BBBBah m ■ P -■■■ FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ^F — ^z H Y M JUN N I93! & VARIOUS TEXTS IN THE HOLT SCRIPTURES. By the late Reverend PHILIP DODDRIDGE, D.D. Publifhed from the Author's Manufcript By JOB ORTO N. . I cftcem Nepos^r his Faith and Diligence ', his Comments en Scripture, and many Hymns, with which the Brethren are delighted. Eufeb. Eccl. Hift. L. 7. C. 24. SALOP, Printed by.J.EDDOWES and J.Cotton*: And Sold by J.Waugh and W. Fent-;er 5 at the Turk's Htad in Lombard Street ; and J. Buckland, at the Buck in Pater -mjler Row, London. ' — ^j t Mi ] THE PREFACE. TH E Author of the following Hymns, well known to the World by mam excellent a?id iifeful Writings \ was much fol~ iicited by his Friends to print them in his Life-time y from a Hope they might befcr- viceable to the Inter eft of Religion by af- f/iing the Devotion of Chrifians in their foci al and fecret WorJhip\ and, had GOD continued his Life till his Family- Expositor on the Epiftles had been publi/lied, it is probable he would have complied with their Requejt: But this and ma?iy other pious and benevolent Purpofes were broken off bv his much-lamented Death. During the laft Hour I fpent A 2 " with iv The PREFACE. with him, a few Weeks before that mourn- ful Event, he honoured me with fame particular Directions about tranfcribing and fubUJhiftg them. I have at length, thro the good Hand of my G OD upon me* fmip,*d them, and prefent them to the World with a chearful Hope, that they will pr emote and dtjjufe a Spirit of Devotion, and, together with other Af- Jijlances human and divine, prepare many to join wlih -the devout Author in the ?iobter and cverldjting Ainihems of Heaven. tfkefe Hvmns being compofedto be fang, after the Author had been preaching on the Texts prefixed to them, it was his Defign, that they fould bri?7g over again the leading Thoughts in the Sermon, and naturally exprefs and warmly enforce tho/e devout Sentiments, which he hoped were then rlfvg in the Minds cf his Fearers, and help to fx them en the Memory and Heart: Accordingly the attentive Reader will olferve, that moft of tl em illujlrate fuch Sentiments, as a jli Iful Preacher would principally ijfft upon, The PREFACE. v upon, when dtfcmrfihg from the Texts on "which they are founded. There is a great Variety in the Form of them : Some are devout Paraphrafes on the Texts: others exprefjive of lively Acts of Devo- tion, Faith, and Trufi in GOD, Love to Chriil, Defre of divine Pfluenees y and good Rcjb hit ions cf cultivating the Temper and praclijing the Duties re- commended : Others proclaim an humble Joy and Triumph in the gracious Pro- mifes and Encouragements of Scripture^ particularly in the Dijcovery and Pro- jpeci of eternal Life. The Nature of the SulfcBs will eafily account for the Dif- ference oj Compofure, why jome are more plain and ' artlefs, others more lively, fib- lime, and full f poet id: Fire. If ' an v of them fbould at fir ft Reading appear fat or obfcure, it may well be fuppofd they would affect the Mind in a ftronger Man- ner, when nfed in a religious Affmbly after Sermons upon the Texts, in which the Context hath hmi con fide red (if that were necejfary) , parallel Places compare d, A 3 the vi The PREFACE A the Dejtgn of the infpired Writer judict* ' eu/Jy opened, and the Beauty % Propriety > and Emphajis of the feveral Ciaiifcs of the Text illujlrated: They therefore who ufe them in their devout Retirements jhould fir/l read and confidjer the Texts and Contexts; a?td if they would confult feme Expofitor upon them, particularly the Author s on the Subjetfs taken from the New Tefament, they will fee a Spirit md Elegance -in thefe Compofurcs, which may otherwife be overlooked, and be more likely to reap 7~eal and lafling Advantage by them.. In this ColleSlicn there are many Hymns formed upon PaJJages in the Gld Tejla^ ment> particularly in the Prophets, di^ reSily relating to the Cafe cf the Israelites,. or fome particular good Man among them, which the Author hath accommodated to the Circumjlances ofChri(iians, where h^ thought there was a jujl and natural Re~ fcmblance ; and he apprehended, that the Practice cf the infpired Writers of the New Tcftament warranted fuch Accom- moda- The PREFACE tS modations % . He experienced this to be a very acceptable and ujeful Method of preaching on the Old Teftament, and ac- cordingly recom??ie?ided it to his Pupils, as ivhat would afford them an Opportunity (f explaining the Defign of the Prophecies y difplaying the Wifdom, Faithfulnefs and Grace of GOU, and fuggefiing ?nany firiking and important Inflrublions : Tbiz Method would at the fame 'Time occafiow an agreeable Variety in their Difcourfes, prevent their confining themfehes to ge- neral or common-place Subjeffs, or (in Order to avoid a frequent Repetition of well-known Arguments) running into dry and abftrufe Speculations > which the Ca- pacities of the Generality of their Hearers could not comprehend^ nor their Hearts relijlj and feel : A FaJJ:ion in P reaching y too prevalent^ md, confidering its appa- rent Unprcfitablenefsy. much to be lamented. % Compare Hebrews xiii. 5, 6. and Family Exp^Jiior in Loc. note (e). There are alfo fome good Remarks on this ^ubje£l in Dr. Watts* $ Hollnefs cf Times ^ P * laces , 88 Loud be thy Name ador'd 283 Loud let the tuneful Trumpet found 50 Loud to the Prince of Heaven . 41 M MArk the foft- falling Snow ill Mine inward Joys fupprefi'dHoo long 330 My God, and is thy Table fpread 271 My God, affift me, while I raife 266 My God ! how chearful is the Sound 297 My God, the Covenant of thy Love 11 My God, thy Service well demands 364 My Godj what filken Cords are thine 152 My Gocf, whofe all-pervading Eye 45 My gracious Lord, I own thy Right 294 My Helper God, I blefs his Name 19 My Jefusy while in mortal Flefh 280 My Lord, didft thou indure fuch Smart 276 My Saviour, didft thou die for me 1 93 My Saviour, I am thine 267 My Saviour, let me hear thy Voice 179 My Sins, alas ! how foul the Stains ^48 My A TABLE. xi* Hymn My Soul, review the trembling Days 68 My Soul, the awful Hour will come 3 9 My Soul triumphant in the Lord 33 My Soul, with all thy waken'd Power* 320 My Soul, with Joy attend 231 My various Pow'rs, awake 347 My waken'd Soul, extend thy Wings 34a N NOw be that Sacrifice furvey*& 29 1 Now let a true Ambition rife 178' Now let my Soul with Tranfport rife 261 Now let our chearful Eyes furvey 8 Now let our mourning Hearts revive 17 Now let our Songs addrefs the God of Peace 367 Now let our Songs proclaim abroad 318 Now let our Voices join 69 Now let the feebly all, be ftrong- 269 Now let the Gates of Zion fing 182 Now let the lift'ning World around 74 Now let the Sons of Belial hear 80 Now to that fov'reign Grace 326 o OGoctof Jticob^ by whofe Hand 4 O happy Chriftian, who can boaft 349 O happy Day, that fix'd my Choice 23 G injur'd Majefty of Heaven 142 O Ifrael, bieft beyond Compare- 26 O ifraely thou art blgfl 78 O praife ye the Lord^ prepare a new Song 366 O righteous God, thou Judge fupreme 140 O Thou that haft Redemption wrought 249 Our Banner is th' eternal God 6 Our xx A T A B L E. Hymn Our Eyes Salvation fee 2CJ2 Our God afcends his lofty Throne 82 Our heav'nly Father calls 346 Our Souls with pleafmg Wonder view 34 Our Souls withRev'rence, Lord, bow down 339 O where is fov'reign Mercy gone 116 O yc immortal Throng 304 O Zion, tune thy Voice 118 P PArent of univerfal Good 47 Peace, all ye Sorrows of the Heart 235 Peace, 'tis the Lord Jehovah's Hand 42 Perfection ! 'tis an empty Name 63 Perpetual Source of Light and Grace 151 Praife to our Shepherd's gracious Name 229 Praife to the Lord of boundlefs Might 274 Praife to the Lord on high 273 Praife to the Lord whofe mighty Hand 272 Praife to the radiant Source of Blifs I or. Praife to the Sovereign of the SI;/ 1 62 Praife to thy Name, eternal God 344 R Aife, thoughtlefs Sinner, raife thine Eye 148 ^ Remark, my Soul, the narrow Bounds 52 Repent, the Voice celefhal cries 254 Return, my roving Heart, return 29 Return, my Soul, and feek thy Reil 57 S SAIvation doth to God belong 369 Salvation ! O melodious Sound 36 Satan the dire Invader came 308 Saviour A TABLE. xxi Hymn Saviour divine, we know thy Name I ;2 Saviour of Men and Lord of Love 184, Searcher of Hearts, before thy Face 250 See how tr>e Lord of Mercy fp reads 185 See Ifrdefs gentle Shepherd Hand 198 See the Deftruetion is begun 94. See the fair Structure Wiidom rears 76 See the old Dragon from his Throne 356 Shepherd of 1/rael^ bend thine Ear 370 Shepherd of Ifrael, thou doft keep 127 Shine forth, eternal Source of Light 150 Shine on our Souls, eternal God 5^ Shout ! for the Battlements are fall'n 278 Sing to the Lord above 167 Sing to the Lord a new melodious Song 22q "Sing to the Lord, who loud proclaims 30 Sing, ye redeemed of the Lord 95 So firm the Saints Foundations ftand l6j Sovereign of all the Worlds on high 28 x Sovereign of Heaven, thine Empire fpreads i8q Sovereign of Life, before thine Eye 2r Sovereign of Life, I own thy Hand 6 Sov'reign of Nature, all is thine 14 Spring up, mv Soul, with ardent Flight s6g Stupendous Grace ! And can it be 287 Supreme in Mercy, who mail dare l6 Supreme of Beings, with Delight 35 <- T THe Cov'nant of a Saviour's Love 236 The Creatures, Lord, confefs thy Hand 5 The darken'd Sky how thick it lours 66 , The Wa A TABL E. Hymn The Day approachcth, O my Soul- 317 The Deluge at th' Almighty's Call 336 The everliving God 80 The glorious Lord, his Ifraels Hope 95 The great Jehovah ! who fhall dare 26 The King of Heaven his Table fpreads 21 1 The Lord from his exalted Throne 28 The Lord ! how kind are all his Ways 149 The Lord 1 how rich his Comfortb are 277 The Lord Jehovah calls 309 T ne Lord into his Vineyard comes 174. The Lord of Glory reigns fupremely great 44 The Lord of Life exalred ftands 225 The Lord on mortal Worms looks down 172 The Lord our Lord ! how rich his Grace 106 The Lord with Pleafure views his Saints 37 The Promifes I fing 316 The righteous Lord fupremely g r eat 128 Thefe mortal Joys ! how foon thev fade 209 The Sepulchres how thick they ftand 243 The fwift-declining Day 1 30 Th' eternal God, his Name how great 24 The Vineyard of the Lord how fair 81 Thou, Lord, thro' every changing Scene 51 Thou, mighty Lord, art God alone 2 53 Thrice happy Souls, who born from Heaven 79 Thrice happy State, where Saints ftiall live 215 Thus hath the Son of Jejfe faid 365 Thus fa : th Jehovah from his Seat 91 Thy Flock, with what a tender Care 230 Thy Judgments cry aloud ti% Thy piercing Eye, O God> forvejr$ 1 38 Thy A TABLE. xxlii Hymn ThyPrefence, everlafting God 279 5 Tis mine, the Cov'nant of his Grace 22 To all his Flock what wondrous Love 239 To-morrow, Lord, is thine 329 To thee, great Architect on high 305 To thee, my God, my Days aie known 38 To thee, O God, we Homage pay 173 Tranfporting Tidings, which we hear 302 Triumphant, Loid, thy Goodnefs reigns 35 Triumphant Zion, lift thy Head 107 V Viler than Duft, O Lord, are we 13^ Ungrateful Sinners, whence this Scorn 258 Unite, my roving Thoughts, unite 48 W WAft on the Lord, ye Heirs of Hope 93 Weary, and weak, and faint 87 We blefs th' eternal Source of Light 352 We praife the Lord for heavenly Bread 222 We Ting the deep myfrerious Plan 284 What Bofom mov'd with pious Zeat 9 What doleful Accents do I hear 1 92 What haughty Scorner, faith the Lord 168 What MyfVries, Lord, in thee combine 350 What venerable Sight appears 214 When at this Diftance, Lord, we trace 183 While on the Verge of Life I ftand 295 Whofe Words againft the Lord are ftout 136 Why flow thefe Torrents of Diftrefc 196 Why fhould our mourning Souls delight 260 Why will ye Uvilh out your Yeaa 206 Wide ibdv A TABLE, Hymn Wide o'er all Worlds the Saviour reigns 195 With Extacy of Joy 333 With flowing Eyes, and bleeding Hearts 270 With bumble Pleafure, Lord, we trace 11 With Pity, Lord, thy Servant view 62 With rev'rend Awe, tremendous Lord 133 With Tranfport, Lord, our Souls proclaim 323 With what Delight I raife mine Eyes 85 Y YE Armies of the living God 265 Ye golden Lamps of Heaven, farewell 119 Ye Hearts with youthful Vigour warm 75 Ye Heav'ns, with Sounds of Triumph ring 303 Ye humble Souls, rejoice 72 Ye humble Souls, that feek the Lord 194 Ye little Flock, whom Jefus feeds 208 Ye mourning Saints, whofe ft reaming Tears 112 Ye Pris'ners, who in Bondage lie 169 Yes, Britain feem'd to Ruin doom'd 1 55 Ye Servants of the Lord 210 Ye Sinners, bend your ftubborn Necks 328 Ye Sinners, on Backiliding bent 153 Yes, it is fweet to tafte his Grace 332 Ye Sons of Men, with Joy record 56 Yes, the Redeemer rofe 218 Yes, 'tis the Voice of Love divine 163 Ye Subjects of the Lord, proclaim 1 08 Yc weak Inhabitants of Clay 97 HYMNS HYMNS AND Spiritual SONGS, From PASSAGES inthe Old Testament. i. Enoch's Piety and Tranflation^ Genefis V. 24. Hebrews XL 5. 1 T7< TERNAL God, our wond'ring Souls ±2j Admire thy matchlefs Grace ; That thou wilt walk, that thou wilt dwell, With Adams worthlefs Race. 2 O lead me to that happy Path, Where I my God may meet ; Tho' Hofts of Foes begird it round, Tho' Briars wound my Feet. B 3 Chear'd £ GENESIS. 3 Chear'd with thy Converfe I can trace The Defart with Delight-: Thro' all the Gloom one Smile of thine Can diflipate the Night. 4 Nor ftiall I thro' eternal Days A reftlefs Pilgrim roam : Thy Hand, that now dire£ts my Courfe, Shall foon convey me home. 5 I aft not Enoch's rapt'rous Flight To Realms of heav'nly Day : Nor feek Elijah's fiery Steeds, To bear this Flefh away. 6 Joyful my Spirit will confent To drop its mortal Load, And hail || the fharpeft Pangs of Death, That break its Way to God. |] faluU or welcome. II. GOD'S gracious Approbation of a religious Care of our Families^ Genefis xviii. 19. j IgVATHER of Men, thy Care we blefs, Jj Which crowns our Families with Peace: From thee they fprung, and by thy Hand Their Root, and Branches are fuftain'd. 2 To God, tnoft worthy to be praisM, Be our domeflick Altars rais'd ; Who, Lord of Heaven, fcorns not to dwell With Saints in their obfcureft Cell. 3 To thee may each united Houfe Morning, and Night, prefent its Vows : Our GENESIS. 3 Our Servants there, and rifing Race Be taught thy Precepts, and thy Grace, 4 O may each future Age proclaim The Honours of thy glorious Name; While pleas'd, and thankful, we remove To join the Family above. III. Abraham's Interceffion for Sodom, GV- nefis xviii. 32. For a Faji Day. 1 £^ REAT God! did pious Ah- am pray VJT F° r Sodom's vile abandon'd Race ? And fhall not all our Souls be rous'd For Britain to implore thy Grace ? 2 Bafe as we are, does not thine Eye Its chofen Thoufands here furvey ; [Crouds, Whofe Souls, deep humbled, mourn the Who walk in Sin's deftrudtive Wav ? j 3 O Judge fupreme, let not thy Sword The righteous with the wicked finite : Nor bury in promifcuous Heaps Rebels, and Saints thy chief Delight. 4 For thefe thy Children fpare the Land ; Avert the Thunders big with Death \ Nor let the Seeds of latent % Fire Be kindled by thy flaming Breath. Oh ! be not angry, mighty God, While Duft and Allies feek thy Face! But gently bending from thy Throne, Renew, and ftill increafe the Grace. \ hidden, fecret* B 2 6 Jesus 4 GENE S X S. 6 Jesus the Interceffor hear, And for his Sake thy Grace impart, Which, while it flops the fiery Stream, Diflblves the mofl obdurate Heart. 7 Sodom fhall change to Zion then, And heavenly Dews be fcatter'd round, That Plants of Paradife may fpring, Where baleful )| Poyfons curs'd the Ground. II dejiruclive. IV. Jacob's Vow. Genefis xxviii. 20.— 22* 1 /^V GOD of Jacobs by whofe Hand V^r Thine Ifrael ftill is fed, Who thro' this weary Pilgrimage Haft all our Fathers led : 2 To thee our humble Vows we raife, To thee addrefs our Prayer, And in thy kind and faithful Breaft Depofite all our Care. 3 If thou thro' each perplexing Path Wilt be our conftant Guide; If thou wilt daily Bread fupply, And Raiment wilt provide ; 4 If thou wilt fpread thy Shield around. Till thefe our WandVings ceafe, .And at our Father's lov'd Abode Our Souls arrive in Peace ; < To thee, as to our Covcnant-GoD, We'll our whole felves refign ; And count that not our Tenth alone, But all we have is thine. V, Tk EXODUS. 5r V. The Hand of the LORD upon the Cattle. Exodus ix. 3. 1 riTA HE Creatures, Lord, eonfefs thy Hand, . X Thro' Earth and Sky, thro' Sea & Land j And all their meaneft Orders fhare Their Maker's Pity, and his Care. 2 O look from thine exalted Throne, And hear our panting Cattle moan ; Prone § o'er th' untafted Food they lye 9 Groan out their Agonies, and dye, 3 What have thefe harmlefs Creatures done To draw this fore Chaftifement down ? 'Tis human Guilt for Vengeance calls, And heavy on the Herds it falls. 4 From them to us the Stroke might pafr, And mow down Thoufands of our Race : Till Defolation reign'd around, Our Cities void, untill'd our Ground. 5 Prevent the Ruin by thy Grace, And melt our Hearts to feek thy Face : Bleft Fruit of thy correcting Rod To lofe our Beafts, and find our God. § Stretched out on the Ground. VL Israel WAmalek. Extdus xvii. u-» For a Fajl-Day. 1 f>L U R Banner is th' Eternal God, \Jr Nor will we yield to Fear ; Amidft ten thoufand fierce Affaults, His mighty Aid is near. B 3. To 6 EXODUS. 2 To him the Hands of Faith we ftretch, And plead experienc'd Grace; To hirn the Voice of Prayer we raife. Nor will he hide his Face. 3 No more, proud Amahk, thy Boaft, " God's Arm is feeble grown". His Sword (hall lop off every Hand, That dares infult his Throne. 4 Awake, tremendous Judge, awake. Our Nation's Caufe to plead; Nor let thine IfraeVs Foes, and thine By Wickednefs fucceed, 5 Our fainting Hands, how fbon they droop! But thou the weak canft raife; And in the Mount of Prayer canft leave An Altar to thy Praife. VII. Again]} following a Multitude to do Evik Exodus XXIII. 2. 1 T ORD, when Iniquities abound, | j And growing Crimes appear; We view the Deluge riling round With Sorrow, and with Fear. 2 Yet when its Waves moft fiercely beat, And fpread Deftru&ion wide, Thy Spirit can a Standard raife To ft em % tne roaring Tide. 3 May thy triumphant Arm awake Thy facred Caufe to plead; J reftrain, 4 And EXODUS. 7 And let the Multitude confefs, That thou art God indeed. 4 Their Hearts fhall in a Moment turn. Like Water by thy Hand; One Word fhall bow their ftubborn Necks To own thy high command. 5 Our feeble Souls at leaft fupport, And there thy Power difplay; Then Multitudes (hall drive in vain To draw us from thy Way, VIII. Christ's InterceJJion typified by Aaron'3 Brea/iplate. Exodus xxviii. 29. 2 TVT O W let our chearful Eyes furvey XN Our great High-Prieft above, And celebratQ his conftant Care, And fympathetic Love. 2 Tho' rais'd to a fuperior Throne, Where Angels bow around, And high o'er all the fhining Train With matchlefs Honours crown'd $ 3 The Names of all his Saints he bears Deep graven on his Heart ; Nor fhall the meaneft Chriftian fay. That he hath loft his Part, 4 Thofe Characters fhall fair abide, Our everlafting Trufr, When Gems, and Monuments, and Crowns Are moulder'd down to Duft. B 4 5 s o> 8 EXODUS. 5 So, Gracious Saviour, on my Breany May thy dear Name be worn, A facred Ornament and Guard, To endlefs Ages borne. IX. Jfho is on the Lord's Side? Exodus xxxii. 26. 1 T If HAT Bofom mov'd with pious Zeal VV Does for its God's Difhonour feel ? What Heart with generous Ardor glows To plead his Caufe againfl: his Foes ? 2 Great God, what Bofom can be cold ? What Coward muft not here grow bold ? While Honour, Intereft, Truth, and Love Concur our inrnoft Souls to move ? 3 Around thy Standard, Lord, we prefs, Thine injur'd Honour to redrefs, And with determin'd Voice demand The Signal of thy conqu'ring Hand. 4 Thou fhalt thefe facred Weapons blefs* And lead thro' War to endlefs Peace ; Not Death itfelf our Souls fhall dread, For thine own Arm fhall raife the Dead* X. GOD'S Preface definable. Exodus xxxiii. 15. I T MMENSE, eternal God ! X How marvellous thy Name ! Thy Prefence all abroad Pervades II all Nature's Frame ; penetrates thro' or fills. Hsay-'n EXODUS. 9 Heav'n, Earth, and Ahy And the dark Cell, Where Devils dwell In long Defpair. 2 Yet thou haft chofen Ways To make thy Prefence known, To Fav'rites of thy Grace, To upright Souls alone : This Glory, Lord, My Soul would fee. This Grace to me, My God, afford. 3 If thou thy Luftre vail The Charms of Nature fade ; All wither'd, weak, and pale, They bow their languid Head : My Father, mine ; For thou canft give -. The Dead to live By Beams divine. 4 Ev'n Eden's blifsful Lands Would in thine Abfence mourn • But thou wild- Africs § Sands To Paradife canft turn. If God be there The Gloom is bright 3 But Noon is Night, Till thou appear, § Africa, # Part of the Earth rem&pk&l* for fandy barren Defarts, B 5 5 -Corner lo EXODUS. 5 Come, for my Spirit glows With infinite Defire ! '.Strong Love impatient grows. And fets my Heart on Fire. My Father, come ; That Prefence give On which I live ; Or call me home. XL Moses's View of the divine Glory. Exod, xxxiii. 1 8, 1 ITT ITH humble Pleafure, Lord, we trace V V The ancient Records of thy Grace $ And our own Confolation draw From what thy Servant Mofes faw. 2 May we behold thy Glory fhine, With gentle Beams of Love divine ; And hear thy fecret Voice proclaim The various Wonders of thy Name. 3 If feeble Nature faint t' endure A Voice fo fweet, a Ray fo pure ; Its DifTolution would delight, While Death would wear a Form fo bright, 4 Death fhall unvail that World above, Where the dear Children of thy Love, Attemper'd % all to heavenly Day, Bear, and refle£t th' immediate Ray. 1 fitted and enabled to bear. XII, The EXODUS. ii XII. The Proclamation of GOD'S Na?ne to Mofes, or divine Mercy and Juftice. Exod. xxxiv. 6,-8. 1 A TTEND, my Soul, the Voice divine, jtV And mark what beaming Glories (bine A round thy condefcending God ! To us, to us, he ftill proclaims His awful, his endearing Names : Attend, and found them all abroad, 2 " JEHOVAH I, the fov'reign Lord, w The mighty God, by Heav'n ador'd, M Down to the Earth myFootfteps bend : cc My Heart the tend'reft Pity knows, M Goodnefs full-ftreaming overflows, u And Grace and Truth fhall never End, 3 " My Patience long can Crimes endure \ 44 My pard'ning Love is ever fure, 44 When penitential Sorrow mourns ; 44 To Millions thro' unnumbered Years, 44 New Hope and new Delight it bears ; 44 Yet Wrath againft the Sinner burns** 4 Make Hafte, my Soul, the Villon meet, All proftrate at thy Sov'reign's Feet, And drink the tuneful Accents in ; Speak on, my Lord ; repeat the Voice ; Diffufe thefe Heart- expanding Joys, Till Heav'n compleat the rapt'rous Scene, XHL Tm m NUMBERS. XIII. The GOD of Spirits fought to fupply Vacancies in the Congregations of his People Numbers xxvii, 15, — 17. I--T7 ATHER of Spirits, from thy Hand Jj Our Souls immortal came 3 And ftill thine Energy % divine Supports th ? ethereal || Flame, 2 By thee our Spirits all are known $ And each remoteft Thought Lies wide expanded to his Eye, By whom their Powers were Wrought* 3 To thee, when mortal Comforts fail. Thy Flock deferted flies ; And, on th" eternal Shepherds Care, Our chearful Hope relies. 4 When o'er thy faithful Servants Duft=> Thy dear Aflemblies mourn, In fpeedy Tokens of thy Grace, O IfraeTs God, return. 5 The Powers of Nature all are thine, ^ And thine the. Aids of -Grace ■; Thine Arm has borne thy Churches up Thro' every rifing Race. 6 Exert thy facred Influence here. And here thy Suppliants blefs, And change, to Strains of chearful Praife* Their Accents 01 Diftrefs. J Power, (J Heavenly. 7 Witlv DEUTERONOMY. 13 7 With faithful Heart, with fkilful Hand, May this thy Flock be fed ; And with a {ready growing Pace To Zions Mountain led. XIV. The Lord's People his Portion, D 'euter orv xxxii. 9^ 1 QOV'REIGN of Nature, all is thine^ i^T The Air, the Earth, the Sea : By thee the Orbs celeftial § fhine^ And Cherubs live by thee. 2 Rich in thine own ElTential Store, Thou call'ft forth Worlds at Will : Ten thoufand, and ten thoufand more Would hear thy Summons ftill. 3 What Treafure wilt thou then confefs ? And thine own Portion call ? What by peculiar Right poffefs, Imperial Lord of all ? 4 Thine Ifrael thou wilt ftoop to claims . Wilt mark them out for thine : Ten thoufand Praifes to thy Name For Goodnefs fo divine ! 5 That I am thine, my Soul would boaflj And boaft its Claim to thee ; Nor mall God's Property be loft Nor Gop be torn from me, ^ The bwvtnfy BQdkh xv.n* 14 DEUTERONOMY. XV. The Eternal GOD his People's Refuge, and Support. Deut. xxxiii. 27. 1 "Q EHOLD the great eternal GODj iJ Spreads everlafting Arms abroad* And calls our Souls to fhelter there. Wonders of mingled Power and Grace To all his Ifrael he difplays, Guarded from Danger, and from Fear, 2 Thither my feeble Soul fhall fly When Terrors prefs, and Death is nigh,. And there will I delight to dwell : On that high Tower I rear my Head Serene, nor knows my Heart to dread, Amidft flirrounding Hofts of Hell. 3 The Shadow of th' Almighty's Wings Compofure unmolefted brings, While threatening Horrors round me croud j, In vain the Storms of rattling Hail The Walls of this Retreat aflail, And the wild Tempeft roars aloud* 4 In louder Strains my fearlefs Tongue Shall warble its vi&orious Song, My Father's Graces to proclaim y He bears his Infant Off-fpring on To Glory radiant as his Throne, And Joys eternal as his Name. XVI. The Happinefs of G D'S Ifrael. Deut. xxxiii. 29. I /*\ Ifrael, bleft beyond Compare ! V^/ Unrival'd all thy Glories are ; Jehovah JOSHUA. 15 Jehovah deigns || to fill thy Throne, And calls thine Intereft all his own. 2 He is thy Saviour ; He thy Lord ; His Shield is thine -, and thine his Sword : Review in Extacy of Thought The grand Redemption he has wrought* 3 From Satan's Yoke he fets thee free, Opens thy Paffage thro' the Sea; He thro' the Defart is thy Guide, And Heav'n, for Canaan, will provide* 4 Not Jacob's Sons of old could boaft Such Favours to their chofen Hoft ; Their Glories, which thro' Ages fhine, Are but dim Shades, and Types of thine* 5 Celeftial Spirit, teach our Tongue Sublimer Strains than Mofes fung, Proportion^ to the fweeter Name Of God the Saviour, and the Lamb, || condefcends. XVII. Support in the gracious Prefence of GOD under the Lofs of Minijlers, and other ufeful Friends, Jofhua i. 2, 4, 5. 1 TWT O W let our mourning Hearts revive, X\| And all our Tears be dry. Why (hould thofe Eyes be drown'd in Grief, Which view a Saviour nigh ? 2 Whattho' the Arm of conquering Death Does God's own Houfe invade ? What tho' the Prophet, and the Prieft Be number'd with the Dead ? 3 Th ^ 16 JUDGES. 3 Tho' earthly Shepherds dwell In Duft, The Aged, and the Young, The watchful Eye in Darknefs clos'd, And mute th' inftru&ive Tongue; 4 Th' eternal Shepherd ftill furvives New Comfort to impart; His Eye ftill guides us, and his Voice Still animates our Heart. 5 c< Lo, I am with you," faith the Lord, " My Church fhall fafe abide ; " For I will ne'er forfake my own, " Whofe Souls in me confide.'' fc Thro' every Scene of Life, and Death, This Promife is our Truft ; And this fhall be our Children's Song, When we are cold in Duft. XVIII. GOD infenfibly withdrawn. Judges xvi. 20. t A Prefent God is all our Strength, jtjl And all our Joy and Hope -> When he withdraws, our Comforts dye, - And every Grace muft droop. % But flattering Trifles charm our Hearts To court their falfe Embrace, Till juftly this neglected Friend Averts his angry Face. 2 He leaves us, and we mifs him not j But go prefumptuous en, Till baffled, wounded, and enflav'd/ We Jearn, that God is gone* 4 And-:. I. SAMUEL. ij 4 And what, my Soul, can then remain One Ray of Light to give ? Sever'd from him, their better Life, How can his Children live ? 5 Hence all ye painted Forms of Joy r And leave my Heart to mourn ! I would devote thefe Eyes to Tears, Till chear'd by his Return. 6 Look back, my Lord, and own the place, Where once thy Temple flood -> For lo, its Ruins bear the mark Of rich atoning Blood. XIX, Ebenezer, or GOD'S help ing Hand n?- view' d and acknovjhdged. i Sam. vii. 12, For New-fears Day. 1 T\ /T Y helper God! I blefs his Name : J VX The fame his Power, his Grace the The Tokens of his friendly Care [fame* Open, and crown, and clofe the Year. 2 I 'midft ten thoufand Dangers ftand, Supported by his guardian Hand; And fee, when I furvey my Ways, Ten thoufand Monuments of Praife. 3 Thus far his Arm has led me on ; Thus far I make his Mercy known ; And, while I tread this defart Land, New Mercies fhall new Songs demando 4 My grateful Soul, on Jcrdan's Shore, Shall raife one facred Pillar more : Then bear, in his bright Courts above, Infcriptions of immortal Love, XX. Th i8 II. SAMUEL. XX. The Saint encouraging himfelf in the LORD his GOD. i Sam. xxx. 6. 1 T EHOVAH, 'tis a glorious Name : J Still pregnant with Delight; It fcatters round a ch earful Beam, To gild the darkeft Night. 2 What tho' our mortal Comforts fade, And drop like with'ring Flowers ? Nor Time nor Death can break that Band, Which makes Jehovah our's. 3 My Cares, I give you to the Wiad, And fhake you off like Duft ; Well may I truft my All with him, With whom my Soul I truft. XXI. Support in GOD'S Covenant under do~ me/lick Troubles. 2 Sam. xxiii. 5. 1 Tift Y GOD, the Cov'nant of thy Love JL V JL Abides for ever fure, And in its matchlefs Grace I feel My Happinefs fecure. 2 What tho' my Houfe be not with thee As Nature could defire ? To nobler Joys, than Nature gives, Thy Servants all afpire. 3 Since thou, the everlafting God, My Father art become ; Jefus my Guardian, and my Friend, And Heav'n my final Home ; 4 I welcome all thy fov'reign Will 3 For all that Will is Love : And, II. SAMUEL. 19 And, when I know not what thou dofr, I wait the Light above. 5 Thy Cov'nant in the darkeft Gloom Shall heav'nly Rays impart, Which, when my Eye-lids clofe in Death, Shall warm my chilling Heart. XXII. Support in GOD'S Covenant in the near Views of Death. 2 Sam. xxiii. I. and 5. compared. 1 irr\ IS Mine, the Covenant of his Grace j i And every Promife mine ! All fprung from everlafting Love, And feal'd by Blood divine. 2 On my unworthy favour'd Head Its Bleffings all unite ; Bleffings more numerous than the Stars, More lafting, and more bright. 3 Death, thou mayft tear this Rag of Flefh a And fink my fainting Head, And lay my Ruins in the Grave, Among my Kindred Dead : 4 But Death and Hell in vain fhall flrive To break that facred Reft, Which God's expiring Children feel, While leaning on his Breaft. 5 Th' enlarged Soul thou canft not reach, Nor rend from Chrift aw T ay ; Tho' o'er my mouldering Duft thou boair, The Triumphs of a Day. 6 The 20 r CHRONICLES. 6 The Night is paft, my Morning dawns j My Cov'nant God defcends, And wakes that Duft to join my Soul In Blifs that never ends. 7 That Cov'nant the laft Accent claims Of this poor falt'ring Tongue ; And that (hall 'the firft Notes employ Of my celeftial Song. XXIIL Rejoicing in our Covenant Engagements to GO D. i Chron. xv. 15. 3 f~\ Happy Day, that fix'd my Choice \^Jr On thee, my Saviour, and my God ! Well may this glowing Heart rejoice, And tell its Raptures all abroad. 2 O happy Bond, that feals my Vows To him who merits all my Love ! Let chearful Anthems || fill his Houfe, While to that facred Shrine § I move. 3 'Tis done ; the great Tranfadtion's done : I am my Lord's, and he is mine : He drew me, and I follow'd on, Charm'd to confefs the Voice divine. 4 Now reft my long divided Heart, Fix'd on this blifsful Centre, reft ; With Afhes who would grudge to part When call'd on Angels Bread to feaft ? 5 High Heav'n, that heard the folemn Vow, That Vow renew'd {hall daily hear > || Hymns of Praije. § Altar or Place of War- J * Till EZRA. 2i Till in Life's latcft Hour I bow, And bids in Death a Bond (o dear, XXIV. GOD'S Jiirring up the Spirit of Cy- rus to redeem Israel. Ezra i. i % com- pared with Ifaiah xlv. i. — 4. 1 r \ y H' eternal God! his Name how great ! X How deep his Counfels ! howcompleat ! The Hearts of Kings his Power can fway ; His Word unconfcious § they obey, 2 Summon'd of old in diftant Days To ferve his Schemes, and fhew his Praife, Cyrus, illuftxious Prince, appears, His People frees, his Temple rears. 3 Thro' Legions arm'd he breaks his Way, And tramples Gen'rals down like Clay 3 The Bars of Steel he cuts in twain, And brazen Gates oppofe in vain. 4 But to Jehovah's Accents mild The Hero pliant as a Child, Lays the new Cares of Empire by, Till Zion rife, and fhine on high. 5 Thus, mighty God, (hall every Heart, (If thou thine Influence there exert) Throw its own fondeft Schemes afide, And follow where thy Hand (hall guide. 6 The foremoft Sons of Fame (hall boaft To raife thy Temples from their Duft j Princes (hall fhout thy Name aloud, And new-born Priefts thine Altars croud. § without intending it, Ifa. x. 7. XXV. A &2 JOB. XXV. A Glance from GOD bringing us down to the Solitude of the Grave. Job vii. 8, J Q OV'REIGN of Life, before thine Eye, j[j Lo ! mortal Men by thoufands dye ! One Glance from thee at once brings down The proudeft Brow, that wears a Crown. 2 Banifh'd at once from human Sight To the dark Grave's unchanging Night, Imprifon'd in that dufty Bed, We hide our folitary Head. 3 The friendly Band $ no more (hall greet, Accents familiar once, and fweet : No more the well-known Features trace, No more renew the fond Embrace. 4 Yet if my Father's faithful Hand Condu£l me thro' this gloomy Land, My Soul with Pleafure (hall obey, And follow, where he leads the Way. 5 He nobler Friends, than here I leave. In brighter furer Worlds can give ; Or by the Beamings of his Eye A loft Creation well fupply. % Company. XXVI. The Impoffibility of Proffering while we harden ovrfelves againji GOD. Job ix. 4. I rp H E Great Jehovah ! who (hall dare JL With him to tempt unequal War ? What Heart of Steel fhall dare t'oppofe And league among his hard'ned Foes ? 2 At JOB. 23 2 At his Command the Lightnings dart, And fwift transfix § the rebel Heart : Earth trembles at his Look, and cleaves, And Legions fink in living Graves. 3 Where are the haughty Monarchs now, Who fcorn'd his Word with lowring Brow ? Where are the Trophies of their Reigns ? Or where their Ruin's laft Remains ? 4 See Pharaoh finking in the Tide ! See Babel's Tyrant, mad with Pride, Graze with the Beafts ! hear Herod roar, * While Worms his Deity devour ! 5 See from the Turrets of the Skies Tall Cherubs fink, no more to rife ; And trace their Rank on Thrones of Light By heavier Chains, and darker Night. 6 Great God 1 and fhall this Soul of mine Prefume to challenge Wrath divine ? Trembling I feek thy Mercy-Seat, And lay my Weapons at thy Feet. § pierce thro\ XXVII. The great Journey. Job xvi. 22. 1 "O EHOLD the Path that Mortals tread J3 Down to the Regions of the dead ! Nor will the fleeting Moments ftay , Nor can we meafure back our Way. 2 Our Kindred and our Friends are gone ; Know, O my Soul, this Doom thine own ; Feeble as theirs my mortal Frame, The fame my Way, my Houfe the fame. 3 From 24 J O E. 3 From vital Air, from chearful Light, To the cold Grave's perpetual Night, From Scenes of Duty, Means of Grace, Mufti to God's Tribunal pais. 4 Important Journey ! awful View ! How great the Change ! the Scenes how new ! The golden Gates of Heav'n difplay'd, Or Hell's fierce Flames, and gloomy Shade, 5 Awake, my Soul ; thy Way prepare, And lofe in this each mortal Care ; With fteady Feet that Path be trod, Which thro' the Grave conducts to God, 6 yefus^ to thee my all I truft : And if thou call me down to Duft I know thy Voice, I blefs thy Hand, And dye in Smiles at thy Command. J What was my Terror, is my Joy ; Thefe Views my brighteft Hopes employ To go, e'er many Years are o'er, Secure I fhall return no more. XXVIII. The Penitent brought back from the Pit. Job xxxiii. 27. 28. 1 f I A H E Lord from his exalted Throne, X In Majefly array '3, Looks with a melting Pity down On all, that feek his Aid. 2 When, touch'd with penitent Remorfc, Our Follies paft we mourn, With what a Tendernefs of Love -Be meets our ftrft Return ! 3 From PSALMS. 25 3 From Heav'n he fent his only Son To ranfom us with Blood, To fnatch us from the burning Pit, When on it's Brink we flood. 4 From Death and Hell he leads us up By a delightful Way ; And the bright Beams of endlefs Life Does round our Path difplay. 5 Great God, we wonder, and adore; And, to exalt fiich Grace., We long to learn the Songs of Heav'n E'er yet we reach the Place. XXIX. Communing With our Hearts. Pfal. iv. 4. 1 T3 E T U R N, my roving Heart, return, _£\. And chafe thefe fhadowy Forms no more - 3 Seek out fome Solitude to mourn, And thy forfaken Got) implore. 2 Wifdom and Pleafure dwell at home ; Retir'd, and filent feek them there : True Conqueft is ourfelves t' o'ercome, True Strength to break the Tempter's Snare, 3 And thou, my God, whofe piercing Eye Diflincl: furveys each deep Recefs, In thefe abilracled Hours draw nigh, And with thy Prefence fill the Place. 4 Thro' all the Mazes t of my Heart My Search let heav'nly Wifdom guide, J Windings Perplexities. C And 26 PSALMS. And ftiil It's radiant Beams impart, Till all be fearch'd, and purified. 5 Then with the Vifits of thy Love Vouchfafe my inmoft Soul to chear; Till ev'ry Grace {hall join to prove That God hath fix'd his Dwelling there; XXX. GOD'S Name the Encouragement of our Faith. Pfalm ix. 10. 1 O ING to the Lord, who loud proclaims i^ His various, and his faving Names \ O may they not be heard alone, But by our fure Experience known f 2 Let great Jehovah be ador'd, Th' Eternal, All-fufficient Lord, He thro' the World moft high confefs'd, By whom 'twas form'd, and is poffefs'd. 3 Awake our nobleft Pow'rs to blefs The God of Abram, God of Peace ; Now by a dearer Title known, Father and God of Christ his Son. 4 Thro' ev'ry Age his gracious Ear Is open to his Servants Pray'r, Nor can one humble Soul complain, That it has fought it's God in vain. 5 What unbelieving Heart fnall dare In Whifpers to fuggeft a Fear ? While ftill he owns his ancient Name, The fame his Pow'r, his Love the fame. 6 To; PSALMS. 2 7 6 To thee bur Souls in Faith arife, To thee we lift expecting Eyes j And boldly thro* the Defart tread, For Gob will guard, where God fhall lead. XXXL Triumph in GOD'S Protefiion. Pfalm xviii. 2. i ' EG IONS of Foes befet me round, \_j While marching o'er this dang'rous Yet in "Jehovah's Aid I truft, [Ground j And in his Pow'r fuperior boaft. 2 My Buckler he : His Shield is fpread To cover this defencelefs Head : Nov/ let the fierceft Foes afiail, Their Darts, I count, as rattling Hail. 3 He is my Rock, and he my Tow'r ; The Bafe|j how firm! the Walls how lure? The Battlements how high they rife ! And hick their Summits § in the Skies. 4 Deliv'rances to God belong ; He is my Strength, and he my Song ; The Horn of my Salvation he, And all my Foes difpers'd fhall flee. 5 Thro* the long March my Lips (hall fing My great Protector, and my King, Till Zions Mount my Feet afcend, And all my painful Warfare end. 6 Rais'd on the mining Turrets there Thro' all the Profpect wide, and fair, | Foundation. § Top. C 2 A 28 PSALMS. A Land of Peace his Hofts furvey, And blefs the Grace, that led the Way, XXXII. Support in Death, Pfalm xxiii. 4» ~ 1 ~p E H O L D the gloomy Vale, J3 Which thou, my Soul, muft tread, Befet with Terrors fierce and pale, That leads thee to the Dead. 2 Ye pleafing Scenes, Adieu*, Which I fo long have known : My Friends, a long Farewel to y«u, For I muft pafs alone. 3 And thou, beloved Clay, Long Partner of my Gares, In this rough Path art torn away With Agony and Tears. 4 But fee a Ray of Light, With Splendors all divine, Breaks thro' thefe doleful Realms t)f Nighty And makes it's Horrors ftiine. 5 Where Death and Darknefs reigns, Jehovah is my Stay : His Rod my trembling Feet fuftains, His Staff' defends my Way. 6 Dear Shepherd, lead me on ; My Soul difdains to fear ; Death's gloomy Phantoms all are flown, Now Life's great Lord is near. * FareiveL XXXIII. 7/* PSALMS. 29 XXXIII. The Good Man's ProfpeSf for Time and Eternity. Pfalm xxiii. 6. 1 Ik ff Y Soul triumphant in the Lord JL V A Shall tell its Joys abroad ; And march with holy Vigour on. Supported by it's God. 2 Thro' all the winding IVJaze % of Life, His Hand hath been my Guide, And in that long experienced Care My Heart fhall frill confide. 3 His Grace thro' all the Defart flows An unexhaufted Stream : That Grace on Zion's facred Mount Shall be my endlefs Theme]]. 4 Beyond the choiceft Joys of Earth Thefe diftant Courts I love ; But O ! I burn with ftrong Defire To view thy Houfe above. 5 Mingled with all the fhining Band My Soul would there adore ; A Pillar in thy Temple nVd, To be remov'd no more. X IFVdernefs. |] Subject. XXXIV. The Goodnefs which GOD has wrought* and laid up for his People. Pfal. xxxi. 19, I f~\ U R Souls with pleafing Wonder view \^/ The Bounties of thy Grace ; How much beftow'd ; How much referv'd For them that feek thv Face ! C 3 ' z Thy 3 o PSALMS. 2 Thy lib'ral Hand with worldly Blifs Oft makes their Cup run o'er ; And in the Cov'nant of thy Love They find diviner Store. 3 Here Mercy hides their numerous Sins 5 Here Grace their Souls renews 5 Here thine own reconciled Face Doth heav'nly Beams diffufe. 4 But O ! what Treafures yet unknown Are lodg'd in Worlds to come ? If thefe th' Enjoyments of the Way, How happy is their Home ? 5 And what fhall mortal Worms reply ? Or how fuch Goodnefs own ? But 'tis our Joy that, Lord, to thee Thy Servants Hearts are known. 6 Thine Eyes fhall read thofe grateful Thoughts, No Language can exprefs : Yet when our liv'Iieft Thanks we pay, Our Debts do moft increafe. 7 Since Time's too fliort, All-gracious God, To utter half thy Praife, Loud to the Honour of thy Name Eternal Hymns we'll raife. XXXV. Relijhing the divine Goodnefs, Pfalm xxxiv. 8, 9. 1 rp RIUMPHANT, Lord, thy Goodnefs X Thro' all the wide celeftial Plains j [reigns And it's full Streams redundant flow Down to th' Abodes of Men below. 2 Thro* PSALMS. ;r 2 Thro' Nature's Works it's Glories fhiae : The Cares of Providence are thine : And Grace ere&s our ruin'd Frame A fairer Temple to thy Name, 3 O give to ev'ry human Heart To tafte, and feel how good thou art ! With grateful Love, and rev'rend Fear, To know, howbleft thy Children are. 4 Let Nature burft into a Seng : Ye echoing Hills, the Notes prolong : Earth, Seas, and Stars your Anthems raife, AH vocal % with your Maker's Praife. 5 Ye Saints, with Joy the Theme perfue ; Its fweeteft Notes belong to you ; C!hofe by this condefcending King For ever round his Throne to fing. % founding , as if endowed with Speech. XXXVL GOD'S faying to the Soul, that he is its Salvation. Pfalm xxxv. 3. -s ALVATION ! O melodious Sound To wretched dying Men ! Salvation, that from God proceeds, And leads to God again. Refcu'd from Hell's eternal Gloom, From Fiends § and Fires, and Chains: Rais'd to a Paradife of Blifs, Where Love and Glory reigns, § evil Spirits. C 4 3 But 32 PSALM S. 3 But O ! may a degen'rate Soul, Sinful and weak as mine, Prefume to raife a trembling Eye To Bleffings fo divine ? 4 The Luftre of fo bright a Blifs My feeble Heart o'erbears j And Unbelief almoft perverts The Promife into Tears. 5 My Saviour God, no Voice but thine Thefe dying Hopes can raife : Speak thy Salvation to my Sou], And turn its Tears to Praife. 6 My Saviour GOD, this broken Voice Tranfported fhall proclaim, And call on all th' Angelick Harps To found fo fweet a Name. XXXVII. GOD'S Complacency in the Pro/per ity of his Servants. Pfalm xxxv. 27. 5 r ■ a HELord with Pleafure views his Saints, j_ And calls them all his own, And low he bows to their Complaints, And pities ev'ry Groan. 2 In all the Joys, they here pofiefs, He takes a tender Part ; And, when they rife to heav'nly Blifs, Complacence fills his Heart. 3 My God, are all my Pleafures thine, My Comforts thy Delight I O be thy Happinefs divine Moft precious in my Sight. 4 They PSALMS. 33 4 They moft in all thy Blifs fhall fhare, Whofe Hearts can love thee moft; O could I vie in Ardor there With all th' Angelic Hofts. XXXVIII. The Days of the Upright known to GODy and their everlajling Inheritance. Pialm . xxxvii. 1 8. 1 'TH O thee, my God, my Days are known 5 X My Soul enjoys the Thought ; My Actions all before thy Face, Nor are my Faults forgot. 2 Each fecret Breath Devotion vents Is vocal to thine Ear ; And all my Walks of daily Life Before thine Eye appear. 3 The vacant Hour, the active Scene Thy Mercy fhall approve \ And ev'ry Pang of Sympathy, And ev ? ry Care of Love, 4 Each golden Hour of beaming Light Is gilded by thy Rays ; And dark Affliction's midnight Gloom A prefent God furveys. 5 Full in thy View thro' Life I pafs, And in thy View I dye ; And, when each mortal Bond is broke-, Shall find my God is nigh, 6 Strip'd of it's little earthly all My Soul in Smiles (hall go ; C 5 And 34 PSALMS. And in a heatf'nly Heritage It's Father's Bounty know. XXXIX, Our Defire and Groaning before G t> s when proceeding from the greateji Dijirefs. Pfal. xxxviii. n in xxxviii. 9. 10, M Y Soul, the awful Hour will come^ Apace it paiTeth on To bear this Body to the Tomb, And thee to Scenes unknown. ,2 My Heart, long lab'ring with its Woes, Shall pant and fink away ; And you, my Eye-lids, foon fhall ciofe On the laft glim'ring Ray. 3 Whence in that Hour fhall I receive A Cordial for my Pain, When, if Earth's Monarchs were my Friends, Thofe Friends would weep in vain ? 4 Great King of Nature, and of Grace, To thee my Spirit flies, And opens all its deep Diftrefs Before thy pitying Eyes. 5 All its Defires to thee are known, And ev'ry fecret Fear, The Meaning of each broken Groan Well notic'd by thine Ear. 6 O fix me by that mighty Pow'r, Which to fuch Love belongs, Where Darknefs veils the Eye no more, And Groans are chang'd to Songs. XL. GOD P S A L M S. 35 XL. GOD magnified by thofe that love his Sal- vation, Pfalm xL 1 6. t S~y O D of Salvation, we adore VJT Thy faving Love, thy faving Pow'r \ And to our utmoft Stretch of Thought Hail the Redemption thou haft wrought, 2 We love the Stroke, that breaks our Chain, The Sword, by which our Sins are flain > And, while abas'd in Duft we bow, We fing the Grace, that lays us low. 3 Perifh each Thought of human Pride : Let God alone be magnified : His Glory let the Heav'ns refound. Shouted from Earth's remoteft Bound. 4 Saints, who his full Salvation know, Saints, who but tafte it here beloW, Join ev'ry Angel's Voice to raife Continu'd never-ending Praife. XLI. The Triumph of (Thrift in the Caufi of Tridh) Meeknefs^ and Right eoufnefs. Pfalm xlv. 3. 4. I T OUD to tfce Prince of Heav'n |_y Your chearful Voices iaife ! To him your Vows be giv'n, And fill his Courts with Praife. With confeious Worth All-clad in Arms, All -bright in Charms, He fallies forth, 2 Gird 3 6 PSALMS. 2 Gird on thy conqu'ring Sword, Afcend thy fhining Car*, And march, Almighty Lord> To wage thy holy War. Before his Wheels In glad Surprize Ye Valleys, rife, And fink/ ye Hills. 2 Fair Truth, and fmiling Love^ And injur'd Righteoufnefs In thy Retinue move, And feek from thee Redrefs : Thou in their Caufe Shalt profp'rous ride, And far and wide Difpenfe thy Laws, 4 Before thine awful Face Millions of Foes fhall fall, The Captives of thy Grace, That Grace, w r hich conquers all* The World fhall know, Great King of Kings, What wond'rous Things Thine Arm can do, 5 Here to my willing Soul Bend thy triumphant Way; Here ev'ry Foe controul, And all thy Pow'r difplay. My Heart, thy Throne, Bleft Jefus, fee Bows low to thee$ To thee alone. XLII* m Cbarhtf PSALMS. 37 XLII. §>uietnefs under Affliftion a proper Acknow- ledgment of GOD. Pfalm xlvi. 10. i T) E ACE, 'tis the Lord Jehovah's Hand., XT That blafts our Joys in Death j Changes the Vifage once fo dear, And gathers back our Breath. 2 'Tis he, the Potentate fupreme Of all the Worlds above, Whofe fteady Counfels wifely rule, Nor from their Purpofe move. 3 'Tis he, whofe Juftice might demand Our Souls a Sacrifice ; Yet fcatters with unwearied Hand A thoufand rich Supplies. 4 Our Cov'nant God and Father he In Christ our bleeding Lord ; Whofe Grace can heal the burfting Heart With one reviving Word. 5 Fair Garlands of immortal Blifs He weaves for ev'ry Brow -, And fhall tumultuous Paffions rife, If he correct us now ? 6 Silent I own Jehovah's Name ; I kifs thy fcourging Hand ; And yield my Comforts, and my Life Tq thy fupreme Command. xliii. m 3 8 PSALMS. XXJII. The Tear crowned with the divide Good* nefs. Pfalm lxv. u. For New-Year's Day. 1 "rp TERNAL Source of ev'ry Joy ! Xj> Well may thy Praife our Lips employ, While in thy Temple we appear, Whofe Goodnefs crowns the circling Year. 2 Wide as the Wheels of Nature roll Thy Hand fupports the fteady Pole : The Sun is taught by thee to rife, And Darknefs when to veil the Skies., 3 The flow'ry Spring at thy Command Embalms" the Air, and paints the I.2nd ; The Summer Rays with Vigour fhine To raife the Corn,, and chear the Vine. 4 Thy Hand in Autumn richly pours Thro' all our Coafts redundant Stores ; And Winters, foft'ned by thy Care, No more a Face of Horror wear. 5 Seafons, and Months, and Weeks, and Days Demand fuccefiive Songs of Praife y Still be the chearful Homage paid With opening Light, and evening Shade. 6 Here in thy Houfe (hall Incenfe rife, As circjing Sabbaths blefs our Eyes ; Still will we make thy Mercies kn^wn, Around thv Board, and round our own. j O may our more harmonious Tongues In Worlds unknown perfue the Songs 5 And PSALM S. 39 And in thofe brighter Courts adore* Where Days and Years revolve no more. KIAV. Rebels againji the fupremt Sovereign admo- nished. Pfalm Ixvi. 7. [ r I 1 HE Lord of Glory reigns fupremelv great, JL And o'er Heav'ns Arches builds his royal [Sea . Thro' Worlds unknown his fov'Yeign Sway [extends, Nor Space nor Time hisboundlefsEmpire ends. His Eye beholds th' Affairs of ev'ry Nation, And reads each Thought through his immenfe [Creation. I Lightnings, and Storm his mighty Word obey, And Planets roll, where he has mark'd their [Way : Unnumber'd Cherubs vail'd before him ftanci, At his firft Signal all their Wings expand j His Praiie gives Harmony to all their Voice?, And ev'ry Heart through the full Choir J re- vokes. j Rebellious Mortals, ceafe your Tumults vain, Nor longer fuch unequal War maintain : Let Clay with Fellow-Clay in Combate ftrive, But dread to brave thePow'r,by which you live : With contrite Hearts fall proftrate & adore him. For, if he frowns, ye perifli all before him. % Company of Singers. XLV. GOD 4 o PSALM S. XLV. GOD the Happinefs of his People^ and their Support in the extremeji Dijirefs. Pfalm lxxiii. 25, 26. 1 T% /T Y God, whofe all-pervading|| Eye JlVJL Views Earth beneath, and Heav'n above, Witnefs, if here, or there thou feeft An Object of mine equal Love. 2 Not the gay Scenes, where mortal Men Perfue their Blifs, and find their Woe, Detain my rifing Heart, which fprings The nobler Joys of Heav'n to know. 3 Not all the faireft Sons of Light, That lead the Army round thy Throne, Can bound its Flight; it prefleth on, And feeks it's Reft in God alone. 4 Fix'd near th' immortal Source of Blifs, Dauntlefs and joyous it furveys Each Form of Horror and Diftrefs, That Earth, combined with Hell, can raife, 5 This feeble Flefh fhall faint, and dye ; This Heart renew its Pulfe no more ; Ev'n now it views the Moment nigh, When Life's laft Movements all are o'er. 6 But come, thou vanquifh'd King of Dread, With thine own Hand thy Pow'r deftroy \ 'Tis thine to bear my Soul to God, My Portion, and eternal Joy, U All-feeing. xlvi. n* PSALMS. 41 XL VI. The Rage of Enemies retrained, and over- ruled to the divine Glory. Pfalm lxxvi. 10. Thank/giving for the SuppreJJion of the Rebellion ', 1746, 1 /\ CCEPT\ great God, thy Britain's Songs, JTjL While grateful Joy unites cur Tongues To own the Work, thy Hand has done>: Thy Hand has crufh'd our cruel Foes, When in rebellious Troops they rofe, And fwore to tread our Glory down, 2 With Hell confed'rate on their Side, People and Prince their Rage defied, And in proud Hope devour'd us all : Thy Hand its Banner has difplay'd, Beckoned its Here to our Aid, And in one Day their Legions fall. 3 Thus fhalt thou ftill maintain thy Throne, And prove, that thou art God alone, Tho' Earth, and Hell new Efforts try : *Midft all the Tumult, they can raife, Envenom'd Wrath exalts thy Praife, Till huflvd at thy Rebuke it dye. 4 So fwell the Surges + of the Sea, And roar in their impetuous Way, As they would deluge Earth again ; So ftrike they on th' unfhaken Rock, Daih'd by the Fiefcenefi of their Shock, And foam to feel their Fury vain. t great Waves, ■ XL VII. GOD 42 PSALMS. XLVII. GOD furnijhing a Table in the WtU dernejs. Pfalm lxxviii. 19. 20. P A RENT of univerfal Good ! We own thy bounteous Hand, Which does fo rich a Table fpread, Ev'n in this defart Land, 2 Struck by thy Pow'r the flinty Rocks In guming Torrents flow ; The feather'd Wand'rers of the Air Thy guiding Inftinil know. 3 The pregnant Clouds at thy Command Rain down delicious Bread ; And by light Drops of pearly Dew Are num'rous Armies fed. 4 Supported thus, thine Jfrael march'd The promised Land to gain : And fhal) thy Children now begin To feek their God in vain ? Are all thy Stores exhaufted now ? Or does thy Mercy fail ? That Faith (hould languifti in our Breafts And anxious Cares prevail ? 6 Ye bafe unworthy Fears, be gone, And wide difperfe in Air; Then may I feel my Father's Rod, When I fufpeft his Care. XLVIU. GOD'S PSALM S, 43 IXLVIII. GOD'S freaking Peace to his People, Pfalm Ixxxv. 8. 1 " T NITE, my roving Thoughts, unite \^J In Silence foft and fweet : And thou, my Soul, fit gently down At thy great Sov'reign's Feet. 2 Jchyvati it awful Voice is heard, Yet gladly I attend ; For lo ! the everlafting God Proclaims himfelf my Friend, 3 Harmonious Accents to my Soul The Sounds of Peace convey ; The Tempeft at his Word fubfides, And Winds, and Seas obey. 4. By all its Joys, I charge my Heart, To grieve his Love no more - y But, charm'd by Melody divine, To give its Follies o'er. XLIX. The Church the Birth-place oj the Saints, and GOD'S Care of it. Pfalm Ixxxvii. 5. On opening a neve Place of IVcrJhip. 1 AND will the great Eternal God /HL On Earth eftablifh his Abode ? And will he from his radiant Throne, Avow our Temples for his own ? 2 We bring the Tribute of our Praife, And fing that condefcending Grace, Which 44 PSALMS. Which to our Notes will lend an Ear, And call us finful Mortals near. 3 Our Father's watchful Care we blefs, Which guards our Synagogues in Peace, That no tumultuous Foes invade, To fill our Worihipper.s with Dread* 4 Thefe Walls we to thy Honour raife ; Long may they eccho with thy Praife s And thou descending fill the Place With choiceft Tokens of thy Grace. 5 Here let the great Redeemer reign With all the Graces of his Train ; While Pow'r divine his Word attends To conquer Foes, and chear his Frierfiis, 6 And in the great decifive Day, When God the Nations (hall furvey, May it before the World appear, That Crowds were born to Glory here. L. The Go/pel Jubilee. Pfalm lxxxix. 15. com- pared with Levit. xxv, and Ifa. Ixi. 2. I T OUD let the tuneful Trumpet found, I J And fpread the joyful Tidings round 1 Let ev'ry Soul with Transport hear, And hail the Lord's accepted Year. Ye Debtors, whom he gives to know, That you ten thoufand Talents owe, When humbled at his Feet ye fall, Your gracious Lord forgives them all. 3 Slaves PSALMS. 45 3 Slaves, that "have borne the heavy Chain Of Sin and Hell's tyrannic Reign, To Liberty aflert your Claim, And urge the great Redeemer's Name. 4 The rich Inheritance you loft, Reftor'd, improv'd, you now may boaft ; Fair Salem your Arrival waits, To golden Streets, and pearly Gates. 5 Her bleft Inhabitants no more Bondage, and Poverty deplore : No Debt, but Love immenfely great, Whofe Joy ftill rifes v/ith the Debt. > O happy Souls that know the Sound ! God's Light (hall all their Steps furround ; And fhew that Jubilee begun, Which thro' eternal Years (hall run, LI. GOD the Dwelling-Place of his People thro* all Generations, Pfalm xc. I. 1 t I ^HOU, Lord, thro' ev'ry changing Scene X Haft to thy Saints a Refuge been : Thro' ev'ry Age, Eternal God, Their pleafing Home, their fafe Abode. 2 In thee our Fathers fought their Reft ; In thee our Fathers ftill are bleft ; And, while the Tomb confines their Duft 3 In thee their Souls abide, and truft. 3 Lo, we are ris'n, a feeble Race, A while to fill our Fathers Place ; Our helplefs State with Pity view, And let us {hare their Refuge too, 4 Thro 5 46 P S A L M P. 4 Thro* all the thorny Paths we trace In this uncertain Wildcrnefs, When Friends de'fert, and Foes invade, Revive our Heart, and guard our Head. 5 So when this Pilgrimage is o'er, And we muft dwell in Flefh no more, To thee our fep'rate Souls (hall come, And find in thee a furer Home. 6 To thee our Infant Race we leave ; Them may their Father's God receive ; That Voices yet unform'd may raife Succeeding Hymns of humble Praife. ■ LII. Reflexions on cur IVcJle of Years.YvA. xc. 9. For New-Year $ Day. 1 T> EM ARK, mv Soul, the narrow Bounds XX^ Of the revolving Year ! How fwift the Weeks compleat their Rounds, How fliort the Months appear I 2 So faft Eternity comes on, And that important Day, When all that mortal Life has done God's Judgment mall iurvey. 3 Yet like an idle Tale we pafs The fwift- advancing Year ; And fludy artful Ways t'increafe The Speed of its Career. 4. Waken, .O God, my trifling Heart Its great Concern to fee ; That I may act the Chriftian Part, And give the Year to thee. 5 So PSALMS. 47 5 So fhall their Courfe more grateful roll, If future Years a rife ; Or this fhall bear my fmiling Soul To Joy, that never dies. LIII. Jcv and P r offer it y from the Prefence and Bleffwg of GOD. Pfalm xc. 17. 1 O HINE on our Souls, Eternal God, 1^ With Rays of Beauty, fhine : O let thy Favour crown our Days, And all their Round be thine. 2 Did we not raife our Hands to thee, Our Hands might toil in vain \ Small Joy Succefs itfelf could give, If thou thy Love reftrain. 3 With thee let ev'ry Week begin, With thee each Day be fpent, For thee each fleeting Hour improv'd, Since each by thee is lent. 4 Thus chear us 'thro' this defart Road, Till all our Labours ceafe ; And Heav'n refrefli our weary Souls With everlafting Peace. LIV. The Mutability of the Creation^ and the Im- mutability ofG D. Pfalm cii. 25 — 28. 1 £^i REAT Former of this various Frame ! VjT Our Souls adore thine awful Name ; And bow and tremble while they praife The Ancient of Eternal Days. 2 Thou, 48 PSALMS. 1 Thou, Lord, with unfurpriz'd Survey Saw'ft Nature rifing Yefterday \ And, as To-morrow, fhall thine Eye See Earth, and Stars in Ruin lye. 3 Beyond an Angel's Vifion bright, Thou dweH'ft in felf-exiftent Light ; Which fhines with undiminifh'd Ray, While Suns, and Worlds in Smoke decay, 4 Our Days a tranfient Period run, And change with ev'ry circling Sun ; And in the firmed State we boaft A Moth can crulh us into Duft. 5 But let the Creatures fall around : Let Death confign us to the Ground : Let the la ft geivral Flame arife, And melt the Arches of the Skies : 6 Calm as the Summer's Ocean, we Can all the Wreck % of Nature fee. While Grace fecures us an Abode, L T nfhaken as the Throne of God. % Dejlr u£tion. LV. The Frailty of human Nature, and GOD'S gracious Regard to it. Pfalm ciii. 14. I O R D, we adore thy wond'rous Name, JL/ And make that Name our Truft, Which rais'd at firft this curious Frame, From mean, and lifelefs Duft. a By Duft fupported, ftill it ftands, Wrought up to various Forms, Prepar'd by thy creating Hands To nourifh mortal Worms. 3 A PSALMS. 49 3 A while thefe frail Machines endure, The Fabrick of a Day j Then know their vital Pow'rs no more. But moulder back to Clay. 4 Yet, Lord, whatever is felt or fear'd, This Thought is our Repofe, That he, by whom this Frame was rear'd-. Its various Weaknefs knows. 5 Thou view'ft us with a pitying Eye, While ftrugling with our Load ; In Pains and Dangers thou art nigh. Our Father, and our God. 6 Gently fupported by thy Love, We tend to Realms of Peace ; Where ev'ry Pain fhall far remove, And ev'ry Frailty ceafe. LVI. GOD adored for his Gocdnefs, and his won- derful Works i to the Children of Men. Pfalm cvii. 31. 'Y E Sens of Men, with Joy record And let his Pow'r, and Goodnefs found Thro' all your Tribes the Earth around. 2 Let the high Heav'ns your Songs invite, Thofe fpacious Fields of brilliant Light ; Where Sun, and Moon, and Planets roll, And Stars, that glow from Pole to Pole. 3 Sing Earth in verdant Robes array'd, Its Herbs and Flow'rs, its Fruit and Shade ; D Peopled 50 PSALMS. Peopled with Life of various Forms, Fifties, and Fowl, and Beafts, and Worms, 4 View the broad Sea's majeftick Plains, And think how wide its Maker reigns $ That Band remoteft Nations joins, And on each Wave his Goodnefs fhines. 5 But O ! that brighter World above, Where lives and reigns incarnate Love ! God's only Son in Flefh array'd, For Man a bleeding Victim || made. 6 Thither, my Soul, with Rapture foar ; There in the Land of Praife adore ; This Theme demands an Angel's Lay §, Demands an undeclining Day. || Sacrifice. § Song. LVIL The holy Soul returning to its Reft in a grate- ful Senfe of divine Bounties. Pfa. cxvi. J. t T) ETURN my Soul, and feek thy Reft j\^ Upon thy heav'nly Father's Breaft : Indulge me, Lord, in that Repofe, The Soul which loves thee only knows. 2 Lodg'd in thine Arms I fear no more The Tempeft's Howl, the Billows Roar : Thofe Storms muft fhake th' Almighty's Seat Which violate the Saints Retreat. 3 Thy Bounties, Lord, to me furmount The Pow'r of Language to recount ; From Morning Dawn, the fetting Sun Sees but my Work of Praife begun. 4 The PSALMS. 51 4 The Mercies, all my Moments bring, Afk an Eternity to fing ; What Thanks thofe Mercies can fuffice 3 Which thro' Eternity fhall rife ? 5 Rich in ten thoufand Gifts poiTefs'd, In future Hopes more richly blefs'd, I'll fit and fing, till Death fhall raife A Note of more proportion'd Praife. LVIII. Deliverance celebrated. Pfalm cxvn 8. 1 1 OOK back, my Soul,with grateful Love JL/ On what thy God has done ; Praife him for his unnumber'd Gifts, And praife him for his Son. 2 How oft has his indulgent Hand My flowing Eye-Lids dried, And refcu'd from impending Death, When I in Danger cried ! 3 When on the Bed of Pain I te T - 5 With Sicknefs fore opprefs'd, How oft has he aflwaefd my Grief, And lull'd my Eyes to Reft \ 4 Back from Deftru&ion's yawuing Pit At his Command I came ; He fed th' expiring Lamp anew, And rais'd its feeble Flame. My broken Spirit he has chear'd, When torn with inward Grief; And, when Temptations prefs'd me fore, Has brought me fwift Relief. D 2 6 My 52 PSALMS. 6 My Soul from everlafting Death Is by his Mercy brought, To tell in Z ion's facred Gates The Wonders he has wrought. 7 Still will I walk before his Face, While he this Life prolongs ; Till Grace fhall all its Work compleat, And teach me heav'nly Songs. LIX. Deliverance celebrated, and good Refolutiom formed. Pfalm cxvi. 8, 9. 1 f~^ REAT Source of Life, our Souls confefs VJT The various Riches of thy Grace ; Crown'd with thy Mercy we rejoice, And in thy Praife exalt our Voice. 2 By thee Heav'ns fhining Arch was fpread j By thee were Earth's Foundations laid, And all the Charms of Mens Abode Proclaim the wife, the gracious God. 3 Thy tender Hand reftores our Breath, When trembling on the Verge of Death ; Gently it wipes away our Tears, And lengthens Life to future Years. 4 Thefe Lives are facred to the Lord ; Kindled by him, by him reftor'd ; And while our Hours renew their Race, Still would we walk before his Face. 5 So when by him our Souls are led Thro' unknown Regions of the Dead, With PSALMS. 53 With Joy triumphant {hall they move 7"o Seats of nobler Life above. LX. Praife for Recovery from Sicknefs. Pfalm cxviii. i8 r 19. 1 Q OV'REIGN of Life, I own thy Hand j^ In ev'ry chaft'ning Stroke y And, while I fmart beneath thy Rodj Thy Prefence I invoke. 2 To thee in my Diftrefs I cried, And thou haft bow'd thine Ear, Thy pow'rful Word my Life prolong'd^ And brought Salvation near. 3 LTnfold, ye Gates of Righteoufnefs, That, with the pious Throng, I may record my folemn Vows, And tune my grateful Song. 4 Praife to the Lord, whofe gentle Hand Renews our lab'ring Breath : Praife to the Lord, who makes his 'Saints Triumphant ev'n in Death. 5 My God, in thine appointed Hour Thofe heav'nly Gates difplay, Where Pain, and Sin, and Fear, and Death For ever flee away. 6 There, while the Nations of the Blefs'cl With Raptures bow around, My Anthems to delivering Grace In fweeter Strains fhall found. D 3 LXL Regard. 54 PSALMS. LXI. Regard to Scripture prejfed upon young Per* fons, that they may cleanfe their Way. Pfalm cxix. 9. 1 T NDULGENT God, with pitying Eye The Sons of Men furvey, And fee how youthful Sinners fport In a deftrudtive Way. 2 Ten thoufand Dangers lurk around To bear them to the Tomb; Each in an Hour may plunge them down, Where Hope can never come. 3 Reduce, O Lord, their wand'ring Minds, Amus'd with airy Dreams, That heav'nly Wifdom may difpell. Their vifionary Schemes. 4 With holy Caution may they walk, And be thy Word their Guide ; Till each, the Defart fafely pafs'd, On Ziorfs Hill abide. LXII. Defires of being quickned by the IVord of GOD. Pfalm cxix. 25. 1 ~W T ^^ ^ ty ' Lord, thy Servant view, W As in the Duft I ly e ; Nor, while I raife my plaintive || Voice, Difdain the broken Cry. 2 Fain would I mount on Eagles Wings, And view thy lovely Face ; || mournful. But PSALMS. SS But cumb'rous Burdens drag me down From thine ador'd Embrace. 3 Thy quickening Energy diffufe O'er all my inmoft Frame \ And animate thefe languid Lips To celebrate thy Name. 4 Thy living Word has Wonders wrought, Thofe Wonders here renew ; And pour frefh Vigour thro' my Soul, While I its Glory view. 5 From thee, Great ever-flowing Spring, Let vital Streams defcend ; And chear me to begin thofe Songs, Which Death fhall never end. LXIII. Human Perfection no where to be found. Pfalm cxix. 96, 1 T> ERFECTION! 'Tis an empty Name, JL Nor can repay our Cares ; And he^ that feeks it here below, Muft end the Search with Tears. 2 Great David on his royal Throne, The beauteous, and the ftrong, Rich in the Spoils of conquer'd Foes, Amidft the applauding Throng, 3 With all his Mind's capacious Pow'rs^ Perfu'd the Shade in vain ; Nor heard it his melodious Voice, , Or Harp's Angelick Strain. D 4 4 From 56 PSALMS. 4 From publick to domeftick Scenes Th' impatient Monarch turns ; The Friend,, the Hufband, and the Sire ||. In fad Succeffion mourns. 5 At length thy Law, Eternal God, He thro' his Tears defcrys*, And, wrapt amidft thofe facred Folds 5 He finds the heav'nly Prize. 6 There will I feek Perfection too, Where David's God is known : Nor tnvy y with this Volume Heft, His Treafures, and his Throne* || Father* * difcerns* LXIV. Beholding TranfgreJJors with Grief* P'falm cxix. 136, 158. 1 /t RISE, my tend'reft Thoughts arife ; J £-j L To Torrents melt my ftreaming Eyes s And thou, my Heart, with Anguifh feel, Thofe Evils, which thou canft not heal. 2 See human Nature funk in Shame ; See Scandals pour'd on 'Jefus Name ;. The Father wounded thro' the Son ; The World abus'd \ the Soul undone, 3 See the fhort Courfe of vain Delight Clofino; in everlaftino- Night : t t-> too' In Flames, that no Abatement know,, Tho' briny Tears for ever flow. 4 My God, I feel the mournful Scene ; My Bowels yearn o'ei dying Men ; And PSAL M S. 57 And fain my Pity would reclaim,. And fnatch the Fire-brands from the Flame. 5 But feeble my Compaffion proves, And can but weep, where moft it loves : Thine own all-faving Arm employ, And turn thefe Drops of Grief to Joy. LXV. The wandering' Sheep recovered. Pfalm cxix. 176. L ORD, we have wander'd from thy Way; Like foolifh Sheep, have gone aftray-; --, C ilp^fnnf Pa-R-iirpQ wp have* f#»fr. Our pleafant Paftures we have left, And of their Guard our Souls bereft J, 2 Expos'd to Want, expos'd to Harm ; Far from our gentle Shepherd's Arm ; Nor will thefe fatal Wand'rings ceafe, Till thou reveal the Paths of Peace. 3 O feek thy thoughtlefs Servants, Lord^ Nor let us quite forget thy Word j Our erring Souls do thou reftore, And keep us, that we ftray no rr % deprived* LXVI. The weeping Seed-Time, and jvyful H&'vejti Pfalm cxxvi. 5, 6. I ^T^ HE dark'ned Sky ! how thick it Jowfs ! J_ Troubled with Storms, and big with No chearful Gleam of Light appears, [Show'f&s But Nature pours forth all her Tears , D 5 v-t 58 PSALM S. 2 Yet let the Sons of Grace revive ; GOD bids the Soul, that feeks him, live, And from the gloomieft Shade of Night Calls forth a Morning of Delight* 3 The Seeds of Extacy unknown Are in thefe water 1 d Furrows fown ; See the green Blades how thick they rife 3 And with frefh Verdure blefs our Eyes. 4 In fecret Foldings they contain Unnumber'd Ears of golden Grain ; And Heav'n mall pour its Beams around, Till the ripe Harveft load the Ground. 5 Then (hall the trembling Mourner come, And find his Sheaves, and bear them home : The Voice long broke with, Sighs {hall fing, Till Heav'n with Hallelujahs ring. LXVII. Thanks to GOD for his ever-enduring Goodnefs. Pfalm cxxxvi. i. For New -Tear's Day. 1 " T T OUSE of our God, with chearful An- f I thems ring, While all our Lips and Hearts his Graces fing^ The op'ning Year his Graces fhall proclaim, And all its Days be vocal with his Name. The Lord is good, his Mercy never-ending; His Bleflings in perpetual Show'rs defcending. 2 The Heav'n ofHeav'ns he with his Bounty fills : Ye Seraphs bright on ever-blooming Hills His PSALMS 5-9 His Honours found; you to whom Good alone, Unmingled, ever-growing has been known. Thro' your immortal Life, with Love increafing, Proclaim your Maker's Goodnefs never-ceafing. 3 Thou Earth, enlightned by his Rays divine, Pregnant with Grafs, & Corn, & Oil, & Wine, Crown'd with his Goodnefs, let thy Nations [meet, And lay their Crowns at his paternal Feet: With grateful Love, that lib'ral Hand confeffing, Which thro' each Heart diffufeth ev'ry Bleffing, 4 Zion enrich'd with his diftinguifh'd Grace, Blefl with the Rays of thine Emanuefs Face, Zion ^ Jehovah's Portion, and Delight, Grav'n on his Hands, and hourly in his Sight, In facred Strains exalt that Grace excelling, Which makes thy humbleHillhis chofenDwe)ling» 5 His Mercy never ends ; the Dawn, the Shade Still fee new Bounties thro' new Scenes difplay 'd; Succeeding Ages blefs this fure Abode, And Children lean upon their Father's God» The deathlefs Soul thro' its immenfe Duration Drinks from this Source immortal Confolation.. 6 Burn 1 intoPraife, my Soul; all Nature join $; Angels and Men in Harmony combine: While human Years are meafur'd by the Sun ? And while Eternity its Courfe fhall run r His Goodnefs, in perpetual Show'rs defcending, Exalt in Songs, and Raptures never-ending, D 6 LXVIII. GOD r & 60 PSALMS'. LXVIIL GOD's Jlrengthening the Souls of' his praying People. Pfalm cxxxviii. 3. 1 *]\/^TY Soul, review the trembling Days, . JL V A I 11 which my God I fought -> . I cry'd aloud for Aid divine, And Aid divine he brought. 2 Thro 5 all my weak and fainting Heart His fecret Strength he fpread, And clafp'd me in his Arms of Love, And rais'd my drooping Head. 3 He eall'd himfelf my Cov'nant God, His Promifes he fliew'd ; And wide difplay'd their folemn Seal In the great Surety's Blood. 4 I heard his People fhout around, ^ Amd join'd their chearful Song; And faw from far the mining Seats, Which to his Saints belong. 5 My God, what inward Strength thou giv'ft I to thy Service vow ; And in thy Strength would upward march, Till at thy Throne I bow. LXIX. Singing in the Ways of GOD. Piaim, cxxxviii. 5. O W let our Voices join, To form one pleafant Song : Ye Pilgrims in Jehovah's Ways, With Mufick pafs along* 2 How PSALMS. 6r 2 How ftreight the Path appears, How open, and how fair ! No lurking Gins t'entrap our Feet}, No fierce Deftroyer there : 3 But Flow'rs of Paradife In rich Profufion fpring ; The Sun of Glory gilds the Path,. And dear Companions fing,. 4 See Salem's golden Spires In beauteous Profpe£i rife; And brighter Crowns than Mortals wear,. Which fparkle thro' the Skies. 5 All Honour to his Name, Who drew the mining Trace ; To him, who leads the WandVers on, And chears them with his Grace. 6 Reduce the Nations, Lord, Teach all their Kings thy Ways, That Earth's full Choir the Notes may fwell,. And Heav'n reibund the Praife. . LXX. The innumerable Mercies cfGOD thankfully acknowledged. Pfalm cxxxix. 17, 18. 1 TN glad Amazement, Lord, I ftand X Amidft the Bounties of thy Hand ; How numberlefs thofeBounties are ! How rich, how various, and .how fair h 2 But O ! what poor Returns I make ! v What lifelefs Thanks I pay thee back! Lord, 62 PSALMS. Lord, I confefs with humble Shame, My Offerings fcarce deferve the Name. 3 Fain would my lab'ring Heart devife To bring fome nobler Sacrifice : It finks beneath the mighty Load- What fhall I render to my God ? 4 To him I confecrate my Praife, And vow the Remnant of my Days ; Yet what at beft can I pretend, Worthy fuch Gifts from fuch a Friend ? 5 In deep Abafementv Lord, I fee My Emptinefs and Poverty : Enrich my Soul with Grace divine, And make it worthier to be thine. 6 Give me at length an Angel's Tongue, That Heav'n may eccho with my Song; The Theme, too great for Time, fhall be The Joy of long Eternity. LXXL Praifing GOD through the whole of our Exijlence. Pfalm cxlvi. 2. 1 ^>j OD of my Life, thro' all its Days \Jf My grateful Pow'rsfhairfound thy Praife j The Song fhall wake with opening Light, And warble to the filent Niojit. 2 When anxious Cares would break my Reft, And Griefs would tear my throbbing Breaft, Thy tuneful Praifes rais'd on high Shall check the Murmur* and the Sigh. 3 When PSALMS, 6 j 3 When Death o'er Nature fhall prevail, And all its Pow'rs of Language fail, Joy thro' my fwimming Eyes fhall break, And mean the Thanks I cannot fpeak. 4 But O ! when that laft Conflict's o'er, And I am chain'd to Flefh no more, With what glad Accents fhallT rife To join the Mufick of the Skies ! 5 Soon fhall I learn th' exalted Strains, Which eccho o'er the heav'nly Plains; And emulate with Joy unknown The glowing Seraphs round thy Throne* 6 The chearful Tribute will I give, Long as a deathlefs Soul can live ; A Work fo fweet, a Theme fo high Demands, and crowns Eternity. LXXII. Tie Meek beautified with Salvation* Pfalm cxlix. 4. ~\T^ humble Souls, rejoice, And chearful Triumphs Ting; Wake all your Harm any of Voice, For Jefus is your King. That meek and lowly Lord, Whom here your Souls have know% Pledges the Honour of his Word T' avow you for his own* He brings Salvation near, For which his Blood was paid : How beauteous fhall your Souls appear Thus fumptuoufly array'd ! 4 Sing 64 PROVERBS. 4 Sing, for the Day is nigh, When near your Leader's Seat The talleft Sons of Pride fhall lye*.. The Footftool of your Feet, 5 Salvation,. Lord, is thine ; And all thy Saints confefs The royal Robes, in which they fhine, Were wrought by fov 'reign Grace. LXXIII, The Reproofs of JVifdom mingled wit If Promifes, and Tbreatnings to reclaim wandering- Sinners. Proverbs i. 23, 1 TT A R K X for 'tis Wifdom's Voice, Cj- That breaks in gentle Sound ; Liilen, ye Sons of Earth and Sin, And gather all around. 2 What tho' fhe fpeaks Rebukes, That pierce the Soul with Smart ; True Love thro' all her Chaft'nings runs By Pain to mend the Heart. 3 " Ye that have wander'd long M In Sin's deftru&ive Ways, cc Turn, turn" the heav'nly Charmer cries* . \^/ Who may with thee compare ! Thine Excellencies ftand confefs'd \ How bright thy Glories are ! 2 O God of Ifrael, hear, , And make this Blifs c>«r own ; Make PROVERBS. 69 Make us the Children of thy Care, The Members of thy Son. 3 Thus honour'd, thu;> employ'd, By thefe great Motives fir'd, Be Paradife on Earth enjoy 'd, And brighter Hopes infpir'd. 4 Thy People, Lord, we love ; Their God our Souls embrace ; So may we find in Worlds above Among thy Saints a Place. LXXIX. IValklng with GOD, or being In his Fear all the Day long. Proverbs xxiii. 17. 1 t |"^ HRICE happy Souls, who born from X Heav'n, While yet they fojourn here, Thus all their Days with God begin. And fpend them in his Fear ! 2 So may our Eyes with holy Zeal Prevent the dawning Day ; And turn the facred Pages * o'er, And praife thy Name and pray. 3 'Midft hourly Cares may Love prefent It's Incenfe to thy Throne; And while the World our Hands employs, Our Hearts be thine alone. 4 As fanclified to nobleft Ends Be each Refrefhment fought; * The holy Scriptures. And 7 o PROVERBS. And by each various Providence Some wife Inftruction brought. < When to laborious Duties call'd, Or by Temptations try'd, We'll feek the Shelter of thy Wings, And in thy Strength confide. -6 As difFrent Scenes of Life arife, Our grateful Hearts would be With thee, amidft the focial Band, In Solitude with thee. 7 At Night we lean our weary Heads On thy paternal Breaft ; And, fafely folded in thine Arms, Refign our Pow'rs to reft. 8 In folid pure Delights, like thefe, Let all my Days be paft ; Nor fhall I then impatient wifh, Nor fhall I fear, the laft. LXXX. The obft incite Sinner alarmed Proverbs xxix. i. 1 "\T OW let the Sons of Belial % hear J^J The Thunders of the Lord -> Unfold their long rebellious Ear, And tremble at his Word. 2 Now let the Iron -Sinew bow, Ai-.d take his eafy Yoke; Left fudden Vengeance lay it low, By one refiftlefs Stroke. X Difobedient rebellious Perfons. 3 Tho f ISAIAH. 71 3 Tho' yet the great Phyfician wait, And healing Balm be found ; One Hour may feal their endlefs Fate, And fix a deadly Wound. 4 Swift may thy Mercy, Lord, arife, E'er Juftice flop their Breath ; And lighten thefe deluded Eyes, That fleep the Sleep of Death. LXXXT. GOD'S reafinable Expectations from bis Vineyard, lfaiah v. 1. 7. 1 rr\ H E Vineyard of the Lord how fair ! JL Planted by his peculiar Care : Behold its Branches fpread, and fill The Borders of his facred Hill. 2 His Eye has mark'd the chofen Ground -> His mighty Hand has fenc'd it round y His Servants by his Order wait, To watch and aid its tender State. 3 But when the Vintage he demands For all the Labour of their Hands, What Clufters does his Vine produce ? The Grapes are wild ; and four the Juice. 4. Well might he tear its Fence away, And leave it to the Beafts of Prey, Might give it to the Wild again, And charge his Clouds to ceafe their RaiiT. 5 But fpare our Land, our Churches fpare, Thy Vengeance long-provok'd forbear; Let ft I S A I A H. Let the true Vine its Influence give, And bid our with'ring Branches live. LXXXIL Ifaiah's Obedience to the heavenly Vifton* Ifaiah vi. 8. I f\ U R God afcends his lofty Throne, V_y Array'd in Majefly unknown ; His Luftre all the Temple fills, And fpreads o'er all th' ethereal J Hills. 2 The holy, holy, holy Lord, By all the Seraphim ador d, And, while they ftand beneath his Seat, They veil their Faces, and their Feet. 4 And can a finful Worm endure The Prefence of a God fo pure ? Or thefe polluted Lips proclaim, The Honours of fo grand a Name ? 4 O for thine Altar's glowing Coal, To touch my Lips, to fire my Soul, To purge the fordid Drofs away, And into Cryftal turn my Clay. 5 Then if a MefTenger thou afk, A Lab'rer for the hardeft Tafk, Thro* all my Weaknefs, and my Fear, Love fhall reply, " Thy Servant's here". 6 Nor mould my willing Soul complain, Tho' all it's Efforts feem d in vain; It ample Recompence fhall be, But to have wrought, my God, for thee. X heavenly. LXXXIII. Ike ISAIAH. 73 LXXXIII. the Stupidity */Ifrael, and ^Britain lamented. Ifaiah vi. 9 — 12, For a Fajl-Day. I T ORD, when thine Ifraelwe furvey, I j We in their Crimes difcern our own 5 And if thou turn our Pray'r away, Our Mis'ry mull, like their's, be known. I To us thy Prophets have been fent, With Words of Terror and of Love; But nor the Vengeance, nor the Grace Ten thoufand frubborn Hearts will move. 3 Our Eyes are blind, and deaf our Ears ; Our Hearts are hard'ned into Stone \ As we would bear thy Mercy cut, And leave a Way for Wrath alone. our Gob ifright give us up To rlague and Famine and the Sword; Tsil Towns and Cicies rich and fair Lay deibb.te without a Lord. O'er bleeding Wounds of flaughterd Friends Rivers of helplefs Grief might flow, Till the' fierce Conqu'ror's haughty Rage Drap-'d us to Chains and Slaughter too. > But fpare a Nation long thine own, And (hew new Miracles of Grace; 'Tis thine to heal the Deaf and Blind, And wake the Dead to Life and Praife. E LXXXIV, Gm» j. Juth 74 ISAIAH. LXXX1V. Confederate Nations dcfed by ihcfe who fancltfy GOD. Ifaiah viii. 9 — 14. For a Fajl-Day* 1 jry REAT God of Hofts, attend our Pray'r, VJT ^ ncI ma ke the Britijh Ifles thy Care : To thee we raife our fuppliant Cries, When angry Nations round us rife. 2 Fain would they tread our Glory down, And in the Duft defile our Crown, Deluge our Houfes with our Blood, And burn the Temples of our God. 3 But 'midft the Thunder of their Rage, We thy Protection would engage : O raife thy faving Arm on high, And bring renew'd Deliv'rance nigh. 4 May Britain^ as one Man, be led To make the Lord her Fear and Dread ; Our Souls no other Fear mall know, Tho' Earth were leagu'd with Hell below. 5 Give Ear, ye Countries from afar ; Ye proud affociate Nations, hear ; While fix'd on him, who rules the Sky, Our Hearts your threatned War defy. 6 Ye People, gird your felves in vain, Your fcattcr'd Force unite again ; Again fhall all that Force be broke, When God with us fhall deal the Stroke, 7 Now he records our humble Tears, With ardent Vows for future Years, And j ISAIAH. 75 And deftines for approaching Days Victorious Shouts, and Songs of Praife. 8 Emanuel's Land fhall fafe remain, Blcft with its Saviour's gentle Reign ; Till ev>y hoftile Rumour ceafe In the fair Realms of perfect Peace. LXXXV. Christ the Steward of GOD'S family. Ifaiah xxii. 22 — 24, compared with Revel, iii. 7, ! IIT ITH what Delight I raife mine Eyes* V V And view the Courts, where jefus fefusy who reigns beyond the Skies, [dwells] And here below his Grace reveals. 2 Of David* 5 royal Houfe the Key Is borne by that majeftick Hand ; Manfions and Treasures there I fee Subjected all to his Command. 3 He fhuts, and Worlds might ftrive in vain The mighty Obftacle to move ; He loofes all their Bars again, And who fhall (hut the Gates of Love ? 4 Fix'd in Omnipotence he bears The Glories of his Father's Name* Suftains his People's weighty Cares, Thro' ev'ry changing Age the fame. 5 My little All I there fufpend, Where the whole Weight of Heav'n is hung: Secure I reft on fuch a Friend, And into Raptures wake my Tongue. E 2 LXXXVI. Try, Thine Empire, and thy Name fhall ceafe,: * Arrow* LXXXVII. Thi I S A I A H. 77 LXXXVIL The peaceful State of the Soul, that trujteth in GOD. Ifaiah xxvi. 3. 1 T T T EARY and weak and faint* W I caft mine Eyes around ; My Joints all tremble, and my Feet Sink deep in miry Ground. 2 Dej pairing Help below, To Heav'n I raife my Cries ; God hears, and his almighty Arm Out-ftretches from the Skies. 3 I on that Arm repofe, And all my Fears are o'er ; New Strength diffus'd thro' all my Soul Affifts its vital Pow'r. 4 My Mind in perfect Peace Thy guardian Care mall keep : Til yield to gentle Slumbers now, For thou canft never fleep. 5 Happy the Souls alone, On thee fecurely ftay'd ! Norfhall they be in Life alarm'd, Nor be in Death difmay'd. LXXXVJII. Ifrael's Ohjtinacy under GOD'S lifted Hand. Ifaiah xxvi. 1 1. O R D, when thy Hand is lifted up, The wicked will not fee ; But they (hail fee with glowing Shame, Tho* they obdurate be. E 3 2 Ho\# j% I S A I A H. 2 How few the weighty Stroke regard* And feek their Maker's Face ! In vain may Providence correct. If not inforc'd by Grace. 3 Exert thy mighty Influence, Lord, And melt the ftony Breaft ; Then fhall thy Juftice be ador'd, Thy Mercy ftand confefs'di 4 The Scorner then fhall mourn in Dufty And put his Sins away, No more refill his Maker's Hands, But lift his own to pray. LXXXIX. GOD'S quickening the Dead. Ifaiah xxvi. 19. X rip HE Ever-living God J[ Th' expiring Church fhall raife y Our Hearts his Promifes receive, And wake a Shout of Praife. 2 Death fhall not always reign, Where Grace hath fix'd its Throne \ His foft Compaflion views the Duft, He once hath call'd his own. 3 " Yes," faith the God of Truth, " My Dead fhall live again ; fic The Foe fhall fee their Leader's Breath. " Reanimate the Slain. 4 " The Dew of Heaven fhall fall "• In rich Abundance round, « Ar ISAIAH. 79 " And a redundant Harveft rife " To cloath the teeming Ground* y " Now from your Du# awake, " And burit into a Song ; u Then fpurn the Earth, and mount the Skies " In a triumphant Throng". ) Thy Z/sw, Lord, believes A Promife lb divine, And looks thro' all her flowing Tears To fee the Glory {hine. XC. 7he Godly Man's Ark. Ifaiah xxvi. 20, T is my Father's Voice ; And O ! how fweet the Sound ! It makes mine inmoft Pcw'rs rejoice, My trembling Heart rebound. " Mark, the black Temped; lours, " And gathers round the Sky ; " Retire and fhun the fweeping Show'rs " Of Indignation nigh. " Come, my dear Children, come, M And feek your Father's Arms ; " There is your Shelter, there your Home, " 'Midft all theie dire Alarms. a Enter at his Command ; c; Clofe in your Ark remain ; M And wait the Signal of his Hand " To call you forth again. M The Moments to beguile " A chearful Song begin ; E 4 ** Nor So I S A I A B, u Nor let the roaring Thunders fpoil c< The Harmony within. 6 " E'er long the Sky (hall clear, u The Clouds he chas'd awav ? M And Grace ftiall fhine in Radiance fair u Thro' an eternal Day." XCL Laying hold en GOD'S Strength, that u s e may be at Peace with him. I fa i ah xxvii, 5. 1 Hp HUS faith Jehovah from his Seat, J[ " Who fhajl prcfume my Wrath to "" What Rebel-Men or Angels dare [meet ? " To v/age with me unequal, War ? 2 " Clofe let the Thorns and Briars ftar^d iC In thick Array on either Hand ; ?2 ISAIAH. And his paternal Bowels move, While Wifdom di&aSes the Delay, 3 With mingled Majefty and Love At length he rifes from his Throne; And, while Salvation he commands. He makes his People's Toy his own. 4 Blefl are the humble Souls, that wait With fweet Submiffion to his Will; Harmonious all their Paffions move, And in the midft of Storms are ftill. 5 Still, till their Father's well-known Voice * Wakens their Silence into Songs: Then Earth grows vocal with his Praife, And Heav'n the grateful Shout prolongs. XCIV. The different Views of good and bdd Men in Times ofpublick Danger. Ifaiah xxxiii. 1M — 17. 1 O EE, the Definition is begun, fc3 And Heaps of Ruin fpread the Ground; With hafty Strides it marches on, And fcatters Confternation round, 2 Sinners in Zion take th' Alarm, The Hypocrites aftoninYd cry, Who with devouring Flames can dwell ? Who in eternal Burnings lie ? 3 God's gracious Voice the Saint revives, How fweet the heav'nly Accents found \ " Dwell thou on high, my Child," he fays^> c ^ Where Rocks {hall guard, thee all around. 4 « There ISAIAH. 8'j 4 < c There (hall my Hand thy Wants fupply, M Thy Water and thy Bread are fure ; " There fhall my Vifits make thee glad, White I S A I A H. 85 While Sorrow Sighing and Diftrefs Like Shadows all are fied. 6 March on in your Redeemer's Strength > Purfue his Footueps (rill ; And let the Profpect chear your Eye, While lab'ring up the Hill. XCVIT. The Greatnefs and MajeJIy of GOD, and the Mcannefs of the Creatures. Ifaiah xl. 15, 16,, 1 °\Z E weak Inhabitants of Clay, j[ Ye trifling Infects of a Day, Low in your native Duft bow down Before th' Eternal's awful Throne. 2 With trembling Heart, with foiemn Eye^ Behold Jehovah feated high ; And fearch, what worthy Sacrifice Your Hands can give, your Thoughts devife,. 3 Let Lebanon her Cedars bring To blaze before the fov'reign King, And all the Beads, that on it feed, As Victims at his Altar bleed. 4 Loud let ten thoufand Trumpets fcund r And call remoteft Nations round, Affembled on the crowded Plains, Princes and People, Kings and Swains, - 5 Join'd with the Living, let the Dead Rifing the Face of Earth o'erfpread; And, while his Praife unites their Tongues, Let Angels eccho back the Songs. 6 Thfr 86 I S A I A H. 6 The Drop, that from the Bucket falls, The Duft, that hangs upon the Scales, Is more to Sky and Earth and Sea > Than all this Pomp, O God, to thee. XCVIII. The timorous Saint encouraged by the Affutance of the divine Prefence and Help, Ifaiah xli. 10. ND art thou with us, gracious Lord, To diffipate our Fear? D >ft thou proclaim thyfelf our God, Our God for ever near ? 2 Doth thy right Hand, which form'd the Earth, A id bears up all the Skies, StreHi from on high its friendly Aid, When Dangers round us rife ? 3 Dofk thou a Father's Bowels fed For all thy humble Saints ? And in fuch tender Accents fpeak To foothe their fad Complaints ? 4 On this Support my Soul {hall lean, And banim ev'ry Care ; The gloomy Vale of Death muft fmile r If God be with me there. 5 While I his gracious Succour prove 'Midft all my various Ways, The darkeft Shades, thro' which I pais, JShall eccho with his Praife. XCIX. T!?s I 3 A I A H. 87 XCIX. The Humiliation and Exaltation of GOD'S Ilrael. Ifaiab xli. 14, 15. MAZING Grace of God on high S And will the Lord look down On Sinners* while in Duft they lie, And dread his awful Frown ? 2 Weaker than Worm?* O Lord, are we 3 - And viler far than they y Yet in thefe Reptiles * weak and vile Don: thou thy Pow'r difplay. 3 Jehovah's fov'reign Voice is heard, The Worm lifts up its Plead, And Mountains, that would crafh it down* Before the Worm are fled, 4 Thou holy One, thine IfraeTs King, Thou our Redeemer art, Nor fnall the Blefiings of thy Hand From thy Redeern'd depart. 5 Thy Love (hall its own Work fulfil, And Grace (hall rife on Grace, Till Worms of Earth around thy Throne With Angels find a Place. >. * creeping Things. C The Witdernef transformed^ or the happy EffecTs of the G of pel. Ifaiah xli. 18, 19. compared with xxxv. 1,2. xi. 6—9. lv. 13, &c. •A MAZING beauteous Change ! A World created new ! 88 I S A I A H. My Thoughts with Tranfport range The lovely Scene to view ; In all I trace, Saviour divine, The Work is thine, Be thine the Praife. 2. See Cryftal Fountains play Amidft the burning Sands ; The River's winding Way Shines thro' the thirfty Lands : New Grafs is ken y And o'er the Meads Its Carpet fpreads Of living Green. 3 Where pointed Brambles grew,, Ehtwin'd with horrid Thorn, Gay Flow'rs for ever new The painted Fields adorn ; The blufhing Rofe, . And Lilly there, In Union fair Their Sweets difclofe. 4 Where the bleak Mountain ftood All' bare and difarray'd, See the wide-branching Wood. Diffufe its grateful Shade -> Tall Cedars nod, And Oaks and Pines And Elms and Vines Confefs the God. 5 The Tyrants of the Plain Their favage Chafe give. o'er. ISAIAH. 8^ No more they rend the Slain, And thirft for Blood no more $ But Infant Hands Fierce Tigers ftroak, And Lions yoke In flow'ry Bands. 6 O when, Almighty Lord, Shall thefe glad Scenes arife, To verify thy Word, And blefs our wond'ring Eyes ! That Earth may raife, With all its Tongues, United Songs Of ardent Praife. CI. The Blind and Weak led and fupported hi GOD'S Ways. Ifaiahxlii. 16. 1 T)R AISE to the radiant Source of Blifs, Who gives the Blind their Sight, And fcatters round their wond'ring Eyes A Flood of facred Light. 2 In Paths unknown he leads them on To his divine Abode, And (hews new Miracles of Grace Thro' all the heav'nly Road. 3 The Ways all rugged and perplex'd: He renders fmoot-h and (traight, And ftrengthens ev'ry feeble Knee To march to Zions Gate, 4 Thro' all the Path I'll fing his Name, Till I the Mount afcend. Where 9° ISAIAH. Where Toils and Storms are known no more* And Anthems never end. CII. GOD calling his Ifrael by Name^ and lea& trig than thro Water and Fir i\ Ifa. xliii. 1,2* 1 T ET Jacob to his Maker fing, $„-/ And praife his great redeeming Kingj CalFd by a new, a gracious Name, Let 7/raeI loud his God proclaim. 2 He knows our Souls in all their Fears, And gently wipes our falling Tears, Forms trembling Voices to a Song, And bids the feeble Heart be ftrong. 3 Then let the Rivers fwell around, And rifmg Floods o'erflow the Ground % Rivers and Floods and Seas divide, And Homage pay to Tfrael's Guide. 4 Then let the Fires their Rage difplay, And flaming Terrors bar the Way; Unburnt, unfing'd he leads them thro', And makes the Flames refrefhing too. 5 The Fires but on their Bonds mall prey % , The Floods but wafh their Stains away, And Grace divine new Trophies || raife Amidft the Deluge, and the Bkze. % Alhifion to the Story in Dan. iii. 19. &c; I Monuments of Victory. CIIL 71 ISAIAH. 91 CIII. The Riches ef pardoning Grace celebrated,. Ifaiah xliv. 22, 23. 1 X ET Heav'n burn 1 forth into a Song ; \_j Let Earth reflect the joyful Sound y Ye Mountains, with the Eccho ring, And fhout, ye Forefts all around. 2 The Lord his Ifrael hath redeem'd, Hath made his mourning People glad, And the rich Glories of his Name In their Salvation hath difplay'd, 3 Unnumb'red Sins, like fable Cloud?, VeiPd ev'ry chearful Ray of Joy, And Thunders murmur'd thro' the Gleom^ While Lightnings pointed to deftroy. \ He fpoke, and all the Clouds difpers'd, And Heav'n unveiTd its fnining Face, The whole Creation fmil'd anew, Deck'd in the golden Beams of Grace. 5 Ifrael, return with humble Love, Return to thy Redeemer's Bread, And charm'd by his melodious Voice, Compofe thy weary Pow'rs to reft. CIV. The Utile Succefs which attended the perfonat Minijlry of Christ. Ifaiah xlix. 4. I AND doth the Son of God complain, jfX " Lo, I have fpent my Strength in vain, Andftretch'dmy Hands whole Days and Years To thole, who flight my Words and Tears". 2 O 92 ISAIAH. 2 O ftubborn Hearts, that could withftand Such Efforts from a Saviour's Hand ! O gracious Saviour, who would bleed, When Words and Tears could not fucceed ! 3 Fall down, my Soul, in humble Woe, That thou haft wrong'd his Goodnefs fo: Now let his Grace refiftlefs move - To melt the ftubborn Flint to Love. 4 All-glorious Lord, march forth and reign, And reap the Fruit of all thy Pain y And, till a nobler Scene appear, Begin the happy Conqueft here. CV. GOD'S Captives releafed; applied to fpiritual Deliverances. Ifaiah li. 14, 15. 1 ^APTIVES of IfraeU hear, %^j Who now as Exiles % mourn j See your Almighty God appear To haften your Return. 2 "Jehovah is his Name; Lord of celeftial Hofts : Let Heav'n that faving Pow'r proclaim; In which his Ifrael trufts. 3 Tho' helplefs now ye lie, As in a Dungeon thrown, When parch'd with painful Thirft ye cry, And when your Bread is gone, 4 Deliv'rance comes apace; Ye fhall not there expire; t banijhed Perfons. Prepare ISAIAH. 93 Prepare to fing redeeming Grace With his triumphant Choir. 5 He fmote the raging Sea 'Midft its tumultuous Roar, And pav'd his chofen Troops a Way Safe to its diftant Shore. 5 In him let Ifrael hope, At whofe fupreme Command Graves yield their breathlefs Captives up, And Seas become dry Land. 2VI. The Cup of Fury exchanged for the Cup of BleJJings. Ifaiah li. 22. r rT^HE Lord, our Lord, how rich hisGrace! What Stores of fov'reign Love For humble Souls, that feek his Face, And to his Footftool move ! I He pleads the Caufe of all his Saints, When Foes againit them rife; He liftens to their fad Complaints, And wipes their ftreaming Eyes. J He takes away that dreadful Cup Of Fury and of Plagues, Which Juftice fentenc'd them to drink. And wring the bitter Dregs, ). He gave it to their Saviour's Hand, And fill'd it to the Brim; Their Saviour drank the liquid Death, That they might live by him, iOW 94 ISAIAH. 5 " Now take the Cup of Life," he cries, cc Where heav'nly Bleffings flow: " Drink deep, nor fear to drain the Springs M To which the Draught ye owe". 6 We drink, and feel our Life renew'd, And all our Woes forget : We drink, till that tranfporting Hour, When we our Lord fhall meet, CVII. The holy City purified and guarded. Ifaiah lii. i, 2. 1 rpRIUMPHANTZ/**, lift thy Head J[ Frofn Duft and Darknefs and the Dead j Tho' humbled long;, awake at length, And gird thee with thy Saviour's Strength. 2 Put all thy beauteous Garments on, And let thy various Charms be known; The World thy Glories fhall confefs, Deck'd in the Robes of Righteoufnefs. 3 No "more fhall Foes unclean invade, And fill thy hallow'd Walls with Dread \ No more fhall Hell's infulting Hoft Their VicTry, and thy Sorrows boaft. 4 God from on high thy Groans will hear* His Hand thy Ruins fhall repair; Rear'd and adorn 'd by Love divine, Thy Tow'rs and Battlements (hall fliine. 5 Grace fhall difpofe my Heart and Voice To fhare, and eccho back her Joys ; Nor will her watchful Monarch ceafe To guard her in eternal Peace. CVIII. GO&f ISAIAH. 95 CVIIL GOD'S Government, Zion'x Joy. Ifaiah I11.-7. 1 '\7 r E Subjects of the Lord, proclaim j[ The royal Honours of his Name; 'Jehovah reigns, be all your Song. *Tis he, thy God, OZk, reigns, Prepare thy m- ft harmonious Strains Glad Hallelujahs to prolong. 2 Ye Princes, boaft no more your Crowns, But lay the glittring Trifles down In lowly Honour at his Feet; A Span your narrow Empire bounds, He reigns beyond created Rounds, In feif-fufficient Glory great. 3 Tremble, ye Pageants of a Day, FornVd like your Slaves of brittle Clay, Down to the Duft your Sceptres bend : To everlafting Years he reigns, And undiminifh'd Pomp maintains, When Kings and Suns and Time fhall en& 9 4 So fhall his favour'd Zion live; In vain confederate Nations ftrive Her lacred Turrets to deftroy ; Her Sovereign fits enthron'd above, And end!efs Pow'r, and endlefs Love Enfure her Safety, and her Joy. CIX. Divine Mercies and Judgments compared. Ifaiah liv. 7, 8. I TN thy Rebukes, All-gracious God, X What ibft Companion reigns ! What 96 I S A I A H, What gentle Accents of thy Voice, Affliage thy Children's Pains ! 2 " When I correct: my chofen Sons, " -A Father's Bowels move : c; One tranfient Moment bounds my Wrath-, " But endiefs is my Love". 3 Our Faith fhall look thro' ev'ry Tear, And view thy fmiling Face, And Hope amidft our Sighs fhall tune An Anthem to thy Grace. -4 Gather at length my weary Soul To join thy Saints above: For I would learn a Sons; of Praife Eternal as thy Love. CX. DivineTeachingS) and their happy ConfequenceSo Ifaiah liv. 13* 1 RIGHT Source of intellectual Rays, Father of Spirits, and of Grace, O dart with Energy unknown Celeftial Beamings from thy Throne. Thy facred Book we would furvey, Enlight'ned with that heav'n-y Day, And afk thy Spirit, with the Word, To teach our Souls to know the Lord, So fhall our Children. learn the Road That leads them to their Fathers God; And, form'd by Leflbns fo divine, Shall Infant Minds with Knowledge fhine. 4 ^So ISAIAH, 97 4 So fcall the haughtieft Soul fubmit With Children plac'd at Jefus Feet: The noify Swell of Pride lhall ceafe, And thy fwect Voice be heard in Peace. CXI. Fruitful Shivers, Emblems cf the falutary Efftfts of the Go/pel. Ifaiah lv. 10, u, 12, ARK the foft-falKng Snow, And the diffuhve Rain; To Heav n, from whence ft fell, It turns not back again, But waters Earth Tbr©' ev'ry Pore, And calls forth all Its fee ret Store. Arrav'd in beauteous Giecn The Hills and Valleys ihine, And Man And Bead is fed By Providence divine ; The Harveil bows Its golden Ears, The copious Seed Of future Years. " So", faith the God of Grace, " My Gofpe! (hall deicend, " Almighty to effefl M The Purpofe I intend ; " Millions of Souls < c Shall feci its PowY, F " And ; 9 8 ISAIAH. cc And bear it down cc To Millions more. 4 " Joy fliall begin your March, w And Peace protect your Ways, " While all the Mountains round " Eccho melodious Praife ; " T he vocal Groves " Shall fmg the God, 4< And ev'ry Tree €C Confenting nod'*. CXII. Comfort for pious Parents , who have been bereaved of their Children. Ifaiah lvi. 4, 5. 1 1/" E mourning Saints,whofeftreaming Tears j[ Flow o'er your Children dead, Say not in Tranfports of Defpair, That all your Hopes are fled. 2 While cleaving to that darling Duft, In fond Diftrefs ye lie, Rife, and with Joy and Rev'rence view An heav'nly Parent nigh. 3 Tho', your young Branches torn away, Like wither'd Trunks ye ftand, With fairer Verdure fhall ye bloom, Touch'd by th' Almighty's Hand. 4 " I'll give the Mourners", faith the Lord, " In mine own Houfe a Place ; €C No Names of Daughters and of Sons ** Could yield fo high a Grace. 5 " Tranfient ISAIAH. $$ 5 " Tranfient and vain is ev'ry Hope, U A rifing Race can give; " In endiefs Honour and Delight « My Children all fhall live". i> We welcome, Lord, thofe rifing Tears, Thro' which thy Face we fee, And blefs thole Wounds, which thro' our Hearts Prepare a Way for Thee. CXIII. The Stranger entertained in GOD's Houfe of Prayer. Ifaiah lvi. 6, J. compared with Matt. Juri. 13. and Eph. ii, 19. I f\ REAT Father of Mankind, V jT We blefs that wond'rous Grace, Which could for Gentiles find Within thy Courts a Place. Flow kind the Care Our God difplays, For us to raife An Houfe of Pray 'r ! a Tho 5 once eftranged far, We now approach the Throne 5 For Jefus brings us near, And makes our Caufe his own : Strangers no more, To thee we come, And find our Home, And reft fecure. 3 To thee our Souls we join, And love thy facred Name 1 F 2 loo ISAIAH. No more our own, but thine, We triumph in thy Claim > Our Father King, Thy Cov'nant-Grace Our Sculs embrace, Thy Titles fing. 4 Here in thy Houfe we feaft On Dainties all divine ^ And, while fuch Sweets we tafte^ With Joy our Faces fliine. Incenfe {hall rife From Flames of Love, And God approve The Sacrifice. 5 May all the Nations throng To worfhip in thy Houfe ; And thou attend the Song, And finite upon their Vows ; Indulgent Hi]],' Till Earth confpire To join the Choir OnZ/WiliiU. CXIV. Peac£ proclaimed^ and the Fruit of the Lips created by a gracious GOD. Ifaiah ivii. 19.. ' ARK ! for the great Creator fpeaks ; In Silence let the Earth attend ; And when his Words of Grace are heard, ,In grateful Adoration bend. T ISAIAH. iai 2 " 'Tis I create the Fruit of Praiie, M And give the broken Heart to fmg M Peace, heav'nly Peace, my Lips proclaim, M Pleas'd with the happy News they bring". 3 Receive the Tidings with Delight, Ye Gentile Nations from afar ; And you, the Children of his Love, Whom Grace hath brought already near, 4 To thefe, to thofe his fov'reign Hand Its healing Energy imparts : Peace, Peace be eccho'd from your Tongues, ' And eccho'd from confenting Hearts. 5 Enjoy the Health, which God hath wrought, Nor let the daily Tribute ccafe, Till chang*d for more exalted Songs In Regions of eternal Peace. CXV. The Duty of remonjtratlng agabiji Sin y when Judgments are threatned, Ifaiah lviii. i. 1 r'w \ H Y Judgments cry aloud, X O ever-righteous God, And in the Sight of all our Land Thou lifted up thy Red. 2 A'oud thy Servants cry, Commiiiion'd from thy Throne, And like a Trumpet raife their Voice To make thy Judgments known. 3 But who that Cry attends, And makes his Safety furc ? ¥ 3 Rock'd 3C2- I S A'l A H. Rock'd by the Tempeft, they fhould flee, They fleep the more fecure. 4 Another Trumpet, Lord, The itupid Slumb'rers need ; Nor w ill they hear a feebler Voice Than that, which wakes the Dead. CXVL Unfuccefsful FaJIs accounted for* Ifaiah Iviij. X% compared with v. 4—8. For a Faji-Day. 1 f~\ ! Where is fov'reign Mercy gone ? \J? Whither is Britain s God withdrawn ? That thro' long Years fhe fhould complain, She fafls, and mourns, and cries in vain ? 2 Haft thou not feen her fuppliant Bands Thro' all her Coafts extend their Hands ? Or has their oft-repeated Pray'r Efcap'd thine ever-lift'ning Ear? 3 Thine Ear hath heard, thine Eye hath feen a But Guilt hath fpread a Cloud between j And rifing ftilf before thy Face, Averts thy long-intreated Grace. 4 Difpel that Cloud by Rays divine, And caufe thy chearing Face to fhine ; Our Ifle fhall fhout from Shore to Shore, And dread encroaching Foes no more. 5 Our Light fhall like the Morning faring; Healing and Joy our Gop fhall bring ; Juftice (hall in our Front, appear, And Glory gather up our Rear. CXVII. ISAIAH. 103 CXVII. The Standard of the Spirit lifted up. Ifaiah lix. -19. 1 S~>i OD of the Ocean, at whofe Voice V_X The threatning P'loods are heard no more, Behold their Madnefs and their Noife, And filence the tumultuous Roar. 2 Here Streams of pois'nous Error fwell ; There rages Vice in ev'ry Form ; They join their Tide, led on by Hell, And Zion trembles at the Storm. 3 Almighty Spirit, raife thine Arm, And lift the Saviour's Standard high ; Thy People's Hearts with Vigour warm, And call thy chofen Legions nigh. 4 Wak'd by thy well-known Voice they come 5 And round the facred Banner throng : Zion, prepare the Conqu'ror Room, While Triumph burfts into a Song. 5 " The Lord on high, when Billows roar, " Superior Majefty difplays, 44 And by one Breath of fov'reign Pow'r 44 Hufhes the Noife of foaming Seas". CXVIII. The Glory of the Church in the tatter Day. Ifaiah Ix. 1. l f*\ Zion, tune thy Voice, V^/ And raife thy Hands on high ; Tell all the Earth thy Joys, And boaft Salvation nigh. F 4 Chcarful 104 I S A I A H. Chearful in God, Arife and fhine, While Rays divine Stream all abroad. 2 He gilds thy mourning Face With Beams that cannot fade ; His all - re fplendent Grace He pcurs around thy Head ; The Nations round Thy Form ihall view, With Luftre new Divinely crown'd, 3 Tn Honour to his Name Reflect, that facred Light ; And loud that Grace proclaim, Which makes thy Darkncfs bright : Per fue his Praife, Till fov'reign Love In Worlds above The Glory raife. 4 There on his holy Hill A brighter Sun fhall rife. And with his Radiance fill ' Thofe fairer purer Skies ; While round his Throne Ten thoufand Stars In nobler Spheres % His Influence own. - 4 *J Orbs or Paths in which the Stars move. CX IX, COD ISAIAH. 105 CXIX. GOD the everlaftmg Light of the Saints alive.' Ifaiah lx. 20. , 1 XT E pcMei% Lamps of Heav'n *, farewel* \ With all your feeble Light : Farewel, thou ever-changing Moon, Pale Emprefs of the Night. 2 And thou refulgent Orb of Day J In brighter Flames array V., My Sou!, that fprings beyond thy Sphere, No more demands thine Aid. 3 Ye Stars are but the mining Dull Of my divine Abode, The Pavement of thofe heav'nly Courts, Where I fha!l reiirn with God. 4 The Father of eternal Light Shall there his Beams difplay ; Nor Ihall one Moments Darknefs mix With that unvaried Day. 5 No more the Drops of piercing; Grief Shall fwell into mine Eves ; Nor the Meridian || Sun decline Amidft thofe brighter Skies. 6 There ail the Millions of his Saints Shall in one Song unite, And Each the Mk$f : all. (hall view With infinite Delight. * The Star^ 1 Tie Sun. |j Nun- Day, F s CXX. GOD "ib6 1 5 A I A H. CXX. GOD tntreaUd for Zion. Ifdiab lxii. -6, 7. For a Fajl-Day ; or A Day of Prayer for tbt Revival of Religion. I T NDULGENT Sov'reign of the Skies, J_ And wilt thou bow thy gracious Ear ? While feeble Mortals raife their Cries, Wilt thou, the great Jehovah, hear ? X How (hall thy Servants give thee Reft, Till Xicns mou! J r ring Walls thou raife ? Till thine own Pow'r {ball ftand confefs'd* And make Jerusalem.* Praife ? 3 For this, a lowly fuppliant Croud Here in thy facred Temple wait : For this, v/e lift our Voices loud, And call, and knock at Mercy's Gate; 4 Look down, O God, with pitying Eye, And view the Defolation round 3 See what wide Realms in Darknefs lie, And hurl their Idols to the Ground. j; Loud let the Gofp el -Trumpet blow, And call the Nations from afar -> Let all the Ides their Saviour know, And Earth's remotefl Ends draw near* 6 Let Babylon s proud Altars fhake, And Light invade her darkefr Gloom 3 The Yoke of Iron-Bondage break, Tke Yoke of Satan* and of Rome, 7 With j With gentle Beams on Britain (hine, And blefs her Princes, and her Priefts j And by thine Energy divine Let facred Love o'erflow their Breafts* 8 Triumphant here let fefus reign, And on his Vineyard fweetly fmile ; While all the Virtues of his Train Adorn our Church, adorn our Ifle. 9 On all our Souls let Grace defcend, Like heav'nly Dew in copious Show'rs, That we may call our God our Friend, That we may hail Salvation ours. loThen fhall each Age and Rank agree United Shouts of Joy to raife ; And Z /fl tfty trembl : ng Heart (hall ieam ** To hope and love and truft \ 5 All-gracious God, thy Voice we own; And, proftrate at thy P'eet, Our Souls in humble Silence wait A Pardon there to meet. CXXIII. The Goodr.efs of G & D acknowledged in giving Pajhrs after his own HeaiL Jerem. iii. 15, At the Settlement of a Mrnifar. 1 Q HEPHERD of Ifrael, Thou doft keep k J With conilant Care thy humble Sheep \ By thee inferior Paflors rife To feed our Souls, and blefs our Eyes. 2 To all thy Churches fuch impart, Modell'd by thine own gracious Heart ; Whole Courage Watch fulnefs and Love Men may atteft, and God approve. 3 Fed by their active tender Care, Healthful may all thy Sheep appear, And Iia J U A JU 1V1 I A JHL 9 And, by their fair Example led, The Way to Ziorfs Pafiures tread. 4 Here haft thou lift'ned to our Vows, And fcatter'd BleHings on thy Houfe 5 Thy Saints are fuccour'd, and no more As Sheep without a Guide deplore. 5 Compleatly heal each former Stroke, And blefs the Shepherd, and the Flock ; Confirm the Hopes thy Mercies raife, And own this Tribute of our Praife. CXXIV. GOD's gracious Methods of adapting Love. Jerem. Hi. 19. 1 A MAZING Plan of fov'reign Love ! jL~\_ And doth our God look down On Rebels, whom his Wrath might doom To perifh at his Frown ? 2 Doth he project a wondVous Scheme In fuch a Way to fave, That Jullice, Majefrv, and Grace May one joint Triumph have ? 3 One Look the ftubborn Hearts fubdues, And at his Feet they fall ; They own their Father with Delight, And he receives them all. 4 Numbered amongft his deareft Sons, The pleafant Land they {hare ; On Earth fecur'd by Pow'r divine, Till awn'd with Glory there* 5 Father 5 ratner, in tnine iimDraces lodg d Our Heav'n begun we feel, And wait the Hour, which thou {halt mark Thy Counfels to fulfill. CXXV. Creatures vain, and GOD the Salva- tion of his People. Jerem. iii. 23. 1 1 r ^W long {hall Dreams of Creature- XjL O ur flattering Hopes employ, [Blife And mock our fond deluded Eyes With vifionary Joy % ? 2 Why from the Mountains and the Hills Is our Salvation fought, While our eternal Rock's forfook, And f/raePs God forgot ? 3 The living Spring negle&ed flows- Full in our daily View, Yet we with anxious fruitlefs Toil Our broken Citterns hew. 4 Thefe fatal Errors, Gracious God > With gentle Pity fee : To Thee our roving Eyes direct. And fix our Souls on Thee. % The Appearance of Joy. CXXVI. Invitation to return to the LORD, and put away Abominations. Jerem. iv» 1, 2» "I T is the Lord of Glory calls, O let his Ifrad hear ; * Stop lis JEREMIAH. 46 Stop, ye Revolters, in your Courie, u And hearken, and come near. 2 " What tho' in Sin's delufive Paihs " Ye from your Youth have ftray'd J «< What tho' my MefTages of Love CJ Have been with Scorn repay 'd j 3 " At laft return, and Grace divine " Your Wand'nn^s fhall forget ? " If lova! Zeal and Love dethrone " Each IJol from its Scat. 4 " Return, and dwell fecure on Earth, c * As in your Lord's Embrace, " Til' in the Land of perfect Joy " Ye find a nobler Place". 5 Father of Mercies, lo, we come SubduMbyfuchaCall: O let the Hand of Grace divine Reduce, and ble fs us all. 6 So will we teach the. World that Love, Which we are made to fee, And Wand'rcrs ill all with us -return, And blefs themfelves in Thee, CXXVIL Mi/improved VrrAledge^ and \UjSp* pointed Hopes. Jerem. via. 20. 1 /i LAS, how fail our Moments fly ! jLX. How fhort our Months appear! How fwift thro' various Seafons halts The ftill- revolving Year afons jeremtah: ii^ 1 Seafbns of Grace, and Days of Hope* While "Jcfas waiting ftandy, And fpreads the Bleffings of his Love With wide-extended Hands. 3 Sut O ! how flow our ftupid Souls Thefe Bleflings to fecure ! Bleffings, which thro* eternal Years Unwith'ring fhall endure. 4 Eeneath the Word of Life we die; We ilarve amidfl our Store; And what Salvation flioaU impart Heightens our Ruin more. 5 Pity this Madnefs, God of Love,. And make us truly wife : So from the pregnant Seeds of Grace Shall glorious Harvefts rife. CXXVIII. Glorying in GOD alone. Jerem. ix. 1 ry^HE righteous Lord, fupremely great, X. Maintains his univerfal State; O'er all the Earth his Pow'r extends; All Heav'n before his Footftool bends. 2 Yet Juftice ftill with Pow'r prefides, And Mercy all his Empire guides; Such Works are pleafing in his Sight, And fuch the Men of his Delight. 3 No more, ye Wife, your Wifdom boafl : No more, ye Strong, your Valour truft : Nor ii 4 JEREMIAH. Nor let the Rich furvey his Store, Elate * with Heaps of fhining Ore, 4 Glory, my Soul, in this alone, That God, thy God, to thee is known, That thou haft own'd his fbv'reign Sway, That thou haft felt his cheating Ray, 5 My Wifdom Wealth and Pow'r I find In one 'Jehovah all combin'd ; On him I fix my roving Eyes, Till all my Soul in Rapture rife, 6 All elfe, which I my Treafure call* May in one fatal Moment fall ; But what his Happinefs can move, Whom God the blcfled deigns || to love? * lifted up. |t condefcends. CXX1X. Jeremiah's Tears over the captive Flock* Jerem. xiii. 15 — 17. 1 TJ* LO W on, my Tears, in rifing Streams, JP Ye briny Fountains, flow ; While haughty Sinners fteel their Hearts* Nor will Jehovah know. 2 The Flock of God is captive led In Satan's heavy Chains; Led to the Borders of the Pit, Where endlefs Horror reigns. 3 Look back, ye Captives, and invoke Jehovah's faving Aid; Give JEREMIAH. 115 Give him the Glory of his Name, Whofe Hand your Nature made. f O turn, e r er yet your erring Feet On Death's dark Mountain fall ; Cry, and your gentle Shepherd's Ear Will hearken to your Call. 5 Then fhall thofe Hearts with Pleafure fpring, Which now in Sorrow melt; And deep Repentance yield a Joy Proud Guilt hath never felt. i Almighty Grace, exert thy Pow'r, And turn thefe Slaves of Sin ; And, when they bring thy Tribute due, Shall their own Blifs begin. CXXX. Giving Glory to GOD, befirt Darknefs comes upon us. Jerem. xiii, 1 6. 1 rr\HE fwift-declining Day, X How faft its Moments fly ! While Ev'ning's broad and gloomy Shade Gains on the weftern Sky, 2 Ye Mortals, mark its Pace, And ufe the Hours of Light; And know, its Maker can command An inftantaneous % Night. 3 His Word blots out the Sun In its meridian Blaze; 4 And u6 JEREMIAH. And cuts from fmiling vig'rous Youth The Remnant of its Days. 4 On the dark Mountain's Brow Your Feet fhall quickly Aide ; And from its airy Summit dafh Your momentary Pride. 5 Give Glory to the Lord, Who rules the whirling Sphere*; Submimve at his Footftool bow, And feek Salvation there. 6 Then fhall new Luftre break Thrp' Horror's darken 1 Gloom, And lead you to unchanging Light, In a cehfiial Home. * The Revolutions cfihe Sun, Moon^ and Stars. CXX.XL The fatal Cmfequences of forfeiting the Hope cflhdt]. Jerem. xvii. 13, 14. 1 ^-Nf R E AT Oi>je& of thine IfraeTs Hope, VJT Its Saviour, and its Praife, Attend, while we to thee devote The Remnant of our Days. 2 How wretched they that leave the Lord, And from his Word withdraw, That lofe his Gofpel from their Sight, And wander from his Law ! 3 O thou eternal Spring of Good, Whence Hying Waters flow, Let JEREMIAH. 117 Let not our thirfty erring Souls To broken Ci:i:erns go. 4 Like Chara&ers infcrib'd in Dull Are Sinners borne away ; And ail the Treafures, they can boafr, The Portion of a Day. 5 But, Lord, to Thee my Heart fhall turn To heal it, and to fave ; The Joys, that from thy Favour flow, Shall bloom beyond the Grave. CXXXII. Christ, the Lord cur Righteoufnefs. Jerem. xxiii. 6. 1 OAVIOUR divine, we know thy Name, j[3 And in that Name we trufl ; Thou art the Lord our Righteoufnefs, Thou art thine Ifracl s Boaft. 2 Guilty we plead before thy Throne, And low in Dull we he, Till jfefus ftretch his gracious Arm To bring the guilty nigh. 3 TheSins of one melt righteous Day Might plunge us in.Defpiir; Yet all the Crimes of num'rous Years Shall our great Surety clear. 4 That fpotlefs Robe, which he hath wrought Shall deck ua all around ; Nor by the piercing Eye of God One Blemifti fhall be found. 5 Pardon n8 JEREMIAH. 5 Pardon and Peace and lively Hope To Sinners now are giv'n; Ifrael and Judah foon (hall change Their Wildernefs for Heav'n. 6 With Joy we tafte that Manna now, Thy Mercy (tatters down ; We feal our humble Vows to Thee* And wait the promis'd Crown-. CXXXIII. The Efficacy of G O £>' s WordV Jerem. xxiii. 29* 1 "T T| 7TTH rev'rend Awe, tremendous Lord, V V We hear the Thunders of thy Word ; The Pride of Lebanon it breaks : Swift the celeiKal Fire defcends, The flinty Rock in Pieces rends, And Earth to its deep Centre (hakes. 2 Array'd in Majefty divine Here SaricYity, and Juftice mine, And Horror ftrikes the Rebel thro' ; While loud this awful Voice makes known The Wonders, which thy Sword hath done, And what thy Vengeance yet (hall do. 3 So fpread the Honours of thy Name ; The Terrors of a G op proclaim: Thick let the pointed Arrows fly.; Till Sinners, humbled in the Dull, Shall own the Execution juft, And blefs the Hand by which they die. 4 Then JEREMIAH. ii 9 4 Then clear the dark tempeftuous Day, And radiant Beams of Love difplay ; Each proftrate Soul let Mercy raife : So mail the bleeding Captives fee! Thy Word, which gave the Wound, can heal, And change their Groans to Songs of Praiie. CXXXIV. The PoJJVnlity of dying this Year, Jerem. xxviii. -16-. For New-Tear y s Day. I /^lOD of my Life, thy conftant Care \JT With Bleffings crowns each op'ningYear; This guilty Life dolt thou prolong, And wake anew mine annual Song. 2. How many precious Souls are fled To the vaft Regions of the Dead, Since from this Day the changing Sun Thro' his laft yearly Period run ? 3 We yet farvive ; but who can fay Or thro' the Year, or Month, or Day, I will retain this vital Breath ; Thus far at leaft in League with Death ? 4 That Breath is thine, Eternal God j 'Tis thine to fix my Soul's Abode ; It holds its Life from thee alone, On Earth, or in the World unknown. 5 To thee our Spirits we refign ; Make them and own them Hill as thine; So 120 JEREMIAH. So {hall they fmile, fecure from Fear, Tho' Death fhould Waft the rifing Year. 6 Thy Children, eager to be gone, Bid Time's impetuous Tide roll on, And land them on that blooming Shore, Where Years and Death are known no more. CXXXV. GOD % s Complacency in his Thoughts of Peace toivara's his People. Jerem. xxix. ir. i 1 TILER than DufT, O Lord, are we ; y And doth thine Anger ceafe ? And doth thy gracious-Heart o'erflow With Purpofes of Peace ? 2 And doft thou with Delight reflect On what thy Grace fit all do ? And with Complacency of Soul Enjoy the diilant View ? 3 And can thine often- injur'd Love So kind a Mcflagc fend, That thou to all our length'ned Woes Wilt give tV expected End ? 4 Whv droop our Hearts? Why flow our Eyes* While fucli a Voice we hear? Why rife our Sorrows and our Fears, While fuch a Friend is near? 5 To all thine other Favours add A Heart to truft thy Word, And Death itfelf fliall hear us furg, While rcfting on the Lord. CXXXVI. The JEREMI A H. 121 CXXXVI. The impudent Rebellion of the Jewifh Refugees at Pathros. Jer. xliv. 16, 17, 28. - 1 II THOSE Words againft the Lord are V V Or who prefume to fay, [ftout ? " That fov'reign Law, which God proclaim^ « I dare to difobey"? 2 Ten thoufand Adions ev'ry where The impious Language fpeak ; Yet Pow'r omnipotent ftands by, Nor do its Thunders break. 3 But O ! the dreadful Day draws near, When God's avenging Hand Shall mew, if -feeble Mortals Breath, Or God's own Word (hall ftand. 4 My Soul, with profixate Rev'rence fall Before th€ Voice divine ; And all thine Int'reit, and thy Pow'rs To its Command refign. 5 Speak, mighty Lord ; thy Servant watts The Purport of thy Will : Mv Heart with fecret Ardour glows Its Mandates * to fulfill. 6 Let the vain Sons of Belial boaflr, Their Tongues and Thoughts are free ; My nobleft Liberty I own, When fubje£t moft to Thee. * Commands. G CXXXVII, Afking 122 JEREMIAH. CXXXVII. AJkingthe Way to Zion, in order U joining in Covenant with GOD. Jerem. 1. 5, 1 T^NQUIRE, ye Pilgrims, for the Way, XL/ That M». to Zion's Hill, And thither fet your fteady Face With a determin'd Will. 2 Invite the Strangers all around Your pious March to join ; And fpread the Sentiments you feel Of Faith and Love divine. 3 Come, let us to his Temple hafte, And feek his Favour there, Before his Footftool humbly bow, And pour our fervent Pray'r. 4 Come, let us join our Souls to God In everlafting Bands, And feize the Bleffings he beftows With eager Hearts and Hands. 5 Come, let us feal without Delay The Cov'nant of his Grace ; Nor fhall the Years of diftant Life Its Memory efface. 6 Thus may our rifing Offspring hafte To feek their Fathers God, Nor e'er forfake the happy Path Their youthful Feet have trod. CXXXVHI. Searching LAMENTATIONS. 123 CXXXVIII. Searching and trying cur Ways. Lament, iii. 40, 1 t'l >HY piercing Eye, O God, furveys The various Windings of our Ways \ Teach us their Tendency to know, And judge the Paths in which we go. 2 How wild, how crooked have they been ! A Maze of Foolifhnefs and Sin ! With all the Light we vainly, boaft, Leaving our Guide, cur Souls are loft. 3 Had not thy Mercy been our Aid So Fatally cur Feet had ftray'd, Stern Juftice had its Pris'ners led Down to the Chambers of the Dead, 4 O turn us back to Thee again, Or we fhall fearch our Ways in vain ; Shine, aid the Path of Life reveal, And bear us on to Z/Wj Hill. 5 Roll on, ye fwift-revo- ving Years, And end this Round of Sins and Cares No more a Wand'rer would I roam, But near my Father fix at Home. CXXXIX. The Breath of our No/in Is taken in the Pits cf the Enemy y applied to Christ, Lament, iv. 20. 'B fjlLEST Saviour, to my Heart more dear Than balmy Gales of vital Air, G 2 Were 124 EZEKIEL. Were thy Soul-chearing Prefence gone. What Ufe of Breath, unlefs to groan ? 2 Thy Father's royal Hand hath fhed In rich Profufion on thy Head Ten thoufand Graces ; Thou alone Canft fhare, and canft adorn his Throne. 3 But fee the Sov'reign captive led, Snar'd in the Pit, which Traitors made, Fetter'd with ignominious Bands, And murder' d by rebellious Hands. 4 Ye Saints, to your expiring King Your tributary Sprrows bring : In loyal Crowds aflemble round, And bathe in Tears each precious Wound. 5 But from the Caverns of the Grave He fprings, omnipotent to fave ; The captive King afcends and reigns, And drags his conqu'red Foes in Chains* 6 Beneath his Shade our Souls fha!l live In all the Rapture Heav'n can give ; Where Zion never fhall deplore, And Heathens vex his Church no more. CXL. Of lamenting national Sins. Ezek.ix.4 — 6* For a Fajl-Day. I dT*\ Righteous God, thou Judge fupreme, S^J? We tremble at thy dreadful Name, And all our crying Guilt we own In Duft and Tear* before thy Throne. 2, So E Z E K I E L. 125 2 So manifold our Crimes have been, Such Crimfon Tincture dyes our Sin, That, could we all its Horrors know, Our ftreaming Eyes with Blood might floiy. 3 Britain, the Land thine Arm hath fav'd r That Arm moft impioufly hath brav'd %-, Britain, the Ifle its God hath lov'd, A Rebel to that Love hath prov'd, 4 Eftrang'd from reverential Awe We trample on thy facred Law ; And 5 tho* fuch Wonders Grace hath done, Anew we crucify thy Son. 5 Juftly might this polluted Land Prove all the Vengeance of thy Hand ; And bath'd in Heav'n thy Sword might come To drink our Blood, and feal our Doom. 6 Yet haft thou not a Remnant here, Whofe Souls are fill'd with pious Fear ? O bring thy wonted Mercy nigh, While proftrate at thy Feet they lie* 7 Behold their Tears, attend their Moan* Nor turn away their fecret Groan : With thefe we join our humble Pray'r ; Our Nation fhield, our Country fpare. 8 But if the Sentence be decreed, And our dear native Land muft bleed, By thy fure Mark may we be known, And lave in Life or Death Thine own, X defied. G 3 CXLI. The J26 EZEKIEL. CXLL The Iniquity of Sacrificing GOD's ChiU dren \ or The Evil of a bad or neglecled Educa- tion. Ezek. xvi. 20, 21 J. iEHOLD, O IfraeVs God, From thine exalted Throne, And view the defolate Abode, Thou once haft call'd thine own. % The Children of thy Flock, By early Cov'nant thine, See how they pour their bleeding Souls On ev'ry Idol's Shrine || ! 3 To Indolence and Pride What piteous Vi&ims made \ Crufh'd in their Parents fond Embrace, And by their Care betray'd. 4. By Pleafure's polifh'd Dart What Numbers here are flain ! What Numbers there for Slaughter bound In Mammon s golden Chain ! 5 O let thine Arm awake, And dam the Idols down ! O call the Captives of their Pow'r Thy Treafure, and thy Crown. 6 Thee let the Fathers own, And Thee the Sons adore, X Alluding to the cruel Cuflom among fo we Hea* thens of facrijicing their Children to their Gods, to vjhich there are frequent References in Scripture. I Altar. Join'd EZEKIEL. 127 Join'd to the Lord by folemn Vows To be forgot no more. CXLH. The Humility and Submijfion of a Pent- tent. Ezek. xvi. 63. 1 /^\ Injur'd Majefty of Heav'n, V^r Look from thy holy Throne, - While proftrate Rebels own with Grief. What Treafons they have done. 2 Thy Grace, where Sin abounded moftj. Reigns with fuperior Sway ; And Pardons bought with J*jus 9 BIood T To Rebels doth difplay. £ 3 While Love its grateful Anthems tunes** Tears mingle with the Song ; My Heart with tender Anguifh bleeds,. That I fuch Grace fhould wrong. 4 How {hall I lift thefe guilty Eyes To mine offended Lord ? Or how, beneath his heavieft Strokes, Pronounce one murm'ring Word ? 5 Remoife and Shame my Lips have feal'd ^ But O ! my Father, fpeak ; And all the Harmony of Heav'n Shall thro' the Silence break.. CXLIII. GO D bringing his People into the Cove- nant under the Rod,. Ezek. xx. 37. r |"OW gracious and how wife jTjL ^ s our chaftifing God ! G" 4. And i 2 8 EZEKIEL. And O ! how rich the Bleffings are, Which bioflbm from his Rod ! 2 He lifts it up on high With Pity in his Heart, That ev'ry Stroke his Children feel May Grace and Peace impart. 3 Jnftrucled thus they bow, And own his fov'reign Sway ; They turn their erring Footfieps back To his forfaken Way. 4 His Cov'nant-Love they feek, And feek the happy Bands, That clofer ftill engage their Hearts To honour his Commands, 5 Dear Father, we confent To DifcipHne divine y And Mefs the Pains, that make our Souls Still more compleatly thine. CXLIV. GOD's Candefcenfion in lecoming the Shepherd of Men. Ezek. xxxiv. 31. 1 A N D will the Majefty of Heav'n r f\ Accept us for his Sheep ? And with a Shepherd's tender Care Such worthlefs Creatures keep ? 2 And will he fnread his guardian Arms Round our defenceless Head ? And caufe us gently to lie down In his refreihing Shade ? 2 And EZEKIEL, 129 3 And will he lead our weary Souls To that delightful Scene, Where Rivers of Salvation flow Thro' Paftures ever green ? 4 What Thanks can mortal Men repay For Favours great as Thine ? Or how can Tongues of feeble Clay Proclaim fuch Love divine ? > 5 Eternal God, how mean are we ! How richly gracious Thou ! Our Souls, o'erwhelm'd with humble Joy, In filent Tranfports bow. CXLV. Seeking to G O D for the Communication of bis Spirit, Ezek. xxxvi. 37V 1 TYEar, gracious Sov'reign, from thyThrcne 3 ff And fend thy various BlefTings down : While by thine Ifrael Thou art fought, Attend the Pray'r thy Word hath taught, ■ 2 Come, Sacred Spirit, from above; And fill the coldeft Heart with Love ; Soften to Flefh the rugged Stone, And let thy godlike Pow'r be known. 3 Speak thou, and from the haughtieft Eyes Shall Floods of pious Sorrow rife; While all their glowing Souls are borne To feek that Grace, which now they fcorn: 4 O let a holy Flock await Num'rous around thy Temple-Gate,- GU5 Each i3o £Z£OE tv Each preffing on with Zeal to be A living Sacrifice to Thee; 5 In Anfwer to our fervent Cries, Give us to fee thy Church arife ; Or, if that Bleffing feem too great, Give us to mourn its low Eftate. CXLVL EzekieFs Vifion of the dry Bwes* Ezek. xxxvii. 3. 1 1 OOK down, O Lord, with pityingEyey JLJ See Adam's Race in Ruin lie ; Sin fpreads its Trophies o'er the Ground, And fcatters flaughter'd Heaps around. 2 And can thefe mould'ring Corpfes live ? And can thefe periih'd Bones revive ? That, Mighty God, to Thee is known'; That wond'rous Work is all thine own. 3 Thy Minifters are fent in vain To propriety upon the Slain ; In vain they call, in vain they cry, Till thine almighty Aid is nigh. 4 But if thy Spirit deign to breathe, Life fpreads thro' all the Realms of Death ; Dry Bones obey thy pow'rful Voice ; They move, they waken, they rejoice. 5 So when thy Trumpet's awful Sound Shall fliake theHeav'ns, and rend the Grounds- Dead Saints fhall from their Tombs arife, And fpring to Life beyond the Skies. CXI T7 II. T T s EZEKIEL. 131 CXLVII. The Waters of the Sanfiuary healing the dead Sea J. Ezek. xlvii. 8, 9. 1 /^REAT Source of Being and of Love^ V JT Thou wat'reft all the Worlds above, And all the Joys we Mortals know From thine exhauftlefs Fountain flow. 2 A facrecl Spring at thy Command From Zions Mount, in Canaan s Land, Behde thy Temple, cleaves the Ground 5 And pours its limpid Stream around. 3 The limpid Stream with, fudden Force Swells to a River in its Courfe ; Thro' defart Realms its Windings play, And fcatter Bleflings all the Way. 4 Clofe by its Banks in Order fair The blooming 'Frees of Life appear ; Their BlofToms fragrant Odours give, And on their Fruit the Nations live. 5 To the dead Sea the Waters flow, And carry Healing as the 7 go ; Its poys nous Dregs their Pow'r confef-,. And ail its Shores the Fountain blefs. 6 Flow, wond'rous Stream w'.th Glory crown'd^ Flow on to Earth's remoter! Bound ; And bear us on thy gentle Wave To him, who all thy Virtues gave, X The Sid cr Lake, where Scdom, Gomorrah, fcfr. hadjiood, which was putrid and poyjenous \ and ancient Writers fay, that no Fifh con! i live in it. CXLYiy. T:i ;t i i 5 ? DANIEL. CXLVIIL Te-kel ; or The Sinner weighed 'm GOD's Balances^ and found wanting. Daniel v, 27. AISE, thoughtlefs Sinner, raife thine Eye 5 ; Behold God's Balance lifted high ; There fhall his Juftice be difplay'd, And there thy Hope and Life be weigh'd. 2 See in one Scale his perfect Law ; Mark with what Force its Precepts draw : Wouldft thou the awful Teft fuftain, Thy Works how light ! thyThoughts how vain [ ' 3 Behold the Hand of God appears To trace thefe dreadful Characters ; , we fly to Thee, Tho' Blufhes veil our Face, Conitrain'd our laft Retreat to feek In thy much-in^ur'd Grace. GL. The Advantages of feekir.g the Knowledge of G OD. Hofea vi. 3. j s HI NE forth, Eternal Source* of Light, And make thy Glories known - } * Fountain or Original Fill 134 HOSE A. Fill our enlarg'd adoring Sight With Luftre all thine own. 2 Vain are the Charms, and faint the Raysr The brighteft Creatures boaft; And all their Grandeur, and their Praife Is in thy Prefence loft. 3 To know the Author of our Frame Is our fublimeft Skill : True Science is to read thy Name, True Life t'obey thy Will. 4 For this I long, for this I pray, And foll'wing on perfue, Till Vifions of eternal Day Fix and compleat the View. CLI. Incorjtancy in Religion. Hofea vi. 4. j TJERPETUAL Source of Light and Grace, JL We hail thy facred Name : Through ev'ry Year's revolving Round Thy Goodnefs is the fame, 2t On us, all-worth!efs as we are, It wmd'rous Mercy pours ; Sure as the Heav'ns eftabiinYd Courfe, And plenteous as the Show'rs. 3 Inconftant Service we repay, And treach'rous Vows renew; Falfe as the Morning's fcatt'ring Cloud, And transient as the Dew. 4 In flowing Tears our Guilt we mourn, And loud implore thy Grace To H O S E A. 13 £ To bear our feeble Footfteps on In all thy righteous Ways. 5 Arm'd with this Energy divine Our Souls fhall ftedfaft move, And with increasing Tranfport prefs On to thy Courts above. 6 So by thy Pow'r the Morning Sun Perfues his radiant Way, Brightens each Moment in his Race, And fhines to perfect Day. CLII. Gratitude the Spring cf true Religion, Hofea xi. 4-. 1 T\ 4fY God, what fdken Cords are thine I XV JL How foft, and yet how ftrong-! While Pow'r and Truth and Love combine To draw our Souls along. 2 Thou faw'ft us crufh/d beneath the Yoke Of Satan and of Sin : Thy Hand the Iron-Bondage broke Our worthlefs Hearts to win. 3 The Guilt of twice ten thoufand Sins One Moment takes away ; And Grace, when firft the War begins Secures the crowning Day. 4 Comfort thro' all this Vale of Tears In rich Profufion flows, And Glory of unnumber'd Years Eternity bellows. 1-3-6' HOSE A. bis 5 Drawn by fuch Cords we onward move* Till round thy Throne we meet ; And, Captives in the Chains of Love, Embrace our Conqu'ror's Feet. CLIII. The Relent! ngs of GOD's Heart over hackfliding People. Hofea xi. 7, 8, 9. 1 X7"E Sinners onBackfiiding bent, j[ God's gracious Call attend ; Shall not Compaflion (o divine Each ftubbom Spirit bend ? 2 " How fhall I give mine Ifrael up " To Ruin and Defpair ? c< How pour down Show'rs of flaming Wrath, " And make a Sodom there ? 3 " My Bowels ftrong Relentings feel ; " My Heart is pain'd within : " I will not all my Wrath exert, " Nor vifit all their Sin. 4 M The Mercy of a God retrains " The Thunders of his Hand : " Come, feek Protection from that Pow'r, " Which you can ne'er lyithftand", 5 With trembling Hafte, O God, to Thee. Let Sinners wing their Flight ; As Doves, when Birds of Prey perfue, Down on their Windows light. 6 Father, we feek thy gracious Arm, ■ All melted at thy Voice: O AMOS. 137 O may thy Heart, that feels our Woes, In our Return rejoice. CLIV. G D y s Controverfy by Fire. Amos iv. II, On Occafion of a dreadful Fire. 1 T7 T E RN AL God, our humbled Souls Xly Before thy Prefence bow : With all thy Magazines of Wrath, How terrible art Thou ! 2 Fan'd by thy Breath whole Sheets of Flame Do like a Deluge pour ; And all our Confidence of Wealth Lies mould 'red in an Hour. 3 Led on by Thee in horrid Pomp Deilruftion rears its Head ; And black'ned Walls, and fmoking Heaps Thro' all the Street are fpread. 4 Lord* in the Dull we lay us down, And mourn thy righteous Ire J ; Yet blefs the Hand of guardian Love,. That fnatch ? d us from the Pire. 5 O that the hateful Dregs of Sin Like Drofs had perifh'd there, That in fair Lines our purged Souls Might thy bright Image bear. 6 So (hall we .view with dauntlefs Eyes The laft tremendous Day, When Earth and Seas, and Stars and Skies Irj Flames (hall melt away. t Anger. CLV. Britain *3* AMOS. C LV. Britain unreformed by remarkable Deliver* ances. Amos iv. -II. For a Fqft-Day. t TfES, Britain fcem'd to Ruin doom'd, X Juft like a burning Brand ; Till fnatch'd from fierce furrounding Flames By God's indulgent Hand. 2 u Once more (he fays) I will fupprefs " The Wrath, that Sin would wake ^ 11 Once more my Patience fftajx attend^ " And call my Britain back". 3 But who this Clemency reveres ? Or feels this melting Grace ? Who ftirs his languid Spirit up. To feek thine awful Face ■?. 4 On Days like thefe we pour- our Cries,. And at thy Feet we mourn ; Then rife to tempt thy Wrath again, And to our Sins return. 5 Our Nation for from God remains, Far, as in diftant Years j And the fmal! Remnant, that is found, A dying Afpeft wears. 6 Cbaft'ned and refcu'd thus in vain,. Thy righteous Hand fevere Into the Flames might hurl us back, And quite confume us there. AMOS. 139 7 So by the Light our Burning gives Might neighb'ring Nations read. How terrible thy Judgments are. And learn our Guilt to dread. 8 Yet, 'midft the Cry of Sins like ours. Incline thy gracious Ear ; And thine own Children's feeble Cry With foft Compaflion hear. 9 O by trw facred Spirit's Breath Kindle a holy Flame ; Rerine the Land, thou might'ff deftroy, And magnify thy Name. CLVL Preparing to meet GOD. Amos iv. 1 2, 1 3, 1 XJfE comes, thy God, O 7/ra?/, comes ; JLJL Prepare thy Gor> to meet : Meet him in Battle's Force array 'd, Or humbled at his Feet. 2 He form'd the Mountains by his Strength ; He makes the Winds to blow ; And all t'ie fecret Thoughts of Man Mud: his Creator know. 3 He fhades the Morning's op'ning Rays ; He (hakes the folid World ; And Stars and Angels from their Seats Are by his Thunder hurl'ch 4 Eternal Sov' reign of the Skies, And (ball thine Ifrael dare In mad Rebellion to ari!e,.. And tempt th' unequal War I 5. to y i 4 o JONAH. 5 Lo, Nations tremble at thy Frown, And faint beneath thy Rod ; Crufh'd by its gentleit Movement down* They fall, Tremendous God. 6 Avert the Terrors of thy Wrath, And let thy Mercy fhine ; While humble Penitence and Pray'r Approve us truly thine, CLVII. Jonah's Faith recommended. Jonah H..4. 1 Y ORD, we have broke thy holy Laws, JL/ And flighted ail thy Grace j. And juftly thy vindictive Wrath. Might ca(t us from thy Face. 2 Yet while fuch Precedents appear Mark'd in thy facred Book, We from thefe Depths of Guilt and Fear Will to thy Temple look. 3 To Thee, in our Redeemer's Name, We raife our humble Cries ; May thefe our Pray'rs, perfum'd by him,. Like grateful Incenfe rife. 4 O never may our hopelefs Eyes An abfent God deplore, Where the dear Temples of thy Love Shall ftand reveal'd no more. 5 Far from thofe Regions of Defpair Appoint our Souls a Place ; Where not a Frown thro' endlefs Years Shall veil thy lovely Face. CLVIII. GOD\ *M I C A PI. 141 CLVIII. G OD's Coniroverfy zviih BritainyftfiV/ and pleaded. Micah vi. 1, 2, 3. . For a Faft-Day. i T ISTEN, ye Hills ; ye Mountains, hear; JL/ y^oz'ab vindicates his Laws : Trembling in Silence at his. Bar, Thou Earth, attend thy Maker's Caufe. I Ifrael appear ; prcfent thy Plea ; And charge th' Almighty to his Face ; Say, if his Rules oppreilive be ; Say, if defective be his Grace, 5 Eternal Judge, the Action ceafe ; Our Lips are feal'd in confeious Shame ; 'Tis ours, in Sackcloth to confefs, And thine, the Sentence to proclaim, \ Ten thoufand Witnefies arife, Thy Mercies, and our Crimes appear More than the Stars that deck the Skies, And all our dreadful Guilt declare. ; How Ih all we come before thy Face, And in thine awful Prefence bow ? "What Offers can fecure thy Grace, Or calm the Terrors of thy Brow ? i Thoufands of Rams in vain might bleed; Rivers of Oil might blaze in vain ; Or the Firft-born's devoted Head With horrid Gore thine Altar ftain. 7 But thine own Lamb, All-gracious Goi), Whom impious Sinners dar'd to flay, Hath 142 MICA H. Hath fov'reign Virtue in his ElooA To purge the Nation's Guilt away-. 8 With humble Faith to tha: we fly ; With that be Britain fprinkfed o'er ; Trembling no more in Duit we lie* And ilread thy Hand and Bar no more* CLIX. Hearing ihe Poke of G D's Rod. Micah vi. g. i A TTEND, my Soul, with rev'rend Awe JljL T ^ e Dilates of thy God ; Silent and trembling hear the Voice Of his appointed Rod. 2 Nov/ let me fearch and try my Ways, And proftrate feek his Face, Confcious of Guilt before his Throne In Duft my Soul abafe. 3 Teach me, my God, what's yet unknown, And all my Crimes forgive •> Thofe Crimes would I no more repeat, But to thy Honour live. 4 My wither'd Joys too plainly fhew, That all on Earth is vain ; In God my wounded Heart confides True Reft and Blifs to gain. 5 Father, I wait thy gracious Call, To leave this mournful Land, And bathe in Rivers of Delight, That flow at thy right Hand. CLX. GOD's HABAKKUK. 143 CLX. G D*s incomparable Mercy admired. Micah vii. 18, 19, 20. 1 Q UP RE ME in Mercy, who fliall dare fcj With thy Compaffion tc compare ? For thine own Sake wik thou forgive, And bid the trembling Sinner live. 2 Million;: of our Tranfgreffions paft Cancell'd behind thy Back are caft ; Thy Grace, a Sea without a Shore, Overflows them, and they rife no more. 3 And left new Legions fhould invade, And make the pardpn'd Soul afraid, Our inbred Lulls thou wilt iubdue, And form deg;en'rate Hearts anew. .4 Our Leader God, our Songs proclaim ; We lift our Banners in his Name ; With Songs of Triumph forth we go, And level the gigantick Foe. 5 His Truth to Jacob mall prevail ; His Oath to Ah am cannot fail ; The Hope of Saints in ancient Days, Which Ages yet unborn ihall praiie. CLXI. The impoverished Saint rejoicing in GGD. Habakkuk iii. 17, 18. I O O firm the Saint's Foundations ftand, ^3 ^° r caa ms Hopes remove ; Suftain'd by God's almighty Hand, And flieiter'd in his Love. 2 Fig-Trees 144 ZEPHANIAH. 2 Fig-Trees and Olive- P ants may fail* And Vines their Fruit deny, Famine thro' all his F'elds prevail, And Flocks and Herds may die. 3 God is the Treafure of his Soul, A Source of focred Joy, Which no Afflictions can controul, Nor Death it'felf deftroy. 4 Lord, may we feel thy chearing Bcams^ And taiie thy Saints Repofe ; We will not mourn the perim'd Streams, White fuch a Fountain flows. C LXII, G OD's afflitfed Poor trujiing in his Name. Zephaniah iii. 12. i T) RAISE to the Sov'reign of the Sky, JL Who from his lofty Throne Looks down on ail that humble lie, And calls fuch Souls his own. 2 The haughty Sinner he difdains, Tho' Gems his Temples crown ; And from the Seat of Pomp and Pride His Vengeance hurls him down. 3 On his afHifted pious Poor He makes his Face to fhine ; He fills their Cottages of Clay With Luftre all divine. 4 Among the meaneft of thy Flock There let my Dwelling be, Rather than under gilded Roofs, If abfent, Lord, from Thee. 5 Poor ZEPHANIAH. 145 5 Poor and afflicted tho' we are, In thy ftrong Name we truit; And blefs the Hand of fov'reign Love, Which lifts us fiom the Duft. CLXIII. GOD comforting and rejoicing tver Zion. Zepb. iii. 16, 17. 1 *\r E S, 'tis the Voice of Love divine ! j[ And O ! how fweet the Accents found ! Afflicted Zioftj rife and fhine, Fair Mourner, proftrate on the Ground. 2 The mighty God, thy glorious King, Tender to pity, ftrong to fave, Halh fworn he will Salvation bring, Tho' Sorrow prefs thee to the Grave. 3 He all a Father's Pleafure knov/s To fold thee in his dear Embrace ; His Heart with fecret Joy o'erfiows, And chearful Smiles adorn his Face. 4 At length the inward Extacy In heav'nly Mufick breaks its Way * ; 'Jehovah leads the Harmony, And Angels teach their Harps the Lay J. 5 Fain would my Lips the Chorus || join, And tell the lifVning World my Joys, But Cendefcenfion fo divine In Silence {wallows up my Voice. • See the marginal Reading. % Song. \\ Company of Singers. H CLXIV. Practical i 4 6 ZECHAR1AE -CLXIV. Practical Reflections on the State of our' Fathers. Zechariah i. 5-. 1 T T OW fwlft the Torrent rolls, JLX That bears us to the Sea ! The Tide, that bears our thoughtlefs Souls To vaft Eternity ! 2 Our Fathers, where are they, With ali they calFd their own ? Their J6ys and Griefs, and Hopes and Cares^ And Wealth and Honour gone. 3 But Joy or Grief fucceeds Beyond our mortal Thought, While the pocr Remnant of their Duft Lies in the Grave forgot. 4 There, where the Fathers lie, Mud all the Children dwell -> Nor other Heritage pcilefs But fuch a gloomy Cell. 5 God of our Fathers, hear, Thou everlafting Friend ! While we, as on Life's utmoft Verge J^ Our Souls to Thee commend. •6 Of all the pious Dead May we the Footfteps trace, Till with them in the Lsnd of Light We dwell before thy Face. % Edge or Border. CLXV, JoflK ZECH ARIA H. 147 CLXV. Jofhua the High-Prlefi's Change of Raiment, applied to CbrijUan Privileges. Zech. iii. 4. 1 "IT* TERNAL King, thy Robes sre white JlI^ In fpotlefs Rays of heav'nly Light ; Adoring Angels round are ieen, Yet in thy Prefence are not clean. 2 What then are we, the Sons of Earth, That draw Pollution from our Birth ; J Our fleflily Garments* Lord, how mean ! O'erfpread with hateful Spots of Sin. 3 Hail to that condefcending Grace, Which fhews a Saviour's Righteouihefs ! Eternal Honours to that Name, Which covers all our Guilt and Shame ! •4 His Blood, an overflowing Sea, Shall purge our deepeft Stains away : Our Souls, renew'd by Grace divine, Shall in their Lord's Refemblance (nine. 5 Yet, while thefe Rags of Flefli we wear, Polly tion will again appear. Come, Death, and eafe me of the Loai : Come, Death, and bear my Soul to God. 6 The King of Fleavii v/ill there bcllo-7 A richer Robe, than Monarchs know, Drefs all his Saints in glitt'ring White % Net Jojhua's Mitre (hone fo bright. j The Grave its Trophies (hall refign ; Cbrijl will the mouldVing Dull reiine 3 H 2 And i 4 8 Z EC HAP. I AH. And Death, the laft of Foes, fhall be Swallow' d and loft in Victory. 8 My Faith, on tow'ring Pinions borne, Anticipates that glorious Morn ; And with celeftial Raptures flrong, Gives mortal Lips th' immortal Song. CLXVI. Jofhua the High-Priejl's Zeal and Fi- delity rewarded with a Station among the Angels* Zeeh. iii. 6, 7. For the Ordination of a Minijler. 1 /">fREAT Lord of Angels, we adore VJT The Grace, that builds thy Courts below; And thro' ten thoufahd Sons of Light Stoops to regard what Mortals do. 2 Amidft the Wafles of Time and. Death Succeffive Paftors thou doll raife Thy Charge to keep, thy Houfe to guide, And form a People for thy Praife. 3 The heav'nly Natives with Delight Hover around the facred Place ; Nor fcorn to learn from mortal Tongues The Wonders of redeeming Grace. 4 At length, difmifs'd from feeble Clay, Thy Servants join th' angelick Band ; With them thro' ciiftant Worlds they fiy, With them before thy Presence ftand. 5 O glorious Hope ! O bleft. Employ ! Sweet Lenitive J of Grief and Care ? % wJxii eafeth or ajfwageih* When ZECHARIAH. 149 When fhall we reach thofe radiant Courts, And all their Joy and Honour fhare ? 6 Yet while thefe Labours we perfue, Thus difrant from thy heav'nly Throne, Give us a Zeal and Love like their's, And half their Heav'n fhall here be known. CLXVII. The compleating of the fpiritaal Temple* Zech. iv. 7. 1 QlNG to the Lord above, £3 Who deigns on Earth to raife A Temple to his Love, A Monument of Praife. Ye Saints around, Thro' all its Frame, Its Builder's Name Harmonious found. 2 He form'd the glorious Plan, And its Foundation laid, That God might dwell with Man, And Mercy be difplay'd ; His Son he fent, Who, great and good. Made his own Blood The iweet Cement, 3 Eeneath his Eye and Care The Edifice fliall rife v Maje-ftick ftrong and fair, And fliine above the Skies/ H x There j 5 o ZECHARIAH, There fhall he place The polilh'd. Stone, Ordain'd to crown This Work of Grace. CLXVIII. The Error of defpijing the Day of fmaliTimgs* Zech. iv. IO. i " T^ 7" Hat haughty Scorner'', faith theLord^ V V " Shall humble Things defpife, * When he beholds them with Delight, " Who reigns beyond the Skies ? 2 " I from a Chacs dark and wild J " Made Heav'ns bright Hoft appear; Ci I from the fmall unnotic'd Seeds u The loftieft Cedars rear. 3 " From Eden's Duft I Adam fonrTd^ M The nobleft human Frame; " And in his humble Sons difplay ■* The Honours of my Name. 4 " From Fifliermen,. in Number few,. " In human Arts untaught, u All the wide Realms, my Church can boafV " My potent Hand hath brought, 5 cc The pious Poor, by Men defpis'd,. %c In deareft Bonds are mine; " Once hardly dreft in humble Weeds (j, ff They now like Angels fhine". 6 Lord, if fuch Trophies rais'd from Duft Thy fov'reign Glory be, % Genejk I, 2, j,. || Garments. Here ZECHARIAH. 151 Here in my Heart thy Pow'r may find Materials fit for Thee. CLXIX. Prifoners ddlvered from the Pit by the Blood of the Covenant. Zech, ix. u. J* \/"E Pris'ners, who in Bondage lie, J In Darknefs and the Pit, Behold the Grace that fets us free, And to th#t Grace fubmit. 2 The Tidings of Delr/rance hear, Confefs the Covenant good, And blefs the Ranfom God hath found In our Emanuel V Blood. 3 Juftice no more afterts its Claim Your forfeit Lives to take; But fmiling Mercy quick defcends Your heavy Chains to break. 4 We walk at -large, and fmg the Hand,. To which we Freedom owe ; And drink thole Rivers with Delight, Which thro' this Defart now. 5 He, that hath Liberty, beitow'd, Will give a Kingdom too; He, that hath loos'd the Bonds of Death, The Path of Life will mow. CLXX. The Fountain of Life. Zech. xiii. i #v 'H AIL, everlafting Spring ! Celeftial Fountain, hail ! H 4 Thy i 5 2 MALA CHI. Thy Streams Salvation brings The Waters never fail: Still they endure,' And ftill they flow For all our Woe A fov 'reign Cure, 2 Bleft be his wounded Side, And bleft his bleeding Heart, Who all in Anguifh died Such Favours to impart. His facred Blood Shall make us clean From ev'ry Sin, And fit for God. 3 To that dear Source of Love Our Souls this Day would come^ And thither from above, Lord, call the Nations home; That Jew and Greek With rapt'rous Songs On all their Tongues Thy Praife may fpeak. CLXXI. GOD' s Name profaned, when his Talk is treated with Contempt. MalaehL i. 12. applied to the Lcrd % s Supper. " Y God, and is thy Table fpread? And does thy Cup with Love o'erflow? Thither be all thy Children led. ... And let then* all its Sweetnefs know. 2 Hail MA LAC HI. 253 2 Hail facred Feaft, which Jefus makes! Rich Banquet of his Flefn and Blood ! Thrice happy he, who here partakes That facred Stream, that heav'nly Food! 3 Why are its Dainties all in vain Before unwilling Hearts difplay'd? Was not for you the Victim flain ? Are you forbid the Children's Bread ? 4 O let thy Table hohour'd be, And furnifh'd well with joyful Guefts ; And may each Soul Salvation fee, ' That here its facred Pledges taftes. 5 Let Crouds approach with Hearts prepar'd ; With Hearts inflam'd let all attend ; Nor, when we leave our Father's Board, The Pleafure, or the Profit end. 6 Revive thy dying Churches, Lord, And bid our drooping Graces live 5 And more that Energy afford, A Saviour's Blood alone can give. CLXXII. G D's gracious Regard to atffoi At- tempts to revive Religion. Mai. iii. 16, 17. 1 rT^HE Lord on mortal Worms looks down JL From his celefhal Throne ; And, when the Wicked fwarm around, He well difcerns his own. % He fees the tender Hearts, that mourn The Scandals of the Times \ H 5 Ami 154 MALACHlL And join their Efforts to oppofe The wide-prevailing Crimes. 3 Low to the focial Band he bows His fti 11 -attentive Ear ; And, while his Angels fmg around, Delights their Voice to hear. 4 The Chronicles of Heav'n fhall keep' Their Words in Tranfcript fair ; In the Redeemer's Book of Life Their Names recorded are. 5 " Yes, (faith the Lord) the World fhall kno\ " Thefe humble Souls are mine : " Thefe, when my Jewels I produce, " Shall in full Lultre mine. 6 " When Deluges of fiery Wrath " My Foes away (hall bear, " That Hand, which "ftrikes the Wicked thro', c€ Shall all my Children fpare". CLXXIII. Christ the Sun of PJghicotftefsi Malachi iv. 2. I f"'W~\0 Thee, O God, we Homage pay, JL Source of the Light that rules the Day ; Who, while he gilds all Nature's Frame, Reflects thy Rays, and fpeaks thy Name. !2 In louder Strains we firig that Grace, Which gives the Sun of Righteoufnefs ; Whofe nobler Light Salvation brings, And fcattexs Healing from his Wings. 3 Still MA LAC HI. *5S 3 Still on our Hearts may Jefus fliine With Beams of Light and Love divine ; Qiiick'ned by him our Souls (hall live, And chear'd by him fhall grow and thrive. 4 O may his Glories (land confefs'd From North to South, from Eaft to Weft : Succefsful may his Gofpel run Wide as the Circuit of the Sun. 5 When fhall that radiant Scene arife, When, fix'd on high in purer Skies., Chrj/i all hie tuftre &aH difplay On all his Saints thro' endie& Day ? H Y M N S 156 MATTHEW. H Y M N S From PASSAGES in the New Testament* Hymn CLXXIV. The Ax laid to the Root of unfruitful TreeU Matthew in. to.- 1 t I ^ H £ Lord into his Vineyard comes J[ Our various Fruit to fee ; His Eye, more piercing than the Lights Examines ev'ry Tree. 2 Trembk, ye Sinners, at his Frown y If barren Hill ye Hand ;. And fear that keenly-wounding Ax^ Which arms his awful Hand. 3 Clofe to the Root behold it laid To make Dellru6lion fure : Who can refill the mighty Stroke?' Or who the Fire endure ? 4 Loan MATTHEW. i §7 4 Lord, we adore thy fparing Love, Thy long-expecting Grace ; Elfe had we low in Ruin fall'n, And known no more our Place. 5 Succeeding Years thy Patience waits j Nor let it wait in vain ; But form in us abundant Fruit, And {till this Fruit maintain. CLXXV. The Light of good Examples, the moji ejfeftuai Way to glorify God. Matt. v. 16. 1 f^i RE AT Teacher of thy Church, we own V_X Thy Precepts all divinely wife ; O may thy mighty Pow'r be fhown To fix them {till before our Eyes. 2 Deep on our Hearts thy Law engrave, And fill our Breads with heav'nly Zeal, That, while we truft thy Pow'r to fave. We may that facred Law fulfill. 3 Adorn'd with ev'ry heav'nly Grace May our Examples brightly fhine, And the fweet Lufrre of thy Face Reflected beam from each of Thine* 4 Thefe Lineaments J. divinely fair, Our heav'nly Father flail proclaim; And Men,, that view his Image there^ Shall join to glorify his Name. % Features* CLXXVI. Pro* «*3 MATTHEW; GLXXVL Providential Bounties furveyed and improved. Matthew v. 45, X T7^ Ather of Lights, we fing thy Name, _£/ Who kindleft up the Lamp of DayJ ; Wide as he fp reads his golden Flame, His Beams thy Pow'r and Love difplay. 2 Fountain of Good, from Thee proceed The copious Drops of genial * Rain; Which thro' the Hills, and thro' the Meads Revive the Grafs, and fweil the Grain. 3 Thro' the wide World thy Bounties fpread j Yet Millions of our guilty Race, Tho' by thy daily Bounty fed, Affront thy Lav/, and fpurn thy Grace. 4 Not fo may cur forgetful Hearts O'erlook the Tokens of thy Care; But what thy lib'ral Hand imparts Still own in Praife, it ill afk in Pray'r. 5 So mail our Suns more grateful fhine,. And Show'rs in fweeter Drops fhai! fall, When all our Hearts and Lives are Thine, And Thou, our God, enjoy 'd in all. 6 yefah our brighter Sun, arife; In plenteous Show'rs thy Spirit fendj Earth. then fhall grow a Paradife, And in the heav'nly Eden end. % the Sun. * making fruitful. CLXXVII, Sard MATTHEW. 159 CLXXVII. Secret Prayer, Matthew vi. 6, 1 "Yp AT HER divine, thy piercing Eye JP Shoots thro' the darkeft Night - y In deep Retirement thou art nigh, With Hcart-difcernins; Sight; 2 There (hall that piercing Eye furvey My duteous Homage paid. With ev'ry Morning's dawning Ray, And ev'ry Ev'ning's Shade. 3 O may thine own celeftial Fire The Incenfe frill inflame ; While my warm Vows to Thee afpire^ Thro' my Redeemer's Name. 4 So fliall the Viiits of thy Love My Soul in fecretblefs; So {halt thou deign in Worlds above Thy Suppliant to confefs. CLXXVIIL Seeking firft the Kingdom of G D, fife. Matthew vi. 33. N O W let a true Ambition rifej And Ardour fire our Breaft,-- To reign in Worlds above the Skies In heav'nly Glories dreft. Behold Jehovah's royal Hand A radiant Crown difplay, Whofe Gems with vivid Luffre (hine, While Stars and Suns decay, 3 Away 160 Matthew: 3 Away each grov'ling anxious Care Beneath a Chriftian's Thought! I fpring to feize immortal Joys, Which my Redeemer bought. 4 Ye Hearts with youthful Vigour warm, The glorious Prize perfue; Nor (hall ye want the Goods of Earth, While Heav'n is kept in View. CLXXIX. Pardon fpoken by Christ. Matthew ix. -2. 1 1% IT Y Saviour, let me hear thy Voice JL V J Pronounce thefe Words of Peace; And all my warm eft Pow'rs {hall join To ce ebrate the Grace. 2 With gentle Smiles call me thy Child y And fpeak my Sins forgiv'n ; The Accents mild flball charm mine Ear All like the Harps of Heav'n. 3 Chearful, where-e'er thy Hand (hall lead, The darkeft Path I'll tread ; Chearful I'll quit thefe mortal Shores^ And mingle with the Dead. 4 When dreadful Guilt is done away* No other F Fears w T e know; That Hand, which fcatters Pardons down* Shall Crowns of Life beftow. eixxx. rh MATTHEW. 161 CLXXX. The rehpfing Damoniack. Matthew Xi j. 43 4S . 1 O Ov'reign of Heav'n, thine Empire fpreads ^ O'er all the Worlds on high; And at thy Frown th' infernal Pow'rs In wild Confufion fly. 2 Like Lightning from his glitt'ring Throne The great Arch-Traytor fell, Driv'n with enormous Ruin down To Jnfamy and Hell. 3 Permitted now to range at large, And traverfe % Earth and Air, O'er captive human Soiils he reigns, And boafls his Kingdom there. 4 Yet thence thy Grace can drive him out With one almighty Word ; O fend thy potent Sceptre forth, And reign victorious, Lord. 5 Let wretched Pris'ners be releas'd The fmiling Lighr to view; Nor let the vanquiih'd Foe return Their Bondage to renew. 6 May Grace compleat that wond'rous Work^ Which thine, own Pow'r begun, And fill from Satan's gloomy Realms, The Kingdom of thy Son. % wander thro\ CLXXXI. The i6z MATTHEW. CLXXXI. The Faith of the Syrophenician JVo- man recommended. Matthew xv. 265.27. 1 A LL-conqu'ring Faith, how high it rofe, J~\ WhenHeav'n itfelf might feem t'oppofe! All-gracious Lord, who didft appear Moft merciful, when moil fcvere ! 2 Thus at thy Feet cur Souls would fall, And loudly thus for Mercy call ; w Thou Son of David, Pity mew, EHOLD the Son of God's Delight ; J3 His Smiles how fweet ! His Rays how A Friend of Tendernefs unknown : [bright ! To the .laft Breath he lov'd his own. 2 But MATTHEW. 171 2 But lo ! his Friends, his Brethren dear Fled, when they faw his Danger near ; And not one gen'rous Heart remains To fhield his Life, or (hare his Pains. 3 So frail is Man ; fo frail are we, When unfupported, Lord, by Thee ; Thus for inks our Faith; thus droops our Love, And thus our Vows abortive prove. 4 Bleft Jefts, thine own Pow'r impart, And bind in Cords of Love my Heart : The Fugitive no more fhall flee, But keep thro' Death its Hold on Thee. CXCII. Christ's Complaint if his Farter's fcrfaking him on the Crofs. Matt, xxvii. 46. HAT doleful Accents do I hear ? What piercing Cry invades mine Ear ? Loaded with Shame, and bath'd in Blood, Who calls to a forfaking God ? 2 Amazing and Heart-rending Sight ! 'Tis his own Darling and Delight, Who once in his Embraces lay, Dearer than all the Sons of Day ! 3 Yet when this ye/us died for me, Diftended on the curied Tree, God flood afar, nor would afford One pitying Look, one chearing Word. 4 What then, my Soul, muft thou have felt, If prefs'd with all thy Load of Guilt, I 2 Beneath 172 MATTHEW. Beneath whofe Weight the Saviour cries, Who form' d the Earth, and built the Skies r 5 But in that dark tremendous Flour, Unconquer'd Faith exerts its Pow'r ; My G O Z), my Father, cried aloud, And Heav'n th' endearing Name avow'd. 6 From Death, from Earth he rals'd his Son, And gave him for his Crofs a Throne ; Triumphant there the SufPrer reigns, And reaps the Harveft of his Pains. 7 Eternal Raptures there are known ; Nor flows the Joy on him alone, But for his Sake the. Lord hath fwore, To leave the meaneft Saint no mere. CXCIII. The fame. Matt- xxvii. 46. M~ Y Saviour, didft Thou die for me ? \ For me fend forth that bitter Cry? With bleeding Heart thy Wounds I fee, Prepar'd at thy Command to die. 2 By all thine Anguifh on the Crofs, When God thy Father flood afar, Rich in thy temporary Lois, Thy Church is brought for ever near. 3 From far the Beamings of thy Throne Reviv'd my fym path! zing Heart 5 Thy Love made Sinners Griefs thine own. Mine in thy Joys muii take its Part. .4 'Mid ft all the Splendours of thy Reign, Think on the Sorrows thou haft felt -, Nor MATTHEW. 173 Nor let a Mourner weep in vain, i or whom thy precious Slood was fpilt. 5 While thro' Earth's darkeft Gloom I tread, Dart to my Soul a chearing Ray ; And on the Confines of the Dead Thy Pow'r, as Lord of Life, difplay* CXCIV. The AngcTs Reply to the JVomen, that fought Christ. Matt, xxviii. 5, 6. 1 \f E humble Souls, that feek th Ljrd, j[ Chafe all your Fears away ; And bow with PJeaiure down to fee The Place where Jejus lav. 2 Thus low the Lord of Life was brought ; Such Wonders Love can do \ Thus cold in Death that Bofom lay, Which throb'd, and hied for you. 3 A Moment give a Loofe to Grief, 1 Let grateful Sorrows rife* And wafh the bloody Stains away With Torrents from ycur Eyes. 4 Then raife vonr Eves, and tune your Songs, The Saviour lives again; Not ail the Boies and Bars of Death The Conqu'ror could detain. 5 High o'er th' angehek Bands he rears His once diihonour'd Head ; And thro' un number' d Years he reigns, Who dwelt among the Dead. 6 With 174 MATTHEW. 6 With Joy like his (hall ev'ry Saint His empty Tomb furvey ; Then rife with his afcending Lord, Thro' all his mining Way. CXCV. Christ ever prefent with his Minijlers and Churches. Matt, xxviii. -20. J *\ J& T~ ^^ °' er a " Worlds tne Saviour reigns ; V V Unmov'd his Pow'r and Love remains \ And on his Arm his Church fhall reft. Fair Z/W, joyful in her King, Thro' ev'ry changing Age fhall fing, With his perpetual Prefence bleft. 2 Tyrannick Death, in vain thy Rage, Thy Triumphs new in ev'ry Age O'er the firft Heroes of his Hoft ; Confcious of more than mortal Aid, Our bleeding Hearts are not difmay'd, But an immortal Leader boaft. 3 Tho* buried deep in Duft they lie, Whofe tuneful Voices rais'd on high Led the fwcet Anthems to his Name ; The Children learn the Fathers Song, And unfbrm*d Tongues fhall ftill prolong The ever-prefent Saviour's Fame. 4 The prefent Saviour, He fhall give , Millions of future Saints to live, And croud the Temples of his Grace : The MARK. 175 The prefent Saviour, lo ! he conies To call whole Legions from their Tombs, And teach their Duft fublimer Praife. CXCVI. Departed Saints a/Jeep. Mark v. 39. WHY flow thefe Torrents of Diftrefs? (The gentle Saviour cries) Why are my fleeping Saints furvey'd u With unbelieving Eyes ? Death s feeble Arm fhall never boaft, " A Friend of Coriji is (Iain ; Nor o'er their meaner Part in Duft " A lafting Pow'r retain. I come, on Wings of Love I come, w The Slumb'rers to awake ; My Voice fhall reach the deepeft Tornb, " And all its Bonds fhall break. Touch'd by my Hand in Smiles they rife \ " They rife to fleep no more ; But rob'd with Light, andcrown'd with Joy m To endlefs Day they foar". 5 Jtfus^ our Faith receives thy Word ; And, tho' fond Nature weep, Grace learns to hail the pious Dead, And emulate their Sleep. 6 Our willing Souls thy Summons wait With them to reft and praife ; So let thy much-iov'd Prefence chear Thefe feparating Days. 1 4 CXCVIL 176 M ARK, CXCVII. The Struggle between Faith and Unbe- lief. Mark ix. 24. 3 rgESUS, our Souls delightful Choice, J In Thee believing we rejoice ; Yet flill our Joy is mix'd with Grief, "While Faith contends with Unbelief. 2 Thy Promifes our Hearts revive, And keep our fainting Hopes alive 5 But Guilt and Fears and Sorrows rife, And hide the Promife from our Eyes* 3 O let not Sin and Satan boafr, While Saints lie mourning in the Dull: ; Nor fee that Faith to Ruin brought, Which thine own gracious Hand hath wrought* 4 Do Thou the dying Spark inflame ; Reveal the Glories of thy Name ; And put all anxious Doubts to Flight, As Shades clifpersM by op'ning Light, CXCVIIL Christ's cendefcendkg Regard to little Children. Mark'x. 14.^ 3QEE IfraeFs gentle Shepherd fland ^3 With all-engaging Charms ; Hark how he calls the tender Lambs, And folds them in his Arms ! 2 u Permit them to approach, (he cries) M Nor fcorn their humble Name •, v Voice a Sons:. 2 On him the Spirit largely pour'd Exerts its facred Fire ; Wifdom and Might, and Zeal and Love His holy Bread infpire. 3 He comes thePris'ners to releafe In Satan s Bondage held ; The Gates of Brafts before htm burft, The Iron Fetters yield. 4 He comes from thickeft Films of Vice To clear the mental Ray, And on the Eye- Balls of the Blind To pour celeftial Day. 5 He comes the broken Heart to bind. The bleeding Soul to cure, And with the Treafures of his Grace T* inrich the humble Poor. 6 His Silver Trumpets publifh loud The JuFlee of the Lord J ; Our Debts are all remitted now* Our Heritage reftor'd. 7 Our glad Hcfannas^ Prince of Peace 3 Thy Welcome (hail proclaim \ And Heav'n's eternal Arches ring With thy beloved Name. t The acceptable Tear of the Lovely i. e. the Year of Jubilee, JLrjif, xxv. CCIV. The 182 L U K E. CCIV. The recovered Daemoniack, an Emblem of a converted Sinner. Luke viii. 35. I c^fESUS^ we own thy faving Pow'r, J And thy vi&orious Hand ; Hell's Legions tremble at thy Feet, And fiy at thy Command. % O'er Souls, by Paflions Uproar fhTd With Anarchy § unknown, The nobler PowVs, reftor'd by Thee, Afcend their peaceful Throne. 3 Ko more they rend their Clothing off; No more their Wounds repeat ; But gentle and compos'd they wait Attentive at thy Feet. 4 O'er Thoufands more, where Satan ru!es > May we fuch Triumphs fee ; And be their rcfcu'd Souls and ours Devoted, Lord, to Thee. § Confufim and Diforder* CCV. The good Samaritan. Luke x. 30 — 37. 1 J? AT HER of Mercies, fend thy Grace Jj Ail-pow'rful from above To form in our obedient Souls The Image of thy Love. 2 O may our fympathizing Breafts That gen'rous Pleafure know Kindly LUKE. 183 Kindly to fliare in others Joy, And weep for others Woe ! 3 When the moft helplefs Sons of Grief In low Diftrefs are laid, Soft be our Hearts their Pains to fee!, And fvvift our Hands to aid. 4 So "J ejus look'd on dying Men, When thron'd above the Skies, And 'midft th' Embraces of his God He felt Companion rife. 5 On Wings of Love the Saviour flew To raife us from the Ground, And made the richer! of his Blood A Balm for ev'ry Wound. CCVI. The Care cf the Soul^ the one Thing mecU fuL Luke x. 42-. 1 1I7HY will ye lavifh out your Years V V Amidft a thoufand trifling Cares ? While in this various Range of Thought The one Thing needful is forgot ? 2 Why will ye chafe the fleeting Wind, And famifh an immortal Mind ? While Angels with Regret look down To fee you fpurn a heav'nly Crown ? 3 Th' Eternal God calls from above, And Jefus pleads his bleeding Love; Awaken'd Confcience gives you Pain y And (hall they join their Pleas in vain ? 4 Not 1 84 LUKE. 4 Not fo your dying Eyes fhall view Thofe Objects, which ye how perfue ; Not fo fhall Heav'n and Hell appear, When the deciuve Kour is near. 5 Almighty God, thy Pow'r impart To fix Convictions on the Heart ; Thy Pow'r unveils the blinded Eyes, And makes the haugHtiefl: Scorner wife. CCVII. Mary's Chclce of the better Part. Luke x. -42. I E SET with Snares on ev ry Hand, In Life's uncertain Path I iiand : Saviour divine, diiTirfe thy Light To guide my doubtful Footfteps right, 2 Engage this roving treach'rous Heart To fix on Marys better Part \ To fcorn the Trifles of a Day For Joys, that none can take away. 3 Then let the wildeft Storms arife ; Let Tempeits mingle Earth and Skies ; No fatal Shipwreck fhall I fear, But all my Treasures v/ith me bear. 4 If thou, my jFffto, ftill be nigh, Chearful I live, and joyful die : Secure, when mortal Comforts £ee, To £rid ten thcufand Worlds in Thee, CCVIII. LUKE. 185 CCVIII. Christ's lit tie Fid comforted vAth ibi Views of a Kingdom. Luke xii. 32. 1 ^\/*E little Flock, whom Jfus feeds, j[ Difmifs your anxious Cares •> Look to the Shepherd of your Souls, And fmile away your Fears. 2 Tho' Wolves and Lions prowl around, His Staff is your Defence : 'Midft Sands and Rocks your Shepherd's Voice Calls Streams and Pa^ures thence. 3 Your Father will a Kingdom give, And give it with Delight ; His feebleft Child his Love (hall call To triumph in his Sight. 4 Ten thoufand Praifes, Lord, we bring For fure Supports like thefe : And o'er the pious Dead we fing Thy living Promifes. 5 For all we hope, and they enjoy, We biefs a Saviour's Name ; Nor fhall that Stroke difturb the Sbi)g» Which breaks this mortal Frame. CCIX. Providing Begs, that zuax not c!:I> &C> Luke xii. 33. 1 r*|~^HESE mortal joys, how foon they fade? j[_ How fwif: they pais away ! The dying Fiow'r reclines its Head, The Beauty of a Day ! 2 The 186 L U K E. 2 The Bags are rent, the Treafures loft, We fondly call'd our own : Scarce could we the Poffeffion boaft, And ftrait we found it gone. 3 But there are Joys that cannot die, With God laid up in Store ; Treafuie beyond the changing Sky, Brighter than golden Ore. 4 To that my rifing Heart afpires, Secure to find its Reft, And glories in fuch wide Defires Of all their Wifh poffefsU 5 The Seeds, which Piety and Love Have fcatter d here below, In the fair fertile Fields above To ample Harvefts grow. 6 The Mite my willing Hands can give At Jefus' Feet I lay ; Grace fhall the humble Gift receive, And Heav'n at large repay. CCX. The attive Chrijilan. Luke xii. 35 — 38, 1 XT' E Servants of the Lord, }[ Each in his Office wait, Obfervant of his heav'nly Word, And watchful at his Gate. 2 Let all your Lamps be bright, And trim the golden Flame ; Gird up your Loins, as in his Sight, For awful is his Name. 3 Watch LUKE. 187 3 Watch, 'tis your Lord's Command; And while we fpeak, he's near 5 Mark the firft Signal of his Hand, And ready all appear. 4 O happy Servant he In fuch a Pofture found ! He fliall his Lord with Rapture fee, And be with Honour crown'd. 5 Chrlji fhall the Banquet fpread With his own royal Hand, And raife that fav'rite Servant's Head Amidit, th' angelick Band. CCXI. Room at the Gofpel-Feqft. Luke xiv. 22. 1 ry^HE King of Heav'n his Table fpreads, JL And Dainties crown the Board y Not Paradife with all its Joys Could fuch Delight afford. 2 Pardon and Peace to dying Men, And endlefs Life are giv'n, And the rich Blood, that Jefm fried To raife the Soul to Heav'n. 3 Ye hungry Poor, that long have flray'd In Sin's dark Maze?, come : Come from the Hedges and Highways, And Grace (hall find you Room, 4 Millions of Souls in Glory now Were fed, and feafted here ; And Millions more, Rill on the Way, Around the Board appear. 5 Yet 1 88 L U K E. 5 Yet is his Houfe and Heart fo large, That Millions more may come ; Nor could the wide affembling World O'er-fill the fpacious Room* 6 All Things are ready ; come away* Nor weak Excufes frame j Croud to your Places at the Feaft* And blefs the Founder's Name. CCXII. The prefent and future State of the Saint and Sinner compared. Luke xvi. 25. 1 T N what Confufion Earth appears ! X God's deareft Children bath'd in Tears; While they, who Heav'n itfelf deride* Riot in Luxury and Pride. 2 But patient let my Soul attend, And, e'er I cenfure, view the End : That End how difr'rent who can tell ? The wide Extremes of Heav'n and HelL 3 See the red Flames around him twine* Who did in Gold and Purple fhine ! Nor can his Tongue one Drop obtain T' allay the Scorching of his Pain. 4 While round the Saint, fo poor below* Full Rivers of Salvation flow; On Abrams Bread he leans his Head* And banquets on celeltiai Bread. 5 Jefus, my Saviour, let me fh are The meaneft of thy Servants Fare : May L U K E. 189 May I at laft approach to tafte The Bleffings of thy Marriase-Feafh CCXIII. Rebels againjfl Christ executed. Luke xix. 27. 1 TJE comes ; the royal Conqu'ror comes; Jn[ His Legions fill the Sky ; Angelick Trumpets rend the Tombs, And ioud proclaim him nigh. 2 Ye rebel Hofts, how vain your Rage Aeainft this fov'reign Lord r What Maifrtefs bears you on t engage The Terrors of his Sword r 3 " Brinrt forth (he cries) thofe Sons of Pride, " That fcorn'd my gentle Sway, " To prove 'he Arm they once defy'd " Omnipotent to flay". 4 Tremendous Scene of Wrath divine ! How wide the Vengeance fpreads ! His pointed Darts of Lightning thine Round their defenceiefs Heads. 5 Now let the Rebels (cek that Face, From which ;hey can*: at flee ? And thou, my Sou!, adore the Grace., That fweetly conquered thee. CCX1V. The Redeemer's Tears wept over left Souls. Luke xix. 41, 42. I ^IJ'HAT venerable Siaht appears? The Son of God difiblv'd in Tears! Trace, 1 9 o L U K E. Trace, O my Soul, with fad Surprize, The Sorrows of a Saviour's Eyes. 2 For whom, bleft jfefus, we would know, Doth fuch a facred Torrent Row ? What Brother, or what Friend of thine, Is grac'd and mourn'd with Drops divine ? 3 Nor Brother there, noi Friend I fee, But Sons of Pride and Cruelty ; Who like rapacious Tigers flood Infatiate panting for thy Blood. 4 Dear Lord, and did thy gufhing Eyes Thus ftream o'er dying Enemies ? And can thy Tendernefs forget The Sinner humbled at thy Feet ? 5 With deep Remorfe our Bowels move, That we have wrong'd fuch matchlefs Love ; Thy gentle Pity, Lord, difpiay, And fmile thefe trembling Fears away. 6 Give us to fhine before thy Face, Eternal Trophies of thy Grace ; Where Songs of Praife thy Saints employ, And mingle with a Saviour's Joy. CCXV. Departed Saints living te G OD. Luke xx. -38. j A I'^Hrice happy State, where Saints fhall live JL Around their Father's Throne, Jn ev'ry Joy, that Heav'n can give, And live to God alone ! 2 Unnumber'd LUKE. 191 2 Unnumber'd Bands of kindred Minds, That dwelt in feeble Clay, Us and our Woes have left behind To reign in endleis Day. 3 Immortal Vigour now they breathe, And all the Air is Peace ; They chide our Tears, that mourn theDeath f Which brought their Souls Releafe. 4 Thus fhall the Grace of Chrljl prevail, Till all his Chofen meet ; And not the mean eft Servant fail His Houfhold to compleat. 5 To that bleft Goal J with ardent Hafte Our aciive Souls wou;d tend ; Nor feel their Sorrows, as they pafs'd To fuch a blikful End. X The End of a Race, where the Prize was hung. CCXVI. Christ's Admonition to, and Care of Peter under approaching Trials. Luke xxii. ' O W keen the Tempter's Malice is ! How artful, and how great ! Tho' not one Grain (hall be deftroy'd, Yet will he fift the Wheat. 2 But God can all his Pow'r controul, And gather-in his Chain ; And, where he feems to triumph moil, The captive Soul regaki. 3 There i 9 2 L U K E. 3 There is a Shepherd kind and ftrong, Still watchful for his Sheep ; Nor ftiall th 1 infernal Lion rend, Whom he vouchsafes to keep. 4 Bled: Jrfus y intercede for us, That we may fall no more ; O raife us, when we proftrate lie, And Comfort loft reitare. 5 Thy fecret Energy impart, That Faith may never fail ; But, 'midft whole Show'rs of fiery Darts, That temper'd Shield prevail. 6 Secur'd ourfelves by Grace divine, We'll guard our Brethren too ; And, taught their Frailties by our own, Our Ca:e of them renew. CCXVII. Christ'* Prayer fir his Enemies. Luke xxiir. or LOUD I fing the wondVcus &race, Chrijl to his iviurdYers bine ; Which made the tortring Croft its Throne, And hung its Trophies there. 2 Father, forgive, his IvTercv ciied With his expiring Breath, And drew eternal BlciTmgs down On thofe, who wrought his Death. 3 Then may I hope for Pardon too, Tho' I have piere'd the Lord ; Bleft LUK E. 193 Bleft Jefu^ in mv Favour fpeak That al '.-prevailing Word. 4. I knew not what my Madnefs did, While I remain'd thy Foe : Soon as I faw the Wounds were Thine* My Tears began to flow. 5 Melted by Goodnefs fo divine, I would its FootHeps trace ; And, while beneath -thy ' Crofs I ftand, My fierceft Foes embrace. CCXVIII. The Refurrtftion of Christ. Luke xxiv. 34. 1 'T/'ES, the Redeemer rofe 3 \ The Saviour left the Dead j And o'er our hellifh Foes High rais'd his conquering Head ; In wild Difmay The around Fell to the Ground, ifc away. 2 L' dick Bands In full Anembly meet, To wait his high Commands, And worfnip at his Feet : Joyful they come, And wing their Way From Realms of Day To fuch a Tomb. & 194 LUKE. 3 Then back to Heav'n they fly, And the glad Tidings bear : Hark ! as they foar on high What Mufick fills the Air! Their Anthems fay, " Jefets who bled " Hath left the Dead ; " He rofe to-day". 4 Ye Mortals, catch the Sound, Redeem'd by him from Hell - y And fend the Eccho round The Globe en which you dwell; Tranfported cry, " Jefvs who bled " Hath left the Dead " No more to die". 5 All-hail, triumphant Lord, Who fav'ft us with thy Blood ! Wide be thy Name ador'd, Thou rifrng, reigning God I With Thee we rife, With Thee v/e reign, And Empires gain Beyond the Skies. CCXIX. 72* Gojpcl firji preached at Jerufalem. Luke xxiv. -47. I c " /f~^ O, (faith theLord) proclaim my Grace \jy " To ail the Sons of Adam's Race, 6C Pardon for ev'ry crimfon Sin, * And at Jerufalem begin. 2 " There JOHN. 195 % u There, where my Blood, not fully dry, " Stands warm upon Mount Calvary ; " That Blood" fhall purge away their Guilt* And more abundant Life receive. 2 Hail great Emanuel from above, High feated en thy Throne of Love ! O pour the vital Torrent down, Thy People's Jov, their Lord's Renown. 3 Scarce half alive we figh and cry ; Scarce raiie to Thee our languid Eye; Kind Saviour, let our dying State Compallion in thy Heart create. 4 The Shepherd's Blood the Sheep muft heal; O may we ail its Influence feel; Till inward deep Experience fhew, Cbri/i can begin a Heav'n below. CCXXX. Christ's Sheep defcribed. John x. 27. 1 rOHY Flock, with what a tender Care,. 1 Bled Je/h, doft thou keep ? Fain would my weak, my wand : ring Soul Be numbered with thy Sheep. 2 Gentle and tractable and plain My Heart would ever be, Averfe to harm, propenfe to help, And faithful ftill to Thee. K 6 3 The 2o 4 JOH N. 3 The gentle Accents of thy Voice My lift'ning Soul would hear ; And, by the Signals of thy Will, I all my Courfe would iteer. 4 I follow where my Shepherd leads, And mark the Path he drew; My Shepherd's Feet Mount Zion tread, And I fnall reach it too. CCXXXI. The Happinefs and Security of Christ's Sheep. John x. 28. I 1| fT Y Soul, with Toy attend IVI ' While Jefus Silence breaks; No Angers Harp fuch Mufick yields, As what my Shepherd fpeaks. 6 I know my Sheep, (he cries) c My Soul approves them well: /ain is the treach'rous World's Difguife, 6 And vain the Ra2;e of Hell. c I freely feed them now • With Tokens of my Love, But richer Failures I prepare, And fweeter Streams above, Unnumher'd Years of Blifs I to my Sheep will give; And, white my Throne unfiiaken {lands* Shall all my Chofen live* This tried almighty Hand Is rais'd for their Defence : « Where JOH N. 205 « Where is the Pow'r (hall reach them there ? " Or what (hall force them thence"? 6 Enough, my Gracious Lord, Let Faith triumphant cry; My Heart can on this Promife live, Can on this Promife die. CCXXXII. Christ's Sheep given by the Father, end guarded by Giiiuipcicnce. John x. 29, 30, N one harmonious chearful Song, Ye happy Saints, combine; Loud let it found from ev'ry Tongue, The Saviour is divine. 2 The leaft, the feebleil of the Sheep To him the Father gave; Kind is his Heart the Charge to keep. And ftrong his Arm to lave. 3 In Chrlft th' Almighty Father dwells, And Chrlji and he are One ; That Rebel-Pow ? r, which Chrift affails, Attacks th' eternal Throne. 4 That Hand, which Heav'n and Earth &&afn$j And bars the Gates officii, And rivets Satan down in Chains, Shall guard his Chofen well. 5 Now let th' infernal Lien roar, How vain his Threats appear ! When he can match Jehovah's Pow'r, I will begin to fear, CCXXXIJL 2o6 J O H N. CCXXXIII. The attractive Influence of a crucified Saviour. John xii. 32. 5EHOLD th* amazing Sight, I The Saviour lifted high ! Behold the Son of God's Delight Expire in Agony ! a For whom, for whom, my Heart, Were all thefe Sorrows borne? Why did he feel that piercing Smart, And meet that various Scorn ? 3 For Love of us he bled, And all in Torture died : 'Twas Love, that bow'd his fainting Head, And op'd his gufhing Side. 4. I fee, and I adore In Sympathy of Love : I feel the ftrong attractive Pow'r To lift my Soul above. 5 Drawn by fuch Cords as thefe, Let a!l the Earth combine With chearful Ardour to confefs The Energy divine. 6 In Thee our Hearts unite, Nor (hare thy Griefs alone, But from thy Crofs perfue their Flight To thy triumphant Throne. CCXXXIV. Christ's myfierlou* Cwducl to be u folded hereafter. John xii i. 7. I ^fESUS^ we own thy fov'reign Hand, J Thy faithful Care we own j JOHN/ 207 Wifclom and Love are all thy Ways, When moft to us unknown. £ By Thee the Springs of Life were form'd, And by thy Breath are broke, And good is ev'ry awful Word, Our gracious Lord hath fpoke. 3 To Thee we yield our Comforts up 9 To Thee our Lives refign ; In Straits and Dangers rich and fafe d If we and ours are Thine. 4 Thy Saints in earlier Life remov'd In fweeter Accents fmg ; And blefs the Swiftnefs of their Fli^htj That bore them to their King. 5 The Burdens of a lengthen'd Day With Patience we would bear ; Till Ev'ning's welcome Hour fhall fhew, We w r ere our Maker's Care. CCXXXV. Christ's Pity and Confolation for his troubled Difciples. John xiv. 1 — 3. 1 T^EACE, all ye Sorrows of the Heart, JL And all my Tears be dry ; That Chriftian ne'er can be forlorn, That views his Jefus nigh. 2 " Let not your Bofoms throb, (he fays) " Nor be your Souls afraid : " Truft in your God's almighty Name, ** And truft your Saviour's Aid, 3 " Fajr 2o8 J O H N. 3 " Fair Manfions in my Father's Houfe " For all his Children wait ; " And I, your elder Brother, go 44 To open wide the Gate. 4 " And if I thither go before 44 A Dwelling to prepare, 44 I furely (hall return again, 44 That I may fix you there. 5 44 United in eternal Love, " My Chofen fhall remain^ 44 And with rejoicing Hearts fhall fhare 44 The Honours of my Reign". 6 Yes, Lord ; thy gracious Words wc hear, And cordial Joys they bring : Frail Nature may extort a Groan, But Faith fhall learn to fmg. CCXXXVI. The ChrifaarCs Life connected with that of Christ. John xiv. -19. 1 rr^HE Cov'nant of a Saviour's Love j[ Shall fland for ever good, And thus his Life {hall guard the Souls, He purchased with his Blood. 2 " I live for ever, (faith the Lord) 44 And you fhall therefore live ; 44 Receive with Pieafure ev'ry Pledge 44 My PowV and Love can give". 3 We own the Promife > Prince of Grace, Tho' earthly Helpers die 5 And JOHN. 209 And animate our fainting Hear:-, While Cbrlfl our Friend is nigh. 4 The King of Fears can do no more Than Hop our mortal Breath - y But Jefus gives a nobler Life, That cannot yield to Death. CCXXXVII. Abiding in Christ necejjary to our Fruitfuhiefs. John xv. 4. 1 O R D of the Vineyard, we adore J^j That PowV and Grace divine, Which plants our wild, our barren Souk In Chrijl the living Vine. 2 For ever may they there abide, And from that vital Root Be Influence fpread thro' ev'ry Branch To form and feed the Fruit. 3 Shine forth, my God, the Clutters warm With Rays of facred Love ; Till Eden's Soil, and Zions Streams The gen'rous Plant improve. CCXXXVIII. Our Prayers effectual, ivben we abide in Christ, and his Word abide th in us. John xv. 8. "AIL, gracious Saviour, Alt-divine ! My fieri ous, ever- living Vine ! To Thee united may we live, And nourifh'd by thine Influence thrive. 2 Still 210 J O H N. 2 Still rnay our Souls in Thee abide, Torn by no Tempefcs from thy Side i Nor from its Place within cur Heart Thy Prornife, or thy Law depart, 3 Then (hall our Pray'rs accepted rife. Thro' Thee a grateful Sacrifice ; And all our Sighs before thy Throne Defcend in ample Bleiimgs down. 4 In filent Hope our Souls (hall wait Their Penfion from thy Mercy's Gate $ Nor can our Lips or Hearts exprefs A Wifh proportioned to thy Grace. CCXXXIX. Continuing in Christ's Love* John xv. g. 1 t I ^O all his Flock, what wond'rous Love JL Doth our kind Shepherd bear \ As he to his great Father's Heart, So we to his are dear. 2 So fure, fo conflant, and fo flrong Do his Endearments prove : O may their Energy prevail To fix us in his Love. 3 No more let my divided Heart From this bleft Center turn; But, fir'd by fuch all-potent Rays, With Flames immortal burn. 4 Defcend, and all thy Pow'r difplay, And all thy Love reveal ; That J O H N. 211 That the warm Streams of Jefus' Blood This frozen Heart may feel. CCXL. The Apofdes and Chrijlians chofen hy Christ to bring forth permanent Fruit. John xv. 1 6. Own, my God, thy fov 'reign Grace, And bring the Praife to Thee $ If Thou my chofen Portion art, Thou firft haft chofen me. 2 My gracious Counfellor and Guide Will hear me when I pray ; Nor, while I urge a Savi^ui's Name, Will frown my Soul away. 3 Bleft Jefus^ animate my Heart With Beams of heav'nly Love, And teach that cold unthankful Soil The heavenly Seed t' improve. 4 In copious Sbow'rs thy Spirit fend To water all the Ground ; So to the Honour of thy Name Shall lading Fruit be found. CCXLI. Peace in Christ amidjl Tribulations. John xvi. 33. I T" TEnceforth let each believing Heart jTJL From anxious Sorrows ceaie : Tho' Storms of Trouble rage around. In Jefus we have Peace. 2 Hi* 212 JO H N) 2 His Blood from Wrath to come redeems, And his almighty Grace, By bittYeft Draughts of deep Diurefs, Its healing Pow'r difplays. 3 JejuSi our Captain, march'd before To lead us to the Fight • And now he reacheth out the Crown With heav'nly Glories bright. 4 Lord, 'tis enough ; thy Voice we hear ; That Crown by Faith we fee : No Sorrows {hall overwhelm our Souls, Since none divide from Thee. CCXLII. Christ fanfiifying himfe/f> that his People may be fanclified. John xvii. 19. I E HOLD the bleeding Lamb of God, Our fpotlefs Sacrifice ! By Flands of barb'rous Sinners feiz'd, Nail'd to the Crofs he dies. 2 Bleffc JefuS) whence this flreaming Blood, And whence this foul Difgrace? Whence all theft pointed Thorns, that rend Thy venerable Face? 3 " I fanctify myfe;.f (he .cries) " That thou may ft holy be ; " Come, trace my Life ; come, view my Death, " And learn to copy Me'\ 4 Dear Lord, we pant for Holinefs, And inbred Sin w r e mourn; To J O H N. 213 To the brigl Commands Our -ps turn. 5 Not inp* W€ nib To climb thi ly Hill, XI an here wit! ioil i ow'r Thy Model to fulfill. CCXLIII. -\tidcbre in ike Ga hn xix. 41. HE Sepulchres, how thick ihey ftand Th . o' all the Road oil either Hand ! And bunt upon the (hutting Sight In l\'xv Garden of Delight! 2 Thither the winding Alleys tend; There all the fiow'ry Borders end; And Forms- that c^iarin'd the Eyes before, Fragrance and Nlufick are no more. 3 Deep in that damp and illent Cell My Fathers, and my Brethren dwell; Beneath its broad and gloomy Shade My Kindred, and my Friends are laid* 4 But, while I tread the fblemn Way, My Faith that Saviour would fiirvey, Who deign'd to fojourn in the Tomb,. And left behind a rich Perfume. 5 My Thoughts with Extacy unknown, While from his Grave they view his Throne, Thro' mine own Sepulchre can fee A Paradife referv'd for me. CCXLIV, 2i 4 JOHN. CCXLIV. Christ afcending to his Father and GOD, and ours. John xx, 17. 1 IN Raptures let our Hearts afcend j} Ourheav'nly Seats to View, And grateful trace that finning Path, Our riling Saviour drew. 2 " Up to my Father, and my God, " I go; (the ConquVor cries) " Up to your Father, and your God, " My Brethren, lift your Eyes". 3 And doth the Lord of Glory call Such Worms his Brethren dear? And doth he point to Heav'n's high Throne, And fhew our Father there? 4 And doth he teach my fmful Lips That tuneful Sound, my GOD ? And breathe his Spirit on my Heart To fhed his Grace abroad? 5 O World, produce a Good like this, And thou (halt have my Love; Till then, my Father claims it all, And Chrijl^ who dwells above. 6 Dear Jtfu>\ call this willing Soul, That (buggies with its Clay; And fain would leave this weary Load To wing its airy Way. CCXLV. JOHN. 215 CCXLV. The Difeiples Joy at Christ's Ap- pearance to them after his Rcfurreclion. John xx. 19, 20. 1 /^OME, our indulgent Saviour, come, \^A IUuftrious Conqu'ror o'er the Tomb : Here thine aflembled Servants blefs, And fill our Hearts with facred Peace. 2 O come Thy-felf, mod: gracious Lord, With all the Joy thy Smiles afford j Reveal the LuiTre of thy Face, And make us feel thy vital Grace. 3 With Rapture kneeling round we greet Thy pierced Hands, thy wounded Feet ; And from the Scar, that marks thy Side, We fee our Life's warm Torrent glide. 4 Enter our Hearts, Redeemer bleft; Enter, thou ever-honour'd Gueft, Not for one tranfient Hour alone, But there to fix thy lading Throne. 5 Own this mean Dwelling as Thine own; And, when our Life's laft Hour is come, Let us but die, as in thy Sight, And Death ihail vanifn in Delight. CCXLVI. Appeal tb Christ/** the Sincerity of Love to him. John xxi. 15. O not I love Thee, O my Lord? Behold my Heart and fees And 2i6 J O H N. And turn each curfed Idol oyt, Thai ■■ rival Thee. 2 Do not I Jove Thee from my Soul? Then let me Nothing love: Dead be my Heart to ev'ry Joy, VVii en Jfefus cannot n ; o ■. e. 3 Is not thy Name melodious ftill To mine attentive Ear? Doth not each Pulfe with Pleafure bound My Saviour's Voice to hear ? 4 Haft Thou a Lamb in all thy Flock, I would difoain to feed ? Haft Thou a Foe, before whofe Face I fear thy Caufc to plead ? 5 Would not mine ardent Spirit vie J With Angels round the Throne, To execute thy facrcd Will, And make thy Glory known? 6 Would not my Heart pour forth its Blood In Honour of thy Name ? Aud challenge the cold Hand of Death To damp th' immortal Flame? 7 Thou know'ft I love Thee, Dearefl Lord: But O ! I long to ibar Far from the Sphere of mortal Joys, And learn to love Thee more. $ endeavour to e^ual. CCXLVIL ACTS. 217 CCXLVII. leal for the Caufe 5/ Christ ; or Peter and John following their Metier. John xxi. 18 — 20 || . 1 T)LeftMen,who ftretch their willing Hands, fj Submiffive to their Lord's Commands, And yield their Liberty and Breath To him, that lov'd their Souls in Death! 2 Lead me to fuffer, and to die, If Thou, my gracious Lord, art nigh : One Smile from Thee my Heart fhali fire, And teach me fmiling to expire, 3 If Nature at the Trial {hake, And from the Crofs or Flames draw back, Grace can its feeble Courage raiie, And turn its Tremblings into Praife. 4 While fcarce I dare, with Peter, fay, " I'll boldly tread the bleeding Way", Yet in thy Steps, like f:hn, I'd move With humble Hope, and filentLove. [| See Family Expofitor in Loc. CCXLVIII. Christ exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour. Acts v. 31. 1 TTpXALTED Prince of Life, we own X\j The royal Honours of thy Throne : 'Tis fix'd by God's Almighty Hand, And Seraphs bow at thy Command. L 2 Exalted zi% ACT S. 2 Exalted Saviour, we confefs The ibv 'reign Triumphs of thy Grace ; "Where Beams of gentle Radiance mine, And temper Majefty -divine. 3 Wide thy refiftlefs Sceptre fway, Till a!l thine Enemies obey : Wide may thy Crofs its Virtue prove, And conquer Millions by its Love, 4 Mighty to vanquish, and forgive ! Thine Ifrael fhall repent and live. And loud proclaim thy healing Breath, Which works their Life, who wrought thy [Death. CCXLIX. The Believer committing bis departing Sprit to Jesus. Acls vii. 59. Thou, that hail: Redemption wrought, Patron of Souls, thy Blood hath bought, To Thee cur Spirits we commit, Mighty to re feu e from the Pit. <2 Millions of blifsful Souls above, In Realms of Purity and Love, With Songs of endlefs P.raife proclaim The Honours of thy faithful Name. 3 When all the Pow'rs of Nature fail'd, Thine ever-ccnirant Care prevail'd ; Courage and Joy thy Friendship fncke, When ev'ry mortal Bond was broke. 4 We on that Fiiendfhip, Lord, repofe, The healing Bruin of all our Woes j And ACTS. 219 And we, when finking in the Graze, Truft thine Omnipotence to lave. 5 O may our Spirits by thy Hand Be gather'd to that happy Banc!, Who, 'midft the Bleffings of thy Reign, Lofe all Remembrance of their Pain. 6 In Raptures there divinely fweet Give us our Kindred-Souls to meet, And wait with them that brighter Dav» Which all thy Triumph fball difplay. CCL. Peter's Admmitiim to Simon Magus, Jofs viii. 21 — 24. r Q EARCHER of Hearts, before thy Face And confeious of its innate % Arts Intreat thy ftri£t Survey. 2 If lurking in its inmoft Folds I any Sin conceal, O let a Ray of Light divine The fecret Guile reveal. 3 If tinclur'd with that odious Gall Unknowing I remain, Let Grace, like a pure filver Stream, Wafli out th' accurfed Stain. 4 If in thefe fatal Fetters bound A wretched Slave I lie, Smite off my Chains, and wake my Soul To Light and Liberty. $ natural, L 2 5 To 22o. ACTS. 5 To humble Penitence and Pray'r Be gentle Pity giv'n, Speak ample Pardon to my Heart, And feal its Claim to Heav'n. CCLL The Defcent of the Spirit^ or his Influences defned. A£b x. 44. 1 f>\ RE AT Father of each per fe£t Gift, V_3T Behold thy Servants wait ; With longing Eyes, and lifted Hands We flock around thy Gate. 2 Q flied abroad that royal Gift, Thy Spirit from above, To blefs our Eyes with facred Light, And fire our Hearts with Love. 3 With fpeody Flight may he defcend, And folid Comfort bring, And o'er our languid Souls extend His all-reviving Wing, 4 Blef* Earneft of eternal Joy, Declare our Sins forgiv : n ; And bear with Energy divine Cur raptur'd Thoughts to Heav'n. 5 Difrufe, O God, thcfe copious Show'rs, That Earth its Fruit may yield, And change this barren Wildemefs To Carinel's flow'ry Field §. § Ifaiah xxxv. 1. 2. CCLII. ACTS. 221 CCLII. The JVord of Salvation fent to us. Ads xiii. 26. 1 AND why do our admiring Eyes JTjL Thefe Gojpel-G lories fee^? And whence, doth cv'ry Heart reply, Salvation fent to me ? 2 In fatal Shades of Midnight Gloom Ten thou fan d Wretches ft ray ; And Satan blinds ten thoufand more Amidft the Blaze of Day. 3 Millions of raging Souls beneath In endlefs Anguifh hear Harmonious Sounds of Grace transform'd To Ecchos of Defpair. 4 And doft Thou, Lord, fubdue mv Heart, And (hew my Sins forgiv'n, And bear thy Witnefs to my Part Amono-ft the Heirs of HeavYi ? o 5 As the Redeemed of the Lord, We fing the Saviours Name ; And, while the long Salvation lulls, Its fov'reign Grace proclaim. CCLIII. The Unknown GOD. A£ls xvii. 23. I ^T^HOU, mighty Lord, art God alone, X A King of Majeity unknown ; And all thy dazling Glories rile Beyond the Reach of Angels Eyes. L 3 2 Yet 222 ACT S. 2 Yet thro' this Earth thy Works proclaim Some Notice of thy rev'rend Name ; And, where thy gracious Gofpel fhines, We read it in the.faireft Lines. 3 Bfeit O ! how few of Adairis Race Have learn'd thy Nature and thy Ways ! While thoufands, ev'n in Lands of Lights Are buried in Egyptian Night. 4 They tread thy Courts, thy Word they hear, And to thy folemn Rites draw near ; Yet, tho' Salvation feems fo nigh, Becaufe they know not God, they die. 5 Send thy victorious Gofpel forth Wide from thefe Regions of the North ; And thro' thy Churches Grace impart To write thy Name on ev'ry Heart. CCLIW G OD's Command to all Men to repent. Acts xvii. 30. 1 "FJ EPEN% the Voice celcftial cries, jCrL. ^ or * on ger dare delay : The Wretch that fcorns the Mandate* dies, And meets a fiery Day. 2 No more the fov'reign Eye of God Oerlooks the Crimes of Men ; His Heralds are difpatch'd abroad To warn the World of Sin. 3 The Summons reach thro' all the Earth 5 Let Earth attend and fear : * Co?nmancL Liftcn, ACTS. 223 Liften, ye Men of royal Birth, And let their VailalsJ hear. 4 Together in his Prefence bow, And all your Guilt confefs ; Accept the offer'd Saviour now, Nor trifle with the Grace. 5 Bow, e'er the awful Trumpet found, And call you to his Bar ; For Mercy knows th' appointed Bound, And turns to Vengeance there. 6 Amazing Love, that yet will call, And yet prolong our Days ! Our Hearts fubdu'd by Goodnefs fall, And weep, and love, and praife. J Subjeffs and Slaves. CCLV. Paul's SoUicitude to finijb his Courfe zvith Joy. Acls xx. 24. 1. A SSIST us, Lord, thy Name to praife jtx. For this rich Gofpel of thy Grace ; And, thai cur Hearts may love it more, Teach them to feel its vital Pow'r. 2 With Joy may we our Courfe perfue. And keep the Crown of Life in View 3 That Crown, which in one Hour repays The Labour of ten thoufand Days . 3 Should Bonds or Death obftrucl our Way ? . Unmov'd their Terrors we'll furvey -> And the laft Hour improve for Thee, The laft of Life, or Liberty, L 4 4 Welcome 224 ACT S. 4 Welcome thofe Bonds, which may unite Our Souls to their fupreme Delight ! Welcome that Death, whofe painful Strife Bears us to Chrijl our better Life. CCLVI. Paul preaching and Felix trembling, Acts xxiv. 25. 2 g^i RE AT Scv'reign of the human Hearty \Jj 1 hy mighty Energy impart, Which darts at once thro' Breafts of Steel, And makes the nether Milftone* feel. 2 Let Sinners tremble at thy Word, Struck by the Terrors of the Lord ; And, while they tremble, let them flee, And feek their Help, their Life frcm Thee, 3 C) let them feize the prefent Day, ISor rUk Salvation by Delay : To-morrow, Lord, to Thee belongs ; r l his Night may vindicate thy Wrongs. .4 This Night may flop their fleeting Breath, And feal them to eternal Death, May veil Redemption from their Sight, And give them Flames inflead of Light. Your Hymns of Vict'ry fing; ; And let his dying Servants truft Their ever-living King. CCLXI. G OD's Readinefs to give all Things ar- gued from the Gift of his Son, Rom. viii. 32* 'OW let my Soul with Tranfport rife, And range thro'Earth,and mount the fkiesy And view each various Form of Good, Where Angels hold their high Abode. 2 I give my Thoughts unbounded Scope ; On equal Pinions foars my Hope ; My Faith at nobleft Ohjeds aims, And what (he fces^ (he humbly claims. 3 Hath not the bounteous King of Heav'n From his Embrace already giv'n That Son of his eternal Love, Who fill'd the brighter!: Throne above ? 4 Behold his Hand on Jefus laid ! Behold that Lamb a Victim made ! And what (hall Mercy hold too good For Sinners, ranfom'd with his Blood ? 5 My Soul, with heav'nly Faith embrace The iacred Cov'nant of his Grace y Then in delightful Silence wait The Iffues of a Love fo great. CCLX77. ROMANS. 229 CCLXIL Believing with the Heart , and confejjing with the Mouth, necejfary to Salvation, Rom. x. 6 — 10. 1 /I N D is Salvation brought fo near, JTX Where finful Men expiring lie ? Triumph, my Soul, the Sound to hear, And fhout it joyous to the Sky. - 2 I aik not, who to Heav'n mall fcale, That Chriji the Saviour thence may come ; Or who Earth's inmoit Depths afiail To bring him from the dreary Tomb* 3 From Heav'n on Wings of Love he flew, And ConquVor from the Tomb he fprung ; My Heart believes the Witnefs true, And dictates to my faithful Tongue. 4 I fing Salvation brought fo near, No more on Earth expiring lie ; I teach the World my Joys to hear, And fhout them to the ecchoing Sky. CCLXIII. The living Sacrifice. Rom. xii. li 1 AND will th' eternal King £ x So mean a Gift regard I That Off 'ring, Lord, with Joy we bring, Which thine own Hand prepar'd. 2 We own thy various Claim, And to thine Altar move, The willing Victims of thy Grace, And bound with Cords of Love. 3 Dcfcend 230 ROMAN S. 3 Defcend, celeflial Fire, The Sacrifice inflame ; So fhall a grateful Odour rife Thro' our Redeemer's Name. CCLXIV. The near Approach of Salvation^ an Engagement to Diligence and Love. Rom. xiii. II. Wake, ye Saints, and raife your Eyes, And raife your Voices high ; Awake, and praife that fov'reign Love, That fhews Salvation nigh. 2 On all the Wings of Time it flies ; Each Moment brings it near ; Then welcome each declining Day ! Welcome each clofing Year ! 3 Not many Years their Round fhall run, Nor many Mornings rife, E'er all its Glories ftand reveal'd To our admiring Eyes. 4 Ye Wheels of Nature, fpeed your Courfe ; Ye mortal Pow'rs, decay ; Fafl: as ye bring the Night of Death, Ye brina; eternal Dav. CCLXV. The GOD of Peace bruifing Satan. Rom. -xvi. 20-. •Y E Armies of the living God, In his all-conqu'iing Name, Lift I CORINTHIANS. 231 Lift up your Banners, and aloud Your Leader's Grace proclaim. 2 What tho' the Prince of Hell invade With Show'rs of fiery Darts, And join, to the fierce Lion's Roar 5 The Serpent's wily A.rts ? 3 J e f us 9 w ^° ^ eac ^ s '^ s ^°^ s £° War* Shall tread the Monfter down, And ev'ry faithful Soldier fhare The Triumph and the Crown. 4. So Ifracl on the haughty Necks Of Canaan s Tyrants tied, And fung their 'Jofhua's conqu'ring Sword^ And fung their faithful God ;£. % Jofnua x. 24. CCLXVI. Christ our Wlfdcm^ Rlghteoufr.efs^ Sanftificationt and Redemption, i Corinth, u 3°> 3*- Y God, affift me, while I raifis An Anthem of harmonious Praife 5 My Heart thy Wonders fhall proclaim, And fpread its Banners in thy Name, 2 In Chrijt I view a Store divine : My Father* all that Store is Thine ; By Thee prepar'd, by Thee beilow'd 5 Hail to the Saviour, and the God ! 3 When gloomy Shades my Soul o'er-fpread, " Let there be Light" tlV Almighty faid - 9 And 232 I CORINTHIANS. And Chriji) my Sun, his Beams difplays, And fcatters round celeflial Rays. 4 Condemn'd thy Criminal I flood, And awful Juflice afk'd my Blood ; That welcome Saviour from thy Throne Brought Righteoufnefs and Pardon down; 5 My Soul was all o'er-fpread with Sin, And lo ! his Grace hath made me clean: He refcues from th' infernal Foe, And full Redemption will bellow. 6 Ye Saints, aflift my grateful Tongue : Ye Angels, warble back my Song : For Love like this demands the Praifc Of heav'nly Harps, and endlefs Days. CCLXVIT. Being joined to Christ, and one Spirit with him. I Cor. vi. 17. Y Saviour, I am Thine By everlafting Bands ; My Name, my Heart I would refign, My Soul is in thy Hands. To Thee I ftill would cleave With ever-growing Zeal ; Let Millions tempt me Chrift to leave, They never fhall prevail. His Spirit mail unite My Soul to him, my Head ; Shall form me to his Image bright, And teach his Path to tread. 4 Death I CORINTHIANS. 233 4 Death may my Soul divide From this Abode of Clay ; But Love (hall keep me near his Side Thro' all the gloomy Way. 5 Since Cbriji and we are One, What mould remain to fear? If he in Heav'n hath fiVd his Throne, He'll fix his Members there. CCLXVIII. The tranftory Nature of the JVorld y an Argument for chrljiian Moderation* I Cor, vii. 29, 30, 31. ■s PRING up, my Soul, with ardent Flight, Nor let this Earth delude thy Sight With glittering Trifles gay and vain : Wifdom divine diredts thy View To Objects ever grand and new, And Faith difplays the mining Train. Be dead, my Hopes, to all below ; Nor let "unbounded Torrents flow, When mourning o'er my withered Joys : So this deceitful World is known \ Poflefs'd I call it not mine own, Nor glorv in its painted Toys. The empty Pageant rolls along ; The giddy unexpeiienc'd Throng Perfue it with enchanted Eves ; It 234 I CORINTHIANS; It pafTeth in fwift March away, Still more and more its Charms decay, Till the laft gaudy Colour dies*. 4 My God, to Thee my Soul (hall turn; For Thee my nobleft Paflions burn, And drink in Blifs from Thee alone : I fix on that unchanging Home, Where never-fading Pleafures blocm, Frefh fpringing round thy radiant Throne. * Pageants^ Images^ cr emblematical Figures in a Cavalcade cr Prccejjion, continually moving , and quick- ly gQ7te out of Sight. See Family Expofitor in hoc. CCLXIX. GOD' s Fidelity in moderating Temp- tations, i Cor. x. 13. 1 VT O XV let the Feeble all be ftrong, JlN And make Jehovah's Arm their Song : His Shield is fpread o'er ev'ry Saint, And thus fupported, who fhall faint ? 2 What tho' the Hofts of Hell engage With mingled Cruelty and Rage? A faithful God retrains their Hands, And chains them down in Iron Bands. 3 Bound by his Word he will difplay A Strength proportion'd to our Day; And, when united Trials meet, Will {hew a Path of fafe Retreat. 4 Thus far wc prove that Promife good, Which jefus ratified with Blood: Still I CORINTHIANS. 235 Still is He gracious, wife, and juit, And ftill in him let Ifrael truft. CCLXX. Bearing the Image cf the earthy and the heavenly Adam, i Cor. xv. 49. 1 "\ T TITH flowing Eyes and bleeding Hearts V V A Wafted World furvey ! See the wide Ruin Sin hath wrought In one unhappy Day ! 2 Adam^ in God's own Image form'd, From Gcd and Blifs eftrang'd, And all the Joys of Paradife For Guilt and Horror chang'd ! 3 Ages of Labour and of Grief He lnourn'd his Gicry loft; At length the goodlieft Work of Heav'n Sunk down to common Duft. 4 O fatal Heritage bequeathed To all his helplefs Race ! Thro' the thick Maze of Sin and Woe Thus to the Grave v/e pafs. 5 But, O my Soul, with Rapture hear The fecond Adam's Name ; And the celeftial Gifts, he brings To all his Seed, proclaim. 6 In Holinefs and Joy com pleat He reigns to endlefs Years, And each adopted chofen Child His fplendid Image wears. 7 What 236 II CORINTHIANS. 7 What tho' in mortal Life they mourn? What tho' by Death they fall ? Jefus in one triumphant Day Transforms and crowns them all. 8 Praife to his rich myfierious Grace! Ev'n by our Fall we rife ; And gain, for earthly Eden loft, A heav'nly Paradife. CCLXXI. Minijlers comforted^ thai they may com- fort others, 2 Cor. L 4. 1 TpOUNTAIN of Comfort and of Love, X* Thy Streams, how free they flow ! Firft water a ] l the World above, Then vifit us below ! 2 From Chrlft^ the Head, what Grace defcends To cherifh ev'ry Part ! He fhares his Joys with all his Friends, For all have fhar d his Heart. 3 What tho' the Sorrows here they feel Are manifold and great ? He brings new Con fo! at ions ftill, As various, and as fweet. 4 He fhews our num'rous Sins forgivVi,. And fhews our Cov'nant-GoD ; He witnefTeth our Right to Heav'n, The Purchafe of his Blood. 5 Tho' Earth and Hell againft us join, In Him we are fecure \ ;ur II CORINTHIANS. 237 Our Diadems fhall brighter fhine For all we now endure. 6. On ev'ry faithful Shepherd's Breaft, Lord, fend thefe Comforts down ; That they may lead thy Flock to Reft, Which their own Souls have known. CCLXXII. G O D y s delivering Goodnefs acknow- ledged^ and trujled* 2 Cor. i. 10. A Song for the 5th of November. 1 T) RAISE totheLoRD, whofe mighty Hand X So oft reveaPd hath fav'd our Land 5 And, when united Nations rofe, Hath fham'd and fcourg'd our haughtier!; Foes. 2 When mighty Navies from afar To Britain wafted floating War, His Breath difpers'd them all v/ith Eafe, And funk their Terror in the Seas %, 3 While for our Princes they prepare In Caverns deep a burning Snare ; He mot from Heav'n a piercing Ray, And the dark TreachVy brought to Day §. 4 Princes and Priefts again combine New Chains to forge, new Snares to twine ; Again our gracious God appears, And breaks their Chains, and cuts their Snares. X referring to the Defeat of the Spanifh Armada , 1588. § Gun-powdcr-Pht. 5 Obedient 238 II CORINTHIANS. 5 Obedient Winds at his Command Convey his Hero to our Land ; The Sons of Rome with Terror view, And fpeed their Flight, when none perfue ||. 6 Such great Deliv'rance God hath wrought, And down to us Salvation brought ; And ftill the Care of Guardian-Heav'n Secures the Blifs itfelf hath giv'n. 7 In Thee we truft, Almighty Lord, Ccntinu'd afford : Still be thy powVful Arm made bare, For all thy Servants Hopes are there. |J Revolution by King William 1688. CCLXXIII. MinifJers a fiveet Savour, whether of Life or Death. 2 Cor. ii. 15, 16. ) RAISE to the Lord on high, Who fp reads his Triumphs wide ! While Jefus' fragrant Name Is breath'd on evYy Side : Balmy and rich The Odours rife, And fill the Earth, And reach the Skies. Ten thoufand dying Souls Its Influence feel and live ; Sweeter than vital Air The Incenfe they receive : Thev breathe anew, And rife and fing Jefus the Lord, Their conqu'ring King, 3 But II CORINTHIANS. 239 3 But Sinners fcorn the Grace, That brings Salvation nigh ; They turn their Face away, And faint, and fall, and die : So fad a Doom, Ye Saints, deplore, For O! they fall To rife no more. 4 Yet, wife and mighty Goj}, Shall all thy Servants be, In thofe, who live or die, nA Savour fweet to Thee : Supremely bright Thy Grace (hall fhine. Guarded with Flames Of Wrath divine. CCLXXIV. GOD jlnnlng Into the Heart. 2 Cor. iv. 6. ) RAISE to the Lord of boundlefs Mighty With uncreated Glories bright ! His Prefence gilds the Worlds above ; Th' unchanging Source of Light and Love. 2 Our rifing Earth his Eve beheld, When in fubftantial Darknefs ve'J'd ; The flbapdefs Chats, Nature's Womb, Lay buried in eternal Gloom \. 3 Let there be Light, Jr. MO v AH laid, And Light oer ah its Face was (prcad : J Genejii i. ?, 3. Nature, 240 II CORINTHIANS. Nature, array' d in Charms unknown, Gay with its new-born Luftre fhone. 4 He fees the Mind, w T hen loft it lies In Shades of Ignorance and Vice ; And darts from Heav'n a vivid § Ray, And changes Midnight into Day. 5 Shine, mighty God, with Vigour fhine, On this benighted Heart of mine ; And let thy Glories ftand reveal'd, As in the Saviour's Face beheld. 6 My Soul reviv'd by Heav'n- born Day, Thy radiant Image fhall difplay, While all my Faculties unite To praife the Lord, who gives me Light. ^ lively, fprighly. CCLXXV. The Gojpel-Treafiire in tarthen Vejfels, 2 Cor. iv. 7. 'OW rich thy Bounty, King of Kings ! Thy Favours how divine ! The BleiEngs which thy Gofpel brings, How fplendidly they fhine ! 2 Gold is but Drois, and Gems but Tovs, Should Gold and Gems compare ; How mean, when fet againft thofe Joys, Thy pooreft Servants fhare ? 3 Yet all thefe Treafures of thy Grace Are lodg'd in Urns J of Clay ; % Vejfth or Jars. And If CORINTHIANS. 241 And the weak Sons of mortal Race TrT immortal Gifts convey. 4 Feebly they lifp thy Glories forth ; Yet Grace the VicTry gives : Quickly they moulder back to Earth ; Yet ftill thy Gofpel lives. 5 Such Wonders Pow'r divine efFecls ; Such Trophies § God can raife ; His Hand from crumbling Daft erects. Long Monuments of Praife. § M:nu?nenis or Tokens of Victory * CCLXXVI. Living to hi?n, who died for uu 2 Cor. v. 14, 15. 1 "* ; TY Lord, didft Thou endure fuch Smart Life, when forfeited, to fave ? And didft Thou bear upon thy Heart My Name, when rifing from the Grave ? 2 Am 1 in thy Remembrance ftill, 'Midft all the Glories of thy Throne? To form thy Servant to thy Will, And fix my Dwelling near thine own? 3 What can a feeble Worm repay For Love fo infinite as Thine? The Torrent bears my Soul away, Th' impetuous Stream of Grace divine J> J referring to the Emphafis of the Original Weird viz. bears us away like ajlrong Torrent* M 242 II CORINTHIANS. 4 To Thee, my Lord, it bears me on,; Self fhall be deify 'd % no more ; By Self betray'd, by Self undone, I live by thy recovYing Pow'r. 5 Accept a Soul fo dearly bought, Bought by thy Life upon the Tree; A Soul which, by thy Spirit taught, Knows no Delight, but ferving Thee. § maclc a God of. CCLXXVII. GOD the Author of - -'Conflation. 2 Cor, vii. 6. 1 f I ^ H E Lord, how rich his Comforts are ! J|_ How w i de they fpread ! How h i gh th ey r i fe! He pours in Balm to bleeding Hearts, And wipqs the Tears from flowing Eyes, 2 / have no Hope^ my Spirit cried, Juft trembling on the Brink of Hell; I am thy Hope^ the Lord replied, My Lovefecures its Favorites well, 3 My grateful Soul (hall fpeak his Praife, Who turns its Tremblings into Songs ; And thofe that mourn {hall learn from me, Salvation to our God belongs* CCLXXVIII. Satan's Strong-Holds caji down by the Go/pel. 2 Cor. x. 4, 5. t QHOUT, for the Battlements are fall'n, O Which Heav'n itfelf defy'd! " TV II CORINTHIANS. 243 Th' afpiring Tow'rs, difmantled X all, Now fpread their Ruins wide ! & Thy wondrous Trumpets, Prince of Peace 9 Sent forth their mighty Sound ; The Strength of jfcricbo was ftruck, And totter'd to the Ground § . 3 No more proud Reas'nings fhall difpute What Truth divine declares; No more Self-Righteoufnefs to plead Its own Perfection dares. -4 No Strength our ruin'd Powers can boafl Thy Precepts to fulfill : No Liberty we afk or with For cur rebellious Will. "5 The Gates we open to admit The Saviour's gentle Sway: Bleft Jefu^ 'tis thy Right to reign, Our Pieafure to obey. 36 Each Thought in fweet Subjection held Thy fov'reign Pow'r fhall own ; And ev'ry Traitor fhall be fiain, That dares difpute the Throne. % demolifhed) broke down. § Jojhua vi. 20, GCLXXIX. Th Cbrl/Iian Farewel 2 Cor. xiik ^ 1 rpHY Prefence, Everlafting God, j_ Wide o'er all Nature fpreads abroad ; Thy watchful Eyes, which cannot ileep, In ev'ry Place thy Children keep. M 2 2 While 244 GALATIANS. 2 While near each other we remain, Thou doft our Lives and Souls fuftain ; "When abfent, happy if we fhare Thy Smiles, thy Counfcls, and thy Care, 3 To Thee we all our Ways commit. And feek our Comforts near thy Feet ;. Still on our Souls vouch fafe to fhine, And guard and guide us ftill as Thine* 4 Give us in thy beloved Houfe Again to pay our grateful Vows ; Or, if that Joy no more be known, Give us to meet around thy Throne. CCLXXX. living whtle In the Ftejfi] hy Faith in Christ, hbho leved ui 9 &£. Gal at. ii. 20* Y J3jtis\ while in Mortal Fkfa VX I hold my frail Afcode, Still would my Spirit reft on Thee, Its Saviour, and its God. 1 By hourly Faith in Thee I live 'Midft all my Griefs and Snares ; And Death, encounter'd in thy Sight, No Form of Horror wears. 3 Yes, Thou haft lov'd this fulfill Worm, Haft giv'n thyfelf for me, Haft bought me from eternal Death, Naird to the bloody Tree. 4 On thy dear Crofs I fix mine Ever, Then raife them to thy Seat ; Till Love difTolve mine inmoft Soul, At its Redeemer's Feet. 5 Be GALATIANS. 245 5 Be dead, my Heart, to worldly Charms; Be dead to ev'ry Sin ; And tell the boldeft Foes without, That J ejus reigns within. . Life with his connected ftands,. Nor afks a furer Ground ; He keeps me in his graqiouS Arms,. Where Heav'n itie.f is found. CCLXXXI. A filial Temper the Work of the Spirit, and a Proof of Adoption. Galat. iv. 6. OV'REIGN of a!I the Worlds on high, Allow my humble Claim ; Nor, while a Worm would raiie its Head, Difdain a Father's Name. 2 My Father GOD! How fweet the Sound ! How tender, and how . Not ail the Melody of Heav'n Could fo delight the Ear. 3 Come, facred Spirit, feal the Name On mine expanding Heart ; And iliew, that in Jehovah's Grace I (hare, a filial Fait. 4 Chear'd by a Signal fo divine, Unwav'ring 1 believe ; Thou know'it I Abba y Father, cry > Nor can the Sis;n deceive. 5 On Wings of everlaftipg Love The Comforter is come \ M 3 All' 246 EPHESIANS. All Terrors at his Voice difperfe, And endlefs Pleafures bloom. CCLXXXII. Chijlian fympath^ Galat. vi; %> 'AIL, everlafting Prince of Peace ! Hail, Governor divine ! Kow gracious is thy Sceptre's Sway! What gentle Laws are thine ! 1 His tender Heart with Love o'eiflow'd^ Love fpoke in ev'ry Breath ; Vig'rous it reign'd thro' all his Life, And triumph'd in his Death. 3 All ;hefe united Charms he (hews, Our frozen Souls to move ; This Proof of Love to him demands* That we each other love. 4 O he the facred Law fulfill'd In ev'ry A£t, and Thought ; Each angry Paflion far remov'd,. Each felfifh View forgot. 5 Ee thou, my Heart, dilated wide By thy Redeemer's Grace ; And in one Grafp of fervent Love All Earth and Heav'n embrace. CCLXXXIII. Bkffing GOD for fpjritual Blef* fmgs in Christ. Ephes. i. 3. L OIJ D be thy Name ador'd,. Tliv Titles (bread abroad, Of EPHESIANS.. 247 Of Chrlft our glorious Lord The Father and the God ! Thro' fuch a Son, Thy Churches Head, Thine Honours fpread O'er Worlds unknown. 2 Ten thoufand Gifts of Love From Thee thro' him defcenif And bear our Souls above To Joys that never end : To Heav'n they foar, Suftain'd by God, And thro' the Road His Arm adore. 3. Ten thoufand Songs of Praife Shall by the Saviour rife, And thro' eternal Days Shall eccho round the Skies. New Shouts we'll give, . And loud proclaim The honoured Name, By which we live. GCLXXXIV. The grand Scheme of the GcfreK. Ephes. i. 9, ic, 11-. 1 "¥ T T E fmg the deep myilerious Plan, V V Which God devis'cl e'er Time began 5 At length difclos'd in a:l its Light. We blefs the wond'rous Birth of Love, Which beams around us from above, With Grace fo free, and Hope fo bright. M 4 2 Here:- 248 EPHESIANS. 2 Here has the wife eternal Mind - In Ghrijl) their common Head, conjoiird Gentiles and Jews^ and Earth and Heav'n* Thro' him, from the great Father's Throne, Rivers of Elifs come rolling down, And endlef§ Peace and Life are giv'n. 3 No more the awful Cberuhs guard The Tree of Life with flaming Sword, To drive afar Man's trembling Race j. At Salem's pearly Gates they fraud, And tailing wait (a friendly Band !) To welcome Strangers to the Place, 4 While we expert, that glorious Sight, Love fha!l our Hearts with theirs unite, And ardent Hope our Bofoms raife : From Earth's dark Vale, and Tongues of Clay, To thofe rcfplendent Realms of Day, We'll try to fend the founding Praife. CCLXXXV. The heavenly Inheritanee made knoVm by the Spirit* Eph. i. 1 8. J Z^iOME, Thou celeflia! Spirit, come,. \_^ And call my roving Paffions home \ To mine enlighten'd Eyes difplay The Heritage of heav'nly Day. 2 My God, that Heritage is Thine : Flow rich, how glorious, how divine ! How far above all mortal Things, The little Pride of Courts and Kings. 3 Of endlefs Joy th' unbounded Store, Why is its Luirre known no more? Away EPHESIANS. 249 AwajTj ye Mifts of envious Nighf, That veil Salvation from my Sight ! 4 Shine forth, Almighty Saviour, mine;' Shew the bright World, and fhew it mine ; Then Paradife on Earth (hall fpring, And mortal Worms like Angels fin£. CCLXXXVI. Salvation by Grace. Eph. ii. 5. 1 /^>f RACE ! 'tis a charming Sound, \JT Harmonious to my Ear ! Heav 'n with the Eccho fhall refound. And all the Earth fhall hear. 2 Grace firfi ccntriv'd a Way To fave rebellious Man, And all the Steps that Grace difplay, Which drew the wond'rcus Plan. 3 Grace taught my .wand'ring Feet To tread the heav'nly Road, And new Supplies each Hour I meet, While preffirig on to God. 4 Grace all the Work (hall crown Thro' eve Q'&Y? 5 It lays in Heav'n the topmoft Stone, And well deierves the Praife. CCLXXXVIL Cb-ifiiav: rijen and exalted wlih Christ to heave;:!} Place:. Eph. ii. 5, 6. 1 QTUPENDGUS Grace! and can it be j3 Defign'd for Rebels fuch as we ? M 5 O i S o EPfctESf AN"S<- O let our ardent Praifes rife, High as our Hopes beyond the Skies ! 2 This Flefh, by righteous Vengeance flain,. Might ever in the Duft remain : Thefe guilty Spirits fent to dwell 'Midi! all the Flames and Fiends * of Hell, 3 But lo ! incarnate Love defcends ; Down to the Sepulchre it bends ; Rifing, it tears the Bars away, And fprings to its own native Day. 4 Then was our Sepulchre unbar'd ; Then was our Path to Glory cleared $ Then, if that Saviour be our own, Did we afcend a heav'nly Throne. £ A Moment mall our Joy compleat, And fix us in that mining Seat, Bought by the Pangs our Lord endur'dj And by unchanging Truth fecur'd. 6 O may that Love, in Strains fublime, Be fung to the laft Hour of Time ! And let Eternity confefs, Thro' all its Rounds, the matchlefs Grace* * evil Spirits. CCLXXXtlll. Nearnefs to GOD ^'Christ, Eph. ii. 13. j AND are we now brought near to God$ jtx: Who once at Diftance flood ? Ami to effect this glorious Change DVt Jefus ihed his Blwi i 2 O EPttESIANS. 25 i 2 O for a Song of ardent Praife To bear our Souls above ! What fhould allay oar lively Hope, Or damp our flaming Love ? 3 Draw us, O Lord, with quick'ning Grace*) And bring us yet more near ; Here may we fee thy Glories fhine, And tafte thy Mercies here. 4 O may that Love, which fpread thy Boards Difpofe us for the Feaft ; May Faith behold a fmiling God Thro' J ejus' bleeding Breaft. 5 Fir'd with the View, our Souls fhall rife In fuch a Scene as this, And view the happy Moment near 3 That {hall compleat our Blifs. CCLXXXIX. The IriftituUon of a Gofpel- Mini/try from Christ. Eph. iv. u, 12. For an Ordinaiio?i. 1 T^ATHER of Mercies, in thine Houfe JP Smile on our Homage, and our Vows ; While with a grateful Heart we (hare Thefe Pledges of our Saviour's Care. 2 The Saviour, when to Heav'n he rofe In fplendid Triumph o'er his Foes, Scatter'd his Gifts on Men below, r And wide his royal Bounties flow. M 6 3 Hence ± 5 2 EPHESIANS. 3 Hence fprung \ti Apoftles honoar'd Name, x Sacred beyond heroick Fame ; Hence dictates the Prcphetick Sage ; And hence the Evangelick Page. 4 'In lowlier Forms to blefs our Eyes Pajiors from hence, and Teachers rife ; Who, tho' with feebler Rays they {nine, Still gild a long- extended Line. 5 From Chriji their varied Gifts derive, And fed by Ckfiji their Graces live : While, guarded by his potent Hand, 'Midft ail the Rage of Hell they ftand. 6 So {hall the bright Succeffion run Thro' the laft Coutfes of the Sun ; While unborn Churches by their Care Shall rife and flour ifli large and fair. j Jeftis our Lord their Hearts {ball know, The Spring, whence* all thefe Bleffings flow : P afters and People fhout hisPrai/e Thro' the long Round of endleis Days, CCXC. Christ the Head of the Church, Eph. iv. 15, 16. i **f'£SUSj I fing thy matchlefs Grace, k J That calls a Worm thine own ; Gives me among thy Saints a Place To make thy Glories known* 2 Allied to Thee our vital Head, We act, and grow, and thrive : From EPHESIANS. 2jj From Thee divided, each is dead, When moil he feems alive. j Thy Saints on Earth, and thcfe above Here join in fweet Accord ; "One Body all in mutual Love, And Thou, our common Lord. k O may my Faith each Hour derive Thy Spirit with Delight ; While Death and Hell in vain (hall fcriv? This Bond to difunite, ; Thou the whole Body wilt prefent Before thy Father's Face ; Nor (hall a Wrinkle or a Spct Its beauteous Form diigrace. ECXCL Love to ethers urged from Christ's Love In giving kirr.fclf a S&erijice. Eph. v. 2. t TVT O W be that Sacrifice furvey'd, J3j That Ranfom which the Saviour paid ; That Sight familiar to my View, Yet always wond'rous, always new. Z The Lamb of God, that groan'd and bled$ And gently bow'd his dying Head ; While Love to Sinners flr'd his Heart, And coiiquer'd ail the killing Smart. 3 Bleft Jtfwi while thy Grace I fing, What grateful Tribute (hall I bring, That Earth and PJeav'n and Thou may ft fee My Love to him, who died for me ? 4 That 2*4 EPHESIANS. 4 That OfPring, Lord, thy Word hath taught, Nor be thy new Command forgot, That, if their Matter's Death can move, Thy Servants fhould each other love. 5 When to thy facred Crofs we fly, There let each favage Paflion die ; While the warm Streams of Blood divine Melt our cold Hearts to Love like thine. CCXCII. The Wifdom of re deeming Time. Eph. v. 15,1-16. 1 f~^\ O D of Eternity, from Thee VJT Did Infant Time his Being draw ; Moments and Days and Months and Years Revolve by thine unvaried Law. 2 Silent and flow they glide away ; Steady and ftrong the Current flows, Loft in Eternity's wild Sea, Th« boundlefs Gulf, from whence it rofe. 3 With it the thoughtlefs Sons of Men Before the rapid Stream are borne On to that everlafting Home, Whence not one Soul can e'er return. 4 Yet while the Shore on either Side Prefents a gaudy flatt'ring Shew, We gaze, in fond Amazement loft, ■ Nor think to what a World we go. 5 Great Source of Wifdom, teach my Heart' To know the Price- of tv'ry Hour ^ That EPHESIANS. 2 j5 That Time may bear me on to Joys Beyond its Meamre> and its Pow'r. 2CXCIII. Christ's Love to the Church in giving himfelf for it, &c. Eph. v. 25, 26, 27. BRidegroom of Souls, how rich thy Love 1 How gen'rous, how divine ! Our inmoft Hearts it well may movc > While thus our Voices join. 2 Deform'd and wretched once we Iay 5 Worthy thy Hate and Scorn ; Yet Love like thine could find a Way To refcue and ^dorh. Thou art ourRanfom; from thy Veins A wond'rous Fountain flows To wafh thy Bride from all her Stains^ And heal our deepeft Woes. 4 Transformed by thee, ev'n here below Thy Church is bright and fair : But 1 how glorious fhall fhe fhew, When jefus fhall appear ! 5 Thine Eye fhall ail her Form furvey With infinite Delight, Confefs'd, in that illuftrious Dajv Unblemifh'd in thy Sight. CCXCIV. Christ's Service, the Fruit of our Labours on Earth. Phil. i. 22. Y gracious Lord, I own thy Right To ev'ry Service I can pay 5 Ani $S& PHILIPPIANS. And call it my fupreme Delight To hear thy Dictates and obey. 2 What is my Being, but for Thee, Its fure Support, its nobleit End ? Thine ever-fmilincr Face to fee, And ferve the Caufe of fuch a Friend ? 3 I would not breathe for worldly Joy, Or to increafe my worldly Good ; Nor future Days or Pow"rs employ To fpread a founding Name abroad. 4 'Tis to my Saviour I would live ; To Him, who for my Ranfom died, Nor could untainted Eden give Such BliiSj as bloilbrns at his Side. 5 His Work my hoary Age fhall blefs, "When youthful Vigour is no more j And my !afi Hour of Life confefs His Love hath animating Pow'r. CCXCV. The Hafpimfs of departing, and being with Christ. Phil. i. 23. 1 "T ^ 7TIILE on the Verge of Life I fland, V V And view the Scene on either Hand, My Spirit ftruggles with its Ciay, And longs to wing its Flight away. 2 Where Jefus dwells my Soul would be ; It faints my much-lov'd Lord to fee : Earth, twine no more about my Heart, For 'tis far better to depart. 3 Come, PHILI'PPIANS. 257 3 Come, ye angelic!: Envoys S, come. And lead the willing Pilgrim home : Ye know the Way to Jejiti' Throne, Source of my Joys, and of your own. 4 That bleffed Interview, how fweet ! To fall transported at his Feet ! Rais'd in his Arms to view his Face, Thro' the full Beamings of his Grace ! 5 To fee Heav'ns filming Courtiers round* Each with immortal Glories crown'd ! And, while his Form in each I trace, Belov'd, and loving all t' embrace ! 6 As with a Seraph's Voice to hng ! To fly as on a Cbenws Wing ! Performing with unwearied Hands A prefent Saviour's high Commands ! 7 Yet with thefe Profpe£h full in Sight* I'll wait thy Signal for my Flight - y For, while thy Service I perfue, I find my Heav'n begun below. § Meffengersj Embafadors. CCXCVL PrejJlngcninibeChri/llanRace. Phit iii. 12 — 14. I A WAKE, my Soul, ftretch ev'ry JljL A Jlf ' P re ^ W*th Vigour on : A heavenly Race demands thy Zeal, And au immortal Crown. Nerve* 2 A 258 PHILIPPIANS, % A Cloud of WitnefTes around Hold thee in full Survey : Forget the Steps already trod*. And onward urge thy Way. 3 'Tis God's all-animating Voice,. That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis his own Hand prefents the Prize To thine afpiring Eye. 4 That Prize with peerlefs Glories bright, Which fhall new Luftre boaft, When Vidors Wreaths § and MonarchsGem^ Shall blend in common Duft. 5 Bleft- Saviour, introdue'd by thee Have I my Race begun ; And crown'd with Vict'ry at thy Feet I'll lay mine Honours down; § Crowns or Garlands given to Conquerors*. CCXCVII. GOD fupplyingibe NeceJJities of his People. Phil. iv. 19, 20. x "& /T Y God, how chearful is the Sound,, J VJL How pleafant to repeat ? Well may that Heart with Pleafure bound,. Where God hath fix'd his Seat ? 2 What Want fhall not our God fupply From his redundant Stores ? What Streams of Mercy from on high'. * An Arm almighty pours ? 3 From Chrijl) the ever-living Spring, . Theie ample Bieffings flow : Prepare, . COLOSSIANS. 2551 Prepare, my Lips, his Name to Ting, Whofe Heart hath lov'd us fo. Now to our Father and our God Be endlefs Glory giv'n, Thro' all the Realms of Aran's Abode, And thro' the higheft Heav'n. CCXCVIII. Thanh for being made meet for tht heavenly Inheritance, Colofs. 1. 12. 1 A LL-GloriousGoD,whatHymns of Praife J*\ Shall our tranfported Voices raife ? What flaming Love and Zeal is due, While Heav'n ftands open to our View ? 2 Once we were fall'n, and O how low r Juft on the Brink of endlefs Woe ; Doom'd to a Heritage in Hell, Where Sinners all in Darknefs dwells 3 But lo, a Ray of chearful Light Scatters the horrid Shades of Night ! Lo, what triumphant Grace is fhewn To Souls impov'rim'd and undone ! 4 Far, far beyond thefe mortal Shores A bright Inheritance k ours ; Where Saints in Light our Coming wait To mare their holy blifsful State. 5 If ready dreft for Heav'n we mine, Thine are the Robes, the Crown is thine : May endlefs Years their Courfe prolong, While "• Thine the Praife" is all our Sons;. 260 COLOSSIANS.. CCXCIX. . Angels and ChrijVians united in Christ as their common Head. Colofs. ii. 10. "AIL to ErmnueTs ever -honoured Name ! Spread it, ye Angels, thro' Heav'n's facred Frame. Ye fcepter'd Cherubim, before his -Throne, And flaming Seraphim, bow humbly down. He is your Head j With proftrate Awe adore him r And lay with Joy your radiant Crowns before him, 2 Array 'd in his refulgent Beams ye fhine, And drawExiftence* from his Source divine ; Grateful ye wait the Signal of his Hand, Honour'd too highly by his leaf!: Command : In him trT indwelling Deitv admiring, And to his brighter Image ft ill afpiring. 3 Mortals with you in chearful Homage join,. And bring their Anthems to Emanuel' s Shrine ^ Mean as we are, with Sins an.d Griefs befet, We glory, that in him we are compleat. He is our Head, and we with you adore him, And pour our wants, our joys, our hearts before him. 4 We fing the Blood,, that ranfom'd us from Hell;. We ling the Graces, that in Jefus dwell ; Led by his Spirit, guarded by his Hand, Our Hopes anticipate your goodly Land ; Still his incarnate Deity admiring, And with Heav'ns Hierarchy ]j in Pratfe confpir'ng. * Being, or Life. || the fevered Orders, of Angels + CCC. I THESSALONIANS. 261 CCC. GkrijQans, as rifen with Christ, exhorted to feck Things above. Colofs. iii. I. 'EARKEN, ye Children of your God ; Ye Heirs of Glory, hear; For Accents fo divine as thefe Might charm the dulled Ear. 2 Baptiz'd into your Saviour's Death Your Souls to Sin muft die; With Chrijl your Lord ye liVe anew, With Cbr'i/l afcend on high. 3 There at his Father^ Hand he fits Enthron'd divinely fair; Yet owns himfelf your Brother itill, And your Forerunner there. 4 Rife from thefe earthly Trifles, rife On Wings of Fahh and Love; Jyus ycur choiceft Treafure lies, And Ire your Hearts, above. 5 But Earth and Sin will drag us down, When we attempt to fly; LoFvD, fend thy ftrong attractive Force To raiie and hx us high, CCCL The F of the Church, the Life of a faith f. . 1 Thefe. iii. 8. I ~|3 LEST JfuS) how thine Ear, J3 W h i e v ■ i n treat th y Lov e ; O come, ard all our Hearts poflefs, And our beft Paffions move. 2 May 262 I THESSALONIANS, 2 May we (land feft in Thee, The' Storms and Tempefts beat j And in thy Guardian Arms obtain A calm and iafe Retreat. 3 Still be thy Truth maintain'd 5 And ftill thy Word obey'd. And to the Merits of thy Blood A conftant Homage paid. 4 So mail thy Shepherds live, And raife their chearful Head., And in fuch Bleffings on their Flock Confefs their Toils repaid. CCCII. Comfort on the Death of pious Friennu t Thefs. iv. ifi 1 8. 1 f M~y Ranfporting Tidings which we hear 1 |_ What Mufick to the pious Ear ! *Chri/t loves each humble Saint (o well, He w r ith his Lord (hail ever dwell. 2 Bleft Jefusj Source of ev'ry Grace, From far to view thy fm ili'ng Face, While abfent thus by Faith we live, Exceeds all Joys, that Earth can give. 3 But O ! what Extacy unknown Fills the wide Circle round thy Throne*, Where ev'ry rapt'rous Hour appears Nobler than Millions of our Years ! 4 Millions by Millions multiplied Shall ne'er thy Saints from thee divide $ But II THESSALONIANS. 263 ^But the bright Legions live and praife Thro* all thine own immortal Days. 5 O happy Dead, in Thee that deep, While o'er their mould'ring Duft we weep I O faithful Saviour, who fhalt come That Dull to ranfom from the Tomb ! 6 While thine unerring Word, imparts So rich a Cordial to cur Hearts, Thro' Tears our Triumphs fhall be fhown, Tho' round their Graves, and near our own. CCCTII. Christ glorified and admired in hh Saints at the great Day. 2 Thefs. i. 10. 4 *\7"E Heav'ns, with Sounds of Triumph ring, J[ Ye Angels, burft into a Song > J-efus defcends,. victorious King, And leads his ihining Train along. 2 Ye Saints that fieep in Duft, arife ; Let Joy re-animate your Clay ; "Spring to your Saviour thro' the Skies, And round his Throne your Homage pay* 3 Then let the Sons of Heav'n draw nigh, While to th' aftonifh'd Hofts you tell, How feeble Mortals rofe fo high From Graves and Worms, from Sin and He! J* 4 Tell them, in Accents like their own.. What an incarnate God could do ; Then point to Je/'us eh the Throne, And boaft, that Jefus died for you. 5 Trartfported ?i:L I TIMOTHY, 5 Transported, they no more can hear ; Th :es catch the (acred Name ; Harmonious to Ills Father's Ear, the God, their Harps proclaim. 6 Sin hath its dire;]: Incurfions made, That Then might'ft prove thy Pow'r to lave ; And Death its Enfigns wide difplay'd, That Thou might'fi: triumph o'er the Grave, % dreadful. CCCIV. Christ feen of Angels, i Tim. iii. 16. Ye immortal Throng- Of Angels round the i hrone, Join with our feeble Song To make the Saviour known : On Earth ye knew His wond'rous Grace, His beauteous Face In Heav'n ye view. 2 Ye faw the Heav'n-born Child In human Flefh array'd, Benevolent and mild, "While in the Manger laid ; And Praife to God, And Peace on Earth, For fuch a Birth, Proclaimed aloud. 3 Ye in the Wildernefs Beheld the Tempter fpoiPd, Well known in ev'ry Drefs, In ev'ry Combat foil'd \ And I TIMOTHY. 265 And ioy'd to crown * The Vigor's Head, When Satan fled Before his Frown. 4 Around the bloody Tree Ye prefs'd with ftrong Defim, That wond'rous Sight to fee. The Lord of Life expire ; And, could your Eyes Have known a Tear, Had drop'd it there In fad Surprize. 5 Around his facred Tomb A willing Watch ye keep ; Till the bled Moment come To roufe him from his Sleep : Then roll'd the Stone, And all ador'd Your riling Lord With Joy unknown, tefl all array'd in Light The mining Conqu'ror rode 5 Ye hail'd his rapt'rous Flight Up to the Throne of God $ And wav'd around Your golden Win A.nd ftruck your Strings Of fwecteft Sound. 7 The warbling Notes perfue, And louder Anthems raife ; While Mortals fmg with you Their own Redeemer's Praife I N And 266 II TIMOTHY. And thouf my Heart, With equal Flame, And Joy the fame, Perform thy Part. CCCV. The Stability Gf the divine Foundation^ and its double hifcription. 2 Tim. ii. 19. 1 f I **0 Thee, great Architect, on high, JL Immortal Thanks be paid, Who, to fuppcrt thy finking Saints, This firm Foundation laid. 2 Fix'd en a Rock thy Gofpel (lands, And braves § the Rage of Hell ; And, while the Saviour's Hand protects, His Blood cements it well. 3 Here will I build my final Hope ; Here reft mv weary Soul ; Majcftick fcall the Fabrick * rife, Till Glory crown the whole. 4 Beep on my Heart, All-gracious Lord, Engrave its double Seal ; Which, while it fpeaks thy honour'd Name, 1 Its facred Ufe may tell. 5 Dear by a thoufand tender Bonds Thy Saints to Thee are known ; And, confeious what a Name they bear, Iniquity they fhun. § defies. * Building. cccvi II TIMOTHY. 267 CCCVI. Perfecuticn to be expcfled by every true Chrijiiaiu 2 Tim. iii. 12. 1 ^>*REAT Leader of thine IfraeVs Hoft, \jy We fhout thy conqu'ring Name > Legions of Foes befet Thee round, And Legions fled with Shame. 2 A. Vidt'rv glorious and compleat Thou by thy Death didit gain ; So in thy Caufe may we contend. And Death itfelf fuftain. 3 By cur illuftrious Gen'ral fir'd, We no Extremes would fear ; Prepar'd to ftruggle and to bleed, If thou, our Lord, be near. 4 We'll trace theFootfteps thou haft drawn To Triumph and Renown ; Nor (bun thy Combate and thy Crofs, May we but fhare thy Crown. CCCVII. The Chrlftian Scheme of Sdk worthy of GOD. Hebrews ii. 10. 1 J M MORTAL God, on Thee we call, JL The great Original of all ; Thro' Thee we are, to Thee we tend, Our fure Support, our glorious End. 2 We praife that wife myfterious Grace, That pitied our revolted Race, And Jejus* our victorious Head, The Captain of Salvation made. N 2 3 H came l J Our new-made World t' annoy : A?id Death marcrTd dreadful in his Rear His Captives to deilrcy. -2, Caught in his Snares our Father funk ; With him his Children fell ; And Death his fatal Shaft J prepared To fmite them down to Hell. 3 ye/us with pitying Eye beheld, And left his flarry Crown ; Turn'd his own Weapons on the Foe, And mow'd his Legions down. J Arrow* 4% HEBREW S. 269 4 By Death the Saviour Death difarm'd, That we in Light may ihine ; And fix'd this p;reat mvfterious Law y That Dull fhould Dufi refine. 5 No more the pointed Shaft we fear, Nor dread the Mender's Boaft ; No more the pious Dead we mourn* As Friends for ever loft. 6 Their Tongues, GreatPrince of Life, (hall join With our recover'd Breath, And all th' immortal Hoils, t' afcribe Our Vict'ry to thy Death. CCCIX. An immediate Attention to G Z>'; Voice required. Heb. iii. 15. 1 /Tip HE Lord Jehovah calls, J^ Be ev'ry Ear inclin'd ; May fuch a Voice awake each Heart, And captivate the Mind. 2 If He in Thunder fpeaks, Earth trembles at his Nod ; But gentle Accents here proclaim The condescending God. 3 O harden not your Hearts, But hear his Voice To-day; Left, e'er To-morrow's eariiefi Dawn, He call your Souls away. 4 Almighty God, pronounce The Word of conqu'ring Grace ; N * So Zjo HEBREWS. So fhall the Flint diffolve to Tears, And Scorners feek thy Face. CCCX. The eternal Sabbath. Heb. iv. 9. 1 I O RD of the Sabbath, hear our Vow* JLy On this thy Day, in this thy Houfe $ And own, as grateful Sacrifice, The Songs, which from the Defart rife. 2 Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love; But there's a nobler Reft above ; To that our lab'ring Souls afpke With ardent Pangs of ftrong Defire. 3 No more Fatigue, no more Diftrefs ; Nor Sin nor Hell fhall reach the Place y No Groans to mingle with the Songs, Which warble from immortal Tongues* 4 No rude Alarms of raging Foes ; No Cares to break the long Repofe ; No midnight Shade, no clouded Sun, But (acred high eternal Noon, 5 O long-expeded Day, begin ; Dawn on thefe Realms of Woe and Sh! : Fain v/ou!d we leave this weary Road, And fleep in Death to reft with God. CCCXI. Christ our Forerunner, and the Foun-- dation of our Hope, Heb. vi. 19, 20. I **£E S US the Lord our Souls adore, J A painful Suff'rer now no more \ Hid* HEBREWS. 271 High on his Father's Throne he reigns O'er Earth, and Heav'n's extenhve Plains, His Race forever is compleat ; For ever undifturb'd his Seat ; Myriads of Angels round him fly, And fing his well-g-ain'd Viclory. 3 Yet 'midft the Honours of his Throne, He joys not for himfelf alone ; His meaneft Servants fhare their Part, Share in that royal tender Heart. 4 Raife, raife, my Soul, thy raptur'd Sight With facred Wonder and Delight ; Je r us thine own Forerunner fee Enter' d beyond the Veil for thee. 5 Loud let the howling Tempeft yell, And foaming Waves to Mountains fwell, No Shipwreck can my Veflel fear, Since Hope hath fix'd its Anchor here. CCCXII. The evil Ccnfdence purified by the Bhod of j£SU3. Heb. ix. 13, 14. ^Left be the Lamb, whofe Blood was fpilt To fpr inkle Confcience from its Guilt $ To eafe its Pains, to calm its Fears, And purchafe Grace for future Years. Cleans'd by this all-atoning Blood We joy in free Accefs to God, The living God, before whofe Face Sinners in vain (hall feek a Place. N 4 3 Roufc 272 HEBRE W S. 3 Roufe thee, my Soul, to ferve him ftili With cordial Love, with a&ive Zeal : Serve him, like his own Son divine, Who made his Life the Price of thine, 4 Bleft JefuSj intrcduc'd by Thee, The Father's fmiiing Face I fee ; And ftrengthen'd by thy Grace alone, Thefe grateful Services are done. 5 Then muft my Debt from Day to Day Grow with each Service that I pay ; So grows my Joy, Dear Lord, to be 1 hus more and more in Debt to Thee. CCCXIIT. Death and judgment appointed to alk Heb. ix. 27. TEAV N has confirmed the great Decree, JL "That Adarns Race muft die : One gen'ral Ruin fweeps them down, And low in Duft they lie. 2 Ye living Men, the Tomb fur vey, Where you muft quickly dwell ; Hark how the awful Summons founds In evVy Fun'ral Knell ! 3 Once you muft die, and once for all ; The folemn Purport weigh ; For know, that Heav'n and Hell are hung On that important Day. 4 Thofe Eyes, fo long in Darknefs veil'd, Muft wake the Judge to fee. And HEBREWS. 273 And ev'ry Word, and ev'ry Thought Muft pafs his Scrutiny. O may I in the Judge behold My Saviour and my Friend, And far beyond the Reach of Death With all his Saints afcend. CCCXIV. Christ's ficcnd Appearance, &c. Heb. ix. 28. EH OLD the Son of God appear?, And in his Flefn our Sins he be. The Victim at God's Altar ifood To expiate Guilt by Groans and Blood, But lo, a fecond Time he comes To fhake the Earth, and rend the Tombs ; Thefe Heav'ns before him melt away, And Sun and Stars in Smoke decay. 3 Yet 'midft this general Wreck and Dread, Ye Saints, with Triumph lift the Head j Vv ith glad Surprize your Saviour meet, Who comes to make your Blils compieat, 4 My Soul, an Happinefs fo gre With pleafing Expectation wait ; And while I dwell upon the Thought, Ee Earth and all its Toys forgot. 5 My Saviour God, what Grace is thine, Which gives a Profpefi fo divine ! Come, bleiTed Day, and teach our Tongues How Angels warbie cut their Songs. N 5 CCCXV, 274 H E B R E W S. CCCXV. Liberty to enter thro the Veil ly tM Blood of Christ. Heb. x. 19 — 22. PPROACH, ye Children of your God j Fav'rites of Heav'n, draw near. 5. Enter the Holieft with Delight, Tho' his own Ark be there. 2 Pafs thro' the Veil,, the Saviour's Fleih,, That new and living Way, And Majefty enfhrin'd J in Love Shall gentle Beams difplay. 3 y e f us with Sin-atoning Blood The Throne hath fprinkled o'er; His fragrant Incenfe fpreads its Cloud, And Juftice flames no more. 4 Approach with Boldnefs and with Joy>, But fpotlefs all draw near ; Pure be your Lives from ev'ry Stain,. And e.v'ry Conference clear. 5 So fliall the Bleffings of his Grace On all your Souls diftill, Till each a royal Prieft appears On his cdeftial Hill.. \ furrounded vjith and foftned by. CCCXVI. G D 9 s Fidelity to his Promjm Heb. x. -23. I rT^HE Promifes I fing, J[ Vv bich fov'reign Love hath fpoke ; No* HEBREWS. 275 Nor will th' eternal King His Words of Grace revoke ; They (land fecure, And ftedfaft ftill ; Not Zlons Hill Abides Co fure. 2 The Mountains melt away When once the Judge appears, And Sun and Moon decay, That meafure Mortals Years ; Eut ftill the fame In radiant Lines The Promife mines Thro' all the Flame. 3 Their Harmony fhall found Thro' mine attentive Ears, When Thunders cleave the Groundy, And diffipate the Spheres - y 'Midft all the Shock Of that dread Scene I ftand ferene, Thy Word my Rock, CCCXVIL The Bay approaching, a Motive to Love and PVorJhip, Heb. x. 24, 25. 1 ri \HE Day approacheth, O my Sou!, J^ The great decifr/e Day, Which from the Verge of mortal Life Shall bear thee far away. 2 Another Day more awful dawns ; And lo 3 the Judge appears •> N 6 Ye Ye Heav'nsj retire before his Face, And fmk, ye darken'd Stars, 3 Yet does one fhort preparing Hour, One precious Hour remain ; Roufe thee, my Sou], with all thy Pov/r 3 Nor let it pals in vain. 4 With me my Brethren foon muft die, And at that Bar appear ; Now be our Intercourfe improved To mutual Comfort here. 5 For this, thy Temple, Lord, we throng) For this, thy Board furround ; Here may our Service be approved, And in thy Prefence crown'd. CCCXVIII. Abraham's Faith in leaving his Country at the divine Command. Heb. xi. 8. t T!WT O W let our Songs proclaim abroad Th' unchanging Name of Abrarn'sQQj} $ In him let Abra?ns Children bo aft, Their Father's ever-living Lord, His Shield, his Friend, his great Reward, Who never can deceive their Truft. 2 Call'd by thy Voice, with joyful Speed Ke went, where thou waft pleas'd to Lead, Unknowing in the Path he trod ; His Land, his Kindred ftrove in vain The pious Pilgrim to detain, Propt on the Promife of his God, 3 So HEBREWS. 277 3 So at thy Word the Saint foregoes Each tender Tie, which Nature knows, And hears no other Voice but thine ; Marches, where thou fhalt point the Way 5 Where thou fhalt pitch his Tent, will ftay 5 > And learns his Ifaac to refign. 4 At length, ftill faithful to thine own, Thou call 'ft him to a World unknown^ Thro' Paths untrod by mortal Feet ; Smiling he owns thy Voice in Death, Gives to the Air his fleeting Breath, And finds the Road to- Abrams Seat/ CCCXIX. The GOD of the Patriarchs pre- paring them a City. Heb. xi. 16. Am thy GOD, Jehovah faid To Abrdm^ and his cho fen Seed ; And ftill the fame Relation owns To each of Abr arris faithful Sons. Sovereign of Heav'n, what Works of Love So grand a Title (hall approve ? What fplendid Gifts will God beftow, That all its high Import may know ? Not the rich Flocks and Herds that feed Round Abrams Tents in Mamre's Mead, Not JofepVs Chariot, nor the Throne, Iv'ry and Gold of Solomon. Not Canaaris Plains a Lot can prove Proportion'd to Jehovah's Love 5 Not 278 HEBREWS. Not Zion's facred Mountain, where His Temple glitter'd .like a Star. 5 O'er Ziotfs Mount, o'er Canaan 9 s Plains, Oppreffion now, and Horror reigns ; And where the Throne of David flood, His ruin'd Sepulchre is view'd. 6 'Tis in the Heav'n of Heav'ns alone Thou mak'ftthy won d'rousFriendfhip known 5 A City there thy Hand prepares, Fix'd, as thine own eternal Years. 7 Long as they reign before thy Face, The blifsful Nations fhall confefs, Thy fov'reign Love has there beftow'd Salvation worthy of a God. CCCXX. Mofes's wife Choice. Heb. xi. 26. /f"Y Soul, with all thy waken'd Pow'rs JL Survey the heav'nly Prize ; Nor let thefe glitt'ring Toys of Earth Allure thy wand'ring Eyes. 2 The fplendid Crown, which Mcfes fought, Still beams around his Brow ; Tho' fcon great Pharoafrs fcepter'd Pride Was taught by Death to bow. 3 The Joys and of a Day I chearfully refign ; Rich in that large immortal Store., Secur'd by Grace divine* 4 Le* H E B REWS. 279 4 Let Fools my wifer Choice deride, Angels and God approve; Nor Scorn of Men, nor Rage of Hell My ftedfaft Soul (hall move. 5 With ardent Eye that bright Reward I daily will furvey ; And in the blooming Profpecl: lefe The Sorrows of the Way. CCCXXL. Actings as feeing hirn^ who is Invijt* ble. Heb. xL-27. 1 T^TERNAL, and Immortal King, _!> Thy peerlefs J Splendors none can bear, But Darknefs veils Seraphick Eyes, When God with all his Luftre's there. 2 Yet Faith can pierce the awful Gloom, The great Invijille can fee ; And with its Tremblings mingle Joy In fix'd Regards, Great God, to Thee* 3 Then ev'ry tempting Form of Sin, Sham'd in thy Prefence, difappears ; And all the glowing raptur'd Soul The Likenefs it contemplates wears,, 4 O Evcr-confcious to my Heart, Witnefs to its fupreme Defire, Behold it prefleth on to Thee, For it hath caught the heav'nly Fire. 5 This one Petition would it urge, To bear Thee ever in its Sight $ % unequalled, ¥, 2»o HEBREWS. In Life, in Death, in Worlds unknown, Its only Portion and Delight. CCCXXII. Subjedfion to GOD, the Father of our Spirits. Heb. xii.-g. 1 T7* TERN AL Source of Life and Thought, JLl/ Be all beneath thyfelf forgot -, Whilft Thee, great Parent -Mind, we own In proftrate Homage round thy Throne. 2 Whilft in themfelves our Souls furvey Of Thee foine faint reflected Ray, They wond'ririg to their Father rife ; His Pov/r how vaft ! His Thoughts how wife f 3 Behold us as thine Offspring, Lord, And do not cart us off abhor'd ; Nor let thy Hand, fo long our Joy, Be rais'd in Vengeance to deftroy. 4 O may we live before thy Face, The willing Subjects of thy Grace ; And thro' each Path of Duty move With filial Awe, and filial Love. CCCXXIII. The Immutability cf Christ. Heb. xiii. 8. 1 m \ H 7^ tn Tranfport, Lord, our Souls proclaim V t Th 5 immortal Honours of thy Name : Affembled round our Saviour's Throne We make his ceafelefs Glwies known. 2 High HEBREWS. 281 2 High on his Father's royal Seat Our Jefus fho n e d i - r eat, E'er Adams Clay with Life was w^arm'd,. Or Gabriel's nobler Spirit form'd. 3 Thro' all iueceeding Ages He The fame hath been, the fame {hall be : Immortal Radiance gilds his Head, While Stars and Suns wax old and fade. 4 The fame his Pow'r his Flock to guard \ The fame his Bounty to reward ; The fame his Faithfulnefs and Love To Saints on Earth, and Saints above. 5 Let Nature chr.nge and fmk and die ; Jefus fha!l raife his Chofen high, And fix them near his liable Throne In Glory changelefs as his own. CCCXXIV. Watching for Souls in the View of the great Account. Heb. xiii.-ij. For the Ordination of a Minijlcr* 1 T E T Zjffn's Watchmen ail awake, JL/ And take th'Alarm they give; Now let them from the Mouth of God Their folemn Charge receive. 2 'Tis not a Caufe of fmall Import The Pajiors Care demands ; But what might fill an Angela Hezrt* ill'd a Saviour's Hands. a Tbe y 282 H EBREWS. 3 They wfttch for Souls, for which the Lord Did heav'nly Blifs forego § ; For Souls, which mud for ever live In Raptures, or in Woe. 4 All to the great Tribunal hafle, Th' Account to render there ; And fhauldft thou itricrly mark our Faults,. LoR-D, how fihould we appear ? 5 May they that Jefus, whom they preach, Their own Redeemer fee ; And watch thou daily o'er their Souls, That they may watch for Thee. § fcrfakei l a y afide* CCCXXV. The Chrlfilan perfected by divine Grace through Christ. Heb. xiii. 20, 21. 1 TJI ATHER of Peace, and God of Love, JL* We own thy Pow'r to fave y That Pow'r, by which our Shepherd rofe Victorious o'er the Grave. 2 We triumph in that Shepherd's Name, Still watchful for our Good ; Who brought th' eternal Cov'nant down, And feard it with bis Elood. 3 So may thy Spirit feal my Soul, And mould it to thy Will ; That my fond Heart no more, may ftray, But keep thy Cov'nant ilill. 4 Still J A M E S. 283 4 Still may we gain fuperior Strength, And prefs with Vigour on, Till full Perfection crown our- Hopes, And fix us near thy Throne, CCCXXVI. Chriftians begotten to GOD as the Firji- Fruits cf his Creatures. James i. 18. JT O W to that fov'reign Grace, _ k ^ Whence all our Comforts fpring. Let the whole new-begotten Race Their chearful Praifes bring. 2 His Will firft made the Choice ; His Word the Change hath wrought $ In him our Father we rejoice, Nor be the Name forgot. 3 Lord, for this matchlefs Love, Thou mak'ft thy Children fee, May we from all thy Creatures prove As the Firft-fruits to Thee. 4 Sacred to Thee alone Be ail thefe Pow'rs of mine, Then in the nobieft Senfe mine own,. When moft entirely Thine* CCCXXVII. Looking into the perfefi Law of Liberty and continuing in it. James i. 25. I "O EH OLD the Glafs the Gofpel lends, J3 That Men themfelves may view : H&w 284 JAMES. How free from Stain its Surface is ! How polifh'd, and how true ! 2 Behold that wife, that perfect Law, Which nobleft Freedom gives ; O may it all our Souls refine, And fancStify our Lives ! 3 Not with a tranfient Glance furvey'd, And in an Hour forgot, But deep infcrib'd on ev'ry Heart, To reign o'er ev'ry Thought. 4 Great Author of each perfect Gift,. Thy fov'reign Grace difplay, That thefe rebellious roving Pow'rs May hearken and obey. 5 Infpir'd by Thee, our feeble Souls Shall pafs victorious on ; As the faint dawning Light improves To all the Blaze of Noon. CCCXXVIIL James's Advice to Sinners. James iv. 7, 8. L /^E Sinners, bend your ftubborn Necks Beneath the Yoke divine ; In low Submi Sion bow ye down Before his facred Shrine. 2 In pious Streams your Follies mourn, And feek his injur'd Grace ; And wait with broken Weeding Hearts The Op'nings of his Face. JAMES. 285 3 Refill the Tempter's fierce Attacks, And he Vliali fpeed his Flight : Draw near to God, and his Embrace SL >u with Delight. 4 Ye Sinners, clean fe your fpotted Hands, And purge y om Sin ; Here fix your I *ws, And Peace ihail re n .thin. 5 Bled Saviour, draw us by thy Love, And fix ub by thy Pow r ; When we have felt thefe fweet Confrraints, Our Souls Ihail rove no more. CCCXXIX. The Vanity of worldly Schemes infer- red from the Uncertainty cf Life. James iv. 13, 1 rpO-MCRROW, Lord, istbiR^ J[ Lodged in thy fov'rdgn Hand ; And if its Sun arife and ihine. It fhines by thy Command. 2 The prefent Moment flies, And bears our Life away ; O make thy Servants truly wife, That the e to-day. 3 Since on this winged Hour Eternity is hung, Waken by thine Almighty Pow'r The Aged and the Young. 4 One Thing demands cur Care | O be it ftill perfuM ! Left, a86 I P E T E R. Left, flighted once, the Seafon fair Should never be renew d. 5 To "Jefus may we fly Swift as the Morning-Light, Left Life's young golden Beams fhould die In fudden endlefs Night. CCCXXX. Rejoicing in an unfeen Saviour. i Peter i. 8. 1 "& ft 1 N E inward Joys, fupprefs'd too long, JlVJ Extatick buift into a Song : From Chriji) tho' now unfeen, they rife, And reach his Throne beyond the Skies. 2 His Glories f;rike the wondering Sight Of all the nrft-borri Sons of Light ; Beyond the Seraphim they fhine, Unrivalrd al), and all divine. 3 Yet mortal Worms his Friendfhip boaft, And make his faring Name their Truft : JefuSi my Lord, I know him well ; He refcu'd me from Death and Hell. 4 This finful Heart from God eftrang'd His new-creating Pow.'r hath changM, And, mingling with each fecret Thought, Maintains the Work, which firft it wrought* 5 He gives to fee his Father's Face ; He gives my Soul to thrive in Grace, And brings the Views of Glory down, 1 he Beamings of my heavniy Crown. 6 Thus I PETER. 287 6 Thus entertair/d, while here below Unipeakable my Transports grow ^ New Joys in fwift Succeifion roll, And Glory fills my filent Soul. CCCXXXI. The Heart purified to Love unfeigned by the Spirit. 1 Peter i. 22. R E A T Spirit 0$ immortal Love, Vouch fafe our frozen Hearts to move j With Ardour ftrong thefe Breafts inflame To all that own a Saviour's Name. 2 Still let the heav'nly Fire endure Fervent and vig'rous, true and pure : Let ev'ry Heart and ev'ry Hand Join in the dear fraternal Band %. 3 Ceieftial Dove, defcend, and bring The fmiling BlefEngs on thy Wing ; And make us taftethofe Sweets below, Which in the bliisfull Manilons grow. X brotherly Union. CCCXXXIL Tajiing thai tfc L:rd is gracious. 1 Pet. ii. 3, E S, it is fweet to tai a e his Grace, jht us with his Blood \ My Soul prefers the Re' i:h {till To all created Good. O how I love that vital Word, Which taught me firil to live ! Third 288 I P E T E R, Thirft for that uncorrupled Milk, That I may grow and thrive ! 3 All -gracious Lord 9 inflrucl: us more Thy faying Gifts to know : And let our inmoft Hearts rejoice, That thou haft lov'd us fo. 4 Open thy Stores with lib'ral Hand, That we may daily feaft ; And let each dying Soul around The fweet Salvation tafte. XXCXXXIII. Coming to Christ as a living Stone. I Pet. ii. 4, 5. 1 "^liriTH Extafy of Joy V V Extoll his glorious Name, Who rais'd the fpacious Earth, And rais'd our ruin'd Frame \ He built the Church Who built the Sky, Shout and exalt His Honours high. 2 See the Foundation laid By Pow'r and Love divine ; Jefus, his Firft-born Son, How bright his Glories mine ! Low he defcends, In Duft he lies, That from his Tomb A Church might rife* 3 But I P E T E R. 289 3 But he for ever lives ; Nor for himfelf alone, Each Saint new Life derives From this myfterious Stone ; His Influence darts Thro' ev'ry Soul, And in one Houfe Unites the whole. 4 To him with Joy we move ; In him cemented ftand ; The living Temple grows, And owns the Founder's Hand: That Structure, Lord, Still higher raife, Louder to found Its Builder's Praife. 5 Defcend, and fhed abroad The Tokens of thy Grace, And with more radiant Beams Let Glory fill the Place ; Our joyful Souls Shall p'roftrate fall, And own, our God Is All in All. CCCXXXIV. Christ the Cmier-Sfwe. 1 Pet. ii. 6. compared with t&izh xxviii. 16, 17* O R D, doft thou fhew a Corner-Stone _i For us to build our Hopes upon, That the fair Edifice may rife Sublime in Light beyond the Skies ? O 2 VTt £90 I P E T E R. 2 We own the Work of fov'reign Love; Nor Death nor Hell thofe Hopes (hall move, Which fix'd on this Foundation Hand, Laid by thine own Almighty Hand. 3 Thy People long this Stone have tried, And all the PovvYs of Hell defy'd ; Floods of Temptation beat in vain ; Well doth this Rock the Houie fuftain. 4 When Storms of Wrath around prevail, Whirlwind and Thunder, Fire and Kail, 'Tis here our trembling Souls fliall hide, And here fecurely they abide. 5 While they that fcorn this precious Stone, Fond of fome Quickfand of their own, Borne down by weighty Vengeance die, And buried deep in Ruin lie. CCCXXXV. Christ precious to the Believer. I Pet. ii. 7-. 1 O 3 That 294 I P E T E R. That Hand with Juftice and with Eafr Might fmite our Souls to Hell. 3 Confcious of Meannefs and of Guilt, We in the Duft would lie ; Stretch forth thy condefcending Arm, And lift the humble high. 4 So in the Temples of thy Grace We'll fov'reign Mercy own, And, when we fliftie above the Stars, Extol thy Grace alone. 5 The more thou raife fuch finful Dulr, 1 he lower would it fall ; For lefe than nothing, Lord, are we, And Thou art All in AIL CCCXXXIX. The fame. For a Fajl-Day. \\Jv Souls withRev'rence,Lo r d , bow dowr Struck by the Splendors of thy Throne ; Humbled, while in thy Houfe we (land, Beneath thy great tremendous Hand. 2 That Hand, which bears the fteady Pole, While Nature's Wheels unwearied roll ; That Hand, which gives each Creatuie Fcod. And fills the World with various Good : 3 That Hand, which pierc'd thy darling Son To expiate Crimes, that we had done*: That Hand, which fcatters Grace abroad To turn thy Foes to Sons of God. 4 But O ! with wha£ diftrafled Rage Have we prejfum'd that Hand t* engage ! And I PETER. 295 And, while long Patience hath been fhewn, Struggled to force thy Vengeance down ! 5 Here might thy Wrath begin to flame, And vindicate thine rnjuifd Name : Till the led Thunders of thy Hand Had dealt Deihuitiori round our Land, 6 Wit« humble Hearts our God we meet ; O raife the Suppliants at thy Feet ! And let that glorious Arm this Day Embrace the Rebels it might flay. CCCXL. G D's Care a Remedy fir curs, 1 Pet. v. 7. 1 XT O W £ ent;1ie God's Commands ! £ JL How kind his Precepts are ! cc Come, caA your Burdens on the Lord, " And truft his conftarit Care". 2 While Providence fupporte, Let Saints fecurely dsszil ; That Hand, which bears all Nature up, Shall guide his Children well. 3 Why Should this anxious Load Prefs down your weaiy Mind f Hafte to your heav'nly Father's Throne, And fweet Refrefhment find. 4 His Goodnefs (lands approved Down to the prefent Day ; I'll drop my Burden at his Feet, rig away. O 4 CCCXLL 2 9 6 II P E T E R. CCCXLI. Eji all: foment In Religion from the. C D of Grace^ &c, i Pet. v. l o, 1 1 . , 'O W rich thy Favours, God of Grace? How various and divine ! Full as the Ocean they are pour'd, And bright as Heav'ft they fhine. 2 He to eternal Glory calls, And leads the wondrous Way To his own Palace, where he reigns In uncreated Day. 3 jf*fey ^ ie ^ era 5d of his Love, Difplays the radiant Prize, And fhews the Purchafe of his Blood To our admiring Eyes. 4 He perfects what his Hand begins, And Stone on Stone he lays ; Till firm and fair the Building rife, A Temple to his Praife. 5 The Songs of everlafting Years That Mercy (hall attend, Which leads thro' Sufferings of an Hour To Joys, that never end. CCCXLII. The Circpjrjfances of Christ's fe- cond appearing. 2 Pet. iii. n, 12. Y waken'd Soul, extend thy Wings Beyond the Verge of mortal Things ; See this vain World in Smoke decay, And Rocks and Mountains melt away. 2 Behold II PETE R. 297 2 Behold the fiery Deluge roll Thro' Heav'n's wide Arch from Pole to Pole : Pale Sun, no more thy Luftre boaft ; Tremble and fall, ye ftarry Hoft. 2 This Wreck of Nature all around, The Angel's Shout, the Trumpet's Sound Loud the defcending Judge proclaim. And eccho his tremendous Name. 4 Children of Adam^ all appear With Reverence round his awful Bar ; For, as his Lips pronounce, ye go To endlefs Blifs, or endlefs Woe. 5 Lord, to mine Eyes this Scene difplay Frequent thro' each revolving Dav, And let thy Grace my Soul prepare To meet its full Redemption there. CCCXLIII. The Importance of being prepared for Christ's fecond Appearing. 2 Pet. iii. 14. * ""D EHQLD I come, (the Saviour cries,) jfj " With winged Speed I come y " My Voice fliall call your Souls away " To their eternal Home. 2 cc Awake, Ye Sons of Sloth, awake ; " Your vain Arnufements ceafe, tc And'ftrive with your united Pow'rs, w That ye be found in Peace. 2 " Seize the Weft Hour with ardent HaSe, " Nor flight this peaceful Word, O < « Left 2 9 S II PETE R. " Left your affrighted Souls in vain " Fly from my flaming Sword. 4 " Happy the Man, whofe ready Heart 46 Obeys the facred Call ; u And fhelters in my Cov'nant-Grace 44 His everlaffing All" 5 Bled JefuS) whofe Ail-fearching Eye Mine ilirnoft Pow'rs can fee, Doft Thou not know my wilting Soul Hath -lcdg'd that All with Thee ? k Thefe eager Eyes thy Signal wait; My dear Redeemer, come : I rove a weary Pilgrim here* And long to be at Heme. CCCXLIV. Growing in Grace, &c. 2 Pet. iii. i8* j Y} RAISE to thy Name, Eternal God, JL For all the Grace Thou fhed'il abroad y •For all thine Influence from above To warm our Souls with facred Love. 2 Bleft be thy Hand, which from the Skies. Brought down this Plant of Paradife, And gave its heavYJy Glories Birth, To deck this Wildernefs of Earth. 3 But why does that celefiial Flow'r Open, and thrive, and fhine no more ? Where are its balmy Odours fled ? And why reclines its beauteous Head ? 4 Too pkin alas! the Languor (hews Th'-unkixidly Soil in which it grows 5 Where. I JOHN. 299 Where the black Frofts and beating Storm Wither and rend its tender Form. 5 Unchanging Sun, thy Beams difplay To drive the Frofts and Storms away ; Make all thy potent Virtues known To chear a Plant, lb much thine own. 6 And thou, bleft Spirit, deign to blow Frefh Gales of Heav'n on Shrubs below ; So mall they grow, and breathe abroad A Fragrance grateful to our God. CC C XL V . Experimental Knowledge communicated. I John i. 1 — 3. 1 ^f E S US, mine Advocate above, . / Let me not hear of Thee alone, But make the Wonders of thy Love By dtcp Experience fweetly known. 2 On Thee my Soul would fix its Eves ; My Lips wou!d taire thy heav'nly Grace; Then would I raife thine Honours high, And teach a thoufand Tongues thyPraife. 3 The facred Flame from Heart to Heart Should with a rapid Progrefs run ; Till each in God could boaft his Part, Thro' fweet Communion with his Son. 4 Thus may the Servants of the LoRii Feel the Salvation they proclaim ; And thus mav Crowds receive the Word, And eccho back the Saviour's Name. V O 6 CCCXLVI. S oo I JOHN. CCCXLVI. Communion with GOD and Christ* I John i. -3. kUR heav'nly Father calls, And Chriji invites us near ; With both our Friendfhip fhall be fweef, And our Communion dear. £ God pities all my Griefs ; He pardons ev'ry Day ; Almighty to protect my Soul, And wife to guide my Way, 3 How large his Bounties are ! What various Stores of Good Diftus'd from my Redeemer's Hand*, And purchas'd with his Blood ! «4 y e f uc -> m 7 living Head, I blefs thy faithful Care ; Mine Advocate before the Throne* And my Forerunner there. s 5 Here fix, my roving Heart ; Here wait, my wdrmeft Love, Till the Communion be compleat In nobler Scenes above. CCCXLVII. The Privileges cf Saints by the Bkgd of Jesus, i John i. 7. I "TL yE' Y various Potv'rs, awake J. V i To found redeeming Grace ; To him, that wafVd us in his Jilood, Afcribe eternal Fraili^ 2 What I JOHN. 301 2 What tho' our Guilt appears Dy'd in a Crimfon Grain ? The Stream > that flows from Jefus 9 Side 5 Shall purge away the Stain. 3 'Midfl all our various Forms We in this Center meet ; Our Hearts, cemented by his Bloody Shall tafte Communion fweet. 4 Then let us walk in Light, Like Cbriji^ whofe Name we wear ; And, as the Pledge of endlefs Blifij Our Father's Image bear. CCCXLVIII. The Blocd of Christ deanfing from all Sin, 1 John i. -7. "Y Sins, alas ! how foul the Stains 1 How deep, and O how wide \ O'er my polluted Soul they fpread, In double Crimfon dy'd. 2 How fhall I ftand before that God 3 In whofe All-piercing Sight Some Shades of Darknefs feem to veil The pureft Sons of Light? 3 Where (hall I wafh thefe Spots away 3 And make my Nature clean ? Since Drops of penitential Grief Are tin&ur'd ftill with Sin. 4 Behold a Torrent all divine Flows frQUi the Saviour's Siis 9 362 I JOH N. And ftrangely bears a cryftal Stream Amidit the purple Tide **. 5 Here will I bathe my fpotted Soul, And make it pure and fair ; Till not the Eye of God difeern One foul Pollution there. 6 Then, dreft in Robes of fnowy White, I'll join the fhining Band, And learn new Anthems to the Lamb, While round his Throne we (land. * referring to the Blcod and Water, that came out of Chrift's wcunded bide. John xix. 34. CCCXLIX. Having the &?#, and having Life in him. 1 John v. 12. 1 f^\ Happy Chriftiah, who can feoaft, \..Jr " The Sen of God is mine 5 ' ! Happy, tho' humbled in the Dull:, Rich in this Gift divine. 2 He lives the Life of Hcav'n below, And fhall for ever live ; Eternal Streams from Chiriji (hall flow, And endlefs Vigour give. 3 That Life we afk with bended Knee, Nor will the Lord deny - y Nor will celeftial Mercy fee Its humble Suppliants die. 4 That Life obtain'd, for Praife alone We wiih continual Breath ; And taught by bleft Experience own, That Praife can live in Death. REVELATION. 303 CCCL. Christ the Firjl and the Left, humbled to Death, and exalted to an eternal Triumph over it. fceyeiafTon i. 17, 18. "HatMyft'ries, Lord, in thee combine! Jefus, once mortal, yet divine ! The Firft, "the Laft 3 the End, the Head ; The Source of Life among the Dead. 2 O Love, bevond the Stretch of Thought ! What matchlefs Wonders hath it wrought ! My Faith, while fhe the Grace declares^ Trembles beneath the Lead fhe bears. 3 Hail, royal Conqu'ror o'er the Grave, Tender to pity, itrong to fave ! For ever live, for ever reign, And prolp'rous may thy Throne remain ! 4 Thy Saints, obedient to thy Word, With humble Joy (unround thy Board; And, long as Time perfnes its Race, Proclaim thy Death, and fhout thy G race, 5 In the full Choir, where Angels join Their Harps of Melody divine, Thy Death infpires a Song of Praife, New thro' thy Life's eternal Days. CCCLL The Keys of Death and the unjeen JVorlcl in Christ's Hand. Rev. i. 18. i Y TAIL to the Prince of Life and Peace, Who holds the Keys of Death and Hell ! The 3 o 4 REVELATION. The fpacious World unfecn is his, And fov'reign Pow'r becomes him well. % In Shame and Torment once he died ; But now he lives for evermore : Bow down, ye Saints, around his Seat, And, all ye Angel-Bands, adore, 3 So live for ever, Glorious Lord, To crufh thy Fees, and guard thy Friends ; While all thy chofen Tribes rejoice, * That thy Dominion never ends. 4 Worthy thy Hand to hold the Keys, .Guided by Wifdom, and by Love \ Worthy to rule o'er mortal Life, O'er Worlds below, and Worlds above. ^ When Death thy Servants fhall invade, When Pow'rs of Hell thy Church annoy, Controul'd by Thee, their Rage {ball help The Caufe, they labour'd to deltroy. 6 For everreign, victorious King : Wide thrp' the Earth thy Name be known \ And call my longing Soul to fiiig Sublimer Anthems near thy Throne, CCCLII. Christ's Care of MimjJers and Churches. Rev. i.i. i. r E blefs th' eternal Source of Light, Who makes the Stars to fliine \ And, thro' this dark beclouded World, Diffufeth Rays divine. % We REVELATION. 305 2 We biefs the Churches fov'reign King, Whofe golden Lamps we are ; Fix'd in the Temples of his Love To £hine with Radiance fair. 3 Still be our Purity prefer v'd ; Still fed with Oil the Flame ; And in deep Characters infcrib'd Our heav'niy Mailer's Name, 4 Then, white between our Ranks he walks And all our State furveys, His Smiles (hall with new Luftre deck The People of his Praife* CCCLIII. The Chr'JIian TVarrlor animated and! crowned. Rev. ii. -10. *ARK ! T/s our heav'niy Leader's Voice From his triumphant Seat : lidfi all the War's tumultuous Noife, How pow'rful, and how fweet ! " Fight on, my faithful Band, (he cries} " Nor fear the mortal Blow : " Who firft in fuch a Warfare dies " Shall fpeedieft VicTry know. 6< I have my Davs of Combate known, " And in the Dufi: was laid, " But thence I mounted to my Throne, Ci And Glory crowns my Head. " That Throne, that Glory you fhall fhare ; ** My Hands the Crown {hall give ; "And 306 REVELATION. " And you the fparkling Hofiours wear, " While God himielf {hall live". 5 Lord, 'tis enough ; our Bofoms glow With Courage, and with Love : Thine Hand (ball bear thy Soldiers thro', And raiie their Heads above. 6 My Soul, while Deaths befet rne round, Erects her ardent Eyes, And long?, thro' fome illufrrious Wound, To rufh and feize the Prize. CCCLIV. The Pillar in GOD's heavenly Temple with its Infer iptiQn. Rev. iii. 12. i /% LL-HAIL, victorious Saviour, hail ! J~\_ I bow to thy Command ; And own, that Davids ro\ai Key- Well fits thy ibv're'gn Hand. 2 Open the Treafures of thy Love, And filed thy Gifts abroad ; Unveil to my rejoicing Eyes The Tetopfe of my God. 3 There as a Pillar let me frand On an eternal Bafe § ; Uprear'd by thine almighty Hand, And poliih'd by thy Grace. 4 There deep engraven let me bear The Title cf thy God ; And mark the new ytrujhlrtri) As my fee ure Abode. & Foundation. 5 In REVELATION. 307 5 In lairing Characters infcribe Thine own beloved Name, That endiefs Ages tiiere may read The great Emanuel s Ckim. 6 Lead on, my Gen'ra!, I defy What Earth or Hefi can do ; Thy Conduct, and this glorious Hope Shall bear thy Soldier thro'. CCCLV. GOD's Covenant unchangeable, or The Rainbow round about the Throne. Rev* iv.-3« compared ivith Gen. ix. 15 — 17. 1 Q UPREME cf Beings, with Delight ^ Our Eyes furvey this heav nly Sight ; And trace with Admiration fweet The beaming Splendors of thy Feet. 2 Jafper and Sapphire drive in vain To paint the Glories of thy Train ; Thy Robes al! ftream eternal Light, Too powerful for a Cherub's Sight. 3 Yet round thy Throne the Rainbow fhines, Fair Emblem of thy kind Defigns : Bright Pledge, that fpeaks thy (Jov'nant fure Long as thy Kingdom fhall endure. 4 No more fhall Deluges of Wee Thy new-created World o'erflow ; ye/us? our Sun, his Beams difplays, And gdds the Clouds with beauteous Rays. 5 No Gems fo bright, no Forms fo fair ; Mercy and Truth &]] triumph there : Thy 3 o8 REVELATION. Thy Saints {hall blefs the peaceful Sign, When Stars and Suns forget to fhine. 6 Ev'n here, while Storms and gloomy Shade, And Horrors all the Scene o'erfpread, Faith views the Throne with piercing Eye, And boafts, the Rainbow ftill is nigh. CCCLVL Viftory over Satan by the Blood of the Lamby and the iVord of the Tejiimony of his Servants. Rev. xii. n. •s E E the old Dragon from his Throne Banifh'd from Heav'n, and doom'd to dwell Deep in the fiery Gloom of Hell ! 2 Ye Heav'ns with all your Hofts, rejoice : Ye Saints, in Confort lend your Voice : Approach your Lord's victorious Seat, And tread the Foe beneath your FeeU 3 But whence a Con que ft fo divine Gain'd by fuch feeble Hands as mine ? Or whence can finful Mortals boafc O'er Satan and his rebel Hoft I 4 'Twas from thy Blood, Thou flaughter'd Lamb, That all our Palms and Triumphs came ; Thy Crcfe> thy Spear inflicts the Stroke, By which the Monfter's Head is broke. 5 Thy faithful Word our Hope maintains Thro' all our Combate and our Pains ; The Accents of thy. heav'nly Breath Thy Soldiers bear thro' Wounds and Death. 6 Tri- REVELATION. 309 6 Triumphant Lamb, in Worlds unknown, With Transport round, thy radiant Throne, Thy happy Legions, all ccmpleat, Shall lay their Laurels at thy Feet, CCCLVII. Tie Sot?g of Mzfcs and the Lamb. Rev. xv. 3. r jTrJeL, thy XHfepte bring X To God's victorious Name ; The Song of Mcfes fing, Ox Mcfc> and the Lamb : Improve his Lays % ; The Theme exceeds, And nobler Deeds Demand our Praife. X The Prince of Hell arofe With impious Rage and Pride, And 'midil: our num'rous Foes Our feeble Pcw'r cbfVd ; Ci I wi!l overtake, <-'- And I def roy, Ci My Hand with jov " Shall force thee back". 3 Th Almighty Lord, Thy trembling Ifraei faves \ Thine unrefifted Word Divides the threatriing Waves: , Hofts pais o'er ; The Foe overthrown Sinks like a Stone To rife no m ore'. X Songs of Praife. 4 Oui 3 to REVELATION. 4 Our Triumphs we prepare, And ch ear ful Anthems raife i Jehovah's Arm made bare Demands immortal Praife j And while we img, Ye Shores, proclaim His wondrous Name, Ye Defarts, ring. 5 Thro' all the Wildernefs Thy Prefence, Lord, fhall lead ; And bring us to the Place, Thy fovVeign Love decreed - 9 Thofe blifsful Plains, Where all around Hofimnas found, And Tranfport reigns. CCCLVIII. The Congue/i of Death and Grief by Views of the heavenly State. Rev. xxi. 4. I FT up, ye Saints, your weeping Eyes, L*/ Sufpend your Sorrows and your Sighs 5 Turn all your Groans to joyful Songs, Which Jefus dictates to your Tongues. Thus faith the Saviour from his Throne, " Behold all former Things are gone, 44 Pail like an anxious Dream away, 44 Chas'd by the golden Beams of Day. u See in ce'eftia! Pomp array'd cc A new- created World difp'ay'd ; " Mark with what Light its Profpects flvne \ 44 How grand, how various, how divine ! 4 There REVELATION. 311 cc There mine own gentle Hand fliall dry " Each Tear from each overflowing Eye, " And open wide my friendly Breaft " To lull the weary Soul to Reft. cc No more (hall Grief aflail your Heart, " No boding Fear, no piercing Smart ; " For ever there my People dwell " Beyond the Range of Death and Hell". 6 Vain King of Terrors, boafl no more Thine ancient wide -extended Pow'r ; Each Saint in Life with Chriji his Head Shall reign, when thou thyfelf art dead. CCCLIX. Christ the Root and Offspring of David, and the Morning-Sim:. Rev. xxii -16. 1 A LLMATL, myjlerious King ! I %. Hail, David i ancient Root ! Thou righteous Branch, which thence didft To give the Nations Fruit. [fpringja 2 Our weary Souls ft. all reft Beneath thy grateful Shade ; Ou- thirfting Lips Salvation tafte ; Our fainung Hearts are glad. 3 Fair Morning-Star, a rife, With ;iving Glories bright, And pour on the.'e awak'ning Eyes A Flood of facred Light. 4 The horrid Gloom is fled, FicfcM by thy beauteous Ray * Shine 3i2 REVELATION. Shine, and our wand'ring Footfteps lead To everlafting Day, CCCLX. Christ's Invitations ecchoed back &c. Rev. xxii. 17. 'OW free the Fountain flows Of endlefs Life and Joy ! That Spring, which no Confinement knows, Whole Waters never cloy ! How fweet the Accents found From the Redeemer's Tongue ! (REAT God of Heav'n and Nature, rife, \J And hear our loud united Griesx See Britain bow before thy Face Thro' all her Coafts, and feek thy Grace. 2 No Arm of Flefh we make our Trult; Nor Sword, nor Horfe, nor Ships we boaft : Thine is the Land, and thine the Main, And human Force and Skill is vain. 3- Our Guilt might draw thy Vengeance down On ev'ry Shore, on ev'ry Town ; But view us, Lord, with pitying Eye, And lay thy lifted Thunder by. P 6 4 Forgive 324 HYMNS on- 4 Forgive the Follies of our Times; And purge our Land from all its Crimes |* Reform'd and decked with Grace divine,. Let Princes Priefts and People fhine. 5 O may no GoD-provoking Sin Thro' all our Camps and Navies reign ; No foul Reproach, to drive from thence Our fureft Glory and Defence. 6 So fhall our God delight to blefs, And crown our Arms with wide Succefs : Our Foes fhall dread Jehovah's Sword, And conqu'ring Britain fhout the Lord. CCCLXIX. Thank/giving for National Deliver- ance* and Improvement ef it. ALVATION doth to God belong ; J His Pow'r and Grace fhall be our Song j His Hand hath dealt a fecret Blow, And Terror ilrikes the haughty Foe. a Praife to the Lord, who bows his Ear Propitious to his People's Pray r ; And, the' Deli v'ra nee long delay, Anfwers in his well-chofen Day. 3 O may thy Grace our Land engage, ( Releu'd from fierce tyrannic Rage,.) The Tribute of its Love to bring To Thee, cur Saviour, and our King ! 4 Our Temple?, guarded from the Flame, Shall erxho thy triumphant Name^ And - 1 Particular Occasions. 325 And ev'ry peaceful private Home To Thee a Temple fliall become. Still be it our fupreme Delight Tc walk as in tt\y honoured Sight: Still in thy Precepts and thy Fear To Life's laft Hour to perfevere. CCCLXX. A Church JeeBng DireStim from God in the Choice of a Pa/lor. 1 Q-H E P H E R D of JfraeU bend thine Ear, ij Thy Servants Groans indulgent hear; Perplex'd, diftrefs'd, to Thee we cry, And leek the Guidance of thine Eye. 2 Thy comprehenfive View furveys Our wand'ring Paths, our tracklefs Ways; Send forth, O Lord, thy Truth and Light* To guide our doubtful Footfteps right, 3 With longing Eyes, behold, we wait In fuppliant Crouds at Mercy's Gate: Our drooping Hearts, O God, fufrain; Shall Ifraelfeek thy Face in vain ? 4 O Lord, in Ways of Peace return, Nor let thy Flock neglected mourn; May our bleft Eyes a Shepherd fee, Dear to our Souls, and dear to Thee. 5 Fed by his Care, our Tongues fhall raife A chearful Tribute to thy Praife; Our Children learn the grateful Song, And theirs the chearful Notes prolong. THE END. A N I | O R TABLE to find an Hymn by the Title or Contents of" it* or an Hymn iuiied to Particular Subjects and Occasions. N. B. The Figures refer to the Hymns. AARON'S Breaftplate 8. Abiding in Chriji 237, 238. Abraham's Care cf his Family 2. Faith in leav- ing his Country 318. GW, his God 3 1 9. /A terceffion for Sodom 3. Abfence of God dreadful 18, 157. Activity in Religion 199, 21c. rewarded 1 7 2, Adam, the Firji and Second 270. Adopting Love 124, 281. Afflictions, improved 159. moderated 92, faluta- ry 143. fubmitud io 42. fucceeded byfey 66. Zy Rejl and Happinefs hi Heaven 212, 310, 358* Angels, Chriji fc en of them 304. their Head* Reply to thofe who fought Chriji 194. 5w2g- tf/ Chri/fs Birth 200, 20 1. Appeal / 193. Chrijtians com pleat in hiiji 299. his Con- quells 4i> 3563 357, the Door 228. ourFere- runner 1 N D E X. rurtner jriv forfaken' by his Difciples 191. by his Father 192, 193. his Flock comforted 208. humbled and exalted 1 39, 350. his lnterceflion 8. his Invitations 74, 224, 225, 360. living to him 276. the Lord our Right eoufnefs 132. lov- ing him 239, 246. his MefFage 203. his Na- tivity 200,201. Prayer for his Enemies 2 1 7. precious to Believers 335. his Prefence with his Churches 195, 352. a Prince and Saviour 248. rejoiced in tho y unfeen 330. his Refurrection 194, 218. Chriflians n fen and exalted with him 287. Root of David 359. San£tification by him 242, 266. Security in him 336. his Sheep 230, 231, 232. Morning-Stzr 359. Steward of God's Family 85. Stone living and corner 333, 334. his SubmifTion 190. Sun of Right eoufnefs 173. his Tr an sfi gu r a ti on 183. his Triumph 41. unchangeable 323. Union with him 267. our Wifdom, Righteoufnefs^ &c„ 266. Chriftians, fee Saints. Church, Birth-place of * the Saints 49. Glory in the latter Day 118. ChrijTs Prefence with it T95. Ctfr* 0/// 352. itsProfperity, a Mimjler s Hap- pinefs 301. purified and guarded 107- its Secu~ rity 182. praying fr a Paftor 13, 370. Comfort in God 20. /4 /£* childiefs 112, under Death of Friends 236, 26c, 302. 5> 196. £»/>- /wr/ wi /7 22, 32, 45. uncertain Time cf it 130, 134; 3 2 9- . Delaying S'mners admonijhed 12*] y 13c, 256, 292, 309, 329. Deliverance celebrated 58, 59, 60, 364/ pub lick . 272,369. fpiritual 1055204. Defires !«*#«§ /a God 39. &* Prayer, v Devil, fee Satan* Devotion INDEX. Devotion, daily 79. fecret 177. an Evidence of jf- depticn 281. 5^ Praver. Diligence, chri/iian 1 99, 2 1 0, 296, E EDucation, good 2. bad 141. Enemies of God deflroyed 44. ofChriff dc~ Jlroyed 2 1 3. his Prayer for them 217. of the Churchy rejirained 46. Defence againfl them 95* Z07;* / 334- Frailty of Man, and God's Pity 55. Fruitfulnefs cf Chriffians 237, 240. Funeral Hymns 17, 25, 27, 32, 42, 196, 208, 215, 260, 295, 302. See Death, Grave, Re- furred ion. G GEnerations, fucceeding, fuppcrted by God 51, pafftng away 164. Gentiles, Chrijl the Light cf them 202. united to the Church 113, 284. Glory, divine^ Mofes' View of it II. future, fee Heaven. Glorying in God alone 128. God, his Bleffing defireable 53. his Compaifion 55j 109? *53« b*' s Complacency in his People 38." in their Profperity 37. in his Thoughts of Peace 135. in the Salvation of his Church 163. the Dwelling-PIace of his People 51. his Eter- nity 54. his Faithfulneis 269, 316, 355. the God of the Patriarchs 319. his Goodnefs to Saints 34. to all Creatures 56. crowning the Year 43. ever^enduring 67. relijhed 35. his Greatnefs 97. the Happinefs cf his People 45. his INDEX. his Juflice and Mercy 12. bis Knowledge of our Days 38. of our Diftrefs 39. of cur Frame 55. his Love in Cbrift 220. bis pardoning Mercy 28, 50, 103, 160. his Name procla'nn- ed 12. Truji in it 30. bis People bis Portion 14. our Portion here and hereafter 4.5. his Prefence defireable 10. with bis Saints 38. our Preferver 102. our Prote&or 31, 340. his Providence 47. its Bounties 176, 297. the Salvation of his People 36, 125. our Shepherd 144. fhining into the Heart 274. fpeaking Peace 48, 109, 114. Support in him 15, 45. unchangeable 54. unknown 253. waiting to be . gracious 93. Goodnefs of God for Time and Eternity 34. crowning the Tear 43. everlajiing 67. tajled 35. univerfal 56. Gofpel, its happy Effects 86, io~0, ill. its Feaft 211. a Law of Liberty 327. zVj Prcgrefs de- Jired 120, 121. ifr grand Scheme 284. its joyful Sound 50. its Treafure in earthen Vejfels 275. Government cfGod } Zion's Joy 108. of Cbriji 85,. 351. over Death and the unfeen World 351. Grace, growing in it 344. pardoning .103, i6o. perfecting 325. gu tokening 62. faved by it 286. Gratitude, the Spring of Religion 152. £W Praife. Grave, rH Solitude 25, 27. ChrijTs Triumph over it 194, 350, 351. />y yir /£ Ghrifl INDEX. Chrijt 202. everla fling from God 1 1 9. cf good Examples 175. Living to Chrijt 276,294. by Faith in him 280. to God hereafter 215. Love of God in fending his Son 220. in giving all Things with him 261. fed abroad 259. of Chrift, in jninijtring to Men 184. in giving kirn- jef for them 184, 291, 293. to Chrijt expreffed 335. continued in 239. Appeal to him for its Sincerity 246. to Men 291. unfeigned 331. to Enemies 217. M MAjeHyofGod 97. Man ff rail and mortal 27 0. frail, but God eternal 54. Marriage, fplriiual 293. Meditation and Retirc?nent 29* Meek, their Happinefs 72. Mercy, pardoning 103, 1 60. defpifed 258. SV$ Compaflion. Military OA 366. Minifters, under ChrijVs Care 352. GSr^f ever vjith them 195. comforted^ that they may com- fort others 271. Comfort on their D tat h ij 9 187, 195, 275. faithful, promcied to join the Angels 166. frail and weak 275. given by God 123. the Church's Profperity their Happinefs 30 1 . fweet Savour to God 273. fought f om God 13, 370. watching fin* Sauls 324. willing to be em* ployed 82. <&, but the Gofp el lives 275. Mimftry infant ed 289. Chriffs unfuccefsfid 1 04, Miracles yir Ifiael /« */;* JVildcrncfs 47, Msderatien, chriftim 268* Morning INDEX. -Morning Hymn 362. Mortality, fee Man, Death. Moses, his wife Choice 320 his Regard to tie invifible God 321. his Song 357. his View of the divine Glory 1 1 . Mourners comforted 66, 196, 302. See Comfort^ Support. Multitude not to befoikived to Evil 7, N NAtional Sins lamented 140. Deliverances ce- lebrated 272, 369, Natu: e /? Revival of Religion 120, 121. Houfe of Prayer Preparation to meet God 156. for ChryTs fccondL Coming 317, 343. Prefence of God defir cable 10. of Chrijl with hi$ Churches 17, 195. Prefervation, from God 31, 95, 102, 257. Pride punijhed 26. Prifoners, fpiritual delivered 105, 169, 20 Z. Q, * y . Prfi INDE X. Privileges mi/improved 127. rf Chriji ians h the Blocdof Chrift 287, 288, 347, 348, 356". Promife?, God's Fidelity to them 316, 355. Profperitv/rs;/z God 53. . ?:ot to be expected by Re- ich agairjl him 26. dreadful, if ah fed 112. Providence 108. followed 318. its Bounties i$f} t 297. iisMyfteries to be cleared up hereafter 212, a 3+ . ^ QUickning Grace clef red 62. Quietnefs under Trouble 42. R Ace, the Christian 296. Chriji our Forerunner in it 311. Raiment, fpiritual 132, 165. Rainbow around the Throne 355. Rebels agairjl God warned 44. punifed 26, 156, agairjl Chrifl executed 213. Rebellion, impudent 136. Hymn fr Deliverance from it 46. Recovery /5\?/w Sichnefs 58, 59, 6c, 364, Redemption /;r Chriji 17c, 220, 227, 266. Rejoicing in G:d ami 'djt Poverty Id. i>i Chriji tfh* irfecn 3 30. /« «/r Gomkaut-Ezg&gfmentt 22. & $* /'/Vzc; 5/* Death and judgment 314, 361. Seejuy. Religion, revived 146. Aclivity in it 172. h:c r n- jlaney in it 151. Gratitude the Spj ing of it 152. Repentance commanded to all 2^4. £/>* Means of Pardon 28. producing Humility and Submijpon ,149* * Refi2;nation 5 /k Patience, Subrnifilon. Reft, INDEX. Reft, the holy Soul's in God 57. remaining for God's People 310. Refurrection of Chrijl 194,218. of Chrijlians 89, 260, 270, 287. by the Spirit 260. Retirement, and Self Examination 29. Returning to God 122, 126, 149. Revival of Religion attempted 172. prayed for 120, 121. Riches, *A#/r Vanity 63, 212. Defire of them mo* derated 268# everlajling^ obtained by Charity 209. Righteous ^«, y?^ Saints. Righteoufnefs from Chrijl 132, 165, 266, 274* Rod of Gcd heard 159. its good Effects 143. S Abbath, the eternal 310. Sacrifice of Chrijl 22c, 291. See Blood, the living 263. Safety in Gcd 31, 9c, 95, 98, 102. in the Way? of Religion 96 Saints, their Excellency 77, 78. their Happinefs 16, 38. God's Portion 14. their Profpccls for Time and Eternity 33, 45. *A#/V Sentence and final Happinefs 187. Chrijl glorified in them 303. tfW Sinners different Vievjs in Time of Danger, 94, differ pit End 212. Salvation approaching 264. beautifying the Meek 72. e'jerlajiing 310, 314. SV* Heaven. j&WH GW 36. God magnified for it 40. [peaking it to his People 36. by Grace 286. /£dri 52. Victory celebrated 46; 2 7 2^369. fpiritual^ fee Satan. Vine INDEX. Vine, Chrijl the true 237. abiding in him 237, 2 3 8 - Vineyard of God 81. its Unfruitfuhefs {.unified 174- Unbelief and Faith Jirugglirg 197. Urichangeablcnefs of God 54. of CkHJl 323. 0/° l : > 3. Vv.ce of Chrijl calling Alen 74. 0/ GW /