TEN lesson: IN PERSONAL EVANGEUSM JOSEPH P. HICKS ..^'c.wissawMafiH! BV 3790 .H45 1922 Hicks, Joseph P., 1867- Ten lessons in personal evangelism TEN LESSONS IN PERSONAL EVANGELISM Rev. JOSEPH P. HICKS, a.m. Ten Lessons in Personal Evangelism BY Rev. JOSEPH P. HICKS, a.m. WITH A FOREWORD BY Rev. mark A. MATTHEWS, d.d., ll.d. NEW XSJr YORK GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1922, BY GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEDICATION To the splendid class vn Personal Evangelism which the author conducted in the First Presbyterian Church of Oklahoma City, in the year 1921, and to other classes of similar char- acter, which may yet he con- ducted, is this volume af- fectionately dedicated. FOREWORD ^ The Holy Spirit has but one program for the church, namely, the program of evan- gelism. All that we are accustomed to in- clude in our terms, "Home and Foreign Missions," is included in the word "evan- gelism." When Christ said, "Go ye into all the world and preach," He meant all that is intended in the word "evangelism." The greatest need of this day is a passion for souls, a love for incessant Christian work, and a knowledge of how to do per- sonal work. Drummond said we should "buttonhole" men to Christ. Christ sent His disciples out two by two. The Holy Spirit sends each Christian out with instructions to make a disciple for Christ. It is impossible for one [vii] FOREWORD to be a Christian without being a mission- ary, and, of course, impossible for a mis- sionary to go out unless he is a true Christian. Therefore, each and every Chris- tian who is redeemed by the blood of Christ, who is baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit, and who is sealed with the everlasting seal of the Holy Ghost, is in- structed to do personal, evangelistic work. It is the duty of each and every Christian to lead some person to Christ every day. It means the development of the Christian, the evangelization of the world, and the preparing of the body of Christians for the coming of Jesus Christ. Let me urge you to be a diligent student, an untiring worker, and a successful, per- sonal evangelist. Seattle [viii] PREFACE In January, 1921, the author of this text book was invited by the Pastor and Session of the First Presbyterian Church of Okla- homa City to conduct a School of Evan- gelism lasting ten consecutive weeks. The School was conducted on Wednesday Eve- nings. The ladies of the church prepared a worker's dinner which they served promptly at 6 :30 P. M. and before the Prayer Meet- ing, which was held at 7:45 P. M. While partaking of the dinner the people became better acquainted and this added materially, as well as spiritually, to the success of the work of the teaching period. More than two hundred people attended the school at the close of which, class night, was held, when Doctor Baird, the Pas- tor, presented the graduates with their di- plomas. [ix] PREFACE During the continuance of the school, from the first of January to the week pre- ceding Easter, nearly three hundred new members were added to the church. The school proved so helpful to the First Church of Oklahoma City that many pastors throughout the land made request that the same lessons be given in their respective churches. When the Synod's Committee on Evan- gelism met in Cushing, October 5-7, 1921, the Ten Lessons used in this school were commended to all the churches throughout the bounds of the Oklahoma Synod. After Doctor Baird had started on his journey round the world the Author of this book received the following letter from him: Rev. J. P. Hicks, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Dear Brother and Co-worker : — I am thinking this morning of our conferences concerning Him and His w rUEFACE work — all of which have been so pleas- ant, and of the School of Evangelism which you led for us last year. This school, my friend, has proven of much benefit to us in many ways. I have had inquiries from other churches concerning it and requests for your time in putting on such work in other places. On account of this benefit and the fact that the work was along the line of the New Era — in fact, quite a little in advance of it — I am greatly in hopes the church will cooperate with you in putting on another such study. Men prepare for salesmanship and we have schools for preparation in life's chosen business. How fit it is for the children of light to prepare for the work of eternity. I trust it will seem good to the Session and the people to cooperate with you in this work, I shall sorely miss the privilege of meeting with you [xi] PREFACE at your dinners and your Wednesday evening lessons. I am speaking to you now while on my way to the other side of the globe. We are not far apart by the throne. May God bless you and your family, is my prayer. Very truly yours, Phil C. Baird. Any church desiring it may use the les- sons herein given and conduct a School of Evangelism. The school idea should run throughout all the work. The first class to take the course will prove invaluable as the Alumni of the School of Evangelism and will help to bring others into the school from year to year. If through the pages of this little text book any one is led to become more inter- ested and proficient in soul winning the [xii] PREFACE Author will be doubly repaid for the work which has been required in preparing the book. J. P. H. [xiii] They therefore that were scattered abroad went about preaching the word. — Acts 8:4- Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all na- tions, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you : and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world— Mathew 28:19, 20. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAei I Introduction: THE TASK OP THE CHURCH 19 II Lesson One: PERSONAL WORK ... 22 III Lesson Two: THE PERSONAL WORKER . . 30 IV Lesson Three: SUGGESTIONS FOR PERSONAL WORKERS 35 V Lesson Four: METHODS OF PERSONAL WORK 38 VI Lesson Five: SWARMING BEES FOR PER- SONAL WORKERS ... 45 VII Lesson Six: PERSONAL WORKER, WHAT OP THYSELF? .... 52 VIII Lesson Seven: THE PERSONAL WORKERS' OPPORTUNITIES ... 57 [xix] CONTENTS APTEE PAGE IX Lesson Eight: THE PERSONAL WORKERS' TASK 65 X Lesson Nine : THE PERSONAL WORKER AND HIS BIBLE 75 XI Lesson Ten: ' THE PERSONAL WORKER AND HIS PROBLEMS ... 81 [XX] TEN LESSONS IN PERSONAL EVANGELISM TEN LESSONS IN PERSONAL EVANGELISM I THE TASK OF THE CHURCH Introdtiction "The Church has an abiding and supreme task which has confronted her and put its solemn obligation upon her in every age. This task is to bring sinful men to accept the mercy and forgiveness of God with reconciliation to Him and newness and full- ness of life in Him. Whatever else the Church fails to do, she must not fail in this. The Church was born in the evangelistic and missionary fervor of the first Christians. They had experienced forgiveness and the joy of reconciliation which they had sought in vain through certain rites and ceremonies. [19] TEN LESSONS IN PERSONAL EVANGEUSM They experienced a newness and fullness of life, which they were right in attributing to the presence and power of the Spirit of God which dwelt richly in them. About this great discovery, they could not refrain from telling others. They went everywhere proclaiming this and gathered into Churches and those Churches became cen- ters of evangelistic and missonary effort. They were witnessing, winning, converting Churches. Men were won, almost, in spite of themselves. They were saved from sin to the new life. There have been since those first years many periods of decline and in- activity, of worldliness, of spiritual power- lessness, of hopelessness accompanied by a feeling bordering on despair. These times have come when this primary abiding task of the Church was forgotten or neglected. The neglect of the real task of the Church is always disastrous and fatal. The Church may go on in a fair-seeming way, its great temples and cathe