l/..Â/..oC PRINCETON, N. J. ^ Presented byTTX-r^.C^X-VAoNc^ Ô\vAV^,oV. ^' BX 9427 .C427 1869 Chajrleston (S. C. ). French Protestant Church. The liturgy of the French Protestant church MBRARY OF PRINCETON FEB -9 2005 THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ^KA„VtL tu^ ^ f / l> ■^ V \ J^^ \ '^ THE LITURGY FRENCH PROTESTANT CHURCH, TRANSLATED FROM THE EDITIONS OF 1737 AND 1772, PUBLISHED AT NEUCHATEL, WITH ADDITIONAL PRAYERS CAREFULLY SELECTED, AND SOME ALTERATIONS. ARRANGED FOR THE USE OF THE CONGREGATION V CITY OF CHARLESTON, S. C. NEW YORK: CHARLES M. CORNWELL, STEAM PRINTER, No. 247 Pkarl Street. 1869. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1838, by the "French Protestant Church," of the Cil y of Charleston, in the Cleric's Office of the District of Sonth Carolina. REPRINT OF THE EDITION OF 1836. fc' LIBRARY OF PRINCETON FEB -9 2005 1 THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Preface to the First Edition, published in 1713 V. Table of Lessons for Special Occa- sions xviii. General Directions xxxiii. TRAYEES. PAUT I. Morning Service for the Lord's Day. . . 1 The Commandments from Ex. Ch. 20 ; and Summarj'- of the Law from St. Matthew's Gospel 8 Afternoon Service lor the Lord's Day. 10 PART II. Services for Week Days, viz : For Morning with a Sermon 15 For Morning or Afternoon without a Sermon 20 For Afternoon with or without a Ser- mon 26 Service for Days of Public Humilia- tion ' 32 PART III. Section 1. — Prayers for Slated Occa- sions, to he used as ]?art of the Morn- iriff Service, viz : For the Day of the Nativity 41 For the two Sundays during the Holy Days of the Nativity 42 For the First Day of the Year 44 For Palm Sunday 45 For the Day of the Crueifixiou 45 For the Resurrection 47 For Ascension Daj' 48 For Pentecost 49 For the Holy Daj-s of September 50 For the Preparatory Service before Communion Day 51 Prayer for Thanksgiving Daj- 52 PAGE. Section 2.— Collects for Slated Occa- sions—winch may be substituted for the correspondivg prayers in Section 1, or may be used in the Afternoon Service, viz : For Communion Days 55 For the Nati vitj' 55 For the Day of the Nativity 55 For tlie Last Day of the Year and for New Year's Day 56 For the Cruciiixion 56 For the Resurrection 57 For the Ascension 57 For Pentecost 57 For the Communion at Holy Days of September 57 Section Z.— Occasional Prayers and ThanJcsgivings, viz: PRAYERS. For a Person or Persons to be Or- dained 59 For Missionaries 59 For the Spirit of Christian Love 60 For Profitable Meditation on the Works of Creation and Redemp- tion 60 For Rain 61 For Fair Weather 61 In Times of Dearth and Famine 62 In Time of War 62 In Times of Great Sickness and Mor- tality 63 For Congress During its Session 63 For a Person Expecting or Under Sen- tence of Death 64 For a Sick Person 65 For H Sick Child 66 For a Person or Persons under Afflic- tion 66 IV. TABLE 0¥ CONTENTS. For a Person or Persons going or gone to Sea 66 THANKSGIVINGS. For Rain 67 For Fair Weather 67 For Abundance 68 For Peace 68 For Delivei-ance from Great Siclvness and Mortality 68 For Recovery from Sickness 69 For Recoveiy of a Child from Sick- ness 69 For Safe Return from Sea 70 For Deliverance in Time of Anxiety and Danger 70 Section 4:.— Concluding Prayers: For Love to God and Sj^iritual Nour- ishment 71 For Imitation of Christ 71 For Imitation of Christ 71 For Purity of Thought 71 For Divine Compassion and Blessing. 72 For Grace, Mercy and Direction 7'2 For Grace and Acceptance 72 For Grace and Heavenly Treasures. . . 72 For Help and Protection 73 For Truth and Life Everlasting 73 For Penitence and Pardon 73 For Pardon and Blessing 73 For the Church 74 For the Church 74 For a Blessing on the Services of the Day Î 74 For a Blessing on the Services of the Day 74 For a Blessing on the Instruction of the Day 75 Section 5. — Family Prayers: For Morning 76 For Evening 77 PART IV. Section 1 : Tlie Liturgy of Baptism 79 The Liturgy of Confirmation 81 Section 2: The Liturgy of the Holy Supper 84 Section 3: Service for Occasions of Catechetical Instrviction 93 Section 4: The Liturgy of Marriage 95 Section 5: The Service tor the Burial of the Dead 98 part v. The Canticles, viz : Nineteen Canticles for the Ordinary Service from page 10.5-120 Twenty-eigJd Canticles for Holy Days and Particular Occasions, viz : •:0— For the Eve of the Nativity 121 21— For the Day of the Nativity 122 22— For the Day of the Nativity 122 23— For the Day of the Nativity 123 24— For the Day after the Nativity 124 25 — For the Crucifixion '125 26— For the Crucifixion 125 27 — For the Resurrection 126 28— For the Resurrection 127 29— For the Resurrection 128 30— For the Resurrection 129 31— For the Ascension 130 32 — For the Eve of the Ascension and Day After 131 33— For Pentecost 131 34— For Pentecost 132 35— For Pentecost 133 36— For Pentecost , 134 37— For Pentecost 135 38-For the Holy Days of September. 136 39— For the Holy Days of September. 137 40— For the Holy Days of September. 138 41. .For the Holy Days of September. 138 42. .For the Holy Days of September. 139 43— For the Communion 140 44. .For the Communion 141 45 . . For the Communion 142 46. .For the Communion 142 47 . . For the Communion 143 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. PUBLISHED IN 171.^ The Churches in the Principality of Neuchatel and Yalengin, began some years since to establish the Liturgy, which is now presented to the pubhc. In order that it might appear in a better state, it was deemed advisable that some time should elapse before its publication. The resolution has at length been taken to print it, in conformity with the wish of many, who have desh^ed that it should be made public. It is not necessary here to enlarge on the utility and antiquity of Liturgies, or to explain how important it is, that the mode of celebrating divine service should be well regulated. None can doubt that St. Paul's maxim, "Let all things be done decently and in order," («) is applicable to the worship of God in the religious assemblies of Christians. This worship is of the greatest consequence in religion, because it consists chiefly in serving God, in adoring him, in giving him thanks, and in calling upon him. Hence it is indispensable, that di\dne ser- vice should be so performed, as to be most worthy of that infinite Being, and best adapted to raise men to him, and to fill them with reverence and love for his Supreme Majesty. (a). 1 Epis. Cor, Ch. xvi., v.; 40. The attainment, however, of this end is difficult, unless there be an established form of public worship. "When the order of divine service is settled, it is celebrated as well by the Minister as by the People, in a manner more edifying, grave and decorous, than when it is entrusted to the discretion of the Clergy. The preservation of uniformity in worship, is another valuable consequence of Liturgies. And if they conform to the spirit of the Gospel, they exert also a salutary influence in excluding from the Church practices and opinions inconsistent with the purity of E-eligion. These and some other considerations have satisfied the Pas- tors of the Churches of Neuchatel and of Valengin, that they should contribute to the edification of their floclcs, by settling the forms and order of their Liturgy, and by imitating, in this particular, the example of most Protestant Churches, and especially of the Churches of Switzerland, whose Liturgies are all printed. That which is here given to the pubhc, contains firsts the form of divine service for Sundays, and for week days, when a sermon is pi'eached ; afterwards the prayers for divers occasions, whether before* or after the sermon ; in the third place, the manner of celebrating divine service, morning and afternoon, when there is no preaching ; in the last place, the formularies for the celebration of the sacraments, for the solemnization of matrimony, for the admission of catechumens, and for the reconciliation of penitents, [a). To set forth here all the reflections which might be made on the difl'erent parts of this Liturgy, is unnecessary. It has been judged advisable, however, to say something on the objects (a). When this Liturgy was first piihlished, certain scandalous Sinners, who had been exchided from the Church, Avere received again into its peace ; but this practice hath been abolished for reasons, which it is useless to mention : and the formulary only serves for individuals, at the meeting of the consistory, where it has been preserved. PEEFACE. proposed, and on the method which has been followed in its composition. This Liturgy has been formed, as far as practicable, from the Scriptures, and from ancient and modern Liturgies. The Scriptures, especially, have been consulted ; for as they are the sole rule of our faith, so are they the only perfect guide to the true mode of serving God. This course has been chiefly pur- sued in the Canticles for the ordinary Morning and Afternoon Service. They have been drawn, almost word for word, from the Sacred Volume, and especial care hath been taken, that they should embrace those excellent passages of the New Testament, which relate to Jesus Christ, and our redeuiption. This has been thought the more necessary ; because hitherto, our Churches have not had, like other Protestant Churches, any Christian Canticles, and we have, therefore, sung only those of the book of Psalms, {a). It is, moreover, undeniable, that if the Jews praised God for the favors, which he had granted to their nation, and if they shewed forth his benefits in their songs, Christians are under still higher obligations to bless God, through Jesus Christ, to celebrate the holy name of their Eedeemer, to sing his praises, and to speak in their Hymns of all that he hath done for them, of his coming into the world of his sufferings, of his resurrection, of his ascension, of his last and glorious advent, and of the salvation which he hath purchased for them. {h). The Apostles do expressly command Christians to praise God our Father, through Jesus Christ his Son : and their writings abound with praises and thanksgivings, which ouo-ht to be without ceasing in the mouths and hearts of the faithful. Authors who wrote in the second century, and on whom we (a). Since the first edition of this work, several canticles, written hy different authors have hecome a part of public worship, and are sung on the principal solemnities, instead of the Psalms of David, which are reserved for ordinary occasions. (b). Ep. Eph. i., 3; and v., 19. Coloss. iii., 16. 1 Pet. i., 3. Apoc. i., 6, &c. PREFACE. may rely, (a) inform us that tlie first Christians in their assemblies sang hymns to Jesus Christ as to a God, and that in the celebration of the Eucharist, God, the Father of all things was praised and glorified, through the Son and Holy Spirit. Much more might be said upon this subject, but the reader is referred to the preface, which is at the head of the Christian Canticles, lately introduced by the Church of Geneva into their worship. In the Canticles of this Liturgy are collected the principal passages of the New Testament, which can be embodied in the worship of Christians ; and they have been interspersed among those of the old. These passages being very numerous, several Canticles have been composed, as well for the ordinary service as for particular occasions. After the Scriptures, the best Liturgies, both ancient and modern, have been consulted. Several formularies, previously adopted in the Churches of this country, have been retained, and in many respects a conformity has been observed to the order already established therein ; and from other Liturgies, especially the ancient, whatever appeared the most edifying has been selected. In matters of worship, the practice of the past ages of the ChuTch is entitled to great consideration ; and it must be confessed that in the prayers of the Primitive Christians, their spirituality and simplicity are very remarkable. Besides, who can doubt that whatever weis done in those days, and had been established by the successors of the Apostles, did conform to the spirit of the Gospel, and ought to command the respect of all Christians. The customs of the Churches did indeed afterwards vary exceedingly. Primitive simpHcity was departed from, and Liturgies were burthened with many things, not merely useless, but even contrary to the purity of evangelical (.a). Pliny, the younger, in his Letter to the Emperor Trajan, (Epistle 97), Justin Martyr in his first Apology. worship. This remark is applicable to such as have de- scended to us. It is, however, certain that the foundation and the essence of the ancient worship have been preserved in almost all Liturgies. If, therefore, whatever is peculiar to each Liturgy, and whatever was added from time to time, as ignor- ance, error and superstition prevailed in the Church, be laid aside, and only so much be retained, as ancient general usage sanctioned and all Liturgies agree in, we shall undoubtedly have the genuine form of primitive Christian worship. Such a proceeding would be also one of the best methods for the attainment of that uniformity, which is so desirable for the peace and edification of the Church. We have aimed, in this Liturgy, at the utmost simplicity and perspicuity. So far from seeking, we have avoided the ornaments of language, atiected emphasis in terms, preambles, periods over long, reasonings too extended, and figurative expressions, such excepted as being taken from the Scriptures, are clear to the readers of the sacred writings. We have endeavored to express, in the most simple and natural manner, the sentiments and emotions with which we ought to be filled in the presence of God. The language of devotion, is the language of the heart; it is artless and affecting. The reverence due to the Divine Majesty, and the edification of the people, require this sim- plicity ; and the Holy Scriptures teach us thus to pray. The prayers and the praises found in the Sacred Books, especially in the Psalms, are only the emotions of the heart, which for the most part, have little connection. In the Lord's Prayer, that great model of Christian supplication, we also find extreme simpUcity, with singular brevity. This brevity als(j has been the subject of very particular attention. When Liturgies are too long, and the service is unreasonably extended, public worship is less frequented, and its very length may diminish attention and devotion. We have 9 X. PEEFACE. anxiously endeavored to avoid this, especially in the service for the week days. It is certain that religious exercises ought not to last long on such days ; because they are days of business. Hence the ordinary service for these days have been so regulated, as not to extend beyond twenty minutes, and at the utmost, though rarely, not beyond half an hour. We have also judged it right to vary the formularies of prayer and praise : and to compose some for particular occa- sions. This diversity serves to awaken attention, which is more easily relaxed, when the same things are continually heard. It is, moreover, peculiarly proper to direct and animate the devotion of the people, on the most solemn occasions : nothino- being more reasonable, than that our prayers should be adapted to the seasons and circumstances, in which we are actually placed. In the last place, this Liturgy is not so fixed, nor are we so restricted in it, that some changes may not be made either by retrenching or adding, as circumstances may require : as when we are called to return thanks to God for some particular benefit, or to avert his Avrath in seasons of calamity. After these^eneral reflections, it is deemed expedient to add some respecting the third part of this Liturgy, which comprises the ordinary service for the morning and afternoon. It has been our object to embrace in this service all the acts of divine worship. These are to confess our sins, to adore God, to praise him, to render him thanks, to consecrate ourselves to him, to call upon him, and to read his word. All these acts, to wit: confession, adoration, praise, self-dedication, and invocation, have not been comprehended in a single prayer ; but are set forth separately and distinctly, that all, even the most simple, may understand what they are doing, whilst engaged in public worship : that they may comprehend in what this worship consists, and that they may be able to distinguish its several parts. For the same reason there is an interval between each prayer, and the word Amen closes each. These intervals serve to direct and fix the devotion of the people. Each person may during those moments, recollect himself, and lift up his heart to God either to thank him for some favor, or to asli some particu- lar grace. They serve also to recall the absent, and to awaken attention, which would easily wander during a long prayer, in which all the acts of religious worship should be expressed in uninterrupted succession. But they would be more profitable if the people would answer Amen, at the end of each part of the service, a practice observed in the days of the Aposiles ; and of which we have incontestable proofs in the fourteenth chapter of First Epistle to the Corinthians, wherein St. Paul speaking of praying in an unknown tongue, says, " wlien thou shalt bless with the spirit, how shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen, at thy giving of thanks?" This custom of replying Amen is very ancient. God had commanded the people of Israel to answer Amen, to the maledictions which were to be pronounced at the top of Mount Ebal. {a). It appears from the 16th Ch. of Chron. B. 1st, {h) and from the end of the lOGth Psalm, that the people replied Amen, in the intervals of prayer and praise ; for we there read these words, " Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, from everlasting to ever- lasting, and let all the people say Amen." The same thing is seen in the eighth chapter of Nehemiah, 6. " And Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God, and all the people ansAvered Amen, Amen, lifting up their hands." This was wisely ordered : this Amen signified that all the congregation assented to what was said in the Prayers and Canticles. In truth the people ought not to attend on divine service, merely as auditors and spectators, nor ought they merely to follow in thought, that which is uttered by the ministers of the Church ; but they also (a). Dcut. Ch. xxvii. ; 11. lb). Chron. Ch. xvi. ; 3t5.— P^. Ch. cvi. ; 48. Xll. PEEFACE. ought to speak on their part, and at least to answer Amen, to all that is spoken in the name of the assembly. It is admitted that the ancient mode of celebrating service, was by parts or intervals : and l)y antiphones, that is to say, responses. We find this by the words of the 147th Psalm : " Sing to the Lord, answering one to the other." In this manner were recited sev- eral Psalms of praise, as the 118, 134 and the 186th. The primitive Christians retained this practice in their worship, and especially in that excellent and admirable Liturgy, which they employed for the communion service. The Ministers {a) and the Deacons said to the People, " Lift up your hearts on high," the Peox^le answered, " Our hearts are lifted up unto the Lord." The Ministers added, " Let us return thanks to the Lord our Grod," the People replied, "It is just and reasonable that we should return him thanks." And all the communicants an- swered Amen {h) to the prayers and thanksgivings of the Min- isters. Moreover, the above expressions which are in the ancient Liturgies of the Holy Supper, and of which they form a chief part, are so beautiful and edifying and corres^^ond so well to that sacred ceremony, that we have believed it right to adopt them into the»Liturgy prepared for the Churches of this country. The other parts of this Liturgy have been taken from those, which are used in different Protestant Churches. But one of the principal objects contemplated in the form of worship, for the ordinary Morning and Evening Service, was to re-establish the reading of the Scriptures, as a part of public worship. To set forth all the forcible and urgent reasons, which show that we are under an absolute necessity to have the Bible read in the assemblies of the Church, would be super- fluous. This has always formed an essential part of divine service, (r) both among Jews and Christians. The Jews read (a). St. Cyril, of Jerusalem, in his litth Mystological Catechism. (b). Justice Martyr in his first Apology. (cV Deut. Ch. xxxi. ; 9, lU, 11.— Nehem. Ch. viii. ; 9. PREFACE. XUi. the sacred books, at their solemn feasts, and in their syna- gogues. They had even divided the books of Moses into as many sections as there are Saturdays in the year, in order that these books might be read entirely through, once in every year, on the Sabbath days. [a). When the reading was finished, a doctor, or some other person designated, delivered a discourse on what had been read. We see in the eighth chapter of Nehemiah, that this was practised after the return from the captivity. The Lévites, says the sacred author, read in the Book of the Law of God distinctly, and gave the sense and caused them to understand the reading. St. Luke relates, {b) that our Lord having entered the Synagogue of Nazareth, on the Sabbath day, read the 61st chapter of Isaiah, and then spoke to the persons present, showing that the words which he had just read were fulfilled in his own person. We again read in the 13th chapter of the Book of Acts, (c) that St. Paul and St. Barnabas went into the Synagogue of Antioch on the Sabbath day, and after the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the Pulers of the Synagogue sent to them, saying : " Men and Brethren, if ye have any word of exhorta- tion for the people, say on." The Christian Church conformed to this practice, and regulated its discipline and worship in this as in various other particulars, by the usages in the assemblies of the Jews. The first Christians read the Scriptures in their assemblies ; and so regularly was this done, that in those times one would have thought divine service had not been performed, if the Scriptures had not been read. When the chapter was finished, the head of the assembly gave a brief explanation of it, and exhorted those present, according to the circumstances and wants of the Church. A very ancient author, and one worthy of credit, {d) who wrote in the second century, thus (a), yee the Acts of the Apostles: Chap. xv. ; 27 (b). St. Luke : Chap, iv (c). Acts : Chap. xiii. ; 14, 15. (d). The martyr, Justin, in his First Defence. XIV. PREFACE. relates the usage in his time in Christian Assemblies. On the Lord's day, we assembled together, the writings of the Apostles and Prophets were read as long as the time would permit. When the reading was finished, he who presided delivered a discourse to instruct the people, and exhort them to the obser- vance of the excellent things which they had heard. This being done, we all rose up and presented our prayers to God. Tertullian who lived a little after the Martyr {a) Justin, says, that the first Christians assembled to read the sacred books and to exhort the people. However, these exhortations were not always made, and even at that time all the ministers of the Church did not preach ; but they never failed to read some portion of the Scriptures, and when the reading and the exhor- tation were over, they resumed the worship, and concluded the service with prayer. Such was formerly the mode of worship, and such the origin of sermons. The sermons were at first only an interruption of worship and an addition to the reading, and were not regarded, as by many at the present day, the most important part of public service, and the principal object for which the people assembled. Th^ preaching is, without doubt, very useful, pro- vided it be done with clearness and simplicity ; but it is quite necessary that the Scriptures should be read in the Church, and in such a manner, that the people may understand that this reading is an essential part of worship. Nor does it suffice that they be read in the Churches before the assembly is formed, or the worship commences. Such read- ing does not constitute a part of divine service. It is distin- guished from it by the time, by the persons who read, and by other circîumstances, so that the people pay little attention and respect to it, and the greater part of them are not present, which circumstance proves that they regard the reading of the (a). In his Apology ; 24, 39. PREFACE. XV. Holy Scriptures as less important than the preaching. It is for these reasons that the leaders of the Churches thought them- selves indispensably obliged to re-establish the reading of the word of God in tlieir worship. And as circumstances for a long time had not permitted them to introduce this reading in all the services, and particularly in that of Sunday, they have done it at least in the ordinary morning and evening services. This reading is performed in the following manner : The Old and New Testaments are read alternately; and the lessons have been so arranged, that the historical books of the Old Testament from Genesis to Esther are read in the same time with all the books of the New Testament. After which the New Testament is recommenced with the Book of Job, and finished with Malachi. Tlius we read the New Testament twice whilst we read the Old but once. Some chapters and passages are omitted, as the first book of Chronicles, the first chapter of Numbers, and some others. We do not read consecutively, the books of Kings and those of Chronicles, because they contain the same histories, but those chapters are selected in which the history is related with the greatest clearness ; and for this purpose a kind of harmony has been prepared. When the chapters are very long or when they contain a great deal of matter, they are divided so as not to overcharge the memories of the hearers, nor extend the service to an inconvenient length. Durino- the festivals, and also at seasons for celebrating the Holy Supper, and in some other circumstances, the portions of Scripture most appropriate to the occasion are read, forming two lessons, for- merly called the Epistle and Gospel ; and in this they con- formed as nearly as possible to the ancient usage of the Church, which long since made a wise and judicious selection of the passages of Scripture, proper to be read at the principal solem- nities of Christians. At the end of this preface, will be found the tables of lessons for special occasions. In order that the lessons might have more effect, the chapter is preceded by an argument or summary of its contents, of its parts and its object, with the mode of clearing up the general difficulties, if there be any. After the chapter some reflections are added in the form of ex- hortations, in order that the people may depart the more deeply impressed with the things which they have heard. These re- flections extend ordinarily to five or six sentences only. These arguments and reflections have been prepared, and are read. It has been found expedient to pursue this course, because if left to the discretion of the ministers, many might*lose sight of the brevity, simplicity and precision which are requisite in reflections of this kind. Finally, there being in this Liturgy some passages of which persons unacquainted with the customs of our Church will not understand the reason, it is proper to say something in explanation of them, especially as many persons abroad have re- quested information on the subject. The following, then, are the observances in our Churches, particularly in the town of Neufchatel, where the public exercises of religion are more frequent than in the country : There is a sermon every Sunday morning, and at mid-day the catechism ; at Neufchatel there is a sermon again in the evening. In the week they preach on Wednesday and Friday morning. On the other days they perform in the forenoon the ordinary morning service, and every day at three o'clock the afternoon service. These services are performed by the ministers of the Church. Tlie people are seated during the reading of the Holy Scriptures, and during the rest of the service they stand up. On Saturday morning, after the close of the service, the pastors, each in his turn, catechise the children of the age of ten years and upwards until they have communed. They celebrate the Holy Supper of the Lord at four periods in the year, and at each of these three times, in order that they who may not have been PREFACE. XVll. able to partake of the Holy Sacrament at the first celebration, may partake on the following clay ; and that persons desiring to commune more than once, should have the opportunity to do so. The Holy Supper is celebrated first at Easter, to wit : On Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter day. Secondly : At Pentecost, on Pentecost Sunday, the following Friday, and Trinity Sunday. Thirdly : About the beginning of the month of September, to wit, on the last Sunday of August, the Friday following, and the first Sunday of September. Fourthly : At Christmas, to wit, on the two last Sundays of the year, and on Christmas day, and if Christmas fall &n Sunday, on the preceding Friday. The reason is thus seen why our Liturgy contains prayers for two communion Sundays at each of these four festivals : why there are prayers to be introduced into the service during two weeks at these seasons, and why in the table of proper lessons, lessons are appointed for the first and second week. The first week is that which precedes the first Sunday for the Communion at the Holy Supper, and the second is that which follows it. During these two weeks, general catechetical instruction is given on every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday after twelve o'clock, and on these catechisms the catechumens who present themselves to be received for the confirmation of the baptismal vow, and for the participation of the Eucharist are publicly examined. On the Saturday evening before the celebration of the Lord's Supper, there is a sermon of preparation with prayers. The same course is observed on the eve of public fast days. Such are the principal matters which it seemed proper to notice in explanation of this Liturgy. God grant that it may contribute to the advancement of his glory, and of true piety ; and that all who use it, may apply it to its true purpose, the worship of God, in spirit and in truth. Amen. TABLE OF LESSONS FOK DIFFEIŒNÏ OCCASIONS. For The JVativity. FIRST WEEK- - FIKST LESSON. Monday Morning, Isaiah xL; 1-11. Monday Evening, Isaiah xl. ; 1-10 and 12. Tuesday Evening, Isaiah xlix. ; 1-23. Wednesday Evening, Malachi iii. Thursday Morning, Malachi iv. Thursday Evening, Isaiah xlii.; 1-12. Friday Evening, Isaiah Iii. Saturday Morning, Hebrews ii. SECONE > LESSON. St. Lulve i. ; 1-25. St. Matthew iii. St. Lul^e i. ; 26-56. St. Luke iii. ; 1-18. St. Luke i. ; 57-80. St. John i. ; 1-18. St. Matthew xi. St. John i. ; 19-51 . SECOND WEEK. The Eve of the Nativi ity, Isaiali !xii. Tlie Day of the Nativ ity, Hebrews i. The Day After the Nativity, Isaiah ix. ; 1-6. St. Matthew i. St. Luke ii. ; 1-20. On the other days the following Lessons are read, and they are arranged according to the day upon which the Nativity falls. The TABLE OF LESSONS. XIX. prophecies of the Old Testament are read, which point out the princi- pal circumstances of the advent of Jesus Christ : Genesis iii.; 15— andxlix. ; 10. Daniel ix. ; 24-27, Micah V. ; 2. Hai^gai ii. ; 9. .Isaiah vii. ; 14 — and ix. ; 5. Malachi iv. ; 1, 5, 6. They are all read at one time ; and they add : 1st Epistle St. Peter i. ; 10-13. St. Matthews ii. Acts xiii. ; lG-41. St. Luke ii. ; 40-52. 1st Epistle St. John i. 1 Corinthians xi. ; 20-32. Epistle to Titus ii. ; 11-15— and iii. ; 3-7. Oil the Evening of the Last Day of the Year. Psalm xxxix. ; 9-14. St. Matthew xxiv. ; 42-51. On JYew Year's Evening. 1st Thessalonians v. ; 1-11. St. Matthew xxv. ; 1-30. At The Passover. FIRST WEEK — FIRST LESSON. Monday Morning, Exodus xii. ; 1-28. Monday Evening, Exodus xii. ; 29-51. Tuesda}^ Evening, Exodus xiii. ; 1-16. Wednesday Evening, Isaiah liii. Thursday Morning, Isaiah liv. Thursday Evening, Isaiah Iv. Friday Evening, Genesis xxii. ; 1-19. Saturday Morning, 1 Peter iii. ; 18-22. SECOND LESSON. St. John xi. ; 47-57 — and xii. ; St. John xv. 1-11. St. John xvi. St. John xii. ; 12-50. St. John xvii, St. John xiii. St. Matthew xxi. ; 1-17. St. John xiv. — and iv. ; 1-8. The Holy Week. Monday Morning, Philippians ii. ; 5-13. Monday Evening, Isaiah 1. ; 5-10. Tuesday Evening, Isaiah Ixii. ; 11, 12 — andlxiii.; 1-9- Wednesday Evening, Daniel ix. ; 20-27. XX. TABLE OF LESSONS. Thursday Mornins:, Hebrews ix. Thursday Eveuinii-, 1 Corinthians xi. ; 20-32. Good Friday, Heljrevvs x. ; 1-25. Saturday Morning-, Romans vi. ; 1-14. During- tliis weelv the Second Lesson is taken from the Histor^y of the Passion, from the four Evangelists, put in harmony. This history is divided into eight readings, so that the particulars of the cruci- fixion, and the death of our Lord, are read on Good Friday, and the history of his burial on Saturday. For Easter. Monday Morning, Colossians iii. ; 1-17. Monday Evening-, 1 Corinthians xv. ; 1-34. Tuesday Evening, 1 Corinthians xv. ; 35-58. They read in three lessons the History of tlie Resurrection, taken from the four Evangelists, and put in harmony. At The Ascension. The Eve of the Ascension, 2 Kings ii. ; 1-14. St. John xiv. ; 1-19. Ascension Day, Epliesians iv. ; 7-16. The History of the Ascension, from tlie Evangelists and from the Acts. The Day After tlie Ascension, Hebrews x. ; 11-31. St. John xvi. ; 16-33. At Pentecost. FIRST WEEK. Wednesday Evening, Ezekiel xxxvi. ; 22-28. St. John iii. ; 1-21. FIRST LESSON. Thursday Morning, Hebrews viii. Thursday Evening. Isaiah Ixi. Friday Evening, Isaiah Iv. Saturday Morning, Joel ii. ; 28-32. SECOND LESSON. St. John V. ; 19-36 • St. John vii. ; 37-43. St. Luke i. ; 16-30 St. John xiv. ; 1-17. TABLE OF LESSONS. SECOND WEEK. Monday Moruiiiji:, Monday Evening, Tuesday Eveninir, Wednesday Evenini;-, Thursday Morning, Thursday Evening, Friday Evening, Saturday Morning, St. John xiv. ; 18-31. St. John XV. St. John xvi. ; 1-15. St. John xvi. ; 16-33. Acts ii. Acts X. Acts xi, ; 1-18. 1 Corinthians xii. ] Corinthians xiii. 1 Corinthians xi. ; 20-33. Romans viii. Galatians v. ; 16-26. St. John xvii. St. John xviii. St. John xix. St. Matthew xii. : 22-45. 0^^ the First Monday after Trinity Sunday. Morning, Evening, St. Matthew xxv. 14-30. Hebrews ii. Ephesians iv. ; 1-16. St. Matthew xiii. ; 24-52. For the Holy Days of September. Friday Evening, Saturday Morning, St. John vi. : 26-40. FIRST WEEK. Isaiah Iv. Proverbs ix. ; 1-11. St. John vi. : 41-63. SECOND WEEK. Monday Morning, Monday Evening, Tuesday Evening, Wednesday Evening, Thursday Morning, Thursday Evening, Friday Evening, Saturday Morning, St. Matthew v. ; 1-20. St. Matthew v. ; 21-48. St. Matthew vi. St. Matthew vii. Romans v. Colossiaus i. 1 Epis. St. Peter i. 1 Epis. St. Peter ii, ' 1 Corinthians v. ; 1-22. 1 Corinthians xi. ; 20-32. 1 Epis. St. John iii. Galatians v. ; 13-26. St. Luke xiv. ; 15-24. St. Matthew xxv. ; 1-13. St. John xix. St. Matthew xxii. : 1-14. :U. TABLE OF LESSONS. In the Week of Public Fasting. Public Fasts are generally celebrated on Thursday. Monday Morning, Isaiah i. Monday Evening, Jeremiah vii. Tuesday Evening, Zachariah vii. St. Matthew iii. ; 1-12. !St. Matthew xxi. ; 28-44. St. Luke xv. Wed. Morning, before the fast, Isaiah Iviii. Fri. Eve., the day after the fast, Heb. iii. ; -719 — and iv. ; 1-11. St. Matthew vi. : 1-18. St. Luke xiii. ; 1-9. GENERAL DIRECTIONS. Any of the services of this Book may begin with a Canticle, Psalm or Hymn ; during which the Minister and people stand. In any other part of the services, they stand during a Canticle, and sit during a Psalm or Hymn. The Canticles may be read or chanted. Part of a Canticle, Psalm or Hymn, may be used instead of the whole. At the end of the several Prayers the people answer. Amen. In the Morning Service, the first lesson shall consist of the Ten Commandments, from Exodus, Chap. xx. ; 1-17, — with the Summary of the Law from Matthew, Chap. xxii. ; 37-40. (See them at the end of the Morning Service for the. Lord's Day.) The second lesson shall be taken from any part of the Old Testament from Genesis to Esther inclusive, being the Historical Books ; or from the Prophets of the Old Testa- ment ; and the third lesson from the Gospels or Acts of the Apostles — being the Historical Books of the New Testament. In the Afternoon Service, the first lesson shall be taken out of the Preceptive Books of the Old Testament from Job to Ecclesiastes, and the second out of the Epistles or the Apocalypse in the New Testa- ment. On Holy Days, the lessons may be those in the Table. During the reading of the Ten Commandments, and the Summary of the Law, the Minister and people stand. During the reading of other Lessons of Scripture, the Minister stands and the people sit. On Holy Days, and other special occasions of Public Worship, occurring on week days, the services for the Lord's Day may be used instead of any of the other services, in the discretion of the Minister. PART I. M MORNING SERVICE FOR THE LORD'S DAY. AY our trust be in the name of the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Amen. Introclivctoj^y Prayer. Let us pray. O ALMIGHTY God and Heavenly Father ! we have come together for the public sanctification of this Lord's day, to offer unto thee our praises and our prayers, and to hear thy holy word. Thou hast promised to hearken favorably unto all those, who call upon thee, in the name of thy Son. We there- fore beseech thee, to look down upon us in mercy, and to purify our thoughts and affections, that we may render unto thee an acceptable service. Great God ! we humble ourselves before thee. We adore thy majesty : we extol thy wisdom, thy power and thy goodness, which appear with such brightness in the marvellous works of Creation and Eedemption. We acknowledge thy tender love in the manifold favors, spiritual and temporal, which we continu- ally receive at thy hand, but we praise thee more especially, with all Christians, who are assembled this day, that thou didst send thy son into the world to save us, and that he rose from the dead for our justification. We bless thee, that thou hast given us, by his glorious Resurrection, so lively a hope of ever- lasting life. God ! thy glory is great in all thy Churches, and the praise of thy name is heard in all the assemblies of thy Saints ! May our thanksgivings ascend unto thy Throne ! 4 2 MOHNiNG SERVICE [Part Make us worthy to be partakers of the resurrection of the Just, and of the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven, whither Jesus Christ hath entered as our forerunner; where he liveth and reigneth ; where he is adored and glorified, with thee and the Holy Spirit, God blessed forever. Amen. OGOD ! who has given thy Holy Scriptures for our instruc- tion, we beseech thee to enlighten our minds and purify our hearts, that we may worthily read, hear, and meditate upon them, and may understand and receive, as we ought, the things which are therein revealed. Enable thy ministers to declare thy word with purity and clearness, with simplicity and zeal. Render their preaching effectual through the influence of the Holy Spirit ; so that the good seed may be received into our hearts, as into ground well prepared, and bring forth fruit in abundance. Grant that during the time of our sojourning here, we may be not only hearers, but doers of thy word, conform- ably to its divine instructions,* so that we may attain unto eternal salvation ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. First Lesson. The Confession. Let us humbly confess our sins. OLORD God ! Eternal and Almighty Father ! we confess before thy Divine Majesty, that we are miserable sinners, born in corruption and iniquity, prone to evil, and of ourselves incapable of any good. We acknowledge that we transgress in * Instead of the above conclusion, substitute this— on the Lord's Day, before and after the Nativity— at the Nativity, should it fall on the Lord's Day— on the Lord's Day before the Crucifixion— on the Day of the Kesurrection— and on the Day of Pentecost. During seasons of Fasting and Humiliation substitute the Special Prayer in Part III. AND since, God ! we commemorate at this time (to-day) (the Nativity) (the Sufferings and Death) (the Resurrec- tion) of thy Son — (the Descent of the Holy Spirit ;) we pray thee to lift up our hearts unto thee, to enable us with faith and with joy, to meditate on the manifestation of thy love, and so to live in thy fear and to thy glory, during the time of our sojourning here, that we may attain unto eternal salvation, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. First.] FOR THE lord's day. 3 various ways thy holy commandments, so that we draw down on ourselves, through thy righteous judgment, condemnation and death. We are, moreover, Lord ! under heartfelt sorrow for having offended thee ; and sincerely rej^enting of our sins, we fervently implore thy grace to relieve our wretchedness. Vouchsafe then, most gracious God and merciful Father ! to have compassion on us, in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Pardon our sins, give us the graces of the Holy Spirit, and increase them day by day ; to the end, that heartily acknowledging our unworthiness, we may be filled with sincere repentance, and bring forth fruits of righteousness acceptable to thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. A?nen. OUR Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven ; give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us ; and lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Second Lesson.— A Canticle, Psalm or Hymn— or part of either.— Third Lesson. Let us pray. OLOBD ! let thy mercy shine upon us : and grant us thy salvation. God ! make clean our hearts within us : and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. A Prayer for Faith. ^~\ LORD God ! we render thanks unto thee, that thou hast ^^ called us to the knowledge and profession of the Christian Faith. We beseech thee to preserve and increase it in us, to the end, that continuing steadfast in the same, we may sincerely unite in the confession of the Church Universal — 1 believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord : who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate : He was crucified : He died : 4 MORNING SERVICE [Part He was buried : He went into the place of departed Spirits : the third day He rose from the dead : He ascended into Heaven : He sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty : and thence, he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe the Holy Church Universal : the Communion of Saints : the remission of sins : The resurrection of the body : And the life everlasting. .A?nen. Genej^al Thanhsgiving . O ALMIGHTY God I Father of mercy! we, thine unworthy servants, do give thee most humble and hearty thanks, for all thy goodness and loving kindness to us and to all men. We bless thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life ; but above all for thine inestimable love in the redemp- tion of the world, by our Lord Jesus Christ ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And we beseech thee, give us a due sense of all thy mercies, that we may show forth thy praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives ; by giving up our- selves to thy service, and by walking before thee, in holiness and righteousness, all our days, through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with thee, and the Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory, world without- end. Amen. Here introduce such of the Special, or Occasional Prayers or Thanksgivings from Part III. ae are suitable, may be requested, or the Minister's discretion may suggest. General Frayer. OLOED, our God ! Creator and Father of the human race ! who hast commanded, that prayer and supplication be made for all mankind, we offer unto thee our intercessions, for the peace of the world, and for the happiness and salvation of all men. Deliver, we beseech thee, Lord ! from spiritual bhndness, all the nations that still sit in darkness. Thou didst so love the world, that thou gavest thine only Son, to die as a propitiation, not only for our sins, but also for the sins of the whole world. Thou hast taught us, that there is none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we may be First.] FOR THE lord's day. 5 saved ; and that he came to be a light unto the Gentiles, and to bring salvation unto the ends of the earth. Grant, Almighty God and Merciful Father ! that all our fellow men may be gathered unto the name of our Lord ; to the end, that all nations may know and adore thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. Lord ! who art the source of all lawful power, and the fountain of all true wisdom in the counsels of men ; we pray to thee for all, who are in authority throughout the world. Thou hast taught us in thy holy word, that thou dost govern the nations upon earth ; and that rulers should serve and obey thee. Vouchsafe, then, most Mighty God 1 a knowledge of thyself, to such as know thee not ; and give thy grace unto all, that ruling in thy fear, they may do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thee. We beseech thee to behold with thy favor, those who in the order of thy Providence, are entrusted with authority, through- out our land. Endue them with thy grace, that in the admin- istration of justice, the preservation of order, the improvement of our laws, and the execution of judgment, their good works may glorify thee. We offer unto thee, Lord ! our prayers for the necessities of the Holy Church Universal. Protect, enlarge and sanctify it, more and more. Deliver all Churches which suffer persecu- tion. We beseech thee, to take away the errors and dissen- sions, which disturb the Christian world ; and to unite all thy people, in the bonds of truth, of godliness, and of peace. Grant thy blessings to the Churches of these States, and to the families and persons who compose them, that jpiety, concord, and every Christian virtue may flourish therein. We pray to thee, Lord ! for all the Pastors of thy Church. May they preach thy word with fidehty, firmness, and humanity. May they labor not in vain to establish the indispensable obhga- tion of the duties enjoined by our holy religion : and to make manifest their beauty and excellence. Enable them to set forth the motives, which bind us to obey thee ; the helps which are offered ; and the rewards which await us. May they, as well by their preaching as by their example, prepare for thee a ê MORNING SERVICE [Part peculiar people, zealous of good works. Defend them, Lord, under the shadow of thy wings ; and may they escape the temptations of the world, and the devices of their spiritual enemies. Grant that they shun not to declare all the counsel of God : and that having testified the Gospel of thy grace, they may finish their course with joy, and the ministry, which they have received of the Lord Jesus.* God of mercy ! have pity on those, who are suffering by war, pestilence, or any other scourge ; and on all who are in affliction. We commend to thy care, the widow and the orphan, the poor and the stranger, all who are in peril by land or by water, all who endure persecution for the Gospel, all who are distressed in mind, the infirm, the sick, and the dying. Comfort and relieve them according to their several necessities, and give them a happy issue out of all their trials and afflictions. Lord ! we pray for all thy children ; for all who seek thee in sincerity of heart, and who labor for the salvation of them- selves, or of their fellow men ; for those who are engaged in works of love, and in holy designs for the advancement of thy kingdom. Strengthen all who are weak in faith, and in piety ; and to those who are under condemnation, vouchsafe the grace of repentance and sincere conversion. Favorably regard, Lord ! our country and its inhabitants. Grant, at all times, whatever may be necessarv for our subsist- ence, and give us grace not to abuse thy blessings, but to use them with soberness, charity, and thankfulness. Save us from all the dangers and calamities to which we may be exposed. Deliver us from our sins, preserve us from every evil thought, from impiety, and hypocrisy, and from all that is contrary to thy holy will. Direct us always by thy grace, merciful God ! and further us continually by thy spirit. Give unto us at all times, good and holy thoughts, pure, meek, and peaceable dispositions, entire resignation to thy providence, fervent love to thee, and sincere charity, inclining us to edify and do good to one another. Wean our affections from this world of vanity; and through thy grace, may our hearts be always lifted up towards heaven. * When a Candidate is to be ordained add here the Prayer in Part III. First.] FOR THE lord's DAT. 7 There may our treasure be ; to the end, that watching and pray- ing without ceasing, and leading humble, righteous and sober lives, we may pass our days in peace ; looking for the glorious advent of our Saviour : at whose coming to judge the world, grant that we, who are here assembled in thy presence may appear before thee, without confusion and without fear. Favorably hear us, God ! Graciously hear all who have at this time offered up their prayers unto thee. Eeject not the supplications of thy servants ; but grant us the blessings which we have asked of thee, and all others which are necessary for us. We pray for all these things, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A Hymn— the Sermon— a Doxology— a concluding Prayer from Part III.— a Benedic- tion. Benedictions. THE Lord bless you, and keep you : The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen. THE peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord : And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be amongst you and remain with you always. Atnen. THE Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with us all ever- more. Amen. MY Brethren ! The end of all things is at hand. Be ye therefore sober minded, watch, and pray. The Lord be with you. Almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless and protect you. Amen. 8 MOENING SERYICE [Part MAY the Blessing of God our Father, the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, be given and multiplied unto you, through the communion of the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Ten Cormnandments. LISTEN with reverence and attention to the Ten Command- ments of the Law of God, as they are written in the twentieth chapter of the Book of Exodus. God spake these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. I. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them ; for I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth genera- tion of them that hate me ; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. ly. Bemember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work ; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God ; in it thou shalt not do any work ; thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates ; for, in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day ; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hal- lowed it. Y. Honor thy father and thy mother ; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. YI. Thou shalt not kill. YII. Thou shalt not commit adultery. YIII. Thou shalt not steal. rirst.] FOE THE loed's day. 9 IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house ; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife ; nor his man-servant, nor his maid- servant, nor his ox, nor his ass ; nor any thing that is thy neighbor's. Summary of the Law» Hear also what our Lord Jesus Christ saith, in the twenty- second chapter of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind : This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it : Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two command- ments hang all the law and the prophets. 10 AFTEUXOOX SEE VICE [Part M AFTERNOON SERVICE FOR THE LORD'S DAY. AY our trust be in the name of the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Amen. Introductoj'j/ Prayer. Let us pray. ALMIGHTY God ! we return thee our humble and hearty thanks, for the privilege we enjoy of assembUng in thy house, this day, to render the services due unto thee, and to hear thy word. And since thou hast given us thy Holy Scrip- tures, as a lamp to our feet, and a light to our paths, we beseech thee for the love of Jesus Christ, the light of the world, that thou wouldst illumine our minds, and endue us with the Holy Spirit, to sanctify, and lead us into the knowledge of truth. Give us grace to hear attentively thy word, rightly to understand its meaning, and to conform our lives to its precepts ; that what- ever we shall hear, may tend to the glory of thy name, to our advancement in piety, and to the comfort and salvation of our souls ;* through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. First Lesson. The Confession. Let us huiiibly confess our sins. OLOED God ! Eternal and Almighty Father ! we confess before thy Divine Majesty, that we are miserable sinners, * Instead of the above conclusion, suhstitute this— on the Lord's Day, before and after the Nativity— at the Nativity, should it fall on the Lord's Day— on the Lord's Day before the Crucifixion— on the Day of the Resurrection— and on the Day of Pentecost. During seasons of Fasting and Humiliation substitute the Special Prayer from Part III. AND since, God ! we commemorate at this time (to-day) (the Nativity) (the Sufferings and Death) (the Eesurrec- tion) of thy Son — (the Descent of the Holy Spirit,) we pray thee so to raise our hearts unto thee, as to enable us with faith and with joy, to meditate on this manifestation of thy love, and so to Hve in thy fear and to thy glory, during the time of our sojourning here, that we may attain unto eternal salvation, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Ainen. First] FOR THE lord's day. 11 born in corruption and iniquity, prone to evil, and of ourselves incajDable of any good. We acknowledge that we transgress in various ways thy holy commandments, so that we draw down on ourselves, through thy righteous judgment, condemnation and death. We are, moreover, Lord ! under heartfelt sorrow for having offended thee ; and sincerely repenting of our sins, we fervently implore thy grace to reheve our wretchedness. Vouchsafe then, most gracious God and merciful Father ! to have compassion on us, in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Pardon our sins, give us the graces of the Holy Spirit, and increase them day by day ; to the end, that heartily acknowledging our unworthiness, we may be filled with sincere repentance, and bring forth fruits of righteousness acceptable to thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. OL^E Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven ; give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us ; and lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for over and ever. Amen. Second Lesson. -A Canticle, Psalm, or Hymn— or part of either. Let US pray. OLOED ! let thy mercy shine upon us : and grant us thy salvation. God ! make clean our hearts within us : and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. A Prayer for Faith. OLOED God ! we render thanks unto thee, that thou hast called us to the knowledge and profession of the Christian Faith. We beseech thee to preserve and increase it in us, to the end, that continuing steadfast in the same, we may sincerely unite in the confession of the Church Universal — 1 believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. 12 AFTERNOON SEEVTCE [Part I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord : who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate : He was crucified : He died : He was buried : He went into the place of departed Spirits : the third day He rose from the dead : He ascended into Heaven: He sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty : and thence, he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit. I beheve the Holy Church Universal : The communion of Saints : The remission of sins : The resurrection of the body : And the Hfe everlasting. Amen. General Tli aiihsgiving. O ALMIGHTY God ! Father of mercy ! we, thine unworthy servants, do give thee most humble and hearty thanks, for all thy goodness and loving kindness to us and to all men. We bless thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life ; but above all, for thine inestimable love in the redemp- tion of the world, by our Lord Jesus Christ ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And we beseech thee, give us a due sense of all thy mercies, that we may show forth thy praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives ; by giving up ourselves to thy service, and by walking before thee, in hoHness and righteousness, all our days, through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with thee, and the Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen. Here introduce such of the Special, or Occasional Praj^ersor Thanksgivings, from. Part III., as are suitahle, may be requested, or the Minister's discretion may suggest. General Pi^ayer. ALMIGHTY God, our Heavenly Father ! it is of thy great goodness, that we enjoy the precious advantages, of which so many are destitute. We have offended thee by our ingrati- tude, by our abuse of the privilege which thou hast vouchsafed to us, of knowing and serving thee ; and thou mightest justly have removed the light of thy word from among us. God ! First,] FOE THE lokd's day. 13 we adore thee for thy mercies ; and we beseech thee, in the name of Jesus Christ, not to withdraw thy grace, but to sanctify us more and more, that we may serve thee, with renewed zeal, all the days of our lives. We offer unto thee our prayers for the welfare of our country. We pray to thee, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords ! for all who are in authority throughout the world. Vouchsafe a knowledge of thyself to such as know thee not, and grant that they who already know thee, may continue to serve and honor thee. We pray for the President of the United States, and for all in authority over us. Grant unto them the spirit of wisdom and firmness ; and above all, piety and the fear of thy name ; that they may preserve order, and that we, thy people, may lead peaceable and happy lives, in all godliness and honesty. We beseech thee, God ! favorably to hear our prayers for the salvation of the whole world. Receive our supplications for the peace and the necessities of thy Church. We pray to thee, Lord ! for all the Ministers of thy Word. Sanctify them, and increase in them the knowledge and gifts which are need- ful for the advancement of thy kingdom, and the salvation of the souls committed to them. Raise up everywhere, faithful, zealous, and humble ministers, lovers of truth and of peace ; and to this end give thy grace and thy fear to all who are preparing to serve thee in the Holy Ministry.* We pray to thee also, for the conversion of sinners ; for the perseverance of the righteous ; for the deliverance of those who suffer per- secution in the cause of truth or piety ; and for the relief of all who are distressed in mind, body, or estate. Accept, most merciful Father ! the worship we offer unto thee. Hearken favorably to all, wheresoever they may be, who call upon thee, with all their heart. We beseech thee to pre- serve us from danger and temptation. Grant unto us all these favors, and whatever else thou seest to be necessary and expedient for us. God ! bless the instructions of thy Holy Scriptures, which we have heard this day, and all the services * When a Candidate is to be ordained add here the Prayer in Part III. 14 AFTERNOON SERVICE. of thy Sanctuary, that our hearts may be inclined to love and to fear thee ; that we may serve thee faithfully whilst we live ; and that having profited by the means and opportunities afforded for our salvation during this life, we may be received into the Temple of thy Glory ; to praise thee forever, in the assembly of the Saints, through Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose name we offer up our prayers. Amen. A Hymn— the Sermon— a Doxology— a Concluding Prayer from Part III.— a Benedic- tion. Benedictions. THE Lord bless you, and keep you : The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen. npHE peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep -^- your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord: And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be amongst you, and remain with you always. Amen. T^HE Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and -^ the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with us all ever- more. Amen. ^^/TY Brethren ! The end of all things is at hand. Be ye -^-^ therefore sober minded, watch, and pray. The Lord be with you. Almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless and protect you. Amen. "ll/TAY the Blessing of God our Father, the Grace and Peace ■^^ of our Lord Jesus Christ, be given and multiplied unto you, through the communion of the Holy Spirit. Amen. PART II MORNING SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS WITH A SERMON. M AY our trust be in tlie name of the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Amen. Introditctory Prayer. Let us pray. O ALMIGHTY G-od ! we are here assembled to offer unto thee our praises, our thanksgivings, and our prayers : to humble ourselves before thee, and to hear thy holy word. It is meet and proper that we should adore thee, Lord our God ! Creator of Heaven and Earth, and all things therein, and that we should ever give thanks unto thee for the favors, we are continually receiving at thy bountiful hand. We bless thee that thou hast preserved us to the present time ; that having protected us during the past night, thou hast brought us in safety to the beginning of this day, and that we are enabled to assemble in this holy place, and in thy presence. Lord ! wo praise thee, we desire to serve thee at this time, and throughout our lives. We dedicate ourselves unto thee. We submit ourselves entirely to thy holy will. May it please thee to defend and direct us during this day, that we may pass the same in peace and cheerfulness, in thy fear, and to thy glory. And since thou hast given us the Holy Scriptures as a lamp to our feet, and a hght to our paths ; we beseech thee, Lord ! for the love of Jesus Christ, the light of the world, that thou wouldst illumine our minds, and endue us with thy Holy Spirit, 16 SERTTCES FOE WEEK DA.YS. [Part to sanctify and lead us into the knowledge of truth. Give us grace to hear attentively thy word, rightly to understand its meaning, and to conform our lives to its precepts, so that what- ever we shall hear may tend to the glory of thy name, to our advancement in piety, and to the comfort and salvation of our souls,* through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A Prayer for Faith. OLOBD God ! we render thanks unto thee, that thou hast called us to the knowledge and profession of the Christian Faith. We beseech thee to preserve and increase it in us, to the end, that continuing steadfast in the same, we may sincerely unite in the confession of the Church Universal — I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord : who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate : He was crucified : He died : He was buried : He went into the place of departed Spirits : the third day He rose from the dead : He ascended into Heaven : He sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty : and thence, he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe the Holy Church Universal : the Communion of Saints : the remission of sins : The resurrection of the body : And the life everlasting. Amen. Lesson from the Old Testament. The Confession. Let us humbly confess our sins. OLOED ! Our God and our Father ! we are not worthy to appear in thy presence, or to ask of thee any favor. We have not obeyed thy Commandments, but have transgressed them in various ways. Lord ! we deplore the magnitude and number of our sins. Pardon us, most gracious Father ! * During seasons of Humiliation substitute the Special Prayer from Part III. Second] sketices foe week t>\ys. 17 pardon for the love of Jesus Christ, those who are penitent and ask thy forgiveness. Sanctify us, and make us- new creatures, to the end, that the glory of thy mercy may ever be manifested in us, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. OUR Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us ; and lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Lesson from the New Testament. Here introduce such of the Special, or Occasional Prayers or Thanksgivings from Part III. as are suitable, may be requested, or the Minister's discretion may suggest. General Prayer. Let us pray. OETERXAL and Almighty God ! we offer to thy Divine Majesty, our prayers for ourselves and for all mankind. We beseech thee to illumine all the people of the earth, by the light of the Gospel, that they may come to the knowledge of the truth, and be saved. We pray to thee for all the wants of the Church Universal. Look down with mercy upon all thy people and all thy flocks. Preserve them, and cherish in them the Hght of thy word. Put away from them dissensions and hypocrisy ; and grant that piety, charity, and every Christian virtue may reign among them. Bless the Ministers of thy Church. Enable them at all times to preach thy word in faithfulness and purity, and to labor with humility and zeal, for the edification of their flocks. We pray to thee for all rulers, and especially those who are in authority over us. Guide them by thy spirit, and assist them in the performance of their duties, so that Religion, Justice and Peace, may flourish under their Government. Almighty and most merciful God ! we commend to thy favor all who are in aflliction. Grant to the sick the patience, the succor, and the repentance, which they need. Convert sinners, and strengthen those who walk in thy ways. God ! le SERTICES FOR WEEK DATS. [Part bless the just and upright in heart ; protect the weak and the innocent. Relieve the poor ; help and comfort all who are in danger, necessity or tribulation. Bless our Country, (this City) and all its inhabitants. Turn away from us thy judgments, gracious God ! and we will praise thy Holy Name. Vouchsafe, Lord ! to bless us in the duties and business of our several callings. Guide and assist us, that we may always incline to thy will, and walk in thy way ; that whilst we labor for things temporal, we neglect not things eternal ; but that we may first and chiefly seek thy Kingdom and thy righteousness. Suffer not the temptations and cares of this life to seduce our hearts, and to destroy the seed of thy word, Avhich is sown therein. Teach us, God ! rightly to com- prehend that this world passeth away, and all its sinful desires ; that our life fleeth as a shadow, and that we bring our years to an end, as it were, a tale that is told. May we duly consider the vanity of this life, so that having lived in thy fear, we may die in thy grace, and be partakers in the resurrection of the just. Lord, our gracious God ! Vouchsafe to us, we beseech thee, all that we need to finish happily the race set before us. Take us under thy protection, provide for all our wants, and guide us even to our last hour, through Jesus Christ, thy Son. Amen. A Hymn— the Sermon— a concluding Pi-ayer from Part III.— a Benediction. Benedictions. npHE Lord bless you, and keep you : The Lord make his face ^ to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen. THE peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord : And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be amongst you and remain with you always. Amen. Second.] services for week days. 19 THE Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with us all ever- more. Amen. MY Brethren ! The end of all things is at hand. Be ye therefore sober minded, watch, and pray. The Lord be with you. Almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless and protect you. Amen. iy/FAY the Blessing of God our Father, the Grace and Peace ^'-^ of our Lord Jesus Christ, be given and multiplied unto you, through the communion of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 20 i SERVICES FOR WEKK DAYS. [Part SE1{\'1( ES FOR WEEK DAYS WITHOUT A SERMON. A SERVICE FOR MORNING OR AFTERNOON. M AY our trust be in the name of the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Amen. DEAELY Beloved Brethren ! we have assembled, to worship God, to praise him, to hear his holy word, and to offer unto him our prayers. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ pardoneth all such as truly repent and turn unto him. Let us, therefore, confess our sins, and implore his mercy, that the services of this day may be acceptable unto him. O ALMIGHTY God! Heavenly Father!, we have sinned against thee, and are not worthy to be called thy children. We have offended thee in various ways, by thought, word and deed, Eternal God ! But we pray thee to turn away thine anger from us, forgiving us all our sins, and leading us by a sincere repentance to life everlasting, for the love of thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. OUE Father, who art in Heaven ! hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven ; give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us ; and lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. OMEECIFIJL God and Heavenly Father ! since we are about to hear thy holy word, we pray thee to give us grace rightly to understand its sense, and to live according to the same, for the love of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen. A Lesson from the Old Testament. Let us adore and praise the Lord our God. Second.] services for week days. 21 Lord ! open thou our lips : and our mouths shall show forth thy praise. A Canticle, Psalm, or Hymn, with one of the short Doxologies, or instead of the above, the following : Dojcology. GLORY be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will toward men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory, Lord God I Heavenly King ! God the Father Almighty ! Lord ! the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ : Lord God ! Lamb of God, Son of the Father, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou, who takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou, who sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy ; thou only art the Lord ; thou only, Christ ! with the Holy Spirit, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Lesson from the New Testament. Let us pray. OLORD ! have mercy upon us ; hear our prayers, and let our supplications come unto thee. Lord ! let thy mercy shine upon us, and grant us thy sal- vation. Lord ! preserve thy Holy Church, and favorably hear, through thy grace, all who call upon thee. Clothe thy Ministers with righteousness, and cause thy chosen people to rejoice. Lord ! save thy people, and bless thine heritage. Grant us peace in our day, for thou canst defend us. God ! make clean our hearts within us, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. For the Morning. O ETERNAL and Almighty God ! we thank thee that thou hast brought us safely to the beginning of this day. Keep us through the same, by thy great power ; preserve us from sin, guard us against danger, and so direct us by thy holy '22 SERVICES FOR WEEK DAYS. [Part guidance that all our doings may be righteous in thy sight. Lord I we would present ourselves unto thee a living sacrifice. We desire to consecrate to thee our bodies, our souls, our lives, all that is within us, and all that depends upon us, to employ them to thy Glory. We resign ourselves unto thy will, God ! confiding in thy Providence. We submit ourselves to all the events which it shall please thee to ordain. Do with us what- soever shall seem good unto thee ; and may thy holy mil be done in us and by us, for the love of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. For the Afternoon. OETEENAL and Almighty God ! we implore thy Divine Majesty to receive the sacrifice of praise which we offer and to hear the prayers which we address unto thee at the close of this day. Protect us, we beseech thee, during the night. Preserve us from sin and danger, that we may praise and serve thee at all times. Lord ! we commit our souls to thy care. Conduct us whilst awake ; guard us whilst we sleep ; so that, by day or by night, we may be always with thee, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. O ALMIGHTY God ! who hast commanded us to pray for all mankind, and desirest that all may come to a knowl- edge of the truth and be saved, favorably hear the supplications which we offer unto thee, for the peace and happiness of all nations, and for the conversion of the people who sit in dark- ness. We implore thy grace for all Bulers and Magistrates, and especially for the President of the United States, and all others in authority over us. We beseech thee, God ! to pre- serve and sanctify thy Church throughout the world, and especially the Church in our own country. Strengthen thou the Pastors and Ministers of thy word. Have mercy on all nations and j^ersons in aflB.iction. Deliver all who are under persecution, or in captivity, for the sake of the truth. Pelieve, comfort, and assist the sick and the dying. Vouchsafe unto sinners opportunity and means for repentance and amendment. Strengthen all who are weak, in faith and in godliness. Give unto those who love and fear thee, grace to persevere and Second.] services por week d.vys. 23 advance continually in holiness. Bless all who are engaged in works of jiiety and charity. Grant peace, Lord ! to these United States. Bless the fruits of the Earth. (Bless this City and all its inhabitants.) Bless all who are here present and who call upon thee in sincerity of heart. Favorably hear us, God ! Give us grace to pass our days in thy fear, and to end them in thy peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, blessed forever. Amen. Or the following Prayer : A LMIGHTY God ! suffer not thy Holy Name to be re- -^-^ proached on account of our offences. We have sinned against thee in various waj's ; we have not obeyed thy word as we ought ; but have daily provoked thine anger ; so that thou mightest have justly punished us. But, Lord ! remember us in mercy and have compassion on us. Give us grace to be deeply sensible of our sins, to repent of them, and to amend our lives. Bless thy people, God ! Strengthen thy Ministers, that they may preach thy word, and exercise their ministry with faithfulness and zeal. Strengthen, likewise, all Rulers and Magistrates, that their good works may promote the advance- ment of thy Glory and the good of thy people. Send down thy blessing on the President of the United States, and on all others in authority over us. Gracious God ! turn aside thy Judgments from us and be always our Protector. Confound all designs against thy Church and against thy Gospel. Lord ! deprive us not of thy w^ord, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us : but give us grace to persevere constantly in faith, and in the fear of thy Name. Comfort and strengthen all such as are feeble and afflicted in mind or body. Assist us, God ! in our various necessities, and grant us thy peace, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. , A Canticle, Psalm, or Hymn. Here introduce such of the Special, or Occasional Prayers or Thanksgivings from Part III., as are suitable, may be requested, or the Minister's discretion may suggest. If it be desirable to use the above service with a Sermon, the Minister can introduce it here. 24 SERVICES FOR WEEK DAYS. [Part Conclitclijig Prayer. Let us pray. ALMIGHTY God I who hast graciously promised to hear the suppHcations of those who ask in thy Son's name, we beseech thee to accept the service and the prayers which we have now offered unto thee. May those things which we have faithfully asked, according to thy will, be effectually obtained, for the relief of our necessities, and to the advancement of thy Glory, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Or this : ALMIGHTY God ! who hast given us grace at this time, with one accord, to make our common supplications unto thee ; and hast promised that when two or three are gathered together in thy Name, thoii wilt grant their requests ; Fulfill now, Lord ! the desires and petitions of thy servants, as may be most expedient for them, granting us in this world knowl- edge of thy truth, and in the world to come, life everlasting. Amen. Benedictions. T^HE Lord bless you, and keep you : The Lord make his face ^- to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Ajnen. npHE peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep ^ your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord : And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be am.ongst you, and remain with you always. Amen. 'T^HE Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and ^- the com] more. Amen. ■^- the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with us all ever- Second.] services for week days. 25 MY Brethren ! The end of all things is at hand. Be ye therefore sober minded, watch, and pray. The Lord be with you. Almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless and protect you. Amen. 11 /TAY the Blessing of God our Father, the Grace and Peace -^-^ of our Lord Jesus Christ, be given and multiplied unto you, through the communion of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 26 SERVICES FOR \YEEK DAYS. [Part M- A SERVICE FOR THE AFTERIOON. AY our trust be in tlie name of tlie Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Amen. DEAELY Beloved Brethren ! we have assembled to worship God, to praise him, to hear his holy word, and to offer unto him our prayers. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ pardoneth all such as truly repent and turn unto him. Let us, therefore, confess our sins, and implore his mercy, that our services at this time may be acceptable unto him. O ALMIGHTY God! Heavenly Father! we have sinned against thee, and are not worthy to be called thy children. We have offended thee in various ways, by thought, word and deed, Eternal God ! But we pray thee to turn away thine anger from us, forgiving us all our sins, and leading us by a sincere repentance to life everlasting, for the love of thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. OUR Father, who art in Heaven ! hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven ; give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us ; and lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. OMEECIFUL God and Heavenly Father ! since we are about to hear thy holy word, we pray thee to give us grace rightly to understand its sense, and to live according to the same, for the love of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen. A Lesson from the Old Testament. Let us adore and praise the Lord our God. Second.] services for week days. 27 Lord ! open thou our lips : and our mouths shall show forth thy praise. A Canticle, Psalm, or Hymn, with one of the short Doxologies, or instead of the above, the following : Boxology. GLOEY be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will toward men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory, Lord God ! Heavenly King ! God the Father Almighty ! Lord ! the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ : Lord God ! Lamb of God, Son of the Father, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou who takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou who sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy ; thou only art the Lord ; thou only, Christ ! with the Holy Spirit, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen, A Lesson from the New Testament. Then the Minister says : T^HESE are the articles of the Christian Faith, which we ■^ profess, and in which we should persevere to our lives' end. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord ; who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary He suffered under Pontius Pilate : He was crucified : He died He was buried : He went into the place of departed Spirits the third day He rose from the dead : He ascended into Heaven : He sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty : and thence, he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe the Holy Church Universal : the Communion of 28 SERVICES FOR WEEK DAYS. [Part Saints : the remission of sins : The resurrection of the body : And the life everlasting. Amen. Let US pray. OLOED ! have mercy upon us ; hear our prayers, and let our supplications come unto thee. Lord ! let thy mercy shine upon us, and grant us thy sal- vation. Lord ! preserve thy Holy Church, and favorably hear, through thy grace, all who call upon thee. Clothe thy Ministers with righteousness, and cause thy chosen people to rejoice. Lord ! save thy people, and bless thine heritage. Grant us peace in our day, for thou only canst defend us. God ! make clean our hearts within us, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. Prayer of Thanhs giving. Let us give thanks unto God for all his benefits. O ALMIGHTY God ! Father of mercy I we, thine unworthy servants, do give thee most humble and hearty thanks for all thy goodness and loving kindness to us and to all men. "We bless thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life ; but above all, for thine inestimable love in the redemp- tion of the world, by our Lord Jesus Christ ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And we beseech thee, give us a due sense of all thy mercies, that we may show forth thy praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives ; by giving up ourselves to thy service, and by walking before thee, in holiness and righteousness, all our days, through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with thee, and the Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen. OLOED ! who art the God of peace and the author of all good, grant unto thy servants that peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts may be inclined to obey thy com- mandments, and that being delivered from the fear of our Second.] services for week days. 29 enemies, we may pass our lives in rest and quietness, through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen. OLORD ! watch over us, and through thy great mercy, defend our souls and bodies from all danger, during the coming night, for the love of thine only Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Ameti. Here introduce such of the Special, or Occasional Prayers or Thanksgivings, from Part III., as are suitable, may he requested, or the Ministerls discretion may suggest. OGOD ! who art King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we beseech thee favorably to look upon all Eulers and Magistrates, and to send down thy blessings on the President of these United States, and on all others in authority over us. Give them grace to live to the advancement of thy Glory, the good of thy Church, and the welfare of our country, through Jesus Christ, our Hedeemer. Amen. A LMIGHTY and Everlasting God ! send down upon our -^-^ Pastors, upon all thy Ministers, and upon the Congrega- tions committed to their charge, the healthful Spirit of thy grace. Pill thy servants so abundantly with the knowledge of thy truth, and so clothe them with innocence of life, that they may exercise their ministry to the Glory of thy Name, and to the edification of thy Holy Church, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. OGod ! the Creator and Preserver of all mankind, we humbly beseech thee for all sorts and conditions of men, that thou wouldst be pleased to make thy ways known unto them, thy saving health unto all nations. We pray to thee especially for the prosperity of the Church Universal, that it may be so governed by thy Spirit, that all who profess and call themselves Christians, may be led into the way of truth, and hold the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life. Finally, we commend to thy fatherly goodness, all who are distressed in mind, body or estate ; that it may please thee to comfort and relieve them, according to their 80 SERVICES FOR WEEK DAYS. [Part several necessities, giving them repentance and patience under their sufferings, and a happy issue out of all their afflictions. All these things we ask of thee, for the love of Jesus Christ. Amen. ALMIGHTY God ! who hast given us grace at this time, with one accord, to make our common supplications unto thee ; and hast promised that when two or three are gathered together in thy Name, ,thou wilt grant their requests ; Fulfill now, Lord ! the desires and petitions of thy servants, as may be most expedient for them, granting us in this world knowl- edge of thy truth, and in the world to come, life everlasting. Amen. A Canticle, Psalm, or Hymn. If it be desirable to use the above service with a Sermon, the Minister can introduce it here, after which he may add a Canticle, Psalm, or Hymn. The Minister may at his discretion omit part of the "Week-Day Services. Benedictions. ^ I^HE Lord bless you, and keep you : The Lord make his face -*" to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen. ^ I ^HE peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep -^ your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord : And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be amongst you and remain with you always. Amen. nPHE Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and -*- the come more. Amen. -*- the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with us all ever- Second.] services for week days. 31 MY Brethren ! The end of all things is at hand. Be ye therefore sober minded, watch, and pray. The Lord be with you. Almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless and protect you. Amen. MAY the Blessing of God our Father, the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, be given and multiplied unto you, through the communion of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 32 SERVICE FOR BAYS [Part M SERVICE FOR Dx\YS OF PUBLIC HUMILIATION. AY our trust be in the name of the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Amen. Ijiti^ocluctoj^y Prayer. Let us pray. O ALMIGHTY God ! into whose presence we have come to offer unto thee the sacrifice of repentance and prayer, in the observance of this day of Public Humiliation, dispose our hearts to sincere and deep self-abasement, that, acknowledging the number and deploring the magnitude of our sins, we may obtain remission of them. Lord ! enter not into judgment with thy servants, who are miserable sinners. Pardon thy people who turn unto thee, for thou art a merciful God, full of compassion, slow to anger, and of great kindness. Favorably hear our praj^ers, gracious God ! and those of our brethren, who now call upon thee. Create in us new and contrite hearts, that our humiliation may bring forth the fruits of sincere amendment, through Jesus Christ thy Son. Amen. AND since, Lord ! thou dost convert and sanctify us by thy holy word, we beseech thee to give us grace, now and at all times, to hear the same with attention, with reverence, and with fear : and to receive willingly the instructions and admonitions which may be addressed to us by the ministry of thy servants. Vouchsafe to them thine especial help ; grant that they labor not in vain ; and let not thy word return to thee unfruitful. May it please thee to accompany it with the power and efficacy of thy Holy Spirit; that it may produce in our hearts, the wholesome influence for which it is designed. Grant that we may be not only hearers, but doers of thy word, con- formably to its divine instructions, during the time of our sojourning here, so that we may attain unto eternal salvation ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Second.] of pfblic humiliation. 33 First Lesson. X ISTEN with reverence and attention to the Ten Command- -'-^ ments of the Law of God, as they are written in the twentieth chapter of the Book of Exodus. God spake these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. I. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them ; for I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth genera- tion of them that hate me ; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. lY. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work ; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God ; in it thou shalt not do any work ; thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates ; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day ; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hal- lowed it. Y. Honor thy father and thy mother ; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. YI. Thou shalt not kill. YII. Thou shalt not commit adultery. YIII. Thou shalt not steal. IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house ; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife ; nor his man-servant, nor his maid- servant, nor his ox, nor his ass ; nor any thing that is thy neighbor's. 8 34 SERVICE FOE DATS [Part Hear also wliat our Lord Jesus Christ saith, in the twenty- second chapter of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind : This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it : Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two command- ments hang all the law and the prophets. A Canticle, Psalm, or Hymn. The CojifessioTi.- Let us pray. O ALMIGHTY and Merciful Father ! incline our hearts to call upon thee, and to seek thy presence. Lord ! have compassion on us ; favorably hear our prayers, and let our sup- plications ascend unto thee. God ! Lord of Heaven and Earth ! we humble ourselves before thy Divine Majesty. Thou art the Great, the Supreme God, the Eternal. Thou didst make the heavens and all the hosts thereof, the earth and all that therein is. Thou givest life to all things ; and the army of Heaven boweth down before thee. Thou art worthy to be adored by angels, and that men should fear thee and magnify thy glorious name. Thy majesty is incomprehensible : Thy greatness infinitely above our thoughts, and our praises. But thy goodness is over all thy works, and we come now to ofi'er unto thee our thanks, for all the manifold blessings thou hast vouchsafed to us, even unto this day. Lord ! we are crowned with thy favors, and the testimonies of thy loving kindness are ever around us. Thou hast given us life, and thy bountiful hand hath not ceased to provide all that is necessary to enable us to pass our days in peace. But we praise thee most especially that thou hast blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Jesus Christ, and art willing to number us with those who have been ransomed by the blood of thy Son, and are called to inherit the glory of thy kingdom. Through thy great mercy, thou hast offered to all of us the means of salvation, furthering us by thy word, by the voice of Second.] or public humiliation. 35 thy servants, by the influence of thy Spirit, by thy bounties, by thy chastisements, and by thy continued help. Thou hast not rejected us in the midst of our iniquities ; we are this day engaged in thy worship ; and thou art still disposed to bless us. But we have abused thy mercies, our God ! and have even made them the occasions of transgressing. We have not served thee, even whilst receiving thy benefits ; we have corrupted ourselves, we have forsaken thee, we have dishonored and provoked thee, God ! who art the rock of our salvation. We have not walked in the light of thy Gospel, nor have we lived in a manner worthy of our vocation. Our misdeeds, Lord ! are multiplied ; and our offences have ascended even unto Heaven. Lord ! we confess the multitude and the greatness of our iniquities. Neither we, nor our rulers, nor our pastors, nor the people have fulfilled thy law. We have not been mindful of thy commandments, nor of the warnings vouchsafed unto us through thy Spirit, and by thy servants during the years of thy forbearance. Lord ! the sins committed among us have long provoked thine anger. Impiety and indevotion, hypocrisy, blasphemy, and the profanation of thy Holy Name, of thy holy "worship, and of thy laws ; injustice, violence, and fraud ; hatred, dissensions, envy, and evil speaking ; sensuality, intem- perance, gluttony, and uncleanness ; pride, luxury, avarice, and the love of the world ; open transgressions and secret sins ; the trespasses of the high, and the trespasses of the low ; all these sins, God ! most righteous Judge, all these sins pollute our country, and its inhabitants, and justly kindle thine indignation and thy wrath. Lord 1 thou art just, and we are wicked. To thee belongeth righteousness, to us confusion of face. Thou mayest justly condemn us, and cast us away from thy presence. We confess our guilt, and humbly trust to the greatness of thy mercy. God ! who desirest not the death of a sinner, but rather that he may turn from his wickedness and live ; who despisest not the prayers and sighs of such as call upon thee, hearken unto us, and to all miserable sinners, who confess their faults. Give thy grace unto those who are penitent. Grant this for 36 SERVICE FOR DAYS [Part the love of thy dear Son ; and in consideration of his sacrifice hear the prayers of thy servants. Be favorable, God ! be favorable unto thy people, who turn unto thee with humihation and prayer. Be gracious unto us and pardon us, for thou art a God full of compassion, long suffering and of great mercy. Turn us unto thee, that forsaking our sins, and living in new- ness of life, we may be acceptable in thy sight. Lord our God ! we ask these blessings through thine infinite goodness, in the name of thy Son, our Redeemer, who has commanded us to pray unto thee, saying : OUE, Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven ; give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us ; and lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from e\T.l ; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Second Lesson— A Canticle, Psalm, or Hymn.— Third Lesson— The Sermon -A Can- ticle, Psalm, or Hymn. Let us pray. OLOUD ! let thy mercy shine upon us : and grant us thy salvation. God ! make clean our hearts within us : and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. A Prayer for Faith. OLORD God ! we render thanks unto thee, that thou hast called us to the knowledge and profession of the Christian Faith. We beseech thee to preserve and increase it in us, to the end, that continuing steadfast in the same, we may sincerely unite in the confession of the Church Universal — I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. Second.] or public humiliation. 37 I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord : who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate : He was crucified : He died : He was buried : He went into the place of departed Spirits : the third day He rose from the dead : He ascended into Heaven: He sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty : and thence, he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit. I beheve the Holy Church Universal : The communion of Saints : The remission of sins : The resurrection of the body : And the life everlasting. Amen. Here introduce such of the Special, or Occasional Prayers or Thanksgivings from Part III., as are suitable, may he requested, or the Minister's discretion may suggest. Qeneral Frayer. Let us pray. OLORD our God ! we come before thee on this day of Pasting, Humiliation and Prayer, to offer unto thee our confessions and supplications, and to pray for all conditions of men, and especially for all the necessities of thy Church. God ! Creator and Father of the human race, we pray unto thee that the light of thy holy gospel may shine upon all nations and upon all men who still sit in darkness, to the end that thy name, which is great and holy, may be known and glorified in all places, through Jesus Christ our Lord. "We pray to thee for the prosperity of the Church Universal. Guide it always by thy Word and Spirit : and suffer not the gates of hell to prevail against it. Deliver all Churches which suffer persecution. We beseech thee to take away the dissen- sions and errors which disturb the Christian world ; and to unite all thy people in the bonds of truth, godliness, and peace. Vouchsafe thy blessing upon the Churches of our country, preserve them from error and from vice, remove ignorance and scandal from them, and grant that peace, order, and piety, may prevail among them. Lord ! pardon and be gracious unto» 3 s àERvicÊ FOR DAYS [Part this Church, estabhsh therein more and more the knowledge and the fear of thy name, bless the families and individuals who compose it, of all ages and conditions. We commend to thy favor all Pastors and Ministers who have been ordained to lead thy flocks. Sanctify and endue plenteously with thy gifts those who exercise the holy ministry, and those who are preparing for it : and send forth always zealous laborers into thy harvest. Grant success to the pious designs and holy efforts of all thy faithful servants who seek thy Glory, and the edification of thy Church. Bless the Pastors of this country, to whom thou hast committed the care of our salvation, and who watch for our souls. God ! forgive the sins and negligence of thy Ministers and Servants. Purify thy Sanctuary, and rekindle the zeal of Pastors and People ; that thy holy name may be more and more glorified among us. We offer also unto thee our prayers for all Pulers and Magistrates. Give them a knowledge of thyself, and inspire them with true zeal for thy Glory, and the good of thy Church. We pray for thy blessing on the President of these United States, and on all in authority over us. Guide them in the discharge of their respective duties, and grant that they may have no other end in view than the advancement of the public good. God ! continue to watch over our country, and to bless us. Withdraw not thy grace from the people of these States. Turn away from us thy judgments, and be favorable unto us, for the sake of thy Holy Name. We implore thy grace for all who are in affliction. We commend especially to thy mercy all those who are under the Cross, and who suffer persecution in any manner, for righteousness' sake. Comfort and deliver them ; raise up those who are fallen, and strengthen all, that they may glorify thee in life and in death. Pity and relieve such as are afflicted in mind, body, or estate : and especially those of our brethren, members^ of this Church, who have been unable to meet us this day in thy house. Grant unto them the repentance and resignation which they need, and grace to make a right use of their afflictions. Second.] or public humiliation. â9 our God ! before whom we have this day humbled our- selves, vouchsafe to accept our prayers, and favorably hear all who seek thee with sincerity of heart. Lord ! have mercy upon us, and grant us thy peace. Lord ! receive our suppli- cations, our vows, and our praises : and may our humihation produce in us the fruits of true repentance, through thy Son Jesus Christ, in whose name thou hast promised to hear us. Amen. Benedictions. THE Lord bless you, and keep you : The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. The Lord hft up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen. ^ I^HE peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep ^- your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord : And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be amongst you, and remain with you always. Amen. THE Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with us all ever- more. Amen. M Y Brethren ! The end of all things is at hand. Be ye therefore sober minded, watch, and pray. 40 SERVICE FOR DAYS OF PUBLIC HUMILIATION-. The Lord be with you. Almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless and protect you. Amen. MAY the Blessing of Gfod our Father, the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, be given and multiplied upon you, through the communion of the Holy Spirit. Amen. PART III. SECTION FIRST. PRAYERS FOR STATED OrfASIOXS. TO BE USED AS PART OF THE MORNING SERVICE. For the Bay of tlie Nativity. O ALMIGHTY God 1 Merciful Father ! it is S. SECTION SECOND. 55 COLLECTS FCll STATED OCCASIONS. THESE M \Y r.E STTBSTITUTED FOR THE CORRESPONDING PRAYERS IN SECTION FIRST, OR MAY BE USED IN THE AFTERNOON SERVICE. For Comvmonion Days. O ALMIGHTY God! we iiraise and tliank tliee, that in thine abundant mercy thou didst deliver up thy Son to the death of the Cross, and that we have this day had the consola- tion of commemorating that death in the Holy Sui^per. Lord ! we thank thee for a gift so precious. We extol thy mercy, and we pray to thee, that all of us who have partaken of these holy mysteries, may profit by the sufferings of our Eedeemer, and obtain, through thy goodness, the pardon of our offences, the graces of thy Spirit, a sense of thy love, the light of thy peace, and after this life, the glory of thy Kingdom. Hear us, we beseech thee, in the name and for the sake of our merciful Eedeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen. For the J^cttivity. O ALMIGHTY God ! who didst give thine only Son to take upon him our nature, and to be born of a Virgin, we implore tliee to accept the praises which thy Church offers unto thee for this blessed nativity. Give us grace that by a true faith we may be partakers of the salvation which thy Son Jesus Christ brought into the world ; and that being ourselves regenerate, and made thy children by adoption, we may serve thee in holiness and righteousness, all the days of our lives, through the same Jesus Christ, thy beloved Son. Amen. For the Bay of the KativUy. ALMIGHTY God ! we thank thee that thou didst send thy Son, to be born of the Virgin, to the end that becom- ino- man, he miLESSED be the Lord God of Israel, for he hath visited -^-^ and redeemed his people ; And hath raised up a horn of salvation for us, in the house of his servant David. Fifth.] CANTICLES. 123 As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, that we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all that hate us ; To perform the mercy promised to our Fathers, and to remember his holy covenant ; The oath which he sware unto our Father Abraham, That he would grant unto us, that we, being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, might serve him, without fear. In holiness and righteousness, all the days of our life. He hath given the knowledge of salvation unto his people, by the remission of their sins, Through the tender mercy of our God, whereby the day- spring from on high hath visited us. To give light to them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death ; to guide our feet into the way of peace. Glory be, &c. TWENTY-THIRD CANTICLE. For the Day of the JVatititi/. T ET us bless the Lord, the God who hath created and -*-^ redeemed the world ; let us praise his goodness and his mercy. What is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou visitest him. Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels : Thou hast crowned him with glory and honor : And thou hast made him to have dominion over the works of thy hands. When we were dead in our trespasses and sins, thou didst cause thy Son to be born of a woman ; thou didst make him a partaker of flesh and blood, that he might be a merciful High Priest. There is no salvation in any other ; for there is none other name under Heaven, given among men, whereby we may be saved, but the name of Jesus. He is the image of the invisible God ; the first-born of all 124 CANTICLES. [Part creatures. For by him were all things created that are in Heaven and Earth. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God. The same was in the beginning with God. Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath predestinated us into the adoption of children, by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will. Glory be, &c. TWENTY-FOURTH CANTICLE. For the Day after the Nativity. SING unto the Lord a new song, for he hath done marvellous things. With his own right hand, and his holy arm, hath he gotten himself the victory. The Lord hath made known his salvation : his righteousness hath he openly showed in the sight of the heathen. He hath remembered his mercy and his truth. Show yourselves joyful unto the Lord, all ye lands ; rejoice and sing praises. Let the sea make a noise, and all that therein is ; the world and they that dwell therein. Let the floods clap their hands, and let the hills be joyful to- gether before the Lord, for he cometh to judge the earth ; with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation: That Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. The word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth. Lord ! now lettest thou thy servants depart in peace. For our eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast pre- pared before the face of all people : A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. Glory be, &c. Fifth.] CANTICLES. 125 TWENTY-FIFTH CANTICLE. For the Day of the Crucifixion. C^ HEIST our passover, was sacrificed for us, as of this clay. -^ He was delivered for our offences ; he bare our sins in his body on the tree : And God hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. His soul was exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death : He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter : he humbled himself even unto the death of the cross. He was taken away through the force of agony and of con- demnation ; and he was cut off out of the land of the hving. Let us sing a new song to our God, and to the Lam»b, saying : Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood, out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation : And hast made us unto our God, kings and priests. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing for ever and ever. Let every creature that is in heaven, and on the earth, give praise and honor to him that sitteth on the throne, and unto the Lamb. Now is come the Kingdom of' God and the power of his Christ. If God be for us, who can be against us ? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also, freely give us all things ? Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God his Father, to him be glory and dominion, for ever and ever. Glory be, &c. TWENTY-SIXTH CANTICLE. For the Day of the Crucifixion. LET us bless God our Father, who hath chosen us in his infinite wisdom, through the spirit of holiness, to be obedient unto Jesus Christ, and to be partakers in the fruits of his death. 126 CANTICLES. [Part Through him we have redemption, even the remission of our sins. Lord Jesus ! thou gavest thyself for us, that thou mightest dehver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God, our Father. Knowing that in burnt offerings and sacrifices, God had no pleasure : Thou saidst, Lo ! I come ; in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will, God ! After thou hadst offered one sacrifice for sin, thou didst sit down forever at the right hand of God. For by this one offering thou hast perfected forever them that are sanctified. Thy throne, God I endureth for ever and ever ; a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness ; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect ? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth ? It is Christ that died ; yea rather that is risen again. He died for our offences, and was raised again for our justi- fication. We have not a high priest, who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities ; but we have one who was in all points tempted, yet without sin. Glory be, &c. TWENTY-SEVENTH CANTICLE. For the Day of the Resurrection. C HEIST our passover was sacrificed for us : Therefore, let us keep the feast, not with the leaven of wickedness and hypocrisy, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Christ being raised from the dead, dieth no more ; death hath no more dominion over him. He died unto sin once, but now he hveth unto God. Fifth.] CANTICLES. 127 Being the Prince of Life, it was not possible that he should be holden of the bonds of death. God hath not left his soul in the place of departed spirits ; neither hath he suffered his Holy One to see corruption. He was dead, but he liveth for ever more ; and hath the keys of hell and of death. Christ is risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that sleep. Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead : And as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive, at his coming. Death is swallowed up in victory. death ! where is thy sting ? grave ! where is thy victory ? Thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory be, &c. TWENTY-EIGHTH CANTICLE. For the Bay of the Resurrection. THIS is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation : That Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. Therefore we will sing hymns in honor of our God ; and praise him above all, for ever and ever. Thou hast not spared thine own Son. Thou hast ordained that he should be despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief ; That he should be wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities ; That the chastisement of our peace should be upon him ; and that by his stripes we should be healed. Forasmuch as children are partakers of flesh and blood, thou didst choose that thy Son should be partaker of the same ; that through his death, he might destroy him, that had the power of death : And deliver them, who through fear of death, were all their life-time subject to bondage. 12