$ 9m H *er mm** & m ■ 4 * tV Vtfcj 9 •ATlj Cfjomas iBroton, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/principallacts04chur THE PRINCIPALL ACTS Of The GENE R ALL ASSEMBLY, CONVEENED OCCASIONALLY EDINBURGH, Upon the %z. day of January, in the year i 6 4. ?. *i&<&K& reprefenteth the neceffity of making greater fpeed in fetling the intended Uniformity in Religion, according to the late folemne Covenant : ) We hold it our duty,in regard both of the arcl: and infeparable Union , which the Lord hath happilyand feafonably made between you and us , and of your indefatigable and inefti- mable labour of love to this afflicted Kingdom , to give your Lordfhipsand the reft of that Venerable Aflembly , fome brief account. , Concerning one Confeffion of Faith , and Forme of Cate- »,.*, . chifme. - T'be (jrcneraLU/fembly.,16^. 5 chifme , we make no queftion.of a.blefied and perfect harmony with you. Thepuhlick Doctrine, held out by our Church to all the World ( efpecially when it mall be reviewed, which is in great part done ) concurring fo much with ^ours,may allure yon of your hearts.defire in thole particulars, fo foon as time and op- portunity may give us liberty to perfect what we have begun. The chief reafon of laying alide the review of our Publick Doctrine, alter the happy and much defired arrivall of your Re- verend Commiffioners here, was, Thedrawing up andaccelera- ting of a Directory for Worihip, and of a Forme of Church- Government » in both of which we ftood at a greater diftance from other Reformed Churches of Chriff,and particularly from yours (' which we very much honour) with whom our iolemne facred Nationall Covenant- requireth us to endeavour the near- . eft Conjunction and Uniformity ,that we and our pofterity after us, may as Brethren live in Faith and Love , and the Lord may delight to dwell in the midft of us. Nor have our labours therein been fruftfate : For we have perfected and tranfmitoed a Directory, for Worfhip, to both Houfesot Parliament; where it hath received fuch acceptance, that it is now palled in both the Honourable Houfes of Parlia- ment^ which we hope will be to the joy and comfort of all our godly and dear Brethren in all His Majefties Kingdoms and Do- minions. We have not advifed any impofition which might make it unlawfull to vary from it in any thing-, Yet we hope, all our Re- verend Brethren in this Kingdom, and in yours alfo, will fo far value and reverence that which upon fo long debate and ferious deliberation hath been agreed upon in this AlTembly ( whenic mill alfo paffe with you , and be fetled as the common publick Directory for all the Churches in the .three Kingdoms ) that it mall not be the lefle regarded and obferved. And albeit we have not exprefled in the Directory every minute particular, which is or might be either laid afide or retained among us , as comely and ufefull in practice -, yet we truft, that none will be fo tenaci- ous of old cuftoms not expreffely forbidden , or fo averfe from good examples although new , in matters of Iefferconfequence, as to infill: upon their liberty of retaining the one,or refufing the other, becaufenot fpecified in the Directory-, but be ftudious to pleafe others rather then themfelves. We have likewife (pent divers moneths in the fearch of the Scriptures, to finde out the minde of Chrift concerning a Forme of Church-government , wherein we could not but expect the ereateft difficulty: For our better Progrefle herein , wee have with all refpeclconfidered Ctie feverall Papers of yenir Honou- rable and Reverend CommifFioners , touching this Head -, and' do with all thankfulneffe, acknowledge their great zeal , /mf^e- ment 6 The Cjenerall Affembly , \6$fi. ment, and wifdom exprefled therein \ as alfo, the excellent afli- ftanceand great furtherance of your Reverend Commitfioners in this great Work $ which no vV,through GODS goodnelle> is very near to a period alfo. In purfuit whereof, we madeaftri&furveyandfcrutinieof every Proportion, that we might finde it agreeable to, and war- ranted by the Word of God, in a method of our own-, without retting upon any particular model! or frame whatfoever already conftituted: What we have performed, and how farre we have proceeded therein , we leave to the information of your Reve- rend Commiffioners,who have been eye and ear witnefl'es of all that hath pail: , and we doubt not but you will (hortly receive a iatisfaftory anfwer from hence , fo foon as it fhall be paiTed in the Honourable Houfes of Parliament. And now, Right Honourable, and right Reverend Brethren, let it not feem grievous that we have thus long delayed the fa- tisfying of your earned and juft expectation: It is the Lot of Je- rufalem, to have her Wals built in troublous times, when there are many adverfaries. Nor let it offend, that (albeit we acknow- ledge the many,great,and ineftimable exprefsions of your love, zeal,& helpfulnefle unto us every way in the day of our diftreffe^ to be beyond all that we can in words acknowledge) we profefle plainly to you , That we do moft unwillingly part with thofe our Reverend and dear Fellow-labourers,your Commifsioners, whom now you have called home, to render an account of their impioyment here •, which hath been fo managed both by them and the reft of their Honourable and Reverend Colleagues,as deferveth many thanks , and all Honourable acknowledgement, not onely from us, but from you alfo. Give us leave to adde , that the long experience we have had of the great fufheiency, integrity, and ufefulnefle ofthem all, in the great Work of ChriftV our common Lord and Mafter , in- forceth us (next to our greateft fute, for the continuance of your fervent prayers ) to be earned fuiters, not onely for the continue ance of thele excellent helpers,Mr.^/?* .#m&r/0#,and Mr Jam. Rutherfurd^ yet remaining with us, but alfo for the fpeedy return hither of our Reverend Brethren that are now going hence, for the perfecting of that Work which yet remains. And this fute wetruft, you will the rather grant,becaufe of thegreat and joint concennent of both Churches and Kingdoms inthefe matters. Now the fpirit of wifdom and of all grace reft upon you in all your great confutations , as at all times, foefpeciallynow when you fhall be gathered together in the Name of the Lord Jefus , for the further building up and polifhing of his Church ; and caufe the fruit of all your labourto be to the praife and glo- ry of GOD, and the comfort and rejoycing of the hearts of all the Ifrael of GOD: He reward all our dear Brethren of that Sifter The Cjcncralldffembly, 1 6^. 7 Sifter Church and Nation manifold into their bofome, all the labours, love, and fufferings which they have afforded, and ftill do cheerfully continue, for our fakes and the Gofpels, in this di- ltiacted and bleeding Kingdome •, fuppreffe all commotions and bloody practices of the common Enemy, in both, yea in all the three Kingdoms •, fet up the Throne of Jefus Chrift, and make all the Kingdoms to be the Lords, and our Jerufalem to be a piaife upon Earth, that all that love her and mourn for her, may rejoyce for joy with her, and may fuck and be fatisfied with the breafts of her confolation. Weflminftcr, J- an. 6. 1644. Subcribed by Tour mo ft loving Brethren, and fellow-labourers in the Work of the LORD, in the name of this whole A[- fembly, William Tvvi s s e , Prolocutor. Cornelius Burge s , Affeflor. J.)hn White , AficfTor. Henry Robrough , Scriba. Adoniram By.field , Scriba. DIRECT. To the Right Honourable, and right Reverend, the Generall Aifem- bly of the Church of Scotland, thefe prefent. 28 fan. 164.5. To/imeridiem. T>ie Marti*. SelT. V. approbation of ' the^Proccedings of the Qommif* fori of the Wo preceding A) fmblies . ggl^P^c- Generall Affembly, having heard the re- port of the Committee appointed to confider arid examine the Proceedings of the Commif- rs d! the two la(t Generall Affemblies, v^ f tl e Aflcmblies held in Edinburgh in • yeers 1645 and 1644. And after mature deliberation, and feriouS confideratibn thereof, Finding that the £ whole 8 TToe CjenerallAffembly, lfyf. whole Ads, Proceedings, and Conclufionsof the faidsCom- miflioners contained in aBook andRegifter,iubfcribed by Matter Andrew Ker their Clerk,and by Mafter George Lejlie Moderator, and Mafter William fafraj^ Clerk to the faid Committee •, De- clare much wifedome, diligence, vigilancie, and commendable zea^ And that the faids Commiflioners have orderly and for- mally proceeded in every thing according to their Commifsi- ons-, Do therefore Ratifie and Approve the faid whole Ads, Proceedings,and Conclufionsof the Commifsioners of the two AfTemblies afore faid. 3. Februar.\6^. c DieLuntefPoJlmeridiern. SefiT. X. Act of the (jenerall Ajfembly of the K^irl^ of Scotland, for the ejlabli/bing and putting in execution of the Director. Y^/or the publicly WorjhipofqOT). • ^Hereas an happy Unity and Uniformity in Re- ligion amongft the Kirks of Chrift in thefe three Kingdoms,united under one Soveraigne, hath been long and earneftly wifhed for by the godly and well-affecled amongft us, was pro- pounded as a main Article ofthe large Treaty, without which Band and Bulwark no fafe well-grounded and lafting Peace could be expeded 5 And afterward with greater ftrength and maturity, revived in the Solemne League and Co- venant ofthe three Kingdomes •, whereby they ftand ftiuitly ob- liged to endeavour the neereft Uniformity in one forme of Church-government, Directory ofWorfhip, Confefsion of Faith,and forme of Catechifing: Which hath alfo before and fince our entring into that Covenant, been the matter of many Supplications and Remonftrances , and fending Commifsioners to the Kings Majeftie,of Declarations to the Honourable Hou- fes of the Parliament otEngUnd^nd of Letters to the Reverend Aflembly of Divines,and others ofthe Minifterie ofthe Kirk of England^ being alfo the end of our fending Commifsioners , as was defiied from thisKirk,with Commifsiontotreatof Unifor- mitieinthe foure particulars arore-mentionedjWith fuch Com- mittees asfhouldbe appointed by bothHoufes ofthe Parlia- ment ofEngland^nd by the AfTembly of Divines fitting at Weft- minfter: And befide all this , it being in point of confcience the chief 77; e (jenerall J(fembly,\6^y. p chief motive and end of our adventuring upon manifold and great hazards , for quenching the devouring flame of the pre- ient unnatural 1 and bloody Wane in England , though to the weakning of this Kingdome within it felf , and the advantage or the Enemy which hath invaded it, accounting nothing too dear .to us,fo that this our joy be fulfilled. And now this great Work being fo far advanced, that a Directory for the publick Worlhip of G O D in all the three Kingdomes, being agreed upon by the Honourable Houfes of the Parliament of England, after confu- tation with the Divines of both Kingdomes there a{Iembled,and fent to us for our Approbation , that being alfo agreed upon by this Kirk and Kingdome of Scotland , it may be in the name of both Kingdomes prefented to the King , for his Royall confent and Ratification, The Generall Aflembly having mod ferioufly confidered, revifed, and examined the Directory afore- mentio- ned,after feverall publick readings of it,after much deliberation, both publickly, and in private Committees, after full liberty gi- ven to all to object againft i^ , and earneft invitations of all who have any (cruples about it to make known the fame^ that they might be fatis fled , Do unanimoufly , and without a contrary Voice, Agree to, and Approve the following Directory , in all the Heads thereof, together with the Preface fet before it : And doth require, decerhe, and ordain, That according to the plain lenour and meaning thereof, and the intent of the Preface, it be carefully and uniformly obferved and practifed by all the Mini- fters and others within this Kingdome,whom it doth concerned which practice fhall be begun, upon Intimation given to the fe- verall Presbyteries , from the Commiflioners of this Generall AfTembly, who fhall alfo take fpeciall care for the timeous Prin- ting of this Directory ,that a printed Copy ofit,be provided and kept for the ufe of every Kirk in this Kingdome- Alfo that each Presbyterie have a printed Copy thereof for their ufe , and take fpeciall notice of the Obfervation or neglect thereof in every Congregation within their bounds, and make known the fame to the Provinciall or Generall Adembly, as there fhall be caufe. Provided alwayes, that the Chufe in the Directory, of the Ad- miniflration of the Lords Supper, which mentioneth the Com- municants fitting about the Table, or at it, be not interpreted,as if in the judgement of this Kirk, it were indifferent and free for any of the Communicants, not to come to, and receive at the Table •, or as if we did approve the diftributing of the Elements by the Minifter to each Communicant , and not by the Com- municants among themfelves. It is alfo provided, That this fhall be no prejudice to the order and practice of this Kirk , in fuch particulars as are appointed by the Books of Difcipline,and Acts of Generall AfTe;nblies,and are not otherwife ordered and appointed in the Directory. £ 2 finally, io The Cjenerall AJfembly, 16^. Final!y,the Affembly doth with much joy and thankfulncs ac- knowledge the rich blefsing& invaluable mercyof God,in bring- ing the {o much wifhed for uniformity inReligion,to fuch a hap- py Period , that thefe Kingdomsonceatfogreatdiftanceinthe form of Worfhip , are now by the blefsing of G O D brought to a neerer Uniformity than any other Reformed Kirks, which is unto us the return of our Prayers, and a lightning of our Eyes, and reviving of our hearts , in the midft of our many (orrows and fufferings, a taking away in a great meafure, the reproach of the People of G O D, to the flopping of the mouthes of Malig- nant and dif-afFected perfons , and an opening unto us a door of hope,that GQD hath yet thoughts of Peace towards us , and notofevill, to give us an expected end: In the expectation and confidence whereof we do rejoyce, befeeching the Lord to pre- ferve thefe Kingdomes from Herefies,Schifmes, Offences, Pro- phanenefTe, and whatfoever is contrary to found Doctrine, and the power of Godlinefle, and to continue with us and the gene- rations following, thefe his pure and purged Ordinances, toge- ther with an increafe of the power and life thereof,To the glory of his greatName, the enlargement of the Kingdom of his Son, the corroboration of Peace and Love between the Kingdoms, the unity and corrfbrt of all his People } and our edifying one another in love. .He Directory for Worfhip, mentioned in the preceding Acl, needs no v t to be here printed , becaufe it is to be printed in a Book by it felf. 7. Feb, The (jenerall Jjfembly, 164.5. 11 y.Fecruary, 1645. Toftmeridiem. SelT. XIV. Overtures for advancement of Learning, and good Order in (grammar Schools and Colledzes, o Hat every Grammar School be vifited twice in the year by Vifitors, to bee appointed by thePresbyterie and Kirk- SefTion in Land- ward Parifhes , and by the Town-Councell in Burghs,\vith their Minifters •, and where Univerfitiesare, by the Univerfities , with conkuL ahvayes of the Patrons of the School , that both the fi- delitie and diligence of the Matters , and theproficiencieof the Schollers in Pieiie and Learning may appear , and deficiencie cenfured accordingly-, And that the Vifitors fee that the Ma- tters be not diftra&ed by any other imployments, which may di- vert them from their diligent attendance. I I. That for the remedie of the great decay of Poefie 3 and of abilitie to make Verfe, and in refped of the common ignorance of Profodie,no School- Mafter be admitted to teach a Grammar School, in Burghs, or other conflderable Paroches, but fuch as after examination, fhall be found skilfull in the Latine Tongue, not only for Profe, but alfo for Verfe -,, And that after other tri- als to be made by the Minifters, and others depute by the Sefli- on,Town,and Paroch for this effect that he be alfo approven by the Presbyterie. III. That neither the Greek Language,nor Logick,nor any part of Philofophie be taught in any Grammar School , or pri- vate place within this Kingdom,to young Schollers,who there- after are to enter to any Colledge, unlelle it be for a preparation to their entrie there : And not with ftanding of any progreffe,any mav pretend to have made privately in thefe ftudies , yet in the Colledge bee fhall not enter to any higher Clafle , then that wherein the Greek Language is taught , and being entred, fhall proceed orderly through the reft of the ClafTes, untill he finifli the Ordinary courfe of four years'Unleffe after due triall and ex- amination, he be found ecuiall in Learning , to the belt or mofr. part of that Clafle, to which he defiresto afcend, by over-leap- ing a mid- Clafle,or to the befl or moft part of thofe who are to bcgraduat,ifheiupplicate to obtain any degree before the or- dinary \z . TheCjenerall J)Jembly y \6i r <). dinary time. And allo,That there be found other pregnant rea- fons to move the faculty of Arts to condefcend thereto*, And otherwife that he be not admitted to the Degree of M after of Arts. Ill I. That none be admitted to enter a Student of the Greek tongue in any Colledge , unleffe after triall he be found able to make a congruous Theame in Latine •, or at leaft, being admonifhed of his errour , can readily fhew how to coned the fame. V. That none be promoved from an Inferiour ClafTe of the ordinary courfe to a fuperiour, unleffe he be found worthy, and to have fufficiently profited : otherwife, that he be ordain- ed not to afcend with his con-difcipIes 3 and if he be a Burfer,thac he lofe his Burfe. And namely, it is to be required, That thofe who are taught in ^Arijiotle , be found well inftruded in his Text, and be able to repeat in Greek, and underftand his whole definitions, divifions, and principall precepts,fo far as they have proceeded. V I. Becaufe it is a difgrace to Learning , and hinderance to Trades and other Callings, and an abufe hurtfull to the Pub- lick, that fuch as are ignorant and unworthy, be honoured with a Degree or publick Teftimony of Learning- That therefore fuch triall be taken of Students , fpecially of Ivtagiftfands, that thofe who are found unworthy, be not admitted to the Degree and honour of Mafters. VII. That none who have entred to one Colledge for triall or ftudie, be admitted to another Colledge, without the Tefti- moniall of the Mafters of that Colledge wherein he entred firft, both concerning his Literature,anddutifullbehaviour,fo long as he remained there : at leaft, untill the Mafters of that Colledge from whence he cometh , be timely advertifed , that they may declare if they have any thing lawfully to be objeded in the contrary. And that none be admitted , promoved , or receive Degree in any Colledge,who was rejected in another Colledge for hisunfitnefte and unworthinefte , or any other caufe repug- nant to good Order, who leaves the Colledge where he was for efche wing of Cenfure , or chaftifing for any fault ccmitted by him ♦, or who leaves the Colledge becaufe he was chafti- fed, or for any ether grudge or unjuftQuarrellagainft his Ma- fters. VIII. That none of thofe who may be lawfully received in one Colledge , after he was in another , be admitted to any other ClafTe, but to that wherein he was or fhould have been in the Colledge from whence he came, except upon reafons men- tioned in the third Article preceding. I X. That at the time of every Gencrall Aflembly , the Commiffioncrs The Cjcnerall jffjembly, 164.5. 13 Commiflioners directed thereto , from all the Universities of this Kingdom, Meet and confult together,for the eftablifhment and advancement of Pietie , Learning , and good Order in the Schools and Univerfities, and be carerull that a correfpondence be kept among the Univerfities, and fo farreasispofTibie, an Uniformitie in Doctrine and good Order. The Genera 11 Affcmbly^afterferious consideration of the Over- tures and Articles above- written , Approves the fame, and Ordains them to be obferved,and to have thefitcngth of an Aci and Ordinance ofAjJembiy in all time- coming. To the Honourable and High Court of Tarliament. The HumbleT etition of the (jencrall^AjJem^ bly of the Kirk^ of Scotland. 'Ccording to the conftant and commendable practice or the Generall AiTcmblies of this Kirk, Wee judge it incumbent to us, Right Honourable, when the difpleafure of the Al- mighty , and the extream danger of this Kirk and Kingdome is fo undenyably demonftrate to thj eyes of the whole World, by the Invafion, Increafe,and Succefie of thefe Barbarous Iri(hes,and treacherous Countrey- men joyned with them •, Not oncly out of confeience of the truft committed unto us , To proceed with the cenfures of the Kirk, againft thefe who have joyned, or (hall happen to joyne themfelves with thefe Enemies of G O D and his Caufe , To appoint a Solemne Faft and Humiliation through the Kingdom, and to give Warning to all the Minifters and Members of this Kirk of the dangers and duties of the time-, Butalfo, out of refpect to your Honours, who judge not for man^but for the Lord; Who is with you in t he judgement , tndjtandeth in the Congregation of the mighty - t Humbly to prefent your Honours with our thoughts and defircs concerning the duties which the exigency of this time expe&ech from your hands. The impunity of known incendiaries and Malignants, as by the courfe of Divine providence (permitting thofe who have formerly efcaped the hand of Juftice to be the prime inftru- mentsor our prefent Troubles ) it is held forth for a caufe of the Wrath which yet burnetii more and more • So hath it been ac- knowledged beiore GOD inourpublickHumiliations,tobea mainc t± The (jenefallAjfembly, 16^. maine caufe of GODS Controverfic with the Land , and an acceffion to the gultinefTe of thecruelty,villany,and other mil- chiefs committed by them and their followers : And to lye ftill under the guilt alter folemne Confeflion , were an high provo- cation of GOD, and an heavy aggravation of our finne^ And on the one part , doth grieve the Godly,difcourage their hearts, and weaken their hands , On the other part , doth harden them who are already engaged, to perfift in their unnaturall and blou- dy practices , heartneth others, who have not hitherto avowed their Malignancy , openly to declare themfelves, and is laid hold upon by the difaffected , who lye in wait to fi.nde occafi- ons, as fitting to work the People to an unwillingnefle of un- dergoing neceflary Burthens impofed for publick good. Although the Lord hath fhewn unto us great and fore Trou- bles, and our heart may be broken with reproach , fhame , and cifhonour, put upon us by the vileft among men 5 Yet hath he made known unto us the power of his working amidft tbefe manifold troubles , bringing forward the much defired Work of Uniformity in Worfhip and Government to a greater perfe- ction then was expected ( as your Honours and wee did fee the other day with joy of heart) whichisaTeftimony from Heaven, That the Lord hath not left us in the fiery Furnace, but dweileth ftill in the midft of the burning Buih , and fiiould rouze up our drouping fpirits to follow GOD fully, and quic- ken our ilowneile to haften and help the Lord againjl the mighty. In delay there is perill of ftrengtheningthearme of the inteftine Enemie,making faint the hearts of ourNei^hbours and Friends, and difabling us for reaching help unto thole who are wreftling againft much oppofition to perfect the Work of Reformation. The reproach under which we lye almoft buried , mould bee fo farre from retarding proceedings , that it fliould intend the Spi- rit into a higher degree of defire, and expede the hand to fpee- dier action for vindicating our own name, and that Name which is Above ail names from the daily reproach of thefoolifh. May it therefore pie:, fe your Honours,in the zeal of the Lord, To proceed with fome fpeedy com fe of Juftice againft fuch per- fons as are known to havejoyned themfelves, either actually in Arms, or by their counfell, fupplies, encouragements, have ftfengthenedthe h^nds of the bloody Enemies,whereby acaufe of the Controverfie {hall be removed, the Land cleanfed of the blood that is fried therein, the cruell and crooked generation dif- heartned, the fainting hearts of the Godly refreshed , and their feeble kness ftrengthened •, And cheerfully and unanimoufly to refolve upon,and put in execution all lawfull and poflible wayes of fpeedy and active puiTuing and extirpating thefe barbarous and unnaturall Enemies within the Kingdom : Whereby your thankfulnefl'e to G O D for promoving his owne Work , and youC rfbe (fenerall Af}embly y \6\ i ). i? your endeavours of uniformity, (hall be teftified -, your fenfe of the diftionour of this Nation,and of the danger of delay,expref- fed-, and your confeience of the Oath of G O D upon you ma- nifested. VVee are confident of your Honours conference, and care, onely we exhort you in the Lord, to unite your Spirits^nd accelerate your counfels and endeavours : And pray the Lord of Hofts to profper your enterprifes, according to the engagement ofhisName,intereftofhis Work , and neceffity of his People, to his own glory , the eftablifhment of the Kings Throne in righteoufnefle .the comfort of his Saints , and the conversion or confufion of Enemies. Be of good courage, and behave your jclvcs valiantly, for our people^andfor the cities of our God. ^rife^nd the Lord be mth you. § Overtures propounded by the Committee , ap* pointed by this venerable Afjembly y for orde- ring of the c Burfars of Tbeologie, and main* tainmg of them at the Schools of'Divinitie. £Hat every Burfar'have yearly payed him for his maintenance ioo.l.at the leaft. II. That the (aid maintenance betaken forth ofthe Kirk penalties, according to the intention ofthe firft Ad for maintaining of v£5z&%&±^W Buriars. III. That every Presbyterie confifting of twelve Kirks in number,maintain a Burfar yearly at the Univerfity. I V. And where the Presbyteries are fewer in number, that theyjoyne with other Presbyteries to make up their number: And the fuperplus of the number to be ordered and difpofed by the Presbyteries and Synods : And that their Books bear Re- cords thereof. V. That the Kirks of thefe Presbyteries be proportionally ftented, according to the number of the Communicants in each Parochin. V I. That the Paid maintenance be collected by the Modera- tourof every Presbyterie, by equall divided portions , and the one half to be brought in to the Winter Synod, and given to the faid Burfars,and iht other half at the Summer Synod, to be fent unto them • And that the feverall Synods take an exact compt heteof,and fee that all be rightly done,and that their Booksbear the report hereof to the General! Aflembly. V 1 1. That the time of Burfars abode at the Schools of Di- vinity exceed not foure years : which being expired , or in cafe before the expiring ofthe faid time , any be removed either by C death. \6 The (jeneralldjfembly, itf^. death, or by fome Calling to a particular Charge , another be preferred to the faid Benefit. VIII. That in cafe any prove deficient in payment of the faid maintenance for the time to come, That it {hall be carefully exacted by the Synods,and fent over to the General! Aflembly, to be difpofed upon by them, as they (hall finde expedient-, that no Perlon may have benefit in their flacknefle and neglect. I X. That all Burfars of Theologie bring lutficientTeftimo- nies yearly from the Universities where they are bred , of their proficiencie and good behaviour : And that they be alfo ready to give a proof of their labours at the feverall Synods y if it (hall be required. And if they be found deficient, that they be denu- ded of the faid Benefit , and others more hopefull placed in their rooms. The Gener all i^Affembly approves the fe Overtures abevt-witten^ And Ordains the fame to be observed in all time coming. And that Presbyteries (who have not already done it) begin and en- ter to the maintaining of their Burfars, in manner for e\ aid, in this pre fent year 1645. And Recommends to Presbyteries , to make choice of fuchfor the Burfe y as are of good report, inclined to Learning, and have pafl their courfe of Vhilofophie^ Arid to try their qualification before they fend them to Uni~ verfities. The opinion of the Committee for peeping the greater Vniformitie in this K^r^ inthepra^ Bice and ohfervation of the 'Direllorj ijtjome points ofpublickj^orflrip. >T is the humble Opinion ofthe Committee for regulating that Exercife of reading and expounding the Scriptures read upon the Lords Day , mentioned in the Directory, That the Minifter and People repair to the Kirk,half an hour before that time,at which ordinarily the Minifternow entreth to the publick Worfhipj And that, that Exercife of reading and expounding , together with the ordinary Exercife of Preaching,be perfected and ended at the time which formerly clofed the Exercife of publick Worfhip. 1 1. In the Adminiftration of Baptifme,it willbe convenient, That,that Sacrament be adminiftred in face of the Congregati- on, that what is fpoken and done, may be heard and feen oi all, and that it be adminiftred after the Sermon, before the Blefling. III. In The (jencrall Jjfembly 9 \6^>. 17 III. In the Adminiftration of the Lords Supper , it is the judgement ofthe Committc ; 1. That Congregations be ftill tried and examined before the Communion,according to the bygone pra&ice of this Kirk, 2. That there be no, reading in the time of communicating-, but the Minifter making a Jhort Exhortation at every Table,that thereafter there be filence during the time ofthe Communicants receiving, except onely when the Minifter exprefTeth fome few fhort fentences,fuitable to the prefent condition ofthe Commu- nicants in the receiving , that they may be incited and quickned in their Meditations in the Action. 3. That distribution of the Elements among the Commu- nicants be univerfally ufed : And for that effecl,that the Bread be fo prepared, that the Communicants may divide it among!!! themfe!' es, aker the Minifter hath broken , and delivered it to the nearcft. 4. That while the Tables are diftblving, and filling, there be alwayes finging of fome portion of a Pfalme , according to the cuftome. 5. That the Communicantsboth before their going to, and after their coming from the Table, Hull only joyne themf elves to the prefent pubfick Exercife then in hand. 6. That when the Communion is to be celebrate in a Paroch, one Minifter may be imployed foraffifting the Minifter ofthe Parocbu.or at the moil: two. 7. That there be one Sermon of Preparation delivered in the ordinary Place of publick Worfhip , upon the day immediatly precedir g. 8. That before the ferving ofthe Tables, there be onely one Sermon delivereJ to thofe who are to communicate, and that in the Kirk wlere the Service is to be performed. And that in the fame Kirk there be one Sermon of Thankfgiving , after the Communion is ended. 9. When the Parochiners are fo numerous , that their Pa- roch Kirk cannot contain them , fo that there is a neceffity to keep out iuch of the Paroch as cannot conveniently have place, That in that caie the Brother who afsifts the Minifter ofthe Pa- roch, may be redely, if need be, to give a word of Exhortation in fome convenient place appointed for that purpofe , to thofe of the Pnroch,who that day are not to communicate ; which muft not be begun untill the Sermon delivered in the Kirk be con- cluded. 10. That of thofe who are prefent in the Kirk where the Communion is celebrate , none be permitted to go forth while the whole Tables be li'rvcd, and the Blelsing pronounced , un- leffe it be for more commodious order, and in other cafes of ne- cefsity. C 1 1 1. That i8 T^oe CjenerallAffewibly, 16^. 11. That the Minifter who cometh to afsift, have a fpeciall care to provide his own Paroch,left otherwife while he is about to minifter comfort to others , his own Flock be left delticuce of preaching. 1 2 . That none coming from another Paroch, fliall be admit- ted to the Communion, without a Teftimoniall from their own Minifter : And no Minifter fliall refute a Teftimoniall to any of his Paroch,who communicates ordinarily at their own Pavoch Kirk, and are without fcandaliin their life for the time. And this is no wayes to prejudge any honeft Perrbn,who occafional- ly is in the place where the Communion is celebrate •, or fuch as by death, or abfence of their own Minifter,could not have a Te- ftimoniall. 1 1 1 1. It is alfo the judgement of the Committee, That the Minifters bowing in the Pulpit,though a lawful cuftome *n rl is Kirk,be hereafter laid afide , for fatisfaction of the defires of the Reverend Divines in the Synod of England, and for uniformity with that Kirk fo much endeared to us. The Ajfembly having conjidered ferioujlj the judgement of the . Committee above- written^Doeth approve the fame in all the Ar- ticlesthercof, and Ordains them to be obferved in all time here- after. lo.February, 1645. Tojlmeridiem. ScflT. XVI. . ent. Take we therefore notice of the hand that fmiteth us, / and to leek out wifdome,and the reafon of things, and to under^ .ft and the language ofthisprefentjudgment.andGodsmeaning in it: For though the Almighty ginjeth not an accomtt of any of his mat- tcrs } and hath his way in the (ca } and his path in the deep waters which cannot be traced 5 Yet he is pleafed by the light of his Word and Spirit, by the voice or our own confciences,and by that which is written and ingraven upon our judgement, as with the point of a Diamond and a Pen of iron,to make known in fome meafure his meaning unto his fervants. GOD hath fpoken once, yea twice y yet man pcrcciveth not; Therefore now hath he made this rod to fpeak aloud the third time, that we may hear the voice of the rod, and who hath appointed it. That which the rod pointeth at, is not any guilt of Rebellion or difloyaltie in us , as the Sons of Belial do {lander and belye the Solemne League and Covenant of the three Kingdoms,which we are fo farre from repenting of, that we cannot remember or mention it without great joy and thank- fulneffe to G O D , as that which hath drawn many bleffings after it , and unto which GOD hath given manifold and evi- dent teitimonies, for no fooner was the Covenant begun to bee taken in England,but (enfibly the condition of affairs there was changed to the better -, and though a little before the Enemy was coming in like a Flood ,yet as foon as the Spirit of the Lord did lift up the Standard againft him , from that day forward the Waters of their Deluge did decreafe. And for our part, our Forces fent into that Kingdom, in pur- fuance of that Covenant, have been fo mercifully and manif^ft- ly atfifted,and bleiTed from Heaven(though in the mids of many dangers and diftreiTcs , and much want and hardfhip ) and have been fo farre inftrumentall to the foiling and fcattering of two principall Armies-, Firft, thcMarquefle of Newcaftlc his Ar- my 5 And afterward, Prince Ruperts and his together $ And to the reducing of two ftrong Cities, York and Newcaftle, that we have what to anfwer the Enemy that reproacheth us con- cerning that BuiinefTe, and that which may make iniquitie it felf to flop her mouth. But which is more unto us than all Victo- ries, or whatfomever temporall Blefling , The Reformation of Religion in England, and Uniformity therein"' between both Kingdoms (a principal end of that Covenant) is fo far advanced, that the Englifh Service-Book, with the Holy- dayes, and many other Ceremonies contained in it,together with the Prelacy,the fountain of all thefe,are abolifhed and taken away by Ordinance of Parliament-, and a Directory for the Worfhipof G O D in all the three Kingdoms agreed upon in the AfTemblies , and in the Parliaments of both Kingdoms, without a contrary voice in The Cjenerall Ajfembly, 164.5. 23 in either-,tbeGovernment of the Kirk by Congregational Elder- ships, Claflical Presbyteries,Provincfal & National Aflemblies, is agreed tip >nbytheAflembly of Divines at Weftmmfter,which is alio voted and concluded in both Houfes ofthe Parliament of England: And what is yet remaining of the intended Uniformitie is in a good way-,So that let ourLot fal in other things as it may, the Will of the Lord be done • In this we rejoyce,and will rejoyce, that our Lord Jefus Cbrift is no lofer y but a Conquerour, that his Ordinances take place , that his Canfe prevaileth , and the work of purging and building his Temple goeth forward , and not backward. Neither yet are we (o to underftand the voice oj the rod which lyeth heavy upon us , as if the Lords meaning were to pluck up what he hath planted , and to pull down what he hath builded in this Kingdom , to have no more pleafure in us , to remove our Candle fick , and to take his Kingdom from us : nay, before that our GOD caft us off, and the glory depart from Jfrael , let him rather confume us by the Sword , and the Fa- mine, and the Peftilence, fothat he will but keep hisown great Name from reproach and blafphemy, and own us as his people in Covenant with him . But now there is hope in Jfrael concerning this thin* , we will beleeve that we fiall yet fee the goodncjje of the Lor dm the Land ofthe living : We will not caft away our confi- dence of a blelfed peace,and of the removing of the fcourge and catting it in the Fire , when the Lord hath by it performed his xv ''ole Work upon mount Sion and ^erufalem , much more will wee be confident of the continuance of thcbleflingsof the Gofpel, that glory may dwell tn our Land. This is the day of Jacobs trouble^ but he (hall be favedout of it : And the time is comming, when a new Song (hall be put in our mouths,and-we (hall fay, This is our God , we have waited for him^ and he hathfavedus. Though the Lord fmite us , it is the hand of a Father , not of an Enemy, he is notconfuming us, but refining us, that we may come forth as Gold out of the Fire. We are troubled on every (Me ^ yet not dijlref- fed •, we are perplexed, but not in defpaire \ perfecuted , but not for- faken -, caft downe, but not dcflroyea. We know afluredly there is more mercy in emptying us from VefTell to Veflell, then in fuffering us to fettle on our Lees , whereby our tafte mould re- main in us, and our fent not be changed. Thefc things premifed, we come to the true language of this heavy j'Vgemeht, and to the reall procuring caufes thereof. For the tranjgrej sion of J-acob is all this , and for the fins of the houfe of Jfrael. God is hereby {hewing to great and (mall in this Land their work and their tranfgreflion, that they have exceeded. He openeth a/ jo their eare to d/fcipline , and commandcth that they return from iniquity. We leave every Congregation in the Lancl,every Family in every Congregation , and every Perfon in every Fa- mily to examine their own hearts and wayes, and to mouin for D Congre- X|£ The CjenerallAjfemblj, i6tf. Congregationall , Domefticall , and Perfonall finnes : Curfed (lull they be who have added fuell to.the fire.and now bring no water to extinguish it, who had a great hand in the provocation, and bear no pane inthe humiliation. Let every one commune with his own confcience,and repent o£ his, even his wickedneife:, and fay, What have I done ? Wee (hall here touch onely the National! finnes,or at leaft more pub- lick oncs,then thofe of a Family ,or Gongregacion,which we al- fo intend for chief caufes of a publick.Faft and Humiliation. If among our Nobles, Gentries and Barons, there have been fome ftudying their own private interefts more then the publicfc , and Seeking their own things more then the things of ChrifijOr oppfefsing And defrauding the poorer fort and the needie , becaufe it was in the fewer of their hand t and if among ourMiniftrie there have been , divers Time (elvers , Who have not renounced^ hidden things of drfhonejty,whofe hearts, have not beenright before God^ norfieclfafl in his Covenant t who have been fecrefly haters or the Power of God- linejje, and of Mortification -, fhall not GO 12 fearch all this out ? who will bring to light the hidden things ofdarknefjc , and will makemantfefl the counfeis of the hearts. In thefe alfo leaving all men to a judging and learching of tbemfelves , there are many other provocations which are apparent in all or many of this Nation , from which, though they mafh with nitre, and take m,uch fops, yet they cannot make them (elves clean: Becaufeof thefe the Land mom net h> and att&efethe Sword ftriketh. As firit,the contempt,negle&, and dif-efteem of the glorious GofpeL •, ourunbelie^unfruitfulncflrclukewarmneil'ejformality, aad.hardnefTe of heart, under all the means of Grace ; our not receiving of Chrift in our hearts, nor feeking to know hjin, and glorifie him in all his Offices. The power or Godline#eis hated and mocked by many to this day, and by the better fort too much neglected, and many Chriftian duties are not minded : as, The not peaking of our own words , mr finding of our own plea (ure upon the Lords day,: Holy and edifying conference both on that day,and at other occafions : The uiftmc1sng,admonimiiig,com- foiting , and rebuking one another,as Divine Providence mm- ftreth oecafion. In many Families almoft no knowledge nor worfhipof GOD to be found : yea, there a*e among the Mi- nifters who have ftrengthened the hearts and haftds o£ the pro- fane more then of the godly, and have not t?ken heed to the ?n;m- fhie which they have received of the Lord to fulfill it. Next, GOD hath fenc the Sword to avenge the quarreii of his broken Covenant : For bcfoles the defection of many of this. Nation under the Prelats from our firft National! Covenant , a finnc not forgotten by GOD, if not repented by men as well as rorlaken , our latter Vows and Covenants have been alfo foully violated , by not contributing our uKcrmaft afliftance to this The (jeneralUfJembly^^j. 25 this Caufe, with our Efhtes and Lives-, by not endeavouring with all faith hi! nefle, the difcovery, triall,and condigne punifh- mentof Malignants, and evil Inftruments •, yen, by complying too much with thole, who have not onely born Armes, and gi- ven their perfonall prefence and afsiftance , but alfo drawn and led on others after them in the lhedding of our Brethrens blood: Therefore is our finne made our punifhment , and We are filled with the fruit of our own wayes. Thefe horns now f>n(l) the fides of zfudahand zfcrufalem , becaufe the Carpenters when they ought and might ,did not cut them off: And yet to this day the conrfe of Ju- fticcis obfrrudkd : The Lord himfelf will execute juftice if men will not. But above all, let it bee deeply and ferioufly thought of, that our Covenant is broken by the neglect of a re- all Reformation of our felves and others under our power : let everyone ask his own heart whatluft is mortified in him, or what change wrought in his life fince,more then before the Co- venant ? S wearing, Curfing,Profanation of the Lords day,For- nication,and other uncleannefle, DrunkennefTejInjuftice, Lying, Oppre{Tion,Murmuring,Repining,and other forts of Prophane- nefleftill abound too much both in the Countreyand in our Armies: yea,there is no Reformation of fome Members of pub- lick Judicatories, which is a great dishonour to God, and a foul fcandall to the whole Nation. Thirdly, we have not glorified God according to the great things which he hath done for us, nor made the right ufe of for- mer mercies : fince he loved us {a Nation not worthy to be beloved) he hath made us precious and honourable, but we 'have not wal- ked worthy of his love : We waxed fat and kicked, for faking God who made us., and lightly cficeming the Rock of our falvation. And this great unthankfulnefle filleth up our Cup. Fourthly, NotwithftandingoffomuchguiltinefTe, we did fend forth our Armies, and undertake great iervices prefumptu- oufly,without repentance,and making our peace with God, like the Children of Ifrael, who miffing to the goodnefle of their caufe, minded no more, but Which of us f\)all goe upfitji. It is now high time, under the feeling of fo gieat a burden both of finne and wrath , to humble our uncircumcifed hearts, to put our mouth in the dufi , if fo be there may be hope , to wallow our felves in a[J)es, to clothe our felves with our fhame as with a garment , to juftifie Gods righteous judgements, to acknowledge our ini- quitie,to make our fupplication to our Judge,and to (eek his face, that he may pardon our finne , and heal our Land. The Lord roar- eth,aud llnl not his children tremble i The God of glory thun- dereth , and the Highest utter eth his voice , hail(lonc> and c oaks of fire,\vho will not fall down and fear before him i The fire wax- eth hot,and burnetii roundabout us, and ("hall any fit ft ill and be fecure i The ftorm bloweth hard, and fliall any (luggard be ftill D 2 aficcp? i6 The (jenerall J]Jemblj y \6^ < y. afleep f This is a day of trouble, and of rebuke, and of blafphe- my, who will not take up a lamentation f Let the Watchmen rouzeupthemfelvesand others, and ftrive to get their own, and their peoples hearts deeply affected, and even melted before the Lord : Let every one turn from his evill way, and cry mightily to God,and give him no reft till he repent of the evill, and fmell a favour of reft,and fay,/f is enough. He hath not faid to the feed of Jacob,Seek ye me in vain. Wee do not mourne as they that huve m> hopejbttt we will bear the indignation of the Lord, becaufe wee huve finned againfl hirn,untill he plead our cmje^and execute judgement for us. And what though our Candles be put out i fothac our Sun fhine: What though our honour belaid intheduft * fo that GOD work out his own honour , yea , our happinefte out of our (hame. In vain have wee trufted to the arm of Flefh : in the Lord our G O D is the falvation oflfrael. No flefh muft glory before him fat he that glorieth, mu'ft glory in the Lord. Thefe duties of Humiliation, Repentance^aith, Amendment of life,and Fervent Prayer, though the principal!, yet are not all which are required at the hands ofthis Nation , but men of all forts and degrees , muft timely apply chemfekes tofuch other Resolutions and Aclions as are moft futeable and neceflary at this time: Which that all may the better underftand , and bee excited and encouraged to ad accordingly , let it be well obfer- ved, that the prefent ftateof the Controverfie and Caufeis no other but what hath been formerly profefted before GOD and the World,that is, The Reformation and Prefervation of Reli- gion, The Defence of the Honour and HappinefTe of the King, and of the authority of the Parliament,together with The main- tenance of our Lawes, Liberties, Lives,and Eftates. We arc not changed from our former principles and intentions , but thefe who did fall off from us to the contrary party , have now made it manifeft, that thefe were not their ends when they feemed to joyn wich us : Therefore are the^ gone out from us ^becaufe they were not of us. And as our Caufe is the fame, fo the danger thereof is not lefle,but greater then before,and that from two forts of Ene- mies • Firft, from open Enemies, we meanthofeofthePopifh, Prclaticall,and Malignant Fa<5rion,who have difplayed a Banner againft the Lord, andagainft his Chrift, in all the three King- doms, being fet on fire of Hell , and by the fpeciall infpiration of Satan, who is full of fury, becaufe he knowes he hath but a more time to reigne. The Cockatrice before hatched, is now broken forth into a Viper. The danger was before feared, now it is felt; before imminent, now incumbent -, before ourdivifion, now- our deftru&ion is endeavoured ; before the Sword was fourbifh- ed and made ready , now the Saw;? is made fat with Flefh , and drunk with Bloud,znd yet it bungreth and thirfteth for more The Queen is moft active abroad, ufing all means for ftrengthening the The Cjenerall Ajfcmbly, itf-j-jT. 27 the Popifli, art J fuppre.fing the Proteftant party, infomuch that 1Vti!i y.ants have infolerftlv exprefled their confidence , that her journey to France mall prove a fucceflerull Counfell , and that this Llkndythd particularly this Kingdome , fliail have a greater power to grapple with, before thenext Summer, then any which yet we have encountred with. The Irifh Rebels have offered to the King to fend over a greater number into both the King- domes : The hoftile intentions of the King of Denmark, if God be not pleafed (fill to divert and dilable him , do plainly enough appear from his own Letters, lent not long finceto the Efhtes of this Kingdome. In the meantime , the hellim crue under the conduct of the excommunicate and forefaulted Earlc of CMont- tofe, and of Alafter Mac-Donald^x P jpift and an Outlaw, doth ex- erciie fuch barbarous,unnaturall,horrid,and unheard-of cruelty, as is above expreflion : And ( if not repreffed ) what better ufage can others not yet touched expect from them , being now hardened and animated by the fuccefle which God hath for our humiliation and correction , permitted unto them ! and if they fli-ill now get leave to fecure the High- Lands for themfelves, they will not onely from thence infeft the reft of this Countrey, but endeavour a diverfion of our Forces in England , from the profecution of the ends exprelfed in the Covenant of the three Kingdoms,towardwhich ends,as their fervice hath been already advantageous, fo their continuance is moft neceflary. The fecond fort of Enemies, from which our prefent dangers arife,are fecret Malignantsand Dif-covenanters , who may be known by thefe ana" the like Characters : Their (lighting or cenfuringof th.e publick Refolutions of this Kirk and State: Their confulting and labouring to raife Jealoufies and Divifl- ons, to retard or hinder the execution of what is ordered by the publick Judicatories : Their flandering of the Covenant of the three Kingdomes and Expedition into England,as not neceifary for the good of Religion,or fafety of this Kingdome, or as tend- ing to the diminution of the Kings juft power and greatneife : Their confounding of the Kings Honour and Authority, with the abufe and pretence thereof , and with Commifltons , War- rants, and Letters, procured from the Kin&, by the Enemies of this Caufe rmd Covenant , as if we could not oppofe the latter, without encroaching upon the former : Their whetting of their tongues , to cenfureand (lander thofe whom GOD hath ho- noured as his chief Inftruments in this Work : Their commend- ing, juftifying, orexcufmgthe proceedings of '-fames ■Gr.tb.ivte, lbmetime Bark of Montrofe, and his Complices : Their conver- flngorintercommurt'tngby word or writ, with him, or other excommunicate Lords,contrary to the nature of that Ordinance ofChrift, and to the old Acts of Gcnerall AflemMies : Their making merry, and their infolent carriage , at the News of any profperous z 8 The CjcnerallAjfernbly, 16^. profperous fuccefle of the Popifli and Malignant Armies in any ofthefe Kingdomes: Their drawing of Parties and Factions, to the weakning of the common Union : Their fpreading ot In- formationSjThat Uniformitic in Religion, and the Presbyteriall Government , is not intended by the Parliament of England : Their Endeavours, Informations, and Sollicitations, tending to weaken the hearts and hands of others, and to make them with- hold their affiftance from this Work. Let this fort of bofome Enemies, and dif- affected Perfons,be well marked,timely difcovered,and carefully avoided, left they infufe the poyfon of their feducing counfels into the mindes of others : Wherein let Minifters be faithfull, and Presbyteries vi- gilant and impartial, as they will anfvver the contrary to G O D, and to the Generall Affembly,or their Commiflioners. The caufe and the dangers thereof being thus evidenced , un- lelTe men will blot out cf their heartsthe love of Religion , and the Caufe of GOD, and caft off all care of their Countrey, Lawes, Liberties, and Eftates, yea,all naturall affection to the prefetvation of themfelves, their Wives,Children, and Friends, and whatsoever is deareft to them under the Sun ( all thefe be- ing in the vifible danger of a prefent ruine and deftruction ) they mull now or never appear actively, each one ftretching himfelf to, yea beyond his power. It is no time to dally , nor go about the bufineffe by halfes,nor by almojl, but altogether zealous : Cur- fed be he that doth the Work of the Lord negligently or dcaleth faljly in the Covenant of God. If wee have been fo forward toaffiftour \ Neighbour Kingdomes , fliall wee neglect to defend our own < Or (hall the Enemies of GOD be more active againft hisCaufe, than his People for it i GOD forbid. If the Work being fo far carried on , (hall now mif-carry, and fail in our hands, our j own confciences fliall condemne us, and pofterity fliall curfe us : But if wee ftand ftoutly and ftedfaftly to it, the pleafure of the Lord frail projper in our handstand all Generations [ha I callus blejjed. Let Minifters ftir up others by free and faithfull preaching, and by admonifliing every one ot his duty , as there fliall be oc- cafion : And if it fliall be the lot of any of them to fall under the power of the Enemy , let rhem through the ftrength of Chrift, perfevere in their integrity , choofing affliction rather then fin, ; glorifying GOD, and not fearing what Flefli can do unto them. Let our Armies beware of ungodlinefle , and worldly lufts,living godly,foberly,and righteoufly ,avoyding all fcanda- lous carriage , which may give occafion to others to think the worfe of their Caufe and Covenant, and remembring that the eyes of G O D, Angels , and Men are upon them : Finally , re- nouncing all confidence in their own ftrength, skill, valour, and number,and trufting only to the God of the Armies ofljraely who hath fought,and will fight for them. Let The Cjenerall dffembly,\64 r < ). 29 . I et all forts both of high and low degree in this Kingdome, call to mmae their Solemne Covenants , and pay their vows to the mo(l High-, and namely, that Article of our firit Covenant, whichobligtthusnotto ftay nor hinder any fuch Refolution, as by common confent mall be found to conduce for the ends of the Covenant, but by all lawfull means to further and promove the fame •, Which lyeth as a bond upon peoples confciences,rea- dily ro obey iuch orders , and willingly to undergo fuch bur- cUns, as by the publickand common refolution of the Eftates of Parliament, are found ncceflTaiy fortheprofecution of the Warj cenfideringthat the Enemy cannot bee fuppreffed without a competent number of Forces, and Forces cannot bo kept toge- ther without maintenance , and maintenance cannot be had \\ r.hout fuch public k Burdens-, which however for the prefent, npj jfoyous, but grievous yet it (ball be no grief of heart after- \varcis,even c.mo the common fort , that they have given (bine y r . )| ciic ir -isceflary livelihood , for affifting fo good a Work. It iv tar 'mm our thoughts , that the pinching of fome, fhould rnak;* ihers {uperfluoufly to abound : It is rather to bee expe- cted of the richer tort 'that they will fpare and defalk, not onely the pride and fuperfluity, both of apparell and diet, but alfo a part of their lawfull allowance in thefe things, to contribute the lame as a free-will- offering, behde what they are obliged to, by Law or publick Order, a! ter the example of godly Nehemiah y who for the (pace of twelve years., while the walls of Jerufalem were a building, did not eat the bread of the Governour , that bee might eaie by fo much the Peoples Burthens and Bon- dage. In our lad Covenant,thcreis another Article which (without the oblivion or neglect of any of the reft) we wifhmay be well rernembred at this time •, namely,That we mall alfift and defend all that; enter into this, League and Covenant, in the maintaining and purfumg thereof,and fhal not fufter our felves,direCtly or in- dirediy,by whatfoever Combination,Perfwafion,or Terror,to be divided and withdrawne from this bleffed Union and Con- junction, whether to make defection to the contrary part, or to give our (elves to a deteftable indifferency or neutrality in this Caufe : According to which Article,mens reality and integrity in the Covenant, will be manifeft and demonftr.ible, as well by tbrir ftmtfioas , as by their commifsions -, a$ well by their not c J)ioa ^>.;d,asby thcird^irgof evil-, He that is not with tu , is agttjjft us •, 4Jid he t'-Atgatha:th not with its, [cattorth. Whoever he fa char v ill nnt,accordingtoprl>iick order and appointment, 3 J venture his l J erion,or iVnd out thelethat are under his power, or yiy the Contributions lmpcled for the maintenance of the Forces, mufi betaken tor an Enemie, Malignant. and Covenant- bicuUr ^ and io involved both into the dilpieaiureof GOD, ani ^o The (jenerall Ajfembly > \6^. and Cenfuresof the Kirk , and no doubt into civil punifhments alfo to be inflicted by the State. And if any (hall prove fo untoward and perfidious, their ini- quitie (hall be upon themfelves , and they (lull bear their pumfh- mcnt : Deliverance and good fuccefle fliall follow thole who with purpofe of heart cleave unto the Lord , and whofe hearts are upright toward his glory. When wee look back upon the great things which GOD hath done for us,and our former de- liverances out of feveral dangers and difficulties which appeared to us infuperable, experience breeds hope : And when we confider how in the midft of all our forrows & preflures, the Lord our God hath given us a naile in his holy p/^^&hath lightned our eyes with the defireable and beautiful fight of his own glory in hisTempk, we take it for an argument that he hath yet thoughts of peace, and a purpofe of mercy toward us •, Though for a fmdl moment he hath for faken us,yet\ith great mercies he mil gather us : Hce hath lifted up our Enemies,that their fall may be the greater,and that he may caft them downe into defolation for ever, Kylrife, and let us be doing 5 The Lord ofHojis is with w, the God of facob is our Refuge. oJTB againjl Lyk^a^es. [Hereas the corrupt Cuftome of Lykwakes hath foftered both Superftition and Profanitie through the Land •, This prefent AfTembly Difcharges the fame in time comming -, And appoints Presbyte- ries To take fpeciall care for trying and cen hiring the Tranf- grefTors of this Act within their feverall Bounds. t*AB recommending to Sejsions To have the T tinted ABs of AJfemblie^. 'He Generall AfTembly , confidering how ne- ceflar it is, That every Sefsion in a Parifh have the Acts of the AfTembly for their ufe , Doth therefore ferioufly recommend to every Pa- rifh and Sefsion To buy the Printed Acts of the AfTembly; and Ordains Presbyteries To crave account hereof from every Minifter , before their going to Provinciall Affemblies : And likewife , That every Provin- ciall AiTembly, crave account from Presbyteries in their trials, if every Sefsion be fo provided , and that they try the diligence of Presbyteries and Minifters ufed for that effect. 13. Feb. The Cjenerall dffembly, \6^. 31 13. Februar. 164.5. Tojimeridicm. Sell, Ult. nAB for cenjuring the Obfcryers of Ifulc^day, and other- fuperftitious dayes , ef penally tf t bey be Sc ho liars. ;He Gencrall Affembly taking to their confede- ration, The manifold Abufes, Profanitie , and Superftitions , committed on Yule-day, and fome other fuperftitious dayes following, Have unanimously concluded,and hereby Or- dains, That whatfoever Perfon or Perfons hereafter fhall be found guilty in keeping of the forefaid fuper- perftitious dayes, (hall be proceeded againft by Kirk Cenfures, and (hall make their publick Repentance therefore in the face of the Congregation where the offence is committed : And that Presbyteries and Provinciall Synods Take particular no- tice how Minifters try and cenfure Delinquents of thiskinde, withjn the feverall Parochines. And becaufc Schollars and Students give great fcandal and offence in this, That they (being found guilty J be feverely difciplined and chaff ifed therefore by their Matters : And in cafe the Matters of Schools or Col- ledges be accellbrie to the faid fuperftitious profanitie , by their connivence,granting of liberty of Vacance to their Schollars at that time, or any time thereafter, in compenfation thereof, That the Matters be fummoned by the Minifters of the Place to compeir before the next enfuing Generall Aflembly , there to bee cenfured according- to their trefpafle : And if Schol- lars (being guilty) refufe to fubjeft themfelves to Correction ,or be Fugitives from Difcipline , That they be not received in any other Schoole or Colledgc within the Kingdom. E AH £Z e i he (jeneralUjfembly, 16^.5. AB for encouragement of Schollars to T^ro- fefswns in Schooles, >N rcfped of the paucitic of men, fit and willing to profefle Divinitie in the Schooles,by reafon that few frame their ftudics that way , The Gencrall Aflcmbly thinks it fit, That the Pro- vincials diligently confider and try who with- in their Bounds moft probably may bee for a Vrorclhon in the Schooles , And report their names to the fol- lowing Generall Aflcmbly, that fuch may be ftirred up and en- couraged by the Generall AiIembIy,to compofeand frame their ftudics, that they may be fit for fuch places. AB for refraining Abufes at Temiie-Tirydals. He Generall AfTembly , confidering the great' profanitie and feverail Abufes which ufually fal forth at Pennie-Brydals,proving fruitfulSe- minaries of all lafcivioufnefTe and debaufhtrie, as well by the exceffive number of people con- veened thereto , as by the extortion of them therein , and licentioufnefTc thereat , To the great difhonour of G O D , the fcandall of our Chriftian Profession , and preju- dice of the Countreys welfare ^ Therefore they Ordain every Presbyteriein this Kingd®me, To take fuch fpeciall care for re- ftraihing thefc Abufes flowing from the caufes forefaid, as they fhall think fit in their feverail bounds rcffetlivl : And to take a Ariel: accom pt of every Minifter and Sef sion of their obedience to the Ordinance of the Presbyterie thcreanent , at the Vifitati- on of every Pariih Kirk in their Bounds. ABDifcharging depofed \6$. i ). 33 Renovation of the Commifsionfor the public/^ Affairs of the Kirh^ He Generall AfTembly taking to their conflde- ration , That in refpe<5t the great Work or, Uniformitie in Religion in all his Majefties Dominions, is not yet perfected, ( though by the Lords blemng there is a good progrefle made in the fame ) there is a neceflity or re- newing the Commiflions granted formerly for profecuting and perfe&ing that great Work •, Doe therefore Renew the Power and CommifTion granted for the publick Affairs of the Kirk by the Generall AfTembly , held in S. Andrews in the year 1 642. upon the fifth day of Auguft poff meridiem, SefT. 1 2 . And by the Generall AfTembly held in Edinburgh in the year 1643. upon the 19. day of Auguft, SeflT. ult. And by the late Ge- neral Affembly held at Edinburgh in the year 1644. upon the third of June,SefT.6. to the Perfons afternamed, vi\. M. Andrew Ram fay, M, Alex. Bender [on ,M. Robert Douglas, M. William Colvil, M.William Bennet, M.George Gillefpie, M.John Oswald, M.Mungo Law, M. Robert Lawric, M. John Adamfon, D. John Sharp, M. George Lejlic,M. Andrew Fairfowlc,M. David Calderwood, M . An- drew Blackball, M. James F teeming, M. Robert Ker , M. John Macghie, M. John Dalyell, M.Andrew Stevenfon, M. Robert Lau- der, M.James Robert Jon, M. Patrick Sibbald, M.Robert Car/on, M. Alex. Spittall, M. Alex.Dickifon, M.James Smithy M.John Gib- bijon, M. James Symfon, M.Ephrairn tJMelvill, M. Alex. Somer- vsll,M. Robert Eliot, M.George Rennet, M.Robert Blair, M.David Forret, M.Arthur LMortoun, M.Samuel Rutherford, D. Alex. Col- v ill, M. Andrew Bennet, M. James Wedderburn, M.Walter Greg, M.John Moncreijf, M.John Smith, M. Frederick Carmi chad, M. Patrick Gillefpie, M.John Duncan. M.James Sibb aid, M. Robert Bruce, M. John Hume at Eccles, M. Mungo Dalyell, M.Alex. Km- neir, M. Thomas Ram fay, M. William Turnbull, M. James Guthrie, M. Thomas Donald fon, M. William Jamefon, M. David Fletcher, Andrew DunkifonJA. Robert CMurr ay, M.David Weenies, M.John Hall, M.John Frtebairn,M.. David Drummond at Crc\tt',M. Getrge Murray, M.Henry Guthrie, M. Robert Wright, M.Andrew J&ffray, M.Bernard Sawder fon,M. Alex. Tran,M.Thon>as Chalmers, M. An- drew Lawder,M.Hugb Hender(on,M.John Levingjloun, M.James Blair, M. James Bonar, M.John Burne, M. John Bell, M.Hugh Mackale, M.Matthew Birsbavc, M.David Elphingfloun, M.David Dickfon, M.George Toting, D. John Strang, M. Robert Baillie, M. Patrick Sharp^M.Robett Birnie, M. E van Camron, M.George Sym- i»rr at Mt^\f$0?JHe Generall AfTembly , Taking to their conn" * ^%^/^£x deration,that the Treaty of Uniformity in Re Xjmm ligion in all his Majefhes Dominions is not |S|q yet perfe-fted , though by the Lords blefsing ^M^P there is a good progrefle mane inthe fame,Do J^^^M therefore Renew the Power and Commifsion granteo co the Perfons formerly nominate by the two prece- ding Aflemblies, and by their Commifsioners fitting at Edin- burgh, for profecuting the (aid Treatie of Umformitie with the Honourable Houfes of the Parliament of England, and the Re- verend AfTembly of Divines there, or any Committees appoin- ted by them, Giving unto them full power to do all and every thing which may advance, perfect, and brine the faid Treatie to an happy conclufion, conforme to the former Commifsions granted to them thereancnt. The Generall Ajfemblies Anfwer to the %tght %eyerendthe Affembly of T>ivines in the Kwl{?f England. Right Reverend And tvelklovedin the Lordfefuf, ^Mi'^.ft the manifold troubles in which this Kingdome hath been involved , and under which it frill labour- eth, we greatly rejoyced when it wasteftified unto us by our reverend Brethren , and under your hands in your Letter , and thefe Papers by them prefented to us from you,what progrefle you had made in the much defired Work of Uniformities and acknowledge, that the fame hath comforted us concerning our work andtoile of our hands, and feemeth to us as an olive ^6 The (jrerierall Jjfembly, 1 6^. olive branch, to prognoflficate the abating of the waters , whick overflow the face of the Earth. When we confider, that you have walked in pathes unufuall, which have not been haunted by Travellers there,as the publick way,though pointed out as the good old way by the Reformed Kirks, we do not wonder that you have carefully adverted in e- vcry ftep to fet foot upon fure ground -, When we behold that ftrong and high tree of Epifcopacie fo deeply rooted by conti • nuance of time not lopped of the Branches , and ihcftmpe of the root left in the Earthy with a band of iron and brafje , • but pltickt up by the roots «,We do confefTe that the Carpenters, though pic- pared have a hard task , requiring time to hew it down,and root it up: And when we call to minde how much the Service- Book hath been cryed up as the only way of G O D S Worfhip, how many thereby have had their wealth, and howdifficill it is to forgoe the accuftomed way -, We admire the power and wifdom ot the good GOD who hath profpered you in your way , and led you this length, through fo many ftraits , and over fo many difficulties in fo troublous a time. We do for our part not only admit and allow, but mofl hear- tily and gladly embrace the Directory of Worfbip,as a common Rule for the Kirks of GOD in the three Kingdoms,now more ftraitly and firmly united by the folemne League and Covenant; And we do all in one voice blefTe the Lord , who hath put it in the hearts, firft, of the Reverend, Learned, and Pious Aflembly of Divines , and then,ofthe Honourable Houfes of Parliament, To agree upon fuch a Directory as doth remove what is none of Chrifts, and preferve the purity of all his Ordinances , together with Uniformity and Peace in the Kirk. Only we have thought neceflary, to declare and make known , That the Claufe in the Directory for the adminiftration of the Lords Supper , which appointeth the Table to be fo placed that the Communicants may orderly fit about it, or at it, is not to be interpreted, as if in the judgement of this Kirk it were indifferent for any of the Communicants not to come to and receive at the Table •, or as if we did approve the diftributing of the Elements by the Mini- sters to each Communicant, and not by the Communicants among themfelves : In which particulars , we ftill conceive and beleeve the order and practice of our own Kirk , To be moil agreeable and futable to the Word of G O D , the example of our Lord Jefus Chrift,and the nature of that Heavenly Feafl: and Table. NeverthelefTe , in other particulars we have refolved, and do agree, to do as ye have defired us in your Letter, That is,not to be tenacious of old Cuftoms , though lawfull in them- felves , and' not condemned in this Directory, but to lay them afide for the nearer Uniformitie with the Kirk of England, now nearer and dearer to us than ever before-, A Bleffing fo much efteemed The GenerallJffem bly> 1 6^. 2 7 efteemed,and foearneftly longed for among us, that rather than it faile on our part , we do moil: willingly part with fuch pract i- ces and cuftoms of our own, as may be parted with iafely , and without the violation of any of Chrifts Ordinances , or trefpaf- fing againft Scripturall Rules, or our folemne Covenants. We do in like manner agree to, and approve the Propositions touching Kirk-government and Ordination-, and have given powerto our Commiflioners who are to meet in Edinburgh, to agree to, and conclude in our Name an Umrormitie therein, betwixt the Kirks in both Kingdoms , To foon as the fame fhall be without any tubftantiall alteration Ratified by an Ordinance of the Honourable Houfcs of the Parliament of England, ac- cording to our Act of Approbation fent to our Commiflioners with you. As for the returning of our Commifsioncrs •, though the counfel and afsiftance of our Reverend Brethren might be of good ufe to us in thefc difficult times , and their particular (rati- ons and imployments importune the (lay of thefe who are come unto us, and the returne of thefe who ftay with you •, yet prefer- ring the publick good,and looking upon the profit may redound unto all by their continuing with you , we have fatisfied your defire, and renewed their commifsion ^ Praying GOD they may ( as we are confident they fhall ) prove anlwerable to our truft, 2nd to your expectation. Concerning one Confefsion of Faith , and Forme of Cate- chifme , we apprehend no great difficultie : And to that which remains to be perfected in the matter of Kirk-government , we do belecve,and both you and we know by experience, that there is no word 'impofsible with our God. He that hath begun a good work among you, will alfo perform it of his good pleafure. Go on in the Lord your ftrength , and the Sprit of truth lead you in all truth : The God of all grace and peace that brought again from the dead our LordJ-cfus that great fiepberd ofthejheep, through the blood of the everlafltng Covenant, and by him hath called us unto his eternal/ glory, make you per fcU m every good work to do his will, working in you,andbyyou,and among you,that which it wellpleajing in his fight, jlablij)) tjlrengthen, fettle you ,f hrough fefus Chriji our Lord. Edinburgh 1 3. Feb. 1645. ' Subfcribed in name of the Gcnerall AlTembly of the Kirk of Scotland, by the Moderator of the Af- fembly. TO 58 The (jenerallAjfembly, 16^. TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTIE The humble %emonjlrance of the (jenerall ojf/jemhly of the l\ir/^ of Scotland, met at Edinburgh the 13. day of February y 16 q.j. 'S our Record is on high , and our confciences within us bear us witnefle, fo the many former Supplications and Remonftrances to your Ma- jeftie, from this Kirk and Kingdome , our fo- lemne Covenants,and the whole courfe of our proceedings from time to time in the profecu- tion of this Caufe,Do make known to the World, and wetruft alfo to your own confcience, our loyaltie and faithf ull fubjecti- on,and how far our intentions are from the diminution of your Majefties juft Power and Greatneffe; And although the fuccefle of many of our humble addrefTes to your Majefty , hath been fuch as did fruftrate our defires and hopes,yet this hath not blot- ted out of our hearts our loyaltie, fo often profelTed before God and the World-, but it is ftill our Souls defire, and our Prayerto God foryou,that your Self and your Pofterity may profperouf- ly reigne over this your ancient and Native Kingdome,and over your other Dominions. And now as we have publifiied a folemn and free Warning to the Noblemen, Barons, Gentlemen, Bui> rows,Minifters,and Commons of this Kingdome , concerning the prefent auction of this Nation, and their fins procuring the fame-, So when we call to minde, that God acceptech not the perfons of men, and that the greateft are not to be winked at in their fins-, We allure our felves,that the beft and moft reall testi- mony which we can give at this prefent, of the tenderneffe anduprightnefTeofourarTe&ion to your Majefties true Happi- nefle , is this our humble and faithfull Reprefentation of your Majefties great and growing dangers,and the caufes thereof, Of which,ifwefhouldbefilent, our confciences would condemne us, and tbefioms themfelves would immcdi at ly cry out. The troubles of our hearts are enlarged , and our fears increa- fed in your Majefties behalf, perceiving that your Peoples pati- ence is above meafure tempted , and is like a Cart preft down with TIjc (jenerallAffembly, 164.5. 5P with (heaves , and ready to break, while as befide many former defignes and endeavours to bring defolation and definition up- on us, ( which were (and we truft all of that kinde (hall be ) by the marvellous and mercifull providence of God difcovered and difappointed ) Our Countrey is nowinfefted, the blood of di- vers of our Brethren fpilt , and other a<5ts of moft barbarous and horrid cruelty exercifed,by the curfedcrewofthe Irifh Re- bels and their Complices in this Kingdome , under the conduct of fuch as have Commiffion and Warrant from your Majeftie. And unlefte we prove unfaithfull both to God and to your Ma- jeftie , we cannot concede another danger which is infinitely greater than that of your Peoples difpleafure : Therefore wc the fervints of the moft high G O D , and your Majefties mod loyail Subjects, in the humility and grief of our hearts, fall down before your Throne , and in the Name of our Lord and Maftcr Jesus Christ, who (hall judge the world in righteouf- neflcboth great and fmall, and in the Name of- this whole Na- tiona'l Kirk, which we reprefent , We make bold to warn your Majefty freely, that the guilt which cleaveth fait to your Maje- fty and to your Throne,is fuch, as (whatfoever flattering preach- ers, or unfaithful! couniellours may fay to the contrary ) ii not timely repented, cannot but involve your Self and your Pofteri- ty under the wrath of the ever living GOD, For your being guiltie ofthe fhedding of the blood of many thoufandsof your Majefties beft Subjects-, For your permitting the MafTe , and 'Other Idolatry, both in your own Family , and in your Domini- ons •, For your authorizing by the Book of Sports, the profana- tion ofthe Lords Day ^ For your not punifhing of publick fcan- dals,and much profanenefTc,in,r.nd about your Court • For the Shutting of your eares from the humble and juft defires of your faithfull Subjects •, For your complying too much with the Po- •pifli party many wayes , and namely,by concluding the Ccflati- onof Armesin Jreland^nd yourembracingthecounfelsofthofe who have not fet G O D nor your good before their eyes ; For your refilling and oppofing this Caufe, which fo much concern- ed the glory of G O D , your own honour and happincfte,and the peace and fafetie of your Kingdomes -, and for what other caufes your Majefty is moft confeious , andmaybeft judge and fearch your own confeience (nor would we have mentioned any particulars, if they lied not been publilce and knowne.) For all which it is high time for your Majefty to fall down at the foot- ilool ofthe King of Glory, to acknowledge your offence, to re- penttimely , to make your peace with GOD through Jf siis Christ, ( whofe blood is able to wafli away your great finne ) and to be no 1 >nger unwilling that the Son of GO D reign over ynusnd your Kingdoms in his pure Ordinances of Church - vernment and Worfhip. Thefc things if your M \]d\y do , it Pnall be no grief of heart unto you afterward , a blciTing is refer - F ved 4_o The (jenerall Affembly > \6A r t ). ved for you, and ^ou (liall finde favour with GOD, and with your People, and with all the Churches or Chrifl: -, But if your Majcfty refute to hearken to this wholfome counfell I which the Lord forbid) we have difcharged our own confciences, we take GOD and Men to witneffe That we are blamelefle of the lad Confequences which may follow , and we (hall wait upon the Lord, who, when he makethinquifition for blood , will not for- get the cry of the humble. In the mean while , befeeching your Majefty to take notice That we are not daggering or fainting through diffidence of the fucceile of this Caule and Covenant of the three Kingdoms , unto which , as GOD hath already given manifold Teftimonies of his favour and bleffing-, foitis our ftedfaft and unfhaken confidence,that this is the Work and Caufe of GOD, which (hall gloriouil y prevail againfl: all op- pofition, and from which, with the affiftance of the grace of GOD, wefhall never fuffer our felves to be divided or with- drawn, but (hall zealoufly and confhntly in our feverall Vocati- ons, endeavour with our Eftates and Lives, the purfuing and promoving thereof. That which we have concluded concerning Uniformity in Religion between both Kingdoms , is to be humbly offered to your Majeftie from the Commifsioners of this Kingdom , for your Royall Confent and Ratification. Although your Maje- ftie was not pleafed to vouchfafe us the prefchce of your Com- mifsioncr, according to the fupplication of the Commifsioners of the preceding Gcnerall Affembly , yet we have proceeded with as much refped to your Majcfties honour, and as much re- membrance of our duty, as if your Royall Perfon had been pre- fent in the mids of us : And we fhall ftill continue our Prayers for you , that GOD would gracioufly incline your heart to the counfcls of Truth and Peace , and grant unto your Majeftie a long and happy Raign,that we may live under you a peaceable and quiet life, in all Godlinefle and Honeftie. The (tAjJemblies Anfvper to their Com- mijsioners at London. Reverend and beloved Brethren^ jlJfHefe fweet Fruits of your long continued Labours in " the Work of the Lord cntrufted to you , brought to us at this time by thefctwo of yournumbcr,whom you were pleafed to fend , were received by us with no fmall joy and rejoycing, as being,in great part, the fatisfa&i- on of our Souls defire , in that fo much longed for , fo much prayed for happy Uniformity ofthefe Kirks and Kingdoms : And Tloe (jeneraU Ajjembly^i^. 41 And an evidentDemonft ration to us,that the Lord hath not,even in this time of his feen and felt difpleafurc , fo covered himfelf with the cloud of his anger , that our Prayers fhould not pad'e through. The great and main difficulties through which the Lord hath carried this Work, as we do acknowledge, ought mainly to be made ufe of, for the praife and glory of his power , who is the great worker of all our works for us • So your overcoming of them is to us no fmall Demonftration of your zeal, wifdom, antf faith ful neflc , which without great injurieboth to the Lord the prime Worker , and to you his Instruments , we cannot but ac- knowledge, hath been much maniieited in the Whole managing • of this work in your hands. The full anfwer to all the particulars you write of in your Letters, we leave to the Relation of thofe that come from you, and are now appointed to return to you : And as with much thankfulneffe we acknowledge your fidelity in what ye have done already •, fb we have again renewed your Commifsion for the continuance of your Imployment there, for the perfecting of the Work fo happily begun : For the furthering whereof, as we fhall not be wanting in our prayers to G O D for his blefsing upon your labours , Co tor your help and afsiftance, we have ap- pointed a commifsion to fit at Edinburgh , to which at all oc- cafions you may have your recourle , as the exigence of the Work fhall require. How fatisfa&ory that Directory of Worfhip prefented co us by our Brethren from you, was to us, we leave it rather to their relation at their return, being ear and cye-witneflestothe mani- fold exprefsions of our joy and gladnefle, then offer to reprefenc it to you in a Letter • The Act herewith fent , and ordained to be prefixed unto the Directory, will fufficiently declare our hearty approbation of it : Our judgement alfo concerning the proportions of Government and Ordination, and our earned defire to have the Work of Llniformity promoved and perfect- ed in that particular alfo, will appear to you by the other Act which herewith you will receive : Our zeal and defire to have that Work fully clofed with fo muchharmonieasbecometh the work of G O D , will appear to you in our refolution and anfwer to that particular in the point of Excommunication, concerning which you write. Thefe particular differences hinted at in the Aficmblies Let- ter, for Uniformitie with that Kirk fo much endeared to us, we havcrefolvcdtolay afidc , and have taken courfe for preicrving harmonie amongft our felves , whereof our Brethren will give you more particular account. Anent your defire of Mr. i_sf lex Ander Henderj on his attending the Trcatie, we arc confi- dent ere this you have received our refolution. F 2 A mid ft /pi The (jenerallAffembly, 16^. Amidft the many difficulties wherewith it pleafeth the Lord to prefi'e us, as we thought it neceflar to publifh and fend forth a Warning to all forts of Perfons in this Kirk and Kingdom, con- cerning the prefent affliction of this Nation , and their fins pro- curing the fame •, So we thought it incumbent to us in duty , as the beft Teftimony which we can give at this prefent to his Ma- jefty, to remonftrate unto him faithfully The great and growing dangers his Majefty is now under, and the caufes thereof. This Remonftrance we have fent to you , to be prefented to his Ma- jefty, by fuch means, and at fuch time, as you who are there up- on the place fhali judge fitteft. And now dear Brethren , go on with cheerfulnefle in the Work of the Lord : Let no dilcouragement or oppontion make your heart to faint, or your hands wax feeble : Perfwadc your felf the Lords hand fliall ftill be made known toward his fer- vants, and his indignation againft his Enemies. R.ememberthe Work is his, who ufeth not to begin , but alfo to make an end, and is abundantly able to fupply all your need according to the riches of his glory. Be confident therefore of this thing, thas he who hath begun this good Work by you, will alfo in due time accomplifli it to his own praife. To his gracious afsiftance we heartily recommend you. Poftfcript. Edinburgh 1 3 . Feb, 1645. It k earncflly deftred That the Dire* Subscribed in name of ciorie for Worfhip be fent to Ire- the Generall A ffembly land^and that you recommend to the of the Kirk of Scot- honourable Houfcs of the Parlia- land, by the Modcra- ment , To think upon the beji way tor of the AJfembly, for the efabli foment and practice of it in that K'wgdom, And that the like courfe may be taken with the government , And other parts of the Uniformity , fofoon as they fhallbe agreed upon. \Ut Generall Affembly Recommends to Presbyteries, To confider thefe matters referred to their confederati- on by preceding AiTemblies 5 and to report their judgement therein to the next Affembly. THe Generall Affembly Appoints the meeting of the next Afjem- bly to be at Edinburgh the firji Wednefday of fune , in th* Iter 1 6 a 6. INDEX &&£< INDEX OF THE ACTS OF ' . this' Afiembly not Printed. Fie Remonstrance Cent to the Kings Majeflie from the Commfsio- ners of the preceding AJjembly , concerning the dyet t andoccafion of the meeting of this Affembly. Election of M. Robert Douglas Moderator. lb. Report of M. Robert Baillie, and M. Geo. Gillefpic,'»/f/^/r> grejfe of the Treat te for Uni- formity. SeiT.2. Appointment of Committees for the Directory , And for Bills , Appeals,ejrc. lb. Kef. of the Petitions from Ireland to theCommittce of Bills. Sttt. 3 . Letter to CM. James Martin for intimating the Depofition of CM. William Barclay. lb. Acts appointing M. James Na- fmith to attend the Lord Mont- gomerics Regiment^ CM. Ar- thur Granger, Liev.Generall Baillie /w Regi?nent % and M. Thomas Wilkie to thcE.Lo- thians Regiment. lb. Ref.ofthe Lord Gen. Letter to the Presbytery of Edinburgh, lb. Ref.ofthe Petition of CM. James Hammiltons wife to theCom- mittce for the Directory . lb. Recommendation to the Parlia- ment for MiniHcrs lojjcs.SclY.q. Committee conccrningBur far s.'\b. Committee to confer re with the LordOojiW\t. Sefl.5. Aft ordaining the Presbytery of ILimmtli Q.m to proceed aga': 4 ift CM. John Rae for refnfing the Covenant. With an Ordi- nance for vivinz in to the 11 l ~ > Clerk the report of CM. John WzmmWtouns fubferibmg the Covenant, and of the Excom- munication of D. Ham mi 1- toun. lb. Ait d;f charging the relaxation of Nith, Gordoun, with. a refe- rence concerning the fame to the Commifsioncrs of this Af- fimbly. lb. Committee for examining the tvitncjjes againfl Af John Ro- bertfoiijC^M John Fyfe.Ib. The folemne League and Cove- nant of the three Kingdomes, (which is not here printed, be- caufe already printed by Ordi- nance of the Commifsion of Affcmbly 1643. and uni- -verfally fubferibed ) with an Approbation of the Ordinan- ces^ and the diligence of the Commifsioners of A\jcmbly for receiving thereof^ &c. ' lb. Committee concerning Col. A.re- skines Regiment. Se(T.6. Committee appointed to fpeak w.ih Col. Monro, concerning Let- ters [ent from the Officers of the Army in Ireland . lb . Committee for exam'ming witnf- fs againfl M. James Oli- phant. Jb. Invitation of all who had frruplcs concerning the Directory , to nddrc[]c ther;.fclvcs to that Cemn^itce, with a reference to the Index. the [did Committee concerning at Carmichael for the next uniformity of practice of the three moneths , beginning the Directory in this Kirk. lb . frfl day of October : andMa- Committee to conferrc with the flers Henry Col wart CMini- young Laird of Drum. lb. jler at Pajley } dnd Henry Sem- Appointmcnt of M. Hugh Hen- pie Mimfler at KiUeame , bc- ryfon to Col. Stuarts Regs- ginning the frfl of January ment. SefT.7. next. Sefl.9. Committee for hearing JW. James Act for CMiniflers to the EarU Wood , and the Commifsio- of Lanericks Regiment of ners from S. Andrews and A- Horfe. lb. her dene. lb. Sentence abfolvitour of Orf after Recommendation of Barbara James Lichtoun. lb. Means Petition to the Parlia- Act for OMinilters to L . Balgonie ment. lb. and L. Kirkcudbnghts Regi- Rccommcndation to the Parlia- ments. lb. ment concerning the Army in Committee for Colon. Areskines Ireland. lb. Regiment. lb. Invitation again of all that had Committee for conferring with females or doubts concerning the Laird of Brums fecond the Directory jo addrejje them- fon, and their report. Sell. 10. f elves to the Committee for re- The Directory for pub lick Wor- folution. lb. fl)ip in the three Kingdoms, ,1b. Recommendation to the Parlia- Committee for prefentingthe Di- ment of the Petition of the Ho- retfory to the Parliament. lb . fpitallofLcith. SelT.8. Afi for planting the Kirk of Tar- Recommendation to the Parlia- bet. lb. ment of the Petition of the Committee appointed to afisfl the Kirk of Drummen. lb. Petition given into the Parlia- Refer. of the Petition from the ment, for trying and executing N or thwefl parts of Ireland to fome Witches. Sefl. 1 1 . the Committee of Bills. lb. Committee appointed tovifit young Recom. for a charitable fupplj to Drum. lb. the people in and about Bor- Refer.totheCommifsionat Edin- rowitounnejje, vi fit ed with the burgh , for planting the Kirk plague. lb. of Hammiltoun. lb. Tranffortation of CM. James Exemption of Oil. Alexander Wood to S.CAndrews. lb. Bal nzves,from going to Kirk- Commifsionfor OHaflcrs Alex- cudbrights Regiment. lb. ander Blair Min'ijler at Gal- Refer, to theCommifsion at Edin- jlcun, Robert Hammiltoun bur gh, for planting the Ktrkof Minister at Ballentrae, to goto CMauchline. lb. Ireland for the frfl three mo- Committee appointed for c onfidc- neths ^beginning the frfl Jay of ring the befl means for pi ant- July. Maflers Samuel Row ing the Kirk, and new Col/edge Minifter at Kirkmabrek, Ale- of Aberdcne. lb. xander LevingftounM'w/fcr My Lord Angus , and the Laird 'f Ind of Lammingtouns fuhmifsion to the Affenwlj > with the ^Af- femblies determination , con- cerning the flaming of the Kirk of Lammingtoun. lb. ex. gow , Aberdcr.e , and Roffe, which were oncly produced, lb. Admission of the Excufes for not production of the Bookes of Fyfe, Angus , and Perth . lb. Recom. of M. Andro Cfrlacghie Recom. of Sir James Hopes Ve- to the Presbytene of Hading' it/onto the Presbytcric of Lan* toun. lb. rick. lb. Recom. of M. William Young Recom. to the Parliament ^concer- to the Presbytene of Glaf- nir.g $ aft en [tons againfl Ol>!i- gow. lb. niflers and Univerf ties, lb. Recom. concerning the new Kirk Recom. of M. Thomas Boyd to of Cars fame to the Parlia- thcPresbytericofGlafgow.lb. went. lb. Recom. and of any others in that Reference of the petition given in Province. lb. by iif.Thomas Mitchel,^*? Sentence abfolvitour ofM. James the presbytery of Tnrreff^ and Oliphant, with a rebuke and the Vi count of Frcndrattght admonition of the particulars . for himfclf^ndinnameofthe proven. lb. parochiners of Aberchirdour Recommendation of CM. John and Innerkethin , to the Com- Wtitswifes Eilltothe Parlia- mifsion appointed for viftta- ment. lb. tionofthellmvcrfityof Aber- Jil giving Warrant to the Com- dene. Sett. 18. mifsioncrs at London, to agree Ref. of the petition of the Corn- to the claufe concerning Ex- mifsioners of the Presbytery of communication. Sed.17. Strabogie to the faid Commif- Aci concerning the Earl ofAthols fan for vifttation of Aber- rightof preferring to the Kirk dene. lb. of Blair in Athol. lb. Ream, to the Parliament of CM. Reference of a Bigamifl to theju- George Wiilwts Bill for his flue. lb. maintenance. lb. Ait giving power to CM- John Ref. to the Commifsion at Edin- Stuart to preach at the Kirk of burgh, for planting the Kirkj Dungarth 5 as an Expectant^ of Edinburgh mth three Mi- G nifters Index. nisters out of the province of M. William Lowman, _/*»?£- Lothian. lb. time Miniflcr atCr oman :e.\b. Kef. to the f aid Commifsion At Kef. CM. William Sibbald to Aberdene ,for try all andcen- the PresbyterieofEdinb. lb. fire of Mafler George Han- Kef, M. Alexander Robertfon nah. lb. to the Presbyter ie of Kincar- Ord: nance for Mafler Alexander din. lb. Moncreiffs repairing to my Kef. of thetryall and cenfureof Lord Bale an as Regiment. lb. CMafler John Cheene tethe Committee for prefenting the Commission for vifitation of T r op o flit ions of Government, the Univerfitie of, K^iber- and oft he flolemne Warning, to dene. lb. the Parliament. lb. Kecom. of the Kill concerning the Recom. of Ifabel Peebles Bill to the Parliament, and the Com- mitue oflojfes. lb. Kef. of Patrick Srrauchanta the Presbytery of Deere. lb. Depofltion of CMafler James Row. lb. Declaration in favours ofC?Aini- slers that cannot keep their Jheeves in the Borders to the Parliament. lb. Commifsion for vifitation of the Hofpitals , and mortified mo- neyes rvithin the Province of Aberdene. lb. Commifsion for vifitation of the Hofpitals within the Provir-ce of Angui. lb. houfles in thir times oftrou- AH in favours of the depofed Mi- bles. Sell, r 9. Kef. to the Commifsion of the Kirl^ of the Lordogilvies Bill, with a Reference to the Parliament of the latter part of it. lb . Ref.ofthe Laird of Lamingtouns BiU to the Province of Glafl- gow. lb. Ad concerning Col. Areskines Regiment. lb. Recommendation of the petition of the Parochiners of Larhar, to the Commifsion for plantati- on of Kirks. lb. Commifsion for vifitation of the Hoffitals of Perth and Stir- ling: lb. niflers referred unto the Com- mifsion of the K^iffembly at Edinburgh. lb. Recommendation to the Parlia- ment for puniflnng the mur- ther of Mafler Patrick Lind- fay. lb. Recommendation to the Commifl- fwn of the Affcmbly at Edin- burgh, toprefent the Proporti- ons of Government to the Par- liament , and to receive their anfwer thereunto. lb. Recommendation to the faid Com- mifsion to urge all meanes for CM. James Hammiltouns relief. lb. Recommendation of the education Letter to the Brethren of the Mi- of the Lord Semples children niflerie in Ireland, lb. to the Earle of Eglintoun. lb. Letter to Gen. Major Monro. I b. Ordinance to the Presbytery of i^Ai't appointing Cfrtr. Hugh Turreff,for excommunicating Kennedie for the firfl three M. John Forbes , fomctime moneths , beginning the firfl CMinifler at Auchinles 7 and of of tfuly, Mr. Andro Lawdcr for Index. for the fecond three moneths, xjvtr. George Hutchifone f»r the lafl three momihsto repair to London- Darie. I b. Letter in favours of Margaret 'X\\om[o\\ to the Presbytrieof Kirkcudbright. lb. Ref. to the Commission of the Af- fcmhly fitting at Edinburgh, to prefent Overtures to the Par- liament for the good of the Kirk, and advancement of Pie- ty , and to projecutethefepre- fentedm the preceding Sefsions of Parliament. lb. Ref. to the faid Commifsion To prefent an Overture to the Pari. that Presbyteries may plant the Kirks which are of the patro- nage of for faulted and Excom- municate Perfons. lb. Ref. to the [aid Commifsion To prefent an Overture for refrai- ning of Printing without Li- cence, lb. Alt appointing CMafker James Woods entrie to S. Andrews, To bee the frft Tuefday of J-une. lb. Ref. to the faid Commifsion for prejenting fome Overtures to the Parliament, for retraining the education of Touth in the Colledgc of Dow ay, or any other corrupt Colledgc. lb. Ref. of the Smnmonds againfi thofc that joyncd with Montr oft to the faid Commifsion at Edinburgh. lb. Ref to the faid Commif. concer- ning Witches and Charmers. \b. Ref. to the faid Commifsion To revife the Paraphrafe of the Pf dimes. lb. Ref. to the faid Commif. concern* tng the tranfplanting of M.J a.. Nafmith. lb. Appointment of Mafler Robert Baillie, M. Geo. Gillcfpie, and the Lord Warifloun To re- fair to England with all dili- gence, lb. Ref. of the Summonds againfi the Subfcribers of the Declaration at Ox ford to the faid Comif. I b . Re com. of fome diflrefjcd Perfons to the charity of Presbyteries and Synods. lb. G 2 ^^^^ : <^^^^A : ^^^^<& : A^^;^ FINIS. •*£* /***< 17 ft .•* • i IRJi 4 -^