(■ BR 60 .L52 V. 13 Athanasius, d. 373, Historical tracts of S Athanasius LIBRARY OF FATHERS OF THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH, ANTERIOR TO THE DIVISION OF THE EAST AND WEST, TRANSLATED BY MEMBERS OF THE ENGLISH CHURCH. YET SHALL NOT THY TEACHERS BE REMOVED INTO A CORNER ANY MORE, BUT THINE EYES SHALL SEE THY TEACHERS. Tsaiah XXX. 20. OXFORD, JOHN HENRY PARKER; J. G. F. AND J. RIVINGTON, LONDON, MDCCCXLIII. y TO THE MOST REVEREND FATHER IN GOD WILLIAM LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, PRIMATE OF ALL ENGLAND, FORMERLY REGIUS PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, THIS LIBRARY OF ANCIENT BISHOPS, FATHERS, DOCTORS, MARTYRS, CONFESSORS, OF CHRIST'S HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH, IS WITH HIS grace's PERMISSION RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, IN TOKEN OF REVERENCE FOR HIS PERSON AND SACRED OFFICE, AND OF GRATITUDE FOR HIS EPISCOPAL KINDNESS. HISTOEICAL TRACTS OF S, ATHANASIUS, ARCHBISHOP OF ALEXANDRIA, TRANSLATED, WITH NOTES AND INDICES. OXFORD, JOHN HENRY PARKER; J. G. F. AND J. RIVINGTON, LONDON. MDCCCXLIII. BAXTER, PRINTER, OXFORD. PREFACE. The Works of which this Volume is composed, being of an historical character, naturally require a Chronological Table of the principal events recorded in ihem ; but the difficulties of forming any satisfactory statement, during the period to which they belong, are so great, that any arrange- ment can be but hypothetical, and must be accompanied vrith some notice of the difficulties themselves, and the various expedients which have been adopted with the view of over- coming them. Though such notice will be necessarily very imperfect, it shall here be attempted. 1. Interposition of Pope Julius in the affairs of the East. It is certain, that both the Eusebians and the Egyptian Bishops had recourse to Rome; that Athanasius went thither; that a synodal judgment was passed there ; and that Legates went from S. Julius to Antioch ; but the order and dates of these events are variously determined. For the sake of perspicuity, it will be necessary in the first place to take a view of the transactions to which dates are to be assigned ; though it is impossible to do so, without prejudging some of the questions in dispute. It appears then, that shortly after the return of S. Atha- nasius to Alexandria from his exile in Gaul, the Eusebian party brought charges against him before the three Emperors, (infr. pp. 18, 226,) and the Pope, (p. 37.) Their embassy or legation to the latter consisted of Macarius, Martyrius, and a2 iv PREFACE. Hesychius, (pp. 42, 47.) and ihey were met by a counter deputation from S. Athanasius, (pp. 44, 226,) supported, (p. 48,) or preceded, (p. 43,) by letters from many Catholic Bishops, (pp. 47, 70,) and by a letter to the Pope, (p. 38,) which an Alexandrian Council of from eighty, (p. 61,) to one hundred Bishops, (p. 14,) had written in his favour, (pp. 14, 17, and 48.) The discussions which ensued at Rome perhaps were held before a Council of Bishops then present, (p. 46,) and ended in the defeat of the Eusebian legates, (p. 43,) one of whom abruptly left the city in consequence, (p. 44.) Julius, however, did not decide the matter at once, but at their suggestion, (pp. 39, 42, 226,) proposed a Council, (p. 11,) at which both Eusebians, (p. 54,) and Athanasius should attend, (p. 40,) and the Alexandrians have the choice of place, (p. 226.) Athanasius, who was otherwise disposed to betake himself to Rome, in consequence of the outrages of Gregory whom the Arian Council of the Dedication had sent to Alexandria in his place, (p. 227,) promptly obeyed the call (p. 49) ; and on his arrival at Rome, the Pope sent Elpidius and Philoxenus as legates to Antioch, (p. 39,) with a letter to the Eusebians, (p. 46,) repeating the invitation to a Council, (p. 41,) and fixing the day, (pp. 45, 227.) There they were detained over the time, ibid, and at length came back with a refusal on the part of the Orientals to attend (pp. 40, 46, 47) ; though the Eusebian legates had not only been the originators of the measure, but had gone so far as to offer to submit the question to the arbitration of the Pope, (p. 39.) Upon this Julius proceeded to hold a Council of fifty Bishops, (pp. 14, 39, 230,) at which Athanasius and others were pronounced innocent and admitted to communion, ibid, and in the name of which, (pp. 39, 46,) the Pope, eighteen months from the date of Athanasius's arrival, (p. 49,) proceeded to address a letter of remonstrance to the Orientals, who had written to him from Antioch. This is a sketch of the history, and now to proceed to ib chronology. The only date which is known for certain i; that of the Eusebian Council of Antioch held A.D. 341 PREFACE. V This we learn from Athaiiasius, de Syn. §. 25. " Ninety Bishops," he says, '^ met at the Dedication under the Con- sulate of Marcellinus and Probinus, in the 14th of the Indiction;" L. F. vol. 8, p. 109. iVs, in dating by the In- diction, the new year began in September, the Council must have assembled during the spring or summer of 341 ; nay, it would appear, in the first months of it, if Gregory, who was appointed in it to the See of Alexandria, began his per- secution at Alexandria in that year. Gregory entered Alex- andria during Lent, (infr. p. 7.) that is, either in Lent 341 while the Council was still sitting, or the Lent following. Upon Gregory's coming, Athanasius left Alexandria for Rome, that is, after Easter ; thus Athanasius's visit to Rome commences in the spring of 341 or 342; unless indeed we suppose with Mansi, that Gregory's invasion and Atha- nasius's flight were prior to the Council of the Dedi- cation, viz. in 340. He remained at Rome three years, (p. 158.) and in the fourth year was called by Constans to xMilan. Now in the latter part of 345 the delegates of the Eusebians also came to Milan, Eudoxius, Marty- rius, and Macedonius, (vid. L. F. vol. 8, p. 111.) with the Macrostich or Long Confession, which had been drawn up at Antioch in the beginning of the year. They presented themselves before a Council there, according to a letter of Liberius, of the date of 354 ; which rejected them ; and that, according to the same letter, eight years before that date, which nearly agrees with Athanasius's account of the publica- tion of the Macrostich. It is natural to connect this visit of the Eusebians to Milan with the summons of Athanasius by Constans to that city, and to conclude that the pro- ceedings of the Council issued in the resolution which the Emperor adopted at this time to treat with his brother for the meeting of a General Council. If so, the date of Athanasius's journey to Rome is 342. And it certainly seems much more probable that Gregory should proceed to Alexandria the Lent after the Dedication, than that the ec- vi PREFACE. clesiastical and military acts and movements'* whicR attended his expedition should be despatched between January and Lent, which the date of 341 requires, i. e. did not Athanasius's words p. 226. on the other hand shew that the Eusebians were very much bent on the measure, and were likely to prosecute it promptly. And Baronius and others date the Councils of the Macrostich and of Milan at 344, not 345, which throws back the journey of Athanasius to 341. And moreover if the Anonymus MafFeianus, relied on by Mansi, be correct, the Council of Sardica was held at the end of 344, a date which may just allow time for a preliminary Council of Milan (in 344.) between the Sardican Council and the end of three years from May 341. In this uncertainty about the year of Athanasius' s journey to Rome, 341 may be more fitly taken than 342 or 340, as having the suffrages of more critics in its favour. But in this question does not consist the main difficulty of the chronology on the point before us, which is internal to the documents which are to follow^ arising out of the relative not the absolute dates which they contain. It appears that S. Athanasius was eighteen months at Rome before Pope Julius's letter, (p. 49;) that is, the Council of Rome, in or upon which he wrote it, was ending or just ended eighteen months after Athanasius's arrival,, or in the month of October or rather November, since he set out for Rome after Easter. But the meeting of the Council was fixed for a day before the January preceding that November ; because the Pope's legates who were sent into the East upon Athanasius's arrival at Rome are said, by being kept at Antioch till January, to be kept over the time ^ Pagi after Schelstrate contends^ at the Council, as is said, we cannot that the Confession of faith and the suppose, that Athanasius was con- Canons preceded the cause of Athana- demned till after their departure. Schel- sius in the Council. Montfaucon and strate, who places matters of faith and Tillemont, (with the exception of the discipline first, in his task of vindi- Canon, which was expressly levelled at eating the Catholicity of the Council, is Athanasius, and which Montf. does not obliged to suppose its commencement in notice as a Canon,) place it first of all. 340, in order to gain time for Gregory's If there were a.t first orthodox Bishops expedition by Lent 341. PREFACE. vii of meeting. Thus we have an interval of eleven months between the meeting and the termination. It follows then that the Council did not meet at the time proposed, or that it was continued for nearly a whole year, or that there were two Councils, one in December, the other in November. Now as to the last supposition, it is most improbable that the same Bishops of Italy should meet twice over at so short a period, and Julius and Athanasius speak distinctly of but one synodal hody^ (even supposing they are not clear about one meeting,) which both pronounced the innocence of Atha- nasius and commissioned Julius to write. Still less is it conceivable that the Council should be prolonged for ten or eleven months. Nor can we easily conjecture, what is at first sight plausible, a postponement of the day of meeting, for Julius seems positively to say that they met at the very time for which they had been convened, (p. 46.) In this difficulty, which can on no hypothesis perhaps be satisfactorily removed, some critics have thrown the/aw/^, as it may be called, upon one place in the history, others on another. The form in which it has been above exhibited is that which arises out of the arrangement of facts and dates first suggested by Valesius, and adopted after him by Schelstrate, Pagi, Montfaucon, Constant, Du Pin, S. Bas- nage, and others. It seems far more natural and less open to objections than any other; and perhaps the readiest explanation of the difficulty, which has been above described as attaching to it, is to consider the letter of Pope Julius to be later than the Italian Council by eleven months, and written in the ordinary Autumnal Synod (Baron. 342. 34.), to which, on occasion of the delay of the Eusebians, the Italian Council of December, might naturally delegate^, as to a sort of Committee, the office of concluding negociations with them and issuing the Council's sentence, wh-enever the legates of the ^ Tillemont will be found to make a He supplies parallel instances, similar suggestion, vol. 7. pp. 706, 7. viii PREFACE. Pope should return. What makes this the more probable is, that Julius speaks of Athanasius as being among the Romans eighteen months. " He continued here a year and six month s,..- his presence overcame us all," p. 49, words which properly belong to Bishops residing in the neighbourhood, not to an Italian Council. It is observable, moreover, that Julius says, " the sentiments I am expressing are not those of myself alone, but of all the Bishops throughout Italy, and in these parts,^* sv TouTois roi^ txsgsa-i, p. 46. (Baronius, however, adduces this passage in order to shew that S.Julius's first letter issued from a Council.) And he proceeds, " The Bishops now too, xa) vvv, assembled on the appointed day," as if there had been a former appointment, and that punctually kept ; (though Vale- sius and Schelstrate understand the words, " I again write," which follow, to refer to Julius's former communication with the Eusebians before Athanasius's coming, as we may understand it still.) And that a delay of some kind was occa- sioned in the proceedings at Rome by the conduct of the Eusebians, is plain, as various critics observe, from Julius's words, p. 40, " I, when I had read your letter, after much consideration, kept it to myself, thinking that after all some of you would come but when no one arrived, and it became necessary that the letter should be produced, «&:c." This passage too accounts for the long inteiTal between the departure of the legates from the Eusebians in January, and the Pope's Letter to them of the November following in answer. Such is the disposition of the dates which is the most satisfactory on the whole; but it must not be concealed, that names of the greatest weight may be alleged in favour of other chronological arrangements. Such is Baronius, who has been followed by Labbe, Petavius, and others ; such are Heraiant, Papebroke, and Tillemont, who adopt a third hypo- thesis. Such again is Mansi, who follows an arrangement of his own, founded on a document which has come to light since the time of his predecessors. PREFACE. ix Baronius supposes two visits of Athanasius to Rome, and two Italian Councils held there. He refers to a statement of Socrates, as apparently the basis of the former of these suppositions ; though Socrates is so inextricably perplexed in his account of the events and even of the names of persons which occur in the history, that it is difficult to determine what he does and what he does not say on this point. Baronius refers to Hist. ii. 11 . where no such statement occurs. He may be taken, however, to say, (e.g. ii. 15.) that Athanasius after his acquittal at Rome returned to Alexandria before the violent entrance of Gregory, upon which he retired to Rome a second time. Accordingly, Baronius terminates the eighteen months some time before Lent, 342, which he considers the date of Gregory's entrance, or towards the close of 341, and places their commencement, that is, the first journey of Atha- nasius in the early part of 340, and the Council of Alexandria in 339. Further, since the termination of the eighteen months must coincide with the date of the Roman Council, which acquitted Athanasius, he supposes that Council to have been held in 341, before the outrages of Gregory, and before the return of the legates, whom he sends into the East in 340, previous to Athanasius' first journey, and brings back to Rome not till 342, when Julius holds a second Council, in which he writes his synodal letter. Baronius urges in behalf of his two Councils that Pope Julius notices in his Letter written from the Council, the complaint of the Eusebians that Athanasius had been admitted to com- munion, which was undeniably the act of the Council of fifty Bishops. Valesius answers first by denying that Julius notices any such complaint, next by arguing that the act of the Council of fifty was not mere admission into commu- nion, for Athanasius had never been out of communion, and of this the Eusebians might be complaining, but a formal recognition of his being, and deserving to be, in communion with the Church. And hence Athanasius says, that they gave him " the confirmation of their fellowship," X PREFACE. p. 39. Uugcjoa-uv tyjv xoimvloiv. As to the question, which has been raised, whether the Pope suspended communion with Athanasius, it is treated of by Tillemont, vol. 8. p. 673. Tillemont, though he agrees with Baronius in supposing two journeys of S. Athanasius to Rome, follows Papebroke in differing from him altogether in the dates at which he places them. He argues that the Council at Rome must be dated shortly after the Council of the Dedication at Antioch 341 ; after it, because Julius complains that the Eusebians had anticipated him "", (p. 50.) and but shortly after, because they pleaded the suddenness of the summons to Rome as a reason for not going, whereas it had been sent them by the Pope's legates as far back as the foregoing year. And he considers that the legates set out in the year 340, because in Athana- sius's Encyclical Letter, written in the spring of 341, mention is made (p. 11.) of an intention at Rome to hold a Council for settling the existing troubles, an intention moreover the news of which occasioned the Eusebians to assemble at Antioch in 341. Accordingly he places the Council of Rome in June of that year ; and this, in spite of S. Julius's express statement that January, when the legates were dismissed from Antioch, was about (because just beyond) the time when the Council was held, meeting the difficulty by an arbitrary alteration of the text, of June for January. And he supposes the Council to continue by adjournment and representation till the return of the legates, when S. Julius wrote his letter to the Eusebians. Athanasius's eighteen months therefore terminated at this date, i. e. in the autumn of 341 ; but, as agreeing with Valesius in fixing Gregory's arrival at Alexandria in Lent of that year, Tillemont is obliged to suppose that the eighteen months were not consecutive, even if they were complete. He dates Atha- nasius's first coming as at the end of 339 " ; considers that he ^ Schelstrate of course, whom Pagi ^ The words fteyov a.»ou3^ovoju,oi TYjg das^slag tov E. Also with reference to the subject of note n, p. 77. it should be observed, that the majority of critics side with Du Cange against Gothofred on the meaning of the word Canalis. " Those Bishops," says Baronius, were " in Canalio, qui sedes haberent in cursu publico, via scilicet qua equi publici per stationes singulas dispositi essent ad iter agendum." An. 347. 55. " Qui praeerant sacris urbium, quae regiae viae insidebant," says Noris, professing his agreement with Baronius, 0pp. t. 4. p. 623. Pitiscus also, " qui sedes habent in cursu publico," iti voc. So also Kiesling, adding, " intelliguntur hoc nomine urbes, seu potius civitates, in quibus Episcopi sedem habuerunt fixam." de Discipl. Cleric, p. 13. Beveridge reports Zonaras and Balsamon as furnish- ing the same interpretation ; " cities which are in the public ways, or canal, through which travellers pass without trouble, as water flows in an aqueduct." Pandect, t. 1 . p. 507. For the Translation, the Editors have to express their acknowledgments to the Rev. Miles Atkinson, M.A. late Fellow of Lincoln College. J. H. N. Dec. 4. 1843. CONTENTS. Page 1. Encyclical Epistle, addressed to all Bishops every where, A.D. 341. {Ep.EncycL) I 2. Apology against the Arians, written about A.D. 350. {Apol. contr. Avian.) 13 3. Encyclical Epistle, addressed to the Bishops of Egypt and Libya, A.D. 356. {ad Ep. Mg.) 125 4. Apology addressed to the Emperor Constantius, A.D. 356. {ad Constant, or Ap. ad Const.) 154 5. Apology for his flight, A.D. 357 or 358. {de Fug.) 189 6. Epistle to Serapion concerning the death of Arius, A.D. 358—360. {ad Serap. de Mort. Ar,) 210 7. Epistle to the Monks, A.D. 358, or later. {Ep. ad Mon.) 215 8. History of the Arians, written A. D. 358 — 360. {ad Mon. or Hist. Avian.) 219 Appendix. S. Alexander's Deposition of Arius, and Ency- clical Epistle, A.D. 321. {Alex. Encycl. Ep.) 297 HISTORICAL TRACTS. ENCYCLICAL EPISTLE OF THE BLESSED ATHANASIUS, BISHOP OF ALEXANDRIA. S. Athanasius wrote the following Epistle in the year 341 . In that yeAt the Eusebians held the famous Council of the Dedication at Antioch, vid. Athan. de Syn. §. 25. (Lihr. F. vol. 8. p. 109, &c.) Here they appointed Gregory to the see of Alexandria in the place of Athanasius, whom they had already condemned and denounced at the Synod of Tyre, A.D. 335. Gregory was by birth a Cappadocian, and, (if Nazianzen speaks of the same Gregory, which some critics doubt,) studied at Alexandria, where S. Athanasius had treated him with great kindness and familiarity, though Gregory afterwards took part in propagating the calumny against him of having murdered Arsenius. Gregory was on his appointment dispatched to Alexandria with Philagrius Prefect of Egypt, and their proceedings on their arrival are related in the following Encyclical Epistle, which S. Athanasius forwarded immediately upon his retreat from the city to all the Bishops of the Catholic Church. It is less correct in style, as Tillemont observes, than other of his works, as if composed in haste. In the Editions previous to the Benedictine, it was called an *' Epistle to the Orthodox every where;" but Montfaucon has been able to restore the true title. He has been also able from his MSS. to make a far more important correction, which has cleared up some very perplexing difficulties in the history. All the Editions previous to the Benedictine read " George" throughout for " Gregory," and " Gregory" in the place where " Pistus" occurs. Baronius, Tille- mont, &c. had already made the alterations from the necessity of the case.] To his fellow-Ministers^ in every place, beloved Lords, ' u«.^ impiety. On that occasion the tribes were astounded, each ^l^^' at the sight of part of the body of one woman ; but now thevid. vol. members of the whole Church are seen divided from onenote^j[, ' another, and are sent abroad some to you, and some to others, bringing word of the insults and injustice which they have suffered. Be ye therefore also moved, I beseech you, considering that these wrongs are done unto you no less than unto us ; and let every one lend his aid, as feeling that he is himself a sufferer, lest shortly the Ecclesiastical Canons, and the faith of the Church be corrupted. For both are in danger, unless God shall speedily by your hands amend what has been done amiss, and the Church be avenged on her enemies. For our Canons" and our forms were not given to the Churches at the present day, but were wisely and safely transmitted to us from our forefathers. Neither had our faith its beginning at this time, but it came down to us from the Lord through His disciples''. That therefore the ordinances which have been preserved in the Churches from old time until now, may not be lost in our days, and the trust which has been committed to us required at our hands; rouse yourselves, brethren, as being stewards of the mysteries of God, and seeing them now seized upon by aliens. Further particulars of our condition you will leani from the bearers of our letters ; but I was anxious myself to write you a brief account thereof, that you may know for certain, that such things have never before been committed against the Church, from the day that our Saviour, when He was taken up, gave command to His disciples, saying. Go ye, Mdt.28, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. ^ ^ vid. Beveridg. Cod. Can. Illustr. i. ^ vid. Athan. de Syn. §.4. (Oxf.Tr. 3. $. 2. who comments on this passage p. 7^, and note o.) Oiat. i. $. 8. (ibid, at length. Allusion is also made to the p. 191.) Tertull. Preescr. Hser. §. 29. Canons in Apol. contr. Aiian. §. 69. (0. T. p. 462, and note c.) B 2 4 Gregory forced ifiio the see of Alexandria 3. Now the outrages which have been committed against us, and against the Church are these. While we were holding our assemblies in peace, as usual, and while the people were rejoicing in them, and advancing in godly conversation, and while our fellow-ministers in Egypt, and the Thebais, and Libya, were in love and peace both with one another and with us; on a sudden the Prefect of Egypt puts forth a public letter, bearing the form of an edict, and declaring that one Gregory from Cappadocia was coming to be my successor, supported by his own body-guard. This announcement confounded every one, for such a proceeding was entirely novel, and now heard of for the first time. The people however assembled still more constantly in the Churches % for they very well knew that neither they themselves, nor any Bishop or Presbyter, nor in short any one had ever complained against me ; and they saw that Arians only were on his side, and were aware also that he was himself an Arian, and was sent by the Eusebians to the Arian party. For you know, brethren, that the P]usebians have always been the supporters la^f/a^a- and associates of the impious heresy of the Arian fanatics^, viXAth.^y ^^'1^^*^^ means they have ever carried on their designs Oxf.Tr. against me, and were the authors of my banishment into viii. p. '' . 91, note ^ have recourse to violence, and in the place of fair reasoning seek to injure ^ those by whom they were exposed. For this is the chief cause of vexation to them, that the measures they carried on in secret, contrived by themselves in a corner, have been brought to light and disclosed by Valens and Ursacius ; for they are well aware that their recantation not only clears those whom they have injured, but condemns them. 4. Indeed this led to their degradation in the Council of Sardica, as mentioned before ; and with good reason ; for, as the Pharisees of old, when they undertook the defence of Paul, gave clear judgment against the conspiracy which they and the Jews had formed against him ; and as the blessed David was proved to be persecuted unjustly when the ^ aif ^^sX>j(ra». vid. infr. §. 14. de Deer, the death of Constans came into pos- §. 3. de 8yn. §. 13. ad Ep. Ag. §. 5. session of his brother's dominions ; and f This implies that Valens and Ur- professed to have been forced to their sacius were subjected to some kind of former recantation by the latter Em- persecution, which is natural. They peror. relapsed in 351, when Constantius on 16 who heg At h an. ^s forgiveness and renoimce Arianism. Apol. persecutor confessed, / have sinned, my son David ; so it "^"•^^• was with these men; being overcome by the truth they 26, 21*. became suppliants, and addressed a letter to that effect to Julius Bishop of Rome. They wrote also to me desiring to be on terms of peace with me, though they have spread such reports concerning me ; and probably even now they are covered with shame, on seeing that those whom they sought to destroy by the grace of the Lord are still alive. Con- sistently also with this conduct they anathematized Arius and his heresy ; for knowing that the Eusebians had conspired against me in behalf of their own misbelief, and of nothing- else, as soon as they had determined to confess their calumnies against me, they immediately renounced also that antichristian heresy for the sake of which they had falsely asserted them. CHAP. I. ENCYCLICAL LETTER OF THE COUNCIL OF EGYPT. 1. The following are the letters written in my favour by the Bishops in the several Councils; and first the letter of the Egyptian Bishops. The holy Council assembled at Alexandria, out of Egypt, the Thebais, Libya, and Pentapolis, to the Bishops of the Catholic Church every where, brethren beloved and greatly longed for, sendeth health in the Lord. Dearly beloved brethren, we might have put forth a §. 3. defence of our brother Athanasius*, as respects the con-i ffvxxu- spiracy of the Eusebians against him, and complained of^^"^^"'* his sufferings at their hands, and have exposed all their false charges, either at the beginning of their conspiracy or upon his arrival at iVlexandria. But circumstances did not permit it then, as you also know ; and lately, after the return of the Bishop Athanasius, we thought that they would be confounded and covered with shame at their manifest injustice : in con- sequence we prevailed with ourselves to remain silent. Since, however, after all his severe sufferings, after his retirement into Gaul, after his sojourn in a foreign and far distant country in the place of his own, after his narrow escape from death through their calumnies, but for the clemency of the Emperor, — distress which would have satis- fied even the most cruel enemy, — still they are insensible to shame, and are again raging against the Church and Atha- nasius ; and from indignarion at his deliverance venture on still more atrocious schemes against him, and are ready with any accusation, fearless of the words in holy Scripture, A Prov. false witness shall not he unpunished ; and, The mouth thatYi]^^^ c n- ' ' 18 Calumnies of the Eusebians against Athanasius A POL. helielh slayeth the soul; we therefore are unable longer to AG^. j^^jj ^^^^ peace, being amazed at their wickedness and at the insatiable love of contention displayed in their treacherous proceedings. 2. For see, they cease not to disturb the ear of royalty with fresli reports against us; they cease not to write letters of deadly import, for the destruction of the Bishop who is the enemy of their impiety. For again have they written to the Emperors against him ; again are they conspiring against him, charging him with a butchery which has never taken place ; again they wish to shed his blood, accusing him of a murder that never was committed, (for at that former time would they have murdered him by their calumnies, had we not found favour with the Emperor ;) again they are urgent, to say the least, that he should be sent into banishment, while they pretend to lament the miseries of the exiles, as though they had been exiled by him. They lament before us things that have never been done, and, not satisfied with what has been done to him, desire to add thereto other and more cruel treatment. 3. So mild are they and merciful, and of so just a disposition; or rather (for the truth shall be spoken) so wicked are they and malicious ; obtaining respect through fear and by threats, rather than by their piety and justice, as becomes Bishops. They have dared in their letters to the Emperors to pour forth language such as no contentious person would employ even among those that are without ; they have charged him with a number of murders and butcheries, and that not before a Governor, or any other superior officer, but before the three Augusti ; nor shrink they from any journey however long, provided only all the greater courts may be filled with their accusations. For indeed, dearly beloved, their business con- sists in accusations, and that of the most solemn character, forasmuch as the tribunals to which they make their appeal are the most solemn of any upon earth. And what other end do they propose by these investigations, except to move the Emperor to capital punishment ? §.4. 4. Their own conduct therefore, and not that of Athanasius, is the fittest subject for lamentation and mourning, and one would more properly lament them, for such actions ought to most incousislent in Bishops. 19 be bewailed, since it is written, Weep ye not for the dead, Tr. ii. neither bemoan him : but weep sore for him that (joeth away, ~~'-~ for he shall return no more. For their whole letter speaks of lo.* ' nothing but his death ; and their endeavour is to kill, when- ever they may be permitted, or if not, to drive into exile. And this they were permitted to do by the most religious father of the Emperors, who gratified their fury by the banishment of Athanasius, though not by his death. Now that this is not the conduct even of ordinary Christians, (nay, even of heathens,) much less of Bishops, who profess to teach others righteousness, we suppose that your Christian consciences must at once perceive. How can they forbid others to accuse their brethren, who themselves become their accusers, and that to the Emperors ? How can they teach compassion for the misfortunes of others, who cannot rest satisfied even with our banishment ? For there was con- fessedly a general sentence of banishment against us Bishops, and we all looked upon ourselves as banished men : and now again we consider ourselves as restored with Athanasius to our native country, and in the place of our former lamenta- tions and mourning over him, as having the greatest encou- ragement and grace, — which may the Lord continue to us, nor suffer the Eusebians to destroy ! 5. Even if their charges against him were true, here is a certain charge against them, that against the precept of Chris- tianity, and after his banishment and trials, they have assaulted him again, and accuse him of murder, and butchery, and other crimCwS, which they sound in the royal ears against the Bishops. But how exceeding manifold is their wickedness, and what manner of men think you them, when every word they speak is false, every charge they bring a calumny, and there is no truth whatever either in their speeches or their writings! However, let us now enter upon these matters, and meet their last charges. This will prove, that in their former representations in the Council and at the trial their conduct was dishonourable, or rather their words untrue, besides exposing them for what they have now advanced. 6. We are indeed ashamed to make any defence against §. 5. such charges. But since our reckless accusers lay hold of any charge, and allege that murders and butcheries were c 2 AG 20 His murders hut civil exccutioyis in his absence. Apol. committed after the return of Athanasius, we beseech — you to bear with our answer though it be somewhat long; for circumstances constrain us. No murder was committed either by Athanasius or on his account, since our accusers, as we said before, compel us to enter upon this strange apology. Slaughter and imprisonment are foreign to our Church. No one did Athanasius commit into the hands of the executioner; and the prison, so far as he was concerned, was never disturbed. Our sanctuaries are now, as they have always been, pure, and honoured only with the Blood of Christ and His pious worship. Neither Presbyter nor Deacon was destroyed by Athanasius; he perpetrated no murder, he caused the banishment of no one. Would that they had never caused the like to him, nor given him actual experience of it ! No one here was banished on his account ; no one at all except Athanasius himself the Bishop of Alexandria, whom they banished, and whom, now that he is restored, they again seek to entangle in the same or even a more cruel plot than before, setting their tongues to speak all manner of false and deadly words against him. 7. For, behold, they now attribute to him the acts of the magistrates; and although they plainly confess in their letter that the Prefect of Egypt passed sentence upon certain persons, they now are not ashamed to impute this sentence to Athanasius ; and that, though he had not at the time entered Alexandria, but was yet on his return from his place of exile. Indeed he was then in Syria; since we must needs adduce in his defence his length of way from home, that a man may not be responsible for the actions of a Governor or Prefect of Egypt. But supposing Athanasius had been in Alexandria, what were the proceedings of the Prefect to Athanasius? However, he was not even in the country ; and what the Prefect of Egypt did was not done on ecclesiastical grounds, but for reasons which you will leam from the records, which, after we understood what they had written, we made diligent enquiry for, and have transmitted to you. Since then they now raise a cry against certain things which were never done either by him or for him, as though they had certainly taken place, and testify against such evils as though they were assured of their existence ; let them inform us from what mani- acs, /?a5- si?n. JVhy the Eusehians were enemies of Alhanasius. 21 Council they obtained their knowledge of them, from what Tr. II. proofs, and in the course of what investigation ? But if they — '—^— have no such evidence to bring forward, and nothing but their own mere assertion, we leave it to you to consider as regards their former charges also, how^ the things took place, and why they so speak of them. In truth, it is nothing but calumny, and a plot of our enemies, and anger full of atrocious projects, and an impiety in behalf of the Arian fanatics^, which is frantic against true godliness, and desires 'orArio- to root out the orthodox, so that henceforth the advocates of impiety may preach without fear whatever doctrines they please. The history of the matter is as follows : — 8. When Arius, from whom the heresy of the Arian §• 6. fanatics has its name, was cast out of the Church for his impiety by Bishop Alexander, of blessed memory, the Eusebians, who are the disciples and partners of his impiety, considering themselves also to have been ejected, wrote frequently to the Bishop Alexander, beseeching him not to keep the heretic Arius out of the Church. But when Alexander in his piety towards Christ refused to admit that impious man, they directed their resentment against Atha- nasius, who was then a Deacon, because in their busy enquiries they had heard that he was much in the familiarity of Alexander the Bishop, and much honoured by him. And their hatred of him was greatly increased after they had expe- rience of his piety ^ towards Christ, in the Council assembled^ i- e. at Nicaea, wherein he spoke boldly against the impiety of the doxy," Arian fanatics. But when God raised him to the Episcopate,/'"**"'** their long-cherished malice burst forth into a flame, and fearing his orthodoxy and resistance of their impiety, they (and espe- cially Eusebius, who was smitten with a consciousness of his own evil doings,) engaged in all manner of treacherous designs against him. They prejudiced the Emperor against him ; they frequently threatened him with Councils ; and at last assembled at Tyre ; and to this day they cease not to write against him, and are so implacable that they even find fault with his appointment to the Episcopate'', taking every means *■ The Eusebians alleged that, fifty- bled for the election, and having sworn four Bishops of the two parties of S. to elect by the common voice, six or Alexander and Meletius being assem- seven of these broke their oaths in 22 Athanasius's election canonical. Apol. of shewing their enmity and hatred towards him, and '^^lAH' spreading false reports for the sole purpose of thereby de- I stroying his character. 9. However, the very misrepresentations which they now are making, do but convict their former statements of being false- I hoods, and a mere conspiracy against him. For they say, that " after the death of the Bishop Alexander, a certain few having mentioned the name of Athanasius, six or seven Bishops elected him clandestinely in a secret place :" and this is u hat they wrote to the Emperors, having no scruple about asserting the greatest falsehoods. Now that the whole multitude and all the people of the Catholic Church assembled together as with one mind and body, and cried, shouted, that Athanasius should be Bishop of their Church, made this the subject of their pubUc prayers to Christ, and conjured us to grant it for many days and nights, neither departing them- selves from the Church, nor suffering us to do so ; of all this we are witnesses, and so is the whole city, and the province too. Not a word did they speak against him, as these persons represented, but gave him the most excellent titles they could devise, calling him the good, the pious. Christian, an ascetic^', a genuine Bishop. And that he was elected by a majority of our body in the sight and with the acclamations of all the people, we who elected him also testify, who are surely more credible witnesses than those who were not present, and now spread these false accounts. 1 Of Ni- iQ^ But vet Eusebius' finds fault with the appointment of eorae- * i • " n i dia. Athanasms, — he who perhaps never received any appointment favour of S. Athanasius, whom no one means obtained its confirmation. Hist, had thought of, and consecrated him in ii. 16. It appears, in matter of fact, secret to the great surprise and scandal that S. Athan, was absent at the time of both ecclesiastical and lay persons, of his election ; as Socrates savs, in vid. Socr. ii. 17. Philostorgius (A.D. order to avoid it, or as Epiphanius, on 425.) adds particulars, explanatory or business at the Court ; these reasons corrective of this s^tatement, of vs^hich are compatible. the Bishops in the text do not seem to ^ It is contested whether S. Athan. have heard ; viz. that Athanasius with was ever one of S. Antony's monks, the his party one night seized on the Church reading of a passage in the commence- of St. Dionysius, and compelled two ment of his Vit. Ant., which would Bishops whom he found there to con- decide the question, varying in different secrate him against their will ; that he MSS. The word " ascetic" is used of was in consequence anathematized by those who lived a life, as afterwards all the other Bishops, but that, fortify- followed in Monasteries, in the Ante- ing himself in his position, he sent in Nicene times, hif election to the Emperor, and by this Uncanonical appoudruent of Euaebius himself. 23 to his office at all; or if he did, has himself rendered it invalid". Ta. ii. For he had first the See of Berytus,but leaving that he came -^iIl. to Nicomedia. He left the one contrary to the law, and contrary to the law invaded the other ; he deserted his own See for he failed in affection, and took possession of another's though he failed in a plea; he lost his love for the first in his lust for another, nor retained that love for the second which his lust had occasioned. For, behold, withdrawing himself from the second, again he takes possession of another's, casting an evil eye all around him upon the cities of other men, and thinking that godliness^ consists in wealth^ sw«- and in the greatness of cities, and making hght of the^rtho- heritage of God to which he had been appointed ; not '^^.^y? knowing that where even tico or three are gathered in the i Tim. name of the Lord, there is the Lord in the midst of them : ?i^;^ ^ -^ ' Mat. not considering the words of the Apostle, I will not boast in 18, 20. another man''s labours; not perceiving the charge which he jq 15 has given. Art thou bound nnto a wife? seek not to ^^iCor. . . . . . 7 27. loosed. For if this expression applies to a wife, how much ' more does it apply to a Church, and to the same Epis- copate ; to which whosoever is bound ought not to seek another, lest he prove an adulterer according to holy Scripture. 11. But though conscious of these his own misdoings, he §. 7. has boldly undertaken to arraign the appointment of Atha- nasius, to which honourable testimony has been borne by all; and he ventures to reproach him with his deposition, though he has been deposed himself, and has a standing proof of his deposition in the appointment of another. How could either he or Theognius '^ degrade another, after they had been degraded themselves, which is sufficiently proved by the ap- pointment of others in their room ? For you know very well that •= The Canons of Niceea and Sardica Cassiodor. Hist. xii. 8. Niceph. Hist, were absolute against translation, but, xiv. 39. Cotelier adds others ad Can. as Bingham observes, Antiqu. vi. 4. Apost. 14. §. 6. only as a general rule. The so- ^ Or Theognis ; he was, as well as called Apostolical Canons except " a Eusebius, a pupil of Lucian's, and was reasonable cause" and the sanction of a deposed together with him after the Council; one of the Councils of Car- Nicene Council for communicating with thage prohibit them when subserving Arians. Constantino banished them to ambitious views, and except for the Gaul; they were recalled in the course advantage of the Church. Yid. list of of two or three years. He was dead by translations in Socr. Hist. vii. 36. the date of the Council of Sardica. 24 Eiisehians pretend io care for Councils to annul theNicene, Apol. there were appointed instead of them Amphion to Nicomedia ag.Ar. and Chrestus to Nicaea, in consequence of their own impiety and connection with the Arian fanatics, who were rejected by the Ecumenic CounciL But while they desire to set aside that true Council, they endeavour to give that name » Euse- to their own unlawful combination ^ ; while they are un- Council willing that the decrees of the Council should be enforced, of Tyre, they desire to enforce their own decisions ; and they use 335.' the name of a Council, while they refuse to submit them- selves to one so great as this. Thus they care not for Councils, but only pretend to do so in order that they may root out the orthodox, and annul the decrees of the true and great Council against the Arians, in support of whom, both now and heretofore, they have ventured to assert these falsehoods against the Bishop Athanasius. For their former statements resembled those they have now made, viz. that 2 On his disorderly meetings were held at his entrance^, with lamentation from"^ and mourning, the people indignantly refusing to receive Gaul, \\\m. Now such was not the case, but, on the other hand, A.D. 338. joy and cheerfulness prevailed, and the people ran together, hastening to obtain the desired sight of him. The Churches were full of rejoicings, and thanksgivings were offered up to the Lord every where ; and all the Ministers and Clergy beheld him with such feelings, that their souls were possessed with delight, and they esteemed that the happiest day of their lives. Why need we mention the inexpressible joy that prevailed among us Bishops, for we have already said that we counted ourselves to have been partakers in his sufferings .'' §. 8. 12. Now this being confessedly the truth of the matter, although it is very differently represented by them, what weight can be attached to that Council or trial of which they make their boast .f" Since they presume thus to con- trovert the circumstances of a case which they did not witness, which they have not examined, and for which they did not meet, and to write as though they were assured of the truth of their statements, how can they claim credit respecting those matters for the consideration of which they say that they did meet together ? Will it not rather be believed that they have acted both in the one case and in the other thd' 7iol if? a statetohold a CGH}icil,a?id their own tyranmcal.25 out of enmity to us ? For what kind of a Council of Bishops Tr. II. was then held ? Was it an assembly which aimed at the — : — truth ? Was not almost every one among them our enemy ? Did not the attack of the Eusebians upon us proceed from their zeal for the Arian fanaticism ? Did they not urge on the others of their party ? Have we not always written against them as professing the doctrines of Arius ? Was not Eusebius of Csesarea in Palestine accused by our con- fessors of sacrificing to idols ^ ? Was not George proved 1o have been degraded by the blessed Alexander ^? Were not they charged with various oifences, some with this, some with that ? 13. How then could such men entertain the purpose of hold- ing a meeting against us ? How can they have the boldness to call that a Council, at which a single Count presided, which an executioner attended, and where a chief jailor instead of the Deacons of the Church introduced us into Court ; and where the Count only spoke, and all present held their peace, or rather obeyed his directions ? The removal of those Bishops who seemed to deserve it, was prevented at his desire ; and when he gave the order we were dragged about by soldiers ; — or rather the Eusebians gave the order, and he was subservient to their will. In short, dearly beloved, what kind of Council was that, the object of which was banish- ment and murder at the pleasure of the Emperor ? And of what nature were their charges ? — for here is matter of still greater astonishment. There was one Arsenius whom they declared to have been murdered ; and they also complained that a chalice belonging to the sacred mysteries had been broken. 14. Now Arsenius is alive, and prays to be admitted to our communion. He waits for no other testimony to prove that he is still living, but himself confesses it, writing in his own person to our brother Athanasius, whom they e At the Council of Tyre, Potamo himself, which is unlike him, if it was an Egyptian Bishop and Confessor producible. asked Eusebius what had happened to ^ George, Bishop of Laodicea, had /mn in prison during the persecution, been degraded when a Priest by S. Epiph. Hffir. 68, 7. as if hinting at his Alexander, for his profligate habits as cowardice. It appears that Eusebius well as his Arianism. Athan. speaks of was prisoner at Ceesarea with S. Pam- him elsewhere as reprobated even by philus ; yet he never mentions the fact his party, de Fug. 26. 26 Athan. accused of the murder of Arsenlus ivho ivas alive. Apol. positively asserted to be his murderer. The impious wretches i^l^were not ashamed to accuse him of having murdered a man who was at a great distance from him, being separated by an immense tract both of land and water, and whose abode at that time no one knew. Nay, they even had the boldness to remove him out of sight, and place him in concealment, though he had suffered no injury ; and, if it had been possible, they would have transported him to another world, nay, or have taken him from life in earnest, so that either by a true or false statement of his murder they might in as good earnest destroy A tha- nasius. But thanks to divine Providence for this also, which permitted them not to succeed in their injustice, but presented Arsenius alive to the eyes of all men, who has clearly proved their conspiracy and calumnies. He does not withdraw from us as murderers, nor hate us as having injured him, (for indeed he has suffered no evil at all ;) but he desires to hold communion with us; he wishes to be ad- mitted among us, and has written to this effect. §. 9. 15. Nevertheless they laid their plot against Athanasius, accusing him of having murdered a person who was still alive ; and those same men are the authors of his banish- ibyCon-ment^. For it was not the father of the Emperors, but their i^nto* "^^ calumnies, that sent him into exile. Consider whether this Gaul, is not the truth. When nothing was discovered to the 335. prejudice of our brother Athanasius, but still the Count threatened him with violence, and was very zealous against 2 i. e. to him, the Bishop^, in order to avoid this violence, went up^ to stan'ti- ^^ most religious Emperor, where he protested against the nople. Count and their conspiracy against him, and requested either that a lawful Council of Bishops might be assembled, ? The circumstances of this appeal, as he passed on horseback through the which are related by Athan. below, principal street of Constantinople. So §. 86. are thus summed up by Gibbon; strange an apparition excited his sur- " Before the final sentence could be prise and indignation ; and the guards pronounced ac Tyre, the intrepid pri- were ordered to remove the importunate mate threw himself into a bark which suitor; but his resentment was subdued was ready to hoist sail for the imperial by involuntary respect ; and the haugh- city. The request of a formal audience ty spirit of the Emperor was awed by might have been opposed or eluded ; the courage and eloquence of a Bishop, but Athanasius concealed his arrival, who implored his justice and awakened watched the moment of Constantino's his conscience." Hist. xxi. Athan. return from an adjacent villa, and was a small man in person, boldly encountered his angry sovereign Tlien charged with political crimes and banished. 27 or that the Emperor would himself receive his defence con- Tr. II. cerning the charges they brought against him. Upon this ' * the Emperor wrote in anger, summoning them before him, and declaring that he would hear the cause himself, and for that purpose he also ordered a Council to be held. Where- upon the Eusebians went up and charged Athanasius, not with the same offences which they had published against him at Tyre, but with an intention of detaining the vessels laden with corn, as though Athanasius had been the man to pretend that he could stop the exports of corn from Alex- andria to Constantinople. 16. Certain of our friends were present at the palace with Athanasius, and heard the threats of the Emperor upon receiving this report. And when Athanasius exclaimed against the calumny, and positively declared that it was not true ; (for how, he argued, should he a poor man, and in a private station, be able to do such a thing?) Eusebius did not hesitate publicly to repeat the charge, and swore that Athanasius was a rich man, and powerful, and able to do any thing; from which it might be supposed that he had used this language. Such was the accusation these venerable Bishops proffered against him. But the grace of God proved superior to their wickedness, for it moved the pious Emperor to mercy, who instead of death passed upon him the sentence of banishment. Thus their calumnies, and nothing else, were the cause of this. For the Emperor, in the letter which he previously wrote, complained of their conspiracy, censured their machinations, and condemned the Meletians as unrighteous and deserving of execration ; in short, expressed himself in the severest terms concerning them. For he was greatly moved when he heard the story of the dead alive ; he was moved at hearing of this murder of one who lived after it without loss of life. We have sent you the letter. 17. But these marv^ellous Eusebians, to make a show of §. 10. refuting the truth of the case, and the statements contained in this letter, put forward the name of a Council, and ground its proceedings upon the authority of the Emperor. Hence the attendance of a Count at their meeting, and the soldiers as guards of the Bishops, and royal letters com- 28 Found guilty of the murder, though clearedhy Conslcoitiiie, Apol. pelling the attendance of any persons whom they requh'ed. ^^lA^But observe here the strange character of their machinations, and the inconsistency of their bold measures, so that by some means or other they may take Athanasius away from us. For if as Bishops they claimed for themselves alone the judgment of the case, what need was there for the attend- ance of a Count and soldiers ? or how was it that they assembled under the sanction of royal letters ? Or if they required the Emperor's countenance and wished to derive their authority from him, why did they then entrench upon his judgment ? and when he declared in the letter which he wrote, that the Meletians were profligate calumniators, and that Athanasius was most innocent, and enlarged upon the pretended murder of the living, how was it that they de- termined that the Meletians had spoken the truth, and that Athanasius was guilty of the offence ; and were not ashamed to make the living dead, living both after the Emperor's judgment, and at the time when they met together, and who even until this day is amongst us ? So much concerning the case of Arsenius. §.11. 18. And as for the chaHce belonging to the mysteries, what was it, or where was it broken by Macarius } for this is the report which they spread up and down. But for Atha- nasius, even his accusers would not have ventured to blame him, had they not been suborned by them. However, they attribute the origin of the offence to him ; although it ought not to be imputed even to Macarius who is clear of it. And they are not ashamed to parade the sacred mysteries before Catechumens, and worse than that, even before heathens^: Tob.i2 whereas, they ought to attend to what is written. It is good ''• to keep close the secret of a king; and as the Lord has Matt. 7 charged us, Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, ^' neitlier cast ye your pearls before swine. We ought not then to parade the holy mysteries before the uninitiated, lest the heathen in their ignorance deride them, and the Cate- •' This period, when Christianity was hut a sect, persecution enforced a dis- acknowledged by the state but not em- cipline, and when they were commen- braced by the population, is just the surate with the nation, faith made it time when we hear most of this Reserve unnecessary. We are now returned to as a principle. While Christians were the state of the fourth century. andofthehrokenchalice^wherenoChiirch, Priest, or Service. 29 cliumens being over-curious be offended. However, whatTR. ii. was the chalice, and where and before whom was it broken ? — It is the Meletians who make the accusation, who are not worthy of the least credit, for they have been schismatics and enemies of the Church, not of a recent date, but fi-om the times of the blessed Peter, Bishop and Martyr'. They formed a conspiracy against Peter himself; they calumniated his successor Achillas ; they accused Alexander even before the Emperor; and being thus well versed in these arts, they have now transferred their enmity to Athanasius, acting alto- gether in accordance with their former wickedness. For as they slandered those that have been before him, so now they have slandered him. But their calumnies and false accusa- tions have never prevailed against him until now, that they have got the Eusebians for their assistants and patrons, on account of the impiety^ which these have adopted from thei i.e. Arian fanatics, which has led them to conspire ao-ainst manv^^^^^^' Bishops, and among the rest Athanasius. 19. Now the place where they say the chalice was broken, was not a Church ; there was no Presbyter in occupation of the place ; and the day on which they say that Macarius did the deed, was not the Lord's day. Since then there was no Church there ; since there was no one to perform the priest's office ; and since the day did not require the use of it ^ ; w^hat was this sacred chalice, and when, or where was it broken ? There are many cups, it is plain, both in private houses, and in the public market ; and if a person breaks one of them, he is not guilty of impiety. But the chalice which belongs to the mysteries, and which if it be broken intentionally, makes the perpetrator of the deed an impious person, is found only among those who are lawfully appointed to preside over the Church. This is the only description that can be given of this kind of chalice ; there is none other ; of this you drink prior to the people ; this you have received according to the canon of the Church ^ ; this belongs only to those who preside 2 vid. Can. Ap. 65. J Meledus, Bishop of Lycopolis in Effypt. In the same persecution S. the Thebaid, being deposed for lapsing Peter suffered. in the Dioclesian Persecution, sepa- ^ This seems to imply that the Holy rated from the Catholic Church and Communion was only celebrated on commenced a succession of his own in Sundays in the Egyptian Churches. ^0 Eusehians build a Church there, as the accuser's reward. A POL. over the Catholic Church, for to you only it appertains to ^"•^f 'have the first taste' of the Blood of Christ, and to none „]^^''^'" besides. But as he who breaks a sacred cup is an impious person, much more impious is he who treats the Blood of Christ with contumely : and he does so who performs this mystical rite contrary to the rule of the Church ; — (we say this, not as if a chalice even of the schismatics was broken by Macarius, for there was no chalice there at all ; how should there be .? where there was neither Lord's house nor any one belonging to the Church, nay, it was not the time of the celebration of the mysteries;) — now such a person is the notorious Ischyras, who was never appointed to his office by the Church, and when Alexander admitted the Presbyters that had been ordained by Meletius, he was not even numbered amongst them ; and therefore did not receive ordination even from that quarter. §.12. 20. By what means then did Ischyras become a Presbyter ' ? who was it that ordained him .? was it Colluthus ? for this is the only supposition that remains. But it is well known, and no one has any doubt about the matter, that Colluthus died a Presbyter, and that every ordination of his was invalid, and that all that were ordained by him during the schism were reduced to the condition of laymen, and in that rank appear in the congregation. How then can it be believed that a private person, occupying a private house, had in his possession a sacred chahce ? But the truth is, they gave the name of Presbyter at the time to a private person, and gratified him with this title to support him in his iniquitous conduct towards us; and now as the reward of his accusations they procure for him the erection of a Church. So that this man had then no Church; but as the reward of his malice and subserviency to them in accusing us, he receives now what he had not before; nay, perhaj)s they have even remunerated his services with the Episcopate, for so he goes about reporting, and accordingly behaves towards us with great insolence. Thus are such rewards as these now bestowed by Bishops upon accusers and calumniators ; though indeed it is reasonable, in the case of an accompHce, 1 Vid. Bp. Taylor, Episcop. Assert. §. 32. Potter on Church Gov. ch. v. To mend their cause, they appoint Commission to Mareotis. 31 that as they have made him a partner in their proceedings, Tr. it, so they should also make him their associate in their own ~^^' Episcopate. But this is not all ; give ear yet fiu'ther to their proceedings at that time. 21. Being unable to prevail against the truth, though §.13. they had thus set themselves in array against it, and Ischyras having proved nothing at Tyre, except that he was a calumniator, and the calumny ruining their plot, they defer proceedings until they obtain fresh evidence, and propose to send to the Mareotis certain of their party to enquire diUgently into the matter. Accordingly they dispatched secretly, with the assistance of the civil power, persons to w^hom we openly objected on many accounts, as being of the party of Arius, and therefore our enemies ; namely, Diognius, Mai'is, Theodorus, Macedonius, and two others, young both in years and mind"", Ursacius and Valens from Pannonia; who, after they had undertaken this long journey for the purpose of obtaining justice against their enemy, set out again from Tyre for Alexandria. They did not shrink from becoming witnesses themselves, although they were the judges, but openly adopted every means of furthering their design, and undertook any labour or journey whatsoever in order to bring to a successful issue the conspiracy which was in progress. They left the Bishop Athanasius detained in a foreign country while they themselves entered their enemy's city, as if to have their revel both against his Church and against his people. And what was more outrageous still, they took with them the accuser Ischyras, but would not permit Macarius, the accused person, to accompany them, but left him in custody at Tyre. For " Macarius the Presbyter of Alexandria" was made answerable for the charge far and near. 22. They therefore entered Alexandria alone with the accuser, §.14. their partner in lodging, board, and wine-cup ; and taking with them Philagrius the Prefect of Egypt they proceeded to the Mareotis, and there carried on the investigation by them- selves, all their own way, with the forementioned person. Although the Presbyters frequently begged that they might ™ Vid. also Athan. ad Ep. iEg. 7. i. 5. Fragm. ii. 12. Euseb. Vit. c. iv. 43. Hilar, ad Const. 32 Indecent conduct of the Commission. Apol. be present, they would not permit them. The Presbyters ^±^ both of the city and of the whole country desired to attend, that they might detect who and whence the persons were who were suborned by Ischyras. But they forbade the Ministers to be present, while they carried on the examination concerning the Church, the chalice, the table, and the holy things, before the heathen; nay, worse than that, they summoned heathen witnesses during the enquiry concerning the sacred chalice; and those persons who they affirmed were taken out of the way by Athanasius by means of the summons of the Receiver-general, and they knew not where in the world they were, these same individuals they brought forward before themselves and the Prefect only, and avowedly used their testimony, whom they affirmed without shame to have been secreted by the Bishop Athanasius. 23. But here too their only object is to effect his death, and so they again pretend that persons are dead who are still alive, following the same method they adopted in the case of Arsenius. For the men are living, and are to be seen in then own country ; but to you who are at a great distance from the spot they give a tragical representation of the matter as though they had disappeared, in order that, as the evidence is so far removed from you, they may falsely accuse our brother-minister, as though he used violence and the civil power; whereas they themselves have in all respects acted by means of that power and the countenance of others. For their proceedings in the Mareotis were parallel to those at Tyre ; and as there a Count attended with military assist- ance, and would permit nothing either to be said or done contrary to their pleasure, so here also the Prefect of Egypt was present with a band of men, frightening all the members of the Church, and permitting no one to give true testimony. And what was the strangest thing of all, the persons who came, whether as judges or witnesses, or, what was more likely, in order to serve their own purposes and those of Eusebius, lived in the same place with the accuser, even in his house, and there seemed to carry on the investigation as they pleased. §. 15. 24. We suppose you are not ignorant what outrages they committed at Alexandria ; for they are reported, every where. Oiiirages of the Arian party at Alexandria. 33 ! They attacked the holy virgins and brethren witli naked Tr. il. swords ; they beat with scourges their persons, esteemed — ^ honourable in the sight of God, so that their feet were lamed by the stripes, whose souls are whole and sound in purity and all good works'. The trades^ were excited against them ;' Hist. and the heathen multitude was set to strip them naked, to 12. beat them, wantonly to insult them, and to threaten them ^ /?>'*' ' . . . ffttti (?) : with their altars and sacrifices. And one coarse fellow, as \ though license had now been given them by the Prefect in I order to gratify the Bishops, took hold of a virgin by the ! hand, and dragged her towards an altar that happened to be i near, imitating the practice of compelling to offer sacrifice in time of persecution. When this was done, the virgins took to flight, and a shout of laughter was raised by the heathen against the Church; the Bishops being in the place, and occupying the very house where this was going on ; and from which, in order to obtain favour with them, the virgins were assaulted with naked swords, and were exposed to all kinds of danger, and insult, and wanton violence. And this treatment they received during a season of fasting^, and at^supr. the hands of persons who themselves were feasting with the^* Bishops in that house. 25. Foreseeing these things, and reflecting that the entrance §.16. of enemies into a place is no ordinary calamity, we protested against this commission. And Alexander", Bishop of Thes- salonica, considering the same, wrote to the people residing there, discovering the conspiracy, and testifying of the plot. They indeed reckon him to be one of themselves, and account him a partner in their designs ; but they only prove thereby the violence they have exercised towards him. For even the profligate Ischyras himself was only induced by fear and violence to proceed in the matter, and was obliged by force to undertake the accusation. As a proof of this, he wrote himself to our brother Athanasius*, confessing thatMnfr. nothing of the kind that was alleged had taken place there, ^* n This Alexander had been one of chre was consecrated, and afterwards the Nicene Fathers, in 325, and had Arius admitted to communion. His in- the office of publishing their deciees in fluence with the Court party seems to Macedonia, Greece, 8sc. He was at have been great, judging from Count the Council of Jerusalem ten j'ears after, Dionysius's tone in speaking of him, at which the Church of the Holy Sepul- infr. §.81. 2,4.DocHme}itsinrefiitalio)ioftheEusehianchargesagainstAth. Apol. but that he was suborned to make a false statement. This tEli^ declaration he made, though he was never admitted by Athanasius as a Presbyter, nor received that title from him as a boon, nor was entrusted by way of recompense with the erection of a Church, nor expected the bribe of a Bishopric ; all of which he obtained from them in return for undertaking 1 ^.jjj the accusation. Moreover, his whole family held communion infr.icswith us\ whicli they would not have done had they been fin. ^injured in the slightest degree. §. 17. 26. Now to prove that these things are facts and not mere - i"ff- assertions, we have the testimony^ of all the Presbyters of the Mareotis", who always accompany the Bishop in his visitations, and who also wrote at the time against Ischyras. But neither those of them who came to Tyre were allowed to declare the ^infr. truth ^, nor could those who remained in the Mareotis obtain |\'?2 permission to refute the calumnies of Ischyras^. Copies also fi"- of the letters of Alexander, and of the Presbyters, and of Ischyras, will prove the same thing. We have sent also the letter of the father of the Emperors, in which he expresses his indignation that the murder of Arsenius was charged upon any one while the man was still alive ; as also his astonishment at the variable and inconsistent character of their accusations with respect to the chalice; since at one time they accused the Presbyter Macarius, at another the Bishop iVthanasius, of having broken it with his hands. He declares also on the one hand that the Meletians are calum- niators, and on the other that Athanasius is perfectly innocent. 27. And are not the Meletians calumniators, and above * Ar- all John^, who after coming into the Church, and com- i^ntr 65 i^itmicatiug with us, after condemning himself, and no fin. head longer taking any part in the proceedings respecting the Meleti- chalice, when he saw the Eusebians zealously supporting the ans. Arian fanatics, though they had not the daring to cooperate with them openly, but were attempting to employ others as their masks, undertook a character, as an actor in the heathen ^ vid. theatres^? The subiect of the drama was the contest of the infr. §. •' 37. 46. vol. 8. ° The district, called Mareotis from Priests, and of hamlets which had p. 127. ^ neighbouring lake, lay in the territory none ; of the latter was " the Peace of note g. ^nd diocese of Alexandria, to the west. Secontaruri," (infr. §. 85.) where Ischy- It consisted of various large villages, ras lived. with handsome Churches, and resident Inconsistency of Ensehians in making ihem. 35 Arians ; the real design of the piece being their success, but Tr. ii. John and his partizans being appended and playing the parts, in order that under colour of these, the supporters of the Arians, in the garb of judges, might drive away the enemies of their impiety, firmly establish their impious doctrines, and bring the Arians into the Church. And those who wish to drive out true godliness* strive all they can to' £yt afraid to shew himself at Rome. 49 time, when they say Macarius came thither. Now from these Tr. it. representations of his, we are naturally led to ask the ^^l^— question, How was it possible that a man who was lying behind the door sick could get up, conduct the service, and offer the Oblations ? and how could it be that Oblations were offered in the presence of Catechumens ' ? for if there were ' Bingh. Catechumens present, it was not yet the time for presenting 5 o'g* the Oblations. These representations, as I said, were made by the Bishop Athanasius, and he shewed from the Reports, what was also positively affirmed by those who were with him, that Ischyras has never been a Presbyter at all in the Catholic Church, nor has ever appeared as a Presbyter in the assemblies of the Church ; for not even when Alexander admitted those of the Meletian schism, by the indulgence of the great Council, was he named by Meletius among his Presbyters, as they deposed^; which is the strongest argument" 'o^. possible that he was not even a Presbyter of Meletius; for otherwise, he would certainly have been numbered with the rest. Besides, it was she^vn also by Athanasius from the Reports, that Ischyras had spoken falsely in other instances : for he set up a charge respecting the burning of certain books, when, as they pretend, Macarius burst in upon them, but was convicted of falsehood by the witnesses he himself brought to prove it. 16. Now when these things were thus represented to us, §. 29. and so many witnesses appeared in his favour, and so much was advanced by him in his own justification, what did it become us to do? what chd the Canon^ of the Church require^ PP- 3. 45 55 of us, but that we sliould not condemn him, but rather receive him and treat him as a Bishop, as we have done ? Moreover, besides all this he continued here a year and six months^, expecting the arrival of yourselves and of whoever chose to come. His presence overcame us all, for he would not have been here, had he not felt confident in his cause ; and he came not of his own accord, but on a summons^ by * KXr>dus g Valesius, Montfaucon, and Cou- Baronius and Tillemont follow Socrates stant, consider these eighteen months in supposing two journeys of Athan. to to run from about May 341, upon Gre- Rome, and that the eighteen months gory's usurpation, to October or Novem- began in 339 or 340, and had a break ber 342, when the Council of Rome in them, during which he returned to terminated, as Schelstrate also thinks. Alexandria. 50 Gregory uncanonically put in his place^ APOL. letter from us, in the manner in which we wrote to you. But still ag.Ar. ^^^^ complain after all of our transgressing the Canons. Now consider ; who are they that have so acted ? we who received this man after such ample proof of his innocence, or they who being at Antioch at the distance of six and thirty posts'*; appointed a stranger to be Bishop, and sent him to Alex- andria with a military force ; a thing which was not done even when Athanasius was banished into Gaul, though it would have been done then, had he been really proved guilty of the offence. But when he returned, of course he found his Church unoccupied and waiting for him. §. 30. 17. But now I am ignorant under what colour these proceed- ings have been conducted. In the first place, if the truth must be spoken, it was not right, when we had written to summon a Council, that any persons should anticipate its decisions' : and in the next place, it was not fitting that such novel proceedings should be adopted against the Church. For what Canon of ^ p. 41, the Church^, or what Apostolical tradition warrants this, that p." 5^5. ' when the Church was at peace, and so many Bishops were in unanimity with Athanasius the Bishop of Alexandria, Gregory should be sent thither, a stranger to the city, not ha^dng been baptized there, nor known to the general body, and desired neither by Presbyters, nor Bishops, nor Laity — that he should be ordained at Antioch, and sent to Alexandria, accompanied not by Presbyters, nor by Deacons of the city, nor by Bishops of Egypt, but by soldiers ? for they who came hither complained that this was the case. 18. Even supposing that Athanasius was in the position of a criminal after the Council, this appointment ought not to have been made thus illegally and contrary to the Canon of the Church, but the Bishops of the province ought to have h or rather, halts, peval. They a day along the Roman roads." ch. ii. are enumerated in the Itinerary of Mtvh or mansio properly means the Antoninus, and are set down on building, where soldiers or other public Montfaut'on's plate. The route passes officers rested at night, (hence its appli- over the Delta to Pelusium, and then cation to monastic houses.) Such build- coasts all the way to Antioch. These ings included granaries, stabling, &c. uom) were day's journeys. Constant vid. Cod. Theod. ed. Gothofr. 1665. 1. 1. in Hilar. Psalm 118, Lit." 5. 2. or half p. 47. t. 2. p. 507. Ducange Gloss, t.4. a day's journey, Herman, ibid; and p. 426. Col. 2. were at unequal intervals, Ambros. in ^ The Eusebians kept the Pope's Psalm 118, Serm. 5. §. 5. Gibbon says legates, and hastened their own Coun- that by the government conveyances, cil of the Dedication by way of anti- " it was easy to travel an 100 miles in cipating him in their decision. and ivlth outrages put in possession. 51 ordained one in that very Church, of that very Priesthood, of Tr. ii. that very Clergy'; and the Canons- received from the -?^i£L Apostles ought not thus to be set aside. Had this offence BiLh been committed against any one of you, would you not have ^^^- "• exclaimed against it, and demanded justice as for the trans- 2 pp. '3^* gression of the Canons? Dearly beloved, we speak honestly, ^^" as in the presence of God, and declare, that this proceeding was' neither pious, nor lawful, nor ecclesiastical. Moreover, the account which is given of the conduct of Gregory on his entry into the city, plainly shews the character of his appoint- ment. In such peaceful times, as those who came from Alexandria declared them to have been, and as the Bishops also represented in their letters, the Church was set on fire^; "^supr. Virgins were stripped ; Monks were trodden under foot ; ^" " Presbyters and many of the people were scourged and suffered violence; Bishops were cast into prison; multitudes were dragged about from place to place ; the holy Mysteries'', about which they accused the Presbyter Macarius, were seized upon by heatliens and cast upon the ground ; and all to constrain certain persons to admit the appointment of Gregory. Such conduct plainly shews who they are that transgress the Canons. Had the appointment been lawful, he would not have had recourse to illegal proceedings to compel the obedience of those wlio in a legal way resisted him. And notwithstanding all this, you write that perfect peace prevailed in Alexandria and Egypt. Surely not, unless the works of peace are entirely changed, and you call such doings as these peace. 19. I have also thought it necessary to point out to you§. 31. this circumstance, viz. that Athanasius positively asserted that Macarius was kept at Tyre under a guard of soldiers, while only his accuser accompanied those who went to the Mareotis^ ; and that the Presbyters who desired to attend the* p. 31. inquiry were not permitted, while the said inquiry respecting the chalice and the Table was carried on before the Prefect and his band, and in the presence of Heathens and Jews. ■^ Athan. only suggests this, supr. cons bruised with lead ; nay, even on p. 6. S. Hilary says the same of the Christ Himself (the Saints understand conduct of the Arians at Toulouse; my meaning) hands were laid." Contr. " Clerks were beaten with clubs ; Dea- Coustant. 11. E 2 52 Marcellus not to he suspected of heresy. A POL. This at first seemed incredible, but it was proved to have — — '^been so from the Reports; which caused great astonishment to us, as I suppose, dearly beloved, it does to you also. Presbyters, who are the ministers of the Mysteries, are not permitted to attend, but an enquiry concerning Christ's 'II^T^xoD Blood and Christ's Body is carried on before an external judge, in the presence of Catechumens, nay, worse than that, before Heathens and Jews, who have so bad a name in regard to Christianity. Even supposing that an offence had been committed, it should have been investigated legally in the Church and by the Clergy, not by heathens who abhor the Word and know not the Truth. I am persuaded that both you and all men must perceive the nature and magnitude of this sin. Thus much concerning Athanasius. ^. 32. 20- With respect to Marcellus', forasmuch as you have charged him also of impiety towards Christ, I am anxious to inform you, that when he was here, he positively declared that what you had written concerning him was not true; but being nevertheless requested by us to give an account of his faith, he answered in his own person with the utmost boldness, so that we were obliged to acknowledge that he 2 vid. maintains nothing except the truth. He made a confession ^ Epiph. of the same godly doctrines concerning our Lord and Saviour 2,3.*and Jesus Christ as the Catholic Church confesses; and he ?'^J^' affirmed that he had held these opinions for a very long time, and had not recently adopted them : as indeed our 3 Yin- Presbyters^, who were at a former date present at the Council centius Qf Nicsea, testified to his orthodoxy ; for he maintained then, Vito. as he has done now, his opposition to Arianism, (on which point it is right to admonish you, lest any of you admit such iTim.i, heresy, instead of abominating it as alien from sound doc- 10. i Julius here acquits Marcellus; but separated hira from his communion, as it would seem that he did not eventually agreeing with Photinus his disciple, preserve himself from heretical notions, Fragm. ii. 23. Sulpicius says the same, even if he deserved a favourable judg- He is considered heretical by S. Epi- ment at this time. Athan. sides with phanius, /oc.c^V. S, Basil, Epp. 69, 125, him, de Fug. 3. Hist. Arian. 6. but 263, 265. S. Chrysostom in Hebr.Hom. Epiphanius records, that on his asking ii.2, Theodoret,'H8er.ii. 10. vid. Petav. Athanasius what he (Athan.) thought de Trin. i. 13. who condemns him, and of Marcellus, a smile came on his face ; Bull far more strongly. Def. F. N. ii. 1. and he implied that there was some un- §. 9. Montfaucon defends him, (in a soundness in Marcellus's views which special J)issertation, Collect. Nov. tom. perhaps he did not like to expose. Ha^r. 2.) and Tillemont, Mem. tom. 7. p. 51 3. 72.n.4. And S. Hilary says that Athan. and Natalis Alex. Sa?c. iv. Dissert. 30„ Bodily hijuriesinflictedbytheEusehiansonCathollcBishops.b^ trine.) Seeing then that he professed orthodox opinions, Tr. II. and had testimony to his orthodoxy, what, I ask again in ' his case, ought we to have done, except to receive him as a Bishop, as we did, and not reject him from om- communion? 21. These things I have written, not so much for the purpose of defending their cause, as in order to convince you, that we acted justly and canonically^ in receiving these persons, ' pp. 5. and that you are contentious without a cause. But it is ' your duty to use your anxious endeavours and to labour by every means to correct the irregularities which have been committed contrary to the Canon, and to secure the peace of the Churches; so that the peace of our Lord which has been given to us may remain, and the Churches may not be divided, nor you incur the charge of being authors of schism. For I confess, your past conduct is an occasion of schism rather than of peace. 22. For not only the Bishops Athanasius and Marcellus came §. 33. hither and complained of the injustice that had been done them, but many other Bishops also™, from Thrace, from Coele-Syria, from Phoenicia and Palestine, and Presbyters not a few, and others from Alexandria and from other parts, were present at the Council here, and in addition to their other statements, lamented before all the assembled Bishops the violence and injustice which the Churches had suffered, and affirmed that similar outrages to those which had been committed in Alexandria had occurred in their own Churches, and in others also. Again, there lately came Presbyters with letters from Egypt and Alexandria, who complained that many Bishops and Presbyters who wished to come to the Council were prevented ; for they said that, since the departure of Athanasius" even up to this time, Bishops who are confessors" have been beaten with stripes, that others have been cast into prison, and that but lately aged men, who have been an exceedingly long period in the Episcopate, have been '° The names of few are known ; Antioch. Athan. Hist. Ar. 12. perhaps Marcellus, Asclepas, Paul of <> e. g. Saparammon and Potamo, both Constantinople, Lucius of Adrianople. Confessors, who were of the number of vid. Montf. in loc. Tillem. Mem. torn, the Nicene Fathers, and had defended 7. p. 272. Athan. at Tyre, were, the former ba- " These outrages took place imme- nished, the latter beaten to death, vid. diatelyon the dismission ofElpidius and infr. Hist. Ar. 12. Philoxenus, the Pope's legates, from 51 The duty of the Pope under stwh clrcmnstatices. A POL. given up to be employed in the public works, and nearly all — — ^"the Clergy of the Catholic Church with the people are the objects of plots and persecutions. Moreover they said that certain Bishops and other brethren had been banished for no other reason than to compel them against their will to communicate with Gregory and his Arian associates. We have heard also from others, what is confirmed by the testimony of the Bishop Marcellus, that a number of out- rages, similar to those which were committed at Alex- andria, have occurred also at Ancyra in Galatia''. And in addition to all this, those who came to the Council reported against some of you (for I will not mention names) certain charges of so dreadful a nature that I have declined setting them down in writing : perhaps you also have heard them from others. It was for this cause especially that I wrote ' ^QOT^s-io desire^ you to come, that you might be present to hear TTof^ivos ^Y\em, and that all irregularities might be corrected and differences healed. And those who were called for these purposes ought not to have refused, but to have come the more readily, lest by faiUng to do so they should be suspected of what was alleged against them, and be thought unable to prove what they had written. §. 34. 23. Now according to these representations, since the Churches are thus afflicted and treacherously assaulted, as our informants positively affirmed, who are they that have lighted 2 vid. up the flame of discord^? We, who grieve for such a 45^' ^* state of things and sympathize with the sufferings of the brethren, or those who have brought these things about? While then such extreme confusion existed in every Church, which was the cause why those who visited us came hither, I wonder how you could write that unanimity prevailed in the Churches. These things tend not to the edification of the Church, but to her destruction; and those who rejoice in them are not sons of peace, but of 1 Cor. confusion : but our God is not a God of confusion^ but of 14 33 ./ i/ ' ./ ' * peace. Wherefore, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ knows, it was from a regard for your good name, P The Pseudo-Sardican Council, i. e. Hilar. Fragm. iii. 9. but the character theEusebiansatPhilippopolis,retortthis of the outrages fixes them on the accusation on the party of Marcellus; Arians. vid. infr. p. 7l, note h. The Euseblans must change their course. bb and with prayers that the Churches might not fall intoTe. ii. confusion, but might continue as they were regulated^ 4-^-^' by the Apostles, that I thought it necessary to write thuSw'Xr unto you, to the end that you might at length discountenance ?^-.P* those who through the effects of their mutual enmity have §. 69. brought the Churches to this condition. For I have heard, that it is only a certain few'^ who are the authors of all these '^ ad Ep. things. f%.t 24. Now, as having bowels of mercy, take ye care to correct, ^• as 1 said before, those irregularities which have been com- mitted contrary to the Canon, so that if any mischief has already befallen, it may be healed through your zeal. And write not that I have preferred the communion of Marcellus and Athanasius to yours, for such like complaints are no indications of peace, but of contentiousness and hatred of the brethren. For this cause I have written the foregoing, that you may understand that we acted not unjustly in admitting them to our communion, and so may cease this strife. If you had come hither, and they had been con- demned, and had appeared unable to produce reasonable evidence in support of their cause, you would have done well in writing thus. But seeing that, as I said before, we acted agreeably to the Canon, and not unjustly, in holding communion with them, I beseech you for the sake of Christ, suffer not the members of Christ to be torn asunder, neither trust to prejudices, but seek rather the peace of the Lord. It is neither holy nor just, in order to gratify the narrow- spirit* of a few persons, to reject those who have never been ' /"'*e«- condemned, and thereby to grieve the Spirit. But if you siip'r.'p. think that you are able to prove any thing against them, and^^- to confute them face to face, let those of you who please come hither: for they also promised that they would be ready to establish completely the truth of those things which they have reported to us. 25. Give us notice therefore of this, dearly beloved, that we §. 35. may write both to them, and to the Bishops who will have again to assemble, so that the guilty may be condemned in the presence of all, and confusion no longer prevail in the Churches. What has already taken place is enough : it is enough surely that Bishops have been sentenced to banish- 56 Their conduct inconsistent tvith the Pope''s prerogatives, Apol. ment in the presence of Bishops ; of which it behoves me ^"•^^ ' not to speak at length, lest I appear to press too heavily on those who were present on those occasions. But if one must speak the truth, matters ought not to have proceeded • fjttK^a- so far; their private feelings^ ought not to have been suffered ^."Sr* to reach their present pitch. Let us grant the " removal," as you write, of Athanasius and Marcellus, from their own places, yet what must one say of the case of the other Bishops and Presbyters who, as I said before, came hither from various parts, and who complained that they also had been forced away, and had suffered the like injuries? O dearly beloved, the decisions of the Church are no longer according to the Gospel, but tend only to banishment and 3 Hist, death ^. Supposing, as you assert, that some offence rested §. 67. upon those persons, the case ought to have been conducted against them, not after this manner, but according to the 3 p. 53. Canon of the Church^. Word should have been written of it to us all', that so a just sentence might proceed from all. For the sufferers were Bishops, and Churches of no ordinary note, but those which the Apostles themselves had governed in their own persons''. 26. And why was nothing said to us concerning the Church of the Alexandrians in particular? Are you ignorant that the custom has been for word to be written first to us, and then for a just sentence to be past from this place' ? If then any such susj)icion rested upon the Bishop there, notice thereof ought to have been sent to the Church of this place ; whereas^ after neglecting to inform us, and proceeding on their own authority as they pleased, now they desire to 1 Coustant in loc. fairly insists on the Churches ought not to make Canons word " all," as shewing that S. Julius beside the will of the Bishop of Rome." does not here claim the prerogative of Hist. ii. 17. Sozomen in like manner, judging by himself all Bishops what- "for it was a sacerdotal law, to declare ever, and that whatfollows relates mere- invalid whatever was transacted beside ly to the Church of Alexandria. the will of the Bishop of the Romans." '^ St. Peter (Greg. M. Epist. vii. Ind. Hist. iii. 10. vid. Pope Damasus ap. ]5. 40 ) or St. Mark (Leo, Ep. 9.) Theod. Hist. v. 10. Leon. Epist. 14. at Alexandria. St. Paul at Ancyra &c. In the passage in the text the pre- in Galatia, (Tertull. contr, Marcion. iv. rogative of the Rouian see is limited, as 5.) vid. Constant, in loc. Constant observes, to the instance of '^ Socrates says somewhat differently, Alexandria; and we actually find in " Julius wrote back that they acted the third century a complaint lodged against the Canons, because they had against its Bishop Dionysius with the not called him to a Council, the Eccle- Pope, siastical Canon commanding that the at Alexandria, a?id as the successor of St. Peter. 57 obtain our conciuTence in their decisions, though we never Tr. ii. condemned him. Not so have the Constitutions' of Paul, ^^' not so have the traditions of the Fathers directed; this is another form of procedure, a novel practice. I beseech you, readily bear with me : what I write is for the common good. For what we have received from the blessed Apostle Peter", that I signify to you ; and I should not have written this, as deeming that these things were manifest unto all men, had not these proceedings so disturbed us. Bishops are forced away from their sees and driven into banish- ment, while others from different quarters are appointed in their place; others are treacherously assailed, so that the people have to grieve for those who are forcibly taken from them, while, as to those who are sent in their room, they are obliged to give over seeking the man whom they desire, and to receive those they do not. 27. I ask' of you, that such things may no longer be, but» il,Z that you will denounce in writing those persons who at- tempt them ; so that the Churches may no longer be aiHicted thus, nor any Bishop or Presbyter be treated with insult, nor any one be compelled to act contrary to his judgment, as they have represented to us, lest we become a laughing-stock among the heathen, and above all, lest we excite the wrath of God against us. For every one of us shall give account in the Day of judgment of the things which he has done in this life. May we all be possessed with the mind of God! so that the Churches may recover their own Bishops, and rejoice evermore in Jesus Christ our Lord; through Whom to the Father be glory, for ever and ever. Amen. t hxrdlus. St. Paul says evrcas if Cotelier considers the lntTa.%tis as the TuiiiKKXnj». morc shamcless than himself, viz. Theodonis^ of Heraclea, Nar- note^b ' cissusof Neronias, Acacius^ of Caesarea, Stephanus^ of Antioch, 5 vol. 8, Ursacius and Valens of Pannonia, Menophantus of Ephesus, 6 Hist. ^^^^ George*^ of Laodicsea; and they wrote to the Bishops in Arian. all parts of the world, and to the diocese^ of each of the 7 p.2.5.f. injured persons, in the following terms. *'^ 3. Letter of the Council of Sardica to the Church of Alexandria. 9y5d, The Holy Council, by the grace of God assembled at supr. p. Sardica, from^ Rome, Spain, Gaul, Italy, Campania, Calabria, where Apulia, Africa, Sardinia, Pannonia, Mysia, Dacia, Noricum, TheJsa- ^^s^i^' Dardania, the other Dacia, Macedonia, Thessaly, ly, Sici- Achaia, Epirus, Thrace, Rhodope, Palestine, Arabia, Crete, ly, Bri- The Council of Sardica to the Alexandrian Church. 61 and Egypt, to their dearly beloved brethren, the Presbyters Tr. it. and Deacons, and to all the Holy Church of God abiding at ^^l^ iVlexandria, sends health in the Lord. added.^' We were not ignorant, but the fact was well known to us, ^}^^ even before we received the letters of your piety, that the Hist. ii. supporters of the abominated heresy of the Arians werCpVg'J.'j practising many dangerous machinations, rather to the §. 37. destruction of their own souls, than to the injury of the Church. For this has ever been the object of their unprin- cipled craft; this is the deadly design in which they have been continually engaged; viz. how they may best expel from their places and persecute all who are to be found any where of orthodox sentiments, and maintaining the doctrine of the Catholic Church, which was delivered to them from the Fathers. Against some they have laid false accusations ; others they have driven into banishment ; others they have destroyed by the punishments inflicted on them. Thus also they endeavoured by violence and tyranny to surprise the innocence of our brother and fellow Bishop Athanasius, and therefore conducted their enquiry into his case without any scrupulous care, without any faith, without any sort of justice. Accordingly having no confidence in the part they had played on that occasion, nor yet in the reports they had circulated against him, but perceiving that they were unable to produce any certain evidence respecting them, when they came to the city of Sardica, they were unwilling to meet the Council of all the holy Bishops. From this it became evident that the decision of our brother and fellow-Bishop Julius was a just one^; for after cautious deliberation and ' vid. care he had determined, that we ought not to hesitate at allgQ^'j^P'^ about holding communion with our brother Athanasius. P- For he had the credible testimony of eighty Bishops, and was also able to advance this fair argument in his support, that by the mere means of our dearly beloved brethren his own Presbyters, and by correspondence, he had defeated the designs of the Eusebians, who relied more upon \4olence than upon a judicial enquiry. 4. Wherefore all the Bishops from all parts determined upon holding communion with Athanasius on the ground that he was innocent. And let your charity also observe, that when 62 Letter of the Council of Sardica A POL. he came to the holy Council assembled at Sardica, the ^"•^'^' Bishops of the East were informed of the circumstance, as we said before, both by letter, and by injunctions conveyed ' iKXn by word of mouth, and were summoned^ by us to be present. J^j'*"' But, being condemned by their own conscience, they had 49. r. 3. recourse to unbecoming excuses, and set themselves to avoid the enquiry. They demanded that an innocent man should be rejected from our communion, just as if he had been guilty, not considering how unbecoming, or rather how impossible, such a proceeding was. And as for the Reports which were framed in the Mareotis by certain most wicked 2supr. and most profligate youths'^, to whose hands one would not ^ofe^m commit the very lowest office of the ministry, it is certain that they were ex parte statements. For neither was our brother the Bishop Athanasius present on the occasion, nor the Presbyter Macarius who was accused by them. And besides, their enquiry, or rather their falsification of facts, was attended by the most disgraceful circumstances. Some- times heathens, sometimes Catechumens, were examined, not that they might declare what they knew, but that they might assert those falsehoods which they had been taught by others. And when you Presbyters, who were anxious in the absence of your Bishop, desired to be present at the enquiry, in order that you might shew the truth, and disprove false- hood, no regard was paid to you ; they would not permit you to be present, but drove you away with insult. 5. Now although their calumnies have been most plainly exposed before all men by these circumstances ; yet we found also, on reading the Reports, that that most iniquitous person, Ischyras, who has obtained from them the empty title of Bishop as his reward for the false accusation, had convicted himself of calumny. He declares in the Reports that at the very time when, according to his positive assertions, Macarius entered his cell, he lay there sick; whereas the Eusebians have had the boldness to write that Ischyras was standing 3 pp. 30, yp ^jj(j offering the oblations, when Macarius came in^. §. 38. ^- The base and slanderous charge which they next alleged against him, has become well-known to all men. They raised a great outcry, affirming that Athanasius had com- mitted murder, and had destroyed one Arsenius a Meletian to the Church of Alexandria. 63 Bishop, whose loss they pretended to deplore with feigned Tr. ii. lamentations and untnie tears, and demanded that the body — ^ — '- of a living man, as if a dead one, should be given up to them. But their fraud was easily detected : one and all knew that the person was alive, and was numbered among the living*. »^pp. 2G, 7. And when these men, who are ready upon any op- portunity, perceived their falsehoods detected, (for Arsenius shewed himself alive, and so proved that he had not been destroyed, and was not dead,) yet they would not rest, but proceeded to other calumnies ^ and to slander Athanasius by ^ vid. a fresh expedient. Well ; our brother, dearly beloved, was infr?§. ' not confounded, but again in the present case also with ^7- great boldness challenged them to the proof, and we too prayed and exhorted them to come to the trial, and if they were able, to establish their charge against him. O great anogance ! O dreadful pride ! or rather, if one must say the truth, O evil and guilt-stricken conscience ! for this is the view which all men take of it. 8. Wherefore, dearly beloved brethren, we admonish and exhort you, above all things to maintain the light faith of the Catholic Church. You have undergone many severe and grievous trials ; many are the insults and injuries which the Catholic Church has suffered, but he that endureth to ^^^tt. 10 22. the end the same shall he saved. AVherefore even though ' they shall still recklessly assail you, let your tribulation be unto you for joy. For such afflictions have a share in martyrdom, and such confessions and tortures as yours will not be without their reward, but ye shall receive the prize from God. Therefore strive above all things in support of the sound faith, and of the innocence of your Bishop and our brother Athanasius. We also have not held our peace, nor been negligent of what concerns your comfort, but have deliberated and done whatsoever the claims of charity demand. We sympathize with our suffering brethren, and their afflictions we consider as our own. 9. Accordingly we have written to beseech our most re- §• 39. ligious and godly Emperors, that their Graces would give orders for the release of those who are still suffering from affliction and oppression, and would command that none of 64 The Comicil of Sardica to the Alexandrian Church, Apol. the magistrates, whose duty it is to attend only to civil — '- 'causes, give judgment upon Clergy % nor henceforward in any way, on pretence of providing for the Churches, attempt any thing against the brethren ; but that every one may live, as he prays and desires to do, free from persecution, from violence and fraud, and in quietness and peace may follow the Catholic and Apostolic Faith. As for Gregory, who has the reputation of being illegally ordained by the heretics, and has been sent by them to your city, we wish your unanimity to understand, that he has been degraded by a judgment of the whole sacred Council, although indeed he has never at any time been considered to be Bishop at all. Wherefore receive gladly your Bishop Athanasius, for to this end we have dismissed him in peace. And we exhort all those who either through fear, or through the intrigues of certain persons, have held communion with Gregory, that now being admonished, exhorted, and persuaded by us, they withdraw from that his accursed conmiunion, and straight- way unite themselves to the Catholic Church. §. 40. 10. Forasmuch as we have learnt that Aphthonius, Athana- ' supr. sius the son of Capito, Paul, and Plutio, our fellow Presbyters^, ^' * have also suffered from the machinations of the Eusebians, so that some of them have had trial of exile, and others have fled on peril of their lives, we have in consequence thought it necessary to make this known unto you, that you may understand that we have received and acquitted them also, being aware that whatever has been done by the Eusebians against the Orthodox has tended to the glory and com- mendation of those who have been attacked by them. It were fitting that your Bishop and our brother Athanasius should make this known to you respecting them, to his own respecting his own ; but as for more abundant testimony he wished the holy Council also to write to you, we defeiTed not to do so, but hastened to signify this unto you, that you may receive them as we have done, for they also are de- serving of praise, because through their piety towards Christ they have been thought worthy to endure violence at the hands of the heretics. c vid. Bingham Antiqu. v. 2. §. 5. Bassi. Bibliuth. Jur. t. 1. p. '276. Bel- &c. Gieseler Eccl. Hist. vol. 1, p. 242. larm. de Cleric. 28, The Council of Sardica to the Bishops of Egypt. 65 1 1 . What decrees have been past by the holy Council against Tr. ii. those who ai*e at the head of the Arian heresy, and have ^ ' '^^' offended against you, and the rest of the Churches, you will learn from the subjoined documents *. We have sent them to * vid. you, that you may understand from them that the Catholic Letter,' Church will not overlook those who offend against her. ^^^^' P- 12. Letter of the Council of Sardica to the Bishops of Egypt and Libya. The holy Council, by the grace of God assembled at Sardica, to the Bishops of Egypt and Libya, their fellow ministers and dearly beloved brethren, sends health in the Lord. We were not ignorant"^, but the fact was well known to us, §. 41. even before we received the letters of your piety, that the supporters of the abominated heresy of the Arians were practising many dangerous machinations, rather to the destruction of their own souls, than to the injury of the Church, For this has ever been the object of their craft and villainy : this is the deadly design in which they have been continually engaged, viz. how they may best expel from their places and persecute all who are to be found any where of orthodox sentiments, and maintaining the doctrine of the Catholic Church, which was delivered to them from the Fathers. Against some they have laid false accusations; others they have driven into banishment ; others they have destroyed by the punishments inflicted on them. Thus also they endeavoured by violence and tyranny to surprise the innocence of our brother and fellow Bishop Athanasius, and therefore conducted their enquiry into his case without any scrupulous care, without any faith, without any sort of justice. Accordingly, having no confidence in the part they had played on that occasion, nor yet in the reports they had circulated against him, but perceiving that they were unable to produce any certain evidence respecting them, when they came to the city of Sardica, they were unwilling to meet the Council of all the holy Bishops. From this it became evident that the decision of our brother and fellow Bishop d It will be observed that this Letter It was first printed in the Benedictine is nearly a transcript of the foregoing. Edition. F 66 Leiier of the Council of Sardica ApoL. Julius was a just one ; for after cautious deliberation and — — ^'care he had decided, that we ought not to hesitate at all about holding communion with our brother Athanasius. For he had the credible testimony of eighty Bishops, and was also able to advance this fair argument in his support, that by the mere means of our dearly beloved brethren his own Presbyters, and by correspondence, he had defeated the designs of the Eusebians, who relied more upon violence, than upon a judicial enquiry. 13. Wherefore all the Bishops from all parts determined upon holding communion with Athanasius on the ground that he was innocent. And let your charity also observe, that when he came to the holy Council assembled at Sardica, the Bishops of the East were informed of the circumstance, as we said before, both by letter, and by injunctions con- veyed by word of mouth, and were invited by us to be present. But, being condemned by their own conscience, they had recourse to unbecoming excuses, and began to avoid the enquiry. They demanded that an innocent man should be rejected from our communion, just as if he had been guilty, not considering how unbecoming, or rather how impossible, such a proceeding was. And as for the reports which were framed in the Mareotis by certain most wicked and abandoned youths, to whose hands one would not commit the very lowest office of the ministry, it is certain that they were ex- parte statements. For neither was our brother the Bishop Athanasius present on the occasion, nor the Presbyter Macarius, who was accused by them. And besides, their enquiry, or rather their falsification of facts, was attended by the most disgraceful circumstances. Sometimes Heathens, sometimes Catechumens, were examined, not that they might declare what they knew, but that they might assert those falsehoods which they had been taught by others. And when you Presbyters, who were anxious in the absence of your Bishop, desired to be present at the enquiry, in order that you might shew the truth, and disprove falsehood, no regard was paid to you ; they would not permit you to be present, but drove you away with insult. 14. Now although their calumnies have been most plainly exposed before all men by these circumstances; yet we to the Bishops of Egypt and Libya. 67 found also, on reading the Reports, that that most ini- Tr. ii. quitous person Ischyras, who has obtained from them — '-^^ the empty title of Bishop as his re\yard for the false ac- cusation, had convicted himself of calumny. He declares in the Reports, that at the very time when, according to his positive assertions, Macarius entered his cell, he lay there sick ; whereas the Eusebians have had the boldness to write that Ischyras was standing up and offering the oblations, when Macarius came in. 15. The base and slanderous charge which they next alleged §. 42, against him has become well known unto all men. They raised a great outciy, affirming that Athanasius had com- mitted murder, and destroyed one Arsenius a Meletian Bishop, whose loss they pretended to deplore with feigned lamentations, and untrue tears, and demanded that the body of a living man, as if a dead one, should be given up to them. But their fraud was easily detected ; one and all knew that the person was alive, and was numbered among the living. 16. And when these men, who are ready upon any oppor- tunity, perceived their falsehood detected, (for Arsenius shewed himself alive, and so proved that he had not been destroyed, and was not dead,) yet they would not rest, but proceeded to add other to their former calumnies, and to slander Atha- nasius by a fresh expedient. Well : our brother, dearly beloved, was not confounded, but again in the present case also with great boldness challenged them to the proof, and we too prayed and exhorted them to come to the trial, and if they were able, to establish their charge against him. O great arrogance ! O dreadful pride ! or rather, if one must say the truth, O evil and guilt-stricken conscience ! for this is the view which all men take of it. 17. Wherefore, dearly beloved brethren, we admonish and exhort you, above all things, to maintain the right faith of the Catholic Church. You have undergone many severe and grievous trials; many are the insults and injm'ies which the Catholic Church has suffered, but he that endureth to //i^Mat.io, 22. end, the same shall be saved. Wherefore, even though they shall still recklessly assail you, let your tribulation be unto you for joy. For such afflictions have a share in martyrdom, and such confessions and tortures as yours will not be with- F 2 68 The Comicil of Sardica to the Bishops of Egypt, Apol. out their reward, but ye shall receive the prize from God. ^^^^-^ Therefore, strive above all things in support of the sound Faith, and of the innocence of your Bishop and our brother Athanasius. We also have not held our peace, nor been negligent of what concerns yoiu' comfort, but have deli- berated and done whatever the claims of charity demand. We sympathize with our suffering brethren, and their afflic- I tions we consider as our own, and have mingled our tears with yours. And you, brethren, are not the only persons who have suffered : many others also of our brethren in ministry have come hither, bitterly lamenting these things. ^. 43. 1^- Accordingly, we have written to beseech our most reli- gious and godly Emperors, that their Graces would give orders for the release of those who are still suffering from afHiction and oppression, and w^ould command that none of the magistrates, whose duty it is to attend only to civil causes, give judgment upon Clergy, nor hencefonvard in any way, on pretence of providing for the Churches, attempt any thing against the brethren, but that every one may live, as he prays and desires to do, free from persecution, from violence and fraud, and in quietness and peace may follow the Catholic and Apostolic Faith. As for Gregory who has the reputation of being illegally ordained by the heretics, and who has been sent by them to your city, we wish your unanimity to under- stand, that he has been degraded by the judgment of the whole sacred Council, although indeed he has never at any time been considered to be a Bishop at all. Wherefore receive gladly your Bishop Athanasius; for to this end we have dismissed him in peace. And we exhort all those, who either through fear, or through the intrigues of certain persons, have held communion with Gregory, that being now admo- nished, exhorted, and persuaded by us, they withdraw from his accursed communion, and straightway unite themselves to the Catholic Church. 19. What decrees have been passed by the holy Council against Theodorus, Narcissus, Stephanus, Acacius, Meno- I p (50. phantus, Ursacius, Valens, and George \ who are the heads of the Arian heresy, and have offended against you and the rest of the Churches, you will learn from the subjoined documents. We have sent them to you, that your piety may Encyclical Letter of the Council of Sardica. 69 assent to our decisions, and that you may understand from Tr. ii. them, that the Catholic Church will not overlook those who — '-^—^ offend against her. 20. Encyclical Letter of the Council of Sardica. The holy Council *, by the grace of God, assembled at i vid. Sardica, to their dearly beloved brethren, the Bishops and ttj^° j*j fellow-Ministers of the Catholic Church everywhere, sends^. Hil. health in the Lord. ii. The Arian fanatics have dared repeatedly to attack the §.44. servants of God, who maintain the right faith ; they attempted to substitute a spuiious doctrine, and to drive out the ortho- dox ; and at last they made so violent an assault against the Faith, that it became known to the piety of our most religious Emperors. Accordingly, the grace of God assisting them, our most religious Emperors have themselves assembled us together out of different provinces and cities, and have per- mitted this holy Council to be held in the city of Sardica; to the end that all dissension may be done away, and all false doctrine being driven from us. Christian godliness may alone be maintained by all men. The Bishops of the East also attended, being exhorted to do so by the most religious Emperors, chiefly on account of the reports they have so often circulated concerning our dearly beloved brethren and fellow-ministers Athanasius Bishop of Alexandria, and Marcellus Bishop of Ancyro-Galatia. Their calumnies have probably already reached you, and perhaps they have attempted to disturb your ears, that you may be induced to believe their charges against those innocent men, and that they may obliterate from your minds any suspicions respect- ing their own wicked heresy. But they have not been permitted to effect this to any great extent; for the Lord is the Defender of His Churches, who endured death for their sakes and for us all, and provided access to heaven for us all through Himself When therefore the Eusebians wrote long ago to Julius our brother and Bishop of the Church of the Romans, against our fore-mentioned brethren, that is to say, Athanasius, Marcellus, and Asclepas% the Bishops from the ^ Asclepas, or Asclepius of Gaza, Fathers, and according to Theod. Hist. i. Epiph.Haer. 69.4. wasoneoftheNicene 27. was at the Council of Tyre, which I 70 Encyclical Letter A POL. other parts wrote also, testifying to the innocence of our — '- — 'fellow- minister Athanasius, and declaring that the repre- sentations of the Eusebians were nothing else but mere false- hood and calumny. 21. And indeed their calumnies were clearly proved by the ;»>.;j^sy- fact that, when they were called^ to a Council by our dearly beloved fellow-minister Julius, they would not come, and also by what was written to them by Julius himself. For had they had confidence in the measures and the acts in which they were engaged against our brethren, they would have come. And besides, they gave a still more evident proof of their conspiracy by their conduct in this great and holy Council. For when they arrived at the city of Sardica, and saw our brethren Athanasius, Marcellus, Asclepas, and the rest, they were afraid to come to a trial, and though they were repeatedly invited to attend, they would not obey the summons. Although all we Bishops met * together, and above all that man of an happy old age, Hosius, one who on account of his age, his confession, and the many labours he has undergone, is worthy of all reverence ; and although we waited and besought them to come to the trial, that in the presence of our fellow-ministers they might establish the truth of those charges which they had circulated and written against them in their absence ; yet they would not come, when they were thus called, as we said before, thus giving proof of their calumnies, and almost proclaiming to the world by this their refusal, the plot and conspiracy in which they have been engaged. They who are confident of the truth of their assertions are able to make them good against their opponents face to face. But as they would not meet us, we think that no one can now doubt, however they may again have recourse to their bad practices, that they possess no proof against our brethren, but calumniate them in their absence, while they avoid their presence. Athan. also attended, but only by com- on the charge of having overturned an pulsion. According to the Eusebians altar ; and, after Athan. infr. §. 47. that at Philippopolis, they had deposed him he was acquitted at Sardica on the about 330, if the Council of Sardica ground that Eusebius of Csesarea and was held 347. They state, however, others had reinstated him in his see, at the same time, that he had been con- (before 339.) There is mention of a demned by Athanasius and Marcellus. Church built by him in Gaza, ap. Bol- vid. Hilar. Fragm. iii. 13. Sozomen, land. Febr. 26. Vit. S. Porphyr. n. 20. Hist. iii. 8. says that they deposed him p. 648. of the Council of Sardica. 7 1 2*2. They fled, dearly beloved brethren, not only on account Tr. ii, of the calumnies they had uttered, but because they saw that - — ^- those had come who had various charges to advance against^* them. For chains and iron were brought forward which they had used ; persons appeared who had returned from banishment; there came also our brethren, kinsmen of those who were still detained in exile, and friends of such as had perished through their means. And what was the most weighty ground of accusation, Bishops were present, one ^ of whom brought forward the iron and the chains which they had caused him to wear, and others testified to the deaths which had been brought about by their calumnies. For they had proceeded to such a pitch of madness, as even to attempt to destroy Bishops ; and would have destroyed them, had they not escaped their hands. Our fellow- minister, Theodulus of blessed memory^, died during his flight from their false accusations, orders having been given in consequence of these to j)ut him to death. Others also ex- hibited sword- wounds ; and others complained that they had been exposed to the pains of hunger through their means. Nor were they ordinary persons who testified to these things, but whole Churches, in whose behalf legates appeared '', and told us of soldiers sword in hand, of multi- tudes armed with clubs, of the threats of judges, of the use of forged letters. For there were read certain forged letters of Theognius against our fellow-ministers Athanasius, Mar- cellus, and Asclepas, written with the design of exasperating the Emperors against them ; and those who had then been Deacons of Theognius proved the fact. In addition to these things, we heard of virgins stripped naked. Churches *" Perhaps Lucius of Hadrianople, stans, who died 350. Hist. ii. 26. says Montfaucon, referring to Apo!. de h The usual proceeding of the Arians Fug. §. 3. vid. also Hist. Arian. 19. was to retort upon the Catholics the g Theodulus, Bishop of Trajancpolis charges which they brought against in Thrace, who is here spoken of as them, supr. p. 54, note p. Accordingly, deceased, seems to have suffered this in their Encyclical from Philippopolis, persecution from the Eusebians upon they say that '' a vast multitude had their retreat from Sardica, vid. Athan. congregated at Sardica, of wicked and Hist. Arian. §. 19. "We must suppose abandoned persons, from Constantinople then with Montfaucon, that the Coun- and Alexandria; wholay under charges cil, from whom this letter procee:ls, sat of murder, blood, slaughter, robbery, some considerable time after that re- plunder, spoiling, and all nameless sa- treat, and that the proceedings spoken crileges and crimes ; who had broken of took place in the interval. Socrates, altars, burnt Churches, ransacked pri- however, makes Theodulus survive Con- vate houses, &c. &c. Hil. Fragm iii. 19. 72 Encyclical Letter Apol. burnt, ministers in custody, and all for no other end, but — '- 'only for the sake of the accursed heresy of the Arian fanatics, whose communion whoso refused was forced to suffer these things. 23. When they perceived then how matters lay, they were in a strait what course to choose. They were ashamed to confess all that they had done, but were unable to conceal it any longer. They therefore came to the city of Sardica, that by their appearance there they might seem to remove suspicion from themselves of the guilt of such things. But when they saw those whom they had calumniated, and those who had suffered at their hands ; when they had before their eyes their accusers and the proofs of their guilt, they were unwilling to come forward, though invited by our fellow- ministers Athanasius, Marcellus, and Asclepas, who with great freedom complained of their conduct, and urged and challenged them to the trial, promising not only to refute their calumnies, but also to bring proof of the offences which they had committed against their Churches. But they were seized with such terrors of conscience, that they fled; and in doing so they exposed their own calumnies, and confessed by running away the crimes of which they had been guilty. §. 46. 24. But although their malice and their calumnies have been plainly manifested on this as well as on former occasions, yet that they may not devise means of practising a further mischief in consequence of their flight, we have considered it advisable to examine the part they have played according to 1 supr. the principles of truth ^; this has been our purpose, and we ref. 2. have found them calumniators by their acts, and authors of Orat. 1. nothing else than a plot against our brethren in ministry. p. 227 For Arsenius, who they said had been murdered by ^^^^' Athanasius, is still alive, and is numbered among the living ; from which we may infer that the reports they have circulated on other subjects are fabrications also. And whereas they spread abroad a rumour concerning a chalice, which they said had been broken by Macarius the Presbyter of Athanasius, those who came from Alexandria, the Mareotis, and the other parts, testified that nothing of the kind had 'p-30. taken place. And the Egyptian Bishops^ who wrote to Julius our brother in ministry, positively affirmed that there of the Council of Sardica. 73 did not exist among them even any suspicion whatever of Tr. ii. such a thing. ^^' ^^' 25. Moreover, the Reports, which they say they have to produce against him, are, as is notorious, ex parte state- ments; and even in the formation of these very Reports, Heathens and Catechumens were examined; one of whom, a Catechumen, said^ in his examination that he was present ' pp. 48, in the room, when Macarius broke in upon them ; and another * jdeclared, that Ischyras of whom they speak so much, lay sick in his cell at the time ; from which it appears that the Mysteries were never celebrated at all, because Catechumens were present, and also that Ischyras was not there, but was lying sick on his bed. Besides, this wicked wretch Ischyras, who has falsely asserted, as he was convicted of doing, that Athanasius had burnt some of the sacred books, has himself confessed that he was sick, and was lying in his bed when Macarius came; from which it is plain that he is a Islanderer. Nevertheless, as a reward for these his calumnies, they have given to this very Ischyras the title of Bishop, although he has never been even a Presbyter. For two Presbyters, wJio were once associated with Meletius, but were afterwards received by Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria, of blessed memory, and are now with Athanasius, appeared before the Council, and testified that he was not even a Presbyter of Meletius, and that Meletius never had either Church or Minister in the Mareotis. And yet this man, who has never been even a Presbyter, they have now brought forward as a Bishop, that by this name they may have a means of overpowering those who are within hearing his calumnies. 26. The book of our brother Marcellus was also read, by§. 47. which the fraud of the Eusebians were plainly discovered. For what Marcellus had advanced by way of enquiry^, they 2 vid. de falsely represented as his professed opinion ; but when the ^ ^oi g subsequent parts of the book were read, and the partsp-44, e. preceding these queries, his faith was found to be correct. He had never pretended, as they positively affirmed', that thesdeSyn. word of God had His beginning from holy Mary, nor that His ^'^{q kingdom had an end; on the contrary he had written that note r. His kingdom was both without beginning and without end. 74 Encyclical Letter Apol. Our brother Asclepas also produced Reports which had been •^^ drawn up at Antioch in the presence of his accusers and Eusebius of Caesarea, and proved that he was innocent by »p.7o.e. the sentence of the Bishops who judged his caused They had good reason therefore, dearly beloved brethren, for disobeying our frequent summons, and for deserting the Council. They were driven to this by their own consciences; but their flight only confirmed the proof of their calumnies, and caused those things to be believed against them, which their accusers, who were present, were asserting and arguing. But besides all these things, they had not only received those who were formerly degraded and ejected on account of the Arian heresy, but had even promoted them to a higher station, advancing Deacons to the Presbytery, and of Pres- byters making Bishops, for no other end, but that they might disseminate and spread abroad impiety, and corrupt the orthodox faith. §. 48. 27. Their present leaders are, after Eusebius, Theodorus of Heraclea, Narcissus of Neronias in Cilicia, Stephanus of Antioch, George of Laodicea, Acacius of Caesarea in Pales- tine, Menophantus of Ephesus in Asia, Ursacius of Singi- donum in Mysia, and Valens of Mursia in Pannonia'. These men would not permit those who came with them from the East to meet the holy Council, nor even to approach the Church of God ; but as they were coming to Sardica, they held Councils in various places by themselves, and made an engagement under threats, that when they came to Sardica, they would not at all appear at the trial, nor attend the assembling of the holy Council, but simply coming, and making known their arrival as a matter of form, would speedily take to flight. This we have been able to ascertain from our brethren in ministry, Macarius of Palestine and Asterius of Arabia'', who after coming in their company, separated themselves from their unbelief. These came to the holy Council, and complained of the violence they had suffered, and said that no orthodox act proceeded from them ; adding that there were many among them who adhered i Vid. supr. p. 31, note m. p. 60. ref. the Council banished by Eusebian in- 4. &c. vol. 8. p. 74, note d. About Ste- fluence into upper Libya, where they phanus, vid. infr. Hist. Arian. §. 20. sufiFered extreme ill usage, vid. infr. '' These two Bishops were soon after Hist. Arian. §. 18. of the Council qf Sardica. 75 \ to the true doctrine, but were prevented by those men from Tr. it. coming hither, by means of the threats and promises which ^^> ^^- they held out to those who wished to separate from them. On this account it was that they were so anxious that all should abide in one dwelling, and would not suffer them to be by themselves even for the shortest space of time. 28. Since then it became us not to hold our peace, nor to§. 49. pass over unnoticed their calumnies, imprisonments, murders, scourgings, conspiracies by means of forged letters, outrages, stripping of the virgins, banishments, destruction of the Churches, burnings, translations from small cities to larger dioceses, and above all, the rising of the accursed Arian heresy by their means against the orthodox faith ; we have therefore , pronounced our dearly beloved brethren and fellow-ministers i Athanasius, Marcellus, and Asclepas, and those who minister i to the Lord with them, to be innocent and clear of offence, and have written to the diocese of each, that the people of 1 each Church may know the innocence of their own Bishop, and may esteem him as their Bishop and expect his coming. •29. And as for those who like wolves^ have invaded their '^id. Churches, Gregory at Alexandria, Basil at Ancyra, and29l^ ' Quintianus at Gaza, let them neither give them the title of Bishop, nor hold any communion at all with them, nor receive letters^ from them, nor write to them. And for'^p. 8. ref 3 Tlieodorus, Narcissus, Acacius, Stephanus, Ursacius, Valens, Menophantus, and George, although the last from fear did not come from the East, yet because he was degraded by the blessed Alexander, and because both he and the others were connected with the Arian fanaticism, as well as on account of the charges which lie against them, the holy Council has unanimously deposed them from the Episcopate, and we have decided that they not only are not Bishops, but that they are unworthy of holding communion with the faithful. 30. For they who separate the Son and alienate the Word from the Father, ought themselves to be separated from the Catholic Church and to be alien from the Christian name. Let them therefore be anathema to you, because they have adulterated the word of truth. It is an Apostolic injunction. If any man preach any other Gospel unto you than that ye have Gal.1,9. 76 Subscriptiotis to the Letter Apol. received, let hirn he accursed. Charge your people that no ''"•^'' •one hold communion with them, for there is no communion of light with darkness; put away from you all these, for 2Cor.6, there is no concord of Christ icilh Belial. And take heed, ^^' ^^' dearly beloved, that ye neither write to them, nor receive letters from them; but desire rather, brethren and fellow- ministers, as being present in spirit with our Council, to assent to our judgments by your subscriptions', to the end that concord may be preserved by all our fellow-ministers every where. May Divine Providence protect and keep you, dearly beloved brethren, in sanctification and joy. I, Hosius, Bishop, have subscribed this, and all the rest likewise. 31. This is the letter which the Council of Sardica sent to those who were unable to attend, and they on the other hand gave their judgment in accordance; and the following are the names both of those Bishops who subscribed in the Council, and of the others also. §. 50. Hosius of Spain'", Julius of Rome by his Presbyters Archidamus and Philoxenus, Protogenes of Sardica, Gau- > of Ra- dentins, Macedonius, Severus^, Prgetextatus^,Ursicius^,Lucil- ''ofBar-l^^^» EugeniuSjVitalius, Calepodias, Florentius^, Bassus, Vin- celona. centius^ Stercorius, Palladius, Domitianus, Chalbis, Gerontius, scia. Protasius*^, Eulogus, Porphyrins^, Dioscorus, Zozimus, Janua- ro°na^^' ^^"^' ^^zimus, Alexander, Eutychius, Socrates, Diodorus,Mar- ^ of Me- tyrius, Eutherius, Eucarpus, Athenodorus, Irenaeus, Julianus, "of^Ca- Alypius, Jonas, Aetius^, Restitutus, Marcellinus, Aprianus, P"J- Vitalius,Valens,Hermogenes,Castus,Domitianus,Fortunatius'", Ian. Marcus, Annianus, Heliodorus, Musbbus, Asterius, Paiegorius, 8of Phi- lippi. OotThes- •" of A-* ' In like manner the Council of Chal- even before Protogenes, Bishop of the (luilea ^^^^^ '^^^. confirmed by as many as place. Basnage, Ann. 347. 5. Febro- 470 subscriptions, according to Ephrem, nius considers that Hosius signed here (Phot. Bibl. p. 801.) by 1600 accord- and at Niceea, as a sort of represen- mg to Eulogius, (ibid. p. 877.) i. e. of tative of the civil, and the Legates of the Bishops, Archimandrites, &c. ecclesiastical supremacy, de Stat. Eccl. " Hosius IS called by Athan. the vi. 4. And so Thomassin, " Imperator gther and the president of the Council, velut exterior Episcopus : prsefuit autem Hist. A nan. 15. 16. Roman contro- summus Pontifex, ut Episcopus inte- versiahsts here explain why Hosius rior." Dissert, in Cone. x. 14. The does not sign himself as the Pope's Pope never attended in person the legate, De Marc. Concord, v. 4. Alber. Eastern Councils. St, Leo excuses Dissert, ix. and Protestants why his himself on the plea of its being against legates rankbefore all the other Bishops, usage. Epp. 37. and 93. of the Council qf Sardica. 77 Plutarchus, Hymenaeus, Athanasius, Lucius, Amantius, Arius,TR. ii. Asclepius, Dionysius, Maximus', Tryphon, Alexander, Anti- j- gonus, .'Elianus, Petrus, Symphorus, Musonius, Eutychus,ca. Philologius, vSpudasius, Zozinms, Palricius, Adolius, Sa- pricius. From Gaul the following; Maximianus*, Verissimus ^/ of Victurus, Valentin us ^, Desiderius, Eulogius, Sarbatius, Dys-3of Ly*. colius, Severinus^, Satyrus, Martinus, Paulus, Optatianus, °"^- Nicasius, Victor^, Sempronius, Valerinus, Pacatus, Jesses, Aries. Ariston, Simplicius, Metianus, Amantus"^, Amillianus, Justini-6°^^®°^' anus, Victorinus^, Saturnilus, Abundantius, Donatianus, Worms. Maximus. bo^rgh!" From Africa ; Nessus, Gratus^, Megasius, Coldaeus, Roga-^ofP^ris. tianus, Consortius, Rufinus, Manninus, Cessilianus, Heren-thage. nianus, Marianus, Valerius, Dynamius, Myzonius, Justus, Celestinus, Cyprianus, Victor, Honoratus, Marinus, Panta- gathus, Felix, Bandius, Liber, Capito, Minervalis, Cosmus, Victor, Hesperio, Felix, Severianus, Optantius, Hesperus, Fidentius, Salustius, Paschasius. From Egypt ; Liburnius, Amantius, Felix, Ischyrammon, Romulus, Tiberinus, Consortius, Heraclides, Fortunatius, Dioscorus, Fortunatianus, Bastamon, Datyllus, Andreas, Serenus, Arius, Theodorus, Evagoras, Helias, Timotheus, Orion, Andronicus, Paphnutius, Hermias, Arabion, Pseno- siris, Apollonius, Muis, Sarapampon^^, Philo, Philippus, '» p. 53, Apollonius, Paphnutius, Paulus, Dioscoi-us, Nilammon,^°^^ °' Serenus, Aquila, Aotas, Harpocration, Isac, Theodorus, $• 78. Apollos, Ammonianus, Nilus, Heraclius, Arion, Athas, Arsenius, Agathammon, Theon, Apollonius, Helias, Pani- nuthius, Andragathius, Nemesion, Sarapion, Ammonius, Ammonius, Xenon, Gerontius, Quintus, Leonides, Sempro- nianus, Philo, Heraclides, Hieracys, Rufus, Pasophius, Macedonius, Apollodorus, Flavianus, Psaes, Syrus, Apphus, Sarapion, Esaias, Paphnutius, Timotheus, Elurion, Gains, Musaeus, Pistus, Heraclammon, Hero, Helias, Anagamphus, Apollonius, Gaius, Philotas, Paulus, Tithoes, Eudaemon, Julius. Those in the cross roads ° of Italy are, Probatius, Viator, " eih Tta KavaXlu vni'lraXlas. " Ca- vemm via transversa, quae in regiam nalis est, non via'regia aut militaris, seu basilicam influit, quasi aqua cana- 78 Subscriptions. Apol. Facundinus, Joseph, Numedius, Sperantius, Severus, Hera- — '■ ^clianus, Faustinus, Antoninus, Heraclius. Vitalius, Felix, Crispinus, Paulianus. From Cyprus ; Auxibius, Photius, Gerasius, Aphrodisius, Irenicus, Nunechius, Athanasius, Macedonius, Triphyllius, Spyridon, Norbanus, Sosicrates. From Palestine ; Maximus, Aetius, Arius, Theodosius, Germanus, Silvanus, Paulus, Claudius, Patricius, Elpidius, Germanus, Eusebius, Zenobius, Paulus, Petrus. These are the names of those who subscribed to the acts of the Council ; but there are very many beside, out of Asia, ip. 60. Phrygia, and Isauria^, who wrote in my behalf before this Council was held, and whose names, nearly sixty-three in number, may be found in their own letters. They amount altogether to three hundred and forty -four". lis in alveum." Gothofred. in Cod. of the Western only ; but he expressly Theod. vi. de Curiosis, p. 196. who includes the Eastern. In that case, illustrates the word at length. Du subtracting the 73 or 80 Eusebians, Cange on the contrary, in voc. explains so small a majority of orthodox remains, it of " the high road." Tillemont pro- that it is incredible, considering the no- fesses himself unable to give a satis- torious dexterity and unscrupulousness factory sense to it. vol. viii. p. 685. of the Eusebians in Synodal meetings, ° There is great uncertainty what that they should have been obliged to was the actual number of Bishops pre- secede. Athan. says, supr. §. 1. that sent at the Council. Athan. Hist, the Letter of the Council was signed in Arian. $. IS.says 170, while Theodoret all by more than 300. It will be ob- names 250. Hist. ii. 6. If the West- served, that Athan.'s numbers in the ern Bishops, whose signatures are given text do not accurately agree with each by Athan. in the text to the number of other. The subscriptions enumerated 163, were all present, it might have are 284, to which 63 being added, been conjectured that he was speaking make a total of 347, not 344. CHAP. IV. IMPERIAL AND ECCLESIASTICAL ACTS IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE DECISION OF THE COUNCIL OF SARDICA. 1. When the most religious Emperor Constantius heard of §. 51. these things, he sent for me, having written privately to his brother Constans of blessed memory, and to me three several times in the following terms. 2. Constantius Victor Augustus to Athanasius. Our benignant clemency will not suffer you to be any longer tempest-tossed by the wild waves of the sea ; for our unwearied piety has not lost sight of you, while you have been bereft of your native home, deprived of your goods, and have been wandering in savage wildernesses. And although 1 have for a long time deferred expressing by letter the purpose of my mind concerning you, principally because I expected that you would appear before us of your own accord, and would seek a relief of your sufferings ; yet foras- much as fear, it may be, has prevented you from fulfilling your intentions, we have therefore addressed to your fortitude letters full of our bounty, to the end that you may use all speed and without fear present yourself in our presence, thereby to obtain the enjoyment of your wishes, and that, having experience of our grace, you may be restored again to your friends. For this purpose I have besought my Lord and brother Constans Victor Augustus in your behalf, that he would give you permission to come, in order that you may be restored to your country with the consent of us both, receiving this as a pledge of our favour. 3. The Second Letter. Although we made it very plain to you in a former letter that you may without hesitation come to our Court, because 80 Letters of Constanliiis in favour of Athanasius. Apol. we greatly wished to send you home, yet, we have further sent 12:A^this present letter to your fortitude, to exhort you without any distrust or apprehension, to place yourself in the public Gothof. conveyances', and to hasten to us, that you may enjoy the fulfilment of your wishes. 1 in Cod Theod, viii. 5. p. 507. 4. The Third Letter. Our pleasure was, while we abode at Edessa, and your Presbyters were there, that, on one of them being sent to you, you should make haste to come to our Court, in order that you might see our face, and straightway proceed to Alexandria. But as a long period has elapsed since you received letters from us, and you have not yet come, we are therefore desirous to remind you again, that you may endea- vour to present yourself before us with all speed, and so may be restored to your country, and obtain the accomplishment of your prayers. And for your fuller information we have sent Achitas the Deacon, from whom you will be able to learn our earnest desires concerning you, and that you may now secure the objects of your prayers. 5. Such was the tenour of the Emperor's letter; on receiving which I went up to Rome to bid farewell to the Church and the Bishop : for I was at Aquileia when it was written. The Church was filled with all joy, and the Bishop Julius rejoiced with me in my return and wrote to the Church''; and as I passed along, the Bishops of every place sent me on my way in peace. The letter of Julius was as follows. P '' They acquainted Julius the pertained to him on account of the Bishop of Rome with their case; and dignity of his see, he restored each to he, according to the prerogative {^^avo- his own Church, iii. 8. " I answer," Hta) of the Church in Rome, fortified says Barrow, " the Pope did not restore them with letters in which he spoke his them judicially, but dedaratively , that mind, and sent them back to the East, is, declaring his approbation of their restoring each to his own place, and right and innocence, did admit them remarking on those who had violently to communion Besides, the Pope's deposed them. They then set out from proceeding was taxed, and protested Rome, and on the strength {6cc}}oZvri,) against, as irregular; and, lastly, ot the letters of Bishop Julius, take the restitution of Athanasius and the possession of their Churches." Socr. ii. other Bishops had no complete efifect, 16. It must be observed, that in the till it was confirmed by the synod of foregoing sentence Socrates has spoken Sardica, backed by the imperial autho- oT tmperial Rome." Sozomen says, rity." Suprem. p."360. ed. 1836. '• VVhereas the care of all (KvHtfcov'mt) Letter of Pope Julius to the Alexandrians. 81 0. Julius to the Presbyters, Deacons, and people abiding atTR.Ii. Alexandria. iHii!i §.52. I congratulate you, beloved brethren, that you now behold the fruit of your faith before your eyes ; for any one may see that such indeed is the case with respect to my brother and fellow-Bishop Athanasius, whom for the innocency of his life, and by reason of your prayers, God hath restored to you again. Wherefore it is easy to perceive, that you have continually offered up to God pure prayers and full of love. Being mindful of the heavenly promises, and of the con- versation that leads to them, which you have learnt from the teaching of this my brother, you knew certainly and were persuaded by the right faith that is in you, that he, whom you always had as present in your most pious minds, would not be separated from you for ever. Wherefore there is no need that I should use many words in writing to you ; for your faith has already anticipated whatever I could say to you, and has by the grace of God procured the accomplish- ment of the common prayers of you all. Therefore, I repeat again, I congratulate you, because you have preserved your souls unconquered in the faith ; and I also congratulate no here less my brother Athanasius, in that, though he has endured °^^'^^ ^ many afflictions, he has at no time been forgetful of your graph ia love and earnest desires towards him. For although for apj.^jgg^ season he seemed to be withdrawn from you in body, yet^i<3. , -. - . , .... Socr. ii. has he contmued to live as always present with you in spirit . 23. 7. Wherefore he returns to you now more illustrious than §.53. when he went away from you. Fire tries and pm'ifies the precious metals, gold and silver : but how can one describe the worth of such a man, who, having passed victorious through the perils of so many tribulations, is now restored to you, being pronounced innocent not by my voice only, but by the voice of the whole Council^? Receive therefore,' p. 66, dearly beloved brethren, with all godly honom* and rejoicing, p°g®Q^* your Bishop Athanasius, together with those who have been note p. partners with him in so many labours. And rejoice that you have now obtained the fulfilment of yom* prayers, after that in your salutary writings, you have given meat and drink to your Pastor, who, so to speak, longed and thirsted after your G 82 Letters of Constantius Apol. godliness. For while he sojourned in a foreign land, you ^^ - ^'^' were his consolation; and you refreshed him during his persecutions by your most faithful minds and spirits. And it delights me now to conceive and figure to my mind the joy of every one of you at his return, and the pious greetings of the multitude, and the glorious festivity of those that run to meet him. What a day will that be to you, when my brother comes back again, and your former sufferings termi- nate, and his much-prized and desired return inspires you all with an exhilaration of perfect joy ! The like joy it is mine to feel in a very great degree, since it has been granted me by God, to be able to make the acquaintance of so eminent a man. 8. It is fitting therefore that I should conclude my letter ' ihxytv. with a prayer ^ May Almighty God, and His Son our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, afford you continual grace, giving you a reward for the admirable faith which you displayed in your noble confession in behalf of your Bishop, that He may impart unto you and unto them that are with you, both here 1 Cor.2,and hereafter, those better things, which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man, the things ivhich God hath prepared for them that love Him; through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom to Almighty God be glory for ever and ever. Amen. I pray, dearly beloved brethren, for your health and strength in the Lord. §. 54. 9. The Emperor, when I came to him with these letters, received me kindly, and sent me forward to my country and Church, addressing the following to the Bishops, Presbyters, and People. 10, Victor Constantius, Maximus, Augustus, to the Bishops and Presbyters of the Cathohc Church. The most reverend Athanasius has not been deserted by the grace of God, but although for a brief season he was subjected to trials to which human nature is liable, he has obtained from the superintending Providence such an answer to his prayers as was meet, and is restored by the will of the Most High, and by our sentence, at once to his country and to the Church, over which by divine permission he presided. to the Alexandrian^^ ^c, in behalf of Athanasius ; 83 Wherefore, in accordance with this, it is fitting that it should Tr. ii. be provided by our clemency, that all the decrees which have — '- — '- heretofore been passed against those who held communion with him, be now consigned to oblivion, and that all sus- picions respecting them be henceforward set at rest, and that an immunity, such as the Clergy who are associated with him formerly enjoyed, be duly confirmed to them. Moreover to our other acts of favour towards him we have thought good to add the following, that all persons of the sacred catalogue ' ' vid. should understand, that an assurance of safety is given to all ^'^tf J who adhere to him, whether Bishops, or other Clergy. Andi-^-§-io. union with him will be a sufficient guarantee, in the case of any person, of an upright intention. For whoever, acting ac- cording to a better judgment and part, shall choose to hold communion with him, we order, in imitation of that Provi- dence which has already gone before, that all such should have the advantage of the grace which by the will of the Most High is now offered to them from us. May God preserve you. 11. TJie Second Letter. Victor Constantius, Maximus, Augustus, to the people of the Catholic Church at Alexandria. Desiring as we do your welfare in all respects, and §. 55. knowing that you have for a long time been deprived of episcopal superintendence, we have thought good to send back to you your Bishop Athanasius, a man known to all men for the uprightness that is in him, and for his personal deportment. Receive him, as you are wont to receive every one, in a suitable manner, and, putting him forth as your succour in your prayers to God, endeavour to preserve continually that unanimity and peace according to the order of the Church, which is at the same time becoming in you, and most advantageous for us. For it is not becoming that any dissension or faction should be raised among you, so subversive of the prosperity of our times. We desire that this offence may be altogether removed from you, and we exhort you to continue stedfastly in your accustomed prayers, and to make him, as we said before, your advocate and helper towards God. So that, when this your determination, dearly G 2 84 afid to Prefects of Egypt, Thelais, <^'c. A POL. beloved, has influenced the prayers of all men, even the t±A^ heathen who arc still addicted to the false worship of idols may eagerly desire to come to the knowledge of our sacred worshij). 12. Again therefore we exhort you to continue in these things, and gladly to receive your Bishop, who is sent back to you by the decree of the Most High, and by our desire, and determine to greet him cordially with all your soul and with all your mind. For this is what is both becoming in you, and agreeable to our clemency. In order that all occasion of excitement and sedition may be taken away from those who are maliciously disposed, we have by letter com- manded the magistrates who are among you to subject to the vengeance of the law all whom they find to be factious. Wherefore taking into consideration both these things, our desire in accordance with the will of the Most High, and our regard for you and for concord among you, and the punish- ment that awaits the disorderly, observe such things as are proper and suitable to the order of our sacred religion, and receiving the fore-mentioned Bishop with all reverence and honour, take care to offer up with him your prayers to God, the Father of all, in behalf of yourselves, and for the well- being of your whole lives. §. 56. 13. Having written these letters, he also commanded that the decrees, which he had formerly sent out against me in consequence of the calumnies of the Eusebians, should be abolished, and removed from out the Orders of the Duke and ' mem- the Prefect of Egypt; and Eusebius the Decurion^ was sent the Cu- t^ withdraw them from the Order-books. His letter on this ria or occasion was as follows. Council. l^'^^f""^ 14. Victor, Constantius, Augustus, to Nestorius^. v?7^j 5 ^^"^ "' ^^*^ *^^*^ terms, to the Governors of Augustamnica, note d. tlie Thehais, and Libya.) Whatever Orders are found to have been passed heretofore, tending to the injury and dishonour of those who hold com- munion with the Bishop Athanasius, we wish them to be now erased. For we desire that whatever immunities his Clergy possessed before, they should again possess the same. And Letter of Council of Jerusalem in behalf of Athanasius. 85 we wish this our Order to be observed, that when the Bishop Tk. ti. Athanasius is restored to his Church, those who hold com- ^^' ^^' munion with him may enjoy the immunities which they have always enjoyed, and which the rest of the Clergy enjoy; so that they may have the satisfaction of being on an equal footing with others. 15. Being thus set forward onmyjourney,asIpassed through §. 57. Syria, I met with the Bishops of Palestine, who when they had called a CounciP at Jerusalem, received me courteously, » Hist. and themselves also sent me on my way in peace, and ad- 25"^°' dressed the following letter to the Church and the Bishops. 16. The Holy Council, assembled at Jerusalem, to the brethren in ministry in Egypt and Libya, and to the Pres- byters, Deacons, and People at Alexandria, dearly beloved brethren, and greatly longed for, sends health in the Lord. We cannot give worthy thanks to the God of all, dearly beloved, for the wonderful things which He has done at all times, and especially at this time with respect to your Church, in restoring to you your pastor and lord 2, and our fellow- 2 xj/^/ap, minister Athanasius. For who ever hoped that his eyes would g^^'"* P' see what you are now actually enjoying ? Of a truth, your prayers have been heard by the God of all, who cares for His Church, and has looked upon your tears and groans, and has therefore heard your petitions. For ye were as sheep scat- tered and fainting, not having a shepherd. Wherefore the true Shepherd, who careth for His own sheep, has visited you from heaven, and has restored to you him whom you desire. Behold, we also, being ready to do all things for the peace of the Church, and being prompted by the same aifection as yourselves, have saluted him before you; and communicating with you through him, we send you these greetings, and our offering of thanksgiving, that you may know that you are united in one bond of love with him and with us. You are bound to pray also for the piety of our most religious Emperors, who, when they knew your earnest longings after him, and his innocency, determined to restore him to you with all honour. Wlierefore receive him with uphfted hands, and take good heed that you offer up dne thanksgivings on his behalf to God who has bestowed these blessings upon you ; so that you may continually rejoice Pauli anus 86 Reiraciaiion of Ursackis and Valens Apol. with God and glorify our Lord, in Christ Jesus our Lord, ^"•^''- tln-ough whom to the Father be glory for ever. Amen. 1 7. I have set down here the names of those who subscribed » p. 78. this letter, although 1 have mentioned them before \ They ^Thco- are these; Maximus, Aetius, Arius, Theodorus-, Germanus, ilosius, giivanus, Paulus, Patricius, Elpidius, Germanus, Eusebius, 3 not Zenobius, Paulus, Macrinus^ Petrus, Claudius. ^c"^'^:^ 18. When Ursacius and Valens witnessed these proceed- " ^ ings, they forthwith condemned themselves for what they had done, and going up to Rome, confessed their crime, declared * vid. themselves penitent, and sought forgiveness'', addressing the noi^f. following letters to Julius Bishop of ancient Pome, and to myself. Copies of them were sent to me from Paulinus, •'i,p.i^ui,, Bishop of Tibur ^. Paul ^ 239. Id. A Translation from the Latin of a Letter^ to Jtdiiis, con- cerning the recantation of Ursacius and Valens"^, ^gPp* P* Ursacius and Valens to the most blessed Lord', Pope ^ Hist. Julius. Arian. 25. 2G. Whereas it is well known that we have heretofore in letters infr. '' laid many grievous charges against the Bishop Athanasius, P' ^'^' and whereas, when we were corrected by the letters of your ^;ee»js in my behalf. But in order to prove that they did not act thus to ingratiate themselves, or under compulsion^, in any quarter, I desire, with your permis-^ p- 15, sion, to recount the whole matter from the beginning, so that you may perceive that the Bishops wrote as they did with upright and just intentions, and that Ursacius and Valens, though they were slow to do so, at last confessed the truth. 'Second CHAP. V.l part of Apo- logy- DOCUMENTS CONNECTED WITH THE CHARGES OF THE MELETIANS AGAINST ST. ATHANASIUS. §. 59. 1. Peter was Bishop among us before the persecution, and during the course of it he suffered martyrdom. When Meletius, who held the title of Bishop in Egypt, was con- victed of many crimes, and among the rest of offering sacrifice to idols, Peter deposed him in a general Council of the Bishops. Whereupon Meletius did not appeal to another Council, or attempt to justify himself before those who should come after, but made a schism, so that they who espoused his cause are even yet called Meletians instead of ' °i8o"' C^^i^t^^"^^- He began immediately to revile the Bishops, note f.' and made false accusations, first against Peter himself, and after him against Achillas, and after Achillas against Alex- ^^ Ep. ander^. And he thus practised craftily, following the example 22.supr. of Absalom, to the end that, as he was disgraced by his p. 29. deposition, he might by his calumnies mislead the minds of the simple. While Meletius was thus employed, the Arian heresy arose, and in the Council of Nicsea, when that heresy was anathematized, and the Arians were excommunicated, the Meletians on whatever grounds'" (for it is not necessary now to mention the reasons of this proceeding) were received into the Church. Five months however had not elapsed when the blessed Alexander died, and the Meletians, who ought to have remained quiet, and to have been grateful that vid. 2 they were received on any terms, like dogs unable to forget ^^^' ^' their vomit, began again to trouble the Churches. •■ Meletius had the name of Bishop Alexander had ordained, and performed secured to him, hut was interdicted no ecclesiastical act without leave of the from all Episcopal functions. Those Catholic Bishop; but when the Catholic who had been ordained by him were re- Bishop in each place died, they were ceived to communion and allowed to to be considered capable of succeeding, continue in ministerial duties, on con- Athan. speaks more openly against this dition that they gave precedence in their arrangement, infr. ^. 71. vid. vol. viii. inwn Church or Diocese to those whom p. 181, note g. Coalition of the Meletians with the Eusehians. 89 2. Upon learning this, Eusebius, who had the lead in the Tr. ii. Arian heresy, sends and bribes the Meletians with large -^?i^ promises, becomes their secret friend, and arranges with them for their assistance on any occasion when he might wish for it. At first he sent to me, urging me to admit the Arians to communion^, and threatening me in his verbal com- ' ad Ep. munications, which he requested me in his letters. And when ^' ' I refused, declaring that it was not right that those who had invented heresy contrary to the truth, and had been anathe- matized by the Ecumenical^ Council, should be admitted to^supr. communion, he caused the Emperor also, Constantine, of^oi'gT blessed memory, to write to me, threatening me, in case I P- 49, should not receive the Arians, with those afflictions, which I have before undergone, and which I am still suffering. The following is a part of his letter. Syncletius and Gaudentius, officers of the palace^, were the bearers of it. 3 ^-aka- TTvet,vid. 3. Part of a Letter from the Emperor Constantine. Conlt.^'^ Having therefore knowledge of my will, grant free ad- mission to all who wish to enter into the Church. For if I learn that you have hindered or excluded any who claim to be admitted into communion with the Church, I will im- mediately send some one who shall depose you by my command, and shall remove you from your place. 4. When upon this I wrote and endeavoured to convince §. 60. the Emperor, that that anti-Christian^ heresy had no com.- '^ xz"^'^'>- munion \\ith the Catholic Church, Eusebius forthwith, ^oifs! availing himself of the occasion which he had agreed upon P- ^j with the Meletians, writes and persuades them to invent some pretext, so that, as they had practised against Peter and Achillas and Alexander, they might also lay a plot for me, and might spread abroad reports to my prejudice. Accordingly, after seeking for a long time, and finding nothing, they at last agree together, with the advice of the Eusebians, and fabricate their first accusation by means of Ision, Eudaemon, and Callinicus^, respecting the linen vest-^infr. ments^, to the effect that I had imposed a law upon the 6^2- Egyptians, and had required its observance of them first. e'«» .^'^- But when certain Presbyters of mine were found to be astical, present, and the Emperor took cognizance of the matter, ^'^^-^^ 90 Letters of Constantine to the Alexandrians Apol. they were condemned, (the Presbyters were Apis and ^^iiAlL'Macarion,) and the Emperor wrote, condemning Ision, and ordering me to appear before him. His letters were as 'they follows ^ * * * are lost. ^ Euscbius, having intelligence of this, persuades them to wait; and when 1 arrive, they next accuse Macarius of breaking the chalice, and bring against me the most heinous accusation possible, viz. that, being an enemy of the Emperor, I had sent a purse of gold to one Philamenus. The Emperor therefore heard us on this charge also in 2 suburb Psammathia^ when they, as usual, were condemned, and media^" diiven from the presence ; and, as I returned, he wrote the infr^ following letter to the people. 6. Constantine Maximus, Augustus, to the people of the Catholic Church at Alexandria. §. 6J. Dearly beloved brethren, I greet you well, calling upon God, who is the chief witness of my good-will towards you, and on the Only-begotten, the Author of our Law, who is Sovereign over the lives of all men, and who hates dis sensions. But what shall 1 say to you ? That 1 am in good health ? Nay, but I should be able to enjoy better health and strength, if you were possessed with mutual love one towards another, and had rid yourselves of your enmities, through which, in consequence of the storms excited by contentious men, we have left the haven of brotherly love. Alas ! what perverseness is this ! What evil consequences are produced every day by the tumult of envy which has been stirred up among you ! Hence it is that an evil character attaches to the people of God. Whither has the faith of righteousness departed ? For we are so involved in the mists of darkness, not only through manifold errors, but through the faults of ungrateful men, that we bear with those who favour folly, and though we are aware of them, take no heed of those who beat down goodness and truth. What strange inconsistency is this ! We do not convict our enemies, but we follow the example of robbery which they set us, whereby the most pernicious errors, finding no one to oppose them, easily, if I may so speak, make a way for themselves. Is there no understanding among us, for the in behalf of Athannsius. 91 credit of our common nature, since we are thus neglectful of Tr. ii. the injunctions of the Law ? ^\,Q\ 7. But some one will say, that that mutual love which natm-e prompts is exercised among us. But, I ask, how is it that we who have the law of God for our guide, in addition to the light of nature, thus tolerate the disturbances and disorders raised by our enemies, who set every thing in a flame, as it were, with firebrands ? How is it, that having eyes, we see not, neither understand, though we are suiTounded by the intelhgence of the law ? \Vhat a stupor has seized upon our senses, that we ai'e thus neglectful of ourselves, although God admonishes us of these things ! Is it not an intolerable calamity? and ought we not to esteem such men as our enemies, and not the household and people of God ? For they are infuriated against us, desperate as they are : they lay grievous crimes to our charge, and persecute us as enemies. 8. And I would have you yourselves to consider with what§. 62. exceeding madness they do this. The foolish men carry their maliciousness at their tongues' end. They carry about with them a sort of sullen anger, so that, by way of retaliation, they smite one another, and give us a share in the punishment which they inflict upon themselves. The good teacher is accounted an enemy, while he who clothes himself with the vice of envy, contrary to all justice makes his gain of the gentle temper of the people ; he ravages, and consumes, he decks himself out, and recommends himself with false praises ; he subverts the truth, and corrupts the faith, until he finds out a hole and hiding place for his conscience. Thus their very perverseness makes them wretched, while they impudtntly prefer themselves to places of honour, however unworthy they may be. Ah ! what a mischief is this ! they say, *' Such an one is too old; such an one is a mere boy; the office belongs to me; it is due to me, since it is taken away fi'om him. I will gain over all men to my side, and then I will endeavour with my power to ruin him." Plain indeed is this proclamation of their madness to all the world ; the sight of companies, and gatherings, and rowers under command^ in their offensive cabals. Alas ! ' '»w*■ what preposterous conduct is ours, if 1 may say it ! Do they make an exhibition of their folly in the Church of God? 9-2 Fresh movements of the Meletians in aid of the Eusehians. Apol. And are they not yet ashamed of themselves ? Do they not AG.AR. yp^ blame themselves? Ave they not smitten in their con- sciences, so that they now at length shew that they entertain a proper sense of their deceit and contentiousness ? Theirs is the mere force of envy, supported by those baneful influ- ences which naturally belong to it. But those wretches have no power against your Bishop. Believe me, brethren, their endeavours will have no other effect than this, after they have worn down our days, to leave to themselves no place of repentance in this life. 9. Wherefore I beseech you, lend help to yourselves; receive kindly our love, and with all your strength drive away those who desire to obliterate from among us the grace of unanimity ; and looking unto God, love one another. I received gra- ciously your Bishop Athanasius, and addressed him in such a manner, as being persuaded that he was a man of God. It is for you to understand these things, not for me to judge of them. I thought it becoming that the most Reverend Athanasius himself should convey my salutation to you, knowing his kind care of you, which, in a manner worthy of that peaceable faith which I myself profess, is continually engaged in the good work of declaring saving knowledge, and will be furnished with a word of exhortation for you. May God preserve you, dearly beloved brethren. Such was the letter of Constantine. §. 63. 10. After these occurrences the Meletians remained quiet for some time, but afteru'ards shewed their hostility again, and contrived the following plot, with the aim of pleasing those who had hired their services. The Mareotis is a region of Alexandria, in which Meletius was not able to make a schism. Now while the Churches still existed within their appointed limits, and all the Presbyters had congregations in them, and while the people were living in peace, a certain J supr. person named IschyrasS who was not a Clergyman, but 48*. 62*. ^^epraved in his habits, endeavoured to lead astray the people of his own village, declaring himself to be a Clergyman. Upon learning this, the Presbyter of the place, informed me of it when I was going through my visitation of the Churches, and I sent Macarius the Presbyter with him to summon Ischyras. They found him sick and lying in his cell, and Retractatio7i and confession of Ischyras. 93 charged his father to admonish his son not to continue Tr. ii. any such practices as had been reported against him. But ^^' ^^' when he recovered from his sickness, being prevented by his friends and his father from pursuing the same course, he fled over to the Meletians ; and they communicate with the Eusebians, and at last that calumny is invented by them, that Macarius had broken a chalice, and that a certain Bishop named Arsenius had been murdered by me. Arsenius they placed in concealment, in order that he might seem taken off, when he did not make his appearance ; and they carried about a hand pretending that he had been cut to pieces. As for Ischyras, whom they did not even know, they began to spread a report that he was a Presbyter, in . order that what he said about the chalice might mislead the people. Ischyras, however, being censured by his friends, came to me weeping, and said that no such thing as they had reported had been done by Macarius, and that himself had been suborned by the Meletians to invent this calumny. And he wrote the following letter. 1 ] . To the Blessed Pope ^ Athanasius, Ischyras sends health in ^ vid. the Lord. p^g^; nots ff. As when I came to you, my Lord" Bishop, desiring to be ^_ q^ received into the Church, you reproved me for what I^xJ^/i, fonnerly said, as tliough I had proceeded to such lengths of g^^^' ^' my own free choice, I therefore submit to you this my apology in writing, in order that you may understand, that violence was used towards me, and blows inflicted on me by Isaac and Heraclides, and Isaac of Letopolis, and those of their party. And I declare, and take God as my witness in this matter, that of none of the things which they have stated, do 1 know you to be guilty. For no breaking of a chalice or overturning of the holy Table ever took place, but they compelled me by their violent usage to i.ssert all this. And this defence I make and submit to you in writing, desiring and claiming for myself to be admitted among the members of your congregation. I pray that you may have health in the Lord. 1-2.1 submit this my handwriting to you the Bishop Athana- sius in the presence of the Presbyters, Ammonias of Dicella, 94 Judicial proceeding about Arseuius. Apol. Heraclius of Phascus, Boccon of Chenebris, Achillas of 12i:^' Myrsinc, Didyinus of Tapliosiris, and Justus from Bomo- theus; and of the Deacons, Paul, Peter, and Olynipius, of Alexandria, and Ammonius, Pistus, Demetrius, and Gaius, of the Mareotis. §. Qb. 13. Notwithstanding this statement of Ischyras, they again spread abroad the same charges against me every where, and also reported them to the Emperor Constantine. He had ' vid. heard before of the affair of the chalice in Psammathia^, ^' ^^' when I was there, and had detected the falsehood of my enemies. But now he wrote to Antioch to Dalmatius' the Censor, requiring him to institute a judicial enquiry respect- ing the murder. Accordingly the Censor sent me notice to prepare for my defence against the charge. Upon receiving his letters, although at first I paid no regard to the thing, because I knew that nothing of what they said was true, yet seeing that the Emperor was moved, I wrote to my brethren in Egypt, and sent a deacon, desiring to learn something of Arsenius, for I had not seen the man for five or six years. Well, not to relate the matter at length, Arsenius was found in concealment, in the first instance in Egypt, and at last my friends discovered him still in concealment at Tyre. And what was most remarkable, even when he was discovered he would not confess that he was Arsenius, until he was con- victed in court before Paul, who was then Bishop of Tyre, and at last out of very shame he could not deny it. 14. This he did in order to fulfil his contract with the Euse- bians, lest, if he were discovered, the game they were playing should at length be broken up; which in fact came to pass. For when I wrote the Emperor word, that Arsenius was discovered, and reminded him of what he had heard in Psammathia concerning Macarius the Presbyter, he stopped the proceedings of the Censor's court, and wrote condemning the proceedings against me as calumnious, and commanded 5 Dalmatius was the name of father crates mistaken. The younger Dal- and son, the brother and nephew of matian was created Csesar by Constan- Constantine. Socrates, Hist. i. 27. tine a few years before his death ; and, gives the title of Censor to the son ; as well as his brother Hannibalian, and but the Alexandrian Chronicon (accord- a number of other relatives, was put to ^aB,^? Tillemont, Empereurs, vol. 4. p. death by Constantius. or his ministers 667.) gives It to the father. Valesius, and the soldiery, on the death of his and apparently lillemont, think So- father, vid Athan. Hist. Mon. 69. Alexander of TJiessalonica to Athanasins. 95 the Eusebians to return, who were coming into the East to Tr. ii. appear against me. Now in order to shew that they accused -~- ~ me of having murdered Arseniiis, (not to bring forward the letters of many persons on the subject,) it shall be sufficient only to produce one from Alexander the Bishop of Thessa- lonica, from which the tenor of the rest may be infened. He then being acquainted with the reports which Archaph, who is also called John, circulated against me on the subject of the mm'der, and having heard that Arsenius was alive, wrote as follows. 15. Letter of Alexaiider. To his dearly beloved son and brother like-minded, the ' «w» Lord^ Athanasius, Alexander the Bishop sends health iup^gs. the Lord. I congi'atulate the most excellent Serapion, that he is §-66. striving so earnestly to adorn himself with holy habits, and is thus advancing to higher praise the memory of his father. For, as the Holy Scripture somewhere says, though his father ^qc\\x^. die, yet he is as though he were not dead : for he has left ' ^* behind him a memorial of his life. What my feelings are towards the ever-memorable Sozon, you yourself, my lord%-^«<'- are not ignorant, for you know the sacredness of his memory, xhTod. as well as the excellent disposition of the young man. 1 P'.^*: ^• have received only one letter from your reverence, which I had by the hands of this youth. I mention this to you, my lord, that you may know that I have received it. Our dearly beloved brother and deacon Macarius, afforded me great pleasure by writing to me from Constantinople, that the false accuser Archaph had met with disgi'ace, for having given out before all men that a live man had been mur- dered. That he will receive from the righteous Judge, together with all the tribe of his associates, that punishment which his crimes deserve, the infallible Scriptures assure us. May the Lord of all preserve you for very many years, my most excellent lord 3. 3 ^j^^, 16. And they who lived with Arsenius bear witness, that he §. 67. was kept in concealment for this purpose, that they might pretend his death ; for in searching after him we found the following person, and he in consequence wrote the following 90 Letter of Pinties to John about Arsenius. Apol. letter to John, who supported this false accusation against AG. AR. _,^ me. 17. To his dearly beloved brother John, Pinnes, Presbyter of the Monastery of Ptemencyrcis, in the district of Anteopolis, sends greeting. I wish you to know, that Athanasius sent his deacon into the Thebais, to search every where for Arsenius ; and Pecysius the Presbyter, and Sylvanus the brother of Helias, and Tape- nacerameus, and Paul monk of Hypsele, whom he first fell in with, confessed that Arsenius was with us. Upon learning this we caused him to be put on board a vessel, and to sail to the lower countries with Helias the monk. Afterwards the deacon returned again suddenly with certain others, and entered our monastery, in search of the same Arsenius, and him they found not, because, as I said before, we had sent him away to the lower countries; but they conveyed me together with Helias the monk, who took him out of the way, to Alexandria, and brought us before the Duke' ; when I was unable to deny, but confessed that he was alive, and had not been murdered : the monk also who took him out of the way confessed the same. Wherefore I acquaint you with these things, Father, lest you should determine to accuse Atha- nasius ; for I said that he was alive, and had been concealed with us, and all this is become known in Egypt, and it cannot any longer be kept secret. 1 ^«« I, Paphnutius, monk of the same monastery*, who wrote this letter, heartily salute you. I trust that you are in health. 18. The following also is the letter which the Emperor wrote when he learnt that Arsenius was found to be alive. 2 vid. 19. Victor, Constantine, Maximus, Augustus, to the Pope^ %'^'y P- Athanasius. §. 68. Having read the letters of your wisdom, I felt the inclina- tion to write in return to your gravity, and to exhort you that you would endeavour to restore the people of God to * According to the system of go- the comites, or counts, were ten out of vernrnent introduced by Dioclesian and the number, who were distinguished as Constantine, there were thirty-five companions of the Emperor, vid. Gib- military commanders of the troops, bon, ch. 17. Three of these dukes were under the Magistri militum, and all of stationed in Egypt, these bore the name of duces or dukes ; Letter of Confitantine to Athauasius. 97 tranquillity, and to merciful feelings. For in my own mindTR. ii. I hold these things to be of the greatest importance, that we '■ — should cultivate truth, and ever keep righteousness in our thoughts, and have pleasure especially in those who walk in the right way of .life. But as concerning those who are deserving of all execration, I mean the most perverse and ungodly Meletians, who have at last stultified themselves by their folly, and are now raising unreasonable commotions by envy, uproar, and tumult, thus making manifest their own ungodly dispositions, I will say thus much. You see that those who they pretended had been slain with the sword, are still amongst us, and in the enjoyment of life. Now what could be a stronger presumption against them, and one so manifestly and clearly tending to their condemnation, as that those whom they declared to have been murdered, are yet in the enjoyment of life, and accordingly will be able to speak for themselves } 20. But this further accusation was advanced by these same Meletians. They positively affinned that you, rushing in with lawless violence, had seized upon and broken a chalice, which was deposited in the most Holy Place ; than which there certainly could not be a more serious charge, nor a more grievous offence, had such a crime actually been pei*petrated. But what manner of accusation is this.? What is the meaning of this change and variation and difference in the circumstances of it, insomuch that they now transfer this same accusation to another person ^ a fact which makes it ' pp. 4S, clearer, so to speak, than the light itself, that they designed to lay a plot for your wisdom ? After this who can be willing to follow them, men that have fabricated such charges to the injury of another, seeing too that they are hurrying them- selves on to ruin, and are conscious that they are accusing you of false and feigned crimes ? Who then, as I said, will follow after them, and thus go headlong in the way of destruction ; in that way in which it seems they alone suppose that they have hope of safety and of help ? But if they were willing to walk according to a pure conscience, and to be directed by the best w'isdom, and to go in the way of a sound mind, they would easily perceive that no help can come to them from Divine Providence, while they are given H 98 Letter of Jrsenius to Athanasius. Apol. up to such doings, and tempt their own destruction. I should ^""•^"'not call this a harsh judgment of them, but the simple truth. 21. And finally, I uill add, that I wish this letter to be read frequently by your wisdom in public, that it may thereby come to the knowledge of all men, and especially reach the ears of those who thus act, and thus raise disturbances ; for the judgment which is expressed by me according to the dic- tates of equity is confirmed also by real facts. Wherefore, seeing that in such conduct there is so great criminality, let them understand that I so judge of them ; and that I have come to this determination, that if they excite any further com- motion of this kind, I will myself in person take cognizance of the matter, and that not according to the ecclesiastical, but according to the civil laws, and so I will find them out, because they seem to be offenders not only against human kind, but against the divine doctrine itself. May God ever preserve you, dearly beloved brother 1 §. 69. 2*2. But that the wickedness of the calumniators might be more fully displayed, behold Arsenius also wrote to me after he was discovered in his place of concealment ; and as the letter which Ischyras had written confessed the falsehood of their accusation, so that of Arsenius proved their maliciousness still more completely. 23. To the blessed Pope Athanasius, Arsenius, Bishop of those who were heretofore under Meletius in the city of the Hypselites, together with the Presbyters and Deacons, wishes much health in the Lord. Being earnestly desirous of peace and union with the Catholic Church, over which by the grace of God you are appointed to preside, and wishing to submit ourselves to the Canon of the Church, according to the ancient rule", we write unto you, dearly beloved Pope, and declare in the name of the Lord, that we will not for the future hold communion with those who continue in schism, and are not at peace with the Catholic Church, its Bishops, Presbyters, and Deacons. Neither will we take part with them if they wish " vid. supr. p. 3, note a; the (so referred to here, is Can. 27- according called) Apostolical Canon apparently to Beveridge. Letter of Cottstantine to John. 99 to establish any thing in a Council ; neither will we send Tr. ii. letters of peace ^ unto them nor receive such from them ; .^?iZL neither yet without the consent of you our Metropolitan i..^3 ' will we publish any decree concerning Bishops, or on any other general Ecclesiastical question ; but we will yield obedience to all the Canons that have heretofore been ordained, after the example of the Bishops' Ammonian, Tyrannus, Plusian, and the rest. Wherefore we beseech your goodness to wiite to us speedily in answer, and likewise to our fellow-ministers concerning us, informing them that we will henceforth abide by the fore-mentioned resolution and will be at peace with the Catholic Church, and at unity with our fellow-ministers in every part. And we are persuaded that your prayers, being acceptable unto God, will so prevail with Him, that this peace shall be firm and indissoluble unto the end, according to the will of God the Lord of all, through Jesus Christ our Lord. 24. The sacred Ministry that is under you, we and those that are with us salute. Very shortly, if God permit, we will come unto your goodness. I, Arsenius, pray that you may be strong in the Lord for many years, most blessed Pope. But a stronger and clearer proof of the calumny is the§. 70. recantation of John, of which the most godly Emperor Constantino of blessed memory is a witness, for knowing how John had accused himself, and having received letters from him expressing his repentance, he wrote to him as follows. 25. Constantino Maximus Augustus to John. The letters which J have received from your prudence were extremely pleasing to me, because I learned from them what I very much longed to hear, that you had laid aside every narrow feeling^, had joined the communion of theV'*e*- Church as became you, and were now in perfect concord ^idf p.'' with the most reverend Bishop Athanasius. Be assured ^^j ^ef. therefore that so far I entirely approve of your conduct; because, dismissing all occasions of quarrel, you have done * i. e. Meletian Bishops who had the conforming party were familiar; or conformed ; or, since they are not in the Meletians after the return of Meletius. list, §.71. Catholic Bishops with whom vid. Tillemont, Mem. vol. 8. p. 658. h2 100 Ijetter of Constantine to John. A POL. that which is pleasing to God, and have embraced the unity aq^Ar.^^ jj-g (ji^^ii-ch. In order therefore that you obtain the acconiphshnient of your wishes, I have thought it right to grant you permission to enter the pubUc conveyance y, and to come to the court' of my clemency. Let it then be your care to make no delay ; but as this letter gives you authority to use the public conveyance, come to me immediately, that you may have your desires fulfilled, and by appearing in my presence may enjoy that pleasure which it is fit for you to receive. May God preserve you continually, dearly beloved brother. y On the " cursus publicus," vid. Gothofred. in Cod. Theod. viii. tit. 5. It was provided for the journeys of the Emperor, for persons whom he sum- moned, for magistrates, ambassadors, and for such private persons as the Emperor indulged in the use of it, which was gratis. The use was granted by Constantine to the Bishops who were summoned to Nicsea, as far as it went, in addition though aliter Valesius in loc. to other means of travelling. Euseb. V. Const, iii. 6. The cursus publicus brought the Bishops to the Council of Tyre. ibid. iv. 43. In the conference between Liberius and Constantius, Theod. Hist. ii. 13. it is objected that the cursus publicus is not sufficient to convey Bishops to the Council which Liberius proposes ; he answers that the Churches are rich enough to convey their Bishops as far as the sea. Thus S. Hilary was compelled, (data evec- tionis copia, Sulp. Sev. Hist. ii. 57.) to attend at Seleucia, as Athan. at Tyre. Julian complains of the abuse of the cursus publicus, perhaps with an allusion to these Councils of Constan- tius. vid. Cod. Theod. viii. tit. 5. 1. 12. where Gothofred quotes Liban. Epitaph, in Julian, (vol. i. p. 569. ed. Reiske.) Vid. the well-known passage of Am- mianus, who speaks of the Councils being the ruin of the res vehicularia Hist. xxi. 16. The Eusebians at Phi- lippopolis say the same thing. Hilar. Fragm. iii. 25. The Emperor provided board and perhaps lodging for the Bi- shops at Ariminum ; which the Bishops of Aquitaine, Gaul, and Britain, de- clined, except three British from poverty. Sulp. Hist. ii. 56. Hunneric in Africa, after assembling 466 Bishops at Carthage, dismissed them without modes of conveyance, provision, or bag- gage. Victor. Utic. Hist. iii. init. In the Emperor's letter previous to the assembling of the sixth Ecumenical Council, A.D. 678, (Harduin. Cone, t. 3. p. 1048 fin.) he says he has given orders for the conveyance and mainte- nance of its members. Pope John VIII. reminds Ursus, Duke of Venice, (A.D. 876.) of the same duty of providing for the members of a Council, " secundum pios principes, qui in talibus munifice semper erant intenti." Colet. Concil. (Ven. I730.)t. xi. p. 14. ^ cT^tt-TOTihov. vid. Chrys. on the Sta- tues, p. 118, note d. Gothofr. in Cod. Theod. vi. 32. 1. 1. Castra sunt ubi Princeps est. ibid. 35. 1. 15. also Kies- ling. de Discipl. Cler. i. 5. p. 16. Beveridge in Can. Apost. 83. interprets CTgars/a of any civil engagement as opposed to clerical. CHAP. VI. DOCUMENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COUNCIL OF TYRE. 1 . Thus ended the conspiracy. The Meletians were repulsed §. 71. and covered with shame ; but notwithstanding this the Euse- bians still did not remain quiet, for it was not for the Mele- tians but for the Arians that they cared, and they were afi'aid lest, if the proceedings of the former should be stopped, they should no longer find persons to play the parts', by whose as- ' p- 34, sistance they might bring in that heresy. They therefore again stirred up the Meletians, and persuaded the Emperor to give orders that a Council should be held afresh at Tyre, and Count Dionysius was despatched thither, and a military guard was given to the Eusebians. Macarius also was sent as a prisoner to Tyre under a guard of soldiers; and the Emperor wrote to me, and laid a peremptory command upon me, so that, how- ever unwilling, I was obliged to go. The whole conspiracy may be understood from the letters which the Bishops of Egypt wrote; but it will be necessary to relate how it was contrived by them in the outset, that so may be perceived the malice and wickedness that was exercised against me. 2. There are in Egypt, Libya, and Pentapolis, nearly one hundred Bishops ; none of whom laid any thing to my charge ; none of the Presbyters found any fault with me ; none of the people spoke aught against me ; but it was the Meletians who were ejected by Peter, and the Arians, that divided the plot between them, while the one party claimed to themselves the right of accusing me, the other of sitting in judgment on the case. 1 objected to the Eusebians as being my enemies on account of the heresy ; next, 1 shewed in the following manner that the person who was called my accuser was not a Presbyter at all. When Meletius was admitted 2 p. 88, into communion, (would that he had never been so admitted^ !) T^IJ^_ the blessed^ Alexander who knew his craftiness required of^iV*;;, him a catalogue of the Bishops whom he said he had injg["j|g^* 102 Formal catalogue of Meletian Clergy. ApoL. Egypt, and of the Presbyters and Deacons that were in ^^•"^"• Alexandi-ia itself, and if he had any in the country adjoining. This the Pope Alexander did, lest Meletiiis, assuming full liberty of action in the Church, should sell ordination to many, and thus continually, by a fraudulent procedure, put in whatever ministers he pleased. Accordingly he made out the following catalogue of those in Egypt. 3. A catalogue presented by Meleiius to the Bishop Alexander. I, Meletius of Lycus, Lucius of Antinopolis, Phasileus of Hermopolis, Achilles of Cusa3, Ammonius of Diospolis. In Ptolemais, Pachymes of Tentyras. In Maximianopolis, Theodorus of Coptus. In Thebais, Cales of Hermethes, Colluthus of Upper Cynus, Pelagius of Oxyrynchus, Peter of Heracleopolis, Theon of Nilopolis, Isaac of Letopolis, Heraclides of Nicio- pohs, Isaac of Cleopatris, Melas of Arsenoitis. In Heliopolis, Amos of Leontopolis, Ision of Athribis. In Pharbethus, Ilarpocration of Bubastus, Moses of Pha- cusae, Callinicus of Pelusiura, Eudaemon of Tanis, Ephraim of Thmuis. In Sais, Hermaeon of Cynus and Busiris, Soterichus of Sebennytus, Pininuthes of Phthenegys, Chronius of Metelis, » Mele- Agathammon of the district of Alexandria. ^^l\\- ^^ Memphis, John who was ordered by the Emperor to be lageon with the Archbishop^ These are those of Egypt. reotic^" And the Clergy that he had in Alexandria were Apollonius lake. Presbyter, Irenasus Presbyter, Dioscorus Presbyter, Tyrannus Socr. iv. Presbyter. And Deacons; Timotheus Deacon, Antinous thaif Deacon, Hephaestion Deacon. And Macarius Presbyter of 0pp. ed. Parembole^. Pat.t.3. p. 86-89. §.7-2. 4. These Meletius presented in person to the Bishop Alexander, but he made no mention of the person called Ischyras, nor ever professed at all that he had any Clergy in the Mareotis. Notwithstanding our enemies did not desist from their attempts, but still he that was no Presbyter was ^p. 25. feigned to be one, for there was the Count ready to use p. 4, ' compulsion towards us, and soldiers hurried us about^ But note h. Eusehian Commission to the Mareotis. 103 even then the grace of God prevailed: for they could notTR. ii. convict Macariiis in the matter of the chalice ; and Arsenius, ~^ whom they reported to have been murdered by me, stood before them alive and shewed the falseness of their ac- cusation. When therefore they were unable to convict Macarius, the Eusebians, who became enraged that they had lost the prey of which they had been in pursuit, persuaded the Count Dionysius who is one of them to send to the Mareotis, in order to see whether they could not find out something there against the Presbyter, or rather that they might at a distance patch up their plot as they pleased in my absence : for this was their aim. However, when I repre- sented that the journey to the Mareotis was a superfluous undertaking, (for that they ought not to pretend that state- ments were defective which they had been employed upon so long, and ought not now to defer the matter; for they had said whatever they thought they could say, and now being at a loss what to do, they were making pretences,) or if they must needs go to the Mareotis, that at least the suspected parties should not be sent, — the Count was convinced by my reasoning, with respect to the suspected persons ; but they did any thing rather than what I proposed, for the very persons whom I objected against on account of the Arian heresy, these were they who specially went, viz. Diognius, Maris, Theodorus, Macedonius, Ursacius, and Valens. Again, letters were written to the Prefect of Egypt, and a military guard was provided ; and, what was remarkable and altogether most suspicious, they caused Macarius the accused party to remain behind under a guard of soldiers, while they took with them the accuser \ ' yupr, 5. Now who after this does not see through this conspiracy } ^' ' Who does not clearly perceive the wickedness of these Eusebians ? For if a judicial enquiry must needs take place in the Mareotis, the accused ought also to have been sent thither. But if they did not go for the purpose of such an enquiry, why did they take the accuser ? It was enough that he had not been able to prove the fact. But this they did in order that they might carry on their designs against the absent Presbyter, whom they could not convict when pre- sent, and might concoct a plan as they pleased. For when 104 Letter of the Alexandrian Clergy to the Cof?im Ission. A POL. the Presbyters of Alexandria and of the whole district found ^"•^'^- fault with them because they were there by themselves, and required that they too might be present at their proceedings, (for they said that they knew both the circumstances of the case, and the history of the person named Ischyras,) they would not allow them ; and although they had with them Phila- grius the Prefect of Egypt, who was an apostate, and heathen soldiers, during an enquiry which it was not becoming even for Catechumens to witness, they would not admit the Clergy, lest there as well as at Tyre there might be those who would expose them. §. 73. 6. But in spite of these precautions they were not able to escape detection : for the Presbyters of the City and of the Mareotis, perceiving their evil designs, addressed to them the following protest. 7. To Theognius, Maris, Macedonius, Theodorus, Ursacius, and Valens, the Bishops who have come from Tyre, these from the Presbyters and Deacons of the Catholic Church of Alexandria under the most reverend Bishop Athanasius. It was incumbent upon you when you came hither and brought with you the accuser, to bring also the Presbyter Macarius ; for trials are appointed by holy Scripture to be so constituted, that the accuser and accused may stand up together. But since neither you brought Macarius, nor our most reverend Bishop Athanasius came with you, we claimed for ourselves the right of being present at the investigation, that we might see that the enquiry was conducted impartially, and might ourselves be convinced of the truth. But when you refused to allow this, and wished, in company only with the Prefect of Egypt and the accuser, to do whatever you pleased, we confess that we entertained an evil suspicion of the affair, and perceived that your coming was only the act of a cabal and a conspiracy. Wherefore we address to you this letter, to be a testimony before a genuine Council, that it may be known to all men, that you have carried on an ex parte proceeding and for your private ends, and have desired nothing else but to form a conspiracy against us. A copy of this, lest it should be kept secret by you, we have trans- Letter of the Clergy of the Mareotis to the Commission. 105 mitted also to Palladius the Controller^ of Augustus. ForTR ii. what you have already done causes us to suspect you, and ' '^' to reckon on the like conduct from you hereafter. I Dionysius Presbyter have delivered this letter, Alexander Presbyter, Nilaras Presbyter, Longus Presbyter, Aphthonius Presbyter, Athanasius Presbyter, Amyntius Presbyter, Pistus Presbyter, Plution Presbyter, Dioscorus Presbyter, Apollonius Presbyter, Serapion Presbyter, Ammonius Presbyter, Gains Presbyter, Rhinus Presbyter, Qilthales Presbyter. Deacons ; Marcellinus Deacon, Appianus Deacon, Theon Deacon, Timotheus Deacon, a second Timotheus Deacon. 8. This is the letter, and these the names of the Clergy of §. 74. the city ; and the following was written by the Clergy of the Mareotis, who know the character of the accuser, and who were with me in my visitation. 9. To the holy Council of blessed Bishops of the Catholic Church, all the Presbyters and Deacons of the Mareotis send health in the Lord. Knowing that which is written, Speak that thine ryes Prov.25, have seen, and, A false witness shall not he unpunished; we 19 5^ ' testify what we have seen, especially since the conspiracy which has been formed against our Bishop Athanasius has made our testimony necessary. We wonder how Ischyras ever came to be reckoned among the number of the Ministers of the Church, which is the first point we think it necessaiy to mention. Ischyras never was a Minister of the Church ; but when formerly he represented himself to be a Presbyter of Colluthus, he found no one to believe him, except only his own relations. For he never had a Church, nor was ever considered a Clergyman, by those who lived but a short distance from his village, except only, as we said before, by his own relations. But, notwithstanding he assumed this designation, he was deposed in the presence of our Father Hosius at the Council which assembled at » Curiosas; the Curiosi (in curis t. 2. p. 194. ed. 1665. Constantius con- agendis) were properly the overseers fined them to the school of the Agentes of the puhlic roads, Ducange in voc. in rebus, (infr. Apol. ad Const. §. 10.) but they became in consequence a sort under the Master of the Offices, of imperial spy, and were called the Gothofr. ibid. p. 192. Emperor's eyes. Gothofr. in Cod.Theod. 106 Letter of the Clergy of the Mareotis Apol. Alexandria, and was reduced to ihe condition of a layman, —~ -'and so he continued subsequently, being deprived of his pretended claim to the priesthood. Of his character we think it unnecessary to speak, as all men have it in their power to become acquainted therewith. But since he has falsely accused our Bishop Athanasius of breaking a chalice and overturning a table, we are necessarily obliged to address you on this point. 10. We have said already that he never had a Church in the Mareotis ; and we declare before God as our witness, that no chalice was broken, nor table overturned by our Bishop, nor by any one of those who accompanied him ; but all that is alleged respecting this affair is mere calumny. And this we say, not as having been absent from the Bishop, for we are all with him when he makes his visitation of the Mareotis, and he never goes about alone, but is accompanied by all the Presbyters and Deacons, and by a considerable number of the people. Wherefore we make these assertions, as having been present with him during the whole of the visitation which he made amongst us, and testify that neither was a chalice ever broken, nor table overturned, but the whole story is false, as the accuser himself also 1 supr. witnesses under his own hand\ For when, after he had p. 93. ... withdrawn with the Meletians, and had reported these things against our Bishop Athanasius, he wished to be admitted to communion, he was not received, although he wrote and confessed under his own hand that none of these things were true, but that he had been suborned by certain persons to say so. §. 75. 11. Wherefore also Theognius, Theodorus, Maris, Mace- donius, Ursacius, and Valens, came into the Mareotis, and when they found that none of these things were true, but it was likely to be discovered that they had framed a false accusation against our Bishop Athanasius, the party of Theognius being themselves his enemies, caused the re- 3 supr. lations of Ischyras and certain Arian fanatics^ to say r. 1.' whatever they wished. For none of the people spoke against the Bishop but these persons, through a dread of Philagrius the Prefect of Egypt, and by threats and with the support of the Arian fanatics", accomplished whatever they to the Eusehian Commission from Tyre. 107 desired. For when we came to disprove the calumny, they Tr. II. would not permit us, but cast us out, while they admitted ''^' ^^' whom they pleased to a participation in their schemes, and concerted matters with them, influencing them by fear of the Prefect Philagrius. Through his means they prevented us from being present, that we might discover whether those who were suborned by them were members of the Church or Arian fanatics. And you also, dearly beloved Fathers, know, as you teach us, that the testimony' of enemies avails nothing. That what we say is the truth the handwriting^ of x^k^ Ischyras testifies, as do also the facts themselves, because ^pd. ad when vve were conscious that no such thing as was pre- ^°°^*- tended had taken place, they took with them Philagrius, that through fear of the sword and by threats they might frame whatever plots they wished. These things we testify as in the presence of God ; we make these assertions as knowing that there will be a judgment held by God; desiring indeed all of us to come to you, but being content with these letters which we send to you, that they may be instead of the presence of those who cannot come. I, Tngenius Presbyter, pray that you may be strong in the Lord, dearly beloved Fathers. Theon P. Ammonas P. Heraclius P. Boccon P. Tryphon P. Peter P. Hierax P. Serapion P. Marcus P. Ptollarion P. Gains P. Dioscorus P. Demetrius P. Thyrsus P. Deacons; Pistus D. Apollos D. Serras D. Pistus D. Polynicus D. Ammonius D. Maurus D. Hephaestus D. Apollos D. Metopas D. Apollos D. Serapas D. Meli- phthongus D. Lucius D. Gregoras D. 12. The same to the Controller, and to Philagrius, at that §. 76. time Prefect of Egypt. To Flavins Philagrius, and to Flavius Palladius, Ducenary ^, Officer of the Palace", and Controller, and to Flavius Antoninus, ^ vid. p. 89 r 3 Commissary of Provisions "', and Centenary of my Lords, thes/j' * y* most illustrious Prefects of the sacred Praetorium, these from the Presbyters and Deacons of the Mareotis, a district of the ^ On the different kinds of Duee- whose annual pay amounted to 200 naries, vid. Gothofr. in Cod. Theod. xi. sestertia. vid. Salmas. in Hist. Aug. 7- leg. 1. Here, as in Euseb. Hist. vii. t. 1. p. 633. In like manner a Cente- 30. the word stands for a Procurator, nary is one who receives 100, 108 The Clergy of the Mareolis to the Prefect and Controller Apol. Catholic Church which is under the most Reverend Bishop ^^^i-^Athanasius, we address this testimony by those whose names are under- written : — Whereas Theognius, Maris, Macedonius, Theodoms, Ursa- cius, and Valens, as if sent by all the Bishops who assembled at Tyre, came into our Diocese alleging that they had received orders to investigate certain ecclesiastical affairs, among which they spoke of the breaking of a chalice belong- ing to the Lord, of which information was given them by Ischyras, whom they brought with them, and who says that he is a Presbyter, although he is not, — for he was ordained by the Presbyter Colluthus who pretended to the Episcopate, and was afterwards ordered by a whole Council, by Hosius and the Bishops that were with him, to take the place of a Presbyter, as he was before ; and accordingly all that were ordained by Colluthus, resumed the same rank which they held before, and so Ischyras himself proved to be a layman, — and the Church, which he says he has, never was a Church at all, but a small dwelling house belonging to an orphan boy of the name of Ision ; — for this reason we have offered this testimony, adjuring you by Almighty God, and by our Lords Constantine Augustus, and the most illustrious Caesars his sons, to bring these things to the knowledge of their piety. For neither is he a Presbyter of the Catholic Church, nor does he possess a Church, nor has a chalice ever been broken, but the whole story is false and an invention. A.D. Dated in the Consulship^ of Julius Constantius the most illustrious Patrician % brother of the most religious Emperor Constantine Augustus, and of Rufinus Albinus, most illus- 2August.trious men, on the tenth day of the month Thoth ^. These were the letters of the Presbyters. §. 77. 13. The following also are the letters and protests of the Bishops who came with us to Tyre, when they discovered the conspiracy and plot. c The title Patrician was revived by Julius Constantius,who was the father of Constantine as a personal distinction. It Julian, was the first who bore the title, was for life, and gave precedence over with L. Optatus, who had been consul all the great officers of state except the the foregoiog year. Illustrissimus was Consul. It was usually bestowed on the highest olf the three ranks of honour, favourites, or on ministers as a reward ibid, of services. Gibbon, Hist. ch. 17. This 335, The Egyptian. Bishops at Tyre to theivhole Council of Tyre. 1 09 14. To the Bishops assembled at Tyre, most honoured Lords, Tr. ii. those of the Catholic Chmxh who have come from Egypt - '^' with Athanasius send health in the Lord. We suppose that the conspiracy which has been formed against us by Eusebius, Theognius, Marus, Narcissus, Theo- dorus, and Patrophilus, is no longer uncertain. From the very beginning we all demurred, through our fellow-minister Athanasius, to the holding of the inquiry in their presence, knowing that the presence of even one enemy only, much more of many, is able to distmb and injure the hearing of a cause. And you also yourselves know the enmity which they entertain, not only towards us, but towards all the orthodox, how that for the sake of the fanaticism of Arius, and his impious doctrine, they direct their assaults, they form conspiracies against all. And when, being confident in the truth, we desired to shew the falsehood, which the Meletians had employed against the Church, the Eusebians endeavoured by some means or other to interrupt our repre- sentations, and strove eagerly to set aside our testimony, threatening those who gave an honest judgment, and insult- ing others, for the sole purpose of carrying out the design they had against us. Your divinely inspired^ piety, mostisW»«f honoured Lords, was probably ignorant of their conspiracy, but we suppose that it has now been made manifest. 15. For indeed they have themselves plainly disclosed it; for they desired to send to the Mareotis those of their party who are suspected by us, so that, while we were absent and remained here, they might disturb the people and accomplish what they wished. They knew that the Arian fanatics, and Colluthians '^ and Meletians, were enemies of the Catholic Church, and therefore they were anxious to send them, that in the presence of our enemies they might devise against us whatever schemes they pleased. And those of the Meletians who are here, even four days previously, (as they knew that this inquiry was about to take place,) despatched at evening certain of their party, as a post, for the purpose of collecting Meletians out of Egypt into the Mareotis, because there were d Colluthus formed a schism on the on himself to ordain, even to the Priest- doctrine that God was not the cause of hood. vid. supr. p. 30, rote 1. St. Alex- any sort of evil, e. g. did not inflict pain ander even seems to imply that he did and suffering. Though a Priest, he took so for money. Theod. Hist. i. 3. 1 10 The Egyptian BiaJiopsat Tyre to the whole CouncUat Tyre. Apol. none at all there, and Colluthians and Arian fanatics, from ^^1^' other parts, and to prepare them to speak against us. For you also know that Ischyras himself confessed before you, that he had not more than seven persons in his congregation. When therefore we heard that, after they had made what preparations they pleased against us, and had sent these suspected persons, they were going about to each of you, and requiring your subscriptions, in order that it might appear as if this had been done with the consent of you all ; for this reason w^e hastened to write to yoa, and to present this our testimony ; declaring that we are the objects of a conspiracy under which we are suffering by and through them, and demanding that having the fear of God in your minds, and condemning their conduct in sending whom they pleased without our consent, you would refuse your sub- scriptions, lest they pretend that those things are done by you, which they are contriving only among themselves. 16. Surely it becomes those who are in Christ, not to regard men, but to prefer the truth before all things. And be not afraid of their threatenings, which they employ against all, nor of their plots, but rather fear God. If it was at all necessary that persons should be sent to the Mareotis, we also ought to have been there with them, in order that we might convict the enemies of the Church, and point out those who were aliens, and that the investigation of the matter might be impartial. For you know that the Eusebians contrived that a letter should be presented, as coming from the Colluthians, the Meletians, and Arians, and directed against us : but it is evident that these enemies of the Catholic Church speak nothing that is true concerning us, but say every thing against us. And the law of God forbids an enemy to be either a witness or a judge. Wherefore as you will have to give an account in the day of judgment, receive this testimony, and recognising the conspiracy which has been framed against us, beware, if you are requested by them, of doing any thing against us, and of taking part in the designs of the Eusebians. For you know, as we said before, that they are our enemies, and are aware why Eusebius of Caesarea became such last year. We pray that you may be ' Ki^m in health, greatly beloved Lords ^ The Egyptian Bishops at Tyre to Count Dionysius. Ill 17. To the most illustrious Count Flavius Dionysius, from the Tr. ii. Bishops of the Catholic Church in Egypt who have come '^' . to Tyre'. §• 7^- • nearly We suppose that the conspiracy which has been formed J^i^^^^' against us by Eusebius, Theognius, Maris, Narcissus, the fore- Theodorus, and Patrophilus, is no longer uncertain. From ^°'°^" the very beginning we all demurred, through our fellow- minister Athanasius, to the holding of the inquiry in their presence, knowing that the presence of even one enemy only, much more of many, is able to disturb and injure the hearing of a cause. For their enmity is manifest which they entertain, not only towards us, but also towards all the orthodox, because they direct their assaults, they form con- spiracies against all. And when, being confident in the truth, we desired to shew^ the falsehood which the Meletians had employed against the Church, the Eusebians en- deavoured by some means or other to interrupt our repre- sentations, and strove eagerly to set aside our testimony, threatening those who gave a honest judgment and insulting others, for the sole purpose of carrying out the design they had against us. Your goodness was probably ignorant of the conspiracy which they have formed against us, but we suppose that it has now been made manifest. 18. For indeed they have themselves plainly disclosed it; for they desired to send to the Mareotis those of their party who are suspected by us, so that, while we were absent, and remained here, they might disturb the people and accomplish wdiat they wished. They knew that Arian fanatics, CoUu- thians, and Meletians were enemies of the Church, and therefore they were anxious to send them, that in the presence of our enemies, they might devise against us whatever schemes they pleased. And those of the Meletians who are here, even four days before, (as they knew that this inquiry was about to take place,) despatched at evening two individuals of their own party, as a post, for the pui-pose of collecting Meletians out of Egypt into the Mareotis, because there were none at all there, and Colluthians, and Arian fanatics, from other parts, and to prepare them to speak against us. And your goodness knows that he himself 112 Second Letter from the Egyptian Bishops to Dionysiiis. Apcl. confessed before you, that he had not more than seven t^l^* persons in his congregation. When therefore we heard that, after they had made what preparations they pleased against us, and had sent these suspected persons, they were going about to each of the Bishops and requiring their sub- scriptions, in order that it might appear that this was done with the consent of them all ; for this reason we hastened to refer the matter to your honour, and to present this our testimony, declaring that we are the objects of a conspiracy, under which we are suffering by and through them, and demanding of you that having in your mind the fear of God, and the pious commands of our most religious Emperor, you would no longer tolerate these persons, but condemn their conduct in sending whom they pleased without our consent. I Adamantius Bishop have subscribed this letter, Ischyras, Ammon, Peter, Ammonianus, Tyrannus, Taurinus, Sarapam- mon, CElurion, Harpocration, Moses, Optatus, Anubion, Saprion, Apollonius, Ischyrion, Arba3thion, Potamon, Paph- nutius, Heraclides, Theodorus, Agathammon, Gaius, Pistus, Athas, Nicon, Pelagius, Theon, Paninuthius, Nonnus, Ariston, Theodorus, Irenaeus, Blastammon, Philippus, Apol- los, Dioscorus, Timotheus of Diospolis, Macarius, Heraclam- mon, Cronius, Muis, James, Ariston, Artemidorus, Phinees, Psais, Herachdes. 19. Another from the same. The Bishops of the Catholic Church who have come from Egypt to Tyre, to the most illustrious Count Flavins Diony- sius. Perceiving that many conspiracies and plots are being formed against us through the machinations of Eusebius, Narcissus, Flacillus, Theognius, Maris, Theodorus, and Patrophilus, (against whom we wished at first to enter an objection, but were not permitted,) we are constrained to have recourse to the present appeal. We observe also that great zeal is exerted in behalf of the Meletians, and that a plot is laid against the Catholic Church in Egypt in our per- sons. Wherefore we address this letter to you, beseeching you to bear in mind the Almighty Power of God, who defends the kingdom of our most religious and godly Emperor Con- Letter of Alexander of Thessalonica to Dioiiysius. 113 stantine, and to reserve the hearing of the affairs which Tr. ii. concern us for the most religious Emperor himself. For it is ^^' ^^' but reasonable, since you were commissioned b\ his Majesty, that you should reserve the matter for him upon our appealing to his piety. We can no longer endure to be the objects of the treacherous designs of the fore-mentioned fLusebians, and therefore we demand that the case be reserved for the most religious and godly Emperor, before whom we shall be able to set forth our own and the Church's just claims. And we are convinced that when his piety shall have heard our cause, he will not condemn us. Wherefore we again adjure you by Almighty God, and by our most religious Emperor, who, together with the children of his piety, has thus ever been victorious* and prosperous these many years, that you' pp.79 proceed no further, nor suffer yourself to move at all in the^^^i^g^' Council in relation to our affairs, but reserve the hearing ofr-2. them for his piety. We have likewise made the same repre- sentations to my Lords ^ the orthodox Bishops. - «''e''«'f flOV, .3 20. Alexander^, Bishop of Thessalonica, on receiving these §. 80. letters, wi'ote to the Count Dionysius as follows. " P; ^^' ' *' note n. 21. The Bishop Alexander to my Lord"^ Dionysius. ^'^iffTorn fjt.OU. I see that a conspiracy has evidently been formed against Athanasius ; for they have determined, I know not on what grounds, to send all those to whom he has objected, without giving any information to us, although it was agreed that we should consider together who ought to be sent. Take care therefore that nothing be done rashly, (for they have come to me in great alarm, saying that the wild beasts have already roused themselves, and are going to rush upon them ; for they had heard it reported, that John had sent certain,) lest they be beforehand with us, and concoct what schemes they please. For you know that the Colluthians^ who are enemies s p. 109^ of the Church, and the Arians, and Meletians, are all of "°*® '^• them leagued together, and are able to work much evil. Consider therefore what is best to be done, lest some mischief befal, and we be subject to censure, as not having judged the matter fairly. Great suspicions are also enter- tained of these persons, lest, as being devoted to the Meletians, I 114 Letter of Count Dionysius to the Eusehians. Apol. they should go through those Churches whose Bishops are ^^^AH'here', and raise an alarm amongst them, and so disorder the ^^^* whole of Egypt. For they see that this is already taking place to a great extent. 22. In consequence of this, the Count Dionysius wrote to the Eusebians as follows. §. 81. 23. This is what I have already mentioned to my lords ^perhaps associated with Flacillus", that Athanasius has come forward d^nTof ^^^^ complained that those very persons have been sent Council, whom he objected to ; and crying out that he has been note b. 'wronged and deceived. Alexander the lord of my soul has also written to me on the subject; and that you may perceive that what his Excellence has said is reasonable, I have subjoined his letter to be read by you. Remember also what I wrote to you before : I impressed upon your Excellences, my lords, that the persons who were sent ought to be commissioned by the general vote and decision of all. Take care therefore lest our proceedings fall under censure, and we give just grounds of blame to those who are disposed to find fault with us. For as the accuser's side ought not to suffer any oi3pression, so neither ought the defendant's. And I think that there is no slight ground of blame against us, when my lord Alexander appears to disapprove of what we have done. §. 82. 24. While matters were proceeding thus we withdrew from Jer.9,2.them, as from an assembly of treacherous men, for what- soever they pleased they did, whereas there is no man in the world but knows that ex parte proceedings cannot stand good. This the divine law determines ; for when the blessed Apostle was suffering under a similar conspiracy and Acts 24, was brought to trial, he demanded, saying, The Jews from Asia ought to have been here before thee, and object, if they had ought against me. On which occasion Festus also, when the Jews wished to lay such a plot against him, as Acts 25, these men have now laid against me, said, It is not the 7nanner of the Romans to deliver any man to die, before that he which is accused have the accuser face to face. Inconsistencies in the testimo?iies in behalf of IscJiyras, 115 and have licence to answer for himself concerning theTK ll, crime laid against him. But the Eusebians have both — '- — - had the boldness to pervert the law, and have acted more unjustly even than those unjust persons. For they did not proceed privately at the first, but when in conse- quence of our being present they found themselves weak, then they straightway went out, like the Jews, and took counsel together alone, how they might destroy us and bring in their heresy, as they demanded Barabbas. For this purpose it was, as they have themselves confessed, that they did all these things. 25. Although these circumstances were amply sufficient for§. 83. our vindication, yet in order that the wickedness of these men and the freeness of the truth might be more fully ex- hibited, I have not felt averse to repeat them again, in order to shew that they have acted in a manner inconsistently with themselves, and as men scheming in the dark have fallen foul upon one another, and while they desired to destroy us have like insane persons wounded themselves. For in their investigation of the subject of the Mysteries, they questioned Jews, they examined Catechumens ' ; " ^Vhere were you," ' vid. they said, " when Macarius came and overturned the Table ?"^* ^ They answered, " We were present within doors ;'' whereas there could be no oblation if Catechumens were present. Again, although they had written word every where, that Macarius came and overthrew every thing, while the Pres- byter was standing and celebrating the Mysteries, yet when they questioned whomsoever they pleased, and asked them, " Where was Ischyras when Macarius rushed in ?" those persons answered that he was lying sick in a cell. Now he that was lying could not be standing, nor could one that lay sick in his cell offer the oblation. Besides whereas Ischyras said that certain books had been burnt by Macarius, the witnesses who were suborned to give evidence, declared that nothing of the kind had been done, but that Ischyras spoke falsely. And w^hat is most remarkable, although they had again written word every where, that those who were able to give evidence had been concealed by us, yet these persons made their appearance, and ihey questioned them, and were not ashamed to find it proved on all sides that they were i2 llQLetteroftheCouncilofJeriisalemtotheAlexandrianChiirch. Apol. slanderers, and had acted in this matter clandestinely, and ac- ^^•^^' cording to their pleasure. For they prompted the witnesses by signs, while the Prefect threatened them, and the soldiers pricked them with their swords ; but the Lord revealed the truth, and shewed them to be slanderers. Therefore also they concealed the Records of their proceedings, which they retained themselves, and charged those who wrote them to keep out of sight, and to communicate to no one whom- soever. But in this too also they were disappointed ; for the person who wrote them was Rufus, who is now public ' vid. executioner in the Augustalian ^ prefecture, and is able to testify note d. to the truth of this ; and the Eusebians sent them to Rome by the hands of their own friends, and Julius the Bishop trans- mitted them to me. And now they are mad with rage, because we have obtained and read what they wished to conceal. §. 84. 26. As such was the character of their machinations, so they very soon shewed plainly the reasons of their conduct. For when they went away, they took the Arians with them to Jerusalem, and there admitted them to communion, having 2vid.de sent out a letter concerning them, part'^ of which, and the 2["(voi. beginning, is as follows. 8. p. 103.) 07, Xhe holy Council by the grace of God assembled at Jeru- salem, to the Church of God which is in Alexandria, and to the Bishops, Presbyters, and Deacons, in all Egypt, the Thebais, Libya, Pentapolis, and throughout the world, sends health in the Lord. Having come together out of different Provinces to a great meeting which we have held for the consecration of the Martyry of the Saviour, which has been appointed to the service of God the King of all and of His Christ, by the zeal of our most religious Emperor Constantino, the grace of God hath afforded us more abundant rejoicing of heart; which our most religious Emperor himself hath occasioned us by his letters, wherein he hath stirred us up to do that which is right, putting away all envy from the Church of God, and driving far from us all malice, by which the members of God have been heretofore torn asunder, and that we should with single and peaceable minds receive the Arians, whom envy, that enemy of all goodness, has caused Bargain of the Eusehiaiis with Ischyras. 117 for a season to be excluded from the Church. Our mostTR. ll. religious Emperor has also in his letter testified to the cor- ^' ^^' rectness of their faith, which he has ascertained from them- selves, himself receiving the profession of it from them by word of mouth, and has now made manifest to us by subjoining a written declaration of their orthodox belief 28. Every one that hears of these things must see through §. 85. their treachery. For they made no concealment of what they were doing ; unless perhaps they confessed the ti*uth without wishing it. For if I was the hindrance to the admittance of the Arians into the Church, and if they were received while I was suffering from their plots, what other conclusion can be arrived at, than that these things were done on their account, and that all their proceedings against me, and the story which they fabricated about the breaking of the chalice and the murder of Arsenius, were for the sole purpose of introducing impiety into the Church, and of pre- venting their being condemned as heretics ? For this was what the Emperor threatened long ago in his letters to me. And they were not ashamed to write in the manner they did, and to affirm that those persons whom the whole Ecumenical Council anathematized held orthodox sentiments. And as they undertook to say and do any thing without scruple, so they were not afraid to meet together in a corner, in order to overthrow, as far as was in their power, the authority of so great a Council. •29. Moreover, the price which they paid for false testimony yet more fully manifests their wickedness and impious in- tentions. The Mareotis, as I have already said, is a district of Alexandria, in which there has never been either a Bishop or a Chorepiscopus*'; but the Churches of the whole district are subject to the Bishop of Alexandria, and each Presbyter has under his charge one of the largest villages, which are about ten or more in number '^. Now the village in which Ischyras lives, is a very small one, and possesses so few inhabitants, that there has never been a Church built there, e That Chorepiscopi were real Bi- i. 2. c. 1. shops, vid. Bevereg. in Cone. Ancyr. ^ Ten under each Presbyter. Vales. Can. 13. Routh in Cone. Neocses.Can. ad Socr. Hist. i. 27. Ten altogether, 13. referring to Rhabanus Maurus. Montfaucon in loc. with more proba- Thomassin on the other hand denies bility ; and so Tillemont, vol, 8. pi that they were Bishops, Discipl. Eccl. 20. 1 18 The Receiver-General to the Tax-collector o/iheMareotis. Apol. but only in the adjoining village. Nevertheless, they deter- i^l^mined, contrary to ancient usage ^ to nominate a Bishop for this place, and not only so, but even to appoint one, who was not so much as a Presbyter. Knowing as they did the unusual nature of such a proceeding, yet being constrained by the promises they had given in return for his false impeach- ment of me, they submitted even to this, lest that abandoned person, if he were ill-treated by them, should disclose the truth, and thereby shew the wickedness of the Eusebians. Notwithstanding this, he has no Church, nor a people to obey him, but is scouted by them all, like a dog ^, although they have even caused the Emperor to write to the Receiver- « Catho- General*, (for every thing is in their power,) commanding ''*^32' that a Church should be built for him, that being possessed Apol. ad of that, his statement may appear credible about the chalice §.To. and the table. They caused him immediately to be nomi- nated a Bishop, because if he were without a Church, and not even a Presbyter, he would appear to be a false accuser, and a fabricator of the whole matter. Nevertheless he pos- '^ pp. sesses but an empty title, as he has no people^, and even his 108,110.^^^ relations are not obedient to him, and the letter also has failed to accomplish its purpose, remaining only as a con- vincing proof of the utter wickedness of himself and the Eusebians. It runs as follows. 30. The Letter of the Receiver-General. ^ Ex- Flavins Hemerius sends health to the Tax-collector^ of the ^^*°'- Mareotis. Ischyras the Presbyter having petitioned the piety of our Lords, Coesars Augusti, that a Church might be built in the * p. 34, district of the Peace of Secontarurus*, their divinity has com- manded that this should be done as soon as possible. Take care therefore, as soon as you receive the copy of the sacred Edict, which with all due veneration is placed above, and the Reports which have been formed before my sanctity, that you g It was against the Canon of Sar- however, makes him a Deacon. Fragm. dica, and doubtless against ancient ii. ]6. usage, to ordain a Bishop for so small h Dogs without owners, and almost a village, vid. Bingham, Antiqu. ii. 12. in a wild state, abound, as is well known, who, however, maintains by instances, in Eastern cities; vid. Psalm lix. 6, 14, that at least small towns might be sees. 16. 2 Kings ix. 35, 36. and for the view Also it was against usage that a lay- taken in Scripture of dogs, vid. Bochart, man, as Ischvras, should be made a Hieroz. ii. 56. Bishop, ibid. 10. §. 4, &c. St. Hilary, Letter of Const antine to the Council of Tyre. 119 quickly make an abstract of them, and transfer tliem to the Tr. ii. Order book, so that the sacred command may be put in ^^' ^^' execution. 31. While they were thus plotting and scheming, I went up^ §. 86. and represented to the Emperor the unjust conduct of the P' ^^' Eusebians, for he it was who had commanded the Council to be held, and his Count presided at it. When he heard my report, he was greatly moved, and wrote to them as follows. 32. Victor^, Constantine, Maximus, Augustus, to the Bishops'^ Euseb, assembled at Tyre. J.^/g"'^ I know not what the decisions are which you have arrived at in your Council amidst noise and tumult; but somehow the truth seems to have been perverted in consequence of certain confusions and disorders, in that you, through your mutual contentiousness, which you are resolved should pre- vail, have failed to perceive what is pleasing to God. How- ever, it will rest with Divine Providence to disperse the mischiefs which manifestly are found to arise from this contentious spirit, and to shew plainly to us, whether you, while assembled in that place, have had any regard for the truth, and whether you have made your decisions uninfluenced by either favour or enmity. Wherefore I wish you all to assemble with all speed before my piety, in order that you may render in person a true account of your proceedings. 33. The reason why I liave thought good to write thus to you, and why I summon you before me by letter, you will learn from what I am going to say. As I was entering on a late occasion our all-happy home of Constantinople, which bears our name, (I chanced at the time to be on horseback,) on a sudden the Bishop Athanasius, with certain others whom he had with him, approached me in the middle of the road, so unexpectedly, as to occasion me much amazement. God, who knoweth all things, is my witness, that I should have been unable at first sight even to recognise him, had not some of my attendants, on my naturally enquiring of them, informed me both who it was, and under what injustice he was suffering. I did not however enter into any conver- sation with him at that time, nor grant him an interview; but 120 Letter of Constantine to the Council of Tyre. Apol. when he requested to be heard I refused, and all but gave '.^^U^- orders for his removal: when with increasing boldness he claimed only this favour, that you should be summoned to appear, that he might have an opportunity of complaining before me in your presence, of the ill-treatment which he has met with. As this appeared to me to be a reasonable request, and suitable to the times, I willingly ordered this letter to be written to you, in order that all of you, who constituted the Council which was held at Tyre, might hasten without delay ' ffT^ocTo- to the Court* of my clemency, so as to prove by facts that you '^*^''' had passed an impartial and uncorrupt judgment. This, I note z. say, you must do before me, whom not even you will deny to ♦ h^x- be a true servant of God ^. •royrct^ 34. Yov indeed through my devotion^ to God, peace ispre- T^ii«t served every where, and the Name of God is truly worshipped even by the barbarians, who have hitherto been ignorant of the truth. And it is manifest, that he who is ignorant of the truth, does not know God. Nevertheless, as I said before, even the barbarians have now come to the knowledge of God, by means of me. His true servant', and have learned to fear Him whom they perceive from actual facts to be my shield and protector every w^here. And from this chiefly they have come to know God, whom they fear through the dread which they have of me. But we, who profess to set forth (for I will not say to guard) the holy mysteries of His Goodness, we, I say, engage in nothing but what tends to dissension and hatred, and, in short, whatever contributes to the destruction of mankind. But hasten, as I said before, and all of you with all speed come to us, being persuaded that I shall endeavour with all my might to amend what is amiss, so that those things specially may be preserved and firmly established in the law of God, to which no blame nor dishonour may attach ; while the enemies of the law, who under pretence of His holy Name bring in manifold and divers blasphemies, shall be scattered abroad, and entirely crushed, and utterly destroyed. i U Once in an entertainment, at of matters within the Church, I am which he (Constantine) received Bi- appointed by God to be Bishop of shops, he made the remark that he too matters external to it.' " Euseb. Vit. was a Bishop ; using pretty much these Const, iv. 24. vid. supr. p. 76, note words in my hearing, ' You are Bishops m. Letter of Consiantinc to the Alexandrian laity. 121 35. When the Eusebians read this letter, being conscious of Tr. II. what they had done, they prevented the rest of the Bishops ^^' from going up, and only themselves went, viz. Eusebius, §* ^^* Theognius, Patrophilus, the other Eusebius, Ursacius, and Valens. And they no longer said any thing about the chalice and Arsenius, (for they had not the boldness to do so,) but inventing another accusation which concerned the Emperor himself, they declared before him, that Athanasius had threatened that he would cause the corn to be withheld which was sent from Alexandria to his own home^. Tlie' Con- Bishops Adamantius, Anubion, Agathammon, Arbethion, and nople." Peter, were jDresent and heard this. It was proved also by the anger of the Emperor; for although he had written the preceding letter, and had condemned their injustice, as soon as he heard such a charge as this, he was immediately in- censed, and instead of granting me a hearing, he sent me away into Gaul. And this again shews their wickedness further : for when the younger Constantine, of blessed memory, sent me back home, remembering what his father had written, he also wrote as follows. 36. Constantine Caesar, to the people of the Catholic Church of the city of Alexandria. I suppose that it has not escaped the knowledge of your pious minds, that Athanasius, the inteipreter of the adorable Law, was sent away into Gaul for a time, with the intent that, as the savageness of his bloodthirsty and inveterate enemies persecuted him to the hazard of his sacred life^, he-*i^ax?f might thus escape suffering some irremediable calamity, through the perverse dealing of those evil men. In order therefore to escape this, he was snatched out of the jaws of his assailants, and was ordered to pass some time under my government, and so was supplied abundantly with all neces- saries in this city, where he lived, although indeed his cele- brated virtue, relying entirely on divine assistance, set at nought the sufferings of adverse fortune. Now seeing that it svas the fixed intention of our Lord^ Constantine Augustus, my ' hirvd- Father, to restore the said Bishop to his own place, and to '^*" rour most beloved piety, but he was taken away by that ate which is common to all men, and went to his rest before 122 Conclusion of the Apology. APOL. he could accomplish his wish ; I have thought proper to fulfil i^lAlL'that intention of the Emperor of sacred memory which I have inherited from him. When he comes to present him- self before you, you will learn with what reverence he has been treated. Indeed it is not wonderful, whatever I have done on his behalf; for the thoughts of your longing desire for him, and the appearance of so great a man, moved my mind, and urged me thereto. May Divine Providence continually preserve you, dearly beloved brethren. » June Dated from Treves the 15th before the Calends of July ^ 17.A.D. 338. . , §. 88. 37. This being the reason why I was sent away mto Gaul, who, 1 ask again, does not plainly perceive the intention of the Emperor, and the murderous spirit of the Eusebians, and that the Emperor did this in order to prevent their forming some more desperate scheme } for he listened to them with a sincere purpose''. Such were the practices of the Eusebians, and such their machinations against me. Who that has witnessed them will deny that nothing has been done in my favour out of partiality, but that that great number of Bishops both individually and collectively wrote as they did in my behalf and condemned the falsehood of my enemies justly, and in accordance with the truth ? Who that has observed such proceedings as these will deny that Valens and Ursacius had good reason to condemn them- selves, and to write as they did, to accuse themselves on their repentance, choosing rather to suffer shame for a short time, than to undergo the punishment of false accusers for ever and ever^ ? §. 89. 38. Wherefore also my blessed brothers in ministry, acting justly and according to the laws of the Church, while certain k l*)i>5fl«« yk^ avXas. Montfaucon by documents, that Valens and Ursacius in Onomast, (Athan. t. 2. ad calc.) did but succumb to plain facts which points out some passages in his author, they could not resist. It is observable where ivrazevtiv like iivruxovuv, means too from this passage that the Apology "to answer." vid. Apol. ad Const. §. was written before their relapse, i. e. 16. init. Orat. iii. 27 tin. before A.D. 351, or 362. The remain- • Here ends the second part of the ing two sections are written after 357, Apology, as is evident by turning back as they mention the fall of Liberius and to §. 58. (supra, p. 87 fin.) to which Hosius, and speak of Constantius in this paragraph is an allusion. The different language from any which kas express object of the second part was been found above, vid. Libr. F. vol. 8. to prove, what has now been proved p. 90, note p. Postscript. 123 affirmed that my case was doubtful, and endeavoured to Tn. II. compel them to annul the sentence which was passed in my-^?i^ favour, have now endured all manner of sufferings, and have chosen rather to be banished than to see the judgment of so many Bishops reversed. Now if those genuine Bishops had withstood by words only those who plotted against me, and wished to undo all that had been done in my behalf; or if they had been ordinary men, and not the Bishops of illustrious cities, and the heads of great Churches, there would have been room to suspect that in this instance they too had acted contentiously and in order to gratify me. But when they not only endeavom'ed to convince by argument, but also endm-ed banishment, and one of them is Liberius Bishop of Rome, (for although he did not endure to the end the sufferings of banishment, yet he remained in his exile for two years, being aware of conspiracy formed against me,) and since there is also the great Hosius, together with the Bishops of Italy, and of Gaid, and others from Spain, and from Egypt, and Libya, and all those from Pentapolis, (for although for a little while, through fear of the threats of Constant! us, he seemed not to resist them, yet the gi'eat violence and tyrannical power exercised by Constantius, and the many insults and stripes inflicted on him, prove that it was not because he gave up my cause, but through the weakness of old age, being unable to bear the stripes, that he yielded to them for a season,) therefore I say, it is alto- gether right that all, as being fully convinced, should hate and abominate the injustice and the violence which they have used towards me ; especially as it is well known that I have suffered these things on account of nothing else but the Arian impiety. 39. Now if any one wishes to become acquainted with my §. 90. case, and the falsehood of the Eusebians, let him read what has been written in my behalf, and let him hear the witnesses, not one, or two, or three, but that great number of Bishops ; and again let him attend to the witnesses of these proceed- ings, Liberius and Hosius, and their associates, who when they saw the attempts made against me, chose rather to endure all manner of sufferings than to give up the truth, and the judgment which had been pronounced in my favour. 124 Postscript. Apol. And this Ihey did with an honourable and righteous intention, AG. Ar.^^^ ^,|^^^ ^l^g^^ suffered proves to what straits the other Bishops were reduced. And they are memorials and records against the Arian heresy, and the wickedness of the false accusers, and afford a pattern and model for those who come after, to contend for the truth unto death, and to abominate 1 ;^;^i of these heresies, in respect of the peculiar impiety of its invention^, has nothing in common with the Scriptures. ^ »T/»a/aj And their advocates are aware of this, that the Scriptm-es are very much, or rather altogether, opposed to the doctrines of every one of them ; but for the sake of deceiving the more simple sort, (such as are those of whom it is written in the Proverbs, The simple helieveth every word,) they pretend Prov.^ like iheir father the devil^ to study and to quote the language joim 8, of Scripture, in order that they may appear by their words to J* ^^^ have a right belief, and so may persuade their wretched ii. 73,74. followers to believe contrary to the Scriptures^. p°9 8. Assuredly in every one of these heresies the devil has p^te 3. thus disguised himself, and has suggested to them words p. 139. full of craftiness. The Lord spake concerning them, that there shall arise false Christs and false pi'opltets, so that Mat.24, they shall deceive many. Accordingly the De\il has come, 2 r. 4 130 All heresies agree to lie, but in nothing else. Lett, speaking by each and saying, " I am Christ, and the truth ^Li^^' ^^ ^^^^ ™® '" '^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ made them, one and all, to be ~ "liars like himself. And strange it is, that while all heresies are at variance with one another concerning the mischievous inventions which each has framed, they are • vol. 8, imited together only by the common purpose of lying ^. For Dotl^b' they have one and the same father that has sown in them all ^'