i^^hui X^fr*WS .•• *.. " Scz&^kl %9. 1 To the Chriftfan Reader. 1 $jjpj&E E offer here unto thy viev* (geod Chnftian Reader) the principles of Religion , with a Jbort Sxpojition upon' the [awe for the explanation of what may Jeeme di- fficult jhe confitmatio of the truth profef- fed a gain fl Popery , and the enforcing of fur. dry duties of weightie and great im- portance. The method we have followed ii plaint and naturally the maiterwholefome, but not adorned with flowers of eloquence* We begin -with the maine end that all men ought to aime at: becaufe there can be n& motion but forfome end , as there can bee no effect but from fome efficient \T hence We proceed to the meanes wherby the end m&j bee attained: for it is tn mine to propound an end vnto our fe Ives jf either the way be impoffiblejr imperfeEi^ if either it cannot beeknorpne % or doe not leadtothefruitton thereof, Inihe meanes we confider, whence direction is to be taken, And what is to be learned : and there wejhew what^ and who God u, how wee muff conceive of him^ yphy hee ought to be worfhipped y what cove- nant he made with Adam tn thenme ofw~ nacencie,andhow Adam bytranfgreffion fill, tod plunged himfrffe, nndhis pofterit) c/fa int9 / To the Chriftian Rcadcri into woe andmiferie unfy take able jintoU- r 'able y and etemalL In the next place wa lay downe the meanes 9 that God hath or* dained for mans recover ie ; And there U handle dwh at Chrifiu y what he hath done for us, how wee are made partakers of hi* bene fit*, how faith is wrought and increa- fed in us^& what obedience we owetoGod in Chrifi,whou theobietlofQhriflian re- ligion. Andbecauje theCjodly in thu courfe of Chnfiianityare compared about rrith infirmities Jubictt to many f dies , and af- faultedwith many tent ations which night difcourage andttrrne them out of the way, therefore we have added > what courfe a Chriftianj%ouldtaketogrowiagr.ice>how he may bee preferved from fa/ling, how hce Jbouldreco ver ^after his fizll, and of what privUedges the G^dly are^r may be part a- k±rs,tn tbis life. And in the faft place y the bliffedntsofth' Saint f afifr this life is en dedjs to.uchtdmfew.words\whcrby theffff ficitncy of the mcanes is mantfefttd*For as tt is a way p- efcribedof God,fo it leadeth us urto ti&d y thefirfi,cbifc y &alfKJficiet good.Our x fir" her in is to te«ih the mplc I hriftian y how he n>ay grow f 0,;? grace to grace ^nd fr cm faiit t j 'att • : unit's fur- ther 'juch coaly Ho ujboldcrs ,4s defirkio i»- jtrrt To the Chriftian Reader. flrutt and train e up their children andfe r vantsinthe information and fearc of th c , LordJ?ut vtAntleifitre 9 or ability y ttfnr- nifhth em] elves cut of larger and more lea r nedTreatifes.for their j^kes we have ad" venturedto compile thi* poor eT''eatife^& make it comon, that they might havefome helfe at hand^wherby they mioht be con fir med in the truth^gainfi the vair, cavils of the Fapiftsy &the better inabled to wfi rm them that be c'omitted to their charge. If a njfuch Jhall voticlfcfetomak^ujeofthis bool^ y we would defre htm to markka* d ob- fervethefefew things, Fir ft hat the letters 2. t andb 3 andc,&c. fet over the Arfwer, do dirc£t y wbatpartefthe Anfwerthe Te- Slimcntes of Scripture alledgeddoferve toconfirme. t/lndthe figures. 1.2. 3. & c * doe intimate what words jr which parts of the Anfwer are explained in the expo fiti- on. Secondly jn teaching theghtcftiens and Anfwer s Jake the paines to fjsarchinto the froofes which are alleadged for confirma- tion ofthematter^ and if the fame things,, tzordfor wordbe not found in theVerfcs of Scripture cited > then be pleafed further to inquire what reafons or arguments may be drawnfrom the place 3 to prove &hat is in- teded.Thuwe comend J^ecauft it uaceurfe take notice what is delivered by way of explication or confirmation, and what reafons, and how many , are brought to prove any point. Thereby amanfballbee in able d tor ef err e that which heheareth in thepnblike affembly, or readeth in Godly &nd I earned Bookes,tofome head, apply it to right purpofe, treafure it upfafewme- rnoriefor ufein the time of need ^ and have %n readineffeto anfwzre the gain-fay ers. Thiu heartily de firing andhoping(aood Reader) that thou wilt make ufe of theft direllions given, profitably to guide thee through thisf7nattworke\ wee commit thee to God,andthe word cf his grace, who is able to diretl , andfafely lead thee vvrto tternall happi'icfe - y craving that if thou receive benefit from Godapon theperufoll { isfimple Treat ife, thou be care full to poure out thy foule unto Cjodfor us , heewould err it bur with his grace more end more, firtheglsrieof Cjod, the good of his Church 3 ayulihe comfort of our fouleso A A Gcncrall Table ofthechicfc and principal! heads of Do- drinc handled in this Booki, WHatitistoglorifieGod , and why man (hould be careful! thecof con- tinwally,pagc.i.andii.ii7. Why every man fhould be care- full ofhisfalyation,pagc,i.j. The word ef God alone doth teach the way to life eternalljpage^^. The word of God is now fully contained in wruing,and is called the Scripture,and the ho- ly Scnpture,page 4.?. The Scripture i> given byinfpirarion 3 p t 5-^ # Of chcbookcsorholv Scnprue,pag,£ # 7 # Argument s by which it may be provedjthat th c Scriptures arc the word of God:& ruleito beob ferved for the underftanding:hereof,p.7,8^,io Of the t eftiaiony of the Chu « ch ? p 3. i|,i 1*13. OftheconftancyoftheSaipts,page. 13, 14* Of miracles wrought to confirme the truth, page.14,15. Of the anticfuityofGodsWord.pageij. OftheftileofScrrprurcpagcrM7.j8.19. Of tfo efficacieof the word of God,page, I& 20 ir. Ofthefweet harmony andconfent of holy Scripture 5 pagc.i2,2j.24 # Of the heavenly doctrine intreated of in Scripture.page^;^. The end of the Scripture,is diyine,p.2 n 28. The teftimony of the Scripture it fclfe is fu£- ficien: to prove that itis of God,p.2g. The teftimony of th e Spirit is ncceffary & al- A 4 : fufficicnt The TabU. efficient to afliire and perfwade the heart, that the'$criptuicsarcofGod,page 29. Rules to be ebferved concerning the tefthno- jiy oftheSpirit> page 29, 30. What is the divine authority of the Scrip- ture,p3gc 31,32. Th- benpeurt is^he.ileoffain&nianers-pp How Jie'SiriptiTei nece^ary. ; page 33. Th • Sc iprreis p^re, page 33,6c p rtc&,34 ardpiaim^y. Of the end w ytheScriprureswrc vritren^rf. All :ior:ad the Scriptures, p.37. OtbcTraiifbcouand interpretation ot the holy Scriptu es,andwhatrjjesaretobe obfer- ved therein, page 38,39., 4o. I he knowledge of God in Chrifl is neceflary Eofa?v4tjoa,page4i. This knowledge is ea5c, excellent, femd, furrier nt, ind coa ; forw3bie,page,4i. Arguments whereby it may be preyed that there is a God, page, 43>44* 45 >4*> 47. What God i% page4S. God feme ill efncnce,butin per bnsthree 3 p^ What a perfon in Trinity is, and how the ihree perforsare diftinauiihcd^ibid. Whataprop:rtyinGofiis,p:gc ft. Of Gods vvifdome, power, ooodncire^jraci- ©uincile, juftice, mercy 3 perfSion, and bleifcd- p cuV page $1,52,53, Of Go is glory, and how it is manifeft.p.54. OfGods decreed the parts therof,p.54 55 ; jtf Ot Creation, paoe 57. Or Providcne,page, yS« Ofh3rdnesofhe5rr 4 Srcp.7i, Of mans recovery by Chrift p~ge.74.75. Of Chrifts perfon,p«]g. j ,7f.7^77 a Chriftisour Mediator Doth a^God afldman, p»7£-8c. Chrift fufferedinfoule a swellas inbody>fcc.8i. Ot Chrifthis death; and the differences be- twixti;,andthe death of th- M^r:yrs. page. Si,. Of Chriftsrefurre&ion s *iccntionand fitting. zz the right hand of the Father,pag .83.84, Chrift is our Prophet, Pi cift,and King.p. 85 . OfhisProphcricalloffice,&thc manner how he hath ; cVdoth execute the fame, p £4,85.86.87. Dlffercnccsbetwixtthe PriefthocdofChtifl: and the Prieflhood of Aaron, page.89.90. Of the functions ofChrifispricftly office, and tV.e properties of his interceflion,p^ge 91 Of Chrifts King]} office,andthe functions c 1 icrcof > page.92.93.94 4 Chrift is the onely head of the Church, p«9&; Ofthe benefits of Chrifts deatr^refurre&ion, afcention,and interceffion, page.9^96,97. How the knowledge of ma lSBQifcry oy nature end The TublS. and recovery by Chrift, will worke intaefieSrt ofbimwhomGodwiliravc,p97^8 f The propertiesof true thhft^.98. Of the nature ^ obicft, author and inftrumen; #ruftifyingfaith,p.9^ioo % ioi.iot4io}. Of c atechifing & the benefits therof> p . ioi #101* The benefits of hearing the word preached, Wowwemuftheareifweloo^toproGrjp.iof.iotf WhaciciStoaplythcwortiuritoourfeiveSjp.ioy OfPraycr,th pares thereof, and tneoura- gerneni5chereunto ? p,u8 109,110^)1. Player nwft be made to God alone, in the name oiChrift,p.iop. Angels or Saints departed doe not prefent our Prayer? before God p.- jo. Libeitieroprayikjtp'Ciallpriviledge > p # io4 Of conhffion ofG?'»ne*,p t < u, Of Pctin«:n r ind things required therein, p § Of thanksgtvtng^nd things required therein p>U4U?» Anexpoliuonofthc Lords prayer, p.i"rf.to.i$i. The benefits of obic vmghow wee fpeed in Prayer,p,i^i.i^x. Rule* to be obferved therein, p.} 5 ;• S >metimeswc aske and receive not, becaufe wcaske amiff ,p»i33« WhyGodforatimedcmcswhatweaske 3 p.i^4 N>neC2n pray with hopeto fpeed butthcy thac depa rn from iniquitie,p.i 3 ?• Praye: f 01 the dead urdawfull and uncharK. tabIe,p,T;6i57. O r subli«k t 3r ayer.p,T?7. iyai 1 Prayer in the family, or by amans f ^-alonc.p 4 i38« Ofthcfieuirlcationo{thcWordSacramet,p4v,39 ^ None The Table. ' None may adoainift.r che Sacraments, but only the Mmiflers uf the word,p.i^o. Of the Sacrament! ingeneral,p.i4^ I 4 I .i 4Z| . There be onelytwo Sacraments in the new Tcftament,pagei43. OtBaprifme,p i i44.to:47. Of th: LordsSUf)per.pag.K4.i ^.147^0154. The danger of unworthy receivings 154 What gracesare required in thmthatcomc unto this holy Table ,p.i ?6.i 57. Thcweake in faithfhould not abfentthem- felvesfromthi$heavenlyranquet,p i*8 4 How we oughtto be affe&ed in receiving this SKramentjp.if9.160. What we mull doe after we have rceeived>p« l6o.i^i* Of admonition,p.l6*2« Ofexcommunication p 163* Ofreading or hearing the Scriptures read, andthebencfits there©&.p,I^4.i6y. Of medication, what it is, and tfic benefits thereof, p.ify.itfj'. Ofrcligiousconferencc.and after what man- ner we muft conferrc.p.io£.and i££ # Of an holy fa{t,page.i£7.l£8. Of an holy fcaft.p.169.170 171. Faith cannot befiUidefle.p. 171. The principallworkc offaithisthepurifictti* onof the t f eart,page.ibid. Of thcfpintuallcombat,page.i7j. Offundry other fruits of faith, page. 17417*. Rules to be obferyed for the right undeman- ding of the Decalogue^pagcn^i 77^78,17$ Our obedience is to be performed unroG;d in and through I efusChrift,page.£79« An expofuion of the ten Commanrfements page, 180^0213. NomaBinihislifeisablcpcrfeftly tokeep^ The Table. thisIaw 5 pagc.M4. Wccamitnoi omit the doing of good altoge- ther though we cannot doc it m .hat racalurc that God iequircth^ag. .215. Whatmea sanunihoulauUtcgr. wing~ace 3 i. Of examination, and thebenentstiieTu^p^.itf. Ouutlgi >gourfclres,page ibid, OfwatchfulnciiCjwhat inland why it is nc- ctfiary and proficable^age 217. Of redeeming the time,pagc.ibid. Why,anoh^w,taithfstobe prefe~vcd,p. 2 .8, OttheChriftianaim ur,p g ,217. Of the many and great priviJedge* that God affords to his cialdren in tiiL iift,p 2 o. to 2*e. All the godly doe not nioythu. pnvilcdgcs and the hindranc. s thereof, p . se. 25 ti6* Hew a man mould bridle aad rdorrce hh un- ridy pafiions a ibid. Ho** a man flio.Jd overcome his tentations todiflrdft,pagc 1^7 128. A man may have faith that feebs not com- foit > page.2?^ 2?0.22I. The traits of the djwit dee not alwayes ap. p~careinthefaithful),page.2*i.2$2. I he danger of fecunty, of leaving ourfid love, and cf a relap^pag-:^!^}}. Such as have falleninto fon»e groffe fin after rcn j^tancejftiould not utterly defpaire,p.2j4, Hv.wamanfnouldreccvrroutotarelap(c,ib. Of .he flare of the godly as foone as this life Isend<:d,page.i3f. Of the rvifery of the wicked after this life.p. 25 6 c Oi the day of iudgement, andgeneiall re- furre&ton 3 paga. 137. 158*35.240. Of thceternaUperditionofchewicked,3c the .eyerlafting blefledneiie of the Saints afccithc day of iudgemeat.pagc. mi paflmgwor chine flc^caKncr be a crcafcd, no; fuliymani-cfteci^Exod^^^zo.bfcauic he is mofl pcrf< £i, plal. i6^2,#ntt ^finite, Ieb.22, 2.and 357 God ipfaid tog fori- fit himfeHc, yi hen fccniakfcS hisfxceileji*. cicfospperre,Numb*i4* 2i,pial.72^9, Ezcki43, 2, Angels and men gionfie hm, when they extollhis greacnefle^and rertitic their acknowledgement o' his gior)e,!.uk.2.i4.Rev.i4i7,Exod. 15.2, Here then to glonfie God 3 is inwardly in heart, Rom, 4, 20, 1 Con 6, to, and 9"& a tA Jfor t Catechifmel eutwardly in word and aftion. Matth, j $ 1 6, i Pet. 2, 1 2, to acknowledge God to bcefuchaonc ashechath revealed him- felfe, Rev.4,9,1 1, pfalmc 29, I, 2,and 50, 23. Of glorifying God,manftiouldbec moftcarefull : for God is the beginning from which, and the end utuo which ail things doc end. Rom, 1 1, 3d, his gloria is in it felfemoft excellent, Excd. 53. 1 3, I9,pfali48,i3,moftdearctohim.£xod. 7,4,5^3.42, 8.6^48, 11. the fupreamc end of all divine revelation Ephef. 2, 7, of all his workes,Eph.L5,6,prov. 16,4, Exod.9,i 6,^1.50, 1 $, Iohn 1 L4.40.of manslife,pfal.6,4,*,and fcrvice. Zac.7. 5.6* pfal. 1 01. 1 Iohn 3 28^29, and all rneanes furthering the fame, are avail- able to mans falvation. Rom. 4, 20,21, Ier. 1 3,i6»Mal.2,2^i Sam.2, 30. pfalme. 50.23. 2 To take care for ourfalvation, isfo to live here, that wee may live with the Lord hereafter.phil. 2, i2,2,pet v 3, 11,14. The falvation of the foule is moftpreci- ous,pfil.49. 8. cannot be obtained with- out care. A(ft.2 i 37#r Cor, 9.24. Matth. 7. 1 3-Luke 13.24. and hr is ever mindelefle of Gods glory, that is careleficof his cternaU jVith an expoftion upon the famel 3 Cttraail h3pptnc(Ic.Eph # i ti.Ioh # 5.-fj^ and 7. t8. A 'io ciei nail life is a durable trealure.Luk.f 2,33, and 16,9, io 3 i Tim, % % 17.18. all wo I <.iychiii£$ arevainc, un- certain and trandtcry* Match. 6 i$ 3 Plal.7 3 . 1 8. 1 9 . the ioule came from God and is arcer a retflefle nunaer carried to feekc and cefire communion vvithGod; and a d. fife to bee happie is naturally planted in the he jjieiDSCe&amcnk d2Tim. 3,16. ftf/w/; 4. This word of God hath heretofore beene divcrily made knowne. Heb* i.i, as byinfpirati n, 2Chron.$5. | i,Eft.y9,2i,.2Pcc s i,2r. ingoing in theheart,Ron>2, 14. vifions, NmiV>. T2. 6. 8.A6t.io.io. 11. Apo. i.TO.Drecnr.e*, lob. 3^, 14. 15. Gen. 40. 8. Vrw and Thumaiiin J Numb % 27 % 2i. 1 Sam.-3 Ro.1.2. in refpeft of God the Author, A£i.i. 16. and 4.2 j. the holy pen.menjLuke13.28. 2 Per. 1. 2iithc matter^i Tim.6.3.Tit.i. i* and end there- of, Roma 5.4.2. Tim. 3. 17. Thetruthof God was delivered to the Church in wri* ting,Deut.3i.9.HoC8.i2.Rcv.2.i.thatic might bepreferved pure from corruption* 2 Pet. 1.1 2 # 13. 1 5. be better con vayed to pofterity. Icr.36.27^3. Deut.319.be an infallible ftandard of truedo£hine,& de- terminer of all controverfks.Efa*8*io. Mal.4 < 4.Deut.i7.n.that our faith might be confirmed beholding theaccornpliftu ment ofthingsprophefied, I.King. 13* 2 J with2.Klngs2i.16. Afts 17. io.n.and for the more ful inftru&ion of theChurch,, the time oftheMelfias either drawing on* Mal.4.4;or being come^uke 1.2,3. 5. To be immediately infpired, is to be g as it were breathed 9 and to come from v the Father by the holy Ghoft without all means: And thus $h«holy Scriptures were B folpired 6 «xf Jbort Catechifme, infpired both for matter, and words^Luk. 1.70. % Pet. 1-2 1. CXiJVhdt are the hookas of the QldTe- figment } mJP%6- MofcsonB^tljepjopljeffl^Luk. J?AQW*4*«^e books of holy Scripture, giyen by G^fco chc Church ofthc lewes, arc called fhe Law. Luk.16. 1 7. Iohfr 1 2. 94&theProphcts:Rom.i.2.& l6.i^ y i6 bieaufc they were written by holy men, furred up 5 fandified^and infpired ofGod, for that purpofe.i Per. 1,1 i.Heb.n. But ordinarily they are comprifed under thefe two heads, the Law % and the Prophets. Math,22.40.A$.i3«i5.Math.7.ia.orthc Law of Mofes and the Prophets. Aft. 28. a 3 .or Mofes and the Prophets : Ioh. 1 ,45. Luk.i6.29»Mofes being diftindUy named fr5 the rcftjbecaufe he was firft & chiefc of the Prophcts:as the Pfalrasarc mentioned particularly3Luk.24.44. becaufe they are the choice & flower of all other Scripture. Q^Whicb are the booths of the ncv? Te- figment > Anf. MathewjMark,Luke,aM> t&C«ff, r as t&ep follotD in oar SiSible*. Q^Hcw may it bee frgyed that ibofe book^t mth au Expojition upon the fame, j bookes Aretheword ofCjodimmedUtlj in- fpiredby the holy Ghcfi to the Prophets and Affiles ? 9 conff atKte g of tbe ^atnte, lo miracles £ ftBonoftt to confirm* tljetruttj, anfitlje 11 anttqutf 5 thereof- /2 PcM.i^Rev. 6. p^A i King«i7* 24. Iob«3.2*l'. Ier.i6* Heb.ig.8, Expcf. 7 It is very expedient & fteceflary thatalChriftiaSofagc&difcretiojfaculd know that the Scriptures are the very Word of God, the immediate & infal lible truth of God that is to be received^bcy ed and belceved. For thereby we are the bet- ter fitted to heare, reade, and receive the Word with attention, joy ,revcrencc,fub- miflion.A^.iOtJj.andaffuranceoffaith: which being a divine grace, muft have a divinefoundation.2Tin\3«l y.itf.l Ioh # 5. and beiagcertain, muft haveafure ground evea the word of God,Ioh ^46.Eph^.20. Rom.4,18. Alfo it minifters no final com- fort in affliction and temptation, that wee know whom wehavc trufted, 3 Tirti.i.2* A(9:.5*29.Thi$ muft be knownenot by o- pinion^or propable con je$ure, which may deceive ; but by certain and diftinft kno w- : B ? ledge, 8 A (hort fatcchifme. ledge, whereby v\ c conceive ofthings ccr- tainc certainly as they are^and arc affured that we conceive of them none othcrwife than as they are, that wee may he able to flop the mouthesof Athieftsand Papifts, who carpe againft the truth* 2 Cor.i 3.3. We come not to the underfianding hereof by fenfe,br difcourfe of reafon : this mat- ter is to be difccrncd& beleeved by faith. But for thefuller clearing of the point, fundry rules are to be obferved,both con- cerning faith,& concerning the Scripture itfelfe. 1. Dirtin&ionmuftbemade be- twccneccrtainty of faith^and certainty of lenfeojr fight. Things beleeved in them- fclves are more certain than things feene, butiheyarenotalwaiesfoapprehcdedby usXcrtainty of fight excludes doubting, fo dothnot certainty of faith,it is Efficient that itprcvailc againft them,Gen.i 5.6.8. 1 Cor.i 3. 9.12 Jud. 6.36^373? 8. (2)Impli- citc faith,by which we confufedly bcleeve that fuch books arc the Word of God,not undcrftanding the fenfe of them, is to be riiftinguifihed from explicitefaith, which is ever ioy ned with a di£in& and certain understanding of the thing beleeved. lob. 3-2.10.(33 Hillorkall faith, yyhichftands in with an Exfofition upon the fame. 9 m the certainty of the miod,, and belceves God fpcaking in his Word, muft bedi- ftinguifhed from iurtifying and faving faith, which contains the p erfwafion and confidence of the hcart,whercby wee not onelybelecve the Word of God to be the chiefc truth , but alfo doe embrace it , as concayniiigihe chicfegood of man, lam. 2 4 ip.Ioh. y.35. Hcb.6. 11. and 10. 2%. Eph. 3. 12. for all things in Scripture are not alike to be beleeved , neither doe the fame Arguments fetve to beget each faith. (4,) Concerning the Scripture, we muft put difference betweene the do* 6hriae therein contained, and the writing : for the figne is for the fenfe, and the knowledge and faith of both is not a like ncceffary* Thedo6hine was ever necef- fary to be beleeved, the manner of r e vea- ling was not alwayes^ lob. 8. 24. ("5 ) Of do&rines fome are fimply neceflary to falvation containing the maine grounds and chiefe heads of Chnftian Religion ; others arc expositions^ or amplifications of the fame, very profitable, but not of fuchneceffky. 1 Cor<3 12,13, CoI,2 18, 19. Phil. 3. 1 5. (6) A diftinftion is to be put bctweene the Scripture generally B 3 con- I o t^4 fhort fotechifme] considered;, in refpc& of the manner of revealing , and betweene the number and order of the Bookcs : it being one thing to beleeve that the will of God is now fully and wholly com- mitted to writing ; another that this is the diftinil order 3 and precifc number of Bookcs. 7. Alfo it is one thing to be- leeve that God is the Authour of this or that Bookc; another to beleeve that it was written by this or that Scribe or Amanuenfis; fo that a difference is to bee made betweene the chicfe Authout of a Booke , and the Inftf ument thereof. 1 Cora2.3.Mat.io.2o.(8)rhefubftance of do&rine neceffarie to faivation con- tained in Scripture, is to bee beleeved with an expreife, hiftoricall, andfaving faith : but the number and order of bookcs is to bee beleeved with faith hi. ttorica!!. 8, By the Church wee undcrftand not the Pope , whom the Papifts call the Church virtual! ; not his Bifhops & Car- dinals met ingencrallCouncell , whom they call the Church reprefentative; but fhe whole company ef bcleevers, who have profefled the true faith j whether thofe with an Expofition upsnthe fame, ir thofc who received the bookes of holy Scripture from the Prophets and Apo- ftles, or thofc who lived after. Vndcr the name of the Church we comprehend not the Prophets and Apoftles , as they were imraediatly chofen and called to bee the penmenof holy Scripture j for they wrote not as men in the Church, but above the Church, The Church of the Icvves pro- fefled the do&rine 9 and received the Bookes of the old Teftament , and te- ftifiedofthem that they were divine. To whofe teftimonie theft things give force: !♦ To them were committed the Oracles of God. Rom* 3 4 2. (2) In g reat miferic they have conftantly confefled the fame, when as by the onely denying thereof^ they aaight have beene partakers both of liberty and rule* 5. Notwithstanding the high Priefts and others perfecutcd the Prophets while they lived, yet they re* ceived their writings as propheticall and divine. 4. Since obftinacic is come to If- rael, notwithfianding their great hatred to theChriftian religion, the holy Scrip- ture of the Old Teftament is kept pure and uncorrupt araongft them , even in thofe places which doe evidently con- B 4 firme K i Ajhort CMechifme firmctbc truth of Chriftian religion, E fa? 53- 3 4* 5>& c * The Chriftian Church hath embraced the do6hincof God, and received the bookes both of the Old and New Tcftament. To Whofe tcftimonie two things give weight. x. their great conftancie. 2. their admirable and fweet confent : for in other matters wee may ©bfer ve differences in opinions, in this a fingularand wcnderfull agrecmctK.This tcftimonie of Chriftians is confidered three wayes ; 1. Of the univcrfall Church which from the beginning thereof untill thefe times, pro fe (Ting the Chriftian re- ligion to be? divine 9 doth alfoprofeflfe that thefe bookes are of God* 2. Of the fcvcrall primitive Churches, which firft received the Bookes of the Old Tefta- meat , and the Epittlcs written from the ApoftleSj to them , their Paftors , or fome they kne vv,and after delivered them under the fame title , to their fucceffours and other Churches. 3. OfthePaftors and Dolors, who (being furnifhed with skill, both in thcronguesand matters divine) upon due triall and examination have pronounced their iudgement, and approved theai to the people commit- ted with an Sxf option Upon the fame] i 5 ted to their charge* This teftimon : eisof great v^ight and importance, profitable to prepare the heart , and to move it to beleeverof all humane teftimonics(wher- by the Atithourof any bookc that hath, ys, or fhall be extant, can be proved) the greatcft, both in refpe& of the multitude, wifedome, honeftie, faithfulnefle of the vvitnefTes, andthclikenefle, conftancic, and continuance of the Teftirnony it fclfe. But this teftimonie is onely humane : not the cncly,nor the chiefe,wherby the truth and divinity of theScriptureis confirmed, neither can it bee the ground of divine faith and aflurance. 9 The Saints of God of all forts and conditions, noble, bafe, rich, poorc,lear- ned ; &unlearned 3 old,young 5 married,un- mairied,&c, havefuffered themoft grie- vous torments, ufuall, unufuall,fpecdie, flow, even what hell could invent, or mans malice finde out , for the defence of this truth. All thefe things a number numberlcfle endured,* nd that with great conftancic and ioy , even with a cheere- fuil heart and merrie countenance , fo that none can thinke they fuffbrcd out of weakeneffe, pride, vaine^glory, ordik content* I 4 k^tjhor $ Catechiftne, content : This patient futfering of the Martyrs is not tcftimony mcercly humane but partly divine: for that courage, and chcercfulneflc which they fhewedin the midft of all torments, vvas not from na- ture, but from above* 10. Many and great wonders, fuch as Sathan himfelfc cannot imitate, fuch as exceed the power of any , yea of all the creatures ib the world, iuchas theinoft malicious enemies of Gods truth » could not denic to be divine , hath the Lord o- penly wrought by the hands of Mofes, the Prophets andApoftles, for the con- firmation of this truth, Nuih.i i .p,& 20. 10.Exod.19.1d. 1 King.17.24.Mark.16. 20. Heb. 2* 4. Ioh. 5. 36. and 9. 50. 3 3. A&. 5« 12. Thcfe miracles were fufficicne to confirme the divinity of this truth, and writing, to them who were eye witnefles thereof. Heb. 2. 3 .Ioh. 2o.ao.Iudg.2.7.io. The undoubted and cleare narration of them , is to us an invincible argument thereof* ii.That which is mofl ancient 5 i$ moft true and divine ; the pureft Religion is before all others ; there muft needs be a Law before tranlgreflionj and acorn- mandemen: with an Expojition upon the fame. 1 5 mandement given unto man before there could be placcfor the Devil to tempt him . But the Religion taught in Scripture is of greateft antiquity: the do&rine of the Creation and fall there handled, in all ©- ther Stories whatfoevcr is omitted* Q^ How clfe > A.UBy 1 2 tyz kjliXt.i 3 / effttacte,f bast m 14 confentjaDimrable n 1 5 &ctfrine,££# cellcnf 1 6 mty ano ffae toim* He /> 1 7 of tije&mpfurettfeife* iGcn.17,1 Pfa. s o. 1^344.24. Exod.20. 1^2. 1C0r.11.23. lob. j, 56. 1 Cor. 1.23. loci. 1. 1.2. /Pfal. 19.8. Rom.i5.4,2.Rom,7*74 Zeph. 2. 1 1 • Zcch,i3.2.Ad.5»39.Ati.9.5,2o # 2U.PhiL 1 1.12,13. Rom. i$. ip*2Cor.4. 8,9,10. T^Gen, 3. t5# and49.ip.Efa«9.6.Dan.9. 24. Math. 1. 18. A^ao-45« aPfal.fip. 129, i38.i72.Dctu.4,5,6. Ioh.20.31. pz Tim.3.16. 2PCM.19. Expo. 1 2.By the fttle of theScripture we underftand not the external! fuperficies of words., but the whole ordcrjchara&er, frame, and comprehenfion 9 which fitly agreech to the dignity of the fpeakcr ; and nature of the Argument , and is tempered according to the capacitie and condition ©tthem Forwhofe fake ic was written: Indeed X& 'tAjkort fatcchifmc, Indeed every Prophet and Apoftle aL moft had a peculiar ftile ; Efay is clo- qucnt^ fweet, and more adorned j SoUi mon accurate ; leremie vehement, and more rough,«^/w0.rfimple:but all arc di- vine. Theft things declare the maieftic ofthcrtyle. i.Thc tit !c, that the Author ofihe holy Scripcuredoth iuftly chalengc unto him, the which imports indepen- dance of nature, Exod, 3. 14. fuper-cmi- nencie of power , andfoveraignty, Pial, 50* 1. i.excellencrcbofh of properties and workes,GctM7.i.Efa.42.5.and40.22. 26.(2) The maner ufed in teaching 5 com- manding, promising, and threatning. Things above reafon \ hidden myfteries, fuch as exceed all humane capacity, arc unfolded 3 without all argumentation or furniture ©f perfwafion, iXor. 2. 7. and $vee are required to underftand and be- lecvcthem, relying upon the truth and credit of iherevcaler. In giving thclaw, no proemc is ufed, but, Thus faid the Lord; noconc!uhon 3 but the Lord hath fpoken. Exod. 20. 1. 2. Commandements of which no reafon can bee rendred, arc cnioyned, Gen. 2. Jj.ai^jhac w hi c ha naturallman would account foolifhneffe, is with An Sxpofition upon the fame. I J ]s peremptorily and with great fcverity required, Ioh.g. 36. I Cor. 1 . 13, 24* no argument being brought to perfwade, or confirmc the equitie of thofe com- mands ; but onely the will of theCom- mander. Promifcs above likelihood arc made; coaffure of performance no rea- fon is alleagcd, but, I the Lord haveipo- ken,Efa.5i. 22.and52. 3*4. and to en- courage againft difficulties and dangers prefent divine afliftance is promifed both as neccffiry and futficient. Exo.4. 1 2. Iof. i.p.Icr 1.8. Efa.^.j. In the manner of threatning alio y the like notes of the Divinity of the ttyle may bee obferved. (5) That without refpeft of perfons, hee doth prefcribeLawestoallmen, private perfons and pubhek Magiftrates y whole Kingdomes, and feverall eftates, com- manding what is diftaftfull to their vi&f tutCj and forbidding what they approve, promifing not terrene honour , but life cverlafting if they be obedient: threat- ning not with rack or gybbet, butetcr- aalldeathjifthey difobeyjoel i.i*£.Ioh, 3.16* 1Sam.12.25. (4 ) ThattheMini- tters of the Lord of Kofte* doe require attention, faith and ojpediejiqe, to what- ever I 8 tAjhort Qatechifme] foever they fpeike in the name of the Lord, whether it wereprophefie, com- mandement, or rebuke ; whether they called to repentance and reformation of things amifle, or exhorted to obedience, I Cor.tl.23. Micjh. 1. t, 2. Thclow and humble manner of fpcech , ufed in holy Scripture, cannot juftly offend any man; for it was penned to the ufe and behoofe both of the learned and unlearned, Rom. II. 4. though the phrafe be plaine, the matter is high and excellent , profound and un.uttcrable. Hof. 8. 12. A6L2. it, Eafinefle and plainneffc doth beft be- feeme the truth: aPearlenceds notPain- ting, nor truth to be underpropped with forraine aydes, it is of it fclfeiufficicnt to uphold and fuitaine it felfe : it be- comes not the Majefiie of a Prince to ^IaytheOrator; and though the Scrip- ture bee firnplc in word , it is great in power : no writings of Man, though ne- yer fo well fet forth, with wit, words, or- der, or depth of learning, can fo enligh- ten the mind«, move the will, pierce the haart, and ftirre up the affeiHons, as doth the word of God. Neitherdoe the Scrip- tures waiitclcquence, if the matter bee well with ah JExfofitien vft* the fame. \$ well weighed: no writing doth, or can equalize them in pithinefle of prophefy- ing, or ferventneffeof pray ing. The fong of Cliofes, and the beginning ofEfkj, in variety and force of eloquencc^doc far ex- ceed all authors,Greek & Latin • ifcom- parifon be made betwixt thofe places, and whatfoever is inoft excellently indited by man, either in Greeke or Latin, you may eafily difcerne, the ©ne was written by a Divine, the other by an humane fpirit. 13. Thccfltcacieofthisdo&rinedoth powerfully demonftrate the Divinity thero£s for it converts the foule,inlightcns the ey es, Pfalm ; 1 9. 7, '8. difcovers finns, Rom.7 # 7.convincesthega>infaycr,2.Titf). 3. \6 . kilicth and terrifieth,2.Cor. 3. 6.re~ joyceth the heart, Pfal. 19. 8. Pfal. 119. 103. quickneth, Pfalm* 119. 501.93, arid comfoncth, Rom. 15.4. manifefteth the thoughts. 1 <2orinch,i4. 25.overrfirowes falic Religion, cafleth down flroug holds, and the whole kingdome of Satan, flop- pcth the mouth of OracJes,dcftroyes Idols 2Cor.io.4^Z f cph*2.ii.Zach.t3.2>&re- maines invincible notwithftaading all op- pofition. Avft.5 .3 8,39. Thefe things com- mend thecflficacieof this word. I. The io AJhort Catechifme] word.Ci.)The nature thereof is'oppofite to the wifedome and will of a inturall man«iCor # i.2l«andi.i4.Rom.8»6.and yec it hathprevailed. (2) It hath prevai- led , not oncly with the grofle and fot- tifh Gentiles, who ferved other Gods; GaJ.4 # 8* but even with the meft fierce and bitter enemies thereof, A&. 9. 5, and8.24. 4. Thcmaii- ncr how obedience i$ required, K/*.that it proceed from a pure heart, a good con- fidence, and faith unfained, Deut,6. 5. iCor.13,2.1 Tim. 1. j j.Andtheperfe&i- on of the law, commanding and allowing all good , but forbidding and condem- ning all finne and wickfdi.cfTe, of what iinde foever, Take a biiefe view of the ten Cornmandements,are they not plaine, pure, briefe, prrfc£,?juft y extending to ail, binding the conference, and reaching xo the very thoughts ? And doe noc all thefe things commend unto us the juftice, wtfedome,holine(Te,omnipotencic,cmni- fcience , perfoftion , and abfblure fove- raigotie of the Law-giver ? The pro- mises and threatnings annexed to the 3Law, wiUfufferus toacknowlcdge none ether author of them , but the Lord a- ione: for none can make them buthee, hee with *H Expojition upon the fame] 2? heoncly can give eternall lifc 3 and inflift eternall condcmnation.Morcoverthcfc are fo fet together with thecommandements, as they can rqove none,but onely the con- fcicncc of him, who doth acknowledge thecommandementstobedivine. 16. The end of the Scripture is Di- vine, viz.* the glory of God, andthefal- vation of man; not temporally but eter- nall. The Do&rines, precepts, prohjbi. tions, and narrations, are all referred to thefetting forth ofGodspraife, which fhewes that they are from above, loh. 7. 18. and f.4i. and 8.50.54* Gal. 1. 10- Andtojpeaketruth 3 what ismoreequail than that all things ftiould returne thi- ther, whence they bad their beginning? This word alfo doth point out unto mart what trucblefledncffc is,and how he may be reconciled unto God, being loft by finne; whiehtsafirme demonftrationto prove unto us the Divinity thereof: for whatismore agreeable to the wifedome, bounty, mercy, grace,and power of God f than toreftorc man fallen, and to make himpartakerof eternall happineffe? and who can (hew unto man, how hg may be admitted unto Gods favour , having of- fended, or direft and lead him forward in C 4 the ^g Afiort.Catechiftne, che path of life,but the Lord alone ? Thefe arguments art of great force , whether they bee fcverally or joyntly confideretl, and doe as ftrongly prove that the Chri- ftian Religion is onely true,- . as any other reafon can , that there waSj \s 3 or ought to be any true Religion. 17. Tliistefiimonie of Scripture it felfe is moft deare, certaine s infallible, pub- lick, and of it fclfe w orthy credit, it being tbeteftiinony of the Lord himfelfe , who i^ in all things to be belecved* But the etf- ternall light of arguments , and teftimo- nhs brought to confirme and demon- ftrate, mutt be dift inguifhed from the in- ward operation of the holy Ghott j ope- ning our eyes to fee the light fjiining in the Scripture , aiid to dilcerne the kak thereof^ Cor. 1.22. Q^Thefereafons may convince any, be heneverfoob(iinate s but are they fufficient toperfwadethe heart hereof} A. $0 : ttjefettwienp of ttje l * Spirit is nccdTar? 7 , anu onelgr nU'fafftcient fojt&ts purpefr. <] 1 Cor.a.i^.r 1 Iob.2. 20.27* Ex$ef.\%* By nature we are blindein fpirituall things. 1 Cor. 2. 14. Math* 15. 14. though (therefore the Scripture bee a /Lining with an Sxfofition flfon thffame. 2 9 fliining light >PfaI. 119. icjt ycc unlcffc our eyes be opened, Pfal. 1 ip> i{& A&.26. 18., wee cannot fee it % no more than a blind man doththeSunne, loh. Uy. The Spirit is the author of fupernaturall light and faith> 1 Coro. 89. Eph.ij.1j7. ijob. 5. 6, 10. by the infpiration thereof were the Scriptures written , 2 Pet. 1.21. the fecrets of God -arc fully kacfwne unto, and effc&ually revealed by the Spirit, iCor,2.lo.thefamclaw which is writcen in the Scriptures,, the Spiritdoth write in the hearts of men that be indued there- with, Efai.59.21. Heb.g.io. For which rcafons it muft needs be, that thetefti- monie of the Spirit is all-fufficicnt to perfwade, and affure the heart that the Scriptures are the word of God. To pre- vent miftaking therein , obfervc thefe rules; i. The Spirit of God doth aflu- redly perfwade our confeiences that the ' Scriptures are of God , by enlightning our eyes to behold the light, writing the Law in our hearts, fea ling up the promi- fes to our conferences , and caufing us fenfibly to feele the efte&s thereof, u Gor.2.12. Luk.24 45* l Cor.14. 37' * crc * 31.53. 2 Cor. 12. 2. 1 Thef.i.y.with 1. Thef.2,i3»A<5l. 16.14, a.Thispcrfwafion of 3© tsfjbort Cdtochifmel of the Spirit iitnorecemine th?n can bee proved with r«afon,or expreffed in words: for things doubtful J may be proved , but things in tbecufclves mod clcareandcer- taine, be above all proofe and reafon ; as the fhining of the Sunne needs not to bee confirmed by argument to him that hath his eyes open to fee the light thereof. 3. This teftiinonie of the Holy Ghoft i$ certaineand manifeft to him that hath the Spirit, but private not publique,teftifyihg onely to him who is endued therewith j but not con vincingothers,not confirming do#rincs to others. 4. This tcftimony of the Spirit is not to be fevered from the Word,which is the instrument of the holy Ghoft , and his publick tcftimony # It is not therefore in- jurioas to trie the Spirit , by the word of God. 1 Ioh. 4. 1 , feeing there is a mutuall relation betweene the truth ©f the partie witnefling , and the truth of the thing witneffed ,and the holy Spirit, the Author of the Scripture , is every-where like unto, and doth every whete agree with himfelfe. 5. The teftimonic of the Spirit doth not teach or aflurc us of the Letters^ fyllables, or feverall words ef holy Scrip- lure, which are oncly as a veflcli,to carry and with An Expo Jit ion *f>cn the fame. 5 1 add convey that heavenly light unto ui $ but it doth feale in our hearts the faring truth contained in thoft facrcd writings into what language foever. they betranfla^ tcdjEph 1 -1 3. 6The Spirit doth not lead them in whom it d welleth $ abfolutcl v and at once into all truth > but into ail truth ne- ccdarytofalvation^ and by degrees. lohn l6.13.witb A<5t. 1 tf.and 1 1,1. fo that ho* ly men partakers of the fame Spi ic 3 may crrc in many things, and diflent one from another in matters not fundamental!. Q^Wkat Are the properties of the Serif- tart ? An. 3(t is of «* JDtbtne * ant|o}it& tyt rate 10 of t fattlj ano manners, t% u nscef* far?, " w pare,** *perfedsanD*4; plain, / 2 Tim, 3.16.* Eccic. 12.10.GaK6. i<$. *Ronvo. 14. n>Pfal. ii 6.#Pfal. 19,7. jPro.8.9. Expof. 19. Such U the cxcellcncie of the holy Scripture, above all other wri- tings whatfeever,* Tim.3.1 5.2 Pet, 1.19. that it ought to bee credited in all nar- rations , thjreatnings, promifcs , orpro- phefies. 1 Tim. 1. 15, Hcb.n. u.aPer. 1. 19. and obeyed in all comnrnde- ments, lob 22.22. Iere. 13.15. Rem. 1*5. God the Author thereof , being of in- com- 3 2 tSiJbort C'atechifms, comprchenfiblc wifedomc.Ptalm. 147% ji great goodnefle, Exod-18.9. Pfalm.j^S^ Kom. 11. 22. abfolute power and domi- nion 3 Gen.i7-i.PfaJ.5o,i. 2. andtruth^ that can neither deceive nor be deceived, Rom.3.4. Tit.i. 2.Heb.6. 18* The aia^ thority of the Scripture doth oncly and wholly depend upon God the authorof it, and therefore though one part maybe preferred before another , in refpe$ of exccllencie of matter and ufe, Can. 1. i. 1 Tim. 1. 15. in authority and certainty every parr is cquall , and oncly Scripture k of divine author ity # Gal. i,8.Mat. 1 7.5 . 1 Cor* 1 1.2 3. 20. The Scriptures are the word of Chrift, Col. 3. 1 6. whofe word is upright f Ecclef.12. io* Phil. 3.16. the firft truth, Heb. 13. 8. received by irnmediaxe^divine Revelation, 2 Pet. 1 ,2 1 . and delivered so thcXDhurch ; fufficient to make the man of God perfect in all good works, 2 Tim. 3. 16, 17* thetreafury whence all do&rioes murt be taken, 1 Pet. 4. 1 1. A6h 26. 22. Luk. 16.29. the touchftone whereby they muft be tryed,A£. 1 7.1 i.Efa.8. 20.with- out which error in doftrine and manners is unavoidable. Mach.22.29. 21. In refpeil of iubftance the word of God mtb An £xpo(itioH upon the fame. 3 • God was al way cs necefTary,Eph. 2,20. without which wee could neither know, nor worfhip God aright, Heb. 1 1.3.6. Matth. 22. 29. Ioh.20.31. 2 Tim. 3.16. Rom. 1 5. 4. Luke 24. 26,27. Inrcfpe&of the manner of revealing in writing, the Scriptures were neceffary , ever fince it pleafcdGod after that manner to make knowne his will, Dear. 17. 18. loft. 1. 8. Rom.ij^.Luk.i.j.Iudev^.andfofhall be to the end ofthe world. 1 Cor. 10. r I. Rer.22.18. 22. This blefled word of God is free from all 3 eventheleaftftain of folly ^error, fiilfhood,orunjuftice > Pral.ii9.i38.i40. Prov. 30. 5.Ioh. 17. 17. all things being laid downe hoiily and t ruly,both for fub * ftance,circumftance,and maner offpeak- ing,Pfal # 5i.i. Math.1.25. 23. Wbatfoevcr was, is, or ("hall bee necefTary - % or profitable to bee knowne, beleeved, pra&ifed, or hoped for, that is fully comprehended in thebookesof the Prophets and Apcftles, Luke id. 29. 3i.Ioh«5.39.Rom. 15.4, Galat. i.S 5 p. 2Tim.3.if,i6j 17. The perfeftion ofthe Scripture will more plaiftely appeare y if wee confider. 1. That religion for the fubfia.nce (jhejeof \yas eyer one and un- changeable 54 *AJh*rt Catechifmc, changeable. Heb. 13 8. Eph^.j.Iude^ Ad.26.22.Tic.1- 1. 2. 2* ThelawofGod wxittcn by CMofes and the Prophets, did deliver whatfoever was needfuil for, and behoovefull to the falvation of the Ifraelitc .Deut.4.2. and 12.3a. Pfal. i. 2. Mal.4.4. Hbf. 8, 12, Luk,io.26. 3. Our Saviour made kaowne unto his Difciplcs thclaft and full will of his heavenly Fa- ther, lob. 14. 26. and f <>. 1 5: and i£. 13. !• i8 # and what they received of him, they faithfully preached unto the world, Aft. 20. 2j* 1 Cor. 15. 1, 2, 3* Gal. r.8. 1 lohn 1 , 3. and the fumme of what they preached* rs committed to writing. A&s 1. 1. 2 lohn 20. 31. 1 lohn 5. 13. with A<&s8. 5, i.jCor,*.2. Rom.10.8 9,10. 4. There is nothing neceflarie to bee knowne of Chriftians , over and above that which is found in the old ITcllame nc, which i$not plaincly, clear ely,and#fully fetdownt, and to be gathered out o r the writings of the Apofiles and Evangelifts. jnthc whole body of the ScMp;urc, all doubts Sccontroverfics arc pciftitly deci- ded,Efay 8.20. Mjth.2r 29 40.Deut.17. 8,9jio,n,ia. 2Tim.^. \6 17 nd every particular booke is fuftidentiy perfeft for tht proper end thereof* Vnwricterr tra« ditions with an ExpoJitioH upon the fame. 35 ditions, 1 Cor. 4. 9. new articles of faith, Icr.7.gx.& 1 9.5- and newvifionsand re- velations ,arc now to be rcjeded.Heb.i.i* lohn 4. 25. lohn 15. 15. and 16. 13. wkh.Math a8.i9.aCor.$«6.8.ii. wiih Heb.8,x;« 24- In themfclves the whole Scrip- ture is eafiCjPfaloi. 119. 105. t Pet. j. 19. Prov* 14.6. fuch excellent matter could, not beuclhrered in morefignificant , and fitwords.A&*i.i6.withEph.i. 17. But all things in Scripture are not alike ma- nifeft, 2 Per. 3. id* The Gentiles by na« ture have the Law written in their hearts, Rom. 7. 14- but to a naturall man the •GofpcU is obfeure , accounted foolifh- nefic. iCor.i. 11. and 2. 14. Things ne- ceffary to faWition are fo clearely laid downc , that the fimpicft indued with the Spirit, cannot be altogether ignorant ofthefame,Efa.54ij.loh.6«45.Dcut.3o. 11. Matth. xi. 25. 2 Car. 4. 3* But to them who are in part iulightened, 1 Cor. 13. 12. many things are obfeure and darke, 1 Cor. ij # 9. to tame the pride of mans nature. 2 Cor. 1 2. 7. worke in \x$ a reverence to the Scripture, 2 pet* j« i£. 17, 18. ftitre us up with care and dili- gence to rca^^pray, kwe ? 5cc. andufe Gods g6 AJhort CMechifoe] Gods meancs to grow in knowledge, Pro%i.3,4^.& acknowledge that all hea- venly wifedome doth come from above^ Pro*2.tfJam.i.5« iKin.5.^. lob 28.25* Q^ For what end was the Scripture written ? An. 2Co * feaelj, 2 * tnfiract , coniuncc, correct, anocomfojf, *,aTim.3* 16, 17, Rom. 15,4. £xpof.2$. Faith and obedience is the Way to happineflc, and the wholeduty of man is faith, working by love. Rom. i,$\ Tit. 1. 1. 2. 2Tim.i.i3« Gal.5,6.&6.ij. which isaflaultedwith ignorance, error, fupcrftitionand prophancnefle, 1 Tim, 1. 6. 19,20. 2 Pet, 2* i y 2 y 3* and befet with many afflictions. 2 Tim. 3,12. Therefore the Scripture,. which was given tofhew unto man the way of life and falvation, was alfo written to teach found Do&rine, improve errour,corre& iniquity, inttrudl: to righteoufneffe, and comfort in the path ofholineffe^ 1 Tim f i. ro, 11. Tic. 2. 12. I Thef.3.5,4,Hcb.i2.i.2. Q^ Doth the knowledge ef the Scrip* tnres belong unto all men ? An. ^es: 2 *all men are not onelp aliotoeD rfbptcr&ojteo anD b commando tsreao^care, re unscrftans tytfraip* turs with ap Exfofition Hponthefame^ 37 farc,4loh.5.39.^Dcut.i7.i8,i^Rcvd 1 3. c A&. 8. 30. Expf. 26. The Scriptures teach the way 0nifejPrQv.2-9.Luk 16.29. A6K24* 14'and 13.46. PJaJ. 16. 11. Ioh. 6, 68. fee forth the duties of every man in his place and etiateof life, Deur. 17.17118,19,200 Iofh. i.8,Pfalm.H9 24. 2Chron.23. 11. 1 Tim.^.i4.and 5.i,&c. 2 Tim. 3*16 17. are the ground of faith 5 Rom. 4. 20. 2 ChrQ.20 20. 1 Tim. t. j^.rheEpifieof God fentto his Church. Hof. S> 12. Rev. 2.1 .8. 1 2. his TefUment wherein we may findc what legacies hee hath bequeathed unto us, 2Cor.3.i6.4- Heb. 10. 16. Tohn 14. 17, the Sword of the Spirit. Eph. 6. 17. being knowne and embraced m kc amanhappy.Pfaim,H9.97.98Xuke i Q . 42 and i6o29.Pfalm. i.a.Keyel.ij. buc neglected cr concerned , plunge men in- to ail miferie. Heb. 2. 3. Matth 22 e 2p. Pialm. 50. 16. thereforeall men of what £ge, cftate , quality , or degree foever, ought to acquaint themfelves with the wordofGod.i Iohn 2. 14.15. Pfal.u 9^9. A£h 17. 11. Deut.6.7. A6t. 18.25 28, for it was given of God , for, the benefit and behoofcofall forts, Rom. 1. 14 be- ing milkc for babes, and meat ror firofeg D men* 3 8 ts4 foort QatecUpme\ men. i Cor«3« i. a.Heb # 5* 13. plaincand cafieto inftruft the fitnple. Proy.i-4* Pfak i^.y.and fullofhidden wifdometoexer- cifethc flrong , and fatisfie the wife. Col. 3.3* I Cor.2. 7. Prov.i .5. that both forts •may be able to "try the Spirits , 1 Iohn 4.1 • be wife unto falvation , and grow rich in all fpirituall knowledge and underftand- ingjCol.i .lo.and i.2,and 3. 1 6. Q^The Scriptures arc written in He- brew and Greece , how then Jbouldallmen read and under ft and them ? An.^lje?oug^ttobeflftranaateD*7tn# fa fcnaUme tongues *anD lS interp;eteO* ^iCor.i4.i8.i9^Neh.8.8.A6>.8.3 5. Expfif.ij. The Prophets and ApoftJes preached their do&rines to the people and nations in their knowne languages. Jer.^d* 15, i6,A&s2*6* Imrnediaily af- ter the Aportl-cs-rimes, many tranfiations wereextant. All things muft be done in the congregation unto edifying. 1 Cor. 14, i6# bur an imknownc tongue doth not edifie, Gen. IT. 4. and all arc conu mandedto try the Spirits, 1 Thef. 5. 21* I Cor.10.15. 28. The expoundingof thcScriptures is commanded by God 3 1 Cor. 14% i< ?• 4,5,39. and pra&ifed by the godly >Luk, 4.1 £♦ with an Expofitio* upon the fame. 3^ 4.16. and 24. 27. Match, 1.23. 1 Cor, 14* 1 9. profitable both for the unfolding 0*" obfeure places. Neh. 8.8* and applying 0*" plaine texts, 1 Con 11.23. *+ ^,29. P rtands in two things : 1. In giviag the rightfenfe, Matth.33. 38. A<5ts2. 29.30.- Gal. 3. 16. 2. In a fit application of the fame, Ads 2. i6 v and 1.16. 1 Cor. 14* 24. 2 Pet. 1. 12. Of one place of Scrip- ture , there is but one proper and na~ turall fenfe , though fometimes things are fo expreffed , as that the things therofelvcs doc fignifie other things, ac- cording to the Lords ordinance, Gal. 4, 32,23,24. Exod. 12.46. with Iohn 19.36. Pfa.2.1. with Ad.4.24 J 35 > 2*.weare not tyedtothecxpofitions of the Fathers or Councels, for the finding out of the fenfe of the Scripture, Rom. 3. 4.Matth.5.27» ^.51,32,33,34. 38,39.43,44. cheboly Ghoft fpe&king in the Scripture, is the oncly faithfull interpreter of the Scrip- ture ; Lu, 1.70,1 Cor.2ao.1i.Ioh. 14.26.' Eft. 5 5. 4. The mcanes to find out the true meaning of the Scripture, arc conference of one place of Scripture with another, 2 Sam. 24. 1. with 1 Chro. 2 1. i.Efa.28* i6.withRom. 9 33. Efai.65. 1.2* with Ron?* 10,20,21 v Mich.5 % 2. yficb Math .2.- P 3 g.Mat, 4-0 A fhcrt Catechifmc , 6.Matb f 26.34.with Mar. 14. 30. diligent consideration cf the fcope and crcum- tfances of the place, Matth.22. 31^32. Afts2.io. as the occafions , and cohc- renceof that which went before, with ;hat which followeih after ; the matccr whereof it doth imreat, iCor. 11,24. 25,26.andcircumHancesofperfons,times and place?, Aft. 13. 36, 37, and confede- ration, whetherthe wordf be fpoken fi- guratively or fimply ; for in figurative fpeeches,nottheoutwo/clfhcwot words, but the fenfe is to bee taken, Iohn 15, 1. Math. 26. 26. lohrix^.6. Exbd. 12* 11. Ioh.6.35* iCor.io. 16, and knowledge of the Arts and Tongues wherein the Scrip- tures wereonginalJy written, iGor. 12. ie.Aft. 2,3,4. ^ ut a 'vvayes it is to beob- ferved, that obfeure places arenottobe expounded contrary to the rule of faith fet downe in plainer places of the Scrip- ture^Rom.s.iS^o^and 12 6.2Tim,i 13. Aft. 1 3.33,36, 37*Ron? # sr.7. Q^JVhat doth the Scripture efpecittty teach tu ? Kv.%%i ■ rcibmg/6mito!eB?t * of p. A6H26. 18. a rich with an Expojttion upon tkejamc* 41 a rich gift of grace. Mari.4. 11. thefirft grace that God givcth unco his children* 1 Ioh.fc.20.27. and 5. 20. lohn.jtf.^. and 6> 6 3 . the foundation of aJI other graces. Pro.19.2. Pial.f. io.Hof.4,4. Efa.n.p. the guide of our affc&ions , anddire#or of our actions. Pfalm.119.9. 100. 101. Prov.2, 10,11, 12. Efa. 50. 21. without which zealc is little worthy Rom, 10.2, facrifice was vainc,Hof.6.6,and devouon was but fuper#ition,A6t 17.22.23. This, when it is made by the work of cheholy Ghoft , to be efte&uall to fiucere faith, love, feare, and obedience, is favingjlohn 17.3^.53.11. 2, We mud know God, becaufe other, wife weecannot defire, Iqh.4. lo.obey 1 Iob 4 2.4« nor leaving corprpunion or fel- lowship with him.i Ioh.1.5^,7. 3 . Wee mud know Chrift, becaufe fit* hath made a feparation betweene God and us, E&. 59. 2. fo that wee cannot be received into Gods favour, or havecom- munionwith him, without a Mediator. Eph.i^.j.Rom. 3. 25.Eph.2j8. 1 lohn 2.1. 2 Heb. 10.21,22. Ioh.i4,6.and God in Chrift , or God and Chrift, is the ob- je& of ChrilHan religion. ColoflT. 3. 17. 1 Pet. 1 .21. Iohn 14. i Heb*i.6.€hrift is D 3 the Sfl *4t fbort Catcchtfnte, the image of the invifible God, Co!* r, i*$l the brightDffle of his glory, and theex- prefle image of his perfon, Hcb. i. j.ia whom, with open face we behold, as in a glaffe, the glory of the Lord f 2 Cor.3. 18. Iohn 14c 9. in whom are hidallthetrea- furesofwifdomeandkncwledge,Col.2.3. The Apoftles , who preached unco the world the whole counfcll of God nccefla- rietofalvation, did preach nothing, Afts 8. 5.R01T1.10.8.9. Aft.28.31.did defireto know nothing, but IefusChriftandhim crucified. 1 Cor. 2. 2. PhiJ. 3. 8. of him they wrote, that our joy might be full, I Ioh, 1. 4. and the Lord, who forbids u$ to glory in any thing befide, doth com- mand us to glory in this , that wee know him in Chrift,Ier.9.23. 1 Cor. 1. 30, 31. So that this knowledge is neceffary,eafie, excellent, fufficient, found, and comfor- table^ Cor.4.3#4. Aft.8>8» Q^Horv may it be prooved that there UaGod} An.iSp f Y,tg \ too?bs anD h > tocnoers te^jicl) arc (mz , tlje tctii mon^ i of 3 am* fetence, tlie^potocrs^oft^efonic, ano ffce /pjdcttfes * of Safari, g Pfal.r 9. 1.2. Efa.41.23. Rem. 1. 20. Ads 14. 17.10b s*'7*8,p^Exod.8.i£.andp, 16.* Rom. 2.15. with anExpofitionnpon the fame. 45 a.i5.Efa.33.i4Pfa,i4.5.&5$.$.^Zach. U,i,Pfal.94.8,9,io # /RGvcl.i2.7.io, Expof.i. The firft creaoue was made of nothing, otherwifc it would not bee fubjeft to change and alteration : and all creatures arc finite, compound, impcr* fcA , unable to make or fuftaine them- fclves ; therefore of ncceflity there muft bcafirftcaufc, in power infinite, moft perfect , and ef itfelfe, that gives being and continuance unto all things. 2. No- thing can be the caufe of it felfc : therefore it ftiould be both the caufe and the cffc&, both before and after it felfc , therefore all things have their beginning from one firft andfuprearne caufe, whict^is God. 3. Amongft things created wee may ob- serve a feries of caufes, and an order in the things themfelvcs ; but order is from one firft , and leads us unto one firft. 4. All things , even things without life, fenfe, and reafon, which cannot moove voluntarily, oriatend an end , arc di- re&ed orderly unto an end , therefore there 13 one wifc^oodjandchicfedirefter ofalithings^hichisGod. $. The great* ncffCjperfe&ion, multitude, variety, and concord of things exifting ; the forme, and continuall fuftcntation of the world, D 4 doe doc flic w that all things doe depend upori fomeone, wife. andpe;fe£t good , from whom they have their being and prefer- yarion. 2, By wonders; wee underftand vi- able and apparent works , extraordinarily wrought , notonely above the ordinary courfeof nature , but (imply above the pownc iccraly committed, which ijeverdi 1,'n r fhaii come into the know* v- of men : incite to> hoiincfle fl and Ctirbe an j bridJefrom iniquity : which is a macifeft token , and proofc , tbas there is afuprearoe Judge, who hatbgi- yen a Law binding the confeience , doth pbiervcallQurthaljghts^ devifes, words, and with an Exfofition upon the fame. ^ and works, and will call us to an account* and reckoning* 4 # The foule is a fpirituall, inviftble, and immortall fubftance 3 endued with power to underftand, and wilj j; bat the foule and the power thereof, is no: ofand from it felfe: therefore it mull proceed from another cauic, which isjpowet, wif- dome, and underftanding k klfe 9 an^Vlut is God. a. Lithe unde*(knding there arc certaine principles , whereby it difcer- neth truth and faifhood , f goa perfectly knowne and en- joyed will give contentment. 4. By the power and faculties ot the Souie^ man is capable of happineflc > or of the chiefe good : but in vaine ihould hee be made capable thereof , if there were not a chiefe good to bepoffeffeji and enjoyed. 5-By 5* By the aflaults and fuggeftions of Sathan wc feclcthcrc is a Devill, may we not then certainly conclude that there is a God ? 2* Sathan labours by all means to extinguish the light of the Gofpell 3 to Ieade men on in ignorance , error , and prophancneffc, and to turne them out of the path of bolineffc : Now why fhould Satan warrc thus againftGod, his word, and Saints, why fhould hee feekeGods dishonour 3 and mans deftru&ion , if there were not a God,a law, and an ever- laftinglifc? Q^Howe/fe? An. 35? tyz'tmtent tf nations 7 oe# fence m of t&e Ci;urct} , ' fuppojt ami * comfojtof f&e gool? ; bat p;tnapallB bBtye* Scripture. »*PfaL 9. i<5.and 58. n.ii.wIer.jj.p.oEfa^i.S, Exfof.6. All nations in every age, time, and place of ihe world, haveac* kaowledgcd that there was a God, 3. The Gentiles could not endure him, who denied a divinepower.j.Thcy ado- red ftocks, ftonesj bruitbeafts, and the bafeft creatures, rather than they would havenoDeitieat all. 4, They were zea- lous and forward in the worfhip of their Idols, which fhewes that though they acknow- with an Expofitien upon the fume. 47 acknowledged not thetrueGod, yet they know chcrc is a God to whom divine wor- fliip is due. 5, Such as have (ludied to be* come Athicfts, could never blot this truth out of their confidences , but the majeftie of God hath affrighted , and iiis terrours madethem afraid. 7. TheDcvill with great malice and furic, and ungodly men with all thcit might, authorise, malice, and policie, have laboured to find e out and extirpate all thofethat call upon the name pf the Lordlefus ; but they havebeencmiracu- loufly hid , prefer ved and defended by the Lord. 2.God hath wonderfully fruft rated all the devices of the wicked enemies of his Church; by themeanes theypradti- (cd to roote it cut , it was encreafed, 3. God fought from heaven againft the perfecutors of his children , aad executed upon them, the fierccncffc of his difplea- ^ fure : dreadful! judgements did over- ' take many of them, and fuch horror fell upon fome 7 that they were forced to leave their places of favour , and rule, aod betake themfelves to a folitaricand private life. 4. The Lord hath armed his children with invincible courage and fortitude, to endure difgrace, contempt, poverty, 48 tAJbort Qatcchiftne, poverty, deith, and the mod exquifite torments, that hell could invent; he hath fupported them under the burthen of an accufingconfcience, and inwardly refre- shed them as it vvere fuddenly with fyvcet peace and confotation 5 and by the power, flrcngth and comfort of the holy Ghoft i% - hath enabled them to fing Pialmes in pri- fon, and in themidft of the fire: which courage, ftrength, and comfort of theirs, dothplaincly demonftrate that there is a God ; ipecially if you compare it with thaefcare, faintneffe, and unquictnefie, * vexation, anddcadneflfc which is in other men, wfren they fuffer any thing. Q^WhatisGod? An. $$& i&pa&pixit y fjainng? [jig teingo£*°&mifelfe, p Ioh.^.^Exod, 3. 14- Expofg. God is fpiritu^U , invihble, and immateriallfubftance, iTijiwi v i7. Luk.24.39. 10. God is without beginning,PfaIm # jK>«2«andp3*.2. Ifa.45. i2..&44.6.and without caufe, Apoc. 1 . S. Efa. 4i» 4. and 43. 10. and 48. is. and lb heeisvyitheut compofition,mftnite,Pfa.i47,^& 145.3. Exod. 3. ^eternal!. Prov.8. 20.42,23. Rom. 16. 26, incomprehensible, Exod, mth an ffx portion upon the fame* 49 ; j.22,2;. 1 Tim.6.16. 1 King.8.27* Ek» 66. i.& unchangeable Jaa.17.MaL3. 6. Q^Jiow many Gods be there } An. £Dneis r one » ©00 ana »! fcfoas * pcrfons, t&e jfatfjer, j&on, ana i^olB (Sftfftt, r Deut. 6. 4. 1 Cor*8 # 4.6» / Math. 28.19. 1 Iohn 5.7. Expof .11. There can be but otc Om- nipotence Dan. 4. 35. infinite, eternal], moftperfeft, firft caufe, and dire&erof all things; all things are referred to one firft,Rom«ii.35.Apocal.i.8.and4.ii. 12. A pcrfon generally taken, is one intire fubftance , not common to many^ endued with life and underftanding, will and power, Aperfon in the Godhead, is the Godhead reftrained , or diftingui- ftied by his perfonall property, Iohn 14, 16 and 15. 1. The whole diyine nature being inc ivifible, 1 Cor. 8.6. is common to all' three perfons, Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghoft Ad. 4. 24, 2 Cor* 1. $. Iohn 1. i.Rom.?.f.Heb«i. 8. Num. 12.6.7. with A&.i.i6. 1 Pet.Mi.Hcb«j.i.A£t. 4.25.with2Per.i«2T. & therefore what-, foever doth abfoiutcly agree to the di-r vine nature, or is ipoken of the divine nature by relation unto the Creatures, th?t doth agree hkeyyife to every perfon m 5 ° t/ifbor t CAtechifmc, in Trinity, Iohn i.r. Prov.& 22. Apoc.f, 8. Match. 1 8. 20. Iohn 5. 13 lob 26, 13* and 35. 4. Iohn 14.26. Luke 1. 3 5. Every pcrfon in Trinity isequalJ in glory, and eternity,Iohn 10.30. Iohn 17.5, Phil. 2. 6. Eph.i. 17. with Iohn 1. 2. 41.2nd there is a moft necre communion and union be- tweencthem, by which each one is in die reft, and with the reft. Iohn 14. 10,11. Ioh.1.1. and everyone doth poflfeffc, Jove, and glorifieeach other, Prov. 8* 22.30, loh. 17.3. working the fame things, Iohn 5. 19. But the Godhead confidered with the perfonaJI property of begetting, is the Father, &c. Q. what is the proper tie cf the Fa- ther } An. 2Dq bsoffjtmfclfe, anOffonbe* gct^is^onne, t Ioh.1.18 and j.i8* *Expof.\%* The divine nature doth nei- ther beget,Bor is begotten : but the Father doth beget his Sonne by aneternall and neceffary communication of his Effencc, wholly and indivifibly to his Son, which yet hec wholly rctaineth in himfelfe* John iw.Pro.8.22.23. Q^What is the property of the Sonne ? An. Xo be r* begotten cf t$e $&Wi Iohn 3,18* Q^rhAT rfith an ExfofiticnttfcKthc fame. 51 Q^ What is the frtpertic tftbe Holy ghofi} An. SDopjocaDe from tfje » jFat&et Qi The nature of God is infinite and in- ccmprehenfible, how then may wee conceive of him ? An. %y hi* ; properties, ^anBbsijtfi *, too;bs,7 Exod. 34.67. * Pfal.19. 1 . and S.i Job 36.24«&c:and 37*1.18. Expof.iq* A property in God % is that vv hereby his divine nature is knownein it felfe, anddiftinguifhed from all other. The properties of God doc not really dif- fer from the Divine Effcnce , nor one cf them from the ether , but oncly in our manner of conceiving ; wherefore every property in God is inseparable and in- communicable. Q^V/hat are his properties ? An.^e is ■ * molt a toifie, 15 b fircBg 3 * n gooM '^gracious/ 1 > utttjf "aurctfnU, ^"perfect, ^ 21 bIe(TeD, ano^glojtoti*, a Rom.1^.27.^ I bis.T3^Math.ip.i7. dExod.^19. Rom.5 t 8.^Pfalm.i45. 17. /Pfa.103. 11. & i45.8.9^Mat. 548.10b 35.7,8./^ Mar.i4.6i.Ro.p.5.^iCor.2.8. £*/*/. 1 5. Wifdomcis that, whereby God 52 Afocrt Catechifme^ God by oae^Heb.^a 3. infinite, Pfal.i 39. 6. and 147.5. Efa. 4o.2S.etcrnaIl^Eph.r. 4.fimple, Exod. 3. 14. and unchangeable aft oi his undeiftandmg, Efa. 46 10. doth know himfelfe. Math. Ii.27.l0hn i.i8« and 7.29, 1 Cor. 2. 10, J 1. and all things, 1 Iohn 3. 20. lohn 16.20. and 21.17.and aihonsclearely, infallibly, anddiftmtt- ly. 1 Chron.2^.9. 2 Tim.2.i9.PiaI.$6 f 8. and 147.4. Math. 10.3a wish all their circumftanccs; 1 Sam. 23. 11.12. Math. I x. 2 r. Mat. 24.22. Iohn 7. 3a difecrning a mart wife reafon of them, Eph. i. n. Prov.8.14, 1 6. Strength is that, whereby God doth rnoft freely, Pfaf.i 15,3. and 135.6. with- out refinance or wearinefle, vvhatfoevcr he doth \vil,Dan. 4.35.^13.40.28. and can coe whatloever he can will, Math.3.9. 17. GoodneiTe is that ^ whereby God being the chicfc good,Mark.io. 1 8. flic w- ££h himfclfe very good and bountifull to all his creatures, Pfarn. ?6. 5.Ge«.i. 31. PfJ.33. j.and $6.5. and 14^ 9. 1 3, Gracioufhcfleis chat, whereby God n^truely amiable in himfeUe, PCalm. £6,15, and hi. 5. is freely bountifull unto his Creatures, Rom. 3^4. 1 and cherifhi^g (httn tenderly, without any %>kb an Expojition upon the fame € 5 j any dcfcrt of theirs, Pfal. 145. 8, and 36, 5,7,9. Luk.i.^o, ip. Iufticc is that , whereby God is true in all his fay ings, Eccl. 12. io.Roreu 3. 4. and righteous in all his doings,Gcn. 18.25.Deuc. 32.4.10b 8.3. and 34,io,and 36,23. Pfal 92*15. Rom. ?♦ i4.2Chron. i?.7*Dan,9,i4 # 20. Mercy is that, whereby God of his free grace and love, is ready tofuc- ceur fuch as are, Pfalm. 57.10. and 108. 4.Pfal.io3.4,and 145, I4«er might be in xnifcry by the condition of their nature. ai. Perfe&neffe is that, whereby God isnecefTarilyallfufficient in and of him- fcife, Gen.^.i Job 22.2,8c 2y.?,<5,? J Pfa,- i<5, 2. and the caufeof all perfed"hon and goodneflfe m every thing befides, iam*i« 17* 2 Cor. 3.5, and 4. 7. iCor. g, 4,6. Rom.11.36. 22. Bleffcdnefle is that, whereby God fully and eflentially knowing, and wil- ling that perfe6Hon which is inhimfelfe, hath all fulneffe of delight and contenu ment , in and of hiiafdfc, Gen. 17. 1. 1 Tim. 6. 15. and 1.11. and is the caufc and obje&of thebleffedncffe ofhiscrea- cures, Pfal. 16. u>aad 17, 15. John IM, iloh. 1.3.6. E 23, 5 4 ^ fi ort C atec ^f rite ^ 23. Glory in <3od, is theadmirabk cxcellencie of his mod holy and divine nacurc^whcrcby be infinitely excdleth all creaturcs^xpj^, 18. Pfal,8.i.Ioh.i2; 4X,Rom*i.23.Pfa!.29. 9. This glory the Lord doth manifeft roorcobfeurciy in this JifaNum.12.8. Exod, 33.20. t Cor. 13. 12. by his Gofpell, 2 Cor, 4, 4. 46. and fignes of his prefence. Exod.33.22. Efo 6, 1. ^^.femefhining brightnefTe,Luke 2, jj.Matth. 17. 2.5. or thick cloud and €Hr 1 AnefTc,Ei:od.i6.io.and24.i6.iKing^ 8. 11. and excellent a£ts befeeming his grcatncjGfe,P£!l. 19. 1. Pfal.ap.^.Exod.p. 16. lohn 2. if. 2Thcff. 1. to. But more ciearely it is revealed in Heaven. Rev, 11 ♦ 23. Ioh. 17.24. Q* What are kisworkj? An.lSDhe^are t^ce,32Derra:,Creattoni anBP:ot)tcence. Q^jfhar i* the D ccree ? An. SEIjat tofcerDbi? <35oB |atl) from ctcrnifr? fet Baton { tottfc imnfelfe to^aN foctiervftaUccmetopiiire^Eph.i.ii. Ex-vnf.i. AH things with their caufes, effects , eircuraftances , and manner ot feeing arc decreed by God, A&s 2. 23. and 4. 27, 28. Eph. 1. 1 1. This decree is rcoft wttc,Rona. 1 1. 33. juf^Rom.j. 13. 14. »ith an TLxpojition upon the fame, j y I4 t eccrn;ill, Epb. i# 4,5. 2 ThcfT. 2# 15 ■ A#.if.i§* 1 CGr.2.7. nccc{Taric a Pfa.33 - 1l.Pro.19.2t.unchangeable.Heb. 6.17* moft free, Rom. 9. *8. and csufe of all good, lam. 1. 17. but not of any finnc, 1 loh. 1. j. The fpcciall Decree of God concerning Angels and men is called Prc- deftinatioii, Rom. 8. 30. Of the former little is fpoken in holy Scripture, of the later more is revealed, not unprofitable to be knowne. It -may be defined, the wife, free, jv& 3 eternal], and unchanged ablcfen:e[iCe,ordecrceofGod,Eph.i.ii« determining with him r dfe tocreate and governe manfofrhis fpeciall glory, viz,* the praife of his glorious mercy , or greac ju(iicc,Rom. 9, 17, 18. Rom. n. 36 Of this decree there be two parts: Ele£Hoa and Reprobation, iThef, 5,9.11^4, 5* Eledien is the decree of God, of his free love, grace, and mercy , ehufing foine i men to faith, bolincfie, arvd cternall life, for the praife of hi& glorious mercie* iThef. 1.4. sThcf.2. 13. Eph.i. 4,5,6. Rom. 8.29, 30. Thecaufe which moved the Lord to cledt them who arc ebofen, was none other but his mecre good-will andpieafure,Luke 11.32. Rom. 1 1.5. and $ } 1 1, i^.Eph. i. 5. 2 Tim* 1. 9. The enci E 2 is 5 6 A port fatechifme] is the manifestation of the riches of his grace and mercy, Rom. 9. 23, Eph. 1.6. The fending of Chrift, faith, holineflc, and cternall life , are the effe&s ofGods Jove , by which bee manifefteth the infi- nite riches of his grace, Ioh. 3,1*5. ilohn* 4.ic.A&.i3.4§ # Tici.i,CoJ. i.i2.Rom. 6.23. In the lame order God doth execute this decree in time, in which hee did dc- crceitinhiseternallcounfelljiThcflT.j.p. 2Theff..2. 13. Reprobation is the wife, iuft.andabfolute decree of God,otdai»ing to leave fome men unto themfelvcs , to fuffer them to fall, and to infli& upon them eternall punifliment , deferred by their finncs, for thepraifcofhisunfpeak- able and great iuftice,Rom.p.i 1. 13.22. Iude tna&e ail /fljtngs 2 of noting , in m Gtz uiz$> /Heb,i 1.3. s^Exod, 20.1 1 # Expo/. 2. The firft matter whereof all things were made was notcterdall^Gen. 1. i.Prov. 8. 22, 23. for then it could not be fubie& to alteration, Pfalm. 10^. 26, 27. neither fiiould God be the fountaine ofallgoodnefTcj if any thing had a being and not from him : then the word begin- ning could not be referred to all thiRgs* But it was made (imply of nothing in time, Heb. 11. 3. and other corporall things were made of >t, Gen. x« 6, Sec. by E 3 no 58 \A fort Catechifme] no IctTe power and wifdomc , thaft the IumpitfclfeJcr.io.i2*Rcv*4 # ii.Iob3o. Q^In rr hat forme or manner were all things created} An. 3fn an nttzzWml oj6cr,an6 mk* Btng o gcoD > n Icr. 10. n# Gen. i. i,&c Gcn.1.31. Q. F*r what end did Cjed make all things ? A,JF o? f be /> pjatfe of Ijts great pofoer, gcofineffe, totfDomc, petfedton, ano free-* Dome, p Rev.4. 1 i,Proy.i6*4. Q.. What is providence} An. SLijat tofcerefag ®oE>3 coHj^pje* ferfcc,r anB 4 gofceriie all flings tuitb all f^etr adens*, ^ Pfa.3.8.Pfa # 36.6. 1 Tim. 4,io*rPro.i5r.3«Macrh. 10*29,30.31. Expof.3. God doth confer ve all crea- tures in their kind. Gcn.7. i,2 3 3, and 9, 1, 2, 3. Ac*. 17* 25.27. and inparticular. Dcur.25 # 4*i Cor % $>.9,Ieb38 3 #/r.or 39.3. Pfa.i47.9.bothin refpc& oftheir nature, and ofcheirqualkie^Pfal. 19.1,2. lob 39. I 3 2 J &c,Exod.33.25.Dcut 4 23.y. 4. God govcr.ucth all creatures accor- ding to their feverall natures, Pfalm. 33. 13,14,15;. and 135.6, 7. and 104. 14* and 145.15* lob 10.8,9,10 11. Proy.aQ.24. - ' Pfal. Mfith An Hx f option Hf on the fame. 5$ PfaJ. 119. 91. with all their adtions, Pfal. 14.2. and 33.13, 14., 18. Eccl. 3. 1,2, 3. &c. and8.d. Gen. 20.6. and 50. 19, 20, even thofetkings which arc moft cafuali inrefpe<5tof us,Exod.2i. i5.Dci:c.i9.j. God in great wifdomfc and iuftice doth fuffer mentofinnc, Pfalm.50.21.A6l. 14* i6» with-holding and wich-drawing from them his grace, Pfalm.81,11, 12. Match. 11. 2 j. Luk. 10. 28. trying them by outward occaftons , Gen. 3. 5, 6. 2 Sam.i 1.2, and 16.20,2 j, 22. ludg.2.2c. 21. giving Satan liberty to tempt them, 2 Sam.24 1.2 Ghro.2Li.Luk.22.31.and carrying them forward, when by their owns faulc they arcoutoftheyvay, A<£ts 17. 28* P^lm. 105.25* Ron^ i, 24, 28. 2 FheflT.2. 9, 10, II. Alfo bee doth limit finne, and determine the finfull anions of men, 2 King 19, 28. Gen. 37.27,28. Pfal. l24*i,2.2Sam J i724,i Sam 24*6,7. and 29. 6,7.Iob ltd, 12. Gen. 20.6. both in refped of time, Iohn7 # ^o. Luke 22. 53. Match. 24. 22# continjance, Hof«2. 6,7. Aft. 14.16. and 17.SQ.2 Pet.2.9. Apoc.2.' lo« place, Matth.16. 2i # and 20. 18. Luke *?• 3?.perfons.E£ec. 2 r. 19,20, 21,22, 2j.Iudg. 3. 1 3, and 9.23.2 Qhro-18.31, -3 2. Ait. 9.2 5. and 23. 11. 21.27. Ioh.ig. E 4 8, 6o AJbort Catechifmej 8.inwardpnrpofe, Exod. 34. 24. manner of finning, Prov.i6.9.and2i.i.andpro- gveffe, Gen. 37.25,26,28.1 Sam. 23.26, 27,and 25,22. Luk.4.24. 30. A&.9. 1,2. x Sam. 21. 13, 14. punifli one finne with another 1 . 2 Chro. 25.20. Rom.i.28.£xod. 7.3. 2 Theflf.2. 9, 10. 1 1. and order them to an excellent end. Prov. 21. 1. Gen. 50. 2O321.and457.I0b1. 1 1, 1 2,22, and 2, io.Efa.10.7. Q^ VT^at are the fpeciall creatures 7nade,freferve An. sgarfceliotis*I)oi£, arrt*ljapp£, rEccL7.2p.or 3 1. Exfof 6. The whole man was made conformable to the will of God, free from all impurity and fiane, andendued with allperfcdt righteoufuefle bemting fucha creature, Q^ Vyhjfaj you that man was holy > An. IBeeanfe&e teas creates after tfje » 7 Image of ©ob, ta t kflo s JDleoge,rtg^ teoafneffe, *ano true faQltatfte,/* Gca. 1; 26.C0L3.10. Eph.^, 23,24. Expof.y The image or fimilitudc of God, (for thefetwoare oBe,Qcn. 1.26* with Gen. 5, 3. lam. 3.9. 1C0r.i5.49. CoU 3. 10O ls a lively rdemblancc of God,onein Effcnce^Gcn.i^y.Man doth referable God , not in refpect of his bo- dic, nor chiefly in refpe&of the immor- tall and fpirkuall fubftance of the foule, endued with reafon and will: but ime- fpeft of the graces which Godbeflowcd upon 62 tAjhort Catcchifme] uponthcfoulc,Eph.4, 2?, 24. Col. 5. 10/ and yet by reafon of the union of the fouI« and tody, the whole man is faid to be made in the image of God , Gen. 9.6. 8. As God knowes bimfclfc, Iohn 8. 55. 1 Cor. a. 10. and all things befides, loh. 16. 30* fo man did truly % diftinbtly, perfe&ly , and; cflfe&ually know God, Rom. 1. 19,20. his will, Rom. 2. 15. and works, Gen«2, 20,23. and his owne hap* pineflfein God, and his owne prelect e- ftate, though hce was ignorant of the fu- ture. 9. As God willeth himfelfe as the chicfcgood.Efa.42. 8. andean willno- thing^but what is good, fo mans will was ablctochoofe God , and all good freely, readily, and orderly, and to doe what was required, 1 Chron.28.tf. and 29.9. His afteftions alio were fubie& to the rule of p«rfe& reafon, duly and with aa holy moderation caricd unto that which is good, refpe&ing God or nun, Tit. 2. 5. 1 2. 1 Tim. 3. 2. Matth. 22* ij* 8. 39. Detir^.y. Q^JVhcrein did mans kappixtjft cou- fsa An, 3!n tlje cuto^ins n> of 10 fteect peace with an ExpoftUn upon the fame % 6$ peace ano communion foitij tfje Jlojo* iP.Gen.1.29. ExpofiQ* God did love, favour, and accept of man ; and man did behold, re- ioyce , and reft in the Lord with full de- : light. Q. what further privilc-dges did man enjoj in his eftate cfimocencie ? An. l^c teas places in x paractfc>ijao liberty to eat sfj efcerp tr© tnlfte^ari ten , erccp* i\)t%x® of IX fensiDk&gc of SCOD anB ctsiil , nno teas a mate ruler of aUeart^crearurc^A-Gen t 2.i5.jGen« 2.i6.Ge:i,^i7.«Gen.2.i9.Pia].&<5. £#p*/. 1 1. The event of mans eating, er fbrbcaiing that fruit,did give the name t© that tree. If hee had obeyed, he (hould be happy, having experience of good: ifheedideat thereof, hee by experience fnouid know whatjgood hee loft there- by, and what mifery hee brought on him- frlfr. Q. Were thefe things beflotvfd upon Titnn that be might live && he lift ? An, $o, but t&at he mtg&t n fertie fte h \%%\ fcis sgafeer , teljo Gftttfm ffalJe man a late , btntring c Ijim altoaie* to perfect obccicnce, at» a fpcctail tzm* manoeraent to tr? tjtro, £Rcv.4- ?i* Pfal< £4 tAfbort C'atechifme, Pfalm.95- 6. * Rom. 3. 14, Expof. 12. God the Creator of man^ Pfalm. 100.3. and in that refpeifc his fu. prearocandabfolute Soveraigne, having beftowed fo great gifts , and maineliber- ties upon man freely, m ight upon his own will and plcafure require at the hands of man, whatobedience foever heehad, or would inable him to pcrforme. Deut. 1 1 . 31, 52.1cr. 27. 5. and might alfoenjoiae himepzmnifeft hisloyalticand humility, by abftayning from fome a&in it felfc indifFercnr, for no other reafon, but be- caufehewas fo commanded, Dan. 4. 32* 35.Pfa/.ii5.3. Qjyhafwas thatffeciaEcomandementi An*£Dft^efrdt of ^ffenotoleDge of gcDD am* efctlltljca fyalt not eat, fo? in fyz baitW tljoucafctt thereof, t\)o\x Qait Bte t &e Beatij, ith An Sxf option upon thtfami. 6% 3. 22,23,24* Prov.g. 18. Apoc.2.7. 14. All mankind was created good ia Adam,Eccl # 7. 3i.Rom«y.i2. 1 Cor.i^. 22. as other creatures w«re in their kind, Gen. 1. 31. and God did enter intocovc- nant with our firft parents, Gcn.2. 17. as they were the root of all their poftcrity: fo that what they had a#ually promiied to them , wee had promifed to us alfo in them. CXsPid man continue in that good efiate> An. $0 , buV> fcee/fell from An« f£», 1 fo? l * tees are ail in Ins i0Bne6^Kom,5.i2.iCor.i5.22 # Heb.7 # 9,10. Exf$j.i 8. Adam was not a privatepcr- &n,but the common parent of us all • and as hee received integrity for himfelfe and I us, fo he loft itforhimfelfeandus. Q. What is the fiat e of all men bj reafon of Adams faH} Ah. %&t are Oeas in «* &iw\t,m* boneaabes *• of feat&an, ^Eph. 2.1,2. fxpof. 1 9. To be dcadin finne, is to be utterly deprived of all life of grace, Eph. 5. i^ fo that wee can move to nothing of 68 AJhort Catechifme^ of our felves, that is truly acceptable in the fight of God. 20. To be bondflaves of Sathao^ is to be under the power and dominion of the Devill,fo that we doe,and cannot but doe his will and command. 1 Tim. a. 25, 26. Aft.25.i8. 2 Cor.44. Q^Jlow doth that appear e ? An. 3ln tljattlje* are altogether /tm> able to gcoD : ana « pjone ^ to stall con* tt««allp*/2Cor.3.5,^Gen.8.2i. Expof. 21. Every faculty of Soule, and member of body, is defiled with fin, - iThcff. 5. 23* Rom. $• 6. The mind is blind, Ier. 10. 14.2nd ji. 17. Hath. iy. i4.Eph # 5. 8. imporent, Luke 24.25. fohn 1. 5, and 5,9,10, and 8,43. 1 Cor. 2.14. Deut.29.4. vaine, Prov.T4.i 2.Eph«4.i7. 1 Cor. 1. 2i, EC 44. 20. fGoIi(h,Prov« 22. 15. Tic. 3. 3. Ef 2^. 15. Iobji. 12. apt todevifeevill* Ier, 4. 22. The memory is feeble, apt to forget good, Luke 24. 6, 7, 8. to remember cvill, but neither good, nor evill as it ought, Math. 27. 63. with Math. 26. 75. Deuc.8.io,i 1,19. Heb. 13. 2. 2 Pet. 3. 5. The confidence is impure, Tit. 1. 1 5. Heb.io. 22.bcnurmned, Gen. 42.2i,22.Eph.4f:9.Gen.yo.i5.Heb.9. 14. o^turmoylcd, lohn 8.9. 1 lohn 3. 20* Dan. with an Tlxpojition upon the fame. 69 Dan.y.6 9.Gen.4 $ 4.A#.24.26.and 2.37* Prov.28. 1. Ef.57.2O32 1. Lev.26. 36. erro- neous and fuperftitious, Mark. 10. 19,20. Luke i8.i2.Macth # i5.2>3*Iohn 16- z, or doubting, Rom. 14.23. The will unable to chufc good, 1 Gor.2. 14. Phil. 2. 13. Match. 6.10. 2 Tim.2.26. Romans 8 y 8. ftrongtocvill, yea altogether averfeand rebellious, Matth.2 3. 27. Rom 6.19. Ier. 18 1 2* and 44, 16,17. The aflf&Hons un- ruly and diiordered, Gal. 5. 24. Ro. 10.2. 1 King* 22. 8. and 21*4. Iam # 4.T, 2, 5. The members of the body are toolesto execute finne conceived, Rom.6. 13. 19. and 3,13, Pfal.5 2. 4. 2 Pet. 2. 14, and in- ftrujnents to ftirre up finnein thefoule, Gen. 3* 6* and 6.2. 2 Sam. n.i. iKing* 21.1.2. Matth.5. 28,29. This pronefle to finfte is ever prefent, Ien 7. 9. Gen. 6. 5. even then when the operations ceafe. And though a man finde himfelfe leffe apt to one finnc than to another , being rcftraincd, or renewed by theSpirit^Gen. 20.6. Ier.32. 40, Eph # 3, 16, or by rcafon of fomeoiher defers, or lets, 2Kingsi > 12, & 19,35 , 1 Kings 13,4, Hof.2,7,Iohn 12,19, Mar.n 32, c A6fo5>26,Matth.2i, 46,Geu.37 25,26, 27>and 39,8,9* L"kc 4,30, Ioh.8,59, yet corruption caufeth an F aptitude aptitude to evefy finne, if it be not hin- dered. Q^ what fruits doe proceed from this Originall corruption ? An. Cmti^tliosgtitg^tDojW^anB foojks, «Gcn-tf, j^ol. i J ai l oGal.5< 19. Expofti. The thoughts and defires naturally arc ignorant, erroneous, unbe- leeving t decekfull, unruly, loofe, wil- ful!, vaine, idle, blc ekifh, not favouring good, proud;, dldainiul^ uncharitable, filchy,&c. aid { n a word > abominable, od'ou*. The words and works, anfwe- rabletotbeie,Pfal.94,7,.Efa,29,i5,PfaI. io^ and 14, 1 Deur.29.19, 20, Amo5 6 y '3, and 9,10, i Cor.i,23,Efa. 5, i9,Pfal. 136,1, lob 2 1/14,15, ferc6,76,Lu] Pial.75>ij,Numb 20,10, t2,Pial. 31, 22>and 116, 11, Match. 14, 30.L kci8, ii, Deut.15,9 PGI. 83,4, 1 Per.4,5,4 vjcr. 38,15,16, 2^111.13.2, M 37, 3 8 > S9j Icr.8,6, 2 Pct.3,3,4, Pfal. io 9 7jPro.i,u. with an Exposition Hpontbefame € Ji Q, Are all theaU'tonsof naturallmen evill continually ? An. pta : 2 * fo; ttyzyp fatle m mang t!)tn(js,anDafli tycv come from tfjem t&c? ate ^ odious unto 0oD, z7Matth.12.35, ^Prov,28.9. Expof.2%. A man by nature may doc an aft chat i$ good for thefubllancc there- of, DaD.4. 27. or 24 Rom.2. iS.butnc- ver that which is truly and fpiritually goodjMatth,7.i8. Ier.13 23 .Rom. 3. jo. Pror. 15.8. and 21.27. tor hh perfonis not accepted, Gen. 4, 4,1 Per. 2. 5. nor fan&ified, and fo the good a£s bee doth^ proceed not from a g:»od rooc,# & faith, and the Spirit of fan&ificatiGn, 2 Tim« 1. 5& neither is ic doneinanghc manner, lam«4.'3 nor to a lawfull end, viz>.the glory of God, 1 Cor. to. 3!. Col. 3. 17. all which are required to the being of a good ad. Q^ JYhat puni/hmentt are due unto man by reajo a of thejefinncs ? An X\\ xjjdtr utfi a 4 imfer&fsntpoja!,^ fpitita jll,atiD gretnal! j-r Lam. 3.39.110m. 6.24X131,3. 10. Exfof. 24, The leaft finne, is a very vile breach of Gods moil holy Law, 1 Ioh.3.4. Deut»27. z6. and loan hainous F 2 offence *]2 vA fhcrt QatechifmCy offenceaga'wft his infinite Majcftic, Pfal. 5 1 . 4- alfo of its own nature it is alwayeg ioyned with impenitencie, A6te 5. 31. and 17. 30* and therefore doth deferve death with all miferies accompanying the fame. Q t Which are the temporall miferies ? An. <23dds car fe upon tlje /creature*, t on mans boa?, fenfes, name, frtenw, foijatfocfeer &e tafees in fjano^anD * Deattj it felfe, /Rom. 8.2o.f Deut«28. 25,26, Szc.u Rom. 6.21. Q. ^/;^r *ron the fame. 75 confcicncc awakened , fillech the foule With deepo doubts, hcllifh, and unreco- verable defperation,and remcdilcffcteares of evcrlafting damnation, Revel. <5. 16, tp 28. Hardnefle of hem, is a fearefull judgement of God , whereby thehcartjs paft all feeling, and remorfe, flint faft up that neither the Word, nor works of God can kindly work upon it.Efa.48. 4., Zachu 7.1I3I2. 29. A reprobate fenfc or minde , is a mindedeftitute of judgement , and voyd of common reafon, taking evill for good, and good for evill; neither fearing God, nor reverencing Man, regarding neither right nor wrong,Luke 184. 30. Strong delufions are , when men arc given over to take pleafurc in bclee- ring lies, and idle fancies of vaine heads* To thefe wee may adde phrenfidmadnes, Dcut. 28. 28. to be given over to vile af- fections, God with-drawiug from mea, his grace, and in his fecrct y but juft and dreadfull judgement ; giving theoiovcr to moft fordid, and loathfome, unnatu- rall, and inordinate lufts^Pfalme 81. 11 Geu.19.5. Q^JVbich ii the ct email miferj ? F 3 An: 7 17, and 3. 17* and feaiedby the holy ohoft, Eph.i, F 4 QJK* 7 pure,toiibouf finne, to|jerefett^aUare^ftatneD,tDljo are conceibeo after tijeojDtnats manner. /Luke 1.3$.? Iohn $.$. Q^ Why was he God ? An. SDtjat bemtgbtbearet£efoetgbt of dUops tojatb toit^oat flntung un&e r it y obereome Deatb , be tbe ipeaB ' of tfce C&arcb, repauel)t0 3lmagemtts, con- quer tye enemtesof our faibatton , ano aefenDugagamfttbem* Expof.6. The dignity of being Head of the Church is fo great , that it canuot agrccto any meete man, Eph. 1,21. Phil, x £, 10, 11. Hcb. i< 6. alio the offices of the 7 8 t/tjljort fotrchtffHe, the head , arc to give the power of life, feeling, and movia ^to the bodyjleh.i^. Rom, 8 2. and codircft by his power. the inward and outward fun&iqns of i he bo- die; Eph. 5.2^24. which benefits hee that is man onely cannot beflo w upon the Church, Q. Why && he man ? An.Eljat&s tntgt/t7fufferrceaf|ifo? us, fanaifie s out* 8 nature, ana ire tutgljt £iti£ t attest toitb botDiies to t\)t ti>?one Of graC£, r Heb. 214./ Hcb.2. 1 1.; Heb. 4.15, i<5* Expof.j. The divine nature could not fuflfcr, lam. 1.1 7. Mai. 5.6. Rom 95. and • without (bedding of bloud there o-uld benorcmiflion of fins ; Heb .9.22, Chrift therefore tooke our nature, that he might fuffcrdcath, Phil. 2.7. fpecially it being nowayes meet, that one having no fpe- ciall comoKinion with another, fhould endure punifhmenc for anochers fault, Heb. 2. 16,17. 8. Fulneffe of ai! graces above mea- fure , werepoured into thehumioc na- ture of Chrilt our Saviour, Ma. th, %l6. I oh. 1. 16. and 5. 34.Co' f 2.9. and 1. 19. 2nd wee being united to him, an J having communion with hi;Tr,dce receive in mea- fa* with an Exposition upon the fame. 79 fureofhisfulncffe, Enh, 4.7.17. Q^jvbat is his office ? An. S£o be /^e&tatcnr^Q reconcile ©ooano nun* u 1 Tim.i,$. Expo f 9. AMediataur, oranAdvo. cate r is a third nerfon that takes upon him to 2grcc and reconcile two that be at variance ; as Chrifl: being both God and roan, did fet atone , God and man, Eph.no.Col. 1. 20.1 Iohn 2. x» who be- fore vyerelcparated by ftnne > Efa. 59. 2* Ier.5 25. Chrift is our Mcdiatour boeh as God and man, Iohn 1.29.54. & S'M* 1 ^* Rom.c.8. 1 Iohn 1.7. Phi),2.6.torin the work of our redemption hec performed many divine works, Heb.2. 14. Iohn ic. 18. asMediatour, hee is the King and Head of his Church, Luke * # ^ Joh^Jjf. . A&.2.36. Phi!. 2>io, 11. March. 28 18. Heb. i. 6. and 2.7. and the ipcciall offices of Chrift our Med iatcur, doe necefiarily require, that the divine and humane na- ture joyntly doe concurre in the cxeci*.. tion of them, John I. 18.Matth.11. 27. Iohn 5.12,15. 2 Cor 5. 18, 19,20- Rom. 5.10,11. Heb.9 14. and 7 # 25.Thisotfice is peculiar to Chriti, Iohn 1 4.6, 1 Tim.2. '5,6.Hcb*7.24. and neither in whole, nor part can be transferred 10 any o;her,A£h -J..IO. 80 *Ajhort fatechifme, 4.10,11,12. Heb 4«i4.Ioh # n.42.iIohn 2.i.Hcb.7.25* Eph^. n.Hcb.2.i4,i5.« A6i.io.42.43. and 17.31* In the decree of God, Chritt wasaMediatourfrom e. rernicy, Eph.i. 5,6. In the vcrtue and ef- ficacieof his mediation, hee wasgiven to bcMwdiatour asfooneas neccffity requi- red, Rev. 13.8. Gen. 3. 15, In thefuinefle of time, hee was manifefted in the flefh, Gal.4.4,5. Q^ How did he that} A. tv HBp tits fulfilling l °t\)z lato,anD b? bts ll x fufferings, wMaith. 3, 1 j, ArHebt9.15.Rom.5ao u . Expof. 10. It became him who w'as out fsithfull high Prieft to fulfill all rightc- oufnefTe. • 11 The juftice of God muftbe fatif- fied, and the debt of finne muft be payed, before God , who is true, juft, and un« changeable , could be pleafed with us, 1 Iohn 2,2,^^9.14,15. 1 Pet.i. 18,19. Rev. 1.5. Q^ tvhat Hnderftttnd joh by hkfuffe* rings ? A. If)!* toaluntar?^ humiliation boff) tn * l2 foule anD boa?, £is a crucifying b m Deat| , buriall , ana c abioing ** ixmtt t£c cominion of oeat£ to; a timc*j Phih 2. yrith art JZxpoJition nfon the fame. 8 1 Kcb.9.14. a Luk.23.33^ 1 C©m5.3,4. rAS.a.27. ExtoJ. 12. Chrift in his incarnation did a flume our whole nature, Luke 2. 40. 52>Heb.2.6*Luk.23.46. 1 Tim.2 5. Luke 19ao.Matth.26* 38. Mark.14.34. Mattlv 27«i6.Iohn i9.;o.Heb.io.5.Matth.26. 1 2. Hcb. 2. 1 7. that by offering it up a fa- crificcfor finne, hce might redeemeus, Heb.8.i.2,3*Heb.£. 14. and 13, 10, ji, I2» In our nature hee became our furety, lob 1 9.15. Heb/7*22. therefore heefuffc- red properly in foule as well as in body, Macth.37.46.GaL3. 13. Heb. 2,9,10,14. which is fet forth in the Lords Supper, 1 Cora 1 .25. and was fignified by the fa- crifices in the Law , Hcbr. 9. 19, 20,21, 22* 13. The death of Chrift was the feps- ration of the foule and body, Matth.27. 50. Luke 23. 46. though they both conti- nued ftill united to the Godhcad.Matth. 1 .- 23.Iohni. 14.1 Pet. 3.18 1 Gor,2.8.It was neceflary that Chrift fliould die, that he might fatisfic Gods iuftice, Heb.p. 22. abolifti and kill finnCjMatth.26.28.R0m. 5. 1 o.Rom. 8.3. Rom. 6. 10, 11. 1 lohn 3. 8. deftroy death, and him that had the power 8 1 A Jhort Caicchifmff power of death, that is, the Devill. Heb, 2, 14, 2 Tim. i, io,Iohn 12,51, Hof.i^ 14, deliver us from the fcarc of both, Hcb. 2,14, Luke i,74,confirroethcTe- ftament or covenant of grace^ which hce made with us, Heb.9,1 6,17, and 1 g, 20, Zach. 9, ir, a»d obtaine for us the fpiric of grace, Aft. 2,3 J, Gal.3, 1 4, and 4,4,5, Betwixtthedeuhandfuftcringof Cjhrift and of the Martyrs, wee may obfervc thefc differences : 1/ Chriff his paffion wasanaccurfed punifhmcnt,Gal. 5, 17, the fuffcrings ot tbe Martyrs and holy men, arc onely chaftifements or trials 2, Chrifts paffion was a meritorious facri- ficc, Hcb. 9, 14, the paflions of the Mar- tyrs are of no value.co merit anything. Rom,S>i8 3. As thefinnesoftheEIeci) were laid upon Ghrift, Levit. i6,2i } E.a. 53 > iT,Het~«9,28, fo was the puriifhment ot their finnc for fubftance and kiudc 3 though not for circurnfiance of piace or continuance, Heb.4, 15, and therefore hec fuffercd both in fotile and body i he wrath of God, which was due unto us for finne, though hec fufifercd not every particular punifhmentof fiane, which every parti- cular finacr, meeteth wuhall, Rom, 5,19, fcteb. 10, 14/ But the Martyrs were not forfaken, "with An ExpofitUnttpon defame. 83 forfakcn, though they wcrenot delive- red out of the hands of the perfecutors, 4. Chrift was in himfelfe pure and inno- cent,but he fuffcred for our finnes; 2 Cor, 5.11- the Martyrs were not free from fin, neither did they iuftcr for the expiation offtunc. t 14. Vnriil the third day death had power and dominion over Cbrift , for fo long dcach kept afunder foule and body, Luke 24, 7. Macth. ij 3 23, Ails 1040. Qi1)id Chnfi alveaics abide under the tower And dominwn ofdeaih ? An..$o, fojt^epa&erofscatljtetncs j ful«me& tte t&jteM* sag l}e l * rofc again, a aftenoeo lata Ipaacn , ana Qitttb l > at t^ertsl)t^an3fift^ir^^r,jAvSh2 31. *, 1 Cor.15,4. a Mark.x6.19* £xpof a q.The rtfurrcdhon of Chrift is the firft degree of his exaltation, wherein his foule being joyncd to the facneflelh that dyed, he was railed up to life, 1 Cor. 15,4, It was ncceflary that hec fhould rife againe, in regard of the excellen- ce of hi* perfon, A&.2.24. Thecovensnt which he had made with the Father, Piai. j 2, 6 3 j EC 53, 10, the dignity of his high Office of cteinall mediation, Pfa.i 10,6,7, Rom* 8 1 tsifbor t Catecbi/me, Rom! 4. 25. and chat the truth of thofc things, which were fore* told concerning the glory of the Mcflias, might be fulfil- led. Chrift by his divine power rofea-i gaine from the dead, Rom. 1 . 4, 1 Pet* 3 . 18* iTim.?.i6.1ohn 5.21. and 10.17,18, A&.2.24* & 3.15, Eph.i. 17 20. Ronfr.8. 11. not as a private > but as a publiq c pcrfon, Rom. 5. 14,19. 1 Cor.i 5.45. Hcb. 10. 14, i Pet. 2.20, 2*. thereby (hewing that his fatisfa$ion is fully abfoIutc,Rom. 4. 25. and 6, 9. 10. The end of his refur- rcfiion was, that hee might prepare him- felfe to|he performance of the glorious fun&ions of a Mediatour, and (hew him- felfe to be the conqucrour of death , and the Lord of quick and dead.Rom. 14.9. Act. 17.3 1. 15* To fit at the right hand, isaman* tier of fpeech borrowed from earthly Princes , who ufc to fct at their right hand fuch as they fubftitme to rule un- der them in their names , 1 King. 2. 19. And thereby is cleareiy noted that excel- lent glory , power , and dominion of Chrift, received of theFathcr, whereby he doth execute his Kingly, Prieftly^nd Prophetkall office in glory , Matth. 28. i8 4 lohni7.i.Phil 9 2«9 J io.Pfal.n-o.i. Q wh*t ypith an ExpofitioH upontbe/kme € 85 Q^fl'hat are the jpecia/i parts of Chrift & Mediator/hip ? Ao.^e l6 i* a b \dwptyt } c $Meff,an8 HO; I. Expof*i6.ln the time of the Jaw, Pro- phets, Pricfts, and Kings wcrcannointed. 1 Reg. 19.16. Exod. 28,41. 1 Sam. 16, 13. who were types of Chrift^ truly annoin- ted our Prophet, Pricft, and King. Alfo our Mediator was to obcainc and pur- chafe for us full redemption, andtobe- ftow upon us righteoufncfTe \ and eter- nall life obtained , and to (hew unto us the way of falvation , which docnecef- farily require this three-fold office of Chrift. Q^JVhy was Christ a Prophet f An. 2Do e resale ^unto astfjefoaB to efcer laff tng life, e Luke 4. 1 8, 1 9. Expo/. 17. Before his comming in the flefti , our Saviour Chrift madeknowne the will of ®od to the Patriarks and Pro- phets , either immediatly, iPct/l W. 2 Sam. 23. 1. Gen. j. 9, io, 1 1. or by the rainiftcncx)f Angels, Gen . 3 1 , 1 1 .Iudg.6* 12 2 Kings 1 .3. and by the Patriarks and Prophets, hce informed the Church ofthc G old w %(> tAJtiortfatechifme] old Teftamcnt in all points neceffary for falvation, 2Pet.2.5- i Pet. 3. 19 Iudc 14.* Luke 1.70. Eph 2.20. iPer.i.n. Inful- fteffe of time taking upon him our nature, being after a moft excellent manner fan- #ified by the Spirit, Luke 3. 5. Dan. 9. 24. furntfhed with all gifts neccflarie, Matthew 3.16, 17. IohiT^34 rf pfal.4J.8.. Efa.11.2 Iohnl. 18. and 3. 32. and cal- led of the Father to this officc 5 Luke 3,2 1, 22.Matth.3.i6,i7,Matth. 17. j.heedid in his own pcrfon preach unto the Iewcs, about t he fpace of three yea res and a half, A£$ 1 1. Luke 21. 37. Hcb. 1. i.Dan.9. 27. not altogether pafling by the Samari- tans and Canaanites, 10^4,40. Mattb, 15.22. With admirable wifdomc # Mark. 6.2*Matth.2i« 234 27. and 22. 46. ardent 2eaIe,Iohn 2. 14. i7,Iohn 4, 34* excellent grace, Pfalm.45. 2,3. Matth.7. 29. Luke 4. 22. and 11. 27, Angular meckeneffe, Matthew 1 1 . 29. and authority unufualJ, Matth.7. 29. Matth. 5. 2i,2 2.notrcfpc- &ing any mans perfon, Matth. 21. 42, 43. Mark 12. 14. hee interpreted the Law, Mat h.5. 2i,22 > &c.and 19. 4, y. repro- ycd the corruptions of the Scribes snd Pharifecs,lob,2.i6.Matth t 23*i3/oretoId fome Tome things that were to come, Matth. jo. 21; Luk.19. 4?, 44. Matth. 24.. 3>&c. and taught the Gofpcl , or the la(J will of God y concernrtg the ftlvation of man, Efay6i. 1, 2 Luke 4. i2. lUuiirattng his doctrine for the moft part by P&.abies and fimilitudcs, as the people were able tobeareitjMacth 13. 3. Mark. 4 33. and confirming that which hee taught^by the Scrp urcs of the old Teftauent, Iohn«w 46. Matth. 22. ^2, Luke 24 26 27.44,45* and hoHneiie of lite exactly anivycring to bis do&rine , with divers figncs ot all kinds,Ioh.;.a.and 5.36.Ioh.6.6i, 62. and 5.25 Matth,9 4. loh 9 6. and 11. 4$ 45. aad that molt cruell and bitter death, which for the truth of God hec did vo- luntarily under^oc, iTim. 6. 15 After his Afcention our Saviour taught his Church by his A poftles and M milters, Eph,4 11,12* A&s 10.41 42«The Af;o- ftles- being fully aad perftftta irftrudtcd by G rift himfelfe, in thofc things which concerne theKingdomeof God, A£h 1. 3. Iohnij. ij # and 17, 8* and extraor- dinarily furnifhed with gifts, arid infal- libly affiftcd by thcSpidt; Aa>?,3»4i Ioh,i4 t 26 4 andi6. 13. were feu: for tbto G 2 Preach 88 A fart fotechifme\ preach the whole counfell of God , & farre as concernes man , and the meanc* of his falvation, Afts 20. 27. Matth. 28* 20. iCor.2.9,10, ii*i Ioh.x.3.Rom.i; 1 6, unto all nations, Mauh.2$. 18, 19* Mark.16.15* Their do&rine they confir- med both by the Prophets of the old Te- ftament, A6U 26. 22 # and 28, 23. 2 Pet. i. iS, 19. and by divers figne* and won- ders which God wrought by them, Heb. 2. 3,4. Mar.26.20. Inthedayesalfo, and fincethe death of the Apoftles, our Sa. viour doth execute his Prephccicall of- fice by his ordinary Miniftcrs , whom he hath commanded us to heare , fo long as they pre3ch according to the Scrip- rures,Ephef. 4.11, 12. Luke 10.15. So that (thrift is the Author of the Doftrine which hce taught, Minifters arc the In- struments of Chrift , to teach not their owne , but his Do$rine, 2Cor. 5.20. lob 33. 23. The fruit of this office is the reftoring of knowledge decayed in the firrt fall ofnaan, and themanifeftati- on of divine myfteries unknowne to the world, Rom. 16. 25^ 26,Eph.3,pXoI # i. 26, 27. Q. why yfw Chrift a l8 Triefl ? Aft, toith an Expofitioyt upon the fame. 89 An, SEo/pwctiafe fo? us riffljteDttf- tieffe arts life ttttmlljf ffcb, 5,9. Expof.i%. Chrift is our high Prieft, not after the order of esfaron y but after the order ofMelchifcdech, Pfaltn. 1 to, 4. A*ron was of the tribe of Levi, Hcb # 7. 4, his ftock and linage was knowne, Exod. J$. 16. 18. 20. hee wascompafled with in- firmities, mortall, afinner, and had need to offer for himfelfe, and for his owac finnes,Heb.7.28,and 5. 2, £,4. and 9. 7. but Chrift was of the tribe of Iudah, Heb.7^4. without Father touching his humanity, without Mother touching his Deitie, Heb. 7. 3 . immortall and continu- ing for ever, holy, harmlefle, undefiled, who had ho need to offer for himfdfe, but offered himfelfe for the people only, Hcbr. 7.25, 26,27«Hateriail oyle was poured upon 0^*001 at his confecracion, Levir« 8* 12. but Chrift was annoinred with the holy Ghoft , h&.% 10. 3 1. Aaron was inftitutcd without an oath,but Chrift with an oath.Hcb.7. 10.21. 28.Pfa*no.4. ThePriefthoodofo^ir^ was typical I, Hebr* 10. 2, 3. not available to take away finne, Heb,9.i 4,1 5. but the Prieft- hcod of Chrift is true and real! , contai- G 3 ning ring the very Image and body of things therofeives perfect to abolifli finne, and to obtain? etemall Redemption, Hcb. 10. 1/5. II, Hcbr. 9.12. 74. The Leviticall Pricfthood was to be abrogated;, Heb. g. *3. but Chrifts Pricfthood is to continue for ever; Hcb 4 7«24. tAaron died and hadfnccefTours,Hcb # 7 k 33* but Chrift fuc- cseded none t hath no fucceflburs, but is our onely and unchangeable high Pricft forever, \\tb.j 3. daromnd his fucccf- foyri oftered the bodies and bloud of beafts. Hcb. 9. 12. 14. but Chrift him- felfe b both the Prieft andfacfifice 3 Eph# S 25. Heb«9*2d. and io.io.Thcy offered oftentimes one manner of facrificc, but Chrift hath offered himfelfe once for all^ Hcb.7^7. and 9. ^5,2^.and 10. 12. 14, 1 Per t 3* 18. ssi&ron and his fucceflburs entred into the Tabernacle made with hands, Hcb. 8. 5, and 9. 6. but Chrift is cntred into the very heavens, Heb* 9. n # 24. and 4 14. Aaron and his iucceflours were Pnefis only , but Chrift is both King and Pricft, Heb, 7. i 3 2. AaromvA his fuccefiours were but Mi^nifters, but rift is the Author of falvation,Hebr.$t 9, All which doe (hew the abfolutenelfc, per- l»ith an Expgfitionapon the fame. $>{ peifc&ion , and excdlcncic of Chrift his priefthood.- Q. what an the fun El ions of his Prieft. I) office } An. Offering x *np ^bfmfelfe afactt* fice once feu all , anD * 3 making requeft ffijUS,£Heb.*.i.and9 26.and7.25. Expof.icf. Chrift through the cternall Spirit, Heb. 9. 14. offered upbisfouleand body, asafweet fmdling facrifieetothe Farhcr,Eph«5 2.oncefora!l, Heb,iQ.i2. wherby he was c jnfecratedj and did enter into Heaven, prefenring himfelfe before the Father for us,Heb.9 24- ; and 10.20. *o. Chrifts interceffion is h;$ moft gracious will, fervently and unmoveably definng, that all his members for the per- pctuall vertu of his facrifice, may be ac- cepted of the Father, Rom. 8. 34. This is both univer fall and particular , heavenly and glorious, ever effe&uall, no way reci- procal!, and tendered only for the vcrtuc ofhisfacrifice. Q.. why mu Chritt a 1Q Kt*g ? An* 2Da " bjtolc h anD fabflae all I)ts enemies, bat i to 21 gatijer anD ^_go* toerne »i Ijts ti&iect $ cbofen. h Pfal.i 10,1. Col. a. 15, x'Cor* 15.28. iIohnio.i6« G 4 Hag. 92 A fiort Ctfechifme f Hag. 2; 7. ^Ezek. 34. 25, 24. Exf of. io. The Kingly office of Chrift is his fpirituall, etcrnall, and abfoluce do- minion, Lukc17.20.I0hn 18.36, Dan.i, 44. and 7.14. Heb. i # 8.RCV.3.7. where- by being appointed by the Father, Pfal. 2. 6yj. and 4j.7.Pfal # 1 10. 2, Matth. 1 1. 27. Act. 2.3 3«Lord of all things in heaven and earth, Heb. 2. 7, 8. and peculiarly King and Head of his Ghurch, Eph. 1. 21,22. hec doth confound and deftroy all his enemics 5 but doth gather and governe his Ele£, Hof. 1.7. Efa.33. 22. by his word and fpirit, for their falvation and thegloryof God, Efa-32 15. aod 59^21 . iTheCi,j. 3I« The enemies ofGhrift, arc Sathan and all his angels, with all their works, to wit, finne and death, Gen. 3. 15. Eph. 2. 7. 2 Cor. 4.4 2 Cor. 6. 15. to which weemuftadde all wicked men, who be the inllruments of Sathan, Iohn8. 44. I Ioh.3. g.amongft whom the Antichrift of Rome is chiefc, iThefH 2. 3. Thefe enemies Chrift hath already ©rercome in hiiowncperfon, Eph.4.8.CoI.2.i4.Iohn 12, 31. heedoch daily bridle and reprcfTe by his wifdomc, power, word, and'fpi- rif, with ah Sxpofition upon the fame. 9 j rit,Luk,io. u.9.Luk.2. 34. Rev. 12. 5. and 2.27, 2 Ccr.10.4,5. and hec willper- fe^lyifubduc at the day of judgement. 1 Cor.iy. 25. adjudging thcdevilland all his partakers to eternal] condemnation, Matth. 25.46. and utterly abolifhingfinne and death, 1 Cor. 15. 26. Further ic is to be noted,that Chrirt as a Mediator in the execution of his Kingly office, doch out- wardly call fome wicked and ungodly men,Matth.22,i.i4* and 20.16. prescribe a law how they ought to walk. lam. 4. i2»beftow many good things upon them both fpirituall and temporal], though noc fuch as accompany falvation, Hcb. 6. 4^5. Math.i3.i9,20,2i.Luk.8.i^i4Job2 2. 18. and inflidi divers punifhments upon them in this life, and the life to come, for their finne and difobedience, Matth. 13. 12.and25.28.Efa. 6. 10. 2Theff.2,(0iii. Luk.l6.23. 22. Chrift doth not only by his word call his Ele& to faith 3 repentance, and the participation of the Covenant of grace, Mark. r. 14, 1 5. Matth. 1 i.28.but he doth alfo cffe&ually move them by his Spirit to repent and beleeve,PfaJ.i 10.3, 2 Thcff.2. 15,14^11.3,16,17. 33. The functions of Chrifis Kingfy office 94 *Ajhort Catechifme] office appearing to the government of his Elc&, are; firft, the prescription of lawes, according to which his iubje&s ought to bcleeve and live; which ftands not only 19 appointing the faithfull by theMiniftcrieofhisWordto live godly, juftlv, andfoberly; but alfoin writing his Law in their hearts by hn holy Spi- rit, and inabling them by the fame Spi- rit to doe in (bane rne.furc what hee rc~ quircth 3 Tit. 2, 11, 12. ler. 31, 33. E- zech. 36, 27. lohn 1. 16. (2) The com- munication and beftowing of all good things upen them appertaining to this or abetter life , fo farre as hee knowes it nccdfull or profitable : under which wee arc to comprehend the removing of things hurtfull , and the defending of his (ubje&s againft them, PfaIrB.68. 18, Iama.16, i7/Pfa>23. 1, a, 3.1 Cor. 12. 8,9,10,1 i.Eph.i. 7. Aft, 26. i8.Matth. 9.,5. Rom. 8. 1 j, 16. 1 Cer # i2.9.Pnil.4.i3 # Luke 32,32. Ioh. 17.11, 12. 22, 23. 1 lohn 4.4, Gen. 9, 26, 27. Pfalm.81. 13, 14. A&S4. 16. and 5.13. Pfalm.34. 9 IO - Tit. 1. 15. Romans 14. i4j5.fcla.27, 7. Ier. 46.28.^.) The re- ceiving of his £Ie£t unto himfclfc, and the giving of etcrnallhfe unto chew, ha- ving with dH Expofithn ufon the fame, ^ ring pronounced fcntcncc on their fidc 5 Matth, 25.46. Q. What benefit doe wee receive by the death andrtftirrettion ofChnil ? An. Witt are reaeemsu from tfje * guilt V puntfytmnt, 2 * anD potecr ^ of finne, anDfyallbc ratfeD up at ttje la© Da?, /Col.i. 14.0* Luke 1.74. Tit. 2.14. xCor.i^.ig. Exfof* 24. Cbrift hath paid our debts, and anfwered whatfocY^r the Law did require at our hands, 1 Pct 4 2, 2 1.24. and layddowne his life according to the will of his Father* loh. 10. 1 5 . fo that the Law hath nothing againft us,(;o! # 2«i4.Chrsfis death muft needs be acceptable, Eph.5.2. and confequemly we ore not bound oyer topcmiflimcnt. 25. Punifhmefit is infli&ed becaufeof finne, lob 4,8. Proverb.22.8.and 28.18. Hof. 10 13. and 14.1 ♦ being freed from finne , wee arc not lyable to judgement, sSam. 13. ig.Ier. 4.i4«Ezcch«i8«32. It (lands not with thcjtifticeof God, be- ing once fully fatisfied , to require a fc- cond payment at our hand, Gen. 18.25* Matth. 5.17. neither will it fland with his glorious mercy , the honour of Chrift who 9 6 tsffhtrt fittechi/me, whoisaperfe£Redecmcr,Tit.2. 14. the priceofhisbloud, 1 Cor. 6. 21* nor with our faith in praying for full pardon of all our debs , Matth« 6. 1 2. or our peace with God,Rom«5. 1. nor yet with right rea- fon, that the guilt of finnefliould be re- moved, and yet puuiftinaent for finnc in- fliaed. Q^How are wg redeemed fr&mthe guilt Andpnmfhment ofjtnne ? An. 25.Col.iri4.Eph.i # 7 # Q. How are wee redeemed from tkg power andtyrannie of finnc > An. Cfcuft b? 26 J)tS o Deaffc fetHeftj finn c in us,ano bo fcts # reftwection Dotl? quicken as tonetonescf life, Ro.6.3,4. Sxpof.26. Chrift by his death did con- quer finne; and the old man in us,is truly faid to be crucified, dead, and buriecHn and with the body of Chrift, wee being ingrafted into the firailitudeof his death, C0I.3.12.20. 27. Having communion with Chrift in his life, wee are raifed up to a fpirituall life, with an Sxpofititn upon the fame. 9 J life, Rom.8. 1 1 . and have our converfation in heaven, Phil. 3. 20. But this life is only begun here, a«d groweth by degrees, be- ing pcrfefted in heaven. Q, What are the benefits of Cbrijfs afcention ? A. SDfje leasing /> of capfibitp capftbc, f Ije giti mg of gifts nnto men,t£e pouring ^tjtsfptrttuponfjts people ana pjcpa* ring r a place fo? tfeem, /> Eph. 4. 8, 1 1 • f A6t$ *♦ 16,17. r Ioh.i4«g. Q. #'&#* rfr* r&£ benefits of hu inter- ceffttn t An. Cljeperfons of ttjc fattbftillDoe nltoategremaine tuft, ana ttjetr tooths s acceptable in tfje Cg^t of <©oo ; ^erebp alfot&egareaefenoeD agatnd t&e accu* Cation of all t&eir enemies s i Pet; 2. 5 ♦ Gen«4,4.Exod.28.38. Q, Afoj* »*# f £* knowledge of thefe things werkjn the heart of him whom God faves} An. 3ft brings biro to a ferious*con* flotation of t)t0 otone effafe Jo # grtefee fojfinne, ana tbe feare of <£om fiifplea* fare , totjerebBwtije beart is xl bjo&eti ana bnmbleD, *Ier. 8. 6,7,1^15.17. tt Ads 2.37^ A#$9t6. cxpofi $8 tAfbsrt CMechifmel Expcf.2%, The heart is broken and humbled , when it is caft downc with the fight of firmc, Pfalm. 51.17. bruifed with the weight of Gods wrath, and me!ied N awayforfeare^PfaLii^iao. 1 Kings 22. 19. knowing that Cod hath advantage againft him, and that hec is worthy to be condemned. C\ % Whatelfc will this knowledge workj An. Jt totll bnng x a man ** to con# feOfc 6fe finne, btgblp tojvm* Cftuff,- ano hunger *° afi er * dim , unttll &e ob# tame btsDefire,* Luk. 1 5. i8.jr Math.13* 44. ^Efa.55. 1 Ioh.y. 57. Exppf*29* Hec will acknowledge his finnes toGod as particularly as hec can, I Tim. 1,1 5. and with fighes andgroancs for pardon and forgiveneffe , Romans 8. 26. 30. Hunger after Chrift muft be fer- vent, as a thirft ic man longeth for drink ; end contmnall, never giving over till the defire b: obtained. With thisdefire there is alwayes joyned an high prizing of Chrift, and an advifed willingneffetofor- goe all thmgs for Chiifls fakc ; Phil. 1,22* 23. with 5*7,8. Q. How are wee made farttkp* *f Chtijt %ith an Expojition upon the fame, 59 Ch ifi with all his bentfts ? 1 An. H5? 1 fattt) a alone,* Ioh.3.itf.and i.n.Aa. 13.39. £,v^/. I. By faith alone we arc ingraf- ted inco Cnrift,Rom.i i. 20. receive biro, Iohn 6. 56. have communion with him, Rev. 3. 20. and fo are made partakers of all his benefits, loh. 3. 36. alfo faith is the condition of the covenant of grace, A&s 16. 31. Iohn 3. iS.Marlc.t6.i6.Iohn 20. ^l.Rom. 4.3.5* QjWhat is faith ? An. kt*reUtng£uptm C^jiff alone fQjfaibatton^PfrU 12.Afta6.3j. Expof 2. Bare aflenting to the truth of Gods promifes $ upon the ciedit of the rcvealer, is not true and juftifying faith, Marth.11. 32. Iohn 2.23. Luke 24,25. Luk.8 13. but wbea the poorefoule doth caft it felfc upon the free promife of God made in (cfusi hrift, for pardon of finne, it doth truly bcl«cve 3 A&s £; 4 2. Ioh, 14. I Iohn 5. 24. withRom.4 5* Efa.28. \6* with Rom. 9.33. A&s *8. 8. with Rom. lo.To. 1 1 . This faith is certain*, Mat. 16. 18. though mi*ed with many doublings, Luk.i.xS.and 17.5. Mark.9. 24. and con- citwail, Luke 22, 31. 3a, though often flukra, I oo AJhort Catechifmo^ /haken, Luke 24. 21. A full pcrfwafijpft feemes rather aneflfeft of a ftrong faith, Rom. 4. il. than the natureoftnue faith, joy is a fruit of faith, 1 Pet. 1. 8, Afts 8. 6, j, 8. Rom. 5.4. but not an infcparabJe companion thereof a man may have true faith, and feelc little or no comfort, Pfal, 22. 1. and 31.10. and 77,2. Q. what is the ground of faith ? An. sDlje free 3 pjomtfes of c $>• aad 36 26,0 loh. 6,44, An. 115? 7 fteartnR p tyz fame tooja pjeae&eo 0; Catccfttj; o ano ! ftrtm e jp ^earnefts p?a?er,/> 1 Pet.2.2.7 Luke Expof.j Hearing the word prcachcdj $ ordained of God as a meanes to in- ireafc knowledge, Math iy.io. Prov t i 4 j. and 8, ? j.Pfalm 73.16,17. 1 Cor.I.21* ind 14.24,25, torc&ifiet' ejudgementj o give counfcll in doubtfull cafes, Pfalm. : 19*24. Pfalm* 7?. 16,17. to perfect the aitH of the weake , Rom, 10 $ 4 1 Thcfl. ;. io* to make liable the ftrong, /16b 20* ;t. Rom. 1.11,12 to comfort them that rein heavinetfe. 1 Theffa.2 # ti, and 3. 2* nd y. 14 toraife them that are fallen* Sam. lit ia, j3.Gal.tf. 1 to callback riem that wander. EC 30.21. oftirreup he graces of God* Spirit , Cant. 4^1 6* . Pet. 1. 13* to reftefh the ioulc* of- rhe aims with fwect and heavenly confo* K 2 latienSj 104 ^ $ort C^techifm€ : 9 * lations,Cant.i,i,PfaI, 119, 162. Col, 2# a, and to build boch wcakc and ftro n o unto perfcdl hoi ncs. Eph. 4,11, iPew* 2, 1 Tim # ^i6,lam*i,2i. 8* A* liberty to prayisa fvfcctc pri-', viledge,Eph.2 , 1 g, becaule thereby wed doe , and may con.inuaJly com nunel with the Lord after a familiar manner,' 2 Sam. 7,18^. 5,12,3, & lay open our griefes into hisbofome^i S ^m. 1.1 5.Pfal. 130, 1,2, and tfi. I, 2,wer!oetcftiheoarj dutiful! atfeftion to him, Luke 15, 18, and become helpers to others. Rom. 1 y. ^o^Ph.i.ip^Thcfi 3,i>CoI«4,i2, (bit dochadde ftrengch to faith, Luke 17, 5$ for it gives life tot he graces of God that arc inti? :by it we obraincatthe ha id of God what good wee ftand in liced of, Iviatth. 7.7,1 3J.65, 24, wee grew better l acquainted with God, Gen.i. 8. 23, 27 ' lam, 4, 8, wfcc fight man'ul'y againttcor- rup ion 3 Eph. 6 18 and liirnetodired ou-r fives in a godly life: By ic croffe are pr vented, removed, 'or fanct ficd Pf.3,4, f f 3 7, r/,ai] lungs are fanftificd I Tim. 4.5. and wee kept that we fall not into terapcat'on Mar h. 26, 41, yea often wee obtaine^much morfc gogd than wee defijre Mtith an Expofition upon the fame, iqj efircorrcfpedt, i King.j.ijtFph.^^ 20. o that prayer i*ak/>y to open the d re of Jods treafur$-houfc, Math 7. 7 a prcfrpt emedyto ;n opprcflcd minde ? PfaI.6.i.8. jxid 31.21. *k* a prefe ver of the godly aindc, zThe^.f.. agivcrofftrength to be wcake, E ph. .3. 14. 16. and an efpeciall neanes to raajcea man fit to live in every ;fta&c f Cql4,p,io. C^ How rnnft we heart that we may get wfit>K - W l \, talpmiU'i^^ztttu toiearne, PBK> >?&ibutg ?*ctet>it iai\)t tmtb.rEC66 i.sUm i.*?*/Math 13.44./* 1 Pet.2.2* *Hel>.4.j.g, £*/?*/. p.R^vetenje is an affedion of the neart,arifing fr5 an appreKeoiion of Cod'ft ^aicftie,a^d-qur own vil-neffc, whereby ,vcea,re prepared to heare the word with foW$lvJ&* c zl *d attention,* &.IO. 33. iTheff.a 13 I0h.1248.and u.28,Hcb % il. J 2§.Iob 42*5.6. Pfal 62 it. Ad.16.l4* 10. Meekeneffe is an affe&ion, where- by wee ar$ fomented to beare the re- bukes of the La w 3 andtohave thcSuties &f the word to bee prelTed upon us. jSacn,3,i7,2|Cing. 2o^i9,Pfa].a5 9 12. H 3 Hcfe* l66 Ajhort Cttechifme, Heb. 13^1. II* loyisa delight af the foule fo; fo -i r good th>ngthat is prefent, hdc 8,8 E*od t 9. 12 ^ longing defire to lcarnc! is ar. ca'gei appetite r o bee further acquainted with i h: knowledge of the truth,tnat w^c n y re^pc fruit , and benefit by the fame. Pro. 277^0, 2,34,^Pfai.iip f 13. f j give credit to the truth, ; s to bei leeve the whole crtttfraivJ every part of it ? as true and cert iine,both tooihe/s aix{ to Qurfelvcs,Toas wceexpfeft th' benefit promifed therein, arid thfcetfcfti'g 'and making goqd ofwhatfrev-ristheitfpo- ke .,2 Chrori- 20,20, Efa.7 9. A.»muft ■* 'mcDifaft Mof ty >t toe $eare,appltitts our ifitieS-'- canfme ofyit Mtfc 16 ottjer£,an& Vditymiipntt i7 r etabout tlj£ p?am<> of tolmtta >-*qut* reD.-v Ptal.iji/aad 1 19,1,4,15,;^ iob.4. 53.^Ela.2,3,Luk-2 > i5. hxpof. 14. Meditation is the very life ©frra^ng and hearing, 1 Titr4. 15. and it s en vation of our frives pu.pofely hom'oiher matters, that v\ c may fcr iouf- with an Exfojition upon the fame. 107, !y think of what hath becoe taught 1 Gen • 0. 24,63, that it may be fer 'ed in the mindc, } and wo kc upon the afFe for which end wee muft joyne examina- tion and prayer. Luke 18,1. 15. To apply the word to ourfclves, is to lay it to our heart as concerning us, i Cor. 11,28. 2 Cor. 13, 5, thatthecom- ro^dements may guide us, the threatnings may humble us for finne^paft, 2 Sam. 12, 12, 13, and 24, 10, and Alight uaB in C|jc name cf Cfcittt toitt) tbe * heart,* f ome> times tottfj ttje ^05ce,accojirtng to b ijia fetil foj cur felfces ano ottjerMExod.f 4. 15. iSama.13,15^ iloh.5.14. £x]0.t. The Commandements^PfaK zo^o^andSi. 10. Efa. 55. 6.1 Thcff. 5* 17. Rom. 12. X2.promifes i Mark.7,7.and 2ij28.Mark.i1.24.Pfa.91.15.Ef.65.24. Ier.29.12.Efa.49.17 Iohn i6.23.thre;c- ningsot the Lord, Zeph 4 3. 1 2. Ezec. 22. 30.31. Dan. 9. 13, 14. Math. 26.41. the examples of Chrilt himfelfe, and all his Apoftles 3 Luk.3 # 2i, and 9.1 8.29. A6bi. i4 24.2nd 2 42.3nd4.24.and9. 11. 14. a Tjm.2,19 ai.ourowneoeceflicies^l'Ljd. 3*9. I5.and 4.3.Efa.26.i6.Pfalm.i8.$<> Phi^.S.and fuccc ffeof prayer, Pfa.? 20. 1. Pfaime with ah Expofitien ufin the fame. 1 09 Pfalmc 34*Pfal. 32.5.6. arcfufficientmo. tivcs and icafonsco induce us to the pra- &ifc of this duty. 2.1t is lawfull to ufc the voyce in prayer tb quickenour dulnc0e,to inflame our de- votion, prevent rovings, and to edific our brethren,Zepb.3,9,Pfai.88. Q^Toivhommuftrrepray? A n . sCp 5 <2to& c atone in tfce name 4 af C|?tft* 1 0.4. 1 3. Q^ Ought we not in fray tr to make par w ticnldr confejjionofour Jinncs ? An. fPeafafarreasUie^csnesmefo $* knotDleftge of tycm, ano t\ } \% toe mutt aoe *tott& * gttef Ci ^ tjatreo.anQ * il) ime, fral?/accuCng ano nnoenuitng oar ftlbcs before <£too , taitl)* b:ofccn and contrifefcearts* ^ 1 Sam.12 19.Pf.19.13, fNeh.S,9./Neh.9.?3.^Zach.i2.io. Expeflq* Sorrow for finnc muft bee fccarty and continuall > and as much as may with an £xp option upon the fame. 1 1 j may be, particuIar.Pfal. 102. 4, cfpccially for the finnes which have made greac breaches in thefoule, PfaJ.ji , 1,2^, yca 5 finue ftiould be our chicfe forro w. i 5/ The foule (hould abhbrrc finnc, efpetnlly forthc loathfomneffe of ic, Pfa. 97,10, Pfal.i 19,163,16b 42 6, Amos 5. 1 5# darkning Gods gtary , Gen. 39, 9, breaking his Law, foiling all ittoucheth, sCor.i^Iam l,2t f Hag. 2.12,13V 6. God is infinite in Majeftie,Pfa.8<5. 10. and of pure eyes, Hab.i, i^aman thcrfore fhould Wu(h at the remembrance and confeffion of finnes beforfe God, Efra.9, 6, and Dan. 9, 7, feeing his face would be covered with fliame; if a mail (hould know them, Q. What are the parts of prayer ? An. pettttonanDttianbfgitJtnff* Q, What is petition} An. 3(t w a tyimijM%min tee BeCte tlje patenting A 0; * removing of tilings fcartfoll , ana t&e obtaining of things HttDfall,Eit[>er foj ttut Ufe,oj tyzl totnefc is to come, £Efay 37,2o,Matth.9.ij f jPfal.6.1,2,3,4. Q^ Hw ;»*; we make ovrrequefis thai wemajbe heard* 1 1 2 v4fb*rt fittchifael of our tomtits m * 9 Tertoeac? ,« * reference, *|>ope to *?fpiEB, ano; lotot ", -0 Cor. i4,j5./M^h'it.28.wIam,$*i7.^Eccl. 5.2.01 Tiin.2.8./> Mat 6.14, Mara 1 25. Expof.6. Blindc devotion is notplea- fingtoGod > Piov;i£;2.A&si7.22, 2£ f i4.Ioh»3.22.vvhorcquirctb to befetyed with theminde, Mat.22 37. Luke 10,27. Wemuft therefore know she/will of God, appearing by hifr'cownifjdemcnts, pro- mifcs^hrcatping^ and :1k approved pra T &ifes of the Saints ; chat wee muft dcfire and pray for, and oncly fo as tree know Godjworddoth warra^jfjs, ilph,j 14, I * Our words,mattcr,ai)(i penning in pray- er, arc meet co beunderftoqd. 7. In prayer we fhould feclefinncva burthen, Ier« 3 !♦ 18. Efay6j. 17. and be pinched with our want pfgr cCjPfaltn.ji. xo, ll,ii- laon 1.5. which atyfcihffpm a consideration of Gods iudgcments.duc tdiinne, Fzra.9„6,7 v andof theucccflw tic of faving grace , Luke 17/5. 2 Cor. 12.9. 8 As the things wee bc£ge are more or lefle excellent , and of fit ufefor us, fo wee rauft be more or lcflfc eager to ob- taine, vithanMxfeJttionufonthefAwe. nj ffat: Pfal.5^ 1,2,3.9, and 80, 1,2,3,4. vvhkh arifethfroma consideration of the neccflity and excellency ofwhatweedc- firc,Pfal.79 8,9 an tier rf tf)antteg to CDob fo? tits generall gcntmelTe, anD aifo particular / faboars, f iSam^.i^ Pi'al,i3d 3 i,aiid/Pfal,i03. ExpoJ.i. Motives tothisdutic there be many. It is an excellent, Pfjlmp2.i, ancient lob, 38, 7. fpirituall dutie, Heb. 1 j, I j, Col. 3,16,1 Pet. 2, j, to be con- tinued in Heaven when other duties ceafe, Revj 9, 3,4,5, acceptable to God, 1 Theff,5,i8, Pia).i47, 1, comely for the Sauus>Pfa),?3,i«-uid 147,1, pra&ifcdby •hr Aage! 5 ,Lake2, 13, fettingonwoike all thegraces of God niuSjpfa. 103,1,2,3. the end o£ Gods benefits, Pfalme 13,6, & ii8,2y,o^ourlife l andallourfervices, En. 8, 19, and the ready way coobtaine what we i+and in need o^pfal.50, 23. Th« me^cs of true thankfulnefle, are a due confi lerationof ourowne vilcneflV, and a lertous meditation and remembrance of Gods benefits, a Sara, 7. 18, 1, Chro/ 1 6-: with ** SxpofitUn Hp**>the fame. 115 i£.i6,i7«Pfal.io3*i.3.3,8£c 1 Sam.25. 1 ja.Gcn. 24, 27. Luke 7, iy # Rom. 7.3^ with a perfwafion that God hath in love beftowed them upon us,Pfalmc l\6* 12.14. Q^hat tbingstrt required in Thanks- giving > An. &ote #to <£to and #!tn? in fits mercp, 4*DeQretoo?atD others focbeg a»Oglo;tfie(0o9 9 ansati/enDeafeoarto pjoeat in gwltneffe our fd&f s, t pfi Im. 18. 1. 2. «PfaI.i26.i.2,and 104.3^* PfaL 34.11 &66«i&/Deut.6.i An. 2ifte gene rail 2Dt taction is t!je tocjjofOoD, to* mo;e efpecwli w t£e kojoepjaver* £*p*/I I. The Lords prayer is fo a di~ recftioip, that it may bee lawfully, and laudably ufed as a Prayer, Mith«6 # £ # fcc* Lukcii.2.8tc»Nutii,6«2}»-24. Pfai.22»i. and 92.1. it is called the Lords prayer , be- caufe the Lord Iefus caught it to his Diu ciples,Luken.i2. Qji#w wwwy /-^urg; &e t* be confidered in ■1 1 6 \AfhortCAtechifme] inthe Lords prayer ? felfe,anD t&eConclaSon* Q.Which is the preface > A. 3Dnr Jfatber totjiclj art in Ijeaben. * Q, ^/?4 r learneyoti gut of this preface! A. SC|Mt CDod is our * a jfat&er bj grace £ ana adoption ; itecuglj 3fe:u£ CljjiC^glojtDusin a0auUp,# infinite inpstaer, tijat boll* * can anfc/fcatbpjoi IMfeD to fcelpe OS. * Efay 63. 16* £ Rorn. 8.i5.i6»Gal.4*4«5« r Pfa.47.2^ Pfa. 1 15. . 3.^Eph.g,ao./Pfal.5o 4 15. Exfof. 2* There is no Chriftian fo poore, weakc, or unworthy in his ownc eyes, but hee is allowed to call God Fa- ther,Icr#3,i9» CXJPFkdt are you to confider in the Lords Prayer it felfe ? An. $i);e petitions, ant* a tyankf; gtbutg* Q, fVhichisthefirftpetttien} A. IgtelloteeB 3 be tbr 4 #ame« Expof$. Tohallow,isnbthereofufi- holy orprophancto make holy, 1 Cor. 6. 10. 11. But co fet apart to an holy life, Exod # 20. 8. or rather to acknowledge, confefljp, andprofefle holily chcN*m« of with an Exfofition upon the fame t 117 ofGodjMattb.il. 19. Levicio.3. 1 Pcf 3.15. 4. By Name, is meant God himfclfe, Pfal. 20.7. and 115. 1. his titles, Exod 3, i4.ij.PfaI.83,ig.propertics, Exod 34.5. 6. 7* ordinances, p r al. 138. 2.andi Tira. 6. 1. and works, plal, 19. 1. judgements; pral.94i6.Ef.30.37. mercies, E fay 48. 9. 10. ii. Ezek.2tf.26. or any thing where- by hee makes himfelfe knowne, Exodus 20. 7. Q^Jfhat defirt pnof Cjod in this ft* * it ion? An. 2££a£ <$tte infittitz txttllmtit toaybBmagnifasgbyus on earti?, an ijeari, * to too^D, ano j« 7 D«e.>£pfaI.4o. t&and 115.I4 Sxpof.%. By an inward and faithful! ickuowledgement , with confidence, eare, love, hope, humilitic, patience, oy, and defire of his prefcnceiij heaven* Zfay 8. 1 3 . 1 pet.3.1 5. Rom : 4,20.phil. i. •0^21,22,23. 6. By ipeaking good of Gods name to »ther$,pfal.34.3.Deut.32.3.pf*l.I05 # i.3 # nd 145.21* 7. By walking in holineflfe aodrigh- eoufncfTc before God-, Mat.5a6.I0h.1y. I 8. 1 1 8 t>4 'jhort Cdtechifmt] 8. i Pet 2. j*. patiently fubmitting our Hives unto his will, Iofh .7.19. conftant- ly and nndantedly profefsing his truth, Pfal.119.46.I0h.21* 19. and reforming ©urlives^if weehaye goneaftray,Ier.i3. l6.Mal.2.2. Q_ Which isthefecondpetition f A. 2tt)^ 8 fetng6ome^come* £.rpef&. Sathan hath his kingdome on- earth, 2 Cor. 4, 4. Luke 1 1 .18. all mca by nature being his bondflaves, Ephc. 2. 2. 2 Tim. 2. 26. living in ignorance, crrour, impiety >and difobediencc,Eph.4.i8. and Chrifthath his kingdome* Col.i. 15. to wit, his Church, which is the company of mankind, I Pet. 2.9. Eph. 5. 23. in heaven: add earth, Ephef.3. 15 .Col. 1. 20. called from the world,Rom.8. 30. unto falvation through him,A6l.4.i2. In this world it is redeemed, called, fan&ificd. 1 Cor.i, 30J after this life it is glorified, Math. 25. 34 j zTheff.i.io. 9« The government which Chrifl ex. crcifeth over all men, and all other crea- tures, Ephef. t. 21,22. Heb. 1. 6 y 7. is not here meant; butthefpcciallgoveinmcnt^ which hce exercifcth over his Church, Eph^^.iiuhislifejand the life to come, with ah Exfojition upnthc fame. 119 Q^ whit doe jau def.re ofGcdintbis fetition > An. SD&ai lo Cljjitt toonlo h con* bert fuc^ as beunocr tljcpotoccof &a# liwi, /ruletnt^e hearts of fjls cfjofen b?^is fptrit tjcre,ano ^perfect t^etr fal# ttatton in fceafcen Ijercafrer , A Cane 8 . 8. Ad. 7. 6a*'Eph.3. 16, i7.^Phi!.i.8 3 9, 10,11,12. Expefxo. Particularly wee defire that God would fend forth his Word, Math. 9. 38. give it free paffage, Ephef. 6. 19. 110111.15.30,31,32. powerfully acc©mpa- inieicby hhfpint,Deuc. 33. 8. 10,2 Cor. 10. 4^ 5 ,to bring his chofen from the power ofSathan to God, A(5h 26. 18. up- hold fuch as be con verted, Pfalm. 51. 12. Ioh.17, 15. {lengthen the weak, Canr.i* 4. Luke 22, 31, 32*2 Cor. 1^.8,9, corn- tore the affii&cd, Pfal. 51. 12, Cant, i % i. recall the wandring , Pfal. x 1 9. 27. Luke 19. io. and to make all grow rn grace and knowledge, 2 Pec. 3. 18. Luke 17.5* and therefore that the fame word may be continued, Gal. 2. 5. the Sacraments and difcipiine purely adminiftred, 1 Cor. 11. 23,24, &c* iGor # 5. 3,4, 5. Heb, 3. a > h 4> 5> 6 * Heb. 8. 5. good Minifleis I2 and and Magiftratcsprefcrvcd,0eut, 33. h« aThcff.j.i^^Pfal. 20 i.profpcred,Pfal. 1 22^,758. 1 Tim.2. 2,and increafed. Luk. 10.2. Ef.49. 23. catechizing more ufed, 1 Cor # 3.2.^chooles for piety cre£ied 5 and, maintained, 2 King.6, 1 % 2,8cc.Efay 62.7. finally that Chrift would come to judge- ment, ReY.22.20. Q^JVh&b ** the third petition \ An #i £to JI totil l2 be *j &cnc tnearffj, as it w in '♦beaten. Expo/mi j m Man by nature doth the ^iUof^eficfh, and Satan, Eph, 2.3. Ioh* £.44. but he$ ought to defire and doe, not hisovvi ewill, Rom. 806.Mat1h.26. 39. but the will of God. E& afi. 8. Wal. 11 9 fcf9f 12. The word of God revealed in the eld& nfwT An. with /in Exfojiiion upon the fame. 121 f}isiB020, mtgljtbc dhityjbkt$\jtt9ftxU l?,#fpff3ils, ^ rmt^fullpy ana cditft&frfr ljcat)en,/Exod.i9.§. Rom.-i2.2,*0pfal, 27. 8. 2nd4.8.»pfa.ii5?.j2.6o. Rev* 2. lo./>Ef.6*2. Expof 15. Wee particularly crave of God the knowledge of hiswifJ, pfalmc II?* 18.33* 34. C>!. i,$>, io,fuppreffion of our own vile will*, Rom. 7 24 > faith in Gods promifcs,Ro.i .,9,12, coniiancy>a*!,d chearefulneffeinourfuffering*, Go!, 1^^ tt 3 aiiinward defire, care^ and deligh , pfaim* I lp,3^, 14?^ 145, an endeavour,, and ability to walk inholineffe, pfr. 119. 112,167, id8,phH 4. 13, In this life per, i feitly wee cannot doe the will of God. g a Sam.i2.9,and 1 3 jp^aiid 24,1c, 2 Chr, 35 # 22 > Luk.i,6 > 20, as the Angels doe: & But wee muft defire, ftrive after 3 and r % hope for perfection , Luke 13, 24, phil. ;^V t y 6 y obeying with fincerity, Gen.j,24, 4nd 17, 1, Mich. 6, 8, as the Angels doc, though not in the tame degree, iCor. Q^Jfhich is the fourth petition? I3 ^2 122 *A floor t Catcchifme, Exfof. \6. All both poorc and rich mutt pray, Give us; becaufc we have no- thing but Gods free gifts ; i Cor. 4 4 7. lam. i* 17. have title to nothing, but in Ctirift lcfus,Hcb. 1. 2. with Rom. 8. 32, can kecpe nothing but by the Lords li- cence, lob 1. 12. neither can any thing profper with us,hut by his blcfling,Deuu 8*i6.Pro # io»22.PfaI t i27.ii2.Hag 1.6. Efa.3/ 17. Wee may provide for the time to come inalawfullmanner, when God gtve§opportunity l Eph.4 % 28.Gen.4i.34. 35,&c. and 50. 20. 2 Cor. 1 2.14, A#.i 1. aS.But yet we muft ever wait upon Gods providence, iPci.5.7. Pfal. 55.22.both when wee have the mcanes, Prov. 3. 5, 6, and when we want them,Efa.28.i gutnft U0. Expof 22. To forgive finne istoco*#r it, put it away out of fight, arid not to impure it, or call to a reckoning for it* P£\1.32,1.2. 2 3.Sinnesarecal!edtrefp*flcsordebts. Matth 4 8.25.becaufc wee aic bound to makelatisfaftion for them, byfufFering the juft judgem^t of God,Luke. 1 1 . 4. Gen. 2. 17. if the divine juftice be no: fa- tisficd by anothcr.Col.1.20, 24. Our rritb an Sxpojition upon the fame. 125 24. .Our forgiving others is not a caufc why God forgives us,Math % i8.3i. 33. Col.313.1 loh. 4.10. 11 buta figne vvhereby we: are a fibred that God hath pardoned us, Mach.6. 14.1 5. and 5.23,24. Mac.7.11. 25. Thd wrong that is done unto us (chough not alwaics the damage, 2 Chro # 19.6. iTim.5.8.Eph.5, 2p,Exod. 22. i. 15- Aft. 16. 37.comp. vyce oughc to for- give, M^rk.i 1.25. but the finne being the breach ofthc divine law > Gcdonely can pardon, pfal.5 1.1. 4. QJVhit defire j )H ofGodin this petition} A. 2D|)3t ^cSod of t)isft&a inertia 3Jefti0 C\j;ift , IdooIo fully b paroon all our Gns, as c toe Doe parDcrf1t{fe itfjon^ ans tnturics toee receitis from ot^cr£* rtEra.43 ; 2$.^p r a^i,2.cLuk. 11.4. £xpof.3.6. In this petition we acknow- ledge our felves to be miferable finncr$ > pfal.40. I2.plal, i^.ii^Ezr.p.S. and that wee have no power to fatisfiefor (inn'e, pfai.49.7.3. A&.2. 37.38. Ezec. 15.4.5. and that God is patient , bearing wich us fo long. Lam. 3. 22. pfal. 145.8. pfal. 85. 5. 15. and 103.8. and merciful], not gi- ving Icaveonely, Dan.9. 18. 19. 2 Chro* f l6 lAfhort C*tcc$)ifme] 7.14. but commanding alfo to pray for pardon, Hoflh. 14. i>i« whereby hee gives hope of forgiveneffe : and hence wee are drawn to flee to the throne of grace, PfaU' 86.15, i6.Ioel2. 12, 1 5. for the full for- givenefle both of guilt & puniflimentjPf*. 51.12. Everyday we (ih,Ecc1.7, 21. lob 14* 4- and therefore every day wee muffc pray for pardon, Pfa. 55.17. and our faith Isweakc, Luke 24.21, 22,23. Rom # i4.i. wee muft pray daily % that wee may have greater affurance of our falvation, Luke 27.5. 2 Sam. 1 2.1 3. with Pfal.51. 1,2. Q. Which i* the fixt petition} A. 2lm s 7 icaD us not into tempta* tiotT, bat oeltber 2 * as from efetll. Expof.2j. Forgiveneffc of finnes, and grievous temptations are infcparable companions, Luke 21. 22, 25, 24, 25,26. Aft.9.i7 > 2 5,24.Temptationisanytriall, whereby the heart is inticcd tofinncby Sathan, the world, or the flefli, 1 Thef. 3.5.1am. 1. 14, Math. 26. 4i.Godisfaid to tempc hisfervants f to try and humble them, by offering occafions of finne, fen- ding affii&ions y and deferring to helpc; DeUMg.3.Dent.8.2.Gcn.2 2.i.Pfa.io.i. But this in refpeft of God is ever good, Matth. with a*jExpofitionuponthefa?fj4. i^y vfatth. i9*i7 # Hab. i. ij.Tam.i.^Sa- han, the world, and theflefharefaidto •empc , by inticing alwayes unto finne, iathan by inward fuggeftions, i Chron. ii. i. Iohn 1 3. 2. and outward obje&s, 1 Sam.i 1.2,5. Math.4.3 >4,8. The world )y bad examples, Icr. 44. 17. or wicked Dcrfwafions ; alluring or terrifying, Gen. $. 6. and 39.7. and lob 2.9. 1 King, 13.8. Math.i6.22. Act.21.1 2. The flefh temp- tech, when wee areinticcd ofourowflc corruption, Obad. 3.1am. 1. 14. 1 Pet. 2* 11. Temptation hath thefe degrees; fug- geftion, delight % content, and pra6Hfe, lam. 1. 14. To be led into temptation, is to be overcome of temptation ; fo that Sathan doth prcvaile againft us, aodgee the viftory,Math. 26.41. 1 Chron.2i.i. God is faid to lead into temptation, when in any tryall heedoth forfake man, doth withhold or withdraw from him his grace, fuffer him to fall, 2Chron. 32. 31 . harden his heart, Exod. 7. 3. and give him wholly up into Sathans power, and the full fway of his owne corrupt heart, RotTui.24, 26,28. 28. To deliver is either to fupport un- der, or clfe to protect and defend from evill 1 28 tAfhort fotechifmc, . cvill, 2 Cor. 1 2.9. By cYiIi the power and poy fon of finnc , Sathan, and the world is underftood,Math # 5,37. Q^ What dejire youof Cjod in this peti- tion ? A. &a be fr#o from ^trials f&cm- ftltjes,fo far d as it toil Sana tnttfj <25oos gD5D pieafnre,anD altnaies from t jje e trill tftsref, ^t^ttocfamtnot nnser ttjem/oa be foples bp t&em^Mat. 26. 39, * Rem. 8.28.1 Cor.10.13. Expoft?. Here wee acknowledging the Lords power over our enemies chat tempcus,Zach.3,2. ludep.aadourowne frailcy^Pfal.iog. 14.15. withallbcway- ling ourpronenefle to evilJ and corrup. tion,Rom.7. 24. 18. wee defire God to bridle Sathan, 2 Cora 2.7.8.killfinne 3 Pfalmeip. 13. fupport us by his grace, Ephef.3,i6. iThef. 3. 13. ftirrc us up to be watchfullin prayer, Ephef. 6. i8«give us hope,pacience,confolar:on,Col. 1. 11. 2The(T.2.i7 andagood ifTuc out of all tryals,Pfal.6.4.that wee neither prefume, nor defpaite, Prov. 30.9. and free ids from mifery , fo farre as raay>tfand with his good pleafure. Q^ Which * s the Thanksgiving in the with An gxpojjtion upon the Ume. 126 the Lords Prayer? A. j?o ; t\)ine is tyc j° fctngoome, t\t ffcer* f-vtwf. 30. God is the right owner,' mdTupreame and abfoluteruKr oyer all :hings in heaven and earth, Gen. 14, 19. [Chro. 29. il.Pfal.24-1,2, all bit flings ;herefore are to bee craved at hb bands, ?fah 145, I4,i5>i6, for whither fhould ubie&s flee, but to their King i Pfal. 70. 5.Pfal.2^^IO J tI J T2. 31. God can givewhatfoever we (land ti need of, Matth. 7, 7, and 8. 2, flreng- :hcn us againft any finne, 2 Tim, 4,18. tudc. 24. and unto any duty. Heb, 1 3. 21. md wee have no ftrength but from him, iChro,2p. 15.KJ. 2 Gar 3* 5. therefore we muft call upon him alone. 32. God ought to be glorified by us in ill things, Col.3.i7.gaineth glory by hea. ring the prayers of his peopkjpfa^^ n f ?f. 50*1 5* and 30, 1 i, 12, and for his glo- ry will not deny them any thing that fhali b!egood.Math.7,ir,Lukeii 3 i3. £1^ Dee not thefe words containe a ream r on a//!?, why rote beg the former blejjings e,/Pfal. ^ 4.am» 85,8, £xf *[.$$. Here wee muftinow, that God doth heare and grant our rcquefts, when yet hce doth deferrc to give us the fenfe thereof, Efay 64. 24.28am. 12. 13. withPfal.5i.i,2.Dan.9.22,2$.andio. 12, 1 j. Alio hee doth not alwaygivcthc particular ching wee askc, but what hee Jknowcs beft for us % Rom. i # io # a Cor* *z-7>%>9> Heb.5. 7. Fur cher we muft take heed that wee limit not the Lord to our owne time, Efay 28. 16. nor yet receive Sathans anfwer for the Lords : Sathans anfwer is cither contrary to the word of truth ; or if hee fpeakc ihetruth, it is to a. wrong end, w'«.dtfpaire,or prophane- neffe. Laftly, obferve that we fpeed well , when God givcth us the fame thing that wee crave, being good, Lam. j, 57 # Gen« 30.1 9,22 ,and 20,17. Pfal.21. 2.4* E*od. *7, n.Iofo, 10* ij t or another as fit, or more 1 3 a AJhort C*techifmf 9 morefitforus,Gen.i7. 18j9.Mark.r4 35. with Hcb. 5. 7. or morepatienceanc ftrength to vvayt, 2 Cor. 12. 7,8,9. Pfal, Q^ What benefit jhall vpc gain* hereby } An. 31 e toill fttrreup W" fceart fo jjrt^nbfuine0, remcobe^ ** DUaeffe dim 37 negligence, fttmgtfjcn * g our / fattf?, ane tnfliine ^ cur hearts fottlj^eale, top, ano loae,£ Pfal.3 1.21.22. A Pial.88, i^.and4.i,2 # iPfal4.3.Pfal.nd # i.Pfal # 28.6,7. Exfof. 35. The hearing of our holy prayers i^s a pledge of Gods k>ve 3 arcd a fweetand comfortable teliimony of bis ifiercie^Pfalm. 31. 21. 22. provoking the heart checrcfulJy topraife r PlaJ^o. 8.io> 3#. VVhen God anfjvemh our prayers, the light of his countenance flvneth upon us 3 and thisreviveth the dull fpiritSjPlal. iid.6.7.^2Sau] t 7 4 2;. 37. Experience of : good*ecrvedfrorn God, and begged ip praycr.doth qtiickea us thercuuto , Pfakne 6?.6.7 # and 116. r,2. 38. God is unchangeable, fo that for- mer mercies given , doe allure us of fu~ ture w withanExpoJttioHupdHtbefamet 133 Cure blefling,PfaImctfi # 5,<5* 39. Though our hearts arc cold by na- :ure,y cc the fight of Gods love doth move js effectually to lore the Lord againe, ?fa.i45.i8 ; ip,20,2i. Q. what muft we doc ifCjod anfwer Hi tot the fir li orftcondtime ? , An. diamine* &otete$e/p?ap,an8 * continue ^fertent tljerem, toatftng ^Dpott tyz JLejfi unftll tee fpaec, /lam. U3.wLuk.i8.i.^Hab.2.3.PfaU53. I £^(^400 Sometimes wee aske and eceive not becaufe wee aske amiffe ; ig- iorantly^rafhly^coidly, with wearinelfe, iiflruftfuJJy, and without love., lob 27.9. Proverbs 21.13. asking either things noc ood,Math.20. 21,22. Lukep, 54. 55.01: lot fie for them for whom wee pray; or 3 a wrong end. But here obferve, that hey pray well that take notice of their vants in Prayers : Pfairae 51. 22. and >metimes the childc of God praycth eft when hee kno weth not that hee pray - ch at all, Rom. 8. 26. Alfo God fome- me$givethuswhatwee pray for, when ^cepray but coldly, Mark.9. 22. 24,25. mhcemightencourage us to pray; and enies us fomccimes when wee pray fer- K vently vcntly , that wcc might not truft toour^ praycrs,Pfal.22,2. 41. God for a time may deny wfeat wee ask, Pfal.6, 3 . and 1 3. i. that hce may] exercife our humilicy in regard of oud wants, La m.2. 44, Iud. 10.1 3,14, our faich and patience in waiting, Matth. 15.22, 23,24,36, 27, 28. and try our obedience, whether wee will in conscience obey, though wee wane the comfort promised, Pfal,44,i7, 18,19.26. Moreover, heede- ferrcthto help for areafon, to quicken us to prayer, make us know our fclvcs,care<. fully preferve his graces when once wee have them , and doe us good in the latei end,Iud# 20.26. wecfhould not then be faint-hearted, but hold out unto the end. being fupported with faith, hope, aoc love,f>fal«40.i.and 37.7. Q^jyho ought to pray f An. £!jciig&0cD reqmretf* of al men uptn eartlj^et tt mo?e fpeetailp be kinget&fotbe members otytf/cCIjurcf militants Matth. 7 # 7 3 8.Pfa.i4. 2 ./Ioh 16.23.26. Q: Who can or way fray with hope u Cpeed? An; £)nlg tyer^fljitf^Mpartfron with 4H Expojithn up»n the fame. 1 3 j ntquttp,^PfaIm,66. 18. JZxpoJlqz. Such only asfecle the bur. !en of finnc, and have adefuc tobcea- ed, arc called to come untoChrift; and lavcapromifeto finde good fuccefTe, Ef. ;y 4 1. Matthew -11. 28. Others doe buc nock God ; PfaL 78. 34,35, 3& neither ran tliey pray with the graces required is faith j reverence, fervencie, love, &c. blong astheylove wickedneffe, Zach. .2.10. 2 Timothie 2. 19. Player is not a *ork of nature , but of the fpiritof fan- ftification; Rom. 8. 15.26. Gal. 4. 4, $• and he cannot fulfill the lufts of the flefh, :hathath the fptrit of grace dwelling in him, Gal 5. 16. fo that the prayers of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord, Proverbs i5«8.Ioh.9. 31. Efay $8,7,8,9* Ezek* 174 18. Our departing from finne is at the firft very rude and impcrfe&,Ioh« 121,15. 1 Pet, 2. i; wee muft pray daily to be renewed, Col, 1. 9. Phil. i, 9, io> J U IThetj. 13. Q^For whom mtijl we pray ? A ifoj43 ail r fojtsof mtn nofoUfctng, o* tfcat fljall Itfce j tjereafter , but 44 not foj ffce * Beau, n Tim. 2. 1,/ lob, 17*20. * Luk. 1^24,25. K 2 £*/*/; 136 A port fatccbifint] £xpof. 43, The Commandemcnt ol God, lames 5. i6.Ephef.6. 18. Col, 4. 3, Romans 15. 30- our love toour Brochc^ who isof ourflclh, and may appertain! to the Kingdorne of grace 3 Rom. 10. 1, 2loh.5« 16. doth require chat we pray foj aIIfort$ofmenIivir.g,both.private,iam.y 14. r Sam* i'2« 2j# and publick perfbns; 1 Kings 1.36,57^3.6.10 friend, lob 42* 8, 10. and foe ? Plalm. 35, 13. nccre in b!oud,Nurn. 12, 13. Gcn.25.1i4 and 17, 18. and 27,18, and 28.3. 1 Chro. 29. 19. and ftranger. Col. 1.9. v? eakc or ftrong Chriftians, iThef.y.f 4, Cor. 1. 1 1. Hebrews 1 :>. 18, 19. fuch as (land, 2 Thef. 3.j.orbegoneaflray,Cant.8. 8. Exod« 32*3^^ 3 2 » Rom. 10. 1. AH need the prayers one of another, lames j« 164 Sathan feekes to moleft and trouble all men, Luke 22.3 1 ♦ lob 1.9.10. Eph.6.i2i 1 Pet. 5. 8.thefallof any man is a diflio., nour toGod. Romans 2. 23, 24. a finncri converfion brings glory to his Name 3 Apoc. 16. 9.MaI.2« J, 2. thepraytrofthe, weakcft^ChriftianisavaileabJe withGodji Pfaimed5.2.andi45. i8.Pfe/m a io2 # i7.! ac leaft it (hall rccurnc into his owne bo- urne, Pfalme 5 3.13. Ezel^. 14. 14. itisa ipeciali •with m Expojition upon the fame * 137 j>ecialla&oflove 3 Matth,5 f 44,ameane« to reconcile our enemies unto us, Rom, 1 2. 20. or to prevent danger or hurt, that Dtherwife wee might receive from him. ?fal.ic?4. 44. Prayers cannot availc the dead, Rev.14.15. iPec.3.i9 # Heb.9.27.neicher :ana Prayer for them be a work of faith: brcommandement to doerc, promifeof ;ood to come by ic, or approved example warrant it in Scripture, rftereis not iny ; Superftitlon did firft hatch thefe Jrayer*, and fupcrftitionnowisihefoun- lation of them. Love is the pretence vhich the ignorant fort make to defend hem,but indeed they are vaine^ignoranr, afh, and uncharitable. Q^Atay men contentthemfelvestopray 9 private only, or only m pub lie f(. 1 An, $0, but 45 ttjep mutt ^ufe botlj fufaltck auo ^ pjtoate * 6 p;a?er,» A&s a, 'Luke 11. i t Expof.\^ % Publick prayer is that vhich is ufed in the publick meetings nd affemblies of Gods fcrvants. This 3 a principall part of Gods worfliippe^ i&s j.i, acceptable unto his Majeliie > ccaufc wc acknowledge him openly to be K 3 the t$% %A flmt Catechifme] the giver of every good gift, and fpeak of his free favour , to :hc praifc of hh grace,PfaIm.22.25*and40 lo.everufec in the houfe of God , Matthew 21*12, fanftifying every other duty, iTim.4. j commanded by Chrift, who hath promi< fed hisprcfence in afpeciaUipannerin th< congregation, Pfalm. 27. 4. Matthew 18 20. Alfo hereby we arequicknedtoptaj more fervently, Zacharie 8* 20,2 1 ,22 .do( tejftifie our faith , hope , thankfulncfie , profeflc our felves to be the fervants o] Chrift, and ftirre up others by our ex. ample. Pfalme95.6. and 96. 1.2,7,81 And it is much to our comfort, thatwhai vvce aske, \s approved and fought witl common confent ; publiquc fervice be- ing of more worth than private , as a fo« ciecie execedeth the worthing ffc of on< man.Phl.2p.p.and 87.2. and 35. 18. anc in. 1. 45 Private prayer is that which 11 performed in a family 9 or by onealone. jZach.12. 12,15, 14 in the family prayet is ncceflary , God by his commandCi meat binding Parents and Matters to fe< it performed. loin. 24. 15. Gen. 18. 18, thcfaithfull have followed the Lords di- K#ior *»ith AnExpJithnHp$n the fame. I39 e&ion herein, lob 1.5. hereby the af- : airesof the whole family arcfanftified* Chro.16. 43 Pfal*ia7. *• 1 Tim. 4. 5* Stnd God will poure downe* a blcfling jpon that family , that joyntly fceketh ;iis favour by hearty fapphcation, A&.i. 14, 1 y« and 1 2. 5, 6. Alone wee muft pray, Gencf. 24. 63. and 32.9. 10. Luken.i Matth. 6.6. that wee may be more fie to foywe with others to our edification, ind have comfort when wee are alone* Pfal^o, 10,1 1,12. Alfo wee haveprivate fins to confeffe, wants to bewaiie, crofles jnder which wee fliould bee humbled, ?falm.6- 2. 3. 6.7. Matth* 14* 51. and fa- vours for which wee (hould be thank- iill. Lam.3*23 . Pfalm.7 1 ♦ 2 3, 24. and 66. ip,20. Q. what other meanes hath the Lerd ippointedto increafefaith ? An # 2D&e cue x s Bmtniff ratton,ano re# eiinng of tlje 1 &acrament0, x Gen. 1 7. ^io,iKRom.4.n. Sxpof.i. The word Sacrament did in indent times fignifie an oath , where- by fouldicrs bound themf^lves to be true o their Captaine , and the Qenerall in ike manner did bindc himftlfe to the K 4 fouldi- V 40 'AJhort C4tech$fme f fouldicrs ; but now it is ufcd to fignii the fcalcs of the covenant $ whereby tl Lord doth bindc himfelfeinChrift Icf to be merciful! to us , and wee binde o felves to be true unto C hrift. The Sacr ments are fpcciall meanes to confirr faith , becaufe Chrift is after a fpcci! manner reprefemed and offered unto a and effectually befiowed upon eve worthy Communicant. Q.. Who ought to adminifler the S< craments ? An. )©nl? t%ty tljat j are a iatofal taileo C^reunto bf t&eCfjurelj, jHc 5.4. Expof.2. Such are lawfully called adminiftcr the Sacraments * whobeii furnifhed with gifts of knowledge, » holincffe , arc fet a part for that off by the Churchy Dcut* 33, 10. Mai. 2. Matth.5. 14,15, 16. 1 Tim. 3-i-4*$,tf>' TiM-7, 8,?tMatth. 24. 4y.Rom. 1. Tit.1.5. Q^ what is a Sacrament} An. a s feale of j tfje covenant* grace, jR0m4.11. gxpof. 5. Sacraments are appointe Qotonlycoh:lpthe underftanding 9 ai ti with an Sxpo fttion upon the fame. 141 the memory,but alfo to perfwade, and aC furethe heart that Chriii Is ours. 4. That covenant isfealtd in the Sa- crament , which God of his mcerc grace, and favour, madew'uh us in lefusChrift, being miferablc finners, Gencfis 1 7. 7. 9, lOjIIi&C. Q. In what words u thu covenant ex* frejfed in Scripture ? An* 3totUbe*tl)E*(233!>, anfitfjoa fl)attb$rappeopl&,*Ier.3i*33. Expof.^. In this covenant Goddoth promife to be our Saviour, King, and Fa- ther; to pardon our finne,fan per>£ Ioh # i.26. (rLuk^ilp^o*. Sxpof. io> la the old Tcftatr.cnt the Iewcs had many Sacraments, fomc ordi- nary, Gen. 17. 9. 1 i,i2,&c. Exod. 12. i % 2, 3, &c. feme extraordinary, 1 Cor. 10* 1, 2, 5 , 5, but the New Teftament hath onely two. For there be no more Sa- craments of the New Teftament , tbtfn Chrift did inftitute, and receive before his death, bccaufeitwasneccflfary, that hce fhould receive both., to fan$ifie them in his ownc perfon f and to leje that communion which is betweene him and us. The nature of a Sacramert agreeth Dot to the five forged Sacraments of the PapiftS; either they are not proper to the Church , or are not inftituted of God ? or confift not of an outward vifible %ne, and inward grace: the covenant of grace is not fealed in any of them. Thefe Sa- craments of the New Teftament aic per- petual! , and never to bee abrogated, Heb.8,,13. Q^jvhat k Baptifme ? A.# "£>acramertf * of cut ingrafting into 144. tAJhort C*teMfmel iatowfctff, communion toit^tm, ana entrance into t^e Ctjurcl)^ Math. 28. i ?# A6U8.31. Exptf* 12. The feed of Abraham ' Gal. 3.7. or children of Chriftian Pa. rents are within the covenant, are Chri- ftians , and members of the Church, 1 Cor # 7«i4. Rom. 11. i6#Baptifme there- fore doth not make them Chriftian foules; but doch felemnly fignifie, and feale their ingrafting into Chrift , and thatjeommunion which the members of Chrift have with him their Head, and doch confirme that they are acknow- ledged members of the Church , and en- trcdintoit.i Pet.^21. Q. What is the ttttwArdfigite ? An. ©ftater,/ toj}eretou& t%t parts bapti$eD is g toafljea , bp dipping o; fp^inHltng , h into t&e I2 $ame of tH $atyzv 3 &onne,ano&oi?C^oft,/Afts IO -47«f Math.3.6.n.ij«i6.Aft$i6.i5« £Ma:th.28a?. Expof. 12. To be baptized into the Name of the Father , Sonne, and holy Ghoft, is to be confecrated unto the wor- ship aad fervice of the Father, Sonne^ and holyGhoft, Q. PPh*t with an Sxpoptionupen thefabfe. 145 1 Q. what u the inward grac* or thing fignified ? ♦ An. jfojgtijeneffe i of 1 * finne* , ana ^andtficatiom * Mark 1.4. A&s*. 38. Expof.i 3 .Water in Baptifme doth fig- nific both Ghriits Bloud,by which all our ftnnes arc waflied away , and Chrifts Spi- rit, by which wcc are regenerated, Rom. d. 3.Matth. 3. n.Iohni. a6.Col.2.i2« Wherefore the inward grace in Baptifme, is the pardon of our finnes, and renewing of our nature/rit.3.5. Q. To what condition doth the party baptiz>edbindhimfelfe > An %q bel&toe d in ** C6?tff,*nQ e to fojfafee ^U Qn0, ^ Aft,8,37^Mat.3 .1 2* Expof* 14. Gods pronufe to us, and our promifc to God, implyed in the co- venant, is fealed in Baptifme, A&s 16.14, 1 5 # 3 1 3 32, 3 3. fo that wee bind our fclves thereby to the performance of eur duty. Infants bapti2ed have not the ufeofrca- fon f much Jeffe , faith to beleeve ; but yet as they be in the covenant, fo they oblige themfelves to beleeye in Chrift, and depart from iniquitie ; Tvhich they 3rs bound to performc, when they cecne to J 4 * tsffar t Cttechifmel toyeeres of difcretion, A#s?.39. with 2Cor.6.l7,i8. Q^.How oft ought a max to be baptized t An. 3Stis* enough ^oncefobe/baptt* ?efl: fo? baptifme is a plecge of our^ neto Expof 9 i$. Wee never read that Chrift or his Apoftles did adminifter Baptifoc more than once to one man. And Cir- cumcifion , the feale of entrance into the Church of the Iewes, in the place where- of Baptiune is come , was only once ap- p!ycd by Gods appointment, Gen. 17. 23, Q^tJ'ho otifht to be baptised ? A ♦ § mulsh towb&ttQ to l6 t\jt fatty, ana J 7 infants * of one, o; bot|i c^tttian 18 parent*, hA3sS.\2. *A£h 2. 59. 1 Cor.714. Expof.'i6* All they who be within the covenanted fuch only arc co be received into Baptifme. 17. Infants of Chrifhan Parents are within the covenant, to them appertai- ned the promife of forgivenefle of finncs, and the Kingdome of God# Alfo circum- cifion amongft the Iews^which anfwereth to our Baptifme , was adminiflrcd to In- fants, with an Expoftion upon the fame. 147 fants, Gen.17. 1 2. and 21. 1.4. Luk.i .59. and 2.21. And when the faith full which the Scripture faith , were convert edypith their whole henfhold , and baptitued^ it may probably bee tlvmghc, there were fome children amongft them of thofe houfholds, who were not excluded, A&s 14.14,15. 18. Though we acknowlcdgefuch on- ly to be fincereChriftiatiSjwhoferveGod with upright hearts, Rom. 21.28, 29. yet thofe are not denied to be Chriftians,who make fo much as a general! profeffion of Chrift f A&.i 1.26.1 Cor.1.2. with 5.1,2, 3. and 15,12. Q. What is the Lords Supptr? a\& Sacrament of our continuance anogtotot&tn C^itt. ^i Cor.10.16. Expofi. Ghrift isgiten to be fpiri- tuall nourifhmentunto theSou!c,that wee might grow and increafe in him, Iofan 6. 33.48,50,51,52,54,56. as plants are not only grafted 3 but doe grow in the (tack : and this is fealed in this Sacra. Intent* Q^VVho is the author of this Sacra* went} An. %\% &025/3efas s m fyt fam* ptigfit 1 48 AJbort Catechifmcl ntgfjt 3 tljat $e to betra^D, /z.GKi 1 23,24, Expof.i. Chriftwho is the Lord and head of his Church s Aft.io.36.Eph.i.22i Col. 1. 18. haying anthority toinftitutc Sacraments. Match. 28.18/19. and power effectually toperforme whatfocver is fig- nifiedand fealed therein, Ioh.i. 4 # Eph # 5, 1.4. did in hisowne perfoninfticutcand ordaincit. 3. When Chrift was preparing him- felfe to the greatcft work of love that ever was , having his thoughts wholly bent to procure the cternall good of his Ele# ; then did hce out of his infinite love, even in the fame night that hee was to be be- trayed , appoint this holy Sacrament ; knowing that the inftitucion and fealing ofthetefhmen^, ought to goe before the death of the teftator. This fhould ftirrc 1 us up with care and reverence to receive j this pledge of Chrifts love 3 and to come unto it as unto a (pirituall feaft^beingper- fwaded that Chrilt will refpe& us now he . is glorified, feeing hee did not forget us in his agony and palTion. Q^What # the outward figne ? An. jBjeao * ana m brine,u>ity f Ije aett' y»itkdfs'ExpoJitio*stp$ntkef*me. i^p an* pertaining fo f&em , aa'teeafemg, jtbmg, rccettring, eatitig,and&?tn&tng* ^Mat.264 26,27, *8. Sxpof.q. Bcfides that Bread and Wine arc mod ufuall, fit, and neceflarie 10urifl1mcntjPfalm.104.15. they doc of ill others beft fcrvc toexprefle the body ind bloudefChriftj Ioh.r unleavened bread are of free ufc, A&s *o.7 4 Matth« %6. 17, 26. but itisexpedi- :nt, that it be bread that hathfubftance nit. The ufcofthe Wafer-cake is juftly blamed as fu per ft itious, by our Church, kndbccaufe the Sacrament is a fpirituall [ : eaft ; therefore the fineft bread, and pure ji/Vine is of moft laudable ufe. Out of liggardlinefie to mix water with wine, ivoureth of an ill minde, Malac. 1. 7,8. Chrift being not only the true, but the iifficient nourifhment of the foule \ in- .ending to give us a full meale, appointed X)th bread and wine, and that feverally o be ufed in the Lords Supper , 1 Cor. 1123, 24. So that it is facriledge to de- liver this Sacrament in one kind only, and preemption not to adminifler them feverally , feeing Chrift intended to fee forth his violent death , wherein his ~ JL body T^o A (hort fotechifme\ body and bloud werefepat ated. 5. The bread is to be broken according to the example ©f Chrift, and his Apoftles; becaufe this Sacrament was appointed fpecially to reprefent the death and pafli- ©n of our Saviour Chrift, in which his body was crucified , and his bloud ftied* Matth. 26.26, 27,28. Aft.2o # 7 # Q,, What is the inward grace ? An. Ctwtff * tottti all ^ t^e benefits Of 7 tits Qeat|) attt) pafften , n 1 Corinth. xi. 24. Expof.6. Not only Chrift hisbenefits, but even Chrift himfelfe is offered unto us; for wee cannot be partakers of the benefits of Chrift , unlefle wee be united untohim.Ioh.15. 2,Eph.4,i6.Col.2.i9 # Chrift is truly and fpiritually prefent in theSacramcnc, exhibited to the faith of every worthy receiver ,bnt not corporally united to the bread and wine in refpeft of place, Afts 3. 2i# with Matthew 28. 6. lob # i6.i8. 7. The * Bread fignifies the body of Chrift , the Wine betokeneth his bloud j the beeakingof the Bread fetteth forth the crucifying of Chrift,&c. Q* What u the duty efthc Minifier in i»ith an Expofttion npontkefame^ I 5 1 the a Jmimftration of the Sacrament ? An. £,9 confecrate * if bp * Declaring ifjetaii t:irtorr teereofyj "p;a?cr fopnea tctt, tbanfc gtfctng ": a* alfo to b;eafc ti)t b^caD, anD after times to odtfcer tlje l^tas ana b tne to tfce people of (E3oD, * 1 Cor. U. 2$, 24. Match. 2$. 16, 27,28. Mark. 14 22. Luk. 22.19. 9. To confecrate, is to fee apart the bread & wine unto an boly ufe.i T]m<4 5* Exod.i $.2. jtid 22.29* 9. If Chrift had not inftituced thisufe of bread and wine, it could* never hare had tbebeing , efficacie , and vercue of a Sacrament; thertote the inftitution ought to be declared. 10. God is ever ready preft to befiow a blefling upon his ocdin mcesj Mal.3.10. Plal. 81. 13. but yetlooktthtobeioughc unto, Idh.4. io. A&.6.2.4. and 4. 3 i.thcr- fore the Miniver rnuft crave Gods blef- fing to]fan&ifie the bread and wine co their right ends. 11. The work of our Redemption be- ing lively fet forth in tin* Sacrarncac; pratfeto God for that benefit ought not tobcomitted.Rev.5.9-Pfal,i03.4.Rcv.i« 5j6.Zach.99, L 2 QWhat 152 isf foort ratechifmc\ Q. What is hereby figvified ? An. SDfee action of <®tto[tyt jraffjer, offering Cfjjtft to all,ano beftototng |(im />effectUulirtipon tfje toojt^ receiver. p i Cor.io.x6. Q. What is the duty of the receivers ? An. aCo^rccettoe tlje I2 b;«aD$tome *ettbereD,anD to ** eat anBBjfnktijereof, ^Matth. 26.26, 27.1 Comi.23,24. Expof. 12. Itismoft expedient to re- ceive the bread and cup into the hand, and aot fuperftitioufly 3 orunfeemely to have the bread put 3 or the wine pou- red into the mouth, Matth,26. 26. 1 Cor. 14.40. 13. Eating importcth more than to fufferathingco melt in the mouth; for common bread fit for nourifliment, which fliould be ufed, fhould by chewingj&c.be prepared for the ftomack. Q. What is fignified hereby ? A. £Dur r recetinng ano faeDtng upon Ctwift bg fatty, ? 1 Cor. 10.16. Q. Is itfiifficicnt to receive this Sacra* ment once ? An.iac;buf /toemuttrecetteit X4 of> ttll,s Adt.2.42. and 20.7. Exfof. 14. Chrifls commandement, 1 Cor. yvith anExpo/ttionupon the fame. 153 I Cor # 1 1. 26. the ApoftlcspraSice, Aft* 20.7. our ownencceflity, weakneffeof faith, 1 Sam«27.i. Mark. 16. i^dulnefTe of understanding, Ioh.20 9. Mark, 8. 17, l8.forgetfuinefie,Luk. i4,9.andfpiritu- all wants and decay cs in grace,Matth.24 • 12.Rev.24. and 3 . 2. doe require tha: we receive this Sacrament often. Rev. 3. 2>g* We muft receive it as often as it is admi- niflred in that Congregation where wee live j unleffe wee be juftly hindered; or companies in great Parifh?s be forted for fevcrall dayes , becaufe they cannot communicate all at once, Numb. 9. 13. 2 Chro 30. 1 2. Aft* 2, 42. Matth«22. 5^6. i Cor. 1 0.1 6. Q^ For what endandufe ought^eeto receive this Sacrament ? An. SCo* coafirme our x *fat£& , com* munton Uritl) Clj?iff,anD ail faking gra- ces in us ; to keeps x * in * remembrance t&e3lo:t>s seat^untill t)ee comeagafne, ano to teltifie » our lobe one untoanc* tfjer*' 1 Cor. 10. 16, #iCor* 11.24.26. tv 1 Cor# 12.13. Expif.i$ 9 The increafcof faith, and of communion with Chrift, inferre neceffa- rily an increafesf all graces, which fpring L 3 thence •I 54 AJbort Catechifnte y thence as from the root, IoUi 5 4.Epb t 2? \b. This fiirrerh up a more ferinu* tHnkingon ChriftsIoveandgoodncfTein his death, and fo prefervesthe fame more tru y.in memory, And by eating this bread, ani drinking this wine, mendoe proffOe &: after a lore preach unto others, unto the worlds end, the myfteneofthe Goipel ; tiiefummeand fuhftance where- ofconfilkthin the death of Iefu> Chrift, and the fruits that flow there-frbm, £ha dowed in the S?cramenr, Q. What u the danger of umvortk j re ce'iving ? A. wmtprffyv x xtt\ iter* *? art Quil* tit of tVt ,8 borv anD bus of ttjc L029, ans Be eat ant D v :inb fniKement to tiiem* feltc*,* 1 Co%11.27.29. £xpof\j.Vn worthy r cei vers are fiich who eat and drink unworthily, that is, who receive the bread and wine without due reverence and refpeft to the myfterie contained in them, 1 Sam.^19.2 Sam.6.6, 2 h o, 30. 20. or to the holy ends why ihej were ordained, or to the perfon by who'c an horiry they were appointed, 5 Sjm.2o:p>wuhRev.3«4*Luk,3.8. : i»ith *n Expofition upon the fame. 1^5 1 8 . To be guilty of the body and bloud of the Lord , is to offer a fpeciall wrong and wjurie to the pcrfon of Chrift,and hisfufferings, and in a fpeciall manner to finne againft the work of our redemp- tion y which is fully fet forth in the Lords Supper. Q^Who are to receive thk Sacra- ment ? An. &ucM* knototljdt l *mtfen?bp finnt,t\)tttmebyty2nofin,&c. andjquickenthe loathing of them in the heart , fo that the very thought of them may be bitter. Icr«3 1. ip, 2 Tiro. 1.6. 23 . We fliould defirc to bave our faith I encreafed before wee comedo the Lords Table: for faith was required of fuch who did defirc to be baptized, Aft. 8. 37. and 16.33, 3 4. It is the eye by which weedif- cerne, 2 Cor. 3, i8.Ioh. 3. 14, 15. and 8» 56. and the hand by which wee receive Chriftjlohn i.i2.and 6.35* making this feaft of the Lords exceeding fweet.Pfalro. 119. 103. 24. When wee come to the LordsTa- ble, wee profeffe our felves to be children of the fame Father, 2 Cor. 6. 18. the re- deemed of the fame Lord, 1 Corin. 2*6. fuch 158 tA Short fauchifme] fuch as be guided by the fame fpirit.i Cori 12. 13. ruled by the ftmeword/ed atth* fame table, 1 Cor.16. 17. members of thr fame body 3 Eph.4 § 4,5,6. and heiresof the fameKingdome > Rom.8.i4.i7.(houId we not then heartily dc/ire thegood of one another, both in foule and body. Eph.4.^ lPet.3,8. Q^JVhatifa man fix de himfelfe roeak$ in f*ith y and fuS of * doubting ? A. |£e mult betoatle^ tiis *> unbeliefs, p jap ft* fat t^ , fehe to |atoe fcts ooubts rcfdtieD 9 ana fo receive to be further Vttm%tyzr\£b * 6 inb belling* ^ Markc p. 24«Hudges6. 37, 38*Exod, 12, 1,2] J?A:^/25.Vnbeliefc hinders thefweet- neffeof the Lords ordinances, loh. 6. 54. 63,64* godly forrow for it quickens a defire, and makes way for the increafe of faith, 2 Cor. 7. 10. wherefore doubt- ings are to be bewailed, but v*ee muft not thereby be kept from feafting with Chrift. 26. The wcake were admitted by Ghrift unto this Table, Ma, 26. 26. with 26.56.Mark.16* 14. Acts i.6.Thc Sacra- ment was ordained not onely for the ftrong i with an Sxpojttion upon the fame. 159 Ire ng man, but even for babes in Chrift, hat they might mx fironger, Rom. 4. ft. 1 Cor. 5. 2,3. they may therefore ap- proach untothis banquet, being iavited >y the Mafler of the feaft. Pr0v.9-d.Mac. 22.9Xuk. 14.21,23. Q # How ou^hta mans heart to be af- r cStedtn receiving the Sacrament ? h.WM^i rcberencc,ito?,anti a 7com* r ojt, /meaf fating on ttje oattoa ra Bgnes, mo toljat t&ep fignifie ; tfce dainties p;e* pareD , aim lotoe of &tm tbat prepares :f)em ; cur communion tott^cbiff, bis sraces, ana fait&full people,to&ereb|> tfee ptart is m fttrrefc np to ttjanfefgiinng, iExod.3.5* Gen. 28, 17.4 Deut. 16. 15. li Cor,ii.i$,w iKing,8.66. Expo/ '.27. From that which we noted before touching th* anions of the Mini- fter, and the people in thedeliverieand receiving of this Sacrament , wee may learne how we ought to behave our felves in this holy bufiueffe. Excrcifc the eye in feeing the elements t , and the a&ions belonging thereunto, Exod, 24. 8. the tare in hearing the niyfteries explained^ the hand in receiving the element*, and the cade in feeling the comfort of them. Exercifc 1 6* tsfjhort fatechifme] Excrcife alfo the miad id meditating add remembriiigofChrifts fufferingSjand th< love of God, not only giving his Sonne to die for us, Ioha 3, i<5. but offering and fealing unto us our redemption there- by ; and flirre up the heart to receive Ghrift, Efa. ($4. 7. and mourne for (inne I Zach.i2.io,defircGods favour, rejoyce in hislove^ Mehe, 8, 10. ftaod in awe be- fore him, Pfal. 5 . 7, fearing after an holy manner, left by any unruly affe&ionSj orunfictinggefture, wee (hew the leaft want of due erteerne f and joy in his pre- fence, Pfal,2. i 1. and 4.4. 1 Cor. 11. 10. and 14.40. Q.» What mufi we doe after we have rem ceived ? An.[Wizt mutt * 8 enceafcour to finfce an tncrWe of fritf) , lofec, ana ail fa* Dins gtncc0, abounding moje ansmoje in teeil'tJQtng , n Proverb. 4. 18. Ezck. 47. 12. £xpof*2%> The receiving of the Lords Supper is a renewing of our coyenanc with God, Exod. 139. Gencf. 17. 11, lChro.30.29. therein wec/eed fpiritiu ally uponChrift,! Cor. 10.16. are rcfrefih. td by him, and by faith draw vertucfrom him j with an Expo jit ion upon the fame. \6\ iim,Rom.8 # 2.PhiI.4.i3. therefore after we have received , we muft grow more in jrace and knowledge. If wee fpecd not ityell after wee have received , commonly nir want of preparation was the caufc :hereof, or defefts willingly admitted in :he a& of receiving. 2 Chron» 30. Ip. 20* ludg. 10. 14,15. But care muft betaken, that out of diflike of our fclves, wee doe hot diflike>or denie that meafure of grace, Which the Lord beftoweth upon us; nei- ther muft wee be over-hafty: the Lord doth not alwayespoure his gifts upon us, thefamc day that weecome unto him in his holy ordinanccs.Pfa.p/.n.Cant^^. and 5,6. Q^jvhat order hath the Lord left in his Church to keepe his ordinances from contempt ? An.C£etmrnls 2 *fyoulo *°be* atimo* ntfljeM&e 31 tibUitisittp ercommimtca* ten , 32 an a t$t penitent after fytit fall 35 reffojeBanfi^comfo?feM 1 Tkef,5 4 i4 pi Cor.5.4.^2Cor.2,6,7. Expof. 29. They are unruly \ who are inordinate, live diflolutely, and fach who are knownc by fpeech ; geftures , and deeds , not to walk according to the rule l6% AJhort Cttechijh&l rule of the word; orbufie-bodies 3 vaiii boafters; idle, &c. 2 Thef. 3, u, 12. o be fallen into any outward finne, 1 Goi 6.9. 50; Such pcrfons being members o the Church , 1 Cor. 5. n. 12. fhouJd bi reprehended for their finne , certainlj inowne both to be finne , and to be con* mitted by them, Lev.i9-I7* Admonition muft be performed with meekneflc anf others 5 Tim. 5. 10. and keeping the >rdinances of God in reverence. 1 Cor. >>6,7. * 33. The cenfures of the Church are nedicines to cure, not poifons to deftroy, nfli&edforto humble ^ and bring into the i <*4 tAJhor t Catcchifme] thfi right way fuch as hare gone aftray* wfien a finner doth truly lament the evil! of his life , and is unfainedly forrowfull, heeis to be received againe into the bo- fome of the Church , and comforted, left Sathan by his devices (hould bring him todefpaire.iCor.a. io,n.iThcG Q. Befides the fore-named meanes, are there Kotfome other profitable for the in- creafe of faith ? * An. pts: r rea&iitg ■ oj 2 Rearing f|e fempturcs reao in $ pnbltcfe ant) i tni 3 pntiate , 4 meattatton «,anD» confer r^ncef,>*Rcv,i.3. /A61. 13. 15.rAdl.8t a8.«Luk.2.5i > TrHcb.3 4 i3. Expef.i. The reading, or hearing of the Scripture read, doth furnifh the mind more with knowledge, iPet.i ip.Prov. 1. 5.DCUM1. 10.20. and work upon the afFes befoze €>oo t ano mojr fertienttn pj4?er aHeft,4.i6. b fcv. 23.28,0 Exod. 33.5^ Dan.9.9.n # Lcv.23 27. Expoj. *]. Afaft is to be kept a? a Sab- bath unto God* Lev* 23. 28 Eta* 58.13, 14* And therefore as upon the Sab- [bath f fach bufinefles of this life mull bee avoided, that agree not with the Sabbath. 8. By the comforts of this life, weue toundcrftand meat, drink, and apparcli; recreation, and all other dehghts, Dan* 10.3. Cor. 7,5. 9. With falling muft be joyned a feri- ©us meditation of our finnes. Ezr. 9 4. 6+ Weh.i.6 7. Gods Judgements. Neh.9. 3 $« 36,37. and our fpcciall warns. Dnn.9.11. 18. The pcrfon meet for this e*crcife multbenonoYrce in religion Luke$. 36, 37. Matth. 9,15. 16. A fart is cither of one alone, 2 Sam, 1 2. 16. or of the whole M 2 family 1 68 %A fart Catecbifm*, family .Zac.i2*i2. or of a particular con* gregation, or ef the whole Church in gc- ncrall. Iudg« 20. 26. Q^ When ought we to f aft ? A.^SUjen toe fate oj e teare fome gtte bous 10 calamity upon ns, oj Ranging o# ber JI our &eafcs ; irant fome ipeciali "blefftng,are pjeffeo toit&iomc fpectaii fimie,o?goe about fome toeigbt? /mat* ter« e Heft.4.16. Efr.8«2i. /Aft. 13.2. Exfof. 10. As fword, famine, pefti- Icncc, (trangc unwonted fickneffe^un- fcafonablc weachcrj&c.Ezek. 14 2i.wuh Efa. 22. 12,13* 11. Thefe judgements hang over our heads , which our finnes, and the finnes of the land have defcrved, andcrie for 3 Amos. 8.5.8. lam. 5,4. GcneCi 8.20. and which God hath threacned by his word and miniftrie.Zcph. 1. 3 4,5. with Zach* 1.6. Lam.i. 13,14. 20.wich 2. ^7. and hach inflicted formerly upon like tranfgref- fors. ler. 7. 12. Amos, 6. 2,3. 1 2* Notwithstanding the Oi dinary and dayly prayers of his people, the Lord in great wifdone will fee them want fome fpeciall good thing 3 that they may fecke him moiccarnetUy in the ufc of the duty of with an Expojimn upn the fame. 1 69 of faffing, Turfg 20. 28, Q^whtit U an bolyfeafi ? A.dnM'eftraeipfaatfs tyanfefgtfjing foj fame notable fcclttisranee , out of fomc cefperaie Danger 5 teUifieo x 4tmt& feaffingbefoje^oo, fentfuop anDglatu nelT^ fenBtng patents to our frienos , ml fa portions to tyeneet)?* 1 1 Chron; 1 6 8. and 2?. 10, u, £Neh. 8. 19. Heft. p. 22. Expof. 13. In a day of extraordidarie thanklgiving there fhould bee aicrious remembrance of Gods bencfits.Pfal.i 16. 6. and 103. 2. whereby we fhould bee ftirred up after a fervent manner to yccld praifetothe Lord. P fal. 34.3.2nd 35. 27* Exod.15.2t and rcioyce before him hear- tily. Deut. 12. 12. ty iflg ourfelves unt© him by renewing our covenant. Ioh. 2.9. Deut. 29. 3. 10, 11,12,13. 2 Chron, 15. n, 12. and Jcarne to bee more con- fident in him, having experience of his great goodnefle. Pfalme 3, 5, 6. and 14. On the day of thankfgiving wee may have a more liberall ufc of Gods creatures , both in, meat and apparcll, than is ordinary. Neh. 8.io, Heft.^.22. M 3 But e 1 70 id fbort CAtechifme\ Bur this tnuftbeeufed in moderation and fobrictie, that men may bee better fitted for the cxereifes of religion I King, 8.65. This Exercife, if it b< publique, cnutt bee ioyi^ed with the preaching of 1 be word ; if private, with the reading of the Scrip. tiue,or fome holy exhortation, tor the bet er tfirringupof affedtion. Q^tVkat is areligious von? } A* 3 felemre* piomvt trfo <£to& fflaDe bj - x * tit per fan of tpm r lC iatoul (tying, to^ici I7 stnijtscboice/n teStfie |>ts Uftt ant* x8 &anfefutaelfe,i Dcut.23^ su,22.Prov.2o.2?. !$♦ Such perfons are fit to vow, who have knowledge, iudgement, and ability todifcerneof a vow, and of the duties belonging to the performance of the fame. Eccl. 5. 2. 16 A man.may not vow an unlawful?, vileor fuperftitious thing ; Deut, 23.18, for we are obliged to avoyd all evill, yea all appearance otcvill. 1 Theft 5 22. Icis preemption and rafbnefleto vow that to God, which he hath forbidden, and will- not accept. Iudg. 11.30,31. 17. What we are not able to performe cither by rcafon of the common frailcy, of with an Expojition upon the fame. 1 1 7 r ofallmen.Eccl.5 j.wich iCor. 7. 7. or of our fubie&iouunto others, wc may not vow, as the wife, child, fervanr may noc row, wichout the liberty of their fuperi- DurSjNnm. 10.^.4.6,7 8 . 1 2.That thing is not to bee fi&d in our free choife vvhich we arc ncceflarily bound unto beforeour vow. f cv, 27.25. Deut. 33. 22>2}.But yet- to quicken and Hirre us up the better to the performance of our dutie, it is lawfull to renew the covenant and vow, vvhich we made unro the Lord in Bapafrne,Pfa!. 119 106. To God vowes were com- monly made with prayers, Gen. 28. 20. Pfa! 4 6i. 5. and paid with thankfgiving. Pfal. 6j. 1. and 66. 13. 14. and 116.14, lohn 2. 9. 18. Vowes fhouldbee performed fpee- diIy.Eccl.$.5.Deut.23.23.Pial76*ii.If we vow rafhly,thc rafhncs is to be repen- ted of, the vow othcrwife lawfull is to be performed ; but a vow fhould not in any wife be the bond of iniquity, Matth. 15. 5, 6. i Sam. 25.22* 3p« Kcis2i t *2l 9 QjOan faith being wrought and confir- med tn us be fruit lejfe and unprofitable ? An. $o; »*foj tf kja) O? fe C t|3 0vl8i3e^ kGal.5.6. M $ Expef* 1 72 c^f (hart fattcliftne^ Expof. 1 9. By faith wee are knit unto Chrift. Rom, 11.19,20. Eph. 3. 17. and: cannot be utterly fruitlefle.Iohn 15, 5.fe. ing wee receive the feppe of grace front hira.Ioh. 1. id* Col. 1. 19. Qo What is the principal/ work* offaithl An. 3* 20 punfiettj / tye^eatt. A&s 15.9. Expof. to. To purifie the heart is to* abate and crucifie the power of iinne in.. thebeleever* , and by little and little to; reeevv them in holmefie and righteouf^ fte(Tc,Gal. 5.24. and 6. 14. Theipintof God is the author of Santhfication. loh. 3.5. 1 Cor. 6. 11. Gal. 5 2 2. Rom.8.ii. faith is the inftrumenc of the holy Ghoft, whereby the heart is eleanfed. Col. $ ia. QjvhAtfolloyreth thereupon f An* a fighting Z1 ana combating a* gatnftSnntaniKojrnpttoti* Gal. 5.1 7. Expof 21. ihoiethat arelandified, arc fan&ified in every part. Col. 2. u. 1 Thef. s.23.Eph.4 ) 24.Col^.io.andyec butinpart. Prev.3o.2,3.PhiJ,3*i2.Rom. 3.13. Co3. 3. j.fo that grace and corrup- tion are mingled together in the beft : Rom. d. 1 3. and 7. 25. whence folio yveth 3 with an Exfofitien upon the fdme. 173 fcfpirituall combatc, noc of the mind with the will, or the will with the aftc- ftions oncly, Numb. 22. 34. nor of di- ycrs defues oncly, in refpedef iundry, md different confiderations ; but ofchc ;>art regenerate with the part unrcgene- £t€,Gal. 5. 17- as of thcmindcrcgcnc-. rate with the mind unrcgeneratc and (o of rhe will, &c. This cumbatisconci- nuall, againft the firft motions to finne, ^lotonely againft outward g-pffe evilU IRom.8. 13. Eph. 4.22, Rom. 6.17. The |effc& hereof is , that a man fan&ifieil cannot doe what hee would, Gal. 5. 17. Ifometimcs hee is grievoufly foiled by the iflcfti, Match. 26. 40, 41. butintheend jthe fpirir {hall get the vi &oric. 1 Iohn* 4. 4. and 5.4* Rom.8-2 % Rev.2,2d. QjVhat elfe} a. a renouncing of l olUtiil in 2Z af* fectton,ar»o ot 23 gtoffc m fintxz tn life am jconftettatum* / Afl» 2.38. m. Aa.19.18. €xfof. 22S A pire Heart can no more delight in evil, than aclcanefountainc can fend forth corrupt waters. Pfal 24. 4* Efa. 32.6.8. proa 2.5. thereforea purged heart mutt renounce all cvilU Ezefc 36. 26* 1 74 tsffhort Ctteckifme* a6.27.Icr.32.39.40. 23. The will is the commander of the ourward man. 2 Cor.8. 1 1 . if it bee turned unto God, the converfation muft needs be reformed. Ier. 3. 14. 17. 1Sam.12.20t 21. 1 King. 8.48.49. Q. What is a tbtrd thing thdt folkncth hence ? A, &obe «anu * Drttgbt tn f&af fofjtcf) is gooD , torneo iottlj a fiucere a * osfire , parpofe, atiD « en&eafcmir Datlp to amenD tDbatftrcfcer is amttfe, ana to P Uao a life acco;Dtng^ to Relate ofOoo* n Pf. 119. 97. ° Phil. 3. 13. 14. Ads 11.23. pPfal. 11.6. Exfof. 24. The fame fpirit which wrought the grace of faith , and clean- fcth the heartjdotb fweetly incline it both to long after, and to cleave with ioy to that which is good. Ezck 36.27. Ezek. H.i9.20.Rom.6. 19.Pfal.86.11. 25. The true belcever hath laid afidc the pra&ifc and defire of all finne. Pfal. 119. 113, 128. 163. notoncly out of a forefight of the ill confequences , and fcarcfull evils that may fall, 1 King. 8. 47. Ezck, 18.28. Luk. 15. 17. but even out of love to the chiefeft good, and all goodncs with an Expojition upon the fame. 175 goodntflV, 2 Cor. 5. 14. and that with a true purpofe,Pfal. 119* 106. Act. 1 r. 23* and well ndvifed deliberation: Ruth. 1, 1 6. therefore bee is willing to efpje out , and retoimc whatfoever isoucoloider. Pfalme 1 19,59. But mote h cere, thatall havenoc the like racafureot grace, Rom. 12. 3. neither can with likevi#orie o- vcrcome their corruption, Rom, 14. U and 15.1. Phi). 3 ij.Thettrong ftiould not wax prouJ, Rora.ii* 20. Galat. 6. I. Rom. 14. ^.northeweakebediimay- ed oveimucb. Rom. t 4.4^3^4,3 1.32. 26* The redeemed of the Lord doe fee that many waie* they are bound to obey, PGlme 100.2.3. and 86* 15. 1 Cor. 6.19. 20. 1 Per. 1. 17. 18. and alfothatic isablefled thing to beare the yoke. Mat. II. 29. 1 Iohn 5. 3. Pfal. 65.4.2nd 119. 14. GaJ.6.i6.and fo they resolve todeny their owne will, and follow the Lord, Phil, f, 27. and 3. 20. A&. 16. 7. iPet, 4.2.3. Q. wh rein is thefummc of the Lav* contained ? 1 A. 3tn tljrq fenw * CcmmanBemente, q Deut. 10. 4, ana 4.13. ' >^ £*/'/". 1. Thefe tenne Command e . 3 y6 tsffitr t Cttechifme* mentsarc an abridgement of the whole Law, the full expofition whereof is to be found in the bookes of the Prophets, and Apoftles, and holy men, who wrote by infpiration of the Spirit, Exod.34. 27. 1 King.8. 9, Matth. 22 ♦ 40. for the right undemanding of the ten Commande- ments, called the Decalogue, obferye thefe rules. 1. The Law is fpirituall, binding the foule and confcicnce to entire obedi- ence. Rom. 7. 14. Matth. 5. 21. 22. 27. 2. The meaning of the precept is to bee drawnc from the mainc fcopc and end thereof. Matth. 5, 33, 34, 35, 36, 3. The Commandement which for- biddeth a finne, comma ndeth the con- trary duty; and the com nandement which requircth a duty, forbaddeth the Contrary finnc. Pfal. 34.12.14. Efa.i *\6. 17.Mar.314. 4. Vndcr one yice exprcfTeiy forbid- den all of the fame kind, and that nccef- farily depend thereon t as alio the leaft caufe, occafion, or inticement thereunto arc likewifc forbidden. Matth. 5. n. 22. *7t with an Expofoien ufon the fame. 177 i7.i8.ilohn 3. 15. Vndcr one duty expreffed, all of the like nature arc comprehended, as all meanes, effe&s, and whatsoever is necefl farily required for the performance of that duty : and therefore in divers, yea in all the comrnandcmcncs one and the fame duty may in divers refpc&sbee commanded, and one and the fame finne may be forbidden. 6. Where the more honourable per- fon is expreffed , as the man, let the wo- man underftand that the precept concer- ned her, 7. Where the duty of one man ftan- ding in relation to another is taught, there is caught alfo the duties of all that fiand iia the like relation one unto ano- ther ; as whtn the duty of one inferiour towards his fuperiour is taught, there is taught the gencraildutic which all fupc- riours owe to thofe that bee under them, which inferiours owe to* them that bee over them,and which cqualls owe one to another. Q. How An the j divided ! A. 3)nto ttoo/ tables* Dout# 5. 22. I78 lAfhort £attchifa^ 9 Expof.2. From the Cpmmandemefits^ as they are fee downc wee may obferve» U Thatthe Law is m< ft perfctfJy wife, ittft, equall, and ftri&Iy binding the consciences of all men without exception, and that continually. D;ut. 4. j. &c. PfaJ. 19.7. &e. 2. For order of do&rine there is a pfcrfccfc di(iin<5lion of one commandc- raent from another rbtit as touching pra- ftife they are fo nearely knit together, that no one can be perfedly obeyed, un- kfff all be obeyed, and hec that breaketh coe commandement , tranfgrefTeth the Tvholelaw 4 Deut. 2j.26.Gt1]. 3. 10 Jam.*. IO. I ! • 5. The loveof God is the ground of our love to our neighbour, ilohn4.20. and 5 1.2. 4. Oar Jove to our neighbour is a tc- ftimony of our love to Gcd. Romans 13. 8.9**0- j. Such as bee truly religious muft have refpeft unto all Gods commande- ments^Pfal 119.6. (J. The duties of the firft Tabic are moft e cellcnt; and the breaches thereof mope grievous than of the fecond, if equall with an Expo ft ion upon the fame, i jy cquall proportion be obferved, and com- panion bee made, i Sam. 2.25. Efa. 7. 7. If two Commandemefits cannot bee performed at once, the Jcfler muft give place to the greater: fo the Jove of God muft bee preferred before the love of our neighbour 7 and morall duties be- fore outward circumftanccs. Hof. 66. Matth. 12.4. 8. The Law isfct forthasarulcoflife to them that areinChrift, therefore our our obedience is to bee performed unto God in and through lefus Chrift, Matth. 16. 17. 18. if. Exod. 19.6.7* 8. with 2G» i.&c. 9* AH finnes here forbidden arc to be fliunned, and that both alwayes, and at all times : The duties commanded arc perpetually to bee pra&iied when the Lord giveth opportunity , and caileth thereunto. ■ ^jj. which are the Commandments of thefirft TabLi An. jsfye fonre Srff, anD f ^e^ feaclj as t^e But?, tefcut) &es otoe un(e(Do8 tmrncDtatlg* j^ fF&*?£ *r* f &* Commandemeuts of the 1 80 t/fjbort fate'chi/me] thcfeconiTMe} A. SDije ffrlaff, fe^tcMafirartastn cnrcn^fotoarDsour neighbour. Ephcf. Q. Which is the fir Fl Commandement? A. g|anit^eiLQ2Btt)7(So9 > fc. SDtjou ffjalt ija&e none otfjer ©oos before m£ face* G^What is the gcnerall duties required in this Qommandancnt ? A. SLfjat in * mtnDjtotil^fFecttorTjaaa t&e effects of Ujefe toe tabe t^e true (2?oo tnC|t?tfttobeour(0oo. ExpvJZ ?. The fpeciall duties of this commandemenr, are knowledge of God, acknowledgement, eftimaeion^ Deut. 4. 39.1(^43.10. Pia) 9 S9 # 6. 7, &c 4 and p. J. Ier.247.and 9 24, Col* 1. 10. Mic. 7. 18, faith, truft, 2Chron#20. 2o> Pfal.27.1.3. and 97.5. love, Dcut.6.5.Pfa!.i8.i, Mar e 10.57.- f'earc, reverence. Pfal.2. 10. 11. and 4.4. 1 Pet. I- 17. Macth. 10. 28. Ier. 10,6.7. and 5.22,1^1.19.14. Pfal.ijo* 3 Rev 4 i5.3.4*hope.Lam.5 9 24.26 Rom. I5.13 Ier em. 17.1$. humility, i Pet.5,6.' JMic,6.8. Gej1.32.10. patience. Pfal.39.9. Rom. 12. 12. Heb. 10. 36, lob. i, 21. Ier* 14.22, loy,Pial. 33. i.^cale, or fervour of Yrith AnExfofitionupon the fame. 181 of wil!,GaI. 4. i8.dcfire of Gods prcfcnce in heaven^ Pr»il. 1 . 2 ? . 2 Tim* 4«8.Rev.22. 17. 20. invocation, Pfal. 32. 6. and 65.2* pHil.^y. 6.thankfulnefle. Pfal^j. 1.2nd 56. 12. 15 fwcaringby GodaloPCjDeuc. 10. 20 acioration,Deur,6. I3 # and 10.20. Micch.4. to. and profcffionot his name, 1 Pcf«3 15.Matth4i3.32. Dan.3 # i7.and 6. it. I(om«io,io, Q. H'hat is the ger^rallfinne here for- bidden \ A. ail 4 failing to gibe ©00 tyat a# fo2efatD tjortonr, torjtc^ is Due unto #m: 02 rl"e tn 5 indole , oj in part gibing if to pother. Expo/. 4. The finncs forbidden arc Atheifinc J Pia.i4.i.Tic. 1. 16. Exod.5.2. ignorance, Ier4. 22. and9 # ?,Pf<fal. 36 i.Deut.28. 58. $9. pro* phaiicffe.Rorm 1.30. 2 Pet. 3.4.5- ^ r ° # 1. 22.defpaire^Genef. 4. i}. impatience, Exod» ?6.3.anj 17 2.3* deadneffe and hardnefle of heart, Rom.2', 5. Luk.2^4. N and i8 1 A fiort foicchifn:c\ and unthanltiu'iietfc, Rom. i, i\i t 5. Alfo pride, Ails 12,^ 27.L11L 1 8, ^.confidence in wit, wealth, fwend<,wickeddevices.ler 17, ^ 3 6. and 49, i6. 2 Chro.16,12. carnall love, Mat, 10,37. *°k* J ^,43* 2 Tim. 3, 2.feareof- man more than of Cod, Rev. 21,8. Mat* 10,28, Icr.io^.bafcdelights that draw the heart from the fountain ofgoodneffc, Mac, 24, 37. Luk. 2 r, 34. and 14,18, &c. Invocation of wood, ftone, or Saints de- parted, Dan.3, 2. &c. Efa.5^ id.facrifi- cingcoour nee* ; Hah* i, i6.orb!eflingan ldolJ,Efa.66,3. iSam, 3 rp.Pfal. 106.28- dedicating holy dayes to the honour of Saints, Exod. 32,6, #rto theCioffepro- fefsing homage,or obedience to tbePepe, I Cor. 7, 25, reprclenting God by an .Image. Deut. 4, 12, 15.Efa.40, 18, fo- cjcty of marriage with idolaters of this kind,Dcut. 7, i.Exo '.34.21,16.2 Chro* 21,6. feeking to wizards tor help, Levit. ^o i 6. 1 Sam. 28, i?.&c 4 and afcribing any thing, whether ir property, work, or g'ory that belonged? co the Lord a- Ione, toany creature , or thing, though wee acknowledge it to be no god, Ephcf. t 5>5»Phi!.3,r4.Exod,32 - ,8oRoii}.i.25.25. iCoj:. mth an ExpoJitioH uponthefame t 185 1 Cor. to, 20. J^. Which is the fccond Qimmwdc* mem ? An. sC&otttJjaUnot make to t&pfeife an?grat>eti3ouge,f£. ^. Jf"W # thegmera/l dtitic which thi* Common dement reqmreth 1 An. 2LM Luc Do * toojQjtp ffje true <25oa purdp, aecomng to ijta iviiU Expo/. 6. Hie particular duties of chis precept cofi-.prifcd under that general are, hearing and reading the Word, and prayer, either publick or privacy Mat* a8, 19,20. Deut # 33, to. LuK^,i5.and II, i,and i,io, 1 Tim. 2 4 i*adminjftra-. on of the Sacraments, Matth^i, 6. and 2<5, 26, &e. and difcipline, Mat. 18, * 5 • &c.2 Cor. 2,6.2 TheCj, 15. meditation, PfaU I, a. and 37>3i, and 77, 15, confer rcnce,Deut.d7,Mai # ^, 16 fattmg,Luke 5,3j.A6h 13,2. and feafting^tlh^,*/, \vich all mcanes and furtherance thereof. All which rnuft bee approved, cxercifed, maincained, and performed purely, as Godoffereth opportunity , without car- nail imaginations and conceits y Deut 4, 2, and 12,32. Aits 17,29, Efay 4.0, 18, 32, &c. Na gh What 184 %A po*rt Catcchifine] ^IjWhat is the general I Jinne forbidden ? A. SI! 7omtffion of (23oos true too?' fljtp U)t)cn it is tcqutreo, ana all faifc too?fyip, ctf^cr tntoenteab? others, oj fahen up of cur otoa? IjeaDs. Expofl 7. The omisfionof any of the former particular duties required, as of hearing, &c. Luke 14. 19. Efa. 64. 7. is here forbidden. As alfo carnall imagina- tions in Gods wotfliip.Adh 17. 29. liking and approbation of ourowne inventions, Numb. 1 5.59* making images for a reli- gious ufe, Levit. 19.4. and 26.1. wor- shipping God in, at, or before an image, i King, 19. 18. 2 Kin. 1 8.1. adding to,or detracting from, or changing any thing' of the word of God,inftituting falfc Sa- craments or offices in Gods Church, Deu. 4" 2.andi2 31.1 Kin, 1 a. 3 1. 32. will- wor- {nip, grounded oncly upon good intent GtcuHome; Matth.i 5.9. Col. 2.18. io^as Popiflh fallings , going on pilgrimage, vOwcsof povertie, fingle life, or any lu- pcVftitious or vaine thing : tying Gods prefence to time or place, Numb,23« 28. 29.1 Sam. Sam.i5.2^.Iob4.20« praying upon beads % maintaining of any idolatrous cuftorpes, as fie and de- cent tvith 4ft Expo jltisn upem the fame* \ 85 c^nttoadorneand beautifiethe worfhip. ofGod, Deut. 12, 30. Efa.30. 2 2.fociety with falfc vvorfhippers of God in marri.. age,Dcut. 7.3. 4. Exod.25.32.33.and making leagues of amity wichihcm. 2- Chron. 19. t, 2. Q^What is the third comrnandement ? A nXljoafl^Ut not take tlje £ame of t\)t Hq;d t&p An. SDfjat toes fycuios nfet&e titles, p:opertie0,too^0,vnnt)O2atuanceF of tlje iko^tottljluioteleoge, faitfc, reference, top^nofincertt^tn ttjougijt, too^D,an& contotfatton. Expo/, g. The fpeciall duties of this precept are, reverent meditation of Gods titles, properties, and Word y Pfalm.8^ 1. &c.pfalm. i.2t and diligent observa- tion of his workes, both of cteaticn ? rad providence, mercy and judgement, pial: 104. 24, and 107.43. Hearing the word, and calling upon Gods name,.wiih defire, Pfalm. 42* 1. care,diligencc,Eccle,4 t i7. lob ^27. conftancy. pfalm. i222«zeale, lam. 5. id.Mactha i. 12. faith Jam. 1.6. loh. 5. 24. ioy, Matth. 13.44, and humi- N 3 lity 1 8ith an Expojstson upon the fame. 1 87 fiWouflp, fcrit&ont fc\i:i) ra^lp, not to a rtg&f cnD , Ijppocrtttculip, falfe!?, a- gatnS conference, ana topen mennasne t&emeifcesC^ftuns, but iifcc fcauBa* louO?. Expif. 9. Thefpeciall finncs forbid- den arc omifsion or neglect to know, Pfal.92 5.5.&c.obfcrve 3 Zeph. 5. 5. me- dicate, or makeuie of the cities, proper- tied ordinances^ or works of G:>d, Mat. 13. lp.and 7.26. &c„ and 10. And alio light, unreverenr, vaine, falfc^Hxpcrditi- ous,or wicked thinking thereof, Mai. 2* 17.PIV1. 50. 2 1, praying without under- ftanding, 1 Cor. 14. 15. dciire or cure to (peed, Kiatch.tf. 7* or faith in C/ods pro- mifeSjRorn. 10. 14. Hearing vukh.?ut at- tention, or care to get good thereby, E- zek^^. 30. Ails 28.21. 22. receiving thp- Sacrament ignorantly, for cuff ome > >a||i!- out holy preparation, and jffedudtrrre- quircd,i Cor.11.17.8cc. S wearing vain- ly , ler. 5*7. Matth. 5. 34. rsfhly ., % Sain. l9.7*EccJ,p. 2.falfly, Zacli^. 3^ ier.5. 2 * and wicked blafphemie 3gain!t Gcd, Le- vit. 24. 11. 2 Kings 19, 22. curfing and banning, 1 Sam. i7«4^abufingthecrca- iujtei in excefte> Amos 6. 1, &c, or fu» N 4 perftHicu I S 8 tsf fl$ort ratechifme\ perfticiot^Col.^o^i, Gen«32,?2,ma. lung a fportof finne, Pro.i4,p j Icr. n, 1 5 , and living fcandaioufly in the profef- fion of religion, 2 Sam, 12, 14. Qu. Which us the fourth Comm^nde- menc ? An, Itcmcmber ilje ^abbatfy Bar,f c. Q^ what is the gen er^U duty htere re- quired} An, SI)*' tf)e tofjole » §>nbba1} o* Hc:D3 tsai? be fct apart from ail common ufe, xb fyoli 10 t^e itcjs, boHj publiquc 1 2 ano p^itoatsl? in ttie practice of tlje Buftescf ncc££tt?, tjoUncil^ ann mcr* tie. Exp?jT n. In this Commandemcnt it is cni^yncd, that wee finifh ail our worldly bufinesin fix dayes, Deur.5,23, and th tv.ee rife betimes in the morning ungn theS.%bbath,Marke. i,3 5>compa- re8?with vcrf. 38,39, Exod. 32,5,6, pfaJ. 92 2, and prepare our fUve>for thepub- lique Congregation^ pras cr, meditati- on, thafikl- giving , and examination of our hcart^tccJef. 4,17^. ,93,5,2 Tim. 2, 19, £oirg about the workes of mer- cy , andiiiliant necefluie with heavenly nuudc^Ntatih.i2 ; i;6wC.Luk # i3,x5. Ic is with an Expo jittonuf on the fdme. 189 is alio required that wee ioyne with the people of God in the publique Congre- gation, hearing the word read and prea- ched , calling upon Gods Name , recei- ving the Sacraments , pray fing Geo for his mercies^ tinging of Pfalmes , 2 Kings 4. 23. Atf.13. 14. 15.44.. and 15.21.and 16.13. and 17. 2. and 20.7. In whiche.- ercifes wee muft bee al! the while atten- tive, A#. 16. 14 revercnt l Efay66.2.and eager to get good, pfal#42 1.2. notdc r parting till the bJefTmg bee pronounced, Ezek.46. 1.2 10* Acl.io.33* 1 Cor. 14. id. Aftor,:hc wholeday is co bee fpenr with delight and cheerefulnefle, in religi- ous meditation, reading and conference, and workcsofneceflity and mercy, Efa. 58.13. 14. A£b 17. ti. pfaLi. 2 # Luke 24, 14-17- 1 Cor. 16. 2. £1. What is thegexeraU jinnc here for- bidden ? An. ail neglecting 1* of t%tWmtf tljat timt, 13 p:opljantng of tbat Dap, in tefyQlzo} in pirt , b? nacUelle frojtes, fooj&5,o;> t^fiugijts, abcut cue callings c; recreations, Expof. 1 2. Here 5s forbidden idlenefle or a negligent ojniffion of any duty r r~ quired j£o AJhort Catechifmci quired , cither in whole or in part, for matter or manner : as fleeping out the ' Sabbath in the morning, fleighc prepa- . ring our felves for the publique aflem- ♦ bly, abfence from it, comming Iate^ flee- ping there, flaring about, geing forth before theblefsing,mifapplying the word Mat. 20 6. Ads 2o« 9. 13. Ail prophonarion of the Sabbath, or any momcut of that precious time, with worldly cares, words, or bufineffe, is condemned alfojEfay 58.13. as travel- ling journcyes, Exod.i'S.ip^o.kecping faires,Neh* 13. 15. 16. ij^ labouring in feed-time and harveft. Exod. V4. ingo- ing on trifling errands, &c, vaine recrea- tions, as bowling, (Looting , hunting, floole-ball^&c.onchisday arc unlawful!. £2 Which day is to.be fa apart a* h il- ly to the Lord} A. 3 1 is mn ill anfi perpetual! to l\kp one Ba? in fetirn as ijolp : from tye crea* tton to tfce refurrcctton of Ci)?t8 f&e (z* t30!it^Da^tDasuiflituteD ; after Cbjttt insrefumdiontjje 14 firftoayof $ xuafe tos^s cjoatriea ana is to be feept fcj efccr r 14. The work of g our redemption is the greatcft work that ever wa*j Iohnj. ivitb an gxf option upon the fame. \ 9 1 id, and by Chrift his re'urre^ion fmm the dead, a new Creation was as it were finifhed : wherefore feeing that heerofc againethe firftday, it was (as Divines agree ) meet the Sabbath fliould bee changed to the fir ft day , Ads 20. y» 1 Cor. 16.2. jjjl^ Which is thefift C omm an dement ? An. honour tljp jf at&cr ana t&g 9^o# iljer, ft. Q^Who are meant by Father and Mo- ther ? A. $ot cnelp natarall parents, but alfo I* all ©upsnours in office , age, ano gifts, Sxpof. 15. All Superiours are called by the name father and mother, 2 Km. 2. 12. and 5. ij# Eli* 19. 13. becaufethey arefweecand pleafant nances, apt to fig- nifie both the affe&ion chat S periours ought to] beare cowards their inieriours, and ailb to perfwade inferiours cheerful- ly to performc their datie. Houfhold fo- cietie alfo is of all etners thefirft, from which allothers fpring , by the encrcifc o^ mankind, Gen. 4. t. 2. audp.i. J®. What is if to honour ? A, So actoiotels&gg t&e excellent? t&iti* in mtn bp bertae of tfjetr place, ana scoring!? to reels it tettjem* £j*. iAre the duties ofwferiours onely her ant ended I An $e: bat of fuperiours ann equals Sifo- Q^ W^at then is the gen frail duty re- quired in this Commandement ? An* SEbat tee carefully l6 obferbe t&at 02&eiC?£DD fjafb appotnteD amongtt men,anB8ee tlje Duties tobtcb toee otue tmtotljcm, in refpect of t&eir places ano cegraes, Expofi \6 Of all men as they ftand in relation one to another, here is requi- red wifdome, andjuftice to yeeld to eve- ry man, that which appcrtaines to his place, i Pet. 2. 17. love and diligence in fitting themfelves with gifts meet for their place, 2Tim.2. 15. and doing their duties modeftly, lob3i. 13. 14. and mo- deration in bearing with the defers of ethers Gal. 6. 1. and prayer for the mu- tuall good ot others, lam, y. \6. £ju What it the dutie of inferiours to their Super 'tours? An. SbO be fubtcd, x 7 reberent, ana tattfttli, bearing toit|i t&eu toants, vino with an Expofitienufon thefam€^ 193 ant> cohering fbem to lofce* £xfof. 17. the wholfomc lawcs of Magiftrates muft carefully bee obferved, Tit.3. 1.1 Pec* 2.13. Romansi3*2. their pcrfons reverenced, Prov.24. 21. 1 Pet.2. 17. anddefencied with the goods, body, and life of the fubie& ; and to them tri- bute and cuftomc is freely and willingly to bee payed, Rom. 13* 6.7. 2Sam.i8.3. and 21. 17. The Miniftersof theGoipe! muft bee had in lingular love for their workesfake, 1 Thcfle 5. 13. their ^c- 6trincrnutt beereccived withgladnes of heart, Hcb, 13. 17. Luke 10.16. 1 Thfff. 2. 13, thcmlclvcs defended againtt the wrongs of wicked tren Rom 16.4, and madepartakcrsof all good things for this life, Galak 6 6. Wives muft after a fpcciall manner love/eare, and obey their husbands, yea though they bee frow rd*. which muft bee mamfefted in word and behaviour, Ephel. 5. 33. 22. 23. 24. Col. 3. 18. 1 Pet. 3.1. 1 Sam. 25.3. they muft be helpers to them in godlines, and in the things of this life Gen. 2.18. 1 Pet. 3, i. Proverb. 31. Children mult imbrace the infti unions of their parents, continue m feare and obediencne to the end, not be- flow 1 94 Afoort C 9, 1 Pet. 2 J 1 8, untill they can ufc fome iuii and lawful! reme- dy^ Weak Cfrrifthns muft not cenfure the firong, for ufing their Jibcrty, Rom. 14, 2, 3. Young men muft give due re-. ff-cit to the aged, asking their ouniell, rifing up before t^em, giving them leave to fpeak before them, &c. Titus 2, 6. 1 Pet. 5>5.Levir.i9, 32.iob.32, 46. infe- riours in -gifts, muft not grudge or dif. daine their fupcriours, but fcek to make benefitot the gi f rs that God hath ^iven them, [oh.4,19, Rom. 16,1, 2,3. &c# All thefe duties are checrcfully, diiligendy, and faithfully to be performed to fupcri- ours. frith an Sxprftion upon the famel 19% ours, thongh they be wicked and ungod- ly, in refpc&of the Commandemcnt 3 will and authority of God, who hach fc ap- pointed, Pfal.i 19,4,14,32,117. Q What is the duty of Superiors ? m&fcelp,anDdfrcra fgmelt> manner to> testes tfjdr infcrtcurf. £xpof. 18. Magiftraces ought by all good mcane* to procure the ^ood of i their fubkcb,making holy *nd iuft lawes for the maintenance* ef piety and iufticc; , appointing officers that be wife, courage- ous, and tearing God, to fee iuiiicc exe- cuted ; and labouring co root out finnc by pumfhing offenders iuftly, and incou- raging the godly, 1 Tinui, 8, sChron. *9, 5.&C Rom. 13,4. Deut. 7, 18, 19. Pf*1«i 101, 6 % y, 8. 1 Pec; a, 15. Efay. 49, 23. Minifters mutt labour in private rea- ding^mcditation^prayer, andpublick tea- ching, by inftru&ion, exhortation , re- buke, and comfort; keeping the holy things of GOD from contempt, and watching over tteeir flocks , that thcig people bee not corrupted by falfe do-* £trine , or by fcandalous converfation, s Tim. 4,13,16,8c 3,2,&c, 1 Sam,i2 % 23, Pear, 1 96 lAjhort Crtcchifme] Deut. 3?. f.ioEzek. 3}.7.&c.aftd 34. 42 Afts20.2 8.Matth.7,6.Prov.27.23*E2cki 44 13.14. Husbands muft choofereligi- ous wives , dwell with them as men cf knowledge, loving them dearly, bea- ring with their infitmitics, protc&ing them , providing things neccflary for their Rate and calling , allowing them competent maintenance , imployment, and liberty , fpecially for the fervice of God, reioycing and delighting in them, prudently admonifhing them in great lore and tenderneffe, andprayfingthrm for their faithfuinefle, 2.Cor.6 14,1. Pet. 3 7* Eph.j. 33.\ien. 34.6.7 Gen. 20.16. I Sam. 30. 5-8.Eph # 5 2^. 29 Fx^d. 2i«. 10. Prov.5.i8.Gen,z6«8. Efa.62.5. Gen. 30. 2. lob 2» 1 3. Fathers mutt I -ring their children to holy Baptifmc, Gen. 21.4, Mothers mutt nur-fc their owne children if they bee able. i.Tim^. 16.Gen.1r7. 1 Sani.t . 22. Both mutt bring them up in inttrtfcl-ionand teare of the Lord. Eph.6. 4. D :ut. 6. 6. 7. 20* Exoci. 1 2. 26. keepe them in uhirdion, traine them up in fome hontft labour ar.dcaliing,Gen.4. 1. 2. lovingly > and feafonably correal their faults, not vvithout CGmpaffjon and forroyv mth an Exfojttion upon the fame \ 1 9 J forrow,Proverbs, 23.1$. and 1 9. r g.and 22.15. and 29. 15* 17. Ep? .6. 3.beftovtf them fitly in marriage , and that in due time, 1 Cor, 7. 36, 38. Ieremic 29. 6. and lay up fome thing for them as ability will fuffer, 2, Corinth. 12. 14. Prov. jp, ja. Matters mufl chufe into tneir houfes true, and religious fervants; and when they are entertained take care to informe them privately, and fee that they fcrve God in public k alfu. Pftlme 101.6. A£h 10. 2. Iofh. 24. 15. Gene* 18, 19, Exodus 20. 10. provide and give them fitmcate, lod- ging, wages, worke, time of refrefhing, lrov.27. 27. 1 Cor. 9,9. Deut 24. 14.15* Prov.3i.i5.takecareofthem when they bee fick, that they perifo not for want of good attendance, Match, 8. 6 4 and ad- monifh, rebuke, cor reft them, if need re- quire. Prov.29. 19. Ephciians<5. 9, Col* 4. 1. Strong Chriltians mufi beare with the infirmities of the weak , feeking to build them forward, ufing their liberty aright, for edification , and not for of- fence, forbearing evm things lawfull for the good oftheir neighbour, Romans 15. 1. 2. and 14. 13. 15. &c. 1 C^r. 8* 3. Old men ftould be examples cf parience, O fbbiiccy, 19-8 %A frort Catcchifmc, iobrictie,and holinefle/ound in f;|ith,ablc to give good counfell and dire#ion,Tit.v n. 3. 4.Such as excell in gifts muft not dc- fpife others, butimploy their graces for thegcodofthem- £1^ What is the duty of equals ? An. CDquais rca£ regaro tije Dignify anc&o^ofeacIjoHjcr, msaollis carr? t^cmfclbes one tot^ara^ another, ano in %iUn$ Concur goecne before another, Eph.^ # 21. Rom. 12, jro. J#. Whatisthcfixth CotKmctndemcnt ? j9^ W&^r/" jj f &* gencrall duty cf this Commandement ? A. sCfjat bsallmfanMlatDfulltee tse^ tut ano ffaop to p^eferfce cur 19 otone per fen, ano ij» *° pcrfon of cur #eigl)< lour. Sxpof. i p. The fpcciall duties of this Commandcment 4n refpedi of our felves, are , love and care to preferve the vigor of mind, and (jrcngthof body, that they rnay befcrviceablctothcLord , and fire for our brothers good; Ephcf,5. 29. to which end wee muft ufe checrefulnefie, Proverb. 17. 22* fobrictic in care, meatc, drinkc, appareJl, recreation ? and ufe of phyfitfc, with tnExpoJiticnupon the fame, rpp Phyfick, Matthew 6.34. pro. 2 5. 26. and 2^ 2. as aifo moderation in labours Ec- clefiafti. 4. 8. and fleepe ; fcdring law- full meancs of refuge from violence and danger as giving fofc words, courteous, anfwers, Iudg.8.2 3 Prov» 15. 1. flying and fhunningthecompanyof angry per- fons,Prov. 22.24. 26. ufing the benefit of law.Deutcr. 17. 8.&c. and weapons for our neceffary defence, &c. 20, The fpeciall duties in refpeS of our neighbour are, love, Rom. 13 8* re- ioycing at the good of their pcrfons, 1 Cor. 1 2. 25. 26. Rom. 15. 15. compani- on andtendernefie of hearttowards them, Eph.4. 3r. 33. pacience^earing wrongs, forgiving injuries, Col. 3. 12. 15. pasfing by Tome wants in mens words or ani- ons, Ecclef. 7. 2, 1. prov. 1 7, 9. covering them with filence,taking all things in the be& fence, 1 Cor. 13. ?♦ 7. courteous behaviour, Eph.4. 32. cafincfie to be en- treated, lam. 3.17. gentle anfwers, pre v. 1. 5. hearing our inferiours fpcake in their iuft defence, lob 31. 13. avoyding all occafions of ftrife, parting with our owne right fometimes for peace lake, Gcn# 13. 8* 9. not negle&ing any duty of O 2 love 300 A fhort Qatechifme\ lOfcand fricnrifhip , though we bee for* nd 'ii ocent towards all mcn.Pfal.15, 3 takng care that they fu- llaine r o barn ebyusor ours, Exod.*T. 8. in their petfons in taunt Matrh 5 22. ftripe, or ill handling. Levit.24.19. To our own and our neighbours cactell we rnuft a fo jVc v meicy,Prov.i2 fO« 6) W>nch%s the general! fiwe herefor- bidden t An. 211 neglect of en 2I utf>ne,c:oar nctgt>bcuv£"pje Ferfcattotf,«| DeQre of car oUme oi tteu hutr, csnceit)c:> in Start, o; Declares b?U)o;0, gefiure, o? B*fc Expof 21, In re fpe& of our felves by this Commandcmcm is forbidden ex- With tin Tixfofitionufon the fame. 20I ceffive forrov f Prov. 17. 2*. diflrafting care, thoughts frgainH our Idve* , folkarie mHfir.gonthe re nfti'ionor Sachari; neg- ledof me?f, drink, apparell, recreation, phyfick, fieepc, labour , &c orexteffc thcrin : meting with other mens iffat«cr*j Aflnos 4 1. Pro. 23.21. and 26. ij dclpe- rate 3d enture^ con»panyirg with t'em that bee make- ~>ates, quarrellois, and furious, &c Prov. 26 20 21. doing that whereby wee are Or maybe ftkred up to angr,and refuting to crave the ayo of the Magtftrate. 22. Inrefpettof our neighbour, here is forbidden hatred. 1 Iohp. 3. 15, envy Prov. 14. $6. unadvifed anger. Macih. y. 32- pride, Pro. 13. 10. defi e of revenge j foohfli piety, rcprochingfor fi neor any other infirmitie, as poverty , bafenefleof blood, Hammering. Levit. 10. 14. &c. chidings, brawli.igs, crying with an un- feemely lifting of the vo,ce, Eph. 4. 31. complaints to everyone or the inju- ria wee have received* Difdamhill or fcornefull carriage , as dcjcCtedneflfe of countenance, Gcnef.4. 5. nodding the head, pointing with the finger , or ufing any other provoking gefture.Prov. 6. 17. O 5 ftub- ioz t// fkert fattcUfrne\ ftubbornncfTc, implacablcnefle, Rom< I 31. breaking iefls upon our neigbour Opprefllon. Levit. ip. 15. with-drawing corne from the pocre 3 Prcv. if. 26. de- taining the hirelings wages^Levit. 19.13. Icr. 22. 1 3. not rttloring the pledge, Ex- odus 22. 26. Quarrelling, Tit. 3.2. fin- king wounding 3 E>od. 21.18.22. 26. placing manhced in revengeor bloudfhed* Prov. 20. 22. extrcmitkof puni&ment, Dcut. 25. z.all takingaway oflife,other- vviCs than in cafe of f ublique iuftice, iuft warre,andncceflarydcfcncc,Ex. 21. 12. Gen.9.6. andallfparing thofe the Lord cornmandeth to be pur.ifhcd. Proverbs 17.15. ^ what is the /event h Commands ?nent } An. g^cu HjaU not commit aimi* tzty. JjK^JVhat is the generalldntj of this commavdeWient > pure in fculc ano boo?, botrj totoarDs our Expof. 2?. The fpecial! duties of this Cemmandcmcntarcpuritie of heart, 1. Thcf*4 .3, 4. fpccchlaycuringef fobrie- tieji rfiith tin Expofitfon upn the fame, acj ty , Col. 4, 6. temperance iii flcep, rccrca, tion, dyet both for quantity and quality, Luk. 21. 34. iThef.y.d. convenient ab- ftinence, witching and fafting, modefty iuapp3re!I 3 r # Tirn,2. 0. gravity ia beha- viour, Tir. 2*3. making a covenant with our fight, hearing, and other fenfes, lob 51* 1. PfaLiip. 37,pofl'esfingourvcffels inholineflc and honour, 1 Thef. 4. 5.- finally, in fuch as have not the giftof con- tinency, holy mariage with fuch as bene, i.Cor.7. 2.9.39. and therein due Benevo- lence, fidelity , and confidence each 1© other, i. Cor. 7. 5. What is thegenerdlfmne here forbid- den} Att. £li tmcteattnes of » 4 ljeatt,fp£e|j, geSure, o? action, together tottlj all tijs canfts, occafion^ant) Ggnes thereof* Expof. 24. The fpcciall fins forbidden inthisCommandemcntare filthy imagi- nations and lulls, Col. 3. 5. fpeaking or giving earc to rotten and corrupt com- munication-, Eph. 5. 3* 4. 1 Cor, 15. 33. wantonneffeofthceyes, Matth.5. %$. gi- ving them libertie to wander, and to rove about, a. Samuel 11. 2. Idlenefle , Ezek* 16. 49, intemperance in fleep or diet. Icr. O 4 5. 8, 204 Jijhovt CMechlfntij 5'8.excefTe,Eph.5, 18. new-fangleftefle, Z-Cph. It 8. immodcfty in apparell^Eia. 3. 16.&C. wearing that which ageethnoc to our Tex. Dcutcr. 21. 5, lafcivious pi- £hires. 1 Thef. 5. 22. impudency or light- neffc in countenance or behaviour. Prov; 7. 13. painting the face, 2 Kings 29* 30. unneceffary company ings with lewdpcr- fons, Proverbs 5. 8. promifcuous dancing of men and women, Matth. 6.22. fornica- tion. Deut. 22. t8. adulterie , Deut. 22: 32.intdl}Lev. 18. 6 abhorring marriage, or unlawfull entiance into the fame, when the parties arc within the degrees of affinitic prohibited, Lev. 18.6 former- ly contracted, Deur.22. 23. or married to iome other who arc yet alive, Rom. 7. 2« unfeafonablc or untemperate abi,fe of ma- nage bed, Leviticus 18. 19. Hcb. 13. 4. and alio all unnatural! lufts, Lev, 1 1. 22. 23.Rom. 1.26. 27. Qjyhat is the e :ghth Commandement? A. a^eailjaittiotfieale. j9 . What is the generall dutj of this fomrxwdtment ? An. S£fjat fep all goos mcancs tee fan titzx tye cuttuatti 2 * eftate of our telbts, ajio of ctic neist5t ? oMT0# £xfof. with an Sxpojitien upon the fame. ^c f Fxpofe.25. The fpeciall duties ofthis Commandemenc arc an ho ref} calling 1. Cor. 7. so. Gen. 4. 2. fat thfuIJ labour- ing, Eph.+. 28. true and honcft dealing therein, pfal. 15, i/r ugi!ity,hontftly ker- ping wha: wee lave gotten, vvifeiy orde- ring our cxpences, and conveniently u- fing whnGoti hath given, that we may be helpful! toothers ; Prov. 2l« 20. con- taxation with oureliate, be we never fo pcore, 1 Tim. 6. 6.7 8. borrowing for needc, and good en is 9 what wee arc a- ble to repay , and maling payment with thanks and cheer efulr;0e,bx< d.22 14.1 5. attimeappoin:ed;pfal. 15 4.orifwe ean- not keepeday, then by. aiJ other meanes contenting the creditour. Giving freeiy 3 Luke 6. 30. juftly, Efa. 38 7.andchecre- fulJy 2. Cor.p.y.accorui ;gtobur ability, andour neighbour* neceffitie, 2 Cor. 8.13. lending freely, not requiring our ownc before the day appoyiited, not compoun- ding for gaine; forbearing or forgiving the whole, or partofthe iiimnae lent, if i, cannot bee pay d without the hazard of undoing the borrower, Luke 6. 35. ufing truth , faithfulneffe, iuftice, and indiffe- rencie in buying, felling, letting, hiring, pare \o6 tslfljorl Catcchifmcl partncrfhip, &c. Mar. 17.2. 1 ThefLjj?. not concealing the faults ofour wares, or other commodity , or taking advantage of the necesfity or unskilfulneffe of the one party >but equally reipc&ing the good of each other, Gal. 5* 13. feafonable and faithfull reftoring of things committed to eurtruft, Exod. 22. 7.8. of things found; Deuc 22. 2. 3. and of things unlawful- ly gotten, Levit. 6. 2, gcc.Good advifed- neflein undertaking furetifhip/in naattcrs not above ourabilky,and for fuch as arc kuowncand approved Chriftians, Prov. n.ljv and 7* i8 t moderation in reco- vering that which isourowne^Phi!^, 5. Minitlers that receive the rithes aiuft feed the flock committed to their charge, Ezec!%34 2. Lawyers nuift take nocaufc ihtbiheir hands, which they fee can have no good end with equine, tfa. 5. 2c«pfa. 15, 5. and they muft follow thofc which they undertake to defend, with all honeft diligence and fiithfulncflc; for love of e* quity ,and not of gainc,ending futes with- all posfible difparch and good expedition, Exod.iS* 13. &c. jfcjpyhat is the general I fane here for- bidden ? An. w '*» an Exception upon the fame'. 207 A, 311 l6 neglect to ftutlin our otine, 0; ctu a ntcu$boui s toealfMU impeach mate t&eteef b2 mutitt brJ msiufi cealing* Sxpof. 16. &&\\zll finrcs oFcommifli- en, here forbidden arc, idJencfie, inordi- nate walking.Prc. 1 2 .1 1 . 2 Thcf. j # 1 ixo- vctoufneffe, i.Tim. (?. io, miferable pinch- ing,and defrauding our felves of the good things, which God hath given us.Ecclcf. 6. i.&c. and 2. 2<5#wafiefiili consuming of our fubftance by Iavifh fpending in tneate, drinke, appare!],buildingsunne- ceffary gifts, fports. 5cc. Prov. 21, 27. Eph. 5* 18, and by unadvifed furctiffiip, Prov. 23* 13. 27. In relpeft of our neighbour, grutching at the profperitie oi others,, borrowing to maintaincidlcncfic 3 defraud men of their right , what we arc net able to repay ; Ezek. 18. 7. alfo borrowing uponintereft unlefiekbein cafe of ne- cesfiuc ; denying vvhat we have borrow- ed, or repaying unwilling!y,Pfal. 37.21. Levir. x?. 1 ^lending upon ufurie, Exed. 22. 25. exacting increafe mcerely for the Ioane, Ezck.l8» 8, cruelly requiring all 208 A Jhort Cat'chifmei alia mansdehts. Eia. 58 3. without mcr- cico companion. In bargaining, buy- i kg, (ellirig, letting, hiring, partneifhip m u c li.j i ce y craft, fraud, or fa'if- ho d: 1 rheffe 4. 6«as m king things li- ros and doubtful], rcfpecti:«g a raans nwne commcdlty oncly; parting with bad wares for good , Amos 8. 5. orgocd it an cx:(ifive rate, enhau ifing the jull price meerelv becaufc wee fell for day ; irtgrofling wares into cur owne hands, that we may fell them at our own? pica- fire; difprayling what wee arc to buy, Ps-ov, 10.14. or pray fing what we are to fell without juft caule and for our mecre sdvanc^ge : buying undcrfoote, e r pcci- aily of fuch who iell for need; abuting mens fimplicity ajid unskilfuJneffc ; ufing falle weight*, ballanccs, meafures, and lights tod^ceive ; Lcvk.io. 35 Prov. 11. i. felling things hurtful], and not vendi- be; asdifpeniationsfor finne, charmes, church livings. Proy,lo.l?«»litaJ.3 8.cru- ciiixes , &c. Detavning things ftrayed, for vd,H>o:l. 13.4. Deur. 22. i,2.3«orthe * meancs ot our neghbour* living layed to pled^e.Ex >d, 22 26, 27. as alfo things cow miued to our truft and cuftodic, Deut» with an Sxyifition upon thtf.iTrc. 209 Peutcrono. 27. 19. Prolonging cf Juices, iJefcndiog bad caufes, iitttr.cdcrarc, or uti- civill contending at Law for our bwtie right, fcllfhg It Hicc. Proverbs 15, 27* removing indent bounds. De tero»to- mic 19.14 TobberybylandjO-r fea,Zach. 5. 3.4 5. v\he her it be dealing coeds, cattell, Lxod. 22. i.fervants or children, Exod 21,16, Deut.24. 7. with or with- out colcuroflaw: recei% ingo ; things tfo- len.Prov.29.24.Pra!. 50 18 I9.22.r\nd all unapproved and unprofitable trade* tif life or callings ( if they may be (o termed) asjeftcrs, j »g'crs, paiafitc ,c bour,tn alining* belonging unto £tui> great anu ffaaHj * 1 Tim. 6. 8. 1 Cor.7^ 29.30. Afts 26. 29. Expof.iz. In this command ement we are injoy ned to acquaint our felves with thoughts of good towards our neighbour, Efay 32. 8. 3. Iohn 2. lob 31. 29. and that which appertained^ co him ; to re- Joyce in the prefent good eftate of our (elves and our neighbours % pfalmc^ 2. and 119. 74. and chccrefully to praife God for iu ii4 %A fart Catechifkel 6). What is the general I Jinne forbidden) Am ailt^ougStgof mtnD.teit^^anD Bellies of ceart, ana Ddtgtjtfuli xzmtm- fyanccscfefctll againtt contentetmeffe. lobji. 29- f^Is any man able to keepe this Law ? A. $ot perfect!?: fe* £&e a gccl^oftcn faille mod Ijoip 3 5 failc b 34 altoaies in ttjctr belt actions : bat tlje ctjilo of C3aa cugljtc, map ana ufunli? &c:lj dfoalfee aeeojmng to ftje JUto Cnccrcly. * Iam # 3. 2* ^Exod.28. 36,37,38- riloh.2.14. Iohn I4.i5 # 23* ^1 King. i5^ # Expof. 33. In the fervants Qf Cbrift there remaines fomc root of bitcerneffe, Heb* 1 2. i. Rom. 7. 23. the fle(h luflcth a- gainft the ipirir, Gal. 5. \j. their know* kdgeisbutinpart, 1 Cor. 13.12.PfaU X19.18. their obedience therefore cannot bee perfc#. Iof.9. 14^ 1 y, 2 Sam. 2 # 9. 2Chron 35.22. Lukeao. 34. Often in the matter 3 and manner of doing, Icfli. 14. 15. continually in the n^nfurc ofdtuy, themoft holy do offend. tub. ij# 22. J^, She hid not a Chrijlian omit doing ^ j good altogether , feeing bee cannot doe it in that mcafurc that Godrcqttireth t An. »ith AnExpoJjtiotiup$n the fame. 213 An. &q bat *5fcrit(j cDijjgence ano finglencs of fjeart dribs agatnff co^rup- tton,loofee f fo? t&e afftfiance of ith a» Expofoi** upn the fame. 1 1 9 fincerely, conftantly, and confeionably ufe all thofe meancs, whereby faith is Wrought or nourifhed. g±Hwcl[e} ■ A.1$z matt take m unto hi m f^e fofjeie armcar^of (Dod, ana toitl} "care, up. 1 rtg^tneffe, f eonttanq?, ufe t£e meane* > of grace before prefaibcB in ene <>e- > ffate a? toell as another. wEphef.d.15, 14. «Prov. 2^3,4 } 5.Collo(£i]4.2^Iob 37.10, £xpof.^2. All Chriftians arc called to be fouldierSjRev*i2*7*to fight under Chrift Iefus their Captaine, againft the flefh. Rom. 8, 1 3. the world,i Ioh.2« 1 6.and the devil!, 1 Pet. 5.-8,9. a fpirituall , fubtill, and malicious encmic.Eph.tf.Ta.Rc.to.a. Matth. 13. 28,29. that can never be ap- pcafed : they had need therefore take un- to them the whole armour of God 3 which they muft daily put on, and continually keep on.that at all times they have it rea- dy for ufe, to repel and quench the fie- ric dartsof the devill.The pares of this ar- mour arefincerityjlove or righteoufueffe, theGofpcl, Faith, lively hope, aadthe w)rdofGod,Eph.6# 14. 15,16, i7>i&# Thefe arc kept on by earned prayer 3 P 4 watch- % io r AJbort Cttechifmi) watchfuhieflc, and holy medication.' QjVh at frivt ledges doth god afford, unto his children in this life y -who labour according to his will to grow in grace ? An.SDties mat be q affureo % of fctsfa* tour ano father ir j cater otiei^cm, t&e Direction r of bis fptrtt , ffcett * grofofy In 4 gtace ana v per refcerance to tfce eno. q I Ioh. 3.14. Iohn 1,12% n Tin\. 4. io # Mac.io.3o./PfaI«i43.ic«^Gol. 1.9. 10. vPhil. 1.6. Sxpof.u It isfirft ofalltobeobferved that none of thefe privileges can be enjoy- ed without great ft rife and labour, I Cor. 16. 13. 2. Not onely forne uncertaine hope, on dimme fight of Gods favour, but aflu- jance thereof may in this life be obtained, lob 19,25. 2 Cor. 5. 1. 2Tim.4.8«and i f 12. for the Scripture exhorts us to make our calling and cledion fure. 2 Pet. 1 . io* laycth many fufficient grounds of aflu- rance; 1 Iohn 4413.8c j.i^Phil.i.&and propefech divers examples of them who have attaind thereunto, Rom. 8. 34 38. 59, Luk,2.29«Heb. IT.9, 10. This is a rare and precious priviledgc, becaufcit may conftantly bee enjoyed vvich an in- y creafc with an £xfofiti*n upon the fame] a \ t crcafc thereof, Hof.i V14. Malac. j. 6. I Thef. 4. 1. 10. is alwaies accompanied with joy unspeakable, and fweci content- ment. Cant, i.i. Pfal. 4.6^7. loh. 8. 56. l Pet. i.8 v and the longer it it pofleffed, thefweeter ic is ; daintie meats may be- come Ioathfomc, but wee cannot furfet of Gods favour. Pfah 17. 1 ?. j # God would have his children know, that in every ftate he will fa ve and uphold them. Pf. 9. 1 o. & 3 2.6 y 7. even when his wrath doth burne agaifift his cnemicsjEf* 3 3-4>5^<5.aftd 27*7,8. he will teach them the good way, which they ought to fol- Iow,Pf*25.i2«i4.Prov«3.3i.gvc his An- gels change over them, carry them in his bofome Efa. 9 1 . 1 1 , 1 2, &c. The amiable," fwcet, and comfortable titles, that Chrift giveth to his Spoufe, calling her my love f my dove^my fitter, my Spoufe,my undefi- led^doth (hew what great regard he hath of every Chriftan^ Can. 1. 8, 9 . and 2.4; Dcut.53ii2.27,28 29. Can. 76. 4«The fervants ofChrirt are exhorted, and commanded to grow in grace and godlinefle* 1 Thcf«4. 1. 10. CoL 1. 10. there are pattcrnesof holy men left unto us in Scriptures, that have grovvnerich M8 i:t idjhsrt C*techifm*l iowifedomcand holinefle* Reve. 2* 19* what God cpmrnandcth in the GofpelJ, that Chriftians fhould belecvc he will in- able them to doe,Iohn 6, 63. 1 Iohn 5, 3. and what ordinary graces any of the fchhfiill did obtainc.the fame may all th« fakhftili look for,Zach.i2 > io. Eph.^.^ 2 Pet. l.x. if it be for their good, Rom. 8.28* for they arc all under the fame co- venant, have the fame Redeemer and San&ifier, and have the fame promifes made unto them, 2 Cor.6, 18. 1 Titr. 3,5, 6. Ephcf. 4. 30. and 2,12. Q^JVhat other privileges doth Cjod af- ford uk to them} An. SCfje? are s k*pf wfrom, comfo?' t *B in,ati3 telifcmD cut x of man? f ron* Wb, tzutfit to ynfe alUfiatw attg&f, * p^ferteo z from 7 fcule o€fen«0,ina- bleD s to artfeagaine, ift|}e^bfall,ui- ttxuaznto 9 Ufce gosi&anB frixtz cjpcSfef- 0en xo oft{je toojb, wPfal. 32, 10. A£h 16*25* *Prov. "•8-^Lam. 3.27. Phil. 4,12. *.Luk. T.6. *Pfal. 27.23,24.^ Eph. 2.10. c Luke 8. 15. Expof.^.Tht godly fhunne the fins which others follow with greedineflc, Qcfl § 39".p.&42.i8.Ndi. 5. 15 Job $u\. order with an Expofoion ufon the [Am e\ a *3 order their affaires with godly wifdome, A&3i3«tmfeifcmott agatnft t&e coemption* tljat breffrong- rft tn|jfm, lljun fljCcccuBonsoffmne, Ijtsetlje ecommantiemcnt inbisijeart, ano applp ft&e ocatbofCimfffojtbe killing of corruption , c Pfal. 119. 51. / 1 lohn 5.4. ^. H^ w^j a man overcome his temp* tattixsto diftrtift. A. tyz mad not gtbecrcBit fo &afan* faggeflton0agatnfi; <25qqs trutfc:bnt con- flcec of &B$h X| po\»? r^sooJ3nes,k nn- cjnng- *>ith An Expcfitiev hfon tktfami. \rj rijattaablcnefifo fojmeri mercies, ano free « grace in g!t>ing as fcts tonne % to tijatteeaftues, untoojtpineSTe, toant of feeling comfit fljcnlD not Bitmap fctm* / Matth.4.3,4. £ Macch.8.2. Efa. 40, 21. *Pfal # 51,12, £Ier, 31* 3. / Pfal c 77. n. »Ron. 5.8,? # f*y^ 1 1. God is in powct all, Effici- ent, fo that he can helpe us^Eph^.jo.and inleveeverlafting. John i3.i,2Thef. 2. 16. Icr. ig«3 # feeing then hce hath once loved us, we tmy be affurcd that hec will never leave us, Phil, 4. 1 9. Sxpofi, i2« God gives Chrift to them that art loft in thernfelvc*. Efa. \6. 1, 2# Matth t 9»i2,i:*i!ndthcwealceaswcll a* the ftrong are partakers of his merits, X Iohn 2» 1. ftrength of grace in us, and (bundnes ofaChnfhan conversion, is not the root ef comfort ; neither (hould weakncfle,and unwoithineficin us breed doubting of ourfaivation,Hcb. io» 22» The ground of all comfort is, that God of his free grace hathgiven his Sonne to usmiferable tinners, even to as many as bciceveinhim,iIohn 22,and 10. 3.26. and the weakc faith doth lay hold upon Chxift as truly, chough'not fo comfort cably, 2*8 tAJhort Cdtechifnte, tab!y,as thdftrongdoth, i Iohn 2.1 2.1 jj I*. Qjvbat elfe mufl be done ? A.Confiber tobat pjomiiesf&elUttD Ijatb maec,tc « keep ano upbolD tw,to!jat o tncoHragcmcnts l)ee fcatbgt&cnus to tela be, '3 ano fjois acceptable a tiling tt is p tfcat toe fijculD fo fioe, # Match, i<5. 18tLuk.22.32. 18. olohn3.23« / Matt. 8. 10. and 15. 28 .Rom. 4.20. Expof. i3.Godcommandcth,perfwa- deth, intrcatcth thcthirfty and burdened tobeleeve, bath bound himfclfc by co- venant unco them. Eta. 4^25 fcaled it by the Sacrament , and confirmed the fame by oath, Gen. 22. 16,17-PfaI. ioj< 9. Luke 1.73. And the deeper our mifcrie is, the more wee glorifie his name by re- fting upon him forfuccour, Pfal. 22* h Rom. 4. 18. 20. £Kwhat other things are to be learned for the overcoming oftheje temptation ? A. W!Sit muft jaageourfeloes q no6 fcEPjefent^feeitng^bpouroton r Dtf# tenting tbe fruit* of grace, but bg tJjat toiju& toee f b*toe felt , anD t^e t fruits of grace fertneb appcaretootfjer, ^Pfaimen6. 11, Pialrnc. 13,1, r pfalmc Itith dn Expo fjtion upon the fame. 229 5i.to. f Ppfal 4 77« 114 12.1 Gorao.11. Expof. 14 \ man may havetaithjthat Fcclcsno omforr • and g-?*ce f that fees not the fruits of grace. Pfalme 22*1. and 77.8.9. The foule its fome times fick, E- zck#34 4, i6.Canc, ?♦ ?.and fometimes in a fwound ; Cant. 5. 6, fometimes wee iudgcamiflcofourcftate a Pfal. 1, 16.10. zi. and 77. 10. obferving what motions weehavecoeviU, but not how we refift them ; fuppoh ng wee have ho grace, be- taufe wee have not what grace we defire, or because we find not our felves at all times alike affedkd , and comforted, or elfewee want what others have, or we conceit them to have ; whereas , God gfr.es not all graces to one mm, nor to all in rhe famemeafure; Ephcf.47, Zach, *2. 8. Alfo it is the propertic ok men ia ftffiitfion , to admire fmall things in o- thers, and denie great and many graces inthcmfclvcs : hkewUe the vaftneflfc of defire caufeth that which is much in comparifon , to feeme nothing. Sathan workes upon the timorous difpolicion of fome, and perfwades them that they hare fearefully confented to thofc fuggeli ions, jtfhich they always abhorred, and ia Q ^yhicU 2 30 A fhort QatechifnMy which they never tookc delight: or thae they wilfully offend, when feme finfull motions arifc in their hearts; to which they doc notconfent, but which theyre- fift praying to God for forgivenefle and afliftance ; and becaufc wee in temptati- ons want one grace, which accompanies faith, to wit, ioy, Ioh.8. 56, 1 Pet.1.8. we conclude that wee have no faith at all; whereas faith and ioy bcenot infeparable companions, lob 13, i5 # Heb, u.i.Pfal* 77. 2, 3. the violence of temptation hia- dering the fenfe of mercy, when God doth with-hold comfort* For which caufes, wee muft not' overmuch truft ourfelves, or credit our feeling , but give credit to the teftimony of the godly and faith- full. Q. what may be a further helpe be/ide? A.35t tsgooD to eramineotu 15 Ijearts, aim nf e tjje aobtcc wof otij c r*,bat toe mutt fenote tottlj ail, tfcat grentng after , 1 * ia* boartng tercft oar toearieo foulesapoti t'Ojt pjomtfes of grace, being neber fatis* ficDanttUQurtJoubtfulncITe be remobee. intil bjtng a gart enb. wPfal. 4. 4. 1 Theflf. 5. 14. x Mat. x u 28. Sxpof.i$ % God Yvith-hpWcth or with J drawctfi *»ith an Exfofition *po*tbefame< i 3 1 draweth comfort femetimcs by reafon of feme fccrct finne, not yet repented of- or fufferethSathan to buffet us that we might more ferioufly repent of fome corruption* lob 40. 3 , 4, 5, 6. with 42,6. iCor. 12.7. And hereby the Lord doth correct our not prizing comfort at a high rate, Cant.j. 2,4, 5. our forgetfulneffe to prayfe him For it : we ought therefore wifely to make try all of oar wayes, neither fparingany finne, nor cenfuring that to bee finne which is iuft and iawfull^not making light account of any finne, nor yet calling our repentance into queftion , becaufe fome things have becne amiffc, or we have not attained to perfection. Q>. poe the fruits of the {pirit alwayes appear 'e in the faith full ? A. $o:2Ltje \< are yobfeurea in our fir a w con&etQon, in t&e imceo 17 of z feeurit 2 to&entoeaUatJeouteraiot30,i 8 in timz of b temptation J ?« fome^relapfe c info fiKtte. y Luke 5.37,38.^ 1 6«r«dt« a ^ c ^ 2.4. bPfal.6, i,2,3,cPfaL5i.io. Sxpof. 16. At ourfirft convlrfion wee are as new borne babes who have the truth of mans nature, but the perfe&ion of kgrowcth with age, 1 Cor. 3* x#Hcb: Qji S! 1J2 tsfjhert Catecbiftoe, 5. 13. Our knowledge if fmall afid con- futed, Pfal. f$l 22* and 1 19. 33. 34.100. our fight of Gods love dimme ' many doubts arife in our minds, Luke 24. 38. bccaufe of our weakncfle and unworthy- nelfe: many lulte are untamed, weare un- experienced to put on , or wcare the Chriftian armour: and therefore are oft foylcd of our adverfaries. Some few" at their firfl conversion, abound in the fruits of the Spirit more fenfibly , that they mighn be prepared for fome future corn- bates , wherein God will Ca them forth to bee examples, to the weakc. If our comfort and toy that we felt in our firft converfionbtediminifhed, it is cither by reafonoffecuritie, ortempraticn. i.Sam. 11. 2. 3*&c. with Pfal. 5 1, io.Pfal.77.8. $. 10. 17. Good ground will bring foorth ■weeds if it bee not tilled, and fire will die if it bee not blowne ; the graces of Gods Spirit will decay if they bee not fHrred up by prayer, reading, &c 1. Thcff. 5. 19. 2 Tim. i # 6. and iufts, worldlincffe^drowfinefle^&c.willcreepc upon the beft , and overgrow them, if they be not diligent to keepethem un- des »ith *n Expofition Hpsn the fame. 23 3 dcr, and rootc them [out, Luk%2i. 34. 18, As our love to God doth decay,fb thefenfeand feeling of Gods love to us doth die and decay 3lfo,Rcv.2-4, y , When our love to God is abated, the Spirit of God, which is the comforter of the heart, andtheftirrerupofthatioy, vvhich paf- feth all underloading, isgrieved^Eph. 4. 30. our faith isweakned, i.Tim. 1.5. out prayers mu3 needs be cold and faint, wc mutt needs bee dull, heartlefle, uncheere- full, even a burden to our felves, unto- ward to any hoiy duty, Pfa!. 119. 174.' For love is the wheel of the foule, and firft affc&io^Dcut.d^.Matth. 22. 37, if that be difordered, no other can be of aright temper. 19, In time of temptation, the mindc isfullofdiforder andconfufion, and the heartofmanjExod.d.p.Pfal. 77. jp.as theayre is troubled in a tempeftu- ous feafon ; many mifts being call be* tvvcenethe eye of ourunderftandingjand thepromifesofGod, as clouds that ob- fcure the Sunne : Satan having then leave to trie and buffet us. By temptations we yc fitted to grow in grace^ Pfal, 32. 4. j. Q 3 thereby *3 4 AJhoYt Catechifm, thereby alfo the graces of Gods fpirit i* usaretryed, Rom. 5. 5. lam. 1. 1. 3 .but ic i$ no fit fcafonforus to difecrne or judge ofthem. io. When corruption getteth ground, grace muft needs bee weakned , for thefe two arcoppofitc the one to the o- ther. I?. Howfbotilda man recover cut of a reUffe t An. 31Be fpdrtMeonfftieratton 1 * of toliat fas featt) ficnr, rtn etotng |its repen- tance tettlifojroto ana fl>ame,e betoa^ ling tjts fin befo?e <23ot>, tefojmtng #5 life, ant) laying ijcloupcn tfce pjomtfes of merriest Rev. a. 5. € Icr. jj. 18. 19. SxpoJ. 21. Suchas have fallen into fomc groflc finne after repentance, muft not utterly defpaire , 1 Ioh. g.aj.Efa^.i. Matth. 11-28. For the Prophets call upoti wicked revoltcrs from God , to repent, and promife them pardon. Efa. i» 18. Ter. 3. 1. 12. 13, 14, &c. and in the Law facrifices weredaily offered, not onely for ignorance, Levit. y* 15. 17. but finnes committed willingly, and againft con- fcience, Levit. 6. r. 2. 3. wee are com- manded dah'y to pray for xemiffion of finncs wish 4* Exfejition upon thtfdme. 235 finftes without exception, Luke 11.4. no finne is unpardonable, but the finne a- gainft the holy Ghoft, Matth*ii.3. 1 3.2. Marke $. 28, 19. from which a man thac finnes grofle/y after repentance may bee free. God is able to heale the later wound which finne makes as well as the former ; Hof.14.4. without Chrift no offence can be forgiven, and in Chrift all offences may be done away, 1 Ioh. i, 7. Mercy in us is as a drop of a bucket, in comparifon of that infinite fea of mercy which is in God : if by his commandement man muft forgive his brother feventy times feven times , will not hee forgive them that humble themfeives before him? Mat, l8*U,22. Jj>.ff r hat privileges doe thegodl] enjoy dsfoone 4s this life is ended ? A. ©icii:glip^^ettbegins;fo?t^etc boDtes rematne *» in fyz f grata, as in a beo of fptces ; anu tijetr foules being per* fectlEgft&o h from finne are recettao into tjeatan * to tfae beljoiotng h of <25oo anD^ljitt Jrgfmeciatel^ f 1 Thef # 4. 15, gRevel. 14:1 3. h Matt. 5*8.1 G>M3. i2« ~£xpof. 22. Death feparates the foule froiu the body ; but it doth not feparate Q* 4 tfw the foulc or body of the godly from Chnft,Rom, 8. 38. 39, 1 Cor. 3. 22.and 15. 54.. 55.56.PhiI 4 i.2i«whcnthcbody lycthinthc grave, and is diflblved into dultjt is yet united unto Chrift.Ioh. i$# 5.Eph.5. 30. and doth cxpeS and lookc for a future "and glorious change. 1 Cor. *5 3M 2 . 43-44- 2;. From the guilt and dominion of finnCp the godly are delivered in this life, l.Ioh. 1.9. not from all ftaiuethereof; but after this earthly tabernacle is laid down they ft edeliveredfromall finnc, iorrow, andcjre, Re*. 214 27. and are received into heavento bee with Chrift, inioying chcgloiious prefence of God. 1 ThcfT. 4. 16. 17. feeing him not by faith obfeure- ly,2 Cor. 5. 7. as it were thorow a glaffe , 1 Cor. 13. 1 2. as the Saints doe in this life, but by fight, and face to face, immediatly, or without mcanes.Pfalt 17. ^ If this be thefiye of the godlj, what fkal! become of thdnnaodh ? A. SLtjm fcoctes ityaii rot tn ffie 3 * gtstje, ana tytix foulcsarc tuugeeunto fc£bcrlaftmsteog ; iGen # ^ip.kluk.i6 2 % 23. wth an Expofitien upon the fame. 2 $7 Expof* 24.Death isa curfc to the wick- id, Gal.j.io. 13. with I0I1.3.J 6. aftdfo i* their rotting in the grave 3 becaufc they are not in Cbrift, 2. Gor. 5. 17. though to the fenfes there is nothing befals the bodies of the wicked, which bcfalletb not the bodies of the godly , Eccle. p. 2. The wicked fhall indeed rife againe, but it is to further condemnation, Ioh. 5. £* When fhaH the htppineffe of the elect be confttmrntttt ? A. jatttje DjeaBfnUuav^of (uBge- ment,aatit&e gencrall «farredon,Pfa; Expof. 25. The foule in heaven doth retainc a aaturall defire to be united to the bodie, neither can the happinefle of the foulc be every way complcate and perfc& without it : of the happineffc ofthc cle& there bee three degrees • one at their fir ft converiibn, Matth, 5, 3. 4. 5*Pfal. 5 2. %%• the fecohd at death, Apoc. 14. 13. thelaft and mofl perfedfc at the day of judgement, xThcfT.4* 17. Qwho fhtll be judge at that day ? A. C&ntt 2tf t&e&ojDmiD fetng of tije l}8 A fbort Cattchifmel tiaat aim triable manner m Defcenbtng ftrnn$eabentottl>af&ettt, anotottbtije tro^ee of f&e £rc}angeli , ano tottb t&e trumpet of (Sod, moll totalis * a ttenoeo tott^ Innumerable multt tuDes of mig^tj 2ngel* I Aft.10-42.aftd 17. jo.m 1 Thcf* 4.i(5*»2Thcf. 1.7. £at/>0/. %6l The decree of iudging and Stidiciaric power, i$ common to Father, Sonne, and holy Gh©ft,Gen.i8.2y.buc the vifiblc aft, promulgation f and exe- cutionof iudgement bclongeth to (Shrift our Mediatour , as God and man ; Aft. i7.13.I0h. 5.22. 23,Roai. i4.10.11a2- who being iudged at his firft eomming to worke our redemption , fliall at his fecond appearing come to iudge f this being the laft aft, and accomplifhment of his kingly office, 1 Cor. 15. 25,26,27. Q^ When Jhtll Ckri(t come to judge- ment ? A n . ^c totll moft farel? come,bat t&e timt is o unSnotone, tljat toe mtgfjt etier p teaf ctj ; ano prepare foj Ijta commin% °Math* 24*36^ verfe 4a. JjJ^ JVhomwillbeJHdge ? Am $is elect anoq cfjofen , ano all tbctr enemies , bofl) etrtll* augells atw tuichco »itb an Sxpojition upon the fame. 239 fotefeeDmen,q2Cor.s. io.raPet. %.£ Iudc 6. Q^ Seeing many of gods eletl people^ and wicked then are retted in their graves^ how can they be judged f A. SDfietoer? fame fbofifes ** tfiat at anytime DteB^allb^tJje potoer ofCtoa beratfeB up, aaotfcetr foalesbe unites to fljem, infeparabl*! to abtBe fogetbei- fojeber moje. f 1 Cor. fy.42. 43. 44. Expof. zj. Iuftice rcquircth, that the fame bodies which joyncd with the foule , in working good or cvill in this life, fiiould beeraifed up to ftiare with the foulc at the day of the Lord ; Rom. 2. 5. 6. ®^ What are we to beleeve concerning thofe who fb alt be found alive at the cam- ming of Chrifi ? An. 2Dtjeg tyallbee c cfjanget) in tit ttotncbUngef an e?e, ano fopjefentea befoje 2 8 tfc>e taBgemenf Teat of Cfcjttt* ci Cor. 15. 15. 52. Sxpof. a8.Themcanes whereby quick and dead il *U be gathered to iudgemenr, arc the powcrfull voyce of Chrift,Ioh.5* 28 # and the miniftcricof Angels:Mar.i^ 40,41. thsbrucc and fcnfclefle creatures furrcn. ^40 tAJbort Catechifme, furrendrittg up their dead* Rev. 20. 1^2 j^ In what manner Jhall hee judge them ? A* s^off^Srittih?, bot&inrefped: of t^vptrronsmDgeD, ana t!jc things fo^ toi)tct),bnt set fje fyall iuege moll vmsfc* ttBU&ittoQtmzut,yGor.'). io.wa<51 17.3. Expof. 29. Every map muft appeare in bisowneperfon beforcthe iudge, Rom. 14. 12* Rev. 20* 12. and give an account both generally as a man, or a Chriftian, andfpecially as a Magiflrate , Minifter, fMafier, Servant, &c. for all the things which he hath received of the Lord, and for all the things which he hath done • c- ven all thoughts, words^and anions Job. 344 1 1. Pfal.62,1 2.Prov.24.i2.Ezek.33. 30. Rom«2«6.2 Cor. r. ic.u, 1 Pct.1.17. Apoc.52.12. we fliould therefore be con- fcionable, patient, and watchfull, raking care that all oar anions here be approved by the word of God, 1 ThefT,4.i8.2 Pet. 3/11.14. £l*whAtfbAtt be theism of this judge* went to the wicked ? An. C-tierlaffing * perBttton from t\)t defence of the ILcjd, to ail tijofe Si^o ignojanflp 0; fanlifuiis wntemne Kith in Expofithn ufen the fame. 241 Z f man can nola app;c&eno, c j an? of t&a £>atnts enio?etibefoae,y 1 Ioh.3. a . z lo. 17. »4.Phil. i.23.aMattb.2y. 34. £xpef. 30. Spirituallorfupernaturali JeffednerTc of the Saints, istheimmedi. iatcfruition of the chicte, perfect, fuffi- ticnt, and unchangeable good, even God lnChrift,Matth.5,8. with ip.i^.iThef. ; 4.i7, Matth. 25. 34. whoof his mecjj 'ooodneff- ^rtth ekye hjm^ Ji r "flTtfed, € l«-A to be lecnf, * . . . * and.po» tBCU » i> ' ^rnioVedbvthrm.Thrmpans ** ati yt rS Jtoteyed, ii the under- Ending, w /- a ^t^yb?teW»g God Q S lr* ,!k were face tofacc^xod^S I ^5a»,^. 3,4, UKmledg* *Mfft*S 34* \Afi*rt fiticki/mel 3.4/rhe Saints in glory doc doc abfolute} fee God as he is himfclfc : for that vvhic is infinite cannot bee comprehended < that which is limited ; but God doth m* nifeft himfclfe unto t hem , fo far forth as creature is capable for to fcnow hiro*Pf,i 1 5 . And to the end that the Saints (hod be fully contented, & no t wax dull at 1 1 glory of fo great a lightjGod doth per fa tne powers of the foule , perfectly rcpaii his image inhis Ele&,& by his power a Jarge the capacity of the foulc,fo far as tl nature of man will bear e,i Ioh.3.2. th; it might alwayes be fully fatisficd with tl beholding of him,and that without wear •^jp at any timc,PfaK 1 7 # 1 j, man pV vC4> i c & of happines is th* who r in i sj