/-; THE COSMOPOLITAN. ))(B®,m°Ii)(B^ fa Pears' Complexion Powder adds the finishing touch. All rights secured." When you write, please mention "The Cosmopolitan." CONTENTS FOR JANUARY, 1904. Frontispiece. Cyrus Cuneo 258 Poverty in the World's Greatest Metropolis. Illustrated. LADY HENRY SOMERSET 259 The Diary of King Edward Vlll. EDITED BY 267 The Oldest Republic in the World. iiiustr::?^,:^^ CHAKl.E'i WKSLEV, AUTHOR 0F"JF-S('S, LOVIiR OF MY sour,." Tlicre have bien many translations which exist in differ- ent hvmnals. The best one is by Doctor lions. His transhi- tion begins: "Day of wrath 1 Oh, day of inourniiiL;' !'" An- other of the early hymns, wiitten in Latin by Thoodoiph and translated by Doctor Neale, is: "All glory, laud and honor To thee, Redeemer King! To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring." Theodolph was the Bishop of Orleans about the year 800. He was accused of treason and was put into prison. The King lury wrote four of our most beautiful hymns. At tliat time this monastery was at the height of its powers and in it were both scholarly men and men of great wealth. Bernard knew well the vices and follies of his day, and in a satire upon them are the four religious poems, whicdi hnve been translated, and are rich treasures of English hymn-books. They are: "The world is very evil, The times are waxing late." "For thee, O dear, dear cauntry, Mine eyes their vigils keep." "Jerusalem the Golden, with milk and honey blest." "Brief life is here our portion." For several hundred years after this there were very few hymns written. HATH ADIil'.V CAiniaJKAL CHURCH OK DISHOP KKN. was passing the prison one Palm Sunday: Theodolph was looking through the bars of his cell windows, and as he rode by, the old Bisho]) sang the first verse of this hymn. It pleased the King, and he ordered it sung on every succeeding Palm Sunday, and also released the singer from jn'ison. Bernard of Cluny, an English monk in a French monastery, early in the twelfth ceu- "With the Reformation came also a re- naissance in hymn-writing. Luther was the first to realize that music and song were valuable helps in religions warfare. lie called for poets to write spiritual songs in German, demanding that the "words be quite plain and common, such as the com- mon people may understand, yet puie and skilfully handled." There are many SOME FAMOUS HYMNS AND 7HE/R AUTHORS. 323 AUGUSTUS M. TOPLAIJV, AUTHOR OF "ROCK OF AGES, CLEFT FOR ME." REGINALD HEBER, AUTHOR OF " FROM GREENLAND'S ICY MOUNTAINS." translation.s of Luther's hymn, "Ein fester is.,ao Watts's childhood was spent in the Burg ist unserGott." The one in com- midst of religious excitement which influ- mon use is: enced his entire life. Plis father was every "A tower of strength our God is still, now and then put into prison for holding to A shield and sure defender." his relisious views, and the mother, so the The religious excitement and enthusiasm old story-books tell us, would sit on the which prevailed in England at the time of prison steps holding the little Isaac in her the Wesleys inspired many hymn- writers, arms. Isaac Watts really belongs to the Wesley Political affairs brightened when William epoch, although he was born thirty years before Charles Wesley, who shares with him the distinc- tion of having writ- ten the largest num- ber of hymns in use to-day. Surely Watts well earned the epitaph one reads on his tomb: "Isaac Watts, the Father of the Eng- lish Ilymn." He was born at Southampton, Eng- land, and his father was a deacon of a Congregational Church. These were stormy days for Non- conformists, and JOHN KEBLE, AUTHOR OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, A COLLECTION OF POEMS AND HYMNS. of Orange came over, but this poetic child had imbibed theol- ogy and religious emotion with his mother's milk in the stormy dnys of his infancy. Walts never mar- ried. The woman he loved jilted him, which saddened his life; notwithstanding which his character is very lovable with its sorrow, pathos and gentleness. He loved chiklren dearly, and while he was tutor in Sir John Hart- upp's family he wrote that sweet old lullaby : 324 SOME FAMOUS HYMNS AND THEIR AUTHORS. :^^^ WM. COVVPliU, All 1 H(JK