■HIE H9 K13 ■p KpJMB " I j tmi B232 FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. H rx BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY SCB HSOX LW«i L RY OF John K. M. Tibby, Nn **■ * "• * • * • *-*-»* % %->-»* Ml* «»W as well A3 as vi TREFACE, as to the other poetical parts of Holy Scripture, had fo prepared him for the work which he has thus obligingly taken upon him, that they will, I am perfuaded, be found worthy of their author. As thofe annotations which have been put into my hands are (many of them at leaft) fuch as will not be underftood by any per- fons who have not applied themfelves to the ftudy of the learned languages, I have rather chofen to referve them for a feparate volume than to fubjoin them to the Ver- fion or Paraphrafe which is here prefented to the reader. The inconveniences arifing from, my fituation, remote from any of the moft public libraries, have been in a great meafure remedied by my accefs to the large and well-chofen libraries of a gentleman before mentioned, and of my late pious, learned, and ingenious friend, the Reverend Dodtor Bolton Dean of Carlifle, as alfo by the favour of the moft Reverend the Lord Archbifhop of Can- terbury ; PREFACE. vii terbury ; who has (in addition to the many other inftances, which I have ex- perienced, of his Grace's goodnefs and condefcenfion) been pleafed to honour me, on this occafion, with the voluntary of- fer, and the ufe, of fome of the mofl confiderable expofitions of the Pfalms ; fuch as thofe of Geierus, Michaelis, and Houbigant; together with Celfius's Hie- robotanicon, Hillerus's Hierophyticon, and feveral new Verfions of the Pfalter in dif- ferent languages. As the communication of thefe valuable helps demands my hum- bleft gratitude, fo it like wife encourages me to hope (though my own incapacity and a long courfe of ill health will fcarce allow me to think of attempting a regular Comment on the Pfalms) that it may be in my power, in fome inftances, to confirm by fufficient authorities fuch interpretations of feveral difficult texts as I have followed, and, in others, to difcover the errors which I have committed. It viii PREFACE. It may be proper to advertife the reader, that The Verfion or Paraphrafe of the Pfalms now put into his hands has not been calculated for the ufes of public Wor- ship. The tranflator knew not how, with- out negle&ing the Poetry, to write in fuch language as the common fort of people would be likely to underftand: For the fame reafon he could not confine himfelf in general to ftanzas, nor, confequently, adopt the meafures to which the tunes ufed in our Churches correfpond. How- ever, as his meafures are all of the Lyric kind, his work may, he hopes, anfwer the purpofes of private devotion. Two of the Pfalms, the hundred and eleventh and the hundred and twelfth, have indeed been purpofely tranflated or paraphrafed in the meafure which anfwers to the tune of the hundredth Pfalm, as it is fung in the Church, on account of its known ex- cellence, The PREFACE. ix The judicious reader will not, it is hoped, be offended, if he finds the fame phrafes, and even the fame lines, fome- times occur in different Pfalms, when he confiders what liberty of repetition the Hebrew Poetry admits in one and the fame Poem, and, confequently, how often the fame expreffions are likely to be found in a collection of many Hebrew Poems com- pofed on fimilar fubjedts. The candid Critic may the better judge what degree of indulgence the tranflator of fuch a work may ftand in need of, if he knows to how great difficulties no lefs able a writer than Corneille was reduced on a like occafion : whofe words, in the Pre- face to his poetical Verfion and Paraphrafe of Thomas a Kempis, are as follows. Sur tout les redites y font fi frequent 'es, que quand nofire Langue feroit dix fois plus ahondante qu elle rf eji, je V aurois epuifee fort aifement) et f avoue que je 11 ay* pit tr ouver lefecret de diverffer mes expreffions y toutes x PREFACE; toutes lesfois que f ay eu la mefme chofe a exprimer. Whatever imperfe&ions may be difco- vered in the following performance, when examined with a critical view, I fhall by no means think my labour either ufe- lefs or unrecompenced, if any pious per- fons fhall find their devotion afiifted and improved by it, or their love more ftrongly excited towards the great Author of our Salvation, fo evidently pointed out in the courfe of thefe divine Compofitions. *june 5, 1765. A VERSION or PARAPHRASE O F T H E PSALMS. PSALM I. OHow bleft the Man, whofe ear Impious counfel fhuns to hear, Who nor loves to tread the way Where the Sons of Folly ftray, Nor their frantic mirth to (bare, 5 Seated in Derifion's chair, But, poflefs'd with facred awe, Meditates, great God, thy Law, This by day his fix'd employ, This by night his conftant joy. 10 Like the Tree that, taught to grow Where the ftreams irriguous flow, Oft as the revolving Sun Through the deftin'd Months has run, Regular, 2 P S A L M I. Regular, its feafon knows, i^ Bending low its loaded boughs, He his verdant branch fhall fpread, Nor his fick'ning leaves fhall fhed; He, whate'er his thoughts devife, Joyful to the work applies, 20 Sure to find the wifh'd fuccefs Crown his hope, his labour blefs. See, ah ! fee a different fate God's obdurate foes await; See them, to his wrath confign'd, 25 Fly like chaff before the wind. When thy Judge, O Earth, fhall come, And to Each affign their doom, Say, fhall then the impious Band With the Juft aflembled ftand ? 30 Thefe th' Almighty, Thefe alone, Objefts of his Love fhall own, While his vengeance who defy Whelm'd in endlefs ruin lie, PSALM II. WHY thus enrag'd, ye Tribes profane ? Why ftrive the Nations thus in vain? Earth's fcepter'd Lords rebellious rife Againft the Ruler of the Skies, And Him on whofe diftinguifh'd head 5 His hand the facred oil has fhed. PSALM V. i To each, who bears a guiltlefs heart, Thy grace its Weffing fhall impart; Strong as the brazen fhield, thy aid Around him cafts its cov'ring fhade. PSALM VI. O Spare me, Lord, nor o'er my head The fulnefs of thy vengeance ftied. With pitying eye my weaknefs view, Heal my vex'd Soul, my ftrength renew, And O, if yet my fins demand 5 The wife corrections of thy hand, Yet give my pains their bounds to know, And fix a period to my woe. Return, great God, return, and fave Thy fervant from the greedy grave. 10 Shall Death's long-filent tongue, O fay, The records of thy pow'r difpTay, Or pale Corruption's flartled ear Thy praife within its prifon hear? By languor, grief, and care, opprefs'd, 15 With groans perpetual heaves my breaft, And tears, in large profusion fhed', Inceflant lave my ileeplefs bed. My life, though yet in mid career, Beholds the winter of its year 20: (While clouds of grief around me roll, And hoftile ftorms invade my foul,) Relentlefs from my cheek each trace Of youth and blooming health erafe, And PSALM VI. 9 And fpreai before my wafting fight 25 The {hades of all-obfcuring night. Hence, ye profane: My Saviour hears; While yet I fpeak, he wipes my tears, Accepts my pray'r, and bids each foe With fhame their vain attempts forgo, 30 And, ftruck with horror from on high. In wild diforder backward fly. PSALM VII. OSave me, Lord, and to my foes Do Thou (in Thee I truft) oppofe Thy pow'r, and let the arm divine, Stretch'd in my caufe, befpeak me thine: Left, while I mourn thy abfent aid, 5 The Lion fierce my foul invade, Pleas'd, with my blood his thirft allay, And rend the unrefifting prey. My God, if truth their cenfure guide, If guilt be in my fails defcried, 10 If e'er from my diiTembLing heart My Friend has found the hoftile part, If, urg'd by wrongs, I taught my Foe The terrors of my hand to know, That Foe's worft vengeance let me meet, 15 Till trampled underneath his feet Low in the duft my life be laid, And Earth's dark womb my glory fhade. Rife, mightieft Lord, triumphant rife O'ex each whofe hand thy pow'r defies; 20 Nor to PSALM VII. Nor let thy foes thy wrath decline, But hear (for judgement, Lord, is thine,) Thy fervant's pray'r: In awful ftate, While circling crouds the doom await, Afcend thy throne, great God, again, 25 And vindicate thy ways to Men. O Thou, on whom our fates depend, My caufe, my guiltlefs caufe, defend ; Sin's baneful growth do Thou controul, And guard from ill the upright foul ; 30 For Thou, juft Lord, with fearching eye The heart and inmoft reins canft try. To God, my Soul, for help repair, Who makes the faithful heart his care, Th' impartial Judge, whofe eyes each day 35 Caft o'er the Earth their ftridt furvey, Indignant, and, where'er they turn, New fcenes of daring guilt difcern. If Man his Law refufe to know, He whets his fword, he bends his bow, 40 His hands, in fierceft wrath applied, The inftruments of death provide, And tip with fire the winged dart Ordain'd to pierce th' Oppreffor's heart. With mifchief teem their brcafts, but woe 45 And fruftrate hope attend the throe: They dig, and with exaSeft care A pit, but for themfelves, prepare; They toil, and each, condemn'd to gain The luckiefs harveft of his pain, 50 Ills PS AL M VII. 11 Ills for a brother's head defign'd Retorted on his own ihall find. Thy juftice, Lord, fhail on my breaft In fure remembrance (land imprefs'd, With grateful joy my heart infpire, 55 And wake to ceafelefs praife my lyre. PSALM VIII. IMmortal King! Through Earth's wide frame How great thy honour, praife, and name ! Whofe reign o'er diftant worlds extends, Whofe glory heav'n's vaft height tranfcends. From infants Thou canft ftrength upraife, to the throne By Thee uprais'd: His temples own Thy facred unction } fair fuccefs His counfels and his arms fhall blefs, Thy Love on him and on his Line 173, With unextinguijfh'd luftre Anne* PSAL M { 33 ) I PSALM XIX. GOD the Heav'ns aloud proclaim Through their wide-extended frame, And the Firmament each hour Speaks the wonders of his pow'r : Day to the fucceeding day 5 Joys the notice to convey, And the Nights, in ceafelefs rcuryl, Each to each repeat the found, Prompt, without or fpeech or tongue, In his praife to form the fong. iOr. Pleas'd to hear their voice extend Far as to her utmoft end, Earth the Heav'n-taught knowledge boafts Through her many-languag'd coafts, While the Sun above her head 15 Sees his tabernacle fpread, And from out his chamber bright Like a Bridegroom fprings to fight; See him with gigantic pace Joyous run his deftin'd race, 20 Now to fartheft regions borne Onward fpeed, and now return, And to All, with welcome ray, Life and genial warmth convey. Warmth and life each thankful heart 25 Feels thy Law, great God, impart; Clear from ev'ry fpot it fhines, And the guilt-ftain'd Thought refines} Truth's 34 PSALM XIX. Truth's firm bafe its frame upholds, While it Myfteries unfolds, 30 Which the childlike mind explores, And to heav'nly fcience foars. Preft with forrows, doubts, and fears, What like this the fpirit chears ? What fo perfect, what fo pure? 35 What to Reafon's eye obfcure Can fuch wondrous light afford As the di&ates of thy Word ? Where thy Fear its fruit matures, (Fruit, that endlefs years endures,) 40 There the mind, to Vice a foe, Pants thy bleft Decrees to know, And (its will to thine fubdu'd,) Owns them wife, and juft, and good; Nor can Gold fuch worth acquire 45 From the fev'nth exploring fire, Nor the labour of the bees E'er in fweetnefs vie with Thefe: Taught by Them, thy Servant's breaft Joys the Bleflings to atteft 50 Heap'd on thofe whofe hearts fincere Learn thy Precepts to revere. Bell Inflru&or, from thy ways Who can tell how oft he ftrays? Purge me from the guilt that lies 55 Wrapt within my heart's difguife; Let me thence, by Thee renew'd, Each prefumptuous fin exclude: So PSALM XIX. 35 So my lot fhall ne'er be join'd With the Men whofe impious mind, 60 Fearlefs of thy juft command, Braves the vengeance of thy hand. Let my tongue, from error free, Speak the words approv'd by Thee ; To thy all-obferving eyes 65 Let my thoughts accepted rife : While I thus thy name adore, And thy healing grace implore, Bleft Redeemer, bow thine ear, God my Strength, propitious hear. 70 PSALM XX. MAY He whom Heav'n and Earth obey Regard thee in the dreadful day. May Jacotis Lord above thy head His own victorious banner fpread. May He from out his hallow'd fhrine 5 Reach to thy aid the hand divine, And ftrength into thy foul inftill From beauteous Sioris favour'd hill. There may thy incenfe to the fkies In fweet memorial ever rife; I* Thy vi&ims there in fmoke afpire, Touch'd by his own celeftial fire. May He thy ev'ry wifh approve, May He indulgent from above In all thy dangers intervene, 15 While We, his great Salvatign ken> Affift 5 6 PSALM XX. Affift thy joy, thy triumphs fhare, And blefs the God who hears thy pray'r. I fee, I fee th' Almighty fhed His bleflings on th' anointed head, 2D Attentive from his holy Heav'n Protect the crown Himfelf has giv'n, And, cloth'd with terror, to thy foes His all-fubduing ftrength oppofe. Thefe urge to Fight the rattling Car, 25 And Thofe the fiery Steed prepare, Unenvied Both by Us, who fee Our fure defence, great God, in Thee. Driv'n by fuperior force they fly, Or, fain, in heaps promifcuous lie, 30 While We our heads exulting raife, And fing our great Deliv'rer's praife. O, when we praife, and when we pray, Do Thou, whom Heav'n and Earth obey, Accept the praife, confirm the pray'r, 35 And make our fafety ftill thy care. PSALM XXI. T>Y Thy unwearied ftrength upheld •U To Thee the King his thanks fhall yield, And, taught by bleft experience, know What joys from Thy falvation flow. Thy cares his heart's defire complete; 5 His pray'r from Thy eternal feat, As low to Thee his knees he bends, In full acceptance back defcends* Thau* PSALM XXI. 37 Thou, Lord, preventive of his want, The bleffings of thy Love wilt grant, 10 And bid the golden circlet fpread Its pureft fplcndors round his head. He afk'd thee Life, and finds it giv'n, Life, lafting as the days of Heav'n. The conquefts, which thy hands beftow, 15 With grace and glory bind his brow; He, crown'd with blifs perpetual, He Thy face in full difplay fhall fee, And (for on Thee his hopes rely,) Unmov'd each adverfe fhock defy. 23 Thy hand fhall find each latent foe, And vengeful ftrike th' unerring blow. Fierce as the kindled furnace glows, Whofe fides the crackling thorns inclofe, Thy wrath its flames fhall round them pour, 25 And quick their boafted ftrength devour. Their fruit, a lucklefs progeny, Uprooted from the ground fhall die, And Earth their tribe no more behold Amidft her families inroll'd, 30 Who, impious, durft refiftance give To Thee, whom None refift and live. In vain each hoftile art they try; Behold, as trembling back they fly, Thy fhafts, adjufted to the firing, 35 Impatient wait upon the wing. Maker of All, through Earth and Skies O let thy pow'r confpicuous rife, And 38 PSALM XXI. And furnifli to our grateful lays A theme of everlafting praife. 43 PSALM XXII. MY God, my God, O tell me, why Unheeded ftill afcends my cry, Why thus from my afflicted heart Thy prefence and thy health depart. Eternal Lord, throughout the day 5 With fruitlefs plaint to Thee I pray - 9 Nor fleeps the anguifh of my foul, When night's dark fhades involve the pole. Yet unimpeach'd thy Faith appears, Thy Sanctity my heart reveres, 10 O Thou, to whom in homage join The Sons of Jacob's chofen line. Thee, Lord, our Sires their ftrength confeft, And found thee, as their ftedfaft bread To Thee its full affiance gave, 15 Nor flow to hear, nor weak to fave : Secure thy wifti'd for aid t' obtain, In Thee they hop'd, nor hop'd in vain. But what am I ? A Man in form, Yet brother to the trampled worm ; 20 An outcaft from the human kind, To fierce derifion's rage confign'd : They (hake the head, they fhout, they gaze; - Each eye, each lip, contempt betrays : c< On God, they cry, thy hope was ftaidj 25 " Be God, if His thou art, thyaid." Thine, PSALM XXIL 39 Thine, mightieft Father, thine I am; By Thee from out the womb I came, From Thee my ev'ry comfort fprung, While yet upon the breaft I hung. 33 Hail, from my birth and to my end My God, my Guardian, and my Friend* O view me not with diftant eye, While various griefs await me nigh: Thy aid withheld, what friendly pow'r 35 Shall fhield me in the dang'rous hour? See Bulls unnumber'd round me ftand, Bulls, nurs'd in Bafans fertile land ; With wide-extended mouth they roar, Nor rage the famifh'd Lions more, 40 When nightly through the ftarlefs gloom Along the howling Wild they roam. My frame, disjoin'd, in fwift decay Waftes like the running ftream away j My heart in groans its grief proclaims, 4$ And melts, as wax before the flames. Faft to my jaws my tongue is chain'd, My flefti, its vital moifture drain'd, Dry as the clay-form'd vafe appears, And, while thy chaftifement it bears, 50 Waits till thy hand refume my breath, And lodge me in the duft of death. Thou feeft my foul by Dogs purfu'd, Dogs fierce of kind, and train'd to blood ; Thou feeft a throng, who Thee defpife, 55 In dreadful iiege againft me rife, E And, 4* PSALM XXIL And, while faft-iffuing ftreams the gore 3 My hands and feet reientlefs bore. My ilarting bones to ev'ry eye Expos'd, O Ye that, palling by, 60 In wonder (not in pity) join, Q fay, was ever grief like mine? My raiment each with each divides, My vefture, as the lot decides, Becomes fome new pofleflbr's fpoil, 65 The prize that crowns his impious toil. My God, my Strength, recede not far, But hafte, and make my foul thy care. My foul, purfu'd by hoftile hate, Afflicted, helplefs, defolate; 7c O turn th' impending fwords away, Nor yield it to the Dog a prey. The foaming Lion's wrath affuage, Nor let the Oryx, in his rage, With headlong force againft me borne, 75 Aim at my life the pointed horn. So will I joy thy honour'd name Amidft my brethren to proclaim, And gath'ring Crouds fhall hear my tongue Thus to my God awake the fong. 80 CQ Exalt, ye Saints, the Pow'r divine, " Exalt him, All of Jacob's line, ct And let each tribe with duteous fear 4< His boundlefs Majefty revere. $z PSALM XXVIII. On his long-experienc'd aid See my hope for ever ftay'd, While rny heart, with joy poffefs'd, Dances in my throbbing breaft, ^q And my tongue in grateful lavs Confecrates to Him its praife. Thou whofe arm is o'er us fpread. Prompt to guard th' anointed head, And from each invader's hand "Vindicate thy chofen Land, Save thy People from diftrefs, And thy Patrimony blefs ! Give them, Lord, thy Love to fharc, Feed them with a Shepherd's care, And their pow'r to latefr days O'er their foes triumphant raife. PSALM XKIX. SING, ye Sons of Might, O fing Praife to Heav'n's eternal King $ Pow'r and ftrength to Him affign, And before his hallow'd fhrine Yield the homage that his Name 5 From a Creature's lips may claim. Whofe arm its conftant aid fupplies, While vanquifh'd foes confefs my fway, My heart its grateful vows fhall pay. As, prefs'd with woe, to Thee I cried, 5 Thy hand its healing pow'r applied, And, while increafing languors gave The fignal to th' expe&ing grave This mortal fahrick to receive, Revers'd the doom, and bade me live. 10 Ye faithful Sons of IfraeVs name, Your Maker's fandHty proclaim, And, while his mercies on your bread In fweet memorial (land imprefs'd, To Him in joyful accents raife 15 The fong of gratitude and praife. Behold his Wrath's avenging blaft, How flow to rife, how foon o'erpaft, How prompt his Favour to difpenfe Its life-imparting influence. 20 Grief for a night, obftrufive Gueft, Beneath our roof perchance may reft, But Joy, with the returning day, Shall wipe each tranfient tear away. As pleas'd I caft my eyes around d 25 And view'd my life with blelfings crown'd, (While, fafe in thy protecting hand, High on the rock I took my ftand,) In PSALM XXX. 55 In confidence of foul I faid, " What ills fhall e'er my peace invade ?" 30 But, inftant, Thou thy face hadft turn'd, And proftrate on the earth I mourn'd : I mourn'd, and, O my Guard, my Guide, (With humbler fpirit thus I cried,) Shall aught of profit, if the ground 35 My blood abforb, to Thee redound ? Or, vocal in thy praife, the Duft Proclaim thy Counfels wife and juft, And wake thy wondrous Adls to tell Amid Corruption's dreary cell ? 40 Thy aid, my God, in pity lend, And gracious to my plaints attend. Again the face of joy I wear; Thy hand, indulgent to my pray'r, The fackcloth from my loyns unbound, 45 With mirth's fair cincture wraps me round. For this, my heart with zeal fhall burn, My tongue the bands of filence fpurn, And pleas'd, through life, in grateful verfe Thy Love, eternal Lord, rehearfe. 50 PSALM XXXI. LORD (for on Thee fupported ftand My hopes,) O let thy aiding hand The juftice of my caufe proclaim, And fave me from impending ftiame* Thy ear, thou Majefty divine, \- Propitious to my pray'r incline ; F 3 Haftc 5 b PSALM XXXI; Hafte to my help, and let thy pow'r My rock prefent and brazen tow'r : That rock, that tow'r, my God, in Thee, Snatch'd from furrounding ills, I fee; 10 To life's !aft period (fo thy Name Shall praife and thanks perpetual claim,) O let me, by thy counfel led, Thy path with ftep unerring tread, And, fav'd by thy preventive care, 15 Shake from my feet the broken fnare. God of my ftaength, the Wife, the Juft, To Thee my fpirit I intruft;. From Thee, when terrors clos'd me round, My foul its full redemption found, 20 My thoughts the felf-deceiving train* Enflav'd to fuperftitions vain, Abhor, and 'midft increafing woes Their confidence on Thee repofe. Thy Mercy (hall my thanks employ, 2$ My conftant theme, my higheft joy; For Thou, my foul by griefs purfu'd, My ftate with pitying eye haft view'd, Confefs'd me thine, and bid me fhare The gifts of thy paternal care. 2P Thy hand, while rang'd in clofe array Infulting hefts around me lay, Gave to the wind their vain defign>, And made the paths of freedom mine* Once more, my fight with inward grief 35 Confura'd, vouchftfe mc thy relief, Doom'd, PSALM XXXL 57 Doom'd, while my foul its ceafelefs pains Deep through its inmoft frame fuftains, Life's noon for eve exchang'd to bear, And Age invited on by Care. 40 The guilt that in my thought revolves My ftrength impairs, my joints diflblves; The fcorn of Foes, and, keener yet, The fcorn of Friends, my foul befet; My lov'd Afibciates, that before 45 With frequent feet my threfhold wore, If now at diftance in their way Their eye my wafted form furvey, With horror ftruck the fight forgo, And fnun th' infedtion of my woe. 50 Wkh lonely ftep the earth I tread, Forgotten as the filent Dead, Or as the vafe of meaneft clay, In ufelefs fragments caft away. My fame opprobrious tongues invade, 55 While terrors wrap me in their fhade, And crouds with meditated rage Againfl: my life their pow'rs engage. Yet fee me, Lord, in Thee confide; Thou art my God, my heart has cried; 60 From Thee my time its limit knows; O fave me from devouring* foes, And with refiftlefs arm difpell The clouds of wrath that o'er me dwell. O let thy prefence on me beam, 65 Thy clemency my life redeem, Nor S8 PSALM XXXI. Nor let me, Lord, the fhame foftain Thy aid to afk, and afk in vain. Theirs be the fhame, thy pow'r who brave, Nor ceafe their infults, till the grave, 70 Abforbing quick the guilty throng, In endlefs filence feal their tongue: Such filence on their lips impofe, Whofe words their pride-fwoln heart difclofe, At Wifdom's Sons their malice aim, 75 And blaft with lies the guiltlefs name. O, how fhall All who feek thy Love The fulnefs of thy bounty prove ! How joy, while Thou thy treafur'd flore Indulgent in their lap (halt pour, So And teach th' admiring World to fee How bleft the fouls that truft in Thee ! Thy care their fure defence {hall yield; Within thy prefence, Lord, conceal'd, Thy Saints, while breath their life prolongs, 85 At diftance from the ftrife of tongues, Shall fee thy tabernacle fpread Its awful fplendors o'er their head. Bleft be the name of Jacob's God, Whofe Love, in happieft hour beftow'd, 9^ Has giv'n within my lot to fall The itrong-built City's guarding wall, That fix'd each adverfe {hock fuftains, And mocks the proud befieger's pains. Awhile, with uncollected mind, 95 As banifh'd from thy fight, I pin'dj P S A L M XXXI; 57 But Thou thy Servant's pray'r haft heard, In anguifh of my heart prefer'd. Ye Souls devoted to his fear, With thankful love your God revere, IQO Who wakes your chofen Train to guard, And deals to Pride its juft reward. Be ftrong, be ftedfaft: So your mind From Him its full fupport lhall find, Ye Saints that in his care confide, 105 Nor own nor a(k a help betide. PSALM XXXII. HOW bleft the Man, whofe confcious grief From Thee, great God, has found relief y Whofe guilt thy boundlefs Love has veiled, His fears compos'd, his weaknefs heal'd j To whom th' offences of his hand 5 No longer now imputed ftand, Who learns thy precepts to revere, Whofe heart is pure, whofe tongue fmcere. While deep within my lab'ring bread My mind its dire difeafe fupprefs'd, 10 IncefTant groans, that fhun'd controul, Betray'd the anguifh of my foul. See Age-anticipating Care My joints diflblve, my ftrength impair: When Night extends its dufky cone, 15 Beneath thy terrors, Lord, I groan; The fhades anon retreating fee; And Day to All reftofd, but Me. Behold 60 PSALM XXXII. Behold my frame with drought confum'd, That late with youthful vigour bloom'd; 23 Such drought the blafted fields betray, Beneath the dog-ftar's burning ray. My humbled Soul its crimes fliall own:— Behold me bow before thy Throne, To Thee my inmoft guilt difclofe, 25 And in thy bofom pour my woes. But Jo! while yet my hands I rear, The voice of Mercy to my ear Defcends, and whiip'ring peace within Confirms the pardon of my fin. 30 For this {hall All who Thee adore, E'er yet the day of grace be o'er, To Thee with ftedfaft hope repair, To Thee prefer th' unwearied pray'r: So, when affliction's tempefts rife, 35 And heave the billows to the fcies, They, fafe in Thee, the ftorm (hall brave, And diftant view the madding w 7 ave. When various griefs my foul fur round, In Thee my fure retreat is found ; 40 Thy wifh'd Salvation meets my eyes, And fongs of triumph round me rife. Come, from thy God inftruflion learn ; While, prompt from error's path to turn Thy feet, thy ev'ry ftep I fcan, 45 Let Reafon's ufe befpeak thee Man ; Nor imitate the Steed and Mule, Whofe brutal mouthy averfe to rule, To PSALM XXXII. 61 To guard thee from their rage, muft feel The forceful rein, and curbing fteeL 50 What pangs the impious Tribe await, While hope and joy his heart dilate, Who trufts in Thee, O King of Kings, And Mercy round him fpreads her wings ! Ye Saints, exulting lift your voice, 55 Ye pure of mind, in Him rejoice, Whofe prefence on the foul imprefs'd With heav'niy tranfport fills the breaft. PSALM XXXIII. YE Saints (to You the tafk belongs, And Praife fits comely on your tongues;) Wake to Jehovah's name the lute. Nor let the ten-ftring'd lyre be mute : O fing, in accents loud and ftrong, 5 O ling fome new-invented fong; And let the finger's artful ftroke The pfalt'ry's various pow'r provoke, And teach the praife of IfraeFs Lord To vibrate on the founding chord. 10 His words eternal Truth has feal'dj His promifes in act fulfill'd Shall Equity and Judgement prove The changelefs objects of his love, And bid the Earth's wide confines know 15 The gifts that from his bounty flow. His Word yon azure vault outfpread, E'er Time the Seafons onward led -, Form'd U PSALM XXXIII. Form'd by his Breath the ftarry hoft Their unextinguifh'd luftre boaft; 20 While in their caverrr d ftorehoufe fieep The treafures of the watry deep. Thy Maker's name, O Earth, revere; And let thy Sons with holy fear To Him in low proftration bend, 25 And duteous his decrees attend. He fpake: And Heav'n, and Seas, and Land, Appear'd. He bade : And lo, they ftand. Their counfels vain the Heathen Tribes Unite ; but God th' event prefcrihes, 30 And blafts at will each hope that fprings Within the breaft of haughtieft Kings, Thy counfel, from controul fecure, Thy counfel only {hall endure; Thy thoughts to Time's remoteft bound 35 With fure effedi, great God, be crown'd. How bleft the People that have known Thee, Lord, their God, and Thee alone; The Flock thy heritage declar'd, And objefts of thy fix'd regard ! 40 Wide o'er the Sons of Earth his eye The Pow'r eternal from on high Extends, (that Pow'r, whofe hand, with art Myfterious, forms the human heart,) Through life's wild maze their fteps purfues, 45 Each aft, each thought, attentive views. Think not, ye Kings, (His aid refign'd,) In well-arm'd Hofts your help to find : In PS AL M XXXIIL 6j In vain with confcious pride the fteed Vaunts in the fight his ftrength and fpeed; 50 In vain the Warrior bold and young His arm with active vigour ftrung: Nor This fliall promife from the fword Himfelf to fave, nor That his Lord, Hail, fure Prote&or of the Juft! 55 From Him who builds on Thee his truft Thy arm averts with ftudious care Each death that viewlefs wings the air; Thy hand with food his life fuftains, When drought infefts the blafted plains* 60 Our Souls by Thee, their Help and Shield, With patient hope have flood upheld; Thy facred Name our truft, each mind From Thee fhall joy perpetual find: * That joy to our defiring heart 6j| O let thy Mercy now impart; And give thy Servants, Lord, to fee How juft the hope that refts on Thee. PSALM XXXIV. THEE will I thank, and day by day Form to thy praife the joyful lay ; From morn to eve the fong extend, Thee boaft my Father, Thee my Friend ; While pleas'd each heart of humble frame 5 Shall wake, great God, to hear thy fame. O come, your voice triumphant raife, And fmg with Me your Maker's praife. G HO 64 PSALM XXXIV. To Him my Soul difclos'd its care; He heard, and prefent to my pray'r 10 (His faithful buckler o'er me held,) Each terror from my breaft difpell'd. The fouls, that his decree regard, Like Me his chearing light have fhar'd, And fearlefs of repulfe or fhame 15 The promife of his mercy claim. Behold a heart with woes opprefs'd; Behold, its vows to God addrefs'd, His hand its healing pow'r difplay, And chafe each cloud of grief away, 2C His Angel, nigh the juft man's tent Encamp'd, each danger to prevent, His fure protection round him throws, Though harnefs'd Hoits his peace oppofe. O tafte with Me, O tafte and prove 25 The bleffings of his boundlefs Love. Hail, Saviour of the human race! Hail, Fountain of exhauftlefs grace! Thrice happy, who on Thee recline, Nor own nor afk a help but thine. 30 His fear preferve, ye juft and pure, And live from dread of want fecure. The ftrengthful Lion's tawny brood With thirft and penury of food Are ftung; but who in God confide 35 Shall find their ev'ry wifh fupplied. Ye Children, come; my precepts hear, And learn the dictates of his fear: O come; PSALM XXXIV. 65 O come ; if long extent of days, With bleffings crown'd, thy hope canraife, 40 Averfe from each injurious art, Let falfehood from thy lips depart; Be Good thy choice; from Evil ceafe; And plight the ready hand to peace. Him ferve, whofe fav'ring eyes furvey 45 The hearts that his commands obey; Him ferve, whofe ever open ear With juft regard their pray'r fhall hear, While terrors planted on his brow Inftrudl the ftubborn foul to bow, And vengeance, kindled to a flame, Blots from the earth the impious name. With fuppliant voice, in each diftrefs, His fole fupport, his fole redrefs, From God the Man of faithful mind 55 Shall feek, and what he feeks fhall find. He, ever watchful, ever near, The meek and contrite foul fhall chear; And though the Juft, by his decree, Awhile a Man of griefs we fee, 60 His Love fhall foon its aid beftow, And deep oblivion of his woe : To violence expos'd, his frame Thy fix'd attention, Lord, fhall claim; Nor Hell's worft rage one bone fhall dare 65 To break, when Thou haft bid to fpare. But ill on All who ill intend In full proportion fhall defccnd: G a Who 66 PSALM XXXIV. Who tow'rd the Juft in hatred join, Shall feel, great God, the weight of thine. jq *Tis thine thy Saints from woes to free; Nor Time throughout its courfe (hall fee The foul, whofe hope on Thee is (laid, Neglected mourn thy abfent aid. PSALM XXXV. ORD, make my quarrel thine; my foes ■*-' Let thy refiftlefs pow'r oppofej Arife thy fpeediefl: help to yield, And reach the corflet, reach the fhield, Grafp in thy hand the glitt'ring lance, 5 And obvious in the breach advance; Say to my troubled Soul ; " In Me €C Thy ftrength and fure falvation fee." Let ftiame their glowing cheeks o'erfpread, Whofe ceafelefs threats excite my dread, 19 And let them, flruck with wild affright, Inglorious backward urge their flight, Difpers'd, as chaff before the wind, Thy Angel preiTmg clofe behind, Along the dark and flipp'ry way, Whofe paths their ftagg'ring fteps betray, And from the arm ethereal find The vengeance to their guilt aflign'd. Thou fceft them. Lord, with caufelefs hate, Befide my path infidious wait, 20 With caufelefs hate the pit prepare, a before my fteps their fnarc. O hx PSALM XXXV. 67 O let deftruclion's fudden ftroke, While thus thy juftice they provoke, Defcend, vindictive, on their head; 25 Faft in the net for Me outfpread Involv'd, let each repentant groan, And reap the mifchiefs he has fown. But Thou, my Soul, with awful joy On God thy ftedfaft thought employ, 30 And, his Salvation taught to prove, Record the wonders of his Love. Each bone whofe ftrength fupports my frame With grateful tranfport fhall exclaim, Lord ! Whom like Thee fhall Mortals find, 35 For ever juft, for ever kind, Like Thee prepar'd th' affii&ed poor From lawlefs infiilt to fecure, And back their yielded life demand From ftern Opprefiion's iron hand? 40 Thus poor and thus opprefs'd with wrong Awhile was I : a hoftile Throng Againft me urg'd, to falfehood prone, The guilt my breaft had never known, And left me helplefs and forlorn 4^ The friendfhip ill repay'd to mourn, That, when Affliction's weight they bare, Had taught my heart their woes to ihare: While firknefs wrapt them in its chain, And fix'd them on the bed of pain, 53 I knew their fuff'rings to bewail, And funk with grief, with facing | }! -, G 3 To 63 P, SAL M XXXV. To God, in forrow's garb array'd, With humbleft interceffion pray'd, And find the pray'r their pride has fpurn'd 55 With bleiTmgs on my head return'd : Nor Friend for Friend fincerer woes, Nor Brother for a Brother, knows; Nor feels the Son his melting breaffc With deeper fenfe of grief imprefs'd, 60 That grafps a dying Mother's hand, And waits to take her laft command, Or o'er her lofs in fecret pines, And wraps the fackcloth round his loyns* Not fuch the pity fhown to Me; 65 Ev'n abjecls my abjection fee With fcornful gaze, as round me ftand, In adverfe league, a lawlefs Band, Thefe taught withwell-dhTembled art To veil the purpofe of their heart, 70 While Thofe in open hate engage, And ceafelefs vent their murth'rous rage, Now furious grind their teeth, and now Infu!tin£ aim the deathful blow. How long wilt Thou, my God, how long 75 With patient eye behold my wrong? How long mall I in vain attend Till Thou, my Guardian and my Friend, The Lion's dreaded rage controul. And refeue my deferred foul, 80 That, 'mid lh' aiTembled Tribes, my tongue May raife to Thee the thankful long? PSALM XXXV. 69 O let not my uninjur'd foes, With fpeaking eye, amidft my woes, As round they ftand in clofe array, 85 The triumphs of their heart betray: Behold them, Lord, their arts addrefs, The friends of peace and truth t' opprefs, But chief my name with infults load : u Thou wretch abandon'd of thy God, 90 " In vain, they clamour, what our eyes 4C Atteft, thy confcious tongue denies." My God, (for Thou their rage haft feen,) With timelieft fuccour intervene,. Nor filent long, Almighty Sire, 95 Remain, nor diftant far retire. Awake, thy aiding ftrength excite* Awake, and vindicate my right. Let Juftice teach them, by thy ftroke, Their frantic triumphs to revoke ; ICO Nor let their heart, its wifh complete, With fecret joy tranfported beat, Or boafting hail th' expe£ted hour, That gives me to the Murth'rer's pow'r. Let All who make my grief their fcorn 105 Their blafted hopes aftonifh'd mourn; Let ftern rebuke and foul difgrace With (hame perpetual clothe their face, As, nigh me rang'd, with thankful voice The friends of innocence rejoice, 1 10 And " Bleft, they cry, be Jacob's Lord, *' The God by Heav'n and Earth ador'd, * Who 70 PSALM XXXV. " Who joys his Servant's caufe to plead, " And crowns with peace his favour'd head." While, loudeft in the choir, my tongue 115 To notes of praife fhall tune its fong, And pleas'd through each revolving day Thy Juftice, mightieft Lord, difplay. PSALM XXXVL BEHOLD the wretch, in error loft, Whofe ftubborn heart with impious boaft His Law reje&s, his Fear denies, Who form'd the earth, and feas, and fkies, Nor felf-abhorrent looks within, 5 To view the meafure of his fin. His tongue to falfehood train'd, his mind No more to afts of good inclin'd, Concerted mifchiefs croud his breaft, And rob his midnight hours of reft. 10 Nor Wifdom to her paths his will Can turn, or wean his foul from ill. Thy Mercy, Lord, to Heav'n extends, Thy Truth the lofty clouds tranfcends; Fix'd as the Mountain's folid bafe 15 Thy Juftice ftands; who feeks to trace The counfels of the Will divine By Reafon's aid, with fcanty line (Prepoft'rous,) would the Deep explore, And meafure with his fpan its fhore. 20 Nor reft thy cares alone confin'd To Us, the Sons of human kindj Thy PSALM XXXVI. ft Thy hand th' unconfcious Brute fuftains. And fpreads his pafture on the plains: But We, with pious truft, who know 25 What gifts we to thy Mercy owe, (O, what that Mercy can excell?) Beneath thy fofVring wings fhall dwell. To each who feeks thy name behold Thy Houfe its richeft ftores unfold, 3© And blifs unintermix'd with woe In fulleft ftreams their breaft o'erflovf. From out thy Seat, immortal King, Forth iflues Life's perennial fpring ; Thy light with unextinguifh'd rays 35 Shall o'er our heads aufpicious blaze. Still may the Souls who Thee have known. The Bleflings of thy Mercy own, And each who bears a fpotlefs mind His refuge in thy Juftice find. 40 Me let thy care, Almighty Friend, From Pride's injurious foot defend; Each impious hand that feeks my hurt Let thy fuperior ftrength avert. Lo, there they fall, their triumphs o'er, 45 And proftrate lie, to rife no more. PSALM XXXVII, LET not the Sinner's wealth or might The envy of thy foul excite : Anon thine eye (hall fee him fade Quick ae the flow'r or vernal blade, That 72 PSALM XXXVII. That now rejoicing lifts the head, 5 Now with'ring on the earth is fpread. But Thou thy will to Heav'n's high Lord (His Faith thy truft, thy rule his Word,) Submit, and nourifh'd by his hand Inherit from his gift the Land. *0 In Him delight, on Him depend; Him chufe thy Guide, thy Way, thy End; So (hall his Love thy wiflies grant, His Care anticipate thy want, And bid thy a£ts in light ferene 15 Fair as the rifing morn be feen, Thy Juftice as the noon of day Diffufive pour its cloudlefs ray. With patient hope await his will, Nor let the fight of profp'rous ill 20 Impell thee with difquiet vain His wife difpofals to arraign, Left wrath and doubt thy confcience blind, And urge to adts of guilt thy mind. See, from their dwelling torn, th' unjuft 25 To thofe who fix on God their truft (So wills the Majefty divine,) Their forfeit heritage refign. Wait but awhile; then look around: No more the impious race are found ; 30 Nor the proud roof nor wide domain The mem'ry of their Lord retain. But fee the meek and pious Band /Advanc'd by God's almighty hand The PSALM XXXVII. 7a3 The pow'r among them to divide, 35 To fierce Ambition's fword denied,) Earth's bounds poffefs, and, Peace their care, The fulnefs of its bleffings {hare. His wiles the Fool of Sin provides To flay whom Wifdom's precept guides, 40 Now furious grinds his teeth, and now Intuiting aims the deathful blow: But God his frantic rage derides, And fees the Day, as on it glides, Whofe beams, with wrath uncommon red, 45 Shall ftream in vengeance o'er his head. On You, ye Poor, with dire intent, The fword is drawn, the bow is bent; But vain each wifh, each effort vain, To root from earth your chofen train : 50 The fword, with better aim imprcfs'd, Defcends into its Owner's bread; Reluctant to the Archer's will Burfts the tough bow, and mocks his {kill. Exchange not Ye your fcanty (lore 55 For heaps of guilt-polluted ore: That God, ye Saints, whofe Love ye feek, The arm of lawlefs pow'r fhall break, And bid the Juft protected ftand Beneath the fhadow of his hand: - 60 By Him your years determin'd flow; The Lot, which his Decrees beftow, From Sire to Son, till time {hall end, In fure fucceffion (hall defcend ; When 74 PSALM XXXVII. When War's dire flames around you burn, 65 From You the darts their points fhall turn; Each blaft that taints the red'ning fky From Your exempted fields fhall fly. Who know not Thee, great God, to dread, As Victims for the flaughter fed, 70 Confum'd by Heav'n's avenging fire Shall perifh and in fmoke afpire. While faithlefs Thefe th' intruded loan With bafe ingratitude difown, His plenteous alms the Juft can give, 75 And pleas'd a Brother's wants relieve. Earth's goods thy Bleffing to the Pure Shall grant, and what it grants infure; While guilty fouls the Curfe divine To full excifion fhall confign. 80 The Juft, bleft objeft of thy Love, Thou, Lord, wilt lead, his path approve, Thy faithful hands his fteps fuftain, Nor falls he, but to rife again. Once was I young, and now am old, . 85 Yet ne'er the Righteous could behold By God deferted, nor his feed Requefting at my gate their bread : His heart with gen'rous pity glows; Inrich'd by what his hand bellows 90 He lives, and for his diftant heirs Profperity and peace prepares. From 111 recede; to Good incline Thy thought ; and endlefs life be thine. Delighted PSALM XXXVII, - 5 Delighted whom his Laws delight 95 Th' Almighty views; nor Day nor Night The foul that bows to his Decree Abandon'd from his Love fhall fee. Behold, ye Juft, th' eternal Doom The Sinner's fhort-liv'd race confume, ioo While happier Ye to Yours affign'd A heritage perpetual find. How bleft whom Thou, great God, haft taught! His lips, with facred fcience fraught, The leflbns of thy truth impart; I-05 And, grav'd within his inmoft heart, Thy Law, the ever faithful Guide, Forbids his ftedfaft feet to Hide. Each art the murth'rous tribe eflay, And mark the guiltlefs for their prey; HO But God his refcue has decreed ; Himfelf will rife his caufe to plead, Refute th' Accufer's perjur'd tongue, And fave him from the hand of wrong* Wait on thy God ; obferve his ways : 115 His pow'r aloft thy head fhall raife; Exerted in thy right his hand Shall vindicate to Thee the Land, And bid, before thy fight, his foe The terrors of his vengeance know. J20 The profp'ring Sinner once I view'd; Strong as the healthful Tree he flood., That, fhadowing wide its native foil, Nor knows, nor afks, the planter's toil : H I went, 76 PSALM XXXVII. I w^nt, I came, and look'd again ; 125 I look'd, but fought his place in vain. Behold thejuft, and mark his end: See Peace his eve of life attend, While on the Sinner's lateft hour Theftorms of heavieft vengeance low'r. 130 To God the Juft his fafety owes, Hirn owns his Strength amidft his woes, AfTur'd that He ihall each defend Whofe conftant hopes on Kim depend, And, while his foes their peace invade, 135 Reach, in their caufe, his promis'd aid. PSALM XXXVIII. O Spare me, Lord, nor o'er my head The fulnefs of thy vengeance fhcd. Picrc'd by thy fhafts, great God, I ftand, And feel the preffure of thy hand. Thou feeft, from health eftrang'd, my frame 5 The terrors of thy wrath proclaim, While confcious guilt alarms my breaft, And robs my tortur'd joints of reft. Whelm'd with a weight of fins I mourn, A weight too heavy to be borne; 10 My wounds, whofe fmart thofe fins repays, The wide-infefted air betrays. See ! bow'd, from morn to eve, with woe, And wrapt in fackcloth drear, I go; My reins with hidden torments wrung, 15 Each limb difeas'd, each nerve unftrung, Aloud PSALM XXXVIIL 77 Aloud my fuff'rings I bemoan, And fainting pour the frequent groan. But Thou, e'er yet my groans proceed* My griefs and inmoft wifh canft read. 10 Behold my heart with anguifh torn, My ftrength with long affliftion worn, And flretch'd before my wafted fight The (hadows of approaching night. Each Neighbour's eye with filent gaze 25 My alter'd lineaments furveys; My JViends, and next Allies by birth, (Once kind Companions of my mirth, When wing'd with health the moments flew,) My griefs with diftant horror view. 30 With fnares my foes befet my way, Intent on death throughout the day With fierceft rage my name revile, Anddifcipline their thoughts to guile: Invented crimes, and taunts fevere, With fteadieft patience, Lord, I hear, Unmov'd, as One who deaf and mute Nor cenfure feels nor can refute: For Thou, beft Advocate, art nigh ; On Thee, great God, my hopes rely ; 40 O vindicate my fame from wrong, And filence the reproachful tongue. Thou know'ft the tenour of my pray'r ; O let me not their infults bear: Mark, when my fteps have chane'd to flide, 45 The fhouts that rife on ev'ry fide t H z And, JO 7 8 PSALM XXXVIII. And, echoing through the wounded air > The triumphs of their heart declare. Thou feeft how prone to lapfe my feet, What woes my eyes inceffant meet; 5a Nor fhuns my foul its guilt to own, But forrowing bows before thy throne. How ftrong, how num'rous, are the foes That unprovok'd my peace oppofe, Their veins with health's full current warm, 55 And ftrung with a&ive might their arm ! HI for my Good return'd I find, Nor know from aught (but that, inclined To Good, their deeds I fhun,) to date The ground of their prepoft'rous hate. 60 O let me, rais'd by Thee, no more The abfence of thine aid deplore ; God of my life, recede not far, But hafte, and make that life thy care. PSALM XXXIX. MY fteps Difcretion's rules {hall guide*. Nor error from my lips fhall Aide, (Thus to myfelf refolv'd I faid;) Nor word, in Wifdom's fcale unweigbM: While lawlefs crouds attend me nigh, 5 And mark me with infidious eye, Behold me with the fteady rein Each effort of my tongue reftrain. Awhile my foul its purpofe keeps; A ftubborn filence feals my lips ; 10 But PSALM XXXIX. 79 But O! from themes of good withheld, How oft my full-fwoln heart rebell'd ! My thoughts in various tumult roll ; At length, impatient of controul, Forth from my ftruggling bofom brake 15 The kindled flame; and thus I fpake: O let me, heay'ttty Lord, extend Mv view to life's app re aching end, And. leiTon'd by thy Wifdom, learn How i'oon my fabrick lhall return 20 To earth, and in the filent tomb Its feat of lafting reft aflume. What are my days ? (a fpan .their line;) And what my age compar'd with thine? Our life advancing to its clofe, 25 While fcarce its earlieft dawn it knows, Swift through an empty {hade we run, And Vanity and Man are one: With anxious pain this Son of care Toils to inrich an unknown heir, 30 And, eying oft his heapy ftore, With vain difquiet thirfts for more. Where, Lord, fhall I my refuge fee? On whom repofe my hope but Thee? purge my guilt, nor let my foe 35 Exulting mock my heightcn'd woe. Convinc'd that thy paternal hand Inflifts but what my fins demand, 1 fpeechlefs fate; nor plantive word, Nor murmur, from my lips was heard. 40 H 3 But 80 PSALM XXXIX, But O, In thy appointed hour Withdraw thy rod ; left Nature's pow% While grkfs on griefs my heart aflail, Unequal to the conflict, fail. O, how thy chaftifements- impair 45 The human form, however fair ! How frail the ftrongeft frame we fee, If Thou the Sinner's fate decree ! As when the fretting moths confume The labour of the curious loom, 50 The texture fails, the dyes decay, And all its Iuftre fades away. Such, Man, thy ftate: then, humbled, own That Vanity and Thou are one. To Thee, great God, my knees I bend ; 55 To Thee my ceafelefs pray'rs afcend \ let my forrows reach thine ears, And mark my fighs, my groans, my tears. God of my Fathers ! Here, as They, 1 walk the Pilgrim of a day; 60 A tranfient Gucft, thy works admire, And inftant to my home retire. fpare me, Lord, awhile, O fpare, And Nature's ruin'd ftrength repair, E'er, life's fliort circuit wander'd o'er, 65 1 perifh, and am kQn no more* PSALM ( Si ) PSALM XL, i. WITH patient hope my God I fought ; He to his Suppliant's want his though* In happieft hour applied: He from the dark and miry pit High on the rock has rais'd my feetj Nor fear my fteps to flide* 2. His praife infpires my grateful tongue> And dictates to my lips a fong In ftrains unheard before. Admiring crouds his work {hall fee, Their ftrength on Him repofe with Me^ With Me his name adore r 3- Bleft, who in Thee, great God, confide,, Nor madly truft the arm of pride, And helps that but betray. Thy Mercies, Lord, all praife furmount. Nor numbers can their fum recount, Nor words their worth difplay. 4- Nor Sacrifice thy Love can win, Nor Offerings from the ftain of fin Obnoxious Man fhall clear: Thy hand my mortal frame prepares, (Thy hand, whofe fignature it bears,) And opes my willing ear. 5. And, 82 PSALM XL 5- And, fince the Blood of Vi&ims flain. And hallow'd Gifts, attempt in vain T' avert th' Offender's doom, Myfelf th' atonement will provide; Lo! (touch'd with pity thus I cried,} I come, my God, I come. 6. Thy Book, by facred Bards unroll'd, My full obedience has foretold To Thy myfterious Will. His juft aflent thy Servant gives, Thy words my Breaft with joy receives, My Hands with zeal fulfill. 7- The faithful Witnefs to thy fame, Aloud thy Juftice I proclaim To Abraham's chofen Race : My lips, Thou know'ft, have ne'er declin'd To preach the Theme by Thee injoin'd, The Wonders of thy Grace. 8. With ftrong defire my bofom glows Thy Truth and Mercy to difclofe, In Man's relief difplay'd: O let that Truth difpell my woe, That Mercy, Lord, around me throw Its all-protecting {hade. 9. While P S A L M XL. &3 9- While griefs on griefs my cup have mix'd, On earth my downward looks are fix'd f The Sins, whofe weight I bear, (Thofe Sins, that number'd by the eye The hairs that fhade my head outvie,} My heart with anguifh tear. 10. Hafte to thy Servant's refcue, hafte; My Soul, by hoftile numbers chas'd, To Thee directs its pray'r. In wild confufion backward borne Their wifh defeated let them mourn* And loft in empty air. XI. Be fhame their juft reward aflign'd, While round me with relentlefs mind Derifion's fhout they raife : Thy Blifs let All who feek thee fhare, And, taught thy Love, that Love declare In fongs of ceafelefs praife. 12. While Thefe in thy Salvation joy, Increafing griefs my thought employ. And fpeedieft aid demand : My Helper and Redeemer, hear i 0> inftant in my caufe appear, And reach thy faving hand. PSALM' ( «4 ) PSALM XLL BLEST, who with gen'rous pity glows, Who learns to feel another's woes, Bows to the poor man's want his ear, And wipes the helplefs Orphan's tear : In ev'ry want, in ev'ry woe, 5 Himfelf thy pity, Lord, (hall know; Thy Love his life fhalJ guard, thjr hand Give to his lot the chofen land, Nor leave him in the dreadful day To unrelenting foes a prey. 1$ When languid with difeafe and pain, Thou, Lord, his fpirit wilt fuftairi, Prop with thine arm his finking »iead, And turn with tend'reft care his bed. O let me, Lord, thy mercy (hare, 15 (Thus to my God J form'd the prayV,) Health to my fainting foul difpenfe, That humbled owns its dire offence. " When {hall he perifh ?" Thus my foes With ruthlefs tongue their wilh difclofe; 20 u Why lingers Death's appointed hour " Oblivion on his name to pour?" Befide my couch, diffolv'd in tears, The hoftile vifitant appears, Diflembling o'er my anguifli mourns, 2-5 While with collected malice burns His heart, and parted from my gate Aloud proclaims his fettjed hate. Now PSALM XLL 85 Now pleas'd they form fome dark defign, Now whifp'ring thus in curfes join : 30 PSALM XLIIL /~\ Weigh me, Lord, in equal fcale, ^S And let my injur'd caufe prevail: fave me from an impious Throng, The Sons of Violence and Wrong* God of my ftren^th, to Thee I cryj 5 Say why, by Thee reje&ed, why, 1 bend beneath a weight of woe, And bear the infults of the Foe. O let thy Li^ht attend my way, Thy Truth afford its fteady ray, JO To Sions Hill dire& my feet, And bring me to thy hallow'd Seat : Admitted to thy Altars there, My hands to Thee the gift (hall bear, Whofe Mercies, to my heart reveal'd, 15 A theme of endlefs tranfport yield. Thy praife, O God, my God, the lyre Shall wake, thy Love its fong infpire. Why thus, my Soul, with care opprefs'd ? And whence the woes that fill my breaft? 20 In all thy cares, in all thy woes, On God thy fkdfaft hope repofe ; To Him my thanks ftiall ftill be paid, My fure Defence, my conftant Aid. """ 1 PSALM XLIV. TAUGHT by our Sires, great God, our ear Thy wondrous A£ts has wak'd to hear, The Mercies to their Tribes reveal'd* When Ages long o'erpaft beheld By Thee diflodg'd an impious race 5. Yield to their choien Seed a place, And IfraeVs Sons, thy foes o'erthrown, Succeed to labours not their own. Thers, planted by the hand divine, With large increafe their profp'ring Line TO Are blefs'd, and nourifh'd by thy care The fulnefs of thy bounty fhare. For not the arm of human might, Norfword of fteel, upheld their right; Thy pow'r exerted in their aid, 15 Thy prefence o'er their heads difplay'd, Proclaim'd them favour'd from on high, And b de ea.h force before them fly. Thee, Lord, my King, and Thee alone. Attentive to thy Laws I own; 20 Indulgent ftili, Aimighty Friend, Thy Arm in IfraeVs caufe extend. Through 'I hee our Hofts unmov'd (hall fraud, Strike with the horn each adverfe band, Thy name invok'd, their fury meet, 25 And tread them breathlefs at their feet. Not from my fword or from my bow My foul fuch confidence {hall know; I 2s Thou* 90 PSALM XLIV. Thou, Lord, each adverfe pow'r {halt quell, Thy ftrength their gath'ring troops difpell : 30 That ftrength our boaft, thy hallow'd name Our hymns of loudeft praife (hall claim, While Time fhall roll its rapid tide, And Day and Night thy works divide. But now, thy wonted aid withheld, 35 Repuls'd, afnam'd, we quit the field j No more we fee, to battle led, Th' Almighty Conqu'ror at our head, But quick retreat in wild difmay, Abandon'd to our foes a prey. 40 As Bcafts for food decreed we die, Or, fpar'd, as worthlefs in thine eye See ! fold for nought our Lords we change, And loft through diftant climates range. Each neighboring Realm with fcornful gaze 45 Thy People's ruin'd ftate furveysj Our name, amid the Nations round, A proverb in each mouth is found; Affembled Crouds infulting ftand, And fierce Derifion claps the hand. 50 How feels my heart the dire difgrace ! How glows with ceafelefs fhame my face, While thus, diverted of thy fear, W ith keen reproach they wound my ear, And with revengeful hand fulfill 55 The dictates of their lawlefs will! Yet, torn with grief, with dread opprefo'd, Thy eyes can witnefs that our breaft Its PSALM XLIV. 91 Its truft from Thee has ne'er remov'd, Nor faithlefs to thy Compact proved. 60 No Lord but Thee thy Servants greet, Nor wander from thy paths our feet, Though 'midft the dragon's haunts we tread, And death's dark (hades are round us fpread. If e'er, averfe to thy command, 65 To Stranger-Gods we lift the hand, Say, fhall our crime thy fearch elude, Whofe eyes our inmoft thoughts have view'd? Thy Caufe we ftill avow; thy Caufe The hoftile fword againft us draws, 70 And numbers to the death our train, As Sheep, whofe blood the hallow'd fane, Before the altar's kindled flames, By regular allotment claims, Arife, eternal God, arife; 75 Why fits this flurnber on thine eyes? Awake, nor from thy care expell Thy once regarded IfraeL Why veils th' impervious cloud thy face? Say why to our afflicted race So Thy ear its pity ftill denies, Nor hears thy captive People's cries, As funk with forrow's weight we bend, And proftrate in the duft defcend. Arife, thy faving pow'r difclofe, 85 And heal with pitying hand our woes> I 3 PSALM ( 9* ) PSALM XLV. T| flY heart its nobleft Theme has found: .It A O Thou, with regal fplendor crown'd, To Thee the grateful (trains belong; Thy Worth fhall bid my willing tongue, Quick as the pen of readieft art, 5 The dictates of my foul impart. Hail, fairer than the Sons of Men! Grace on thy lips and Beauty reign, That fpcak thee honour'd from above, And bleft with God's eternal Love. 10 Hail, Thou whom Nations own their Lord ! Gird on thy thigh the glitt'ring fwordj By Mercy, Truth, and Juftice led, Ride glorious on, thy conquefts fpread : Thy ftubborn foes, a guilty race, 15 Thy hand with faithful fearch (hall trace, Mark, as their crimes for vengeance call, And teach thy terrors where to fall : While, edg'd with wrath, thy ev'ry dart Shall pierce fome proud Oppofer's heart, 20 AfTert the caufe of Judatts King, And dip in impious blood its wing. Through ages lafts, great God, thy Throne, Thy Scepter Juftice calls her own, And (for thy heart his Law purfues, 25 And guilt with fix'd abhorrence views,) Thy God, the God who rules the fkies, Has o'er thine Equals bid thee rife, And, PSALM XLV. 93 And, pleasM, the oil of gladnefs fhed In large profufion on thy head. 30 Myrrh, Aloes, Caflia, to the fenfe Their all-reviving fweets difpenfe, While, recent from the iv'ry cell, Their mingled odours round thee dwell. Their Daughters mightieft Kings behold 35 Amid thy Virgin Train inroll'd; And, feated on thy right, the Queen In faireft robes array'd is feen, That ftiffwith gold, in Opbir's mine Matur'd, with fadeless luftre fhine. 40 Hear, Daughter, and attentive weigh The precepts of the Heav'n-taught Lay, Within thy thought retain no more Thy Father's houfe and native fhore : So fhall the King delighted fee 45 Thy fpotlefs Form ; and O, be He, That Lord whom Heav'n's high Hofts revere, Thy only Lcve, thy only Fear. Imperial Tyre, that, thron'd on high, O'er fubjecSt feas extends her eye, 50 Her Gifts, O Prince, fhall bring to Thee, And fuppliant Nobles ftoop the knee. The Virgin (Offspring of a King,) Whom now thy happy Choice we fing, (Herfelf with each perfection bleft) 55 E'er Thee fhe greets, the various veft AfTumes ; where 'mid th' inwoven gold A thoufand colours we behold, That, 94 f S A L M XLV; That, kindled by the beams of day, The needle's utmoft art difplay, £ By eminence of beauty known Amidft her fair Aflbciates, on She moves, and joys with them to tread The paths that to thy prefence lead. No more the Patriarchs of thy line 65 In Time's long records chief fhall fhine ; Thy greater Sons, to Empire born, Its future annals fhall adorn, Thy Pow'r to Them deriv'd difplay, And ftretch through Earth their boundlefs fway. 70 That Earth, while thus to Thee I raife A lading Monument of praife, With thankful voice fhall join theftrain, And own the Bleffings of thy Reign * PSALM XLVL ON Thee, great Ruler of the Skies, On Thee our ftedfaft hope relies : When hoftile pow'rs againft us join, What Aid fo prefent, Lord, as thine? By Thee fecur'd, no fears we own, 5, Though Earth, convulsed, beneath us groan, Though tempefts o'er her furface fweep, And whirl her hills into the Deep: Though, arm'd with rage, before our eyes That Deep in all its horrors rife, 10 While, as the tumult fpreads around, The mountains tremble at the found. BehoUl PSALM XLVI. 95 Behold fair Sions bleft retreat, Where God has fix'd his awful Seat : No Tempefts there licentious ftray, 15 But foft along their level way The facred Streams their courfe maintain, And crown with health her happy plain, God, ever watchful, ever nigh, Bids ftorms around her harmiefs fly ; 20 His early care each foe withstands, And backward turns the yielding Bands. See, rous'd by Difcord's fierce alarms, The headlong Nations rufh to arms ; But God aloud aflerts his fway, 25 And Earth's whole fobrick meks away. On Heav'n's high Lord our truft we build j The God of Jacob is our Shield. O come, behold a fcene of dread, Behold a World with daughter fpread ; 3$ And know, 'tis God who bids each Land Thus feel the terrors of his hand, 'Tis His, again the Earth to chear, To break the bow, to fnap the fpear, To wrap in flames the glitt'ring car, 35 And hufh the tumult of the war. Bow then, ye Sons of Pride, and own That I am God, and I alone : Exalted o'er each Heathen Land, Exalted o'er the Earth, I ftand ; 40 I bind all Nature to my Will, And bid the factious World be ftill. On 96 PSALM XLVL On HeavVs high Lord our truft we build; Tne God of Jacob is our Shield, PSALM XLVIL ARISE, ye People, clap the hand; Exulting flrike the chord: Let ev'ry Ifle, and ev'ry Land, Confefs th* Almighty Lord. 2. How awful his myfterious Name ! How high advane'd his Seat ! Who bids the Nations own our claiiru And calls them at our feet, 3- He to our lot a Land affign'd, His favour'd JacoFs boaft, And bleft with gifts of various kind Her health-incircled coaft. 4- Hear, while the fhouts wide-echoing round Th' afcending God proclaim, The anfw'ring trump through Heav'n refound, And (hake its vaulted frame. 5- Sing to our God; in loudeft ftraior Perpetual praifes fing: O'er Earth's wide bounds extends his reign ; O praife our God and King* 6. Prepare* P S A II M XLVII. qy 6. Prepare, prepare, with tuneful art, in one afiembled throng, Your (hares of harmony to part, And raife the Heav'n-taught Song, 7- His fway the Sons of human kind With humbleft homage own; And Sanctity with Pow'r combin'd Supports his lafting throne, 8. Kings from afar conven'd behold, Whofe breafts with zeal have glow'd, Among the tribes to ftand inroll'd, That bow to Abraham's God. 9- For He, whofe hands amid the ikies Th' eternal fcepter wield, To Earth's whole race his care applies* And o'er them fpreads the fhield. PSALM XLVIII, GREAT is our God: With warmeft zeal O let his name be bleft, Within the predn&s of his Hill, And City of his reft. 2. Fair 98 PSALM XLVIIL 2. Fair is that Hill ; how wondrous fair ! Imperial Sions Seat : There centers, Earth, thy Joy, and there Its meafure owns complete. 3- Her Walls, while there his lov'd recefs The Northern Heav'n furveys, With fafety God vouchfafes to blefs, And pieas'd her fcepter fways. 4- Earth's haughty Monarchs thither catnej They came, they faw, they fled. Amazement Ihook their inmoft frame, And undiflembled dread. 5- Such fears they (hare as Matrons find That feel th' increafing throe, Struck by that God, whofe fhatt'ring wind Thy Ships, O Tharfts^ know. 6. Lord ! what our ears long fince have known, Our eyes delighted trace, Thy Love in long fucceffion fhown To Salem $ chofen race. 7- Thrice bleft Abode ! whofe ev'ry tow'r By Thee fupported ftands, That God whofe wiJe-extended pow'r Th* ethereal Hoft commands. 8. When, PSALM XLVIIL 99 8. When, proftrate at thy hallow'd Shrine, Thy mercies each furveys, Tranfported with the view, we join In wonder, love, and praife. 9- Thy Name, through Earth's wide confines fpread, Eternal honours crown ; Each fentence by thy hand decreed Fair Juflice ftamps her own. 10. Let S/Ws,Heav'n-devoted Mount With fhouts of triumph ring, And Judah's Daughters pleas'd recount The Judgements of her Xing. ii. Go, walk her facred ftreets along. And let her tow'rs be told; With curious eye her bulwarks ftrong And beauteous domes behold, 12. So fhall the fair defcription laft, Preferv'd in full record, And tell what glories once have grac'd The Seat of Jacob's Lord. To Him our thankful hearts (hall bow, Nor own a God befide ; To life's laft period Him avow The ever faithful Guide. K PSALM ioo PSALM XUX, PSALM XLIX. YE Nations, hear : Ye Sons of Earth, Of higheft or obfcureft birth, Ye who from wealth's full board are fed, And Ye who eat with toil your bread, My words with juft attention weigh, 5 And liften to the hallow'd Lay. My lips fliall Wifdom's leflbns yield, My heart, with nobleft fcience fill'd, Shall prompt me with obedient ear The Heav'n-defcending truths to hear, 10 While, touch'd with holy fire, my tongue Forms to the harp the myftic fong. Why fhould my foul with anxious dread Behold the foes around me fpread, Who build on wealth their truft, and ftore 15 In boafted heaps the glittering ore ? Ceafe, Mortals, ceafe your pride ; nor dream That riches fhall from death redeem, Or from the all-difpofing hand A Brother's forfeit life demand ; 20 But, taught the Soul's juft price to know, At once the frantic thought forgo : In vain would Friendfhip's zeal efiay The full equivalent to pay, In vain the flitting breath to fave, 25 And plead exemption from the grave, Though envied Ophir's wealthieft mine Its treafures to the purchafe join. Thou PSALM XLIX. ioi Thou feefl the Man in Wifdom's fchool Long tutor'd, like the untaught fool, 30 To death fubmit, and leave his heir His heaps of gather'd wealth to fhare. Though Art extends them all its aid, Mortality's ftrong grafp t' evade, And bids them build the Dome fublime, 35 Proof to the rage of eating Time, While Lands fubjected to their claim Take from their haughty Lord a name, Yet Man, with erring pride elate, And high in pow'r, in honour great, 40 Shares with the Brute an equal doom, And fleeps forgotten in the tomb. Their hope thus fond thus faithlefs found Their Sons affume ; in endlefs round Another and another race 45 Their Fathers' wayward fteps (hall trace. Together now behold them laid, As Sheep, when Night extends her {had:*, While Death within the vaulted rock, Stern Shepherd, guards the flumb'ring flock. 50 Corruption there its work fhall ply, And, wrapt in darknefs as they lie, Each feature fair, each boafted grace, With unrelenting hand efface: Ye Jufr, exulting lift your eyes ; 55 Behold the promised Morn arife, That bids you, o'er each haughty {oc Exalted, endlefs triumphs know. K 2 My 102 PSALM XLIX. My Soul, amidft your happy train, The wifh'd redemption fhall obtain, 60 By God adopted, Death {hall brave, And mock the difappointed Grave, Let not the Sight thy heart difmay, If Man's proud Offspring thou furvey With growing wealth incircled round, 65 Or mark his houfe with honours crowa'd ; Nor think his treafures, at his end, Shall with him to the grave defcend, Or the vain pomp, that ftrikes thy view, Through Death's dark fhade its Lord purfue. 70 His life with each enjoyment fraught, How blefs'd his pamper'd Soul its lot ! And Thee, while pleafure crowns thy days, Admiring Crouds perchance may praife ; Yet Thou, like Him, the way fhalt tread, 75 Which, one by one, thy Sires have led, And 'midft th' impenetrable gloom Shalt find with Them thy lafting home. For Man, with erring pride elate, And high in pow'r, in honour great, So Shares with the Brute an equal doom, And fleeps forgotten in the tomb. PSALM L. THE Lord, th' Almighty Monarch, fpake, And bade the Earth the fummons take, Far as his eyes the realms furvey Of rifing and declining day. Reveafd P S A L M L. 103 Reveal'd from Stan's facred bound, 5 The Seat with matchlefs beauty crown'd, Our God his courfe fhall downward bend, Nor filent to his Work defcend. Devouring flames fhall march before, And mightieft tempefts round htm roar. JO Heav'n from above fhall hear his call, And Thou, the iraft terreftrial Ball ; While Man's whole race their Judge fhall meet, In countlefs throngs before his Seat Aflembled. " From the diftant poles 15 " My SaintS collect; the faithful Souls, Mine all tire tame or favage Brood K 3 Whcfc 1C4 P S A L M L. Whofe train the Earth's wide pafture fills, 35 And wanders o'er her thoufand hills. Each fowl, that from its airy flight Defcends upon the mountain's height, Each brute that o'er the champaign ftrays, My all-obferving eye furveys. 40 Admit, I hunger ; fliall thy God Defcend from Thee to afk his food, Lord of the World and all its Store Thy aid, thou Child of Earth, implore ? Shall Bulls to eafe my want be flain, 45 Or blood of Goats my thirft reftraia ? Go, fuppliant at my altar bow, And pay thy thanks, and pay thy vow : (Be this thy OfF'ring :) In thy woes On Me with ftedfaft hope repofe ; 50 So fhall my ear receive thy pray'r, And, grateful, Thou my mercy (hare. Thou Wretch by discipline unaw'd, (Thus to the Impious fpeaks my God,) Thy fecret crimes to Me are known \ 55 I fee my Laws behind thee thrown : And Thou, doft Thou with lips profane The precepts of my will explain, And, rank'd thyfelf amid my foes, My terms of offer'd grace propofe ? 60 Say, has the Thief to Thee applied, And Thou thy wanted aid denied I Or fail'd th' Adult'rer e'er to fee A partner of his guilt in Thee.* Thy PSALM Li 105 Thy tongue to fraud has loos'd the reins, 65 And lye with lye connected feigns. Haft thou not fat, with cruel aim Refle&ing on a Brother's fame, And with invented fcandal ftain'd Whqm erft one womb with Thee contain'd ? 70 While filent thus thy crimes I fee, Thy folly pi&ures me like Thee : But foon my op'ning lips {hall yield The juft rebuke fo long withheld, And bid, before thy confcious eyes, 75 Thy guilt in all its horror rife. Ye Souls forgetful of my fear, With full regard my dictates hear; Left, at my word, your life the Grave Demand, and none be nigh to fave. 80 Who yields the Sacrifice of praife, His beft-accepted homage pays : Who forms his fteps aright, {hall know What Joys from my Salvation flow. L PSALM LI. ORD, let thy clemency divine Confpicuous in my pardon {hine $ O let the fulnefs of thy grace Each error of my life efface, Its influence to my foul convey, 5 And wafti my ev'ry ftain away. My confcious heart its guilt {hall own ; My Deed to Thee, and Thee alone, Obnoxious, io6 PSALM LL Obnoxious, nor the day nor night Conceals from my abhorring fight. XO Juft is thy fentence, holieft Lord, And Truth eternal feals thy word. Thou from the birth my foul couldft view, As fhap'd in fin my breath I drew, And feeft me guilt's tranfmiffive ftain 15 Through life's revolving courfe retain. But deep within my inmoft frame (Nor dares my foul conteft thy claim,) Thy juft decrees, Almighty Sire, Integrity and Truth require ; 20 Thy hand, corredtive of my will, Shall wifdom in my breaft inftill j With hallow'd hyflbp fprinkled o'er, My foul its fpots fhall mourn no more, But, cleans'd by Thee, the whitenefs know, 25 That clothes the new-defcended fnow. How fhall my ear thy pard'ning voice Tranfported welcome ! How rejoice My bones, with vital moifture fill'd, That, crufh'd by Thee, by Thee are heal'd ? 30 O turn, great Ruler of the Skies, Turn from my Sin thy fearching eyes, Nor let th' offences of my hand Within thy book recorded ftand. Give me a will to thine fubdu'd, 35 A confcience pure, a foul renew'd, Nor let me, wrapt in endlefs gloom, An outcaft frgm thy prcfence i;oam, Of PSALM LI. 107 Or abfent mourn th' ethereal Gueft, Whofe vifits chear th' afflicted breaft. 40 O let thy Spirit to my heart Once more his quick'ning aid impart, My mind from ev'ry fear releafe, And footh my troubled thoughts to peace. So (hall the fouls, whom Error's fway 45 Has urg'd from Thee, bleft Lord, to {tray, From Me thy heav'nly precepts learn, And humbled to their God return. O would thy healing grace beftow'd Abfolve me from my debt of biood, 50 How fhould my tongue thy Juftice fing, Invinble, Immortal King, And, long as breath extends my days, The God of my Salvation praife ! Not Victims, Lord, in folemn rite 55 Prefented, thy defire excite ; Elfe fhould my hand with - care Th' exacted holocauft pr A Spirit griev'd is facrifice Delightful to th' all-feeing eyes ; 60 The heart, that, taught itH gtitt to know, Repentant heaves with inward woe, Shall find its pray' its groans, its fighs, To Thee in full feeefeptalnce rife. Thy grace o Sion^ Lord, extend, 65 And bid fair Salem % walls afcend : So fhall the Sons of Jacob's line With pureft offrings luad thy Shrine, And. ic8 PSALM LI. And, while in many a lengthen'd wreath Their incenfe (hall its odours breathe, 70 Before thy altar doom'd to bleed The llaughter'd fteer the flames (hall feed. PSALM LII. WHY, Tyrant, boafts thy heart the pow'r To work a Brother's woe ; While God his mercy bids each hour In ftreams unmeafur'd flow ? 2. With joy thy tongue, to falfehood prone, Its venom deals around ; Nor razor fharpen'd on the ftone Infli&s fo deep a wound. \, 3- Thy lips far readier 111 than Good And Lies than Truth have fought; Nor e'er has word that aim'd at blood Unwelcom'd met thy thought. *• But God, whofe wrath thy crimes inflame, Shall pluck thee from thy home, Root from the land of life thy name, And feal thy changelefs doom* 5- The Juft, with thankful awe poflefs'd, Shall view thy blafted pride, And, PSALM LIL 109 And, from their fierceft foe releas'd, Thy impious boafts deride. 6. " Lo there the Wretch in trefpafs bold, " Who God's fupport difdain'd, Ci And on his heaps of treafur'd gold " His frantic hope fuftain'd." 7- Frefh as the verdant olive, I Within thy Courts (hall ftand, And, fix'd, indulgent Lord, rely On thy protecting hand. 8. Thy A£ts my praife fhall ever claim, Thy Name, amidft my woes, (How grateful to thy Saints that Name !) My ev'ry fear compofe. PSALM LIU. BEHOLD the Fool, whofe heart denies The God who form'd the Earth and Skies: While, fearlefs, fin's worft paths he treads, Mark how the dire example fpreads Through human race. Not one we find 5 To Virtue's Heav'n-taught rules inclin'd, Who 'midft infectious times has ftood Unftain'd, and obftinately good. Th' eternal Monarch from on high Caft on the Sons of Earth his eye, 10 If no PSALM LIIL If haply fome he yet might fee From error's baleful influence free, Whofe lives an impious Age might fhame, Who fought his Love, and own'd his Name, He look'd : But Ah ! not one could find i c To Virtue's Heav'n-taught rules inclined : Each, led from Wifdom's path aftray, Purfues the tenour of his way. O fay, what frenzy thus could blind Their Souls, that with remorfelefs nifnd 20 As bread my People they devour, Nor fuppliant own their Maker's pow'r. Yet fee their thoughts tumultuous roll, See caufelefs terrors fhake their foul : Wide o'er the field the bones are fpread 25 Of Chiefs who by thy fword have bled, And fpeak the doom that All muft fhare, Whom God abandons from his care. Who, mightieft Lord, to IfraeVs eyes Shall bid the wifh'd Salvation rife, 30 From Sion's hill its healing ray Extend, and round us pour the day ? When Thou (Thy pow'r the Work demands,) Shalt back recall our captive bands, The bleft event to Judah's fhore 35 Her fongs of triumph (hall reftore, And ceafelefs fhouts, through heavVs wide frame Loud-echoing, Jacob's joy proclaim. . i PSALM ( "I ) PSALM LIV. i. THY Name my ftedfaft heart avows 5 Do Thou my injur'd caufe efpoufe. And be thy Strength my aid : My plaints, eternal Monarch, hear, And let them by thy pitying ear With full regard be weigh'd. 2. For Nations from thy fear eftrang'd, With Tyrants fierce, againft me rang'd, My guiltlefs foul purfue : But 'midft my helpers Heav'ns high Lord Shall ftand, and faithful to his word Each adverfe pow'V fubdue. 3- O let my heart, their rage repell'd, Itfelf a willing offering yield ; To Thee its praife fhall flow, While to my thought thy Mercies rife, That gave me with exulting eyes To fee my proftrate foe. PSALM LV. OHear my voice, All-potent Sire, Nor diftant from the pray'r retire, Whofe accents to thine ear impart The anguifh of my heaving heart. L > 3 1X2 P S A L M LV. A Croud, whofe thoughts fromTheehave ftray With falfehood arm'd, my peace invade j Opprcffion's fhouts around me roar, Death's blackeft horrors whelm me o'er, And griefs and fears, that fhun controul, Shake to its inmoft depth my foul. O who fhall give me (thus my breaft Its vain inquietude exprefs'd,) The Dove's light wing, that through the air A wretched fugitive may bear, And grant me fafe from harms to dwell 15 Within the rock's fequefter'd cell ? How would I mount the wafting wind, How leave the wrathful ftorms behind, And in the Defert's lone retreat Contented fix my lafting Seat ! 20 Thy vengeance, Lord, inflift ; their tongue Divide ; for Tumult, Strife, and Wrong, Where'er I turn, before my eyes In giant forms amid them rife ; Within their wall's unhallow'd bound 25 By day, by night, they take their round ; Nor ceafe their guilty ftreets to hear The voice of falfehood, grief, and fear. Not threaten'd Rage, or Hate profeft, My fame infult, my peace moleft ; 30 My foul, when Foes had aim'd the wound, Some fafe recefs perchance had found, Or, difciplin'd by previous care, Had learn'd th' expedted ill to bear j 13ut PSALM LV. 113 But Thou, 'twas Thou, the Friend difguis'd, 35 The Man, whom chief of Friends I priz'd. To whom, its Counfellor and Guide, My foul in ev'ry doubt applied : In bands of fweeteft union join'd, Each wifh, each fecret of the mind, 40 We (har'd, and 'midft th' aflembled Train Familiar trod the hallow'd Fane. Let death (eternal Juftice cries,) Let death their impious race furprize ; Let Earth its opening jaws extend, 45 While living to the grave defcend The lawlefs Throng ; whofe Land profane Hell*s worft-invented mifchiefs ftain. But God my vows folicit ; He From each diftrefs my foul (hall free ; 50 He, as with fervent lips I pray, At dawn, at noon, at clofe of day, Shall ftoop to my complaint his ear, And inftant in my caufe appear. He, when the battle round me bled, 55 From hoftile myriads fcreen'd my head, Gave to my pray'r the wifh'd for peace, And bade the dreadful tumult ceafe. That Pow'r, who fate inthron'd above, E'er Heav'n's vaft Orbs were feen to move, 60 Whofe Counfels, fix'd through ages paft, Shall time's remoteft date outlaft, That Pow'r my conteft (hall decide, And humble to the duft their pride, L 2 ii4 PSAL M LV. See, unprovok'd, the reftlefs foe 6$ Aim at thy Saints the deathful blow, Thy fear, great God, behind him thrown, And compacts oft confirm'd difown. While War's fierce flames within him burn, As milk new foaming from the churn 70 Smooth are his lips ; as oil his words ; Yet wound they deep as keeneft fwords. O caft thee fearlefs on thy God ; He, prompt to fave, the grateful load Within his foft'ring arms ftiall bear, 75 And feed thee with a parent's care. Author of good \ beneath thy hand Secure from lapfe the Juft fhall ftand, While (fuch thy Mandate !) on his foes Definition's pit its mouth fhall clofe. 80 Who thirft for blood, who falfehoods raife, To death (hall yield, e'er half their days Be number'd, while, exulting, I On Thee with ftedfaft hope rely. PSALM LVL O Reach me, Lord, thy aiding pow'r, While hoftile troops my ftrength devour j My ftrength devour, and day by day With fierceft threats my heart difmay : Yet Truft in Thee my fpirit chears, 5 And checks my fighs, and wipes my tears. Thy promife, Lord, to notes of praife In each diftrefs my fong (hall raife : Gc4 PSALM LVX. 115 God in my caufe his arm will rear ; And Man, (hall Man excite my fear ? 10 My words they torture ; and, their thought Each hour with deepeft malice fraught, In impious council nightly meet, And watch, with murth'rous aim, my feet. On wrong, and fuperftition vain, 15 Their hope the frantic tribe fuftain ; But teach them, Lord, thy wrath to know, And quell the infults of my foe. My grief to thine obferving eye, As chas'd from realm to realm I fly, 20 In full difplay, great God, appears j O treafure in thy vafe my tears : But fee ! aj ready by thy hand Recorded in thy book they ftand. Whene'er to Thee, my God, I cry, 25 Secure of aid the fight I try, While hofts beneath my falchion bleed, And back with headlong flight recede. Thy word my breaft with joy fhall fwell, Thy promife, Lord, my woes difpell : 39 God in my caufe his arm will rear, And Man, fhall Man excite my fear ? Their thanks, their vows, (thy juft demand,) My lips fliall yield : Thy favYing hand My feet from error, from the grave 35 My fainting foul, has deign'd to fave, And bids me ftill, to Thee allied, Within the land of life refide. L3 PSALM ( n6 ) PSALM LVII. TH Y Mercy, Lord., amidft my woes, Thy Mercy to my eyes difclofe ; Let me, my hope on Thee reclin'd, Beneath thy wings a refuge find, Till thy prevailing beams difpell 5 The clouds of grief that o'er me dwell. To Him, the God who reigns on high, To Him with fuppliant voice I cry, AfTur'd that He, indulgent ftill, My plaint (hall hear, my pray Y fulfill, r* His timelieft aid from heav'n extend, My fame from obloquy defend, And bid his Truth and Mercy fhed Their kindeft influence on my head* The Lions round me roar aloud ; 15 And, fir'd with caufelefs rage, a Croud Advance, (thy foes, eternal Lord,) Whofe teeth are fpears, whofe tongue a fword. Inthron'd thyfelf above the Ikies, O bid thy fulleft glory rife, 2 0- And to the earth with cloudlefs ray The wonders of thy powY difplay* Oft, as amid the fnares I tread, Each hour by hoftile fraud outfpread, What fears, what woes, my bo'fom prove ! 2$ Yet, fav'd by thy preventing Love, Th* artificers of death I fee Tain in the pit prepared for me. My PSALM EVIL n 7 My heart is fix'd, Almighty Sire, My heart is fix'd : To Thee afpire 30 My thoughts, and dictate to my lays An argument of endlefs praife. Awake (thou glory of my frame) Awake, my tongue, to loud acclaim; Awake my lute, and new-ftrung lyre; 35 Inftindt, myfelf, with holy fire I wake; and lo, the dawning fun Already hears the ftrain begun. From Me aflembling crouds fliall burn The triumphs of thy Love to learn, 40 And, rapt with zeal, the Nations round Catch from my lips the facred found. Lo ! to the clouds thy Truth extends, Thy Mercy Heav'n's vaft height tranfeends: Inthron'd thyfelf above the Ikies, 45 O bid thy fulleft glory rife, And to the earth with cloudlefs ray The wonders of thy pow'r difplay. PSALM LVIII. YE whofe lips the caufe decide, Say, does Truth your fentence guide? Are your thoughts by Juftice fway'd, And in Reafon's balance weigh'd ? Let your confcious tongues atteft 5 What ye harbour in your breaft. Hearts ye bear, that deep within Cherifh each fuggefted fin, And ix8 PSALM LVIIL And the di&ates of your will With remorfelefs hands fulfill, 10 From the womb, in error's way See the infant finner ftray : Nurtur'd in deceit and wrong See him with advent'rous tongue (Prompt his earlieft fkill to try,) 1 5 Lifp the meditated lye. See their veins with venom fwell ; Arm'd with fuch, the Adder fell Stops her ear, in many a fold 'Mid the (helt'ring brake uproll'd, 20 While each note the Charmer tries, And his utmoft art defies. Smite, great God, the Lions* cheek, And their fangs indignant break. While they arm them for the war, 2$ And their quiver'd ftores prepare, Let th' Oppreffors feel thy pow'r, Let thy fword their ftrength devour; Let them wafte in fwift decay, As the Torrents pafs away, 30 As the earth-bred Snails confume, As th' Abortions of the womb (Life's fhort circuit fcarce begun,) Perifh e'er they fee the fun. E'er the Caldron learn to glow 35 From the kindling thorns below, Let thy hotter wrath be fhed Quick on each rebellious head: Let PSALM LVIII. 119 Let the Storms, that through the Iky, Minifters of vengeance, fly, 40 Inftant, Lord, at thy beheft, Sweep from earth the living Peft: While the Souls that truft in Thee Pleas'd their caufe aveng'd fhall fee, And, the dreadful conflict o'er, 45 Waft their fteps in hoftile gore. " Doubtlefs, each convinc'd fhall cry, u Doubtlefs, there's a Judge on high; 4< And who His commands regard, " Reap at length their full reward." 50 PSALM LIX. TH' impLending ftorm, my God, ailuagej High o'er the foes, that round me rage, Exalt me, (foes, whofe ftubborn mind, To wrong and violence refign'd, Thy facred Laws has long withftood,) 5 And fave me from the Man of blood. AfTembling crouds the deadly fnare, Without my crime, great God, prepare; Without my crime, in fin allied, To difPrent paths their courfe divide: 10 O, obvious to/my prayV, arife, Nor let their guilt efcape thine eyes. Leader of Holts, and Ifrael's God ! Stretch o'er the Heathen tribes thy rod, Nor let them, unchaftis'd,each hour 15 With mad prefumption brave thy pow'r. Whca 120 PSALM LIX, When eve's dark/hades o'er heav'n are hung, See ! as the Dog with fury flung, While hideous yells their wrath betray, From ftreet to ftreet. they urge their way. 20 Swords in their lips, without a fear Their threats they vent: for who fhall hear? By Thee, by Thee, thofe threats are heard ; Superior Thou each frantic word, Eternal Monarch, (halt deride, 25 And check with juft reproach their pride. Rock of my ftrength ! To Thee on high My Soul fhall lift the ftedfaft eye, Whofe aid, e'er yet invok'd, each foe Beneath my conqu'ring feet fhall throw. 30 Let not thy wrath, O God our fhield, Their name to full excifion yield, Left, vanifh'd from th' obferving eye, Th* example of the vengeance die j But, arm'd with pow'r, through foreign lands 35 Diftribute wide their vanquifh'd Bands. Such vengeance from thine arm, great Sire, Their tongue's repeated crimes require, Their thoughts, inflam'd with impious pride, Their oaths to guile's worft ends applied, 40 And urge thee with impartial doom Each bold tranfgreffor to confume : Strike, Lord, O ftrike the needful blow, And teach an erring World to know, That Jacob's Sons thy pow'r obey, 45 And Earth's wide confines own thy fway. When PSALM LIX. i2i When eve's dark (hades o'er heav'n are hung, Still, as the Dog with fury ftung, Still let them, clam'ring for their prey, From ftreet to ftreet purfue their way, 50 Infatiate; while their deftin'd fpoil Elufive mocks their fruitlefs toil. I, Lord, fecure in Thee, thy might Will praife, and with the rifing light Thy Love, that in the dreadful day 55 Redeem'd me, on my harp difplay, Thee own my Refuge, (heav'nly King!) And Mercy's unexhaufted Spring. PSALM LX. REPULS'D, difpers'd, chaftis'd by Thee, O grant us, Lord, thy face to fee, And let the People, once thy care, Again thy fav'ring prefence (hare. How trembles this divided Land 5 Beneath the terrors of thy hand ! O Thou, the God whom we adore, Its breaches heal, its peace reftore. Thy juft Decrees to Ifrael's eyes Have bid a fcene of forrow rife, 10 And to his pallid lips the wine Of dire Aftonifliment confign. Yet fee, thy hands a ftandard rear ; Beneath it Each, who owns thy fear, Engag'd in Truth's neglected caufe, 15 His fword, fecure of conqueft, draws. Such, 122 PSALM LX. Such, objects of thy tend'reft Love, Defend propitious from above ; Let Me with Them thy Mercy fhare, And hear, O hear, my ceafelefs pray'n 20 God with an Oath his purpofe fealsj My hand with joy his word fulfills ; Behold me Sicbem's plain divide; My line, to SuccoWs vale applied, Its bound defcribes ; Thee mine I fee, 25 O Gileady and, Manajjes^ Thee. Thou, Epbralm^ art my ftrong defence, Thou, Judab, (halt my Law difpenfe; A different lot fhall Moab find, A Vafe to vileft ufe aflign'dj 30 A doom like his let Edom meet, And wipe the duft from off my feet. Philiftia^ pleas'd thy tribute bring, And own in Me thy future King. Who, as our troops in clofe array 35 To Edam's forts direct their way, Arm'd with refiftlefs ftrength fhall bid Her gates unfold, her bolts recede ? Behold us, Lord, opprefs'd with woe, As exil'd from thy care we go : 40 Shall Ifrael's hofts, thy aid withheld, Still unfuccefsful take the field ? Our hope, on Man repos'd in vain, O let thy Strength, great God, fuftain : Thus arm'd, each adverfe pow'r we dare, 45 And dauntlefs meet the rufhing war, While PSALM LX. x2 3 ^Vhile from thy fword our foes retire, Or trampled in the duft expire. PSALM LXI. OPPRESS'D with grief, in exile loft, To Thee from JudaVs utmoft coaft My voice, eternal God, I fend : O hear my plaint; my pray'r attend. High on the rock my footfteps rear; 5 There let me ftand unmov'd, and hear The ftorms, that now around me beat, At diftance roll beneath my feet. Thee, Lord, I feek, whene'er my foes With dire intent my path inclofe, 10 And own thee in the dang'rous hour My ftedfaft Hope, my ftrongeft Tow'r, Remote from fear, within thy ftirine Thou, Lord, my dwelling (halt aflign; Thy wings {hall wrap me in their (hade; 15 Thou, Thou haft heard me when I pray'd, And yielded to my wifh the joys Of Thofe whofe care thy Will employs. Long Life fhall IfraeFs King behold, And ages count on ages roll'd : 23 Safe in thy prefence let him ftand, And fhare the bleffings of thy hand j His dwelling let thy Truth defend, Thy Mercy on his fteps attend. So (hall thy Love awake my fong, 25 Thy Name the willing note prolong, M While, **4 PSA L M LXU While, warm'd with zeal, my vows I pay, And blefs thee to my lateft day. PSALM LXII. MY Soul in God its reft has found ; When various griefs befet me round, His Love fhall fure deliv'rance yield; By Him through life I walk upheld, And fafe from lapfe my courfe maintain, 5 Or, falling, inftant rife again. How long, Artificers of ill, Shall fchemes of death employ your fkill ? Behold the mifchiefs ye intend Retorted on your heads defcend: 10 Your femblance fee yon loofen'd Wall, Yon Bulwark, nodding to its fall. Vain are the wiles for Him prepared, Whom Heav'n's high Lord vouchfafes to guard, And, crown'd with honours from above, 15 Proclaims the object of his Love. See, vers'd in fraud, the impious Throng With bleffings charge their guileful tongue, While deep within the heart's difguife The fecret curfe invelop'd lies. 20 But Thou, my Soul, on God reciin'd, In Him thy wifh'd for reft (halt find ; His Love (hall fure deliv'rance yield; By Him through life I walk upheld, Superior brave the hoftile Train, 25 And fafe from lapfe my courfe maintain. Thee, PSALM LXIL 1*5 Thee, Lord, my Glory, Thee alone My Rock, my Health, my Strength, I own : Ye Tribes, in God your help behold, To Him, with me, your hearts unfold ; 30 Each want confefs, each grief reveal; For who, O who like Him can heal? O Vanity, thy name is Man : Intent the human mind to fcan, Come, try, if aught of weight there feem; 35 Sufpend the balance, fix the beam : In vain. — With equal eafe were weigh'd The flitting air, or empty fhade. Truft not in Wrong and Fraud ; no more On Hope's light wing prefumptuous foar$ 40 Let gather'd wealth before thee lie Beheld with unretorted eye, Nor let the glittering heap impart One wifh to thy deluded heart. Once from his throne th J Almighty fpake, 45 And forth again the accents brake: " I claim the univerfal fway, " I mark if Man my will obey, " And, where my Fear the mind impells, " (For Pow'r in Me with Mercy dwells,) 50 u Each aft obferve with kind regard, PSALM LXIII. ^jPHO U art my God ; to Thee my eyca -** I lift, e'er yet the dawn arife: With facred thirft, O Lord, I burn, My Heart, my Flefh, thy abfence mourn, As o'er th' unhofpitable way 5 Amidfr. a barren wade I ftray, Yet here, by heav'nly Wifdom led, Expectant wait, till o'er my head Thy beams in mild effulgence play, And turn my darknefs into day ; is Thofe beams which oft my eyes beheld From Sale?ti$ hallow'd Shrine reveal'd. Thy Love my lips fh all ever tell, (Can Life itfelf that Love exceil?) Nor ceafe, while breath prolongs my days, r 5 In thankful notes the hymn to raife. To Thee thy Servant, Lord, as now, His hands {hall rear, his knees fhall bow. For nought like this my foul can chear; Nor marrow from the fatted fteer 2 Could e'er to the luxurious fenfe Such full delight, my God, difpenfe, As what my fatiate foul injoys, Whene'er thy praife my tongue employs. Thou Moon, be witnefs if my oed 25 Forgetful of my God I fpread ; And Thou, revolving Sun, if e'er I wake unconfcious of his care. Safe PSALM LX1II. 127 Safe in the fliadow of thy wings, In Thee I joy, O King of Kings ; 30 When dangers threaten to devour, Superior to each adverfe pow'r Thy Arm extends the help divine, And long Experience calls it mine. Behold my foes in dread retire, 35 Or proftrate at my feet expire: While to my conqu'ring hvord they yield, The Beafts that nightly range the field Amid the flaughter'd heaps fhall ftray, And rav'nous feize their licensed prey* 40 By Thee exalted to the throne Shall Judab's King thy mercies own; And bleft be Each, my God, whofe tongue With Him fhall raife the grateful fong, Who fuppliant at thy fhrine fhall kneel, 45 While fhame the Lyar's lips fhall feal. PSALM LXIV. THY Suppliant's voice propitious hear; My life, Bleft Lord, from hoftile fear Secure, while Men of impious mind, Their pow'rs in fecret league combin'd, With fadtious rage my foul purfue, 5 And hide, O hide me from their view. Behold the flaughter-breathino: Throng Whet as a fword their baleful tongue, And words, as arrows keen, prepare, That edg'd with death fhall walk the air, 10 M 3 Conceal* d 123 PSALM LXIV. Conceal'd from light each fear difclaim* And level at the Juft their aim, Nor reft, til] in the blamelefs heart Their hand has lodg'd the fudden dart. Their dire defigns, in guilt allied, 15 They form ; fecure, their fnares provide ; " And who our aim fhall thwart ? What eye " (They afk,) the hidden death defcry?" With future mifchiefs teem their breads, (As each to each new wiles fuggefts,) 20 And feek in art's obfcureft veil Their guilty purpofe to conceal. Ah ! Wretches, whither will ye fly ? Behold the arrow from on high Defcend, that bears upon its wing 25 The wrath of Heav'n's offended King: The fatal fhaft its errand knows, And red with hotteft vengeance glows. Their tongue, that feeks another's hurt, Itfelf their footfteps fhall fubvert, 30 And paffers by with inward dread Behold them on the earth outfpread. Each heart (hall own, with rev'rent thought* That Thou the work, great God, haft wrought, And, pleas'd, thy chaftifemeats ftiall trace, 35, Inflicted on their guilty race,. While, refeu'd from their rage, the Juft Exulting fix on Thee their truft. PSALM ( 129 ) PSALM LXV. THEE S ion's praife, O Lord, attends, To Thee the frequent vow afcends From each v/horn Salem's walls beheld Among her faithful fons inroll'd : To Thee, whofe ready ear the pray'r 5 Prevents, fhall Man's whole race repair : Amidft them at thy footftool I, Prefs'd with a weight of guilt, apply, Aflur'd from Thy free grace to win The wifh'd atonement of my fin. 10 Bleft, who by fweet experience knows, What Joys thy Prefence, Lord, beftews, The Man, who, privileged by Thee, Thy face in near approach (hall fee, Behold thy beams effulgent play, 15 And in thy Dwelling fix his flay. Let IfraeVs Tribes, their foes o'erthrown, The terrors of thy Juitice own, O Thou, the Hope of human race, Of all whom Earth's wide arms embrace, 20 Of all who toft by tempefts fweep The furface of the pathlefs Deep. In Thee they truft, who girt with pow'r Haft bid the Mountains heav'nward tow'r, And, fix'd on ftrongeft bafe, defy 25 The warring blafts that round them fly : In Thee — Who know'ft at will to rein The infults of the foaming Main, Check i jo PSALM LXV* Check the brute waves that roar aloud, And (till the madnefs of the Croud. 3a Remoteft Realms with dire difmay Thy wonders, mightieft Lord, furvey ; And, as they walk th' ethereal Round, The Morn and Eve thy praife refound. Thy vifits teach the grateful foil 35 To recompenfe the tiller's toil : By unexhaufted fprings fupplied Thy River pours its copious tide, And bids the ftrength-infufing grain Earth's countlefs Family fuftain. 4a The Clouds, in frequent fhow'rs diftill'd, Drop fatnefs on the pregnant field, Break the tough glebe, the furrows chear, And crown with good the gliding year. The paftures of th' extended Wafte 45 Thy gifts in rich profufion tafte ;. The hills around exulting ftand, And own the bounty of thy hand. Nurs'd by thy care the fleecy train Inverts with white the rural plain, 50 While, as beneath the fav'ring fkies In crouded ranks the harvefts rife, The laughing Vale a flumes a tongue, And burfts triumphant into fong. PSALM C 131 ) PSALM LXVI, YE Sons of Men, in God rejoice; Lift in one choir your thankful voice, ■ And fpread through Earth's extended frame The honour of your Maker's name. How awful are thy Works, how great 1 Jjj (Thus let the fong his praife repeat,) Thy late obdurate foes behold, By thy fuperior ftrength controul'd, With flattering lip their homage pay, And Earth's whole empire own thy fway. 10 Each tribe of human race to Thee Shall fuppliant bend the humble knee, Each tongue, in hymns of praife fnall join* And joyful blefs the name divine. O come, and view with rev'rent thought - 15 The Acts by Heav'n's high Monarch wrought, Hi^ wonders fhown fince Time began, And friendlike intercourfe with Man. His word the Deep's vaft channel dried, And backward roll'd th' obedient Tide : 20 Now fate athwart its fandy bed By Him our refcu'd troops are led, Now loft in grateful tranfport (rand, And (houts of triumph fhake the ftrand. Time's lateft period long o'erpaft, 25 His pow'r fhall felf-fupported laft ; Each realm to his obferving eyes, From pole to pole, fubje£ted lies* And 132 PSALM LXVL And fees its rebel Sons in vain With ftrength combined oppofe his reign. 30 Ye Nations All of various tongue, To Jacob's God exalt the fong ; Sing, fmg aloud, that Nature's ear His praife through all her bounds may hear, Whofe wakeful care within our breaft 35 (Though countlefs foes our peace infeft,) Still gives the vital pulfe to beat, And guards from dread of lapfe our feet. Oft has thy hand, All-potent Lord, By various proof our faith explor'd, 40 And bid the flame each heart refine, As filver recent from the mine : Now round us waves the net, and now Beneath opprjefiion's weight we bow, "While o'er our heads the Sons of pride 45 With hoftile fcorn exulting ride. Through fires, through torrents, led by Thee, At length th' expected Land we fee, Where ftreams irriguous cleave the foil, And crown with wealth the tiller's toil. 50 Lo, to thy Dome, my God and King, The facred holocauft I bring, That late, opprefs'd by forrow's cloud, To Thee with fervent lip I vow'd: Before thy Altar's kindled fire 55 The promis'd victims fhall expire, Here bleed the full-fed Goat, and here The fleecy Ram, and ftubborn Steer. O come,, PSAL M LXVI. Z33 O come, Ye Souls that fear your God, And learn his grace on Me beftow'd, 60 As, fupplicating loud, my tongue Wak'd to his praife the hallow'd fong. Had confcious guilt my bofom ftain'd, How had his ear my pray'r difdain'd, That upward now through trafts of day 65 In fure acceptance wings its way ! Bleft be my God, who, thron'd on high, Rejefls not from his care my cry, Nor, while afflictions round me rife, His mercy to my foul denies. 70 PSALM LXVII-. MAY God his fav'ring ear incline, And bid his face on Ifrad fhine, That All thy counfels, Lord, may know, Where Earth extends, or Oceans flow, And, thankful, to their wondring eyes 5 Behold thy wifh'd Salvation rife. To Thee, of Life th' eternal Spring, Invifible, All-potent King, One chorus let the Nations raife, One fhout of univerfal praife. 10 Exult each Tribe, exult each Land; Heav'n's mighty Lord with equal hand The balance holds, and Earth's domain Shall own to lateft age his reign. To Thee, of Life th* eternal Spring, 15 luvifible, All-potent King, One 134 PSALM LXVII. One chorus let the Nations raife, One fhout of univerfal praife. So, warm'd by genial funs, the field With full increafe its fruits fhall yield, 2® And God, thy God, O Ifrael, fhed His choiceft bleflings on thy head. God fhall on Us his bleflings fhow'r, And Man's whole Race revere his pow'r. PSALM LXVIII. LET God arife, and let his foes, His arm unable to oppofe, Back from the field, with wild affright O'erwhelm'd, precipitate their flight. Behold, great God, the impious Hoft 5 Like fmoke in quick difperfion loft : Behold them, at thy look, expire, Diflblv'd, as wax before the fire; While all who own thy juft command Exulting in thy prefence ftand, 10 And bid the fhout of triumph rife Loud echoing to the diftant fkies. O, while his Acts your lips infpire, And animate the vocal lyre, A path for IfraeVs God prepare, j 5 , Who, feated on his regal Car, Triumphant o'er the Defert wide In folemn ftate is feen to ride: His Name Jehovah; Theme of praife Exhauftlefs ! in his prefence raife 20 The PSALM LXVIIL i 3S The grateful ftrain, and joyous fing The Mercies of your heav'nly King. Their Parent Him the Orphans hail; He bids the Widow's caufe prevail, And, fhrin'd above th' empyreal fky, 25 Extends to All his equal eye, A manfion to the Outcaft gives, The Captive from his chain relieves, But bids the Sinner wear away In barren wilds his fhorten'd day* 30 When o'er the long-extended Wade Thy glory, Firfl: of Beings ! paft, And, beaming o'er thy People's head, Their Bands to certain conqueft led, Earth, groaning, to its centre reel'd, 35 The Heav'ns, in clouds diflblv'd, beheld The footfteps of th' approaching God, And Sinai own'd, with lowly nod, Thy vifits, everlafting Lord ! The Pow'r by Jacob's Sons ador'd. 40 Wltile yet the burning fands they tread, Thy kindlieft rains, around them fhed, Befpeak them fav'rites of thy care, And Nature's wearied pow'rs 'repair. Thus joy the Tribes whom Thou haft lov'd, 45 Thus boaft their lot by Thee improv'd, Whofe aid the humble and the poor Shall ne'er with fruitlefs vows implore. Heav'^^ mighty Monarch gave the word ; His mandate Sions Daughters heard, 50 N And 136 PSALM LXVIII. And thus in one aflembled throng With fvveet accordance form the Song: " Kings with their hofts have fled; and We, cc Who fate from toils of battle free, " (Content the houfhold's care to guide,) 55 And plunge me in the dark profound* Hear, Lord, and to my foul difplay 55 Thy Mercy's all-enliv'ning ray ; Look down, eternal God, look down, Behold me, but without a frown. No* *i 4 2 PSALM LXIX. Nor to thy Servant's longing eye Thy face, amidft my woes, deny. 60 Hafte to my aid, O hafte thee near, Do Thou my foul from hoftile fear Releafe ; thine ears each infult keen Have heard ; thine eyes my fhame have feen, And ftedfaft mark'd the adverfe Band, 65 That leagu'd in guilt around me ftand. My foul, by evil tongues aflail'd, Unequal to the conflict fail'd : In fad inquietude of thought Some partner of my grief I fought, 70 And wiih'd,- in vain, the friend to find, Whofe voice might footh my troubled mind. Thefe, 'mid the Croud that wait me nigh, Gall to my lothing lips apply ; While Thefe my thirft's affiiftive rage 75 With juice of fharpeft tafte afluage. Say, what requital from thy hand Shall guilt like theirs, great God, demand ? While pleas'd the focial board they (hare, Let Death around it plant a fnare, 80 And what fnould blifs and health beftow With aim inverted work their woe. Let blindnefs check their fell defigns, Bow with affliction's weight their loyns, And let thy Wrath, with loofen'd rem, 85 Defcending crulh the rebel Train. Let Horror and Deftruftion drear Amid their tents the ftandard rear, Nor PSALM LXIX. 143 Nor human habitant be found Within their dome's capacious round : 90 Since, unprovok'd, with murth'rous view, Whom Thou haft fmitten they purfue, And feek, inftindt with cruel joy, The Man of forrows to deftroy. Let Each (for nought their hearts could bend ;) 95 From depth to depth in fin defcend, Ne'er, touch'd by healing Mercy, fee The path that leads to Blifs and Thee, Nor let them, 'mid thy chofen Band, In life's fair page recorded ftand. 100 And O ! while prefs'd with ills I lie, Caft on my ftate a pitying eye, And let thy Mercy to my grief In full fufficience yield relief. So fhall thy name my tranfport raife, 105 And dictate to my lips thy praife. To Thee my voice the fong fhall rear ; Nor (hall the hoof 'd and horned Steer, New draughted from the fat'ning field, A Sacrifice fo grateful yield. Ho Ye humble Souls, that feek his aid, His Love, in my releafe difplay'd, His Love your dying hearts (hall chear, Who ftoops the helplefs poor to hear, That, injurd in his Caufe, complain, 1 15 And captive drag the fervile chain. O praife him, Heav'n, and Seas, and Earth, And All whom Nature wakes to birth ; Him i 4 4 PSALM LXIX. Him praife, who Sion deigns to fhield, Whofe hand fhall Judatis Cities build, 120 And bid her Sons the Land divide, Where unmolefted fhall refide, Through rolling Time's extended Year, A Race devoted to his fear. PSALM LXX. 1. HASTE to my aid, my Saviour, hafte; My Soul, by hoftile numbers chas'd, To Thee directs its prayV : In wild confufion backward borne Their wifh defeated let them mourn, And loft in empty air. 2. Be fhame their juft reward affign'd, While round me with relentlefs mind Derifion's (hout they raife : Thy Blifs let All who feek thee fhare, And, taught thy Love, that Love declare In fongs of ceafelefs praife. 3- While Thefe in thy Salvation joy, Increafing griefs my thought employ, And fpeedieft aid demand. My Helper and Redeemer, hear; O, inftant in my caufe appear, And reach thy faving hand. PSALM ( HS ) PSALM LXXL ON Thee my Soul, with fteady frame, (O blaft not Thou my hope with fhame) On Thee my Soul its truft has ftaid, And afks thy Juftice to its aid : Thy Servant, God of Gods fupreme, 5 O hear, and haften to redeem. Be Thou my Rock, and fafe Refort; — My Rock thou art, my ftrongeft Fort: Thy lips my refcue have decreed, And bid each threatened ill recede : lb Hafte then, thy promis'd help heftow, And fave me from th' invading foe, Whofe heart, with impious rage inflam'd, Thy heav'nly precept has difclaim'd. On Thee my hopes fupported frand ; J5 My Life from earlieft youth thy hand (That Life which firft from Thee began,) Preferv'd, and led me up to Man. When lodg'd within the womb I lay, Thy Care produe'd me to the day, 20 And, while that Care my years prolongs, Thy Name fhall animate my fongs. Though Crouds, with filent gaze, in Me A fpe&acle of wonder fee, Amidft my grief, amidft my pain, 25 Thy Love (hall ftill my faith fuftain. Thy arm in my relief employ, That foon, my hope abforb'd in joy, From 146 PSALM LXXI. From op'ning dawn to clofing eve Thy praifes on my tongue may live. 30 O let me not, Almighty Friend, While with a weight of Age I bend, And wearied Nature's fuccours fail, The abfence of thine aid bewail. u Behold (fuch words the ranc'rous heart 35 Suggefts, while, pleas'd, with fecret art My foes the deathful fnare provide,) u A Wretch whom God has call afide : M Purfue, and mark him for the grave; And words with fury wing'd impart 25 The genuine dictates of their heart. Lo, train'd to infolence and wrong, Againft the Heav'ns their impious tongue Defiance and reproach has hurl'd, And unrefifted walks the world. 30 Untaught to fcan thy wife Decree, With wonder, Lard, thy People fee Life's choiceft gifts their want fupply, Whofe breads thy ev'ry threat defy: Who afk, " Shall He our a£ls furvey, 35 M Whofe hands th' ethereal fcepter fway? O 3 " Who 152 PSALM LXXIIL u Who fits inthron'd above the ftars, cc To Earth's low fcene extend his cares?" While daring Mortals thus each hour Thee, Lord, infult, and brave thy pow'r, 40 Yet, funk in eafe, and bleft with health, Amafs in heaps their growing wealth, In vain, (thy Servant cried,) in vain, I purge my breaft from ev'ry ftain, My acts conform to thy commands, 4.5 And wafh in innocence my hands. Each day oppreft with fierccft pains, Thy fcourge my chaften'd Soul fuftains; Each Morn, that rifing ftreaks the fky, Awakes me but to mifery. 5© My heart, while thus by grief aflfaird, In filence long its thought h;;s veil'd, Left Doubts like mine thy Saints betray From thy Decrees, great God, to ftray. Thy Conduct weigh'd, awhile my mind 55 Its hidden Caufe eflay'd to find ; That Caufe, as deeper it .inquires, Still farther from its fearch 1 cares. Thy Fane at length I feek; and there, (My anxious foul effus'd in pray'r,) 6& Inftructed by thy Spirit, read The period to their guilt decreed. I fee thee on the flipp'ry. feat Of high Ambition plant their feet, Then mark them as they downward bend, 65 And headlong to the earth defcend* How PSALM LXXIIL 15$ How fwift, how fudden is their fate! What horrors, Lord, their death await ! Wrapt in Oblivion^ fhade they lie, Their knage vanifh'd from the eye, 70 As the light fabrick of a Dream, Difiblv'd by day's intruding beam. Such woes, in error's fetters chain' J, Such heart-felt anguifh, I fuftain'd, Infenfate, as the Brutes that rove 75 TV extended Wild, or fhady Grove: Yet ftill thy Care confefs'd me thine; My hand within the hand divine Was lock'd ; and, by thy Counfel led, Life's maze I yet, fecure, {hall tread, 80 And wait till thy appointed hour The promis'd Glory round me pour. O fay, in Heav'n's capacious round What Friend like Thee my Soul has found; Or who, great God, on Earth refides, 85 Whofe love with thine my bread divides* My heart, my flefh, have fail'd; but Thee My lafting heritage I fee ; Thy ftrength my fainting fpirit chears, And checks my grief, and calms my fears. 90 Who, taught to fpurn his equal fway, From IfraeFs God adult'rous ftray, His Juftice, with reverfelefs doom, In Life's full vigour (hall confume; While, warm with holy tranfport, I 95 To Him with fure fuccefs apply. Him i 5 4 PSALM LXXIII. Him truft, and, guarded by his Care, To Man's whole race his a£is declare, PSALM LXXIV. OThou, whofe hand has Ifrael led, His fold enlarg'd, his pafture fpread, Why haft thou doom'd us thus to bear A long exclufion from thy care ? Why thus beneath thy anger groan 5 The Flock whom Thou haft feal'd thine own? Call to thy thought the facred Band Once own'd the purchafe of thy hand : The Heritage by Thee redeem'd ; FairSzWs Mount, where copious ftream'd 10 Th' eternal light, and fpoke her Shrine The Seat of Majefty divine : Lift to that Seat thy fteps again; See Defolation fpread her reign Around it, and its wide extent 1 5 Each mark of hoftile rage prefent. With clamours fierce a lawlefs Train The filence of thy Courts profane, And bid their ftandard to the fkies Aloft in haughty triumph rife. XO As when the Woodman's ftroke invades The lofty Grove's thick-woven {hades, So throu h thy Temple's awful bounds Now here now there the axe refounds $ And down in lhapelefs ruins fail 25 The fculptures fair that grac'd its wall, Kiel PSALM LXXIV. 155 Rich with the foreft's nobleft fpoil, And wrought by Heav'n-dire<5ted toil. Along the violated Dome Th' intruding flames licentious roam, 30 While fpacious Courts, and Tow'rs fublime, Whofe roofs through long-revolving time With holy wonder ftruck each eye, Now heap'd in dire confufion lie. 14 Come, (thus thf infulting foe has cried,) 35 44 Come, deal the vengeance far and widej 44 And let the flames with equal doom 44 Each Houfe of IfraeFs God confume." They fpeak : and, inftant, all around The blazing ruins ftrew the ground. 40 No more thy wonders to our eyes, Bleft fignals of thy prefence, rife-; No more the Prophet's lips thy will In myftic Oracles reveal, Or to thy People's view difclofe 45 The deftin'd period of their woes. But fay, O fay, great God, how long Thus unchaftis'd the hoftile tongue Shall mock thy pow'r, thy fear difclaim, And load with loud reproach thy Name. 50 While Crimes like thefe redrefs demand, Why in thy bofom fleeps thy hand? O pluck it forth, and let the foe Repentant feel th' inflicted blow. Thee from of old my King I fee, 55 Nor knows my heart a Friend but Thee : Thine i 5 6 PSALM LXXIV. Thine Arm alone, in Jacob's right, Has turn'd each adverfe pow'r to flight. At thy command, the watry Deeps Afunder flood, in liquid heaps 60 Sufpended; 'midft their waves, his head Low to thy ftroke fubmitted, bled The proud Leviathan; his Train Around their mighty King are (lain, While Rapine waits upon the ftrand, 65 And calls from far her hungry Band, That fcatterM range the Defert wide, The promisM banquet to divide. Thy ftroke the rock's dark entrails clave \ Forth from its depth the foaming wave 70 Sprang inftant, and with lengthtn'd train Irriguous lav'd the thirfty plain. Thy Mandate Jordan's channel dried, And backward roll'd its wondring tide. By Thee prepared, the Night and Day 75 Alternate walk th' ethereal way ; Thy Art the Light's thin texture fpun, And with it cloth'd the jocund Sun; Thy hand the Earth's vaft fabrick rounds, Its balance fixes, marks its bounds, 80 With fummer's fhow'rs its glebe unbinds, Or warps it with the Wintry winds. Parent of Nature ! Gcd fupreme! While Folly's Sons thy adls blatpheme, O vindicate thy Name from wrong, _ 85 And filence the reproachful tongue. Let P S A L M LXXIV. 157 Let not the fangs of cruel pow'r Thy trembling Turtle's life devour, Nor dark Oblivion's fhade our pain For ever from thy thought detain. 90 O give the Flock that bears thy Name, Thy fed'ral mercy yet to claim: Behold within each cavern'd cell Fraud, Violence, and Rapine dwell: Behold ; and let th' afflicted Poor, 95 From terror and from fname fecure, With grateful heart, and joyous tongue, Wake to thy praife the hallow'd fong. Rife, mightieft Lord; thy caufe defend: Wide o'er a guilty Race extend I CO Thy rod, and let the needful blow Reprefs the licenfe of the Foe, Whofe mad prefumption ev'ry hour With heighten'd rage infults thy pow'r. PSALM LXXV. THY Name, immortal God, thy Name Our love and higheft praife fhall claim, Whofe Acts atteft thee ever near, And plant within each heart thy fear. To Me, to Me the hour is known, 5 When, feated on th' eternal Throne, My Juftice fhall aflert its Laws, And arbitrate each dubious caufe. Though Earth's wide Reign before mine eye Diffolv'd in wide confufion lie, 10 Secure i 5 8 PSALM LXXVo Secure from lapfe its pillars ftand, And reft on my fupporting hand. Lift not the horn, ye Sons of pride, (Aloud with fierce rebuke I cried,) Lift not the horn ; nor thus in vain, 15 With ftubborn neck, and lip profane, My Rule oppofe, or madly deem That boundlefs Wealth and Pow'r fupreme, Their courfe toEaft or Weft inclined, Float cafual on the wafting wind, 20 Or ifiue from the Climes, that blaze Beneath the Sun's meridian rays: That God, who erft the Heav'ns outfpread. The regal crown from head to head Transfers: Wealth, Honour, Pow'r, his Doom 25 At will fhall grant, at will refume. His hand the full-charg'd cup prefents, While red with wrath its wine ferments, Whofe mixture Earth's rebellious Train Low to its utmoft dregs fhall drain. 30 But I, with facred tranfport fill'd, To Jacob's God my praife will yield ; Through Life's continu'd round, my tongue Shall wake to Him the joyous fong. Behold me, conqu'ring in his right, 35 Now crufh the horn of impious Might, Now bid the Juft, that proftrate lies, With lifted head triumphant rife. PSALM ( 159 ) PSALM LXXVL THY Confines, Judah^ God have known. His greatnefs IfraeVs Offspring own, His glories Salem's temple fill, And reft on Sion's facred hill. There broke his hand the fword and fhield, 5 And caft them ufelefs on the field ; There fnap'd the arrows wing'd with fire, And bade the raging War expire. O cloth'd with Majefty divine, O fay, what ftrength fhall equal thine; re Not fuch the Mountains boaft, whofe feat To Rapine's Sons a fafe retreat Prefent, and, neighb'ring to the fky, With awful wonder ftrike the eye. Who wont with fpoils the earth to heap, I 5 Now fpoiPd themfelves have flept their fleep: Amaz'd the Chiefs were feen to ftand ; Nor knew the once refiftlefs hand Its tafk, but, fummon'd to their aid, Shrunk trembling back, and difobey'd* 20 At thy rebuke, O Jacob's God, The Steed, whofe hoofs in hoftile blood Were dipt, the Car that o'er the plain Rufh'd headlong on, nor heard the rein, With horror ftruck confefs thee nigh, 25 And wrapt in iron (lumber lie. Thou, Thou alone our fear {halt claim: O who, when, kindled to a flame, P Thy 160 PSALM LXXVI. Thy Vengeance fhall its debt demand, Shall dare within thy fight to ftand? o Earth heard, when God the judgement gave, And rofe his injur'd Saints to fave, In filent dread beheld his look, And inftant to her centre (hook. While impious Crouds oppofe thy Reign, ja Thou, Lord, their fury (halt reftrain, Thy ftroke correct their ftubborn will, And teach them at thy fhrine to kneel. Low to our God, ye Nations, bow, Yield to his Name the faithful vow, 40 Him ferve with fear, and duteous bring Your prefents to the heav'nly King; That King, whofe fword, in wrath applied, Lops in mid growth the Tyrant's pride, And threatful bids each earthly throne 45 His mightier fway fubmiffive own. PSALM LXXVII. TO God my fuppliant voice I rear, With holy violence his ear Solicit, and expectant kneel, Till He my inward anguifh heal. With ftretch'd out hand, and reftlefs thought, 5 Befet with woes, his aid I fought : When night's dark fhades the earth invert, And v/eary Nature finks to reft, Still, deaf to comfort, 1 complain, And give my itruggling griefs the rein. 10 Now PSALM LXXVII. 161 Now fix'd on God, to Him in pray'r My fainting fpirit pour'd its care, And words, in artlefs form compos'd, The tumult of my foul difclcs'd: Now, dumb with forrow while I weep, 15 My eyes their ceafelefs vigils keep: Anon my mind its fearch began ; And back to diltant years I ran, That, big with wonders, to my tongue Had yielded themes of joyous fong, 20 And deep inquiry to my breaft At midnight's thoughtful hour fuggeft. Will God a heart opprefs'd as mine For ever to its griefs rellgn? Has Mercy from his bofom fied ? 25 His Word with vain aflurance fed My hope ? Forgets he to be kind ? And fhall his Love, in wrath confin'd, No more its wonted aid beftow, Or fix a meafure to my woe? 30 Now Reafon's pow'rs collected rife, And thus each anxious doubt chaftife. Though preft with various ills I ftand, And mourn the changes of his hand, His Works, atchiev'd in ages paft, 35 Shall fix'd in my remembrance laft, His Wonders on my thought (hall dwell, My tongue his Acts unwearied tell. For Sanctity thy counfel guides, And o'er thy paths, Bleft Sire, prefides. 40 P 2 Where 1 62 PSALM LXXVII. Where finds, O where, the fearching eye A God, with IfraeFs God to vie? Maker of All ! At thy command Reversed the Laws of Nature ftandj Stupendous fcenes thy A6fo afford, 45 And bid the Nations know their Lord. Let Jacob and let Jofepb fay, How ftrong thy Arm to chafe away Each woe that waits thy People near, Each danger that excites their fear. 50 The Deeps beheld thee, heav'nly King ! The Deeps beheld thee ; and each Spring, That rofe from out their fandy bed, Tumultuous own'd its fudden dread. Inceffant from the burfting cloud 55 Down ftream'd the bidden rain; aloud Peal'd the big thunder; through the fky Thy flaming (hafts were ken to fly, And, as thy voice around the pole In awful threats was heard to roll, 60 Earth trembling groan'd, while o'er her head Its livid fheet the lightning fpread. Wide yawn'd the Flood fromfhore tofhore, And op'd a path unknown before, While IjraeVs Guardian and his God 65 With tracklefs ftep its channel trod. As fheep to diftant paftures led, Secure thy People march'd, convey'd By Mofes and by Aaron 's hand To promis'd Canaan $ happy Land. 70 PSALM ( 163 ) PSALM LXXVIII. T7T Nat ons, to m give ear, I The dictates of mv lips revere, While Heav'n-taught FaraMes they yield, ArH ["ruths in myftic fong conceal'd : Truths, Which, from earlieft ages heard, 5 To Us in facred truft transfer'd, From Sire to Son fucceffive flow, That lateft times his praife may know, Whofe pow'r prefides o'er Judah's Land, And own the wonders of his hand. 10 He, bounteous Parent of Mankind, His Law to Jacob's Race confign'd, Th' appointed Theme of ev'ry tongue ; That Children from their Children fprung The Bleffings of his Love might learn, 15 And grateful yield the juft return, Truft in his Aid, his Works record, And mark the Precepts of his Word : Unlike the Fathers of their line, Who, Rebels to the Will divine, 20 Turn'd from that Word their ftubborn ear, Nor fought his Love, nor own'd his Fear. Such Epbraims fons; a heartlefs train, That, arm'd for war, but arm'd in vain, With bows unbended from the fight In wild diforder urg'd their flight. His facred League, and juft Decrees, Th' Almighty Lord forgotten fees, P 3 His 25 i6 4 . PSALM LXXVIII. His wonders by their Sires beheld On Nile's wide banks, and Zoan's field. 3a What hand but His from fide to fide Could bid the foaming Deep divide, In liquid heaps fufpended ftand, And fafe tranfmit the chofen Band? That hand the cloud around them threw, 35 Day's kindled fervors to fubdue, And, lit by Him, w r ith friendly ray The fire nocturnal led their way. He faw, when faint with thirft they flood ; And, faft as from the boundlefs Flood, 40 Cali'd from the op'ning Rock, the wave Its ftreams in full effufion gave, And onward pour'd v/ith headlong hafte Luxuriant lav'd the burning Wafte: Strange to relate! Yet, ftranger ftill, 45 That Wafte beholds them, to his Will Oppos'd, in heighten'd fin confpire, And dare to wrath theheav'nly Sire* While Each, infatiate, from his hands Meat for their fancied want demands. 50 iC Will God, to give his People bread, w A table in the Defert fpread ? " Our eyes have own'd the flinty Rock 2. His Rule, in Sion long confeft, O'er All extends ; his Name Shall hallow with its fear each breaft, Each tongue with zeal inflame. 3- Thy Pow'r with Equity allied Through time's long courfe has flood r Thy Judgements Jacob, Lord, has tried. And knows them juft and good. 4- Let Each, with humble joy elate, Before thy footftool bow ; Thee, ceafelefs, praife : For who fo great. So holy, Lord, as Thou? 5- By God with facred honours crown'd* See Mofes, Aaron, fee, And Samuel, ever faithful found, To Him incline the knee, 6. To Him the favour'd Three aloud The frequent Vow prefer'd, And inftant from the pillard cloud His awful Anfwer heard. 7- With wakeful zeal their bofoms burn'd ; Obfervant of his Will, With joy the heav'nly precept learn'd, And haflen'd to fulfill. 8 Ta PSALM XCIX. 2ii 8. To Thee, great God, their ev'ry pray'r In full acceptance rofe : Thy hand their weaknefs knew to fpare, And, pitying, heaFd their woes, 9- Yet could thy Wrath, when Sin had dar'd Their erring breaft to ftain, Deal to their guilt its juft reward, And vindicate thy Reign. 10. Let Each, with humble joy elate, On-S/Ws Mountain bow; Thee, ceafelefs, praife : For who fo great, So holy, Lord, as Thou ? PSALM C, YE Tribes of Earth, in God rejoice, His prefence hail with thankful voice ; To Him your willing homage pay, And wake the tributary lay, Submifiive to his Will, in Him 5 Behold the God of Gods fupreme : With confcious wonder oft furvey'd, He, not Ourfelves, our frame has made : The fiibjects of his pow'r we ftand, The (heep that own his guiding hand, 10 cc O, enter then his gates with praife, To Him your loudeft accents raife, With grateful hearts his Love proclaim, And blefs, O biefs, his awful Name. T 3 Fojt 2i2 PSALM C, For Truth in Him and Mercy live: *5 That Truth {hall time itfelf furvive ; That Mercy through the length of days Unclouded pour its healing rays, PSALM CL MERCY, Judgement, now my tongue Makes the fuhjecT: of its Song : Lord ! to whom then fhall I fin^, But to Thee, th' eternal King ? Wifdom fhall my footfteps guide* 5 Nor permit my feet to Aide, Or from Thy All-perfe£i Way^ Loft in paths of Sin, to ftray. When, O when, celeftial Gueft, Shall my roof with Thee be bleft ? IO Lo f my heart with ftudious care For thy prefence I prepare, And my Dwelling's full extent Spotlefs to thy view prefent. Ne'er fhall my prefumptuous hand' £5 Dare to break thy juft Command ; Ne'er within me fhalt thou find Aught that fpeaks a faithlcfs mind. Serv'd by none wha ferve not Thee, Let me not the Impious ke- r 20 Let the wretch of froward heart From my gate repuls'd depart; And the Man of lofty eye, Scornful mien, and ftomach high, And P S A L M a. 5trj And the Tongue to flander bred, 25 Learn my heavieft wrath to dread. Come, ye Good and Juft, O come, Sure with Me to find a home : Pleas'd I fee the pious Band Round my throne attendant ftand, 30 And in facred homage join To their own great Lord and mine. Hence ye Children of deceit, From my threfhold turn your feet : Let the foul that dares a lye 35 Inftant from my prefence fly. Soon, O Judahy fhall my hand Root th' offenders from thy Land ; Wrathful feize the rebel train ; And from fin's infe&ious ftain 40 By my guilt-avenging rod Purge the City of my God. PSALM CIL TTEAR, Lord, my pray'r, and let my cries * * Accepted to thy throne arife : O turn not Thou thy face away, Nor longer my relief delay ; But mark my forrows from on high, 5 And pitying to my call reply. Faft as the mounting fmoke decays, 1 On time's light pinion flit my days : My bones the hearth's fierce heat fufhin ; My heart the herbage of the plain 10 Re- 214 PSALM CIL Refembles, o'er whofe leaves have paft The fervors of the fouthern blaft. For ah ! forgetful of my food, Inceffant o'er my griefs I brood, While ftruggling groans their weight proclaim, 15 And wafte with toil my languid frame. Not the wide Defert's confines drear Laments of louder accent hear, When, 'midft its fens, with difmal note The Pelican diftends her throat, 2$ Or to the winds in lengthen'd ftrains The felf-fequeftring Owl complains \ Nor vents its fifter-bird a moan So deep, when on the roof alone She fits ; whofe woes, like mine, affright 25 The filence of the tedious night. From Morn, till Eve extend its veil, Reproaches keen my ears afiail \ And, leagu'd by mutual oaths, my foes With fierce intent my fteps inclofe. 30 See afhes, fcatter'd o'er my head, Mix, undiftinguiih'd, with my bread; See mingled tears my cup fupply ; Since firft thy wrathful Arm on high Caught me amaz'd, and fwiftly round 3$ Reverting hurl'd me on the ground. As fades the/hadow of the fun, With quick decline my moments run, Juft verging to their clofe : my face, Its vernal bloom and youthful grace 40 Ex- PSALM CII. 2i 5 Extinguifh'd, withers on the eye, As plants beneath a hoftile fky. But Thou, Bleft Guard of IfraeVs fold, Shalt ages fee on ages roll'd, And, thron'd above, to endlefs days 45 Extend thy honour, name, and praife. O rife, (th* appointed hour is come;) Rife, mightieft Lord, thy Charge afFume; And let fad Sions feat no more The abfence of thine aid deplore. 50 How lovely to thy Servants' eyes, How lovely ev 3 n in ruin lies Her hallow'd Wall ! a penfive Throng, They walk her fencelefs courts along, And, as her fcatter'd waftes appear, 55 Drop on her duft the pitying tear. How fhall thy Name, great Sire, its dread Through Earth's awaken'd regions fpread ! How fhall her Kings with deep uifmay Thy boundlefs Majefty furvey, 60 When Salem's ftrudlures from their fall Thy hand, propitious, (hall recall, While down th' eternal Glory pours, Incircles with its blaze her tow'rs. And fpeaks thy favour (oft implor'd,) 65 To IfraeVs exil'd Tribes reftor'd ! Thy A£ts the faithful pen fhall trace, And Myriads of the human Race, Yet ftrangers to the birth, thy fame In Songs of loudeft note proclaim, 70 For 216 PSALM CIL For He, beneath whofe facred feat The ftarry Orbs their courfe repeat, Th' eternal Ruler of the fky, Has caft on Earth his equal eye. Intent the injur'd caufe to own, 75 To hear the helplefs Captive's groan, The Souls to death confign'd to fave, And fnatch them from the greedy grave. For this, through Slon's ample bound Jehovah's Name (hall oft refound, 80 Thy fhouts, diftinguifh'd Salem, raife, And wake thy tongue to hymns of praife : See to thy Courts the Nations flow, His juft dominion taught to know, And, Each with Thee in compact join'd, 85 Their hearts to his obedience bind. 'Twas He, whofe unrefifted force In mid progreflion ftop'd my courfe ; My healthful vigour reft away; And haften'd to its eve my day. 90 Spare, mightieft Lord ! nor thus, I cried, My brittle chain of years divide, O Thou, of Life th' exhauftlefs Spring, Invifible, Immortal King ! Thy hand the Earth's foundation laid, 95 Thy hand the Heav'n aloft difplay'd, E'er yet along the vaft profound The reftlefs Months began their round : That Earth, that Heav'n's ftupendous frame, Corruption with permitted claim jeo Shall PSALM CII. 217 Shall feize: But Thou, from Age fecure, Shalt felf-exiftent ftill endure. Thefe, as the labours of the loom, Shall Time with gradual force confume; Till Thou, whofe hand their texture fpun, 105 When Time its ftated courfe has run, Again that powerful hand apply, And fold them up, and lay them by; While brighter Scenes, difclos'd to view, Creation's varied face renew. HO But varyings Thou haft none : Thy rays With undiminifh'd luftre blaze; Thy years (hall circumfcription fpurn, And back upon themfelves return, In endlefs courfe revolving. Thee 115 Thy Saints their ftrong Support fhall fee, And, rang'd in long fucceffion, (hare The gifts of thy paternal Care. PSALM cm. AWAKE to praife, my Soul, and fing The Mercies of th' eternal King; O deep throughout thine inmoft frame Blefs, blefs the great Jehovah's Name ; Nor ceafe with ftudious thought to trace 5 The A£ts of that ftupendous Grace, That blots from HeavVs record thy fin, That, while thy paflions war within, Affuafive calms their furious ftrife, And refcues from the pit thy life j 10 Bids 2ti8 PSALM CIII. Bids countlefs bleffings round thee rife; Thy ev'ry wifti with Good fupplies ; Thy years renews in their decline; And makes the Eagle's vigour thine, That, ftript of age, exulting fprings, it And heav'nward fpreads his recent wings. *Tis God's, the friendlefs and the poor From proud Oppreffion to fecure. His Ways to Mofes ftood reveal'dj Thou, Ifraely haft his Works beheld, 20 His breaft with mercy fraught haft known, To anger flow, to pity prone. He ne'er with erring mortals knew A ceafelefs conteft to purfue, But, when their crimes his vengeance raife, 25 His wrath in mid effufion ftays. If e'er our trefpafs he chaftife, Not to its weight proportion'd rife Thejuftcorre&ions of his hand, But bounded by that Mercy ftand, 30 That high as to the ftarry pole Extends, and, far as from its goal The Sun in daily circuit roves, The humbled finner's guilt removes. What fondnefs for his infant Care 35 A Father's bofom learns to {hare, Such from th' eternal Monarch claim The Souls that rev'rent own his Name. For well his eye our texture knows ; Sees that the duft's light grains compofe 40 Our PSALM CIII. 219 Our frame ; and marks the days of Man Contracted to the narrow fpan, That meafures to the herb its date, Or bids the flow'r, in vig'rous ftate Exalted, now the field adorn, 45 Now, by the paffing tempeft fhorn, At once its vernal pride refign, And with'ring on the earth recline: In fwift decay behold it wade; 'Nor knows the foil, whofe bed it grac'd, 50 To witnefs to th' inquirer's view, Where late the fhort-liv'd wonder grew. But Thy Compaffions, Lord, the Juft From age to age with ftedfaft truft Shall own; Thy Righteoufnefs their Race, 55 In long defcent, fhall joy to trace, While pleas'd thy Compaft they fulfill, And frame to thy Decrees their will. His Seat above th' empyreal plain Our God has fix'dj his equal Reign 60 Creation's utmoft bounds confefs : His Name, ye Tribes Angelic, blefs; Who, cloth'd with might, his word obey, And wing, as He directs, your way. Him praife, ye bright ethereal Band, 65 That rang'd beneath his banner ftand, And Ye who round his Throne of State With duteous zeal miniftrant wait. Ye Works of God, where'er his fway Extends, your Maker's fame difplay; 70 U Nor 220 PSALM CIII. Nor Thou, my Soul, forget to fing The Mercies of th' eternal King. PSALM CIV. A WAKE, my Soul, to hymns of praife; «* *• To God the fong of triumph raife. O cloth'd with majefty divine, What pomp, what glory, Lord, are thine! Light forms thy robe, and round thy head 5 The Heav'ns their ample curtain fpread. Thou know'ft amid the fluid fpace The ftrong-compacted beams to place, That proof to wafting Ages lie, And prop the chambers of the fky. 10 Behold, aloft, the King of Kings, Borne on the Wind's expanded wings, (His Chariot by the Clouds fupplied,) Through Heav'n's wide realms triumphant ride. Around him rang'd in awful ftate 15 Th' afiembled Storms miniftrant wait; And Flames, attentive to fulfill The dictates of his mighty Will. On firmeft bafe uprear'd, the Earth To Him afcribes her wondrous birth. 20 He fpake; and o'er each Mountain's head The Deep its watry mantle fpread : He fpake; and from the whelming flood Again their tops emergent flood; And fait adown their bending fide 25 With refluent ftream the Currents glide : Aw'd PSALM CIV. 221 Aw'd by his ftern rebuke they fly, While peals of thunder rend the iky, In mingled tumult upward borne Now to the mountain's height return, 30 Now lodg'd v/ithin their peaceful bed Along the winding vale are led, And, taught their deflin'd bounds to know, No more th' affrighted Earth o'erflow, But obvious to her ufe (their courfe £5 By Nature's ever copious fource Supplied,) refrefh the hilly plain, And life in all its forms fuftain. Here {looping o'er the river's brink The herds and flocks promifcuous drink; 40 There, 'mid the barren Defert nurs'd, The Wild-Afs cools his burning third: While fan: befide the murm'ring fpring The feather'd minftrels fit and fing, And fhelter'd in the branches fliun 45 The fervors of the mid-day fun. His fhow'rs with verdure crown the hills; The earth with various fruits he fills: Preventive of their wants, his aid Yields to the Brute the fpringing blade; 50 For Man, chief object of his care, His hands the foodful herb prepare, The glad'ning wine, refrefhing oil, And bread that firings his nerves for toil. By Him with genial moifture fed 55 TUe Trees their fbades luxuriant fpread; U 2 The 222 PSALM CIV. The Cedars, nurtured by his hand, On Lebanon 's high fummit (land, And weave their focial boughs, defign'd A refuge for th' aerial kind : 60 While on the Fir-tree's fpiry top The vagrant Stork is feen to flop, Where, cradled in their waving neft, Her infant brood in fafety reft. See from the hills the Goats depend, 65 Or bounding from the cliff defcend : The leffer tribes, in furry pride Array'd, the rock's dark caverns hide. Her way by Him prefcrib'd, the Moon Our feafons marks, and knows her own j 70 And taught by Him the Orb of day Slopes in the Weft his parting ray. Now Night from Ocean's bed afcends, And o'er the earth her wings extends; While favour'd by the friendly gloom 75 The fylvan race licentious roam : The Lions chief with hideous roar From God their needful food implore., And eager for the wonted prey Along the echoing Defert ftray; 80 Till now, as Morn approaches nigh, Back to their cavern'd haunts they fly, Where, fatiate with the bloody feaft, The lordly favage finks to reft. His care fufficient to the day, 85 Man to his labour takes his way, PSALM CIV: 223 His tafk at earliefl dawn begun, And ended with the fetting fun. Eternal Ruler of the Skies, How various are thy Works, how wife ! 90 Nor Earth alone beholds her fhores Inrich'd from thy exhauftlefs ftores; Alike, throughout their liquid reign, TV extended Seas thy gifts contain: Beneath, unnumber'd reptiles fwarm, 05 Of difFrent fize, of different form; Above, the fhips enormous glide, Incumbent on the burthen'd tide; And oft, the rolling waves between, The huge Leviathan is feen, j~o There privileg'd by Thee to ftray, And wanton o'er the watry way. Thy care, great God, fuftains them All; As, urg'd by hunger's furious call, Expectant of the known fupply, ic$ To Thee they lift the afking eye, And reap from thy extended hand Whate'er their various wants demand. If Thou thy face but turn away, Their troubled looks their grief betray; 1 io If Thou the vital air deny, Behold them ficken, faint, and die; Duft to its kindred duft returns, And Earth her ruin'd offspring mourns: But foon thy breath her lofs fupplies; i 15 She fees a new-born race arife, u 3 224 PSALM CIV. And, o'er her regions fcatter'd wide, The bleffings of thy hand divide. Thy Glory, fearlefs of decline, Thy Glory, Lord, {hall ever fhine, 120 Thy Works in changelefs order lie, And glad their great Creator's eye. Earth at thy look fhall trembling ftand, " Confcious of fov'reign pow'r at hand, And, touch'd by Thee, Almighty Sire, 125 The cloud-topt Hills in fmoke afpire. To God in ceafelefs ftrains my tongue Shall meditate the grateful fong, And, long as breath informs my frame, The wonders of his Love proclaim, 130 Afiur'd that his paternal ear With full regard my voice will hear ; His Acts its unexhaufted theme, His Favour my Delight fupreme. Behold his wrath on Sinners fhed; 135 Behold them numbered with the dead: But Thou, my Soul, the hymn of praife In loudeft notes triumphant raife; And let confenting Nations join To biefs with Me the Name divine. 140 PSALM CV. COME, celebrate your God and King; Awake the fong, awake the firing ; His pow'r invoke; his praife proclaim; And, faithful Heralds to his fame, Aloud PSALM CV. 225 Aloud declare, through ev'ry Land, 5 The Wonders of his mighty hand. O let his Name your thought employ; His Name, fit theme of higheft joy: Such joy may each for ever fhare, Whofe fteps to Salem's Fane repair: 10 O frequent feek that bleft Abode, O feek the face of Jacob's God. The Afts of Heav'n's Almighty Lord Let IfraeVs thankful Sons record; Ye Seed of Abraham^ his Friend, j$ With joy to his Commands attend. To You his prefence ftands confeft; His judgements Earth's wide Realms atteft: His Promiie kind, and wife Decree, Though Man forget, yet will not He; 20 The Oath confirm'd through periods paft, And doom'd to lateft times to laft; To TeraVs Son, to Ifaac, fworn, And feal'd to Nations yet unborn. The Compacl to his Fathers made 25 See thus to Jacob's hands convey'd : c< Arife, thou favour'd of thy God, " And claim the Gift by Him beftow'd : their feat Of future reft with weary feet Ordain'd 226 PSA L M CV. Ordain'd to traverfe, long they roam, 35 And feek through diftant climes a home. Yet, privileged by Him from wrong, Secure the Exiles march along: Kings hear his dread reproof, nor dare To hurt whom God has bid to fpare. 40 " Touch, touch not Thefe; for on their heads cc My hand the facred undiion fheds: " Your eyes in Them my Prophets fee; " And what they fpealc, they fpeak from Me." He calls; and on the cultur'd ground 45 Life's needful flafF no more is found, While Drought, incumbent o'er the plain, Checks in mid growth the rip'ning grain. Yet Mercy AM his Wrath outran ; Thy fhores, O Nile, receive the Man, 5.0 Ordain'd trie chofen Race to fave, Thy future Lord, though now thy Slave* What though, his feet in fetters bound, His foul th' afflicting irons wound, Yet, Jofeph, patient bear thy lot : 55; Thy lips, with heav'nly fcience fraught, Shall foon the myftic Dream explain, That ends thy woes, and breaks thy chain. The Monarch bids; the prifon door Detains the injur'd Saint no more: 60 New honours now his wrongs repair;, The regal Palace to his care Its wealth configns; and Egypt's land Bows to her Captive's \yife command. Ev' Qi PSALM CV. 227 Ev'n Princes own'd with rev'rent awe 65 The di&ates of his will their Law, And Senates on his youthful tongue In filent wonder lift'ning hung. But who is He, that, bow'd with years, Now firft on Mlzraiirh Coaft appears? 73 'Tis Jacob: joy'd, that now his eyes Have ken his Jofeph e'er he dies, Th' illuftrious Pilgrim's wearied feet In Egypt fix their laft retreat. With large increafe his Line is bleft, 75 And Zoan in th' adopted Gueft With hoftile eye beholds up-grown A ftrength fuperior to her own. See hence the woes on Egypt pour'd ! (But Thou, O Monarch, fhouldft thy word 80 Abfolve, nor thus with impious rod Opprefs the Servants of thy God.) See Mofes^ pleading, ftretch the hand$ See Aaron lift the facred wand, And lead th' invited vengeance on 85 In fcenes to Nature's Laws unknown. But O, what terrors, Cham^ are thine, While quick on thy devoted Line, Far as thy utmoft coafts extend, Thou feeft the various pert defcend ! 90 If Fear their ftubborn hearts may melt, Let Darknefs, Darknefs to be felt, Inclofe them. — Thus th' Almighty fpake: As forth the awful accents brake, Darknefs 228 PSALM CV. Darknefs the high beheft obey'd, 95 And round them wrapt its thickeft (hade. The Heav'n-ftruck Nile's extended flood Nov/ rolls a current black with blood; While breathlefs on their oozy bed In heaps the finny tribes are fpread. ico The loathfom Frog, a num'rous Birth, Springs inftant from the teeming earth, Nor wails that guard a Monarch's reft Know to exclude the hideous gueft. He bids; and through the darken'd air 105 In troops th' aflembling Flies repair, And fwarms of Reptiles, fcatter'd wide, Rebuke the faithlefs Tyrant's pride. In league againft them now confpire The rufhing Hail, and bick'ring Fire: J jo And, inftant, by the tempeft torn, Their ruin'd fhades the forefts mourn: No more array'd in native green The fig-tree and the vine are feen, No more with flow'ring honours crown'd, 115 But ufelefs load th' incumber'd ground. He bids ; and join'd in clofe array Th' embattled Locufts take their way: Before them plains with verdure grac'd Appear; behind, a barren wafte : 120 While the dun Beetle through the fky With eager fpeed is feen to fly, And, partner in the offer'd fpoil, Confumes th' aftonifh'd planter's toil. Now PSALM CV. 229 Now to the grave, with anguifh torn, 125 Each Mother yields her eldeft>born; And Egypt's land, along its fhores, The firft-fruits of its ftrength deplores. Rife, Ifrael^ rife; for in their ear Thy Sons the voice of Freedom hear: 130 The wealth of their relenting foes Earth's fov'reign Lord on Them beftows^ And bids them leave the hoftile foil Each ftrong for travel, flrong for toil. As now their deftin'd path they tread, 135 Egypt* y et P a ' e w i tri recent dread, Exulting fees the facred Band With parting footfteps prefs her ftrand. Expanded wide above their heads The fhadowing Cloud its curtain fpreads; 140 Before them walks th' embodied Fire, And bids the fhades of Night retire. Quails on their appetite beftow'd, And Bread ethereal, gave them food; While, at his word, from out the rock 14.5 Th' impriion'd ftreams luxuriant broke, And onward pour'd, with lengthen'd train, Ran murm'ring o'er the thirfty plain. Such Mercies, All-indulgent Lord, Thy changelefs promifcs afford, 150 Such Bleffings thy remembrance kind Of Abrahams ever faithful mind. Redeem'd from ftern Oppreflion's feat, With grateful joy their bofoms beat; J°7' 230 PSALM CV. Joy, yet enlarg'd, when Canaan's Land 155 Refigns her fcepter to their hand, And bids them reap from off her foil The harveft of another's toil. Behold the Love to Ifrael fhown, That We, great God, thy pow'r might own, 160 And each with ftedfaft heart fulfill The dictates of thy mighty Will. Awake the fong, awake the ftring, And thankful praife th' immortal King* PSALM CVI. Hallelujah. LE T fongs of joy to God afcend, Whofe Love nor limit knows nor end. But O, what tongue in equal lay His a£ts can fpeak, his praife difplay ? Thrice happy, who with ftedfaft will 5 The dictates of his Law fulfill ! With Thefe, thy chofen Flock, aflign'd May I my lot for ever find : O grant me, Lord, with Thefe to prove The pow'r of thy redeeming Love, 10 And, while thy Mercy on our heads The fulnefs of its bleffing (beds, With Them th' accepted hymn to fing ToThee, my Saviour and mv King. Too faithful followers of our Sires, 15 Our Life with theirs, great God, confpires Thy wrath on Judab's Realm to call, And teach thy terrors where to fall. O fay, PSALM CVI. 231 O fay, thou Erythraan Main, (Thy Waves beheld the rebel Train ;) 20 How foon Oblivion could efface Each a£t of God's ftupendous Grace, The wonders by his mighty hand Perforrn'd in Chams affrighted Land. Yet, ftill, that Man his Pow'r might own, 25 Confpicuous in their aid it (hone: Aw'd by his voice the briny Flood In gathering heaps fufpended flood, While, fafe as o'er the fandy wafte, Th' admiring troops betwixt them paft: 30 Freed from the ruthlefs Tyrant's hand Soon as they reach the adverfe ftrand, Its ftrength refum'd, th' impetuous wave Their foes within the watry grave Abforbs ; nor one exempted Man 35 Back with the dreadful tidings ran. Convinc'd they now (What could they lefsr} His words the words of truth confefs, Yield to his Name th' extorted praife, And fongs of grateful triumph raife; 40 But foon rebellious as before (His Works remember'd now no more,) To times by Them prefcrib'd confine The counfels of the Will divine. By lawlefs appetite impell'd, 45 As o'er the Wild their courfe they held, Fierce rife their Bands, in evil hour, And challenge to the proof his Pow'r : X That 232 PS A L M CVI. That Pow'r the wifh'd for 111 fhall grant, And fatiate their imagin'd want : ?$ That Pow'r alone their outrage fell From Thee, O Mofes, could repel], And uncontefted rev'rence claim To confecrated Aaron's name. Wide, difcontinuous, yawn'd the ground, 5c And Dathan in the dark profound, With proud Abir arris frantic Train, Receiving inftant, clos'd again; While fires impetuous, roll'd along, Wrapt in the blaze th' apoftate Throng. ■ 60 But, Horeh! What is wrought on Thee? Blufh, confeious Earth, O blufli to fee A figure from the grazing herd To God, the living God, prefer'd : That God, their Glory late confeft; 65 But Ah! within their thanklefs breaft No longer now recorded ftand The wonders of his faving hand, In vain on Egypt fhown, in vain Repeated on the bord'ringMain. 70 See, as in awful threatnings heard Eternal Juftice gives the word, The fummon'd Storms the heav'nly Throne Surround, impatient to be gone : But Mofes in the breach appears, 75 And, as his fuppliant voice he rears, Averts, yet waiting on the wing, The vengeance of th' almighty King. As -JO PSALM CVI. As now in near approach they ftand To promis'd Canaan s fertile Land, 80 That promife, feal'd by Truth divine, They doubt, and at the gift repine: From tent to tent the murmur runs, While each the heav'nly counfel fhuns, That bids them fafe in Him confide, 85 Their God, their Guardian, and their Guide. Their guilt mature for vengeance found, Th' uplifted fword, in a£r. to wound, Hangs imminent; and myriads flain In heaps promifcuous load the plain. 90 Theconqu'ring Foe through unknown ways The fcatter'd Fugitives conveys ; Their names Bel-phegcrs fanes behold Amidft his Votaries enroll'd, While pleas'd the impious board they fpread, 95 And eat the offerings of the Dead. New crimes new chaftifements provoke; And forth the Peft wide-wafting broke, Unfeen the furious onfet gave, And fwept them to the crouded grave ; ico Till, Pbineas, thy prevenient care Purg'd from its taint the deathful air. The pious deed to lateft days Shall confecrate the Hero's praife. Nor Meribah\ yet thirfty ground JC5 Unconfcious of their guilt is found; Till, fummon'd from the rock, the wave Her plain in full effufion lave. X 2 Nor 234 PSALM CVL Nor *He, great Leader of their Bands, From touch of blame exempted ftands: no While murmurs, heard on ev'ry fide, And loud reproach, his patience tried, Refentment quick his bofom ftung, And words unweigh'd efcap'd his tongue* The Nations round, with error blind, 1 15 To juft excilion long defign'd, Rebellious to their God they fpare, Nor fhun th' accurfed rite to fliare, That bids them bow to fculptur'd ftone, And frenzy's deepeft influence own. 123 To Damons rear'd their altars ftand, And fcenes of blood pollute the Land; While with untrembling hands the Sires Their Son, their Daughter, to the fires A vi&im yield : to lifelefs Gods 125 (Such, Canaan, fhame thy dire abodes;) Streams on the knife the filial gore, And, guiltlefs, ftains th' unhallow'd floor. What, Ifrael, now fhall wafh thee clean, While Leflbns of inventive Sin 130 Have prompted thy adult'rous heart Thus from thy Maker to depart ? Fierce o'er thy head his anger burns; From his own Heritage he turns, Abhorrent: Now let Jacob's foes 135 At will th* abandon'd race inclofe. Behold them by oppreflion torn, And fix'd the mark of hoftile fcorn. * Mofiu Oft; PSALM CVI. 235 Oft were they fav'd, and oft again Rebellious fpurn'd his equal Reign, 140 Again their ruin'd ftate deplor'd, And bow'd beneath a foreign Lord. Yet He with pity from on high, True to his Compact, heard their cry, Beheld them drag the fervile chain, 145 And, ftudious to relieve their pain, Companion's tend'reft fenfe imprefs'd On the ftern Victor's iron breaft. O ftill our Father, ftill our Friend, To IfraeVs woes, great God, attend : 150 From diftant climes, and hoftile lands, Collect once more our fcatter'd Bands ; That Sion with delighted ear The hallow'd ftrains again may hear^ Thy Name the fubject of each fong, 155 Thy Praife the boaft of ev'ry tongue. O thankful hail th' Almighty Lord, • The God by Jacob's Sons ador'd : His fame, e'er Time its courfe began, O'er Heav'n's wide region echoing ran ; 160 To Him through endlefs ages raife One fong of oft-repeated praife; And let confenting Nations join To blefs with Us the Pow'r divine. Halldujab. X3 PSALM ( 2J6 ) PSALM CVIL i. ' I s O God above from All below -** Let hymns of praife afcend ; Whofe Bleffings unexhaufted flow, Whofe Mercy knows no end. 2. But chief by Thofe his name be bleft* To whom his aid he gave; Beheld them by the Foe opprefs'd, And reach'd his arm to fave. 3- To Eaft, to Weft, to South, to North, Condemn'd awhile to roam, His hand in pity brought them forth, And calPd the Wand'rers home. 4- Behold them o'er the Defert ftray, A helplefs, hopelefs, Train: Some City, where their fteps to flay, They feek, but feek in vain. 5- Ah ! what (hall chear their fainting mind. Or what their woes ail'uage, To thirft's afflidtive pain confign'd, And famine's fierceft rage ? 6. Didrcfs'd, PSALM CVII. 237 6. Diftrefs'd, to God they make their pray'r: He guides, direct, their feet; And, fafe in his protecting care, They reach their deftin'd feat, 7- O then that All would blefs his Name, Whofe Mercy thus they prove, And pleas'd from age to age proclaim The wonders of his Love/. 8. That Love, whofe gifts with thankful breaft The Sons of want divide, And find their ev'ry grief redrefs'd, Their ev'ry wifh fupplied. 9- Thefe erft he bade th' Avenger's hand In Death's dark (hades detain $ And added to the iron band Affliction's heavier chain. 10. Such is the Doom to thofe affign'd, Who, frantic, durft withftand The Counfels of th' Almighty Mind, And fpurn his juft Command. 11. O'erwhelm'd with deepeft woe they lie, And finking to the grave : No pitying ear attends their cry ; No hand is nigh to fave. 12. Diftrefs'd, 238 PSALM -CVII. 12. Diftrefs'd, to God they make their pray'r y He, infrant, near them {lands, Difpells the gloom of black Defpair, And breaks their ftubborn bands, 13- O then that All would blefs his Name, Whofe Mercy thus they prove, And pleas'd from age to age proclaim The wonders of his Love : 14. That Love, that oft its fuccour gives, The Captive's woes to heal, The gates of brafs in funder cleaves, And burfts the bars of fteeU I 5- Beneath his terrors bid to groan, Behold the impious Band The fruits of Folly reap, and own The Juftice of his hand, 16. Eftrang'd from food, their languid foul The needful meal forgoes ; Life feels its current faintly roll,. And haftens to its clofe. Diftrefs'd, to God they make their pray'r^ And Nature, joyous, fees His Word her ruin'd ftrength repair, Her fierce!! tortures eafe. 18. PSALM CVIL 239 18. O then that All would blefs his Name, Whofe Mercy thus they prove, And pleas'd from age to age proclaim The wonders of his Love; 19. That Realms of various tongue would fmg His Adts in frequent lays, And yield to Heav'n's eternal King The facrifice of praife. 20. Who o'er the Waves from fhore to {hore The gifts of Commerce bear, The wonders of the Deep explore, And own that God is there. 21. By Thefe his Works are feen; his Ways By Thefe are underftood : He fpeaks the word ; the Storm obeys, And rifing lifts the Flood, 22. Now high as Heav'n the Bark afcends, Now feeks the depth below: Each heart beneath the terror bends, And melts with inward woe. 23. As gorg'd with wine, in wild amaze They reel from fide to fide : Nor Hope furvives, their fouls to raife, Nor Reafon wakes to guide. 24. Dtflrefs'd, 240 PSALM CVIL 24. Diftrefs'd, to God they make their pray'r; Obedient to his Will, The Storms that rag'd their rage forbear, The Seas that roar'd are ftill. 25. Each grief, each fear, at once refign'd, They fee their labour o'er; Then led by Him their haven find, And touch the wifh'd for fhcre. 26. O then that All would blefs his Name, Whofe Mercy thus they prove, And pleas'd from age to age proclaim The wonders of his Love; 27. That Salem in her facred fhrine His praife with thankful tongue Would utter ; while her Elders join To fwell the feftal fong. 28. He bids; and lo a burning Wafte, Where rolFd the floods before; And, touch'd by the defcending blaft, The fprings are feen no more. 29. Sad witnefs of fome dire offence, Behold the fertile foil No more its wonted gifts difpenfe, But mock the tiller's toil. 30. He PSALM CVII. 241 He bids ; and o'er the Defert wide The liquid Lake is fpread: New fprings the thirfty earth divide, And murm'ring lift the head. There Myriads, late with hunger wan, By Him afTembled, meet; There pleas'd the future City plan, And fix their fure Retreat. 3 2 - And now they fow the foodful grain, The tender vine they rear; Now waves the harvefl: o'er the plain, And plenty crowns the year. 33- Bleft in his care, the Sires with joy A num'rous race behold; Nor dares Difeafe their herds annoy, Or wafte the peopled fold. 34- Anon, if, funk with heavier! woe, They feel oppreffion's pow'r; If civil rage, or conqu'ring foe, Their boafted ftrength devour; 35- Though, humbled from their ftate, awhile Their Princes feel his rod, And wander o'er a barren foil, By human ftep untrod, 36. His 242 PSALM CVII. 36. His hand affords the wifh'd releafe; Collects their fcatter'd train ; And bids them like the flocks increafe, That fill the verdant plain. 37- Such Truths his Servants fhall atteft, And, joyful, wake the fong; While fhame the impious fhall inveft, And chain their fpeechlefs tongue. 38. His Works attentive while it fee$ y The Heav'n-inftru&ed Mind Shall own how equal his Decrees, His Providence how kind, PSALM CVIIL MY heart is fix'd, eternal Sire ; My heart is fix'd* To Thee afpire My thoughts; to Thee my joyous tongue Preluding forms the grateful fong : That tongue, whofehigheft praife fhall be 5 The pow'r it boafts of praifing Thee. Awake, my lute, and new-ftrung lyre; Inftindt, myfelf, with holy fire I wake; and lo, the dawning Sun Already hears the ftrain begun, 10 From Me aflembling Crouds fhall burn The triumphs of thy Love to learn, And, PSALM CVIII. 243 And, rapt with zeal, the Nations round Catch from my lips the facred found. Lo! to the clouds thy Truth extends; 15 Thy Mercy heav'n's vaft height tranfcends : Inthron'd thyfelf above the fkies, O, bid thy fulleft Glory rife, And to the earth with cloudlefs ray The wonders of thy pow'r difplay. 20 The Juft, bleft Objeas of thy Love, Defend propitious from above: Let Me with Them thy Mercy fhare, And hear, O hear, my ceafelefs pray'r. God with an Oath his purpofe feals ; 25 My hand with joy his word fulfills : Behold me Sichetns plain divide; My line, to Succoth's vale applied, Its bound defcribes; Thee mine I fee, O Gilead) and Manajfes^ Thee. 30 Thou, Ephraim^ art my ftrong defence, Thou, Judah) fhalt my Law difpenfe : A difPrent lot fhall Moab find, A Vafe to vileft ufe aflign'd; A doom like his let Edom meet, 35 And wipe the duft from off my feet* Phili/lia, pleas'd thy tribute bring, t And own in Me thy future King. ^ Who, as our troops in clofe array [ To Edom's forts direct their way, 40 i Arm'd with refiftlefs ftrength fhall bid \ Her gates unfold, her bolts recede? Y Behold 244 PSALM CVIII. Behold us, Lord, opprefs'd with woe, As exiPd from thy care we go: Shall IfraeVs hofts, thy aid withheld, 45 Still unfuccefsful take the field? Our hope, on Man repos'd in vain, O let thy ftrength, great God, fuftain: Thus arm'd, each adverfe pow'r we dare, And dauntlefs meet the rufhing war, 50 While from thy fword our foes retire, Or trampled in the duft expire. PSALM CIX. GOD of my praife, thy filence break; Thy timelieft aid my woes befpeak, While tongues to falfehood train'd prepare To wrap me in the deathful fnare : Now words of deepeft art they try 5 5 Now hoftile threats around me fly; And Crouds, inflam'd with caufelefs rage, Wars, fierceft wars, againft me wage. While ftedfaft Hate my Love repays, To Thee my Soul inceflant prays : 10 But O, what anguifh rends my mind! What keen regret ! condemn'd to find (As gifts on gifts my hands beftow,) In each expected friend a foe. On Him whofe heart, with malice fraught, 15 Againft my peace has bent its thought, Thus let :hy Juftice, T qrd, by Me Aloud proclaim its fix'd Decree. ' Arrai^n'd PSALM CIX. 245 Arraign'd at ftern Oppreffion's bar, Some dread accufer let him (hare, 20 That, planted on his right, may ftand, And vengeance from his Judge demand: Nor let his deprecation win The wifh'd for pardon to his fin, But witnefs of his guilt become, 25 And feal, beyond reverfe, his doom. Let death's accelerated day To worthier hands his Charge convey, His roof a v/eeping Widow fee, Her Orphans hanging at her knee; 30 Let Thefe, by thy inflictions won Th' example of his deeds to fhun, (While, as from morn to eve they roam, Some ruin'd Cell their cafual home, Each night, affords,) by hunger led, 35 Seek at the rich man's gate their bread. His wealth let fell Extortion fpoil ; The gather'd harveft of his toil Let Rapine's greedy hand furprize, While Each his woes unpitying eyes; 40 And let his Race, no fuccour near, Corredted, leflbn in thy fear This Age; and, one fucceflion o'er, Be feen by human eye no more. Let what of fin his Sires have done, 45 What guilt his Mother's heart has known, On records uneffac'd by time In Heav'n be noted, and their Crime Y 2 (Its 246 PSALM CIX. (Its rneafure by himfelf fulfill'd,) Their name to juft extin&ion yield. 50 Such vengeance on the mifcreant reft, Who, when with heavieft woes opprefs'd The helplefs innocent he view'd, With murth'rous hate his foul purfu'd. InCurfes (for in them his heart 55 Delighted,) let him bear his part, Dread Spe&acle ! a foe profeft To Bleffing, and himfelf unbleft. His tongue with Hell-enkindled fire Inflam'd, in Execration dire 60 He veils him o'er, and at thy word Its influence within him pour'd Like water {hall his bowels rend, Like oil into his bones defcend: Faft as his vefture to his fide 65 Still let it cleave, by Thee applied, And, o'er his loyns for ever bound, In painful cin&ure wrap him round. Such recompence my Foe {hall claim; Such All who blaft with lies my fame. 70 But let thy Grace on Me beftow'd Thy Name exalt, immortal God; Thy Love (how fweet that Love !) reveal, And ftretch the hand my heart to heal, That fainting pours th' inceffant groan, 75 And forrow's deepeft wounds has known. To Life's laft verge, impell'd by woe, Faft as the flitting {hade I go* ChacM PSALM CIX. 247 ChacM as the Locuft fee me roam; My kn?es, by hunger's force o'ercome, 80 Sink fault'ring; in my wafted frame While, half extinft, the vital flame Its due fupplies in vain demands, Reproaching foes, their numerous bands In fcornful gaze around me fpread, 85 With haughtieft triumph fhake the head. Thy wonted Clemency beftow; And give them, mightieft Lord, to know Thy Care extended to my aid, Thy Pow'r in their repulfe difplay'd. 90 Though curs'd by Them, yet blefs me Thcu > O teach their ftubborn hearts to bow; And let their rage by Thee fupprefs'd With grateful tranfport fill my breaft. On each who calls himfelf my foe oj Let fhame its thickeft mantle throw, While I, amid th* alTembled Throng, Raife to my God the ceafelefs fong, Who, conftant at his fide, the Poor From lawlefs judgement fliall iecure. joo PSALM CX. THUS to my Lord th' Almighty faid; T ;i awful Majefty array ''d Come, feat thee at my own right hand,. Till, a . by word, the hoftile Band, As I , .th proftrate necks they lie,, 5 A fuotftool to thy fteps fupply. Y 3 Thy 248 PSALM CX. Thy God from Sion's lofty tow'r Shall bid thee ftretch the rod of pow'r: Victorious o'er the rebel train, Arife, and vindicate thy reign. jo Behold the long-expected day, When willing Crouds their homage pay, And, while from out the myftic fhrine Thy beams in mild effufion fhine, To Thee their facred offerings bring, 15 And hail their Saviour and their King. Thy future Offspring view, a Birth More num'rous than the Dews, on er.rth (Beneath the twilight's dubious gloom) Diffus'd from Morn's prolific womb. 20 Th' irrevocable Oath is fworn: M My Beft-belov'd, my Eldeft-born, " Charg'd with th' eternal Priefthood fee, c< And rank'd, Mclchizedec, with Thee." Thine arm th' anointed Prince {hall fhield, 25 Thou, Lord, befide him tread the field, While Kings {hall feel th' inflicted wound, And hardiefl Warriors prefs the ground. His Name the fubjecT: World (hall awe, His fword to diftant Lands give law ; 30 By him their fcepter'd Chiefs are flain, And heaps of carnage load the plain. While with advancing ftep his feet The Conflict yet prepare to meet, The Streams, that glide along the way, 35 New vigour to his heart convey, And PSALM CX. 249 And bid him, 'mid the fcene of dread, Secure of conqueft, lift the head. PSALM CXI. Hallelujah. 1. MY Soul, with facred zeal infpir'd, Shall wake to God the thankful ftrain, In fecret with his Saints retir'd, And 'midft fair&Ws croutfed fane. 2. Great are his Works: With ftudious aim Each faithful heart thofe Works has trac'd$ His Aft fhall higheft honour claim, His Equity for ever laft. 3- His Wonders to the grateful fenfe In fweet memorial ftand confeft : For boundlefs grace his hands difpenfe 5 And tend'reft pity warms his breaft. 4- His Love the Souls to Him allied With food of heav'nly growth has fill'd. Nor fuffers from his thought to Aide The Promife to his People feal'd. 5- Thy Pow'r that People, Lord, have known, Bleft Heirs of Canaan s fertile Land : Thy Precept Truth and Juftice own, And bid thy Deeds reverfelefs ftand. 6. Salvation t S o PSALM CXI, 6. Salvation from our God defcends; His Faith fliall Ifrael's blifs infure: Majeftic Awe his Name attends, And San&ity from blemifh pure. 7- His Fear th' obedient heart refines, And Wifdom's path to view difplays: In brighteft beams array'd it fhines, And prompts each tongue to endlefs praife, PSALM CXII. Hallelujah. i. TTOW bleft the Man, his God who fears ! * -*• Thy Precept, on his thoughts imprefs'd, Eternal King, his Spirit chears; And peace perpetual fills hisbreaft. 2. His Sons the reins of pow'r fhall hold> Tranfmiffive BlefTings on their Line Be pour'd, his treafures fwell with gold, His Righteoufnefs for ever fnine. 3- How to thy Saints, juft, kind, and good, Has light amidft the gloom upfprung ! Their hands have ampleft gifts beftow'd., And fair Difcretion guides their tongue. 4. Secure PSALM CXII. 25* 4- Secure from fall the Juft (hall {land, Nor e'er from thy remembrance Aide: No rumour'd ills his fear demand, Whofe hopes in Thee, great God, refide. 5- Without a dread (Thy ftrength his trufl,} He meets the battle on its way, Nor turns, till proftrate in the duft His eyes the vaunting Foe furvey. 6. Inrich'd by what he gives, his hands Deal to the fons of want his bread : His Innocence unfullied (lands; And lading honours crown his head. 7- His blifs Tranfgreflbrs (hall behold, And grind their teeth, and inly groan, Their impious toil by Thee controul'd. Their ev'ry wifh by Thee o'erthrown. PSALM CXIII. Hallelujah. YE faithful Servants of your God, On Him be all your praife beftow'd; Through time's extended courfe, his Name Shall praife, and thanks, and homage, claim: Its circuit from the Eaft begun, 5 To fartheft Weft his fame (hall run, His glory Earth's wide realms o'erflow, Nor higheftHeav'ns its limit know. O whom 252 PSALM CXIII. O whom to Him fhall Mortals dare To equal? Whom to Him compare? I© Who fits aloft, o'er Gods a God, Eternity his dread Abode, Yecftoops to view, and,view'd, records The fcenes that Earth's low feat affords; Lifts from the duft the helplefs Poor, 15 And gives the abject and obfcure, The dunghill for a throne exchang'd, To fit with mightieft Monarchs rang'd. 'Tis His the barren houfe to blefs; His gift let Each the Babes confefs, 20 That, long to her requeft denied, The joyful Mother's care divide* HalUlujak* PSALM CXIV. 1. WHEN Jacob's Sons through paths unknown Prom Egypt too.: ftiSii way, In Judab's Tribe his prefence {hone, And Ifrael own'd his fway. 2. Old Ocean faw them, as they came; He faw, and backward fled : Recoiling Jordan turn'd his fiream, And fought his fountain-head. 3- The Mountains feel the fuddenfhock; As rams, from off the ground They fpring: As younglings of the flock* The Hills affrighted bound* PSALM CXIV. 253 4- Thou Ocean, fay, why, as they came, Thy billows backward fled : And what, O Jordan^ urg'd thy ftream To feek its fountain-head I 5- Ye Mountains, whence the fudden fhock ? Why leap ye from the ground As rams ? As younglings of the flock, Say why, O Hills, ye bound* 6. Earth, inftant, to thy loweft bafe Convuls'd, avow thy fear, While Heav'n's high Lord reveals his face, While Jacob's God is near: 7- Diflblv'd beneath whofe potent ftroke The flint a torrent gave; Who fpake; and from the yielding rock Gufh'd forth the bidden wave. PSALM CXV. OLet not Us, Thou God of Hofts, O let not Us with frantic boafts The glory claim : To Thee alone Thy Truth and Grace, to Ifrael known, Shall ceafelefs honour yield, and raife 5 Each heart to Love, each tongue to Praife. Why (hould the n .athen tribes demand, " Where's now the God of IfracVs Land ?" In 254 PSALM CXV. In Heav'n our God has fix'd his throne, That Lord whofe Will and Act are one. 10 Not fuch the Gods whom Ye adore, That, once a mafs of fhapeleft ore, Now crown'd with furtive honours ftand, The creatures of the Artift's hand; Of fenfe -belying parts poffefs'd, 15 In ufelefs imag'ry exprefs'd; Of mouth, but not for fpeech defign'd ; Of ears and eyes, yet deaf and blind : Whofe noftrils, as along the fane It breathes, the incenfe greets in vain; 20 Whofe-hands th' imprinted kifs ne'er feel, While fuppliant crouds before them kneel ; Whofe feet have never ftep eflay'd; Whofe throat has never found convey'd : Unvifited by Wifdom's ray 25 Their breaft : nor lefs infenfate They, Who made their mimic forms, or, made, With fruitlefs pray'r invoke their aid. Ye happier Sons of IfraePs Line, Conducted by the Light divine, 30 On God your firm reliance build; Him own your refuge, Him your fliield. Ye who from vefted Aaron trace The honours of your chofen Race, On God your firm reliance build ; 35 Him own your refuge, Him your fhield. Ye Souls with pure devotion warm, Whofe Lives to his Decrees conform* On PSALM CXV. 255 On God your firm reliance build ; Him own your refuge, Him your fhield. 40 Behold his beams around us fhine: He, Jacobs He (hall blefs thy Line, You, who from vefted Aaron trace The honours of your chofen Race, And You, with pure devotion warm, 45 Whofe Lives to his Decrees conform, From Him whofe hand the fcepter guides, To Him who in the cot refides. To You, to Yours, till time fhall end, His Love its bleflings (hall extend, 50 Heirs of the changelefs promife giv'n By Him who form'd the Earth and Heav'n : That Heav'n, within whofe awful bound Himfelf, with brighteft glory crown'd, His Seat has rear'd; while Adam's Sons 55 The Earth (his Gift,) its tenants owns. Not Thofe whom death has fnatch'd away The debt of hallow'd praife (hall pay, Or wake his wonders to difclofe, But filent in the duft repofe : 60 'Tis Ours, who ftill thofe wonders view, The grateful labour to purfue; Nor ever (hall our lips decline To crown with hymns the Name divine. Hallelujah* PSALM ( *56 ) PSALM CXVL TJOW glows with grateful Love my breaft ! «*- * For God the voice of my requeft Accepts, and, while my hands I rear, Bows to my plaint the willing ear. For this, to Life's extremeft hour r My lips to Him the pray'r fhall pour. While Death its fnares around me threw, The grave its horrors to my view Preferring, prefs'd with heavieft grief, From Thee, great God, I fought relief. 10 " O fave me, heav'nly Sire, I cried, u And turn th' impending ftroke afide." Juft, good, and kind, is IfraeVs Lord, His breaft with tend'reft pity ftor'd, And prompt his Arm, when Ills invade, 15 The guilelefs and the meek to aid. His Mercies, 'midft thy deepefl woe, By bleft experience taught to know, Turn, turn thee to thy reft, my Soul; For He who fits above the pole 20 (Tremendous Name,) has o'er thy head The fulnefs of his bounty ftied. Thou, mightieft Father, Thou wert nigh, To fave my foul from death, mine eye From tears, to guard from lapfe my feet, 25 And bid me in this earthly Seat (Life's wide dominion,) ftill refide, To Thee in filial fear allied. To PSALM CXVI. 257 To God my heart refign'd its care ; To Him my tongue addrefs'd its pray'r. 30 While, (truck with terrors as I ftood, A fea 01 tbrrows round me fiow'd, u No more, my Soul, no more, I cried, For his Mercies far extend, And his Bounty knows no end. PSALM CXIX. A L E P H. HOW bleft, who Thee, great God, obey, And ftedfaft walk th* all-perfect way ! How bleft, whofe hearts with will intirc Thy prefence feek. Almighty Sire; Whofe PSALM CXIX. 263 Whofe feet thy guidance own; whofe mind 5 Has each nefarious aft declin'd. Thy voice has charg'd us to fulfill The didtates of thy heav'nly Will: Such, Lord, thy Charge; and O may I Attentive to the talk apply. 10 My flaps conform'd to thy Decrees, Nor ftiame nor dread my Soul (hall feize; Thy precepts on my mind imprefs'd Shall fwell with joy my faithful bread, Thy Juftice prompt my tongue to raife 15 The fong of gratitude and praife. Thy Law my love {hall claim: Do Thou Thy ear to my petition bow ; Nor leave me, helplefs and forlorn, The abfence of thy grace to mourn. 20 Beth. How, early wife, {hall Youth, O fay, In innocence direct its way? Thy Word its fteps, to Thee refign'd, The ever faithful Guide (hall find. Hail, beft Inftra&or! Thee my Thought 25 With full defire, great God, has fought : O let me not, by Error s fway ImpeU'd, from thy diredtion ftray. Thy Precept, in my breaft conceal'd, From Sin's aflfault my heart fhall fhield. 30 Bleft is thy Name, eternal Lord ! O write within mv mind thy Word; That 264 PSALM CXIX. That Word, whofe rules from day to day My lips with grateful zeal difplay : Thefe, my beft wealth* my treafur'd ftore, 35 I keep, and view them o'er and o'er: Thy Dictates ftill, my conflant Joy, My foul's attention fhall employ; Nor aught fhall from my fight withdraw Thy path, or from my thought thy Law. 40 G 1 M E L. Thy Mercy let thy Servant fee, Grant me to live conform'd to Thee, And let my Soul, each mift away, The wonders of thy Law furvey. Behold me, abfent from my home, 45 Through Life's wild maze a Pilgrim roam. Nor Thou to my defiring eye Thy Word ? & directing beams deny. With ardent zeal, with ftrong defire, My thoughts to thy Decrees afpire. 50 O Thou, whofe threat the proud fubdues, Whofe wrath the finner's fleps purfues, My foul, of each tranfgreilion pure, From fcorn and fierce reproach fecure. While Princes with malignant aim 55 Affembled wound my honeft fame, My Life, thy Will its nVd purfuit, Shall each opprobrious tongue refute. Thy Laws my ev'ry thought controul, While, fill'd with facred joy, my Soul 60. Its PSALM CXIX. 265 Its ever faithful Friends in Thefe And Inmates of its counfel fees. D A L E T H. Low in the duft my Soul is laid; O reach me, Lord, thy promis'd aid. Thou, as my heart its guilt avow'd, 65 Thy pitying ear, great God, haft bow'd; O let me, kflbn'd in thy way, The wonders of thy Grace furvey: While on my Soul, that melts with woe, That Grace its fuccours fhall beftow, 70 (Such hope thy Word has bid me form;) Let me, with holy tranfport warm, And privileged thy Law to learn, From falfehood's path abhorrent turn. Truth, Lord, my fteady thoughts purfue, 75 Thy Judgements fix'd before my view In full difplay : Exempt from {hame O give me Thou by Thefe to frame My courfe; and mark with what delight, (As onward Thefe my fteps invite,) 80 Its bands by Thee diflblv'd, my Soul Anticipates the diftant goal. H E. Teach me, O teach me, Lord, thy Way; So to my life's remoteft day, By thy unerring Precepts led, 85 My willing feet its paths fhall tread. Informed by Thee, with facred awe My heart fhall meditate thy Law, And 266 PSALM CXIX. And with celeftial Wifdom fill'd To Thee its full obedience yield. oc Give me to know thy Words aright, (Thy Words, my foul's fupreme delight,} That, purg'd from thirft of gold, my mind In Them its better wealth may find. O turn from Vanity mine eye, g$ To Me thy quick'ning ftrength fupply, And with thy promis'd mercy chear A heart devoted to thy fear. My dreaded fhame, great God, remove: Thy Judgements, Lord , my thoughts approve ; I oo Thy wife Commands my breaft inflame; O hafte, and to my inmoft frame Permit thy Juftice to difpenfe Its all-reviving influence, V A U. O let me, Lord, thy Mercy know; 105 Thy promis'd health, great God, beftow; So from my Soul, on Thee reclin'd, Shall each reproach an anfwer find. My truft thy Judgements, mightieft Lord, Support; O let not then thy Word 110 (Thy Word, by Truth eternal feaPd,) Be ever from my lips withheld : That Word to Life's extremeft ftage My juft remembrance (hall engage, My Soul to thy Decrees incline, 115 And make the paths of freedom mine. The PSALM CXIX. i6 7 The Heav'n-taught Truths that warm my bread My tongue to Monarchs (hall fugged, And, rapt with zeal, each check difclaim Of fervile dread, and infant fhame. 120 Thy Law, Jehovah, dill {hall fhare My ardent Love, my condant Care, And, while from Thee with lifted hands Pleas'd I receive its juft commands, My Life, fubmitted to its rein, 1 25 Shall fpeak them not receiv'd in vain* Z A I N. Thy promifes, Almighty Sire, Accomplifh: Thefe my hope infpire; Thefe, when opprefs'd with ills I lie, With vital ftrength my foul fupply; 130 Nor loud reproach and hoftile fcorn My heart from thy obedience turn. Amid my woes, through ages pad In long memorial backward trac'd Thy Judgements have my truft upheld, 135 And forrow's heavieft cloud difpell'd. How trembles, Lord, my heart to fee The fouls that err from thy Decree ! Long as within this feat of clay, My houfe of Pilgrimage, I day, 140 Thy Statutes are my Song; thy Name Wakes in my bread the holy flame, That heav'n-ward lifts my. thoughtful foul. When night's dark (hade*s inved the pole. A a What 268 PSALM CXIX. What hopes, great God, are mine, what joy, 145 While thy Commands my care employ ! C H E T H. My heart's beft portion, Lord, art Thouj To Thee my Thoughts obedience vow: To Thee with ardent zeal I pray; Thy promis'd mercy, Lord, difplay, 150 While back my yet unfinifh'd race With fcrutiny fevere I trace, Thy Law with full acceptance greet, And turn to Thee my willing feet. With ftudious hafte I ran, I flew, 155 Intent thy Dictates to purfue, Nor Thefe forget, though troops of foes Amid their fnare my fteps inclofe. Thy juft Decrees within my breaft Revolv'd, I quit my bed of reft, 160 And pleas'd, at midnight's awful hour, In thanks to Thee my fpirit pour. I mark where'er the fouls I find To Thy Commands, great God, inclin'd; I mark them, and with fuch refide 165 In friendfhip's ftridteft bands allied. That Mercy, Lord, whofe beams extend Far as to Earth's remoteft end, That Mercy to my foul impart, And grave thy precepts on my heart. 1 70 T E T H. My grateful heart thy Love has known, O Thou, whofe words and deeds are one: O frill PSALM CXIX, 269 O (till that Love impart, and ftore My Soul with thy celeftial Lore, Whofe thought its full aflent refigns 175 To what thy facred Will injoins. In devious paths awhile I trod, E'er yet corrected by thy rod, But difciplin'd, great Sire, by Thee Obfequious bow to thy Decree. 180 Thy Mercies, Lord, exhauftlefs flow; O give my Soul thy Will to know : While Crouds, whofe hearts thy fear difclaim, With ftudied falfehood blafl my fame, Thee, Lord, I feek ; by thy Command 185 My Acts, my Thoughts, directed ftand: Amidit their rage, with joyful view My heart thy Precepts can purfue, While folly theirs from truth withholds, And round them wraps its thickeft folds. 190 Bleft be thy hand, feverely kind, Whofe ftroke recalPd my erring Mind, And urg'd me, as to Thee I turn, Thy hallow'd Inftitutes to learn, And, taught their worth, to prize them more 195 Than heaps of Opbir's richeft ore. J O D. Thy plaftic art, throughout my frame, Each limb, each nerve, great God, proclaim; O give me Thou with mind fincere To learn th' Inftructions of thy Fear: 200 A a 2 So 270 PSA L M CXIX- So fnall the Souls, that Fear who know, With focial joy, my God, o'erflow, And pleas'd my conftant heart approve, That waits, with Them, thy plighted Love. Thy Judgements praife eternal claim, 205 Wife, juft, and good; with friendlieft aim Thy faithful hand each woe I feel Inflicts, and wounds me but to heal. O let thy promised mercy fhed Its quick'ning effluence on my head, 210 And comfort to my Soul inftill, That loves the dictates of thy Will. Let fhame th' AggrefTors proud repay, Who feek my footfteps to betray: Thine aid I afk, eternal Lord, 215 And treafure in my heart thy Word. With Me in facred friendfhip join The fouls that to thy fear incline, And from the well-fpring of thy Law Exhauftlefs ftreams of knowledge draw. 220 O let my heart, to Thee fubdu'd, Guilt, and its offspring Shame, exclude, C A P H. Behold, while wearied with delay My foul, my fight, confume away, Thy Servant o'er th' ethereal plain 225 Send the long look, but fend in vain. O when to my expecYmg eyes, When, fhall thy wilh'd Salvation rife, Through PSALM CXIX. 271 Through ftruggiing clouds its promis'd ray Tranfmit, and o'er me pour the day? 230 Faft as the wine-exhaufted hide Amid the circling fmoke is dried, I waftej yet never from my heart Shall thy Commands, great God, depart. How long mall I my days, O fay, 235 In fad fucceflion roll'd furvey, How long to haughtieft infult yield, Thy vengeance from my foes withheld ? Behold them with infidious care Their pits before my feet prepare, 240 And, taught thy Precepts to defpife, (Thy Precepts, Lord, how juft, how wife !) With caufelefs rage my foul invade: Behold; and reach me, Lord, thine aid. How nigh had Conqueft crown'd their aim, 245 And rooted from the earth my name ! While ftill thy paths, eternal God, With undiverted ftep I trod. O let thy Mercy to my heart Its life-fuftaining pow'r impart; 250 So fhall my Soul with facred awe, And juft obfervance, hear thy Law. Lamed. Fix'd in the Heav'ns, eternal Lord, On firmed bafis refts thy Word; Thy Truth, unconfcious of decay, 255 Sees wailing ages roll away; A a 3 Pois'd 272 PSALM CXIX~ Pois'd on its centre by thy hand Earth long has flood, and yet (hall ftand : For Earth, and Heav'n, and Seas, each hour Subfervient own thy fov'reign Pow'r : 260 Their courfe in Order's ftrideft line Thy firm Decrees, great God, confine. How had I perifh'd, 'midft my woes, But that within my bofom rofe The joys which thy Injunctions yield, 265 And each invading grief difpell'd! O never, never, (hall my heart, Forgetful, from thy Law depart, Which, inftant, kindliefl fuccour gave. And wrought my refcue from the grave: 27a Behold me, Lord, behold me thine > Thy ear to my requeft incline, And fave a Soul whofe wakeful Thought With fervent zeal thy Truths has fought, And ftill mail feek them, though their fnare 275 The Impious for my life prepare. Mine eyes Perfection's limit fee Through Nature's Works; but thy Decree No period, mightieft Monarch, knows, Nor bounds of fpace its breadth inclofe. 280 M E M. With what defire, great God, I burn Thy facred Oracles to learn! Each day, each hour, with ftedfaft mind Thy Truths I meditate, and find The PSALM CXIX. 273 The knowledge to my foes denied 285 To Me in fulleft weight fupplied. My Teachers, while from out thy Law The leffons of my life I draw, My guidance a(k; the Aged Me Their Elder in difcretion fee, 290 As, onward led, with fteady pace The Heav'n-appointed paths I trace. How have I kept my feet from ill, Intent thy Mandate to fulfill, My ear to difcipline refign'd, 295 Nor ever from its rules declin'd ! In full fatiety of joy Abforpt, thy Words my thought employ, And fweeter on my palate dwell Than honey dropping from its cell. 300 My Soul, by thy Inftruclion wife, from Error's path abhorrent flieso Nun. Thy Law, from Sinai's mount reveaPd, A lantern to my feet fhall yield, A light, whofe beams fhall o'er me dwell, 305 And night's incircling (hades difpell. Thy Precepts (thus my tongue has fworn, Nor aught my purpofe, Lord, (hall turn;) Thy Precepts, juft, and wife, and true, My fteps, unwearied, fhall purfue. 310 Beneath a weight of woes I bend; Thy promis'd aid, my God, extend. My 274 PSALM CXIX. My lips their willing offerings pay: Accept them gracious; and difplay Thy Judgements to my longing eyes: 315 While ceafelefs dangers round me rife, My foul juft ready to refign, ToThefe my thoughts I ftill incline, Nor impious force, or hoftile fnare, Shall alienate from Thefe my care, 320 Thefe, while their worth my Soul inflames^ Its lafting heritage it claims, And pleas'd the dictates of thy Will To Life's laft period fhall fulfill. S A M E C H. Far hence each Superftition vain, 325 Wild offspring of the human brain; The Truths that fill thy hallow'd page My happier choice, great God, engage. Safe on thy Word my truft I build, O Thou, my Refuge, and my Shield. 330 Ye impious, from my fight away; My Soul {hall God's behefts obey. O ever faithful to thy Word, Do Thou thy vital ftrength afford; Thy help impart, eternal Sire, 335 Ncr let my hope in fhame expire. Suftain'd by thy almighty aid, What danger fhall my Soul invade? In vain (hall Sin its arts apply To turn fiom thy Decrees mine eye. 340 Subverted PSALM CXIX, 275 Subverted by their own deceit, And fpurn'd beneath thy conqu'ring feet, Thy wrath the rebel tribes deplore; Spurn'd, — as the drofs, that from the ore (Amid the glowing furnace caft,) 34.5 Is fever'd by the fiery blaft. For this, with ardent Love thy Law I feek ; for this, while rev'rent Awe And holy Horror fhake my frame, Thy Juftice, mightieft Lord, proclaim. 350 A 1 N. While Juftice o'er my life prefides, Each act, each word, each purpofe guides, Friend of the guiltlefs! nigh me ftand, And fave me from th' Oppreflbr's hand. O flill thy wonted grace difclofej 355 Still in my quarrel interpofe Thine arm, nor let my haughty foe Exulting triumph in my woe. My wafting eyes with earneft view Thy promised health, my God, purfue : 360 Thy mercies to thy Servant fhow, And give, O give me, Lord, to know Each Heav'n-taught Rule: Behold me thine, And let thy influence on me fhine, Till, each illufion purg'd away, 365 My Soul thy myftic Truths furvey. Thy wife Injunctions caft afide, The fons of Infolence and Pride With 2? 6 PSALM CXIX. With oft- repeated crimes demand TV unwilling vengeance from thy hand, 370 Thy Dictates on my thought imprefs'd With fweet delight fhall fill my breaft; Not Gold like Thefe my love fhall claim, Gold fev'n times tortur'd in the flame. Thefe, Lord, 1 keep, and, fix'd, decree 375 To fhun each path that leads from Thee. P E. O how the Wonders of thy Law My heart to jufl obedience awe! What ftreams of pureft knowledge yield Thy Words in full difplay reveal'd ! 380 By Thefe the Souls untaught before To heights of heav'nly Science foar : With facred third my bofom burn'd ; To Thefe my op'ning mouth I turn'd, And from thy Precept wife and true 385 Its life-imparting fpirit drew. What grace thy Saints are bleft to know, That grace on Me, great God, beftow. Thy Dictates to my foul convey, And level to my fteps thy way. 39° Redeem from Error's growth my mind, Nor leave one baleful root behind. O fave me from Oppreffion's hand ; So (hall my foul thy wife command Obferve: Indulgent on me fhine, 395 And make the paths of knowledge mine. My PSALM CXIX. 277 My tears, great God, my zeal difclofe, And down the copious torrent flows, As oft, with inward anguifli torn, Thy violated Laws I mourn. 400 T s A d d 1. Hail, Arbiter fupreme ! thy Will Truth, Equity, and Juftice feal : Truth, Juftice, Equity, thy Voice Prefcribes to favour'd IfraeFs choice: Thefe while my foe prefumptuous fpurns, 405 With zeal confum'd my bofom burns. O how thy Precepts, in the fire Long prov'd, thy fervant's Love infpire ! To indigence and fcorn refign'd, Thefe flill I feek with ftudious mind. 410 Eternal Redtitude is thine; Truth to thy Laws adjufts its line; Thy Laws, my Soul's beft comfort found, When pains and forrows wrapt me round. Thy juft Decrees (hall Time furvive; 415 Them teach me, and my Soul fhall live. K o P H. O Maker, Guide, and Judge of All ! With earneft voice to Thee I call : To Thee I call: propitious hear; So (hall the Precepts of thy fear 420 My Soul inform, and, Thou my aid, My ev'ry AcT: by Thefe be fway'd. E'er yet the dawn has flreak'd the fky, God of my Life, to Thee I cry; My a 7 8 PSALM CXIX. My hope (nor (hall that hope be vain,) 425 Thy facred promifes fuftain: On thy Decrees, great God, intent, My Thoughts the early watch prevent: O let thy Mercy, while I pray, My night illumine, guide my day, 430 Thy Word within my irtmoft frame Awake the everliving flame. Behold a Croud, from Thee eftrang'd, In dire alliance near me rang'd : But Thou, my God, art nearer ftill : 435 My Soul the dictates of thy Will Fix'd on eternal bafe has view'd, And owns them wife, and juft, and good. R E S H. Behold my griefs; my Soul preferve; For ne'er from thy direction fwerve 440 My thoughts : Do Thou my caufe defend ; O let thy Word its aid extend, And, inftant, to my breaft difpenfe It's All-reviving influence. In vain thy grace the Souls would heal, 445 Whofe crimes their juft rejection feal ; Who, bold each impious deed to try, Thy Lav/s oppofe, thy Pow'r defy. O let thy Mercy, Lord, (how great That Mercy ! ) on thy Servant wait, 450 Its beams in full effufion give, And teach my fainting heart to live. While PSALM CXIX. 279 While hoftife Crouds around me (land, My fteps I guide by thy Command Unvarying, and indignant fee 455 The Souls whofeWill has err'd from Thee. Behold what love, what full delight, Thy Precepts in my breaft excite, And let thy Favour o'er my head Its vital pow'r inceflfant fhed. 460 With truth thy Word, great God, was crown'd, E'er time began its reftlefs round: Thy Laws through length of days extend, Firft, midft, and laft, and without end. S C H I N. While princely PowV, without a caufe, 465 The threat'ning fword againft me draws, My mind, to thy Commands applied. Them fears, nor owns a fear befide. My heart with fecret tranfport fwells, While ftudious on thy Word it dwells; 4~3 Nor wealthieft fpoils fuch joy beftow, New wrefted from the proftrate foe. To Lies averfe, thy Laws I love; Thy juft Decrees my Thoughts approve ; And fev'n times, each revolving day, 475 To Thee my grateful vows I pay. Great is the peace prepar'd for All, Whofe willing feet obey thy Call ; Great" is the peace for fuch prepar'd, Nor aught their footfteps ftiall retard. B b Thy i8o PSALM e&XfX, Thy health, my God, I wait, thy Will With unremitted zeal fulfill, And wrapt in love and filial fear The Heav'n-defcended Truths revere. Thy Truths my foul reveres: Each day, Thy wife Inftru&ions I obey, Afl'ur'd that to thy fearching eyes My life's whole path confpicuous lies, T A u. O let my cries thy heav'nly feat Approach; my pray'r indulgent meet, 490 And give (for on thy Word relies My hope;) O give me to be wife, Behold, (for Mercy lives in Thee;) Behold me fuppliant bend the knee, And let thy promis'd aid difpell ^05 The clouds of grief that o'er me dwell. Thy facred Precepts taught to know, How (hall my lips, great God, o'erflow With praife, and, touch'd with holy flame, The juftice of thy Laws proclaim ! 50c While pleas'd I bow to thy Command, Reach, in my refcue, reach thy hand : O Thou, whofe Di&ates warm my heart, Thy long-expe£ted health impart ; And let my Soul, to life reftor'd, 505 Thy Love in lading hymns record, While o'er my head its beams fhall fhine, And make thy great Salvation mine. Thine PSALM CXIX. 281 Thine eyes in Me the Sheep behold, Whofe feet have wander'd from the fold ; 510 That, guidelefs, helplefs, ftrives in vain To find its fafe retreat again; Now liftens, if perchance its ear The Shepherd's well-known voice may hear, Now, as the tempefts round it blow, 515 In plaintive accent vents its woe. Great Ruler of this earthly Ball, Do Thou my erring fteps recall : O feek thou Him who Thee has fought, Nor turns from thy Decrees his thought. 520 PSALM CXX. 1. TO God I cried, with anguifh flung, Nor form'd a fruitlefs pray'r. O fave me from the lying tongue* And lips that would infnare. 2. Thou Child of Guilt, to falfehood bred, Say, what (hall be thine end ? See keeneft arrows o'er thy head, And quenchlefs coals, impend. 3- Ah ! Woe is Me, to Mefecb's feat And Kedar's tents confin'd ; Perpetual infult doom'd to meet From Men of reftlefs mind, Bb 2 4. V/hen 282 PSALM CXX* 4- When offers mild of Peace I make, And friendlieft terms prepare, My words their flumb'ring rage awake, And arm them for the Wan PSALM CXXL i. LO ! from the Hills my help defcends) To Them I lift mine eyes. My ftrength on Him alone depends, Who form'd the Earth and Skies. 2. He, ever watchful, ever nigh, Forbids thy feet to Aide ; Nor fieep nor flumber feals the eye Of Ifrael's Guard and Guide. 3- He at thy hand, array'd in might, His fhield fhall o'er thee fpread : Nor Sun by day, nor Moon by nighty Shall hurt thy favoured head. 4- Safe (halt thou go, and fafe return, While He thy life defends, Whofe eyes thy ev'ry ftep difcern, Whole Mercy never ends. PS A L M ( *§3 ) PSALM CXXII. i. THE feftal Morn, my God, is come, That calls me to thy honour'd Dome, Thy prefence to adore: My feet the fummons (hall attend, With willing ftep thy Courts afcend, And tread the hallow'd floor. 2. Ev'n now to our tranfported eyes Fair Sion's tow'rs in profpeti rife; Within her gates we ftand, And, loft in wonder and delight, Behold her happy Sons unite In friendfhip's firmeft band» 3- Hither from Judah's utmoft end The Heav'n-prote&ed Tribes afcend; Their offerings hither bring; Here, eager to atteft their joy, In hymns of praife their tongues employ* And hail th' immortal King. 4- By His Command impelTd, to Her Contending Crouds their caufe refer; While Princes from her Throne With equal doom th* unerring Law Difpenfe, who boaft their birth to draw From Jeffi's favour'd Son. B b 3 5 . Be 2&J. PSALM CXXIL 5- Be Peace by Each implor'd on Thee, O Salem, while with bended knee To Jacob's God we pray: How bleft, who calls himfelf thy Friend X Succefs his labour (hall attend, And fafety guard his way. 6. O may'ft thou, free from hoftile fea?„ Nor the loud voice of tumult hear, Nor war's wild waftes deplore :. May Plenty nigh thee take her ftand,, And in thy Courts with lavifh hand. Diftribute all her. ftore. 7- Seat of my Friends and Brethren, hail!' How can my tongue, O Salem, fail To blefs thy lov'd Abode? How ceafe the zeal that in me glows Thy good to feek, whofe walls inclofe; The Manfion of my God? P S A L M CXXIIL TO Thee, above the ftarry fpheres Inthron'd, his look thy fuppliant rears t As tov/'rds their Lord the menial Band, As Maidens tow'rds their Miftrefs' hand Obfervant cafe th' expecting eye, 5 So lift we ours, great God, on high, Till PSALM CXXIIL 285 Till Thou thy mercy (halt difplay, And chafe thefe clouds of grief away. Enough thy People, Lord, have borne Of infult keen, and hoftile fcom : 10 O hear, in pity hear, the fighs From our full hearts inceflant rife, While, round us rang'd, the Sons of pride Our name revile, our woes deride* PSALM CXXIV; HAD God abandon'd from his care Our caufe, when adverfe hofts to war Uprofe; had God, may Ifrael fay, Our caufe abandon'd, in the day When o'er the plain their troops were poar'd, 5 Alive by hoftile rage devour'd Down we had funk; and o'er our head The fwelling floods their waves had fpread: Down we had funk; but bleft be God, Whofe arm the timely help beftow'd, 10 And, each invader chas'd away, Snatch'd from their jaws th' expedled prey* See ! as the Bird with fudden fpring Exulting mounts upon the wing, Juft refcu'd from the fowler's art, 15 So triumph We, with thankful heart, And, fav'd by his preventing care, Shake from our feet the broken fnare. When woes, when dangers round us rife, On Him alone our ftrength relies, 20 Whofe 286 PSALM CXXIV. Whofe hand thy center fix'd, O Earth, And gave th' enduring Heav'ns their birth. PSALM CXXV. WHO truft in God's prote&ing hand, Secure as Sim's Mount (hall (land, That, proof to Ages, meets the fkies, And, fix'd, each adverfe fhock defies* Behold fair Salem's hallow'd ground, 5 By fhadowing hills encompafs'd round; Thy prefence thus, great God, we trace Incircling Jacob's chofen Race: Nor diftant times {hall fee thy Love Its bleffings from thy Saints remove. 20 Ne'er on the lot by Thefe poflefs'd Shall impious Pow'r its fcepter reft, Left Sin, eftablifti'd into Law, Their hearts from thy obedience draw. O ftill our Guardian, ftill our Friend, 25 Thy mercies to the Juft extend; While All, whofe heart from Wifdom's way Through paths perverfe has lov'd to ftray, In fuff'rings, as in guilt, allied, Shall fee the Peace to them denied .0 The fulnefs of its influence fhed On happier IfraeVs favour'd head. PSALM ( 28; ) PSALM CXXVI. IS this a Dream? amaz'd we cried, When, ted by their celeftial Guide, Fair Sions captive Tribes again Beheld her late deferted plain. Then forth to laughter burft each tongue, 5 And fongs of loudeft triumph fung. The Nations round, with fecret awe, The mighty work admiring law: And, " Great (they cried,) the Gift beftow'd " On Thefe, the favour'd of their God !" 10 cc O, great the Gift!" Our hearts rejoin, And joyful blefs the hand divine. Let thofe, whofe exile ftill we mourn, Beneath thy conduct, Lord, return, Faft as the copious torrents glide, 1 3 When, to its vacant bed their tide Reftoring, o'er the waftes they run, That burn beneath the fouthern Sun. Let fcenes of Hope our thought employ: Who fow in tears, (hall reap in joy. 20 The weeping Hind, whofe dubious hand Now ftrews with grain the furrow'd land, Shall homeward foon exulting bear The Bleffings of the loaded year. PSALM ( 288 ) PSALM CXXVIL i. A Race by God unblefl; who rear, A fruitlefs toil fuftain; If God to fhield the Town forbear, The Watchman wakes in vain. 2. Why rife Ye early, late take reft, And e,at the bread of care? The balm of fleep, his gift confeft, His Children only {hare. 3- Know too thy Sons, that round thee fland > A gift by Him prepar'd; Nor arrows in the Giant's hand Can yield fo fure a guard. 4« Bleft, who his quiver ftores with Thefe: When hoftile troops are near, His gate the ftorm approaching fees, Yet fees without a fear. PSALM CXXVIII. HOW bleft the Souls, their God who fear, His Pow'r confefs, his law revere ! O happy Thou! ordain'd to fliare Thy Maker's ever conftant care. Thou privileg'd from want fhalt ftand, 5 And eat the labour of thy hand. The PSALM CXXVin. 289 The Obje£l of thy wedded Love Prolific as the Vine (hall prove, Whofe foliage o'er thy walls difplay'd Spreads wide its amicable (hade: 10 While, as the Olive-branches fair, Around thy board thy infant Care Shall croud, and bid thy heart o'erflow With joys that only Parents know. Such Bleffings, Lord, thy hands provide 15 For Each who makes thy fear his guide. Hail, favour'd Man ! From Sions Tow'r Thy God on Thee his gifts fhall fhovv'r: Thou, thankful, to thylateft day Shalt Salem 's profp'ring ftate furvey; 20 With lengthen'd joy, thine aged eyes Shall fee thy Children's Children rife, And Peace her healing wings expand O'er Judab's Heav'n-diftinguifti'd Land. PSALM CXXIX. OFT from my youth, may Ifrael fay, Oft from my youth, in clofe array Againft me rang'd, the hoftile train My ruin fought, but fought in vain. My back with ftripes the ploughers tore; 5 The lengthen'd furrows ftream'd with gore; But Thou, juft God, haft burft their bands, And fav'd me from their ruthlefs hands. Back let them fly in wild retreat, Whofe rage fair Sion's hallow'd feat 10 Purfues : 2go PSALM CXXIX. Purfues: Let fhame their guilt repay; And let them like the grafs decay, That, on the houfe-top feen to rife, Stops in mid growth, and fades, and dies; Nor fills the Mower's hand, nor gives 15 One grafp to him who binds the fheaves; Nor prompts th' obferving pafienger To greet them with the friendly pray'r: " May Heav'n's high Lord your labours bid's, " And crown them with the wifh'd fuccefs." 20 PSALM CXXX. 1. TO Thee from out the Deeps I pray, With heavieft woes opprefs'd: Lord, let thine ears attentive weigh The voice of my requeft. 2. If from the Sons of human birth Thy wrath its debt demand, O who, throughout the peopled earth, Beneath that wrath fhall ftand ? 3- But Sin's worft wounds thy Mercy heals : As down its pow'rs defcend, The grateful Soul their influence feels, And trembles to offend, 4. Thee, PSALM CXXX. 291 4- Thee, Lord, I feek, the Wife, thejuftj My foul, by Thee upheld, Expe&ant waits (thy Word its truft,) Till Thou thy beams fhalt yield. 5* Not thus intent their longing fight The wearied Watchmen rear, Not thus intent the growing light Obferve, when morn is near. 6. O truft in God ; for Love in Him, And Grace abundant, reign: He, Jacobs fhall thy Sons redeem, And purge their ev'ry ftain. PSALM CXXXI. THY eyes in Me nor lofty mind Nor haughty look, my God, (hall find j Nor Earth's vain pomp attrafts my view, Nor Honour's prize my thoughts purfue, Or, touch'd by fell Ambition's fire, 5 To unpermitted heights afpire. Behold me of affe&ions mild, Behold me humble as the Child, That meek and filent finks to reft, Wean'd from the tender Parent's breaft. 10 O, fonder than that Parent, fee Thy Maker, Ifrael, cherifh Thee : C c To *92 PSALM CXXXI. To lateft times on him depend, Thy Guide, thy Guardian, and thy Friend, PSALM CXXXII. GREAT Ruler of this earthly Ball, Thy David to thy thought recall ; O think what pangs his faofom tore, When to his God the Oath he fwore, And thus, with various preffures bow'd, c To Jacob's Lord a Manfion vow'd. Be Witnefs, if my floor I tread, Be Witnefs, if my couch I fpread, If ileep thefe weary orbs {hall feal, Or (lumber o'er mine eyelids fteal, Till to my fearch fair Juda/fs Land Some place prefent, whereon may ftand. Through future age, thy fix'd Abode, The Seat of Jacob's mighty God, To Thee, O Ephrata^ we came, 15 Inquifitive, and, led by fame, The hallow'd Tabernacle found Within the foreft's ample bound. Behold us, Lord, with willing feet The manfion of thy prefence greet, 20 (Each heart inflam'd with grateful zeal,) And proftrate at thy footftool kneel. Rife, IfraeVs Father, God, and Friend; Pleas'd to thy place of reft afcend, Thou and thine Ark, tremendous fhrine 25 Of Majefty and Pow'r divine. While PSALM CXXXII. 293 While Righteoufnefs thy Priefts arrays, O let thy Saints their thankful lays Prolong ; and in thy David's name Let Judab's King thy favour claim. 30 Thus to the Prince of JeJJe born God the reverfelefs Oath has fworn : Thy throne, protected by my care, The offspring of thy loyns fhall heir ; Through diftant times their hdiow'd Line, 35 Long as to Me their hearts incline, My Compact keep, my Laws obey, Shall, uncontrourd, extend their fway. Thy Walls, O Sion, to thy Lord His deftin'd refidence afford ; 40 Here v/ill I reft, nor e'er my Love From thy diftinguiih'd feat remove. Thy plenteous board my hand {hall fpread, Diftribute to thy Poor their bread, Thy Priefts with lading health inveft, 45 And wake to mirth each faithful breafh Amid thy Race, O David^ here Salvation fhall her ftandard rear, While copious on th' anointed head The heav'nly Lamp its beams {hall fhed : 30 Thy foes, with fhame invelop'd o'er, Their blafted counfels fhall deplore, And fee the Crown that binds thy brow With unexxinguifti'd fplendors glow. C c % PSALM ( 294 ) PSALM CXXXIIL i. HO W bleft the fight, the joy how fweet. When Brothers join'd with Brothers meet In bands of mutual Lcve ! Lefs fweet the liquid fragrance, fhed On Aaron's confecrated head, Ran trickling from above, 2. And reach'd his beard, and reach'd his veil; Lefs fweet the Dews on Hermon's breaft Or Sion's Hill defcend: That Hill has God with Bleffings crown'd, There promis'd Grace that knows no bound, And Life that knows no end, PSALM CXXXIV. YE Servants of th' eternal King, Your grateful hymns triumphant fing : To You I call, the chofen Band, Who take amid his Courts your ftand, While, gliding round the dufky pole, 5 The ftarry Orbs in filence roll. Within his Temple's vaulted frame With lifted hands his praife proclaim. And He, may He, whofe pow'r has made The Earth, and Heav'n's wide arch difplay'd, ic From facred Sion bid thee prove The Bleffings of his boundlefs Love. PSALM ( 295 ) PSALM CXXXV. Hallelujah. YE Servants of your God, his fame In fongs of higheft praife proclaim : Ye who, on his behefts intent, The Courts of IfraeVs bord frequent, And pleas'd within his hallow'd gate 5 In regular fucceffion wait : Him praife, the everlafting King, And Mercy's unexhaufted fpring : Hafte, to his Name your voices rear; What Name like his the heart can chear? 10 Whofe Love from out the numerous Birth, That crowns the wide-extended earth, Seleiis the Race of Ifaacs Sons, And Jacob his pofTefHon owns. Thy Greatnefs, Lord, my thoughts atteft, 1$ With awful gratitude imprefs'd, Nor know, among the Seats divine, A Pow'r that fhall contend with Thine; O Thou, whofe All-difpofing Sway The Heav'ns, the Earth, and Seas obey; 20 Whofe Might through all extent extends, Sinks through all depth, all height tranfcends, From Earth's low margin to the fkies Now bids the pregnant Vapours rife, The Lightning's pallid fheet expands, 25 And glads with fliow'rs the furrow'd lands; Now from thy Storehoufe, built on high, Permits th' imprifon'd Winds to fly* C c 3 And. 296 PSALM CXXXV. And, guided by thy Will, to fweep The furface of the foaming Deep. 30 By thy refiftlefs ftroke affail'd, Her Eldeft-born proud Egypt wail'd : Nor rag'd thy fword on Man alone 5 Her flocks, her herds, its fury own, While Nature's varied pow'rs confpire, 35 At thy Decree, Almighty Sire, With fcenes of dread to ftrike her eyes, The haughty Tyrant to chaftife, And Each who lent th' affifting hand To execute his ftern command. 40 From Egypt's defolated fbore Its courfe thy vengeance onward bore, To diftant realms by Juftice led; And mightieft Kings beneath it bled : Their Monarch Hefbons Coafts deplor'd, 45: And Bafan wept her Giant Lord, While fell Deftrudtion ftalks around Far as to Canaan's utmoft bound, And vindicates her forfeit lands To conquering IfraeVs chofen Bands. 50 Thy Name fhall ever live; thyPraife, Immortal God, through longeft days Extend: From Thee we wait our doom: Thou, Lord, the balance wilt aflume, And, prompt thy People's woes to heal, 55. The fentence of thy wrath repeal. Behold on each polluted fhore The heathen uibes their Gods adore,. Op PSALM CXXXV. 297 Of filver form'd, or fufile gold, That late within the guiding mould 60 To fhapes prefcrib'd obedient ran, The Creatures of thy Creature Man^ Of fenfe-belying parts poflefs'd, In ufelefs imag'ry exprefs'd, Of Mouth, but not for fpeech defign'd, 65 Of Ears and Eyes, yet deaf and blind: Whofe lips, by Nature's finger feal'd, Ne'er knew the vital breath to yield ; Unvifited by Wifdom's ray Their breaft : Nor lefs infenfate They, 70 Who made their mimic forms, or, made, With fruitlefs pray'r invoke their aid. Jehovah's praife with grateful tongue Proclaim, ye Tribes- from Ifrael fprung; Him blefs, ye Sons of Aaron's race ; 75 Ye who your birth from Levi trace, And All whofe heart his Laws delight, In thanks to Him your fongs unite. Let Sion with enraptur'd ear His fame throughout her precincts hear, 80 Who 'midft her walls, eternal Gueft, Has fix'd the Manfion of his reft. Hallelujah. PSALM CXXXVI. 1. LIFT your voice, and thankful fing Praifes to your heav'nly King; For his Bleflings far extend, And his Mercy knows no end. *a8 PSALM CXXXVL 2. Be the Lord ycur only theme, Who of Gods is God fupreme; For his Bleflings far extend, And his Mercy knows no encL 3- He to whom All Lords befide Bow the knee, and vail their pride ^ For his Bleflings &c. 4- Who aflerts his juft Command By the Wonders of his hand; For his &c. 5- He, whofe Wifdom, thron'd on high,. Built the Manfions of the fky ; For his &c. 6. He, who bade the watry Deep Under Earth's foundation ileep* For his &c. 7- And the Orbs that gild the pole Through the boundkfs ./Ether roll ; For his &c. 8. Thee, O Sun, whofe pow'rful ray Rules the Empire of the Day; For his &c. €). Yovjj PSALM CXXXVI. 299 9- You, O Moon and Stars, whofe light Breaks the horrors of the Night. For his &c. 10. When his vengeful wrath he fhed 5 Egypt mourn'd her Firftborn dead $ For his &c. ii. Thence by Him from bondage freed March'd all IfraeW chofen feed, For his &c. 12. While his mighty hand he rear'd, And his outftretch'd arm appear'd. For his &c. 13- Aw'd by Him, from fide to fide Lo, th* obedient Deeps divide \ For his &c. 14. At his word the billows flay, Part, and give his People way; For his &c. At his word again they clofe O'er the head of Jacob's foes. For his &c. Safe 3ao PSALM CXXXVL 16. Safe in his Almighty aid Ifrael o'er the Defert ftray'd; For his &c. *7- Kings, unable to withftand, Felt the vengeance of his hand : For his &c. 18. Chiefs for hardieft deeds renowned Proftrate fell, and bit the ground: For his &c* 19, Sihon fierce, who forth to fight Led the harnefs'd Amorite 3 For his &c. 20. Mightieft Og y beneath whofe fway Bafans fertile region lay. For his &c. 21. Thefe he flew, and from their hands Took the forfeit of their Lands; For his &c. 22. Lands, which erft by promife due, Sons of Jacob, fell to You, For his &c. 2j. 0a PSALM CXXXVI. sex On our forrows from on high He with pity caft an eye; For his &c. 24. In our battles o'er each head He the fhield of fafety fpread„ For his &c. 25. He with food fuftains, O Earth, All who claim from Thee their birth. For his &c. 26. Lift your voice, and thankful fing Praife to Heav'n's eternal King ; For his Bleffings far extend, And his Mercy knows no end. PSALM CXXXVII. WHERE Babylon's proud water flows, We fate and wept, while in us rofe The dear remembrance of thy name, O fair, O loft, Jerufalem! Our filent harps the willows bore, 5 Whofe boughs along th' extended fhore Their fhades outfpread : when thus the Foe Infulting aggravates our woe: * c Come, tune to mirth your fullen tongue; " Rife, Hebrew Haves, and give the fong; 10 " Such 302 PSALM CXXXVII. Infpire, thy Righteoufnefs and Love Our hearts inflame, our fongs improve. Thee good and kind (hall Mortals own, To anger flow, to pity prone. Thy Mercies on the fons of Earth, 25 On All whom Thou haft call'd to birth, Far as Creation's bounds extend, Thy Mercies, heav'nly Lord, defcend. One chorus of perpetual praife To Thee thy various works fhall raife, 30 Thy Saints to Thee in hymns impart The tranfports of a grateful heart, The fplendors of thy Kingdom tell, Delighted on thy Wonders dwell, And bid the World's wide realms admire 35 The glories of th' Almighty Sire, E e Whofe 316 P S A L M CXLV. Whofe Throne fhall Nature's wreck furvive, Whofe Pow'r through endlefs Ages Jive* His Promife Truth eternal guides, And Mercy o'er his Ad prefides. 40 The feet whole fteps to lapfe incline With faithful care the Arm divine Shall prop ; the Spirit bow'd with woe His All-fupporting aid fhall know. From Thee, great God, while ev'ry eye 45 Expectant waits the wifh'd fupply, Their bread proportion'd to the day Thy op'ning hands to each convey. Thy Ways eternal Juftice guides, And Mercy o'er thine A£t prefides : 50 Who afk thine aid with heart fincere, Thee ever gracious, ever near, Shall own ; their pray'r, in each diftrefs, To Thee thy Servants, Lord, addrefs, And find thee (verging on the grave,) 55 Nor flow to hear, nor weak to fave. Ye Souls among his Saints inroll'd, In God your fure defence behold, While fierce Deftru&ion at his word Shall bathe in impious blood its fword. 60 Long as I breathe, my grateful tongue To Him (hall meditate the fong ; From Man's whole Race his hallow'd Name Shall thanks and endlefs honour claim, PSALM ( 3*7 ) PSALM CXLVI. Hallelujah. PRAISE, praife thy God, my Soul; his Name To Life's laft date my thanks (hall claim, And, long as I exift, my lyre Shall wake to fing th* eternal Sire. O feek not, with prefumption vain, 5 Your hope on Princes to fuftain, Nor truft, when thieat'ning ills invade, The ftrengthlefs prop of human aid. His breath refign'd, on earth's low bed Behold the Mortal reft his head 3 10 Nor farther fhall his thoughts extend, But with him to the grave defcend. Bleft, who their help in Thee alone, The God to Jacob's Offspring known, Have found, and to the hand divine 15 In each diftrefs their care refign: That hand, that form'd the Heav'ns and Earth, And call'd the watry Deep to birth, With All that in the ample round Of Nature's utmoft Reign is found. 20 'Tis God's, whofe Truth, through ages paft Confirm'd, fhall time's extent outlaft, 'Tis His, the injur'd caufe to right, And crufh the arm of lawlefs Might; With bread the hungry to fuftain, 25 And loofe the wretched Captive's chain, The blind reftore, the weak uprear, And to the fouls that own his fear Ee 2 His 318 PSALM CXLVL His Mercies, each revolving day, In endlefs feries to difplay : 3© Through diftant regions doom'd to roam, In Him the ftranger finds a home ; *Tis His, the Orphan's breaft to chear, And wipe the heart-fwoln Widow's tear. From His Decrees who dare to ftray, 35 Shall reap the error of their way- O Siorij in thy God confide, And know how fix'd his Reign, how wide: O'er fubjeft Worlds his juft Command To endlefs age confirmed ihallftand. Hallelujah. 4.0 PSALM CXLVII. OBlefs Jehovah: Sweet the joy, When talks like thefe the voice employ; To Him our bigheft thanks belong, And Praife fits comely on our tongue, 5 Tis He, who builds fair Sa/em's walls, 5 And Ify-aeVs exil'd fons recalls 5 Yields to the contrite heart relief, And binds its wounds, and fooths its grief $ Afiigns the ftarry flock their names, (As, fcatter'd wide, their vivid flames 10 Adorn the bright ethereal plain,) And numbers with his eye their train. Great is our God : beyond all bound His Pow'r, beyond all fearch is found His Knowledge; in his Arm the Meek 15 With fure fuccefs their Aid fhall leek;- That PSALM CXLVII. 319 That Arm, whofe unrcfifted ftroke On Each who dares his Wrath provoke With fwift defcent its aim fhall guide, And level to the duft their pride. 20 Let ev'ry tongue, let ev'ry chord, Exalt the name of Jacob's Lord, Whofe hand with clouds the Heav'n obfcures ; On Earth the genial moifture pours ; Bids the green herb its mantle fpread, 25 Luxuriant, o'er the Mountain's head : With lib'ral care th' unconfcious Beaft Suftains, and ftills the Raven's neft, When urg'd by want her clam'rous Brood Requeft from Him their wonted food. 30 If o'er the field the battle bleed, Regardlefs of the ftrengthful Steed, Regardlefs of the Chiefs, whofe feet Unmov'd the fhock of legions meet, On You, in whom his Fear refides, or On You, whofe heart in Him confides, His Grace its fignals fhall beftow, His Arm with conqueft bind your brow, O Svlyma, his lov'd Abode, Him praife, unceafing ! Blefs thy God, 4c O Sion 9 who thy gates has barr'd ; Whofe various gifts thy Sons have fliar'd; Who crowns with peace thy happy plain ; Calls from thy glebe the pureft grain; Whofe Word, from heav'n in fwift career 45 Convey'd, fuggefts to Nature's ear £ e 3 The 320 PSALM CXLVIL The Laws that regulate her frame, And gives her ev'ry act its aim. Flak'd by his Art, the woolly fnow Falls Client on the ground below ; 50 By Him the froft, as afhes hoar, Lies fprinkled earth's wide furface o'er: In harden'd fragments through the air, While Man its rigours fhuns to bear, His hail defcends * in icy chains 55 His hand the gliding ftream detains, Till, at his word, th' inftru&ed wind With friendly breath the wave unbind, And bid it, onward borne, again With liquid lapfe its courfe maintain. .6.0 Such is the God, and fuch his Might, Whofe Precepts IfraeVs Love invite,. And to his Tribes in full difplay His Life-dire£iing truths convey* What Realm, through earth's extended Coafts, 65 His Care, like thine, O Judah^ boafls, Or, taught, as Thou, his fear to own, The dictates of his Will has known? O come, your thankful voices join, And blefs the Majefty divine, 70 PSALM CXLVIII. Hallelujah, YE Bleft Inhabitants of Heav'n, To God be all your praifes giv'n.; O praife him from the realms that lie Above the reach of mortal eye. Him PSALM CXLVIII. 321 Him praife, ye Angels of his Train, 5 Him All whom Heav'n's vaft Hofts contain; Praife Him, Thou Sun, that round the pole With reftlefs courfe art feen to roll, And Thou, O Moon, whofe fharpen'd horns A luftre not their own adorns; 10 Praife Him, ye Stars : His praife repeat, Thou Heav'n of Heav'ns, his awful Seat, And You, ye Floods, that, heap'd on high, Prefs with your weight th' extended (ky. Let Thefe to God their voices rear, 15 Who bade them be; and ftrait they were: Who bids them ftand; and ftand they fhall; Nor aught the Mandate fhall recall, That, fix'd by his Almighty Mind, To endlefs age their date aflign'd. 20 Nor let the Heav'n his praife confine; O All of Earth the chorus join : Ye Whales, ye Deeps, in praife confpire, Snow, Vapour, Hail, and bick'ring Fire, And ev'ry Wind, and ev'ry Storm, 25 That duteous his behefts perform; Ye lefler Hills, ye Mountains high, Ye Trees, whofe fruits Man's food fupply, Ye Cedars, whofe expanded Shade Nor Storms nor Ages teach to fade, 3.0 Ye Beafts, that range th' uncultur'd foil, Or patient lend to Man your toil : Praife Him, each Bird that wings the air, Each Reptile, nurtur'd by his care; Ye 322 PSALM CXLVIIL Ye Kings and Nations of the Earth ; 35 O praife him All of princely birth, And Ye, whofe Doom, as Juftice guides, The long-contefted caufe decides. Ye Youthful Bands and Virgin Choir, Each lifping Babe, and hoary Sire, 40 Wake to his Name your grateful fongs; To Him alone all Praife belongs ; His glory Earth's wide bounds o'erflovvs, Nor higheft Heav'n its limit knows. Ye Tribes, exalted by his Arm, 45 You, chief, the heav'nly Theme {hall warm, Bleft Sons of IfraeVs hallow'd Land, Who neighb'ring to his prefence ftand. O come, your thankful voices raife, And confecrate to Him your praife. 50 PSALM CXLIX. Hallelujah. SING to our God the new-form'd lay; Ye Souls who his commands obey, Aflfembling join your thankful tongues, And hallow with his praife your Songs. O Ifraely let thy Maker's Name 5 With joyous zeal thy breaft inflame, And Sions fons exulting fing The Mercies of their heav'nly King. Range in the dance the facred Band, And urge the MinftrePs well-taught hand 10 (Its touch with varying force applied,) The reins of harmony to guide > While PSALM CXLIX. 323 While with the loud-refounding lyre The timbrels in his praife confpire. With what delight, great God, behold 15 Thine eyes the People of thy fold ! Thy Strength the Souls of humble frame Their ever prefent Aid proclaim. With conqueft crown'd, and rapt in joy, Let All whom thy Decrees employ 20 Thy Name exalt with thankful mind, Nor ceafe, when on their beds reclin'd, The filent midnight's lift'ning ear With fongs of loudeft mirth to chear. Thy Mercy let their lips record; 25 Give to their grafp the two-edg'd fword ; And let them, guided by thy hand, Thy vengeance through each Heathen Land Difli ibute, and the Tribes chaftife Whofe impious Arm thy pow'r defies, 30 Triumphant in the iron chain Their Nobles and their Kings detain, And while, infpir'd with a£Hve zeal, Thy prefcript thus their hands fulfill, The glories wear for All prepar'd, 35 Whofe hearts thy juft beheits regard. Hallelujahs PSALM CL. Hallelujah. PRAISE, O praife, the Name divine; Praife it at the hallow'd Shrine; Let th^ Firmament on high To its Maker's praife reply; Let 324 PSALM CL. Let his A&s, and Pow'r fupreme > $ To your Songs fuggeft a theme: Be the harp no longer mute; Sound the trumpet, touch the lute; Wake to life each tuneful firing 3 Bring the pipe, the timbrel bring; 10 Let the organ in his praife Learn its loudeft note to raife, And the cymbal's varying found From the vaulted roof rebound. All who vital breath enjoy, 1 5 In his praife that breath employ, And in one great Chorus join ; Praife, O praife, the Name divine. GLORIA P A r R I. I. TN Thee, O Heav'n, O Earth, in Thee -*- Be Glory to th' Eternal Three ; That Glory, which through ages paft Was; is; and fhall for ever laft. OR THIS. 2» To Father, Son, and Spirit bleft, Be praife in Heav'n and Earth addrefs , d > As was, and is, and yet {hall be, When Time its lateft hour fhall fee. OR THIS. 3. To Father, Son, and Spirit bleft, Be praife in loudeft notes addrefs'd, Such GLORIA PATRL 3*5 Such as the Stars of Morning fang, When Earth was on its balance hung, Such praife as from th' Angelic Choirs, And Saints whom zeal like theirs infpires, In Heav'n above and Earth below Still flows, and fhall for ever flow. ANOTHER. 4. All Glory to th' Eternal Three; Thee, Father; Thee, O Son; and Thee, The Spirit ever bleft: That Glory, which through ages paft Unchang'd has flood, and yet fhall laft, When Time has funk to reft. ANOTHER. 5. All Glory to th' Eternal Three, As was, e'er Time began to roll, As is, nor yet fhall ceafe to be, When Time has reach'd its deftin'd goaL ANOTHER. 6. Be Glory to th' Eternal Three Afcrib'd, and higheft Praife, As was, and is, and ftill fhall be Beyond the end of days. ANOTHER. 7. To th' Eternal Three be giv'n Praife on Earth, and Praife in Heav'n; Such as was through ages paft, Is, and fhall for ever laft. $5* Vk* Tranjlations of the Gloria Patri, here given, ex- hibit a Specimen of five different Sorts of Metre xfed in ths Verfion or Paraphrafe of the Pfalmu TABLE of REFERENCES T O T H E Englijh Bible Tranflation of the Psalms -, SHEWING To what Parts of the above Version or Paraphrase the feveral Verfes of each Psalm correfpond. Bible Tranjl. Parapbraf*. PSALM t Verfe i, 2. v. 3. - v. 4. - v. 5, 6. Line 1 — to. - - II — 22. - - 23 — 26. - - 27—34. Pf. II. V. I, 2, 3. - - - v. 4, 5- - - - v. 6. - - - - v. 7. - - - - v. 8. - - - - v. 9. - - - • V. 10, II, 12. Pf. III. V. I, 2. v. 3, 4. v. 5> 6 - v. 7* v.8. 1—8. 9 — 12. 13 — 16. 17 — 22. 23 — 26. 27 — 32. 33—44- 1—6. 7 — 12. 13 — 18. 19 — 24. 25 — 28. Bible Tranjl. Parapbr. Pf. IV. v. 1. - - - Line 1 — 6. v. 2. v. 3. v. 4, $• v. 6. v. 7. Pf. V. v. 1, 2, 3. - v. 4, 5, 6. - v. 7. - - v. 8, 9. - v. 10, 11, 12. Pf. VI. v. 1, 2, 3, 4- v. 5. - - v. 6, 7. v. 8, 9, 10. 7— 10. 11 — 14. I5 2*. 23 — 28. 29—34- 35-3^ 1 — 8. 9 — 16. 17 — 20. 21 — 30. 31 — 44. 1 — 10. 11 — 14. 15 — 26. 27—32. Pf. VII. A TABLE of REFERENCES. Bible TranJI. Pf. VIT. V. I, 2. - - - v. 3> 4, 5- - - - v. 6, 7, 8, 9. - - V. IC, II. - - - V. 12, 13. - - " v. 14., 15, 16. - - v. 174 - - - - Pf. VIII. v. 1. - - - - V. 2. - - - - v. 3, 4. - - - v. h 6, 7, 8, 9. - Pf. IX. V. I; ft. - - - v. 3, 4. - - - v. 5, 6. - - - v. 7,8. - - - v. 9, 10. - - - v. 11, 12. - - - v. 13, 14. - - - •• *5i 16,17, iS. - V. 19, 20. - - - Pf. X. v. 1,2, 3. - - - v. 4, 5. . - - v. 6. -.-. v. 7, 8, 9, 10. - - v. 11. - - - - V. 12, 13. - - - v. 14. - - - - *■ 15 v. 16, 17, 18. - - Pf. XI. V. I, 2. - - % *• fa 4> 5. - - - v. 6, 7. - - - Pf. XII. v. 1, 2. - - - v. 3; 4. . . . v - 5 v. 6 v. 7, 8. - • - Parafhr. i Bible TranJI. Paraphri 1 — 8. 9—18. 19 — 32. 33-38. 39-44- 45 — 52. 53 — 5$. 1 — 4. 5 — 10. Pf. XIII. 1,2. 3,4- 5,6. 9 — 18. 19 — 26. Pf. XIV. 23 — 38. 15- 25- 3 1 " 39" 47" 55" 69. 13- 21- *7- 47- $*• 57" 65- 69. J- 7" 15* 21- 25- -7- -14. -24. -30. -38. - 4 6. -54- -68. -76. -12. -20. .26. .46. -50. -56. -64. -68. -80. -a. -20. -30. -6. -14. -20. -24; -30, v. r. - - v. 2, 3. - v. 4> 5, 6 « - 1 — 8. 9— -18. 19—30. 31—^0. Pf. XV. v. 1, 2. v. 3. - v. 4, 5. 9—14. 15 — 28. Pf. XVI. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1 — 12. v. 4. - - - - 13 — 18. v. 5, 6. - - - 19 — 24. v. 7, 8. - - - 25—32. v. 9, 10, 11. - - 33—48. Pf. XVII. v. 1, 2. - - - 1 — 6. v - 3, 4, 5» - - 7—16. v 6, 7. - - - 17 — 24. v. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 25 — 36. v. 13, 14. - - 37 — 44. v. 15. - - - 45 — 50. Pf. XVIII. I, 2, 3. - - 1- 4> 5, 6. - - 11- 7, 8. - - - 21- 9, 10. - - - 29- 11,12,13,14, 15. 37- , 16,17,18, 19,20. 57- ,21,22,23,24. 75- ,25,26. - - 85- . 27, 28, 29. - 91- 34>35» 36. f J ° 5 • 37, 3 8 , 39.40- 131- .41,42. - - 143- .43,44,4^. - I5 1 " •46. 47,4 8 ,49« * 6 i- .5c. - - - 171- Ff Pf. - 10. ■20. -28. -j* -56. -74- -84. -90. -104. -130. -142. -150. - 160. - 170. -176, XJX, A TABLE of RE Mi 'thle TranJJ. Pf. XIX, , I, 2, 3. - - . 4, 5, 6. - - .>,■*• - - - , 9, 10, 11. Pf. XX. ■ », 2, 3» • 4, 5> & ■ 7. 8, 9. Vataphr. 1 — 10. 11 — 24. 25-3.8. 39 — 52. 53 — 62. 63 — 70. 1 — 12. 13 — 21. 25 — 36. pn xxi. r, 2, 3. - - 4> 5> 6 > 7> 8 - - 9,10. 11, 12, 13. Pf. XXII, i 1, a, 3. - - • 4? 5> 6 > 7.> s » , 9, 10, ii 3 12,13. , 14, 15. - - 16, 17, iS. - , IQ, 20, 21", 22,23,24. .- . 25, 26. ' *?> **• ' 2 9> 3°.> 3 1 1 — 12. 13 ' — -22. 23—4O. I — 12. 13 — 26. 27 — 42. 43-* 52. - 53 — 66. 67 — 76. - 77 — 9°- 91 — 102. - 103 — 108. - 109 — 122. Pf. XXHL .1,2,3,4. - 1 — 20. , c, 6. - - - 21 — 30. Pf. XXIV. 1,2. - - - 1 — 8. ■ 3. 4, 5; 6 * - 9 — 22. ,7,8,9,10. - 23 — 38. Pf. XXV. . 1, 2, 3. - - 1 — 10. . 4, 5. 6 >7- - 11—22. ,8,9,10,11. - 23—36. 12, 13, 14. - 37—52. 15, 16, 17, 18. 53 — 62. . 19, 20, 21, 22. 63 — * 74. Pf. XXVI. I 1. 2, 3. - Stanza 7. 2. FERENCES. Paraphr, 'ble Tranjl. 4, 5> 6 > 7- 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Pf. XXVII, I>2, 3. - - 4, 5> 6 « - - 7> 8 > 9- - - 10, 11, 12. 13, 14. - - 3> 4- 5,6,7,8. 4,5- 6,7. 13 — 28. 29 — 42. 43 — 5 6 * 57-66. Pf.. XX VIII. J. - - I— 16. - - - 17—32. - - - 33—42. - - - 43—52. Pf. XXIX. 1, a. - - - 3>4> 5» 6 >7> 8 - 9,10,11. - - Pf. XXX. I, 2, 3. - - 4, 5- - - ■ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. ii, 12. - • 1 — 6. 7 — 28, 29 — 42, 1 — ic 11 — 24. 25 — 42. 43— 5°* Pf. XXXI. i> 2, 3, 4, 5. - 1 — 20. ,6,7,8. - - 21 — 34. 9, 10, 11, 12. 35 — 54. 19,20. - - 77 — 88. 21, 22. - - 89 — 98. 23, 24. - - 99 — 106. Pf. XXXII. , j 3 z. - . - !— .8. 3.4,5- " - 9-3°. 6,7. - - - 31 — 42. 8,9,10,11. - 43— 58.. Pf. XXXIII. v. 1, 2, 3. - - I— IO« v. 4, 5> 6 > 7- II — 22 v. 8, 9. - - - 23—28, v. 10, II, 12. 29—40. v. 13; W> 15- - 41— .46 A TABLE of RE Bible Tranf,. Parapbr. B v. 16, 17, 18, 19. 47 — 60. v. 20, 21, 22. - 61 — 6S. pr. xxxiv. v. i, 2, 3. - - 1 — 8. v. 4, 5, 6. - - 9—20. v. 7, 8. - - - 21 — 30. v. 9, 10. - - - 31 — 36. v. 11, 12, 13, M»-1.-_ M 15,16. 537—52. v. 17, 18, 19,20. 53 — 66. v. 21, 22. - - 67 — 74. Pf. XXXV. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1 — 8. v. 4, 5, 6. - - 9— iS. v. 7, 8, 9, 10. - 19 — 40. V. IT, 12, 13, 14. 41 64. v. 15, 16. - - 65—74. v. 17, 18. - - 75 — 82. V. 19, 20, 21. - 83 92. V. 22, 23, 24, 25. 93 104. v. 26, 27, 28. - 105 — 118. pr. xxxvi. V. I, 2, 3, 4. - I — 12. v. 5. 6,7,8,9. - 13 — 36. V. 10, II, 12. - 37 46. Pf. XXXVII. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1- v. 4, 5, 6. - - 11- v. 7, 8, 9, 10. - 19- v. 11. - - - 33- v. 12,13, *4, 15- 39" v. 16, 17, 18, 19,20. 55- r. 21,22,23,24. 73- v. 25, 26. - - 85- v. 27,28,29,30,31. 93- ▼• 3 2 > 33. 34. - r°9- v. 35. 3 6 - - ~ I21 " v » 37. 3 8 . 39. 40- 127- Pf. XXXVIII. ▼• i> 2, 3.4, 5- - I* ▼.6,7,8,9,10. 13- v. 11, 12, 13, 14. 25 — 3S. v. 15, 1$, i 7> 18. 39—52. FERENCES. lie Tratijl. Paraphr* 19, 20, 21, 22. 53— 64. Pf. XXXIX. • t, 2, 3- ■ 4, 5, 6. , 7, 8, 9, 10. 11. - - 12, 13. 1— 16k 17—32. 33 — 44- 45 — 54. 5.5 — 66* , 1,2. ■ 3. 4, 5' ■ 6, 7, 3. PC. XL. Stanza 1. - - - 4. 5. & 9, 10, 11. - - 7, 8. 12,13,14,15,16,17.^9.^0^ Pf. XLI. . 1. 2. 3« - " . 4, 5, 6. - - . 7, 3, 9. , 10, 11, 12, 13. Pf. XLII. . *, 2. - - - • 3, 4« - - - . 5. - - - - ,6,7. ,8,9,10,11. - 1— 14. 15— 28-. 29 — 40. 41-58* 1—6. 7 — 20. 21 — 26. 27—S&. 37 — 56. Pf. XLIII. •3« "54 •72 >*4 -9; •108 • 120 -126 .136 • 12. ■24. V. r, 2. v. 3. 4. 5- 9 — Pf. XLIV. 1, 2, 3. - - i- i v - 4. 5, 6 j 7, 8. - 19- v. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,? 14, 15, 16. S 35 " v. 17, 18,19^20, 21. 57- v. 22, 23,24,25,26. 69- 8. 24. ■18. -34. ■56. -68. •86. Pf. XLV. v. 1, 2. - - - v. 3,4, 5. - - - v. 6, 7, 8, 9. - - v. 10, 11. - - V. 12, 13, 14, I5. v. 16, 17, • - IO. 22. — 40. — 48. -64. — 74* A TABLE of REFERENCES Parapbr. Bible Tranjl, Pf. XLVI. v. i, 2, 3. - - v. 4, 5, 6. - - v. 7, 8, 9. - - v. 10, II. - - 1 — 12. 13 — 26. 27 — 36. 37—44. Pf. XLVII. v. 1, 2, 3, 4. Stanza 1, 2, 3. v. 5, 6, 7, 8. - - 4, 5, 6, 7. v. 9; - - - - 8, 9. Pf. XLVIII. V. 1, 2, 3. Stanza 1, 2, 3, v. 4> 5> 6 > 7- - 4, 5. v. 8, 9, 10. - 6, 7, 8, 9. v. ii, 12,13, 14. 10,11,12,13. Pf. XLIX. v. I, 2, 3, 4. - - v. S> 6 > 7> 8 > 9- " v. 10, ii, 12, 13. v. 14, 15. - - v. 16, 17. - - v. 18, 19,20. - - 13—28. 29 — 46. 47—62. 63 — 70. 71 — 82. Pf. L. V. I, 2, 3. - - I*— IO. v. 4, 5, 6. - - 11—22. v. 7, 8, 9. - - 23 — 32. v. 10,11,12,13,14,15. 33 — 52. v. 16, 17, 18, 19,20. 53 — 70. v. 21, 22, 23. - 71 — 84. pf. li. v. x, 2, 3>4« " " 1 — 12. v. 5,6, 7. - - 13 — 26. v. 8, 9, 10, 1 i, 12, 13. 27 — 48. v. 14, 15, 16, 17. 49 — 6 4- ▼. 18,19. - - - 65 — 72. Pf. LII. ▼• *> 2, 3, 4* Stanza J, 2, 3. ♦• S> 6, 7* - - - 4> 5> 6 - v. 8, 9. ... 7, 8. v. 1, 2, 3. «r. 4> 5» Pf. LIII. - - - 1— 18. - - - 19-— 28. Bible Tranjl. v. 6. - - Paraphr. 29' — 38. Pf. LIV. v. 1, 2. - Stanza 1. v « 3> 4> 5> 6 > 7. - - 2, 3. Pf. LV. ▼. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. - v. 6,7,8. - - - v. 9, 10, 11. - - V. 12, 13, 14. v. 15,16, 17. V. l8, 19, 20, 21. V. 22, 23. - - I — IO. II 20. 21 —28. 29 —4a. 43 — 54* 55 — 72. 73 — 84, Pf. LVI. v. 1, 2, 3, 4. - - 1 — io, v. 5, 6, 7. - - 11 — 18. v. 8, 9, 10, ir. - 19 — 32. v. 12, 13. - - - 33 — 3 8 * Pf. LVII. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1 — 14. v. 4, 5. 6 » - - 15 — 28. v. 7,8,9, 10,11. - 29 — 48. Pf. LVIII. v. 1, ±. - - - 1 — 10. v. 3>4j5* - - n—22. v. 6, 7, 8. - - 23 — 34. v. 9, 10, 11. — - 35 — 50. Pf. LIX. v. 1,2, 3, 4, 5. - 1— 16. v. 6, 7, 8,9, 10. 17— 30. v. 11, 12, 13. - 31—46. v. 14, 15, 16, 17. 47 — 58. Pf. LX. v.i, 2, 3, 4, 5. - 1—20. v. 6, 7, 8. - - 21 — 34. v. 9, 10, ii, 12. s 35—48. Pf. LXI. v. t, 2, 3, 4, 5. - v. 6, 7, 8. - - • 19. ,18. .28. Pf. JLXIJ. A TABLE of REFERENCES. Bible Tranjl. Paraphr Bible Tranjl. Paraphr, Pf. LXII. V. 1,2, 3, 4. - 1 — 20. v. 5> 6 ,7, 8* - 21 — 32. v. 9 33 — 3 s - v. io, 11, 12. - 39 — 52. pf. Lxnr. v. 1,2, 3, 4. - 1— iS. v. $,6,7, 8. - 19 — 34- v. 9, 10, 11. - - 35—46. Pf. LXIV. v. 1,2, 3, 4. - 1 — 14. v. 5,6, 7. - - 15 — 28. v. 8, 9, 10. - - 29—38. Pf. LXV. v. I, 2, 3. - - 1 — 10 v. 4, 5> 6 > 7» n — 30. V. 3, 9, 10, 11. - 31—44 V. 12, i 3 . - - Pf. LXVI 45 — 54 V. 1, 2, 3, 4. 1 — 14. V. 5, 6, 7. - - - 15—30 V. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 31 — 50. \. 13, 14, 15. 51-58 v. 16, 17,18; 19,20. 59—70. Pf. LXVII. v. 1, 2. - - - 1 — 6. v - 3, 4, 5- ' " 7— 18. v. 6, 7. - - . 19 — 24. Pf. LXVIII v. 1, 2, 3. ▼. 4, 5, 6, - - - v « 7, 8, 9, 10. v. 11, 12. - - v. 13, 14, - - Y. 15, 16. - - V - 17 v. iS ▼• 19,20,21,22, 23 v. 24, 25,26,27. v. 28, 29. - * 3°>3 1 ' J 3 3i 49 57 7i 79 87 97 "7 - 135 - 141 •12. -30. .48. •56. ■70. .78. -86. .96. -116. ■134. - 140* — '54. r v - 3 2 > 33>34> 35- 155 — 17<>»- Pf. LXIX. v. 1, 2, 3. - - - 1 — 10. v. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. - 11 — 30. v. 9,10, 11, 12. - 31 — 44. v. 13, 14, 15,16,^ 66 17, 18, 19. > 45 v. 20, 21. - - 67 — 76. V. 22, 23, 24, - 77 86. v. 25, 26, 27, 28. 87 IOO. v. 29, 30, 31. - 101 — no. v -3 2 >33>34>35>3 6 ' m — 124. Pf. LXX. v. 1, 2. - - Stanza 1. v. 3> 4> 5. - - - 2, 3. Pf. LXXI. v.i, 2, 3, 4. - - 1 — 14. v. 5, 6. - _ . 15 — 22. v. 7, 8, 9. - - 23 — 34. v. 10, n. - - 35 — 40. 59—80. 81 — 90. V. 15, 19, 20, 21. V. 22, 23, 24. Pf. LXXII. v. 1,2, 3, 4. - 1 — 14. v. 5, 6, 7. - _ 15 — 26. v. 8, 9, 10, 11. - 27 — 42. v. 12, 13, 14, 15. 43 — 56. v. 16, 17. - . 57 — 68. v. 18, 19. - - 69 — 78. Pf. LXXIII. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1 — I0# v « 4* 5> 6. - - 11 — 20. v. 7, 8, 9. _ - 21 — 30. v. 10, 11. - - 31 — 38. v. 18, 19, 20. - 63—72. V. 21, 22, 23, 24, ? 25,26. *} 73-90. v. 27, 28. - - 91 98. Cg Pi. LXXJV, A TABLE of REFERENCES. Bible Tranjl. Paraph?* v. 67, 68, 69, 70, 7 ' £ 20i< — 2 Bible Tranjl. Parapbr. PL LXXIV. v. 1, 2. - - v. 3, 4. - - v. 5, 6, 7, 8. - v. 9, 10, 11. V. 12, 13, 14. v. 15, 16, 17. V. l8, 19, 20, 21. v. 22, 23, - - I — 12. 13 — 20. 21*— 40. 41 — 54- 55-68. 69 — 82. 83 — 98. 99 — 104. Pf. LXXV. v. i, 2, 3.. - - i»— 12. ▼• 4, 5> 6 > 7« - - 13 — 26. v. 8,9,10. - - 27—38, Pf. LXXVI. *. i> 2, 3, 4. - 1 —. 14. *• 5> 6 > 7. - - 15 — 3°- v. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 31 — 46. Pf. LXXVII. v.i, 2, 3. - - I — 14. ^ 4. 5>6, 7>8, 9. 15 — 3°« ▼. 10, 11, 12. - 31 — 38. *. 13, 14, 15. - 39 — 50. ■v. 16, 17, 18. - 51 — 62. v. 19, 20. - - 63 — 70. Pf. LXXVIII. v. l> 2, 3, 4. - 1 - v. 5, 6, 7, 8. - 11- v. 9, 10, 11, 12. - 23- *• 13* i4>»5> l6 * 3 1 " v. 17, 18, 19,20. 45- •v, 21,22,23,24,25. 59- v. 26, 27, 28, 29, ? 6 30,31. 3 ■ v. 32, 33, 34. 3 6 > 37* ^ 3 8 > 39- " " 97 v. 40,41,42,43. 107- *.44> 45>46, 47>48. 119. v - 49> 5 Q > 5 1 - ~ J 37 v.5*>53>54>55>1 I4q 5 6 > 57. 3 ^ v. 58,59,60,61,62. 171- T. 63, 64. - - 187 \i 65, 66, - - - J95 -10. ■22. .30. -44. .58. -68. — 82. 35. 1 33- .96. -106. -118. -136. -148. -170. ■1S6. -194. — 20Q> 71,72. Pf. LXXIX. v. 1,2, 3. -.- i- v. 4, 5> 6 > 7« - - 15- v. 8, 9, 10. - - 27- v. n A 12, 13. - 45. -220, •14* -26. "44- -54* Pf. LXXX. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1 v. 4, 5>^7- - - 15 v. 8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13. 27 v. 14, 15, 16, 17, 7 is, 19. Pf. LXXXI. v. 1, 2, 3. - - - v.4 5 5> 6 >7« - - v. 8_, 9, 10. - - ▼. 11, j 2* - - v. I3> W> I5>i6. ■14. ■26. -48* 49 — 7* Pf. LXXXII. V.I, 2, 3, 4. - - J* v. 5> 6 >7>%' - - 11- pf. Lxxxm. v. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. - i- v. 6, 7, 8. - - - 19- v. 9, 10, ii, 12. - 29- v. 13, I4> 15. l6 ; ~ 17, 18. •» • 10. -24. -34. -42. -54- -10. .24. ■18. .28. 44. 62-. Pf. LXXXIV, v. 1, 2. - - - - 1 - v. 3, 4. - - - 7- v. 5,6, 7. - - - 17- v. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 31- Pf. LXXXV. v. 1, 2, 3, 4, - - 1 - v. 5, 6, 7. - - 13- v. 8, 9, 10. - - 23- v. 11, 12, 13. - - 39- Pf. LXXXVI. •6. -16. .30. •50, - 12. -22* -38, .48, A TA5LE of REFERENCES. Bible Tranjl. Parapbr. v. 6,7, 8. - - - 13—18. v. 9, 10. - - - 19 — 2 *>. V. II, 12, 13. - - 27—36. v. 14, 15,16, 17. - 37 — 54- Pf. LXXXVII. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1 — 10. v. 4, 5, 6 - ' - "-34. v. 7. - - - - 35 — 4*. Pf. LXXXVIII. v.i, 2, 3, 4. - 1—8. V. 5, 6,7,8, 9. - 9 — 22. V. 10, 11,12. - 23 — 34. v. i3,i4> I 5> l6 > I 7^ l8 '35 — 5°- Pf. LXXXIX. v.i, 2, 3, 4. - «r v. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9* " 1 S" v. 10, 11. - - 35- v. 12, 13, 14. - 45- v. 15, 16, 17, 18. 57- v. 19, 20, 21, 22, 7 23, 24, 25. 5 ' v. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. v. 33,34,35, 3 6 ,37« 113 v. 3 8 , 39, 40,4i- 125 v. 42, 43, 44, 45. 137 v. 46, 47, 48. - 147 v. 49, 5°> 5*> 5 2 - 163 ■14. ■34. ■44* .56. -70. -96. 97—112. .124. •136. • 146. ■162. ■ 176. Pf. XC. v.i, 2. - - - v. 3, 4. - - - v. 5, 6 , 7, 8 , 9- " v. 10. - - - V. II, 12. - - ▼• I3> x 4,i5> l6 > J 7« 1- 7- 17- S5- 43" 49- Pf. XCI. v. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. "■ v. 7, 8, 9, 10. - 21- v. 11, 12, 13. - 33- v. 14, 15, 16. - 45- ■6. -16. ■34. -42. .48. -70. •20. ■32. -44. -52. Pf. XCII. Bible Tranjl. Paraphr. v. 4, 5, 6, 7. - - 13— 2&. v. 8, 9, 10, 11. - 29 — 42* V. 12, 13, 14, 15. 43— 56. Pf. XCIII. v. 1, 2. - - Stanza 1, i ▼• 3> 4> 5* - - - 3, 4. Pf. XCIV. v. 1, 2, 3, 4. - - v. 5, 6, 7, 8. - - v. 9, 10, 11. - - v. 12,13,14, 15. v. 16, 17, 18, 19. V. 20, 21, 22, 23. I — 10* II 22, 2 3 — 32. 33 — 48. 49 — 60. 61—74. V. I, 2, 3. 1—12. Pf. xcv. v. 1,2, 3,4,5. - 1 — 20. v. 6, 7, 8, 9. - - 21 — 36. v. 10, 11. - - 37—48. Pf. XCVI. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1 — 6. v. 4, 5, 6. - - 7—14* v. 7, 8, 9. - - 15 — 24. v. 10, 11,12, 13. - 25—42. Pf. XCVII. v. 1,2, 3,4, 5. - 1— 16. v. 6, 7, 8, 9. - . 17 — 34. v. 10, 11, 12. - 35 — 4S. Pf. XCVIII. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1— 14. v. 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8,9. 15 — 3^ Pf. XCIX. v. 1, 2, 3. - Stanza 1,2* v - 4, 5. - - - - 3, 4. v. 6, 7. - - - - 5, 6, 7, v. 8, 9. - - - - 8, 9. Pf. C. v. 1,2, 3. v. 4, 5. 1— 10, II— 18. Pf. CI. v.J, 2, 2, 4> 5* - 1—26, A TABLE of REFERENCES. Bible Trartfl. Parapbr. v. 6, 7, 8, 9. - 15 — 30. v. 10, 11, 12, 13. 31— -44. v. 14, 15, 16. - 45 — 54. V. 17, 18, 19, 20,? „ _„ 21,22. 5 55 — 70. v. 23, 24, 25. - 71 — 86. v. 26, 27, 28. - 87 96. v. 29, 30, 31. - - 97 — 104. v. 32, 33. - - 105— 114. v - 34, 35, 3 6 , 37,3 s * 115 — 128. v . 39, 40,4^ 42. 129—138. v. 43> 44, 45> 46. 139—148. v. 47, 48. - - 149— 164. Pf. CVIT. v. 1, 2, 3. - Stanza 1, 2, 3. v. 4/5> 6 >7>8. - 4,5,6, 7- v. 9, 10, 11, 12. 8, 9,10,11. v. 13, 14, 15. - 12, 13. v. 16, 17, 18. - 14, 15, 16. v. 19, 20, 21, 22. 17, 18, 19, v.23, 24,25,26,27.^ *j» v. 28,29, 3 o,3',3*.{^ g v. 33> 34> 35, 36,S 28,29,30, 37, 3 8 - <3*ri*>.» v.39,4o,4I,4^43.{ 3 3^ 3 3 5 8 , . 36, Pf. CVIII. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1 — 14. v. 4, 5, 6. - - 15 — 24. v. 7, 8, 9. - - 25 — 38. v. 10, 11, 12, 13.. 39 — 5 2 » Pf. CIX. v. 1,2, 3,4,5- - 1 — 14. v. 6, 7, 8. - - 15 — 28. v. 9, 10, 11, 12,13. 29 — 44. v. 14, 15, 16. - 45 — 54. v. 17, 18, 19. - 55 — 68. v. 20, 21, 22, - 69 — 76. v.23, 24, 25. " 77 — i6 > 2 9,| 87— ioo. Bible Tranjl. Paraph r. 1 v.6 )7 ,Z. - - 27 — 42. Pf. CII. v. 1, 2. - - - 1 — 6. v. 3, 4, 5* - - 7 — 16. v. 6,7, 8. - - 17 — 30. v, 9, 10, II. - - 31—42. V. 12, 13, 14. - 43 — 56. v. 15, 16, 17, 18. 57 — 70. V. 19, 20, 21, 22. 71-86. v. 23, 24, 25, 26, * 27, 28. S 87—118. Pf. cm. V.T,2, 3,4, 5. - 1 — 16. v. 6, 7,8,9,ic,n,i2. 17 — 34. v. 13, 14, *5> l6 - 35—52. v. 17, 18. - - 53-58. V. 19, 20, 21, 22. 59 — 72. Pf. CIV. V. 1,2, 3. - - 1— 14. v. 4, 5. - - - 15 — 20. v. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 21—42. v. 12, 13, 14, 15. 43—54. v. 16, 17, 18. 55-68. v. 19, 20, 21, 22. 69 — 84. v. 23, 24, 25, 26. 85 — 102. v. 27, 28, 29, 30. 103 — 118. v. 31, 32. - - 119 — 126. v « 33> 34, 35- ' 127 — 14c. Pf. CV. v. 1, 2, 3, 4. 1 — 12. v. 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 13 — 30. V. 12, 13, 14, 15. 31 — 44. v. 16; 17, 18, i9,l 4 -_ 68# 20, 21, 22. J ^~ v. 23, 24, 25. - 69—82. «S 26, 27, 28. 83-96. v - 29, 30, 31. - 97 — ic8. v - 3 2 > 33, 34, 35- 109— f24. v - 3 6 » 37, 3 8 > - 125 — 138. v. 39, 40, 4 1 , 42. 139—152. v - 43> 44, 45- - 153—164. Pf. CVI ▼•*>*> 3; 4>5» - 1 — 14* 3°> 3 1 - Pf. CX. v, u 2, I — lOt A TABLE of REFERENCES. Bible Trattjl. v. 3. - - . v. 4. - - . v. 5 ,6. - . v. 7. - - . Paraphr II — 20. 21 — 24. *5— 32. 33-38. Pf. CXf. v. I, 2, 3. - Stanza 1, 2. v - 4, 5- - - - 3, 4. v -6>7>8,9, 10. - 5,6,7. Pf. CXII. v. 1, 2, 3. - Stanza I, 2. ^ 4, 5, 6, 7> 8. . 3>4>5 . v -9, 10 6,7. pf. cxrrr. v.i, 2, 3,4. . - x _g # v. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. - 9 — 22. Pf. CXIV. v. 1, 2, 3, 4. Stanza 1, 2, ?. v. 5,6, 7 ,8. - . Pf. cxv. v. 1,2, 3. - . . v - 4> 5, 6, 7, 8. - v. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. v. 14, 15, 16. _ v. 17, 18. . . 4. 5, 6, 7. 1 — 10. n — 28. 29 — 48. 49 — 56. 57—64. Pf. CXVI. v. 1,2. - - . ,_ 6j v-^4,5,6,7. - 7 _ 22 , v. 8, 9 . ... 23-28. * 10,11. - - 29—34. v. 12, i 3 , i 4 , I5 . 35 _ 4 8. v. 16, 17, 18, I9 . 49—62. Pf. cxvn. v - ' Stanza t. v ' 2 2. Pf. cxvnr. v.-i, 2, 3,4. . ,_ l6# v - 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. . 17— -jo. v. 10, 11, i 2i . 31—48. v « 13, 14, 15, 16, > 17.18. '149 — 7a, Paraphr. 73—86. v. 19, 20, 21. v. 22, 23, 24. v.25,26. - . 99 — 106. v. 27, 28, 29. - 107 — 124, Pf. CXIX. i>2,3- - - 1 — 4,5,6,7,8. - 7 _ 9, 10, 11. , 2I _ **, 13, 14, 15, 16. 31 — J 7, 18, 19, 20. 41 21,22,23,24. 5I __ ^5, 26, 27,28, 2$. 63 — 3°, 3i,3 2 . 33>34, 35,36. 37, 3 8 , 39, 40. 95 — 41,42,43,44,45. 105 — 46,47,48. - H7-. v. 49, 50, 51, 52. 127 — v - 53, 54, 55,56. 137 — v- 57, 58, 59, 60. 147 — v. 61,62,63,64. I57 _ v. 65, 66, 67,68. tijtk^ v. 69, 70, 71, 72 . j8 „_ v. 73, 74, 75- - 197 — V. 76,77,78,79,8o. 200 — V. 8l,82, 83. - 2 * v. 84,85,86,87,88. 235 _ V. 89, 90, 91, 92. 253 v - 93> 94, 95, 96. 267 *« 97, 9 s , 99, 100. 281 v. 101,102.103,104. 293 IT. 105,106,107,108. 30- ri '09,iic,ii-i, II2 . 3l6 '•"3,«4,ii5,n6. 32c. '.H7,JiS,ii9, 120# 337 r. 121, 122, 123, ? 124, 125. £35* '• 126, 127, 128. 367. r. I29, 130, I3t. 377 . '• 132, 133, ; J 34>?,o J 35, 136. 5 38 7- • T 3^i3^ I 39,i4o. 4ci- • I 4i,!42,i43,i 4 4. 409- '-film* 6. 20. 30. ■40. e 74. 82. 94. 104. n6. 126. 136. 146. 156. 170, 1S2. 196. 208. '222. 234. 252. 266. -28o. -292. -302. -3*5. "3 2 4. -336. '350. ■366. •376. ■3S6. 400. 408. 416. r — 43*- 433 — 43*. A TABLE of REFERENCES. Bible Tranjl. Parapbr. v.i53,i54 J iSS> I 5 6 -439— 45*. *. i57»i5 8 * I 59> l6 °- 453 — 464. v. 161,162,163,164. 465— 47 6 ' v. 165,166,167,168. 477— 4^8. v. 169,170,171,17*. 4 8 9 — 5°°. ▼.i73> I 74;i75 J I 7^S° I — 5 20 - Pf. cxx. v. 1, 2, 3> 4' Stanza 1, 2. v. 5> *> 7- - - - 3> 4- Pf. CXXI. v. 1, 2, 3, 4* Stanza I, 2. v. 5. 6 > 7> s * " - 3> 4. Pf. CXXII. v. 1, a, 3. - Stanza 1, 2. t. 4, 5. " " " ' 3> 4. *.6,7A9- - * 5»^7- Pf. CXXIII. v. 1,2. - - - 1-8. v. 3,4. 9-H- Pf. CXXIV. ^ 1,2, 3,4> 5> 6 - t ~ VL% -v.7,8. - - - 13 — ^. Pf. CXXV. v. 1,2. - - * 1 — I0 - Pf. CXXVI. V.I, 2, 3. - ~ J - 12 - -v.4>5> 6 - - - n—*±- Pf. CXXV1I. ▼. 1, 2. - - Stanza 1, 2. v. 3> 4> 5« - - " 3. 4. Pf. CXXVIII. v. 1,2, 3> 4. - 1 — 16. v. 5,6. - - - 17— *4» Pf. CXXIX. /. 1, 2, 3> 4. - I — 8 * v.5,«>7>*. * 9-*°* /?#/« Tr^w//. Parapbr. Pf. CXXX. v. I, 2, 3. Stanza 1, 2. v. 4> 5> 6 > 7> *• - 3> 4> 5> 6 » Pf.CXXXI. v.i, - - - - i — 6» v. 2, 3. - - - 7— 14. Pf. CXXXTI. v.i, 2, 3,4, 5. - 1 —14. v. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. - 15— 30. v. 11, 12, 13, 14. 3 1 — 4*« v. i5> 16, 17, 18. 43—54. Pf. CXXXIII. v. 1, 2, 3. - - Stanza 1, 2. Pf. CXXXIV. v. 1. - - - - 1 — 6. v. 2, 3. - - - 7— 1~. Pf. CXXXV. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1 — 10. v. 4, 5> 6 > 7- " " " — 3°. v. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 31 — 50. v. 13, 14, i S , 16, l 5I _ 72 . 17, 18. 3 ^ v. 19, 20, 21. - - 73 — ° Zt Pf. CXXXVI. The Number of each Stanza, in the Paraphrafe of this Pfalm, anfwers relpectively to that of each Verfe, Pf. CXXXVII. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1 — 1*. v. 4, 5> 6 « " - '3 — "■ v. 7. - - - - 23 — 2^. v. S, 9. - - • 29—36. Pf. CXXXVIII. v.i, 2, 3. - - X — **! v.4,5>6. - " " I 3-"« v. 7, 8. - - - 23 — 30. Pf. CXXXIX. A TABLE of REFERENCES. Bible Tranjl. Parapbr, Bible Tranfl. Parapbr, pr. cxxxix Pf. CXLV. v. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. - 1 — 14. v. 1, 2. - - - 1 — 6. v. 7, 8, 9, io, ii, 12. 15—34. v. 3> 4, 5> 6, 7, 8, 9. 7 — 28. ▼• ih H. IS. l6 - 35 — 56. v. 10, 11, 12, 13. 29—40. v. 17, iS. - - - 57—64. (See the Septuagint, at Vor. ij.) v. 19, 20, 21, 22. 65—74. v. 14, 15, 16, 17. - 41 — 50. y. 23, 24. - - - 75-80. V. l8, 19,20, 21. - 51 — 64. Pf. CXL. Pf. CXLVI. v. 1, 2, 3. 1 — 6. v. 1, 2, 3, 4. - - 1 — 12. v. 4, 5. 6, 7. - - 7 — 20. v. 5, 6, 7 , 8. - - 13 — 30. v. 8, 9, 10, 11. - 21 — 33. v. 9, 10. - - - 31—40. v. 12,13. - - - 39 — 46. Pf. CXLVII . Pf. CXLI. y. 1, 2, 3, 4. - - 1 — 12. v. 1, 2. - - - 1 — 8. v « 5. 6 > 7, 8 > 9- - 13—30. v. 3, 4. - - - 9 — 16. v. 10, II. - - - 31 — 35. v. 5, 6. - - - 17 — 30. V. 12, 13,14, 15. - 39 — 4S. v. 7, 8, 9, 10. 3 1 — 44- v. 16, 17, 18. - - 49 — 6o. V. 19, 2C. - - - 61 — -0, pr. cxlii. 1 — 8. Pf. CXLVIIJ [. v. 1,2*3- " " " v. 4. 5. 6, 7. - - 9 — 30. V. T, 2, 3, 4. - - v. 5, 6. - - - 1— 14. 15 — 20. Pf. CXLI II v. 7, 8, 9. 21 — 30. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1 — 12. v. 10, 11, 12, 13. 31—44. v. 4, 5> 6, 7. - - 13 — 26. v. 14. - - - - 45 — s°- v. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 27—46. Pf. CXLIX. v. 1, 2, 3. - - 1 — 14. 15 2 1. Pf. CXLIV. v. 4, 5. - - - v. 1, 2. - - - 1 — 10. 11 — 16. v. 6, 7, 8, 9. - - 25 — 36. v. 3, 4. - - - v. 5, 6, 7, 8. - - 17 — 28. Pf. CL. v. 9, 10, II. - - 29-38. v. 1, 2, 3, 4. - - I 12. v. 12, 13, 14, 15. - 39 — 60. v. 5, 6. - - - 13 — 18. ERRATA. Pfalm VII. Line XI. read Nor let my* Pf. XXII. 1. 17. rt&divijb'dfcr. W. XXX. 1. 21. read obtruflve, Pf. LXIX. I.27. read Dcmeftic. P(. LXXVIII. I. 203. read Dive/lings. Pf. LXXXIX. 1. 51. read thine Arm* Tf. XCIX. Stanza 5. dele the Comma after Aarcn % Pf. CVIII. 1. 30. infert a Comma after and, Pf, CXLII, I. 8. read inpimu Publijhed by the fame Author ', i. *TPHE Deftruftion of Troy, tranflated JL from the Greek of Tryphiodorus into Englijb Verfe, with Notes. To which is added the Greek Original corrected and enlarged from, a Manufcript: With Frifcbltnus's Tranflation in Latin Verfe, and Notes, partly fele&ed from other Comments, and partly cpmpofed by the Editor, 8vo. 1742. 2. A Differtation on Proverbs, Chap. IX. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Containing occafional Remarks on other Paflages in Sacred and Profane Writers. 4to. 1744. Price is. 3. Poems on Sacred Subjects. 4to. Price is. 4. A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Joseph Warton, chiefly relating to the Compoiition of Greek Indexes, and the Ad- vantage to be received from it in learning the Greek Lan- guage. Price id. 5. Annotations, Critical and Grammatical, on St. John, Chap. I. Ver. 1 — 14* Being Part of a Work, par^ ticularly deiigned for the Ufe of Young Perfons, as an In- troduction to the Study of the Greek Tejla?nent. To which is prefixed A Preliminary Difcourfe, exhibiting an eafy Me- thod of ftudying the Greek Language. Price 6d. 6. Prayers for a Time of Earthquakes and violent Floods i Suited to the various Occafions and Circumftances of Perfons who are apprehenfive of fuch Calamities, or have already felt the Effects of them. Price id. or 7/. a Hundred. 7. An Encouragement to a Good Life : Particularly ad- dreffed to fome Soldiers quartered in Reading, Berks, 1759. Price 3^. a Dozen, or 2/. a Hundred. 8. A Morning Prayer and an Evening Prayer. Price Eight for id. or is. a Hundred. on: do Aavaan hptr % r if. i ■ m mm