TESTIMONY TO T H E Doftrinc, Worfliip, Difciplinc, and Government of the Church of MOT LAND, AN D T H E •Covenanted work of Reformation As it was ProTefPd in the Three Kingdoms: TOGETHER WITH Aa. Account of th« Perfecution of fome of the moil Eminent in " Our Days, for their Adherence to the fame. As it was left in Write, by that truely Pious and Eminently*. Faithful! and now Gonfied Martyr [Mr. John Dick. To which is Added ^ His Laft Speech and Behaviour on the Scaffold, on the fifth, day of March 1684. Which day he Sealed this Teftimony, and left it to a particular Friend, to Communicate to the World after his Death',whichwas never PuMifhed till now, atthedefire ot fome reall and Sincere Lovers of the true Peace, an*d Welfare of the Church of Scotland, $ t i $ Printed in the Y^r* '2 ' TESTIMONY T O T H E Boftrinc. Worfhip, Difciplinc and Government o( the True Presbyterian Church of Scalane/, and the Co- venanted Work of Reformation, as it was profiled, in the Three Kingdoms. Bf That Renowned, and now Glorified Martyr Mr. John Dick) who Suffered at Ediuburqh on the filth of Msrch 1684. Edinburgh l$.Avguft 1683. BEing called before Four of the Council \ my Lord Livipgflon ( after Sir William P-aterfon had Interrogat fome few Queftions, in the Out- ter-houfe, which becaufe confident with what follows, I omitt , ") fays to me. Mr. Dick, There is a great Charge given in againft U you, which amounts to a great height •, what fay you for your felf? • I anfwered, I crave you pardon, Sir, for you are a Stranger to me : One of them faid, it is my Lord LivinglUn \ then I anfwered, I crave your lordfhip would be more particular as to your Charge : Then he faid, That I was at Pentland, which I denied : Then he asked, where I had been ever fince that time f To which I anfwered, that being difcovered tobeaConverfer with fome, that were there immediatly upon the back of the firft Shot at the Bifhop, feme Gentlemen being taken upon that Account, and threatned with the Boots, I was neceffitat to leave the Nation. Then faid he, What (ay ye as to the Bi- ftiop's Death, when he was killed? I told him, I thought he defired an Account cf my Principles , and I told hrm, I was a Presbyterian, and adhered to the Do* flrine, Worfhip, Dilcipline, and Government of the Presbyterian Churches of the Three Nations, to which we were folemnly fworn : He fays, then you ad- here to the Covenant : I anfwered, Yes, with my whole heart , and refolves to do while I breath. Then, fays the Bishop of Edinburgh, do ye own the King's Authority? I told him, my firft Anfwer wherein I gave an Account of my. Principles, was a fuffkient Anfwer for that: Some others ftarted a Queftion anentthis, but the Bishop anticipated my Anfwer, by faying, hefpeaksvery rationally according to his Principles, allowing the King as much as the Presbyte- j'ansdo-, to which I added, conform to the Word of GOD. The Bishop asked, if I acknowledged Bothmll to be Rebellion : I told him, I could not fay* it was, for I was confident the Generality of that people wa* not in Rebellion, being (imply in felf Defence : tHc'&fhop asked, doyt ownTeif Defence lawful in any cafe > T laid yes in fome* Provoft Ramfey fayes ( to what ) to whom. then I was offering to , Anfwer, but I was Interrupted by the Bifhop of Edinburgh^ who drew an argument from the effedl accompanying the little Blood, that was twJ- in Queen Maries Days, with what was fhed in the Infline Wars/ I Rejected his Argument, and albeit he Fathered the ErTufion of Blood on the wrong fide of the Houfe, feU Defence beingMawful by the word of God, by Laws of many Nations, and Law of Nature i I added let the World Judge, whither this Bifhop^s Principles leads him right, rhat would have his fellow Subjects to hold up their Necks to Bloody Murderers, I fufpeel he fhall be found a Jefuite, and thinkf ftrange, that the Emperor of Germany fhould not fend for him, to preach this Doctrine to hiirr. Then asked one of them (landing behind their Backs, if I Rode with Mr.John Welfch* I'faid, I knew not if I was bound to anfwer hrm, not knowing that he was a Member of the Council *, well fayes one Sitting, what fay ye to it ? I Ank wered, yes I did, and I blefs God that ever 1 did fee him *, then fayes the ftander, doyeconfefsye Rode m Arms wth him, Riding.in Arms? I told him I Had not Riden without Anns flnce I was Seventeen or Eighteen years of Age: The Bifhop of Edinburgh fayes, I will propone a queftion to you, as a Clergy Man, Iftoppedhim there, and told him, I would Anfwer no queftion as a Clergy Man fitting there, at which fbme others ftorm^d, he faid it was conform to my Principles, then the Bifhop preffed further his Argument from the effe& in that abovementioned Companion. Provoft Ramfeyhid you be newly taken, your Spirits aloft, its not time to reafonnow, it will be more feafonaole afterwards, upon which he defifted, the Bifhop asked, if I knew the Men, that were fund- ing behind them*, which were Hugh Stevenfon and Mr. Ihomat Gordon, who (hewed more Keen nefsagainft me, then the Bifhop himfelf, for which I forgive them, and I faid I knew all there, by Eye-fight, except my "Lord LivingsJont The Bifhop asked when I knew him, I told when he was a Regent, in the College, but finding my felf in a miftake, I craved him pardon, telling him I was minding Commiflar Wijheart, but told that it was when he Preached in the Tron Church, that I knew him. He asked if ever I her.rd him there, I (aid fometimes, in the VVeek d.'.ys. He asked why not now ? I faid he was Lookt upon as an Hon eft Man then, but had proved otherwifeby Breaking his Oath to God, he faid he never took the Covenant, 1 faid that was a vain Defence. This is the Summe (6 far as my Memory Serves. Then, upon the teft day of Auguft 1683, being called before the Council, in prefenceof the Lord Chancellor, Marquis of Dowglas, the Earl of Tweddeli^ • Bifhop of Edinburgh, Prefident of the Seffion, Colington, Cafllehiil, Abbotfija!^ after the Chancellor had conferred with me, a confiderable time, the Clerk having cleared fuch of my Aflertions,as they judged fit to make ufe of againft me, they defired me toSubfcribe the fame, which I nfufed to do till it were reclined, they having fome things in ir, wrong*, and others, mifplaced. At laft this Meeting Refulted in this, that I fhould Subfcribe tne following. Declaration' both before the Council and Judiciary Mr. John Dick, SonJ| David Dick Writer in Edinburgh, being called. and Examined, in prefence or the faid Lords, declares j He owns the work of Refor- tnnrio*i t 4 1 ) ffu&tffei as thekme is coftt£jned,'in the Confeflion* of Faith and CafeJlSfif*^ Conform to the Covenant agannft \T.9pery, T}c.laey y Eraflianifrue^ &c. Andisic' folved, by the Lords Strength", to.aiide in the fame. Declares, that as to Epifcopacy and Laws Eftablifhing the fa.me, he cannot understand it, to be Lawful ', becau'fe, fince the King? Reftoration, there has been no free nor Lawful Parliaments, and' he thinks by reafon, albeit the Mem- bers thereof were Etefted. in the ordinary way *, Yet when the Members Meet, there, was unlawful Oaths ifnpo fed upon them, and thereupon, feverkis of theni left the Parliament, and fohe understands-,. that it is not a free nor lawful Par- liament, and thinks, that Epifcopacy and Ernftianifme is eftabli (bed in: that and fubfequentty Parliaments were- contrary to the Word of God, and that the 5k- p-cmliy herein eft .bli-fhed is~moft horrid' Blafphemy. I added here to the Chaf.cel!>r, that 1 hoped, his- Lordfhip would not be offended at this,* feei he had (worn thefWe, in theTeft-, but they refuted to write this, in my^ iubferibed Declaration :. B^ing Interrogate, -if he owned -the 'Proclamation and Declaralionat Sayquhair and^/^;/7///V^^,Declares,he does not own \kitSauqu- hair Declaration, as being inconfiftent with his Principles, fuch as the cutting off of the wicked * 9 and having- himfelf read the Hamiltoun Declaration, De- clares, he owns the fame, -and that, when they were (invaded andaffaulted, by any Perfbns whatfoever,in their Exercifes of Reformed Religion and Worfhip, they were obliged to ft a rid to their own Defence, and owns the Lawfullnefs of Field Conventicles, and their being in Arms to Defend themfelves in cafe ofbe- ing Molcfted *, And he himfelf was ever ready to own ahd defend hisBrethrerr in Arms, when invaded for Religion *, And declares, that the Invafion made againftthemat Tent land-, and Bothwell^ they being in the Exercife of his Re- ligion, was Service done to the Devil, and Refiitance made by them-, was Set* vice done to GOJD. Con fe fifes, tkaf before Bothwell ,Bndge hehadriden in Arms withMr Welfck through the Countrev, and bleffes God for it :, Confeffes, he Was at a Meeting at Lejmehago before Bothwell^ when Lieutenant Dalziel with a Party came upon them, and. was one of thefe, that engaged againft that Party. Denies, he was (at -Drumclogg^ But confeffes, he was at Bothwell, and thinks, that Mr. John We If ch frayed about half a year in the Countrey therer after, but he was only, about eight days in Company with him after Bothwe//, In this Kingdom : Confeffes, the King .is • lawful King Born, and came Lan fully to the Crowns of thefe Kingdoms, and that he is lawful King of this Kingdom, and-owns the Kings Authority, conform to the Word of GOD, that is to fay, That he is impowered to Govern for GOD's Glory and the good of his People, and to be a Terror to evil doers, and encourager to w.ell :, and De* Clares, that the Aft of Supremacy , as it is explained by the Aft of Parliament j that the turning out of Presbyterian Intereft, and overturning the Work of Re- formation, moft unlawful Afts,arKi being exprefly contrary to theWord ofGod, can not be Binding upon theDeclarenf 5 and thatCovenants are binding upon the Nations, and fhall be fo , while Sun and Moon endures:, and that that Oath, called the Tett, is a moil unlawful- and horrid Oath, and he is not obliged to take the toe, 9 He C '5 V- Declares*' As to killing, the Archbiihop of Sp, A;idreirs y he cannot . Ju'd^rnv ft, ft r.ot being an Aft of his own *, bat that famejof thrfe, were ca!!e'J trie Actors, • whom he knew (and po^t:- un Dirgwal) Were Godly and Juffc Men. jicfubferibit iicR, Thelaft Day ofAuguft i683,There being manyNoblemenin the Court, which day Mr. John i>/r£ being preient, was Examined, in pre fence- of thejuflices then fitting in Judgment, and the abovewritten Conftflion emitted by him in prefence of theCouncil, being read, he acknowledged the fame, and every particular of the fame i;i pre fence of the Caid Juftkres. • SH.fubfcribitur\ ) ^ John-Dick^ Maitiand\ James Firels, John Lockhart^ Alexander Set on* Upon September 4, 1683, I Mr. John Dick, Son to David Dick \Vriter in Edipburgh„ being Called before the Lords of Jufticiary being then prefent ^ it was demanded, if I had any thingto fay for my feVf ? I anfwered, Yes, my 1 ord^ I have fomevvhat to add to my Lyble \ they asked, what w^st-hat ? then I pro- ceeded as follows : I Mr. John Dick Prifoner, in Name ■ the.'-Arpoint.: of Our Bleffed Lord and Mailer Jefus Chrift, Declare, That the Blood .of a ii the Presbyterians, that have been Executed for their Principles, is.horrid Murder, by whatfomever Law they have been judged ', and that in thePerfon of every In- dividual one, who have fufTered fimply on this Account, Cfer Bleffed Lord Jefus Chriir, hath been as really crucified, as He was by Pitatt and the jfoj at Jen/fa- lent. And thfsl defire maybe holden as apart of my former Declaration and Conftfiion, emitted before the Council and Juftices. \ TthisI called W , and fub- fcribeM, ble fling the Lord that had given me a hand fo to do. They refufed to add it to my Declaration, judging they had too much already :.' I required all that were pre lent WitnefTes, that I had declared the fame, and Appealled them alltoChrift's Bar at the Great Day, to Anfwer for w r hat they had done, and were doin \. They asked if I wouidhavean Advdcat f Ifaid, My Lords, that isordinarly denied to Perfons in my condition ; they declared-, I mould have as many as I pleafcd :, I faid, I would have none, but my Blefled Lord Jefus Chrift, BlcfTed be HisHoly^Iame for it, He isboth with me, and in me. The Juftice Clerk asked, if I was a Quaker, or a .Fifth Monarchry Man r 1 told him, I abhor- red both, yet my Affection was relevant, being BlefTed of my God with the Grace of Faith: And then they read niy Indictment, and asked at every Article, to which I anfwered* affirmatively. - Then,did theJufticeClerk ask,if Ihad any thing to fay for my fel.fj faid,I Bleflld the Lord I had: theyDefired me to proceed, Anfwcr,i expect myLortis,being aFree B^mScots Man,Ifhall have tkePriviledge allowed me,that theChriftians in former dayshadamong'theHeaihens,theJufticeClerkbids me proceed there a/e twbthings, which. I hope your Lordmip will grant e're we procceed, further, fir ft do you not Acknowledge,that the Almighty Godjehoyah is SupreamLord &Governour of Heaven and Earth,& that all Kings in..theEarth,are but hisDeputs ckServants-, the Juftice Clerk (ayes yes. I he Second, Do ye pot Ack*owledge,that all theLaw in the WorldamongChriftians muftStrike Sail to the great Law, the Law of God : to which I got no Anfwer:, whereupon I took WitnefTes and Protefted, that it might be Recorded in Heav*iS ^he"n they prefTd me to proceed. I told him theAdvocat ( offering to follow 'his^wn method ) had drawn out my Declaration : my* Lords C . 6 J terds yotT have been at much pains to feek my Accufation, I have been fo Ingenuous to Exhibife it to v^u my felf, for which I Blefs the Lord firft Article that I own my felf toji Presbyterian, and to be bound to continue Co conform toa Covenant, that can not be Infringed by no Power under Heaven! Now, my Lords, I being under Rich ftrong Imprefiions of thofc my Obligati- on^ the lead I can expert, -is to know by what Authority this is broken > To this I got no Anfwer, they declined further Queftioning, caufing and commanding the Jury to be called*, and after they had asked, if I had any thing to fay againft them, they fwore them \ defiring me, that if I had any thing to (ay to the Jury to proceed: I faid, my Lords, its hard to devolve me upon a Jury before I be heard, for which I charge you all to make ready to Anfwer before my Great Matter, at the Great Day, and this Jurie alfo, as to what ye do in this Affair Then they defired me to foeak to the Jury, for the Advocat was to have the h£ word : then Lthinking I mould have occafion to haveReafoned with the Advo- cat anent my Lyblf ; told the Jury, That the Principle I held in my Declaration wxsof fuch a Nature, as I durft not, if I had as many Lives at there are Pickles o! Sand on the Sea Shoar to redeem them all, with the quitting of the lead hair- breadth thereof : Then I pre/Ted the Obligation of the Covenant, expecting the Advocat's Anfwen They asked if I had done? I anfwered, Yes,as to this Then Defenfive Arms betwixt two fmgleMen} But for multitudes, he knew Defenfive Arms againft {landing Laws: Then did I offer to Reply but they would not fuffer me, but recommended jne to the Jury, ftr icily Tying them that the Condemners mould put it to after their Name and Affizers likewife: Then I came conveyed to the Outter-Houfe by the Guard where my Father came to me within a little, and told me he had been dealing with the Lords for a Delay, but had not got it fo long as he expected- I told him, that whatever my good Lord's will was, I was fatkfied, but Tie fpeak nothingof that my felf.: :Me fays well, I knew that, anfffo he leaves me . I am called in again within half an H©ur, and my Sentence intimated to be Hanged at the Grafs-Mcrcat, upon the 26th inftant. I faid my Lords without a Hearing, cither before the Juftices or Jurors, this Praaice was never parallels among Heathens, and further my Lords andjurors^ I declare, and that upon good grounds, that if upon this Sentence you Hang me, you (hall not be innocent of Crucifying the Lord afrefh, in me his poor and infignificant Mem- ber : They called, iHtter him to fpeaic no more. This is the fume, fo far as my brittle Memory will allow, and T am confident there wants little or no- thing of Moment: Now for fatisfaaion, both to Friends and Foes I have Judged it my Duty to add what follows. . - • > My bleffed Lord and Matter hath determined mine Heart, in all this my my Tryal( next to his own Glory ) to have my Eye upon the Edification and Confirmation of his poor Diitreft and Oppreft People, my Companions in r ■ a u1 ' T' aS alfo t0 defign as much as PoffitoetheConYiaion of h Is, and our protclt and avowed Enemies j moved me, without au# previous Deliberation, ( 7 ) to aflcrt thefe Principles and practices contained in my Tndi&menr v and to add that other affertion which I did be fore my Sentence, before the Juftices and Affize: I fay my bleffed Lord having thus. determined and moved me ( for which I blefs his Name ) has not left me in the Dark, as to Grounds and Warrants for what in and through fuch a poor and empty Reed, as I ?.m he hath done, which Grounds while I offered to the Ju (rices and Ailizes, for my Vindication, I am ( contrare to all Law, Equity and Reafon ') refufed that privilege, a Privilege granted even by the Heathens: Thefe Grounds, I hive thought 'fit to leave under my Hand, for the comfort of the Lords People, and ( if not the conviction ) the Terror of his ( and ours for his fake J Proud, infolent Enemies as follows. - You Remember, that before Loffered any Defence, I Demanded of the Juftices, that they would £rant me the thefe two Principles, to wit. Firft, that the Almighty God Jehovah, was Supreame Lord and Mafter, over all in Heaven, i and in Earth, and that all Kings, and other Rulers in the Earth, are his De- putes and Servants v this they granted. The fecond is, that all Laws in the Earth muft ftrike-Sail, and Vail their Caps to the Supream Law, the Word of Cody and be Regulate by it, this they refufe to grant, which Tlookt upon as 'rnoft Horrid Blafphemy, and tooklnftrumentson the Refufal thereof, ( which I know ftands Recorded in Heaven, to be produced againft the. Denyers, at the Great Day of, the Lord ) I doubt not, if that Young Noble Man wh-o Refufed me this, had been prefent, when Mr. J ?hn Pater fori Propofedthe Queftiontome, if our King wasComptable to any, to whom I Anfwered, he was.* He asked to whom, I faid to thefe, by whom he was Intrufted : He Anfwered, then he could not be Soveraign, Intimating that there could be no Soveraign but one, whom we Presbyterians hold to be the Almighty God Jehovah *, to whom alone indeed it is high Treafon, for any Mortall to fay .vhat doe ft thou : It being lawful dejure, to ask any Mortall King an Account of his doings, as need Re- quires *i though defatto in the cafe of Cruel Tyrany, this be Dangerous : I fay, if this Noble Man had heard this, he had not fo rafhly Refufed my AfTertion *, But whatever our Rulers do, I do, and I hope with me, all that has the lead Smattering of Religion will both grant, and firmly in his ftrength, hold both thefe Principles*, for to me to grant the former, and refufe the Latter, implys a. Contradiction; now laying thefe for twofure and inviolable Foundations : I go on, .as if I were before the Juftices and Jury, to deliver my own grounds, which my God laid to my Hand, and anfwer any thing of Objections, I meet with either before the Secret Council or Juftices. Now my Lords of Jufticary, and you Jurers ( taken thefe Principles for grant- ed ) my firft AfTertion 1 have to Vindicate, is this *, that I own the work of Re- formation, as the fame is contained in the Confefion of Faith and Catechifms, conform to the Covenant againft Popery, Prelacy md Eraftianij he , and am Re- foived by the Lords Strength, to bide by the fame, ( and feing, that it is Lawful for any Man to Weild his Arms, for his beft Advantage ) to this I Subjoin tht InvolableOMigation of theCovenant,to adhere tothefe Principles and Practices. - Now my Lords this work of Reformation, thefe Principles and Praitticcs t>ein& fuch, as lfind Warranted from the practice of Chrift, and hi >. Apoftlesi ( 8 ) tApr.ftles >ni rot only I, but his Ma jetty, and ail under hi m, in thefe , being bv the Oath. of God, which fhall never be Diiolved by any Power the leaft lean e*pec1 of yoar Lordfhips is, thatye will offer what, that may be Satisfactory to my Conference, in this point, if ye deny thfejfchen iWU the World judge that ye will Murder me, becaufe ye will MurdeVrae, all th?t I have heard from any of your Members againft my Prin- -- (i mply Was from the .Bifhopof Edinburgh, who afrer he had infinuatean jment with me in Doctrine and Woribip, fee med fairly to infinuate, that Dilcipline and Government were.left undetermined, mv anfwer to this is, that this is horrid Bhfphcmv, and no lefs-uopn the whole Matter then to fay, that our bleffsdl ordjefusChrilt was kfs faithful in theHoufeofGod than msMyfc/, and who having, the leaft Senfe jof a Deity dares to averre this ? Well my I ofds this being all I have offered by any of your Lordfhips againft my Princi- ple 1 heps it Aan4s firmly rooted in the- Hearts of all that love our Lord. Jefus Chnfr, that they are thereby net in the lead:, (haken. and fmce it is fo, w lich I mufttake*Or granted, having nothing offered to the contrary: I rauft for tir- confirmation of the fecond brench of this afTertion pofe your Lordms,by what Authority an Oath, a folemn Oath made betwixt the living GOD's Party contraQer-on the one hand, and his Majefty and the whole Body of thefe Nati- ons on the other hand, in as folemn a manner as ever Covenant was tranfafted I fav I mail ask by what Authority this Covenant is infringed and broken ? Tothislget no aniwer neither except what I got from the above mentioned 'Bilhop who told me he had not taken this Covenant : For anfwer, it had been a erear pity this mafbr Prelate of yours, had not been amongft the Peo- pie of ffrael at that time, when the Plague of GOD overtook them for the breach of Covenant made, as fome thinks, Four hundred years before that with the Gibeonites, und thi, Covenant in it felf nothing fo justifiable as this which m*y Bleffed Lord -has fet me hereto JuftinV, I fay, it had been a pity, this Pitifull Prelate had not been there, its nut likely he had obtained a Sufpenfi- on of this Famine upon this head ; but let this proud Prelate confider, that he Charges the Almighty with injuftice in this Praftice, which you have Recorded in the- Sim. zi. &. They are divided among themfelveshere •, Some granting, that in fome cafes, even their own Lawful Princes may be refitted, and the Arms •of Innocent Self-defence made ufe of againft them. Othersfay, No/ But what- ever they fay or think, either this Pofirion {hall ftand to the World's Fnd , That there was never a Power given of God, to any Mortal, to rugg and deftroy the Souls of the Subjects, and to ruine them in their Civil Interefts j or otherways, there was never a Power given of GOD to any Mortal, to eriaft iniquity by a Law,and to force Obedience to thefe iniquibus Laws by Fire and Sword, as it is in our cale} And if any Monarch or any pretending CommifTion from him, mould arrogate a Power to do fo, the Subieft beyond all contraverfie is called to ftand to his Oivn Defence, and vindicate the htnour of his Great Supream Maft*r ? feeing he is vinlented to the •Denyal of Alledgeance to him, by his pretended Depute or Servant : I fuppofe this will not be refufed by^any that believes that there is a GOD. And for my felf, 1 triirik he who comes out with Armed force to compel me to fin, fhoald be in the felf fame way ferved, as he who mould with Violence come to drive me quick into Hell, and 1 fuppofe the greateft of the pretended Loyalifts amongft us if they heard and believed the Screichings of the Damned Souls there, and law no other way of efcaping, but either over or through their Soveraign, they would venture upon either, rather than be driven into it. And to fay any Soveraign how Lawful fo ever, otherwife has fuch a power is to contradict that Scripture, Kings are given to be a Terror t§ evil doers, and encouragers of well doers. If it be faid thefe things mould be in a civil manner Reprefented or Arms be taken : I fhall readily grant this, but why were thefe Minifters and Gentlemen taken and incarcerate who were endea- vouring thus ? And why was there an Aft of Parliament, if I may call it.fo, made Dichargingany of the Subjects to meet andConfult in order to this? And indeed 1 think he fhould be extruded the Society of Mankind who would make this afTertion, that our otherwife Lawful Prince may lawfully do any of thefe things abovementioned to his Subjects, and that the W T orld mav fee, I fpeak not here at random, bepleafed to confider thefe two Scriptures, Firft the x^Cbap. of the firft Book of Samuel. Secondly the 12 chapter of the firft Book of tne Kings. To this I add the 20 Chap, of the fecond Book of the Chron. 16. verfe, Now whofoever (hall ponder and ferioufly confider thefe three places, will fin i three Kings of the Lawfolnefs of whofe coming to tkeir Crowns 1 fcnownon c B 2 t\n t ( gf ) that doubt* all three rcfifted by theijr Subieas, the firft in offering to perform s a rafnand finfuj Oath, the fccond for offering finfulJy to opprefs Ms people-, The third for dipping too far in the Matters of God, for which he had no Mow with Submiffion to the more Judicious , I hummy conceive the Ground of the Equity ot this Refinance lyes here : That Kings and Subjects are under a Twofold Relation one to another-, Firft, in refpeft of the Almighty GOD, who js the. Only Abfolutc Sovereign and Great Lord, both he a ad they are Fellow* Subjects 3 and with him, in finning againft the Laws of This Our Great M after, none of his Fellow-Subjecls dare, under the pain of Eternal Dam- nation ihtheleaft fymbolize -, but on the contrary, adhering to our Allegiance to Our Great Liege Lord, we are bound by Our Allegiance, in our Stations, to - refift every thing offered to His Dimonour, by whomfoever. I hope this Truth is clear to any that knows, that the Laws ot GOD are equally binding upon Kin^s-andSubjeas. The fecond Relation -13, That whereby the King, under GOD is King, and to Rule the People for GOD's Glory, and the Good of the Kingdom, and to be a Terror to Evil Doers, and an Encourager to Well Doers : in which Relation the People are his Subjects. Now, . thvjre is none of my Per- fwaOon, but are willing to give Cafar his due, that is, to obey all his Lawful! Commands, and-yeilahimall Encouragement imaginable, he Ruling in the Fear ofGOD, the People for GOD's Glory, and his and their own Good. But if a King, (baking off all Fear of GOD, willenter in Open Hoftility againft Heaven, and force his People, by Open Hoftility, to mare with him in thefe Abominations^ Iaaainfay, the People are obliged, in purfuance.of their Allegiance to their Su- pream Lord, not only to refufe Obedience to^this His Depute^ but alfo to refift: him in purfuance of tWs his War againft the Great LORu. \ I hope, I mail need to fay nothing for clearing of this, to any that knows .that there is a GOD,whofe Holy Nature entitles' fiim to Abfolute Sovereignty, .- and to WhonivSubjeclion is due' from that His Blefled Nature - ? and Natively, cur Subjection is d.ue to Him for not only our Being, but our Well-being. Upon the other hand, the King's Power ( the Government it felf, in general,' being of GOD, yet the Application ©fit to this or thatPerfon, to this or that Modell of Government, either by E- k&ion or'Succeffion ) is£>f Man, acc@rding to that, BefubjeZ to every Ordinance of'Manfor the Lord's fake'. I fay, ^ cafe (landing thus, not only in purfu- ance of our Allegiance to ourGreat and Abfolute Sovereign , are we obliged to refift what is offered and carryed on to His Dimonour ^ and this, leaft we mould partake of.other Men's Sims, but alfo, the People who have conferred that pow- er being Violented in all things that are precious to them; and the Government appointed of GOD, degenerating into Tyranny, may Recall the power given, and not only refift,but turn out fuch'a Tyrant,for wholeTyranny he had no com- niiffion, from them. I hope, none who will grant the Sixth Command, Thou (hdt not Kill, to be Binding, will refufe this. The Reafon is here, he is beyond all'doubt as guilty of Murdej who impowers to do the fame, as he who actually does it- Now I hope the cafe ftanding thus , all Impartial Readers will fee, how uniuftly we are condemned for owning the LawfulnefsofDefenfive Arms-, which \ mall endeavour to make yet more clear in my Application of thefe Scriptures a- bove bove cited, and my Anfwer to what I heard from our Antagonifts on this Head. And firft, As to the People's refifting of Saul, it being aw Aft of Loyalty to their' Supream Sovereign, in hindering his Depute to perform a Ram and SinfulOath. I wonder with what confidence., that Man, ( it he be one ) or rather Monftrous Jefuitical Atheift, Bifhop Fat erf on, could fay to my Glorified Brother, John Wilfon, (whofe Murder is yet recent ) That he doubted if they did right info doing. Sure I am, the Juftice Clerk will not fay fo, who has granted that the Almighty GOD is Supream ', and confequently , that Subjects dare not without Sin, fuffsrany thing to be done toHisdifhorrour, that is in their Power to hin- der ;, and that to Swear a Rafti Oath, obliging to Murder, isof this Nature* I hope I (hall not need to prove. And Secondly, As to that of Rehoboam , that Tyrannical Wretch, making off all FearofGOD, and rejecting the Councilofthe Old-Men, to his own Ruiae *, that the Subjects were in their Duty in carting hirn off, I hope none will reftife, who knows what Intereft the People have in making • of Kings*, and that none needs to be ignorant of, who will be pleafed to read the 17 Chapter of Deuteronomy, from the 14th Verfe to the End.: As alfo, that the People are bound in their Stations to oppofe the Tyranny of their Princes, lead they may (hare with them in their Judgments. Tyranny and Opprefiion being a palpable Violation of theLa^vs of Our Bleffed and Supream Lawgiver. Thirdly,' As to that o\Vz,z.iah, that he becoming ftrong and lifted up, in meddlingbeyond hisSphere with the matters of GOD, is given for the Ground of the Refiftance he met with : And fu re in our cafe, our King has yet been more ftrong and . more lifted up ( I fear to his Deftruction )' in fo tar as the former did only offer to perform fome Office that was only peculiar to the Priefb,- but never offered to overturn the Worfhip of GOD, of his own Appointment*, and to introduce an other diametrically oppofite to the Revealed- Will of GOD, as it is in our cafe. Now 1 fay, cur King having out done VuLiah in his affronted Rebellion againft Heaven, w 7 ho can blame the People if in ftandin-g to their own defence they JLncieavour to affert that our Bcffed God is abfolute Soveraign 'and Mafter,and that nothing Commanded nor impofed, exprefiy contrary to his will, which we flill hold to be our Supream Law 7 , can be binding upon them, this will be yet m®re clear as what we Afferted *a little above, that Kings and Subjects are but Subjects to the Supream Majefty, if you confiier that after he isthruft out of the Temple, he is put in a feveral Houfe upon the account of his Leprofie, thai which was likewife done to the meaneft Subject he had in the like cafe, and what if the Miniftery in the Church of Britain and Ireland, imitating" this Laudable example, \#hen ever they perceived that Dreadfull Plague of a more dangerous Nature then Leprofie, and yet more- Infectious ( which I take to have been the reafon oftheir Separation ) I mean our Kings horrible Adulteries, Perjuries, publick and Private Oppofitions to the Almighty, with that Abominable endeav- our to introduce Popery ( anent which you may fee more in my now Glorified Brother John Wilfon his Teftimony ) I fay what if they had by a Sentance of Excommunication fet him apart by himfelf? And what it the People had owned them by fo doing ? Sure I know none that has the leaft fmack of Religion would have Condemned this, and I pray God the Miniftery yet living, may be brought to the Senfe of their guilt in omitting this, but whatever be in this, furel am the ( i'4 ) Ac people Violentedfor not Concurring in thefe' Abominations, cannot be Con- demned for landing to their own Defence. This will be yet further clear to any who confiders what I have offered by the Enemies of our Bleffed lord for my Satisfa&ion in this matter. And firft, Having made ufe of our Bleffed Lords Precept- co his Difciples, when about to leave them in a Persecuting World to wit. But now, he that has no Sword let him Sell his Coat and Buy one. Sir were thefe .two Swords of the Spirit ? To this he replys no more then the Stone of the Wall behind him*, And now further, I w^ould advife'that Gentleman as he tenders his Souls Eternal! Well-being, that he feek Repentance of God for this fo homdly Blafphemous Expreffion, which is no other, then to Charge^ our Bleffed Lord with Commanding of Simon^ how Hainous a Sin tills k 7 Heave to any tender Confcience to condder. Next, that Gentleman Mr. Bamrman who they faidReprefented the Kings Advocat there, of whom e're I proceed further 1 muft tell you my thoughts, I thought indeed he there Reprefented the Devil, I thin* rxnGroundlefly for.the* Devil you know isftiled theAccuier of theBretheren,how*ntar heReltmbled him I leave to the Readers confideration •, Another thing laid of the Devils is they Believe and Tremble, whether this Gentleman Believes or not, I fha 11 not Deter- mine, but fure I am he he Trembled and fo. Repeating my Concefijons offers this Defence a good'felf Defence that he has heard of felf Defence betwixt fingle Men, bat there was no felf Defence by Multitudes againft^ aw ', I think indeed to Repeat this vain Defence Refutation Sufficient,but confuting the Advantage of others I fhall divide U, it is in it felf in two parts, thefirtfis this "Man feemsto yeeld that one Man may Legally Defend himfelf againft another, -and what if he .be not able to prove that two or three of us were fti'l againft one / I hope if he prove not this againft all, he muft Liberate all that-were not Chargeable with, this, and fo wast)ouiid to have Defended me confirm to his own conceftion, I think this Gentleman mould have Condecended who thefe 'prwiledged Perfons are that they may Defend themfelves and who not •, But to the* Second Branch that there-is no felf Defence by Multitudes againft Law Justifiable, where was this Mans Memory that he willhave my Innocent and juft felf Defence a- gainft Law / Did I not teil him Immediately before that there could be no Law againft exprete Texts of Scripture/ And that I might the better prove this Defired they would grant to me, that the Word of God was the Stream Law to which all other Laws behoved to ftrike and vail *, now this being Refufed me and nothing in theleaft offered for my Satisfaction, I hope none will Doubt but thefe Men Avowedly before the Face of the Sun fet themfelves and their Laws up above our God and his Laws, fo that all lhave for theGroundof my Senltnce upon the Matter is this, though God himieif hath faid you are Right and though his Word which you call his Law fay (o too, yet we haveaLaw and by this Law you moft By e, who would not Rejoice in a Sentence of this Nature, that does fo nearly P„efemble that Blafphemous one pafTcd upon his BlefTed felf/ Biefs O my Soul the L.rrd thyGod 7 there is.aij Expreffion in iny Subscribed Declaration* which r is o which I know our Enemies upon Chrifts Account do not a litle ftartfe at and 1 am Apprehenfivemay, fcem harftrto fome of our reall Friends upon midake, theExprcffion'is this, that the Enemies invafion made at Pentlandmd BothvaR for the Adhering to their duty was Service done to the Devil, and the Lords Peoples Innocent felf Defence being fo AfTautled, was Service done to God. For. Satisfaction both of Friends'and Foes in this matter I mall offer toyour Confiier- ation what follows. - I hope our Enemies them Pelves will not deny, the Presbyterian Mini iters of the Church of Britain and Ireland to be Faithful Miniders of Chrid Jefus, if they do, they Lhoudd have done us the Tuftice to hrtz intimate the fame with the Grounds thereof: Sore I .auKths behaviour of the grofleft of them would feem to cry aloud the co.ntrarv, when they come to a D^ath Bei.where reject- ing thefe perjured, Atheistical, blafpheruous. Hirelings, they call for a Presbyter- ian Minilter, witnefs, Mr. John Elis and the laft .Chancellor with many o- thers I hope none of ourFriends.doubt this,tb then we fhall take this for granted. Well then( if they be Miniders as we mod firmly hold-) efpecially having nothing from our Enemies to the the contrary, but rather a (km Confirmation as 1 have (aid, I hope ye will grant me alio, that they -are bound to obey that Coirimiflion in the lair ofMstth. two lad f^erfes, Go ye therefore and teach all Nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Hd\ Ghoft y teaching them to obferve all things yoh at fo ever I have commanded World Amen. I hope I need ommand and Commifiion of ind all,and needing. tie fufFer- age of no Mortal:, Let it ftand as a fure Truth then, that our Miniders are Chrift's Servants, and that our blerTed Lords Commifiion to themxo Preach is ftill binding, and (hall be to the Worlds end. .. I hope I fhall need-to be at little puns to prove, that by that fame Commifiion the Lords People are obliged to hear ; l hope none will doubt this whoever has Read that Word, Rom. 10. 14. tfow can they hear without a Preacher* Now the cafe being thus, that our Mi- niders are Miniders, and by vertue af their Commifiion they " are bound to Preach, and confequently we bound to hear, and that under no lefs Hazard then refuting Obedience to one of the laft Precepts of our bletfed Lord and Mailer Jefus Chrift. I hope none who owns my firft Principle will yet fay, that any Mortal can invalidate this. Commifiion, or hinder the due performance of this fo absolutely nece(Tary,and indifpejifible a Duty, to which we are the more En- couraged to yeild Vol un tare Obedience becaufe of his Promifed Prefence there- in to the end ot World, I fay none will fay lo, that Beleives there is a God, if any (ay that this Satisfies not as to the gathering togexher in Multitudes and going to the Fields 1 hope this will have litttle Weight with any that Confiders this was practice of ourBleffcd Mafterandhis Apodles they being Acted bv an Infallible Spirit, and fo their Example is a Sufficient Warrand, and our BlefTed Lord him- felf being God-man, and fo EfTentially elevated above all Sufpition of being Miftaken,! fty thefe Sufficiently Warrand this. If it be further Ofrefted, hut why are you there in Arms? I Anfwer fird, We have our Blefied Matters Precept for it in the 22 of Luke the 36 Verfe, in thefe Words, But now he that hath *£urfe let him take it>> and likewife his Scrips and he that hath n Sword let hix9 ( l6 ) him Sell hi* Gdrment And Buy one \ Now having removed what has been offered by our Enemies a gain ft this, we (hall ftudy in the Lords Strength to reinforce oar Argument therefrom : Andfirft I would have you notice the Emphafi* in the words, but now as if he had (aid my time in the World here is to be as to us a peaceable time, what I am to fuffer here beim* Tranfacted betwixt me and my Father* before the Foundation of the- World, and I being obliged in the Room ofloft Mankind, to take on me Flefii and Bloody and all Human Frailties, fin only Excepted, that I maybe a Gcmpleat Saviour, this being my free offering to my Father ', andconfequently I being to perform all ' that is requifite herein, not on- ly freely but cheerfully, therefore during this time there is no hurry to be madeln the Worldupon my account, and I atteft youiTelves if in following of me, even conform to this method you have found your felvesat anyDifadvantage in wanting cither Purfe, Scrip or Sword : But now,- now that I am going to leave you after that I have Performed, that which was tranfacted betwixt the Father and me be- fore the World was founded, you are not to be fo pallive would he fay as before, that being contained in the Belly of the Fathers Tranfktion and mine, and there- fore I command him that wants a Sword to Sell his Garment and Buy one. Now as to this Sword, our BlefTed Lord commands his Difciples to Buy, and in them all that fhall Succeed them to the end of the World ( for I fuppofe our Enemies will not fay this Command was given them as Minifters, leaft thereby they mould wrong Caefar ) being commanded them as Chriftians, I demand our Enemies, what thefe Difciples were to do with their Swords, for my part I know nothing, if it were not either to offend or Defend or both I expect they will not readily fay, dither to offend or both ( though I humbly conceive they mould not err much info faying, efpecially if they confider aright the Penult Tfalm^' then they mu ft fay tome, that it was to defend, and if to defend be in any cafe lawfull aslamfure it is, then in our cafe, I am confident none wiK refufe it, who has read and con* fidered what I have faid before. Secondly, we have ■ the Example of Abraham for this in 'the 14 of the Gencfis^ wherein a cafe nothing fo favourable as ours he practifes Self-Defence, and I hope -the mtift daring of our Advefaries fhall not dare to condemn him for it. Thirdly that "Scripture, Whenyou are Perfecuted in one City . fl.ee to another^ Helps in this cafe to fatisne what we have* faid, and in this I have the fuffrage of the Englifi) Law made ufeof by*Sir George M'-hn^ie in. Jiis Criminals, whereby the Defendant is declared innocent if to evidence his Defence, he have fled fome few Steps, and who doubts but when flight will not do, theJDe- fendant may refill: by Force : To all this if you add the practice of ail Reform- ed Churches, and the prefent practice of the Hungarians ^ I hope I fhall find, you have not had the beftGround to queftion our going to theFields to hear the Word of GOD preached in Arms, -efpecially confidering that this was a practice we were forced to from abfolute neceflity, feing that our being in Houfes rendered us more lyabletobea prey to our Enemies, Now I hope whoever ferioufly pon- ders what the Lord has given for Defence, here will not think. that we were ferv- ing God in thefe Meetings, which 1 with all confidence averr we were, and blefs the Lord that not only I, but not a few thoufands in Scotland has it to f iy to the Commendation of hisiree Grace 3 and commendation of this fo much com- mended ( 17 ) mended way, that we have found our Lord as good as his Word, in being with and Countenancing usy and this being fo, I doubt as little to averr,th.\t the Affauiters upon this account, coming in a Hoftile manner, without the lead provocation upon our part, were in that ferving the Devil, for who but ths Devil would give Orders to fire upon a People in the actual Worfhip of GOD, for no other reafon, but becaufe they were fo doing. Among the other things, that through the brirtlenefs of my Memory I have omitted, this \vhieh I have got from another hand, is one ^ That after Sen- tence , I Attefted the Lord, that ever fince I underftood what Treafon and Rebellion were, I h*ad ever abhorred both Treafon and Traitors, Rebellion and Rebells : To which their Anfwer was, that every word I fpake was Trea- fon ! To this I Pveplyed, that I was forry that what my bleffed Lord and Ma- tter accepted off my hand as indtfpe nfible Duty, mould be by his Deputies and. Servants reputed Rebellion. I mud add here alfo,that in my Conference with Sir William 2$f*r/w7,agajnft my Affertionof ChriiVs Headfnip of the Church, he offered this Anfwer,thathe knew that Chrift was Head of the Invifible Church, infmuating, t^anhe King or any other they pleafed might be Head to the Vifibie. To this my x^nfwer is, I fear this Gentleman has wronged himfelf mere than he is aware of, for having renounced Chrift Jefus my bleffed Lord and Mafter, to be He»d of that Church, of which heow^ns himfelf a Member, he does more than faintly infinuite, there are no Members of the Invifible Church amengfi: them, for if they were,*they would hold Chrift to be their Head, and in fo do- ing, do nothing but what is their Duty. But I would ask this Gentleman, w ne- ther he looks- upon our bleffed Lord's CommifTion to his Difciples, as a fuf- ficient Warrand for them to manage all the Affairs of the Vifibie Church? and where he has his Warrand from the Magiftrates mediing further in Churth Affairs, than to fee what is ordered by the God of Heaven, exaclly done to the Glory of the God of Heaven*, which I look upon as a Pow T er Circa faera^znd not in facri.% - Sure I am, all that have any thing of the Exercife of their Rea« fort', will fay he was bouRd to me in thefe,. But whatever his Sentiments be in thefe Matters, I am confident that our blefled Lord and Mafter in thisCom- miilion to his Minifters to Preach and Baptize, gave them Commifllon alfo te exercife Discipline and Government, fmce the one cannot confift without the other, and that as to the Obedience to this CommifTion, they are 1 'able to An- fwer to none even in their vifibie Eftate - , Eutour bleffed Lord Jefus Chriir, their and our bieffed Lord and Mafter and Head, anent which the Magiftrates Power is only Cumulative not Privative. For further clearing of this, 1 hope Sir William Paterfon will not refufe it, that our bleffed Lord was-' Head of that Church whereof Judsu\\"\s a Member, and if fo his fancy of Chrift's being only the Head of the Invifible Church will be found a meer Chimera •, For I doubt nothing to averr, that under our bleffed Lord and Mailer in his Vifibie Church there is no other Power granted to any Mortis but to his Minifters of his own Appointment, whom he has cloathed with a Minifterial;Power conjunctly un- Popul h and fever al £wi in all which you wilhfindthefe Principles and Practices, I have Aflert- ed own d ^ and offered my (elf in the ftrength^f my Bleffed Lord «T Defend, whether in my Principle or Additionall Declarations and Teftimonies , tuily, ' Sly and Satisfactorily, to all Unbyaifed and unprejudicate Per,ons afferted. Proven, Vindicated and clearly made out from the word of God ( wkich I yet Jrlr UbetheSupreanrLaw) the Law of Nature, and the Law of Nations', found Veafon^d Iblid Senfe: a'nd fmce it is fo, which all the World mud grant jujiiu iv,ai ' .,, , c.p ^ Ct-^fiXVinn V.prpanp»nt- hvvniir pither Total WledgeU firmly affent, you were bound to give ftt.sfia.on »J»*g things ; efpecially confidering, any Anfwer has been g.ven to any of rhefe , has been°the burning of Rnne of thefe Books by the hands of a Hangman in a F.re, a very forry AniW indeed , but however, of a pe.ee w.th the reft of your fight- *nes anainft the Almighty -.And how durft you, tor«your Souls,offer to Fire fuch R^KfolXdi!g4eibyfuch P recioufiy Worthy and Eminent Authors-? ffk had no S «en noLv your defpite to theSpirit ofGOD, and fhevv 'that you Will ffill ao on in Rebellion againft Heaven, and who knows not that the burn- ers of Books founded on the Word of GOD, have more than enough of Jnch- nationto burn that Holv and BlelTed Word it felf ? And indeed I think .t not ftran"e to fee Men porting hard to Ramfj* ; you are doing, to vent your Inolma- - "onsfhat way, fince it isnota few Years fiace many of your fharpeft Fnar , found you to be Men of the fame Kidney with the Am-Chnft him.elf that Whore who fits upon the Head of many Waters, whole Judgment lingers not. Andifa«vbefidea P Fire, has been offered againft anv of thefe, ,t has been byo- •tiers foeLnly wiped bfe that thele Bocks ftands ft.ll in V.gour, and fo doa» : ( 19 ) my AfTertions and Principles fox any thing I have ken or heard to the contra ry # Now I leave it to all the impartial in the World, to judge wha: Affront is here offered to the Almighty, in cutting off one of his Creatures ? Tocur King, in cutting offone of his Subjects f Who to this Hour, never heard a Challenge for Difloyalty,ifit were nocfromTuch as makesLoyalty Difloyaity,&Sin Duty:, which Challenge I very chearfully bear, beings fufficiently perfwaded of the unjuftnefs thereof,and to Nature in cutting off of their fellow Creatures: and all this with- out (b much 4s a Hearing of what he had to fay for himfelf;or any thing of an An- fwer toany of thofe wholias fufficiently Vindicated all thefe Principles and Practi- ces, for whith he was upon the Pan nal*, and yet in this matter* are thefepoor Men more guilty in this refpecl, that they refufe the Pannal the benefiteof fuch Dsfenjces,as he had very good ground to believe fhould have been offered . by the Almighty himfelf, conform to his Promiie'of giving in that Hour whatfoever fhoula be necsftary for any of his, in my Cafe. ( I mean funding before Rulers and great Men to bear Teftimony te the i ruth ) I fay, I being helped of my Bkfied LORD to Aft Faith on His^ Promife, and finding my BlerTed LORD and Mr^iterprefent by his Spirit to have performed the ianie, and I having inti- mated fo much to them ( as you may fee above ) How durft thefe difpifers of GOD'refufeme thebenefneof thefe Defences fifthis be not to declare opQn Hoftility againft Heaven, I know not what is ) and^fince it is (b, as I can with connd#teafrertit was, and the very enemies themfclves ( if they had' n«t been dangeroufly hardened j could not but have felt it. to be^ for which my Soul Brill \ ever'blefs his Name, and I hope I fhall not be left alone here, expecting the aftiftanceof not a few in thefe Nationsin this matter, who- have in this particu- lar, to the refrefhment of their Souls, found a new Proof of our GOD's being the Hearer of Prayer. I fay again, 'thefe things being {o^ I hope none who are not engaged in the fame rage againft GOD, with thefe his Enemies andours, upon his Account will doubt but their whole procedure againft: me in this matter has been a Decreed and intended Murder, notonlyagainft me, but alio my Bieffed LORD and Mafter in and through me. And lea ft any fhould miftake me here, let them but con fider thefe Three Scriptures. Firft, He that touches you? touches the j4ple of ?nine Eye. Secondly, In all their j4Jlic'uio/7s he was Aflitled. Thirdly, Paul, Paul, Why per fecutejt thou me'? And I hope the miihke Hull be . rubbed ofE And now having through the Bleflingand Afliftance of the Almigh- ty? g°t ten m y Teftimony brought to this Pate, that the cafe betwixt his People and them is clearly ft a ted*, to evidence, that not only I, but fuch others of our perfwafion, all the Nations over, are indeed Chriftians, 1 refolvein the LORD'S ftrength,as he fhall aflift, to leave behind me a Teftimony of my Tendernefs, both to the Souls and Bodies, of &ich as has given no fmall Proof of their TbirfU ing after my blood, in dealing with them, as follows : And now, unto his Majeftyour King,muft 1 Addrefs my felf, and to all un- der him, from his Brother the Duke of Tor k, to all the Counfdlors, whether Publickor Secret, in the Three Kingdoms*, and under them, to all the Sherirf?,. Juftices, with their Clerks and Pendicles of Court, even to thefe of the meaneft Office fl mean the Denapfters ) and after thefe, to the whole Magiftrates of Burrows with their Pendicles to the loweft *, and then to all the Members of thefe C Z /a K j ( 20 ) Parliaments, fince his Majefty's Reft juration, whether fuchas did fit "thereby Birth, or were Elected*, and as to thefeEle&ed, even to their Electors: and in a Word, toaKandfundry who have concurred with, Homologate or Ratified your Uivuft Sentences pronunced againft the Almighty, whether more directly or at lead in his Members. . ^ J * Now, as to you all and fundry, I declare in the Entry of mv Addrefs, as in the fight of JebovabiVihofc I am, ^nd before whom both you and I, e're long mufl ftand naked and bare, to anfwer for all we have done in the- Flefti That my defign in this my Addrefs, next to the Glory of GOD, the Good and Edifica- tion of his People, and confequently the advancement of his Work. The Third thing which the LORD my GOD has held before my Eves in all this my Trial has been your Conviction from the higheft to the Ioweft, if poftible-, and that I may the better reach that end my Bleflcd LORD has determined my Heart to fol- low this Method, Fir ft, To deal more' particularly with vou in laying before your eyes the-Egregioufnefs of your Sin. Secondly, ToExpoftulate with you to return from the fame to GOD'SGlory, and your own Souls Eternal -well-being. AndThirdly, And if in this I prevail not, to remonftrate the hazard of refuting this my Warning. And Fourthly y Touke Inftruments upon what the LORD by me,the Unworthieft of his Servants, has been doing for you, and of your Refufal ( I mean as to fo many as (hall be fo far left of the LORD, as to refufe the fame and Oh! that there might be fewfuch") then lam to leave my Compa nion s In Tribulation, and Brethren in our tver Bleflcd and Eldcft Brother ChrifPfcius the LORD of Glory with a word of Exhortation, and fo Conclude Now,Great Sir, for to you and all under you, and who infti-.te'you to and concurred with you in thefe Soul deftroying Pr Prices, T am in iheftrength of Jehovah to xzmonRrdite, I Addrefs my felf, andin the firft. place, muft take the liberty to tell you in the Name of m> great Lord and M«fter Jefus Chrift that it is not unknown to your Majefty, nor any of thefe to whom I Addrefs my felf jointly with you, that not only at your Coronation, your Majefty and all under you, from the higheft to the Ioweft, but alfo before thefe whole Nations were and yet are engaged in a moft Solemn Covenant with the Ever-Living GOD* Party Con trader on the one hand, and your -Majefty and all under you in thefe Nations,from the higheft to the Ioweft *, on the other hand, to the obferv- ance of which Covenant, thefe Nations and all in them, fhall forever be bound and obliged,from the higheft to the Ioweft, while Sun and Moon endures- nei- ther is there any imaginable way of Diflolving the fame, efpecially confiderin* that therein our Obligation being only to Amend .our Lives, and toWorflnp the Almighty GOD, conform to his own Appointment, and tooppofeour felves our Lives ancLFortunes, to all courfes and ways inconfiftent with thefe ends' thefebeing^Moral Duties to which we were Antecedently bound, as is the Na- ture alfo of all the Duties we are obliged to by thefe Covenants. Now Great Sir, the- Cafe being thus, I hope ye will not judge your fclf obliged to fach as makes this Defence for breaking of thefe Covenants,that your Majefty was forc- ed thereto, for indeed Hook upon it as a great imputation upon your Majtfty efpecially being Stiled Defender of t he Faith, to have been in any meafu re un- der either Necefiity or Conftraint^o have joined in a Duty fo abfoiutly necefTary, and ( M ) and if there was anything of force where was - the Intimationjthefeof/ 1 fure I am there was nothing thereof publickly to be feen, and yet giving but not granting it had been fo your Majefty and all under you*, were unexpreffibly more obliged to the performance therefore, then were the People of Ifreal to the performance of that made with the Gibeonites as ma-y be feen above, nor fhall I think your Majefty will think >our felf obliged to them, who mould for Vindication of your Breach of thefe Covenants offer this Defence, that your Majefty is under Covenant of apofterior date bound to the Pope and fome of his Creatures to introduce Popery, and to Emancipate t,hefe Territories to that Amichrifiian Yoke, if any fuch thing be, as the Carriage of the Court this rconfiderable time too loudly infinuates, Sure I am it were more for your Majefties Honour, and the Glory of God, and the good of your Nations to break that Covenant than to keep it, it being a Covenant made againft the Al- mighty, which by no imaginable pretence can be >uftified-, but leaving thefe things to your Majeftiesconfidcration,andto the confederation of fuch as may with you be concerned herein : I muft make bold to ask again, by what Au- thority you came to DilTolve this Contract ? ( yea I may fay and that upon good Grounds as Glorious a Contract as ever was made en Earth, while Ad- hered to of as Glorious effects )1 fay I mud make bold to ask by what Au- thority this is broken.? and unlefs youbelo bold as to run your felf upon Bofles of the Buckler of the Almighty, in refufing that which the Juftice -Clerk but faintly granted ( which the Lord avert ) I mean -unlefs you deny Jehovah to be Supreme Lord and Mafter of Hea"en and Er.rth* and all the Kings and Governors in the Earth to be his Deputies and Servants, I fhall ttefy you or any Mortal to fatisfyme in this, if you confider what is faid be- fore on this Subject, and what is contained in the feveral Authors abovemen- tioned on this Matter , Noa' we (hall take it tor granted, that thefe Coyenantg ftandsftill binding, and I am fure we hive good ground fo to do, for any thing we have either read or heard to the contrary. Then great Sir muft I in the next place ask, how it comes to pafs, that over thebetiy of thefe Co- venants Fpijc p ic\ and Eraflitwifme ( againft which as to the unlawfulnefs thereof, and their incorfiftency with the Word of God, who have fo many Testimonies ftandingin Record, not only in the Word of God, but in other Humane Writings, drawn and founded thereupon, without the leaft fatisfacti- on offered by our Adverfaries ) come to be introduced amongft us who be- fide the unlawfulnelsof the things themfelves have this to fay, that we have Sworn with Hands lifted up to the Almighty, not only never to join with, but with our Lives and Fortunes to oppofe either, I fay how comes r thefe not only to be introduced, but we by Armed force Hunted, Haraffed, Plun- dered, Tortured and Hailed to Scaffolds, for no other Realon, but our refuf- ing ? Anent which the unlawfulnefs of the things were to us fufficient War- rand though we had not been in Covenant, but much more being under the fame, as for my part I can Dream of no Reafon for introducing of thefe, be- ing (hangers in trie Church of Cnrift, not only in his own bletied time, and the time of the Apoftles who furvieved him * ? But alfo tor three hundred years thereafter, Nor do I ever . hear or Read' that any other ufe they we re i £ ) introduced but for that ^michrifi^ that Man of Sin his Exaltation, being-* nude ufe of theone ! Jivaacement is thatdamnable abfolute Supremacy of hi? in t^e Church, and die other for the fame end in the State, and truely- if this be the thing, it does not a little confirm me in the Belief of that fe- cond Covenant you .and your Brother have nude with the Pope 3 which I men- tioned a little above. ; But I lay, How ctpne the Su&jecH of 2»m«mr and Jrdandy to be forced to £ Cmuplvance with, thefe? Sure, you fay by your Principles, that you allow not of the forcing of Mens Giafriences }>y the Sword', lsoKing upon it as a lurk- ifiv Pi elate TPataj • i\ jv lately Martyred Brother, Jth* Wilfm^ andwhv a worfet to this violently, Pracufing, contrary to your Principles. In the next ■ come to enquire at vour Majefty, why this Monitruous abominable Tcfl which the lurk him felt could not bucScua- \xtx at, is not only Enacted to |1 his Majefties Subjects, here in. Seeth?^ but altoby Vioiencean adedon many both Gentle and? Sempie, Rich andPoor ! Why thkisdc e! cannot Divine, it it be not to let the World fee, 3 d to out-do^Proud P >v\ch, in daring the Almighty?: And why, Pray 'you, is there a Jthiag called, An Aft made, Discharging People* to Allocate together upon a: -• tfoever, for their own innocent and oecefTary {elf Defence without ygur Majrfj ' \l Command, and- this* alfo Sworn to in that horred I- is r,v: unJfj own to any, that there may many Emergen tsfall out, that mayrnak;';^ vyhich is by that pretend- ed Law-, 'made noiefs.thanTreafon, become a mod necefiar and .indilpenfible Duty, asinthecale of a fudien Invaiion by an Enemy, your Majefty being at. a great diftance, and who knows, but t\\Q Al*rm may be keeped from your Majefty by feme keeped about Court for that end ? Who doubts, .but- infuch a Cafe, abiokite Neccflity will become a Law to the Peopled And , who doubts, but if for ' fear of this Law any IhouLd \y. hy, but they might be arraigned as yetgreater Traitors? And ifinthiscafe this fto-ald be juftifiable, why not in ours,being foinhumanlyAfTaulted by a company ofMurderiiig?^p^ ji$he iftsi or worfe ? And for any thing we know, his Majefty being all this while a great (hanger to our Affairs, through the induftry of fome difarTefted to the way of GOD, who are keeped about Court for that end :, I fay this, as alfo that by the Inftigation of futh, there is a pretended Law made, DiC- charging any i under the Pain of Treafon to meet or Con fu It, in order tothe RemonftratiBg ofourCafeto his Majefty, will to alLunbyafted, fuificiehtly Warrand our innocent felf Defence, as to what may be objected -againft this, having hinted a little in the fore part of my Teftimony, and the whole of our bufinefsin thefe being fufficientiy juftified by the feveral Authors above- mentioned without anyAnfwer as yet. I fay again, Why areall thefe things done? And now further, let me ask at your Majefty, Why are our Prifons keeped ftill throng with Prfbners* fome Aged, (ome Infirm and Tender, fome out of Capacity to mantain themfelves, for no other caufe, but that they defire to keep a Confcience void of Offence towards GOD and towards Man, .and fome Honourable Ladies alfo, for no other Reafon, than for Reletting and :in»oi force -honeft and faithfull Minifters in their Houfes, or Reletting or ( ^ ) or Refrefhing feme of the LORD'S People in their Neceffities, I am fure none who ever read the 25 Chapter of Matthew from the 31ft Verfe to the en J, will look.upon this as a capital Crime, but as an indifpenfible Duty. I ftyit again, why are all thefe things done ? is it to fattsfis thefe * Blood-thirfty Pre- lats of yours, or fome of thePopiih Party whom your Brother has Hocking about him in Swarms? a Great,Sir all thefe fmall Sins? And befides are thefe Inumerable other SIns,have you and ali thefe, to whom with you I Addrefs my felf to anfwer for, and thatthe Weight thereof may be a little better laid open to your Mrfefty, and thefe others I pray be at the pains with me to Recapitulate the fame yet once more, it is no.fmall Sin dout of all who with me have been fo tender of your Souls as not fo dare to harden y«u in your finfulCourfes by Concurring and going alongft with you in thefe fo Horrid Abominations, and fhall not only think but find it verify ed upon your Spirits, -ti at we have been ( that which we are indeed ) the onlyFaith- fal and Loya,l Subjects in thefe Dominions, endeavouring in our Stations to render .to the Almighty (GOD what is his, and to Ctfar what is his, which is true Loyalty indeed •, For we dare not'Joirf with thefe that have in their rage againft GOD combined with his Deputes againft him, and if you fhall be yet fofar hardened as- to refufethis my fo Ufeful and to you profitable Advice, Then muft I come in the third place to Remonftcrate the Hazard of your Re- Fufal, which cannot fail but to be upon this Account the greater ^that you fhall refufe a MefTageas ij were fentfrom the Dead unto you, andfo a greater ftep of God's Infinite Condefcendancy unto you. Well then that in this Matter I may be the more particular with you, I fhall Obteft one and all of you to Con%Jer what ye will do in the day of Vifitation, I mean ip the great and terrible Day of the LORD ( for as to particular Vifi- tations m time, it may be you have laid your Count by them,and therein done foolifhly enough to ) when our blefTed Lord Jefus Chrift ( againft whom ye have been raging thefe two and twenty Years^ and it may be fome $f you longer } fhall fet his Throne in the Clouds, and caufe found, the lad . Trumpet at the hearing whereof, all that ever had a "being muft Anfwer and Compear, and Stand Naked before our Great King and Head of his own Chu rch, to whom the Father has Conimited the Judgment, and anfwer for what they have done in the Flefh : Which His coming is as it fhall be the the Joyfuteft tight that ever the People of the Lord did fee, fotoall the wicked it fhall be the moft dreadful and terrible day that ever their Eyes beheld, and this the rather that they could never be induced to~beileve theTarhe in time, fo it fhall be a Dreadful furprifal to then?. And nov^to begin with your Majefty, great Sir are you at a Point what to do in that day ? It is Poflible for what Straits you have Forecaften in time you arc at a Point, to Shelter under the Wings of that Antkhfift, that Man of Sin, the Pope, with fome of mVAflbciats as the Kings of France and Spain, and fuch others as with you have Combined againft the Lord, but what if even as to that you be Difappointed? And what if all thefe have their hands Filled at Home, lo as they fhall not have a Ma-n to Spare to you, to fend either to England, Scot* landov Ireland^ Sure I am what ever Confidence you may have in them as to that ( which the Lord himlelf Break ) yet in that Day none of thefe fhall Avail ycu. And for the DukeofftrJ, have you Six thought upon a Lurking Hole againft D that that Day? Thfnk not 'Sir to Wrap your felfin the Bloody Cloathrof Acre lately Murdered Martyrs, Noblemen and others, who by your Inftigation are Murder- ed, for no other Ca*fe, but that they have been Endeavouring the Security of the Proteftant Religion ( a Duty Indilpenfihly called for at their hands; the(e fhall be'fofar from being a Shelter for you, that you fhall thereby be ( yet more ) laid open tothejuft judgement of the Almighty. Then for our Scots Cardinal, the Marquis of Humly, and his Depute4he Chancelor, whole true Epithete ye may Read in the gch. of Jeremiah the Latter partoftheSth. Verfe, wrrat Dreams thir Men of hiding themfelves ? Sure they cannot be fo Infatuate as to think their Works of Supererogation ( if the Murdering and Confenting to the Murder of the Lords People be fuch ) fhall prove a Covering Broad enough for them. And for that Blood Thirfty W retch Claver-Houfe, howthinkshe to Shelter himfelf that Day ? 'Is it Poffibie the Pitiful thing can be fo Mad as to think to Secure himfelf by the Fleetnefc of his Horfe (a Creature he has fo much Refpecl for,thathe Regarded more thelofsofhis Horfe at Drumclog, than alt the Men that fell there, and Sure on either party there fell Prettier Men thap .himfelf) no Sure, though he could fall upon a ChytmJ} that could Extract the Spirits out of all the Horfe in the World, and Infuie them in his one, though he were on that Horfe Back never fo well Mounted, he need not Dream of Efcaping. i Then ■ for 'Meldrum^ 1 think the Bignefs of his Belly will fecurehimas to Trufting'himin his Heels, whatcan he tru^.in ? Poflibly he has laid up in Store k> much of his Evil.Conqueft Goods, that he has Squized out or the People in HviotdaLe^ the Mer.s, and other Places of the-'Nation, as he Attends to ' Bribe Juftice thatDay £a Trick too Common now a Dayes)but if this Fancy be irt , the head of. that Belly-god, I would Undeceive him in time, for I can AfTure him he will meet with a Difappointnient. , Now where thinks Major White to Shelter, he can not Poflibly Dream of Creeping intoMunfmegg, lam told me is Riven by fome of the Duke of Turks Creatures, its like he may be feen through that Breach, but this will be found to him anUnfure hiding Place, the heat, the Vehement Heat of the Elements, r-hat will be Melted thatDay, may fo Sore affecl: this Shelter as he fhalJ be Melted outalfo. Now for your Scots Pallas (I mean Sir James Turner another Major, a godly -Leach indeed J what Dreams he to do that day,. efpecially when with his former and Latter Rage againft the Almighty, he coii fid ers that Parage in his Pallas arm at a ^ wherein he does no lefs than Spitt Venom in the Face of our BlefTed Lord in his. poor Members, telling them that fome of them will fay, Curfe ye Meroz.^ who neither 'know whether Meroz, be a Man, a Town, or a Country ; Thefe are his words as I Remembered, and what if fome of the meaner fort of your Brethren, wanting the Benefite of Education, fhou Id have been found m this particular Ignorant? was there any -&erejy here ? Was it not enough for them to know, that whatever /l/cr^;was, there was there a Threatening intend- ed againft all who mould refufe Gods Call, to help our LORD againft the Mighty and yet a far forer Wo againft all fuch as with him have Confpired to help Hid t harden the Mighty againft the LORD, and if fome fuch fhculd have been Ignor- ant ( *7 ) arvtifhe have Teen Jactfon on ths Fifth of the Judges, 23 Ferfe^he dare not fay all were To, I fey whatdoes this Viperous Pnllat of ours intend that day /'can the Body be fo Mad as to think of Sheltering amongft thefe Pikes of his ? ( a Weap. on he fo much idolizes J which he muft have fo dofely Served together, and when ail is done, he mud have a Rank ofHorfedrawen up before them Armed a)l over. Now what if this mould not ferve his turn even againftMen?For who knows not, that as good a Fellow as himfelf, being oppofite to him, might command off a Serjeant or Lieutenant, which a Commanded party of Halbardiers, and poT- fibly a few Sythej Difcharging them to return, till they have killed fome of thefe Horfe? Sure I am in this cafe f which is nothing impoffiblej our Served Pikes behoved to ftand ftill, and fo leave the Wings of Shot to advance alone ( which I think he would not do of choice ) orothefwife he mud come over thefe Horfes Tumbling before him, andfo rndanger his falling in tiiat Embarrafs, he is atio much pains to Guard his Difciplesagainft, and if this Shift of his can not fecure him again ft Men (and I am fure there are many Thoufands in the Nation Sharp- er-lighted in thefe Affairs, then either he or I ) how does the Mad Creature Bream he fhould here fecure himfelf again ft the Almighty. And now having Touched theTefew particularly ,becaufe fuchasl have Obferv- ed to be mors Mad in Rage agawfi the LORD^and again fi his Anointed than many of their Brethren *, I inTift Jo pofe the reft anent this fame Queftion, and in a more General manne'r, anent which e're I proceed, I fhall give them'this^Advice, not to look upon their Sin as Specifically Different from the other, but only in de- grees, and it may be fome, I^avenot Named, be as far Benn in their Rage againft their Maker, as thefe I have Named: lam wnder a Neceftity here to mention that Wretched Creature four Country-Man) the very Bane of the Country, who if he be not as far advanced as any againft our Lord, he is not to be blamed forjt, fince it is not want of Good-Will, but Pith, that keeps him back, his Name is Sir John Whitefcord of Milton, as to you with whom I am to deal more generally, if ye be Confcious to your felves of Iefs Activity in this Rebellion, nor your Brethren, your work of Repentance will be the more eafie which 1 beg our good God may both facilitate and haften, I come then Erft la the Members of Parliament, that have been under our King, the great Agents in all this lamentable Cataftrophe, whether fuch as are fo by Birth or Election, and as to thefe who have been fuch by Election even to their Electors; And at you I inquire,where think you to fhelter ia theGreat Day of the Lord i I can not think you are fo Mad as to Dream that hi> M aje- xlies Letter will ferve your Turn here. » I fuppofe you know your Privileges better, that it is due right in conjunction with his Majefty to Enaft Laws in this Realm, and fure when thefe Laws,againft which, I in the ftrengthof my bleffed Mafter have fet my felf, came to be enacted,' you could not but know that thefe fame were not only contrary, directly-contrary to the Will of God, your and ourSupream Lord and Mafter, but alfo contrary to the very, man/ 1 then and. ftill. (landing Laws, -( notwithftanding thefe mock ones of yours to the contrary ) how then durft you in obedience to that Letter do any thing, 01 meddle with any Oath that might import either a Refiling from o ^reateft Soyerajgn, or a Counters ft in-g of Laws, by as good^at leait 5 if not be:- D I z tex • C 28: > ter Fellows thanyour feWes ? I mean our own Predeceflors who ha?e had mwe of the Countenance of God one day than you ca 1 wit,i the lea ft fhadow ofRea- fon pretend to thefe. twenty two, or twenty three Years. And for your Electors, have you this to produce for your Vi'i&puion that you called the Members by you.EJe&ed to an Account for their M n ? If you have not this, I hope I \\QQd nottell you, that you'tnuit Cover under the. Short and. Narrow Mantle of the Kings Letter with the reft, and againft you and thefe Elecled by you,and thefe fitting there by Birth, (hall th« relinquishing. of thefe Parliaments on thefe Terms of both Sorts, not only be aftandlng Tefti- mony, but ihall alio quite Denude you of your poor fhort and Narrow Mantle, ca 1 yr Defenfive, from the Priority ct"Pofteriority of Pari- ties contending in their Aflaults, or infalls upon one another, fo much as upon the Equity or Iniquity of the ground of the Quarrel, he upon whofe fide Equity frands, being ftill Defender, and the other Offender, and this in all the Revolutions of the War,to the end,whoever purfue, whoever?!/, \vhocver give the firft,whoever givethe fecondblow/I mean with the SwordJ for the War with me is determined as to'its nature^ ere it come to blows if it begin not by a blow, which ieldom lails out.* And now I hope my Lord Boyd, as 1 remember, is fa* tisfied as to that Curious Queftion proponed by him to me by another, who ( if I remember right was Mr. David Thores^ Advocate) in the* Outter HouPe, when I was OverPeeing the Writing oPmy SubPcribed Declaration, propofed the fame, which was, If the Infall upon Glafgow was in fell Defence / I am fure it was, however pitifully managed by fome there. And now in the lad Place ( fearmg I have been- too Tedious already ) I muft Adrefsmy felftoa Mixt Multitude fome upon one Account, fome upon another, who may Pofiibiy think they have not been foAclTve as the Reft,as being as bur they call itPaflive in the thing, if the Enaclers and others above Spoken to have- been Guilty in their Activity, Dream not of Efcaping under that Feg Tree Leaf of Ra (Vive Obedience a Perfect Chimera ('in the matter of Sin ) for there is- nothing will Judify Sin, whether Committed Active or PafTive, and to call a . Mans Sufferings tor not Sinning Palfive Obedience is to make ufe of an Unpropet* Speech ( 3P ,j) Speech for it is indeed DifobedL-nce and Suffering for the fame,- and to Dream theie have been Simply Paflive, to whom I am to Addrefs my felf, becaufe their Pra&iceis Warranted by a Human Law, their TranfgrefTion being againft the Almighty GOD Jehovah, yet more Unproper. You (hall know the Perfons I intend here a^efuch Matters of Ground in the Country, as for fear of Mens Laws have Refu fed our BlefTed Lord, fo much of their Ground as to meet with his People in for Preaching arid Praying, and the Red of the Duties of Publick Worfhip, though the Earth be the Lords and the Fullnefs thereof, then fuch Matters of Houfes, whether in Burgh or Landwart, as Refufe the Poor People of GOD, either Shelter, Meat or Drink, then fuch as Concur with our more Active Enemies in putting usinPrifon, Convoying us to Scaffolds, meeting us inCrofsways, looking upon us_w r ith Satisfaction in the Day of Dittrefs, and Refuting for fear to Vifit usin our Diftrefsas they are called ( but BlefTed be the Lord, many of his Poor People have found them among their "Chiefeft Enlargements.) iucli I fay,as axe Guilty ofthefe and many others of that Nature, theft being Sir?, all againft GOD, as you may fee on the Margined the Scriptures Cited there, the Committing thereof, can neither be Fxcufed by the Commands or Laws of Men, nor by that Dittinction of Paflive Obedience, which I faid in the matter of Sin is a Meer Chimera, becaufe I had this Paflive Obedience ottered to me by Sir John Lauder, whom I did not know then to be Sir John, and therefore called him only Mr. Lauder, for which I hope he will readil/ Excufe me my Ignorance. Being in fo me fort Invincible, I fhall firtt give an Account of that meeting and what patt there, then Endeavouring to Satisfy - Sir J olm in that matter, and afterward Return to the Perfons I have in hand, iome three or four Days before my Efcape being called down, I knew not to •.whom nor for what End, till I was Convoyed by one of the Keepers untoa little Room in the Hall, where I fees Sir John and another Gentleman, whom I knew not then, but Underttands fnce to have been a Brother of the Juftice Clerks, Andrew Youvg Writer to the Signet, Mr. John Vafs oneof the Keepers, and another Gentleman, whom 1 knew neither then nor C'?uld learn fince } when I came in, Sir John Lauder Saluted me, telling me, that partly out of Refpecl: to my Father, his Father,and mine being Old Accquaintance,and partly cutof Refpecl: to.my fe]f,he had come to Pay me a Vifite, I .told him there was no Civil Gentleman but mould be Welcome to Vifite me,then they defireime to Skdown, I am no fooner Sit down, than Sir John tells me he did Companionate myCondition,Itold him I wasnotfenf bleof any thing in myCondition that called lor hisCompallion(Tof whfth IBlefTed then,ard I hope fhall ever BlefsmyGOD)he fays, why are you lb Tenacious in the matter of Defenfive Arms? I told him I. had for olefin that, not only tha Example of '■ Abraham the Father of the Faithful, but which was yet more two Precepts by my Bltwsi Lord and Matter Jefus Chritt, the 'one that, Sell your Coat and buy a Sword, the other that, when- you Are Perfecute out of one City Fly to another, and bellies all thefe, the Law of Nature, the Law of Nations Generaly and Particularity, our own and thePraftice of allour Reformed Churches both'at Hems and Abroad : All thefehe pad, and Touches at that, Sell your Coat and buy a Sword, fo foon as he Mentioned this* ■ { rmi him to beware of the Rock, Sir William Patsrfon^ in calling the Swor£ there r 31 > there the Sword of the Spirit, whereby he did no Left than upon the matter Charge#iy BlefTed Lord and Matter^ with Commanding Sim.vi (of this above ) } told him my Anfwer to Sir William was, what £ Were thefe two Swords the Diicipks produced,two Swords of the Spirit ? To which I got no Anfwer, and all -that Sir John offered here for my Satisfaction, was Mr, Dick do yoa think thefe two Swords were enough for all the Difciples/ To which I Anfwered, for the time they were, and the CommiiTion was not concerned in what Swords were there or not, but was genera!/, and a Warrand toallChriftains tomakeufe ofthe fame, in their own innocent felf Defence* to the Worlds end. Then fayes Mr. JohnVafs, Mr Dick you know the word Buy is varioufly taken in Scripture, fometimes Figuratively as io that of IfaU Buy Wine and MUk^ &c. I told him, I knew that, but durfl he or any elle fay, it wns taken Co in the place under Debate . ? Adding, could there be any thing more cigar or lefs Figurative then Sell your Coat, and as if he had faid with the price thereof Buy a Sword, Infinuating that after hisDeparture they fhould have more aeed of Swords then Cloaths. Mr. frafi was offering fomewhat elfe, which I hindered by Charging him to beware of doing Violence to the Spirit ofGOQ, which when I was faying, I gave- a Moderate chop upon the Table j For which I could not pafs without Andrew Toungs Check, that I was of a too fiery Spjrit. To which I Anfwered, I knew I had a Natural Infirmity in that, but that the Lord had helped me in fome Meafure to ftrive againft it,gave me no fmall Satis- faction : I told them alfo, ihtCt Swords our BlefTed Lord gave Commiflion to Buy were either for offence, Defence, or both ( of which above ) to this I got no Anfwer ' Only I Remember Sir John Laudsr told me fomewhat of Pajfive Ob- edience, anjpnftanced Tertullian anent it, whatit : was 1 Totally Difremember. But what ever it were, I muft tell Sir John once for all, that fufferin'gfimply. comes under no Divine Precept, and whatever he have elfe for it, I matter the lefc, fincel have my BlefTed Matters Precept for A&ive Repfiance, Innocent felf Defence, this Serves me, and if he tell me I ought rather to fuffer than Sin, I fhall readily grant it, and yet in that give no Pajfivs Obedience^ but fuffer forDif- obedience. But of this enough confidering what is upon this head, contained in- the abovementioned Authors, particularly Jus Populi, Now thereafter, That modeft and moderate Gentleman, I fuppofe his Name be Sir John Afaitland, tokhiie very meekb/, he was very glad I had been inter- rupted in oppofing my felf to the Laws ofthe Land in which I was a Subject, lead my cafe fhould have been worfe. I Anfwered him with as much meeknefs as my hot fpurred Nature was capablaof, I knew no Laws I had oppofed, which were not Diametrically oppofrte to the exprefs Texts of Scripture, which I judged neither I, nor any other Chriftian was obliged to own for Laws^ and that I had been hindered for to Defend my felf from the Word of GOD, and had .gotten it denyed meby the Juftice Clerk, that the fame was the Supream Law, ' 1 judged a very great Injuftice, forwhich they were all to Anfwer to GOD, with whom 1 knew that was ftandingxm Record. The Gentlemen faid noth mil bl but Sir Jj-.n Lauder would have refufed this, but I told him, .chaping yet more eagerly u n r he Table, What Sir? Ye refufe me, that for which 1 have no fewer tha \ ive Hundred Witneffes, and which is yet more, I am fure it ftands Regiftrate in Heaven. Novf Koto to return where we left, to the Landlords in Landward and Towns to >Le.b Convoyers to Pri Tons and Scaffolds and others we have da/Ted vfith you What are yourefolved to do in- that great and terrible Day of our Lord ? Think »ot to fhelter under thefe Laws, for the very Inaftors themfelves as you have heard, /hall tie as far to feek as to (belter as you, nor ever -dream, that your Lands and Houfes for preservation whereof you have finned -againft my /reat Mafter, (hall hear you when ye cry upon them, to hide you, *mayye notex- peafncha.-. Aniwer from them as this? Do you not remember how lone not only we but the whole Creation groaned under the^burden of your Sirrs?A s you Anfwered our Groans, then fo (hail we Anfweryou new. Confider then Friends in time, where you will fnelter, and what Will you do in that day But now to come yet nearer you all in Bulk, let us make yet another Eflay for though I can not fay with Paul, that Iwonld be content to be AccurfUfor ml ■ Brethren, nor yet with Mofes, Let my Name be Bloted out of the Book of Lif* J - Yet I allure you my heart Yearns for my Acceptation of this my Fecklefs en? deavour, and for a Bleffingfrom my GOD to-it,-it may be it has "been in Merc* to not a few, that GOD has put thefe things into my heart, and I may fay has haS the Patience by. his Spirit, to" Dictate thefe things to me, and if any- of you rean Profite thereby •, Iobteft you to return the whole Praife to my BlefTed Lord and Mafter. Then to you all incumulo, let me again propofe this Queft ion wiat are you Refolvedupon ? Are you yet undetermined / Will ye not fol!mv™x. ^And do you not for.aljjthatis fard in the Word of God, nor that you 4ra ve heard "of others, nor from what you have heard from me your Poor Friend, believe that there is a God, that, there is a Hell, that there is a Heaven, that there is a day of Judgement coming? I would fain hope itis not fo with you, for in this vpu fhould.be worfe as to your cafe and condition, nor are tht very Devils them- fcives, for they believe all thefe things and Trimble. And yet indeed it would be matter of comfort to us to know, that fome of you were come this length though we hope better things of others, Believe, Believe Dear Friends what we are telling you from that Unerring Word t)f GOD^ our Supream Law, leaft you be forced Untunoufly fo to do, which yet will be fp much the fadder unto y u,if you Reject this my Friendly Advice. I fay a^ain unto you all, What refolve you to do in that Great and Terrible Day of the LORD? When Our 'BlerTed Lord Jefus Chrift the Lambof GOD, for Meeknefs and Pleafantnefs to His People, but to all who fhaU be foundEnemiesin that Day, The Lyon of the Tribe of Judah, and a very Ter- rible Lyon fhalrhe be. What are you refolved to do ? Can it be pofiible, that Men who were created reafonable Creatures can have fallen upon fo Defperate a Cure as this, I mean as to have Unanimoufty Refolved ( upon the firft hearing of the Trumpet that day J to Loup quick into Hell, and there to hide themfelves^ Sure if this be the thing intended. 'it (hall not only be a v Defperately, Mad but inefFeclualRdoiution alfo. What? Do you not know that thence alio the impotent Arm oi Jehovah Shall eafriy bring you out? Dream not I fay, Dream not ( 3.3 ; • of any cT: n- Revealed will of GOD, asthat Excercifed and Pra&ifed byour ffie&J I ORD himfelf, an:J his Holy Apoitles, and all the feveral Churches their Sua il >-s far noLct few Hundreds of Years, after them, as isclear from the Word of GO D and the Writings cfour Divines founded thereon, to which till this Hour, we have never feen nor Heard of any thing lookinglikea Satisfactory Anfwer •, and :hisover the Belly oia moft Solemn. Covenant, to the Obfervance whereof every Individual Soul of you Aandiyet firmly Obliged ( and I am lure you muft give ne leave to fay do, when youconfider you Refuled mean Anfwer ro the Que ft l- )n, by what Autliority.arethefe Covenants Infringed or Loofed? ) And (halt ;>e while Sun and Moon Endures: And not only fo but in the Room hereof, Introducing that Abominable and GOD Difpleafing Prelacy, a Weed which our Biefied LORD never Planted, yea which he was at no fmall Pains, while in time to Guard his Difciples againft, in his feveral Exhortations to Study Humility and forbear Lording over their Brethren, and over the LORD's Inheritance, and feveral others to this Purpofe, as alio his brisk Checks for any think of this Nature that offered to let up tis head in his BlefTed time, with his own BlefTed Example, in Girding himfelf with a Towel and Warning his Difciples Feet, in which, you -are yot the more Inexcusable, that by the fame Covenant, Jiig Abominable Weed is forever thrown over the Hedges of the true Churches of Brit aln and /^ -eland \ I mean thefe Presbyterian \ I fay what will you Aniwer for t-hefe things, when before the Son ofGOD that Day? And further what will you yet Anfwer, for not -enly Praelifing fo your felves, but alfo by Armed Force, Compelling the Reft of the Nations to Concur with you in this fo Abominable Combination and Rebejlion again ft Jehovah? ( of wich above j that it is ExprefiV Contrary to hisRevealed will ■ idly. That it is the fame upon the matter with that Proponed by the jews themfelves, to his ever BlefTed felf in faying the owners cf our Elefied LORD and Mafter, were no Friends to C^[ar > or does our King think to Aniwer he was Counfelled thereto will do his turn ? Nofure he can not be {o Mad. *And what can theie his Counfellors fay .* Sure nothing-, this I am the rather to Believe, that I find none cf them have any thing to Anfwer here and Sure much Lets there. My fecond Quefijon is, what will you anfwer to our ever bk (Ted Lord and Matter your Ju'd^e, when that Queftior? is proposed to thz Kin^, how came it Sir that jou were fo infolently bold and daring, as to Strive with me fcr^ State ? And though my ever bleifed Father bequeathed that upon me as one of my Royal Prerogatives to be King and Head of all my Churches, which as I was to lead and guide by my Spirit in their invifible Capacity, fo by nvy Spirit ia my Servants C according to my Conamiflion to them ) in their vifible Cap- city, for which uwfe a\y Servants were to iiie only ; to anfweiy. and I having < 35 ) having for their Setter encouragement and more drftiirft miflugement of thefe their ajfkirs, left it on Record that tie Spirits of the Prophets were fulreft to the Prophets fc that my Churches in themlelyes in the feveral Nations were Judicatories totally feparate in their Nature, and diftinft from the Civil, they beio* fpirit&al, and for which they as to their behaviour were only anfwerable to me as Kings and other Judges were for their carriage in Civil, ( this you have fully made out in the abovementioned Authors, and others our Divines as you may fee in their Treaties ) what wilt our King have to anfwer for him- felf here f I am fare he wiil ftand Mute, as will all thefe who have Combined With him in this their Tage againftthe-Almighty, in not only fetting him upon our bleffed Lords Chair { over Mala -part ) but alfo cleclairing this a Privilege Inherent to the Crov/n. My pbiri quelticn (hall be next? What will One and all of you anfwer for Impofingin* fuch a violent manner that horrid and Monftrous Oath, the Teft upon theSubjefts of this Nation, anenf which by and attour the Nonfenfe and eontradiftions I have Hinted before, you may frorn the Pen o? a more Solid Tudiciousand Reverend Author, learn yet more of the Abominations thereof, (which if it be not come to yoar Hands alrtaiy, I hope yet miy ?6me fhortly in a fmill Trea'tife againfttheHearing of thefeSoul Murdering Curats )I.fay, what will 'you anfwer.*o yoar Judge in that day for this? can it be poffible that • thefe Monftrous Curats with the reft of their curfed Clergy can think to fh-1- ter in that Mock Qualification they got added, that the Oath to them is Re- ft rifted to the Kin^S power in externals? Now can th^(k infrabrutal wretches think that a Qualification made pofterior to, and not contained in the Body of the Oatlvf in which they Swear exprefly to take the Oath in its true genuine Meaning, without equivocation or mental refervation ) can do their turn here *, and though it were contained in their Oath, the Claufe being general ? And who knows not that fians lata in generalibus, which no Man of Confcier.ee durft ever Venture upon in the Matter of an Oath ? And fure I am the fen f e of this his Majefty/s power in externals could be no Unknown thing to them who know that the Practice of the LawMakersis thebeftCommentare upon the gene* ral^Claufes in their Laws, they can not but know that his Mjjefty,hisCounciI, and* other Civil Judicatories meddle in the Examination of Minifters, Doctrine, out putting and in putting of Minifters and feveral others, which time and the Nature of this my Teftimony will not allow me to enumerate : And Prima in/lamia \ 1 am fure none who are not willfully Blind, wH! caii Externals anent which I recommend the Reader the abovementioned Authors, I fay again what '(ball you all anfwer to thefe things ? My Fourth Queftion is, what will you Anfwer that Day to your Judge, for whfh you fhall know that not only they be none ofGOTs Appointing^ but: againft that Peoples Joyning with whom the Covenants n ade in theie- Nations with the Almighty (lands yet Binding, by which the People of GOD there are Bound, not only not to Joine with them but to Endeavour in their E 3 feve. (36--) feveral Capacities and Stations, to'ufe their Yon imofl Endeavour ^>r their Extirpation, and if to all this you add thi's^onfi deration, that h "nounc*- ed Chrift for their head, they kike fet up his ProfeftlM Avowed Enemy ( by them others of their : Kidney Indicate to be fo- ] in his.Robiiv, may ye not conceive, that befide the former Bus in the Lords-Peoples wav^ whereby they are Deterred from this Practice, this may have no fmall I irluT.r^" that a Ten- der HeartcdChriftian may be under Rich an Jmprfefllqri, natto Join with fuch under theNotionof ChriftjansaY have Renounced Chrift for their head, rnav' InvolVe them in that Faultcalled by Lopjcimi Rep fa gain ft whom, though your Invention Raked Hell for^a CioVk to cover it ^ yet to all Unbyafled Spectators, it is more then Evident, ytha't your great, if not only Quarrel was, his Befreind- mg theCaufe-'of Chrift, and Precious Eminently worthy and Reverend Mr. Jahtes Guthrie r Whom in your Rage againft: the Almighty you Murdered for no othfr Cuuie, but his A fiertir.g Chrift to be head over the Church, in Refufing to Anfwer any of your Courts which vyere not of -h* s and our Mafters Appoint- •-, in Matters Sprltuai and Ecclefiaftkal Prima Inftantiay' and all the Reft hoin thefe to mine, which you are as really called to Charge your felves with, asifyou hi i been Permitted to put in E\ fhall be fhed by thefe his Cruel Enemies ( fpeaking of the Malignant, Prelati- cal, Papifticaland Atheiftical Party in thefe Kingdoms) there fhall TunsTuns Tuns of theirs fall to the Ground, and I know few of this Great Seer Threat- nifigs have fallen to the Ground •, What Dream you I fay you fhall have to An- fvver in that Day? Da-re ye whilper thefe things were done conform to your * Laws ( which upon the Matter was all I got anfwefed to me (landing at your Bar hereupon Earth, for which 1 have no -fewer- than 500 'WitnefTes, an$ upon, which' I have an Inflrument (landing Recorded in Heaven ) do yoii think you will dare to Mutter this then ? Sure \i you knew what you were faying you would never do it "here nor there, for it is no lefs upon the Matter i\ contrary, and your Law fkotrfd have Ceded to mine, dare you think you (hall contradict this there, as you have-indeed done here, upon Earth ? I know you dare nor. confider then what you 'will anfwer, for I can affure you it is of your Concern. May Sixth Queflion fhall be, what think you to An fwer for your Mode did, and no wonder fince they are or. one Father^ 1 mean the Devil, .one Mo- ther the Pope of Rome i one'Nurfethe Jefuitieal Papifts who having brought up thefe Brats till they are able to walk alone, fend* them- over hereto (heir Friends in Britain and Ireland, and what day is pitched upon here for bring- ing them forth to public!; View ? Even the Lords day, in which' thefe you 11 5 Monflers mull get on all their Gay Cloathes, and of them muft all the Churches in the Nations fpend that day in fpeaking ( though to the mocking of GOD with abominable Lies yet J to the admiration of this Monftrous Birth •, And- en till is done there muft be Bonefires, Ringing of Belis 3 and fireir.. Caaaons ( 38 ) Can now tnd what not, that this Monftrcus Generation .r. c ing of and fighting againft Jehovah ! O iieiven fbaie, r art 1 tremble, an Hem beaftonifhed at fuch Hellifh madding aaainft oui r, and becaufe contraviajuxta fe ' pofita clarittt clucefcunt, I wo :o t^klB a glance of the indultrie of that Limb of Antichrift the Duke % of.#,r/fc in hin- dering the procedure of the Parliament of.Er?gland y in theii ad Legall procedure, in inquiring into that Hell-hatched Popifh Plot, wJ n no fmall meafure now advanced by this laft mock one of yours y And 1 am fure none who are not altogether Strangers to the Conftitutions of Lt^ ill refufe that Treafon o; the Nature that a Popifh Plot is really, and this n^ck Plot of theirs as to its pretended Nature, is pretended to be ought to come under Tryal by his Majefty and the two Houfes of Parliament, ?s only competent Judges thereto,but there is no remedy for open and irrefiftible violence but pati- ence I fay,what ? are you at a Point,Hvhat to Anfwer for thefe things? I fear not, and I hope none who knows that I am a Presbyterian, and Confequently whom I am concerned to Defend here, I mean all fuch as are either indeed Presbyteri- ans, orlongingf^r the time when the Nation fhall beUniverfaly fuch ( which the LORD haften and Pardon, any who have been any way Inftrumental in kindering, when the matter was brought to a very hopefulLpafs ) will think I have been out of tke Road, in medling in matters, wherein the Glory of GOD 1 is fo much concerned, for to Charge any fuch Plottsupon fuch as a re indeed of our Principles, I dare Aver-r to be not only a wrong for us, but of our Blefled LORD alfo in and though us. Now I Pray you confider what you (hall Anfwer for thefe things. My Seventh Queftion is, what you think to Anfwer, who have Refufed our BletTed LORD and his People, a Spot of your Ground to meet together upon, who have Refufed his People a Nights Lodging, who have Concurred in Dragging his People to Scaffolds and Prifons, and others whom we have ClafTed together with you above, when you fhall meet that Day with your Particular Charges f Is it not ofyour concern to confider this, efpecialy the rather that fuch of you as have Sworn the Teft, have as I Remember in the 15. Article of the Confeflion of Faith, you tiave Sworn, to therein Declared it to be a Good Work, toP^eleive the Oppreft Defend and Patronize the Harmlefs, I fay* fo much the rather that your preient pra&ice and that your Oath Games together,are you not concerned to know what you will Anfwer in that DayMnd indeed for my part, I can conceive no Anfwer you or any of you can have to thefe or any of thefe things, therefore I yetObteft -you to take my Freindiy Warning. Now Dare I Flattter my felffo fir as to think that I have got any of you that Length as to Speir, what fhall we do ? ( And Oh that I were fo ) however I fhall out of Tendernefs to the Glory of GOD, the Good ofyour Souls, and the well being of thefe Nations, and the well of your Pofteriry Adventure in the Strength of my Bleffed LORD, to Advifeyou as follows. And firft Great Sir, be Iatreated to lay afide your Enmity at my Great Lord and Mafter, and you under him to whom together with his Mijefty, I Addrefs my {elf:, Be intreated, and I obteft you in the Name of GOD {o to do, and to concur with nae in Advifing hisMajefty thus with me, and as that in Teilimony of ( 39 J of your doing fo : Hft M : j ;(ry with your Advice and Confent, would call a free Parliament! • I > il Dominions, wiricH m.ty meet without either Preiimit- a ion? or Reftiict ions, ifl which let the firfc Act beth. Appointment of a Fa It, to bekesped for many d^y$, by all the Faitttfiill Minifies Living in thefe Kingdoms, Who have been lb much Discountenanced, to the Difh onour of GOO thefe 22 or . 23 Ye«rs, till cne Performance of w r.D h ei'ded. Let this your Parliament be Adjourn^, then let your r\c%: Work be to E iVpty ? all the Prifons in the three Kingdoms, of alltheHoneft Chriitiansyou have in Prifbn there, for no' other reafon, then th.n they (landing at the Bar before you ? The t bearing and Embracing of this my Advife, 1 am fure mould be f® far from prejudging any of you, that I doubt not but the Embracers ( if any fuch fhall vd with, the better fpeed fureiy fhall we come. But fecondly and more particularly., let us all Unanimoufly Concurr in the endeavour after the cordial arid fincere performance of thefe particular Duties following. -And firft I would offer for youcExerrife that indifpenfible neceffary Duty of Repentance, in exercifing whereof I ihall offer thefe lewChriftian Ad- vices, Firft, Let us Digg deep in this Matter, and never. reft till we come to - the Root, I mean Original Sin, and after we have Dwelt by Medication upon • the fadnefs thereof, let us in the next place take a View. of-all our affuil Tranf 1 ©reffions flowing therefrom, of our Sins as we'l of Omiilion as Commiftion of -our Younger as our Riper Age, againft the Law as againft the Gofpel, theft fins -that thence cleaves to us in our beft performances, not forgetting thele enseal- led ourow i and the fins thatdo eafilv bet'et us, and ail thefe and many others 'f which you my find out, by perufmg great and Reverend Mr. Durham upon the Commands) notoniv astoour feh'c* every one o\ us for himfelf, but all -©f us for each other, and in a i'pecial manner be mindful of the publick National fins, and that nor only in the Land where yo«i have your KefiJence, but alio all ( 42 ) fh* World over •, In Turn let every tiling done to- the Di1io:iourk>f GOD by w.-iomlbever, be the ObjecYof your Mourning before him. An \ I prav forget not thefe fins whereby ^ur bleiTed GOD is not-only difhonou r ei j Bat aitb the Generation of the Wicked hardened, and the Generation of the R\->':teous flu n'oled and offended. I pafsthefe the more generally, thatbeing Intern*- gate by the Enemies anent a Few of them, I was by my bL-flf d Lord determined then to pafs it with this A ifver, Thit I fudged it noie of mv Duty to publiiTi auy thiikg of that Nature to then?. ( with an. Eye to th.it Prohibition, 7 ell it not in Goth? publiftj it not in A kel)n ) which is indeed the Reaion I medlenot with thefe thingsherej having intended this for puMick View, and being re- folded in the Lords Strength ( either by a diflinft Line to the feveral Parties ofFinding, the like freedom I expeft alio from them, knowing that in many things not to fry in every thin? we offend all, ) or by laying my felf open to what my MefTei Lord may off. r other ways, to Communicate mv Sentiments of thefe offered whither to thefe who have g .one a fide to the Right or Left Hoid. 2^/y,Let us in c ur Repentingsftudy to have theDifhonour done to our hleffvd Lord, more weighty upon our Souls than the hazard our Souls lyes under from thence, though we may have an Eye to both, yet let the former very- much preponderate. $dly 7 Let there be much finglenefs and Heart honeftv ia the Bufinefs. . ^thly y Let there be much Dependance on the Lord, and prayer for Grace in order to a right Performance. Thefe and many others ( for which I Recomend you to our Faithful Minifters ) any be ufeful in this matter, and for our farder Encouragement in performance of this fo very Necefiarya Duty, letus confider that the Chriftian performance thereof, will not only be Refremful to us in that great day of the LORD, but may beeven fo alfoin time, as will be clear to any that will but Read over thepth. Chapter of Ezekiel^ and -this not from a^r Venue of the < Duty as proceeding from us but ot free Grace, let this be Uaderltood ia Re- ference to the Reft of the Duties alfo. The Second duty I Propofe for the Object of our Sincere Endearours is the fear and Love of GOD, I bring thir in together the rather that they are Seldom if ever Separate, as it i« alio with ait the other Graces of the Spirit thou »h (omecfthem may beat fonie times both more or iefs felt by the party himfelf, and more oriels Vifible to others^and for ®ur help here, letus Dwell mucn upon the confideration of that Myftery of Love Vented towards loll Man- kinds that Tran faction held by the Holy Trinity before the World had a Fund ation, I fav let ths Serious thoughts of that Fountain Love whereby GOD * fo Loved us, fo Loved us that GOD the Father was pleafed to want die Refrefli- full prefenceoftheSon, and OOD the Sonnat only to want the raoft Amiable and Defireable Company of the Father, but alfo to take upon him our Nature and comecjowrtand Dwell amongfl: us in the World, Rendering himfelt upoa our Account Lyable to all the Miseries of this Li ef Sin only Excepted ) even to Death icielfand all for us. . And GOD the Holy Ghoft freely undertaking what was (Dutout to him for Task by the Father and Son, in Reference to the further Manifeftation of this Myftery of Love, in Applying the Favour Co freely Bequeathed on Poor loft Mankind and us amongft the Red, and fure [ 2*1 this Serioufly Dwelt upon and Prayed over can hardly mifs to take effect ttwariithe Warming of our* Hearts Qodwards, and begetting ia our Souls a ( 43 ) Filial fear of dokigany thing to the Difhonour of that Glorious GOD, who (p Loved us, and if to this Meditation, we add that ofconfidering the great pains our BlefTed GOD has been and is at about us in his HoJ^ Works of Piovidcnce, Ordering and Overulingall the Various Revolutions in timer, as for his own Glory, fo for the Good of the Elect', fo that even thefe Difpenfnions that to Poor ' ftiort Sighted us are looked upon TVnSing to ourRuine, many times are by that Holy Providence of GOD Ordered for our yet greater Advantage, fo that there is no Serious Obferver but ihall be Forced e're all be done to fet to his Seal to the truth of the Scripture, a(i things fhail Work together for Good to them that Love GOD ^ I fay Dwell upon thefe things tIK you and I get our Hcarrs wrought upnotonly to Cordial Loving of our ever BlefTed GOD,' but alfo to a Filial fearing of doing any thing whereby his Glorious Name may be Difhonoured, and for Afiftance here let there be much Dependance for the outletting of the Spirit, and if this Love and fear be within it will not Fail to Vent it felf in effect, I mean Strenuous Endeavours to live much to the Glory of GOD, upon which . I fhail defire we lay no other ftrefs then the Probation of thefe Graces being within. The Third thing I offer for the Object of our Sincere and Cordial Endeavours. is,theAclualExcercifeoftheGrace 5 the'NobleandFcuntair.Graceoff , aith,asalfoof Patience, thircan alio hardly be Separate, fince he that Believes makes no hafte, I doubt not to lay it that I hope there are not a few thoufands in Brit ainmd Ireland ', who have thefe Graces in the Root , and Habire, who are too toomacliStrangerstothe A&ual-Exerciie thereof at this prelent time, and this is fomuCTi the Sadder that there has no Bitt of the fhort and Evil time, I have had in this W T orldCryed more Loudly for the fame. And do ye not think that our BlefTed, even our BlefTed LORD may very truly fay to us, what he faid to others before in our Cafe, that he can not do many Mighty Works amongftus, becaufe of our Unbeleif: 1 Doubt nothing but that there are many Chriftians in Britain and Ireland^ and other Places all the World over that would willingly have our great LORD appearing in their Behalf, why is it then that we look fo like a People under a Combination to bind his holy hand ( to Speak fo with holy Reverence ^ for though indeed our Faith as it isour Aft can not Merite at the Hands of our BlefTed LORD that he mould appear, yet it being a mean of his BlefTed appointment and a Gift of his own giving, whereby in his Holy Providence he Difpofes his People, and puts them in Capacity to Re- ceive his Favours,theleaft we are called to do is to Importunate the Throne of Grace, for the Exercife thereof, and lor our Encouragement herein let us not only Read but Serioufly confiier that 1 1 Chapter of the Hebrews, where we fhail meet with a Glorious Company of Believers, and of the fpecial and great Blefllngs Attending that their Belelf, and with this we have added Patience, that by our I inpatient Thrilling, even after that which may be the Object of our Faith, we do not Marr the Work with our own Hands, . and though our BlefTed LORD as to his comings and goings be nothing Determined thereto by any thing in us, yet are we called to the Exccrcife of Commanded Duties, as much as if thereby we weie Meriting the thing Courted for, and fo as to (ee our Belt Performance, but Filthy Raggs I do the rather Urge the Purfuance of this Grace of Patience for this, that I doubr not but the want thereof has been one of the great Sins in our Day j whence have all thefe Dreadfall Acls of Compliance F > flowed ( 44 - 0* I (owed; buteveri from this the LORD delayes his coming. &c. O Dri*df Relation to leave the way of the LORD becaufe he will not Indulge our Humour- fo tar as to come at our Nod, I fay then let us Study Faith and Patience in ingfor our BUffed LORD and Matter, who as he will corffc and will not Tarry io the time of his coming he keep* in his own BltfTed hand ( being an Absolutely tree Agent ) and well worthy is he to have it io, upon mai;> c fideratiows and tmsamongft the Reft thathUElelfrd time is tue IJeit time, | again truft in hittt, for Sure I am there was never one that through Grace has been Helped lb to do have ever Repented ir, neither was tne; -; fcfer any put to' Shame tha ; put their truft in him, go through all that are Recorded in Scrip- ture for Tru fters in him, and you' lha II fina them all Hirmotrioufly joining in this, Surely it is not in Vain to truft in hinv, lor he is indeed a prefect help in time of need, and to confirm the matter ) et more Deareft Freinds, give me leave amongft the Reft to put to my Se.tl and lay, happy, happy, hj'ffc^L that S Mil who through Grace is helped tatruft him moft,and who will ai*5$t"but I nave good Real m U) to do, when they conlider how-ifl his Holy Providence he n )t only brought me into tne Furnace* but alio keepea me Won de-r fully in it,'- and alio in his own due time and way brought me out of it, h.s diefled ieif being the great .Agent in ti. 3 Work, and indeed I mutt tell it to the Com-' m-ndation of the Freedom of his Grace, that all the time of my Furnace I wanted notf Counting all the tm.dl and ftior t lafting Clouds, though my own Mi learn age I was into all that time ; his Comfortable and Refrelhing prelence for Eight or 'Nine Hours, Counting ali together the greateft Cloud Uhaa all that time, Flowing from my too Eager -Gripping of my Promifed Efcape ( of which before ) and Limiting my GOD to that in my Eye, which wasyetthat by . which lEfcapcd, this 1 lay lafted longeft and Was indeed kreft, but Blcffed be his Holy Name he no iooner let me fee where the Fault lay, but with the Dif- covery g*ve Grac^ to Amend it, by laying Life and Death in the Ballance, and keeping them ftrH in I qmlihio, not Daring lo much as by a Raw Wifh ra Cad the Scales, then came I to as much Serenity Peace^ahd Satisfaction of Spirit, as any Mortal cou'd be (Capable of, and in this Cafe am through Grace Preferved not only pill the Perfecting of the Eicape, but even lincefor which I defire you may -joy n with me in Blefting his ever BlefTed Name,fo alio in Praying that this oar Prelervation may be both for me and the Reft that Efcaped with me a Re- ferv.itio.n for our fxdrig further Serviceable to our Good GOD in our Stations and Generatio ns, and that we may be helped of him to Spend the Refidueof our Days, in Advancing the Glory of GOD, Oncarrying of his Works and Edification of h : s People, an 1 Conviction, if Pottible, • cr other wife the Terror ofhisandour Proudand Inlolent Enemies. . . ■ 4 In the laft place, \ come to propofe for the oDJeft of our fin-cere and fmgle en- deavour, that wc'l fail effcdlualy about the preparing of our felves x to meet our Blefled Lord and Matter, whither as to his coming for our Delivery in time, or to judgement in thatGrta.t -Day, for my own part I am under a ftrong Impref- fion of our BUfTed Lords.being-upon his way,- and am not a little perfwaded, that his Sword is already drawee, it's like I may- have fome Differing from me here, this I can not help ^TheVe is another Impreilion, I am now,and have been cinder for a confiierabie^tlrne, that his coming ( con fiiered Complexly ) fhali be y Terribly- In this I expect, I ihall have very few Godly Differing from me, I incline '( "« % J rtine tTie rather to Join this twofold Preparation together, tTiat the Diitlefe ' Ih^urftbent, in Reference to both are one. he Duty we woiild propofe to our fclves herein in General, being to prepare to meet our GOD, of which rhef-.- we hinted at before, being no fmafl part, we % fhallfor our further-CleameU here, advifethe laying afide of ieveral things that be impedimentsin this VVork. And Fir ft let us fay a fide Worldly (Vlind- Secondly, Qrrnall Fears. Thirdly, Our own fins, and thefe finsjthat f befeits us. Fourtlv, Our Mining with the people of thefe Abominations^ a cafe very Dangefou* to be foutid -in,, whither either of the ways our Bieffed Lord came. Fifrly,- Let us lay afide thefe Unchriftian Fires, Satan has Kindled amor.;.;!! us, whereby ( forgeting that Charity, and Brotherly Love, fo much Inculcate by our BUffed Lord and Matter) we are rendered mutually uncapable of Edifying one-mother reproving and A ivifing one another, as of doing many other Chriftian Duties Incumbent, that I he not miftaken here, the Lord is my Witnefs, I inter. cf not, that any fhould harden another in a finfu!! courfe, or that any fhoulido any thing, wherebv he may become fharer with another in his Sins *, And I know, I have, Witness not a few in thefe Lands, that can bear me r Witnefs, I have Guarded againft this, in no fmali meafurejn the Lords frrength* niv felf: And whatever Cnallenges I have either had from within, or. from with- 1 out in this matter, have been rather for too much Keennefs, then too much Slack*: nefs in this matter, .for which info far as it has been finfull, I refufe not Satisfacti- on in time and place convenient. I fay is it/not fad, that Satan' has gotten fd much Advantage in this matter, that there are very few in the Land, in Capa- city- to be Affi'tmt to one another, and all this through Slighting the method pre- scribed by our BlefTed Lord in his Word, in Reference to Offences, have Men forg>>tt :\ altogether, that they are in the Body themfelves f Or have thefe per* fons who are clear for Separation upon every Account ReclToned, what to An- swer toour Bieffed L<>rd and Matter, whofe Anfvver to. that Queftion, how oft. fhall I forgive my Brother, till feven times was, I Jay not unto you, Seven times but Seventy times Seven times. . * A to. \< ic not yet ladder,that a Nation folemnly given to' God in Covenant,that: Party ,who in purfuanceof thefe Covenants, are defirous to fellow the Lord's own* way, which all are equally obliged to, and in which while weall walked, the-'e was not wanting rfiuch, very much of the Countenance of the Almighty : I hy y * is it not fvd, that Party ihould not only have the Common Enemy waiting all • Opportunities for their overthrow, under which Notion I- comprehend that Pa- 1 pitttcal Prelatical Party 1 have been dealing with above-, but alio th.'.tofourown r Brethren not a few, ihould be pu filing us with Side 'and Shoulder : ?nd upon the one hand, if we wiilnot remit a little of theStriftneisof otii Obligation to the - Almighty, and with them come and go in the mfittersof G'»d, and forfake AJcfes r his Example, in not quitting a hove •, we mufr run the hazard of thtirdilT.ttisfa- ciion. And on the other hand, ifwe will not yet be more mad than ever ^Q^^himlelf was, by others of our Brethren mud we be pufht at. I lay, is it not fad,that theRemnant of the poorChurch otSc^/.'.vt-fyhould be lying in inch * a fad condition,as upon the cue hard to be in the hazard of drowning, U> on*he otherof burning? Toyouthen, my Dear Brethren, I addrefs my Iclf with thi» - Advice, whatever thefe two Exrreams do among themfelves, be fure, Jiri\to do .• nenhing that may ftrengthen either. -2dly. To make Conscience' of Prayer/or both. $d\y. When occafion offers, to intimate your heartv and earneft deflre to them, that they would again turn unto the Lord's way, and not any longer either indangerthemfelves, or wrong the caufe of Chrift. 4thly. Let your whole com- plex Carriage towards the Smellof God , and of Tend^rnefs towards both their Souls and Bodies. I dare not advife, to Reafbn with either, for I have hitherto found, that not only hardning to them, but alfo indifpofmg to the EfTayer : A better help m this cafe, I am fure, will be the purfuance of my Sixth Advice, in order to Preparation for our BlefTed Lord's coming \ and that is, let one and all of us ftir up our Soul*, and all that is within us, fro wreftle for a fpeedy coming : I am fureone Sight of his mod Amiable Countenance among us, would avail more in thefe matters, and every thing elfe that is wrong among us in bulk , thsn all the fecklefs EfTays we can make*, though it be yet our Duty in our Stations, to ufe our utmoft Endeavours for reclaiming any that go adray. I have been under a neceflity to give this hint, neither is there moredifcovered thereby than the Phyficians know already, having hinted fo much in their Examination of me. My Seventh Advice (ball be, O ftudv, (tady a Soul hunger after our Lord and Mafter,whofe compactions could never fuffer him yet to tarry longawjy from an/ thatwereat the point of Starving through his Abfence.. I mail add thisCauti- on here, look that it be Himfelf principally, if not only you hunger and Thrift after, for though we may indeed have an eye upon the many precious things that attends his coming, yet thefe, all how precious foever, they bear but the Shell, his BlefTed Self being the very Kernell and Soul of the Merry.-, yea it is Himfelf that makes Mercies fuch. Now, my Pea-reft Friends, in the Exercife-of thefe Duties, we have fhortly hinted at, both before, and here more particularly upon this head, with what others Our BlefTed Lord Himfelf may artus to, whether imme- diatly by His Spirit, or by His Servants of the Miniftry. I do nothing doubt, but cither of thefe ComifTgs of Our BlefTed Lord and Mafter, (hall be* rendred the more Refrefhfull unto us. That this may be yet a little more clear, we fhall hint at a word in Reference to either. And firft. You know that Mercies coming in the Covenant Channel, are the fweeteft and moft Soul refrefhing Mercies^ and as to either, thefe mercies that come to us in the way of Duty, thefe being contained in the Covenant, tho* not from any Vertuein themfelves, yetby Our BlefTd Lord's appointment in the Covenant, and through Vertue tranfmitted by his BlefTed Self to them in the Co venant : I fay, Mercies coming that way are twice Mercies, and Our Lord'scom- ing to his in that way, the Mercy is ftill the more refrefhfull, in this Refpecl, that to that of his coming, which is Mercy, Mercy in it felf-, yet to thefe it is yet more Mercy, as coming to their Diflinci Perception in the Covenant Channel^ whereas while coming to others. His coming fhal/ be to fuch as a Dream, who while they be well wakened, fhallTe out of cafe to feel the Sweetnefs of trie Mzrcv. Now let nre again Obteft you, Deareft Friends, to make Confcienre of thefe Duties, as you have a Refpeft to the Glory of GOD, the good of his Caufe, the good of your of your own Souls, the Conviftion (and if not attainable ) the Confounding of Enemies. And befide what of Advantages this fhall afford you at hiscomings, with Deliverance in time, which fhall yet neither be few nor frmJI, . you fhall undoubtedly find much Confolation therefrom, at that his great and la ft corqpng. T© which this in a word, you have heard before our BlefTed Lords coming to r 47 ) to Judgement, (hall ^e tathe W-cked (y very Terrible, that they dial! C^k .all poflible mean* for (huning the appearance, whiri yet they fhall never get done, and though rn^y great and 1m iii, Iball cry to Hills and Mountains to tall upon them, to cover and hide them from the Faceofthe Limb, yethYtll ali this Cry- ing He in Vam. But" to you, to ynu thnare in Covenant with the Almighty, iri and through our Bleffed Lord* and have been helped with the wife Virgins, To ketpyour Lamps Trimm+d\ this appearance fhall be fofar from beinga Surprizall that it fhali be the molt Joy.'ud Sound ever you heard in your time? O how Soul Refrefhoig ih 11 it be to you, when at thecdllof the lalt Trumpet, you have Raifed up > our heads, through thefe Mooles, and having Soul and Body Joyned together again, at the very firlr Peep, as you look up fhall you fee the Lamb- of GOO Sitting on his Throne, which fhall lo much take up all your Senfes both Internall and Exrernall Spirituall and Bodily, that you fhall not be . in hazard' of being Frighted, with the Screicksof the Reprobate, and Wicked, but thv whole Motions of our Souls fhall be. O To be at him, O To be at him, O how Soul Ravilhing (hall the'fight be And now muft we halt here a little till theElecl be gathered together, during which time let us vent our Meditation of the difference that will be betwixt the Elecl and Reprobate, the Reprobate faying Oh alace ! for ever yonder he is for the dilhonour done to whom we could never (hed a Tear, the Elecl fays well's nie yonder he is upon the account of the Dilhonour done to whom I have had many a fore Heart, and have ihedmany a Tear. The Reprobate fays, Oh! he is yonder whom I could never either Love or Fear. Says the Elecl bleffed for ever be the fight, yonder he is who helped me both.to Love and Fear him, the Reprobate fays, Oh! for ever yonder he is whom I could never be perfwad- ed either to believe, or patiently to wait for. Says the Elecl, Rejoice O my Soul for ever, yonder he is that helped me by his Spirit, both to truftinand wait for him, the Reprobate fays, Oh, and alace/ yonder he is towards the Meeting of whom all the Exhortations in time could never move me to make preparation, fays the Elecl Glory to his Name for ever he is there now, for ' Meeting of whom he helped me many a day tobe Trimmiag my Lamp. Says the Reprobate Oh and undone for ever, yonder he is whom ia his Members I not only perfecuted but Murdered many a time. Says the Elecl endlefs bleilings on his ever Glorious Face, for whole fake ■ he helped me to fuffer Perfecution fays one, and tobe Hanged on a Gibbet, Beheaded or Drowned fay others, and to forth* of all the reft of the Duties the Elecl have been helped to perform, and againft the performance whereof the Reprobate have been hardened, or rather have hardened themlelves. Now may we fuppofe the whole Elecl to be ga- thered together,' and looking many a greedy look to be at him, then may we funpole our bleffed Lord and Matter by his Omnipotent Arm bailing them all up to him.in the Air: O Glorious Meeting/ a Meeting without a parting, a Meeiing for Joy unexpreflible, then fhall they be fet down on rhe Right hand to receive their Sentence, as the Reprobate have done already in our Paper, in order of GOD's appointment they (hall be laft, as vou may fee in that 25th Chap, of Matth. out of which we drew their Sentence,andrhen (hall the Sentence of the E>eet be pronunc^d as follows in tne 34 Verfe of the faid 25th Cbap.of Matth, Owe ye bleffed of my Fat her y inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the World* JSoyJ * ( 4$ ; Now, my Deareft Friends, to anfwering my former Suits, which as they are both your Mercies and Duties, fo are attended with fuch unfpe^kable Advantag- es, as we have a little hinted at: I (hall defire you yet to add two more. The firft is, That one and all of you may with me, with our whole Souls, fingand fay, and fay and ring, Blefs O my Soul the Lord thy God, and nil that in me is, be ftirredup,his Hily Nametowagmfte and blefs. The fecond is, That all of us with one Soul, may cordially join in faying, Even fo, come.Blejfed Lordjefus ^Chrift, come quickly. Amen. Thus, .with his whole Soul, fays JOHN DICK lfi. Gttaber otter, How now Mr. Trotter, lam informed you are A Scandalous Drunkard Mr. Trotter ? My Lord, do you Believe that t Bifhop Tes I mujhbelieve, fince all Men fays fo. Trotter I am very forry for that- my Lord, for though all Men fay you are a^candalom Adulterer, yet I, do not believ-e it Bifhop fay To* fo. Trotter? Tes Bifhop Then to be quitts with Ten neither will 1 believe tti9 ether, zdly, You may inform your felyes of the Nature and qualities- of that his. % Sn^rT'Bo!r, which as I am informed.is in the Hands ofSir Charles Halket, which I am Confident that Generous Geetlem^n keeps for no other end but to be a Witnefs againft the Madnefs, the abominable Madnefs of that Mock Prophet, one of whofe Prophecies we. come to offer to your'Confideration, in the third place as follows, He being on the Casllehillof Edinburgh in Company of the Duke of Tork and others, in the latter .end of 1680, or beginning of 1681, looking to that great Comet that did then appear, and being asked by the Duke What his Thoughts of the Comet were ? He anfwers, I look upon it as a Torch in the Heavens to light your Royal Highnefs to the Throne. Did this Prodigious Monfter know what he was faying, when he fpake this? Did he not know the many ftandingLaws of this Kingdom, were Bars in the way of this, which are yet (landing, and (till mall ftand ? I mean thefe made againfi Popery and Papifts having any Place of PublickTruft in the Nation. Does not this Wretch know, that thir Laws are (landing and muft ftand, being found- ed on, and agreeable to the Word of GOD, and enacted by free Parliaments? Does not the Infatuate Wretch know, that any Aft made to the contrary can ne- ver come in the Lift of Laws in this -Nation, as bringdown right contrary to the Word of GOD, and eeacted byunfree Parliaments? Muft we weary our felves telling him this. againand again? And did not this Monfter for arrogant Boldnefs, in daringHeaven, know that by the'Word ofGOD our Supream Law it is enacted lhat the Idolater Jh all die the Death ? Or is he fo wretchedly blind as not to know/ That that Antichrist, that Man of fin and all his Limbs ( of which this Duke ofhis is not the fmall eft ( are Idolaters? ) What could pofTefs this Infatuate Wretch ( when delivering this Mock Prophefie, Sure nothing but the Devil ) it is like that lame Devil who was a Lying Spirit in the Mouth of Ahab'f Prophets, of which you ■may Read in that22d Chapter of the firft Book of the Kings from the 20 Fcrfe to the 2,3d, And now though I be neither a Prophet, nor the Son of a Prop^t ( as all who know me knows) yet may I not venture to Vent a few of my GuefTesln this mat- ter? And wJio knows but I may kit nearer the Truth than this Mock and Madly XJnclean Prophet ? And Firft, what4f this Comet wasdefigned a Torch (if he will have it To, ) for ihewingthe Turk the way into Germany, whom ourBleffed LORD may make ufe of as a Scourge to thefe, and their Neighbouring Nations, and by whom our Glorious LORD may be making inquiry for the Blood lying in the Streets cf the great ones} .Efpecially that Bloody Houfe of Austria. Secondly, What if it were lighting in Count Tekeli,. upon the head of his Hungarian Forces, to prove the Lawfullnefs of Defenfive Arms, being thereto Ncceflitate by the Violence they met with from that Bloody Emperor and Jefuites, both as to their Civils and Spirituals? Thirdly, -What if to give a Light to the Proteftants \n France, Britain,. Ireland and elfewher'e, -jnorder to. the.geting ot the Mifts caft upon that Scripture, Sell they Coat and Buy a G Sword ( 50 ) SporX, by die Jl Parties at Home an i Abroad, Rolled off? Or Fourthly" Whit ifthisgreuCoiint, was fenr as a Warning >! the Fall of Antichr; of Sin i and all who have fent their ftrength to : an I \vh- vlih him Comhrftd againfl. the LORD, and againfl-his A minted, and to U yeftru&H on of R?>;jf 5 as another not much unlike it, iid that of Jeru t ttt'nbt a little hopeful!, that thefe my GuefTes mall hold much better, . tiiv Daring Prophefie, of that Abominable Letcherous Wretch Bi L -»p i . and now in him have we two Oli S?t>it Proverbs roide 'gbod'. Firft, 7);e i//»^ Mare is fir/tin ike Afire. Secondly, Pa\ Hrfons Mare goes foremoft. Mv fecond Jeft: fhall be this, I am apprehenfivefome may be of that Opinion, that* it mall befall me as it did that Man, Who for telling the Truth, could not get pur.' anywhere. This Man being wandering towardsjthe Evening, meets with another, (\ will not fay it was ourChancelor,butI think it was one like him) who fays to him, Hw now Friend, what do you Travelling fo late} "The other anfwers, Jean get no L 4gtng. Go with me Friend, fays the other : S they came home, and are not well fet down, when the Poor Traveller being Dry, calls to his Landlord, Gleid Carl, end me the Cup by you ? Upon which he takes his Batton, and chafes the poor Man o t'neD-'^r, under Cloud of Night. And indeed our Chancelor,tome was yet more Unchnftian and madly wicked, what could move the Man's Spleen, I cannot guefs} fure I am, ( whatever 1 thought, yet ) I call'd him not Gleid Carl. It is like this has railed his Paliion, that I told him he had fworn in the Teft, That the Ait of Suprema* cy y as explain d, was horrid Blafphemy. And was not this Truth, as were all the Principles and Practices I there owned t And did I not ofTer from the Word of God to Vindicate this ? Why am I then, by Armed Force, hailed out of that houfe to an other? ( In this he was worfe than the other Gleid Carl, who let hie Guefl go free, tho'he would not give him Lodging ) And there I muft be arraign'd before the Ju> dices ( who to compliment the Chancelor) ( or may be the Duke of Tor k ) muft let the World fee, that they are asgkidin their Morals, as the other in his Naturals, and by them forfooth, tho offering Vindication from GOD's Word , and craving it be glinted, that the Almighty isSupream Judge, and his Word the Supream lam ( upon the matter ) denyed both, fas you may fee before) and rolled over up- cnan Afiize, who outdoing both, did mew themfelves flone Blind, in receiving a Pannaloff theii hands on thefe Terms r But for this, as for what has been done irt thefe Lands of this Nature, are thefe horrid Monflers, for keennefs again ft Our Bleffed Lord in his Members, to Anfwer before Our Ever BlefTed Lord y conform to my Inftrument ftanding upon Record in Heaven, at that great Day of the Lord. I fay, Some may be under this Impreffion anent me, but I mall tell them where I ex- pect .fhelter, even the LORD *, for, The Name oj the Lord is aslrrongTower, t\je righteous flee thereunto, and are fafe. As alio, in that Scripture, When my Father anc( Mot her for fake me, the Lord will take me up. This has often been refrefhfull to me, and fo long as 1 have a BIBLE, containing thefe and many fuch, IhopetheAp- prehenfions of the former fhall never much trouble me. I remember in the former part ofmy Teftimony, I Advifed our Judges and Afiize to burden themfelves with my Blood, and the Blood of thefe others that efcaped with -me- as much as if they had gotten their unparalelled cruel Sentence put in Exe- cution, I give here the Reifon, even becaufe of the Keennefs they vented in hunting • after us after our efcape, which I look- upon as a fighting againft the Holy Providence of.GQD, and a fretting at his> Holy DifpenfationSj and in this their Keennefs, their Rase r v i Rase ran that height, that not having anew of two footed, they make ufeofFour footed Doos to Sent us out. It's like they be yet ignorant of the Reafon why theft Do£SCtf>uld not find us, therefore «I fhall lend them even this, there was no* Bloord hanging at our heels, and I hope, yea, and trufts very firmly, that rum the Chaie when it will, whichl yet hope fhall be fooner than either his Peoples fainting fears, or his and our Enemies groundlefs hopes will allow either to believe. I fay, come that Day when it will, I hope the Lord's People fhall be at this Advantage in finding of them to be brought to Judgement, that thefecklefseft Currin the Country that has theleaft of the Sent of Blood, fhall never mifsone of them, fince upon every indi- vidual fas we told you before ) is there nolefs Blood lying, than all the Righteous Blood fijed from Righteous Abel, till this Hour. Novo mojf Glorious and Jnfiiitdy Blefjed LORD GOD, even haft en thy coming, as for the Comfort of the weary Mourners, fo for the Jerrour and Confufion ofthefe Builders of Babel, thine, and ours for thy fake cruel and bloody Enemies. Thus very Cordially Prays, JOHN DICK. Jl Brief Account of rv hat faffed betwixt the Council and Mr. John Dick upon the Fourth Da) o[ March 1684* being the Da) before he Suffered. MR. John Dick, who was Inftrumenftl of and AccefTary to, your Efcapirig out of Prifon ? Where have you Haunted, and with whom have ye Frequented, fince that time? My Lords, if ye had no other to Enquire at then me, ye might have caufed take me from the Court of Guard to the Gibbet. Do ye own and adhere to all your former A&ings ? / both own and adhere to all that I nave done in the Vindication of my Principles, and in the Reproving, if not tbe Converting of Chris! s Enemies, either with my Tongue or Pen, and am willing to Seal the fame with my Dearcji Blood, Eollows an Account of 'ye 'bat pajfed betwixt the Lords of Justiciary ,^ and Mr. John. Dick, when his Sentence was re intimate to him, the next bay after he was taken. 1" HE Lords hearing of it," being Conveened he was brought from the Tolbooth, « and put in the Pannel before them, to whom he gave a Bow, and fo the Clerk at the Command of the Lords Cryed to the Maccr laying, Macer Command- Silence, then they called Mr. John Dick, to whom he Anfwered here 1 am, and fo the Clerk Read as tollows. Mr. John Dick now B In the Pannel, having been apprehended before to wit in Auguft las!, and, v'tr at tin. ike Lords of Council and Judiciary; was Sentenced, a thijifih Day ef September ;63;, to be Hanged )at the GratsMercat oj Bd Sv , -, rbflbth. of if that vis! ant, but the f aid Mr. John Dick having 1 Bruzh upon t're 16 '.. 6j that ipffant, and fever al others : Efcape b. Tir,ie that he jhouldhave been Hanged. ana now jiandiff amnel thefe are to W errand, Ai< i Magistrates of this Burgh, t'j Ci- t.faid, £ of Edinburgh to Morroyb % between tw ;• arul four in . be • jj I -r.der the pain of 'the Ati. C £, .■- of which, he gave a Bow to the Lord's and faid, ^gl • / fh I upon me both rea f u; to the Laws of thfu] /ever, it we | c :. Butlremtnv jp^i mandthej irftwas, That; i G z r 52 ) ' is Judge of Heaven and Earth, and that all the Kings and Princes therein are but hii rputes 'cryed that they would takehimaway and not fuffer him tofpeak any longer^ fo he rapped upon the Bread: of the Pannel andcr>edout, (GOD even my GOD ) (hall Judge you as ye have Judged me, and that ye (hall find, but GOD forgive you, and I forgive you, if it be agreeable to hii Eternal Decree, and.fo he .was taken away, crying as he went to the Door of the Outter Houfe, faying, well I am refu fed of that which none but Heathens could, have refu fed me. of, but J blifs the LORD for" it, and many of my Chriftian Friends knows my Mind of thefe things, and others may know it when I am gone. Followes his Words and Carraige in the Laigh CounciL Houfe, that Afternoon he came from the Tolbooth, before he went to the Scaffold, as >was there, prefent, after the Reading of the Sentence, Mr. Ramfay one of the Minifters of the Old Kirk of Edinburgh^ offered to Pray to him, to whom he Replyed. Sir how dare you pre- fum-e, or how dare you have the Confidence to pray in my Prefence, fince ye are Fighting againft GOD, and Perfecuting Chrift in his Members ye have not onlv Abjured the Covenant, but is Murdering the Souls of the LORD'S people, and to Crown all your Abjured ones, and Abominations .* Have he not taken that Abomin- able Tcffc* Mc. Ramfay. Anfwers, Well Sir, will ye pray your felf then, -Yes if the Bailie fuffer me. I will, if ye will promife to make no Reflections in Prayer j But he Anfwered, that he would make no Rich promifes ^ But. raid he, whatfbever GOB gives me to pray, that will II pray. And fo the Baillie again, Refufed to fuffer him, if he would not promife, not to have any Reflections in Prayer, but he Anfwered as before •, But Mr. Ramfay preffed the Baillie to give him Liberty to pray, and he began to pray thus. ( O LordGod, the Great God y and my Covenanted God^ and the Covenanted God of 'Scotland *, For Chrifts Sake, come with Deliverance to thy Church and People, and help them^ Vindicate and make great thy Glory. And fo the Bailie cryed to take him away. The I as! Words. and Carriage- of Mr. 'John Dick, who Suffered in the Grafs Market of Edinburgh, ufon the lifth of March 4684, W Hen he went upon the Scaffold, he Beckned to the Multitude, beginning at North fide thereof, and fo turning himfelf Round with a Smiling Counren- ance r andno lefs Couragious Then pleafant Demonftrations, without the lead of Terrour, or being Troubled, either with Deatfi near approaching, or the manner of the Death he was to Die, this in a Princely'like Pofture, he prefented himfelf in the fight of all there prefent \ And then with his hands Falded together, and his Eye's lifted up to Heaven for a little, looking not only ftedfaftly but Eagerly, and fe Sureaching farth his ha'udsj he began thus, jfo Multitude, ?£ ieaft the moil part knows arid have heard that I have had near fix Mouths Refpire more than was allowed me by Men, which time was gra i in the Goodnefs and Mercy" of GOD" through my Efcape, which Mercy [ nrean time- that I have had (face my cfcape, I look upon 'it to have been given me for thefe two, and in both thefe that GOD may be Glorified. And Firfr, That having fo much more time, I might have the Liberty arid Priviledge more fully to exhibiie and give in my Judgment', At which B.tilie Chancellor called to Beat, but he ftops him faying, -Beat "not, and fo he proceeded dying, Secondly, That having fomuch more timed might the better make ready, and prepare my felf for that great Work I have now in hand,- I mean Death and Eternity, neither of which is terrifying nor dumping to me, for the which and all other of his Favours and Mercies which he' in the abundance of his Goodnefs, and Riches of his free Grace beftowed on me, even one me who w T hile in a Natural State was as evii'and abominable in Gods fight- as any here at this time: I defire to blefs, Adore, Admire, Exalt, and prailethe' Lord, while in time, for I know I fhall fhortly praifehim without interruption or IntermifTion *, I fay it again, I blefs him for all his Mercies and Favours conferred' upon me, and not only this among the refr, but above all next to that great one, that he made me his own by his Purchafe and (o became mine, and altho' I have not keeped all right as to him, yetne haskeeped all right asto me and betwixt him and me all is right, his other Mercies and Favours that he has condefcended fo much to Dignifie and Honour me, asto Crown all in me with Martyrdom . At which the Bailie called again Beat, but he u oped him faying, ye need not Beat, for ye fhall have noCaufe of Beating, fo he Cryed out faying : Now my Dc FreindsinChrift, it is your Afliftance ICravein this Exercife of Praifing, 'let ms Befeech you to join with me in Singing to the Praiie of this, even my GOD and the' COD of my Consolation and Salvation^ I fay to the Father Son and Holy Ghofr, let us Sing Praijefrom the beginning of the id, Pfalm : So having Sung that Pfalm through- which we Sang with great Chearfulnefs, feftion, -,u as a Dying Man, and take itamongft my La ft Words •, Lav ?Foun- 1 1 Cure, for without thisye will never be able to "do or fuffer aright for Chrift, o this with it, either Sin or Suffer. : I fay, ye will never be able to , if ye have not the Foundation laid fure. Will ye know why, it is hence if flows, that fo many have made fhipwreck of GOD, CHRIST, Conference, in a Day of Tryal y and why fo nuny have broken down they builded, orat lea ft feemed to be Builders of. and are denying which once they profefTed, and fighting again ft that which once they fought 1 and tor, and io are fled from their Ground : Here is ihQ Reafon, because they i Built upon a Sandy Foundation*, therefore lay the Foundation fure and Sight* if ye will itand it out in a Day of Tryal : And that this may be thereby con- fiuered, remember Sirs, ye may meet with harder Tryals than this is, that I Jirf meeting with, I mean in your Eyes, for it is not (harp to me*, yea the Thoughts and fearful! Apprehenfions of what Tryals others may meet with that I have,, makes me (eunuch inemore tobeiatisfied, and to rejoice in my Lot. But I fay it again, Sirs, Lay the Foundation right , and ye that will not lay it, nor make it your Study to have it laid right -,,I fay to you, wait with your perfection, and profefs nothing but it you pra&iie. My Second Advife to you Is this,that having laid the Foundation Sure and Right., ye wouid t>e ftill Buildingand Carrying on Chrifts Work, untilt it be Perfited, I mean till your Converlation in all things be Suitable to tneGofpel, and Anfwerable to that FundationBuilt up and Rooted in your moft Holy Faith," & in all your Build-. ing, let Faith Patience and all other of the Graces be lively in Exercife, that fo your Building may go Right on. My Third Advife to you my Freinds is this, Labour to Lovetme another, I fay to all the People of GOD here and elfe where, Love one another, yea, Labour to Love one anocner more and more, and to bear with one another, and Beware of needlefs and Groundlefs Sinfull Breaking and Divifions, I do not fay that ye will joyn with any in Sin and Combine againft GOD and his Chrift in Sinfull ways and Courfes, but Labour to bear with one another and Strengthen, Edify,. Exhort, Confirm and Comfort one another, and this is the way to gain one another, and I am Perfwaded that the needlefs, Groundlefs and Sinful Divifion, and Breakings that have been in the Land> have more wronged the Caufe, Intereft, Work and PeolpeofGOD, then all the Devils and Men could have done, and has. not the Devil had aSpeciall Hand in the Breakings and Divifions of the LORD'S People, that thereby he might Rout the fame, therefore in Confideration and Commemo- ration of thefe things,- ftudy unity and Honefty in the LORD, at which the Bailie called to be Beat Drums, but one of the Multitude faid it is Orthodox Language he is Speaking, fothe Bailie faid to the Drumers forbear. My Fourth Advice is this, Labour to be rightly exercifed and affected with, and in the confederation of what has procured the depriving of what fometimes ye pofTeir, especially becaufe thereby GOD was Offended, Chrift Wounded and the Spirit grieved, and GOD the Father in Chrift Affronted by you in not receiving. his Sons offersin the Gofpel, and not walking Anfwerable to the" Mercies received, and that yaivenjoy, and notwithftandingl would have you think little of what you have,but rather and lo much the more, that ye didfo ill improve it when ye had it, improve \Y?ntyencWpoflefs, - I fay it>again, improve what Mercies and Privlledges yehave, v and labour to improve every opportunity, either ofdoing or getting good, rement berthat time is precious, and ye muftgivean accountjiow ye fpend and improve 'a!) other Mercies that ye enjoy. My fir ft Advice to you is, labour to be of a Sympathizeing Spirit, and be more concerned with the Glory of GOD, and with a Suffering Chrift in his Members, 'and do not think you Sympathize with him and yet be unconcerned in them, I mean 'Chrifts Members, for a Sympathizeing. with them fhafl be looked upon with and by him as a Concernednefs with and in him , an*d what ye do for, or give to one of .them it (hall be Rewarded by him, as ifye had done it to or for him, if ye be-in him "and fo walk in this, and ail other Duties ^futable to your being in him. Now my 'Friends my laft Advice to. you is this, Labour, O labour to be at the height «f Sincerity In all thefe and other Duties, and fo ye (hall have Peace in your Latter end *a.nd now my Friends that ye and all t\\Q People of GOD maybe helped to this flee* us Pray to GOD, even my GOD ) yea I (ay it without Vanity, he is my GOD, and » To to him let us Pray. Not being Permitted to Speak to the Second Sort, to wit, the ' Enemies, and after he Prayed, he Read the Ninth Chapter ofEzekiel, as- he Read .; and then looking up to the Windows on both fides, but Elpeciaily on the North fide, where he Efpyed many eft-Faces that he knew,makiqg Demonstrations with his Hands andEyes, as he Read, to the Perfons to whom thefe Scriptures feemed jtnoft to be applyed, and then he Sang a part of the Thirty Seventh Pfolm, from the Twenty,Ninth Verfe : So having Prayed, there was one Paffage much Remembred beyond the Reft, which was this( O LORD fince thou haft Honoured me to come ".here, to lay down my Life\for thy Caufe and Intereft, I Pray even be pleafed to go up this Ladder with me, and tol.ead me through the- Dark Valley of the Shadow ,of Death, that isl^ known to aii Naturdy, and I know that thou will keep my Souiin the down coming thereof, after that he cal/'s for a Drink of Water which was Immediatly brought unto him, and he taking it in his Hand, with a morePleafent Countenance then he feemed to have befor-e,Oiys make way that I may v.inn foreward, Pointing with his Hand to the Ladder, then turning himfelf to Captain G rabam, he faid to him Sir do me the Favour to call in by that Gentleman, 'find fa id Suffer him to come up to me; upon the Scaffold, which was Granted iiim, fo Defireingfuch as were not Concerned might be put down offthe Scaffold 'then he with a Smilling Countenance turns to the People, and gives them all a Cowngie as he did when he went firft up the Scaffold, and turns to his Father who was alfo upojvthe Scaffold with him, and Embracing him very Chearfully, he gave Teveral KilTes, and Rounded fome of his laft Advifesto him, and fo parted with hini Jaying, f.LORD be with you my Dear Father. ) And then turned to hisBrother,who was alfo by him upon the Scaffold,and after the famemannerEmbracing him &Kifting,&: fo parted with him with Words to the famepurpofe that he had to hisFather,with an Exhortation,that he mould amend his Life, and forbear his Idle Company *, But efpecially his ways with feveral others of ' that Nature, felling him the Hazard thereof, and encouraging him if he would follow his laft Advices £ Then he turns to two Gentlemen which were alfo with him, and after the fame manner Embraced, Saluted and parted with them, and , then he gave another Bow to the whole Multitude, and fo went up the Ladder, . and turning his Face to the NorthEaft, he Cryed out, faying, I am come here to \ jiay jto lay down my Life, Which i do wittingly and Chearfully, and.ani neither fur mi fed / v 57 ) i Death or the manner of if : And here I co declare I •my Lot with wSacme greateft King, Prince, cr Emperor; Id -afford me, and whit I Speak once I fay it again, I lay dowa 1 Chearfully for Chrift and his truth, Blefcn^. him that e ver I h.. : lay- i t down for him, yea I am now no moreTroabled-with cr forDeath, re to ly. down in the Fineft Bed that the Earth could afford, wit}* the Friend that the World could allow me, arfft here I do De- clare that 1 do Heartily and freely.- forgive all M*\n, wljatfoeverthey have done to ?, and Prayes that the' LORD 'would forgive them, I forgive them thj c -d me to die jiere, hrll and lift ; and I forgive all that apprehended me ereto ? and I forgive ali that has brought ., and are guarding me here-, and I forgive this Poor Man, pointing with his • to the Hangman, who is to be my Executioner. Nowl defireycu all. u who pretend to be'righreous,- Study to be Sincere in the Way of GOD,' >£ out of your Salvation \ for there are many who pretends to jodly, th ...tie of the Life and Power thereof: '.therefore I entreat you : .sthe Power and Life of Godiinefs \ for there are many, if not tht mod parr, who pretends to be righteous, that knows lead of it. I fay, be not fatisfkd with the Shell, but labour for the Kernel and Marrow of Religion. Now, my Friends Remember 1 tell you here upon the Ladder, and as a Dying Man ftep- out of Time to Eternity, that notwith funding all the Dark Clouds that has been-, a: a now ..re, yet there area thicker and darker coming, and it is not far off, yea it is at hand, But 1 fav,Tru(t in GODyjL ruft inGOD and he will notdifappoint you, I fay Try ft in GOD whatever Afflictions befall vou,yetTruft in GODand give him Cre. the hearing of thefe Words the Bailie.calls to Beat the Drums, and (o they re Beat a little^ at which he looked down to the Bailie and faid, what Sir do ye : Drums , brcaufe I defire the People to truft in GOD ?. and the Drumswere file; icn he Cryedout again truft in GOD, and ye (hall be born through, if e ) e get in him and keep in him. Then he faid I will Sing a part of the twenty ■lm from the fixteen Vtrft to the clofe, for it has been many a time very fweet to me, and 0) I will fing it as my Iaft Song in Time, I fhall be immediatly where my Heart (hall be io Tuned, pointing with his Hand to his Breafr, that I fhilinwcjrhe abled and then he taid (laying his Hands on his Breaft ) and Blerfed be GOD here is a free will offering, and I will give it willingly and Chearfuly, yea I can fa) here even upon the Brink- of Eternity, that thefe feveral Years I have Prefer tae Glory of GOD, the wejifa're and Profperityof the Work and Intereft of Chrift his People,- to my own Private and Particular Intereft, and I might have Shu fifch a Death as this", butGOD.knows I durft not doit. ** And now, I know, yea lam firmly "perfwaded, That my Dear Lord even my" Exalted and GlorifledLordJefus Chrift, will carry me fafely throw 7 this Dark JVallev and Saddow ofDeath, and will receive my Soul inimedatly after I go of! this Ladder ' unto Glory, where I fhall ever be with him. Then he laid again ( crying with a Loud Voice ) no\v when I can Hardly get Speaking for the Rope Farewell all Freinds and followers of Chrift 5 & again I fay Farewell, arid '-ft'diew all thly "Enjoyments, and fo ( havinggiven the Hangman a Sign when he w< be~ready ) he Prayed alitle within himfeif, and when he-had done,he gave the Sign and at the giving thereot he drew the Napkin over his Face, and Cryed out, Fare- I allFriends inChrift,&into thyHands O Lord do I Commit mySoul.60 he w;.s Turned over. And fo ends the Life of this Faithful and now GlorifiedMartyr for Chrift, And to GOD the Father Son and Belfed Spirit, be Eternal Praife and Olzyr .or ever and ever Amen. F I N J S. m k ( J mm & EL ■hi