:j,;;.^:^ .^.. ;. •■-■ ■."■v: ;: 'i; ,; : ; . v : '; : - : ':! ; !^ £^ Ifc^:-* R-e^^r^ 9220 X-e-w^n Gospel Hymn Selections gmvxU low FOR USE IN YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETIES, FEMALE SEMIN* ARIES, Etc., Etc. SELECTED BY <&eo. 5. IRoscjfo ARRANGED BY €§ae. f . «rkf. Copyright, 1895, by Geo. F. Eosche. All rights reserved. PRICE: Single Copy, limp cloth, gold edges, 55c post paid. " " full morocco, " " 70c " " Per doz., limp cloth., " " $5.40, not prepaid. " " fall morocco, " " $7.20, " When ordered by mail add 24 cts. per doz. for postage, or 2 cts. each. Published by GEO. F. ROSCHE & CO., CHICAGO NEW YORK, ILL. N. Y. Greeting. Because there is a field, a use and a demand for such a book, is the only reason ascribed for the compilation and publication of "Gospel Hymn Selections for Female Voices.'* It is not an imitation of any other book. Being made up or sacred selections exclusively, it is the first of its kind offered to the public. Its easy, tuneful music will speak for itself, while its hymns, being pure, and wholly undenominational in character, will be found available for all forms of worship, and prove accept- able alike to all congregations and creeds. It will be found admirably adapted to the use of Female Sem- inaries and Colleges, Young People's Societies, etc., etc., as well as for the Church Concert and Home Circle. A great number of the hymns and tunes have stood the test of actual use, and have been found of unusual sweetness and life, while the new material has been carefully selected from a large amount of accumulated MSS. , thus assuring a collection of excep- tional variety, merit and usefulness. Believing that the book will satisfy the most exacting demands, and speak its own praise, it is cordially recommended. THE PUBLISHERS. Chicago, 1895. Gospel Hymn Selections, — + — - FOR LADIES' VOICES. No. 1. pmm NEARER, MY GOD, TO THEE. Chas. H. Gabkiel. , j Near - er, my God, to Thee! Near - er to Thee! ) j E'en tho' it be a cross That rais - eth me: f Still all my 9 j Though, like a "wan-der - er, The sun gone down; j j Dark - ness be o - ver me, My rest a stone: j Yet in my I 5 w ^t ::■ Trv- pm^ Sg: NH^f m^^m z=± song shall be- dreams I'd be- f Near - er, my God, to Thee, Near - er, Near - er, ray God, to Thee, Near - er. my God, to Thee, my God, to Thee, U^ l/cr V^T i F^B ±±:£ ie* ^=t ^c 1*5- Near - er to Thee, Near - er. my God, to Thee, Near- er to Thee! I #^pf ^ 54 3=5 5" 1 * T'r #: 3 There let the way appear, Steps unto heaven; All that Thou sendestme In mere} 7 given; Angels to becken me — Nearer, my God, to Thee! t Nearer to Thee ! Copyright, 1894, by Geo. P. Rosche. 4 Or if on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upward I fly. Still all my song shall be- Nearer, my God, to Thee! Nearer t^Thee! No. 2. F. J. Crosby. BLESSED ASSURANCE. m Mrs. J. F. Knapp. rf*-= — • J w * *~T 1 9 f ^ T-"! r~ — /— -< 1 tr 1. Bless-ed as-sur - ance, Je - sus is mine! Oh. what a fore - taste of 2. Per - feet sub-mis - sion, per - feet de • light, Vis - ious of rap - ture now 3. Per - feet sub-mis - sion, all is at rest, I in my Sav - ior am 3^ z 4 4- 4: 2 i 2 t 2 S i~$ p ^Et S3E3E 6e£ F=f^ r r V i [J u glo - ry di - vine! Heir of sal - va - tion, pur-chase of God, burst on my sight. An - gels *Je-scend - ins bright from a - bove, hap-py and blest. Watch-ing and wait - iug, look-ing a - bove, I 1 yWfWfWfrff^ RTO i Chorus. Born of His Spir - it, washed in His blood. Ech - oes of mer - cy, whis- Filled with His goodness, lost ed in His blood. ) s-pers of love. > This in His love. J is my sto - ry, P 1 Sfej ^f wm -rk-rV- * z z ito=g=f §p f=^r^^ ^^ ^ $ this is my song, Praising my Sav - ior all the day long; This is my §_ — t i .. I . ^ ^ — i x k- H I I — I ft ft' 33 tSS *3-;^-t-» * #■ j_4— 4- -j— 4 v r— -{r-*-- 3 3 3 f^Fp ^^Pifeip^^ sto - ry, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long. f fe=EEfe£fa «±t 1? — tr-t -r -i Copyright, 1873, by Joseph F. Knapp. By per. -M L » l~—M-+*-M-l-W-i ' *^">. No. 3. Ida Scott Taylor CROWN HIM! J Crown Him, crown Him' o • ver all na-tions vie- to - nous, | Crown Him, crown Him! tell of His kingdom all - glo - rious, 9 j Crown Him, crown Him! now and for - ev - er a - dore Him, ( Crown Him, crown Him! ye, who have wandered, im-plore Him, Shout ho - san - na! Je - sus has come to reign; j Raise the stand - ard, ev - er His cause main - tain, j Lo. He com - eth! glad - ly the news pro - claim; » Seek His par - don, He will your souls re - claim: j m t i:U: &j -fint—^Wf: m MH- H=k F^P \ — r Laud Him! praise Him! join in the mighty cho-rus, Joy-ful sing the Hail Him! bless Him! worship and fall before Him, Joy - ful sing the P P P P *■ P ?T* i- * JW=» Chorus. SSiSSiSStad SlSS Cro,™Hi m ,crownHim! worship the pmm^m ^u^pm ■ King of Sal - va-tion, Shout ho-san - na! Je-sus has come to reign! ^Copyright, 1891, 1893 & 1894, by Geo. All rights reserved. By per. No. 4. E. S. U. THROW OUT THE LIFE-LINE. Rev. E. S. Ufford. Arr. by C. H. G. ■v — 9 — v- Throw out the Life- Line a - cross the dark wave, There is a Throw out the Life- Line with hand quick and strong, Why do you Throw out the Soon will the Life- Line son to of danger-fraught men, Sink- ing in res - cue be o'er, Soon will we m £ m E3E TT~ £_ % £ broth - er whom some- one should save. Some -bod - y's broth- er! oh, tar - ry, my broth - er, so long? See! he is sink-ing; oh, an - guish where you've nev-er been: Winds of tempt-a-tion and drift to that fair E- den shore; Then in the dark hour of f V-i-J^^f 1 ^ TSS 9 m-9-h-t— f b t i^ 1 \f- J ~7 9 9 9 9 9 who then, will dare To throw out the Life-Line, his per - il to share? hast - en to - day— And out with the Life-Boat! a - way, then, a - way! bil - lows of woe Will soon hurl them out where the dark wa-ters flow, death may it be, That Je - sus will throw out the Life-Line to thee. ^ffFF^F TT i i i = ^ 9 Chorus t\ n , »JHOKTJS. h . N ft . Throw out the Life-Line! Throw out the Life-Line! Some-one is drifting away,(away.) i tet flu t- (t I :fc=fc -ft ft— 1 ft ! *=* 3£ 9 9 9 'I t ^V y y %r? r W — 9 9 V 9 ^m m i t rtzL tr — — * - -*- Throw out the Life Line! Throw out the Life-Line! Some-o sinking to - day. Copyright, 1895, by the Biglow and Main Co. Used by per. No. 5. Eev. J. B. Atchinson. LET HIM IN. E. O. Excell. 1. There's a Strauger at the door. 2. O - pen now to Him your heart, 3. Hear you now His lov - ing voice, 4. Now ad - mit the heav'nly Guest, v „ ■ I V V Let Him in, Let Him in, Let Him in, Let Him in, Let the Savior in, let the Savior in, Pfff P ^^ ss HTT ?snj I He has been there oft be - fore, If you wait He will de - part, Let Him in; Now, oh, now make Him your choice, Let Him in; He will make for you a feast, Let Him in; Let the Savior in, let the Savior in; fPP r^ a d=* r~rs 4 4- X -0- -•■ -0- f=F p ^=r 3E Let Him in ere Let Him in, He He is stand-ing at He will speak your sins He is gone, Let Him in. the Ho - ly One, is your Friend, He your soul will sure de-fend, the door, Joy to you He will re-store, for -giv'n. And, when earth ties all are riv'n, m^t rt r- i Je-sus Christ, the Father's Son, Let Him in He will keep you to the end, Let Him in And His name you will a - dore. Let Him in He will take you home to heav'n, Let Him in Let the Savior in, let the PiP Savior in. ~=± i 8 u 3 f -0- -a- T <■ -»■ Copyright, 1881, by E. O. Excell. Used by per. No. 6. O TELL ME THE BEAUTIFUL STORY. L. B. M. L. B. Mitchell. mmmmmmm Pu H J m r~p? 1. O tell me the beau- ti - ful sto - ry, It touch -es each 2. O tell me the beau - ti - ful sto • ry, Not be-cause it is 3. O tell me the beau - ti - ful sto - ry, Re - peat it a- $ != ^TiFi -$-■ * «r xx w t^lz 3E£ f -#-?- chord of my soul; O tell of its grace and its glo - ry, old or is new, But be-cause of its in - fi - nite glo - ry, ain and a - gain; O tell of its pow'r and its glo - ry, fwTf&WFTTTT-pm PIP Ngjpi Chorus. £e* ^£ *t*- The theme while the a - ges shall roll. And be-cause the sweet sto-ry is true. The won-der of an - gels and men. T ^T \ ° tell me the beau-ti - ful fWH**^ I WW^ ^ COPYRIGHT, 1891, BY GEO. F. ROSCHE, No. 7. L. E. Jones. JESUS ONLY. Wm. J. C. Thiel. m ^ ^ w =s=t p 1. I am trust-ing Je - sus ou - ly, Noth-ing else have I be - side; 2. Je-sus on - ly! how I love Him, For I "know He first loved me; 3., Je-sus on - ly! Lord and Sav - ior, Guide me with Thy watchful eye; m 4- 4 4 4 b I v 2 ♦ I I E3E §EEP3 3Ct^ In His love my soul is rest - ing. With His peace is sat - is - fied. Sweet-est rest and corn-fort gave me, From my sins He set me free. Shel -ter from the storm a - round me, He my help when danger's nigh. IS I ^T #: i Chorus. m e Je - sus on - ly, pre-cious Sav Je-sus on - ly, pre-cious Sav ior! Sing His ior! Si i praise for-ev - er-more; I will trust in Sing His praise, His praise for ev-er-more; I will trust in S T=F- l Z'VVfVf ■* • -* i fefe^g ±± & *t I Je - sus on - ly, Till I reach the oth - er shore. Je - sus on - ly, oth - er shore. m 5*=* m COPYRIGHT, 1894, BY GEO. F. ROSCHE. No. 8. LEANING ON THE EVERLASTING ARMS. Rev E A Hoffman A J Showalter By per 1 What a fellowship what a }oy divine Leaning on tne ev er- 2. Oh. how sweet to walk .n this pilgrim way, Leaning on the ev • er 3 What have I to dread, what have I to fear. Leaning on the ev - er ♦ ♦ ♦ i'f f (• f fTi i:4 t ~t last - ing Arras- What a bless ed • ness. what a peace is mine. Jast - ing Arms: Oh. how bright the path grows from day to day, last - ing Arms' 1 have bless ed peace with my Lord so near r nf r f r* ft — I I I J J 1 l J = lean • - ing. Safe and secure from all a-larms, Lean • - ing. lean ing on Jesus. Leaning on Jesus gp _ 4—p>- =s =i — \j^~^ ^ 3 — r=t t==t I 3 r r ?f r 96 ' ■> • • . • • S - 1 — < g rK p lean - • ing. Lean- ing on the ev - er - last ing Arms lean-ing on Je - sus. ^ — ^ -I a s ' a- 1 T I I 10 I I No. 9. SINGING FOR JESUS. Rev. Wm, Appel. Chas. H. Gabriel. 1 T 1. Sing-ing for Je - sus, O bless - ed employ- ruent,Spreading His 2. Sing-ing for Je - sus in glad ad - o - ra - tion, Tell - ing His 3. Sing-ing for Je • sus inmeas-ures of beau- ty, Bless - ing the I -ft+-«-l- t^l=± mm i£P :tn -fr— 1— won-der-ful fame; mar - vel-ous love: Sav - ior in song: Sing-ing for Je - sus, O ho - ly en - joyment. Sing-ing for Je - sus in high ex - ult - a -tion, Sing-ing for Je - sus, Oheav-en - ly du-ty, *- ---.-_- -^- -m- . -5- -»- f Chorus. ^fSB S^ 3=t **=t ^ffs^a Prais-ing His wor-ship-ful name. Sing-ing for Je - sus a - bove. Glad - ly His praise we prolong. !-Sing,0 -* — * — w — *" sing, let your ho-san-nas in i » i i -t ^ r ^- ^ zm ■#•■#■ -75- • t? -r t * * ■# *-^r j ^=H=N^=^^^=^^ har-mo-ny ring: Praise His name, Praise His ho - ly name, Sing, O sing, I ; j s j- 3 r j ^ 4=t -* — p — p — r 4- 4- jJ>. v V r ' — h 1 fcr-t f— I tr Let j T our hosannas in harmony ring. Sing of the blessed, blessed Je - sus. ■J- * * * ■# v Copyright, 1892, by Chas. H, Gabriel. By per. 11 No. 10. A SHELTER IN THE TIME OF STORM. Mrs. Harriet E. Jones. Geo. F. Rosche. 1. We have a Rock, a safe re - treat, A shel- ter in 2. O Rock of A - ges, al- ways sure, A shel- ter in 3. Within the cleft we safe-ly hide, A shel- ter in 4. O Rock of A - ges, hide Thou me, A shel- ter in the time of storm; the time of storm: the time of storm; the time of storm; A sure foun • da- tion for our feet, A shel - ter in Where wea-ry pil-grims rest se-cure, A shel - ter in And there would ev-er-more a - bide, A shel - ter in Aud ev - er keep me close to Thee, A shel - ter in the rime of storm, the time of storm, the time of storm, the time of storm. *q* A N- ^ g^3 =f ^ ff=*^ I t: V P safe- ly rest, we safe - ly rest; Our Je - sus is the Rock where we safe - ly rest, A shel - ter in the time of storm. Copyright, 1894, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. 12 No. 11. GUIDE ME, O THOU GREAT JEHOVAH. W. Williams. v. Flotow. ffihM-jft-j ?m w, =3= #5fc Guide me, O Thou great Je - ho- vah, Pil- grim thro' this bar - ren 2. O • pen thou the crys - tal fountainWheuce the heal -ing streams do 3. When I tread the verge of Jor-dan, Bid my anx - io us fears sub- PWi iH I U ri A i il ± ir£ I m t 3E &e t^ wt^E land; I am flow; Let the side; Death of weak, but Thou art might - y; Hold me with Thy tier - y, cloud - y pil - lar Lead me all my death! and hell's Destruc - tion! Land me safe on i m v -irht-i m 7 3= ■$-¥ t* f u i m^ i > g m i g --44 a 6^ Bread of heav - en, Bread of heav- en, Feed me Strong De-liv- 'rer, Strong De - liv - 'rer, Be Thou Songs of prais - es, Songs of prais - es I will pow'r-ful hand, jour - ney thro'. Ca-naan's side. till I want no more; Bread of heav -en, Bread of heav - en, still my Strength and Shield; Strong De-liv - 'rer, Strong De - liv - 'rer, ev - er give to Thee; Songs of prais - es, Songs of prais - es I m Mr f V tTt 332 m ff * f\f r^-^ 1 -^-^ i=± &=* Feed me till I want no more; Feed me till I want no more. Be Thou still my Strength and Shield; Be Thou still my Strength and Shield. I will ev - er give to Thee; I will ev - er give to Thee. No. 12. MAKE ME ALL THINE OWN. E. E. Hewitt. Chas. H. Gabriel. Pi i* 3333E -v — * — ? — p y—v- Sav-ior,make me allThiueown, Blessed Lamb up-on the throne: 2. When Thou dost the wand'rer seek, Thou hast strength to give the weak, 3. Help me live like Thee.beiow, In Thy grace and knowledge grow; 4. Ev - 'ry step wilt Thou direct, From all e - vil.Lord, protect; Bless-ed Lamb up-on the throne: -y ? X ■ 9 fr Make me whit - - er than the snow. Wash me in the crim-son flow, Make me whit-er than the snow. Keep me by Thy sav-iug power, Day by day and hour by hour. Fill me with Thy love Di-vine. Till Thy light thro' me shall shine. Hold me by Thy wounded haud, Lead me to the Fa-ther-land h=Hk=* JP=± J—i-i * r, IP * * 9 —fl f=F^: «£.*•* * 3=1 :*=£= *= g ^T^^=L# Trust-ing Thee, I'm trust-ing Thee Trust - ing Thee, 3 I'm trust - ing Thee, Bless ed Lamb up-on the throne Bless-ed Lamb up - on the throne, up - on the throne: Trust-ing Thee, j. Trust • ing Thee V 3 I'm trust-ing Thee, 3 I'm trust-ing Thee, Copyright, 1895, by Geo F. Rosche. All rights reserved. 14 I Make Me All Thine Own, 7 9 — r Sav - ior, make me all Thiue own make me ali Thiue own, Sav - ior. make me all Thine own. No. 13. THY WILL BE DONE. W. H. Gardner. Edwin Moore. K i i feff% N=Si=S g_ — J— M — 1 — — £, — m - m — rt — f — i — i — h*=« Sr^7 ' ; L P I — P-«— 8— #- -cr^-" t j Thy will be done, O | This is my oon-stant Lord. Thy will be done in me; { may be. ( pray'r, Wher-ev - er I 2 \ Thy will be done, O J Where'er Thou lead - est Lord: In meek sub-mis • sion, io, | me, I'll glad - ly with Thee go f « j Thy will be done. O Lord; I will not fear the gloom. | me home, j -i '4 6 - \ That hov-ers o'er the grave, For -1 Thou wilt lead [N .... ft . ., ■r^ ? 5 * 2 =g #- U—l-j} v v T fM yn 1 Chorus. te gg^ i^ ^^ i r ♦ ♦ i Thy will be done, O bless-ed One, I know that it is best: P w? Pw t-fw Lead Thou the way, and come what may, On Thee I'll sweet iy rest. m s^p 3=? t-^r^t fr * * * * Copyright, 1891. by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved, 15 I I Wo. 14. Isaac Watts. 1 AT THE CROSS. P mmm X R. E. Hudson. 1 ffi 1. A - las! and did my Sav - ior bleed, And did ray Sov-'reign die? 2. Was it for crimes that I have done, He groaned up - on the tree? 3. Hut drops of grief can ne'er re-pay The debt of love I owe; -7 a ~i — ^-1- -4-1 it* +- n—i — i — n ' : f Woulc A - Here He de-vote raaz - ing pit Lord, I give that sa - cred head For such a worm as - y, grace unknown, And love be yond de my -self a -way, 'Tis all that I can I? gree! do! "2 — | P 1 / \ i 1 hi 1 m am 1 i 1 i iSl ^ 1— -J-. P — J -f-j g f J_ -J • J — »-U t — 1 u *~^- — * — f r+ 4 At the cross, at the cross, where 1 first saw the light. And the • — r * i -* — r u 1/ p ^E3E % I £ W ?= 7 7 7 f 1 bur-den of my heart rolled a - way- rolled a - way, fa* r ' r It was there by faith I I *=£ s EEiE f ^ X I re-ceived my sight, And now I am hap - py all the day. Copyright, 1885. by R. K. Hudson. By per. 16 LET THY MERCY BE UPON US. Wm. J. C. Thiel. Ida L. Reed k m lr m=t=as W^F? 1. Let Thy mer- cy be up -on 2. Let Thy mer-cy be up -on 3. Let Thy mer- cy be up - on us, As we hope, dear Lord, in Thee; us, Be Thou,Lord,our strength and stay; us, Trusting, we be - fore Thee wait, P i3=2fi t=t jfejd=j d ^ u -3- •* i -w v 3 : b * P ^s £NJ^ ^m ^* Let Thy ten- der love surround us; Shield from ev- 'ry e - vil be. We Thy precepts sweet will follow, Would Th} r lov-ing laws o - bey. Dearest Sav - ior, for Thy bless- ing: -Grant that we be not too late. 1 r I v ,i>, j J. *- m ± ■ t fond love o'er Let Thy fond love o'er us shine; us shine. Guide us, Sav - ior, I se s P^l fe 5 5 rz: :t :flfc by Thy coun - sel, By Thy ten - der grace di Pf^ Copyright, 1895, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. 17 No. 16. WHEN THE ROLL IS CALLED UP YONDER. B. M. J. J. M. Black. jplg %__t:-_%=A- 3^E 9 IT 1. When the trump-et of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more 2. On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise 3. Let us la - bor for the Mas - ter from the dawn till set-ting sun, tefci= i .*: mm A. 4 ' 4- j j- j 4 TT § ®& ^ rz x r~g=£ i& And the morn - ing breaks, e - ter - nal, bright and fair; When the And the glo - ry of His res - ur - rec - tion share; When His Let us talk of all His won-drous love and care; Then when P ♦ . -•■ ♦ . ♦ -•■ . 5 -» 4 — a • .g — ta~=- i saved of earth shall gath-er o - ver on the oth - er shore, And the chos - en ones shall gath - er to their home be-yond the skies, And the all of life is o - ver, and our work on earth is done, And the pn mmm &=t Chorus. rr 3. ? 3. 3 ♦ i ta> mEJ^EjE^m tm S gazzt roll is called up yon-der, I'l roll is called up yon-der, I'l be there. When the roll, be there. I m roll is called up yon-der, we*ll be there. When the roll is • , v : w b W ♦ . 3 ^ called up yon - - - - der, When the roll is called up called up yon -der, I'll be there. When the roll is called up "* y *~ l : ; i: ? V 5Ts s: s ♦: s Copyright, 1893, by Cbas. H, Gabriel. 18 When the Roll is Called Up Yonder. i to 3= if=:g: * &i S 1 dz= yon - - - der, When the roll is called up yon-der, I'll be there. When the roll is called up =te* SUgi&Pl^ ? * I p^ -* N- -u -i f — i — s 1 — : — L - u yon - der, When the roll is called up yon - der, I'll be there. I fe* SP*5 g rgl • g y • r IP* ^ No. 17. ELMHTJRST. I %=« 4 L Geo. F, Rosche. m ^ 1. Now be my heart in-spired to sing The glo-ries of my Sav-ior King;— 2. O'er all the sons of hu-man race, He shines with a su - per- lor grace: 3. Thy throne, O God, for - ev - er stands; Grace is the scep-ter in Thy hands; 4. God, Thine own God, has rich-ly shed His oil of glad-ness on thy head; I EE ?? 1 I I wp w 1 "S3- • -I 1 1 — Sd 1 1- te ^ i: T «== z * ^=t r i Je-sus the Lord; how heav'nly fair His form* how bright His beauties are! Love from His lips di - vine-ly flows, And blessings all His state compose. Thy laws and works are just and right, Justice and grace are Thy de light. And with His Sa - cred Spir - it blessed His first-born Son a-bove the rest. » ff 19 . * -* ^ 3i Ml* f f? No. 18. COME CLOSE TO THE SAVIOR. F. J. Crosby. Met. ! 3 H. R Palmek, Feb. 20th. 0. Duet. ft — P* — h 5E*S i 1 =< H- op- -•« fcS nrf ffipgg 1. Come close to the Sav - ior, Thy lov-ing Redeemer, O sor-rowing heart op- 2. Come close to the Sav - ior, He calleth thee gently, Draw near to Thy Father's 3. Come close to the Sav - ior, Earth-pleasures are fleeting, But Je-sus will care for 4- v . pressed, (sorelv oppressed, )Life's journey is drear - y. Thy spii throne, (thy Father's throne.) His eye will behold thee. His mer thee, (will care for thee,) What - ev - er may grieve thee " spir-it is nev cy en- - er will J J -F2 I §PS m j-jgj-M*^^ ! wea - ry, Oh, come un - to Him and rest. Come close to the Sav - ior, fold thee, Why car- ry thy grief a - lone. Come close to the Sav - ior, leave thee, Thy strength as thy day shall be. Come close to the Sav - ior, Oh. why dost thou linger? He knoweth thy heart oppressed. (sorely oppressed.) Oh, trust and remember, Thro' trials our souls are blest, (richly are blest.) Oh, come as a birdling Flies back to its par - ent nest, (flies to its nest.) m Copyright, 1890, by H. R. Palmer. Used by per. 20 Come Close to the Savior. His promise believing, His message receiving,Oh, come unto Him and rest. Whatever betide thee,Thy Refuge will hide thee,Oh,come unto Him and rest. Where peace like a river Flows onward forever,Oh,come unto Him and rest. = 3 ^ ^3 » ^ » 3, .^ p _^ _3_ g 3 ^ ^ . fj^ I l* u t^ g — p — V — v — ^^^- ^ v 1*^^-— * — f — ti — v — f, U I — § Peacefully,tranquillv, tenderly rest,Folding thv wings like a dove, (like a dove,) b . . - — : — — r> rs r^ ts k m r^ r> . Sz R IS R R P> P> & R P NvA — K- R- h P R- r O I ^=-1— | 3 V V 3 l^i^^^^^^^fei Safe in the arms of His love. 3 ^ Peacefully, tranquilly, tenderly rest, Safe in the arms, in the arms of His love. - 9-b- v v-^r -t—1 R R 3 R C R" No. 19. ^EEfejfe^ 3 PLEYEI HYMN. 1 4- 2_= 3FR* 3= 1. Depth of mer -cy! can there be Mer - cy still reserved for me? 2. I have long withstood His grace, Long provoked Him to His face; g. Now in - cline me to re - pent, Let me now my sins la - ment; m §=# fe "-g- =r^ r^f- T^ I ^mS=P=£ *• Can my God His wrath lor-bear, — Me, the chief of sin-ners, spare Would not heark-en to His calls, Grieved Him by a thousand falls. Now my foul re-volt de - plore, Weep, be - lieve, and sin no more. F^ZfT#^T q** J9r H ■■* & r No. 20. J. Addison. THROUGH ALL ETERNITY. Chas. H. Gabriel. When all Thy mer-cies, O my God, My ris - ing soul sur- veys, Oh, how can words with e-qual warmth The grat-i - tude de - clare, To all my weak complaints and cries, Thy mer-cy lent an ear, Thro' ev - 'ry pe-riod of my life Thy good-ness I'll pur - sue; Trans-port- ed with the view, I'm lost In won- der, love and praise. That glows with-in my rav-ished breast? But Thou canst read it there. Ere yet my fee - ble tho'ts had learned To form themselves in pray'r. And aft - er death, in dis - tant worlds, The pleas-ing theme re - new. f te# w^m Chorus. 5kd J=t e± £3 £333E i^EE>EE*E2EE^ P Thro' all e - ter - ni - ty, Thro' all e - ter - ni - ty Will Thro' all e - ter - ni - ty. Thro' all e - ter - ni - ty Will S m^ ■0- ♦ ■»■ -m- . ■*■ ■*■ J } I I * * I a - dore and praise; Thro' all I a - dore, a - dore and praise; Thro' all ter - ni - ty, ter - ni - ty, Fi^^ Thro' all P Thro' all e - ter - ni - ty, e - ter - ni - ty, A joy - ful song I'll raise. fTx^^ ^p Ti~?"7 s i r Copyright, 1894, by Chas. H. Gabriel. No. 21. I AM HIS AND HE IS MINE, Ida Scott Taylor. J. P. Vance. 1. Christ the Lord has pur-chased me With His pre-cious blood di-vine; 2. He is near me night and day, In my soul His light doth shine; 3. He is strength and grace to me, I the branch and He the Vine, 4. Tho' I'm temp-ted oft and tried, Nev - er shall my heart re - pine, PPP H' i-ti ' i 3i=t t=t —± 1 1 •— I w & 5* f r&*£: + I I I I I We've a con - tract full and free, He will hear me when I pray, I a- wait His wise de-cree, I am His and He is mine. I am His and He is mine. I am His and He is mine. I will trust my heav'n-ly Guide, I am His and He is mine. I be - long to Christ a - lone, Ev - 'ry i - dol I re-sign: f ' jjJJ i ' -. ' K -h&jk-u /7\ /7\ /T\ ffij i * i Hrc nj r r i \ 'rm i i He has claimed me for His own, I am His and He is mine. f ' m-t i l „ m J l r r r i *: * ^ Copyright, 1893, by Geo. P. Rosche. All rights reserved, 23 No. 22. I LOVE TO TELL THE STORY. Catherine Hankey. Wm. G. Fischer. By per. m ^ l=S±t I [ , v | ' v i - i 1. I love to tell the sto - ry Of un - seen things a- bove, 2. I love to tell the sto - ry, More won. - der - ful it seems 3. I love to tell the sto - ry; 'Tis pleas - ant to re - peat 4. I love to tell the sto - ry, For those who know it best m 4=£ rt r t t t t *\ * *• p t : M % m V \ZZL Of Je - sus and His glo - ry, Of Je - Than all the gold -en fan-cies Of all What seems, each time I tell it, More won ■ Seem hun - ger - ing and thirst-ing To hear sus and His love; our gold -en dreams; der - ful - ly sweet, it like the rest; p I love I love 1 love And when to tell the to tell the to tell the in scenes of sto - sto - sto - glo - ry, ry, ry, ry, Be- lt For I cause I know 'tis true; did so much for me. some have nev - er heard sing the new, new song, -^m i i i . t mm ^E US ^=«=»=M It sat And that The mes 'Twill be is - ties my is just the sage of sal the old, old long rea ■ va - sto ings son tion ry As noth - ing else can do. I tell it now to thee. From God's own ho - ly word. That I have loved so long. I Love to Tell the Story. P S; S TTl-t 5^5 j=ta±=ty r — r To tell the old, old sto ■ ry Of Je - sus and his love. ft** ^m m ^ ^wn XJ No. 23. THE INNER CHAMBER. Rev. Wm. Appel. Chas. H. Gabriel. ^^HM^k h^r f ^^^ ^^ 1. There is a se - cret place, Not far a - way, Where smiles the 2. There is a cham-ber dear, Peace- ful and fair, Where Je - sus 3. There is a love - ly place, Where heav'n is near; There fiow-eth Pr^wpp ^^i^fr ^? P *— s^-^ — a- TT * g -Li £ fc^: Sav-ior's face, Bright, bright as day; There, there I love to go; There : loves to hear My ev - 'ry pray'r; There Je - sus talks with me, There grace for grace, There is no fear; There night is turned to day! Haste I j^fSs^j TT-* S^ I* V* i E^Ejg: i there my tears can flow; There cease my care and woe, Blest place of pray'r. I His glo - ry see; There, there I love to be, Blest place of pray'r. thou, my soul, a -way, There oft to weep and pray, Blest place of pray'r. fc *-T- •^ m i — r ^=& W^r -* r ^£. Copyright, 1893, by Geo. P. Eosche. All rights reserved. 25 No. 24. C. H. G. SEND THE LIGHT. Chas. H. Gabriel. £b =3- iiV *— Tnrr 1. There's a call comes ringing o'er the restless wave, "Send the light, 2. We have heard the Ma-ce - do-nian call to-day, "Send the light, 3. Let us pray that grace may ev'rywhere abound. Send the light, 4. Let us not grow wea-ry in the work of love, Send the light. Send the light, P fc5fe* 1 — I J-fN i — * rm— ? p Send the light!" There are souls to rescue, there are souls to save, Send the light!" And a gold -en off'ring at the cross we lay, Send the light! And a Christ-like spir-it ev'ry-where be found, Send the light! Let us gath-er jew-els for a crown a - bove, Send the light! t * z-i i:5 2 3 3 i rt t:t fcfe£ jfSg i^J A Chorus, pp 1st & 2d Sop. & 1st Alto. ^m i X L * * \ Ato B may be 'omitted. Send the light! Send the light! We will spread the Send the light! Send the light! We will spread theev-er z-s Solo. 2d Alto. k ** m £^: &=P P^p^frae 7T TTT i irtT ev-er-last-ing light, With a will - ing, willing heart and hand, last -ing light With a will - - ing heart and hand Giv-inc p 3^ t=R: •-■-s- Copyright, 1890, by Chas. H. Gabriel. Geo. F. Rosehe, owner of copyright. Al rights reserved. Send the Light. 9 nt.tL-t 4 ^ h ft~i~ E =H— JWf ^ m* i ^ Giv-ing God the glo-ry ev-er-more. We will fol - low, God the glo-ry ev - er - more. We will fol - low His com ■ Hig 3 s gEj B «#& « 33* ^ =£=£ follow His command. Send the light, the blessed gos-pel light, Let it mand Send the light, the blessed gospel light, shine from shore to shore ! Send the light ! and let its Let it shine from shore to shore! Send the light! and > r> ft 1 i? — r-r p ra - diant beams Light the world for ev - er - more let its radiant beams Light the world for ev-er-more. *=* T*f "*-V 3'.S 2!? y I 2 3 £ No. 25. SEND THE LIGHT. 1 Hear the Lord's commandment and the call obey, "Send the light, send the light!" , Till the beams are carried many miles away, Send the light, send the light! Cho. 2 Use your every talent in the Master's name, Send the light, send the light! Speak a word for Jesus, and His word proclaim, Send the light, send the light! Cho. 3 Tell the unbeliever of a Savior's love, Send the light, send the light! Point the weary pilgrim to the rest above, Send the light, send the light! Cho. Ida Scott Taylor. Copyright, 1893, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. 27 No. 26. TRUSTING IN THE MASTER. L. B. Mitchell. k T. Martin Towne m 5 m 1. We'll sow the seeds of kind-ness in the blush of morn; 2. We'll sow our seeds of kind- ness when the sun is high; 3. We'll sow our seeds of kind-ness till the eve doth come, i- Trust-ing in the Mas - ter, And kind-ly tend the plants the pass - er- Trust-ing in . the Mas - ter We hope to reach by love each wea - ry Trust-ing in the Mas - ter, And bring our sheaves, re-joic-ing, to the P —i * — i 1 ^ isi W=^ m Chorus. =t=i=2=tz by might scorn, Trust-ing in the Mas - ter. Trust - ing, pass-er - by, Trust-ing in the Mas - ter. har-vest home, Trust-ing in the Mas - ter. Trusting, trusting, i A A m » m *=K ^r I I r t t m ^m $ trust - - - ing, Trust-ing day by day, ev - er trust - ing, Trust - ing, trust - ing day by day, ^ s r—r m -• m& — m- i — i — i — r t=t i Trust - iug, trust - ing, Trust-ing in the Mas Trust-ing, trust-ing, ev - er trust-iug, t=t -i 1 1 i 1— ry r-r f J I. I- I I - s Copyright, 1891, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. No. 27. WHO IS ON THE LORD'S SIDE. F. R. Havergal. Geo. F. Rosche. pg ^ F J-Lfi'- E" fr : E 1. Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the King: Je - sus, Thou hast bought us, Not with gold or gem, Fierce must be the con - flict, Strong may be the foe, ^m fpf r *: s jA b f j= ^ f TTV N Q irj. g p-j. g. h ey Who will be His help - ers, Oth - er lives to bring: But with Thine own life- blood, For Thy di - a - dem: But the King's own arm - y, None may o - ver - throw; ygpt j. f r-j-L£-±^£* ^ !■■**■■ !-t^-±->/^ £ ( — r * ? ^ " t + t ^EE I J- p a a H -tt-i * s t=t T i We will tell the joy-ful sto - ry Of the Lord of life and glo - ry. $ £ a v i- i- -i -i Copvright , 1895, by Geo. F. Rosche.. All rights reserved. 31 Ko. 30. LET THE SAVIOR IN. Rev. S. VV. Speer. D. D. Edw. S. Fogg. -ft & fc 1 (— I K K- , ft ft fcr 1 1 1. Let the Sav-ior in. Oh, list-en to His call, Let the Sav-ior in, Your 2. Let the Sav-ior in. To you He kindly speaks, Let the Sav-ior in, While 3. Let the Sav-ior in, How can you yet de - lay. Let the Sav-ior in, His 4. Ye.s,0 Christ,! yield, I trust i'n Thee just now, Come,Thy Spirit give, And V i BE f w^m rnTnrrn 3-3 * 3 *=$i £te ^r=^^ f £? 3=^ BE I on - ly hope, your all; Let the Sav-ior in, A friend so kind and true, yet for you He seeks; Let the Sav-ior in, He will His grace be-stow, lov-ing voice o - bey; Let the Sav - ior in, For soon He may de-part, hear this sa-cred vow; Come, O Sav-ior,come,My trembling faith increase, r*r f * 3 ^m > P Chorus. ^- Broth-er, let Him in. He s pleading now with you. , Giv Y roth-er, let Him in. He s pleading now with you. , ive to Him your heart. And full salvation know. ( q _ ield to Him just now, And give to Him your heart, i ' * jal the work be- jiim, And give me joy and peace. ' now your 3 ±- 1/ V v v •&. i fed rr m y==^ E* ^3 "= 3=i =^ffr^ = r =i ^ $ fcfc heart, Yes, while the Savior's near, O-pen now your And let Him in. While He is near, ~ r> ft ft l->- --r^r %m U-1A | ^ Hl r H ^ag w m $ heart. For He's your friend so dear. He's your friend so dear. And let Him in. *r ■f — •*- ~ 2 ^-: Copyright, 1894, by Fogg & Barker. By per. 32 No. 31. Fanny J. Crosby. NEARER THE CROSS. Mrs. J. F. Knapp. By per. •; f-\r [ P-i±faM 4=* -* — *- 1. "Near -er the cross!" my heart can say, I 2. Near - er the Chris-tian's mer - cy - seat, I 3. Near-er in pray'r my hope as-pires, I i fc — I— — T am com - ing near - er, am com - ing near - er, am com - ing near- er, I V m i Near - er the cross from day to day, I am com - ing near - er: Feast-ing my soul on man - na sweet, I am com - mg near - er: Deep - er the love my soul de - sires. I am com - ing near - er: '-=t- Z % S-—9; P :e=z: Near-er the cross where Je - sus died, Stronger in faith, more clear I see Near-er the end of toil and care, Near - er the fount- Je - sus who gave Near - er the joy am s Him- I i P *=i^ee i^m crim self long son tide, Near for me; Near to share, Near my to the Sav - ior's wound - ed Him I still would crown I soo» shall side. be: wear. feEfefe tr-r -i — i — i- am com - ing near - er, I am com - ing near - er. I'm com - ing near - er, Still I'm com - ing near - er. am com - ing near - er, I am com - ing near - er. TU- i -»- 33 No. 32. ON BENDED KNEE. D. M. James. Chas. H. Gabriel. i 5< > |- ^3 ^ r=s= & ; Si ffi 1. On bend - ed knee I come to Thee, Almight - y God and Lord; 2. My heav'n- ly Guide, who else be- side Can cheer and sol - ace me? fee pp *=* "f 3it P ^Q 1 Oh, let me prove Thy ten - der love Ac -cord- ing to Thy word; Thy name I'll take when all forsake, And com-fort find with Thee; I m ^ ¥ • — r TT G* -5^-*- i Si^ 3^« ffi ^=?±E Hast Thou not said They shall be fed, Who whol-ly trust in Thee? Oh, grant me grace to seek Thy face, To live each day in Thee; Hast Thou not writ Thou wilt not quit In stern ad-ver - si - ty? If And when I've doue,-my race quite run, For - ev - er dwell with Thee; On m *=^F ^=3. 5 fc ■9- §•♦ -•■ £OE J0^g—L IE:S 5E -p 1 ? — ■ ? v ' « *■ *■ — h 1 ■ 3 3 jjr Thou art mine, Why should I pine For world-ly dross be - low? If Thou art Thee I'll rest, And, ful - ly blest, Resigned for-ev - er, Lord; So shall I P ^i- *rFf+ Copyright, 1892, by The John Church Co., Chas. H. Gabriel, owner of copyright. 34 On Bended Knee. f t r r Hi f=f :5fr -v—? — t r~ near why should I fear prove Thy teu - der love The depths of love to know? Ac-cord-ing to Thy word. P =r ■ I is ;> i i t P ^ *=E ness, Ris - en high to cheer and bless; O - pen up your last re - cess, wide, Must-y cur-tains draw a - side, That the brightness may a - bide, bound; Se-crets lost will then be found; You will know the joy -ful sound, I 3 Ff =3=^ t * a r ■ ri i . . i i * r Let the sun -shine in, Let the sun Let the sun-shine in! shine in! f ^T~^ = Copyright, 1895, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. 37 j rrr w. No. 36. WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR JESUS? Ida L. Reed. Wm. J. C. Thiel. 1. Oh, what are you do-ing for Je - sus? The days and the years glide a - 2. Oh, what are you do-ing for Je - sus? What words do you speak for His 3. Oh, what are you do-ing for Je - sus? What burdens for Him do you P m «S=I £ «33 s=3=; -f^^— i — ^ — « — » — ^ way; What gift are you bring-ing Hira ev - er? What serv-ice of sake? What comfort and peace do you of - fer To hearts that are bear? What help do you give to the wea - ry? What grief in His I V — * i? \r-^ *P v [/ p love day by day? 1 read - y to break? VOh, what are you do - ing for Je - - sus, name do you bear? ) Je-sus, for Je-sus. it—A ^- 1 "I PS: $= ?=& ^=3: m? te± *:* "4 — 4 5 4- f •*• r~ a S3=L^=e=^SE^^^ fc^ For Je - sus, your broth - er and friend, Whose mer - cy doth ft IV r#*r *— r-h£n 1 ^ 1 ti r^ — *— ^— f— t— fi L 1<—J U —0r-. — « Pp^— *-^S f • f — s-tt -=5^— * — glad-den your 1 i7ff„ rs is iv-| path-way, Where love shall en-dure to the * N end? fe^EE-EEli Ft- I j 1 -*■ -0- -•■ -0- ^+ -0- E*l>-W Copyright, 1895, by Geo. F. Roscbe. All rights reserved. 38 No. 37. LORD, MY HEART IS RESTED. Geo. F. Rosche. P Ttrt ^mm ^=t 1. Lord, my heart is rest-ed, strengthen'd. By this qui- et hour with Thee; — 2. Here Thy peace, like music steal-ing, Stills all dis-cord, tu-mult, strife,— 3. For more per - feet self-sur - ren - der, For a clos - er walk with Thee! P ^iW f*i : 3:S:2*3 ■*'■? *=*" PS ^R=F -rt — fv g^W^p£ i In the sunshine of Thy presence, All earth's gloom and shadows flee. Fills the heart with tender yearnings For a no-hler, sweet-er life. For a meek and qui-et spir - it, From all car-nal sin set free. I Chorus. J k__! fu_J Nj J ?xs-r^ r • r ' rj < ^ ^=t^rTT=^ WE I -1 Lord, while still on earth a pilgrim, 1 would in Thy love a -hide; Lord, while still on earth a pilgrim, 1 would in Thy love a - hide: mm £=£± IS— -I — r, 1 5=1^ — .. t * * * r** r~r rr 1 — r f^nr^m n± ±=&t Et*: Safely thro' life's shades and sunshine, Keep me ever near Thy side. Safely thro' life's shades and sunshine, Keep me ev-er near Thy side. 2' " l i i i i £ ^'i:^ 1 \ 1 > ^ Copyright, 1894, by Geo. P. Rosche. All rights reserved. 39 No. 38, O FLOOD OF LIVING WATER. Wm. J. C. Thiel. im ^EE ^ 1 O flood of liv - ing \va - ter, And might • y crim - son tide, 2. Thy \va - ters drown all sor - row, Ex • tin - guish ev - 'ry grief; 3. Thy grace ex - eels the Jor - dan, Which made the lep - er whole; s 3^3 3=3 =3= Zr^grr 9 » ^^ ^^^sUhN ^^^g Blest fount-ain of sal • va ■ tion, From Je • sus' pierc - ed side, And, blot - ting out trans-gres - sion Brings to the soul re - lief. Lo! Thou hast healed the sick • ness ^Yhich wast - ed in my soul. § § ^^^^ m~i jHj -n=tt :<=d=f Refrain. S3 t==am 3: ^ f=f=^ t f=F=f= t Flow on, flow on, O sa - cred stream, flow on; Flow on, flow on, i i ,j . rrr. ri r r * j r r : *^=F *-^s — #• fe tan > * * *=?i f-tr— t— r Flow on, flow on, flow on, flow on, O sa- cred stream, flow on. w m i^m^m s? :*e: Copyright, 1895, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. 40 No. 39. Rev. Wm. Appel. SONGS OF TRIUMPH. C. H. G. i^T~r 1. Songs of tri-umph, let us sing, Songs of tri-umph to our King; 2. Hail the ar -my of the Lord, Trust-ing in the Spirit's sword; 3. On-ward still with shout and song, On-ward, on-ward mighty throng! m S^ ^Tt *:- *•■»" 3 ^ m *c* ^ En - e - mies be - fore Him fall: He is vie -tor o - ver all. Tho' the gates of hell as - sail, Sure-ly they shall not pre -vail. Kev-er fal - ter, nev-er fear, For the Lord of hosts is near. SEi : i i * w. t= 4: 14 I PC P Chorus. « IS 3^H -1 •■=*■*■ -m- . -9- ■»■ ■*■ k lnr- Chorus. x~i~r t^x X , I — -P 1 1 m lizzzdz r "Tg '^ " 5 ^ -j 1 v I Watching for you and for me. Come home, come home; .... Mer-cies for you and for me 9 Com - ing for you and for me Par - don for you and for me Come home. come home: 5^ m i.i ' i i a: «=s=JS=t=? ^ J_j^ ^p Ye who are wea-ry, come home Earn - est - ly, ten - der - ly, Wi-ttt j^zt: P¥ J= t- S •J V <5 — Je - sus is call-ing, Call-ing, O sin - ner, come home! P % nr-i-i- S- *'■ —! HV- r^r *: .* By per. W. L. Thompson, EasULiverpool, Ohio, and The Thompson Music Co., Chicago, 111. 43 No. 42. WE'RE ON THE WAY. Rev. H. G. Jackson. W. S. Nickle. m s m ^ 1. From J-gypt's cru - el 2. Thro' ;vil - der-aess • es 3. His pow'r the smit - ten 4. In hos-tile lands we bond -age fled, O - be - dient to our wide and drear, Our Lord will guide our rock con-trols; A crys - tal stream our feel uo fear; No foe our on - ward ,5. Ere P lo m the riv - er crossed, we'll meet The ran-soraed host at ^F^^M- *-' * i i *=; £fe£ u v —I *- Lord's command, And by His word and steps a -right: Be- hold! to prove His need sup-plies; He feeds our hun - gry, march can stay; In ev - "ry con - flict His right hand; And there re - ceive a -v— spir » • it led, We're pres - ence here, The faint - ing souls With He is near, Whose wel - come sweet, From r^ *£ *=f -* — — p* I fct £ Chorus. m i —v — •» — r on the way to Canaan's Land! cloud by day, the fire by night! dai - ly man - na from the skies! pres - ence cheers us on the way! our dear Lord, to Canaan's Land! We're on the way, a m 3=3 r*r-t^—jr f i: i *7 j^^ ^S m 1/ V pil - grim band: We're on the way Ca-naan s land; m SE ^-^t—f ^ 5: * P Fr^lEf 333E ¥ ¥ * -p—r I ■^ vine-ly guid - ed day by day. We're on the way, we're on the way. 8 s 3: < * *-. « 't I Copyright, 1889, by W. S. Nickle 5: * * 44 No. 43, ONWARD WE ARE MARCHING. Ida L. Reed. Wm. J. C. Thiel. 1. On-ward we are marching At our Lord's command, Ma-ny foes are 2. On-ward we are marching, We the fight shall win; Thro' His name we'll 3. On-ward we are marching, On-ward ev - er-more, Tow'rd the heav'nly p -*« •— M=^#=m=£^ press -ing Hard on ev - 'ry hand; But we will not fear them con - quer All the ranks of sin; Fear - less - ly we'll meet them, kingdom, Tow'rd that fair - er shore; Where there's no more toil - ing, PPP^f^Tf * +}-£+^ t ^ tt^ mF H^^ m *3 *=t ~* 4 . _&L In the bat - tie fray: Bravely we'll go for-ward, Je - sus leads the way. Je - sus will sus-tain, And our strength renewing We'll the bat-tie gain. No more foes to fight; There we'll rest for-ev - er,Crown'd in fadeless light. fei - 1 i 1 i- w^WPP P Chorus. m +*7* 3B £=fc m %E$E£ m ■ P 0- rtrtt $ - - - ward we are march - ing, Marching day by day, Onward now we march, onward now we march, March - - ing day by b =s=tec I n J ,*■ - v r> ft h »=t m T^ETTTT 'y m±^ ^ m H-h Ht ^ marching day by day, Ours shall be the vic-to - ry, Je - sus leads the way. ± day ; Copyright, 1894, by Geo. F. Rosehe. All rights reserved. 45 No. 44. FROM ALL THAT DWELL, Arr. from v. Weber. 1. E-ter-nal are Thy mer-cies, Lord,. 2 Your loft-y themes ye mor-tnls bring, 3. In ev - 'ry land be - giu the song,. In songs of praise To ev - 'ry land -Sr-tTVOrtr JLj ^ J , -—q t: -A^^_ l- Thy praise shall sound . Sal-va-tiou free In cheer-ful sounds. from shore to a - loud pro all voic - es shore, claim, raise,. =i=^ -*-lr srrrrTr Till suns shall rise.. And shout for joy... And fill the world ^TTTT and the with set no more. Sav - ior's name, loud - est praise. From all that dwell be - low From all that dwel the skies, be-low the skies. Copyright, 1891, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. From All that Dwell. Let the Ore - a tor's praise a Oh, let His praise, - rise; His praise a-rise; Let the Ee - deem - - - er's name be Oh, let His name, sung, His name be sung & K ^ h ■/k — £— * ' — H- Jt p . r J: :: Thro' ev - 'ry n land, by ev - Thro' ev - 'ry land, by ev - 9 b 'ry 'ry ^t— ? — v—y~\> - ™ tongue tongue, by ev-'ry tongue. A ' *i ' ^ (() H — * — -£ P * ^ * Fv- — M~ J -j^-#-J'. W J'. ■Jr & i'ss £ 4 4- > * *• No. 45. A. M. TOPLADY. ROCK OF AGES. pm Dr. Thos. Hastings. , Fine. ^£ 1. Rock of A - ges, cleft for me, Let me hide my -self in Thee; O. -Be of sin thedoub-le cure, Save from wrath and make me pure. 2 Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling; Naked, come"to Thee for dress, Helpless, look to Thee for grace; Foul, I to the fountain fly, Wash me, Savior, or I die. 3 While I draw this fleeting breath, When mine eyes shall close in death, When I soar to worlds unknown, See Thee on Thy judgment throne,— Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee. 47 No. 46. YOUNG PEOPLE'S CONSECRATION HYMN. F. R. Havergal. 4- Geo. F. Rosche. 1. Take my life and let it be Con - se - crat - ed, Lord, to Thee; 2. Take my feet and let them be Swift and beau- ti - ful for Thee; 3. Take my lips and let them be Filled with mes-sag - es from Thee; 4. Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in end-less praise; 5. Take my will and make it Thine, It shall be no long - er mine; 6. Take my love, my God, I pour At Thy feet its treas-ure store: £6 Take my hands and Take my voice and Take my sil - ver Take my in • tel - Take my heart, it Take my- self, and let them move At the im-pulse of Thy love let me sing Al - ways, on- ly, for my King, and my gold, Not a mite would I with-hold. lect and use Ev - 'ry pow'r as Thou shalt choose. is Thine own, It shall be Thy roy - al throne. I will be Ev - er, on - ly, all for Thee. f^m mm p^ $ ■s-t-% ■3- S » I I S: Chokus. a m-T-i £± ^ 2=£E3 s= i — t — i- All to Thee, all to Thee, Con - se - crat - ed, Lord, to Thee, ^rr gr^ t 2 U7 W^ m : ©=F -i — i — r All to Thee, al! to Thee, Cod • se - crat • ed, Lord, to Thee ZS5 *=t & m Copyright, 1893, by Geo. F. --*=£ t=t -• — i-L# # a Rosche. All rights reserved. 48 No. 47. IN THE BY AND BY. Mrs. Ida M. Budd. Chas. H. Gabriel. P ^± fe£ * : S : S p—m i 1. There will be sing - ing and great re-joic-ing Yon -der in glo - ry, 2. There will be wail - ing, sad lam - ent-a - tions, Bit - ter - est weep-ing, 3. In heav-en's raor row shall we be chanting Praise and thanksgiving, 4. Grant us, O Fa - ther, that not with sadness" Our souls shall meet Thee, m ^rfwwmrr^. ^-: X i % te* ±=£ mm m ^^FJ T -^ U U by and by; Sweet anthems ringing, in gladness voicing Salvation's sweet by and by; Grief un - a- vail- ing, vain sup-pli-ca - tion, And sorrowful by and by? Or, in oursor-row, be there la-ment-ing Our prod-i - gal by and by, But let us, rath-er, with joy and gladness Haste onward to i rmEtti ^m E rffW E ^ t± Refrain. r-1- 3* iH^*=i =;=i=± ±^-- f * By and by, Singing and Weeping and Gladness or By and by,by and by, Our souls shall I sto - ry, by and by. reaping,by and by. liv- ing, by and by? greet Thee, by and by. By and by, ta t=t m :» t=* if &&'' *-g-T tt f pm ^^ praising by and by; Singing and praising by and by; wail-ing by and by; Weeping and wail-ing by and by; sor - row by and by ; Glad - ness or sor-row by and by ; meetThee, by and by, by and by-.Our souls shall meet Thee, byandby,by and by. I $=t r^W^ j * ♦ T -* -*p- *F Copyright, 1894, by Chas. H. Gabriel. 49 No. 48. SCATTERING PRECIOUS SEED. W. A. Ogden. Geo. C. Hugg. 3 j ft _ , ^__ 3_ V V V *~ ' ty " if if p 1. Scat - ter - iug pre - cious seed by the way - side, Scat-ter - ing 2. Scat - ter - ing pre - cious seed for the grow . i n : <- ♦ ♦ J*.i J p ^^ =?=£, ^ V 7 T 3 ' at the noon - - - tide; Sow - - - ing in the tide, Sowing the precious seed; Sowing the precious seed, h h ) | ==3 . T— R I ) f g£± £ «t 1=3= 1= 2 ♦ By permission of Geo. C. Hugg, owner of copyright. 50 ? ? ? r ? r * Scattering Precious Seed. f ev - 'ning, Sowing the precious seed by the way Sowing the precious seed, by the wav T — 1^ fi- r. fr * te-4- ^ ^ • — i in f No. 49. C. Wesley. ITALIAN HYMN. f^=$=p m-. & GlABDINI. fe T -ZZL 1. Come, Thou Al - might -y King, Help us Thy name to sing, 2. Come, Thou In - car - nate Word, Gird on Thy might - y sword, 3. Come, Ho - Jy Com - fort - er, Thy sa - cred wit - ness bear, S^S i=3 KTT -rr * 2 i &=z mt s * ' 1 — -p-r Help us to praise! Fa - ther, all - glo - ri - ous, O'er all vic- Our pray'r at - teed; Come, and Thy peo - pie bless, And give Thy In this glad hour; Thou who al - might -y art, Now rule in I ¥m t=t fW^f y—r I m • 1 •- 1 to - ri - ous, Come and reign o - ver us, An - cient of Days: word sue -cess; Spir - it of ho - li - ness, On us de - scend. ev - 'ry heart, And ne'er from us de - part, Spir - it of pow'r. i TT? ^ 3 J ' j:J4 51 3= -m No. 50. MERCY AT THE CROSS. Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Geo. F. Rosche ip^ i^£ *=*= 1. There is mer-cy at the cross to - day, There the sinner's guilt is wash'd a - 2. There's salvation at the cross to • day, Wea-ry sinner, throw your fears a - 3. There is cleansing at the cross to • day. Be made holy on the King s high- 4. There s a blessing at the cross to • day. We ob-tain it as we watch and ±z pi way; There is pardon pure and sweet When we fall at Jesus' feet. There is way; There your precious Sav-ior died! See, His wounds are open wide; There is way; Give to Je-sus all your heart, Do not keep back an - y part, There is pray. As we do the Master's will, He His promise will ful-611, There is m :=z^=rr* t* i^*--* 9.33;?i Chorus Sa=ffi 31= $&=r- -tts c ; » *-* r ■ cy, m mercy at the cross, mer-cy at the cross to-day. There is mer mer-cy at the cross to-day, mer-cy at the cross to-day. mer-cy at the cross to-day. There is mercy,there is mercy,There is I There is mer-cy at the cross to - day Ev'ry blessing Christ will give ; There is mer-cy, mercy at the cros's. f T* a * s 33 5 ' P-tt#rf;* f t'Ti:£4:i* &_f^ -y £ p I ^^ •—• * 0— i -& I fcfc ]f yoil on • Iv look and live. There is mer-cv at the cross to - dav S=t =^a wm. Copyright, 1894, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. 52 No. 51. ASLEEP IN JESUS, Margaret Mackay. Chas. H. Gabriel. -m— t — i — f^ r^ ) - - -S- ' l \j 1. A- sleep in Jesus.'blessed sleep, From which none ev - - - efwaketo 2. A -sleep in Jesus' oh, how sweet To be for such a slum-ber 3. A- sleep in Jesus! peaceful rest, Whose wak-ing is supremely 4. A- sleep in Jesus! oh, for me May such a bliss - - fulref-uge blessed sleep, weep! A calm and undisturbed repose. Unbroken by the last of foes. meet' With holy con-fidence to singjhat death hath lost his venom'd sting. blest! No fear, no foe shall dim that hour That mani- fests the Savior's pow'r. be! Se-cure-ly shall my ashes lie, Waiting the sum - mons from on high. A - sleep in Je - sus, A-sleep in Je - sus, A- A- sleep, bless - ed sleep, V sleep a-sleep in Je-sus U V l> l a - sleep, A - sleep in Je- sus, blessed blessed sleep, rrrgTj ^t 1/ p " l ' [f [f \/ ]/ v I sleep A-sleep a- a-sleep in Je-sus! a-sleep in Je - sus, in Je-sus. Copyright, 1894, by Chas. H. Gabriel. 53 No. 52. CHRISTIAN JOY. Rev W. J. Herbert Hogan. Geo. F. Rosche. 1. In the morning, when the light is dawn-ing. And the lark his car - ol 2. With the sun at noon in glo - ry shin-ing, E-ven sad-dest hearts should 3. When behind the "gates of gold/' re - tir - ing, Day-light yields the sway to 3 ? 3 4 - 1 * T^ * fTT mm^^m 4 — t — ; — fc m clear is trill - ing, I re - joice with ev - 'ry crea - ture liv - ing, cease re • pin - jng, As they con-tera - plate the care uu -fail -ing, night in spir - ing, Up a- bove I turn my gaze ad -mir-ing, D. S. 1 Tis my Father's face il - lumes my path-way, iN^fwf -i-^i=^ i Fine. Chorus. mm j=j= g=r trt % t Chanting glad-dest songs of Chris - tian joy. That pro-vid-eth sun-light for the soul And re - fleet on heav-en's end - less day And His smile would change the night to day. .[•Oh, the sun that lights my I ? r- '4: r? % + D. S. soul, sets nev • er, And no shad-ow can His rays e'er cov - er; I » i -i — v 4 ' ft Copyright, 1891, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. 54 t t t lfU*~* No. 53. WHITER THAN SNOW. James Nicholson. Wm. G. Fisohek. P Lord Je - sus, I Jong to be 2. Lord Je - sus, look down from Thy 3. Lord Je • sus, for this 1 most per - feet - ly whole; I throne in the skies, And hum - bly en - treat; I 5t r t r = *=? 2 * $z*z want Thee for - ev - er to live in help me to make a com-plete sac wait, bless-ed Lord, at Thy cru - ci - my soul ; Break down ev - 'ry ri - fice; I give up my fied feet, By faith, for my i=ff^ i=t 3^3 TT T * * *: s * j^ ^NMN ^ ^^ — • — — ' i wash me, and I shall be wash me, and I shall be wash me, and I shall be i - dol, cast out ev - 'ry foe; Now self, and what - ev - er I know— Now cleansing: I see Thy blood flow— Now P^f 1=± 3 *=r -£&£ Chorus. ■i±=t±u % f i± whit - er than snow. Whit - er than snow, yes, whit - er than r J^iTpi-.*? f t> ' fJ fi 1 fi fJ t p ^El m 1^=% I I snow; Now wash me, and I shall f7T^ H ^ff?¥ be whit - er than snow ffn* * Copyright, 1874, by W. G. Fischer. By per. 55 No. 54. W. A. O. SEEKING THE LOST. W. A. Ogden. &m irzirrrj ? TH*t t 3E3E v '■- v ■ r 1. Seek-ing the lost, yes, kind-ly en - treat - ing Wander - ers 2. Seek-ing the lost, and point-ing to Je • sus, Souls that are 3. Thus I would go on rnis-sions of mer - cy, Fol-low-isg I PPl^^ Wt=5=; T pm m ^H= $ ^4 =±^^^m on the raouut-ain a - stray; "Come unto me," His mes-sage re - weak, and hearts that are sore'; Lead-ing them forth in ways of sal ' Christ from day un - to day; Cheer-ing the faint, and rais - ing the ±z $ m ^ 353S P=*=3= E peat - ing, Words of the Mas - ter speak-ing to - day. va - tion, Show - ing the path to life ev - er - more, fall - en; Point-ing the lost to Je - sus the way. IN ^-r-FF^FFW^^m Chorus. fe^^^^ ^ U-J-^ E* Go - ing a - far up-on the mountain, Go-inga-far up-on the mount - ain, Bringing the Bring-ing the wan - d'rer back a - gain, back a - gain, wan .... d'rer back a- gain l^r^^FFP^^F^sf Used by per. of W. A. Ogden. 5G Seeking the Lost. p i J J J j J i *-rr« *z=t Pi In - to the fold of my Redeemer, In - to the fold of my Be-deern - er, Je - sus the ^ U i =S ■ , b f7 z- < Je-sus, the Lamb for sin-ners slain, for sia - ners slain. Lamb for sin-ners slain m &-V-M 3 ^- zrry No. 55. Charlotte Elliott JUST AS I AM. -*J , 1 B. Bradbury. 1. Just as I am, with-out one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me, 2. Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, 3. Just as I am, tho' toss'd a-bout,With many a con-flict, many a doubt, 4. Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind, Sight, riches, healing of the mind, 5. Just as I am; Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon,cleanse, relieve; fa= 1 — r =^ U=$=i i i 4^r y—^r rr i m ^m :i±Z ^m w ~ZZZr TZL W& i And that Thou bid'st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come! To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come, I come ! Fightings and fears within, with-out, O Lamb of God, 1 come, I come! Yea, all I need in Thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come, I come! Be - cause Thy promise I be - lieve, O Lamb of God, I come, I come! .;'4 4"z? rT 4- ' -4. 4 ^ irrrm 57 No. 56. Ida L. Reed. WE ARE COMING. Wm. J. C. Theel. 1. We are coming, we are com - ing, Dear-est Sav-ior, un - to Thee; 2. We are coming, Ave are com - ing, AH our treasures, Lord, we bring; 3. We are coming, we are com - ing. Take our lives and let them be In our youth-hood's happy morn-ing,While our hearts are pure and free. All we have we free - ly of - fer Un - to Thee, our bless-ed King. Bright with cheer of lov- ing serv - ice;— We would live them all for Thee. J Chorus We are com - ing, we are com - ing, We are com-ing, we are com-ing, T"TT *-v — ^ Tl i v ■% % V ^ 1 R P fcr- J3 And the way is glad with sonj Where Thou lead - est fc 3 : ^%^^^ ^^1"7 j: i cM^Z $ -ft S" ^ i= ■n we will fol - low, Hap - py, hap - py all the day. H m * q=*== t= -, ri j — f- ^ Copyright, 1895, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. 58 No. 57. ONWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS. S. Baring Gould. A. S. Sullivan. fc± a i=$ ISt "i. On-ward, Christian soldiers! Marching as to war, With the cross of 2. Like a might-y ar - my. Moves the church of God; Brothers, we are 3. Crowns and thrones may perish, Kingdoms rise and wane, But the church of 4. On-ward, then, ye faith-ful! Join our happy throng; Blend with ours your Je - sus Go - ing on be - fore. Christ, the roy - al Mas - ter, tread - ing Where the saints have trod. We are not di - vid - ed, Je - sus Con-stant will re - main. Gates of hell can nev - er voic - es, In the tri - umph song: Glo - ry, laud, and hon -or, y—r -3L- "3- i e^ 4—4- S s «=F =^=r Leads against the foe; Forward in -to bat - tie, See, His banners go! All one bod-y we, One in hope and doc - trine, One in char-i - ty. 'Gainst that church prevail: We have Christ's own prom-ise, And that cannot fail. Un-to Christ the King: This^thro' endless a-ges, Men and an-gels sing. m Sees a t=t ry^p'i ' d ^w^f -r V Chorus -h — Hi m — ^~ ■*■ -0- -0- -9- On - ward, Christian diers! Marching as IT? '^cru % % % Je Go - ing on be - fore. F r * r *r # 59 ^ No. 58. THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN WITHIN. Rev. W. J. Herbert Hogan. A. Beirly. 1. While I muse in ho - ly rap-ture, Praying: Lord, Thy kingdom come! 2. All the thrill-ing Bi - ble sto ■ ry, Shining hosts, and crys-tal sea, 3. Not athot of earth -ly pas - sion, No de - sire or wish im - pure, 4 Christian sol-diers: on to conquest; Quell the rag-ing hosts within, Pfi *J -0- . -0- J— J J ¥W M~r % >f J f | ps J — u +-»— r a: I | kl Heav'n is not a far off coun-try, But in-vades my heart and home. Blaz-ing]"Great white Throne" of Glory, By the eye of faith I see Not a cloud ob-scures my vis - ion, Nor dis-turbs my peace se - cure. In your hearts set up God's kingdom, Nev-er yield the palm to Sin. 3 — r i==t H7 ; ,.J j *rr*r-r 7 J i i ¥ Chorus. I m a=s=^z j^=*W f=f ^m tt*^ 1^ Thy kingdom come, within my heart, Oh! reign there King of kings divine; PP t=t r>. p. p p. n - | i t I i rr^ i i i =»=F i-tir^i rr i^=3 p? -n^ 1 — r r — r * Yea! ccme, Lord Je - sus, ne'er de-part Thou Sav - ior mine. t=~ 1— ¥ Copyright, 1891, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. 60 r r ^r^ No. 69. A SONG IN MY HEART. Mrs. H. E. Jones. f t: 1 tl Geo. F. Rosche. m ^ :*=* EE 1. A song is in my heart to-day, For all my sins are washed a -way; 2. O sweet the song I've learned to sing In praise of my Re-deem-er King! 3. O glad new song so full of joy, O song that shall my tongue employ S^f?Tfgi=^F^fff^ $ Uil \ l: in pss 2 r The precious blood has been applied, The blood of Christ, the Cru-ci - tied. The song to par-don'd sin-ners dear, A song the an-gels love to hear. Till call'd to join the Wood -washed throng In that bright home of endless song. m r'fnfj : ,iJs-J t^W m Chorus. £E£ p£^ O song of love, O song sub-lime, I feel like sing- ing all the time; fo7?r77y^7^ twT § ^ O song with-in my heart of hearts, Since Christ, my Lord, His grace imparts. Copyright, 1895, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. 61 No. 60. GO WORK IN THE HARVEST. J. M. McPhail. J. M. McPhail. V ' ' ■ - v v I 1. Oh, lift up your eyes and be-hold how the fields Are read -y to 2. While others have sown in their sad-ness and tears, En-dur - ing the 3. The har-vest is great but the la- b'rers are few; Oh, pray that the fcfc m f-H-j-F? £e£ *~* t t t t- ,1 r» i * N i p , r — r» i ,--v — n-r— a Pi !* *-i r- ;- *J ' - I V harvest to- day; So thrust in the sick-le of truth with thy might, And heat of tbe sun, They saw thro' the toil of the long, wea-ry years The Master may send More workers to aid in the work yet to do, For N ft 1— — | ft ft ft- £ S=£ U — • * — "-•-—• — • — ' — « • • • • 1 — ■— m n — f — j- Chorus. glad-ly the Master o - bey. glo - ri-ous harvest to come. J- Go quickly and work, for the Master is here, shortly the harvest shall end. * * V V \r };♦ j v V v I * V ? 3 5 :£=£ w ^^^^^ ©93=*=* : * *_ £= V "-tr The Reap -er of reap-ers has come, (He has come,) And soon to the te reapers He kind-ly will say, The work of the har-vest is done. P^ff ^?Tl I t U^ Copyright, 1895, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. No. 61. WE PRAISE THEE, GOD. J. J. Husband. m ~ 3^$ W J -a — 1. We praise Thee, O God! 2. We praise Thee, O God! 3. All glo - ry and praise 4. Re - vive us a - gain; for the Son of Thy love, for Thy Spir - it of light, to the Lamb that was slain, fill each heart with Thy love, £33 Ff 5 ^r-*r^~jt * r t rt ss ?E* *=p 3E For Je - sus who died, and is now gone a - bove, Who has shown us our Sav - ior, and scat - tered our night. Who has borne all our sins and has cleansed ev - 'ry stain. May each soul be re - kin - died with lire from a - bove. ¥ r~i~i - *~r r * * m CnoRFs. . 'l^m 1 r :*==£ *=# -»— L -g * Hal - le - lu - jah! Thine the glo - ry, Hal - le - lu - jah! A - men; § IS PH~-f * z z * — **—§ t * ¥? y — ■ 9 i B ' 5 L - S*" * Hal-le - lu - jah! Thine the glo - ry, Re - vive us *: t Ff 63 gain! 5" ±H No. 62. BRIGHT CROWNS. !v'V. Tsaac Natlor. -J — I — C. H. G. Chorus arr. S*5=i — • — • — i j 4 't — * — ■ — • — ■ — r- 1. Bright crowns in heaven are shin-iug For those who have conquered in 2. Bright robes, resplendent and glo-rious, A-dorn-ing the souls of the 3. Bright harps, whose chords are all golden, And strung, tuned and struck by the 4 Bright bells of sil - ver are ring-ing, Their peals sweetly mingling with t , , _i 8s ,. i_q — 3 -+_ i \\ =a -rr=i=r E ^ i 3J>-2— -A 3 pa=g *?=r ife's bit - ter fight; Green fields where saints are re - clin - ing, And bright, hap-py band; Loud songs, bright, glad and vie - to - rious, Re - blood-washed so fair; Sweet notes so soft - ly thro 1 E - den Are an - gel - ic song; The saints, made per- feet, are sing - ing A fc= Chorus i=EE«i^ ^=i=j bask-ing, all-glorious, in heav-en's own light, sound born som id clear and sweet thro' that beautiful land. ( D-jp-ht •neon the wings of the pure, balm-y air. f » ig on - ly sung by the sanc-ti - fied throng. " crowns they wear up in 5 ♦ * ♦ f 5 J * * i — r glo-rv, And wave victor's palms on the bright golden shore; I'm going to b.b V V V -m • -»- *—■ — * at V 5 3 3 °* * ? — t — f-" — sing the old sto - ry, I'm going to that country my Sav-ior to see! — & -) -) 1 a ! — ^ . ^ , ^ h Copyright, 1894, by Chas. H. Gabriel, No. 63. GOING DOWN THE VALLEY. Jessie H. Brown. J. H. Fillmore. -a — ft — ft — fc- We are going down the valley, one by one, With our fae - es tow'rd the 2. We are going down the valley, one by one. When the la - bors of the 3. We are going down the valley, one by one, Hu-man coni-rade you or f — H R- H- jt 3^? 4 — S — S- v= ^ set-ting of the sun; Down the valley where the mournful cypress grows, wea-ry day are done; One by one, the cares of earth for - ev - er past. I will there have none, But a ten -der Hand will guide us lest we fall, I L - M- 4- 4. &'. * * -Z. 3. it ^§ Chorus. ft — rv. 3E 3E^ *=*=* Where the stream of death in si-lence onward flows. ) We shall stand up-on the riv- er bank at last. > We are go-ing down the Christ is go-ing down the val-ley with us all. ) ?Wi i fum £ 4.- £ ^~£~ t if f?i-Ati:44Mtf=hH-r t LAW i=l val-ley, going down the valley,Going tow'rd the setting of the sun, We are §-Jft*\ji:£:Jij3f^-£ v ■? ■# • r -g- v fn ttt f*M£g Mm£ ±&M going down the valley, going down the valley,Going down the valley one by one Copyright, 1890, by Fillmore Bros. No. 64. OH! THE MANSIONS OVER YONDER. Laura E. Newell. =£3 Pi £ iz From the German. I *- ' t±=±=± S £ 1. Oh, the man-sions o - ver yon-der, Where the pure in heart a - bide, 2. Oh, the strains of heav'n-ly mu - sic That re-sound in glo - ry • land, 3. By and by, oh, bless • ed prom-ise, When He gen - tly leads us home, $W ■**& 3ee£ mmm u iP^ =#* *=t Where their songs of heav'nly rapt-ure Ech-o from the oth - er side! Where the choirs of heav'u are chanting, A tri-umph-autf hap -py band. We the nays - ter - y may f ath ■ om, Nev • er-more in grief to roam : s=£ fj farzJ J J J— J— ^f j^? r^ T **^ ! 4 4 3 —-. rT^^ m ? ? i Mmm ^^ ^ Peace that's past all un - der - stand-ing, Waits be - yond the tide. Here we may not know, in heav - en We shall un - der-stand. To the man - sions o - ver yon - der, He will bid us come. Oh, the home so bright o'er the riv - er, Where the pure in heart re -main /T\ h 7 hi h -q h - i T> — k-^ 1 =5 — fr - hi hi hi I — i I 5E £ m z w We may dwell with Christ for - ev - er, Where we're done with care and P h i l ~r ! ! li h^ ^ 1 ^ r =t T Copyright, 1891, by Geo. F. Rosche. AU rights reserved. 66 Oh! the Mansions Over Yonder. ^ r ? S i l i " I F g f HT ; ;•» i— g pain In that blest ce-les-tial Kingdom, We may sing His praise again. In that blest -I — ^ 3 J- | J I =t = -J I f-^ p J I- P Pi T & I 1- Jr No. 65. ABIDE WITH ME. Henry Francis Lttb, 1847. W. H, Monk. Arr. jfta^ j|j | g jj JU 1^ 1. A - bide with me: fast falls the e - ven-tide: 2. Not a brief glance I beg, a pass-ing word, 3. I need Thy pres - ence The dark-ness But as Thou ev - 'ry pass-ing hour: What but Thy 4. Swift to its close ebbs out life's lit- tie day: Earth's joys grow iWPP^Fm r m—i- ff i^ cU i n 4- & £ deep- ens; Lord, with me a - bide! When oth - er help - ers dwell'st with Thy dis - ci - pies, Lord, Fa - mil - iar, con - de grace can foil the tempt-er's power? Who like Thy - self my dim, its glo-riespass a - way: Change and de - cay in fe S yi vi ^=t 7^ » ry i NN4 i a with with with with fail, and com- forts flee, Help of the help-less, oh, a -bide scending, pa-tient, free, Come, not to so-journ, but a -bide guide and stay can be? Thro' cloud and sunshine, oh, a-bide all a - round I see; O Thou who changest not, a - bide me! me! me! me! ¥ 67 No. 66. Rev. John R. Colgan. JESUS LIVES. A. F. Myers. PI i 1. flight- y ar - my of the young, Lift the voice in cheer-ful song: 2. Tongues of chil-dren light and free, Tongues of youth all full of glee, 3. Je - sus lives, O bless-ed words! King of kings, and Lord of lords! pi 5 L |S ft fr ft ft is, i - i-^-i—r^i—tr p £ qt : -*— i t i p Send the wel-come word a - long, Je - sus lives! Once He died for Sing to all on land and sea, Je - sus lives! Light for you and Lift the cross. and sheathe the swords, Je - sus lives! See, He breaks the 3 ¥¥=? iS^r r^r-* - r ^ m £ -fv- I 4 3=£ $m you and me, Bore our sins up- on the tree; Now He lives to all man-kind, Sight for all by sin made blind, Life in Je - sus pris-on wall, Throws a - side the dread-ful pall, Con-quers death at £ £ £ £ h i u ? i J ? t i i it # fc=K: Chorus. J— J 1 r, ft ft h- i make us free, Je - sus lives! Wait not till the shad-ows lengthen, all may find, Je - sus lives! once for all, Je - sus lives! Wait not, ^^ i*ESL^ t t Wait m T not, -ft ft— wait not, -ft ft ft ft- m till you old - er grow; Ral - ly now and sing for Je - sus Sing, sing, for Copyright, 1891, by A. F. Myers. Sing Je 68 Jesus Lives. ^J2 r ^ iH= ^M-i J E n » k E , i J J* is-, U " I 1/ ev-'ry-where you go, Lift your joy - ful voic - es high,Ringing clear thro' h i> iv 4 V ^ -t is P' J* J J j-4- g 4 — t 4— ij — g — i — * g *— — ¥ — *-^ 4 P3=? ! earth and sky, Let the bless -ed ti- dings fly, 9— <£>— e - sus lives. P TTTTt 'SH +-i-t i i j-* F7 No. 67. J. Keble. SUN OF MY SOUL. pun F. J. Haydn. i^^e sa 1. Sun of my soul, Thou Sav-ior dear, It is not night if Thou be near: 2. When the soft dews of kind-ly sleep My wea-ried eye- lids gen - tly steep: 3. A-bide with me from morn till eve, For with-out Thee I can -not live; 4. If some poor wand'ring child of Thine Have spurned to-day the voice di-vine— m $ rm fff t * W* ?r& tS* sr i=t miM F=t 3EEfE £ S=H=* Oh, may no earth-born cloud a - rise To hide Thee from Thy servant's ej-es. Be my last tho't, how sweet to rest For - ev - er on my Sav-ior's breast. ^A - bide with me when night is nigh, For without Thee I dare not die. Now, Lord, the gracious work be-gin; Let him no more lie down in sin. i % 3=S m rrr 69 No. 68. H. R P YIELD NOT TO TEMPTATION. H. R. Palmer. 1. Yield not to tempt-a-tion, For yield-ing is sin; Each vie -fry will 2. Shun e - vil com-pan-ions, Bad language dis-dain, God's name hold in 3. To him that o'ercometh God giv-eth a crown ; Thro 1 faith we shall ^m w& k =3? * ^=£ m^= £ j^t t+=t^ • -•- help you Some oth - er to win; Fight man-ful - ly on- ward, rev • 'rence, Nor take it in vain; Be thoughtful and earn - est, con - quer, Though of t-en cast down; He who is our Sav - ior, mi3EEE&£=d m f ^ ^=m^ ^m^H=mt -4 — • l *^* Dark passions sub - due, Look ev-er to Je - sus, He'll car-ry you through Kind-hearted and true, Look ev-er to Je - sus, He'll car-ry you through Our strength will re-new, Look ev-er to Je - sus, He 11 car-ry you through s m £=£ sf Ff= Chorus f^^HEEm i^e 4=t ^m Ask - the Sav-ior to help you, Com-fort, strengthen and keep you; $ l ^ FH=HV&FlhNM?*i ^ He is will • ing to aid you, He will car - ry you throug fc £35 ^WiN^NWF© per. of H. R. Palmer, owner of copyright. 70 No. 69. ALL HAIL THE GREAT CREATOR! Rev. Wm. Appel. Chas. H. Gabriel. 4- p 5 3E m i r ' ' ' — 1. All hail the great Cre - a - tor, And mag - ni - fy His Dame; Lift 2. All hail the bless -ed Sav - ior, And wor-ship at His feet; He All hail the King of glo - ry And let Him en - ter now; Be- P * i 3=1= em =r =s=r s* T up drank foreH at in song your voic-es, And mul - ti - ply His fame; Let vales death's cup so bitter, And gives to us the sweet; Let cheer is matchless splendor Let men and an -gels bow: Let one and ful and f^ Hfp 5 H $ i. f -m- * Let vales and LetcheerfuJ Let one and hills, and song His all both i=t :# hills, song all and rocks, and His praise pro both great ard rills, long, small Let all who Let all who The glo - ries on the in His of our esff $ 4=t ■5=-* Ti* rocks, and rills. Let vales, and bills, and rocks, and rills, praise prolong, Let cheerful song His praise prolong, great and small, Let one and all both great and small, 4— #= ^~ His prais - es swel 1 His prais -es swell. His prais -es swell. earth do dwell, The cho - rus of courts do dwell. The cbo - rus of Sov'reign tell, The cho - rus of m 4=1= rf =fc 3=r *~r-^ The cho-rus of His prais - es swel Copyright, 1895, by Geo. F. Rosehe. All rights reserved. 71 His prais - es swell, r No. 70. BRING YOUR LOVING GIFTS TO JESUS. Ida Scott Taylor. W. J. C. Tuiel. Duet. tes Ox ^ — T3 m 33* ^ &=? ~r ■=^t to Bring your lov-ing gift 2. In the name of Je - sus on 3. Aid to spread His ho- ly gos Inst. Je - sus, pel. Will - ing let it be: Give with lav- ish hand: Send the news a - broad, =^?: ES 15^ 32^": Once for you His life He of-fered,— Died on Cal - va - ry: Seek your Master's cause to hon - or, This is His com-mand; Tell the world the heav'nly ti - dings— Winning souls for God; J . U- -• — •- re -I-H- * *=t 3=t i — r 3=E •^ rrt.,~ n ^3BE33E *Efctzfczfc3 t=t "P V 7 P ir Turn not from His gentle pleading, Tho' perhaps your store is small, Come, oh, come, ye sons of Zi-on, Bring your off 'ring to the Lord, Wea - ry not in faith-ful service, Toil - ing on from sun to sun, ^S ■t—t- P^ m t=^ I te ^r 3=^ zt * V * — ' From His great and wondrous bounty God provides your all. Yield your treasure to Hiskeep-ing, Ask- ing no re- ward By and by shall Je - sus whis- per, "Thou hast nobly done ^ :r ^m J-E-fc B *=t Chorus. TTTI Ff M 3=J=J: s t=t -p — p — p — p- Come with songs of glad re-joic-ing, Bring your gifts withearnest prayer,— P m ±JC *=fc 5. S 3 * * 3 I Copyright, 1894, by Geo. F. Kosche. All rights reserved. 72 f f VI -S ' 4- Bring Your Loving Gifts to Jesus. Wait - ing for the bless-ed har - vest, Fruits of joy to share P m s m a. s T-JTT No. 71. HE IS CALLING. Faber. 1st Alto sing lower notes on Soprano staff. ~&~f~fj r ■? &-TT- Arr. r 1. There's a wide-ness in God's mer-cy, Like the wideness of the sea: 2. There's no place where earthly sor-rows Are more felt than up in heav'n 3. For the love of God is broad-er Than the measure of man's mind 4. But we make His love too nar - row, By false lim-its of our own; „ Alto Solo. P V=X t=± u — r 5 ^~ r f-TT «9= *"? ^^ -* — ^— There's a kind-ness in His just - ice,"VVhich is more than lib - er - ty. There's no place where earthly failings Have such kindly judgment giv'n. And the heart of the E - ter - nal Is most won-der - ful - ly kind. And we mag-ni - fy His strictness With a zeal He will not own. 4=3: 5 => — J '-+ J- -4- Refrain. rt -K4— ^ 2t ^?S= -a!— rt~ He is call - ing, "Come to me;" Lord, I'll glad - ly fol-low Thee! 9^^g^ 73 & ', «14 -4 No. 72. THOU CANST SAVE. Rev. W. J. Herbert Hogan. mm -^ — * — i- y^ i^£ A Weiss. ?E£ 1 la life's long - est, firrc-est bat - tie, 2. When iny lit - tie bark would founder, 3. When my faith, in tri - al, wa - vers, 4. Come what may, then, calm or tem - pest, Thou wilt res • cue, I will ev er Hast-en, Lord: Thine Light or dark • ness. Sav - ior mine; call aid joy to Thee af - ford; Mid the tem- pests wild-est rav Thou who rul - est surg-ing bil Give me some sweet glimpse of gio woe; By Thy pres - ence, cheered de fend D S. May I stand se - cure - ly ev ing, lows, ry ed, er Thou canst hold me, Sav - ior Will my trust - y pi - lot Speak some strength-in - spir-ing mine. Thou canst save be. word. rnrr-r I shall fear no storm nor foe On the sure foun - da ■ Hon stone. Thou canst save me, D S Thou canst hold me, dear-est Sav ior, Thou a - lone; dear-est Sav - ior, Copyright, 1891, by Geo. P. Rosche. All rights reserved. 74 No. 73. E. E Hewitt. SWEETLY RESTING. M. L. McPhail. & &-u* 4=* \ I 1 I m t=F^ ^3E r^^^ ^^ rr^r %-+++ ¥ 1 — -ry - i 1. Svveet-iy rest-mg in my Sav - ior, In His wisdom, love and might 2. Ev ■ ry care to Him con-fid • mg, I can lay my bur-dens down 3 Ail my life to Him com-mit-ting. Ev-'ry path may He di - rect; 4 Walk-mg thus in blest com-mun-ion, With my Sav-ior and my Friend ?TT5 1 — r rtf*fl?fT?¥T^ 9=^=1 ^^ = ^ =^^^^^^^ I \T ' ' Trust-ing in His gracious pow-er, All the way is growing bright. Free to fol - low His blest guiding, Free to win the star-ry crown. Grant me what His eye sees fit - ting; From all e - vil snares pro-tect. Clos - er still the heav'nly un - ion, Peace shall all my steps at-tend. I ±* r * r Chorus. ^f^^P=R ^ ^^^ In His shelt'ring arms I'm hid-ing, Till I reach my home of love; m iF=ffl=j=9^ Iff tr 5t'J S f-7 Sweet-ly in His peace a - bid - ing, Till I see His face a - bove. I fc* gas 5 it ii* * * * i r rcr i r =3 s r Copyright, 1895, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. 75 No. 74. J M. McP WHEN HE COMES. J M. McPhail. ^=S V s I am read - y to meet Je - sus when He comes, when He comes, I am wait-ing, work-ing, pray-ing, for He comes, for He comes, Bless the Lord, 1 know I love Him. for He comes, for He comes, 1 am read - y now to meet Him when He comes, when In His per-fect love re - joic ing, for He comes, for Now with all my heart I love Him, for He comes, for ior dear Should most sudden in all I If my bless-ed Sav 1 am watch-ing all the days, While I walk In His love are heights, I know, That I can - not reach D. S washed my garments white, 1 am walk - ing in ap - pear, His ways, be low, the light. 3= ^ Fine. £^£ -v- I'll have noth - ing then to fear when He comes, when He comes. I am filled with love and praise, for He comes, for He comes. But to high - er heights I'll go when He comes, when He comes. And my hope of heaven is bright. For He comes, for He comes. I w -*■- r 9 9 Chorus. I £=£ W When He comes. I am read - y, When He comes, am read - y. \ i > g g g ■ I Copyright, 1895, by Geo. F. Rosette. All rights reserved. 76 J ? 7 7 When He Comes. d. s. £e£ r= * i__t if=v ^=^ S£3E£ I am read - y, f ul - ly read - y, when He comes ; I have when He comes; /ub r> is- is h is is is p . is -a- I 'is e — r N p kf—j d \ d ? p! / ,J J«_j = LlJ_4 jit i jL-j : No, 75. JESUS, SAVIOH, PILOT ME! Rev. Edward Hopper. ft J. E. Gould. m^2 M I ^ ' i * I « • a J ~^ 1. Je - sus, Sav - ior, pi - lot me, O - ver life's tem-pest-uous sea; 2. As a moth-er stills her child, Thou canst hush the o-ceanwild; 3. When at last I near the shore, And the fear - f ul break-ers roar i^ •J -* • ■# * : -t u ir~& • * • * w $ ^3EEI E3E IE ^ a=s: U V U & I U V V ^J, Unknown waves be-fore me roll, Hid-ing rock and treach'rous shoal; Boist'rous waves o - bey Thy will, When Thou sayst to them "Be still!" 'Twixt me and . the peaceful rest, Then, while lean-ing ou Thy breast, 4 i ' 4S~* Ji* * -m — — • — ■ - g i * * T v * * ? Chart and com - pass come from Thee: Je - sus, Sav - ior, pi - lot me. Wondrous Sov-'reign of the sea, Je - sus, Sav - ior, pi - lot me. May I hear Thee say to me, "Fear not, I will pi- lot thee!' No. 76 Fred Woodrow. ONCE AGAIN. Chas. H. Gabriel. I want to hear it, the song as-cend-inj Sto - ry sweet and sto - ry old; To the Lord who died for me, 3. Once a-gain, oh, tell the sto - ry Of the glo - ry yet to be. PI m X=$: Fi X X I =F=T te i=g^F ±=3t 3* — &> — * — r Sweet-er than the sweetest mu - sic, Rich-er far than gems or gold; Let me feel that He is hear- ing! How I long His face to see! O'er the walls of shin- ing jas - per, O'er the bright and crystal sea; I to Tell it to me, tell it to me, Sto - ry of Mer-cy. mer - cy, like a fount-ain, Springing up I will list - en, I will praise Him, And. a-mid the Sav-ior's love, and running o'er; a world of care. ft h» *T t : I I : t=^ I -=-. — & — * — t *• Fine. ee^e* E* -Z21 W — t, — *- Known on earth, and known in glory, Sweet be-low Life and love for thirst-y mill-ions, L;fe and love Bear the cross with-out re - pin- ing. Thinking of D.S.-First on earth, and first in glo - ry, Still the best and sweet a-bove. for millions more! the glo - ry there ! and still the same. Copyright, 1891, by Chas. H. Gabriel No. 77. C. H. G. OBI THE ROCK OF AGES. Geo. C. Httgg. I- m a= u±i^ m f m&fmm ^ 1. On the Rock of A - ges stand-ing, Let the foam-y bil-lows break 2. To the Rock of A - ges flee - ing, When my heart is sore oppressed, 3. To the Rock of A - ges cling - ing, When I near the chilling strand, ^^P^f^ 3= ii r r^^ ^fegE^a At my feet in an - gry mo - tion, My foun-da - tion can-not shake. I re-ceive the gracious bless - ing Of His promised peace and rest. Tho' the earth and heavens trem-ble, On this Rock I'll safe-ly stand. fuUM4M4i^^ff=^ *m $ Chorus. fc=fc 3=r-* : i M z P Stand - ing on the Rock of A ges, Yes, on the Rock of A - ges, ^ F^FP^ Tf—t -A— ft — *- u * tm I tz n \£±&^ m t i I Leaning on the Ev - er - last - ing Arms, Let the tempest roar the m ^srr=rrr^ -t 1 [ jl_* — i- ■7—* i/ m i> i L— — Sfe f^^^igl^ =szi==rtU bout me, I am safe from all a"- larms! tem - pest roar i a - bout me, ^m wmmm r-y^bjzd; 4=: Copyright, 1895, by Geo. F. Rosohe. All rights reserved. 79 No. 78. SOURCE OF EVERY BLESSING. Ralph Wardlow. H. A. Henrt. ^=u±±^a=m £fP£Q T^i~t » 1. Christ, of all my hopes the ground. Christ, the spring of all my joy: 2. Firm • ly trust • iug in Thy blood, Kothing shall my heart confound; f 5=^ i^=& ^a ^^f^ mfe iN ^ ^ :? r Still in Thee may I be found, Still for Thee my pow'rs employ. Safe - ly I shall pass the flood, Safe-ly reach ImmanueKs ground. I &£ f=s e^p^ ^ J- J J.-. i ganr T~g { « i r^ I Fountain of o'er-flow - ing grace, Free - ly from Thy full-ness give; When I touch the bless - ed shore, Back the clos-ing waves shall roll, p ^ ?, ^ ^^^ Till I close my earth - ly race, May I prove it "Christ to live! Death's dark stream shall nev-er -more Part from thee my rav-ished soul Chokus. 5=± :*=£=*=$: :£=£; ^ I <: I *^ -* — * 1: t Thou art the source of ev - 'ry bless-ing, Thou art the source of ev - 'ry bless - - - ins, J r- 3. V v Copyright, 1894, by Chas. H. Gabriel 80 Source of Every Blessing. ^PPS? No. 79. Charles Wesley. DEPTH OF J Stevenson. Depth of mer- cy, can there be Can my God His wrath for - bear, 2 j I have long with-stood His grace | Would not hearken to His calls; ., j Now in- cline me to re - lent; 1 Now my foul re - volt de - plore, Mer - cy still re - served for me? ) Me, the chief of sinners, spare? (" ; Long pro-voked Him to His face; i Grieved Him by a thousand falls. J Let me now my sins la-ment; | Weep, be - lieve, and sin no more. ( w N^ m God is love, I know, I feel; Jesus weeps and loves me still -Jesus weeps, He weeps and loves me still. 81 ^ " No. 80. THE SAME SWEET STORY. Mrs. Adaline H. Beery. Geo. F. Rosche. % n i t - f* .— i fr i 1 I p i i * r *"! .. h ■ l--\ * S^ mm V ~7 " 1. We sing of Christ our Sav - ior, And how He came be - low 2. We sing the gra-cious par - don That brought us to the light; 3. We sing His crown-ing mer - cy, His death to make us free; mWfW WT s ^ f m h=i=nM^^ ^ H: v=zt $ 1E To build His bless-ed king - dom, And seeds of good-ness sow. And how He helps His serv - ants Who trust His love and might. His glo - rious res - ur - rec - tion, Blest hope for you and me. i f-f-prxHr^ii^ f^^ f=£ fnf^^^^ itPh-^H We sing on earth His glo - ry, And when in heav'n we share, Wf ^ff rTWwWm ff^^ztH^U^^ ^Repeat Chorus pp We'll sing with hal - le - lu - jahs The same sweet sto - ry there. f*Tf*rf** = * ± * = T* = w ± m Copyright, 1891, by Geo. P. Rosche. All rights reserved. 82 No. 81. GOD BE WITH YOU. Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D. W. G. Tomer. fe -ft & & — A— , 3=i ■M4*,-* $ i I U ^ V U l> II 1. God be with you till we meet a - gain, By His counsels guide,up- 2. God be with you till we meet a - gain. 'Neath His wings securely 3. God be with you till we meet a- gaiuj When life's perils thick con- 4. God be with you till we meet a - gain, Keep love's banner floating m B_= w rr rr 4 4 4 4 4 t * i e 4 3=£ 2 -; • * # ^— hold you, With His sheep se - cure - ly fold you, hide you; Dai - ly man - na still pro - vide you, found you, Put His arms un - fail - ing round you, o'er you, Smite Death's threat'ning wave be - fore you, $ ± *: * r Wf^TfTTl 5 * * Chorus, i — ^m God be with you till we meet a - gain. Till we meet till we Till we meet, till we meet, Till we meet at Je meet a - gain, 9 rr sus' feet; Till we till we meet; meet till we meet, God be with you till we meet a - gam. Till we meet, till we meet again, I 1 *=£ s ^ i .]_ y Pf=t=r=^ Copyrighted by J. E. Rankin, D. D. By per. -£—0 — P — p—Mr V V V * TT No. 82. I FEEL LIKE TRAVELING ON. Wm. Hunter. Dr. S. B Jackson. 1. My heav'n-ly home is bright and fair; I feel like trav -el- ing on! 2. Its glitfriug tow'rs the sun out-shine: I feel like trav-el - ing on! 3. My Fa-ther's home is built on high; I feel like trav-el- ing on! 4. When from this earth • ly pris-onfree, I feel like trav-el -iug on! m S ■* -*- ♦ T T f^m^^i =*=* ^—*-t=£ E£ 33 * ' •-* v — ■ ■ — - — - ■ *. _ Nor pain nor death can en - ter there, T feel like trav-el-ing on. That heav'nly man - sion shall be mine, I feel like trav-el-ing on. Far, far a-bove the star - ry sky, I feel like trav-el-ing on. That heav'nly man - sion mine shall be, I feel like trav-el-ing on. Pfi ¥£ tst Tv-v-r m $ I feel like trav-el-ing on, I feel like trav-el-ing on, trav-el-ing on, trav-el - ing on, * ft I N H=^ =s — rc is l 35=3s: ^: ^P 1 ' 4 - A T §B s 3s=qs: :t_-=fc=tt ^= g— #— •— i- My heav'n-ly home is bright and fair, I feel like trav-el-ing on. S7\ f^ f «Vf ; rW Copyright, 1894, by Cias. H. Gabriel. 84 No. 83. A. F. M. SINGING ALL THE DAY. A. F. Myers. 1. At my work I'm al-ways sing-ing, Tho' the day be cold and long; 2. I will sing the bless - ed ti-dings When at work, or by the way; 3. Oh! how hap-py when I'm sing-ing; How the cares do pass a - way; 4. Come to Je - sus now, and serve Him With your tal - ent, time and voice; W^jTh e lT~ ! I TT i I ~ r> J" 1 J J — i — i r i f^ rn j-ht^^m f=H= m For my heart's so full of mu - sic, That I can -not stop my song. Oh, the world shall ring with mu- sic, For I'm sing - ing all the day. And the mo-ments fly so swift-ly, For I'm sing-ing all the day. Sing the bless-ed, glo-rious ti-dings Till the earth shall all re - joice. M F3F Chorus. § t ^HtJ=f^ w^- I'm singing, I'm singing, I'm sing-ing, sing-ing all the day; I'm yes, yes, f ~ &f i rffmu i i i 1 * it~i f^ j | j i==tti-! f fl ^ singing, I'm sing-ing, I'm sing-ing all the day yes, yes, I'm sing-ing, sing-ing all the day. ™ ' r r t £ i i i i i * *K-~t Copyright, 1891, by A. P. Myers. By per. 85 No, 84. Emma Pitt. GOLDEN GATES AJAR. Chas. H. Gabriel. h h h jv 1. Who holds the golden gates a-jar, His ransomed children to receive? 2. He purchased heav'n with His own life, He paid the debt, the debt we owe; 3. And who - so - ev - er shall believe On Christ,the spotless Lamb of God, yg ^ in n r\ rv l 'Tis Jesus, precious, loving Friend! O trust Him, love Him and believe! God gave His son, His only son, Because he loved, He loved us so. They ever-lasting life shall have, Within the gates — His blest abode. * • J- m^& m Chorus. m The gates a - jar, the gates The gates a • jar, the gates jar, jar, f * * + ♦ ♦ * i K *=fc i i t * i 1 i-£ £ p The dark - est night to Him is light. And thro' the shine or shade, But sweet - ly whis-pers while His hands Up - on His own are laid, — On nois - y street, in still re- treat, Thro' vales of deep-est shade, sj=t^£ p i=f V I i ^E *=£i 1* He speaks in tones of ten - der might,"My child, be not a - fraid." 'Lo! at thy side thy Fa-ther stands, "My child, be not a - fraid." That voice is heard with accents sweet,"My child, be not a - fraid." P^i iu U V& Cho.— Ke not a - fraid, He i tea not a - fraid, fcr \ s f V I ^ ft (■ I — tM" r^Tt^rr ^ rvivrurwi u 1st time.Child,be not,be not afraid, Child, be not.be not afraid, The darkest night to 2dJ'.me.Child,be not,be not afraid, Child. be not.be not afraid. He speaks in tones of Geo. F. Roscle, owner ot copyright. All ritrhts reserved. 92 Be Not Afraid. p£ -fU- ^ -^- h I *=* -^| hi IH ^3=*=^ fl 1 g - J - rt l ■ — J *^* Him is light,And thro' the shine or shade, [Omit ] tender might, "My child, be Dot afraid." :^j: ' P Pi?* No. 91. WEBB. l A''4 ! I J ^*=j U j u r Je - sus! Ye sol-diers of the cross; Je - sus! Stand in His strength a -lone; Je - sus! The strife will not be long; 1. Stand up! 2. Stand up! 3. Stand up! stand up for stand up for stand up for * t i Fixe. 3EEJE * 2t I ner, It must not suf - fer loss: you — Ye dare not trust your own. tie, The next the vie -tor's song: His roy - al of flesh will the noise of ban fail bat T I I * • | r #= quished, And Christ is Lord in - deed. - ger, Be nev - er want-ing there. - ry, Shall reign e - ter - nal - ly. 'ry foe is - ty calls, or the King of van dan glo f D. S. 3^^ ^=r mm &=-z 1 ■- From vie - fry un - to vie - fry His ar - my shall He lead, Put on the gos - pel ar - mor, And, watch-ing un - to pray'r, To him that o - ver - com - eth, A crown of life shall be; i m f^F 4 j'i « } ^Fgf No. 92. SAFE ON THE GOLDEN SHORE. E. E. Hewitt. Arr. by C. H. G. 1. Sweet songs from yon-der hill of glo - ry, Ring ev - er-more; 2. Blest is the heart whose dear-est treas-ures Heav'n will re - store; 3. No sin, no pain can ev - er en - ter Thro' that bright door; P jti i^Wily- a — I - h- =fr =5 * X 1 1 L I 4s ' r *=p=t- 1 4-6- -1 r-H R * * J J l — r- 1-: There lov'd ones sing sa Glad meet - ing 'mid e • Je - sus, of all our - va-tion's sto- ry ter - nal pleasures joys the cen-ter, U — i g ' i * Safe on the gold -en Safe on the gold - eu Safe on the gold - en 1 4-11 -tS>- • shore, shore, shore. ih — i , *-■ #— i — ^ e p r -i— d — !*— *— ~~1 * — f 1 — 1 1 — tJ :S: % i 3 Z i "5 - & * ^ 4 i i f* i- Chorus. ^m iEEk &* z^H=ti=±m $Et$E£ g g-T ' '^ff^ ^ By the shin-ing crys - tal riv - er Sor-row comes no more, nev-er, nev-er more. Jib J . M—i J *j J i-A-J- *\ i TT J ^ k= ^ more, While dwelling with the King for-ev-er, Safe on the gold-en shore. « J ri s * 5 » * » * *■ * 5 * ♦ /%: Copyright, 1895, by Geo. P. Rosche. All rights reserved. 94 No. 93. Ida L. Reed. AFTER LIFE'S TOILING. Wagner. Arr. by Geo. F. Rosche. m =$= **? -M— : « *EBBl -*T 1. There shall be rest for vvea - ry feet, Rest aft - er toil - ing and 2. Fear not, thy God doth see and know, What are the bur-dens that 3. Oh! gold -en dawn, oh! hap- py day! Soon will we wel-come thy P r * *: * * 5 '. * t : %• 3 3 3: ^m 3=3 =£±2= y * . * ■ g — — y *-r— a— ^w~. — ^ r-r- joy aft - er tears, For souls op-pressed, it wil) be sweet Free from their bow-eth thee down; Dost thou not hear the whis-per low? For-ward and ra - di - ant light; Thy rays shall shine o - ver our way, Love will il- fe^i^fiy i: 'j U . ■ 1 1—7 Pt- * ♦: * s. * N: 3SE3 ; e£tH£ J=f 1- sor - rows, their doubts and their fears. Rest - ing in Je - sus thro' up - ward, ray serv - ant press on, Waits for the vie - tor a lu - mine thy path - way so bright, Lead - ing to heav'n, out of ♦ * 5 m S SE T*=* m glad end - less years, Rest ■ ing in Je - sus thro' glad end-less years, glo - ri - ous crown, Waits for the vie - tor a glo - ri - ous crown, earth and its night, Lead-ing to heav'n out of earth and its night. Refrain W^mmim^m Glo-ry to God, in heav'n meet; After life's toiling our rest will be sweet. t *-*t: * J!* *: * * Z * 2 * t!T H ^tr Copyright, 1891, by Geo. F. Eosche. All rights reserved. 95 -No 94. LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED. Mr-; Ida M. Budd. Chas ?S T T H. Gabriel. M 4- 1 "Let not your heart be troub - led," Oh. words of com - fort sweet' We 2. "Let not your heart be troub - led," Tho 1 dark the way may be; Cast 3 "Let not your heart be troub - led," For to His glo-rious home— The m P=8=S= gzzrf p =t= bow, O bless-ed Sav - ior. A - dor - ing at Thy feet; Thy cheering words so all thy care up-on Him, And He will care for thee. His wis-dom still will place He is pre-par - ing, His own at last shall come. Oh, teach us, lov-ing Efe fm SUpHHi *=*=}. ten- der. Our hearts would glad-ly heed; Our will - ing feet would guide thee. His lov - ing hand up - hold; His mer - cy keep thee Sav- ior, to walk the nar-row way, And all a- long the S3 ^ Chorus, i=ri— *-$■ S -B & P EE5 J==J= fol • low Where'er our Lord shall lead. ) ev • er. Safe, safe with- in His fold. >- Let not your heart be troubled, Let Thee sav: \ journey. Stili may we hear Th< ^a £ P *=£=t i 4—, W 4=* not your heart be troubled; As ye be- liev e in the Fa - ther, Be- b . k. i - r — -— 3-^ *i=r =t=i* Z £^~i—i^d = * = =i Copyright, 1894, by Chas. H. Gabriel. 96 Let Not Your Heart be Troubled. is & lieve in me: Let not your heart be troub-led, Nei-ther let it be a- i ;^=s: £=£ S=M= ~ H ! m -\ H ggasjE I BflC m mz 3^§ I fraid: As be -lieve in the Fa- ther, be- lieve in ^3E m s s -i 1 : F^ E** 1 No. 95. YE CHRISTIAN HERALDS. B. H. Draper. J. Zeuner. ifefeB £ 1. Ye Chris - tian 2. He'll shield you 3. And when bur her with la aids, a bors go, wall all pro of are claim Sal - fire, With o'er, Then ^m 3=i fc* rtf-H-p-Hj ^ feffc I va - tion thro' Im - man - uel's name; To dis • tant climes flam - ing zeal your breasts in - spire, Bid rag - ing winds we shall meet to part no more — Meet with the blood- m tfc ^ &f ■*—* -^—^ i fc* is 5=t a : j i — £ the ti - dings bear, And plant the Hose of Shar - on there, their f u - ry cease. And hush the tern -pest in - to peace, bought throng to fall, And crown our Je - sus Lord of all. W w p 4 — ^ ♦ ? ^ ^ 97 1 No. 96. YE HERALDS OF SALVATION. Ida Scott Taylor. C. A. Weiss. Duet. Moderato. f a! s* i^a E ? 5^3^ 1. Ye her -aids of sal 2. Ye her - aids of sal 3. Ye her -aids of sal -*r. i 3 va - t.ion, The joy - ful news pro va - tion, The way for Christ pre va - tion, The sound a - far is P I claim, Till pare, And heard! And z2 ^EEf t=r ev - 'ry tribe and na tion Shall spread the proc - la - ma - - tion— His o - ver all ere - a - tion Re - I st Ores. dJ «' -« shout Mes - si - ah's name; king - dom to de - clare; spons - ive hearts are stirred; Till des - ert isles vie - An-nounce His sov • 'reign Thro' dis - tant chimes is Copyright, 1891, by Geo. F Ye Heralds of Salvation. / Bit. A tempo. .Bit. f^-jrji^m^^Hm voice the might - y cho - rus, "Ho-san - na, Christ is King!" peat the won-drous sto - ry — "Ho-san - na, Christ is King!" Gos - pel-bells re -ply - ing— "Ho-san - na, Christ is King!" All praise to our Ee - deem-er! Ho - san - na, Christ is King; ^ V V V ^ All praise to our Re - deem-er! Ho- san - na, Christ is King! PPI £=t i 99 £? w No. 97. CITY OF OUR GOD. John Newton. Chas. H. Gabriel. hi 1 Sh i-d — J- -f"^ i ' j-H-f -a 1— E~ ~s — • — *• — * — l .. w± r^-7- up — ? — * — r p — 1 p — p- -F. — F F Ft- s)-_ — J ' v v » | 1. Glorious things of thee are spok 2. Round each hab-it - a - tion hov - - en, Zi-on, cit - y of our God; 'ring, See the cloud and fire ap - pear, f'\v 1 !"\ i j j ii ii j ji | TT * * -#■•-# u • -•- *mj ♦ M- p EF-H— t— f—& * — v— ■— b b- • — I Ut- ile whose word can-not be bro-ken Form'd thee for His own a - bode. For a glo - ry and a cov-'ring, Showing that the Lord is near! i ft I" i i~_ r \ is I in h , ffi fe=£ P -£- P£=?=i=£ £E* On the Rock of A - ges found-ed, What can shake thy sure re-pose? He who gives us dai - ly man - na, He who list - ens when we cry, m gp ^=^=q^qs -^- ^ h j t-tr-4-M-+- V -# -r -*• -# -* -4 -^ -* t* • I ^— I JJJJ * I L From "Jerusalem," by per. 100 City of Our God. i cit - - - y Zi - on cit - y, of our God; Bless-ed cit - y, cit - y of our God; Blessed cit - y, love-ly fr IN qs=£ P33 mm -m * 9 •- jJS k== » ? — W g g g g -p— g *m f=?- love - ly cit - y, cit - - y, Zi - on cit - y, cit - y of our God, Zi - on, cit y of our God, ^b=f-J-LJ: t* \) 4 4 4 -d w-« »» s- i g=f — r- T f £ He whose word He whose can-not be word can-not, can bro - not be ken, bro - ken, Form'd thee I ^^E m v—r -r-r ^m -v — v — f — V Form'd thee for His for His i own, His own a-bode; Blessed cit - - y, love-ly own a-bode; Blessed cit-y, love-ly Wa=X *=£ Tuf nr Tf ♦ ♦ * Kfe=* » ^3^E£ cit - y, Zi cit - y, on, cit Zi y of our God cit - y, cit - y of our God. 101 City of Our God. Chorus, ■y— -v * > *-• "^ Glorious things of Thee are spoken. Zi-on, Ci - ty of our God He whose word cannot be broken, Formed thee for His own [Omit. ] a - bode. § ^^m :*=£: m e No. 98. HARPS AND VOICES. Thos. Kelly. I ^rf Dr. Lowell Mason. Fine. f^+j— :*=£ 1. Hark! ten thousand harps and voic-es Sound the notes of praise a-bove; 2. Je- sus, hail! whose glo-ry bright-ens All a-bove, and gives it worth; 3. King of glo - ry! reign for- ev - er! Thine an ev - er- last-ing crown; D. C.-Hal-le - lu - jah, hal - le - lu - jah, hal - le - lu - jah, praise the Lord. i S 3^£ E?^E P - •*-• — r Je- sus reigns and heav'n re-joic - es, Je - sus reigns, the God of love. Lord of life. Thy smile enlightens, Cheers and charms Thy saints on earth. Nothing from Thy love shall sever Those whom Thou hast made Thine own. 1 See, He sits on yonder throne, When we think of love like Thine, Hap-py ob-jects of Thy grace, Je-sus rules tt e world alone ; Lord, we own i:; all di - vine; Destined to be-hold Thy face; w ff : - - See, He sits When we think Hap-py ob - • P£ V V V ' on yonder throne, Jesus rules of love like Thine, Lord, we own jects of Thy grace, Destined to 102 the world a-Ione; it a. di-vine* be-hol' 1 Thy face; No. 99. Dr. Bonar. THE CROSS. J. R. Dunham. 3ES 1. The cross, it stand-eth fast, Hal-le - lu - jah, hal-le - lu - jah! De - 2. It the old cross still, Hal-le - lu 3. 'Twas here the debt was paid, Hal-le - lu - jah, hal-le - lu - jah! Our IS hal-le - lu - jah! Its m -f^r-f-^ T "# V & P 3=t SS§S I fy - ing ev-'ry blast, Hal-le - lu-jah for the cross ! The winds of hell have blown, triumphs let us tell, Hal-le - lu-jah for the cross ! The grace of God here shown sins on Je-sus laid, Hal-le - lu-jah for the cross! So round the cross we sing =£=£ 1=t=t ■s— -r--t- L ^r mmim i — j 1 1 — £=]=£ =s==5 1 1 1: r=r=g* f $ l^E ^ hf=? si "The world its hate hath shown,Yet 'tis not overthrown, Ha 1-le-lu-jah for the cross! Thro' Christ, the blessed Son, Who did for sin atone, Hal-le-lu-jah for the cross! Of Christ, our offering— Of Christ, our living King,Hal le-lu-jah for the cross! f =3= -I I U ==)= -J — 1- =1 — I I l = -l r\ ,m I ^ T-af Chorus. 1=t IEET =f p Hal-le-lu-jah, hal-le - lu-jah, hal-le-lu-jah for the cross ! f^P5 rTTT rrr r f 2& ¥ Hal le - lu - jah, hal-le - lu - jah, hal-le - lu - jah for the cross! ^ 34— * Copyright, 1893, by Chas. H. Gabriel r* grr 103 No. 100. C. D. E. MY CLEANSING. C. D. Emerson. See! fatefc :S=&fp=£ £^? v - r v " 1. My sins, tho' outnumb'nng the sands on the shore, Are purged from my 2. So lov - ing - ]y, plead-ing - ly, oft-en He cried: "Soul, 'twas for thy 3. A lep • er, cast out in the des-ert was I, Un-mind - ful of 4. Ill praise Him while here as a pil-grim I roam, And then in my * ^ i tfc i=i *=*-i- ^ ±=* s^; soul and re - mem-bered no more; The blood of my bless-ed Re - sake that I suf-fered and died; It is for thy cleansing the liv - ing, yet fear- ing to die. Till, yield-ing, I cried — "Lord, re beau ti -ful. glo - ri - tied home 111 see and a- dore Him for- 3^ fWWf^F^F? f — F ti^m w £*r J=J=F t ^m deem-er, I know, Has washed them and made them whiter than snow. pure wa ters flow, To wash thee and make thee whit- er than snow.' ceive me!'' and lo! He heard, healed, and made me whit -er than snow, ev - er, for oh, He loved me, and made me whit- er than snow er than snow; Make me than snow, O Lord, I would be, r i =n * * m i t ; n^^ ^g er than snow Whit - - er than than snow, yes. whit-er than snow, Whiter than snow, O Copyright, 1894, by Chas. H. Gabriel. 104 My Cleansing. snow, Make me whit - - er than snow Lord, I would be, whit-er than snow, yes, whit-er than snow. p -E— £-- 1 = f^ r, f. =B=F Y " u No. 101. CAN YOU DOUBT HIM? Fred Woodrow. Dr, W. H. Doane. -J- puss t=t £3 3 Er * 1. When thy heart, with sin op • press-ing. Yearns for par - don and for peace, 2. When by fear thy way is dark-ened, And thy path is lost in night, 3. When by man and friends for-sak - en — None to help and none to cheer, "i P PiTinTW fW? -I 1 I y—r m 4-t-M *==^ J ^ &Z % T P And the mer • cy Christ hath promised, Bids thy tears and doublings cease: And the morn-ing He has promised, Dim-ly sheds its dawning light; And the Mas-ter s shame en dur- mg, Thou His heav y cro«s must bear: =gl=^= 3^5 -p-=- ?♦ rv f* .g: Refrain. ^ffpp^ ^B^B ^ "*^ ' * 1— "t w Can you doubt Him, Can you doubt Him, Him who thy transgressions bore? m 3^ J I-*- S^ ^^ i — r TF -r *♦ mmm % — 1-± % T^~ Can you doubt Him, Can you doubt Him, Him who saves for-ev-er- more? I x=x p=£ -r*i i —FT**Tr* r T& i — r Copyright, 1894, by Chas. H. Gabriel. 105 No. 102. C. Wesley. BLEST IN CHRIST. W Arranged by C. H. G. >^fc 1 I- 3EH±!E 1. VVea 2. Find 3. Oh, ry iii be souls Christ lieve that wan - ■ der wide the way of peace, the rec - • ord true, 3^ \=t=* 4 3 3 1. YVea-ry souls that wander wide. Wea-ry souls that wander wide I M 2± w=m -0 of bliss. Turn to un • known: By His hath giv'n: Ye may From Peace God the cen un - speak to you tral point a - ble. His Son :£=qs: *— *— f— F From the cen - tral point of bliss, From the central point of bliss, i :-£E£EEfg E£ jHE J3 Je - - sus cru-ci - fled; Fiy to those pain He gives you ease, Life by His now be hap-py too. Find on earth dear wounds of His: Sink in- ex-pir-ing groan: Rise ex- the life of heav'n: Live the £ £ m ^■=^=^=^z f~r~ r ~r in -i—JT s=^ fc=t±£ 3= £± S^=£* to the pur -pie flood, Rise in - to alt - ed by His fall: Find in Christ life of heav'n a - bove, All the life -E>-s- the life of God. your all in all. of glo-rious love. t 4v- ^ ttt Refrain. t & m Blest in Christ, Blest in Christ this moment be, Blest in Christ this moment be, Blest in Christ to all e-ter-ni-ty, i^pi :*=$: t t i t t t *=F - % A. 4 r Copyright, 1895, by Chas. H. Gabriel. 106 Blest in Christ. Bit. 9 V U i 'I ' ' * ' ' v V Blest in Christ to all e = ter -■ - - ni - ty. Blest in Christ this moment be, Blest to all e - ter - ni • ty, F¥# •m- -m- -0- 3 5 i No. 103. C. H. G. ~P ' ?-?&- V V V V V PRAISE HIS NAME. Chas. H. Gabkiel. 1. All the way ray Lord is leading me, Praise His name, praise His name, 2. When I faint, His grace upholdeth me, Praise His name, praise His name, 3. Cares of life have o • ver-tak-en me. Praise His name, praise His name, p ^ ^^ ^ With His heav'nly man - na feed-ing me, Praise His ho - ly name. When I fear, His arms en-fold -eth me, Praise His ho - ly name. Yet He nev - er has for-sak-en me, Praise His ho • ly name. Hal - Je - lu - Jan.' This is my song, Je - sus, Je-sus, the whole day long-. Swell the cho - rus might-y and strong. Praise His ho - ly name. pPPg 1 Copyright, 1894, by Chas. H. Gabriel. T *i-* 107 No. 104. Thomas Kelly, GLORY TO THE LAMB. (DUET AND CHORUS.) 1. Hark' the notes of an - gels sinking. "Glo - ry, glo - ry to the Lamb!' 2. Filled with ho - ly em - u - la - Hon, Let us vie with those a-bove: mm \r±i a- ee All in heav'n their tribute briug-ing. Rais ing high the Savior's name. Sweet the theme, a free sal - va • tion. Fruit of ev - er • last-ing love g&Li ~\T . m m Ye for whom His life was giv - en. Sa-cred themes to you be-long: Endless life in Him pos-sess-ing, Let us praise His precious name: Come, as-sist the choirs of heav ■ en. Joiu the ev - er-last- ing song Glo • ry. hon - or, pow'r and blessing Be for-ev - er to the Lamb. Crown the Sav - ior. an-gels, crown Him, Rich the trophies Je -sus brings: Copyright, 1694, by Chas. H. Gabriel. 108 Glory to the Lamb. g ^e^o ^ s In the seat of pow'r enthrone Him, Crown the Sav-ior King of kings m ' 11/-* P ' 0" ^— *" * — n < i THE SOUL'S REFUGE No. 105. Anne Steele. * =2- S. W. Steaub. m s 3=t 0: J H B=*=r *5E 1. Thou ref-uge of my soul, On Thee, when sor - rows rise. On 2. To Thee I tell my grief, For Thou a - lone canst heal; Thy fear to call Thee mine: The flee? Thou art my on - Jy trust; And 6. But on, wnat doubts pr 4. Yet, Lord, where shall I i^fWpF^PW^T*! #^R#^fa^^F ^ P Thee, when waves of troub - ie roll, My faint - ing hope re"- lies, word can bring a sweet re - lief For ev - 'ry pain I feel, spring of com- fort seems to fail, And all my hopes de - cline. still my soul would cling to Thee, Tho' pros • trate in the dust. 3H Pi^i n=ai ^T 3 * * &'• Chorus. ^yfrr^frrp W 3EE 5P=f=f=f On Thee, on Thee my hope re - lies. On On Thee, on Thee my hope re - lies. P^ £=£ £==£ £==£ ff t=t m T7T £^f=r N ^N ^5 m £T 9+ Thee when waves of sor - row roll, My faint - ing soul re - lies N fTiu i i ?yF? titt Copyright, 1894, by Chas. H. Gabriel. 109 No. 106. ROCK OF AGES. (Dedicated to Trinity Choir, OH City, Pa.) Soprano prominent. E. O. EXCELL. 1. Rock of 2. Could my 3. While I A - - - - ges, tears for - draw this cleft. ev fleet for me er flow ing breath, . P *E£ u u T? ggg U I I" * f r 1. Rock of A - ges, cleft for me, Blest Rock of A - pes, cleft for me, 2. Could my tears for - ev - er flow, Oh! Could rav tears for - ev - er flow, 3. While I [draw this fleeting breath, Yes, While Idraw this fleet-ing breath, Let... Could When me hide my -self.. my zeal no Ian - mine eves shall close. in Thee!, guor know, in death, V Let me hide my - self in Thee, Oh. Let me hide my - self in Could my zeal no languor know, Oh! Could my zeal no lan-guor When mine eyes shall close in death, Yes, When mine eyes shall close i .'hee! know, u death, Let the These for When I wa - - - ter and.... sin could not rise to worlds. the blood, . a - tone,... un - known. Let the wa - ter and the blood, Oh! Let the wa - ter and the blood, These for sin could not a - tone, Xo,These for sin could not a - tone, W T hen I rise to worlds unknown, Yes, When I rise to worlds un-known, 4 4 4 ='14ij Copyright, 1884, by E. 0. Excell. By per. Hock of Ages. From Thy wound - - Thou must save And be - hold,. ed side which flow'd,. and Thou a - lone;.. Thee on Thy throne: From Thy wounded side which flow'd, Yes, From Thy wounded side which flow'd, Thou must save and Thou a- lone, Yes, Thou must save and Thou a- lone; And be - hold Thee on Thy throne, Yes, And be-hold Thee on Thy throne: Be... In.... Rock. of my sin the -doub - hand no price A - - - - ges, cleft P ■^ n ^3 - le cure, . I bring, . for me =p=p= t * v i r=m=E Be of sin the doub-le cure, Yes, Be of sin the doub - le cure, In my hand no price I bring, Lord, In my hand no price I bring, Roch of A - ges, cleft for me, Blest Bock of A - ges, cleft for me, IN 1 t ± tt3=; f *=4 *=» 2 2 111 i- ? * ? Save from wrath and make me pure.. Sim ... ply to Thy cross I cling. Let „ me hide my - self in Thee., L m m m * nr -n — 'i I 17 3^* V V Save from wrath and make me pure, Yes, Save from wrath and make me pure. Sim -ply to Thy cross I cling, Lord, Sim-ply to Thy cross I cling. Let me hide my • self in Thee, Oh! Let me hide my - self in Thee. T*—*—f f * ' 4 4 4 4 I P T 1 1— I n r\ i in No. 107. MARCH OF THE GOSPEL ARMY. Rev. Benj, A. Stubbins. Chas. H. Gabriel. 1. Ma • ny yet in dark-ness wait For the com - ing of the light, 2. Ma • ny suff'ring, ma - ny poor Ly - ing now at mer- cy's door, 3 Christians, let us bold • ly stand. And o - bey our Lord's command, f 3=3* t — rr And the pow - er that can save a soul from sin* Need the up • lift of a lov- ing, help-ing hand; To the highways and the hedg-es let us go: -m-* — • — #-= — •- S^^^ f=t==t Ma - ny Who will Con - se • =*=i=i= F^rT §^ ^=T=E ? ^ S=3=is long to know the way. And the truth and life to-day, Who will speak the cheering word, Who will point them to the Lord, Who will crat - ed to our Lord, Ev - 1 ry act and tho't and word Shall be ^=f Copyright 1893, by Chas. H. Gabriel. 112 March of the Gospel Army. fp^ m JL^U-E g E l E F guide the steps that strive to en - ter in? guide them to that bright - er, bet - ter land: for the cause of Him who loved us so. Chorus y^FH ^ gggfe^ ^B Tramp,tramp, tramp, we're onward marching. Marching to the land a marching, marching, P ^^ _• s i Vtr—tr-tt V. V r r r r fe£ * P^£ 3=a ^PT f^T bove- We will spread the gos pel light, Shin - ing bove, the land a -bove: h ft ft s^-^ V V \> LS -^ F ^ P « # ^ ■ f 1 P p- ev - er clear and bright, And we'll tell the world a Savior's d.y ■ ing love. I fcK -P fe P fe 1 P— — -« 1 R 1 R P R Pi fc i — S: $ £: ^ITJTyi ■■ i-r rt= j : i £.. j^ 113 No. 108. SOMETHING FOR ME TO DO. E. R. Latta. C. A. Weiss. n 1 i | j | | 1 1 | jkr-A-. —4 — J- -J — — J- \)SJ p -— J- — Z*-: Am-. — • — r ~ _ « — «_ — r- G ' -? 1- -* Jill , (Je • - - 1 Je - sus is 9 j Break "" \ Break-ing the o J We I We must ac i i sus bid - ding ing soil of must count to 1 i is bid-ding the the i - the soil of the the spir ac-count to our our Mas dlers spir it, Mas ter, 1 I dlers Haste Haste to - it, Sow - - Sow-ing ■ ter, Ma- Ma - ny 1 His the the VI* '■ ii i eU* j -j- ■ .lj J— -J- « iri •*-- * — ^ m, — — *> — L ^y &-T $ 1=3=3 3 * ^ r-- T J T f T to His vine-yard a - way: There is so vineyard a - way: There is so much that needs ing the ker - nels of truth, Watch - - ing the ker - nels of truth, Watching the rip- en- ing ny the tal - ents, or few; How shall our tal • ents, or few; How shall our spir - its make m J — J — J — ^J =^= f^ f= nrrr T* mch that needs do - ing, All should His bid-ding o - bey. do - - ing, All should His bidding o - bey rip -en -ing fruit- age; Car - - - ing for age, and for youth. fruit - - age; Car-ing for age, and for youth spir -its make an - swer, If to our mis-sion un-true? an - - swer, If to our mis sion un - true? Something that great is, or something that's small Waiteth the doing of one and of all: $mm t=x =3Ef= pffc^rr^s^ rrr-T j I I I -4 =t ■•■ -0- ••■ Copyright, 1891, by Geo. F. Rosche. All rights reserved. 114 r i Something for Me to Do 1 , 1 1 i __|-_ r 4^ £ J \-» • *— Ua > ~ ) I m •- f=f= :g _^ * ~ b4?-4 ^E -J L- WL •gj-4 ? r-ur my sis-ter, for you, Something forme to do. Something forme to do. Some' - ' thing, Something, my brother, for you, P r~in — i i i - I I I ±=± n 4 4- *=7 -tr-*r-tr-2r-3r-3r>& fcfr No. 109. COME, POWER OF GOD. Dr. E. H. Stokes. Wm. G. Fischer. I 1- i fet *¥*=* 1— *■ t ■ i i 1. Come,pow'r of God, come pow'r divine;Come to this throbbing heart of mine; 2. Come,for I need Thee, need Thee now; Come soothe my heart, and bathe my brow; 3. Noth - ing I crave on earth but Thee, Nothing; 6 give Thyself to me; It is not joy, so much I crave,But 'tis Thyself ; Lord, come and save, mm -I 1- H=3 -i 1 1 — s^ 1 — L " • — u 1 J~= j fr-= F ¥ ¥ 2- ¥2 5 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ great day com-ing by and by. When the saints and the sinners shall be bright day com-ing by and by, But its brightness shall on-ly come to sad day com-ing by and by, When the sinner shall hear his doom, "De- i ^ ^ ^ ^rrf^W^^THTTTTT ^=^ i^ $=*- X- 3=3= *T ? # — —a — *-= — p p m s*-r- P P part - ed right and left, Are you read-y for that day to come' them that love the Lord, Are you read-y for that day to come; part, I know ye not!" Are you read-y for that day to come' PW f^Ff r%- *—? rrr = i Refkain tt-t~t J^F=F^g -P * F— — ■ : T~" p * * P P - Are you read - y? Are you read - y? Are you read • y for the m £=£ iri^^i^rr m p ^ f -TTf-;>MN :E ^ii l 1 J.^-fe judg-ment day? Are you read-y? Are you read-y For the judgment day ift^P 1 h f 1 IS- I I J t=j: * By per. of Thompson Music Co., Chicago, 111., and East Liverpool, 0. 117 ^: ■c I : ; . SAILING O'EK THE GOSPEL SEA. - H Gabriel. r=^l - ing, - ag " - >ur shij • icg. sail - in.2. storms are rag - - lag ull the sea ,' *•-_*_! / i Jf , f , »f , f «f ... ^ * ■ 4 • • *_ * * * * \^ • ■ • ■ r . *zr. ^ r^ « — # — f= -J-= ; » - ^=^= —J *— # "• "a m * -" ♦ a. ♦ -a- ! m. s za.e — ♦ ± ♦ • * # • * « * r* # - « • _ _« , _ -~ __ -^ ^ ^ 9- 1 § * * -" tbe sea we r to peace - ful wa we anch - or safe at home in beav'n 118 —, : ,: 4 . • -• » * * •- F=r = i i i -m_ 2— ^ T T T X 2 2T t -r t -r-r-rTT-r 1- V — « — ■ ! ' i ■ — ■ « ■ — — , — g g — • ■ : - t^t :1:~-"t: ~: ~r^ ^a_ FTSE. ■:-i • -r : - i : - 7 - tfte vnd&aad -" r^ — _ J - - " x t** r *r i s — ^ J " — —i— fcz= -s , , , , . * § § 1 1 -»^= J - - 1. I r ^- -- ; - i ; 7 - i _ _ ■C r ~~ ~ ; i i - ' _ * - • 4 • — « it- A A t. • : : . - r - . ; : ' * B 1 —*m *- : It :- = : t: ■ . - :- : - — • : _ : : : . i r sea. '.J. A L < — * — — «- '_'_'_ *F= =$ ^F — t — — « — ■ — No. 113. THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD. Francis Rouse. R. A. Glenn. V — R P H ,- ] The Lord is my Shepherd. ] shall not want: He .naketh me down to 2. My soul cri-eth out: re-store me again And give me the strength to 3 Yea. tho' 1 should walk in the valley of death, Yet why should 1 fear from 4. Thy goodness and blessings all of my life Shall sure - ly fol - low P^f^^ m^i^^ i^ he In pastures green. He leadeth me The qui - et wa - ters by. take The nar-row path of righteousness E'en for His own name's sake, ill'' For Thou art with me. and Thy rod And staff me com-fort stilJ. me-. And in God's house for ev er-more My dwelling-place shall be. i SCT j n tU-H- ii ^^ i — * I V zl Chorus pE F^ ^ ^ I His yoke is eas - y, His bur-den is light. I found it so, I fez £ P^f^i rs . p> i u u U < ♦ * * P found it so, He leadeth me by day and by night. Where living waters flow. dfc Copyright, 1895, by Geo. F . Rosche. All rights reserved. 120 No. 114. F. M. D. LEAD ME, SAVIOR. F. M. Davis. m Jt H- ^ V 1ZZ S=£ 1. Sav - ior, lead me, lest I stray (lest I stray), Gen - tly 2. Thou the ref - u°e of my soul (of my soul), When life's ,3. Sav - ior, lead me, till at last (til) at last). When the P * 5 I lead me, lest I stray, Gen ' ft p» „ &_ H4- £ f^PTT I lead me all the way (all the way); storm-y bil - lows roll (billows roll), storm of life is past (life is past), I am safe when by Thy I am safe when Thou art I shall reach the land of e h is is J I =t tly m 3*333 3 lead me all the way; 1 i h h k * ->- T* side (by Thy side), I would in Thy love a- bide (love a-bide). nigh (Thou art nigh), On Thy mer-cy I re - ly (I re - ly). day (land -of day), Where all tears are wip'd a-way (wip'd a-way). «J * * * * * f ^ it * * * safe when by Thy side, Chorus. r would in Thy love a-bide. I ^# =^rra m& * £ s=* °. 9 Lead me, lead me, Sav - ior, lead me, lest T stray (lest 1 stray) : =F# 3=1=4 ^=k & ♦33 5 i + ♦ ♦ ■*■ 3 3 V u p is r^ i s *=■ jz| ^r^=B ^==g=s^r ^=* "tr-tr f 'rrr Gen-tly down the stream of time, Lead me, Sav-ior, all the way. stream of time, all the way. A I h4 m x h|l is is is is p^ 1 i ^, F «J 3 u 3 =t s s * *■*■■# a* ■# ♦ ♦ ♦ f* ♦ Used by permission. 121 No. 115. Isaac Naylor. BY AND BY. Melody by Isaac Naylor. 3£ mi£=t±=*g^ E: izt±LjLk ^ ^ v b In yon land of light and glo - ry, On yon bright im-mor-tal shore, In yon land so pure and changeless, Where no pain or anguish come, In yon land so rich with treas-ure, In yon pal • ace home a- bove, In yon land that knows no sadness, In yon clime so fair and bright, In yon land we'll meet to nev - er Sin or grieve our Sav-ior more, ms ± f Y^ ~$ SE *=t 3^t SEE ^^g A Where they sing the old, old sto-ry, There we'll dwell for ev - er-more. In yon land so bright and stainless, There we'll rest at home, sweet home. There we'll live in end-less pleasure, Bathing in our Sav-ior's love. There the saints with joy and gladness, Bask in heav'n's resplendent light. There we'll meet and ne'er shall sever. Where the toils of life are o'er. wm * m 3 =^np Chorus. Faster. S=F2 Tfrte : ffi : mi^m By and by, by and by, By and by, by and by We shall rest V b> I Vrv tt fP^ "■* i t r i=H^=* yon-der by and by; We are marching to the land Of the Halle- lu-jah! ft fc ft FN 1 # i j ; j Lj =z^ *=$=& Wf 5555 V U — Pv-J- i &S Bit. P=^ 3=zzf===^==^e£ JEE*=^ *=^E P hap-py white-robed band; We shall rest o - ver yon-der by and by. £=£ 3* *=* l> 22 2.2 2 222 Copyright, 1893, by Chas. H. Gabriel. 122 * * 2 IIDTIDEIX:. Titles in Small Caps— First Lines in Roman. No, Abide with Me 6? After Life's Toiling 93 Alas ! and did my Savior 14 All Glory to His Name 33 All Hail the Great Creator All the way my Lord 103 Are you downcast 35 A Shelter in the Time 10 Asleep in Jesus 51 A Song in my Heart 59 A song is in my heart to-day 59 Assurance 40 Assured of Thy mercy 40 At my work I'm always singing — 83 At the Cross 14 Be not Afraid 90 Blessed Assurance 2 Blest in Christ 102 Bright Crowns '.. Bring your Loving Gifts 70 By and By. 115 Can you Doubt Him 101 City of our God 97 Christian Joy 52 Christ, of all my hopes 78 Christ the Lord has purchased me. 21 Come Close to the Savior 18 Come, Power of God 109 Come, Thou Almighty King Come weal, come woe Crown Him 90 Depth of mercy 19 Depth of Mercy 79 Elmhurst 17 Eternal are Thy mercies 44 From All that Dwell 44 From Egypt's cruel bondage 42 Gently, Lord, O Gently 87 Glorious things of thee are 97 Glory to the Lamb 104 God be With You 81 Going Down the Valley 63 Golden Gates Ajar 84 Go Work in the Harvest 60 Guide Me, O Thou Great 11 Hark ! ten thousand 98 Hark ! the notes of angels 104 Harps and Voices 98 Hear the Lord's commandment 25 He is Calling , 71 He Keepeth me Ever 86 Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide 85 T am His, and He is Mine 21 I am ready to meet 74 I am trusting Jesus only 7" I Feel like Traveling 82 T Love to Tell the Story 22 In life's longest, fiercest battle 73 In the By and By 47 In the morning 52 Invocation Hymn 89 In yon land of light 115 I sing because I love Him 33 Italian Hymn 49 Jesus is bidding the idlers haste ... 108 Jesus Lives 66 Jesus Only 7 Jesus, Savior, Pilot me 75 Just as I Am 55 123 INDEX. No. Lead Me, Savior 114 Leaning on the Everlasting 8 Let Him In 5 Let not your Heart 94 Let the Savior In 30 Let the Sunshine In 35 Let Thy Mercy be Upon us. Lord Jesus, 1 long to be Lord, my Heart is Rested. . Make me all Thine Own 12 Many yet in darkness wait 107 March of the Gospel Army 107 Mercy at the Cross 50 Met within this hallowed place 89 Mighty army of the young 66 Mizpah 28 My Cleansing 100 My heav'nly home 82 My "Pledge" to Jesus 88 My sins, tno' outnunib'ring 100 Nearer, my God, to Thee. Nearer the Cross Now be my heart inspired . . Now trusting Thee O Flood of Living Water 38 Oh, lift up your eyes 60 Oh, the Mansions over Yonder. . 64 Oh, what are you doing 36 On Bended Knee 32 Once Again 76 On the Rock of Ages 77 Onward, Christian Soldiers 57 Onward, Eves Onward 29 Onward we are Marching 43 O Tell me the Beautiful Story. 6 Pleyel's Hymn Praise His Name . Rock of Ages. Rock of Ages . 106 Source of Every Blessing . . Speed Away , Stand up, stand up for Jesus. . Sun of my Soul Sweetly Resting Sweet songs from yonder hill. ^o. 78 110 91 67 73 Safe on the Golden Shore 92 Sailing O'er the Gospel Sea 112 Sailing, sailing, Christ our ship 112 Savior, make me all Thine 12 Scattering Precious Seed 48 Seeking the Lost 54 Send the Light 24 Singing all the Day 83 Singing for Jesus 9 Softly and Tenderly 41 Something for Me to Do 108 Songs of Triumph 39 Young People's Consecration. 124 Take my life and let it be The Cross The Inner Chamber The Kingdom of Heaven Within. The Lord is my Shepherd The Same Sweet Story The Soul's Refuge There is a secret place There is mercy at the cross There's a call comes ringing There's a Great Day Coming There's a Stranger at the door There's a wideuess in God's mercy There shall be rest There will be singing Thou Canst Save Thou refuge of my soul Through all Eternity Throw out the Life-Line Thy Will be Done Trusting in the Master We are Coming We are going down the valley Weary souls that wander Webb We thank our God and Father. . . We have a Rock We'll sow the seeds We Praise Thee, O God ', We're journeying on We're on the Way We sing of Christ What a fellowship What are You Doing When all Thy mercies When He Comes When the Beautiful Gates When the Roll is Called When thy heart .While I muse in holy rapture. . Whiter than Snow Who holds the golden gates ajar. Who is on the Lord's Side Ye Christian Heralds ... . Ye Heralds of Salvation. Yield Not to Temptation. 46 99 23 58 113 80 105 23 50 24 111 5 47 72 105 20 4 13 26 56 63 102 91 28 10 26 61 34 42 80 8 36 20 74 34 16 101 58 53 84 27 95