cvii. 42,43. 8° 1710. Th. Nov. 22. Magd. Oxon. Pub.L. C. Johnxviii. 36. 8" 17 14. Nov. 5. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pf.lv. 19-21. 4° 171 6. Th. after Reb. Trin. ^een's. Cam. Sio?:. Johni. 14. 8° 17 1 8. Chriftmas. b. King. Bod. Ch.Ck. Oxon. St, Johns, S^ueen's. Camb. Judges xvii. 6. 4° 171 8. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Bod. Ch.Cb. Oxon. Pub. L. Tritt. St. Johns, ^een's. Camb. Matt. xiii,3i,32. 4°i7i9. Prop. Gofpel. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sion, Gen.iv. 9. 4*'l724. Ref. Manners, keen's. Camb. Eton. [CHANDLER OF AUTHORS, &c. 75 [CHANDLER Henry] *Rom. xiv. 17. 8" 1699. Bigotry. *Heb.xi. 1. 8° 1718. CHANDLER Samuel 1 Theff. V. 13. 7 8° 1691. zDifc. The Nature and Advan. of a John.xiii. 34. J general Union among Proteftants. Bod. Trin. C. CHJNDLFR Samuel, DD. Minifter in the Old Jewry, London. Actsix. 38. 8'' 1727. Charity f. * John xiii. 17. 8" 1728. Knowledge and Pradice. Brit.M. *Ephei". ii. 20. 8° 1735. Scripture and Tradition confidered. 1 Tim. iii. 14, 15. 8° 1735. 2 Difc, The Notes of the Church. V. Vol. I. ag. Popery. Braz.N. Oxon. Ifai.v. 20. 8° 1738. Ref. Manners, ^leen's. Camb. Brit.M. *Rom. vi. 23. 8" 1741. Ifai.viii. 12-14. 8° 1745. On the Invafion. Ifai.xxv. 9. 8" 1746. Th. for fuppreffing the Invafion. *Phil. iii.2l. 8° 1746. Fun of George Smith. Brit.M. *2Cor. ix. 12. 4° I 748. Acceffion. St. Paul's rules of Charity and his Incurablenefs of Superllition. ^eeiis. Camb. *Jobix. ;,6. 8° 1749. On the Earthquake, l^een's. Camb. *iPet.v.4. 8° 1752. Fun. of ^een's. Camb. * Phil. iii. 7. 8. 8" 1753. Ch. School. Excellency of the Know- ledge of Chrift. ^eeris. Camb. *Matt. xvi.3. 8° 1759. Fait. Signs of the Times, the manner of recommending it enforced, ^leens. Camb. *!Cor.i.2i. 8° 1759. Grd. of Preaching the Gofpel a more effedual method of Salvation than Human Wildom, and Philofophy. ^eens. Camb. * Gen.ii. 2,3. 8° 1760. 2 Diic The Origin and Reafon of the Inltitution of the Sabbath, ^leeris. Camb. * I Chron.xxix. 28. 8° 1760. Death of K.George 2d. ^een's. C. * Sermons in 4 Vol. 8° 1769. On various Subjeas. Publilhcd by Thomas Afnory, DD. ^eeiis. Camb. CHAPMAN John, M. A. Miniiter of Barnard CaiHe, Durham. 2 Sam.xxii. 24. 4° 1683. Th. Sept. 9. Wore. Oxon. CHAPMAN John, DD. Arch-D. of Sudbury, Gloc. and R. of Mer- fham, Kent. I Tim. iii. 15. 4° 1739. Conf. of Bp. Mawfon. ^leetis. Camb. Brit, M. I Pet. ii. 16. 4° 1743. b. Commons. iTheff.v. 21. 4" 1748. Cone, ad Synod, ^een's. Camb. Eton. Matt. X. 42. 4° 1752, Ann. meeting of Char. School. Braz. N. Oxon. Brit.M. CHAPMAN Richard, M. A. Stud, of Ch. Church. Oxon. and V. of Chefhhunt, Herts, and Preb. of Line. Pf.cxv. I. 4° 1703. Th. Dec. 3. Bod. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Jer, xviii. 7,8. 4'' 1703. Bod. Pf. cjfliv. I 5. 4" 1704. Th. K 2 Prov. 76 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Prov. xvi. 7. 4° 1709. Th, Nov. 22. Ch.Ch. Line. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Pf. xviii.50. 4° 1 71 6. Th.June7. Good Kings, Care of Heaven. CHAPMAN Stephen Hob xiii. 16. 4° 1703. Oxon Bod. CHARLTON Samuel, DD. Chaplain in Ord. Matt. V. 8. 8°i7i4. On the Death of Queen Anne. CHARNOCK Stephen, B. D. fometime Fell, of New Coll. Oxon. His Works, being fev. Difcourfcs in 2 Vol. fo. 1684. On the Exiftence, Attributes and Providence of God, and various other Subjefls. Bod. New C. Trin. Oxon. Pub.L. Tnn. Cam. *N.B. Dik. in 8° 1699. CHAUNCY Angel, DD. R. of St. Andrew undcrfhaft, Lond. and Preb. of Sarum. * I Cor. X. II. 4° 1747. Fire at London, J/l S. Oxon, *Aasx. 38. 4^1758. Spittal f. b. Lord Mayor. CHAUKCr Charles, DD. * Prov.xxv. 26. 8° 1767. On the Repeal of the Stampt-Aft. [CHEESMAN Abraham] Ephef ii. 4. 4° 1663. ♦Difcourfes in 8° i668. CHEESMAN M. Matt. v. 8. 4° 1663. CHEESMAN Thomas, M. A. formerly of Pemb. Coll. Oxon. and Minifter of the Gofpel at Eaft-IlHy, Berks. Lukeviii.52. 4° 1695. Fun. Rom.vi.23. 8" 1707. Fun. CHETWOOD Knightly, DD. Dean of Gloucefter. z Chron. i. 1 1 , i 2. 7^1 700. Eton Sch. Fcaft. Solomon's Choice. St. Johns. Camb. Shn. Lukex.28. 4° 1708. Spittal T. Prafhical Goodnefs on Chriftian Principles. Wore. Oxon. St. Johns. Camb. Sion. \ Kingsx. 9. 4° 1715. Th. Jan, 30. CHELSUM James, DD. (late Stud, of Ch.Ch. Oxon.) R. of Dro- kinsford, Hants, and V. of Lathbury, Bucks, * I Tim, i.8. 4^1777. Oxon. AiT. The Excellency of our Laws. CHETWYND John, M. A. V. of Temple, and Picb. of iiriftol. Ecclef. xii. 13, 14. 4° ib82. AiTize. A memorial for Magiilrates. Pub.L. Camb. 1 Sam. vii. 12. 4° 1682. Nov. 5. Ebenezcr. CUETNET John, of Warrington, Lancallcrf. *Jobxxvii. 8. 12° 1677. 2 f . Rel. and Hypocrify, S>uee7i's. Ox. CHILCOT William, M. A. Afts xvii. 31.8° 1697. Matt. XV. 19. 12° 1734. Sev. Sermons on evil Thoughts, CHILLING WORITI William * Sermons in fo. 1664. Bod. t^ieen's, Trin. Camb. CHISHUL John Heb.iii.8-9. 8" 1668, A word to Ifiael, Bed. CHISHULL O F A U T H O R S, &c. 77 CHI3KULL Edmund, B. D. Fell, of C.C.C. Oxon. Chapl. in Ord* and V. of Wahhamilowe, Effex. Pf, evil. 23,24. 4° 1698. Levant Co. C.C.C. Oxon. Tri^. Sf. "Johns. Camb. James V. 8. 4° 1707. The great Danger and Millake of all new uninfpired Prophecies relating to the End of the World. Vniv^ C.C.C. H'orc. Oxon. CI. H.''Slueen's. Camb. Sion. xTim.iv.i6. 4°i7ii. Vif. The orthodoxy of an Englifh Cler- gyman. Bal. Line. Oxon. Pub. L. i^/eens. Camb. Phil.iv. 5. 8° 1-12. Afiize. Modelly and Moderation. C.C.C. Bal. Line. Oxon. ^ee?i''s, St.Jchns. Camb. Sion. Pf. xxix. 10. 8° 1712. Affize. The Duty of good Subjedls in refpeft to public Peace. 5/. Johns. Camb. Brit.M. Rom xli. 19. i°i7i2. Ag. Duelling. C.C.C. Oxon. keen's. St.Jsin's. Cami. Sien. 2 Kings iv. 1,2. 4° 17 1 4. b. Sons of the Clergy. The Excellency of a proper charitable Relief. C.C.C. Wore. Wadh. Oxon. St. Jobn''s, ^eetis. Sion. Tit. iii. I. S'' 1716. The Subjeft minded of his Duty. I lohn V. 20. 8" 1718. 7 \ n- c /^ n n r\ ^„ .' .. 00 o J-zAHizei. C.C.C. Oxon. Acis xvii. 31. 8 171 8. 5 *Rom.vi, 8. 8° 1719. Fun. CHOPPIN R. Miniiler at Dublin. Luke xii. 42,43 Fun. of Jofeph Soyfe^ V. the End of his 2V0L fo.1728. ^eens. Camb. CHURCH Tho. DD. V. of Batterfea, and Preb. of St. Paul's, Lond. Ff. xxxvii. 37. 4° 1748. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Cavvley. Prov.xxx.9. 4"i75i. An. meet. Ch. Sch. ^een's. Cam. Brit.M. *Lukex.37. 4° 1750. Fun, of Dr. Felling. Publilhed by Mr. William Scott, 1778. *Pf.ciii. 2-5. 4° 1752. b. Coll. of Phyficians. Braz.K. Oxon. Brit. M. * 2 Kings xix. 3. 4" 1753. b. Gov. of Ly. Hofp. Braz. N. Ox. *Gal.vi.9. 4" 1754. b. Gov. of Middl. Hofp. Braz.N. Oxon. * James i. 27. 4" 1756. b. Sons of the Clergy. CHURCHILL Charles *Setm. in 8° 1765. On the Lord's Prayer. Dr.Ws's.L. Lond. CHURCHILL F. F. "DD. late Fell, of Clare Hall. Camb. * 2 Sam. i. 19. 4° 17" 3. Cone, ad CI. Ca?nb. pro Grad. Doftor. CHURCHILL John, B.D. Fell, of C.C.C. Oxon. and R. of Eg- gesford and Chawley, Devonf. * Prov. xxii. 2. S^ivSi. b. Gov. of Dev. and Exon, Hofp. CLAGETT Nich. M. A. Preacher of St. Mary's, Edmonsbury. 1 ThefT. iv. 1 1. 4° 1683. Afl". A Perfuafive to Peaccablenefs and Obedience. Magd. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. 1 Tim, iv 15. 4^1686. Vif. CLAGETT Nicholas, Bp. of Exeter. X * Ecclef. V. 1. 4° 1694, b. King and Queen. jCor. i. 12. 4° 1 704. Xn. Simplicity. Ch.Ck. 0.x. Pub.L. Cam. Luke 78 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Lukexii. 48. 4° 1714. Sch- F. Duties and Obligat. arifing from the Advantages of Life. Ck.Cb. Ox, Trin.^een^s, Cl.H. Cam. J Their. V. 12,13. 4-° 1 71 8, Conf. of Bp. White. Cb.Ch. Oxon. Trin. ^eens, CI. H. Camb. iCor.xiv. 26. 4° 1726. Vif. Of Edifying. C/.W. Camb. Matt. XXV. 23 4° 1720. Spitt. T. £/5». I Cor. X. 24. 4° 1733. Spittal M. I Tim. ii. 1,2. 4° 1736. Jan. 30. b. Lords, ^.een^s. Camb. Aasxi. 18. 4° 1736. Prop. GofpeL MIS. Ox. ^eerCs. C. Sion. Heb.xiii. 16. 4° 1739. Ann. meeting Charity School, keen's, Camb. Brit.M. Pf. xcii.i. 4° 1742. Accefiion. ^een^j. Camb. CLAGETT William, DD. Preacher to the Hon. Soc. of Gray's-Inn, London, and Chaplain in Ord. J*Gal.vi. 10. 4° 1687. b. Gov. Lying-Hofp. Brit.M. 17 Sermons in 8° 1704. V. i. preached upon feveral occafions. Bod. Cb.Ch. JUS. C.C.C. Men. ^een's, Pemb. Oxon. Pub.L. ^een^s. Camb. II Sermons in 8''i704. V.2. Bed. Or. Ch.Cb. JUS. C.C.C. Mert. Slueen" s, Pemb. Oxon. Bub. L. ^cert's. Camb. 34Serm. in zV. 8°I720. Cb.Ch. New C. St.Johfi's. C.C.C. Ox. CLAPHAM Jonathan, R. of Wramplingham, Norfolk. Tit. iii. I. 4° 1684. Th. Chriflian Obedience recommended. CLARIDGE Richard, M. A. R. of Peopleton, Worcefter. Rom. viii. 31 . 4° i68g. 2Kingsxxiii.25. 4" 169 2. A looking-glafs for relig. Princes. Bod. CLARK John Phil.i. 23. 4° 1676. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Afke. CLARK John, M. A. Minifler of St. George's Tombland in Nor- wich, and R. of Norwold, Norfolk, Rev. xiv. 13. 8° 1716. Norwuh. Fun, of Mr. Hall. CLARK Jofhua, M. A. R. of Somcrby, Lincoln. 2Cor. iv. 7. 4" 1698. Vif. Pub L. Camb. * Heb. xiii. 7. 4° 1 69 1 . Conf. of an Abp and 3 Bps. Pub. L. C. CLARK N. R. of St. James's Shafton, Dorfetf. \}: '^'''... l^y^ °^ ^^'T^ ^"^^-iBcd. ChXh. Ox. iKingsxviii 21. 5 8 1717-182. V. 2. 309. 5 CLARK Samuel, fen. of St, Alban's. * Aflsxxvi. 28. 8° 1742. 3 f. The Nature and Caufes of Irrcfo- lution in Religion. CLJRK Samuel, jun. of Birmingham. *Ifai. xxvi. g. 8° 1755. Fall. Earthq. at Lifbon. CLARK Wilfrid, M. A. * I Pet. ii. 16. 4° 1754. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. CLARKE Aiured, DD. Dean of Exeter. Gal. vi. 10. 4° 1726. St. Paul's Sch. Feaft Brit.M. Pf. Ixxviii. ?.. 4''i73i. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Wore. Oz, ^een^s. Camb. Lrit.M. , Lukcix. 2. 4" 1736. Opening an Hofp. at Wijuhfjler. Slucens. ■ La-Tib. Brit.M. Rom, O F A U T H O R S, &c. 79 Rom. xiii. 10. 4° 1741. Exon. b. Truflees for Charity Sch. Exon, ^eeri's. Camb. Eton. [CLARKE AuguHus] *Pr. 1. 15. I2°i78i. Th. f. for Lord Gordon's Relcafe from the Tower. CLARKE Edward, M. A. V. of St. Mary's, Nottingham. 2 Sam. i. 27. 4° 1702. Roy. Fun. and Affize. Pf. Ixiv. g, 10. 4° 1703. Thankfgiving. St.Johri's. Camb. CLARKE Edward, M. A. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. and R. of Peppcrharrowe, Surry. *Pf. 1.23. 4° 1759. Th. f. CLARKE James, LLB. * 2 Chron. xix. 5. 7. 4° 1779. Affize. CLARKE John, DD. Dean, of Sarum. * 8 Serm, at Boyle's Lefture. V. p. 153. St. John^s. Jsf. 0;{on. Prov. xi. II. 8° 1732. The Xrter of a good Magiftrace. CLARKE John, R, of Collingtree, Northampton. *Lukcii.io. 8° I 762. Chriftmas-day. CLARKE Jofeph, DD. R. of Long-ditton, Surry. Gal.iv. 18. 4''i72i. Vif. St.John''s. Camb. CLARKE Jofeph, M. A. Fell, of Magd. Coll. Camb. John V. 14. 4° 1746. Th. afier Rebellion. CLARKE Jofhua, Chaplain to the Bp. of Norwich. Heb xiii. 17. 4° 1691, Conf. of 4 Bps. Bod. Ch. Ch. Ox. Sion^ CLARKE Matthew, Minifter of St. Michael's Alley, London. X * John xix. 30. 8° 1723. Fun. of J. Foxon. Brit.M. Zech.iii. 8,9. 8° 17 Ref. Manners. I Pet.v 4. 8° 1723, Fun. of Jer. Smith. Brit.M. Gen.xii.2. 8° 1724. Char. School. On New year's day. * Sermons in 8° 1727. CLARKE REUBEN, DD. Chaplain in Ord. and Arch-D. of EfTex. I Kings viii. 44, 45. 4° 1741. Fall. b. Commons, ^eens.. Cam. CLARKE Richard, late Miniller of St. Philip's Ch. Charles Town. * Gen. ii. 2, 3. 4° 1759. Effay on the Number 7. * Levit. XXV. 3,4. 8° 1760. Explanation of the fabbatical Year of Mofes by the Gofpel of Jefus Chrift. CLARKE Samuel I Their. V. 12,13. 4° 1 66 1. CLARKE Samuel, DD. R. of St. James's, Weftminfter. 1 8 Sermons 8° 1734. Univ. Mert. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pub.L. Trin. C/.H. King's. Camb. Dr.W/s.L. London. Sermons in 10 Vol. 8° 1730. Bod. Univ. Ch.Ch. AllS, ^een^s. Nezv C. St. John's. Wore. Waah. Bert. Pcmb, Jef, Oxon. Pub.L. Trin. Camb. CLARKE Stephen, M.A. late of Mert. Coll. Oxon. and R of Burythorne, YorkHiire. I 5 Difc. &c. in 8° 1727. Eccief.ii. I. 8° 1730. York. Charity School. CLARKE So AN HISTORICAL REGISTER CLARKE Thomas, M. A. R. of Efcrick and Chapl. to the Duke of Devon (hi re. Prov. xiv. 34. 8"^ 1724.. Trrk. Affize. - - - - ^73'* AfT. The Divine Inilitution of Government. CLARKE William I S:tm. xxiv. 20. S° I 74c. CLARKSON Chriftopher, DD. R. of Strathern, Ldcefterfliire. Ephcf.ii.12. 4" 1733. ^'^^- The Infufficiency of Reafon, and the Ncceflity of Revelation to allure incn of the Pardon of Sin. Col. iii. 1-3. 4° 1737. Fun. CLARKSON David, B.D. fometime Fell, cf CI. Kail, Camb. Rom iii. 24. 4" 1 671;. m. c P. p. 441. Jullification. I Chron. xxix. I 8 4° 1677. m. e.C. p. 538. What muft Xtians do, that the Influence of the Ordinances may abide upon thcnj. ,, .*-3i Sermons and Difcourfcs in fo.1696. On feveral divine Sub- ]t{Xs. ^ti^:7!\'. Camb. CLAUDE Francis * 2 Sam. iii 32, 33, ;S. 4° 1677. Fun. of Marflial Turenne. Tranfiated. Bo.-:'. Puo L. Camb. CLAUDE Ifaac, Minifter of the Walloon Church. Aftsix. 36,37. 8"i6q5. Royal Fun. CLAVE RING Robert, Bp. of Peterborough. Heb.xiii.i6. 4^170'^. Ch. f. for a Fire at Lifburn, Ireland. The Excellency of Charity. Bed. J John iv. 21. 4" 1729. Spittal M. Univerfal Love. iSam.xii. 25. 4° 1730. Jan. 30. Ecclef. X. iS. 4" 1733. Ann. meeting Charity Schoo*;. CLAVERIRG Robert, MA. R. of St. Peter's, Malborough, and V. of Prefhut, \^'ihs. I ThcfT iv. II. 4'' 1730. AiTize. Duty of living peaceably &c. CLAYTON John, M. A. Preb. cf St. Michan's belonging to Ch. Ch. Dublin. * I Ccr. i. 23, 24. 1 4° I 706. Chrift crucif. the Power of God and * 21-25. S ^^^ Wifdom of God. CLAYTON John, M. A. late Fell, of Braz. N. Coll. Oxon. Rom, xiii. 4. 8° 1736. Affize. The NecefTuy cf duly executing the Laws ae. Immoralitv and Profanenels. CLAY-TON N. * John iv. J 9-23. 8''i776. The Importance of Sincerity in pub- lic Worfhip ^Ic. * I Ccr.x. 33. 8" 1-76. Mir.ilter of the Gofpel reprefentcd. CLAYTON Robert, Bp.' of Corke. Rev. xiv. 13. 4° 1727. Dublin. Royal Fen. zTheff. iii. 10. 4° i 740. Dublin. Irilh Frot. Sch. The Religion of Labour. Wicrc. Oxon. ^leen;, Cl.H. BritM CLAYTON Thomas, R. of St. Michael's at the Pleas, Norwich. Ecclef. V. 1. 8°I727. Serious Attention at Divine Worfliip. Ch. Ch. Mr.gd. Line. Oxon. Rom.xii.4,5. 4°i7i3. Unity of Worfliip. Trin. ^teeii's. Cam. CLEAVER OF AUTHORS, Sec. 8i CLEAVER John, M. A. Tit Lii. I. 4." 1676. Of the Subject's Duty. Sien. CLEAVER VViil. M. A. late of Line. Coll. Oxon. Lukexii.5. 8" 1739. '^^*«- Ai2ze. The Dpc^rine of a fjtare State nscefTary to the VVehare and Support of civil Govern- menr. IVcrc. Oxon. Gal. iv. 4. 8° 1743. Oxen. The FitLefs and Prcpriety of the time of our Saviour's coming, lyorc. Oxon Brit M. 2Tim.iii.15. 8°i7;o. Oxon. The Expediences and Advantages of an early Education in Piety and V irtue. Wore. Oxon * 1 Sam.xiii. 14. 8° 1762. Enquiry into the tra€ Xrter of King David. Brax N. ffotc. Oxon. CLEEVE Alexander, B. A. V. of ;-.t"ck:on upon Tees, Durham. * Matt.x. 8. 4° I773. b. Gov. Lvint-in Holp. London. CLEGG James, M D. •Matt. xvi. 18. 8^1731. Ord. ^een's. Camb. * - - - - 1736. Fun. *Rom.ziv. 19. 8''i738. The things that make for Peace and Edification among Lhriilians. CLELAND Benjamin * John xiy. 1-3. 8" 1667. CLELAND Thomas Rom.x II. 4° 1660. The Xn's Encouragement to believe. Sion. CLEMEXT Benjamin, B. A. late Preb of" the Collegiate Church of St. John's, Wolverhampton, Staff and V. of Baunton. Devon. * Serm. in 2 Vol 8° 1774. On feveral Subjects and Occafions. CLERKE Francis, LLD. CommilTary of Lewes, SuiTex, and Chan- cellor of Chicheilcr. Amoiiii. 2. 8^ 1-22. Et n. CLERKE John, Fell._of All Soul's Coll. Oxon. and R. of Ulcomb and fiariiham, Kent iCo'.x 10. 4''i6Sa. May 29. CLERKE . amuel, 3. D." Miniiter of Archefdem, ElTex. Pf cxliv. Q, ic. 4° 1693. '^-^' -^^"- ^'^'• 2 Sara.xxii. 3>^— ii. 4° 1656. Th. A^prll 16. Mate. iii. 8. 4° 1700. Lent. CLIFFORI,' James, M. .A. Chaplain to the Society, Serjeant's Inn, Fleetitreet, London. * I Co.. si 27-29. I2'*i694. Sev. Serm. on the Xtian Religion. CLIFFOi^D Will. M. A. Pu ii. 4. 4° 1682. The Pcwer of Kings &c. BsJ. CLIP TON Jo. Chaplain to the Lc-rd Mayer. Luke ix. ;5,56. 4" 1703. Jan. 30. A modeft Revival of a pri- mitive Chriiiian Doctrine. St, 'John's. Camb. CLIVF Kobe.t, M. A. Arch-Deacon of Sakp. *Johavi 44. 8° 1770. Vif. The Chriitian Religion agreeable to, the Nature, owers, and Principles of Mankind. CLOGIE Alex. Minifter of Wigmore &c. Heteforcfliire. . Col iii. 5. 12" 1694. Vox. Cor^'i. Ba^. Vol. II. L CLUBB 82 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER CLUBB John, R. of Whatfteld and V. of Debenham, Suffolk. Dcut.xii. 12. 4° I 75 1. Ipftvich. b. Sons of Clergy. CLUTTERBUCK Tho. DD. Arc-D. of Wiuton, and V. of South Stoneham, Hants. Rom. xii, 13. 4° 1687. Spittal W. Bod. Pub.L. Camb. COAl ES James, V. of Calmpton, Yorklhire. Hcb.xiii.7. 8° 1717. Tork. Vif. COBDEN Edward, DD Arch-D. of Lond. and Chapl. in Ord. * 28 Dilc. in 4° 1757. On various Subjects and Occafions. Bod. COCHRANE James, Hon. * Matt. X. 16. 4°'i777. Reading. At a monthly Meeting. * Rom. i. 20. 4° 1780. Reading. On the Exiftence of a Dcitv. COCK John, M.A. of Chrill's Coll. Camb. and V. of St. Ofwal'd'*, Durham. Lukexiii. 28. 8" 1704. St.Johri's. Camb. Jamesi. 27. 8° 1707. b. Bp. Cofin, {1669.) Rom.xvi. 17,18. 8° 1707. A ferious Exhortation to a\'oid fuch as caufe Diviftons in Chrift's Church. Line. Oxon. 7?-;'/r. Cam. 6 Serm. &c. in 12° 1705. Advice to the Clergy. Cb. Ch. Oxon. 1 2 Sermons in 12° 1 710. COCKBURN John, DD. R. of Northaw, Middlefex. 15 Serm. in 8° 1697. On feveral Occafions and on various Sub* jeas. C.C.C. Oxon. Trin. Camb. iion. Dr.Ws's.L. Lond. Pf. clxvii. I 2-14. 4° 1703. Amjierdain. Th. Dec. 5. Ch.Ch. Ox. Pf. cxlviii. 8. 4° 1703. Jmfi. On the Storm Dec. 9. Ch.Ch. Ox. Pf. xc. 12. 4° 1706. Human Life difplayed. Heb.xiii.4. 8° 1708. 'I'he Dignity and Duty of a married State. Magd. Line. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Brit. M. Heb. xii. 12, 13. ? 8° 1708. 2 Difc. at the End of hig, "Right — — 15. J *' Notions of God and Religion." 2 Sam. vi. 12. 8°i7ii Acceffion. Adlsii.47. 4° 1712. Salvation in the Church only. Rev. xiv. 13. 4° 1713. Fun. of Bp. Compton. The Bleffedncft of Chrjilians after Death. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Oxon. COCKBURN Patrick, M.A. I Tim. ii, 1-4. 8° 1728. Edinburgh. Coron. COCKBURN William Gen xlix, 5-7. 4° 1713. Jan. 30. COCKMAN Thomas, DD. Mafter of Univ. Coll. Oxon. Rom. xii. 2. 8° 1733. Oxon. ASt. The Duty of nonconforming to the World. Wore. Litie. Oxon. ^ucctis. Camb. Sion. Brit.M. Selea theological Difc. in 2V. 8°J750. JUS. NezvC. Wadh. Ox, COCKS Sir Robert, DD. R. of great Rohvright, Oxon. *Lukevi.36. 8''i7i4. The great Importance of a meek and merciful Spirit, ll'orc. Oxon. *Ifai. Ivii. 20,21. 8° 17 1 5. Affize. Nothing but Religion can fecurc our Peace and Happinefs in this life, and that which is to come. Worcm Oxon. Pf. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 83 Pf. xxxili. 1. 8° 1716. Th. COCKS Sir Richard ♦Matt.v. 48. 8° 17 Agalnft Popery. COCKS Philip, M. A. R. of Adon, Middlefex. *iTim.iv. 16. 8° 1774. Conf. of Bp. - . - - CODRINGTON I'homas lukexviii 35-38. [COHEN Mofes] * Prov, XX 01. 4" 1 76 1. Accefiion. COKAYNE Will. B. D. (late Fell, of St. John's Oxen.) Profeffor of Aflronomy Grelliam Coll. and R. of Kilkhampton, Devonf. A(5ls xvii. 22. 4° 1750.' Nov. 5, b. lord Pvlayor. Wore. Oxon. * Ifai. xxvi. 9. 4°i753. Fall. b. L. Mayor. COKE Thomas, M. A. *Prov. xxii.6. 8° 1773. Sch. Feail at Crewkeme, Somerfet, COKER Thomas. M.A. tanon of Sarum. 2Pec.ii. I. 8° 1721. Braz.N. Oxon. / COLBATCH John, DD. Fell, of Irin. Coll. and Cafuift-Profeflor of Divinity. Camb. Prov X.7. 4° 1718. Cn?/ib. Commem. Ch.Ch. Oxon. St. John's, ^eeti's. Camb. Eton. COLBV John * Prov. xxxi. 10. 12° 1732. Wedd. f. V. Sermons on Conj. D, Vol. I. p. 51. COLBY Samuel, M A. Prov. xxviii. 2. 8° 1708. Jan. 30. . xxxi 8. 8° 1708. Matt, xi 28. 8° 1 709. Sacrament. Univ. Oxon. "" 1 Cor.xi.29. 8° 1708. Sacramcut. Univ. Oxon. COLE Thomas Lukeiii.4,5. 4" 1676. f, m. e. C. p. 593. How we may (leer an even Courfe between l^refumpti<.n and Defpair Bid. 1 Sam.xvii. 34-37. ^ 4°i683. Cm.e. p. 572. How may the well Pf. xxvii. 14. / Difcharge of our prelent Duty give us Af- Prov. X. 29. Murance of Help from God for the well Dif- 3 Chron XV 2. Jchargeof all future Duties. Bod. Ephef.i 19,20. 4°iC/90. Cm. c. p. 223. Eo4. * Sermons in 12" 1692. COLE Thomas, LL.B. Affiftant-Prcacher at St. Paul's Covent-Gar- den, London. * Rom ix. 32,33 2 f. Imputed Righteoufnefs. *6Diic.in 8° 1761. Ag Luxury, Iniidelity, and Enthufiafm. COLEIRE Richard, M.A. I'ell. of All Souls Coll. Oxon, V. of Ifle- worth, and Minifter of Richmond Sec. Pf. XX. 6. 8" 1708. Th. On the Scotch Defeat. Lukexxiii. 28. 4''i7i3. Jan. 30. At the Temple. Wore. Oxon. I^ieen^s. Camb. Jerem. xxviii. .16. 8°i7i5. On the Rebellion. Ch.Ch, Oxon. L 2 z Sam* 84 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER 2 Sam. xxii. 4+. 4° 1 7 1 6. Th. for fuppreffing the Rebellion, Ch. Ch. Oxon. Ruthii. 19. 4°i7i9, Ch, f. At Ifleworth. 1 Cor. xiii.4-7w 4° 1721. b. Corporation at Kingilon. — — xii 4-7. 4°i72i. Vif. i". Judg. xix 30. 8° 1723. On the Rape and Murder of a Woman at Ifleworth. Queen's. Camb. 2 Sam.xxiii. 3. 4° 1726. b. Corporation at Kingfton. The Ma- giilrates Charafter and Charge. 2 Cor. xiii. 1 1. 4°i727. Fare\vel f. At Kin fton. Pf. Ixxxii I. 4° 1729. Affize. Kings and Judges, the Vicegerents of God. Prov.xxii.6. 4° 1729. Ch. f. At Ifleworth. Pf. cl. ^-6. 4° 1738. On eroding of an Organ at Ifleworth. - - "... - '739- Faft- Jan. 9. Rom. xiii, 6. 4°i742. Inauguration, b, Univ. of Oxon. 2 Pet. iii 3,4. 4° 17 Viflt. Joel ii. 16-18. 4° 1745. Rilt. COLEMAN Benjamin, M. A. - ate Preacher at Bath, job X. 20. J*Johnix. 4. 8° 1717. BcJIon, Fun. of Rev. Mr. Brattle and El^en ye7nherton. But. M. 2oSacram. Difc. in 8° 1728. Bo'l Sion. * Difcourfes in 2 Vol. 8'*i728. Chriitian Oratory. *Numb.x.3. .2'^. 735. 1^ Y.J.TurreirsU^c, * 2 bam XI 23. 12 1735 \ '' COLERIDGE John, V. of Ottcry St Mary, Devon. * Rom. xiii. 1. 4^1777. Fall. Government of divine Inftitution, COLES Thomas, DD. 2 King? X 1 5. 4° 1664. COLET John, DD Dean of St. Paul's, London. Rom. xii. 2 (preached 15 ti.) printed 4°! 661. and 1701. Bod. Ch. Ch Bdl Oxon. Ston. COLLET jo/eph *Johnxiv. I. 8°i7i3. Fun. * -■ - - - 1742. Divine Providence. COLLETT J. R. of Cubiington, Bucks. * 3 Diicourfes in 8' i 74. Bath On the fevcral Eftates of Man — on Earth' — in Heaven — and HelJ, deduced from Reafon and Revelation. COLLIER Arthur, M. A. R. of Langford Magna near Sarum. Rom xiii. I. 8"! 7 1 3. May 29. Xn i'rinciples of Obedience. 5/ciz?. Rom. i.'i 7. '8" 1716. * Sermons in 8° 1730. COLLIER Giles, M. A. V. of Blockley, Worcellerf. Ifai Ivii. I. 4? i66i. Fun. COLLIER Jeremy, M. A. I Cor, XV 29.- 4" 1686. The Difference -between the prefent and future State of pur Bodies. il/tf^ the Royal Navy at Chatham. Jerem. vii. 23. 8''i7io. FaiL b. Ld Mayor. 7rin. St.John^t. C, COLLINS S. M.A. Prov xvi. 20. 4° i6g8. Th. for Peace. Tri7i Camb. COLLINS Thomas, B. D. Fell, of Magd. Coll. Oxon. 1 Cor. i. 20. 8° 1725. a ^ The fame. COLLINS 86 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER COLLINS Thomas, M. A. V. of Knare&borough, yorkfhirc. li'ai. Ivi. 7. 8° 1749. Yoik. Conf. Chapel. COLMAN . DD. » liai Ix. 8 8° I 741. . COLMj^N Ber.'amn, M A. late Preacher at Bath. * Sermons in 8° 1707 on tne 10 Virgins. Dr. Wis L. Lond. COLMAN 1-ienry, B. D. Fell, of T.in. Coll. Carab, and R. of Har- pley, Norfolk. 2 Chton. xix.6. 4°i7ii. Eledl. Lord Mayor. Government and Obedience. COLNET William, DD. Fell of All Souls Coll. Oxon. Pr. cxix. 53 8"^' 171 1. Ref. Manners. Ch.Lh. Oxon. S'ton. COLVIL John, M. V.D. Pf. cxii.4. 4° 1753. On a Wom^ri found dead in a Draw-well, COLVILE William * Dilcuuifes in 4° 1667.. On efFedlual Calling. COMBE Edward, M. A R of St. Manin's, Worcefter. Prov XV. 34. 4° 1708 Vif of a Free-Sch. and Hofpital. Luke vii. 36-50. 4^1720. M'ofcjhr. Afliwednefday. *Adsii 32. 8*^1717. Farevv. f. • C0MB?:R Thomas, DD. Dean of Durham. Hcb.vi.i6 4° 1682. All'. Of judicial, vain and falfe Swearing. Bod Ch.Ch h'.agd Oxon. '7>/>;. Camb. Siom. Pf Iv. 18. 4° 1687. Ch. CL ^ieen's. Oxon. Sien. ■ . Pf.xxiii.4. 4° 1 691. Bod. . . .. . Pf. cxxii.6, 4*^1 '-94. Fail. b. Queen. The Reafons for the pray- ing for the Peace of. our jeruialem. Ch.Cb. Oji. Puh.L. Trin. keen's. Camb. - Pf.cxliv I c 4° 1697, Th. for Peace. Trin. St.John's. Cam. Sio?s. COMER William, M. A. oi Baliol Coll. Oxon. and V. of King- llcn, Suriy . 2Cor. iv. 5. 8*^1747. Induction, f. it Richmond. CONANT John, DD. R. of Exeter Coll. Oxon. Arch-D. of Nor- wich and Prebendary of iWorcefter. Sermons in 4 Vol. 8° i6gg. Preached on feveral Occallons. Bod. Bal.C.C.C. NezoC, Oxon. frin. ^een'i. Camb. Sion, Dr. IVss. L. London. Sermons V^ol. 5. 8° 1708. Vol. 6. 8° 1722. CONDER John. DD. *A(ftsxx. 32. 8" I 755. Farew. f. Sheen's. Camb. * iTheff.v 12,13. 8° 1758. Ord. *Jer. xxiii.28. 8° 17,-9. Ord. * Pf. xxxvji. 37. 8" 1762. run. of Dr. Guf/e. * I Johniii. 8. 8°i768. Ref. M.anners. CONEN Geo. B.D. Lefturer of St. George Southwark and Chapl. to Lord Onflow. I Sam xii. 24. 4" 174^. Rebellion. CONEY Thomas, DD. Preb. of Wells and Reftor of Bath. 25 Scrm. in 8" 1730. Preached on lev. Subjefts and Occaflons. * Num. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 87 *Num.xiv. n. 8° 17 Aft. f. Piov.xxix. 2. 8°i73i. -Affile. Micahvi.8. 8° 1731. Affize. ■ Sermons and Difcourfcs in 8° i 750. Vol. 2. and 3. p. ill. CONGREVE Charles Waker, M. A. Arch-D of Armagh, and Chapl. to his (^race the Lord Primate of Armagh. I Chron. V. 1,2. 8" 1746. Reb An abiblure, indefeafible, here- ditary Right, contrary ;o, Reafon and ciipture. CONINGESBY George, DD. V. of Bodenham, Herefordlhire. Roni.i.xxii. 8" 1723. Oxen. The foliy of opjvonng natural 'Rea- fon to the Doclrine of the Tiinity. tV• 8 1712. 2 f. < •'. liai Ivii. I.J' I Jan. 30. COOKE Thomas, M. A. Chaplain to the Duke of Ormond. Heb. xiii. 16. 4° 1704. School Feaft. The Chriftian Sacrifices. ^eer^s. Camb. Sion. COOKE Thomas, M. A. R. of St Nicholas, Worcefter. Lukexiii. 5. 4*^1704. Oxon Faft. fan. 19. COOKE Will. DD. Provoft of King's Coll. Camb. and Dean of Ely. 2 Pet. i. 19. 8° 1750. Vii. The more fure Word of Prophecy conlideied and explained. Recti's. Camb. Eton. * John xviii. 37. 4° 1780. Cone, ad CI. London. COOKE William, M. A. Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. and one of his Majelly's Preachers at Whitehall. * I Pet. ii. 16. 4^1780. 2 f. Ca?nb. Liberty mor. relig. and civil, * Deut. xxviii. 49. 4°! 781. Camb. Jan. 30. COOKSEY John, M. A. R. of St. Antholines, and St. John Baptift, London, and F. R. S. I Pet. iii. 15. 8° 1743. Xnity founded on Argument. Brit.M. * I John ii. 15, 16. 4° 1757. Faft. * I Kings iii. 9, 8" 1760. Death of King George 2d. COOLING Dennis, M. A. V. of Wotton, Bedfordf. Rom.xii. 17. 4° 1708. Affize. COOMBE Thomas, M.A. Chapl. to the Marquifs of Rockingham. *Matt. XXV.40, 4" 1772. Char. Sch. meeting. COOPER Dav'.d * Heb. iv. 2. 1735. COOPER Jofeph I Pet.v. 14. 8° 1663. 8 Sermons. COOPER Miles, LLD. Prefident of King's Coll. New York and Fell, of Queen's Coll. Oxon. *Pf. vii. 9. 4" 1777. Oxon. Fail. b. Univ. Wore. Oxon. COOPER Samuel, DD. (formerly Fell, of Magd. Coll. Camb.) R. of Morley and Yelvefton, Norfolk. * Matt. V. 42. 4^1777. The Power of Chriftianity over malig- nant Paffions &c. * I Their. V. 2 1 . 4° 1777. Camh. Commencement. The Neceflity and Truth of the three principal Revelations, demonftrated from the Gradations of Science and the Progrels of the mental Faculties. COOPER Samuel, DD. Minifter of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. *Jobxii 23. 4° 1782. Faft. COOPER William ' * Phil. iv. 9. 4° 1663. V. Coll. Farew. f. p. 549, Vol. II. M Gen. 90 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Gen.ii. 16,17. ^'^\6'j6. m c.G. p. 84. The Cov. of Works. Bod. I ThefT. V. 18. 4° 1677. m. e. C. p. 405. How we muil in all Things give thanks. COOPER William, one of the Paftors at Bofton, New England. J * 4 Serm. in 12° 1765. The Doftrine of Predeltination ex- plained and vindicated. COOPER William, DD. Arch-D. of York, andF.R.S. *Tit. ii. 11,12. 4" 1763. * D-ifcourfes in 8° 1766. on feveral Subjcfts. *RoTn. X. 2. 8° 1767. Errors in the Church of Rome. * I Tim.vi. 17-19. 4" 1767. Ch. Sch. meeting. *Luke xxiii. 28. 4° 1773. on the Death of J. Dealtry, M. D. COPLESTONE John, M. A. V. of Broad Clyil. Devon, and Preb. of St. Peter's, Exon. Pf. Ixxvii. 20. 4° 1661. May 29. Oriel. Oxon. Sion. COPPING 1 Sam. XV. 3. 8° COPPING John, Dean of Clogher, Ireland. Tit. iii. I. 4° 1739. Dublin. Vif. ^leen's. Camb. Siojt. Brit,M. COPPING Thomas, R. of St. Olave's Hart-ftreet, London. Ezelc- xviii. 30. 4° 1702. Faft. CORBIN W. Preacher at the Chap, of Bromley St. Leonard, Middlef. Ezra iii. II. 4" 1695. Th. Trin. Camb. Sion. CORBTN Benjamin * 2 Sam. iii. 38. 8" 1765.. on the Death of the D. of Cumberland. CORNELL William * I Sam. xii. 24. 8° i 758. Nov. 5. CORNEWALL Fred. M.A. V. of Bromficld, and Left, of Ludlow, Salop. Gal. iv. 18. 8° I 710. Affize. Zeal for Rclig. recommended. Bod. Bnl. Line. Oxon. Pub.L. Slueen's. Camb. Sion. CORNWALL John, DD. R. of Speldhurft, and Preacher at Tun- bridge -Wells Chapel, Kent. Prov. viii. 9. 4°i70i. Camb. AllS. Oxon. Pub.L. Trin. Cam. CORNWALL M. P. ^ B. A. late Fell, of Trin Coll. Camb. * 10 Serm. in 12° 1773 Saliibuiy. CORNWALL a Chapl. to the Hon. Houfe of Commons, *Pf. ex. 15. 1782. Jan. 30. h. Commons. CORNWALLIS Frederick, Arch-Biihop of Canterbury. 2Kingsxix. 3. 4" 1751. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Slueens Camb. 2 1 hell", iii. 13. 4" 1752. b. Gov. Lond. Infirmary. Wadh. Oxon. * Afts xxvi. 18. 8" 1756. Prop, Gofpel. AllS. BrazN. Oxon. *Heb.x. 24. 4°1762. An. meet. Ch. Sch. Braz.N. f'rcrc. Oxon. CORNWALLIS Henry 2 Kings iv. 38. 12" 1694. Vif. at Tunbridge, on Hofpitality. Univ. Line. Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. St. John's. Camb. *Pf. cxvi.9. i2°i705. The devout Votaries — at Chur. of a Man and his Wife. * Either i. 8. 12° 1705. Feaft. The law of drinking. *Epbcf,v, 19. 12" 1705. Laws refpedling the fame. OF AUTHORS, &c. - ;. 91 *PhlI. ii. 4. 12° 1705. *Deut. iv.23. 12" 1705. Xtning f. * Gen, xxvi. 12. 12" 1706. Wedding Serm. The Excellency of the Husbandman's Employ. The bridal Dufli. *Ephcf. V. 33. 12° 1732. V. Serm. on Conj. Duty. V. I. p. 23. CORNWALLIS James, Bp. of Litchfield and Coventry. * I Tim. vi. 18. 4° 1 778. b. Sons of the Clergy. ■ * Job xii. 23. 4" 1780. Cajit. Fall. *irai. xl/17. 4" 1782. Jan. 30. b. Lords. COSTARD George, M. A. late Fell, of Wadh. Coll. Oxon, *Job. xix 25. 8° 1747. DifTertation. All^. Oxon. * 2 KingTx! 22! \ ^° '752. 2 Latin Differt. Bod. 'Recti's. Cam. COTES Digby, M.A. Principal of Magd-hall, and Pub. Orator of the Univerfity of Oxon. 15 Serm. in 8°i72i. Oxon. On feveral Occafions. Bod. Magd. Wore, Oxon. COTES Digby, M. A. R. of Door, Herefordfliire, V. of Aberga- venny, Monmouthf. and Chapl. to the Bp. of Bangor. * Pf Ixviii. 4, 5. 4° 1756. Mufick f. ann. meet, of the 3 Choirs. * 2 Cor. iii. 17. 4° 1 77 1. AfTize. COTT John, B.D. R. of Great Braxted, and V. of Coggefhall, Effex. *Prov. xiv. 26. 4" 1 769. Ailize. COrrON Thomas I Sam. xii. 23-3J. 12° 1702. Ref. Manners. COULD WELL William Pf xxxix. 9. 8° 1660. COULTON Richard, M. A. V. of Wootton, Lincolnihirc. I Pet. ii. I 3, \\. 4° 168;. COURT AIL John, M. A. R. and V. of Burwafli, Suffex &c. *Matt. X. 16. 4° 1760. Vif. The Expediency and Neceffity of Wifdom and Innocence towards a due Difchargc of the Mi- nilt. Office. Recti's. Camb. COWPER Allen, M.A. R. of Warbois, Huntingdon/hire. Rom.xiii. 10. 8° 1722. Affize. COWPER Charles, M. A. Succentor and Refid. of York. 2Tim.iii. 2. 8° 1751. Self-love. COWPER John, M.A. (Fell, of Braz. N. Coll. Oxon.) and V. of Middlewich, Chefhire. Rom. viii. 33, 34. 8°i7ii. CheJIer. Affize. Job xxix. 12,13. ^° '7 '3- Ch. f. Excellency of Charity, ^teen's, St. Johfi's. Camb. COWPER Spencer, Hon. DD. Dean' of Durham. 8 Difcourfes in 8" 1773. preached on or near the great Feftivals. Exon. Oxon. * Rom. i, 20. 7 8° 1 774. Differt. on the diftind Powers of Rea- * I Tim. iii. I 6 J fon and Revelation. COX Chamberlain Tho. M. A. R. of Brimfield, Gloceller. Prov. xxix. 2. 8°i730. Affize. Bal. Oxon, M 2 COX 92 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER COX James I The/T iv. I. 4" 1,728. Farew. COX James, DD. late Mafter of" Harrow-School, Middlefex. 1 Kings X. 3. 4°i750. on the Earthquake. God's Mercies flighted and negtefled, a Challenge to his Juftice. COX Michael, Arch-Bilhop of Cadiell. Pf. cxii.9, 10. 4° 1748. Dublin. Irifh. Prot. Schools. Brit.M. COX Samuel Ifai lvii.1,2. 8°i7oi. V\ix\.oi'^cv.^,om. Clarke, Dr.Ws'sL. Lond. COX Thomas, M.A. Led, of St. Michael's Cornhill, and R. of great Bradfield, EfTex. Ads vii. 22. 4° 1709. Sch. Feafl. AllS. Oxon. Eton. Prov. iv. 7. 4° 1 71 2. Sch, Feaft. 2 Sam. xxiii. 3. 4" 1726. Affize. Influence of Religion in the Adminillration of Jullice. Ifai. xlix. 23. 4° 1727. Aflize. COYTE Tobias, B. D. R. of Stratford, Sufi'olk. * I 5 (Pollh.) Sermons in 2 Vol. 1 2° 1 76 1 . CRADOCK John, Abp. of Dublin, Ireland. I Cor. i. 23, 24. 4° 1739. Cafnb. Againft the Moral Philofopher. Were. Oxon. Brit. M. iPet. ii 16. 4" 1752. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Brit.M. *Jer.vi. 8. 4° 1758. Faft. Earthquake. CRADOCK William, DD. of Magd. Coll. Oxon. 1 Thefl". V. i.a 8°I7I3. St. Barnabas' day. St. John*}. Camb. 2 Cor. iii. 10, 1 1. 8°i7i8. Vif. Of Catechifing and confirming Youth. St. Johns. Camb. Eton. CRADOCK Zechary, DD. Provoft of Eton and Chapl. in Ord. Ecclcf.ix. 2. 4° 1677. b. King. On Providence. BoJ. Ch.Cb. Alls. Univ. Line. Wore Magd. Jel. Ox. Trin. Queen's. C. Sion. I Tim. i. 5. 4° 1706. The Great Dcfign of ChrilUanity. Magd, Wore. Jef. Oxon. Trin. ^ecTis. Camb. CRATTQN Aftsv. 31. 4° 1676. m. e. G. p. 359- Repentance not to be re- pented of. CRAGGE John, M.A. Rom. xiii. 1. 8° 1661. Of the King's Supremacy. Bod. Sion. * Markxvi. 15, 16. 8°i74i. (2d Edit.) Infant-baptifm. CRAIG WilLam, DD, Miniller of St. Andrew's Church, Glafgow, * 2oDifc. in 3 Vol. 12° 1775. CRAIL J Tim. iv. 16. 4" 1673. C.m.e. p. 195. How Minifters may bell win ijouls. CRANE Thomas, M. A. Curate of Winwick, Lancafhire. Jobxix. 25-27. 4° 1690. Fun. of Dr. Rich. Sherlock. Job's Ai^M- ranee of the Relurreftion. CRANER Henry, M. A. MiniUcr of the King's Chapel, Bofton. * Nehem. ii. 20, 8° 1749. Rebuild, a Chapel. * Ifai. xxxiii. 6. 4" 1763. ii ^ 21. CRANER, OF AUTHORS, &c. 93 CRJNER nomas *l'l".xxix. II. 8° 1763. Th. f. * - - - - 1766. Fun. f. CRAVEN William, B. D. Fell, of St. John's Coll. and Profeffor of i'^.rabic. Camb. *5 Serm. in S°i777. On the Evidence of a future State of Rewards and Punifhments arifing from a view of our Nature and Condition. ^a^tvzV. Camb. CREED John, M. A. V. of Buckknd Monachorum, Devon. Pr. Ixxii. I. 8° 1 71 4. Firft Sund. after the King's Coronation. * Rom. XV. 5,6. 8" 171 5. Love and Unity. CREED William, bD. Can. of Ch. Ch. and Reg. Profeffor of Di- vinity, Oxon. 2 Sam.xix. 1 4, i 5 . 4° i 660. Th. for his Majefty's Return. Jf'orc. O, Ifai. i. 25,26. 4° 1660. Affrze. BoJ. CREFFJEi D Edw. M A. Chapl. to the Earl of Denbigh. * Deut. vi. 7. 1 2° 1 7 Duty of catechifmg. I Sam. xxvi. 2. 4°! 711. Jan 30. Prov. xviii. 22. 8°i7i7. 2 Wedding f. A good Wife, a great Bleffmgj or the Honour and Happinefs of the nuptial State. CREMER William, V. of Tillingham near Maiden, Effex. Gal.vi. 14. 8° I 721. 2 f. Palm Sunday. CRESSET Edward, Bp, of Landaff. Pf. Ixvi. 7. 4° 1749. ^^- ^^^y ^9' t». Lords. *2Tim.ii.g. 8'^i753. Prop. Gofpcl. Braz.N. Ox. ^ee7is. C CREWE Jofeph, DD.'R.of Muxton, Staffbrihire. *Pf. ci. 4° 1756. Staff rd. Affize, CREYGHTON Robert, TiT>, Chantor and Can. of Wells, and Greek Profellbr, Camb and Chaplain in Ord. iCor. i. 10. 4''i682. b. King. hrit.M. 22 Serm. in 8° 1720. Camb, On feveral Occafions. CRISP John * Sermons in 2 Vol. 8° CRISPE Samuel, M. A. V. of Bungay St. Trinity, Suffolk. I Kings xviii. 21. 4° 1686. Vif. Bod. [CRODACOTT John] Preacher of God's Word at St. Saviour's, Southvvark, and St. Sepulchre's. Phil.iv. 9. 8° 1663. CROFT Herbert, Bp. of Hereford. * It'ai. xxvii. 13. 4° 16 Fall. Ifai Ivii. 21.4" 1674. Faft. b. Ls. Bod. Magd. ^een^s. Ox. Sion. Phil. i. 21. 4" J 676. Lent. b. King. I Pet. V. 6. 4°it78. Faft. Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. Sion. John V. 39. 4°!' 79. 3 f. The Legacy to his Diocefe. Bod, Magd. Oxon. St Johns. Camb. CROFT Thomas, M. A. Chapl. to the Earl of Renelagh, and Left. at Fulham, Middlefex. Aftsviii.2. 8" 171 1. Fun, of the Rev. Mr. John Hughes. Magd. Oxon, Sien, CROFTON 94 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER CROFTON Zecharu'i}^, Minifter at Botolph, AJdgate, Lond. Pf. xxxiv. 14. 4" 1660, Matt.vii. 14. 4° 1662. The hard way to Heaven explained and applied. Bod. Phil. i. 24. 8° 16 CROMPE J. prii. 2. 1660. CROMPTON William * Sermons in i 2^*1 679. * Prov.xxxi. 19. i2°i732. V, Difc. on conj. Duty. v. i. p. 225. CROMWELL Oliver *Rom. xiii. 1. 4° 1680. Preached in 1649. At Sir P. T's Houfc in Lincoln's-Inn fields, and faithfully taken in Charaflers by Aaron Guerdcn in 1680. Ch. Lb. ^eens. Oxon. Trin. St, yoMs. Camb. CROOkSHJNK William,^ M. A. * - - - - 1743. 2 f. V Rev. xvii. 6. 8° 1745. Popifli Cruelty reprefented. CROOKSHJNK William^ ^ T^V>. at Mile End Academy, near Lond. * - - - - 1766. CROOKE B. M. A. R. of St. Michael Woodftreet, London. y,. ■■.' "*>-4°i695. 2 f. b. Criminals, Newgate, London. Pf. cxix. 137. 4° 1698. Fun. of Mrs. Bullivant murdered. CROOKE Henry, of Leeds, Yorkfliirc. * Jl'ai. xxix. 1 1,12. 8° 1755. The Spirit no Refpe£lor of Perfons in his Gifts and Graces. * Jer. vi 16. 8° 1755. CROOKE Samuel, of Kiaolton and Stanton, Nottinghamf. Luke xxi. 34. 8° CROSLEY David Judges xiv. 5. 4" 1691. Bod. CROSS Walter, " M. A. 2 Sam- xxiii. 5. 4° 1693. A Compendium of the Covenant of Grace. Sion. CROSSE Richard, LLB. Pi. liii. 5. 8°i7i6. Reb. f. Mngd. Oxon. James iv. I. 8° 171 6. Aflize. Magd. Oxon. CROSSE Richard, DD. Matt. vi. 24. 16 CROSSE Walter, " Rom. iv. 5,6. 4° 1695. 2 f. Eton. CROSSE Will. M. A. Chapl. to the Eng. Faaory at Conftantinoplc. Heb.i.14. 8° 1 71 3. Levant Co. CROSSL\GE Richard, B. D. Prefident of Pemb. Hall, Camb. Jfai.xxxii. 17. 8"i7i8. Peace and Joy, Rewards of Rightcouf- nefs. keen's. Camb, I Their, v. 17. 8° 1720. Pradical Difc. on Prayer. Wore. Oxon^ 3 % Tlie lame. b ^, The fame, * Sermons O F A U T H O R S, &c. 95 * Sermons in 8° 1722. 1 Pet. iv. 8. 8" 1722. Char. f. Pf.iv.6. 8° 1732. The Love and Favour of God, the true and only Happinefs. Brit. M. GROSSMAN Henry, M. A. R. of little Cornard, Suffolk. * Deut xxiii. 9. 8° 1758. Fall. The fufficiency from Faft-days to avert the divine Judgment without a continued Reformation and Obedience to the divine Laws. *Johnii.i6, 4° 1769. Vif. GROSSMAN Samuel, DD. Dean of Briftol. 2 Kings xi. 8. 4° 1680. b. Artill, Company. Lam. iv. 20. 4°! 681. Jan. 30. 2 f. Pf. cxxxii. 8. 4'' 1682. Matt. xxiv. 12. 4° 1686. AfTize. CROWE William, DD. R. of St, Botolph's Bilhopgatc-Strcct and Chaplain in Ord. Pf. cxxii.6. 8° 1724. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. The Duty of promoting the public Peace. Sio>i. J* Ezra ix 13, 14. 4" 1734. b. Lord Mayor. Brit.M. J *Prov. xvii. 14. 8° 1735. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Brit.M. Pf. cxlvi. 3-5. 4° 1737. On the Death of Queen Caroline, i^eens. Camb, Phil.ii.4. 4° 1740. Col. Georgia. The Duty of public Spirit recommended, t^uccn^s. Camb. II Sermons in 8° 1744. On feveral Occafions. keen's. Camb, CROWE William, LLB. Fell, of New Coll. Oxon. * Exod. xii. 2.'.. 4°i78i. Oxon. Nov. 5. b. Univ. CROWTHER John * I John i. 8,9. 8° 1745. 3 Wedn. in Lent, at Leed's Chapel. CROWTHER Jofcph, DD. Preb. of Worccfler. Matt, xxiii. 23. 4" 1685. Of Tythes. CROXALL Sam. DD. Chapl. in Ord. and Can. Refid. of Hereford. Johnxiii.35. 8° I 71 5. Incendiaries, no ChrilHans. Ifai. xxxviii. 18, 19. 8° 1723. Th. f. 1 Tim.iv. 6. 4" 1724. Conf. of Bp. Egerton. iilueens. Camb. Prov. XXV. 5. 8° 1730. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Bod. Wore. Oxon. i^eens. Camb. Sion. * 2 Sam. xii. 7. 8° 1738. The royal Sin, or Adultery in a King rebuked. Bal. Line. Oxon. Pf. Ixxxvii. 7. 8°i74i. Hereford. The Antiquity, Dignity, and. Advantages of Mufick. AllS. Oxon. ^leens. Camb. CRUSO Timothy *Ecclel.iii. 2. 4° 1688. Fun. of Henry Brownfivord. Brit.M. *Ecclef.vii. 11.8° 1688. Fun. J* Num. xxiii. 23. 4" 1689. Th. f. Pub L. Camb. Brit.M. * Difcourfes in 2 Vol. 12" 1698 and 1699. CRUSO Timothy * Ads xxiv. 14. 8" 1734., Chriilian Worihipper of God. CUDWORTH 96 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER CUDWORTH John. B- D. R. of KioMington, Oxon. Matt vi. 23. 4** 1688. Oxon. Cone, ad CI. Fides Ecclefias An- glicanje vindicata ab Incertudine. Bod. Cb. Ch. Magd. Oxon. Pab L, Camb. CUDWORTH Ralph, DD. Mafler of Chrift's Coll. and Hebrew- ProfclTor, Camb. 1 John ii 3,4. 8° 1670. p. 105. Bod. Univ. All S. CX.C. Wadh. Oxon. Tnn. Camb. CROWNFIELD Henry, B. D. formerly Vice Prefident of QH^n's Coll. Camb. and now R. of South -Walfham, Norfolk- 2 Tim. XV!. 17 8° 1752. Norwich. Effay on the H. Scriptures. * Sermons in 8" 1752. Againft Enthufiafra. CUDWORTH William * Luke ii. 29,31 . 8° 1751. CULL Francis, R. of Snave in Romncy Marfii, Kent. I Cor. ix 16. 8° I 73 1. Vif. [CULVERWELL Nathaniel] *Difcourl"cs in 4"! 661. CUMBERLAND Denifon, Bp. of Clonfert, Ireland. * Luke XV. 10. 4° 1764. b. Gov. Magd. Hofp * John xvi. 2,3. 4° 1765. Dublin. Nov. 5. CUMING Patrick, » Regius Profellbr of Divinity, Edinburgh. Pf XXXV. 12. 8" 1745. Fall. Reb. Biit.M. CUMING Patrick, a DD. *Matt.ii,5. 8° 1760. Prop. Chrillian Knowledge. V. Scotch Preacher. V. i. p. 252. i^lyeen^i. Camb. CUMMING John, M. A. :j;*Mark xiii. 37. 8° 1724. Fun. oi- Benjamin Rohinfon. Brit.M. * 2 Chron. xi'v \\. 8° 1739. ■^"''g Afa's Pravcr. QVMMING John, M. A. MiniRer of the Scotch Church in Loth- bury, London. Jofhua xxiii. I 4. 8° 1694. Fun. *Pf. xii. I. 8° I 71 4. b; Dillent. Clergy. Pf. xxi. II. 8° 1717. Nov. 5. Eton. Judeiii. 8° 17 19. b. a Soc. of young Men. Advice to contend for the Faith once delivered to the Saints. Bod. CUMMING Patrick James iii. 17. 8° 1 726. Open, a Synod in Scotland. J?/o». CUMMIN GS George Rom.xiii.4. 8°i7i3. Th. f. Sion. Matt. iii. 16, 17. 4°J7i3. Trin. S. Human Reafon fatisfied. , D. Phil. i. 21. 4° 1702. Fun. CUTHBERT Andrew, M. A R. of Wolves Newton and Mafter of the Free-fchool at Monmouth. CUTLORE Jofeph, R. of St, Mary Tower, Ipfwich. Exod.xx. 7. 4" 1682. Aff. f About Swearing, p. i. JUS. Ox. Trin. Pub. L. Camb. Eton. Rom.xii. 16. 4° 1682. Ail', f. About conceited Wifdom. p. 19. D. P. V- of St. Georges's Church, Doncafler, Yorkfhire. Pf.cvii.43. 4° 1707. Th. D. R. formerly of Trin. Coll. Dublin. Pf. cxii.6. 8° 1729. Fun. of Abp King. DAGGE Jonathan, M. A. R. of Endelion, and V. of Fowey at Trum, Cornwall. Pf. xlv. 6. 4° 1 7 Matt. xxiv. 46. 4° 1703. Oxon. Fun. of Rob. Barton. Pf. cxxvii. I. 4° 1709. Affize. DAGGE Robert, M. A. Fell, of Bal. Coll. Oxon. and R. of Stoke A.bbot, Dorfetf. Pf. Ivii. 7,8. 8" 1746. Sherborne. Affize. Proteus, or the Jefuit detefled in every Shape. DAHME * Sermons in 8° 1758. - - - - - * Sermons in 8° 1775. - - - - - DAILLE John, Minifter of the reformed Church in Paris. *49 Sermons in fo. 1672. on St. Paul's Epiitle to the Coloflians, in 3 parts. Tranflated by F.S. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Fub.L, Camb. DALTON John, DD. Preb. of Worceller, and R. of St. Mary at Hill, London. Prov. ix. I. 4° 1745. Gxon» 2 f. Rebellion. AIIS. Wore, Brit.M. Vol. II. N Gal, 98 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Gal. ii. 1 8. 4° 1 747. Nov. 5. Wcu. Oxon. *Difcourfes in 8° 1757. on Icveral Subjefts and Occafions, DALTON J. Minifter of the Gofpcl at Coventry. * 15 Sermons in 8° 177 1. *Johnxiv. 28. 8° 1773. Fun. Rev. P. Sim/on. DAMPIER Thomas, DD. Dean of Rochefler. * Ezek. xviii. 3. 4" 1782. Fait. b. Commons. DANE John, DI>. R, of All Saints, Colcheiler. Luke ii. 1,2. 4° 1705. Vif. Set Forms and Times of Prayer, 2 Cor. i. 10, 4" I 710. Irilli Maffacre. Bod. Sion. Prov. xxix. 8. 4° 171 1. Gal vi. 9, 10. 4" 1712. Char. f. DANNYE Robert, DD. R. of SpofForth, Yorkfhire. Prov. xxix. 2. 4° 1718. York. Affize. DANVERS Arthur, a LL. B. R. of Ardagh, Cloyne. *Heb. ix. 22. 4° 1736. Recantation of a Perfon from Popery. D'ANVERS Arthur a *Matt. V. 14. 8° 17 1 2. Vif. DARCH John, V. of Long Benton, Northumberland. *Jamcsi.27. 4° 1766. b. Soris,oi Cltx^y ■&x.NetvcaJ}le. Ex. Oxon. DARE William * John xiii. 34. 8° 1747. b. Frce-Mafons. DJRRJCOTT Rijdon William * Sermons in 12" 1756. Scripture Marks of Salvation. DAVENPORT John, B D. Zach.i. 3. 4° 1669. Camb. at 2 public Falls. Sten, [DAVID R.j *----- I 781. Fall. Hypocritical Fall, DAVIDSON Robert, R. of Hayes, Kent. Ezek. xxxvii. 22. 4" 1707. Th. for Union. DA FID S O N Thomas, a M. A. * 2 Tim. iv. 6-8. 8° 1749. Fun. of Rev. J. Harrifon. Pub, i, C. DAVIDSON Thomas, ^ M. A. *Ecclef. xii. i. 8° 1772. To young Perfons. DAVIES E. V. of Dunchurch, Warwick. Pf. xci. 3. 8° 1720. Fall, from Plague. DAVIES Edward, M. A. Preb. of Landaff. *Lukexix. 5. 8" 1769. DAVIES James, R. of Barton Mills, SufF. and Preb. of Rippon. Pf. cxix. 57. 4° 1679. Good Man's Portion Bod. Trin. Oj^n, DAVIES James, M. A. Cur. of Llandillo, Radnorlhirc. Pf.lxxxv. 8. 4° 1716. Th. DAVIES Rowland, Dean of Cork, Ireland. *- - - - - 4" 1 71 6. 30 Jan. Xtian Loyalty. Luke xvi.9. 8° 1717. Dublin. Char. f. DAVIES Samuel, MA. V. of Glynd. *Mark x. 14. %" 1758. Children invited to Chrift. a ^ The fame. b ^ The fame. VAVm O F A U T H O R S, &c. 99 *Pf.ci. 2. 8° 1777. Vif. Rational Religion recommended. DAFIES S^mutl, M. A. late Prefident ot" the College at Princeton, New Jerfey. *2Sam. X. 12. 8° 1755. Religion and Patriotifm. * Gen. xviii. 19. 12" 1758. The good Soldier. * Jerem. xlvii.io. 8"i758. b, the Militia in Virginia. The Cure of Cowardice. * Sermons in 3 vol. 2,° ijS6 and 1771, on the moft important and uietul Subjecfts, adapted to the Family and Clofet. In the firft Vol. are prefixed 2 Sermons by Sam.Fui/cy, DD .and T. Gibbons, DO. .A 'iV.O. * Rom xiv. 7, 8. > ^^ ^j^^ j^^^^j^ ^f ^j^^ ^^^^ 5^ ^_,.,;^^^ *Ephel. 1. 1 1. 5 DAVIES Thomas * Amos ix. 2. 8'' 16 DAVIES Thomas, M. A. R. of little Hollingbury, Eflex. 16 Difc. in 8" 1720. The Faith and Pradtice of a Xtian. DAVILLE John, B. A. Mailer of a Grammar Sch. in York. Ephef. V. 6. 8° 1745. ^'>''^- Rebellion. DAVIS George, M. A. Ailiilant Preacher at St. Paul's Covent-Gar- _ den, London. *Jon. iii. 10. 4° 1758. Faft. National Repentance, the only Means df averting national Judgments, * 2 Chron. XV. 2. 4° 1763. Th. f. DAVIS Richard Heb. xiii. 17. 8° DAVISON Thomas, M. A. of St. John's Coll. Camb. 2 Pet. ii, 4. 4" 168:?. The Fall of Angels. Heb. X. 23. 4° i68''8. [DAVY J. Minilkr at Croydon, Surry. t * Ecclef. xi. 4. 7 00 a r n -^ ;ir i * or • ^ J-8 i7'S' 2 Ace. 1. Brit.M. X * rl. cxxvi. 5. J ' -^ DAVYES Hatton, V.ofAmwell, Herts. Ephef. iv. 14. 4° 1708. DAWES (lately of St. Pancras) of Hawkfliead, Lancaft. * 4 Sermons in 8° 1 773. DAWES Thomas, B. D. Miniller of St. Mary's in Shrewsbury. 2 Chron. XXV. 24. 4° 1695. Roy. Fun. DAWES Sir William, Arch-Bifliop of York. *Exod. xxiii. 9. 8° 16 Prov. iv. 24. 4° 1687. His whole Works in 3 Vol. 8° 1733. Pub.L. Trin, Camb. Sicn. Occaf. f. St. John''s. Camb. DAWSON Benj. LL.D. R. of Burgh, SufFoIk. * Prov.xxii. 6. 4° 1759. Religious Education, ^eens. Camb. *8 Sermons in 8" 1765. At Lady Moyer's Left. An Illuftration of feveral Texts of Scripture, particularly wherein the Legos _ occurs. !^ee/i'j, Camb. N 2 * Luke 100 AN HI.STORICAL REGISTER *Lukexiii. 3. 4° 1^79. Fail. National Depravity, the Caul'c and Mark of divine Judgment upon a Land. DAWSON Eli, Chapl. of his Majetty's Ship, Sterling Caltle. *Pf. xviii, 49, 4° 1760. on taking of ^ebec. DAPFSON Henry, Minilter of the Gofpel. *Rev. i. 10. 12° 1777. DAWSON William PhiLiv. 13. 8° DAY Henry, M. A. Pf. cxxii. 6. 4° 1696. Th. Trin. DAT Robert *2Tim.ii.6. 8° 1779. b. Educ. Society. 5r//?tf/. DATE James *Johnxvii. 4,5. 4°i752. Vuv\.o^ Cal. Rotheram, DD. ^een*s. C. *-----! 752. Ord. DAYRELL Richard, DD. R. of Lillingfton-Dayrell, Bucks. * Pf xcv. 1,2. 4° 1759 '^^- ^' Commons. DEALTRY R. B. M. A. of Trin. Coll. Camb. * Job xxix. 2. 4° 1782. Tork. Lunatic Afylum. D'Affigny Marius, ^.I>, Rev. ii 10 4° 1670. D'ASTOR de Lauffac A. formerly a Prior and Arch-Deacon of the Church of Rome. *Num.xxiv.5. 4°i700. The Xrtcr of the true Ch. Ch.Ch. Ox. D'AUVERGNE E M A. Prov. vii. 10, 1 1. 4° I 705. Sch. Feaft. D'COETLOGAN Char. M A Chapl to the Lock-Hofpital, Lond. * Judges iii. 20. 12 1773.- The Divine MefTage. * Sermons on Pf. v. in 2 vol. 8° 1775.. The Portraiture of the Xtian Penitent, * Ifai. Iviii. 13, 14 8° 1776 Obfervation of the Lord's-day. * Joel ii. 15-18. 8° 1776. National Profperity and N. Religion infeparable. *Ecclef. xii. I. 8° 1777. Youth's Monitor. * Job i. 20-22. 8° 1778. Submiffion under Afflidlions. *ifai. Ivii. 1,2. 8° 1778. Fun. of Rt. Hon. Sir. Sidney Stafford > Smythe. Death of the Righteous, a public Lofs. *iCor, XV. 10. 8° 1780. Anniv. f. 0\\ the Converfion of St. Paul. The Scripture Doftrine of Grace. D'COURCY V. of St. Alkmonds. Shrewlhury. * 2 Sam. xii 7. 8" 1773. Nathan's Mefl'age to David. • *Chron.xx 3,4. 8° 1777. ^^^^- 2 f . * Jer. V. 29. 8" 1778. Fall. 2 f . DEBORDS Lewis, R. of St. Lawrence, and Chaplain to the Duke of Dorfet. ^ ' I Tim. ii. 1,2. 8° 1723. Affize. DE GOl.S Gerard, R. of St. Peter's, Sandwich, Kent. Pf. xxiii. 4. 8''i7ii. To a condemned Perlon. i.. ;-'l»Jaih. i, 3. 8°i7i4. On a Storm. * John O F A U T H O R S, &c. lox ♦Johnv. 28,29. 8° 1720. * 2 Chron. vii. 43,14. 8" 1721. Fall. DELAFAYE Theod M.A. R. of Mildred and all Saints, Canterbury. 1 Pet. li. 1 3, 14. 8° 1745. Eled. Mayor. Obedience to Gover- nors llated and enforced Gal.v. I. 8° 1745. Rel). f. The proper Conduft of the Subjeft under the prefent Troubles explained Hofeavi. I. 8° 1746. Fall. Rcb. The proper Improvement of national Judgments. Pf. L'.v 5. 8"" 1751. God, the Mariner's only Hope. *Rom.iii. 8 8° 1753. Inoculation an indefenfible Pradlice. * Amos V. 6. 4° 1757. Fall. •Rev. iii iq,20. 4° 17^8. Fall. DELANY Patrick, DD. Dean of Down, Ireland. *Prov. XXV. 4, 5. 8°1738. Jan. 30. b. Ld. Lieutenant. ^eet!s. Camb, Brit M. John xiii. 34. 4° i 744. Irifli Prot. School. AtlS. Wore. Oxen, ^.cen's Camb, 20 Sermons Vol. i. in 8° 1747. (2d Edit.) On focial Duties, and their oppofite Vices. Brtiz. N Nezv.C. Oxon. ^een's. Camb. Exod.xx. 17. 8° 1748. Of Tythes. * 16 Difcourfes Vol. 2. in 8° 1754. Againll the reigning Vani- ties of the Age. Braz. N. Oxon. * Pf cxxii. 6-9. 4'' 1763. Til. f. Braz.N. Oxon. ^een's. St. Jsbn^s. Camb. * Mat. V 27, 28. 4° 1763. b. Gov. Magd Hofp, . * I Tim, vi. 18, 19. 4° 1763. Ann. meeting Char. School, .^^//.y. Wore. Oxon, St. Johns Camb. * Matt. xxvi. 26-28. 4° 1766. Ag. Tranfubftantiation. * 18 Difcourfes Vol. 3. in 8° 1766. Upon various very important and interefting Subjedls. JUS. Univ. Trin Magd. Bal. Or. St. John^s. Pemb. Oxon. Kin^s.Trin. CLH, Camb. DE LA ROSE John *Rev.xiv. 13. 8°i7i5. Fun of Tim. Jollie. ^een^s. Camb. DELAP John, DD. *Heb. xiii.8. 4° 1762. Cantab. Concio Acad. Mundi perpetuus Adminillrator Chriflus. DELAUNE William, DD. Prefident of St. John's and Marg. Pro- feflor of Divinity, Oxon. Matt xxvii. 25. 4° 1702. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Ch.Cb. JUS. Oxon. St. "John's. Camb. I 2 Sermons in 8" 1728. Upon fev. Subjefls. Bod Ch.Cb. Bal. St. John's. PForc. Camb. Pub. L. Camb. Sio». DELL George. LLB. R. of Foulnefs, Effex. Prov, iii. 13-15. 4°i7ii. b. Comp. Goldfmiths. [DELL William] * Sermons in 8°i7co. [DELME ] *Jer.x. 22-25. 4° 1 701, DENHJM 102 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER DENHJM Jo/. Miniller in AylifF-ftreet, Goodman's Fields, Lond. * Gal. vi. 9,10. 8° 1741. Char. f. DENHAM William, M. A. V. oi Stoiieleigh. * - - - - 1736. * ] John iv. 9. 8° 4742. Chriftmas. *Ephef. iv.8. 8''i743 Alcenfion. .;. * Rom. xiii. I. 8° 1745. Jan. 30. * Heb. viii. 12. 8° 1 745. On the Execution of a Malefactor. DENNE John, DD. Arch-D. of Rocheller, and R. of Lambeth. 2 Cor. vi. 3. 4° 1720, Corif. Bp. Bradford. The Duty of giving no Offence. Ifai.xlix. 1-4. 4° 1723. Vif. The Labours of a Chriftian Mi- niitcr, together with his Reward, keen's. Camb. Brit. M. Mark iv. 30-32. 4°i725. Ordin. Trin. f. The Miraculous Suc- cefs of the Golpel in its firll preaching, a good Proof of its di- vine Origin and Authority, ^celt's. Camb. Adsxix. 5,6. 4''i726. and 1737. Conf. The Nature, Defign, and Benefits of Confirmation, keen's. Camb. I Cor. X. 31. 4° 1729. Ref. Manners. Tiie Duty of doing all things to the Glory of God. ^eeri's. Camb. Matt vi. 28-30. 4°i73o. Fairchild's Left. The Wifdom of God . in the vegetable Creation, ^eeti's. Camb. Markxvi.ij. 4°i730. Prop. Gofpel. Want of Univerfality, no jull Objeftion to the Truth of the Chriltian Religion. Slueen's. Camb. Brit. M. Gen.i.ii-13. 4°i733. Fairchild's Left. Th. Wifdom and Good- nefs of God in the vegetable Creation, i^een's. C. Brit.M, Deut vi.6,7. 4° 1736. An. meet. Char. Schools. aChron.ix. 4. 8° 1737. Accelf. b. Commons. The Bleffing of a Proteftant King and royal Family to the Nation. Brit.M. Heb. xiii. 7. 4° 1738. Conf. of Bp. Herring, ^een's. Cabm. Pf.Ix, 10-12. 4° 1740. Spittal T. 1 Kings XX. II. 4° 1744. The religious, moral and civil State of the Nation confidered. ^/een^s. Camh. Brit.M, 2Pet. i. 16. 4° I 745. Cone, ad Cler. LorJ. ^een's. Cam. Sien. Pf. viii, 4-6. 8° 174?. Fairchild's Left. God's regard to Man in his Works of Creation and Providence, i^/een's. Cam. Brit. M. DENNE John, M. A. Miniiler of Maidllonc, Kent, and Fellow of C. C. C. Camb. * I Tim. ii. 2. 4" 1753. Eleft. of a Mayor. DENNIS Samuel, M. A. R. of St. Swithun's, Worceft. Eccief. V I. 4"" 1736. On open, that Church. Wore. Oxon. DENT Edivard Rev.xiv. 13. 4° 1692. Fun. of Will. Baker. Everlailing Bleffed- nefs. Bid. Brit. M. DEm Giles 2 Sam.v. 3. 4° 1707. Th. for Union. Pub. L. Cam. Eton. Sion. * Pf. Ixxxix. 47,48. 4*'i7o8. Roy. Fun.'i'//^. Z,. Camb. Pf.cxxiv. 1-3. 4*'i7ii. Nov. 5. Eton. *Iiai.32 1,2, 8' 1712. Pui'.L. Crtmb. Pf. OF AUTHORS, &c. 103 Pf. xxxvi.7. 8° 171 3. Nov. 5. Etcn. DENTON Thomas, late of Queen's Coll. Oxon. * Matt. XXV. 36. 8° 1775. Prifoncr relieved. DERBY Richard, V. of Turnworth, Dorfet. Pf. cxxii. 6. 8°i7i7. Aflize. Love to our Church and Nation recommended. DERHAM Will. DD. R. of Upminfter and Canon of Windfor. Pf.iii.2. 8° 1727. Phyfico — Theology. Bod. Ch.Ch.Vniv NezvC. Trin. St. John's. Bal. Wore. Wadh, Hert. Oxon. Trin. St Johns. ^eens. CI. H. Camb. Adsxxvi. 28. 8° 1730. Xto— Theology. Ch.Ch. Univ. NezvC. Trin. St. John 5. Bal. Wore. Wadh. Hert. Oxon. i^eens. Cam. DESAGULIERS John, M.A. Chapl. to the Earl of Caernar\'on. *Lukexiii. 5. 8° 1717. b. King. DEVEREL Mary, of Briftol. * Sermons in 8° 1777. On various Subjedls. DEFIS James * - - - - 1756. Nov. 5. DTBBEN Thomas, DD. Precentor of St. Paul's, London, and R. of great Fontmel, Dorfetlhire. aCor. iv. 3. 8''i7ii. Vif. Ch.Ch. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. DICK Robert, DD. one of the Minifters of Edinburgh. *Deut. xxix. 2g. 8'' 1758. b. Synod. Simplicity, Popularity and Suitablenefs of divine Revelations, i^ren's. Camb. J* A(fi:s XXXV. 34-39. 8''i762. Edinb. The Counfel of Gamaliel. Prop. Xn. Knowledge. Brit.M. V. Scotch Preac. v. 2. p. 281. DICKENS Charles, LLD. * foe) ii. I 2, 1 3. 4° 1757. Faft. for War. DICKSON James Practical Difcourfes in 8° 1 731. Edinburgh. DICKINSON John,'' * Pf.lxxxi. 6,7. 8" I 737. Roy. Fun^ DICKINSON John, =» * Piov.xx. 10. 8" 1779. ^Z' f^^^s Weights and Meafures. DILLINGHAM William, DD. R. of Woodhil, Bedfordf. 1 Their, v. 21. 4°i66i. 2 Tim. iv. 7,8. 4° 1678. Fun. of Lady Eliz. Alfton. Bod. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. DINGLEY William, B. D. Fell, of C.C.C.Oxon. Pf.civ. 33,34. 8" 1713. Oxon. On St. Cecilia's day. Cathedral Service decent and ufeful. Bod. Wore. Ch.Ch. Line. Oxon. St, Johns. Camb. DINSDALE Joflma *2Cor.vi. 6. 8° 1 740, Char.f. DISNEY John, R. of Kirby fuper Baine, Lincolnf. and V. of St. Mary's, Nottingham. Johnxv. 18, 19. 8°i720. Nov. zi. Etcn. Adsxxiii.12. 8° 1,720. Nov. 5. Bod. a ^ The fame? iPet. 104 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER 1 Pet ii. II. 8° 1722. Prov. xxiv. 21. 8° 1722. Nottingham. Jan. 30. 2 -^am. xxiii. 3. 8. 1724. PIzek.xvii. 1 8,19. 8° 1724. Nottingham. Affile. Gal. V. 13. 8°i727, Aflize. Liberty and the Abufe of Libert/, DISNEY John, DD. R. of Panton, and V. cf Swindcrby, Lincoln, and Chapl. to the Lord Bp. of Carlifle. *4Serm.in 8"i77i. on Xtmas, Good-Frid. Eafter, Whitfunday. * Pf. xcvi 9. 8° 1773. Open, a Church after new feaiing it. * Rom. xiv. 5. 4" 1777. Vilit. * 2 TliefT. iii. 10. 12" 1781. A Spirit of Induftry recommended, DISTERNELL Jofiah, M.A. of Pembroke-Hall, Camb. *Heb.xiii. I. 4" 1777. b. Antigallicans. DIXON Robert, DD. Preb. of Rochefter. 2 Chron. xx. 12. 8° 16 DOBSON John, B.D. Fell, of Magd. Coll. Oxen. I Thefl. iv. I 3. 4'' 1670. Fun. of Lady Mary Farmor. Bod. Magd. Line Oxen. Fub. L.Trin. Camb. Sion. DOBSON Jolhua Coloir. ill. 15.^ Relig. Gratitude expl. & rclig. & civ. Lib. reform. 8° 1 747. 2 f . ) Xty and Loyalty to the pref. Gov. recommended. DOBBS Richard, DD. of Liiburn, Ireland. *Rev. vi 2- 8° 1762. Th. f. A remarkable Accomplilhment of a noted Scripture Prophecy. DOCKWRAY Thomas, M.A. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. and Ledlurer of St. Nicholas's Church, Newcaftle. * John iii. 8. 8° 1743. Whitfunday. *Pf. ii. 1 1. 4° 1754. Conf. of a Church. *Matt. xxii. 37-40. 4^ 1754- Infirmary zl NezccaJIlc. DOD Samuel, M. A. Fell, of Clare-Hall, Camb. and Ledurer of St. Catherine, Colemanftreet, London. I Pet. vi. 10. 4° 1714. Sch. Fealt. CI. H. Camb. Brit. M. DOD Thomas, M.A. Fell, of Braz N. Coll. Oxon. Matt.vii.12. 8°i7i7. Oxon. Affize. Rule of Equity. Bod. Magd. Line. IVorc Oxon. St. 'Johns. Camb. DODD W. LL D. V.of Weltham, and Preach, at the Magd. Hofp.&c. *Gen iii. 16. 8° 171^4. b. Gov. Lying-Hofp. * Matt. vi. 6-18. 8"i757. 2 f. Nature and Neccffity of Fading. *Luke ,\ix. 22. 8° 175 5. Sinner condemned by his own Prayers. * Sermons in 2 vol 8° 1757. on the Parables of our Saviour. ♦Sermons in 2 vol. 8° 1757. on the Miracles of our Saviour. *Deut xxiii. 9. 8" 1758 Faft. People's Duty when the Holl is gone forth againfl the Enemy. *Matt.ix. I 2, 1 3. 4° 1759. At the Magdalen Hofp. *Ephei.iv. 3. 4°i7!;9. Cautions ag. Methodilm. * Jobxxix. 1 1-13. 4° 1759. b. Gov. of Magd. Hofp. * Pi. civ. 24. 4° 1759. Apothecary's Feall. Wifdom and Good- ncfs of God in the vegetable Creation. *Lukexix JO. 4° 1760 At the Magd. Hofp. * I Cor. XV 36-38. 4" 1760. Apothecary's Feaft. OF AUTHORS, &c. 105 * 2Sam. xxiii. 4. 4°i76i, Apothecary's Feaft. *Lukexv. 13. 8°i763. Youth difluaded from Vice. *Prov, xiv. 28. 4° 1767. b. Gov. Small pox Hofp. Innoculation recommended. * 2Sam. xii. 23. 8° 1767. Mutual Knowledge in a future State. ^een't. Camb. * James iii. 15. 8° 1768. Popery inconfillent with the Rights of Engliflimen. * Mark ii. 27, z8. i 2" 1 768. Sabbath-day wcll-fpent. Ground of Comfort throuhout the Week. * Sermons in 8" 1769. On the Duties of the Great, tranflated from Monf. MafiUon. *----- 1771 For Benefit of Debtors. *Exod.xx.i3. 8°i772 Frequent Punifhments, inconfillent with Juftice Policy and Religion. * Sermons in 12° 3 Vol. 1772. To Young Men. Bod, Pub.L. Camb. Sion. * Exod, ii. 6. 4° 1773. b. Gov. of Difpenfary for Infant-poor, *Zech.iv 6. 4° 1774. b. Gov. of Magd. Hofp. * Matt. XXV. 36. 8° 1774, The Prifoner releafed. *Lukevii. 22. 8° 1777. Addrefs to Prifoners. DODDRIDGE Philip, DD, late Miniiler at Northampton. Rev. ii. 10. 8° 17 Fun. * 10 Sermons in 12° 1736. On the Power and Grace of Chrift, or the Evidences of his glorious Gofpel. Dr Ws's. L. * Luke ix. s5.5^- 8" 1736. Abfurdity and Iniquity of Perfecu- tion for Confcience fake. *2Cor. iv. ij: 8° 1737. Ord. The Temper and Conduft of a primitive Minifter of the Gofpel. *Amosiv. II 8° 1732. After a Fire. * Prov. xxiv. 1 1,12. 8" 1742. b. Diflent. Clergy. The Evil and Danger of negledling the Souls of Men. Qjjeer^s, Camb. *Ephef. ii.8. 8''i742. '2f. * Luke i. 74, 75. 8^1745. 2f. On the Flight of the Rebels. *Pf. vli. 1,3. 8° 1743. Infirm. 3,x. Northampton. Compaflion to the fick recommended and urged ^leen^s. Camb. *4Sermonsin 8''i743. ^" the religious Education of Children. Dr.lVs's.L. ^een's. Camb * 2 Kingsiv. 26. 8''i737. Fun. of a Child. Submiffion to Divine Providence in the Death of Children. * 18 Practical ferm- in 8° 1742. On Regeneration, to which are added 2 ferm. on Salvation by Grace through Faith. * Matt xi. 23,24. 8^ 1750. On occafion of a 2d fhock of an Earthquake. * John XI. 35. 8° 1750. Fun. * Trads in 3 Vol. I2°i76i. DODGSON Charles, Bp. of Olfory, Ireland. *Prov. iii, 27. 4*^ 1761. b. Gov. Middlefex Hofp. * Ifai Iviii. 6-8. 4° 1768. Ir. Prot, School. Vol, IL ' O " DODSON io6 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER. DODSON Jofeph, M. A. * 2 Tim. ii. 24. 8° 1720. b. Diff. Clergy. *i2Difc. in 8° 1 728. DODSLET R. *Prov.vii. 17. 8° 1745. Pleafure, the beft ReJigion. V. End of Dodfley's Trifles. DODWELL William, DD. Arch-D. of Berks, R. of Shotteibrook and Canon Refid. of Sarum. zThefl". 1,7,9. 8° 1743. Oxen. 2 f. Eternity of Hell-torments. Won. Oxon. Brit. M. 1 Pet, 1,8. 8° 1 744. Oxon. Vif. The Defireablenefs of the Chriftian Faith. ^W. Oxon. iPet. iri. 15. 8° 1745. Oxc». 2 C. Of a rational Faith, againll Chriftianity not founded on Argument. Wore. Oxon. zCor.xiii. 14. 8°i745. Oxo». Pradical Influence of the Trinity, Wore. Oxon. Practical Difcourfes on moral Subjefts. Vol. I. 8" 1748. Vol. 2. 8° 1749. BoJ. Braz.N. Oxon. Rom xiii. 3. 8° 1750. Oxon. Aflize. The Nature, Extent and Support of human Laws. Wore. Oxon. Rom. ix. 3. 8° 1752. Oxon. St. Paul's Wifli explained. Wore, Oxon. Slueeji's. Camb. * Difcourfes in 8° 1754. Preached before the Univerflty. *Pf.xxxi. 7. 8° 1754. 2 f . The Nature, Mifchiefs and Remedy of Superftition Wore. Oxon. *Prov xvii. I 5. 8° 1755. Aflize. Equal and impartial Difcharge of Jultice. Wore. Oxon. *Ifai.xxix 6. 8° 1756. 2 f . Fait. Doflrine of divine Vilitations by Earthquakes. ♦Pfxxxiv. II, 4° 1758. An.meet.Ch. Schools. AllS, Braz.N, Oxon. ^cert's. Camb. *Exod. xxxiii. I. 8° 1758. Aflize. The falfe Witnefs reproved. Wore. Oxon. * Pf xxxiii. 13-15. 8° 1760. 2 f . Particular Providence ftatcd* Wore BrazN. Oxon. ^een's. Camb. * Jerem.xlix. 10. 8° 1760. b. Sons of the Clergy. * Tit. i. 7-9. 4° 1757. Conf. Bp. of Sarum. JUS. Oxon. * Prov. xix. 17. 8" 1 768. Inf. at Salisbury, DOLBEN John, Abp of York. John xix. ig, 4^* 1665. Good-friday b. K. Bodi Ch.Ch. Magdi Oxon. Trin. Camb. Sion Pf liv. 6,7. 4° 1665 Th. b.K. Bod. Ch.Ch. Ox. Trin. C. Sion, Pf xviii. 1-3. 4° 1666. Th. b. King. For Viftory at Sea. Cb, Ch. Wore. Oxon. DOLBEN Sir John, Bart. DD. Preb. of Durham. Heb. xiii. i. 4*° 1726. Cone, ad CI. Wore. Oxon. DOMETT Philobeth, M. A. V. of Axminfter and Bovey-tracy, Dcvonftiire. *Tit.ii. xc, 8" 1741. Vif, DO.MINICK OF AUTHORS, &c. J07 DOMTNICK Andrew, DD. R. of Stratfieldfay, Hants. Pf. xxii. 12,13. 4°i662. Jan. 30. Dies Nefaftus. DONALDSON Thomas, M, A. Minifter of the Gofpcl at Liffe. Pf cxxxiii. I- 8° 1734. Edinburgh, b Synod. DONGWORTH Richard, M. A. V. of Long Owersby, Line. Deut. V. 29. 4° 1708. Bod. Affize, DOOLITTLE Samuel Ifai. xxix 6. 4° 1693. On the Earthquakes. Bed. DOOLITTLE Thomas, M. A. Jer. vi.6. 4° 1675. ni. e. P. p. 165. Popery a Novelty. jolhua xxiv. 15. 4°i676. f. m. e, p. 295. Concerning Fam. Pray^ 1 John V 13. 4° 1677 m.e.C. p. 240. AfTurai.ce poffible. * 1 Cor. xi. 26. 12° I 682. Lord's lail Sufferings. 2Cor. iv. 18. 4° 1683. cm.e. p. 979. Of eying Eternity in all we do. POPPING Anthony, Ep, of Meath, Ireland. 2Cor. V. I. 4° 1694, Fun. of Abp. of Dublin. DORMAN William, M. A. 12 Sermons in 8° 1742. Preached at the Rolls Chapel. Sion.. DORRINGTON Theophilus, M.A. R. of Witterfham, Kent. * I Cor. vii. 31 . 1083. Family Devotions for Sunday Evenings in 4V0I. 8° 1703. Bod. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Trir.. Camb. Dr.WssL. London. Family Inftruflion &c. in fev. praftical Difc. 8° 1705. Bod. Dr. Wss.L. London. Prov. X. 23. 4° 1706. The Regulations of Play. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Sion. Ephef.vi.i8. 8° 1708. Matt. iv. 10. 8° 171 2. Oxon. The Worfhip of God recom- mended. Bud. Ch. Ch. Line. Ox. Trin. St. Johns Carnb. Sion. DOVE Hen. DD. Minifter of c:t. Bride's, Lond. and Chap, in Ord. Pf. Ixiv. 9, 10. 4° 1680. Nov. 5. b. Commons. AllS. Cb.Cb, C.C.C. Magd. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Brit. M. Tit. iii. I. 4° 1682. Eled. Lord Mayor. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pub.L. St. John'' s. Camb. Sion, Aftsxvi. 4,5. 4° 1 685. b. King. C.C.C. Magd. Oxon. Pub.L. Trin. Camb. Brit. M. Jude 3. 4° 1686. Cone, ad Cler. Magd. Or. Wadh. Ox. Pub.L, Trin. Camb. Pf.xviii.23. 4° 1 69 1, b. Q^ Bod. Magd. Ox. Pub.L. Cam. Sien. DOVE Richard, M.A. R. of St. Martin's, Birmingham. *Rom.xii.i5. 8°i76i. Sa/o/). Infirmary. DOUGHTY Markxii. 41-44. 8° 1742. 2 f. A Perfuafive to Charity &c. DOUGHTY Gregory, M. A. Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. Liikeii. 14. 4" 1724. Camb. Commem. Benevolence, ff'orc. Ox. ^ecn''s. Camb. DOUGHTY John, M. A. Minifter of Clerkenwell, and one of the Sand-Evening Lect, at St. Ann and Agnes, Aiderfgatc, Lond. O 2 2 Chron. io8 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER 2 Cor. i 12. 8° 1740. To be good, is to be happy. 1 Thefl. V. 23. 8° 1740. Farcwel. Pf. cvii.34. 4° 1744. ¥^[\. Fire Lond. b. Lord Mayor. 2 Chron. xx. 27-30 4° 1746. Th. for Redudlion of Rebels. Gal. vi. 2. 4° 1753. b. Gov. Lying-in Hofp. Xtian Sympatliy. "^ * 10 Difcourfcs in 8°i76i. Waah. Oxon. DOUGHTY Thomas 1 3 Sermons on the Coronation of King George ift. and Queen Caroline on Chron. xxviii. 10. and 2 Vii". f. on i Sam. ii. 30. 8° 1738. Pub L. Camb, DOUGLASS Thofnas Gal.iv. 4, 5. 4° 1661. DOWJRS William * Ecclef. iii. 4. 8° 1771;. The Expediency and Fitnefs of things confidered and exemplified. [DOWGLASS Robert] 2 Kings xi. 12, 17. iz° \66o. Aberdeen. Bod.Trin. Camb. DOWNES Henry, Bp. of Meath, Ireland. Pf. cxii.9, 10. 4" 1697. 1 he Excellency of public Charity. BoJ, Mogd. Oxon. St. John's. Camb, 1 Tim. i. 8. 8° 1708. Oxon. Affize. The Neceflity and Ufeful- nefs of Laws. Bod. Ch Ch. Univ. Or. Oxon. Sion. Eton. Pf. Ixxvi. 10. 4" 1719, Th. Eton. * 2 Tim. iii. 1,2. 4*^1725. Dublin. May 29. DOWNES Henry, Bp. of Elphin, then of Derry, Ireland. 2 Pet. iii, 15. 4° 1720, Faft. Ch Ch.. Ox-n, Eton. Ecclef. xi. 18. 4° 1 72 1. Dublin. Ch. f. Eton DOWKES John, M. A. late R. of St. Michael's Woodftreet, Lond. 2 Chron. vii. 15, 16. 4°i74i. Conf. Chapel. An Apology for public Worfhip, and Conf. of Churches. Ecclef. iv. 9, 10. 8° 1742. b. Soc. of Cutlers. Brit.M. I Kingsxii.14. 4° 1745. Rebellion. A Popifh Prince, the Peft of a Proteitant People, S>uee^5. Lamb. * I Cor. vi. 20. 8° 1757. Faft. The true national Evil — or Cow- ardice the Cry ; but Corruption the Greviance. * Sermons in 2 Vol, 8*" 1761. On various Subjects. DOWNES Robert, Bp. of Raphoe, Ireland. *Pf. viii. 2. 4° 1750. Irilh Prot. Schools, keen's. Camb. DOWNING George, » Pf.cxliv. 15. 4" 1734. AlTize DOWNING George,^ MA. * Mark viii. 34. 8" 1760. Ref. Manners. D'OYLY Robert, M. A. Pf. Ixxiii. 15. 4° 1710. Providence vindicated, as permitting Wickednefs and Mifchief. IForc. J,f. Oxon, D'OYLY Thomas, LLD. Arch-D. of Lewes, Kenr. *^cclef.xi. I. 4° 1766. b. Gov. Small-pox Hofp. London. a ^ The fame. DRAKE OF AUTHORS, &c. 109 DRAKE Francis * Ephef. iv. 25. 4° 1760. 2 f . Ag. Lying, DRAKE Nath. M. A. V. of Weighton, then of Sheffield, Yorkfliire. Matt.xxviii. 15. 4° 1695. Affize. Ag. Bribery. Prov. xvi. 11.4° 1697. Ag. falfe Weights and Balances. DRAKE Roger, DD. * John. i. I 2, 1 3. 4° 1676. m.e.G. p. 320. The Believer's Dig- nity and Duty opened, Rom. vii. 23. 4° 1677. m.e.C. p. 271. The Difference between the Conflidl in natural and fpiritual Perfons. DRAKE Samuel, =• DD. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. and V. of Pontefrad:, Yorkfhire. Micahvi.8. 4° 1670. Affize. Rom. xiii. 6. 4° 1670. Aihze, The civil Deacon's facred Power. DRAKE Samuel,^ DD. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. Matt.xxvi 29. 8°i7i9. Cone, ad CI. Cant. Vino Euchariftico aqua non neceffario admifcenda. liion. Afls xvii. 22, 23. 4° 1724. Catit. Cone, ad CI. Ara ignoto Deo facra. Or . O:ion. S>ucen''s. Camb. DRAKE W. M. A. Chapl. to Ld Blaney. R. of FuU-Sutton, York. Pf. cxxii. 6-9. 8" 1735. ^o^k' Rebellion. DRAYTON Thomas, DD. 2 Cor. vii. I. DREW Robert, M.A. R. of St. Margaret Pattens. Deut. vi. 12. 8° 1725- Admonition to infolvent Debtors. Sion. I Theff. v. 14. 8° 1735. Ref- Manners, ^tetis. Camb. Brit.M. DRUMMOND Robert, Arch-Bp. of York. Ifai. xix. 2-4. 4° 1748. Jan. 30. b. Commons-. Brit. M. Pf. cxliv. 15. 4" 1749. b. Lords. Th. for Peace. Brit. M. *Job xxix. 16. 4° 1753. An. meet. Ch. fch. Braz. N. Oxon. ^eet/s. Camb. * Deut. xxix, 29. 4° 1754. Prop. Gofpel. Braz.N. Oxon. * Lament, i. 20. 4° 1759. Fall. b. Lords. * I Kings X, 9. 4° 1761. Coronat. of King Geo. III. and Queen Charlotte. SluceT^s. Camb. DUBOIS Peter, M A. Mailer of the Free-fchool,WoodIlock, Oxon. Pf. xxxix. 4. 8° 1732. Benerit of dying, b. Corporation. 1 Cor. xii. 13. 8° 1737. Oxon. A fpiritual but real Union and Communion of the worthy Receiver with God. AllS. Oxon. DUBORDIEU John M. A. Chancellor of St. Afaph, and V. of Layton, Durham. 2 Sam. XV. 21. 4° 1745, Rcb. f, Sion. POBOURUIEU Jean Armand, R. of Sawtrey-Moines, Huntingdon, and Miniller of the French Church in the Savoy. Pf xlvi. 7. 4° 1704. Th. Sep. 7. Bub. L. Camb. Exod. ix. 16. 4° 1707. On the Battle of Ramilies, Pf. xxxix. 9. 8° 1712. hod. Sion. Eton. \ Sam. iv. 13. 8° 1714. Affize, Brit.M. I Sam, X. 24. 8° 171 4. Firit Sunday after the King's Entry. 2 Chron. 1X0 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER zChron.ix. 8. 8° 1715. Acceffion. 2Cor. xi. 26. 8°i7i6. Th. June 7. aSam. xix. 30. 8° 1724. Eton. DUBOURDIEU Ifaac, DD. One of the Miniller's of the French- Church in the Savoy. Rom.xiii. i, 4° 1684. ^^^7 29. WCHAL James *Pf. Jxxxiv. 10.1 *Prov.xii. 28. |- 8" 1728. The Praa. of Rdig. recomm. Sr.M, * viii. 6. J * 10 Serm. in 8° 1753. On prefumptive Arguments for the Truth and divine Authority of the Xtian Religion, to which is added a Sermon on God's moral Government. iForcBraz.N. Oxon. PuU. Trin. Camb. Brit. M. * 1 8 Sermons (Pofth.) vol. i . in 8*' 1 762. 1 * 16 Sermons (Pofth.) vol. 2. in 8" 1764. > keen's. Camb. * 18 Ge. mens (Pofth.) vol.3, in 8° 1764.3 DUCHE Jacob, M. A. formerly of Clare-Hall, Camb. and R. of Ch. Ch. and St. Peter's, Philadelphia. *Gal V. I. 8° 1775. Duty of Handing fait in fpiritual and tem- poral Liberties. ^Difcourfes in 2 vol. 8° 1779. On various Subjeds. * [onah ii. 5,6. 8° 1781. b. Gov. Humane Society, miCKENFIELD Jojcph 2 Cor. 2. 16. 8" 1707. The great Work of the Gofpel MiniHry.' DUDLEY John, M.A. Arch-Deacon of Bedford. Phil. iii. 16. 8° 1729. Vifit. 2Pe[?ii'i: l6: }^"*73'- 2f. The Privileges of the Clergy. 8° 1736. Vif. April 30. DUKE Rich. M.A. Preb. ofGloucefter, and R ofWitncy» Oxon. I John ii. 6. 4*^1703. b. Q^een. Of the Imitation of Chriil. Ch.Ch. Wore. jej. Oxon. "Irin. Camb. Pf. XXV. 14. 4° 1704. b. Q^een. Ch Ch. Oxon. John xviii. 36. 4° 1704. Affize. Of Chrill'd Kingdom. Univ. C^. Ch. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Brit. M. 15 Serm in 8° 17 14. Oxon. On feveral Occafions. Bod. Ch.Ch* Or. Wore. Oxon. ^eens. Camb. DU-GARD William, M.A. Pf. cxxii, 6. 4" 1712. Affize. DUNCH John, of Trin. Coll Oxon. I Sam X. 24. 4° 1 660. Th. hion. DUNCAN John, 'DD. R. of '^outhwarmborough, Hants. *Matt.v.20 8''i769. V'if. The 'condemnation pronounced ag. mere external Pretences to Religion. ♦jViatt. xviii. 7. 8° 1775. Vif. The Interefts of Truth and Vir- tue invariably purfacd by Providence in the Pcrmiffion of Er- ror and Vice. OF AUTHORS, &c. m DUNCOMB George *Jamesii. 23. 4" 1697. Abraham's Faith dated & applied. Ch.Ch, DUNCOMB George, M.A. R. of Shere, Surry. Exod.xxiii, 2. 4° 1738. Ag. Curfing and Swearing. DUNCOMB Thomas, M. A. R. of Sherc, Surry. iTim. iv. 12. 4° 1671. Vif. Good Example in the Clergy. Cb, Ch. Oxon. St. Johns. Camb. DUNCOMBE John, M.A. R. of St. Andrew's, Canterbury. *Johuai.4-7. 4° 1759. Th. * 2 Chron. vi, 40. 4° 1 774. Conf. of Church. *Judges xxi. 6. 4*1778. Fail. DUNLOP William, Reg. Profeffor of Divinity in Edinburgh. Sermons in 2 vol. 8° 1722. Edinburgh. On feveral Subjects and - Occafions, v/ith fome Leftures. Pub, L. Camb. DUNSTAN Jofeph, Mafter of St. Olave's School, Southwark, and Left, of St. And. Wardrobe, and St. Ann, Blackfryars, Lond. ijohniii. 10. 4°! 705. Feaft. Natives of Lewtf'i;/?. Brotherly Love recommended. DUNSTER Sam. DD. Chapl. to Ld Maynard, and Preb. of Sarum. Prov. xix. 8. 8° 1708. Sch. Feaft. Univ. Oxon. Trin. ^een's. C. DUPONT John, B. A. V. of Ayfgarth, YorkOiire. Ifai. xxxvii. 34, 35. 8° 1745. 7'ork. Reb. The infolent Invafion of Scnacherib againft Jerufalem, repelled and defeated by God, Pfal.cxxxii. 18. S"* 1746. Vork. On the Duke's Vidory at Cui- loden. Rebellion and Treachery defeated by Bravery and Condud. Dcut.xxxiii. 29. 8° 1746. Th. Od. 9. The peculiar Happlnefs and Excellency of the Britifh Nation. *Pf.cxlvii, 12-14. 8° 1751. Th. *----- 8° 1757. Faft. National Corruption and Dc» pravity, the principal Cafe of National Difappointments. * zChron. XV. ii. 8° 1759. Fail. * Sermons in 8° 1 761 DUPOR T James, DD. Greek Profeffor in Camb. and Dean of Pe- terborough. Phil.i. 27. 4" 1661. Camb, Evangelical Politic. Bod. C.C.C. Ox* Ads vii. 6. ■! r Jan. 30. l 1 Pet. ii. 17. V 4" 1676. I May 29. \ Bod. JUS. Oxon. Pi. cxxiv. 7.3 (.Nov. 5. 3 DUPREE Edward, M.A. Fell, of Pemb. Coll. Oxon. * I Their. V, 21.4" 1782. Oxon. May 29. b. Univ. DUPREE John, M. A. Fell, of Ex. Coll. and Min. at Tring, Herts." * I 3 Sermons in 8° 1782. On various Subjefts. DUREL John, DD. French Miniflier at the Savoy. I Cor. xi. \6. 4° 1688. The Liturgy of the Church of England aiferted. Bod. AllS. Oxon. Sion. DURHAM James * 7 Sermons in I2°i68i, The BlelTednefs of thofe who die iu ihc Lord. *72 Sermons 112 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER *72 Sermons in fo. 1723. On Ifai. liii. DURHAM William, DD. R. of St. Mildred's, Breadftreet, Lond. I Cor. xvi. 13. 4° 1671. b. Artill. Co. Bod. Trin. Camb. Sion. Prov.xxix. 1. 4° 1675. b. Lord Mayor. Sion. DURHAM William, DD. Chaplain to the Duke of Monmouth and R. of Letcombe Baffet, Berks. Heb.xiii. 16. 4° 1679. Commcm. Encouragement to Charity. Bod. Cb- Ch. Oxon. James V. 9. 4° 16 Aflize. DURNFORD Thomas, M. A. Cur. of Rogborn, Wilts, and Chapl. to the Earl of Manchefter. Ecclef vii 10. 8° 1715. Aflize. The Folly of thinking the for- mer times better than the prefent. DYCHE Thomas, M. A. Cur. of Bow, Middlefex, and Mailer of the Free School. Adlsiii. 19. 8^1723. b. condemned Criminals. DYER Richard iCor.v. 7. 8° 1676. A bleeding Saviour, Bod. DYER Tho. M.A. of Ch. Ch. Ox. and R. of Bedhampton, Hants. Prov. X. 7. 4° 1743. Fun. *2 Cor.v. 10. 8" 1758. Religion, a ferious affair. DYER William ♦Cant. V. 16. 8° 1663. * Ifai. V. 16. 8° 1665. Chrifl's famous Titles. *Rcv. iii.20. 8° 1666. A Call to Sinners. Rev.vi. 17. 8° 1666. Rev. xiv.6. 8° 1666. [DYKE Jeremy] _ ' * I Cor XV, 13. 8" 1667. The Worthy Communicant. [DYKES Ofwald,] formerly of Queen's Coll. Oxon. *Difcourfes in 8" 1722. Lemuel's LeiTons. E. ' E, I John V. 12. 8° 1679. On juftifying Faith. Bod. E. ■ R. Author of the Duty of Man laid down in exprefj words of Scripture. Job xiv. 5, 6. 1 2° 1 679. A Difc, concerning the Period of human Life, whether mutable or immutable. EJRL 'Jabcx, DD. Minifter in Hanover-ftreet, Loudon. * James i. 22. 4° 1706. Farw. f, * Col iii. 16. } 12° 1708. V. Pradl. Difc. on Prayer and * I Theff. v. 17-20. 5 hearing the word. zCor. v 14. 8° I 71 9. Char. f. Eton, X*U.M.\\\.%. %° x-jxo. Brit.M. Matt, xxiii. 9. 8° 1723. Ord. *■ I Cor. xiii. 5, 8° 1721. *Heb, xii, 9, 8° 1728. Fun. *Pf. cxii. 9. 8° 1729. *Judc 21. 8° 1729. Fun. ^uen's^ Camb. Daniel OF AUTHORS, Sec [113 Daniel ix. 18. 8'' 1727. Fail. Job V 26. 8''i733. Fun. I John i. 7 8° 1755. Of Purgatory. V. Dif. ag. Popery. 2 vol. Braz. N. Oxon. Zach. vii. 13. 8" 1737. A ferious Exhortation to Repentance. EASTON Thomas, M. A. V. of Nymet Epifcopi, Devon. Pf. ciii. 15, 16. 4° 1692. Fun. of John Milford. iW. Brlt.M. EATON Sa?nuel, DD. * Sermons in 2 Vol 8° 1764. On human Life. ECCLES Samuel, M. A. late of Braz. N. Coll. Oxon, and Preacher at Bridewell. •Hofeaiv 3. 4° 1750. On the PvCturn of the Infedion among the Cattle. 1 Cor. xi. 34. 8°i75i. The unworthy Communicant's Plea an- Iwered and home Baptift refuted. *Pf.cvii. 39-41. 4°:75;3. Religion, the truell Loyalty, Protef- tanifm, no Fanaticiiiu or Judaifm. * Matt, xxvii. 21-23. 8" 1753. b, Univ. of Oxon. * Afts xxii. II. 4° 1754. Jan. 30. The royal Martyr. * 16 Sermons in 8° 1755. On difrerent Subjeds. ECHARD Lawr. M. A. Arch-D. of Stowe, and Preb, of Lincoln. Prov. ii. i. 4° 1698. Affize. The Heinioulnefs of Injuilice. Eton, Rom.xii.i8. 8°i726. Acceffion. Peace and Unity recommended, ECHLIN John, M.A. Matt.v. 10. 8°i7i2. Dublin. Jan. 30. The royal Martyr. EDEN Robeit, B. D. Arch-D. of Winton, and Preb. of WorccHer. Ifai. v. 20. 4" 1743. Affize. The ncceffary and unchangeable Difterence of moral Good and Evil. fVorc, Oxon. Jcrem. xxix. 7. 4° 1743. AlTizc. Connefticn of private and pub- lic Happinefs: JFutc. Oxon. Slueefts. Camb. * Ephef. iv. 14, 15. 4'' 1754. Vif. Necqflary Connexion of Faith and Love in matters of Religion. Wore. Oxon. * Pf. cxxxvii. 5,6. 4° 1755. Ann. meet, of 3 Choirs. Harmony of Benevolence. Braz N. Wore. Oxon. EDGCUMBE James, DD. R. of Exeter Coll. Oxon. 2 Cor. iii.5. 8" 1736. 2 f. Human P.cafon, an infufEcient Guide in matters of Religion and Morality. EDGLEY Samuel, M. A. V. of Wandlvvorth, Surry. Pf. cxxii. 6 4'' 1724. Cone, ad CI. Wadh. Ox. ^eens. Q. Eton, [EDMONDSON Chriilopher] *Prxxxix. 12. 12^1664. EDWARDS David *Heb,xi.4. 8° 1770. 2 f . On the Death of Rev. Geo. Whitfield. EDWARDS Edward, M.A. * Pf. cxxii. 8,9. 8° 1759. Chrifiian Patriotifm. EDWARDS Jon. M. A. late Prefid. of New Jerfey, New England; * Rev. V. 5,6. 8" 1738. Excellency of Chrilt. *Rom. iii. 10. 8° 1774. God's juftice in damning Sin. Vol. IL P EDWARDS i: 114 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER EDWARDS John, DD. fometime Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. I Kingsviii.38. 4"i665. Cnmb. Of the Plague of the Heart, i"/;?;/. An Enquiry in 2 Vol. 8° 1692. Into feveral remarkable Texts of the old and new Tcflament. Bod. Univ. Oxon. ^een's. Camb. 1 2 Sermons in 8° 1698. On fpecial Occafions and Suhjefts. C^. Ch.9^ei}i' S.St. John's. Oxon. Dr.Ws's.L. Lond. Pf.cxix. 142. 4° 1699. Commem. Of the Rcafons of Good and Evil. Alls. Oxon. Trin- St.Johtis. Camb, Sion. Markv. 12. 8° 1700. Cant. Cone, ad CI. Bod. All S. Oxon. Exercitations in 2 parts. 8° 1702. On feveral places of the old and new Teflament. Unh. Oxon. Dr.ffVs.L. London. Lament, i. 8. 8°i707. Fail. The Heinioufnefs of England's Sin. BHt. M. Ezek.xxxvii. 22. 8° 1707. On the Union. One Nation, and one King. Mngd. Oxon. Brit.M. * Johnxiii. 15. 8° 17 ,lx. 12. 8° 1708. 'f, cxxvi. 3. 8^1709. Nov. 5. Line. Oxon. St.Jobn^s. Camb. Sion. Eton. , Rev. ii.4. 9. 8° 171 I. Faft. March 28. Body of Divinity in 3 Vol, fo. i and 2. 1713. V. 3. 1726. r> • • 00 5 • Kin^s xviii. 21. p. cig. 7 ^ , ^ Remains in 8 1713. ■{ du-i • r 3 v K 9ueen^s.\Z9.. ' •^ i Phil. J. 21. p. 519. i Ecclef. vii. 10. 8°i7i4. Acceffion. EDWARDS Jofeph, M. A. Vice-Principal of Magd. Hall. Oxon. Aftsii.46. 8°i73i. Of public Prayer. 1 Cor. xi. 16. 8" 1736. The Teftimony of the antient Church proper &c. Wore. Oxon. Matt. V. 44. 8" 1743. Oxon. Of Forgivenefs of Enemies. IVorc. Oxon. ^eeiis. Camb. Brit.M. John i. 14. 8° 1749. Chriit God man. b. Univ. of Oxon. EDWARDS Thomas, V. of Keinton, Herts. Pf XV. 2. S'' 1660. EDWARDS Thomas, DD. late Fell, of Clare Hall, Camb. *Judc3. 8° 1773. Commenc. Camb. The indifpenfable Duty of contending for the Faith &c. i^ueeji's. Camb. EDZARD J. E. Minifter to the German Lutherans. Pf. cxxxii. 17, 1 1. 4" 1696. Th. April 16. Trin. Camb. EEDES Richard, V. of Beckford near Cleve, Gloucellerf. 2 Sam. iii. 36. 8° 1660. EG AN Anthony, 13. D. late Confeffor gener. of the Kingdom of Ireland. Lukexi.ii. 32. 4" 1675. The Francifcan Convert, or a Recanta- tion fermon Sic Bod. ^iee?i's. Oxon. Pub L. Camb. Sion. EGERTON Henry, Bp. of Hereford. Prov. xxiv. 21. 4° 1727. Jan. 30. b. Lords, Slueen^s. Camb. Dan.xii. 3. 4^1729. Prop. Gofpel. Ch.Cb. Ox. !^een's. Cam. EGERTON John, Biihop of Durhaiu. * 2 Chron. xxixi. 7, S. 4° 1757. Faft. b. Lords. »Hofw OF AUTHORS, &c. 115 *Hofeaiii.4. 4°! 761. Jan. 30. b. Lords. *Matt.xxii. 9. 4° 1763. Prop. Gofpe). Bmz.N. Ox. ^/cwA. C. ELBOROUGH Robert. M.A. Minillcr of the Tarilh that was lately St. Lawrence-Pountneyj London. Ezek. XX. 4.7. 4" 1666. FalHbr the Fire. , ELBOROUGK Thomas, Minilter of Chifwick, Middlefex. *Dirc.ourfes in S" 1663. and I2°i675. An Expofulon of the Commoa Prayer. [ELIOT Andrew,] 'M. A. Paftor of a Church in Bofton. * I Chron. xii. 32, S"^ 1765. Ele£t. of his Majeftv's Council. ELLESBY James, M.A. Miniiler of Chifwick Middlefex. Prov. XXX. 31. 4° 1684. Jan. 30. The Doftrine of pafTive Obe- dience. C&. Ch. Oxqn. Heb iii. j,^. 4° 1693. Fun. of The great Danger and Uncertainty of a Death-bed Repentance. i?(?(/. ELLINGTON- Edward, V. D. M. *Heb.xi.26. 8° 1770, Fun. of Rev. George Whitfield. ELLIOTT John, B. A. formerly of Bennet Coll. Camb. *Gal.ii.2i. 8°i759. Encouragements for Sinners. *Pf. xxiii.4. 8''i762. 'Pv^n. o'i Jojhua Reyjier. * I Cor. i. 30. 8° 1763. Fun. of Sarah Elliot. * Sermons in 8° 1764. *Rom.vi. 23. 8° 1767. Fun. of JoJm Hoz'j. * Matt.xvii. 20. 8° 1769. *Aasv.42. 8° 1769. *lfai. Ivii. I. 8° 1770. Fun. of Rev. George Whitfield. * Ephef.v. 31-33. 8^1775. Wedd. f. ELLIS' Clement, M.A. R. of Kirkby, Nottingham, and Preb. of Southwell. Pf. cxviii. 22-24. 4° 1661. Oxon. May 29. Bod. Prov. xix. 21. 8"" 1684. The Folly of Man's Decrees, and the Stability of God's Counfel. Phil.ii. 3. 8° 1684. The Praaice of true Humility. Matt. xi. 28. 12° 1685. Relt to the heavy-laden, ^een's. Camb, Prov. xxiv. 21. 4°i69i. Affizc. Pvelig. and Loyalty infeparable. Magd. Oxon. T'rin. Camb. \ Cor. iii. 7. 4" 1694. The Chriflian Hearers firft Leffon. ^., f Lukexvi,i9-3i. p I. Par. of Dives and Laz.l ^^^^ L < 1-9. p. 231. unj. Steward, f ^ ' ^ ^7°+ [Matt XXV. 1-12. p. 385. Par.ofthetenVirg. 3^ • * 2 Chron. XV. 15. 8" 16 *Pf.cxii.7. 8° 16 * Prov. xvi. 32. 8° 16 *Lukevi. 25. 8° 16 *Johnvi.33. 8° 16 ELLIS John, R. of Gonalllon, Nottinghamf. Jolh. xxii. 20. 8° 1 70 1. Ref. M. Bod. ELLIS Ph. Monk of the Holy Order of St. Benedia, and of the Englifli Congregation, P z *Matt. ii6 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER *Matt. V. 12. 4°i685. All Saint's-day, b. King and Queen. Ch. Ch. Bd. C.C.C. Wore. Oxon. *Matt. jcxii. 37. 4° 1685. b. King and Queen at Windfor. Ch, Ch. Bal. Oxon. Trin. Camb. *Matt. xii.41. 4° I 686. Lent. b. King and Queen. Ch.Ch. Ox. ELLISOxM Cuthbert, M.A. V. of Stannington, and Left, of St. Ni- cholas. Newcaftle. Aflsxvii, 18. 8" I 7|8. 2 f. What will this Babbler fay. ELLISON Nath. DD. Arch-D. of Stafford and V. of New-caftle upon Tyne. Ecclcf. viii. 11.4" 1699. Elect, of a Mayor. Ads viii. 14, I 5, 17. 8" 1700. Conf. J//S. Eal. Oxon. Fub.L, St. yohn^s. Camb. Sion. Mark. xiv. 7. 4''i7io. Opening a Char. School. C.C.C. O.xon, ELLYS Anthony, Bp. of St. David's. Matt xxii. 21. 4^1749. Jan. 30. b. "Commons. JJl S. Oxon. i^luecfis. Camb. * I Pct.ii. 16. 4° 1754. Jan. 30. b. Lords, ^ecns. Camb. *Ifai.i.26. 4°i758. May 29. b. Lords. * John. XV. 8. 4° 1759. ProD. Gofpel. Braz.N. Oxon, ELSLY William, M.A. Freb. of York. * I Tim. vi. 17-19. 1732. ELSMERE Sloane, DD. R. of Chelfea, Middlefex. * Sermons in 2 Vol. i"i767. Bod. Pub. L. Camb. Sion. ELSTOB Will. M.A. R. of St. Swithun, and St. Mary Bc^thav/, London. Pf. ciii. 10. 4° 1704. Th. for ^^i(5>ory at Hockdet, Bod. Sion. iTim.ii. 1,2. 4" 1704. Acceifion. Bod. Pub. L, Camb. Sicn. ELSTON John, M. A. R. of Langtree, Devon. iTim.iv. 15. 4° 1681. Vif. ELWORTHY John, M. A. Miniiicr of South-moulton, Devon. * I Cor. xii. 1 I. 8°I753. Vif. Influences of-the Spirit, and, their Ufes confidered. ylueen's. Camb. EMLl'N Thomas, Miniller at Dublin. iS8ermoire&c. 8° 1742. ^lueens. Camb, Dr.Ws\L. London. ENFIELD Wi/Iinm, LLD. of Warrington, Lancafliire. * Hcb. xiii. 22. 8° 1770. Ord. ^uee/u. Camb. * Sermons in 2 V. 12° 1772. For the Ufc of Families. Bod. Sun. * 1 2 Biographical Serni. in 12" 1777. Bod. Pub. L. Camb. Sicn, *Rom. xi. 13. 4° I 777. Ord. *i Sam. XX. 3. 8^1777. At the Interment of Mr. John Galway, Student at Warrington Academy. * I Pet. ii. 17. 8'' I 778. Ord. of John Prior Eftlin. * I Cor. xi. 1 . 4° 1 780. Fun of John Uilkin, DD * - - - - 1780. Progrefs of Religion and Xn Knowledge. ENGLAND John, Miniiler at Sherborne, Dorlctfliire. * Difcourfes in 8° i 700. Either iii. 15. 8° 171 2. Fall. ^Tim.ii. i, 2. 8° 1715. Accefiion. ENGLISH OF AUTHORS, &c. ' 117 ENGLISH 7. of Gofport, Hants. *Rev. ii.5. 8° 1776. Fallen Church delineated. ENGLISH Thomas, B. D. R. of Friton, York. 2 Maccab. iv. 50. 4** 1734. Aflize. The Britifh Monitor — or the Freeholder's Advocate. ENOCK Richard, M.A. R. of Stratton, Sufiblk. Pf cxxxiii. I. 4° 1707. Th. for Union. ENTWISLE Edmund, DD. Arch-D. and Preb. of Chefter, and R. of Barrow, Chefliire. Markx. 21. 4" 1697- Cone, ad CI. ChXh. Magd. Oxon. EN-TY Ju.Q, 2 Chron. x~v. 2. 8° i 720. God with us, while we are with him. Judges x. 1 1-16. 8''i720. Nov. 5. Pad Deliverances and pre- Icnt Calamities improved. 2 Sam. xxiv. 14. 8° 1721. David's Choice to fall into the hand of God, rather than into the hand of Man. - - - - 1723. Minifters recommended to the Prayers of Xns. *Rom. xii. 18. 8° 1725. 2 f. Praftical Difc. in 2 vol. 8° 1723. Concerning the Xtian Temper. 7 Sermons in 12° 1725. On various Subjects to young People. 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8. 8° 1726. Fun. of Mrs Kivg. St. Paul's comfort- able Rcfleflion and Profped in view of Death. Brit, M, Pf. Ixiii. II. 8° 1727. Coron. Brit.M. Jer. ix. 23, 24. 8° 1727. Fall. Mar. 22. z Tim. i. 5. 8° 1727. To young People. 2 Kings iv. 26. 8° 1727. Fun. * 2 Cor. iv. 7. 8" 1728. Fun. of Mr. Ratcliffe. ^een's. Camb. %* I Pet. ii. 5. 8° 1730. 3 f. Open. Meeting-Houfe. Brit.M, EVANS Robert, M.A. St. Lawrence, London. *Frov.iv. 2C-27. 4° 1771. £1. Lord Mavor. EVANSON OF AUTHORS, &c. 119 EVANSON Edward, M.A. late V. of Tewkesbury, Glouceil, * 3 Difcourfes in 8° 1773. viz. *Ads xiii. 22. Man after God's own Heart. *Rom. iv, 22. Abraham's Faith. *zTim ii.ig. Seal of the Foundation of God, EVERARD John, DD. Rev. xi. 17. EFERSHED V/ilUam * John vi. 30. 7 8° 1780. 2 Difc. A fummary View of the ge- * 2 Pet. i. 16. } nuine Evidences of the Truth of the Xtian Relig. EVES George, R. of Hartley, Kent. Micah vii. 9. 4°! 661. Fun. of Lady Caecilia Peyton. EUSTANCE Evans, M.A. V. of Abergavenny, Monmouthf. * Prov. xxiv. 22. 4° 1747. Monmouth. Affize. EWBANCK George Job iii. 17. 4°i66i. Fun. EWER John, Bp. of Landaff. * Prov. xxi, 31. 4° 1762. Faft, b. Lords. *Heb,xiii. 16. 4" 1766. b. Gov. Lond. Hofp. Wadh. Oxon. *Rom. X. 14. 4° 1767. Prop. Gofpel. Braz.N, Ox. ^ce-ns. C. EYRE John, DD. Curate of Vv'ylye, V/ihs. *Gen. xix. 27, 28. 4" 1758. Fail. 2 f . *Luke xiii. 1-6. 4° 1761. Th. f, *Rev.ii,io. Z'^iyjj. Vif. An earnefl: Attempt to reform the tinies, EYRE Rich. M.A. Canon of Sarum, and R. of Barghcleer, Hants. Pf. xxix. II. ^"1713. Oxo?i. Th. Sion. I Cor. XV. 55. 8° 17 1 3. Oxon, Fun. of Charles Pox, Efq; John xvi. 12, 13. 8° 1715. Oxon. Whitfunday. The Necefnty of Grace with our Reafon in Xtian Faith. Magd. Oxon. ^eens. St.Johiis. Camb. Eton. Prov. iii. 16. 4° 17 16. Fun. of Sir Steph. Fox, Knt. Wore. Magd* Oxon. Sion- Eton. Col. i. 28. 4" 1717. Vif. The Ufefulnefs of Preaching, and the Reafons why Men are not more edified by it. Jer. ix. 23, 24. 4° 1726. Oxon. Fun. EYRE Richard, R. of Bright -Walton, Bucks, F. R. & A.S. *Pf. cvi. ?o, 31. 4*^ 1765. b. Gov. Small-pox Hofp. London. * lofliua xiii. 33. 4° 1767. b. Sons of Clergy. *Matt. x. 8. 4° 1770. An. meet. Ch. Sch. Wore. Oxon. EYRE Robert, a DD. Fell, of the Coll. near Wincheiler. Afftsxxiv. 16. 4° 1693. Affize. The Nature and Satisfacfiicn of a good and inoffenfive Confcience. Bod. Pud. L. Camb. I Sam. xii. 25. 4° 1700. Affize. The Sinner, a Traitor to his King and Country. Bod. Wore. Oxon. St. Johrts. Camb. Joel iii. 19. 4° 1708. Jan, 30. b. Commons. Univ. Magd, Wore. Or. Oxon. Trin. Sf.jfohi'r. ^eens. Camb. Sion. EYRE- Robert, a DD. R. of Buckland, Surry. • = ^., The f*cne. Mark 120 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Mark xvi. i6. 8® 1735. ^"^^' Infidelity without Exciife — or no natural Impoflibility in believing. PForc. Oxon. Sio?/. Malt. iv. i-io. 8'*i738. 41". On Xt's Temptation. J// S. Oxon. FAIR CHILD Thomas, of Chigwell, Effex. *Prov. iii. 77. 4° 1757. Sch. Feait. St. Paul's. FJIRCLOUGH Samuel 2 Pet. i. 10. 4° 1675. m.e.P. p. 617. AfTurance, Pcrfeverance. FAIRWHEATHER Thomas, V. of" Great-Grimsby, Lincolnlhire. Luke ii. II. 4" 1697. 2 f. Chrillmas. Heb. xi. 17. 4° 1697. FALKNER Will. DD. One of the Town Prcac. at Lyn. Regis, Norf. 2 Cor.v. 18. Vif. f 1 Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Joel ii. I 2. Lent. \ V. End of his Works. \ C. C. C. tpjieen's. Matt.v. 20. ( 3 Oxon. FALCON Thomas, M. A. of Queen's Coll. Oxon. and of Codring- ton Coll. Barbadoes. *Pf. xxvii.6. 8" 1 760. Th. f. Gratitude for divine Mercies, the fpccial Duty of Britons. FALL 'fumes, of Watford, Herts. *Zach.xi.4. 8° 1754. Ord. FALLE Philip, M. A. Chaplain in Ord. R. of St, Saviour's Jcrfey, and then of Shcnley, Herts. Luke ii. 14. 4° 1687, At Jerfey. in French. iii. 14. 4" 1692. b. the Garrifon. Bod. Ecclef viii. 11.4° 1695. The Impunity of bad men in the world. Pub.L.Trin. Camb. John xvi. 7-1 1. 4*^1695. b. Lord Mayor. Of the Defccnt of the Parackt. A£lsxvii.3. 4° 1700. Vif. St.John''s. Carab. 2 Kings ii. 23,24. 8° 1715. Opening Char. SchooL FJNCH Jainei *ioScrmonsin 8° 1768, On pradlicai' Subjeds. FJNCOURT Snmuel *Rev. xxii. 14. 8° 1720. Fun. * I Cor. i. 21, 8° 1734. Sartim, Ord. ^eenj. Camb. * - - - - 1746. Ch. f. FARBROTHER Roger, V. of Holy Rhoodes in Southampton. Pf. ii. 12. 4" 1697. Affize. The Magiilrates Concern in Chriil's Kingdom. FARINDON Anth. B.D. Divinity-Reader of his Majeity's Chapel- Royal at Windfor. Sermons in 3 Vol. fo. V. i. 2. 1672. V. 3. 167-9. ■^^^' ^^■'' ^^' JIl S. Men. Trin. IVore. peers' s. Ox. Pub.L. Trin. Cam. 5/e;;, FARMER Hugh *Pf. 1. 14. 8° 1746. Th. foi fupprefilng the Rebellion. FJRMER John, a M. A. 20 Sermons in 8° 1744.. On various divine Subjedls. FJRMER John,^ London. * Sermons in 8° 1756. * a ^ Tlic fame.'' OF AUTHORS, &c. lai FARMERTE William, M. A. Deut.x, I. 8° I 710. Fall. God the only Judge, and our only Hope in War. Line. Oxon. Deut. xxxii.6. 8° 1 71 6. Th. * I Tim.ii. 1-3. 8°i7i4. The Su^jcdts Duty in praying for Kings Sec. Wadb. Oxon* [FARRELL George] *2Sam.xviii. 28. 8° 1716. Th. FARRER liaac, Curate of Egglefton. * Pf xc. 4. 8° I 768. On violent Floods. FARRINGTON Richard, MA. R. of Llanarmon, Caernarvonf. 20 Sermons in 8° 1741. Kings. Camb. FARRINGTON William, B D. R. of Warrington, Lancafhire. * Sermons in 8° 1769. Warrington. FARTHING Ralph, LL.B. *Prov,xxiv. 21. 8° 1722. Seffions at ^jrc/?. FAWCETT Benjamin, Miniiler at Kidderminfter, Worcefterf. * I Cor. XVI. 2. 1 J 2° 1758. 2 Difc. The facred Almoner. *lfai. xxxii. 8. 5 '-' * Phil, iv. I. 12° 1759. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Darracott. * I Chron.xxix. 28. 8° 1760. On the Death of King George 2d and the Acceffion of King George 3d, * Matt. XXV 31-34. 8° I 761. Coron. of King George 3d. Future Coronation of the Saints. *2Cor. V. 17. 8° I 7 2 f. The grand Enquiry. * Matt. xxi. 15,16. 12° 1770. On the Death of , a Child. *2 Sam..iii. 34. 8''i77i. On the Murder of Francis Bell. Mur- der lamented and improved. *Eilheriv. 14, 8°i773. Rel. Lib. On DifTent. Bill to Parliament. * 2 Cor. iv. V. 8° 1 774. Ord. Preach. Xt and not feif. FJWCEl'T 7. * Sermons In 8° 1749. On various Subjefls. FAWCETT Richard, DD. V. of Newcaftle, Preb. of Durham, and Chaplain in Ord. *Ephef ii.2i,22. 4°i768. Conf. St. Anne's Chap, at NezvcaJiU. FAWCETT Samuel, fvliniller at Kidderminilej, Worcellerf. Pf XXV. 2 2.^° 1668. FAWCONER Samuel, M. A. Affiftant Preacher at Grofvenor Church, and Le6l, of St. Michael, Baflinglaw. *Pf cl.4. 8° 1763. May 29. Open, an Organ. Church Muflc an Kelp to Devotion. FEARON Jofeph, M. A. Fell, of Sidney Coll. Camb. * Wifdom vii. 14. 4° 1755. School Feaft, FEATHERSTONHAUGH H. V. of Betherfden, Kent. Ifai. xxxvii. 3, 8° 1724. Jan. %o. FEATLV Daniel, DD. Deut. xxxii. 29. 8^1708. Fun. Univ. Line, Magd.Om. Kin^s.Q. FEATLY Daniel, DD. iPet. V. 2-4. 4"! 660, Bilt.M, Vol, li; Q^ FJEKE 122 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER FEKE Thomas Pf.lxviii.28. FELL John, DD. Dean of Ch. Ch. and Bp. of Oxford. 2 Pet. iii. 3. 4° 1675. The Xrter o£ the bil days. Boif. CH:. Ch. Univ. keen's. Ma^d. Wore. Oxon. ?uh. L. Trin. St. John's. Canib. Sion. Malt. xii. 25. 4° 1680. Faft. b. Lords. Bod. Ch.Ch.llagd, Wore, Jcf. Trin. St. Johns. Camb. Sisn. FELTHAM Owen *Difc. in fo. 1 661. FELTON George, M. A. *Johnvi.26. 8° 1715. Shrcvjjhiiry. Affize. Secular Interefl:, In- fmcerity, and double Dealing in Religion detedled and expofed. FELTON Kenry, LL.B. R. of Malford, Suff, and Chapl. in Ord. Pf. xvi. 1 1. 1689. The eternal Joys of God's PrefTence. FELTON Henry, DD. Principal of Edmund-Hall, Oxon. and R. of Whitwell, Norfolk. I Thefl". iv. 13. 4° I 71 1. Fun. of Duke of Rutland. Lhie. Oxon. I Cor. XV. 23. S° 1725. The Refurrcftion of the fame numerical Body and its Reunion to the lame Soul. Wore. Oxon. Shiceti's. Camb. Brit. M. I Cor. XV 23. 8° 1733. The Univerfality and Order of the Re- furrefiion. Wore. Ox'on. Sion. Brit. M. Ivlatt.xxii. 29. 8" 1735. Oxon. The Scripture Dodrine of the Refurrcftion as it itood before the Law. Wore. Oxon. Matt.xxii. 29. 2 f . 8° 1736. Oxon. The Scripture Dodlrine iu the Books o's Mofes and Job. Wore Oxon. Prov. xxix. 2. 8° 1730. Acccflion. The Xrter of a good Prince. Matt. xxii. 21. 8° 1733. ]^'^' l^- b. Commons. The Herodian and the Gaulonite. JFore. Oxon. Brit.M. SSerm. at Lady Moyer's Led. 1728, 1729. 8° 1732. Oxon. Bod. Ch. Ch. Nevj C. Wares Oxon. Sion. Jobxix.25. 8" 1736, Oxon. y tjerm. in 8" 1748. On the Creation, Fall and Redemption kc. FELTON William, M. A. * Rev. ii. 10. 8" 1773. ^ ""• ^^ R^^'- ^^* Knatchbull. FELTVVELL Richard Pf. xviii. 50. 4" 1660. FEN James, M. A. V. of Goudhurft, Kent. 1 johnv, 4. 4° 1686. b. Lord Mayor, Sion. FENNER Ludd John * 1 Their, iv. 16, 8° 1777. Fan. of Mrs. EliicaLeth Grundy. The Scripture Dodlrinc of the Refurredion. a Confolation under the Lot) of Friends. FENWICK William, R. of South Mediety of Hallerton, Leiceller. 2 Cor, vi. 19, 20. 8" 1701. FENWICKE George, B. D. R. of Hallerton, Leicefter. zCorii.xvi. 8"i736. Vif. Plain things delivered to Xt'sMinifter* and People. *Matu OF AUTHORS, &c. 123 * Matt.xvi. 26. 8° 1737. ^" ^'^^ breaking out of the Sin:.l!-pox. *Exod.xx. c. 8° 1738. ' } r r ^ , * T ..• -' '00 o /• 2 1. Jan. 20. and 30. * Lam. 111. 40, 41. 8 1738, ^ J y FERGUSON x^dam, Chapl. to Lord John Murray's Regiment. zSam. X. 12. 8°i7A5. Fail. [FERGUSON H.] *Pr ]vi.6. 8" 1743. FERNE Robert *Heb.xii. 23. 3" 170S. Fun. of Rev. Edw. Prince, keen's. Ca. * Sermons in 8" 1721. FERREBEE Miciiael, M. A. Student of Ch.Ch. Oxon. iPet. iii 8. ^^1732. Ch. f. b. Ld May. JUS, Oxon. Brit.M. TESTING Michael, M. A. R. of Wyke Regis, Dorfetf. * - - - - 8° 1756. Papifts, no Chrillians. * Joe! ii. 12-14. 8°'759' ^^^^• FEUILLERADE Peter, R. of Bygrave, Herts. Gal. V.6. 4" 1777. The true Nature and Neceffity of Faith. FIDDES Rich. T>D. Chapl. to Earl of Oxon. R. of Halfnam, Yorkf. 52 Practical Difc. in fo. 1728. Bod. Ch Ch. MS, Univ. Mert, ^een's. Magd. St. Johns. Bnl Or. Wore. Ox. Pub.L. Trin. C. Exod. XX I &c. On the Decalogue, Body of Divinity, fo. 1720. P.232.&C. Vol. 2. Ch.Ch. JUS. Univ. ^leer^s, Mert. Wore, B:.l. Oxon. King's. Camb. Siort. Matt. V. 6, 7. On the Serm. on the Mount, Body of Div. fo.1720. Vol.2, p. 290. &c. Bod. Ch.Ch. JUS. Lhiiv. Mert. ^'eeii's. '^"■" Mfigd. St. John" 5. Bed. Or. IVorc. Oxon. Pub.L. Trin. Camb. FIN A Ferdinand Pf. cxxxix. 7-10, 4° 1704. b. Spanifli Merchants. On the late Storm. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. FINCH Henry, Hon. M. A. Dean of York. Ephef. ii. 18. 4° 171 2. b. Queen. Eafter-day. Line. Wore. Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. Camb. FINCH Robert Pool, DD. R. of St. Michael Cornhill, Lond®n. Pf. cxxiv. 1-3. 8° 1746. Th. for Vidory at Culloden. Jon. iii. 10. 4° 1 747. Faft. The Nat. and Ufe of national Repent. Ilai.xxv. 9. 4° 1749. Th. for Peace. April 25. * Aftsiv. 35. 4° 1768. b. Sons of Clergy. Brcz.N. Oxon. *Markx. 14. 4° 1774. Ann. meet. Char. Schools. Wore, Oxon. * Matt, xxiii. 37,38. 4° 1777. Faft. *Hofea xiii. 9. 10. 4° 1779. Faft. FINCH Will. Lepold, Hon. DD. Warden of All Souls Coll. Oxon. and Preb. of Canterbury. Ifai. i. 26. 4" 1704. May 29. b. Commons. Bod. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Wore. Jef. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. FINGLASS John, DD. Preb. of St. Audoens, Dublin. Ifai. xl, 6-8. 4° 1695. Roy. Fun. irai.xliii.2. 4° 1695. b, Trin. Bethren at Deptford. FINLET Saw. DD. Prefid. of the Coll. at Princeton, New Jerfey. *Rom.xiv. 7. 8°i76i. Fun. of Rev. .S*?//?. Z^^c/V/, late Prefident. 0^3 FINNEY 124 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER FINNEY John, DD. Ii'ai.v.30 4° 1746. On the Invafion. FIREBRACE John, B. A. of Peter-Houfe Camb. and Cur. of Thornham, Lancallcrf. Matt. X. 16. 8° 1 767. Vif. The clerical Charafler confidered Avi:h refped to times of Improvement. FISH Henry, M. A. V. of Middleton, Norfolk. *Prov.x. 27. 8°i737. Period of Hum. Life not unalterably fixed. FlSHtR John, B. A. Pf. XXX. 1;. 8"^ 1723. Pf. cxxvii. I. 8° 1725. FISHER John, M. A. V. of St. Lawrence, Exon. i5Serm. in 8° 1741. On fej^'. Subjefts. Sherborne. FISHER John, M. A. V. of St. John's, Peterborough. * 4° 1753. Affize. FISHER Jofeph, M. A. Fell, of Queen's Cell. Oxon. Heb. xiii. 14. 4" 1695. Wedd. f. The Honour of MarriagCt Ch. Ch. Alls. Trin. ^een's. St. Johiis. Camb. Sion. FISHER John, Bp, of Rocheiler. *Johnxi. zv. 8° 1708. Fun. of Margaret Countefs of Rich- mond. Bod. Ch. Ch. Oxon. * Sermons in 8° 171 1. FISHER WilVtmn *Pf.xxi. II. 8° 1 71 6, Th. f. FITZWI! LIAM John, DD. Chaplain to his Royal Plighnefs, and Canon of Windfor. Prov. xxiv, 21,22. 4° 1683. Th. for delivering the King from the kte treafonable Confpiracy. lub.L. St.Johfi^s. Camb. * liai. xxxviii. I. 12° 1696. 6. Sermons. Magd. Oxon, TLAVEL John, Minifter of Dartmouth, Devon. *His VVorics in 2 Vol. fo. 1673. FLEETWOOD Wiiliam, Bp. of Ely. Prov. vi. 10, 1 1. 17 - - - - - *Phil i. 27. S°i7 * 2 Cor. ix. 20. 4° I 7 Prop. Gofpel. *Aasxxii. 20. 8° 17 Tit iii. 10. 8° 1710. Jan. 30. Scrm. &c. fo.1737. Ch. Ch. Mert, VewC. St. John's. Wadh. Ox. P;ib L. CI. H: King's. Trin. ^ceen's. Camb. Dr.Ws's.L. Lond. N. B. Serm on relative Duties. Univ. Oxon. Fub. L. Camb, Occafional Sermons. Brit. M. FLEMING Cflleb, DD, Miniller at Pinner's Hall, London. * Adsxi. 23,24. i" 1753. Fun. of J. Fofier, DD. Brit.M. *Tit.ii. 15 8° 1759. St. Paul's Orthodoxy, ^leens. Camb. *Matt. xxiii. 8-10. 8"" 1760. The Equality of Chriftians in the Province of Religion Sec. ^cens. Camb. * Mark ii. 27,28. 8°i77i. On the Reaf. and End of Chriilian Sabbath, ^eetis. Camb, * I Pet. iii. 15. 8° 1771, Reaf. and End of Xn. Bapt. Slueen's. C. * I Cor. OF AUTHORS, &c. 125 * T Cor. xi. 26. 8° 1771. Reaf. and End of Lord's Supper. ^leens. Camb. * Dil'couries in 8° 1772. On 3 effential Properties of the Gofpel Revelation. Sljce?i's. Camb. Dr. Wss, L. London. *A Supplimenra! Life, on Jfai. 7, 13, 14. On the fupernatural Conception oi Jefus Chrilt. ^i/ee»'s. Camb. * - - - - 3° 1775. Ingratitude of Infidelity. *----- 1778. 2 rJifcourfes. F' EMING Robert, => Ecclef vii. I. 8° 169'. Fun. of Mrs. Suf. Soame. Bod FLEMING Robert,^ V. D. M. * ler. xviii. ■'-11. 12" 1692. Ref. Manners. QioK^xrltf. * Difc. in S° i 701. Tobxiv. 14 8" 1704. Fun. E(of!. FLETCHER E. * - - - - 17A2. Fun. FLETCHER Philip, Dean of Kildare, Ireland. *Pf. Ixxii. 3. 4" 1759. Jrilh Prot. Schools. JUS, Wore. Oxon. ^.enis- Camb. * Jofhua xx'v. 13,14. 4° 1763. Irifh Prot. work School. FLETCHER Thomas, Bp, of Kiidare. Prov xiii 23. 4° 1745. Dublin. Irilh Prot. Schools. AllS,Worc. Oxon. Queens. Camb. FLETCHER William, LID. Dean of Killaloe, Ireland. * 20 Sermons in S'* 1772. Dublin. FLEXMAN R. DD, Miniller at the old Jewry, London. * Rev ii. 10 8° 1774. Fun. of T. Jmory, DD. ^leen^s. Camb. FLOWER Chriftopher, M. A. R. of St. Margaret Lothbury, Lond. John xviii. 40. 4^*1666. Jan. 30. Mid. iv. 9. 4° 1669.. Fail. Fire of London. * John xix 42. 4° 1666. ■ FLOWV.R -John, M. A. Matt iv. g 4'' 1669. FLOWER Thomu *i3Serm. 8° 17 Union betwixt Chrill and Believers. * Prov. xvi 31. 8° 1754. Fun. FLUDGER John, M.A. Minifter at Putney, Surrey, Chapl. to his Grace the Duke of St. Albans, and late Fell, of Pemb. Coll. Oxon. * li'ai. xxvi. 9. 4° 1755. Fall. Earthquake. FOLEY Samuel, Bp of Down and Connor. 1 Tim.iii. 1. 4° 1683. Conf. of 3 Bps. Magd. Oxon. 1 Tim iv 16, 4° 1683. Vif. Magd. Oxon. FQORD Jofeph, Preacher of the Gofpel at Edinburgh. 19 Sermons in 8° 17 19. Edinburgh, fORD John *Gen, ii. 18. 8° 1735. 2 f. Wed. f. V. Difc. on Conj. D. v. 1. a ^ The fame. FORD 125 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER FORD Randolph, E. A. ?. Cur. and Le(flurer uf St. Mary-lebov/, Middlefex. Lukexix. 8. 4° 1711. Matt. xxi. 38, 39. 8^1713. Jan. 30. Pf. cxxxiii. I. 8° 17 1 5. Th. Sund. after King George ift, cams. 1 Cor. xiii. 6. 4"^ 17 16. Th. f. TVIatt fii. 9,10. 4''i72i. Fad. ag. Plague. FORD Thomas, LLD. V. of Melton Mowbxny, Leiceller, and iate Stud, of Ch. Ch. Oxon. * I Cor. ix 16. 8° 1775. ^''^• FORD Simon, DD, R. of Old Swinford, Wore, and Chap, in Ord. 2Sam. xix. 30. 4°i66i. Th for the Exiles Reftoration. Ch.Ch. Wore. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. 2 Sam. i. 14. 4°i66i. Jan. 30. The loya! Subjei^'s Indignation for his royal Sovereign's Decollation, Magd. Oxon. *Prov. xxii. 6. 4° 16 Pf. Ixxv. 4-7. 16 Affize. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pf. cvii. 24. 4° 1665. Oxon. The Lord's Wonders in the Deep. Bod. Magd. Ch. Ch. Or. Oxon. Aftsxxi.14. 8° 1665. Fun. of Right Hon. Elizabeth Langham. C. C. C Oxon. Aas XX. 35, 8° 1674. Char. f. C.C.C. Oxon. Pf.ix. 16. 8° 1678. Of God's Judgments. Bod. Ch.Ch. Ox. Sion. I Cor. XV. 29. 4° 1692, b. Ld May. Baptifm for the dead. Bod. Gal.vi.i,2. 4° 1696. 2 f . On a public Penance_. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Trin, Camb. FORD Stephen Johniii. 3. 8° 1675. Of Regeneration. Bod. FORD Wtllwm, fen. * I Cor. XV. 55-57. 8° 1733. Fun. of Tim- Shepherd. Tub.L, C. *Tim. iv. 14. 8° 1735, .Ord. of "John Not cut t. * ii. 12. 8° 1757. Ord. * i. 11,12. 8^1758. Ord. FORD Willlm, jun. *----- 1769. The religious Care of Families. * Gen. xviii. 19. 8° 1770. t * Pf, jxxiii. 24. 8" I -8 1. Fun. of Elizabeth Ford. Brit.M. FORDTCE James, DD. ' * Ads xviii. «4. 1752. Eloquence of the Pulpit. * Rev. xviii. 23,24. 8° i754. V. Prot. Syftem. V. i. * 1 Cor. xiv. 26. i2°i755. Ord. The methods of promoting Edification by public Inflitutions. * Ecclef. xi. I. 4° 1757. Fun. *Rev. xiv. 6. 8° 1760. Fun. of Rev. Dr. S. Latcrence. *Prov. vii. 6, 7. 12"* 1775. V. Scotch Pr. V. 1. p 313. The Folly, Infamy and Mifery of unlawful Pleafurcs. Braz.hl. Ox. * Sermons in 2 Vol. 12° 1767. To Young Women. Bniz.N. Oxon. ^eeri'i. Camb. Sioi. *Jchn OF AUTHORS, &c. 127 *Jolmxi. 5. S*^ 1776. 3 pts. Chara6lcr of the Fern. Sex, and the Advantages to be derived from the Company of virtuous Wo- men. Siofu '*--.- 1779. Faft FORENESS E. Frcfbyter of the Church of England. Rom.xiii.2. 4°i6?3, Th. Sep. 9. Aftsxiii. 36. 4° 16S4. Fiui. of ojr Robert Leiccuer, Sistt, FORESTER Thomas, M. A. R. of rimpron, Somerfetfhire. Ezra vii. 25,26. 4° 1741. Acceff, '>. Lord Mayor. FORSTER John, M. A. R. of Eeer-Crocombe, Somerfetniire. Lukexiv. 23. 4'"^ 1746. A free Protcftant People, and a Popifh Prince incompatible. FORSTER John, M.A. R. of Elton, Huntingdon. * I I'im. ii 2. 8° 1755. 2 f . Affize. *Rom.xiii.8. 8°i757. Afiize. * Rom. xiii. c. 8° 1764. Religion and Loyalty infcparable. FORSTER Natb'-niel, DD. Feli.^of C.C.C. Ox'on. Markvii. 13. 8° 1740. Qxon. Nov, 5. Popery deftrufiive of the Evidence of Xnity. JUS. C. C. C, JVcrc. Ox. ^leen's. Camb. FORSTER Nathaniel, DD. R of Ail Saints Colcheller, and Chapl. to the Coantef; Dc.vager of Ncrthington. * Johnx. 25. 8° 1/^7- Evii-'cace from Miracles flated and vindi- cated, ^eeris. CV-mb. *i Cor.xiv. 33. 4° 1770. Vif. The Elhblifhment of the Ch. of England defended upon the Principles of relig-Liberty. * 2 Cor. xiii. 14. 4° 1780. Trin. S. Grace without Enthufiafm. *Heb. xii.6. 4° 1781. Faft. Evil providentally good. FORSTER Nicholas, Bp. of Kilialoe. I Cor. i. 10. 4° 1716. Dublin. Unanimity in the prefent time of Danger recommended. Sh Joh7is. Camb. * I Tim. ii. 1, 2. 8*^1715. Acceffion. ^eeris. Camb. FORSTER Richard, M. A. R. of Eeckley, Suffex. Prov. xvii. 26. 4° 1684. Affize. Prerogative and Privilege. FORSTER Thomas * Judges xii. 23, 34. 8^1715. Aocefiion. * I Sam. xii. 23,24. 8° 17 15. Acceffion. * Rev. xiv. 13. 8° 1718. Fun. of Rev, Mr. Miller. FORSTER Thomas, R. of Halefvvorth, SutFolk. * I John iii. 7. 8° i 759. The Neceffity of aftual Holinefs, as well from the Light of Nature as from Scrioture. FORSTER William, R. of St. Clement's Dane, London. Luke xiv. 21-23. 8° '7'4- Prop. Gofp. Ch.Ck. Ox. Recti's. C. Hfb xii II. 8" 1 714. Royal Fun. fifteen's. Camb. FORSTER William, M. A. V. of Heigaingtou. * - - - - 1755. Afnze. FOSS John, M.A. R. of Caltleford, Yorklhire. Matt.vii. 12. 8° 1735. -A'lfize. FOSTER Henry, M.A. *Aftiix. II. 8° 1777. Grace Difplayed and Saul converted. At Newgate Chapel. FOSTER 128 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER FOSTER James, DD. Miniller at Pinner's hall, London. Sermons on fev. Subjeds. 8° V. i. 1732. V. 2. 1737. V. 3. V. 4^ 1744. ^"^^ ^^'^orc. Wadh, Oxon. ^teen's. 7rin. Camb. Sicn, Dr. U's's. L. London. Ecclef. vii. 2. 8° 1732. On the Death of Mrs. Mary Wilh. Bod. l^een^s. Camb. Heb.vi. 12. 8° 1 741. Fun. oi Mr. Imfyi. Bod. Tri?i. ^een's. C. * Jfai.xl.6 8° I 742. Fun. FORT Francis, M. A. Fell, of Sidney Coll. Camb. *Adsxxii. 3. 8" 1753. Sch. Fcait. Tiverton, Devon. FORTESCUE John * Pf. xviii. 47-49. 8° 1760. Th. f. FOTHERGILL Geo. DD. late Principal of Edmund-Hall. Oxon. * Sermons in 2 Vol. 8° 1765. Oxon. On fev. Subjeds and Occa- fions. Bod. ^een'^s. Nezv. C. JVorc. Oxon. FOTHERGILL Thomas, DD. Provoii of Queen's Coll. Oxon. and Preb. of D'Jfham. Nahum.i. 15. 8" 1749. Oxen. Th. for Peace. The Dcfireable- ncls of Pcrice and the Duty of a Nation upon the Recovery of it. IVorc. Oxon. * 2 Chron. XXXV. 25. 8° 1753.- O.ro/;. Jan. 30. * — — - xiii. 18. Fall. Oxon. Qualifications and Advantages, of religious Trull in times of Danger. Wore. Oxon. * Daniel xii. 10. 8° 1762. A61. Oxon. Religion and Learning capable of being rendered mutually i'erviceablc, or prejudicial to one another. FOULKES Peter, DD. Canon of Ch. Ch. Oxon. Tim iii. I. 4° 1723. Ex',n. Jan. 30. FOUNTAYNE John, DD. Dean of York. * Ifai. xxvi. 4,5, 8° 1756, Fall. FOURESriER P^ul. of Canterbury. * Matt. xxiv. 6. 8" 1758. Lavvfulnefs of juft Wars, FOWLER amjiopher iThefl". V. 27. 4° 1675. *"• ^' P* P* '°5- ^^^ Scriptures to be read by the common People. FOWLER Edward, Bp. of Glouceller. I Pet. i. 8. 4° 1674. f. m. e. p. 497. Bod. iTim. i. 19. 4" 1 68 1. All". AllS. C.C.C. Oxon. PuL L. Trin. St.John^s. Camb. Brit.M. Matt, xviii. 7. 4° 1683. 2 f. Of Offences. Bod. Ch. Ch. JUS. C.C.C. Oxon. Pui. L. Camb. Sio?i. I Pet.ii. 17. 4° 1685. 'County Feall. Bod. Ch.Ch. CCC. Oxon. Pul/. L. Camb. Pf.ci. 5. 4° 1685. Of Slaodering. /J!S. C.C.C. Oxon. Pui>. L. Camb. Sio/!. Lukexvi 9. 4^ 1688. Spittal W. Bod. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Oxon. Pai. L. Camb. IIofeaxi.8. 4" 1690. Faft. b. Lord Mayor. Bod. MS.Vniv.Ch. Ch. JeJ. Oxon, Pub. L. Camb. James OF AUTHORS, &c. 129 James ii. 10. 4°i69i. b. Queen. Bod. Cb.Ch. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. ^'iun. John xiii 34. 4° 1692. b. Sons of the Clergy. Bod. Wadh. Oxon. 1 Cor. vi 14. 4° 1692. Spitt. M. Magd. Oxon. Sion. * - - - - 1695. Ciimb, On the Death of Queen Mary. Pf. Ixxxvi. 12, 13. 4" 1696. Th. b. Lords. For the Difcovery of a Defign to aflafiinate the King. Ephef. vi.7,8. 4° 1699. Ref. Manners. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pf. xcviii. I. 4° 1704. Th. after Vidory. At Guildhall. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Trin. ^eert^s, Camb. John xvi. 28. %'^ 1706. Of the Defcent of the Man Jefus Chrift &c. St. Paul's. Job xxli 25. 8° 1707. On God's Providence. Jobii. 10. 8° 1707. The great Difingenuity and Unreafonable- nefs of repining at affliding Providences &;c. Tr/». Camb. Pf cvii. 8. or 10. 8" 1707. Th. The great Duty of Praife and Thankfgiving. FOWLER Matthew, DD. R. of Whitchurch, Salop and Preb. of Litchfield. Prov. xxiv. 2 I. 4° 1662. James iii. 17. 4° 1682. Affize. T^rin. Camb. FOWLER DD. * Luke xxii. 19. 4° 1699. Ag. Tranfubftantiation. Soon after his admifCon into the Communion of the Church of England. FOWLER Ihomas *---.- 1754. Fun, FOWNS Richard 2 Their, ii. 3,4. 1660. Ch. Cone. Lat. FOWNES Jofeph * 1 Chron, xxix 26-28. 8° 1760. Fall. The Connexion between the Honour of Princes, and the Happinefs of their People. FOX Francis, M. A. Surmailer of St. Paul's School, London. Exod.xx. 12. 4° 1683. Co. Feaft. Bod. Pub.L. Camb. FOX Francis, M. A. V. of Potteme, Wilts. Pf. xcvii. I. 4° 1705. May 29 b. Lord Mayor. The Superin- tendency of divine Providence over human Affairs. Matt. V. 33-37. 8°i7io. Affize. Bod. Pub. Camb. Num xxiii. 23. 8° 1715. 2 f. Nov, 5. Matt, xxiii. 23. 8° 1727. AfTize. FOX Joleph, M, A. V. of St. Michael's, Coventry. Job. xix. 25-27. 4° 1702. Fun. of Lady Mary Bridgman. FOXCROrT John, M.A. R. of Widforby, Leicefterf. Afts xxvi, 28, 29. &°i695. Sev. lerm. The altogether Chrif- tian's Duty &c. Prov. xix. 14. 12° 1697. Charader and Bleffing of a prudent and virtuous Wife. Rom. xiii. 4. 4° 1697. Affize. FOXCROFT Thomas *Pf. xcv. 4,7,8, 8° 1727 Bcjlon. New Eng. af. an Earthquake. Vol. IL R FOXLEY s 130 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER FOXLEY Thomas, M. A. R. of St. Mary's, Manchcfter. *Gen.!V. 26. 8°I755. Conf. of a Church at Manchcfter. FRAMPTON Matt. LLD. R. of Bremhill, V. of Weltport, Wilts, and Chapl. to the Earl of Berks, and Suffolk. * 2 Pet. iii. «8. 4° 1769. Aft. Oxon. Grow in Grace. ^/W. Ox. * Pf Iv. 15. 4" 1776. An. Co. meeting. FRAMPTON Th. Pf cxvi. 1 i-i 3. 8" 1712. On the Removal of the Small-pox. FRANCIS John,» LLD. Min. of St. Peter's and St. John's, Norw. Luke xix. 27. 4° 1746. His Majefty's Jullice and Clemency vindicated. FRANCIS John, a LLD. R. of Morley, Norfolk. * Sermons in 2 Vol. 12° 1773. FRANCIS John, M. A. V. of Lekeham near Norv.ich, *Rev. xiv. 13. 8" 1764. Fun. of Rev. B. Froit. *Prov. xiv. 34. 8° 1766. Religion the truell and beft Bulwark of a Nation. I * I Their, iv. II. 8° 1767. Chriftians fliould be quiet &c. *Rom.xiii.3. 8° 1770. 3 Affize f. A proper and due Subjeftion to authority enforced. FRANCIS late V. of little Brickhill, Bucks. * 10 Sermons in 12° 1771. ^eeri's. Camb. FRANCKEL Hirfchel David, at Berlin. *Pf. xxii. 23,24. 8° 1757. Th. Tranflation. FRANK Augultus Hermannus Matt. vi. 25-33. 8" 1708. Faith in Chrifl inconfiftcnt with a fe- licitous Concern about the things of this World. * Sermons in 12° 1716. *Johnxi. 25. 8° I 73 1. Eafter f. FRANK John, of Bath. *Rev. xiv, 13. 8" 1756. Fun. f. FRANK Le, B. D. Minifter of the French Church. ♦Difcourfes in 2 Vol. 12" 1662. The Church of England vin- dicated from the Errors and Superftitions of Rome. FRANK Mark, DD. Mailer of Pemb. Hall. Camb. and Arch-D. of St. Albans. A Courfe of 51 Scrm. io. \6yz. and one at St. Paul's-Crofs in 1 641. Bod. Pemb. Oxon. Sion. FRANKLIN Thomas, R. of Langton Herring, Dorfetfhirc, * Adsxxix. 1,2, 10. 8" 1756. On Shipwrecks. FRANKLIN Thomas, DD. late Fell, of Trin. Coll. and Greek-Pro- feflbr Camb. R. of Brailed, Kent, and Chaplain in Ord. Ecclef"'. vii. 34. 4" 1748. On the Fire in Cornhill, Lond. Gal.vi.g. 4" 1750. Col. Georgia. Brit.M. * 2 Sam xii. 23. 8" 1756. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Sturges, * Jonah iii. 7,8. 4" 1758. Fall. a ^ The fame. »Luke OF AUTHORS, &c, 131 *Lukex. 37. 4° 1758. b. Gov. of Middlef. Hofp. * 2 Chron. xxxii. 33. 4° i 760. Death of K. George ad. * Jer. xlix. 1 1 . 4" 1763. b. Sons of the Clergy. *Serm.in 8°i765. On the Relative Dudes. All S, Oxon. * Hofea xiv. 3. 4° 1768. b. Gov. of the Afylum. * Markx 14. 4° 1774. b. Gov. of Difpenf. for Infant poor. * Matt, xviii. 32,33. 4° 1774. Benefit of fmall Debtors. FRANKLYN Francis, M. A. Priell Vicar of St. Andrew, Wel!s, Somerfet. Rom.xiii.8. 8°i724. At a Quarter feffions. The perpetual Debt, and mutual obligation of mutual Love. FREE John, DD. formerly Chaplain of Ch. Ch. Oxon. and V. of Runcorn, Chefliire. i2Serm. in %° 1750. Preached before the Univerfity. *Pf. liii.ii. 8° 1739, ^^-^ *Exod. xxxiv. 14. 8" 1753. Jan. 30. ^ jerem.n. I • / 7)3- b. Antigallicans. * I Pet. 111. 8. 5 8 •75t). ^ * I John iv. I. ^"^1758. VVhitfunday. b. Univerfity. *Gen.i.2. 8° 1764. b. Soc of Florills Braz.N. Oxon. * 26. 8° I 764 The Analyfis of Man Braz.N. Oxon. * I Cor. ix 13,14. 4° 1765. Poetical f. The voluntary Exile. * Levit. xxiv. 21. 8" 1768. On the Murder of Mr. Allen, jun. * Gen. xiv. 14. 8° 1769. Anniv. f. On the fame Occafion. Dr. Ws's. L. London. FREEMAN Francis Lukexii. ic. (8° 1722. 7 a o ../-/• r- . ' -J ^ > Ag. Covetoufnefs. Fun. xiv. 14. t 2 1. 5 FREEMAN Samuel, DD. R. of St. Paul's Gov. Garden Lend, and Dean of Peterborough. John i. 47. 4° 1 68 1. Fun. The Ifraelite indeed. Sion. Trin. Camb. 1 ThefT.iv. 14. 4''i682. Fun. of Sir Tho. Bludworth. Bod. JUS. C.C.C. Oxon. PuL L. Camb. Brit.M. Pf. xxxiv. 12-14. 4° 1682. b. Lord Mayor. Pf. lxxxii.6. 4^1690. Affize. Bod. All 5. Or. J ej. Oxon. PuLL. Frin. CI. //. Camb. Sisn. Pf. Ixxxix. 21,22. 4° 1690, Nov. 5. b. Commons. Bod. JUS, Ch Ch. Oxon. Pub. L. CI. H. Camb. Sion. I John v. 4. 3" 1643. b. Queen. Ch. Ch. Oriel. Oxon. Pub. L. Fiin. Camb. Sion. Matt.xxv.46. 4° 1694, Spittal T. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. Irin. Camb. Sion. I Cor. XV. 58. 4° 1698. Spittal Ch.Cb. Oxon, ix.25. 4''i70o. Fun. ot Duke of Bedford. Ch.Ch. Oxon. CI. H. Camb. Sion. FREEMAN William. B. A. Left, of St, Botolph's, Aldergate. I Tim. ii. 1,2. 4® 1730. Acceff. b. Lord Mayor. R z FREKE 132 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER FREKE Thomas % * Jonah i. 16. 4° 1704. Fall. Brit M. J*Johnv. 40. 8°I7I5. Liberty of Will. •Rom.xiv. 17. 12° 1704. Ref. Manners. * Pf. cxxii. 9. 8^ 1713. *Jobxxiv. 13. 8° 17 16. 15 Difc. Ignorance of God. *Matt. i. 21. 8°i7i6. FRIEND Robert, DD. R. of Whitney, and Can. of Ch. Ch. Oxon. Jer. iii. 25. 4° 171 1. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Ch. Ch. Univ. Magd. Line. Oxon. ^eens. St. John'' s. Camb. Sion. FRIEND William, DD. Preb. of Weftminfter. *iPet. ii. 16. 4° 1755. Jan. 30, b. Commons. Braz.N. Oxon. *GaI.v. 1. 4° 1761. Cone, ad Cler. ^etn^s. Camb. FROST B. M. A. Cur. of Glamsforth, Suffolk. Ecclef. V. 5. 8° I 741. 2 f. Office of Godfathers and Godmothers. FROST Richard, of great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Ruth. ii. 4° 1729. Norzvith. Harveit f. * Prov. xxiii. 29-25. 8° 1729. Danger and Folly of Djunkcn- nefs. ^een^s. Camb. Levit. xix. 16. 8° 17 Againft Talebearing. *2eor. ii. 16. 8° 1745. Ord. * Rev. ii. I. 8° 1752. Fun. of P. Dodderidge, DD. FROrSELL Thomas, Minifter at Clunne, Salop. *Serm. in 8° 1678. Concerning Grace and Temptations. BdJ. Sion, FRT Sa?nuel * ' ' - 1755- * I Pet.iv. 18. 8° 1759. Fun. FULHAM John, M.A Chaplain to the Houfc of Commons, and Lanon or Windfor. Deut.ix. 6. 8" 1749. May 29. b. Commons. FULLER Francis I Cor. vii. 29. 12° 1700. Shortnefs of Time. FULLER Ignatius, of Sherrington, Bucks. Markix.50. Vif. f. 8''i672. p. I. Bod. ^eens. Pemb. Oxon. lTim.vi.3-5. 8°i672. To a great prefcnce. p. 47. Bod. ^eens. Pemb. Oxon. Rom. viii. 2. Fun. of Mrs. Anne Norton. Bod.^eeiis. Pern. Ox. FULLER John, M.A. Aflsv, 38. 4° 1 68 1. Faft. Seafonable Advice in trying Times. FULLER Samuel, DD. Dean, of Line, and Chaplain in Ord. Matt. vi. 23. 4° 1682. At Court. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. xxii. 21,22. 4°i682. b. King. June 25. Magd. Ch. Cb. Oxon. Trin. St.yoh?!!, Camb. Sion. FULLER Thomas, DD. R. of Bilhop's Hatfield, Herts. Phil i. 27,28. 4° 1703. Vif. Ch.Ch. MIS. Ox. St. John's. Cam. FULLWOOD Francis, DD. Arch. Deacon of Totnes, and Canon of Exon, Devon. ileb.xii.23. 4° 1667. Neceffity of receiving the Communion &c. Bod. Ch. Cb. Oxon. i Cor. OF AUTHORS, kc. 133 1C0r.xi.22. 4° 1672. Afllze. The Neceflky of keeping our Churches. IJniv. ^eens. Magd. Were. Oxon. FULLWOOD Peter, M. A. R. of South Normanton, Derbyfhire. Prov. xiv. 34. 8''i673. Cone, ad Magift. A Nation's Honour, and Difhononr. p. i. I Tim.v. 17. 8° 1673. Cone, ad Cler. Vif. The Miniller's Duty and Due. p. 19. Col. i. 10. 8° 1673. Cone, ad Plebem, The Xn's Guide, p. 3J. FURLY Samuel, B. A. of Queen's Coll. Camb. *Johnvii. 17. 4° 1779. \ if. at 7>ar<7, Cornwal. FURNEMX Philip, DD. of Clapham, Surry. *ProT. xxii 26 8" 1755. An, meet. Char. Sch. ^/cen's. Camb, *irai xlix. 4, 5. 8° 1758. Faft. * 2 Tim. iv. 7,8. 8° 1763. Fun. oi Henry Miles, DD. keen's. C. * I Cor iv. I. 8° 1766. Ord. *Johnvii 46. 8° 1769. Ord. Charafter of Jef. Chrift as a public Speaker confidered. ^eeris. Camb. * Rom 14.7. 8" 1755. Char. Sch. meeting. FURSMAN John, M. A. R. of Trevalga. Lornvval. * Matt. V. 33. 34. 8° 1 71 5. Affize. Eton. FYLER Samuel, M. A. R. of Stockton, Wilts. Matt.vi 9. 4" 1680. Vif. Pub, L. Camb. FYSH Henry, M.A. V. of Middleton, Norfolk. Prov.x. 27. 8° 1738. Period of human Life, ^eens, Carab. FYSH Thomas, M. A. Zech. xii. 8. 4" 1685. May 29. St.Jehn's. Camb. Slon, FYSON Tho. M. A. Chaplain to the Earl of Uxbridge and Left, of St. Bartholomew, near the Royal Exchange, London. 1 Cor XV. 58. 8° 1715. Farew. f. GAIRDEN George, DD. Phil. i. 21. 8" 1726. Fun. of Dr. Scougal. V. his works, p. 395« G. S. iTim.iii. 16. 8° 1730. On the Trinity. Chriilmas. GALE John, D.P. Serm. in 4 Vol. 8^ 1726. Preached upon fev. Occafions. GALE Theophilus, M. A. Fell, of Magd. Coll. Oxon. *Lukexix. 41. 8" 1672. Anatomy of Infidelity. 1 John ii. 15. 4° 1676. r m. e. C. p. 64. Wherein the Love of God is inconfiftent with the Love of the World. GALE Thomas, DD. Dean of York. Serm. in 8° 1704. Preached on fev. Holy-days. Pub.L. C. Sien. GALLAWAY Cole, John, V. of Hinkley, Leiceiler. * I Tim. i, 9. 8° 1779, Affize. Chrillianity, the true Founda- tion of civil Liberty. GALLAWAY Will. M. A. Chaplain to the Train of Artillery, and Prcb. of Wore. Deut. XX. 3,4. 4° 1692. Ifai.xiv. 16-18. 4° 1697. Th. GALLI- 134 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER GALLIMORE Francis, M. A. Chapl. to the Earl of Scarfdale. Eccief. xii. I. 4° 1694. The Happinel's of fuch as mind their Creator betimes. GALLY Henry. DD. R. of St. Giles's in the Fields, and Chaplain in Ord. Jobv 7 8° I 723. 2 f. On the Mifery of Man. I Tim. ii r.z. ^° ij^g. AccciT. b. Lommons. GALPINE Calvin, B. A. R. of Portroyal in Jamaica. * Matt, vii 1 8° 1721. Pf. Ixxxii. 6, 7. 4° 1722. 'Jamaica. [GALPINE John] *Zech.iv. 6. 12" 1703. Ref. Manners. * I Pet. i. 3,4. 8" 1703. Fun. GAMBOLD John, M.A. V. of Stanton-Harcourt, Oxon. Lukeii. 10. 8° ;74i. Oxon. Xnity, Tidings of joy. Wore. Ox. *Pf. cxiv. 7. 8° 1756. Faft. Earthquake. The Keafonablenel's and Hxtent of religious Reverence. GANE John, M.A. V. of Winterbourn, White Church, and Turnworth, Dorfet. Gal. V. 15. 8''i72S. Afiize. GARBUTT Richard, B. D. Fell, of Sidney-Coll. Camb. 1 Cor. XV. 20. 12" 1699. A Demonllration of the Refurrcdion. p. I . St. PauPi, London. Num. xxvi. 10. I 2° 1669. A Perfervative ag. Judgments, p. 169. St. FauPsy London. J Sam. i. 16. 8° 1675. A fober Tellimony ag. Drunkards and Whoremongers. Bod. GARDINER James, Bp. of Lincoln. Pf. lxxiv.9. 4° 1695. FalL b. Lords. M^gd. Ox. ^leen's. Trin. Camb. Sion. Aftsx. 31. 4" 1 701. Spittal. C.C.C. Oxon. GARDINER James, M. A. R. of St. Michael Crooked Lane, Lond. 2 Tim. iii. I. and /J. 4° 1696. Th. April 16. Sion. Zech. xi. 2. 4° 1700. Fun. of Duke of Gloucefter. Pf. Ixxvi. 10. 4° 1706. Th. June 27. <'^;o/;. 2 Cor. ii. 16. 4° I 71 3. Oxon. Cone, ad CI. Lond. Bod. Sion. GARDINER James, M.A. Sub-Dean of Lincoln. Rom.xiv. 19. 8"i7i3. The Duty of Pe^ce &c. Line. Oxon. St.Jobn^s. Camb. A Prad. Expofition of our Saviour's ferm. on the Mount. 8°i730. Ch. C.h. Hert. Oxon. GARDINER John. M. A. V. of Henbury, Gloucefter. * Pf. cxix. 9. 4" 1752. Eleft. of Mayor. Religious Zeal. [G.ARDINER R. J *Rom. viii. 11.8° *i Tim.ii. 1,2. 8" GARDINER Samuel, M. A. Chaplain in Ord. 2 Cor. v. 20. 4°i672i Vif. C.C.C. Oxon. Puli L. Camb. Sion. GARDINER OF AUTHORS, &c. 135 GARDINER William, LL.B. V. of Hambleton, Rutlandf. Ifai.vii. 14. ^8° 17 A literal Expofition of 2 remarkable Deut.xviii. i^. J Prophecies. GARDNER William, DD. R. of St. Olave's, Southwark. 1 Pet. ii. 17. 4° 1726. Affize. iSam. ii. 39. 8° 1745. Ail. Oxon. The faithful Pafior. AllS. Wore. Oxon. GARMSTON John, M. A. Mafler of the Free-fchool, Line, and late Fell, of Magd. Coil. Camb. * Lain. V. 16. 4° I 71 2. Lincoln Jan. 30. keen's. Camb. Lukexiii. 3. 8°i7i5. To Prifoners for Debt. Phil.i. 21. 8° 17 Fun. Pf. xc. 12. 8° I 71 7. Exod.xx. 5. 8° 1727. On the Jullice of God in vifiting &c. ^een's. Camb. GARMSTON Shadrach, M. A. V. of Hanllape, Bucks. Pf. iv. 4. 8" 1716. Th. Bod. Amos iv. II. 8° I 71 6. Nov. 5. Eod. 2 Chron. XXXV. 25. 8° 1724. Jan. 30. Ecclef. viii. 2. 8° 1724. GARNER John, M. D. *irai.i. 19,20. S"l76c. Faft. GARNET John, Bp. of Clogher. Gal vi. I 5. 4° 1740. The ntw Creation, a State of Profelytifm. i^ren^s. Trin. Camb. 2Sam. XX. 19. 4° 1741. Camb. Affize. Rom.xii. i !. 4° 1 745. Camb, Reb. and Commemoration, keen's. Camb. Brii. M. . Jobi. 5. 4° 1745- Faft. Jan. 8. p. 313. Job xlii. 10. 4° 1748. Whitfunday. May 29. p. 331. 2 Chron. xxix. 20, 21. 4" 1747-8. Fall. Feb. 17. p. 347. James V. II. 4° 1744. At Whitehall. Feb. 26. p. 363. N. B. Thefe 4 lail Sermons are added to his Differtation on Job, 4° 1749. Camb. * Luke XV. 7. 4° 1756. Irifli Prot. Schools. [GARTSHERE George] *----- 1736. GASKARTH John, DD. Fell, of Pemb. Hall Camb. and V. of All Saints, Barking. Pf Ixxxii, 6,7. 4° 1683. Fun. of Duke of Lauderdale. AllS. t2uie?i's. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Aasxi.34. 4° 1685. Vif. Ch.Ch. Magd. Ox. Vub.L, C Sion. Rom. viii. 14. 4° i 700. Cone, ad CI. Cant. Enthufiafmi Refu- tatio. Alls. Oxon. Pub.L. ^'rin. ^ceti s. St. John's. Camb. Ephcf. ii. I. 4° 1700. Cafnb. Cominenc. A Defcription of the unregeneratc and the truly Chrillian Temper or State. Ad S. Oxon. '^frin. ^een^s. St. Johns. Camb. irai.vi.13. 4° 1705. Open, a Ch. The beautiful Sanfluary. Sion. Gai.iv. 18. 4° 1713. Ref. Manners. Pub.L. Camb. GJSPINE 136 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER GJSPINE John *Lukexii.32. 4° 1663. V. Coll. Farew, f. GASTRELL Francis, Bp. of Chclkr. Heb. xi. 6. 8 Serm. at Boyle's Left. 8° 1703. or fo.1739. V. 1. p. 275 Ch.Ch. C.C.C. KUgd. Oxon. Pf. xlvi. 1-3. 4° I 704. Fall. b. ■Commons. Ch.Ch. Jef. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Brit. M. Pf. cxlvii. 12, 13. 4" 1704, Ann. meeting Char. Sch. BoJ. Univ. Ch. Ch. Alls. C.C.C. Magd. Oriel. Jef. Oxon. 9^een's. St. Johri'i. Camb. Sion. Eton. Rom.xiv. 18. 4°i7i2. b. Queen. Univ. C.C.C. Line. Oxon. Prov. xxi. 31. 4" I 714. May 29. b. Lords. Ch.Ch. Line. Oxon. Slueen''s. Camb. GATAKER Thomas, B. D. * Sermons in fo. 1737. * ^'■°''- x^^:."4- } V. Difc. on Coni. Duty. V. 2. p. 499. *Prov. xvm. 22. 5 ^ ■! ^ ^^^ [GATCHELL Thomas] Pfxxi. I. x" 1706. Th. f. . GATTON Benjamin, V. of Dinton, Bucks. John xvi. 2,3. 4° 1704. Nov. 5. A view of the Cruelty and Ignorance oi the Romifh Church. Rom.xiii.2. 4''i7io. Nov. 5. Non-refiJtance. Bed. Sion. 1 8 Serm. in 8° 1732. O.xon. On feveral Occafions. 6AUDEN John, Bp. of Worcciier. Ecclcf. vii. 2. 4° I 660. Funerals made Cordials. 8° Bod. 2 Kings ii. 12. 12° 1660. Fun. of Bp. Brownrig. Bod. Univ. St. Johns. Oxon. Pub L. Camb. Jer. viii. 11.4° 1660. Th. b. Ld Mayor. [Feb. 28. 1659.] Bed. Univ. Wore. Oxon. Sion. Micahvi. 8. 4° 1660. Fall. b. Commons. Bod. Pub.L. Camb. Pf. Ixxiv. 22. 4°i66i. 2f. Caufa Dei. Bod. Univ. Oxon. GAUNT John, M. A. Led. of St, Martin's, Birmingham, and late of C.C.C. Camb. * James ii. 24. 8° 1769. Birmingham. 3 f . The ImpofTibility of obtaining Salvation by Faith without Obedience. 'gearing VVjliiam, R. of Chrill Church. Surry. Job xix. 12. 12" 1667. Fall, for Fire of London. MHtt xi 19. \z° 1668. A Vol. Ifai. xxiv. 15.4'^ 1668. Fail, lor Fire of London. Sion. *Kcb. xiii. 14. 16 2 f . GEE Edward, R. oi St. Benedia, Paul's Warf, and Chapl. in Ord. Ephcf. V. 16. 4" i6y2. b. Queen. Of the Improvement of time Bod. Univ. Ch. Ch. Jef Oxon. Sion. GEORGE William, DD. Provoll of King's Coll. Camb. and Dean of Lincoln. Pf. xcvii I. 4" 1732. May 29. b. Commons. Johnx. 16. 4" 1749. Prop. Gofpel. AllS. Ox. Trin. ^leens. C. *Deut. XV. II. 4°i7s2. Char. School-meeting. Lincoln. [CELL ^ OF AUTHORS, &c. 137 [GELL Robert, DD.] * His Remains in 2 Vol. fo. 1676. Kings. Camb. GERARD Alex. DD. ProfefTor of Divinity in King's Coll. Aberdeen. * Ezek. xxxvi. 32. 8° 1759. Th.f. ^ceris. Camb. *Tit. i. 7. 8° 1760. b. Synod. * Deut. vi. 24. I2°i776. influence of Piety on the public Good, V. Scotch Preacher, v. 2. p. 307. * 1 Pet. ii. 16. 8" 1778. Faft. .: .; ♦igSerm. in 8" 1780. Bod^ Pub>,L. C'Simh.- GEREE John, M.A. Fell, of C.C.C. Coll. Oxon. 1 Cor. X, 24. 4° 1 706. Oxon. Affize. The Excellency of a public Spirit. Bod. Ch.Ch. C C.C. JeJ. Oxon; GERY Robert, V. of Iflington, R. of Allhallows the Great, Lond. and Prcb. of Lincoln. Pf. xcvi. 9. 4° 1706. Open, a Church, Sion. Trbi. Camb. GIBB John, M.A. V. of Bedminlter, and St. Mary RedcIifFe in Brillol and Abbots Leigh, Somerfet, and Preb. of Sarum. Rom. xiii. 6,7. 4° 1721. Brijiol. May 29. GIBB.ES Charles, DD. R. of Stanford Rivers, EfTex, and Preb. of Weftminller. • 3J Serm. in- 4'' 1677. B.od. Perab. Oxon. 5isn.- GIBBON . , ) fometime Preacher at Black-fryers, London. Rom. V. I 4° 1676. m. e..G. p. 297. The true Nature of Juf- tification. Gal. V. 16. 4°\6y6. m.e.C. p 79. How we may be fo fpiritual, as tocheck Sin in the firft rifings of it. GIBBON Will. M. A. V. of St. Dunilan in the Weft, and Preacher of Bridewell, London.,, ... 2 Sam. xxiii. 3. 4° 1743. Elefl. Lord Mayor. Pf..cxv. I, 4° 1747. May 29. b. Lord Mayor. A/IS. Oxon. GJBBONS Thm/s, DD. .., . *i Kingsviii.66. 8° 1746. Th.f. The Deliverance and Triumph of Great Britain. * Dan, 11,44. 8° I 747. b. DilLnt. Clergy. * Micah vi. 9.. 8° i 748. , On a Fire, in Cornh'.ll, London. * Matt. xiii. 45,46. 8°i752. Ch. Society. * Hab, iii..2.' 8° 1755. Fall. Earthquake. . *Amosvi. 6, 8° 1755. 2 {. On the cruel opprefllons of the Pro- teitants in France. ,,■;,, * Jer. iv. 19. 8" 1756. On Declaring War ag. the French. . * I Pet. i. 24,25. 8° 1760. Death of King George 2d.: . ; *Ephef i. 1 1. 8° 1761. Fun. of Rev. S. Dmiei.J^ien'"!. Cam^ * Sermons rn 8° 1762. On various SubjetlsjA .-; * - - - - 1764. Ch. 3ch..meet,;.; • .?A ^n ^ Gal; v. 13. ,8° 1764. Ord-. -: . • :', i ._;...-..; • ^ Ifai. xxi. 6. 8° 1770. State of the World iii g,enqra]^ and Bri- tain in particular as to Religion. .\^ . ', . *Ifai. iii. iq. ^"[ijj?:. Fun. of Will. Crormoeli,, Efq; Ghafafler and Eleffednefs of the righteous, .^(e/is. Camb, ' Vol. IL S . *Rev. 138 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER *Rev. xiv. 13. 8° 1775. Fun. of Rev. PFill. Ungford, DD. * Ecclef. xii. 1 . 8° I 776. Fun. of Mr. Thomas WiltoH. The Re- membrance of our Creator &c. GIBBS John, of All Soul's Coll. Oxon. Job. XXX. 23. 1698. X * Prov. xiv. 32. j * Ff. Ixxxix. 4. GIBBS William, M. A. R. of Gayton, Northampton. I ThefF. iv. 13. 4° 1699. Fun. of Edward Reynolds, DD. Oriel. Oxon. TriH. Camb. GIBSON Edmund, Bp. of London. I Theff. V. 12, 13. 4° 1702. Conf. of Bp. Nicholfon. Ch. Ch. C.C.C. Oxon. Pub. L. St. Jehus. Camb. 1 Cor. V. I 2, 1 3. 4° 1715. Cone, ad Synod. De Excommunica- tione. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Cl.H. Camb. Dan.xii. 13. 4° 1716. An. meet. Ch. Sch. Ch.Ch. Mogd. Ox. ^een^s. Camb. Brit. M. 2 Theff. iii. 3,4. 8°i7i7. Farevvel f. Pf.cxix. 136. 4" 1723. Ref. Manners. AUS. Ch.Cb. Wore. Ox. Recti's. Camb. 4 Sermons in 8° 1729. On fcv. Subjefts, Ch.Cb. Univ. Or. Wore. Hert. Oxon. Trin. ^eerfs. CI. H. St. John's. Camb. Brit. M. A£lsxxiii. 5. 4° 1706. Aflize. p. i. Hofea vii. 9. 4° 1706. Affizc. p. 33. Jer.vii. 3,4. 4° 1715. Aflizc. p. 63. Pf. cvi. 43,44. 4°i7i6. b. L's. On fupprcffing the Reb. p. 93. iCor. ix. 25. 8° 1743. Ag. Intemperance, keen's. Camb. Pf. cxii. 7. 1 2" 1 749. Truft in God. * A£ls xvii. 30. 17 GIBSON John, DD. Provoft of Queen's Coll. Oxon. and Preb. of Line, and Peterborough. Pf. Ixxxiv. 10, II. 8° 1719. Oxon, Conf. of Queen's Chapel. Magd. Were. Oxon. GIBSON John, V. of Kirby in Le Soken, Effex. Judges viii. 34,35. 8° 1727. Ipfwieb. On the Death of K. Geo. I. GIBSON John, Minifter of St. Ninians. *2Pet. i. 16. 8" 1761. On the Credibility and Importance of Scripturc-Hiftory. ^een's. Camb. GIBSON S»m. Minifter of Burleigh, Rutland. 2Chron.xxx.27. 8° 1 709. V. the Sacerdotal Benedidion. C.C.C. Oxon. Sitn. GIFFARD FrancU, M. A. I Sam. xii. 17. 4° 1681. Affize. Magd. Ox. Pui>. L. Trin. Camb. GIFFARD John, M. A. R. of Maynftone, Salop. * Jer. X. 25. 12° 171 3. Family-Religion, the principal fupport of the Church of England. GIFFORD A, •John iii. 8. 8° 1733. On a Storm. AllS, Oxon. GIFFORD Bonaventura, DD. of Sorbonc. Luke ii. 14. 4° 1687. Eton, GIF- OF AUTHORS, &c. 139 GIFFORD George, late Minifter of St. Dunflan's in the Eall, Lond. Gen. xlv. 8. 4° 1695. Subft. of fev. Sermons. The great Myllery of Providence. GILBANK Jof. jun. Minif. of rhe Gofp. at CockermouJh, Cunib. * Ephef. iv. 25. 4° 1779. b. Friendly Society. GILBERT John, M. A. Canon of St. Peter's, Exon. and V. of St. Andrew's, Plymouth, Devon. 2 Sam. xxi. i. 4° 1698. Exon. Jan. 30. Magd. Ox. 5/. 'John's. C. Rom. xiii. 7. 4° 1699. Exon. Affize. Pradtical Difc. in 8"i724. Upon feveral Subjeds. Cb.Ch. Oxon. GILBERT John, Arch-Bp. of York. 2Tim.i. 7. 4" 1724. Conf. of Bp.Wefton. Or. Oxon. Ephef. iv. 26. 4" 1742. Jan. 30. b. Lords. JVorc. Oxon. Gal.vi. 10. 4° I 743. Spitt. M. Wore. Oxon. Brit.M. Rom. i. 16. <\° 1744. Prop. Gofp. MS. Wore. Oxon. Sion. Matt. vii. 12. 4° 1745. London -Infirmary. Wore. Wadh. Oxon. t>ueen's. Camb. Prov. xxiv. 21.4° 1746. May 29. b. Lords. GILBERT John, R. of Whippingham in the Ifle of Wight. Rom. xiii. i. 8" 1744. Jan. 30. The Duty of Prince and People. Prov. xxiv. 21, 22. 8" 1746. Sarum. Th. after Rebellion. GILL John, DD. *Actsxxvi.8. 8°i732, 2 f. V. Lime-f.f. v.2. p.372. Refurreaion. *i Tim.iv. 16. 8" 1734. Ord. * I Cor. xii, 25. 8° 1758. Fun. of Rev. Jof, Stennett, DD. * I John V. 3. 8° 1765. At the Baptifm of Mv.Carmchael, Bap- tifm a divine Command to be obferved. * . . . . 8° 1 765. Ord. * I Cor. xii. 25. 8° 1766. St.PauI's Charaaer. *. - - - 8° 1767. Fun. of Mr. ^»rf'ueen's. Camb, GODDEN Thomas, DD. Preb in Ord. to her Majefty. Luke ii. 1 5,16. 16 Xtmas. *Matt. xvi.18. 4° 1686. On St. Peter and Paul. Jef. Oxon. Magd. Camb. Matt. xvii. 1,2. 4° 1687. Transfiguration. GODFREY Robert * Afts ii. 47. GODMAN William, B. D. Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. Ecdefx.17. 4°i66o. Th. May 24. The Son of Nobles. 7rin. C, GODWIN Edzuard *Pf. cxix. 60. 8° 1 72 1. *Pf.cvii. 8. 8° 1727. * Mark xiii. 35-37. 8° 1728. Fun. of Will. Voyce. * John i. 14. 8° 1729. At Coward's Lefture. GODWIN R. * - - - - 1780. On relig. Zeal with a comparative View of the Protellant Diilenters of the lafl and prefent Age. GODWIN Timothy, Bp. of Kilmore and Ardagh, then Abp. of Cafhel, Ireland. Pf. xcviii.i. 4° 1 71 6. Th. b. Lords Juftices &c. Cb.Ch. Ox. Ezek. xvii. 19. 4°! 716. b. Lords Juftices &c. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Heb.xiii. 16. 4° 1734. Dublin. Ch. f. GODWYN Morgan, Student of Ch. Ch. Oxon. *Jer. ii.34. 4''i685. Relating to the Plantations. Trade before Religion. Bal. Univ. Oxon, GOLD WIN William, M.A. Fell, of Eton, and V. of St. Nicholas, Briftol. Pf.cxliv. 15. 4^1707. Th. f. Rev.xviii. 23. 4°i7i5. Brijlol. b. Merchants. The Honoura- blenefs, Ufefulnefs, and Duty of Merchants. *Ifai.xxvi.9. 8°i722. Th. for Plague. zCor. i. 10. 4° 1726. Nov. 5. Matt. V.I 6. 8° 1734. Sch. Feaft, Pf.lxxii.17. 4°i78i. Eledl. Eton. GOLTY Richard, M.'a. Minifter of Hutton, Effex. Matt. xiii. 29,30. 4° 1688. Affize. Bod. GOOCH Thomas Sir, Bp. of Ely. Pf. xi. 3. 4° 171 1. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Vniv, Bal. Line, Wort. Hert. Oxon. Trin. ^een''s. Camb. Sion. 1 Tim.iii. i . 8° and 4" 171 3. Fun. of Bp. Compton. Magd. Line, Hert, Oxon. Sion. aChron, XX. 15. 4''i74o, Fail, b. Lords. ^een*s, Camb. GOOD 142 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER GOOD Thomas, M. A. R. of Afhley, Worcefterfhire. Matt.v.9. 4''i7i5. WorcejUr. Th. July 7. BlelTednefs of Peace- makers. GOODALL Henry, DD. Arch-Deacon of Suffolk. * 2 Cor. vi. 3. 4° 1 741 . Duties of Miniftry. '^eens. C. Brit. M. I Tim. vi. 17-19. 4° I 751' Spittal W. ^een's. Camb. * Jiide 3. 4° 1760. Vif. f. Nature of true Zeal, confidered with a view to the prefent defign of collating the Heb. MSS. GOODMAN James Pf. Ixxvi. 10. Th. GOODMAN John, DD. R. of Hadham, Herts, Arch'-Dcacon of Middlefex, and Chaplain in Ord. Serm. in 8° 1697. Preached upon feveral Occafions — to which. is added the golden Rule. Ch. Ch. C. C. C. JUS. Bal. FcmL Pub.L. Trin. Camb. Brit.M. *Prov. xvii. 1. 4° 1683. The Interefts of divine Providence in the Government of the World. Lukexv. 1 1-31. (4^1697.) 8° 1707. The Penitent pardoned — or a Difconrfe of the Nature of Sin, and the Efficacy of Re- pentance. Bod. Ch. Ch. BaL Or. St. John's. Ox. Trin. Camb. GOODRICK John, M. A. Chapl. to Lincoln's Inn, and the Bp. of Norwich. Pf. xlvi. 10,11. 4° 1685. Th. July 26. For Vidlory over the Rebels. GOODWIN John, M. A. R. of Clapham, Surrey. Prov. xxix. 2. 4° 1738. Eleft. Lord Mayor. The righteous ia Authority. GOODWIN Nathaniel Ifai.v. 1-4. 4° 1 7 Th. Pf. xxxvii. 37. 4° 1705. Fun. GOODWIN Peter, M. A. late Minifter in Rope Maker's Alley, Lond. * Rom. v. 19. 8° 1732. Adam's Sin. V. Lime f. 3. V. i. p. 251. *Pf.li 5. 8° 1732. Original Corrup. V. Lime f. S. V. i, p. 287. * - - - - 1732. Ord. * Heb. xiii. 7. 8° 1737. Fun. 1 Pet. V. 2-4. 8° 1740. Ord. GOODWIN Thomas, DD *Jamesi. 1-6. 8" 1666. Patience. * John xiii. i. 8° 16 Chrift's Heart toward Sinners. *Rom.viii. 38,39. 8° 16 * Expofitions on the firll, and part of the fecond Epiftle to the Ephefians in 50 Sermons in fo.i68i. to which are fubjoincd I 3 Sermons upon feveral Occafions confiiling of 3 parts, All publifhed by T. G. Tri/i. Camb. Pf.lxxiii. 24. 4" 1695. Roy. Fun. Pud.L. St. John's. Trin. Cam. Heb. ii. 14. 4° 1699. Fun. of Stephen Lob. Sion. ■*Phil. i. 23,24. 4" 1702. Royal Fun. *Pf.lxxxv. 8. A°i7i6. Th, GORDON OF AUTHORS, &c. 143 GORDON A Layman. * Job xxxiv. 30. 8° 1732. b. Soc. at Lincoln's Inn. keen's.. Ca. GORDON John, DD. Arch-D. of Line, and Chaplain to the Lord Bp. of that Diocefe. *Matt. xviii.33. 4° I 767. Camb. Addenbrook-Hofp. ^eefi^s.C * A£ts xxiii. 5. 4° 1,771. AccelT. Caufes and Confequences of Evil-fpeaking. GORDON Will. M.A. R. of St. James's and St. Michael's, Barbadocs. ijohniii.2. 4" 1710. Fun. of Col. Codrington. Brit.M. Pf. cxxxii. 18. 8° 1717. Th. for fupprefGng the Rebellion. GORDON Will. M.A. Led. of St Matthew's, Bethnal Green. Exod. iii. 5. 8" 1746. Sund. after Conf. of the Church. GORDON James, M. A. * - - - - 1735. ^'■*^' GORDON William, Pallor of the 3d Church at Roxbury. * Lam. iii. 22. 8° 1776. Th. f. Rclig. and civil Liberty. GOSTWYKE William, M, A. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb, and R. of Purley, Berks. John xi. 21. 4° !685. Prov.xi.21. 4° 1685. Camb, Th. July 26. Pui>. L. Trin. Camb, Pf. cxxii. 6. 4° 1692- Vif. Pray for the Peace of Jerufalem. Matt. xiii. 45,46. 4''i696. [GOSWELL John] * Difcourfes in 8° 171 5. GOUGE rhcmai Jolhuaxxiv. 16. 4° 1663. The Chriftian Houfeholder Joftwa's Refolution. I Tim.i. 17-19. 4° 1677. m. e. C, p. 202. How Alms may be acceptable to God. * Difcourfes in 8° 1706. * I Sam. xxiv 17-20. 1717. Accefiion. GOUGH Strickland ^ * Sermons in 8° 1 709. *Tit.i. 9. 8" 1713. Ord. *Ifai. xlix. 23. 8° 1 7 14. Acceffion. GOUGH Strickland. a M.A. R. of Swafield. V.of Swinftead, Line. Matt.vii.io. 4° 1733. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor, keen's. Camb. Pf.cxx. 5,6. 8° 1745. Reb. The Wickednefs of a fadious Dif- pofition. Sien. 16 Serm. in 8° 1751. To which is added a DiiTertation on X Cor. xi. 10. ^eeris, Camb, Sion. [GOUGH William] * Difc. in 12" 1695. GOULD Will. R. of Stapleford-Abbots, EiTex and R. S. S. *Ifai.xliv.28. 4^1774. Cone. Acad, pro Grad. Doft. Wadh. Ox. GOULDE William, a Son of the Church of England, R. of Ken near Exeter, Devon. a ^ The fame. Matt. 144- AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Matt. xxi. 13. 4° 1672. Palm. S. I Cor. xiv. 40. 4" 1674. Vif. Confornjity according to Canon ]\ii\\{iQ^. Bal.'(yxo\v:-nuh. L.St. JoJ^i's. C^mh. iCor. xiii.5. 4° 1676. The Generolity of Chriftian Love. Bod. St. Johi's. Camb. Jobxxxvi. 21. 4" 1682. The primitive Xtii^n juflified. Pub. L. St. 'Johris. Camb. • ' GOWER Humphrey, DD. Mafter of St. John's Coll. Camb. Mar- garet-Profeflbr in Divinity, and Preb. of Ely. Gal. iii. 21, 22. 4" 1685. b. King. Xtmas.. Bod.Mngd. C.C.C. . ^Oxon. St. Jobus. Camb. - ..: ..'.!'. . 2 Kings- ii. II, 12.' 4° i6S^. C^mL- 2 f.'^f nn. .of ,Bp. Gunning. Bod. C.C.C. Oxon. Trin. St.Johi's. Camb.. . GOWER John ■ _ : - *Ephcf. V. S. 4° I 772.-b.'Frec-mafons. ii-iiji^ ,w.\<.\ GOWER N'ath.: M. A • V. of BittciJea, Surry.':-; .r- ., Pf. cxi'x. 59, 60.- 4° 1 769. b. Lord Mayor.' TlicNeceffity of Self- refleifiion in order to an holy Life. t ''■ GRACE Job, Treafurer of the Cathedr;;il Church of Litchfield, ■ and Minifter of Watford, Northamptonfliire. 2 ChrdR.xi.x. 5, 6. 4^1710. Aifizc Judiciuih Auguftalc. • GRAILLE John, R. of Blicklir.gi Norfuiicj ,.".-•;..: 4 4 f . 8° 1685. Of Reformation and Loyally. zfuA^. Prov, xxiv. 21, 22. ■) Pious Reverence tow. God ard the King, p.r . ufl Abhor, of ufurp. Republicans. pi.4i Sc 77. xxiv. 21, 22. 1 Pioi —-23-25. [ Jufl xxviii. 2. J Due . -•-' fttoj - xxviii. 2. J Due Affeflion to'the'Mona"rchy. piia^.'^yiV/ S. Oxon. . n '.■i f' r-.'A jeremixiii. 15.. 8° 1685^. , ■ ' :. . •(-. : .- ' • XXXV. 14. 8° 1685. The Reform.. bf'curfelvcs. JI/S. Ox. Pf. c.wiii. 8, 9. 4° 1702. 'Norztnch. RoydvFuh. ::' v Trulting in God better than trulting in Man"or Princes: 'St.Johth. C^xxib. Ecclef. xii. I. 8° 1708. Fun. Pf xcii. 14. 8°i720. Fun. of Rev. Mr. W. Havlett. St.Johns. C. GRANGER James, M. A. V. of Shiplake, Oxon.' *Prov xii. 10. 8" 1772. Apology for Brute-Creation. ,*lR6m. .xii. 1 1.' 8° 1772.. Nature and Extent of Induffry. . GRAHAM W. M. A. of Leeds, Yorkfhire. '■*Matt. x.34. 8"^ 1759. Ord. *Matt. iv. 7. 8" 1771. b. DifTent. Clergy, S^ueen's. Camb. GRANT James, LL.D. Led. of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, Londonv * 1 6 Sermons in 8° 1775- On various Subjeds. *Pf. Ivi. 7. 8" 1777. Faft. GRANT John, M.A. Preb. of Rochefler, and V. of St. Dunftan's in the Welt, London. Judges v. I 2. 4" 1704. Th. Bod. St. John's. Camb. * Ezek. xxxvii. 22. 4" 1707. Th, for Union. Magd. O. Pub.L.C GRANTHAM Tho. M.A. Curate of High Baruet near London. I Pet. ii. 17. 4° 1674. Gen.c OF AUTHORS, &c. 145 Gen.xxix. 25. 4° 1681 and 8° i 709. Wedd. f. V. Difc. on conj. Duty, vol. I. p. 94. GRAT Andrew, Miniller of the Gofpcl at Glafcow. ^ Sermons in 8" 1679. ^°'^' Pub.L. Camb. GRAT Andrew, DD. of Abernechy, Scotland. *Pf. Ixxxv. 6. I 2° 1 779. Caule, Symptoms, and Cure of IndifFe-^ rence to Religion. V. Scotch Pr. v. 3. p. 234. [GREAVES Thomas] * - - - - 1763. Fun. f. *- - - - 1764. Th. f. GREEN John, late Curate of Thurfcoe, Yorkfhire. *2Tim.iii. 16,17. ^"xjii. Cajnb. 9 Difc. Demonftration of the Truth and Divinity of the Chrillian Religion. *Heb. xi.i. 8° I 71 1. Ca7?ib. Matters of Faiih are equally, if no: more demonftrable than thofe of Reafon. *2Pet. i. 10. 8° 1763. GREEN John, Bp. of Lincoln. lJohniv.2i. 4^1 749. Camb. Commencement, ^eens. C. Brit.M. 1 Cor.iii.9. 4°i752, Camb. Conf. of Bp Kecne. ^eens. C. Br.M, *Ifai. xxvi. 9. 4^*1756. Faft. b. Lords. *Ecclef. vii. 3. 4° 1759. Fall. b. Commons, i^een's. Camb. *Rom.xiii. 7. 4° 1763. Jan. 30. bef. Lords. Braz. N. Oxon. ^een^s. Camb. *Lukexvi. 19, 20. 4° 1763. b. Govern, of the Small-pox. Hofp. ^een^s. Camb. *Rom.i. 16. 4° 1768. Prop, of Gofpel, keen's. Camb. *Tit. iii. 8. 4° 1767. Ir. Prot. Schools. *Mark i. 34. 4° 1771. Infirm, at Lincoln. * James iii. 17, 4° 1773. An. meet. Char. Sch. GREEN John, Curate of St. Saviour's, Southvvark, and Left, of St. John's, Wapping, London. *Pf. xc. 12. 4° 1757. Fun. of Rev. J. Creyk. * 9 Sermons in 8° I7s8. AllS. Oxon. GREEN John, M. A. Minifter of St. George's, Norwich. * I Tim.ii. 2. 4° 1764. Norwich. Ele(5V. of Mayor. GREEN Richard,** DD. Fell, of St, John's Coll. O.xon. Exod. XX. 7. 4° 1-45. Aflize. The Benefit of Oaths to Society, GREEN Richard,^ DD. R, of Bclbroughton, Worceilerf. * Rom. )viii. 5. 4" 1756. AccefT. Confcientious Obedience to Governors recommended. Braz. N. Wore. Oxon. GREEN Robert, T>D. Fell, of Clare-Kail. Camb. aTim.iii. 16. 8°i7ii. 9 Dilcourfes. AliS. Oxon. Heb.xi. I. 8° 17 1 1. 9 Difcourfes. p. 187. GREEN T, M. A. V. of Wymefwould, Leicefter. Pf Ixviii. 10. 12° 1750. Inilrudions for the Poor. *Phil.ii.2. I 2" 1 754. On the New-Style. ■GREEN Thomas, DD. Dean of Sarum. * 1 Chron.xxix. 14. 8° 1767. Infirm, at Sarum. a ^ The fe.^:e? Vol. II. T GREENE 146 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER GREENE Jchn Prov. xxiii. 26. 8° 171 3. A new Yr's Gift to young pcrfons. Sion. GREENE John * Ephef. iv. 28. 8° 1737. On occafion of the Church being rob- bed at Chelmsford, GREENE Thomas, Bp. of Ely. Matt. V. 33. 8° 1715. The great Wickednefs of Perjury, and of the prefent Rebellion. St. John!. Camb. Etoti. Pf. Ixv. 7. 4° 1716. Th. June 7. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Eton. Ifai.xxvi. 9. 4''r72i. Fait. b. Lords. Dec. 8. The End and Defign of God's Judgments. IForc. Oxon. CI. H. Camb. Phil. i. 27. 4° 1723. Farewel. Lukeii. 32. 4° 1724. Prop. Gofpcl. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Ephef. V.I I. 8° 1726. Ref. Manners, ^eais. Camb. Heb.xiii. 16. 4° 1727. Spitt. b. Lord Mayor. Or. Oxon. GREENFIELD Nathaniel Rev. vi. 15-17. 8" i56o. GREEFFIELD Thomas, M. A. of Perab. Coll. Oxon. and Preacher at Lincoln's Inn, London. Ifai. Iviii. 5-7. 4° 1661. Faft. b. Commons. Vniv. Magd.Oyion. 7rin. Camb. GREENHILL Jofeph, M. A. R. of Eall-Horfley and Eaft Clan- don, Surry. * Lukexviii. i8. 4° 1756. Decreafc of Chriftian Faith. *Rom.x. I. 8° 1757. Preparatory to a Fall. * John xviii. 36. 4" 1768. Chriil's Kingdom, not of this World. * Matt. ix. 12. 4° I 77 1. On the Millenium. * I Pet. iv. 7. 4° 1773. Duty of patiently and chearfully waiting at all times for Salvation. * Rev. XX. 4. 8° 1774. On the Millenium. GREENHILL milum Sev. Serm. in 8° 1671. Bod. Sicn. Ezek. xviii 32. 4° 1677. ,m. e. C. p. 29. What muft and can perfons do towards their own Converfion. GREENWOOD Daniel, M. A. R. of Steeple Afton, Oxon. 2 Cor. vi. 7. 8. 1672. Ifai.lvii 1,2. 4° 1 680. Oxon. Fun. GREENWOOD William, DD. * I Cor. XV 8° I 76 1. A Paraphraftical Expofuion. keen's. Cam. *Gen.i. i . to end 8° 1763. EiTay with a paraphrailical Expofuion. GREGORY Fran. DD. Chap, in Ord. and R. of Hambleton, Bucks. 2 Sam. xix. 30. 4° 1660. Th. May 27 P>.eiloration. Aftsxxi. 13. 4" 1 660. 2 f . Oxon. Magd. Oxon. I Tim.iv. 16. 4° 1675. Vif. Bod. Bal. Oxon. St.Johi's. Camb. Matt. xiii. 37. 4" 1673. b. the Gregorians. Spiritual Watchful- nels Bod. Wore. Oxon. Deut. xxiii 9. 4° 1673. Faft. b. Lord Mayor. St. John's. Camb. I Their, v. 21. 4° 1674. The Trial of Religions. Bod. Judei2. 4°t675. Co. Feall. The Feail of Love. Bod. Sliieen''s. Oxon. Sion, Joha OF AUTHORS, kc. 147 John xvi 2. 4*^1679. Nov. b. Lord Mayor. The relig. Villain. Matt. ii. 2. 4° 1680. Epiphany. aSam.xix. 3. 4°i68o. Nov. 5. Pf. xvili.50. 4° 1696. Th. -Tfifi. Camb. Pf. cxxxii. 7. 4" I 697. Th. St.Johti":. Camb. — cxxii. 7. 4° 1697. Th. GREGORY John, M.A. of Ch.Ch. O.von. I Cor. XV. 20. His Works Pofth. 4° 1O64. p. 57. Of the Refur- redion. Bod. Hrit-M. ' GREGORY John, Arch-Deacon of Glouceller. Exod. 20. 8-1 I. 12" 16s I. The Morality of the Sabbatli. Bod. GR^EGORY Thomas, M.A. late Fell, of Wadh. Coll. Oxen, and Left, of Fulham, Middlefex. James i. 27. 4° 1696. Difc. in 8" 1696. Upon fevcral divine Subjcfts. Ch. Cb, Oxon. Sltteen^s. Camb. Several praftical Sermons &c. in 8° 1708. Brit.M. GREGSON Mop *Tit. i. I. 8** 1770 Fun, GRENVILL^ Denis, DD. Dean of Durham. John i. 29. 4° 1684. Epiphany. The compleat Conformift. Bed. Magd. Oxon. Tiin. Camb. Rom. xii.ii. 4° 1685. Advent. Bcd.Magd. Oxon. Gen. Xiiii. 14. 4° 1689. Roven. 2 f. GRETTON Phillips, D J. Redor of Springfield, Elfcx. Exod. xxxiii. 23. 8" 1732. Cant. Cone, ad Cler. Ag. the Argu- ment a. Priori. Sion. John i. 17. 8^1732. Camb. Commencement. The Infufficicncy of Reafon, and Afiurance of Revelation, in Matters of Reiigion. [GREW Obadiah, DD.] iVlinilter at Coventry. * Ads XX. 32. 4° 1663. V. Coll. Farw. f, ■ GREY Richard, DD. Preb. of St. Paul's, Lond. and R. of Flinton, Northamptonfhire. Matt. xvi. 16. 8° 1730. Oxford. Vif. The Perpetuity of Chiill's Church. Braz. N. Li?ic. Oxon. 2Cor. v. JO. 4"^ 1 73 2. Anize. The great Tribunal, Matt. X. 16. 8" 1736. Vif. The Duty and proper Condud of the Clergy &c. ^een's. Camb. Matt. XXV. 37-40. 8° 1 744. Northampton. Infirm, f. *Pf. xcni.5. 4° 1752. Open a Chapel. Wore. Ox. Shjcen's. C. GREY Thomas,^ M.A. Miniller of Dedham, Effex. Tit. iii. I, 4° 1685. Rebell. in the Welt. Submilfion, Obedience and Loyalty. GREY Thomas,^ of Cambridge. Luke xvi. 24, 25. 12" 1706. Brit. M. , GRIFFITH Evan, M. A. Miniller of Alderly, Glouceilerfiihr. Ifai. Ivii. I. 4° 1677. Fun. of Sir Matthew Hale. Bed. GRIFFITH John, M.A. Curate of Edenfor, Derbyfluri;, and Ch.ipl. to the Duke of Devonlhire. a ^ The fame. T 2 John 148 AN HISTO-RICAL REGISTER John vi. 60. 4° 1701. Ag. Tranfnbftantiation. I Tim. vi. 19.- 4° 1703. Sch. Fealh The Sacrifice of Gratitude. Pf. Ixxxix. 32. 4° 1704. Fall for the great Storm. Lament, iv. 20. 4" 1707. Jan. 30. zCor. vi. 10. 8° 1707. Fun. of Duke of Devon. GRIFFITH John * Difc. in 1707. ' GRIFFITH Matthew, DD. R. of St. Mary Magdalen near Old Fidi- ftreet, and Preacher at the Temple, London. Prov. xxiv. 21- 12" 1 660. Lady- day. The Fear of God and the King. Bal. Oxon. Rom. xii. 4, 5. 4° 1661. I John i. 7. 4" 1662. Communion f. The fpiritual Antidote to cure our Souls. i Cor. V. 7. 4° 1662. I Sam. xxvi. g. 4° 1665. J^"- 3°- At the Temple. GRIFFITH Owen Heb.xi. 10. 4°i68i. Fun. GRIFFITH Robert, R. of Woolaflon, Gloucefterfhire. I Cor. iii. 5-7 4° 171 1, b. Lord Mayor. Of the Neceffity of parochial Communion. 5ion. Gal. vi. 6. 8° 1 716. Vif. :J: Ecclef. vii. 10. 4^17 Faft. GRIFFITH Thomas, DD. late Fell, of Pemb. Coll. Oxon, and R.of Bifl)ops-Stoke, Hants. *Matt.x.i6. 8° 1757. Oxon. b. the Univerfity. The Difficul- ties of the Minifterial Office. Pemb. Jef. Wore. Ox. ^ecn^s. C * Ads xvii. 21 . 8" £760. Oxon. Evils arifing from mifapplied Curiofity. Pemb, Jef. Wore. Oxon. keen's. Camb. *Phil. 11.13. 8° 1763. Oxon. b. the Univerfity. The Ufe and Extent of Reafon in Matters of Religion. Pernb. Wore. Oxon. ^ten^s. Camb. *Prov. iv. 14. 8° 1773. Oxon. Ad f. Pemb, Oxon. ^eeris, C. GRIFFITHS Lemuel * I Sam. xvii. 44, 45, 8°i76o. Faft. GRIFFYTH John, M. A. V.'of White Waltham, Berks. I Theff.iv. 11.4° 1695. On the Day the Mayor was fworn. Bo^. GRIGMAN Stephen, M. A. Cur. of St. Botolph's, Bifhopfgate, and . Left, of St. Michael's tcrnhiJl, London. Lev xix. 30. 4" 1728. Open, a Church. Reverence due to God's Sanftuary. CROSVENOR BenjairAn, DD. Miniiier at Crofby-Square, London. * Hofea viii. 7. 8" 1 704. Falh for Srorm. *Prov.xi.ii. 8° 1 705. Ref. Manners. Pf ii. II. 8''i7io. Th. f. * Pf xlviii. 3. 8''i7io. Nov. 5. *Heb. xi. 13. 8" 171 2. Fun. f. Pf. xviii. 23. 8" 1 714. To Young perfons. *Pf. cxvi. 15, 8° 1716. Fun. OF AUTHORS, &c. 149 « Pr. cxxxii. 18. 8° I 7 1 6. Coron. Brit. M. * 1-uke xii. 47. 8° 1721. 2 f. *Hcb. vi,i2. 8° 1723. Fun. *LLike: b. Houfe of Commons. - - - - 4 1725. Nov. 5. J HAMILTON Anthony, DD. Arch-D. of Colchefter, and Chaplain in Ord. *iTheff. iv. 9. 4° 1775. An. meet. Ch. Sch. HAMILTON Hugh, DD. F. R. S. Dean of Armagh. * Tit. iii. I. 4° 1772. Affize. On the late Difturbances in the North of Ireland, ^eeti's. Camb. HAMILTON William * Phil. iii. 7,8. 8° 1732. HAMMATT John. M. A. V. of Stanton-Berry, Bucks. John V. 35. 4° 1684. Fun. HAMMOND George Col.iv.5. 4° 1690. C.m.e. p. 300. Bod. Pub L, 2 Tim. 2. 15. 8° 1693. Fun. of Rev. Rich. Steel. Bod. Pub. L, Camb. Brit.M. HAMMOND Henry, DD. Can. of Ch.Ch. Ox. and Chapl. in Ord. 31 Sermons in fo. 1684. Bod. Ch. Ch. Univ. Trin. Magd, NewC» Jef. Oriel. Bal. Mert. S>ueens. Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. Recti's. a. H. Camb. HAMMOND Humfrey, M.A, of Bennet-ColL Camb. and R. of Bail Guilford, SufTex. 1 Sam. x. 24. 8^1715. Th. Aasxvi. 17. 8° I 715. Vif. HAMMOND John, DD. R. of Catsfield, SuJex. A6tsxiii.36. 4" 1702. Royal Fun. HAMMOND William, B. A. of St. John's Coll. Camb. * Serm. in 12° 1745. ^^ Chriftian Liberty and Holinefs. HAMMOND William, M. A. * James v. 4, 5. 1 2" 1 776. Vif. On Non-refidence. HAMPTON William, R. of Elechingley, Surrey. 2 Chron. XXXV. 24, 25. 4" 1660. zf. Jan. 30. Gen.xviii. 25. 4° 1667. Affize. The Man of Judgment — or a Pattern for Judges. VcxL. n. U HAN- 154 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER HANCOCK John, DD. R. of St. Margaret's Lothbury, Lord, and Prcb. of Cant, and Chapl. to the Duke of Bedford. Rom. i. 20,21 4° 1697. Th. for Peace. The great Duty of Thankfulnefs. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Jer. V 29. 8° 1699 KtL Manners. Bod. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Adsxvii.23. Boyle's Lcfl. 1706. fo. 1739. Vol. 2. p. 201-258. Ch.Ch. Magd. ^t. Johns. Oxon. ^^ucens. St. John'' s, Camb'. ' Rev. xiv.13. 4°i7i3. Fun. of J. Poftlewait, the Xn Schoolmafter. Brit M. HANCOCK Thomas Saul, R. of Wormlhill, and V. of Holling- bourn, Kent. Rom. xiii. 4, 8° 1735. Affize at "Maidfcone. HANCOCKP. Robert, Fell, of Ck.e-Hall Camb. and R. of Northill, Btdfordf. Lukexix 42. 4° 1680. b. Lord Mayor. Bod- Puh. L. Camb. HANCORNE Thomas, R. of St. Donats, Glamorganf. 1 Sam. ii 30 1710. Affize. HANDLEY William * Luke xii, 17, I 8. 8" 1720. Char. f. HANNES William, M. A. R. of Newton Purccl, Oxon. and Mailer of the Free-School, Stamford. Rom xiii. 7. 8" 171 7. Affize. Magd Oxon. ljohniv.9. 8"i7i7. Oxon. The Love of God to Mankind. i'/W/. Pf,lxxi.5,6. 4" 1725. Stamfrd. Char. f. for Children. HARCOURT James, DD. V. of All-S and Preb. of Briilcl. Pf. cxii,9. 4°i72i. On the Death of Mr. Colfton. Line. JVorc. Oxon. Trif!.' Camb. 2Cor.vi.3. 4''i735. V^if. HARDCASTLE Th .mas Sev. Serm. in 8" 1674. ChriRian Geography and Arfthmetick, being a Survcv of the World. Bud. HARDING NnthMud * I Kings viii. 66. 8° 1704. Acceffion. HARDING Robert, V. of Pottevfbury, Northampton. * ?{. xviii. 7. %° 1756. Fail, for Earthquake. HARDINGE Gideon, M. A. V. of Kingllon upon Thames, Surrey. 2 Tim.ii. 8. 8'^ 1700. ^^L Manners. HARDINGE George, M. A. V". of Kingllon, Surrey. Pf. XX. 7. 4° 1709. Th. Viftorv and Succefs from God alone. HARDY John, R. of Elfing, Norfolk. Pf. cxxxiii I. 8" I 707. Th. for Union. HARDY Nathaniel, DD. V. of St. Martin's in the Fields, Dean of Rocheiler, and Chaplain in Ord. Ifai Ivii. 19. 4° 1660. Fall. b. Lords. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Rev.iii.9. 4° 1661. Conf. of 7 Bps. The Hierarcy exalted, and its Enemies humbled. I Tim.ii. 1,2. 4° 1661. Zech. xii. II. 4°! 662. Jan. 30. b. Commons. A loud Call to great Mourning* JJniv, Ch. Ch. Oxon, Luke OF AUTHORS, &c. 155 I.ukexix.41. 4" 1666. Sund. after Fire at London. Lamenta- tion, Mournine, and Woe. U/sIv. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Brit. M. PhiLi. 23. 4" 1666. Fun. The Pilgrim's Wiih— or the Saints longing. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Adls xiii. 36. 4° 1663. Fun of Sir Thomas Adams. The royal Common-ucalth's Man. Ch.Ch. Pub L. Camb. *£phef. V. 3. V". Difc. on Conj. D. V. 2. p. 510. Scrm. from 1646. to 1666. Zion. HARDY Samuel.* Curate of Layh^m, SufTolk. Heb.x. 14. 8°i748. Palm S. The Eucharift, a material Sacrifice. HAPvDY Samuel, a V. of Little Blakenham, SufFolk. *Difcourfcs in 8° 1770. On principal Prophecies of the old and new Tellament. HARE Francis, Bp. of Chicheller. Luke ii. 32. 4° 1700 Cnmb. Epiph. Univ. Magd. Oxon. Irin. Queeits. CI. H. Camb. Sion. Pf.lxxi. 17-19. 4° 1709. Th. b. Commons. For Succefs under the Command of the Duke of Malborough. Ch.Ch. Or. Were. Oxon. T^rin. ^een^s. Camb. Brit M. Jolhuai. 9. 8° 171 1, b. Duke of Malborough. Th. for palTing the Lines, and taking Bouchain. The Charge of God to jofhua. Bod. ^.eens. Wore. Oxon ^eeri's. Camb. Sien. Rom,xiii.4. 8"i7i6. Ace. Ch.Ch. Oxon. C/.H. ^een'j. Czm. Brit. M. Heb.xiii. 17. 4°i7i9. \iC. Of Church-Authority. Bod. Magd. Ch. Ch. Line. IVorc. Oxon. ^.eens. Trin. Camb. Tit. ii. 8. 4° 1722. Cone, ad Synod. Rom.xiii, 1,2. 4° 1723. 2 f. Concerning the Duty of the Sub- jeft — Setting forth the Sin and Folly of entring into Confpi- racies ag, the prefent Government. Ch. Ch. Ox. Queens. Cam. Prov.xiv. 34. 4° 1730. Ref. Manners, ^leens. Camb. Prov. xxiv. 21. 4° 1731. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Wore. Oxon. Trin. ^eetfs. Camb. Rom. X. 15-15. 4° 1735. Prop. Gofpel. Ch Ch. Wore. Jef. Ox. Recti's. Camb. All thefe Serm. are printed together in his Works. V. i. S°i746. JIl S. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. HARE Tho. M. A. Mafter of the Free Sen. of Crewkerr.e, Somerf. Prov. xix. 2. 4° 1747. Sherbort:e. School Feait. The Advantage and Abules of Learning conlidered. * Serm. in 2 V- 8° 1748. On fev. important, pradical Subjeds. HARGRAVES James, M: A. of Cl-Hall. Camb. R. of E aft Hoadly, SufTex, and Chaplain in Ord. Deut,vi.i3. 4" 1723. Aflize. The evil Confequences of Perjury. CI. H. Camb. I Tim. V. 22. 4°i724. Conf. of 2 Bps. CI. H. Camb. HARGREAVES Robert, M.A. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. zCor.xiii. II. 8''i745. Tork. Rebel. Unanimity recommended. a ^. The fame, U 2 Luke 156 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Lukexiii. 34. 8° 1745. Tork. A patriotic Spirit recommended. HARMER John, V. of Butlers Marlton, Warwick. * Judges xvi. 20. 8° 1777. At the Magd. Hofp. HARPt.R John, M. A. V, of Beckford, Gloucefterf. Rom.xi. 21. 8° 1 721. 2Kingsiii. 15. 8" 1730. The Nature and Efficacy of Mufick to prepare the Mind for good Impreffions. HARPER William, Chapl. to Lord Vifcount Malpas. Gen. ii.15. 4° 1732. Gardener's Feaft. The Antiquity, Inno- cence, and Pleafure of gardening. HARRINGTON J. *Pf. Ixxii.i. 8° 1714. David and Solomon. Recti's. Camb, HARRIS Danie], B. A. Ezek. xvii. 19. 8° 1722. Affize. ^een^s. Camb. HARRIS Higgins, B. A. R. of Brobury, Hcrefordf. Lukex, lO. 4° 1 710. Gofpel-Minifters great Duty and Dignity. Line. Oxon. HARRIS John, DD. and F. R. S. R. of St. Mildred, Brcad- llreet, London Luke vi. 24. I 71 8. Pf. X. 4. -^ (Boyle's Left. 1698.) fo. 1739. Vol. I. p. 356- John.iv. 24. >42r'. AilS. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Magd. Oriel. Oxon. Jerem. ix. 24. J keen's. St.Johi's. Camb. Ifai.i. 16,17. 4°i70i. Faft. The Praftice of religious and moral Duties, the bell way to make a Nation happy. Brit. M. Jerem. xvni. 1 1. 4° 1703. Faft. Rom. xiv. 22,23. 4° '705' The modeft Chriftian's Duty as to indifferent things in the Worfnip of God. Ch.Ch. Ox. Pub. L, ■ ^teen's. Camb. Ecclef. ix.7. 4° 1706. Co. Feaft. The Lawfulnefs and Ufe of public Fafting. Luke ix. 55. 8°i7io. Evil and Mifchief of a fiery Spirit. Brit.M» John xvi. 2. 8° 17 1 5. Rebellion. Nov. 5. Prov. XXV. 5. 4° 1 71 5. Acceffion. HARRIS John, Bp. of Landaff. Ifai.v. 10. 8° 1 71 6. Nov. 5. I Cor. ii. 15. 4° 1725. b. Soc. of Antient Britons, ^een^s. Cam. Hofea X. 6. 4° 1734. Jan. 30. b. Lord.. HARRIS John, LL.B. * Deut. xxxiii. 29. 4° 1759. Th. f. HARRIS R. DD. * Rev. xxii. 3,4. 8° 1767. Fun. [HARRIS Samuel,''] I Pet.iii.8. 8° 1711. HARRIS Samuel,^ Prov. xxii. 6. 8° 1715. Child's Educat. in Xtlan Knowledge. a S>. The fame. HARRIS OF AUTHORS, &c. 157 HARRIS Tho. M. A. R. of Gravefend and V. of Northfleet, Kent. Pf. cxviii, 1 8-20. 8° 1733. Open, a Church rebuilt after a Fire. The Duty of Gratitude to God and Man. Aftsvii.26. 4° 1 749. Th. for Peace. The Bleffings and Obliga- tions arifing from Peace. *Lukexxiv.44. S^ijjj. David's prophetic Charafter vindicated. H/iRRIS William, DD. Minifter at London. * Ifai. xxix. 6. 12° 1704. Fall, for Storm. Prov. i, 10. 8* 1707. Ecclef. xii. 5. 8° 1708. Death of Prince George. ^een*s. Cam. *iTim.!i. I. 12° I 71 1. V. Praft. Dif. on Prayer. 12° 1711. * Matt.xxii. 29. 12° 171 7. V, Prad. Dif. on hearing the Word &c. 12° 17 1 3. p. 121. * Matt.xvi. 18. 8°i7i3. N0V.5. Pope's Supremacy. *Lukeviii. i8. 12° 171 3. V. Pradl. Dif. on Hearing the Word &c. 12° 1 71 3. *2Tim.ii. 6. 8° 1 71 6. On Conlxderation. *Pf.Ixxviii, 20. 8° 1 71 6. Th. * Matt. xii. 3 1, 32. 8° 1 71 8. Sin ag. Holy Ghoft. Pf. xcvii. I. 8°i72i. Coron. Brit. M. *Pra 8° 1781. Tork. The Catholic Proteftant. * Ephef. iv 26.3 HARRISON Richard, Left/of St. Peter's Cornhill, and joint Left. of St. Martin's in the Fields, London, and Miniller of Brumpton-Chapel. * Jerem. iii. i. 4° 1768. b. Gov. of Magd. Hofp. *Deut XV. II, 4" 1769. b. Gov of Small-pox Hofp. * Gal vi, 10. 4° 1775. ^- ^^^ Humane Society. * - - - - 1779. Faft. *Exod. viii.20. 8° 1 781. Faft. HARRISON Robert M. A. Student of Ch. Ch. Oxon. R. of. Wy- fordley, Staffordf. Amosv. 23,24. 4^*1672. Affize. BoJ. Prov. xiv. 34. 4° 1672. Affize. Bod. HARRISON Thsmas *Matt XXV. 21. 8° 1700. Fun. of Mord. Abbott t Efq; *Pf. Ixxii. 18. 8°I7I5. Th. for Acceluon. John xvli. 23, 24. 8° 1720. Fun. * 2 Tim. iv. 7,8. 8° 1728. Fun. of Mary P^g^- ^eerTs. Camb. t *Phil.i. 20. 8° 17 Brit.M. X * Rom. XV. 29. 8° I 7 Mutual Duties of Cler. & Laity. Br.M. HARRISON William, R. of Stanton, Gloucellerf. Exod. xxxii. 26 12° 1702. 1^^^ j^^^^^^^^^ Prov, XIV. 34. 8° 1704. 5 HART John, DD. * Difc. in 12° 1702. HART John, M. A. V. of Stockland, Somerfetf. Rom.xiv 10. 4° 1726. Liberty of Confcience afferted. HART Richard, M. A. V. of St. George, Gloucefter. * Jerem. ii. 4. 8° 1767. 2 f. Importance of the Word of God. HARTCLIFFE John, B.D, Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. and Canon of Windfor. Jonah i 8,9. 4°i684. Oxfordfiiire Feaft. Jobxxxi. 19. 4° 1694. Spitt. W. Brit.M. Pf. xc. 15. 4° 1695. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Ch. Ch. Magd. Ox. Trin. CI. H. Camb. Eton. HARTE Walter, M.A. Canon of Windfor. John xiv. I. 8° 1737. Oxon. Union and Harmony of Reafon, Morality and revealed Religion. Bod. Wore. Line. Oxon. ^^leerCs. Camb. Brit.M. J*Num.x. 9. 8° 17 [HARTLEY F.] * « . . 1756. a S. The fame. [HART- OF AUTHORS, &c. 159 [HARTLEY James,] of Hull, Yorkf. * . - . _ 8" 1774. Fun. Hx^RTLEY Thomas, M. A. R. of Winwick, Northampton. I Chron. iv. lo. 8° 1737. On Prayer and Charity. I Tim.vi. 17-19. 8° 1737. The Duty and Reward of Charity. John iv, 23. 8° 1747. Vif. A fpirit. Worfhip, the Religion of the Law and the Gofpel. Aftsii. 37. 8° 1748. Converfion founded on Conviftion of Sin. iCor. xii.31. 8" 1750. Northa?npton. Infirmary. *7 Additional Serm. publilhed in 8". (viz.) *Rom.i. 6. ") *pf.xliv. 14. I * IVlatt.xiv. 24. I *Heb. vi. 12. )■ 1755. * John viii. 36. * Col. i. 26. * Jer. xxxi. 33. HARTWELL William. DD. Sub-Dean of Durham. Pf. Ixxxv. 8. 8" 1-713. Th. HARVEST George-, M. A. Fell, of Magd. Coll. Camb. Lukexiii. 5. 4° 1746 Rebellion. The Grounds and Reafons of temporal Judgments confidered. Uteri's. Camb. *8Sermonsin 8° 1754. On various Subjerls. HARVEY Francis, M.A. R. of Lawfhall, Suffolk. James i, 8. 4°! 721. Vif. CkH. Camb. HARVEY William, V. of Hambledon, Hants, and Chap, on boaj^d her Majefty's Ship Edgar. Prov. xvi. 28. 4° 1 705" [HARWARD ] J*Pfxvi. 18. 8''i732. Bofton. Fulnefs of Joy in the Prefence of God. Brit M. HARWARD Thomas, M. A. Cur. of Madington, Wilts. I Tim. iii. 9. 4° 1709 Vif. HARiVOOD Edzvard, DD. *Ifai.lvii. I. 8"'i76i. Fun. oi J.Taylor, DD. ^een's. Camb. * 2 Cor iv. 18. 12° 1767. Thoughts on Time and Eternity. * 5 DilTertations in 8° 1772. * 7 Sermons in 12° 1776. On the Parable of the Sower — to which are added * 3 Sermons on the Nature and Defign of the Chrillian Religion. ^,eens. Camb. HARWOOD James Pf. Ixxvii. 20. 4°i66i. p. 21. Phil.iv. 5. 4° 1662. p. 67. I Pet. iii. 2. 4° 1662. p. -jd, * Difcourfes in 4°i662. HASCARD Gregory, DD. Dean of Windfor and ChapL in Ord. Rom. xjii.4. 4''i668. Aflize. Ff. i6o AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Pf.cxxiv.7. 4' 1 67 2. Nov. 5. Bod. JUS. Ch.Ch. Ox. ^ay;A. C. JudeS. 4" 1680. Eled. Lord Mayor. JUS. Ch.Ch. Oxon. St. Jobjis. Camb. Brit. M. Ephef.iv. 32. 4° 1685. Spitt. T. Brit.M. Aftsxvi. 30, 31. 4° 1696. b. King. Magd. Oxon. 7rin. Camb. Micahvii.2. 4° 1696. Jan. 30, b. Commons, Bod, Magd. Ox. HASLEWOOD Francis, M. A. R. of Chinkford, Effex, and Prcb. of Warwell, Hants. Ifai. i. 26. 4° 1720. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. Sion. Zech. vii. 5. 8" 1720. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. HASLEWOOD John, DD. R, of St. Olavc's, s'omliwark, Ifai.lv. iii. 4° 170 1. Recantation of a Quaker. Sion. 2 Sam. XV. 4. 4° I 707. Or. Oxon. St.Johris.'Trin. Camb. Sion. Deut. i. 16, 17. 4^1707. Affize. HASSEL S. I Kings iii. 9. 8° 1719. AfTizc. HAVETT John, M. A. Chapl. to Lady Ann Franklyn. i3Serm. in 8° 1703. Trin. Camb. HAWEIS Tho. LL.B. R. of Allwinkle Northampton, and Chaplain to the Countefs of Huntingdon. * 14 Sermons in 8° 1762. Entitled Evangelical Principles and Pradiccs. Preached at St, Mary Magdalen, Oxford. * Ifai. V. 25. 8'^ 1778. Bath. Fall. HAWKER Robert *Aftsx. 7. 4° 1 78 1. A devout Soldier, b. the North-battallion of Glouc. Militia at Roborougb-Down near Plymouth, Devon. HAWKINS William, M.A. late Poecry-Profeffor, and Fell, of Pemb. Coll. Oxon. Preb. of Wells and R. of Collerton, Rutlandf. Jerem.xii.i. 8° 1752. Oxon. Jan. 30. Bod. Braz.N. Bal. Oxon. *i Cor. xiii. 13. 4°i755. On Mr. Colilon's birth-day. The Nature, Extent and Excellence of ChriHian Charity. *Lukexii. 57. 8° 1756. Reafonablenefs of Belief in the Doc- trines of Chriftianity. *2Tim.ii. 15. 8" 1768. Pretences of Enthufiafts confidered and confuted. *Jobxxxvi.26. 8°i769. Oxon. Enthufiat. Pretences, as grounded in the Articles of the Church, confidered and confuted. *l Cor. i. 10. 8° 1773. 2 f. Principles of the Confeffional con- fidered. HAWKYNS George, M.A. R. of St. Mary at Hill, London. Ecclef. xii. 13. 3°i73i. Eleft. of Lord Mayor. iTim. ii, 2. 4° 1744. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. Godlinefs and Honefly, the Foundation and Support of Government. IIAWKSHAW Bcnj. of St. John's Coll. Camb. * - - - - 17 On St. Cxcilia's Day. HAWORTH R. R. of Eall Hothlc/, Suilex. *Pf. cxi. 4. 8° 17 HAW- : OF AUTHORS, &c. i6i HAWTAYNE Will. M. A R. of Datchworth, Herts, and Chapl. to the Princefs of Wales. Pf.xcii.4. 8° 1714. Th. Ch.Ch. Cxon. Rom.ii.3. 8° 1716. HAWYS Charles, V. of Chebfey near Stafford. Aftsxv.41. 4° 1705- Vif. HATDON John, late Preacher at the Baptill-meeting at Tcwkcfbury, GlouceAerf. *Rom.vii.24. 8° 1770. 2 f. Saints Complaint under Remains of indwelling Sin. *Phil.iii. 8"i772 HAYLEY Tho. T>D. Can. Refid. of Chichefter and Chapl. in Ord. Gal. V. I. 4° 171 1. Prop. Gofpel. The Liberty of the Gofpel explained. Ch.Ch.. Oxon. ^cert's. Czmb. Pf.lxxxi. 13, 14. 8° 1 71 2. Fait. Bod. Line. Oxon. Puh.L.Cl.H. Camb. ^ion. Matt. XV. 9. 8°i7i6. b. King. The Vanity and Sinfulnefs of human Impofitions in Doftrines of Religion. Wore. Ox. Eton. Col.iii. 14. 8°i7i8. b. King. Of mutual Charity. Bod. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sion. Pf.cxix. 158. 4°i7i8. Ref. Manners. Ch.Ch Oxon. Ifai.xli. 17-20. 4" I 72 1. May 29. b. Commons. Eton. HAYLEY William, DD. Dean of Chichefter, and R. of St. Giles's in the Fields, and Chapl. in Ord. Prov. viii. 18. 4° 1687. Jan. 30. Levant Co. C.C.C. Ox. Sion. Ezraviii. 21. 4° 1695. ^^^- b. Commons. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. Trin. CI. H. Camb. Sion. Prov, xiv. 34. 12° 1699. Ref. Manners. Ch.Ch. Ox. Zt. John's. Camb. Brit.M. Pf. xc. 12 4^1699 Fun, of Dr. C.-nnor. Ch.Ch. Ox. ^een\. CL H. St. John's. Camb. Brit. M. Matt. XXV. 34-36. 4° 1700. Spitt T Pub.L. Camb. Rom. xiv. 19. 4°i70i. Comr. ad Synod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Line, Oxon. Trin. St. John's. Camb. Brit.M. Ephef. iv. 11,12. 4" 1702. Conf. of Bp. Evans. Ch. Ch. Oion, Trin. St. J'jh7is. Camb. HAYTER Thomas, Bp. of London. Pf, Ixxxix. 20-24. 4° 1746. Ace, b. Com. ^ce?i^s. C. Brit.M. I Pet. ii. 17. 4° 1750.' Jan. 30. b. Lords, i^eens. Camb. I Cor. vii, 31. 4° 1752. b. King. Bed. Ox. keen's. C, Brit.M. *Pf. cxxii.8,9. 4''i753. Ir. Prot. fch. AllS. Braz.N. Ex. Ox. * Rev. xiv. 6, 7. 4° 1755. Prop, of Gofpel. Ex. Ox. ^ee?i5. C. * Matt, xviii. 10, ii. 4° I755' An. meet. Ch. Sch. Ex. Oxon. Queens. Camb, *Luke ix. 11. 4° 1759. b. Gov. of Lond. Hofp. Ex. Wadh. Ox. keen's. Camb. HAYTER John, B.A. Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. * 2 Tim. iv. 2-4. 4" 1780. Vif. Vol. IL X HAY i62 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER HAYWARD Roger, DD. Chapl. in Ord. 2Theff. 2. lo, II. 4° 1673. b. King. The Alliance of Wicked- nefs to Error. Bod. Ch. Ch. Magd. Oxon. Sion. Mai. iii. 14. 4° 1676. b. King. Bod. Magd, Oxon. St. John's. C. HAT WARD Samuel *Pf. cvii, 31. 8° 1 746. Advice to Sailors. *Serm. in 8° 1758. HAYWOOD William, DD. V. of St. Giles's. Preb. of Wcnm. and Chapl. in Ord. Rom.v. ^. 4"i66o. Fun. of Walter Norbane, Efq; _ Afts xxiii. 5. 4° 1663. Ag. fpeaking ill of Governors. Pub.L^Q. HAZELAND William, M. A. V. of Bruges, Herts, and Left, of St. Mary White Chapel, London. * Job xxxvii. 14. 4° 1756. Faft. *Prov. XV. 8. 4° 1760. *Ephef. V. 16. 4° 1 761, b. Gov. of the Afylum. HEAD Erafmus, M. A. Preb. of Carlifle. 1 Tim. iv. 16. 8° 1746. Ord. Trin. Sunday. * I Pet. xiii. 14. 8° 1747. Affize. Loyalty recommended on pro- per Principles. HEAD Henry, Maftcr of the Free-fchool at Ambrosbury, Wilts. 2 Cor. v. 1 8-20. 8° 1 7 1 4. Nature of the Xtian Relig. Line* Ox. HEALD Peter, M. A. Preb. of Chichefter. Tit. iii. I. 4° 1697. Affize. HEATH J. late of New Coll. Oxon. *Matt:. viii.25. 4° 1760. Th. HEATHCOTE Ralph, DD. Preacher-Aflillant at Line. Inn, Lond. *Micahvi. 8. 8° 1756. Leicejler. Affize. ^eerCs. Camb. *Coloff. ii. 8. 4° 1759. Cone. Acad, pro Grad. Doclor. *Rom.i.20. 4° 1763. 2 f . at Boyle's Left, ^eens, Camb. HEBDEN Samuel, of Wrentham, Suffolk. * Afts xxiv..25. 8° 1738. Sev. Sermons. * Job i. 20, £ 1 . 8° 1 739. On the Death of a Child. *Afts xvi. 14, 15. 8" 1745. * xxiii. 24. 8° 1746. HEBER John, R. of Marton in the Diocefe of York. . - - - 1732. York. Vif. The Labours and Difficulties of the miniilerial Funftion. HECKFORD Thomas, M.A. * Ecclef. xii. I 3, 14. 8° 1721. Farw. f. HECKSTALL Abraham, M.A. Pr. cxxii. 6. 4° 1728. May 26. b. Lord Ma^or. Peace the Fruits of Piety. HELLENBROECK Abraham * Cant. xi. 1 5. 8° 1742. V. Tennerifs Sermons. HELLIER Henry, DD. Fell. ofC.C.C. Oxon. Pf. XV. 4. 4** 1688. Oxon. The Obligation of Oaths. Bod. Ch. Ch. Queen's. Wire. Oxon. St, Jokrn. Camb. Sion, HELME OF AUTHORS, &c. 163 HELME J. *Heb.ii 3. 8° 1762. Specimen of preaching among Methodills. HELMES Thomas, M. A. lometime of Jcf. Coll. Camb. Pf. cxxi. I. 4° 1668. HELVETIUS Sangallo, V. D. M. * 1 Cor. vii. 36. 8° 1775. Latin Diflcrtation, HENCHMAN John *Exod. xxii. 28. 4° 1683. HENCHMAN Richard, DD. Treafurer of St. Paul's, and V. of Chigwell, Eflex. Pf. xxxix, 5. 4" 1 661. Fiin. of Mrs Ellen Harcourt. Rom. XV. ij, 6. 4°i66i. ^eens. Oxon. HENDLEY William, Ledurer of St. James's, Clerkenwell, Lond. Ads xxiv. 14. 8" 1 715. 2 Tim iv-2, 3.|go^ ._^^^^p^j^^^,jj^^ 1 1 im. VI. 20. 3 Jerem. xlviii. ro. 8° 17 16. 2 f . Rev. 19.9. 8° 1718. Ch. [The Author was tried and convided for this Sermon.] Bod, HENLEY John, (Orator) M.A. R. of Chelmondifton, Suffolk. iSam.iii.i. 8° 1727. Speaking and Adion. ^<'^«'j. Camb. * 2 Cor. vi, 8,g. 8° 1728. An academical Difquifition. Defence of Oratory. Bod. *Pf. viii. 6. 8° 1729. The Butcher's Ledure. Bod. Job. xviii. 14. 8" 1729, Bod. Luke xix. 22. 8° 1729. Theolog. Ledure. ^eeri'i. Cumb. *Heb. xii.7, 8" 1729. Pangs of expiring Penitents. * Rev. xxi. 10, 1 1 , 8" 1729. Heaven of Heavens. *Col. iv. 14. 8° 1729. Advantages of divine Revelation. I Kings xviii. 24. 8" 1730. Bod. *Aas ii. 42. 8"f73i. Homily. *2Tim. 1.13. 8''i73i. Homily. * Gen. xviii. 19. 8° 1732. Ref. Manners. * Afts xxiv. 25. 8^*1753. Second St. Paul &c. * I Pet ii I 2 ^ *Tr- '•• ' c ' r 17 2 Dif. a Vindicat. of theUniv. of Oxon. *Ifai.vii. 4 &c. 5 ' HENLEY S. Profefl: of Mor. Philofophy in Will, and Mary Coll. * Heb. xiii. 16. 4° 1771. Ch. f. For Support of the Coll. ■* Mark xii, 17. 4° 1772. Diflinft Claims of Religion and Go- vernment confidered. *Jer.xiv.3. 4° 1776. Anniv. of Founder of the Coll. ^ueerfs. C> *Jude 5-7. 8° 1778. Diflcrtation. HENRY Ma;thew, Minifter of the Gofpel. *A(fts XV. 36. 8° 1704. Right Management of friendly Vifits. * I Cor. xvi. 19. 8° 1704. Family-Religion. *Pf. Ixv. II. 8° 1 706. Th. ♦Afts XX. 37,38. 8'' 1706, Fun. of - - - Owen. *Ifai. Ixiii. 4. 8° 1707. New Year's-day. *Matt.vi. 12. 8° i/ii. *Pf. i64 AN HISTORiCAL REGISTER *Pf. vii.9. I2°i7i2. Rcf. Manners. *Prov. xxxi. z8. 8" 1712. Fan. of Mrs. Henry. *Phil. ii. 27. 8° 1712. Fun. of Mr. Lazvrevce. Pub.t. Camb. * DiTcourfes in £0.1726. ... * 3 Dii'c. in 1 2° 1 73 1 . For daily Communion with 'God. * 20 Dil'c. in 12° 1770. {3d Edition,) HENRT RoLert, DD. * - - - - 1773. For propag. Xtian Knowledge. HENRY William, DD. R. of Urney in the Dioceie of Derry and Chaplain to his Grace (Jofeph) Abp. of Tuam. Pf.cxlvii. 12-14. 8° 1749. Th. for Peace. The Advantages of Peace, and the Means to perpetuate the prefent Peace. *Matt. V.48. 4° 1751. Vif. Chriitian Perfcdion. *Pf. cxii-6. 1753- * 2 Sam. xxiii. 1-3 i754' *Lukexxiv. 5. 8^756. DtMt.' The Ari'n^v. of St. Patrick. *Deut.xxxiii. 28-31. 8"j7s8, Fal>. HENWOOD Jame.s John vi. zi,. ) o /-^ .1 o ^..w'.Tnao ?> r> ■ o J-4- i/Ci. On the Sacrament. , 1 Cor,JKi..28. 5^ ' > .riil . HERKE Samuel, Fell, of CkrerHall Camb. and Chaplain to the Duke of Monmoutl;i.: Heb.iv. 13. 4° 1679. Of Divine Providence. Mag.d. Ox. Trin. Camb. Sian. HERRIES John, M. A. *Jobxiv.T4-. 4°i774. Againft SuiciJe. HERRING Thomas, Abp. of Canterbury. * Aflsxxvi, 18. 4° 1756. Prop. Gofpel. Braz.N. Oxan. *7Serm. (republifhcd) in 8°i763. On public Occafions. ^cell's. Camb. Dr.WssL. London. HERRING Tho. M. A. Preb. of York and Hft of Cullefden, Siirrey. * I TJm.iv. 16. 4° 1765. Vif. HERVEY James, M. A R. of Wefton Flavel, Northamptonf. * Gal. vi. 14. 8" 1753. ^'i^- Crofs of Chrift the Xtian's Glory. *2Cor. V. iS. 8° 1759. Reconciliation. *Heb. xi. 28. 8° 1759. 2 f. Timfe of Danger, Means of Safety. * S Sermons in 1 2° 1 759. *Ram. V. 19. 8." 1769. 2 f. Many made righteous by the Obe- dience of one. *l'hil.iv. 4. 12° 1770. The Grounds and Duty of Chriilian rejoicing. *Markvi. 2. 12" 1770. 2 f . On Repentance. "*Phil.i. 21. 12° 1775. Fun. oi Mr. Abraham Donn, Teacher of the Mathematics at Biddeford, Devon. HESKETH Henry, T^T^. R. of Charlewood, Surrey, V. of St. Helen's, London, and t hapl. in Ord. 2 Sam. iv 17, 1 8. 4" 1678. Jan 30. b. Lord Mayor. Pub.L. Cam. Ezek.xxxvii. 3. 4° 16/9. The dangerous and almoft defperatc State of Religion. Lam^ OF AUTHORS, &c. 165 .. . Lam.ui. 22. 4° 1679. Faft. for Fire of London, b. Lord Mayor Ch. Ch. Vniv. Oxon. Lam. iii 20, 2 1 . 4" 1682. Faft. for Fire at Landon. Brit, M. EcGlef. Ki. 10. 4° 1683. Fun. of Sir Tho. Vinor. The Impor- tance of Reii-^ion to young perfons. Ch. Ch. Ox. St. Johns. C. 2 Sam. xxii. 51. 4° 1684. A private Peace-offering for the Dif- covery of the iate horrid Confpiracy. Pub. L. 7m/. Cam. Sion. I Pet. ii. 15. 4° 1684. Th. Sept. 9. b. Lord Mayor. Univ. Ch, Ch. Oxon. Brit.M. Matt. V. 17. 4° 1684. b. King. Bod. I Cor. xi. £6. 12° 1684. Sublt. of 2 Serm. Exhortation to fre- quent Communion. I Pec.ii. 13. 8° 1685. Th. for the late Vidory over the Rebels. Magd. Oxon. iCor.xi. 29. 12° 1689. The Cafe of eating and drinking un- worthily. Jer. V. 5, 4° 1609. Great men's Advantages and Obligations t» Religion. Trijz. Camb. Sion. 1 Tim. i.g. 4'' 1699. Affize. Line. HESKITx4 Thomas, M. A. R. of St. John's at Nevis in America. . - - - - - 4° 1699. Fun. of Col. Francis Collingwood and of his Lady. * Jofhuaxxiv. 14. 4° 1700. Ref. Manners. The Excellency and Advantages of Religion. St.Johi^s. Catnb. A6ls XX. 26,27. 4*^ 1702. Farewel at Nevii. Piety and Learning, the great Ornament and Charafter of the Priellhood. Eton. HESLEDEN Thomas, M. A. :• Pf. cvii.43. 4^1696. Tork. On the late horrid Confpiracy. HEWERDINE Thomas, M. A. R. of Abington, and V." of Bafing- bourn, Camb. Ifai. Ivii. I. 8" 171 1. Fun. of Mrs. Nightingile. A.^sxxiv.14. 8°i7«8. The Common-prayer-book, no Mafs-book. HEWERTSON * Prov. xiii. 11.8° 1775. b. a Society of Artificers at BlacHourn^ Lancafter. HEWGOE Walter, " R. of Holy Trinity, Exon. *Rev.xiv. 13. 4° 1728. Fun. [KEWYTT ] * 9 Seleft Sermons. ------ HEY John, DD. Fell, of Sidney Coll. and Norrifian FrofefTor of Divinity Camb. and Preacher at Whitehall. *Heb.viii. 13. 8° 1773. Camb. Affize. Nature of obfolete Or- dinances, ^eens. Camb. * I Pet. ii. 16. 8° 1774. Ca?nb. Nov. 5. ^teen's. Camb. * Ephef XV. 31. 8° 1774. 2 f. Camb. Nature of malevolent Sen- timents. ^een''s. Camb. * Jerem. xlvii. 6. 8° 1771. Cmnb. Faft. * Ephef. iv. 28. 4° 1777. Carnb. Addenbrook-Hofpital. HEYLIN John, DD. fDiicourfes in 2V0I. 4° 1761. HEY- i66 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER HEYLYN John, DD. Preb. of Weftminfter, R. of St. Mary-le- ftrand and Chaplain in Ord. Jfai.li.7. 8° 1720. Ref. Manners. Brit.M. Rom.xiii.4. 8° 1 728. Ref. Manners. S>ueen^s. Camb. Eton, Theolog. Lcdures &c. in 4° 1749. Bod. Magd. NewC. Wadh. Hert. Oxon. Pub.L. i^een^i. Camb. Sion. HEYLYN Pet. DD. Sub-Dean of Weftminfter, and Chapl. in Ord. Pf. xxxi. 21. 4° 166 1. May 29. Univ. Wore. Oxon. Brit.M. HEYNES John, M. A. Preacher, of the New Church, Weftminfter. Phil, iii, 21. 4° 1669. HEYNES Matthew, M. A. Minifter of Wroxall, Warwickftiire. Rom.xiii, 3,4. 4° 1701. Affize. Prov. XX. I. 4° 1 701. Ref. M. Ag. Drunkennefs. HEYRICK Richard, M. A. Warden of Manchefter College. 2 Kings xi. 12*1661. Coron. 1 Kings ii. 12. 4° 1 66 1. Sion. HEYRICK Thomas, Minifter of Market Harborough, Leicefter. Prov.xxi. I. 4° 1685. On proclaming K, James II. 2 Sam. XV. 1 1. 4° 1(597, Th. Tlic Charafter of a Rebel. Oriel. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. HEYWOOD Oliver *Ifai. Iv. 3. 8" 1672. The fure Mercies of David. Bod. Pf. XXX. 5. 8° 1679. Subft. of fev. f. Life in God's Favour. Bad. iCor. XV. 19. 8° 1 701. Fun. The two worlds prefent and future. Sion. HEYWOOD James *Dan. vi. 21. 8^ 1756. On the Kings Indifpofition. HIBBERT Hen, DD. Minif. of St. Oiave'b in the Old Jewry, Lon^. Pf. cxviii. 24. 4° 1661. May 29. b. Lord Mayor. Univ. Oxon. A Body of Divinity with 1 2 f . on fev. Occafions. fo.1662. Siou. HICKERINGILL Edmond. R. of All Saints, Colchefter. Judges V. 23. 4° 1680. b. Lord Mayor. Bod. Cb. Cb. Bal. Magd. ^eens. Oxon. Trin. St. John's. Magd. Camb. Jerem.v. 25,26. 4°! 681. The horrid Sin of Man-catching. Bed. 2 Sam.x. 12. 4° 1692. The good old Caufe. Pub.L. Cam. Sion. I Kings xxi. 12, 13. 4° 1700. Jan. 30. N. B. Thefe Serm are reprinted in his works. 2 Vol. 8°i7i6. Magd. Oxon, HICKES George, DD. Dean of Worccfter. .Rom.xiii.4. 4° 1683. Cb. Ch. Magd. Oxon. Prov. XXX. 31. 4° 1684. 3 f. Jan. 30. Ag. Non-refiftance. Bod. Serm. in 2 V. 8° 1713. Cb.Ch. C.C.C. Ba// Magd. NewC. Ox. 13 Serm. (Pofth.) 8° 1726. On praftical Subjeds. Ba/, Oxon. Dr. Wis. L. London. HICHMAN Charles, Bp. of Derry. I Kings xviii. 21.4° 1680. b. L, May. JUS. Ch.Cb. Magd. Ox. John iv. 21-23. 4°i68i. b. Levant Co. Cb.Cb. Magd. Oxon. Ffib, L. Camb. Sio/i. Prov. OF AUTHORS, &c. 167 Prov. ili. 8,9, 4° 1686. b. Lord Mayor. Bod. Magd. Qxori. Sisn. Ifai. Ix. 10. 4° 1690. b. Commons. Bod. JUS. Jef. Oxon. Sicn. Pf. iv. 4. 4° 1690. b. Queen. Ch. Ch. Univ. Magd. Jef, Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. Camb. Sion. Deut.xxx. 15. 4° 169Z. b. Queen. Lent. On Contentment. f/7;/'z'. Magd. Jef. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Phil.iv.il. 4° 1693. b. Queen. Lent. Bod. Magd. Jef. Oxon. Sion. Pub. L. Camb. Pf.c. I. 4''i695. On St. C^cilias's day. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Trin-. Camb. Sion. l4Serm. in 8° 1706. Bod. JUS. C.C.C. Mr.gd. St. John's. Pemb. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. izSerm. in 8° 171 3. On the principal Fellivals. Bod. C.C.C. 'New C. Magd. Sttjohn's- Wore. Oxon. St. Johiis. Camb. HICKS Edward, DD. R. of Margaret Pattens, Lond. and of Buck- land, Herts. Gen. xviii. 25. 4° 1682. Affize. HICKS H. Phil. iii. 20,21. 4° 1681. Fun. HICKS Samuel, R. of VVreftlingworth, Bedfordfhire. * 6 Difc. in 12° 1767. HICKSON James, M. A. Prov. XX. 8. 8° 1682. Affize. HIERON John, M. A. fometime R. of Breadfall, Derbyfhire. Pf. xxxii. II. 8° 1680. Subltance of fev. Sermons. HIGDEN Will. DD. R. of St. Paul's, Shadwell, and Prcb. of Canr. Luke xxiii. 28. 4° 1710. Jan. 30. b. Queen. Bod. Univ. Line* Oxon. ^teen's. St. Jshns. Camb. Sicn. HIGDON William, M.A. Ifai. Ivii. 1,2. 4° 1688. Fun. of Mrs Parr. HIGGINS Francis, M.A. Preb. of Ch.Ch. Dublin. I Chron. xvi. 34-39. 8" 1705. Th. Trin. Camb. Sien. Rev. iii. 2,3. 4° 1706. Afh-vi^ednefday. Univ. Wore. Jef. Oxon. keen's. Camb. HIGGINS John, orD. F. Ifai. liii. 8. 4° 1688. [Found in an Oxford- Scholar's Pocket.] HIGHAM John, M. A. R. of Wotton in Surrey. Prov.xxiv.21. 8°i675. Scv. Serm. Looking-glafs for Loyalty. .ff(?^. HILDEYARD John, LL. D. Commiffary of the Arch-Deaconry of Norfolk, and R. of Cowfton in the Diocefe of Norwich. Rev. iv. 4. 4° 1683. Fun. of E. of Yarmouth, Trin. St. John's. C. HILDROP John, DD. R. of Wath near Rippon, Yorkfhire. A Treatife in 8" 171 1. Of the three Evils of the lall Times, the Sword, the Peftilence, and the Famine &:c. A Commentary on the 2d Pf. 8° 1742. John iii. 1 9. 8° i 746. Immorality, Root of Infidelity. J^v^^^V. C. HILDYARD Chriftopher, M. A. R.' of Claxby, Lincolnfhire. Mic. vi. 8. 4° 1707. HIL. i68 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER HILDYARD Chrilt. R. of Rowley near Beverley, Yorkfliirc. Job xxvii. 5,6. 8° 1732. Uprightnefs and Integrity, re«uifite to attain and preferve a good Confcience, HILDYARD Francis Jude 14., 15. 8" 1703. Preached at Weft- Acre, Norfolk.- HILL *PhiI.iv. 5. 4° 1677. m. e. C. p. 320. In what tkings we muft uie Moderation and in what not. HILL Anthony, M. A. Left, of Stratford-le-Bow, Middlefex, and Chaplain to the Duke of Richmond. Rom.vi. 18. 8° 1702. Afer baptizatus. Cb.Ch. Oxon. Sioa. I Cor. xiii. 13. 4° 1702. County-Feaft. HILL Biyam, B. A. Chapl. to the Earl of Leven. * Gal. iv. 18. 8° 1780. b. Gov. of the Salop Infirmary. HILL Daniel, M. A. Preb. of Rochefter. Rev. xix. 3. 4° 1707. Th. for Victory. HILL H. *Ecclef.xii. 7. 8" 1 667. HILL J. S. DD. Chapl. to the Abp. of Canterbury. John ii. 17. 8° 1745. Tork. Fail Zeal and Chriltian Zeal diflin- guiflied or the Effentials of Popery defcribed. Brit. M. HILL John. M. A. R. of St. Mabyn, Cornwal. Rev. xviii. 4. 4° i68o. The grand Apoftacy of the Church of Rome from her primitive Purity and Integrity. aSam.xxi. 16, 17. 4° 1693. Faft and Affizc. Ifhbibcnob defeated and David fuccoured. Brit.M. HILL John, Minifter of the Gofpel in London. * 2 Tim. ii. 2. 8° 1726. *Serm. in 8° 1755. (Republiflied with Additions.) HILL Jojeph, B. D. Chancellor of St. David's. Gen. XXXV. 19. 4° 1685. Rotterdam. Fun. of Mary Reeve. Brit.M, HILL Jofcph * 2 Tim. iii. 15. 12" 1735. Char. f. HILL N. * . . . -^ 8°i773. Nov. 5. * Aftsxxi. 26. 8" 1779. Fun. *- - - 8° 17 Ch. f. The Knowledge of national BeneHts alid Deliverances to the rifing Generation. HILL Robert, R. of Stanhow, Norfolk. Exod.xx, 8-11. 6 f. in 2 Vol. 8° Vol. i. 1728. V. 2. 1730. HILL Samuel, R. of Kilmington, Somerfet. I Cor. xi. 19, 4° 1688. The Necefllty of Herefies. HILLIARD Samuel, M. A. Preb. of Lincoln, R, of Stafford, EiTex. Luke xvi 29- 8° 1709. b. Lord Mayor. Unw. Line. Wore. Ox. Trin. Camb. Pf. cxxji. I. 4° 17 1 2. Conf. of Chapel. Col. iii. 15. 8" 1713. Pf. cxliv. 10. 8°i7i3. Th. for Peace. St. John's. Camb. Matt.vi. 13. 8° 1714. b. Co. of Parilh Clerks. On Ameo. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Eioa. Pf. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 169 Matt. vi. 10. 8*^1714. The Nature of" the Kingdom or Church of Xt. Col il.4. 8° 17 1 7. A fealbnable Caution to Saducers. HILTON Thomas, M. A. V. of Brackley, Northamptonf. Ecclef. xii. 5. 4° 1700. Fun. HINCHLIFFE John, Bp. of Peterborough, and Mailer of Trln. Coll. Camb. *Phil.iv.4. 4°i773. Jan. 30. b. Lords. *A6ls X. 34. 35. 4° I 776. Prop, of Gofpel. HINCKLEY John, DD. R. of Northfield, Worcefier. and Freb. of Litchfield. Gen. XXV. 8. 4°! 661. HIND Richard, DD. V. of Rochdale, and of Skipton upon Cra- ven, Yorkfliire, * I Cor. xiv. 23. 4° 1755. Abufes of miraculous Powers in the Church of Corinth. Wore. Oxon. * Rom. xiv. 16. 4° 1764. b. Sons of Clergy. *2Cor. ii. 17. 4° 1765. Jan. 30. b. Commons. HIND Thomas, M, A. Fell, of Line. Coll. and R. of Lillinllon Lovel, Oxon. John i. 14. 8°i7i7. Oxon. Aft. The Divinity of our Saviour proved from the Scriptures of the old and new Telirament. Mcgd. Line. Oxon. i^eeit's. Camb. HINDE Samuel, one of his Majelty's Chaplains and Incumbent of St. Mary's Church in Dover. Hofeaix. 7. 4° 1663. Vif. England's perfpedive Glafs. Bod. HINDES Thomas, R. of Avon-daffet, Warwickf. *Adsv. 42. 8° 1765. Vif. Duty of Inftru(ftion recommended. HINDMARSH Thomas, M. A. V. of Long Ourifby, Line. Acfcsxxiv. 25. 4° 1680. Liiiccbi, Affize. Pub. L. Camb. HINGESTON James, M. A. V. of Raydon, Norfolk. * Exod.xxxiv. 6,7. S° 1772. Diflertation. HINTON Edward, M. A. R. of Shering, Eijex. 2 Tim. ii. 24. 4° I 720. Vif. St. John's, Camb. HINTON John, M. A..R. of Newbury, Berks, and Preb. of Sarum. 2 Sam. xviii. 28. 4" 1685. Th. for Victory over the Rebels. HITCHCOCK John, M. A. Heb.>;i.6. 4" 1697. b. Lord Mayor. The Reafonablenefs and Necefiity of the Chrlrtian Faith manifefted. Tiin. Camb. HITCHCOCK Thomas, DD, Fell, of St. John's Coll, Oxon. and one of his Majcfty's Preachers at VVhiiehall. *2Pet. ii.j. 8°i7i3i. Oxon Ad. Mutual Connexion between Faith, Virtue and Knov/ledge. Wore. Oxon. HITCHIN Edzvard *Ephef.v. 20, 8° 1759. Th. f. * I Their, iv. 1 3. 8'^ I 75 1 , Fun. of Martha Tate. HITCKMOUGH Richard, M,A. V, of Whenby, Yorkf. Matt, V. 12. 8° 1722. York. Adsii. I. 8° 1722, Tijik. Whitfunday. Vol. IL Y HOADLY 170 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER HOADLY Benjamin, Bp. of Winchefter. Matt. X. 34. S" 1703, 2 f. Concerning the Evils of which Chrif- tianity has been the Occafion, or in Tradls. 8° 171 5. p. 67-82, Pf. xcv. 2. 4° 1705. Acceflion. Pub.L. Camb. Rom. xiii. I. 4° 1705. Eledh Lord Mayor. The Meafures of Submiflion to the civil Magillrate. Bod. Sion. 1 Sam. viii. 9. 4° \ 708. Aflize. Brit. M. Aftsxxii. 25. 4° 1708. Affize. St. Paul's Behaviour towards the civil Magiflrate. Piib.L. Camb. Brit. M. Sev. Serm. or Difc. in 8°i7ii. Concerning the Terms of Ac- ceptance with God. Bod. Ch. Ch. Univ, Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. CI. H. Camb. 1 Thefi". V. 21. 4 f . in Trafls. 8° 1715. Concerning an impartial Enquiry into Religion, p. 455&C. 2 Thell' ii. II. 8" 1715. Nov. 5. The prefent Delufion of many Proteftants confidercd. Trin. Camb. Sio7i. Pf. cxxvi. 3. 8"^' 1716. May 29. b. King. The Reftoration made a Bleffing to us by the proteftant Succeflion. Bod. Trin. Q. Sion. Phil.ii.4. 4° 1 7 16. b. Welch Soc. The Nature and Duty of a public Spirit. Magd. Oxon. Brit. M. Ecclef viii. 2. 8° 17 John xviii. 36. 4° 171 7. b. King. The Nature of the Kingdom or Church of Chrill. Bed. Sion. Rev. xiv. 13. 8° 1719. Fun. of Mrs. Mary Howland. 1 Cor. x. I I. 4" I 72 1. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Bod. Trin. Cam. Sion. N. B. All thefe (except that on Ecclef. viii. 2. 8° 17 ) are re- printed in I Vol. Trin. Camb. ■*Serm. in 2 Vol. 8"i75;4. Ch.Ch. AllS. Wore. Wadh. Oxon. ^eens. Pub.L, Camb. Dr.Wi's.L. Lond. 1 Vol. At the End are added 6 preached upon public Occafions. 2 Vol. 9 of thefe were preached before the King. HOADLY John, Abp. of Armagh. Joel ii. 12, 13. 4"! 704. Norwich. Faft. for the Storm. Pub. L. C. Phil. iv. 5. 4° ! 707. The Nature and Excellency of Moderation. Trin. keen's. Camb. Sion. Dan. iv. 37. 4° 1708. Th. and AfTize. The Abafement of Pride. Pub. L. Trin. St. John^s. Camb. 2Cor. i. 12. 8° 1716. Conf. of Bp. Benj. Hoadly. I Cor. x. II. 8°i7i7. Jan 30. b. Commons. St.Johi's. ^ceen^i.C HOARD Samuel, B. D. Parlon of Morton, Eflex. I Cor. xiv. 40. 8''i709. The Church's Authority afferted. Bed. Sion, HOCKIN John, M. A. \\ of Launceiton, Cornwal. *Rom. X 3. 4" 1764. Vif. BODGE John, *52prad!cal Difc. in 8^1758. On the principal Evidences in Favour of the Chriltian Religion. Dr Ws^s L. London. *Phil. I. 21. 8° 1763. Fun. of Rev. John Ma/on. ^ccui. Cam. * Afts xxvi. 22. 8° 17 Char. Sen. meet, HODGES John, B.A. ijohniv. II. 8° 1731. Co. Feaft. HODGES OF AUTHORS, &c. 171 HODGES Mofes, DD. V. of St. Mary's in Warwick. Prov. xxix. 15. 8° I 71 1. Char. f. Ifai. xxvi 12. 8° 1712, Fail. HODGES Thomas, B.D. R. of Ker.fington, Middlefex. Pf cxxvi. 3. 4° 1660. Th Bod. ^t. Johns. Camb. HODGES Thomas, DD. R. of Souldern, Oxon. Gen. i. 31. 4° 1675. 2 f, Prov. XX. 10. 4° 167;. 2 f. Pf. xxxix. 5. 4" 1676, Sch. Feaft. The Vanity of Man in his Eltate. p. I. Luke xvi. 30,31. b. Univ. The Vanity of Dives's' Defire, p. 27. St. John's. Camb. Matt. V. 13. 4°i685. The Duty of Minifters. JUS. Oxon. St. Johris, Camb. Eton. * Job xi. I 2, 1 3. 8° 16 b. Sons of Clergy. HODGES Thomas, M. A. Fell, of Bal. Coll. Oxon. I Cor. XV. 20. 8° I 730. Ealler. HODGES Thomas, M. A. Curate of Church-Hulme. *Rom.xiii.4. 8° 1766. Affize. HOFFiMAN Benjamin, M. A. Led. of St. George's Botolph Lane, and R. of Sufiex. Rom. XV. 5-7. 4° 1683. Farew. f. Mutual Forbearance. Pub. L. Camb, Brit.M. HOGG John * Ifai. XXV. 9. J go r^^^ * liai xliv. 23. ) ' -'-' *Rev.ii. 5. 8^1775. Declenfions in Religion. HOGGART Will. Cur. of Tandridge, and Crowhurt, Surrey. Prov. xi. II. 8° 1740. Tork. Fall. I Sam. xvii. 26. 8° 1748. Fall. HOLBERRY Mark, late of Eman. Coll. Camb. *Johnxiv. 27. 8° 1770, Farew. f. iiOLBROOK Anthony, M. A. R. of Waltham Parva, Effex. Tit.iii. I. 8° 17 1 5. Th. after Rebellion. I Sam. XV. 28. 4°i7i5. Acceffion. No Security for Proteftants under a Popifh Prince. Matt. xvi. 19. 8" 1722. On Church-Authority. I Sa.m. xvii. 48. 8°i727. Againft Duelling, ^teen^s. Camb. iThefT. iv.7. 8''i727. 2 f . Univerfal Chaitity the Xtian Calling. ^een^s. Camb. Judges xi. 30, 31. 8° I 73 1. A Letter to Tindal. The Cafe of Jepihah's Vow. p. i 8. Exod.xii. 35,36. 8°i73i. A Letter to Tindal. The Cafe of Ifrael's borrowing Jewels of Egypt, p. 28. HOLCOMBE M. A. Canon-Refid. of St. David's. * - - - - 4° 1755. Vif. HOLDEN Anthony 2Tim. iv. 7,8. 8° 1710. Fun. y 2 HOLDEN 172 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER HOLDEN Lawrence, of Maiden. * 22 Serm. in 8° 1755. On intereiling Subjeflj. *Exod.;dv. 15. 8° 1757. Faft. The Vanity of crying to God, unlefs a people proceed in the Path he hath prefcribed them. HOLDEN Richard, M. A. R. of St. Dunftan's in the Ealt, and V. of Deptfdrd, Kent. Dan. xii. 4. 4°i6So. b. Corp. Trin-Houfe. Sion. HOLDEN Samuel, M. A. of Line. Coll. Oxon. and Chapl. to Lord Lexington. Ecclef. vii. 1.74" 1676. At Lord Lexington's Fun. iTrin.^cen. Job xiv. 12. ^4" 1676. At Lady Lexington's Fun, J Camb. [HOLDER James] * Rem, xiv. 33. HOLDSWORTH John, M. A. Prcvii.43. 8''i725. May 29. 1 Cor. X. 12. 8° 1725. HOLDSWORTH Winch. DD. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Oxon. R. of Chafont St. Peter's, and of Catton, Surrey. John V. c8, 29. 8" 1719. Oxon. Eaftcr. W-orc.Lini. Oxon. St, John's. Camb Skn. HOLE Matthew, DD. R. of Exeter Coll. Oxon. nnd Preb. of Wells. A<^s ii.23« 4° 1670. Good-friday. On our Saviour's Palfion. St, John's. Camb. Luke ii. 14. 4° 1689. b. Militia. Matt. xiii. 27, 28. Brif.ol. Aug. 1. Lam. V. 16. 4° 1710. BriJIcl. Jan. 30. Prov. xxiii. 23. ^" ijio. Bfljiol. At the Fair-time. Job V. I 2, I 3. 8° I 7 1 1 . BriJioL Jan. 30. - - - 1 2° 17 Of Deifm. Pf. xxix. 2. 8° 1 71 3. BriJioL Beautifying a Church. 2 Kings x5c. 19. 8°i7i3. Th. for the Peace. St.Jobn^. Camb. Jercm. xxvi. 14,15. 4°! 71 3. On the Expiration of the Sentence againit Dr- Sachivercll. St. Johns, Camb. Pf. cxxxi.i 1 8. 4°i7i4. Coron. Rev. ii. 10. i7i4« Matt. vi. 34. 8° 1715. St. John 5. Camb. 1 ThefT. iv. 1 1 . 8° 171 5. St.Jobiis.Qzmh. Sion. A pradical Expofition of the Church-Catcchifm in 2 vol. 8''i7r5. Magd. Oxon. ^eeti's, Camb. Pf. cii. 13, 14. 8°i7j6. Qxcn. Aft. Magd. Wore. Oxon. Praftical Difcourfes on all the Farts and Offices of the Liturgy. Vol. IV. 8" I 716. Mb. The IV Vol. On the Epift. and Gofpels contains 3 parts. Magd. Oxon. Praftical Difcourfes on the Communion Service. Vol.V. 8°i7i7. Bod. Magd. Oxon. Practical Difcourfes on the Offices of Baptifm, Confirmation and Matrimony in 3 parts. Vol. VI. 8° 1719. Magd, Oxon. Matt. X. 32. 8° 1720. 2 f. Afts OF AUTHORS, &c. 173 A&s xiv. 17. 8° 1720. Malt. xi. 6. 8'i72i. Oxo/i. A«Els V. 38, 39. 8'' 1721. I Tim. vi. 9, 10. '8° 1721. Sion. ^ ■ Prafl. Diicoarfes on the Natnrfc, Prffptrties and Excelkncies of Charity &c.- 8"i725. Oxorj. Bod. HOLE VVilliy.ni, B, V). Arch-Deacon of Barrtftaple, Devon, and V. of Maynhinneot, Cornvval. Haggai i. 8. 4" 1743. Conf. of aiChurch. Eton. HOLLAND John *Luke xxx-i. 24. 8° 1750. b. Difi*. Clergy. On the Folly and . Guilt of Intemperan-cc. ^ceet^i. Camb. * 37 Serm. in z-V-oX. 8° 1753. On various Subjefts. HOLLAND Philip, at Manchefter. *Adsvii. 32. S"i76o. The Importance of Learning. *. - . , . 8" 1780. b. Diff. Clergy. Charader, Offices and Qualifications of a Chriftian Preacher. HOLLAND Richard-, M. A. R. of St. George's, Stamford. - Exod. xiv.-i.j. 4'' 1685 Affize, Ch.Ch. HOLLAND Rich. M.A. Chapl. to the Duke of Richmond, and Car. of St. Magnus, and Left, of All-Hallows the Great. Lond. Efthervi. 1-3. 4" 1698. Fart. ^ ■ _ Ads ii, 38. 4° 1700. At the baptizing of fome Perfons of riper Years* Sibli. Luke X. 37. 4° 1700. Ch.f. The good Samaritan. Ch.Ch. Ox. Pf. cxlvi. I. 4° 1702. Th. on Fraife. Sio?i. John xiii. 34. 4°r7o2. Co. Feaft. Brit.M. HOLLINGWORTH Richard, DD. V. of Weftham near London, and R. of St. Botolph's, Aldgate. Tit. iii. I. 4° 1673. Affize. Pub. L. Camb. Sion. Joh-n 'vi..6-8. 12° 1676. A modell Plea for the Ch. of£ng. BaJ. Acfts ii 17, 18. 4° 1680. Vif. An Account of Spirits working ■upon the iVlinds of Men in the feveral Ages of the Chrillian Church. C. C. C. Oxon. Pf. Ix^iv. 20, 4° 1680. b. Lord Mayor. Chriftian Principles, no Abettors of Popifn Practices. John i. 47. 4° 1682- Nov. 5. b. Ld Mayor. Pub.L. Sf.John's.C. Matt. xix. 18. 4° 1693. Jan. 30. The Death of the- King, down- right Murder. Bod. Ch.Ch. Pub.L. Camb. Smi. HOLLOW AY Benjamin, LL.B. R. of Blayden, and Middleton- Stoney, Oxon, 1 Cor. ii. 23-26. 8° 1736. Gxon. Vif. The commemorative Sa- crifice. T^-tfrr. Oxon. Aftsii. 38. 8^1739. Oxen. 3 f . The Nullity of Repentance without Faith by Jcfus Chrift, proved from Scripture. Originals phyfical and theological &c. in 8° 1750. Vol. IL Rev.ii. 17, On the hidden Manna, p. 379. Rev. ii. 7, On the Tree of Life, p. 400. HOLME Thomas, R. of Wilden, and Qhapl. to Lord Hume. - - - - 1739. AiTize. Luke I 4° 1 780. Affize. 174 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Lukexvi.9. 8°i745. Northamp. Infirmary. JU S. Ox. ^een^s. C. HOLMES David * Heb. xiii. 17. . - - - - HOLMES Robert. M A. Fell, of New Coll. Oxon. *Phil.iii. 21. 4° 1777. Oxon. Refurredion of the Body dedu- ced from that of Xt's, and illuftrated from his Transfiguration, * SSerm. in 8° 1782. Preached before the Univerfity of Oxon, at Bampton's Lcdure. HOLMES William, Mafter of the Grammar-fchool at Ponte- fra6l and Cur. of Ferry. fryilon, York. Matt. vii. 7. 8''i746. Tork. Rebellion. The Frauds of Popery and the Abettors of the prelent Rebellion let in a true light. HOLT Ludlow, LLD. V. of Dedham, Effex. * Ifai. xxxiii. 6. * Prov. xiv, 34 HOLWELL John, M, A. R. of Torbryan, Devon. Phil.iii. 8. 4'' 1721. HOLYDAY Barton, DD. Arch-Deacon of Oxon. 4 Serm. in 8°i66i. Oxon. Againll Difloyalty, HOMES Nathaniel, T>Q. * Exercitations in fo.1664. HOOD Rob. M.A. Miniiter of the Chapel in Hanover Square, New Caftle upon Tyne, Stafford. *Lukexvii. 20,21. 8°i78i. b. DiiT. Clergy. The Nature of Chrill's Kingdom. HOOK Matt. XXV. 10, 4° 1676. f. m. e. p. 760. Preparation for Death and Judgment. Bod. HOOK Chriftopher I Johniii. i. 8" Bod. HOOKE Richard, M. A. R. of Thornton in Craven, Yorkf. Adsxxiv. 16. 8° 1 660. Allize. .Pf.cxliv. 10. 8° 1662. The royal Guard, or the King's Salvation. * Afts vii 56 8° 1663. Fun. of Lady Rogers. HOOKER Richard, M. A. Fell, of C. C. C. Oxon. and Mafter of the Temple. Matt. vii. 17. 8° 1678. V. Walton's Life of Bp. Sanderfon. p. 254. Bod. Rein's. C.C.C. Oxon. *Hab.i. 4. I 8° .705. Juftif. by Works. -^ ^_ ^.^ ^^^^^ *H,b.u.4. U ,705. OnPnde. Abridged 8°l 705. * Judc 17-21. J 8 1705. 2 f . J ^ ' ■* HOOLE Jofeph, M. A. R. of St. Ann's in Manchefter. Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1741. On fev. important Subjeds. HOOPER George, Bp. of Bath and Wells. Gal. V. 22,23. 4° 1681. b. Ld Mayor. Bod. Magd. Ox. Brit.M. Matt. xxii. 21. 4°! 681. Nov. 5. b. Kirg. Bod, C.C.C, Magd. Wore. Oxon. Sion. Lukexvi.31. 4°i69i. b. Queen. Bod. MIS. Magd. Or. Oxon. John vii. 17. 4° 1694. b. K. and Q^ Bod. Magd. Trin. Cam. Sion. I John OF AUTHORS, &c. 175 ijohniii. 20, 4° 1695. b. King. Bod. Jil S, Magd. Wore. Oxon. T'riri. Camb. Phil.iii.20. 4° 1 701, Fall. b. Commons. April 4. Bod, Magd. C.C.C. Wore, Oxon. Sion. aCor. X. 3,4. 4° 1704. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Bod. Ch.Ch. C.C^C. Ji'urc. Oxon. SioK. Pf.cxxii.7. 4°i7i3. Th. b. LordMayor. July 7. Bed. C.C.C. Magd. Wore. Oxon. Sion. N. B. All thefe are to be found at the End of his Works pub- liflied in fo.1757. Ch.Ch. C.C.C, MS. Bd. Wadh. Pemb. Oxon. Pub. I. King's. CI. H. Camb. HOOPER William, Min. of Trinity Church, Bofton, New England. *Ecclef. vii. i. 4° 1763. Fun. of Thomas Green, Efq; HOOTON Henry * Sermons in 8° 1709. HOPKINS Ezekiel, Bp. of London-derry. *Difc. in 4° 1692. An Expolition on the 10 Commandments. Bod. Trin. Camb. His Works or Serm. &c. fo. 1710. Ch.Ch. NezvC. Magd. ^eens. Wore. Oxon. Queen's. Camb, Death Difarmed. 8" 1712. Dodlrine of the Covenants. 8°I7I2. Dottrine of the Sacraments. 8° 171Z. Bod. HOPKINS John, B. D. V. of Cropcdy, and late Fell, of Pemb. Coll. Oxon. * Nehem. iv. 23. 8°i77i. The trae Reading of the Verfe. HOPKINS Mar. M. A. R. of St. Vedaft Folkr Lane, London. I Cor. X. 10. 4° 1689. Murmurers reproved. Brit.M. HOPKINS William, DD. Left, of St. Lawrence-Jewry, Lond. and Preb. of Wore. John V. 14. 4° 1683. Fail:, b, Lord Mayor. Pub.L. Trin. ^een's. Camb. Sion. 17 Serm, 8° 1708. Bod. HORBERY Matt. DD. Fell, of Magd. Coll, Oxon. and Preb. of Litchfield. 2Tim.iii. 16,17. ^° '745- Oxon. Vif, The Infpiration of the moral parts of the Scripture afferted. Were. Oxon. ^een's. C. 1 Cor. xii. 31, 8° 1747. Salop. Infirmary, The Pre-eminence of Charity, ^ueer^s. Camb. 1 Tim. iii. 9. 8° 1749, OxoH' Trinity. The Athanafian Creed defended and explained. Wore. Oxon. Queens. Camb. * 1 8 Serm. in 8° 1 774. On important Subjefts. HORDEN John, R. of St, Michael's, Queen -Hithe, Lond; and V. of Ifleworth. 2 Sam. 19. 14, 15. 4° 1676. May 29. Bod. Univ. Oxon. Sion. HORLER Jofeph, B.A. Mafter of the Free-ichool at Wilton. Matt. XXV, 40. 4° 1729, County.feaft. Afts xxiv. 16. 8" 1742. Affize, *Aas 176 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER * Ads XX. 35. 8° 1750, BrlJloL Blefl'ednefs of giving fuperlor to that of receiving. HORN J. Pf. cxxxiii. I. 4° 171 3. Vif. HORNE Geo. DD. Prefid. of Magd.CoIl. Oxon. and Dean of Cant, *Prov. XX. 27. 8° 1756. Oxoji. Chrift and H. Ghort, the Sup- porters of fpiritual Life. AllS. Oxon. *irai. xl. 3-5. 8''i756. Oxoti. 2 f. Repentance, the Forerunner of Faith. Jll S. Oxon. *Rev. xi. 13, 14. 8" 1756. Oxo;:. Fafl. The Almighty glorified in Judgment. *iPet.ii.2». 8°i76i. Oxoa. Jan. 30. The Xtian King. J//S. Ox. *James ii. 24. 8°i76i. Oxen. Works without Faith, a Condi- tion of our Jultification. Wore Oxon. * Lament, v. q. 8" 1762. Oxon., b. Sons of the Clergy. *Tit. ii. 1 1, 1 2. 8°i773. Afiize. The Influence of Chriftianity on civil Society, y^ll S. Line. Wore. Oxou. *Afts XX. 35. 4° 1 774. Oxon. b. Gov. of the Afylum. * I Sam. ii. 30. 8° 1775. Oxon. Affize. The Providence of God manifefted in the Rife and Fall of Empires. Wore. Oxon. *Rom.x. 13. 8°i775. Oxon. Chriil the Objeftof relig. Adora- tion and therefore very God. *Difc, in 2 Vol. 8° 1778. On feveral Subjefts and Occafions. Bod. Trin. Camb. *Deut. xxiii. 9. 4° 1780. Fall. b.-Commons. *Ifai. xxvi. 9. 4" 1781. Fall. b. Univerfitv. HORNE John Jude 20,21. 8°i67i. Exercife for Chriftians in the vvorft of times. Bad. '^- HORNE John, late Minifter of New Brentford, Middlfex. * Pf. Iv. 12-14. 4° 1769. Nature of FriendOiip. HORNE Thomas, M A. Fell, of Eton Coll. and Chapl. in Ord. Prov. xxii. 6. 4° 1679. Eton-fchool Feaft. JUS. Oxon. Pub. L, Camb. Sion. I Thefl". V. 19. 4° 1685. Sund. after the Death of King Charles. II. C.C.C, Oxon. HORNE Thomas, M.A. Chapl. of St. Saviours, Southwark. Prov. XIV. 34. 8° 1713. Alfize. Line. Oxon. HORNE Thomas, M.A. late Fell, of Trin Coll. Oxon. and Cur. of St. Peter's, Hereford * Matt. V. 1 4. 4° 1 77 8. Hereford. Vif. * Prov. xiv. 34. 4" 1778. Faft. HORNECK Anthony, DD. Preacher at the Savoy, Preb. of Well- minller, and Chapl. in Ord. Rom. viii. 20. 4° 1677. Fun. of a young Lady. Bod. Wore. Ox. Pf. xcix. I. 4"* 16S1. Jan. 30. God's Providence in the midll of Confufions. *Ecclef. xi.9. I2''i684. A Vol. entitled Delight and Judgment. X * Matt. V. 20. 1689. b. King and Queen. Biit. M, Ecclef. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 177 Ecclef. 12. I. 12° 1686. Trin. Camb. Rom.viii. 18. 8'' 1687. Ealler. The Glories of the other World. Univ. Oxon. ^cert's. Trtn. Camb. 2 Tim. i. 6. 4° 1689. Conn of Bp. Burnet. Bod. Ch. Cb. Magd. Oxon. Pub.L. St. John's. CLE. Camb. * Ephef. V. 16. - - - - Rev. XX. vi. 4° 1695. Fun. The Happinefs of being faved from the fecond Death, 'Trin. Camb, Matt. V. 21,22. 8°i697. Ag.Revenge. 4Trads, p. I. Ch.Ch.Ox. 39 Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1706. on Matt. v. being Part of Chrift's Sermon on the Mount. Ch Ch. Pemb. Oxon. Trin. Camb» 1 Tim. iv. 7. 8° 1724. Bell Exercife. HORNECK Philip, LL. B. Chapl. to Lord Guilford. Prov. xxxi. 31.4° 1699. Fun. of Lady Guilford. HORSEY John * Judges V. 2. 8° 1746. Th. after Rebellion. HORSENJILE Thomas *- - - - 1742. HORSLEY Sam. LL.D. Secretary to the Royal Society, and Chapl. to the Bp. of London. *Matt. xvi. 2 I. 4° I 778. Good-friday. Frovid. and Free- agency. HORS?vlANDEN Samuel, LL. B. R. of Purleigh, Eflex. I Cor. xiii. 12- 8° 1744. Sch. Feaft. Hum. Knowledge difficult, fhort, and imperfecft. HORSNELL John, B.D, V. of Fordingbridge, Hants. Num xvi. 24. 4° 1705. Affize and Acceffion. HORROBIN Robert, Curate of Warrington, Lancaft. * I Tim.xvii. ig. 8° 1719. Liverpool. Ch. Sch. meet, i^een's. C, HORT Jofiah, Abp. of Tuam. Pf. cxlix. 6-8. 4''i707. Th. for SuccelTes. Ch.Ch. Ox. Brit.M. 2Pet. i.i2. 8°i709, Vif. Great Knowledge, no Excufe for neg- leding to hear Sermons. 16 Serm. in 8° 1738. On praftical Subjecls. Dublin, HORT Rob. M.A. R. of Temple Michael, and Chapl. to Abp.Hort. Matt. vi. 10. 8° 1 748. Dublin. On the Millenium, keen's. Cam, HORTON Jofeph, Cuiate of Tewin, Herts. 1 Pet. ii. 13. 8° 1727. Affize. HORTON Thomas, DD. Matter of Queen's Coll. Camb. and V. of Great St. Helen's, London. Luke xvi. 9. 4° 1661. Fun. The unrighteous Mammon exchanged for the true Riches. 2 Cor. iv. 7. 4° 1663. Fun. 2 Chron. xix. 6. 4° 1672. Affize. Bed. Sion. * 8 Serm. in fo. 1675. on Pf iv. r-8. *7 Serm. in fo. 16175. on Pf. Ixiii. i-ii. * 10 Serm. in fo. 1675. on Pf xiii. i-i i . * 20 Serm. in fo. 1675. on Pf. li, 1-19. 100 Select Sermons in fo. 1679. Bod. Ch,Ch, JUS. Bal. Oxon. Pub.L. Trill, ^een's, Camb. Vol. IL Z HOTCHKIS 178 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER HOTCHKIS Thomas, M.A. R. of Stanton, Wilts. 1 ev. xxvi. 23, 24, S'^'iw/j. Sev. Sermons. Bod. HOUGH John, Ep. of Worcerter. Pf. cxrcvii. r. 4°i7oi. Faft. h. Lords. April 4. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Magd. Wore. Ojion. St. John's. Camb. Brit. M. Col. iii. 1. 4° 1702. Spittal. M. CJ^.Cl^ C.C.C. Magd. Jef. Ox. St. '"John's. Camb, Rom.'ii. 28,29. 4^^ ' 704- ^'^^' ^^ Manners. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Ox. Brit. M. ^ Afts xvii. 3c, 31, 4° 1 705. Prop, of Gofpel. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Magd. Oxon. Pub.L. ^eciis. Camb. Prov. xxix. 2. 4° 1705. b. Queen. Acceffion. Ci^.Ci'. C.C.C. Ox. ?ub. L. St. Jehu's. Camb. Pf. xxxi.23. 4° 1709. Th. b. Lords. Nov. 22. Magd, Or. Ox, Pub L. Iriti. St.Joht'r Camb. Brit. M. Lukexvi. 25. 4° 1712. Spitral M. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Brit. M. Mai. iv. 2. 4°i7i<;;. Fun. of Lady Marrow. HOUGH Nathaniel,' DD Fell, of Jef. Coll. Camb. and R. of St. George's, Southwark. Pf. cxliv. 15. 4" 1704. Th. Sept. 7. Pf/i.L. Camb. Brit.M. Pf cxxiv. 2,3. 4^1706. Nov. 5. 'Trin. Camb. Sion. Ifai. xlix. 23. 4°i7i2. Acceffion. St. John's. Camb. Pf. Ixxxvi. 10. 8° 1715. Nov. 5 Trifi. Camb. Eton. Jude3. 8"^ 1716. Vif. Ag. Nonjurors. Ifai. iviii 6. 4° 1724. Jan. 30. b. Com. J//S. Magd. Were. Ox. HOUGH Thomas, M.A. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. and Left, of Huntingdon. Adlsxxii. 3. 4° 1728. Ca??:b. School Feaft. The Happinefs and Advantages of a liberal and virtuous Education. Brit, M. HOUGHTON William Ads V.3. 4° 1661. HOULTON Robert, M.A. V. of Milton Clavedon, Somerfet, and Chapl. on board the Superbe. * I Sam. 37. 8° 1740. March. At Spithead. HOULTON Robert, M.A. late Demy of Magd. Coll. Oxon. and Chapl. to the Earl of Ilchefter. * Prov. XV. 2, 3. 4° 1765. Detraflion expofed. * John xi. 4. 8° 1767. The Praftice of Inoculation jullified. KOUSER Henry Exod.xviii 21. 4° 1672. HOW James, M.A. R. of Milton, Kent, and of St. Margarets Loth- bury, London. * Luke xiii. 2, 3. 8° 1728 On a Fire at Gravefend. Lukevii. 5. 8° 1731. On rebuilding a Church. Gratitude to Benefacflors. Pf.cxxii. 6-8. 8" 1732. Peace and Unity recommended. * Luke xiii. 2,3. 8^1756. Fall, on the Earthc][uakc. * I 3 Difc. in S'' i 76 1 . On the prodigal Son. * Difc. OF AUTHORS, &c. 179 *Dirc. in S°-i7 64. * 2 Thefl". iii. 1 1 . 8° 1769. Eufy Bodies anatomized, HOW John, M. A. of Magd Call Oxon. * I Thefl". iv. 18. 4° 1060. Fun. of Mr. Thomas Ball. *Pr.xvii. 15. 8° 1668. * Pf. xxxvii.4. 8° 16 .-) Treatife in 2 parts. Delighting in God. *Ecclcf. vii 29 4° 1676. m.e.G. P-73. Man created -holy, but in a mutuable btate. * I Cor. xi:i. 0, 12° 1 68 1. Charity in reference to other Men's Sins. Bal. Oxon. * 2 Cor. V. S. 4° 1681. Fun. of Mrs. Baxter. * jerem. xiv. 21. 8" 1682 Prayer. Col. ii. 2. 4° 1603. C, m. e. p- 76. Remedies againfl Animofities among ^ hriilians. *Lukexix 4t,42. I2°i6i84. A Treatife. The Redeemer's Tears wept over loll Souls. *Lukexiii. l6. 4'' 1690. Fun. of Mvs. Efiker Samp/on. * Difc, in 12° 1693. Heb.xii. 23. 4° 1095. Royal Fun. Pub.L. Camb. >S/c/;. *Pf.xxix. II. 4" 1697. Th. St. Johns. Camb. *Rom. xiii.^14. I2°i698, Ref Manners. John xi. 16. 8''i699. Fun, of Di\ Bates or in his Works. fo. 1700. p. 951. NewC. Oxon. St.Johns. Camb. *A6lsv. 20. 8° 1702. Fun. * kom. xii. I. 8° 1702. Of yield, ourfelvcs to God. Brit.M. * 8 Serm. in 8° 1726. Office of the Spirit. Ezek. xxxix. 29. 8° I7<:6. 15 f. The profperous State of the Chriltian Interell before the End of time by a plentiful EiFu- fion of the Holy Spirit. *Difcouife3 in 2 Vol. 8° 1744 On the Love of God. * ----- ^xxn. oi B.ichai'd Fairilough. *----- Mrs. Jud. liammtind. *----- Rev. Rich. Adams. *-.--- — — — Rev. Mat I hew Mead. * Rev. Mr. Vink. *----- John Houghton, Efqi * - . - - Enquiry whether or no we truly love God. * - - - - 2 f The Carnality of relig. Contentions. * - - - - 2 f. Of Enmity and Reconciliation to God. HOWARD John, M A. R. of Marfton-Truffel, Northampton, and afterwards \ . of Kidderminlter, Worceftcrf. Prov. xiv. 34. 4" 1692, Aiuze. Of the true Interell of a Nation,' Bod Magd. Oxon. Ephef.v. 16. 4° 1698. Vif. The Evil of our Days with the Remedy of it. Pub.L. Camb. 1 John V. 7. 4° 1 700. b. Lord Mayor. Trin. S. The Trinity ailerted. I John V. 7. 4° 1 701. b. Lord Mayor. Trin. S. The Dodrine Z 2 of i8o AN HISTORICAL REGISTER of the Trinity a reafonable and necciTary Condition of Salva- tion. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pub.L. Cl.H. Camb. James V. II. 12° 1710. The Happinefs of enduring Afflidions. Matt. xvi. 24. i2"i7io. 31. On Self-denial Bai. Oxon. Micahvi. 8. 8° 17 13. Tit.ii, 15. 8° 1728. 2 Difc. The Duties between Paftors and their People. HOWARD Leonard, DD. R. of St. George's, Southwark, and Chapl. to the Prince of v7ales. 1 Thefl". iv. II. 8° 1736. The chriftian Study of Peace and Quietnefs. Jobxxviii. 14. 4° 1742, Aflize. 13 Sermons in 8° 1742. On fevcral Occafions. Ads xxii. 28. 4° 1 745. Affize. The Advantages of a free People, and ill Confcquences of Licentioufnels confidered. 2 Kjngs xix. 32-34. 4° 1745, On the Invafion. Jude 8. 4° 1751. Jan. 30. The Sin and evil Confcquences of fpeaking evil of Dignities. *Ifai. xxxii. I, 2. 4° 1753. May 29. b. Commons. The good Government of a Country, its great Objeft. Brit.M. *Luke xxiii. 19. 8** 17 On the Sacrament. V. neweft Ma- nual of private Devotions. * 2 Sam. xxiii. 4° 1761. Acceffion. HOWARD Robert, Bp. of Elphin. Jfai, xlv. 7. 8°i72i. Fait. b. Com. in Ireland. Ag the Plague. Pf.c.5, 4° 1722. Duh'in. Th.f. * Prov. xxii. 2. 4° 1730. Ann. meeting Char. School. Gen.iii. 19. 4"" 1758, Dutlin. IrilTi Prot. School. AllS. Wore. Oxon. ^fcn^s. CI. H. Camb. HOWARD Samuel * - - - - 1746. HOWDELL William, M. A. Minifter of Eaft-hardwick in the Parifii of PontefraCl, Yorkf *Phil.iv. 4. 8° 1744. Religion produdive of Joy, and confillent with Politenefs. Pf.xliv. 7,8. Tork. Rebellion. The Duty and Interell of true Engli/hmen to oppofe a popifli Pretender. HOfP'B -Jafper *i Tim.iv. 12. 8° 1718. b. Diff. Clergy. HOWE Obadiah, DD. V. of Bofton, Lincoln. Pf lxxxii.6. 4° 1663. Elohim. Jfai. Ix. 13. 4° 1664. Vif. The royal Prefent. Bad. HOWE Thomas, of Yarmouth, Norfolk. *Heb. xi. 4. 8° 1767. Fun. of Rev. 5. Wood, LLD. * . . _ - 8-^1770. Fun. '^Pf.xcvii. 2. 8° 1778. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Froft. * - - - - 1780. Faft. Virtue and Patriotifm founded on Religion. * 5 Serm. in 8° 1771. HOWELL OF AUTHORS, &c. i8i HOWELL George, M. A. R. of Buckland, Surrey. Matt, X, 33. 4" 1684. HOWliLL James, M. A. Student of Ch.Ch. Oxon. and V. of Ar- dington, Berks. * Rom. xiii. 11.4" 1780. Bod. HOWELL William, V. of Fitt'eworth, SulV .-- Col.iv. 17. 4" 1676. Vif. Bod. Ch.Ch. Ox. rub. ^ St. John ^. C. HOWELL Will M. A. of V'adh. Cell, and Cur. o.' i welme, Oxon. I John V. 7. 8° 1 7 1 1 . Oxon. The Doclrine of the Trini.y proved. Bed. Bal. Line. Oxon. ^ion. Col.ii.15. 8° 1712. Oxon. Peace and Unity recommended. Bod. Line. Oxon. Sion. HOWES John, of Eman. Co'.l. Camb. and R. of Abington near Northampton. 1 Their, iv. 18. 4" 1660. Chrift, God-Ivian. 2 Chron.xix. 5,6. 4° 1669. AfTize. Ch.Ch. Oxon. HOWSON John, Bp. ot Durham. Luke xii. 41,42. 4^1 661, HOWSON Robert, M.A. Left, of St. Nicholas, Cole-abby, and R. of Stanford-Deanly, Berks. John xiii. 34. 4° 17 Cole-Abby-Society. A6ls i. 1 8. 8° 1703. On the unparalleled and untimely Death of John Harrifon of Bradfield, Berks, who pulled out his own Bowels, and cut them in feveral Pieces, calling them about the Room before his Eyes, and lived 11 Hours in that Condition. HUBBARD Henry, B. D. Fell, of Eman. Col! Camb.-idge. 2 Kings iv. I. 4° 17:0. Camb. bef. Governors for the Relief of Clergymen's Widows at Ipfivich. ^een's. Trin. Camb. HUBBARD John *Ephef. i. ii."} p. 81. r *Rom. V. 12. (P 293.J v.Berry-ft. Serm.VoLL * ^vm.34. rp.399. 1 ' * Ecclef.vii.5. J p. I 35. (_ *Exod.xx. 7. ^ p. 32, f * I Johnii. 6. i p. 128. I *Ephef.vi. 13. )>p. Z26,<( V. Berry-ft. Serm. Vol.11. *ProY. xviii. 34. j p. 329. j * 2 Tim. ii. 10. J p. 429 \_ HUDDESFORD Will. M.A. R. of Bourton upon ranfmure, and V. of Lemmington Haftings, V/arwickfhirc Pf. cxxii. 8, 9. 8° 1745. Rebelhon The Chiidian Patriot. HUDDLE STON Curwen, M.A. Miniiler oi" the Old Chv-^tl at Whitehaven. * 2 Chron. xix. 6, 7. 4° 1753. Aflize. The Z. ..7ant:\^e of an im- partial Adminiftration of JuiUce. HUDDLEoTON Will, (late a Benediftine) R. of Navcnden, Kent. I Kings 22. 21,22. 8° 1729. Recantation, ^een^s. Camb o.f». fiUDDT Matthew, of Exeter, Devon. Jude 3. 8° 1718. b. Difi". Clergy. '' ■ ' ' "^ HUDSON i82 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER HUDSON Samuel, R. of Earles Stonham, Suffolk. Adsxiii. 36. 4° 1689. Fun. David's Labour and Reft. HUGHES John, M. A. Fell, of Bal. Coll. Oxford. Pf. cvii. 23, 24. 4° 1683. Levant-Co. HUGHES John * 2 Tim. iv. 7. 8° 1 768. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Hart. *Jercm.v. 3. 8° 1779. Fali^ HUGHES Obadiah, DD. Minlfter of the Gofpel at Weftminfter. Ifai. xxvi. 20, 21. 8°i722. On the Plague. *Pf cxix. 158. 8° 1728. K^L of Manners. *Ifai. Ivii. 2. 8" 1730. Fun. Slucetis. Camb. Ifai.xlii. S. 8° 1735. The Veneration of Saints and Images taught and pradifed in the Church of Rome examined. V, Vol, I. Ag. Popery. Braz. N. Oxon. *Pf. cxxiv. I cvc. 8° 1739. National Deliverances thankfully acknovi'ledged and improved. * Luke xxix. 30. 8° i 7 Fait. * Luke ii. 10, 1 1. 8" 1 7 Chriflmas. *Eccler xii. I. 8° 1742. New Year's-day. *Prov. xiv. 32. 8° 17 * 2 Sam. xii. 22, 23. 8° r 744. Fun. * Daniel xii. 13. 8° 1744. Fun. *Zcch.xiv. 7. 8*^1745. Faft. J*Matt. xxviii. 18. 8° 1746. Chrifl prefent with his faithful Miniilers. Brit. M. *Lukeii. 29. 8" 1746. Fun. HUGHES William, M.A. Hofpitaller of St. Thomas, Southwark, and Minifler of Kimbolton, Huntingdonihire. Pf. cxix. 59,60. 8*^1682. Several Sermons. Summons to Sinners to think and turn. Sion. Pf.xxi. I. 4° 1684. zTh. f. Sep. 9. Bod. Pf. xxxix. 9. 8° 1694. Of Silence and Submifllon under the fe- vereft Providences. Bod. Pub. L. Camb, HUGHES William, M.A. Minor Canon of Worcefter. I Sam.xviii.6. 8° 1749. Mufic-meet. The Efficacy and Import- ance of Mulick. HULSE John, M.A. Rom. xiii, 3,4 4° 1745. Affize. The NecelTity and Ufefulnefs of Laws in the natural and moral World. HULSIUS Anthony, DD. Pailor of the Walloon-Church of Breda. Pf, xxi. 1-5, 4° 1660. Acceifion. On proclaiming K. Char. H. HUME John, M. A. R, of Yelling, Huntingdonfhire. Phil. iii. 20. 4° 1 670 Camb. Triii. Camb. HUME John, Bp. of Salisbury. Jerem. xxxi. 13. 4" 1747, May 29. b. Commons. Eton.. * Joihua xxiv. 15. 4*^ 1757. Jan. 30. b. Lords. * Lukeviii. 24. 4° 1758. Fall. b. Lords. All S. Oxon. *Matt. ix. 36-48. 4'' 1762. Prop, of Gofpel. Braz. N. Oxon. *?rov. iii. 27. 4° 1762, b. Gov. of Lond. Hofp. HUME OF AUTHORS, &c. rSj HUME Robert, V. of Lafenby, Cumberland. James iv. 14. 4° 1695. Fun. HUMFREY John *Diic. in 8" I 704. Luke xi. 28. 8° 1709. HUMPHREYS A. R. of Barton, Bedfordfhire. Rev. xiv. 13. 4° 1706. Fun. of T. Pomfret, Brit.M. HUMPHREYS David, B. A. I Cor, vi. 18. 4" 1707. Soc. of Batchelors. HUMPHREYS Francis, M.A. Left, of Hampftead, Middlefex. *Rom. xvii. 6. 4" 1776. Fal'c. HUMPHREYS Humphrey, Bp. of Hereford. Hof. X iii 4°r695. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Jef. Ox. St. Johns. C. HUMPHREYS John, M.A. V. of Mywood, Montgomerylhire. Pf. Iv. 3. 8° 1727. Salop. Acceffion. HUMPHREYS Thomas, M.A. of Pemb. Coll. Oxon. Curate of Morton-in-Marfh, Glouceilerfhire. 1 ThefT. iv. 8. 8°J7i2. Oxon. The divine Authority of the New Teft. proved and vindicated. Bod.Or. Line. Wore. Ox. ^een's.Q, Phil. iv. 13. 8^ 17 HUMPHREYS Thomas, M. A. V. of Dreffield, Glouccfterftire. Heb.xiii,^. 8° 1742. Wedd. f. Marriage an hon'''=. State. Br.M, HUMPHRIES Thomas, R. of St. Chads, Shrewsbury. * Luke xxi. 3. 8° 1771. 5rf/i?/ -Infirmary. HUNT 2 Sam. J. 2;, 26. HUNT Jerem. DD. Minifter of the Gofpel at Pinner's Hal], Lond. * Deut, xxxii. 29. 8° 1716. Ref. of Manners. * Prov. xiv. 32. 8" 1717. Fun. of Rev. J. Unifiers, ^leen^s. C. * James i. 27. 8° 1723. Fun. of Grey Neville, ^een's. Camb. * 1 Kings X. 9. 8° 1725. Acceffion. Mark vi. 12. 8° 1735. "^^^ Sources of corrupting both natural and revealed Religion exemplified in the Romilh Doftrine of Penance and Pilgrimages. V. vol. i. Ag. Popery. Braz.N. Ox. * I Pet. i. 24,25. 8" 1736. Fun. * Scrm. in 4 Vol. 8° 1 748. On the Being and Attributes of God, on moral Obligations, and on various Subjefts. Ch. Ch. Ox. HUNT Ifaac, M.A. Preac. at Bcntwick-Chapel St. Marylebone, Lond. X * Matt. vi. II. 8° 1781. Occafioned by the general Diilrefs of the Parifh of Mary le bone, on the improvident Accommoda- tion of the poor Inhabitants for the Purpofe of public V/orfhip. * Sermons in 8" 1781. On public Occafions, * Nchem. ii. 3. 4° 1782. For the Benefit of the Well-India-Suf- ferers of the liland of Jamaica and Barbadocs. HUNT Thomas, DD. Heb. ProfefTor, and Laudian ProfefTor of Arabic, 'and Canon of Ch. Ch. Oxon. Prov. vii. 22, 23. 4° 1743. Oxon. DilFertation. Bal. Oxon. * Differtations in 4° 1775. At the end of which are a Serm. on * Prov. xix. 2 1 . J ^ , ^, j-r • r-i * Matt. ii. 23. } ^^'' ^^' ^'^•'^- ^''°'^- HUNTER i8t AN HISTORICAL REGISTER EUMER Jndrezoy DD. of Dumfries. *Deut.xv. 17. 8° 1778. Anniv. of St, Andrew. *Jofh. 24,14. 12° 1779. ^ ^' fam-Worlhip recommended. V. Scotch Pr. Vol. 3. HUNTER Henry, DD. * - - - - 177^. Ord. HUNTER John, Miniller of the Gofpel at Hatefchaw. ' *Exod. iii. 1,2. 12'^ 1743. Edlnuurgh. The burning Bufli, yet not confumed. Brit. M. X * Mark xvi 21 to end. 8° 1743. Edinburgh. A Ledure. Brii M. HUNTER Jofiah, IVI. A. Miniller in York. Aftsix. 36, 37. 4° 1660., Numb. xvi. 46. 4" 1666. Fait. The Dxcadfulnefs of the Plague. Univ. Oxon. HUNTER Richard, M. A. Pf. i. 3. 4" 1703. Fun. of the Countefs of Derby. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Brit. M. HUNTER Thomas, V. of Garftang, Lancaftcr. * Luke xxiii. 50. 4° 1754. Fun. of Will. Stratford, Efq j LLD. HUNTER Thomas, M.A. V. of Wcaverham, Chefiiire. *Mora} Difc in 4 Vol. 8'' 1754. I^Farririgtozv. On Providence and other important Subjed'ts. HUNTER William, M. A. Fell, of Braz. Nofe. Oxon. and Miniller of St. Paul's, Liverpool. * - . - . 8° 1 77 1. On Fiicndihip. *Joclii. 15. 4° 1778. Faft. *Matt. iii. 8. 4° 1780. Faft. National Calamities founded on national DilTention and Diflipation. HURD Richard, Bp. of Worcelkr. * James iii. 18. 4° 1752. C^mb. Affize. EnthuJiafm and Bigotry. ^eetis. Camb. * Prov.xxii. 6. 8"i753. Camb. Ann. meeting Ch. Sch. Bod. *Pf.cxix. 35. 4''i776. Faii. b. Lords. *Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1776. Preached at Lincoln's Inn-Chapcl at (W'arburton's) the lateBp. of Glouceiter's Lecture. Bod. Wore. Oxon. Sioti. * 6 Sermons in 8° 1777. Preached at Lincoln's Inn-Chapel to which is fubjoined a Difc. on our Saviour's driving the Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple. Pub. L. ^leens. Camb. *Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1780. Preached at Lincoln's Inn Chapel. Triji. Camb. HURLY James, =" 0. A. Cur. of Wilton, Somerfetf. Johni. I. 8° 1746. Gxon. Vif. The Divinity of Chrift alTertcd, and the Ceniures of the Athanafian Creed confidercd. HURLY James,* B. A. Prefbyter of the Church England. * T-i'n-* ^ I 2° 1763. V. vol. 2. Of the divine Orator. * I 1 heii. v. I 7. J ^ •> HURRION Jthn, Minifter of the Gofpel in London. * 1 Their, iv. 13,14. 8° 1712. Fun. a ^ The fame. Ileb. OF AUTHORS, &c. 185 Heb. xiil. 17. S° ly zi. Rights and Duties of Minifters & People. '*Difc. in 3 Vol. 8° 1727. Col. iii. 3. 8° 1728. Fun. The Xtian's hidden Life. * I Theff. V. 12, 13. 8° 1 73 1. Ord. *Tit. ii. 14. 8° 1731. 4f. V. Lime-ftreet Serm. Vol. I. p. 325. Script. Doftrine of particular Redemption. HURST Henry, M.A. Fell, of Mert. Coll. Oxon. *Rom. vii. 7. 8" 1660. A(!^s xxvi. 2. 4° 1675. m.e.P. p. 44. Kings and Emperors, not rightful Subjedls to the Pope. * 3 Serm, in 12° 1660. On the Inability of the higheft improved natural Man to attain a fufficient Knowledge of indwelling Sin. *Pf. cxvi. 12-14. 4° 1 677. m.e. C. p. 465. Whether well. com- pofed Vows do not exceedingly promote Religion. Gal. iii. 13. 8° 1678. Bod. Prov. xxvi. 28. 4° 1683. C. m.e. p. 182. Againft Flattery. Aftsxvii.2i. 4° 1690. C. m.e. p. 400. Boc/. HUSBANDS Thomas, M. A. One of the Vicars of the Coll. of He- reford, and V. of Canon Pion, Herefordfliire. Ecclef. X. 20. 8° 1 71 3. Jan, 30. The great Sin and certain Pu- nilhment of traiterous Thoughts and rebel. Praftices. Bel. Ox, HUSSEY Chrlftopher, DD, R of Wcftvvickham, Kent, and Chapl. to his Grace the Duke of Dorfet. *Serm. in 3 Vol. 8" 1755. * 20 Serm. in 8° 1758. keen's. Camb. HUSSET Jofeph, Pallor at Cambridge. *Johniii. 8. 4° 1704. Public Humiliation. On Account of a Storm. St. Johns. Camb. *Ephef, ii.2. 4° 1704. Expofition, ^U S. Oxon. HUTCHIN John, B.D. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Cambridge. Matt. xvi. 18, 4° 1689. HUTCHIKS R. *2Cor.xiii. 8. 8° 1773. LoTid. b. DifT. Clergy. HUTCHINS Richard, DD. R. of Line. Coll. Oxon. * 10 Serm. in 8" 1782. N.B. 3 firft Serm. publillied in 8° 1771. HUTCHINSON Francis, Bp. of Down and Connor. 2 Cor. V. 19. 4" 1692. Vif. Brit. M. Pf. ix. 10. 4'' 1698. Cmnb. Commencement, keen's, Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. St. John's. Camb. Brit. M. Judges xviii. 7. 8° 1707. Aflize. Pub. L. Camb, Pf. Ixviii. 8. 8° 1707. On the Union. Pub.L. Trin. CLE. Cam. — cxlviii. z. 8" 1 720. Concerning Angels. Hiilorical EiTay con- cerning Witchcraft, p. 3 1 2. — cxxxi. I. 4" 1723. Dublin. Jan. 30. Eton. * - - - - 1 73 1- Nov. <;. HUTCHINSON Michael, lil>. Minifter of All.Saints, Derby, and afterwards of Hammerfmith, Middlefex. 2 Sam. X. io-i2. 8° 1717. Nottingham. Birth-day. Mark xiv. 6,7. 4° 1727. b. Sons of the Clergy. W.idh. Oxon. VoL.IL A a HUT- i86 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER HUTCHINSON Samuel, Bp. of Killala and Aclionry, Ireland. *GaLvi. 9. 4° 1760. Irifh Prou Sch. HUTCHINSON Thomas, DD. Preb. of Chichefter, and V. of Horfliam, SulJex. Luke xiii, 32. 8° 1738. Oxc^. The ufual Interpretation of ^al- f^cvn and Sh,tueHx in the New Teftamcnt alTerted. Bod. AllS. Line Wroc. Oxon. S^ueen's Camb. Brit.M. Gal. iii. 19. 8° 174.0. Gxor. The Ufe and Scope of the ceremo- nial Law bricHy reprefcnted. Bod. Line. Wore. Ox. S^ueen's. C. *Prcvii 2. 8" 174^. Nov. 5. Pf. 1 21. 8" 1746. Fad. 15. 8° 1746. Th. Oa.9. HUTTON Charles, M. A. R. of Uplime, DorfelfKire. Jofhua xxii. 22 4°i685. Th. July 26. The Rebels Text opened, and their foleran Appeal anlweied. Bod. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Sion. HUTTON Matthew, Abp. of York. 1 Pet. ii. 17. 4° 1 741. Jan. 30. b. Commons, keen's. Camb. Matt. xii. 25. 4° 1744. Jan. 30. b. Lords. - ■ vii. 1 2. 4^1744. bpittal M. 2 Cor. viii. 21. 4° 1744. An. meet. Ch. Sch. JUS, Wore. Ox. I Tim. iv. 8. 4" I74ueens. St. John's. Camb. Sion. JAMES Hugh, M.A. R. of Upwell, Norfolk. Ff. xcvii. 2. 17. Affize. Prov. viii. 15, 16. 4° 1707. Affize. JAMES John, M.A. R. of Latimer's, Bucks. iCor. iv. 1,2. 4° 1678. Vif. Pub.L. Trin. St. Johns, ^ecn's. Camb. Sion. 1 Johniii.8. 4° 1682. b Lord Mayor. Magd. Oxon. Sion. JAMES John, Minifter of Llanderifon, Carmarthen. Tit. i, 16. 8° 1720. Gkucefler. JAMES Ptolemy, M.A. Minifter of St. Helen's, and Preb. of St. Paul's, London. Pf. xxvii. 15. 4° 17 1 7. Fun. of Mrs. Darley. JAMES William, M.A. V. of Clyrow, Radnorfhire. Adtsviii. 30. 8° 1729. Oxon. The proper Interpretation of the Scriptures vindicated. 9ueen''s, Camb. Eton, ^ A a 2 JANE i88 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER JANE Will. DD. Dean of Gloucefter and Canon of Ch.Ch. Oxon. A6lsxx. 28. 4° 1675. Conf. of Bp. Coinpton. Bod. Ch.Ch Univ. Magd. ^.eeti^s. Or. Oxon. Pub. L, St.Joh7i's. Cainb. Sion. Hofeavii.g. 4° 1679. Fall. b. Commons. Bod. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Magd. Wore. Oxon. Fub.L. St. Johns. Camb. Sion. Pf. xcvi. 10. 4°i69i. Oxon. Th. b. Commons, Bod. All S. Ch. Cb. M.igd. Wore Oxon. CI. H. keen's. Camb. Sion. Pf. cxix. 106. 4° 1692. Oxou. b. King and Queen. Of religious Refolution. Bod. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Magd. Oxon. Sion. JANEWAT James *Pf Ixxxix. 44. 12" 16 Trln. Camb. * Rev. xiv. I 3. 12" 1669. Fun. of Tho. Mowfley, Apothecar)'. Ptib. L. Camb. Ephef vi. (j-c;. 4° 1676. f. m. e. C. p. 442. Duties of Mailers and Seivants. * Job xxii. 21.8" 1677, Scv. ferm. Heaven upon Earth, or the beft Friend in the worll of times, JAY Stephen, R. of Chinner, Oxford/hire. Heb.xi.33. 4° 1682. On the Lord Prefident's Imprifonment, Daniel in the Den. Gen, xi. 4. 4° 1689. Tragedies of Sin Sec. Bod. Smi. IBBETSON James, DD. Arch-Deacon of St. Albans. Gen. xlix. 4. 8"i746. Toik. Affize. Public Virtue and Happinefs of any People. * Num.xxv. (;. 4" 1746. Affize. Lukexvii. 20. 8" 1-48. Oxon. Pro. Grad. Bac. in S. Th. De Miraculis in Ecclefia Chriitiana. *Gal.vi 10. 4° 1758. b. Sons of the Clergy. *Johnv. 6. 4° 1759. Spitt. W. Queens. Camb. *Aftsviii. 17. 8° 1774. Confirmation. * Luke xxii. 19. 8° 1775. 6 Difc. on the Lord's Supper, *Adlsxx. 35. 4° 1777. Ch. f *Exek.xxxv.6. 8° 1778. Fall. IBBETSON Richard, DD.' late Fell, of Oriel Coll. Oxon. and R. of Lambeth, and Chapl. to the Abp. 1 Tim. iii. !6. 8° 1712. Oxon. Epiphany. The Divinity of our Saviour proved from Scripture and Antiquity. Bod. Bal. Wore. Oxon. Fub.L. Camb. Sion.. Rom. xiii. 4. 4° 1722 Aflize. Obedience to Governors. Ch. Ch. Oron. St. John s. Camb. Sion. Eton. IBBOT Henj. DD. R. of St. Paul's Shadwell, and Chapl. in Ord. 36 Difc. in 2 Vol. 8°i726. ( Republifhed 1776.) On pradical Subjefts. Ch Cb. Magd. New C. Oxon. Cl.H. Camb. Brit.M. N. B. HJs Sermons at Boyles Left. V. p. 731. JEACOCKE Abraham, of Birmingham. pphef. iv.4. 8° 1702. Of Church Communion. Matt. XV. 4. 8° 1702. Of Rites and Ceremonies. a £i Levit. xxv, 7. JEBB O F A U T H O R S, &c. 189 lEBB John, M. D. late Fell, of St. Peter's Coll. Camb. ^.^ *Aas XX. 35. 8°i773 The E.vcellency of Benevolence, ^/een s.L.^ JEFFERSON Jacob, DD. late Fell, of Queen's Oxen, and V. oi Carifbrook in the Ifle of Wight. ' *Prov.xvi.7. 8° 1763. Th for Peace, fron- Oxon. TEFFERY John, DD. Asch-Deacon of Norwich. iGSeleftDifc. in 8°i7io, On divers important Subjedls. Pa^. £. Camb Brit M. Drjrs's.L. London. *Johni. I. 8°i726. Logology. ,^ „ . ,, „„ A Compleat Colleaion of his Scrm. and Trafts in 2 V. 8 1751. P2(i> L. !^ieer's. Camb. Sion. Dr W^'s. L. i ondon. JEGON William, M. A. late Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. and R. of Swanton Morley, Norfolk. Rom.xiii.2. 4°i685. May 29. The damning Nat. of Rebellion. Tit. ii. 15. 4° 1707. Norwich. Vif. ^ lEKYLL Thomas, DD. Preacher of the New Church, Weilminftcr, and V. of Rowd, Wilts. Heb. xii. 14. | 4" 1675. Peace and Love recommended and 1 John iv. 20,21 . i fan. 30. perfuaded. Ch. Ch. ^cen\. O. Sion. 2The{r. ii. 7. 4° 1680. Fall. Dec. 22. Popery, IViyltery of Ini- quity. Magd. Oxon. Jerem v. 29. 4° 1681. Fall. b. Lord Mayor. Righteoufnefs and Peace, the bell means to prevent Ruin Ch Ch. O;.on. rub.L. C amb. Brit. M. , , , Prov. xxiv. 21.4° 1682. May 29. True Religion, the bek Loy- alty. Ch Ch, Magd. Oxon, _ ^, ^, ^ Matt. V. lb. 4° 1697, Spitt. W. Public Chanty Cp.Ch. Oxon. Prov. xvi. 17. 8° i6g8. Ref. of Manners. Bod. [JELLINGER Chriilophcr, M. A.] 1 Pet. i. 9 4° 1664. *Serm. in i 2^ 1676. The fpiritual Merchant. JEMMAT Samuel, M.A. V. of St Nicholas, Warwick. 2 Chron. xix. 6. 4° 1683. Oxon. Aflize. Trin. Camb. JENINGS Hcb. X. 26, 27. Farewel. JENKINS Jofeph, M.A. of Wiexham, Danbyfhire. * 2 Cor. xii." 10. 8° 177s. Chriltian s Strength,, *Dirc. in I 2" I 779. On feleft Paffagc^ of Scrinture-Hiftory. *Matt. xxii. 21. 8°i78i Faft. The National Debt. JENKINS fP'i/liam *Colleaion of Farew. Serm. in 4° 1663. Magd. Camb. JENKINS Wi/Iiam Rom. vi. 2, 3. 4° 1675. m e.P. p, 261. No Sin venial. * 2 Pet. i. 15, 4-" 1675. Fun. I Cor. vi. 1,2. 4° 1676. f. m. e. C, p. 86. How we may improve the prelent Seafon of Grace. Bod. zPet. ii. 7,8. 4° 1683. C. m.e. p. 106. Pui L. Camb. lENKlNSON Richard , , ... -^ Pf. xi. 3. 8° 171 J. Exofi. At Seffions. The Methoas or iubvert- ing Government. St.John's. Camb. JENKS 190 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER JENKS Benjamin, M.A. R. of Harley, Salop, and Chapl. to the Earl of Bradford. Pf. Ixxxv. I. 4° 1689. Th. — xxxiv. 3. 4° 1689. Nov. 5. Ifai. lii. 7. 4° 1697. Th. Rom. X, 3. 8° 1700. Subllance of feveral Sermons* Submillion to the Righteoufnefs of God * Gen. xxxix. g. 1 2° 1 7 On Chaftity, JENKS Richard, M. A. Left, of St. Mary at Hill, ard St. Andrew, Hobart, and Preacher of St. Dunftan's in the Weft, Lond. Rom. vi. 23. 4° 1707. }*. Lord Mayor. The Eternity of Hell- tornieiits ailrrted and vindicated. St.jf'jhns Camb. Slon. [JENKYN William] J*2Fet. i. 15. 4° 1 67 (J. Fan. of Laz. Seaman. JENNER Char. DD. R. of Buckworth, Huntingd and Ch.ipL.in Ord. * I Pet. iii. 15. 4" 1^53. Conf. of Bp. Ellys. !ih.ee}i^s. Camb. JENNER l^iw. B.D. Fell, of bidney-Suffex-Loll. Camb. and Preb. of Sarum. zTim.iv. II. 4°i676. On St. Luke's day. Of the Life and Death of St. Luke. Bod. Ch.Ch. Ox. Trin. St. John's. C. Siotu Gen.iv 15. 4°i68i. Jan. 30. Cain's Mark and Murder. JENNER Thomas, DD. iVefident of Magd. Coll. and Margaret Pro- feilbr of Divinity in Oxford 2 Cor. ix. 12. 8" 1752. OxcTi. Worccfter Infirmary. Charity and Companion towards Men, the Occauon of Thankfgiving to God. Wore. Oxon. JENNINGS David, DD. *2Cor. iv. 5. 8" 1742. Ord. ^leens. Camb. *x Cor. XV. 22. 8° 1743. Fun. of David Neale. '2>ueeits. Camb. Brit. M. * Sermons in 12° 1743. to young Perfons. Dr. Wss L. Lond. Hcb. xi. 4. 8° I 749. Fun. * Serm. in 12° 1752. *Phil. i. 23. 8° 1757. Fun. of Tim, JoUie. t*Prov.xxii.6. 8''i7 JENNINGS John, M. A. V. of Great Granfden, and Gamlingham, Cambridgefhire. iCor.ii. 12. 4°i70i. Whitfunday. Of the Chrillian Revela- tion. Bod. ^eetis- Camb. Brit. M. Acts iv. 16. 1710. Jan. 30. Pf. cxxxii. 17, 18. 8° 17 II. Acceffion. Line. Ox. Pub.L. Camb. Stcn. Brit. M. Afts xxiv. 16. 8°i7ii. Jan. 30. ^ee?is. Camb. 2Sam.xviii. 28. 8° 17 Th. zChron.xx. 9. 8°i7ii. Faft. Line. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. 2Tim. 1.5. 4°i7i2. Vif. Ch.Ch. Oxon. *Pf. cxlvii. 6,7. 8° 171 3. Th. Tit. ii. I. 8^1715. Acceffion. * 2 Tim. i. 13. 8° 1 7 19. Commem. of Dedication of a Church. Ch.Ch. Oxon. .*E)an. OF AUTHORS, &c. 191 *Dan. ix. 9, 10. 8° 1721. Faft. JENNINGS Nathaniel, of Iflington. *Rev. XV. 3. 8° 1774. Fun. of Sarah Jbhnfon. JENNY Jehu, M. A. V. of Hammondfworth, Middlefe.^. Matt. xxiv. 46. 4° 1673. ^'^^- ^^ Lady Paget. Pul/. L. Camb. JEPHCO T John, DD. Preb. of Worcefter, and R. of All Saints in Evefham, Woicefterfhire. Tit. iii.8. 4° 1698. Ch. Sch. Of good Works. JEPHSON Alexander, M.A. Mafter of Camberwell Free-fchool, and R. of Bell -Hay e, EfTex. Prov. xxix. 15. 4° 1669. Judges V. 12. 4° 1705. Th. forVidlory at Blenheim. Slon. Ifai. xliii. 3,4. 8° 171 5. Th. JEPHSON Alexander, B. A. R. of Craike, Yorkfliire, and Diocefc of Durham. *Matt. xvi. 24. 8° 1 742. On Self-denial, keen's. Camb. *Matt. XXV. 46. 2f)oo n> c . TJ.^* *Aasxvii. 21. r ^742. On a future Judgment. Mark xvi. 17, 18. 8° 1750. Ag. Dr. Middleton. Miracles conti- nued beyond the Times of the Apoltles. *Heb.xiii.4. 2,°i'j^/^. Heinous Sins of Fornication and Adultery. *Matt. xix. 24. 8° 1765. The great Difficuty of rich Men en- tering into the Kingdom of Heaven confidered. JERVIS William, M.A. R. of Standon, StafFordfliire. iTim. ii. 1,2. 4° 1722. Vif. ILES Henry Judges ii. 16. 4° 1709. Affize. IMBER John, L.L.B. V. of Micheldever and R. of Kingfwor- thy, Hants. Pf. cxxii.6,7. 8° 1 721. Nov. 5. The Chriftian Patriot. IMRIE David, M. A. Miniller of the Gofpel at Dalton. Pfli. 10-13. 8°i74S. EdinL b. Synod of Dumfries. The Ne- ceffity of Almighty Power, and the Grace of God to cure the Infedlion of Sin. INETT John, DD. V. of Nun-Eaton, Warwickf. Prov.xiv. 34. 4°i6S2. Ail". MS. Ox, Pub.L. Camb. Brit.M. INGELO Nathaniel, IdD. Fell, of Eton College. Lukexxiv.47. 8° 1677. ^eetii. Oxon. INGLIS Charles. DD. * Phil. iii. 20,21. 8° 17 Fun. INNES Alexander, DD. Affiftant-Preacher at St. Margaret's, Weft- minfter, and R. of Wrabnefs, Eflex. Matt, xviii. 17. 8° 171 7. Ag. Bp. Hoadly. The abfolute Autho- rity of the Church. Matt.xxvi.4i- 8° 1 7 19. Char. f. Tte Danger of Corruptions from an unhappy Education. Pf. cxxii. I. 4° 1726. Conf. of Ch. ^een^s. Camb. 12 Sermons in 8" 1726. JOHNSON Andrew James iv. 17. JOHN- after Affafination. p. 41. 192 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER JOHNSON Chrift. M. A. Schoolmafler at Richmond, Surrey. Num. xxiii. 23.1 rA-ccffion. p. 3. 1 Sam iv. 22 > 4° 1696. } I^oy. Fun. p. 21, 2 .'jam. x:ueen's. Camb. Brit. M. Prov. i. 12. 4° 1715. Nov. 5, b. Lord Mayor. Brit.M. Luke xvi. 1,2. 4° 1716. Spittal T. The faithful Steward. Ch. Ch, Oxon. Pf xxxiii. I. 8° 1 71 6. Th. for fuppreffing the Reb. Ch. Ch. Ox. Lukexix. 8. 8°i7i9. Spitt. M. Charity and Reilitution. Mark xiv, 19. 4'' 1720. Jan. 30. b. L. Magd, Ox. St, John's. C KENNI. OF AUTHORS, &c. 199 KENNICOTT Benjamin, DD. Canon of Ch. Ch. and Keeper of the Radcliffe Library and V. of Culhain, Oxon. SiC. &c. * Gen. ii. 8-24. 8" 1747. Critical DilTertation. On the Tree of Life in Paradife. £0^. ^eens. Camb. Eto7i. *Gen. iv. 1-5. 8° 1747. Critical Diircitation. On the Oblation of Cain and Abel. Bod. ^eerii. Camb. Eton. Jerem. xxxiii. 10, 1 1. 8° 1749. Th. for Peace. The Duty of Thankfgiving for Peace in general, and the Reafonablenefs of Thankfgiving for our prefcnt Peace. Bod. ^eens. Camb. * I Chron. xi. i Sec. 8" 1753. V. State of the printed Heb. Text of the Old Tcitament. Bod. Queens, Camb. Eton. *Rom.viii. 35-37. 8''i757. On St. Paul's-day. Chriftian For- titude. Bod. ^e£n''s. Camb. * Jfai. vii. 13-16. 8" I 765. Text explained. Bad. Wore. Oxon, Slue ens. Camb. *Gen. ii.3. 8" I 781. The Sabbath. KENRICK DanieJ, M. A. V. of Kemfey, Worceller. Rom.xiii.4. 4" 1688, AiTize. Magd. Oxon. KENRICK Van Ivjik *Numb.xiv. 9. 8° 1691. KENWRICK Ceorge, M.A. Miniller of Horming, Norfollc. Pf. cxviii. 8,9. 8° 1721. Nov. 5. Aclsxvi. 30, 31. 8" 1729. Norwich. 2 f . KEPPEL Frederick, Bp. of Exeter. * James iii. 17. 4° 1766. Jan. 30. b. Lords. *Matt.xxviii. 19. 4° 1770. Prop, of Gofpel. keen's. Camb. KERRICK Samuel, DY>. Fell, of C.C.C. Camb. I Pet iv. 10. 8" 1735. Commencement, i^/ren^s. Cam. Brit. M. *Pf. c.xxiv. 7. 8° 1749. Th. Oa. 9. KERRICK Walter, M. A. Canon Rend, of Sarum, and late Fell, of Catherine Hall, Camb. * Joel ii. I 2, 13. 4°i78i. Faft. KERRICK Charles, Curate of Redenhall, Norfolk. I Kings xii. 10, 1 1. 8° 1746. Norwich. Faft. KERSWEL John. B. D. R. of Goddington, Oxon. * Pf. cxvi. 12. 4" 1665. May 29. David's Thankfulnefs to God. Bal. Oxon. KETTLEWELL John, B. D. V. of Colefhill, Warwickshire. 5 Difc. in 8° 1696. On fo many important Points of praftical Religion. Bod. Ch.Cb. Univ. Or. Pemb. Ox. Irin. St. John's. C. To which are added 4 Sermons publilTicd by the Author in his life-time, viz. I Cor. xiv. 12. 4° 1684. Vif. Of Edification. Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Prov. xiv. 32. 4°i684. Fun. of Lady Digby. Bod. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Magd. Oxon. Sion. Heb. vi. 12. 4° 1685. Fun. of Lord Digby. Ch. Ch. C.C.C. Ox. Matt.xxii.21. 4°i685. Vif. The religious Loyalifr. Ch.Ch. Ox. N.M. All thefe are printed in the firil Vol. of his Works, fo. 1719. Ch. Ch. Bal. Mert. Nevj C. jfe/. Oxon. Sio;/. 200 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER KIDDEL John, of Tiverton, Devon. *2Cor. vi. 3,4. 8" 1747. b. D iff. Clergy. * Jerem. ix. 23, 24. 8° 1759 Th. * zTim. iii. 16. 8^1779. 3 Differt. On the Infpiration of the H. Scriptures KIDDER Richard, Bp of Bath and Wells. Pf. xxxix. 5. 4" 1673. i un. Ephef vi. 4. 4° 1673 Of the Education of Youth. 1 Pet. iii 11.4° 1082. b. Lord Mayor. JUS. Ox. Trin C. Siori. Heb. xiii. 14. 4"i686. Fun. of Mr. Allen, i?^^ Ch.Ch. St.Jchi's. Oxon Pui>. L. Camb. Siofi. I Tim. vi 17-19. 4° 1 690 Spitt. T. The Duty of the rich. Bo^. Ch Ch. Oxoh. Pa3. h St Johti's. Camb. i-iov. Matt, xxiii. 3^. 4° 1692. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Bod. Magd. Oxon. CV. H. v.. ainb. (11071. 1 Pet. i. 3. 4° 1694. Spitt. M. On the Refurreftion. Bod. Sio/i. J* Matt. V. 43, 44. 4° 1693 b. King and Queen. Brit.M. Zechar. vii. 5. 4° 1694. b. Queen. Of Failing. Bod. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sio}i. 12 Sejm. in 8° 1797. Nezv C. M/igd. Vemh. Oxon. Dr.Ws's.L. KIDGELL John, M. A. R. of Wolverfton, Suftblk. * Ifai. xxvi. 20. 8° 1756. Fall. Earthquake, ^een^s. Camb. *Pf. XX. 9. 8° 1761. Faft. KIL BOURN Robert, LL. D. Preb. of St. Paul's, R. of St. Mary Aldermary and St. Thomas, and of Barnes in Surrey, Mai. ii. 7. 8" 1727. Conf. of Bp. Hare. Brit. M. 1 Cor. ix. 5. 4° 1729. b. Sons pf Clergy. IVorc. Wadh. Oxon. Brit. M. Pf. cxxii.6. 8^1729. Acceffion. KILBY George, M. A. late of King's Coll. Camb. and R. of the Heath, Colchefter. Rom. xii. i 8. 8° 1733. KILLIGREW Henry. DD, Preb. of Weftminller, and Mailer of the Savoy. Matt.xxi.9, 4° 1666. b. King. Advent. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. Trin. Camb. 22 Serm. in 4° 1685. ^lecTi's. Tcmb. Oxon. Pf.cx.7. 4° 1689. Sund. b. Eafter. Bod. KILLINBECK John, B.D. Fell, of Jef. Coll. Camb. V. of Leeds and Preb. of York. Lukexiv, 14. 8" 1710. Ch. f. 1 8 Serm. in 8'^ 1717. Nottingham. KILNER James, M.A. R. of Lexden, Effex, and Chapl. in Ord. I Sam. viii. 18. 4° 1745. Rebellion. Nov. 5. *Matt.x. 29. 4" 1756. Earthquake. Fait. KIMBER Ijaoc * 20 Serm in 8" 1756. On the mofl interefting, religious, moral and practical Subicds. Sueens. Camb. ^ ^ ^ KIM- OF AUTHORS, &c. 20t KIMBERLEY Jonathan, M. A. of Femb. Coll. Oxon. Chaplain in Ord. Dean of Litchfield and Preb. of Weftininfter. Rom. xiii. 5. 4° 1683. Affize. Sim. Exod. XV. 2. 4° 1702. Nov. 5. '-'.Convocation. CI;. CJ^. Magd. Jef Oxon. St.Jehn'j. Camb. KINCH John X * I Thcff. iv. 13. 8° 1722, Fun. of Rev. J. Gale. Brit. M. KING Arnold, L L.B. R. of St. Michael's Cornhill, London. Luke ix. 54-56. 4° 1748. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. Pf. cx.xii. 7. 4° 1749. Th. for Peace, b. Lord Mayor. Exod. xviii. 21.4° 1-749. Eledt. Lord Mayor. ^ 2 Kings iv. i. 4° 1751. b. Sons of the Clergy. *Heb.ix.27. 4° 1753. Fun. of Dr. Hay. Brit. M, * Ff. cxxvii. 2. 4" 1756. Fail, Earthquake. KING Henry, Bp. of Chichefter. Ezek. xxi.27. 4°i66i. May 29. Jf^orc Oxon. St.Johjis. Oamb. Pf. cxvi. 15. 4° 1662. Fun. of Bp. Duppa, C.C.C. Oxon. Tit ii. I. 4° 1663. Vif. *Matt vi.9-13. 4° 1664. Or. Oxon. zChron.xxxv. 24,25. 4° 1665. Jan. 30. Pub.L. Trin. Camb. KING James, M. A. Led. of St- Martin's, Ludgate, London. Luke X. 37. 4° 1707. Co. Feaft. The good Sauaritan exempli- fied in the charitable Chriftian. Uttiv. Ox. ^een's. Trin. Cam. KING James, DD, R. of St Michael's Crooked Lane, Lond. after- wards of Cheam, Surrey. Luke xiii. 7-9. 4^1743. Faft. b. Lord Mayor. Pf cvii. 39-41. 4° 1743' Col. Georgia. KING James, Dean of Raphoe. * Rom. xiii. 5. 4° 177 I. Jan. 30. b. Commons. KING John, Bp. of Loodon. *Pf cxxviii. 3. 1 2° 1740, V. Difc. on conj. Duty. V. i. p. 235. KING John, DD. R. of Chelfea near Lond. and Preb. of York. Ecclel'J'. xvi. 22. 4° 1698. Fun, of Willoughby Chamberlain. Joel ii. 18. 4° 1 701. Faft, The divine Favour, the beft alliance, KING John, M A. late Fell, of Queen's Coll. Oxon. Minifter of Rumley, Hants. Ephef vi.4, 8'' 1725. Oxon. The NecefTity and Benefit of Con- firmation. Pf^orc. Oxon. KING Richard, M. A. Cur. of St. Mary's at Hill, Lefturer of St. George's Middlefex, and Chaplain in Ord. 2 Cor- xiii. 1 1 . 4° 1748. Farewel. Pf. cxxii. 6. 4°i75i. b. Antigallicans. Pf.cxliv. 15. 4°i75i. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. KING Samuel *Exod.ix. 3. 8° 1 750, Diftemper among Cattle. * 1767. Ord. of Symonds. KING William, Abp. of Dublin. * Ifai.lix. 6,7. 4° 1685. Dublin, b. Lord Juftices, Aftsxxiv. 14-16. 4° 1686. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sien, Vol. n. C c Pf. 20J AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Pf. cvii. 2,3. 4° 1691. Th. Nov. 16. Europe's Deliverance from France and Slavery. Bod. J/l S. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sion. Pf. cxxvi. 3. 4° 1704. Th. Sept. 7. Ch.Ch. Oxon. St.Jch/i's. Camb. Sion. Phil. ii. 3-5. 4''i705. b. Qiieen. Palm. S. Of Kumility. C/?-. C/^. Oxon. Ptib.L. Prov.xxii.6. 4° 1705. Char-School. The Advantages of Edu- cation. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Sicn. Ecclef. viii. 11.4° 1706. b. Lord Mayor of Dublin. Sion. Kom. viii. 29,30. 8° 1709. Divine Predeflination and Fore- knowledge confiftent with the Freedom of Man's Will, Ch. Ch. Bnl. Mngd. Si. John's. Wore. Ox. Pub. L. Trin. ^een's. Cl.H. St. Johns. Camb. *Pf. cxii 6. 4° I 714. Fan. of NarcifTus Abp. of Armagh. Gen. ii. 16, 17. 4° 173 I . On the Fail of Man. Appendix to an EiTay on the Origin of Evil. p. 113. St.Jehn^s. Oxon. KINGS William Mal.iv. 2. 4° 1667. KINGSTON Richard, M. A. Chapl. in Ord. 2 Chron. vii. I 3, 14. 4° 1665. Spiritual Receipt for Cure of the Plague. Sion. Matt, xviii. 7. 4° 1682. Subftance of fev. Serm. The Caufe and Cure of OiTences, Bod. Sion. i Sam. x. 24. 4''i683. The AlTaffination-pIot. Pub. L. Camb. KINNERSLEY Thomas, M. A. R. of Lavenham, Suffolk, and Mi- niftcr of Trinity Minorie?, London. Micah. vi. 6-8. 8° 171 8. In the King's Bench-Prifon. Sion. KIP PIS Andrew, DD. * I Cor. xi. 29. 8" I 7 On the Lord's Supper. * - - - - 1756. Religious Knowledge. * Pf cxxvi .3 8° 1 7 5 9 . Th . f *Pf. xxi. 3. 8" 1761. Coronation. * John vii. 46. S"* 1769. Ord. *Prov.x. 7. 8° 1769, Fun. of Rev. Ti?i!. Laugher. Slueen's. Cam. *Matt.xi. 5. 8° 1777. b. Society for Prop. Xtian Knowledge. * Luke ii.52. 8" 1780. Char. School. The Example of Jefus in his Youth recommended to Imitaiion. KIRKVP J. *- - - - 1761. Roy. Fun. KIRKWOOD James, R. ofAftwick, Bedfordlhire. *Ephcf. V, 16. 12° 1693. Redeeming the Time. KITCHIN John, M. A. Miniller of St Mary Abchurch, London. Heb. ix. 27. 4° 1660. Fun. iTim. V, 22. 4° 1677. m.e.C. p, iii. How we muft reprove and not partake of other Men's Sins. KNAGGS Thomas, MA. Left, of St. Giles in the Fields, Lond. Pf.lxviii. 28. 4° 1 69 1. Nov. 5. •^lxiv.9. 4° 1693. Nov. (;. b. Lord Mayor. Pub. L, Ca.m< Sion. 1 TheH", V. 1 3. 4° 1696. Th. April 16. •Ecclef, O F A U T H O R S, &c. 203 *Ecclef. X, 20 8" 1697. Nov. 5. Adts XXIV. 16. 4° 1697. Affize. Heb.xii. 5,6. 4" 1 700. Of Contentment. Univ. Were. Oxon. ^ ecu's. Camb. Siv/J. Keb. iv. 13. 4" I 701. Afiize- Of the Omniprefence. Prov.xiv.9. 4°i70i. Ag. Atheifm. 1 Cor. iv. 7. 4° 1 702. Roy. Fun. The Vanity of the World. Prov.xxiii 17,18. 4° 1702. Nov, 5. b. Ld Mayor. Divine Pro- vidence. Pf. cxxvi.4. 8° 1704. Th. Sep. 7, 2 Cor. xiii. II. 4^1705. Ag the French King. 1 Pet. iii. 13. 4° I 706. Th. for Victory at Ramellies. God with us. Miigd. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. Sion. Mark vi. I 2. 8° 1707. Exhortation to national Repentance. Univ. Wore. Oxon. Trin Real's. Camb Pf cvi. 21. ^° 1708. Th. Aug. 19. Umv.. Ox. ^eens. C. Eton. iKingsxix. 4. 8° 1708. Ag. Self-murder. Sion. Prov. xxii. i. 8° 1708. Pr. George's Fun. Univ. Ox. Trin. Cam. Luke xyii. 15,16. 8° 1709. For theVidory of Mons. Prov. iii. 5,6'. 8° 1710 Faft. Magd. Line. Wadh. Oxon. Pf. xvi. 12. 8°i7io. Fun. Matt. vi. 34. 8° 1 71 2. God governs the World. * Luke viii. 52. 8" 1714. Phil. i. 23, 24. 8° 1714. Fun. of Arch-Bp. Sharp. Ephcf. V. 7. 8°i7i4. Ag. Riots. Prov xiii. 10. 8°I7I5.. June 12. John V. 14. 8° 1716. June 10. Eiltherv. 13. S" 1716. Nuv. 5. b. Ld Mayor. Haman and Mor- decai. ^eeiii. Camb. 2 Sam. xviii. 3. 8° 1717. Jan. 30. Pf. cxxv. 5. 8° 1720. Nov. 5. ]fai. Ivii. 1. 4° 1 721. Brit.M. * Gen. xviii. 32. 4** 1721. Fart:. Plague in France. J*Matt. xiv. 6-8. 8° I 722. Death of John Baptifl:. KNAPP William, R. of Ingoldworth, Norfolk. Job xxii. 21. 12° 1685. KNELL Paul, M. A. of elare-halJ, Camb, and Chapl. to a Regiment of Cuiiafiers. 5 Serm. in 8° i6io. Ifrael and England parallelled. Brit. M. KNIGHT Henry, M. A. *Serm. in 8° 1747. On the Being and Attributes of God. ^leens. Camb. Dr. Wss L. Lond. KNIGHT James, DD. V. of St. Sepulchre's, London. Deut. xvii. 12. 4° 1719. Vif. Line. Ox. St. Johns. Camb. Sicn. Pf. Ixxii 4. 4° 1720. An. meet. Ch. Sch. Sion. ■ 8 Sermons in 8°i72i. At Lady Moyer's Lett. Bod. Ch.Ch. Univ. Bal. Wore. Hert. Oxon. Dr. Wss L. Lond. Deut. xvi. 18. 4" 1730. EL of Lord Mayor, llai. lix. ig. 8° 1733. Ref of Manners. C c 2 2 Pet. 204 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER 2 Pet. iii. 10-13. 8°'736. On the Conflagration and Renovation of the World. Wore. Oxon. ^eetis. Camb. Sion. KNIGHT John, of New-Inn-Hall, Oxon. V. of Banbury, and R. of Bronghton, Oxon. Hofea X. 4. 4.° 1682. Affize. The Samaritan Rebels perjured. Ch.Ch. Oriel. Bal. Oxon. Triti. St. John's. Camb. Num. xxiii. 10. a^ 1700. Fun. of Lady Guilford. St. Jihris. C. KNIGHT John, Minifter of Poplar. *- - - - 1764- KNIGHT Robert, M. A. V. of Harewood, Yorkfhire. *Heb xii. 28. 8° 1728. The Nature and Obligation of relative Holincfs. KNIGHT Samuel, DD. Preb. of Ely, and Chapl. in Ord. Rev. xiv. 13. 8° 1721. Fun. Tit. iii. I. 8°i724. Cor. Eton. 2 Kings xi 19, 20. 8° 1725. May 29. b. Commons. Trin* keen's, Camb, Heb.vi. 10. 8° 1729. Spitt. T, ^teen's. Camb. Luke xvi. 10. 8° 1731. Conf. of 2 Ei/hops. i^eeii's. Camb. *Luke ii. 52. 8^17 Rom.xiii, 5. 4° 1738. Acceffion. Brit. M, KNIFE Reji *- - - - 8° 1769. The new Birth. KNOWLES J. C. B. A. Minillerof Pointon and Norbury, Chefhire. * I 2 Serm. in 8° i 769. KNOWLES Thomas, M. A. R. of Ickworth, and Fell, of Pemb. Hall, Cambridge. 12 Serm. in 8° 1750. The Scripture-Doftrine of the Exiftence and Attributes of God. Sluceii^s. Camb. KNOWLES Thomas, DD. Preacher of St. Mary's in Bury, Suffex. *Rom.xiv.i6. 4^1772. Objections to Charity Schools anfwered. [KNOX Hugh] Min, of the Gofp. in the Ifland of Saba, Weft Indies. *Difc. in 2 Vol. 8° 1768, On the Truth of revealed Religion, and other important Subjects. KVTE Jofhua, DD. R. of Windlebury, Oxon. *Prov. xxviii. I. 8° 1758. Faft. True Religion, the only Foun- dation of true Courage. LABONNEILLE Samuel, R. of Braylsford near Derby. 1 Cor. xiii. 13. 4''i709. Vif. The Pre eminence of Charity, LACY Be?!Jnmin Pf. Ixviii. 1-3. 8° I 706. Th. * Difc. in 12° 1720. Of the Vanity of the World. LACY James, V. of Sherborne, Dorfetfhire. ?i. Ixxxiv. I. 8° 1715, Conf of Church. St. John's. Camb. Siori. LAFITE Dan. M. A. R. of Woolavington, Suffex. Rom. X. 15. 4° I. 7 1 2. Vif. LAKE Edward, DD. R. of the united Paiiflies of St. Mary at Hill, and St. Andrew, Hobart, Middlefex. 2 Sam. i. 18, 4° 1684. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. Ch. Cb. Magd, Oxon. Sion, Heb. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 205 Heb. xiii. 7. 4° 1693. b. Sons of Clergy. Ch.Ch. Wadh. Oxon. Pub.L. St. Johns. Camb. Brit.M. Rev. xxi. 8. 4° 1703. b. Lord Mayor, Of Hell torments. Umv. Oxon. ^ee?>'s. St.Jobfi's. Camb. 16 Serm. in 8" 1705. On feveral Occafions. Bed. Univ. Cb,Ch. Ma^d. Bal. Oxon. Dr. Wis L. Lond. LAKE John, Bp. of Chicheller. Pf. ii 6. 4° 1670. May 29. *John V. 12. 8° 16 Rev.ii, 10. 4''i67i. Fun. of Will. Cade. Charader of a true Chriftian. Ch Ch. Magd. Oxon. LAKE Neal Jclm, Minifter at Abingdon, Berks. . *Aclsii.39, 8° 1781. On Account of the Baptifm of liis own Child Infant-Baptifm a reafonable and fcript. Service. LAMB Charles, Curate of Enfield, Middlefex. iChron.xvi. 8. 4° 1706. Th. f. LAMB P. Minifter of the Gofpel. * John xiv. 33. V. Coll. of Farew. f. 4° 1663. M^gd. Camb. * Pf. xxxvii. 37. 8° 1679. Fun. LAMB Robert, Bp. of Peterborough. *Janies iii. 16. 4° 1768. Jan. 30. b. Lords. LAMBE Charles, M. A. Miniiler of St. Catherine's Cree Church, and Left, of All-Hallows, Barkin. 10 Serm. in 8° 171 7. On feveral Occafions. Ch Ch. Oxon. LAMBE Henry, LL. D. Miniiter of Stratford le Bow, and Left, of St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondfea, and R. of Nurfling, Hants. James iii. 17. 8° 1707. AfTize. Chriftianity from above. Pf. xlix. 17. 4° 1709. Acceffion. Col. ii. 6. 8° 1710. Spitt. W. CI. H. Camb. ^w/. Rom. xii. 18. 8° 1717. Affize. X. 2. 8° 1723. Nov. 5 b. Ld Mayor. Xtian Zeal difplayed. LAMBE John, DD. Dean of Ely, and Chapl. in Ord. zTheff. iii. 2. 4° 1673. ^- ^^^^ Mayor. Bod. ^^een's. Oxon. Pub. Z. Trin. St. John's. Camb. Sion. Matt. xvi. 26. 4° 1680. b. King. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. Pf. cxix. 165. 4° 1682. b. Lord Mayor. Jll S. Oxon. Pub. L, Camb. Eton. iCor. vi. 12. 4° 1684. The Liberty of human Nature. JUS. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. Sion. Prov. xxii. 4. 4° 1686. b. King. On Humility Magd. Oxon. Tit. ii. 10. 4°i6gi. b Queen. Bod. Pub.L, Camb Ifai. Ivii. 21. 4° 1693. b. King. Bod. Pub.L. 7rin. Camb. 2Pet. i. 4. 4° 1693. b. Queen. Bod. Univ. Ox. Pub.L. Trin.C. Job V. 2.. 4° 1695. b. King. Ag. Envy. Ch. Ch. Magd. Ox. Sion. Prov. iii. 6. 4° 1696. b. King. Sion. Col. iii. 1,2. 4°i70i. Spitt. T. Mugd. Oxon. Ifai, Ix. I. 4° 17 Fun. LAMBE William, M. A. R. of Gatelhead, Durham. * Afts iii. 6. 4° 1 7 c c. i\V?«'r/?/?/^ -Infirmary. ■ LAMBERT 2o6 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER LAMBERT George * Serm. in 8° 1779. On various ufeful and important SubjeD. Bp. of Meath. Ezek.xxiv. 15,16. 4°i693. Fun. of Mrs. Ann Margetfon. Ifai. lii. 10. 4^* 170Z. Th Nov. 12. Ifai.Iix. 7,8. 4° 1/08. Commem. Iri(h Prot. Univ. Ox. Pub.L, Tri,f. ^-ens. Lamb. Brit. M. LAMOTHE Charles G. Phil. \i. 6,7. 4'^ 1693. 2 r On the Divinity of our Saviour. LAMOTTE Charles, DD. Chapl. to the Prince of Wales. *Pf.cxi. 2. 8^ 1740 b. Florifls. The Greatnefs of God's Works in the vegetable woild. LAMPLUGH '1 homas, Ahp. of York. Lukeix. 55,56. 4" 1678 Nov. 5. b. Lords. Bod. Ch.Ch Magd. Queens. Or. Cxon. Pub L. Trin. Magd, Cam). Bnt. Id. I.ukexiii. 5. 4° 1678. Pait. LANCyiSTER Nathaniel, L.L.D. R. of Stanford Rivers, ElTex. Pf, cxxxvii. c,6. 4" 1746. Rebellion. Public Virtue, or the Love ot out Country. LANCASTER V/ill-am. DD. Provoft of Queen's Coll. Oxon. and V. of bt. M-ifrtip'o in the Fields, .J.ondon. Lam, V. if-. 4° iwQo. Jan 30. b. Commons. Bod. Ch.Ch. Jef. Oxon. Trin. Si.Jokni. Lamb. Sion. LAND H. M. A. late Fell, of Oriel Coll. Oxon. and R. of Clare- Portion in the Church of Tiverton, Devon. *Gal.v. 5,6. 8" 1771. Againft Melhodifm. LANDON (orLangdon) John, L.L.D. Matt. xix. 23,24. 4° 1726. Spitt. W. The Cafe of Riches under' the Gofpel-Difpenfation confidered. LANE Edward, M. A. V^ of Spcrfliolt, Hants. Heb. xiii. 8, 4" 1663. LANE William, M. A. Ledlurer at Hereford Cathedral. Ezek. xxxvi. 32. 8° 1746. Th. Oft. 9. LANEY Benjamin, Bp. of Ely. I Pet. ii. 25. 4" i(j62. b. King. The Shepherd. Bod. Bal. Magd. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pub.L. St.'joh?is. Camb. Sion. Heb. xiii. 15. 4° 1663. 2 f . b. King. Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Sion. ; Matt, xix. 8. 4° 1663, St, John's. Camb. Markiv. 24. 4° 1665. b. King. Of hearing God's word. Bod. Ch. Ch. Magd. Oxon. Sion. I Theff.iv. II. 4°i665. b. King. 2 f. Study of Quietnefs. Bod. Ch. Lb. Magd. Bal, Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. Camb. Sion. Gal.vi.7, 8. 4^^1675. b. King. Ch.Cb. C.C.C. Univ. Magd. Wore. Oxon. Pub.L. Trin. St. John's. Camb. Sion. LANGFORD Emanuel, DD. Chaplain of Chelfea-College. Ifai. liii. 7. 4° 1697. Jan. 30. b. Commons. AllS, Oxon. Trin. St. John's, Canib. LAl^G. OF AUTHORS, &c, 207 LANGFORD John, Minif.of the Gofpel at Horfiey-down, Soathwark. *Dan.xii. 3. 8" 1770. Death of Rev. George Whitfield. LANGFORD William, DD. J*Pi;xxiii. 4. 8° 1737. Fun. Brit. M. * Deur. viii. 2. 8° 1748. Char. School. *2 Cor. V 18 8" 1749. Ord. * Numb. xxiii. 23. 8" 1759. Aug. i. * John xii. 26. 8" 1764. Fun. of Rev, Edw. Godtuir, ^esfi's, C. * Ads xxiii. II. 8° I 770. Ord. LANGHOilNE Johi;, DD. R. of Blagdon, Somerfetf. * Serm. in 2 Vol. 12'^ 1773. ^een'j. Camb. * Deut. xxviJi. 2,3. 4° 1776. Vif Happineis of ecckTiaft. Life. * A(Sts vii. 26. 4*^1777. Ann. Co meeting. The Love of man- kind, the fundamental Principle of the Chriliian Religion. LANGHORNE William, M. A. * Sermons in 2 Vol. 12° 1773. LARDNER N/itkaniel. DD. Iviinillcr of the Gofpel Id London. Rom. xii 2. 8°i739. zL A caution ag. a Conformity to the World. * 2 ThefT. i. 10. fe" 1740. Fun. of Rev. //7/.W> harris, DD. Rom.xi.ii. 8" 1743. 3 Difc Brit. M. Matc.x. 16. 8" 1743. Counfels of Prudence for the Ufe of young People. * Johnxiv. 2. 8° 1748. Fun. of J. Hunt, DD. %^^//'f. Camb. Brit. M. V. Dr. llunt^ Term. * Rom xi, II. 8" I 743. 3 Difc. The CircumHances of the JewiQi people, an argument fur the truth of the Liir:ltian Pv.eligion. * John xiv. 2-4. 8" 1744. Fun. 18 Serm. in 8" 17^;!. Upon various Subjects, ^eeii's, Camb. * Serm. in 8° 1760. Dr Ws'sL. London. * * Mark V. 19. 4 Dilc. On Demoniacs, ^eeti^s. Camb. LATHAM Eht7iezer, M. D. Minjlter at Derby. *Zech.i. 5. 8" 1743. Fun. of Mati. Lra^lhdzu. ^jieeti's. Camb. *Col. i. 12. 8° 1745. Fun. oi Dun. ¥iadock. $ueeri'i. C. Brit.M. *Judgesv 9. 8" 1746 Th.f. ^aen'i. Camb'^ * Serm. in 8° 1774. ^cert's. Camb. LATHAM Paul, M. A. of Pemb. Coll. Oxon. and Preb. of Sarum. I Cor. XV. 57. 4° 1676. P"un. of Mr., Peter Adams, Hod. Rom. i 20. 4° 1078. God manifeu; in hi.: Works, Magd. Oxon St. John's. Camb. Sio?i. Prov viii. 15. 4" 16S3. June 29. Oi the Deteflian of the Plot. Aftsxxvi. 9. '; fp. lOi. Vif. Ephef. iv 14. > 8° 1666. Xt crucified. ^ p. 20.. JamesiiLi7. J tp,235. LATHROP John, M.A. Pallor of the 2d Church 'in Bofton, America. * Gen. iii. ;o. 4° 1770. Innocent Blood crying to God from the .;rects ot Bollon. LAVINGTGN George, Bp^ of Exeter. I Cor. v. 7. 8° 1 7 24. 2 f. The Nature and Ufe of a Type, lysrc. Oxon, ^een^u Camb, Ephef. 2o8 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Ephef.v. 18-20. 8°i725. The Influence of Ch.Mufick. Worc.O^', iPet. ii. 17. 1726. Allize. i^een's, Camb. 1 Thcff, V. 13. 4° 1735. b. Sons of Clergy. ^ee»s. Camb. Deut. XXIX.9. ^°'745' Rebellion. Sion, Jerem. V. 4,5. 4° 1746. Ann. meeting Char. Sch. Ail S. Wore. Oxon. ^teen's. Camb. Sion. Pf. xlvii 7. 4° 1747. IV^ay 29, b Lords. Sheens. Camb. *Pf. xlvi. 8. 8''J756. Exon. Fall. Earthquake, keen's. Camb. LAVING'^GN John *L'eut. V. 12. 8° 1743, * I Chron. XV. I 3. 8" 1757. Fun. I AUGHTON George, DD. *Prov. xiv. 34 4° 1775. Inauguration. Righteoufnefs the fure Foundation of national Security, Reputation and Happinefs. LAUGHTON John 2 Cor. i I 2. Affile. LAUGHTON Richard, DD. Fell, of Clare-hall, Camb. and Preb. o'i Wo re e Her. Rom.vi.23. 4'''7'7- Camb. b. King, at King's Coll. Chapel. Cl. H. 9ueetis. Camb.- LAW Edmund, Bp. of Carlifle. Matt. V. 40. 8^1743. Camb. Aflize. Litigioufnefs repugnant to the Laws of Chrillianity. ^een^s. Camb. ConfiHerat.in 8°i745 Camb. On the State of theWorld &c. vi«.. Adts vii. 30. p. I. Want of Univerfality in natural and revealed Religion. Gal. iv. 4. p. 49. Of the fcv. Difpenfalions of repealed Religion. Ecclef. vii. 10. p. 203. The Progrefs of natural Rcl. and Science. * Jerem. xxix, 7. 4" 1755. Ir. Prot. Sch. *IVIicahvi. 8. 8° 1768. Fun. of Dr. Bland. The true Nature and Intent of Religion, keen's. Camb. * Dan. ii. 21, 22. 4°i77i. Jan. 30. b. Lords. *Mal.i.ii. 4° 1774. Prop, of Gofpcl. L AW John, DD. Arch-Deacon of Rochefter, and R. of Much- Eaftcn, EfTex. *Aftsv.38,39. 4° 1 768. Vif. * Pf. Ixviii. 5. 4° 1 780. b. Sons of the Clergy. LAW Robert 2 Sam. XV. 6. 8° 1683. Jan. 30. LAW William, M. A. Pell, of Emanuel Coll Camb. Tit. iii. I. 8° 1713. Th. ^ieen'i. St-John's. Camb. I Cor. xii. 3. 8° 1718. LAWRENCE Edviund * Matt viii. 5-14. 8° 1662. * J Cor.vi. 12. 12° 1690. 2 f. Fun. Ufe and Happinefs of hum. Bodies. LAWRENCE Cyeorge, M. A. Minifter of the Hofpital of St. Crof? near Wincheller. iCor.xi, 23-25. 4° 1675. m. e. P. p, 729. No Tranfubilan-- tiation in the Lord's Supper. LAW- OF AUTHORS, &c. 209 LAWRENCE John, M. A. R. of Yelvertorft, Northamptonf. Rom xiii 4. 8°i7i7. Affize. Chriltian Religion, heft Friend to Government. 2 Cor. iv 5. 8° 1720. V. end of his Treatife on Xtian Prudence, Prov. xvii. 25. 8" i 7 LAWRENCE Thomas, M. A. Preb. of Sarum. A6ls ii. 37,38. 4" 1 669. Jan. 30. LAWSON George, R. of More, Salop. Matt, xxviii, 18-20. 8" 1680. Magna Charta Ecclefise univerfiE, LAWSON John, DD .fen. Feli. of Trin. Coll. Dublin. *Ccca(if)nal Serm. in 8^^ 1764. refpefting the Office, and Duty of Bifhops &c. Pub. L. Carab. Sion. ' LAXTON Thomas, M. A I Thcff. iv. 13. 4° 1682. Fun. of Chrift. Sherard, Efq ; Grief allayed, Death fwetened, Hope raifed. LAYARD 'Peter Charles, M, A. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. *Rev. xiv, 13. 4° 17-6 Fun. of Matthew iV|atty, M. D. LAYNG Henry, M. A. R. of Pauler'pury Northampton and Preb. of Lincoln. I Pet iv. 8. 8" 1746. Northampion-\v.^rrm.ry. LAYTON Joeph, V. of Ringwood, --ants. Rom.xii. I. 4° 1684. School Fealt. Trin. Camb. LEAKE Martin Wiliiam, L.L. B. * I Cor. XV 33. 8" 1773. On account of 2 Soldiers under fen- tencc of Death. * I King's V. 12. 8" 1 778. Colcheficr. St. Jchn's-day. b. Free- mafons. LEATHES William, V. of Ifell, Cumberland. Ecclef. xii i 3, 8° 1724. LEAVESLY Thomas, Minifter of the Gofpel in London. * Luke xvi. 9. 8° 1727. Charity. * xii. 14. 8^1730. Ref. of Manners. Heb. xi. 8. 8° 1735, The Reafons and Neceffity of the Refor- mation. V. Dilc. 2 Vol. ag. Popery. Braz.N. Oxon. LE Broq Philip * }erem. xlvii. 6. 4° 1777. Faftt LECHE Thomas Luke xvi, 8. 8°i7iz, Affize. Line. Oxon. LE FRANK James, B.D, Minilter of the French Church, Norwich. * Difc. in 2 Vol. 8° 1662. Trin. Camb. LEE Henry, DD. R. of Tichmarch, Noithamptcnfliire. James i. 27. 4° 1728. Fun. of Mrs. Creed. Philip, iii. 15. 8° 1730. Vif. LEE Henry, LL.B. Left, of St. Olave's, Southwark. Pflxxvii. 12. 8° 1 75 1, b. relig. Societies. Divine Meditation, or a Key to the Scriptures. * Amos iv. 12. 4° 1756. Faft. God's Summons of defpifed For- bearance. Vol. U. Dd LES 210 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER LEE James Rom. xvi. 27. LEE Richard, DD. R. of King's Hatfield, Herts. Pi", li. 17. 4° 1663. Cor. humiliatum ct contritum. ^eens. Ox. St. Johns. Camb. Sion. LEE Richard, R. of Eflenden and Beryford, Herts. Col. iii. 15. 4^1720. Affize. LEE Samuel, M. A. Miniiler of Great St. Helen's, London. Matt. xvi. 18. 4"i67'5. m.e.P. p. ^39. Vifibility of the true Ch. Matt. vi. 6. 4° 1676. S.m.e.C. p. 268. Secret Prayer fuccefs- fully managed. Rom. X.I. 4°i677. m.e.C. p.i 32. Converf.of our carnal Relations. LEE Thomas * iTheff iv. 1. 4° 1704. LEECHMJN William, DD. Principal of the Univerfity in Glafcow. 1 Tim. iv. 16. 8° 1741. Glnjcovj. b. Synod. The Temper, Cha- rafter and Duty of a Minifter of the Gofpel. ^-ens. Camb. Brit. M. Matt. xxvi. <^ 1 . 8° 1743- Glafcow. The Nature, Reafonablenefs, and Advantage of Prayer. V. Prot. Syft. vol,2. Scotch Pr. v.i. p. I 38. Dr.Enfeldh Eng. Pr. vol.6 p. 2;. i^ueen's. C. Bnt.M. * i.Cor. i. 2. 12'' 1758. Opening the general AfTembly of the Church of Scotland. V. Sch. Pr. v. 2. p 215. ^eeus. Camb. *-2Tim. i. 7. 12° 1768. 2 f. The Excellency of the Spirit of Chrillianity. V. Scotch Pr. v. 3. p. 287. ^eens. Camb. LEEKE Robert, B.D. Fell, of St. John's, Camb. and R. of Great Snoring, Norfolk. Afts vii. 37. S'^. 1728. Camb. The Interpretation of the Law and. the Prophets made by Jefus and his Apofties vindicated. Wore. Oxon. ^een^s. Camb. Johnxiv.i. 8°i''29. On St. Thomas's day. No A61 of Religion acceptable to God without Faith in Jefus Chrift. ^ueeris. C. 1 Sam. ii. 30. 8" 1730. Aflize. Some fpecial methods of ho- nouring God. Gal.ii.21. 8" 1735. 'T^^ Ncceffity of Chrilt's Satisfadlion. *Rom. xiii. 1,2. 4''i739. Islorwicb. Jan. 30. * Joel ii. 12,13. 4° 1740. Fail. Feb. 4. *Pf cxxxii. 18. 4''i746. Th. \ * Aclsx.4-6. 4° 1748. Vif A new Caufe of Infidelity peculiar to the prefent Age LEIGH Thomas, B.D. \^ . of Blfliop's Stortford, Kert^. Pf cxviii. 24. 4'' 1684. Vif. The keeping Holy days recom- mended. AUS. Ch.Cb. Oxon. ?u6n. LEIGHTON Robert, Abp. of GlaicLW. His felciil Works in 8° 1746. Ed?ti/j. Bod. New C. Were Oxon. 9:)uefirs. Cl.H. Camb. Dr Wis.L. * Mediations and Expof. Leftures in -2 Vol. 8° 1748. LEIGHTONHOJJSE Walter, M A. R. of Wafliingburgh near Line. J * 2 Cron.xix.6, 7. 4" 1692. A.Tize. JSr/V.^. laSerm. in 8° 1697, Pernb. Oxon. LE- OF AUTHORS, &c. 2ir LEMOTNE Abraham, R. of Evcrly Wilts, and Chaplain to the Duke of Portland. Gen. iii. 6. 4" 1751. Vif. A Vindication of the literal account of the Fall. Brii.M. * Deut. xxxi. 24-26. 4° 1753. Vif. Ag. Bolingbroke. A De- fence of the facred Hifcory of the old Tellament. Brit. M. LELAKD Thomas, DD. * Sermons in 4 Vol. 8° 1769. Magd. Oxon. Slueen's. Camb. LELANDTho. DD. fen. Fell, of Trin. Coll. & V. of St. Ann's, Dubl. * Judges xxi. ?, 3. 4'' 1777. F^'^- * Ezek. -xxviii. I 7. 4" 1779. Fall. LENG John, Bp. of Norwich. Ecclef viii. 11. 4° 1699. Camh, b. King. Pub.L. Tri/i. keen's. St. Johns. Camb. Brit. M. Levit. xxvi. 2. 4° i 704. Qimb. Conf. of Cath-Hall-Chanel. Ch. Ch. Alls, keen's. Oxon. Trin. '^eeris. St.Johns. Camb. Siofi. *Matt.xxii. 21. 8" 1706. Acceffion. Wore. Oxon. 1 Cor.-xii. 31. 4° 1 71 3. St. Paul's Sch. Feaft. i^ieens. Camb. Pf. ix. 10. 4" 1715. Knowledge of the Nature and Providence of God, an Inducement to believe and trufl in him. AU S. Ch.Ch. Oxon. ^leeri's. Camb. I Tim. ii. 1,2. 8°i7i5. Nov. 6. Ch.Ch. Oxon. *Phil.iv. 5. 4° 1715. Duty of Moderation. Rom.xiii. 3,4. 8° 1716. AfTize. (Sep. 4. 171 5.) Advantages of Government and Duty of preferving it. Ch. Ch, Ox. Brit. M, Pf. xcii. I. 8" 1 71 6. Aug. I. Pf.xcvii, I. 4°i7i6. Aflize. (March 22. 171 5.) Slueetis. Camb. Boyle's Left. 8"i7i7. I7j8. or fo.i73g. Vol. 3. Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. NezvC. St. John's. Wore. Oxon. Cl.H. ^ueeris. Camb. Matt. V. 16, 8" 1719. Ref. of Manners. Eton. *James iv. I. 4° 1726. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Brit. M. Ephef. iii. 5,6. 4° 1727. Prop, of Gofpel. Ch.Ch. Oriel. Oxon. Pub. L. ^.een's. Camb. I Cor. xii.7. 4° 1727. School FealL All S. Oxon. LESTLEY DD. A6ts ix. 36, 37. LESTLEY Charles, Chancellor of the Cathedral of Connor. Rev. xii. 7. fo.1721. p. 799. or 4° 1698. Of Angels. Bod. Ezra X. 4. fo.1721. p. 745. or 8° 1702. Ag. Marriages in dif- ferent Communions. Ch, Ch. Oxon. * Sermons in 8° 1720. His Works in 2 V. fo.1721. Bod. Ch.Ch. Bal. St. John's, ^eens, Trin. Oxon. LESTLEY George, Miniller of Olney, and R. of Witttering, Northampton. 4 Serm. in 8" 1684. - LESTLEY Henry, Bp. of Down and Connor. I Cor. xiv. ii;. 4" 1660. 2 f , Of praying with the Spirit, and the UnderltandJng. D d 2 I Cor. 212 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER 1 Cor. ii.8. 4° 1660. and 8° \yo(). Of the Authority of the Ch. In Eibliotheca Scriptorum eccieiias Anglicanae. p. 34. bod. LEWIS Edward, M..A. R. ol Wateritock and Emington, Oxon. Jfai. vii. 5-7. 8° 1744. Fall On the French Jnvafion. Ifai. ix. 13 8° 1747, Fait. Mtrcy and judgment — or intefline War, but foon over; Cattle die, but men are not obliged to eat_ their Carcafes. * I I'ini. i. (5. 3" 1-56. Vif. Sinners faved by Jefus Chrift as preached in Scripture; but Church-Fathers and Clergy are no lure Guioes to Heaven *Rom xiii, i-i I. 4°i-776. Fait. Tranflated from St.ChryfoIlom. LEWIS Kllis, W of Ruddlan Flintfhire. ■ *Gen. ii. 20-24. S° 17 16. Wedding f. LEWIS George. M. A. V. cf Wcllram, Kent, Actsviii. 17. S"i7i7. On ConSrmation, Ecclef vii. 14. 4" 1725. Fun. of Lord Whitworth. Ecclef xi. 3. 4° 1727. Fun. of Mr. Miffenden. Afts xxvi. 26-22. 8" 1729. The Conference between King A- gnppa and St, Paul. ^eerCi. Camb. Johniv. 9. 8° 1729, The Confertncc between Chriil and the Woman of Samaria. Heb.xiii.14, 8°i73i. Fun. • ' Jchuii. II. 8*^1735. After the high -Wind. LEWIS George, M. A. Student of Ch. Ch. Oxon. and Cur. cf Hever, Kent. Deut. iv. 8. 4" 1 740. Afiize. LEWIS Henry, DD. of New Inn Hall Oxon. Preb. of Hereford, and Chaplain to the Duke of Onnond. Ifai. Ix. I. 8° 1 7 Prov. i. 10. 8° 1 7 10. Oxon.. A61. Bod. Magd. Or. Bal. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Sion. Pf. cxxxiii. 1. 8" I 71 4. Acceffion. LEWIS John, M. A. Minifler of Margate, Kent. I Cor. iv. 13. 8''i7io. The Clergy of the Church of Eiigland vindicated. St-Jshns. Camb. 2Sam.i. 14. 8° £718. Ian. 30. St.fohns. Camb. LEWIS Leivis, little Ayliffe ftreet Goodman's Fields, London. * - - - - 1 77 1. Fun. f. * - - - - 1775- Farew. f. LEWIS Samuel. B. A. Cur. of Great Oakley, Effex. Prov. xxiv. 21 . 8° 1746. Fait lor Rebellion. LEY Rofs, R. of St. Matthew.s Friday-ltteet, London. *Prov. xi. 30. 8" 1712. Char. School. Subil. of fev. Serm. Nehem.vi. 16. 4° 1727. May 29. b. Lord Mayor. LEY Thomas, M. A. V. ot Crediton, Devon. Lukexiii.5. 8" 1 7 Fun. of Son and Daughter who perilhed by Fire. Pf. xviii. 7-10. 4° 1704. Fail, for the late Storm. Pf. cxix 120. 8"'i72i. Fait, for the Plague. LEYBORNE OF AUTHORS, &c. 213 LEYBORNE Robert, DD. of Braz. N. Coll. Oxon. t * Prov. iii. 2. 8° 171; 3. Infirmary. LIDGOU.D Charles, M. A. Fell, of Clare -hall Camb. Reader at the Chartcr-houfe, and R of Dunfty, l.ini.jln. Jcrem.vii. 17. ±° 1699. On Proclamation againlt Atheiim &c. 1 Pet iv, 10.* 4" 1699. Fait. April 5. Charity to our poor per- fected Brethren abroad LiGHTFOOr J. DD. Mafter of Cath. Hall, Camb. & Preb of EI7. His Works 2 Vol. fo.1684. Bo^. Univ. Ch.Ch. Bal. Mert. St, Johris. ^uecfi^s. New C Oxon. .LIGHTFOOT Robert. B. D R of Ode), Bedfcrdf. A * Sermons in 8° 1676. [LOVE Chriltopher] ^ * Sermons in 8"" 1754. LOVE Samuel, M A. Fell, of Bal. Coll. O.xon. and Minor Canon of the Cathedral of Brillol. * Job xxix. 11-13. 8° 1 772. b. Grateful Society. Exon. Oxon. LOVEDAY Jofeph * I Tim. i. 9. 4° 1736. LOVEDAY Ralph, R, of Taplow, Bucks. Matt. V. 33-37.' 8° 1 741 . ho^. ralh fwcaring. LOVEDER Thomas, V. of little Stambridge, ElTcx. * 8 Pradl. Difc. in 8° 1756. All^. Oxon. LOVELING Benjamin, M A. V. of Banbury, Oxon, Judges V. 2. 4" 1702. Th. f. Pi.xlvii.7. 8"i704. Th. Sept. 7. Prov, iii. 9. 4° 1 7o5. Char. School. The bell Ufe of Riches. a ^. A Republication. Pf. OF AUTHORS, &c. 217 , Pf.cxxii. 6. 8° 1 71 2. Faft, Line. Magd. Oxon, Deut. xii. 10, 1 1. 8° 1713. Th. John xviii. 36. 8° 1717. Ch.Ch. Oxon. LOVELL Edw. DD. Chapl.inard. R.of St.Mary Rotherhith, Lond. *i Kings V. 4,5. 4° 1713- Prov.-xxiv. 21. 8° 1715. Acceffion. Gal. V. 1. 4° 171 5. 2f. Nov. V. and 13. Popery deUrudive of Church and State, keen's. Camb. Rom. xiii. 3-5. %°\ji6. Acceffion. The Duty of the Magiftrate to femploy his Sword agairiit the rebellious and obllinate. ' I Tim. ii. i, 2. 8" 171 8. Affize. John i. 47. 8° 1727. Affize. LOVELL Edmund, LL.D. late of Mert.CoU. Oxon. and Canon of the Cathedral of V/ells. * Ifai. ii. 2, 3. 4° 1774. Frequent Worfliip at the Lord's Houfe recommended. LOWDR James, M. A. Fell, of Clare-Hall, Camb. and R. of Efing- ton, Yorkfhire. I Cor. i 23,24. 4° 1684. Vif. Reafonablenefs of the Chriflian Religion. Miigd. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. LOWMAN Mojes, Minifter of the Gofpel at Clapham, Surrey. J* Luke XX. 2 ij. 8° 1720. Ref. of Manners. Erit.M. Rom. xi. 22. 8° 1735. The Principles of Popery fchifmatical. V. Dif. againll Popery. BruZ. N. Oxon. LOWTH Robert, Bp. of London. * I Their, iv. 9. 4° 1757. NfzvcaJ?k-JnnTma.Ty . ^cei'i's. Camb. *Matt. vi. 10. 4° 1758. Vif keen's. Camb. * Deut. iv. 7-9, 4° 1764. Affize. Ex. Oxon. keen's. Camb. * Prov. xxiv. 21.4° 1767. Jan. 30. b- Lords. Braz.N-. Ex. Ox. * Adls ii. 39. 4° 1771. Prop. Gofpel. Magd Wore. Oxon. *Gal.vi. 10. 4°i77i. Oxon. R^dcliffe-lnhvmzry. *Rom. ii. II. 4° 1773. Ir. Prot. Sch. Wore. Oxon. * Luke xiii. 1-3. 4° 1779. b. King. Afh-wednefday. LOWTH Will. DD. Fell, of St. John's, Oxon. Preb. of Winchefter. Job xxviii 28. 8° 1714. Affize. Religion, the diftinguifhingCha- rader of human Nature. Matt. xi. 19. 8° I 714. Affize. The Wifdom of acknowledging divine Revelation. Afls ii. 42. 8" 1722. The Charafler of an Apoftolical Church fulfilled in the Church of England. Sjcn. LOW! HI AN S. * 2 Tim. iv. 7,8. 8° 1 760. Fun. of Rev. Mr. 'Rogerfon. J* Matt. ix. 37, -,8. 8° 1763. Brit. M. LUCAS Richard, DD. V. of St. Stephen, Coleman-ftreet, and Preb, of Weftminfter. Heb. vi. I. 8" 1697. Religious Perfection. Tit. iii. 14. 4° 1699. Company of Goldfmiths. Rom. xii. 10. 4° 1704. b. Queen. Of Humility. 24 Serm. in 2V0I. 8°i7io. On fev. Occafions. Pemb, Ox. Sicn. Vo L. IL E e 15 Serm. 2i8 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER 15 Serm. Vol. I. (Pollh.) in 8" 1722. On Death and Judgment, PuLL. Camb. 16 Serm. &c. Vol.11. ( Pofth. ) 8" 1716. Pub.L.'Tr'in. ^leen's, Canib. Brit.M. Difc. Vol.III. (Poflh.) in^° 1717. On Repentance, the Severity and Goodnefs of God. Pub.L. Camb. LUCAS Thomas *Luke xiv. 23. 8° 1718. * Pf. cxix. 165. 8° 1720. Fun. *Pr, xxxiv. 19. 8'' 1728. Fun. of Mr. Robert Webb. LUCE Richard; a Prefbyter of the Church of England. * I Pet. ii. 16. 4" 1672. Chriftian Liberty not to be abufed. Or. Oxon. Trifi. Camb. LUCK R. *Pf. cxii. 2. 1734. LUKE John, B.D. Fell, of Sidney-Suffex-Coll. Camb. Preacher to the Englilli Fadory at Smyrna. I Cor. XV. 29. 4° 1664. b. Levant-Co. Trijt. Camb. LUMLEY George, of Merton Coll. Oxon. - - - - »737- Jan- 30- LUNN William, DD. of Bennet Coll. Camb. Arch-Deacon of Hunt- ingdon, and Preb, of Line. Col. ii. 8. 4" I 710 Sch. Feall. The Ufe and Abufe of Philofo- phy in Matters of Religion, ^cens. Camb. Ston. LUPTON William, li'O. Preacher at Lincoln's-Inn, and Preb. of Durham. 12 Serm. in 8° 1729. Bod. Pal. Zt.Johih, Wore. Wadh. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. Brit.M. LUSHINGTON Thomas, B.D. Preb. of Sarum, and Chapl. in Ord. Matt, xxviii. 13. (12J624.) 8''i74i. Eafter S. Bal.Wore. Ox. St. Johns, Camb. » LUZANCY Hippolytus Du Chaflelet de, B.D. V. of Dover. Court and Harwich, Effex. Johnviii. 32. 4° 1676. On the Day of his Abjuration. Bod. Ch. Ch. Magd. i^ieen's. Oxon S/. Johns. Camb. 2Tim.i. 13. 4° 1697. At the Bifhop of London's Conference with his Clergy. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sion. » LURANCY Hippol de, B. D. V. of South-Weald, ElTex. Adlsxxiii 3. 8°r7io. Affize. Eton. LYDIAT Simon, M. A. Matter of the Free School in Felflead, Eilex. Aftsxvii. 28. 4° 1707. Sch. Feall. The Advantage of human Learning. LTE Thomas, M.A. Minift,er of AlUHallows Lombart-Ilreet, Lond. (before the Ejedion. 1662.) Phil.iv. I. 4" 1662. Farewel. Aug. 17. The fixt Saint. Bod. Magd. Camb. Lukexvii. 10. 4°i675. m.e.P. 548. No works of Supererogation. a ^ The fame. Prov. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 21^ Prov.xxii.6. 4° 1676. f. m.e. C. p. 203. By what Rules may- catechizing be bell managed. *iCor.vi. 17. 4°i676. m.e.G. p. 279. The true Believer's Union with Chrift Jefus. Pf. bdi. 8. 4° 1677. m. e. C. p. 340. How we are to live by Faith 'on the divine Providence. John xi. II. 4° 1 68 1. Fun. Death the fweeteft Sleep. fMal.iv. 6. 4° 1683. C. m. e. p. i 5 i . What may gracious Pa- I rents bell do, for the Converfion of their Children, where J Wickednefs is occafioned by their finful Severity or 1 ndulgence. j Ephef. vi. 4. 4° 1 683. C. m. e. p. 151. What may gracious Pa- I rents bell do, for the Converfion of their Children, where (^ Wickednefs is occafioned by their finful Severity or Indulgence. LYNCH John, DD. Dean of Canterbury. Aftsv. 38,39. 4° 1735. Prop, of Gofpel. JUS. Ox. ^eens. C. LYNCH John, LL.D. R. of Adilham, Kent. * Ac'lsxx. 24. 8° I 77 1. Conf. of Bp. St. Paul's Xrter confidered and his Example recommended. LYNFORD Thomas DD. R. of St. Edmond the King, and St. Nicholas Aeons, Lond. Preb. of Wefim.. and Chapl. in Ord. Pf.xii.7. 8°i6 On Divine Affiftance. zChron.xx. 17. 4° 1679. b. Lord Mayor. All S. Oxon. Trin. i^e€7i5. Camb. Sion. Pf. cxxvii. I. 4° 1689. b. Lord Mayor. God's Providence, the City's Safety. Ch. Ch, Oxon. Trin. Camb. Matt. vi. 6. 4"i69i. b. Queen. Worfhip of God in private. Bod. Ch. Ch. Oxon. St.John's. Camb. 1 Tim vi. 17-19. 4° 1698. Spitt. W. Ch.Ch. Ox. Trin. C. Sion. Acis ii. 42. 8° 1 709. Primitive Chriilianity revived. Bod. JUS. Magd. Oxon. Trtn. Camb. Sion. Jerem. V. 29. 8° 1709. Fall. 7rz>/. Camb. John XV. 18. 4° 171 2. Spitt. W. The charitable Man bears much Fruit. Ch.Ch. Oxon. l^teefi's. Qamb. Eton. Dan. xii 3. 4°i7i5. b. King. The Advantage of being good, and making others fo. Ch. Ch. Line. Oxon. 2 Sam. xxii. 51. 4° 171 5. Acceffion. b. Commons. God a Tower of Salvation to the King. Ch. Ch. Oxon. keen's. Camb. - - - . 17 Charity-Schools recommended. LYNG William, a Pricil of the Church of England, Minillcr of Yarmouth, Norfolic. Mark iii. 24. 4° 1703. b. Mayor of Norwich. Concerning the Caufes, Miichiefs and Cures of national Divifions. Pid. L, Si. Johns. Camb. LYTTLETON Charles, Bp. of Carlifle. *Lukeii. 14. 4° 1765. Jan. 30. b. Lords. LYTTON William, M.A. R. of Knebworth, Herts. 2Cor. vi. I. 8° 1 716. Vif. M. R. a Friend of Anthony Farindon. Phil. iv. 17. V. Farindon's Serm. fo. 1674. Vol. IIL p. 13. E e 2 MACE 220 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER MACE Charles, V. of Chriil Church, York. Ephel". V. I, 2. ^° 1714. MACE Daniel * 19 Serm. in 8° 1^51 . , MJCGJLL William, V. D. of Ayr. *Johnxvii.2o. \z°\'j-]^. 2 {. Our Saviour's Prayer for the Union of his Foilowers confidered. V. Scotch Pr. Vol.111, p. ng. MACHAM N. * Col. i. 7. 1667. MJCHIN Richard *Heb. iv. 15. 8° 1735. * 2 Sam. xxiv. 14. 8° 1740. David's Choice. MACLAINE Archibald, Min. of the Eng. Church at the Hague. Lament, iii. 28,29. 8° 1752. Hague. On the Death of the Prince cf Orange. The Difficulties of Refignation allicvated by Hope. MACLAURIN John * Serm. in i 2" 1772. MACKENZIE John, V. D.M. of Port-patrick." * Job iii. 17-19. 12° 1779. The Peace of the Grave. V. Scotch Preacher. \ ol. 3. p. 257. MACKEIVEN Robert, M. A. 2 Tim. iv. 7,8. 8° 1734. Fun. of Vifcount Barrington. V. Dr. f^/yf^/df's Eng. Preacher. Vol. 5. p. 287. S>uee7i^s. Camb. MACKGOWEN John, Grafton-ftreet, London. "* * - - - - Fun. The fure Foundation. * - - - - Fun. Cleanfing Fountain opened. MACK^'EEN John, one of the Minif. of the City of Edinb. Pf. ii.6. 4°Il.87. King's birth-day. Ads xiii. 36. 4° 1693. Eleil. of Magillrates, Lukevii.4,5. 4° 1694. Edinb. The good Patriot. MACKQUEEN John, M. A. Minifter of St. Mary's in the Town and Poit of Dover. Eflhervi. 6. 4° 1711. EfTay on Honour. Difc. in 8° 17 I 5. Britifli Valour triumphing over French Courage. MACRO Thomas, DD. Minilter of Yarmouth, Norfolk. iCor. xiii. 3. 8°i73i. Nov. 5. Charity of Temper, p.ii. Gal. V. 14. 8°i73i. Charity of Affiilance. p. 29. Ephef. V. 19. 8° 1734. Opening an Organ. The Melody of the Heart. Queen's. Camb. MADAN Martin, B. A. Chapl. of the Lock-Hofpital, Weftminfter. *Jamesii.24. 8°i76i. Juftification by Vv'orks. *Lukex. 28. 8° 1762. Hofpital f. * John viii. 7. 4** 1764. Opening 'of the Chapel. * 2 Cor. viii. 9. 8° 1777. At the Lock-Hofpital. MADDOCK Thomas, M. A. Ledlurer of St George's, Liverpool. 2 Sam. xxii, 38-41. 4" 1746. Th. Od. 9. * Deut. v. 29. 4" 1 77 1. Affize. Religion neccffary to the Being and Happinefs qf Society. MAD. OF AUTHORS, &c. 221 MADDOX Ifaac, Bp. of Worcefter. Tit. ii. 1 1-13. 4"i-:34. Prop, of Gofpel. ^cell's. Camli. Pf. cxxvi. 6, 4° 1736. Ref. Manners. The Love of our Country recommended, ^eeris, Camb. Matt. XXV. 36. 4° 1739. Wejiminjler-lvi^xmzxj. Pf. cxi.4. 4° 1739. Acceffion. b. Lords. Job xxix. 16. 4° 1741. Ann. meet. Char. School. Rein's. Cam. Ruth ii, 20. 4° 1742. b. Sons of the Clergy. I^ieeri's. iZ-Ainh. * Ezraix. 9. 4°i742. Mav 29. b. Lards. '- ■• ' ' rf. xli. I. 4*^1743. Z,c/;d'j;/- Infirmary The Duty and Advanta^^es of encouraging public Infirmaries. V/adh Ox ^ec^s Cam^. Lukexi.2. 4" 1744. Lotidon laiirma-iy. Wadh Ox. .^'aeen^s. Q. 'in, Pf. Hi. 1,2. 4° I 746. Th. alier Rebellion. If on. Oxon. fern's. Camb Brit. JSl. Gal.vi. 9, 10. 4" 1748- //'(5r(:^y?^r-Infirmary. Jfai. xi. 13. 4° 1749. Irift Prot. School, i^eetis. CI H. Camb. Wore. Oxon. Job V. 16. 4° 1750. Spitt. M, /Ills. Oxon. l^ueen's. Cai.i:i. Jfai.lviii. 7. 4^1752 Small pox-Hofp. ^eeti^s Camb. E'on. *Pf. xxvii. I 2. 4" 1753. Hofp. ^een< Camb. MAGILL Mofes, M. A. Curate of bt. Mary's, DuL'lin. Judg. V. 2,3. 4° 1746. Th. after Rebellion. MAJENDIE J. J. one of the Preachers of the Savoy, and ChapL to the Earl qf C^rantham. * 2 Lor. v. 9-1 1. 8° 174.1, '. e But. des AfHiflions. Aftsxv. 10. 4° 1745. Rebellion. The Yoke of the Church of Rome proved to be infuifferable. fAO.;^ * Pf cxxiv. 6,7. 4°i75(;. Nov. 5. The double Deliverance. MAINWARING Edward, M. A. Preb. of Cheiter. * - - - - 1762. Acceffion. MAINWARING John. B. D. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. and R. of Church. Stretton, Salop. * Serm. in B'' 1780, Camb. On feveral Occa/ions. MJLBON Samuel *Matt.xvi.27. 8°i673. zf. Xt's Appearance in Judgment. 5(?d'. * Difc. in 12° 1 715. [MALEVERER ] 2Sam.xv. 12. 4°i683. Th. Sep. 9. Achitophel's Policy defeated. MALLERT Thomas Gen xviii.37. 4° 1677, m. e. C. p. 350. How muft we have fuitable Conceptions of God in Duty. MALTON William, M-A. R. of South Collingham, Nottinghamf. Rev. xiii. 14. 4° 171 5. Fun, of Lady Cauh. Neville. MALTUS Farmerie, Cur. of St. Mary Magdalen Dermondfey, Surrey and of Wymefwould, Leiccfterf. *Rom.xii. 10. 4° 1752. b. Gregorians. *Matt.vii.2i. 8° 1762. The Goipel -Terms of Salvation by Xt. MANBY Peter, Dean of Derry. * Matt, iv. 2. 4° 1682, Dublin. Afhwednefday. MANGEY 222 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER MANGEY Thomas, DD. Preb. of Durham. Lvkexvi.9. 8°i7i6. Gh. f. The wife Steward. Sion. Praft. Difc. in S^i;!/. On the Lord's Prayer. Univ, C.C.C. , Magd. Oxon. keen's. St. John's. Lamb. Pf.xciii 5. 4° 1719. Conf. of Church. The Holincfs of Xtian Churches Wore. Oxon. iclueeii's. Camb. Sion. Heb.xiii.8. 4°i7i9. Vif. The eternal Exiftence of our Lord, jefus Chrift. ^teen's. Camb. Sicn. Matt. i. 23. 8"i7i9. Chrirtmas. Plain Nations of our Lord's Divinity. Wore Oxon. keen's. Camb. Ifai. Ivii. I. 4° 1720. Jan. 30. b. Commons. The providential Sufferings of good Men. JUS. Magd. Line. Wore. Oxon. ^een's. Camb. Matt xi. 5. 8° 1726. Ann. meeting Char. School. The Gofpcl preached to the poor, ^een's. Camb. Pf. xxix. 2. 8° 1729. Hutchin's Left. The Duty and Method of honouring God as contained in the Common Prayer of the Church of England, ^leer^ s Camb. Ecclef.xi. 1,2. 8°i73i. Spitt. W. The Rules of public Charity. Mal.ii. 7. 4" 1733. ^- S°"s °^ ^^^ Clergy. The Ufefulnefs and Authority of the Chrillian Clergy's Inllruftions. ^eetis. Cam. MANN llaac, Y^Ti. Arch-Deacon of Dublin. *Pf. cxxii. 1,2. iz°ij6(). Open. St. Catherine's Church, Dublin. MANNINGHAM Thomas, Bp. of Chichcfter. Pf. cxix. 67. 8'' 1679. b. Lord Mayor. Of Affliftions. il%^. C. C. C. Oxon. Sion. Eton. Pf. cxix. 67. 8" 1679. b. Lord Mayor. Of Affliflions. Magd. C.C.C. Oxon. Pui. L. ^/ee/i's. Camb. SioK Eton. Pf. ciii. I. 4° 1 68 1 Trin. f. Of Praife and Adoration. C.C.C. Oxon. Pui. L. ^eeiis. Lamb. Sicn. Pf. ii. I. 4°i685. May 29. At the Rolls. Wore. C.C.C. Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. Sljieens. Camb. Sion. Pf.lxxix. 8. 4° 1084. Jan 30. C.C.C. Oxon. Pub.L. ^leen's. Camb. Sion. Phil. iv. 8. 4° 1686. County-Fealt. C. C. C. Ox. ^een's. C. Sion. Pf. XV. 1,2. 4° 1687. Fun. of Sir John Norton. Bod. Magd. C. C.C. Oxon. Pub. L. ^eens. St. John^s. Camb. Sion. Ifai. Ivi. 7. 4° 1692. b. Queen. Of public Worfhip. Ch. Ch. Univ. Oxon. Trin, Camb. Sion. Aftsxvii 22 4° 1692. Nov. 5. b. Commons. The Nature and Effeds of Supcrllition. Ch. Ch. Magd. Oxon. Pub. L. St. John's. Camb. Sion. Luke XV. 7. 4° 1693. b. Queen. A Comparifon between a jull Perfon and a ferious Penitent. Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Ox. Pub. L, Tiin. Camb, Sion. Prov. viii. 12. 4° 1694. b. Queen. Of religious Providence. Bod. Ch. Ch. Pub. L. Camb. ^ion. Pf. cxxxix. 23, 24. 4° 1694. Of Integrity of Heart. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sion. Aracs O F A U T H O R S, &c. 223 Amosviii.9,10, 4° 1695. Roy. Fun. Ch.Ch. Magd. Ox. Tub.L, Trin. St. John's. Cl.H. Camb. Sion. Pf. Ixxxii. 6,7. 4° 1695. Roy. Fun. Zion. I Cor. ii. 6. 4° 1701. Lend. Cone, ad CI. Magd. Oxon. Puh.L. Trin. ^een's. St. Jehu's. Camb, I Cor.ii.9. 4" 1 703. Fun. of Lady Dorothy Norton. Ch. Ch. Ox. Ifai.xxvi.p. 4° 1704. On the late Storm. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Brit.M. Rom. viii. 6. 4° 1706. b. Queen. Ch. Ch. Maga. Hert. Oxon. 'Trin. Camb. Sion. Ecclef. vii. i. 4" 1706, Fun. of Dr. Umphreville. T'rin. Camb. Rom.xiv. 7. 8° 1707. Th. for Union. Htrt. Oxon. Sion. Pf. xlvi. 10, 11. i°i7o8, b. Queen. Th. for \ iftory. Julyn. M'orc. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Siott. iCor. XV. 28. 6° 1708. b. Queen. Univ. Oxon. Trin. keen's. Camb. Brit.M. Ecclef. vii. 14. 4° 1709. Th. b. Queen. Ch.Ch. Magd. Hert. Oxon. Pub. L. ^leens. Camb. Brit. M. Col. i. 1 1. 8"i7i3. Farewel. Pub. L. Slueen's. Camb. Prov. xxiv. 21. 4"^ 1722. Jan. 30. MANNINGHAM Thomas, DD. Preb. of Weftniinfter. Matt.xiii. 58. 4" 1724. Con. Acad, pro Grad. Doft. ^een^s. C. MANSELL John, L.L.B. R. of Furthoe, Northamptonf. Pf Ixxxii. I. 4° 1694. Affize. Or. Oxon. Pub.L. ^teeris. Cam. iTim. i. 16. 4° 1694, Vif. Or. Oxon. Fub.L. Slueens, Camb. MANSTON Jofeph, of Exeter, Devon. * 2 Cor xi. 26. 8° I 718. Exon. The Perils from falfe Brethren. St. J%hn''s. Camb. MANTON -Th-jmas, DD. Miniller of the Gofpel in London. 2Thefr.ii. 15. 4" 1675. m e. P. p. 149. The Scripture fufE- cient without unwritten Tradition. A6ts ii. 38. 4° 1676. f. m. e. C. p. 191. How ought we to im- prove our Baptii'm. *Rom.v. 6. 4° 1676. m. e. G. p. 144. Man's Impotency to help himfclf out of Mifery. Matt. XV. 7, 8. 4° 1677. m. e. C. p. 390. How we may cure Diftraftions in holy Duties. *Di(c. in 4° 1678. *Difc. in 8° 1685. * Difc. in 4 Vol. 1 69^. and 1 708. J * Phil. i. 27. 8° 1726. Farewel. Brit.M. MAPLETOFT John, DD. V. of St. Lawrence Jewry, London, 'i Theff. V. 17, 18. 4° 1687. A Perfuafive to the conl'cientious frequenting of the daily public Prayers of the Church of Eng- land Bod. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. Lukexii. 21. 4" 1695. Spitt W. The rich man's Bounty, the true meafure of his WifJom. Ch, Ch. Oxon, Pub, L. keen's. Camb. Brit. M. I Sam. 224 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER I Sam. ii. 30. 4° 1700. Ref. of Manners. Matt.vii. 12. 4''t7I4. Affize. CL H. Camb. MARCH John, B. D. V. of St. Nicholas, New Caftlc. Matt. xxi. 9. 4° 1666. Advent. Judges xix. 30. 4° 1677. Jan. 30. Jef. Oxon. Siofi. Pf. xxxiv. II. 4° 1682. Ch. f. Erea". a Char-Sch. Ck.Cb. Ox. Matt. vii. 15,16. 4"i6S3. Jan. 30. Hofeaiii.5. 4° I 684. May 29. I 2 Serm. in 4° 1693. To which is added an Ailize Serm. %°i6(^r), Trin. Slireeiis. Canib. MARIOTT Thomas, M.A. R. of Canfieid, Effex. 1 Sam. XV. 23. 4" 1661. John XX. 9, 4° 1689. Barter, b. Lord Mayor. Bod. Puh.L. St. Jobfi's. Camb. Sion. Luke xi. 17. 4° 1689. Eledl. Lord Mayor. The Danger of Divi- fion, and Neceffity of Union. St. John s. Camb MARKHAM William, Abp. of York. * 2 Tim. i. 7. 4°i7i;2. Conf of Bp. Johnfon. Bod. Ex. Oxon. ^uee/i's. Camb. Brit. M. * Col. ii, 8. 4" 1769. Lotid. Cone, ad CI. Braz.N. Wore. Oxon. *i Cor. iii, 9. 4° 1773. i?tf^/(r/z^M O F A U T H O R S, &c. 229 MAUIDEN J of Burwell, Camb. *Prov. iii.9. 8° 1738, Colleaion for • the Support of poor Minifters &c. *Prov.iii.6. 8° 1762. Ag. Inoculation. S!uce7i^s. Camb. MAULE Henry, Bp. of Meath. Pf. cxxiv. 5. 4" 1733. Dublin. {Lond. \z°) Anniv. of Deliver- ance from Pop. JUS, JVorc. Ox. Pub.L. %een's. Ca. Brit.M. MAUNDPvELL Henry, M. A. Fell, of Ex. Coll. Oxon. and Chapl. to the Fadlory at Aleppo. Ecclef. vii. 16, 17. 4° 1690. Levant Co. ^ce?is. Camb. Eton. [MAURICE Antoine] *Dirc. in 8"" 1722. MAURICE David, B. D. formerly Chapl. of New Coll. Oxon. Matt, xii. 20 4° 1700. The bruiied Reed. Jef. Oxon. Sion. MAURICE Henry, DD. Margarct-Proieffor of Divinity Oxon. and Preb. of Worceiler. Ifai.xxxvii 3. 4° 1681. (8° 1764,) Jan. 30. b. King. Bod. MS. Ch. Lh. Ex. Wore. St. Johns. Camb. MAURICE Matthias * - . . 1736. Open. Meeting-Houfe, MAURICE Peter, M.A, Fell, of Jef. Coll. Oxon. Dean of Bangor. Tit.ii, 15. 8° 1728. The true Caufes of the Contempt of chrif- tian Miniiters. Bod. Wadh. Oxon. ^cell's. Camb. Brit. M. MAURICE T B. A. of Univ. Coll. Oxon. *Jerxviii. 8. 8° 1779. Fall. MAWER John, DD. *Rev. i. 8. 8° 1735. Vif. May 6. iCor. v. 7,8. 8° 1 736. TorL Palm S. The Nature and defign of the Lords Supper. *Rom.xi. 22. 8° 1737. Roma Meretrix. Deut. XX. 1,2 8° 1741. The Prieft of War among the Hebrews. MAWSON Matthias, Bp. of Chicheiler. Matt. vii. 12. 4° I 723. Sch. Feall. Eton. Rom.xiii. I. 4° 1733. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Wore. Oxon, 1 Sam. vii. 6. 4° i 740. Fail. b. Lords Feb. 4. .^W.f. Camb. iCor. vii. 17. 4° 1741. Spitt. M. Recti's. Camb. Rom.x. 14,15. 4° 1743. Prop- Gofpel. AllS. Ox. ^een's. Cam, James iii. 16. 4° 1746. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Mifchiefs of Divi- fions. ^ueen^s. Camb. Prov. xix 6. 4° 1750. Lo?idon-Infirma.Ty, Wadh. Oxon. MAXWELL Henry, Bp. of Dromore. *Gal.vi.9. 4° 1770. Irifli Piot. School. MAXWELL J A Layman. *Ifai. Ixi. 1-3. 8° 1757. Chriftmas. MAXWELL James, Chapl. to the Afylum. * I Tim. V. 8. 4° 1759. ^' Gov. of Chriit-Hofp. * Rom. xii. I 5. 4° 1763. b. Gov. of the Alylum. ^AT William * 6 Serm. in 8° 1 744. To young People. * 20 Praa. Serm. in S" 1757, ' M^^^- 230 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER MATHEIV Jonathan, DD. Pallor of Weft Ch. Bofton, New England. *Serm. in 4 Vol, 8° 1750. Dr Ws's L. London. *Matt. XXV. 21. 8''i754. Eleftion. *Serm. in 8° 1756. *Pf. cxxvi. 3. 8° 1759. 2 f. The Reduc. of Quebeck. ^eeris. C. *Amosiii, 8. 8" 1760, Pire ac Bofton. *Pf. cxxiv. 7,8. 8° 1767. Repeal of the Stampt-Acl. S>ueens. C, *i5Serm.in 2V0I. 8°i767. ToyoungMcn. Bod. Pub L.Q.Sion. * - - - - 1770 2 f . A Name in Heaven, fureft Ground of Joy. PubliiTied by The Rev Mr. Toplady. MAYNARD Edward, YiD. of Magd. Coll. formerly Preacher at Lincoln's Inn, now R. of Boddington, Northamptonf 10 Serm. &c, i Vol. 8° 1722. V/ith 2 Difcourfes on natural and revealed Religion- Ch. Cb. Magd. Oxon. 14 Serm. and 2 Vol. 8° 1724. Cb.Cb. M^gd. Oxon. MAYNE Jafper, DD. Canon of Ch. Ch. Oxon. and Chapl. in Ord. iTim.iv, 14. 4° 1662. Conf. ofBp. Croft. Univ. Bal. Or. Magd. Wore. Oxon. Trin. Camb Brit. M. Gal. v. I. 4° 1664. Oxon. Cone, ad Acad. Bod. Univ. Oxon. MATNE Zachariah X * Rom. vi. 22. 4° 1693. Brit. M. MAYN WARING Roger, Vt'd. Ecclcf. viii. 2. [4" 1627.) 2 f . reprinted 8° 1709. Religion and Allegiance. Magd. Woic. Oxon. 5ion. UAYO Daniel, M. A. *Matt. xxviii. 19, 20. 8° 171 3. On Baptifm. * I Pet. i. 24, 2v 8*" 1723. * 2 Cor.iv. 7. 8° 1732. Fun. of Rev. Edm. Calamy. keen's. Cam. MATO Richard, M. A. Minifter of the Gofpel in London. Rom. X. 14. 4° 1675. m.e.P. p. 519. Invocations of Saints and Angels unlawful. 2Cor. xii.7. 4° 1683. C. m. e. p. 452. To prevent and cure fpiritual Pride. Bod. Pub. L. Camb. Heb. ii. I 5. 4° 1690. C. m. e. p. 64. From what Fear of Death are the Children of God delivered by Chrift, and by what means doth he deliver them from it ? Bod. Pub.L. Camb. MAYO Richard, V. of Great K-imbel, Bucks, afterwards Mi- nifter of St. Thomas's Hofpitai, Southwark. Aflsxx. 32. 12° 1707. Farewel. 2 Cor. V.I. 4°!7o8. Fun. of Lady Diana Adiurfli. Bod. Pub.L. C. MAYO Richard, DD. R. of St. Michael's, Crooked Lane and Chap, to Lady Torrington. Micahvi. 4. 8° 1723. b. Lord Mayor. Anniv. of Queen Eliza- beth's AccefTion. Heb iv. 14. 4" 1724. Conf. of Bp. Clavering. Or. Oxon. Br. M. [MAYO William] * Prov. xxix. i. I2°17C0. Ref of Manners. MAYS Chriftopher, M. A. of King's Coll. Camb. 2 Sam. xxii, 48. 8° 1746. Camb, Th. after Rebellion. MEAD OF AUTHORS, ^:c. 231 MEAD Hemy, Afternoon Preacher at Trin. Church in the Minories, London. *Phil. ii. 6-8. 8" 1780. Chrift both God and Man. MEAD Matthewy Pallor of a Church of Chrift at Stepney — of Sepulchre's, London, before the Ejeflion. 1662. Ephef. V. 15, 16. 4° 1660. TrtJi. Camb. I Cor, i. 3. 4° 1662. Farew. f. The Paflor's Valediclion. *Aclsxxvi. 28. 8° 1666. 1 {. The almoft Chriftian. ^r/i-.-^lf. * i.am. iii. 27. 8° 1683. Good of early Obedience. * Ezek. X. 13. 4° 1689. Vifion of the Wheels. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Jobxxxiii. 23,24. 4° 1 691. Fun. of Tho. Ro/ea'cll. Sion. Rom.viii. 1 1 . 4" 1698. Fun. of Rev. Timothy Crufo. * Luke i. 26,27. 8° 1740. V Difc. on conj. Duty. V, i. p. 123. MEAD Norman, M. A. Led. of St. Vedall Fofter Lane, Preb. of Line, and Chaplain to the Lord Mayor. Ifai. vii. 5-7. 4° 1745. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. Exod. xviii. 21.4" 1746. Sept. 29. Eleft. Lord Mayor. 2Chron. xx. 27,28. 4° 1746. Th. b. Ld Mayor, after RebelL MEADE3 William, R. of Rampton, Cambridgcihire. I Cor. X. 1 I. 4" 1750. b. Lord Mayor. Faft. for Fire of Lond. MEADOWCOURT Richard, M. A. Fell, of Mert. Coll, Oxon. and Preb. of Worcefter. iTim.i. ;. 8° 1721. The Duty of Preachers explained &c. /F'W,^. Oxon. keen's. Camb. Eton. Aasvi.9-11. 8° 1722. The finful Caufes, and fatal Effefts of the praftice of Calumny and Defamation in religious Contro- verfies. Wudh. Wore. Oxon. ^leens. Camb. * Heb, xiii. 3. 8° 1753. /-/Vf^^r-Infirmary. Pf. Ixxvi. 19. 4° 1723. The Ground and Rule of interpreting &c. extraordinary Events, ^eeris. Camb. Johnxvii. 17. 8° 1724. Nature of Truth defined &c. Or. Oxon. ^teen's. Camb. Brit. M. Prov. xxiv. 21. 8° 1726. Nov. 5. At Weftminiler-Abby. .^^^»'j. Camb. Eton. Pf. iv, 4. 8° 1729. b. Ld May. Self-communion recommended. Pi. cvi. 34,35. 8°I740. Nov. 5. Popery di farmed ^4een"s. dm. Haggaii. 5. 8° 1744. Faft. The Duty of confidering our Ways. Pi. X.I. 8° 1745. ^'^^' The Caufes of our national Dangers and DiftrelTes affigncd. Brit. M. Pf. cxxix. I, 2. 8^1746. Nov. 3. The Rife and Progrcfs and Effedls of papal Power. MEADOWS Samuel * Prov. xviii. 10. 8° 1765. Fun. *Prov. xxiv. 30-32. 8° 1768. Warning to Sluggards. MEDCALF Augulline, M.A. Minifter of Berwick, SuITex, and Preb. ot Lhicheiter. Phil. iv. 4 24" 1079 MEDE Jofeph, B.D. Fell, of Ch. Coll. Camb. His Works fo. 1672. Bvd, Oriel. Oxon. King's, ^een's. CI. H. Camb. Sion, M*FJR- 232 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER M'FJRLJN John, DD. of Canongate. *Rom.xii. lo. 12° 1779. 2 f. On kind AfFeflions. V. Scotch Pr. V. 3. p. 95. [M'GEORGE William] * Serm. in 8° 1729. MEDLEY Samuel * Prov.iii. 14. 8° 1778. The fpiritual Merchant defciibed, and the Gain of true Godlinefs proved. MEGGOT Richard, DD. Dean of Winchefter and Chapl. in Ord. Johnv. 14. 4° 1662. May 29. The new cured Cripple's Caveat. Jobxiv. 14. 4° 1663. Fun. of Dean Hardy. Brit.M. Tit i. 16. 4° 1675. b. King. Bud. Univ. Oxon. Sion. Ecclel. iii. (i.or) 2i.'4°i6S3. Lent. C.C.C. Oxon. Eton. Sion» * Pi. xi. 3. 4° 1674. ^leejis. Oxon. * Gen ii. 28. 12° 1740. V. Difc. on conj. Duty. V. 2. p. 541. 10 Serm. in 8° 1696. On feveral Occalions. Ch.Ch. i^eens. Or, Bnl. Oxon. Piib.L. Camb. Dr.WisL. London. » MELDRUM George * Pf, cxxxvii. 5,6. 4° 1690. MELVIL Thomas, M.A. Zach. viii. 17. 8''i7i9. Affize. MENZIES John. Profeffor of .Civinity in Aberdeen. Pf. xc. 12. 4° 1 68 1. Edinburgh. Fun. MERITON Henry, R. of Oxborough, Norfolk. I Sam.x. 24. 4® 1696. Coron. April 11. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sion. MERITON John, DD. R. of St. Michael's, Cornhill, London. Ecclef. X. 20. 4° 1660. Jan. 30. Curfe not the King. Trin. Cam, Jofh. i. vii. 4° 1673. b. Artillery Co. Religio Militis. *Phil.ii. 8 4°i676. m. e. G. p. 211. Clirilt's Humiliation. MERITON John, M. A. V. of St. Ives, Huntingdon, and R. of St. Mary Bothavv, Lond. Rom. xiii. 5. 4° 1670. Aflize. The Obligation of a good Con- fcience to civil Obedience. Bad. Matt. iii. 8,9. 4° 1677. b. King. MERITON Thomas, R. of St. Nicholas, Coleabby. London. Job xiv, 12. 4° 1690. Fun. of Sir Chrift. Lethieullier. Brit. M, MERREl. Zachary *Mal. iii. 16. 12° 1709. Ref. of Manners. MERRICK James, M.A. of Trin Coll. Oxon. Prov. ix. 1-6. 4^1744. Oxon Differtation. MERRICK M. Marfhal, L.L B- Left, of St. Ann's, Weftminfler, and Chapl. to the Earl of Verney. * John XV. 5. 4° 1753. The Parable of the Vineyard — and Chrift the true Vine. * Matt. xix. 9. 4° 1754. 2 f. Marriage, a divine Inftitution. *Jerem. xiv. 12. 4° 1761. Fail. A national Faft, a national Mockery of God, without Amendment in Principle and Pradl. MICHEL Humph. M. A, R of St, Giles's at Blallon, Leicelter. Ifai, xlix. 25. 4*^1702. Coron. Bod. Rom. OF AUTHORS, &c. 233 Rom. xiii. 5. 4° 1702. 2 f. St. Paul's triumphant Confutation of all the late Jacobitical Schifm and Sedition. Bod, 2 *^am. i. 14. 4^ 1702. 2 f. Jan. 30. Bod. MICHEL L Ch. • Heb. xiii. 17. Vif. MICHEIX Gilbert, M.A. R. of Breadfall near Derby. Tit, ii, 1 1, 12. 8" 1731. The Defign of publifhing the Gofpel. 20 Difc. in 8° 1737. The Laws and Liberties of the Gofp. &c. MICKLEBOURGH John, B.D. Miniller of St. Andrew the Great, Camb. * I Theff iii. 10. 8° 1751. For a general Work-houfe. ^eer!s, Camb. Brit. M. MIDDLETON Erafmus, Left, at St. Bennet's Grace Church- llreet, London. *Ephefii.8. 8° 1775. Fun. of Tho. Jackfon. Grace triumphant. MIDDLETON John, DD. of Mert. Coll. Oxon. Led. of St. Bride's, and R. of St. Peter's Cornhill, London. Pf. cvi. 48. 4" 1730. May 29. b. Lord Mayor. The Duty and Excellence of Thankfgiving, Wore. Oxon. ^teen's. Camb. Prov. xxix. 2. 4° 1732. Eled. of Lord Mayor. A good Magif- trate, a public Blcffing. Wore. Oxon. Brit. M. MIDDLETON P * Gen. xxii. i 2. 8° 1740. Cafe of Abraham's being commanded by God to offer up his Son Ifaac. ff'orc. Oxon. MILBOURNE Luke, M. A. R. of St. Ethelberg and Led. of St. Leonard Shoieditch, London. Aftsxxv. 8. 4° 1682. Jan. 30. The Originals of Rebellion — or the Ends of Separation. Sion. Ezra iv. 1-5. 4° 1683. Th. Sept. 9. Samaratanifm revived. 7>/«, St.Johris. Camb. I Cor. xiii. 3. 4° 1698. b. Lord Mayor. A falfe Faith not jufti- fied by Care of the poor. St. JohTis. Camb. Sion. Phil. iv. 9. 4° 1699. Farewel. Judgesv. 12. 4° 1704. Th. Sept. 7. Great Britain's Acclamation. to her Deborah. Zech.i.5. 4° 1704. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Copping. The Mortality of God's Prophets ; and what good Chriftians ought to learn from it. I Cor. XV. 19. 4° 1704. Fun. of Dr. Symfon. The Hope of a future Life, the fole Foundation of a Chriftian's Happinefs. St. John's. Camb. Sion. I Pet. ii. 17. 4° 1704. County Feaft. ChrilHan good Fellowfhip. Kom. xiii. i. 8° 1707. Jan. 30. The People, not the Original of civil Power. Hert. Oxon. 7rin. Camb Sion. Eton. Ifai.xiv. 2P,2i. 8° 1 708. Jan. 30. Trin. St. John''}. Cam. Brit. M. Afts XXV. 10, 1 1. 8° 1709. Debtor and Creditor made .eafv. St. John's. Camb. Rom. xiii. 2. 8° 1710. Jan. 30. Line. Oxon. 1 Sam.xxiv. 13. 8°i7ii. Jan. 30. Line. Oxon, Vol. IL G g Gen. 23+ AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Gen.xlix. 5-7. 8° 1712. Jan. 30. Rom.xiii.3. 8° 1713. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. Of Charity. Matt xxii. 21. 8° 1 71 2. May 29. 2 Chron.xxix. 30. 8° 1713. b. Co. of Parifli Clerks. Pfalmody recommended. Eton. Ifai. Ivii. 19-21. 4°i7i3. Th. for Peace. Peace the Gift of God. 8ion. 2 Sam. i. 16. 8° 1714. Jan. 30. St.John^s, Camb. Heb.xi.38. 8° 1714. Royal Fun. Prov.xxiv. 21,22. 8°i7i5. Jan 30. St. John's. Camb. Sion. Matt. XXV. 46. 8° 1715. Land. Cone dux ad CI. Zw/^/. De ^ter- nitate Psenarum gehennalium. zCor. i. 12. 8° I 71 5. Cone, ad Cler. John xviii. 36.-8" 1716. Jan. 30. Ifai. i. 26. 4"i7i6. May 29. Rom. iii. 8. 8°i7i7. Jan. 30. iPec. ii. 15. 8° 1719. Jan. 30. Nehem.ix, 33. 8° 1720. Jan. 30. MILES Henry *Heb. xiii. 16. 8° 1738. b. Society for the Relief of Widows of diffenting Miniilers. Pub. L. Camb. MILL John, DD. Principal of Edniond-Hall, Oxon. and Chaplain in Ord. Lukei, 28. 4° 1676. On the Fealt of the blefled Virgin. Univ. keen's. Ox on. Sion. MILLECHAM? Richard, M. A. R. of Rudford, Glouceft. and V. of great Marlow, Bucks. * I Cor, xvi. 13. 8° 1703. 1 Tim.i. 19. 4° 1705. Affize. Eton. James V. 9. 4° 1708. Affize, The Unreafonablenefs and Danger of grudging. Either ix. 21. 4°! 711. Fun of Mr. James Harman. MILLER James, of Wadh. Oxon. 22 Scrm. in 8° 1749. On various Subjedls. Wadh. Oxon. MILLES Jeremiah, DD. Dean of Exon. Luke V. 31. 8", 1748. b. Gov. of De'von and Excn Hofp. Eton. Brit. M. MILLES Thomas, Bp. of Waterford. 1 Pet. iiiti4. 8° 1701. Oxon. Jan. 30. Bod. Ch,Ch. Magd, Jef, Oxon. Pub.L. St. Jchjii. Camb. Jude3. 4° 1707. Oxen. Coram Acad. Ox. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Jef, Oxon. Pub. L. C&r.\h. MILLS Benjamin 2 Pet. i. 13,14- 8° 1733- '74»' Nov. 5. MILLS Thomas. B, A. late of Pemb. Coll. Oxon, * Matt. XXV. 40. 8° 1781. In behalf of the Sufferers by the late Fire in the Strand. MILLS William, M. A. * Rev. ii. 5. S'' 1741. Fun. of Rev. Mr. "John Gajpine. OF AUTHORS, &c. 235 MILNE Colin, L.L.D. R, of North Chapel, Suflex, Lefturer of St. Paul's Deptford, and Preacher at the Lying Inn Hofp. Lond. *Rom.xiv.7. 8°i-78. b. Humane Society. * 9 Serm. in 8" 1780. MILNE R John, DD. Minifter of the Gofpel at Peckham, Surrey. 2 Cor. i. 24. 8° 1739. Ord. The Principles of religious Liberty ailcrted, and the Abufe of them diiclaimed. * Ecclef,iii, 2. 8" 1743. Ch, New Year's-day. Brit.M. Pf. CV.42. 8° 1745. Rebellion. *Lukexvii. 17,18. 8° 1746. Th. *Phil.ii.20. 8°i756. Ord. The pafloral Care. ^leen's. Camb. *Aftsxx.25. 8" 1746. Fun. *Pf.xxvi.8-io. 8°i748. Fall. 2 f . *Matt. xviii. 20. 8° 1748. Chrift's Promife to his Church. Jobxiv. 2. 8° 1749. Fun. The fading r lowers of life. *Rev.xiv. 13. 8" 1749. ^^n. of Dr. I/a^c IVaHj. j^cen^s. Cam. Luke vii. 22, 23. 8° 1750. 3 f . On the Honour and Happinefs of the poor. 2 Tim. iv. 7,8. 8° 1750. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Thomas Coad. Ifai.xxvi. 20,21. 8° 1750. On the Earthquake. * Serm. in 1 2° 1751 . * iTim.iv. 16. 8°i755. Ord. %^^/;V. Camb. *Matt.xvi. 3. 8"'i757. Faft. MILNER William, M.A. V. of Shephall, Herts, and Preb. of York. Rev.xiv. 13. 4" 1698. Fun. of Mrs. Eliz. Fifher. Si.Johi's. Camb. Brit. M. MILNER William, M.A. Chapl. to the Bp. of Chefler. 2Cor. vi.3. 8° 1708, Conl of Bp. Dawes. Univ. Magd. Hert. Oxon. ^leen'j. St.Jobr/s. CI. H. Camb. Sien. MILWARD Jchn, M.A. Fell, of C, C. C. Oxon. Matt. xxii. 39. 4° 1676. f. m. e. C. p-4i. How ought we to love our Neighbour as ourfelves. Bod. * Rom. xii. 21. 4" 1683. C. m. e, p. 553. To do our Duty. MILWAY Thomas Zach.i. 5,6. 4° 1692. Fun. of Francis Holcroft. Bod. Brit.M, MILWAY Thomas *Phil. iii 9. 8" 1751. The Righteoufnefs of Faith explained, * - - - - 1761. MITCHELL. Andrew, M. A. MiniRer of the Gofpel at Muirkirk * . - - - 1765. MITCHELL Jonathan Some Serm. in 4° 1677. Bod. Piib.L, Camb, MITCHELL John, M. A. * - - - - 1745. Th. MITCALFE Phil. P. of the Society of Jefus. *Matt.viii. 26. ^'^1688. Th. New Caftle upon Tyne. T'/^y.Z:. C. MOGRIDGE Anthony, B, A. V. of Himbleton, Worcefter. *Matt.xxiii. 1-3. 8° 1766. The Rules of Behaviour which Xt G g 2 has 236 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER has commanded his Difciples to obferve, when the Praftice of the chief Pallors and Guides in the Church of God is mani- feftly contrary to what they preach. MOIR Henry * Difc. in 12° 1759. MOIR John * 7 Difc. in 12° 1776, On pradical Subjeds. Bod. Sion. MOISES Edward, R. of Kegworth, Nottinghamf! Ifai. xxxii. 17. 8° 1736. Affize. MOLE Thomas, Miniiler at Uxbridge Middlefex. *Pf.xi.7. 1732. Foundation of Virtue. Brit.M. * Jonah iii. 8,9. 8° 1745. Rebellion. * - - - - 1776- Repentance. * - - - . 1778. MONCRIEF Alexander * Diic. in 1757- MONOUX Lewis, M.A. R. of Sanby, Bedfordf. John iv. 48. 8° 1733. \ if. Chriftianity proved and fupported by a fufucient Evidence Sec. ^teen''s. Camb. Pf ci. 2. 8° 1745. Vif. Underftanding in the way of Godlinefs. Lukeii. 5Z. 4°i75i. School Feaft. A/IS. Cxon. MONRO Alexander, DD. Principal of the Coll. of Edinburgh. 13 Serm in 4° 1693. On feveral Occalions. Bed. C.C.C. NezoC. Bat. Pub. L, Camb. Sion, Dr. Wis. L. London. MONTGOMERY J Chapl to the loth. Infantry. * Ezek.xxxjii. 1 1. 8°i78o. Anniv. of Queen Elizabeth's Releafe from the Tower. MOODY Samuel, DD. R. of Dudinghurfl. EfTex. Jonah iii. 10. 8" 1723. Th. f. PI. XXXV 11,12. 4° 1733. Jan 30. b. Lord Mayor. ^eeris.C Gen. xviii 25. 4° 1736. Affize. The impartial Juilice of the divine Adminiftration. Matt. V. 13. 8" 1749. Cant. Cone, Acad. MOOR John, Carate of Briflngton, Somerfetf. * Sev. Term, in 12° 1696. Sin of Corah, Dathan and Abiram, MOOR John, Bp. of Bangor. * I Pet.ii. 17. 4° 1777. Jan. 30 b, Lords. * 2 Chron. XV. 2. 4° 1781. Fait. b. Lords. MOORE Benjatnin, M.A. * 2Kings ii. 12. 8° 17 Fun. MGORfc George, M.A. Canon Refidentiary of Exon. * Malt. v. 48. 4° 1770. b. Gov. of Devon and Exon Hofp. MOORE Henry *Pf. xviii. 50. 8° 1746. Th. MOORE Jean *Rev. xiv. 13. 12° 1782- MOORE John, bp. of Ely. * Serm. in 2V0I. 8°i7i5. MOORJi OF AUTHORS, &c. 237 MOORE Philip, R. of Kirk-Brides. *Pf. cxii.6. 17 Fun. of Bp. Wilfon. V. the Bp's works. 4° 1 781. Vol. 2. (MOORE Richard] l*H^h't'^!' { ^°'^7S' F"n. of T. Hall. Brit. M. MOORE Thomas Hcb. xiii.4. 4° 1677. Fornication condemned, MORE Henry, DD. Fell, of Chrill's Coll. Camb. and Preb. of Gloucefter. Difc. in 8° i' 92. On feveral Texts of Scripture. Bo>eiinons 240 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER * Sermons to Minifters of State in 8° 1781. MUSCUT'r James, M. A. late R. of little Straughton, EedfordH and Fell, of C. C. C. Oxon. * 12 Serm. in 8° 1760. On feveral Subjeds. C.C.C. AllS. Ox. MUSGRAVE William *Tit.iii. I. 4° 1766. Vif. MUTFER Thomas, V. D. M. of Dumfries. * John i. 14. I 2° I 776. The Charadler of Chrift. V. Scotch Pr. V. 2. p. 21. MYNORS Willoughby, M..A. ' Pf. Ixxiii. ! 2, 1 3. 8° 17 I 6. Comfort under Affliflion. Ifai XXX. 10. 8° 1 7 16. True Loyalty, ^/eens. Camb. Siott. Ezra ix. 13, 14. 8" 1717. May 29. MYONNETT John, DD. R. ot Swafield, Lincoln, and V/eft-Til- bury, Efl'ex, Rev. xiv. 13. 8" 1725. Fun. of his Mother. Eton. ' Gal. V. 13. 8° 1 734. Aflize. The Nature and Grounds of civil Liberty. I Their. V. 21. 8° 1736. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. Brit. M. * - - - - 1766. N. G. *Rom.viii. 38,39. 4° 1663. V. Coll. of Farew. f. N. J. M. A. ----- 1706. Th. at Sea for Succefs. June 27. N. T. John V. 24. 4° 1686. Fun. of Mr. Bond. NADEN Thomas, M. A. 1 Cor. xii. 25. 8° 1712. To reduce Diffenters. Ch. Ch, Oxon, [NAILOR J ] * Matt. vii. 5. 8° 1662. Ref. of Manners. NAILOUR William 2 Sam. iii. 38. 4° 1675. Commem. for the Hon. Charles Caven- difh flain 1643. Bod. Magd, ^een's. Oxon. Pub.h. Trin. St. John's. Camb. Sion. NAISH James, M. A. late of Jef. Coll. Oxon. R. of Kelham, Nottinghamf. Rev. xiv. 13. 4° I 725. Notihigbam. Fun. of Lord Lexington. NAISH Thomas, Sub-Dean of Sarum. Rev.xix. I. 4''i7oo. Mufick. Trin. St.John^s. Camb. Rev. xix. 3. 4*" 1726. Mufick. Matt. vi. 10. /\°iyzj. Mufick. Afts vii. 26. 4" 1729. NALSON Valentine, M. A. Preb. of Ripon, Yorkf. 20 Serm. in 8° 1724. and 1737. On feveral Subjefts. NJLTON Jumes, Miniller oi St. Leonard's Poller Lane, Lond. 2Cor. iv. \-j. 8° 1 66 1. Fun. * John vi 35. 8° 1664. 20 Serm. in 8° 1677. Upon fev. Texts. Trln. Camb. NAN FAN OF AUTHORS, &c. 241 NANFAN Bridges, Efq; Ecclef. xii. I. 8° 1680. ElTays. Sion, 2Cor.iv. 17. 8° 1 6. NASMITH R. Gen. vi. 3. 8° 1725. NATION William *Tit.ii. 11,12. 8°i73i. Exon. b. DifTent. Minif. ^teen's. C. NAYLOR Quintus, R. of Lyminge, Kent, Cur. ot St. Mary Aldermary, and Chapl. to Lady Abergavenny. Lukeix. 55,56. 8° 1724. Nov. 5. The Spirit and Pradlices of the Papifts &c. Brit. M. NEJLE Daniel, M. A. Miniiler of the Gofpel in Jewin-ftreet, Lond. *Ezek.ix.4. 8°i72i. Solemn Prayer ag. Plague, ^'eer^s. Q.\x.m.. *Pf. xciv. 16. 8° 1722. Ref. of Manners, i^een's. Camb. Job xxix. 12,13. 8° 1723. Ch. Sch. On New Year's day. * Matt. XXV. 21.8° 1726. Fun. of Rev. Matt. Clarke, ^een's, C. * 1 Thelf. iv. 13, 14. 8° 1727. Fun. of Mrs. Phillibrowne. ^cell's. Camb. Matt.xvi, 18, 19. 8° 1735. The Supremacy of St. Peter and his Succcffors. V.Difc. V. i. Ag. Popery. Braz.N. Ox. Brit. M, *Dan. iv. 9. V. i. p.ii7. *Rom.vii. 22. V. 1.418. Vital Religion. *Adsiii. 19. V.I. 438. Confeffion of Sin. *Johnxiii.34,35.V.2.258. Lov.ourNeighbour. 1 8°I757.v.Berry- *Gal.iv.4,5. V.I. 230. Incarnation of Xt. jllreet Sermons. * I Cor. xi. 23— 26. V. 2. i6z. Sacrament. *2Tim.iii.i6.V. 1.21. Antiq. & Proof of Script. * i. 9. V.I. 332. Eifedual Calling &c., NEAST Thomas, M. A. R. of St. Stephen's Coleman-flreet, Lond. Ephef. V. 24. 4° 1677. m. e. C. p. 158. The Charaders of the Love of Chrift Sec. Ezek, ix.4. 8° 1 721. Fall. Ag. the Plague. NEEDHAM John," M.A. R. of Bedhampton, Hants. I Cor. iii. 4. 8° 17x0. 2 f. Vif. Bod. Li7ic. Wroc, Oxon. Sion, [NEEDHAM John ^J *Pf.cxxii. 8,9. 8° 1726. Fun. *Pf. cvi. to-13. 8° 1753. Nov. 5. NEEDHAM Peter, B. D. Fell, of St. John's ColL Camb. R. Conington. Camb. Lukexiv. 23. 8" 1716. Camb. On St. Paul's-day. ^eeti* Cl.H. Camb. Brit.M. NEEDHAM Robert, M.A. late Fell, of Queen's Coll. Camb. 6 Serm. in 8° 1679. CamL Bod. JUS. Magd. Pemb. Ox. Pub.L. ^een^s. Camb. Dr.Wi's.L. London. NEEDHAM William, DD. R. of Alresford Hants, and one of the Prodlors for the Diocefe of Winton, Pf. cv. 4-6. 4° 1702. Th. b. Convocation. Ch.Ch. Magd. Jef. Oxon. ^eens. St.Johris. Camb. Sio?;. a ^ The fame, Vo L. IL H h NEEDIER 242 An historical register IJEEDLER Ba:j^min, L.L. B. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Oxon. and Minirter of Margaret Mofes, Friday-ftreet before the Ejec- tion. 1662. Matt. iv. 10. 4°i675. m.e.P. p. 458. God ^ot to be worlliipped as reprcfented by an Image. I John V. 7. 4° 1676. m.e. G. Vol. II, p. 63. The Trinity pro- ved by Scripture. Bod. Matt. V. 29,30. 4° 1677. m.e.C. p. 41. How may beloved Lulls be diicovered and mortified. NEGUS Thomas, DD. R. of St. Mary Rotherhithe, London. * I Tim.i. 5. 4° 1 76 1. Ann. meeting Charity School. Braz.N. Oxon. C/. H. Camb. * I Tim.iv. 16. 8*^ 1764. Vif. St. Paul's Charge to Timothy. NELME John, M. A. of Magd. Hall, Oxon. Ff. cxviii. 21-26. 4" 1660. NELSON G. R. of Oakley, Suffolk. Prov. xxiii. 23. 8° 17 Happinefs of Man in this life. NELSON Hen. R. of Hunfdon, and V. of Stanlled Abbots, Herts. Lev. xix. 12. b°i704. Afiize. Ephef. iv. 2,3. 8° 1707. School-Feaft. Charity and Unity. Univ. Oxon. Trin, Recti's, St.Jobyu. Camb. Sion. NESBITT John, Minirter of the Gofpel, London. Pf. cxix. g. 8" 171 3. To young Perfons. Jobix. 12. 8° 1714. Fhn. of Mr. i?///7^/. Heb. xiii. 7. 8" 17 19. Fun. i^E^r * Ephef. vi. 24. 4° 1677. m.e.C. p. 158. What are the Cha- rafters of a Soul's fincere 'Layt to Chriii .' and how that Love to him may be kindled and enflamed. NETTO Ifaac, Arch-Synagogus of the Portuguex-Jews Synagogue. *Deut.x. 16. 4° 1756 Faft. for the Earthquake. Wore. Oxon. NEVE Timothy, DD. Arch-Deacon of Huntingdon, R. of Mid- dleton Stoney, and Chapl. of Merton Coll. Oxon. Matt. vii. 28, 29. 8° 1747. Oxon. Vif< Teaching with Autho- rity, ^een^s. Camb. *Ephef. V. 8. 8° 1759. Oxon. A61: f. Comparative Bleffings of Chrillianity. Wore. Oxon. Slueens, Camb. *8Serm. in 8''i78i. Oxan. Preached before the Univerfity at Bampton's Lefture. NEVILWE Robert, B. D. late Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. R. of Anrty, Herts. Tit.iii. 10, 4° 1673. Vif. Bod. ^leens, Oxon. St John's. Cam. Lukexxii. 19. 4° 1678. The Nccefficy of receiving the Holy Sacrament. Heb. ix, 27. 4° 1679. b. Lord Mayor. Future Judgment. Bod. ^ee.7i^s. Camb. Prov. xix. 2. 4" 1 68 1. The Excellency, Ufefulnefs, and Neceffity of human Learning. Pab.L. Camb. Brit.M. Ephef. i. 4. 4° 1682. The abfolute Decree of Eleftion repro- bated, Pub.L. Camb. CoL O F A U T H O R S, &c. 243 Col. iii. 2. 4° 1683. The things above proved to be the moft proper obje^^s of the Mind and AfFedlions. Pub. L. Camb. Heb. iii. 15. 4° 1683. The Nature and Caufes of Hardnefs of Heart, 1 Pet. iii. 13, 4° 1687. Innocent's day. Goodnefs the beft pro- teftion from the Arrefts of Harms. NEWCOMB Pf. cv. 8. NEWCOME 2 Sam.xix. 14. NEWCOME Daniel, M. A. R. of Whimple, Devon. Aftsvii. 39. 8°i7i7. Exon. Aflize. *Exod.xx. 5,6. iz" 1728. Affize. Againft Perjury and common Swearing. NEWCOME Daniel, DD. Dean of Gloucefler. Gal. vi. 10. 4.1735. Spilt. T. NEWCOME Henry, M.A. R. of Tatten-Hall, Chefliire. 1 Pet. iii. 13. 4°i689. Affize. Bod. NEWCOME Henry, M.A. R. of Middleton, Lancalhire, Matt. XXV. 35. 8°i7H. Warrington. Anniv. Meet, of the Clergy for the Relief of Widows and Orphans. Some Motives purely Chrillian to Alms-deeds. Tit. ii. 15. 8° 171Z Vif. Eton. NEWCOME John, Y^Vi. Mailer of St, John's Coll. Camb. and R. of Morton, EffeX'. 1 Theff. V. 21. 8° 1720. Ord. The Conduft required in matters of Faith. l^ewC. Ox. St. John's. C. Sion. 2 Pet.i. 19. 8° 1 724. Camb. The fure Word of Prophecy. iJew C. Oxon. ^een'i. St. John's. CI. H. Camb. Prov.xvii. 14. 4° 1744. Camb. Jan. 30. b. Commons. .%^^;?V. C- NEWCOME Peter, M. A. V. of Aldenham, Herts. Pf. xviii.23. 4° 1686. Of bofom-Sins. Ba/. Ch.Cb. Oxon. Nehem.ix. 17. 4° 1696. Th. April 16. NEWCOME Peter, M. A. V. of Hackney, Middlefex. A catechetical Courfe of Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1702. For the whole Year. Magd. Mert. Pemb. Oxon. ^een's. Camb. Ecclef.vii. I. 4^1705. Fun. The Blefiing of 9 gpod Name at Death. Eton. Matt. xxiv. 12. 8°i7io. Ref. of Manners. Line. Oxon. Matt. v. 33. 8° 1715. The Religion of an Oath. Eton, Heb. ii. 3. 8° 1719. 4 f. On Gofpel-Salvation. Lukexii. 40. 8° 1737. NEWCOME Richard, M. A. V. of Hurfley, Hants. iTheff, iv. 9. 8° 1728. Affize. ^teen's. Camb, NEWCOME Richard, Bp. of St. Afaph. *Heb. xii.5. 4° 1756. Jan. 30. b. Lords. *Rom.ix. 26. 4" I 76 1. Prop, of Gofpel, * Gal. vi. 10. 4" 1764. b. Gov. of Land. Hofp. Wadh. Oxon. H h 2 NEWCOME 244 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER NEWCOME William, Bp. of Waterford. *Tit.iii. I. 4° 1767. Anniv Irifh Rebellion. * Johnviii. 47. 4° 1769. Nov. 5. b. Lords. Oppolition between Scripture and Popery ftatcd. *Ephef. vi.4. 4° I 772. Irilh Prot. Schools. NEWCOMEN Matihew *Rev,iii.3. 4° 1663. V. Coll. of Farew. f. Mogd. Camb. NEWLIN Thomas, B. D. Fell, of Magd. Coll. Oxon. and V. of Beeding, Suifex. Dan. XV. II. 8°i7i8. Oxon. Magd. Oxon. zPet. ii. 19. 8° 17 18. Oxo7i. The Sinner enflaved by falfe Pre- tences. Bod. Magd Wore, Line. Oxon. iSSerm. in 8° 1720. Oxon, On feveral Occafions. Bod. JUS. Mngd. Oxon. Pf. Ixxviii. 50. 8° 1 721. Fafl. Ag. the Plague. God's gracious Defign in inflicfling national Judgments. 21 Serm, in 8" 1726. and 1728. Oxon. On feveral Occafions. Bod. Alls. Magd. Or. Oxon. 1 Sam. iii. 12, 13. 8°i729. Oxon. Affize. zTim. iv. 8. 8° 1736. Fun. Crown of Righteoufnefs. NEWMAN Henry * 2 Sam. xix. 14, 4° 1661. NEWMAN Henry, B. A. of Trin. Coll. Camb. *Pf.cxxiv.4. 4° 1780. b. Humane Society. NEWMAN John, Minifter of the Gofpel at Salter's Hall, Lond. *Ephefv.i9. I2"i708. V. praft. Diic. on Prayer &c. p. 146. * Mark viii. 38. 12° 1710. Ref. of Manners. * Ifai. xxxii, 1,2. 1716. Nov. 5. * Serm. in i 2° 1717. * Ecclef. i. 4. 1720. New Year's-day. * A£ls xiii. 36. 8° 1722. Fun. oi Richard Mount. I^eens. Cam. 1 Cor. ii. 2. 8° I 728. 2f The Importance of knowing Jefus Chrifl &c. *At. Pemb. Oxon. NORRIS Richard Lam.v. 16. 4° 1702. Fun. Pf. cxviii. 24. 4" 1 704. Th. After a Viaory. Ch.Cb. OxOn. Pub. L. Camb. NORTH Brownlow, Hon. Bp. of Winchefler * Prov. xxix. 7. 4" 177 1 . b. Gov. of Land. Lying in Hofp. * Jer. xxxi. 13. 4° 1774. b. Gov. of Magd. Hofp. * I Tim. vi. 18. 4" 1 774. b. Gov. of Lond.-Uoh. NORTH OF AUTHORS, &c. 249 *Phil,iv. 3. 4° 1775. Jan. 30. b. Lords. *Gal.iii. 14. 4''i778. Prop, of Gofpel. NORTH John, Hon. DD. Matter of Trin. Coll. Camb, Clerk of the C'oi'et, and Preb. of Wellminftcr. Pf. i. I 4" 1 67 I. Camb. b. King. Vniv.Ch.Ch. CCT.C. Jef. Oxon. Tr'm. Puh.L. St. John's. Camb. Sion. .NORTON Edward, DD. V. of Saffron Walden, Effcx, and Preb. of St. Paul's, Lond. Prov. xxvii. i 4° 1701. b. Lord Mayor. [NORTON Jofeph] X * Matt. V. 1 6. 4" 1693. Public Charity. Brit. M. NORTON Robert, M, A. R. of Southwick, SufTex, and Chaplain to the Duke of Richmond. *Pf. cxii.Q. 4° 1755. Charter-Hoitfc School '?zd,^, NOTCUTT WilHam, Miniller at Ipfwich. * 2 Theff. ii. viii. 8° 1729. Nov. 5. *Ifai.ix.6. 1733' 6 Sermons. * Serm. in 2 Vol. i733' * Phil. iii. 8.g. 8°i734. 7 Sermons, NOURSE Peter, DD. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. and Chaplain in Ord. 2Cor. iv. 3. 4° 1698. Camb. Commencement. JUS. Ox. Trin. St. John^s. Camb. J Cor. iv. 1,2. 4° 1708. Vif. A Vindication of the Chriftian Pricllhood, NOWELL Thomas, DD. Principal of St. Mary Hall, and Profeffor of Modern Hiltory, Oxon. *Num.xvi.3. 8° 1772. Jan. 30. b. Commons. NOWELL William. M.A. R of Wolfmgham, Northumb. *Pf xviii. 7. 4° 1756. Faft. Newcnji/e upon Tyne. *Ephel.vi. 4. 4° 1757. Char. School meeting. *Pf. cxii. 9, 4" 1763. b. Gov. of /._)'z>j--zV; Hofp. Eraz. N. O:?. NOTES Nicholas * Jer.xxxi. 23. i2°i69S. New England's Duty and Intereil. NOTE^ Robert * ... - 1756. * - - - - 8' 1 771. Fun. NYE Stephen, R. of little Hormead, Hertp. rCor XV. lo. 8° 1700. Vif. The Syftcm of Grace and Free- will. Eton. f [OAKES A. LL.D] ;j; * I Cor. ii.27. 8" 1739. Sacramental V/orihinefs. OJKES John *Lukex. 20. 8" 1689. * Serm. in 32" 1747. To young people. OAKET Prov. XXX. 8,9. C. m. e. p. 468. A middling Conditin mod eligible. Vol. IL Ii OAKLEY 450 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER OAKELY Simon, B. D. ProfeiTor of Arabic, Camb. Mal.ii.7. 8° 1710. The Dignity of the Chriftian Prieflhood. Pub.L. Camb. Deut.vi. 6,7. 8°i7i3. Ch. f. St. John's. Camb. GATES Titus, DD. Matt, xviii. 11. 4° 1679. Bod. Ch Ch. keen's. Won, Oxon, Trin, St. John's. Camb. Sion. O'BEIRNE Chapl. to Lord Howe at St. Paul's, New York. * Jerem. xii. 15. 4° 1 776. On taking New York. OBOURN Thomas, M.A. R. of Laverltoke, Hants. *Pf.cxxxi.4. 8° 1759. Th. OFFLEY Walter, M. A. Dean of Chefter, and Preb, of Litchfield. Prov. xvii 13. 4° 1717. Aflize. Ch.Ch. Oxon. OFFLEY William. M.A. late Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. and Preb. of Lincoln, and R. of Middleton Stoney, Oxon. *Jobi 21. 4°i696. Fun. of Rev. lefFery Shaw. Warning given to the Flock by the fudden Death of a good Shepherd. Br. M. Pf. cxlviii, 8. 4° 1704. Fall. Jan. 19. For the great Winds. The Power and Providence of God confidered and afferted. Pui. L, Camb. OGDEN Samuel, DD. Woodwardian ProfeiTor, Camb. * I Their. V. 13. 4° 1758. May 29. J// S. Ox. ^leen's. Camb. *Deut. iv.6. 4° 1758. AccefTion J//S. Oxon. Recti's. Camb. •loSerm. in 8° 1770. On the EfScacy of Prayer and Inter* ceflion. Pub.L. Queen's. Camb. * 23 Serm. in 8° 1770. On the Commandments. Triti. Camb. * 14 Serm. in 8° 1777. On the Articles of the Chrillian faith. Irin. Camb. . N. B. republifhed in 2 Vol. 12° 17S0. With 5 additional Serm, on the Lord's Supper. OGILVIE John^ DD. Miniiler at Midmar, Scotland. * 6 Serm. in 8° 1 767. On fcvcral Subjefts. *Lam. i. 12. 1 2° 1 779. Chrill's Sufferings compared kc. V. Scotch Pr. Vol. III. p. 208. OGLE N. DD. Dean of Winchefter and Can. Refid. of Sarum. * John viii. 10, i I. 4° 1766 At the Magd. Hofp. * Luke X. 35. 8" I 770. SiilisburyAn^rm^ry, * Matt. xi. 5. 4° 1775. Ann. meeting Ch. School. Wore. Oxon. OKES John, M.A. R. of Shinlield, Berks. Markxii. 17. 4°i6Si. AKvlc. Pub.L. Camb. OLDFIELD Jofhua, Di3. * Prov. viii. I 5. 12° 1699. Ref. of Manners. *Ezek. xxxvii. 32. 8° 1707. On the Union. Ch Ch. Oxon. OLDHAM George, B.D. V. of St. Paul's Walden, Herts, and Fell. of St. John's Coll. Camb. Aftsiv. 29. 8°i7io. Vif. St. John's. Camb. iCor.i. lo. 4°i7r3. Camb. School-Feaft. St. John's. Camb. OLDING O F A U T H O R S, &c. 251 OLDING John, Minifter at Depiford, Kent. * I Tim. iii. 15. 8" 1759. Ord. *Nehem.ii.4. 8° 1767. Ejaculatory Prayer. *irai.lv. 6. 8° 1775. F""' OLDISWORTH C7ile?, M. A. R. of Bourton on the Hill, Glouc. 2Cor. vii. 1. 4° 1662. Vif. John xiv. 1,2. 4° 1663. Hofeavi. 2. 4° 1663. Fun. of Mrs- Dor Rutter. 1 Cor. ix. 24. 4^1666. Oxen. A necefiity laid upon Gofpel-Be- lievers to run with Diligence through all Gofpel-Duties. Bod. Heb.xi. 17. 4° 1677. Oxon. Fun. The Father of the faithful tempted. OLIVE R. M. A. R. of Burnham, Kent. , *Pf. cxxii.6. 4° 1759. Faft. *I(ai. Iv. t. 4° 1759. •S^'^Z'-Infirmary. OLIVER Edward, M. A. Fell, of C.C.C. Camb. and Chaplain to the Earl of Northampton. John IV. 24. 4° 1698. b. Lord Mayor. St. John's. Cam. Brit. M. OLIVER Edward, B.D. R. of St. Mary Ab Church, and Preb. of St. Paul's, London. Rom.xiii. 3. 4° 1726. Elcft. of Lord Mayor. The relative Du- ties of a Magifcrate and People .illS. Oxon. ^eens. Camb. OLIVER John. M. A. Miniiter of St. Peter's, and V. of Audlam, Chefter. 2 Cor. V. 10. 4° 1682. Affize. Prov. X. 9. 4° 1699. Affize. Ecclef. xii.7. 4° 1709. Fun. Tit. ii 15. 4° 1709 Vif. Pf. xiv. I. 4° 1710. Affize. Ag. Atheifm. Pf. xxxvii. 37. 4°i7io Chejler. Affize. Pf li. 3 8° 1711. Chejier. Jan. 30. OLIVER Richard, Curate of MidhuriL I Cor. vii. 30. 4° 1700. Fun. of George Payne. OLIVER R. Cur. of St. George's Chapel Pretlon, Lancaf. *Rcm.xiii. I. 8° 1746. SubjecTtion to the prelent Government a Duty. Were. Oxon. * Matt. xxii. 21. 8° 1749. OLLYFFE George, M.A. R. of Hedgerly, Bucks. Jerem. xxxii. 17. 8° 1707. Eton. Gal. V.7. 8° I 709. The Hindrance of a Reformation. Col. iii. 12. 8° I 7 10. OLLYFFE John, LL.B. R of Aimer, Dorfetfliare. Pf. cxxvi. 3. 4° 1689. Th. Feb. 14. England's Call to Thank, fulnefs. Bal. Sion. Eton. *2Pet. i. 2. I 2° 1 694. Farewel. OLLYFFE John, R. of Durton and Hedgerly, Bucks. Pf. cxix. 136. 12° 1701. Ref of Manners Ezck. xxxvii. 22. 8° 1707. Th. May 4. For the Union. Trin.C, Prov. viii. 15,16. 8° 1709. Affize. 1 i 2 pr. 252 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Pf. Ixxii. I. 8°i7i5. Affize. Pf. l.xxxv 8. 8° 1721. Acceffion. OLLTFFE John Rev xiv. 13. 4** i6cg. Fun. of Hen. Cornifh. B. D. OLLYFFE William Job xiv. 14. 4° 1707. Fun. of The. Ligoc, Efq ; ORAM Richard Prov ::xviii. 2. 8° 1725. Jan. 30. ORME William, V. of St. Bartholomew the lefs, London. Phil. i. 27. 4° 1682. fub.L. Camb. ORR John, DD. Arch Deacon of Ferns, Ireland, 14 Scrm. Vol. I, in 8" 1739. i3Serm Vol.11, in 8° 1749. ^een^s.Tr'rn. Camb. Brit.M. *Serm. in 3 Vol in 8° 1772. Trin. Camb. ORTON Joi?, of .shrewefioury. * I Cor. XV. 24. 8*^ 1752- i'un. of Dr. Dodderidge. Slueen's. Cam. *Heb.xi. 7. S° 1756. Faft. Earthquake. * 2 Cor. iv. i8. 24° 1764. 3 Difc. on Eternity. *Rcligious Exercifes recommended, or Difcourfcs in 8° 1769. On fecret and fljmily Worfliip, and religious Obfervation of the Lord's day — with 2 Difc. on the heavenly State. * Difc. in 12° 1 771. To the Aged. Slveeri's. Camb. * Phil ii. 21. 24° 1773. 3 Difc. on Chriilian Zeal. * 2 1 im ii. 7. 24°I775. Hearing the Word. * I Cor. xiv. 16. 24° 1775. Public Prayer. *Pf. C.4. 24° I 77 V Pfalmody. * 36 Difc. in 2 Vol. 12'^ 1776. On pra6lical Subjedls. OSBALDESTON Richard, Bp of London. *Jamesii.S. 8" 1723. Affize. " lum. xxi. 5,6. 4° 1748. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Matt viii.ii. 4° 1752. Prop, of Gofpel. St.Jihns. Csmh. Eton. OSBORKE George, of C. C. C. Oxon V. of Battcrfea, Surrey. Roni.xiii.3. 8° 1730. Affize. Doing good the belt perfervative againil the Fear of the civil Power. Prov. xiv. 34. 8° 1732. Affize. Righteoufnefs the Exaltation jof a Nation. Ezravii. 26. 8° 1733. Affize. The civil Magiftrate's Right of inflicting Punifhment. The End ot penal Laws, and the Ne- ceffity of a due Execution of them. Tit. iii. I. 8" 1735. -Affize. Subjedlion to Principalities, Powers and Magiftratcs. OSPFALD 'James, DD. Minifter of the Gofpel at Methven, * Pf xvi.6. 8° 1766. Open general Afl'embly. ^iee>2''s. Camb. OSWALD Ihcmas, Minilter of the Scotch Church, Ruffel-llrcet, Covent Garden, London * - - - - 8°i77i. Fun. OVERING John, M. A. 2 Chron xxxv. 24, 2c;. 4° 1670. Jan, 30. Hadadrimmon — or lufiah's Lamentation. OVING- O F A U T H O R S, &c. 253 OVINGTON John, DD. Chaplain to the Q^ueen. Matt. vii. 22,23. 4° '7°5- ''^'' The plau.'iblc Plea filencecl. Ch, Ch. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. 1 Cor. vii. 2. 8° 1712. Chriftian Chaftity, or a Caveat ag. va- grant Lult. Matt. xvii. 21. 8° 171 2. Lent. Matt, xviii. 21. 8° 171 6. GWEN Charles » * Jude II. 8° 1717. Th. *Pf. xxxix. 5. 8° 1737. Death of a young Woman. OWEN Charles,'' DD. J*Pf.xxix 5. S°i758. Fun. of Mr Lythgoe. X * Heb. xiii. 4. 8" 1758. On Marriage. OWEN E. M. A. Mafter of the Free ^ch. Warrington, Lane. * I Sam. xxvi. lo, ii. 8° 1765. Liver/>so/- Infixmary. V. Dr. Eji- fields Eng. Pr. V. 8, p. 93. keen's. Camb. *Matt.xi. 5. 8^ 1-79. Ch. f. *2Their. iii. 13. 8° 1782. Ch. f. OWEN Edward, DD. FeU. of St. John's Coll. 0.\-on. V. of t:rcat Houghton, Huntingdonf. Exod. XX. 16. 4*^ 1746. Affize. Pi cl. 5.6. 4° 1749. Openinij an Organ. OWEN Hen. DD. R. of St. Olave's, Hart-ureet, Lond. and F. R S. * Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1773. ^'^ ^^^ Intent and Propriety of Scrip- ture Miracles (preached at Boyle's Left.) confidert i and ex- plained S>ueer^s. Camb. OWEN Jeremiah • * I Sam. xii. 24. 8° 1717. On St. David's-day. OWEN John, DD. Dean of Ch. Ch. Ox. before the Ejeaion. 1662. Luke xvi. 29. 4° 1 67 J. m. e. P. p. 312. Concerning the Au- thority of the Scripture. Pf. cxli. 5. 4° 1676. {. m. e. p. 683. How we may bring our- felves to bear Reproofs. * John V. 14. 4° 1681. iPet. ii.3. 4° 1683. c. m. e. p. 217. Antidote againft Popery, OWEN John, Chapl. to Lord Grey of Ruthin. 2 Sam. xii. 21-23. i°i68o. Fun. Tit. iii. I 4" 1084. The true way to Loyalty. OWEN John * 17 Serm. in 2 Vol. 1720. *Pf. cxvi. 12. J 742. J * 2 Sam. xviii. 2C. 8^1746. [OWEN John, DD.] * Serm. in 1 2° i 760. OV/EN fonathan Ezek. V. 8. 4° 1694. England's warning. i?c^. OWEN R. V. of iiford nea: .ewes, biilTex. Matt.xix. 27. S'' 1713. 2 Sam, xix. 27. 8"i7i3. b. Freeholders, a i^: The fame. 254 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER OWEN Rich. DD. Fell, of Oriel Coll. Oxon. R. of St. Swithin's, London-ftone. I Cor. ix. 2 2. 4° 1 666. Cone, ad Cler. Paulus multiformis. OWEN Thomas, M. A. Fell, of St. Peter's Coll. Camb. and.Ch2pl. to the Facflory at Aleppo. Pf. cxix. eg. 4*^ 1706. Levant Co. Sion. OWTRAM William, DD. Preb. of Weftminfter and Chapl. in Ord. 5 Seim. in 8° 1680. On Faith, Providence, and other Subjedts. Or. Oxon. Sion. 20 Serm. in 8° 1697. On feveral Occafions. /JIS. Bal. C. C, C. Oxon. Fu6. L. Camb. Bnt. M. P. C. M. A. X * 1C0r.xi.29. I2°i693. The Danger of a total and wilful Neg- le6l, equal to the Danger of an unworthy receiving of the Lord's t. upper &c. [PACK Samuel] * Rom. ix. 5 4° 1691. My fiery of the Gofpel unveiled. PACKWOoD Samuel, £. A. P. Pf.cvix. 138. 8° 1712. Aflize. PAGE 1 homas, M. A. R. of Wheatacrc, Norfolk. 1 Chron. xxix. 22,23. 4^'7'S' Th- PAGET Simon, R. of Truro, Cornwall. Luke ii. 14. 4° 1698. Th for Peace, Trifi. Camb. PAGET Thomas, M. A. Lefturer of Staines, Middlefex. *Rom.x. 2. 4" 1730. Nov. 5. * 2 Cor, v. 17. 4° 1739. New Year's day. Tranflated from Mon- * fieur SuperviDe. PALEY William, M. A. late Fell, of Chrift's Coll. Camb. V. of Dalllone, and St. Lawrence in Appleby, Carflile , and Chapl. to the Bp. of Carlifle. * 2 Pet. iii, I 5, 16, 4° 1777. Vif. Caution recommended in the Ufe and application of Scripture-Language. * I Tim.iv. 12. 4° I 781. Ord. f. TAIKE Willi f.m John XX. 28. 8° 1719. The Divinity of Jefus Chrift proved. Sion. Eton. FJLMER Jnihny, M. A. R. of Bourton on the Water, Gloucefterf. Matt. viii. 23-27. 8°i673. Extraft of feveral Sermons. Bed. Pi XXV. 11.8° 1674. The Gofpel a new Creature. BoJ. PALMER Charles, M. A. V. of Towcefter, Northampton f. Ifai.lix. 8. 4° 1702. Oxon. Fait. June 10. *2Cor. xi.29. 12° 1710. Sacrament. B AIMER Jcbn * i Chron. xxix. 27,28. 8" 1760. Death of King George II. * - - - - 8° 1766. Infanity of the Scnfualift. *Prov. xiii. 20. 8°i769. Char, School-meeting. * 2 Cor. i. I 2. 8° 1779. Fun. of Dr. Caleb Fleming. PALMER Robert, DD. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. and Lefturer of Eal.ng, Middlefex. Prov. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 255 Prov. xiv. 34. 4° 1726. Pro Gradu Doftoratus. Ezek.xviii. 24. 4°i7'^o. Far. The Danger of falling from Grace. PALMER Samuel, Prefbyter of the Church of Er.gland. * I Sam. xvii. 29. 12° 1706. Ref. of Manners. Pr. xxxvii. 12. 8° 1 709. Anniv. of Ir. Prot. Line. Oxon, Sion^ * Ecclef. ix 2. 8° 1726. Jan. 30. b. Lords. PJLMEP. Samuel, of Hackney, Middlefex. * I Pet. V. 4. 8° 1766. Fun. of Rev. Mr. S. Savderfcn, * Haggaiii.9. 8° 1 77 1. 2 f . Opening Meeting Houfe. *Exod.ii. o. 8° 1774. Char. School.mceting. Compaiiion to poor Children recommended from the Example of i'haraoh's Daughter. *Lukex, 2. 8°i775. Fun. o[ C^/d JJl^cvori/j, LL.D. ^/een's. C. *Johnxxi. 15. 12° 1777. '^^^ good Shepherd's Care for the Lamb's of his Flock. *2Tim. i. 12. 8" 1778. Fun. of Rev. Sa;jt, WUu>n, DD. PANTING Matthew, DD. Mailer of Fcmb. Coll. Oxon. Gen. xxviii. 20-22. 4°i732. Oxon. Conf. of P^w^. Coll. Chapel. Religious Vows. Wore. Oxon. PARADISE John, B.A. of Mert. Coll. Oxon. Minifler of Weft- bury, Wilts. 2 Sam. xxiv, 5,6. 4° 1660. 7^ y 1 Sam. xxiv. 5,6. 4° 166 1.5 PARGITER Thomas, T>Yi. R. of Gritworth Northamptonf. I Thefl". iv. 6. 4" 1682. b. Lord Mayor. PARIS John, DD. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. Pf. cxliv. 15. 8° 17 Th. John xiv. I. 8° I 726. Camb. On Faith, p. 83. Mifcellanca prac- tice theoreiica; or a Mifcellany concerning Faith and Man- ners. Bod. PARKER Henry, M.A. R. of St. Michael's, Crooked Lane, Lond. - - - - - 1726. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. 1 he Wifdom of Providence vindicated. Amosiii.6. 4" 1727. Sept. 2. b. Lord Mayor. The Original of public Calamities. Brit. M. iCor.iv. 5. 4*^1727. Sept. 29. b. Lord Mayor. Of Slander and Defamation. lPet.iii.8, 4° 1727. School-Feaft. PARKER J. I Cor. xiii. i 2. 8° 1729. PARKER James, E. A. P. Deut. xxxii. 29. 8° 1728. The great Wifdom of confidering oar latter End. PARKER James, M. A. V. of Evveli, Surrey, and Chapl. to the Bp. of Litchfield and Coventry. Lukexvi. 31. 4° 1 750. At Serjeant's Inn. PARKER John, Abp. of Dublin. zSam.xix. 14. 4^1663. b. both Houfes of Parliament in Ireland. U/jiv. Oxon. PARKER 256 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER PARKER John G. Chapl. V. of St. Helen's, York. * - - - - 4" 1 779. b. nioit ancient grand Lodges of sll England. PARKER Robert, DD. R. of Wolfingham, Durham. l-;om. xiii. 3, 4° 1740. Aflize. S>ueens. Camb. Brit, M. PARKER Stavely, M. A, Fell of Jef. Coll. Camb and Chaplain to the Britifh Faftory at Lifbon, Prov.xiv. 34. 8''i746. At Lifbon. PARKER Timothy, R. of Eaft Hothley, Suffex. Matt. V. i6. 4''i67^. Vif. Bod. Eton. Pub. L. Camb. PARKER William, DD. R. of St. James's Weftminfter, Chap], in Ord. and F. R. S. Matt ix.38. 8''i746. Oxo7i. Ordination. The Nature and Rea- ibnablenefs of the inward Call and outward Miffion to the holy Miniih-y conudcred. Wore, ^eetis. Camb. Ifai.xxvi.9. 8° 1743. Oxon. Sept. 2. b. Lord May '-r. The na- tural Effeft, and religious Improvement of extraordinary divine Judgments, and of folemn Falls inllituted in remembrance of them. Sluce7i's. Camb. Markxvi. 17, 18. 8° 1749. Oxon. 2 f. p. 9. The Expediancy of the miraculous Powers of the ChrilUan Fathers, and p. 39. The Inexpediency of thofe that are claimed by the Church of , Rome confidered. Bod. zCorxi. 3. 8° 1750. 2 f. Oxon. The Mofaic Hiflory of the Fall confidered. Bod. *Ifai. xliv. 28. 8°i752. Acceffion. The Grounds of Submifiion to Government, the Origin of the different Modes of civil Polity, and the Happincfs of our own Form of Lcgiflation in particular. Brnx. N. Oxon. Brit. M. *pf. cxlvii. 1. 8° 17:13. Ann. meeting of the 3 Choirs. The Pleafure of Gratitude and Benevolence improved by Church Muficlc Braz.N. Oxon. Brit.M. *John xviii. 38. 8° 1754. 2 f. The Nature, Evidence, and Im- yoi tance of Truth. *Phil.iv. 8. 8" 1755. Aa. f. Of academical Education. Bod. Brit. M. *Prov. xvii. 4. 4°I757. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Brtiz. N. Oxon. *Rom. viii. 30. 8°l7t;8. 2 f. The Scripture Dodlrinc of Pre- deilinatjon. Braz.N. IJ'ofc. Jef. Oxon. *Ifai.iv. 11.4" 1762. Conf. of Bp, Lyttleton. B'r^z.N. Oxon. *■ 2 Cor. viii. 3. 4" 1771. b. the Sons of the Clergy. Bod. *Prov. xi, 2;. 4'^ 1781. Ann meeting Char. Sch. PARKHURST Nathaniel, M. A. V. of Yoxford, Sufrblk. I Cor. XV. 58. 12*^ 1684. Fun. of Lady Eliz. Brookes, Trin. C. John xi II. 4°i6q2. Fun. of S. Fairclough. Bod. *Phil.i. 23. 8*^1704. Treatife. On being vvillir.g to live and defirous to die. ^een^s. Camb. * Rev. XX. II, 12. 8" 1704, Treatife. On the !aft Judgment. Recti's. Camb. * Zach. OF AUTHORS, &c. asj *Zach.i. 5. 8° 1704. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Burkitt. Pf. xc. 12. 8° lyoq. Fun. of Thomas Neale, Efq j Matt. XXV. 21. 8° 1705. Fun. of Rev. Mr. G. Jones. loScled. Difc. Vol.1. 8" 1706, SeleftOifc. Vol.11. 8° 1707. PARNE Thomas, DD. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. R. of Walking, ton, Yorkf. and Chapl. in Ord. Gen. vi. 4. 8° 172Z. Commem. Bod. Queen s. Camb. Ifai. ii. 22. 4° I 724. Camb. Fun. of Anthony Earl of Harold. i^een's. Camb. Judges ix. 8. 8° 1744. Camb. Acceffion. ^eens Camb. PARR Richard, DD. V. of Camerwall, R. of St. Mary Magdaleo, Southwark, and Canon of Armagh. Luke xix. 41,42. 8° 1 66 1. ChriiVs gracious Intention to Sinners. Matt.xxiv. 46. 4° 1672. Fun. of Dr. Rob. Bretton. Brit.M. PARR Samuel, M. A. * Gal. iv. 4. 4° 1780. 2 f. Norwich Xtmas-day and Char. Sch. PARRY George, M. A. Fell, of Oriel Coll Oxon. Exod.xx.7. 8° 1723. Lawfulnefs, Nature and Oblig. of Oaths. PARRY John, Ep. of Offorv. *Pf. Ixxiii. I &c. 8° 1660. Lukexxiii. 27,28. 8° 1666, Tears well direfled, or pious Re» flediions upon our Saviour's Sufferings, and our Sins. *Pf. Ixii. I 8. 8" 1666. Pious Reflections on the Pentecoft. *Phil.iii. 10. 8° 1666. Pious Refleftions on the Refurredtion. * Matt. ii. 9-1 2. 8° 1666. Pious Refledions on the , Adoration •f wife Men &c. * Nehem. xiii •14. 4^1670. Bod. !^cc7t' s. Oxon. Trin. Camb. PARRY-'joihua * I John iv. 20. 8° 17 2 f. Againrt: Popery. PARRY Richard, B. D. Miniller of Market Harborough, Lelcefterf. and Chapl. to Lord Verc. * I Cor. xi 26. 8°J755. 2 f . The Scripture Account of the Lord's Supper. *Markii.27. 4^1752. The Xrian Sabbaeh as old as theCreation. PARSLEY Henry, M.'a. R. of Hedgerley, Bucks. Rev. xiv. 13. 4° 1692. Fun. of Mr. VVhitchurch. Bod. PARSLEY Henry, M. A. R. of"Sm.irden, Kent. Heb,xiii.l6. 8" 1702. Several Difcourfes. PJRSOM Thvm.u Aftsxvi. 31.4° 1676. m. e. G. p. 336. Of faving Faith. Bod, PARSONS Bartholomew, E. D. V. of Collingbounie Kinglcon, and R. of Luggeriliall, Wilts. Matt.ii.i,2. (4" 1618.) 8° (reprinted) 17 3 f. The firft Fruits of the Gentiles. Line. Oxon. *Ruthiv. I. 12° 1740. V. Difc. on conj. Duty. V. 1. p. 253. -PJRSONS JoTiathan, M. A. Miniikr of the Prelbyterian Church at Newbry Fort. *PhiI.i.2i. 8*1770. On the Death of Rev. George Whitfield. VeL.IL Kk PARSONS 258 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER PARSONS John, M. A. R. of S(. Martin's, Birmingham. * A. Ch. Magd. Wore. Ox. Pub. L. Trin. Camb, Sion. Rom. .\v. 4. 4° 1678. b. King. The Ufe of the Holy Scriptures. i^een^s. Magd. Oxon. Pub L Camb. Sion. Ephef. vi. 10. 4° 1680. b. Lord Mayor. Ch.Ch.' ^een's. Oxon. Pub- L. Camb. Sivn. Rev.ii. 16. 4" 1681. Faft. April 11. Chrifl's Counfel to his Church. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. Pub.L. Trin. Camb. Sion. Rev. iii. 3. 4° 1 681. Faft. Dec. 22. Chrift's Counfel to his Ch. ChCh. Magd. Oxon. Pub.L. Trin. Camb. Sion. I Cor. xi. 26. 4° 1684. 3 Sacra, f, * 2Pet. iii. 16. 12" 1685. Search the Scriptures.^ Pf.lxxii. 15. 4° 1686, Acccffion. Ad Teltimonium. Ephef. iv. 14. 4° 1686. On St. Mark's day. Bod. Univ. Ch.Ch. Jef. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. Matt. xvi. 18. 4° 1687. On St. Peter's day. Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Bal. Univ. Oxon. Sion. I Tim. iii. 15. 4" 1687. The Pillar and Ground of Truth. Bod. Pf. Ixxv. I. 4''i689, Th, Jan. 30, For the Deliverance of this Kingdom by the Prince of Orange. Ch. Ch. Or. Magd. Wore. Jef. Oxon. Trin. St. John's. Camb. Sion. I Cor. iv. 5. 4° 1689. 1 Ag. Cenlunng. j Bod. Ch. Ch. Ma^d. X. 10. 4° 1689. 5 Ag. Murmuring. \ Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. Jfai.xi. 6. 4° 1689, 2 f . b. Prince of Orange, Bod. JUS. Ch.Ch. Magd, Oxon, Pub.L. Cl.H. Camb, Sion. K k 2 Col. 26o AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Col.iii. 15. 4° 1 689. b. Queen. Bod. C.C.C. Ch.Ch. Magd.- Oxon. Trin. Cl.H. Camb. Skn. Prov. xxiv. 34. 4° 1 690. Faft. April 16. b. King and Queen. Bod Univ. Ch. Ch. Magd. Oxon. Trin Camb. Sion. Deut iv. 9. 4'' 1691. Th. Nov. 26. b. Lords. Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. Fub. L. CI. H. Camb Sio;j. Num. X. 9 4° 1692. Faft. Aprils* b. Queen. Bod. Sioit. . John V 39. 12° 1693. Search the Scriptures. 2Tim.ii. 8. 4° 1696. Spitt. M. Pnb.L. Camb. Sioa. Dan iv. 35. 4° 1696. Nov. 5. b. Lords. Oriel. Oxon. Trin. St. Johns. Camb. Rev xvi.9. 12° 1704. Difcourfe on the late Storm. Johnxiv.i. I2°i707. The Heaits Eafe (h.Ch. Ox. Pub.L. C. 15 Serm. 8° 17 19. On Contentment and Rcfignation to the Will of God &c, 2 Serm. on the Mini ft rati on of .Angels, PATTEN Robert, Lhapl. to General Forfter. Gal.v. I. 8° 1716. PATTEN Thomas, DD. late Fell, of C. C. C. Oxon. and R. of Childrey, Berks. * I Pet. iii. 15, 16. 8°!73i;. Oa'^w. A(fl. The Chriftian Apology in rhatters of Religion, ^eens. Camb *Col.ii. 8. 8° 1759. Oppofition between Chrift's Religion and that of Nature. Slueens. Camb. PAUL William, R of Gittiftiam, Devon. * Pf. cxxxiii. 1-3. 8° 1707. Th. f. Wore. Oxon. * zTim. lii. 16. 4" 1724. Exoii. Affize. Recti's. Camb, PAYNE Denis *Matt. xi. 5. 8°i73r. [PAYNE John] * 9 Evangelical Difc. in 8° 1763. PAYNE Ihoiiids, M. A. R. of Pfigh Halden, Kent, and Chaplain to the Englilh Faftory at Conftantinople. Ecclef viii. 2 4'' 1718. b. Levant Co. Eton. PAYNE Thomas, M. A. Cuftos of the Coll. of Herefo,-d, and V. of Horn- Lacy, Herefordf. Prov.iv. 25. 8° 1728. Pflxvi. 1,2 8° 1 1738. Oxon. Mafick at Hereford. A Defence of Church Mufick Bal. Ox:on PAYNE William, LD R. of White Chapel, and Chapl. in Ord. Prov i.7. 4" 1682. School-Feall. Learning and Knowledge re- commended. JI/S. Oxon. Sion. I Sam.xxvi 9. 4° 1683. jan 30, The uniawfulnefs of ftretching forth the hand to reiift Murder. J/J S. Ch. Lb. C.C.C. Oxon. Ptd. L. .^/. John's. Camb. 1 Sam xxvi. 9. 4° 1683. Sept. 9. Th. for the Deliverance of the King and Kingdom from the treafcnable Confpiracy. Jir . Ch. Ch. C.C.C. Oxon. Fub. L. Si. Johns. Camb. Joihx.dv.ic. 4°i69i. Family-Religion. Univ. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pf. OF AUTHORS, &c. 261 Pf.lxxxii.6,7. 4°i695. Royal Fun. Ch^Ch.Magd. Ox. Tub.L, Trln. St. John's Camb. Pf Ixxii. 6,7. 4'' 1695. Fun. 1 Tim. iii. 9. 12° 1697. 3 f. The Myftery of the Xtian Faith, and of the Trinity vindicated, and the Divinity of Chrilt pro- ved. Jef. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. IzDifc. in 8° 1698. Upon feveral prafiical Subjcds. C, C. C* Oxon. Trin. Camb. iJr PFs^s. L. London. FE ACOCK John * 1 Cor. XV. 55-57. 8° 1768. Fun, of Rev. John/on- PEAD Deuel, Chapl. to the Duke of Nevvcaftle, and Minifler of St. James's Clerkenwell, London. Matt.xiii. 58. 8° 1 694. Jefus is God — or the Deity of Jefus vin- dicated in an Abilraft of certain Sermons. Bod. Luke xxiii. 28. 4° 1695. Royai Fun. L'ai. XXX. 1. 4° 1695. Fail. Dec, 11. 2 Sam. XX. I. 4° 1696. On the national Aflbciation. 7rin. Cam. Pf. ii. 1—6. 4° 1696. Th, April 16. Trin, Camb. Kphef. ii. I. 4° 1701. The Sinner converted. Sion. Aftsxiii. 36. 4° 1702 Fun. of King William. Greatnefs and Goodnels reprieve not from Death. Ifai. xxvi. 16. 4° 1704. Faft. Ifai. xxvi. 16. 4° 1704. Faft. Pf. ii. 4. 8° 1706. Th. Dec, 31. Wore. Oxon. 'Trin. Camb- Ezek. xxxvii. 22. 4° 1707. Mayi. On the Union. Pf. X. 2. 8° 1709. Th. Feb. 17. Pub.L Camb. Pf. Ixviii, II. 8° 1709, On Mr. Prefton's being tore in pieces by his own Bear. 2 Sam. V.I. 4° 1715. Th. for King's A.cceffion. PEAKE William, M.A. R. of Seaton, Rutlandf. Exod. xviii, 2. 4° 1709. Eledion of a Mayor. Pub. L. Camb. PEARCE Zachary, Bp. of Rochefter. Pf. cxxx. 5. 4° 1723. b. Lord Mayor. Th. April 25. After the Plague. Afts XX. 32.4° 1724. Farewel. Gen.xxviii. 18. 4° 1727. Conf. of St. Martinis Church in the Fields, London. Iforc. Oxon. ^eens. Camb. Brit. M. Ifai. xlix.6, 4° 1730. Prop, of Goloel. ^een:. Camb. I Cor. X. 21. 4*^ 5735. ■'^""- meet. Ch. School, ^een's. Camb. Jobii. 10. 12° 1736. Ag. Self Murder. Eton. Afts XX 28. 4° 1741. Cone, ad Synod. l''orc. Ox. Sliie-ns. Cam, Matt, xviii, 33. 4° 1743. Spitt. T. !^een's. Camb. Pf. XX. 6, 4" 1747. Acceflion. b Commons. Ads xxiii 5. 4° 1749. Jan. 30. b. Lords, i^ueen's. Camb. * Prov. xxxi. 31. 4° I7f30. Wejiminjier-\\i)d\\s.i. S>ueer^s. Camb. *Pf, XX. 7. 4" 176c. Faft. b. Lords. Won. Ox. 9uee>^s. Camb. * Serm. ^Fofth.) in 4 Vol. 8° 1779, On various Subjefts. PEARSE Edmund *Matt.xxviii, 20, 8''i728. PEARSE 262 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER PEARSE Innesy M. A. Miniller of the Gofpel at Tadley, Hants. * 21 Serm. in 8° 1763. PE.ARSE Robert, M. A. Vice Principal of Edmund Hall, Oxon. Pflxviii. ig,20. 8°i7i6. Oxon. Th. June 7. The Duty of praifing God for private and public Benefits. BaL Magd. Ox. ^eetis. Camb. Matt. xi. 30. 8° 1717. Oxov. Lent. Aftsxxiv. 16. 8° 1720. At the Temple. Lam. iii. 39,4.0. 8°i72i. Oxon. Nov. 5. An Exhortation to the SuccefTors of the Apoilles. * Jerem xxxv. 18,19. 8^17 PEARsHALL John, Curate of St. Fancras, London. *Sev. Serm. in 8° 1751. The Importance of daily public Piayer, TEARSUALL Richard *Jobxiv. 2. 8° 1 740. Fun. *Rom.x. 16 8° 1747. Ord. * 2 Chron. xxxiv. 3. 8° 1758. Fun. for a Youth. *Pf. xvii. 15. 8° 1758. Fun. of Mrs Irijlram. PEARSON John, Bp. of Chelter. Lukexi. 2. (4° 1644.) reprinted in 8" 1701. The Excellency of Forms of Prayer, efpecially the Lord's Prayer. Bal. Oxon. Irin. Camb. Pf. cxi. 4. 4" 1673. Nov. 5. b. Lords. S>ueen's. Or. Oxon. Trin» Camb Sion. PEARSON Richard, DD. Chapl. to the Earl of Eglin. Heb. xi 5. 4" 1664. Fun. of Earl of Eglin. Enoch's Tranflation. Univ. Magd. Oxon. Sion. PEARSON Richard, DD. R. of St. Michael's Crooked Lane, Lond. Pf. ixxvi. 10. 4° 1684. Th. Sept. 9. Providence bringing good out of evil. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb, 1 Theff. iv. 1 1. 4° 1684. b. Lord Mayor. The Study of Quiet- ncfs. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Oxon. Pu!>.L. Camb. Sion. 1 Theff. iv. 13. 4° 1684. Fun. of Dr. Atfield. Rom. ii. 21 . 4° 1690. PEARSON Richard, Priell: of the Church of England. 2 Kings V. I 8, 19. 4° I 704. Naaman vindicated. PEARSON William, LL. D. Chancellor of York, Arch Deacon of Nottingham and Refidentiary of York. 2 Chron.xxxii. 7,8, 4° 1704. 7'ork. Th. Sept. 7. For Vidory at Blenheim, ^eens. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Luke xvi. 9. 4** 1708. Charity. The Duty of Char, to the poor. 13 Serm. in 8° 1718. On fev. Occafions. Bod. Ch.Ch. Oxon. PECK Fran. M. A. R. of Goodeby Maurewood, and Preb. of Line. Prov.xxix. 2. 8° 1720. Stamford. Inauguration of a Mayor. Ad Magittratum. 4Dilc. in S'' 1742. viz. Ezek. xxxiii. 32, Vif. p. 3. Of Grace and how to excite. Johnvi. 14. Vif. p. 25. jcfus Chnll the true Meffiah from his Miracles. John OF AUTHORS, &c. 263 John XX. 12. Eail. p. 53. Jefiis Chrifl. the true Meffiah from his Refurredlion. Judges xviii. 7. Aflize. p. 81. The Neceffity and Advantage of good Laws and good Magifirates. PECK John, V. of Welford, Warwickf. 2 Cor. viii. 1 1. 4° 1703. Ecclef.xii. i. 4" i686. Fun. of Mrs. Eliz. Bell Brit. M. Jofhuavi. 26. 4° 16S9. Th, for Deliverance from Popery. PECK Samuel, Minifter of Poplar, Middlefcx. aCor.v. I. 4° 1684. f un. of Sir Elenry johnfon. Ifai. lix. II. 4° 1693. Affize. PECKARD Peter, M. A. late Fell of C.C.C. Oxon. * 1 Cor. ix. 20. 8° 1753. Popular Clamour againll the Jews in- defenfible. * I Pet. ii. 16. 8° 1754. The Nature and Extent of civil and religious Liberty. *Rev.xi. 13. 8" 1755. Differtaiion. Earthquake at Li/bon. * I Cor. i. 21. 8° 1770. The proper Style of Chriftian Oratory. ^eetis. Camb. *Rom ix. 28. 4° 1772. Vif. * Ifai. V. 20. 8° 1775. kg. Lord Chefterfield. The unalterable Nature of Vice and Virtue. ^ec7is. Camb. PECKWELL Henry, T>Vi. R. of Bloxham-cum Digby, Lincolnf. *Hcb.ii.x. 8" 1774. Chrilhnas. * Johnxi. 3. 8° 1782. b. Gov. of Lond. Difpenfary. PEERS Richard, MA. V. of Farin-don, Berks, and Preb. of Worceller. Matt. V. 17. 8° 1730. Chriftmas. The great Tendency of the pofitive Precepts of the Go pel to promote the Obfcrvance of nat. Religion. Ag. Tindal's Chrillianity as old as the Cieation. PEGGE Samuel, M. A. V. of Godmerlliam, Kent. John i. 5. 8° 1742. On St. John's day. Recti's. Camb. Brit.M. Ifai.v. 20. 8° 17-1.6. Rebell. Popery an Encourager of Vice and Immorality. PEIRCE James, of Exeter , Devon. I * I Cor. i. 3. 8° 1719. Evil and Cure of Divifiorjs, Brit. M. X * I Cor. iii. 2. 8° 1720. Brit. M. 15 Serm. in 1° 1728. On fevcral Occafions. ^teeti's. Camb. Dr. Ws's. L. London. * 6 DilTertations in 4° 1737. Ex. Oxon. %mni. CI. H. Camb. PEIRCE Thomas, T>T>. * Deut. vi. 12. 4" 1661. PELIER V DD. Wifd.xiv. 3. S-' 1737. Of Grace. Matt. V. 44. 8° 1737. Lukevii.47. 8° 1737. I John V. 14. 8° 1737. PELLING Edward, DD. R. of Petworth, SulTe*, Chapl. in Ord. and Preb. of Weftminfter. ProV.viii. 15. 4° 1679. Jan. 30. Bod.T:nn. St.John's. Camb. 264 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Lukeiii. 14. 4° 1679. b. Artillery Co. Ch. Cb. Jef. Oxon. Trin. St.John^s. Camb. Brit^M. 2 Tliefl. ii. 1 1 4° 1679 3 f . Ag. Popery. Antient ?nd modern DcJufions compared. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Lament. V. 16 4° 1682. Jan. 30. Ch.Cb. Oxon, Pui.L. Trin. Camb. Sion. Pf.yxxiv, 19 (ori3^.) 4°i683. Th. Sep. 9. For a Deliverance from a fanatic Confpiracy. Magd Wore Oxon. Prov.xxiv 21. 4° 1683. County Feaft. Bnt.M. 2 Sam. i. 14. 4" 1683. Jan. 30. David and the Amalckite upon the Death of Saul. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Magd, Oxon. Lukexix.42. 4° 1683. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. Magd. Oxon. Tub. L. Camb. Sion. Rom. xiii. 2. 4° 1683. Jan. 30. b. the Judges, M^gd. Oxon. ?ub.L. Camb. Pf.cxxxvii. I. 4° 1685. Jan. 30. Ch Ch. Oxon. I'rin. Camb. Rom. i. 8. 4° 1685. Nov. 5. The true mark of the Beaft ; or the prefent Degeneracy of the Church of Rome. Magd. Ox. Pf.cxxiv. 6. 4° 1685. Th. for Vidloryover the Rebels. Bed. Ch. Oxon. Sion. iPet. iii.3. 4° 1685. Sept. 27. Luke i. 71. 4° 1690. b. King and Queen. M/7gd. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Triii. St, "Jolii s. Camb. Sicn. Aidls xxiv. 16. 4°i69i. b. King and Queen, h'agd. Ptih.L. Camb. Sion. Col. i. 12. 4° 1692. b. Queen. Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Ox. Triri. C. iTim.iv. 16. 4° 1693. Vif. Boa. John iii. 16. 8° 1694. God's Love to mankind. Pub. L. Camb. Pr cix. 27. 4° 1695. b. King. Rom.. V. 5. 4° 1703. b. Queen. PELLING John, DD, R. of bt. Ann's, Weftminfter and Canon of Wind for. Exod. XX. 5. 4° 1709. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Ch. Ch. All S. C.C.C. Univ. Or. 'jef.llert. Oxon. Trin. '^ecn' s, Camb. Sion.. PEMBERON Ebenezer * Serm. in 8°i726. On fcveral OccaHons. PEMBER70N Ebehezer, Di\ Paltor of a Church in Bofton. * I Feci. 4. 8" 17-0. On the Death of Rev. Mr. Whitfield. PENDLEdURY William, M. A. R. of Burythorp, and V. of Ack- 1am, Yorkfliire. Joelii. 12-18. 8" 1744. Faft. Rom. i. 25. 8" I 746. Tork. p. 5. Errors and Mifchicfs of Pop. Rom. xiii. 4. 8° 1746. 7'ork. p. 45. The fatal Confequences of arbitrary and defpotic Power. Matc.v 16. 8''i748. Vif. PENN James, Underraafter of Chrill's Hofpital, London, and V. of Clavering-cum Langley, Efl'ex. * 2 Sam.xvii. 23. 4° 1756. b. Gov. of Z.t'wa'.-Hofpital. *Matt. ix. 36. 4° 1 758. Faft. * Trafts O F A U T H O R S, &c. 265 *Traas in 8° 1756. * Judges xvi. 25. 4^1758. * Gen. XXV. 14. 4" 176 1. b. Gov. of Chrift-Hofpital. * Ifai x!ix.23. 8"i76i. Acceffion. * A6ls viii. 17. ! 2'' 17 * Matt. XV. 9. 8°i76i. Againil Popery. *Prov. XX. I 8" 1767. Caution to the Livery men of London. Ag. the general Eleftion. *A6lsxx,9. 8° 1769. Sleepy Sermon. * Serm. in 8° 1769. PENNINGTON John, M. A. R. of All Saints Huntingdon, and Preb. of Lincoln. zChron.xix 5-7. 8" 1728. Affize. King Tehofhaphat's Charge to his Judges ; or Juftice without Coriuption, or Partiality recommended. Rom. xiii. 3-q. 8°I728. Affize. St. Paul's Charge to civil Ma- gillrates — fhewing their Duty in defence of Chrifllanity. *Rom.xi.22. 8° I 756. Fail. On the Earthquake. Serious Call to Repentance, iilui'ens. Camb. * I Tim.iv. 16. 8° 1756. Vif. St. Paul's Inftruflion to the Chrif- tian Preacher, ^leen'u Camb, PENROSE Thomas, M. A. V. of Newberry, Berks. * 2 Chron. XX. 3,4. 8° 1745. Faft for Rebellion. Dec. 9. * Deut. xxiii. 9. 8° i 759. b. Militia. *Tit.iii.i. 8°i76o. Acceffion. Duty of Subjedls to their Princes fet forth. PENROSE Thomas, jun. R. of Beckinton and Standerwick, Somerfetfhire. *Rev.xiv. 13. 4° I 774. Fun. of Rev. J. Gerce, L.L. B. *Pf. xxiv. 14. 4° 1776. Fail. PENTYCROSS Thomas^ M. A R. of St. Mary's the Moor, Wal- lingford, Berks, and Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl of Selkirk. *2oSerm.in 8°!78i. fpeculative, praflical, and experinjenta].- X* I Cor. XV. 56, 57. 4°i782. Fun. of Mrs. Hnn Walcott at Bach PEPLOE Samuel, Ep. of Chefter. 1 Kings xviii. 21. 8° 17 16. Affize of the Rebels. Shn. I Sam.xii.7. 8° 1 7 16. Siert. Matt. XXV. ^o. 4° 1730. Ann. meeting Char. Sch, Pv^^tt.x. 34. 4" 1733. Jan. 30. b. Lords. 1 Cor.x. H- 4° 1745'. Rebellion. Popi.Oi Idolatry, a flrong Rea- fbn why all Protellauts fnould zcaioafly oopofc the prefcn: P.cbellion. PEPPER John, B. A. Mailer of the Free School, Lefturer of Ody- ham, and R. of Windflade, Hants. 2 Pet, ii. 10. I 2° 1716. Prov.xiv. 34. 8" 1721. Affize. PERCLvALE William, M. A. Arch-Deacon of Cafhel, Leiand. Nehem.xiii. 14. 4° 1713. Conf, of a Church. St.Jokn's. Cam. Vol. IL L 1 PERCY 266 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER PERCY Thomas, Bp. of Dromore, Ireland. * Johnxiii. 35. 4° 1769. b. the Sons of the Clergy. PERIAM George, M. A. late Student of Ch. Ch. Oxon. and V. of Lathbury, Bucks, * Matt. V. 39. 8° 1755. AITize. The means of redrefiing, and Duty of forgivenefs. PERKINS Jofeph, M. A. Cur. of Little Hampftead, Devon, after- wards of little Oakley, Eflex. Ephef. i. 7. 4°i693. Palm Sunday. Ads XX. 33. 4° 1699. John i. 14. 8° I 707. Chriflmas. PERKINS Jofeph, A Priioncr in the Marfhalfea. Col.iii. I. 8° 1707. Ealler. Trin. Slueeti's. Camb. Matt.v, 8 8° 1707. PERRINCHIEF Richard, DD. Preb. of Wcllminfter. Lev.xxvi. 18. 4°i666. Pall. b. Commons for the Plague. C^&.CZ'- Magd. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. PERRONET Vincent, M. A. V. of Shoreham, Kent. Rom.xii. 13. 8° 1745. Of Divine Hofpitality. PERROT Humphrey, M.A. Fell, of Oriel Coil. Oxon. I King. xxii. 43. 8° 1738. Oxon. Affize. Wore. Oxon. PERROTT Thomas, M.A. R. of St. Martin's, Yorkf. * Ephef. iv. 25. 8° 1726. AlGze. Truth, Cement of Society. PERSAL A Jefuit. J * Matt.xxviii. 19. 4° 1687. b. King and Queen. Brit.M. PERSE Will. M.A. Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. Minillcr of Malton, and R. of Heflerton, Yorkfhire. Ads xxii. 3. 4°i68z. Eto?i. Sch. Feaft. Trin. St. John's. Camb. Eton. Sion. Ff. cxxix. 1,2. 4° 1689. Nov. 5. Trin. Camb. Matt. xxvi. I 3. 4° 1695. Royal Fun. Ecclef,x. 20. 4° 1696. Th. Exod. xvii. 13-1 5, 4° 1706. Tork. Th. June 27. For Viflory ovc<;y the French Army. PERSEHOWSE Thomas, M.A. of Trin. Coll. Camb, Curate of Barnes, Surrey. Zcch.iv.6. 4° 1744. May 29. b. Lord Mayor. Rom.iii. 16-18. 8° 1745- Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. PETER Charles, M. A. R. of St. Mabyn's, Cornwall. »Serm. (Follh.) in 8° 1776. PETERS John, M. A. R. of St. Clement Old Romney, Kent, Left. of St. Clcmsnt Danes. Rom.xiv. 16. 4*^ 1724. b. Antient Britons. The univcrfal Ob- ligation to Chrillian^Charity. Phil.i. 28. 4" 1745. Rebellion. Error in Religion dellrudive of Government. PETERS Richard PETTER OF AUTHORS, &c. 267 PETIT Peter, M. A. V. of Wymondham, and Commiffary of Norf. * - - - - 1755. Fall. * [fai. xxxiii. i. 4" 1779. Faft. The Spoilers fpoiled. PETRIE Robert, V D. M. Of Canobie. * Heb. xiii. i 5-1 7. 1 2° 1779. The Reafonablenefs and Neceffity of public Worfhip. V. Scotch Pr. V. III. p. 39. [PETTER George] * Lo-St. in fo. 1 66 1. FETTER John, M.A. Chaplain to Brigadier Lumley's Regiment of Horfc. *Johnxxi.22, 4°i685. July 5- On occafion of the late Rebel- lion. Pub.L. Camb. I Sam.iv.9. 4° 1 694. b. the Forces in Flanders. Pub.L. Trin. C. Ifai.xxxii. 8. 4° 1698. County-Feaft. PHELPES Charles *Ephef. V. 18. 12° 1676, Caveat, ag. Drunkennefs. Pub.L. C. PHILIFPS Henry, M. A. of both Univerfities, and fometime Fell, of Magd. Coll. Oxon. * 3 Sermons in 12" 1705. PHILIPPS Philip, M. A. Chapl. to the Earl of Berkley. I Pet. ii 15. 8°i7i5. Welch Society. Loyalty and Love. Ch. Ch. Oxon. PHILIPS David, DD. R. of Stackpoole Elidor, Pembrokefhire. Pf. cxxxiii. I. 8° 1 7 10. 3 f. Unity recommended to Praft. Sion. PHILIPS F E. A. P. Ecclef.v.i. 8°i7i7. The Church of England man direded how- to w^orfhip in public and private. PHILIPS John, B.D. Fell, of Magd. Coll. Camb. V. of Aylef- ham, Norfolk. Pf.xxi. I. 4°i66i. Th. May 29. God and the King. God's Strength, the King's Salvation. Univ. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. PHILIPS John, M. A. Chap, to Lord Churchill's Regm. of Marines. Deut. iv. 7,8, 4° 1725. On occafion of the Expedition into Sar- dinia. Wore. Oxon. PHILIPS Michael *Occafional ferm. in 12° 1775. For the royal Navy. PHILIPS Nicholas, Chapl. to the Garrifon in Scilly, Heb. xi. 15. 4° 1679. The Holy Choice. Dan.vi. 21. 4°i6Si. Loyalty and Piety. Ads ii. 47. 4° 1681. The way to Heaven clearly difcovered. PHILIPS William, V. of St Peter's, Worcetter. *Rom. xiv. 19. 4° 1730. May 29. The things which make for Peace. Pf.lxxxiv. 4. 8° 1 73 1. Mufick. PHILLIPS Robert, DD. Pf. Ixxv. 7. 4° 171 2. Th. May 29. b. Commons. PHILPOT Thomas,' DD. R. of Turvefton and Akeley, Bucks. Ecclef, iii.20. 4° i66o. Fun. An adieu to the Duke of Glouc. John V. 7. 4° 1663. Sept. 29. The Cripple's Complaint. Bod. Ij I z PICKARD 268 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER PICKARD Edward * Luke i. 74,75. 8° 1 747. Vaft Import, of Delivery from Popery. * I Kingsiii. q, 10. 8° 1752. b. young perlons. Solomon's Pre- ference of Wirdom. *Phil. i. 23,24. 8''i758. Fun ot Tim. Wild. * 2 Tim. i. 12. 8° 1758. Fun. of Rev. T. Newman, ^een^s. Ca. * Prov. xxii. 6. 4° 1760. Charity to Orphans. * Pf. cxlvii. I. 8" 1761. Aug. I. * Matt. XXV. 21. 8° 1762. Fun. of Rev. Gnrge Benjon, DD. ^eefi'i. Camb. * Gen, xviii. 19. 8° 1763. 3 Difc. Relig. Governm. of a Family. PICKERING Robert, U.A. R. of Cowling, Kent. Tit iii.i. 8° 171 2, Lent. The Sovereign's Power, and Subjed"s Duty. Bal. Oxon. PICKERING Roger, F. R. S. late Minifter of the Gofpel in Silver ftrect, and Left, at Salter's Hall, London. Pf. cxxxix. 7-10. 8"i75i. On the Earthquake. PICKERING Thomas, DD. \ . of St. Sepulchre's, London. 2 Sam. i. 27. 4° 1750. Jar.. 30- b. Lord Mayor. Wore. Oxon. PIDDLE John, late of St. Mary Hall, Oxon, Curate of Sher- borne, Dorfctfliire. * Ezek.xxxiii. 30,31. 8° 1777. Abufc of hear. God's word. [PIERCE John] t *Pf.lxxxv, 9,10. 8° 1 704. Affize, PIERCE John, M A. R. of Cottefbrooke, Northamptonfhire. i5Serm. in 8°i73i. on feveral Occafions. PIERCE The. DD. Prefid. of Magd. Coll Ox. and Dean of Savum. J*Aftsxi. 28. 4°i66i. Ad Synod, Lond. A Colleclion of Serm. in 4^^ 1671. Oxen, upon feveral occafions &c. Bnd. Ufjiv. Magd. Queen's. New C. Oxon. Sion-. A Decad of Caveats to the people of England. 4" 1679. Bod. Magd. Oxon. SioTt. The Sinner inipleaded in his own Court. 4° 1679, Pub.L. Q. Siun. -The Signal Liagnoliic. 4° 1679. Bod. Sion. 2 Difc. of the Law and Equity of the Gofpel on Johnxiii.13. — With other Serm. V. III. 4° 1686. Bod.^eens. Ox. Pub. I. Camb. Sicn. PIERS Henry, M.A. of Trin, Coll. Dublin, V. of Bexley, Kent. iCoriv. I,?.. 12^1742, Vif. Ifai.vii,i4. 8° 1743. Chriflmas. Chrift born, that we may be born again. Queens. Camb. Iukexiii.3. • 2" 1744. Fait. Gofpel Repentance. Pl.cvii. 2. 8" 1746. Briftol. 1 h.v Oft. 9. Religion and Liberty rescued from Superftition and Slaveiy, Jobxxviii. 28. 12" 1-47. Fun. True Wifdom from above; or Chriilianity the befl Underftanding. Hcb. iii. 18. ig. I2°i748. Fall. Infidelity the Ruin of a Peo- ple ; or Unbelief the damning Sin. Ephef. ii. 12. 12" 1748. The Subltance of 3 Sermons, Atheifm a commoner Sin than thought of. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 269 * Dire, in 1748. * Luke i. 17. 12" 1758. *Pr.]xviii. 19. 8° 1759. Th. for Viaory and Karveft. Matt. xvii. 11,12. 4" 1 761. On a Legacy left to Danfon Parifh, Kent, by Mr. Stvlcman. PIERSON I DD! *Pf. Ixxv. I. 4" 17 Th. f. PIETT Thomas *Difc. in 8° 1737. * Ephef. ii. 4, 5. 8° 1737. Chriftmas. *Pf, xcvii. 1. 8° 1 746. Th. on the Duke's (Cumberland) Return. PJGG Thomas, M. A. V. of" Watton, and R. of Bodney, Norfolk. Exod.xx. 16. 4° 1736. Camb. Affize. PIGGOTT Ge.rge * - - - - 1735. Chrillmas. PIGGOrr John * \ Their, iv. I 3,14. 8° 1700. On the Death of Mord, Abbott, Efq; *EccIer iv. 1 1. 8° 1714. * 1 1 Serm. in 8" 1714. Dr. Wss L. London. PIGOIT Edzvard * Serm. in 1 2° 1702. PIGOTT Henry, B. D. Minifter of Rochdale, Lancafhire. Adls xvii. 6. 4° 1676. Allize. Bod. ^teen's. Camb. PIGOTT James, M. A. V. of Wigfton Magna, and late of Pemb. Hal! Camb. *Gen.v.27. 4°i762. The Age of Methufelah, and the Koufe of Mourning, PIKE Samuel *Rom.iv,i6 8°i748. Conned, bet^veen Faith, and true Grace. * Phil. i. 27. 8° 1753. Education for Miniliers. * Exod. xxxiii. 19. 8° 1758. Saving Grace, fovereign Grace. * Ifai. xxxiii. 17. 8° 1761. Coronation. * Heb. xi. I. 17 PILKLNGTON Matthew, L.L.B. Preb. of Litchfield. 2 Sam.xxiii. 3. 4° 1733. EIe•■? PRIDEAUX Humphrey, DD. Dean of Norwich. * I Sam. xii. 24. 4° 1703. Th. for Vidory. CLE. Zt. John's. Camb. Brit. M. BRIDEAUX John, DTi. R. of Exeter Coll. and Reg. Profeffor of Divinity, Oxon. * Matt. v. 25. 4° i66i. PRIEST Ifaac, Pre&ytcr of the Church of Englaud. I Tim.vi. 7-19. 8° 1730. Pf. xcvi. 9. 8° 1750. Defence of the Liturgy. *Serm. in 8''i75^. on 10 different Subjects. O F A U T H O R S, &c. ^75 PRIEST Simon, V. of Bifley, Gloucefterf. Pf.cxix. 115. S^'ijio. Danger of bad Company. Sien Ecclef. V. 14. 8"^ 171 1. PRIESTLEY jGjeph, L.L.D. and E. R. S. *Rom.xiv.7. 8° 1764. b. diffcnt. Clergy. The duty of not living to ourfelves. i^eeri's. Camb. * I Pet. i. 13 8° 1773. On refigning his paftoral Office at Leeds. *Matt.xiii. 3-10, 8" 1779. The Doftrine of Divine Influence iiOn the human Mind. * - - - - 1782. 2 f. On habitual Devotion. PRIESTLEY T. V. of Snettilham, Norfolk. *Micahvi. 8. 8° 1776. Affize. *Matt. xvi. 27. 8''i776. AHize. PRINCE John, M. A. V. of Berry Pomeroy, Devon. iTim.iv. 16. 4° 1674. Vif. Bod. Univ. St. John's, Camb. * Pf. cxxvii. I. 8° 1722. Th. for Plague. PRINCE John, B.A. Le6l. of St, Mary Aldermanbury» London. * Pf, cxxii. 6-9. S'' 1781. b. Antigallicans. PRINCE Tho. M. A. Pallor of the South Ch. Bofton, New England. t*Pf.lxviii. 71,72. 8°i728. Bcfton. Civil rulers. Brit.M. Pf. cxviii.23. 8° I 745. Bojion. Th. on taking Cape Breton. Ex- traordinary Events the Doings of God, and marvellous in pious eyes. AllS, Oxon. ^ecris. Camb. Exod.xiv. 13. 8° 1747. Bofton. Th. Nov. 27. The Salvations of God in 1746. ^eerCs. Camb. * Ezra ix, 13, 14. 8° 1747. Th. for Viftory near Culloden. Slueetis. Camb. Pf. cvii. 33-35. 8° 1749. Th. Aug. 24. For Rain. The natural and moral government and agency of God in caufing Droughts and Rains. PRIOR William, DD. London. * Rev.xviii. 4. 8°i750. Aug. i. , Popery not Xnity. Brit M. *Matt.xi. 30. 8° 1754. Ch. f. Pleafure of Xcian Life. Brit.M. PRIOR William, Cur. of Sawbridgeworth, Herts. *Prov. xlv. 34. 8° 1758. Fall. PRITCHARD Thomas, M. A. late R. of Weft Tilbury, Elfex. Heb. xiii. 14. 4" 1693, Fun. ol Mrs. Dawes. Bod. Utiiv» Line, Oxon. ^cell's. Camb. Etofi. Sion. Keb. ix. 27. 4° 1693. Fun. of Lady Lumley. Bod. [PROCTER Henry] *Matt. xxv. 4. 8" 17 PROSSER Jacob, Chapl to the Garrifon of Portfmouth. Pf. Ixxxv. 8. 8°i7i3. Th. July 7. For Peace. PROUDMAN John. R. of the Mediety of Trowell, Northampt. Ecclef. xii. 14. 8° 1719. Nottingham. Aflize. PROVOSTE John, M. A. Pf.xxxvii. 37. 4° 1698. Fun. of Lady Cutts. Ch.Ch. Ox. Cl.H. Trin. Camb. Brit.M. M m z PROWDE 276 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER PROWDE Francis, M. A. N. of Woollavington, Somerfetf. Aasviii. 17. 4° 1 694. Conf. Ch.Ch. Ox. St.Jobji's. C. Brit.M, PRUDE John, M. A. Chapl. to the Duke of Norfolk, and Cur. of St. Clement's Danes, Middlefex. Ecclef ii. 16. 4° 1697. Fun. of Mrs. Baynard. Brit, M. PUDDICOMB J. M.A. *Pf.li. 17. 4° 1782. Faft. PUGH Hugh, Mininer of the Church of England. Gal.iv.i8. 8°i7io. Ot relig. Zeal. Line. Oxon i^eefi^. Cam. PUGH William, Cur. of Tottenhoe, Bucks. *Rom.xiii.4, 4° 1764. Affize. PULLEN Tobias, Bp. of Dromore. Pf cxviii. 24. 4° 1695. Nov. 5. PULLEYN John, M.A. Preb. of St. Paul's, London. Aflsxx. 34. 4'^i699. School-Feail. i>t.John^s. Camb. I'hil.iv. 11.4" 1700. The Art of Contentment. 2Cor.x. 5. 4°i702. Aflize. PURKIS William, M. A. Fell, of Magd. Coll. Camb. * Matt vii. 13. 4°i77r. Affize. PYKE William, M.A. R. of Stokes Climefland, Cornwall. I Cor XV. 31.4° 16,80. Fun. of Mrs. Warren. The Myftery of dying daily. PYLE Benjamin, LL. D. *Matt.xiii. or Markiv. 36. 8^1781. Vif. Durham. ' PYLE Tho. M.A. R. of Lynn Regis Norfolk, and Preb. of Sarum. lKingsiii.9. 4° 1706. Norwich. Anniv. of Coron. The great Charge and Difficulties of fupreme Government, with the Duties of chriftian Subjeds to make it profperous and eafy. Ezek. xxxvii. 22. and part of 24. 4° 1707. Th. May i. National Union, a national Bleffing. Ifai.v. 20. S°i7i6. The heinous fin and danger of prevari- cating with God and the Government. Num.xvi.41. 8°i7i6. Affize. The Wifdom of Government in diflributing Punifhment or Mercy to State-criminals. zCor. xiii.5. 8" 1717. The proteftant Rule of judging of the Way to Salvation. Ch. Ch. Oxon. CI. H. Camb. I Tim. iii. I 5. 8° 171 8. The Scriptures, only Teit of Truth. * Serm. (Polih.) in 2 Vol. 1° 1771. On pradical Subjeds. Triji. ^eens. Camb. S>U1CKE John, of Exon Coll. Oxon. Minifter of the Gofpel. Dcut. xxxii. 29. 4" 1681. Fun. of Philip Harris, Efq ; The Teft • of true Godlinefs. *Zach. i.5. 4° 1691. Fun. QUINCY Samuel, ' Led. of St. Philip's Charles Town, South Carolina. * 20 Serm. in 8° 1750. RADCLIFFE E. at W^ahhamllow. *Lukexxii. 36. 8° 1758. Faft, *£xod. XV. I. S° 1759. I'fii^ce Fcrdinando's Vidory. * Jer. OF AUTHORS, &c. 277 •Jer. iv. 21. 8" 1 762. Fall. * Johnxviii. 36. 8° 17 *2 Tim.ii. 19. 8° 17 Chriftmas. Confiftency of the Xtian Character recommended. V .T>r. Enfield'' s Ex\^ Pr. V. 9. p. 267, *A6lsv. 29. 8° 1772. refpefting Sublcriptiou. * Pf. Ixxxiy. 31,32. 8° 1776. Fall. RAINBOW Edward, Bp. of Carlifle.' * Johnvi. 17. 8° 16 Prov.xiv. I. 4° 1677. Fun. of the Countefs of Pembroke. Bod. Pub. L. St. John's. Camb. Sion. RAINSFORD Giles, M. A. R. of St. Paul's at Upper Malborough in Prince George County, Maryland. 1 Kings ii, 10. 8° 1724. Fun. of Mr. Levett, Merchant. RAINSTORP John, M, A. Mailer of the Free School in Brillol. 2 Sam. XV. 21. 4" 1683. b. Co. of Merchants. Loyalty re- commended. RALEIGH Walter, DD. Dean of Wells and Chapl. in Ord. Difcourfes ( Reliqiux Raleighana; ) in 4° 1679. on fev. Subje6ls. Bod- Ch Ch. Or. Oxon. Sion. RAMSAY John, R. of Langden, Kent. lohnxvi. 2. 4°i7i4. Th. Irifli Prot. Bod. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. RAMSAY William, E. A. P. late a Francifcan. Gal.i. 8. 4° 1672 The tridentine Gofpel, or Papal Creed. RAMSAY William, Efq ; B. D. LtcX. of Ifleworth, Middlclex. Prov.xiv. 25. 4° 1680. Nov. 5. Mirmah, or the deceitful Wit- nefs. Ch.Cb. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Prov.xiv. 25. 4°i68o. Nov. 5. Maromah. The Lord of Rome, the Antichriil. &c. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Trin Camb. Ifai.xxiv.21. 4° 1680. Maroum. The Deflruftion of the Lord of Rome Sec. Trin. Camb. Afts xxvii. 15. 4°i68i. The Julian Ship, or Paul's Tranfpor- tation to Rome. Trin. Camb. RAMSEY James, Chap, of his Majelly's Ship the Prince of Wales. * Deut. xxxii. 29, 30. 4° i 778. Republiflied in the Volume. * 12 Serm. in 8° 1782. For the Ufe of the royal Navy. RAMSEY John 2 Kings ix. 3 1 . 4° 1661, 2 f. RANDOLPH Herbert, M. A. R. of Deal, and Wood Church, Kent. Ezravii.26. 4° 1722. Ailize. Legal PuniOiment conlidered. .5c 8° 1716. 3 Difc. Edinburgh. I Pet. iii. i;;. J 1 Pet. iii. 13-16. 8° 1717. Edinburgh. RASTRICK John, M.A. fometime V. of Kirkton near Boflon, Line. and now Minifter of the Gofpel at King's Lynn, Norfolk. Matt, xxviii. 20. 8°i7i4. Ord. f. HAWLIN Richard *7 Difc. in 8"! 741. On Juftification. Preached at Pinner's Hall, London. RA.WLINS Gerfhom, Chapl. to the Earl of Bradford. 2 Chron. ix- 7. S^iyi;. Acceifion. b. the fecond Regiment of Footguards. Bal. Sion. Brit. M. RAWLINS John, M.A. R. of Leigh, Minifter of Bad fey, and Wickamford, Worcefter, and Chapl. to Lord Archer. *Rev. xix. 10. 8°i76i. Scripture-Prophecies. * Johnxiv. 22. 8° 1763. Chriflmas f. Plan of divine Revelation juttiiied in anfvver to the Objciflions of unbelievers. *beut.iv. 8. 8" 1766. Affizc. * Rom. xi. 20. 8° 1768. 2 f . Infidelity and Faith. * Matt, xiv, I 4. 8° 1770. Woreejler-Xn'iixrmxy . * Pf.lvii. 78. S"* 1773. Meeting of 3 Choirs at Wort, CompalTion. RAWLINS Thomas Ephef. iv. 25. 8*' 17 J 3. Ag. lying. RAWLINS William, V. of Stockland, Dorfetmire. John V. 2-4. 8" 1 75 1. The Difcovery and due Ufc oi Glajion- buiy Waiers conlidered, RAW* OF AUTHORS, &c. 27^ RAWSON Jof. DD. Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. R. of St. Stephen, Walbrook, and Canon of Litchfield and Coventry, Ecclef. ii. 13. 4" 1703. Sch. Feaft. Wifdom the bell FolTeflion. 2 Cor. xiii. 1 1. 4" 1704. Farewel. Prov. vi. 19. 4** 1708, Lond. Cone, ad Cler. Ch. Cb. Oxon. ^eeris. Camb. Pf. xxxvii. 38. } o g^ b. Queen. M^g. Ox. keen's. Trin. C. Pf. xxxvii. 37. 5 Ads XV. 39, 4° I 709. Cone. pro. Grad. Dodor. Cb.Cb. Oxon» ^eefii. Camb. Eton. Sion. Prov. xiv. 34. 8° 1 71 4. Affize Eton, iCor.xvi. 14. 4°i7i5. Spittal. 2 Sam. xxiv. 14. 4° 1715. Affize.. Pf. Ixvi. 12. 8° 1716. th. May 29. b. Ld Mayor. Cb.Ch. Ox, RAY Charles, M. A. V. of St. Peter's in St, Alban's, and of King's Langley, Herts. Judges vi. 14, 4° 1746. Th. after Rebellion. RAYMOND George, M. A. Miniller of St. Lawrence, Ipfwich. Ephef.iv. 12. 4° 1692. Vii". But. M. Tit.iii.3&c. 4° 1705. Narwich. Loyalty and Peaceablencfs. 2 Chron.xix. 9. 4° 1708. Norwicb. Afiize. Tir.iii. I. 8''i7i6. Aflize. Chriftian Loyalty. RAYNER William, M. A. Johnxxi.15. 8°17I7. Ex. Conf. of Bp. Blackburne. Cb.Cb. Ox. Tic.ii. 15. 8° 171 8. Exon. Vif. RAYNER William, B. A. of Caius Coll. Camb. Cur. of Waling* worth, Suffolk. * Serm. in 4° 1767. READ J. :{; * I Pet.ii. 5. 8° 1730. Opening a Church. READ Henry J.* James ii. 25. S'^ 1728. Hearing infufficient without Pradice, * - - - - 1737. Fun. * - - - - '739' New Year's-day. * Deut. xxxiii. 29. 8° 1746. Th. Britain faved by Chrift. * - - - - 1755. David's Charge. READER Samuel, of Wareham, Dorfetfhire. * 13 Serm. in 8° 1765. On the parable of the 10 Virgins. * 3 Serm. in 8° 1765. On perfonal and family-Religion. * Jofh. xxiv. 15. 8" 1766. Family-Religion. READER Thomas * Lukexii. 40, 12'' 1778. Fun. of a perfon killed by the Fall of a Wall. READING John, DD. Preb. of Canterbury. 2Kingsiii. 15,16. 4° 1663. Of Church-Mufick. C. C. C. Ox. READING Will. M, A. Keeper of the Library at Sion Coll. Lond. I Sam. xxiv. 5,6. 8° 1714. Jan. 30. Magd. Oxon. St, John's, Camb. Sion, Luke aSo AN HISTORICAL REGISTER 23Serm. in 8° 1724. Of Mortification &c. Bod. Pub. L. C. Sioif. 52 Sermons in 8" 1728. Vol.1, and II. for every Sunday in the year at Morning Prayer. Bod. Univ. All S, Ch.Cb. IVadh. O-xon. 5w2. 58 Serm. in 8° 1730. Vol. III. and IV. for every Sunday in the year at Evening Prayer with an Appendix of 6 Sermons &c. Bod. Vniv. Alls. Ch.Cb. Wadh. Oxon. Sion. Luke xvl. 24. 8°i 73 I. Ag. profane curfing and Avearing. ^ifeus. Camb. Sion. *Lukexix. 27. 7 00 -n o o a, „ , r ••• ^ 8 1730. Traas on Government. * Ecclef. via. 1 1. 3 ' ■'^ RECKS Robert. R. of Maningtord-Abbots, Wilts. Prov. xi.4. 4° 1 71 3. Fun.. REECE Richard, B. A. *Ellh.vii). 8. 4° 1776. In honbiir of the royal Favour to in« folvent Debtors. REES Airahm, DD. . * I Cor. ix. 24. 8° 1770. Ch. f. Acceptable Religion illuftrated and recommended. *Johnv.39. 8°i779. Nov. 5. b. Society at Salter's Hall. The Obligaticn and Importance of fearching the Scriptures as a Perfervative from Popery. tiEES David * I Cor. ix. 14. 8° 172S. Modeft Plea for the maintenance of the Cbrillian Miniftry. REEVE Thomas, DD. Preacher of Waltham Abbey, EiTex* Heb.xi.4 4° 1660. Jan. 30. * Difcourfcs in 4" 1661. Judges vi. 12. 4" 1 66 1, p. 95. 2 Sam. xix. 12.. 4" 1661. Fall. Prov. xxviii. 2. 4°i66i. Sev. form. England's Reilitutlon. Zach.xi. 2. 4° i66i. Fun. of Earl of C^arliile. Brit.M. REEVES J. Phil.iv 13. REEVES Jonathan, ' Chapl. of the Magd. Hofp. London. . * Luke XV. 20. 4° 1758. Open, of the Magdaleu-Wo'i'i^. The loll Sheep found. REEVES William, M. A. R. of Craneford, Middlcfex. Ecclef. iii. 2 1,22. 4" 1704. Apothecary's Fealh Of the natural Immortality of the Soul. Rom. i. 19. 4° 170^. Apothecary's Feaft. Of the Wifdom of God in the works of Nature, keen's.. St. John's. C. Sion, Eton. REEVES William, M. A. V. of St. Mary's Reading, Berks, and Chapl. in Ord. Ephef.iv. 2;. 4"i7i2. b. Queen. The nature of Truth and Falfehood. Bod. Ch. Ch. Oxon. ^ecns. Camb, Sion. 2 Tim. iii. 4. 4° 1713. b. Queen. The Folly and Danger of mifplacing our Affedtions. i^een's. Camb. Sion. Prov. xxiv. 21. 4" 171 3. Ox. AS. At Abingdon. Berks. Line. Ox, Col. OF AUTHORS, &c. 281 Col.iv. 3. 4°i7i4. b. Qiieen. The great Importance of re- deeming time. Ch. Ch. Nlagd. Oxon. Mark vi. 16. 4° 17 14. On the Sund. b. the Queen's Death. Ch, Ch. Mngd. Line. Wore. Oxon. i4Serm. in 8° 1729. On feveral occafions. Bod. Ch.Ch. Wore. Wadh. Oxon. * Matt, xxvii. 3, 4. 8° 1754. Eleft. of Memb. of Parliament. ^EGIS Balthafar, DD. R. of Agifham, Kent, Canon of Windfor, and Chapl. in Ord. *Matt.v.9, 8°i7i8. Advantages of Peaceablencfs. I Tim iii. 16. 8° 1721. Vif. * Pf.cxlv. 18,19. ^''1745. Fatt. Matt. xvii. 2a 8° 1750. Of Faith. 2Pet. ii. 9. 8°i75i. Of the immediate State between Death and the Refurredion. *Rom.vi.6,7. 8° 1751. On the vile mifchievous IlTue of the Devil, the old Man crucified with Chrift, and the body of Sin deftroyed. * Pf. cxlv, 3. 8° 1752. On the Greatnefs of God. *Pf. cxliv. 3. 8° 1752. The Knowledge all ought to have of their Body and Soul. *Matt.vi.24, 8° 1752. The glorious Service of God certainly rewarded for ever, and vile Service of Mammon doubtfully re- warded even during a fhort time. * Gen. iii. 15. 8° 1753. The Antientnefs of the Xtian Religion. * Deut. xi. 26. 8° 1753. A Parallel between the people of Ifrael and England. *Johni. I. 8°i753. Jefus Chrift over all, God bleffed for ever, RELlf James *Ifai. xlii. 6 &c. 8° 1762. Salvation compleated, and fecured in Chrift as the Covenant of the people. * I John iv. I. 8° 1762. Trial of Spirits. *johnxiv. 19. 8° 1762. The Life of Chrift, the Perfeverance of the Chriftian. * Matt. xix. 12. 8° 1762. *Ephef. iv.5. 8° 1762. The true chriftian Baptifm delineated according to Reafon and Spirit. RENNELL Thomas, M.A. Fell, of Exon Coll. Oxon. 1 Cor. iii. 3,4. 4'° 1705. Oxon. Of Divlfions for greater Edifi- cation. Bod. Ch. Ch. Magd. Oxon, I Tim. ii. 1-3. 4° 1709. Acceffion, IJniv. Or. Ox. Pub.L.Trin, ^een^s. Camb. RERESBY William, DD. Amos iv, 12, 12° 1 664. RESBURY Nathaniel, DD. R. of St, Paul's Shadwcl], Lond. and Chaplain in Ord. Ifai. Ivii, I, 4° 1681, Fun. of Sir Alan Broderick, Mdgd. Oxon. Pub.L.Trin ^eah. Camb. Sio'n. Vol, II. Nn Matt. 282 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Matt. XXV. 40. 4° 1681. School-Feaft. C.C.C. Oxon. Pub. L. C^b. Sion. Matt, vi. 26. 4° 1689. b. Lord Mayor. Of Providence. Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. Eton, Sion. Job xxxvi. 26. 4° 1691. b. Queen. Bod. Ch. Cb. Magd. Ox. Etofi. Job xxxiii. 22-24. 4°i692. b. Queen. The Advantages of Sick- nefs. Bod. Ur.iv. Magd. Oxon. Matt.vi.6. 4°i693. b. Queen. Of Clofet-Prayer. Trin.C. Sion. Rev. ii I. 4° 1703. b. the Sons of tlie Clergy. IVorc. Ox. Triv» ^/een^s. St.Joh/i^s. Camb. Sion. REYNELL Carew, B. D. Fell, of C.C. C. Oxon! Ma.t. xi. 2-6. 4° 1724. Oxon. De Immanuele. Or. Wore. Oxon. keen's. Camb. A6lsx. 40,41. 8" 1726. Ealler. Ag. Woolfton. REYNELL Carcw, Bp. of Derry, Ireland. Pf. cxviii. 24. 4° 1729. Nov. 5. 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2. 4° 1729. Jan. 30. Matt. XXV. 40. 4"^ 1738. On erect, the Infirm at Brijlol. REYNER Allen Pf. ci. I. 12° 1666. * Prov. xxviii. 14. 12° 1 667. [REYNER Kirby] 2 Tim. iv. 7,8. 4" 171 3. Fun. of Mr. Tho. Kipping. * Sele£l ferm. in 8° 1745. REYNER Samuel, M. A. R. of St. Peter's, Dorchefter. Ifai. iii. 1-3. 4° 1680. Fun. of John Holle. Bod. REYNOLDS M.A. R.of Salop. * I Cor. xiii. 1. 8° 1759. b. Gov. of ^tf/^/i-Infirmarv. REYNOLDS *Pra£l. Difc. in 12^ 17 13. On hearing the Word. REYNOLDS Edward, Bp. of Norwich. His Works in fo. 1679. ( 2d Edit. ) Bod. Univ. Ch.Ch. Oriei. Oxon. Sion. REYNOLDS John, M. A. Pf. cxxix. 1,2. 4° 1678. Nov. 5. Bod. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sion. Pf.xxvi. 8. 8° 1684. REYNOLDS John, V. D. M. in London. Matt. XXV. 8. 8° 1 71 4. Etcn. * Matt. XXV. 21. 8" 1 714. Fun. of the Rev. Matt. Henry. REYNOLDS Jofeph Matt. X. 16. REYNOLDS Richard, Bp. of Lincoln. 1 Kings xii. 19. 4''i72i, Jan. ;c. b. Lords, ^eet^s. Camb. 1 Johniii.8. 4° 1727. Prop, of Goipel. Ch.Ch. Ox. Pnh.L. C. 2 Cor. ix. 8. 4" 1735. i'pittal M. The Retribulions of Charity. REYNOLDS Thomas Prov. ix. 7,8, 8" i6gg. Ref. of Manners, REYNOLDS rhotnui *Heb.xi. 13. 8^1707. Full-. J*Exod. OF A U T H O R S, &c. 283 j: * Exod.xxiii. 29,30. 8° 17 10. Th. f. J * Pf. cvi.21-23. S":;!!. Nov. 5. *Johnxiv. 3. 8" 171 3. ¥\xn. oi E/ea7!or Murdin. ^ueer* s. C^mb. * Ads XX. 37, 38. 8° 1722. Fun. of Rev. Mr. William Hocker. * 3i>32. 8° 1722. YMXi.oi^tv.'Mx. Pomfret. ^eens. Q, RICE Theophilus, B.A. R. of Edingthorpe and Edington, Norfolk. Matt. X. 34. 12° 171 1. Nonvich. The Wcaknefs of the Latitudi- nariam plea of Peace &c. I Thcff.iv. 8. 8° I 722. RICH Charles *Ifai. i. 16,17. 8° 1753. Ag. profaning Chriftmas-day &c. RICH Edward Pickering, M. A. of Baliol. Coll. Oxon. Ecclef. i.2. 4° 1750. At Cheltenham. Bod. *Pf. xxvii. 3. 4" 1759. Th, f. RICH Samuel, M. A. R. of Stalbridge, DorfetHiire. Rom.xiii. 2. 4° 1685. b. his Majelty's Forces. Pub.L. Camb. RICHARDS John xii. 26. Fun. RICHARDS Thomas,' M.A. R. of Llanfyllin, Montgomerylhirc. Luke ii. 10,1 1. 8° 1727. Chrirtmas. Rev. xiv. 13. 8^1732. Fun. of Lady Price. The Happinefs of good Chriftians after Death. RICHARDS Thomas^ * Ifai. V. 4. 8° 1757. Fall. Earthquake. RICHARDSON John *Gal.v. 13. 8° 1752. Chriftian Liberty and Love reprefented and earnellly recommended. Pub.L. Camb. Brit.M, * - - - - 1763. RICHARDSON Jofliua, M.A. R. of All-Hallows on the Wall, London. Prov. xiv. 34. 4° 1682. b. Lord Mayor. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Brit.M, RICHARDSON Robert, DD. R. of Si. Ann's, Weftminller, F.R.S. and S. A. *Pf.cxlvii.i2. 4°i763. Faft. Preached at the Hague. JUS. Ox, * Pf. cxxii. 8,9. 4° 1779. b. the Son/ of the Clergy. RICHARDSON Thomas, Cur. of All Saints, Northampton. * 2 I'im.iv. 7,8. 8° 1729. Fun. of Mrs. Page. I^een^s. Camb. RICHARDSON William, lately a diffenting Teacher. Heb. V. 4,5. 4" 171 1. God's call of his Minillers. Bod. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Live. Wore. Oxon. Sion. RICHARPSON William, M.A. Preb. of Line, and Led. of St. Olave's, Southwark. Aasxvii. 4. -j p. 5. f Q^ Ufefulnefs and Phil. 11. 1 1. inu.n. II. lP-27- go ,f^ -{Neceffity of divine Re. DeUt.XVUI. 15. fp.49. '^ Jv.l.tinn^ I John 11. 8. J p. 77. a Slj Tbe fame. N n 2 RICH- 2^4 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER RICHARDSON William, DD. Mafter of Emanuel Coll. Camb. Exod. iii. 5. 4° 1733. Conf. of a Chapel. Relative Holinefs. * Matt. xxii. 21. 4° 1764. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Slueeii's. Cam. RICHMOND Henry, R. of Liverpool. Prov. i. 22. ,8° 1710. 7 .^ I- • r^ n > o u ,^ . Qo 5- AJhze. Litic. Oxon. Queens. Camb. ■ 29. I. o 1710. y ^ RICHMOND Richard, Bp. of Sodor and Man. * 1 1 Serm. in 4° 1764. RIDER William, B. A. formerly of Jef Coll. Oxon. Affiftant at St. Paul's School, London. *Pr. xxi.3. 8''i76i. Coronation. The Expediency of the Coro- nation-Oath, and the peculiar Felicity of the Eng. Nation. *John xi, %^. ^° 1764. Fun. of Rev. William Reyner. RIDLEY Gloccller, DD. late Fell, of New Coll. Oxon. Canon of SaliilDury, and R. of Weilon, Norfolk. The Xtian Paflbver (4 ferm. in Lent 1736.) 8° L742. ^eeiis. C. 8 Serm. on the Divinity and Operations of the Holy Ghoft, at Lady Moyer's Leflure. 1740, 1 741, 8° i 742. New C. Oxon. ^eeti's. Camb. Dr.Ws's.L. Londo;/. Rev. ii. 5. c John xvi. 2. 1 8° 1745. Rebell. Conftitution in Ch. and State. Gen. ix. 27. 4° 1746. Col. of Ge^gia- S^ueen's. Camb. John xi. 26. 4^1750. Fun. of Dr.*^erriman. ^eetCs. Camb. Jerem. xviii. 6-8. 8° 1750. On the Earthquake. God's threat- ning ag. finful Nations exemplified and improved. *Pf. cxlvii. 19. 4° 1753. Narivich. AiEze. *Lukexi. 1,2. 4° 1755. Hutchin. Left. * Jerera. xvii. 6-8. 8° 1756, Fad. Earthquake. *Prov. xxii. 6. 4° 1757. Ann. meeting Ch. Sch. Real's. Cam. *Ecclef ix. 16. 4^1757. b. Sons of the Clergy. Braz. N. Oxon. * Pi. cxxvii. 3-5. 4" 1764. b. Gov. Land. Lying-in Hofp. RIDGLET Thomas, DD. *Pr. cxvi. 7. 12° 1711. Fun ®f Eliz. Banks. . * Exod. xxxiii. 6. 8°i7ii. Abufe of featling. *Rom. V. 18. 8° r725. 2 f. On original Sin. Slueen's. Camb. * - - - - 1733. Fun. RILAND John, M. A. Arch-D. of Coventry, and R. of Birmingham. Afts vii. 26. 4° 1662. Confirmation. Bal. Oxon 1'rin. Camb. Ifai. i. 26. 4° 1662. Affize. Bal. Oxon. Trin. Camb, Pf. I. 3. 4° 1663. Confirmation revived, p. i. Rev. XX 12. 4^1663 Afi'. Doom's-day books opened, p. 35. .ffc^. RILAND John, M. A. Chapl. of St. Mary's Chapel, Birmingham. *2Cor.ii. 17. 8° 1762. Chriitian, new Crcat. in Chrill. ^Hofeaiv, 6. 8° 1764. 2 f . Ignorance, the Deltrudtion of God's people, and the ways and means to prevent it.. * Ezek. xxxiii. 1-6. 12° 1775. 2 f . The finful Hate of the Nation. *Exod.xx. 13. 8°I777. Ag Self-murder. RINGER Thomas, M. A. 'of Wore. Coll. Oxon. 12 Difc. &c. in 8° 1734. Bad. Wore. Oxon. Brit.M. OF AUTHORS, &g. 285 RIVELY Benedift, M.A. Chapl. to the Bp. of Norwich. Job XXX. 23. 4° 1677. Fun. oi Bp. Reynolds. J// S* Or. ^iens, Oxon. I'rin. Camb. Rom. xiii, 4 4" 1679. Admiffion of a Mayor. RIVERS Sir Peter, Bart. R. of Woolwich, Kent. * F.phe)'. vi.4. 4° 1764. An. meet. Char. School. Braz.N. Ox. RIVERS Tho. LL. D. Preb. of Wincheller, Fell, of All S. Coll. Ox. Pf.lxxvii. 14,15. 4°i7io. Th. Bod.Univ. C.C.C. Jef.Worc. Ox, ROBERTS Charles, Miniller of the licenfed Chapels of Mullel- burgh, and Dalkipk. *Ifai Ivii. I. 8" 1750. Edinburgh. Fun. of Earl of Dalkeith. ROBERTS Edward, M. A. Left, of St. Magnus the Martyr, Lond. 3 John 2- 4'^ 1693. Sicn. ROBERTS Edward, M.A. R. of Raleigh, Effex, and Miniller of Queenborough, Kent. 2 Sam. xxiil. 10. 4^1704 Th. f. Mark xi. 24. 4° 1704. Farewel. * Jonah iii. 4, 5. 8** 1708. a Vol. Luke viii. 23,24. &?i7i6. ROBERTS Francis, DD. R. of Wrington, Somerfetniire. I Cor. iii. 21-23. 4° 1662. Fun. The Chrif- tians advantage both by Life and Death. ROBERTS Richard, M. A. CLipl. to the Duke of Beaufort, V. of All Saint's in Briitol. 1 Pet. ii. 17. 4° 1685. Young Men's Feaft. Ch. Ch. Oxon. ROBERTS Samuel, Miniller of the Gofpel at Sarum. Pf. cxxii. 6-8. 8° 1745. Rebel. Love of oar Country. Brit. M. *Micah vi.6. 8"i74S. Faft ROBERTS William, R. of Jacobftow, Devon. Heb. V. 4. 4° 1 709. Exon. Vif. The divine Inftituticn of the Gofpel-miniftry, and the NeccfTity of cpifcopal Ordination.- Line. St. John's. IVorc, Oxon. Tri?i. Recti's. St. Jehu's. Camb. ROBERTSON J. B.A. V. of Harriad, Hants. *Rom.xi.22. 8''i76i. Fall. Subverfion of antient Kingdoms &Cv ROBERTSON Thmas, Minifter at Dalmeny. * - . . . 1778. Fait. ROBERTSON Will. DD. Principal of the Univerfity of Edingburgh. * Col. i. 26. 8° 1755. Prop, of Chriftian Knowledge. The Situ- ation of the world at the time of Chrift's appearance, and its Conneiftion with the Succeis of his Religion confidcred. V. Prot. Syli. V. II. and Scotch Pr. V.I. p. 102. S^ueen's. Cam, ROBETSON J. Cur. of Whitby, Yorklhire. * - - - - 1 779* b. friendly Society. * I Chron, xix. 13. 4° 17S1. b. Battaliion of Volunteers. ROBINSON Benjarnin * Pf. cvi. 30,31. 12° 1 701. Ref. of Manners. *Aasxiii. 36. 4° 1702. On the Death of King William III. Pub.L. Camb. Rom.xlv. 6. 8" 1707. The praftical improvement of Xtmas-day. •Pf.cxviii. 22-24. 8°i7i9. King's birth- day. Si.Johh,^'^.^' 286 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER ROBINSON Chriftopher, M. A. R. of Wdby, Lincolnf. SDifc. in 8° 1733 — 1740. The Excellence and Neceffity of a Revelation. CI. H. Camb. ROBINSON J. DD. jer. xvii. 9, 10. 8° i ROBINS'JN John Matt. V. 5. 4° 1 704. Norwich. Aflize. Mceknefs. ROBINSON John, Bp. of London. Pf. xxi. I. 4° 1710. b. Queen. Acceffion. Ch.Ch. Magd. Line, Oxon. St.yob)is. Camb. Matt. six. 14. 4''i7i4. Ann. meet. Ch. School. Ch.Ch. Qy.on. ^eens. Camb. 5io?i. [ROBINSON Ralph] * Serm. in 4" 1660, on Chrift. ROBINSON Robert, of Cambridge. *Pl. cxliv. 1 1,12. 8°i772. To young perfons. Early Piety. *zTim,iii. 14,15. 8°i776. Proper Behaviour at rcl. Allemblies. *Rom. xiii. 1-7. 8° 1780. Camb. Jan. 30. * 2Cor. iv.'^,4, 8°i78i. Xn Doft. of Ceremonies. V. Saurin J. ROBINSON T. R. of Oufeby, Cumberland. James v. 12. 8° 1710. ROBINSON Thomas, DD. Fell, of Mert Coll. Oxon. 2 Tim, 22. 8° 1730. Oxon. Youthful lulb inconfiilent with the Minilh-y. Wore. Oxon. ^eefi's. Camb. ROBOTHAM Charles, B. D. R. of Reifam, Norfolk. Ifai.xlix.23. i2°i6So. May 29. The royal nurfing Father, i'w.s Rom.xvi. 26. 12" 1680. The Obedience of Faith. Sion. Heb. xiii 16. i2''i6So. Commem. on Charity. ROBOTHAM Charles * Serm. in 8° 1756. HOBT William J*2Sam. V. 12. 8°i7i5. Acceffion. 1 Kings viii. 27. 8°i72i. Opening meeting. Houfe. RODERICK Richard, DD. Stud, of Ch. Ch. Oxon. V. of Bland- ford-Forum, Dorfetfnire, and afterwards R. of St. Michael's Bafifliaw, London. Adsii. 42. 4° 1683. Vif. Ch.Ch. Jef. Oxon. Sion. 2 Chron. vii. 16. 4°i684. Conf. of a Chapei. Pub.L. Cam. Sion, Jer. vii. j 2. 4° 1707. Cone, ad Cler. Lond. Sisn. Mark xiii. 13. 4° 1723. Cone, ad Cler. Lond, Sion. ROE James, M.A. Prime Curate of the parochial Church of Mac» clcsfield, Chefliire. *20 Serm. in 8° 1766. AllS. Oxon. ROE Stephen, M.A. Morning Preacher at Stepney, Middlefcx. * Num. XXV. 17, 18. 8°i756. b. Antigallicans. ROE William *Aftsxv. 29. S°i662. Chrillian Liberty rightly flated. ROGERS John, M. A. Chaplain to the Earl of Berkeley. Jonah, i. 6. 4°i68r. At Trinity-Houfe. Sion, Pi".xxvii.6. 4^1702. Th. ROGERS OF AUTHORS, &c. 287 .ROGERS John, DD. V. of St. Giles's Cripplegate, Sub-Dean and Canon of Wells, and Chapl. in Ord. SSerm. in 8° 1727. Vol. I. The Neceffity of a divine Revela- tion. Bod. Univ. Ch.€h, C.C.C. St. John's. NewC. MIS. Wore. Pemb. Oxon. ^teen's. CI. H. Camb. 12 Se.-m. in 8° 1730. Vol.11. (Pofth.) Bod. Vivn. Cb.Ch. C.C.C. St. John's. NezvC. MS. Wore. Pemb. Ox. ^eeris. CI. H. Cam. i9Serm. in 8°»:^35- '73^- Vol. III. (Poilh.) Bod. Univ. Ch.Cb, C. C. C. St. John's. New C. JUS, Wore. Pemb. Oxon. ^een's, CI. H. Camb. i7Serm. in 8° 1736. Vol. IV. (Pofth ) Bod. Univ. Ch.Ch. C.C.C, St. John's. New C. MS. Wore. Pemb. Ox. ^een's. CL U. Cam. ROGERS John * - - - - ''752. Fun. *2Cor. iv. 5. 8° 1767. Ord. ROGERS Samuel, M. A. Rom. viii. 18. 8° 1714. Fun. of the Earl of Gainfborough, 1 Theff.iv. 13,14. 4° 1 71 4. Fun. ROGERS Thomas F.cclcf. xii. I. 4° 1683. Fnn. of Robert Linager. Brit.M* * Difc. in 8" 1 69 1, on Sickncfs and Recovery. Brit.M. *Difc. in 8'' 1692. on a friendly correfpondence between Con- formifts and Non-conformifts. Gen. xlv. 24. 8° 1 692. 2 f. on the Death of Jnthotiy Duntceli, Pub.L. Camb. Sion. *Zech.xii. 15. 8" 16 May 29. Heb, xi. 7. 12° 1701. Ref. of Manners. ROGERS William *Phil. iv. 13. ROLLS Samuel, DD. 7 00 /r o r on Confcience. C Bod. Bal. Pub.L. I Sam.xxiv. c. J-8 1678. 21. , i ^. u c- ^ J ' (an. 30. i Camb. Sion. ROLLS William, B.D. R. of Chalfont St. Giles's, Bucks. I Cor.i. 10. 4° 1672. The Neceffity of chriftian Charity. 'ROMAINE William, M. A. formerly of Ch. Ch. Oxon. R. of St. Ann's Blackfryars, Led. of St. Dunftan's in the Welt, Lond. Mark xii. 24-27. 8° 1739. The Divine Legation of mofes demon- ilrated from his having made exprcfs mention of a future State. Mark xii. 24-27. 4° 1742. Future Rewards and Punifhments proved to be the Sanftions of the Mofaic Diipenfalion. Rom. ii, 14, 1 5. 4° 1741. b. Lord Mayor. No Juitification. by the Law oi Nature. Judges xi. 30, 31. 8^1744. Jeptha's Vow. Ag. Sacrifice. * John i. 14. 8" 1755. Self-exiftence of Jefus Chrift. * Amosiv. 12. 8" 1755. ^" Alarm to a carelefs World. * Pf. cvii. I &c. 12" 1755. Praft. Comment, in fevcral Ledlurcs-. *Ezek. xxxvi. 25-27.' S'' 1755. A Gift ferm.. by Mils Hill. Be- nefit of Holy Spirit to Man. * Ezek. xxxvii.4. 8" 1756. Parable of diy Bones. * Lai. 288 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER * Ifai. xxviii. i6. 8° 1756. 2 f. The fure Foundation. ♦Matt XXV. 13.8° 1756. Duty of Watchfulnefs enforced. *Ifai.xlv.8. 8° 1757. 2 f. Lord our Righteoufncfs. * Matt. XV. 19,30. 12° 1757. for preventing frequency of Rob- beries and Murders. * Lu-Jce ii. 29, 30. 8" 1759. Death of Rev. Mr. Hervey. * John viii. 24. 17 * 12 Difc. in S°i75g. upon fome praft. parts of Solomon's Song. * 12 Difc. in 8° 1760. upon the Law and the Gofpcl. *Pf. cxvi. 15. 8° 1762. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Jones. *2Cor. iv 5. 8" 1764. on Earthquake. ROMAN William, LL.B. Chapl. to the Lord Mayor. *Matt, V. 16. 4° 1 75 2. Eledl. of Lord Mayor. ROOTES Richard, M. A. R. of Chilmark, Wilts. Prov.xix 8. 8° 17 Oxon. p. 38. St. Paul's Epift. to the Ro- mans vindicated from unconditional Predeilination. Hert. Ox. A£lsii.42. 8° 1711. OxpH. Sacrament. Bed. ROPER Jofeph. DD. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. R. of St. Ni- cholas Cole-Abbey, and St. Nicholas Olave's, London. 1 Cor. ix. II. 4° 1725. b. Sons of the Clergy. Wndh. Ox. Siofj, Johnvii. 17. 4° 1728, Commenc. St.jfob/i's. Camb. Brit.M. Prov.xi.25. 4''i734. Spitt.'W. The Chara6ler of a liberal Man. 1 Cor. ix. 16. 4° 1737. Cone, ad Cler. Lond. i^eeris. Camb, [ROSE Jonathan] * Rom. xii. 2. 4" i 71 1. 3 f. ROSE William, M. A. V. of Eaft-CIandon, Surrey. Ifai. liv. 8. 8° 1715. Th. for Acceliion. ROSEWELL Prov. iii. i 5. Nov. 5. ROSEWELL H. Pf. Ixxxiv. 1 . 8" 1 7 1 1. at a Country-revcl-. ROSEPVELL Samuel * Serm. in 1706. * Prov. xiii.6. 4" 1706. Nov. 5. * John xxi. 21,22. 8" 170S. One's own Bufinefs. :}:*Deut. xxxiv, 5. 8° 17C8. Fun. of Lady Clinton. * Pf. cxxxii. 17, 18. 8" 1714. Coronation. * Mark x. 21. 8° 1714. Warning to Youth. Matt. xxvi. 41. 8° J 71 5. of Temptation, and the Means to pre- vent its Prevalence. ;}: * AAs xix. 40. 8° 17 1 5. ag. Riots. * Num. xxvi. 10. 8*^ 1715. on an Execution, * Prov. xxiv. 21. 8° 1716. I *Pf. xxxvii. 34.. 8°i7i9. Farewel. At Founders Hall. Brit.M. *Nehem.xi.2. 8° 1719. Ref. of Manners. RCSS John, Bp. oj Exeter. * Jfai.xxxiii. 6. 4°J756. Carni. ^ommtnctmtnt. All $. Br az^N. Ox on. i^uetn's. Camb. * Ifai. xxvi. 9, 4° 1756. Faft. JUS. Oxon. *Hofea OF AUTHORS, &c. 289 * Hofea xiii. 9. 4" 1759. J^"* 3'^- b. Commons. Brnz,N^ Oxon. ^een's. Camb. *Prov. xxiv. 21. 4° 1779. Jan. 30. b. Lords. * - - - - 4° 1779. Fall, b. Lords. ROSSINGTON James, R. of Lezant, Cornwall. I Cor. xi. 16. 4° 1676. Vif. BoJ. Pui.L. Camh. Col.ii. 12. 8° 1 700. Infant-Baptifm, ROST John, M. A. R. of OffwcU, and Gittifham, Devon. Jam. V. 12. 4° 1695. ag. rafh and vain I'wearing. ROTHERAM John, M. A. R. of Houghton Le fpring, and V. of Seaham, and Chapl. to the Bp. of Durham. * John X. 37, 38. 8" 1 76 1. Oxoft. Origin of Faith. JUS. Wore. Braz.N. Oxon. ^eeti's. Camb. *Dan. ii. 20,21. 8°i762. Oxon. Inauguration. Wifdom of Pro- vidence in the Adminillration of the World. Braz. N. IVorc. Oxon. ^leen^s. Camb. * Gen- ix. 6. 8° 1763. Affize. Influence of Religion on human Laws, Braz. N. Wore. Oxon, ^/een's. Camb. *Rom.xiii. I. 8° 7766. Oxon. May 29. Government a divine IniUtution. ^eens. Camb. * Pf. cxxxix. 14. 4° 1 77 1 . AVfw^y?/?- Infirmary. * Lukeix. 55, 56. 8° 1780. againft Perfecution. ROTHWELL Pf. Ixxiii. I. 4° 1684. Th. ROW Benjamin + *2"Cor, V. 5. 8" 1704. at Pinmaker's Hall. ROWDEN John, Prefljyter of the Church of England. Pf.x. 16. 8°i7i4. Oxon. on the Death of (^een Ann. i/;;?r. Ox. ROWLAND Daniel, ChapJ. to his Grace the Duke of Leinller. *8Serm. in 12° 1774. on praftical Subje(5ls. * 3 Serm. in i 2° 1778. Trauflated from the Britifli Language by J. Davies, R. of Sharnecottc, Wilts. ROWLAND Parker, * Mai. iii. 3. 4''i775. againll Perjury. ROWLEY John, R. of Hemmingtord Abbots, Huntingdonf. Prov.xi.ii. 4° 1680. b. Lord Mayor. The Cities exaltation by Uprightnefs. Pub. L. Camb. ROYSE Geor. DD. Dean ot Briftol, Provoit of Oriel Coll. Oxon. and Chapl. in Ord. I Cor vi. 20. 4° 1689. ''aim. S. b. Lord Mayor. Bod. Sicn. Heb.xi.33. 4" 1690. b. King. Trin. Camb. Sicn. 1 Johnv. 3. 4° 1690. b. King and Queen. Bod. lohnxvi. 32, 4° 1705. O.xon. b Q^iieen. Government of the Paffions. Bod. Univ. Or. Oxon. St.John'i. Camb. RUDD A. M. A. Preb. of Hereford, and Mafler of the Free-School. *Prov. xiv. 31. 8° 1-^81. Hereford •lyifi^vn^.Ty. The Advantages of aencral Iniirmaiies illulbated. Vo L. ll O RUDD 290 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER RUDD James Matt.xxviii. 19. 8° 1740. 2 f. Kendal, on Baptifm. RUDD Sayer, M.D. Miniiler of Walmer in Kent. 2 Thcff.ii; 16, 17. 8° 1730. Fun. of Mrs. Clarh. * - - - - 1737- * - - - - 1739. on the Trinity. * Johnxvii. 5. 8° 1740. 6 i. on the Dodrine of Chrift pre-cx- ifting his State of Incarnation &c. RUE de la Dan.iv. II. 4° 1695. Fun. (from the French.) Trln, Cam. Sion» RUFFORD Francis, B. A. Fell, of Wadh. Coll Oxon. * Matt. ix. 36-38. 4° 1779. Prop, of Gofpel. Compaflion to men's Souls, the greateft Charity. RUMLEY John. M. A. Exod.xxiii. 2. 1° 1732. againft Sodomy. RUNDLE Thomas, Bp. of London-derry, Ireland. Aftsx. 34,35. 8°i7i8. Nov. 5. Eton. Deut. XV. II. 4° I 734. Col. of Georgia, keen's. Cam. Brit. M. Zach. xii. 5. 4° 1735. Dublin. Anniv, of Irifh Rebellion, ^eeiis. Camb. Brit.M. Rev. iii. 15-19. 4° 1736. Dit'olin. Incorp. Soc. for Englifh Prot. School. Pub. L. Camb. RU5SEL J. 1*1 Johnv. 16. 8" Brit^M. RUSSEL John, R. of Brundai, Norfolk. I Cor. X. 10. 4° 1693. Cumb. Affize.- Pub. L. St. John's. CamB, RUSSEL John, M. A. R. of Poftwick, Norfolk. Luke xix. 41,42. 8" 1716. Norwich. Jan. 30. St.Johih. Cam. RUSSEL Patrick *Tit. ii. 13. 8° 1719. The Deity of Chriil. RUSSEL Richard, M.A. formerly of Univ. Coll. Oxon. V. of AI- frifton and Selmeiton, Suflex. *Rom.xiv.43. 8°i7i6. Far. f. on Oaths. RUSSEL Robert * Difc. in 12° 1746. RUSSELL J. I Pct.iv. 8. 1695. RUSSELL John, R. of St. John'^ of Wapping. Lukeix.62. I2°i697. Ref. of Manners. RUSSELL John, M.A. Fell, of Mert. Coll. Oxon. Preb. of Peter- borough, and Lincoln, and R. of Fifkerton, Lincolnfhire. iTim.iv. 16. 8° 1719. Ord. The Duty and Reward of the Clergy. Line. Oxon. Adsxx. 2S. 8" 1 72 1. Conf. of Bps. Reynolds and Wilcocks. £/(7/?. RUSSEN Benjamin, ' Affiftant Preacher at Mr. Maxftcld's Chapel, little Moor-Fields. *Pf. xlvi. 4. 8" 1771. The Chriaian Mariner. * Jerem. xxiii. 6. 8^1774. Probation f. Lord our Riohteoufnefs. Rusr O F A U T H O R S, &c. 291 RUST George, Bp. of Dromore, Ireland. zTim.i.io. 4° 1663. Dublin. Fun. of the Earl of Mount- Alexander, ijohniii. 2. 4" 1668. Fun. of Bp. Taylor. Unw. St. John i, JUS. Oxon. Brit.M. 1 Pet.iii. 15. 4°i683. Ufe of Reafon in Relig. Ch.Cb. Ox. Sion. Rom. iv.i6. 4°i686. Remains. 1 Johniv. 16. 4° 1686. p. I. Camb. God is Love. Prov. XX. 27. 4° 1686. p. 21. John xviii, 38. 4° 1686. p. 43. *Pf. xi. 3. 4° 1673. RUTHERFORTH Thomas, DD. Fell, of St. John's Coll. and Re- gius Profeilbr of Divinity, Camb. and Arch-Deacon of EiTex &:c. Ifai.lviii. 4. 4° 1746. Camb. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Wore. Ox. Tr'tn. S^ueeri's. Camb. Pf. cvii.2. 4^1747. May 29. 1 Pet, ii. 17. 4° I 747. June II. John XX. 30, 31. 4° I 75 1. Vif. The Credibility of Minifters defended. Braz-.N. Were. Oxon. Trin. C/. H. ^leen's. Camb. * I Tim.iv. 13. 4° 1765. Cone, ad Cler. De Artibus et Doc- trinis quibus Theologias fliidiofos erudiri oportet. Braz. N. Ox, ^ee7is. Camb. * John V. 7. 4° 1 77 1. Camb. b. Gov. of Jdtlenbrook-Ho^-p. RUTHERFORTH William, M. A, Mafter of the Academy at Ux- bridge, Middlefex. * - - - - 1781. Ord. RYE George, DD. Arch-Deacon of Oxon. Canon of Ch. Ch. and R. of Jilip, Oxon. Lukexx.25. 8°i7i4. O;roz?. The Supremacy of the Crown, and the Power of the Church. Bod. Bal. Ox. Wore, ^teen's. C. Sion, Heb.xiii. 17. 4° 1715. Conf. of Bp. Potter. Or. Oxon. ^eens. Camb. Eton. RTLJND John, jun. of Northampton. * Prov. xvii. 3. 12° 1780. b. Diifenting Clergy. God's experi- mental Probation of intelligent Agents. RYMER ThomaB, DD. Fell, of Queen's Coll, Camb. and one of the 6 Preachers of the Diocefe of Canterbury. Exodxx. 17. 8° 1726. Commencement. 2 Pet. ii. 19. 4° 1773. May 29. b. Commons. Obedience to Go- vernment, Wore, Oxon. keen's. Camb, RT-THER John * Sev. ferm. in 8° 1672, Pub.L. Camb. Aflsxxvii. I 8-zo. 8" 1674, Sea -Dangers and Deliverances, Bed* Pub. L. Camb. * Exod. xxxii. 26. 1° \6r)<). Ref. of Manners, RYVES Edmund, DD. late Fell, of Magd. Coll. Oxon. R. of Swin- nerton, Siaffordfhire. zCor. iv, 2. 8" 1715. Vif. O 2 Luke 292 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Luke xvii. lo. J oo n John vi. 52. r '7^^' ag. Popery. Tit.ii. 15. 8° 1726. Vif. S. ^ A. Pf.ix. 16. 4^1696. Th. God glorified, and'the wicked fnared. 8. H. * Rom. xii 2. I2''i6g5. p. i, Non conformity to the World. *Ezck xxiv. I 3, 1 4.' I2"i695. p. 87. God's Severity for Iniquity. * 2 Thefl". iii. 16. 12° 1695. P- ^4'- God's gracious Prefencc, the Saints great Privilege. Dr. U^s's. L. London. S. J. JVI.A. Matt V. 28. 4° 1672. ag. Adultery. S. J. I Their, iv. 14. 12'' 1708. Fun. of Nath. Parkhurll. Pub L. Ca. S. M. 1 Sam.iii. 18. 4° 1683, Submifiion to the Will of God. S. T. 2 Tim. ii. 12. 1683. SACHEVERELL Henry, DA. Fell, of Magd. Coll. Oxon. and R. of St. Andrews Holborn, London. Prov. viii. I 5. 4° 1702. Oxon. The political Union. Bod. Univ. Ch. Ch. Bal. Magd. Or. Jef. Trin. Hl Joh/s. Camb. 2 Chron. vi. 34,35. 4° 1702. Oxen. Faft. A Defence of her Majefty's Title to the Crown. Bod. JUS. Ch.Ch. Bal. Magd. Oxon. Trin. ^eetis. St. Johns. Camb. Sion. I Tim.v. 21. 4° 1704. Oxon. Affize. The Nature and Mifchief of Prejudice and Partiality. Bod. C. C. C. Univ. Bal. Magd. Or. Jef. Oxon. Trin. !^ieen's. Camb. Sion. Afts xxiii. I. 4° 1706. Oxon. Affize. The Nature, Objedlion, and Meaiures of Confcicnce. Bod. Or. Magd. Wore. Oxon, St. John^s. Camb. Sion. Num. XV. 30,31. 4°i7o8. Oxon. The Nature, Guilt, and Danger of prefumptuous Sins. Bod. C.C.C. Or. Wore. Oxon. Sion. 1 Tim.v. 22< 4°i7C9. Affize. The Communication of Sin. Univ. Ch.Ch. Or. Hert. Wore. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Sion. 2 Cor. xi, 26. 4° 1709. Nov. 5. Perils of falfe brethren both in Church and State. Ch. Ch. Magd. Lmc. Or. Wore. Oxon. Trin. i^/een^s. St.Johns. Camb. Sion. Lukexxiii. 34. 4°I7I3. Palm S. The Chriftian Triumph — or the LHuy of praying for our Enemies. Bod. AllS. C. C. C. Or. Bal. Line. PfWe. Magd. Hert. Oxon. Trin. St. Johns. ^ee7i's, Camb, Sion. 1 Pet. ii. 16. 4° 1713. May 29. Falfe Notions of Liberty in Religion and Government, dellrudlive of both. Bal. Line. Ox. Queen^s. Camb. 1 Tim.v. f . 4° 171-1. b. Sons ot the Clergy. Wadh. Oxon. Sion. SACK A. W. ' F. * Pr.cxxvi. 3. 4*^ I 758. Th. f. at Berlin. SADLER Anih. DD. V. of Mitcham, Surrey, and Chapl. in Ord. Matt viii. 25. 4° 1661. Th. May 29. Mercy in a Miracle. OF AUTHORS, &c. 293 SAINT George Arthur, DD. *4Difc. in 12° 1757. on the minifleiial offices of the Church. V. Arch-Deacon's Examination for Holv Orders. SAINT John Pawlct, DD. R. of" Yeldcn, BedforJfhire, Preb. of Hereford, and Chapl. in Ord, 3johnii. 8^17 Matt, xxviii. 20. 4° 1710. Vif. C. C C Oxon. ^/.Jc^i'/i?'/. Camb. Jobxvii. 5,6. 4° 171 1. Fun. of Dr. Sacheverell. C.CC. Magd, Or. Jef. Bod. Bal. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. Sion. Brit.M. l4Scrm. in 8° 1737. on practical Subjeds SALISBURY WilJiam, B, D. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. and R. of Newton, Bucks. Dent viii. 10. 8° 1738. Sch. Feaft. Commemoration. SALFSBURY William, B. D. R. of Moreton, and little Haling- bury, Eifex. * Prov. xiv. 24. 8° 1773. Vif. Recti's. Camb. SALKELD John, M. A. Fell, of Queen's Coll. Camb. John xi. 44. 4° 1673. on the King's Declaration for Liberty of Confcicnce. SALL Andrew, DD. Chapl. to the Earl of Effex, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and Preb. of Swords &c. Matt. xxiv. 15-18. 8° 1674. Dublin. Recantation. Ag. Popery. Bod. Univ. Ch. Ch. Oxon. ^eeits. Camb. SALMON Thomas, M. A. R. of Mepfal. Bedfordf. Mark x. 14. 4° 1 701. Upon Baptifm &c. Brit.M. SALMON Thomas, LL.D. Johni. 14. 4° 1753. 2 f. p. I. The perfonal Union of the divine and human Nature in Jefus Chrilt. Job xxvii. 5,6. 4° 1753. 2 f. p. 13. The Comforts of a good Confciencc and Tornients of an evil one. SALTER John, V. of Mary Church, Devon. * Jercm. V. 22. 8° 1756. Fall. Earthquake at I.ifbon. SALTER Samuel, M.A. V. of St. Stephen's, Norwich, Pf. cxxxii. 18. 8° 1 714. Coron. SALTER Samuel, M. A. Preb. of Gloucefter I Sam. xvi. 23. 8° 17 Mulick at Gkucejler. Lukexiii. 1-5. 4° 1740. Faft. b. Lord Mayor, for Fire of Lon- don, Brit.M. SALTER Samuel, DD. Mailer of the Charter-Houfe. * Ezek.xxxvii. 3. 4° 1755. b. Sons of the Clergy. Braz.N. Ox. ^een's. Camb. * Prov. xvii. 14. 4° 1762. Jan. 30. b. Commons. S^ueens. Cam. SALWEY John, M.A. R. of Richard's Caftle, Herefordf. 2Pet.iii. 18. 8"i72 2. Vif. Divine Worfhip due to Xt &c. Br.M. SAMPSON John, M. A. late Fell, of Mert. Coll. Oxon. and R. of Crofcombe, Somcrfetf. *Pf. cxliv. 15. 8° 1771. Th. * Luke xxii. 35,36. 8°i77i, Vif. * Prov. xi. 26. 8" I 77 1, on withholding the Corn. SANCROFT 294 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER SANCROFT William, Abp. of Canterbury. Tit.i. 5. 8° 1694. p, I. Advent. Conf. of 7 Bps. Ifai. XXVI. g. 8" 1694. p. 59. b King. Fall, for Fire of Lond. Pflxxvii.i. 8°i694. p. 121. Fail. b. King. Bod. Ch.Ch. Mngd. C. C. C. Or. Shieen's Bnl. OxDn. Pub. L. Trin. ^een^^. Camb. ^icv. t)r. Wis L. London. * Jerem. xxvi. 9. 4" 1666. Lexignea. SANDERCOCK Edward, of Rotherhithe. J * Malt. xiii. 10. 8" 1733. on Parables. Biit.M^ *Scrm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1776. SANDERS Thomas. M. A. R. of Avon Daffet, and Chapl. to the right Hon. Harry Earl of Stamford. *JudexIv. i;. 4" 1724. Affize. SANDERSON Robert, B. of Lincoln. * 36 Serm. in fo. 1689. (reprinted) Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon, Pub.L. King's. .Trin. CL H. Camb. *Cafes of Confcience in 2 V. %°\J2Z. (Tranflated by Lewis ) Bod. SAND FORD Beiijamm *Tit. ii.6. 8*^ 1760. Fun. of a young Perfjn. SANDFORD William, DD. Miniller ot Aldermanbury, and Chap, to the Lord Mayor. Pf. cxviii. 24. 4° 1750. May 29. 1 iTim. ii.i,2. 4° 1750. Acccflion. > b. Lord Mayor. 2-^Sam.xxiii. 3. i^ >750. El. of Ld May. 3 SANDIf ORD Rowland, Left, of St. Bartholomew near the Ex- change, and Chapl. to the Lord Mayor. Dan.iv. 27. 4''i746. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. Pf. cxxii. 6, 7. 4° 1747. Elcfl. of Lord Mayor. SANDWICH Robert, Cur. of Lucker, Northumberland. *Lukex.37. 8° 1774. The gpod Samaritan. * John xviii. 38. 8" 1774. Pilate's Qucilion. SAVAGE John, R. of Morcot, Rutlandf. Ads viii. 17. 4° 1683. The facred Rite of Confirmation. SAVAGE John, DD. of Eman. Coll. Camb. R. of Bygrave, then of Clothall, Herts, and Ledurer of St. George's Hanover Square, London. Col i. 18. 4" 1 704. Camh. Vif. Chrill's Body the Church. ^// 5. Oxon. ^ieens. Cainb. Deut. iv. 6. 4° 1704. Ctwib. Aflize. Security of the eilablilhed Religion, the Wifdom of the Nation. Ch.Ch. Ox. St. Johns, ^/fcn's. Camb Sion. SAVAGE Murton Samuel *Hcb. xii.9,10. 8°i732. SubmifTion to divine Chaftifements. * Prov. xiv. 34. 8" 1745. Fall. * - - - - 1749. F""' * I Pet. ii. 17. S'' 1760. Acceffion of King George III. *Luke ii. 29,30. 8" 1762. Fun. of the Rev. Dr. D. Jennings. i^eerh Camb. * Jobxxviii. 28. 8° 1763. ChatitySchooL * \ Cor. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 295 *iCor.xi. 24. 12° 1763. Lord's Supper. * Jerem.xviii. 7,8. S^iySz, On the prefent State of public aFairs. SAVAGE William, DD. Mailer of Eman. Coll, and R. of St. An- drew Wardrobe, and St. Ann's Blackfryars, London. Prov. xxix.2. 4° 1707. Eled. of Lord Mayor. ^11 S. Ox. Triti. ^een's. Camb, Eton. I Cor. ix. 13, 14. 4"^ 1 71 5. b. Sons of the Clergy. All S. Wadh, Oxon. Sion. SAUNDERS Erafmus, DD. V. of Blocldey, Worccllerf. * Jofli. xxlv. I 4. I2°i70i. PIoufehQld-Government. Matt.x. 16. 8° 1708. Vif. Jef. Oxon. Matt. V.I 3. 8°>7i3. Aft. The divine Authority, and Ufeful- nefs of the Paftors of the chriilian Church. Or. Oxon. Pf.lviii.ii. S°i72i. AlTize. of judicial Providence. Ifai. v.4,5. 8°i72i. b. Commons. Fart for the Plague. AllS. Ch Ck. Oxon. Eton. SAUNDERS Will. DD. Chap, to his Grace the Duke of Chandois. *Pf.cxxxiii. I. 8" 1744' The NecefHty and Advantages of Union afferted. SAURIN James, Pallor of the French Church at the Hague. * I Vol. (13 ferm.) 8° 1775. on the Attributes of God. * 2 Vol. {14 ferm.) 8° 1775. on the Truth of Revelation. *3 Vol. (14 ferm.) 8° 1777. on the principal Doftrines of Xnity. Tranflated and publiflied by R. Robififon, at Cambridge. SAWB RIDGE Thomas, V. of Hungcrton, Leicefter. Ifai. i. 26. 4° 1689. Aflize. SAWBRIDGE Wanley, M, A. Ch^pl, to the Lord Mayor. *Prov. xi. 3. i^°ij'j6. Elett. of Lord Mayor. Duty and Advan- tage of Integrity both in private and public life. SAWLE William,- ' V. of Cholfey, Berks. Pfxxxiii. 12. 8° 1716. Affize. BAT Samuel * Ifai. xlix. 4. 8°1736. Ref. of Manners, S^eeii's. Cam. Brit.M. *Ifai.v. 4. 8° 1740. Fall. f. SAYER Fr. M. A. R. of Chackenden, Oxon. Col.iv. 17. 4° 1705. Vif. Bod. SAYER Jofeph, B. D. R. of Newbury Berks, and Arch-Deacoa of Lewes, Suffex. Rom.xiii. 5. 4" 1673. AfTjze. Bod Ch.Cb. Oxon. SAYER T. Left, of St. Giles's, Cripplegate, London. I Cor. xi. 29. 12^ 1708. Cafe of unworthy receiving the Lord's Supper. SAYWELL Samuel, B. D. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. and R, of Blunllham, liuntingdon. Phil. ii. 21. 4^1696. Cone, ad Cler. Vif. St. Johns. Camb. Aftsviii J4-17. I2°i70i. The divine original ol" Confirmation. SCAMLER Robert, MA. R. of Taserham, Norfolk. Pf. xxxiv. 19. 4" 1677. |ohn iii. 16. * Ssv, ferm, in 4° 168;. or feveral Occafions, SCA- ^96 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER SCARISBRIKE Edward, (a Jefuit.) Prov. viii. 15. 4° 1688. b. King and Queen. Jan. 30. Catholic Loyalty. Bod Si on. Lukexvii. 12. 4° 1688. Sicn. » SCATTERGOOD Anthonie, DD. R. of Winwick and Ydvertoft, Northamp. and Prcb. of Line, and Litchfield. Exod. xviii. 21. 4° 1664. Aflir.e. Jethro's Cliaraftcr of worthy Judges. Bod. Bub. L. Camb. SCATTERGOOD Samuel, M. A. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. and V. of Blockley, Worcefterf. Job xxviii. 28. 4° 1676, Camb. b. King. Slueeris. Oxon. Sion. Pflxiv.5-.10. 4° 1 683. Th. Sept. 9. izSerm. in 8° 1700. upon feveral Occafions. Bod. 52 Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1725. upon feveral Occafions. SCHREVELIUS C. Miniller of the Dutch Ch. Colchefter. Rom. i. 16. S^ijoS. Litrodudlion f. SCHWAB Chrilt. Ernellus. * Ifai. xii. 1-6. 4° 1765. Fun. of Henry Bockman, Efc[ ; Tran- flated from the German. SCLATER Edward, M.A. Minifter of Putney, Surrey. Pf.cvi. 16. 4" 1681. April 21. Wore. Oxon. SCLATER William, DD. R. of Clifton, Bcdfordf. and Miniller of Clerkenwell, London. Rev.ii. lo. 4" 1671. b. A'lilitary company. Bod. SCOFFIN William * - - - 12° 1692. 2 f. on the Death of Mrs. Cath. Difney. SCOLEFIELD Raddiffe, of Birmingham. * I Kings xxii. 14. 8° 1769. b. dillenting Clergy. Numbers, no Criterion of Faith. SCOTLAND Jobn, V. D. M. of Wellerkirk. *Hofeaiii ^. 12° 1776. The Fear of the divine Goodnefs. V. Scotch Pr. V. IL p. 66. SCOTT Alexander, M. A. Gal.v. 22,23.?p.5. 8°i7ii. 3f. Line. Oxon. Luke XI. 13. J p. 16,29. ' -' SCOTT James, DD. late Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. and R. of Simonbourn, Northumberland. * 2 Sam, xi. 20, 21 . 4° 1764. How far a Hate of Dependence, and a fenfe of Gratitude Ihould influence our Conduft. *2Cor. i. 12. 4° I 769. Leeds. Farw. f. Sheens, Camb. * Luke \il. 44-47. 4" I 769. * Matt. xxi. 21. 4" 1769. Leedi. Vif. * John V. 6. 4° I 777. i\Va/r^/i?-Infirmary. ' * Mark v. 15. 4° 1780. The Lunatic Aiylum at York, * f ukexiii. 2,3. 4" 1781. Fall. SCOTT JoJin, Miniller of St. Thomas, Southwark. \ * Lukeix. 56. 4" 1673. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. StOTT John, DD. R. of St. Giles's in the Field*, Can. of Windfor. *Gal. vi. 11. 8" 1673. Matt. OF A U T FI O R S, &c. 297 »Ga].vi. II. 8°i673. Matt. XXV. 46. 4° 1685. Fun. of Mrs, Crown. "Jef. Oxon. *Ecclef. ii. 8. 4° 1688. 4Dirc. in 8° 1700. V. Chriilian-Life. Vol. V. II Praft. Difc. V.I. 8° 1700. on feveral Subjefts. 11 Prart. Difc. V. II. 8° 1701. concerning Obedience and the Love of God. II Serm in 8° 1704. upon feveral Occafions. All his ferm. are comprized in the 2 Vol. of his Works. fo.i7iS. Bod. Magd. Ch. Ch C. C. C. Bal. Univ. I'rin. Mert. Wore. Jef. St.Johi's. Oxon. Pub.L ^ieef's. King's. Cl.H.Trin. Camb. Dr. Ws's L. London. SCOTT John, M. A. Fell, of Queen's Coll. Oxon. V. of Carilbrook in the Jfle of Wight. Hcb. xiii. 17. 8° 1708. Vif. of fpiritual Rule. [SCOTT John] * Serm. in 8° 1764. on feveral Occafions. SCOTT Jof- Nicoll, Minifter at Norwich. *Serm. in 2 Vol. 8" 1743. ^" defence of all Religions. SCOTT Thomas, M. A. V. of Wakefield, Yorkf. Rev.xxi. 8. 8° 1710. Tork. SCOTT Thomas * Prov. xiv. 12. ^ee7i's. Oxon. SCOTT Thomas *Jude3. 8° 1739. Chriltian Zeal. ^eens. Camb. *Pr. cviii. 13. 8° 1759. Ipfzvich. Th. The Reaionablenefs, Pka- fure and Benefit of the Nation. SCOTT William * Difc. in 8^ 1701. on the Wifdom of God. Jef. Oxon. Brii.M. SCOTT William, M. A. Sch. of Eton and Trin. Coll. Camb. * I Tim. ii. 1,2. 8^1772. Acceflion. Bod. * - - - 8°i773. 2 f. New year's Gift for a Prime Mi niiler. * 2 Kings iv. 7. 8° 1773. on Bankruptcy. * - - - - 8° 1774. ag. Duelling.^ *------ on Xtms-day. j *------ Afcenfion. ( Tranflated from St. *------ Whitfunday. .' Chryfollom's Difc. *------ Trinity Sunday, j * Luke X. 37. 8" 1778. Fun. J SCOUGAL Henry, M. A. of the Church of Scotland. 9 Serm. in 8" 1726. on important Subjeds. To which is fubjoined a fermon preached at his Fun. by G. Gairdcn, DD. Ch. Cb. Oxon. Brit. M. SCROPE John, Y^Y). R. of Caftle Combe in the diocefe of Sarum. * I Cor.viii. i. 8° 1760. Vif. Bod. SCURLOCK David, M.A. Fell, of Jef. Coll. Oxon. V. of Waltham St. Lawrence, Berks, and of Pottern, Wilts. Jerem. viii, 9, 10. 8^17 Elert. of Burgeffes. A<^sxxiii. 5. 3" i7.''-5. Vol. ii. P p Rom. 298 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Rom.xiii. 7. S" 1725. 2 f. 1 Per. ii. 13,14. 8° 1727. Affizc. Tit. iii. 2. 8° 1733. of fpeaking evil of Governora. ^eeri'i. C. Pf. cxix. 24 4° 1736. Welch Fcall. * 2 Tim. ii. 22. 8*^1748. at the grand Scffions at Carmarthen, A warning to all chrillian Governors and Subjcfts to follow Righteoufnefs and Faith. SEA BURT Samuel, DD. * 2 Tim. iii. P6. 8° 17 Ufe of Scripture. * I Pet. ii. 17. 8° 17 Fear God and honour the King. SEJGRylFE Robert, M. A. late of the Church of England, now Preacher a: the Bull and Mourh-meeting, Aldcrfgatc Itreetj London. Gal. iii. 24. S°£737. 6 f . of Juflificaticn. SEAMJN * Heb.xiii. 20, 21 . 4° 1663. V. Coll. of Farew. f. Magd. Camb. SEATON Thomas, M.A. V. of Raunilon, Bucks. * Diic. in 12° 172O. Duty of oervants. Lukexxiv. 27. 8° 1726. Vif. SECKER Vvilliam, Abp. of Canterbury, * i4Serm. in 8° 1766. on fcveral Occafions. Bod. AUS. ?emb. Oxon. Ftib.L. ^eeiis.'Trin. Canib. 9 Sermons, (reprinted in 8° j 771.) on the Rebellion 1745. Bod^ AUS. Ch Ch Wore. Wadh. Oxon. ^een's. Camb. * Serm. (Poith). in 4 Vol. 8° 1770, on fcveral Subjefts, as alfo *Ledures in 2 Vol. 8° 1771. on the Catechifm, to which is added a fermon on Coafirmatioii. Bod. AUS. NewC. Ox. ^leeiis. C. SECKER Will. Preacher of the Gofpel at Tewkcfbury, Glouceilerf. Matt. V. 47. 8" 1660. 7 f. entitled the non fach Profcfibr in his meridian Splendor. Bod. * Geii.il. 18. I 2" 1 6 V. Difc. on conjugal Duty. V.I. p. 34. SEDGEWICK Obadiab *Difc. in fo.i66o. * Afts xvi. 30, 31. 4°tf6o. S£ED Jeremiah, M. A. Fell, of Queen's Coll. Oxon. and R, of En- ham, Hams. Difc. in 2 Vol. 8*^1743. on fcveral important Subjefls, to which are added 8 Scrm. at Lady Moyci "s Led. Bnt. M. His poilhumcus V/orks in 2 Vol. 1750. Vni-j. AUS. NmC. IFadb. Oxon. Brit. M. SEIGNIOR George. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. Exod. iv. 16. 4" 1670. Camb. St. Johns. Camb. Brit. M. 8 Serm. in 8° 1670. God, the King, and the Church. Bed. Sion, James i. 21. 4" 1674. f- ra. c p- 153. Hearing the Word. Bud. SENHOUSE Peter, M. A. V. of Linton, and Prtb. of Brecon. Gen. xxvii. 4. 8° 1727. The right Ufc and Improvement of fcn- fitive Pleaiures, more particularly of Mufick. SEPPENS Robcit, R. of Higham, Norfolk. I Cor. ix. 27. 4" 1679. Shrove-Sunday. SERMON OF AUTHORS, &c. 299 SERMON Edihund, M.A. of St. Mary Hall, Oxon. James iii. 13. 4° 1679. b. Lord Mayor. Wifdom of pub. Piety. SEVILL William, MA. Fell, of C C. C. Oxon. Rev. xiv. 13. 4° 1 694. defigncd for the Fun. of Edm. Wifeman, Efq; C.C. C. Oxon. SEWARD Thomas, M.A. Canon of Litchfield, R. of Eyham, Derbyfhire, and of Kingsly, Staffoidiliirc. Pf. cxxxiii. I. 4" 1750 Affize. The folly, danger and wiclc- ednefs of DifafFedlion to the Government. * Luke xiii. 4,5. 8" 1756, FalL Earthquake, ^leer^s. Camb. SEWELL Jofeph X * Pf. cxix. 115. 8'' 1728. BoJIon. ag. Duelling. Brit. M. SEWELL Thomas Hai.lx. I. 4° 1697. Fun. Siofi. SHAKESPEAR' Edward, M.A. R. of Northmeals, and V. of Ley- land, Lancafterfaire. jTim. i. 9,10. 8° 1740. Affize. *2Tim.ii. 19. 8° 1742. Vif. Mutual obligation of Clergy and Laity to Holinefs of life. SHANK John, B. A. R. of Bedfordfhire. Jonah iii. 8. 4° 1694. Fall. Brit.M. Pf.xiv. I. 8° 1725. Vif. [SHARP Granville] * Ifai. vii. 8. ■) * Ifai. vii. 13—16, > 8° 1769. Differtations. * Gen. xlix. 10. J SHARP Gregory, LL.D. Mafler of the Temple, and Chap, in Ord. F. R.S. and A.S. *Adsii.22. 8° 1755, -Arguments in defence of Chrillianity. ^een^s. Camb. *Pf.xxix. 9. 8" 1765. Rife and Fall of the City of Jerufalem. Braz. N. Wore. Oxon. Recti's. Camb. *Col. i. 23. 8° 1766. Want of Univerfality, no Objedlion to the chriftian Religion. Brax,. N. If ore. Oxon. ^ecris. Carab.^ *Ephef. vi. 4, 4° 1770. b. Gov. of the Jj'ylum. Rel. Education. * 18 Serm. in 8° 1772. on various Subjefts. ^een's. Camb. SHARP John, Abp. of York. Prov.iii. 6. 8" 1693. 15 Serm. Vol. L 8° 1729. on feveral Occafions. 8 Serm. and 2 Difc. Vol. H. 8° 1 7 29. 1 6 Cafuiftical ferm. Vol. IlL 8° 1729. 18 Serm. VoLIV. 8° 1729. on feveral Occafions. 8 Difc. Vol. V. 8°i734. with 4 ferm. on the Imitation of Chrift. 19 Serm. Vol. VI. 8°i734. on feveral Subjeds. 15 Sermons. Vol. VII. 8° 1735. with an Appendix. Bod. JUS. C.C.C. Ba/. Or. NezvC. St. John's. Wore. Pcmb. Oxon. Trin. ^cefh, Camb, Sion. Dr. IVfs. L. London. P p 2 SHARP 300 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER SHARP J. M. A. Chap, to the Queen's Forces New York, America. Job xiv. 14. 8° 1706. Fun. of Lady Coiubury. Univ. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Sion. *Ff. xciv. 19. 8° 1 7 SHARP The. DD. Arch-D. of Northumberland, Preb. of Durham. *Serm. in 8° 1763. on fev. Occafions. Sioti. Dr.Ws's. L. Lond. SHARP William, DD. Profeffor of Greek, Oxon. and R. of Ealt- hamllead, Berks. * Rom. xiv. \6. 8° 1754. Oxon. Aft. AUS. Oxon. *Pr. Ixxii. I &c. 4°i755. Oxon. AccelTion. National Profperity the joint Produfl of juft Government and dutiful Subjecftion." JUS. Oxon. *Mark X. 13-16. 8°i75^. Charity-School. The Amiablenefs and Advantages of making a fuitable provifion for the Educa- tion and Employment of poor Children, /ll/ S. Oxon. SHARPE Lewis, R, of Moreton Hampftead, Devon. Matt. XXV. 29. 12° 1674. The reward of Diligence. Bod. Rom. iii. 2. 8° 1692. SHARROCK Robert, LL. D. Preb. of Winchefter. Sev. Difc. in 4° 1673. Oxon. De Finibus virtutis Chriftianas, or the Ends of chrillian Religion. Bod. Sion. SHAW Lev. xiv. 4,8. SHAJV Ferdinando, M. A. at Derby. *Pf.lxxv.7. 8°i7i4. Death of Queen Ann, and Acccflion of King George I. Pf. cxxxii. 18. 8° 1 714. Coron. Jobxii. 16. 7 00 zr c T- -n . J ^ 1 T •' TT- ,. o J-8 1716. 2f. on the Pretender s landing. 2 Kingsxix. 28. 5 I Chron. xxviii. 9. 8° 1729. on Prince Frederick's birth-day. SHAW S. Prov.xxv. 5. 1660. [SHAW Samuel] * Serm. in 8° 1751. * 2 Cor. v. 6. 8" I 75 I. A farewel to life. SHAW Thomas, M. A. late of Queen's Coll. Oxon. *Prov. viii. 12. 8° 1765. Vif. The ufe and office with fome inftances of the Weaknefs and Imperfedions of Reafon in matters of Religion. SHAW William, M. A. of Stanford, Berks. * Prov. xxviii. 7. 8° 1723. at a fpecial Commiffion for trying the Wakham Blacks. SHEELES James, of Trin. Call. Camb. * 2 Jerem. iii. 21,22. 4° 1762. Fall. SHEFFIELD John Heb.xii.14. 4° 1676. m. e. G. p. 410. of Holinefs. Bod. Heb. vi. 4-6. 4° 1677. m. e. C, p. 63. What Relapfes are in- conlillent with Grace. * I John iii. 8. 12° 1705. Rcf. of Manners. SHELDON OF AUTHORS, &c. 301 SHELDON Gilbert, Abp. of Canterbury. 4 Pi", xviii. 49. 4"i56o. b. King. Th. DavidV Deliverance and Thankfgiving. Ch.Ch/Magd. Wore. Ox. St. Johns. C, Br.M. SHELLEY PeTer, M. A. R. of Woodford, Efl'ex. 1 Pct.ii. 17. 4° 1700. County. Foaft. Ch.Ch. Ox. ^;eens. Cdimh, Dan.vi. 31. 4° 1702. Acceffion. SHELTON William, R. of St, James's, Colchefter, Efiex. Pf. xcvii. 1. 4" 1680. b. Lord Mayor, Divine Providence, the Support of good men under all Events. I TliefT. iv. 17. 4° 1690. Fun. of Mr. Glafcock. AllS. Oxon. $HEPHEARD Richard, B.D. late Fell, of C. C. C. Oxon. * Gal. V. I. 4^^ 1771. Requifition of Subfcription to 39 Articles and Liturgy. 5:*Rora.ii. 14,15. 8''i776. on Confcience. V. Mifccll. v.IL p.151. J *Tim. iii. 16. 8° 1776. Whitf. on Infpiration. p. 175. j*Ecclef.vii.30. 8°i776. Cone. Acad, de Statu Paradif. p. 199. SHEPHEARD Will. M.A. R. of Allireigney, Devon, and Chapl. to the Bp. of Gloucefler. 10 Serm. in 8° 1748. Sherborne, on feveral religious and impor- tant Subjeds. SHEPHERD James * 9 Serm. in 12** '748. SHEPHERD Thojn^s * Matt. XXV. I -1 4. fo.i66o. Parable of the ten Virgins. * Sol. Song V. 2. 8° 1680. V. fincere Convert p. 2c6. *2Cor. vii. I. 8° 1680. V. fincere Convert p. 187. * Serm. in 12"! 702. *Gen.ii. 18. 8° 171 3. Wedd. f. SHEPPJRD William * Ephel". V. 16. 8° 17. Redeeming the time. SHEPPEY Thomas, formerly of Pemb. Hall Camb. and Chapl. to Lord Biron. I Theff. iv. 10, 1 1. 4"i682. Affize. r« :t§o; ej^^'mv. SHERARD Bennet, M. A. Chapl. to the Duke and Dutchefs of Rutland, and R. of Aileitone, Leiceller. Prov, xr\^ 34. 4° 1720. Affize. The advantages of Pxighteouf- nefs to a Nation. SHERIDAN William, Bp. of Kilmore and Ardagh, Ireland. Jfai. xxxviii, i. 4" 1665. Fun. of Sir M. Eullace. Pracl. Difc. in 3 Vol. 8'' 1720. upon the moll important fubjedls. Bod. Wadh. Oxon. Dr. Wis. L. London. SHERLEY William, B.D. R. of Huim Comb -flower. iCor. xi. 34. 4° 1662. OxoH. Vif. The Excellency of the order of the Church of England under Epifcopal Government. SHERLOCK Richard, DD. R. of Winwick, Lancallerf. Adsxx. 28. 4° 1669. Oxon. Vii". Bod. SHERLOCK Thomas, Bp, of London. * Sermons in 4 Vol. 8^^1772. Bod. AllS. Bal. Ch.Ch. Or. NewC. St. John's. Wadh. WcrcO^on, Tun. ^ccn's. CLH. Camb. Occalional 302 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Qccafional ferm. 5 Vol. 8*1774. (republiilied) except Matt, xxiii. . • 23. and 2 Pet 1.19.8°! 740. 6 f. to which are added * 6Diflertations. Bod. MIS. Won. Wadh. Oxon. SHERLOCK William, JDD, Dean of St. Paul's, and Mafter of the Temple. Pf. xviii. 50. 4° 1683. Th. on the Difcovery of the Plot, il/zij^^/. Or. Bd. Oxon. Fub.l Camb. Ecclef. X. 17, 4° 1685. May 29. b. Commons. Bod. JUS, Ch.Ch. Magd. Or. Wore. Oxon. Pub. L. Iriv. Camb. Sion. X *Matt. xxiv. 25,26, 4° 1686. Fun, of Rev. Benjamin Calamy, D'C>. Brit.M. Heb.i.v. 27. 8°i68g. (and lyo^. Bod.) A pratflical Difc. con- cerning Death. Unip. Magd. NevjC. Wore. Hert. Oxon. Pub, L. Slueen's. Camb. Aftsxvii.31. 8° 1 691. (and 8° i6gg. Bod.) A praflical Difcourfc concerning a future Judgement. Uxiv. Magd. Wadb, Oxon. Pub. L. keen's. Camb. Pf. xc. 15. 4° 1692. Jan. 30, b. Commons, Bod. Cb.Ch. Univ» Magd. Or. Jef. Oxon. Pjib. L. Camb. , iTim.ii. 1,2. 4°i692. May 29. at the Temple. Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb, Sion. t*Phil.i. 23,24. 4°i693. Fun. of Rev. Rich. Meggott. .Fr/V.M. Jude 3. 4° 1701. Cone, ad Synod. Bod. AllS. Or. keen's. Cam. Siari. Eton. Pf. Iviii. 1 1. 4° 1704. Th, b. Queen. Magd. Oxon. Recti's. Camb. Sion. i7Serm. Vol.1. 8° 171 9. (3d Edit.) upon fev, Occafions. 19 Scrm. Vol. II. 8° 1719, upon ufeful Subjeds. Univ. AllS. Cb.Cb. C.C.C St. John's. Or. Pemb. Oxon. Pub.L, Camb. Dr. Wss. L. London. SHERMAN T. *Prov. xiv. 32. 8" 1729. Fun. keen's. Camb. SHERVVILL Thomas, M. A. Fell, of Chrift's Coll. Camb. Matt, xxiii. 23. 4° 1704. Camb. Church-conformity afferted and vindicated. 7'rin. ^eens. Camb. Sion. 2Tim.iv. 3. 4° 1704, Camb. The Degeneracy of the prefent age as to Principles. Ch. Ch. Pub. L. Trin. ^een's. CI. H. Camb. Sion. Ecclef. ix. 17. 8° 1709, Camb. Acceffion. b. Univ. AllS. Oxon. T'rin. ^een^s. Camb. Prov.xxii.6, 4° 1710. School-Feaft. SHERWIN W *2Cor. iii. 18. i*'i66i, SHILL Matt, xxvii 29. SHIPLEY Jonathan, Bp. of St. Afaph. * Jfai. xxxiji. 6, 4° 1770. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Real's, Camb, * Luke O F A U T H O R S, &c. . 303 ♦Lukeii. 14. 4° 1773- Prop* of Gofpel *Prov.xxii. 6. 4° 1777- ^""- "leecing Char. School. SHIPPEN William, DD. Fell, of Univ. Coll. Oxon. 1 Cor. XV. 55. 4° 1688. Fun. SHIRLEY Walter, Hon. B. A'. R. of Loughrea in tne County of Galway. * 12 Serm. in 12° 1762. oh feveral Occafions. SHORE John, R. of Hamfey, Suffex. 2 Sam.i. 19. 4° 1695. Royal Fun. The Threnody of the Bow, or the Countryman's Lamentation. St. John's. Camb. SHOREY William, M. A. R. of St. Lawrence Jewry, London. 2Kingsviii. 12,13. 8° 1715. b. Lord Mayor. Jan. 30. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sion. 14 Difc, in 8" 1725. on feveral Occafions. Sion. SHOP.THOSE Hugh, L. C. S. Chapl. to the Duke of Chandos, and Left, of Chelfea, Middlefcx. 14 Serm. in 8° 1738. on feveral Occafions. Brit.M. SHOWER John, Minifter of the Gofpel in London. t * Phil. i. 23. 3° 1682. Fun. of Ann Barnardiilon. Brit.M. 2 Sam. XV. 26. 4° 1684. on Refignation. Wadh. Oxon. *irai.xxi. 1 1, 12. 4° 1688. Repentance and Union. •4: *Pf. cxix. 9. 4° 1692. Fun. of Rich. Walter. * 2 Kings ix. 22. 4° 1694. Fall, no peace to the wicked. 1 Cor. X. 9. 8° 1694. of tempting Chrift. Bod. Pf. Ixxxi. 11,12. 8" 1694. 4 f. The Day of Grace. Bed. Ifai.lxvi. 10. 4° 1696. Th. April 16. ]rai.lix.4. I2°i698. Ref. of Manners. *Fun.Dirc. in 2 Vol. 12" 1699. Pub. L. Camb. Brit.M. * Luke xvi. 26. 1 2° 1 700. *Sacram. Difc. in 2 parts. 8''l702. Pemb. Oxon. 2 Cor. V. 9. 4° 1702. Fun. _ Etot:. Pf. cxlvii. 15-18. 8° 1709. Winter-Meditations on Frofl and Snow. Pub.L. St.Johns. Camb. *Gen. V. 24. 8° 171 2. Fun. of N, Grew. SHUCKBURGH George, M. A. R. of Calton, Norfolk. Zach.viii. 17. 4°i7i5. Affize. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Ecclef, i. 15. 4° 1722. Infufficiency of human Reafon in the dif- covery of divine Truth. SHUCKFORD Samuel, DD. Preb. of Cant, and Chapl. in Ord. Pf. cxxxiii. I. 4° 1723. Camb. Vif. ^een's. Camb. Deut.xxix. 24. 4° 1724. Jan. 30. ^cetis. Camb. Prov. xxiv. 21. 8° 1734. Norwich. Jan. 30. Brit.M. Pf.lxxxiv. lo. 4°i737. Conf. of Bp. Gooch. ^isen's. C. Brit.M. Ecclef. V.!. 8° 1752. Hutchins Led;. The ufe of a Liturgy, and the Excellency of the Liturgy of the church of England coniidered. i^tevi's. Camb. SHUTE Chiilluphcr, V>Yi. R> of St. Vedafl's Foiler Lane, Arch-D. of St. Alban's, and Chapl. in Ord. Luke 304 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Lukexxi. 34. 4°i66i. A feafonable Watchword to all fobcr ChrifUans. Pub. L. Camb, Ecclef. ix. 14, 1 5. 4° 1662. SIIUTE Henry, M. A. Chapl. to the Earl of Orfjrd, Left, of St. Mary's White Chapel, London. Ecclef. xii.7. 4° 1705. Fun. of Mrs. Lorrain. SHUTTLEWOOD John Gcn.ii.22. 8°i7i2. Wedding f. Bod. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pub. L, Camb. SioH. SHUTTLEVVORTH John, R. of Oborn and Lillington, Dorfctf. Ephef. V. 19. 4° 1700. Open, an Organ. St. Johns. Camb. Sion. * Rom, XV. 6. 8° I -J 8. A Vol. Peiiuafive^to Union. SILL William, R. of St. Auftin, and St. Faith's, Arch-Deacon of Colchefter, and Preb. of Weltminftcr. Heb. ii. 14, 1 1- 4° 1 68 1. Pahn S. Freedom from fear of Death, through the Death of Chrill. Jllb. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. SILVESTER Tipping, M. A. Fell, of Pemb. Coll. Oxon. V. of Shabbington, Bucks. Exod. XX. 5,6. 4° 1732. Oxon. May 29. The dodlrine of na- tional Judgments and Bleflings confidered. Wore. Oxon. Dcut. xxiii. 22. 4" 1732. Oxon. Nov. 5. Extraordinary and par- _ ticular Vows confidered as not neceffary under the mofaic, or expedient under the chriilian Difpenfation. John xiii. 34, 4" 1734. Moral and Xn Benevolence, ^eeiis. C. Tit. iii. 10,11. 8^1735. Critical dillertation on Herefy, and a Letter. John iii. 5. 4° 1738. Scripture Doftrine of Regeneration flated and flicwn to concur with the baptifmal ferviceof our Church. Phil. ii. 5. 4" 1744. Vif. Chiiilian Magnanimity. SIMMONS *Lukeiv.23. 8°i724. Nov. 5. SIMMONS John K Pf. cxlx. 37. 4° 1677. m. e. C. p. 423. How to get rid of fpi- ritual Sloth. SIMMONS fhomas j*Pf. XX.6. 8° I 71 5. Th. for Acceffion. SIMONS William, V. of Otterton, Devon. Exod. ii. 16. 8° 1734. Affize. Sermons in 8" 1743. Exon. on feveral Subjefts. SIMPSON Bolton, DD. of Queens Coll. Oxon. Miniller of Weft Cowes in the Jfie of Wight. Pf. xii. 26. 4" 1744. Afiizc. The faperior Excellency of the righteous or moral Chara(5ter. ii^^ns. Camb. [SIMPSON David, M. A.] of MacclesfielJ, Chefhirc. *rifc. in 8° 1774. SIMPSON Jofeph, DD. late Fell, of Queen's Coll. Oxon. R. of* Weyhill, Hants. *Prov. iii. 13. 8" 1,761. Oxon. Act. Religion and Learning nuitually ailiilant. Brax. N. Wore. Oxon. SLMP. OF AUTHORS, &c. 305 SIMPSON Will. DD. R. of St. George's in the Eaft, Middlefcx. NPf. xliv. 7. 4.° 1732. May 29. b. Lord Mayor. Matt. V. 6. 8" 1738. Ref. of Manners, Tke great Benefit of a good Example, '^leeri's. Camb. SIMS Jofeph, M'.A. R. of St. John's, Weftmlnfter, and Preb. of St. Paul's, Neh.ii. 19. 4" 174.5. on Rebellion. Brit.'M. * 15 Serm. in S" 1773. on various Subjeds. SINGLETON *Johnxii. 28. 4" 1683. C. m. e. p. 905. God's Judgment. SION Alexander Markvii. 37. 4° 1685. Sicfi. SKEELER Thomas, M. A. Chapl. of All Soul's Coll. Oxon. V. of Lcwknor, Oxon. and Chapl. to the Earl of Litchfield. 14 Serm. in 8° 1740. on feveral occafions &c. Brit.M, * 14 Serm. in (Poilh.) S° 1772. SKELTON Bernard, V. oV Henton, Norfolk. John xiv.9. 4.° 1692. on the Divinity of ChriiL Bod. Magd. Ox. St. Johns. Camb. SKELTON Philip * Difc, in 2 V. 8^1754. Controvcrfial and pradicaL Braz.N. Ox. SKELTON William : * I Thefl'. iv. 7. 17 Brit.M. SKEPP John * Serm. in I2°I752. on the divine Energy. SKERRET Ralph, DD. R. of St. Peter le poor, London, and V. of Greenwich, Kent. ----- 1715. Th. Jan. 30. The great Duty and Plap- pinefs of waiting for God in the way of his Providence. Pf. ix. 10. 4° 1715. Relig. trull in God, the bell Security ag. the prefent Rebellion. Rom.xiii. i. 8" 1715. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. The Subjefls Duty to the higher Powers. Ch. Ch Oxon. Sion. Eton. Gal.v. I. 8° 1 71 6. Affize. A fincere Zeal for the proteilant In- terell, and our happy Confiitution in Church and State. Ephef. iv. 25. 8''i7i6. Allize. Pf. cv. 45. 8° 1716. Th. for fuppreffing the Rebell. Ch.Ch. Ox. Rom. xiv. 19. 8° I 716. Affize. Eton, James iii. 17. 4''i7i6. Eleft. of Lord Mayor. True Wifdom explained and recommended. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Eton. Rom. xiii. 4. 4° 1716. on fwearing the Lord Mayor. A good Magiftrate, a public Bleffing. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Eton. Pf.cxviii. 23,24. 4''i7i7. M#y 29. b. Lord Mayor. Deut. xxxii. 29. 8"i7i7. Affize. of Confideration. CZj. C/^-. Ox. Rom. xiv. 19. 4° 1720. Affize. Peace and Loyalty. I Cor. xiii. 5. 4° 1723. Spitt. W. Almfgiving without Charity uaprolitable. Eton. Johniii 5. 8° 1739. Whitfundav. of Reg-cneration. Vol. IL (.^q " SKIN- 306 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER SKINGLE Richard, V. of Royden, Effex. Pf. cxxvi. 3. 4° 1698. Affize. SKINNER William, M. A. Fell, of Pemb. Coll. Oxon. and Preb. of Hereford. *Lukevi. 36. 8° 1754. Seffions. *Matt. XXV. 36. 8° 1776. Infirmafv. SKYNNER John, M. A. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. and Chapl. to the Countefs of Gainfborough. Pf. xxxix. 8. 4° I 75 1. Fun. of the Earl of Gainfborough. SLADE Jofeph, M. A. Cur. of St. Mary's, and Ledl. of St. Law- rence, Reading. Prov.xxix. 2. 8° 171 3. Affize. The Character of a righteous Magiltrate. Aflsxviii. 14, 1 5. 4° 1721. Affize. (ag. Dr. Ibbot's ferm.) The Magiftrates duty with refpeft to Religion. Eton. Matt, xxiii. 23. 4° 1727. Reading. The order of Duties. SLJDEN John * 2 ThefT. ii. 13. 8° 1732. 2 f. of partirnlar Elcflion, V. Lime- llrect f. Vol.1, p. 143. * Lukcxiv,34,35. 8° 1733. Minillers and private Chriftians com- pared to Salt. SLATER John, M. A. V. of Wotton, Bedfordf. Jobxxvii.6. 8° 1729. Affize. SLATER Samuel, Miniller of the Gofpel at London. Heb. xiii. 7. 4° 1679. Fun. of Rev. '■Ihoinas Vincent. Pf.xcvii. 1,2. 4°i683. C. m. e. p. 385. Bod. Pub.L. Camb. Rom. xii. 3. 4°i6go. C. m. e p. 336. The Magiftrates duty of fuppreffing Profanenefs. Bed. Pub.L. Camb. Rom. xiii. 5. 4" 1690. Bod. Matt. vi. 6. 8"! 691. of Clofct-prayer. Bod. * 2 Sam. i. 26. 8° 1*693. Pf.xx. 5. 8^1693. Th. Oa. 27. Bod. Pub.L. Camb. JoJh. xxiv. 15. 8" 1694. 8 f . of Family-worfhip. Bod. Pub.L. C SLEECH John, M. A. Arch-Deacon of Cornwall. Lukex. 36, 37. 4*^1743. E.xon. b. Gov. of Devon and Exen Hofpitals. ^een's. Camb. Eton. SLOCOCK Benjamin, DD. Chaplain of St. Saviour's, Southwark. Ifai. Ivii. 20, 21. 4° 1738. SIOSS James, M. A. * Serm. in 8° 1736. Dodlrine of the Trinity. SMALBROKE Richard, Bp. of Litchfield and Coventry, John v. 2829. 4° 1706. Oxon. Dodrine of an univcrfal Judg- ment. Bsd. Cb.Cb. C.C.CrL'niv. Magd. Jef. Oxon. Sion. Pf.viii.2. 8" 1715. on a new Charity-School. God's Praife per- fedled out of the mouths of Infants. Eton. 2Tim.i.7. 8° 1715. Affize. of true Chriftian and Eng. Courage. Matt.iv. 10. fc°i720.' 2 f. Idolatry charged on Arianifm. Qb. Cb. Oxon. Eton, i^eeus. Camb. Levit. OF AUTHORS, &c. 307 Lcvit. six, 30. 8° 1 722. The Reverence due to the houfe of God. ^leens. Camb, Pf. cxxii. 6-g. 8° 1724. our Obligations to promote the public Intereft. Eton. Matt. XXV. 34-36, 4° 1726. Spitt. W. Chriftian Charity a ra- tional Duty. ^eens. Camb. * I John xxxviii. 8° 17 Prop, of Gofpel. Pf. cvi. 30, 31. 8° 1727. Ref. of Manners. Reformation neceffary to prevent our Ruin. Ch.Ch. Oxon. ^eeris. Camb. Brit.M. I Sam. xxvi.g. 4° 1728. Jan. 30. b. Lords, keen's. C^m. Eton, Pf. ii. 7,8. 4° 1732. Prop, of Gofpel. ^eejis. Camb. iJMALRIDGE George, Bp. of Briftol, and Dean of Ch.Ch. Oxon. 12 Serm. in 8° 17 17. Oxon. on feveral occafions. Bod. Ch. Ch. Univ. Bal. MS. St. John's. Or. ^een's. Trin. New C, Oxon. Pub.L. King's. Camb. Sion. 60 Serm. in fo.1724. Oxen, on feveral occafions. Bod. Ch.Ch. Univ Bal. AUS. St. John's. Or. Recti's. Trin New C. Oxon. Pub. L. King^s. Camb. Sion. SMALRIDGE Philip, DD. Chancellor of the Diocefe of Worcefler. * John xiii. 35. 4° 1749. //'(?;r^rr-Infirmary. Love of our Bre- thren, the diilinguifhing mark of Chrift's Difciples. SMALWOOD George, M. A. R. of Sc. Margaret's new Fifh-ftreet, afterwards of St. Mary le bow, London. Prov.xi. 18. 4°i66i. Fun, of Sir Abraham Richardfon. The wicked man's fad Dilappointment — or the righteous man's fure Recompence. SMALWOOD James, Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. and Chaplain to the Earl of Romney, Luke xxii. 36, 4° 1695. b. King William, on taking up Arms. *Matt. xiii. 13. 4° 1696. on the difcovery of a Confpiracy ag. King William. Pf.lxxx. 19. 4° 1699. Faft. b. Commons. Sion. Deut. xvi. 16, 4° 1699. Chefliire-Feaft. Deut. XX. 2-4. 4° 1705. SMALWOOD Matthew, DD. Dean of Litchfield &c. and Chaplain in Ord. Gen. V. 24. 8° 16 Matt. v. 34. 8° 1666. SMEATON Samuel, V. of Nether Wallop, Hants, Gal. iv. 18. 4° 1704. Vif. Chrillian Zeal recommended. St, Johi's. Camb. Sion. SMEDLEY Jonathan, M. A. R. of Ringcurrane, Dean of Killala, Ireland. Gen. xii. 1-3. 8°i7i4. Acceffion. ^een''s. Camb. Sion. Deut. XXX. 15. 4° 1715. Irifh MafTacre. The original Freedom of mankind i^eeiis. Camb. Eton. I Sam. xii. 25. 8"i7i6. Jan. 30. keen's. Camb. Brit.M. 1 Pet. ii. 17. 4° 1716. Prince of Wales's birth-day, ^eens. Cam. Serm. in 8" 1719, Queen's. Camb, CLq 2 SMITH 3o8 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER SMITH Bcnj. V. of Great Wahham, R. of Boxwortli, Camb. John ix. 4. 4° 1673. Fun. John xiv. 10. 4° 16 Jude 3. 4° 1682. Afiize. SMITH Edward, Bp. of Down and Connor. Iiai.xxvi.9. 4°i6S9. Dublin, b. Levant Co. *2Sam.xxii 2,3, 4° 1699. ^'^^Y ^9* * Pf cxviii. 1-3. 4° 1703. Th. for Succefs. * Ifai. Ixv. 25. 4° 1703. b. Houfe of lords See. SMITH Elifha, M: A. Led. of Wifbech, then R. of Tid St. Giles's in the Jfle of Ely and Caitle Rifing, Norfolk. Johnv 14. 8° 1714. Til. on the Storm. Pub.L. ^teen's. Camb. 2Chron. ix-8. 8''i7i4. Aug. 8. 1 ThcfT V. 12, 13. 8° 1714. Advent. 1 Their. V. 13. S" 1715. Th. for Accefiion. 1 Tim. ii. 1,2. 8''i7i5. Accefiion. Popular Difcontcnt fclf- condemned. Lukeix.55. 8°i7i5. Nov. 5. ^eens. Camb. Luke xxi. 26. 8" 171 7. on the phenomena of Light. Brit. M. 1 Thefi'. V. 21. 8° 17 1 9. J unifying Sincerity. 2Cor.iv. 18. 8° 1721. Phil. ii.4. 8° 1724. Affize. Eton. 42 Serm, in 2 Vol. 8° 1740. on the mofi; important Concerns of a chriflian life. SMITH Francis, E. A. P. Luke xi.v. 41-44. 4"i69i. Jerufalem's Sins, Jcrufalem's De- ftrudlion. SMITH H. M. A. V, of Stower, Buck.s. ----- Th. The duty of Thankfgiving. Deut. V. 29. 4° 171 1. The way to Happinefs and Profperity. SMITH Haddon, Curate of St. Matthew's Bethnal Green, and late Chapl. of his Majefty's Ship the Dreadnought. * 12 Serm. in 8° 1769. on the moll intereiling Subjeds. * 2 Cor. iv. 2. 8° 1770. Methodillical Deceit, ^ieeti's. Camb. [SMITH Henry,] Minifter of the Church of England. *Dirc. in 4^1660. SMITH Henry, of St. Clement's Danes, London. Serm. and Treatifes in 4° 1675. Ch.Ch. Oxon. SioTt. SMITH Henry, M. A, R. of Weybridgc, Surrey, and Chaplain to the Earl of Lincoln. 2 Sam. xviii. 28. 4° 1717. Th. for fuppreffing the Rebellion. Cb. Ck. Oxon. *2Pet. ii. 10. 4° 1720. Affize. SMITH Humphrey, M. A. V. of Townftall, and St. Saviour's, Dartmouth, Devon. Pf. xxxix. 6. 4" 1690. Fun. Bod. AUS. Ch. Cb. 0». Ecclef.iv. 2. 4°i6go. Fun. Bed. J/7 S. Ox, I Pet. iii. 13. 4° 1698. John XX. 23. 4° 1708. Exo». Vif. The divine Authority and Lfefulnefs of ecclefiailical Ccnfures. Cb. Cb. Oxon. OF AUTHORS, c^'c. 309 SMITH James, M. A. V. of Lainbourn, Berks, and Chanl. in Ord. * Hcclef. vii. i. 8" 1764, Fun. of Rev. Phocion Henley. * lUv. ii. 10. 8" 1774. Fun. of Rev. Dr. Nichols. *Ifai.i.2,3. 8"" 1776. Fait. * I 2 J^ifc. in 8° 1777. SMITH James, V. of Alkham, Kent. *Heb.x. 24. 8" 1779. b. Free-mafons. SMITH Jeremiah * Ephef. iy 1 i-i 3, 8° i 71 2. Ord. of Samuel Clark. X * Jude 22,23. 8" 1713. Rcf. of Manners. Brit.M. * Rom. XV. 19. 8° I 71 5. 4 f . The Happinefs of a fuccefsful Minillry. * 2 Cor. V. 6-8. 8" 1722. Fun. of Sir Thomas Abney. SMITH John, late Fell, of Queen's Coll. Camb. Seledl; Difc. in 4" 1673. in Divinity. Bod. /HIS. Univ. Ch.Ch^ Nezu C. Petri's. Bal. Oxon. Pub. L. t^eens. Camb. SMITH John, M.D. *Difc. in 8^ 1676. SMITH John, R. of St. Mary's Colchefter, Effex. 2 Cor. V. 1 . 8° 1706. Fun. SMITH John, DD. Preb. of Durham, and R. of Bilhop's Wcx- mouth, I Cor. XV, 1,2. 4" 1709. an Apology to Chriftians for the Gofpel and its Miniiters. Ch. Ch. Pub. L. St. John's. Camb. Exod.xx. 12. 4° 1712. b. the fons of the Clergy at Kezocajlle. St.JMs. Camb. Matt.xxi 9. 8° 171 2. Conf. of a Chapel. Slueens. Camb. Pton. SMITH John, M. A. Mafter of the Free Grammar School at Doitcf- dale, Suffolk. * . . - . 8° 1755. * 2 Tim. i. 10. 8" 1759. Vif. God's Promifes, the only founda- tion of future Hope. *Gal.v. 13. 8^1770. b. Frec-Mafons. SMITH John, B.A. R. of Nampwich, Cheniire. * 2 Chron. xiv. I I. 4° 1758. Fall. * Jer. iv. 19. 8° 1759. Fad. *Gal.iv.i6. 4°1775. Freedom of paftoral Advice. * I Cor. xiii. 13. 8° 1780. b. Truilecs of a Work-houfe. * Gen. ii. 24. 8° 1780. Polygamy indefenfible. Ag. Madan's Thelephora. SMITH Jofeph, DD. Provoft of Queen's Coll. Oxon. Pf. cxii.6. 4^ 17 14. on the Death of f^ieen Ann. The Duty of the living to the Memory of the dead, ^eeti' s. Wore. Line. Ox. I Cor. iv. 2. 4^' 1719. b. the Sons of the Clergy. 'I he faithful Stewardfliip. Ch. Ch. Oxon. SMITH Jofeph, Pv^inilter of Haworth, Yorkf. Rom. xii. 5. 17 * Matt XV. 6. 4° 1 73 1. Tradition of the Clergy, not deftrudive to Religioa. Ag. Bowman. SMITH 310 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER SMITH Jofhua, M.A. Pf. cxxvii I- 4" 1706. Oxon. Aflize. The divine Favour, the on!y Security of a people. C. C. C. Oxon. SMITH Lawrence, LL. D. R. "f South Warmborough, Hants. 2 Tim. i. 10. 'l/\.°i-joi. 2 f . The Evidence of Things not Luke xvi. 19-3 I. J feen. Prov. xix. 2 4° 1702. School-Feaft. Knowledge and Virtue, the great Ornament of human Nature. SMITH Matthew, of Magd. HalL Oxon. V. of Helyon Bum- fted, ElTex. iCor. iv. 1,2. I 2" 1672. Vif. SMITH Nicholas, M.A. V. of Braiighing, Herts. Heb.iv. 9. 4° 1675. of the Sabbath. SMITH Roger, M. A. R. of Hulhand's-borefworth, Lciceilerf. *2Cor.i.i2. 8" 1719. Teftimony of a good Confciencc. 5^**, yohi'j. Camb. SMITH Samuel, M.A. formerly of St. John's Coll. Oxon. and Ord. of Newgate, London. 1 Sam. XV. 35. 8° 1660. Samuel in Sackcloth. Rev. XX. 1 1-15. 1665. Great Affizc — or day of Jubilee. Bci/. Zech.xiv. 7. 4° 1680. b. Lord Mayor. Light out of Darknefs, C. C. C. Oxon. Phil.i. 23. 4° 1685. Fun. [SMITH Samuel] I Kings viii. 39. SMITH Samuel, M. A. Jer. xvii. x. 8° 1 7 1 9. Ailize. God alone is the Searcher of Heart. SMITH Samuel * Difc. in 12° 1726. SMITH Samuel, LL. B. of Magd. Hall, Oxon. R. of All-Hallows on the Wall, and Left, of St. Alban's, Woodftreet, Lond. Ifai. xi.9. 4° 173 1. Col. of Georgia. Matt ix. 13. 8°i738. Ref. of Manners. 1 Pet. ii. 14. 8° 1743. Elecl. Lord Mayor. 1 Their. V. 21. 8° 1745. The Corruption of Popery. SMITH Thomas, DD. and F. R. S. Fell, of Magd. Coll. Oxon. 1 Pet. iii. 19. 4° 1668. Levant Co. Bc^. Pub. L. Camb. 2 Tim iii. i6. 4° 1675. "^^^ credibility of the Mylter^es of the Chriftian Religion. Bod. Ch. Ch. Magd. Bal. ^een^s. Oxon. keen's, Camb. Sion. Rom. xiv. 19. 4° 1675. (^"'^ ^° ^I'^l-) Exer. Theol. De Cauris,_ Remediifque Diffidiorum &c. Boa. Magd. ^ecns. Oxon. J Cor xi. 27. 4^1679. of frequent Communion. Bod. Ch. Ch. Magd. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. Ephef. iv. 5. 4° 1682. The Dodrinc, Unity and Profeflion of the chriftian Faith. Bal. Magd. :ii>ueens. Oxon. Pub. L. St. Johns. Camb. 1 John V. 7. 4° 1626. Ag. the Soclnians. *• SMITH OF AUTHORS, &c. 311 SMITH Thomas, Led. at St. Giles's, Cripplegate, Lond. *Serm. in 8° 1758. *Pf. xcvji. I. 8° 1^759. Th. after a Vidory. *Hofeax. 12. 8° 1762. Fall. * Pf. cxix. 71. 8° 1763. 2 Difcourfes. SMITH William, DD. R. of Cotion, V. of Mendlelham, Suffolk, and Preb. of Norwich. I Cor.vi.9. 8° 1670. The unjufi; man's Doom &c. Bod. 1 Pet. ii. 21 . 8° 1 674. 1 ^^^^^^ ^^^_ ^ ^ ^ p^^^ j^ ^^ I John IV. 8. 8 1674. \ I Their. V. 17. 4° 1677. Wednef. in Rogation-week. Pub,L. C. Pf. ii.6. 4° 1677. May 29. Pub. I. Camb. Lukexxii. 19 4° 1680. The great Sin and Danger of negleding the holy Communion. - Pf.cvii.8. 4° 1683. Th. Sep, 9. Pub.L. ^een's. St. John's. Ca. Aftsxvi.30. 4°i696. of the great Salvation in another world. Sion. SMITH William, M. A. Preacher of St. Clement's Danes, London. Prov.iv.13. 4° 1 708. Sch.-Feaft. The benefit of good Inftrudion. SMITH William, M. A. R. of Holy Trinity in Chetler, and Chapl. to the Earl of Derby. Prov. xiv. 34. 4° 1741. Fail. Wore. Oxon. Johnviii. 32. 8° 1746. Afhze. The Gofpel an aflual Friend to the Liberties of mankind. SMITH William, M. A. Cur. of St. Martin's at Palace, Norwich. Jam. ii. 18. 8°i75i. The abfurdity of an unworking Faith. i^een's. Camb. *Rom.iii.28. 8" 17^2. of Juftification. ^eeri's. Camb. * Gal. vi. 15. 8° 1753. 2 f. of the new Creature, ^eefi's. Cam. *Matt.x.Kii. 29. 8° 1756. 2 f . The Chriftian's Encouragement to read the Scriptuie,";. SMITH Will. DD. Prov. of the Coll. and Academy at Philadelphia. *Difc. in 8° 1759. on leveral public Occafions during the War in America. * Serm. in 8° 1762. Univ. Oxon. * 3Difc. in 4° 1769. * Joih. xxii. 22. 8° 1775. The prefent Situation of American Affairs. SMITH William, DD. Dean of Chefter. J*9D!fc. in 8° 1782. on the Beatitudes. SMITHIES William, jun. R. of St. Michael Mile-end in Col- chefter, and Chapl. to the Earl of Sandwich. * Lara. iii. 27. 8" 1684. Benefit of early Piety. * Gal. vi. I. 8° 1684. Spirit of Meeknefs. Pf. xciv. 16. 8° 1706. Eled. of a Mayor in ColchcRcr. SMITH^ON Ifaac *Pf.xx. 5-7. 8°i756, on declaring War. SMYTH Arthur, Abp. of Dublin. * Ifai. xii. I. 4° 17?^. SMTTH 312 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER SMTTH George, M. A. Mia. of the Gofpel at Hackney, Middlefex. 1 Pet. V. 6. 8° 1720. Fall, ^ieens. Camb. Brit.M, Rom.xiv. 16. i?"i727. Rcf. of Manners. Brit.M. X * Pf. Ixxxii. 6,7. 8° 1726. Death of King George I. j*Rom, X. c. 8° 1729. on Zeal. 2 Cor. i. 24. 8° 1735. Jan. 30. V. Difc. ag. Popery, Vol. J. Braz.N. Oxon. Brit.M. * Dcut, xxiii. 9. 8° I 740. Faft. The Lawfulnefs of War, and the Duty of a people entering into it. * I Sam.xvii. 29. 8° 1745, '^^^'^ Caufe of Bi-itilli Protellants a good one. ^^ucc?/s. Camb. SMYTHIES William, Cur. of St. Giles's, Crlpplegate, Lond. Jud€i2. 4''i67i. Norfolk-Fcalt. Gal.vj. 2. 4°i6S4 Aug. 24. AllS. Ch.Ch. ^oen's. Ox. Skn. Prov. xxix 2. 4° 1692. Elcd. of Ld Mayor. ChCh. Ox. Sioiu Pf. xciv. 16. 4° 1692. Elea. of Lord Mayor. SNAPE Andrew, DD.^late Provoft of King's Coll. Camb. 45 Serm.in 3 Vol. 8" 1745. Nezo C. Oxon. SNJSH.4LL Samuel *Jobxii. 21, 8'^' 1739. F<^^'y of depending on human Inllru- ments in times of War and Danger. SNAWSEL Robert rov. XI 29. i^. Difc.-on coni. Duty. Vol.1, p. 163,178. *Prov. x'li. 14. ^ -^ ^ r J' / SNELL Vyner, B. D. R. of Doddington, March, Wimblington, and Benwick in the lile of Ely. Gal.v. 17. 17 Adsxxiv. 2, 3. 4^1727. Pf. cvii. 19. 4" 1728. Matt. xi. 28. 4" 1728. Adts xxvi. i8. 4** 1728. 1 Cor.ii. 5. 4° 1728. 2 Cor. vi. 3,4. 4° 1728. 1 Their, ii. 3. 4" 1728. 2 Tim. ii. 15. 4° 1728. 2 Tim. iii. 14. 4° 1728. Tit. i. 5. 4° 1728. SNOWDEN James, DD. late Fell.of Mert. Coll. Oxon. V. of Pon- teland, Northumberland. *Dan. ix. 3. 8" 1757. Fait. Tlie Duty of falling. Wore. Oxon. *Pf. cxlv. 19. 8° 175S. Fall. The genuine fear of God, the belt foundation of private and national Happinefs. IVorc. Oxon. SNOWDEN Samuel, R. of S Norfolk. *Jobvii. 21. 8" 1689. A Vol. Alexipharmacon fpirituale. *Prcxlvi. 3,4. 4° 1694. Jan. 30. SOLEY Jofeph, DD. R. of Alresford and Preb. of Wiiichcfler. Ecclef. vii. I. 4" 17 19. Levaut-Co. Sion. SOME David * I Cor. XV. 10. 8° 1736. Fun, of Thomas Saunders, ^ecu^s. Camb. Brit.M. SOMER- OF AUTHORS, &c. 313 SOMERVILLE Thomas, V. D. M. at Jedburgh. *Prov.xvi. 10. xz" i-j-jd. Heart-bitternefs. V. Scotch Preacher, Vol.11, p. 87. *Matt. xxvii. 54. 12° 1779. Death of Chrill. V. Scotch Pr, Vol. III. p 77. SOMERVILLE William, B.A. LuKe xviii. 8. 8° 1715. on the Rebellion. [SOMMERS John] * jude 3. 8° 1731. Primitive Faith. SOUTH Robert, "DD. Canon of" Ch Ch. Oxon. ■ 12 Serm. 8" 1727. on feveral Occafions. Vol.1. II. III. IV. Bod. Ch.Ch. Jli^. Mag J. C.C.C. Univ. NewC. ^'een's, Pemb. Wore. Wadh. Oxon. Piib.L. Cumh. Dr. IFs's.L. London. 12 Serm. and Difc. in 8° 1724. on fev. Subjeds and Occafions. Vol. V. VI. Bod, Ch. Ch. Alls. Mngd. C.C.C. Univ. NewC. ^mn's. Peinb. Wore. Wadh. Ox. Pub. L. C. Dr.Ws's. L. Lond. zCor.v. 10. 8°i7i7. (Polth. Works.) The Certainty of a Judg- ment after this life. Bah Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. 64 Serm. in ( Pofth. ) 8° i 744. on feveral Occafions. Vol, VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. His Works. Or. St. John's. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. SOUTHALL Thomas, M A. V. of Harborne, StafFordflaire. Ecclef. vii. 10. 8^*1716. Birmingham. Affize. SOUTHCOMB Lewis, R. of Rofe-Afli, Devon. Deut.xxxii. 29 4° 1692. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Culme. Bod. 2 Tim. ii. 19. 4° 1701. at the Baptifm of one of riper Years. *Matt. vii. 12. 8°i7i4. Rule of Charity and J uftice. Tit. iii. I. 8°! 73 5. Subjedlion to the higher Powers a Xn Duty. * John xiii. 34,35. 4° 1752. Love the trueil mark of a Xtian, SOWDEN Benjamin J * Ezek. xviii. 30. 8° 1747. Faft. * Prov. X. 7. 8" I 750. Death of the Prince of Orange. * John xiv. 28.. 8° 175 I. Fan. o{ Rev. Barih. Lo/iuu * ... - 8° 1752. Ord. * - _ _ 8° 1760. Death of King George II. SOWDEN Choyce Benjamin, Morning Preacher of All Hallows, London-Wall. * I Pet. iii. 8. 4° 1776. b. Gov. of Wejlm. -Gen. Difpenfary. *Rom.xiv. 4. 8°i78o. Fall. Univerfal Toleration recommended. SPJDEMAN John, M.A. Prov. xxviii. 4. 8^*1698. Ref. of Manners. Eton. *Johnxi, 4. 8° 1699. Fun. V. Shower's mourn. Companion. *2Tim. iii 14. 4" 1705. Fun. St. John's. Czmh. Judges V, 13. 8*^1705. Th. for a Vicliory. Deborah's Triumph over the mighty. SPANHEIM Frederick Rev. iii. 20. 4" 1676. on the Inundation in Holland. Bod, Pub. L. Camb. \ Vol. il. R r SPARK 314 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER SPARK Tho. DD. R. of Ewhurft in Surrey and Preb. of Litchfield. I Cor.i. lo. 4°i69i. Oxon. Vif. AIIS. Jef. Oxon. Brit.M. SPARKE John, Curate of Ch. Ch. Newgate-flreet, London. James i. 27. 8° 1745. The refemblance between natural and moral Infeflion with its Malignity. Brit.M, SPARKE Robert Gen.xxiii 2. 4° 1679, Fun. of Mrs. Fenn. Bod. SPARKES Edward, DD. * Difc. in 8° 1663. Primitive Devotions* SPARKES Robert. DD. Pf. xvi. II. (or 12.) 8° 1660. SPARROW Anthony, Bp. of Norwich. 1 Theff.iii.8. 4" 1669. Caution ag. falfe Dodrines. Sion, 1 John i. 9. (preached 1637.) printed 4° 1704. Confeffion of Sins, and the Power of Abfolution. 5ion. SPATEMAN Thomas, M. A. R. of St. Bartholomew the Great, V. of Chifwick, and Preb. of St. Paul's, London. Heb. xiii. 7. 4° 1730. b. Sons of the Clergy. IVorc. Oxon. SPEKE Philip, M.A. Fell, of Wadh. Coll. Oxon. Matt. xii. 25. 1739- Jan. 30. SPENCER John, DD. Prefident of C. C. C. Camb. Prov.xxix.2. 4''i66o. Ca7n. Th. June 21. The righteous Ruler, 5/. John's. Camb. Brit. M. Deut.xxxiii.8. 8''i669. Ctwi. Differt. de UrimetThummim. ^cd'. SPJLSBURT F. J * I Chron. xvi. 22. 8''l744. Accefiion. SPINCKES Nathaniel, M.A. R. of St. Martin's, Salilhury, and Preb. of Sarum. 1 Pet. iii. 14,15. 8" I 714. of Truft in God. Bod. Sion. SFOONER ■Tkomas, Minillet- of the Gofpel at Chclham, Bucks. » . . . . 8° 1756. Safety from God. * Decad of ferm. in 8" 177 1. (2d Edit. ) preached at Chefham, Bucks. SPRAT Thomas, M.A. Arch-Deacon of Rochefter. 2 Pet.i. 7. 4° 1705. b. Sons of the Clergy. Ch.Ch. Ox. Brit. M. Col. i. 26. 4° 1702. b. Queen. Goodhiday. Ck.Ch. Wore. Ox. Pub. L. Camb. Brit. M. SPRAT Thomas, Bp. of Rochefter, and Dean of Wdlminfter. 10 Serm. in 8" 1710. on feveral Occafior.s. Bod. AllS. Cb.Cb. Mugd. Or. St.'jcbn'r. ^^orc. Oxon Pub.L. ^ieen's. St. John's. C/. ti. Camb. SPRINT John, Minirter of the Gofpel at Milborn Port, Somerfetf. 1 Thell'. iv. 13. 4° 1692. Fun. of Stefan fjte* The Chriilian Mourner comforted. Bod. Brit. Al. iPet.ii. 17. 1694. The Chriilian Loyalty revived. Bod. I Cor. iv. 24. 8° 1699. Wedd. f. The bride Woman's Coun- fcllor. V. Difc. on Conj. Duty. Vol.1, p. 80. Univ, Oxon. * Dan. xii. 3. 4" 1706. b. Dilfcnt. Clergy. ^Zech.i. c,6. 8" 1706. Fun. SPRY O F A U T H O R S, &c. 315 SPRY John, DD. late Fell, of C.C.C. Ox. Arch-Deacon of Berks. I Cor. ix. 14. 8° 1 741. Oxon. Vif. The cafe of the Miiiiflerial Maintenance, Hated. C.C.C. Wore. Oxon. ^eens. Camb. zTim. iii. 14,15. 8°i744. Oxon. The Influence of Education juilified with regard to the ProfefCon of Chriilianity. C.C.C, Wore. Oxon. Eton. Brit. M. Rom, i, 16. 8° 1745. Oxon. Rebel. The Duty of chriftian Con- fidence in times of Danger to the Church of Xt. Wore. Oxon. * Johnv. 44. 8° 1756. Conf. of 2 Bps. Braz.N. Oxon. SPURSTOWE Will. DD. Minif. of the Gofpel at Hackney, Middlcf. Rev. ii. 10. 4° 1662. Fun. * 2 Pet. 1.4. 16. SQUIRE Fran. M.A. R. of Exford, and V. of Cutcombe, Somerfetf. Gal.vi. 10. 8°i7i4. Univerlal Benevolence, ^een^s. Camb. Gal. V. 1. 8° 1 7 16. Exon. A brief exhortation to prot. Liberty. iSam, xii.25. 8° 1718. Affize. Num. XXX. 2. 4" 1 71 8. Affize. "SQUIRE Samuel, Bp. of St. David's. Johnxiii. 35. 4" 1745. Spitt. T. ^eeiis. Camb. Matt. vi. 19, 20. 4° 1749. An. meet. Char. Sch. AllS. Ox. Eton. Matt. xiii. 54. 4° 1749. Commencement. Brit. M. 1Pet.ii.13. 4°i75i. Acceffion. b. Commons. Brit. M. * Rev. ii. 5. 4° 1756. Fait. b. Lords. *Pf. xli. I. 4° 1760. b. Gov. of Small pox-Hofp. keen's. Cam, *Pf. xviii. 3. 4° 1761. Fall. b. Commons. *iCor. X. II. 4° 1762. Jan. 30. b. Lords. *Lukex. 28. 4° 1765. b. Gov. of Lond-Hofp. Wadb. Oxon. STACKHOUSE Thomas, M. A. V. of Benetam, Berks. J*Ecclel.xii. 12. 8°i7 Cone, continens verfus 1060 Hexamt.. I Cor.iv. I. 8° 1726. Fun. of Dr. Brady. Ch.Ch. Oxon. I Pet. iv. 17. 8° 1736. Jan. 30. Wore. Oxon. S>uteji^s. Camb* Exod. XX. 3 &c. fo. 1743. on the Decalogue. V. Body of Divi- nity, p. 380. St.Jehns.NejvC. Oxon. ii^ueens. Camb. Sion, Sr AFFORD John * 25 Praftical Difc. ( 2d Edit. ) in 1 2° i 774. on the 7th Chapter of Romans. The fcript. DoArine of Sin and Grace confidcred, * - - - - 8° 1774. Fun. STAFFORD Richard, B. A. of Magd. Hall, Oxon. Praft. Difcourles in 8° 1694. on fundry texts of Scripture. Bod, Puh.L. Camb. Ifai. xxxviii. i. 8° 1696. 6 f . Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sion. Sermons &c. 8" 1696-7. Bod. Deut. viii. 2. 8° 1697. The nature of God's Kingdom, 1 Chron. xxix. 18. 8" 1697. Sion. Matt. xiii. 20, 21. 12° 1697, Sion, Another Colleftion of his ferm. in 8° 1698, Bod. Pf. cxliii.8. 8" 1 698. Ifai. xxxviii. 2,3. 8° 1699. 4 ferm. 2 Cor. ii. u, 12° 1699. of the Devil's Devices. R r 2 Pliil. 3i6 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Phil.iv. II. 8° 1699. Phil. xi. 12. I 2" 1 699. 2 f. Col. iii. I. 12° 1699. Heb.ii. 15. 8° 1699. Difc. The great Benefits of Chrift. Bod. Pf. xxxix. 6. 8° 1700. Pf. cii. 28. 8° 1 701. Sev. Difc. Perfev. nece/T. to Salvation. Sion . Gal. ii. 20. 12° 1 703. Rev. iii. 2. 12° 1703. Jer. vi. 4. 12° 17 Matt. XXV. 46. 12° 17 Mark viii. 56,39. i 2" i 7 John ix. 31. 12" 17 Aftsii. 1 1, 12° 17 Acls vi. 4. 12" 17 Rom. ix. 6. 17 3 r. Heb, X. 25. I2°i7 STAINFORTH William, DD. R. of Barnburgh, and St. Mary Bi. fliophill, and Canon Refid. of York. Prov. xxi. 3. 4° 1676. Affize. Bod.Ch.Ch. Oxon. *Prov.i.2i. 1676. Univ. Oxon. 1 Tim. ii. 1,2. 4° 1685, Affize. St. Johth. Camb. Prov, xxiv. 21. 4° 1686. Acceffion. St. John's, Camb. 2 Chron.xxxv. 24. 4" 1689. Jan. 30. Bod. Unia'. Ox. Cl.H. Ca. Pf. cxliv 10. 4^1706. Th. Gal.vi. 15. 8° 171T. Ch. f. STAINSBY Richard, M. A. Chaplain to the Bp. of Norwich, and Left, of St. Mary le Grand. *Jobxvi.22. 8° 1762. Fun. of Bp. Hayter. Recti's. Camb. STAMPER Francis *Pf.lxxxix. 19. 8° 1694. May 3. Bod. STAMPER Thomas, M. A. Led. of St. Bennet Fink, London. 1 Sam.vii. 16. 8°! 721. Affize. I Cor. xiii. 13. 8° 1725. STANDEN Jof Minifler at Colcford near Froome, Somerfetf. * Ezek. xxxviii, 22. 4" 1707. Th. for Union. Brit.M. *Johnxiv, 2. 8° 1710. Nov. 5, STANDFAST Richard, M. A. Matt. xxiv. 4. 8°i66o. A caveat ag. Seducers. Sion. Num.xvi. 15. 4°i676. Affize. Bod. STANDISil John, DD. Mailer of Peterhoufe Camb. R. of Coning- ton, Camb. and of Therfield, Herts, and Chapl. in Ord. zCor. v. 20. 4° 1675. b. King. Bod. Univ. ^eens. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Prov. xxiv. 21. 4° 1683. Affize. Pub. L. St. John's. Camb. John X. 22. 4° 1683. at the Temple after its being repaired. Univ Oxon. Deut. vi. II. 12. 4° 1684. b. Lord Mayor. St.Johris. Camb. STANDISH Richard, M. A. R. of Ch. Ch. in Briilol. * Lukcix. 30, 31, 8° 1680. Certain Queries concerning the re- ceiving of the Sacrament. STAN- OF AUTHORS, &c. 317 STANHOPE George, DD. Dean of Canterbury, R. of Lewifham and Deptford, Kent, and Chapl in Ord. Ifai.xxvi.4. 4" 1692. Th. Nov. 6. Ufiiv, Oxon. Cl.H. Camb. Rom. viii. 17. 4° 1697. Fun. of Dr. Towerfon. The chriflian's Inheritance. Ston. St.JokiCs. Camb. Rev.:xx. 3,4. 8° 1709. Recovery from Sicknefs. Joha 3i8 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER John vi. 66-68. 8" 1710. The Sinfulnefs of Separation from the eftabliHied Church ef England. Bod. Sion. Rom. X. 15. 4° 1717. The Church of England not guilty of the Schifm charged upon them by Nou-jurors, ^eeris. C. Eton. Ecclef. viii. 14. 4°i723. Jan. 30. b. Commons. The profperity of the wicked, and the full'erings of the righteous, not incon- fiftent with the Coodnefs and Juftice of Providence. Wore, Ox. Matt.vii.12. S° ijz^.. Nottingham. AfTize. STANHOPE Thomas, M. A. V. of St. Margaret's, Leiceftcr. 4 Occaf. Term, in 8° 1670. STANLEY Edward, ^D. Preb. of Winchcfter. Pf.xiv. 7. 1 Aug. 19. 1660. f liVi.xxvi. > Afiize. Feb. 25. \66i,\Bod. Lam.iv, 20. 3 Jan. 30. 8*^1662. (. STANLEY William, DD. Clerk of the Clofet, Dean of St. Afaph, and Canon Rcfid. of St. Paul's, London. Col.ii. 5. 4" 1692. Conf. of Bp. Tenifon. Bod. Ch. Ch. C.C.C. Magd Jef. O.\on. Put. L. Camb Sion. Matt. ix. 37,38. 8" 1708. Prop, of Gofpel. All S. Ox. Brit.M. STANNIFOlirH William, M. A. Cur. of Hornfey, Middlefex. Lukevii. 19. 8° 1734. Advent. STANTON Thmas, Miniller at Colchcfter. * 2 Cor. V. 17. 4° 1758. New Creature defcribed. [STANWLK Richard] * 2 Cor. X. 4. 8^ 1 660. Chriftian Warfare. STAPYLTON Miles, DD. Preb. of Worcefter. Rom. viji. 28. 8° 1736. Worcejier. The Providence of God the Security of good men. p. 7. Aftsxx. 24. 8''i736. U'orcejler. The great Importance of finifh- ing our Courfe with Joy. p. 43. STARKEY William, DD. R. of Pulham, Norfolk. iPet.ii. 13. 4° 1668. Camb. AUize. The obligation of human Ordinances. St. Jobris, Camb. Brit. M. STARKS Thomas, M. A. R. of Gravefend, Kent. * Luke xxiv. 44. 8* 1755. Prophetic Charafter of David. STAYNOE Ihomas, B. D. R. of St. Ethleburgh, V. of Ch. Ch, &c. and Chaplain in Ord. Pf.cxlv.Q. 4° 1685. b. Gov. of the City-Hofpitals. Rom.xiii. 5. 4° 1686. Acceffion. b. Lord Mayor. Subjefllon for Confcierce fake. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. Aftsxxvi. 8. 4°i6io. Ealler. b. Queen. Je/. Oxon. St. Johns. Camb. Sion. *D.fr. in 2 Vol. 8° 1700. Prov.xxii.6. 8° 1717. 7 Difc. Indlruftions for the education of Children. STEAD William, M. A. V. of Reigate, Surrey. *Prov.xvi. 33. 4''i763, Th. May 5. STEBBING Henry, DD. Chancellor of Sarum, and Chapl. in Ord. Phil. iii. 7,8. 8" 1721. The Excellency of the Knowledge of Chriiljefus. Ch.Cb, Oxon. Sion, Arts OF AUTHORS, &c. 319 .Aftsviii.iy. 8" 1729. Camb, Confirmation. ^eeii*s. Camb. Rom.viii. 3,4. 8°I730. Of the ufe and advantages of the Gofpd- revelation. ^een's. Cl. H. Camb. Eton. Sion ijohniii. 17. 8^1732. Ann. meeting Char. School, of Charity to the poor, and the relig. Education of poor children. Deut. iv. 8,9. 8° 1732. Hutch, Left. The Excellency of the Church of England, as to the frequency of its Worfhip. Were, Oxon. ^een's. Camb. BritM. 2Cor.iii.9. 4° 1733- b. the Sons of the Clergy. The Excllency ot the Chriftian Miniftration. i^eens. Camb. Gal.vi.15. 8° 1 739. on the new Birth. Ag. religious Delufions. Alls. Line. Oxon. Brit.M. Matt, xii.37. 8° 1739. (and I2°i74i. p. 103.) on Speech and the Abufes of it. Mark xvi. 20. 4° 1 74Z. Prop, of Gofpcl. AllS. Trin. Oxon. ^een^i. Camb. Jerem. vi. 8. 4° 1745. on Rebellion, ^ecn's Camb. Brit.M, STEBBING Hen. DD. jun. Morning-Preacher at Gray's Inn, Lond. * Luke xiii. 3-5. 8° 1756. Fail. Earthquake. JUS, Braz. N, Oxon. i^een's. Camb. *Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1759. on praft. Xnity. Bod. 9>ueen''s. Cam. * Matt. vi. 9. 4° 1760. Hutch. Left, on the Liturgy. Braz. N. Oxon. ^eens. Camb. *Matt.xxv. I. 8°i769. 2 f. Parableof the 10 Virgins. .^^f»V. C. * James ir. 10. 4° 1777. Faft. STEDMAN Thomas, R. of Wormington, Gloucefter. *2Tim. ii.6 12° 1776. The Country Clergyman's Advice to his Pariflioners. STEEL John, Minifter of Stair. *Serm. in 8° 1778. STEEL Richard, M. A. Minifter of the Gofpel in London. * I Cor. vii. 35.8° 1667. Antidote ag. DiHraftions, 12 Serm. in 8" 1670. The Chriftian Huftsandman's calling. Bed. Magd. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. Matt. xxvi. 27,28. 4° 1675. m. e. P. The right of every Be- liever to the Cup in the Lord's fupper. p. 670. Ephef. V. 33. 4° 1676. f. m. e. C. Duties of the married State, p. 362. Bod. I Cor. XV, 2. 4° 1683. C.m.e. Helps to a good Memory, p. 417. Gal.v. 15. 4° 1690. C. m. e. Uncharitable Contentions, p. 45. Bod. Pub. L. Camb. STEFFE Thomas * 12 Difc. in 12° 1743. ^^ifi's. Camb. * Rom. xi. 22. 4° 1760. Faft. STENNETT Jofeph, Minifter of the Gofpel in London. Ecclef.xii.i. 8"'i695. 3 f. Advice to the young. Bod. Ch.Cb. Ox. *Judgesv. 31. 4° 1704. Th. for Viftory. Deut.xxxiii. 29. 4° 1706. Th. Sion. Eton. Judges V. 15. 4" 1707. Th. for Union. Brit.M. Gen,' 320 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Gen. xiv. 18-20. 8° 1 709. Th. for Viflory. keen's. Camb, Brit. M. *Serm. in 5 Vol. 8° 1732. Dr. Wss. L. London, ♦Judges viii. 34, 35. 8" 1740. Nov. 5. ^eetis. Camb. * lfai.xxxii.5. 8° 1741. ^ K^xi. oi S.Burch. John xiv. 2. 8° 1742. Fun. of Jof. Collett. Recti's. Camb. *Pf. cxliv. 9-11. 8° 1743. Th. f. * 2 Kingsxix. 27, z8. 8° 1745. Rebellion. * 2 Sam. xxiii. 2. 8° 1748. Fun. of Rev. D. Rees. ^eerCs. C. *Pf.lxxxv. 8. 8" 1749. Th. STENNETT Samuel, DD. ♦Jfai.liii. I. 8°i753< b. Diffenting Clergy. The Complaint of an unfuccefsful Minillry. ^leeris. Camb. * 1 Chron. xxix. 27,28. 8° 1760. Death of King George II. * John iv. 41,42. 8^1764. b. Diifent. Clergy. *Aftsxx. 19. 12° 1767. Fun. * > - . . 8° 1769. QtA.o^ S.Burford. * 17 Difc. in 2 Vol. 8° 1769. on perfonal Religion. * Rom. xii. 2. 8° 1771. Folly and Danger of conforming to the World. * 2 Tim. iv. 7,8. 1 77 1. Fun. of Dr. J. GUI ^uen's. Camb. * 2 Cor. v. 8. 8° 1773. Fun. of Mrs. Sufm. Britain. •Amosiii.6. 8° 1781. Faih National Calamity, the Effed of divine Difpleakire. STEPHEN George, M. A. *Matt.vi. 12. 8° 1770. at the King's Bench. * Ezra ix. 13,14. 8^1774. Genuine Pairiotii'm. STEPHENS George, M. A. Left, of Guilford, R. of Weft Clandon, Surrey, and Preb. of Windibr. Prov. xiv. 34. 8° 1728. Aflize. Rom.v. 7. 8°i73i. Fun. of Lady Onflow. The amiable Qua- lity of Goodnefs as compared with Righteoufnefs. STEPHENS Henry, M. A. Fell, of Mert. Coll. Oxon. Prov. xvi. 7. 4° 1708. Oxon. Th. Aug. 19. Bod. Univ. C.C.C. Pub. L. Oxon. keen's. Camb. Sio?i. 2 Cor. vi. 8. 8" 1719. Conf. of Bp. Boulter. Ch. Ch. O.xon. STEPHENS Henry, M. A. V. of Maiden, Surrey, and Chaplain to the Bp. of St. David's. 10 Difc. in 8° 1728. A true reprefcntation of Popery. Brit. M. STEPHENS Joleph, Led. of St. Giles's Cripplegate, St. Mar- garet Lothbury, and St. Michael's, Woodftreet, London. Luke xvi. 19-31. 12"^ 1697. 9 f . on the parable of Dives and Lazarus. 6 Serm. in 12° 1 699. A prad, Expofition on the Lord's Prayer. * Job xxvii. 5,6. I 2" 16 •Phil iii. 13, 14. 12° 16 * Prov. xiv. 32. 1 2° 1 6 * James iv. 17. iz° i6 STEPHENS OF AUTHORS, &c. 321 STEPHENS Lewis, M.A. R. of Chilbolton, and Drekencfield Hants, and Arch-Deacon of Barnftaple. Heb. xiii. 16. 4°! 721. Conf. of Chapel. The great duty of Charity recommended. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Pf.xxxvii. II. 4° 1723. Fun. of Bp. Trimnell. Ch. Cb. Oxon. 1 Tim. V. 17. 4° 1726. Conf. of Bp. 1 Tim. iv. 16. 4*^ 1 726. Ord. Eton, ^eerfi. Camb. Gen. xxviii. 16-18. 4° 1727. Conf. of a Chapel. STEPHENS Lewis, Aich-Deacon of Cheller and Canon of St. Peter's, Exon. 2Trin.i. 16-18. 4°i735. Exon, on delivering a poor convert Jew out of prifon. STEPHENS Richard, R. of Stoke-Gallard. Dorfetfhire. Pf. cxviii. 23. 4° 1704. Faft, on the great Storm. Ifai.xlix. 23. 4° 1705. Acceffion. STEPHENS Thomas, M. A. Chapl. to Lord Cornwallis. 3 Seafonable ferm. in 8° 1660. Ad Magillratum. 3 (Affize) ferm. in 8°i66i. Camb. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Fub.L. Cam. STEPHENS Thomas, M. A. R. of Sherfield, Hants. 2 ThefT. ii. 3,4. iz'^iy^'^. on Rebellion. STEPHENS William, B. D. R. of Sutton, Surrey. Lam. V. 16. 4° 1694. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. Bod. Pub. L, Camb. Sioti. Col iii. 15. 4" 1696. Th. b. Lord Mayor. April 16. Tit. iii. I. 4" 1700. Jan. 30. b. Com. Mdgd. Wore. Oxon. Sion. Rom. xii. 10. 8° 1700. Rom.ix. 4, 5. 4° 1705. Nov. 5. John viii. 17. ? 00 .: r. -; , ... ' J. 8 1706. Eton. John vm. 32. J ' James iii. 17. 4° 171 2. Commem. of Irifh Mafiacre. Bod. Wore. Oxon. Eton. Sion. iTim. iv. 1,2. 8° 1713. Commem. of Irifh Mafiacre. I Their, v. 18, 8° 1 71 4. A fecond deliverance from Popery and Slavery. - - - - - 1 71 7. Commem. of Irifh Mafiacre. STEPHENS William, M. A. V. of Lynton, Cambridgeftiire. I Cor. xiv. 40. 4" 1705. Conf. of Ch. STEPHENS William, M.A. Fell, of Exeter Coll. Oxon. and V. of St. Andrew's Plymouth, Devon. Afts V, 3,4. 8°i7i7. The Perfonality and Divinity of the Holy Ghoft. Bod. NezuC. Line. Wore. Oxon. ^eeni. Camb. Johni. 14. 8° 1 71 9. Vif. The Union of the two Natures in the onePerfon of Jef. Xt. Magd. liezvC. Wore. Line. Ox. peer's. C. Heb. i. 6. 8° 1722. The divine Perfons, one God, by an Unity 'of Nature. KeivC. Wore. Line. Oxon. Slueen^s. Camb. Col.ii. 8. 8° 1724. Vif. The feveral heterodox Hypothefes on the Trinity, ISetv C. Wore. Oxon. £lueen*s. Camb. 35 Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1737. Oxon. on feveral Subjcds. C.C.C, Alls. Line. Wore, Oxon, Vp L. M. S f STER- 312 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER STERLING James, M, A. R. of St. Paul's Parilh," Kent. *Gal.iv. 18. 8° 1755. Jnapolis. Zeal ag. the enemies of our Country pathetically recommended. STERNE John, DD. Chapl. to the Lord High Cancellor &c. * - - - - 4° 1691. Dublin. Nov. 5. King David's cafe applied to King James and King William. * Pf. xc. I 2. 4° 1 695. Dublin. The Prayer of Mofes. * Job XXX. 24, 25. 4° 1699. Dublin. July 2. STERNE John, Bp. of Clogher. * - - - - 4° 1704. Dublin. Cone, ad Cler. STERNE Lawrence, M.A. Preb of York. * Serm. in 4 Vol. i2"i76o. and 1766. Bod. Braz.N. Oxon. Pub.L. keen's. Camb. *Serm, (Pofth.) in 3 Vol. 12° 1769. Pub. L. ^eejit. Camb. [STEVANSON William] if* Job iii. 21,22. 4°i7i5. Fun. of Edv/. Bulkeley. Brit.M. STEVENS * Serm. in ag. Popery. STEFENS John * Rom. viii. 26, 27. 8^1755. ^ f . Neceffity of the Spirit's help in Prayer. *2Cor. V. 21. 8° 1757. Chrift made of God unto his people Wifdom &c. * I Cor.i. 30, 8° 1758. Fun. *Pf. cvii.7. 8° 1758. Fun. ♦2Their. ii. 16,17. 8° 1759. *2Cor. V. 21. 8° 1760. on Converfion of Rr Tilling. *Pf. Ixxxv. 1,9. 8° 1763. Th. *Pf.xvii. 15. 8° 1767. Fun.f. STEFENS Samuel *Lukev. 5. 8" 1762. b. DilTent. Min. The fpiiitual Fifherman, STEVENS Thomas, Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. * I Cor. xvi. I 3, 14. 8°i77i. 2 f . Stedfailnefs in the Chrillian Faith, and Union of Charity with Zeal. STEVENS T. DD. V. of Beneham, Berks. * Jer. xviii. 7,8. 4° 1777. Fall. STEVENSON B. DD. * 2 Cor. xi. 23. 8° 1747. Ord. JUS. Oxon. STEVENSON William, M. A. Chapl. to the Fall India Company at Fort St George. Johnxvi. 2. 8° 1 717. Nov. 5. STEVENSON William, DD. R. of Colwall, Herefordniire, Preb. of Sarum. Gal.iv.i8. 8°i728. Vif. Zeal and Moderation reconciled. Br.M. Pf. cxlvii. I. 8° 1746. Th. after Rebellion. The true Patriot's Wilhes. STEUART Charles, M. A. Fell, of Pemb. Hall, Camb. Rom.iii. 8. 4*1742. Nov. 5. *IVIic. vi. 9. 4° 1743. Sept. 2. STEWARD OF AUTHORS, &c. 323 STEWARD Thomas ^Serm. in 8" 1734. on pradical Subjefts. STEWARD William, DD. Chapl. to Lancelot, Bp. of Exeter. *iCor.xv.lo. 8°i7i7. Vif. of divine Grace. St. John's, dm, STEWART John, Minifter of the Gofpcl at Tcaling. Luke xi. 35. 12° 1738. Edlnb. b. Prov. Synod. Brit.M. STILEMAN John, M. A. V. of Tunbridge, Kent. Heb xiii. 17. 4" 1663. Vif. of Church-government. Or. Oxon. STILEMAN John, B. D. R. of Eaft-Farndon, and Shepey Magna, Leiceflerihire. Heb. xiii. 17. 8° 1707. Vif. Epifcopal Authority, with the Duty both of Clergy and Laity. Vniv. Oxon. Tub. L. Camb. STILEMAN Timothy, B.D. R. of Hourne. Surrey. Aftsx. 38. 8° 1723. Fun. Matt. xi. 30. 8° «733. Eafinefs of a Chriftian's duty. STILLINGFLEET Edward, Bp. of Worcefter. 50 Serm. in fo.1707. upon feveral occafions. Bod. Sal. Cb.Ch. Alls. Univ. Mert. NezoC. Shjeen's. Peinb. Oxon. Pub.L. Cl.H. Camb. Dr. Ws's. L. London. iTim. ii. 1,2. 8° 1735. Mifcell. Difc. p. 394. defigned for. Th. 1694. Bod.Ch.Ch. Oxon. ^een*s. Camb. Brit.M. STILLINGFLEET James, M. A. late Fell, of Mert. Coll. Oxon. and Preb. of Worcefter. * I Cor. iv. I, 2. 8° 1760. Xtian Miniftry. Braz.N. Wore. Ox. *Pf. cxxii.6. 8°i78i. Faft. Unity of Faith, Righteoufnefs of life, and Obedience to the civil Power (the means of pre- ferving the peace of our Jerufalem) recommended. STINTON Benjamin Jer. li. 15,16. 8°I7I4. Commem. of the Storm. Ch.Ch. Oxon. STINTON George, DD. late Fell, of Ex. Coll. Oxon. Chancellor of Lincoln, F. R. S. and S. A. *Tit. iii. I. 4° 1768. Jan. 30. b. Commons. *iTim. iii. I. 4° 1769. Conf. of Bp. Barrington. Ex. Oxon. ^een^s. Camb. * I Sam. ii. 7. 4° 1769. b. Gov. of Z./«f. -Infirmary. SlueeTts. Ca. STITH |ohn, M. A. R. of Henrico Parifh, Mark xii. 17. 4° 1746. b. Gen. Affembly at Williamburgh. STOCK Thomas, M. A. Head Mafter of the Grammar School at Gloucefter, and late Fell, of Pemb. Coll. Oxon, J *Pf. cxxii.6, 7. J 2° 1 782. May 29. STOCKDALE Percival * 3 Difc. in 4° 1773. * 6 Difc. in 8° 1777. STOCKWELL Jofeph, B. D. late Fell, of Trin. Coll. Oxon. R. of Solyhull, Warwickfhire. Prov. XXX. 9. 8" 1 717. Oxon. Opening Charity -School. Mark iv. 28. 8° 1726. Rogation-Sund. Pf. xciii. V. 8° 1727. opening an Organ at Abingdon. Wore, Oi. ?ub.L. Camb. S f 2 STQGDEN 324 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER STOGDEN Herbert I * 1 ThefT. ii. 3-6, 8" 1718. Charaflcr of a primitive Preacher. STOKES CharJes, R. of Knaptoft, Leiccfterf. and Chaplain to the Duke of Rutland. Jobxxix. 16. 4'^ 1750. Diligence and Courage now requifite in a Magillrate. STOKES David, DD. Fell, of Eton Coll and Canon of Windfor. Jobxxix. 15. 4*^ 1667. Oxon. Affize. Job in Honour and Wealth. BotJ. 1 Kings xvii. 15. 4" 1667. Oxon. Fall, for the Fire of London. The Widow of Sarepta in poverty. Bv<^. STOKES Jofeph, M.A. *irai.xxvi.9. 8° 1758. Faft. * I Cor. i. 23. 8° 1759. Effay. Preaching Chrift crucified. STONE Edward, M.A. late Fell, of Wadh. Coll. Oxon. R. of Horfendon, Bucks. Heb. xi. 17. 8° 1732. The cafe of Abraham. *Serm. in 8°i77i. Oxen. , * 2 Additional Term, in 8° 1777. Oxon. STONE George, Primate of Ireland. Ecclef xi. I. 4° 1742. Dublin. Eng. Prot. School. Wore, Oxon. ^eens. Camb. * Pf. xlvii. 7. 4° I 759. Th. b. Lords at Dublin. STONE Robert, R. ef Clenchwarton, Norfolk. Rom ii 4. 8° 1744. Vif. STONE Samuel, M. A. Prov. xiv 8 4° 1662. b. Lord Mayor. Deceivers deceived. STONEHOUSE George, M. A. V. of Iflington, Middlefex. 2 Tim iv. 5. 12" 1739. STONEHOUSE James, M.D. R. of great and little Cheverel, Wilts. *Aftsxx 35. 8° 1771. b. Gov. of 5,vr//;;«-Infirmary. STONESTREET Henry, M. A. V. of Eyton Bray, Bedfordf. and Chaplain to the Earl of Manchcfter. iCor. ii,5 4° 1 709 School-Feaft. STONESTREET William, M. A. R. of St. Stephen's, Walbrook, London. 1 Cor.x. 31. 4° 1701. School-Feaft. Education. Luke X. 16. 4° 1709. Conf. of Bp. Manningham. STOOKE Francis, M. A. * Ads xviii. 7. 4° 1698. Eafter. at Bovtytracy Church, Devon. STOPFORD James, Ep. of Cloyne. * I Tim. i. 5. 4° 1758. Prot. Ir. Sch.. Braz. N. Ox. ^een's. C. STOPFORD Jofhua, B. D. R. of All Saint's, York. Rev xviii. 23. 8° 1675. 2 f. The ways and methods of Rome's Advancement. Bod. STORY Ferguron I Johniii. i. 8° 1661. STORY George WJtcr. DD. Dean of Limerick, Ireland. Jer.vii.4-7. 8° 1714. Th. Oft. 23. OF AUTHORS, &c. 325 STORr 7. a Quaker. * - - - - 1739. 2 {. Leeds. Salvation by Chrlll. Brit.M^ * 4 Serm. 17 STOUGHTON William, Preb. of St. Patrick's, Dublin. I Sam. xii, 25,25. 4°i7o8. Dublin. Jan. 30. Or, Ox. St.John*s, Camb. Sion. Pf. xiv. 5-7. 4° 1 71 7. Irifli Maflacre. STRADLING Geor. DD. Dean of Chichefler, and Chapl. in Ord. Johnxix 15. 4" 1675. Jan. 30. b. King. Bod. Univ. Ch, Cb, ^leeits. Oxon. St. Johns. Camb. 14 Sermons and Difc. in 8° 1692. upon feveral occafions. Bod. Univ. JUS. Ch.Ch. NnvC. Jef. Oxon. STRAIGHT John, M. A. of Queen's Coll. Camb. V. of Stour- paine, Dorfetf. and Chaplain to the Bp. of Sarum. Luke vi, 48. 4° 1 670. Aflize. Bod. Phil.iv. 4. 4° 1671. The Rule of rejoicing, or a direflion for Mirth. Bod. STRAIGHT John, B.D. Fell, of Magd. Coll. Oxon. V. of Fin- den, SuITex. Seleft Difc. in 2 Vol. 8° !74i. on moral and religious Subjeds, JUS. Bal. Wadh. Oxon. STRATFORD Nicholas, Bp. of Chefter. Aasxxiv. 25. 4° 1 68 1. Affize. JUS. Ch. Cb. Magd. Oxon. JRom. viii. 3. 4" 1683. b. King. Chrillmas. Bod. Univ. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Rom. xii. 17. 8° 1684. A diffuafive from Revenge. Bod. Univ. Oxon. Sion. Col. iii. 16. 4° 1687. The Lay chriftian's obligation to read the Holy Scriptures. Bod. Cb. Ch. Oxon. Sion. Ecclef. V. 1. 4° 1694. b. King and Queen. Mar. 25; Of the re- verence due to God in his public Worfhip. Magd. Oxon. Sion. 1 John V.5. 4° I 700. Faith which overcomes the World. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pub. C. Camb. STRENGFELLOW William, M.A. Left, of St. Dunllan's in the Eaft, and of St. Andrew's Underlhaft, London. Matt. XX. 22. 4° 1693. Eleft. of a Lord Mayor. Bod. Sion. STRIPLING Thomas, xM.A. Chapl. of New Coll. Oxon. 2 Tim. ii. 12. 4° 1681. St. Andrew's-day. Bod. STRODE William, DD. Canon of Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pf. Ixxvi. II. 4° 1661, Vif. l^een''s. Oxon. St.Johtis. Camb. STRONG James, M. A. Aftsxvi. 14. 8° 1675. Sev. f. Lydia's heart opened. Bod. Pf.xxv. M. 8° 1676. Bod. Pub.L. Camb. STRONG James, in the Diocefe of Armagh, Ireland. * Rev.xxii. 12. 8° 1738. Fun. of Rev. Henry Grove, ^een^s, C. * 5 Serm. in 8° 1763. STRONG Martin, M. A. Preb. of V/ells, V. of Yeovil, Somerfctf. I Cor. xi. 29. 8° I 708. Sacrament. J'phef. vi. 4. 8° 1708. Charity -School. The great Duty and NecclFjiy of a virtuous and religious Education ©f youth. 325 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER STRYPE John, M. A. V. of Low-Layton, Effcx. I Sain.xii.7. 4° 1689. Affize, BoJ. Sion. 2Sam.xii.7. 4° i68g. Affize. Pf. cxix. 78. 4° 1695. Th. April 16. Brit.M. * 2 Serm. in 12° 1699. Leffbns for youth and old age. Prov. xiv. I 2.1 4" 1707. Leffons proper for fallible men. Puh. L. Camb. Sion. Eton. Lukcxv'ii. 16. 8° 171 1, b. Lord Mayor. The thankful Sama- riton. Eton. Phil. iv. 8. 4° I 724. Farewel. STUART Charles. M. A. Fell, of Pemb. Hall, Camb. and Chapl. to Lord Mayor. ♦Mic-ahvi.g. 4° 1743. Nov. 5. STUART John, B. A. lace Preb. of Chichefter. *Rom. iii. 10, 1 1 . 4° 1753. 2 f . The lamentable Growth of the wicked kc. Bed. *Johnx. 25-27 4" 1753, 2 f. Neceflity of hearing and prac- tifing the word of God. Bod. * 2 Cor. vi. 3,4. 4° 1753- The duty of a Minifter. Bod. *Lev.ii. 13. 4°I753- Neceflity of Faith in Prayer. Bod. * Gal. iii. 26, 4" 1753- Juilification by Faith in Chriil. Bod. *Heb X. 38. 4° 1753. Neceflity of a life of Faith. Bod. STUART Richard, DD. Dean of Weftminfter. Phil. iv. 17. > p. I. f 1 Mark vi. 28. > p. 49. ^ i 2'' 166 1 . Golden Remains. > Pa^.i. C, Heb. X. 1,2. 3 p. 109. (. , J STUART William, DD. Chancellor of Exeter. iCor. XV. 10. 8"^ 1717. Vif. of divine Grace. Ch.Ch. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Siari. STUBBE Henry zTheii; iii. 16. 8° 1675. Farewell Bod. Pub. L. Camb. STUBBES John Heb. xiii. 17. STUBBS Philip. B. D. Fell, of Wadh. Coll. Oxon. R. of St. James's Garlick Hyth, Chaplain at Greenwich, and Arch-Deacon of St, Albans. Matt, xxviii. 19. 4° 1693. b. Lord Mayor, of public Baptifm. Bod. Univ. C. C. C. Magd. Line. Jef. Ox. ^een's. St. John's. C. Heb. vi. ii. 4" 1693. of Confirmation. Bo^. Ch.Ch. MtJgd. Or. Wore. Lint. Oxon. Pub.L. St.John^s. Camb. Pf.xlix.15. 4°i70i. Fun. The hopes of a Refurrcftion aflerted and applied. Ch-Cb. Oxon. Pub.L Camb. Sion. Vi. c.xxxv.6. 4" I 701, of God's dominion over the feas, and the Seaman's Duty. ^0/ Ch.Ch Jef. Wore. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb, Pf. cxviii 23. 4° 1702. Th. May 29. Wore. Oxon. Pub. L. St. Johns. Camb. 1 Kings xviii, 21. 4° 1702. for God or for Baal — or no neutra- lity in Religion. Ch.Ch. Magd. Were. Ox. Pub.L. Cl.H. Cam. 1 Kings OF AUTHORS, &c. 3x7 I Kings xviii. 21.4° 1702. Of occafional Communion. Ch. Cb. Magd, Wore. Oxen. Fub.L. CI. H. Camb. Pf.cxxix. 1,2. 4° 1704. b. Lord Mayor. Th. Nov. 5. Ofpopifh Conipiracies. The Church of England under God, the im- pregnable Bulwark ag. Popery. Bod. Ch.Ch. H'orc. Oxon. I Pet. ii. 17. 4" 1704. Of relig. Charity and Loyalty. Wore. Ox. Ifai Ivii. 19. 4° 1706. Th. Peace on earth, the gift of God — and Goodwill to one another, the duty of Men. Ch.Ch. M^orc. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Rev. XX. 13. 4° 1709. Oa the Death of the prince of Orange. The Sea Aflize. Ch. Ch. Wore. Oxon. Matt, xxviii, 19. 8° 1711, b. Lord Mayor. Prop, of Gofpel. of the divine Miffion of Gofpel Minifters. Bod. Sioji. Matt, xxviii. 19. 4° 17 12. Cone, ad Cler. Lond. De Miflione evangelica. Bod. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. Adsxxiv. 21. 3° 1713- Of the hopes of a Refurreflion, and the abufe of funeral fermons. Wore. Oxon. Adlsxxiv. 2,3. 4° 171 3. Thankfulnefs for Peace, the Subjeft's duty. Wore. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Matt.xxii. 21. 8°i7i8. Acceffion. The divine right of Peroga- tive royal. Wore. Oxon. Eton. I Sam. xxviii. 6, 7. 8° 1736. STUKELEY William, M.D. R. of All Saint's in Stamford, Lin- colnlhire, now of St. George's Queeniquare, Wcflminfter. Lam.ii.6. 4°i742. Jan. 30. b. Commons. National Judgments the confequence of a national profanation of the Sabbath. Brit. M. *Matt. xi.5. 4° 1750. b. Coll. of Phyficians. The healing of Difeafes, a Charafter of the Meffiah. Bod. *Pf.xviii.7. 8° 1756. Fail, on Earthquakes. *Gen.i. II. 4° I 760-1 763. 3 f . at Fairechild's Ledlurc. [STURCH John] * Luke ii. 10, II. 8°i75i. Chrift's appearance. STURGES John, M. A. Preb. of Winchcaer, R. of Wonellone, Hants. Jcr.iii.ij. 4°i72i. Conf. of Bp. Green, ^teen's. Camb. STURGES John, M. A. Preb. ol Wincheller, and Chapl. in Ord. * I Cor, xii. 5. 4° 1777. Conf. of Bp. Butler. STURMY Daniel, M.A. of Catherine-Hall, and R of Eaft- hatley, Camb. Pf. cxlvi. 2. 8° 1 708. on the Death of Prince George. Serious admonitions to great Perfons. *Heb. xi. 3. 8° 171 1. A theological throng of a Plurality of worlds. *Cant.vii. II. I2°i7i2. Sev. Difc. Advantages of a Country-life. igDifc. in 8°i7i6. Cumb. on feveral fubje61s, but principally on the feparate State of Souls. Ch.Ch. Wadh. Oxon. Ston. SUDBURY John, DD. Dean of Durham, and Chapl. in Ord. I Tim. iii. i. 4° 1660. Conf. of 5 Bps. The ofiic- and dignity of 328 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Of a Bifhop. Bod. Ch. Ch. Bal. Won. Oxon. Pnh. L. Sf. Johns. Camb. Phil. iv. 22. 4° 1675. b. King. Bod. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Sicn. iTim.iii. »5. 4" 1676. b. King. Bod. keen's. Or. Oxon. Si. John^s. Camb. Sion. Matt, xxviii. 20. 4° 1677. b. King. Ch.Cb. JUS. ^cetis. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. Sion. SUDELL Chriltopher, M. A. R. of Trinity in Chefter. Deut. xxiii. 9. 8''i7i6. In the Rebellion. SUGER Zachariah, M, A. Chapl. to the Duke of Gordon. 2 Chron. xxxii. 7,8. 8" 1745. I'ork, Reb. The Prefervation of Judah from the Infults and Invafionsof the idolatrous AfTyrians. SUMNER Robert, DD. late Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. *Adsxvii.2i. 8'' 1768. Con. Acad, pro Grad. Doft. ^eeri's. C, [SUNDERLAND John] * - - - - 8° 1779. ^^^' "^^^ neccflity of making God our Friend at this alarming Crifis. SUTTON Gibbon, M. A. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. and Led. of St. Benedid, Grace-church-ftreet, London. I Cor. xiv. 40. 8° 1 717. Decency and Order in the public wor- fhip of God. Bed. Sion. 12Serm. in 8° 1718. Wherein the Minifters of Chrift and Sal- vation by him are defended. Sion. Lukexxii.44. 8° 1718. (Poilh.) PalmS. SUTTON John James v. 19, 20. SUTTON Prideaux, M. A. R. of Bredon, Worcellerfliire. Lukevii. 21. 8° 1730. of Miracles. Ag. Wool lion. Bal. Oxon, SUTTON William, M. A. V. of Saxthorpe, Norfolk. Phil.iii. 16. 8° I 71 4. Acceffion. Matt.vi. 19,20. 8° 1722. Char. Education of poor children re- commended. JUS. Oxon. Pf. 1.15. 8° 1725. Norwich. Nov. 5. SUTTON William, M.A. R. of St. Michael's Curhaies, Cornwal. * 1 6 Serm. in 8" 1754. on various Subjeds. Bod. Sio?:. SWADLING Thomas, DD. R. ot All Hallows in Stamford, Lincoln. 12 Anniv. ferm. in 4" 1661. on the funeral of King Charles 1. *iSam.i. 10. 8°i66i. Jan. 30. Adsxiii. 28. SWJFFIELD Jofeph James iii. 2. 8" 1661. SWANN Gilbert, DD. late Fell, of Magd. Coll. Oxon. *Rom.iii.i. 8"! 760. 2 f. on the Jewilh Difpenfaiion. Wore, Ox. SWANNE John, E. A. P. Pf.xxv. 2. t\°\6g-j. Th. zt Cheri>ury, Oxon. SWIFT Jonathan, DD. Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, 3 Serm. in 4" 1744. 'iz.. 1 Pet. OF AUTHORS, &c. 325 iPet.v. 5. p. I. on mutual SubjeflioD."! I Cor. i. 12. p. 21. on Confcience. > fVorc. Oxon. Brit.Mc 1 John. V. 7. p. 41. on the Trinity. 3 2 Kings viii. 13. 4° 1745. Th. Difficulty of knowing one's felf. *Heb. xiii. I. 8''i754. Brotherly Love. SWIFT Thomas, M. A, Chapl. to Sir William Temple, and R. of Puttenham, Surrey. Ifai. xi. 13, 14. 8° 1710. Th. Noah's Dove. Bod. Wvrc. Line, Oxon. St.john^s. Camb. Sion. SWINDEN Tobias, M. A. R. of Cuxton, Kent. Luke xi. 2. 8" 17 13. The Ufefulnefs of a general Handing Li- turgy &c. 2Tim.iii.16. 4°i7i8. The divine original and authority of the Gofpel. SWINNEY Sidney, DD. F. R. S. and A. S. * I Cor. i. 23,24. 4° 1767 Commencement. *Lukeiii.i4. 4° 1769. Military Sennon. SWINNOCK George, V. of Great Kimbel, Bucks, till the Ejec- tion 1662, *Johniii.5. 8° 1660. Ads XX, 32. 4" 1662. Farevvel. I Tim. iv. 7. 4" 1662. * Pf Ixxiii. 26. 4° 1663. Phil. i. 12. 4° 1663. SWORDER Will, V. of Great Sampford and Hemplled, ElTeX. * Matt.xxiii. 35. 8° 1706. Jan. 30, The Rea;onablenefs of ob- ferving the 30 of Jan. Fall. I Kings xviii. 21. 8°i7i4. 3 f. Ag. pradlical Atheifm and occa- fional Conformity. Phil. i. 21. 8°i7i5. Fun. SWYNFEN John, B. D, Chaplain to the Earl of Bradford, Left, of St. Magnus, London- Bridge, Preacher at Whitehall, R. of Avening, Gloucelleifhire. Ezek.xx.44. 4° 1694. Th. Dec. 2. Pub.L. Camb. James i. 27. 4° 1706. Ch. for Children. Amosiii. 3. 8° 1712. Farewel. Lukex. 42. 8° 1715. Affize. SWYNFEN Robert * Num. xxii. 21. 8° 1722. SYDALL Elias, Bp. of Gloucefter. 1 Cor. iv. I. 4° 1706. Conf. of Bp. Tyler. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Eton. Luke V. 34, 35. 4° 1 71 3. on the Fall of Lent. Ecclef. iii. 1-4. 4° 1715. Accelfion. 2 Cor. iv. 5. 4° 171 5. at Tunbridge. ^een^s. Cam. Eton. Brit.M, Ads XV. to. 4° 1715. Nov. 5. The infupportable Yoke of Po- pery &c. Queen's. CI. H. Camb. zCor. iv. 5. 8" 1716. Vif. ^een's. Camb. Brit. M. VoL.U. T t SYKES 326 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER SYKES Arthur Afhley, DD. Dean of Burein, Preb. of Winchefler. Johnxviii. 36. 8" 1717. Vif. Ch.Ch. Ox. ^.?^;?V. Camb Eton. Pf.xxxv.20. 8°I722. Nov. 5. The Confequences of the prefent Confpiracy to the Church and State confidered. ^een's. Cam, Brit. M. I Tim. i. 5,6.-4° 1725. School-Feaft. ^een^s. Camb. Brit.M, 1Sam.ii.25. 8° 1728. AfGze. Bod. Matt xxii. 37-39, 8° 1728. Aflize. Pf. cxvi,7-9. 4° 1 746. Th. after Rebell. %mi'j. Cam. Brit.M. SYKES Thomas, DD. Fell, of Trin. Coll. and Margaret-Profeffor of Divinity, Oxon. 1 Kings viii. 18. 4° 1694. Oxon. Conf. of Trin. Chapel. ^<7d'. C.C. C. Magd. Cb.Ch. Jef. Oxon. Sion. SYLVESTER Matthew, Minifter of the Gofpel in London. Prov. XXX. 6. 4° 1675. m. e. P. There are but 2 Sacraments under the new Teft. p. 701. Aftsxx. 24. 4° 1676. f. m. e. C. How to overcome the love of Life, and the fear of Death, p. 733. Bod. 1 ThelT.iv. 17. 8° 1688. Bod Pub. L. Camb. Heb. X. 24, 25. 4° 1690. c. m. e. Lukewarmnefs. p. 321. Bod. Puh.L. Camb. Neh.ii.20. i2°i697. Ref of Manners. *Lukexvi.22. 8° 1702. Vol.IL p. 178. Chriftian's Race. SYMONDS Edward, Minilter of Rayne, F.ffex. Phil. ii. 21. (1632.) reprinted 8"i74i. Ecclefiaftical felf feeking.*' Wadh. Oxon. ^een's. Camb. Sion. SYMPSON Matthias, Miniller of Sterling, I Chron. xii. 32. 4° 1661. Bod. SYMSON Matthias, M. A R. of Moorby, Lincoln, afterwards of Wenington, Effex, and Canon of Lincoln. Rom. x. 15. 4° 1708. Vif. The ncceffity of a lawful Miniftry. 2Sam.xix.14. 8°i729. May 29. *Lukexi.2. 8" 1737. 3 f. on the Lord's prayer. SYMSON Thomas, M. A. late Preacher of Tottenham High Crofs, Middlefex. Cant. v. 16. 8° 1662. A proteftant Picture of Jefus Chrill. SYNGE Edward, Abp. of Tuam, Ireland, Jobxxvii. 28. 4*^ 1704. The wifdom of being religious. I Tim.v. 17. 8"^ 1 7 10. Conf. of Bp. Browne. The divine Au- thority of Church-government, and Epifcopacy &c. Bod. Magd. Line. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Ston. * Johnxiii. 17. 8° 17 . Jer. xvi, 14, 15. 8°i7i2. b. Commons in Ireland. Odl. 23. Bod. Pub.L, Camb. Sion. * - - - - 8°i7i3. The Value of a good-name. * Judges xvii. 6. 8" 17 J Pet. iii. 15. 8"i7i3. Religion tried by the teft of fober and iuipartial Reafon. Matt. OF AUTHORS, &c. 327 Matt. xix. 16. 12° 17 14. Eternal Salvation, tlie only end and defign of Religion. Gal.iv. 18. 8° 1 716. b. Lords Jullices. Xtian Zeal. Ch.Ch. Ox. *Ifai. i. 26. 8° 1716. May 29. Happinefs of a Nation or People. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Jam. V. ig, 20. 4° 1 719. Charity-School. * Luke ix. 55,56. 4° 1721. Th. Afts xxiv, 1 4. 8° 1 72 1. St. Paul's Religion. Tit.i.7-9. 8° 1723. Conf. of Bp. Pf. X. 4. 12° 1733. Dublin. The root and fpring of true Virtue and Piety. Gal.v. I. 12° 1733. Dublin. A fhort DilT. on eating blood. 1 ThefT. V. 21. 12° 1734. The way to eternal Salvation. Brit.M* Luke xii. 57. 12° 1737. 2Tim.ii.23. I2°i738. Vif. Eflay on foolifh Queftions. 5r/V.M. Jude3. I2°i738. Vif. Effay on contending for the Faith, ^r.ilf. SYNGE Edward, Bp. of Elphin, Ireland. Pf. cxviii. 23,24. 4° 1719. Dublin. Acceflion. b. Commons. Lukexiv. 23. 8° 1725. Ann. of Ir. Rebell. The Cafe of Toler- ation confidered with refped to Religion and civil Govern- ment. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Gen. xlix. 5-7. 8° 1731. Ann. of Irifli Rebellion. SYNGE Richard, Preacher at the Savoy. I Sam. xii. 23, 24. 8°i7i4. AccefTion. Pf. xliii. 5. 8" 1 7 14. on the Death ot Queen Anne, 8 Serm. in 8° 1720. SYNGE Samuel, I>I>. Dean of Kildare, and Prolocutor to the lower houfe of Convocation in Ireland. Prov. xxiv. 21. 4° 1707. Dublin. Jan. 30. T. A. * Luke iv. 6, 7. \ 8° 1660. Infolent Ufurper and regal Intru- * I Kings xxi. 19. J der. Pub.L, Camb. T, G. 1 Cor. iv. I. 8° 1693. b. Diffent, Clergy. The Paftor's care and dignity, and the People's duty. Bod. TALBOR John, DD. of Kalvedon, Effex. Judges V. 7. 4° 1704. Acceflion. TALBOT George, Hon. DD. late Miniller of Temple Guiting, Glouceilerfhire. *Pf. xii. I, 4° 1755. Open. G/(?ar o 1782. On the Lord s bupper. t * I Cor. XI. 9. 5 TEMPLER John, DD. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. Jude 3. 4° 1660. b. Lord Mayor. The Saints duty in con- tending for the Faith. Aftsxv. 36. 4° 1676. Camc>. Vif. The reafon of Epifcopal In- fpeftion. Bod. Univ. AllS. Ch.Cb. Magd. Oxon, St. John's. Camb. Si on. TENISON Thomas, Abp. of Canterbury. Pf.cxii.5. 4"i68i. Spitt W. Of Dii'cretion in Almfgiving. Sfueen^s. Camb. Sion. 1 Kings x. 9. 8°i7i3. Acceffion. C.C.C. Or. Line. Oxon. Phil.iii. 10. 8°i7i8. Oxon. on Ealler-Tuefday. Bod. C.C.C. Ox. Ezra vi. 10. 4° 1727. Sunday after Inauguration. The religious King, and the People's Prayers for him. ^teens. C. Sion Eton. 3 Serm. in 8" 1729. A prefervative ag. the growing Infidelity, and Apoftacy of the prefent Aee. TILLARD Richard M.A. R. of ^ Dcrbyf. *Gen.i. 26. 4° 1781. Tyr.^.. Lunatic Afylum. TISSER John, M.A. Fell, of Mcrt. Cull. Oxon. and Chapl. to the Fadory at Smyrna. Matt, xvi. 26. 4° 1 701. Levant Co. C.C.C. OxoH. Matt.xxvi. 6. 4° 1702, b. trading Co. TODD OF AUTHORS, &c. 339 TODD Hugh, DD. V. of Penrith, and Canon of Carliflc. Ezek. xxxvii. 22. 4° 1707. Th. for Union. Pf. Ixxxv. I. 4°i7ii. May 29. b. Commons. Bvd, TOLL Frederick, M.A. R. of Dogmersfield, Hants. John XX. 29 8° 1 75 1. Vif. TOLLER Thomas * I Cor. V. 7, 8. I 2" 1 769. 2 f. on the Lord's Supper. *Lukexii.30. 12° 1772. At the Settlement of a Minifter. * Prov. xxiii. 4. 7 o rr t- , /. a, r. > 12 1772. To iradefmcn. *Kom. xii. 1 1. 5 * - - - - 1773- ^h- * Matt.vi. 10. 8° 1779. b. See. for prop. Xtian Knowledge. TOMBS B. D t*Markxvi. 15,16. 8" 17 TOMLINSON Matthew, M. A. Lukexii.57. S° 1743. Vif. The Protellant's birth-right, or the Chriltian's right of judging for himfelf in matters of Religion. rOMLTNS John :}:* Pf. c-vi. 12. 8° 1715. Th. for Acceflion. TOMLYNS Samuel, M. A. of Trin. Coll. Camb. Minifter of the Gofpcl at Malborough. Heb. xiii. 13. 8° 1682. The fubjeft of fev. ferraons. Jer. xxiii. 6. 8° 1696. Subftance of fev. fermons. Pf li.9. 8° 1696. Fall. YOMMr:S John * I Cor, xvi. 14. 12° 1767. Ord. * 1 Tim.iv. 12. 8° 1774. Educat. Society. • rOMS Ifaac * Pf. ix. 16. 1 2° 1 776. Ann. Th. f. for Vift. at CuUoden. 5"'0i\^G William * 2 Kings ii. 9, 10. 4° 1704. Fun. * John xiii. 36. 8° 1704. Fun. of Rev. Af/?/^ //^;?ry. *Heb.xii. 3. 12°I704. Ref. of Manners. * 2 Cor. iv. 7. 8° 17 1 6. Fun. TOOKIE Clement, M. A. Surmafter of St. Paul's School, London. Pf. (or Prov.) xxiii. i. 4° 171 7. School-Feaft. TOPHAM Edward, M. A. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. Pf.cxxxii. 18. 8° 1737. Tcrk. Charity. TOPHAM George, R. of Bolton, and Preb. of Lincoln. Pf.lix. 3. 4°i679. Fall. April 11. Innocency no Ihield ag. Envy. Luke xii. I. 4°i6qo. Vif. Brit.M. TOPLADY Auguftus, B. A. V. of Broad-Hembury, Devon. * Pf. viii. 4. 8° I 770. God's mindfulnefs of Man. * I Tim.i. 10. 8° 1770. 3 parts. Caveat ag. unfound Dodrine. * I Tim.iii.i6. 8° 1770. 3 Difc. On Jefus feen of Angels &c. *Matt. iv. 23. 8°i772. Vif. Clerical Subfcription, no Grievance. *Pf. cxv. I. 8° 1774. Free will and merit examined. *Pf. Ixxxix. 15, 1 6. 8° 1774. Good news from Heaven. U u 2 Luke 340 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER * Luke XV. 7. 8° 1 775. 2 Difc. Joy in Heaven over one re- penting Sinner, * James ii. 19. 8° 1775. Creed of Devils. *Phil. iv. 5. 8° 1776. Fall. Moral and political Moderation re- commended. TOPPING Henry, M.A. Left, of St. Paul's Covent Garden, and Chapl. to the Bp. of London. John xiii, 35. 8° 1715. b. Lord Mayor. Chriftian Love and Charity, ^eens. C-amb. Sion. Pf. xxii 28. 8° 1715, May 29. b. Lord Mayor. The certainty of an overruling Providence. Adsxvii. 6. 8° 17 1 6. Ag. Popery, and the Rebellion. I Pet. ii. 17. 8"! 716. b. Lord Mayor. Of our Duty to God and the King. Vi Iv. I. S** 1719. Repairing a Church. Of the whole duty of Prayer. Matt. vi.9. 8° I 719. St. John's. Camb. Sion. TORRE Nicholas, M. A. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. *Ifai, lix. 14. 4° 1780. ABzeztToik. TORRIANO Alexander, LL. D. R. of Holywell, Huntingdonfhire, artd Preb. of Lincoln. I Cor. XV. 58. 4° 1706. Vif. Ch. Ch. Ox. ?ub. L. ^een's. Cam. TORRIANO Nathaniel, M. D. R. of Aldham, SuffoJJc. * Serm. in 8'' 1767. Norwich. TOTTIE John, DD. Canon of Ch.Ch. Oxon. and Arch Deacon of Worcefter. Rom.vii. 23. 8° 1736. A view of Rcafon and Pafiion, as in their original and prefent ftate. Wore. Oxon. Brit. M. Rom.xii. 15. 8°i75i. fForce/^er-lnfnimry. Sympathizing affec- tion, a principle of nature, enforced by Reafon and Religion. Wore. Oxon. Sluecn's. Camb. * 16 Serm. (Poflh.) in 8° 1775. TOTTON William, Left, of Hexham, Northumberland. * Ecclef. vii. I. 4^1754. Fun. of Mrs. Ann Dunftcr. * Eccl"\ xxxvi. 26. 4° 1756. Faft. Earthquake. * I Pet. v. 6. 4° 1756. Fart. Earthquake. * Rom. xiii. 1,2. 4° I 761. After an Iniurreftion. Duty of Sub- ]t€i& to civil Powers. ^OULMIN Jo/cua, M. A. Min. of the Gofp. at Taunton, Somerfetf. * Serm. in 12° 1770. Principally addreffed to Youth. *Col. ii. 16. 8°I770. Chriilmas f. * Jude 3. 8°i77i. Manner of contend, for the Faith, ^eens. C. * Ifai.xlix. 4. 8° 1775. b Difienting Clergy. »rTheff.v. 12, 13. 8° 1775. Ord. *Jer. iv. 19. 8° 1776. American War lamented.' *Matt. v. 22. 8*^ 1780. Ord. of Hell fire incurred by denouncing it. •Matt, ix 3C-38. 8° 1780. Ord. of CompafGon on the Multitude. * A Cor. V. 1. 8° 1 78 1, Fun. of Mr. Jemei May.crd, OF AUTHORS, &c. 341 TOWERS John, Bp. of Peterborough. Rev. xiv. 13. 8° 1660. Fun. of Earl of Northampton. Sion. Matt.xix. 14 8''i66o. At the Bapcifm of Earl of Northam. Sion. Matt.xxi. 13. 8" 1660. b. King. At Callle Afhby. Sion. John xiv. 2,3. 8° 1 660. b. King. Lent. TOWERS John, Minilkr at Bartholomew Clofe, London. *Matt. vi. 16. 8° 1778. Faft. * Rev. xvii. 5. 8° 1778. Acceffion. TOWERS Johnftone, M.A. Ufher of Tunbridge School, Kent. *2Tim.iv. 13. 4° 1754. Tiinbridge'Sch.. Feail. TOWERS Jofeph * Matt. v. 47. 8" 1777. Charity-School. TOWERS Samuel, M.A. R. of Barnock, Northamptonfhire, and of Uffington, Line, and Preb. of Peterborough. Pf. xxi, I. 4° 1660. Th. for Reftoration. Wrrc. Oxon. TOWERSON Gabriel, DD. R. of St. Andrew Underfhaft, Lond. and of Welwyn, Herts. Ephef. V. 18,19. 4" 1696. Whit. f. Open, an Organ. Eton. *Rom.viii,i7. 8° 16 rOWGOOD Micaiah *Ecelef. vii. 14. 8° 1743. On a fire at Crediton, Devon. * I Tim. iv. I. 8° 1746. Errors &c. of Popery. * Pf. cxviii, 27. 8° 1758. On taking of Cape Breton and St. John's, keen's. Camb. TOWGOOD Richard, B. D. Dean of Briftol. Aifts vii. 8. 4° 1676. God's token of love to Abraham. Bod, rOWGOOD S. t* I Tim.iii. I. 8° 1737. Ord. TOWLE rhomas, B. D. at Thaxted, Eflex. *Phil.i 9-1 1. 8° 1770. Ord. of N. Phene. TOWNLEY James, M. A. Left, of St. Dunilan's in the Eaft, R. of St. Bennet, Grace Church-ftreet, London. Pf. 1. 14. 4° 1741. May 29, b. Lord Mayor. St. John's. Oxon. Prov. xvi. 12. 4° 1 741. Eleft. of Lord Mayor. The duty of the Magiftrate. St. John's. Oxon. zKingsiv. 13. 4° 1752. b, the Sons of the Clergy. St. John's, Alls. Oxon. * Pf. cxxii. 6. 4" 1759, Th. b. Lord Mayor. * I Cor. x. 24. 4" 1 76 1. Ann. meeting Charity-Schools. * Zech. iv. 7. 4° 1769. On laying the firft Stone in St. Giles*s heids. * Prov. xviii. 14. 4" 1769. At the Mag-rt'.-Hofpital. TGWt^SEND J. *2Cor. v. 17. 12° 1 766. Treatife. [TOWNSEND Meredith] *Ifai. xxvii. 8. 8° 1746. Th. On the defeat of the ReBels. *Rev. ii. 10. 8''i76i. Coronation, TOWNSEND Sampjon I Sam. xii. 14. 8" 1663. TOWNSON 342 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER TOWNSON Thomas, DD. late Fell, of Madg. Coll. Oxon. R. of Malpas, Chelhirc. * 8 Difc. in 4" 1778. On the 4 Gofpels. To which is prefixed a Sermon on *JohTixx. 30,31. in 2 parts, p. 3-13, Bod, Ch.Ch. Oxon. *Lukciv.32. 4" 1778 Vif. TRAIL Jacob, Bp. of Down and Connor. *Dan.xii. 3. 4° 1779. b. ilie incorporated Society at Dublin; 772 ///Z: R'hert * Serm. in (2 Vol. 1 705.) repiibliflied 12° 1778. * 13 Difc. on Heb. iv 16. Throne of Grace. * 16 Difc on Johnxvii. 24. Lord's Praver. TRAPP Jofeph, DD. R. of Harlington, Middlefex, V. of the unite'd Pariihes of Ch Ch. and St. Leonard, Fofter Lane, London. Prov. xxviii. 2. 4°i7o6. Acceffion. The milchief of Changes in Goverriinent, and the Influence of religious Prjnces to hinder them. Bod. Sion. * Ezck.xxxvii. 22. 8° 17 Th. zSam. xii. 7. 4° 1708. Affize. Univ. Oxon. St.Johfi's. Camb. Ifai. i. 26. 4° 171 I. May 29. b. Lord Julliccs in Ireland. Line, Ch.Ch. llert. Oxon, Ht. Johri's. Camb. Pf. cxx. 5-7. 4° I 71 1. Fall for Peace. Bod. Line. Hert. Oxon. St.John^s. Camb. Sion. 2 Chron. xix. 7. 4° 171 3. Aflize. The Nature and Influence of the fear of God. Bui. Line. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Brit.M. Johnxviii. 36. 8° 1717. The real nature of the Church or King- dom of Chrift. Line. Wo'-e. Oxon. Jofh, xxiv. 15. 12^1722. The duties of private, domeftic, and public Devotion. Perfervative ag unfettled Notions &c. in 2 Vol. 8" 1722. Mngd. Bod. C.C.C. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. 1 Kings ix. 3. 4" 1723. Opening a new Church. The honour and virtue of building, repairing, and adorning Churches, and the Sacrednefs of them, when built and confecrated. Popery truly Hated and briefly confuted. 8° 172b. *Lukevi. 29. 8" 1726. Minilterial Virtue. Wore. Oxon. Luke xxiii. 2P, 4° 1729. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. Bod. Wore* Oxon. keen's. Camb. Prov.xiv. 34. 8" 1730. b. Gov. of Z.&«a'.-Hofp. Slueen''s. Camb. James i. 21, 22. 4° 173c. Eailcr-Tuefday. Preaching, hearing, and praflifing the word of God. ^een's. Camb. Lady Moyer's. Leift. 8" 1729, 1730, 1731. Markx. 14. 12*^1737. The cafe ot Infant-baptifm. Gal. iv. i8i 8" 1732. Aflize. Ol religious Zeal. Wore. Line. Ox. Ecclef.vii. 16. '■i''«739. 4 f • Ag Methodilb. The nature, folly, lift, and danger of being righteous overmuch. Btil. Liiie. Ox. Gal. vi. 2. 4" 1742. Ann. meet. Char. Sch. AllS. Oxon. Matt. X. 16. 4° 1743. Cone, ad Cler. I.ond, ^een''s. Cam. Sion. 3 '0^k. OF AUTHORS, &c. 343 3 Difc. in 8° 1 747, Explaining feme illuftrious Prophecies &c. prefixed to his Notes on the 4 Gofpels. Sion. 28 Serm. in 2 V^ol. 8" 1752. On moral and praflieal Subjcds. Ma^d. Keio C. Oxon. Recti's. Camb. TRAVERS Walter, V. of Wellington, Somerfetf. Pf. cxxvi. 4 16 TREBECK Andr. DD. R. of St. George's, Hanover-Square, Lond. I 3 Serm. in 8° i 730. Prov.iii.27. 8° 1733. Ch. for St, George^s Hofp. Ch.Ch. Ox. i^een's. Camb. Brit. M. Phil.iv. 6. 4° 1739. ^'^^'■- i" the hard Frolt. Gal.vi. 10. 4° 1744' b. the Sons of the Clergy. Brif.M. aSam. i. 14. 4° 1746, Jan. 30 b. Commons. TREBELL Jofeph, M. A. V. of Tackbrook, Warwickf. * Serm. in 8" 1703. * Pf. xxxvii. 16. 8" 1703. Afiize. *Ifai.lv. 4,5. 8°i703. A Vol. Chrift exalted. TRELAWNEY Jonathan Sir, Bart. Bp. of Exeter. Jofh. xxiii. 8,9. 4° 1 702. Th. Nov. 12. b. Queen, Lords and Commons. Ch.Ch. All S. Magd. Or. Oxon. ^een's. St.John':. CI. H. Camb. Sion, TREN John * 1 Their, iv. 13,14. 8° 1728. Fun. of Daniel Qilfon. ^eeris. C. * Ads xxiv. 14. 8° 1734. TRENCHARD John, M.A. R. of Whraxhall, Somerfetf. Pf. cxviii. 22-24. 4° 1694. May 29. b. Lord Mayor. TREVANNION Hugh, V. of Weft Alvington, Devon. * 2 Chron. xix. 7. 4° 1740. E:ueens. St. Joh?i's. Camb. Prov.xxi.30,31. 4° 1708. Fall. Jan. 14. b. Commons. Ch.Ch. Bod. Vviv, Or. Magd. Wore, Oxon. CI. H. i^ueens. Camb. Rom.xii. 13. 8° 1708. 'Norwich. Charity-Sch. i;^/?^//';. Camb. Col.ii. 6, 7. 8° 1709. Farewel. Jan. 30. Magd. Oxon. !^een's. Camb. Eton, Pf. xx.6. 4° 1709. Th. b. Lords. Feb. 17. Ch.Ch. Magd. Wore, Oxon. Sion. Matt. xi. 5. 4° 1709. Prop, of Gofpel. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. Pub, L. Camb. Sion. 1 Cor. xii. 24,25. 4° 1710. Spitt. M. Bod, Ch.Ch. Magd. Li?ic, . Oxon. PuL L. Camb. Eton. Rom. XV. 13. 4*" 171 1. Coilcftion for the Minifler at Tunbridge. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pub,L. Camb. Brit.M. Prov. xvii. 14. 4° 1712. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Magd. Wore. Oxon. Pub. L, Yuen's. Camb. Sion. Ephef. V. II. 4° 1712. Rcf. of Manners. Ch. Ch. Oriel, Oxon. Brit. M. Heb.x. 24. 4" 1715. Spitt. M. Ch.Ch. Oxon. keen's. Camb. Col.iii. 15. 4"'i7i5. Ai Tunbridge. Ch.Ch. Or, Oxon. ^een^s. Camb. Brit.M. TRIMNEL David, M.A. R. of Stoke-Hammond, Bucks. Rom.xiii.4. 8°i7i4. AiTizc. End and Ufefulnefs of Govern- ment. Ch. Ch, Oxon. TRIMNELL William, DD. Dean of Winchcfter. Matt. X. 16. 4° 1727. Cone, ad Cler. Synod, keen's. Camb. TRIPP Robert, M.A. R. of Boncleigh, and Lu/hleigh, DevoH, and Chapl. to the Earl of Egremont. * - - - - 178 . Fait TROTT Edmund, LL.D. Chapl. to the Earl of Hadington. 2 Chron.xx.xii.7,8. 8° I 746, On the Rebellion. TROUGHEAR Thomas, M.A. Fell, of Queen's Coll. Oxon. V. of Carifbrook &c. in the Ille of Wight. jTheff, iii. 10. 8'' 1730. On Work-houfes. iSam.ii 30. 8° 1733. Oxon. Ele6l. of a Mayor. Line, Oxon. TROUTBECK John, M. A. late of Queen's Coll. Oxon. zTim.ii. 19. 8° 1710. Aliize. The good old Principles, the fafeil way to Salvation. Wore. Line. Oxon. TROUTBECK John, Curate of Edenhall, and Lonwathby, Cumberland. * Prcv. xxix. 15. 8° 1778. The pious Education, and timely Correilion of Children recommended. TRUSTLER O F A U T H O R S, &c. 345 TRUSTLER John,.DD. * Prov. xi. 1 6. 8° I 7 qg. On the Death of the Prince of Orange, TUCKER Jofiah, DD. Dean of Glouceller. * Luke xiv. i 2-1 4. 7 oo -r.i/r Ji , - ' n .«u ^„ ... ^ S-8 1740. -Uiil. tilueen s. Lamb. * Rom. xni. 1-4. 3 '^^ * Prov. xxii 6. 4° 1766. An. meet. char. Schools. Wore. Oxon. * 6 Serm. in ! 2° .'773, On important Subjeifts. *i7Serm. in 8''i7'76. On fome of the molt important Points on natural and revealed Religion, reprefenting the Happinefs both of the prelent and future life, ^leeri'i. Camb. TUCKER William; V. of Cobham, Surrey. Lam. V. 16,17. 4° 1702. Royal Fun. Mai. iii. 8,9. 4'^' 1704. Fall. (ag. Sacrilege.) The caufe of God's Wrath. St. "John's. Canib. TUCKNET Anthony, DD. fucceffively Mailer of Eman. and St. John's Coll. and Regius Proleffor of Divinity in Camb. Adsiv. 12. 8° 16. 1 Cor. XV. 55. 8° 16 40 Serm. in 4° 1676. Upon fev. occafions. Bod. Pub. L. C. Sion. TULLIE George, M. A. Sub-Dean of York, Preacher of St. Ni- cholas at Newcaftle upon Tyne, R. of Gatefide, Nor- thumberland. Exod xx.4,5. 4''i686. Of the worlhip of Images. Bod. Ck.Ch. Magd. Sion. Phil.iv. 5. 4° 1689. b. Lord Mayor. Of Moderation, Ch.Ch. Jef. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. Prov.xxix. 2. 4°i69i. York. Th. Oft. 19. Bod. TULLY Thomas, M. A. Chancellor of Carlifle. Rev. xiv. 13. 8° 1688. Fun. of Bp. Rainbow, 2?^?^. Pich.L. Cam. TUNSTALL James, DD. R. of Rochdale, Lancalliire. Pf. cxxvi 3. 4° I 746 May 29, b. Commons. i^/rt'«'j. C. 5r. Af. * Acadcmica or feveral Difc. on the Certainty, Diftinftion, and Connection of natural ana revealed Religion, viz. * Matt. xiii. 8° 1 759. Coilc. ad Cler. pro Grad. S. T. B. * 1 Their, v. 21. 8° 17 .2 Difc. *iCor. iv. 2. 8° 1 7 . Vif. Chara6ler and duty of the Stewards of God's Myllerics. * Lev.xviii. 4. 8*^ 17 . The fimilar Properties and Agreement of nat. and revealed Religion. Brax.N. Wore. Ox. keen's. C. TURK BULL George * - - - . 1766. Fun. TURNER Bryan, DD. Chaplain to the Earl of Carjifie, R. of Sol- derne, Oxon. 2 Tim. i. 7. 4° 1677. b. Lord Mayor. Bod. Univ. C.C.C. Oxon. Pub. L. St. John's. Camb. Sion. Rev. xix. 10. 4" 1 68 1, b. Lord Mayor. The Demonftration of the Spirit for the Confirmation of the Chrillian Faith. C.C.C. Oxon. Pub L. Camb. Vo L. IL X X TURNER 346 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER TURNER Duniely M. A. Minifter of the Gofpel at Abingdon, Berk?. * Johnxiv. 1. 8° 1761, Fun. of Mrs. Tompkins^ * 2 Tim.i. 12. 4° 1769. Fun. of Rev. Mr. Jofeph Stennett. *Meditat. in I2°i77i. Abingdon. On feleft Pafleges of Scripture. * Amos ii. II. 8** 1777. The chriftian Miniftry confidered. »Col.iii.'i3. 8° 1780. b. Diffenting Clergy. On the Revival of a Diffenting Church at Oxford. TURNER Daniel, M. A. of Woolwich, Kent. *Exporitions in 8° 1775. On feleft Paffagcs of Scripture— tli which is added 2 ferm. on * Rev. iii. 21. TURNER Francis, Bp. of Ely. Lam.iv. 19-21. 4" 1681. Jan. 30. b. King. Bod. Magd. Cb.Ch. Oxon. Pub. L. St. "Johjis. Camb. Sicn. 1 Tim.ii. 1,2. 4° 1682. b. Lord MaycTr. C.C.C Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Sion. Pf. cxliv. 9,10. 5''i683. b. King. Th, Sept. 9. Ch.Cb. CC.C. ^een^s. Oxon. Ptib.L. St. John's. Camb. Sion. Hofeavi.2,3. 4°i684. Eafter. b. King. C.C.C. Oxon. Pub.L. St. John's. Camb. Sion. lailcexiv. 13,14 4° 1684. Spitt. M. b. Lord Mayor. C.C.C. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Pub. L. St. John's. Camb. Rom. iii. 8. 4° 1684. Nov. 5. b. King. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. ^een's. Jef. Oxon. St. Johns. Camb. Gen. xviii. 19. 4° 1685. b. the Sons of the Clergy. Ch.Ch. C. C. C. Wadh. Oxon. St. Johiis. Pub. L. Camb. Aftsv. 28. 4" 1685. Jan. 30. b. King. Ch.Ch. ^een\. Magd. Oxon. St.John'i. Camb. 1 Chron.xxix. 23. 4° 1685. Coron. Bod. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Magd. Or. JUS. Wore, ^een's. Oxon. Pub. L. St. John's. Camb. TURNER Francis. M.A. Ifai. xii. 2. 4° 1746. Th. after Rebellion. TURNER James * Jerem- xxxi. 33. 8*1771. Fun. TURNER John. M. A. Fell, of Chriil's Coll. Camb. and Ilofpitaler of St. Thomas, Southwark. 1 Cor. V. 7, 8. 4° 1 679. b. Lord Mayor. Ag. Tranfubftantiation* Pub. L. Camb. Sion. Exod. iv. 21. 8° 1683. 2 f. The middle way betwixt Nccefllty and Freedom. Bod. Pub. L. Camb. Ecclef. X. 20, 4° 1683. Th. Sept. 9. For the Difcovery and Difappointment of the republican Plot. Pub.L. St. John's. Ca. Pf. cxxxix. 7-10. 4° 1683. Of the divine Omniprefence. hion. lC0r.xiv.40. 8" 1683. b. Lord Mayor. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Oxon. 20. 8" 1684. The true time of our Saviour's Paffover. Bod. Univ. Oxon. Sion. Deut. XXV. 5. S"* 1685. Boaz and Ruth. Bod. C. C. C. Oxon. John iii. (or xiii.) 35. 4.^1686. Aflizc. Charity recommended. Bod. Sion. Matt. OF AUTHORS, &c. 347 Matt.v. 3. 4* 1687. The praife of Humility. Sion, Judges™-. 6. 4O168S. I J/"' ^9- On her Majefty's Conception. •* ^ ^ ) June 17. On the Bzrth of the Prince. TURNER John, DD. V. of Greenwich, Kent, and Chapl. to the Prince of Wales. Boyle's Leftures 8° 1708. or fo.1739. "^,11. St. John's. Magi, Jef. Oxen Lukex. 16. 8° 1709. Vis. The linfulnefs of delpifing chriftian Minifters, Magd. Oxon. Queer^s. Camb. Eton. Pf.lxviii. 34, 35. 4° 171 5. May 29. Public deliverances wroughc by the power of God. Ch.Cb. Oxon. Matt. xxii. 21. 8° 1716. AccelTion. b. Lord IVTayor. A national Eltablifhment, the true foundation of Allegiance, Cb. Cb. Oxon. Eton. TURNER John *Gcn V. 24. 8° 1769. Fun, TURNER Roger, M. A. 2 Kinss XI. I 2. 4° 1661. TURNFR'^oeth, M.A. V. of Mendham, Suffolk. Job xix. 29-27. 8°i7i3. Fun. The good chrif- tian's fupport under Troubles, enforced from Job*s firm belief of a Reianeftion. TURNER Tho. DD Prefident of C. C. C. Ox. and Chapl. in Ord. jrai.i.26. 4°i685. May 29. b. King. Bod. MS. Ch.Cb, C.C.C. Oxon Fub.L. St. John^s Camb. Sion. TURNER Thomas, 'Cur. of Dorking. * Deut vi. 13. 4° 1754. Affize. TURNER Wiiliam * ... - 8° 1776. Fall. * Tit ii. I. 8° 1 781. b. Diffent. Clergy. On St. Paul's {eTi{t of Soundnefs in Religion. TURNOR Thoma^, M. A. V. of Newcaftle upon Tyne. James i 27. 8° 173 i. b. Sons of Clergy at Newcajlh, Sion. TURTON Septimus, LL. B. R. of Sulham, Berks. iCor. xi. 19. 8° 1749. April 9. * Afts X 38. 4° 1752. TUTTY William, Fell, of Dulwich Coll. Surrey. Luke X. 37. 8° 1741. The duty of univerfal Benevolence. Johniv 10. b°i74i. Divine love exemplified in the Redemp- tion of mankind. TUTTY William, M.A. Left, of All Saints, Herts. I Cor. XV. 33. 8° 1747. b. Criminals. The want of a religious Education, and keeping bad Company deftruftivc to religious Principles. TWELLS Leonard, DD. R. of St. Matthew's, Friday-ftreet, Lond. Preb. of St. Paul's, Left, of St. Dunftan's in the Weft. 24 Serm. at Boyle's Left. 8 at Lady Moyer's, and 3 occafional ferm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1743. ^<><^' ^^^^- ^'^i' C.C.C^ NesvC Wore* Oxon. Kin£i. Camb. X X a TWEN- 348 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER TWENTYMAN T. V. of Caftic Sowerby, Cumberland. *Ifai. i. 19,20. 12° 1779. ^'^^' •^ ^^'^'^^ conformity between our Prajers and Adlions earncllly recommended. [TWISSE Robert] * Lam. iv. 20. 4° 1665. Jan. 30. Dr. Ws's. L. London. TYLER John, Bp. of Landaff, and Dean of Hereford. I Johniii. 3. 4° 1694. Lent. b. Queen. Bod. Ptib.L. Camb. Ecclef, viii. 14. 4° 1707. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Hert. 0.\on. Sien. TYREL Duke, M. A. R. of St. Paul's, Dublin. *Ephef. iv. 1 1, 12. 4° 1717. Conf. of Bp, Lambert. TYSON Thomas 1 Cor. XV. 58. 8° VANDER Eyken Sebaftian, Miniller of the Church of England, and Reader to the Dutch congregation at the royal Chapel of St. James's. James i. I z. 4° 1706. Jan. 30. Pf. cxxii. 6-9. I2"i7i2. Fait. Jan. 16. VAUGHAN Thomas, M. A. Miniaer of Edengale, StafFordflilre, and V. of Eccles, Lancafhire. 2 Cor. xiii. 1 1- 4° 1734. Eleft. of Member of Parliament. 2 Chron. xxi 12. 8° 1744. Coventry. Fait. April ii. * Jcelii.i2. 8° 1747. Faft, VEAL Edward Pf. Ixii. 2. 4° 1675. m. e. P. Good works not meritorious of Sal- vation, p. 401. Ifai. xxvii. 11. 4° 1676. f. m. e, C. Spiritual Knowledge, p. 108. Bod. Luke xxiii. 42. 4° 1690. c. m. e. Death-bed Repentance, p. 230. Bod, X *Neh. xiii. 14. 4° 1694, Fun. of Jer. Butt. Brit.M. * 5 Pradlical Difc. in 12" 1703. * 2 Pradical Difc. in 12° 1705. VENN H. M. A. V. of Huddersfield, Yorkf. * James iii. 17. 4° 1758. Nov. 5. Popery a perfect Contraft to the Religion of Chrilt. ^/een's. Camb. *Serm. in 8° 1759. On feveral Subjefts. ;- Matt. X. 35,36. 8° 1759. Real and nominal chriltians compared. *Ezek.xx. 13. 8° 1760. Call to obferve the Lord's-day. * Col. iv. 17. 8° 1760. Vif. The duty of a Pariili Priclt &c. * Phil. i. 21. 8° 1763. Fun. of the Rev. Mr. Grimfiiaw. * Zech. ix, 12. 8° 1769. AiTize at King/tony Surrey. Man a con- demned Sinner, and Chrilt a Itrong Hold to fave him. * Ifai. viii. 18. 8" 1770. Bntb. On the Death of the Rev. Gcor. Whitiield. ^een's Camb. X *Ezrav. I &c. I77<;. Effay on the Prophecy of Zacharias. * Pf. cxix. 136. 8" 1778. Converfion of Sinners, the greateft Charitv. VENN Richard, M.A. R. of St. Antholine, London. Trafts and Serm. in 8° 1740. On fev. occafions. Bod. Queen's. C. VENNING OF AUTHORS, &c. 349 FENNING Ralph, M. A. Rom. vii. 13. 8° 1660. Sin \\\t Plague of Plagues. Bod. * i-ieb.x. 23. 4° 1663. V. Coll. of Farcw. f. Magd. Camb. * Ifai. xxxviii. 17. ^"iSj^. 3 f. Sick-bed-Studies. VERNEY Geo. DD. Lord Willoughby de Broke, Dean of Windfor. Jobii. 10. 4° 1705. b. Queen. Of Providence. Ch.Ch. Oxon. A(5ls XX 35. 4^*1712. Ann. meeting Char. Schools. VERNON Edw. DD. R. of St. George's Bloomftury-fquare, Lend. *Pf. cxix.73. 4° 1753. (2d Edit.) b. Coll. of Phyficians. VESEY John, Abp. of Tuam, Ireland. Pf. cxxi i . 6. 4'' 1 6 8 3 . Dui'lin. Affize. Brit. M. Ff. Ixxxii. 6,7. 4° 1684. b. King. 2d S. after Ealler. Mi2giL Ox. Pf. cii. 13. 4" 1689. Th. b. Prot. of Ireland. Ch.Ch. Magd, Oxon. 6V0;/. Judges xvii 6. 4° 169^. b. Lord Lieutenant. Or. Ch Ch. Oxon, VESEY William, M A. R. of the City of New York. Pf.xxxvii. 37. 4°i 709. New York. Fun. of Lord Lovelace. Br.M. VICKERS William, M. A. (Author of the Companion to the Altar.) Pf. xciv. 19. 8" 1708. Sacrament. Chriftian Support under the Troubles of this world. Rom.xii. 18. 8° 1709. Sacrament. VINCENT Nathanieh M. A. *iCor.xv. 55. 4°i674. Fun. 1 Cor. xiv. 55. 4° 1675. m.e. C. Prayer fl;ould be in a known Tongue, p. 295. Bod. * I Sam. XXV. i. 4° 1677. Fun. of the Rev. Thomas Cawton. Sf. yohfi's. Camb. 2 Pet. iii. 18. 4683. c. m. e. How we may grow in the Know- ledge of Chrift. p. 304. Bod. I Pet. ii. 21. 4° 1690. c. m. e. Xt our Example, p.3 1 14. .fiCi/. * Difc. in 8° 1695. VINCENT Nathaniel, DD. Fell, of Clare-Hall, Camb. and ChapL in Ord. Pf. \iii.5, 4° 1684. b. King. The right notion of Honour. ^een^s. Oxon. CI. H. Camb. ^ion VINCENT Thomas, M. A. R. of St. Magdalen, Milk-flreet, London, before the Ejeftion. 1662. Ifai.lvii. 1,2. 8° 1667. I Tim. iv. 1-3. 4° 1675. m. e. P. Popifh dodrine forbidding to marry is devili/h, and Wickednefs. p. 578. Pf. xxxii. I, 4° 1676. f.m.e. Of Forgivenefs. p. 700. Bod. VYNER Robert, DD. Lukcii. I. 8° 1733. Againft the Excife. VINES Richard * John vi. 44. 4° 1662. * Rom. li. 28, 29. 4° 1 662. * Serm. in S'' 1667. Dr. Ws's. L. London. VINK 350 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER VINK Peter Lukevi. 22. 4*1675. m. e, P. Proteftants fcparated for Chrift's name. p. 492. Mat:, xvi. 26. 4° 1683. c. m. c. How wc may beft know the Worth of the Sou), p. 913. * Rom. vi 6,7. ^°i6-/6. m. e. G. Orig. Sin in duelling, p. 106, VIVIAN Thomas, V. of Cornwood, Devon. Johnxxi. 17. J2'*i75i. Vif. VYSE William, LL.D. R. of Lambeth, * Dcut. xxiii. 9. 4^1778. Fall. b. Commons. ULTYE (orUTYE) Emanuel, DD. V. of Lhigwell, EiTex, and Chapla-in in Ord» I Sam. XV. 22. fo4i66i. UMFREVILLE Charles, LL. B. V. of Bradfield, EiTex, and of Afton, Suffolk. Lukexi 1,2. 8°i736. 18 Serm in 8° i 739. *3 Difc. in 8° 1759. On important Subjefts, viz. * Aftf iv. 12 Extent of natural and revealed Religion. * Deut xxix. 29. On the Trinity. * I John V. 7. On St. Athanafius's Creed. UNWIN Will. M. A. R. of Stock cum Ramfden-Belhoufe, EfTex. * Rom. vii. 2. 12° 1773. The right Ufe of the Law. USHER James, Abp. of Armagh. * 20 Serm. (Pollli.) in fo. 1678. Preached at Oxford before his Majelly or elfwhcrc. Bod. Magd. ^eerts. Oxon. Pub. L. Cam, W. 1. Dcut. xxxii. 29. 4" 1704. Fun. oi Capt. George Pickering. W. J. (author of the Clergynaan's Companion in vi- fiting the fick.) Rom. x. 1 5. 8° 1717. W. T. Tit. i 16. 4° 1695, WADD NGTON Edward, Bp, of Chichefter. I Cor.iv. I. 8° 1718. Conf. of Bp- Kennet. Eton. Lukexxii. 32. 8" 1721. Prop, of Goi'pel. Ch. Cb. Oriel. Oxon. ^eefi's. Camb. Jer.xxvi 14,15 4° 1729. Jan 30. b. Lords, keen's, d. Eton, WADE George. DD. V. of Gainfborough, and Preb. of Lincoln. Jamcsiii. 17. 8°i720. Vif. Rev. ix. (or xix.) 20. 8° 1722. Matt. xi. 2-5. 8° 1729. p. I. Sund. b. Xtmas. l^eens. Camb. 1 Cor. XV. 20. 8°i729. p. 25. Earter-day. ^ Eton. WADE John, Miniiler of Hammcrfmith, Middlefex. *Ephei.v. 16, 12" 1692. On redeeming the time. I Jonni. 9. 8° 1697. Confeffion of Sins. WADE Peter, M. A. *Deut. xiv. II. 4° 1751. AlTize. OF AUTHORS, &c. 351 tVJDSWORTH. Thomas, Minifter of the Gofpel in London. Heb. X. 12. 4° 1675. m. c. P. Chrift crucified, the only proper Gofpel Sacrafice. p. 784. I Cor. xi. 24. 4° 1676. f. m. e. How it is every chriilian's duty to partake of the Lord's fupper. p. 231. WAGENER Peter, M. A. R of Sifted in Effex. Num. xxiii. 23. 8°i7i6. Th. *Ecclef. vii. I. 8° 1726. Fun. of Mr, S. Dubois, an eminent Painter. WAGSTAFFE John, M. A. R. of little Wenlock, Salop. Jofh.xxiv. 24-16. 4° 1684. The duty of houfehold-Governors. WAGSTAFFE Thomas, M. A. Canceller of Litchfield, R. of St. Margaret Patton 5:c. Prov. i. 10-16. 4° 1683. Th. Sept. 9. For Viftory over the Rebels. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Eton. I Cor. viii. 12. 4°i685. b. Lord Mayor. AllS. Ch.Ch. C.C.C, Magd. Oxon. St.John\. Camb. 1 Kings i. 5. 4° 1685. Th. July 26. Bod. 1 Pet. iii. 3-8. 4° 1588. County-F. Bod. Ch.Ch. Ox. Btih.C. Ca. WAINHOUSE Richard, V. oi Keevil, Wilts, and Chaplain to the Duke ot St. Alban's. iTim.vi.j. 8° I 745. On Rebellion. 2 Tim. ii. 24. 8" 1745. On Rebellion. *2Tim.ii. 24. 4° 1757. Bath. Nov. 5. ^ee?is. Oxon. WAITE Tho. M. A. Led. of the Temple, and St. Vedaft, London. Tit.i. 7. 4° 1728. Conf. of Bp. Sherlock. WAKE Rob. M. A. Fell, of Trin. Coll. and V. of Fritwell, Oxon. A Rationale upon fome texts of Scripture 8° 1701. Mai. iii. 8,9. 4° 1703. On Tyrhe-ftealing. WAKE Robert, M. A. V. of Ogborn St. Andrew, Wilts. I Tim. iv. 16. 4° 1704. V if. Pub.L. Camb. I Cor. xiii. 13. 8° 1712. Ch. 1 Tim.iv. 8. 8° 171 3. Tit.ii.7,8. 4° 1723. Vif. WAKE William, Abp. of Canterbury. Joel ii. 15-17. 4° 1684. Jan. 30. zx. Paris. AllS. Oxon. Sion. 10 Serm. and 2 Difc. (2d Edit.) in 8° 1716. Vol. L On feveral occafions. Bod. Ch.Ch. Magd. Or. Oxon. PuL L. Camb. Dr, Ws's.L. London. 8 Serm. and a praft. Difc. on fwearing. Vol.IL in 8° 1702. Bod. Ch. Ch Magd. Or. O.^. Pub. L Camb. Stan. Dr.Ws's. L. Lond. 1 4 Serm. preached upon fev. occafions. V. IIL in 8° 1722. Bod. Ch. Ch. Magd. Or. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. Dr Ws's. L. Lond. WAKEFIELD Thomas, B. A. Minifter of Richmond. *Deut. xxix. 9. 4° 1780. Faft. WAKEMAN Edw. R. of St. Matthew's, Friday-ftreet, Lond. Aftsxiii. 4, 5. 4° 1664. The pattern of ecclefiaftical Ordination. WAKER Nathaniel, R. of St. Catherine, Coleman, London. Jobxiv. 1. 4° 1664. Fun, [WAKES 352 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER [WAKES John] * Difc. in I 2° 1747. WJLDER y^imes * 2 Cor. xiii. 11. 8° 1 779. b. Diffcnting Clergy. The Perfeaion of the cliriftian Charader. WALFORNE Jofeph, M. A. *Num. xxv.ii. 4° 1 701. Faft. WALKER MiniHer and Governor of London- Derry. J * Judges xvii. 20. 4" 1689. b. Lords. Perfecution Hated on the Frotellaiit Vif^ory over the French and Iriih Papills. Br. M. WALKER Anthony, DD. of St. John's Coll. Oxon. R. of Fyfleld, Ellex, and Chapl. in Ord. 2 Chron xxiii. 1 1 . 4" 1660. May 30. On the King's Entry into London; Lukevii. 12,13. 4° 1664. Fun. of Lord Rich. Plandus uni- geniti, et fpes refufcitandi. 2 Sam.iii 38. 4*^ 1673. Fun. of the Earl of Warwick. Bo^l. Prov xxxi. 29-31. 8° 1678. Fun. of the Countefs of Warwick, The virtuous Woman found. Bod. Sio?i. 7. Sam xiv. 12. 8° 1678. Allize. 5^^. Ecclefx. I. 4° 1682. Apoth.-Feaft. Sion. Lukexii.40. 12° 1682. Fun. of Nath. Duckfield. Several Difc' in 12° 1682. On the great Evil of Procraftination, Rer. xiv. 7. 12° 1684, 2 f . At Tunbridge. Prov. xiv. 34. 4° 1 69 1. The true Jntereil of nations impartially ilated. Bod. WALKER George, Cur. of Twickenham Chapel, Middlefex, Ecclef. xii. I. 8° 1728. The neceffity and Advantage of an early Piety. WALKER George, M.A. V. of Rickmanfworth, Herts. Luke xiv. 24. 8° 1750. Worldly Bufmefs no Excufe for not re- ceiving the Sacrament. WALKER George, M.A. Preb. of St. Paul's, London. Matt.vii. 12. 8° 1758. On the King's birth-day. Religion ne- ceffary both to conflitute the Nature, and to inforcc the Prac- tice of moral Virtue. WALKER Girrge, Minilter of the Gofpel at Nottingham. *Rom.i. 28. 8° 1776. Faft. t* I Chron.xxii.i6. 8° 1778. Faft. WALKER John, M. A. oi Ch. Ch. Coll Oxon. Curate of Wood- Hay, Hants. Rom. xiii. i. 8" 1684. Neceffity of Subjeiftion &c. Etcn. WALKF:R John, M.A. V. of Ledbury, Herefordlhire. I Kings xviii. 21.8° 17 10. Prophets Plea for Truth. Line. Oxon. Pr. cxxiv.6,7. 8° 1710'. Th. Nov. 5. JUS. Line. Oxon. *Aftsxxiv. 16. 8" 1729. Sev Difc. Confcience difplayed. WALKER John, DD. Preb. of St. Peter's in Exeter. 1 Cor. i. 20. 8° 1723. Aflize. No contradidion in the received doilrine of the blcilcd Trinity. Sion. WALKER OF AUTHORS, &c. 252^ WALKER Nathaniel *Prov. xiv. I. 4° 1664. WALKER Robert, one of the Minifters of the High Church at Edinburgh. *Matt. vi. 10. I2°174S. b. the Society for propagating Xtian Knowledge. * Serm. in 8" 1765. 2 Vol. On praflical Subje(5ls. Bod. Siofi. WALKER Samuel, B. A. Curate of Truro, Cornwall. *Amosiv. 12. 8° 1756. 2 f. Faft. Earthquake. *52 Serm. in 3 Vol. 8° 1763. On the baptiiraal Covenant, the Creed and ten Commandments. * I Sam. XX. 3. 8° 1753. Fun. of a perfon drowned. WALKER Thomas, B. D. Fell, of Sidney Suffex Coll. Camb. Prov.xii. 26. 4° 1693. Camb. Affize. Pub.L. St. John's. Camb. Brit. M. WALKEK. Thomas, Minifter at North Chapel. * Johniv. 23,24. 8° 1753. Open, of a new Chapel. The chrif- tian Woriliip explained and recommended. WALKER William, B.D. of Trin. Coll. Camb. * Matt xxviii. 19. 8° 1678. A Vol. Doftrine of Baptifm. WALKINGTON Edward, Chaplain to the Houfe of Commons in Ireland. Ifai. V. 9, 10. 4° 1692. Dub/in, WALL John, DD. Canon of Ch.Ch. Oxon. and Preb. of Sarum. Rom. V. II. 8° 1660. Chriftian Reconcilement. Bod. Cant. iii. 9, 10. 8° 1660. Cone, ad Cler. Acad. Bod. Lukeiii.6. 8*^1662. Oxon. A divine Theatre, or a Stage for Chriftians. Bod. WALLACE Robert, Minifter of the Gofpel at Moffat, Scotland. 1 Thcff. V. 20,21 . 8°i73i. b. Synod of Dumfries. The regard due to divine Revelation, and Pretences to it conlidered. Bod. X *Pf.lxxiv. 20. 8° 1746. Rebellion. Brit. M. * James iii. 18. 8° 1746. WALLER John, B. D. Fell, of C. C. C. Coll. Camb. Matt. xxii. 21. 4°. 1708. School-Feail. Religion and Loyalty. Lukexii.48. 4°i7i4. Ceunb. Commemor. l^een's, St.John^s, Camb. Brit. M. WALLIN Benjamin, Minifter of the Gofpel in London. *Lukcxxiii. 34. 8° 1746. The compaffion of the dying Saviour to his Crucifiers. *2Theff. V. 19. 8" 1 748. b. young Men. Exhortation againft: quenching the Spirit. * Matt. xxii. 32. 8" 1754. Fun. of Mr. Tkomai Wiidtnan. * I Thcff. V. I 3. 8" 1755. Ord. of * 4 Serm. in 8° 1756. Occafioned by the late Earthquakes, and. appreherjlions of a French War. * Pi", cxviii". 27. 8° 1760. Th. *Sev. Difc. in 8''" 1763. * . - - - 1763, OxQ.. oi lAx. RicbaUi. Vol,. LL' Y y * 1 Cor, 354 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER * I Cor. ix. 27. 8" 1 764. 2 Difc. Chrillian's concern, that he may not be call-away, *2Sam.i.27, 8°i765. On the Death of Duke- of Cumberland. * _ . _ . 8" 1766. Ord. of Mr. %w/^j. * I Theff. iv. 17. 8° 1767. Fun. of Martha Keene, * 1 Theff. iv. 14. 8° 1 7 Fun. * Heb. xi. 13. 8° 1769. Fun. of Mrs. Rebecca Cox, * 2 Cor. V. 1 . 8° 1 769. Fun. of Mr. Thomas Cox. * I Tim. ii. 8. 8° 1770. b. Difienting Clergy. * I Theff. V. 17. 8° 1 77 1. On Prayer. * 2 Tim. iv. 7. 8° 1 77 1 . Fun. of Dr. J. Gill. * Gen.xviii. 19. 8° 1771. Importance of Family-religion. *ioDifc. in I2°i77i. On the divine Filiation of Chrilt, *Pf. xvi. 11.8° 1773. Fun. of the Rev. Mr. 5. James. *Rev. xxii. 17. 8^1774 Fun. * Ifai. i, 26. 8° 1774. Choice of Reprefentatives. *Ephef. ii. 22. 8° 1774. The Church, an Habitation of God through the Spirit. *Prov. XXV. 26. 12" 1775. A fallen Profeffor. * 13 Difc, in 1776. On the Parable of the prodigal Son. * Jobv. 26. 8° 1779. Fu"- ot Mrs. Hannah Mtinn. * Zech. iii. 2. 8° 1780. Fun. of the Rev. Mr. Macgozvan. WALLIN Edward *]fai.liv. 5. 8° 1724. Fun. WALLIS John, DD. Savilian Profeffor of Geometry in Oxon. and Chaplain in Ord. 1 Cor. XV. 20. 4° 1679. Oa*^*. Ealler-day. The refurredion af- ferted. Bod. AllS. Or. Line. Oxon. P'uLL. Camb. Eton. John iii. 3. 4° 1682. 2 f. The necefiity of Regeneration. Bod. Pub. L. Camb. Sion. *Johnxvii. 3. 4"i69i. 3 f . On the Trinity. Bal. St. John'', Oxon. Brit. M. ^, , T^-r ,, 7 Pt. I. 4° 1691. ( Bod. Bal. Magd. Or. St, Theolo^. Difc. bcc, \ n^ o /^ -^ -v 7 '. /-, c- ° JPt. 2. ^ logz. I John f. Oxon. ijon. WALLIS John, B. A. of Queen's Coll. Oxon. 1 Cor. X. 32,33 8** 1740. Reading. The duty of feeking all men's Salvation &c. ' *Serm. in 8". 1748. WALLIS William, Chapl. to Guy's Hofpital, London. James iii. 17. 4° 1730. Affize. WALLS George, DD. Student of Ch. Ch. Oxon. Preb. of Wor- celler, and R. of Holt, Norfolk. Neh. viii. 10. 4° 1681. County-Fcaft. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sion, ]er.viii.20. 4° 1704. Fait. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pf.xxxix. 4. 4° 1706. Fun. of Mrs. Bromley. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Prov. xxiv. 29. 4° 1706. Affize. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Brit. M. 1 Tim. 1-3. 8° I 71 5. Th. for AccefTion. [WALROND John] X * Rora.xi. 13. 8" 1707. Dignity of the Miniftry.- Brit.M. •John V. 35. 8" 1745. Fun. WAL- r-T-Pf- AUTHORS, &c. 355 WALSALL Francis, DD. R. cf Sandy, Bedfordf. Preb. of Wefl- minftcr, and Chaplain in Ord. 2 Sam.xix. 14. 4° 1660. Th. Bal. Oxon. Pf. li. 17. 4°i66i. Cordifragium, or the Sacrafice of a broken H^art. Bal. Oxon. WALSH Thomas *gSerm. ill 12° 1764, WALTON W. U. D. R. of Upton, Huntingdonf. * Heb. X. 23,24. 4° 1766. Camb. Vif. Religio Medici. [WALWYN Robert] * Serm. in 8°i66q. A general View of Fundamentals. WALWYN William, B. D. Fell, of St. John's Oxon. V. of Eaft- Coker, Somerfetf. 1 Sam. X. 24. 4° 1662. Th. Vniv. Or. Oxon. WANLEY Samuel, DD. R. of Elmly-Lovet, Worceflerf, * 1 Cor. xii. 25. 8° 1763. Infirmary. Affedionate concern for one another recommended. WAPLE Edward, B. D, Arch-Deacon of Taunton, V. of St. Se- pulchre's, London. 30 Serm. Vol.1, in 8° ( 1714. ) i 729. ( 2d Edit.) On feveral oc- cafions. St. John's. C.C.C. Oxon. 20 Sermons Vol.IL in 8° 1718. On feveral Subjefts. Sujohn's. C. C. C. Oxon. 20 Serm. Vol.IIL in 8° 172c. On feveral Subjefts. St. John's. C.C.C. Oxon. fFJRBURTON W. Miniller of the Gofpel at Northampton. J * jer. XX. 29. 8° 1736. Difcouragements of diffent. Miniliers. X * Jer.xxix. 7. 8° 1761. WARBURTON William, Bp. of Glouceller. 2 Pet.i. 5-7. 8° 1738. \if for Confirmation. Faith working by Charity to chriitian Edification. Reprinted 1748. under the Title of a " faithful Portrait of Popery." &c. J// S. Wore. Ox. ^eet^s. Camb. Sion. Matt. V. 16. 8° 1742, Opening Infirmary at Bath. Wore, Oxon, ^leeri's. Camb. 1 Pet. ii. 17, 8° 1745. ^^ '^''^'■' -Allen's Chapel. Wore. Oxon. Joel ii. 20. 8° 1745. Faft for Rebellion. Wore. Oxon. 2Cor. xiii. 17. 8° 1746. Th. after P>.ebellion. AllS. Wore. Ox. * Courfe of Sermons Vol.L 8° 1753. \ ol. IL 8° 1754 On the principles of natural and revealed Religion. Ch.Cb. Wore. Ox. * Pf. xci. 1-3. 4° 1755. b. Gov. of Z,tf/;^.- Small -pox. Hofp. *Rev. X. II. 4° 1766. Prop. Gofpel. Braz.N. Ox. ^een's.Qa., * I Cor. xiii. 13. 4" 1767. b. Gov. of LoKii.-Hoip. *Serm. in 8° Vol. III. 1767. On various fubjedls, and occaiions. At the end is an Appendix containing 4 ferm. 3 of which had been publifhed before. WARD Abel, M.A. Arch.Deacon of Cheiler. Pvom. xiii. 7. 8° 1750. Manehejier. Jan. 30, The duty of ren- dering to all their Dues. Y y a • - 356 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER * - , - - 1756. Affizc. ''^' WARD Hamnett, M. D. V. of Stourminfter-Newton Caftle, Dorfet. and Preb. of Wells. Ephef. iii.8. 4° 1674. Vif. Bod.Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sion. WARD John, D. LL. F. R. R. P. G. C. and A. S. S. and T. B. M. J *Difrertations in %°\'jb\. On feveral paiTages of Scripture. *Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 17-75. WARD John *i Cor. X. 33. 8° I 776. b. Diffenting Minifters. WARD Jofeph, R. of Blakeney, Norfolk. *Rom.xii, 10. 12° 1726. WARD lofeph, M. A. V. of Preftbury, Cheihire. Pf. evil. 2. 4° 1746. Th. after Rebellion. Col. iii, 14. 4" 1747. Afllze. Pf.xxix. II. 4° 1749. Affize. * John vii, 17. 4° 1760. Vif. The confiilent Pr6teftant. WARD Richard Heb.xiii.7. 8°i7iS. Fun. of Dr. John Davis. Brit.M, WARD Samuel, V. of Cotterfbrook, Northampton. * 2 Cor. xiii. II. 8° 1774. Farew. f. WARD Seth, Bp. of Sali/bury. 1 Cor. XV. 57, 4° 1670 Fun. of the Duke of Albermarle. The chriftian's Vidory over Death. Bod. JUS. Univ. Cb. Ch. Magd. Oxon. Puh.L. Camb. Sion. 6Serm. in 8° 1672. and 1674. AllS. Ch. Ch. C. C. C. ^leen's. Magd. Oxon. Pub. L. CI, H. ^een's. Camb. Sion. Rom. i. 16. 4° 1673. An apology for the Mifleries of the Gofpel. MS. C.C.C. Or. Jef. Oxon. St. John's. Camb; Sion. 2 Kings vi. 33. 4° 1674.. Jan. 30. b. Lords. The cafe of Joram. MS. Ch. Ch. C. C. C. Magd. i^een's. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb, WARD William, M. A. V. of Fortfmouih, and Chapl. to the Earl of Warrington. Jamesv. 19,20. 4° 1700. Ref. of manners. Pf. xcvii. I. 4° 1707. Th. Dec. 31. 1706. Pf. cl.4-6. i°i7i8. Opening an Organ there. V/ARHAM Francis * Johnxi. II. 8" 1661. Fun. . WARING Robert, M. A. Student of Ch.Ch. Oxon. 2Sam.xii. 15. 4° 1672. Fun. of Mrs. Sufanna Gray. Bod, Ch. Ch. Oxon. WARLY Jonas, DD. Arch-Deacon of Colchefter, V. of Witham, EiTex, and Preb. of St. Paul's, London. Matt. xxiv. 3. 4° 1693. b. Lord Mayor. Bod. Sion. WARNEFORD John, B.D. Camden-ProfeiTor of Hillory in Oxon. * 20 Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1776. Bod. St. John's. Oxon. WARNEFORD Richard, M. A. V. of St. Martin's Coney-ftreet, and fub Chantor of the Cathedral Church at York. * Serm. in z Vol. 8° 1757. WARNER O F A U T H O R S, &c. 357 WARNER Ferdinand, V. of Whitehaven, Hants. Matt. V. 14. 4" 1738. Vir. Brit.M. WARNER Ferdinand, LL. D. R. of St. Michael, Queenhithc, and Holy Trinity, London. Ephef. V. 7. 4° 1748. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. Jonahiii. 8. 4° 1749. Fdft. Sept. 2. b. Lord Mayor. WARNER James, a Proteitant. Jobxxxiv. 12. 4° 1688. b. Lord Mayor. Sept. 30. The furefl way to the fafeft Peace in troublerome times. WARNER Manifon, M. A. V. of St. Ives, Huntingd. t*Joelii. 13. 8° 1745. Faft. * Rom. xiii. I, 2. 8" 1745. Rebellion. J *2 Chron.xiii. 18. 8° 1746. Th. after Rebcllioni ■ WARRE Richard Rom.xiv. ig. 4° 1660. C.C.C. Oxon. WARREN Erafmus, DD. R. of Worlington, Suffolk. iTim.i. 15. 4° 1684. End of Chrill's Advent. Prov, xxiv. 21. 4° 1685. AccefTion. Religious Loyalty — or old Allegiance to the new King. I Tim. ii. 1,2. 4° 1686. A defence of Liturgies. Ephef. iv. 3. 1° 1693. Divers rules for Xtian Unity. Brit. M. WARREN John, DD. late Preb. of St. Peter's Exeter, formerly Fell, of Queen's Loll. Camb. t*Heb.iii. 17. 8° 171 6. Fun. of the Rev. J. Merrill. Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1739. Upon feveral Subjects. Magd. Oxon. WARREN John, Bp. of St. David's. *Lukexiv. 18. ^°\~-jj, Camb. JifdeTiirook-'Hofp. * James i. 14. 4° 1778. b. the Sons of the Clergy. * Joel i. 14. 4° 1780. Faft. b. Lords. WARREN Langhorne, M. A. R. of Charlton, Kent. * Prov. xxiv. 21. 4° 1745. WARREN Richard, DD.' Arch-Deacon of Suffolk. I Tim. iv. 16. 4° 1746. Camb. Vif. The mutual duty of Mi- nifters and People. WARREN Robert, DD. R. of St. Mary Stratford Bow, Middlcfcx. * Pf. iv. 4. 8° 1 710. Duty of Self-examination. 1 Tim. vi. 17-19. 4° 1 71 1. Commem. Job ix. 23. 8° 1724. 2 f. On the Death of Sir William Dawes. The Death of a righteous man diftinftly confidered, both as a Judgment and a Mercy. Matt xxii,2i. 4° 1725. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. Rev.iii.21. 4°i73i. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. The glorious reward of chriflian Fortitude. 1 Pet. ii. 12. 4° 1732. b. the Sons of the Clergy. The good Ef« fefts of public and exemplary Piety. Brit. M. I Cor. vii. 20. 4° 1737. Col. of Georgia. Induil:ry and Dili- gence in our Calling, yill S. Oxon. ^eens. Camb. 52 Praft. Difc. in 3 V. 8° 1739. and 1748. On various Subjefts. WAR- 358 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER WARRINDEN Thomas AQ.S xvii. 24. 8° i 736. Conf. of a Cb. WARTER Thomas, M. A. R. of Cleobury North, Salop. Pl.cxxxiii. I. 8°i767. The advantages and pleafures of Unity.. *Prov.xvi.6.^8°i779. V^ Infirmary. The efficacy of Charity to purge Iniquity. WARWELL James, R. of Bojfford in Suffolk. Pf.cxxvi. 1,2, 4° 1660. Th. iVTay 24 and June 28. Pr. cxlvi. 1,2. 4° 1 66 1. 2 {. WASHBOURNE Thomas, DD. R of Dumbleton, Qloucefter. .; 7/ Ifai.lviii.12. 4''i66(. May 29. The repairer of the Breach. WASHINGTON Henry, M,A. of Queen's CoU- Qxon. Curate of GreoaAvich, Kent. 2Cor xiii II. ^"1745. Fa'-e^el. WATERHOUSE Thomas,. Fell, of Duhvich ColJ. Pf. cxxiv. i,.2,-8°i746. Nov. 5. p 3. Ifai.viii. 12,13. 8° 1746, Faft. Dec. 18. p zg. *4.Serm..in 8" 1753. WATERLAND Daniel, DD. Arch-Deacon of Middlefex, Mafter of IVIagd, ColJ Camb. and Chaplain in Ord. 2 Sam. xx,i-,2. 8° 1716. Cam^. Th. for fuppreffing the Rebel- lion. A:kg(i: Oxon. Trix. ^eenh. CI. H. Camb. 8 Serm. in 8° 1720. At Li^y Moyer's Left, jn defence of the Divinity pf; Qh^ft.- Mod, Uitiv. Ch Ch^ Ma::d. Mert. 7rin^ Bert, . New C: C. C, Q'.Pemb.^ Oxon. trin. St.. John's. Queens. Camb. Matt.v\ 16. 8°i72i. b. the- Sons of the Clergy- Won. Wadh. Oxon. CI. tl;^mn's. Qa.mh. Sion. Ecclef. vii.1.4. 4° 1723. May 29. b. Lord Mayor. Sion. Piov. xxii. 6: 4" 1723. An., picet, Char. Sch, Trin. Camb, Sion. zCor. xiii. 1.4. 8° 1723,, Qn^ the; Trinity. M^gd. Ox. Bton. Siort,. Tit. iii, 4, ^,6. 8° 1740. 2 f. Regeneration lUted and explained. Brnx. N. LiKc. Oxon. .%/fK>. Camb. • Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1742.. Qn feveral important fubjecls of ^eli- gion and Morality. Bod. Magd. NezvC. Bal. Ox. Queen's. Cam. WATERLAKD_Theodoric,.,Df). fell, of Magd. Coll. Camb. R.' of St. Bci-et Fink, LMd^^n.. Deut.iv. 7-g. 8° 17 16. Camh, Acceffion. CLB. Camb. WATERMAN Hugh, M. A. r! of St. Peter's, Briftol. Tit. |i. 14. 4" 1699. Brijiol. Ch. f. • WATERS James, Chapl. to Francis Baron Holies of Ifield. Hcb. xiii 14. 4° 1682. Fun. of Lady Holies. WATERS James * Col. iii. 3. 8''i7i-T. Fun. f. WJTKINS l'pher.ii.3. 4° 1676. m.e.G. Mifery of man's eftate by Nature. WATK.INS Richard Rom. XV 5,6. 8° 17 VVATKINS_ Richard, M. A. R. of Clifton Campvile, Staffordfhire. Pf. xcvii. I. 8° 1745. God's government of the vs^orld, a ground of Joy to mankind. i Sam^ GF AUTHORS, &c. 359 1 Sam. xii. 24, 25. 8°i746. Th. after the 'Rebellion. *Matt. xxiv. 7,8. 8" 1756. Faft. Braz.N. Oxon. WATONS Roger, M.A. late Fell, of Bal. Coll. Oxon. R. of Fil- lingham, Lincolnfhire. * t Kingsiii. 9. 4° 1778, Vif. WATKINiON Edward, M. D. R. of little Kent. * Lukcxiv. 28. f o < rr- rj J J T- n. --"-763. CEconomy confidered under Forecalt, Lukcxiv. 20. ( o r re , , 112 1703. Q,conomyc( John XX. 7. 'Jr^jjD I , -J , . ' ) Order, and rrudence. ' John VI. 12. (. ^John vi. 12. * 2Kingsiv. 13. 12° 1763. EfTay. Gratitude as a facred Virtue. * Luke X. 21. 12" 1763. Eflay. Gratitude as a religious Duty. WATKINSON P. R. of Edlington, Yorklhire. Luke X. 42. 4° 1 674. Fun. of Lady Mary Wharton. Mary's Choice. Bo<^. WATSON Daniel * Ifai.xlix. 6. 8° 1763. Brief for American Colleges. WATSON George, M.A. Fell, of Univ. Coll. Oxon. Pf. xix. 4-6. 4^ 1749. Oxo/r. Chriit the Light of the world. *Jude5. 4° 1755. A feafonable admonition to the Church of England. * Gen. xviii. 42. 8" 1756. Dodlrine of the Trinity. * Num. xvi. 47,48. 8° I 756. Aaron's Interceffion and Korah's Rebellion confidered. * Tit. iii. I, 8° 1763. Obedience to Governmerft. ■Watson John, M. a. Fell. of Eraz. N. Coll. Oxon. and Cur. of Hallifax, Yorkfliire. Phil.iv. 5. 8°i75i. Mar.chefter. Moderation, or a candid Dif- pofition towards thofe, that differ from us, recommended. WATSON J. M. A. *ifai.lx,i9. 8°i769. Fun. of William King, DD. WATSON John, M. A. Curate of Ripcnden, Yorkf. *Rom.xiii.4. 8" 1754. Jan. 30. WATSON Jofeph, DD. R. of St. Stephen Walbrook, London. Johnv. 14. 8° 1717. Sept. 2. b. Lord Mayor. Pf. cxi. 4. 4° 1722. May 29. The reiloration to be had in Re- membrance. Luke vi. 35. 4° 1727. Spittal. Prov.iii. 28. 4° 1727. fAnn. meet. Charity-Schools. AIIS, Oxon. t^eeii's. Camb. Xukeix. 55,56. 4° 1727. Nov. 5. Heb. X. 25. 4" 1728. Opening a Church. The duty cf public Worftip. Brit.M. Lukexi. 2. 8"i73i. Hutch. 'Left. Forms of Prayer vindicated &c. ^een^s. Camb. Johnxiii. 35. 4°i735. Nov. c. b. Lord Mayor. WATSON- -Richard, 'Bp. of Land:^.. *i Cor.vi.7. 4-1769. Affizie. .ChriftianityconfiftfiU witii cvery Xocial Duty. 9ueen's. Camb. rfA\V *Rom. 360 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER * Rom. xiii. 3,4. 4° 1776. May 29. The revolution vindicated, *irai. ii 4. 4° 1780. Fall. WATSON Thomas *Difc. in 4° 1660. WJTSON Thomas, Pallor of St. Stephen, Walbrook, before the Ejeftion 1662. *Pf. cxxxvii. to the end. 8°i66i. Pf. xlvi. 5. 4° 1662. zCor. vii. I. 4° 1662. Bod. ^eetts. Oxon. Rev. ii. 10. 4° 1662. Ifai.ii. 10,11. 4° 1663. V. Coll. Far. S. Matt. xxvi. 26-28. 8*1665. Pf.xxxii.6. 8° 1666. Prov. xii. 26. 8° 1672. A pica for the godly. Bod. Deut.xvii. 19. 4° 1676. f. m. e. C. How we may read the Scrip- tures with much ipiritual Profit, p. 161. *Aftsxvii.3i. 4° 1676. m.e.G. The duty of Judgment, p. 442. Luke ii. 49, 4° 1677. m. e. C. How mult we make Religion our Bufmels. p. 453. *Pf. cxii. 4. 4° 1679. Deliverance unto the Church, Num. xxi. 6-9. I Johnv. 3. 16 WATSON Thomas 16 J*Heb.iv. 12. 4" 1749, Fall, b. Commons. Brii.M, WATTS George, M. A. of Clare Hall Camb. Preacher of Lincoln' j- Inn, London. Lukexii.2i. 4° 1733. b. Gov. of St. Bartholomew -Hofpital, London, Br:t.M. Pf.cvii. 35-37. 4° 1736. Col. of Georgia. AllS. Wore. Oxon. Real's. Camb. Brit. M. 1 Sam. xii. 25. 4'' 1742. Fall. Nov. 10. Brit.M, WATTS Ifaac, DD. * His Works in 6 Vol. 4° 1753. A/IS. Oxon. The ill and 2d V, contain his Difcourfes, viz. *On various Subjedls divine and moral. * On the Joys or Sorrows of departed Souls at Death, and the Glory or Terror of the Refurrettion. * On fome of the moil principal Heads of the chriilian Religion. * Evangelical Difc. on leveral Subje(5ls. * On the Holinefs of Times, Places and People under the Jcwifh and Chriilian difpenfations. *0n the love of God, and its Influence on all the Pafiions, with a Difcovery of the right Ule and abufe of them in matters of Religion &c. &c. WATTS Robert, LL. B. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Oxon. Matt. xxviii. 19, 20. 8°i7ii. Trin. S. Prop, of Gofpel. The duty and manner of prop, the Gofpel. Bod. Sicn. WATTS OF AUTHORS, &c. 361 WATTS Tho. M. A. V. of Orpington and St. Mary Cray, Kent. Pf.cxxiv. 1-3. 4° 1689. Th. for Deliverance from Popery &c, Magd. Oxen. Tit. i. 16. 4° 1695. Th. The Englifh Cretes, and atheiftical Chrillians. 1 Cor. xiii. 13. 4° 1697. AfSze. Univerfal chriftian Charity. Pub.L. Camb. - ------ Vif. The chriftian indeed, and faithful Paftor &c. WATT3 Thomas, M. A. Markvi. 4. 8° 1724. County-Feaft. WAUGH John, Bp. of Carlifle. Heb. xiii. 17. 4° 1705. Conf. of Bp. Bull. Ch. Ch. ^een's. Ox. Pub. L. ^leens. St. Johns. Camb. Pf. xxvii. 10. 4° 17 1 3. Ch. Duty of Apprentices and Servants. Line. Oxon. Pf.lxxxiv. 10. 4°i7i3. Open, a Ch, Public worfhip fet forth and recommended, ^eens. Oxon, St. John's. Camb. Prov, xxiv. 25. 4" 171 3. Ref. of Manners. Ch. Ch. Line. Oxoiu Pub. L. Camb. Eton. 2 Cor ix. 6. 8° 1714. Spitr. W. Rom,xii 17. 8°i7i5. Elefl. of a Lord Mayor. Sion. Rom xii. 19, 4°i7i7. Affize. Ag .Revenge. Cb.Ch. Oxon. Neh.iv. II. 4" 1717. Nov. 5. b. King. Cb.Ch. Oxon. Ecclef. viii. 14. 4° 1719. Jan. 30, b. Commons. Ch.Cb. Oxon. CLH. Camb. 1 Pet. iii. 19,20, 4°i72z. Prop, of Gofpel. Cb.Ch. Ox. Pub.L. S^ueeii's. Camb. Sion. 2 Chron. xxxv, 25. 4° 1724. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Wore, Oxon. WAUGH John, LLD. Dean of Worcefter. *Matt.iv. 23. 8° 1752. PP'ereejJer 'InRTmary. WAYMAN Lewis *Johnxvii 4. 8° 1753. Fan. WEALES Thomas, DD. V. of St. Sepulchre's, London. *Johnviii.7. 8°i768. Ag. Slander. *Johnxii. 27,28. 8° 1768. Good-friday. * - - - " 1777. WEARE Thomas, M. A. late of Jef. Coll. Oxon. Pf. Ix, 12. 8° 174!. Faft. Feb. 5. *Pf. Ix. II. 8° 1756. Faft. *Horeaiv 6. 8° 1763. Jan. 30. Neceffity of relig. Knowledge, * Jolh.xxiii. II. 8" 1764. May 29. Gratitude to God for the Reftoration. * Matt. vi. 1 1. 8° 1767. Truft in God in times of Scarcity. Bdd. WEARING Thomas, V. of Bampton, Weftmoreland. * PC. cxxxvii. I. 8*1726. The laft ferm. preached at St. Patrick's. WEJ'THERBT John *Rev. iii. 2, 3. 8° 1750. Irreligion, the ground of God's Dif- pleafure, VoL.lL 2 z WE ATE 362 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER WEATE William, B. A. V. of Lupley, StafFordf. * I Pet. i. 24,25. 8° 1754. On the Death of William Condi/, Efq ; Member of Parliament in England and Ireland. TFEBB Francis * 18 Serm. in 2 Vol. 12° 1766. * igSerm. in 2 Vol, 12° 1772. WEBB James * I Theff.v. 24. 8° 1781. Fun. of 7. Conder, DD. WEBB JefTop, M.A. R. of little Brandon, Norfolk, Rev. xiv. 13. 4° 1695. Fun. of Mrs. Coftivel. WEBB John, M.A. Curate of Shaw, Berks. Aflsxx. 25, 8° 1720. Fun. WEBBER Francis. DD. Reftor of Ex. Coll. Oxon. and Dean of Hereford. Deut. xiv. 2. 8° 1738. Oxon. The jewilh Difpenfation vindi- cated ag. the moral Philofopher. AllS. Line. Were. Ox. CI. H. Camb. Brit.M. Matt. vii. 28. 8" 1742. Oxon. AfEze. The cafe of Authority confidered, as it refpefts Religion, particularly the chriltian. JUS. Wore. Oxon. 2 Tim. ii. 1 2. 8" 1750. Oxon. Conf. of Bp. Conybeare. Wore, Oxon. Eton. *Prov. iv. 23. 4° 1758. Oxon. Government of the Heart. Line. Braz.N.Worc. Oxon. !i>uein's. Camb. Brit.M. * John xiii. 34>35. 8"" 1739. ^* Gov. of Devon and jE';cc/?.-Hofp. WEBSTER Ellh iv. 13,14. 8" 1740. Edinh. The wicked Life ; and fatal, but deferved Death of Haman. WEBSTER Alexander, Minilter of Talbooth Church, Edinburgh. Ellh,viii.i7. 8° 1746. Edinb. Subll. of 2 f . Th. after Rebel-- lion. Heathen's profefling Judaifm, when the fear of the Jews fell upon them. * Pf. cxxxvii. 5,0. 12° 1776. 2 f . Zeal for civil and religious Intcrell of mankind. V. Scotch Pr. Vol. II. p. 328-34. WEBSTER James, Miniiler at Edinburgh. Seleft. ferm. in 12° 1723. Edmb. Sion. WEBSTER R. * I Sam.xii. 2j:. 8° 17. -' Eph.iv. 32. 8° 1713. Btit.M. WEBSTER Willinm. DD. V. of Ware and Thundridgc, Herts. Markviii. 38. 8" 1737. Affize. The fm of being alhamed of onr Religion, lateen s. Camb. Prov.xiv. 34, 8° 1738. Affize. ^een^s. Camb. Trads, Sermons, Difc. Letters in 8° 1745. JUS. NewC. Oxon. Trin. ^cejis. Camb *Pr. c?cviii. 23,24. %" 1742. May 29. b. Commons, keen's. C. Rom.iii. 7,8. S''i745. ^""^ yn(i\ Notes 1746. On Rebellion. A. , feafonable Aiuidote ag Popery. Luke OF AUTHORS, &c. 363 Lukexii.20. 8° 1747. The folly and madnefs of Impenitency. -JUS. Oxon. Rom.xii. 18. 8° 1748. Of living peaceably, 2 Tim. iii. i. 8° 1748. Of felf-love and Benevolence. Gen. ii. 2,3. 8''i75i. 2 f. Upon the Sabbath, ^een^s. Camb. * Serin, in 2 Vol. 8° 1753. *Matt.v.6. 8°i754. 2 f . Nature of Juftice and moral Honefty. *Phil.iv. II. 8*" 1754. Eflay. New art of Contentment. *Ifai.xxvi.9. 8° 1756. Fall. V. Bellamy's Fam. Pr. (ill Edit.) V. II. p. 99. ^een's. Ca. *Lukex.42. 8° 1754. One thing iicedful. V. Bellamy's Fam, Pr. Vol, II. p. 91. MS, Oxon. *Heb.x. 25. 8° 1754. The duty of afiembling ourfelves. V. Bellamy's Fam. Pr. Vol.11, p. 105. AUS, Oxon. WEDDERSPOON Patrick * Occaf. fermons in 8° 1733. Brii.M. WEEDON James, DD. V. of Chalfont St. Peter's, Bucks. * 10 (Pollh.) ferm. in 8°i777. WELCH John * Difc. in I 2° 1752. WELCHMAN Edward, M.A. Fell, of Mert. Coll. Oxon. Arch-D. of Cardigan, R. of Solyhul and Lapworth, Warwicklhire. A pradl. Difc. in 8° 1704. On the parable of Dives and Lazarus. Matt, xxviii. 19,20. 4° 1706. The dodlrine of Baptifm. Eton. Gal.vi.9, 10. 8° 1717. Charity-School. The duty and reward of Charity. Magd, Oxon. WELD Ijaac, DD. * Heb.xiii. 7,8. 8° 1766. Fun. of T". Leland^ DD. ^leen's. Cam. WELD Nathaniel * Jer. xviii. 20. 8° 171 4. Faft. WELLS Edward Ephef. v 18. 4° 1676. f. m. e. Pfalmody. p. 174. Bo^. * Rom. v. 12. 4° 1676. m. e. G. The fall of Man. p. 95. WELLS Edward, DD. R. of Cotefbatch, Leicellerf. Pf. cxix. 158. 8° 1 710. Vif. The duty of being grieved at the Sins of others. Bod, Line. Oxon. Sion. Eton. WELLS E. M.A. * Adlsxxvi. 22,23. 8° 1735. Priority of Chrill's Refurt-e^ioii. WELLS Zachary, M A. Fell, of King's Coll. Camb. and Le^. of St. Michael Bafiihaw, London. Matt. xi. 22. 4° 170;. School-Feall. The advantages of a learned and religious Education. Ch. Cb. Oxon. WELSTEAD Henry, M. A. R. of Brcttenham, Suffolk. Levit. xxvi. 2. 4° 1714. Vif. Modern moderation, fet in a true light, WELTON James, B. D. Mailer of the Free-Sch. at Norwich. * I Chron. xxix. i i-i 3. 4° 1759. Th. f. WELTON Richard, DD. R. of St. Mary, WhitechapeU Pf. cvii. 8. 4° 1 697. Th. -for Peace. Z z Prov, 364 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Prov. xxii. T 5. 4° 1705. Ch. The neceffity and advantage of as early Education. Pf. cxlvi. iii. 5. 4°i7g6. Sien. I Cor. xi. 25 8° 1708. Sacrament. The true Reformation. Ezek. xxvii. 33 4°i7io. b. Corp. of Trinity-houfe Brit.M. Ecclef. viii. 2. 4° 17:0 b. the Court of Lieutenancy. The wife man's Counfel upon the Tell. Line. Ox. Pub. L. Camb. Sioti. 18 Sermons in 8''i7Z4. The fxtbilance of chrillian Faith and Prailice. WENSLEY Robert, V. of Cheiliunt, Herts. zTim. i. 13. 8° 1679. Prov. xi.19. 4-^1682. b. Lord Mayor. The prefent Miferies and Mifchiefs of Sin. PuLL. Camb. Brit.M. Ezek. xxi. 25-27. 4° 1685. b. Lord Mayor. Fergufon's text ex- plained and applied. St. "Joht^s. Camb. WERGE Richard, M.A. R. oi St. Mary's Church at Gatefliead, Durham. Hofea V. 12. 4* 1683. Heb. ix. 27, 4° 1683. Fun. of George Johnfon, Gent. Ifai. Ivii. 21. 4° 16 Matt.xvi. 26. 4° 16 WERNDLY J. C. V. of Wraifbury and Langley, BucJcs. Pf. cxii.6. 4° 1704. Fun. of John Lee, Efq ; The everlalling Remembrance of the righteous Etcn. WESLEY Charles, M. A. formerly Student of Ch. Ch, Oxon. Ephefv. 14. 12° 1742. b. the Univerfity. *Pr.x]vi.8. i2°i753. On Earthquake. WESLEY John, M. A. formerly Fell, of Line. Coll. Oxon. and Chapl. to the Counteis Dowager of Buchan. Prov. iii. 17. 8° 1735, ^^^ pleaf^ntnefs of a religious life. Rom. viii. 32. 12° 1740. Free-Grace. Serm. in 3 Vol. i 2° i 746, 1748, 1750. N. B. republifhed in 4 Vol. 12° i 771. Briftol. * 2 Sam. xxiv. 17. 8° 1775. At Bethnal Green. * Matt. XXV. 34. 12° 1777. At a collection for the Hum. Society, *Num xxiii. 23. 8° 1777. On laying the foundation of the new Chapel near the City-road. WESLEY ;amuel, M. A. R. of Epworth, Lincoln. Pf. xciv 16. 8° 1698. Ref. of Manners. Eton. WEST Edward I Cor.xiii. 15. 4° 1675. m. e. P. Purgatory a groundlefs and and dangerous Dodrine. p. 813. Ephef. iv 29. 4° 1673. f. m.e. C. Government of the Tongue, p. 503. Bod. WEST Rich. DD. R. of Shillingfton, Dorfetf. and Preb. of Wells. 1 lim. iv. 7,8. 4° 1670. Aflize. Profttablenels of Piety. St. Johi^s. Camb. Sion. WEST Richard, D'O. Fell, of Magd. Coll, Oxon. Arch-Deacon of Berks, and Preb. of Wincheiler. Pf. OF AUTHORS, &c. 365. Pf cxxii. 8,g. 4° 1700. b. Sons of the Clergy. Were. Ox. Br.M Deut. xxxii. 35. 4° 1706. Tli. June 27. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Lukexii.5i. 4° 1707. Affize. Pf. cxlvii. 20. 4° 1708. Affize. Jer.xxxi.2g. 8° 1710. Jan. 30. b. Commons JUS. Mngd. Or, Line. Oxon. Trin. ^een^s. St. Jobn^s. Camb. Si^Ti. Pf.xli. 1-3. 4°i7ii. Spitt. W. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb, Pf. Jx. 2. 4° 1716. On the public Breach. Ch. Ch. Ox. ^eens. Camb. Brit.M. WEST William * 7 Praft. DiiTertations in 8° 1759. On the Lord's Prayer. * 16 Serm. in 8° 1762. On various important Subjedls. WESrCOTT Sa?nuel * Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1762. WESTFIELD Thomas, Bp. of Briftol. * Sev. ferni. in 12° 1660. The white Robe, or Surplice vin- dicated. WESTON Edward, Right Honourable. * i4Fami]y.Difc. in 8° 1768. WESTON Phipps, B. D. R. of Whitney, Oxon. and Canon Refid. of Wells. * Pf. V. 13. 4° 1 779. Conf. of Bp. Thurlow. WESTON Stephen, Bp. of Exeter. Serm. moral and theological in 2 Vol. 8° 1747. On various Sub- jects. Kings. Camb, Eton. ♦Pf.xlvi. 8. 4° 1756. Fail. Bra%.N. Oxon. WESTON William, B. D. late Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. V. of Campden, Gloucefterf. Phil.iii. 6. 8° 1739. 2 f. Some kinds of Superllition worfe than Atheifm. ^eens. Camb. Brit. M. Gal.iv. 18. 8° 1746. C{i}nb. The moral Impoffibility of con. quering England, p. 1-23. jDeut.xxv. II. 8° 1746. Camb. On Rebell. The Abfurdity of the difpenfing power of the Pope. p. 49. WETENHALL Edward, Bp. of Kilmore. 1 Kingsxviii. 21. 4^' 1663. Vif. Ag. Neutrality. Bod. Trin. Cs.. Jerem.xv. 10. 4° 1668. Affize. Miferies of the Clergy and their Redrefs. Trin. Camb. Hofeaiv. 6. 4° 1672. Of deftrudlive and faving Knowledge. 2 Sam. XV. II. 4" 1682. Th. Bod. Magd. Ox. Trin. Camb. Sion. Heb.xii. 14. 4° 1682. Affize. The Protellant Preacher exhor- ting to Unity. Bod. Magd. Oxon. Trin. Camb. Sion. Eeclef X 17. 12° j686. On the King's birth-day. Hexapia Jacobzea 12"^ 1686. 6 f. Dublin. Trin. Camb. Pf. Ixxvi. 10. 8'^i69i. Corke. Lent. 2 Cor. i. 9, 10. 4° 1692. Dublin. Irilh MaiTacre. The duty of Irilh Proteftants. Bod. Hub L. Camb. Sian. *Rev. i. 10. I 2° 1697. Dublin. On the Lord's-day. Ch.Ch. Ox. * Heb. xii 23. 8° 1699, Fun. of James Ponnell, Efq ; St* John's, Camb. * - - 366 AN HISfORICAL REGISTER * - - - - 12° 1701. Of the Power of God's Grace in converting Sinners. * - - - - 4° 1707. Of hum. coercive Power for reforming Sinners. WHALEY Nathanael, M. A. R. of Broughton, Northamptonf. Difc. in 8" 1695. and 12° 1704. On feve^al Subjeas. C. C. C. AUS. Magd. Femb. Oxen. Pub. L. Camb. Dr. Wis L, Lond. 2 Scrm. and Difc. in 8" 1698. and 12° 1704. AllS. Oriel. Oxon. DrJVs'uL. London. 2 Cor, V. 4. 8° 1708. On Death. Mad. Oxon. WHALEY Nathanad, M. A. FelL of Wadh. Coll. Oxon. 2 Kings viJi. I 3. 8°i7lo. Oxon- Jan, 30 b. Univ. The Gra- dation of Sin both in Principles and Pradlice. Bod. Ch.Ch. Or. Line. Oxon. ^/eens. Camb. Sion. WHALLEY John, DD Mafter of Peterhoufe, Regius Profeffor of Divitnty* Cartib, and Chaplain in Ord. Heb. xi. 4. 4° 1740. Jan. 30. b. Commons, glen's. C. Brit.M. WHALLEY Peter, LL. B. V. of St. Sepulchre's, and upper Mailer of Chrift-Hofpital. *Pf. cxHx 6. 8^^1758. Faft. *Matt.v. 16. 4" 1763. b. Gov, of Chrift-Hofp. * I Cor. ix. 14. 4° 1770. b. the Sons of the Clergy. WHARTON Henry, M. A. Chapl. to Abp. Sancroft, R: of Char- tham, Kent. ., c • o" o -ir 1 T ■) S"<^' Ch.Ch. Bal. Si, John's. Bern. 14 Serm. in 8 1728. Vol.1, f „ a- ■ n, > f\^ r, c ■ 00 o \r i TT r Oxon. Inn. ^ueen s. Catnb. Dr, 24 Serm. in 8 1728. Vol. IL \ „^, , . > o- ^ ' J Ws s. L. London. Sion. WHATELEY Jofiah, M. A. of Trin. Coll. Camb. I Cor. vi. 19, 20. 8° 1 71 5. Siott. Phil.i 27,28. 8° 1715. SioK. WHAT LEY Robert, R. of Toft near Line, and Prcb'. bf York. Aasxxvi. 28. 8^^1749. ^«^^' The Chriftian. 5r/7.il/. Deut. xxxii. 29. 4° 1749. Vif. The immortal — mortal. J^^^^V, Camb. Brit.M. WHATLEY William, of Banbury. Oxon. J*Heb.xiii.4. 12°I7 Vif. Difc. on conj. Duty. V. IL p. 344. WHEATLAND Tho. M. A. late Left, of St. Stephen's Coleman- llreet, and St, Mary at Hill, and Cur of St. Magnus, Lond. Ifai.liv. 17. 8° 1725. Nov. 5. b. Lord Mayor. The perpetual Security of the chriftian Church. 26 Serm, in 8° 1739. On various Subjefts. Brit.M. WHEATI.Y Charles, M.A. V. Of Furncaux Pelham, Herts. The Nicene and Athanafian Creeds explained, and confirmed by the Holy Scriptures. Lady Moyer's Left. 8° 1738. Bed. 50l)erm. in 3 Vol. 8° 1746. On feveral fubjefts and occafionfi. New C. Oxun. WHEELER Jon.uhan * - - - - 1765. Fun, WURELOCK Ehnvter, DD. * ... - r J 767, Ord. WHELDON OF AUTHORS, &c. 367 WHELDON John, M. A. R. of St. Ives, Huntingd. Preb. of Line, * 2 Serm. in 8° 1772. *Rom. i. 16. 8° 1773. Allize. ^eetis. Camb. WHICHCOTE Benj. DD. Minifter of St. Lawrence Jewry, Lond. Selea lerm. in 2 Parrs. 8° 1698. Ch.Cb. Magd. Or. Wadh. Oxon. ^eeni. Camb. Fait. Dr.Ws's.L. London. Sev. Difc. VoLL IL 8° 1702. IIL 8° 1703. IV. 8° 1707. Ch.Ch, Magd. Oi Wadh. Oxon. ^eetis. Camb. WHINCOP Thomas, DD. R. of" St. Mary Abchurch, and St. Law- rence Pountney, London. Tit. iii.8. 4" 1695. b. the Sons of the Clergy. Wadh. Oxon, Slueen's. Camb. Sion. ijohniii. 18. 4°i70i. Spitt. W. Bod. Sicn. Jobv. 12. 4° 1702. Nov. 5. b. Commons. St.John^&. Camb. WHISTON Henry, R. of Balcomb, SufTex. Adsxvii. II. 8° 1 66 1. A Vol True Nobility. WHISTON J. * 3 Difc. in 12° 17 WHISTON Thomas, B. A. V. of Orby, Lincolnf. Ifai. xxxvii. 33,34. 4° 1744. On the intended Invafion. WHISHAW H. M. A. Canon of the Cathedral of Hereford, V. of Lugvvardine &c. * Prov. xxii. 6. 8° 1755. The great and important duty of train-- ing up Children. J * Serm. (Poflh.) in 2 Vol. 8° 1782. WHISTON Will. M, A. late Profeffor of the Mathematics, Camb. Deut.vi. 10-12. 8° 1698. Dec. 17. At Clare-Hall. Memoirs, 8° I 749. p. 87. zPet. i. 19. 8° 1708. 8 f . Boyle's Left, or fo.1739. Vol. IL p. 265 ck. Accomplifhment of Scripture Prophecies. Cb.Ch. St. Johns. Magd. Oxon. Brit.M. WHITAKER Edward, B. A. R. of St. John's Clcrkenwell, London. * I Cor.xi. 31. 4" 1782. Fall. WHITAKER John, M. A. 2 Pet. i. 19. 8" 1751. A furvey of the Doflrine and Argument of St. Peter's Epiftles &c. WHITAKER Nathaniel, DD. * . . . . 8° 1767. Ord. * - - - - 8° 1768. 2 f. Doftrlne of Reconciliation. WHITAKER Thomas, of Leeds. Jer.xxxi. 17. 8°i693. Fun. Difc. Comfort for Parents mourning over their hopeful Children that die young. Bod. Pub.L, Cam. Serm. in 8° 17 12. On fev. occafions .Sec. Bod. Pub.L. Ca. Siort. WHITAKER William, Miniller of St. Mary Magdalen, Ber- mondfey, Surrey Col. iii. 11.4° 1667. m. e. C. How are we to complcat ia Chrift. p. 485. * 1 Tim. ii. 5. 4° 1676. m. e. G, Mediator of the Covenant defcribed in his Perfon, Natures, and Offices. *Difc. in 8^1674. WHITBY 368 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER WHITBY Daniel, DD. Chantor of the Church of Sarum. John vii. 47-49. 4° 1679. Ag. Popery, or in his Cornment.' fo.1703. Vol.1, d.569. Bod.Ch.Ch, Oxon. jTim.iii. 5. 4°i685. Sion, Tit. iii. I. 4° 1685. Sion. Rom xiii. i 4° i68i,'. Ele£l. of a Mayor Sisn. Matt. xvi. 24, 25. 4° 1703. Of Self-denial. Sion. 33 Serm in 2 Vol. 8" 1710. On the Attributes of God. C.C.C. Alls. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Lukexii.57. 8°i7i4. Reafon is to be our Guide in the Choice of our Religion &c. * Matt, xxiii. 7-13. 8°i7i5. Nov. 5. * Matt, vi, 9. 8° 17 . Luke xxii. 19,20. 8°i7i6. Advent S. 11 Serm. in 8" 1720. On feveral occafions. Bod. Ch. Ch. Oxon, Ptib.L. Camb. ^eens. Camb. 12 Serm. in 8"j726. Preached at Sarum. ^eetis. Cam. Brit.M. 5 Difc. in 8° 1727 and 1728. {2d Edit.) in his laft Thoughts. Bal. Or. Jef. Oxon. Slueetis. Camb. WHITCOMBE John, M. A. R. of Walefby, Lincoln, and Chaplain to the Right Hon. Lord Milford. *Maikxv. 16. 4° 1779. Line. Prop, of Gofpcl. WHITE Gen. XV. 1 1, i6 Pf. cxviii. 22, 23. 4*1660, Rom. xiii. i. 16 wmrE * Rom.viii. 28. 4° 1676. m. e. G. Of effeflual Calling, p. 264, lames i. 6. 4*1677. m. e. C. How muft we pray in Faith, p. 280. WHITE Abraham Heb xiii. 21. WHITE George, M. A. Minifier of Colne and Marfden, Lancafhire. * I ThcII'. V. 21. 4° 1 741. The Englifhmen's rational Proceedings in the choice of Religion. Ag. Popery and Prefbyterianifm. I Cor. xiv. 33. 8° 1728. Prejicn. Ag. the Mcthodiils. WHITE Henry Matt. xxi. 42. 4° 1660. WHITE Jeremiah I Thefl' iv. 14. 8''i702. Fun. WHITE lohn, B.D. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. V. of Ofpringe, Kent. Joel ii. 19-17. 8° 1745. Faft for Rebellion. Brit.M. WHITE John, DD. late Fell, of All Soul's Coll. Oxon. and R. of Hampton, Glouceftcr. *Col.ii.8. 8° 1764. Vif. WHITE Jolcph, B.D. Fell, of Wadh. Coll. Laudian Profeffor of Arabic, and one of his Majelly's Preachers at Whitehall. *Nehviii.7,8 4"i77S. Revival of the Englifli Translation of the old Tcltamcnt recommended. MS. Wadb. Oxon. WHITE OF AUTHORS, &c. 369 WHITE Nathan, at the old Jewry, London. * - - - - 1760. Nov. 5, *Jobi.2i. 8'' 1771 Fun. WHITE Richard, B. D. V. of Kidderminfter, Worcefterf. James i. 12. 4"^ 1693. Fun. WHITE Richard, R. of Monfton Farleigh, Yorkf. Judges ix. 15. 8° 1716. Rom. xii. 18. 17 AfGze. *Pf. li. 12,13. 8" 1738. Vif. WHITE Stephen, M. A. R. of Hokon, Suffolk. Ephef iv. 28. 12° 1747. A Dilluafive f.-om itealing. WHITE Thomas, M. A. R. of Stepney, Preacher ac Stratford le Bow, Middlefex, and Preb. of Litchfield. Pf. Ixxxii. (or Ixxvii.) 5,6. 4° 1695. County-Fcaft. Pf. xcvii. I. 4° 16 Deut.v. 29. 4° 1706. AfBze. WHITE Thomas, M. A. Chaplain to Bp. Hoadly, R. of Ayfton, Rutland, and Nailllon, Leicellerfhire. Dcut. iv. 7-9. 8° 1717. Aflize. The Happinefs and Duty of Subjefts. Aftsviii. 17, 8° I 723. Conf. of Bp. Kennet. WHITE Thomas, Preb. of the Cathedral of Litchfield. * Serm. in 8° 1757. On various Subjefts. * Luke xii. 15. 8" 177 1. 2 f . On Covetoufnefs. WHITE William, V. of Blyton, Lincoln. * - - - - 1754. Eleft. of Mayor. WHITEAR William, M. A. Preb. of Chichefler. iCor. iv. 13. 4" 1710. Vif. An apology for the Church of England. Bod. Pub. L. Camb. [WHITEFOOT John,] fen, of Norwich. * I Pet. iv. 8. 8" 1 694. On Charity. WHITEHALL Rob. U. A Vice Principal of St. Mary- Hall, Oxon. iCor. xiv. 26,40. 4" 1694. O.'K07i. Concerning Faith and Edifi' cation. Cb.Ch. Line. Wore. Oxon. WHITEHEAD Edward 2Thefr. ii. 10. 8°i753. b: Soc. of Weavers. WHITESIDE John, of Yarmouth, Norfolk. * James i, 21. S" 1775. Ord. of Rev. Mr. Barbaitld, &c. WHITFELD Francis,' ' V. of Godmerfham, Kent. X * Prov. xix. 2. 4° 1782. School-Feaft at AfJ:?fcrd, WHITFELD John, M.A. of Jef. Coll. Canib. R. of Etigbrook near Northampton. Judc8. 4° 1082. b. Lord Mayor. P;'^. /L Camb. WHITFELD Will. D1l>. V. of St. Giles Cripplegate, and Chaplain in Ord. Pf. 1. 23. 4" 1698. Vhe necefficy of Revelation and an holy Life. JUS. Oxon. I John iv. I. 4° 1698. Vif. Of Enthuliafm. ^11! S. C.C.C. Ox. St. John's. Camb. Vol. IL A a a Mate 370 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Matt. V. 16. 4° 1698. Ref. of Manners. Of Example. JUS. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. Gal. V.I. 4" 1703. Affize. Of chriftian Liberty. Ch.Ch. Si, John's. Camb. I johniii.20. 4° 1704. b. Lord Mayor. Si. John's. Camb. Johnxviii. 36. 4° 1708. Vif. ( Ag. the Rights of the chriftian Church.) The Kingdom of Jef.Chrift. U/iiv. Or.Jef. Oxon. • Pf.cxii.6. 4" 1713. Fun. of Bp. Compton. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pf. cvii. 43. 4°i7i4. Farewel. Brit.M. Heb.xiii. 18. 4° 1714. Induftion-fermon. Brit.M. WHITFIELD George, M.A. formerly of Pemb. Coll. Oxon. 10 Serm. in 8" 1739. Serm. in 2 Vol. 12" 1739. ^" various Subje£ls. John vii. 37-39. 8°i73g. Whitfunday. John ii. 1 1, 8" 1739. Ads xix. 5. 8° 1 739. The marks of the new Birtk. Matt. xxv. 13. 8° 1740. The foolifh and wife Virgins, Matt. xxii. 42. 8° 1740. What think ye of Chrift. * 9 Serm. in 8° 17^2. Pl'.cv. 45. 8° 1746. Th. after the Rebellion. Britain's Mercy and Britain's Duty. * Serm. in 8^1771. Bod. Pub. I. Camb. WHITFIELD Henry, M.A. R. of Caftle Eaton, Wilts, V. of Brad- well, Oxon. and Chapl. to Lord Cadogan. 1 Cor- XV. 35-38. 8" 1 75 I. Oxon. The Poffibility of a Refur- redion illuilrated by Analogy. JVorc. Oxon. WHITFIELD Henry, DD. V. of Britingfca, EiTcx. * jobxxviii. 12. 4° 1769. Oxon. Aft. Wore. Oxon. WHITFIELD John, DD. Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. R. of Dickie- burgh, Norfolk. Zech.viii. 16,17. 8° 1718. Camb. Affize. Trin. keen's. Camb. 2 Tim.iii. 16, 17. 8° 1722. Camb. Vif. Trin. ^eens. Camb. Gal.v. 1. 8" 1724. Camb. Acceffion. Trin. ^een's. Camb. WHITFIELD John. M.A. R. of Biddcford, Devon. * z Sam ii.a6. S" 1763. Th. f. WHITING Charles, DD. Fell, of Wadh. Coll. Oxon. R. of Rofs, and Canun Refid. of Hereford. Pf. xxvi. 8..4'' 1692. Oxon. Conf. 9f a Ch. Jef. Oxon Sion. Judges V. 1,2. 4°i703. Th. Dec. 3. 1702. Bod. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Jef. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. WillTlNG Charles, B.D. Fell, of Oriel Coll. Oxon. John vii. 48. 8''i745i. Oxon. Cone. Acad. De Doflorum Auc- loricate in rebus lacris. JVHITLOCK John Pf. xviii. 23. 8° 16 Hofeaii. 15. 8" 1698. Ref. of Manners. V/HITTELL John, R. of Foot's-cray in Kent. Num. xvv. 14. 4° 1692. b. the King's forces. Pub.L, Camb. Ifai. O F A U T H O R S, &c. 371 IfaiiXXxiii. 22. 4° 1706. Th. for Vidory. *Prov. xxiv.2i,z2. 4° 17 1 5. Acceffion. WHITTF.LL Matthias, Curate of Ludlow, Salop. Lukei. 74,75. 4° 1683. Nov. 5. WHITTLE Seth, R. of Balliachy, London-dcrry. Jcr.i. 18,19. 4° 1690. In the Extremity of the ficge of London- derry. Bod. Pub. L. Trin. Camb. Brit.M. WHITTT John, Minifter of the Gofpel at Lyme-Regis, Dorfetf. *Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 17.66. and 1768. *Difc. Vol.L 8°i772. On the Lord's Prayer, and other various Subjects. *Difc. Vol.n. 8°i772. Adapted to the Ordinance of the Lord's Supper. WHYYLE Humphrey, M. A. V. of Welbourn, Warwickfhire. Pf. cxii. 6. 4° 1694. Fun. of Lady Ann Burgoigne. Trirt. Camb, WHYNNEL John Pf. cxxvi. 3. 4° 1 661. WIBBERSLEY John, M. A. * I Pet. ii. 13,14. 8° 1752. Affize. Nevvcattle upon Tyne. WICHART John, DD. Dean of Winchefter, and Chapl. 'in Ord. Col.iii. I. 4" 1690. b. King and Queen. Magd. Oxon. Sion, Prov. xi. 20. 3° 1 710. b. Queen. WIGAN William, M. A. V. of Kenfington, and Chapl. in Ord. Matt. vi. 34. 4° 1694. b. King and Queen. Bod, Viagd. Oxon» 5t. John's. Camb. Line, Num. xxiii. 10. 4° 1697. Fun. of Lady Cutts. Trin. Cl.H. Cam. Brit.M. WIGHT Robert, M. A. Preb. of the Cathedral Church of Exeter. * I Cor. ix. 2. 4"^ 1765. b. Gov. of Devon and Exon Hofp. WIGHT Thomas, Minifter at Rumford, Effex. * A6ls viii. 2. 4° 1698. Fun. of Mr. Jof, Brumley. St. John's. C. WILCOCKS Jofeph, Bp. of Rochefter and Dean of Weftminfter. I ThefT. iv. i. 4° 1709. (at Lilhon ) Advice to Proteftants refi- ding in foreign parts. S>uee7i's. Camb. Brit.M. Gen.xviii.32. 4''i720. b. Commons. Faft ag. the Plague. The Increafe of Righteoufnefs the beft Perfervativc ag. national Judgments. Ch. Cb. Line. Wore. Oxon. Brit. M. Pf.cxi. 4. 4° 1722. Nov. 5. b. Lords. Or. Oxon. iCor. xiv. 12. 4° 1723. Spitt. M. Prov. xxi. 11.4° 1723. Ref. of Manners. John xiii. 34, 35. 4°i724. School-Feaft. The duty and mea- furcs of brotherly Love. Or. Wore. Oxon. Sion. Pf. Ixvii. 5. 4° 1726. Prop, of Gofpel. Ch.Ch. Were. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. Pf. xcvii. I. 4° 1728. Acceffion. Wore. Oxon. Eton. I Pet. iv. 10 4°i73i. Ann. meeting Char. Schools. The ufe« fulnefs and excellency of Charity. Schools. Ecclef. vii 10. 4° 1739. Jrifh Prot. Schools. All S, Wore. Oxon. ^een'sy CL H, Camb, Eton. A a a 2 WILCOX ^72 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER WILCOX Daniel, Preacher of the Gofpel in Monkfwdlftrcet, London. * 65 Serm in 3 Vol. 8° 1757. WILDER John, M.A. R. of St. Aldates, and late Fell, of Pemb. Coll. Oxon. Exod. XV. 2. 4° 1 706. Oxon. Th. for a Viftory. Bod. 15 Serm. in 8° 1720. Vol. L Oxon. On kveral occafions. Bod. Wore, Oxon. I John iv. I, 8° J739. Oxon. The trial of the Spirits — or a Cau- tion agajnft Enthufiafm &c, 15 Serm. in 8°i74i. Vol.11. Oxon. Preached before the Univ. of Oxon. WILDING John X * Neh. V. 19. 8** 1780. Fail. Character of a true Patriot briefly delineated. WILKINS David, DD. Arch- Deacon of Suffolk, and Preb. of Cant. Deut. xxxiii. 8. 4^1722. Conf. of Bp. Bowers. Oriel. Oxon. ^eeiis Camb. WILKINS John, Bp. of Chefter. Pf.iii.4. 4° 1673. Bod. 3 Serm. in 12° 1677. b. King, with a Difc. on the beauty of Providence. Bod. Ch. Cb. Univ. ^eenj. Pemb. Oxon. 'Irin. Mtigd. Camb. cion. 15 Serm. in 8° 1682. Preached upon feveral occafions. Ch.Ch. Alls. Bal Or. C.C.C.NewC. Jef. Ox. Pub.L. frin. keen's, a. H. Camb. WILKINSON George, of Ch.Ch. Oxon. and Chapl. to Lord Haverfham. Pf. cxii. 6, 8° 1736. Commem. of Founder at the Charterhoufe. WILKINSON Henry, DD. Margaret Frofeffor of Divinity, and Canon of Ch. Ch. Oxon. Lukexvii. 27, 28. 4° (1661.) 1677. m.e. C. Wherein we are endangered by lawful things, p. 444. zThcffia 3-10. 4°i675. m.e. P. Pope is Antichrill. p. 80. 5/?^. Col.iii. 17. 4" 1576. f. m. e. C. Of doing all in the name of Chrill. p. 390. Bod. WILKINSON Henrj, DD. Principal of Magd. Hall. Oxon. 1 Cor. vii. 29. 4° 1660, Oxon. Cone, ad Baccalaurcos. De bre- vitate opportiini Temporis. Bed. * 3 Decads of Sermons 4° 1660. Bod. Sion. Dr. Wss. L. Lond. jTim.vi. 8. S'' 1671. Sev. Difc. The doftrine of Content- ment. Sion. Sev. ferm. in 8°i68i. WILKINSON John, M.A. Left, of H. Trinity, Kirgllon upon HulT, Yorklhire. Deut. i. 18. 4°i7i3. The inftituiicn and authority cf fubor* dinate Magiltrates. WILKINSON John, M.A. Heb.x. 23-25. 4° 1736. Ref. of Manners. WILKINSON OF AUTHORS, &c. 373 WILKINSON Robert, of Camb. Prov.xxxi. 14. 4.^ (1607 ) l6g^. Wed. f. b. King. The Mer- chant royal, V. Difc. on Conj, Puty. Vol.1, p. i. Eod, Univ, Oxon. Sion. WII.KS James James v. 1 9, 20. WILLAN Edward, M. A. V. of Hoxne, Suffolk. Ecclef. X. 17. 4° 1661. Eledt. of JBurgeffes. Gal,ii.20. 4° 1661. Concruciiixion. Sion. WILLARD S. J*Zech xiii-i. S°iyz2. Bojion. Converiion of the Jews. Br. M, WILLATTS Charles, M. A. R. of Pumtree, Nottinghamf. Rom. ii. 14, 15. 4° 1744, Tork. AfTize The Religion of Nature, a mere Idol, ^jeeti's. Camb. Eton. WILLENSON Jacobus, Minifter oi Middleburgh, Zealand, * Zech. ix. 16. 8° 1747. On the Inveltment of the Prince of Orange as Stadholder. WILLES John, DD. late Fell, of Trin. Coll. Oxon. R. of Bifliops Itchington, Warwickf. and Picb. of Litchlield. Amos iii. 6. 4° 1690. Affizc. JUS. Cb. Ch. Jef. Ox. Tri7i. Cam. WILLES Samuel, M. A. Miniller of All Saints in Derby, and Preb. of Litchfield. Luke XX. 36. 4" 1679. Fun. of Lady Mary, Daughter of Fer- dinando Earl of Huntingdon, Puo. L. Caaib. *Pf. Ixxxii. I. 4" 1683. Affize. ^leen's. Camb. Brit.M. WILLET John, M. h. Fell, of Wadh. Coil. Oxon. Pf. Ixxviii. 37. 4° 1708. Oxon. Affize. The nature and mifchiefs of Hypocrify. Bod, Or. Oxon. ^cen's. St. John:. Camb. WILLIAM George *Deut. XV. II. 4° 1752, Ch. Shtecns. Camb. WILLIAMS DD. I Kings xix. 4. WILLUMS Benjamin * Difc. in B'' 1770. Sulijhury On various fubje6ls and occafions, WILLIAMS Charles, M. A. Left, of Iflewonh, Middlefex &e. Lc-v.xix. 30. 4^1707. Open, a Church. Sion. li'ai. xlix. z^. 4° 1707. On the Union. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Sioti. WILLI. -IMS Daviel, DD. I Cor. iv. 30. 4° 1 688. b. Lord Mayor. The Kingdom of God in power. Hof. X. 12. 4" 1690. c. m, e. Of repentance of national Sins. p. 42. Bod. PuL L. Camb. * 2 Cor. i. 12, 12° J 707. Fun. of Rev. T. Doolittle. *2Cor. ii. 16. 12° 1709. Ord. of B. Grofvenor, DD. * Col. iv. 17. 12° 1709. Ord. of S. Wright, DD, J * Mark X. 29,30, 8''l7H. Duty of Dillenters. * Rom.xiv. 8. 8° 1714. Fun. of Rev. Miitt. Henry. ^ Praft. Difc, in 5 Vol. S'"" On fevcral important Subjefts &c. Vol.1, and II, in 8" 1738. Vol. IH. IV. and V. in 8" 1750. confuting 374 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER confifling chiefly of Trafts. Brit.M. Dr.Ws's.L, London. *irai. vii. 13-16. 8° 1767. DifTertation. WILLIAMS David *Matt. V. 16. 12° 1775, V. Eflays &c. ^een^s. Camb. *Serm. in 2 Vol. 12° 1774. Chiefly upon relig. Hypocrify. * Heb. X. 25. 8° 1776. On open, of a Chapel in Margaret. ftreet Cavendifh Square — with the Liturgy. WILLIAMS Griffith, Bp, of OfTorv. Tit. iii. 8,9. 16 • ' 2 Chron.xx. 17. 16 Pf, cxxvii. }. 16 Aftsvii. 32. fo.1662. Jan. 30. Serm. in fo. 1662. Pf. cvi. 16. fo. 1663. Pf, Ixxix. 9. 4° 1665, 2Cor. V. I. 4° 1665. Serm. in 4° 1665. Sjon* Amos V. 6. 4° 1666. Ox^«. b. Commons zt Oxford. Bod. * Jonah iv. 4. 1° 16 Th. Job viii. 3, 4" 1667. Matt. iv. 2. 4° 1667. Rev. xxii. 12. 4° ^667. WILLIAMS John, Bp.' of Chichefter. Pf. Ixxxiii. 3,4. 4° 1678. Nov. 5. Bod. Ephef. iv. 16. 4° 1679. b. Lord Mayor. Bed. All S. Oxon. Sion. Lukexix. 8. 4° 1683. Pf. Ixxxvii. 6. 4° 1683. County.Feaft. Bod. Rom. iii. 7,8. 4^" 1685. Th. for Vidory over the Rebels. Sion. Jofli.xxii. 31.4° 1695. Eleft. of a Lord Mayor. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Eton. Sion. 1 Sam ii. 30. 4° 1695. Part. b. Commons. Deer. 11. Ch.Ch. Magd. Oxon. ^eens. Camb. Sion, Matt, xxiii. 34-36. 4° 1696. Jan. 30. b. King. Tr/». Camb, Heb. xiii. 20, 21. 4° 1697. Farewel. Trin.St.John^s. Camb. Aftsx. 40-42. 4° 1697. Spittal M. Trin. Camb. Heb.iv. I. 4° 1698. Fun. of Dr. Tho. Jekyll. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Ads vii. 59,60. 4° 1702. Jan. 30. b. Lords. The cafe of Mar- tyrdom confidered. Sion. Pf. cxlv. 4. 4° 1704. Acceffion. b. Lords. Ch.Ch. Ox. ^cen^s» St. Joh/i's. Camb. Ads xvi. 9. 4" 1706. Prop, of Gofpel. Ch. Ch. Jef. Ox. l^tecn'u Camb. Eton. f 'j 3 f. Of divine Revelation. I The Perf. of evang. Revelation. 8° 1708. Scripture, Rule of Faith. ,\ Boyle's Led. ! Of the Perfpicuity of Scripture, or fo. 1739. I Unreafonablenefs of Infidelity. Heb. i. 1,2. Gal.i. 8,9. John v. 39. Adsxvii 1 1,12. Luke xvi. 31. Vol.L Bod. Ch. Ch. C. a C. St. Johth, Alls. NewC. Jef. Line. Ox. Pid. L. frin. ^een's, S/. Jch/i'h Ca. OF AUTHORS, &c. 375 Pf. Ixxxix. 3, 17 Faft. I ThefT.ii. 13. 8°i7o8. Vif. Of Scripture being a Rule. p. 401. Bod. Ch. Cb. Line. &c. &c, Rom. V. I, 8° 1708. b. Clergy. Of Jullification by Faith, p. 433. Bod. Ch.Ch. Line. &c. &c. zCor. V. 21. 8° 1 708. At the end jf Boyle^s Lea. b. King. Of a Propitiation, p. 465. Bod. Ch. Ch. Line. &c. &:c. 1Pet.iii.21. 8°i7i4. Thi Cafe of Baptifm confidered. Line, Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Sion. WILLIAMS J. *Num.xvi. 24. 8° 1756. Faft. Earthquake, * I Sam. vii. 12. 8° 1759. The favors of Providence to Britain, WILLIAMS J. LL. D. * - - - - 1771. Char. School. [WILLIAMS John] * Jer. li. I 5. 17 WILLIAMS Philip, DD. Pref. of St. John's, Camb, R. of Starfton, and Barrow in the Diocefe of Norwich. Rom.xiii. I. 4° 1738. Camb. Acceflion. The Love of our Con- ftitution in Church and State. AllS. Ox, ^een's. Ca, Brit.M, I Sam.xii. 24, 25. 4° 1745. Caml/. Faft for Rebellion. * John V. 14. 8° 1746. Th. ^/een's. Camb. WILLIAMS Richard, M.A. R. of Hawarden, Flintf. *Prov. xi. II. 8° 1750. Affize. Bniz. N. Oxon. WILLIAMS Stephen Phil. iv. 13. WILLIAMS Thomas, late Curate of Harwell, Berks. * John iv. 24. 8° 1778. The true Nature and Defign of Chrif- tian Worfhip. WILLIAMS Walter, R. of Llanddetti, Brecknockf. Pf. xxxiii. 12. 4° 1 73 I. b. Soc. of antient Britons. WILLIAMS William, M.A. Minifter ot St. Mary's, Haverford- Weft, Pembrokelhire. Lukexix.8, 4° 1682. The neceffity and mcafures of Reftitution, Prov. xxiv. 21, 22. 4° 1685. Elcd. oi a Mayor. Religion ex- prefTed by Loyalty. Pi". Ix. 12. 4" 1696, At the Eng. Camp near Ghent in Flanders^ WILLIAMS William, M. A. Preb. of Chichelkr. Lukexix. 9-1 2, 8° 17 16. The prefent Schifm confidered. WILLIAMS William, M.A. * Micah vi. 8, 4° 1752. b. Free-Mafons. Mafonry founded on Scripture. WILLIAMSON James, M. A. Fell, of FIcrt. Coll. Oxon. * I Tim.ii. 1,2. 8° 1779. Oxon. AccefTion. WILLIAMSON Jofeph, M.A. V. of St, Dunftan's in the Weft, and Chaplain to Lord Mayor. * I Pet. iii. 8. 4° 1775. Eledl. of Lord Mayor, WILLINGTON G. Pf. li. 17. 167c. WILLIS 376 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER WILLIS Richard, Bp: of Winchefter. Prov. xii. 20. 4° 1 701. b. Lord Juftices of England. July 20, St. John's. Camb. PhiLi. 27. 4° 1702. Prop, of Gofpel. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Gal.vi. 10. 4° 1702. Spitt T. Pub. L. Camb. Ads XX. 28 4° 1702. Lone, ad Synod. Ch.Ch. Wc-c. Oxon. Tr in. ^teen's. St. John's- Camb. Aftsx. 38. I 2° I 704. Ref. of Manners. jP/sw. Gen.xviii 19. 4° 1704. Ann. meet. Char Schools BoJ Ch.Ch, C.C.C. Maga. ^.en's. Ox. Trin. i^eens. St. John's. Ca. Stvn, Ifai. xi. 13,14. 4^1705. Th. b. Queen. Oft, 23. Ch.Ch. Univ. Mogd. IVorc. Oxon. Trin. ^cen's. Camb. Sion. Gcn.xlix. 7. 4° 1705. Nov. 5. b. Commons. Ch.Ch. If'orc. Ox, Pub. L. Camb. Sion. J Cor. xiii. 4. 4° 1707. b. Queen, Ag. Envy. Univ. Ch.Ch, Oxon. Pub. L. Trin. ^leens. Camb. Sion. Pf. xc.iz. 8° 1709. b. Queen. On her Birth-day. Ch.Ch. Univ. IVorc. Oxon. Trin. ^ecn's. Camb. Brit. M. Matt. xix. 23. 4° 171 1. Spitt. T. Boel. Ch. Ch. Line. Oxon. ■ Ifai. xxxiii. 6. 4°i7i5. b. King. Th. [an. 30. The way to quiet and liable Times, Bod. Ch Ch. M/jgd. Ox. Trin. C. Sisn. Prov.xxiv. 21. 4° 1 71 6. Jan. 30. b. Lords. Bod. Ch.Ch, Oxon» Slucen's. Camb. Sior.. 2Cor. viii.9. 8" 1717. Spitt. M. WILLIS Thomas, DD. V. of Kingfton upon Thames, and ChapL in Ord. Prov. iv. 7-9. 4° 1676. Co. Feaft. Excellency of Wifdom. Bod, WILLIS Thomas, M. A. V. of St. Helen's, London. Pf xviii. 47-49. 4° 1696. Th. WILLISON John * Serm. in iz° 1761. WILLOUGHBY Lord Dc Broke George *Aiisxx.35. 4° 1712. Ann. meet. Char. Schools. The blefled- nefs of doing good. Cb. Ch. C. C. C. Magd. Trin. Ox. ^icen's. C. WILLOUGHBY Stephen, M A. Jon.iii.4 4° 1685. Scourge to the rebellion. Bod. WIILS Benjamin * Either iv. 14. 8''^i7ii. Acceffion. *Pf. cxxiv. 6. 8" 1 716. Nov. 5. Phil, i. 17. 8° 1720. Minilters fet forth for the defence of the Gofpel. Bod. * Ephef. iv. 1 1, 12. 8° 1732. Ord. .^^^^«'j. Camb. WILLS James, Chaplain to the Society of Artiih, and Curate of Whitchurch, Middlefex. * Job xxxvii. 14. 4° 1767. b. the Society. WILLS John, M. A. V. of Thorpe in Surrey, and Chaplain to the Bp. of Peterborough. Ads xvii. 11,12. Com. of Bps. Ofbaldellon and Thomas. WILMOT OF AUTHORS, &c. 377 WILMOT George, M. A. Fell, of Bal. Coll. Oxon, Pf. Ixxxii.i. 4" 1750. VVorcefisr. Aflize. Wore. Oxon. WILMOT William, M. A. V. of Margetdng, Effox, Left, of St. Ethelbiirgl), and Chaplain to the Bp. of Litchfield and Coventry. Adsxxiv.^. 4^*1751. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. WILSON Bernard, YiY^. V. of Newark upon Trent, and Preb. of Worcelter. Heb. xi, (or vi.) 16. 8° 1723. On Oaths. Joel ii. 18. 4° I 744. Faft. April 11. * Matt. XXV. 4. 4^1756. ^'^(j;r^y?frTnfirmary. *Eccl"'.iv. I, 4" 17G8. The Mifapplication of public Charities. WILSON Ch. Ifai. xlix. 23. WILSON Chriftopher, M. A. Left, of St. Margaret's, Weftminfter. * Matt. V. 34. 4° 1700, Oft. 6. Ag. profane Swearing. 1 Cor. xi. I. 4° 1700. Advent, b. Lord Mayor. The Pattern of an holy life WILSON Chrillopher, DD. Canon Refid. of St. Paul's, and Chapl. in Ord. * I Cor. xiii. 21. 4° 1754. Jan. 30. b. Commons. 'WILSON Edward, \. of Rye, SiilTex. Pf. cxxii.6. 8° I 71 2. |an. 30. WILSON Edward, M. A. R. of Teverfall, Nottinghamf. 2 Cor. vi. 3,4. 8° 1726. Vif. WILSON J. Pa.xc. 15. 8° 1716. WILSON John Pf. xxxix. 5. 8° 1676. State of Man, a ftatc of Vanity. Bod, Pf. Ixxiii, 23-26. 8' 16 Man's Communion with God. *Aftsxxiv. 25. 8" 16 WILSON Samuel, DD. Minifter of the Gofpel in London. *phil.ii. 13. 8° 1732. 2 f . Doftrine of efficacious Grace. V. Lime-ftrcet f. Vol.11, p. 211. * Sev. ferm. in I735' On various fubjecls and occafions. * Jerem. iii. 15. 8° 1736. 2 f . Ch. induilry and Liberality re- commended. *Adsxx. 35. 8°i739. ^^^' For poor Widows &c. of dilTenting Clergy. * Job i. 20-22. 8" I 741. Fun. * Ifai. V. 3-6. 8" 1 741. Abufe of Mercy Hated and reproveJ. *^ - - - - 1742. Fait. * Pf. Ixxiii. 25,26. 8° 1744. Fun. of Mrs. Rebehah Stennett. * I John iv. 10. 8° 1746. Chiiil, the great Propitiation. WILSON Thomas, M. A. R. df Arrow, Warwickf. Pf. cxxiv, 1-8. 4° 1679. Nov. 5". Reflexions on the Plot. BciL Rom. xiii. I. 4" 1681. Jan. 30. With a Relation of fome rebel- lious Practices ana Principles of Fanatics. Sicn, Vol. U. B b b WILSON 378 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER WILSON Thomas, M. A. Prefbyter of the Church of England. Serm. in S*" 1701. On feveral Texts in Gcnefis, Exodus and Ler viticLis. Pub.L. Camb. WILSON Thomas, Bp. of Sodor and Man. Johnxiii.38. 1734- Ch. *Serm. (PoUh.) in 4°i78i. On the great praftical Duties of Chrirtianity. V. VoL IL of his Works. Bod. Dr Ws's.L, Lond. WILSON Thomas, M. A. late Fell, of Bal. Coll. Oxon. Minifter of Bungay, Suffolk, and of North Repps, Norfolk. Prov. xxiv. 21. 8° I 745. Rebellion, Wore, Oxon. WILSON Timothy, M. A. R. of Kingfnoth, Kent. Jofh.v. 13. 4° 1690. Faft. June i8. 1 Pet. ii. 13, 14. 4° 1704. WILSON William, R. of St. Peter's in Norwich. Pf.lxxxix. 3. 4" 1 6 Faft. Micahvi. 8. 4" 1689. AS\zq. Sion. Luke V. 26. 4° 1689. Th. WILSON William, Minifter of the Gofpel at Perth. *Zech.xiv. 7. 8° 1 7 Bod. I* Aftsxiii. 36. 8''i73g. Fun. of Joleph Airey. .SnV.M. I* I Sam.xvii.37. 8'' 1747. KzhtW. Brit.M. WILTON Samuel, DD. *Heb. vi. 12. 8° 1769. Fun. of Mr. Jo/. Longburji. *Aft.ix. 6. 8%770. Ch. School. *Matt.xxv. 19. 8° 1775. Ch. School. WILTON Thomas, DD. Ecclcf. viii. 2. 8° I 7 WINCHESTER James, M.A. Minifter of the Gofpel at Jedburgh. * 9 Sacramental form, in I2°i77i. WIND J.' M,A. R. of Kirkby Knowie, and Curate of Thirk- leby, Yorkf Pf cxxxvi. I. 8° 1748. York. Diftemper of the Cattle. WINER Robert, DD. R. of a noted Chapel, Weltminfter. * Luke ii. J. 4" 1733. Origin and Ellence of a general Excife. WINGFIELD Thomas, M.A. V. of Yelmefton, Devon, and Hof- pitalcr of St. Thomas, Southwark. Gal. V.I. 8" 1745. Rebel!. The Reafonablencfs, and Neceffity of ftanding faft in the Chiiftian and Englifh Liberty. 2 Sam.xviji. 32. 8° 1746. Th. after Rebellion. The Lawfuln^fs of vvifliing DelbudioVi to the King's Enemies. Rom. xiii.7. 4" 1749. Jan. 30. b. Lord Mayor. The Mifchiefs of unreai'onablc Oppoiition to Government. Dan.ii.4. 4" 1 749. Acceflion. b. Lord Mayor. The Dignity of the royal Character. WINSTANLEY R. of Llanwenarth, Monmouthf. *iCor.ix. 22. 8" 1753. On a Bill for naturalizing Jews. .Br. M. * Luke xiii. 4,5. 8° 1756. Faft. Earthc^uake. WINTELEY John * zTim.ii. 19. 4^ i?oi. ^ ^ WINTER OF AUTHORS, &c. 379 WINTER Cornelius * 2 Tim. iv. 7. 8° 1772. Bath. Fun. WINTER John, Minifter of Weft-Acre, Norfolk. iPet.ii. 17. 4° 1662. Coron. Univ. Oxon. Sion. 2 Chron.xxxv. 24. 4" 1662. |an. 30. Sion. Gen. xviii, 25. 12*^ 1669. Affize. Trin. Camb. I Sam.ii.25. I2°i66g. Affize. Trin. Camb. WINTER Richard *Jer. iv. 19. 8° 1756. On declaring War. * 2 Chron. XX. 27. 8° 1759. Th. *2Pet. i. 14. 8/1759. Fun. of Rev. Thomas Bradbury. * Col. iv. 2. 8° 1759. Exhortation to Prayer and Thankfgiving. »Col.i. 18. 8" 1760. Ord. *Ifai.lvii 2. 8° 1762. Eun. of Rev. Thomas Hall. J * Dan. ix. 24-28. 8° 1777. 9 ferm. On Daniel's 70 Weeks. Preached at the Merchant's Left, at Pinner's-Hall. * - - - - 1776. Fun. of Winter. WISE Lawrence Prov. X. 17. Fun. WISE Thomas, DD. Fell, of Exeter Coll. Oxon. and Chapl. to the Prince of Wales. Prov. xxii. 6. 4° 1702. Roy. Fun. Of the Education of Youth. Pf. xcvii. I. 4" 1703. Th. Pf. cvii. 21,22. 4° 1706. Th. Ded. 31. Lukevi. 27,28. 4° 1707. Farewel. Qh.Ch. Oxon. CLE. Camb. , Brit. M. J*iCor.iv. 2. 8°i7io. Vif. Brit.M. Prov.xxiv. 21. 8° 171 5. AcceiT. Relig. and Loyalty. Magd. Ox, i4Difcourres in 8°i7i7. Preached in Canterbury Cathedral. Ch.Ch. Oxon. Lukexiii, 2, 3. 4'' 1721. Fall. WISHART Geo ge, M A. one of the Miniflers at Edinburgh. J* John vii. 13. 8° 1733. An honell mind, the beft Security ag. Error in religious matters. Dan.xii. 10, S° 1746. Rebell. Times of public Diftrefs, times of Trial. V. Scotch Preacher. Vol.1, p. 32. Brit.M, Matt, xviii. 7. 8° 1752. Edinburgh. Ch" for promoting Chriilian Knowledge in Scotland. The cafe of Offences ag» Chriltia- 'nity. Brit.M. WISHART William, DD. I Tim. i. 5. 8" 1 73 1. Ch. Univerfal Love, the Defign of Chrif- tianity. Bod, Sion. WISHART William, DD. Principal of the College of Edinburgh. * Serm. in 12° 1753. Wadh. Oxon. WISHEART William, \:)V>, Principal of the Coll. of Edinburgh. Difc. in 2 Vol. 8° 17 16. Edinb. Pub.L. Camb. Sion. Pf. cxxxiii. 1-3. 4°i7i9. Edinb. May 14. Brit.M. WITHERS George *Matt. vi. 9-13, 8" 1665. Lord's Prayer. B b b 2 WITHERS 38o AN HISTORICAL REGISTER WITHERS John Ezekxvii. 15. 8° 17 16. Th. f. * Micah. vi. 9. 8° 1722. *Aftsxiii 2,3. 8° 1728. Ord. WITHERSPOON John, DD. Pref. of the Coll. New Jerfey. *Matt. vii. 20. I2°i759. b. Synod. * Pra6t. Dii'c in i 2" 1 71.8. On the leading Truths of the Gofpel. *Scrm.in 12^17 On Regeneration. * Pf. Ixxvi. 10. 8° 1775. Fait. The Dominion of Providence over the Faflions of men. *Ifai.li.9. 8° 1 778. Fall. WOLCOMBE Robert, M. A. R. of Whitftone, Devon. Jamesii.26. 8°i7i2. Exon Aflize. St. Johns. Camb. Jamesiii. 18. 8°i7i2. Exon. Aflize. WOLLEY Edward, Bp. of Clonfert, Ireland. Gen. XXXV. 7 4° 1673. Dublin. Ch.Ch. Oxon. WOLSTENHOLME Henry, M. A. * Matt. XXV. 40. 8° 1722. Liverpool. Ch. Sch. Jiide 3. 4^1745. Liverpool. Rebellion. WOMOCK Lawrence, Bp. of St. David's. Pf, cxxxii. 18. 4° 1660. On proclaiming the King. Jt'crc. Oxon. 1 Chron. xvi. i. 4° 1663. A Difc. SccSion. 1 Sam.xxiv. 5, 74° 167c. 2 f. Moles and Aaron — the King and Num. xvii. !0. ) Pr\si\:. Bod. V\"OOD Andrew, Miniller of Darlington, Durham. * Gal. vi. 9. 8° 1 755. b. the Sons of the Clergy at I\evjcaflle. WOOD A. Edward, M. A. Fell, of Mert. Coll. Oxon. Serm. in 8° 1674. Oxon. Of the Knowledge of Gcd and Xt. Bod. WOOD Edward, V. of Sandridge, Herts. * Matt. vi. 33. 4*^ 1698. The way to Riches, WOOD James *Pf. xxxi. 5. 8" 1722. Fun. of t *Matt. xxiv. 44. 8° 1754. Fun. of Mrs. Kellc;^. Brit. M. *2Tim.i. 12. 8" 1729. Fun. of :^.eens. Camb. WOOD Thomas, Bp. of Litchfield. I Kings i. 7. 4° 1661. WOOD William, Minifter at Leeds. * I Cor. xi. I. 8° 1773. Duties of People and Minifters. *Serm. in 12° 1775. On fecial Life. Trin. Cecil's. Camb. t*2Cor. iv. 7. 8" 1782. b. Diffenting Clergy. The Trcafure of the Gofpel in eaithern Veflels. WOODCOC K Fraticis, Lect. of St. Lawrence Jewry, London. * Matt. XXV. 34. 4*1676. m. e. G. Of Heaven, p. 647. Bod. NehcM. viii. 6. 4° 1683. c. m. e. Of Amen. p. 909. Bod. Rom.xiv. I. 4" 1690. c. m. e. Praft. Go(.dnefs. p. 241. Bod. WOODCOCK Jofiah *\ Chron. xxix. 11,12. 8" 1708. Th. after Viftory. Ch.Ch. Line. Oxon. WOOD- O F A U T H O R S, &c. 381 WOODDESON Richard, M. A. of Magd. Coll. Oxon. MaRer of Xingilon School upon Thames, Surrey. Matt. V. 4. 4° 1751. Fun. of Rev. Joleph Clarke, M. A. * lob xvi. n. 4" 1758. Fun. of Rev. J. C. DD. WOODFORD James James V. 19, 20. WOODFORD Matthew, M.A. Sub-Dean of Chlchefier, and Chap, to the Duke of Richmond. Gen. ix. 6. 8" 17 14. On the murder of Mr. Dobell Bod. Li>;c. Oxon. Sicn. WOODFORTH Thomas, LL.B. of Exeter Coll, Oxon. R. of All- Hallows, then of St. George's Botolph Lane, London. Heb.xii. 14. 8° 1735. Farevvel. WOODHOUSE John *Hagg.ii.4. 8° 161 7. Ref. of Manners, X * Rev. xiv. 1 3. 8" 1698, Fun, of Jane Papillon. Brit. M. WOODROFFE Benjamin, DD. Canon of Ch. Ch. and Principal of Gloucefter-Hall, now Worcefier Coll. Oxon. Pf.xi. 3. 4° 1679. b. Lord Mayor. Ch. Ch. Ox. St. John's. Cam. Jer. iii. 8, 4° 1685. Jan. 30. I Tim. vi. 17-19. 4° 1700. Oxon. Ch. Dan. ix. 24-27. 4° 1702. Daniels 70 Weeks. Pf. Iii. I. 4" I 703, Oxon. Th. Dec, 3. 1702. Bod. Ch.Ch. JUS. C.C.C. Oxon. St. John's. Camb. Pf. xviii. 50. 4° 1 706. Oxon. Th. June 27. Bod. Jef. Oxon. I Thefl'.iv. 13-18. 8° 17. WOODS Lubbridge, V. of Ealt Meon and Froxfield, Hants. *5 Difc. in 8" 1747. More immediately relating to chriilian Pradice. WOODWARD Jofiah,. DD. Minifter of Poplar, then of Maid- Itone, Kent. Zech. i. 5. 4" 1692. Fun. of Dr. Anthony Walker. Pod. Pf, cxxii. 8,9. 4° 1693, Love and Faithfulnels to our Country, Sc;^. Deut. ix. 26. 4° 1695, Fall. Lev. xix, 17. 8° 1696. Ref. of Manners. I'he duty of Com- paffion to the Souls of others, Lukexv. 18. I2°i697. 6f. To young perfons. Ezek. xvi. 49. 4° 1697, b. Lord Mayor. Sodom's Vices dellruc- tive to other Cities and States. Brit.M, Prov, xxiii. 5. 4''i698. Ch. A difTuafive from World -minded- nefs, in order to the due Exercife of Charity^ Prov, V. 23, 4° 1700. Ch, Bod. Adsviii. 8. 4" 1701. Eleft. of Lord Mayor. The divine Joy of Religion. Pf. cvi. 30, 8" 1702. On the murder of John Cooper, Conilabic. iChron.xv. 2. 4° 1705. b. Lord Mayor. Fail. April 4. St. John's. Camb. Keb.iv.9. 4° 1705. Fun, of Mrs. Mary Watts. Hofeavi.i, 4° 1706. b. Lord Mayor. Fall. Sep. 2. Ifai. 382 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER Ifai. xiv. 16, 17. 8° 1709. Th. Trin. Camb- 1 Pet. ii. 13, 14. 8°ii7ii. El eft. of a Mayor. The divine Right of civil Government.' * 8 Scrm: ac Boyle's Led. p. 491. Magd. St. 'John's. Jef. &c. &c. Oxon. Viib.L. Camb. WOODWARD Richard, Bp. of Cloyne, Ireland. ■ *Prov. iii, 16. 4° 1764. Dublin. Irifli Prot, Schools. * Luke XV. 10, 4^1775. Dublin. Alylum for penitent Women. WOODWARD William. M. A. Jer xiii. 6. 12^1696. Sev. S, The ford our Righteoufnefs. WOOLLEY John, M. A. late Fell, of Trin Coll. Oxon. R. of St. Michael's Crooked Lane, London. Gen.xiii. 8. 4° 1675. Co. Feaft. Ch. Cb. Bal. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. Sion. WOOLNOUGH Thomas, B. A. R. of St. Michael's, Gloucefterf. Ecclef xii. 7. 4° i66g. Fun. of Tho. Lloyd, Efq ; The dull re- turning to the Earth. ivooLRicH r. *Micahvi.8. TVOOLRIDGE Samuel Heb. xiii. 20, 21. WOORDEN Thomas *lohnxi. II. i2''i6S8, Fun. of Sufan Yeates. Bod. WORSLEY Samuel *Ifai. xxvi. 9. 8° 1777. Faft. Serious Refle£lion« addrefTed to all parties on the prefent ftate of the American War. WORTH John Exod. xvii.ic. 4" 1 704. Th. WORTHINGTON Hugh * - - - - 1752. Faft. t *Phil.iv. 9. 8" 1757. Fun. of J. Dawfov. *Vvov. xxii. 1. 8° 1775. Good Charafter, better than a good, F'ortune. * 1 Cor. V. 6. C go ^j^ ^<:\iOo\. * Gal. V. 9. ( ' ' *Matt.xi.30. 8°i77S. Nov. 5;. WORTHINGTON John, DD. Preb. of Lincoln. Seledt Difc. in 8" 1725. Pub.L. Camb. * Matt.xxiv. 36. 8° 1725. Fun. of B. Bennett. *3 Difc. in 8° 1 7 WORTHINGTON William, DD. Preb. of the Cathedral Church of York. *Num.xi,29. 8°i768. An. meet. Char. Schools. Brax.N. Ox. * Serm. in 2 Vol. 8° 1769. At Boyle's Left. Bod. Wore. Oxon. Pub. L. Camb. WORTON Ifrael *Jcr. iv. I. 8° 171 1. Fa/1. WOTTON James, R. ot St. Ann's at Annapolis Chapel. * Pf, cx.xii. 1,2. 4" 1704. Open. Ch. Trin. Camb. WOTTON OF AUTHORS, &c. 383 V/OTTON William, DD. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. iTim.ii.2. 4." 1706. ViT. The rights of the Chrillian Clergy afTerted. JUS. Ch.Ch. Univ. Mugd. ^teen's. Jef. Oxon. Pub.L, Trin. ^een's. St. 'Johns. Camb. Sion. Markxiii. 52. 8''i720. The OmnilcieriCe of the Son of God, an undoubted Argument of his Divinity. Trin Camb. SiMi. Rom. XV. 5. 8° 1722. WeJch-Feart. ^icens. Camb. Erit.M, WRAY U. W. M.A. R. of Wrexham, Bucks. * I Cor. X. 31. 4° 1760. Commem. at Charter-Houfe. * Num. xxiii. 10. 8° 1764. Fun. of Dean Bolton. WRAY William, M.A. Chapl. to Lord Berkley of Stratton. Ezra iv. 15. 4°i68z. Fail for the Fire of London. The rebel- lious City dellroyed. Pub.L. Tnn. St. Johns. Camb. Sion. Gen. xlix. 6. 4° 1682. Nov. 5. Loyalty prctefling ag. Popery, and Fanaticifm popiflily aflerted. Bod. St. John s. Camb. WREN Pvlatthew, Bp. of Ely. Pf, xliv. 18. 4° I 662. On the Scotch Covenant. .BW. MS. Magd. Oxon. Sion. Prov. x.fiv, 21. fo. 1750. Parentalia. p. 115. WRENCH Jonathan, M.A. Fell, of Caius Coll. Camb. and V. of Aylcfham, Norfolk. Luke ix. 54, 55. 8" 1721. Nov. 5. The Spirit of Chriftianity and Popery compared. CI. 11. Camb. WRIGHT John, M. A. Heb.ix. 27. 4° 1691. Fun. of Ann Grefwold. Bod. Mad'. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Ecclef. xi. 3. 4° 1694. Fun. of the Eail of Warrington, Ch.Ch. Oxon. Pub. L.St John's. Camb. Brit.M. ProT, xxix. 2. 4° 1704. Acceffion. Ch.Ch. Ox. S>uee?i''s. Camb. WROUGHTON OF AUTHORS, &c. 377 WROUGHTON Charles, M. A, Preb. of Sarum, and R. of Cod- lord St. Peter's, Wilts. Exod. XX. 8. 8°i7i6. Sev. f. The duty of keeping holy the Chriftian Sabbath. * Serm. in 8° 172S. WYATT Will. M. A. Student of Ch. Ch. Principal cf St. Mar/- Hall, and Public Orator in the Univerfity of Oxon. iCor. viii. I. 4° 1679, School-Feaft. Boc/. Bal. Ch.Cb. Magd, Wore. Oxon. Pub.L. Camb. ** WYCHE J. • - - - - 1745. Rebell. At Salifbury. WYKES Robert, Le^. of St. Mildred's in the Poultry, London. Prcxxii.6. 4° 1698. WYLLYS J. M. A. Matt. xxii. 21. 4° 1676. Bod. WYNNE John, Bp. of Bath and Wells. Pf. cxlvii. 1. 4° 1715. May 29. b. Lords, Ch. Ch. Oxon. Matt. vi. 10. 4° 1724. Prop. Gofpel. Ch. Ch. Ox. ^ueris. Cam. Mark viii. 38. 4° 1726. Ref. of Manners. Brit.M. WYNNE John, M, A. Fell, of Jef. Coll. Oxon. R. of Caery Drui- dion, Denbighfhirc. I ThefT. iv. 11.8° 1724. b. Univerfity. I Cor. i. 10. 8" 1726. Ordination. Wore. Oxon. keen's. Cam. WYNNE Robert, DD. Chancellor of St. Afaph. Ephef. iv. 3. 4° 1704. Jan. 30 b. Commons. Unity and Peace, the Support of Church and State. Ch. Ch. Jef. Oxon. Trin. keen's. Camb. WYNNE R. M. A. R. of Ayot St. Lawrence, Herts, and Cur. of St. Vedaft, London. * Pf. cxxiv. 2-5. 4° 1759. WYNNE Thomas, M. A. R. of Llan Rwft, Denbyfhire. |obv. 12. 8° 1732. AfTizc. WYVILL Chriftopher, DD. Fell, of Trin. Coil. Camb, Dean of Rippon. I Pet. ii. 17. 4° 1685. Acceffion. Trin. Camb. Judges xvii. 6. 4*^1686. Aflize. Bod. Jolh. xxiv. 15. 4° 1694. b Queen. The duty and Obligations of ferving God. zSam.iii. I. 4^1695. Th. * I Cor. vi. 1-3. Aflize. Chriflian Magiflracy. WYVILL Chriitopher, LL.B. R. of Black Notley, Elfex. *Matt. xi. 3. 4° 1772. Vif. WYVILL John, M. A. Chapl. to Bp. Robertfon, Lord Privy SeaL Lukexxiv.36. 8°i7i3. Eaitcr. On figuing che Peace. .^(ft'«'x. C. YALDEN Thomas, DD. R. of Charlton and Clanlield, Hants, Preaclier of Bridewell, and Preb. of Chumieigh, Devon. Dan.iv. 27. 4°i72J. b. Gov. of Brid^welland Bethlehem Hofp. The Prophets advice, or the bell way to lengthen Tranquility. L'ai. Iviii. 10, ii. 4'''i;23. Ann. meet. Ch. Suh. VoL.IL C c c YARDLEY 378 AN HISTORICAL REGISTER YARDLEY Edward, B. D. Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. Arch-D. of Cardigan. 1 Cor. xiv. 16,17. 8° 1728. 4 f. The rational Communicant. Job xxxi. 16-18. 4° 1 741. b. the Sons of the Clergy. Rev. ii.4, 5. 8° I 746. Fart. Dec. 18. 1745. 2 Sam. xxii. 48-50. 8° 1746. Th. after Rebellion. Luke X. 37. 4° 1749. Mi^^/e/ex-Hofphcil. The good Samaritan. Aftsx. 40,41. 4° 1749. Spitt. T. Chrift's appearing to chofen Witneffes, a fufficient Evidence of his Refurredlion. Aftsxx. 35. 4° 1750. Ann. meeting Charity-Schools. Braz.N, Oxon. ^eens. Camb. *Matt.xxviii. 19, 20. 12° 1763. 4 f. * 1 Cor. xiv. 16, 17. 12° 1763. The rational Communicant. YATE John, R. of Great Hampden, Bucks. I Cor. xvi. 8,9. I2°i70i. Ref. of Manners. YONGE Philip, Bp. of Norwich. * I Thefl". iv, 1 1. 4° 1756. Jan. 30. b. Commons. Trin. Camb.. *Prov. iv. 23. 4° 1759. Jan. 3c. b. Lords. * I Johniii. 17. 4° 1760. b. Gov. of LonJon-Hofp. Wadh. Oion. * Prov. xxi. 30,31. 4° 1761. Fall. b. Lords. Braz.N. Oxon» Queens. Camb. * Jolh. xxiv. 13,14. 4° 1 763. Irilh Prot. Schools. *Pf. xli. I. 4" 1764. b. Gov. Small pox-Hofp. * Matt, xxviii. 18-20. 4" 1765. Prop, of Gofpel. Braz.N, Ox. Slueens. Camb. * John xiii. 35, 4" i 769. Ann, meet. Charity-Schools. Braz. N. IVoTX. Oxon. * Prov. xxii. 2. 4" 1772. b. Gov. of Norfolk-Woip. YCRKE James, Honourable, Bp. of Glocefter. *Matt. X. 8. 4" 1 77 1, b. Gov. of Small pox-Hofp. * Rom.viii. 13. 4° 1775. b. Gov. of Magd.-Hoip. *iPet. iii.8. 4° 1775, b. Antient Britons. *Pf. cxxvii. 5,6. 4'^ I77(J. b. Gov. of Difpenfary. * Matt. V. 9. 4" 1776. Jan. 30. b. Lords. * Mark xiv. 7. 4° 1777. Linco!n-h\iinw^iy. * Mark XV. 16. 4° 1779. Prop, of Goi'pel. [YOUATT WilliimJ *Col.ii.2. 8''i776. b. Female-Society. YOUNG Edward, LL. D. F9II. of Wiuchelter, and Dean of Sarum. Johnxiii. 34,35. I2"'i586. Cone, ad Cler. Ch.Ch. Magd. Ox. Serm. in 2 Vol. (2d Edit,) 8" 1706. On feveral occafions. Univ. Ch.Ch. C.C.C. Magd. NcwC. Or. Pemb. Oxon. Pub.L. Cam. YOUNG Edward, LL.D. Fell, of All Soul's Coll. Oxon. and R. of Welling, Herts. Col. iii. 2. 4° 1728. A Vindication of Providence, or a true Ellimate of human life. IVorc. Oxon. Slueen^s. Camb. Sim. iPet. ii. 17. 8° 1729. Jan. 30. b. Commons. An Apology for Princes, or the Reverence due to Government. Wore. Oxon. Queen's. Camb. Sion. YOUNG OF AUTHORS, &c. 379 YOUNG Edward, Bp. of Ferns and Leighlin, IreJand. * Matt. X. 34. 4° 1763. Anniv. of Irilh Maffacre. * Prov. xix. 27. 4° 1766. Irifli Prot. Schools. YOUNG John, DD. * Serm in 2 Vol. 8° 1764. On various Subjedls. YOUNG Toy William, B. A. Scholar of Pemb. Coll. Oxon. Curate of St. Martin's, Birmingham. * Pf. xxxvii. 37. 4° 1778. On the Death of Rev. John Par- fons, M. A. « [YOUNGE Hercules] II^"J'^i'^']-8°i770. 2 Crit. Differtations, j*Judeo. 5 '' ZAMBRANA De Barzia Jofeph, DD. *Eccl"\x. 31. 4'' 1685. Excellency of the Soul. Magd. Oxon. ZINZANO Nicholas, M. A. R. of St. Martin Ouwich, London. I The/T. V. 21. 4° 1708, b. Lord Mayor and Judges. ZINZENDORF Count, Bp. of the Antient Moravian Church. *i6Difc. in 12° 1740. On the Redemption of Man by the Death of ChrilL Tranflated from the High Dutch. Hert. Ox. [ZUBLY John,] DD. Charles Town. * James ii. 12. 8° 1775. Law of Liberty, » - . - - 1781. :< ¥.. )8C ;*&: :isc "0., 0., '0., '0. '0 ys( ( 38i ) A N INDEX O F OCCASIONAL SERMONS, Sec. Sic. ^^^^^^^ik^'&^^ik^^^^i^^^ikiki^^^ik^^i&'^ikik^-^'^ Acceffion-Sermons. Pag. 5,10,17,19,20,24,25,27, 28,31,32,34,36,37,38,43,44,49, 46,48,62,66,70,73,75,78,79,80, 82,83,84,88,91,94,95,97,98,100, 101, 107, 1 1 5, 1 18, 1 19, 120, 121 , 125,129, 142,143,158,159, 213, 241,308,331,334,335,336,337, 378,409,410,414,415,430,431, 458,459,485. A6l-Sermons. P. 17,19,24,25,30,53,73,84- 103, 104, 105, 153, 160, 180, 191, 261, 300, 331, 339, 352,354, 365, 367'369. 373.375'400'464- Advent. P. 66, 135, 150, 168, 171, 174, 199, 204, 211,212, 218,236, 255, 256, 262, 265,268,270, 295,302, 308,338,340,368,376,399,438. Before Antigallicans. P. 19, 26,95,98,115,140,172. 445,460. Before Apothecaries. JP- 37*85, 99,ii4,i2S'i29»3»9» 361, Before Artillery Co. P. 25,32,120,234,257,305,336, 362, 376,391,423. P. 55. Before Artifts. Afcenfion. P. 63, 75, 202,230,259,27 1, 282, 283, 286, 288, 289, 385,398,432, 434.436,438. Alhwednefday. P.67,83, 162,175,176,189,197, 208,244,379,440,481. AfGzc- 382 INDEX OF 108 127 147 164 193 215 Affize-Sermons. P. 5,6, 8i9, 1 1, 1 2, 1:^,14,16, 1 8, 19,20,21,22, 24,26,27,28,29,30, 3 '» 3 3- 35' 36, 37. 39'4o,42,44.46, 47,48,49,53,54,55,59,64,65,67, 73» IS^I^^ 78,79,82,84,86,87,89, 94,95,96,97,98,99,101,102,107, , 109, 1 10,1 1 1,1 12, 1 13, 1 14, , 1 16, 1 18, 1 19,121, 122, 125, >»32, 134. 136, 140,143,146, , 150, 151, 152, 156,159,161, , 165, 166, 169, 170,172,185, , 194, 195, 198,200,204,209, , 214, 216, 222, 225,226, 227, 240, 242, 255,262, 265, 269,270, 272,273,278,279,281, 285,286, 287,302,304,310,311,313,314, 315,316,318,319,320,322,323, 324,328,332,333,334,535,336, 337. 338. 339. 340» 342,346,349. 350, 352, 361,362, 363,365,368, 371.377.378,386,387.394.395. 399,405,407,408,410,413,414, 415,416,418,420,422, 425,426, 429, 430, 43 1, 436, 438,443,444, 446,448, 450. 45 ''452,453.454, 456, 457, 458. 459.460,461,466, 472,476,477,478,486. Aflbciation or meeting of dif- fenting Clergy. ^•36,39»59*98.H3.«55'>58. :6o, 169, 177, 192,197,198, 224, 234,252,269,272, 281,329,338, 25''37o. 373.394'405'4o6,4i6, 419,424,436,444,477. At the Afylum. P. 100, 121, 161, 209,219,225, 235' 247. 250, 273, 313, 333,387, 39^- At Bampton's Ledlurc. P. 147,223,232,234, 269,278, 284, 330> 342j 375>4'^C),435,465, 468. At Boyle's Ledlurc. P. 4, 5, 7, 22,24, 58, 59,60,69, 77, 136, 142, 144,150, 152, 157, 159, 160, 171,172,173, 200, 206, 216,223, 230, 251,252,255,257, 26o,'26 1,267, 270,271,272,281, 287,310,311,319,322,325,330, 33».342. 344, 365»4'o.4'3.4i8, 422, 428, 43 2, 433, 43 5, 41 6,465, 467,468,474, 478,482,483. Charity-Schools. P. 6,7, 10, 15, 17,20,21,24,26, 27.40,,74,75, 77,90,102,103,105,109,110, 114, 1 16, 1 17, 122, 124, 129, 131,146, 149, 154,160,218,219,226,233, 239,244,250,251,278,288,303, 303.306,308,314,317,338,339, 351,380, 381, 390, 391-, 41 3, 421, 426,431,440,447,455,484. Chriftmas. P. 22,38,56,58,69,75,83,136, »37.'34.»35'J4J. '44. '47.165, 173, 174, 182,194, 202,230,231, 232, 233,242,260,261,264,265, 280, 338, 342,366, 376, 382,395, 413,414,417, 422,424, 430,432, 433.434.460, 470, 471. 487- Before Clergy, Sons of. P. 50,54,65,74,95,96,1 1 3,1 16, 129, 143, 153, 154,155,157,161, 17'. 177. » 79. •81,182,199, 227, 228,240,255,258,263,278,286, 303,318,330,339,341,342,357, 37 '.374. 375.381.391.406,409. 420, 428, 43 1 , 437, 440,446, 447, 450, 45'*457>46ij464.479- Colony OCCASIONAL SERMONS, &c. 383 Colony of Georgia. P. 5,23,24,87, 137, 371, 379, 380, 381,394. Commemoration, or Commence- ment. P. 58,71, 89,94,108,140,215, 249,261,271, 287,307,342,348, 365, 371, 382,410,419,421,422, 426, 432, 447, 45 1,460, 462, 473, 477- Condones Acadcmicse. P- 33. 38.39>H2. 180,205, 252, 271, 274, 309, 344, 346,378,423, 464,465,477,485. Condones ad Cleros. P. 25,40,47,107,133,150,157, 199, 220, 225, 228, 239, 264,285, 286,303, 309,310,313,319,322, 327, 330»33i'334»34o.342, 343» 344. 549' 3S6'357. 358.360, 363, 364. 365> 370.377>38o,39S' 39^' 414,419,423,424,428,429,436, 446.465,477.479- Condones ad Synodum. P. 23,72, 98,133,160,280,309, 313,339,341,346,352,365,384, 410,419,428,452. Conrccration of Abps and Bps. P. 24, 38,51,79,98,104, 135, 141,151, 171, 197,223,224,239, 234,249,269, 287, 288, 307, 310, 3' 3. 335.344.345.354.357.363. 365, 370,386,390,402,409,416, 417,419,420,421, 422,424,428, 430, 436, 440, 445, 447, 457:46 1, 48:. Confecration &c. of a Church or Chapel. P. 4, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19,,63,70,72,79, 80,82,83,94, 104,125,145,147, 168, 212, 224, 227, 235, 236,266, 272,275,350,352.358,371,384, 387,430,440,447. Coronation. P.29, 30,36,37, 38,41, 42,43, 44, 61,62,71,75,83,84,91,97,98,107, 111,133, '43. '58.213,414,415, 43°»459. 480, 486. Before Cutlers. P. 12i Before Debtors. P. 165, 210, 244. On Duelling. P. 32, 184,235,334. Eafter-day. P. 10, 1 1, 52, 60,91, 157, 161, 213, 21 4, 222,229, 252, 2 5 5, 258, 259, 263, 268,271,276, 286, 287, 28?^, 300, 301,302,306,307, 311, 312,315,316,318,322,324,326, 327,328,339,342,346,347,359, 360,361,362, 384,397,403,404, 422, 423,436, 448,455, 464,467, 474.475> 486. Fairs opening of Sec, P- 117. '57. '65. Fair* 384 INDEX OF At Falrchild's Lefture. P. 1,58, 191. Farewell-Sermons. P. 7, 15, 21, 64,67, 87, 88, 132, 156, 163,186,227, 235, 280, 300, 3'3> 327'333»334» 34°' 34i.363» 365. 373' 376.3^°' 392' 394'396, 400,401, 402,407,41 1, 412,414, 439,440, 444, 446, 448, 450, 464, 478,479,487. Faft-Sermons. P 6, II, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23,24,25,28,29,30,31,32,3^,35, 36,37>38.39'4'»43.44> 45-46. 47. 48,51,56,57,58,59,60,62,63, 64, 65,66,69,70,71,72,73,75,77,78, 79,80,82,85,88,89,92,93,94,95, 96,97,98,101,102,104,108, III, 1 1 2, 1 16, 1 18, 120, 121, 122, 126, 128, 129,130,134,135,136,137, 138, 139, 140,142,143,145,146, 147,149,150,151,152, 153, 194, 155, 156, 157, 158,161,162, 163, 164, 165, 166,167,168, 169, 170, 171,172, 175,177,183,189,191, 1 98, 199,200, 202,206, 213, 237, 238,242, 244,245,251,254,255, 256,267, 268,301,303, 304,307, 319,320, 329'33o.335'336,344. 347»350>35».37«.379'3S9.39*^> 399,411,419,421,425,430,431, 435'44z.443.453'45 5'458,462, 463,466,467, 469,479,480,481, 482,485. Feafts, Revels &c. P.5,g, 27, 47,7 2, 79,80, 105, 1 09, 1 19, 1 20, 128, 140,164, 193, 219, 222, 225, 231, 240, 278, 301,303, 304,313,332,339,340,346,351, 357.38»,4Co. 405'407»42S'4S8j 464.47'>472,473»478. Before Flprifts, P. 1,88, lOI. Before Free-Mafons, P. 38, 166, 197, 281, 326, 341, 378^388,434,440,485. Funeral Sermons. P- 3. 4»5>6, 7,8,9,17, 18, 19,24, 25,26,27, 29,30, 32, 33'34.35» 36, 37.,43. 45'46,48, 49, 51, (;2, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,63, 64. 65, 66, 67,68, 69,70, 71.75.76, 77. 78,79>8o.8i, 82,84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91,92, 93, 94, 100, 101, 104, 108, 109, 1 10, 111. I 13, I 14, 116, I 2 2, 123,124, 126, 127, I 28, I 29,130, 131, »35. '37.138,139. Ho.H'* 144,145,146,147,150,155, 157, 158,159, 160, 161, 164, 168, 169, 170,172, 178,179, 204, 208, 2 1 2, 2 1 4, 2 1 7, 2 1 8, 220, 221, 229, 233, 236, 239, 243, 245, 246, 247, 248, 253, 257, 262,263,268,274,275, 277,278, 279,280,282, 284, 303.304.305.306,307,308, 314,315,317,320,322,323, 325,326,327,328,335,336, 343.344. 345. 346, 348. 349» 359,360,361,362,363,366, 368,371,372,382,383,389, 393.394.397.398,403.404. 408,41 1, 41 2,414,420,421, 423,424, 426, 427, 428, 429, 436.437. 438.439.44'. 442. 444. 445' 446,447. 41 9' 450, 456,459,460,462,465,407, 480, 482,483,484, 485, 486, 125 132 142 156 166 197 219 240 255 376 286 313 324 339 35» 367 392 406 422 434 443 455 470 487. On Gaming. P. 108, 167.249, 331. Gardi- OCCASIONAL SERMONS, &c. 393 Inauguration. Before Gardiners. P. 1,2. Good-friday. P. 19, 144, 264,286, 375, 402, 459' 46i>464' Gofpel, Propagation of. P. 5,23,56, 74, loi, 129, 137, H3. i47>i59>i6o,i7i, 177,188, 429, 483,196, 197, 199, 204,216, 222, 223, 229,230, 233,235,246, 257> 275, 276, 281,233, 303,309, 311,314,317,318,320, 329,330, 31-8. 37.2, 375»378,38o,394,423, 426,428, 429,461, 471, Before Gregorians. P. 332. Hofpital or Infirmary, &c. P. 3, 10, 22, 28,29,33,41,43,54, 69,64,81,82,85,86,89,95,97,104, 111,112, 114, 1 15, 116,121,129, 143, 144., 146,153,267,270, 272, 277,278,302,306, 314,326,332, 338, 344, 349, 371, 377, 379,380, 381,387, 392, 406, 407, 421, 44.0, 445>447>455'46o,462. Before Humane Society. P. 30. 85,96,338, 381. At Hutchins's Lefture. P. 20, 64, 78, 83, I 26,176,1 87, 240, 241, 358, 428. .P 34,42,1 02,105, 111,121,158, 337- Induftion. P. 318,364.448. Inoculation. P- 49, 275,321. Invafion. P- 37> 136, 137, 140. January 30. P.3, 4,6,8,9, 1 2,15,18,22,23,25, 26,27, 28,29,30,31,32,33,35, 30' 37, 38,39, 40, 4',45,46,47» 49, 54,57' 58,62,63, 66,67,71, 72,77,78, 81, 82,84,88,94,98, 99, 100, 101, 106, 107, III, 113, 1 14, 1 18, 1 19, 120,122, 123, 126, 127, 128,129, 137,138, 139,140, 144,145, 146,149,151,153,154, 1 55' 158, 159, 161,162,163,164, 169, 170,172, 178,180, 191,193, 194, 202, 210, 212, 213,216,221, 224,232,238,244,252,255, 267, 272,274,276, 282,285, 301,303, 304, 308, 309, 3 10, 3 1 4, 3 1 5,3 1 b, 335.336,337, 350,35', 355, 365. 372, 378, 385, 387, 388,399,408, 41 2, 414,41 5,41 8, 424, 425, 430, 431,444,449, 452,453'455»457» 458,459,462,466,471,473,478, 480, 481 . Lefturer, Eleft. of &c. Open, of a Ledure. P. 289. Op. 315, 330. D d d Levant. 39+ INDEX OF Levant-Co. P. 87,92,105,1 27,139,140,166, 208,266, 360,433,461. Marine Society. P. 54, 115,332. Maffacre Irifh. P. 59, 150, 185, 282,363,374, 402,418. Matrimony. P. 2,46,48,74,87,97,143,210, 248, 253, 262, 348,350, 419, 445, 446. May 29. P. 12, 20,21,25, 26, 28, 31,32, 35,36,41,46,47,55,56,59,60, 62,63,65,70,71,74,75,76,77, 79,81,83,86,87,88,89,90,91, 96,97,98, 102, 116,1 18,120,127, 134, 139, 141,142, 143, 146,153, 157, 160,161, 164, 169, 185, 212, 213, 223,267, 289,331, 335'336> i37>339'3 5o>409»4io»4H»4iS' 430>457>458'466. Mayor, Admiffion of &c. P. 30, 36, 44, 47, 54,82,94,95, 106, 113, 115, 119, 121, 128,131, 134, 143, 149, 202, 211,226, 239, 241, 245, 304,312,333, 335, 340, 345' 407' 4» 5« 430'456»4S7. 460, 478. Meeting-Houfe, Opening of &c, P. 303,382. Members of Parliament, Eleftion of Sec. Sec. P. 11,25,42,79^104,129,150, 308,373- Military Sermons. P. 5,17,20, 22,43,44, 55,61, 73'77»84.i48. 153.234. 240,242, 334.354.377.378,38j>389.391* 396, 480. Millenium. P. 188,196,485. At Moyer's Lefture. P. 23,50,54, 136,142,176,209, 228, 229, 250,251,259, 260, 261, 280, 303, 312, 329,344,348,360, 395.4'7. 43».432,46»»474»475' 477,481. Mufic Meeting, &c. P. 7, 30, 40,42,43,70,73,74, 79, 80,83,84,85,87,99, 102,103, 124,169,188,405,407,454,485. Naval ' Sermons. P. 32, 87, 167,317. New Year's day. P. 9, 26, 81, 108, 124,129,131, 147,152,159,245,321,389,432. Nov. 5. P. 3,9, 10,11,17,19,20,24,26, z7» 28, 30, 31, 35, 37, 42, 46, 47» 48. 49' 57' 58' 59' 62, 65, 66, 70, 7i'72,73'74.75'76,77.78,79» 80, 86, 88,90, 91,94, 96,97, ICO, 101, 103, 104,107,109, 111,117, » V. Philips, Ramfey and Stockdalc, / OCCASIONAL 118,119,126,129, 134,135,136, 137,140, 143,144,153,154,158, 159, 163, 164, 165, 166, 169,193, 194, 198,202,206, 216, 225, 231, 238, 239, 242,246, 255, 262,269, 273, 274, 278,282, 285,309, 310, 312,314,316,318,329,335,336, 337'35^356,358'363'364.370, ZT^^ 376,378,41 '. 415' 420,425, 426,431,440,442,452,457, 458, 466,472,478,483,485,486. Ordination-Sermons. P. 32, 112, 152, 155, 160, 170, 197, 198, 208,224, 231,272,300, 313, 314,330,341,342,344,345, 355'358. 362,363,364,365,366, 367,369,378,386, 392, 393,396, 402, 406, 41 7,419, 423,426, 427, 428,430,432,436,448,449,462. Organ, erecting of &c. P. 52, 82,94, 103,390. On Painting. •> P. 13. Before Phyficians, P.50, 85,93,100, 199. Of Plays. P. 388,424. Reformation of Manners. P. 3,6, 16,25,26, 27,29,30,46, 47, 82, 92, 93, 94, 100, 107, 108, 111,113, 115,119, 120, 122, 128, 134, I35''36>i43.'47> «49' 'S^, 160, 163, 168, 171, iSi, 197, 216, 226,227, 239, 247, 264, 306,321, 336,337'339'35i'377. 388,423, 442, 454, 466, 400, 47 1 , 480, *> V. Morer's Occ. S, SERMONS, &:c. i^c, School-Feafts, &c. P* i5'3?, 43. 53. 63, 68, 66,65, 68,75,89,103,155,271,278,304, 3'3.3I4j 35 5» 381,4135426,428, 458, 460,462. Schools, Irifh Prot. P. 26, 57,75,89,95,104, 108, no, 115,129, 137,146, 147,152, 154,209,211,239,247, 278,380, 391,406,411,412,413,418,421, 43>'48i. Seffions. P. 54, 58, 118,235. Society-Sermons. Before Batchelors. 347. Char. 204. Educat. 364. Fern. 402. Friendly. 386, 445,450. Grate- ful. 54. Loving. 146. Relig. 42, 93, 1 10, 118, 125, 147, 171, 226, 408 Virtuous 112. Young Women. 440, 477. Spittal-Sermons. P. 32,48,49, 54,69,88,89,95, 105, 109, 1 16, I 26, I 29, 140,158, 177, 190,210,216, 218, 235,239, 246, 248, 249, 251,269, 278, 281, 286,306,307,309,313,314,333, 35i'355'356> 357.366, 368,371, 380,381,388,402,403,425,440, 447. 455.462, 471- Style New. P. 1,394. Suicide. P.13, 35,69,49,51, 183. Thankfgiving-Sermons. P. 5, 9, 10,11, 15, 18, 19, 20, 39^ 21,22,23, 24,25»28,29,3o>3i>33>! 34>35.36, 37. 38,39'4i542,43.44.' 45,46,47,48, 55, 56,57,58,60, 61,62,63,64,65,66,69,70,71,72, 73. 74' 7i' 76, 77. 79' 80, 82, 83, 84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,94,95, 96,97, joo,ioi,i03,ii2,i 13,121, 129, 137. 1 32'' 39' H^' 42, 143' 146,147,150,153,154,156, 157, 158, 159, 164, 165, 167, 169,179, 180, 1 96, 232, 234, 252,254, 267, 268, 285, 3i5'3i9'325. 336.339' 350'363'382>39°'40S'4o6,409, 110, 41 5, 425, 428, 430, 457,459, 482,485. Trinity — and before Trin-Houfe- Corporation. P. 5,23,50,85,87,142,157,176, 181,222, 264, 267,284, 344,348, 350'355'356,373.383. 384' 404, 416,417,432,436,474,475,482, Before Ubiquarians. P-4i>273>304- Viiitation-Sermons. P.12, 22,23,24,34, 38, 39,47, 53.55. 59' 75' 76. 84,91,94,95, 96,98,99, 107, 108, 1 10,1 18,127, 142, 147, 157,159,160, 161, 170, 175,171,177, 180, 181, 187, 188, 195, 197, 198, 200,204, 205,209, INDEX OF 212,213,223,224, 226,229,230. 234,235,241,242,244,312,355, 359.370. 379' 38 1,395'399'402» 406, 410, 429, 430,431, 436,439> 440,445,446,447,448,452,466, 467'477.48».482. At Warburton's Bp. Ledure. P.5, 1 37, 138, 1 42, 1 56, 15 8,1 59, 160,165, 167,169, 204,231,244, 258,278,280, 285,316,411,417, 479,482,485,486. Weaver's-Co. P.15,117,411. Wedding-Sermons. P. 2,7, 29,48,97,109,1x4,115, 123, 262,348,416. Whitfunday. P. 22,41,75,143,282,283,288, 289,300,301,327,343, 351,354, 357.365. 373. 39°»396'432,467* 468,472,481, Workhoufes. P. 81, 219,412. )S! '0: y^. '0: >» W. "0 ^ov. John Thomas 1743 Ja7i. bamuel Lifie 1748 Mar. Hon. Rub. Drummond *i76i Aug. Rich, Newcome *I769 Sep. Jonathan Shipley. O. Bangor 398 A LIST of the Enolish Bangor. 1637 died 166;. Will. Roberts 1666 'June Robert Morgan 1673 08. Humphrey Lloyd 1689 "June Humph. Humphreys J 7c I "Jan. John Evans 1715 Dec. Benjamin Hoadly 1721 liov. Richard Reynolds 1723 Aug. William Baker 1727 Teb Thomas Sherlock 1734 Hov. Charles Cecil 1737 Jan. Thomas Herring 1743 •^Z'' Matthew Hutton 1747 Dec. Zachary Pearce *iy66 Ju/y Hon. John Egerton *I769 ya;t. John Euer *I775 Feb. John Moore. O, Bath and Wells. 1632 William Pierce 1670 Muy Robert Crcighton 1672 Dec. Peter Mew 1684 Jan. Thorms Kcnn, deprived Feb. i6go. 1 69 1 William Beveridge, «(7- tninated Apr. 2 3 , hut refujed it. 1 69 1 'June Richard Kidder I 703 Mar. George Hooper 1727 ^'Cpt. John Wynne. 1743 y^y^. Edward Willes *i774 June Charles Mofb. C. Bristol. 1660 Dec. Gilbert Ironfide 1 67 1 Dec. Guy Carleton 1678 Jan. "William Gulfton 1684 /,ug. John Lake 1685 Nov. Sir Jon. Trelawncy 1689 Oc7, Gilbert Ironfide 1691 Aug. John Hall 1710 Nov. |ohn Robinfon »7J3- 4 Mar. George Smalridge 1719 0//. FTugh Boulter 1724 oa. William Bradfhaw 173^ 3- 7 an. Charles Cecil 1734 Dec. Thomas Seeker 1737 June Sir Thomas Gooch ijl^ Dec. Jofeph Butler 1750 Nov. John Conybeare * 756 July John Hume *i7c;8 _7y«^ Philip Yonge *i76i Dec. Thomas Newton *1782 Feb. Hon. Lewis Bagott.O. Chichester. 1 641 Henry King 1669 Feb. Peter Gunning 1675 Mar. Ralph Brideoke 1678 Jan. Guy Carleton 1685 Od John Lake 1689 08 Simon Patrick 1 69 1 y^ug Robert Grove' 1696 Dec. John Williams 1709 Nov. Thomas Manningham 1722 Aug. Thomas Bovvers 1724 OSl. Edward Waddington 1 73 1 OSi. Francis Hare 1740 May Matthias Mawfon *i754 Sir Will. Afhburnham. C. Saint David's. 1660 OSi. William Lucy 1677 Nov. William Thomas 1683 Nov. Laurence Womack 1686 Oa. John Lloyd 1687 June Thomas Watfon, de- prived Jug. 3. 1697. See vacant 5 Tears, 8 Months, 1704-5 Mar. George Bull 1710 Nov. Philip Bifle 1712 Feb. Adam Ottley 1723 Jan. Richard Smalbroke 1730 Jan. Elias Sydall 1731 Dec. Nicholas Clagctt 1742 July Edward Willes 1743 Jan. Hon. Rich. Trevor *I752 08. Anthony Ellys *i76i May Samuel Squiie *iy66 June Robert Lowth *i766 Nov. Charles Mols *r774 June Hon. James Yorke *i779 July John Warren. C. ARCHBISHOPS and BISHOPS. 399 Ely, 1638 Matthew Wren 1667 May Benjamin Lancy 1674 Feb. Peter Gunning 1684 Aug. Francis Turner, depri- ved, feb. 1690. 1 69 1 Apr. Simon Patrick 1707 July John Moore 1714 "Nov. William Fleetwood; 1723 Sept. Thomas Green 1738 May Robert Butts 1747 Jan. Sir Thomas Gooch *i754il/,?r Matthias Mawfon *i77i Jan. Edmund Keene *i78i July Hon. James Yorke.C Exeter. 1660 Nov. John Gauden 1662 July Seth Ward 1667 Od. Anthony Sparrow 1676 OB. Thomas Lamplugh 1689 Apr. Sir Jon. Trclawney 1707 Feb. Offspring Blackall 1716 Jan. Lancelot Blackburn 1724 Dee. Stephen Wellon 1742 y//zr(? Nicolas Clagett 1746 Dec. George Lavington *\-]b\ Nov. Hon. Fred.Keppel *I778 Jan. John Rofs. C. Glocester. 1660 Nov. William Nicholfon 1672 0<5. J. Pritchet, or Pritchard x68l Mar. Robert Frampton, de- prived Feb. i. 1690. 1691 Ap'-, Edward Fowler 1714 Nov. Richard Willis 1 72 1 Nov. Jofeph Wilcocks 1 73 1 Oa. Elias Sydall 1734 Dec. Martin Benlon *I752 0£i. fames Johnfon *i76o Jan. Will. Warburton *I779 y*^>' Hon. James Yorke *J78i Sep. Samuel Hallifax. C. Hereford. 1 660 Dec. Nicholas Monck 1661 Jan. Herbert Croft i6qi May Gilbert Ironfide I 701 Dec. Humphrey Humphreys 171 2 Feb. Fhilip Biffe 1721 Sep. Benjamin Hoadly 1723 Jan. Henry Egerton 1746 Apr. Lord J. Beauclerck. O. Landaff. 1660 Oa. Hugh Lloyd 1667 July Francis Davies 1675 yi/ir. William Lloyd 1679 June V^ iliiam Beaw 1706 June John Tyler 1724 Dec. Robert Clavering 1729 Apr. John Harris 1738 Dec. Matthias Mawfon 1740 May John Gilbert 1748 Dec. Edward Creffet *i755 y^/ir. Richard Newcomc *i76i Sept. John Ewer *1769 Feb. Jonathan Shipley *i 769 Oil. Hon. ShuteBarrington ♦1782 Aug. Richard Watfon. C. Litchfield and Coventry, 1643 1 66 1 Dec, 1671 June 1692 Ob. 1699 Aug. 1 7 1 7 Nov. 1730 Dec. •749 7'^»' *i768 Noz *i77i Sep. »i775 Feb. *i78i July Accepted Frewcn John Hacket Thomas Wood William Lloyd John Hough Edward Chandler Richard Smallbroke Hon. Fred. Cornwallis '. Hon. John Egerton Hon. Brownlow North Richard Hurd Hon. J. Cornwallis O. Lincoln. 1660 OB, Robert Sand erfon 166^ 400 A LIST of the English 1663 Mar. Benjamin Laney 1667 Sept. William Fuller 1675 May Thomas Barlowe 1 69 1 Nov. Thomas Tenifon 1694 Mar. James Gardiner 1705 yuly William Wake 1715-6 Ja?i. Edmund Gibfon 1723 May Richard Reynolds 1743 4 Jan. John Thomas *i76i Dec. John Green. C. London. 1633 William Juxon 1660 On. Gilbert Sheldon 1663 Sep. Humphrey Henchman 1675 Dec. Henry Compton 1713 Aug. John Robinfdn 1723 Jpr. Edmund Gibfon 1748 06?. Thomas Sherlock *i76i On. Thomas Hayter *I762 Feb. Rich. Ofbaldeiton *I764 June Richard Terrick *i'j^y May Robert Lowth. O. Norwich. 1660 Nov. Edward Reynolds 1676 Avg. Anthony Sparrow 1685 June William Lloyd, depri- •ved Feb. i. 1690. 1691 Jpr. John Moore 1707 Feb. Charles Trimnell 1 721 y^ug. Thomas Green 1723 Nov, John Leng 1727 Dec. William Baker 1732 3 Jan. Robert Butts 1738 Sept. Sir Thomas Gooch i 747-8 Feb. Samuel LiHe 1749 Od. Thomas Hayter *i76i Nov. Philip Yonge C. Oxford. 1640 Robert Skinner 1663 Nov. William Paul 1665 Nov. Walter Blanford 1671 June Nathaniel Crew 1674 Nov. Henry Compton 1675 J^"' John Fell 1686 OSf. Samuel Parker 1688 Oa. Timothy Hall 1690 May John Hough i6gg Sept. William Talbot 171 5 Jpr. ]ohn Potter 1737 Jpr. Thomas Seeker *1758 May John Hume *iy66 Oa. Robert Lowth *I777 May John Butler. O. Peterborough. 1660 Nov. Benjamin Laney 1663 Jpr. Jofeph Henfhaw 1679 Mar. William Lloyd 1685 Jug. Thomas White 1 69 1 Mt.y Richard Cumberland 1 71 8 Oa. White Kennet 1728-9 Feb. Robert Clavering 1747 Jng. John Thomas *I757 June Richard Terrick *iy6^ July Robert Lambe *i76g Dec. John Hinchcliffe. C. Rochester. 1637 John Warner 1666 Nov, John Dolben 1683 Nov. Francis Turner '684 Nov. Thomas Sprat 1 7 1 3 June Francis Atterbury, de- prived June 1723. 1723 July Samuel Bradford I 73 1 June Jofeph Wil cocks *i756 Jpr, Zachary Pearce *I774 Nov. John Thomas. O. Salisbury. 1 641 Bryan Duppa 1C60 Oa, Humphry Henchman 1663 Sep. John Earle 1665 Dec, Alexander Hyde 1667 Sep. Seth Ward 1689 Mar. Gilbeit Burnet 1715 /ipr. William Talbot 1721 ARCHBISHOPS and BISHOPS. 401 1 72 1 iVoe/. Richard Willis 1723 00<3>C>00<3'i§:'<&0<&0000<3><& O F T H E Irish ARCHBISHOPS and BISHOPS, from the Year 1660 to the Year 1783. Armagh, Primate and Arch- btfkop^ vacant from Uflicrs'j Death in 1 655, till filled- by 1660 Jan. 18. 1663 Jug. 29. 1678 Feb. 27. 1702 Feb. 18. 171 3 yu7:e 4. 1724 ^ug. 31. 1742 Od. 21. 1746 Mar. 13. *!762 Jc>?i, \2. John Bramhall James Margctlon Michael Boyle Narcifius Marfh Thomas Lindfay Hugh Boulter John Hoadly George Stone Rich. Robinlbn Meath, vacant from Bifljop MartinV Death in 1650, //// filled by 1660 Jufi. 19. 1 66 1 l<3ay 25. 1681 Jan. 14. 1697 Ju}!e 25. 1 70c Sept. 18. 17! ; Jar. 19. 17.4 April c). 17x6 Feb. 10. 1 73 1 Mtf/-..i3. Henry Lefley Henry Jones Anthony Doppin§ Richard Tennifon William Moreton John Evans Henry Downcs Ralph Lambert Wei bore Ellis »733 A L'lS^T of the Irish 1733 Feb. 2. Arthur Price 1744. May Z4. Henry Maule *1752 Jan.il. John Ryder *I758 Jii/!e 3. Will. Carmichael *i''65 y^/y 2, Rich. Pococke *1765 Oc7, I Arthur :myth *i76t) Mar. 22. Hon. H. Maxwell Clogher.'' 1 66 1 'Jimez']. John Lefley 1671 Oil. 26. Robert Lefley 1672 ^ept. 29. Roger Boyle died in 1687, and the See vacant, till King William filled it with 1690 Fet. 28. Richard Tennifon 1697 June 2 1:^ St. George Afn 1717 Mar, 30. John Sterne 1745 ■'ittg'2b, Pvobert Clayton *I758 /pril I. John Garnett *I782 Afrtlb. John Hotham Down and Connor. 1660 Feb. 19. Jeremy Taylor 1667 ^ep. II. Roger Boyle 1672 Sep. 20. Thomas Hacket 1694 Aug. 31. Samuel Foley 1695 Aug.\. Edw, Walkington 1699 Feb. 21. Edward Smith 1720 _7''w. I 2, Francis Hutchinfon J 739 Noc. 16. Carew Reyncll 1743 Aug. I. John Ryder 1751 Jan. II. John Whetcombc 1752 Aug, 25 Robert Downes *I753 Jan. z- Arthur Smyth ♦1765 Oa. I. Jacob Trail JCiLMORE and Ardach.*' 1643 Robert Maxwell, fucceeded Bedell in Kilmore, and k as advanced Itkezvife 1661 Feb.zi. To Ardagb. 1672 Jan. 10. Francis Maifh 1681 Feb. 15. William Sheridan Upon tubofe deprivation in 1 69 1 . Ardagh wasjeparated from Kilmore, and given to 1692 Apj-. 7, Ulyfles Burgh. Upon 'whoje death the fame year, they were again reunited under 1693 April ^. William Smith 1699 Apr. 18. Edward WetenhaH 1 7 14 Jan. 16. Timothy Godwin 1727 July 27, Jofiah Hort 1741 Jan. 27. Jofeph Story *i7s7 0. 16. 1731 I^ar. 20. 1744 May 30. 1745 May 16. 1745 Aug. so. *iy6^ /ipr. ;o *i769 Aug. 2. *i765 Feb.16. *iyj6 Mar. 2 2 *i775 Mar. 2^ *i78o Mar. 21 * 1 7-82 Apr. 20 Robert Lefley Jeremy Taylor George Ruft Eflex Digby Capel Wiieman Tobias Pullen John Sterne Ralph Lambert Charles Cobb Henry Maule Thomas Fletcher Jemmett Browne George Marlay . John Olwald I'dward Young Hon. H. Maxwell . Will. Newcome . James Hawkins^ . Will. Beresford . Thomas Percy Raphoe. 1661 June 20. Robert Lefley 1 67 1 Ocl. 27. Ezekiel Hopkins 1 681 Feb. 17. William Smith 1693 May 16. Alex. Cairncrofs 1701 July 4. Rob Huntingtoq. 1702 Sep, 12. John Pooley 3 V. Bp. Berkley's life. p. ^i. k V. Primate Boulter's Letters. V. i. f. 11?, 142. £ e e s 1713 404 ARCHBI$HO?S and BISHOPS. 171 3 7^. 6. Thomas Lindfay 1714 Nov. 2. F.dward Synge 1716 yune 8 Nicholas Forfter 1744 yufie 26. William Barnard 1746 M/7r.2^. Philip Twifden *'753 7^"' 2. Robert Downes *I763 Jug, 2. John Ofwald *iySo Mar 21. James Hawkins Derry. 1660 yan. 22 1666 Mar.2'j. 1679 Ian. 22 1 681 Nov. 1 1 1690 yan. 9. 1702 Mar.ig. 17 I 3 ya;;. 30, 1716 Fei). 27. 1718 j'V/^j 2 1726 Fei 8. 1735 J^^jyi?- 1743 May 16, 3745 Af^j 1 1. 1746 Mar.ig *i768 yan. 3 . George Wild . Robert MoiTom Michael Ward P.zekiel Hopkins William King Charles Hickman John Hartftorgc St. George Aft William Nicholfon Henry^'Pownes Thomas Rundle Carew ReyiicII , George Stone . William Barnard o. Fred. Hervey * Dublin, Primate and Jrch- hljkof. 1660 yan. 2^. James Margetfon 1663 Nov. 27. Michael Boyle 1678 Fei. 28. John Parker 1 68 1 Fei>. 14, Francis Marfh \6g^Mayi^. NarcifTus Mar/h 1702 Mar. II. William King 1729 yan. 13. John Hoadly 1742 Mar. 4 Charles Cobb *I765 yttne i. Will. Carmichael *iy66 Mar 22. Arthur Smyth *I772 Fei. 15. John Cradock *I778 Jan.2(). Robert Fowler KiLDARE. 1660 Mar. 6. Thomas Price 1667 ynne i. Am brofe Jones 1678 yak.iS, Anthony Dopping 1681 Feb.\i. William Moreton 1705 Sept 22 Welbore Ellis 1731 Mar.\b. Charles Cobb 1742 Mar.\g. George Stone 1745 May 14. Thomas Fletcher *i76i Mar. 2S. Rich. Robinfon *I765 Fei. 16. Charles Jackfon OSSORY. 1641 Griffith Williams 1672 Jpr. 22. John Parry 1677 yan.zif. Benjamin Parry 1678 Nov. 8. Michael Waid 1679 Feb. 7. Thomas Otway 1693 j^pr. 8. John Hartftonge 1714 Jpr.z2. Sir Thomas Ver(!iy 1731 7^^;?? 30. Edward Tennifon 1735 yan. 8. Charles Efte 174T yui'y 9. Anthony Dopping 1742 Jpr.i^. Michael Cox *i754 yan.i^. Edw. Maurice *I756 Mar, 20. Richard Pococke Charles Dodgfon Will Newcome John Hotham Will. Beresford. *I765 yuly 2 *i775 A/rtr. 25. *I779 Oa. 13. *I782 Jprilb. Ferns and Leighlin. 1660 yan. 15. 1666 yune 7. 1682 Fei) 27. 1690 Feb 27. 1721 Feb. 10. 1727 j^ug. 4. I 730 May 26. 1733 Feb. 8. 1740 [Jug.^.] 1742 Mar 24. 1744 J»g. I. 1752 Jug. 25. *I758 Jpr. I. * I 7 5 8 yune 3 . *I759 Jpr. 10 *iy6i Mar. 2i Robert Price Richard Boyle NarciiTus Marfh Banh. Vigors Jofiah Hort John Hoadly Arthur Price Edward Synge George Stone William Cotterell Robert Downes John Garnett Will. Carmichael , Thomas Salmon Rich. Robinfon Charles Jackfon a Now Earl of Biiftol. 177^ A LIST of the Irish 405 ^ly^S FBb.iG. Edward Young *I772 Sept. 3. Jof. Dean Bourke *1782 July 50. Waiter Cope Cashell, ArchbJJhop. x66o Feb. 1. 1667 M/jy 30, 1690 Feb. 26. 1694 Jiinetd 1726 Jan 28, 1727 July 3. 1729 Jan. 6. 1744 M^y 7. 1752 ylug.z^. *I754 >//. I *i779 Jug. I Thomas Fulwar . Thomas Price NarcilFus Marlh . William Pallifer , William Nichoiron Timothy Godwin , Theophilus Bolton Arthur Price . John Whetcombe 5. Michael Cox I. Charles Agar Limerick, &c. 1660 Jan. 19. 1663 Mar. 16. 1667 O^. 28. 1672 Jan. 1 1. 1678 Mar. ig. 1 69 1 Jan.zg. 1695 Dec. 2. 1725 Junei^. *i755 O^. 4. *iy/2 Feb. 15 Edward Synge William Fuller Francis Marfh John Yefey Simon Digby Nathaniel Wilfon Thomas Smith Will. Burfcough James Leflie , William Gore Ardfert. 1660 Jan.ig. Edward Synge 1663 Mar. 16. William Fuller. F/ om whence it hai been al- ways united to Limerick. Waterford and Lismore. t66o Jan. 19. George Baker 166^ Feb.zi. Hugh Gore 1 69 1 July 13. Nathaniel Foy 1 707 Mar. 1 1 . Thomas Mills 1740 OSl. 4. Charles Efte 1745 Jan.\^. Richard Chenevix *i'jy<) 0/y 30, Samuel Pullen John Parker John VeCcy Edward Syngc Jofiah Hort . John Ryder . Jemmett Browne Jof. Dean Bourke KiLFENORAGH, United to TuAM in 1 660, U;r^er Samuel Pullen, ^ut feparated on the death of ^dward Synge, and given in commendam to 1741 Jan 30, John Whetcombe, at vib'tch time Ardagh zuai united to Tuam, in the per- Jon of Arehb>Jhop Hort. 1752 Jan. II. Nicholas Synge Elphin. r66o Jan. 19. John Parker 1667 Aug. 10. John Hudfon 1691 Jan. 12. Simon Digby 1720 June I],. Henry Downes 1724 Apr. 16. Theophilus Bolton 1729 Jan.i^. Robert Howard 1740 May 15. Edward Syng* *ty6z Apr. 27. William Gore *i/'jz Feb. \^. Jemmett Browne *I775 Mar. 2^. Charles Dodgfon Clonfert. 1644 William Baily 1664 Ma'. 10. Edward Wollcy 1 69 1 Ju/y I. Will. Fitz-Gerald 1722 J^-^/ 1 2. Theophilus Boltoa 1724 Mi-y I. Arthur Price 1730 May zS Edward Synge 1731 Mar 22. Mbrdecai Cary 1735 Dee.z^, John Whetcombe 1752 Jan.ii. Arthur Smyth 1753 Jan. 2. Will. Carmichacl *i758 Apr. I. William Gore *I762 Jpr.zy. John Ofwald *i763 Apr 30. Den. Cumberland *iyyz Feb.xi^. Waiter Cope ♦1782 y^/y 30. John Law KiLLALA and ACHONRY. 1660 Jan. 19. Henry Hall 1663 Mar. I. Thomas Baily 1670 Nov. 16. Thomas Otway 1679 Feb. 13. John Smith 1681 Feb. 18. Richard Tennifon 1 68 1 May 2. William Smith 1690 Feb. 28. William Lloyd 1716 Feb. 8. Henry Downes 1720 May 30. Charles Cobb 1726 Feb. 23. Robert Howard 1729 Jan. 23. Robert Clayton 1735 Dec. 20. Mordecai Cary 1751 Nov. 26. Richard Robinfon *I759 Apr. 10. Sam. Hutchinfoii- *1731 Jan. 20. Will. Cecil Fcry ri'f Bijlopr'ui of Enaghdoen is unUtd to Tuam, and that of Jlrdagh held in Con:- \th it. 'J le Deaniy of Chrijl-Church, Dab/in, isanucxed to KUdare. Ibe B'lfhop' m^ndam lu'ith rick of K'tlfenora is held in Ctmmendam nutth Killaloe. Connor is united o Dotur.e. The Bijhop' ricks of Ardfert and Jghadof ar^ united to Limerick^ ai i} Achonry to Killala, and Kilnte;'' duiigb to Clcnfcr:. ( 407 ) APPENDIX TO THE FIRST VOLUME. ^^5jU^^^^^^^^^*t&^^fefi»^&&!i5?'&^i5?*i5?*^i§5**iSf^!Sf t iSr* '^ GENESIS. Chp. Ver. I. »-3 26 11. 15, 16 III. 1 IV. »9 16 V. VI. 24 6 VIII. 9 &c. IX. 15 I X. I XI. 1-3 1 &c. XII. 10-12 XVI. 4&C. XVII] [. 32 XIX. I i&C. XX. 1 &c. 5.6 XXII. I &c. XXV. I &c. 19-21 XXVIII. 1 &c. XXXVII. 3 XLII 20-23 XLI. &XLVil. XLIX. 8&C. Authors. Murray James Tillard Richard Marray James Barrington Lord Murray James Horfemanden S. Barrington Lord Murray James Adam Thomas Murray James Murray James [WardJohn,LLDJ Murray James Murray James Ward John, LLD Murray James Murray James Harris Will, DD Murray James Murray James [Gell Rob. DD] Taylor Jer. Bp Murray James Murray James Murray James Murray James Murray James Wright 5. DD Ward John, LLD Murra'i James Editien. Vol 8° 1777 II 4° 1781 8^1777 I 8° 1770 III 8^1777 I 8° 1766 8° 1770 III 8^1777 I 8° 1781 8° 1777 I 8''i77i I 8° 1761 8° 1777 I 8° '777 I 8" 1761 8° 1777 I 8° 1777 I 8° 1740 8°. 777 I 8° 1777 II fo.1676 I fo. 1679 8° 1777 II 8° 1777 II 8°. 777 H 8° 1777 11 8° 1777 II 8°i7i8 8°i76i I 8°i777 II Title, Paget &c. Left. 287 (L Left. I Mif. fac. Left. 45 {L Mif. fac. Left. 75 pLvang. D. I Left. Left. Diff. Left. Left. Diff. Left. Left. Left. Left. Rem. {{. Left. Left. Left. Left. Left. Diff. Left. 27 f. {{. 107 I 213 233 5 250 289 298 I 216 25 73 132 164 229 9 353 Occafion of Subjeii. Or. of Light. Lun. Afyl. Ad.&Ev.Xr. Fall of Man. Civ.&rel.G- On Labour. G's prefcnce Enoch's Tr. Deluge &c. Noah's Xter. Peop. of W. Babel &c. Call Abrah. Marriage &c. F. f. Sodom &c. Abrah. &c. Curfecutcff. Abrah. &c. Abr's Fam. Abr's Xrter. Jacob's Xrtcr J of. Xrter. Cond.ofDif. Jacob &-C, F f f 40 8 APPENDIX. EXODUS. Chap. Ver. Authors, Edition. Vol Titkt Page, &c. Occafion or Suijea. II. WardJohn,»LLD 8°i76i Diff. 1 3 VJII. 20 Harrifon Rich. 8° 1781 i(. F. f. XX. 4. 5 Ward John, LLD 8° 1761 Diff. 30 7 Ram fey James 8° 1781 Sea. f. 117 Swearing. 18 Adam Thomas 8° 1781 Evan.D. 343 XXIII. 2 Dawes 8" 1773 '9 29,30 Reynolds Thomas 8° 1710 {(. Th. f. XXXIV. 24 Gregg J. 8° 1756 {i. On Invafion NUMBERS. XVI. 12 jRamfey James 18° 1781 XX, 1 &c. Ward |ohn, LLD 8° 1761 XXIII. 23 I Crufo timothy \ 4" 1689 Sea. f. 35 Mutiny DiiT. 23 ff. Th. f. DEUTERONOMY. VI. 11,12 X. 4 XXL 23 XXII. 2 4 XXXIII. 46 Baicer W. Bp Ramfey James Ward John, LLD Goddard S. P. DD Hutchins R. DD Read Henry 4"i7i7 8° 1781 8° 1761 8° 1781 8*^1782 8" 1746 {{. Aff.f. Sea. f. 21 Diff. 32 233 Prea.&H.D I G's Jufucc. ff. Th. f. JOSHUA. XXI. 43 1 Ward John. LLD 1 8° 1761 | | Diff. 35 j JUDGES. Murray 'James Evans John, Ym J. L. Brown Simon III. 22 V. 12 VIIL IX. XV. 23 34.35 H.»5 1 1 XX. 26 Ho Tafper Baxter Simeon Adkin Lancafter 8° 1772 4° 1704 4° 1680 8°i7i7 8°. 723 8° 1782 8° 1782 7^' ' To Affes. f f. Th. f. a. ff. Nov. 5. if. Trees Sc Era ff. b. Lojalifts ff. F. f. I. S A M U E L. XIII. ^T \W4lfin Wiliiam 18° 1747 I I ff. a And A^i 7, I Reb. f. APPENDIX 4«9 II. S A M U E L. Chap. Fer. Authors. Edition. Vol. Title, Page, &c. Occajion or Subject. I. 26 Hughes Obad. DD 8° 1740 ff. Fun. f. If. 10 Burnet, Abp 8° 1710 ii. Jan. 30. VI. 7 Ward John, LLD 8° 1761 Difl". 39 XXIV. l&C. Ward John, LLD 8°i76i Diir. 42 H C. T. 4° 1704 iC F. f. 18 Murray James 8° 1781 S. Min. St. I. K I N G S. XIL 18 I l^urray James 1 8° 178 1 1 I S. Min. St. j V. II. K I N G S. 12 I Hutchins R. DD j 8° 1782 1 I HI iPof.Inft.&c. I. CHRONICLES. xiir. 10 Ward John, LLD 8°i76i Diff. 39 XXI. I kc. Ward John, hLI> 8° 1761 Diir. 42 XXVIII. 9 Ramfey James 8°i78i Sea. f. 151 II. CHRONICLES. V. i3>H Bradfhaw The. 4° 1697 XIV. 2 Murray James 8° -1 78 1 XV. 2 Gilbert R. 8° 1756 XX. 4 Anonym. 8°i78i XXIL 7.8 Egerton, Bp 4° 1757 S. Min. St. St.Cecil.dity (i. F. f. i(. {L F. f. b. l; V. V. VI. EZRA. 1 &c, 1 Venn Henry 1 i775 I i Eflay. N E H E M I A H. I Zach's Prop. 1 9 I Wilding John 1 1 j Ramfey James 8° 1780 8°i78i ii. IF. f. Sea. f. 53 1 Defertion. V. 26 1 Hovie Thomas JOB. 18° 1773 I F f f a ff. I Fun r. 4-10 APPENDIX, Chap. Ver. VII. XII. XIV. XXI. XXII. XXXI. I 16 23 10 20 26 30 >5 XXXIV. 13 Authors, Barker John Gerard Alex. DD Cooper Sam. DD Tuylor Thomas Wright Sam. DD Taylor Naihajiiel Barker John Nicolls John, DD Anonym. Edition. Vol 8° 1738 8° 1782 4° 1782 8° 1778 8". 7. 7 4° 1699 8" 1721 4° 1 711 8° 1732 Title, Page, &c. iL {(. ((. ff. U. {(. ff. ff. Oreajion cr SubjeB. Fun. f. Long life &c. F. f. Fun. f. Ref. M. Ch. f. b. Soc. Zw, PSALMS. I. II. III. VIII. IX. X. XIV. XV. XIX. XXX. XLII. XLVI. L. I 1 1 5 5 4 4 H I 2 12,13 6,7 2 I 3»4 15 23 LXXVIII. 3,4. 70,72 LXXXII, 6,7 XCI. c. cm. CVI. 21-23 cvir. 23.24 CXVIIJ. 24 CXIX. 68 CXXII. 6, 7 6-9 CXXVI. 3 CXXXII. 18 CXXXVI 23 CXXXIX.7.I0 Newman Thomas Barker John Brown Simon Amory Tho. DD Anonym. Wright Sam. DD PriePey Jo/. DD Hartley John Anonym. Dawes Goddard S. P. DD Taylor Richard Newton, Bp Jennings Dav. DD Clarke Auguitus Matters Thomas Hedge John Brown Simon Smyth George Anonym. Manton Tho. DD Dupree John Reynolds Thomas Barnett Chnfi^ Mayo Daniel Newton, Ep Stock Thomas [Roberts Samuel] Howe 1 horn as Gill Jeremiah Hughes Obad. DD Bradbury Thomas Newton, Bp 8° 1738 8° 1746 8^1716 8° 1746 8° 173, 8''i7i8 8° 1782 8°i7i6 8^1738 8° 1773 8° 1781 8°. 704 8° 1759 ?." 1721 i2°J78i 8°, 715 8°i75i 8'')72i 8°. 727 8° 1738 fo.i688 8° 1782 8° 1712 8° 1712 8° 1729 8" '759 I2''l782 8° 174s 8° 1780 8°, 746 8" '735 8°i7'5 8° '759 Difl'. pt. 2. Difi: Diir. {(. Prog. Vice. ff. Th. f. ff. Daily Devot. ff. ff. Nov, 5. 2f Hab. Devot. ff. Th. f. ff. 47 '43 Sinsinf.5rpr. ff. Pref.inProf. 12 Rclig. Mel. {{. Plague in Fr, {L LdGord rel. a. Th. f. ((. Aug. I. {{. May 29. ff. Roy. Fun. ({. , 116 CI. f. 57 ff. Nov. 5, ff. Seam's call. ff. Ace. f. '5 G's Goodn. ff. May 29. ff. Reb. f. ff. F.f. ff. Th. f. ff. Coron. f. ff. Ace. f. '4 G's Omnipr, APPENDIX. 411 PROVERBS. Chap. III. IV. X. XII. XIII. XIV. XVIII. XXII. XXIV. XXIX. XXX. Vtr. 6 9 »7 23 -7 22 II 3 + 14 21 1 7-9 Authors. Mauldin J. Hutchins R. DD Dawes Newton, Bp Earl'Jabex, DD Brown Simon Hutchins R. DD KikerJ. DD Mewton, Ep Fancourt Sam. Jennings Dav. DD Brewn Simon Map Daniel Newton, Bp Edition. Vol 8<'i738 8" 1782 8° 1773 8° 1759 8°, 725 8°i7i6 8^1782 8^1747 8° 1759 8" 1746 8° 17 8°i7i6 8^1700 8" 1759 Titlty Page, &c. 129 I DifT. 18 I'f. ff. 199 ff. Diff. 21 i(. {{. i{. ii. Diff. 24 Occaf.on of SubjeSl. Coll. poor M, Xn. Beneiic, Keep Heart. CoKing.W. Nov. 5. F. f. Chear.&w.S, Ch. Sch. Ian. 30. Ref. M. Agur's wilh. ECCLESIASTES. II. VII. X. xri. 2 30 17 27 I 5 7 GoddardS.P. DD Shepheard Rich. Btcwn Simon Anonym. Hunt Jerem. DD Wright Sam. DD Anonym. 8° 1781 8^1776 8°. 7, 5 8° 1707 8°. 724 8''. 727 8° 1738 2f. 43 Rid.no f.Tr, Cone. Lat. Ace. f. Fun. f. Roy. Fun. A I A H. I. 19,20 Twentyman T. i2°i779 ff. F. f. XXVI. 9 Clark Samuel 8° '755 {(. XXXIII. 22 Atkinjon B. And. 8°i:'39 {i. Nov. 5. XXXVIII. 1-3 Goddard S. P. DT> 8° 1781 199 Hezek's beh. XLVII. 7 Henley John S !73i ff. Orig.ofEvil. JEREMIAH. Vil. 1Q-I2 Clifford Samuel 8°i72i i{. F. f. IX. 3 Gerard Alex. DD 8° 1782 3f. ' Ment.InduI XIV. 8 Maullby Jofeph 8'>i7i4 ff. F. f. XXIV. 16 Bradbury Thomas 8"i7io ff. Th. f. XXXII. 19 Hutchins R. DD 8''i77i 53 G's KnowL LAMENTATIONS. n. zz j IVrlgbt Sam, DD 1 8' 1723 | I i^. I Th. f. 412 APPENDIX. E Z E K I E L. Chap. Ver. Authors. Edition. Vol Title, Page, Diff. 46 xviir. 33 31.32 XX. 25 Sowden Benjamin Difney John, DD Ward John, LLD 8" 1 747 8° 1782 8° 1761 Occafion or SubjeSi, F. f. DANIEL. 11. 44 T^a^hr Abraham 8" 1730 {L Nov. 5. IV. 37 Hoadly, Ahp 4° 1708 {(. Aff. f. JX. 24-28 Winter Riehard 8<'i777 9r. 70 Weeks H O S E A. III. 4 1 Egerton, Bp j 4° 17611 j i L IJan.30. b.L. JOEL. II. 12 1 Barrow Ifaac, DD | fo.1687 I IV I 62 } Cone, ad CI. St. MATTHEW. II. I &c. Ward John, LLD 8" 1761 Diff. • 55 TV. 10 GoddardS.P. DD 8° 1781 257 Cone, ad CI. V. 3 Smith Will. DD ^° 1782 Beatit. i 4 Smith Will. DD 8° 1782 »9 5 Smith Will. DD 8° 1782 39 6 Smith W^iU. DD 8° 1782 55 7 Smith Will. DD 8= 1782 71 8 Slnith Will. DD 8° 1782 87 9 Smith Will. DD 8° 1782 103 10 Smith Will. DD 8° i7§2 121 1 1 Smith Will. DD 8^1782 139 ^3 Cardcw Cornelius 8° 1782 ff. V. f. zo [Burd J. J 8° 1759 i^. Phar. Rcljg; APPENDIX. Cbaf. I fVr. V. 22 28 VJ. 34 9 I i VIII. 32 XI. 2 XII. 31 XJII. 15 ,32 -17 25 33 XVI. 18 43 >'9 X\'II. 19 27 XVIII. 7 XXII. 37- -39 40 XXIII. 29,30 XXIV. 12 XXV. 1 4 &c. 20 ,21 xxvu. 40 3' 4 Authors, Newton, Bp Goddard S. P. DD Newton, Bp Newton,. Bp Hunt llaac Ward JoJin, LLD Ward John, LLD Nev«^ton, Bp Weltley John Newton, Bp Enfield IVill LLD Ball Jacob Mok Thomas Barrow Ifaac, DD Ward John, LLD Newton, Bp Milne Colin, DD Newton, Bp Hutchinlbn M.DD Jennings Dav. DD Newton, Bp Coleman Bejij. DD Mills Thomas Ward John,* LLD Edition. Vol. 4°i7S2 8" 1781 4-1782 4°. 782 3°i78i 8° 1761 8° 1761 4^1782 i2°i77i IV 4° 1782 •8'' 1780 8° 1727 8° 1728 fo.1687 IV 8° I 76 1 4^1782 8° 1782 4° 1782 8°i7i7 8° '737 4° 1782 8° 17^0 8°i78i 8° 1716 Title, Page, Sec. Diff. 493 85 Diff. 1 1 3 Diff. 125 Diff. 82 Difl". 62 Diff. 192 109 Diff. 203 ff. {^. 46 Diff. 99 Diff. 2 1 {(. Diff. (i i(. Diff. 233 (L ii. Diff. 128 223 An ' Occafion or Subjea. Anger. Worn anCan, Swearing. Ld's Player, Ch. f. Blafph. Src. Rel. & Kno.. Fun. i. Nov. 5. Cone. Lat. Herefies &c. hy. in Holp. G. Comm. Count. Loy, Ref. M. Of Talents. Fun. f. Suff.by Fire. S T. M A R K. V. 10 Gregory G^ in. 4 Ward John, LLD IX. 49, 50 Newton, Bp X. 29, 30 Williams Dan. DD XIV. 7 Watkinfon E. MD XVI 15 Murray James 8° 17821 8° 1761 4''i7S2 8° 1712 8" 1746 8" 1 78 1 ii. Inoculation. Diff. 99 Diff. 243 Explanation ff. Duty of Diff. {{. Ch. f. S. Min. St. S T. L U K E. II. vi. VII. VIII. IX. X. XV, 21 46,47 51.52 52 35 2 .19 52 33 26 37 7 Newton, Bp Newton, Bp Newton, Bp Knight Sam. DD Ward John, \JLD Porreus, Bp Ward John, LLD Bromley R. Anth. Ward John, LLD Goddard S.P.DD Ntwton, Bp Roberts W.H.DD 4° 1782 8" 1782 8° 17.82 8° 17 8^1761 4° 1782 8° 1761 8° I 782 8° 1761 8°i78i 4° 1-7 4^1782 Diff. Diff. 7o|Na.Jef.&Xt. 296 Diff. 296 a. Diff. 66 Diff. 62 \ {f. Diff. 82 143 {f. ■ if. Sav. Eloque. Sav.priv'.life An.m.ch.fc. Hum. Soc. Sinf. Compl. Inf. f. rvIagd.Hofp. a Or Ailri. i^. 414 Cbap. Ver. XV. 11 II &c. XVI. *9 XVII. 17.18 XIX. 41,42 XXIII •42»43 A P P Authors. Newton, Bp Wallin Benjamin Newton, Bp T. J. Goddard S. P. DD Newman Tbsmas E N Edition. 4° 1782 8° 1776 4° 1782 8°. 715 8*^1781 8", 75, D Vol. I X. Title, Page, &c. DifT. 254 13 f. Diir. 265 (L 125 iS. Oeeafion cr Subjea. Prod. Xrter; Prod. Son. Luxury. Ace. f. D.o.G'swra, Pen. Thief. S T. J O H N. I. 21 II. »9 IV. 7 VI. 68 VII. 13 17 VIII. 3»' 32 X. 24. 25 XII. 20 ,21 XVI. 2 XVIII. 16 XXI. 22 Ward John, LLD Ward John, LLD Newton, Bp Goddard S. P. DD Wijhart George Baker Rich. DD Newton, Bp Newton, Bp Ward John, LLD Brown Simon Grove Henry Newton, Bp 8° 1761. 8° 1761 4° 1782 8" 1781 8°«733 4^1782 4° 1783 4° 1782 8°i76i 8° 1718 8° 1735 4^1782 DifT. Diir. Diff. 60 117 274 23 DifT. Diff. DifT. 308 146 106 Diir. 389 Savr's Difc. Eter. Hfe&c. Hon. mind. V. f. Xty trueLib. Xt'sMiraclcs Nov. 5. Xt's Kingd. John's 1. life. C T IV. VI. vir, IX. X. XL XI iL 12 I I &c. 6 40,41 28 9 3b 40 1 S Dod/on Jojepb 8° 1722 ff. Affoc. f. 16 Newton, Bp 4° 1782 Diff. 630 Diff.ofScrip IV. 14-16 Jltkinjon B. A. 8° 1726 {{. Ref. M. II. P E T E R. I. \2~\\\HuntJer, DD 15 |[Jenkyn Will. 8^1731 4° 1675 ff. Fun. f. ? v. Difc. on Ccnj. Dutj'. v. 2. r- 344* " G g g 2 4i8 APPENDIX. I. J O H N. Chap* Ver. Authors, Editian. Vol. Titky Paget &c. Oceajion er SuijeSI. II. 18 Anonym. 8^1715 ff. Prieftcra,&c IV. 16 Carpenter Jo/, 8° 1742 ff. Ch. f. V. II. J O H N. 10 I Ward John, LLD 1 8° 1761 I \ Dill". 225 J U D E. 3 6 22, 23 Burroughs Jofeph [Younge Hercules] Smith Jeremiah 8° '733 8° 1770 8° 1713 Diff. b. Society, Ref. M. REVELATION. II. 17 III. 2 15,16 XIV. 13 XVII. 6 XIX. 16 Ward John, LLD 8° 1761 Diff. 229 Some David 8° 1730 ff. Rev. of Rel Harris Will. DD 8" 1732 {L Lukewarmn Wright Sam. DD 8° 1716 i{. Fun. f. LorimerWill. DD 8° 1713 ff. Nov. 5. Ward John, LLD 8° 1761 Diff. 233 ~ )^ ^ )^ 5^ ( 419 ) APPENDIX TO THE SECOND VOLUME. / \/'\/ \/\y- ••'..''V \/ ••■..••• \>- \y \.--- ■•:/■ V \/\/\/\/\i'\/\/'\/V'V'\ A. A/N*-^* 9. j^MORT Tho. DD. -^ PI. iii. 5. 8° 1746. Daily Devotion. 2 Cor. i. 24. 8° 175 I. Ord. f. 13. ANONYM. Pf xxxiv. 19. 4° 1692. Fun. of Eliz, Gibfon. Brit. M. Jobxxxiv. 13. 8° 1732. b. a Society at Lincoln's Inn, by a Layman. Aftsxix.25. 8° 1735. Nov. 5. 1 Cor. xiii. 14. 8° 1771. At a Quaker's meeting. iCor. X. 15. 8° 1721. Right of private Judgment. ijohnii. i8. 8°i7i5. Prieitcraft dillinguifhed from Chrif- tianity. JTKINSON B. Jndrezv, &c. I Pet.iv. 14-16. 8° 1726. Ref. of Manners. Ifai.xxxiii. 22. 8° 1739. Nov. 5. p. 24, BALL Jacob Ecclef. xi.9. 8° 1725. Fun. of "John Fryer. Brit.M^ Matt. xiii. 43 8" 1727. Fu.n. o^ ff'^. Drew. BAKER William, Bp. Dent. vi. 1 1, 12.8° 1717. Affize. I Tim. ii. 1,2. 8*^1723. Jan. 30. b. Lords, p. 26. BARKER John Phil.i. 21. 8^ 1728. Fun. of J. QkdhilL Pf. ii. II. 8° 1746. Th. f. p. 22. [HARNETT Chriilopber] Pf cvii, 23, 24. 8^1711. The Seaman's Calling. p. 31. [BAXTER Simeon,] a Licentiate in Divinity. Judg.xv.ii. 8''i782. Tyranicide proved lawful. Delivered to the LoyaliRs ac Symfbury in the Colony of Conneflicut. BAYE6 J'ibua I Pet. i. 24, 25. 8° 1728. Fun. of J. drriijl. ' H h h p. 33. p- 16. p- 17- ^• 18. p- 21. p- 33' p- 39' p- 46, p- 48, 420 APPENDIX. BELBIN Peter, &c. Rev.xiv. 13. 8° 17. Fun. of &c. BILLINGSLEr John Lukei. 74, 75. 8° 1710. Nov. 5. [BOUGHEN Edward] 1 Cor. xiv. 40. 4° 1738. BRJDBURT Thomas Ifai.xxiv. 16. 8° 1710. Th. f. Pf. cxxxvi. 2. 8° 1715. Acccffion. Rom. xiv. 15. 8° 1715. Unanimity. Jonahiii. 5. 8°i72i. Fall. p. 50. BRADSHAW Tlio. R. of Painfwick, Gloucefterf. Pf. xcviii. I. 4" 1 781. Th. for Admiral Rodney's Viftory, p. 52. BREKELL J. A61sxxvii.4. 8° 1744. Dangers of the Sea. p. 56. BROWN Simon EcGlef.x. 17. 8° 1715. Acceffion. Rom. X. 2. 8° 1715. Nov. 5. Prov. xii. 22. 8° 1 716. Nov. 5. Prov. xxiv. 21. 8° 1 7 16. Jan. 30. Judges viii. 34,35. 8° 1717. Nov. 5. Johnxvi. 2. 8° 17 1 8. Nov. 5. Ecclef. x. 17. 8" 1715. Acceffion. [BURD J. ] Matt. v. 20. 8° 1759- Religion of the Pharifees. BURNET Gibbert, Abp. of York. 2 Sam. ii. 10. 8° 1710. Jan. 30. BURROUGHS Jo/eph Jude 3. 8° 1733, b. Society of Saltburgers/.Br/V. il7. tAL AMI' Edmund, ^dD. Sec. Pf. ix. lo. 8" 1726. Fun. of Rev. J. Bonnet. 2Cor.v.4. 8° 1729. Fun. of p. 70. CAPPE New come Adsxix. 16. 8" 1770. F'un. of Rev, £, SandercQck. CARDEW Cornelius, &c. Matt. V. 13. 4" 1782. Vif. f. [CARPENTER Jofcph] ijohniv. 16. 8° I 742. On Charity. CHANDLER Samuel, DD. &c. James i. 27. 8° 1736. Ch. f. [CLIFFORD Samuel] Jer. vii. 10-12. 8''i72i. Fall. COLMAN Benjamin, DD. Matt. XXV. 20, 21. 8° 1740. Fun. o{ S. Ho/den, [CUMMJNG John] Phil. ii. 4. 8" 1738. On public Spirit. DEFIS James I Cor. xiii. 1-3 8° 1758. Nov. 5. Ag. Popery. p. 104. p- 59- P- 62. p- 63. p. 68. P- 71- P- 75- P- 81. P- 86, p. 96 P- 103 APPENDIX. 421 p. 104. DISNEY John, DD. &c. Ezek. xviii. 41, 32. 8° 1782. Faft. p. 106. DODSON jfofeph, M.A. iPet.iii. 1;. 8^1722. b. Diflent. Clergy. p. 112. E/IRL Jabezy DD. &c. Luke XV. 7. 8° 1704. Ref. of Manners. Prov.x. 7. 8° 1725. In memory of King William p. 116. ENFIELD in /Ham, LL. D. &c. Matt.xiii. 33. 8° 1780. Progrefs &c. p. 118. EFJNS John, DD, Sec. Judges V. 12. 4° 1704. Th. &c. I Their. V. 25. 8° 1723. Minillers &c. V Pet. ii. 5. 8° 1730. On. Open, a Meeting-Houfe. p. 1 20. FJNCGURT Samuel Prov.xxii.6. 8° 1746. Ch. f. p. 125. FLEXMAN R. DD. Gen. xviii. 19. S"' 1752. Char. Sch. Abraham's Charadcr. FORD Jobfi Prov. xxvii. 23. 8° 1733. Diligence in Buiinefs. Prov. xxiv. 10-13. 8° 1734. Affize. p. 128. Fojler James, DD. &c. Ads x. 40,41. 8° 1720. The Refurreaion of Chrlll. GERARD Alexander, DD. Serm. (Vol, II.) in 8° 1782. p. 139. GILBERT R. 2Chron.xv. 2. 8° 1756. Faft. Jcr.xviii.7, 8. 8° 1757. Faft. GILL Jeremiah Pf.cxvi.3. 8° 1746. Th. f. p. 143. GORDON James, M.A. I Tim. iv. 16. 8° 1735. Ord, p. 145. GREGG J. Exod. xxxiv. 24. 8° 1756. On the threatened Invafion. p. 147. GREGORY G. Cur. of St. Nicholas, Liverpool, Chefhirc. Mark iii. 4. 8° 1782. inoculation defended. p. 148. GROSFENOR Benjamin, DD. &c. Johnvi. 2, 3. 8^1725. Nov. 5. p. 149. GROVE Henry, &c. John xviii. 16. 8° 1731J. On Chrift's Kingdom. p. 157. HARRIS Will-Lam, DD. &c. Rev. iii. 15, 16. 8° 1732. On Lukewarmnefs in Religion, Gen. xviii. 32. 8-^1740. Fi^ft, iCor. x. II. 8° 1740. Faft. p. 159. HARTLEY John Pf.x. 14. 8° 1716. Th. after Rebellion. p. 163. HENLEY John, (orator) &c. Ifai. xlvli. 7. 8° J 73 1. On the origin of Evil. p. 168. HILL Jofeph Dan.iv. 17. 8" 1726. Accefiion. H hh a p. 172- 422 APPENDIX. p. 177. HORSEMANDEN Samuel, &c. Gen. iii.19. 8" 1 766. On Labour, p. 180. HOWE Jafper Judges ix. 14, 15, 8° 1723. The Trees and Bramble. HOWE Thomas, &c. Rom. viii. 34, 8° i 770, Fun. of Perjls Eldridge. 2 Cor. vi. 1 1-13. 8° 1767. Far. f. Job V. 26. 8° 1773. '?\JiX\.. oi yix. Eldridge. Pf.cxxii.9. 8°i7So, Faft&c. p. 182. HUGHES Obad. DD. Pi". cxxxii. 18. 8° 1735. Coronation, 2 Sam.i. 26. 8° 1749. ^""' ^^ ■^' J^'alburgh, Efq ; p. 183. HUNT Jeretniah, DD. &c. Ecclef. xii. I. 8° 1724. Fun. of Mrs. HoUis. I Cor. XV. 56, 57. 8° 1731. Fun. of Mr. T. Hollis. 2Pet. i. 12-14. 8°i73i. Fun. of Dr. isT/^fi'. p. 185. HUTCHINSON M. DD. &c. Matt, xxiii. 29, 30. 8°i7i7. Counterfeit Loyalty difplaycd, p. 188. IBBOT Benjamin, DD. &c. Phil.iv. 5. 8° 1720. Aifize. p. 190. JENNINGS David, DD. Pf xlvi. 8. 8''i72i. Plague in France. Matt.xxvii, 12. 8° 1737. Ref. of Manners. JENNINGJ John, M. A. &c. I Cor. ii. 2. 8° 1723. Preaching Chrift. p. 193. yOLLIE Timothy Phil.ii zo. 8° 1704. Fun. of J. Jollie. p. 199. KENNICOTT Benjamin, DD. &c. I Sam. vi. 19. 8° 1768. 0>:on. Obferyations. p. 200. KIPPIS Andrew, DD. Rom.i. 16. 8° 1782. Ord. of Hugh Worthington and ^, Jacomb. p. 207. LATHAM Eben. M. D. &c. 2Cor. iv. 5. 8° 1722. Ord. of p. 2 1 6. LORIMER William Ads iv. 1 2. 8° 1 7 1 3 . Salvation through Chrift. Rev. xvii.6. 8° 171 3. Nov, 5. iPet.i.8. 8° 1722. Farewel. p. 217. LOH^HIAN S. Adlsii.29. 8"i758. Ord. f. Miniftcrs ought to fpeak freely. James i. 27. 1° 1764. On Charity, p. 228. MASTERS Thomas Pf. 1. 23. 8°i7i5. Th. for the Acceffion. p. 229. MAULTBT Jofeph Jerem.xiv. 8. 8° 17 14. Faft. I Cor.iv. 8. 8°I7I5. Ord.f. p. 230. MATO Richard Prov, xxix, I. 8° 1 700. Rcf. of Manners. [OWEN APPENDIX. 42^ [OWEN J. DD.j of Rochdale. 2 Sam.xviii. 18. 8"i746. Th. f. p. 254. PALEY William, M. A. Arch-Deacon of Carlifle. Ephef. iv. II, 12. 4" 1 782. Conf. of Bp. Law. A diftinc- tion of Orders in the Church defended upon principles of public Utility. PALMER John - - - - 1757. p. 257. [PARNTHER T. ] - - - - 1756. p. 263. PEERS Richard . . _ > 1737. Pub. Worfhip. p. 272. PORTEUS, Bp. of Chefter. Lukevii. 22. 4° 1782. An. meet. Ch. Schools. p. 2 85. ROBERTS W. H. QD. Provoft of Eton Coll. arid Chap- lain in Ord. Luke XV. 17. 4° 1782. b, the Gov. of the Magd-Hofp. p. 286. ROBINSON Robert 2 Tim. iii. 15. 8° 1782. b. the Bible-Society. ROLLS Sam. DD. I Sam. XXV. 5. 8° 1678. 2 f, Confcience and Jan. 30, p. 297. SCOTT Thomas - - - - »757- p. 330. T. J. Lukexvii, 17, 18. 8° 1715. Aceeffion. TJTLER J. - - - - 1765. Ch. Sch. p, 359. WATKINSON Edward, M, D. &c. Markxiv. 7. 8° 1746. Charity. "0.. '0.. 5S( '0. M 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 01 ( 424 ) Addenda to the Jirjl Volume. Pag. 6. Knaggs Thomas infert F. f. 50. CornwalJis J. mjert Bp. — and clfewherc. 51. Milner John, DD infert Fun. f. 129.- GuyfeJ. DD infert New Year's day. 135. Watfon Richard infert Bp. — and elfewhere. 143. Henry Matt, injert Nov. 5. 190. Hole Matt, infert i5San.Trin. 206. Cdamy Ed. DD. infert Glory of Church. 255. Lowman Mofes irfert Ref. M. ^ 3:7. Franklin Thomas infert Shipwrecks. 325. [Unvvin Will.] iufert Right Ufe of Law. 329. SjHitb George infert Zeal. 3^72. Baxter Richard infert Fun. f. ^23. Wrights. DD. infert Ord. f. 451. Milbourne Luke infert Debt, and Cred. Addenda to the fecond Volume. Pag. 4. Jer. 5. 15. infert Conf. of Bp. Fleetwood. John 21. 17 infert Conf. of Bps Robinfon and Bifle. 13. Job 34. 30. infert Jan. 30. Prov. 31.4. infert Royal Merchant. - 14. Dan. J I. 31. infert Popifh Succefs, 16. A£ts 13. 2,3. infert Qrd* 21. I Cor. 10. 15. infert Private Judgment. 2 Tim. 3. 15. infert: Scriptures, a perfefl Rule. 23. Bagfhaw H. infert Fun. of Sir J. Fanfhaw at Madrid. Br^M^ 35. Job 14. 10. infert Fun. oi J. Parry. 39. I Kings 10. 9. infert Ace, of K. George L Ifai. 42. 3. infert Fun. of H. Stagden. Brit. M. 68. Ifai. 56. ig. infert The Glory of the Church. Rom. 10. 15. infert Diflent. Miniftry vindicated 75. Rom. 6. 23, injert Fun. of T. Hadfeld, M. D. I Pet. 5. 4. infert Fun. of Rev. Mofes Lowman. 1 Cor. I. 21. infert Ord. of Rev. T. Wright, 105. John ii. 35, injert Fun. of Dr. Clark. 150. Prov. 11.24. infert Charity. 172. Hole Matthew infert Difc. in i2°i70i &c. 182. Ifai. 57. 2. infert Fun. of Dr. J. Oldfeld. 195. Ifaac John irfert Fun. of Mrs Neville. 204. Rev. 14. 13. infert Fun. of Lady Ruffel. 207. Pf. 23. 4. infert Fun. of Mrs Wood. ii7. Matt. 9. 37, 38. infert Fun. of J. Wilkinfon. 211. Luke 14. infert Nov. 5. Ag. Pcrfecution. 222. Mann Ifaac infert Bp. of Cork and Ro(s. 248. John 4. 8° 171 8. infert Sincerity in worlhip. 253. 2 Sam. 18. 20. infert Th. after Rebellion. 387. Rogers Thomas irfert Fun. of Rob, Lina^er, ( 425 ) Errata in the firjl Volume. Pag. 9. Murray James lege in Italics — and elfewhcre. 17. Henry Matthew lege in Italics. '^' A^lf ^'^'A \ The dates tranfpofcd, Allen Richard J '^ 34,. [Martyn] <^ele the whole line — and elfewhere. 47. Sylveller Matt, lege in Italics. 53. Freke Tho. lege in Italics— and elfewhere. 71. Scott Jof. Nicol /f^f in Italics. 89. Evans John, DD. dele whole lin«. 118. Gilbert, Bp. lege Abp. 137. Whitaker Will, lege in Italics. 146. Erskine G. lege in Italics. 152. Weld Nath. lege in Italics. 171. Wake Robert lege in Roman. i8z. Mauduit Kaac lege in Italics. 204. Jelinger Chriji. lege in Roman. 215. Seagrave lege in Italics — and elfewhere. 228. Romaine William dele whole line. 270. Nalton James lege in Italics. 278. Chandler Sam. lege in Italics, and DD. 319. Walker George lege in Italics. 329. Smith George lege in Italics. 344. Green John, DD. lege Bp. 351, Hibbert Hen. DD. lege in Italics. 361. Ford William lege in Italics. 381. Parfons John lege Jonathan. 403. Shepherd Tho. lege in Italics. 406. Mickleburgh infer t it in 2Their. 3, 10. 413. Skelton P. dele whole line. 427. Pigott John lege in Italics. 434. Price Sam. dele whole line. 435. Wilfon Tho. DD. lege Bp. 442. Rogers Tim. lege in Italics. 454. Eaton Sam. DD. lege in Italics. 480. Clarke S, DD. lege in Roman. 484. Cooke Thomas lege 4° 1709. 476. Evans Caleb lege 8° 1773. Ord. f. Errata in the fecond Volume. 17. Refurreftion lege regeneration, 71. Carte S. /^^^ St. Martin's. 96. Crownfield lege in p. 95. 154. I Kings 8,66. lege 1715- 305. Skelton Will, dele whole line. 325. lege 329 &c. 377. lege 385 &c. FINIS.