r lis % Cl)iiptci' oil fitui'iifs. " And this I speak for your profit : not tliat I may cast a snare npon you, but for that which is comely." 1 Cor. vii. 35. CHAPTER ON LITURGIES fistorital Sktd|cs. EEY. CHARLES W. BAIRD, (new YORK, U. S.) AN INTRODUCTORY PREFACE, AND AN APPENDIX TOUCHING THE QUESTION "ARE DISSENTERS TO HAVE A LITURGY?" EEY. THOMAS BINNEY. LONDON: KNiaHT & SON, CLERKENWELL CLOSE. 1856. "Debet unaqureque ecclosia cnstodire ritus suos: sed receptos a majoribus, longoque usu prsescriptos, et legitima auctoritate approbates." rZIItGHTCIT ^'.. %^^ffliTx^t:-^' editor's preface PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 I. CALVIN AND THE CHURCH OF GENEVA .... . 14 II. Calvin's last communion 45 ni. Calvin's daily offices 59 IV. the GENEVAN LITURGY IN FRANCE 71 V. JOHN KNOX AND THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND ... 92 VI. THE FIRST SACRAMENT IN SCOTLAND ....... 116 VIT. TRACES OF THE SCOTTISH LITURGY 129 VIII. WORSHIP OF THE EARLY PURITANS 140 IX. BAXTER'S REFORMED LITURGY 163 VI CONTENTS. X. PAGE THE CALVINISTIC FORMS IN THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER 192 XI. LITURGY OF THE REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH . . . 207 XII. LITURGY OF THE PALATINATE 221 XIII. THE DIRECTORY OF WORSHIP REVISED 233 XIV. CONCLUSION 251 ADDITIONAL SECTIONS. I. THE LITURGIES OF SWITZERLAND 267 II. THE WALDENSIAN LITURGY 270 III. SPECIAL PRAYERS OF CALVIN 273 IV. A FORM OF CELEBRATING MARRIAGE . . . .276 APPENDIX. ARE DISSENTERS TO HAVE A LITURGY? 283 P2i:iCET0J % THSOLOGIC&L PREFACE. At the request of the Rev. Dr. Baird, whom I met in London towards the close of last year, I undertook to see this work of his son through the press, if its publication in this country should be thought advisable. The author is a young man, and the volume, I think, does great credit to his research and industry, his religious feeling and literary skill. It was to me for a long time doubtful whether the subject would attract strictly English readers. The publishers, however, were willing to take the risk of an Edition, and I was willing to hope that many of different Communions would be interested in the work. It is proper to say, that the reader has in his hand not only an exact reprint of the original work, without VI 11 EDITOR'S PREFACE. the omission of a single line, but that this reprint contains many important additional passages, and some additional sections, which were sent in manuscript by the author with the corrected copy, forwarded to me for this authorized English edition. The only great liberty I have taken is one. which may perhaps need an apology. I have altered the title of the work. In the original it stands thus : — "EUTAXIA, or the Presbyterian" Liturgies : His- torical Sketches." The Greek compound, constituting here the first title, was thought to be objectionable as the heading of a popular work ; and the second title it was felt would repel some readers whom it was desirable to attract. I could not but admit the force of these representations, and I have done the best I could under their pressure. The work is not a Treatise on Liturgies in general, and it does not appear as such ; but it is "A Chapter on Liturgies," a section, as it were, on one sort, and, in this charac- ter, will find its way, I hope, into many hands. EDITOR'S PEEFACE. IX Among the readers of this book, I can imagine there will be many who will learn from it with surprise the views entertained respecting the use of Liturgical forms by those of the Reformers whose followers in this country have long repudiated every- thing of the sort. The sections on Calvin" and Knox will to some be especially in- teresting ; nor less so to others those on " the worship of the Early Puritans," and on ^' Baxter's Reformed Liturgy." There are those who will be surprised to find that Calvin not only approved of forms of prayer, but that he lamented the lengths to which some had gone in rejecting altogether cer- tain ecclesiastical rites and customs ; — that Knox prepared an Order for public worship, which was adopted and sanctioned by the General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land ; and that his own last hours were soothed and solaced, and his soul refreshed, by a prayer being read to him out of a book ! — that some of the English Puritans X EDITOE'S PREFACE. and Separatists used the prepared Con- tinental forms in their secret meetings ; and that latter Nonconformists had no objection to a Liturgy as such^ but only wished some changes to be made in that which was in use, — that it should not be e.vclusiveli/ en- forced, that there should be the means of giving variety to the services, and the oppor- tunity afforded for free prayer. There are those, too, on both sides of the Tweed, who will find their notions of the past somewhat disturbed by the discovery, that the Re- formers so generally encouraged " Daily Ser- vice ;" and that, in the Order of Worship in the Church of Scotland, provision was made for the introduction of the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Command- ments. * * In a note on page 262, the author states in relation to Scotland, that, " as he has been told, it is not uncommon there to hear the decalogue and the Lord's Prayer repeated in Divine Service." This is quite contrary to all my recol- lections of Presbyterian worship. I never heard of the custom in Scotland [what is "not uncommon" would be customary] ; though I cannot speak very positively on the point. EDITOR'S PREFACE. XI II. There are those who will be interested in the author's statements respecting the English Book of Common Prayer, and the proofs he adduces of its owing something to foreign Presbyterian influence. The modern Anglican party is greatly scandal- ized by this ; but, as the fact cannot be disputed, all that remains is to acknow- ]edp;e or confess it with becoming; humilia- tion, and to lament and deplore it as a Divine judgment. Some expounders of the rationale of the Prayer Book, see in the commencement of their service a beautiful propriety and a deep meaning. The Scrip- ture sentences, — the call to Confession, — the Confession itself that follows upon this, — then the Absolution, — and then — thus peni- tent, believing, pardoned — the entering, as it were, into the holiest of all, freely approach- ing the Divine Majesty through Christ, and in his loords, — and so on to all the high, spiritual utterances that follow, and which could not consistently come without the XU EDITOR'S PREFACE. previous preparatory process of confession and forgiveness ; — all this appears to some Churchmen so scriptural, so beautiful, that it is the theme of their especial praise. But for all this, the English Prayer Book is indebted to Presbyterians. To many good men, the thought of this brings no pain ; it rather ministers delight, as a proof of that true catholicity of spirit which was cherished by the Reformers of different countries, and the Fathers of different Protestant churches, towards each other. The deep distress with which others contemplate it may be seen in one of the Oxford tracts, a few sentences of which may interest some who may have no opportunity of looking into those once noto- rious publications. " We find on opening it [tHe Prayer Book], that it commences in a manner perfectly different from any of the Liturgical books immediately preceding it . . . which commence with the Lord's Prayer, and from thence proceed to the Creed. Instead of this, we have the Sentences, the Exhortation, the Confession, and the Absolution preceding that Prayer Such a commencement, therefore, may prove the characteristic of our Church, as expressive of the posi- EDITOE'S PEEFACE. XII] tion in which God has placed us. It might be said that these introductory parts were insertions in the Second Book of Edward, hj the intervention of foreign- ers, who, having shorn and left us bare of so much that is holy and valuable, liave necessarily 'put us into a degraded condition. But it must be remembered, that our object is to divest ourselves of the considera- tion of secondary agents ; . . . . such deprivations were doubtless judicial; but it may be shown here- after how overriding mercies Mend with those judg- ments, frustrating the designs ofmen^^ The foregoing remarks and references may serve to explain the eaiployment by the author of some rather strong language respecting the English Episcopal Church * Tracts for the Times, No. 8G, pp. 16, 19. I do not enter into the question between the two parties referred to in the text, as to the right idea of Christian worship, — whether it should commence as the English service now commences, or with the Lord's Prayer ; I merely profess to illustrate, by the above remarks and quotations, portions of the tenth chapter of this book. The deep tone of humility and sorrow which pervades the Tract, No. 86, is indeed re- markable, though there is sometimes to be heard a pretty distinct and intelligible undertone of what is very like a spirit of pride and resentment. To some readers the follow- ing passage will appear curious : — " In the daily prayers there are two peculiarities of our own Church ; the one is the position which the pray erf or the King occupies before that for the Church, We cannot, humanly speaking, approve of XIV EDITOE'S PEEFACE. which occurs in the text and in a note on page 205. His words are no doubt true enough as applied to the spirit of a certain party in the Church, and to the probable action of the Church as a corporation. There Is no doubt that the high Anglicans do re- gard the orders and sacraments of unepis- copal Churches, and such Churches them- selves, in the way described ; and that Con- vocation, or the Queen in Council, would not be likely to express the sympathy of the Church with Continental Protestants by any public act or utterance, — by appointing a day of fasting, or publishing a form of such an anomally. But may we not perceive in it some design of warning or otherwise? Is it a witness to our- selves of the evil consequences of an Erastian preference of the State to the Church — a badge of servitude ? . . . The next circumstance is the prayer for the Parliament, which is, of course, unprecedented. It is remarkable, that, at the time of its being first issued, and ever since, the Parliament has been more or less the enemy of God's Church, and exercising an indirect control over it. And yet to pray for them, under such circumstances, is of Divine command ; and perhaps the strictest parallel to it will be found in the case of the Israelites (Jer. xxix. /)» ' Seek ye the peace of the city whither I have caused you to he carried away cap- tives, and pray unto the Lord for it.' This may be applied to both circumstaces alluded to." — Page 24. EDITOE'S PKEFACE. XV prayer. Nevertheless, there are many among the clergy and laity of the Church of Eng- land, who rejoice to recognise the brother- hood of all " who hold the Head," and the validity of their orders and sacraments, irre- spective of modes of government and dis- cipline ; — who think that Christ's flock is rather to be recognised by its being com- posed of sheep, than by the form of the fold in which any number of any sort of living creatures may be contained ; — and who sym- pathize with the persecuted of other lands, and, on fitting occasions, are not backward to express that sympathy. To which it might be added, that if anything were to occur again equal in atrocity to the St. Bar- tholomew massacre, it might perhaps come to pass that all ecclesiastical restraints would be broken through ; and the Church, as a Church, in its corporate capacity, would come forth, and by word and act show that the impulses of a common humanity, and the spirit of a common faith, are, after all, far more vital and potent things than any set of notions about the form of the Church, XVI EDITOR'S TKEFACE. the virtue of sacraments, or the succession of the priesthood. III. In the chapter on the Reformed Dutch Liturgy, there is an expression of the author's (page 217) which may require an explanatory remark. In giving tw^o of the prayers from the Liturgy in question, selected from its Baptismal service^ he says, [These prayers] '^ are the more interesting to us, because it is to be feared that in the present revision they w^ill undergo modification, to suit the low conceptions of the value of this rite, and the efficacy of the grace accompanying it, that prevail in the Churches." I can imagine that some will be ready to ask, especially when they recall the comparatively recent Gorham controversy. What is " the grace that accompanies baptism?" What the '' efficacy" of it? What the " value of the rite" in consequence of its connexion with that grace ? I am not going to discuss the subject, but merely to explain what I sup- pose may be the import of the author's EDITOR'S PREFACE. XVll statement. Mr. Baird is a Presbyterian ; and, as such, he is the minister of a Church which, I presume, adopts as its standards those of the Church of Scotland as con- tained in the Confession of Faith. That Confession appears to many to involve some- thing very similar to Mr. Gorham's Bap- tismal theory. Mr. Gorham always main- tained that he firmly believed in the " grace of baptism," but that he did not hold that the grace was so tied to the rite as to be given to all, or, when given, to be always conferred when the rite was administered. It might be given before, at, or after bap- tism ; but, whenever a baptized person who had not received grace when baptized be- came, at whatever distance of time after- wards, a child of God, his baptism then became efficacious, — the grace of baptism was then subjectively received. I quote from recollection, but I believe what I have said to be substantially correct. Now, in the Confession of Faith of the Church of Scotland, in chapter xxviii. entitled " of Baptism," there occurs the following article : XVlll EDITOR'S PREFACE. " The efficacy of baptism is not tied to that moment of time wherein it is adminis- tered ; yet notwithstanding, by the right use of this ordinance, the grace promised is not only offered, but really e.vhibited and con- ferred h\j the Holy Ghosty to such (whether of age or infants) as that grace belongeth unto, according to the counsel of God's own will, in his appointed time.'' In Fisher's " Explanation of the Shorter Catechism, by way of Question and Answer," the matter is expounded thus : — Q, " Is baptism effica- cious at the time of its administration?' A, " Not always : ' the efficacy of baptism is not tied to that moment of time wherein it is administered,' but may take place after- ivards, as God in his sovereignty has fixed it." There seems to be an identity between the Presbyterian theory and that of Mr. Gorham. The latter theory, I remember, was thought by some, at the time when the subject was before the public, to be that of a possible, modified, or delayed baptismal regeneration, and he himself explained, that on the ground of it, he could deny " that he EDITOR'S PREFACE. XIX held, or persisted in holding, that spiritual regeneration is not given or conferred in baptism." How far Mr. Baird, or any other minister who accepts the Confession of Faith, would say this of himself, I do not know. My object in these remarks is neither to discuss the baptismal question, to explain my own views, or to find fault with those of any individual, or of any church. I merely desire to direct the reader to the authorita- tive source, as I conceive it to be, of what the author of this book may be supposed to mean in the passage referred to, and which might possibly strike some minds. As a Presbyterian, he holds, we may presume, the Presbyterian theory of baptismal grace. ly. Having thus noticed one or two things which appeared to me to invite remark, I have only to add a few concluding observa- tions on the general subject, to a branch of which this "Chapter on Liturgies" is devoted. The lawfulness and advantage of forms 01 prayer in public worship, is at XX EDITOR'S PREFACE. present exciting, on both sides of the Atlantic, much attention in certain communities, — communities supposed in opinion to be hostile to such forms, as in practice they repudiate their use. So far back as fourteen or fifteen years ago, Dr. Gumming published an edition of Knox's Liturgy, prefixing to it a preface in which he expressed himself in favour of a partial use of forms of prayer, and went back for the true idea of his Church to the times referred to in this book, rather than to those of Claverhouse and the Cove- nanters. "There is a mediocrity," he says, " among the clergy as among the laity. For the great mass, therefore, I believe that the partial use of a form of prayer would be truly valuable." ... . " I believe that the resumption — if the word can be used of that which is not rescinded — of the Liturgy I now edit, by the Church of Scotland, would be attended with great good.". . . . " It is a melancholy fact, that too many of the Church people of Scotland direct their minds to the days preceding and during the Covenant for the true character and senti- EDITOR'S PREFACE. XXI ments of their Church. Nothing can be more unfortunate. Our Reformers and the Church of the Reformation^ not the Cove- nanters^ are our best models^ The Duke of Argyle, in accounting for the fact that so many of the ^' families of Scotland have left the communion of Pres- bytery, and joined that of the English Church," says, that ^' few have been induced to do so by any previous conversion to Church principles." ..." The deeper source of the extensive alienation which has taken place, is to be found in the superior attrac- tions of a more ritual worship." ... "A partial use of Liturgical forms of prayer, to which the first Scottish Reformers had no objec- tion, and which the legislative institutions of Presbytery entitle it to adopt at any moment, would alone, I think, have been of immense value in engaging the affections, and preventing the straying of its members. For, certainly, there is no more just excep- tion against the worship of Scottish Presby- tery, than its effect in placing the most devotional part of Divine service so entirely XXU EDITOR'S PKEFACE. at the mercy of the individual minister who happens to conduct it."* I am not at all sure that the want of a Liturgy is anything like the principal ground on which Scotchmen leave the Church of their fathers, or that the adoption of such forms as would alone be compatible with the spirit of that Church, and agreeable to the provisions and example of its Reformers, would either bring back those that have w^andered, or keep others from straying after them. I have only, however, to do at present with those facts and opinions which indicate the interest that is supposed to prevail on the subject of this book. Some English Nonconformists are known to hold views similar to those avowed by their fathers — views of which many of their children are unaware — not only that a Liturgy is not unlawful, but that its uses may be very great, especially if connected with free prayer. In some parts of America, the subject is * Tart of these extracts, from Dr. Cumming and the Duke of Arg} le, are given by Mr. Baird in his concluding chaj)ter. I thought it well to give them a little more fully here. EDITOR'S PREFACE. XXI 11 changing from a matter of speculation to one of fact. I noticed lately the account of the introduction of a Liturgical service in a church at Rochester ; — it was spoken of as interesting and successful. A minister of the Congregational body, resident in one of our Metropolitan suburbs, has not only compiled a series of Services under the title of "The Biblical Liturgy," — the whole consisting of Scriptural passages carefully arranged, — but has begun to use them in public worship. How far it is at all likely that such a change can be, with us, successful and permanent, — that Churches accustomed to free prayer can be brought to combine with it fixed forms, — or that, in England, any Liturgical service whatever, will have such attractions to the general mind as are supposed to belong to that of the Establishment, I do not stay to inquire. All that I have mentioned, I merely mention as " signs of the times." Whatever may be indicated by these "signs," and some others that might be mentioned, — or to whatever that which they indicate may lead,— there is one thing which XXIV EDITOR'S PREFACE. they certainly seem to indicate, and one to which they may lead, both of them matters of much interest to many thoughtful and earnest men. They indicate dissatisfaction with the state of worship prevalent amongst us, — worship properly so called ; they show a yearning for something deeper and richer than what we have, — deeper devotion and richer song, — something, too, in which the people shall take a prominent and active part, — not in psalmody only, but in supplica- tion ; — in which they shall be called vocally to utter some portions of the Church's com- mon 'prayer^ — so that, by audible repetition, and appropriate response, and other modes of united action, they shall feel that they positively do pray, as well as listen to another praying. All this is indicated by the facts referred to, — an underlying and growing dissatisfaction with things as they are, a desire for worship to be more highly esti- mated, to occupy a more distinguished place, to have generally attached to it greater importance in ''the assemblies of the saints," and for all to discharge, actively and con- EDITOR'S PREFACE. XXV sciously, the "ministry" that belongs to " the priesthood of God." All this is good ; and, whether or not it lead to the adoption of forms of prayer, — which, perhaps, are not the best or wisest method of supplying what is longed for,-— it may lead to t/ns, which in itself is something, indeed much : — it may induce Presbyterian and Noncon- formist ministers to pay more attention than many of them have hitherto done to the ivorship of the Church ; — to cultivate, if I may say so, devotional taste ; — to use, in prayer, modes of speech, and even tones and gestures more simple, natural, becoming, and devout; — in speaking to "The Father," to speak more from the heart than the head, — to be more religious and less theological, — to think more of the wants which are to be made known to God, than of the points and systems which are to be taught to men ; — and, in addition to these things, to encourage, for the joy and solace of the Church, as means alike of edification and grace, better and higher forms of praise than those with which many have hitherto been content. XXVI EDITOR'S PREFACE. The people, too, may be led to many higher and better things than they yet know, — to a deeper sense of the solemnity of worship than is often felt, and to a more becoming behaviour in the house of God than is some- times seen ; — to more reverence, greater stillness, less noise, more punctuality, — everything, in short, that shall make it mani- fest that they come themselves to engage in the service,-— that they feel it belongs to them, — that they would be sorry to miss it, — to be absent at its commencement, — to be dis- turbed as it proceeds, or to disturb others ; — and that, without disparaging or undervaluing preaching, they should yet feel that they would as much regret the loss of the worship, as of any sermon however eloquent, or even spiritual. It is this general sort of impression and result which I hope, in some measure, to forward by superintending the publication of this book. I do not expect that the par- ticular Liturgies herein given will be adopted anywhere ; nor, indeed, that in themselves hey will be so approved or admired, as to EDITOR'S PREFACE. XXVll be regarded as worth adding to our own customary public devotions, certainly not as constituting an adequate substitute for the higher forms of free prayer which we have amongst us. I do expect, however, that the mere publication of a book of prayers rather than sermons, — a directory for public wor- ship, helps and models for public prayer, rather than a volume of prepared discourses or pulpit reports, — I do hope that this may lead some people to direct their thoughts to the great subject of which the book treats ; and thus help on some of those results which have been indicated as desirable. During the whole of my ministerial life, I have gone on the principle of attaching special importance to worship, — showing that I did so, and trying to get the people to do the same. All my convictions, however, formed and deepened by long reflection, reading, ex- perience, are strongly against the principle of confining worship to the provisions of a strictly imposed ritual, — a thing admitting of no variation, and forbidding free prayer. At the same time, I am ready to confess XXVUl EDITOR'S PREFACE. that I have felt, under the solemnity and awfulness of the ever-recurring public duty, as if I should occasionally have been glad if I could have fallen back on the partial use of some Liturgical assistance. This, how- ever, might have proved a snare, and have tempted to negligence, by facilitating the adoption of the letter and form w^hen the spirit of devotion v^as felt, or imagined, to be dull or low. In relation to the services of the Episcopal Church, I have known some- thing of the feeling which, in my ^' Con- scientious Clerical Nonconformity," I attri- buted to the imaginary individual therein described, who was compelled on principle to keep out of the Establishment, though he felt drawn towards it by much that was congenial to his sympathies and tastes. I by no means appropriate everything in the following portrait to myself, but I could not have sketched it if there had not been some- thing in common between the subject and the artist : — " Let us suppose, that with the per- fect consciousness of possessing the ability EDITOE^S PEEFACE. XXIX for extemporary devotion, and with the calm hope that he could conduct it himself in sincerity and faith, he yet shrinks from the awful and perilous thing, — from an en- gagement which he conceives to be difficult and oppressive, just in proportion as the mind is awake to what is to be done, and the heart fitted for doing it aright. Let us suppose, that with such feelings, and as a really spiritual and devout man, he finds a refuge and a rest for his sou] as a worshipper in the employment in public of Liturgical forms. And let us further imagine here, that his tastes and preferences are mostly met by the prayers and collects of the Established Church ; that their language, at once simple and dignified, — in general calm, but at times rising into the earnest and impassioned, — their brevity, as separate exercises of devo- tion, — their unity and comprehensiveness considered as a whole, — their allotment to the people of much that is vocal and active in the service ; — let us suppose that all this draws and attracts him towards the Establish- ment. Nor let him be insensible to the thrill- XXX EDITOR'S PREFACE. ing thought, that, in her worship, his lips utter the identical supplications, breathe his wants in the very words, glorify God in the same high and hallowed hymns that were heard in the service of the ancient Church, or have swelled for centuries in the sacred edifices where they echo still !" This was written seventeen years ago, but something of my feeling on kindred subjects was expressed in publications, of one sort or another, as far back as twenty-four and thirty years ago. When I sat doAvn to write this Preface, I thought of recalling some of the many things which, in the course of my public life, have happened to occur to me, on several of the practical questions which the subject of this volume naturally suggests, and to which passing events seem likely to give increased importance. The most of my remarks, however, have taken rather a different, though not, I think, an improper turn. I shall not add to them a fresh section on other matters ; yet, as it may not be unacceptable to some readers to hear EDITOE'S PEEFACE. XXXI what is thought, by different minds, on two or three of those subjects to which I have had incidentally to allude, I will subjoin for their benefit, in an appendix, the substance of a conversation between four or five ministers, who were sitting the other day in the reading-room of the Milton Club, and who, beginning with an allusion to a recent publication, were led to speak, though some- what desultorily, on a good many other sug- gested topics. So far as these had any relation to the subject of this volume I care- fully noted what was said respecting them. My report of the conversation will be found at the end of this volume. T. BINNEY. Walworth, A2}ril 23, 1855. CHAPTER ON LITURGIES Itttrohtttiun. "If the Parson were ashamed of particularizing in these things, he were not fit to be a Parson ; but he holds the Rule, that Nothing is little in God's Service : If it once have the honour of that Name, it grows great instantly." — The Countky Parsox, ch. xiv. To ascertain from the history and teachings of the Presbyterian Church, what may be considered the proper theory of its worship, and to compare that ideal with our prevailing practice, is my purpose in the following researches. I have chosen for their title a term compendiously de- signating that due observance of decorum, and regard to comeliness of word and action, which in the public service of God I seek with all humility to advocate. Generically, the term is no other than that used by the Apostle, in his command, " Let all things be done decently and in order;"* a * 1 Cor. xiv. 40. — Evaxv/^'^'^^s koI Kara rd^iv. See, in relation to this passage and note, the Preface by the Editor. B 2 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. precept affording sufficient warrant for the discus- sion upon which I have presumed to enter. The scriptural idea of pubHc worship is clearly that of a service prescribed as to its several component parts, but free in the filling up of its general outlines. The observance of the Lord's Day by attendance upon religious minis- trations ; participation in the sacraments ; the singing of psalms, and hymns, and spiritual song^ ; the reading of Scripture ; and the making of suppli- cations, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving: these are all matters of direct Divine appointment. But apart from these, there are considerations of propriety and taste, as to the form and manner of discharging the required duties : which, although important and worthy of careful attention, the Apostles seem to have left, with a few general directions like that given to the Corinthian Churcb, for individual or ecclesiastical adjustment; consi- derations of comeliness and decorum, appropriately to be settled in accordance with the peculiar cir- cumstances under which they might severally come up. To this category belongs, unquestion- ably, the subject of the choice of language to be used in the services of public devotion. It has been the wisdom of the Presbyteria?-' INTRODUCTION. 3 Church to follow strictly this scriptural and Apos- tolic method; imposing as duties, only such acts and ordinances of worship as are of Divine appoint- ment ; and leaving in a great measure to indivi- dual choice the selection of words employed in their performance. The Directory of Worship, set forth by the Assembly at Westminster, and adopted by our Mother Church as one of her standards, contains such regulations, referring to all the parts of Divine service; minutely and definitely pre- scribing the topics of prayer, their sequence and proportions ; in fact, embracing all the themes of worship, without rigid confinement to set words and phrases. This Directory, the laborious pro- duction of the ablest divines of the period, is all that our Church has enjoined as a matter of strict requisition upon her ministers and people ; leaving entire liberty in respect to the language that shall embody and express these prescribed topics. But it is quite evident, at the same time, that how- ever this Directory of Worship may meet the aim of our Church in regard to the performance of religious rites, and exactly correspond with in- spired precept and primitive practice, it does not meet all the wants of public devotion, nor answer all the ends of an aid to public prayer. It defines 4 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. and arranges the parts of Divine service; but it does not furnish forms of language suitable for their expression. The need of assistance to the minister in conducting, and to the people in following oral supplications, is not supplied by a work whose whole object is to state and describe the constituent elements of worship. There is a necessity palpable and widely felt, for something more than this, to meet the exigencies of the case. Does the Presbyterian Church allow or con- template any such subsidiary provision for the celebration of public worship ? Are her ministers precluded from the use of sound and w^ell-con- ceived formularies, and shut up to the necessity of original composition for this most solemn, diffi- cult, and trying function of their office, without even the right of previous preparation for the task ? There is in the Church of Christ a rich and copious literature of devotion, accumulated by the labours of many ages. Holy men of prayer have been gifted at some periods, as few can claim to be now, with elevation of thought and language necessary for the adequate expression of devout feeling. The period of primitive zeal produced such minds. The period of reformation in the Church brought out others. Are we, in less INTRODUCTION. O favoured days, debarred from the fruits of these high spiritual endowments ? Do our ecclesiastical rules exclude us from the use of the best liturgical compositions, and force us to rely on our indivi- dual resources of conception, however crude, and meagre, and immature we may find them ? Such is undoubtedly the popular conception of the matter; and the fact of its general, if not universal prevalence, has led me to attempt an exhibition of the true theory, and the normal practice of our Church in this particular. It will be my object to demonstrate, first. That the prin- ciples of Preshyterianis7n hi no loise conflict tvith the discretionary use of written forms ; and, se- condly. That the practice of Presbyterian churches abundantly icarrants the adoption and the use of such forms. The principles of our Church, in regard to public worship, are easily gathered from her standards, and from the opinions of those who are considered their ablest and most authentic exponents. It might be inferred, from the com- mon notion of her antipathy to all preconceived forms, that our Church expressly and strongly condemns their use. No such prohibition occurs in her standards. There is rather a studious b A CHAPTER OX LITURGIES. avoidance of anything like this condemnation ; resembling the tone of one who cautiously refrains from censuring her own past action, however it may differ from her present habits. The Directory of Worship reprobates, indeed, the " cojijining" of ministers to set or fixed forms ; but, far from discouraging preparation, it recom- mends the "reading of the best writers on the subject." The language of our theologians is yet more clear and unmistakeable : " We are very far from pronouncing, or even thinking," says a vene- rated divine, recently deceased, " that it is un- lawful to conduct prayer, either public or private, by a form. We should deem such a sentence or opinion altogether erroneous. There is no reason to doubt that many a truly fervent and acceptable prayer has been offered in this manner. Some of the most excellent men that ever adorned the Church of Christ have decisively preferred this method of conducting the devotions of the sanc- tuary, and have no doubt found it compatible with the most exalted spirit of prayer. We only con- tend that such forms are not indispensable, as some contend, to orderly and edifying prayer. . . . And that to impose forms of prayer at all times, and upon all persons who publicly minister in IXTRODrCTION. 7 holy things^ and to confine them to the use of such forms, is by no means either desirable or wise."* From another and equally authoritative source, I gained a similar opinion : " Not condemning either the principle or use of a Liturgy, the Pres- byterian Church, nevertheless, from a conviction that the practice of confining ministers to set or fixed forms of prayers for public worship, derives no warrant from the spirit and examples of the word of God, nor from the practice of the Primi- tive Church, and that it is, moreover, unprofitable, burdensome to Christian liberty, and otherwise inexpedient, — disapproves of such restrictions; but she has, at the same time, made such pro- visions in her ^ Directory ' for the service, that it may be performed with dignity and propriety, as well as profit, to those who join in it, and that it may not be disgraced by mean, irregular, or ex- travagant effusions."! As it respects the existence of authorized forms * The Eev. Samuel Miller, D.D., late Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church, in his work on '■'■ Fublic Prayer,'' pp. 138, 139. t Rev. John M. Krebs, D.D., Permanent Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, in an article contributed to a " History of the Religmis Denominations in the United States, by J. D. Rupp." Philad., 1844: pp. 564—566. 8 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. of worship in the Presbyterian Church, it will be my aim to show, that the idea of a Liturgy has not been foreign to our system ; that forms of this nature have, at various periods, been drawn up and used ; that previous to the date of the West- minster Assembly, there prevailed in Scotland an order of worship liturgical in its character, which, indeed, has never been officially abrogated ; and that the authorship of those forms is to be as- cribed to no meaner sources than our own great Reformers, Knox and Calvin, the founders of modern Presbyterianism. And here let me define the meaning of the term " Liturgy ^^ when used in a Presbyterian sense. The churches of the Reformation have treated the subject of public worship according to four different methods. The first is that of an imposed ritual, responsive in its character, and prescribed to the minister and people for their common use. Such is the practice of the Anglican and Lutheran communions. Another method is that of a discretionary ritual, not responsive, and supplied to the minister alone,* * In France and Switzerland, but few copies of the Liturgies in use are printed, and these are to be procured, as a general thing, only by ministers. INTRODUCTION. 9 for his guidance as to the matter and manner of worship ; leaving freedom of variation, as to the latter, according to his judgment. Such was the usage of the Church of Scotland, for the first century of her existence; such is the practice of every Reformed Church on the Continent of Europe at the present time ; and such w^as the plan proposed by Rodgers, Green, and other of our American divines, at the period of the organiza- tion of our Church in this country. The third method is that of a rubrical provi- sion ', consisting of directions without examples ; indicating the subjects, but omitting the language of prayer. Of this character was the Directory composed by the Westminster Assembly, and adopted by our Church. And the fourth method, if such we may call it, is that of ejitire freedom, as respects both subject and language; leaving all to the option of the minister. Perhaps no denomination has followed this course, since the days of the old Indepen- dents, w^ho opposed even the introduction of a Directory of Worship, as hampering the liberty of the individual. * * Hetheeington's History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, ch. iii. Neale's History of the Furitans, vol. ii. The same 10 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. It is only the second and third of the four methods here indicated that will be embraced by our remarks; those usages between which the practice of our own Church has been divided : the former being her ancient custom, the latter the more modern. Be it understood that where occa- sion leads us to allude to the comparative merits of liturgical and rubrical forms, we shall speak only of those two methods which have been equally approved, honoured, and practised in our own Church. We have nothing to do, by way of recommending or denouncing, with the first of these methods — an imposed, prescriptive Liturgy, admitting of no variation. Our Church knows nothing of such custom, and it will therefore fall outside of the range of our observations. There exists among us a strong and justifiable feeling, which I would be the last to weaken, opposed to the borrowing of forms and ceremonies alien from our ecclesiastical spirit. The dignity of our Church, to say nothing of individual self- respect, would sufifer by such an imitation. We may not censure the practices of other commu- vicw was taken by Milton, whose dislike for Presbyterianisra was almost as marked as his hatred of Prelacy. See the '■^ Ansivcr to Eikon Basilike," c. xvi. INTRODUCTION. 1 1 iiions; yet tlie fact that they are heterogeneous to our own system forbids their introduction. The spirit of Jenny Geddes is yet alive, and would be apt to resent no less resolutely, though doubt- less in a fashion more accordant with the times, the attempt to foist strange ceremonies upon our sim^^le worship. But if, on the other hand, it should appear reasonable to hope that those wants which are deeply felt and widely acknow- ledged among us, in regard to the public services of our churches at the present day, may be sup- plied by a return to our own ancient and vener- able customs ; by a resumption of that which has been long forsaken, yet remains admirable and excellent still: — Are we asking too much when we claim for these heir-looms of the past a careful and candid consideration ? " The ministers and members of the Presby- terian Church," says a late excellent writer, '^have reason to be thankful that they belong to a body which is not restrained by any secular power from making such improvements in their system of worship as the word of God and more ample experience may dictate. . . . Whatever is most agreeable to the word of God, and most edify- ing to the Body of Christ, we are, happily, at 12 A CHAPTER OF LITURGIES. full liberty to introduce, and progressively to modify."* There are favoured spirits, to whom the want of help in the language of devotion is unknown. Endowed with a spiritual fluency, akin to the free utterance of a disembodied state, they pour forth in unpremeditated strain "The gushing thoughts that struggle to have way." These are the gifted sons of the Church : for them nothing herein contained is meant. Let them pass by, without rebuke, the means which they do not require ; charitably conceding, that there may be sincerity among less fortunate worship- pers, whose unready thought and slow speech justify them in borrowing suggestions and expres- sions from others. But whether available or not, for present adop- tion and use, we think it clear beyond question, that the documents here gathered for the first time, are worthy of careful preservation ; that the facts which relate to the authorship and history of these ancient formularies, have their import- ance, and claim a place in the records of the * Miller on Public Praycry p. 40. INTRODUCTION. 13 Presbyterian Church. It is surely time that these materials, so long buried in oblivion, should be sought after, and brought forth to the view of men. It is time that the radicalism which had abandoned to utter neglect these Institutes of Divine worship, should be silenced by the authori- tative voice of those great reformers, who have long been represented as the advocates of this abuse. To see this justice rendered, will be an ample reward for the researches which have pro- duced this compilation. I. "Inward truth of heart alone, is what the Lord requires. Exercises superadded are to be approved, so far as they are sub- servient to Truth, useful incitements, or marks of profession to attest our faith to men. Nor do we reject things tending to the preservation of Order and Discipline. But when consciences are put under fetters, and bound by religious obligations, in matters in which God willed them to be free, then we must boldly protest in order that the worship of God be not vitiated by human fictions."— Calvix. Geneva was already free from the burden of the Romish ceremonial, when Calvin came to take up his abode in that city. This fact must be borne in mind, while we endeavour to appreciate the labours of that Reformer, in reconstructing the worship of his Church. A more impetuous champion of the cause had preceded him, sweep- ing away every vestige of superstition, with much besides that was indifferent and harmless, from the service and the garniture of the churches. The arrangement was doubtless providential. Before Calvin could build up the Christian edifice, Farel was needed to pull down the altars of idolatry. CALVIN CHURCH OF GENEVA. 15 William Farel was tlie iconoclast of the Swiss Reformation. Already had he performed a task of Augean purification in several towns of the Re- public, displaying energy and intrepidity such as no opposition could withstand. Thus at Neuf- chatel, in the course of a few days he removed every trace of the offensive ritual, drove away or brought over all the priests, and converted or silenced the masses of the population. Having thoroughly purged the Cathedral of that city from all Romish adornments, and substituted for the high altar two tables of communion, he placed upon them the bread and wine of the sacrament ; and then mounting a pulpit, exclaimed to his astonished audience, as he pointed to the trans- formation : " This is the service your Father requires, that you should worship Him in spirit and in truth ; for the Father seeketh of you none other worship than this."* At Aigle, at Lausanne, this fearless preacher of the gospel accomplished a similar work. The turn of Geneva came at length. That city, notorious for dissoluteness of manners and super- stition of creed, overrun with priests and nuns, * Le Chroniqueur, Recueil historique, lo3o, 1536. Lausanne, 1S3G, p. \U. 16 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. crowded with taverns, resounding with merriment and debauch, Avas to become the residence of grave and severe reformers, the capital of Pro- testant Europe, a model of order and virtue for the world. The Reformation at Geneva had spread widely among the people, before its magistrates could be persuaded to yield to the movement. Farel, for some months after his arrival, was refused per- mission to preach in the more important churches, and was obliged to hold his meetings in a suburb of the town. But on the 8th of August, 1535, impatient at the delay of their magistrates, the people assembled in great numbers at the Cathedral, rang the bells, and sent for the preacher of the Gospel. Farel came, nothing loth, ascended the pulpit, and preached. It was the first triumph of the Reformation in Geneva. No sooner did this audacious act come to the ears of the magistrates, than they summoned the offender before them. When asked how he dared to occupy that pulpit contrary to the injunction of the authorities, Farel answered, with a bold countenance : " I am astonished that you should put such a question to me. Know you not, that what I did was a holy duty, acceptable to God and agreeable to his CALVIN CHURCH OF GENEVA. 17 Gospel ?" The magistrates, embarrassed by such a reply, remanded the preacher to appear before them on the following day. But meanwhile, a band of little children were bringing to naught the counsels of the wise. While the priests at St. Peter's were engaged at vespers in singing the hundred and fourteenth Psalm, in Exitu Israel, these children, of their own accord, set up an outcry of shouts and screams to mimic the chanting of the priests. A few Protestants who were present caught the idea, and, rushing Avith these young reformers into the choir, broke down the altar and the images, and dispersed the officiating priests. " The children," says an old chronicler, '' began to run and skip about, carrying these little idols in their arms, and crying out wdth joyous voices to the people who had gathered in front of the church, ^ We have got the gods of the priests ; will you have some V And they threw them after the passers-by."* Farel, with his fellow-labourers, was now free to proclaim the Gospel, and institute the pure worship of God. But the religious services which * Le Chroniqueur, etc., p. 135. See, also, an interesting volume of sketches entitled, Farel, Froment, Viret, by Chene- viERE : Geneva, 1835, p. 192. C 18 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. they proceeded to establish were of the most plain and bald simplicity. Preaching was almost the only function performed in the churches. Sermons were deUvered in abundance: on week-days, at six in the morning ; on Sundays, at four, ^^ for the convenience of servants," and twice again in the course of the day. Attendance on these services was made compulsory, and fines were imposed on such as absented themselves from church.* Geneva thus far had neither Confession of Faith nor Order of Worship. Farel was not the man to supply this want. All that he did towards the performance of Divine service, was to set the Apostles' Creed and Ten Commandments to music, and cause them to be sung by the congregation. At the beginning of his sermons he was in the habit of pronouncing the Lord's Prayer, and some- times a brief extemporaneous supplication. But * Extraits des Registres du Conseil d'Etat ; quoted in Lc Jtibile de la Reformation. Geneva, 1835, p. 244. "The 8th September [1535], Master William Farel entered, and made a remonstrance, giving a written notice, whereupon it was determined, that because the writings of the said William are so godly, there shall be preaching at six in the morning at the Church of St. Germain, whither the Councillors shall be obliged to come, in order that they may repair at seven o'clock to the Council. It was also determined that J. Balard be sent for ; and sliould he refuse to go to hear preaching, that he be imprisoned, and conducted every day to hear it. It was likewise resolved that the same thing be done in regard to all others." CALVIN CHURCH OF GENEVA. 19 as yet neither psalm-book nor liturgy assisted the devotions of the faithful. When J therefore, in 1536, Calvin came to the city of his adoption, he found the way clear to inaugurate a pure, solemn, and scriptural mode of worship, such as might be deduced from the doctrine of revelation and the example of Apostolic times. In fact, no other course was practicable but such a return to primitive usage. Nothing remained of the Romish ritual to correct and improve. All had been abolished that might otherwise have served as the frame- work of an expurgated service. Popular prejudice was ready to assail the slightest appearance of a resumption of repudiated forms. The moderation which was so striking a feature of Calvin's character, might have led him to retain many excellencies of the ancient worship, omitting only what was corrupt and useless. We have reason to believe that such would have been his natural course. That he could discriminate impartially be- tween the substance and the superadditions of many of the Romish practices, is clear to any student of his writings.* But the case would not allow such * Thus we find him favourable to the rite of confirmation. *' "We should like," he says, "to see that rite everj-where restored by which 20 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. discrimination^ and the course which he adopted was obviously, under the circumstances, most wise and prudent. The ritual of Calvinism, like its creed, was founded, therefore, on the theory of a simple return to the scriptural and primitive pattern. Differing from the systems of Luther and Cranmer, it lost sight completely of all practices which had originated in a less remote antiquity; it left the missal and the breviary among the rubbish of "idolatrous gear" swept out from its renovated churches; refusing to tamper with the complica- tions of a corrupt ceremonial, whose forms had the young are presented to God, after giving forth a confession of their faith. This would not be an unbecoming approval of their Catechism." — Tracts, vol. iii., p. 288. The practice of auricular confession he desired to see reformed and modified, not entirely done away with. "I have often told you," he writes to Farel, " that I should have thought it unwise to abolish confession in our churches, unless the rite which I have lately introduced be established in its place." This custom was that of a personal and private interview of communicants with the pastor, previous to each sacramental occasion. It does not appear that Calvin succeeded in enforcing this duty to any great extent. Indeed, he himself observes in the same connexion : " It is no new thing that pious souls should fear our falling back into superstition, whenever they hear of our establishing anything that has even a remote similarity to Popish inventions. Although I cannot expel these doubts from their minds, for Ave have not the means of doing so, I may express the wish that they may be somewhat careful to separate the good wheat from the chaff and the tares." — Henky's Life of Calvin, I., 142. CALVIX CHURCH OF GENEVA, 21 long enough weighed upon and wearied the souls of men. It went back for authority and inspira- tion to the law and to the testimony of God. Calvin's form of worship is distinguished by sl plain and logical structure. The several acts of devotion follow in progressive series, commencing with those which are more primary and prepara- tive, and culminating in the highest exercises of adoration and faith. This systematic character places it in marked contrast with other formularies, taken from the old mass-books ; the proper order and connexion of whose parts it is sometimes difficult for a mind not educated in their use to discover. In Calvin's service for tlie morning of the Lord's Day, the reading of a portion of the Holy Scriptures, with the Ten Commandments, is made introductory to the prayers. When this reading, performed by a clerk, is finished, the minister enters the desk, and begins with a sentence of invocation ; then calling the people to accompany him in prayer, he proceeds to the confession of sins, and supplication for grace. This ended,* * Here would naturally come a declaration of forgiveness, such as that in the Anglican ritual ; and so Calvin designed : but the prejudices of the times prevented the insertion of this feature. ^2 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. the congregation unite in praise, singing one of the Psalms of David. Then, the minister having prayed again, invoking the Divine favour, begins the sermon. This exercise, being a spiritual instruction, forms part of the service of Divine TTOrship, and prepares the way for the prayer of intercession which follows it, and which is the longest of these forms; and the whole is terminated, unless the Communion be administered, with the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Benediction. " There is none of us," says he, " but must acknowledge it to be very useful that, after the general confession, some striking promise of Scripture should follow, whereby sinners might be raised to the hopes of pai'don and reconciliation. And I would have introduced this custom from the beginning, but some fearing that the novelty of it would give offence, I was over easy in yielding to them, so the thing was omitted, and now it would not be seasonable to make any change ; because the greatest part of our people begin to rise up before we come to the end of the confession." Therefore he advises those he writes to, whilst they had it in their power, to accustom their people to an absolution, as well as a confession. — IJpist. de Quibusd. Eccles, Eitib. p. 206. Bingham, Works, II. 762. Although omitted, for the above reasons, in the Genevan Liturgy, this absolution must have been inserted in Calvin's Liturgy of Strasburg, since it is from that formulary that the absolution in the Book of Common Prayer was taken. To some extent, this usage was introduced into the French churches upon Calvin's advice ; as we learn from a canon passed at the second General Synod, Paris, 1565 : " That such churches as were accus- tomed upon sacrament days, or other Sabbaths, after the confession of sins, to pronounce a general absolution, may, if they please, continue in it : but where this custom is not introduced, the Synod adviseth the churches not to admit it, because of the dangerous consequences which may ensue."— Quick's Synodicon : London, 1692 : Can. 4. CALVIN CHURCH OF GENEVA. 2o Respecting the degree of strictness with which these forms of worship should be observed, Calvin's design evidently was, that no deviation be allowed from those parts which are j^^r escribed. "As to what concerns a form of prayer and ecclesiastical rites/' says he, in a letter to the Protector Somerset, " I highly approve of it that there be a certain form, from which the ministers be not allowed to vary : That first, some provision be made to help the simplicity and unskilfulness of some ; secondly, that the consent and harmony of the churches one with another may appear ; and lastly, that the capricious giddiness and levity of such as afiect innovations may be prevented. To which end I have showed that a Catechism will be very useful. Therefore there ought to be a stated Catechism, a stated form of prayer, and adminstration of the sacraments."* For voluntary and extemporaneous prayer, Calvin made special provision. The prayer before sermon in the service for the Lord's Day, is left to the minister's choice ; and all other services of public prayer, whether on week-days or on the afternoon of the Sabbath, are unrestricted and * Calvin, £pis. ad Frotector. Angl, p. 41. Bingkam, II., p. 747. 24 A CHAPTER ON LITURc^IES. free. At such times^ the preacher is to use ^^ such words in prayer as may seem to him good, suiting his prayer to the occasion, and the matter whereof he treats." Only in those general suppli- cations, Avhich from their nature must he uniform, as they express common wants and desires, the reformer required a close adherence to the public formularies of the Church. This union of free prayer with the rigid use of a Liturgy, was the marked and peculiar excellence of the Genevan worship. Nor was it an impracticable theory, destined to expire with its founder. The ex- perience of three centuries has tested its adequacy and utility. Frequent ecclesiastical enactments secured the observance of this practice in the Reformed Church of France, so long as the synodical government and effective discipline of that Church were suffered to exist. All pastors were required by their ordination vows, to use the liturgical forms in the " public prayers and administration of the s; craments ;" while for all secondary occasions they were left to provide by extempore prayer. The fact that such a com- bination of free prayer with the use of a liturgy has continued under circumstances most adverse for so long a period, down to the present day. CALVIN CHURCH OF GENEVA. 25 fully confutes the objection that these methods are incompatible, and that their connexion must necessarily result in the relinquishment of the one or the other. Nor can we fail to perceive in the successful working of this arrangement, an instance of the far-reaching penetration of our Reformer ; who thus attained the just and happy medium, as desirable in our own day as it was then, between a servile bondage to forms, and a neglect of the order and symmetry of the service of God's house. His views are therefore correctly rendered by the excellent Vinet, who says : " There are good reasons why the minister ought to abstain from introducing changes of his own into the worship of God, except in cases of real necessity, such as private or public calamities. The minis- ter is bound to the Liturgy, which belongs not to him, but is the utterance of the congregation, to which he does but lend his own individual voice."* The simplicity upon which this ritual was framed, pervaded also the manner of its celebra- tion. The churches of Geneva had been stripped of all their ancient garniture ; no symbol of w^or- ship remained except the Cross, which for some years was suffered to stand on the towers of the * Thtologie Pastorale, p. 221. »b A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. churches.* The altar was replaced by a Com- munion-table; the baptismal fonts were at first removed, though afterwards restored ; f the prayers were said, and the Bible read, from the pulpit. Instead of variegated vestments, the garb of the ministers was the plain black robe with em- broidered lappets, the bands, and the black velvet cap, which were afterwards commonly worn for many years by the Calvinistic clergy of France, Holland, and Scotland. + * Registres du Conseil d'Etat d Geneve, 1556. Chroniques do Roset, in. the Library of Geneva, VI. 9. Le Jiibile de la Reformation : Geneva, 1835, p. 93. " On the summit of the tower of St. Peter's there was yet standing a large cross surmounting a gilded ball of copper, upon which God sent a thunderbolt on the 12th of August [1556], at about nine o'clock in the forenoon, the lords being seated at council. The lightning made in the said ball a couple of holes, of the length of two fingers ; then went down by the stem of the cross to the belfry, which was roofed with tin, and burned it down to the clock. Then was it seen that ten brave fellows attacked this fire with extraordinary hardihood ; for the burning sparks rained down on their heads, and the height and difficulty of the place must needs have precipitated them down, if God had not marvellously preserved them, as He did also the whole city ; for the powder-magazine stood not five feet beyond the fall of the sparks, which as well with wine as with water wei-e extinguished, no further damage occurring than such as was done to the spire upon which stood the cross ; on whose account, as every one said, God had done this thing, willing to purge this church of such relics.^' t Henry's Life of Calvin, p. 1, c. 9. X This costume, differing considerably from the academic gown now worn by ministers of the Church of Scotland as well as on the Con- tinent, seems to have become entirely obsolete at the present day. Calvin, like the ministers of his time, was in the habit of wearing also a "long gown or robe" in the street ; "for which he never met but CALVIN CHURCH OF GENEVA. 27 The posture of the people during prayer seems, in the early days of the Reformation, to have been that of kneeling. We infer as much from the remark of Calvin quoted on a preceding page, respecting the introduction of a form of absolution. The fact is indicated also by a canon of the Book of Discipline of the French churches, adopted in 1559, in the following words : '* That great irreverence which is found in divers persons, who at public and private prayers do neither uncover their heads nor bow their knees, shall be reformed; which is a matter re- pugnant unto piety, and giveth suspicion of pride, and scandalizes them that fear God. Wherefore all pastors shall be advised, as also elders and heads of families, carefully to oversee, that in time of prayer all persons, without exception or accept- ation, do evidence by these exterior signs the inward humility of their hearts, and homage which they yield to God ; unless any one be hindered from so doing by sickness or otherwise.* with one rebuff in all his life, and that from a silly woman who declaimed against long garments," etc. She pretended to prove this from the Gospel, saying, Is it not written. They shall come to you in long garments ? Calvin says, "he left her, in despair of convincing such ignorance."— J5);. to Farel, Bixgham, p. 758. * Book of Disc, c. 10, art. 1. Quick's Synodicon. "Calvin himself," says Bingham, "speaking of kneeling at public 28 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. AVhile thus providing for the office of prayer, our Reformer introduced also the regular practice of congregational singing. To him we are all indebted for this feature of Divine worship, which was directly copied from the Church of Geneva into the Scottish and Anglican services.* At his suggestion it was that Clement Marot and Theo- dore Beza translated the Psalms of David into French verse, and set them to simple and appro- priate airs. A volume containing some portion of these psalms made its appearance at Geneva, with a preface by Calvin, in 1543 ; but the collection was not completed before the year 1561.t In a survey of the Calvinistic worship, this interesting feature of Psalmody must not be omitted. It belongs peculiarly and character- istically to that worship. The Reformers of S wit- prayer (which is the law of France and Geneva), says, 'If it be asked whether this be an human tradition, which any man may refuse or neglect at pleasure : I answer, It is so human, as also to be divine. It is of God, as it is part of that decency commended to us by the Apostle, 1 Cor. xiv. 40. But it is of men, as it particularly points out and specifies what the Scripture only declares in general.' " — Bingham, p. 728. * In Scotland by John Knox, when he introduced the Genevan Order of Worship. In England the custom of congregational singing of psalms, "as was used among the Protestants of Geneva," was borrowed by the Church of England as early as 1559.— SxiiYrE, Life of Archbis/ioj) Grlndal, b. i., c. 3. t Sayous, Etudes Litteraires sur les Ecrivains Fran^ais de la Reformation^ I. 26. CALVIN — CHURCH OF GENEVA. 29 zerland and Scotland did not, as we often hear, deprive their ritual of a responsive and popular character. They did no more than separate the functions of minister and people into the distinct duties of reading and singing. The Psalms are the responsive part of Calvin's Liturgy. These choral services embodied the acts of adoration, praise, and thanksgiving, which are scarcely noticed in the forms of prayer; while in the latter, the offices of intercession, supplication, and teaching were assigned to the minister alone. The prayers, by constant use made familiar to the people, were to be followed silently or in subdued tones ; the psalms and hymns constituted their audible utter- ance in the sacred ministrations. This portion of Divine service was taken directly from the Roman Catholic Church, where it had been preserved from the Jewish and early Chris- tian worship. Nor did our Reformers reject those other ancient Hymns which for ages had been closely united with the Psalms in public devotion. The Te Deum, the Song of Simeon, the Magnificat, were likewise transferred in a metrical shape to the Protestant ritual. None of these, perhaps, has been more frequently and heartily used, in the solemnities of the Church and in private acts of 30 A CHAPTEE, ON LITURGIES. praise, than the sublime Hymn of Ambrose and Augustine. To anticipate the idea that Calvin's Liturgy may have been modelled after or suggested by the English Book of Common Prayer, we have only to note here, besides their general dissimilarity, that the Geneva formulary was published in 1543, (and composed several years earlier,) whereas the First Book of Edward VI. was not issued until 1549. On the other hand, we shall elsewhere see, that what little these forms have in common was borrowed from the Genevan into the Anglican form. With regard to festivals, Calvin retained, besides the Sabbath, those only that relate to the great periods of our Saviour's life, and that which commemorates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Indeed, he would have preferred the retention of those festivals alone which fall upon the Lord's Day : transferring to the Sundays that immediately precede and follow, the celebra- tion of such epochs as were observed on other days. But in this reform, as in some others, his wishes were thwarted by popular prejudices, and by the opposition of his colleagues. Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, Ascension Day, CALVIN CHURCH OF GENEVA. 31 and Whitsunday, were the five feasts of the Re- formed Church. Of these, Christmas and Easter are celebrated with peculiar solemnity, as two out of the four sacramental occasions in the year. As to the frequency of celebrating the Lord's Supper, the Reformer's views differed again from those prevalent at Geneva. He was favourable to a much more frequent observance than the people were willing to adopt. "We should have much wished," he says, " to partake of the Lord's Supper every month ; but when I found so few that allowed themselves to be convinced, it seemed better to spare the weakness of the people's faith, than to strive obstinately against it. I took care, however, that it should be remarked in the public acts, that our custom was defective,* so that those who come after may have more freedom and ease in correcting it."t For the frequency of public services of worship, Calvin made abundant provision in the churches * "Let the Holy Supper of Our Lord Jesus Christ be in as frequent use as practicable in His Church, according to His own institution, and as it was observed in the Ancient Church And although, for the present, we are of opinion that it be adminis- tered four times a year, it is, nevertheless, a defect that it be celebrated too seldom." — Ordonnances Ecclcsiastiques, tit. L, c. 4, art. 149. Quoted by Gaussen, Sermons, p. 168. t Calvini EpisioU^ 361. Quoted by Henry. 6Z A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. of Geneva. Prayers with sermon were said on every day of the week.* On the Sabbath there were three services, one of which was for cate- chetical instruction. On Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, there was a service at the cathedral, to be attended by all the magistrates of the city. On Thursday took place the weekly expository exercise, called the " Co7igregatio7i,''^ the object of which was " to uphold the purity of the clergy, whether of the city or of the country. At this meeting, every minister was to discourse in his turn on the portion of Scripture appointed for the day. After the sermon, the ministers were to withdraw and make their remarks, especially on the preacher. If any controversy arose on matters of doctrine, they were to employ their best endeavours to preserve union ; and if they failed in this, the elders of the church were to give their opinion on the subject, and strive to restore peace." f This expository service was imitated, as we shall see, in Scotland, * Daily prayers, but without sermon, are still said in the churches of Geneva, See Preface to La Liturgie de Geneve, 1820. The Thursday service, called "Congregation," is also kept up. t Henry's Life of Calvin, c. 5. For an interesting specimen of the manner in which these conferences were conducted, see a small tract on the doctrine of Election, entitled, " Congregation faite en TEglise de Geneve, par Maitrc Jean Calvin : a Geneve, 1562 : re- printed 1835." CALVIN CHURCH OF GENEVA. 33 and thence transferred to the Church of England. Magistrates^ soldiers, and people were alike re- quired to attend these week-day services. The students of the academy or university founded by Calvin were to be present at Divine worship every AVednesday in the cathedral, as well as three times on the Sabbath. The city garrison, by a later regulation, were directed to attend prayers twice every day. And here let us observe, in passing, one of those beautiful customs that belong peculiarly to the religious times of which we speak. At every gate of the city, a soldier knelt down and repeated aloud a prayer, before the portal was closed at night, and before it was opened in the morning.* Truly, with such habits of devo- tion, and such facilities for the spiritual culture of its people, Geneva deserved the eulogy of Knox, when he called it "The most perfect school of Christ that ever was on earth." f "God hath made of Geneva," says an old writer, " His Beth- lehem; that is to say. His house of bread.''' 1;. This brief analysis of Calvin's order of worship brings us to the examination of the forms of prayer which he composed, as they are contained in the * Henry's Life of Calvin, p. 2, c. 4. t M' Crib's Life of Knox, period o. X Le Chroniqueur, etc., p. 145. D 34 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. Liturgy of Geneva. That ritual^ we have already stated, was published in 1543, though, doubtless, in use among the ministers of Geneva for several years preceding. We find it, as originally drawn up, among the writings of Calvin, both in French and in Latin; nor is it certain which of these languages was the medium of its first publication. With more or less modification, it constitutes the basis of all the Reformed Liturgies, and is now used throughout the churches of Switzerland, France, and the Calvinistic communion in Germany.* THE FORM OF CHURCH PRAYERS. Oil week-days the minister useth such words in lyrayer as may seem to him good, suiting his prayer to the occasion, and the matter whereof he treats in preaching. * See the original French in Cah'iu's Opuscules, Geneva, 1566, 1 vol. folio; and the Latin in the Amsterdam edition of 1667. As now used in the Church of Geneva, Calvin's formulary has been altered in some particulars, to suit the prevailing heterodoxj"-. Com- pare La Liturgie, Ou la Manitre de celtbrer le Service Bivin dans V Eglise de Geneve : 1820. We have followed the original in our translation, adding only some rubrical explanations from the modern Liturgy. See Henry's Life of Calvin, p. 1, c. 7 ; also Calvin and the Swiss Reformation, by John Scott, M.A., p. 341; and a Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Calvin. Paris : pp. 15, 43. In 1545, Calvin prepared for the church at Strasburg, to which he had ministered dming his temporary exile from Geneva in 1538 — 1541, a Liturgy differing but slightly from that of Geneva. CALVIN CHURCH OF GENEVA. 35 For the Lord's Daij in the morning is commonly used the Form ensuing. After the reading of the appointed chapters of Holy Scripture, the Ten. Com- manaments are read. Then the minister hegiiis thus : INVOCATION. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Amen. EXHORTATION. Brethren, let each of you present himself before the Lord, with confession of his sins and oifences, following in heart my words. CONFESSION.* Lord God ! Eternal and Almighty Father : We acknowledge and confess before thy holy majesty, that we are poor sinners; conceived and born in guilt and in corruption, prone to do evil, unable of ourselves to do any good ; who, by reason of our depravity, transgress without end thy holy * The origin of this prayer has been a matter of some speculation. Henry, the biographer of Calvin, refers it to the Missal, where, however, we find no trace of such a form. Ebrard {Reformirtcs Eirchenbiich) ascribes it to (Ecolampadius. Current opinion in France has attributed it to Theodore Beza, who used this prayer at the Colloquy of Poissy ; but it existed already in the Liturgy of Geneva. We have no reason to doubt Calvin's title to its authorship. The point is one of some interest, as this prayer is to be traced in all the Reformed Liturgies, and even in the Anglican Prayer-book, where it will be found with some alterations. 6b A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. commandments. Therefore we have drawn upon ourselves, by thy just sentence, condemnation and death. But, O Lord ! with heartfelt sorrow we repent and deplore our offences ! we condemn ourselves and our evil ways, with true penitence beseeching that thy grace may relieve our distress. Be pleased then to have compassion upon us, O most gracious God ! Father of all mercies ; for the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. And in removing our guilt and our pollution, grant us the daily increase of the grace of thine Holy Spirit; that acknowledging from our inmost hearts our own unrighteousness, we may be touched with sorrow that shall work true repentance ; and that thy Spirit, mortifying all sin within us, may produce the fruits of holiness and of righteousness well-pleasing in thy sight : Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. This done, shall he sung in the congregation a Psalm; then the minister shall hegin afresh to pray, ashing of God the grace of his Holy Spirit, to the end that his word may he faithfully ex- pounded, to the honour of his name, and to the edification of the church; and that it he received in such humility and obedience as are becoming. CALVIN CHURCH OF GENEVA. 37 The form thereof is at the discretion of the minister. [Prayer which the ministers are accustomed to make* FOR ILLUMINATION. Most gracious God, our heavenly Father ! in whom alone dwelleth all fulness of light and wisdom : Illuminate our minds, we beseech thee, by thine Holy Spirit, in the true understanding of thy word. Give us grace that we may receive it with reverence and humility unfeigned. May it lead us to put our whole trust in thee alone ; and so to serve and honour thee, that we may glorify thy holy name, and edify our neighbours by a good example. And since it hath pleased thee to number us among thy people : O help us to pay thee the love and homage that we owe, as children to our Father, and as servants to our Lord. We ask this for the sake of our Master and Saviour, who hath taught us to pray, saying: Our Father, &c.t] * This prayer does not properly belong to the Liturgy, but is that used by Calvin and his colleagues in this part of the service, and is given at the commencement of several of his sermons. t Here Calvin was accustomed to introduce the Apostles' Creed ; which, however, in the Liturgy of Geneva, and in all the formularie* framed upon it, occurs at the conclusion of the service. See Notk sur la Vie de Calvin, p. 15. OO A CHAPTEll ON LITURGIES. At the end of the sermon, the minister having made exhortation to prayer, heginneth thus : INTEECESSION. Almighty God, our heavenly Father ! who hast promised to grant our requests in the name of thy well-beloved Son : Thou hast taught us in his name also to assemble ourselves together, assured that he shall be present in our midst, to intercede for us with thee, and obtain for us all things that we may agree on earth to ask thee. Wherefore, having met in thy presence, dependent on thy promise, we earnestly beseech thee, O gracious God and Father ! for his sake who is our only Saviour and Mediator, that of thy boundless mercy thou wilt freely pardon our oifences ; and so lift up our thoughts and draw forth our desires toward thyself, that we may seek thee according to thy holy and reasonable will. FOR RULERS. Heavenly Father ! who hast bidden us pray for those in authority over us : We entreat thee to bless all princes and governors, thy servants, to whom thou hast committed the administration of justice; and especially * * * May it please CALVIN CHURCH OF GENEVA. 39 thee to grant tliem the daily increase of thy good Spirit^ that with true faith acknowledging Jesus Christ, thy Son our Saviour, to he King of kings and Lord of lords, unto whom thou hast given all power in heaven and on earth : they may seek to serve thee and exalt thy rule in their dominions. May they govern their subjects, the creatures of thy hand and the sheep of thy pasture, in a manner well-pleasing in thy sight ; so that as well here as throughout all the earth, thy people, being kept in peace and quiet, may serve thee in all godliness and honesty ; and we, being delivered from the fear of our enemies, may pass the time of our life in thy praise. FOR PASTORS. Almighty Saviour ! we pray for all whom thou hast appointed pastors of thy believing people, who are intrusted with the care of souls and the dispensing of thy holy Gospel. Guide them by thy Spirit, and make them faithful and loyal ministers of thy glory. May they ever hold this end before them : that by them, all poor wander- ing sheep may be gathered in and made subject to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Shepherd and Bishop of their souls, and in him daily grow up and 40 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. increase in all righteousness and truth. Deliver thy churches from the mouth of ravenous wolves and hirelings, who seek only their own ambition or profit, and not the exaltation of thy holy name, and the safety of thy flock. FOR ALL COXDITIONS OF MEN. Most gracious God, Father of all mercies : We beseech thee for every class and condition of our fellow-men. Thou who wouldst be acknowledged as the Saviour of all mankind, in the redemption made by thy Son Jesus Christ : Grant that such as are yet strangers to thy knowledge, in darkness and captivity to ignorance and error, may, by the enlightening of thy Spirit and the preaching of thy word, be led into the right way of salvation ; which is to know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. May those whom thou hast already visited with thy grace, and enlightened with the knowledge of thy word, grow daily in all godliness, and be enriched with thy spiritual gifts. So that we all, with one heart and one voice, may ever praise thee, giving honour and worship to thy Christ, our Lord, Lawgiver, and King. CALVIN — CHURCH OF GENEVA. 41 FOR AFFLICTED PERSONS. God of all comfort ! We commend to thee those whom thou art pleased to visit and chasten with any cross or tribulation ; the nations whom thou dost afflict with pestilence, war, or famine ; all persons oppressed with poverty, imprisonment, sickness, banishment, or any other distress of body or sorrow of mind : That it may please thee to show them thy fatherly kindness, chastening them for their profit; to the end that in their hearts they may turn unto thee, and being con- verted, may receive perfect consolation, and de- liverance from all their woes. FOR PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS. More especially we commend to thee our poor brethren scattered abroad under the tyranny of Antichrist, who are destitute of the pasture of life, and deprived of the privilege of publicly calling on thy holy name. We pray for those who are confined as prisoners, or otherwise persecuted by the enemies of thy Gospel. May it please thee, O Father of mercies ! to strengthen them by the virtue of thy Spirit, in such sort that they faint not, but constantly abide in thy holy calling. Succour them, help them as thou knowest they may 42 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. need ; console them in their afflictions ; maintain them in thy safe keeping ; defend them against the rage of devouring wolves; and augment within them all the graces of thy Spirit, that whether in life or death, they may glorify thy name. FOR THE CONGEEGATION. Finally, O God our Father ! Grant also unto us, who are here gathered in the name of thy Holy Child Jesus, to hear his word [and to celebrate his holy Supper], that we may rightly and un- feignedly perceive our lost estate by nature, and the condemnation w^e have deserved and heaped up to ourselves by disobedient lives. So that conscious that in ourselves there dwelleth no good thing, and that our flesh and blood cannot inherit thy kingdom, with our whole affections we may give ourselves up in firm trust to thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, our only Saviour and Redeemer. And that he, dwelling in us, may mortify within us the old Adam, renewing us for that better life, wherein we shall exalt and glorify thy blessed and worthy name, ever, world without end.* Amen. * We have here omitted a long paraphrase of the Lord's Prayer, which ill the original is appended to this intercession, but which finds no place in the modern Liturgy of Geneva. CALVIX — CHURCH OF GENEVA. 43 THE LORD'S PEAYER. Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name : Thy kingdom come : Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven : Give us this day our daily bread : And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors : And lead us not into tempt- ation, but deliver us from evil : For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. THE CREED. Lord, increase our faith. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth ; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried ; He descended into hell ; the third day He rose again from the dead ; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost ; the Holy Catholic Church ; the com- munion of saints ; the forgiveness of sins ; the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. ^^ A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. THE BLESSING. JVJiich is pronounced at the departure of the people, according as our Lord hath comtnanded in the LatVy — Numb. vi. 23. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee -, The Lord make his face shine upon thee, an be gracious unto thee ; The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. TVhereunto is added, to remind the people of the duty of alms-gim7ig , as it is customary upon leamng the church, Depart in peace. Remember the poor ; and the God of peace be with you. Amen. II. &M\\'$ fast (!;0mnmiuon; "As in heathen rites all was external, there the display of imagery abounded. But the sanctuary of Christianity is in the heart; hence the poetry it inspires must always flow from tenderness of feeling. It is not the splendours of the Christian heaven that we can oppose to the pagan Olympus ; but those phases of sorrow and innocence^ old age and death^ which assume an air of serene elevation and repose, under the shelter of religious hopes, whose wings are spread out to cover the miseries of life. It seems to me untrue, then, that the Protestant religion is devoid of poetry, though its customs of worship have less that is brilliant than those of the Catholic faith." JIad. de Stael, de V Allemagne^ p. iv. c. 4. It was Easter Sunday at Geneva, in the year 1564. The doors of St. Peter's Cathedral were thrown open, and multitudes pressing eagerly through them, soon filled the broad area within. A festival of no little interest and importance convoked these crowds : for on Easter the Church of Geneva Avas accustomed to celebrate, with more solemnity than at other periods of the year, the ordinance of the Lord's Supper. Looking down the long Gothic nave to the opposite end of the building, one might discover by the dim light of the stained windows, the Holy Table made ready with its pure covering, and the 46 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. sacred vessels glistening upon it. On each side were seated the ministers of the church, and behind them the grave syndics and other magis- trates of the city, in their velvet robes of office. But it was not to these august preparatives that the eyes of the citizens were directed. Those who had obtained room within, and the many who lingered around the entrance, seemed alike in expectancy of some arrival which was the object of this unusual curiosity. It is Calvin who is coming ; Calvin, whose voice has sounded so often along those arches, but who never again will stand in yonder pulpit to address his people. He comes in his last sickness to participate once more with his beloved flock in the emblems of the Redeemer's love. There is a deep silence of sor- row pervading this vast assembly, broken only by here and there a sob of grief not to be re- pressed. But now the throng parts, and through its midst is carried on a chair the feeble and emaciated frame of the great Reformer. He is not old, but toil of mind has outworn the body. The pallid, sunken cheeks show the ravages of disease ; yet the large eyes are lustrous still, and they glance with more than common earnestness over the sea of faces that are turned to meet them. Calvin's last communion. 47 Now the chair is lowered to its place before the Communion-table ; and the breathless silence is broken by a voice from the pulpit at one side of the church, commencing the usual service of the Sabbath worship. With what meaning fall upon the hearing of the multitude those prayers which are so familiar to their ears, as uttered by one who shall speak them no more on earth ! The introductory service is over, and the sermon com- mences. Beza is the preacher : Beza, long the most faithful disciple, the most able successor of the great Reformer ; he who in a few days will have occasion to utter those words of heart-broken affection : " Now that Calvin is dead, life will be less sweet, and death less bitter."* We need not be told that deep feeling showed itself in his dis- course ; that more than once his voice trembled, or was choked with a deep emotion. The sermon over, the preacher descends from the pulpit, and going to the sacred table, reads the exhortation preparatory to the ordinance. The consecrating prayer is said, and Beza carries to his illustrious master the symbols of redemp- tion. Then the vast congregation, coming forward by groups, receive the blessed elements in silent * Gillies' Historical Collections, book ii. ch. 2. 48 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. devotion; and when all is through, they join in the concluding hymn of praise. Calvin is not mute; his tremulous voice rises with the rest, and " on his dying countenance," says Beza, whose eyes are fixed upon his master, " was not obscurely indicated a holy joy."* They sang, as usual, the Song of Simeon, with which, in the Calvinistic worship, the celebration of the Supper is always closed, f Now let thy servant, Lord ! At length depart in peace ; According to thy word, My waiting soul release : For thou my longing eyes hast spared To see thy saving grace declared. To see thy saving grace, That soon dispensed abroad, The nations shall embrace, And find their help in God : A light to lighten every land. The glory of thy chosen band. * Beza's Life of Calvin, prefixed to Calvin's Tracts, vol. i. t The words and melody of this hymn are still in use ; the former composed by Clement Marot, 1543 ; the latter attributed to Guillaume Franc, 1552. We subjoin the original words : Laissc-moi dc'sormais, Salut qu'en I'univers Seigneur, aller en paix, Tant de peuples divers, Car selou ta promesse, Vont re^evoir et croire ; Tu fais voir a mes yeux Kcssourcc dcs pctits, Le salut glorieux Lumil-re des Gcntils, Que j'attendais sans cesse. Et d'Israel la gloire. —Les Pseaumes de David, mis en J^ers Francois, par Clem ex t Marot et Tii. de Beze. Calvin's last communion. 49 Thus consecrated by his own dying participa- tion, Calvin's form for the celebration of the Lord's Supper* has come down to us ; and we present it here as a precious legacy of that illus- trious mind. THE MANNER OF CELEBRATING TH!E LORD'S SUPPER. Note, that on the Sabbath before the Supper is to be celebrated, it must be announced to the people, in order that each onay prepare and dispose him- self worthily to receive it.f Also, that children be not brought to the Communion, until they have been well instructed, and have made profession of their faith, in the Church. And again, that strangers, who are yet rude and ignorant, may come to be taught in private. On the day of the celebration, the minister in the conclusion of his sermon adverts to it, or else, if the matter be in hand, refers his ivhole discourse to the same, expounding to the people what our * Opuscules cle J. Calvin. We have introduced from the Liturgy now used at Geneva some of the rubrical directions which serve to indicate the manner in which these forms are used. t Calvin recommended that persons intending to approach the Lord's Table should call upon their pastor previous to the celebra- tion of the sacrament, for the purpose of receiving spiritual instruc- tion and counsel. A similar custom was enjoined by the Church of Scotland: — "That every master and mistress of household come themselves and their familj-, so many as be come to maturity, before the Minister and the Elders, and give confession of their faith." — First Book of Discipline^ ch. xi. E 50 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. Lord would say and signify hy this mystery, and after what manner he ivoidd have us receive it. The following py^ayer is to he added to the usual prayer after the sermon : THE INVOCATION.* Most gracious God ! we beseech thee, that as thy Son hath not only once offered up his body and blood upon the cross for the remission of our sins, but hath also vouchsafed them unto us, for our meat and drink unto life eternal: So thou wilt grant us grace, with sincere hearts and fervent desires, to accept this great blessing at his hands. May we by lively faith partake of his body and blood, yea, of himself, true God and man, the only bread from heaven, which giveth life unto our souls. Suffer us no longer to live unto ourselves, according to a corrupt and sinful nature ; but may He live in us, and lead us to the life that is holy, blessed, and unchangeable for * We shall not specify the many points of resemblance which this service bears with the beautiful form of administering this ordinance in the Reformed Dutch Liturgy, It will be easy for the reader to compare them. Nor need we add that we have here the original, of which the Dutch form is an arrangement, and in some respects an improvement. That service, however, has not been improved by transferring the prayer of Invocation fi'om its place as here given, to the close of the Exhortation. Calvin's last communion. 51 ever. Thus make us true partakers of the new and everlasting testament, which is the covenant of grace. And thus assure us of thy willingness ever to be our gracious Father; not imputing unto us our sins, but that we may magnify thy name by our words and works, providing us as thy beloved children and heirs with all things necessary for our good. Fit us, O heavenly Father ! so to celebrate at this time the blessed remembrance of thy beloved Son. Enable us profitably to contemplate his love, and show forth the benefits of his death : That receiving fresh increase of strength in thy faith and in all good works, we may with greater confidence call thee our Father, and evermore rejoice in thee : Through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen. THE CREED. Let us now make profession of our faith in the doctrine of the Christian Religion, wherein we all purpose by God's grace to live and to die. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth : and in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and 52 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. buried ; He descended into hell ; the third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy Catholic Church; the commu- nion of Saints ; the forgiveness of sins ; the re- surrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. Then the minister maheth this EXHOKTATION. Attend to the words of the institution of the holy Supper of our Lord Jesus Christ, as they are delivered by the Apostle Paul.* For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you : That the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread ; and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said. Take, eat ; this is my body, which is broken for you : this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying: This cup is the new testament in my blood : this do ye, as oft as ye * 1 Cor. xi. 23-30. 53 drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till he come. Wherefore, who- soever shall eat this bread, and drink this* cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. We have heard, brethren, in what manner our Lord celebrated the Supper among his disciples ; whence we see that strangers, who are not of the company of the faithful, may not approach it. Wherefore, in obedience to this rule, and in the name and by the authority of our Lord Jesl^s Christ, I excommunicate all idolaters, blas- phemers, despisers of God, heretics, and all who form sects apart, to break the unity of the Church ; all perjurers, all who are rebellious against fathers and mothers, and other superiors, all who are seditious, contentious, quarrelsome, injurious, adulterers, fornicators, thieves, misers, ravishers, drunkards, gluttons, and all others who lead scandalous lives ; warning them that they abstain from this Table, lest they pollute and contaminate 54 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. the sacred food which our Lord Jesus Christ giveth only to his faithful servants. Therefore, according to the exhortation of St. Paul, let each of you examine and prove his own conscience, to know whether he have true repent- ance of his sins, and sorrow for them ; desiring henceforth to lead a holy and godly life; ahove all, whether he putteth his whole trust in God's mercy, and seeketh his whole salvation in Jesus Christ; and renouncing all enmity and malice, doth truly and honestly purpose to live in har- mony and brotherly love with his neighbour. If we have this testimony in our hearts before God, we may not doubt that he adopteth us for his children, and that our Lord Jesus addresseth his word to us, admitting us to his Table, and presenting us with this holy sacrament, which he bestows upon his followers. And notwithstanding that we feel many in- firmities and miseries in ourselves, as, namely, that we have not perfect faith, and that we have not given ourselves to serve God with such zeal as we are bound to do, but have daily to battle with the lusts of our flesh ; yet, since the Lord hath graciously been pleased to print his Gospel upon our hearts, in order that we may withstand Calvin's last communion. 55 all unbelief; and hath given ns this earnest de- sire to renounce our own thoughts and follow his righteousness and his holy commandments : there- fore we rest assured, that our remaining sins and imperfections do not prevent us from being received of God and made worthy partakers of this spiritual food. For we come not to this Supper to testify hereby that we are perfect and righteous in ourselves; but on the contrary, seeking our life in Jesus Christ, we acknowledge that we lie in the midst of death. Let us then look upon this sacrament as a medicine for those who are spiritually sick ; and consider that all the worthi- ness our Lord requireth of us, is that we truly know ourselves, be sorry for our sins, and find our pleasure, joy, and satisfaction in him above. First, then, we must believe these promises, which Jesus Christ, who is infallible truth, hath pronounced with his own lips : That he is truly willing to make us partakers of his body and of his blood, in order that we may wholly possess him, and that he may live in us, and we in him. And although we see here only the Bread and Wine, let us not doubt that he will accomplish spiritually in our souls all that he outwardly ex- hibits by these visible signs ; he will show himself 56 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. to be the heavenly bread, to feed and nourish us unto life eternal. Let us not be unthankful to the infinite goodness of our Lord, who displays all his riches and his wealth at this Table, to distribute them among us. For in giving himself, he testifies that all he hath is ours. Let us receive this sacrament as a pledge that the virtue of his death and passion is imputed unto us for righteousness ; even as though we had suffered in our own persons. Let none perversely draw back, when Jesus Christ doth gently invite him by his word. But considering the dignity of his precious gift, let us present ourselves to him with ardent zeal, that he may make us capable of re- ceiving it. And now, to this end, lift up your minds and hearts on high, where Jesus Christ abideth in the glory of his Father, whence we expect his coming at our redemption. Dwell not upon these earthly and corruptible elements, which we see present to our eyes, and feel with our hands, to seek him in them, as if he were inclosed in the Bread or in the Wine. For then only shall our souls be disposed to receive food and life from his substance, when they shall thus be lifted up above worldly things, even unto heaven, and enter into Calvin's last communion. 57 the kingdom of God, where he dwelleth. Let us be satisfied to have this Bread and this Wine for witnesses and signs ; seeking spiritually the truth where God's word hath promised that we shall find it.* This done, the ministers distribute the Bread and the Cup to the people, having warned them to come forward with reverence and order. Mean- while a Psalm is sung, or a portion of the Scrip- ture read, suitable to lohat is signified hy the Sacrament. The Supper being over, is used this or the like * Here the Liturgy of Geneva as it now stands supplies the omis- sion of the words of the Institution as follows : The Minister having come clown from the pulpit, goeth to the Table, breaketh the Bread, and saith, giving it unto the minister who assists in the distribution : The Bread which we break, is the communion of the body of Jesus Christ our Lord. Or other words to the like effect. Then he himself xiartaketh. The other minister, giving him the cup, saith : The cup of blessing which we bless, is the communion of the blood of JEsrs Christ our Lord. Or other words to the like effect. Then he himself partaketh. The same is done at the second Table, where likewise two ministers officiate. The ministers having communicated, the magistrates, and then all those of the congregation, approach the Table in turn and with order. The men and thewomen go separately. One of the ministers distributeth the Bread, and the other the Cup, saying to each communicant some words proper to excite devotion. Meanwhile the Reader readeth cer- tain chapters of Holy Scripture suitable to the occasion, and giveth out Fsalms or Hymns to be sung. 58 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. THANKSGIVING. Heavenly Father ! we give thee immortal praise and thanks, that upon us poor sinners thou hast conferred so great a benefit, as to bring us into the communion of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord; whom having delivered up to death for us, thou hast given for our food and nourishment unto eternal life. Now, also, grant us grace, that we may never be unmindful of these things ; but rather carrying them about engraven upon our hearts, may advance and grow in that faith which is effectual unto every good work. Thus, may the rest of our lives be ordered and followed out to thy glory and the edification of our neighbours : Through Jesus Christ our Lord ; Who with thee, O Father ! and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth in the unity of the Godhead, world with- out end. Amen. Then, all the congregation standing, is sung the Hymn of Simeon, after which the minister dis- misses the ^people with THE BLESSING. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. III. " Prayer to God is the chief part, yea, the main thing in religion. For the design of the whole truth respecting salvation, is to teach us that our life depends on God, and that whatever belongs to eternal life must be hoped for and expected from him." — Calvin, Minor Proph., V. 227. It is a custom in the Romish Church on a certain feast-day in the year, to take the candles which have been blessed at the altar, and distribute them among the people. These sacred tapers are carried home, and kept with superstitious care, as precious safeguards against all evil. Something better than this has Protestantism done for her worship- ping multitudes. The flame that was dimly burn- ing in the damp air of churches, she has kindled in their houses, to be brightly nourished at the family altar. In place of daily masses, of matins, vespers, and nocturns, she has given us the beau- tiful office of morning and evening prayer in the family and the home. For the gloom of the Gothic chancel, the inarticulate mutter of the priest, and the heedless response of the choir-boy, she has conferred the cheer of the fireside devotion. 60 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. a ad the parent's intercessory voice, accompanied by intelligent thought, and awakening pious emotion. It is a fact truly of no little interest, that wher- ever the principles of the Reformation have pre- vailed, they have revived the ancient custom of family worship. The Reformers, while they did not omit provision for the frequent assembling of believers in the sanctuary, yet were evidently most anxious to secure a regular and devout observance of this primal and all-essential duty. Thus one of the very earliest enactments of the Church of Scotland, after recommending daily services of prayer and preaching in the churches, directs that *^in private houses the most grave and discreet person use the Common Prayers at morn and night, for the comfort and instruction of others."* And the Church of France, a few years later, to insure the general observance of this duty, went even so far as to discourage the practice, then in- cipient, of having daily prayer in the churches, lest it should interfere with the more essential matter of domestic worship. '^ Churches which, besides their ordinary sermons, are accustomed to morning and evening Common Prayers, on such * First Book of Discipline^ ch. xi. Calvin's daily offices. 61 days when there is no preaching, or once a day towards night, Avhen there has been a sermon, are intreated to conform themselves unto those churches which have no such custom; that so superstition, which is likely to follow thereupon, may be prevented, and that visible neglect and contempt of sermons may be avoided ; and Family Prayers, which every householder is bound to perform, may be no more neglected."* In further provision for this important service, the Reformers have furnished us with several forms of family worship ; the most remarkable of which are those composed by Calvin, and copied with more or less alteration into all the E-eformed rituals. They are familiar to many in this country [America] in a modified shape, as contained in the Liturgy of the Dutch Reformed Church, under the title of " The Morning and Evening Prayers." f To the second of these prayers, that for the evening, we would call more particular attention. As well for the happiness of the language as for the beauty of the leading thoughts, in which the * 27id Synod of Paris, 1565. t Liturgy of the Reformed Dutch Church. Compare " Several Godly Prayers" of Calvin", Tracts, vol. ii. ; "Private Praj'ers" in the Palatine Catechism, and in Knox's Liturgy; "Christian Prayers and Meditations," in a volume of Prayers issued by the Parker Society. 62 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. suggestions of night and darkness are treated with exquisite feehng, we have long considered this prayer the finest composition of the kind that has fallen under our notice. THE MORNING PEAYER. Cause me to hear thy loving -kindness in the morning ; for in thee do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk ; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Almighty God, our Father and Preserver ! we give thee thanks that of thy goodness thou hast watched over us the past night, and brought us to this day. We beseech thee, strengthen and guard us by thy Spirit, that we may spend it wholly in thy service, aiming at thy glory, and the salvation of our fellow-men. And even as thou sheddest now the beams of the Sun upon the earth to give light unto our bodies, so illuminate our souls with the brightness of thy Spirit, to guide us in the paths of thine obedience. May all our purpose be this day to honour and serve thee ; may we look for all prosperity to thy blessing only, and seek no object but such as may be pleasing in thy sight. Enable us, O Lord ! while we labour for the body, and the life that now is, ever to look beyond unto 6B that heavenly life which thou hast promised thy children. Defend us in soul and body from all harm. Guard us against all assaults of the devil, and deliver us from any dangers that may beset us. And seeing it is a small thing to have begun well, except we also persevere, take us, O Lord ! into thy good keeping this day, and all our days ; con- tinue and increase thy grace within us, until we shall be perfectly united in the glory of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, the Sun of Righteous- ness, who shall replenish our souls with his eternal light and gladness. And that we may obtain all these blessings, be pleased to cast out of thy remembrance all our past offences, and of thy boundless mercy forgive them ; as thou hast pro- mised those who call upon thee in sincerity and truth. Hear us, O God, our Father and Re- deemer ! through Jesus Christ our Lord : In whose name we pray, as he hath taught us, saying — Our Father, etc. THE EVENING PRATER. Consider and hear me, O Lord ; lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death, I will both lay me down in peace and sleep ; for thou, Lord, only makest me to dwell in safety. 64 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. O merciful God ! Eternal light, shining in darkness, thou who dispellest the night of sin, and all blindness of heart : since thou hast appointed the night for rest, and the day for labour; we beseech thee, grant that our bodies may rest in peace and quietness, that afterward they may be able to endure the labour they must bear. Temper our sleep, that it be not disorderly, that we may remain spotless both in body and soul ; yea, that our sleep itself may be to thy glory. Enlighten the eyes of our understanding, that we may not sleep in death; but always look for deliverance from this misery. Defend us against all assaults of the devil, and take us into thine holy protection. And although we have not passed this day without greatly sinning against thee, we beseech thee to hide our sins with thy mercy, as thou hidest all things on earth with the darkness of the night, that we may not be cast out from thy presence. Relieve and comfort all those who are afflicted or distressed, in mind, body, or estate : Through Jesus Christ our Lord ; who hath taught us to pray — Our Father, etc. The interest with which we regard these beau- tiful forms is increased by an historical fact con- 6b nected witli one of them. It was in the language of this "Evening Prayer" that our ilkistrious Reformer, John Knox, breathed his dying thoughts to heaven. Let us hear the account given by his biographer : " At ten o'clock, they read the Even- ing Prayer, which they had delayed beyond the usual hour, from an apprehension that he was asleep. After this exercise was concluded. Dr. Preston asked him if he had heard the prayers. * Would to God,' said he, ^ that you and all men had heard them as I have heard them; I praise God for that heavenly sound.' The doctor rose up, and Kinyeancleugh sat down before his bed. About eleven o'clock, he gave a deep sigh, and said, ' Now it is come.' Bannatyne immediately drew" near, and desired him to think upon those comfortable 23romises of our Saviour Jesus Christ, which he had so often declared to others ; and, perceiving that he was speechless, requested him to give them a sign that he heard them, and died in peace. Upon this he lifted up one of his hands, and sighing twice, expired without a struggle."* The forms of prayer used by Calvin in the daily services of the church at Geneva, were not incor- porated with his Liturgy; but they have been * M'Crie's Z{fe, p. 339. F 66 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. handed down to us in connexion with some of his discourses. We translate the following service from the preface to Calvin's Lectures on Job. To this service the great Reformer was accustomed to adhere with considerable closeness; except in those petitions that immediately followed the sermon, which always varied with the matter of the discourse. Of these we give a specimen under the head of the " Special Prayer.^' Each of the published Lectures of Calvin closes with one of these beautiful collects; of which some further examples will be found in another place. THE DAILY PRAYERS. INVOCATION. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Amen. SUPPLICATION. Almighty God, our Heavenly Father ! we invoke thy name, beseeching that it may please thee to turn away thy face from our great and manifold sins and transgressions, by which we have not ceased to draw thine anger upon us. And because we are most unworthy to appear before thy sove- reign majesty, be pleased to regard us in thy well- Calvin's daily offices. 67 beloved Son Jesus Christ, and accept the merit of his death in satisfaction for all onr offences ; that by his atonement we may become well- pleasing in thy sight. Pour down thine Holy Spirit upon us, illuminating our minds in the true understanding of thy word. And bestow upon us grace, that receiving thy truth into our hearts with humility and fear, we may be led to place all our trust in thee only, living in thy service and worship, to the glory of thy holy name. And since it hath pleased thee to number us among thy people : O help us to render the love and homage that we owe thee, as children to our Father, and as servants to our Lord. We ask this in the words our blessed Master taught us, saying — Our Father, etc. After the Sermon the following Prayers are said: THE SPECIAL PRAYER. Almighty God ! wdio hast made known to us in thy Son the fulness of all blessing and glory : () grant that Ave may continue settled and grounded in Him, nor ever fluctuate from our attachment, but be so satisfied with his kingship and priest- hood, as to deliver ourselves up wholly to his care 68 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. and protection. SuiFer us not to doubt that by his grace we shall be sanctified and made accept- able to thee ; but relying on him as our Mediator, may we offer ourselves a sacrifice to him with full confidence of heart; so striving to glorify thee through the whole course of our life, that we may at length be made partakers of that celestial glory obtained for us by the blood of thine only begotten Son. THE GENERAL PRAYER. Neither ask we these benefits for ourselves only, but for all people and nations of the earth. Bring back, O Lord ! into the right way of salvation, all poor captives of ignorance and false doctrine. Raise up true and faithful ministers of the word, who shall seek not their own ease and ambition, but the exaltation of thy Name and the safety of thy flock. Remove and destroy all sects, heresies, and errors, which are the nurseries of strife and dissension in the Church ; that all thy people may be of one heart, and live in brotherly union. Rule thou and govern with thy Spirit all kings, princes, and lords, who hold the administration of the sword ; that their dominion be exercised not in avarice, cruelty, and oppression, or any other evil Calvin's daily offices. 69 and inordinate affection^ but in all justice and rectitude. May we also^ living under tliem, pay them due honour and reverence, and lead quiet and peaceable lives, in all godliness and honesty. Be pleased to comfort all distressed and afflicted persons, whom thou dost visit with any kind of cross or tribulation : the nations whom thou chasteneth with war, pestilence, famine, or any other plague ; and all men whom thou afflict est with poverty, imprisonment, sickness, banishment, or any other distress of body or affliction of mind. Give them firm patience under their trials, and speedily bring them out of their afflictions. Strengthen and confirm all thy faithful children, who in various places are scattered in Babylonish captivity, under the tyranny of Antichrist; sufiering persecution for the testimony of thy heavenly truth. Give them steadfast constancy ; console them, nor suffer the rage of rapacious wolves to prevail against them ; but enable them to glorify thy name, as well in life as in death. Confirm and defend all thy churches who at this day are labouring and fighting for tlie holy testimony of thy name. Defeat and overturn all the counsels of their enemies, their machinations and undertakings. So that thy glory may be 70 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. revealed, and the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ more and more increased and promoted. These things we ask of thee, as our sovereign Lord and Master Jesus Christ hath taught us to pray, saying — Our Father, etc. THE CREED. Almighty God ! we beseech thee, grant us true perseverance in thy holy faith, and increase it ever within us : Whereof we make confession, saying — I believe, etc. THE BLESSING tvith tvhich it is customary to dismiss the congre- gation. The grace of God the Father, and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, by the communication of the Holy Ghost, dwell with you evermore. Amen. lY. ^t §tmM f itutgg in ixmut " The French Liturgy is so often mentioned in many parts of their Book of Discipline and Canons, that I think it useless to offer any farther proofs that they have an established Liturgy among them." Bingham. The forms of worship we have now presented to view, if interesting for their age and authorship, receive additional histre from an eventful history. So far as the Churches of France are concerned, that history ahounds Avith passages of a striking character. While in Scotland the Liturgy of John Knox, after a century's existence, hecame displaced and fell into ohlivion ; in France the Prayers of Calvin have continued to he generally used, until incorporated with the religion and endeared to the heart of every worshipper. At this day, from every pulpit those beautiful forms of sound words are to be heard as in the first years of the Reformation ; and the simple, yet impressive rites of a pure worship, are observed as at the beginning, without servility, but with voluntary faithfulness. It is not alone the in- trinsic merit of these prayers that commends them 12 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. to SO much veneration. Interwoven with them are associations of the most aifecting nature. Reminiscences of humble meetings of the Re- formers, secret convocations in the Desert, occa- sional seasons of prosperity, and long intervals of persecution, are entwined about them. These services of worship, together Avith the Psalms dating from the same period, have come down to us through long ages of dark and bitter trial; during which, always prized and employed, they have cheered the faith and fanned the devotion of thousands. This fact, in the eyes of a French Protestant, surrounds them with a sanctity and beauty such as our neglected Scottish Liturgy can never possess to us. The dearest though saddest memories of a Martyr-Church are connected with the modes of worship under which, " in all time of her tribulation, in all time of her prosperity," she has sought and found succour from Heaven. We shall briefly review the extent of the adop- tion and retention of these forms in France, within the past three centuries. The indications of their prevalence can be gathered only from isolated allusions through the course of history, in the total absence of any connected series of state- ments. THE GENEVAN LITURGY IN FRANCE. 73 When Calvin communicated to the Churches of France that Confession of Faith which they adopted and retained ever after as their doctrinal basis/ he gave them also the ritual of their wor- ship. The first disseminators of evangelical truth, the colporteurs and peddlers who carried their burdens of religious books from Geneva into all parts of France, acquainted the new converts Avith these services.! We find them used at the earliest meetings of the Reformed congregations after their ecclesiastical organization in 1555. The edict issued by Charles IX., in July, 1561, granted them some degree of liberty in the cele- bration of religious rites. Let us hear these ser- vices described by an old Catholic chronicler, who is at no pains to conceal his ill-will for the new sect. " Thou^^h all reliorious assemblies were ex- pressly forbid by the Edict," says Castelnau, ^' yet they could not refrain from meeting in private houses, where they baptized, married, received the sacraments, and performed all other religious offices after the Geneva Form. In a little time after, their assemblies became so numerous, that the houses in which they usually met were not * De Felice, History of the Frotestants of France, p. 89. t Ibid., p. 73. 74 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. sufficient to contain them. HoAvever, very few of their chief preachers appeared, and these meet- ings were for the most part made np of poor ignorant people, who had no other knowledge or doctrines but only the Catechisms and Prayers that were printed in Geneva."* Among the earliest enactments of the Synods of the French Churches, we find reference to this Liturgy, which, from the outset, had been adopted as their uniform mode of worship. The enforce- ment of a strict and undeviating adherence to it seem to have constituted one of the chief anxieties of these ecclesiastical bodies, so long as they were permitted to meet and to legislate for the govern- ment of the Church. Thus the thirty-first canon of the Discipline established by the first National Synod, which met at Paris, in 1559, declares : " If one or more of the people stir up contention, and do thereby break the Churches' vmion in any point of Doctrine, or of Discipline, or about the Form of Catechizing, or Administration of the Sacraments , or of PiihUck Prayers, or the Cele- bration of Marriage ^^ etc., they shall be exhorted, * " Memoirs of the Reigns of Francis II. and Charles IX., of France, by Michael Castelnau, who tvas Ambassador for Ten Years at the Court of Queen Elizabeth. Done into English by a Gentleman, and published for his Benefit.'" London, 1734, p. 115. THE GENEVAN LITURGY IN FRANCE. 75 censured, or excommunicated, according as the case may be. The same penalties are imposed by the thirty-second canon upon any 3Ii?iister stirring up contention about " The Form of our Common Prayers," etc.* The Eleventh Synod, which met in 1581, ordered that printers publishing the Psalm-book of the Church should not separate from it the Prayers and Catechism, but bind together. An earlier law provides that all persons should bring their Psalm-books with them to Divine service, and reproves those who fail in doing so. f The Thirteenth Synod, at Montauban in 1594, enacted that " There shall be ?io alteration made in the Forms of Public Prayers and Administra- tion of the Sacraments; the whole having been prudently and piously ordained, and for the most part in plain and express terms of Holy Scripture." :J: At the Fifteenth Synod, Montpellier, 1598, * Quick's Synodicon in Gallia Eeformata : a remarkable work well known to bibliophiles, published at London in 1692, by a non- conformist minister, who had collected in these two folio volumes all the acts and decrees of the National Synods of France from the original registers, which we believe have never been published in the French. t Ibid., ch. iii., art. 40. X Ibid., ch. iv., art. 19. 76 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. letters were received from Geneva, urging that no innovation be permitted in the Liturgy, singing of Psahns, and Form of Catechizing ; Avhich was accordingly ordered.* By the Synod of St. Maixant, 1609, "All pastors Avere enjoined to abstain from any new or private methods of their owii [in the service of the Lord's Supper], as of reading the words of institution between the ordinary long jirayer, and that ap- pointed particularly for this sacrament, etc. Classes and Synods shall have their eyes over those who act contrary to this order, and reduce them to their duty by all befitting censures." f The Synod which met at Tonneins in 1614, declared that " Even National Synods should not innovate anything in the Confession of Faith, Catechism, Liturgy, and Discipline of the Church; unless the matter had been first proposed by one or more Provinces ; and also, unless it were a thing of very great importance.^':!: Finally, the Synod of Loudun, the last National Assembly of the French Churches, which met in 1659, after which period the Presbyterian organiz- ation of the churches in France was destroyed * Quick's Synoclicon^ ch. v., art. 3. f Ibid., ch. vi.,art. 14. X Ibid., ch. viii., art. 8. THE GENEVAN LITURGY IN FRANCE. 77 by a persecuting government, passed an order for the obtaining of more accurate editions of the Liturgy, Catechism/Bible, and Psahns.* Such value did the suffering Churches of the Reformation in France attach to their venerable Liturgy, and such care did they exhibit in pre- serving it intact from accidental and designed alteration, that they might hand it down to poste- rity as they themselves had received it. Of the Calvinistic forms thus early and ex- tensively brought into use among the French Churches, there are some which have had a dis- tinct and peculiar importance. That beautiful Confession of Sins, which in Calvin^s Liturgy introduces the worship for the Lord's Day, is associated with one of the most impressive passages of ecclesiastical history. It was at the famous Colloquy or Conference of Poissy, on the 9th September, 1561, when, by request of Charles IX. and his mother Catherine de Medici, the leaders of Protestantism consented to appear in public debate with the prelates and doctors of Rome, and vindicate the principles of the Reformation. The occasion was brilliant and august. Already the assembly had been convoked in the great * Quick's Synodicon, etc. 78 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. refectory of the convent of Poissy, when the Re- formers entered. The young king and his mother were presiding, attended hy a multitude of princes, courtiers, cardinals, bishops, and theologians ; all arrayed in gorgeous habiliments, and presenting a spectacle of the most imposing character. At length the twelve pastors and twenty-two dele- gates who had been chosen to represent the Re- formed faith under these trying circumstances, were permitted to present themselves before this assemblage. At their head was Theodore Beza, whom Calvin had persuaded to assume this re- sponsible post.* As the deputation advanced up the aisle, their grave and simple costume forming a strange contrast with the insignia of prelates and nobles, t they found themselves separated from the courtly gathering by a barrier erected across their way, behind which they were to stand like criminals at the bar. Nothing troubled by this indignity, but rather encouraged to look above all human displays to the Divine tribunal at which they stood, Beza in the name of his colleagues turned to the king with a respectful salutation, and said : " Sire, the help of God is essential to success in whatever undertaking.'* * Henry's Calvin, Part ii., ch. xii. f De Felice, p. 138. THE GENEYAX LITURGY IN FRANCE. 79 Then immediately kneeling down Avitli them at the barrier, he uttered with fervour the prayer to which we have alluded, beginning with these words : " O Lord God ! Father Almighty and Eternal : we acknowledge and confess before thy holy Majesty, that we are miserable sinners."* This ended, he rose, and pronounced his famous defence of the Reformed doctrines and worship ; to which all gave marked attention. The whole scene is strikingly dramatic. " At the Colloquy of Poissy," remarks a spirit essayist, '^ Beza stands before us full of stateliness and dignity; while the Reformation assumes its most imposing atti- tude." f The grave and massive proportions of Protestantism loom up with grandeur against this background of priestly pomp and courtly elegance, as we contemplate the Reformers forgetting even the presence of royalty, in abasement at the foot- stool of God.:}: Those admirable forms of prayer for morning * Beza, Histoire EccUsiastique, torn, i., p. 502. t Sayous, Etudes Litteraires sur les Ecrivains Frangais tie la Reformation, torn, i., p. 290. X The fact of its use by Beza on this conspicuous occasion, has led some to ascribe the authorship of the Confession of Sins to that Ee- former. But we have elsewhere furnished sufficient evidence that this prayer already existed as a part of the Calvinistic Liturgy ; having been composed and published as early as 1543, that is, eighteen years prior to the date of the Colloquy of Poissy. 80 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. and evening worship, which we have elsewhere quoted from Calvin, connect themselves closely in our mind with a reminiscence of one of the most illustrious characters of Huguenot times, — the excellent Coligny. An interesting picture of the daily hahits of this remarkable man is given by a contemporary writer. '^ As soon as he had risen from his bed early in the morning, having knelt down with all his household, he prayed accord- ing to the Form commonly employed in the French Churches. After which, waiting for the hour of the sermon, which came twice a day, once with the singing of Psalms, he gave audience to the deputies of the churches who were sent to him, or attended to public business, which he yet con- tinued to discuss a little after the sermon, till the dinner hour. Standing near the table when it was set, with his wife by his side, they sang a psalm, and then asked the ordinary blessing. All this an infinite number of captains and colonels, not only French, but German also, can bear wit- ness that he was accustomed to observe without omission, from day to day ; not only in the quiet of his family, but also in the army.* The cloth * The Huguenot army was subjected to severe religious discipline. " Besides the ordinary exhortations and prayers," says Theodore Beza, THE GENEVAN LITURGY IN FRANCE. 81 removed, rising with his attendants, he returned thanks himself, or by his minister. The same he practised at supper ; and seeing that his house- hold were inconvenienced by the lateness of the evening prayer, he directed each to be present at the close of the supper, when, after singing of psalms, there was prayer. It is impossible to give the number of those among the French nobility who established in their families this religious discipline of the Admiral."* It was in the act of repeating the Morning Prayer of Calvin's Liturgy, that the last moments of Coligny's life was spent. Early on the fatal morning of St. Bartholomew's day, 1512, the Admiral, who was then confined to his bed by the wound he had received from an assassin two days before, sent for his chaplain to engage with him in the customary devotions. While following the familiar words thus uttered, he was attacked by the band of murderers who burst into his room, and dispatched him with their daggers. " they attended general prayers, especially at six o'clock in the morn- ing ; at the close of which, ministers and people, without exception, went to work upon the fortifications with all their might ; all return- ing again at four o'clock to Tpra.jer.—IIist. Eccles., tom. ii,, p. 162. * Memoires de Coligny ; compiled, it is presumed, by Cornaton, a faithful servant of the Admiral. Quoted by De Felice, pp. 102, 103. G 82 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. Thus died Coligny. Even so have we seen John Knox, with the hke holy joy, though on a tranquil death-bed, listening to the rehearsal of Calvin's Evening Prayer. * Clustered around these forms of worship are a thousand similar recollections of bloodshed and oppression. Those fearful massacres which so often devastated the churches of the Reformation in France, even while as yet they maintained a species of legal existence, being partially tolerated by law, are vividly brought before us as we survey these prayers and services. For it was most frequently while engaged in their celebration, that the Huguenots were surprised and over- whelmed by their merciless foes. So at Vassy, in February, 1562, when the Protestants had assembled in a barn to the number of twelve hundred, to celebrate the Lord's Supper. The Duke of Guise with a band of soldiers arrived, surrounded the place, burst in upon the assembly, and slaughtered as many as they could reach, f Not less barbarous was the assault upon Cha- taigneraie in 1595 ; when the Leaguers fell sud- denly on a congregation while attending Divine service, and cruelly murdered two hundred per- * Vide p. 64. f Beza, Histoire Ecclesiastique. THE GENEVAN LITUUGY IN FRANCE. 83 sons of all ages. Among the victims was a babe just presented for baptism, whose life-stream was poured forth before the symbol of regeneration touched his forehead.* Such instances might be adduced in multitudes. The Liturgy of French Protestantism has been bathed with the blood of its martyrs. What won- der that it should commend itself to the reverence and love of their descendants? No Church has suffered like that of the Huguenots, and none has transmitted to our day more touching memories, attached to such precious relics. We may be allowed to vary these souvenirs by adducing one of a more lively cast. It is con- nected with the baptismal service. When the famous Claude was pastor of the church at Charenton, near Paris (about the middle of the seventeenth century), he was called on one occa- sion to perform the marriage ceremony between two Huguenots in high life ; of Avhom the bride- groom was a decrepit septuagenarian, leading to the altar a young girl of some sixteen summers. As the minister saw this ill-matched couple ad- vancing up the aisle to meet him, whether by accident or design we cannot say, he opened his * De Felice, p. 271. 84 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. book to the baptismal form, and addressed the disconcerted bridegroom with the interrogation: " Dost thou here present this child to be bap- tized?" In those fortified cities where the Reformed were able for a while to maintain a footing, they continued to observe in a public and official man- ner the rites of worship. Among the registers of the ancient Protestant town of Montauban, are preserved two interesting prayers which were used in the seventeenth century, at the opening and close of the sessions of the civic council. The following is a translation.* In the Name of God : PRATER AT THE OPENING OF THE COUNCIL. Almighty and eternal God : We beseech thee, for the sake of Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, tx) regard us with thy grace and favour ; and by thy Holy Spirit to preside among us as we are here assembled. Guide and conduct us in all things that concern the government of this city, for which thy providence hath brought us together. * These prayers are given in the Bulletin de la Societe de VSis- toire du Protestant isme Frangais, Avril, 1853, p. 486. THE GENEVAN LITURGY IN FRANCE. 85 Endue us with the spirit of wisdom, fully to exe- cute thy sovereign will, to deliberate and to resolve only as shall promote thine honour and glory, in the welfare and preservation of ourselves and our fellow-citizens. Through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen. THANKSGIVINa AT THE CLOSE OF THE COUNCIL. O God ! who dispensest thy gifts to men, that they may acknowledge and praise thee in them : We give thee thanks for thy gracious help in our present transactions. And since thou only art mighty to accomplish and perfect whatever may seem good in thy sight : Most humbly we beseech thee of thy good pleasure to make us willing and able to carry out those measures which have been here determined; that each of us, according to his office and calling, may faithfully, constantly, and diligently labour for thy glory, the good and comfort of all men in this city, and our final salvation : Through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen.* * It is pleasing to find on the first leaf of the ancient records of the city of "New Amsterdam" a similar form of Prayer, which was in use about the middle of the seventeenth century.— See Valen- tine's History of New York, pp. 55 — 57. 86 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. When, after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, the Reformed congregations were de- prived of every vestige of freedom, and dispersed to the wilderness and the mountains for refuge, we should expect to see them forsaking those rites which they no longer had opportunity of observing in a quiet and regular manner. Instead of this, the contrary is true. With stronger attachment than ever, the churches of the Desert clung to their venerated forms. Even the ex- cited bands of the Camisards in the South were accustomed to celebrate with regularity their an- cient services.* " The worship of the Desert," says the historian, " was the same as in times of freedom : liturgical prayers, the singing of psalms, preaching, and the administration of the Lord's Supper on feast-days ;t a simple worship, easily performed everywhere, and which demanded no more preparation than that of the upper chamber where the apostles and first Christians of Jeru- salem assembled. This simplicity had, moreover, something grand and noble. The calm of the * De Felice, p. 436. t These feast-days were the three great festivals retained bj- the Keformed Churches : the days of our Lord's Nativity aud Resurrec- tion, and the season of Pentecost. A fourth sacramental occasion was (and is still) observed on the first Sunday of September. THE GENEVAN LITURGY IX FRANCE. 8T solitude suddenly broken by tlie voice of prayer ; the songs of the faithful ascending to the Invisible One amid the beauties of nature ; the minister of Christ, like the believers of the Primitive Church, invoking his God in behalf of oppressors who were enraged that they could not yet drag him to the scaffold ; poor peasants, humble labourers, laying aside for a day their implements of toil, more anxious for the sublime interests of faith and the life to come ; a common apprehension of danger, that kept their souls continually in the presence of the Sovereign Judge : all this gave to the assem- blies of the Desert an imposing majesty harmoniz- ing well with the teachings of the Gospel."* We have spoken of the French Psalm-book as closely connected with the Liturgy of Calvin. In fact, these two formularies were invariably bound up together. It has been the good fortune of the Church of France to possess from the outset an excellent metrical version of the Psalms ; which, at once received into general use, became one of the most attractive features of the Reformation. " They sung," says the old writer we have before quoted, "Psalms in French rhyme, with vocal and instrumental music, which extremely pleased * De Felice, p. 452. 88 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. such people as were fond of novelty, and con- tributed to increase their numbers daily."* These sacred poems, with the simple and appropriate melodies to which they were set, readily finding place in the memory of the faithful, became the language of their devotion, their consolation in trial, their rejoicing in success, their watchword at all times. An incident in the religious wars of the Huguenots illustrates this fact. When the town of Montauban, which had been for many years their stronghold, was besieged in 1623, all attempt to capture it proved ineifectual. At length it was determined to raise the siege. On the evening before this purpose was put in execution, " the people of the town were apprized of the approaching decampment of the army, by a Pro- testant soldier, who played upon his flute the air of the sixty-eighth Psalm, f The besieged took * Castelnait, Memoirs, etc., p. 125. t This Psalm, one of the most stirring compositions of the kind, was the war-song of the Camisards, raised whenever they went forth to battle. The first verse, which was the part used on such occa- sions, may be thus translated : — Let God but rise and show his face, And in a moment from the place Our foes are disappearing. Their camp dispersed, bereft their pride, Astonished, pressed on every side, They flee at his appearing. THE GENEVAN LITURGY IN FRANCE. 89 this for the signal of their deliverance, and were not mistaken.* " Ah ! hoAV they penetrate the very soul at such moments/' exclaims a brilliant delineator of the Huguenot character, ^^ these rude songs of our forefathers ! These psalms are our epic ; and the most profoundly truthful epic that has ever been written or sung by any nation ; an endless work, of which each of us becomes afresh the author ; a sacred treasure, where are gathered beside our patriotic remembrances, the remembrances, hopes, joys, and griefs of each. Not a verse, not a line, which is not a whole history, or a whole poem. This was sung by a mother at the cradle of her first-born ; that was chanted by one of our martyrs as he marched to his death. There is the song of the Vaudois returning armed to their country ; here that of the Camisards advancing to battle. This was the line interrupted by a ball ; this was half murmured by an expiring father, who went to finish it among the angels. O our psalms! We shall behold their scattered tents Fade like a vapour dark and dense, Their nothingness resuming : As melts the wax in fervent heat, So melt the wicked when they meet Our God, their strength consuming. * De Felice, p. 304. 90 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. our psalms ! Who in human language could ever tell what you say to us in our solitudes, upon the soil crimsoned with our blood, and under the vault of heaven, from whose height look down upon us those who with us have wept, sung, and prayed!"* Yes, ^^ sung and prayed j'^'' the halo of this an- cient worship robes the prayers of these illustrious witnesses of God with not less brightness than their songs of praise. No psalm thrills more powerfully on the ear of the worshipper than that beautiful Confession of Sins, which, in the language of another, ascends as a fragrant incense on every Sabbath day, from every "temple" on the soil of France, t No psalm is fraught with recollections more vivid and touching, than are connected with that prayer of consecration by which the aged Rabaut, the pastor of the Desert, inducted his only son to a ministry of toil and martyrdom.^ No psalm comes up in more pathetic * The Priest and the Huguenot, by L. Bungener, one of the most delightful of historic illustrations, vol. i., pp. 141, 142. An excel- lent translation has made this work known and popular among us . Boston : Gould and Lincoln, 1854. t Eev. Philippe Boucher, in an address before the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. X r>E Felice, p. 545. The scene is described with intense interest by Bungener, in the last pages of his remarkable work. The Priest and the Huguenot, vol. ii., ch. xcix. THE GENEVAN LITURGY IN FRANCE. 91 strains to our memory, than those morning and evening prayers, and those communion forms, in the use of which Calvin, and Knox, and Cohgny, breathed their souls away to God. Never, we sincerely trust, will the day come when, by any adventitious influence of *^ new light" and new fashion, the Churches of France shall be persuaded to violate the sanctity of these venerable psalms and prayers, either by introduc- tion of fancied improvements, or by exchange for novelties of the day. The hasty concoctions of modern innovators could scarcely supply the place which these formularies are entitled to occupy in the affections of every worshipper who adopts them, and in the reverence of all others. V. "Ceremonies grounded upon God's word, and approved in the New Testament, are commendable, as the Circumstance thereof doth support. Those that man hath invented, though he had never so good Occasion thereunto, if they be once abused, import a necessity, hinder God's Word, or be drawn into a Superstition, without respect ought to be abolished." — Preface to the Book or Common Order. Perhaps no one of the great Reformers was better fitted than John Knox to prepare forms of wor- ship for the Churches of the Reformation. In him a temperament naturally enthusiastic was heightened by the ardour of religious zeal; and the courage that '' knew not what it was to quail before the face of man/' consisted with a pious reverence that abased him in the presence of God. These qualities alone would insure earnest and holy praying, and secure its prevalence at the throne of grace ; but in John Knox, their useful- ness to the Church was enhanced by a gift of utterance seldom equalled Avithout a special in- spiration. Vehement of thought, and fluent of expression, his oratory and his devotions were alike distinguished for striking and felicitous Ian- JOHN KNOX CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 93 guage. A deep experience of the Christian life, and a wide acquaintance with it in others, enabled him largely to represent the wants and feelings of worshippers, in those forms of supplication which he drew up for their use. Thus much would be pronounced by any one at all familiar with the writings of Knox, how- ever ignorant of the services he actually rendered to religious worship. The fervent spirit of the man breathes in every page of his works. On first perusing them, we could not but wish that the great Reformer might have left us some fruits of his singular gift of prayer, beyond those which are to be found scattered among his treatises and letters. And here let me cite as a specimen one of those prayers which occur among the writings of this Reformer. I select the following, not for its greater merit, but for its brevity, as more suited to the purpose. It is taken from the conclusion of one of his treatises, and in the original is entitled, A GODLY PRATER. O Lord, most strong and mighty God ! Who destroyest the counsels of the ungodly, and at thy 94 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. pleasure riddest away the tyrants of this world, so that no force can resist thine everlasting de- termination : We, thy poor creatures and humble servants, do most earnestly desire thee, for the love thou hast to thy well-beloved only-begotten Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that thou wilt look upon thy cause; — for it is time, O Lord ! — and bring to nought all those things that are, or shall be appointed, determined, and agreed against thee and thy holy w^ord. Let not the enemies of thy truth too miserably oppress thy word and thy servants which seek thy glory, tender* the advancement of thy pure religion, and above all things wish in their heart that thy holy name alone may be glorified among all nations. Give unto the mouth of thy people truth and wisdom Avhich no man may resist. And although we have most justly deserved this plague and famine of thy word, yet, upon our true repentance, grant, we beseech thee, we may be thereof re- leased. And here we promise, before thy Divine Majesty, better to use thy gifts than we have done, and more straightly to order our lives according to thy holy will and pleasure. And we will sing * Tender^ i.e., regard with kindness. JOHN KNOX CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 95 perpetual praises to thy most blessed name, world without end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. * That there were some quaKties, however, in the Scottish Reformer's character, wanting to a perfect adaptedness for the work of devotional writing, we are free to acknowledge. The deli- cacy, the tenderness that should deal with cer- tain phases of religious experience, that should express certain emotions of the soul : of these, though not destitute, neither was he remarkably possessed. Nor might we reasonably look to him for these. Knox was a man raised up to do battle in fierce times, with rude and rough adver- saries ; and though not without kindly sympathies and gentle susceptibilities, he was not so placed as to develope them in full proportion with other attributes of his noble soul. But the worship of the Church of Scotland did not suffer by this deficiency in the author of its forms. Happily for Knox, on this and other accounts, he came early in his apostolic career, under the benign irradiation of a clear and beautiful mind, adorned * See the "Writings of John Knox, published by the Presbyterian Board, Philadelphia. yb A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. with some of the graces in which himself was wanting: the mind of Calvin.* In the year 1554, finding it no longer safe to remain in Scotland, where the Protestant cause was suffering violence under the reign of Mary, Knox repaired to Geneva, a place where he already had many friends and well-wishers among his Reformed brethren. By Calvin he was re- ceived with open arms ; and in the intimate society of that remarkable man, he passed much time. With occasional absences, during one of which he visited the English refugees at Frankfort, and during another returned for some months to Scot- land, Knox spent parts of six years in the city of Geneva, dwelling in the bosom of his own family, pursuing various studies under the direction of his illustrious master, and having charge of a * " The world has been accustomed to impute a stoic coldness and severity to his character, but the whole tenor of his life contradicts this imputation. The deep feeling for, and knowledge of, the suffer- ings of others, which he derived from his own experience, and which was not dulled in his old age, are exemplified by a variety of instances. Passages occur even in the ' Institutes,' which prove his gentleness of spirit, his sympathy with mankind, and knowledge of the human heart. There was nothing stern, formal, or repulsive in his manners. Women never shrank from frequent or familiar conversation with him on subjects of religion. And that which will say still more in his favour, his colleagues in office often spoke, after his death, in terms of the highest praise, of his gentleness, and agreeable, loving temper."— Henky's Life of Calvin, i. 278. JOHN KNOX CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 97 small congregation of English exiles, who like him had fled to the capital of the Protestant world. The greatest affection united him with the members of his little flock ; and he was happy in the friendship of Calvin and other pastors of Geneva. So much was he delighted with the purity of religion established in that city, that he warmly recommended it to his religious acquaint- ances in England, as the best Christian asylum to which they could flee. " In my heart," says he, in a letter to a friend, " I could have wished, yea, and cannot cease to wish, that it might please God to guide and conduct yourself to this place ; where, I neither fear nor am ashamed to say, is the most perfect school of Christ that ever was in the earth since the days of the apostles. In other places, I confess Christ to be truly preached; but manners and reUgion to be so sincerely re-^ formed, I have not yet seen in any other place beside."* As on all important points of faith and dis- cipline these great Reformers perfectly agreed, so, too, in respect to forms of public worship their practice was harmonious. Calvin, as we have * M' Crib's Life of Enoa^, period V. H 98 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. already seen^ had ten years before the arrival of Knox inaugurated the Reformed service in the Churches of Geneva ; according to the mode and manner which he deemed most agreeable to the word of God and primitive custom. Knox, in his Letter of Instruction written from Geneva to the Protestants of Scotland, takes for the model of his directions that Liturgy which he finds in use among his Genevan brethren, and recom- mends the same general order to be observed in their assemblies. For beauty of thought and pro- priety of counsel, this letter deserves quotation. " Your beginning," says the Reformer, " should be by confessing of your offences, and invocation of the Spirit of the Lord Jesus to assist you in all your godly enterprises. And then let some place of Scripture be plainly and distinctly read, as much as shall be thought sufficient for a day or time. In reading the Scriptures, I would ye should join some books of the Old and some of the New Testament together, as Genesis and one of the Evangelists, Exodus with another, and so forth ; ever ending such books as ye begin, as the time will suffer; for it shall greatly comfort you to hear that harmony and well-tuned song of the Holy Spirit speaking in our fathers from the JOHN KNOX CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 99 beginning. It shall confirm you in these danger- ous and perilous days to behold the face of Christ Jesus, and his loving spouse and Church, from Abel to himself, and from himself to this day, in all ages to be one. Like as your assemblies ought to begin, with confession and invocation of God^s Holy Spirit, so would I that they never finished without thanksgiving, and common prayers for princes, rulers, and magistrates ; for the liberty and free passage of Christ^s Gospel; for the comfort and deliverance of our afflicted brethren in all places now persecuted, but most cruelly within the realm of France and England; and for such other things as the Spirit of the Lord Jesus shall teach you to be profitable either to yourselves, or yet to your brethren, wheresoever they are.^^* The necessities of the English Church at Frank- fort, to which Knox ministered for a short time, led him in 1554 to draw up an Order of Worship, closely modelled upon the Genevan service, f * Knox, A most Godly Counsel^ etc. t See " A Brief Discourse of the Troubles begun at Frankfort in Germany, A. D. 1554, about the Book of Common Prayer and Cere- monies." First published 1575. Keprinted in "The Fhenix; or, a Revival of Scarce and Valuable Pieces from the Remotest Antiquity, down to the Present Times." London, 1707. 100 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. When, after a short stay at Frankfort, the Re- former went back to Geneva, and took charge of the Enghsh congregation in that city, this form was unanimously adopted, and in February, 1556, was published.* The design of its publication was not simply to supply the wants of the con- gregation at Geneva, but rather, as we learn from the Preface, with a view to its extensive use in England and Scotland. And upon the return of Knox to Scotland, he obtained the general adher- ence of the Scottish churches to this Order. It was adopted by Act of the General Assembly as early as 1560,t and in subsequent years repeatedly approved, as the established form of worship. "We, therefore," says the Preface to the Book of Common Order, dated at Geneva, in February, 1556, "not as the greatest clerks of all, but as the least able of many, do present unto you, which desire the increase of God's Glory, and the pure Simplicity of his Word, a Form and Order of a Re- formed Church, limit within the Compass of God's * The title of this book, as subsequently reprinted (in 1600), was, " The Book of Common Order, or the Order of the English Kirk at Geneva, whei'eof John Knox was Minister : Approved by the famous and learned man, John Calvin. Received and used by the Reformed Kirk of Scotland, and ordinarily prefixed to the Psalms in Metre." — DuNLOP's Confessions, ii. 383. t The First Book of Disci2)Uney\o%Q. JOHN KNOX CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 101 Word, which our Saviour hath left unto us as only sufficient to govern all our actions by. — And. also, knowing that negligence in reforming that Reli- gion which was begun in England, was not the least cause of God's Rod laid upon us, having now obtained, by the merciful Providence of our heavenly Father, a free Church for all our nation in this most worthy City of Geneva, we presented to the judgment of the famous man, John Calvin, and others learned in these Parts, the Order which we minded to use in our Church; who approving it as sufficient for a Christian Con- gregation, we put the same in Execution, nothing doubting but all godly men shall be much edified thereby."* It was not designed that the use of these prayers should be confined to the services of the Sabbath. The Church of Scotland, in the early days of the Reformation, enjoined more frequent celebration of Divine Service. It recommended that where practicable, and especially " in great towns, there be either Sermon or Common Prayers, with some Exercise of reading of Scriptures, every day."t * The Preface : " To our brethren in England and elseivhcre, which love Jesus Christ unfeiffnedli/."—T)v:sLO-p's Confessions, ii. 385. t The First Book of Discipline, ch. xi. — ^When Mr. Kobert Bruce 102 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. On Sundays, besides the service of prayer and preaching in the morning, there was a catechetical exercise for the young in the afternoon. On one day of the week, also, was held a meeting, for free and familiar exposition of the Scriptures ; in which " every man had Liberty to utter and de- clare his mind and knowledge to the Comfort and Consolation of the Kirk."* These exercises, answering precisely to our meetings for conference and prayer, were termed more scripturally by our fathers, " prophesyings," or "interpretations."! The Lord's Supper was administered four times a year. J These facts enable us to form some idea of the arrangements for public worship, which our Re- formers attempted to provide in all the Churches was relegated to Inverness, a. d. 1605, lie " remained there four years, teaching every Sabbath before noon, and every Wednesday, and exercised at the reading of the j^rayers every other nights — Calder- wooD, p. 496. * The First Book of Discipline^ ch. xii. t The practice was borrowed, as we have seen, from the Genevan Church : it was adopted very generally in the Church of England also, and remained until arbitrarily broken up by Queen Elizabeth. — See Memoirs of Archhp. Grinded. X In 1711, the General Assembly recommended to the Presbyteries a more frequent celebration of the Lord's Supper : " that it be duly observed in theu' bounds through the several months in the year;" but it does not appear that this action was followed up. — See Com- Xjoidium of the Laws of the Church of Scotland, Part Second, p. 164. JOHX KNOX CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. lOo of Scotland. That they succeeded in establishing them everywhere, we have no reason to believe. But in many places, the scheme was carried out. In many towns and villages, the church-going bell was to be heard, not alone upon the Sabbath, but often, or even daily, through the week. The church was regarded, not simply as a place of weekly congregation, but as a sanctuary and asylum, always open to the solitary worshipper, who sought opportunity of quiet devotion. Fre- quently, too, was opportunity afforded of hearing the word read, and uniting with the assembly of the faithful in the hymn of praise and the voice of prayer. We love to look back on those days of open churches and daily worship. There were prevalent sins and errors in those days ; ignorance and superstition yet remained to be rooted out; but in the measures adopted for their eradication, and the promoting of truth and godliness, we discover wisdom and judiciousness, unrestrained by the fear of infringing on established custom, or offending unconquerable prejudice. We proceed to give the form of Divine Service appointed in the Scottish Order of Worship, for the morning of the Lord's Day. 104 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. THE ORDER OF PUBLIC WORSHIP. When the congregation is assemhled at the hour appointed, the minister useth one of these two con- fessions, or like in effect, exhorting the people diligently to examine themselves , following in their hearts the tenor of his words. THE CONFESSION OF OUE SINS. O Eternal God, and most merciful Father ! We confess and acknowledge here before thy Divine Majesty, that we are miserable sinners, conceived and born in sin and iniquity, so that in us there is no goodness. For the flesh evermore rebelleth against the spirit; whereby we con- tinually transgress thine holy precepts and com- mandments, and so purchase to ourselves, through thy just judgment, death and condemnation. Not- withstanding, O Heavenly Father, forasmuch as we are displeased with ourselves for the sins that we have committed against thee, and do unfeign- edly repent us of the same : we most humbly beseech thee, for Jesus Christ's sake, to show thy mercy upon us, to forgive us all our sins, and to increase thine Holy Spirit in us ; that we, acknowledging from the bottom of our hearts our JOHN KNOX CHITRCH OF SCOTLAND. 105 own unrighteousness, may from henceforth not only mortify our sinful lusts and affections, but also bring forth such fruits as may be agreeable to thy most blessed will; not for the worthiness thereof, but for the merits of thy dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, whom thou hast already given an oblation and offering for our sins, and for whose sake we are certainly per- suaded that thou wilt deny us nothing that we shall ask in his Name according to thy will. For thy Holy Spirit doth assure our consciences that thou art our merciful Father, and so lovest us, thy chikken, through him, that nothing is able to remove thine heavenly grace and favour from us. To thee, therefore, O Father, with the Son and with the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. ANOTHER COI^FESSION OF SINS. Almighty God, we are unworthy to come into thy presence, by reason of our manifold sins and wickedness; much less to receive any grace or mercy at thine hands, if thou shouldst deal with us according to our deservings. For we have sinned, O Lord, against thee, and have offended thy holy Majesty. We were conceived in sin. 106 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. and in iniquity was every one of us born. All the days of our life we have continued in sin and wickedness, to follow the corruption of our fleshly nature. Therefore, O Lord, if thou shouldst enter into judgment with us, just occasion hast thou not only to punish these our mortal bodies, but also to punish us both in body and soul eternally, if thou shouldst deal with us according to the rigour of thy justice. But yet, O Lord, as we acknowledge our sins and offences, together with the fearful judgment that justly, by reason thereof, thou mayst pour upon us : so also, we acknowledge thee to be a merciful God, a loving and a favourable Father, to all them that un- feignedly turn unto thee. Wherefore, O Lord, we thy people, the workmanship of thine own hands, most humbly beseech thee, for Christ thy Son's sake, to show thy mercy upon us, and for- give us all our offences. Impute not unto us the sins of our youth, neither yet receive thou a reckoning of us for the iniquity of our old age. But as thou hast showed thyself merciful to all them that have truly called unto thee, so show the like favour unto us thy poor servants. Endue our hearts, O God, with such a true and perfect acknowledging of our sins, that we may pour JOHN KNOX CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 107 forth before thee the unfeigned sighs of our troubled hearts and afflicted consciences for our offences committed against thee. Inflame our souls with such zeal and fervency towards thy glory, that all the days of our life our only study and labour may be to serve and worship thee, in spirit and in truth. Preserve us from all impedi- ments that in anywise may hinder us ; but espe- cially from the craft of Satan, from the snares of the world, and from the naughty lusts and affec- tions of the flesh. Make thy Spirit, O God, once to take such full possession of our hearts, that not only the actions of our life, but also the words of our mouth, and the least thought of our mind, may be guided and ruled thereby. And finally, grant that all our time may be so spent in thy true fear and obedience, that we may end the same in the sanctification of thy blessed name, through Jesus Christ our Lord ; to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, both now and for ever. Amen. Tills done, the people sing a Psalm all together, in a plain tune ; which ended, the minister prayeth for the assistance of God^s Holy Spirit, as the same shall move his heart, and so proceedeth to 108 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. the sermon, using after the sermo7i this prayer following, or such like. A PRAYER FOR THE WHOLE ESTATE OF CHRIST'S CHURCH. Almighty God and most merciful Father, we humbly submit ourselves, and fall down before thy Majesty, beseeching thee, from the bottom of our hearts, that this seed of thy word, now sown among us, may take such deep root, that neither the burning heat of persecution cause it to wither, neither the thorny cares of this life do choke it, but that, as seed sown in good ground, it may bring forth thirty, sixty, and an hundred fold, as thine heavenly wisdom hath appointed. And because we have need continually to crave many things at thine hands, we humbly beseech thee, O heavenly Father, to grant us thine Holy Spirit to direct our petitions, that they may proceed from such a fervent mind as may be agreeable to thy most blessed will. And seeing that our in- firmity is able to do nothing without thine help, and that thou art not ignorant with how many and great temptations we poor wretches are on every side enclosed and compassed, let thy strength, O Lord, sustain our weakness, that we, being JOHN KNOX CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 109 defended with the force of thy grace, may be safely preserved against all assaults of Satan, who goeth about continually like a roaring lion, seeking to devour us. Increase our faith, O merciful Father, that we do not swerve at any time from thine heavenly word ; but augment in us hope and love, with a careful keeping of all thy commandments, that no hardness of heart, no hypocrisy, no con- cupiscence of the eyes, nor enticements of the world, do draw us away from thine obedience. And seeing we live now in these most perilous times, let thy Fatherly providence defend us against the violence of all our enemies, who do everywhere pursue us ; but chiefly against the wicked rage and furious uproars of that Romish idol and enemy to thy Christ. Furthermore, forasmuch as by thine holy apostle we are taught to make our prayers and supplica- tions for all men, we pray not only for ourselves here present, but beseech thee also to reduce all such as yet be ignorant from the miserable cap- tivity of blindness and error to the pure under- standing of thine heavenly truth : that we all, with one consent and unity of mind, may worship thee our only God and Saviour; and that all pastors, shepherds, and ministers, to whom thou 110 A CHAPTEIl ON LITURGIES. hast committed the dispensation of thine lioly word, and cliargc of thy chosen people, may hoth in their life and doctrine he found faithful, setting only hefore their eyes thy glory; and that hy them all poor sheep which wander and go astray may be gathered and brought home to thy fold. Moreover, because the hearts of rulers are in thine hands, wc beseech thee to direct and govern the hearts of all kings, princes, and magistrates, to whom thou hast committed the sword; espe- cially, O Lord, according to our bounden duty, we beseech thee to maintain and increase the noble estate of the Queen's Majesty, and her honourable council, with all the estate and whole body of the commonwealth. Let thy fatherly favour so preserve her, and thine Holy Spirit so govern her heart, that she may in such sort exe- cute her office that thy religion may be purely maintained, manners reformed, and sin punished, according to the precise rule of thine holy word. And for that we be all members of the mystical body of ('hrist Jesus, we make our requests unto thee, O heavenly Father, for all such as are afflicted with any kind of cross or tribulation, as war, plague, famine, sickness, poverty, imprison- JOHN KNOX CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. Ill ment, persecution, banisliment, or any other kind of thy chastisements, whether it be grief of body or unquietncss of mind ; that it would please thee to give them patience and constancy, till thou send them full deliverance out of all their troubles. And, finally, O Lord God, most merciful Father, we most humbly beseech thee to show thy great mercies upon those our brethren who are perse- cuted, cast in prison, and daily condemned to death, for the testimony of thy truth : and though they be utterly destitute of all man's aid, yet let thy sweet comfort never depart from them, but so inflame their hearts with thine Holy Spirit, that they may boldly and cheerfully abide such trial as thy godly wisdom shall appoint ; so that at length, as well by their death as by their life, the kingdom of thy Son Jesus Christ may in- crease and shine through all the world ; in whose name we make our humble petitions unto thee, as he hath taught us, saying, Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into tempta- tion, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the 112 A CHAPTER ON LITUKGIES. kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Almighty and everlasting God, vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to grant us perfect continuance in the lively faith, augmenting the same in us daily, till we grow to the full measure of our perfec- tion in Christ, whereof we make our confession, saying, I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord, who w^as conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead ; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost ; the holy Catholic Church ; the com- munion of saints ; the forgiveness of sins ; the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. ' Amen. Then tlie people sing a psalm , ivliich ended, the 7ninister pronounceth one of these blessings, and so the congregation departeih. JOHN KNOX CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 113 The Lord bless ns, and save us ; the Lord make his face to shine upon us, and be merciful unto us ; the Lord turn his countenance towards us, and grant us his peace. The grace of our Lord Jesxjs Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.* A GODLY PRAYER, TO BE SAID AT ALL TIMES. Honour and praise be given to thee, O Lord God Almighty, most dear Father of heaven, for all thy mercies and loving-kindness showed unto us, in that it hath pleased thy gracious goodness freely and of thine own accord to elect and choose us to salvation before the beginning of the world. * It shall not be necessary for the minister daily to repeat all these things before mentioned, but, beginning with some manner of confes' sion, to proceed to the sermon; which being ended, he either useth the prayer for all estates before mentioned, or else prayeth as the Spirit of God shall move his heart, framing the same according to the time and matter ivhich he hath intreated of And if there shall be at any time any present plague, famine, pestilence, war, or such like, which be evident tokens of God's wrath, as it is our part to acknowledge our sins to be the occasion thereof, so are we appointed by the Scriptures to give ourselves to mourning, fasting, and prayer, as the means to turn away God's heavy displeasure. Therefore it shall he convenient that the minister at such time do not only admonish the people thereof, but also use some form of prayer according as the present necessity requireth; to the which he may appoint, by a common consent, some several clay after the sermon weekly to be observed. T 114 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. And even like continual thanks be given to thee for creating us after thine own image; for re- deeming us with the precious blood of thy dear Son, when we were utterly lost; for sanctifying us with thine Holy Spirit in the revelation and knowledge of thine holy word; for helping and succouring us in all our needs and necessities; for saving us from all dangers of body and soul ; for comforting us so fatherly in all our tribula- tions and persecutions ; for sparing us so long, and giving us so large a time of repentance. These benefits, O most merciful Father, like as we acknowledge to have received of thine only goodness, even so we beseech thee, for thy dear Son Jesus Christ's sake, to grant us always thine Holy Spirit, whereby we may continually groAv in thankfulness towards thee, and be led into all truth, and comforted in all our adversities. O Lord, strengthen our ftiith ; kindle it more in ferventness and love towards thee, and our neigh- bours, for thy sake. Suffer us not, most dear Father, to receive thy word any more in vain ; but grant us always the assistance of thy grace and Holy Spirit, that in heart, word, and deed, we may sanctify and do worship to thy name. Help to amplify and increase thy kingdom ; JOHN KNOX CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. 115 that whatsoever thou sendest, we may be heartily well content with thy good pleasure and will. Let us not lack the thing, O Father ! without the which we cannot serve thee ; but bless thou so all the works of our hands, that we may have sufficient, and not be chargeable, but rather help- ful unto others. Be merciful, O Lord, to our offences ; and seeing our debt is great, which thou hast forgiven us in Jesus Christ, make us to love thee and our neighbours so much the more. Be thou our Father, our Captain and Defender in all temptations ; hold thou us by thy merciful hand ; that we may be delivered from all incon- veniences, and end our lives in the sanctifying and honouring of thine holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour. Amen. Let thy mighty hand and outstretched arm, O Lord, be still our defence ; thy mercy and loving- kindness in Jesus Christ, thy dear Son, our sal- vation ; thy true and holy word our instruction ; thy grace and Holy Spirit our comfort and con- solation, unto the end and in the end. Amen. O Lord, increase our faith. Amen. VI. " There is no warrantable form [of celebrating the Lord's Supper] directed or appro ven by the Kirk, besides that which is extant in print before the Psalm Book ; according to which, as I have always done, I now minister that sacrament." — A Scottish Clergyman in 1620. In a hall of the ancient baronial house of Calder, West Lothian, there hangs a portrait of John Knox, with this inscription : " The first Sacra- ment of the Supper given in Scotland after the Reformation, was dispensed in this hall."* It seems probable that the occasion to which this language refers, if not actually the earliest celebration of that ordinance in Scotland, was the first after Knox's return from Geneva, in August, 1555. Then, by the persuasion of our Reformer, the adherents of the Protestant faith, who had hitherto compromised with Popery so far as to attend mass for the sake of appearances, were led to an open breach with Rome; and from this period may, in some sense, be dated the public manifestation of the Reformed movement in Scotland. * M'Crie's life of Knox y p. 118, note. THE FIRST SACRAMENT IN SCOTLAND. IIT This, too, was the first administration of the Lord's Supper by John Knox, according to the form and manner which he had seen practised at Geneva, and which afterwards became the appointed order of administration in the Church of Scotland. It needs no vivid fancy to picture a scene of striking interest, as occurring under these cir- cumstances at that sacramental season in Calder- house. Standing behind the sacred table was the venerable figure of the Reformer, small in stature, but not without dignity of bearing, and a gravity of aspect increased by the length of the flowing beard, which reached almost to his waist. His pallid, sickly countenance is lighted up by the fire of a keen, penetrating eye ; as, in uttering the exhortations of the communion form, he looks around him on the small but crowded company who are collected in that hall. Some of these are men of no mean fame. Observe, as he goes up to receive the holy emblems, the young Lord James Stuart, now in his twenty-second year; destined at no distant day to assume the regency of the kingdom, as the famous Earl of Murray. Already, in sternness of temperament and austerity of manners, that savour of his priestly education. 118 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. he resembles not a little his admired and beloved master. Now, the young Lord Erskine advances to the table; a gallant nobleman, of free and generous soul, upon whom the honours of the regency will also devolve, but whose gentle spirit will break under the trials of troublous times.* Next comes another youth, the future Earl of Argyle : a faithful disciple and ardent advocate of the doctrines of the Reformers. Others were present as eager listeners and atten- tive spectators ; but upon these three young men, the sacred rite they witnessed for the first time produced permanent impressions that led to great results. The simplicity, the solemnity, the Scrip- tural beauty of the ordinance, touched their in- most hearts. The admonitions which accompanied it carried the truth with power to their souls. Henceforth these men will retain, through turbu- lent scenes, and amid the temptations of office, a faithful adherence to that Gospel which they have heard proclaimed at the table of the Lord's Supper in the hall of C alder-house. Not without interest, then, shall we read these prayers and exhortations of the sacramental ser- * Hume's History of England, ch. xl. THE FIRST SACIIAME]S^T IN SCOTLAND. 119 vice, whose first utterance three centuries ago fell on the ears of men with such power and force. We shall seem to hear, after their long silence, the tones of an earnest voice pronouncing these impressive words, which, it may be, have not utterly lost their efficacy to edify and instruct.* THE MANNER OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER. The day lohen the Lord's Supper is ministered, which is commonly used once a month, or so oft as the co7igregation shall think expedient, the minister useth to say as follow eth. Let us mark, dear brethren, and consider how Jesus Christ did ordain unto us his holy supper, according as St. Paul maketh rehearsal in the eleventh chapter of the First Epistle to the Corin- thians, saying, I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, to wit, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks he brake it, and said. Take, eat ; this is my body, which is broken for you : this do in * DuNLOP's Coll. of Confessions, etc., of Public Authority in the Eirk of Scotland, ii. 445. 120 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. remembrance of me. Likewise, after supper, he took the cuj), saying. This cup is the new testa- ment, or covenant, in my blood : this do, as oft as ye shall drink thereof, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink of this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till he come. Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, he shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. Then see that every one prove and try himself, and so let him eat of this bread and drink of this cup ; for he that eateth or drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh his own condemnation, for not having due regard and consideration of the Lord's body. This done, the minister proceedeth to the ex- hortation. Dearly beloved in the Lord, forasmuch as we be now assembled to celebrate the holy communion of the body and blood of our Saviour Christ, let us consider these words of St. Paul, how he ex- horteth all persons diligently to try and examine themselves before they presume to eat of that bread, and to drink of that cup. For as the benefit is great, if with a true penitent heart and THE FIRST SACRAMENT IN SCOTLAND. 121 lively faith we receive that holy sacrament (for then we spiritually eat the flesh of Christ and drink his blood, then we dwell in Christ, and Christ in us, we be one with Christ and Christ with us), so is the danger great if we receive the same unworthily; for then we be guilty of the body and blood of Christ our Saviour; we eat and drink our own condemnation, not discerning the Lord's body; we kindle God's wrath against us, and provoke him to plague us with divers diseases and sundry kinds of death. And therefore, in the name and by the authority of the eternal God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, I excommunicate from this table all blasphemers of God, all idolaters, all murderers, all adulterers, all that be in malice or envy, all disobedient persons to father or mother, to princes or magis- trates, pastors or preachers, all thieves and de- ceivers of their neighbours, and, finally, all such as live a life directly fighting against the will of God ; charging them, as they will answer in the presence of Him who is the righteous Judge, that they presume not to profane this most holy table. And yet this I pronounce not to seclude any penitent person, how grievous soever his sins before have been, so that he feel in his heart 122 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. unfeigned repentance for the same ; but only such as continue in sin without repentance. Neither yet is this pronounced against such as aspire to a greater perfection than they can in this present life attain unto; for albeit we feel in ourselves much frailty and wretchedness, so that we have not our faith so perfect and constant as we ought, being many times ready to distrust God's good- ness, through our corrupt nature; and also that we are not so thoroughly given to serve God, neither have so fervent a zeal to set forth his glory, as our duty requireth, feeling still such rebellion in ourselves, that we have need daily to fight against the lusts of our flesh; yet never- theless, seeing that our Lord hath dealt thus mercifully with us, that he hath printed his Gospel in our hearts, so that we are preserved from falling into desperation and unbelief; and seeing also that he hath endued us with a will and desire to renounce and withstand our own affections, with a longing for his righteousness, and the keeping of his commandments : we may be now right well assured that those defaults and manifold imperfections in us shall be no hindrance at all against us, to cause Him not to accept and account us as worthy to come to his spiritual THE FIRST SACRAMENT IN SCOTLAND. 123 table. For the end of our coming thither is not to make protestation that we are upright or just in our lives, but contrariwise, we come to seek our life and perfection in Jesus Christ, acknow- ledorino^ in the meantime that we of ourselves be the children of wrath and condemnation. Let us consider, then, that this sacrament is a singular medicine for all poor sick creatures, a comfortable help to weak souls; and that our Lord requireth no other worthiness on our part, but that we unfeignedly acknowledge our sinful- ness and imperfection. Then, to the end that we may be worthy partakers of his merits and most comfortable benefits (which is the true eating of his flesh and drinking of his blood), let us not suffer our minds to wander about the considera- tion of these earthly and corruptible things (which we see present to our eyes and feel with our hands), to seek Christ bodily present in them, as if he were inclosed in the bread and wine, or as if these elements were turned and changed into the sub- stance of his flesh and blood. But as the only way to dispose our souls to receive nourishment, relief, and quickening of his substance, let us lift up our minds by faith above all things worldly and sensible, and thereby enter into heaven, that we 124 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. may find and receive Christ, where lie dwelleth undoubtedly, very God and very man, in the in- comprehensible glory of his Father: To whom be all praise, honour, and glory, now and ever. Amen. The exJiortation ended, the minister cometh down from the pulpit, and sitteth at the table, every man and looman likewise taking their place as occasion best serveth : the?i he taheth bread, and giveth thanks, either in these words following, or like in effect : O Father of Mercy, and God of all consolation ! Seeing all creatures do acknowledge and confess thee as Governor and Lord : It becometh us, the workmanship of thine own hands, at all times to reverence and magnify thy godly Majesty. First, for that thou hast created us in thine own image and similitude : But chiefly in that thou hast de- livered us from that everlasting death and damna- tion, into the which Satan drew mankind by the means of sin, from the bondage whereof neither man nor angel was able to make us free. We praise thee, O Lord ! that thou, rich in mercy, and infinite in goodness, hast provided our redemp- tion to stand in thine only and well-beloved Son, THE FIRST SACRAMENT IX SCOTLAND. 125 whom of very love tliou didst give to be made man like unto us in all things, sin excepted, in his body to receive the punishment of our trans- gression, by his death to make satisfaction to thy justice, and through his resurrection to destroy him that was the author of death ; and so to bring again life to the world, from which the whole offspring of Adam most justly was exiled. O Lord ! we acknowledge that no creature is able to comprehend the length and breadth, the depth and height of that thy most excellent love, which moved thee to show mercy where none was deserved, to promise and give life where death had gotten the victory, to receive us in thy grace when we could do nothing but rebel against thy justice. O Lord ! the blind duhiess of our cor- rupt nature will not suffer us sufficiently to weigh these thy most ample benefits ; yet, nevertheless, at the commandment of Jesus Christ our Lord, we present ourselves at this His table, which he hath left to be used in remembrance of his death, until his coming again : to declare and witness before the world, that by him alone we have re- ceived liberty and life ; that by him alone thou dost acknowledge us thy children and heirs ; that by him alone we have entrance to the throne of 126 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. thy grace ; that by him alone we are possessed in our spiritual kingdom to eat and drink at his table, with whom we have our conversation pre- sently in heaven, and by whom our bodies shall be raised up again from the dust, and shall be placed with him in that endless joy, which thou, O Father of Mercy ! hast prepared for thine elect before the foundation of the world was laid. And these most inestimable benefits we acknowledge and confess to have received of thy free mercy and grace, by thine only beloved Son Jesus Christ: for the which, therefore, we thy con- gregation, moved by thine Holy Spirit, render all thanks, praise, and glory, for ever and ever. Amen. TJiis done, the minister hreaketh the bread, and delivereth it to the people, who distribute and divide the same among themselves, according to our Saviour Chrisfs commandment, and likewise giveth the cup. During the which time some place of the Scriptures is read, which doth lively set forth the death of Christ, to the intent that our eyes and senses may not only be occupied in those out- ward signs of bread and wine, which are called the visible word, but that our hearts and mind THE FIRST SACRAMENT IN SCOTLAND. 127 also may he fully fixed in the contemplation of the Lord^s death, which is hy this holy sacrament represented ; and after this action is done, he giveth thanks, saying : Most merciful Father, we render to tliee all praise, thanks, and glory, for that it hath pleased thee, of thy great mercies, to grant unto us, miserable sinners, so excellent a gift and treasure, as to receive us into the fellowship and company of thy dear Son Jesus Christ our Lord, whom thou hast delivered to death for us, and hast given him unto us as a necessary food and nourishment unto everlasting life. And now, we beseech thee also, O heavenly Father, to grant us this request, that thou never suffer us to become so unkind as to forget so worthy benefits ; but rather imprint and fasten them sure in our hearts, that we may grow and increase daily more and more in true faith, which continually is exercised in all manner of good works; and so much the rather, O Lord, confirm us in these perilous days and rages of Satan, that we may constantly stand and con- tinue in the confession of the same, to the advance- ment of thy glory, who art God over all things, blessed for ever. So be it. Amen. 128 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. The action thus ended, the people sing the hun- dred and third Psalm, or some other of thanks- giving ; ivhich ended, one of the hlessings before mentioned is recited, ayid so they rise from the table, and depart. VI. %xms 0f t|e Sc0ttbl] f itttrp. "For my part I am apt to think,— that our prayers stood so long, Avas a favour by God granted us at the prayers of these men ; who prayed for these prayers, as well as in them. And that they fell so soon, was a punishment of our negligence, who had not taught even those that Kked them well, to use them aright." — Anon., 1650. Such were the forms of worship introduced into the Church of Scotland at the Reformation, and observed with more or less uniformity* through the century succeeding. How general that observ- ance, and how affected by subsequent legislation of the Church, let us proceed briefly to examine. The Church of Scotland was represented at the Westminster Assembly (or " Synod of the Church of England/' as it was then called) by commis- sioners appointed for that purpose. These deputies in 1645 reported the proceedings of the English * Absolute uniformity was never intended. " There be two sorts of policy," says the First Book of Discipline (1560) ; " the one utterly necessary, as that the word be truly preached, the sacraments rightly ministered, common prayers publicly made, etc. The other is pro- fitable merely, not necessary; as that psalms should be sung, that certain places of the Scriptures be read; that this day or that, or how many in the week, the Kirk should assemble ; of these and such others we cannot see how a certain order can be established." — Ch. xi. K 130 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. Synod, submitting to the General Assembly the Confession of Faith, Book of Discipline, and Directory of Worship which they had assisted in framing. And in the same year, by act of General Assembly, those formularies were " approved,^^ and adopted as standards of the Church of Scotland.* The object of this legislation was clearly to fall in with the action of the Westminster Divines, in promoting uniformity among the churches, and giving evidence of their perfect agreement. While doing this, however, the Church made sacrifice of her own peculiar standards ; f those which had been prepared for her by the earliest of the Re- formers, and had continued in use until that day. Along with her ancient Confession of Faith, Books of Discipline, and Catechism, she gave up the Book of Common Order, which had hitherto been the directory of her worship. * Compendium of the Laws of the Church of Scotland, Part Second, p. 326.— Act Sess. 10, Feb. 3rd, 1645. f This readiness to concede whatever might be necessary for union and harmony, appears not to have been staggered by the unreason- ableness of any demand. At the fourteenth Session of 1645, the General Assembly resolved " that ministers bowing in the pulpit, though a lawful custom in this Kirk, be thereafter laid aside, for the satisfaction of the desires of the reverend divines in the Synod of England, and for uniformity with that Kirk." — Comp. of the Laivs, etc.. Part II. p. 327. This " bowing" to the people, at the commence- ment of the sermon, we have seen practised in some churches of Saxony. TRACES OF THE SCOTTISH LITURGY. 131 That this concession, made for the sake of unity, involved no condemnation of her former practice, the Church of Scotland took particular pains to declare. " It is also provided," says the decree by which conformity to the Westminster standards was enjoined, " that this act shall be no prejudice to the order and practice of this Kirk, in such particulars as are appointed by the Books of Dis- cipline and acts of General Assemblies, and are not otherwise ordered and appointed by the Direc- tory."* And another law forbids, under pain of ecclesiastical censure, " all condemning of one another, in such lawful things as had been tmiver- sally received, mid hy perpetual custom practised by the most faithful ministers of the Gospel and opposers of corruptions in the Kirk, sitice the first heginning of reformation to these times." f It is evident from this language, that while the Church of Scotland consented to lay aside her proper and peculiar order of worship, with the hope of a general union of the British Churches in the newly proposed Directory of the West- minster Divines, she neither condemned nor abrogated that ancient formulary; but, on the * Compendium, etc., Part II. p. 327. Anno 1615. t Ibid, p. 326. Anno 1613. lo2 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. contrary, took special care to avoid the appearance of any sucli repudiation, by a distinct ratification of those acts and regulations, which had been passed in former Assemblies, approving the Book of Common Order. We may now glance at the records of ecclesias- tical action respecting the Order of Geneva, taken by the Church of Scotland on various occasions from the Reformation to the days of the West- minster Assembly. In 1557, the year after its publication, the Order of Geneva was authorized, by the Lords of the Congregation, to be used in all churches.* In 1560, the First General Assembly directed that " the Sacramentis suld be minis terit efter the Order of the Kirk of Geneva '^•\ They mention it again as " the Book of our Common Order." They require that " a list of persons thought best qualified to preach, minister sacraments, and read the common prayers publickly in all kirks and congregations, be given in by ministers and com- missioners." + In 1562, it was again confirmed by the General * Bishop Sage, " The Fundamental Charter of Presbytery Ex- amined,^' p. 167. t First Booh of Discipline, ch. xi. Dunlop's Confessions, ii. X Compendium of Church Laivs, etc., Part II. p. 1. TRACES OF THE SCOTTISH LITURGY. 133 Assembly, " that an uniform order should be kept in the ministration of the sacraments, solemniza- tion of marriage, etc., according to the Kirk of Geneva."* In 1564, a further act was passed, ^' ordaining, that every minister, exhorter, and reader, shall have one of the psalm-books lately printed in Edinburgh, and use the order therein contained, in prayers, marriage, and ministration of the sacraments, in the Book of Common Order." f At another session of the same year, it was pro- vided " that ministers have psalm-books, and use orders therein in prayers, marriage, and ministra- tion of the sacraments." J In 1567, it was ordered, that the Book of Common Order, with Knox's prayers, be translated into Gaelic." § In 1601, the General Assembly prohibited the making of any alterations or additions in the order of worship without submission of the pro- posed changes to itself; and nothing was there- after added. II * Sage, '■'■ Presbytery Examined," p. 167. t Comp. of Church Laws, p. 14, X Hid., p. 15. § Lorimer's Frot. Churches of France and Scotland, p. 144. II " It being meinit be sundrie of the Brethren, that there was 134 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. After this date, we find no legislation on the subject. But that up to this period, and for the quarter of a century succeeding, the Book of Order was in common use, there is sufficient proof. A Romish author writing in 1561, mentions it as the established form of prayers at that time.* When Queen Mary fled from Scotland to Eng- land, in 1568, " she feigned her willingness to give up with the mass, and to adopt the English Common Prayer-Book, provided Elizabeth would assist her in regaining her crown. Lord Herries having made this proposal in her name. Sir Francis Knollys, the English Ambassador, replied, ^ that if he meant thereby to condemn the form and order of Common Prayer now used in Scotland, agreeable with divers well reformed churches : then he might so fight for the shadow and image of religion, that he might bring the body and truth into danger.' " f sundrie Prayers in the Psalme Booke, quhilk wold be alterit, in re- spect they ar not convenient for the mean Tyme :— In the quhilk Head the Assembly has concludit, that it is not thocht good that the Prayeris alreadie conteinit in the Psalme Booke be alterit. But gif ony Brother wold have ony uther Prayers eikit quhilkis are meit for the Tyme, ordaynes the samen first to be tryit and allowit be the Assembly."— DuNLOP's Coll., ii. 513. * M'Crie's Life of Knox, App. p. 431. t Ibid., p. 432. . TRACES OF THE SCOTTISH LITURGY. 135 When, in 1620, a Scottisli clerj^man was called before the Ilij^li Commission, and accused of neglecting to minister the Eucharist to the pco])le according to the Anglican forms, he answered : " There is no warrantable form directed or ap- proven by the Kirk, besides that which is now extant in print bciforc the Psalm Book ; that is, the Old Liturgy; according to which, as I have always done, I now minister that sacrament.'^* A writer of the seventeenth century states, that this form of worship continued to be used " (3ven after the beginning of the horrid revolution (of lG48j in the days of King Charles I. ; and many old people yet alive remember well" to have heard it read in the churches. f Finally, in 1644, under the title of " Tlie New Book of Scotland," an edition of the Order with some alterations was published, separate from the Psalm Book, to which hitherto it had been attached.:]: Thus we have shown, that as well by law as by * Caldrhwood, 748.— An edition of 1G3.'3, at Edinburgh, is men- tioned by M 'Gavin, editor of Knox' n Hist, of the liej'ormation^ Glasgow, 1844. t Saok, Vrenhytcry F/xamincd^ p. 3ol, X John Knox'h Lituugy, an article in the Edinburgh Review, 18o2. 136 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. custom, the form of worship introduced by John Knox continued to be the established and received Order of the Church of Scotland, until the period of her conformity with the standards of the West- minster Assembly.* In England, also, the traces of this Liturgy, and of its frequent use, are to he met with along the latter part of the sixteenth century, and for some years later. And what is not a little re- markable, this use was not confined to those who sympathized with the Christians of Scotland in their opposition to prelacy and the English ritual. We find the prayers of Knox's Liturgy adopted even in the Church of England, for purposes of private devotion, f Knox and his colleagues at Geneva, when they first published the Order of Worship drawn up for the English congregation of that city, dedicated it to their brethren in England ;+ and the proba- * The latest publication of this formulary was in 1840, when it appeared at London, in a small volume edited, with a short preface, by the distinguished Scottish minister, Dr. Cunmiing. His strongly recommendatory notices of these forms we shall have occasion to refer to again. Prefixed to the Psalm-book now in use at the Scottish National Church in London, is a portion of Knox's Liturgy. t Frivate Frayers published during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Parker Society, 1851. X Freface to the Book of Common Order. Dunlop's Confessions^ ii. 385. TRACES OF THE SCOTTISH LITURGY. 137 bility seems strong, that it came into immediate and extensive use among the Protestants of that kingdom who refused or hesitated to conform with the Established Church. Both in London and on the Continent there were printed at this period a multitude of editions of the Psalms and Prayers used in Scotland.* During the reigii of Mary, there was a con- gregation formed at London by the Protestants, who met in secret, for fear of persecution, to cele- brate Divine w^orship according to the Scottish forms. t In the time of Elizabeth we find similar conventicles, where the same rites were observed.:]: And it is natural to infer, that all the congrega- tions of Dissenters or Separatists existing at that period, were in the habit of using these services, which had been adopted by the Churches of Geneva and Scotland, to whose doctrine and dis- cipline they were strongly attached. § In the years 1584 and 1586, attempts were made in Parliament to obtain sanction for " the * Lorimer's Frotestant Church of France^ p. 144. t Grindal's Remains^ p. 204, :J: Strype's Whitgift, iii. 278. Grindal's Remains, p. 204. \ At an examination of Nonconformist preachers during the reign of Elizabeth, 1588-9, no fewer than nine ministers are named as having been guilty of performing worship according to the " Form used at Geneva." — Strype's Whitgift, iii. 278. 138 A CHAPTER ON LITrEGIES. Form of Prayers and Administration of the Sacra- ments used in the English Church at Geneva; approved and received by the Church of Scot- land/'* Though the attempt was unsuccessful, it became customary to publish the substance of these prayers in connexion with the Liturgy of the Church of England, appended to the autho- rized editions of the Sacred Scriptures ; and they are to be found so printed in various editions of the Bible, from the year 1590 to the year 1640. It was evidently designed that these forms should be used in secret or social worship only; indeed, they are headed with the title : *^ A Forme of Prayer to be used in private houses every Morning and Evening." But a comparison of these prayers with those of Knox's Liturgy will prove them to be identical. Such are the traces of the existence and use of the Scottish Liturgy, down to the middle of the seventeenth century. Until supplanted by the Directory of Worship, it remained the chosen and * Hooker's JForks, ii. 159, note. Strype's Jfliifffift, i. 347, 487. "A new platform of ecclesiastical government, agreeable to that of Geneva, and another form of Common Prayer prescribed therein, in the room of the old one, for this Church."— In Parlia- ment, 27 Elizabeth. The title of this book is given thus by Strype : "The Sacred Discipline of the Church described in the Word of God, 1584." voluntary formulary of the Calvinistic party in England, as well as the prescribed order of the Church of Scotland. But after the period of the Westminster Assembly, we find no mention of it, nor is there reason to doubt that it then fell into complete disuse. VIII. " Juxta laudabilem Ecclesiae Scotise Eeformatse formam et i-itum." Archbishop Grind al, 1582. On a Sunday morning, in the month of June, 1567, some peaceable citizens of London were gathered to the number of about one hundred, in a hall engaged for the purpose, to worship God after the dictates of their conscience. INIost of them evidently belonged to the class of trades- people and mechanics ; but a few might be recog- nised as ministers of the Gospel; being such as the recent laws of conformity had ejected from their livings and forbidden to preach. Their pre- sent meeting was in disregard of an unjust enact- ment prohibiting all religious assemblies else- where than in consecrated buildings. As each worshipper entered the room, he stood for a moment reverently with bowed head in silent prayer ; till at length one of them, dressed in the peculiar garb of the Calvinistic preachers, advanc- ing to the Communion-table, began the services WORSHIP OF THE EARLY PURITANS. 141 of tlie occasion; and stretching forth his hands, solemnly uttered the invocation of the Psalmist : " Our help is in the Name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Amen." These words were appropriate for the opening of an act of worship, and in fact belonged to the ritual of the Reformed service. But they had a timely meaning for those poor "Londoners" thus congregated in secrecy, and now just about to be seized and cast into prison for conscience' sake and the Gospel's. Well for them if they could of a truth put their hope of help in that high Name of the Lord who made heaven and earth; for they were to find little mercy and forbearance at the hands of men calling themselves his ser- vants. It was under the reign of Elizabeth that the incidents we are relating occurred ; but nineteen years after the formal establishment of the Pro- testant religion in the realm. The poor Calvinists who were thus meeting in private for their reli- gious rites,* were most of them among the original * " These latter separated themselves into private assemblies, meeting together, not in churches, but in private houses, where they had ministers of their own. And at these meetings, rejecting wholly the Book of Common Prayer, they used a book of prayers framed at Geneva for the congregation of English exiles lately sojourning there. 142 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. converts from Popery and receivers of the doctrine of the Reformers. In fact, they had heard the pure faith preached by the earliest of its advocates, and perhaps witnessed the good profession of many who perished as martyrs in the bloody reign of Mary. Not much wonder if such men preferred the simple form of worship which they adopted when relinquishing Romish superstition, to rites and ceremonies savouring, to their plain taste, of the old pernicious leaven. Such was their occupation, when this little assembly was disturbed by an unexpected intru- sion. Several sheriffs, hastily entering the room, broke up the meeting, and arrested some four- teen or fifteen among them, who were ministers of the Gospel, dispersing the rest, while their companions were carried off to prison. There they lay until sent for the next day to appear before " the Lord Mayor, the Bishop of London, and others the Queen's Commissioners," on charge of disobedience to the laws of the realm. Their ex- amination before these worshipful authorities must have presented a singular spectacle. Here were Which book had been overseen and allowed by Calvin, and the rest of his divines there ; and indeed was for the most part taken out of the Geneva form."— Strype's Life of Arch. Grinded, b. i., c. 10. WORSHIP OF THE EARLY PURITANS. 143 men of good character and favourable appearance summoned on no charge of crime save that of peacefully assembling in Christian worship ; and this before a Protestant prelate who, as we shall see, in former days of persecution, had himself taken part in the very same rites of worship, similarly performed in a foreign city to which he had retreated. We have had the good fortune to come across a full account of this extraordinary trial, as written down from the lips of the men themselves ; it is contained in a rare pamphlet entitled, " The Examination of certain Londoners before the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, June 20th, 1567." The colloquy between these honest and brave- hearted men, and the well-meaning, though vacil- lating Grindal, then Bishop of London, is as quaint and striking as that recorded by Bunyan between Faithful and his judges in Vanity Fair. Here is the main part of it, in their own old- fashioned words : * — " When we were come in," say the Londoners, " we did our obeisance, and they bade us come near, and the Bishop's registrar called us by * " The Examination of certain Londoners" etc., in Grindal's Life and Remains. London : Parker Society. 144 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. name ; John Smith, William Nixson, William White, James Ireland, Robert Hawkins, Thomas Boweland, and Richard Morecroft. The Bishop said. Is here all ? One answered. No, there are ten or eleven in the Compter. Bishop. I know that well enough. The Bishop said unto the Mayor, My Lord, will you begin? The Mayor said unto him, I pray you begin. Bishop. Well, then, here you have showed yourselves disorderly, not only in absenting your- selves from your parish churches, and the assem- blies of other Christians in this commonwealth, which do quietly obey the Queen^s proceedings, and serve God in such good order as the Queen's grace and the rest having authority and wisdom have set forth and established by Act of Parlia- ment : but, also, ye have gathered together and made assemblies, using prayers and preachings, yea, and ministering the sacraments among ^^our- selves. And thus, you gather together many times ; yea, and no longer ago than yesterday you were together to the number of an hundred ; whereof there were about fourteen or fifteen of you sent to prison. And our being here is to will you to leave off", or else you shall see the Queen's WORSHIP OF THE EARLY PURITANS. 145 letter, and the Council's hands at it. (Then he opened it, and showed it us, hut would not read it. The eiFect of it, he said, was to move us to be conformable by gentleness, or else at the first we should lose our freedom of the city, and abide that would follow.) * * * In this severing yourselves from the society of other Christians, you condemn not only us, but also the whole state of the Church reformed in King Edward's days, which was well reformed according to the word of God, yea, and many good men have shed their blood for the same, which your doings condemn. Haiokins. We condemn them not, in that we stand to the truth of God's word. But he would not suffer us to answer to it. Bishop. But have you not the Gospel truly preached, and the sacraments ministered accord- ingly, and good order kept, although we difier from other churches in ceremmiies, and in indif- ferent things, which lie in the prince's power to command for order's sake ? How say you, Smith ? You seem to be the ancientest of them ; answer you. Smith. Indeed, my Lord, we thank God for reformation; and that is it we desire, according to God's word. (And there he stayed.) 146 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. WJiite. I beseech you, let me answer. Bishop. Nay, William White, hold your peace ; you shall be heard anon. Nixso7i. I beseech you, let me answer a word or two. Bishop. Nixson, you are a busy fellow, I know your words ; you are full of talk ; I know from whence you came. Hawkins. I would be glad to answer. Bishop. Smith shall answer. Answer you. Smith. Smith. Indeed, as you said even now, for preaching and ministering the sacraments, so long as we might have the word freely preached, and the sacraments administered without the preferring of idolatrous gear about it, we never assembled together in houses. But when it came to this point, that all our preachers were displaced by your law, that would not subscribe to your apparel and your law, so that we could not hear none of them in any church by the space of seven or eight weeks, except Father Coverdale, of whom we have a good opinion, (and yet, God knoweth, the man was so fearful, that he durst not be known unto us where he preached, though we sought it at his house : then we bethought us what were best to WORSHIP OF THE EARLY PURITANS. 147 do. And we remembered that there was a con- gregation of us in this city in Queen Mary's days ; and a congregation at Geneva, which used a book and order of preaching, ministering of the sacra- ments and discipline, most agreeable to the word of God ; which book is allowed by that godly and well-learned man. Master Calvin, and the preachers there ; which book and order we now hold. And if you can reprove this book, or anything that we hold, by the word of God, we will yield to you, and do open penance at Paul's Cross ; if not, we will stand to it by the grace of God. Bishop. This is no answer. White. You may be answered, if you will give leave. * * * J delivered a book to Justice Harris, which is the order that we hold. Reprove the same by the word of God, and we will leave it and give over. JBishojj.'We cannot reprove it. But to gather together disorderly, to trouble the common quiet of the realm against the prince's will, we like not the holding of it. Haivkins. Why, that which we do, we do it by the commandment of God ; we have the example of the first and apostolic Church for our warrant, as in the 16th to the Homans, vcr. 17. 148 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. ^^ I beseech you, brethren, mark them that cause divisions, and give occasions of evil, contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them." Dean. Yea, but the manner w^hich ye hold is unorderly, and against the authority of the prince. Hawkins, Why, the truth of God is a truth, wheresoever it be holden, or whosoever doth hold it ; except ye will make it subject to places and persons, and to the authority of the prince. It had been better w^e had never been born, than to suffer Got) to be dishonoured, and his word defaced for princes' pleasures. Bishop. All the learned are against you ; will you be tried by them ? White. We will be tried by the word of God ; which shall judge us all at the last day. * * * We will be tried by the best Reformed Churches. The Church of Scotland hath the word truly preached, the sacraments truly ministered, and dis- cipline according to the word of God ; and these be the notes by which the true Church is known." So, after some further discussion, ended this curious examination : to the end of which the re- porter adds these words : " From hence to prison WORSHIP OF THE EARLY PURITANS. 149 they went, all or most of them. Such was the great charity of the bishops ! And till their day of deliverance they never knew one good word they spoke for them, though divers of them had wives and children, and were but poor men." A whole year these innocent Christian people lay in prison ! and that under the Protestant reign of ^' that bright Occidental Star, Queen Elizabeth of most happy memory." Alas, for the rarity of Christian charity ! Out of their doleful bondage they could utter no voice of remonstrance ; but at length, with tardy compassion, the bishop obtained an order for their release : and they were discharged, to the number of twenty-four men, besides seven women f When these sufferers and their brethren made some complaint of this treatment, in a supplication to the Privy Council for relief from the hindrances to which they were subjected, they seem to have been considered rather unreasonable ! Here is the tenor of their petition : " We beseech your honours, for God's cause, favourably to consider of these few lines. The effect is to certify you, that whereas a certain of us poor men of the city were kept in prison one whole year for our conscience' sake, because we 150 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. would serve our God by the rule of his holy word, without the vain and wicked ceremonies and traditions of papistry ; and being delivered forth the 23rd of April last past, by authority of the honourable Council's letter, as the bishop declared to us all at his house, the third of May, saying, that means had been made to your honours for our liberty ; the effect thereof, he said, was, that we were freed from our parish churches, and that we might hear such preachers that we liked best of in the city : also, w hereas we requested to have baptism truly ministered to our children according to the word and order of the Geneva book : he said that he would tolerate it, and appoint two or three to do it ; immediately after, at our request, he appointed two preachers, called Bonham and Crane, under his handwriting, to keep a lecture. *^ But now of late, because Bonham did marry a couple, and baptize one of our children, by the order of the said book, which is most sincere, he hath commanded him to be kept close 'prisoner ; and Mr. Crane also he hath commanded not to preach in his diocese. "By these means were we driven at first to forsake the churches, and to congregate in our houses. Now we protest to your honour, we WORSHIP OF THE EARLY PURITANS. 151 never yielded to no condition in our coming forth of prison, but minded to stand fast in the same sincerity of the Gospel that we did when we were in prison, approved and commanded of God in his word. And therefore we humbly beseech your honours to let us have your furtherance and help in so good a cause : that our bodies and goods be no more molested for standing in this good purpose which we most heartily desire to see flourish throughout this realm, to God's high honour, the preservation of your honourable personages, and safeguard of this realm." No redress followed upon this humble remon- strance, which indeed seems to have been designed rather to vindicate the consistency of the petition- ers, than to obtain redress. There is the ring of true metal about these words, which would have done credit to old martyrs and confessors : '^ Now we protest to your honours, we never yielded to no condition in our coming forth of prison, but minded to stand fast in the same sincerity of the Gospel that we did when we were in prison, approved and commanded of God in his word." We hasten to point out the bearing of these facts respecting the early Puritans, upon the subject of our present researches. It is apparent 152 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. from their own statements here quoted, that these sufferers for the. Gospel, in their first humble and secret assemblies, forbidden by law and exposed to sudden disturbance, followed the order and manner of the Scottish and Genevan ritual. The fathers of Nonconformity in England were no advocates of loose and irregular practises in the celebration of religious rites. They discarded the offensive Liturgy of the prelates, not to abandon all forms, but to substitute a pure, simple, and evangelical form, which had been established and approved by all the '' best reformed churches." And there is reason to believe that this adoption of the Calvinistic mode of worship, was universal among the first congregations of the Nonconform- ists. In the preceding chapter we have seen, that many, if not all, of those preachers who, under the reign of Elizabeth, were tried and punished for the crime of separation from the Established Church, had been in the habit of performing -worship according to the " Form used at Geneva." It was not until a much later day, that this invaluable Liturgy began to fall into neglect ; and that doubtless owing rather to the disorders of the times, than to any change of sentiment regarding the proper celebration of Divine worship. Even "WORSHIP OF THE EAULY PURITANS. 153 as we shall hereafter see, in the days of Calamy and Baxter, that prejudice against ritual services which is commonly imputed to the Puritans, had not yet spread throughout their body. While we honour and admire the earnest piety and firm principle of these excellent men whose trials we have here depicted, it must be conceded that in some respects their views were narrowed by strong and unreasonable antipathies. There was already manifest a disposition to oppose and condemn innocent and even commendable practices belonging to that system of worship from w^hich they dissented. Thus among certain articles or statements of errors requiring redress, in the Anglican Church, drawn up by some of the early Nonconformists, we find the following : — "No sacrament ought to be administered without being preceded by a sermon, preached and not read. *' Sermons ought not to be preached at the burial of the dead. " The Holy Scriptures ought not to be read in the churches. " No one ought to be confined to set forms of prayer." * * Zurich Letters, p. 417. 154 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. The last of these requirements, though perfectly compatible with the free use of a Liturgy, was severely condemned by the learned theologian Gualter, minister at Zurich in Switzerland ; who, on being informed of the opinions advanced by these preachers, wrote in the following terms : — ^^ Where they say that no one ought to be tied down to set forms of prayer, I know not in what sense they make the assertion. If they mean this, that we are not superstitiously to attach any virtue to preconceived words of prayer, or to certain forms of prayer, I am also of the same opinion ; for this rather belongs to exorcists and conjurors. But if they condemn certain forms of public prayer, I should say that they are mad wdth their wits about them. * * * For that such prayers have been in use in all ages, no one can deny ; and it is more than necessary that they should be retained. * * * But yet this does not prevent individuals from offering their prayers in private for themselves. * * * And ministers also may sub- join, at the close of their sermons, prayers suitable to the subject of which they have been treating."* But here we leave the persecuted Nonconformists of the days of Queen Elizabeth, and turn to look * Zurich Letters, p. 446. WORSHIP OF THE EARLY PURITANS. 155 at their Episcopal opponent, before whose tribunal they found so little compassion for their weak- nesses, and toleration of their conscientious per- suasions. Poor Bishop Grindal ! it was hard for so well- meaning and truly pious a man as he certainly was, to be thus placed in the position of a relentless persecutor of the faithful. He could find no fault with their doctrines, which were as thoroughly orthodox as his own. Nay, he had nothing to impugn in their book of worship, as he avows when they offer to defend it: "We cannot reprove it." Moreover, as intimated already, the good bishop could not but remember that only some thirteen years before, he had taken part in these very rites which he was now condemning ; when uniting at Strasburg and Frankfort, with other English exiles, in celebrating religious worship.* But another feature of the case deserves to be noted. In 1563, only four years earlier than the period on which we have been dwelling, the Plague broke out in England, and soon extending to London, committed great ravages there. Grindal * See Strype's Life of Grindal. The archbishop entertained the highest veneration for the Churches and pastors of Geneva in his day. He calls that city, " A nursery unto God," — B. ii., c. 14. 156 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. was called upon to draw up a Form of Prayer and Fasting suitable to the time of this severe visitation. And in performing this duty, what does the worthy bishop do, but go to the old Order of Geneva, the Calvinistic Liturgy which he had seen used at Frankfort, and which he afterwards condemned the use of in his own diocese of London; and from that he takes, Avhole and entire, the beautiful prayer there appointed for an exigency against which his own Book of Common Prayer contained no provision !* Surely these recollections must have sorely troubled the goodman^s conscience when sitting in judgment upon the unfortunate "Londoners" guilty of using that Order of Geneva, which he himself had " used " to such good purpose on so memorable an occasion. Perhaps to this reminiscence the poor defendants owed his concession : " We cannot reprove it."t All this leads us to look with some interest upon the Form of Prayer in question. The original, * He was required to do this work in great haste (see Strype, b. i., 0. 7) ; which may somewhat account for the plagiarism. t "In the year 1582, Archbishop Grindal, by a formal deed, declared the validity of the orders of ]Mr. John Morrison, who had been ordained by the Synod of Lothian, according to the laudable form and rite of the Reformed Church of Scotland. Says the instrument : ' Per generalem synodum sive congregationem illius comitatus, juxta laudabilem ecclesitc Scotiae Reformatte formam WORSHIP OF THE EARLY PURITANS. 157 composed by Calvin, will be found in his Works.* Grindal's translation we give in the main as fol- lows if premising that the prayer thus credited to the bishop was the basis upon which other forms of prayer, in times of public danger, w^ere after- wards drawn up during the Queen's reign : — O Almighty, most just and merciful God ! we acknowledge ourselves unworthy to lift up our eyes unto heaven, as we present ourselves before thee. For our consciences accuse us, and our sins reprove us ; and we know that thou who art a righteous Judge, must needs punish them that transgress thy law. O Lord ! when we look back and examine our whole life, we find nothing in ourselves that deserveth any other reward than eternal condemnation. But since thou, of thine unspeakable mercy, hast commanded us in all our necessities to call upon thee; and hast also et ritum, ad sacros ordines et sacrosanctum mirdsterium per manuum impositionem admissus et ordinatus. Nos igitur formam ordinationis et prsefectionistuee hujus modi, modo prtemisso factam, quantum in nos est, et dejurepossumus, approbantes etratificantes/"etc. — Strype's Life of Grindal, quoted inM'CRiE's Life of John Knox, p. 49, note. * Opuscula, Liturgy of the Church of Geneva. Compare A Godly Prayer, in the'Bookof Common Order ; Dunlop's Confessions, ii. 481. Also, A Prayer on the Lord's Bay after Sermon, in the Reformed Dutch Liturgy. And A Prayer for the Queen's Majesty, in the " Private Prayers" of the Parker Society, p. 447. t Conforming in some few passages more closely to the original. 158 A CHAPTER OF LITURGIES. promised that thou wilt hear our prayers, not for any merit of our own, for we have none, but for the merits of thy Son, whom thou hast ordained to be our only Mediator and Intercessor : There- fore, we lay aside all confidence in man, and flee to the throne of thy mercy, by the intercession of thy only Son our Saviour, Jesus Christ. O Lord ! we do lament and bewail, from the bottom of our hearts, our past unthankfulness towards thee. We remember that besides those benefits of thine which we enjoy in common with all men as thy creatures, thou hast bestowed upon us many special blessings, of which w^e are not able in heart to conceive the value, much less in words worthily to express it. Thou hast called us to the knowledge of thy Gospel. Thou hast re- leased us from the hard servitude of Satan. Thou hast delivered us from all idolatry, wherein we were sunken ; and hast brought us into the clear and comfortable light of thy blessed word. But we, most unmindful in our prosperity of these thy great benefits, have neglected thy commandments, have abused the knowledge of thy Gospel, have followed our carnal liberty, have served our own lusts, and through our sinful lives have failed suitably to serve and honour thee. WORSHIP OF THE EARLY PURITANS. 159 And now, O Lord ! compelled by thy correction, we do most humbly confess that we have sinned, and have most gi'ievously displeased thee. And if thou, O Lord ! provoked with our disobedience, shouldst now deal with us as we have deserved, there remaineth nothing to be looked for, but con- tinual plagues in this world, and hereafter eternal death and condemnation, both of body and of soul. For if we should excuse ourselves, our own consciences would accuse us before thee, and our own disobedience and wickedness would bear witness against us. Yea, even thy plagues and punishments, which thou dost now lay upon us in sundry places, teach us to acknowledge our sins. For seeing that thou art just, O Lord ! yea, even justice itself, thou dost not punish any without desert. And now, O Lord ! we see thy hand terribly stretched out to plague us, and punish us.* Yet, although thou shouldst punish us more grievously still ; though thou shouldst pour upon us all those testimonies of thy just wrath, which in time past thou pouredst on thy chosen people Israel ; yet could Ave not deny that we had justly deserved it. . * This praj-er was written bj' Calvin for the Church of Geneva in 154:1, " when Germany was infested both with war and pestilence." " Precationes, quibus in iis uterentiir, conscripsi." — Calv. Ep., quoted by Bingham, Works, ii. 748. 160 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. But, O merciful Lord ! tliou art our God, and we are thine inheritance ; thou art our Creator, and we the work of thy hands; thou art our Pastor, we are thy flock ; thou art our Redeemer, and we the people whom thou hast redeemed; thou art our Father, we are thy children. Lord ! be not wroth against us ; punish us not in thy sore displeasure. Remember, O Lord ! that thy name hath been named upon us; that we bear thy seal and the tokens of thy service. Perfect the work thou hast begun in us ; that all the world may know thou art our God and merciful Deliverer. Thou knowest that the dead who are in their graves cannot praise thee ; but the sorrowful spirit, the contrite heart, the conscience broken with a sense of sin, and panting for thy grace, shall give thee praise and glory. Thy people Israel ofttimes offended thee, and thou didst justly afflict them ; but as oft as they returned to thee, thou didst receive them in mercy ; and though their sins were never so great, yet didst thou turn away thy wrath, and the punishment prepared for them ; and that for thy covenant's sake, which thou madest with thy servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Thou hast made a better covenant with us, O heavenly WORSHIP or THE EARLY PURITANS. 161 Father ! a covenant on which we may lean as we appear before thee : through the mediation of thy dear Son Jesus Christ our Saviour, with whose most precious blood it pleased thee that this covenant should be written, sealed, and confirmed. Wherefore, O heavenly Father ! we now, casting away all confidence in ourselves or any other creature, do flee to this most holy covenant and testament ; wherein our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, once oflcring himself a sacrifice for us on the cross, hath reconciled us to thee for ever. Look, therefore, O merciful God ! not upon tlie sins which we continually commit, but upon our Mediator and Peacemaker, Jesus Christ: that by his intercession thy wrath may be pacified, and we again by thy fatherly countenance relieved and comforted. Receive us also into thy heavenly defence, and govern us by thy Holy Spirit. Frame in us newness of life, wherein to laud and magnify thy blessed name for ever, and to live every one of us according to the several states of life whereunto thou hast ordained us. And, O heavenly Father ! although, by reason of our past sins, we are unworthy to crave anything of thee : yet because thou hast commanded us to pray for all men, we most humbly beseech thee, M 162 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. save and defend thy holy Church. Be merciful to all commonwealths^ countries, princes, and magistrates ; and especially to this our realm, and to our most gracious governor, Queen Eliza- beth. Increase the number of godly ministers. Endue them with thy grace, to be found faithful and prudent in their office. Defend the Council of the Queen's majesty, and all that be in authority under her, or that serve in any place by her commandment. We commend also to thy fatherly mercy all that be in poverty, exile, imprisonment, sickness, or any other kind of adversity ; and chiefly those whom thy hand hath now touched with any contagious and dangerous sickness ; which we beseech thee, O Lord ! of thy mercy, when thy blessed will is, to remove. And in the meantime grant grace and true repentance, steadfast faith, and constant patience : that whether we live or die, we may always continue thine, and ever bless thy holy name, and be brought to the fruition of thy Godhead. Grant these, and all our humble petitions, O merciful Father ! for the sake of thy dear Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. TX. 'guttfs icforntcir fiiimi "We are satisfied in our judgments concerning the lawfulness of a liturgy, or form of public worship ; provided that it be for the matter agreeable unto the Word of God, and fitly suited to the nature of the several ordinances and necessities of the Church." First Addkess of the Ministers. The Conference which took place at the Savoy in 1660, between twelve leaders of the Nonconform- ist party and an equal number of prelates of the Church of England, was the last ostensible effort to reconcile their differences, and bring about a formal agreement. But in reality, as we review the transactions of that meeting, it is easy to perceive that on neither side did there exist an intention to reach by compromise and concession these desirable ends. The scheme of reconciliation was a political device, and failed to receive the cordial co-operation of either of the conflicting parties. The bishops stood upon their dignity, determined to yield nothing, while the Puritans were as rigid in their demands. The former aimed only at an apparent compliance with the royal requisition, while evading even the most 164 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. trivial alteration of existing institutions. The latter, hopeless of realizing their proposed amend- ments, were chiefly anxious for an " opportunity of leaving upon record their testimony against corruptions," and their desires for "a just and moderate reformation^' of abuses. Accordingly, Baxter and his colleagues, who represented the Nonconformist interests at the Savoy Conference, brought in a list of exceptions to the Prayer Book, many of which were reason- able, and ought to have been readily granted, while others were certainly impracticable or un- called for. The unbending temper of the bishops made no discrimination between these classes of objections, and their treatment of them was calcu- lated to awaken a corresponding disposition in their opponents. No hope of emendation in the Prayer Book could long be entertained by the Puritan divines who assembled at the conference of the Savoy. Indeed, " where undistinguishing admiration is directed to works of merely human composition, it cannot be expected that any alterations will be regarded otherwise than in the light of captious and unnecessary innovations."* The chief object * Orme's life and Times of Baxter, p. 220. Baxter's reformed liturgy. 165 of the Nonconformists then became, to obtain the liberty of using among themselves such forms of worship as they could agree upon, leaving the Prayer Book to stand as it was. In other words, they desired the adoption of a Reformed Liturgy in addition to that ritual already in use, in order that those who couhl not conscientiously receive the one might adopt the other. We cannot see that this proposition deserved the ridicule with which it was regarded by the prelatical party. If the winning over of so large and respectable a body of men as that headed by Baxter and Calamy, was an object worthy of the least sacrifice, these men did not ask too much in proposing such an enlargement of the mode of worship as would comprehend their usages and views. The party existed, and claimed considera- tion for its numbers and influence. It comprised multitudes of the most sincere and correct pro- fessors of Christianity in the realm, with not a few individuals of distinguished name. We may question, therefore, whether a liberal and en- lightened policy, to say nothing of a higher wisdom, should not have acceded to a project which, without compromising the doctrines and order of the Establishment, Avas calculated to 166 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. draw into it so large a body of Christians. Such a course was not without precedent in the history of religion. Rome has suffered to remain for centuries more than one ritual which she has found in use among the churches over which her sway has extended.* She allows at the present day no inconsiderable variations from her own formularies, even in the order of the Mass.f The saints and the festivals of each national rite, with their appropriate offices of devotion, have been incorporated into her Liturgy ; while the wisdom of such a course is made evident by the fact, that the Roman rite gradually predominating, has in most cases, after a time, replaced the provincial peculiarities of worship. Nor was the alleged frivolity of the Puritan objections to the Prayer Book a valid reason for rejecting their demand. If these exceptions were so imimportant, doubtless a moderate and conciliatory treatment would in time have softened prejudice and induced con- formity. But, unfortunately, alike for the Estab- * " Debet unaquoeque ecclesia custodire ritus suos, sed receptos a majoribus, longoque usu prasscriptos, et legitima auctoritate appro- bates."— Bona, Ecf. Lit.^ lib. vi. t In the Ambrosian and Galilean rites more particularly : for the former of which consult " II modo di servire la Santa Messa, secondo il Rito Ambrosiano e Eomano." Milan, 1849. Baxter's reformed liturgy. 167 lishment and the Dissenters, no such spirit reigned in the councils of the Savoy. The Puritans have been the objects of further obloquy in consequence of a misapprehension of their demands. It has been said that they required the abolishment of the Prayer Book, and the sub- stitution of a hastily-prepared ritual of their own. The impracticable nature of such a request w^ould reduce the transactions of the Savoy to a mere farce, or a designed mockery. But this statement is incorrect. Baxter, in his address introducing the proposed Nonconformist Liturgy, prays that it may be adopted as well as the old, and that either of them be used, at the discretion of the minister.* The great purpose for which he and his brethren had sought the appointment of such a Conference, was to obtain " an addition or insertion of some other varying forms in Scripture phrase, to be used at the minister's choice."! This object the royal declaration convoking the assembly of the Savoy clearly ratifies and approves. It commands the preparation of " some additional forms^ in the Scripture phrase as near as may be, suited unto the nature of the several parts of * Cardavell, Conferences on the Book of Common Prayer^ p. 261. t First Address of the Ministers^ in Cardwell, p. 282. 168 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. worship, and that it he left to the minister^ choice to use one or other at his discretion."* Nothing more than this did the Puritan divines attempt; but the bishops refused utterly to entertain the proposal, t On the general subject of Liturgies, the senti- * King Charles's Declaration, etc. In Cardwell, pp. 294, 295. t "That which hath been is now." In our own day the wisdom of this proposal, made by Baxter and his colleagues, and spurned by the entire bench of the prelates, is receiving confii-mation where least expected. A scheme of improvement in the worship and dis- cipline of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, has for some months past engaged the attention of the bishops of that Church. We cannot pause to specify the reforms advocated by the ' Memorial of sundry Presbyters," which was presented to that body, and Avhich forms the subject of their deliberations. But in an "Exposition" of that memorial, prepared by a clergyman of high character and standing, who is regarded as the principal author of this movement, a remarkable feature is to be observed. The identical privilege sought by Baxter and his brethren, — that of discretion- ary variation and substitution in the use of the Liturgy, — is here demanded by an eminent minister of the Episcopal Church. Nay, the very improvement solicited then, — the addition of " some forms in the Scripture phrase as near as may be, to be used at the minister's choice," — is here suggested, almost in the same language. " Let there be an Appendix,^' urges the distinguished author of the Exposition, " for the benefit of those who might choose to use it ; containing * * * Scripture hymns and anthems, jtpr«ye/-« * * * v^hich also might be very much in Scripture words." Surely, the justice and propriety of those demands, which were so contemptuously slighted by the prelates of Baxter's day, could not be more strikingly vindicated than by such a resuscitation. All honour to the candid, enlightened, and truly Christian spirit which inspired this move- ment in the mind of its excellent projector. If such counsels could have reigned at the Savoy two centuries ago, what dissensions and controversies would not have been spared the Church of Christ ! 169 ment of the Nonconformist ministers is iiiUy represented in their letter to the king. '' We are satisfied in our judgments,'^ say they, ^^concern- ing the lawfuhiess of a liturgy, or form of public worship ; provided that it be for the matter agi-ee- able to the Word of God, and fitly suited to the nature of the several ordinances and institutions of the Church ; neither too tedious in the whole, nor composed of too short prayers, unmeet repeti- tions or responsals ; not to be dissonant from the liturgies of other reformed Churches; nor too rigorously imposed ; nor the minister so confined thereunto, but that he may also make use of those gifts for prayer and exhortation which Christ hath given him for the service and edification of the Church."* The task of preparing such a formulary of worship as would meet the wishes and wants of the Nonconformist churches, was unanimously assigned by his colleagues to Richard Baxter. He was a man of pre-eminent and acknow- ledged qualifications for the work. His devotional writings had been numerous, and most acceptable to the churches. His gifts for the conception and utterance of the language of prayer were remark- * First Address^ etc. In Card well, p. 282. 170 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. able even in an age when such endowments were cultivated to a very high degree. " His prayers/^ says a contemporary, ^^were an effusion of the most lively, melting expressions of his intimate, ardent affections to God : from the abundance of the heart his lips spake. His soul took wing for heaven, and rapt up the souls of others with him. Never did I see or hear a holy minister address himself to God with more reverence or humility, with respect to his glorious greatness : never with more zeal and fervency, correspondent to the infinite number of his requests, nor with more filial affiance in the Divine mercy."* It required, indeed, this great facility of devo- tional composition, if we may so speak, to enable Baxter, in the short space of a fortnight, to prepare a Liturgy of such amplitude and excel- lence. In the haste of the convocation, no longer time was allowed him ; " nor could he make use of any book, except a Bible and a Concordance ; but he compared it all with the Assembly's Directory, and the Book of Common Prayer." Whatever traces of this imperfect execution the work may have borne, however, do not appear to * Dr. Bates, quoted in Orme's Life and Times of Baxter, p. 407. 171 have come to the notice of the bishops ; for they never bestowed the trouble of a glance at its contents, when submitted to their inspection. As subsequently given to publication, it underwent considerable improvement by the careful revision of the author ; and certainly shows little evidence of haste in its present condition. " AVithout pro- nouncing on the comparative excellencies of this liturgical work, or intimating that it is everything that such a work should be, it is not too much to say, that it is remarkable for simplicity, appro- priateness, and fulness. The forms of prayer contain variety without repetition, and are so scriptural that they are made up almost entirely of scriptural language ; references to which he has thrown into the margin. Few better liturgies probably exist."* In transferring to our pages the Reformed Liturgy, we have reduced its somewhat unreason- able dimensions, by the preference of those shorter prayers which are furnished " where brevity is necessary," to the more expanded forms ; and by some further abridgment where it has seemed^ needful. * Orme's Life^ etc., p. 748. 112 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. THE ORDINARY PUBLIC WORSHIP ON THE LORD'S DAY. The congregation heing reverently composed, let the minister first crave God's assistance and acceptance of the Worship, to he performed in these or the like words : O Eternal, Almiglity, and most gracious God ! heaven is thy throne, and earth is thy footstool ; holy and reverend is thy name ; thou art praised by the heavenly hosts, and in the congregation of thy saints on earth ; and wilt be sanctified in all that come nigh unto thee. We are sinful and un- worthy dust ; but being invited by thee, are bold, through our blessed Mediator, to present ourselves and our supplications before thee. Receive us graciously, help us by thy Spirit ; let thy fear be upon us; put thy laws into our hearts, and write them in our minds ; let thy word come unto us in power, and be received in love, with atten- tive, reverent, and obedient minds. Make it to us the savour of life unto life. Cause us to be fervent in prayer, and joyful in thy praises, and to serve thee this day without distraction : that we may find that a day in thy courts is better than a Baxter's reformed liturgy. 178 thousand, and that it is good for us to draw near to God ; through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen. Next, let one of the Creeds he read by the minister, saying : In the profession of this Christian Faith we are here assembled. I believe in God the Father, etc. I believe in one God, etc. And sometimes Athanasius^ Creed, THE TEN commandments. God spake these words, and said, etc. For the right informing and affecting the people, and moving them to a penitent believing Confession, some of these Sentences may he read. By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. God so loved the world, that he gave his only- begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should-not perish, but have everlasting life. 174 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. He that believeth on Him shall not be con- demned, but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only-begotten Son of God. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us. Verily, I say unto you, Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the vs^icked ; but that the wicked turn from his way and live : Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways ; for why will ye die, O house of Israel ? I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God, over a sinner that repenteth. I will arise and go to my father, and say unto him. Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more Avorthy to be called thy son. THE CONFESSION OF SIN, AND TRAYER FOR PARDON AND SANCTIFICATION. O most great, most just and gracious God : thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, thou condemnest the ungodly, impenitent, and Baxter's reformed liturgy. 175 unbelievers; but hast promised mercy, through Jesus Christ, to all that repent and believe in him. We confess that we were conceived in sin, and are by nature children of wrath; and have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. We have neglected and abused thy holy worship, thy holy name, and thy holy day. We have dealt unjustly and uncharitably with our neighbours, not loving them as ourselves, nor doing to others as we would they should do to us. We have not sought first thy kingdom and righte- ousness, and been contented with our daily bread, but have been careful and troubled about many things, neglecting the one thing needful. Thou hast revealed thy wonderful love to us in Christ, and offered us pardon and salvation in him : but we have made light of it, and neglected so great salvation, and resisted thy Spirit, word, and ministers, and turned not at thy reproof: we have run into temptations ; and the sin which we should have hated, we have committed in thy sight, both secretly and openly, ignorantly and carelessly, rashly and presumptuously, against thy precepts, thy promises and threats, thy mercies and thy judgments. Our transgressions are mul- tiplied before thee, and our sins testify against 176 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. US ; if thou deal with us as we deserve, thou wilt cast us away from thy presence into hell, where the worm never dieth, and the fire is not quenched. But in thy mercj^, thy Son, and thy promises is our hope. Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father ! Be reconciled to us, and let the blood of Jesus Christ cleanse us from all our sins. Take us for thy children, and give us the Spirit of thy Son. Sanctify us wholly, shed abroad thy love in our hearts, and cause us to love thee with all our hearts. O make thy face to shine upon thy servants ; save us from our sins, and from the wTath to come ; make us a peculiar people to thee, zealous of good works, that we may please thee, and show forth thy praise. Help us to redeem the time, and give all diligence to make our calling and election sure. Give us things necessary for thy service, and keep us from sinful discontent and cares. And seeing all these things must be dissolved, let us consider what manner of persons we ought to be, in all holy conversation and godliness. Help us to watch against temptations, and resist and overcome the flesh, the devil, and the world ; and being delivered out of the hand of all our enemies, let us serve thee without fear, in holiness and righteousness before thee all the days 177 of our life. Guide us By thy counsel, and after receive us into tliy glory, through Jesus Christ our only Saviour. Amen. Our Father which art in heaven, etc. For the streyigtliening of faith, and raising the Penitent, some of these Sentences of the Gospel may he here read. Hear what the Lord saith to the Absolution and Comfort of Penitent Believers. The Lord your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn away his face from you, if ye return unto him. If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and he is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. Be it known unto you, men and brethren, that through this man is preached to you the forgive- ness of sins ; and by him all that believe are justified from' all things, from which they could not be justified by the la^v of INIoses. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and 178 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. lowly in heart, and ye 'shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely. All that the Father hath given me, shall come to me ; and him that cometh to me^ I will in no wise cast out. I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and iniquities I will remember no more. Hear also what you must be and do for the time to come, if you would be saved. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature ; old things are passed away, behold all things are become new. There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh, do mind the things of the flesh ; but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long- suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance ; against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's, have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. Love not the world, neither the things that are 179 in the world ; if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, hut is of the world. For the grace of God that bringeth salvation, hath appeared unto all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, and righteously, and godly, in this present world ; looking for the blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Chkist ; who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify to himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. Then may he said the ninety-fifth or the hundredth Psalm, or the eighty -fourth. . And next the Psalms in order for the day ; and next shall he read a chapter of the Old Testament, such as the minister findeth most seasonable ; or 180 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. with the liberty expressed in the admonition before the second book of Homilies. After which may be sung a Psalm, or the Te Deum said ; then shall be read a chapter of the New Testament, and then the Prayer for the King and Magistrates. And after that, the sixty- seventh, or ninety -eighth, or some other Psalm, may be sung or said, or the Benedictus, or Magni- ficat. Afid the same order to be observed at the JEvening Worship, if time allow it. Next after the Psalm the Minister shall (in the pulpit) first reverently, prudently, and fer- vently pray, according to the state and necessities of the Church, and those especially that are present, and according to the subject that he is to preach on. And after Prayer, he shall preach upon some text of Holy Scripture, suiting his matter to the necessities of the hearers, and the manner of delivery to their quality and benefit. After Sermon he shall pray for a blessing on the vrord of instruction and exhortation, which was delivered ; and in his Prayers (before or after Sermon) ordinarily he shall pray for the conversion of Heathens, Jews, and other infidels ; the subver- sion of idolatry, infidelity, Mahometanism, heresy. 181 papal tyranny and superstition, schism and pro- faneness, and for the free progress of the Gospel, the increase of faith and godliness, the honouring of God's name, the enlargement of the kingdom of Christ, and the obedience of his saints through the nations of the earth. And in special for these nations ; for the King's Majesty, and the rest of the Royal Family, for the Lords of his Majesty's Council, the Judges and other Magistrates of the land, for the Pastors of the Church, and all Con- gregations committed to their care and govern- ment. Always taking heed that no mixtures of imprudent, disorderly expressions, of private dis- content and passion, of unreverent, disobedient, seditious, or factious intimations, tending to cor- rupt, and not to edify the people's minds, do turn either prayer or preaching into sin. And ordi- narily in Church-communion, especially on the LoRD's-day (which is purposely separated for the joyful commemoration of the blessed work of man's redemption), a considerable proportion of the public worship must consist of thanksgiving and praises to God, especially for Jesus Christ, and his benefits ; still leaving it to the Minister's discretion to abbreviate some parts of worship, when he seeth it needful to be longer on some other. 18^ A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. THE GENERAL PRAYER. O most holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Three Persons and One God, our Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, our Lord, our Governor and Father, hear us, and have mercy upon us, miserable sinners. O Lord our Saviour, God and man! vrho, having assumed our nature, by thy sufferings, and death, and burial, wast made a ransom to take away the sins of the world; who being raised from the dead, ascended and glorified, art made Head over all things to the Church, which thou gatherest, justifiest, sanctifiest, rulest, and pre- servest, and which at thy coming thou wilt raise and judge to endless glory : We beseech thee to hear us, miserable sinners. Make sure to us our calling and election, our unfeigned faith and repentance ; that being justi- fied, and made the sons of God, we may have peace with him, as our reconciled God and Father. Let thy Holy Spirit sanctify us, and dwell in us, and cause us to deny ourselves, and to give up ourselves entirely to thee, as being not our own, but thine. As the world was created for thy glory, let thy 183 name be glorified throughout the world ; let self- love, and pride, and vain-glory be destroyed ; cause us to love thee, fear thee, and trust in thee with all our hearts, and to live to thee. Let all the earth subject themselves to thee, their King. Let the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of the Lord, and of his Christ. Let the atheists, idolaters, Mahometans, .Jews, and other infidels, and ungodly people, be converted. Send forth meet labourers into the harvest, and let the Gospel be preached through- out all the world. Preserve and bless them in thy work. Sustain in patience, and seasonably deliver the churches that are oppressed by idola- ters, infidels, Mahometans, or other enemies, or by the Roman Papal usurpations. Unite all Christians in Jesus Christ, the true and only universal Head, in the true Christian and Catholic Faith and Love ; cast out heresies and corruptions, heal divisions, let the strong re- ceive the weak, and bear their infirmities ; restrain the spirit of pride and cruelty, and let nothing be done in strife, or vain-glory. Keep us from atheism, idolatry, and rebellion against thee; from infidelity, ungodliness, and sensuality ; from security, presumption, and 184 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. despair. Let us delight to please thee, and let thy word be the rule of our faith and lives ; let us love it, and understand it, and meditate in it day and night. Let us not corrupt or neglect thy worship ; nor take thy holy Name in vain. Keep us from blasphemy, perjury, profane swearing, lying, con- tempt of thy ordinances, and from false, unworthy, and unreverent thoughts and speeches of God, or holy things ; and from the neglect and profana- tion of thy holy day. Put it into the hearts of the Kings and Rulers of the world to submit to Christ, and rule for him as nursing fathers to his Church ; and save them from the temptations that would drown them in sensuality; or would break them upon Christ as a rock of offence, by engaging them against his holy doctrine, ways, and ser- vants. Have mercy on thy servant Charles, our king, protect his person, illuminate and sanctify him by thy Spirit, that above all things he may seek thine honour, the increase of faith, and holy obe- dience to thy laws; and may govern us as thy minister, appointed by thee for the terror of evil- doers, and the praise of them that do well ; that Baxter's reformed liturgy. 185 under him we may live a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty. Have mercy upon all the Royal Family, upon the Lords of the Council, and all the Nobility, the Judges, and other Magistrates of these lands. Let them fear thee, and be ensamples of piety and temperance, haters of injustice, covetousness, and pride, and defenders of the innocent : in their eyes let a vile person be contemned, but let them honour them that fear the Lord. Let every soul be subject to the higher powers, and not resist ; let them obey the king, and all in authority, not only for wrath, but for conscience' sake. Give all the Churches able, holy, faithful pastors, that may soundly and diligently preach thy word, and guide the flocks in ways of holiness and peace, overseeing and ruling them not by constraint, but willingly, not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind ; not as being lords over thy heritage, but the servants of all, and ensamples to the flock; that when the chief Pastor shall appear, they may receive the crown of glory. Let the people know those that are over them in the Lord, and labour among them preaching to them the word of God ; let them highly esteem 186 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. them ill love for their works' sake, account them worthy of double honour, and obey them in the Lord. Let parents bring up their children in holy nurture, that they may remember their Creator in the days of their youth; and let children love, honour, and obey them. Let husbands love their wives, and guide them in knowledge and holiness ; and let wives love and obey their husbands. Let masters rule their servants in thy fear, and ser- vants obey their masters in the Lord. Keep us from murders, and violence, and in- jurious passionate words and actions. Keep us from fornication and all uncleanness, from chambering and wantonness, from lustful thoughts and filthy communications, and all un- chaste behaviour. Keep us from stealing, or wronging our neigh- bour in his property, from perverting justice, from false witnessing and deceit, from slandering, back- biting, uncharitable censuring, or other wrong to the reputation of our neighbours. Keep us from coveting anything that is our neighbours'. Let us love our neighbours as our- selves, and do to others as we would they should do to us. Baxter's reformed liturgy. 187 Cause us to love Christ in his members with a pure and fervent love, and to love our enemies, and do good to all, as we are able ; but especially to the household of faith. Give us our necessary sustentation and provi- sion for thy service, and contentedness therewith ; bless our labours, and the fruits of the earth in their season, and give us such temperate weather as tendeth hereunto. Deliver us and all thy ser- vants from such sickness, wants, and other dis- tresses, as may unseasonably take us off thy service. Keep us from gluttony and drunkenness, sloth- fulness, unlawful gain, and from making provi- sion for the flesh to satisfy its lusts. When we sin, restore us by true repentance and faith in Christ; let us loathe ourselves for our transgressions; forgive them all and accept us in thy well-beloved Son; save us from the curse and punishment which they deserve, and teach us heartily to forgive others ; convert our ene- mies, persecutors and slanderers, and forgive them. Cause us to watch against temptations, to resist and overcome the flesh, the devil, and the world ; and by no allurements of pleasure, profit, or honour, to be drawn from thee to sin; let us patiently sufler with Christ, that we may reign with him. 188 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. Deliver vis and all thy people from the enmity and rage of Satan and all his wicked instruments; and preserve us to thy heavenly kingdom. For thou only art the universal King ; all power is thine in heaven and earth ; of thee, and through thee, and to thee are all things, and the glory shall be thine for ever. Amen. The Sermon and Prayer being ended, let the minister dismiss the congregatio7i with a Benedic- tion, in these or the like words : — Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. The Lord bless you, and keep you ; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you ; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. A THANKSGIVING FOR CHRIST AND HIS GRACIOUS BENEFITS. Most glorious God, accept, through thy beloved Son, though from the hands of sinners, the Baxter's reformed liturgy. 189 thanksgiving which thy unspeakable love and mercies, as well as thy command, do bind us to offer up unto thee. Thou art the Father of mercies, and the God of all consolation, full of compassion, gracious, long-suffering, plenteous in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin. For thy glory thou didst create us after thine image ; thou madest us a little lower than the angels, and crownedst us with glory and honour, giving us dominion over the works of thy hands, and put- ting all these things under our feet. And when we forsook thee, and broke thy covenant, and rebelled against thee, and corrupted ourselves, and tiu'ned our glory into shame ; thou didst not leave us in the hands of death, nor cast us out into utter desperation : but thou didst so love the sinful world, as to give thy Son to be our Saviour. He took not upon him the nature of angels, but of man : the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. This is the unsearchable mystery of love which the angels desire to pry into : he was tempted, that he might succour them that are tempted, and conquered the tempter, that had conquered us ; he became poor that was Lord of all, to make us rich. He did no sin, but fulfilled 190 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. all righteousness, to save us from our unrighte- ousness. He made himself of no reputation, but was reviled, scorned, and spit upon, enduring the cross, and despising the shame, to cover our shame, and to bring us unto glory: thou laidst upon Him the iniquity of us all. He was bruised and wounded for our transgressions, that we might be healed by His stripes. He gave himself a ransom for us, and died for our sins, and rose again for our justification. We thank thee for His death that saveth us from death, and that He bore the curse to redeem us from the curse; and for His life which opened to us the way to life. Thou hast given Him to be Head over all things to the Church, and hast given the heathen to be His inheritance, and given Him a name above every name, and given all power and judgment unto Him. We thank thee for the new and better covenant, for thy great and precious promises : That thou hast given us eternal life in Christ. That we have the clear and sure revelation of thy will in the Holy Scriptures. That thou foundest thy Church upon apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the head corner-stone. And hast committed to thy ministers the word of reconciliation, that as ambassadors speaking in 191 the stead of Christ, they might beseech us to be reconciled unto thee. We thank thee that by them thou hast opened our eyes, and turned us from darkness unto light, and from the power of Satan unto God. All thy paths, O Lord, are mercy and truth to such as keep thy covenant. We come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercies : O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good, for His mercy endureth for ever. Glory ye in His holy name, let the hearts of them rejoice that seek Him. Blessed are the people that know the joyful sound; they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. In thy name they shall rejoice all the day, and in thy righteousness and favour shall they be exalted ; blessed are they that dwell in thy house, they will be still praising thee. O satisfy us early with thy mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad in thee all our days. Guide us by thy counsel, and afterwards receive us unto thy glory; where, with all the blessed host of heaven, we may behold, admire, and per- fectly and joyfully praise thee, our most glorious Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, for ever and for ever. Amen. X. ®!]e Ciitoiuisttt lornis in tlje gooli of Common *' Though thousands were debtors to him [Calvin], as touching Divine knowledge, yet he to none, only to God." — Hooker. Of the many -vveiglity treatises which have been written on the Book of Common Prayer, there are but few that do justice to the part taken by the Protestant divines of the Continent in its compila- tion. Admirers of the breviary and missal, delight- ing to trace the correspondence of their Liturgy with mediaeval forms, are apt to omit all reference to these more modern sources. Even where their ingenuity is puzzled to find analogy for its offices in Romish or Eastern sacramentaries, they will la- boriously avoid recognition of the true but despised origin. Yet the fact is established beyond question, that several of the Foreign Reformers shared in the authorship or revision of the English Prayer Book. Calvin, Knox, Luther, Melancthon, Bucer, Martyr, were engaged in the work ; and to their aid must be traced some of its finest passages. THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. 193 Melancthon and Bucer were indeed the authors of no inconsiderable portion of the Anglican forms. In 154:3, those Keformers drew up a system of doctrine and worship for the Protestant Arch- bishopric of Cologne. This they did at the solicitation of Hermann, " that pious Confessor, late Elector and Archbishop of Colen, who, for adhering to the Protestant religion, and setting on foot the Reformation of his country, was deprived by the Pope and Emperor."* The work which they thus prepared, was published in Latin at Bonn, in 1545, under the title, '^ Nostra Hermanni Archepisc. Coloniensis Simplex et Pia Deliheratio et Christiana in Verho Dei fundata Reformatio.''^ A translation was published at London, 1547, entitled ^''Reformation of Doc- trine," etc. The Liturgy of Cologne was in the hands of the English Reformers when they were engaged upon the Book of Common Prayer; and "from this Liturgy," says Archbishop Laurence, " our offices bear evident marks of having been freely borrowed — liberally imitating, but not servilely copying it.^'f * Strype, Eccl. Mem. Eclw. VI. t Laurence on the Thirty-nine Articles^ etc., pp. 377, 378. O 194 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. From Bucer and Melancthon's Liturgy, the Bap- tismal offices of the Prayer Book are substantially taken. In the Communion service, the Confession of Sins, the Absolution and succeeding sentences, and the Thanksgiving in the Post-Communion service, are of similar origin.* Nearly the whole of the form of Solemnization of Matrimony will be found in the Cologne Ritual ; and a large portion of the Order for the Burial of the Dead. The anthem, ^^ O Lord God, most holy," etc., is from Luther.f These are not the only traces of the Cologne Liturgy to be met with in the Anglican Prayer- Book : plainly showing in what estimation that formulary was held by the compilers, and what fre- quent reference they had to its excellent services. But although we may fairly claim the Liturgy of Cologne as a fruit of the Calvinistic Reforma- tion, — for Bucer, who had the chief hand in it, was a disciple of Calvin, — our business for the present is more strictly with the Genevan divines ; and we proceed to inquire what Calvin * Warter, Teaching of the Prayer Book, 104. The second of the Exhortations is extracted from a work of the Reformer Peteh Martyr. See Liturgical Services, etc., Parker Society, p. 186, note. t Laurence, 381. THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. 195 and Knox contributed to the preparation of the Book of Common Prayer. The Fathers of the English Reformation were far from entertaining those unfraternal sentiments towards the ministry and churches of Scotland and the Continent, which in our day disgrace the cause of Protestantism. They acknowledged the claims of their Presbyterian brethren to respect and fellowship; and by advancing to office persons who had obtained Presbyterian orders, they gave practical evidence of this recognition. So Cranmer for many years reserved a chair in the university of Cambridge for the illustrious Melancthon, hoping that he might be attracted to England.* So Martyr and Bucer were called to professorships at Oxford and Cambridge, and were consulted and appealed to on every important topic of ecclesi- astical doctrine and discipline that arose diuing their residence. When, in the year 1551, John Knox visited England, he was invited to assist in the revision of the Prayer Book, then in progress. f There were, doubtless, many parts of that formulary which * Rev. Dr. Butler, Tlie Common Prayer Book Interpreted, p. 6Q. t Knox had already been appointed one of the chaplains of Edward VI.— Strype's Cranmer, 299. 196 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. must have been repugnant to the severe judgment of the Scotch Reformer : but it was not to be expected that all his suggestions would be followed out. So much influence, however, had he among the revisors, that he procured an important change in the Communion Service : completely excluding the notion of the real presence in the sacrament.* The following year, he was employed on a revision of the Articles of Religion, previous to their ratifi- cation by act of Parliament, f Calvin, too, was consulted in the compilation of the Prayer Book ; and, though not so directly en- gaged upon it, was the author of several of its forms. The introductory portion of the daily service is due to him. According to the first Book of Edward VI., that service began with the Lord's Prayer. J The foreign Reformers consulted, § recommended the insertion of some preliminary forms ; and hence the origin of the Sentences, the Exhortation, the Confession, and the Absolu- * M'Ckie's Life of Knox, pp. 67, 68. t Strype's Cranmer, p. 273. X Liturgies of King Edward VI., Parker Society, 1844. — Card'vvell's Two Liturgies of Edward VI. § Bishop Brownell's Comm. on the Prayer Boole, p. 73. These Keformers were Peter Martyr and Martin Bucer, who were then in England. Short's Kist. of the Church of England, p. 281. THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. 197 tion. These elements were borrowed, not from any ancient formulary, but from a ritual drawn up by Calvin for the Church at Strasburg.* They " were taken in great part^" says an Episcopalian writer, '^from a Liturgy composed by Calvin. The Ten Commandments were also introduced into the Communion Service, probably from the same source. "f We may add that the Responses which follow the rehearsal of the Commandments in that service, are taken from PoUanus, who translated the Strasburg Liturgy, and published it at London in 1556.:{: To diminish the credit due to the compilers of the Prayer Book for this judicious and liberal use of Calvin's Liturgy, it has been urged that their selection was confined to the introductory and subsidiary parts of Divine worship. We shall only specify, in answer, a seventh instance of their indebtedness to the Calvinistic Forms. The very words of the distribution of the sacred elements, in the celebration of the Lord's Supper, are taken * La Forme des Prieres et Chants EccUsiastiques. Strasbourg, 154o, 8vo. See a Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Calvin, in the thii'd volume of La France Protestante : Paris, 1853. f The Common Frayer Booh Interpreted, p. 55. X See Archbishop Laurence's Sermons on the Thirty-nine Articles, p. 209 ; and Strype's Eccl Mem. Edw. VI., b. i. c. 29. 198 A CHAPTER ON LITURGIES. from a Calvinistic Liturgy : that of the distin- guished A'Lasco^ who derived it chiefly from the Liturgy of Strasburg. The sentences, " Take and eat this/' etc., " Drink this,^' etc., were " suggested," says an Episcopalian writer, " from the ritual of a church of foreigners then resident in England, who were most remarkable for their rejection of ancient practices."* " The truth is," observes Jeremy Taylor, " that although they framed the Liturgy with the greatest consideration that could be, by all the united wisdom of Church and State, yet, as if pro- phetically to avoid their being charged by after ages with a crepusctdum of religion — a dark, twilight, imperfect Reformation — they joined to their own star all the shining tapers of the other reformed churches, calling for the advice of the eminently learned and zealous Reformers in other kingdoms, that the light of all together might show them a clear path to walk in."t It is curious, and not a little amusing, to observe the treatment which these Calvinistic portions of the Prayer Book receive at the hands of High * Rev. Dr. Butler, The Common Prayer Book Interpreted, ^.12^. See also Card well's Eist. of Conferences, p. 6. t Bishop Taylou's Works, vii. 288. Butler. THE BOOK OF COMMON PKAYER. 199 Church ritualists. Their object being to make out, as far as possible, the remote antiquity of its forms, they seek for each of them some parallel in Roman or Eastern liturgies. Wherever they can trace similarity of use and resemblance of form, they infer, not unreasonably, a designed imitation. Only when successful in tracing back a form to " Catholic usage," is their critical search satisfied. But in approaching these Calvinistic innovations, our ritualist is sadly at fault. Loath to refer them to their unmistakeable sources, he takes a new journey into the past, and overhauls his accumulated stores of missals, pontificats, and sacramentaries, but comes back with nothing that ingenuity can twist into a resemblance of paternity. We shrink from the cruelty of informing him at last, that these forms are the offspring of a system which, however venerated by his fathers,* is identified to his mind with heresy, false doctrine, and schism, from which he piously prays, "De- liver us." We have said that no ancient Liturgy opens with a general confession of sins and supplication of * '* A Nursery unto God," is the title given by Ai'chbishop Grindal to the city of Geneva. 200 A CHAPTEK ON LITURGIES. forgiveness.* The Anglican ritual, at the be- ginning of each of its chief services, the Common Prayer and the Communion, presents this feature. Without analogy elsewhere, it finds a parallel in the Liturgies of the Reformed Churches. Tractarian authors, warned perhaps by intuitive suspicion of its origin, deplore the insertion. Not less do they lament the introduction of the Decalogue in the Communion Office. But though these elements of the Protestant Episcopal worship may have no warrant in " Catholic usage,^' they are to us significant memorials of a state of amity once existing between the Church of England and the Protestant communions on the Continent. There was certainly on the part of the English Reformers, no lack of willingness to transcribe those customs which were commendable in other Protestant Churches. We have seen how, in 1563, Archbishop Grindal translated from Calvin's Liturgy the form of prayer used during a visitation * Consult Palmer's Origines Liturgic