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The author of the present work very freely acknowledges his incapacity to improve upon the sweet singers of Israel : but being requested by several of his friends, he has attempted to place a por- tion of the Psalms and other parts of Scripture in plain and unpretending verse. He is aware that many imperfections will appear to the critical eye, but his design has been to do good among well-disposed people, and he most earnestly wishes hig work may prove a useful and pleasant companion to the Christian. It is with great reluctance he appears before the public, and his present situation alone induces the measure. Therefore he so- licits the good will and patronage of his friends, and the community in general. J. RUSLING. Philadelphia, March 4, 1838. 5 ^ »R£C. M, CONTENTS Page Psalm 1 9 2. 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 15 7 16 8. 18 9. 19 11 21 12 22 13 23 14 24 15 25 16 26 17 27 19 29 20 31 21 32 23 33 24 34 25. 35 26. 38 27 39 28 41 29. 43 30 44 31. 45 32 48 33 50 34 52 Page Psalm 35. . . . 54 37. 57 38. 61 39. 64 40 65 42 68 43. 70 46. 71 47. 73 48. 74 51. ........ 75 54. 77 55. 78 61 81 62 82 65. 84 66. 86 67. 88 70 89 73 90 80 92 84. 94 85 96 86 97 88 98 90. 109 91 102 95 104 96 105 98 106 100. 108 (7) Vlll CONTENTS. Page Psalm 102 108 103 Ill 105 113 106 117 107 122 110 129 111 123 112. 127 113 130 115 131 116 132 120 134 121 135 122 136 124 137 125 138 126 139 128 139 129. 140 130 141 132 142 133 144 135 144 136 146 137 148 • - 194 ■ • 196 • - 197 • - 199 - - 205 Hymn ....... 206 Marriage of Cana in Galilee 209 Breaking of five Loaves and two Fishes - • ... 210 Bethesda-'s Pool .... 211 The Woman of Samaria • 216 The Disciples on the Sea - 219 The Legion 220 Page Psalm 138 149 139 150 341 153 142 154 143 155 144 157 145 159 146 161 147 162 148 164 149 165 150. 166 Isaiah, chapter 11. . 169 25.. 170 35.. 172 40.. 174 52. . 176 53. . 178 54.. 181 55.. 183 „ 58.. 187 60.. 190 61.. 191 62.. 102 The Transfiguration" - - 222 The Wedding Supper • . 224 The Prodigal 227 Resurrection of Lazarus - 230 The Ten Virgins - - - - 234 The Servants 235 Soliloquy to the Soul - - 237 Earthly Bliss not compared to Heaven 239 On Death 240 Spiritual Visitations - - - 243 Bible Christianity - ■ • 243 &PERTY Of MAR 1B82 PSALMS OF DAVID. Happy the man who shuns with care The counsel evil men prepare ; Nor stands where sinners love to meet, Nor sits within the scorner's seat ; The law of God is his delight, And meditation day and night. He like a fruitful tree shall grow, Where streams of living waters flow ; His boughs luxuriantly shall bear Their fruit in season, year by year; No withering change his leaf displays, And God doth prosper all his ways. The wicked are, compared to these. Like chaff that 's driven by the breeze ; They shall not stand in judgment, where The assemblies of the righteous are. The good man's way the Lord doth know, The way of sinners leads to woe. 9 10 PSALMS OF DAVID. SECOND PSALM. Why do the heathen rage, And meditate vain things ? And wicked men engage With rulers and their kings; And counsel take in thought and word, Against the anointed and his Lord ? And these are heard to say, " Come, let us break their bands, And cast their cords away, Nor wear them on our hands." The Lord, who sitteth in the skies, Will all their vile attempts despise Then God to them will speak, And all his wrath disclose ; And in displeasure break, And sorely vex his foes : But Zion's holy hill may sing, For there the Lord will seafhis king. The great and Holy One Hath made a firm decree ; And said, " Thou art my son, Begotten now by me : Ask, and the heathen I will give, And all earth's bounds thou shall receive.' PSALMS OF DAVID. 11 But when the eternal God Shall his great power display, Then with an iron rod He sweeps his foes away: Like as a potter's vessel, thou Shalt dash to pieces every foe. Judges and kings, be wise, And serve the Lord with fear ; And ere his anger rise, Your praise with trembling bear : Kiss ye the well beloved Son, Be blest, and trust in him alone. THIRD PSALM. Lord, how are they increased abroad; (My troubles like the billows roll,) Who say there is no help in God, And thus perplex my troubled soul. But thou art, Lord, my strength and shield, My glory and supporter still ; I cried, thy love thou didst reveal, And heard me from thy holy hill. I laid me down, and slept, and rose, Sustain'd and kept by thy control; Nor will I fear ten thousand foes, That set themselves against my soul. 12 PSALMS OF DAVID. Arise, O Lord, my succour be, Smite all who do my soul oppress ; Salvation, Lord, belongs to thee, And thou wilt all thy people bless. FOURTH PSALM. Hear me, O God of righteousness, Thou hast enlarged me in distress ; Have mercy, and regard my prayer, And all my supplications hear. How long will wicked men disclaim, And turn my glory into shame ? How long will they love vanity, And, seeking lies, deluded be ? God for himself hath set apart The man of godly life and heart ; And he whose love is free for all, Will kindly hear me when I call. Stand ye in awe ! be pure from sin, Commune with your own heart within Be still, and perfect peace possess, The calm serene of holiness. PSALMS OF DAVID. 13 Your offerings bring, your Maker bless, With sacrifice of righteousness ; And put your trust in God alone, Whose word is changeless as his throne. How many have reviling stood, Saying, " Who now can show us good ?" Oh rise, thou brightest Orb of day, Thy noontide countenance display. With gladness, Lord, inspire my heart, Far more than corn and wine impart ; My eyes in peaceful slumbers close, And give me safe and calm repose. FIFTH PSALM. O Lord, unto my words give ear, And with my meditations bear ; My King, my God, that rules on high, O hearken to my feeble cry. Soon as the morning shall appear, My voice shall rise to thee in prayer ; In sin no pleasure thou can'st see, Neither shall evil dwell with thee. The foolish stand not in thy sight, Nor are the wicked thy delight ; Those thou wilt slay who seek for lies, The false and bloody man despise. 14 PSALMS OF DAVID. But I will in thy courts attend, And in thy holy temple bend ; Thy mercies shall conduct me there, To worship in thy sacred fear. Lead me, O Lord, in righteousness, And all my enemies suppress ; Make straight my way before my face Illume it from the throne of grace. No faithfulness can there be found Where men of wickedness abound ; Their inward parts corrupt become, Their throat is like an open tomb. Those who on God refuse to call, Let them by their own counsels fall ; Cast them 'midst their iniquity, For they are rebels, Lord, to thee. Let all who trust in God rejoice, And praise thee with a cheerful voice ; For thou shalt be their strong defence, Their succour and their recompense. Let them who also love thy name, Be joyful with an heavenly flame ; In favours may they all abound, 'Compass'd as with a shield around. PSALMS OF DAVID. - 15 SIXTH PSALM. Rebuke me not in anger, Lord, Nor in displeasure use thy rod ; For I am weak in thought and word, In mercy heal me, O my God ! My soul is sorely vex'd within, Return, O Lord, my bondage break ; Deliver thou my soul from sin, save me for thy mercies' sake. Is there remembrance, Lord, of thee In death, or thanks beneath the ground ? There dust, and only dust, are we, 'Midst deep unbroken silence round. Weary with groanings now I lie, 1 wet my bed and couch with tears ; While age and grief consume mine eye, Mine enemies prolong my fears. Bid evil workers all depart, My weeping voice in mercy hear ; Regard my supplicating heart, And O, wilt thou receive my prayer? Clothe all mine enemies with shame, The pains of sore repentance give ; Let them return, and in thy name, Immediate humbleness receive. 16 PSALMS OF DAVID. SEVENTH PSALM. O Lord, I put my trust in thee, From persecutors set me free ; Lest as a lion they shall tear, When no deliverer shall appear. Ix>rd, if indeed I have done this, And secret crime with me there is ; If I rewarded him unkind, Who show'd to me a peaceful mind :— Then let their wrath like billows roll, And let them persecute my soul, And tread me down as one unjust, And lay mine honour in the dust Arise, O Lord, indignant rise, Subdue my raging enemies ; Awake thy judgment, Lord, for me, As thou commanded, let it be. So shall the people compass thee. And congregate thy grace to see ; Then for their sakes return on high, Ascend thy throne above the sky. Judge thou all people, Lord, and bless According to thy righteousness ; Prostrate all crimes beneath the dust, But 'stablish firmly all the just. PSALMS OF DAVID. 17 The righteous God, who truth maintains, Will try and prove our hearts and reins; The Lord himself is my defence, My great reward and recompense. The upright both in heart and life, The Lord will save from sin and strife; Will judge the righteous, and display To sin, his anger every day. If sinners turn not at his word, He '11 bend his bow, and whet his sword ; His instruments of death prepare, And no one persecutor spare. He that increaseth in his sin, And mischief hath conceived within, And brought forth falsehood and its train, Shall sink, no more to rise again. A gloomy pit he did prepare, And fell himself a victim there ; His mischief and raisgotten spoil, Shall all upon himself recoil. I'll praise the Lord, his name I '11 bless, According to his righteousness: His holy name, the Lord Most High, Shall fill with praise the earth and sky. 2 IS PSALMS OF DAVID, EIGHTH PSALM. O Lord, how excellent thy name, To all the earth its grace is given ; Thy glory, as a radiant flame, Extends its beams o'er earth and heaven. Thou hast ordain'd that strength and praise Shall tender babes and sucklings bring ; And 'midst avenging foes shall raise Eternal honours to their King. Lord, when I view the heavens above, Those mighty orbs and works of thine ; The moon and stars which circling move, 'Midst systems that revolving shine ; Ah ! what is man, that thou, O God, Should 'st mindful of his pleasures be ? The son of man, whose mean abode Is visited and loved by thee. Than angels made a little less, Thy noble creature man is found j And robed in heavenly righteousness, With high and glorious honours crown 'd He doth supreme dominion sway, O'er all in ocean, air, and land ; And underneath his feet do lay AH things awaiting his command.- PSALMS OF DAVID. 19 How excellent in all earth's bounds And glorious is thy holy name ! Thy praise, in everlasting rounds, Shall all in earth and heaven proclaim. NINTH PSALM. t 'll praise the Lord with heart and voice, And all thy marvellous works proclaim, O, thou Most High ! I will rejoice, I will be glad, and praise thy name. When all mine enemies take flight, They perish, Lord, before thy face ; Thou hast maintain'd my cause and right. Seated upon thy throne of grace. Thou hast rebuked the heathen world, For ever blotted out their name ; Destruction o'er their cities hurl'd, On their memorial, and their fame. The Lord unchangeable remains ; For judgment has prepared his throne ? The world he judges, and sustains The upright people as his own. 20 PSALMS OF DAVID. The Lord he will a refuge be, For all the oppress'd, in times of woe ; And those alone that trust in thee, Who shall thy name regard and know. Eternal praises to the Lord Let all who dwell in Zion bring ; Declare his doings all abroad, His works among the people sing. When God shall make his judgments known, He will respect the humblest cry ; And let thy mercy, Lord, be shown To those who in death's passage lie. That I may show forth all thy praise, In Zion's gates, with cheerful voice, Assist me, Lord, my songs to raise, In thy salvation to rejoicei The heathens, deep in pits sunk down, Are bound in nets themselves have made ; By holy judgments God is known, In their own snares are sinners laid. The wicked down to hell are cast, With nations that forget the Lord ; The poor, forgotten, are not past, Whose expectation is thy word. PSALMS OF DAVID. 21 Lest men prevail, O Lord, arise, And judge the heathen in thy sight; Put them in fear who thee despise, May nations know themselves aright. ELEVENTH PSALM. Lord, I will put my trust in thee, Though as a bird they bid me flee, Into the mountain's height : For lo ! the wicked bend their bow, Their arrows ready make to throw, To shoot at the upright.. If the foundations are destroy'd, Where heaven's vast wonders are employ'd, What can the righteous do ? The Lord doth yet his temple fill, His throne is in the heavens still, And all his ways are true. The righteous he in goodness tries, But wickedness he doth despise ; On sin his wrath shall pour : Brimstone shall be, with snares and fire, In horrid tempests full of ire, Its portion evermore. 22 PSALMS OF DAVID. The Lord he doth the righteous love, And from the eternal courts above His grace is freely given : With countenance of beaming light, He views with pleasure the upright, And guides them into heaven. TWELFTH PSALM. Help, Lord, for lo ! the godly cease, The faithful fail all tribes among ; They that speak vanity increase The double heart and flattering tongue. The Lord shall cut those lips away, The proudly-speaking tongues shall fail- From those who do so vainly say, " With our own tongues we will prevail. Now, saith the Lord, I will arise, To aid the needy and oppress'd ; From those who wantonly despise, In safety he will give them rest. Thy words, O Lord, are very pure, As metal in the furnace tried ; The strongest ordeal they endure, As silver seven times purified PSALMS OF DAVID. Those thou shalt keep, who firm abide, Beneath thy kind preserving care ; Though sinners walk on every side,, And the most vile exalted are. THIRTEENTH PSALM. How long wilt thou forget me, Lord, How long thy presence hide from me; How long shall I consult thy word, And yet my foes exalted be ? Consider me, O Lord, and hear, Lighten mine eyes, that I may see ; Ere the dread sleep of death appear, My last and fatal enemy. Let not mine enemies prevail, Nor those that trouble me, rejoice? If I am moved, they will assail My soul with wanton, railing voice. Thy mercy, Lord, my trust has been, My heart shall yet rejoice in thee ; Thy great salvation I have seen, For thou hast kindly dealt with me. 24 PSALMS OF DAVID. FOURTEENTH PSALM. The foolish in their hearts have said, 44 There is no all-creating God ;" And these have by corruption made The earth itself a vile abode. The Lord look'd down from heaven above, To see if any sought his face ; If they did understand and love His works, his goodness, and his grace. But lo ! aside they all have gone, And altogether full of sin ; There 's none that doeth good, not one, But all is filthiness within. Have those who, in such base employ, True knowledge of the Deity ? Who do thy righteous ones destroy, And never call, O Lord, on thee ? Their souls abound with mighty fear, When God the righteous doth regard ; No counsel with the poor they share, Because the Lord is their reward. From Zion may salvation come, Restore thy saints' captivity ; Let Jacob happier songs resume, And Israel shout triumphantly. PSALMS OF DAVID. 25 FIFTEENTH PSALM. Who, Lord, shall in thy courts abide, There to behold thy face ? Or in thy holy hill reside, That pure and happy place. He that uprightly walks and lives, And worketh righteousness, And in a faithful heart conceives The truth his lips express. Who doth not backbite with his tongue, Nor evil seeks to find ; Nor taketh up reproach, to wrong Or pain his neighbour's mind. All wickedness he doth disdain, In action, thought, and word ; But those his honours best obtain Who fear and love the Lord. Whate'er he promises, his word Unchangeable shall be ; Whatever means it may afford To his own injury. His wealth he never does regard With usur'ous intent; Nor will he take the least reward Against the innocent. 26 PSALMS OP DAVID. Who that in these things does abound, He never shall be moved ; But in the heavens he shall be crown'd, By God himself approved. SIXTEENTH PSALM. O God, my soul shall trust in thee, Do thou my great preserver be — Thou art my Lord and might : My goodness, though of small extent, Is yet toward the excellent, Thy saints are my delight. Their sorrows shall be multiplied, Who do in other gods confide, I will not speak their name : The Lord is my inheritance, My portion and my maintenance, My cup and only claim. My lines have fallen well to me, A goodly heritage 1 see ; A land with plenty spread : For all thy counsel thee I bless, My reins instruct in righteousness, While slumbering on my bed. PSALMS OF DAVID. 27 Before my face the Lord shall stand, Because he is at my right hand ; I never shall be moved : My heart is glad, my glorying blest, In hope my flesh shall also rest, By God himself beloved. Thy Holy One shall never die, Nor shall he in corruption lie, Death shall its Lord restore : Thou wilt the path to glory show, Thy presence and its bliss bestow, With pleasures evermore. SEVENTEENTH PSALM. Hear thou the right, O gracious Lord, Unto my feeble prayer give ear ; Nor let one feign'd, unguarded word, Upon my tongue or lips appear ; Let every sentence come from thee, That all things equal thou may'st see. Thou, Lord, didst prove and try my heart, And paid me visits of the night ; And found within my mouth no part But purposes of acting right : Concerning all the works abroad, I have been kept by thee, O Lord. 28 PSALMS OF DAVID. Do thou preserve my goings still, Nor let ray footsteps slide away; To me incline thine ear, and will, And power, and truth, whene'er I pray : Thy marvellous loving-kindness show, And save me, Lord, and save me now! Kept as the apple of thine eye, Hide me beneath thy shadowing wing; Bid all my deadly foes to fly, Their wicked schemes to nothing bring ; And when my steps they compass round, In thee let my defence be found. In their own fat they are enclosed, Their mouths do speak both proud and vile, And wickedly they are disposed To compass all our steps with guile ; Like as the greedy lions slay, They make our souls a wanton prey. Arise, to disappoint him, Lord, My soul's deliverer now appear, From wicked men, who are thy sword, Who only have their portion here ; Men of the world, who hold full shares, And leave the rest unto their heirs. PSALMS OF DAVID. 29 But as for me, thy name I bless, And shall behold thy glorious face ; I shall be clothed in righteousness, And satisfied with all thy grace ; When I awake with power divine, I shall in thy blest likeness shine. NINETEENTH PSALM. The heavens, O Lord, thy glories teach, And all the firmament thy might ; And day to day proclaims a speech, And knowledge is obtain'd from night There is no speech, nor language, where Their voice is not distinctly heard ; In all the earth their lines appear, O'er all the world extends their word. He form'd a tabernacle high, In which he gave the sun his place, Who 's like a bridegroom in the sky, Or a strong man to run his race. Through heaven his going forth is known, His circuit is the vaulted sky ; His heat upon the earth is thrown, Its hills and vales to beautify. 30 PSALMS OF DAVID. Thy holy law is perfect, Lord, The inmost soul it doth reclaim ; And by thy pure unerring word, The simple also know thy name. The statutes of the Lord are right, Transporting our glad hearts on high ; His pure commands, with heavenly light, Do brighten and illume the eye. Thy fear, O Lord, is ever clean, To endless years it shall endure ; Thy righteous judgments true are seen, And altogether are mature. More than fine gold these things I crave, They share my best and high regard ; Than honeycombs I 'd rather have Their warnings and their great reward. His errors, who can estimate ? Cleanse thou my secret faults away ; Keep me from a presumptuous state, And sin's entire dominion slay. Then shall I be preserved upright, And innocent and guiltless be ,■ From all transgressions in thy sight I shall be kept entirely free. PSALMS OF DAVID. 31 0, let the words I now indite, And meditations I record, Be each accepted in thy sight, 0, my Redeemer, strength, and Lord. TWENTIETH PSALM. The Lord will hear thee in that day, Thy troubles far remove away ; His name thy strong defence shall be, And from Mount Zion strengthen thee* Thine offerings he will all regard, Thy sacrifices each reward ; Grant thee according to thy will, Thy counsels graciously fulfil. , Thou shalt his great salvation praise, And in his name his banners raise ; The Lord shall all thy prayers fulfil, And save our well anointed still. He will, from heaven his dwelling-place, Bestow his saving strength and grace ; Some in their chariots may confide, We in the name of God abide. 32 PSALMS OF DAVID. They are brought down a fallen band, But risen we do upright stand ; Save us when at thy throne we fall, And let the King regard our call. TWENTY-FIRST PSALM. The King to thee shall lift his voice, In thy salvation shall rejoice ; His heart's desire he hath obtain'd, And all that he requested, gain'd. Blessings of goodness did abound, With purest gold his head was crown'd ; He ask'd that thou woutd'st life restore, And thou conferr'd it evermore. For him is thy salvation made, Thy majesty on him is laid ; Forever blest his soul shall be, And made exceeding glad in thee. The king shall on the Lord rely, And stand unmov'd through the Most High; Thy hand all hostile foes shall find, Whate'er their strength and how combin'd. PSALMS OF DAVID. 33 Like as an oven's burning fire, Thou shalt consume them in thine ire : Nor leave a seed of all their race, In all the earth a dwelling place. As they did ill to thee intend, And could not well secure their end, Thou turn'd them back to their disgrace, And spread thine arrows on their face. Be thou exalted, O our Lord, In thine own strength fulfil thy word ; So will we sing and praise thy power, Thy goodness and thy name adore. TWENTY-THIRD PSALM. The Lord my shepherd feeds me, What more can I desire ? Beside the streams he leads me; Where all his flocks retire: His goodness will restore me To paths of righteousness-;. And he will go before me, And all my blessings bless. That vale, of all most dreary,. Death's shade, I shall not ffear;; Nbr shall my heart grow weary;. With thou, my shepherd', neac 34 PSALMS OF DAVID. Thou hast prepared my table, My bitterest foes among; And thou alone art able Those blessings to prolong. My head thou hast anointed, My cup it runneth o'er ; For me thou hast appointed A vast exhaustless store. Goodness and mercy never Shall leave me all my days ; And in God's house, forever, I will adore his grace. TWENTY-FOURTH PSALM. The earth it is the Lord's, The fulness it doth bear; And all the world affords, With those residing there ; He spake, and on the seas it stood, Establish 'd firmly on the flood. Who shall thy hill ascend, And stand before thy throne ? And in thy temple bend, And praise the Holy One ? Whose hands and heart are clean and pure, Whose soul is kept from vice secure. PSALMS OF DAVID. 35 He shall the blessing gain From heaven, that high abode ; Salvation shall obtain, And righteousness from God ; This generation God will place With those who love his church and grace. Lift up your heads, ye gates, Ye mighty doors, give way ; The King of glory waits, His grandeur to display : Who is this King of glory nigh, The strong in battle, the Most High ? Lift up your heads, ye gates, Your portals open wide ; The King of glory waits, He comes with you t' abide ; He is our sovereign King alone, Whose glory fills th' eternal throne. TWENTY-FIFTH PSALM. To thee, O Lord, I lift my soul, And also trust in thee ; O, let not shame my heart control, Nor triumph over me. 36 PSALMS OF DAVID. Let none that wait on thee, O Lord, Shame or dejection know ; But such as violate thy word, Let shame their hearts o'erflow. Teach me thy paths and holy way, Thy great salvation prove 5 I wait upon thee all the day, To obtain thy mighty love. Thy tender mercies, Lord, unfold, Thy loving-kindness shew ; For they have ever been of old, Which all the fathers knew. Remember not my youthful sin, Nor ways I then did take; In mercy make me clean within, For thine own goodness' sake. The Lord is good, and upright too, To souls that are astray ; His judgment to the meek will show, And guide them his own way. The blissful paths of truth reveal To such as keep thy word ; Nor pardon from my soul conceal, For thy name's sake, O Lord. PSALMS OF DAVID. 37 He who doth strive the Lord to fear, His way shall be made plain ; Ease in his dwelling shall appear, Earth shall his seed sustain. The secret of the Lord is known To such as fear his name ; To those his covenant is shown, Who do his truth sustain. My eyes are ever up to thee, Preserve my wayward feet ; Have mercy, Lord, and turn to me, My great afflictions meet. My heart-felt troubles do enlarge, Bring me from my distress ; Look on my pain, my sins discharge, For thine own righteousness. Consider, Lord, my numerous foes, Their cruel hatred see ; O, keep my soul, my heart compose, For I will trust in thee. May sound uprightness keep me, Lord, For I do wait on thee ; Redemption to thy saints afford, From trouble set them free. PSALMS OF DAVID. TWENTY-SIXTH PSALM. Judge me in thought and word, In my integrity ; My trust is in the Lord, Nor would I slide from thee ; A strict inquiry, Lord, impart, And try and prove my reins and heart The kindness of thy love Appears before mine eyes ; In paths of truth I move, And wickedness despise ; I sit not with the vain and low, Nor do I with dissemblers go. Now will I wash my hands, In pure innocency; While at thine altar stands My sacrifice to thee. That I may raise my thankful voice, And in thy wondrous works rejoice. I love the house of God, Thy habitation fair; The place of thine abode, The honours dwelling there. But gather not my soul with those Whose hands their bloody deeds disclose. PSALMS OF DAVID, 39 Mischief is in their hand, And right hand bribery ; But I will firmly stand, In mine integrity: My foot on even ground shall be, And with thy saints I '11 worship thee. TWENTY-SEVENTH PSALM. The Lord he is my light, Whom therefore shall I fear ? My strength and my delight, And my salvation near : And though mine enemies drew nigh, They stumbled, and did prostrate lie. Though hosts encamp around, My heart is not afraid ; Though dreadful wars abound, On God my soul is stay'd : And this my confidence shall be, That God takes special care of me. One thing have I desired, Grant it, O Lord, to me ; That I may dwell retired, Amidst thy courts, with thee : The beauty of the Lord t' admire, And in his temple to inquire. PSALMS OF DAVID. In thy pavilion, Lord, My soul in trouble hide; Some secret place afford, Where I can safe abide : Let me within thy house retreat, And set upon the rock my feet The Lord my head shall raise Above my foes around ; And sacrifice and praise Shall in thy courts abound : Yea, I will sing in sweet accord, And offer praises to thee, Lord. And when to thee I cry, In tender mercy hear ; And graciously reply, And answer all my prayer : Assist my heart to seek thy face, With constant persevering grace. Hide not thy face from me, Nor cast my soul away ; But thou my helper be, Nor leave me, Lord, to stray; And should my parents' love decline, Thou wilt receive me, Lord, as thine. PSALMS OF DAVID. 41 Teach me thy way, O Lord, And make my pathway plain ; From all my foes abroad, Deliver me again : False witnesses around I see, And such as breathe out cruelty. My soul had prostrate been, Unless I had believed, — And all thy goodness seen, And with thy people lived : Wait on the Lord, courageous be, And God himself will strengthen thee. TWENTY-EIGHTH PSALM. O, Lord, I lift my cry to thee, My rock whom I adore ; Lest whilst thou, Lord, should'st silent be, I sink to rise no more. To thee alone I would draw nigh, To thee I lift my hand ; To thee, mine oracle, I fly, Waiting thy high command. PSALMS OF DAVID. With sinners draw me not away, Who work iniquity ; Who peace unto their neighbours say, Yet to all mischief free. Give them their due in all demands, Through means which they exert ; Give them the work of their own hands, A true and full desert. Because they did not thee regard, Or own'd thy work, O Lord ; Destruction shall be their reward, And no relief afford. All homage to the Lord I yield, Because he heard my voice ; Thou art my strength, and thou my shield, In thee I will rejoice. My heart shall trust in thee alone, With sacred songs of praise ; My saving strength, my Holy One, Will his anointed raise. Thy people save with strong defence, And feed them from thy store ; ' And bless thine own inheritance, And keep them evermore. PSALMS OF DAVID. 43 TWENTY-NINTH PSALM. Give to the Lord, his praise proclaim, Give glory, strength, and righteousness ; Give him the glory due his name, The beauty of his holiness. His voice upon the waters lie, The Lord he thund'reth far above ; On all the seas beneath the sky, His all-pervading power doth move. His voice is full of mighty power, The Lord himself is majesty; Before him forests are no more, E'en Lebanon itself must flee. His voice the mountains do inspire, And like the youthful calves rebound ; The Lord divides the flames of fire, And shakes the wilderness around. He form'd the beasts of every kind, And stretch'd the densely shaded woods ; His glory in his courts we find, While he is seated on the flood. He is our King forevermore, His strength shall never, never cease ; And those who do his name adore, His people, he will bless with peace. 44 PSALMS OF DAVID. THIRTIETH PSALM. I will extol thee, O my Lord, I am exalted by thy word ; Thou didst not let my foes rejoice, Or triumph o'er me with their voice. Lord, my God, T cried to thee, Thou hast in mercy healed me ; My soul didst from the grave revive, For thou hast kept me still alive. Sing to the Lord, give thanks and bless, In memory of his holiness ; His anger soon was turn'd away, And only made a moment's stay. Surrounded by a world of strife, His favour is eternal life ; Weeping may for a night endure, The rising morn our joys insure. 1 said in my prosperity, I never shall removed be ; Thy favour, Lord, thou didst prolong, Thy power hath made my mountain strong. The Lord his face from me did hide, Then troubles rose, a fearful tide ; I cried to thee, O Lord, my God, And supplicated thy abode. PSALMS OF DAVID. 45 What profit is there in my death, When I go down the grave beneath ? Shall mouldering dust thy praise prepare, Shall earth thy sacred truth declare ? Hear, and have mercy, Lord, on me, And thou alone my helper be ; My mourning habits change, and bless And gird me with thy righteousness. And then in cheerful praise to thee, My glory shall not silent be ; My Lord, my God, whom I adore, All praise be thine forevermore. THIRTY-FIRST PSALM. O Lord, 1 put my trust in thee, O let me not ashamed be; Deliver me in righteousness, And bow thine ear my soul to bless. Be thou my rock, (thy strength I crave,) The house of my defence to save; Thou my protecting fortress make, And guide me for thine own name's sake. 46 PSALMS OF DAVID. O, pull me from the net now laid, And which in private has been made ; Thou art my strength, my foes control, To fhee do I commit my soul. Thou hast, O Lord, redeemed me From every lying vanity ; I will be glad, and lift my voice, And in thy mercy, Lord, rejoice. In trouble thou considered me, And knew me in adversity ; Thou shalt not shut me up with those Who are my strong inveterate foes. In a large room thou set my feet, From whence, O may I ne'er retreat ; Have mercy, O my Lord, on me, From grief and trouble set me free. Mine eye and life consume with grief, From sighing I have no relief; My strength does fail because of sin, My bon^s are all consumed within. I am unto my friends a fear, My neighbours flee when I appear ; I am as dead beneath the ground, Or like a broken vessel found. PSALMS OF DAVID. 47 Slander I hear extending wide, And fear approaches every side ; My foes, like a distemper rife, Take counsel to destroy my life. But I will trust in thee, O Lord, Thou art my God, thy grace afford ; My times are in thy hand, and thou Wilt all my enemies o'erthrow. O, make on me thy face to shine, Save me, for mercy, Lord, is thine ; And let me not ashamed be, For I have called, Lord, on thee. But let the wicked shame obtain, And silent in the grave remain ; Let lying lips confounded be, Who speak of saints contemptuously. How great indeed thy goodness, Lord ! Laid up for them that fear thy word ; And wrought for those that trust thy grace, Before the sons of Adam's race. These thou shalt in thy presence hide, In secret from the sons of pride ; A place for them near thee belongs, Securely from the strife of tongues. 48 PSALMS OF DAVID. All blessing, Lord, I give to thee, For all thy marvellous works to me ; I said, " I am cut off in haste, I am before thine eyes laid waste." Yet thou hast heard my voice in prayer, Didst with my supplications bear : Let saints present their warmest love, To him who rules the worlds above. The Lord shall faithful souls regard, And give the proud their full reward ; Good courage take, your strength maintain, And you shall never hope in vain. THIRTY-SECOND PSALM, How greatly bless'd is he Whose sins are all forgiven ; The man who feels iniquity, Imputed not by heaven. Happy indeed that mind, In which there is no guile ; The guiltless soul, by grace refined* With heaven's approving smile. PSALMS OF DAVID. 49 When silence I have kept, My bones have waxed old ; All the day long I cried and wept, While sin's huge surges roll'd. No cheering streamlets run, My sufferings to allay ; Before the summer's parching sun, My moisture dried away. Lord, 1 confess to thee, My sins 1 did not hide ; And thou in love fbrgavest me, Thine anger turn'd aside. For this the godly pray, In time thou may'st be found ; Though mighty floods of waters play, Nigh him no waves rebound. Thou art my hiding place, From troubles keep me free ; With songs of kind delivering grace Thou wilt encompass me. To me in goodness show The path that leads on high ; Teach me the way that I should go, And guide me with thine eye. 4 50 PSALMS OF DAVID. Not as the mule or horse, No understanding gain ; O guide me by a gentler force, An easy, pleasing rein. Sorrows to those abound Who disregard thy word ; But mercies compass him around, Whose trust is in the Lord. In God, ye saints, rejoice, Be this your loved employ ; Let all the upright lift their voice, And let them shout for joy. THIRTY-THIRD PSALM. Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice, For you how comely is his praise ! Sing both with instrument and voice, A new and holy anthem raise. His sacred word is pure and right, And all his works in truth are done j And righteousness is his delight, While judgment dwells around his throne. PSALMS OF DAVID. . 5i The earth is in its ample round Full of the goodness of the Lord ; The heavens, and all within them found, Were all created by his word. The waters of the boundless sea By him were gather 'd as a heap ; And as in store-house yet we see, The mighty billows of the deep. Let all the earth Jehovah fear, The world in awe before him stand ,• He spake, and all things did appear, And all stood fast at his command. The heathen that reject his word, Their counsel bringeth he to nought ; The people who despise the Lord, In vain are their devices wrought. The counsels of the Lord shall stand, Firm and unchangeably secure ; His thought, his purpose, and command, To generations shall endure. Blest are the nations whose defence, And God, is the eternal Lord ; His chosen, loved inheritance, The souls confiding in his word. 52 PSALMS OF DAVID. THIRTY-FOURTH PSALM. Lord, I will bless thy name, At all times sing thy praise ; Thou art my boast and claim, To thee my songs I '11 raise. The humble shall thy goodness, see, And magnify the Lord with me. I sought the Lord, and he Did save me from my fear : And others look'd to thee, And also lighten'd were. The poor man cried, and God did bow, And saved him from impending woe. Angels encamp around Those who do fear the Lord ; Their guardians they are found, And strong defence afford. The Lord is good, taste and see, And he is blest who trusts in thee. Ye saints, your Lord adore, Your wants he will supply ; Though the young lions roar, With lack and hunger cry. To those who love and seek the Lord, He will abundant grace afford. PSALMS OF DAVID. 53 Come hearken unto me, And I will teach his ways ; What man long life would see, And many happy days. His tongue must keep from all things vile, And hold his lips from speaking guile. All sin he must eschew, To every good attend ; Seek peace, and it pursue, And keep it to the end. On saints the Lord doth keep his eye, His ears are open to their cry. The Lord doth set his face Against where sin abounds ; Its memory to erase, Through all earth's ample rounds. Unto the Lord the righteous ciy, Who full deliverance will supply. The Lord is nigh to see The humble broken heart ; And saveth such as be Contrite in every part. Though numerous ills the saints befal, The Lord delivereth them from all. 54 PSALMS OF DAVID. He keepeth every bone In an unbroken state ; And evil works alone Make sinners desolate. But God his people will sustain, Nor shall they trust in him in vain. THIRTY-FIFTH PSALM. Plead thou my cause, O Lord, With them that strive with me ; My strong defence afford, My shield and buckler be : To quell my foes draw out thy spear, And let me find salvation near. Confounded let them be, And ever put to shame ; Let them confusion see, That seek to hurt my name : Let them like chaff on whirlwinds rise, Chased by the angel of the skies. Leave them to their own way, Both dark and slippery ; Who without cause did lay A hidden net for me : Let them be taken unawares, And catch themselves in their own snares. PSALMS OF DAVID. 55 My soul shall joyful be, In thy salvation, Lord; And who is like to thee, So powerful in word ? From all that spoil, and do oppress, In thee the poor shall find redress. False witnesses arise, With things I did not know ; False charges did devise, For good did evil show : But as for me, when sick they laid, My clothing was of sack-cloth made. For them I humbly moum'd, With fasting and with prayer ; But these on me return'd, From whence they did repair : Like as a friend I bow'd forlorn, As one who for his parents mourn. In my adversity, The abjects gather'd round ; And full of cruelty, They ceased not to wound ; With sullen dark hypocrisy, At feasts they gnash'd their teeth on me. 56 PSALMS OF DAVID. How long wilt thou look on, When wilt thou rescue me ? With thine own hand alone, From lions set me free ? To thee my song of thanks I '11 raise, And 'midst the assembly sing thy praise. Let their rejoicing cease, Who look with jealous eyes, Who speak not words of peace, But evil things devise : With open'd mouth they do declare, As we have seen, so all things are. All things to thee appear, Yet keep not silence thou ; In my behalf draw near, Give me deliverance now ; Stir up thyself, to judgment wake, My cause, O Lord, now undertake. Judge me in righteousness, Nor let my foes rejoice ; Nor in their hearts express, - 'Tis as it were our choice ;" Ah ! suffer not my foes to say, We would have swallow'd him straightway. PSALMS OF DAVID. 57 Let them to shame be brought, Who do rejoice o'er me ; Their honours bring to nought, Confounded let them be : But let them shout with strong applause, Who favour thy most righteous cause. Let them unite as one, And say continually, The Lord be praised alone, For my prosperity : All the day long my soul shall bless, And speak thy praise and righteousness. THIRTY-SEVENTH PSALM. Fret not thyself, nor envious be At those who work iniquity ; For soon they are cut down, and pass Like the green herb, or withering grass. Do good, and trust in the Most High, He will thy place and food supply ; Delight thyself in him, and he Thy heart's desire will give to thee. 58 PSALMS OF DAVID. Commit thy ways into his care, Trust him, and all his goodness share; Thy righteousness he will display, Thy judgment, as meridian day. Rest in the Lord, wait patiently, Nor fret at sin's prosperity ; Nor yet for man, who is like grass, Who bringeth wickedness to pass. Thine anger cease, thy wrath forsake, Of evil in no wise partake ; The wicked fall 'midst all their mirth, The righteous shall inherit earth. Ere long the wicked shall not be, His dwelling place no eye shall see ; The meek shall o'er the earth increase, Delighted with abundant peace. The wicked 'gainst the just conspire, Upon them gnash their teeth with ire ; The Lord derides their vain display, For he beholds their coming day. The wicked have drawn out the sword, And bent their bow with one accord ; The humble poor to cast away, And all the upright souls to slay. PSALMS OF DAVID. 59 I have been young, and now am old, Yet this firm truth I do unfold ; I have not seen, in years now fled, The righteous or his seed want bread. His mercy is in word and deed, And blessings rest upon his seed ; Depart from evil, and do well, And with the Lord forever dwell. The Lord regards his judgments still, His truth to saints he will fulfil : The Lord preserves them from on high, The wicked and their seed shall die. The righteous shall possess the land, And dwell therein at God's command ; His mouth with wisdom shall o'erflow, His tongue shall perfect judgment show. God's law within his breast doth hide, And none of all his steps shall slide ; The wicked watch both night and day, And seek the righteous souls to slay. He will not leave him in his hand, Nor suffer him condemn'd to stand ; Wait on the Lord, his ways approve, Then shalt thou rise to worlds above. 60 PSALMS OF DAVID. Their swords upon themselves rebound, Their bows are broken on the ground ; The little that the righteous hold, Is better than the miser's gold. The arms of wicked men shall break, The righteous, God will not forsake ; Their days are known, and without end Shall their inheritance extend. When evils everywhere abound, No shame on righteous souls is found ; In famine they are satisfied, And all their wants are well supplied. The wicked fall, and prostrate lay, Like smoke do they consume away ; They borrow ne'er to pay again, The righteous merciful remain. They, from the period of their birth, Are blest, and do inherit earth ; But wicked men are cursed below, And sink to everlasting woe. A good man's steps are order'd right, And in his ways God takes delight; Though he may fall, and prostrate lie, He is upheld by the Most High. PSALMS OF DAVID. 61 The wicked in great power may be, And spreading as the green bay-tree ; Yet he did pass beneath the ground, I sought, but he could not be found. The pure and upright here may cease, Yet is their end eternal peace ; Transgressors may a long time scoff But in the end they are cut off The great salvation of the Lord The righteous have as their reward ; He is their strength when troubles rise, And gives them succour from the skies. The Lord shall full deliverance give, And from the wicked will relieve ; And those that trust his name and power, He saves them now and evermore. THIRTY-EIGHTH PSALM. In wrath, O Lord, rebuke me not, Thine anger let it not wax hot, When thou dost chasten me : Thine arrows slick me o'er and o'er, Thy hand upon me presseth sore, And no relief I see. 62 PSALMS OF DAVID. No soundness in my flesh I feel, When thou thine anger dost reveal, My bones no rest obtain : O'er me my iniquities roll, A weight too heavy for my soul, O God, my soul sustain. My wounds are putrefied, and stink, Because of foolishness I sink, And troubles do abound : My soul goes mourning day by day, My loins with loathsomeness decay, My flesh is all unsound. Feeble I am, and broken sore, With great disquietness I roar, God is my whole desire : My groaning is not hid from thee, My heart and strength have failed me, Thy mercies I require. Far from mine eyes my light is gone, Lovers and friends leave me alone, My kinsmen stand far off: They that my life design to take, Do snares in secret places make, And over me do scoff PSALMS OF DAVID. 63 And they that seek to injure me, Do utter things mischievously, And ail deceit indulge ; But like one deaf, I did not hear, Or dumb, no speech did I prepare, And nothing did divulge. For in thee, O my Lord, I hope, And thou wilt hear, and lift me up, Lest foes o'er me rejoice ; My foot should they declining see, They magnify themselves o'er me, Against me lift their voice. For I am ready, Lord, to halt, I grieve and sorrow o'er my fault, And weep continually : I will to thee confess my wrong, Though foes are multiplied and strong, Who hate me wrongfully. And they my adversaries are For good, who evil do prepare, Because I good pursue ; Forsake me not, my God, be near, Make haste, and to my help appear, And thy salvation show. 64 PSALMS OF DAVID. THIRTY-NINTH PSALM. " I will take heed," (ray soul did say,) Nor shall a sin defile my tongue ; My mouth shall not a word betray, While wicked men about me throng. Silent I was, and held my peace, From good I even did refrain; My heart it did with heat increase, And when I mused it burnt again. Then spake T with my loosen'd tongue, Make me, O Lord, mine end to know ; The measure of my days, how long, And my exceeding frailty, show. Like as a hand-breadth are my days, Mine age is nothing, Lord, to thee; And man, amidst his best displays, Is altogether vanity. His walk is but an empty show, He is disquieted in vain ; He heapeth wealth, yet does not know Who shall his gather'd wealth obtain. And now what wait I for, O Lord ? My hope is centred all in thee ; Deliverance now from sin afford, Nor let the foolish censure me. PSALMS OF DAVID. 65 Silent I was, thou didst it, Lord, Thy stroke from me remove away ; When thou correction shall afford, Then does our beauty all decay. Like as a moth does he consume, And every man is vanity ; His native earth he shall resume, And number'd with the dust shall be. Hear thou my cry and humble prayer, Hold not thy peace, my tears suppress ; Sojourners as my fathers were, I am a stranger in distress. Spare me, that I may strength acquire, Ere yet the scenes of life are o'er ; Before I shall from hence retire, When passing seasons are no more. FORTIETH PSALM. For God I waited patiently, And he inclined his ear to me ; And when my feet had gone astray, He brought me from the mire and clay. 5 66 PSALMS OF DAVID. He set upon the rock my feet, And then establish'd ray retreat ; He placed upon my trembling tongue A new and sweet harmonious song. Even constant praises to my Lord, That those who hear may trust his word ; How blest the man, though made of dust, That maketh God his only trust. The proud in vain his friendship tries, And those that turn aside to lies ; His kind respects they ne'er obtain, His best regards they never gain. Lord, those wondrous works we see, In order cannot reckon 'd be ; For if I would each work declare, They all beyond my numberings are. Burnt offerings thou didst not desire, Nor daily sacrifice require ; But when my soul to thee drew near, Thou open'd unto me thine ear. Then did I say, " behold, O Lord ! T is written of me in thy word ; 1 come, O God to do thy will, 'Vnd in my heart thy law fulfil. PSALMS OF DAVID. 67 For thee I preached righteousness, The congregations I did bless ; My lips have not refrain'd one word, This truth, is known to thee O Lord. I have not hid thy righteousness, But have declared thy faithfulness , Thy kindness I have not conceal'd, Nor truth which was by thee reveaFd. Keep not thy mercies, Lord, from me, Let me thy loving-kindness see ; let thy truth preserve me, Lord, For numerous evils are abroad. My sins have taken hold on me, 1 cannot, Lord, look up to thee ; In number they my hairs exceed, My heart within me fails indeed. Be pleased, O Lord, deliverance give, Make haste, let me thy help receive ; Let shame mine enemies annoy, Who seek thy servant to destroy. Let them be driv'n far backward still, And put to shame, who wish me ill ; Be desolation their reward, Confusion for their disregard. 68 PSALMS OF DAVID. Let all who seek the Lord rejoice, And gladly raise their cheerful voice , But such as thy salvation love, Shall magnify the Lord above. But poor and needy I remain, Yet God will think of me again ; Help me from thy supreme abode, And make no tarrying, O my God. FORTY-SECOND PSALM. As seeks the hart the water brook, So pants my heart, O Lord, for thee ; My thirsty soul doth upward look, It longs the living God to see : When shall I unto thee draw near, And when before my God appear ? My tears have been my only food, I shed them freely night and day ; While wicked men around me stood, And constantly I heard them say, " Where is thy God, and where his throne, The Great, the High, and Holy One ?" PSALMS OF DAVID. 69 When I remember these alone, Like floods I pour my soul to thee ; I with the multitude had gone, With them the house of God to see : And there thy praises did display With those who kept a holy-day. Why, O my soul, art thou cast down, And why disquieted in me ? Place all thy hope in him alone, Yea, praise him for his help to thee : His praises evermore advance, Who helps thee with his countenance. My soul lies prostrate on the ground, Therefore will I remember thee ; From Jordan, and from Hermon's bound, Or Mizar's high acclivity : Deep cried to deep with, deafening call, O'er me the bursting waves did fall. The loving-kindness of the Lord All the day long shall be with me ; And in the night, with sweet accord, I '11 offer up my song to thee .- To God, my rock, my soul shall say, Why go I mourning all the day ? 70 PSALMS OF DAVID. My bones are pierced as with a sword, While daily all my foes do say, " Where is thy God, th' eternal Lord ? And where doth he his power display ? My God all nature does control, Then why art thou cast down, my soul ? And why disquieted art thou, And prostrate cast upon the ground ? Hope thou in God, before him bow, And in his joyful praise abound : Till God unveil to thee his face, And shed on thine his healthful grace. FORTY-THIRD PSALM. Plead thou my cause, and judge me, Lord, When wicked men arise ; From those unjust in thought and word, And full of treacherous lies. My strength, O God, is all in thee, cast me not away ; For the oppression shown to me, 1 mourn from day to day. PSALMS OF DAVID. 71 Thy light and truth, O send them still, My wayward feet to guide ; Lead me unto thy holy hill, Within thy courts t' abide. O, meet me at thine altar, Lord, Thou my exceeding joy ; Then in thy praise, with sweet aceord, My harp shall find employ. Why, O my soul, art thou cast down ? Why such disquietness ? Hope thou in God, and he will crown Thy head with righteousness. FORTY-SIXTH PSALM. God is our strength and refuge still, A present help when troubles rise ; Nor will we fear to trust his will, Our all upon his truth relies : Though earth should move, and mountains flee, Merged in the billows of the sea. Though the waves heave, and troubled are, And mountains tremble with their swell, A beauteous river doth appear, Gliding where the redeemed dwell: 72 PSALMS OF DAVID. The streams thereof make glad th' abode, The city of the living God. That holy, sacred place of love, The glorious courts of the Most High ; The church of God shall not remove, God in her midst is ever nigh : The Lord himself shall help bestow, And that right early he will show. Th' infuriate heathen raged around, The kingdoms moved before the Lord ; His voice majestic did resound, Earth melted at his sacred word : The Lord of hosts is our defence, And Jacob's God our recompense. Behold the wondrous works of God! What desolations he hath made ! In every part of earth's abode, At his commands the wars are stay'd : He breaks the bows and spears in ire, And burns the chariots in the fire. Be still, and know that 1 am God, Exalt him, all the nations round ; And in the heathen's dark abode, His praise in all the earth resound : The Lord of hosts our refuge is, The God of Jacob is our bliss. PSALMS OF DAVID. 73 FORTY-SEVENTH PSALM. O clap your hands, let all rejoice, And shout with a triumphant voice ; For terrible is God Most High, A mighty King o'er earth and sky. The Lord he will the nations meet, And those subdue beneath our feet ; The excellent he will advance, And choose them their inheritance. God with a shout to heaven has gone, With trumpet he ascends his throne ; Sing praises, unto Him sing praise, To God our King high honours raise. God over all the earth is king, Your praise with understanding bring; The heathens he will rule and bless, From his high throne of holiness. The princes all assembled are, Ev'n those of Abraham's God are there; The shields of earth belong to God, Exalt him greatly all abroad. 74 PSALMS OP DAVID. FORTY-EfGHTH PSALM. Great is the Lord, in his abode, There shall his saints their praise express : The holy city of our God, The mountain of his holiness. How beautiful Mount Zion is, The joy of the whole earth around ! The city of our King is this, Which on the mountain sides is found. God in her palaces is known, A refuge where the trembling fly ; For lo ! th' assembled kings came down, And passed altogether by. They saw, and much astonish'd were, In trouble hasted swift away ; Then were they seized indeed with fear, As those who in deep travail lay. The ships of Tarshish broken are, Toss'd by the violence of wind ; Waves in tumultuous storms appear, And nothing leave but wreck behind. As we have heard, so we have seen, Within the city of our God ; The Lord of hosts our God hath been, And will establish his abode. PSALMS OF DAVID. 75 O God, thy love and kindness still, While in thy courts our thoughts employ ; According to thy name, we will O'erflow the earth with praise and joy.' Thy hand is full of righteousness, Let Zion's mountain then rejoice ; Let Judah's daughters also bless, And for thy judgments lift their voice. Come, let us walk Mount Zion round, And tell her towers as they appear ; Mark well her bulwarks firm and sound, Her palaces how great they are ! To rising generations tell, This God is ours forevermore ; And he will guide our souls, to dwell Beyond where death exerts his power. FIFTY-FIRST PSALM. In mercy, O my God, appear, According to thy kindest love ; As all thy tender mercies are, So my transgressions far remove : Wash me, O Lord, from every sin, And fully cleanse my soul within. 76 PSALMS OF DAVID. My sins I humbly do confess, They stand before me day and night ; Against thee, Lord, I did transgress, And did this evil in thy sight; That thou might justified be, And clear whene'er thou judgest me. I was conceived and born in sin, While inward truth thou didst desire ; And in the hidden parts within, Wisdom and knowledge did require : Purge me warn hyssop, cleanse me now, Then shall I whiter be than snow. Gladness and joy make me to hear, And all my broken bones restore; And hide thy face when sins appear, Yea, blot them out forevermore : O, change my heart, and make it clean, And a right spirit place within. Cast me not from thy presence, Lord, Nor light, nor inspiration move ; Let thy salvation be restored, Thy holy spirit and its love : Transgressors then thy ways shall see, And sinners shall converted be. PSALMS OF DAVID. 77 Save me from all blood-guiltiness, O, God of my salvation, thou ; Then will I sing thy righteousness, My* tongue shall all thy goodness show ; Open my lips new songs to raise, My mouth shall then show forth thy praise. No sacrifice dost thou desire, Else would I give it, Lord, to thee ; Burnt offerings thou dost not require From such a feeble worm as me ; A contrite heart is sacrifice, Which thou, O God, wilt not despise. Do good to Zion, bid her rise, And build Jerusalem's walls again ; Take pleasure in our sacrifice, And our burnt offerings, Lord, sustain ; Then from thine altar shall be given Incense ascending up to heaven. FIFTY-FOURTH PSALM. By thy great name save me, O God, My judge do thou appear; My prayer admit to thine abode, And to my words give ear. 78 PSALMS OF DAVID. For strangers do against me rise, Oppressors seek ray soul ; They set not God before their eyes, They own not his control. The Lord my helper I behold, And he will me regard ; He is with them who me uphold, My foes he will reward. When thou mine enemies destroy, A sacrifice I '11 bring ; Thy praise shall be my loved employ, And thy good name I '11 sing. From all my various troubles, Lord, Thou hast deliver'd me ; Mine eyes have seen o'er earth abroad, My fallen enemy. FIFTY-FIFTH PSALM. Give ear unto my prayer, O Lord, Nor from my supplications hide ; Attend to me, and hear my word, In thee I mournfully confide : In my complaint I make a noise; Because my foes lift up their voice. PSALMS OF DAVID. 79 Because the wicked do oppress, And cast on me iniquity ; My heart is pain'd with sore distress ; And death's dread terrors fall on me : Trembling and fearfulness I find, And horrors overwhelm my mind. Like doves, O could I wing the air, And fly away and be at rest ; Then would I wander off afar, In some lone shady wilderness : Then would I hasten my retreat, From where the storms and tempests beat. Destroy, O Lord, divide their tongues, I 've seen their violence and strife ; They day and night proceed in throngs, With mischief and with sorrow rife : With them dread wickedness is found, With fraud and guile the streets abound. 'T was not a foe reproached me, For then I could the deed have borne ,• Nor one to settled hatred free, That magnified himself with scorn : Then could I hide myself away, Or from his company could stay. 30 PSALMS OF DAVID. But he it was, a friend most dear, My fond acquaintance and my guide ; With counsel sweet we each drew near, And to God's house walk'd side by side Death shall upon them seize and dwell, And they shall quick go down to hell. Offences in their souls abound, But I will call upon the Lord ; And thou, O God, shalt then be found, The Lord will save me by his word : Evening, and morn, and noon, I '11 cry, And God shall hear my voice on high- He hath deliver'd me in peace, From battle which against me raged ; Many about me did increase, And many with me were engaged ; God shall afflict them very sore, He who abideth evermore. Because they have no changes here, They are against the fond of peace ; The righteous God they do not fear, His covenant they break with ease ; His words than butter smoother are, But in his heart is raging war — PSALMS OF DAVID. 81 Softer by far than oil his word, Yet as drawn swords do they remain ; But cast thy burden on the Lord, And he alone will thee sustain : The righteous whom the Lord doth love, He will not suffer them to move. But thou, O God, shalt bring them down, The pit at last shall these receive ; The men of blood, and fraud, are found Not more than half their days to live ; But I will trust, O Lord, in thee, Both now and to eternity. SIXTY-FIRST PSALM. O God, in mercy deign to hear Thy servant's humble, fervent prayer ; From earth's remotest verge I cry, To thee, thou holy and Most High ! 'Midst evils when overwhelm'd I be, Direct my wayward steps to thee ; " Lead me the rock of ages nigh," Exalted far above the sky. PSALMS OF DAVID. To me thou hast a shelter been, From fierce and threatening foes a screen My tower of strength, ray refuge thou, My safeguard from the hostile foe. Still near thyself may I reside, And in thy holy courts abide ; Keep me beneath thy shadowing wings, Thou Lord of lords, and King of kings- Near to thy altar when I bow, Most graciously regard my vow; Give me an heritage to claim, With those that fear and love thy name. Preserved by truth and mercy still, Aid me to do thy holy will ; Accept each daily sacrifice, Till thou remove me to the skies. SIXTY-SECOND PSALM. My soul shall wait, my God, on thee, Salvation cometh from above ; My rock and my protection be, Then shall I not so greatly move. PSALMS OF DAVID. 83 How long shall men in mischief live, And utter words of mere pretence ? Destruction they shall all receive, Or tremble as a tottering fence. Their only consultations are, To prostrate his excellency ; Their mouths with blessings they prepare, But they have curses inwardly. Wait thou on God, the Holy One, My hope is from the realms above ; He is my firm defence alone, From whence I never shall remove. My glory and salvation thou, Rock of my strength and refuge be ; Ye people, let your hearts o'erflow, To God our refuge we will flee. SECOND PART OF SIXTY-SECOND PSALM. Surely the men of low degree Are nothing more than vanity ; And false are those of higher grade, When they are in the balance laid ; And altogether they appear Far lighter than the empty air. 84 PSALMS OF DAVID. Do thou from all oppression flee, Nor yet be vain in robbery; If earthly riches should increase, Set not thy heart on them for peace ; For God hath spoken all abroad, That power belongeth to the Lord. And mercy, Lord, belongs to thee, Immense, unbounded, full, and free; According as our works appear, Thy gifts to all, thy grace shall bear, With all thou hast so freely given, To all on earth, and all in heaven. SIXTY-FIFTH PSALM. Eternal praises, Lord, In Zion waits for thee ; Each vow and sacred word Shall there performed be : O thou that hear'st the feeblest prayer, All flesh shall unto thee repair. Against me, Lord, appear My sins in dread array ; But these I shall not fear, They shall be purged away : Whom thou dost choose, how blest is he, Who may approach thy courts, and thee ! PSALMS OF DAVID. 85 We shall oe satisfied With what thy house can give ; Within thy courts t' abide, And in thy temple live : By wondrous things in righteousness, O God of our salvation, bless. Thou art the confidence Of all earth's tribes around ; Of those who are far hence, Or o'er the seas are found ; 'Tis by thy strength the mountains stand, Girded by thine Almighty hand. Thou still'st the raging seas, The roaring of the wave ; All tumults doth appease, When wicked people rave : And they that dwell remote from thee : Shall fear, when they thy tokens see. Thou mak'st the opening morn, And evening, to rejoice ; And earth thou dost adorn, The rains obey thy voice : Thy river, with enriching glide, Extends its full and onward tide. 86 PSALMS OF DAVID. The corn thou didst prepare. And for it wilt provide ; The ridges water'd are, And furrows by their side : Thou mad'st them soft with gentle showers, To bud and spring with fruit and flowers. The passing year is crown'd, Which thou dost kindly bless ; Thy paths drop fatness round, Upon the wilderness : 'Midst streams the cheerful pastures spring, And hills their glad rejoicings bring. The pasture of the fields With flocks is cover'd o'er ; And every valley yields Corn in abundant store : The people shout aloud for joy, And singing is their loved employ. SIXTY-SIXTH PSALM. Make unto God a joyful noise, Sing forth the honours of his name ; In all his glorious power rejoice, In every land his praise proclaim ; Thy works of power thy foes shall see, And shall submit themselves to thee. PSALMS OF DAVID. 87 The earth shall worship thee, the Lord, And unto thee a song shall raise ; Come see the works of God abroad, Which to all nations he displays : His power alone dried up the flood, And on dry land his people stood. Then did they, Lord, rejoice in thee, And nations round them did behold ; No more may they rebellious be, Or break the bound'ries of thy fold ; Ye people, all come bless the Lord, Come spread your voice of praise abroad. Our souls and life in him abide, Nor suffereth he our feet to move ; As silver in the furnace tried, Thou didst, O God, thy servants prove ; Our feet within thy net were found, And our afflictions did abound. Our enemies o'er us did ride, Through fire and water we have pass'd ; But God, in whom we did confide, Gave us a wealthy place at last ; With offerings in thy house I '11 bow, And there will pay my earliest vow. 88 PSALMS OF DAVID. To thee burnt offerings I will bring, My fatlings and my flecks prepare; The first-fruits, Lord, of every thing. As holy incense shall appear ; Come, all that fear the Lord, and see How gracious he has been to me. My mouth I open'd to the Lord, My tongue his goodness doth declare ; My heart, if sin it doth regard, He will not hearken to my prayer : But God hath heard my voice on high, And hath attended to my cry. SIXTY-SEVENTH PSALM. Be merciful, O God, and bless. And shine on us in righteousness ; To all the earth make known thy way, Thy saving health to all convey. O, let the people praise thee, Lord, Uniting all in full accord ; May the glad nations find employ In singing heavenly songs of joy. PSALMS OF DAVID. 89 For thou shalt judge and greatly bless, And rule the earth in righteousness ; Let all the people sing thy praise, May all their blest hosannas raise. Then shall the earth yield her increase, And God, our God, will grant us peace ; With blessings he our souls shall cheer, And all on earth his name shall fear. SEVENTIETH PSALM. Make haste, O Lord, deliver me, And let me gain my help from thee ; May shame extend its full control, And those confound who seek my soul. May they be in confusion thrown, That do desire my hurt alone ; Bid them turnback, their course retard, And give them shame as their reward. Let those that seek the Lord rejoice, In thee be glad with cheerful voice ; Let such as love redemption, cry, " The" Lord be magnified on high." 90 PSALMS OF DAVID. But poor and needy I remain, Make haste, O Lord, my soul sustain Nor tarry thou, make no delay, Rise, my deliverer, come away. SEVENTY-THIRD PSALM. To Israel truly God is good, To those whose hearts are clean and pure ; But as for me, my feet they stood Where all my steps were insecure : I envious was when I did see The wicked in prosperity. No bands they feel, until in death, Their strength its firmness does retain ; Their plagues and evils here beneath, Are not what other men sustain ; Pride like a chain girds them around, And they in violence do abound. Their eyes in fatness are enclosed, And more they have than heart desires; Corrupt and wickedly disposed, Their speech a loftiness acquires : They set their mouth opposed to heaven, Their tongue o'er all the earth is driven. PSALMS OF DAVID. 91 SECOND PART OF SEVENTY-THIRD PSALM. The wicked say, "How doth God know, Does knowledge dwell with the Most High? Th' ungodly of this world below, Who prosper and in affluence lie ? Truly ray heart is cleansed in vain, And wash'd in pure innocency ; For all day long my plagues remain, And chastening every morning see. Whene'er I speak, offence I give, Against the generation round ; And when this knowledge I receive, It gives to me a painful wound. But in thy courts with thee, my God, Then did I understand their end ; A slippery place is their abode, And thou shalt quick destruction send. In desolation they are brought, And utterly consumed with fear ; And as a midnight dream is wrought, Thou shalt despise the mask they bear. 92 PSALMS OF DAVID. Thus was my heart o'erwhelm'd with grief, And I was pierced in rny rein ; Foolish and ignorant of relief, Like as a beast I did remain. Yet I am ever near thy side, By thy right hand thou didst relieve ; My spirit by thy counsel guide, To glory then my soul receive. Whom have I, Lord, in heaven, but thee ? And nothing else do I desire ; On earth no object do I see, Thee, only thee, do I admire. And though my heart and flesh shall fail, Thou wilt my strength and portion be ; No foes shall over me prevail, They shall be all destroy'd by thee. 'T is good for me that I draw near, Long have I trusted in thee, Lord ; And all thy works as they appear, I will declare them all abroad. EIGHTIETH PSALM. Shepherd of Israel, now give ear, Who leadeth Joseph like a flock, Between the cherubim appear, Shine forth, our high defensive rock ; PSALMS OF DAVID. 93 O come, and all thy strength maintain, Turn us, and shine on us again. O, Lord of hosts, how long wilt thou Be angry with thy people's prayer ? The bread of tears, how long bestow, And tears to drink, how large a share? To neighbours we appear forlorn, Our foes are laughing us to scorn. O, Lord of hosts, turn us again, And cause thy face on us to shine ; And saved, we shall thy grace sustain, Be made a blooming, fruitful vine : The heathen were cast out before, And O may they return no more. Thou didst prepare us room to stand, The hills were cover'd with our shade ; Thou gave us root to fill the land, * We were like goodly cedars made ; Our boughs did o'er the seas extend, Our branches o'er the streams did bend. Why hast thou broken us in haste ? Our foes insult us as they pass ; The boar out oi the wood doth waste, Wild beasts devour us as the grass : Return, O Lord of hosts divine, Look down from heaven, behold this vine ! 94 PSALMS OF DAVID. The vineyard, too, of thy right hand, The branch thou mad'st for strong defence, 'T is burnt, and cut off from the land, At thy rebukeful countenance : O, let thine own right hand be laid On him thou for thyself hast made. So will we not go back from thee, Turn us, and hide from us this shame ; Quicken us now, and set us free, And we will call upon thy name : Turn us, O Lord, upon us shine, And save us with a power divine ! EIGHTY-FOURTH PSALM. Thy holy tabernacles, Lord, How truly amiable they be ; My heart it faints to be restored, And longs my soul to worship thee : My flesh cries out for thine abode, The temple of the living God. The sparrows twittering in the air, A house and place of nestling find ; The swallows for their young prepare, An habitation to their mind : And round thine altar I will bring An offering to my God and King. PSALMS OF DAVID. 95 Bless'd is the man that near thee dwells, Who still will offer praise to thee ; And happy those whose strength excels, And walk thy ways continually : In Baca's vale shall wells abound, And rain shall fill the pools around. From strength to strength, before the Lord, In Zion shall they all appear ; O God of hosts, my prayer regard, O God of Jacob, lend thine ear; Our shield and our protector be, Look down, and thine anointed see. Within thy courts, a single day Exceeds a thousand spent in vain ; And in thy house I 'd rather stay, And keeper of the door remain, And there to dwell in righteousness, Than in the tents of wickedness. The Lord he is a sun and shield, The Lord will grace and glory give i His goodness shall abundance yield, And every want he will relieve ; And He who is unsullied light, Will nothing keep from the upright. 96 PSALMS OF DAVID. EIGHTY-FIFTH PSALM Thou, Lord, unto our land Hast favourable been ; And while a captive band, In our defence was seen : Thou brought us from captivity, And cover'd our iniquity. Thy wrath thou didst restrain, Thine anger turn'd away ; Turn us, O God, again, Thy saving power display : Forever let thine anger cease, And grant our generations peace. And wilt thou not, O Lord, Revive and set us free ? That saints, with sweet accord, May all rejoice in thee ? To us thy saving mercy show, And let us thy salvation know. I '11 hear what God will say, His words are full of peace ; And him we will obey, From every lolly cease : His great salvation is at hand, His glory dwells upon our land. PSALMS OF DAVID. 97 Mercy and truth do meet With peace and righteousness ; And each the other greet, With kind and fond caress : Truth springs from earth, by culture given, And righteousness looks down from heaven. Yea, God shall then bestow An unmolested peace ; And all our lands below, Shall yield a great increase : Before him shines true righteousness, Which lights our way to heavenly bliss. EIGHTY-SIXTH PSALM. Most holy Lord, bow down thine ear, And hearken to my feeble prayer ; Preserve my soul that trusts in thee, And all thy kindness show to me. Art thou not ready to forgive, And pleased when dying sinners live ? Is not the goodness of thy name In every age and place the same ? Come then, and all my wants regard, And bless me with thy saints' reward ; And when fierce troubles gather round, Let grace more plenteously abound. 98 PSALMS OF DAVID. Thou art my shield and strong defence, My over-ruling providence ; The all-pervading Deity, Whose presence fills immensity. With millions I will worship thee, And bow the humble, suppliant knee ; The greatness of thy love proclaim, And sing the glories of thy name. Thou art the eternal God alone, The heaven of heavens contains thy throne ; Yet is thy love so full and free, The humblest soul may trust in thee. Father, to me a token show, My claim to glory let me know ; Strengthen my soul, and kindly give Continued comfort while 1 live. EIGHTY-EIGHTH PSALM. O God of my salvation, thou, Both day and night I cry to thee ; Admit my prayers before thee now, Incline thy gracious ear to me. PSALMS OF DAVID. 99 I 'm full of trouble and of grief, My life unto the grave draws nigh ; I sink in pits, where no relief, No strength my trembling bones supply. Free 'midst the dead, in graves confined, Whom thou rememberest no more ; Cut offj and to the deep consign'd, Where the thick clouds of darkness loweR. Thy wrath lay hard upon me, Lord, Conflicting waves o'er me did roll; No friends to claim in sweet accord, Shut up, and held in dread control. My mournful eye is red with grief, While daily I have cried to thee; I pray'd that 1 might find relief, But none was offer'd unto me. Wilt thou show wonders to the dead, And shall the dead sing praise to thee ? Shall there be loving-kindness spread, Shall there thy faithful mercies be ? Shall all thy wonders there be known, Where nought but darkness holds its sway T Or can thy righteousness be shown, Where nothing but destructions lay ? 100 PSALMS OF DAVID. I cried, O Lord, my griefs control, My morning prayer shall rise to thee ; Lord, why dost thou cast off my soul, Why hid est thou thy face from me ? Ready I am through grief to die, From earlier years of youth till now ; With terrors I distracted lie, Thy wrath and terrors lay me low. Daily my foes like floods around, Encompass me on every side ; Lover and friend no more are found, In darkness my acquaintance hide. NINETIETH PSALM. Thou, Lord, our dwelling place hast been, To all our generations known ; Before the mountain heights were seen, Or thou with hills the earth didst crown : From everlasting is thy name, Which shall to endless years remain. Man thou returnest to the ground, Whence he originally came ; With thee a thousand years are found To be as yesterday, the same : A day, a year, are in thy sight, As the short watches of the night. PSALMS OF DAVID. 101 Or as a flood, with onward sweep, Our lives are swiftly borne away ; Or like a brief and dreamy sleep, Or grass, soon hastening to decay : We flourish with the morning light, But wither at the approach of night. We by thine anger are consumed, And troubled when thy wrath is near ; When with thy light we are illumed, Then all our secret sins appear : For all our days are pass"d away, Our years, like tales, refuse to stay. Three-score and ten our years may be, Or four-score, if our strength remain ; Yet we shall toil and labour see, And pass, and ne'er return again : Thy power of anger who can bear ? And as thy wrath, so is thy fear. Teach us to number well our days, And wisely all our powers apply ; Return, O Lord, make no delays, Repent, and hear thy servant's cry : Early may we thy mercies see, And all our life rejoice in thee. 102 PSALMS OF DAVID. According as our days have been, The times when we afflicted were ; The years of evil we have seen, So let thy love to us appear : O let thy w r ork to us be shown, Thy glory to our children known. And let the beauty of our Lord, Thy holiness, around us shine ; Establish thou our work abroad, The work of our own hands make thine i Make all thy promised mercies sure, To stand unchanged while years endure. NINETY-FIRST PSALM. He who hath made his dwelling nigh The secret place of the Most High, There shall his soul in peace abide, And underneath his shadow hide ; And I will say, " thou art my tower, Thee will I trust forevermore. Thou shalt escape the fowler's snare, And pestilence so noisome there ; God will thy ample covering be, And stretch his lbstering wings o'er thee ; His steadfast truth from heaven reveal'd, Shall be thy buckler and thy shield. PSALMS OF DAVID. 103 Thou shalt in no wise be afraid For terrors of the midnight shade ; Nor for the arrows which, by day, May wing their poison'd, reckless way; Nor lurking pestilence at night, Nor wastings of meridian light. Thousands may fall thy feet beneath, And tens of thousands sink in death ; Thou shalt the dreadful conflict see, But it shall not come nigh to thee ; The wicked shall forever die, But thou shalt dwell with the Most High. No evil shall approach to thee, No plague shall near thy dwelling be ; To angels God himself conveys A charge to keep in all thy ways ; And bear thee in their hands alone, Lest thou shouldst dash against a stone. Thou shalt upon the lion tread, And crush the serpent's poisonous head ; The fiercer dragon thou shalt meet, And trample him beneath thy feet ; Thy refuge is the Lord Most High, Creator of both earth and sky. Because he set his love on me, A full deliverance he shall see ; 104 PSALMS OF DAVID. Because that he hath known my name, His honour I will far proclaim ; To him shall length of days be given, And everlasting life in heaven. NINETY-FIFTH PSALM. Come, let us sing unto the Lord, In heavenly songs of sweet accord ; A loud and joyful anthem raise, The rock of our salvation praise. Before his presence lift our voice, And make with psalms a joyful noise ; He is a King, all kings above, Above all gods, the God of love. The deep is in his mighty hand, The hills stand firm at his command ; The sea is his, and all its bound, He form'd the firm and solid ground. O come, and let us worship now. Before the Lord our Maker bow ; He is our God, his name we bear, The sheep of his own fold we are. PSALMS OF DAVID. 105 We are the people of his choice, To-day if ye will hear his voice, Nor hardness in your hearts possess, As when ye ranged the wilderness. As when the fathers tempted me, And all my wondrous works did see ; Forty years long I then was grieved, Because of those who disbelieved. The people err'd and went astray, They did not know the Lord's right way ; And though a rest he did prepare, He sware they should not enter there. NINETY-SIXTH PSALM. Sing a new song unto the Lord, Join, all the earth, in sweet accord ; Sing to the Lord a cheerful lay, Show his salvation day by day. Declare his glory all abroad, His wonders everywhere record ; The Lord is great, exalt his name, Above all gods his fear proclaim. 106 PSALMS OF DAVID. Idols all other gods are found, But our God spread the heavens around ; He is all majesty divine, His courts with glorious beauties shine. Ye kindreds, give unto the Lord, Glory and strength to him award ; Give glory to his hallow'd name, Your offering in his courts proclaim. Say to the world, the Lord doth reign, The world unmoved he doth sustain ; All nations shall his judgments bless, For he doth judge in righteousness. Let heaven rejoice, and earth adore, The sea with all its fulness roar ; And every field shall joyful be, And every wood, and every tree. To judge the world the Lord shall come, And all his grandeur shall assume. He '11 judge the world in righteousness, And with his truth his people bless. NINETY-EIGHTH PSALM. O, sing unto the Lord, The high and Holy One ; His works are spread abroad, What his right hand hath done ; PSALMS OF DAVID. 107 His arm of vast immensity Hath gotten him the victory. The Lord he hath made known His great salvation here ,• His righteousness hath shown, Where heathen men appear ; His mercy lie remembereth still, His truth to Israel doth fulfil. Let earth in all its bound His great salvation see ; And joyfully resound, In singing praise to thee : Sing to the Lord, in him rejoice, Praise him with instrument and voice. With trumpets all rejoice, And cornets sweetly sing ; And make a joyful noise Unto the Lord our King : Let the full sea with praises swell, The world, and all therein that dwell. The floods shall clap their hands, Let hills overflow with mirth ; The Lord before us stands, He comes to judge the earth: Righteous shall all his judgments be, He' 11 judge the world in equity. 108 PSALMS OF DAVID. HUNDREDTH PSALM. Make to the Lord a joyful noise, His praises sing in every land ; Serve him with glad and cheerful voice, With singing in his presence stand. Know ye the Lord ; he is our God, And we the people of his care ; He made us for his own abode, The sheep of his own fold we are. Enter his gates with holy praise, Within his courts his power proclaim, To him immortal honours raise, And thank and bless his glorious name. The Lord is good and rich in grace, His mercy is forever sure ; To all the tribes of Adam's race, His truth shall evermore endure. HUNDRED AND SECOND PSALM O Lord, regard my humble prayer, And let my cry come unto thee ; When troubles shall my heart ensnare, Hide not thy face, O Lord, from me : Kindly incline thy gracious ear, To my relief with speed repair. PSALMS OF DAVID. 109 My days consume away like smoke, My bones are burn'd as on a hearth; My heart is smitten with thy stroke, And wither'd like the grass in dearth : My woes indeed are so replete, That I forget my bread to eat. By reason of my great distress, My skin is cleaving to my bones ; Like birds that prowl the wilderness, Or as the desert owlet moans ; Or sparrows twittering for their mates, On the house-top or lonely gates. My foes reproach me all the day, They that are mad at me are sworn ; Ashes I eat to my dismay, And drink my tears like one forlorn ; Because of thy indignant frown, Who raised me, and who cast me down. My days like shadows do decline, I wither as the parched grass ; While years unchangeable are thine, To all, shall thy remembrance pass : Arise, O Lord, bring Zion home, The time to favour her has come. 110 PSALMS OF DAVID. Thy saints take pleasure in her stones, And favour all her sacred ground ; Kings shall revere thee on their thrones, And heathens fear thy name around : When God shall Zion's walls repair, In glory shall he then appear. The destitute he will regard, And this to generations show ; Their prayer and toil he will reward, Millions to come this truth shall know : People that shall created be, Shall offer praises, Lord, to thee. God from his holy courts looks down, From heaven he doth the earth behold ; To hear the prisoner's mournful groan, And loose what death has long controll'd; In Zion thy great name to raise, And in Jerusalem sing thy praise. When all the people gather'd are, And kingdoms meet to serve the Lord, He did my weaken'd strength impair, My days were shorten'd by his word : I said, " O take me not away, Ere the meridian of my day." PSALMS OF DAVID. Ill Thy years through generations stand, Earth's firm foundations thou hast laid ; The heavens are works of thine own hand, Those starry hosts by thee were made : Yet these wax old, and all heaven's range, Thou, Lord, shalt as a vesture change. But thou, O Lord, art still the same, Thy years shall never, never end ; Thy servants, who revere thy name, Their children onward shall extend ; Their seed shall firm establish'd be, And ever shall reside near thee. HUNDRED AND THIRD PSALM. My soul shall bless the Lord, And praise his holy name ; His benefits record, And all his grace proclaim ; He hath forgiven all my sin, And healed all my woes within. He hath redeem'd my life, My head with kindness crown d $ And 'midst the scenes of strife, His mercies do abound ; With good my heart is satisfied, My soul with youthful strength supplied. 112 PSALMS OF DAVID. The Lord in righteousness Shall make his judgments known , Abundantly will bless, And claim the oppress'd his own ; To Moses he made known his ways, And Israel saw his vast displays. Thou kind and gracious Lord, To anger thou art slow ; Thy dealings, acts, and word, Thy plenteous mercies show : God will not always blame and chide, Nor angry evermore abide. To us thou hast not been, As our offences were ; But high as heaven is seen, So great thy mercies are : From east to west, and sky to sky, Removed do our transgressions lie. Like as a father kind, Doth for his children feel, Thy pity, Lord, we find, Our mourning breasts to heal : Our frames he knows (in whom we trust,) Remembering that we are but dust. PSALMS OF DAVID. 113 Our days are like the grass, Or flowers which deck the plain ; O'er which the winds do pass, But flourish not again : Though fair and beauteous now the flower, Its place shall soon be known no more. But mercy shall endure To all who fear the Lord ; And those are kept secure, Who know and keep thy word : God hath prepared his throne on high, His kingdom rules from sky to sky. Ye angels, bless the Lord, Who do in strength excel ; Ye heralds of his word, And hosts that round him dwell : His works, where'er in space ye roll, Bless ye the Lord, and thou my soul. HUNDRED AND FIFTH PSALM. O come, give thanks unto the Lord, And call upon his gracious name ; His great and mighty deeds record, His grace to all mankind proclaim ; Sing unto him, sing psalms of praise, Talk ye of all his wondrous ways. 8 114 PSALMS OF DAVID. Glory ye in his holy name, Let those rejoice that seek the Lord ; Seek ye his strength, 't is still the same, Seek ye his face and changeless word : Remember all that he hath done, His words, and wonders of his throne. Ye seed of Abraham, now draw near, And Jacob's sons, a chosen band ; He is the Lord, our God is here, His judgments are in all the land ; His covenant he remembereth still, His words to thousands will fulfil. That which with Abraham he affirm'd, And with an oath to Isaac swore, The same to Jacob he confirm'd, A law enduring evermore : Saying, " I will thy seed advance To Canaan, thine inheritance." And when they were in number few, And strangers, and sojourners there ; The many nations they pass'd through, And kingdoms, where they did appear, He suffer'd none to do them wrong, Kings were reproved they dwelt among. PSALMS OF DAVID. 115 " Touch not my sons anointed here, And to my prophets do no harm j" He spake, and famine did appear, O'er all the land it spread alarm : On all the grounds his hand was spread, Dissolving the whole staff of bread. Joseph was sold a servant there, His feet the iron fetters bound ; Until the word and time drew near, And he was placed with the renown'd : The king then pass'd his strong decree, The ruler loosed and set him free. O'er all his house he made him lord, The ruler of his wealth and gain ; To bind his princes at his word, And wisdom to his court explain ,• And Israel into Egypt came, Jacob sojourn'd in lands of Ham. And he increased his people there, Ev'n stronger than their enemy ; Though they did hateful passion bear, And dealt t'ward them with subtlety ; Deliverance God did then provide, Moses and Aaron by his side. 116 PSALMS OF DAVID. They show'd his signs by field and flood, His wonders in the land around ; He turn'd their waters into blood, And darkness spread o'er them profound ; Instead of fish, the Lord did bring Frogs in the chambers of the king. He speaks, and flies and lice prevail, And hail for rain, and flaming fire ; «And these the vines and trees assail, And spread through all their coast his ire ; Locusts and creeping worms abound, Devouring all upon the ground. He smote the first-born, house and fold, The chief of all their strength did fall ; He brought his chosen forth with gold, And none were feeble 'midst them all : Egypt was glad when they were gone, For fear had seized both cot and throne. The cloud was for a covering spread, The flame illumed by night their way; The people ask'd, he gave them bread, And God did full supplies convey: The rock with crystal streams abounds, Which flow'd like rivers o'er their grounds. PSALMS OF DAVID. 117 His promise he remembereth still, What he to Abraham did affirm ; His faithful word he will fulfil, And all his covenants confirm : He brought his people forth with praise, His chosen songs of gladness raise. He gave to them a fertile soil, Their lands with clustering vines abound; And they possess the people's toil, Their fruits and fields, and meads and ground : That they his statutes may regard, And keep his laws, and praise the Lord. HUNDRED AND SIXTH PSALM. The Lord come let us praise, The holy, good, and pure ; To him our thanks we '11 raise, Whose mercies shall endure : Who can his mighty acts conceive ? And who sufficient praise can give ? Those souls the Lord will bless, Who keep his judgments still ; That doeth righteousness, And all his ways fulfil : Remember me, and freely give Those favours which thy saints receive. 118 PSALMS OF DAVID. O visit me, my Lord, With thy salvation now ; That good to me afford, Thou dost on saints bestow ; And let me joyfully engage, And glory with thy heritage. SECOND PART OF HUNDRED AND SIXTH PSALM. With our forefathers we did sin, Committing great iniquity ; Their wickedness was deep within, Though all thy wonders they did see ; Although thy mercies did abound, Yet they were in rebellion found. Thou saved them for thy great name sake, To make thy mighty power known ; A path within the sea did make, And led them through the deep profound : From foes inveterate set them free, And saved them from their enemy. Their foes lie cover'd by the wave, Not one of them was left behind ; Then to his words they credit gave, And in a song of praise combined : PSALMS OF DAVID. 119 But soon they did forget the Lord, Nor waited for his gracious word. They lusted, though so greatly blest, Nor would submit to God's control ; He gave to them their own request, And sent them leanness in their soul; Moses they vilely did deride, In Aaron they would not confide. Then did the earth her mouth expand, And Dathan and Abiram slew ; Fire kindled at the Lord's command, Its flames their comrades did pursue ; In Horeb they a calf did rear, The molten image worshipp'd there. Then was their mighty glory changed, Like oxen grazing on the meads ; From God their Saviour were estranged, Who wrought for them such wondrous deeds : Those wonders in the land of Ham, And the Red Sea, through which they came. The Lord would have destroy'd them all, But Moses in the breach appear'd ; And God did let his anger fall, And Moses' intercessions heard : Yea, they despised the pleasant land, And disbelieved the Lord's command. 120 PSALMS OF DAVID. They murmur'd in their tents around, Nor did the voice of God obey ; Therefore the Lord did them confound, And thousands in the desert slay ; Their seed lie scattered among The nations as they pass'd along. Ev'n Baalpeor they did invoke, And of their offerings did partake ; Till they his anger did provoke, Upon them then the plague did break : Phinehas his faithfulness display'd, And then the dreadful plague was stay'd. The Lord did Phinehas greatly bless, Who slew the vile offenders down ; His act was counted righteousness, And he obtain'd immense renown ; His name the records will secure, While generations shall endure. THIRD PART OF HUNDRED AND SIXTH PSALM Then they provoked the Lord again, When he did streams for them obtain ; And Moses, influenced by the throng, Spake indiscreetly with his tongue. PSALMS OF DAVID. 121 Because his soul they did provoke, Then unadvisedly he spoke; God did -his servant reprimand, Forbidding him the promised land. The nations round they did not slay, According as the Lord did say ; But mingled they among their bands, And learn'd the works of heathen hands. Idols they served and worshipp'd there, Which unto them became a snare ; Their sons and daughters undisguised, Were unto devils sacrificed. And blood most innocent was shed, And children unto slaughter led ; Around the idol shrines they stood, Polluting the whole land with blood. With their own works they were defiled, And with inventions were beguiled ; Then God, with wrathful countenance, Kindled at his inheritance. Then were they 'midst the heathens placed, And by them hated and disgraced : Their enemies did them oppress, And they were brought in great distress. 122 PSALMS OF DAVID. And many times deliverance came, But they provoked the Lord the same ; For all their sins they were brought low, And under deep distress did bow. When they in deep affliction lie, The Lord regarded then their cry ; His covenant remember'd still, And changed the purpose of his will. His mercies o'er their lands did fall, He made them pitied by all ; Ev'n those who carried them away, Marks of compassion did display. Save us, O God, our only Lord, From all the heathen bands abroad ; Thy holy name to thank and bless, And triumph in thy righteousness. To Israel's God all thanks afford, He is the everlasting Lord ; Let all the people anthems raise, Praise ye the Lord, Amen, sing praise. HUNDRED AND SEVENTH PSALM. Give thanks unto the Lord most high, Whose mercy ever shall endure ; Thus let the souls redeem'd reply, Those who from foes he keeps secure. PSALMS OF DAVID. 123 He gather'd them who far did stray, And in the desert places fell ; Lost in a solitary way, Who found no cities where to dwell. Hunger and thirst their souls oppress'd, Then did they cry unto the Lord ; He brought them out when sore distress'd, And full deliverance did aflbrd. He led them forth by the right way, That they might habitations rear ; His praise and goodness to display, And all his wondrous works declare. The longing souls he satisfies, And fills the hungry with good things ; His goodness every want supplies, And overflowing comfort brings. SECOND PART OF HUNDRED AND SEVENTH PSALM. Seated in darkness and in death, And bound in iron grief they lie ; Those who had breath'd rebellious breath, And scorn'd the counsel of th' Most High. 124 PSALMS OF DAVID. With toil he did their hearts repress, They fell, and none did help afford ; He saved them out of their distress, Because they cried unto the Lord. He changed their darkness into light, And led them through Death's gloomy shade ; Their bands were broken by his might, And their defence in dust was laid. O, praise the goodness of the Lord, Which all his wondrous works display ; The gates of brass break at his word, And iron bars he cuts away. Fools are afflicted for their sin, Their souls abhor all pleasant meat ; Because of wickedness within, They near to death's dark gates retreat. Then do they cry in their distress, And God doth heal them by his word ; He saves them in his righteousness, And full deliverance doth afford. O, may they all thy goodness praise, A tribute to thy works prepare ; An offering of thanksgiving raise, And joyfully thy works declare. PSALMS OF DAVID. 125 THIRD PART OF HUNDRED AND SEVENTH PSALM. Thev that in ships go down to sea, And business 'midst the billows keep, The marvellous works of God they see, His mighty wonders in the deep. The winds are raised by his control, The waves in heaving billows play ; They mount to heaven, then downward roll. And in the ocean's caverns lay. Their souls melt down in deepest woe, As the fierce tempests do extend ; Like drunkards staggering to and fro, And reel as if at their wits' end. Then do they cry in dread alarm, Till God doth their desires fulfil ; He makes the raging storm a calm, So that the waves thereof are still. Then are they glad when they have gain'd The haven of desired rest ; And praise that goodness that maintain'd Those wondrous works of righteousness. 126 PSALMS OF DAVID. FOURTH PART OF HUNDRED AND SEVENTH PSALM. Where the assembled elders are, Let his exalted praises sound ; Where congregated saints repair, Praise, everlasting praise, rebound. He makes the streams a wilderness, The water springs a parched ground ; The fruitful land is barrenness, Because that wicked men abound. Then streams do in the deserts swell, And water springs 'midst drought appear ; And there he makes the hungry dwell, And build them habitations there. They sow the fields, and plant the vine, Their fruits do yield a large increase ; Around them summer's suns do shine, And neither flocks nor herds decrease. Again diminish'd and opprest, Beneath affliction's dreadful sway ; The power of princes is represt, They wander in a desert way. PSALMS OF DAVID. 127 On high the poor shall lift their voice, Like flocks their families shall see ; The righteous shall in God rejoice, And wicked all shall silent be. Whoso is wise, let them behold, And they shall understand thy word ; To them, even them, thou wilt unfold The loving-kindness of the Lord. HUNDRED AND TENTH PSALM. The Lord himself to my Lord said, Take thou at my right hand thy seat ; Until thy numerous foes are made To sit submissive at thy feet : The Lord thy rod of strength shall send, Which o'er thy foes thou shalt extend. Thy people all shall willing be, When thy great power thou shalt renew ; The beauties of thy grace shall see, Its youth and earliest morning dew : Like Salem's King, God will secure Thy priesthood ever to endure. IIS PSALMS OF DAVID. The Lord, that day, at thy right hand, Shall strike in wrath through many kings ; Shall judge the heathen as they stand, And wound the heads each country brings : Shall drink the hrook which cheers the mead, And therefore shall lift up his head. HUNDRED AND ELEVENTH PSALM. Praise ye the Lord, my heart shall sing, And praises 'midst th' assemblies bring j His works are great, sought out and known By those well pleased with him alone. His works are glorious and mature, His righteousness shall firm endure ; He made those works, that all mankind Might know how great and good his mind. Food for his saints he will provide, His covenant doth firm abide ; His power and works all souls engage, He gives his saints their heritage. The works of his Almighty hand In truth and judgment ever stand ; His full commandments, firm and sure, In truth and righteousness endure. PSALMS OF DAVID. 129 Redemption unto all he sends, His holy covenant never ends ; His power and love remain the same, Holy and reverend is his name. A sacred fear of thee, O Lord, Wisdom's first dawning shall afford ; Good understanding those display, Who praise him, and his words obey. HUNDRED AND TWELFTH PSALM. Bless'd is the man that fears the Lord, And is delighted with his word ; His seed on earth shall mighty be, And bless'd is his posterity. His residence and wealth secure, His goodness ever shall endure ; Round him shall rise the purer light, And darkness flee from the upright. Righteous and all compassion he, A good man's favours all are free ; He doth discreetly all things guide, And ever shall unmoved abide. 9 130 PSALMS OF DAVID. The righteous shall for ever be Remember'd by posterity ; No evil he doth fear abroad, His heart is fix'd to trust the Lord. Establish'd firm, no fear shall know, Shall overcome each hostile foe ; He has dispersed, he gave the poor, His righteousness shall firm endure. Exalted he in honour lives, The wicked see it, and he grieves ; They gnash their teeth, and melt away, And their desires with them decay. HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH PSALM. Praise him, ye servants of the Lord, And bless his holy name ; From this time forth, in sweet accord, His endless praise proclaim. From the first rising of the sun, Unto his final rest, Let everlasting praises run, His name be ever blest. PSALMS OF DAVID. 131 The Lord is great, and great his throne, His glory fills the sky ; Who can compare with God alone, Whose dwelling is on high. Himself he humbleth, to adjust The things in earth and heaven ; The poor he raiseth from the dust, His strength to them hath given. That he may set his people where The princes may be found, He makes the barren mother bear, In fruitfulness abound. HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH PSALM. No glory to ourselves we take, This we present to thee, O Lord ; For thine own truth and mercy sake, We offer praise in full accord : Then wherefore should the heathen say, " Where is their God to whom they pray ?" Our God 'midst heaven's vast circle slands, And doth entire dominion hold : Their gods are works of their own hands, Idols of silver and of gold : 132 PSALMS OF DAVID. Though forms of sense on each appear, They neither speak, nor see, nor hear. And they who make them do sustain A likeness to the moulded dust ; Blinded and deaf they all remain, While they in idol worship trust : There is no other God alone, But the eternal Holy One. O Israel, trust thou in the Lord, On him, ye priests and saints, rely ; The Lord your shield will help aflbrd, And every blessing will supply : The Lord is mindful of us all, To those that fear him, great and small. He shall increase you more and more, You and your children he will bless ; In heaven and earth he gives you store, For he doth heaven and earth possess: The silent dead shall sing no praise, But songs eternal we will raise. HUNDRED AND SIXTEENTH PSALM. I love the Lord because he heard My voice and humble prayer ; In my behalf his grace appear'd, To me inclined his ear. PSALMS OF DAVID. 133 Long as I live I '11 pray to thee, When sorrows gather round ; Though death itself encompass me, And hell's dread pains abound. Yea, I will call on thee, my Lord, Thou wilt those ills control ; I will beseech thee to afford Deliverance to my soul. Gracious and merciful art thou, Thy righteousness I see ; My soul was brought exceeding low, But thou assisted me. Return, my soul, unto thy rest, God has been kind to thee ; Midst death's dark shade thou shalt be blest, And full deliverance see. keep mine eyes from every tear, Preserve my feet secure ; Then in thy paths will I appear, While years and life endure. 1 spake, my words were too unchaste, And heedless was my tongue ; I said, and said it much in haste, That every man was wrong. 134 PSALMS OF DAVID. What shall I render to thee, Lord, For all thy gifts to me ? I will accept thy saving word, And call, O Lord, on thee. Now will I pay my vows aright, That all thy saints may hear ; For precious in thy holy sight Thy dying saints appear. Truly thy servant 1 arise, For thou hast loosed my cord; I therefore offer sacrifice, And call upon the Lord. To thee my vows, O Lord, I'll pay, Where saints assembled are ; Within thy holy courts I '11 stay, Thy praises to declare. HUNDRED AND TWENTIETH PSALM. In deep and sore distress, I cried unto the Lord ; And in his boundless righteousness, He hearken'd to my word. PSALMS OF DAVID. 135 From lips disposed to lies, And a deceitful tongue, Deliver thou my soul, and rise Those conquests to prolong. And what wilt thou bestow On tongues replete with ire ? Sharp arrows of the mighty throw, And burning coals of fire. Alas ! that I sojourn In envious Mesech still ; Or in the tents of Kedar mourn, Exposed to every ill. I dwell with those that break, And strive my peace to mar ; I am for peace, but when 1 speak, They all prepare for war. HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIRST PSALM. Unto the hills I lift mine eyes, Whence cometh all my rich supplies ; From thee, O Lord, my help is given- Who made, and fills both earth and heuT