'V' BX 6799 .C5 W76 1849 wroe John, 1782-1863 revela??""^"^ °^ John Wro, revelations c\r\ ^v.^ ons on the AN ABRIDGMENT OF JOHN WROE'S REVELITIOP ON THE SCRIPTURES, AND DIVIIE COMJiraiCATIOM : ALSO SEVERAL PROPHECIES. THIRD EDITION. BOSTON: PRINTED .iND PUBLISHED FOR THE TRUSTEES OF THE PEOPLE CALLED ISRAELITES. 1849. BOSTON: BAMRELL & MOOEE, PRINTERS, 16 DEVONSHIRE STREET. CONTENTS. Introductory Address, John "Wroe's Birth — Education — Religious Con\-ictions, &c., 6 His Visions, with Explanations, 9 His Travels, 19 His Wanderings, 23 Divine Communications, chiefly Commands for his own Observance, 23 His Mission to the Jews, 25 Also to the Invisible Hebrews, or the Ten Tribes, 28 A Message to the Roman Catholics and Protestants, 33 A number of Prophecies, , 46-52 Instructions to Believers, 69 The Prayer, 80 Doctrinal Instructions, 95 1. The Difference between Immortality and Incorniption, 2. The Fii'st and Second Resurrections, 3. Whose Bodies are to be healed — not to see Death, 97 Satan cast from Heaven to Earth — His first Power here, &c., 100 Israel's future Glory, 116 N. B. For Chapter of Fulfilments, see second edition. \ ABRIDGEMENT, ETC. INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS. The ancient prophets suffered much, not merely from the openly profane, but from the professed worshippers of the God of Israel. Christ, his apostles, and primitive followers, had more to contend with, and to suffer, than generally falls to the lot of man. Some said of the Lord Jesus Christ, '' He is a good man ; " but others repUed, *' Nay, but he deceiveth the people." John, vii. 12. At one time, '' All bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth." Luke, iv. 22. But by and by, " They rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill, whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong." 29. By some he was declared to be mad, and that he acted under satanic influence. " He hath a devil and is mad ; why hear ye him ? " John, x. 2Ch and surely human nature continues the same, " The carnal mind is enmity against God." Romans, viii. 7. " And, as then, he that was born after the flesh perse- cuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now." Galatians, iv. 29. The rulers, scribes, and phari- sees were some of the bitterest enemies of Chrisj; and his disciples ; and there has been lamentable proof that some of J. Ws. greatest opposers and enemies have been found among the more learned and moral portions of the com- munity ; he and his doctrines, &c., are condemned by many who have never conversed with him on rehgious subjects, nor read any of his books, or examined the grounds of his visitation. You are requested to set aside your prejudices and preconceived opinions ; and observing Nicodemus' words, " Doth our law judge any man before it hear him?" John, vii. 51, pass regularly through, at least, the commencement of this work, and inquire, Would you be willing to expose yourself to as much derision, per- secution, inhuman treatment, and dangers by sea and land, in support of your religion, as he and his friends have done, in continuing to speak and act as they consider themselves required by the Almighty to do ? Perhaps it would be too great a trial for your faith and feelings to contend with ! Did the outcry raised against Jesus, and his rejection by his countrymen, the Jews, prove that he was not the true Messiah ? When Judas betrayed him, and Peter denied him, with imprecations, and all the disciples forsook him and fled, was this a proof that he was an impos- tor? When an uproar was raised against Stephen, (see Acts, 6th and 7th chapters,) did this prove him to be a blasphemer or an impostor ? When the self-interested Ephesians per- ceived that their craft was in danger, and raised an outcry against Paul,' did this prove him to be a deceiver? No ; nor could the self-righteous moralists, and the learned doc- tors with all their weight of influence, crush or stop the progress of that work, which God was pleased to carry on by the instrumentality of a few humble and illiterate indi- viduals ; not indeed educated in the great seminaries of the day, but endued with power from on high : not skilled in the logic or philosophy of the times, but declanng the great truths they were commanded to publish, with plain- ness and simplicity. Can any reader be offended with the great and self-existent I AM, for selecting his own instru- ments? or have you forgotten, that " God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise ; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are might}'-, and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen ; yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are ; that no flesh should glory in his presence." 1 Corin- s thians, i. 27-29. " For with stammering lips, and another tongue will he speak to this people." Isaiah, xxviii. 11. How solemn are the words of the apostle, " Beware, therefore, lest that come upon you, which is spoken of in the prophets : behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish : for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you." Acts, xiii. 40, 41. It is a most glaring fact, that even in this thinking and enhghtened age, any person professing to foretel future events, or advance doctrines at variance with the current opinions of the religious teachers of the day, will be cer- tain of meeting with every species of calumny from the religious world ; and of insult and persecution from the ungodly : some concluding that such a person is deranged, or a teacher of false doctrines ; others exclaiming, '-'-Away with such a fellow from the earth; for it is not fit that he should live.^^ Acts, xxii. 22. How strictly true are the following words, "If they hear not Moses and the proph- ets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead?" Luke, xvi. 31. It may be inquired, can any unprejudiced reader assert, after consulting the following passages of Scripture, that the spirit of prophecy was, or was designed to be entirely withheld after the death of the apostles ? " Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." Amos, iii. 7. " The secret of the Lord is revealed to them that fear him, and his covenant to give them understanding." Psalm xxv, 14. " And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams : and on my servants, and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit, and they shall prophesy." Joel, ii. 28, 29. " Howbeit, when he, the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all truth : for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall ho speak : and he will shoiv you thinrfs to come.'*'' John, xvi. IB. "And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. But the mani- festation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom, &c. To another prophecy-" 1 Cor. xii. 5-12, and 28, 29. " Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation ; for the prophecy come not in old time by the will of man ; but holy men of God spake as the were moved by the Holy Ghost." 2 Peter, i. 21. "Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy." 1 Corinthians, xiv. 1. "If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace ; for ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and that all may be comforted." 30, 31. " Let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith." Rom. xii. 6. If there were to be no true prophets in the latter days, why should we be warned to beware of such as are false ? " Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits." Matthew, vii. 15, 16,^21, 22, and xxiv. 1-13. " For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take heed : behold 1 have foretold you all things." Mark, xiii. 22, 23: 2 Peter, ii. 1 : 1 John, iv. 1. " But tile prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. And if thou say in thine heart, IIoiv shall we Icnotv the word which the Lord hath not spoken ? When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the tiling follow not^ nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptu- ously ; thou shalt not be afraid of him." Deuteronomy, xviii. 20-22. It has been, and can be proved, that sev- eral of J. W.'s predictions have been fulfilled, some of which will probably be laid before you. Say not with the king of Israel, " But I hate him, for he never prophesied good unto me, but always evil." 2 Chronicles, xviii. 1-7. We read of two young men in the days of Moses, upon ■whom the sjjirit of the Lord rested, and they prophesied ; " And there ran a young man and told Moses, and said, Eldad and Medad do prophesy in the camp. And Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of Moses, one of his young men answered and said. My Lord Moses, forbid them. And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake ? Yv^ould God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them." Numbers, xi. 27-29. May the children of men, instead of being influenced by that spirit of sectarianism, self-confidence and self-righteousness, so prevalent in the present day ; (which leads them to oppose, with so much warmth every thing at variance with their own views and opinions,) attend to the words of their Bibles, '" Prove all things, hold fast that which is good." 1 Thessalonians, v. 21. " Charity suf- fereth long and is kind, charity envieth not, charity vaunt- eth not itself, is not puffed up." " Thinketh no evil." " Endureth all things." 1 Corinthians, xiii. 1-8. " With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again," Matt. vii. 2, 3. We must either entirely deny revelation, or acknowl- edge, on the authority of the Scriptures, that God fre- quently revealed his will to his servants in different ages of the world, in the most plain and familiar manner, also in trances or visions, and by the instrumentality of angels ; this is so self-evident that it requires no proof, to any per- son who believes the truth of the Sacred Volume, and is even superficially acquainted with its contents ; for instance, refer to Gen. iii. 9-19 : iv. 6-15 : vi. 13-22 : vii. 1-4 : viii. 15-22 : ix. 1-17 : xii : xv : xvii : xviii. 1-33 : xix : XX. 6 : xxii. 1-16 : xxviii. 13-15 : xxxi. 24 : xxxii : xxxv. 1-13 : Exodus, iii : vi. 1-13 : also, 1 Samuel, iii. 1 : Proverbs, xxix. 18 : Isaiah, i. 1 : xxi. 2 : xxix. 11 : Lam- entations, ii. 9 : Jeremiah, i. 2-4 : Daniel, ii. 19 : vii : viii : ix : x : Micah, iii. 6 : Matt. xvii. 9 : Luke, i. 22 : Acts, ix : X. 17 : xi. 5 : xii. 8-15 : xvi. 9 : xxiii. 8, 9 : XX vi. 19 : XX vii. 23 : 2 Corinthians, xii. 1-9 : Numbers, xii. 6 : 2 Chronicles, xxvi. 5 : Ezekiel, i. 1 : viii. 3 : xiii. 16 : xl. 2. A much greater number of references 1* 6 could be introduced, to prove the truth of what is advanc- ed: and if the Lord is pleased, according to promise, to reveal himself in a similar manner to any individual in the present day, will any presume to declare that person to be mad, or an hypocrite, or a deceiver, and all this on the assertions of others, and without convincing proofs of the truth or fallacy of their statements ? " My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, saith the Lord." Isaiah, Iv. 8. Beware lest thou be found a despiser of His word, who says, '•' Thou shalt not raise a false report : put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil : neither shalt thou speak in a cause, to decline after many to wrest judgment." Exodus, xxiii. 1, 2. " Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." XX. 16. Read Acts, xxiii. 1-12, and see 9th verse, " We find no evil in this man : but if an angel or spirit hath spoken to him, let us not fight against God." HIS BIRTH— EDUCATION— VISIONS. Having so far cleared our way, we proceed to state that John Wroe was born in a small village, called Bowling, in the parish of Bradford, Yorkshire, Septem- ber 19th, 1782, and was baptized in the church of that town. The time allowed for his education appears to have been nearly lost, for on leaving school he could only read very imperfectly ; and it was concluded, from his apparent want of capacity, that he never would become a scholar ; the truth of which conclusion has been fully verified. He was brought up to the same employment followed by his father, who was a master collier, farmer, and worsted stufi" manufacturer. John's grandfather declared that " The Lord would raise up a minister from among his offspring." In conse- quence of this impression, Jolm's father named his youngest son, '' Thomas," which was his grandfather's name, and educated him for the ministry; but was pre- vented from applying to the Archbishop of York for ordi- nation, through the persuasion of the vicar of Bradford and another person, by reason of an impediment in his utterance. In the year 1819, John was afflicted with a fever, and his hfe considered to be in imminent danger ; he was attended by Dr. Blake, of Bradford, and Dr. Field of Tong Street : the former told John's wife, that there was no probability of his recovery, and advised her to prevail on him to settle his affiiirs. Concluding that his recovery Avas very improbable, he became much concerned about his spiritual uiterests, for all his deeds were introduced to liis view ; he accordingly requested the Methodist preach- ers to A'isit him and pray with him ; but they refused, although his wife sent to four of them : she then enquired of him whether she might send for the minister of the Established Church at Bradford ; he replied, It is noAv late, read one or two chapters for me, and I will see what I can do for myself, but he found no comfort. Dr. Blake attended him every day for three weeks, he was reduced almost to a skeleton ; however, in the course of a few weeks he recovered from his bodily illness ; but his distress of mind continued. He Avrestled with God both day and night, for several months, and sometimes walked up and down his own fields, with his Bible, sitting under the hedges, and reading easy passages, but continued des- titute of comfort. Soon after this, he was visited with what are called trances or visions ; (see Numbers, xxiv. 4 : Acts, x. 10 : xi. 5 : xxii. 17 :) at the commencement of most of which, he was struck blind and dumb, his eyehds became as firmly united as if they had naturally grown together : and his tongue fastened in his mouth, in which stiite he remained during the whole period of their continuance, which was sometimes seven, twelve, twenty-four, or thirty- six hours : after one of the trances, he continued blind for six days, but not dumb. Many- remarkable events were revealed to him during their continuance, as well as afterward, and which were accomplished, according to his predictions. He then began to travel, and act as a public speaker ; while thus engaged, he made known such parts of the subjects communicated to him, during his trances, as he considered himself directed to publish. From the time of his being visited by the trances, (which he afterward denominated visions,) he attended the meetings of the societies believing in modern divine revelation and prophecy, as preparatory to the introduc- tion of that great event, known by ihe term " Millennium ; " societies which had espoused the writings of Joanna Southcott and George Turner, the latter being then alive, and looked upon by them as the Loi-d's servant and mes- senger, by whom he would, from time to time, make known his will to them ; however, John Wroe did not become a member of any of said societies at that time, nor of any other, and which was occasioned by the instructions given him in one of his visions, in which he was informed that after he had travelled for three years in England, he should be joined to the Lord's people : and which people, he then concluded, were Jews, appear- ing to him with long beards. Towards the latter end of the year 1822, the three years alluded to being then nearly expired, John Wroe was informed by an angel in vision, that he was to be joined to the people with whom he had been assembling for some time, and to occupy the place of George Turner, then deceased : this information he received when in one of their meetings at Bradford, on a Sunday evening, and which he communicated to the society ; but they received it at first with some degree of opposition, which, however, soon disappeared, as far as regarded the society at Bradford and many others : but several continued to oppose, and consequently became separated from the rest. The three years he considered to have expired on the 14th of December, 1822, at whicli time he accordingly became a full member of said soci- ety. He then, by direction of the Spirit, relinquished his worldly employment, became wholly engaged in the work of the ministry ; and consequently left Bradford, to visit i> nil to whom he might bo sent, and warn tlieni of approach- in,ii; events. The most remarkable of liis travels and voyages in the succeeding ten years, are those to Gibralter, Spain, France, Germany, and Italy, in 1823, to Scotland, in 1827, and Wales, in 1828 ; and to America, in 1840, to South Australia, in 1843, and again to America in 1846. HIS VISIONS, WITH EXPLANATIONS. Having stated that John Wroe had been visited with visions, a fevf of which are herein inserted, (see Numbers, xxiv. 4 : Acts, xxiii. 8, 9 : xxvii. 23.) When in one of my fields, and wrestling with God in prayer, I saw a vision, having my eyes open — A woman came to me, and tossed me up and down in the field ; I endeavored to lay hold of her but could not, I therefore knew it was a spirit : after which, being laid in my bed, I was struck blind and also dumb, (this was at about two o'clock, on the morning of the 12tli of November, 1819,) the sun and moon then appeared to me, after which there was visible a very large piece of glass ; on looking through it, I beheld a very beautiful place, vfhich I entered. I saw a multitude of people, which no man could number. There came an angel, who became my guide, and said to me, '' Thy prayers have been heard, but not accepted ; for thou wert not like Abraham when he offered his son Isaac for a sacrifice, for thou hast withheld thine heart from the Lord thy God, but now thou art cleansed, spirit return unto thy rest." And as quick as lightning the fol- lowing Avords struck forcibly upon me, " Tiiough I Avalk through the valley of the shadovr of death, I fear no evil, as long, as the rod of thy word, and the staff of thy defence is with me." During the time I was in this situ- ation, (being about twelve hours,) I knew what was pas- sing in the room, and what every person said, and shor>k 10 liands -with them, expecting that I was immediately to leave the body. On the 14th of November, 1819, at about ten in the forenoon, I had a second vision, was struck blind as on the first, and remained so for some hours : I was as if travelling a long journey ; and passing through a lane that I did not recollect, I beheld a multitude of beasts, and horned cattle, that could not be numbered, one differing from another in shape, size, or color ; looking downward, and very harmless, they were all lying down : I turned round and saw one of a very great size, having a gold chain round its neck : its appearance terrified me much, so that I thought I shed many tears. I thought that I walked about a mile among these beasts, until I retui'ned to my former place, wliere my guide met me. He then took me into a large place, where I saw a great number of books, placed on their edges, having gilt letters. There also appeared large altars full of such letters, but I could not read them: I begged that I might be enabled to read and understand w4iat I had seen ; and there appeared another, the letters of which were black print Or old English, with the word Jeremiah on the top of it, and the letter L. I wrote on the wall with my finger at the time, as 1 lay in bed ; the people who were present, observing me, concluded that I wished to v/rite, (I was dumb, for my tongue w^as fastened in my mouth as before,) they gave me a piece of board and chalk, and I wrote Jeremiah, 50th chapter. I had never read this chapter, or heard it read, or seen it before, to my recollection ; but w4ien I came to myself, I could, without looking at it, repeat nearly every word in it, and which indeed I did. My guide turned to me and said, " I will tell thee the meaning of this chapter. Thou shalt set up a standard, conceal not my words, but publish them in the streets ; this chapter shall fall upon the land." He then took me through a large passage, and I saw an innumerable company of soldiers, I also saw kings in chariots and on horseback, with stars on their breasts, and like men armed for battle ; and I beheld an- other larare bodv of men on the contrarv side, but not in 11 uniform ; they bad long beards and were in front of tlie armed men, and a flash, as it were, issued from the clouds, and cut oif all the men that were in uniform. I saw them and the kings all weltering in their blood, which ran in streams : and mj guide said to me, " This day is the battle of the Lord." Then there appeared another altar, with letters in black print, as before, and I saw Isaiah, 5oth chapter, and wrote on the wall as formerly ; on being ob- served, a piece of chalk and a board were handed to me, and I wrote Isaiah, 55th chapter. The angel said, " I will tell thee the meaning of this chapter. It is the time when the thousand years shall be revealed on the earth, and at that time, you shall want no king, every person will think himself lower than another. He that shall rule over you shall be King, and as he was seen going, so in like manner shall he come unto you." There came a gloom over the place, and I returned. In this vision I could not hear as before. On the 29th of Xovember, 1819, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, I was struck blind as in the former visions, and my tongue became quite fastened in my mouth as before. I saw angels who seemed to be all moving from one place to another ; they held books in their hands, and turned the printed side to me, saying " Canst thou read and under- stand them?" My guide showed me Moses and Aaron, with the twelve patriarchs ; but Moses seemed to me to be the highest. I saw numbers beside, which were in companies, and in each company one shone brighter than another. The angel then said, " Thou seest how far one diifereth from another in glory ; it is according as they have spent their lives on the earth." I saw the Throne of God, and the glory thereof ; it appeared to me as a place arched with precious stones, which shone with such lustre that my eyes could scarcely behold it : there were numbers of angels on each side of the throne : my guide shewed me the Father and the Son in the midst of it : I then heard the sweetest music I ever witnessed, aud which continued for some time. The whole company that surrounded the throne, sung as with one voice. Silence was again resumed, and I sa^v a white horse stand before 12 the throne ; and the Angel said, *' He that sitteth on the white horse shall judge the great whore which corrupted the world." Angels then appeared with golden sickles in their hands, and my guide said to them, " Put forth the sickles, and gather the weeds from the corn, for the corn is nearly ripe." Then there appeared other angels, having sickles in their hands which shone like silver, and my guide said to them, " Search the corn, until there be no weed left : " he then turned to me and said, " Spirit, return unto thy body, and be not thou rebellious, like that rebellious house ; but set up a standard in the open streets : conceal not the things wdiich thou hast heard and seen." There came a darkness over the place, and I came to myself. I wrote the chapters which I have men- tioned on a board as before ; but could not hear any thing that was said by any person in the house, during the period in which I heard and saw what is here related." " On the 14th of December, 1819, I was again struck blind, at about ten o'clock in the forenoon, and remained more like a corpse than a living man for twenty-four hours, when I came to myself by degrees, but continued blind for five days. After many things, the angel said to me, '' Thou shaltbe blind for six days, and on the seventh day, thy father shall come to thee and many people with him ; he shall lay his right thumb on thy right eye ; and his fourth finger on thy left, as a token, that he may remem- ber his former sins and wickedness ; and if not, it will be a witness against him at the day of Judgment, and thou shalt receive thy sight." He then conducted me to the place in which he had been with me in the third vision, and said, " I will now tell thee the meaning of the beasts that thou sawest, they are emblems of two things : the first refers to the government and the rich, that they shall be brought low in mind : the second alludes to the thou- sand years of rest, when satan shall be chained down, and his power of tempting man taken away. I will also in- form thee the meaning of the books Avhich thou sawest ; they contain the works of the world. The angels which thou beheldest moving to and fro, descending and ascen- ding, arc the spirits of the righteous, which are striving with man, against the spirits of the devil. The soldiers which thou hast seen, and the kings, &c., are nations that will combine, one against another, to prevent any person from buying or selling but from them. The angels which thou hast seen with their sickles, gathering the weeds out of the corn — The weeds are the wicked, which shall be taken from the righteous ; but before that day arrives, " Every one that calleth on the name of the Lord shall be saved: " and those were they who stood opposite the great army when the flash .which thou observedst came out of heaven and destroyed that army ; but the 'others who had called upon the name of the Lord were not injured, but returned every one to his own land. And when the wicked are all destroyed, then will that righteousness be revealed, which thou sawest, and all the crooked places shall be made straight, and the whole earth become more glorious than what was shown thee at that time, and it will exceed the garden of Eden ; and the angels shall ascend and descend, as thou sawest them, and God himself will reign over you." He then said to me, " Thou shalt re- turn and publish what thou hast seen and heard, and be not thou rebellious, like that rebellious house." During the six days in which I was blind, my wife at one time was reading a hymn for me. When she had read it, I desired her to read it again ; but before she had done so, I fainted, and saw the elements separated, and there appeared before me a large open square. I saw our Saviour nailed on the cross, and the tears trickling down his face, and at that time I thought he was weeping for the wicked people upon earth. An angel then,appeared, holding a man by a single hair of his head, who had a very large sword in his hand, which he waved backward and forward : I then saw a pair of large scales let down to the earth, and a great bundle was placed in one side of it, which I thought was the sins of the people, and then saw a great number of weights placed in the other, but the bundle was so much heavier, that the weights bounced out, and the scales were drawn up into heaven. Then the man that was held by the hair of his head by the angel, brandished his sword six or seven times as formerlv 14 and disappeared. I afterward saw Moses and Aaron ac- companied by a great number of people, attended by angels, and I heard such delightful music as it would be impossible to describe. There was darkness over the place soon after, and I lost sight of all in a moment. He continued blind for exactly six days, and on the seventh his father came, according to what the angel told him ; several persons were present in the house, when his father placed his right thumb on his right eye, and his fourth finger on his left, and to the astonishment of all present, he immediately received his sight : the moment his father placed his thumb and finger on his eyes, he fainted, and beheld a very glorious scene. As soon as he received his sight, the people who surrounded him in- quired of him whether he really could then see ? He found that with one eye he could see as distinctly as ever ; but with the other, very imperfectly ; occasioned, he be- lieves, by a person having endeavored three days before, to force it open. Samuel Muff, a spectator, sa3^s, " during the twenty- four hours that John Wroe was in this trance, reports of the circumstance frequently reached my house, " adding that he was likely to die ; I accordingly weiit to see him, and he came to himself when I was in the house, but was entirely blind : on hearing my voice, he communicated many things to me, which I cannot at present recollect, but I remember his having said that he was blind, but that he would yet see. He wrote me a fpw lines in the course of his six days' blindness, desiring that I would come to see him at the time his eyes w^ere to be opened, and which he asserted was to be at the end of the six days ; the letter was sent to me by one of my neighbors, who declared he saw him write it ; and, stone blind as he then was, it is the best piece of his writing I ever saw. I complied with his desire, and actually saw his eyes open in the manner already related. After his father had placed his thumb and finger on his eyes, he appeared to me, for some time, as if he w^ere dead : he afterward came to himself, sat up in the chair, and his eyes instantly opened. He and I were brought up within a quarter of 15 a mile of each other, and were school-fellows, but the master who instructed us, never could teach him to spell or read, nor even to speak plainly." Joseph Wroe, who is John's cousin, says, " The first time I met with John Wroe, after the commencement of his visions, which was in the street in Bradford, I said, " I have been mformed that thou hast begun to preach." He replied, " Well, I do not know much about preaching, but I have begun talking, and people may call it what they please." I said, in a contemptuous manner, " I have also been informed that thou hast been visited with visions or trances : what hast thou seen ? " He replied, " I have seen a great deal too much to relate here." He appeared reserved, and would say no more. Some time after this, a person came to my house, and enquired of me whether I had seen my cousin John, adding, " People say he is bhnd, and has been so for these three or four days." I went to see him on the following Sunday, with many others : at his desire I led him to the door, and accompa- nied him to the house of a neighbor, named Abraham Holmes : it was this man who wrote his visions, a part of which was done on that occasion ; we delayed there until it was dark, and I led him back to his house. When I was about to return home, he laid hold on my hand, and would not suffer me to proceed, until I had promised him to re- turn next day ; as he asserted that he was then to receive his sight. I accordingly attended the next day, several persons did the same, and one of them said to John, " Art thou not afraid that thou wilt never see any more ? " He replied, " No, I have not a doubt about it, I am as firm as a rock in the belief that my sight Avill be restored at the appointed time." A few minutes before the time, he requested that some person would lead him to a pri- vate place, in order that he might have an opportunity for prayer ; I accordingly led him into the parlor and with- drew ; he soon after returned, and ordered a chair to be placed in the middle of the room, so that every person present might observe Avhat was to be done ; he then called his father, directing him to lay his thumb and fin- ger on his eyes, and he did so. John said, " You have 16 done enough, take away jour hand." He then stretched hig legs and feet, his head and arms fell back, and he fainted, and his countenance appeared like that of a per- son who was dead ; he remained so for about a minute, when his eyelids began to move, and suddenly opened ; he came to himself, and said " I can see." I inquired of him, " How wast thou before thy sight was restored ? " He replied, ^'' I got a glance of that glorious place ; and at that instant my sight returned." One night after he had received his sight, he prayed to the Lord, that he would make known to him, in either visions or dreams, what religious sect he ought to join. At about two o'clock in the morning, being awake, he saw on the tester of his bedstead, a black board, on which ap- peared, in large gold letters, " A. A. Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi ; " he awoke his wife, and told her what he had seen ; he thought at first, that Rabbi was the name of a town, and that he was, perhaps, to go to that town to de- clare what he had seen. " On the 1st of February, 1820, I had another vision, and vras struck blind and dumb, as formerly, and remained so for seven hours ; the people say that during that time I trembled and perspired very much. In this vision, the same angel who was with me in former visions, appeared to me and took me into another kingdom, which he told me was Spain. I then saw thousands and tens of thou- sands of people collected together, one against another, both in uniform and otherwise ; and I saw great numbers of the people falling by the sword and other weapons, I saw a king in the midst of a large body of people, and saw his head struck off: the cries and shouts I heard at that time exceeded all I had ever witnessed. My guide then took me into another kingdom, (the name of which was not made known, to me,) v/here I saw three trees grow up, which blossomed and came to perfection, bearing all kinds of fruit, and which remained on them : after these I saw three other trees spring up beside them : they blossomed, but the blossoms withered, the bark peeled off, and they were pulled up by the roots. My guide said to me, ''I will inform thee the meaning of these six trees : they are a resemblance of four things, viz., the Avicked and the righteous ; the -wicked shall be removed from the face of the earth, and the other three trees, with the fruit re- maining on them, are the righteous, who shall remain and inherit the earth ; they likewise refer to three years of plenty throughout the whole world ; and the three trees which came not to perfection, are three kingdoms, which shall not come to perfection : and as thou trembled, so shall the people tremble, and as thou didst sweat, so shall the people sweat with fervent heat this summer." [See chapter on fulfilment of Prophecies.] On the 20th of June, 1820, 1 intended to go to Hudders- field, but it appearing likely to rain, and being in a deli- cate state of health, through persuasion of my wife, I re- mained at home, went into my bed-room and undressed myself, on which I w^as struck bhnd, but my eyes remained open : I cried out, ' Oh dear, oh dear ! ' which brought my wife to my assistance, and she conducted me to the bedside. I tried to put on my clothes but could not, and presently I fainted away ; this was about nine o'clock in the morning, and, as T was told, I lay as one dying, until nine the next night, which was thirty-six hours ; wdien I came to myself I was asked by the people in Jtlie house, ' If I knew how long I had been in the state above des- cribed.' I answered ' From morning to night : ' on wdiich, I was informed by them that ' I had lost a day and a night.' During this period, I was visited by numbers of people, amongst whom were tw^o doctors, who examined me ; but they were utterly unable to ascertain the nature of my disorder, as they called it. In this vision, I was taken to a place, which I was told by my guide, was Spain. I w^as afterward taken to an- other place, and was informed that it was Paris, in France, where I savv^ great disturbances, and soldiers killing the inhabitants ; indeed, the people of France appeared to be all at variance, one with another. I was afterward carried by the angel into England, where I saw large bodies of clergymen collected ; they disputed about their Bibles, until at length they threw them into each otfier's faces ; this I saw in different parts of England, but particularly 18 in London. The angel said to me, '' These are the times spoken of by Daniel the prophet ; but this which I have told thee of, shall be sealed up to some, for a short time, until the Scriptures be fulfilled. Satan -vviil influence kings and families that the Scriptures may be fulfilled. And as thou hast seen fathers and sons against each other, so will counties be divided, in sending their members to Parliament ; and as they are against each other, so will the city of London be divided on some subject of great importance. I have something more to say, but will not make it known at this time.' The first and last which I savf in this vision, was Queen Caroline, who seemed to be full of sorrow and trouble ; the angel said to me, " This woman shall not come to any harm, for he that has brought her here, will defend her from all her enemies ; he has brought her here to work a good work for the end, for the time of your redemption is at hand." [See chap- ter on fulfilment of Prophecies.] The foregoing visions were published to the world im- mediately after he received them ; but having been, as he asserts, commanded then to keep a part back, he now gives it, as follows : — That * the time he was to set up a standard in the streets was three years, wherein he should travel in England ; and when he stood before the people, he should have his hat on his head, and at the expiration of which he should go unto the Lord's people Israel, and sign with them, to the laws and statutes which the Lord gave unto Moses upon Mount Horeb.' The angel de- clared further to him, " Thou understandest very little to what thou shalt understand. The Lord will send me to prepare thy wa}^, in the hearts of the people ; for those who are thine enemies, belong unto the vine. Thou shalt go into many nations, kingdoms and states ; and declare the last covenant that shall be made with man ; for thou shalt be made an instrument in the hands of the God of Israel ; gind thou shalt stand with a rod in thine hand be- fore kings and princes. And the God of Israel shall graft both houses together, and they shall become one rod, and there shall be one king over them all. Now, spirit, return to attract thv bodv, declare what thou hast heard and seen and be not afraid of man." 19 HIS TRAVELS, ETC. Some time after John AYroe was first visited by visions, it was revealed to him, that Joanna Southcott and George Turner Avere the real characters which their writings represented them to be, for he had her trans- figured before him in the open firmament, in the daj-time, with the child on her left arm ; this, he asserts, he discerned as plainl}' as ever he saw any object, and jet he did not join in society with them, thinking he was to join the Jews. On Sunday evening, the 25th of 8th month, 1822, as John Wroe sat leanins; against the wall, at a meetinai; of the aforesaid society, he was for some time, before and after the conclusion, apparently dead ; but on recovering, he said *•' he had received words which Avoukl go to the ends of the earth ; he had seen the angel who had attended him before, who said to him, ' God will put his Spirit upon thee, to deliver his people, and will set thee as a stumbling block before this people, where the serpent has sown his seed, and will send thee to various places to try their faith.'" Only two persons believed his visitation; and the rest, in general, greatly opposed him ; he, conse- quently, did not enjoy the liberty of speaking in their meetings, till shortly after, when the greater part of the committee became convinced of his mission. — Paper from Willi am Muff. About the same time, he visited the society at Idle, on the subject of his mission, and met with opposition ; but shortly after, by the direction of the Spirit, he sent a person to them witli a message, Requiring that their com- mittee should hold a private meeting, and conclude either to receive or reject him as the Lord's standard to lead and direct them. Samuel Walker, the bearer of tjie message, also received from John a sealed letter, which was directed not to be opened until they had formed their decision : it 1^0 stated the conclusion to which thej would come ; which was; that they would receive him. When the committee had retired for consultation on the subject, the messenger, in conformity with his instructions, called a person into a separate apartment, to w4iom he committed the care of the aforesaid letter, and at the same time made him acquainted with its contents : on the committee returning from the room to w4iich they had retired, and before the3'' gave their answer to John's message, the sealed letter was delivered to them, they read it, were highly satisfied, and declared it to express their decision, which was to receive John, and acknowledge his mission, — Samuel Walker. About the same time, he visited the society of George Turner, at Almondbury, near Huddersfield, where he also preached to the public. The societies at Stockport and Sheffield, in answer, declined having any thing to do with the matter ; this being made known to John, he declared, '* they knew not what they had written, for the greater part of the society would receive it, but not all the committee ; likewise some of those at Stockport, but not so many as at Sheffield." In the 6th month of the following year, n(^arly the whole of the society at Sheffield came into the belief of his visit- ation ; but two or three of the committee resisted ; a number at Stockport also came in. In the 11th month the society at Ashton appointed Thomas Heap and Samuel Entwistle, (the latter being their speaker,) to proceed to Bradford, where they arrived on the 20th inst., and the same evening attended a meet- ing in which John spoke ; they also had an interview Avith him on the following day, at John Brunton's, and expressed their satisfaction with ^vhat they had heard at the meet- ing ; but the speaker said " he was placed in a particular situation, having to stand between God and the people, and therefore wished for some evidence in writing, on which one of the committee transcribed for him a few of the occurrences already related. On Sunday, the 20th of the 12th month, 1823, John Wroe, accompanied by William Lees, was at Chatham, on their return from the continent ; John being very ill, William n attended the meeting of the believers in the missions of Joanna Southcott and George Turner, and declared to them, that '• the Lord Avas continuing to visit his people by the Spirit of prophecy ; " but the greatest part of them seemed altogether opposed to it : however, on the follow- ing morning, one of them visited John and William at their lodgings, and invited them to his residence, and John received a communication from the Spirit, which he left with them. — Jo}irnal of Williain Lees. At night they proceeded to Gravesend, and visited the believers there, by whom they were kindly received, and the greatest part of them as well as those at Chatham, afterw^ard si2i;ned their names in acknowleds;- ment of their belief, that the visitation of John was a continuation of that to George Turner and Joanna, deceas- ed. This was an additional proof that the prophecies of John w^ere of God, as he had frequently declared to Wil- liam in the course of their journey, that "a society would be formed at Chatham and Gravesend," which led them to call at those places on their return ; for John said, " he knew the Lord would incline their hearts to receive and acknowledge them." On the 24th, they visited John ifisbet, in London, who w'as one of the aforesaid believers, and also a member of the committee for the execution of the commands com- municated to George Turner : William was much surprised at the manner in which John introduced himself to J. Nisbet ; for he did not ask him fo examine his visitation, but told him at once, that " the Lord had appointed him to be a member of the committee estabhshed at Ashton, in the room of a person who had broken the Lord's covenant by adultery." This increased William's astonishment, as he had not the least idea of such an occurrence, neither had they received any intelligence from Ashton on the subject, which appeared to be a direct proof that the Lord must have revealed it to John. He also received a com- munication from tlie Spirit, to leave with J. Nisbet, and another for the committee of which he was a member, and which communications Avere written previous to their hav- ing seen him. — Ibid. '12 In the latter part of the 8rd month, 1825, John Wroe, agreeable to a command from the Spirit, on the 21st inst. , selected from the Scriptures of the Old and New Testa- ment, the different laws which he has commanded to enjoin upon the friends ; in performing which, he had the ay hole of the Scriptures read before him with the Apocrj^pha, at three periods, during each of which he observed a fast. On the 4th of the 9th month, in the morning, the j attend- ed the meeting of the behevers in the visitations of Joanna Southcott and G. Turner, in Dcvonport : John was so ill that he was obliged to be conducted there between two persons, and, on arriving, was nearly unable to stand ; but after he began to speak, his affliction appeared to be removed. He spoke of the instruments, (Joanna South- cott, George Turner, and William Shaw), being taken away, and the sheep scattered ; and said " Thus saith the' Lord, My sheep shall never be scattered any more, they shall be gathered under one shepherd." He said " all who felt inclined, might stop after the service and sign," which was done by about forty. In the beginning of the 12th month, 1832, John Wroe, by direction of the Spirit, had the Bible read over to him by six men, from which he selected certain passages, in order to form a book for the preachers, and which he was informed should gather the Lord's children out of all nations, where they were scattered ; of which selection, the twelve baskets of fragments were a prefiguration ; (see John vi. 12, 13, " When they were filled, he said unto his disciples. Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. Therefore they gathered them to- gether, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which remained, over and above, of them that had eaten.") The names and residences of the six men alluded to, are, Thomas Mort, of Huddersfield ; Wil- liam Muff, Joseph Holgate, John Tillotson, Charles Rob- ertson, all of Bradford, and David Brummitt, of Leeds. HIS WxVNDERINGS. On the otli of the 1st month, 1826, John Wroe, in obedience to a command from the Spirit, left Park Bridge, again to wander in the fields for fourteen days : he asserts that his wanderings were in various parts of Lancashire, Cheshire, and Derbyshire ; and was frequently out all night during this time, although the frost was very severe : he procured his food by begging it, but was prohibited from receiving it from those with whom he was joined in society. This conduct, (as well as his wanderings in the summer of 1824,) being to set a type of an approaching scarcity of bread, in those places through which he wan- dered. DIVINE COMMUNICATIONS, CHIEFLY COM- MANDS FOR HIS OWN OBSERVANCE. Leeds, loth of 1st month, 1823 : — '' This morning I dreamed that I was in a pew, in a large place of worship, where Avas a large congregation, and many clergymen ; I saw a young man of high stature, stand up before the clergy, who said, ' he would destroy the earth ; ' and I fled out of the pew into the aisle. The answer of the Spirit; — ''The young man whom I showed thee, who stood so boldly before the clergy, is the Branch of me, Jesus, who shall be the life of Israel, and sweep away the refuge of lies ; and cast Satan down into the bottomless pit for a thousand years. Be thou valiant, and set up a standard, and decUirc my words, until I bring ibrth this 24 joung man ; and then thou shalt flee as thou fleddest out of the pew." — Written from John Wroe's mouth by Samuel Walker. London, 11th of 4th month, 1823: — "I, Jesus, who am the root an"^ oftsprmg of David, command thee to go forth unto all those foreign countries which I shall tell thee of; and tell them I am bringing forth vnj servant, the Branch, who shall come in the name of Shiloh. Now stand thou boldly before them, and tell them that the Mightj God of Israel has sent thee unto them ; and if they will hearken unto thee, and gather themselves to- gether, and unite as w^ith one heart, and serve me Avith one consent ; then I will brir.g them forth, and place thee among them, till the time that I reveal my son Shiloh. But if they refuse to hear my voice by thee, I will do as I did unto the Egyptians, for death shall be among them in every toAvn and city where they are, until they acknowledge it. Therefore be not dismayed at their looks, for I will give thee the line and the plummet, until the time they acknowledge me, whom the Hebrews and the Gentiles pierced." Liverpool, 17th of 4tli month, 1823: — "Be thou strong and valiant, and likewise him that shall be with thee, for I will make your voices like the voices of roar- ing lions ; and thy voice shall be heard from pole to pole. For I have searched thee out from amongst mjj. people, in a family of dry bones, wherein is no soundness, and they shall be thy greatest foes, and thy two worldly brothers will swell hard against thee : have not I, Jesus, given thee these lines." — Written from John Wroe''s mouthy hj Robert Harling. Bay of Biscay, 1st of 5th month, 1823 : — ''I caused the winds to obey thy voice, and I have caused him that is with thee to be a witness of it ; for I have caused a calm for two days and nights, that thou mightest cry unto me, that thou mightest see that I was with thee, to per- form all my words, which I spoke unto thee ; for I Avill cause seven men to travel with thee, and these seven men shall be witnesses against them, when I perform my work. Now, I ^ell thee, these people to whom thou art going, 25 win do great things unto thee ; therefore do thou notMng in thy own strength, neither be guided by them ; for if thou art, thy troubles will be great." — Written from John Wroe's mouth, hy Robert Harling. Gibraltar, 21st of 5th month, 1823:— "Now I tell thee, the Hebrews will not receive thee yet ; for if they received thee now, it would be no trial to my people who have received my word before. Be thou of a contrite heart, for I will make thee roar like a lion after the prey of my Spirit ; for the clergy shall call thee a madman, and the lawyers shall tell thee learning maketh thee fool- ish : kings shall ask thee questions, and not be able to answer thee : and the Hebrews shall gnash at their Rab- bles, saying, ' Is this the doctrine you kept us so long dark in ? We will not uphold your robes any longer ; for God has given us a light, and we will follow it ; and we will be no more either Hebrews or Gentiles ; but the true Israel of God." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth, hy Robert Harling. St. Michael's Cave, Gibraltar, 29th of 5th month, 1823 : — "Ye shall yet go to Jerusalem, and declare my words there, and thou shalt prophesy there, and I will perform it against that people. And I will show thee the place where I suffered, and where my temple shall be built, and thou shalt see the foundation thereof ; for I laid the corner stone in the Scriptures, as thou hast seen in vision ; and as thou hast seen it spiritually, thou shalt see it temporally, if thou watch my movings. Did I not tell thee they should receive thee in this place ? I sent my angels before thee to prepare the way. Did I not tell thee at first, that Satan desired to have thee, that he might sift thee as wheat ? But thou art not in his hand, though he fights hard against thee. Thou hast wept much in the ship, but thou shalt weep more in Jerusalem, for they will do strange things unto thee, but I will deliver thee from them ; fear thou not, for I will prepare for thee. And thou shalt go into the syna- gogue, (in the place where thou now art,) on Saturday, the last day of the month, and stand boldly before them, 3 26 and then I will tell thee what I will do unto them." — Written from John Wroe^s 'mouth, hy William Cooke, Speech of John Wroe, to the Hebrews, in their syna- gogue, at Gibraltar, 31st of 5th month, 1823 : — " 1 am commanded by the Spirit of the living God, to go unto the House of Israel, to see if there be any Israelites ; and if any of you are found to be so, you are to gather yourselves together, as men of one heart, and keep the Law of Moses, which you have not kept, and then he will give you his laws which you have not believed. I have to inform you also of your mistake, which you have made in the words of the Prophet, where you are told, ' He must come and suffer : and that if ye believed not, he would give you up, till the fulness of the Gentiles.' For he never told you that he was the Branch. Now he sets his hand the second time, to recover the remnant of his people. For you have it in your Scriptures, " Give righteousness to the King's son." ISTow to you that believe, and fear his name, "• The Sun of righteousness shall arise, with healing in his wings, and shall destroy the devourer fof your sakes." Search your Scriptures, and see if you cannot find these words ; for this is Shiloh, the Branch, who shall gather you, and deliver you from the bonds of Satan. For your Deliverer shall descend from the east, and " every eye shall see him." Now, friends, I am sent to wa^rn you, and not to be afra,id of you." — Written from Jolin Wroe^B moutli, hy William Cooke. Gibraltar, 1st of Gth month, 1823 : — ''I have sent my angels to testify to thee — I am the Root of the branches of the six churches, and they that will not hear my call, I will give the destroying angel power, and he shall destro}^ with death, sword, pestilence, and famine. Have I not spoken it? And I will perform it. _ And be thou not afraid of them, nor dismayed at their looks, but declare the things that I shall speak unto thee, for I Avill protect thee. And thou shalt go into Spain, and declare my words against that people. I see thou art desirous of preaching, but I have not sent thee to preach unto them, but to declare my w^ords, which I shall give thee, for I have prepared , me a people in those nations, that shall 27 receive thee, to preach mj everlasting Gospel unto them. And thou shalt be brought before kings, judges, and rul- ers, for my name's sake, and thou shalt prophesy against them, and they shall put thee in prison, that I may con- found their wisdom." — Written from John Wroe^s mouthy hy William Cooke. Gibraltar, 2nd of 7th month, 1823 : — " I, Jesus, from heaven, command thee, John Wroe, to warn the kingdom of Spain, that if they return not from their wicked ways, of worshipping images, made with men's hands, and bow- ing before them ; that I will draw my two-edged sword against them, and it shall turn every way, till I have destroyed them. But who is this that has caused them to err ? They have hearkened unto their priests instead of hearkening unto me. Now I will tell you what I will do unto your priests : — I will chase them as hounds chase a fox, till I utterly destroy them, and the remnant that is left shall slay your king, and they shall know that I have sent this unto them, by my servant. For I will let you see that I am coming the second time, to recover the remnant of my people, — those that will have me to reign over them : and those that will not have me to reign over them, my sword shall be against them, for I will be the king of the whole earth, and there shall be no king but me ; and I will reign over them, and they shall know that I am. the Lord, who have spoken unto them by the mouth of my servant, John Wroe." — Written from John Wroe's mouthy hy Wdliam Cooke^ and translated into the Span- ish language, hy John Qurell, a Hehrav ; and a numher of copies uTitfen and distrihuted in Sp)ain, hy John Wroe and William Cooke. Strasburg in France, 23rd of 10th month, 1823 : — " Son of man, arise, and stand up before the Jews ; and tell them my decree is fixed, which I will not alter. And tell their Rabbies that they will be confounded ; and that they are not Hebrews ; but if they will ask of me, I will make them true Israelites ; and go to the descendants of Israel, which are hid among the Gentiles, aid tell them they are not Gentiles ; but if they will ask of me, I will make them of the true Israelites, for I will confound all 28 that call themselves Gentiles, and are not. And peiform this before thou leavest this place. And ye shall not return the same way that ye came. And when thou returnest, thou shalt go to Idlethorpe, and remain there forty days ; (that each day may be counted for a year, for the ingathering of the House of Israel.) Thou shalt not preach during these forty days, but many will come unto thee, and ask thee questions, which they think thou canst not answer. But I will answer them by thee, and confound them : thou shalt not travel during- these forty days ; I will set thee for a sign for the people." — Writ- ten from John Wroe's mouth, hy William Lees, Copies of letters delivered to the visible and invisible Hebrews : — '' I, John Wroe, am commanded by the voice of the Living God, to go forth unto many nations, king- doms, and states, to both the visible Hebrews, and those who are invisible, being hid among the Gentiles, to de- liver words which have been given to me, as follows : — " I, the Lord, command thee to tell the visible Hebrews, that my decree is fixed, which I caused to be recorded in the scriptures, which I will not alter. That there shall be time no longer ; for as I gathered my seed Abraham from among the Gentiles, and made him Israel, so will I gather his seed, whom I have mixed among the Gentiles, and dis- persed into many nations ; which are two staffs of people, which shall become one, and be my true Israelites. I, the Lord, command thee to tell the Hebrews to circum- cise their hearts unto me, and ask of me, and I will show them my decree which I will not alter. For both Israel and the aliens shall be circumcised both in heart and flesh ; Israel before my kingdom is given, and the aliens after it is given ; though they be servants to Israel, yet shall they be circumcised. Now if you will fulfil this, you shall see your king and your ark ; for it is not recorded in my Scriptures that ye should be delivered at my first appear- ance, but at my second ; he who had done the work, should be delivered from death, hell, sin, and the grave ; and that the light of life which is eternal should dwell in his temple. Now tell them, that I speak to thee as I spoke to my servant Moses, for I commanded thee to go 29 forth with my voice, from the fire. And if they will ask of me, in serious prayer, I will show them plainly of thee Did I not tell them in my Scriptures that I would " Speak to them with stammering lips, and vv^ith another tongue ? " and now I am fulfilling it. Though thou seomest foolish to them, yet will I confound them, for I have chosen thee to deliver my decree, though man could never teach thee. I, the 'Lord, command thee to tell the invisible Hebrews, which are hid among the Gentiles, and if they will seek me, I will be found of them, and make them my true Isra- elites ; if they will circumcise their hearts and fiesh unto me, and take down their crucifixes ; for they boast of what ibhey have done with me, not forsaking their evil, but mak- ing their images their gods, instead of worshipping me. If they hearken not unto this, I will destroy all their imar ges, jftid burn their idols. For my decree is fixed which I caused to be written in the scriptures, which I will not alter. That there shall be time no longer. For I am send- ing my Spirit a second time, to rest upon the house of Israel ; and no other shall appear with me on Mount Zion, in mine image." Written from John Wtve^s mouth, hif Trieste, 18th of llth month, 1823 : " Thou shalt go forth to the clergy of this place, and stand boldly before them ; and tell them my decree is fixed, which I caused to be written in my scriptures, That there shall be time no longer : and if they hearken not unto my word, which I give unto thee, I will destroy them from the face of the earth, both them and their little ones. Now, son of man, prophesy against those who call themselves Israel, that they are not Israel ; if they were, they would hear my voice. Go thou unto their houses, and speak the words that I give thee at the time, for I wdll send my angel with thee, and he shall give thee words. Now I tell thee, when thy forty days are expired, I will cause thee to enter into a river, within one mile of Idlethorpe, that the waters overshadow thee, to wash off the filthiness that the world has given thee, for that is not of me. This shall be done 3* 30 every time thou returnest from distant lands." Written from John Wroe^s mouth hy WiUicmi Lees. Milan, in Italy, 29tli of 11th month, 1823 : This morning, as I laid in bed, the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, " What arfc thou meditating in thy mind con- cerning the images of this land, seeing I will destroy both them and their images ? These are the false gods, which I told thee of before, which I showed thee in vision ; they have fulfilled their forefather's iniquity : the day of judg- ment is at hand ; I will destroy them, saith the Lord. This place is as Sodom ; my number is small, yet will I bring it out of other distant lands. Now see that thou be bold before them, and cry aloud. Yet I know what they will do, they will be against thee in all lands ; yet they are not against thee, but me, as I have chosen thee one of my instruments. And I will bring a people out of the nations where you have been, which shall join you, and I have a man in them vfho shall interpret many languages." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth, hy William Lees. In the coach between Chalons and Avallons, in France, 9th of 12th month, 1823: — About five o'clock in the morning, the words of the Lord came unto me, saying : — " I tell thee S. French shall come forth and do my work ; I have also some true Israelites in Trieste, who shall come forth and join this body. Now I tell thee, I will gather a large number by thee in England, before thou go into dis- tant lands, that will join my people, for my work will be sharp and powerful." Written from John Wroe's mouth hy William Lees. Chatham, 22nd of 12th month, 1823: — '^ As I have been travelling in Gibralter, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, and various parts of England, and am drawn to this place, — I am commanded by the Spirit of the Living God to leave you these lines, that you may have no cloak for your sins, that I may be clear, that I have warned you, as the Lord has chosen me to be one of the instruments in his hands, for I am commanded to go forth with these words which were spoken from the fire, which are as fol- low : — Go thou and stand boldly before Hebrew and Gen- tile : tell them my decree which I caused to be written in 31 my scriptures is fixed, which I will not alter : tell them, If they will gather themselves together, and seek me, I will be found of them, that I may give them one heart, that they may serve me with one consent. And if the Egyptians hearken not unto this, I have appointed them to the sword. Thou son of man, I command thee to stand vath one foot on the land and the other over the sea, and swear by me that liveth for ever, that there shall be time no longer, for my time is drawn to a full end, that my Spirit shall strive no longer with you. Am I God, and should you choose me a servant to Avork by ? If I were to let you choose me a servant, I should become Satan's servant. I will work by whom I will, for my children are these, the gold seven times refined ; and this is the hundred and forty-four thousand, that shall appear with me on Mount Zion ; they are in all nations, kingdoms and states ; (and are become all languages,) and I will set a mark upon them. Then I w411 send forth my destroy- ing angels into the four quarters of the world, that you may judge between me, and my scriptures, whether I have fulfilled them or not, for revenge shall be mine, saith the Lord." Now if ye be friends in the work of the Lord, search for the truth that it may deliver you. Do not the scriptures direct you " to follow the Lamb wliither- soever he goeth ? " Did Israel stop, when the Lord took Moses ? Ye answer, No. But you are now going to ful- fil what the Hebrews did, when Jesus was on the earth ; for ye have been following strange gods, and: putting trust in them who put trust in silver and gold ; but I will tell you what the Lord has made known to me : — " He that putteth trust in the sword of the world, shall perish with the world, and he that putteth trust in silver and gold, it shall not deliver him, for I see a great nakedness among you, you are neither hot nor cold ; yet there shall a rem- nant come out of you, though you have blind guides among you, that will neither walk in the commands them- selves, nor permit others. Now if you hearken to this, I will tell you what you must sign to, that the Lord is send- ing his Spirit into the world, to gather Israel, that he may redeem their bodies, as he redeemed his own, from death, hell, sin, and the grave : (that ye may dwell in his Spirit till he put it within your temples.) — Written from Jolm Wroe's mouth by William Lees. Idlethorpe, 27th of 1st month, 1824 : — The word of the Lord came unto me by the same angel which had be- fore ministered unto me, saying, " Satan stands continu- ally ready to destroy thee, and he will insinuate to the hearts of the people, That thou hast destroyed thyself; and they will say, " Thou art mad, and unfit to live." And after the forty days are expired, thou wdlt have to enter into the priest's houses, for three days ; and then thou shalt go into the water ; at which time you shall see how Satan will swell, for -he will gather a large number to fight against you all. And thy measure which thou hast in thine hand, is the Spirit's measure. And as thou wast hungry, they shall hunger, a,nd as thou wast thirsty, so shall the earth be ; for I vfill cause a drought to come upon both man and beast, and all the earth shall know that I have sent thee unto them. And as thou hast eaten thy bread by vf eight, so shall the Gentiles ; and as thou hast eaten with care and astonishment, so shall the world ; but it shall not be so with my children, for then it shall be known that I am separating them." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth, by William TiUotso7i. Ashton, 11th of 4th month, 1824 : — " Son of man, cause these words which I give thee to be put to paper, that the same may be sent to all the shepherds of the earth, for this is a rebellious house ; and tell them they have fulfilled my parable^ and their measure runs over. And tell them the four beasts and the twenty-four elders are on the earth, and they fall dovai and worship me ; but the shepherds v/orship me not, but despise my ways, and I will chase them ; for I will hunt them, even as the hounds hunt the foxes into the holes of the earth ; for they will be of the House of Esau, who sought for death, and I hated his end. But in Jacob will I be known ; for he sought life, and desired all right- eousness. But the shepherds choose their own ways, for they are a stiff-necked house, but I will break down their w^alls, for I have an earthly king, who shall draw the sword for my children, and go before them to prepare the 38 way. And tell them I have put the same Spirit upon thee which I did upon Noah, so the Ark shall be prepared that fire cannot destroy. It is he that liveth, and was dead, that has given thee this ; his name is Immanuel." — Puhlislied in the Imperial Gazette Neivspaper^ btli of 6th month, 1824. Ashton, 13th of 4th month, 1824 : — I, the Lord, who created the heavens and the earth, — who made all things, and will prove myself all in all at the last, command thee, my servant John, as I commanded my servant Moses, to go forth amongst the Hebrews, that I fulfil that scripture, (Isaiah xxviii. 11,) " For with stammering lips, and another tongue, will he speak to this people." This law shall they keep, they shall enter into the water, and be baptized for the Redemption of Soul and Body ; and as a young man marrieth a virgin, so will I marry them, saith the Lord ; and I will be their nursing father and nursing mother. And I will send thee forth into many nations, kingdoms, and states, and those that are Israel I will call forth ; but those that call themselves Israel and are not, I will destroy, saith the Lord. Thou shalt be to me, as he that carries the writer's inkhorn and crieth in the streets, whether they will hear or whether they will forbear. — Written from John Wroe^s month hy William Tillotson. For the Roman Catholics: — " I, Jesus, the Root, com- mand thee to send these lines unto the Roman Catholic Doctors of Divinity, that Israel which are hid among them mdij hear and search for the truth. But instead of searching for the truth, they hang me up in" crucifixes, therefore, if they do not pull them down, I will tell thee what I will do unto them : — I will burn down their houses, and their images with them ; for I will have no pity on them." For the Protestants : — "I, the Lord of heaven and earth, now command thee my servant John, as I com- , manded my servant Moses, with laws, statutes, and judg- ments ; that the same may be handed unto all Protestant Priests and their hearers, that I may be clear from the blood of all men ; for thou shalt cry aloud till the forty and two months be expired, which are forty and two years ; for I said in my Gospel, I wrought to-day, and 34 to-morrow, and on the third day I should be perfected. For I wrought two thousand years under the antediluvian dispensation, and then I destroyed them. Then I wrought two thousand years under the law, and I sent my servant John to tell them to repent and enter into the water, and to be baptized for the preserving of the soul : wiiich is from the second sentence. Depart ye cursed into everlasting fire, it being prepared for Satan and his angels. And I have wrought now nearly two thousand years, under the Gospel dispensation, and now I send thee my servant John to cry aloud, that they circumcise their hearts unto me, and I will destroy death, hell, sin, and the grave for their sakes, that they live in eternity. " — Wiitten from JoJm Wroe's mouth hy Y/illiam Tillotson, Ashton, 6th of 5th month, 1824; — " The word of the Lord came unto me, saying, John, hearken unto my voice : — Be not afraid of man nor dismayed at his looks, for I have sent thee unto the two houses ; one house is of a strange speech which thou canst not understand, which is Manasseh ; but a part of the younger house which is Ephraim, thou canst understand, they dwelling among the Gentiles, and it grieveth thee ; and if thou couldst understand the other house it w^ould grieve thee worse. Therefore, as Jacob laid hold of the heel of Esau, so will I cause thee to take hold of Esau's heel, that thou mayest throw him down, and gather my seed. And by the star of Jacob will I give thee light, until thej be gathered ; and this light is my spirit, which shall be to them as a flaming sword, wiiich turneth every way. Now, son of man, if thou refuse, I will take a thrashing instru- ment to thrash thee with : I will^ take thee into a ship, and remove thee from quarter to quarter ; and my con- trary winds shall toss thee to and fro, till thou submit to do my work ; and when my children see this, they shall know that it is my hand, saith the Lord. And they shall mourn in the inward ma.n, that I may send thee unto thera with my word, to declare unto tliem what they shall do ; and thy wife shall mourn for thee ; and a cry of death shall be heard in the land, that thou hast met with a watery grave ; after this I will bring thee forth. And 36 they shall say, they have no more hold of thee than they had of Noah, for thou prophesiest nothing but lies ; and they -will seek thee thinking to put thee to death." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth hy William Tillotson. '' And I will do that work by thee, the last year, that shall make the ears of every king that heareth it to tingle." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth hy William Tillotson. Ashton, 24th of 8th month, 1824 : — '' Thy father, brothers, and sisters, shall be afraid of thee, for they shall not be able to stand before thee ; for the words which I give thee shall prick them to their hearts. When thou arrivest in America thy work shall be great, for thy voice shall be heard far and near ; and they shall petition thee to stop at one place, and shall trj" to tempt thee, but I will confound them ; for I will give thee a wandering spirit, and there shall be no rest for the soles of thy feet. I will cause sleep to depart from thee, and thou shalt cry aloud and spare not. This shall be heard in many parts of America, and when thou returnest I will send thee unto Botany Bay, and a great gathering shall be there." — Written from. John Wroe^s mouth hy Yiilliam Tillotson. Ashton, 10th of 9th month, 1824 : — '• I heard a voice this morning, saying. Awake, son of man, and go out into the fields and highways, for fourteen days, and beg thy bread like a hungry man, and drink water out of the brooks ; for hunger and thirst shall be upon thee. And as thou doest, shall tliey and their children do ; they shall go put into the fields, seeking blackberries, nuts, and wheat ears, for very hunger. And thou shalt tell them that Uriel has commanded thee to travel fourteen whole days, after the manner of man, and to cry out for clean meat ; and each day shall stand for three, v^'hich makes forty-two, Avhich shall stand for forty-two years ; for thou art com- manded not to eat of their abominable meat. And if they can serve thee with clean meat, and can prove that they have clean meat, the Lt)rd will prolong their days, and not burn up their earth. But if not, his voice will be heard in every quarter, that death has happened unto them ; a burning, a famine, and that they have to run into the 86 woods to hide themselves from his presence ; for that their earth will be destroyed within the forty and two months ; and that their months are lengthened into years, to see if they will seek the Lord their God ; for Jonah was com- manded to cry, " Yet forty days," which were changed into years ; so now, the Lord has commanded thee to say, Yet within forty-two months from the time of the Law and Gospel being joined, for man to keep ; each month standing for a year, and the whole earth of wickedness shall be destroyed. And let this be read on two of their Sabbaths, which is Sunday." — Written from John Wroe's mouth hy William Tillotson. Ashton, 27th of 4th month, 1825:— ''Son of man, prophesy, and say. Thus saith the Lord, ye house of the Gentiles, awake, and tremble before your God, and return unto him who created you, that you may have the new name given you, that 3^our name may be changed like Jacob's name ; for God will deliver Israel without staff, sword, or any warlike instrument ; for the battle is the Lord's. Then, ye house of the Gentiles, gather yourselves together, and that God that answers. Let him be God : — for if God be only yours, and you have the light, show it unto your brethren. Is this dispute between Esau and Jacob ? Thou, Esau, broke thy brother's yoke from off thy neck, when thou destroyed him who was to be king, and thou got a light, and thy light has been glo- rious ; and why hast thou hid thy light under a bushel, and not showed it to thy brother ? Thou criest thou hast showed thy light, and thy pomp, and thy glory ; thou hast sent missionaries into many nations ; and thou hast pre- pared shipping to carry the gospel ; and thou hast told them to repent, and prepare for the grave, and to meet judgment. Does not Israel say unto Jacob, Hast thou not life before thee ; but thou showest us death, and thy works are all dead. I tell thee, Esau, though thou hast made an agreement with death, it shall not stand ; for a remnant shall come out of thee, .though thou refusest my name Israel ; and I will take them for servants for one thousand years. Are not these the aliens my Scrip- tures speak of ? Read and understand, ye house of the 37 Gentiles : ask of your God, that jou may understand the ' ways of Israel, for ye have sold your birthright for noth- ing, and I gave my life that I might purchase yours. Then seek ye Abraham's faith, that ye may fulfil all righteousness. Is there not a God, that is visiting this land, England ? Will he not gather his elect from the four corners of the earth, unto this land, England, and redeem it the first ? Now, son of man, stand upon thy feet, and prophesy against the house of the Gentiles, and say, Hearken imto David thy brother ; did he not cry, Absalom, Absalom ; would to God I had died for thee, my son ! Then did not I give the life of the woman's seed, the body of Jesus, to return back thy birth-right ? and I was to^be king at that time, and thou killed me, and thou hast been king near these two thousand years, and yet thou hast refused thy birth-right, for want of searching my Scriptures. Do they not say, " Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you ? " Thou son of man, prophesy again, and say. Thus saith the Lord, If ye will not seek out for Israel and agree with him, the Lord your God shall burn and destroy Esau's house from the face of the earth, and it shall never be remembered any more. Have not I ofi"ered you. the tree of life before I offered you the place of an alien ? Proph- esy thou again, son of man, and say. Thus saith the Lord, "Who are they who have caused my people to go astray ? The priests, the shepherds of the flock, they have caused the kings of the nations to go astray, for they have served Baal, and not the living God. Then, house of Baal, forsake thy Avays, and hand the truth unto thy people. Does not the law of Moses say, Ye shall not wear a mixed garment? (as of linen and woollen together.) Then why will ye adulterate, ye shepherds of the flock, the Lord's word ? Do not the Scriptures say, that when the spirit has left the body, the body becomes corrupt ? Do not the Scriptures say, that when your Lord shall come, the corruptible body shall put on incorruption ? And do not your Scriptures say, that your living body is a mortal body, and at your Lord's coming, your hearts of blood shall become hearts of flesh, and shall put on immortality ? 4 88 Why will ye mix the living with the dead ? Do you want to do with me as you did before ? For je took my body from me and put me among the dead, but I ever live and am making intercession for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. I have turned my hand a second time to recover the remnant of my people. I have set watchmen upon the walls of Jerusalem, who shall never hold their peace day nor night, till Jerusalem be established," — Written from John Wroe's mouthy by Robert Blackivell. Ashton, 24th of 6th month, 1825 : — '* Prophesy against' foreigTi nations : say. Thus saith the Lord, I have a seed in America, and they shall come by fifties, hundreds, and thousands. Prophesy concerning Botany Bay, I' have a number there that shall come forth by fifties, hundreds, and thousands ; and as soon as fifty are searched out in America, they shall come, and the same a hundred, and the same a thousand, to that place where my Spirit shall rest. Prophesy and say, Many of the Babbies shall turn unto the Protestants, and after they have joined they shall join my work. Prophesy and say, I will cause one man to go from this place, to many places, nations, and Parlia- ment houses ; and thou shalt prophesy against them, and the house of Manasseh shall follow thee, and be witnesses to their brethren. And the houses of Ephraim and Manasseh shall put on sadkcioth and ashes, and mourning for thy being taken from them. Prophesy concerning the iron rod that is in thine hand ; it shall go into many nations." — W7'itten from John Wroe's mouth, by Henry Lees. Street House, 14th of 10th month, 1825:— ''When thou shalt ride on the mule, the people shall upbraid thee with it; saying that the animal thou ridest is not clean, for the Law says, Thy cattle shall not gender with divers kinds. Thou shalt answer. Do not the deeds of the wicked testily against the workers thereof? The very words out of your own mouths shall condemn you. The Lord has brought me forth with this mule, contrary to the Law, to testify against you, that you may come out from your bondage ; for doth the Judge at the bar condemn any one in a white garment ? Doth he not put on a black 39 cap, according to their deeds of whom he judges, it being set as an emblem of death. Does not the Minister read the Lord's word in a white surplice ; and when he comes to testify against the sins of the people, put on a black gown ? So thou shalt ride on a mule, for three years, in a mixed garment, to condemn the world ; and then power shall be gi^en to the people of the saints of the Most High, and thej shall be clothed in linen, and a mixed garment shall not come upon them," — Written from John Wroe^s mouth, hy William Muff. Bradford, 9th of 5th month, 1827 : — " This is a year of years ; it is the month of May, wherein men shall flee into all nations for succor ; they shall depart by thou- sands. Yv'oe unto England, it is a learned land, (with the wisdom of men) : my church is surrounded with fire on every side ; it is in the midst of hell, but I will pluck it out. I vvill drive these people into other countries, and the enemy shall spread my gospel and shall say, " There is a people that have left off preaching the sufferings of Christ, but they are preaching to bring him down to reign with them." They shall spread the gospel of redemp- tion far and near. Then I will cause them to seek for the land of Joseph, where milk and honey shall flow, both temporally and spiritually. Thousands shall die in the way for hunger, before they arrive at it. They shall come in ships, with their instruments in their hands, and my name written in their foreheads. These shall all have their beards on, their temples not being marred." — Writ- ten from John Wroe^s mouth, hy William Tillotson. Street House, 11th of 7th month, 1827: — "These are the words in the letter ye shall drop : — •' This is the Prophecy from heaven, that the judgments of God may come upon earth, A man shall travel through towns and cities, ragged and tattered : and as you see him, so shall you see them. For the landlord shall be like Pharaoh, his heart shall be hardened : the tenant shall cry in the streets, begging bread for his family ; instead of a pound in wages, shall be five shiUings ; the horrible state, the cry of poor England." It shall be reported in many 40 towns that thou shalt walk ragged and tattered, before I bring thee into them." — Writte^i from John Wroe's mouth hy William Tillotson. Sunderland, 21st of 7th month, 1827 : — " The follow- ing vision was shown unto me in the night. Many open books were shown to me like large sheets of paper, and a^ young man appeared by me, clothed in long raiment, with a sword in his hand, who said unto me, " Go thou unto the Methodist Priests and their hearers, and tell them that the Lord will let them look into his fold and view his work, and give them three years to consider on it ; and if they refuse in the fourth year, he will destroy them. Tell them they have had two thousand years with the Law, and that the Lord is now gathering the Law and Gospel into one fold, to make them one sheep, one bride in his hand." This young man went with me unto the Priests and their hearers, and he stood by me v/ith his drawn sword until I uttered these words in their ears. The priests refused, but I saw part of the hearers receive them, and I saw war in their churches ; and I came to myself, and the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, " As thou sawest the hearers receive it, go thou forth among them, and be not afraid of them, and tell them, There s an open vision from heaven, that declares the mysteries of heaven." — Written from John Wroe's mouth hy William Tillotson, Edinburgh, 9th of 8th- month, 1827: — "A quick work shall be done in the last watch of the sixth day, and as it is said in the scriptures, I will cause my servant upon w^hom I will put my Spirit, to drop his words here a little and there a little ; they shall be like unto a shower of rain ; though they have been hid in the meal or in the earth, they shall now make their appearance, and cause the whole lump of Israel, which are 07ie hundred forty and four thousand^ to be leavened, by being regenerated. With stammering lips and another tongue, will I speak to the whole house of Israel, (Isaiah, xxviii. 11). And I will shake the old world like a drunkard, and it shall reel to and fro between the priest and the hearer. The Established Church shall be against the Dissenting Church, 41 and the Dissenting Church against the Established Church, until they throw the Bible in one another's faces ; because the J ask amiss, and want to inherit the kingdom of this world, ^ith my Kingdom. And thou shalt be unto both houses of Israel as though thou wert locked up in a prison and brought out at certain times to them. And I will bind thee with iron bands to both houses, and the Egypt- ians shall carry thee where thou wouldst not go, and there I will open thy mouth, and plead with all people to the heathens. Thou shalt be a stumbling block and a laugh- ing stock to both circumcised and uncircumcised. And the towns into which thou shalt go, shail yet tremble at the "words which I shall give thee ; and man shall bow to thee, but thou shalt rebuke him. I will send thunder, fire, and smoke of fire, in the thick and dark cloudy night,' and vapors of fire shall be seen. And many families shall go to bed at night, but when the sun rises in the morning, behold, blood, their bodies are laid in ashes. Whole cities shall be burnt up, like unto Sodom and Gomorrah, before that day ; and within thirty years of the date of this, cities shall be swallowed up in earthquakes, and thou shalt not be far from it." — Writtenfrom John Wroe's mouth hy William Tillotson. Street House, 2d of 11th month, 1827 : — " The time is now come that there shall be strange accidents in the land ; for I will now destroy the earth with fire, water, and earthquakes. And I will shov/ to this land that it is the land of Joseph, both temporally and spiritually ; though they are yet against thee, and my word ; for there are three kingdoms in which shall be a total famine, and all other kingdoms shall feel it. And by these plagues which I will bring on their lands, they shall inquire after my word by thee." — Writtenfrom John Wroe^s mouth hy William Tillotson. Park Bridge, 13th of 11th month, 1827:— "The words of the Lord came unto me, saying: Prophesy, con- cerning all sects and parties that believe there is a God : these are all counted wheat. But those which believe not, see thou prophesy not concerning them. Thou shalt say, shepherds of both Hebrews and Gentiles, Think ye it a 4* 4-2 small thing to tell your laborers to gather wheat into the Lord's granary ? Does a woman take wheat, ground, and put leaven in, for the sacrament, to bring to remembrance the Lord's blood, which was shed for many ? Ye bring wheat with all kinds of weed in and grind it with the bran, and give it to the people to eat, in remembrance of me ; and say, It is leavened with my Spirit." — Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Lees. Park Bridge, 14th of 1st month, 1828 : — " Oh Edin- burgh ! I know thy pride ; thou art he that will kick against me ; thou wilt call all thy learned men to thee ; thou wilt try to stop my messengers on every side : but I will send my law out of Zion, and it shall declare my word to the ends of the earth. I will cause my messen- gers to travel round my globe with my fiery law, which shall consume both root and branch of wickedness. London ! Have I none in thee ? Art thou as Sodom to me ? Many prophets dwell in thee ; but I tell thee they are as the prophets of Baal unto me ; they prophesy when they have not heard of me, and declare my word with deceit : they hatch mischief like eggs, and he that eateth of their eggs shall die. But, as I live, saith the Lord, I will destroy all her prophets, and rend the veil from the rest of the flock, and will have my tithe. I now declare unto the whole house of Israel, that the govern- ment of England, Scotland, and Ireland, will hearken to these false prophets, and want to bring forward my wri- tings ; but as I live, I will confound them saith the Lord God. For the learned shall now meditate and write one to another ; but I will make them reel to and fro like drunkards : for they will try to bring my Kingdom in in another manner, contrary to^ my commands." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth hy William Tillotson. Ashton, 17th of 4th month, 1828 : — " I will take thee round the globe, and show thee the earth, and all things therein, the minerals and the stores that I have hid, and I w^ill uncover them by my word. Solomon was called the wisest, and w^as said to possess the most understanding in arts and sciences, herbs, and medicines : but yet thou shalt have greater than this shown, so that I will make one 43 of the least of the flock chase a thousand, that the shep- herds of the Hebrews and the Gentiles shall not be able to stand before them." — Written from John Wroe's mouth hy Samuel Lees. I -svill vet show from whence the wind cometh, and where it listeth ; and how the coal groweth, and what feeds it, and the nature of it ; and the stone, and- the na- ture of it ; and all kinds of metal ; and I will take thee in spirit through the body of ihe earth, and show thee her veins, and what feeds her ; and thou shalt show Israel the things, and unfold the mysteries that are therein : this I tell them before I bring it to pass, for I will do nothing on tke earth but what I will make known before it comes to pass." — Written from John TFroe's mouth hy Echcard Lees. Park Bridge, near Ashton, 5th of 6th month, 1828: — " I demand of thee, John, to declare unto the people what thou hast seen, and what thou hast heard. Thou sayest. Thou hast seen a man holding the four winds in the heavens, with a pressor in his right hand : and when he pressed down the air. it being confined, it beat and burned terribly on the earth : and the clouds gave their rain mingled Avith fire, by the press of the mountains meet- ing the clouds. Prophesy now and say. Thus saith the Lord to the man who holds the four winds in his right hand. Draw back thine hand, that the winds may have their full space ; that the clouds may rise, that they give not their rain : and say. Thus saith the Lord, There shall be a dearth over the whole land, excepting the land where thou now dwellest, and the place where my people shall be gathered ; for I will destroy their crops with fire, rain, wind, and drought ; but upon the land England, my bles- sing shall flow, that the Gentiles in that land may boast, that they may come out of all nations to receive both spir- itual and temporal." — Written from John Wroe's mouth hy Edward Lees. Bristol, 18th of 6th month, 1828 : — '• I will destroy a third part of the crops of many nations, for I will send thunder, fire, and storms, and pestilence ; and England shall receive the shadow this year, and the next, and the 44 year following, for my elect's sake whom I have chosen out. I will take thee into nations where thou shalt see earthquakes, and feel them, for I w^ill do nothing but I will show it unto Israel." — Written from John Wroe'S mouth hy William Tillotson. Swansea, South Wales, 3d of Tth month, 1828: two o'clock in the morning : — " This morning I had a large number of all sorts of four-footed animals transii2;ured be- fore me ; and I saw them looking upwards, as if they were hungry ; and I beheld a large city ; and there came a person unto me and said, ' These cattle had got out of the city, and had got into another man's cattle, and they were all blended together ; ' this person also saidj% ' 'Ihe cattle had been a long time out of the city, and had got great acquaintance with the other cattle ; but,' said he unto me, ' go thou and call unto the cattle w^hich belong unto the city ; but the cattle which belong not unto the city, call not unto them, neither touch them, nor go near unto them ; but those which belong unto the city have the city mark upon them ; and thou may know them, for they do the work of the city ; ' and the man left me ; and I called out unto the man, and wanted to know his name, or who he were that had given me that com.mand ; and he said, ' The master of the city has sent ma unto thee, that thou may go and gather the cattle ; but if thou bring any other in, thou wilt be accountable for them as stolen goods.' I Y/ent out into the fields to gather the cattle, and I called by the words which were given unto me, and I saw a mark on them, different from the others ; and when I called, they all lifted up their heads, and heard my voice ; and they galloped round me like cattle that were hungry for want of food ; so I began to feed them. Other cattle came, and galloped round me, and pushed me over, and trampled me under their feet ; and some ran their horns into my side till the blood came out. And there came other men and asked me what I was doing w^ith the cattle ; and said their cattle were among them also. I desired them to take their cattle out from amongst my master's ; that, they said they would not do, for the land was their own ; but I might take mine out if 46 I could get them. I tried from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same, and could not get them out : and I found out that these men were shepherds, and they laughed at me, and made game of me ; and said, ' Thy cattle have been too long amongst ours for thee to take them out.' At all times when I had gotten the cay;le of the city assembled together, the other cattle came and pushed among them, and would not let them go ; and the longer I tarried, the fa.rther I got from the city ; but at the rising of the sun the day following, I got them near to a large wood ; and the shepherds saw me, and set their dogs at me, and squandered the cattle among the others. Then I became weary, laid me down, and fainted, so that I could not follow them, and thought my sickness was un- to death. I then saw the man who came to me at first, and perceived he was an angel from heaven ; and he poured something into me, and set me upon my feet, and said to me, ' John, thou must not faint, but thou must go and gather the cattle.' I said, How could I go, seeing the shepherds kept letting their dogs out and squandering them ? He said, ' Thou must go out a second time ; and see that thou gather none of theirs.' I said, I could not gather them, for the others would continually be among them : therefore I refused to go. But he said, ' If thou goest riot, thy body must die, and why wilt thou seek the things of which thy body is made ? Now if thou wilt go, I will give thee this sign, — Thou shalt meet a lion, and then thou shalt call to the cattle, and they shall hear and follow thee ; and the lion shall be so fierce that the cattle which belong not to the city will not come near ; and by this thou shalt gain the cattle of the city.' So I went according to his word, and I saw a lion, as though it had risen out of the earth, or come out of the wood ; and I called to the cattle, and I saw that the shepherds were all in a dead sleep ; and the lion went with me and the sheep all came forth, and I got the cattle within the gates and the lion shut them. Then the shepherds awoke and came to the gates, and also the cattle ; and of all the roaring and howling of oxen, sheep, and all kinds of cattle that I ever heard, the roaring of these exceeded ; and they 46 climbed up the gates and the walls, but the shepherds drove them back. I then came to myself, but through the sight I was very sickly all the day. At four o'clock in the afternoon the words of the Lord came unto me, saying, ' Novf , John, I will show thee the meaning of what thou sawjihis morning. The cattle which had gone out of the city wandered for hunger, and my shepherds that I had set over them fed them not, but fed themselves ; and my prophets which I sent among them were afraid of those shepherds, so that they held back my word. So now I tell thee my children are gone away out of the city, and are squandered amongst the world, and have got acquaintance with them. My cattle are my children, and the other cattle which are at the outside of the city, are the people of the world : the city is my commands, laws, statutes, and judgments, which I will set in the midst of them : the shei^herds are those that are set over Israel, which are like the shepherds of the Hebrews and Gentiles : the dogs are the drunken people that they shall set to stone, beat, and tread thee under their feet : the lion is the angel that shall stand up for my people, and assist thee to gather them into the city ; aixd the ^roaring of the cattle when thou saw the gates shut, is the clergy, petitioning the gov- ernment, and gathering their army together to encamp against my city ; then fire shall descend and destroy them, and thou and iTly children shall see my city built. And this is the interpretation of the vision which thou hast seen this morning. Seven books, seven writers will I have, seven virgins temporal and spiritual ; and until seven be found I will not cease my work." — Written from Johi Wroe's mouth hy William Tillotson. Park Bridge, 16th of 10th month, 1828 : " From one to three o'clock this morning, the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, ' John, spealc thou to the house of Israel, saying, Hear, house of Israel, and know the day of thy visitation, for I will destroy thy foes out of thee, and make an end of that which bruiseth the heel of man ; for I have tasted of his affliction. Awake, Scotland ! for thy visitor is come ; for thy shepherds which dwell in thee will I make desolate, for thy wells shall no more water 47 thee, for I will cause a drought to come upon thee. Quake, Ireland ! for thj affliction is coming ; for thy priests which dwell in thee are like thine images. Thy likenesses and pictures will I break in pieces ; distress and anguish of heart shall cover thee, thy learned men will I confound by him who is unlearned,, and he shall pull thy skirt from thee. Wales, have I not visited thee ? Let him that is sent unto thee make bare the arm of my strength ; for I will cause him to gather these little ones, and he shall establish my word among my branches. Turkish land ! thou art become fat, and boastest, and all nations are watching thee. Thou hast squandered my people, and showed no pity. Nov^ the days are come that I will destroy thee ; and as thou hast hired nations, and scattered my people over the earth, and had no pity, so shall the nations now do unto thee ; for I will not visit thee, nor heal up thy wounds ; for I will send a famine on thee, and pestilence, and distress, as well as other nations. For my servant John shall go through thy land ; and my word shall make thy land desolate. France ! thy pictures, images, and likenesses will I destroy. For thou thinkest to go to war, but I will send one v/ho is not a king, and yet a king, for' my servant John shall pour oil upon his head, and he shall make thy land desolate. And thou wilt seek unto England for thy bread ; but if it succor thee it shall smart ; for it has once covered thee under its wings, and thou hast not repented ; thy priests and king will I destroy with fe^mine and sword. . Russia, thou boastest, and art not like him that putteth off his armor ; thou shalt seek unto the nations to assist thee : for I have something a.gainst thee, and I will send men unto thee, and sift thee ; and I will confound thy priests by another tongue ; and famine shall cover the for three years, till th}^ little ones die by it." — Ashton, loth of 12th month, 1828 : — " Thou watch- man of the house of Israel, These are the cattle that I caused theq^^to travel amongst ; as thou hast seen them lie down harmless, so shall it be ; these are mine. And as thou sawest the kings of the earth looking downward 48 with Satan and his beasts, so will I cause thee to travel among the clean cattle and the unclean, and they shall have no power till my word be executed." — WHttenfrom John Wroe's mouth hy William Tillotson. Ashton, 6th of 4th month, 1829 — ''The battle has begun, and woe to my servant, it shall be with both priest and prophet, buyer and seller, giver of usury and receiver of usury ; for the word that I will give to my servant shall be against every man, and every man against it, to destroy him from the land of the living : the kings of the earth shall rise up against him and seek to bind him, but I will break the bands. He shall labor and another inhabit — he shall plough the ground and another sow. And the words that I will give shall draw out the tares, and bind them in bundles, and the fire shall destroy them. For I will dash them in pieces. And great shall be the fall when the assembly shall meet: many of the rich shall meet and fall with them : I will do this in this land England. And I will cause the sea to overflow the land, and destroy man, woman, child, beast, and cities ; I will do it within the borders of England : and the wind will roar and blow down churches, and unroof others ; and a great roaring shall there be in London one against another ; for I will make every religious sect find its own level ; I will scatter their opinions as I scattered the builders of Babel." — Written froiii John Wive^s mouth hy William Tillotson. Ashton, 25th of 4th month, 1829: — "All nations shall gather themselves together against my word which shall be given through thee ; and all the officers of the king shall try to overcome thee ; they shall seek to entan- gle and ensnare thee in thy discourse to break the laws of the land ; and they shall say, " We pity these that call themselves the house of Israel ; but this man we will burn with fire.' They shall no more say, ' They are Joannas,' but they shall say, ' They name themselves The house of Israel ; but we call them. The deluded people, led away by this man ; yet the laws of the land cannot get hold on him.' The serpent will enter into all the world to destroy thy body, that it may become a prey in the sight of all his 49 followers. The trial of thee shall be greater than all that has been before thee ; for upon thee will I lay the reproach of the whole house of Israel. I will sort all religious sects, and give them liberty to worship whom they will : I will break the bands of all empires, so that every king's subjects shall worship whom they please : so that no man shall say, ' I have been tied by the laws of our land, that I could not serve the Living God.' As I have broken the tie that was on the Roman Catholics, so will I break the tie that is on the Turks, and all other nations." — Written from John Wroe's mouth hy William Lees. Bradford, 10th of 10th month, 1829: — "They say, ' There is peace,' but I say, There is yet war ; for I have seen six men ready to enter into battle, which are six na- tions ; — they fight until they dethrone one another. And Turkey shall be divided as a man cuts a piece o^ bread." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth hy Sarah Pile. Ashton, 5th of 12th month, 1829: — "The whole earth shall have a sabbath, wherein shall be no harvest ; and the cattle shall roar on the mountains like stags with- out an owner." — Written from John Wroe's mouth hy Samuel Swire, jun. Ashton, 28th of 3rd month, 1830 : — " Let no man have a dead stock, for a great change of times and sear sons is commencing — changes in Parliament Houses — tumults in many nations — boils breaking out in both man and beast, till man cry, ' I will go into that happy land, England.' England, who is like thee ? Thou art like Jerusalem ; thy law has protected thee — thou hast been like a city inhabited without walls ; thou hast prepared shipping to go abroad with the light of the Gospel, but the Gospel of Redemption hast thou not known ; it has been hid from thine eyes because of thy works, and thou art cursed above all that has been before thee ; for if the Gospel of the kingdom had been preached unto them they had repented. Thou art more wicked than they who rose against my word, or the people of Sodom and Go- morrah, or Nineveh, or Jerusalem ; and now Jerusalem is revealed from heaven, and thou refusest it." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth hy William Tillotson. 50 Ashton, 30th of 3rd month, 1830 : — " England ! England ! awake, for the day of thy visitation is come, and thj children shall know it : I have caused a deep sleep to fall upon thee ; I have bound thee with iron bands, bj establishing a law, till all the bones of the vir- gin, the house of Israel, be gathered and joined. My word shall go from nation to nation, both in newspapers and books." — Written from John Wroe's mouth hy Wil- liam TiUotso7i. Ashton, 9th of 4th month, 1830 : — "I must draw thee near Jerusalem, and there shall my spirit plead between them and thee ; for I will put the two swords between the enemy and thee in that land, that they may appear as dead men before my word ; and the poor, the afflicted, the halt, and the lame, of those who are called Hebrews, shall know that it is my word. And of those who possess prop- erty, it shall take one here and one there, as though it took one in every quarter, so that my work is but just car- ried on. And all nations shall have a desire to trade with my people ; and those who are not my people, whom my word has cast out, the world shall know ; liars, Avhore- mongers, cheaters, defrauders, and thieves ; and they will say, ' We see they will not have these amongst them ; where can we find another such a people.' " — Written from John Wroe^s mouth hy William Tillotson. Bristol, 16th of 10th month, 1830 : — " I will yet print a book, and send to every Hebrew ; and it shall have the key, and unlock the Scriptures, and none shall shut. And say, Thus saith the Lord, As thy hair grows in length thou shalt increase in strength. And my key of the scriptures shall be given to thee, and thou shalt lock from both He- brew and Gentile, and neither men nor devils shall open ; and thou shalt open and they shall not shut nor destroy. And the canals shall become railwaj^s, and the new roads grass ; and my people shall fly in chariots round the moun- tains by the raihvays and they shall flourish at the trees of Lebanon. As I drew back the clouds when I took thee to thy journey, so when I return thee I Avill cause them to give their rain." — Written from John W^'oe^s mouth hy William Tillotson. 51 Sandal, near Wakefield, 19th of 11th month, 1830 : — " Thou faintest and mournest, seeing thou art not able to separate the cattle ; I am now come to assist thee, and the "words that I give thee shall be as a grinding stone, and he that refuseth to be ground thereon shall be singled from mj flock, he shall not partake of my vineyard. And as the sun shineth from the east to the west, so shall Shiloh come unto that man that has done the work that I com- manded him ; and he that stands at that day shall be as a prince. Many will call themselves Christ, and Shiloh, and Israel , but he that goes after my word will I make an Israelite in whom there shall be no guile : and those who are led by false prophets, if their hearts be toward me, and their works be accompanied with the view of obepng me, I will rend'the veil from them. And they shall flock in by hundreds, and sign hand and heart for circumcision, and swear to me that a tool shall never more go upon them to mar them, and that they will not be marred by the pre- cepts of men. And this is the way in which Israel shall be gathered." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth hy William Tillotson. Sheffield, 12th of 12th month, 1830:— "Wars and tumults on every side — nations shall dethrone one another — no hire for the beast — all nations flowing to England, yet when the end comes all nations rising to condemn those that dwell therein ; for the wrath of the Almighty is com- ing upon them. Satan has been permitted to look into my house, and make war ; and he shall go unto the nations to break their alliance. They call it a holy alliance, but it is a deceitful one." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth hy John Sliaiu. Wakefield, 25th of 4th month, 1831 : — " Before thou art taken, every vein in the house of Israel shall be tried and proved ; for hell, and the synagogue of them who say They are Hebrews, and are not, 'I must overthrow with Satan, as I overthrew Sodom. For one bone of the house of Israel are they not able to break, nor one link to destroy : in this manner will I be honored, that I may de- stroy them." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth hy James Shand. Sheffield, 1st of 5th month, 1831 : — " This year shall be a year of great plenty ; — this shall be sent to all places, that every one may be a witness. For it is the tenth year — nine years have been failing in crops, and three years of great plenty throughout the whole land. Thus saith the Lord, The king will sweep both houses of par- liament again, as a man sweeps his yard with a besom. The parliament shall be one against another, and fight ; they shall go well to bed, and in the morning their houses shall be in ashes : this shall be in many nations." — Writ- ten from John Wroe's mouth by John Shmv. Sheffield, 13th of 5th month, 1831 : — " This year shall be a year of great trouble, from the lowest subject to the king on the earthly throne : one duke against another — one lord against another, each raising their forces — magis- trates standing in fear of what may be the consequence, and not knowing how to act. And plentiful crops trodden under the foot of man and animals — farms untenanted — the fruit hanging for strangers to gather." — Written from John WToe^s mouth by William Tillotson. Sheffield, 7th of 8th month, 1831 : — " Why art thou grieved and wounded in thy heart, for the house of Israel ? am not I able to do the things of which I speak ? I tell thee, flesh and blood cannot view my kingdom but as a picture. Does not my word which has been shown to Is- rael say. That if there was one with thee who was not of the house of Israel, he should be as stolen goods ? my Spirit has pursued after thee, and Satan is the bailiff who has stopped thee, and thou shalt be bound, until those who are not of Israel are departed. And many will go with them who are of Israel ; then I will send thee with my word, and thou shalt claim those with my mark, and bring them back into my fold ; for my word by thee shall drive them into the city, a city which is not of blood, but of bone and flesh, lighted with the light of heaven. My word shall meet the priest and the corpse, and it shall say to the priest, Why will ye bury the living among the dead ? and it shall say to the living; Rise out of thy sleep, and shame thy priest, who is going to bury thee among the dead. Then they shall awake out of their sleep, and say to the priest, ' Is this the way thou intendest to do mt\\ the house of Israel ? priest ! cease from these ways.' He shall shame, and look downwards, and steal away, as a thief. He Avill then^ gather together all the learned, against my word, for their hearts will be hardened, for they will not believe that they may fall. Reproach and mock- ery must come upon the house of Israel to keep back those who are not of Israel. Then see that thou fear none of these reproaches ; for they first mock, and swell, and rage, and all must seem to the house of Israel to fail, and it must appear as though there was not one man standing by the word." — Written from John Wroe's mouth hy Joseph Smith. Extract of a letter from "Whitby : — " On Sunday, the 30th of the 10th month, 1831, at two o 'clock, John Wroe preached to the public, in Boulby Bank Warehouse, (Whitby), and was obliged to have a constable to keep peace. John Wroe said in his preaching: — 'Ye think that the Reform Bill will pass at this time, but I tell you, in the name of God, it will not ; but afterwards it will. But before it does, many will lose their lives. As I have been obliged to travel in the night for fear of my life, so shall the Parliament, for some of them shall narrowly escape. And you will have a railway between York and Vfhitby. And for that which they call the cholera in other nations, it shall go through this land England, and take every tenth, and will not stop till every town say to another, ' Has it gone through thee ? ' Eor it shall go from the north to the south, and from the east to the west, till every nation be visited. And the sword of the Lord is drawn out of its sheath, and shall never return till the king of the Turks be dethroned out of Jerusalem. For the sixth seal is broken open, which is written of in the 12th verse of the 16th chapter of Revelation, which is. That a way will be made in the great river Euphrates, to prepare a way for the kings of the east, for all nations shall go against it. And ye think ye have peace at home, but I tell you nay : — one magistrate against another, and one minister in Parliament against another ; for as it has been between the master and the servant, so will it be with Si the heads of the nation. I could rise high but dare not trust my wings/ These things we heard with our ears. Another prophecy was given by John Wroe, at James Johnson's, when the bellman was going out of the house, John Wroe said to Margaret Johnson, ' Thou wilt see this man change his clothes, and get another office.' (^Signed,') William Fortune, John Fortune, and James Johnson." ^ Whitby, 7th of 11th month, 1831:— "From two to nine o 'clock this morning, I had many things shown unto me ; and many towns, and many parts laid in ashes : and the word of the Lord came unto me, and the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, so that I may hear and understand. Manchester shall quake as a goose that has lost all its companions ; and many shall fly for hiding places ; and as they hunt thee at Ashton, so shall they hunt one another. Manchester ! If thou didst know thy visi- tation, thou wouldst repent, but it shall be hid from thy eyes, that thou mayest perish. And now to your Bish- ops. Your land shall see her destiny, and outrage ; in many counties shall it be. Ashton! now is thy plague ; what thou didst unto my servant whom I sent unto thee, the same shall they do one to another. It shall come to pass that they shall be weary of burying their dead in that place. And London, what have I to say concerning thee? The traitor to the king is in thee ; — a great man — a learned man — a man of high renown. Thou shalt be smooth, thy tongue shall be as oil, and full of flattery ; thy speech shall be fair, and thy company that are hnked with thee shall be permit- ted, that thou mayest do it quickly, seeing there is no sword in the hand of the other. These thirty years have I nourished thee, England ! I have sent my prophetess and my prophets ; they have warned thee, even in the newspapers, and thou hast refused to take it ; that ye may destroy one another, and eat one another up, with sword, fire, and^ pestilence. But yet, for all this, thou art the land which I have chosen for mj granary, that I ma}^ gather my children out of all nations, and put them within thy borders ; then all nations shall know that I have cho- sen thee, till the time that I take my people from thee, or) that thy land may then have rest. And as thou hast travelled in the night, so shall the Parliament ; as the con- stables of Bradford intended to put females' clothing upon thee, that they might discover thee in the crowd, so shall many in this land England. Neither shall they know the time of their visitation, but Israel shall know it. See that thou hearken not to the astrologers, for many of them shall combine together ; for thou shalt yet stand before many of them, and my w^ord shall confound them. But for Raphael, who calls himself. The astrologer of the nine- teenth century, and says. He is the ground-work of all messengers ; and says, ' If you be a Christian minister, my invitation will not be refused.' Though this be the second invitation, thou shalt not go until mine appointed time." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth hy William Fortune. Whitby, 8th of 11th month, 1831 : — " No foreign na- tion shall be permited to enter thy borders. Oh England ! I will aw^ake thee out of thy sleep by those things which I will bring upon thee. And every fresh law which is made in all Parliament Houses round the planet, shall be made in behalf of the house of Israel, (though they know it not ; ) for my people shall have protection even by the laws of the land." — Written from John Wroe's mouth by William Fortune. AVakefield, 23rd of 11th month, 1831 : — " Now I will bring my word to the former Hebrews, — a house that is full of superstition, and would not have that to reign over them which would have brought them to the end of the law. If my spirit had not come upon the w^oman's seed, and done the work, how could it have been the guide or light of the world, which was to appear ? Noav the time is come that I have set my hand a second time, and wdll pour my Spirit upon the seed of man." — ■ Written from John Wroe's mouth hy James Shand. Trosley, 13th of 2nd month, 1832 : — " I will work w^hen the hope of Israel is gone in the eyes of man, w'hcn those wdio have condemned my Spirit shall weep, mourn, and lament. For will the ploughman plough all day and not sow ? I have set before thee an open door, Israel, 56 n.Tid tlie gates of hell sliall not prevail against it ; neither shall those who have condemned mj Spirit be able to shut it." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth hi/ William Til- lotson. Troslej, 13th of 2nd month, 1832:— '^ took the tribe of Dan from among mj children that he should judge the Gentiles, until the seed of Jacob and Joseph, the house of Ephraim and Manasseh, should be gathered ; and that he should be as an adder in the way to them, that biteth the horses' heels, that the rider falleth backward, (Genesis xlix. 16, 17, 18,) and by this shall their learning fall to the ground ; for if Dan had not been given to the Gentiles how would Israel have been gathered ? Now the riders of Jew and Gentile saj, ' We hgld the sceptre, we ride on horses like mighty men, even the horses which John foretold in Revelation ; for all things will continue as they are, and we and our children will ride them for ever. The tribe of Dan shall be as a serpent covered with grass — he shall put out his head when they are not aware, when they are riding like mighty men — men of rcnowm — men of war, every man his sword glittering in hand ; even the number of kings, having stars on their breasts and crowns on their heads, being gathered together against mine anointed ones also : the tribe of Dan shall leap from Bashan, (Deut. xxxiii. 22) — he shall bite their horses' heels — every man shall fall backward. This is the sacri- fice that I will have upon the whole earth ; for I have called all the birds of the air, and the wild beasts of the earth to this sacrifice, that they may eat the flesh of kings, and of mighty men, (Rev. xix., Ezek. xxxix.) For as the tribe of Dan is given into the hands of the Gentiles, so has the enemy been permitted to come into the house of Israel ; but he shall not fall there but be cast out : but with the Gentiles shall he fall, for the bodies of the right- eous and the wicked shall perish together at that day. Dan was the father of Sampson, (Judges xiii) ; and as Sampson fell with his enemy, (xvi. 28, 29, 30), so shall the tribe of Dan fall with the Gentiles, and the dust of the earth shall be their meat ; but he is judge, and rules, and has dominion in the house of the Gentiles, until the 57 appointed time. And as Samson was to the Philistines, so shall Dan be to the Gentiles ; for though the Philistines put out Sampson's eyes, (Judges xvi. 21), because he dis- obeyed the words of the Lord, yet he was as an adder biting the horses' heels, that they fell backward. And I came abiding on the woman's seed to heal up the breach, but they refused ; so I have given them the tribe of Dan, to judge them, till Israel should be gathered, and if they still refused to join my people Israel, he should bite the horses' heels, and fall with them. This is the true inter- pretation of the parable of the tribe of Dan." — Written from John W^'oe^s mouth by William TUlotson. Trosley, 12th of 3d month, 1832 : — " They love flag- ons of wine ; they are become gluttons, and all things are become meat unto them, but my way ; they build high places, make groves, eat swine's flesh in them ; and fill their bowls with the blood of swine, and all unclean beasts ; they bring forth their lawyers to plead against my word ; the lawyer stands with the doctor w^ho has hired the murderer to say. He found them dead, though he had murdered them, that they may make merchandise of them ; and they cut them up as the bodies of animals. The tribe of Dan, which holds the sceptre of the Gentiles, sends out his word, and brings them before him, and find- ing them guilty, gives sentence against them, though the lawyer pleads for the doctor, that they must have bodies : the parson cries, ' They are but earth ; ' he -brings forth the scriptures, clears the road, and makes the light to shine bright before them, which pleases them. The law- yer, doctor, and parson cry to the holder of the sceptre for the tithe, and for amendment of the acts of parliament relating thereto, or their subjects will refuse to pay them. The tribe of Dan which leaped from Israel to the Gentiles, will smile behind the veil, and the stone of Israel will give him the lions whelp, and he shall bite their horses' heels, and they shall all fall backward, and be slain." — Written from J. Wroe's mouth by Martha Cambell. Trosley, 22nd of 3rd month, 1832 :— " Now I call to the whole house of Israel, that they may hear what the Spirit and the bride say to the seventh church ; for my 68 measuring line and plummet is gone forth, and shall mea- sure the city of the whole house of Israel ; for my two- edged sword shall prepare the way for it — it shall not re- turn void. For as thou sawest the scales set to the balance, and in the right end the righteousness of Jew and Gentile, and their Avickedness in the left, and the beam put to the balance, by the hajids of the holder of the measuring line and the plummet, and the left overbalancing the right, which is the fulness of the Gentiles ; so them in the right hand scale, vv^ho were overbalanced, who are the six churches, — their souls were preserved, but their bodies saw corruption ; but those that were in the left, — their souls remain under the sentence of the second death, till the final resurrection. So my people were neither in the left nor the right hand of the scale, but as Lot, in Sodom and Gomorrah ; and as Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, in the fiery furnace ; not one haii* of their head being singed, nor the smell of fire on their raiment, but their mortal lives swallowed up by the life which is immortal, by their blood being washed away, and their spirits with mine being put within them. These were covered under the skirt of my mantle ; for I have placed them on holy ground, until I have destroyed the righteous and the Avicked from my creation; " Say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I am against thee, and will draw my sword out of his sheath, and cut off from thee both the righteous and the wicked." Ezek. xxi. 3. " Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which call themselves Jews, and are not, but do lie." Bev. iii. 9. " And that servant that knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes : for unto wiiomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required ; and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more," Luke xii. 4T, 48. But the aliens, or tenants to the redeemed, are those who never knew my scriptures, and say, They are of no religion ; " As many as have not this doctrine, and have not known the depths of Satan as they speak, I will put upon you none other bur- den. But that Avhich ye have already hold fast till I come," Rev. ii. 24, 25. " But he that knew not, and did 59 commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten -with few stripes," Luke xii. 48. Satan has contended against thee, and the whole of the legions of hell has been at work, to snatch thee from the house of Israel, that thy spirit might depart from the earthly tabernacle ; — I have sent forth my angel, and he has withstood Satan, and overcome him ; and the breach shall be healed, and the house of Israel shall return ; and I will drive Satan out of them, and into the people of the world ; I will then take a remnant of the world, and hide them in the holes of the rocks and caves of the earth, and he shall not be able to pluck them out of my hands ; and him, with the bodies of the world, I will bind in hell, and set a seal upon him ; and he shall not touch even them who have been hid in the holes of the rocks, neither their children, until the thousand years be over." — Written from John Wroe's mouth hy 3Iartha Camhell.- Devonport, 22nd of 5th month, 1832 : — " My law shall divide the people, it shall be found as a burning fiery moun- tain to the wicked ; but Israel will not be burnt, nor the smell of fire on their raiment, which shall appear brighter than gold seven times purified. For the world shall be as servants in assisting to build this building, but the fire shall destroy them. And the vrorld shall even thrust Israel out ; for the 4:3amp of them must be seen, as the clouds are seen in the firmament. And I will bring clouds of fish, even to the shores of the seas, to feed Israel with, and they shall have a measure of Avheat for a penny — they shall grind their own corn in the camp — fruit shall hang in the hedges, and there will be no strangers to gather it ; — and the whole earth shall stink with dead men's bodies, because of the l)uriers not being able to bury them." — Written from John Wroe's month hy Hohert Wallace. Devonport, 10th of (3th month, 1732 : " As many in- struments as I have had since my prophetess, so many shall there be in one house against each other who call themselves l)eliovcrs. Tliosc wlio call themselves believ- ers, but arc not doers, are the scorpions, neither hot nor cold ; for they are neither workers nor believers. The five wise and the five foolish virgins must appear in the 60 house of Israel ; for they once had lamps, but they are now seeking to devour those that have oil. Let not my children interfere with the concerns of the nations ; for the land that I will gather Israel in is divided into three parts ; and the manufacturers of all branches shall be against the land-owners, and the land-owners against them ; and they that are of Israel will not interfere with them. One nation shall devour another, and those nations that never re- ceived the gospel shall rise up and dethrone those that knew the gospel and did not the work. For I will now punish those that stand still, for have not I a right to bring them to death in what manner I will ? Afterwards I will destroy those who never received the gospel. Many shall see visions and dream dreams, but they shall have no in- terpretations because they refused my visitation. I will gather many people in Scotland." — Written from John Wroe^s mouth hy liohert Wallace. Devonport, 7th of 7th month, 1832: — "Those upon whom is the mark of Israel, the destroying angel shall not touch, that the same death — that death which is not com- mon amongst men, may take those away who have not my mark, that refuse to walk in my law." — IVritten from John W7^oe''s mouth hy liohert Wallace. Devonport, 17th of 7th month, 1832 : " I will make the world acknowledge that I am with Jsrael, by the plague that I have sent amongst them, neither shalt thou pray for them, nor ask for the plague to be stayed. For nine parts of man shall be destroyed, and I will take Israel out of the tenth part ; and the remnant of the tenth part, which are over and above the house of Israel, shall come out of the clefts of the rocks and serve them. And when the world acknowledges that there is not a town nor a city but what it